GC24 5091 3_OS_VS1_Rel_3_Programmers_Reference_Digest_Dec73 3 OS VS1 Rel Programmers Reference Digest Dec73
GC24-5091-3_OS_VS1_Rel_3_Programmers_Reference_Digest_Dec73 GC24-5091-3_OS_VS1_Rel_3_Programmers_Reference_Digest_Dec73
User Manual: GC24-5091-3_OS_VS1_Rel_3_Programmers_Reference_Digest_Dec73
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GC24-5091-3 File No. S370-36 Systems OS!VS1 Programmer's Reference Digest VS1 Release 3 PREFACE This publication contains quick reference infonnation for the experienced programmer and systems support personnel. For the most part, defmitions, restrictions, and limitations have been omitted to provide the most rapid access to the infonnation in this publication. If the reference to information included here is not sufficient, refer to the publication list on the first page of each section; then refer to the applicable System Reference library publication. This publication, the OS/VS2 TSO Command Language Reference Summary, GX28·0647, and the OS/VS Service Aids Reference Summary, GX28·0634, may be ordered by specifying OS/VS Reference Digest Package, BOF.3200, rather than individual order numbers. This publication does not contain infonnation about system control blocks. Refer to OS/VSl System Data Areas, SY28·060S, to fmd this information. Some infonnation useful in debugging the system is contained in this publication. For additional information, refer to OS/VSl Debugging Guide, GC28·6670. n n } Fourth Edition (December 1973) This edition applies to Release 3 of OS/VSl and to all subsequent releases untU otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Otaoges are continually made to the information contained herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the IBM System/360 and System!370 Bibliography. GA22-6822, for the editions that are applicable and current. A handbook-sized binder, FE part number 453559, may be purchased from IBM. Customers may order it through their IBM marketing representative. IBM persoMel should order it as an FE part from Mechanicsburg. This edition is a major revision of, and obsoletes the OS/VSl information found in GC24-S091-2. Changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. Rt:quests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IB~ representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Programming Publications, Dept. G60, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, New York 13760. Comments become the property oflBM @ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1973 ) Summary of Amendments for GC24·5091-3 . VS1 Release 3 OS/VS2 information is removed from this pubUcation, which now supports OS/VSI only. SECTIONS 1,2,3, and 4 contain information included for the first time. This material includes: SECTION I machlne-check interruption code I/O command codes ANSI control characters dynamic address translation information SECTION 2 trace table information system register usage device information' wait state codes ENQ/DEQ names "how to fmd u information SECTION 3 SVC to module directory supervisor flow of control diagrams SECTION 4 data set record formats VSAM macros for data access access method flow of control diagrams All sections contain substantial changes to previous content. Review them in their entirety for new and modified information. Summary of Amendments 3 Summary of Amendments for GC24-5091-2 OS/VS1 Release 2 OS!VS2 Release 1 SECTIONS 1,3,5,7,8, or 9 REFLECT ADDED: • Base Publications Supporting OS/VSI and OS/VS2 • Code Translation Tables • General Services Macros • JCL Statements • Load Module Control Macros • Program Interruption Control Macros • RES Operator Commands • RES Workstation Commands • Synchronization Macros • Task Control Macros • TCAM Macros • Termination Macros • Utility Programs • Virtual Storage Macros • VS 1 Operator Commands • VS2 Operator Commands SECTIONS 2, 3, 4, or 7 REFLECT UPDATED: • Data Management Macros • OS/VSI Completion Code Summ.ry • OS/VS2 Completion Code Summary • Programming Conventions for SVC Routines • Summary of Supervisor Operands • Supervisor Macro Outlines • SVC Summary for OS/VSI • SVC Summary for OS/VS2 • TCAM Devices Supported • TCAM Macro Operands • UCB Sense Information 4 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest CONTENTS Section 1: General Information Section 2: System Information Section 3: Supervisor Information Section 4: Data Management Information Section 5: JCL, Operator Commands, RES, SMF, and CRJE Section 6: Linkage Editor and Loader Section 7: BT AM/TCAM Section 8: Utilities Section 9: Bibliography Index Contents 6 OS!VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Section 1: General Information Code Translation Table 1-2 Machine Instruction Formats 1-6 Control Registers 1-7 Condition Codes 1-8 Program Interruption Codes and CNOP Alignment 1-9 Fixed Storage Locations 1-10 PSW Formats I-II CAW, CCW, and CSW Formats 1-12 Limited Channel Logout and Machine-check Interruption Code 1-13 I/O Command Codes 1-14 System/370 Instructions 1-17 System Assembler Instructions, Statements, and Constants I-50 Dynamic Address Translation and Hexadecimal and Decimal Conversion Information 1-60 EBCDIC Codes 1-67 Source Publications Additional information about the System/370 and valid instructions is contained in IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000. Additional information about the System Assembler is in OS!VS and DOS!VS Assembler Language, GC33-40 I O. Section 1: General Information 1·1 Code Translation Table Dec. Hex D 00 I 01 2 D2 3 03 4 04 5 05 6 06 7 07 8 08 9 09 10 OA 11 OB 12 DC 13 OD 14 IE !5 OF 16 10 17 1I 18 12 19 13 20 14 21 !5 22 16 13 17 24 18 25 19 26 lA 27 IB 28 IC 29 lD 30 IE 31 IF 32 20 33 21 J4 22 35 13 36 24 31 25 38 J9 40 41 42 43 44 45 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 46 2E 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 6J 1-2 2F 30 3J 32 33 J4 35 36 37 38 39 3A 31! 3C 3D 3E 3F InstructIon Graphics a"d Controls IRRI BCDIC EBCDICIIi ASCII SPM BALR BCTR BCR SSK 15K SVC MVCL CLCL LPR LNR LTR LCR NR CLR OR XR LR CR AR SR MR OR ALR SLR LPDR LNDR LTDR LCDR HOR LRDR MXR MXOR LDR CDR ADR SOR MDR ODR AWR SWR LPER LNER L7ER LCER HER LRER AXR SXR LER CER AER SER MER OER AUR SUR NUL SOH STX ETX PF HT LC DEL NUL SOH STX ETX SMM EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT VT FF CR SO 51 OLE OCI OC2 TM RES NL BS IL CAN EM CC CUI IFS IGS IRS IUS DS 50S FS FF CR SO 51 OLE OCI DC2 DC3 0C4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US SP I ! ," BYP $ LF ETB '~" ESC 7-Track Tape BCDICI21 I I SM CU2 ENQ ACK BEL SYN PN RS UC EOT . + I 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I , CUl DC4 NAK < SUB ? > OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest Binary Card Code 12-il-l-8-'1 0000 0000 12-1-'1 00000001 00000010 12-2-'1 0000 0011 12-3-'1 12-4-'1 !:::~:~ 12-5-'1 0000 0110 12-6-'1 0000 Olll 12-7-'1 12-8-'1 0000 1000 12-1-8-'1 0000 1001 12-2-8-'1 0000 1010 12-3-8-'1 0000 1011 12-4-8-'1 UWJlloo 0000 1101 12-5-8-'1 12-6-8-'1 0000 1110 12-7-8-'1 0000 1I11 12-1I-1-8-'1 00010000 1I-1-'I 00010001 1I-2-'1 00010010 1I-3-'/ 0001001l 00010100 1I-4-'1 1I-5-'1 00010101 1I-6-'1 0001 OliO 1I-7-'/ 00010111 1I-8-'1 00011000 1I-1-8-'1 00011001 11-2-8-'1 00011010 11-3-8-'1 0001 lOll 1I-4-8-'1 00011100 11-5-8-'1 00011101 11-6-8-'1 00011110 1I-7-8-'1 ooolll!l 1I-il-1-8-'1 00100000 0-1-'1 00100001 0-2-'1 00100010 0-3-'1 00100011 00100100 0-4-'1 0-5-'1 00100101 0010 OliO 0-6-'1 0-7-'1 0010 0111 0-8-'1 00101000 0-1-8-'/ 00101001 0-2-8-'1 00101010 0-3-8-'1 0010 lOll 0-4-8-'1 0010 1I00 0-5-8-'1 0010 1I01 0-6-8-'1 00101110 0-7-8-'1 0010 1I11 12-1I-il-1-8-'1 0011 0000 001l 0001 1-'1 2-'1 001l 0010 00110011 3-'1 001l 0100 4-'1 00110101 5-'1 0011 OliO 6-'1 001l 0111 7-'1 8-'1 00111000 1-8-'1 00111001 2-8-'1 001l101O 3-8-'1 001l101l 4-8-'1 001l1l00 5-8-'1 001l1l01 6-8-'1 001l1ll0 7-8-'1 001l1l1l Code Translation Table (cont'd) .- Graphics and Controls Instruction BCDIC EBCDICIII ASCII IRXI @ Sp Sp 64 40 5TH A 65 41 LA B 66 4Z STC C 67 43 IC 0 68 44 EX E 69 45 BAL F 70 46 BCT G BC 71 47 H 72 48 LH I 73 49 CH 74 4A AH J i 4 K 75 4B SH l 76 4C MH 01 < < ~\ [ I I 77 40 + + N < 78 4E CVO I I 0 79 4F CVB &+ & & P 8050 ST Q 81 51 R 82 5Z 5 83 53 T 84 54 N U 85 55 CL 86 56 0 V W 87 57 X X 88 58 L B9 59 C Y 90 5A A ! ! Z [ $ $ $ 91 5B 5 \ 92 5C M I I 93 50 0 1 1 ; 94 5E Al ; 95 5F SL 96 60 STD I I I a 97 61 98 62 b 99 63 c d 100 64 e 101 65 102 66 f Q iD3 67 MXO 1114 68 LO h 105 69 CO i I 106 6A AD j I k 107 68 SO .,,1 % ;., I 108 6C MO Y m 109 60 DO :; :; \ 110 6E AW n ? ? 0 III 6F SW 112 70 STE P Q 113 71 r 114 72 s 115 73 116 74 t u 117 75 v 118 76 w 119 77 x 120 78 LE 12l 79 CE Y t ; ; z 122 7A AE { I I 123 7B SE @ @ @' 124 7C ME : } ; 125 70 DE > 126 7E AU DEL I27 7F SU " " Dec. Hex ) 131 * BA8 21 8 A84 B A84 I B A84 Z B A84 ZI 8A "- B B B B B B ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ) 7-Track Tape BCDICIZI ,.r - A 8 ZI 84 84 I 842 84 ZI A I A8 ZI A84 A 84 I A 84 2 A 84Z1 A 8 ZI 84 84 I B4 Z 8421 Card Code no punches IZ-o-I-') 12-0-2-'1 IZ-o-3-'/ IZ-o-.l-'l IZ-o-5-'/ IZ-o-6-'1 IZ-o-7-'1 IZ-o-8-'1 12-1-8 12-2-8 12-3-8 IN-8 12-5-8 IZ-6-8 IZ-7-8 IZ IZ-II-I-'I IZ-II-Z-'I IZ-II-3-'/ IZ-II-.1-'1 IZ-II-5-'1 IZ-II-6-'1 IZ-II-7-'/ IZ-II-8-'1 11-1-8 II-Z-8 11-3-8 11-4-8 11-5-8 11-6-8 11-7-8 II 0-1 11-0-2-'/ 11-0-3-'/ 11-0-.1-'1 11-0-5-'/ 11-0-6-'1 11-0-7-'/ 11-0-8-'1 0-1-8 IZ-II 0-3-8 0-4-8 0-5-8 0-6-8 0-7-8 IZ-II-o IZ-II-o-I-'I IZ-II-o-2-'/ 12-11-0-3-'/ IZ-II-o-4-'1 IZ-II-o-5-'1 IZ-II-o-6-'1 IZ-II-o-7-'/ IZ-II-o-8-'/ 1-8 Z-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8 BinarY 0100 0000 0100 0001 0100 0010 0100 0011 0100 0100 0100 0101 0100 0110 0100 Dill 0100 1000 0100 1001 0100 10iD 0100 1011 0100 1100 0100 1101 0100 1lI0 0100 1111 01010000 01010001 01010010 01010011 01010100 OiDIOiOl OiDIOIIO OiDl Dill OiDllooo OiDllOOI OiDl iDiD 01011011 OiDllloo 01011101 OiDIIllO OiDl IIll 01100000 01100001 01100010 01100011 01100100 ono OiDl 01100110 0110 Dill 01101000 01101001 OIlOIOiD 0110 iDII 01101100 01101101 0110 1lI0 0110 IlII Dill 0000 Dill 0001 Dill 0010 Dill 0011 Dill 0100 Dill OiDl Dill 0110 Dill Dill Dill 1000 Dill 1001 Dill iDiD Dill 1011 Dill 1100 om 1101 01ll1ll0 Dill III I Section 1: General Infonnation 1-3 Code Translation Table (cont'd) Graphics and Conlrols 1-Track Tape Inslructlon Dec. Hex and Format BCDIC EBCDICII) ASCII BCDICIZ) 128 80 SSM -S a a !29 81 b b !30 82 LPSW -S c c 13l 83 DIagnose d d 132 84 WRD SI III 85 ROD f f !l4 86 8XH g g 115 81 BXlE h h !l6 88 SRL I 1° III 89 SLL IlS SA SRA I 139 8B SLA RS ,; 140 8C SRDL ( 141 8D SLDL + 142 lIE SRDA t 143 if SLDA 144 90 STM 145 91 TM J J k k 146 9Z MVI }SI -S I I 141 93 TS m m 148 94 NI n n 149 95 CLI SI 0 0 150 96 01 o D IS! 91 XI -RS q q 152 98 IJ.I r r 153 99 154 9A 155 9B I tl 156 9C SIO.SIOF] I 151 90 TlO.CLRIO S 158 9E HIO.HDV ± 159 9F TCH 160 AD 161 Al 162 A2 s s I 163 A3 I u u 164 A4 v v 165 AS 166 A6 w w 161 Al x x 168 A8 Y Y 169 A9 z z 110 AA 111 AB "r 112 AC STNS~}:SI [ 113 AD STOSM 114 AF. SIGP -RS ~ -SI 115 AF MC 0 116 BO 1 111 BI LRA -RX 2 118 BZ See below 3 119 83 180 B4 181 B5 182 B6 STCTL RS 7 183 Bl LCTL 184 B8 185 B9 186 BA CS RS 181 BB CDS ," 188 BC 189 BD 1 CIJ.I 190 BE STCM RS + 191 BF ICM • • • -· • 1 11 }I 1-4 , • • • · - OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest Cord Code IN-I-8 IN-I IN-Z IZ-i)-3 ~~ IZ-il-ii \2-il-l IZ-il-8 IZ-il-9 IZ-il-Z-S IZ-il-3-8 \2-0.4-8 \2-0-5-8 IZ-il-ii-8 \2-il-l-S IZ-ll-I-8 IZ-ll-I IZ-11-Z \2-ll-3 IZ-ll-4 \2-11-5 IZ-ll-ii IZ-I1-1 IZ-I1-8 IZ-l1-9 IZ-I1-Z-8 \2-11-3-8 IZ-ll-4-8 \2-11-5-8 \2-11-ii-8 IZ-11-1-8 1I-il-1-8 IH-I IH-Z 11-0-3 11-0.4 11-0-5 ll-il-ii 11-0-7 IH-8 11-il-9 l1-il-Z-B 11-il-3-8 11-il-4-8 11-il-5-8 11-il-ii-8 11-il-1-8 IZ-11-il-1-8 \2-IH-I IZ-11-o-Z IZ-11-il-3 \2-II-il-4 IZ-II-il-5 IZ-11-il-ii IZ-II-o-1 IZ-IH-8 IZ-11-il-'1 \2-11-o-Z-8 \2-11-il-3-8 \2-ll-il-4-8 \2-ll-il-5-8 \2-11-il-ii-8 IZ-ll-il-1-8 Binary 1000 OOOD 1000 0001 10000010 10000011 1...,0100 10000101 10000110 1000 Olll 1000 1000 1000 1001 1000 1010 1000 lOll 1000 1100 1000 1101 1000 lIlO 1000 lll1 lOOIOOOD 10010001 10010010 10010011 10010100 10010101 lOOIOllO 1001 om 10011000 10011001 10011010 1001 lOll 1001 llOO 10011101 lOOllIlO lOOll1ll 1010 OOOD 10100001 10100010 10100011 10100100 10100101 10100110 1010 om 10101000 10101001 10101010 10101011 10101100 1010 1101 1010 1110 1010 1111 1011000D 10110001 10110010 10110011 10110100 lOll 0101 lOll 0110 1011 01Il 10111000 lOll 1001 1011-1010 lOll 1011 10llllOO lO11ll01 10111I10 10111111 Code Translation Table (cont'd) Graphics and Controls Instruction BCOIC EBCOICIII ASCII ISSI { ? 192 CO A f. A 193 CI B B B 194 C2 C C C 195 C3 0 0 0 196 C4 E E E 197 C5 F F F 198 C6 G G G 199 C7 H H H 200 C8 I I I 201 C9 202 CA 203 CB J 20<\ CC 205 CO y 206 CE 207 CF } ! 208 DO J J J 209 01 MVN K K 210 02 MVC K L L L 2ll 03 MVZ M M M 212 D4 NC N N N 2i3 05 CLC 0 0 0 214 D6 OC P P P 215 07 XC Q Q Q 216 08 R R R 211 IJ9 218 OA 219 DB 220 DC TR 221 DO TRT 222 OE EO Z23 OF EOMK ; 224 EO 225 El 226 E2 S S S 227 E3 T T T 228 E4 U U U V V V 229 E5 230 E6 IV IV IV X X X 23! E1 232 E8 Y Y Y 233 E9 Z Z Z Z34 EA 235 EB 236 EC ~ 237 EO 238 EE 239 EF 240 FO SRP 0 0 0 241 Fl MVO I I I 2 242 F2 PACK 2 2 243 FJ UNPK 3 3 3 4 4 ~ ~; 5 5 5 246 F6 6 6 6 247 F1 7 7 7 248 F8 ZAP 8 8 8 249 F9 CP 9 9 9 Z50 FA AP I 251 FB SP Dec. Hex ) ) ) , ) 7-Track T.pe BCOICI21 BA8 2 BA I 2 BA 21 BA BA 4 BA 4 I BA 42 B A 421 BA8 BAB I B 8 2 I B 2 B 21 B B 4 B 4 I B 42 B 421 B 8 B 8 I AS 2 A 2 A 21 A 4 A 4 I A 42 A 421 A8 A8 I 8 2 I 2 21 : I 42 421 8 8 I Card Code 12-il 12-1 12-2 12-3 IN 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12"'1 12+2-8"'1 12-il-3-8"'1 12-il-4-8"'1 12-il-5-8"'1 12-il-/i-8"'1 12+7-8"'1 II-il II-I 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11"'1 12-11-2-8"'1 12-11-3-8"'1 12-11-4-8"'1 12-11-5-8"'1 12-11-6-8"'1 12-11-7-8"'1 0-2-8 II-il-I"'I 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0"'1 11+2-8"'1 1I-il-3-8"'1 1I-il-4-8"'1 11+5-8"'1 1I-il-6-8"'1 1I-il-7-8"'1 0 I 2 Bln.r! ll001XlOO 1100 0001 1100 0010 11000011 1100 0100 11000101 11000110 1100 Olll 1100 1000 1100 1001 1100 1010 1100 1011 1100 1100 1100 1101 1100 1Il0 1100 1111 1I011XlOO 11010001 11010010 11010011 11010100 11010101 11010110 1I010lll 11011000 11011001 11011010 11011011 11011100 11011101 1I011ll0 11011111 1Il0 IXIOO 1Il0 0001 1Il0 0010 1Il0 0011 1Il0 0100 1lI00101 1lI0 0110 1lI0 Olll 1lI0 1000 1Il0 1001 1lI0 1010 1lI0 1011 1Il0 1100 1lI0 1101 1lI0 1l!0 1lI0 IlII III1IX1OO 11110001 IIll0010 3 11110011 4 I III 0100 III I 0101 5 6 11Il 0110 7 IIlI Olll 8 IlII 1000 9 11IllOOI 12-11-il-2-8"'1 11111010 12-11-il-3-8"'1 1IlII0ll Section I: General Infonnalion 1-5 Code Translation Table (cont'd) - Machine Instruction Formats Graphics and Controls Instruction BCDIC EBCDICIlI ASCII tSSI 252 FC MP 253 FD DP 254 FE 255 FF T-Track Tape BCDICI21 1. Two columns of EBCDIC graphics are shown. The first gives standard bit pattern assignments. The second chains (120 graphics). Dec. Hex shows the T-l~ and T~ Card Code 12-Il-()-4-8"1 12-Il-il-5-8"1 12-Il-0-6-8"1 12-11-0-7-8"1 Binary 1111 IlIXI 1111 IlOI IlIlIIIO 1111 1111 2. Add C (check bit) for odd or even parity as needed, except as noted. 3. For even parity use CA. text printing Op code IS lormall B202 - STiDP B203 - STiDC B204 - SCK B205 - STCK B206 - SCKC B20T- STCKC B208 - SPT B209,- STPT B20A - SPKA B20B - IPK B20D - PTLB B210 - SPX B2I! - STPX B212 - STAP B213 - RRB Machine Instruction Formats SECOND HALFWORD 2 FJRST HALFWORD 1 THIRD HALFWORO 3 I I I RRI REGISTER REGISTER OPERAND 1 OPERAND 2 '...-"-- _,,_: OpCode 10 I 1 Rxl GlZI R1 1112 REGISTER o tffi] 78 151 ADDRESS OF 1 I OPERAND 1 OpCode I, I 718 X2 1112 OPERAND 2 " I B2 1516 02 1920 REGIS1TER REGISTER ADDRESS OF OPERAND 1 OPERAND 3 OPERAND 2 02 ADDRESS OF OPERAND 1 01 sLIo_____o_PC_oo __ • __-.~I~B-2~1n_---02----~. 1516 19io 3~ , I I ' I ADDRESS OF OPERAND 2 A ss ::0 7,8 I I o 1-6 OpCode 1112 t=::=r 78 , 1~16 1920 1516 3132 ~~f:~~&~F LENGTH : 81 " 01 1920 OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest 3536 , i 3132 47 I I ADDRESS OF OPERAND 2 I B2 3536 I 02 47 Control Registers CR Bits Name of field Associated with (nit. 0 0 1 2 8-9 10 11 -12 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 Block - multiplex'g control SSM 5uppression control TOO clock sync control Page size control Unassigned (must be zero) Segment size control Malfunction alert mask Block - multiplex'g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 ) ) Multiprocessing } Dynamic addr. transl. } Emergency signal mask Multiprocessing External call mask TOO clock sync check mask Clock comparator mask Clock comparator CPU timer mask Interval timer mask Interrupt key mask External signal mask 1 0-7 8-25 Segment toble length Segment table address CPU timer Interval timer Interrupt key External signal } Dynamic oddr. tronsl. 0 0 2 0-31 Channel masks Channels 1 8 16-31 Monitor masks Monitoring 0 9 0 1 2 3 16-31 ;~"."' Instruction Program -event record'g 0 0 0 10 8 -31 11 ) SSM instruction 8 -31 " "',;"' ,.,., "'"! fetching event mask Storage alteration event mask GR alteration event mask PER general register masks 0 PER starting address Program -event record'g 0 PER ending address Program -event record'g 0 14 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Check -stop control Synch. MCEl control I/O extended logout control Recovery report mask Degradation report mask Ext. damage report mask Warning mask Asynch. MCEL control Asynch. fixed log control 15 8 -28 MCEl address } Machine -check handling I/o extended logout Machine -check 1 hcn~ling Machine -check handling 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 512 ) Section 1: General Infonnation 1.-7 Condition Codes Condition Code Setting Mask Bit Value General Instructions Add, Add Halfword Add logical AND Compare, Compare Halfword Compare and Swap/Double Compore Logical Exclusive OR Insert Characters under Mask Load and Test load Complement Load Negotive load Positive M.ove Long zero, not zero, no corry no carry not zero 1st op low zero equal equal equal zero all zero not equal 1st op low zero, carry ht op high ht op high not zero 1st bit one 1st bit zero overflow zero count equal OR count low not zero > zero count high zero ,e' < zero not set Subtract logical not zero, no corry > zero zero, corry Test and Set Test under Mask Translate and Test ane mixed incomplete complete < zero 1st op low > zero 1st op high Decimal Instructions Add Decimal Compare Decimal Edit, Edit and Mark Shift and Round Decimal Subtract Decimal Zero and Add Floating-Point Instructions Add Normalized Add Unnormalized Compare load and Test load Complement load Negative load Positive Subtract Normalized Subtract Unnormalized Input/Output Instructions Clear I/O zero equal > zero < zero zero equal < zero 1st op low < zero not opel' channel working burst op stopped busy not oper available translation available R=O, CoO 'e' accepted 1·8 > zero 1st op high chon busy Test I/O Reset Reference Bit Set Clock Signa I Processor overflow overflow overflow CSWstored CSWstored CSWstored interruption pending CSW5tored System Control Instructions load Real Address overflow CSW stored Start I/O, SIOF Store Channel ID Test Channel Halt I/O not oper overflow not zero, carry < zero no oper in progress interruption pending interruption pending successful ID stored available Halt Device overflow overlap overflow Shift left Double/Single Shift Right Double/Single Store Clock Subtract, Subtract Halfword' overflow not zero, carry CSWstored not oper burst mode no! oper not oper not oper busy nat oper ST entry invalid R=O, C=I PT entry invalid R=I,C=O stat stored b",y length violation R=I, C=I not oper not oper OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest b",y Program Interruption Codes - CNOP Alignment - Edit EDMK Pattern Characters PROGRAM INTERRUPTION CODES Interruption ) ) Interruption Program Interruption Code Dec Hex I 2 3 4 5 6 7 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 8 0008 Fixed - point overflow 9 10 11 0009 OOOA OOOB Fixed - point divide Couse Dec Hex 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 OOOC OOOD OOOE OOOF 0010 0011 0012 19 0013 Special operation 64 128 0040 0080 Monitor event Operation Privileged operation Execute Protection Addressing Specification Data Decimal overflow Program Interruption Code Couse Exponent overflow Exponent underflow Significance Floating - point divide Segment translation Page translation Translation specification Program event {code may Decimal divide be combined with another code} CNOP ALIGNMENT Double Word I Word Half Word Byte ! Byte ""0;4 0,8 I Half Word Byte ~ 2,4 2,8 0 Byte Word ! Half Word Byte 0 Byte ~ I 0 Half Word Byte 0 Byte ">-----2,4 0,4 4,8 6,8 EDIT AND EDMK PATTERN CHARACTERS (in hex) 40-blank 5C -asterisk 20-digit selector 21 - start of significonce 22-field separator 48 - period 58-dollar sign 68 - comma C3D9-CR Section 1: General Information 1-9 Fixed Storage Locations Area, Hex dec. addr 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31 32-39 40-47 48-55 56-63 64-71 72-75 80-83 88-95 96-103 104-111 112-119 120-127 132-133 132-133 0 8 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 84 84 134-135 136-139 86 88 140-143 8C Program interrupt [0-12 zeros, 13-JA.llC, 15:0, 16-31 code} 144-147 90 148-149 i50-151 152-155 156-159 168-171 172-175 176-179 94 96 98 9C AB AC BO B9 Translation exception address [0-7 Leros, 8-31 address} (EC mode only) . Monitor class [0-7 zeros, 8-15 class number} PER interruption code [0-3 code, 4-15 zeros} (EC mode only) PER address [0-7 zeros, 8-31 addre:;sl (EC mode only) Monitor code [0-7 zeros, 8-31 monitor code J Initia! program loading PSW I restar. new PSW Initial program looding (CWI, restart old PSW Initial program looding CCW2 External old PSW Super .... isor Coli old PSW Program old PSW Machine-check old PSW Input/output old PSW Channel status word Channel address word Interval tirr.er External new PSW Supervisor Call new PSW Program new PSW Machine-check new PSW Input/output new PSW CPU address assoc'd with external interruption I or unchanged CPU addre~:; assoc'd with external interruption, or zero (EC mode only) External interruption code (EC mode only) SVC interruption [0-12 zeros, 13-14ILC, 15:0, 16-31 code] (EC mode only) (EC mode only) 1185-187 216-223 224-231 232-239 248-251 1252-255 256-351 352-383 384-447 448-511 512- t I D8 EO E8 F8 FC 100 160 180 ICO 200 Channel ID [0-3 type, 4-15 model, 16-31 max. 10EL lengthl I/O extended logout (lOEL) odd'e" [0-7 unused, 8-31 odd, I limited channel logout (see diagram) I/o address [0-7 zeros, 8-23 address 1(EC mode only) CPU timer save area Clock comparator save area Machine-check interruption code Foiling processor storage address [0-7 zeros, 8-31 addr 1 Region code* Machine-check fixed logout orea* Machine-check flooting-point regiiter sove crea Machine-check general register save area Machine-check control register SOve oreo Machine-check CPU extended logout area (size v~ries) * Functions and use af fields may vary among models. See system library monuals for specific model. tLocation may be changed by programming (bits 8-28 of CR15 specify address), 1·10 OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Vigest PSW (BC and EC modes) PROGRAM STATUS WORD (BC Mode) ) Instruction Address 4748 0-5 Channel 0 to 5 masks S Mask for channel S and up 7 (E) External mask 12 (C=O) Basic control mode 13 (M) Machine-check mask 14 (W=1) Wait state 15 (P=1) Problem state ) 5556 63 32-33 (I LC) I nstruction length code 34-35 (CC) Condition code 36 Fixed-point overflow mask 37 Decimal overflow mask 38 Exponent underflow mask 39 Significance mask PROGRAM STATUS WORD (EC Mode) Instruction Address 32 1 (R) Program event recording mask 5 (T=1) Translation mode S (I) Input/output mask 7 (E) External mask 12 (C=1) Extended control mode 13 (M) Machine-check mask 14 (W=1) Wait state 55156 63 15 (P= 1) Problem state 18-19 (CC) Condition code 20 Fixed-point overflow mask 21 Decimal overflow mask 22 Exponent underflow mask 23 Significance mask ) ) Section 1: General Information 1.. 11 CAW - CCW - CSW CHANNEL ADDRESS WORD (hex 48) Command Address II 16 CHANNEL COMMAND WORD 2324 II Byte Count 55156 63 CD-bit 32 (80) causes use of address portion of next CCW. CC-bit 33 (40) causes use of command code and data address of next CCW. SLI-bit 34 (20) causes suppression of possible jncorr~t length indication. Skip-bit 35 (10) suppresses transfer of information to main storage. PCI-bit 36 (08) causes a channel program controlled interruption. IDA-bit 37 (04) causes bits 8·31 of CCW to speci;'y location of first IDAW. CHANNEL STATUS WORD (hex 40) II Ifl I cc Key o 3 4 5 6 5 Logout pending 6·7 Deferred condition code 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 (8000) (4000) (2000) (1000) (0800) (0400) (0200) (0100) 1-12 CCW Address Attention Status modifier Control unit end Busy Channel end Device end Unit check Unit exception I II 78 40 (0080) Program control interruption 41 (0040) Incorrect length 42 (0020) Program check 43 (0010) Protection check 44 (0008) Channel data check 45 (0004) Channel control check 46 (0002) Interface control check 47 (0001) Chaining check 48·63 Residual byte count for the last CCW used OS!VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Limited Channel Logout - Machine-check Interruption Code LIMITED CHANNEL LOGOUT (hex 60) 23 24 Detect field 4 CPU 5 Chennel 20 Unit :.tatus 6 Storage control unit 7 Storage unit 21 Command address and key 22 ,Channel address 23 Device address Source field 8 CPU 24-25 (TTl Type of termination Code 00 Interface disconnect 9 Channel 01 StoP. stack, or nonnal 10 Storage control unit 10 Selective reset 11 System reset 11 Storage unit 12 CO'ltrol unit 16-23 26 17-18 Reserved (DOl 19 Sequence code 28 (AI I/O error alert 29-31 Sequence code Field validity flags 16 Interface address MACHINE-CHECK INTERWPTlON CODE (hex E8) Me conditions Validity indicators a I 0000 ) 32 I 0000 0000 39 140 0 System damage 1 Instr. proclg damage 2 System recovery 3 Timer damage 4 Timing faeil. damage 5 External damage 6 Not assigned (0) 7 Degradation 8 Warning 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 00 val'l 4546 48 Baeked-up Delayed 24 25 Uncorrected 27 Corrected 28 Key uncorrected 29 PSW bits 12-15 30 PSW masks and key 31 Prog _ mask and CC 46 Instruction address 47 31 MCEL length 55 156 63 Failing stg. address Region code Floating-pt registers General registers Control registers CPU ext'd logout Storage logical CPU timer Clock cornparator Section 1: General Information 1-13 Ito Command Codes Standard Command Code Assignments (CCW bits 0-7) tttt xxxx 0000 0100 1000 Invalid Sense Transfer in Channel tttt tttt tttt tto I ttlO ttl I Write Read Control tttt 1100 Read Backward 0000 0011 Control No Operation x -Bit ignored. tModifier bit for specific type of I/o device CONSOLE PRINTERS Write, No Carrier Return Write, Auto Carrier Return Read Inquiry 04 OB Sense 01 09 OA Audible Alarm (GA21-9124) 3504, 3505 CARD READER/3525 CARD PUNCH Command Hex 0100 04 FOil FOIO 0010 D2 FOIO 0001 II Bit Meanings Binary Sense feed, Select Stacker Read Only'" Diagnostic Read Read, Feed, Select Stacker'" Write RCE Format'" 0000 SSIO liDO II 01 SSDO 0001 3504, 3505 only Write OMR Formatt 0011 0001 3525 only Write, Feed, Select Stacker Print Line* SSDO 0001 LLLL L101 31 SS 00 01 10 Stacker -1- 2 2 F Format Mode 1 Unformatted Formatted 0' ..Q.. Doto Mode o I-EBCDIC 1 2-Card image line Position S-bit binary value tSpeciol feature "'Special feature on 3525 PRINTERS: 3211/3811 (GA24-3543), 3203;iPA, '403/2821* (GA24-3312) After Write Immed Space 1 Line 09 Space 2 lines Space 3 Li nes II Skip to Channel ot Skip to Channel I Skip to Channel 2 Skip to Channel 3 Skip. to Channel 4 Skip to Channel 5 Skip to Channel 6 Skip to Channel 7 Skip to Channel 8 Skip to Channel 9 Skip to Chonnel 10 Skip to Chonnel II Skip to Channel 12 19 89 91 99 AI A9 BI B9 CI C9 DI D9 EI OB 13 IB 83 8B 93 9B A3 AB B3 BB C3 CB D3 DB E3 Reod PLBt Reod UCSBt Read FCSt Di09. Check Read (exc. 3203) 01 04 FB 43 23 F3 EB 63 73 7B 02 OA 12 06 Diagnostic Write t Raise Covert Diagnostic Gate t Diagnostic Read (1403 only) 05 6B 07 02 Write without spacing Sense Load UCSB without folding Foldt Unfoldt Load UCSB and Fold (exc. 3211) UCS Gate Load (1403 only) Lood FCBt Block Data Check Allow Data Check *1403/1PA diagnostics are model-dependent; UCS special feature on 1403 1·14 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest t3211 only I/O Command Codes (cont'd) 3420/3803, 3410/3411 MAGNETIC TAPE See GA32-0020, -0021, -0022 for function of specific models and I t ' d eo ures reqUire Density Parity DC Write 01 02 R!3od Forward off odd Read Backward OC 200 Sense 04 even off Sense Reserve*t F4 Sense Release*t 04 rn Request Track-in-Error IS Mode all odd .. 556 Loop Write-to-Readt 85 Set I See Diognoset 45 (7-track) even olf Rewind 07 ) r ~ ~ ) Rewind Unload Erose Gop Write Tape Mark Backspace Block Backspace File Forward Space Block forward Space File Data Security Erase t Diagnostic Mode 5ett ) OF 17 IF 27 2F 37 3F 97 OS 800 ~ odd special Trans all {off on {all on off {all on {all .on off { on off {Off on all even {off on Cmd 13 33 35 23 25 53 73 75 63 65 93 53 55 A3 AS Mode Set 2 (9-trock) 800 bpi 1600 bpi 6250 bpit "'Two-channel switch required C5 C3 03 t3420 only DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICES: 3330-3340 SERIES (GA26-1592, -1617, -1619, -1620); 2305/2835 (GA26-1589); 2314, 2319 (GA26-3599, -1606) Control Command Orient {c} MTOff MT On* 25 13 Seek 07 Seek Cylinder OS Seek Head IS Space Count OF Set File Mask IF Set Sector (a, f) 23 Restore (executes as a no-op) 17 Vary Sensing (c) 27 Diagnostic load (a) 53 Diagnostic Write (a) 73 Harne Address Equal 59 39 Identifier Equal 31 51 Identifier High 51 01 Identifier Equal or High 71 FI Key Equal 29 A9 Key High 49 C9 Key Equal or H iSh 69 E9 Key and Data Equal (d) 20 AD Key and Data High Cd) 40 CD Key and Data Eq. or Hi (d) 60 ED Search Equal Cd) 25 A5 Search Hish (d) 45 C5 Search High or Equal (d) 65 E5 Set Compore (d) 35 55 Set Compare (d) 75 F5 No Compore (d) 55 05 Recalibrote Search ) Continue Scan Count Nonz.ero Nonzero 6 6 6 3 (a)i nonzero (d) I I Nonzero I I 512 4 5 5 5 KL KL KL }"-_. of bytes (including mask bytes) in search argument * Code same as MT Off except as listed. d. 2314, 23190nly. a. Except 2314, 2319 e. String switch or 2-channel switch feature required; standard on 2314 and 2844. f. Special feature required on 3340. b. 3330-3340 Series only; manual reset on 3340. c. 2304/2835 only. Section 1: General Infonnation 1-15 I/O Command Codes (cont'd) - ANSI Control Characters DIRECT ACCESS STORAGE DEVICES, (cont'd) 3330-3340 SERIES (GA26-1592, -1617, -1619, 16201; 2305/2835 (GA26-1589); 2314, 2319 (GA26-3599, -1606) -Read MT Off MT On*, Command Home Address Ccunt IA 12 16 06 Record 0 Doto Key and Doto OE Count, Key and Data IPL Ser.:;e Sector (0, f) Sen,e I/O 22 Read, Reset Buffered Log (b) Read Bufiered Log (c) Device Release (e) Device Reserve (e) Read Diagnostic Statlls 1 (0) Write Horne Address Record 0 04 A4 24 94 B4 44 19 15 Erase II Count, Key and Data Special Count, Key and Data Data ID 01 05 00 Key and Doto * IE 02 Code same as MT Off except as listed. 5 92 96 86 8E 9E 8 I! manual reset on 3340. f. Stri~g switch or 2-channel switch feature requiredi standard on 2314 and 2844. Special feature required on ANSI Control Characters t o + I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C Code 1-16 transferred I 24 (0); 6 (d) 24 128 24 (0); 6 (d) 24 (0); 6 (d) 16 or 512 5 (exc. 7 on 3340) 8+KL +DL of RO 8+KL +DL 8+KL +DL 8+KL+DL DL KL+DL 3340. Code Number of bytes to be d. 2314, 23190nly. a. Except 2314, 2319. b. 3330-3340 Series only; c. 2304/2835 on Iy. Count 9A Action Before Printing a Line Space one line (blank code) Space two lines Space three lines Suppress space Skip to channell Skip to channel 2 Skip ta channel 3 Skip to channel 4 Skip to channel 5 Skip to channel 6 Skip to channel 7 Skip to channel 8 Skip to channel 9 Skip to channel 10 Skip to channel 11 Skip to channel 12 Action After Punching a Card V Select punch pocket 1 W Select punch pooket 2 OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest Operation I Add Mnemonic A Op Code 5A rormot RX Operands RI, D2(X2,82) [kscription Add opr 2 to apr 1 (Sto) 1--Add IA RR RI, R2 Add apr 2 to opr 1 AP FA 55 Decimal Add AH 4A RX Dl (Ll, Bl), D2(L2, B2) Rl, D2(X2,B2) AL 5E RX RI, D2(X2,B2) . logicai Specjf 1 Sum < 0 2 Sum >0 3 Overflow ALR IE RR RI, R2 a Fxpt Oflo S:.Jm = 0 1 Sum < 0 2 Sum;;' 0 3 Overflow Add, o Sum Doto 1 Sum"':::O 2 Sum> 30V'erflow Dec aflo Prot(;ct == 0 a (Opr 1 and 2 must be in pocked) (Fields can overlap if low-order bytes coincide) (If opr 1 and opr 2 refer to same field, the field is doubled) °PCIO Add opr 2 to opr 1 Add, o Sum =0 Fxpt Oflo tHigh-order 16 bits expanded) apr 2 Specif 1 Sum < 0 2 Sum> 0 3 Ovcrrlow Add log apr 2 to opr 1 Add, o Sum = 0 Specjf 1 Sum of- 0 2 Sum 0:: 0 3 Sum ':j: 0 Sum - 0 1 Sum ~ 0 2 Sum = 0 3 Sum :/ 0 (Sto) logical Add Add dec apr 2 to opr 1 (Sto) Halfwol'd Add a Sum =a (Reg) (Sto) (5'0) (R;ght to I.ft byte by byte), Cond Code Add, Fxpt aflo AR (GPR) Add (Reg) Exceptions (Reg) (Reg) p,dd log opr 2 to Opl I (Reg) (Reg) None o Operation 00 ~ f Add Mnemonic' Op AXR Cod. 36 Format RR Exceptions Cond Cod. FP Add opr 2 to opr 1 Specif o Frae. =0 (FPR po;') (FPR po;,) Extended sum is put in opr 1 (FPR pair) ExpOfla Exp Uflo SignTf Ope'" 1 Result < 0 2 Result >0 Addr o Froe. = 0 . Operands RI, R2 Normalized (Extended) Description Each operand consists of two FPR Only FPR 0 and FPR 4 may be specified for opr Add AD 6A RX RI, D2(X2,82) (510) 151 Ch", Normalized (long) o ;;:- Add 1 or opr 2. FP Add opr 2 to opr 1 ADR 2A RR RI, R2 1 FP Add (FPR) I 78 opr (FPR) Normalized 1 Fraction 2 to opr 1 Spec if Sienif 5pecif Ope'" (FPR) (Long) 1 Resul.< 0 2 Result >0 Exp Oflo Exp Ufla Ope ... Signif o Froct =0 1 Resul.< 0 2 Result >0 Exp Oflo Exp Uflo Add AE 7A RX RI, D2(X2,82) Add, FP Add opr 2 to opr 1 (5101 (FPRl Fraction 151 Char o1 78 31 Normalized I (Sho,') I o Froe. =0 Specif 1 Result0 Spec if o Froet =0 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 (Low-order halves of FPR ignored and unchanged) Add Normalized AER 3A RR RI, R2 FP Add opr (FPR) 2 to apr 1 (FPR) SigRif (Sho,') (low-order halves of FPR ignored and unchanged) Exp Oflo Exp Ufla I '-- I Operation Add Urmorr.1alizt:d (Long) Mnemonic AW ----_._--Add Unnormalized (long) AWi1. Add Unnormal i zed (She<') AU Or ude 6E PX 1 2-E 7E Format Operand! Description RI, D2(X2,82) FP Add apr 2 to opr 1 (FPR) (5'0) RX RI,R2 _RI, 02(X2,82) AUR- "'NO N 54 RR RX AND o AND NR 14 RR AND NI 94 51 " NC Sp,'cif Sigl'lii Exp ono Op(;ja D4 Cond Code o Fraet '" 0 1 P..esuh < 0 2 Result >0 55 RI, R2 RI, D2(X2,82) o Fract = C I Result < 0 2 Result >0 Addr Specif Signif ExpOfio Opere o Fraet = 0 1 Re~ult < 0 2 Re.:ult;. 0 FP Add apr 2 to opr 1 (fPR) (FPR) (Low-order halves of FPR ignored Clnd unchanged) Specif Signif Exp Of/a Opera o Fract =0 Place the product of both cpr's into opr 1 Addr Specir FP Add apr 2 to opr 1 (FPR) (5'0) .3E ~ ~ e. FP Add opr 2 tl) opr 1 (FPR) (FPR) (low-order halves of FPP. ignored cnd uncllonged) Add Unnorr.lalized (Sho,') Add( Sp.ecif Signif ExpOfio Opera _. RR ·~ g. " Exceptions 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 o Result = 0 I Result~. 0 . Place the preduct of beth opr's into apr 1 (Left to right byte by byte) (Max number of bytes ANDed: 256) Addr Protect o Result =0 RI, R2 PI(lce the product of both apr's into apr 1 None a Result =0 OJ (BI), 12 AND the 1 byte from the instructicn stream (8-15) to op' I OJ (l, 81), 02(82) 1 Result 1 Addr Protect ~sult o Result #- 0 ",0 '" 0 1 Result "* 0 - ;., Operation 0 Brgnch and Format Exc;eptlcns (gnd Code 45 RX RI, 02(X2,02) Store Ile,CC Pros mask, and 24 bits of inst cdr in apr I. Branch to cdr of apr 2 None Unchanged BAlR 05 RR Rl,R2 Store ILe,CC prog mask, and 24 bits of 'inst cdr in apr I. Branch to odr of opr 2 (If opr 2 = D, store, no branch) Nooe Unchcmged 3 ...... Co) BC 47 RX MI,02(X2,02) Compare opr I with cond c::ode (Mask) 8-11 None Unchanged :; Cperonds link 0 Branch and ~ Branch on !!:. link ::p Condition 0 ~ I:i;' ;;> a: Bronch on 0 ~ I I -.I C q. C Sl. (Mask::; 4) Cond code 01 (Mask = 2) Cond code 10 (Mask = I) Cond code 11 (NOP if cond not met) r> RR MI, R2 Branch on BCT ... Compare opr 1 with cond code Ikaneh to opr 2 cdr if cond met (If opr 2::: 0) NOP RX RI, D2(X2,82) Branch on Count Bcr. 06 RR R1, R2 0' ill 0 ::I None Unchanged Reduce opr I by 1 and branch ta apr 2 odr (If apr 1 :: 1) Reduce, no branch None Unchanged Reduce apr 1 by 1 and branch to apr 2 adr (If apr 1 :: 1) Reduce, no branch (If apr 2 = Reduce, no branch Nane Unchanged Ot Branch on Equal BE 47(Be 8) RX,Ext. 02(X2,02) Branch if mask:: cond code None Unchanged Bronch on Equal BER 07(BC' 8) RR,Ext. R2 Branch if maslc cond code None Unchanged Branch on High BH 47(Be 2) RX,Ext. 02(X2,02) Branch if mask :: cond code None Unchanged Bra'lch on High BH. 07(Be.2) RR,Ext. R2 Branch if maslc '" cond code Nane Unchanged Branch an Index High IIXH 8. 'S Add apr 3 ta apr 1 Sum compared to apr 3 if apr 3 adr is odd Su'/n compared to apr 3 + 1 if apr 3 addr is even. Branch to apr 2 addr if sum> 3/apr3 + 1 N~e Unchanged R1, R3, D2(B2} it (Mask = 7) Branch on non-zero cend code (Mask = 15) Um::ond branch (l\o\cJsk = 8) Cond code 00 07 ea.,", ~ Description BC' Condition Compare CR 19 RR RI, R2 Campore apr 1 algebraically to apr 2 None apr's =:: I lst < 21st> Ext::; Extended Mnemonic =:: cond code 1 CSW stored 2 channel ar subchannel busy 3 not 0pTtnol o o '-_.- '----Op""a,jon Compare ond Swap Mnemonic es OpCade SA Operands R5 Rl,RJ,D2(B2) Description Cempore Decimal Compare Double ond Swap F9 55 R5 CDS 01 (ll,B1j, D2(l2,B2) Rl, R3, 02(B2) o opr's Campare opr 1 to opr 2 (binary right 10 left) byte by byte (Opr's must be packed) (Field. con overlap if low-order bytes coincide) (The .horlerop';' extended wah high-order zero.) Add, Data Opere o opr's Campare opr 1 10 opr 2. Store opr 3 in opr if =, ,tore opr 2 inopr 1 if /. Addr Spec if o opr'. 2. ~ ;; 0' § " tv IN < 1 lsi 21st> = 1 1.1 = 2nd 2nd '''ploced by Jrd 49 RX Ri,D2(X2,B2) Compare opr 1 algebraically 10 apr 2 (Hi--order 16 bits e~poond.d) opr 2 Add, Speci' o opr's Compore Logical eL 55 RX RI,02(X2,B2) Campa,e opr 1 10 apr 2 {binory lefl 10 right) (TerminOles if/when !found) Addr Specif Oopr's = I 1:1 21.1 > Compoore Logical eLe D5 55 01 (L,BI), 02(B2} Compare apr 1 to opr 2 (binaryleflla,ight) (Terminated if/when found) (apr length mo~ 256 byte,) Addr Specif o opr" Compare opr 1 10 apr 2 (lmm) (Sta) (binary left to right) (Terminete. if/when jfound) Addr t 95 Compore Logical Immediate ell Compore Logical eLR 15 Compare Logical CharaclersUnder Mask eLM SO 01 (BI), 12 RI,R2 Compare apr 1 10 opr 2 (binary 'efl to right) (Tetminates if/when = found) RI, MJ,02(B2) Compore opr2 toopr) under control ofrno,k (binary 'eft to right) ~ 5- ~ eH ~ eo by3rd Compore Holfword 5- ".. 1 hi =2"d; 2nd reploced RS ~ ~ 3 c:;, ..... 0 :;~ ;: ~ Protect Opera a Cand Cade Add, Specif Protect Opera opr 2 if =, st"r" opr 2 in opr I ep Exceptions ;r,. Campare opr 1 10 opr 2. Slore opr 3 in • I hi 2 hi> < < I lot 2 lot = < > o opr'. = < 1 hi 2 ht > o opr's = < I ht 2 hi > Addr Protect Opere OS"lectcd by bytes " Or mask =0 ISelecledfield 1st epr i. low 2 Selected Field htopr h high ,i" a n0 ;:; ~ Operation Compare logi cel long Compare (long) Compare (long) Compare (Short) Mnemonic CLCL CD CDR CE Op Code OF 69 29 79 Format RR RX RR RX Operands Rl, R2 Rl, D2(X2, B2) Rl, R2 Rl, D2(X2, B2) Description Exceptions Compare opr 1 to apr 2 (opr 1 and 2 indicate even/odd reg. pair) 39 RR Rl, R2 Specif Opera Protect 3 -- Specif o apr's ::: Compore apr 1 algebraically to apr 2 (Sto) Compore opr 1 algebraically to opr 2 (FPR) 1 ht Addr o apr's == Specif Opera 1 1st 21st specif Opera o opr's == Unchanged RX Rl, D2(X2, B2) Convert opr 2 (packed decimal) (Doubleword bounds) to binary and put in opr 1 location Addr Convert to Decimal CVD 4E RX Rl, D2(X2, B2) Convert opr 1 (binary) to pocked decimal (doubleword bounds) and put in apr 2 Addr See IBM System/370 Principles of Opera- Principles of Operation, GA22-7000 tion, GA22~7000 > 2 1st 4F See IBM System/370 < Addr CVB .- 1 1st 21st Opere Convert to Binary 83 > Compare apr 1 algebraically to apr 2 (FPR) (Equalize ClOd subtract) (FPR) ---- 2 1st o Opt'S = (low-order halves of FPR ignored and unchanged) Diagnose 1 ht < Addr Specif Opera (low-order halves of FPR ignored and unchanged) CER o apr's = Compare opt 1 algebraically to apr 2 (Equalize and subtract) (FPR) Compore (Short) Ccnd Code Addr specif Data fxpt Div 1 1st 2 1st < > < > < > Unchanged Spec if Protect Priv Oper Model dependent Unpredictable Operation Divide Mnemonic D Op Code Format 5D RX Operands Rl, D2 (X2,B2) Description Exceptions Cond Code Divide apr 1 by opr 2 (even and odd regs) (Sto) Opr 1 becomes remainder and quotient Add, Divide opr 1 by opr 2 Dividend: even and odd pair regs Opr 1 becomes remainder and quotient Specif Fxpt Div Unchanged Add, Unchanged Divide DR lD RR Rl, R2 Divide Decimal DP FD 55 Dl (Ll ,BI), D2(L2, B2) Divide opr 1 by opr 2 Opr 1 becomes quotient and remainder (left iustified) Dividend: at least I leading zero, max size 31 digits and sign Divisor: max size 15 digits and sign, numerically larger than dividend Both opr's packed format Remainder size = divisor size (Fields can overlap if low-order bytes coincide.) Rl, D2(X2, B2) FP Divide opr 1 by opr 2 Unc;hanged Specif Fxpt Div (full wo,d only) Divide (long) DD 6D RX (FPR) (5'0) Opr 1 becomes quati ent (prenarmalized) Protect Specif Data Dec Div Opera Add, Unchanged Specif Exp ono FP Div Opera Exp uno Divide (long) DDR 2D RR Rl, R2 FP Divideopr 1 by apr 2 Prenarmalize (FPR) (FPR) (Dividend) (Divisor) Oper 1 becomes quati ent Specif Opera Exp ono Exp uno FP Div Unchanged Operation Divide (Short) Mnemonic DE Op Code 7D Format RX Operands Rl, D2(X2,B2) Description FP Divide opr 1 by opr 2 Prenormalize (Dividend) (Divisor) Opr 1 becomes quoti ent (low-order halves of FPR ignored and unchOllged) Divide (Short) Edit Edi t and Mark Exclusive OR DER ED EDMK X 3D DE DF 57 RR SS SS RX Rl, R2 Dl (l, BI), D2(B2) Dl (l, Bl), D2(B2) Rl, D2(X2, B2) FP Divide opr 1 by 2 Prenormalize (FPR) (FPR) (Dividend) (Divisor) Opr 1 becomes quotient (low-order halves of FPR ignored and unchanged) Opr 1 = pattern, apr 2 = source Opr 2 is changed from packed to zoned and edited under control of opr 1. Opr's processed left to right (Fill char is 1st char in pattern field unless it is a digit/select/significance-start char.) (Opr 1 terminates operation) See IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000 Exceptions Add, Cond Code Unchanged Specif ExpOflo Exp Uflo FP Div Opera . Specif Unchanged ExpOflo FP Div Exp Uflo Opera Source Addr o field =0 Data Opera Protect 1 field <0 2 field> 0 Same as Edit (Adr of 1st significant result digit recorded in GPR 1) Opera Addr Data Protect Exclusive-OR opr 2 and opr 1 and the modulo-two sum placed in opr 1 Add, o Re.ul. =0 Specif 1 Result:t 0 Source o field = 0 I field 0 Operation ao· ".. Mnemonic Op Code Format Operands Description Exceptions Cond Code Addr Protect o Result a 07 55 01(L,BI),02(B2) Exclusive-OR apr 2 end apr I and modulo-two sum pieced in apr 1. Exclusive OR XR 17 RR RI, R2 Exclusive-OR apr 2 end apr I and modulo-two sum pieced in apr I. Exclusive OR Immediate XI 97 51 DI (BI), 12 Exclusive-OR apr 2 and opr I and modulo-two sum pieced in opr 1. Addr Protect o Result = 0 I Result I I ~ Execute EX 44 RX RI,02(X2,B2) The instruction addressed by apr 2 is modified by apr 1 and executed. Addr Exec Specif May be set by this instruction ~ Halve, long HOR 24 RR RI, R2 Opr 2 is divided by 2 and pieced in apr I. Specif Opere Unchanged c;- Halve, Short HER 34 RR RI, R2 Opr 2 is divided by 2 and placed in apr I. Specif Opera Unchanged e; Halt Device HOV 9EOI OI(BI) Execution of current I/O op at addressed dev is terminated (full op cd -IDOl 1110 xxxx xxxI). Priv Holt I/O HIO 9EOO OI(BI) Execution of current I/O op at addresses dev, subchen, end chan term (fullopcd-10011110xxxxxxxO). Priv 0 Subchan busy with another dey or int pending CSW stored Chon working with another device o Chen or subchen not working I CSW stored 2 Burst oper terminated 3 Not operational Insert Charecter IC 43 Byte at opr 2 is inserted in low byte of reg at apr I. Addr Unchanged 1 to 4 bytes at apr 2 are inserted in reg at apr 1 under control of mask. Addr Protect Opera o Selected bits or mask. 0 ~ ~ ~ g. " N -.l ~ XC RX RI, D2(X2,B2) =. I Result fa o Result = a I Result 10 orde~ Insert Characters Under Mask ICM BF R5 RI, M3,02(B2) 3 (;J ..... 0 :;- <: ci' a 0 1 e. :; 0' CIl < Exclusive OR I leftmost bit of spec byte ='1 2 leftmost bit of spec byte=o ;a Mnemonic Op Code Insert PSW Key Operation IPK B208 Format 5 Operands Insert Storage Key 15K 09 RR Rtf R2 Load L 58 RX RI, D2(X2,B2) Description Exceptions Cond Code ~;~tic~:~~~se~~i7~rr~rtts ~~3 ;n~:~~~ J~to Pdv Unchanged Opr 2,8-20 fetches 7-bit sto key byte. 7-bit sta key is placed in opr 1, 24-30. Bits 0-23 unchanged, 31 set to zero. (opr 2, 0-7 and 21-27 ignored, 28-31 must = 0) Priv Addr Specif Opera Unchanged load opr 2 into opr 1. Addt Specif Unchanged load LR 18 RR RI, R2 Opr 2 into opr 1. None Unchanged Load Addres.. LA 41 RX RI, D2(X2, B2) Opr 2, 12-31 to apr), 8-31. Opr 1, 0-7 set to zero (no storage reference made) None Unchanged Load and Test LTR 12 RR RT, R2 Opr 2 into apr 1 (When opr 1 and apr 2 specify same reg result is test without data transfer.) None o Result = 0 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 Load and Test (Long) LTDR 22 RR Rl, R2 Opt 2 into Opt 1 (FPR) (FPR) (When Opt 1 and opr 2 specify same reg result is test without dala transfer.) ~ecif pera o Result fraction Load and Test (Short) LTER 32 RR RI, R2 Opr 2 into opr 1 (FPR) (FPR) (Low-order half of opr 1 unchanged) (When Opt 1 ond apr 2 specify same reg result is test without data transfer.) ~ecif o Result 2's complement of opr 2 into opr 1 (overflow when max negative number is complemented) Fxpt Of/o o Result = Expt Load Complement LCR 13 RR RI, R2 pera 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 =: 0 Fraction:::: 0 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 3 Overflow Uf/o Operation Load Complement Mnemonic LeER Or Code 33 Operand~ Format RR Rl, R2 (She,') Description Opr 2 into opr 1 (FPR) (FPR) Exceptions Specif Opera (Opr 1 sign inverted, low-order half unchanged) (Opr 2 unchanged) Load Complement LCDR 23 RR Rl, R2 (Long) Freet"" 0 1 Result O Opr 2 into opr 1 Specif (FPR) Opera (FPR) Cond Code o Result (Opr 1 sign inverted, low-order half unchanged) (Opr 2 unchanged) o Result Freet = 0 1 Result 0 (Low-order half of apr 1 unchanged) load Control g ::t. g LCTL B7 RS Rl, R3, D2(B2) Cntl regs from opr 1 to apr 3 Addr loaded with info starting ot Specif opr 2. Unchanged Priv Protect I Opera Load Hal fword -Load (Long) LH LD 4B 6B RX RX Rl, D2 (X2 , B2) Rl, D2(X2, B2) Opr 2 holfword expanded to fullword with sign bits, placed in opr 1 (High-order expanded) Opr 2 into opr 1 (5'0) Load (long) LDR 28 RR Rl, R2 (FPR) Cpr 2 into apr 1 (FPR) (FPR) Add, Unchanged Specif Add, Unchanged Specif Opera Specif Opera URchanged w Operation o I Load Multipl~ Mnemonic LM Op Code 98 Format RS Operands RI, 10, 02(82) Exceptions Description Opr 2 into GPRs in ascending order Starting reg specified by apr 1, ending reg specified by apr 3 Addr Cond Code Unchanged .Specif (Reg wrap-around possible) Load Negative LNR II RR RI, R2 2 1s complement of apr 2 into apr 1 (Reg) None (Reg) o Result = 0 1 Result < 0 (If apr 2 contains a (-) number or zero, the number is unchanged) load Negative LNDR 21 RR RI, R2 (Long) Cpr 2 into apr 1 Specjf (FPR) Opera (FPR) apr 1 sign bit is 1 (negotive) o Result Freet =0 1 Result <0 apr 2 unchanged load Negative LNER 31 RR RI, R2 (Short) apr 2 into apr 1 Opr 1 sign bit is 1 (negative) Spec if Opera o Result Freet = 0 I Result < 0 Opr 2 unchanged (Low-order h<:llf of apr 1 unchanged) load Positive load Positive LPR LPDR JO 20 RR RR RI, R2 RI, R2 Cpr 2 into apr 1 (Negative numbers are complemented) (Overflow occurs when the max negative number is complemented) Fxpt 0110 Opr 2 into apr 1 Specif Opera (FPR) (Long) (FPR) 2 Result> 0 3 Overflow Opr 1 sign bit made a zero (pos.itive) Opr 2 unchanged load Positive (Short) LPER 30 RR RI, R2 Opr 2 into opr 1 Opr 1 sign bit made a ;zero (positive) Opr 2 unchanged (Low-order half of opr 1 unchanged) o Result = 0 Spec if Opere o Result Fract = 0 1 Result <0 2 Result>O o Result Fract = 0 1 Result <0 2 Result>O Operation Load PSW load (Short) Load (Short) Mnemonie LPSW LE LER Op Code 82 78 38 Format 51 RX RR Operands 01 (81) RI,02(X2,82) RI, R2 Description Opr 1 into PSW (Opr 1 low-order 3 bit adr must = 0) (Instruction used to enter the problem or wait state) lRA 81 RX RI,02(X2,82) Priv Addr Specif 340nd 35 Addr Unchanged (510) (Low-order half of apr 1 unchanged) Specif Opera ~~R)2 Specif Opera (FPR) in(FPRr' I Reol adr corresponding to apr 2 logical adr placed in opr 1. Specif Opera LROR 25 RR RI, R2 Opr 2 is rounded from extended to long format and put in opr 1 Specif (FPR pair) Exp 0110 (FPR) Only FPR 0 and FPR 4 may be specified for apr 2. lood Rounded (Long to Short) LRER 35 RR RT, R2 ~F~tpr T Add on absolute 1 to apr 2, bit 32; carry will ripple left. lower half of result FPR will remain unchanged. available 1 Seg tbl entry invalid 2 Page tbl entry invalid . 3 Seg or page tbl length violation Unchanged Opera Opr 2 is rounded from long to short format (F'Mut Unchanged o Translation Priv Addr load Rounded (fxtended to long) Cond Code Set according to new PSW bits Opr 2 into opr 1 (low-order holf of opr I unchanged) load Real Address Exceptions Unchanged Specif Exp 0110 Opera Operation Mnemonic Op Code Format Operands Description Exceptions Cond Code IoAonitor Coli MC AF 51 01 (BI),12 Causes program interrupt if monitormask bit in cont. reg 8 = appropriate monitor class specified in positions 12-15 of 12. Real storage locations 148 and 156 will zero, lac 149=12, and lac. 157-159=01 + contents to 81. Monitor Specif Unchanged Move Characters MVC 02 55 01(l,BI),02(B2) Cpr 2 to apr 1 (left to right byte by byte) (Max number of bytes moved: 256) (No restriction on overlapping fields) Addr Protect Unchanged Move Immediate MVI 92 51 01(B1),12 /tAovo the 1 byte from the instruction stream (8-15) to apr I. Addr Protect Unchanged Move long MVCl 'OE RR RI, R2 NkJve char from area sp~c in ?or 2 to area spec in apr 1. Cpr 2 is even odd reg pair where R2 is "from odr ll , R2+1 bits 0-7 is padding char, and R2+1 bits 8-31 is length. Addr Specif . o Opr cnts= \ e~;r! ~1 ei~el~l~da~~~; &1~1 bits 8-31 is length. 1 Opr 1 cnt< apr 2 cnt 20pr 1 cnt> apr 2 cnt 3 No move due 10 destructive overlap. Operation Mnemonic Op Code Exceptions Cond Code Move Numerics MVN 01 Format 55 01 (L, B1), 02(B2) Operands The 4 low-order bits of apr 2 bytes into the 4 low-order bits of apr 1 bytes. (left to right byte by byte) (Max number of bytes moved: 256) (High-order bits of each byte of both apr's unchanged. ) (No restriction on overlapping fields.) Description Addr Protect Unchanged Move with Offset MVO Fl 55 D1 (U,Bl), 02 (L2, B2) apr 2 to the left of and adjacent to the low-order 4 bits of opr 1. (Right to left byte by byte) (Data can be packed, unpacked, or binary format) (No restriction on overlapping fields) (Processing terminated by high-order bit in apr 1) (If apr 2 field shorter than opr 1, insert leading zeros in apr 2.) Addr Protect Unchanged Move Zones MVZ D3 55 01 (L, Bl), 02(B2) The 4 high-order bits of opr 2 bytes into the 4 high-order bits af apr 1 bytes (left to right byte by byte) (Max number of bytes moved: 256) (Law-order bits of each byte of both opr's unchanged. ) (No restriction on overlapping fields) Addr Protect Unchanged Multiply M 5C RX Rl, 02(X2,B2) Multiply apr 1 by apr 2 Product: even and odd pair regs apr 1 becomes the product. (Opr 1 must specify an even-numbered reg) (Sign bit extended to lst significant product digit) Addr Specif Unchanged w ... Operation Multiply Mnemonic MR Op Code lC Format RR Operands Rl, R2 Description Multiply 01" 1 by opr 2 Exc~jons Cond Code Specif Unchanged Product: even and odd pair of regs Opr 1 becomes the product. (Opr I must specify an even-numbered reg) (Sign bit extended to lst significant product digit) Multiply (Extended) MXR 26 RR Rl, R2 Multiply extended opr 1 by extended opr 2 (FPR poir) (FPR poir) Extended product is put in opr 1 (FPR pair) (Only FPR 0 and FPR 4 moy be specified for either opr 1 or opr 2) (low-order characteristic is mode 14 < high-order choracterisHc except when the result would be ~ 0, then the low-order characteristic is mode 128> its correct value; sign of low-order characteristic remains the some as high-order characteristic) Multiply Decimal MP FC 55 Dl (Ll ,Bl), D2(L2,B2) Multiply opr 1 by opr 2 Multiplier: 8 bytes max size and shorter than the multiplicand. Multiplicand: must have high-order zeros equal to or greater than the size of the multiplier. (80th oprls in packed formot) (Right to left byte by byte) Product: must c,?ntoin ot least I high-order zero. Unchanged Spec if Exp Oflo Exp Uf!o Opera Unchanged Addr SpeC if Data Protect Opera Operation Multiply Halfword Mnemonic MH Op Cod. 4C Format RX Operands RI, D2(X2,B2) Description MulHply 01" I by apr 2 (Opr 2 is expanded to a 32-bit integer) JI Exceptions Addr Cond Code Unchanged Specif (Only the low-order 32 bits of the product, apr I, ore retained) Multiply (Long) MD 6C RX RI,D2(X2,B2) Multiply opr 1 by opr 2 (FPR) (5'0) Addr Product: prenormalizes the opr's and postnormalizes the intermediate product. (If all fraction digits (15) = zero; the Exp 0110 Exp Ullo Unchanged Specif Opera product, sign and char ore mode zero.) (The intermediate product fraction is truncated before left-shifting.) Multiply (Long) MDR 2C RR RI, R2 Multiply apr 1 by apr 2 (FPR) go (FPR) Product: prenormalizes the opr's and postnormalizes the intermediate product. (If all fraction digits (15) = Oi the product ::to o " Specif Unchanged Exp 0110 Exp Ullo Opera sign and char are mode zero.) (The intermediate product fraction is truncated before left-shifting.) Multiply (long to Extended) MXD 67 RX RI, D2(X2, B2) Multiply long apr 1 by long apr 2. (FPR) (5'0) Extended product is put in FPR pair specified by opr 1 (Only FPR a and FPR4 may be specified for opr 1) (Signs of FPR pair are the same) (Can only u,. doubleword boundary ;n '.01 age) (Continued) Unchanged Addr Specif Exp Oll~ Exp uno Protect Opera w '" o Operation Multiply (long to Mnemonic MXD Op Code Format 67 RX Operands RI, D2(X2, B2) Extended) (Cont'd) Exceptions Cond Code high-order characteristic except when the result would be > 0, then the low-order characteristic is made 128 > its correct ~ value; sign of low-order characteristic remains the same istics) ? 1 Description (low-order characteristic is made ]4< Multiply (Long to Extended) MXDR 27 RR RI, R2 05 Multiply long opr 1 (FPR) high-order character- by long opr 2. (FPR) Extended product is put in FPR pair ;;:. specified by opr 1 (Only FPR a and FPR 4 may be specified Unchanged Specif Exp 0110 Exp Ullo Opera for opr 1) (Signs of FPR poir are the same) (low-order characteristic is mode 14 < high-order characteristic except when the result would be > 0, then the Jow-order characteristic is made 128> its correct value; sign of low-order characteristic remains the same as the high-order characteristic) Multiply (Short) ME 7C RX RI, D2(X2, B2) Multiply opr 1 by opr 2 (FPR) (Sto) Product: prenormalizes the opr's and postnormalizes the intermediate product. (If all fraction digits (14) = 0; the product sign and char are mode zero.) (The intermediate product fraction is truncated before left-shifting.) (The 2 low-order fraction digits of the product always = zero.) Add, Specll Exp 0110 Exp Ullo Opera UnchCllged Operation I MulHply (Short) Mnemonic Op Code MER 3C Format RR Operands RI, R2 Description Multiply apr 1 by opr 2 (FPR) (FPR) Product: prenormalizes the opr'$ and postnormalizes the intermediate product. (If all fraction digits (14) = 0; the product sign and char are made zero.) (The intermediate product fraction is truncated before left-shifting.) No Operation NOP 47(BCO) RX, D2(X2, B2) Camp mask with cond code Exceptions Specif Cond Code Unchanged Exp 0110 Exp Ullo Opera None Unchanged Ext. No Operation NOPR 07(BCRO) R2 Camp mask with cond code None Unchanged OR logical 0 56 RX RR, RI, D2(X2, B2) The ORed sum of both apr's into apr 1 Addr a Result = 0 OR logical OC D6 SS Dl(L,BI),D2(B2) The ORed sum of both apr's into apr 1 (left to right byte by byte) (Max number of bytes ORcd: 256) Ext. Specif 1 Result/O Addr o Result = 0 Protect 1 Result/O OR logical OR 16 RR RI, R2 The ORed sum of both opr's into apr 1 None o Result - OR logical Immediate 01 96 SI DI (B I), 12 OR the 1 byte from the instruction stream Addr o Result = 0 (8-15) to apr I Protect 1 Result/O Pack PACK F2 SS Dl(LI ,Bl), D2(L2,B2) Chonge opr 2 from zoned to pocked formot and place into opr 1. Addr Unchanged 0 1 Result/O Protect (Right to lelt byte by byte) (No restriction on overlapping fields) (Opr 2 may be extended with hi-order zeros) Purge Translation lookaside Buffer ...,w PTLB Ext. = Extended Mnemonic 820D S --- Invalidate current info in TlB. Priv Opera Unchanged w 00 Operation Read Direct Reset Reference Bit Set Clock Mnemonic ROO RR8 5CK Op Code 85 8213 8204 Format 51 5 5 Operands 01(81), 12. 01(81) 01(81) Description The 1 byte from the instruction stream (8-15) is placed on the signal-out, in a form of 8 timing pulses, along with a 9th pulse at the read-out line. The 8 bit lines ot the direct-in lines are stored in 0 or 1. Set refence-bit=O for 2048 byte block referenced by opr 1. CC indicates setting of ref and change bits prior to exec of this instruction. Replace curr val of TOO clock with eight bytes storting at opr 1. Exc~ption$ Priv Add, Cond Code Unchanged Protect Opera Priv Opera ORef-O Chg=O 1 Ref = 0 Chg = 1 2 Ref = 1 Chg = 0 3 Ref = 1 Chg= 1 Add, a Clock val Specif Priv Protect 2 -- 3 Clock not oper Opera Set Clock Compar- 5CKC 8206 5 01(81) ofor Set CPU Timer Set Prefix 5PT SPX 8208 8210 5 5 01(81) D2(B2) Dblwd at opr 1 replaces curr value of clock comparator Add, Dblwd at apr I replaces curr value of CPU timer. Add, Unchanged Priv Specif Protect Opera Unchanged Priv Specif Protect Opera ~r;~sr8~ 1~n~f~~rd~~~~~db~yc~;~e2ts of ~ecif pera address. Priv set 1 Clock val secure Unchanged Operation w '" Mnemonic Op Code Format Operands Description Exceptions Cond Code Set Program Mask SPM 04 RR RI Opr 1 (2-7) replaces the cond code and program mask bits of the current PSW (34-39) (Bits 0, 1 and 8-31 of opr.l are ignored and unchanged.) None Set by bits 2 and 3 Set PSW Key From Address SPKA B20A S DI(BI) Protection key of PSW replaced by bits 24-27 of the apr address. Opera Priv Unchanged Set Storage Key SSK 08 RR RI, R2 Opr I (24-30) replaces the storcge key specified by apr 2 (apr 1 bits 0-23 and 31 cre ignored) (Opr 2 bits 0-7 and 21-27 are ignored) (Bits 28-31 must be zero) Addr Priv Specif Opera Priv Addr Set System Mask SSM 80 S OI(BI) Opr 1 (l byte) replaces the system mask bits of the current PSW (O-7). Shift and Round Decimal SRP FO SS OI(Ll,BI), 02(B2), 13 Shift opr 1 as specified by apr 2. If shift is right, round by factor in apr 3. Shift Left Double Algebraic SLDA 8F RS RI,02(B2) Opr 1 (even and odd regs) is shifted left the number of times equal to apr 2 (Ioworder 6 bits). Shift Left Double Logical SLOL 80 RS RI,02(82) Shift Left Single Algebraic SLA 8B RS RI, D2(B2) Unchanged Unchanged Protect Ope", Addr Octo Dec Oflo Specif Fxpt OHo o Result:;: 0 Opr 1 (even and odd regs) is shifted left the number of times equal to apr 2 (loworder 6 bits). (Hi-order bit participates in the shift) Specif Unchanged Opr 1 is shifted left the number of times equal to apr 2 (low-order 6 bits). Fxpt Oflo o Result - 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 3 Result Oflo o Result::::Q 1 Result < Q 2 Result> 0 3 Overflow 0 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 3 Overflow .... 0 a "<'"~ 1l' 'I!i "S S :~ Operation Mnemonic Shift Left Single logical SLL Shift Righi Double Algebraic SRDA Shift Right Double logical SRDL Shift Right Single Algebnolic SRA OpCode B. BE 8C SA Formal '5 Operands RI,02(B2) '5 '1,02(82) '5 '1,02(B2) '5 RI.02(82) i Description Cond Code None Unchang~ Opr 1 (even and odd regs) Is shifted right the number of times equol to Opt 2 (Low-order 6 bits). Specif Opr 1 (even ana odd regs) Is shifted right the number of times eql,.'CZl to opr 2 (la_order 6 bits). (Hi-order bit p:;!rticipales in the shift) Specif Opr I is shifted right the number of times equal to opr 2 (Io_order 6 bits). None ~!~:~~~~ ~llh~:~~) 1:' ;> ~ b.ceptions Opr I is shifted left the number of times equal to opT 2 (low-order 6 bits), (Hi-order bit participotel in the shift) o Result - 0 I Result <0 2 Result>O Unchanged o Resul' '" 0 1 Resuh 0 vacated bils are SRl BB '5 '1,02(82) Opt 1 is shifted right the number of Ihnes equal to opr 2 (la_order 6 bits). (Vacated bils ore replaced with UlI'05) ·(Hi-order bit particlputes in the shift) SIGP AE '5 R1, R3, 02(82) An eight-bit order code (bits 24-31 of the second-operand oddren) is transmitted to the CPU designated by the processor address (bits 16-31) in the third operand. Logical ~ Signal Proces50r None Opera Priv Unehtmged 0'" Order code occepted I'" Status slored 2 -" Chonnel or subchannel bu~y .COO 01(B1) ~ru~i!I:l~: ~};;d~I~:~~s t:~:~:r~e~ri,:~n, read, reoJ bkwd, (;ol'ltrol or sense oper. The CAW Qt lac 48 is retched, which rocoles the first CCW. !~n~l~tiSu~;:t~~~!Od~~~ge ~': ~:ii~b~ without pending inlerrupt erron. IF:liP!~O~d'.c,~\til1ot::~~KJd)) ~ .." ci" n0 ~ =Chonnel not operational 510 ..... ;; Q S; 3 Start I/O Ii 3 ..... w ~ (Shifting (-) numbers: vocoted bits ore replaced with ones.) Shift Righi Single !R Priv 0-1/0oper initiated ond chon proceeding witl, operation. 1 '" CSW stored 2 ::; Chon or subchannel busy 3'" Not operatior-al '~/ Op.:ratiol'l Start I/O Falt Relec:.se Mnemonic SIOF Op Code Format Operands 01(61) 9C01 Description This instruction takes advantage of the ExcoptiOfU Cond Code Priv Same cs SIO block-multiplex channel, but i~ ctherwj~e identical to SIO. (Full op cd - 1001 I ST 50 RX RI, D2(X2,62) Opr 1 is stored into apr 2. -.J 0 Add, Unchansed Spedf Store Character DI(61) 8203 Store opr 1 at lac 168 in main stortlge. STe 42 RX RI, D2(X2,62) Opr 1 (24-31) replace, ,h. choract.r 01 opr 2's address. g .." Store Characters Under Mask STeM Store Clock STeK BE 8205 .S RI, M3, D2(82) Bytes selected from opr I under centrol of mask are stored at opr 2. DI(61) ~ Priv 010 stored Opera 1 CSWstored Addr Add, Opera Addr o Clock in lot Pratect Oporo stat.:! I Clk in not-sel stote 2 Clk in error 3 Clk not oper or in stopped Curr contents of clock comparator stored ot opr I. Add, Prj ... Specif Pratect Opera S' 0' §! " ~ UnchangfICI Protect !J.. 0 Unchanged Protect Current vol of TOO clock stored in 8 bytes at apr I. ii ~. ~ g. C') STlDe 2 Chan activity 10 not stored 3 Not oper. 0 ;;- 2 Protect Store Channel 10 "'. 3 (;J 1100 x)u(x xxxI). Store f slat. Store Clock Comparator STeKe 6207 DI(BI) Unchanged a ne ... ::> !:£ .... N Operation Store Control Mnemonic STell Op Code B6 Format Operands Dest;ription RS Rl, R3, D2(B2) Control regs from opr 1 to opr 3 stored at opr 2. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Store CPU Address STAP 02(82) 8212 CPU address stored at holfword location designated by second-operand address. Siore CPU ID STlDP 01(Bl) 8202 CPU info stored in 8 bytes at oprl. g Unchanged Specif Store CPU Timer SIPI 01(B1) 8209 CurT contents of CPU timer stored in dblwd at opr I. Priv Store Halfword SIH 40 RX R1, 02(X2,B2) Unchanged Unchanged Addr :; ~ " ::! O· a 00 ~ Unchanged Addr Opr 1 (16 loW-order bits) is stored 01 opr 2's location. (Hi-order bih, opr I, ignored ond unchanged) '"3 '-J Specif Protect Opera f l!I 0 Opera Priv Addr ~ (;) Spec if Prated Opera ~ Ol Cond Code Priv Addr Spec if Protect Opera Priv ;;:. '" " Exceptions Unchanged Specif Protect Store (long) SID 60 RX R1, 02(X2,B2) FP opr 1 to apr 2's location. Addr Protect Specif Opera Unchanged Store Multiple SIM 90 RS R1, R2, 02(82) Opr 1 thru opr 3 are stored at apr 2', location in ascending order. Starting reg .specified by opr 1, ending reg specified by apr 3. (Reg wrap-araund possible) Addr Specif Protect Unchanged ~ Operation Store Prefix Mnemonic OpCede STPX 6211 Format Operands S D2(62) I Store (Short) STE Store Then AND System fvIo~k STNSM Store Then OR System Ma~k STOSM Subtract S 70 AC AD 56 RX SI SI RX Ill, D2(X2,62) DI(61),12 DI(61), 12 RI, D2(X2) Description Prefix register contents are stored at word location designated by second operand address. FP apr I is stored at cpr 2's location (Low-order half of FPR ignored and unchanged) Exceptions Cond Code Specif Unchanged Ope~a Priv - -r - - - - Opera Unchanged Addr Specif Protect Bits 0-7 current PSW stored at apr I, then these bits ANDed with apr 2 and replaced in current PSW. Addr Bits 0-7 of current PSW stored at apr 1, then these bits ORed with apr 2 and replaced in current PSW. Addr Subtract apr 2 from apr} and place the difference into apr I. Addr Fxp,Oflo o D;f = 0 Specif 2 D;f>O Fxp,Oflo o D;f = 0 Unchanged Priv Protect Opera Unchanged Priv Protect Opera 1 Dif O 3 Overflow Operation Subtract Decimal Mnemonic 5P Op Cod. FB format 55 Operands ~ f ;;:- Description 01 (Ll, 61), 11l(L2,62) Subtract dec apr 2 from opr '; difference stored into apr I. (Right to left byte by byte) (Both opr's "",st be in packed format) (Fields can overlop if low-order bytes coincide) Subtract Halfword Subtract Logical 5H 5L 46 SF RX RX RI, 11l(X2,62) RI, 11l(X2,62) Exceptions Opera Add, Data Doc Ofla Cond Code o DH=O 1011<0 2 Oif>O 3 Overflow Protect o Oif = 0 Opr 2 hplfword expanded to fullword and subtracted from apr 1; difference placed into opr I. Addr I Oif 0 Specif 3 Overflow Subtract opr 2 from opr I; Add, difference placed into opr 1. Specif None Subtract logical 5LR IF RR RI, R2 Subtract opr 2 from apr 1; difference placed into opr 1. Subtract Normalized (Extended) 5XR 37 RR RI, R2 FP subtract extended opr 2 from extended opr 1. (FPR po;,) (FPR pair) Extended difference is put in opt 1 (FPR pair) (Sign of extended opr 2 is inverted before the addition) (Only FPR 0 end FPR 4 may be specified for either opr I or opr 2) (Continued) 0-I Oif,O No Carry 2 OIf = 0 Carry 301f,0 Carry 0-I OIf"O No Carry 2 Oif = 0 Corry 3 OIf" 0 Corry o Froct =0 Specif ExpOfla Exp uno Signif 1 Froct< 0 2 Freet >0 3 -- Operation Subtract Normalized f.Anemonic Op Code Format Operands 37 RR RI, R2 (High-order and low-order signs af a FPR pair are always the sSlme in extended precision) (Low-order characteristic is made 14 < high-order characteristic except when the result would be > 0, then the low-order characteristic is made 128> its correct value; sign of low-order characteristic remains the same as high-order characteristic) SD 6B RX RI, D2(X2,B2) FP Subtract apr 2 from opr 1 and the difference placed into opr 1. (The sign of apr 2 is inverted before the addition.) (Extended) (Cont'd) Subtract Normalized (Long) Subtract Normalized Description SXR SDR 2B RR RI, R2 (Long) FP Subtract opr 2 from opr 1 (FPR) (FPR) (The sign of apr 2 is inverted before the addition.) Exceptions Add, Specif Signif Cond Code Result o Fract = 0 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 Exp Olio Exp Ullo 3 Exp 0110 Specif Signif o Fraet = 0 Exp 0110 Exp Ullo Result 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 3 Exp 0110 Subtract Normalized (Short) SE 7B RX RI, D2 (X2 , B2) FP Subtract apr 2 from opr 1 (The sign of apr 2 is inverted before the addition.) (Low-order halves of FPR ignored and unchanged), Add, Specif Signif Exp 0110 Exp Ullo Result o Fraet = 0 1 Result < 0 2 Result> 0 3 Exp 0110 Operation Subtraet Normalized Mnemonic SER Op Code 38 Format RR Operands RI, R2 (Shor') Subtract Unnormalized (Long) SW 6F RX RI, D2(X2,82) Description Exceptions Subtract opr 2 from opr 1 (The sign of apr 2 is inverted before the addition.) (Low-order halves of FPRs ignored and unchanged) Specif Signif FP Subtract apr 2 from apr 1 Addr Specif Signif Exp aHa Opera (S.o) (FPR) (The sign of opr 2 is inverted before the addition.) Subtract Unnormalized (Long) SWR 2F RR RI, R2 FP Subtract apr 2 from apr 1 (FPR) (FPR) (The sign of apr 2 is inverted before the addition.) Exp Oflo Exp Ullo Cond Code Result Fraet = 0 I Result < 0 2 Result> 0 o 3 Exp 0110 Specif Signif Exp Oflo Opera Result o Fraet = 0 1 Result < 0 2 Result>o 3 Exp 0110 Result o Fred == 0 1 Result < 0 2 Result >0 3 Exp 0110 Subtract Unnormalized (Short) SU 7F RX RI, D2(X2,82) FP Subtract apr 2 from opr 1 (5'0) (FPR) (Low-order half of FPR ignored and unchanged) (The sign of apr 2 is inverted before the addition.) Subtract Unnormali zed (Short) SUR 3F RR RI, R2 FP Subtract apr 2 from apr 1 (FPR) (FPR) (low-order halves of FPRs ignored end unchanged) (The sign of apr 2 is inverted before the addition. ) Addr Specif Signif Exp Oflo Opera Speeif Signif Exp Oflo Opere Result o Fract ::: 0 1 Result < 0 2 Result>o 3 Exp Ofto Result o Freet =0 1 Result...:: 0 2 Result> 0 3 Exp Oflo '- '--~ .(1) Operation Supervisor Call Mnemonic 5VC Op Code OA Format Operands RR Description Immediate bits (8-15) placed in loc. 138 Exceptions None Cond Code Unchanged Test Channel T5 TCH 93 9F 51 01(81) 01(81) g S· (16-23) are made zero. (Old P5W at lac 32)" (New PSW from loc 96). :i" Hi-order bit of 1st byte of opr adr sets cend code. Entire byte then set to lIs -.J C Addr Protect Opr 1 (16-23) identifies the tested channel. (Bits 24-31 orc ignored.) (Instruction checks the channel's status and sets oppropri ate cond code.) Priv g ;; 0' ~ 0' " ,j" -> Test I/O TIO 90 01(81) Opr 1 (16-31) identifies the tested channel, control unit, and I/O device. Used to cleaf a pending interrupt. (CSW stored at lac 64): Subchannel contoins 0 pending interrupt. I/O device contains 0 pending interrupt. Control unit or I/O device is executing a previous operotion or a pending channel-end/control unit-end for another I/O device. Channel or 1/0 device equipment error or device not ready. Priv o OIon Avl lint Pending 2 Chan in Burst Mode 3 Chon not Operational "" [ o Hi-order bit =0 1 fti-order bit =1 2 -3 -- " Cl ~ CD 3 -.. Col and PSW swap performed. Test and Set '< o Available 1 C5W Stored 2 Channel or Subchan Bu.y 3 Not Operational ~ !l c: 0" ~ n0 ~ ~ Operation ~ r :- Test Under Mask MnemQllic TM Op Code 91 Fonnot 51 OperCllds 01(81),12 Description Immediate bits (8-15) used as compare ogaind opr 1-. Exceptions Q mask to Addr Cond Cod. o Selected bits all Mask bit 1: storage bit tested. Mask bit 0: storage bit i9nored~ zero (mask is all zero) 1 Selected bits mixed O's and )15 3 Setected bits aliI's Translate TR DC 55 01(L,Bl), 02(B2) Opr 1 (argument byte) added to the initial Addr adr of opr 2 (24-31). This adr now is the loc of the function byte which replaces the Protect Unchanged original argument byte (left to right byte . by byte) (All data is valid) (Oper is terminated when opr 1 field is exhausted) Translate and Test TRT DO 55 D1(L,Bl), 02(B2) (Same a. TR) Addr bytes 0 remain unchanged. Vv'hen the function byte is a non-zero the operation i.s completed. The generated argument odr is placed into GPR 1, 8-31. Bits 0-7 remain unchanged. The function byte is placed into GPR 2, 24- 31. (Left to right byte by byte). BH.0-23 1 remain unchanged. If opr 1 is· exhausted before a non-zero conI' the apr is completed and GPRs 1 ond 2 remain unchanged. o All function When the function byte is a zero the next argument byte is translated. Both opr's 1 Non-O function byte met 2 Last function byte non-O 3 Not used Operation Mnemonic Op Code Format Operands Description Unpack UNPK F3 SS 01 (ll,BI), 02(L2,B2) Change opr 2 from pocked to 20ned format and place into opr 1. (Right to left byte by byte) (No restrictions on overlapping fields) (Opr 2 may be extended with hi-order 2eros.) Write Direct WRO B4 SI 01 (81), 12 Zero and ,6dd ZAP FB SS 01 (ll ,BI), D2(L2,B2) apr 1 cleared ~nd apr 2 placed in apr 1 (low-order oprls may coincide) (apr 2 must be in packed formot) (apr I.field must be large enough for all apr 2 significant digits) (Opr 2 extended with zeros to fi II apr I .) The 1 byte from the instruction stream (8-15) is placed on the timing signal out, in a form of 8 timing pulses, along with a 9th pulse at the write-out line. The 8 bit lines at the direct-o~t ·lines are brought up by apr 1. Exceptions Cond Code Addr Protect Unchanged Priv Addr Opera Unchanged Addr Data Dec Oflo Protect Opera o Result =0 1 Result< 0 2 Result> 0 3 Overflow System Assembler Instructions Operation Name Entry Operand Entry ACTR A sequence symbol A SETA expression or blank "AGO A sequence symbol A sequence symbol or blank AIF A sequence symbol or blank A logical expression enclosed in parentheses, immediately followed by a sequence symbol ANOP A sequence symbol or blank Must not be present CCW Any symbol or blank Four operands, separated by Any symbol or blank Two absolute expressions, /' CNOP separated by a comma COM Any symbol or blank Must not be present COpy Must not be present One ordinary symbol Must not be present CSECT Any symbol or blank CXD Any symbol or blank Must not be present DC Any symbol or blank One or more operands, separated DROP A sequence symbol or blank One to sixteen absolute expressions, separated by commas; or blank OS Any symbol or blank One or more operands, separated by commas by commas DSECT Any symbol or blank Must not be present DXD Any symbol One or more operands, separated by commas EJECT A sequence symbol or blank Must not be present END A sequence symbol or blank A relocatable expression or blank ENTRY A sequence symbol or blank One or more relocatable symbols, separated by commas EQU An ordinary symbol or a variable symbol One to three operands, separated by commas, EXTRN A sequence symbol or blank One or more relocatable symbols, separated by commas GSLA Must not be present One or more variable ·symbols that are to be used as~ET symbols, separated by commas GeLS Must not be present One or more variable symbols that are to be used as SeT symbols, separated by commas 2 1·50 OS{VSI Programmer's Reference Digest System Assembler Instructions (cont'd) Operation Name Entry Operand Entry GBlC Must nol be pre-sent One or more variable symbols thaI are to be used as SET 2 symbols, separated by commas ICTl Must not be present One to three decimal values, separated by commas ISEQ Must not be present Two decimal values, separated by commas lCLA Must not be present One or more variable symbols that are to be used as SET 2 symbols, separated by commas lClB Must not be present One or more variable symbols thot are to be used as SET symbols, separated by commas2 lClC Must not be present One or more variable symbols thot ore to be used as SET symbols, separated by commas 2 lTORG Any symbol or blank Not required Must not be present Not required MEND 1 A sequence symbol or blank Not required MEXIT 1 A sequence symbol or blank Not required MNOTE A sequence symbol or blank A severity code followed by a comma (this much is optional) followed by any combination of characters enclosed in apostrophes OPSYN An ordinary symbol A I'l1Clchine instruction mnemonic code, an extended mnemonic code, a macro operation, an assembler operation, an operation code defined by a previous OPSYN instruction, Clr blank ORG Any symbol or blank A relocatable expression or blank POP A sequence symbol or blank One or more operands, separated by a comma PRINT A sequence symbol or blank One to three operands PUNCH A sequence symbol or blank One to eighty characters, enclosed in apostrophes PUSH A sequence symbol or blank One or more operands, separated by a comma REPRO A sequence symbol or blank Not required SETA A SETA symbol An arithmetic expressicn SETS A SETB symbol A 0 or a 1, a SETB symbol, or a logical expression enclosed in parentheses MACRO ) I Section 1; General Information 1·51 System Assembler Instructions (cont'd) Operation Name Entry Operand Entry SETC A SETC symbol A duplication factor (0 SETA expression enclosed in parentheses) if desired, followed by a type attribute, a character expression, a substring notation, or a concatenation of character expressions and substring notations SPACE A sequence symbol or blank A decimal self-defining term or blank START Any symbol or blank A self-defining term or blank TITLE A variable symbol, alphameric character string, or a combination of variable symbol and character string, or a sequence symbol, or a blank. One to 100 characters, enclosed in apostrophes USING A sequence symbol or blank An absolute or relocatoble expression followed by 1 to 16 absolute expressions, separated by commc:15 WXTRN A sequence symbol or blank One or more relocatohle symbols, separated by commas ICon be used only as part of a macro definition~ 2SET symbols can be defined as subscripted SET symbols. 1·52 OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest System Assembler Statements Instruction Model Statements Name Entry An ordinary symbol, a variable symbol, a sequence Any combination of characters (including variable symbols) symbol, a combination of variable symbols and other characters that is equivalent to a symbol, or blank Prototype Statement I Mocro-lns.2fuction Statement Assembler language Statement A symbolic para- Zero or more operands meter or blank thot are symbolic fKlrameters, separated by comrnQJi An ordinary symbol, a variable symbol, a sequence symbol, a combination of variable symbols and other characters that is equiv- 2 alent to a symbol, or blank Zero or mote positional operands and/or zero An ordinary symbol, a variable symbol, a sequence symbol, a combination of variable symbols and other characters that is equivalent to a symbol, or blank ~;;~;e~e~;~~:::2ands Any combination of charac- ters {including variable symbols} lean only be used as part of a macro definition. :Variable symbols appearing in a macro instruction are replaced by their values before the macro instruction is processed. ~) Section I: Gencrallnformation 1·53 System Assembler Constants NUMBER TYPE IMPLICIT LENGTH (aYTES) AlIGNMENT FIER RANGE SPECIFIED ay b",. .1 .. 256 M chwacterl IlcCided m hexadecimal multidigits pl. left multi- lert pi, word .1 to a decimal multi- digib pi, -as to -187'0 +75 +34' left (3) .1 to a decimal multi- -85 to -187 ~,d digits pl. +75 +34' word .1 to multi- -85 to a decimol digits pl. +75 double .1 to a decimal digits multipl. -8510 +75 0-14 decimal multi- -85 to 0-2a digits pl. +75 .110 decimal digits multipi, left decimal multi- left double byte. needed ,. ,. • T to b"" .1 to A word ".1 a word to digits pi, "Y multi- 4 (2) expression 1-4 symbol nom- lTIulti- ins Q DXD or DSECT y PADDING sloe right binory digits word V SCALE CATION! .1to 256 word " RANGE FOR .1 to 256 (1) half needed OPERAND TRUN- RANGE FOR EXPONENTS byte needed 1. PER b",. needed " OF CON· STANTS LENGTH MODI- word 3,4 half word 2 only holf word left (3) right (3) 0-14 right (3) right (3) left pi, left pi, relocotable multi- symbol pl. left one absolute muhior relocot-' pl. able expreuion or two absolute expressions: exp (exp) .110 ~Y multi- 2(2) expression pi, left (1) In 0 OS (l55embler instruction C Qfld X type constants =n have length specification to 65535. ~) Bit length specification permitted with absolute expressions only, Relocotcble A-type constants, 3 or 4 bytes only; relocotable V-type constmh, 2 bytes only. (3) Errors wi1l be flogged if significant bits are truncated or if the value specified cannot be contained in the implicit length af the constont. 1·54 OS/VSI Programm~r's Reference Digest System Assembler Macro Language Statements Variable Symbols locol SET Symbols Global SET Symbols Attributes System Variable Symbols Sequence Symbolic Requirement Parameter SETA SETB SETC SETA SETB SETC &SYSNDX &SYSECT &SXSlIST &SYSPARM &SYSDATE &SYSJIME Type Length Scaling Integer Count Symbol Number MACRO Ptototype Statement Nan. Operand GBLA Operand Opermd GBLB GBLC Operand LCLA Operand q,erand LCLB LCLC Model Stotement SETA Operand Nane Nome Nome Operation Operand Name Operation Operand Name Operation Operand Operation Operand Operation Operand Name Operation Operand Operond9 Nome Operand Opcrand3 Operani Operand Name Operoni, Operand Operani Operani Operand4 Operand Operand Operand Operand Operani Operani Operani Operani Operation Operand oPerand' Operand Opercrld 3 Operoni Name Operand Operoni Operani Operand B Name Operand Operani Operand Ope rani Name SETB Operoni SETC AIF Nane Nome Nome Operation Operand Operand Operani OperandB Nome Operand Operand6 Operand6 Operand Operani Nome Operation Operand Name Operation Operand Operation Operand Operoni Dperond 9 Operand 6 Operani Nome Operand Operand Operood4 Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand OperCl'ldS OperandS OperandS OperandS OperCl'ldS OperandS OperandS OperandS OperandS OperandS Operand Operand4 Name __~erand AGO ACTR Nome Operand Operani Operand Operand3 Operani Operand Opcrand3 Operani Operand2 Operand Operand Operani Operand Gperand Operand Operand Nome ANOP Name MEXIT MNOTE Operand Operand Opermd Operand Operand Operand Operand Name Nom. Operand OperCl'ld Name Operand Nome Operand Name Operand Name Operand Name Operand Nane Name Operand Name Operand Nome Operand Name Operand Operand Name Operation Operand Name Operation Operand Name Operation Operand Name Operation Operand Name Operation Operand Nome Operation Operand Operand Opercnd Operand Operand Operand Name Operand Nome MEND Outer Macro Inner Macro Assembler language Statement 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name Operand Nome Name Operand Name Operand Name Operand Opermd Operand Operand Nome Operand Operand Operand Nome Name Name Variable symbols in macro instructions are replaced"by their values befarr~ proccning. Only if value is self-cleAning term. Converted to arithmetic +1 or to. Only in character relations. Only in arithmetic relations. Only in arithmetic or character relations. Converted to unsigned number. Converted to character lor O. Only if one to one decimal digits (from 0 through 2, 147, 4B3, 647). Section 1: General Information 1-55 System Assembler Conditional Assembly Expressions Expression Arithmetic Expressions Character Expressions Logical Can contain .; Self-defining terr~ • Any combination of characters enclosed in apostrophes .AOora 1 • Any variable symbol enclosed in apostrophes e Arithmetic relations I • A concatenation of • Character • Length, scaling, Expression~ • SETS symbols integer, coltnt, and numbe, attributes • SET A and SETB symbols • SETe symbols wllose vollies ore a decimal self-defining term relations 2 variable symbols and other charoctcr~ enclosed in apostrophes • Arithmetic value • &SYSPARM if its value is a decimal self-defining term • Symbolic parameters if the corresponding operand is a cecimal self-defining term • A type cttribute reference • &SYSLIST (n) if the corresponding operand is a decimal self-defining term • &SYSLIST (n,m) if the corresponding operand is a decimal self-defining term • &SYSNDX Operations +, - (unary and bi- concatenation, with a period (.) AND, OR, and NOT parentheses permitted o through lefS 0 {false} or 1 (true) _ SETA operands • SHC operands 0 • Arithmetic relations 1 • Character relations 2 _ AIF operands nary), *, and I; parentheses permitted Range of values May be 255 charac- SETB operands used in • Subscripted SET symbols • SYSLIST subscript (s) • Substring notation • 5ublist notation lAn arithmetic relation consists of two arithmetic expressions related by the operators GT, LT, EQ, NE, GE, or LE. 2A character relation consists of two character expressions related by tne operator G T, LT, EQ, NE, GE, or LE • Type attribute notation and Substring notation may also be used in character relations. The maximum size of the character expressions that con be compared is 255 characters. If the two character expressions are of unequal size, the smaller one will always compare less than the larger. 1·56 OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest System Assembler Attributes Attribute Notation Can be used with: Can be used only if Can be used in: type attribute is: Type T' Ordinary Symbols de- (May always be used) fined in open code; symbolic parameters inside macro defini- 1. SEre operand fields 2. Character relations tions; SET symbols, &SYSPARM, &SYS DATE , &SYSTIMI::, inside or outside macro definitions; &SYSLIST (m), &SYSLIST (m,n), &SYSECT, &SYSNDX inside macro definitions Length L' Ordinary Symbols Any letter except Arithmetic defined in open M,N,O, T and U expressions code; symbolic parameters inside macro definitions; &SYSLIST (m). and &SYSLIST (n, n) ;nside macro definitions Scaling 5' Ordinary Symbols defined in open code; symbolic H,F ,G ,D,E, L,K, P, Arithmetic and Z expressions parameters inside macro definitions; &SYSLIST (m). and &SYSLIST (m, n) inside macro definitions Integer I' Ordinary Symbols de- H, F,G, D,E, L, K,P, fined in open code; and Z symbol ic parameters inside macro definitions; &SYSLIST (m), Arithmetic expressions and &SYSLIST (m,n) inside macro definitions Count K' Symbolic parameters inside macro definitions; SET symbols; all system variable symbols Any letter Arithmetic expressions Number N' Symbolic parameters, Any letter Arithmetic expressions &SYSLIST (m), and &SYSLIST (m,n) ;nside macro definitions Section I: General Information 1·57 System Assembler Variable Symbols Variable Declared by: Initialized, or set to: Value changed by, May be used in: Prototype Corresponding (Constant • Arithmetic statement macro instruc- throughout definition) Symbol Symbolic 1 parameter tion operand expre~$ion~ if operand is decimal self-defining term • Character expressions SETA LelA or GBlA 0 SETA instruction • Arithmetic expressions instruction .Character expressions SETB lClB or GBlB 0 SETB instruction • Arithmetic expressions instruction • Character expressions • Logical expressions SETC lCLC or GBlC String of SETC length 0 instruction instruction (null) • Arithmetic expressions if value is decimal selfdefining term • Character expressions &SYSNDX 1 The assembler &SYSECT 1 The assembler Macro instruction index Control section in which macro instruction appears (Constant throughout definition; unique for each macro instruction) • Arithmetic (Constant throughout definition; set by CSECT I • Character expressions DSECT, START, ond COM) I-58 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest expressions • Character expressions System Assembler Variable Symbols (cont'd) Variable Symbol Dec lared by: Initialized, or set to: Value changed by: May be used in: &SYSLIST I The assembler Not applicable Not applicable • N1&SYSUST in Corresponding macro instruction operand (Constant throughoiJt definition) o Arithmetic expressions if operand is decimal self-defining &SYSLIST (n) &SYSLIST (n,M)1 The assemoler arithmetic expressions term • Character expressions &SYSPARM PARM Held User defined or null Constant throughout assembly • Arithmetic expression if value is decimal selfdefining term • Character expression Constant &SYSTIME The assembler System time throughout assembly • Character expression &SYSDATE The assembler System date Constar,t throughout assembly • Character expression ICan be used only in macro definitions. Section 1: General Infomlation 1-59 Dynamic Address Translation - Hexadecimal and Decimal Conversion DYNAMIC ADDRESS TRANSLATION VIRTUAL (LOGICAL) ADDRESS FORMAT seg:::t Size PO:: Size [~i~S7 ] se9sm:n;5Index 1M 2K are ignored 8 - 11 PO~: ~n::x B~le ~n:lex 12 - 20 21 - 31 SEGMENT TABLE ENTRY IPT length I0000* !00* II I Page table address o 3 4 7 8 *Normally· z~ros;-ignored -;;n some models. 28 29 31 31 (I) Segment-invalid bit. PAGE TABLE ENTRY (2K) Page address 13 (I) Page-invalid bit 1213 14 15 HEXADECIMAL AND DECIMAL CONVERSION From hex: locate each hex digit in its corresponding column position and note the decimal equivalents. Add these to obtain the decimal value. From decimal: (1) locate the largest decimal value in the table that will fit into the decimal number to be converted, and (2) note its hex equivalent and hex column position. {3} Find the decimal remainder. Repeat the process on this and subsequent remainders. HEXADECIMAL COLUMNS 5 4 3 HEX = DEC HEX = DEC HEX - DEC 0 0 00 0 0 0 4,096 1,048,576 I 65,536 I I 256 2,097,152 2 131,072 2 8,192 2 512 3,145,728 3 196,608 3 12,288 3 768 4,194,304 4 262,144 4 16,384 4 1,024 5,242,880 5 327,680 5 20,480 5 1,280 6,291,456 6 393,2166 24,576 6 1,536 7,340,032 7 458,752 7 28,672 7 1,792 32,768 2,048 8,388,608 8 524,288 8 8 9,437,184 9 589,824 9 36,864 9 2,304 10,485,760 A 655,360 A 40,960 A 2,560 11,534,336 B 720,896 B 45,056 B 2,816 12,582,912 C 7B6,432 C 49,152 C 3,072 13,631,488 D 851,968 D 53,248 D 3,328 14,680,064 E 917,504 E 57,344 E 3,584 15 728,640 F 983,040 F 61,440 F 3,840 4567 0123 4567 0123 BYTE BYTE 6 HEX 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F = DEC POWERS OF 16 TABLE POWERS OF 2 2" 256 512 I 024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131 072 262 144 524288 I 048 576 2097152 4194304 8388608 16777216 1-60 I 2 HEX - DEC HEX = DEC 0 0 0 0 I 16 I I 32 2 2 2 3 48 3 3 4 64 4 4 80 5 5 5 96 6 6 6 7 112 7 7 8 128 8 8 9 144 9 9 A 160 A 10 B 176 B II 12 C 192 C D 208 D 13 E 14 E 224 F 240 F 15 0123 4567 BYTE "8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 0 ~ 160 24 = 16 1 28 ~ 162 212~163 2 16 =16 4 220 165 224 0166 = 228~167 2 32 =168 236 169 = 240~1610 244=1611 248=1612 252 =16 13 256=1614 26°=16 15 16" I 16 256 4096 65536 I 048 576 16 777216 268435456 4294967296 68 719 476 736 I 099 511 627 776 17592186044416 281474976710 656 4 503 599 627 370 496 72 057 594 037 927 936 1 152921 504606846976 OSjVSI Programmer's Reference Digest " 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Hexadecimal Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction Tables Hexadecimal Addition and Subtraction Table Example: 6 + 2 = 8, 8 - 2 = 6, and 8 - 6 = 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 2 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 3 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 4 05 06 07 08 09 OA DB DC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 5 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 6 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 08 09 OA OB OC OD DE OF 10 8 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13 14 15 16 11 9 OA OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A OB OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 B OC OD OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA C D OD OE OE OF OF 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 lA lA lB lB 1C E OF 10 F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA lB lC lD IE 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA lB lC lD 11 Hexadecimal Multiplication Table Example: 2 x 4 = 08, F x 2 = IE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A --4C D E F 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA 2 02 04 06 08 OA OC DE 10 12 14 r-@- 16 OC 18 OD lA OE lC OF IE 3 03 06 09 OC OF 12 15 18 18 IE 21 24 27 4 04 08 OC 10 14 18 1C 5 05 OA OF 14 19 IE 23 20 28 24 2D 28 32 2C 37 30 3C 34 41 2A 38 46 2D 3C 4B 6 06 OC 12 18 IE 24 7 8 07 08 OE 10 15 18 lC 20 23 28 2A 30 2A 31 38 30 38 40 36 3F 48 3C 46 50 42 4D 58 48 54 60 4E 5B 68 54 62 70 5A 69 78 9 09 12 lB 24 2D 36 3F 48 51 5A 63 6C 75 7E 87 B C OB OC 16 18 21 24 2C 30 37 3C 42 48 4D 54 58 60 63 6C 64 6E 78 6E 79 84 78 84 90 82 8F 9C 8C 9A A8 96 A5 B4 A OA 14 IE 28 32 3C 46 50 5A D OD lA 27 34 41 4E 5B 68 75 82 8F 9C A9 B6 C3 E F OE OF lC IE 2A 2D 38 3C 46 4B 54 5A 62 69 70 78 7E 87 8C 96 9A A5 A8 B4 B6 C3 C4 D2 D2 El Section 1: General Information 1·61 Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Information Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion: Locate the decimal fraction (.1973) in the table. If the exact figure is not shown, locate the next higher and [ower frnctions (.19726563•• 19750977). The first digits of the hexadecimal fraction are at the top of the column (:32). To locate the third digit, determine by observation or subtraction the smaller difference !jetween the known fraction and each of the found fractions. The smaller difference'identifies the correct line (.008). The hexadecimal equivalent is .32B. If more places to the right of the decimal point are required in the hexadecimal fraction, multiply the decimal fraction by 16 and develop integers as successive terms of the hexadecimal fraction. Using the previous sample decimal fraction: .1973 '6 __'_6 --:T568 .5088 '6 __'_6 ~ .2528 Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion: Locate the first two digits (., E) of the hexadecimal fraction (.1 E9) in the horizontal row of column headings. Locate the third digit (.009) in the left most column of the table. Follow the .009 line horizontally to the right to the .1 E column. The decimal equivalent is.' 1938477. The decimal fractions in the table were carried to eight places and rounded. If 2 places are required, or if the hexadecimal fraction exceeds the capacity of the table, express the hexadecimal fraction as powers of 16 (expansion). For example: .1 E94 16 = 1116- 1) + 14( 16- 2 ) + 9( 16- 3 ) + 4( 16-4 ) = 1(.0625) + 14(.00390625) + 9(.000244440625) + 4(.0000152587890625) = _1194458007812500 10 1-62 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Information (cont'd) .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .DOC .000 .OOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .DOC .000 ;DOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .DOC .000 ' .OOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 .003 .DIU .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .DOC .000 .OOE .OOF .00 .00000000 .00024414 .00048828 .00073242 .00097656 .00122070 .00146484 .00170898 .00195313 .00219727 .00244141 .00268555 .00292969 .00317383 .00341797 .00366211 .01 .00390625 .00415039 .00439453 .00463867 .00488281 .00512695 .00537109 .00561523 .00585938 .00610352 .00634766 .00659180 .00683594 .00708008 .00732422 .00756836 .062SOOOO .06274414 .06298828 .06323242 .06347656 .06372070 .06396484 .06420898 .06445313 .06469727 .06494141 .06518555 .06542969 .06567383 .06591797 .06616211 .20 .12SOOOOO .12524414 .12548828 .12573242 .12597656 .12622070 .12646484 .12670898 .12695313 .12719727 .12744141 .12768555 .12792969 .12817383 .12841797 .12866211 .30 .187SOOOO .18774414 .1879B828 .18823242 .18847656 .18872070 .18896484 .18920998 .18945313 .18969727 .18994141 .19018555 .19042969 .19067383 .19091797 .19116211 .06640625 .06665039 .06689453 .06713867 .06738281 .06762695 .06787109 .06811523 .06835938 .06860352 .06884766 .06909180 .06933594 .06958008 .06982422 .07OO6B36 .21 .12890625 .12915039 .12939453 .12963867 .12988281 .13012695 .13037109 .13061523 .13085938 .13110352 .13134766 .13159180 .13183594 .13209008 .13232422 .13256836 .31 .19140625 .19165039 .19189453 .19213867 .19238281 .19262695 .19287109 .19311523 .t9335938 .19360352 .19384766 .19409180 .19433594 .1945BOOB .19482422 .19506836 .02 .00781250 .00805664 .00830078 .00854492 .00878906 .00903320 .0092m4 .00952148 .00976563 .01000977 .01025391 .01049605 .01074219 .01098633 .01123047 .01147461 .12 .07031250 .07055664 .07080078 .07104492 .07128906 .07153320 .0717m4 .07202148 .07226563 .07250977 .07275391 .07299805 .07324219 .07348633 .07373047 .07397461 .22 •.13281250 .13305664 .13330078 .13354492 .13378906 .13403320 .13427734 .13452148 .13476563 .13500977 .13525391 .13549605' .13574219 .13598633 .13623047 .13647461 .32 .19531250 .19555664 .19580078 .19604492 .19628906 .19653320 .19677734 .19702148 .19726563 .19750971 .19775391 .19799805 .19624219 ,19848633 .19873047 .19697461 .03 .01171875 .01196289 .01220703 .01245117 .01269531 .01293945 .01318359 .01342m .01367188 .01391602 .01416016 .01440430 .01464844 .01489258 .01513672 .01538086 .07421875 .07446289 .07470703 .07495117 .07519531 .07543945 .07568359 .07592773 .07617188 .07641602 .07666016 .07690430 .07714844 .07739258 .07763672 .07788086 .23 .13671875 .13696289 .13720703 .13745117 .13769531 .13793945 .13818359 .13842773 .13867188 .13891602 .13916016 .13940430 .13964844 .13969258 .14013672 .14038086 .33 .19921875 .19946289 .19970703 .19995117 .20019531 .20043945 .2006B359 .2OO92m .20117188 .20141602 .20166016 .20190430 .20214844 .20239258 .20263672 .202BB0B6 .04 .01562500 .01586914 .01611328 .01635742 .01660156 .01684570 .01708984 .01733398 .01757813 .01782227 .01806641 .01831055 .01855469 .01879883 .01904297 .01928711 .14 .07812500 .07836914 .07861328 .07885742 .07910156 .07934570 .07958984 .07983398 .08007813 .08032227 .08056641 .08081055 .08105469 .08129883 .08154297 .08178711 .24 .14062500 .14086914 .14111328 .14135742 .14160156 .14184570 .14208994 .14233398 .14257813 .14282227 .14306641 .14331055 .14355469 .14379883 .14404297 .14428711 .34 .20312500 .20336914 .20361328 .20395742 .20410156 .20434570 .20458984 .20483398 .20507813 .20532227 , .20556641 .20581055 .20605469 .20629883 .20654297 .20678711 .05 .01953125 .01977539 .02001953 .02026367 .02050781 .02075195 .02099609 .02124023 .02148438 .02172852 .02197266 .02221680 .02246094 .02270508 .02294922 .02319336 .15 .08203125 .08227539 .08251953 .08276367 .08300781 .08325195 .08349609 .08374023 .08396438 .08422852 .08447266 .08471680 .08496094 .08520508 .08544922 .08569336 .25 .14453125 .14477539 .14501953 .14526367 .14550781 .14575195 .14599609 .14624023 .14648438 .14672852 .14697266 .14721680 .14746094 .14770509 .14794922 .14819336 .35 .20703125 .20727539 .20751953 .20776367 .20900781 .20925195 .20849609 .20874023 .20896438 .20922852 .20947266 .20971680 .20996094 .21020508 .21044922 .21069336 .06 .02343750 .02368164 .02392578 .02416992 .02441406 .02465820 .02490234 .02514648 .02539063 .02563477 .02587891 .02612305 .02636719 .02661133 .02685547 .02709961 .16 .08593750 .08618164 .08642578 .08666992 .08691406 .08715820 .08740234 .08764648 .08789063 .08813477 .08837891 .08862305 .08886719 .08911133 .08935547 .08959961 .26 .14843750 .14868164 .14892578 .14916992 .14941406 .14965820 .14990234 .15014648 .15039063 .15063477 .15087891 .15112305 .15136719 .15161133 .15185547 .15209961 .36 .21093750 .21118164 .21142578 .21166992 .21191406 .21215820 .21240234 .21264648 .21289063 .21313477 .21337891 .21362305 .21386719 .21411133 .21435547 .21459961 .07 .02734375 .02758789 .02783203 .02807617 .02832031 .02856445 .02880859 .02905273 .02929688 .02954102 .02978516 .03002930 .03027344 .03051758 .03076172 .03100586 .17 .08984375 .09008789 .09033203 .09057617 .09082031 .09106445 .09130859 .09155273 .09179688 .09204102 .09228516 .09252930 .092m44 .09301758 .09326172 .09350586 .27 .15234375 .15258789 .15283203 .15307617 .15332031 .15356445 .15380859 .15405273 .15429688 .15454102 .15478516 .15502930 .15527344 .15551758 .15576172 .15600586 .37 .21484375 .21508789 .21533203 .21557617 ,21582031 .21606445 .21630959 .21655273 .21679688 .21704102 .21728516 .21752930 .21777344 .21801758 .21826172 .21850586 .08 .03125000 .03149414 .03173828 .03198242 .03222656 .03247070 .03271484 .03295898 .03320313 .03344727 .03369141 .03393555 .03417969 .03442383 .03466797 .03491211 .18 .09375000 .09399414 .09423828 .09448242 .09472656 .09497070 .09521484 .09545898 .09570313 .09594727 .09619141 .09643555 .09667969 .09692383 .09716797 .09741211 .28 .15625000 .15649414 .15673828 .15698242 .15722656 .15747070 .15771484 .15795898 .15820313 .15844727 .15869141 .15893555 .15917969 .15942383 .15966797 .15991211 .38 .21875000 .21899414 .21923828 .21948242 .21972656 .21997070 .22021484 .22045898 .22070313 .22094727 .22119141 .22143555 .22167969 .22192383 .22216797 .22241211 .09 .03515625 .03540039 .03564453 .03588867 .03613281 .03637695 .03662109 .03686523 .03710938 .03735352 .03759766 .03784180 .03808594 .03833008 .03857422 .03881836 .19 .09765625 .09790039 .09814453 .09838867 .09863281 .09987695 .09912109 .09936523 .09960938 .09985352 .10009766 .10034180 .10058594 .10083008 .10107422 .10131836 .29 .16015625 .16040039 .16064453 .16088867 .16113281 .16137695 .16162109 .16186523 .16210938 .16236352 .16259766 .16284180 .16309594 .16333008 .16357422 .16381836 .22265625 .22290039 .22314453 .22338867 .22363281 .22387695 .22412109 .22436523 .22460938 .22485352 .22509766 .22534180 .22558594 .22583009 .22607422 .22631836 .OA .OC .16406250 .16430664 .16455078 .16479492 .16503906 .16528320 .16552734 .16577148 .16601563 .16625977 .16650391 .16674905 .16699219 .16723633 .16748047 .16772461 .08 .04296875 .04321289 .04345703 .04370117 .04394531 .04418945 .04443359 .04467773 .04492188 .04516602 .04541016 .04565430 .04589844 .04614258 .04638672 .04663086 .18 .10546875 .10571289 .10595703 .10620117 .10644531 .10668945 .10693359 .10717m .10742188 .10766602 .10791016 .10815430 .10839844 .10864258 • ](i888672 10913086 .28 .16796875 .16821289 .16845703 .16870117 .16894531 .16918945 .16943359 .16967773 .16992188 .17016602 .17041016 .17065430 .17089844 .17114259 .17138672 .17163086 • B .J<: .22656250 .22680664 .22705078 .22729492 .22753906 .22778320 .2~2734 .228 7148 .22851563 .22875977 .22900391 .22924805 .22949219 .22973633 .22998047 .23022461 .23046975 .23071289 23095703 .23120117 .23144531 .23168945 .23193359 .23217773 .23242188 .23266602 .23291016 .23315430 .23339644 .23364258 .23388672 .23413086 .23437500 .23461914 .23486328 .23510742 .23535156 .23559570 .23583994 .23608396 .23632813 .23657227 .23681641 .23706055 .23730469 .23754883 .23779297 .23803111 .03906250 .03930664 .03955078 .03979492 .04003906 .04028320 .04052734 .04077148 .04101563 .04125977 .04150391 .04174805 .04199219 .04223633' .04248047 .04272461 .IA .10156250 .10180664 .10205078 .10229492 .10253906 .10278320 .10302734 .10327148 .10351563 .10375977 .10400391 .10424805 .10449219 .10473633 .10498047 .10522461 .2A .04687500 .04711914 .04736328 .04760742 .04785156 .04809570 .04833984 .04858398 .04882813 .04907227 .04931641 .04956055 .04980469 .05004883 .05029297 .05053711 .Ie .10937500 .10961914 .10986328 .11010742 .11035156 .11059570 .11083984 .11108396 .11132813 .11157227 .11181641 .11206055 .11230469 .11254883 .11279297 11303711 .2C .17187500 .17211914 .17236328 .17260742 .17285156 .17309570 .17333984 .17359398 .17382813 .17407227 .17431641 .17456055 .17480469 .17504883 .17529297 .17553711 ..00 .05078125 .05102539 .05126953 .05151367 .05175781 .05200195 .05224609 .05249023 .05273438 .05297852 .05322266 .05346680 .05371094 .05395508 .05419922 .05444336 .10 .11328125 .11352539 .11376953 .11401367 .11425781 .11450195 .11474609 .11499023 .11523438 .11547852 .11572266 .11596680 .11621094 .11645508 .11669922 11694336 .20 .17578125 .17602539 .17626953 .17651367 .17675781 .17700195 .17724609 .17749023 .17773438 .17797852 .17822266 .17846680 .17871094 .17895508 .17919922 .17944336 .•u .23828125 .23852539 .23876953 .23901367 .23925781 .23950195 .23974609 .23999023 .24023438 .24047852 .24072266 .24096680 .24121094 .24145508 .24169922 .24194336 .OE .05468750 .05493164 .05517578 .05541992 .05566406 .05590820 .05615234 .05639648 .05664063 .05688477 .05712891 .05737305 .05761719 .05786133 .05810547 .05834961 .IE .11718750 .11743164 .11767578 .11791992 .11816406 .11840820 .11865234 .11889648 .11914063 .11938477 .11962891 .11987305 .12011719 .12036133 .12060547 .12084961 .2E .17968750 .17993164 .18017578 .18041992 .18066406 .18090820 .18115234 .18139648 .18164063 .19198477 .18212891 .19237305 .18261719 .18286133 .18310547 .18334961 .OF .05859375 .05883789 .05908203 .05932617 .05957031 .05981445 .06005859 .06030273 .06054688 .06079102 .06103516 .06127930 .06152344 ' .06176758 .06201172 .06225586 .IF .12109375 .12133789 .12158203 .12182617 .12207031 .12231445 .12255859 .12280273 .12304688 .12329102 .12353516 .12377930 , .12402344 .12426758 .12451172 .12475586 .2F .18359375 .18383789 .18408203 .18432617 .18457031 .18481445 .18505859 .18530273 .18554688 .18579102 .18603516 .18627930 .18652344 .18676758 .18701172 .18725586 .24218750 .24243164 .24267578 .24291992 .24316406 .24340820 .24365234 .24389648 .24414063 .24438477 .24462891 .24487305 .24511719 .24536133 .24560547 .24584961 .24609375 .24633789 .24658203 .24682617 .24707031 .24731445 .24755859 .24780273 .24804688 .24829102 .24853516 .24877930 .24902344 .24926758 .24951172 .24975586 .., ... I Section 1: General Information 1-63 Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Information (cant'd) .000 .001 .002 .003 ,004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .OOC .000 .OOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .OOC .000 .OOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .OOC .000 .OOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .OOC .000 .OOE .OOF 1-·64 .40 .25000000 .25024414 .25048828 .25073242 .25097656 .25122070 .25146484 .25170898 .25195313 .25219727 .25244141 .25268555 .25292969 .25317383 .25341797 .25366211 .31250000 .31274414 .31298828 .31323242 .31347656 .31372070 .31396484 .31420898 .31445313 .31469727 .31494141 .31518555 .31542969 .31567383 .31591797 .31616211 .60 .37500000 .37524414 .37548828 .37573242 .37597656 .37622070 .37646484 .37670898 .37695313 .37719727 .37744141 .37768555 .37792969 .37817383 .37841797 .37866211 .70 .43750000 .43774414 .43798828 .43823242 .43847656 .43872070 .43896484 .43920898 .43945313 .43969727 .43994141 .44018555 .44042969 .44067383 .44091797 .44116211 .41 .25390625 .25415039 .25439453 .25463867 .25488281 .25512695 .25537109 .25561523 .25585938 .25610352 .25634766 .25659180 .25683594 .25708008 .25732422 .25756836 .5 .31640625 .31665039 .31689453 .31713867 .31738281 .31762695 .31787109 .31811523 .31835938 .31860352 .31884766 .31909180 .31933594 .31958008 .31982422 .32006836 .61 .37890625 .37915039 .37939453 .37963867 .37988281 .38012695 .38037109 .38061523 .38085938 .38110352 .38134766 .38159180 .38183594 .38208008 .38232422 .38256836 .71 .44140625 .44165039 .44189453 .44213867 .44238281 .44262695 .44287109 .44311523 .44335938 .44360352 .44384766 .44409180 .4',0433594 .44458008 .44482422 .4>1506836 .42 .25781250 .25805664 .25830078 .25854492 .25878906 .25903320 .25927734 .25952148 .25976563 .26000977 .26025391 .26049805 .26074219 .26098633 .26123047 .26147461 .52 .32031250 .32055664 .32080078 .32104492 .32128906 .32153320 .32177734 .32202148 .32226563 .32250977 .32275391 .32299805 .32324219 .32348633 .32373047 .32397461 .62 .38281250 .38305664 .38330078 .38354492 .38378906 .38403320 .38427734 .38452148 .38476563 .38500977 .38525391 .38549805 .38574219 .38598633 .38623047 .38647461 .72 .44531250 .44555664 .44580078 .44604492 .44628906 .44653320 .4467m4 .44702148 .44726563 .44750977 .44775391 .44799805 .44824219 .44848633 .44873047 .44897461 eS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest .43 .26171875 .26196289 .26220703 .26245117 .26269531 .26293945 .26318359 .26342773 .26367188 .26391602 .26416016 .26440430 .26464844 .26489258 .26513672 .26538086 .53 .32421875 .32446289 .32470703 .32495117 .32519531 .32543945 .32568359 .32592773 .32617188 .32641602 .32666016 .32690430 .32714844 .32739258 .32763672 .32788086 .6 .38671875 .38696289 .38720703 .38745H7 .38769531 .38793945 .38818359 .38842773 .38867188 .38891602 .38916016 .38940430 .38964844 .38989258 .39013672 .39038086 .44921875 .44946289 .44970703 .44995117 .45019531 .45043945 .45068359 .45092773 .45117188 .45141602 .45166016 .45190430 .45214844 ;45239258 .45263672 .45288086 .44 .26562500 .26586914 .26611328 .26635742 , .26660156 .26684570 .26708984 .26733398 .26757813 .26782227 .26806641 .26831055 .26855469 .26879883 .26904297 .26928711 .32812500 .32836914 .32861328 .32885742 .32910156 .32934570 .92958984 .32983398 .33007813 '33032227 .33056641 .33081055 .33105469 .33129883 .33154297 .33178711 .64 .39062500 .39086914 .39111328 .39135742 .39160156 .39184570 .39208984 .39233398 .39257813 .39282227 .39306641 .39331055 .39355469 .39379883 .39404297 .39428711 .7 .45312500 .45336914 .45361328 .45385742 .45410156 .45434570 .45458984 .45483398 .45507813 .45532227 .45556641 .45581055 .45605469 .45629883 .45654297 .• 45678711 .45 .26953125 .26977539 .27001953 .27026367 .~705O781 .27075195 .27099609 .27124023 .27148438 .27172852 .27197266 .27221680 .27246094 .27270508 .27294922 .27319336 .55 .33203125 .33227539 .33251953 .33276367 .33300781 .33325195 .33349609 .33374023 .33398438 .33422852 .33447266 .33471680 .33496094 .33520508 .33544922 .33569336 .65 .39453125 .39477539 .39501953 .39526367 .39550781 .39575195 .39599609 .39624023 .39648438 .39672852 .39697266 .39721680 .39746094 .39770508 .39794922 .39819336 .75 .45703125 .45727539 .45751953 .45776367 .45800781 .45825195 .45849609 .45874023 .45898439 .45922852 .45947266 .45971680 .45996094 .46020508 .46044922 .46069336 .46 .27343750 .27368164 .27392578 .27416992 .27441406 .27465820 .27490234 .27514648 .27539063 .27563477 .27587891 .27612305 .27636719 .27661133 .27685547 .27709961 .56 .33593750 .33618164 .33642578 .33666992 .33691406 .33715820 .33740234 .33764648 .33789063 .33813477 .33837891 .33862305 .33886719 .33911133 .33935547 .33959961 .66 .39843750 .39868164 .39892578 .39916992 .39941406 .39965820 .39990234 .40014648 .40039063 .40063477 .40087891 .40112305 .40136719 .40161133 .40185547 .40209961 .76 .46093750 .46118164 .46142578 .46166992 .46191406 .46215820 .46240234 .46264648 .46289063 .46313477 .46337891 .46362305 .46386719 .46411133 .46435547 .46459961 .47 .27734375 .27758789 .27783203 .27807617 .27832031 .27856445 .27880859 .27905273 .27929688 .27954102 .27978516 .28002930 .28027344 .28051758 .28076172 :28100586 .57 .33984375 .34008789 .34033203 .34057617 .34082031 .34106445 .34130859 .34155273 .34179688 .34204102 .34228516 .34252930 .34277344 .34301758 .34326172 .34350586 .67 .40234375 .40258789 .40283203 .40307617 .40332031 .40356445 .40380859 .40405273 .40429688 .40454102 .40478516 .40502930 .40527344 .40551758 .40576172 .40600586 .77 .46484375 .46508789 .46533203 .46557617 .46582031 .46606445 .46630859 .46655273 .46679688 .46704102 .46728516 .46752930 .46777344 .46801758 .46826172 .46850586 .48 .28125000 .28149414 .28173828 .28198242 .28222656 .28247070 .28271484 .28295898 .28320313 .28344727 .28369141 .28393555 .28417969 .28442383 .28466797 .28491211 .58 .34375000 .34399414 .34423828 .34448242 .34472656 .34497070 .34521484 .34545898 .34570313 .34594727 .34619141 .34643555 .34667969 .34692383 .34716797 .34741211 .68 .40625000 .40649414 .40673828 .40698242 .40722656 .40747070 .40771484 .40795898 .40820313 .40844727 .40869141 .40893555 .40917969 .40942383 .40966797 .40991211 .78 .46875000 .46899414 .46923828 .46948242 .46972656 .46997070 .47021484 .47045898 .47070313 .47094727 .47119141 .47143555 .47167969 .47192383 .47216797 .47241211 .49 .28515625 .28540039 .28564453 .28588867 .28613281 .28637695 .28662109 .28686523 .28710938 .28735352 .28759766 .28784180 .28808594 .28833008 .28857422 .28881836 .5 .34765625 .34790039 .34814453 .34838867 .34863281 .34887695 .34912109 .34936523 .34960938 .34985352 .35009766 .35034180 .35058594 .35083008 .35107422 .35131836 .69 .41015625 .41040039 .41064453 .41088867 .41113281 .41137695 .41162109 .41186523 .41210938 .41235352 .41259766 .41284180 .41308594 .41333008 .41357422 .41381836 .79 .47265625 .47290039 .47314453 .47338867 .47363281 .47387695 .47412109 .47436523 .47460938 .474853.2 .47509766 .47534180 .47558594 .47583008 .47607422 .47631836 .4A .28906250 .28930664 .28955078 .28979492 .29003906 .29028320 .29052734 .29077148 .29101563 .29125977 .29150390 .29174805 .29199219 .29223633 .29248047 .29272461 .5 .35156250 .35180664 .35205078 .35229492 .35253906 .35278320 .35302734 .35327148 .35351563 .35375977 .35400391 .35424805 .35449219 .35473633 .35498047 .35522461 .6A :::~~~ .41455078 .41479492 .41503906 .41528320 .41552734 .41577148 .41601563 .41625977 .• 41650391 .41674805 .41699219 .41723633 .41748047 .41772461 .7 .~765625O .47680664 .47705078 .47729492 .47753906 .47778320 .47802734 .47827148 .47851563 .47875977 .47900391 .47924805 .47949219 .47973633 .47998047 .48022461 .48 .29296875 .29321289 .29345703 .29370117 .29394531 .29418945 .29443359 .29467773 .29492188 .29516602 .29541016 .29565430 .29589844 .29614258 .29638672 .29663086 .58 .35546875 .35571289 .35595703 .35620117 .35644531 .35668945 .35693359 .35717m .35742188 .35766602 .35791016 .35815430 .35839844 .35864258 .35888672 .35913086 .68 .41796875 .41821289 .41845703 .41870117 .41894531 .41918945 .41943359 .41967m .41992188 .42016602 .42041016 .42065430 .42089844 .42114258 .42138672 .42163086 .78 .48046575 .48071289 .48095703 .48120117 .48144531 .48168945 .48193359 .48217775 .48242188 .48266602 .48291016 .48315430 .48339844 .48364258 .48388672 .48413086 .4C .29687500 .29711914 .29736328 .29760742 .29785156 .29809570 .29833984 .29858398 .29882813 .29907227 .29931641 .29956055 .29980469 .30004883 .30029297 .30053711 .5C .35937500 .35961914 .35986328 .36010742 .36035156 .36059570 .36083984 .36108398 .36132813 .36157227 .36181641 .36206055 .36230469 .36254883 .36279297 .36303711 .6C .42187500 .42211914 .42236328 .42260742 .42285156 .42309570 .42333984 .42358398 .42382813 .42407227 .42431641 .42456055 .42480469 .42504883 .42529297 .42553711 .7C .48437500 .48461914 .48486328 .48510742 .48535156 .48559570 .48583984 .48608398 .48632813 .48657227 .48681641 .48706055 .48730469 .48754883 .48779297 .48803711 .40 .30078125 .30102529 .30126953 .30151367 .30175781 .30200195 .30224609 .30249023 .30273438 .30297852 .30322266 .30346680 .30371094 .30395508 .30419922 .30444336 .50 .36328125 .36352539 .36376953 .36401367 .36425781 .36450195 .36474609 .36499023 .36523438 .36547852 .36572266 .36596680 .36621094 .36645508 .36669922 .36694336 .60 .42578125 .42602539 .42626953 .42651367 .42675781 .42700195 .42724609 .42749023 .42773438 .42797852 .42822266 .42846680 .42871094 .42895508 .42919922 .42944336 .70 .48828125 .48852539 .48876953 .48901367 .48925781 .48950195 .48974609 .48999023 .49023438 .49047852 .49072266 .49096680 .49121094 .49145508 .49169922 .49194336 .4E .30468750 .30493164 .30517578 .30541992 .30566406 .30590820 .30615234 .30639648 .30664063 .30688477 .30712891 .30737305 .30761719 .30786133 .30810547 .30834961 .5E .36718750 .36743164 .36767578 .36791992 .36816406 .36840820 .36865234 .36889648 .36914063 .36938477 .36962891 .36987305 .37011719 .37036133 .37060547 .37084961 .6 .42968750 .42993164 .43017578 .43041992 .43066406 .43090820 .43115234 .43139648 .43164063 .43188477 .43212891 .43237305 :43261719 .43286133 .43310547 .43334961 .7E .49218750 .49243164 .49267578 .49291992 .49316406 .49340820 .49365234 .49389648 .49414063 .49438477 .49462891 .49487305 .49511719 .49536133 .49560547 .49584961 4F .30859375 .30883789 .30908203 .30932617 .30957031 .30981445 .31005859 .31030273 .31054688 .31079102 .31103516 .31127930 .31152344 .31176758 .31201172 .31225586 .5F .37109375 .37133789 .37158203 .37182617 .37207031 .37231445 .37255859 .37280273 .37304688 :37329102 .37353516 .37377930 .37402344 .37426758 .37451172 .37475586 .6F .43359375 .43383789 .43408203 .43432617 .43457031 .43481445 .43505859 .43530273 .42554688 .43579102 .43603516 .43627930 .43652344 .43676758 .43701172 .43725586 .7F .49609375 .49633789 .49658203 .49682617 .49707031 .49731445 .49755859 .49780273 .49804688 .49829102 .49853516 .49877930 .49902344 .49926758 .49951172 .49975586 Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Information (cont'd) .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .DOC .000 .OOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .OOB .DOC .000 .OOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .OOB .DOC .000 .OOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .008 .DOC .000 .OOE .OOF .80 .50000000 .50024414 .50048828 .50073242 .50097656 .50122070 .50146484 .50170898 .50195313 .50219727 .50244141 .50268555 .50292969 .50317383 .50341797 .50366211 .90 .56250000 .56274414 .56298828 .56323242 .56347656 ;56372070 .56396484 .56420898 .56445313 .56469727 .56494141 .56518555 .56542969 .56567383 .56591797 .56616211 .AO .62500000 .62524414 .62548828 .62573242 .62597656 .62622070 .62646484 .62670898 .62695313 .62719727 .62744141 .62768555 .62792969 .62817383 .62841797 .62866211 .BO .68750000 .68774414 .68798828 .68823242 .68847656 .68872070 .68896484 .68920898 .68945313 .68969727 .68994141 .69Q18555 .69Q42969 .69Q67383 .69Q91797 .69116211 81 .50390625 .50415039 .50439453 .50463867 .50488281 .50512695 .50537109 .50561523 .50585938 .50610352 .50634766 .50659180 .50683594 .50708008 .50732422 .50756836 .91 .56640625 .56665039 .56689453 .56713867 .56738281 .56762695 .56787109 .56811523 .56835938 .56860352 .56884766 . 569Q91 80 .56933594 .56958008 .56982422 . 57D06836 .AI .62890625 .62915039 .62939453 .62963867 .62988281 .63012695 .63037109 .63061523 .63085938 .63110352 .63134766 .63159180 .63183594 .63208008 .63232422 .63256836 .BI .69140625 .69165039 .69189453 .69213867 .69238281 .69262695 .69287109 .69311523 .69335938 .69360352 .69384766 .69409180 .69433594 .694SB008 .69482422 .69506836 .82 .50781250 .50805664 .50830078 .50854492 .50878906 .509Q332O .5092m4 .50952148 .50976563 .51000977 .51025391 .51049805 .51074219 .51098633 .51123047 .51147461 .92 .57031250 .57055664 .57080078 .57104492 .57128906 .57153320 .57177734 .57202148 .57226563 .57250977 .57275391 .57299805 .57324219 .57348633 .57373047 .57397461 .A2 .63281250 .63305664 .63330078 .63354492 .63378906 .63403320 .63427734 .63452148 .63476563 .63500977 .63525391 .63549805 .63574219 .63598633 .63623047 .63647461 .B2 .69531250 .69555664 .69580078 .69604492 .69628906 .69653320 .69677734 .69702148 .69726563 .69750977 .69775391 .69799B05 .69824219 .69848633 .69873047 .69897461 .R3 ~R' .51171875 .51196289 .51220703 .51245117 .51269531 .51293945 .51318359 .51342m .51367188 .51391602 .51416016 .51440430 .51464844 .51489258 .51513672 .51538086 .93 .57421875 .57446289 .57470703 .57495117 .57519531 .57543945 .57568359 • 57592m .57617188 .57641602 .57666016 .57690430 .57714844 .5m9258 .57763672 .57788086 .A3 .63671875 .63696289 .63720703 .63745117 .63769531 .63793945 .63818359 .63842m .63867188 .63891602 .63916016 .63940430 .63964844 .63989258 .64013672 .64038086 .83 .69921875 .69946289 .69970703 .69995117 .70019531 .70043945 .7006B359 .70092773 .70117188 .70141602 .70166016 .70I9Q430 .70214844 .70239258 .70263672 .70288086 .51562500 .51586914 .51611328 .51635742 .51660156 .51684570 .51708984 .51733398 .51757813 .51782227 .51806641 .51831055 .51855469 .51879883 .51904297 .51928711 .94 .57812500 .57836914 .57861328 .57885742 .57910156 .57934570 .57958984 .57983398 .58007813 .58032227 .58056641 .58081055 .58105469 .58129883 .58154297 .58178711 .A4 .64062500 .64086914 .6411 1328 .64135742 .64160156 .64184570 .64208984 .64233398 .64257818 .64282227 .64306641 .64331055 .64355469 .64379883 .64404297 .64428711 .B4 .70312500 .70336914 .70361328 .70385742 .70410156 .70434570 .70458984 .70483398 .70507813 .70532227 .70556641 .70581055 .70605469 .70629883 .70654297 .70678711 .85 .51953125 .51977539 .52001953 .52026367 .52050781 .52075195 .52099609 .52124023 .52148438 .52172852 .52197266 .52221680 .52246094 .52270508 .52294922 ~~;7.1 93" .95 .58203125 .58227539 .58251953 .58276367 .58300781 .58325195 .58349609 .58374023 .58398438 .58422852 .58447266 .58471680 .58496094 .58520508 .58544922 .58569336 .A5 .64453125 .64477539 .64501953 .64526367 .64550781 .64575195 .64599609 .64624023 .64648438 .64672852 .64697266 .64721680 .64746094 .64770508 .64794922 648' 9336 .B5 .70703125 .70727539 .70751953 .70776367 ;70800781 .70825195 .70849609 .70B74023 .70898438 .70922852 .70947266 .70971680 .70996094 .71020508 .71044922 .71069336 .86 .52343750 .52368164 .52392578 .52416992 .52441406 .52465820 .5249Q234 .52514648 .52539063 .52563477 .52587891 .52612305 .52636719 .52661133 .52685547 .52709961 .96 .58593750. .58618164 .58642578 .58666992 .58691406 .58715820 .58740234 .58764648 .58789063 .58813477 .58837891 .58862305 .58886719 .58911 133 .58935547 .58959961 .A6 .64843750 .64868164 .64892578 .64916992 .64941406 .64965820 .64990234 .65014648 .65039063 .65063477 .65087891 .65112305 .65136719 .65161133 .65185547 65209961 .86 .71093750 .71118164 .71142578 .71166992 .71191406 .71215820 .71240234 .71264648 .71289063 .71313477 .71337891 .71362305 .71386719 .71411133 .71435547 .71459961 .87 .52734375 .52758789 .52783203 .52807617 .52832031 .52856445 .52880859 .52905273 .52929688 .52954102 .52978516 .53002930 .53027344 .53051758 .53076172 .53100586 .97 .58984375 .59008789 .59033203 .59057617 .59082031 .59106445 .59130859 .59155273 .59179688 .59204102 .59228516 .59252930 • 592m44 .59301758 .59326172 .59350586 .A7 .65234375 .65258789 .65283203 .65307617 .65332031 .65356445 .65000859 .65405273 .65429688 .65454102 .65478516 .65502930 .65527344 .65551758 .65576172 6S600586 .B7 .71484375 .71508780 .71533203 .71557617 .71582031 .7160644S .71630859 .71655273 .71679688 .71704102 .71728516 .71752930 .71777344 .71801758 .71826172 .71850586 .88 .53125000 .53149414 .53173828 .53198242 .53222656 .53247070 .53271484 .53295898 .53320313 .53344727 .53369141 .53393555 .53417969 .53442383 .53466797 .53491211 .9B .59375000 .59399414 .59423828 .59448242 .59472656 .59497070 .59521484 .59545898 .59570313 .59594727 .59619141 .59643555 .59667969 .59692383 .59716797 .59741211 .A8 .65625000 .656-t9414 .65673828 .65698242 .65722656 .65747070 .65771484 .65795898 .65820313 .65844727 .65869141 .65893555 .65917969 .65942383 .65966797 .65991211 .BB .7IB75000 .71899414 .71923828 .71948242 .71972656 .71997070 .7202'484 .72045898 .72070313 .72094727 •72119141 .22143555 .72167969 .72192383 .72216797 .72241211 .89 .53515625 .53540039 .53564453 .53588867 .53613281 .53637695 .53662109 .53686523 .53710938 .53735352 .53759766 .53784180 .53808594 .53833008 .53857422 .53881836 .99 .59765625 .59790039 .59814453 .59838867 .59863281 .59887695 .59912109 .59936523 .59960938 .59985352 .60009766 .60034180 .60058594 .60083008 .60107422 .60131836 .A .66015625 .66040039 .66064453 .66088867 .66113281 .66137695 .66162109 .66186523 .66210938 .66235352 .66259766 .66284180 .66308594 .66333008 .66357422 .66381836 .BY :~=~ .72314453 .72338867 .72363281 .72387695 .72412109 .72436523 .72460938 .72485352 .72509766 .72534180 .72558594 .72583008 .72607422 .72631836 .8A .53906250 .53930664 .53955078 .53979492 .54003906 .5402B320 .54052734 .54077148 .54101563 .54125977 .54150391 .54174805 .54lmI9 .54223633 .54248047 .54272461 .9A .60156250 .60180664 .60205078 .60229492 .60253906 .60278320 .60302734 .60327148 .60351563 .60375977 .60400391 .60424805 .60449219 .60473633 .60498047 .60522461 .AA .66406250 .66430664 .66455078 .66479492 .66503906 .66528320 .66552734 .66577148 .66601563 .66625977 .66650391 .66674805 .66699219 .66723633 .66748047 .66772461 .SA •72656250 .72680664 .72705078 .72729492 .72753906 .72778320 .72802734 .72827148 .72851563 .72875977 .72900391 .72924805 .72949219 .72973633 • 7299B047 .73022461 .8B .54296875 .54321289 .54345703 .54370117 .54394531 .54418945 .54443359 • 54467m .54492188 .54516602 .54541016 .54565430 .54589844 .54614258 .54638672 .54663086 .98 .60546875 .60571289 .60595703 .60620117 .60644531 .60668945 .60693359 .60717m .60742188 .60766602 .60791016 .60815430 .60839844 .60864258 .60888672 .60913086 B .66796875 .66821289 .66845708 .66870117 .66894531 .66918945 .66943359 .66967773 .66992188 .67016602 .67041016 .67065430 .67089844 .67114258 .67138672 .67163086 .BB .73046875 .73071289 .73095703 .73120117 .73144531 .73168945 .73193359 .73217773 .73242188 .73266602 .73291016 .73315430 .73339844 .73364258 .73388672 .73413086 8C .54687500 .54711914 .54736328 .54760742 .54785156 .54809570 .54833984 .. 54858398 .54882813 -'.:S49Q7227 .54931641 .54956055 .54980469 .55004883 .55029297 .55053711 .9C .60937500 .60961914 .60986328 .61010742 .61035156 .61059570 .61083984 .61108398 .61132813 .61157227 .61181641 .61206055 .61230469 .61254883 .61279297 .61303711 .AC .67187500 .67211914 .67236328 .67260742 .67285156 .67309570 .67333984 .67358398 .67382813 .67407227 .67431641 .67456055 .67480469 .67504883 .67529297 .67553711 .8C .73437500 .73461914 .73486328 .73510742 .73535156 .73559570 .73583984 .736OB398 .73632813 .73657227 .73681641 .73706055 .73730469 .73754883 .73779297 .73803711 80 .55078125 .55102539 ;55126953 .55151367 .55175781 .55200195 .55224609 • 55249Q23 .55273438 .55297852 .55322266 .553466BO .55371094 .55395508 .55419922 .55444336 .90 .61328125 .61352539 .61376953 .61401367 .61425781 .61450195 .61474609 .61499023 .61523438 .61547852 .61572266 .61596680 .61621094 .6164S508 .41669922 .61694336 .AD .67578125 .67602539 .67626953 .6765'1367 .67675781 .67700195 .67724609 .67749023 .67773438 .67797852 .67822266 .67846680 .67871094 .67895508 .67919922 .67944336 .B .73828125 .73852539 .73876953 • 739Q1367 .73925781 .73950195 .73973609 .73999023 .74023438 .74047852 .74072266 . .74096680 .74121094 .74145508 .74169922 .74194336 .8E .55468750 .55493164 .55517578 .55541992 .55566406 • 5559Q82O .55615234 .55639648 .55664063 .55688477 .55712891 .55737305 .55761719 .55786133 .55810547 .55834961 .9E .61718750 .61743164 .61767578 .61791992 .61816406 .61840820 .61865234 .61889648 .61914063 ,61938477 .61962891 .61987305 .62011719 .62036133 .62060547 .62084961 .A .67968750 .67993164 .68017578 .68041992 .68066406 .6B09Q82O .68115234 .68139648 .68164063 .68188477 .68212891 .68237305 .68261719 .68286133 .68310547 .68334961 .8F .55859375 .55883789 • 559Q8203 .55932617 .55957031 .55981445 .S6005859 .56030273 .56054688 .56079102 .56103516 .56127930 .56152344 .56176758 .56201172 .56225586 .9F .62109375 .62133789 .62158203 .62182617 .62207031 .62231445 .62255859 .62280273 .62304688 .62329102 .62343516 .62377930 .62402344 .62426758 .62451172 .62475586 .AF .68359375 .68383789 .68408203 .68432617 .68457031 .68481445 .68505859 .68530273 .68554688 .68579102 .68603516 .68627930 .68652344 .68676758 .68701172 .68725586 .74218750 • .74243164 .74267578 .74291992 .74316406 .74340820 .74365234 .74389648 .74414063 .74438477 .74462891 .74487305 .74511719 .74536133 .74560547 .74584961 .74609375 .74633789 .74658203 .74682617 .74707031 .74731445 .74755859 .74780273 .74804688 .74829102 .74853516 .74877930 • 749Q2344 .74926758 .74951172 .74975586 S.eclion I: General [nfonnalion 1·65 Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Information (cont'd) .CO .7SOOOOOO .75024414 .75048828 .75073242 .75097656 .75122070 .75146484 .75170898 .75195313 .75219727 .75244141 .75268555 .75292969 .75317383 .75341797 .75366211 .812SODOO .81274414 .81298828 .81323242 .813017656 I .81372070 .8139648' .81420898 .81445313 .81469727 .81494141 .81518555 .81542969 .81567383 .81591797 .81616211 .CI .75390625 .75415039 .75439453 .75463867 .75488281 .75512695 .75537109 .75561523 .75585938 .75610352 .75634766 .75659180 .75683594 .75708008 .75732422 .75756836 .01 .81640625 .81665039 .81689453 .81713867 .81738281 .81762695 .81787109 .81811523 .81835938 .81860352 .81884766 .81909180 .81933594 .819SBDOB .81982422 .82006836 .C2 ,C3 .75781250 .76171875 .76196289 .7580566' .75830078 .76220703 .75854492 .76245117 .75878906 .76269531 .75903320 .76293945 . 7592m4 .76318359 .75952148 .76342773 .75976563 .76367188 .76000977 .76391602' .76025391 .76416016 .76049805 .76«0430 .76074219 .76464844 .7609B633 .76489258 .76123047 .76513672.. .76147461 .76S380B6 .02 .03 .820312.50 .82421875 .82055664 .82«6289 .82080078 .82470703 .82104492 .82495117 .82128906 .82519531 .82153320 .82543945 .82177734 .82568359 .82202148 .82592773 .82226563 .82617188 .82250977 .82641602 .82275391 • 82666016 .82299805 .82690430 .82324219 .82714844 .82348633 .82739258 .82373047 .82763672 .82397461 ••• 827BBD86 :000 r.87300000 .001' .87524414 .002 .87548828 .003 1.87573242 .004 .87597656 .005 .87622070 .006 .87646484 .007 .87670898 'DOS .87695313 .009 .87719727 .OOA .87744141 .OOB .87768555 .OOC .87792969 .000 .87817383 .OOE .87841797 ,-OOF .87866211 .87890625 .87915039 .87939453 .87963867 .87988281 .88012695 .88137109 .88061523 .88085938 .88110352 .8S I 34766 .88159180 .88183594 .882OBOO8 .88232422 .88256836 .88281250 .88305664 .88330078 .88354492 .88378906 .88403320 .88427734 .88452148 .88476563 .88500977 .88525391 .88549805 .88574219 .88598633 .88623047 .88647461 .88671875 .88696289 .88720703 .88745117 .88769531 .88793945 .• 88818359 .88842773 .88867188 .88891602 .88916016 .88940430 .88964844 .88989258 .89013672 .89038086 .94140625 .94165039 .94189453 .94213867 .94238281 • 94262695 .94287109 .94311523 .94335938 .94360352 .94384766 .9«09180 .94433594 .944SB008 .94482422 94506836 .94531250 .94555664 .. 94580078 .94604492 .94628906 .94653320 . .94677734 .94702148 . .94726563 .94750977 .94775391 .94799305 .94824219 .94848633 .94873047 94897461 . 949m75 .94946289 .94970703 .94995117 .9.5019531 .95043945 .95068359 .9S092m .95117188 .95141602 .95166016 .95190430 .95214844 .95239258 .95263672 .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 .OOA .OOB .OOC .000 .OOE .OOF .DO .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .DOS .009 .OOA .008 .OOC .000 .OOE .OOF .000 .001 .002 -'9j;~ .OOF .93774414 .93798828 .93823242 .93847656 .93872070 .93896484 .93920898 .93945313 .93969727 .93994141 .94018555 .94042969 .94067383 .94091797 .94116211 1·66 OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .DOS .009 .OOA .008 .OOC .000 .00£ 95211B0B6 .C4 .76562500 .76586914 .76611328 .76635742 .76660156 .76684570 .767011984 .76733398 .76757813 .76782227 .76806641 .76831055 .76855469 .76879883 .76904297 .76928711 04 .82812500 .82836914 .82861328 .82885742 .82910156 .82934570 .82958984 .82983398 .83007813 .83032227' .83056641 .83081055 .83105469 .83129883 .83154297 .83178711 .89062500 .89086914 .89111328 .89135742 .89160156 .89184570 .89208984 .89233398 .89257813 .89282227 .89306641 .89331055 .89355469 .89379883 .89404297 .89428711 .F4 .95312500 .95336914 .95361328 .95385742 .95410156 .95434570 .95458984 .95483398 .95507813 .95532227 •955S6641 .95581055 .95605469 .95629883 .95654297 .95678711 .e5 .76953125 .76977539 .77001953 .77026367 .77050781 .77075195 .77D99609 .77124023 .77148438 .77172952 .77197266 .77221680 .77246094 .77210508 .77294922 .77319336 .05 .83203125 .83227539 .83251953 .83276367 .83300781 .83325195 .83349609 .83374023 .83398438 .83422852 .83447266 .83471680 .83496094 .83520.508 .83544922 .83569336 • 5 .89453125 .89477539 .89501953 .89526367 .89550781 .89575195 .89599609 .89624023 .89648438 .89672852 .89697266 .89721680 .89746094 .89770508 .89794922 .89819336 .F5 .95703125 .95727539 .95751953 .95776367 .95800781 .• 95825195 .95849609 .95874023 .95898438 .95922852 .95947266 .95971680 .95996094 .96020508 .96044922 .• 96069336 .e6 .m43750 .77368164 .77392578 .77416992 .77441406 .77465820 .77490234 .77514648 .77539063 .77563477 .77587891 .77612305 .77636719 .77661133 .77685547 .77709961 .06 .83593750 .83618164 .83642578 .83666992 .83691406 .83715820 .83740234 .83764648 .83789063 .83813477 .83837891 .83862305 .83886719 .83911133 .83935547 .83959961 .E6 .89843750 .89868164 .89892578 .89916992 .89941406 .89965820 .89990234 .90014648 .90039063 .90063477 .90087891 .90112305 .90136719 .90161133 .90185547 .90209961 .F6 .96093750 .96118164 .96142578 .96166992 .96191406 .96215820 .96240234 .96264648 .96289063 .96313477 .96337891 .96362305 .96386719 .96411133 .96435547 .96459961 .C7 .7m4375 .m58789 .77783203 .77807617 .77832031 .77BS6445 .77BB0859 .77905273 .77929688 .77954102 .77978516 .78002930 .78027344 .78051758 .78076172 .78100586 .07 .83984375 .84008789 .84033203 .84057617 .84082031 .84106445 .84130859 .84155273 .84179688 .84204102 .84228516 .84252930 .84277344 .84301758 .84326172 .84350586 .E7 .90234375 .90258789 .90283203 .90307617 .90332031 .90356445 .90380859 .90405273 .90429688 .904S4102 .90478516 .90502930 .90527344 .90551758 .90576172 .90600586 .F7 .96484375 .96508789 .96533203 .96557617 .96582031 .96606445 .96630859 .96655273 .96679688 .96704102 .96728516 .96752930 .96777344 .96801758 .96826172 .96850586 .C8 .78I2S000 .78149414 .78173828 .78198242 .78222656 .78247070 .78271484 .78295898 .78320313 .78344727 .78369141 .78393555 .78417969 .78442383 .78466797 .78491211 .08 •8437SOOO .84399414 .84423828 .84448242 .84472656 .84497070 .84521484 .84545898 .84570313 .84594727 .84619141 .84643555 .84667969 .84692383 .84716797 .84741211 .E8 .9062S000 .90649414 .90673828 .90698242 .90722656 .90747070 .90771484 .90795898 .90820313 .90844727 .90869141 .90893555 .90917969 .90942383 .90966797 .90991211 .F8 .9687SOOO .96899414 .96923828 .96948242 .96972656 .96997070 .97021484 .9704S898 .97070313 .97094727 .97119141 .97143555 .97167969 .97192383 .97216797 .97241211 .e9 .78515625 .78S40039 .78S64453 .78SB8S67 .78613281 .78637695 .78662109 .78686523 .78710938 .78735352 .78759766 .78784180 .78808594 .78833OOB .78857422 .78881836 .09 •84765625 .84790039 .84814453 .84838867 .84863281 .84887695 .84912109 .84936523 .84960938 .84985352 .8S009766 .85034180 .85058594 .85083DOB .85107422 .85131836 .E9 .91015625 .91040039 .91064453 .91088867 .91113281 .91137695 .91162109 .91186523 .91210938 .91235352 .91259766 .91284180 .91308594 .91333OOB .91357422 .91381836 .F9 .97265625 .97290039 .97314453 .97338867 .97363281 .97387695 .97412109 .97436523 .97460938 .97485352 .97509766 .97534180 .97558594 .97S83008 .97607422 .97~31836 .CA .78906250 .78930664 .78955078 .78979492 .79003906 .79028320 .79052734 .79077148 .79101563 .79125977 .79150391 .79174805 .79199219 .79223633 .79248047 .79272461 .DA .85156250 .85180664 .85205078 .85229492 .85253906 .85278320 .85302734 .85327148 .85351563 .85375977 .8S400391 .85424805 .85449219 .85473633 .85498047 .85522461 .EA .91406250 .91430664 .914SS078 .91479492 .91503906 .91528320 .91552734 .91577148 .91601563 .91625977 .91650391 .91674805 .91699219 .91723633 .91748047 .91772461 .FA .97656250 .97680664 .97705078 .97729492 .97753906 .97778320 .97802734 .97827148 .97851563 .97875977 .97900391 .97924805 .97949219 .97973633 .97998047 .98022461 .CB .79296875 .79321289 .79345703 .79370117 .79394531 .79418945 .79443359 . 79467m .79492188 .79516602 .79541016 .79565430 .79589844 .79614258 .79638672 .79663086 .OB • 85546B75 .85571289 .85595703 .85620117 .85644531 . 8566B945 .85693359 .85717773 .85742188 .85766602 .85791016 . .85815430 .85839844 .85864258 .85888672 .85913086 .EB .91796875 .91821289 .91845703 .91870117 .91B94531 .91918945 .91943359 .91967773 .9199218B •9201 i602 .92041016 .92065430 .92089844 .92114758 .92138672 .92163006 .FB .98046675 .98071289 .98095700 .98120117 .98144531 .9816B945 .98193359 .98217773 .98242188 .98766602 .98291016 .98315430 .98339844 .98364258 . 983Bll6n .98413086 .cc .79687500 .79711914 .79736328 .79760742 .79785156 .79809570 .79833984 .79858398 .79882813 .79907227 .79931641 .79956055 .79980469 .BD004883 .80029297 .80053711 .DC .85937500 .85961914 .85986328 .86010742 .86035156 .86059570 .86083984 .86108398 .86132813 .86157227 .86181641 .86206055 .86230469 •862S4883 .86279297 .86303711 .Ee .92187500 .92211914 .92236328 .92260742 .92285156 .92309570 .92333984 .92358398 .92382813 .92407227 .92431641 .92456055 • 924B0469 .92504883 .92529297 .92553711 .Fe .98437500 .98461914 .98486328 .98510742 .98535156 .98559570 .98583984 .98608398 .98632813 .98657227 .98681641 .98706055 .98730469 .98754883 .98779297 .98803711 .CD .80078125 .80102539 .80126953 .80151367 .80175781 .80200195 .80224609 .80249023 .80273438 .80297852 .80322266 .80346680 .80371094 .80395508 .80419922 .80444336 .00 .86328125 .86352539 .86376953 .86401367 .86425781 .86450195 .86474609 .86499023 .86523438 .86547852 .86572266 .86596680 .86621094 .86645508 .86669922 .86694336 .EO .92578125 .92602539 .92626953 .92651367 .92675781 .92700195 .92724609 .92749023 . 92m438 .92797852 .92822266 .92846680 .92871094 .92895508 .92919922 .92944336 .FO .98828125 .98852539 .98876953 .98901367' .98925781 .98950195 .98974609 .98999023 .99023438 .99047852 .99072266 .99096680 .99121094 .99145508 .99169922 .99194336 .CE .80468750 .80493164 .80517578 ,80541992 .B0S66406 .80590820 .80615234 .80639648 .80664063 .80688477 .80712891 .80737305 .80761719 .80786133 .80810547 .80834961 .DE .86718750 . .86743164 .86767578 .86991992 .86816406 .86840820 .86865234 .86889648 .86914063 .86938477 .86962891 .869873115 .87011719 .87036133 .87060547 .87084961 .EE .92968750 .92993164 .93017578 .93041992 .93066406 .93090820 .93115234 .93139648 .93164063 .93188477 .93212891 .93237305 .93261719 .93286133 .93310547 .93334961 .FE .99218750 .99243164 .99267578 .99291992 .99316406 .99340820 .99365234 .99389648 .99414063 .99438477 .99462891 .99487305 .99511719 .99536133 .99560547 .99584961 .eF .80859375 .80883789 .80908203 .80932617 .80957031 .80981445 .81005859 .81030273 .81054688 .81079102 .81103516 .81127930 .81152344 .81176758 .81201172 .81225586 .DF .87109375 .87133789 .87158203 .87182617 .87207031 .87231445 .87255859 .87280273 .87304688 .87329)02 .87353516 .87377930 .87402344 .87426758 .87451172 .87475586 .EF .93359375 .93383789 .93408203 .93432617 .93457031 .93481445 .93505859 .93530273 .93554688 .93579102 .93603516 .93627930 .93652344 .93676758 .93701172 .93725586 .FF .99609375· .99633789 .99658203 .99682617 .99707031 .99731.445 .99755859 .99780273 .99804688 .99829102 .99853516 .99877930 .99902344 .99926758 .99951172 .99975586 Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) Extended Binary-Coded-Oecimallnterctlange Coda (EBCDIC) The following 256'positlon table, outlined by the heavy black lines, shows the graphic characters and control character representations for EBCDIC. The bit-position numbers, bit patterns, hexadecimal representations and card hole patterns for these and other possible EBCDIC characters are also shown. To find the card hole patterns for most characters, partition the 256-position table into four blocks as follows: Block 1: Zone punches at top of table; digit punches at left Block 2: Zone punches at bottom of table; digit punches at left Block 3: Zone punches at top of table; digit punches at right Block 4: Zone punches at bottom of table; digit punches as right Fifteen positions in the table are exceptions to the abolle arrangement. These positions are indicated by small numbers in the upper right corners of their boxes in the table. The card hole patterns for these positions are gillen at the bottom of the table. Bit·position numbers, bit patterns, and hexadecimal representations for these positions are found in the usual manner. Following are some examples of the use of the EBCDIC chart: Character Type Bit Pattern Hex 00 00 0100 01 10 1100 11 01 1001 10000001 00 11 0000 04 Hole Pattern Zone Punches PF % R a Control Ckoracter Speciol Grapkic Upper Cose Lower Case Contro Uloracter, function not yet ossigned 6C D9 81 30 IDi9it Punches 12 - 9 - 4 0-8-4 11 - 9 12 - 0 - 1 12 - 11 - 0 - 91- 8 - 1 1 Bit Positions 01 234567 Section 1: Generallnform.tion 1-67 Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) (cont'd) EBCDIC Codes E ~ ~ ~ J ~ 00 01 10 11 0 1 2 3 12 ~ 'm "0 j 0 5 6 • 12 is 9 9 9 CD 0 8-1 NUL 0 9 @ @ DS DlE 9 9 ® (0 SP & 1 I SOH DCI SOS 2 2 STX DC2 FS SYN 0011 3 3 ETX TM 0100 • • PF RES BYP 5 5 HT Nl 6 6 l'<: BS 7 00 8 01 9 12 12 12 Del Il 11 11 11 0 0 9 9 0 - @ CD SO 1111 F 8-7 SI e 0 v E N V UC f F 0 W 6 6 ESC EOT 9 , w x G 7 7 q y H P Q X h Y 8 8 I R Z 9 0 i CU3 $ % < IGS ( ACK + ; IUS BEL I -, SUB ) > I 8-3 8-' 8-5 - 8-6 8-7 ? 12 11 12 11 0 0 12 11 11 0 0 No Punches cv 12-0 11-0-9-8-1 011 @ 0-8-2 @O ® 12-11-0 11-0 Control Character Reeresentatiom 1-68 Bypass Cursor Control Carriage Return Customer Use I Customer U!e 2 Customer Use 3 Device Contrail Device Control 2 Device Control 4 Delete Data link acape Digit Select End of Medium Enquiry Il IRS IUS lC LF NAK Nl NUL 12 11 0 9 @ Cancel 12 9 0)12 EOT ESC ETB ETX FF FS HT IFS IGS 9 @ 12-11-9-8-1 Acknowl edge Bell Backspace 5 8-2 12 9 , 5 @' I ~ Cord Hole Patterns ACK BEL BS BY' CAN CC CR CUI CU2 CU3 DCl DC2 DC4 DEL DlE DS EM ENQ 2 RS 0 12-11-0-9-8-1 2 ETB IRS @ 1 S LF 11 CD 12-0-9-8-1 1 K 3 DC' ENQ NAK 9 J B • 12 9 A Digit Pu nches @ 8-1 3 , e Punl;hes / 0 • CU2 CR @ Q.1l U SM 8-6 @ T , EM 8-5 Zoo 0 l CC D I 11 M SMM E 0 D 8-1 1110 11 0 Ani Hexadecimal Digit C 8-2 1101 F t A IFS E u 9 CUI D I 1001 FF C 12 Positions 0,1 Ba Bit Positions 2,3 m 1010 VT B 12 11 0 CAN 8-3 11 d 7 8-4 10 PN 8 B 01 k 7 C 00 j 8 1100 A 11 0 1000 1011 11 10 b 0111 o 0) o 11 I~ 0001 0101 10 11 0 10 01 12 0010 0110 00 11 ~--~- 0000 01 00 .".,-; ... .; ! . ~ 9 12 11 11 0 0 9 9 I Zone Punches @0-1 .@ @ 11-0-9-1 12-11 Seeciol Groehic Characters End of Transmission Escape End of Transmission Block PF PN RES Punch Off Punch On Cent Sign Restore Len-thon Sign Period, Decimal Point / % End of Te}(t RS Reader Stop Form Feed Reid Separator Horizontal Tob SI SM SMM Shift In Plus Sign Set Mode Stort of Manual Logical OR ; Ampersand Exclamation Point £hllar Sign Asterisk Right Parenthesis Semicolon logical NOT @ Interchange File Separator Interchange Group Separator Idle Interchange Recard Separator Interchange Unit Separator Lower Case line Feed Negative Acknowledge New line Null OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest SO SOH SOS S' STX SUB SYN TM UC VT Message Shift Out Start of Heading Start of Significance ) Space Start of Text -, Substitute Synchronous Idle Tope Mark Upper Case Vertical Tab Left POTenlhesis i Minus Sign, Hyphen Slash Comma Percent Underscore Greater~than Sign Question Maf'k Colon Number Sign At Sign Prime, Apostrophe Equal Sign Quotation Mark System 2: System Information Save Area Format 2-2 Trace Table 2-3 .. System/370 Operating System Register Usage 2-4 Linkage Register Conventions 2-5 UeB Sense Information 2-6 . ~ Device Statistics Table 2-16 Device Allocation for New Data Sets 2-19 Completion Code Summary 2-20 Wait State Codes 2-30 System ENQ/DEQ Names 2-32 How to Find 2-33 I Source Publications Additional information about linkage registers' is in OSjVSl Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions, GC24-51 03. You can obtain additional information about the devices referenced from the publication on the theory of operations or operating procedures. Refer to the IBM System/360 and Systemj370 Bibliography, GA22-6822 for a list of these publications. You can obtain additional information about completion codes from OSjVS Message Library: VSl System Codes, GC38-1003. Section 2: System Information 2-1 Save Area Format t Next higher save area o 4 ~t_N_e_x_t_lo_w_e_,_,o_v_e_o_,e_o__________~~_______Re_g_i,_te_,_1_4_______~ 12(C) I Regist., 15 I Contents of ~~ registe" 0-12 20(14) 16(10) Bytes 4-7: Pointer to the next higher level save area or, if this is the highest level save area, zeros, Bytes 8-11(B}: Pointer to the next lower level save area or I if this is the lowest level save area, unused. Bytes 12-15(C-F): Contents of register 14 (optional) Bytes 16-19(10-13): Contents of register 15 (optional) Bytes 20-71 (l4-3F): Contents of registers 0 to 12 2·2 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Trace Table HOW TO USE TRACE TABLE The tracing routine is on optional feature specified during system generation. Inclusion of this routine (and the size of the trace table) is effected by specifying, in the CTRlPROG macro, TRACE= a number greater than zero. The trace routine is disabled when GTF (generalized trace facility) is started and is enabled when GTF is stopped. The trace routine places entries, each of which is associated with a certain type of event, into a trace toble. When the table is filled, the routine overlays old entries with ~ew entries, beginning at the top of the table (the entry having the lowest address). Location X'14' or location X'54' points to pertinent trace table addresses: 3 4 7 8 Current Beginning Table Entry of Trace Table 11 End of Trace Tobie +lByte If X'14' is other than X'OO', the internal troce toble is disabled. {In a stand-alone dump, location XI 14' is overlaid. If its content is desired, it should be displayed prior to taking the dump.) Trace table entries are 18 (decimal) bytes long and represent occurrences of 510, I/O, SVC, and D.SP (task switch) interruptions. The first digit in byte 16 identifies the entry type. 510 Instruction CC/Dev CAW CSW 3x 16 I/o 17 Interruption I/o OLD PSW CSW 12 i I/o 16 :Addr 17 SVC Interruption SYC OLD PSW Reg 0 Reg 1 12 00 16 I~YC No.1 In Hex 17 Task Switch Dispatched PSW NEW TCB iOLDTCBi 12 Section 2: 16 Ix 17 System Information 2-3 Register Usage· How to Find SYSTEM/370 OPERATING SYSTEM REGISTER USAGE General Register Open! Close/EOV 105 o I 2 3 4 @CVT @TCB @RB @SVC 5 6 Work/por Work/par @TCB @RQE @IOB @DEB @DCB Base Unit Addr @WTG 7 @UCB Base Char Work Work Work/Link 9 11 12 13 14 15 @linkor'sRB DCB/ACB Base @WorkArea @Par list 8 10 Fetch, Link, XCTL, Load @Curr Par @CurrWTG @TlOT @UCB @CVT @TCB @SVRB @Work Base Return Branch @linkee's RB @Work @linkee's Name Log Ch Wd @TI Exit link Appn Base Nate: Reg 2 does nat always point to the DCB/ACS for OPEN/CLOSE/EOV. (Work - - register for DADSM and CATALOG.) Symbol 10RGSAV PDSAV PISAV SVCSAV IEAEXSAV Save Seguence 2-9 10-1 10-9 0-15 2-9 ~ 10FLIH 10 FLiH and Ext FLiH PC FLIH SVC FLiH EXT FLiH HOWTQ FIND IORGSAV; location 70 (oddress portion of I/O new PSW) contains the address of I/O FliH. The two-byte ADCON of I~RGSAV is located 16 bytes from the entry point. ~ IORGSAV+20(hex). PISAV: 10RGSAV + 40 (hex). IEAEXSAV: 10RGSAV. SVCSAV: 10RGSAV + 90 (hex), DSPPSW: (Dispatch Resume PSYi) SVCSAV + 40 (hex). TCBSAV: (Registers saved and restored for dispatch in TCB) Saved Reg. 10 through Reg. 9 ;nTC8 + 30 (hex). 2·4 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Linkage Register Conventions Linkage Register Conventions Reg Use a Passes parameters to the control program or the called progrom. Parameter type depends on macro type. 1 Passes parameters or the address of a parameter list to the control progrcm, or passes parameters to the coiled program. Parameter type depends on maCrO type. 2-12 Work regIsters: not Cha'1ged by the control program. 13 Passes the address of the register save area provided by the colling program. 14 Passes the return address to the colling program or the control program. 15 Contoins the entry-point address, the address of a parameter list as the result of using certain macros, or the return code. Section 2: System Information 2·5 UCB Sense Information BYTE 0 ~ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DEYle 1052 eMD REJ lNT REO BUS OUT EO eHK 1287 eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK DATA eHK OVER- eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK DATA eHK aVER- eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK 1288 1403 1442,2501, 2520, 2596 eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT 1419/1275 peu eMD REJ INT REO 1419/1275 seu eMD REJ INT REO eHK 2250 eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT eH 9 PTY ERR TYPE BAR '-- DATA eHK OVERRUN BUS OUT DATA eHK OVER- RUN AUTO SELECT BUS OUT DATA eHK OVERRUN AUTO SELECT DATA eHK DVERRUN EO eHK EO eHK KVBO CORR NON RCVY RUN %~ eHK TYPE BAR 1443 NON RCVY RUN BUFFER RUN- NING 2260 eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK 2305 eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK OATA eHK RUN eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK DATA eHK RUN 2314,2319 OVER- aVER- TRK COND SEEK eHK eHK eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK DATA eHK OVERRUN 2495 eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK DATA eHK SHOULD POSN NOT CHK OCCUR 2540 eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO CHK eHK 2671, 2822 eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK DATA eHK 3210, 3215 eMD REJ INT REO 3211 eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK eHK BUFFER PARITY eHK eMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO eHK DATA eHK OYERRUN 2400 DATA WRD eNT ZERO DATA CNVT eHK SHOULD NOT OCCUR UNUSUAL eMD ~ 3330, 3333 2·6 EO eHK DATA OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest LOAD eHK eH 9 uce Sense Information (cont'd) 8YTE 0 ~T DEVICE 0 1 CMD REJ INT REQ 8US OUT EQ CHK 3340 CMD REJ INT REQ 8US OUT 3410, 3411 CMD REJ INT REQ 3330-1 2 3 4 5 DATA CHK OVERRUN EQ CHK DATA CHK OVERRUN 8US OUT EQ CHK DATA CHK OVERRUN 6 7 TRK COND ·CHK seEK CHK WRD CNT ZERO eMD INT BUS EQ DATA OVER- WORD DATA REJ REQ OUT CHK CHK RUN COUNT ZERO eNVT CHK 3505, 3525 CMD REJ INT REQ 8US OUT EQ CHK DATA CHK 3B8~ CMD REJ INT REQ 8US OUT EQ CHK 3890 CMD REJ lNT REQ 8US OUT EQ CHK 3420, 3803 A8N PERM FORMAT ERR RESET (8YPASS KEy) DATA CHK NON INIT RCP ERR NON INIT RUNNING 6 7 BYTE I ~ 0 1 2 TAPE LATE STKR SELECT NO DOC END OF PAGE NO DOC FOUND FLO 7 VALID DOC UNOER WHO 3 4 5 DEVICE 1287 MODE 1288 1419/1275 SCU 2250 FlD6 VALID INVAL OP FOUND LIGHT PEN DETECT END ORDER SEQ 2305 PERM ERR INVLD END TRK OF FORMAT CYL 2314, 2319 DATA CHK IN COUNT TRK OVERFLOW i--INVAL OP AMT FLO VALID PRO ACCT' VALID FLO VALID en FLO TRANSIT SER' FLO FLO VALID VALID CHAR MODE 2260 r--- END OF CYL INVAL SEQ NO REC FOUND FILE PROT NO REC FOUND FILE PROT OPERAllON INC SERVICE OVERRUN Section 2: System Information OVERFLOW INL 2·7 UCB Sense Information (cant'd) BYTE I ~ 2 I 0 3 4 , 5 6 7 FILE PROT TAPE DEVICE 2400 NOISE 3211 CMD RETRY OO-NON-XST TU 7 TRK Ol-NOT READY Io-RDY & NO RWD ll-RDY & RWDING AT LOAD POINT WRT STATUS PRINT FORMS CHK CMO SUP PRINT CHK LINE QUALITY POS IND MECHAN- ICAL MOTION 3330, 3333 3330-1 PEIIM ERR INVLO END TRK OF FOIlMAT CYL PEIIM ERR INVLO TRK PEIIM ERR 3340 3410,3411 3420, 2803 3SD5, 3525 NOISE NOISE PEIIM ERR I 3886 STATE VAR PRES NO REC FOUND FILE PROT WRITE INHIBIT OPER- NO REC filE WRITE INHIBIT OPERAllON INC OPER- INL END OF FORMAT CYL FOUND INVLD END TRK OF FORMAT CYL NO REC FOUND FILE PROT WRITE INHIBIT AT LOAD POINT WRT STAT FILE PROT AT LOAD POINT WRT STAT TV TV STAT A STAT B TU STAT A TU STAT B AUTO RETRY MOTION RETRY· MAL AFTER INTREQ COMP MARK CHECK INVLO FOIlMAT 7 TRK AllON PROT AllON INC NOT CAPA- BLE FILE PROT NOT CAPA- BLE INCQMP NON SCAN RECOV- OUTBOARD ERY BYTE 2 ~ 0 I DEVIC 2 2250 3 I 4 I 5 6 I 7 BUFfER ADDRESS REGISTER BIT IS BIT 14 2260 BIT 15 23D5 BUF LOG FULL 2314, 2319 UNSAFE 2400 I I BIT 13- f BIT 12 r BIT 11 I BIT BIT 14 I BUFFER ADDRESS REGISTER BIT 13 BIT 12 BIT 11 SERf OESER I TAG LINE T T 10 -, BIT 9 J BIT 10 l'IT 9 CORRECTABLE I ALIJ CHK I UNSEL STATUS BITS 0-7 INDICATE A TRACK IS IN ERROR 6 & 7 INDICATE NO ERROR OR MULTI-ERROR 3211 CARR FAILED TO MOVE 2-8 CARR SEQ CARR STOP 1 FAILED PLATE~I PLATENI JAM FORMS FAILED OS/VSl Programmer'. Reference Digest RIBBON "I :RAIN MOTION OVERLOAD UCB Sense Information (cont'd) BYTE 2 ~T 0 1 3 2 5 4 6 7 DEVICE 3330,3333 3330-1 CQR- ENY RECTABLE DATA COR- ENY OATA PRESENT PRESENT RECTABLE 3340 -- RPS FEA- RECT- ENY DATA TURE ABLE PRESENT COR- MODULE MODULE SIZE 3410, 3411 TRACK IN ERROR lilTS 3420, 3803 TRACK IN ERROR BITS SIZE USED FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES ONLY 3505, 3525 BYTE 3 ~ 0 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 DEVICE 2250,2260 Bit 8 1 Bit 7 BUFFER ADDRESS REGISTER -,Sif4 Bit 3 I Bil6 I Bit 5 23D5 2314 BUSY ON UNSAFE LINE 2319 2400 WR CUR CFN eRC BIT I eRC lRC BIT 0 BIT 2 BIT 3 R/W LiteR SKEW C.C eRC YRC 3211 I I Bit 2 IBitl RESTART COMMAND UCSB PlB PARITY PARITY FCB PARITY COil PROT CHK PACK END M-MODE SEEK CHNG OF SE INC SKEW REO 0-1600 1-800 BKWD STATUS COMPARE HAM- FIELD ENG USCAR SYNC CHK SEP SYNC CHK MER FIRE cYe ~ 3330, 3333 RESTART COMMAND 3330-1 RESTART COMMAND RESTART COMMAND 3340 3410,3411 R/W YRC MTE/ LReR SKEW END DATA ENY CHK eHK/eRC 3420,3803 R/W YRC 3505, 3525 MTE/ lRC SKEW END 1600 BKWD BPI IN TU VRC/ DATA ENY CHK/CRC CHK 1600 BKWD BPI COMPARE USED FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES ONLY . Section 2: System Information 2·9 UCB Sense Information (cont'd) SYTE 4 ~T DEVICE 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 2250, -2260 2305 2314 PHYSICAL DRIVE 2319 SEQ INO 1 SEQ INO 2 SEQ INO 3 SEQ INO 4 SEQ INO 5 SEQ INC 6 SEQ INO 7 ECHO RES TAPE UNIT READ CLOCK ERR WRITE CLOCK ERR DELAY SEQ CNTR INoe SEQ INO 6 SEQ INOA TU CHK SPARE ERR 2400 10 SEQ INO 0 3211 3330, 3333 PHYSICAL DRIVE IDENTIFICATION 3330-1 PHYSICAL DRIVE IDENTIFICATiON PHYSICAL DRIVE IDENTIFICATION 3340 3410,3411 TU POSIT CHK REJ TAPE UNIT 3420,3803 ALU HOWR ERROR UNIT TAPE INDICATE WRITE TRGGR VRC 0 I 2 3 REJ TAPE CIAG TRK CHK EOT MICRO- PGMDEr ERROR LWR ERROR TAPE UNIT CHK 5 6 RES RPQ BYTE 5 ~ 4 7 DEVICE 2250, 2260 CYLINDER ADDRESS 2305 COMMAND IN PROGRESS WHEN OVERFLOW INCOMPLETE OCCURS 2314 2319 COMMAND IN PROGRESS WHEN OVERflOW INCOMPLETE OCCURS OR ZERO 2400 3211 3330,3333 CYLINDER ADDRESS 3330-1 CYLINDER ADDRESS CYLINDER ADDRESS 3340 3410,3411 3420, 3803 2-10 NEW NEW SUBSYSTEM SUBSYSTEM NEW SUS- NEW SUB- SYSTEM SYSTEM WRT TM CHK WRT TM CHK PE 10 PRTY BURST COMP PE 10 BURST START READ CHK OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest TACH CHK PARTIAL RECORD FALSE END MARK RPQ XCESSVE RES PSTAMBL RPQ OR TM UCB Sense InfQrmQ~iQn.l!;ont·dl. ~ 0 BVTE6 I 2 CVl HIGH DIFFER HIGH 3 I 4 DEVICE REVERSE CVl 512 3330-1 3340 REVERSE 3410,3411 3420, 3803 I 6 I 7 CURRENT HEAD ADDRESS 2305 3330, 3333 5 7 TRK Ii HEAD ADDRESS HEAD ADDRESS CVl 256 CYl HIGH DIFFER SHRT DUAL GAP DENSITY DENSITY WRT DUAL HEAD ADDRESS HIGH ALT NRZI TAPE UNIT MODEL TAPE UNIT MODEL DEFINED BYTE 7 ~ 0 I 2 3 4 5 DEVICE I 6 I 7 . ENCODED ERROR MESSAGE 2305 3330,3333 3330-1 3340 FORMAT OF REMAINING SENSE BVTES (8-23) ENCODED ERROR MESSAGE FORMAi OF REMAINING 5ENSE 8YTES (8-23) ENCODED ERROR MESSAGE FORMAT OF REMAINING SENSE BVTES (8-23) ENCODED ERROR MESSAGE 3410, 3411 lAMP CHK lEFT COL CHK RT COL CHK 3420, 3803 lAMP FAIL TAPE RESET TAPE BOTTOM BOTTOM KEV lEFT RIGHT RESET KEY DATA SEC ERASE DATA SCRTY ERASE ERASE HEAD FAILED i i AIR BRNG lOAO FAIL PRESS BYTE 8 ~ 0 I 2 3 4 5 END Vel CHK RO OK DATA NOT DET START Vel CHK EARLY SLOW 7 6 DEVICE WRT FEED THRU CHK 3410,3411 3420, 3803 IRG DROP INWRT FEED THRU CHK SDR CNTR EARLY 8GN RD BK CHK MARGINAl VElOC SLOW END RD BONKO ENORD BK CHK BKCHK BK CHK VEla RETRV/ RESTRT Section 2: System Infonn.tion 2-11 UCB Sense Information (cont'd) BYTE 9 ~ 0 I 2 DEVICE 3420,3803 JOR VLCTY CNTR CHNG ONWRT I 4 3 I 5 I 7 6 TAPE SOR COUNTERS en RESD BYTE 10 ~ 0 I 2 3 4 5 7 6 DEVICE 3420, 3803 CMD STATUS REJ CNTRL STATUS REJ NO BLK WTM ON Reo NOT RD BKCK DETECT TACH START FAil VElO- CITY CHK BYTE 11 ~ 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 DEVICE 3420, 3803 B BUS LO ROS/ HIIC PARITY ALU 1 LO Ie PARITY MCPGM BR COND DEl HDWR /HI ROS ERR 2-12 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest D BUS BR PARITY AlU 1 COND ALU 1 UCB Sense Information (cont'd) Byte 12 '~E BIT DEVI E"", 0 I a BUS 3420, 3803 PAR ERR ALU 2 2 3 5 4 7 6 o BUS LO 'os; LO IC HIIC MCPGM B~HI ON BR ROS REG DETECT PARITY HDWR ERR ALU 2 BR COND ALU 2 Byte 13 ~ I, BIT DEVle'E"", 3420, 3803 0 2 I I 3 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 7 CONTROL UNIT UNIQUE ID - HIGH ORDER CONTROL UNIT DENSITY Byte 14 ~,BlT DEVICE"", 3420, 3803 0 I , I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I I 4 I 5 I 6 I7 CONTROL UNIT UNIQUE JD - lOW ORDER Byte 15 ~I BIT DEVI E"", 3420, 3803 o I , I 2 I 3 TAPE UNIT UNIQUE 10HIGH ORDER Se.cliP}lZ: Sys.tetTJ. Infonnation -2-13 UCB Sense Information (cont'd) Byte 16 ~ BIT DEVICE"", I 0 l' I 2 I 3 3420, TAPE UNIT UNIQUE tD- 3803 lOW ORDER I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 Byte 17 ~~ BIT DEVI E"" 1 0 2 CHAN 3420, 3B03 I 2 I 3 EC lEVEL OF TAPE CONTROL UNIT CONTROL UNIT .SV'{TCH WITH DEVICE SWITCH FEATURES Dyte 18 ~EBIT DEVI E""" 1 0 I 2 I 3 4 5 I 6 I 7 I 5 I 6 I 7 I iU 2 I 3420, POWR EC LEVEL OF 3803 CHK/ TAPE UNIT AIRFLO Byte 19 ~ BIT DEVICE"" 0 3420, 3803 2-14 TU 7 I I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I TU3 PRIMED FOR DEVICE END TU6 I TU5 I TU4 OSjVS 1 Programmer's Reference Digest ITUllTUO ueB Sense Information (cont'dt TU 8 Byte 21 ~,81T DEViCE ............. 3420, 380J 2 1 0 lEFT BUTTON REEL DEPRESS TRNG 3 mGHT REEL TRNG LOAD PRESENT 6 5 4 TAPE REELS LOADED 7 LOAD LOAD REWIND COMPlETE lOAD CHK . Byt 22 ~,BIT DEViCE........... 0 3420, 380J I I I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 FRU I DENTI FI ERS FOR ALU 1 Byt.23 ~,"T DEVICE, 3420, 3803 0 I I I 2 I 3 FRU IDENTIFIERS FOR ALU 2 Section 2: System Information 2-15 Device Statistics Table The device statistics table contains counters thot are used to keep trock of the number of times error conditions hove occurred on I/O devices. It is used by IBM-supplied error routines and the statistical data records (SDR) of SER. This table is created at system generation and resides in the fixed nucleus. It contains a ten byte control field, used in locating entries to be updated, at the beginning of the table and, with the exceptions noted below, one ten byte entry for each I/o device in a system. The devices UCB points to the entry. The exceptions are: 2305 Modell and 2 - one common ten byte entry is pointed to by each UCB in a bank. 2314 - A 2314 is considered to be nine devices. Therefore, one common 90byte entry is pointed to by each 2314 VCB in a bank. 2400 tape drives - the entry is 20 bytes if and only jf DDR (dynamic device reconfiguration) and a 3400 tape drive are in the system. 3330 - one ten byte dummy entry is pointed to by a II 3330 UCBs ·in a bank. 3340 - One ten byte dummy entry is pointed to by all UCBs in a bank. 3410,3420 tape drives - entry is 20 bytes long; bit 3 in UCBFL5 is on in its UCB. 3886 entry is 30 bytes Ions; bit 3 in UCBFL5 is on in its UCB. The UeB pointers in the control field are used to determine the section of the table in which the desired entry is located. If the desired entry is in other than section 1, a multiple of 256 (256 for section 2, 512 for section 3, etc.) is added to the STATAB index in the uce. This is then multiplied by ten and added to the starting address of the statistics table to give the address of the proper entry. 'Nhen the desired entry is in section I, the STATAB index itself is multiplied by ten and added to the address of the statistics table. For the 2314, the low-order four bits of the fifth sense byte are also added to the STATAB index to get the correct entry. t UCB 256 It UCB 512 It UCB 768 I Re,e~ed 7FFF Control Field Entry for UCB 1 1 Entry for uea 2 Entry. for uce 3 i Entry for UCBry Device Statistics Table Entries 2314 Devices I. 0(0) 1(1) 2(2) Temporary Temporary Read Write Failures I Failures I 4(4) Unsafe Bus-Out Check 2·16 6(6) Contml Arithmetic Senal.1zc: r/ Unit Logical DescrtalJzer Tag Line Unit 9(9) Work Area I I Overrun I 1 5(5). I 8(8) ~~~i~~ent 1 Wark Area OS{VSI Programmer·s Reference Digest I I 3(3) I Track Condition Check I 7(7) Missing Address Marker S I ! k C~:ck Device Statistics Table (cent'd) Unit Record Devices. I 1(1) 0(0) Temporary I!emporary Read I~rite Failures (ailures 'Bus-Out I~heck I 5(5) 4(4) 2(2) 1 3(3) I Equipment Overrun Device Device Check Dependent Dependen (Sense I (Sense Byte 6) Byte 7) I I 6(6) 7(7) 9(9) 8(8) Work Areo Work Area 2400 Series and 3400 Magnetic Tape Devices J 0(0) I 1(1) Temporary ITemporary Intervention Read ,';'rite Required Failures IFailures I I 4(4) Read/ llongitudi_ 5(5) Skew I I ICyclic 6(6) Skew Reg. l~edundan-Vert.Red. Write Vertkl:nal RedunRed.Check dancy Check 8(8) 2(2) 1 Bus-Out Equipment Overrun Check Check cy Check Check I I Noise 3 (3) Word Count Zero ~~!d Opposite Recovery I I~a·ta Converter ICheck I I Channel Data Check 9(9) Work Area Work Area Devices Attached to 2820 Control Units ,I; 1(1) 0(0) Temporary Temporory Read Write Failures IFailures 4(4) I Bus-Out I Cheok 5(5) 6(6) No Record Found Track Overrun 8(8) 2(2) .1 Equipment Check I I 3(3) Track Condition Check I I 7(7) 1 9(9) Work Area Work Areo Devices Attached to 2841 Control Units .I 1(1) 0(0) Temporcry Temporary Read Write Failures IFailures I 4(4) Unsafe I I Bus-Out Check I ,I, 5(5) Serializer/ Control Deserial~nit Tog izer line I 9(9) 8(8) Work Area :I. 3(3) 2(2) Equipment Overrun Track -. Check Condition Check I ~~~!hmetic I Logical Unit I 7(7) Mining Address Marker I I Seek Check I I Work Area Section 2: System lnfonnation 2 -17 Device Statistics Table (cont'd) 3410 Series Magnetic Tape Devices 1(1) 0(0) 2(2) VRC I,D 3,0 5(5) 4(4) 3(3) Noise MTE/LRCR 3,1 6(6) 7(7) I EDC/CRC Envelope Check Overrun 3,3 3,4 0,5 8(8) 9(9) IO(A) Trock in Error Mask Write 1M Bits 2, 0-7 Check I Skew Spare 3,2 3,7 I I Parity II(B) Tocn Compare Check 5,5 15(F) Spo.e I ;h.ough Check 8,0 8, I 16(10) 5,2 I 5,4 011121314151617 13(D) 14(E) I End No Read- Start Velocity bock Data Iveloclty Spare Check Check 8,2 8,3 8,4 8,5 17(11) 18(12) Not U,ed Not U,ed Not U,ed I Not U,ed Backward 9, I 9,2 9,3 3,6 p~ Ma,k BH I f~ ~xp,ni;o~ 12(C) 1 p I IFeed- I 1I 9,0 1 Spore 4,3 I ~ I Fal,e I Spare 8,6 19(13) End Mark 5,6 I Spo.e 1 8,7 I Tape Unit PositionI ing Check Bus-Out Check 0,2 4,0 3420 Series Magnetic Tape Devices 0(0) 1(1) 2(2) Noise 3(3) 3,0 I,D 4(4) 5(5) Envelope Check,NRC Overrun 3,3 3,4 9(9) Track in Error Mask Sits 2, 0-7 0,5 Mask Bit I 1 12(C) IBG Drop While Writing 8,0 16(10) I Feed- I Thmugh Check 8,1 IVel. p 2·18 C-Compore Trigger 3,2 3,7 II(B) I ~.\~; I Write Skew Start I 5,4 5,5 15(F) I, Slow Begin Slow End I,Reodback Recdback Check Check Check 8,4 18(12) 8,5 8,6 19(13) Bus-Out Not U,ed (ot U,ed Backward Post Amble or Record 8,3 I 1 VRC 4,3 I Excessive Partial Check 8,2 Change Not U,ed I~Udng Write 9,0 9, I I 7(7) ™ Check ~~::k 5,2 011121314151617 13(D) 14(E) IEOrly Begin Early End I~eodbock Reodbock Spo.e 17(11) 3, I I 6(6) mC/CRC ~J E~p~",;onl 8(8) PE MTE/LRCR Read Write VRC Check I™ I 5,6 Velocity I Retry 8,7 I AlU I H"dw"e Error 9,2 9,3 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest. 3,6 0,2 4,0 nonspecific x temporary Old OS Mud Alwoys Use Specific Req Permanently Resident Private Public Storage X X x x x l)VCiI"Ser. 2)Vol==Ref to Another OS' in Job Step or to the Catalog nontemporory x x No Vol Serial is Stated or . Implied Only for New OS x X X X x l)No OS NAME 2)&OSNAME c then ·it can be satisfied with a volume that is: and data set is If request is specific I)Old Data Sets 2)Disp Keep or CATlG 3)Disp==(New, Delete) 4)Add Card That Refen Bade to Any of Thes"e" L_______~________~________L________l Public X X X X Reserved Private Starage X X X X X Nat Available rar Dis mounting until an Unload CMD Is luued. 1) Via PRESRES 2) Via a MOUNT CMD T.hese Volumes Are Never Available for Dismounting by the System. I) Nondismountable (2305) w 2) IPL Vol 3) LlNKLlB, PROCLIB, Removable Private Public X X X X X X (See Note X X X These Volumes Are ot the Disposition of the System. I) e~II~:ser DA (II ~ 0' ~ 0' :::J .~ Z ,~ C :~ JOSQE, page, or SPOOL ~:I~~~RES L________________ 4) !l!(;' ~ ________________~__________~ ~~ .~ Note: This type af request is satisfied by a public removable volume that is mode private. ALLOCATION CHARACTERISTICS A STORAGE volume is: A PRIVATE volume: Designated in PRESRES. A volume for which the mount command has been given with a USE parameter of STORAGE (i.e., MOUNT 131, USE=- Designated in PRESRES. Designated in PRESRES. Requested with the PRIVATE A removable volume that subparameter specified, and the has not been made volume is removable. Was rePRIVATE. quested nanspecifically for a A volume for which nontemporary data set and the the mount command request hod to be satisfied with has been issued with a removable volume. a USE parameter of A volume for which the mount PUBLIC (i.e., MOUNT command has been given with a 131, USE=PU811C). USE parameter of PRIVATE f..e., MOUNT 131, USE=PRIVATE (default». STORAGE), A PUBLIC volume is: Completion Code Summary Completion Operotion of Macro Instruction Code Group BlSAM/ BSAM/ QSAM/ BDAM 001 BSAM,! QSAM/ Q1SAM,I lSAM 002 'SAM,! QSAM,I CHECK, GET, PUT Explanation I/O error; terminate specified or no SVNAD specified. Record is greater thon 32,768 bytes, exceeds maximum trock length or stated block size; block could not be contained in one extent; too mony trocks specified for cylinder overflow; BOW or RDW (SDW) invalid; record to be trClnsferred lorger thon trock capacity. 003 EOB for 3525 3525 o5$Ocioied dato set I/O sequence efror. 00' OPEN for 3525/ 3505 Involid FORMAT cord or invalid device specified with OMRj conflicting or invalid DCB porameter; doto protection image not 005 READ for 3886 Invalid DECS 008 CHECK while creating data set SYNAD returned to CHECK routine, but save area was destroyed. 020 OPEN found in SYS 1 . IMAGE LIB • I BSAM 'DAM "SAM/ QISAM BISAM QISAM 2-20 Invalid DCBMACRF field. Address in DCBSQND field outside task. 025 026 Processing with exclusive control Invalid DCBXARG field or exclusive control status not indicated. 030 OPEN Invalid OCSMACRF field. 032 OPEN Invalid DCBMACRF field. 033 OPEN I/O error in reading highest level index or while reading the last prime data block or in validating last record pointers; address in OCBMSHI field outside task or under incorrect protection key. 036 OPEN No prime area specified. 037 OPEN User supplied buffers too small. 03A CLOSE I/O error writing updated format 2 OSCB. 034 OPEN DCBSMSI field specifies area too small for highest level index; invalid address in OCBMSWA. 035 OPEN DCBSMSW and DCBMSWA field5 specify area too small for one trock. 031 arSAM I/O error; no SYNAD specified. 038 OPEN IndeX area too smell or crosses volumes. 039 Scanning End of doto set; no exit routine address in DCBEODAD field. 03' OPEN ISAM data set to be processed, but not creaw ted or its DCB not closed after creation; invalid DCBRKP field; DCBKEYLE field was zero; OPEN macro not issued for output; BLKSIZE or LRECL specified incorrectly. 03E OPEN No spoce available for resume loading. OSjVSI Programmer's Reference Digest Completion Code. Summary (cont'd) Group Completion Operation or Code Macro Instruction Explanation BDAM/ BISAM/ QISAM 030 OPEN Missing format 2 OSCB, or serial numbers for SER in DO not in order or not all present. TCAM 040 OPEN Error in opening a TeAM line group data set. 041 OPEN Error in opening a TeAM message queues data set. 042 Processing Error in running a TeAM MCP with the telecommunication on-line test executjve. 043 OPEN Error in opening a TeAM application program data set. 044 Processing Error in processing the FE Common Write subtosk. 045 Message Control Program (Me P) I/O error or logical reod error. 046 CLOSE TeAM MCP is scheduled to be terminated, application program doto set is active. Completion code is for the application program dato set. Graphics access method 056 Graphics attention service routine ANALYZ or G5ER,V specified DCB, which pointed to DEB, which painted to invalid (GAM) 057 Graphics attention service routine ANALYZ or GSERV specified DC8, which pointed to DEB, which pointed to UCB for other than graphics device. 061 CLOSE CLOSE issued DAR for GACB that was not' specified (via SPAR) for the closing task. 062 Graphics Subroutin Package (GSP) for Return code equal to or greater than absolute value of null argument produced. UCB. FORTRAN IV, COBOL, and PL/I 063 BTAM 2250 operator pressed alphameric keyboard CANCEL key and selected DUMP or TERMINATE option to terminate program. 090 OPEN UCB for other than communications device. 091 OPEN UCB specified invalid or unsupported transmission control unit. 092 OPEN UCB specified invalid or unsupported terminal control or adapter. 093 OPEN UC8 specified invalid or unsupported terminal 094 OPEN UCB specified invalid or unsupported optional feature or mode of operation. 095 OPEN Line group did not have identical terminal types and/or optional features. 096 OPEN OCBBFTEK field specified dynamic buffer allocation, but DCBBUFC8, DCBBUFNO, and DCBBUFL fields not specified. Sec,tion 2: System Infonnation 2·21 Completion Code Summary (cont'd) Completion Operation or Code Moclo Instruction Group BTAM (cont'd) Job scheduler Prologue EXCP (SVC 00) 2·22 Explanation 097 OPEN Device I/O directory full. 098 OPEN Transmission control unit not a 2701 or the Dual Communication Interface', or Dual Code Feature not specified in UCB. OBO I/o error in reading or writing SYS I.SYSJOBQE or SWADS. OB6 System logic error while accessing resident job list or SYS1.SYSJOBQE. IBO Invalid TIR for SYS1.SYSJOBQE found by system conversion routine. OCx Program interruption, not in I/O interruption handler or type 1 SVC routine; no program routine to handle interruption; x=program interruption code. 003 Program interrupt caused by invalid set system mask instruction. OFI Program interrupt in I/O interrupt handler. OF2 Program interrupt in type 1 SVC routine. OF3 Machine-check interrupti MCH able, to abnonnally terminate job step and continue operating system. OF5 Program interrupt occurred while loading transient area for type 3 or 4 SVC. 100 I/O Operation Device not operational. 200 I/O Operation Invalid ECB, lOB, DCB protect key. 300 I/O Operation Invalid DEB protect keYi not enou,9h extents in DEB. 400 I/O Operation Invalid DCB pointers. 500 I/O Operation Invalid UCB address. 600 I/o Operation Requested by subsystem (EXCPVR) and JSCB is missing or subsystem bit in JSCB is not on. 700 I/O Operation No SQA (system queue area) available for the request or the system lock was set. 800 I/O Operation Invalid address of a control block appendage, CCW, or CCW data field was found. 900 I/o Operation The translated channel program contains 290 CCWs or more. AOO Modified CCWs CCWs modified in a PCI appendage were changed to cause the CCW translator to need to fix a page. I/O supervisor encountered a page fix request in PCI. OSjVSI Programmer's Reference Digest Completion Code Summary (cont'dl Group EXCP (SVC 00) (cont'd) WAIT (SVC 01) POST (SVC 02) Task termination Completion Operation or Code Macro Instruction Explanation BOO I/O Operation Overfix thresho Id was exceeded. COO I/O Operation Invalid number of entries in the fix list was found upon return to lOS from the user fix appendage. More events than EeBs. 101 WAIT 201 WAIT 301 WAIT Invalid EeB address. . ECB wait flog already on. Eea address. 102 POST Invalid 202 POST Invalid RB address in EeB. 103 RETURN or bronch EeB already posted or RB address in EeB invalid. to return address in register 14 (SVC 03) A03 C03 RETURN or bronch to return address in register 14 Subtosks not yet terminated. RETURN or branch TCBDEB points to DEB that is associated with an invalid DCB. WARNING: All data sets not closed. to return address in register 14. D03 RETURN or branch to return address in register 14. ENQ resources not released yet. Section 2: System Infonnation 2-23 Completion Code Summary (cont'd) Completio Operation or Macro Instruction CC?de Group GETMAIN (5YC04) 604 GETMAIN Explanation Address in A or LA operand is outside task; address of parameter list invalid. 704 GETMAIN List request; not VS2 system. 804 GETMAIN Request for zero bytes of virtual storage or "'?t enough virtual sforage availcible. A04 GETMAIN Storoge management queues hove been altered incorrectly 804 GETMAIN Subpool number greater'than 127. E04 GETMAIN From Not enough SQA available. program in super- visor mode FREEMAIN (SYC 05) Contents 605 FREEMAIN 705 FREEMAIN List request; not VS2 system. 905 FREEMAIN Address of area to be freed not multiple of B. A05 FREEMAIN Area to be freed overlaps existing free area. B05 FREEMAIN Subpool number greater than 127. 106 LINK, lOAD, ATTACH, XCTl Error while loading module into virtual storage; invalid record type, invalid addreu, I/O error. LINK, ATIACH, XCTl Madule was only loadable; module specified by entry point defined by IDENTIFY macro. LINK, lOAD, ATTACH, XCTl Not enough virtual sturoge for module and overlay supervisor. LINK, LOAD, Not enough virhJal storage for module. supervi- Address in A or LA operand is outside task; address of parameter list invalid. (SYC06) 406 506 606 ATTACH, XCTl 706 806 1I1'4K, lOAD, ATTACH, XCTl Module marked "NOT EXECUTABLE." LINK, LOAD, BLDL detected error; module not found or I/O error during directory search. ATTACH, XCTl 906 A06 LINK More than 255 tasks waiting for reenterable or serially reusable module. LINK, LOAD, Task already waiting for serially reusable module. ATTACH, XCTl 806 I/O activity C06 Abnormally terminating system error task reinstated; user task abnormally terminated. Abnonnally terminating transient area task reinstated; user task abnormally terminated. XCTl (SYC07) 207 XCTl Asynchronous exit routine ottempted to execute XCTL. LOAD (SYC 08) 308 lOAD Module specified by entry point defined by IDENTIFY macro. 2-24 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Completion Code Summary (cont'd) Group GETMAIN FREEMAIN with R Completion Code Operation or Macro Instruction Explanation 60A FREEMAIN Invalid specification of an area to be freed; address of area to be freed (in register 1) not multiple of 8, BOA GETMAIN Request for zero bytes of virtual storage or not enough virtual storage available. 90A FREEMAIN fperond (SVe OA) Address of area to be freed not a multiple of 8. ABEND (SVCOD) OPEN (SVe 13) ADA FREEMAIN Area to be freed overlaps an existing free BOA GETMAIN, FREEMAIN Subpool number greater than 127. DOD ABEND Invalid ABEND recursion during abnormal termination of subtosk; iob step task terminated. EOD MEND Insufficient virtual storage available for ABEND processing of subtosk, job step terminated. 013 OPEN Conflicting or unsupported parameters in DCB; member nome specified in DD not not found; no directory allocation subparameter in DO. 113 OPEN, OPEN with TYPE=J I/O error in reoding or writing JFCB or in reading JFCB extension block: no exit code provided. 213 OPEN osee not found; I/O error in reading or writing oses: unable to loccte PASSWORD doto set. 313 OPEN I/O error in reading format 2 or 3 DSCB. 413 OPEN INPUT specified but no serial number for SER in DO; I/O error in tope positioning or label processing; could not mount volume on device; more devices allocated than volumes. 513 OPEN Attempting to open second DCB for some tape volume. 613 OPEN I/O error in label processing or tope positioning. 713 OPEN Expiration dote not reached, but data set opened for output and DO contained MO~ in 813 OPEN Verification error in label processing. 913 Supplying password Incorrect password entered; ASCII tape accessibility error, ASCII tape security error. A13 OPEN File sequence number in LABEL in DO incorrect. DISP. Sec.tipn 2: System Infonnation 2·25 Completion Code Summary (cont'd) Completion Operation or N.acro Instruction Cod. Group OPEN (SVC 13) BI3 OPEN lor UCS printer Explanation Operator cancelled UCS load; incorrect UCS image; space unavailable for DeB and DEB; SYS1.IMAGElIB (cont'd) permanent CI3 OPEN not mounted or I/O error detected. cataloged; I/O error in reading JFCB or OSCS for can .. oses catenated data set; not found for one data set in concatenation; graphic device already opened by another task; output data sets concatenated. CLOSE (SVC 14) 013 OPEN for graphics DeB for other than graphics device. EI3 OPEN for graphics DCBGNCP field not 1 through 99. 214 CLOSE I/O error in tape positioning or volume disposition. 314 CLOSE I/O error reading OSCB. 414 CLOSE I/O error writing DSeB. 514 CLOSE I/O error reading JFCB. 614 CLOSE I/O error writing file mark. 714 CLOSE 1/0 error processing label, or tape mark. AI4 CLOSE I/O error releasing unused direct access space. BI4 CLOSE STOW unable to store, modify, or delete data from partitioned data set directory because name already in directory, no space available in directory, or I/O error searching directory. CLOSE lor Graphic device not opened by closing task. 014 graphics TCLOSE (SVC 17) 117 BSAMCLOSE with TV~c=T I/O error in tape positioning or writing file mark. 217 BSAM CLOSE w;,h TYPE=T I/O error reading JFCB. 317 BSAMCLOSE wUh TYPE=T I/O error reading DSCB. 417 BSAM CLOSE I/O error writing updated DSCB. with TYPE=T 717 BSAMCLOSE I/O error processing label or tape mark. with TYPE=T Moster scheduler 122 Operator cancelled job; requested dump. 222 Operator cancelled job; did not request dump. 322 Execution of job step or cataloged procedure taking longer than time spe.::ified. (SVC 22) 2·26 OS!VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Completion Code Summary (cont'd) Group Completion Operation or Code Macro Instruction Explanation 422 Job required too much queue space for initiation. (SVC 22) (cont'd) 522 All tasks in SYC wait state for 30 consecutive minutes or for time specified in JWT parameter (in systems with SMF). WTO/ WTOR (SVC 23) 023 WTO, WTOR E23 Reply command Master scheduler Parameter list not begin on proper boundary; no buffers available; text length equol to or less thon zero (WiOR only). Invalid ECB, RB, or reply address. processing (in response to WTOR) EXTRACT (SVC 28) 128 CHAP (SVC 2C) Overlay supervisor EXTRACT Input parameter list not on fullword boundary or does not begin in storage assigned to job step. 328 EXTRACT TCB not for immediate 5uhlask. 42A ATTACH Address for ECB to be posted upon subtask termination is not multiple of 4, or not within bounds of partition. 62A ATTACH Exceeded a flowed number of tasks. 12C CHAP Address for subtask TCB does not point to TCB of immediate subtosk, or points to a task that has terminated. 22C CHAP Address for subtask TCB not multiple of 4. 120 Words 3 and 4 of segment table invalid. 220 Address in segment table or entry table outside storoge for iab step. 320 Wrong length record or I/O error when loading segment. C20 Invalid scatter record found while loading program segment. 020 Invalid record type found while loading program segment. E20 Invalid address found while loading program segment. (SVC 20) OEQ (SVC 30) Output list not on fullword boundry or not contained in storage assigned to iob step. 228 ATTACH (SVC 2A) EXTRACT 130 DEQ without DEQ for resource not enqueued by prior ENQ RET = HAVE 230 OEQ Invalid length specified for name of resource. 330 OEQ Invalid option specified by task with nonzero protection key. 430 OEQ Invalid parameter list. 530 OEQ Task does not yet control specified resource. Section 2: System Information 2·27 Completion Code Summary (cont'd) Completion Operation or Code Macro Instroction Group EOV (SVC 37) 137 End of volum"e 237 End of volume Explanation -I/O error in label or tape mark processing or tope mark positioning. Verification error in label processing; tape label block count not same as DCB block count. 337 End of data set No address specified in DCBEODAD field. 437 End of volume Protect key different in TCBPKF field of TCa and DEBDEBID field of DEB. 537 End of volume for multiple Specified volume being used for another data s~t. volumes ENQ (SVC 38) DETACH (SVC 3E) CHKPT 2-28 637 End of volume I/O error in writing tape mark, positioning tope, reading lobel, sensing for file protect ring; DCB bit does not indicate concatenation of unlike attributes. 737 End of volume or allocation of secondary quantity Direct access I/O errorj qSCB not found for multi-volume or concatenated data set. 837 End of volume for sequential data set I/O error reading or writing JFCB from or onto direc:t acceHi JFCB extension needed but not found. A37 End of Volume DCB not openi DCB not pointing to DEB. B37 End of volume Volumes must be demounted from a devic..e allocated to the data set, but system unable to demount volume. D37 Output operation More space needed but no secondary quantity specified for SPACE in DO. E37 Output operation More space needed but not enough volumes specified in SER, volume count, or REf in DD. 138 ENQ without RET=TEST, USE, or HAVE Second ENQ without intervening DEQ. 0 proper 238 ENQ Invalid length for resource nome. 338 ENQ Invalid option specified by tosk with nonzero protection key. 438 ENQ Inval id parGmeter list. 13E DETACH Subtmk being detached not yet terminated. 23E DETACH TCB oddress not on word boundary; sub task TCB not on word boundory; sub task TCB=O or not on immediate $ubtosk. 13F Error dwing execution of checkpoint restart. OS!VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Completion Code Summary (cont'd) Group ROJFCB Completion Operation or Code Mocro Instruction Explanation 140 ROJFCB I/o error in reading JFCB. 240 ROJFCB No foundation extension block in DeB; EXlST address in DCB; JFCB exit in DeB exit listj JFCB buffer not in user's virtual storage. SWAP (SVC 55) 155 SVC 85 (in decimal) issued by user's task, but is restricted for use by Dynamic Device System 2'3 Job was being executed when system fatlure Reconfiguration. Restart occurred; a system restart was performed. Fnn Invalid or restricted operand, nn, in SVC instruction. ESR (SVC, 109, 116, 117) 160 Invalid ESR code in register 15. Poging 028 Misc. 2FF Supervi- sor '-all (SVC nn) Poge file ABEND appendoge 722 error. Ill. aUTUM keyword specified on SYSQUT DO statement exceeded. 822 16E I/o Step terminated at request of user appendage V=R region not obtained. OEBCHK Control program requested a DEBCHK function be performed on a data extent block (DEB) obtained from the DCB passed by the program. Function could not be completed. 180 System conversion routine encountered an invalid TTR for on address in the SYS 1. SYSWADS data set. 3FE Task attempted to end normally but teleprocessing I/O requests were active or pending 4FE Task attempted to end normally but nonteleprocessing I/o requests were pending and no teleprocessing I/O requests were outstanding. 000 Error occurred during processing of a 510 extended request. Section 2: System Information 2·29 Wait State Codes 001 002 003 IPL!NIP: Not operational in response to a test I/O instruction (reg_ lQ=unit address). IPL/NIP: I/o operation not initiated, CSW stored, and channel not busy (reg. lO=unit address) .. IPl/NIP: I/o operation not initiated, CSW not stored, and channel not busy; or SVSl.lINKUB not 004 005 006 007 008 009 ooA OOF 010 Oil , 013 017 018 019 021 OE2 OFI OFA 900 CQtQlo~d, no UCIl found for IPl device, unexpected n not operational" condition found (reg. 10=unit address). IPL/NIP: I/O operation not initiated, CSW not stored, channel not busy (reg. 100unit address). IPL/NIP: I/O interrupt because of unit check (if IPL, fourth byte of P5W= X'OO'; X'4C'=address of CCW causing check; X'54'=Sense bytes describing check. Reg. lO=Unit address). IPL/NIP: interface control check, channel control check, channel data check, program check, or channel chaining check oCl;urred. NIP: Console nat avaHable. NIP: I/O interruption because of unlt check. Record not found, unFormatted direct access volume mounted on online device, or volume label on on alternate track (reg. lO=vnit address). NIP: I/O interruption because of unit check. File mask violation (reg 10== unit address). SYS1.LlNKUB nOt Found in catalog IPL: Volume not containing IPL text used for IPL. NIP; I/o interruption because of unit check. End of cylinder (reg 10=unit address). NIP: I/o interruption because of unit check. Track condition check occurred (reg. 1000nit address). NIP: Recovery not possible. Check system completion code. IPL/NIP: Unit check while executing sense instruction (reg. 100unit address). IPL: Nucleus too big for machine size. Space for RLD record's exceeded. IPL: Program interruption because of hardware errors or SYS I.NUCLEUS occupying more than one extent. NIP: I/O interruption on teleprocessing or graphic console (reg. l=pointer to lOB For failing EXCP operation). NIP: Machine check interruption occurred beFore machine check handler initialized. DSS: Error processing encountered error preventing reinstatement of VS processing (Message IQA016'A? . DSS: Translation specification exception (Message IQAOIO'A? NIP: Error occurred during initialization of one or more page data sets (M...cge.IEA750W, IEA751W, IEA752W, IEA753W, IEA754W, IEA755W). 901 902 AI6 SUPVR: Channel program check during paging I/O operation. SUPVR: Uncorrectoble I/O error while pogeoble supervisor was being read into real storage from SYS I.PAGE data set. SUPVR: Page supervisor ended abnormally. NIP: Unable to complete system initialization. IPL: CPU model number obtained by a Store CPUID instruction not found In IPL list of supported models. IPL: Machine check interruption because of either a malfunction other than a dorage error or uncontrollable real storage error in first 256K of storage. NIP: link or load failed for an essential module (Message IEA782W). NIP; Sys.tem generated with extended timer support but clack comparator and CPU timer not supported by hardware. RMS: Error occurred while performing recovery. Probable machine check on macnine check. (Message IGF910W). RMS: Error occurred while performing a recovery. Probable machine check on machine check. RMS: Error occurred while performing a recovery. Probable program check on machine check (Message IGF910W). MCH: I/O error during machine check recovery (Message tFG930W). MCH: Unrecoverable failure within supervisor area (Message IGF900W). MCH: Encountered Failure that channel check handler could not correct. MCH: Unable to load a page on a low end system (Message IGF930\o\l). RMS; Error occurred while performing a recovery. Probable invalid machine check interrupt code (Message IGF910'A? MCH: Failure in time of day clock, clock comparator, or CPU timer AI7 MCH: Failure in interval timer (Message IGF950'A? 2·30 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest 903 904 905 906 907 908 AOI A02 A03 A04, ADS ADA Aoe All (Me"cg. IGF950W). Wait State Codes (cant'd) BOI B02 3211 Utility: Completed normally, 3211 Utility: Control card missing or out of order. B03 804 3211 Utility: JOB statement is incorrect. 3211 Utility: DFN statement is incorrect. BOS 3211 Utility: UCS statement is incorrect. 806 BOA BOB BOC 811 B12 3211 Utility: FeB- statement is incorrect .. 321fUtility: END statement is incorrect. 3211 Utility: External interrupt has occurred. Interrupt key was pressed. 3211 Utility: Program check interrupt has occurred. 3211 Utility: Machine check interrupt has-occurred. 3211 Utility: Reader is not online. 3211 Utility: Reader is not ready. 813 3211 Utility: Reader is nol ready. 814 3211 Utility: Reader channel error has occurred. B15 819 B1B S 1e B10 001 E02 3211 Utility: No device end is indicated on the reader. 3211 Utility: Printer is not online. 3211 Utility: Unit check has occurred on the printer. 3211 Utility: Printer channel error has occurred. 3211 Utility: No device end is indicated on the printer. SUPVR: ABTERM or PROLOG failed while processing the terminating program. CONSOLE: Permanent I/o error on 2250 display unit. No alternate console was available. SUPVR: SQA hod tess than 288 bytes. GETMAIN request was issued for mQre SQA space than was avaitable. 807 E04 Section 2: System Infonnation 2 ·31 System ENO/DEQ Names ~ Minor SYSDSN dsname Used by the initiator to ENQ on each temporary dsnome specified in the DD statements of a job. SYSIEECT IEEWQE Used by WTO routi'les when all console buffel"5 ore furl, SYSIEECT IEERaE Used by WTOR routines when the number of outstanding reply reque,ts is at the system limit. SYSIEFSD QI Used SYSIEFSD Q2 Used by queue manager during processing of assign and delete to prevent master OCR overlay/lock-out. SYSIEFSD Q3 Used by queue manager during precessing of 'no :pace in job queue' condition. SYSIEFSD Q4 Used by I/O device allocation to interlock' UCBs agoinst multiple references by other allocation routines. SY$IEFSD QS Used by I/O device allocation to prevlli:nt interactj.ll" or updates 10 UeBs. Provides alloClltion tJ means of rEleosing UeRs to terminotion. SYSIEFSD Q7 Used by initiator to permit cancellation of a system program during device 01 location. SYSIEFSD CPOWAIT Used by output writer when deleting current output Q entries. SYSIEAOI lEA Used by ABEND ond SNAP to obtain access to the dump data set. SYSVTOC Vtll-ser Used by OADSM to provide VTOe integrity. SYSPSWRD PASSWORD Used by OPEN/EOV to assure serial update to the security data set. SYSDSNbb SYSCTlG Used by CATALOG for system catalog integrity. SYSIGGlG MBBCCHHR Used by BDAM during exclusive rC':Id/write to obtoin exclusive control of RO (capacity record). SYSIEfSD WD .Used by the accounting data set writer (module IEFWAD). SYSIEWl (dsnome for Used by linkage editor. by queue manager during prol:;essing of ENQ/DEQ to prevent queue control records (QCRs) overlay/l'lck-out. SYSLMOD) 5YSCTLG SYSCTLG Used by catalog management to en,ure catalog infegr:fy. SYSIEC16 X'FO' Used by sve 16 (PURGE) to set exclusive use of coller's DEB chain. SYSSMFOl BUF Used by SMF sve 83 to ensure the exclusive use of the SMF buffer. Modules Using ENQ/DEQ ~ IEE50561 IEESD565 IEES0575 IEESMFWT IEFSDI60 IEFSD161 IEFWEXTA IEFS041Q IEFSD21Q IEEVMNT2 IEFZGJBI IEFZGSTT IEFZGST2 2-32 ENQ Minor QI QI QI QI Q2 Q2 Q4 Q4 Q4 QS QS Q5 QS ~ IEFXVOOl IEFWAOOO IEFWEXTA IEFWDOOO IEFSDI95 IEFSD41Q IEFVMSLl IEFACTlK IEFSDl62 IEFOSC05 ENQMinor QS QS Q5 QS QS OS QS QS ;;;7 CPOWA1; IEFVMB d~n/"irroP. IEESMF6C IEAQTM02 BUF lEA OS/VSI Programmer', Reference Dig.,t How To Fino Associated Logical Channel Word (\'"T Pi R (; i4l)": to Lew Table il)OdO\ ·8 \ LCH lAS) = LCW LOGICAL CHANNEL WORD TABLE Th~ IOlJicol chonf1el word table consists of the logical channel words that control the 1091\.ul channel queue~. It is used by the I/O supervisor and the I/o purge and SVC f.'urge routine~. The logicul channel wLtrd tcble has the following characteristics: I. ~afiQn: The tuble is created at system generation time. 2. ~tor{l&l! ~~: 3. Shot': Thl; table contains one a-byte logical channel word per logical channel The table resides, as a permanent part of the fixed nucleus. queue. 4. Means uf Access: find the start of the leW table in CVI + BCi odd to this fNinl~r the v\l!;e of the lCHTAB byte in the UCB (Ues + A) multiplied by eight. Th", format of 0 logical channel word is: FIRST REQUEST (2 bytes) These twv byte:ll contain either an address or an index ... alue to the first request element in the logical channel queue. LAST REQUEST (2 bytes) lhese two bytes contain either an acidr~ss or an index value to the last request -element in the logical channel queue. SCRATCH (2 bytes) This field is used as a temporary storage area for an address or index value. The field is used when more than one logical channel queue for a physical channel is ~r.:~'rched in order to find the highest priority I/O request with which to restart the channel. 1en MOD ALJDR (2 bytes) This field addresses the device-dependent test channel module. 1. .t.. Wh~f." IU~lical channel queue is void, the FIRST REQUEST field contains a dummy iink address of hex FFFF and the LAST REQUEST field contains the oddr(!$~ of that logical channel word • When there is ani), one request element in the queue, both FIRST REQUEST lAST REQUEST c'.lntain the address of that element. I'l/Id Section 2: System Infonnation 2·33 How To Find the Entry Point of Types I and II SVCs A. Pick up the instruction address from the 5VC New P SWat X'60'. B. Starting at the location in Step A, search for the first LM instruction (98 89 OXXX) • C. The pointer to the SVC table is at cddre~$ D. The pointer to the SVC prefix table is at address XXX+4 (step B). The pointer to E. Add the SVC number (hex) to the address of the SVC prefix table. F. Pick up the byte value pointed to by the result of step E. XXX (step B). the SVC FLIH is at address XXX+8 (step B). G. Multiply the value picked up in step f by 4. H. Add the results of step G to the address of the SVC table determined in Step C. I. The value computed in step H points to a 4-byte address constant which is the SVC routine entry point. Note that all entry points are on a doubleword bouhdary • .The three low-order bits in the entry address are not part of the actual address. Bits 5 and 6 equal the number of doublewords in registersave area in SVRB. Bit 7 indicates on SVRB is needed. SVC TABLE FORMAl" BITS 2 21 6 Virtual storage address of 5VC routine I 0 0 c Q k 4-byte entry for type 1 SVC routines BITS 2 2 1 3 * ESA is the number of doublewords required for the extended save area in the request block. e I n 0 0 c ~ ESN I k e 1-byte entry for type 3 end 4 SVC ro utines BITS 2 5 21 I 0 c k 0 0 b Virtual storage address of SVC routine I 4-byte entry for type 2 SVC routines 2·34 OSjVSl Programmer's Reference Digest ESN 110W To find (conl'd) 12 ID I5IfS [wek. Record Address number 12 1 3 6-byte entry for tronsient type 3 one.! 4 SVC routines 2I 22 BITS 12 n Address of SVC routine X'FF' a ESA"" b I o-byte ~ntry for fixed .t)lpe 3 and 4 SVC routines '* ESA is the number of doublewords required for the extended seve area in the request block. ~~ A. Find kesident Build List Pick up CVT p(")inter in location X'lO'. IS. Add X'lC' to this pointer. This is CVTPCNVT pointer. C. locate CVTPCNVT entry-So D. This h pointer to resident build list. E. Format of resident build list is: U-J number rA enTries :£-3 length of ctlch entry ")-4J er'fl~ rll.mbel I --14- '} c."'I°') n~mber 2, etc. II ~",-£0~_~"l!den' t-..crn>al 1/:llgrh 01 I ~..I<.;n entry is 4C bytes. SvC lo.d Lh, and RAM Lb' The re.i'Jent SVC toad Jist .J!'Id ItAM list pointel1i ore two fullwolds located before the constant IGGUI'IIFcn19. The pointers are known as IEAARSVl and IEAARAM4, respectively, and may be IQ(:ut.;:d hom These name~ in lMODMAP. These constants are defined in IGC007, IGCOO8, or LINK, XCTl, ond LUAD code if a s}stem generation listing is ovoilcble. Section 2: System Information 2·35 2-36 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest Section 3: Supervisor Information Supervisor Macro Outlines 3-2 Supervisor Macro Parameter Notation 3-10 Summary of Supervisor Operands 3-11 Programming Conventions for SVC Routines 3-17 SVC Register Contents 3-18 SVC Directory 3-23 Load Module Control 3-27 Synchronization 3-28 Program Interrupt Control 3-30 General Services 3-31 Termination 3-32 Task Control 3-33 Virtual Storage Allocation 3-34 Control Flow Diagrams 3-35 Source Publications Additional information about the supervisor macro outlines and SVCs is in OS/VSI Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions. GC24-5103,. and OS/VSI Planning and Use Guide. GC24-5090. Supervisor Macro General Outline Section 3: Supervisor Infonnation 3-1 Supervisor Macro Outlines ABEND completion code I, DUMP][,STEP] ATTACH { EP=symbol ) EPLOC=address of name I, DCB=dcb address] DE=address of list entry I,PARAM=(addresses)[, VL=IIJ[, ECB=ecb address] [, ETXR=exit routine addressJ[,LPMOD=number] I, DPMOD=number] I, TQE= (YES) NO ][, FPREGSA = ATTACH (list form) WS} NO] {EP=SymbOI ) EPLOC=address of nome [, DCB=dcb address] DE=address of list entry [, ECB=ecb address] [, ETXR=exit routine address] I,LPMOD=number] I, DPMOD=numberj,SF=L I,TQE={~~J][,FPREGSA= {~~J] ATTACH (execute form) { EP=symbol ) EPLOC=address of name I, DCB=dcb address] DE=address of list entry I, PARAM=(addresses) I, VL=I II I,ECB=ecb address] [,ETXR=exit routine address) [,LPMOD=number] I, DPMOD=number] {~~} II, FPREGSA = !~~} ] rei', ,. . '. ,--". ·~""I }1 I, TQE= (1) ,SF=(E, ("antral pr(~;)m list addreSS) ) ,MF=(E, ("ddreSS) ),SF=E, {addreSS} ) (1) 3-2 OS/VSl Programmer'. Reference Digest (15) Supervisor Macro Outlines (cont'd) CAll {entry point nome} (, (address parometers)[, VLJl (15) [,I D=numberJ CAll (list form) CAll , (address parameters) (,Vl),MF=l {entry point name} (, (address parameters)} (15) (execute form) (, VlJ[, lD=number) ,MF=(E, {problem program list addreSS} ) (1) CHAP DELETE priority change value [, tcb locotion oddress] ,IS' ! EP=symbol EPLOC=oddreu of nome I DE=address of Iist entry DEQ (qnome address,rnarne cddress, [rnarne length] , [STEP ] , ••• )(,RET=HAVE) SYSTEM DEQ (list form) ([qnome address], [rnarne address), (rnarne length) [SYSTEM], ••• )(,RET=HAVE),MF=l , STEP DEQ (execute (([qnome address], (rname address], [marne length] form) [SYSTEM] ••• )ltRET=HAVE ] 'STEP , ,RET=NONE , MF=(E, {control program Iist addreSs} ) (II DETACH teb location address DOM {MSG=register 1 MSGLlST=address ) DXR regl,reg2 ENQ (qnome address,rname address, [ ~ ], [rname length] [""'M 1 [,m~"" 'STEP , ••• ) ,RET=USE ,RET=HAVE ,RET=CHNG 1 Section 3: SupeIVisor Information 3-3 Supervisor Macro Outlines (cont'd) ENQ (list form) ([qname address], [rname address], ,[rnamelength l [j ] ,[ SYSTEM] ,f;.) STEP [:.".~" ].Mec ,RET=TEST ,RET=USE ,RET=CHNG ENQ [([qname address],[rname addre.. ], [~] (execute .,-_. '-"]. ['-l .... l'"·~" form) STEP , MF =eE, {control EXTRACT ,RET = TEST , RET=USE ,RET=NONE ,RET=CHNG ] po'Trom list address} ) cnswer area address [, .cb loco.ion oddress] ,I~' ,FI ELDS = (codes) EXTRACT Ois. form) [answer area'oddress ] [,.Cb location oddre .. ] '5' '- [, FIELDS= (codes)],MF= L EXTRACT [answer area oddre.. ] [, tcb location addre..] ,I~ (execute form) [, FI ELDS = (codes)] ,MF=(E, {control program list address}> (I) FREEMAIN .. '} {""'""'''''''~- [.,,'," R,SP=(O) R, LV= (O), A=address R,LV=(O),A=(I) , R, LV=numher,A=oddress [rSP =number] R, LV=number ,A=(l )[,SP =number} V ,A=address[,SP =number] FREEMAIN (list form) FREEMAIN (execute form) I { [EI[, LV=numberl[, A=oddressl[, SP=numberj I lVI[, A=addressl[, SP=number] 1) (I) {[EI[,LV=numberl[,A=addressl[,SP=number] [V] I, A=addressl (, SP=number I ,MF=(E, [control program list address 3·4 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest ,MF=L Supervisor Macro Outlines (cont'd) EC, LV= number,A=oddress I, SP=numberJ[,BNDRY= {~!~~D}] GETMAIN EU, LV=number,A= address I ,SP=numberJ[, BNDRY= {~!~D}] R, LV=onumber[,SP=numberl R,LV=(O) ve, LA=address, A=cddressl, 5 P=number} [, BNDRY= [!lBLWD)] VU, LA=address,A=addressl,SP=numberl GETMAIN (list form) [I BNDRY= PAGE jDBLWDlJ PAGE ~IEC]I' Lv=number]} IEUII, LV=number] IVCII, LA=oddress] IVUjJ, LA=oddress] [,BNDRY= I~!~~D I, A=oddressll, SP=numberJ !}MF=L GETMAIN (execute form} fEClI,Lv=number] } [EUII, LV=number] [Vel [, LA=oddress} [ A=oddressJ[ SP=number] I , [VU] [, LA=oddress] [,BNDRY= I J] DBLWD PAGE ,MF=(E, [control program list address (l) GTRACE DATA=address, LNG=number ,I D=numberl, FI D=number] GTRACE (list form) [DATA=oddress] [, LNG=I ength] [, FI D=number], MF=L GTRACE (execute p lD=value,MF=(E, {parameter list address} ) (1-12) form) [, DATA=oddressll, LNG=lengthll, FID=number] IDENTIFY { EP=symbol } , ENTRY=entry point address EPLOC=address of nome LINK I EP=symbol ) EPLOC=oddress of nome DE=oddress of list entry [, DCB=dcb address] [, PARAM=(oddresses}lI, VL=ll1, lD=number] LINK (list form) rP=SymbOI ! [, DCB=dcb oddress],SF=L EPLOC=address of nome DE=oddress of list entry Section 3: Supervisor Infonnation 3-5 Supervisor Macro Outlines (cont'd) LINK (execute form) I. DCB=dcb addr• .,l [ EP=.ymbol ] EPLOC=address of name DE=address of Iist entry r. PARAM=(addr.....)] I. VL= 1](.1 D=numberl r-·I~'-.;,r'.-J} ,SF=(E, {control program list address}) (15) .MF=(E. [addres.} ).SF=(E. {addre.. } ) (I) (15) LOAD I EP=symbol /1. DCB=dcb oddres.l EPLOC=address of name DE=address of list entry PGRLSE LA={oddrl}.HA= {addr2} (reg 1) (reg2) PGRLSE MF=LI. LA=addrl11. HA=addr21 (list form) PGRLSE (execute MF=(E. (Ii.taddr) ) r.LA= {Oddrl}] [ • HA= {"ddr2}] .(reg3) (rog I) (r.g2) form) POST ecb address[, completion code] RETURN [(rog1l.rog21)](. T] [.RC= {n(~~er}1 SAVE (regl [,re92])[, T)I,identifier name) SEGwr external segment name SNAP DCB=dcb address[TCB=address}[, lD=number) f,SDATA=(code for control program blocks)) I, PDATA=(code for problem program areas)] [ .STORAGE=(.tarting address. ending addr.ss•••• )] , llST=address of list SNAP (Ii.t form) IDCB=oddre..1 1.ID=number] I.SDATA=(code)] 1 I.PDATA=(codo)1 [.STORAGE=(address.oddre...... ) ,LIST=address SNAP (execute IDCB=oddressll. TeB= (oddre,,) 11.ID=numberl 'S' form) I.PDATA=ccd.II.SDATA=cod.1 [.STO~"GE=(Oddres"oddr....... )] ,LI~r=address ,MF=(E, {control program list address}) (1) SPIE 3·6 [interruption exit address, (interruptions)] OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest .MF=L Supervisor Macro Outlines (cont'd) SPIE (interruption exit address) [, (interruptions)),MF=l (list (arm) SPIE (interruption exit address] (, (interruptions)] (execute form) I STAE ,MF=(E, {control program"llst address} ) (I) 10 . eXit address I/'OV II, PARAM=lb' odd",,,) , £ [,XCTL=I;I] [,PURGE= STAE rURGE= STAE (execute form) m~~:CE I0 exit address Jlf'ASYNCH= II' OV II, PARAM=I ,g ['XCTL=I~~I] ,MF=(E, { remote STiMER [,ASYNCH= 1~~ll [exit addressll,PARAM=llst address] (list form) I 1~~!:CEll [PURGE= I~~ JJ ,MF=L i., odd,.,,) I~~!SECE I] [,ASYNCH= I~~I] (Wt address} ) I REAL I, time' completion exi' odd,... ) I TASK(,timer completion e?,it ~ddre5S] WAIT ['DINTVL=odd,e" ,SINTVL=address J , TUI NTVL=address , TOO=address STIMERE 10= rl'"1 addr ALLI r~- {""O,} , addr ,OINTVL= rolue} oddr , I,REPLACE=YES) MICVL= {value} oddr [1'''"''''1 , TEST= } (DEC,addr) (MIC,.odd,) • CANCEL=YES (BI N,odd,) ,CANCEL=YES, TEST= I (DEC'Odd')l (MIC,oddr) [, EClPodd, ,EXIT=addr[,SVAREA= reS J ] NO I I, ERRET=oddrl Note l : ID=All can be used with CANCEL if TEST is not specified; ID=All is defaulted if CANCEL appears alone. All is invalid for all other uses of ID. Section 3: Supervisor Information 3 -7 Supervisor Macro Outlines (cant'd) [lD=value) STIMERE (list form) [,BINTVL=vaIUe] .DINTVl=volue ,MICVL=value rECB=addr {YES} ] ,EXIT=addr[,SVAREA:: NO J ,MF=l [10= {value} ) oddr STIMERE (execute [ "m~-I~"-'l ' oddr ,DINTVL= {value} oddr form) ,MICVL= {value} addr ), REPlACE=YES) [, ECB=addr ,EXIT=addr),SVAREA= ~ {~~} ) ), ERRET=addr) , MF=(E, { parameter list address } (1) TIME BiN [DEC ~~C/Oddre.S$ I ] TT1MER [CANCEL) WAIT [number of events, J { EC B=address } ECBLIST=address WAITR [number of events, I {EC8=addreSS } ECBLIST=oddress WTl 'message' WTl (list form) 'message' ,MF=L 3-8 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest Supervisor Macro Outlines (cont'd) WTL MF=(E, (control program list addreS,Sj ) (1) (execute form) WTO WTO (list form) WTO MF=(E, {control program list address}) (execute (1) form) WTOR 'message' ,reply address, length of reply WTOR (list form) I WTOR , (reply address), (length of reply), tech address1 (execute form) ,MF=(e, {control program lin address} ) . (1) XCTL [(.09 11, .. g2])], I EP='ymbol EPLOC=address of nome DE=addre55 of list entry I I,DCB=dcb address] XCTL (list form) EP=SymbOI ] {,DCB=dcb oddress),SF=l [ EPLOC=address of nome XCTL 1("911,.e9 2])] I,EP=,ymbol DE=address of I ist entry (execute I form) I EPLOC=address of name DE=address of list entry I [, DCB=dcb address] [ 'MF=(E' ( p\Oblem p'og"'m Bst odd.... (I) .,MF=(E [oddreSS) ) SF=(E, (1) I Note: J») ,SF=(E, {control ~;~ram list address}) [address) L (15) Shaded area for Multiple, Console Support. Section 3: SupelVisor Infonnation 3·9 Supervisor Macro Parameter Notation Abbreviation Meaning Sym Any symbol valid in the assembler language. Dec Dig hly decimal digits, up to the value indicated in the associated macro instruction description. If both Sym and Dec Dig ere checked, an absolute expression is also allowed. Register A general register, always coded within parentheses, as follows: one of the general registers 2 through 12, previously loaded with the right-adjusted value or address indicated in the macro~instruction description. The unused high-order bits must be set to zero. The register may be designated symbolically or with an absolute expression. general register 1, previously loaded as indicated above. Designate the register as (1) only. general register 0, previously loaded as indicated above. Designate the register as (0) only. (2-12) - (1) - (0) - RX type Any address that is valid in an RX-type instruction (e.g., LA) may be designated. A- Type Any address that may be written in an A-type address constant may be designated. Adcon Type 3·10 OSjVSl Programmer's Reference Digest Summary of Supervisor Operands WRITTEN AS MACRO 1NSTRUCTION Register OPERANDS Sym Dec Dig (2- (I) A-type RX- Adcon (0) type type 12) ABEND ATTACH completion code S DUMP written as shown STEP written as shown S SE E SL DE= SE E SL SE E SL EPLOC= SE E SL ETXR= SE E SL E S E SL SLE SLE SE ECB= EP= SLE FPREGSA= YES or NO LPMOO= SLE SLE SE PARAM= SE TQE= YES or NO VL=I written as shown entry point nome SE SE address parameters VL CHAP written as shown 10= SE SE priority change value S DE= EP= EPLOC= S S S teb location address DELETE S DCB DPMOD= CALL S S S S S S S S S S S I S=standard; l=list; E=execute Section 3: Supervisor Information 3-11 Summary of Supervisor Operands (cont'd) WRITTEN AS MACRO INSTRUCTION OPERANDS Register A-type Sym Dec RX- Adcon Dig (2- (1) 12) DEQ SE E SL marne address SE E SL STEP SLE SLE SE 0' SYSTEM written as shown RET=HAVE written as shown RET=NONE written DETACH teb location address S DOM MSG= MSGLlST= S DXR regt S S reg2 S S ENQ qnome address rnarne address E or 5 I I GETMAIN written S S S S S S S SE E SL SE E SL 0$ shown 0' HAVE RET= TEST, USE, CHNG, RET=NONE written as shown (E form only) E, R or V written os shown A=(with E, L, or V) SE A=(with R) S LV=(with E) SLE SLE SE LV=(with R) 5 SP=(with E or V) SLE SLE SE Ee, EU, ve, S or VU S S BNDRY= E S S S SL S S S refer to macro description A= SE DBLWD LA= 3-12 S SLE SLE SE 0' SYSTEM SP=(with R) I shown (E form only) 05 written as shown rnarne length STEP FREEMAIN type type gnome address rnarne length I (0) OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest E SL E SL 0' PAGE SE Summary of Supervisor Operands (cont'd) WRITTEN A5 MACRO IN5TRUCTION OPERAND5 Register 5ym Dec Dig (2- (I) (0) A-type RX- Adcon type type 12) GETMAIN (cont'd) GTRACE LV~(wHh E) 5 SP=(with E or V) 5LE 5LE 5E SP=(wlth R) S s S S 5 5LE 5LE 5LE 5E 5E ENTRY~ 5 5 5 5 EPLOC~ 5 DCIP 5E E 5L 5 5E E 5L 5E E 5L 5E E 5 5E I~ 5E PARAM~ VL~l written as shown DCIP 5 D~ 5 E~ 5 5 5 5 5 5 EPLOC~ 5 5 LA~ 5E 5E HA~ 5E 5LE E J.= E ecb address 5 completion code 5LE 5E list addlreg 5 5LE EPLOC~ P05T 5LE 5LE 5LE 5LE ID~ E~ PGRL5E 5 5 DE" LOAD 5 FI~ E~ LINK 5 DATA~ LNG~ IDENTIFY 5LE 5LE 5E LV(with R) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Section 3: Supervisor Infonnation 3-13 Summary of Supervisor Operands (cont'd) WRITTEN AS Register OPERANDS MACRO INSTRUCTION Sym Dec RETURN SAVE written as shown RC= S S or (15) written as shown identifier name character string or * SEGWT external segment name S SNAP DCB= SE SE PDATA refer to macro description SDATA 3-14 SL E SL refer to macro description STORAGE SE E SL TCB= SE ·E S SE E SL interruption exit address SLE interruptions STIMER E SLE SLE SE LlST= SPIE type type S (reg 1, reg2) ID= (0) S (reg 1, reg2) T T A-type RX- Adcon Dig (2- (1) 12) REAL, TASK or WAIT written as shown timer completicn exit ocldr S BINTVL= S S S DINTVL= S S S TOIF S S S TUINTVL= S S S OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest S S Summary of Supervisor Operands (cont'd) MACRO INSTRUCTION WRITTEN AS Register A-fype Sym Dec RX- Adeen Dig (2- (1) (0) type type OPERANDS 12) STiMERE ID=addr SE SE BI NTVl=addr SE SE SE 01 NTVL=addr SE SE SE MICYL=addr Sf Sf Sf ID=value SLE BINTVl=value SLE 01 NTVL=value SLE MICYl=volue TIME I SLE ID=ALL written as shown (S form only) REPLACE=YES written as shown (SE forms only) TEST=( BIN DEC MIC ,addr) S CANCEL=YES written as shown (S form only) ECB==addr SLE SL SLE EXIT=addr SLE SLq SLE SVAREA= YES or NO S ERRET=addr SE DEC or BIN or TU written as shown MIC written as shown address TTl MER SE 5 SE S CANCEL written as shown TU written as shown SE 5 f-- 5 Section 3: Supervisor Infonnation 3-IS Summary of Supervisor Operands (cant'd) WRITTEN AS MACRO INSTRUCTION Register OPERANDS Sym Deg o;g (2- (I) (0) A-type RX- Adcon type type 12) WAIT WAITR number of events S S S S ECB= S S S ECBLIST= S S S WTL message any message within apostrophes WTO message any message within apostrophes text any text within apostrophes line type C,L,D,DE, or E ROUTCDE= SL DESC= WTOR message SL ony message within apo5tro~hes SE reply address length of reply SE ecb address XCTL ROUTCDE= SL DESC= SL (regl, reg2) SL E SL SE E S DCB= SE E SL DE= SE E SL SE E SL EP= SLE EPLOC= 3·16 E SLE SLE SE OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest Programming Conventions for SVC Routines Conventions Type 1 Part of resident control program Yes Yes Size of routine Any Any Optional, but ReenterClble routine Type 2 Type 3 No 52048 bytes Type 4 No Each load module :::;2048 bytes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes must be serially reusable May allow interruptions Yes Entry point Must be the first byte of the routine or load module, and must be on a double-word boundary Number of routine Numbers assigned to your SVC routines should be in descending order from 255 through 200 Name of routine IGCnnn Register contents at entry time Registers 3,4, 5, and 14 contain communication pointers; registers 0, 1, and 15 are parameter registers May contain felacatcble data IGCnnn IGCOOnnn IGCssnnn Yes Yes No No Not applicable Yes Yes Yes May issue WAIT macro instruction No Yes Yes Yes May issue XCTL macro instruction No No No Yes May issue SVC s No Yes Yes Yes Exit from SVC Routine Bacnch using return reghter 14 Con supe:-visor request block (SVRB) be extended Method of abnormal Use resident obnormal ermination termination routine Use ABEND macro instruction or resident abnormal termination routine Section 3: Supervisor Infonnation 3-17 SVC Register Contents Dec (hex) Type Macro Register 0 Register 1 No. lOB address 0(0) I EXCP 1(1) I WAIT 1(1) I PRTOV 2(2) I POST 3(3) I EXIT 4(4) I GETMAIN Parameter Iist address 5(5) I FREEMAIN Porameter list address 6(6) II LINK Event count EeB address of 2'$ complement of ECB list address Completion code EeB address or porm list address with high-order bit on 7(7) II XCTL 8(8) II LOAD 9(9) II DELETE Address of program name 10(A) I GETMAIN Subpool.number (byte 0), If negative, indicates GETMAIN. length (bytes 1-3) If positive, contains address of area to be freed 0' FREEMAIN 11(8) I TIME Address of entry point address Pointer to a doubleword to store TOO if MIC specified DeB address Time units code 12(e) II SYNCH 13(D) IV A8END 14(E) II SPIE PI CA address IS(F) I ERREXCP Address of request queue 16(10) III PURGE 17(11) III RESTORE 18(12) II BLOt/FIND 19(13) IV OPEN Address of parameter list of DeB addresses 20(14) IV CLOSE Address of porometer list of DCB addresses 21(15) III STOW Completion code element 3·18 lOB chain address Address of build list Parameter list address OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest DeS address DCB address SVC Register Contents (cont'd) Register 1 Dec (hex) No. Type Macro 22(16) IV OPEN TYPE=J Address of parameter list of DeB addresses 23(17) IV CLOSE TYPE=T Address of parameter list of DeB addresses 24(18) 111 DEVTYPE ddname address 25(19) 111 TRKBAL DeB address 26(IAI IV CATALOG Parameter Iist address 26(IA) IV INDEX Parameter 26(IA) IV LOCATE Porameter Iist address 27(1 B) III OBTAIN Parameter I ist address 28(1C) IV CVOL 29(10) IV SCRATCH UCB address Parameter list address 30(1 E) IV RENM!E UCB address Parameter I ist address 31(IF) IV FEOV DeB address 32(20) IV ALLOC Address of UCB list 33(21) 111 IOHALT UCB address 34(22) IV MGCR (MAST CMD EXCP) Register 0 list address 34(22) IV QEDIT 35(23) IV WTO Message address 35(23) IV WTOR Message address 36(24) IV WTL Message address 37(25) 11 SEGLD Segnent nome addr 37(25) 11 SEGWT Segment name oddr 38(26) Reserved 39(27) 111 LABEL 40(281 11 EXTRACT 41(29) II IDENTIFY 42(2A) II ATTACH 43(2B) 111 CIRB Parameter I ist address Parameter list oddres, Entry point nome address Size of work area Tn doublewords May contain user perm list address Entry point address Size of work area in doublewords 43(28) II DIRB Section 3: Supervisor Information 3·19 SVC Register Contents (cont'd) Dec (hex) No. Type Macro 44(2C) 111 CHAP Register 0 +Increase priority Register 1 TeB address -Decrease priority 45(2D) II OVLYBRCH 46(2E) I TTlMER 47(2F) II STiMER 4S(30) II DEQ 1: Cancel Exit address (Option Timer interval address flags in high order byte) 49(31) DEQ parameter 1ist address Reserved 50(32) Reserved 51(33) IV SNAP 52(34) IV RESTART 53(35) III RELEX 54(36) II DISABLE Parameter Iist address DCB address Key address DCB address lOB address DeB address 55(37) IV EOV 56(3S) II ENQ 57(39) III FREEDBUF 5S(3A) II RELBUF DCB address 5S(3A) II REQBUF DCB address 59(3B) IV OLTEP 60(3C) 111 STAE 62(3E) 111 DETACH 63(3F) IV CHKPT DeB address 64(40) III RDJFCB Address of parameter list of 61(3D) ENQ parameter list address DECB address o Create sea 4 Cancel sea 8 Overlay sea DCB address Parameter Iist address Reserved TCB address location DCB addresses 65(41) Reserved 66(42) IV BTAMTEST 68(44) IV SYNADAF Same as reg 0 on entry to SYNAD )ome as reg 1 on entry 10 SYNAD 68(44) IV 69(45) III SSP DCB address 70(46) 11 GSERV Parameter Iist address 3·20 SYNADRLS OS/VSI Programme,'s Reference Digest SVC Register Contents (cont'd) Dec (hex) Type Macro Register 1 Register 0 No. 71(47) IV RLSEBFR Parameter list address 71 (47) IV ASGNBRF Parameter list address 71(47) IV BUFINQ Parameter I ist address 72(48) IV CHATR Parameter I ist address 73(49) IV SPAR Parameter list address 74(4A) IV DAR Parameter list address 75(4B) III DQl'EUE Parameter I ist address 76(4C) IV IFBSTAT IIV I DSCAN 77(4D) 78(4E) Reserved 60(50) I I Reserved 81(51) IV SETPRT 82(52) IV DASDR 83(53) III SMFWTM 84(541 I GRAPHICS 85(55) IV DDRSWAP 86(56) IV ATLAS Porameter list o..lddress 87(57) III DaM DOM message Jd if reg (FO A pointer to Q list of DOM 88(58) III MOD88 89(59) III EMSRV 90(5A) IV XQMNGR Address of list of EeB/ JOB pointers (optional) QMPA acdress 91 (5B) IV VOLSTAT DCB address Zero: issued by CLOSE Message address message Ids if reg 0 negative. Routine Code DCB address Parameter list address Non-zero: issued by fOV 92(5C) - 101(65) Reserved 102(66) I AQCTL 103(67) III XLATE 104(68) IV TOPCTL 105(69) III IMAGLIB 106(6A) 107(68) 108(6C) Paro:7lcter list address Reserved II IMODESET I I I Parameter list address Reserved Section 3: Supervisor Information 3 -21 SVC Register Contents (cont'd) Dec (hex) Register 0 Type Macro Register 1 No. Extended 109(60) II SVC·Router Parameters to ESR Parameters to ESR (ESR) 110(6E) Reserved 111 (6F) 1\ JECS 112(70) I PGRLSE 113(71) I SIR Parameter List address low address High address ECB address or pointer Parameter word or PA to parameter list or contents ignored 114(72) I EXCPVR 115(73) 116(74) Parameter List address Reserved I Extended Parameters to ESR Parameters to ESR Function I SVC Router (ESR) 117(75) IV DEBCHEK 118(76) I AT 119(77) 2 TESTAUTH 122(7A) 3 ESR 3·22 OS/VSl Programmor's Reference Digest DCB SVC Directory Dec. (hex) !Type Macro Module Nome IEAIOSOO No. D (0) 1 EXCP 1 (I) 1 WAIT IEAAVlT 2 (2) 1 POST IEAAPT 3 (3) 1 EXIT IEAATAOO 4 (4) 1 GETMAIN IEAAMSOO 5 (5) 1 FREEMAIN IEAAMSOO 6 (6) 2 LINK 7 (7) 2 XCTL IEAATCOO 8 (3) 2 LOAD 9 (9) 2 DELETE IEAJDLOO 10(A) I REGMAIN [EAAMSOO lEAORTOI I IEAATCOO IEAATCOO II(B) I TIME 12(C) 2 SYNCH IEAASYOO 13(D) 4 ABEND lEANTMOO- 14(E) 2 SPIE lEAAPXOO 15(F) I ERREXCP IEAIOSOO 16(10) 3 PURGE IEClPRL2 17(11) 3 RESTORE IGCOOOIG 18(12) 2 BLDL/FIND IGCOl8 19(13) 4 OPEN IGCCiOOII 20(14) 4 CLOSE IGCOOO20 21(15) 3 STOW IGCOOnA OPEN IGCOO02B IEAI'iTMOM 22(16) 23(17) I:I I TYPE"J CLOSE IGCOO02C TYPE"T 24(IB) 3 DEVTYPE IGCOOD2D 25(19) 3 TRKBAL IGCOOO2E 26(IA) 4 CATALOG IGCOOO2F 26(lA) 4 INDEX IGCOO02F Section 3: Supervisor Information 3·23 SVC Directory (cont'd) Dec. (hex) Type No. Macro Module Name 26(IA) 4 LOCATE IGCOO02F 27(1 B) 3 OBTAIN IGCOO02G 2,8(1C) 4 CVOL IGCOO02H 29(10) 4 SCRATCH IGCOO021 IGCOO030 30(1 E) 4 RENAME 31(IF) 4 FEOV IGCOO03A 32(20) 4 ALLOC I GC0003B 33(21) 3 IOHALT IGCOO03C 34(22) 4 MGCR IEE03030 34(22) 4 QEOIT IEE03030 35(23) 4 WTO IEEMFWTO 35(23) 4 WTOR IEEMFWTO 36(24) 4 WTL IEE0303F 37(25) 2 SEGLO IEWSUOVR 37(25) 2 SEGWT IEWSUOVR 39(27) 3 LABEL IGCOO031 40(28) 2 EXTRACT IEABXROO 41(29) 2 IDENTIFY IEAAIOOO 42(2A) 2 ATTACH IEAQAT 43(2B) 2 ClRB IEAAEFOO 43(2B) 2 0lR8 IEAAEFOO 44(2C) 1 CHAP I EAQT BOO 45(20) 2 OVLYBRCH IEWSVOVR 46(2E) 1 TTlMER IEAOSTOI 47(2F) 2 STiMER IEAOSTOI 48(30) 2 OW IEAGENQl 51(33) 4 SNAP IEAAAOOOI EAA AD05 and IEAAAOOA. IEAAAOOL 52(34) 4 RESTART IEFVSMBR 53(35) 3 RELEX I GCOOO5C 3·24 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest SVC Directory (cont'd) Dec. (hex) Type No. Macro Module Name 54(36) 2 DISABLE I GC054 55(37) 4 EOV IGCOO05E 56(38) 2 ENQ IEAGENQI 57(39) 3 FREEDBUF IGCOO05G 58(3A) 2 RELBUF IGC058 58(3A) 2 REQBUF IGC058 59(3B) 4 OLTEP IGCOOO5[ 60(3C) 3 STAE IEAASTOO 62(3E) 3 DETACH IEAGED02 63(3F) 4 CHKPT IHJACPOO 64(40) 3 RDJFCB IGCOO06D 66(42) 4 BTAMTEST IGCOO06E 68(44) 4 SYNADAF IGCOO06H 68(44) 4 SYNADRLS IGCOO06H 69(45) 3 BSP IGCOO061 70(46) 2 GSERV IGC070 71(47) 4 RLSEBFR IGCOO07A 71(47) 4 ASGNBRF IGCOO07A 71(47) 4 BUFINQ IGCOO07A 72(48) 4 CHATR IEECMCTR 73(49) 4 SPAR IGCOC07C 74(4A) 4 DAR IEADTM22IEADTM23 75(4B) 3 DQUEUE IGCOO07E 76(4C) 3 IFBSTAT IFBSTAT 78(4E) 4 DSCAN IGCOO07H 81(51) 4 SETPRT IGCOO08A 82(52) 4 DASDR IGCOOOBB 83(53) 3 SMFWTM IEESMFBC 84(04) I GRAPHICS IGCOB4 85(55) 4 DDRSWAP IGCOO08E Section 3: Supervisor Information 3·25 SVC Directory (cont'd) D,c. (hex) Type No. Macro 86(S6) 4 ATLAS IGCoo08f 87(S7) 3 DOM IEECXDOM 88(S8) 3 MOD88 IGCoo08H 89(S9) 3 EMSRV IGCoo081 90(SA) 4 XOMNGR I EfXOMOO 91(SB) 3 VOLSTAT I GCoo09A Modole Name 102(66) 1 AOCTL IEDOEB 103(67) 4/3 XLATE IGGOOlOC 104(68) 4 TOPCTL IEDOEB 10S(69) 3 IMAGLIB IGC0010E 107(68) 1 MODESET IEAVMODE 109(6D) 2 ESR (tlxtended IGCl16 111(6f) 2 JECS 112(70) 1 PGRLSE IEAAIHOO 113(71) 1 SIR IEAAIHoo 114(72) 1 EXCPVR IEAIOSOO 116(74) 1 ESR IGC116 1I7(7S) 4 DEBCHEK IfGDEBCHK 118(76) i AT IEAAIHOO 119(77) 2 TESTAUTH IEAVTEST 122(7A) 3 ESR IGC116 SVC router) 3·26 IFGAZ016 OS!VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Load Module Control Explanation of Style Footnotes: Words in all capitols are coded as shown; appropriate values ore to be substituted for ** In double-word on double-word boundary fr In full-word on full-word boundary words in lowsr case letters. Brockets,[], + Left justified in double-word on byte enclose operands thot moy be used or omitted as required; stocking within braces, { }, is used to indicate a choice of operands or values. Underlining, I boundary a Multiple of eight; value given in bytes indicates a default value. - load Module Control Possconirol and initiate entry point ncrne [,(address parameter [,address parameterl ••• )[,VLl J CALL [,10=0 to 65535) execution Dynamically LINK load and initiate execution I 'P=CO!'Y po;c! com, } { EPLOC=address of entry point name+ DE=address of list entry [,OCB=dcb address] , [,PARAM=(oddress parameter I,address parameted ••• ) [,VL==ll] [,10=0 to 65535) Transfer XCTL EP=entry point name [range of registers to be restored[, control IEPLOC==address of entry pain! nome+ 1 DE=address of list entry [,DCB=dcb address) Dynamically load LOAD Delete DELETE Identify IDENTIFY (EP=entry poirlt rlame ENTRY==entry point address 'lEPLOC=oddress of erltry point nome) SEGWT external segment name embedded entry point Load overlay segment } 'PO'C!'Y po;c! com' { EPLOC=cddress of entry point name+ I, DCB=dcb address] DE==oddress of list entry t, Section 3: Supervisor Information 3-27 Synchronization WAIT (number of events, J (eCt=eeb address ) \.eCBLIST=addreu of lilt of ecb addresses· Woit for even whll.lo_t prlotity task II executed WAITR (number of events, J(eC9=eCb address ) ECBLlSt';"oddress of list of ecb addresses· Post event com"letian POST ecb address [,camplolTon code1 Request ENQ (qnorne oddress,tnome Clddress, Walt for event control of ,.rlaily reusable lIt, (tnorn.length), rsYSTEMl , ••• ) L'J Llli!. J ,RET=TEST ] [ ,RET=USE ,RET"'HAVE ,RET"CHNG DEQ Release •• rlolly reusable (qname address,rnoIM address, (mome length), [~~~~M} ••• ) I,RET=HAVEI E means excluslye control} d fg I • E S means ~ared control e u t IS SYSTEM means resource used by more ,h(ln one job STEP means resource used by issuing lob Set intervol timer STiMER { lREALt (oddle" of Interval end routine;l] TASK, (address of interval end routine) WAIT tOINTVL;;;Oddress of decimal interval.... } { ,8INTVL=address of binary Interval in seconds" , TUINTVL=oddress of binary Interval In timer units" , TOD=address of time-of-doy of Interval end·· Test interval timer TTIMER ICANCELII, TUI TIME AND TIME INTERVALS FOR TTiMER AND STIMER Dscimal (DINTVL operands): Eight unpacked decimal digits In fonnot HHMMSSth HH =houn in 24-hour clock Binary in seconds (8INTVL operands): Unsigned 32-bit binal')' number in a full-word on Nil-word boundary; leoll lignlricant bit hOI a value of 0.01 second MM=mlnutes SS'" seconds t = tenths of ~econdr; h '" hundredths of seconds 3·28 Binary In timer units (TU or TUINTVL operands): Uruigned 32-bit binary number In a full-ward on full-word boundaryi least Significant bit has a value of 1 timer unit timer unit'" 26 microseconds) OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest o Synchronization (cont'd) STlMERE SetlntervClI 1'·'"'1 10= addr timer ALL' extended 1 (BlN ••dd.)] ( I ,TEST = (DEC,addr) (MIC,crddr) ,CANC:EL~yes. TEST~ ICDEc,Clddr)/ • CANCEL"'YES (BIN,addr) (MIC,oddr) !) [ .'C".dd, ,EXIT=cddrl,SVAREA= ~~ J 1 [,ERKET"'oddr, Note'l ID=AlL can be used with CANCEllHEST h not $pecUied; ID"AlL il defaulted if CANCEL appeors alone. ALL is Invalid for all other use, of 10, TIME INTERVALS FOR STIMERE Decimal (OINTVl operond), Eight unpoeked decimal digiti In format HHMMSSth HH = houri in 24-hour clock MM=mlnutes Sinory in seconds (81NTVL ope'Clnd): 31-bit positive binary number in a full-ward on full-werd boundary; least significant bil has volueofO.OI second 0 55= sec:onds t=lenlhsofseconds h=hundredthsofsec:ondl 8inory in microsecondl (MICVl operand): Unsigned 64-bit binary number In a cIoubie-wcrd an adauble·wcrd ooundary. BitSllsthe low arder dlgltofth" Interval value. Section 3: Supervisor Information 3·29 Program Interrupt Control (see explanation of style· page 3.27) Enable and SPIE (interruption exit routine addressl disable (, (interruption typer, interruption typel, ••• )J program interruptions cnd transfer control to Interruption exit routine INTERRUPTION TYPES FOR SPIE !lE! I ~ Meaning Operation Privileged operation 2 3 4 Execute Protection 5 Addressing 6 Specification Oata Flxed-point overflow 7 8 Meaning l'1E! 9 No No No No No No No 10 11 12 13 14 15 Y., Maskable Fixed-point divide Decimal overflow Decimal divide Exponent overflow Exponent underflow Significance Floating-point divide No Y., No No Y., Y., No CONTROL BLOCKS Event control block (ECB): o 1 2 Program interruption control oreo (PICA): 3 31 bits Iw Ie loompl.tlO" ood'i W=woit flag C = completion Flog pro-I I 0000 :I gram I mosk exit routine oddren Progrom intenvption element (PIE): 3 bytes o " B 12 16 I PICA address Old Progrom Status Word after interru titm Re ister 1 Register 15 20 Register a 24 2B Register I Register 2 bytes 3·30 OS!VSl Programmer's Reference Digest 4 5 bytes ::~ruptlO" I r General Services (see expllnatlon of rty1t· page 3·271 Delete DOM messtlge(s) from 1 MSG=re9ister containing 24-bit, right-justified messoae number } MSGlIST=oddress of list of fullwords, each a 24-blt, right-justified identHication number of messege to be deleted display Write to operator wro Write to wrOR {;~:~;r;ine typell, ••• } I,ROUTCDE"'\number I,numberl , ••• )1 I,DESC=number] 'messoge',address of reply oreo,length of reply,8cb address operator [,ROUTCDE=(number I,number) ,.,.)/ i,OfSC=messoge descriptor code(s)J ondwelit for reply WTL 'message' Divide extended precision floating point number DXR register containing dividend, register containing divhor Get time and date TIME Write to 10, I [ DEC BiN HH " halll'$ in 24-hOllr clock MM=minutes 55= sec:ondl t= tenths of seconds h = hundredths of seconds I ] ~~C,oddress Decimol (DEC operand); EIght pocked dec:imal dIgits in format HHMMSSth Only registers 0 and 4 can be vsed; they may be specified in either order. Binary in secor.ds (BIN operand): Unsigned 32-bit binary number in a filII-word on fullword boundary; least significant bit has a value of 0.01 second Binary in timer units (TU operand): Unsigned 32-bit binary number in a full-word on fullword bondary; least significont bit has CI value of I timer unit (I timer unit;: 26 micro-seconds) Binory In microseconds (MIC operand): Unsigned 64-bit binClry number In a double-word on a double-word boundary. Bit 51 is the low order digit of the interval value. Section 3: Supervisor Information 3-31 General Services (cont'd) • Termination (1M explanation of nyle· page 3·27) Save register SAVE (ronge of registers to be \fored) [, TJ [, identifier] SNAP DC~oddre!S l contents Cump storage and continue in SAVE, Tmeans: save resisteri 14 ond 15. [,10=1 to 127] [,SCAlA;( ~All%ALL~ NUC TRT CB o ,NUC , TRT ••• )] ,C~ ,0 ['PDATA;({fi~~ SAH JPA or lPA or ALLPA SPLS SNAP :JPA or ,LPA Of ,ALlPA L-SPLS SDAlA VALUES o~~ of the following fields all of nucleus except trace toble TRT CB troce table Tea, active RBs, JPACQ, and MSS control blocks - SNAP ALL PSW REGS SA SAH JPA LPA ALLPA SPlS all of the following fields (assume SA end ALlPA) Program Status Word when SNAP was issued contents of general registers when SNAP W01 i~sued linkoge informotion ond bock troce linkoge informotion only 011 virtuol storoge ossigned to iob step contenh of re$ident reenteroble load module JPA + LPA contents of virh.Jol storage 5ubpooh O· 127 00)] OATA=oddren,lNG=number of bytes of data, I IFrecord 10 ],FIIFformot identifier routinel T...miNlli~ I Terminate normally RETURN {{ronge of registers to be restored)) [, T] l T~rminote ABEND in RETURN, T means: place all ones in hlgh·order byte of sove area word 4, oto 4095, [DUMPI [, STEPI abnormallv 3.32 ] ... ll PDATA VALUES - • STORAGE = (storting address, ending oddress" ,LIST == address of list [ GTRACE lj I~f~~~ ,SAH NUC ALL Record trace doto I of data control block [, TCB=oddreu of TCB address"] OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest [t:~~I~) I 4095}] Task Control (see axpl,nation of style· page 3-27) Dynamiee y load and initiate execution AT ACH :,1' iEP=entry pOint norr:e { EPLOC=oddress of entry point name+ DE:address of nome field of list e~try (, DCB:dc:b address] " PARAM:::(address pattJmeter (,address panJmeter) ••• ) (, VL: II] I, EC8=ecb oddressll, ETXR=address of routine to be entered when] subtas!: ~ermlnotes (,lPMOD:number subtracted from limit priority] (,DPMOD=signed number algebraically added to dispatching priority) [,TOE={~~}[ I, FPREGSA= {~~} J Delete DETACH address of teb address" Change priority CHAP signed number to be algebraically Cldded to dispatching priorlfy r, address of 'eb oddress] l:''5'- =========c:o -1'5' Indlcetes that the priority of the I lactive tosk is to be changed. I Section 3: Supervisor .Inforrnatlon 3·33 Virtual Storage Allocation (see explanation of style· page 3·27) Allocate GErMAIN storage GETMAIN R,LV=lengthO [,SP=O to 1271 { (i~}'LV=I.ngthO . {~5},LA=oddress oflengthO list I,SP=O Release to I .A=addreu of speclf'leCltlon list 1271 (,BNDRY=p~~p FREEMAIN {::~~{~)n9thO,A=addre5S of storoge oreo address· list (;SP=O to 1271) FREEMAIN { ~,lV=len9tho },A=oddress of storage area address· list storage MODE OPERANDS FOR GErMAIN AND FREEMAIN R=register type E=single area, fixed length V=slngle area, variable length U=vnconditi4nal C=conditionol Release PGRLSE LA-low address of oreo,HA-hlgh address+l of area virtual storoge 3-34 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest It 5)):Q to 1271 Overall Control Flow of Supervisor SVC Interruption Progrom Check Interruption External Interruption I/O Machine Check Interruption Interruption 1 \---+-- } To Dispatcher if Needed SVC Routine is not in Main Storage State J....:---";+-_To Dispatcher if SVC Routine Issues an XCTL Macroinstruction The exit routine is a Type 1 SVC routine that does not pass control to the Type 1 exit routine. It is shown separately for illustrative purposes. Retrieval of Library Routines SVC Routine Needed The Overlay Supervisor and the or Link, Load, XCTL and Synch Routines are Both Type 2 SVC Routines Private Library Section 3: Supervisor Information 3 -35 General Flow Diagrams (Part 1 of 4) I/o', New PSW·s I/o External Post Interrupt Volid RB Handler BALR to Post SVC :rN:..;o+__ ABTERM Program EXCP Supervisor t-/,Qchine I/o Wait FLlH's I/o Store Reg's and Old PSW Wait Count = 0 External Yes Address in the Next Dispatcher Slot Prog Exit >_Y",e",-1--0_ ABTERM SVC SVC No >--f-I- ABTERM Yes 0 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 LPSW to 15 SPI E Exit IGCOOO IGCOOI IGCOO2 IGCOO3 I GC004 IGCOO5 IGCOO9 I GCOOIO IGCOO15 EXCP WAIT POST EXIT GETMAIN FREEMAIN DELETE REGMAIN ERREXCP Ye, LPSW Return } To Pmt 2 lost RB on Active Yes ABEND Code FFFFFFFF ~ SVC ABEND No -+----< Part 3 Dispatcher SLiH (Port 3) No L-'~--+--_LPSW 3·36 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest (Return) General Flow Diagrams (Part 2 of 4) GETMAIN FREEMAIN DELETE ---------------------------------------------------------r~------------------------_, REGMAIN ENQ DEQ Virtual Storage Manager ENO/DEQ Delete ABEND _rN..;;o:..--< SVC 3 SVC 3 SVC 3 Yes SVC 3 ">--1-40- ABEND _~N.::o=----< .....- - - - - - - - - - ' Put Name on Queue That Is Waiting for Resource Remove the Waiting Task From Wait State Mark Task in Wait State and Indi cate SVC 3 Return Address and Length of Allocated Storage; Update Queues to ReA ect Change. Task Switch SVC 3_+.:..N.::o:....._-c~ SVC 3-+----1 Part 1 Section 3: Supervisor Infonnation 3·37 General Flow Diagrams (Part 3 of 4) Dispatcher SLlH-----, Type III SYC Handler ----, I I I I Type II SVC's Type III LINK and OPEN CLOSE CATALOG INDEX SCRATCH WTO XCTL LOAD BLDL FIND PURGE RESTORE LOCATE OBTAIN I Link (Part 4) Load XCTL Find BLDL 1 - . -_ _---<_ SVC 3 I I I I I I I I L~ -- Get Storage for Work Area and Program I IV SVC's if Required -- ----, GETMAIN for SVRB • RB Queue BLDL f-. BLDL Subroutine to get TTR of Program on Disk - see Part 4 >--jo:~ ABEND 106 Fetch Read Module into Storage 3-38 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest No Initiate SVRB I I L_ SVRB Create and Put it on I >--f-- ABEND 806 LPSW Wait State if None Found No General Flow Diagrams (Part 4 of 4) I GC018 (BLDL/FIND) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---, LI NK, LOAD and XCTL SVC 8 I GC008 (LOAD) +--------..;..,;.....:;...;;....-----------1 BLDL/FIND r Search Load List for Program to Be Loaded I I SVC 7 IGC007 (XCTL) BLDL Subroutine (Entered via BAL) I I I Dequeue and IGC006 (LINK) SVC6 Search Load List for Program to Go to FREEMAI N the XCTL'er More Data I Set Return Reg to Point to FREEMAIN Search Load List for Program to Go to I I I I --I I I Set Up DCB, lOB, CCW, etc. Search Directory For Equal or High Key SVCO Yes I Place E/P Addr Into RO and Doubleword Length in Rl Return Scan Block Move TTR and User Dato to BLDL List Set Error Cod~ Move RB Chain Addr from Active RB to New RB Return Store New RB Addr in Active RB Chain Field 1---+---<_ SVC3 Section 3: Supervisor Information 3 -39 3-40 OSjVSI Programmer's Reference Digest Section 4: Data Management Information Data Management Macros 4-2 Direct Access Device Capacities 4-13 IBM Standard Tape Labels 4-14 ANSI Standard Tape Labels 4-21 Data Set Record Formats 4-29 VSAM Macros for Data Access 4-33 Flow of Control in QSAM, BSAM, and BPAM 4-38 SAM Flow of Control for Open Executors 4-40 Source Publications Details of data management macros for BSAM, BDAM, BPAM, BISAM, QSAM, and QISAM, as well as DASD track capacities, are found in OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions, GC26-3793. You can obtain additional tape label information from • OS/VS Tape Labels, GC26-3795 Data set record format information is available in OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783. Additional VSAM information is available in OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Programmer's Guide, GC26-3838. For information about MICR/OCR data management refer to these publications: • OS Data Managemellt Services and Macro Instructions for IBM 1419/1275. GC21-5006 • OS Data Management SerVices and Macro Instructions for IBM 1285/1287/1288, GC21-5004 Section 4: Data Management 4-1 Data Management Macros - Introduction Dato Management Macros for: BDAM BSAM BPAM BISAM QSAM QISAM Completion codes for DIM macros are contained in the low-order byte of general register 15. Unless otherwise indicated the letter codes used here mean: AIM BPAM A - Successful completion. B- Completion, but one or more errors occurred that may invalidate the results of macro execution. C - Permanent I/O error o- Trock, block, or device address not within dota set. E- Not complete or no operation performed. BLDL )dCb Odd'·"f' (1-12) I BSAM tt Macro esp -, Completion Parameters Codes add""~ OO=A 04=B 08=C (2-12) (0), (0) {deb Odd,e,,} OO=A 04=B 08=E (SYSIN 0' SYSOUT) (1-12) 11 numbe, of bUff.,,! '1 buff., length 11 BDAM BUILD BISAM BPAM BSAM QISAM QSAM {acea add,e",} QSAM BUILDRCD lareo(2-12) address} l number of buffers ~ , ~ buffer length} (2-12) (2-12) (1-12) (2-12) (2- 12) (0) I 'l ..,aro aceo add,e,,! [, 1,ecaro aceo length!J (2-12) 4·2 (2-12) OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest \ Data Management Macros (cont'd) AIM Completion Code Parameters Macro Q5AM BUILDRCD area address, number of buffers, buffer length (list,form) ,record area address['record area length],MF=L BUILDRCD [area address] t [number of buffers], [buffer length] (2- 12) {execute form) I [record area address] I [record area length] (2-12) , MF = (E,{ control program list addressp (I) BDAM CHECK BI5AM BPAM B5AM BDAM CHKPT BI5AM BPAM S5AM QI5AM Q5AM {deob add,e"}[D50RG={15 }] (1- 12) ALL (dob add,e,,(,oheok;d add,." ~OheOf.;d length]]} '5' /CANCEL ' < OO"'Successful completion 04""Restart occurred 08 =Unsuccessful com- pletion: Macro error OC""Unsuccessful completion: I/O error 10 =Successful completion: Possible error 14=Chkpt not taken CHKPT (list form) [deb oddress],[checkid address],[ checkid length] '5' ,MF=L CHKPT [deb address],[ checkid :::JddressJ{checkid length] (execute form) ,MF=(E,{control progrom list oddress}> '5' (I) Section 4: Data Management 4·3 Data Management Macros (cont'd) AIM Macro BDAM CLOSE BISAM BPAM BSAM* QISAM QSAM Completion Parameters "·~-[·'~j[,,;eT" ,LEAVE I DELETE REWIND KEEP [, TYPE"T]' CLOSE (list form) ,LEAVE l['<. "''''L'''~Ol[,,;e ,REWIND I\"" I (execute form) r" DELETE KEEP \ CATLG , UNCATLG [,TYPE"T]',MF"L CLOSE n' CATLG UNCATLG Codes tlEAVE m,<· "'-r~"l[O"'tM; ,REWII~D IDELETE KEEP r'J \ CATLG , UNCATLG [, TYPE=T]*,MF=(E,{data management list oddressp (1-12) I BSAM CNTRL QSAM deb address, SS '1 ~! Not avoilable to user program sp,m SK,{ :h,ough } 12 . -< BSM FSM >- BSR~number of bloc~j FSR ,number of blocks ESP! LMK! DMKt DSG ENG t See OS;VS IBM 3886 Optical Character Reader Modell Reference, GC21-5069 4-4 OSjVSl Programmer's Reference Digest Data Management Macros (cont'd) AIM Macro BDAM DCB BISAM BPAM BSAM QISAM QSAM BDAM DCBD BISAM BPAM BSAM QISAM QSAM The DeB macro is too complex to properly ctocument in this publication. For information about this macro, please refer to OS/VS Data Manollement Macro Instructions, GC26- 3793. LSORG=([~~&DA][.I5J[.LR][.PO][.P5J[.QSJ]~ [.DEVD=( [DA][,PC][,PR][,Pt](.RD][. TA][,MR] LoR])] QISAM ESETL {deb addreSs} (1-12) BSAM FEOV QSAM {deb address}r{REWIND}] (1-12) LEAVE BPAM {"'~-}'r~~-}" FIND Completion Codes Parametel'$ (1- 12) } (2-12) (0) relaHve address Iht},C (2-12) (0) OO=A 04=B OB=C Note: relcclr, C always returns CC of 00 BDAM FREEBUF BISAM BPAM BSAM {deb address} ,register* (1-12) *Note: Reg, any of 2 to 12, contains oddr of buffer. BDAM FREEDBUF teb addre''}'{K} ,{deb address} (2-12) D (1-12) BISAM (0) BDAM FREEPOOL {deb addreSs} (1- 12) BISAM BPAM BSAM QISAM QSAM QISAM GET QSAM {deb address } pdab address (1- 12) [{"rea addreSS}] (2-12) [. TYPE=P] (0) .Section 4: Data Management 4-5 Data Management Macros (cont'd) Macro AIM Completion Codes Parameters BDAM GETBUF BISAM BPAM BSAM {deb address} ,register* (1-12) *Note: Reg, any of 2 to 12, is where the system .....iII place the buffer address. BDAM GETPOOL BISAM BPAM BSAM QISAM QSAM {deb address}, {{number of buffers} ,{buffer length}} BPAM BSAM (1-12) (2- 12) (0) NOTE {deb address} (1-12) ({deb address} ,[(option,)], ••. ) BDAM OPEN BISAM BPAM BSAM QISAM QSAM BDAM BISAM BPAM BSAM QISAM QSAM (2-12) (2-12) ([deb addre.. ] ,[(opHon,)], ... ),MF= L OPEN (list form) OPEN [([{deb oddre,,}], [(option,)], ... )] (2-12) (execute form) ,MF={E,{doto management list address}> (2-12) Open Macro Options ACCESS METHOD DEVICE TYPE MAGNETIC TAPE Option 1 Option 2 DIRECT ACCESS Option 1 Option 2 ~ QSAM [INPUT ]['REREAD] [INPUT OUTPUT ,LEAVE OUTPUT ROBACK ,DISP UPDAT ['"M lL"'~"l ['"'~ 1[,-~l OUTPUT INOUT OUTIN RDBACK BSAM ,LEA VE ,DISP QISAM (Load Mode) - - BPAM, BDAM - - OUTPUT INOUT .OUTIN UPDAl ,LEAVE ,DISP [INPUT ] OUTPUT [INPUT OUTPUT - l- [OUTPUT] - - - ~ - - - [INPUT OUTPUT UPDAT Optionally select one from vertical stack within 4·6 [,REREAD] ,LEAVE ,DISP OTHER TYPES Option 2 Option 1 [ ] OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Data Management Macros (cont'd) AIM Macro QSAM PDAB QSAM I PDABD :;~~ 8SAM POINT MAXDCB - deb number - I t deb addre~s it -\block oddre~ss I - P~TOV I I PUT OSAM PUTX 1 dcb odd"" I, I, I 1121 j dcb odd"" READ 12-12) (1-12) I 'i;;2} tf -!o,"cflow "H odd"" (] I I 12-12) f [ \"00 odd"" IJ (2(~1)2) I 1dcb odd"" I QSAM BDAM 11-12) I I I .-QISAfv\ Completion (ades Parameters I QSAM QJSAM I \ I. [\iOpot d;b odd"" IJ , ," "'' r ~l:uff" ! ". ' I I IH2} '2,~',2} \ I OK ~:~ 12-12} \ I 12-12} 11_0 0"'",1\ 'S' . DKF DKi( ,),2-I2}1 rI,ogth VI key12-12} odd"" I' I . 'S' BsAM I block Odd"",[ r 12-12) READ decb name, SF, {dc(~~~~}ess } READ d,cb oomo, {' }' { dcb odd"" } , KU 12-12} IN BDAM dataset BISAM \ '~' I r'd odd"" 12-12) fJ {are(~~~~ress} -. 10'" odd"" 1~;~21 I' i l,e9 t h' 12,~',2}J \keyoddress/ ) BPAM B5AM READ 12-12} dcob come, I !tSCSf l' {dpb odd,W}, (2-12) {N"(2-12) Odd""}, l'OO9 th ' (2-12) 's' RBlt READ (I hi form) decb namp., type·, [deb ,;~dress ] I [Qrea,~?dress ] I [f~~?thJ ,[ key r;~dr"ssJ' [block address], [next address], MF=L *Note: DI) from wilt be one of the parameters (e.g., K,SF, applicablo stand,nd farm of the READ macro. tSee OS,NS IBM 3886 0Elieal Character Reader Modell Reference, GC21-5069 Section 4: Data Management 4-7 Data Management Macros (cont'd) AIM Mecro READ {,,"ecute Completion Codes PorameterJ """,['.'Od',,,,),[0',"Odd,."],['OO9'h) {'dodd.,,), (2-12) (2-12) 12-12) '5' '5' form} '[k" (2-12) ""d,.,,],[b10.k(2-12) O'd..,,) ,["",(2-12) Odd",,), MF 0' '5' *Not.. , typ" will beoneoftr.eporometers (e.9., K, SF, 01) from the opplieoblo st,,'!derd form of the READ macro. I BDAM RElEX D,{,.bOdd"")' lb,o.k Odd'' 'l (H2) (2-12) I OO=A 04=5 CS=D (0) QISAM QSAM RElSE QISAM SETl {d.b(H2) Odd'' ')'j' K[H] KC \', 'ow., nmrt 2-12Odd'""(1 KoEH] / ' (0) , , KCD ID '0 BSAM OSAM SETPRT f [ ,UCS"'{c;c ~ ,F[OLD],V[ERIFV]) ,F[OlD] "V[ERIFV] }' [, FC'" Ilm09~I'r, V[ERlFynllr, OPTCD t L,A[lIGN]J L o{")] u 1)] U ,U[NFOlD]J FC'" (1=9.-id [, V[ERIFYln)[.OPTCDOI{,)[,F[OLD] ,A[lIGNIj 1) ,OPTCDol{')[,FlOLD] LJ ~U[NFOLDJJ SETPRT COl'll'letion Codes FC' ucs FCBjUCS Bih 24-31 8il<16-23 Sits 24-31 4-8 00 00 Successful completion 04 0' Operotorc ] [OPTeD" {~}] [V~'''fY~)[.OPTCD~({BI[' \OLDJ ~)J I ,A LIGN] uJ .UNFOLD LDJ I ,OPTCD({'}[t T u t"CHimow " .UNFO~ I , ,M' (E,{doto man(~~~;Jt Ii" address}, Section 4: Data Management 4·9 Data Management Macros (cont'd) A/M I1PAM STOW Completion Codes Parameters Mecro odd",,} { d'b(1-12) '{Ii" Odd",,} (2-12) ['IA (] . C I? \ (0) Compo Code (hex) Directory Action A R 00 Successful com lelion 04 Nome olreody in directory 0' D I -- I -- _l~ome found -- not DC No space in directory Permanent I I/O error 10 in directory 14 Specified dOte con~ trol block not open 18 virtuallilorogc New name already in directory Old nome not found -- No space in directory Insufficient 'DAM SYNAOAF BISAM Ii~\' ACSMETH·'DAM ACSMETK=8PAM I iI (e.g., SF, OA, K) from the applicable stondord fann of the WRITE macro. WRITE (exe- { deab add,e,,}, type-, [ dab add,e" (2-12) (2-12) J' ["ea add,e" ] cute (2-12) '5' form) ,[length l[ke y add,e"],[blaak add,.,,], [n.xt add,.,,} (2-12) '5' (2-12) (2-12) (2-12) 'S' MF=E "'Note: type will be one of the keyword porameters (e.g., SF, DA, K) from the applicable standard form of the WRITE mocro. SDAM BI5AM BPAM B5AM QISAM Q5AM 4-12 XlATE {"ea add,e"H length (2-12) (2-12) WO ={A}] E OS/ySI Programmer's Reference Digest Direct Access Device Capacities I Maximum Tracks/ Cylinder No. of Cylinders 2 Total Capacity I, 2 Device Type Volume 2314/ 2319 Disk n94 20 200 29,176,000 Disk 13030 19 404 100,018,280 Disk 13030 19 808 200,036,560 3340 Disk 8368 12 696(70-megabytes) 348(35-megabytes) 2305-1 Drum 14136 8 48 5,428,224 2305-2 Drum 14660 8 96 11 ,258,880 3330/ 3333 (Modell) 3330/ 3333 (Model II) Blocksi?e/ Track I Type 69,889,536 34,944,768 J- Capacity indicated in bytes (when RO is used by the IBM programming system). 2- Excluding alternate cylinders. Blocks with keys Device Type 8i Blocks without keys Bn Bn 45+KL+DL 101 + 512 (DL) DL 3330/ 191+KL+DL 3333 (Model I) 191+KL+DL 135+DL 135+DL 3330/ 191+KL+DL 3333 (Model II 191+KL+DL 135 +DL 135+DL 3340 242 +KL+DL 242+DL+DL 167+DL 167+DL 2305 -I 634+KL+DL 634+KL+DL 432 +DL 432 +DL 2305 - 2 289+KL +DL 289+KL +DL 198 +DL 198+DL 2314/ 2319 534 Bi 146+512 (KL+DL) 534 81 is any block but the last on the track Sn is the last block on the track KL is the key length DL is the data length Section 4: Data Management 4·13 Volume Organization with IBM Standard Labels Single Data Set Single Volume VOLl HDR1 Single Data Set r-"TV-"O"L'"'l;-JY...;',u.-lt_ip.,ie Volru,,-mc:;eV"'s-=0"'"1:-1----,) Volume Lobel UHLl HDR1 HDR2 UHLl - HDR1} Data Set HDR2 Header Labels UHLl} User Header Labels UHLn TM UHLn TM UHLn TM Data First Part Lost Part of of HDR2 Set TM EOF1 EOF2 UTLl Data Data Set Set TM EOV1 EOV2 UTLl TM EOF1 EOF2 UTLl ~ TLn ~ TM TM ~ ~ ~ UTLn TM TM } Data Set Trailer Labels ~ User Trailer \LObeIS ~ . End of } Data Set Single Data Set/Single Volume: The volume label is followed by the data set header labels and optional user header labels. The data set is preceded and followed by a tapemark. The data set trailer labels are identified as EOF and followed by optional user trailer labels. Two tapemarks follow the trailer lobel group to indicate that the data set is the last data set on the volume and is not continued on another ,olume. Single Data Set/Multiple Volumes: More than one volume is needed to contain the data set. The last volume is organized the same as a single volume. On the other volumes l the data set trailer labels are identified as EOV instead of EOF 1 and the trailer label group is followed by one topemark instead of two. The data set and user labels are repeated on each volume, and there is a separate volume label for each tape. 4·14 OSjVSl Programmer's Reference Digest Volume Organization with IBM Standard Labels (cont'd) Multiple Data Sets Multiple Volumes Multiple Data Sets Single Volume VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHLl Vol 1 of 3 VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHLl Vol 2 of 3 VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHLl Vol30f3 VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHLl ~ ~ TM ' Data Set A TM EOFI EOF2 UTll ~ TM Hln ~ UHln TM TM cst 0 Data Set B Data Set A TM EOFI EOF2 UTll TM EOFI EOF2 UTLl Data Set B Continued UTln TM HDRI HDR2 UHLl ~ TM Data Set B UTln TM HDRI HDR2 UHLl UTln TM HDRI HDR2 UHll ~ ~ ~ Dato Set C TM Data Set B :::-"::-: TM EOFI EOF2 UTLl TM EOVI EOV2 UTLl 1M TM EOVI EOV2 UTll EOFI EOF2 UTLl ~ ~ TM . TM ~ TM ~ ~ Tln ~ TM TM Multiple Data Sets/Single Volume: The tape begins with a volume label. Each data set is preceded by a header label group and a tapemark, and is followed by a topemark and a trailer label group. The data set trailer lobels· are identified 05 EOF. Each trailer label group is followed by a topemark; the tailer lobel group for the last data set on the volume is followed by two tapemarks. Multiple Data Sets/Multiple Volumes: More than one volume is n-~eded to contain the multiple data set aggregate. The lost volume is organized the same as a multiple data set/single volume layout. On the other volumes, the last data set trailer labels are identified as EOV instead of EOF, and the last trailer label group is followed by one tapemark instead of two. There is a separate volume label for each tape. Section 4: Data Management 4·15 IBM Standard Label Processing by Data Management Routines Volume Header Labels! Lobel Trailer labels l Processing VOLI HDRI HDR2 Open Open Open Open UHLI-8 EOFlor EOF2 or EOVl EOV2 UTLI-8 First or Only Volume: 2 Checks labels on input tope. I Open EOV bypassed EOV not Open i read not read not rea~ not read Opens Close Close Close user Open Open Open or EOV or EOV EOV EOV before overwriting. EOV EOV read Writes new lobels on output tope. EOVar EOV user 4 EOV Checks existing lobels on output tope before Qver- writing. Writes new labels on output tape. Ior I Open 4 or EOV Second or ~nt Volumes: 3 Checks labels on input tape. bypassed EOV EOV bypassed EOV not not read not read not read Close Close EOV or EOV or EOV Check labels on output tape not read Close or EOV Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4-16 For read backward operations, the action on header and trailer labels IS reversed. Includes the first volume of concatenated do to sets with unlike characteristics. Data sets with like characteristics can be processed correctly using the same data control block (DCB), input/output block (lOB), and channel program. Any exception in processing makes the data sets unlike. Includes the first volume of concatenated data sets with I ike characteristics. User can create the label with the IEHINITT utility program or a user program. Subsequently, the label may be rewritten by the Open and EOV routines. If DISP==MOD is specified on the DD statement, the Open routine positions the tape at the end of the €xisting data set and allows an input user trailer label routine to process user trailer labels (prior to overwriting the existing labels). OSjVSI Programmer's Reference Digest Format of IBM Standard Volume Label (~) Position Field Number and Name (3) 1. Label Identifier ( (1) 2. Label Number (6) 3. Volume Serial Number * (1) 4. Reserved (10) 5. VTOC Painter (Direct Access Only) (10) 6. Reserved (10) 7. Reserved VOU" 3 4 5 10 11 12 \ 21 22 31 32 41 42 * Functional Fields (10) 8. Owner Name and Address Code 51 52 f-aoi _.L-_-,(2:.;9C!.)_...JT 9. Reserved L Section 4: Data Management 4·17 Format of IBM Standard Data Set Label 1 Position (Bytes) Field Number and Nome (3) 1. label Identifier} (1) 2. Label Number HDR1/EOV1/EOFl (17) 3. Doto Set Identifier * 21 22 (6) 4. Data Set Serial Number (4) 5. Volume Sequence Number (4) 6. Data Set Sequence Number * (4) 7. Generation Number (2) 8. Version Number (6) 9. Creation Date (6) 10. Expiration Date * 27 28 31 32 - 35 36 39 40 41 42 47 48 53 54 55 11. Data Set Security * (6) 12. Block Count * (13) 13. System Code 60 61 73 74 (7) 80 4·18 14. Reserved * Functional Field OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest * Format of IBM Standard Data Set Label 2 Position (Bytes) Field Number and Name 3 4 5 6 (3) 1. Label Identifier} (1) (1) 2. Lobe I Number 3. Record Format (5) 4. Block Length * (5) 5. Record Length * (1) (1) 6. Tape Density 7. Data Set Position (17) 8. Job/Job Step Identification (2) 9. Tape Recording Technique HDR2/EOV2/EOF2 * 10 11 15 16 17 18 34 35 36 ~37<-1.....l..!I..L.---ll O. Control Character 38 (1 ) 11. Reserved Block Attribute !";;;rl~I+----l12. * * * 40 l==f f3. (41) Reserved ~ Section 4: Data Management 4·19 Format of User Label Field Number and Name 3 4 5 (3) 1. Label Identifier (1) 2. Label Number (76) 3. User Specified 80 4·20 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest *} UHLl-8/UTLl-8 * Functional Field Volume Organization with ANSI Standard Labels Single Data Set S·m~le I Vo Iume VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHL VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHL Single Data Set Multiple Volumes VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHL Volume Label ! Data Set Header Labels } User Header UHL TM UHL TM UHL TM Dcta First Part Last Part of of Set TM Data Data Set Set TM EOVl EOV2 TM EOFI EOF2 UTL un ~ Labels ~ Single Dato Set/Multiple Volumes: More than one volume is needed to contain the doto set. The last volume is organized the some as a single volume. On the other volumes, the doto set trailer labels are identified as EOV instead of EOF, and the trailer label group is followed by two tapemarks. The doto set and user labels ore repeated on each ·volume, and there is a seporate volume lobel for each tape. Section 4: Data Management 4·21 Volume Organization with ANSI Standard Labels (cont'd) Multiple Data Sets Single Volume Vol 1 of 3 VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHL VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHL ~ ~ TM Data Set A TM EOFI EOF2 UTL Multiple Data Sets Multiple Volumes Vol 2 of 3 Vol 3 of 3 VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHL UHL TM TM Dato Set A TM EOFI EOF2 UTL VOLl HDRI HDR2 UHL ~ ~ Lost of Da to Se t B TM EOFI EOF2 UTL Dato Set B Continued UTL TM HDRI HDR2 UHL UTL TM HDRI HDR2 UHL UTL TM HDRI HDR2 UHL ~ Data Set B ~ 8S TM EOFI EOF2 UTL TM EOVI EOV2 UTL TM ~ ~ TM TM Data Set B Data Set C TM EOVI EOV2 UTL TM EOFI EOF2 UTL ~ ~.~~L ~ ~~~ Multiple Data Sets/Single Volume: The tope begins with a volume lobel. Each data set is preceded by a header lobel group and a tapemark, and is followed by a tapemark and a trailer label group. The data se~ t~oiler labels are identified as EO~. Each trailer label group is followed by a topemark; the trailer label group for the' lost data set" on the volume is followed by two topemorks. Multiple Data Sets/Multiple Volumes: More than one volume is needed to contain the multiple data set aggregate. The last volume is organized the some as a multiple data set/single volume layout. On the other volumes, the last dato set trailer labels ore identified as EOV instead of EOF I and the last trailer label group is followed by two tapemarks. There is a separate volume label for each tape. 4·22 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest ANSI Standard Label Processing by Data Management Routines t Volume lobel USER Preeanlng VOll Header Lobels' VOLUME HDRI HDRl HDRJ..9 Tri::liler labels' EOF o~r4 , fOVI EOV2 OV3-9 bypasse ignored UHL LABELS OF~, UTL First or Only Volum.,2, Cheeks Open lobels on input tape. Ignored Open Open Ignored Open EOV Checks Ignored Open not not not not reod not read not reod read read reod Open not written Open existing 'obles on output EOV OpenS tope before overwriting Writes new Open labels on 0' user" tope. not Open written Open Close Close 0' output EOV EOV not Close written 0' tOY Second or Subsequent Volumes 3; Checks EOV lobels on input tope. ignored EOV Cheeks exhting labels on ignored EOV EOV bypossed ignored not not read reod EOV not written EOV EOV not reod not not not not reod reod (ead reod Close Crose EOV EOV not Close written 0' bypassed ignored EOV output tope before over writing. Writes new EOVor not EOV labels on user 4 written output tope. EOV EOV Notes: I. For reod bockward operations, the action on header end treiler lebels is reversed. 2. Includes the first volume of concatenated dote sets with unlike characteristics. (Data sets with like characteristics can be processed correctly using the some data control block (DCB), input/output block (lOB), ond channel program. Any exception in processing makes the data sets unlike.) 3. Includes the first volume of concatenated dala sets with like characteristics. 4. User creoles the 'abel with the IEHrNITT utility program or a user program. 5. If DISP=MOD is specified on the DO statement, the Open routine positions the tope at the end of the existing dota set ond allows an input user trailer label routine to process user trailer label (ourine to process user trailer labels (before overwriting the existing labels). Section 4: Data Management 4·23 Format of ANSI Standard Volume Label Position~ (Bytes) Field Number and Name 1 3 4 5 10 11 12 (3) 1. Label Identifier ( (1) 2. Label Number (6) 3. Volume Serial Number ** 1* \ VOL 1 ** 4. Accessibil ity ** (20) 5. Reserved (6) 6. Reserved (14)* 7. Owner Identification 31 32 37 38 51 52 *-ANSI Field Differs from Corresponding IBM Field Functional Field 79 80 4·24 (28)* 8. Reserved (1)* 9. Label Standard Level •• OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Format of ANSI Header 1 and Trailer 1 Labels (Bytes) .l 3"" 4 Field Number and Nome (3) 1. Label Identifier} (1) 2. Label Number (17)' 3. File Identifier ** (5)· 4. Set Identifier (4)· 5. File Section Number (4)· 6. File Sequence Number ** (4) 7. Generation Number (2) 8. Version Number (6) 9. Creation Date HDRl/EOV1/EOFl •• 2- f-- TJ ~ - - 27 ]! 31 .E. - fJs ~ 39 ~ 41 .£ - - 47 ~ f-- f-- fs3 54 (6) 1o. Expiration Dote ** (1). 11. Accessibil ity ** (6) 12. Block Count ** .E = -- 60 • - ANSI Field Differs . .El from Corresponding (13) 13. System Code ** I'7J ~ f-- f-f-- IBM Field Functional Field (7) 14. Reserved faa Section 4: Data Management 4·25 Format of ANSI Header 2 and Trailer 2 Labels Position Field Number and Nome (3) 1. Label Identifier! (1) (1) 2. Label Number 3. Record Format ** (5) 4. Block Length ** (5) 5. Record Length ** (35)* 6. Reserved for Operating System ** (2)* 7. Buffer Offset ** HDR2/E0V2/EOF2 ** 4 5 6 10 11 15 16 50 51 52 53 * - ANSI Field Differs iL:J 79 (28) from Corresponding IBM Field ** Functional Field 8. Reserved for Operating System 80 4·26 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Format of ANSI User Labels Position (8 ~ eL "34 Field Number and Nome (3) 1. Lobel Identifier>} (1) 2. Label number UHLl-8!UTLI-8 ~ l- I- l- I- l• Functionol Field Il- IIl- (76) 3. User Specified Il- Il- Il- Il- IlI80 Section 4: Data Management 4·27 Component Support of Label Processing Features Item Uses Octo Mancgement Facilities for COBOL Linkage Sort/ FORTRAN Assembler Editor Merge Utilities ANS V2 ANS V3 ANS V4 'l/I RPG y" y" y" y" y" y" y" y" y" y" Supports Standard labels (Sl,Al) y" y" y" y" y" y" y" 'yes Yes Yes Supports Standard User Labels (SUl, AUl) No No y" y" Supports Nonslondord Labels (NSL)l y" yO' y., y., y" y., Supports Unlabeled Tope (NL) y., y., y" y., Y., Supports Bypass lobel Processing y., Y., y., y" No Y., No No Lebel Processing SUl-Yes SUL-Yes SUl-Ves AUl-No AUl-Yes AUL-Yes No No Y., y., y., y., y., y., y., y" y., y., y., y., Ye, Yes Yes No No No No No No Option (BLP)2 Supports Conca tenoled Doto Sets with Unlike Attributes \ 1 NSL con be specified only when installation - written routines that write and process the nondandard labels hove been incorporated into the operating system. 2 If the BlP option is not $peeified ot system generation, its use defaults to NL. 4·28 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest "1 0 Data Set Record Formats Fixed -lengtb Records Optionol Control // \ Chorocter-J Byte/ Block Block ~ ~ I I I,,,oed I Uoblo,k,d ,,,oed A Records Block \ B \ }",oed cl/ ,,-/'-.. I,",oed D I Fixed -length Records for ASCll Topes Block /\ Unblocked Records Section 4: Data Management 4-29 Data Set Record Formats (cont'd) N"nlpoMed, Vo';ob!e - Length Records -ROW Octa Sponned Varicble-Lenglh Reeorc15 , "-..,- u. SOW \ DClta tl ~ : ~ .o' 11IIri ~~~;, 11I1~1 of loaitol Record IL \ I ""1 ~ LOll of logical Segment of Logic(li Re<;ord Record I~ Lop,;,o,' C,o'ro' Ch,ro,'" Ls,,~o' Reserved-l Byle SeGment Control Code -I Byle Segment Length-2 Bytes U BlD~.-rn_ LSe-gmerl' Conlrol C""lrol Code Cod, -::=---~D~"'~P~'rt":i~ Qf Logical Reccrd B , I Dgto Portion Logical Record {l (In User'1 Wonc A~a) ;of Last !Segn;enl Seyrnenl Contrcl Codes BOW "'block descriptor word ROW "'record descriptor word SDW=segment descriptor word lL =block length i t "'segment length 4·30 Binary Code 00 OJ 10 II Relative P01ltion of Segment Complete logicgl record First segment of" m\/llil89rneni record Lost segment of" mullisegment record Segment of CI "",lIbegmenl reeord other thon the fint or lost segment OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Data Set Record Format$ (cont'd) Sponned Variable -length Records for BDAM Data Sets Trock I Track 2 ~ r------JB~~,k------~' Track 3 ~ II LL '" trock size I Reserv~d ~ \, 2 Bytd" Block length - L1. I \ f,' ~ \ I \ L.t I 2BYleS~ ~ ~'-v--"--- ~ FI", Segment of logical Record I of logical Record Optional Control Character I : Lt I ~ i"'"m,dlo', ~"o" £! Segment Segment of logical Record " Bp;J ~ il Segment Control Segment Code Control Code II r----------------JA~l-l--------------~, r -__________ __________ ~A~ ~ Data Portion of logical Record A A logical Record {In User's Work Area} Doto Portion Data Portion I Dolo Portion of of I of lost First Segment I Intermediate Segment r Segment Block Length - Optional Control Character 2 Bytes Reserved - 2 Bytes Reserved 2 Bytes Record Length - 2 Bytes Note: Not All Segment and Block Combinations ore Represented legend BOW ROW SOW II II == block descriptor word == record descriptor word == segment dt!~criptor word == block length = segment length Segment Control Codes Binary Code 00 01 10 II Relotive Position of Segment Complete logicol record First segment of 0 multisegment record lost segment of 0 multisegment record Segment of 0 muftisegment record other than the first or lost segment Section 4: Data Management 4-31 Data Set Record Formats (cont'd) Variable - Leneth Records for ASCII Tapes , , ,______ ~ i.t ________ " --IA~ '~ D:Jfa ./\ , I I .- L Optional Control Chc;!octer Reserved - 2 Bytes" R~cord ~e;gth ~ 2 Byles I Unblocked Records RDW = record descriptor word = segment length Note: Block prefixes on output records must be if. 4 bytes long. Undefined - Length Records \. Block r-"-- I I Recc.d A Optional Control / '\ '\ Charocter-l Byte, / Bieck "~/,, ,Record B ,.--/'-.. I I Record C Undefined -length Records for ASCII Topes Record A Data Optional Control 4·32 ,/ / OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest I VSAM Macros for Data Access ACB (Generate an Access·Metbod Control Block) [label] [BUFND= number] [,BUFNI= number J [,BUFSP= number] [.CATALOG-{YES I NOll [.DDNAME-ddname ] ACB [.EXL....~=address] [.MACRF_([ADRII.CNVII.KEY] {.DIRII.gQ][.SKP] [.!!iIl.OUT] [.{~IUBF}])] [,PASSWD=address] [,STRNO= number] CHECK (Suspend Processing) I[label] IalECK I I RPL= address CLOSE (Disconnect Program and Data) I [label] I I CLOSE (add""' .... ) [.TYPE-T] I ENDREQ (Terminate a Request) I[label] IENDREQ !RPL= address I ERASE (Delete a Record) I[label] IERASE !RPL=-address I EXLSf (GenerAte an ExIt List) I [label] EXIST [EODAD_(add,,,,,[.{~ I N)][.L])] [,JRNAD-(add,,,,, [.{~ I N)][.L])] [.LERAD_(add",,, [.{~ J N)][.L])] [.SYNAD_(add",,, [.{A I N)][.L])] GENCO (Generate an Access-Method Control Block) [label] GENCB BLK_ACB [,BUFND= number] [,BUFNI= number] [,BUFSP=number J [.CATALOG-{YES I NO}] [,COPlES=number] [,DDNAME=ddname ] l,EXlSf=address] [,LENGTH= number1 [.MACRF-([ADR][.Cl',VII.KEY] [.DIR][.gQII.SKP] [.INII.OUr] [.{Nun I UBF}])j [,PASSWD= address] [,SfRNO=address] [.WAREA=address ] GL~CB (~nerate [label] GENCB an Exit IJst) BLK_EXIST [,COPIES"" number] [.EODAD_(add",ssr,{~ I N]]{,L])] [,JRNAD-(add,m [,{~ J N)][.L])] [.LENGTIJ=number] [,LERAD_(add",ss[,{~ I N]]{,L])] {.SYNAD_(add",,, {.{~ I N}][.L])] [,WAREA==address] Section 4: Data Management 4·33 VSAM Macros for Data Access (cont'd) GENeB (Generate a Request Parameter List) [label] GENCB [ACD- address] [,AREA= address] [,AREALEN= number] [,ARG=address] ,BLK=RPL I,COPIFS= number] [,ECB=address] [,DYLEN= number 1 [,LENGnI..,.number] [,MSGAREA= address] {,MSGLEN= number] [,NXTRPL= address ] [,OPTCD_([IADR I CNV I gyll [,IDIR I ~ I SKPll [,IASYI~}] [,INSPINUPIUPDll [,lgQI KGEll [,IFKS I GENll [,ILOCI MVE}])] [,RECLEN =number] [. WAREA= address] GET (Retrieve a Record) I [label] I GET IRPL= address MODCB (Modify an Acces,s.Method Control Block) [label] MODCD ACB=address [,BUFND= number 1 [,BUFNI= number 1 [,BUFSP= number] [,CATALOG_lYES I NOll [,DDNAME-ddna,", ] [,EXlSf=address] [,MACRF-([ADR][,CNV][,KEy] [,DIR][,SEQ][,SKP] [,IN][,OUT] [,[NUB I UBF}])j [,PASSWD ... address] [,STRNO-number] MODCB (Modify an £X;, Ust) [/abel] MODCD EXlSf=> address [,EODAD_(address[,[A I N]][,LJ)] [,JRNAD-(address[,[A I N]][,L])] [,LERAD_(address[,[A I N]][,LJ)] [,SYNAD_(address [,IA I N]][,LJ)] 4-34 OSjVS] Programmer's Reference Digest I VSAM .Macros for Data Access (cont'd) MODen (ModiCy a Reqcest PiU'aD'leter Ust) l/abelJ MODCD RPL=address l.ACD=address] [,AREA= address J [.AREALEN ~ number] [,ARG= address] [,ECB-aMrm] [,KEYLEN= number] [,MSGAREA_ aMre,,] [,MSGLEN = number] [,NXTItPL= address] [,OP'fCD-([{AnR [CNV [KEY}] [,{Dill [SEQ [SKP}] I,IASY I SYN}1 [,{NSP [NUP [UPD)] I,IKEQ [KGE)] {,IFKS [ GEN)] I,ILOC[MVE})) (,RECLEN= number] OPEN (ConDect ProgTllm and Data) I[label] I OPEN ! I (address [,(opliolU' )] ... ) POINT (Position for Acce~) I I label] I POINT !RPL= address I !RPL= address I PUT (Store a Record) Illab eciOI)}[ unitoddr, VOL=: (SL,volserial) I {'TORAGE}] USE = PUBLIC (Al,volserial) PRIVATE {~~; (display - operand, ... )[,MN =Aj[ I KD} {MS:RRT} {PAG~iUNE} DISPLA Y[ = IUISTOPI D] [PAGEMEAS) IREACT[ ISTATUSI f STOP=III{;;;;I}DI [ml '"~ '~",,,'.'"~'~-""'''' PAGEMEAS= {PAG~~UNE} (frequency) SYS (SYS) 1[M'I"'"" ( II In: l(time[,[poge,ran l ]) (,pagelran) REACT'" j frequency time (timer II pagetran)]) (,pagetron) SYS (SYS) t- i ,In= (time[,[pogetranIJ) . (,pagetran) 1 Section 5: JCL, Operator Commands, RES, SMF, and CRJE 5-9 Operator Command Outlines (cont'd) Operation {RE~EASE} Operand IN [=~nclassl W' l I=mdossl Q ;obnome {REiET} I *[, OUT [=outcloss(outclass .•• ]]] I, USER= useridl I May be specified up to five times if separated by commos and enclosed in parentheses. 1t {REilY} [ JBN OUT[=outdassJ IR];d , {"oxt'} text . b [0 nome .. {PRTV=nn}',oUr=sll,USER=userid1 I CLASS=c .. May be specified up to five times if separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. [JBN= ;obname][,GROUP=(classl,closs .•. 1)) {R~~TE} All [, USER= useridll,CLASS ""class] t I, Dm ="eddl HOLD ={~~}l e~~D} 'text' [,All ,USER={userid[,userid ••. \]['NOW ,LOGON] ,OPERATOR=routecode ,SAVE [, LIST 1 message no. ,DELETE DATE = 11 .ddd{ClOCK=hh. mm.ss] riT} {p,o'nome.{:nl~} procnome }[ [un;tadd, ] I I . II] I. identifierl ' devicetype ' vo seno , iobnome ,outclass ,jobclass ,(JOBCtASS =class, OUTCLASS =5) ,(parm) {ST~RT} ,([mad'= fNT }]" TlME=YESILDEBUG=YESI I, BUr=nnn)) (INT,S) EXT [, {~~~n, ID=xl [,USER=useridJ [, keyword =option, ... 1* . The keyword=optional parameter(s) can follow after the last positional parameter. May be replaced by: [,PARM='SWA=nnnn, RESV=nn']. {"."o.,{:::-; ,., 'J" ""•. -';OJ {ST;?P} unitaddr * iobname * JOBNAMES DSNAME SPACE STATUS . 5·10 May be specified up to five times if separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. Can be combined with the ather parameters that are allowed to be specified up to five times. OS!VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Operator Command Outlines (cont'd) Operation Operand l ~~~~~~ES! SPACE STATUS A I ~---+--------------------~ SESS { OFF ~~oddr,cuu } SMF unitaddr {,,;todd, } (unitoddr I unitoddr . . ) i: g~Ftll~~ I } PATH,cuu,{ONLlNE} OFFLINE unitoddr } { (J - cuu, 0- cuu) ,MSTCONS {,n;todd,} SYSLOG ,HAROCPY ['CMOS] ,NOCMOS ,OFF ,INCMDS ,STCMDS NONE [,ROUT= { ALL }] (routecode [, routecodeJ ... ) ,nHOdd, } [' unHodd, ( { O-cuu (I-cuu,O-cuu) I ] ,O-cuu .,,) ,(I-cuu,O-cuu) 'ONLINE ,OFFLINE ,AUTH ={~~io } ({SYSJ[,IOJ[,CONSi) ALL ,ROUT= { NONE t" [ 40K ] 40960 is on integer ~ 2 is the track capacity of the SYSLMOD device is the block size of the SYSlMOD data set is the length of the largest text record in load module input £ is the track copacity of the SYSUTl device c d e J Second - determine Value) of the SIZE parameter Value l = f + g + h 999K ] Value) must range between f and [ 999999 where: f is the design point of the Linkage Editor being used: f=[~~~36J 2 2- [~~44 ] g is the excess of Value over g = Value [~~44 ] h is the additional storage required to support the blocking factor for SYSLlN, any obiect module libraries, and SY5PRINT: F64 5 to 1 10 to 1 40 to I ] [ 18K )8432 ] [ 28K 28672 Third - determine the REGION parameter. REGION = Value) + [10K ] 10240 6·4 OSjVSl Programmer's Reference Digest Linkage Editor Incompatible Job Steps - Return Codes ..;. 0-.\ I - "",,,,, ...0 I- - i' .; ~ X ",,, " ...",~:\",,,,, X X X X X x x ~ ~' statname, OFFTP, {~M} {(grpnome ,rln) , OFFTP, Ie} (I} { (grpnome,) ) { address} {(grpnome,All) } (grpnome,rln)} ,ONTP {(grpnome,) } { address} {(grpnome,All}) Section 7: BTAM/TeAM 7·23 Device Configurations Supported by TCAM IBM 1030 Doto Collection System IBM 1050 Data Communication System IBM 1060 Doto Communication System IBM 2740 Communication Terminal IBM 2740 Model 2 Communication Terminal IBM 2741 Communication Terminal IBM 2760 Opticol Image Unit IBM 2843/2260 Display Complex (Remote) IBM 2845/2265 Display Complex (Remote) AT&T 83B3 Selective Calling Stations WU Plan llSA Outstations TWX Models 33 and 35 World Trade Telegraph Terminals IBM 2770 Data Communication System IBM Data Transmission Terminel IBM 1130 Computing System IBM 2790 Doto Communication System IBM 2922 Programmable Terminal IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM 3270 3670 3735 3740 3780 Infannetion Display System Brokerage Communication System Programmable Buffered Terminal Data Entry System Data Communication Terminal IBM System 3 IBM System/360 Model 20 IBM System/360 Models 25 and above IBM System/370 Models 135 and above CPU IBM 1030 Data Collection System IBM 1050 Dota Communication System IBM 1060 Data Communication System IBM 2740 Communication Terminal IBM 2740 Model 2 Communication Terminal IBM 2741 Communication Terminal IBM 2760 Optical Image Unit AT&T 83B3 Selective Colling Stations WU Plan 115A Outstations TWX Models 33 and 35 World Trade Telegraph Terminals IBM 1030 Data Collection System IBM 1050 Data Communication System IBM 1060 Doto Communication System IBM 2740 Communication Terminal IBM 2740 Model 2 Communication Terminal IBM 2741 Communication Terminol IBM 2760 Optical Image Unit IBM 2770 Data Communication System IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal IBM 2790 Data Communication System IBM 2922 Programmable Terminal IBM 3270 InFormation Display System IBM 3670 Brokerage Communication System IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal IBM 3740 Data Entry System IBM 3780 Data Communication Terminal IBM System 3 IBM System/360 Model 20 IBM System/360 Models 25 and above AT&T 83B3 Selective Colling Stations WU Plan 115A Outstations TWX Models 33 and 35 World Trade Telegraph Terminals IBM System/370 Models 135 and above IBM 2260 Display Complex (Local) 7·24 OS!VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Device Configurations Supported by TCAM (cont'd) IBM 3270 Information Display System (local) IBM 1030 Data Colledion System rBM 1050 Data Communication System IBM 1060 Doto Communicati on System IBM 2740 Communications Terminal, Models 1 cnd 2 IBM 2741 Communications Terminal IBM 2760 Opticol Image Unit (via the IBM 2740 Communications Terminal, Modell) rBM 2845/2265 Display Complex IBM 2848/2260 Display Complex IBM System 7 (supported os on IBM 2740 Communicotions Terminal, Model I, with the Record Cheek feature) Binary Synchronous Terminals IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM 2270 Octo Communications System 2780 Data Transmission Terminal (no support for Tronscode) 2922 Programmoble Terminal 3270 InFormation Display System 3670 Brokerage Communication System (supported only in the United States and Canada) IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal IBM 3780 Dato Communication Terminal Transmission Control Units (BSC support only) CPU IBM IBM IBM IBM 2701 Data Adapter Unit (with Synchronous Data Adopter Type II) 2703 Transmission Control (with Synchronous Terminal Control) 2715 Transmission Control, Model 2 3705 Communications Controller Note: The IBM 2701, IBM 2703, and IBM 3705 control units are supported only when attached locally to on IBM System/360 or System/370. Computer.; (SSC support only) IBM 1130 Computing System (with Synchronous Communications Adopter) IBM System 3 IBM System/360, Model 20 (with Binary Synchronous Communications Adopter) rBM System/360, Model 25 and above (with Integrated Communications Attachment with Synchronous Data Adopter II) IBM System/370, Model 135 and obove (with Integrated Communications Attachment with Synchronous Doto Adopter II) Other Devices • • World Trode teleprinter.; that use C(lIT'='2 or '='5 code leased point-to-point, leased multipoint, or switched network lines. Terminols using the following line control disciplines: AT&T 83B3 orWU 1I5A stort-stop code, over point-to-point or multipoint leased telegraph lines: AT&T CPT -TWX (33/35) stort~top cade over switched lines. Attachment of non-IBM device is under the provisions of the IBM Multiple Supplier Systems Policy. Section 7: BTAM/TCAM 7·25 Device Configurations Supported by TCAM (cont'd) Start-Stop Terminals IBM 1050 Doto Communication System IBM 2740 Communications Terminal, Models 1 and 2 IBM 2741 Communications Terminal IBM System/7 (supported os en IBM 2740 Communica- tions Terminoll'v'lodel 1, with the Record Check feature) Binary Synchronous Terminals IBM 2770 Data Communication System IBM 2780 Doto Transmission Terminal (no support for Transcode) IBM 2972 General Bonking Terminal System, Models 8 and 11) IBM 3270 Information Display System IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal IBM 3780 Data Communication Terminal Transmission Control Units (SSe support only) IBM 2701 Doto Adopter Unit (with Synchronous Dota Adopter Type II) IBM 2703 Transmission Control (with Synchronous Terminal Control) IBM 2715 Transmission C'ontrol Model 2 IBM 3705 Communications Controller CPU Note: The IBM 2701, IBM 2703, and IBM 3705 control units are supported only when attached locally to an IBM System/360 or System/370. Computers (BSC support only) IBM System/3 IBM System/360, Model 20 (with Binary Synchronous Communications Adopter) IBM System/360, Model 25 and above (with Integrated Communications Attachment with Synchronous Data Adopter) IBM System/370, Model 135 and above (with Integrated Communications Attachment with Synchronous Dato Adapter' II) IBM 1130 Computing System (with Synchronous Communications Adapter) IBM 1800 Data Acquisition and Control System (with IBM 1826 Data Adapter Unit with Communication Adapter) Other Devices World Trade teleprinters that use CCIlT No.2 or No.5 code on leased point-to-point lines. Terminals using the following line control dIsciplines: AT&T 83B3 or WU 115A start-stop code, over point-to-point or multipoint leased telegraph lines: AT&T CPT-TWX (33/35) start-stop code over switched lines. Attachment of non-IBM terminals is under the provisions of the IBM Multiple Supplier Systems Policy. 7 ·26 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Device Configurations Supported by TCAM (cont'd) Audio Response Channel Type IBM 1030 Data Collection System plexer IBM 1050 Data X X X X X Poll X X X X X Auto Poll X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Auto IBM 1060 Data IBM 3705 NCP Camm Can- IBMmO troller Model 3 Switched Switched Non- Auto X Communication System line Type Unit IBM 3705 IBM2701 IBM 2702 lBM2703 EP Data TransTron5Camm mission ConAdopter mission Selector Unit Control Control troller MultiStation Type TCU Poll X Notes The IBM Digital Time Out fecture cannot be ottoched through on IBM 2701 reu. X X X X Communi cation System IBM 2260-2848 OJ'play Complex (Remote) X X X X X X X X X X IBM 2260-2848 Dj'play X Complex (Loco I) IBM 2265-2845 Dj'play X Complex (Remote) IBM 2740 Modell Communication X Auto Poll X Terminal X X X X X X X X X X Two Types: 2740 with stotion control 2740 with station control and record checking Four Types: 2740 basic 2740 with station control 2740 with record checking 2740 with station control and record checking Four Types, all with dial: 2740 X X X X X 2740 with transmit control 2740 with record checking 2740 with transmit control and record checking X IBM 2740 Model 2 Auto Four Types: Communication Terminal Poll 2740 X X X X X X X X X 2740 with record checking 2740 with buffer receive 2740 without buffer receive (requires lines slowdown feature) Four Types: 2740 X X X 2740 with record checking 2740 with buffer receive 2740 without buffer receive Section 7: BTAM/TCAM 7·27 Device Configurations Supported by TCAM (cont'd) Audio Response TCU Channel Type MultiStation Type plexer Unit Line Type IBM 3705 IBM 3705 IBM2701 IBM2702 IBM2703 EP NCP TransData TransCamm Camm Adapter mission CanNonmission ConIBMmO Selector Unit Control Control troller troller Madel 3 Switched Switched Notes IBM 2741 Communication Terminal IBM 1130 Camputing System X X X X X XI X X X X X X X X X asc transmission X X Attached to a 2740 Modell with record checki ng X X IBM 1800 Data Ac~ui$ition System X IBM 2760 Optical Image Unit IBM 2770 Data Communication System X X X X X sse transmission using either ASCII or EBCDIC cad. IBM 2780 Data Transmission Terminal X X X X X X X X X X X X X X sse transmission ASCII, . EBCDIC, or 6-bit code IBM 2790 Data Communications System IBM 2972 General X Banking Terminal IBM 3270 Information Display System X X X X IBM 3670 Brokerage Communication X X X X X X X X X X X X X X sse transmission using X EBCDIC cad. System IBM 3735 Programmabie Buffered Terminal Either ASCII or EBCDIC X X X X X sse Transmission code TERM= IBM 3740 Data Entry System BSCI or TERM=BSC2 an TERMINAL macro IBM 3780 Data Communication Terminal BSC transmission using either X X X X X X X X X X X X X X on TERMINAL. Macro inquiry/ response not supported X X ASCII or EBCDIC cade IBM System 3 Code TERM=(202A or TERM=(202B IBM System 7 IBM System/360 Madel 20 7-28 ASCII or EBCDIC code X X OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest X X X X BSC transmission using either Device Configurations Supported by TCAM (cont'd) Channel Type Station Type IBM System/360 Model 25 and above IBM System/370 Model 135 and above Multiplexer Audio Response Unit TCU line Type IBM 3705 IBM3705 IBM2701 IBM2702 IBM2703 EP NCP TransDoto TransComm Comm ConNonAdapter mission mission ConIBMmo Selector Unit Control Control troller troller 'Model 3 Switched Switched X X X X X X X X X X X X X X sse transmission and point-topoint lines only IBM System/370 Mode I 135 Integrated Communication Attachment X AT & T 8363 Selective Calling Stotion X X X X X X X Western Union Pion 11SA Outstations X X X X X X X TWX Models 33 and 35 X X X X X X World Trade Telegraph X X X X X X Terminals Audio terminals Notes BSe transmission and point-topoint lines only X Teletype terminals, dial service (8 level code) X X X X Control unit must incorporate a WTTA Example IBM 2721 Portable Audio Terminal Section 7: BTAMjTCAM 7 -29 7·30 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Section 8: Utilities Utility Programs - Listed by Class 8-2 Guide to Utility Program Functions 8-3 IBCDASDI IBCDMPRS ICAPRTBL IEBCOMPR IEBCOPY IEBDG IEBEDIT IEBGENER IEBISAM IEBPTPCH 8-S 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-12 8-IS 8-16 8-18 8-19 IEBTCRIN IEBUPDTE IEHATLAS IEHDASDR IEHINITT IEHIOSUP IEHLIST IEHMOVE IEHPROGM IFHSTATR 8-21 8-26 8-29 8-30 8-33 8-34 8-3S 8-36 8-39 8-42 Definition of Operands 8-43 Source Publications Additional information is contained in as/vs Utilities, GC3S-000S. Section 8: Utilities 8-1 Utility Programs - listed by class SYSTEM DATASET Utility Programs Utility Programs IEHATLAS IEHDASDR IEHINITT IEHIOSUP IEHLlST IEHMOVE IEHPROGM IFHSTATR IEBCOMPR IEBCOPY IEBDG IEBEDIT IEBGENER IEBISAM IEBPTPCH IEBTCRIN IEBUPDTE INDEPENDENT Utility Programs IBCDASDI IBCDMPRS ICAPRTBL The utilities section is arranged in alphabetical order for eosy reference. The control statement for the utility programs have the following standard format: I label I operation I operand I The label symbolically identifies the control statement. When included, a label must begin in the first position of the stotement and must be followed by one or more blanks. It can contoin from one to eight alphameric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. The operation identifies the type of control statement. It must be preceded and followed by one or more blanks. The operand is mode up of one or more keyword parameters separated by commas. The operand field must be preceded and followed by one or more blanks. Commas, parentheses, and blanks can be used only as delimiting characters. A definition af operands table is located at the bock of this s.ection. It should be used, when needed, as a recall mechanism; it is not intended for use as tutorial information. If you require additional information, refer to the source publication listed for this section. 8-2 OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Digest Guide to Utility Program Functions Ut1lity Program Task Add Analyze a password tracks on direct access Assign alternate tracks to a direct access volume Build a generation index a generation on index a doto set a generation data set data set or onizotion logical record length Catalog Change Compare Compress-inplace Connect Construct Convert to parritioned Convert to sequential Copy volume serial number of direct access IEHPROGM IEHPROGM IEBUPDTE IEBGENER lEHDASDR volume a partitioned dota set se uentio data sets a partitioned doto set IEBCOMPR IEBCOMPR IEBCOPY volumes records from MiST and MiDI input a sequential data set created as a result of on unload sequential data sets a partitioned data set an indexed-sequentio ota set a catalog o direct access volume a partitioned data set a volume of data sets on indexed-sequential data set cataloged data sets dumped dato from tope to direct access members selected members sequential data sets : Create De ete Dump Edit Edit and convert to partitioned Edit and copy Edit and list Edit and print Enter Exclude IEHPROGM IEHATLAS, IEHDASDR, IBCDASDI IEHATLAS, IEHDASDR, IBCDASDI IEHPROGM IEHPROGM to tope a Ii rory of partitioned members a member a sequential output dato set on index an output job stream a password on index structure records in a partitioned data set a direct access volume MTDI input a sequential dota set IEHPROGM IEBTCRIN IEBCOPY IEBUPDTE, IEBGENER IEBUPDTE, IEBCOPY ,"'AM,ltBD IEHMOVE tEHDASDR, IBCDMPRS, IEHMOVE IEBCOPY, IEHMOVE IEHMOVE IEBISAM IEHMOJE IEHDASDR, IBCDMPRS "otD IEBGENER, IEBUPDTE, IEBDG IEBCOPY, IEHMOVE IEBGENER, IEHMOVE, IEBUPDTE IBCDMPRS IEBUPDTE IEBDG IEBDG IEHPROGM IEBEDIT IEHPRO M IEBUPDTE IEHDASDR, IBCDMPRS IEBTCRIN IEBGENER, IEBUPDTE a job stream IEBEDIT a sequentio data set --~- -IEBG-~Nt"R,~ICEEOiBu"p;rDOTT"E--1 error statistics by volume (ESV) records IFHSTATR a procedure into a procedure librar a partitioned data ~et member from a copy IEBUPDTE IEBCOPY, lEHMOVE ~Ex~p~an~d,---~~P~~='~~~~~:~n~'dTTda~ta~"~t------+OI~EB~CO~pyV------1 Generate Get alternate tracks a sequentia data set test dolo on a direct access volume IEBGENER IEBDG IEHDASDR, IBCDASDI, IEHATLAS ,Section 8: Utilities 8·3 Guide to Utility Program Functions (cont'd) 8-4 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest IBCDASDI IBCDASDI. an independent utility: .Assigns alternate tracks to a direct access volume . • Initializes a direct access volume. Job Control Statements Because IBCDASDI is an independent utility, operating-system job control statements are not used. Control Statements JOB indicates the beginning of on IBCDASDI job. MSG defines an output device for operator messages. DADEF defines the volume to be initialized. VLD contains information for constructing an initial volume lobel and for allocating space for additional lobels. VTOCD contoins information for controlling the location of the volume table of contents. IPlTEXT (optional) separates utility control statements from any IPl program text statements. GETAlT assigns on alternate track on a volume. END indicates the end of an IBCDASDI job. lASTCARD used to end a series of stacked IBCDASDI jobs. (optional) VTOC Entries per Track Device VTOC Entries per Track 2314 2319 2305-1 2305-2 3330 ·25 25 18 34 39 Section 8: Utilities 8-5 IBCDASDI (cont'd) Format Nome Operation [label] JOB [label] MSG TODEV=xxxx [label] DADEF TODEV<=xxxx I TOADDR=cuu Operands [user-information] I TOADDR=cuu ],IPL=YES] , VOllD= {serial } SCRATCH [,FLAGTEST=NO] [,PASSES=n] [,BYPASS=YES] [,MODEL=n] [label] VLD NEWVOLID;o:;serial ,VOLPASS={~ } [, QWNERID=xxxxxxxxxxj [,ADDLABEL=n] [label] VTOCD [label] GETALT STRTADR=nnnnn ,EXTENT=nnnn IPLTXT TODEV=xxxx , TOADDR=cuu , TRACK=cccchhhh , VOLlD=serial [,FLAGTEST=NO] [,PASSES=n] [, BYPASS=YES] [,MODEL=n] [label] END [user- in format ion] LASTCARD 8-6 OSjVSl Programmer's Reference Digest IBCDMPRS IBCDMPRS, an independent utility: • • • • • Copies a direct access volume. Copies dumped doto from tape to a direct access volume. Copi es to tope. Dumps a direct access volume. Restores a dumped direct access volume from tape. Job Control Statements Because IBCDMPRS is an independent uti lity, operating-system job control statements are not used. Control Statements JOB begins an IBCDMPRS job. MSG defines an output device for operator messoges. DUMP identifies the volume to be dumped and the receiving volume. VDRL specifies the upper and lower track limits of a partial dump. RESTORE identifies the source volume whose data is to be restored and the receiving volume. END indicates the end of an IBCDMPRS job. Format Name Operation [label] JOB [user-information] Operands [label) MSG TODEV=xxxx , TOADDR=cuu [label) DUMP FROMDEV=xxxx ,FROMADDR=cuu , TOO EV=xxxx t TOADDR=cuu [, VOLlD=ser;all,ser;al)) [,MODE=mm) [,MODEL=n) !label) VDRL BEGIN=nnnnn I,END=nnnnnl [label) RESTORE FROMDEV=xxlOC ,FROMADDR=cuu , TODEV=xxxx , TOADDR=cuu , VOLlD=serial [,MODE=mm) [,MODEL=n) [label] END (user-informatian] Section 8: Utilities 8·7 ICAPRTBL 'CAPRTBl, an independent utility: • Load. ues and FeB bull.rs 01 a 3211 • Job Control Statements Because ICAPRTBL is an independent utility, operating-system job control stotements are not used. Control Statements JOB indieates the beginning of on ICAPRTBL job. DFN defines the address of the 3211. UCS contains an image of the characters to be loaded into the UCS buffer. FeB defines the image to be loaded into the FeB. END indicates the end of an ICAPRTBl job. Format Name Operation [label] JOB [ user-information] DFN ADDR""Cuu, FOLD= {~} [ucsnome] ues ucs-imoge [Iebnome] FeB LP1={~} Operands ,.LNeH=((1,e)"l,(I,e) ••• J) ,FORMEND=x [label] END [user-information] lCAPRTBL WaH·Stata Codes Code BiiI B02 BD3 B04 B05 B06 B07 BOA BOB BOC Bll 8·8 Meaning Visually che~k the train image printed on th~ 3211 • Code Bi2 B13 Missing contrOl card or control card out of order. Incorrect JOB statement. Incorrect DFN statement. Incorrect UCS statement. Incorrect FeB statement. Incorrect END statement. External interrupt. Program check interrupt. Machine check interrupt. - Reader not online. B14 B15 B19 BIB Ble BID' OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest Meaning . Reader not ready. Reader unit check (display low main storage location 2 through 7 for sense information) . Reader channel error. No device end on reader. Printer not online. Printer unit check (display low main storage location 2 through 7 for sense information) . Printer channel error. No device end on printer. IEBCOMPR IEBCOMPR, a data set utility: • • Compares partitioned data sets. Compares sequential data sets. Return Codes 00 - successful completion. 08 - unequal comparison - processing continues. 12 - unrecoverable error - job step terminated. 16 - a user routine passed a return code of 16 to IEBCOMPR - iob step is terminated. Job Control Statements //nome II IISYSPRINT IISYSUTI IISYSUT2 IISYSIN JOB EXEC DD DD DD DD PGM"1 EBCOMPR data set definition (output messages) data set definition (input data set) doto set definition (input data set) )~UMMYi "IEBCOMPR control statements" I' Note - If the input is sequential end no user exits ore provided, the DUMMY parameter for the SYSIN DO statement is used. In this case, no utility control statements are required. Control Statements COMPARE indicates the organization of a data set. EXITS identifies the user exit routines to be used. LABElS indicates whether user labels are to be treated as data. Format Nome Operation (label I COMPARE {labell EXITS 1 Ilabell LABELS Operands TYPORG") ~i [I NHDR=routinename J II NTLR==routinenamel [ERROR=routinenamel [PRECOMP=routinename] DATA" i~~ } ALL ONLY I 1 If you code more than one operand, separate them with commas. Section 8: Utilities 8·9 IEBCOPY I EBCOPY. a data set utility: eCompress-in-place, a partitioned data set. • Converts to partitioned, a sequential data set • • Converts to sequential, a partitioned doto set. • Copies a partitioned data set. • • • • • • • • • • Copies selected members. Excludes a partitioned dota set member from a copy operation. Expands a partitioned data set. lists the number of unused directory blocks or tracks. Loads a previously unloaded partitioned data set. Merges partitioned data sets. Reb locks a partitioned doto set. Renames a partitioned dato set member. Replaces records or selected members in a partitioned data set. Unloads a partitioned data set. Return Codas 00 - indicates successful completion. 04 - indicates a condition from which recovery may be possible. 08 - indicates an unrecoverable error. The job step is terminated. Job Control Statements "//name //name //SYSPRINT //1 NPUT //OUTPUT //SYSUT3 //SYSUT4 //SYSIN JOB EXEC DO DO DO DO" DO DO PGM=IEBCOPY[, PARM='SIZE=nnnnnnnn [K J' J data .set data set data set data set data set definition definition definition definition definition (output message) (input data set) (output data set) (spill data set - optional) (spill dat~ set - optional) * "IEBCOPV control statements" /* The optional PARM inFormation in the EXEC statement is used to define the number of bytes used as a buFfer. The nnnnnnnn can be replaced by one to eight digits. The K causes the nnnnnnnn to be multiplied by 1024. Control Statements COpy indicates the beginning of a C9Pyoperation. SELECT specifies which members in the input data set are to be copied. EXCLUDE specifies members in the input data set to be excluded from the copy step_ 8·10 OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest IEBCOPY (cont'd) Format Name Operation Ilabell COPY Operands OUTDD=ddname [,INDD= fdnamell,ddname21... }] ddname l[,ddname2] [, (ddname2, R)J. . • * «ddname 1, R)(, ddname21 ••• ) I,LlST=NOI *The INOD parameter may appear on a separate card; if this option is selected, the INDD parameter is not e preceded by a comma (,). [Iabell SELECT me ... MEMBER= [(] (nameuR) .•. J)) } I, ••• 1 [(] name,newname[,R) ... [)] Ilabell EXCLUDE MEMBER=[(]membername 1[, membername2} ••• DJ Section 8: Utilities 8·11 IEBDG IE:.BDG, a data set utility: • • • • Converts to sequential, an indexed sequential data set. Copies or creates members. Creates a sequential output doto set. Generates test data. Return Codes 00 - successful completion. 04 - a user routine returned a code of 16 to the IEBDG program. The job step is terminated at the user's request. 08 - an error occurred while processing a set of utility control statements. No doto is generated following the error. Processing continues normally with the next set of utility control statements, if any. 12 - indicates that an error occurred while processing an input or output data set. The job step is terminated. 16 - an error occurred from which recovery is not possible. The job step is terminated. Job Control Statements //nome II IISYSPRINT IISEQIN IlpARIN IISEQOUT IlpAROUT IISYSIN JOB EXEC DD DD DD DD DD DD parameters PGM=IEBDG[, PARM=LlNECNT=nnnnj data data data dota data set set set set set definition definition definition definition definition (output message) (sequential input - optional) (partitioned input - optional) (sequential output - optional) (partitioned output - optionol) {~ATA} "IEBDG control stotements" I' The optional PARM information in the EXEC statement is used to specify the number of lines to be printed between headings in the message data set. The nnnn is a four-digit decimal number that specifies the number of lines (0000 to 9999) to be printed per page of output listing. The DSNAME parameter for the PARIN and PAROUT DD statements can be coded as DSNAME=setname {membername}. Cantrol Statements DSD specifies the ddnames of input and output data sets. FD defines the contents and lengths of fields to be used in creating output records. CREATE defines the contents of output records. REPEAT specifies the number of times a CREATE statement or grcJP of CREATE statements are to be used in generating output records. END 8·12 marks the end of a set of IEBDG utility control statements. OS!VSI Programmer's Reference Dige.( IEBDG (cent'd) IBM Supplied Panerns Type Expressed in Hexadecimal Expressed in Printable Characters Alphameric Cl C2 ... E9 FO ••• F9 ABC ••• Z 0 ••• 9 Alphabetic CI (2 .•• E9 ABC ••• Z Zoned Decimal FOFO ••• FOFI 00 ... 01 Packed Decimal OOOO ••• OOlC (Positive pattern) 0000 ••• 001 D (Negative pattern) Binary Number Not cppl koble 00 ••• 01 (Positive pattern) FF ••• FF (Negative pattern) Not applicable Collating Sequence 40 ••• F9 b,t'.«+I&I$*);i-/,% >?:,@."", A ... Z 0 ••. 9 - Rondon Number Random hexadecimal digits Not oppl i cabl e Note: A packed-decimal or binary number is right-alIgned in the defined field. Format Name Operation [Iobel] DSD OUTPUT=(ddnome) [label I FD NAME=name [, INPUT=(ddname, ••• )] , LENGTH=length-in-bytes [, 51ART LO C=stort in g-byte-I 0 coti on] I,Flll={',h,,,".,' ~ . ---, -}l : X'2-hexadec:imal-digits'· I, FORMAT=pattem" I, CHARACTER=charocter II 'Character-string'} I,PICTURE=length, { P'declmal-number' J B'decimal-number' I, SI GN=signJ I,ACTION=oction' .... 1,1 NDEX=numberl,CYCLE=numberl I,RANGE=numberJ] 1,INPUT=ddname] I, FROMLOC=number] .. specifies IBM supplied patterns - see table below • .... specifies how the contents of 0 defined field are to be oltered - see toble below. {label] CREATE 1 IQUANTITY=nl,lmber} IFIll= {,,,,,,,,d } I rINPUT=x{'~~~:::ecimal-}:i9itS' SYSINI(cccc)] ('character-string' [PlaURE=length,startloc,~ P'decimal-nl,lmber' } I B'decimal-nl,lmber' [NAME= {(:::eI/nome2 ••• ) (nome, (COPY=nomel,nome2 ••• ) ••• ) I, J }l [EXIT=rol,ltinenome] 1 Use at leost one of the optional pcrameten. If you code more thon one operand, separate them with co~~_o_s. Section 8: Utilities 8·13 IEBDG (cant'd) QUA NT ITY=number{, CREA TE=number] Format =. FORMAT=A N -- alphameric. FORMAT=2 J -- zoned decimal. FORMAT=PD -- packed decimal. FORMAT=CO -- collating sequence. FORMAT=BI -binary. FORMAT=AL -- alphabetic. FORMAT=RA -- random binary number. 8·14 Action ::: ACTlON=SL -- shift left. ACTIONoSR -- shift right. ACTlON=TL -- truncate left. ACTION=TR -- truncate right. ACTIONoRO -- roll. ACT I0 N=VN -- wave. ACTIONoFX -- fixed. ACTIONoRP -- ripple. OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest IEBEDIT IEBEDIT, a data set utility: • • • Copies job steps. Creates an output job stream. Edits and copies a job stream. Return Codes 00 - successful completion. 04 - indicates that an error occurred. The output data set may not be usable as a job stream. Processing continues. 08 - indicates that an unrecoverable error occurred while attempting to process the input, output, or control data set. The job step is terminated. Job Control Statements Iineme II JOB EXEC DO DO DO DO IISYSPRINT IISYSUTl IISYSUT2 IISYSIN II PGM=IEBEDIT data set definition (output message) data set definition (input data set) data set definition (output data set) JEBEDIT control statements" 1* Control Statements EDIT indicates which step or steps of a specified job in the input data set are to be included in the output data set. Any number of EDIT statements can be included in an operation, thus including selected jobs in the output data set. Format Name Operation (Iebell EDIT I Operands (START=jobnemel [TYPE= roS ITI ON}] INCLUDE EXCLUDE [STEPNAME- ({neme - }[ {neme name-name , name-name }] , ••• )J (NOPRINT] )1 If you code more than one operand, separate them with commas. Section 8: Utilities 8·15 IEBGENER IEBGENER. a data set utility: ..• • • • • • • • • Changes logical record length. Converts to partitioned, sequential data sets. Copies members. Copies sequential data sets. Edits and converts to partitioned, a sequential data set. Edits and copies a sequential doto set. Expands a sequential doto set. Prints a sequential data set. Reblocks a sequential doto set. Return Codes 00 - successful completion. 04 - probable successful completion. A warning to the user is written. 08 - processing was terminated after the user requeded processing of user header lahels only. 12 - an unrecoverable error has occurred. The job step is terminated. 16 - a user routine has passed a retum code of 16 to the IEBGENER program. The job step is terminated. Job Control Statements I/nome II JOB IISYSPRINT IISYSUTI I/SYSUT2 IISYSIN parameters EXEC PGM= IEBGENER DD DD DD DD data set definition lOLitput m~~sage} data set definition (input data set) data set definition (output doto set) parameters "IEBGENER control statements (when required}1I I' Control Statements GENERATE used to indicate the number of member names and alias names, record identifiers, literals, and editing information contained in the control data set. EXITS used to indicate that user routines are provided. LABELS used to specify user-label processing. MEMBER used to specify the member name and alias of member of a partitioned data set to be created. RECORD used to define a record group to be processed and' to supply editing information. 8-16 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest IEBGENER (cant'd) Conversion Table Output length (input length = L) Conversion Code PZ Packed to unpacked decimal mode 2L-1 ZP Unpacked to packed decimal mode (V2)+C' HE H- set BCD to EBCDIC mode * If L is odd, C is 1/2; if L is even, C is 1. Note: PZ type (packed to unpacked) conversion is impossible for pocked decimal records longer than 16K bytes. For ZP type (unpacked to packed conversion, the normal 32K byte maximum applies. If no conversion is specified, the field is moved to the output area withovt change. When the ZP parameter is specified, the conversion is performed in place. The original unpacked field is replaced by the new packed field. Therefore, the ZP parameter must be omitted from subsequent references to that field. If the field is needed in its original unpacked form, it must be referenced prior to the use of the ZP parameter. Format Operands Nome Operotion /I.bell GENERATE I (MAXNAME=nj (MAXFLDS=nj (MAXGPS=nJ (MAXLlTS=nJ /I.bell EXITS I (INHDR=routinename) [aUTHDR= routinenomel (INTLR=routinenomel IOUTTLR= routinenome) (KEY=routinename) [DATA =routinenomel (IOERROR=routinenome) (TOTAL = (routinenome, size)) lI.bell LABELS M"-l"~ l ALL ONLY INPUT lI.beil MEMBER lI.beil RECORD NAME=(name[,oliosl ••• ) ['''",."•••. '--' .''''-"."00' J FIELD= ((length] ,[input-Iocotion- or- 'IiteraP], [conversion), [output-location» ••• LABELS=n I 1 If you code more than one operand, separate them with commos. Section 8: Utilities 8·17 IEBISAM IEBISAM, a data set utility: • Converts to sequential, a partitioned doto set. • Copies an indexed sequential data set. • Loads an indexed sequential doto set. • Unloads on indexed sequential data set. Return Codes 00 - successful completion. 04 - a return code of 04 or 12 was passed to the IEB1SAM program by a user routine. 08 - the program terminated operation because on error condition was encountered during processing. 12 - a return code other than 00, 04, 08, or 12 was passed from a user routine to the IEBISAM program. The iob step is terminated. 16 - the program terminated operation because on error condition was encountered during processing. Job Control Statements //name II JOB EXEC IISYSPRINT DD DD IISYSUTI IISYSUT2 DD PGM=IEBISAM, PARM=!COPY UNLOAD LOAD PRINTL 'PRJ NTL[, NI [, EXIT=routinename}' data set definition (outputmessoges) data set definition (input dota set) data set definition (output data set) I' The PARM parameter on the EXEC statement is used to control the execuUon of IEBISAM. Control Statements The IEBISAM program is controlled by job control statements. No utility control statements are required. 8·18 ! OS/VSI Programmer's Reference Digest IEBPTPCH IEBPTPCH, a data set utility: • • • • • • • • Edits cnd prints a sequential doto set. Edits cnd punches a sequential data set. Prints a sequential doto set. Prints partitioned data sets. Prints selected records. Punches a partitioned doto set member. Punches a sequential doto set. Punches selected records. Return Codes 00 - indicates successful completion. 04 - indicates that either a physicol sequential doto set is empty or a partitioned data set has no members. 08 - indicates that a member specified for printing does not exist in the input doto set. Processing continues with the next member. 12 - indicates that on unrecoverable error occurred or that a user routine passed CI return code of 12 to IEBPTPCH. The job step is terminated. 16 - indicates that a user routine passed a return code of 16 to IEBPTPCH. The job step is terminated. Job Control Statements Iinome II IISYSPRINT IISYSUTI IISYSUT2 IISYSIN JOB EXEC DD DD DD DD PGM=I EBPTPCH dato set definition (output message) dato set definition (input do to set) data set definition (output data set) ItIEBPTPCH control statements" Control Statements PRINT or specifies that the data is to be either printed or punched. PUNCH TITLE specifies that a titl~ h to precede the printed or punched data. EXITS specifies that user routines are provided. MEMBER specifies that the input is a partitioned data set and that a selected member is to be printed or punched.. RECORD specifies whether editing is to be performed, that is, records are to be printed or punched to non-standard specifications. LABELS specifies whether user labels are to be treated as data. Section 8: Utilities 8·19 IEBPTPCH (cont'd) Format Name Operation [label] PRINT 1 [PREFORM=A ] PUNCH PREFORM=M [TYPORG=~ ] TYPORG=PO [TOTCONV=XE] TOTCONV=PZ ICNTROL=nj ISTRTAFT=nj ISTOPAFT=nj ISKIP=nj IMAXNAME=n] IMAXFLDS=n] IMAXGPS=n] IMAXLlTS:n] Habel] TITLE Habel] EXITS I Operands Applicable to a PRINT or PUNCH operation. IJNITPG=n] IMAXliNE=n] Applicable only to a PRINT operation. ICDSEQ=nj ICDINCR=n] Applicable only to a PUNCH operation. ITEM=(,title' [,output-Iocot:on]) [t ITEM ... J [I NHDR=routinenameJ [I NTLR=routinenomej (I NREC=routinename] [OUTREC=routinenamej Ilabel] MEMBER { NAME=membernome} Habel] RECORD I [IDENT=(length, 'nome', input-location)] [FIELD=(length l [input-location], [converSion],] (output-location]) [,FIElDs ... J Ilabel] LABELS DATA=i~~ NAME=aliasname 1 ALL ONLY Conversion Table Code 11 Conversion Output Length (Where L is fhe Input Length) PZ Packed to unpacked decimal mode 2L-l XE Alphameric to hexadecimal representation 2L If you code more than one operand, separate them with commas. 8-20 OS/VSl Programmer's Roference Digest IEBTCRIN IEBTCRIN, a data set utility: o c Constructs records from MTST and MTDI input. Edits MTDI input. o Reeds Tape Cartridge Reader input. Retum Codes 00 - normal termination. 04 - wurning messcge issued; execution permitted. Conditions leoding to issuance of this code are: (l) $YSPRINT, SYSIN, SYSUT2, or SYSUT3 DO statements missing and (2) DeB parameters missing in SYSUT2 or SYSUT3 DO statements. 12 - Diogno$tic error message issued; execution terminated. Conditions leading to issuance of this code ore: (1) SYSUTl DO statement missing, (2) conflicting DeB parameters in DO statements, and (3) invalid or conflicting utility control statements. 16 - Terminal error message issued; execution terminated. Conditions leoding to issuenc:! of this code arc: 0) penncnent input/output errors (not including data checks on the TCR), (2) unsuccessful opening of data sets, (3) requests for termination by user exit routine, (4) insufficient storage available for execution, and (5) user exit routine not found. Job Contrel Statements Iinome II JOB EXEC DD DD DD DD DD IISYSPRINT IISYSUTl IISYSUT2 I/SYSUT3 IISYSIN PGM"IEBTCRIN data set reference (output messages) data set definition (input doto set) doto set definition (output data set-valid records) dota set definition (output data set-error records) , IIIEBTCRIN control statements ll I' Special Purpose Codes MTDI Code, X'QQ' X'!l' X'l2' X'IS' X'ID' (LZ) (DUP) (LZS) (CAN) (GS) X'IE' X'3C' X'71' (VOK) (RM) X'74' X'75' X'76' X'72' X'73' (P/) (P2) (PJ) X'l4' X'l5' X'l7' (CR) (SW) (FD) X'51' X'77' X'7S' (P4) (P5) (P6) (P7) (PS) ! MTST Codes X'IO' X'lI' X'l3' (er) (,w) (fd) (m) (AS) X'55' X'SO' ("e) X'al'through X'FF' The special purpose codes listed are used by IEBTCRIN when constructing records. Use of these cod!:;!s causes cr me!.S0ge to be issued cnd the " 1111 F I ~ ? P6 P7 = = pa '" Program level 8 CAN = Cancel End of Record (EOR}: RM '" Record mark VOK'" Verify OK This figure repre~enh the eharceter set and control codes as feod from an MTDI created cartridge, 8·22 OS/VSl Programmer's Reference Digest 5: Program level 6 Progrom level 7 IEBTCRIN (cant'd) ~ ~. .,; ~. ] ~ ~ '5, ;; 1! "2 MIST Codes from TCR ) ~_r-"T0_O.-+.~---r0I_,_f--'--"T'0---,;-f-'--"TI_'.---j Bit. Positions ] 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 0123456789 10 11 00 01 ABC D 0, I 10 11 Bit Positions 2,:) E F FirdHexadecimolDigit OOOOOz<:r50]tab 0001 sw 2 0010 2 t 0011 3 n 0100 4 Z fd I 0 9 as i • h sp P 'I k b I VI TA' CR % 010lS@SW~ 0110 6 0111 1000 8 1010 1011 , 1I0a C A AS S SRC T E' H J N FO K B ... a - m bsp r 0 , a 1 7 4 x d I & $ r " ", SP P ",x M SSP Y crond CR '" Cartier rehJm code --+-f-f-+-+-++-+--l ~0!i,-=-I--t..::++++--f-::.t-I-+-+++-+--+--l--l D ., ~;:: ;;;: ~:~~~~:de llJrJIE V ST D L G sf and 5T = slop code 1---+---1'---!--+-+-:+-+-+-l----1-!--+-+++-+-l--l tab and TAB = lob code 1l!1 F U F SIX L~'---L..:...L-.L:_L-L--1:=~-'L-L_.L...L--'----L-L---'--' CIS and AS = Automatic search sp and SP = Space hsp and SSP = Sodupace 1his figt.re rcores",,,h th .. chol'(lcter set and con"ol t'od,,~ as re
Source Exif Data:File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:56:37 Create Date : 2012:05:30 07:35:32-08:00 Modify Date : 2012:05:30 11:30:39-07:00 Metadata Date : 2012:05:30 11:30:39-07:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.51 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:6adb92a2-0ff6-489c-98e0-dc4ae1af615e Instance ID : uuid:0d96a293-f24e-449c-8478-ce0ebc3a26a1 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 337EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools