GC24 9002 5_360 20asm_Apr70 5 360 20asm Apr70
GC24-9002-5_360-20asm_Apr70 GC24-9002-5_360-20asm_Apr70
User Manual: GC24-9002-5_360-20asm_Apr70
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F1le No. S360(Mod.20}-2l Form GC24-9002-S Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Model 20 Disk and Tape Programming Systems Assembler Language rhis publication pr~vi~es the information enabling the programmer to ~rite prograns in the IBM System/360 Model 20 OP5/rp5 Assembler language and the macr~ language. The ~o~el 20 Assembler language allo~s the use ~of mnemonic operation codes and symbolic representations of storage addresses and other values. A pro~ra~ i3 written in symbolic language; This program is processe~ by the DPS/rps ~ssenbler pr~gr3m, which rea3s the symbolic statements and produces a program in machine language. By means of the macro language, the programner can considerably the amount of repetitive co3ing require3 for routines used frequently within a given program or in many different programs. rhe progra~ner must co~e the routine ~nly once an~ inclu3e it in the macro library. He ~rites a macro instruction at the point in the source pr~gran ~here the routine is require~. During assembly, the Assembler reads the macro instruction, extracts the routine from the library, and inserts it in the object progra~. rhe programmer can cause the ~ssenbler to tailor the routine to fit the particular problem program by specifying the appropriate symb~lic operan3s in the macro instruction. re~uce rhe rea3er of this publication should be familiar with basi= programming concepts and ~ith the operating principles of his system as 3escribe3 in the appropriate SRL publicati~ns. F~r a list of pertinent publi=ations see ~~~_~Y2£~~!~~Q_MQg~!_~QL_~!2!!QgE~ehl' F~rn GA26-3565. DPS TPS This is. a maj~r revision of, and obsoletes, Newsletters G~33-9059 and 3~33-9076. GC2q-9002-4 and fechnical Min~r b~n changes have been made throu~hout the text. Many sections have rearran3e1 to impr~ve readability. rherefore, the table of contents should be studied carefully. A secti~n ~n Pl3nned Jverlay Structure has been ad:ie~. :'hangf'!'> to thf' text and small changes to the illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change: changed or ~dded illustrations are denoted by the symbol • t~ the left ~f the caption. rhis edition applies to release 9 ~f IB~ Systen/~60 Model 20 DPS, t~ release 13 ~f IBM System/360 Model 20 TPS, and to all subse~uent releases until otherwise indicated in new editi~ns ~r re=hnical Newsletters. Changes are c~ntinually maje to the specifications herein. before using this ppblicatiQn in connection ~ith the operation of IB~ systems, consult the l~~st IB~ Systeml360 Model 20 SRL Newsletter, F~rm GN20-0361, for ~e editions that are applicable and current. This publication ~as prepared f~r pr~ducti~n using 3n IB~ co~puter t~ update the text and to =ontrol the pa3e and line f~rmat. Pa3e impressi~ns f~r photo-offset printin3 were obtained from an IBM 1~03 Printer u3ing a special print chain. Requests for c~pies of IB~ publications should be made to your representative or to the IBM branch ~ffice serVing your loc3lity. A IB~ reader's conments is provided at the back of this If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed t~ IBM Laboratories, pro9ram~ing Publications, 703 Boeblingen/3ermany, P.O. B~x 210. form for pubiicati~n. ~ ~~nvrinht IB~ Gprmanv 1966. 1967 C ~~pyright International Business ~achines corporation 1967, 1969, 1970 Contents Asselllbler Language - Introduction 5 Types of ~ssembler-Language statements • • • • • Character Set • • • • • • • • • • Major ~ssembler Language Features • • • • • • • •• operating Environment • • Assembler Language Coding Conven tions . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 7 7 Description of Conventions Summary of Coding Conventions 8 8 9 Terms and Expressions . . 12 Terms • • • • • • • • • • • 12 self-Defining Terms • • • 12 Assembler Program Defined -Terms 13 Expressions • .. • • • • • • 15 Evaluation of Expressions • • 15 Absolute and Relocatable Expressions • • • • • • • • 16 Maohine Instruotions AI Object Format of Machine • • • • Machine-Instruction Alignment • • • Machine-Instruction Mnemonic Codes Extended Mnemonic Codes. • • Machine instruction Operanjs • Operand Fields and Subfields • • Explicit and Implicit ~ddressing .. Explicit ~ddressing .. • .. _ • Implicit Addressing • • • • • Explicit and Implicit Lengths • • Examples • • • • • • • • .. • • • • Types and Functions of Macnine Operations ... • '. • • .. .. .. • .. • Binary Arithmetic Operations • • Machine Formats of Instructions for Binary Operations .. • Binary ~rithmetic Error Conditions . . . . . . . . . .. Instructions for Binary Arithmetic • • • ... .. • • • • AR -- Add Register • SR -- Subtract Register • • STH -- store Half~ord • • • LH Load Halfwor:i • • • • • • • CH -- Compare Halfword • • • .. • ~H -- ~dd Halfwor:i • SH -- Subtract Halfword • • • • • Decimal ~rithmetic Operations • • Condition Code after Decimal Operations • • • • .. .. • Decimal ~r~thmetic Error Conditi~ns • • • • .. • • Instructions for Decimal Arithmetic . . . . • .. .. .. .. • MVO -- Move with Offset. • PACK -- Pack • • • • • • UNPK -- Unpack • • • • .. • ZAP -- Zero and Add Packed cp Compare Decimal Packed AP Add Decimal Packed SP Subtract Decimal Packe:i MP Multiply Decimal Packed DP Divide Decinal Packed Logical Operations • • • • • Instructi~ns 0 17 17 17 11 t8 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 Machine Formats of Instructi~ns for Logical Operations Condition Code After Logical Operations • • • • • • • Instructions for Logical Operations • • • • • • • MVI Move Immediate • MVC ~ove Characters MVZ Move Zones • • • MVN Move Numerics CLI Compare Logical Immediate CLC Compare Logical Characters • • • • • ED Edit.... NI ~nd Immejiate 01 Or Imme:iiate TM Test Under ~ask HPR -- Halt anj Proceed • TR -- Translate • • • • • Branch Operations. • • • • • • • Machine Formats of Instructions for Branch Operations • . • Error Conditions • • • • • Instructions for Branch Operations • • • • • • • BCR -- Branch on ~ondition Register • • • • • • • • • • BC -- Branch on Conditi~n BASR -- Branch and Store/Register • • • • • BAS -- Branch and Store • SPSW -- Set PSW • • • .. • Input/Output Operations • . Literals . . . . . . . . . Lite~al 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 33 Pool 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 • • 46 Assembler Instruotions Sy.f[ibol-Definition Instruction. EQU -- Equate Symbol • • • • • • Data-Definition Instructions DC -- Define Constant • • • • • • DS -- Defi·ne Storage .. • • • • • DCCW -- Define Channel ~onmand Worj • • • • • • • • • • • • Program Sectioning and Linking Instructions • • • • • • • •• Control Sections • • • • • • • • START -- start ~ssembly • • • • • CSECT -- Ijentify Control Section • • • • • • • • • Dummy Control Sections DSECT -- Identify Dummy Secti~n • Symbolic Linkages ENTRY -- Identify Entry-Point Symbol . • • • • • • • • • • • • EXTRN -- Identify External Symbol • .. .. • • • • • ~ddressing an External Control Section • • • • .. • .. .. • • • Base Register Instruction Statements • • • • • • • • .. USING -- Use Base Address Register . . . . . . . . . .. DROP -- Drop Base Register Programning Example • • .. Listing-Control Instruction Statements . . . . . . . . . . . 47 47 47 48 48 52 54 54 54 55 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 62 62 63 TITLE -- Identify Assembly Output •• • • ~ • • • 63 EJECT start New Page • • • 63 SPACE -- Space Listing • • 64 PRINT -- Print Optional Data 64 Program-structure Control Instructi~ns •••••• REPRO -- Reproduce Follo~ing Statement • • • • • • • • • • • • XFR -- 3enerate a fransrer Card • ORG -- set Location counter • LTOR3 -- Begin Literal Pool • • • END -- End Assembly • • • • • • • 65 65 65 65 66 66 Planned Overlay Structure . . 67 Overlay Using the FETCH Macro • • • 67 Coding of Phases without Subphases • • • • • • • • • • • • 67 Coding of a Phase ~ith Subphases 68 Overlay Using the LOAD Macro • • • 69 Macro Instructions .. 70 Macro-Instruction Format 71 positional Macro Instructions • • 71 Keyword Macro Instructions • 72 Assenbly of ~acro Instru~tions • 74 Macro Language . . . _ . . Positional Macro Definitions MACRO -- Header statement • Prototype statement • Model Statements • • 75 • 75 75 • • 75 • • 0 'O. • • • • • • • • ~ I'll' .:II "' ..... D .. f t f":::1t .. .:11 .... ........ tal ....... (DPS/TPS) · .104 Job Control Statenents Program Control statements AWORK =~ Assembler • .105 • .105 W~rkfile Statement • • • • • • • • • .105 AOPTN (Assembler Option) Statements ~. ~ • • ~ ~ .106 ICTL -- Input Format :ontrol • • 107 ISEQ -- Input Sequence Checking .107 Cataloging a Macro Definition 108 Job Control Statements (DPS) Job Control statements (TPS) Program Control State~ents • • • 108 • • • 108 .108 Output Listings. . . . . .109 Language Compatibility. .110 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . .111 APPENDIX A. MACHINE-INSrRJCrION MNEMONIC CODES .122 APPENDIX B. r;'ORMAT .124 ........· MACHINE-INSTRUCTION ........ .· APPENDIX C. ASSEMBLER INSfRUCTIONS 126 76 APPENDIX D. 80 80 81 83 85 APPENDIX E. SUM~~RY OF MA:RO LANGUAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • • 128 Expressions in MacrJ Language .128 Name an~ Operanj Fielj of Instructions ••.•• • • • 129 Symbolic Parameters an~ Variable Symbols in Expressions • • • • • • 130 IBM-Supplied ~acro Definitions • • 131 Conditi~nal-Assembly Instructions •••• • • • .. SET Variable Symbols SETA SET_Arithmeti~ SETC -- SET'Character SETB -- SET Binary • • Sequence Symbols •• • • • • • • AIF -- :onditional B~anch • • AlFB -- Conditional Branch Backwar~ . • • • • • • • • • • • AGO -- Unconditional Branch • AGOB -- Unconditional Branch Backward • • • • • • • • • ANOF -- No Operation • • • • MEXIT -- Macro Definition Exit • MNOTE -- Request for a Message • MEND -- Trailer statement •• Keywor~ Macro Definitions • • • • • System Var iable Symbols • • • • &SYSNDX -- Macro Instruction Index • • • • • • • • • • • • • • &SYSECT -- Current Control Section ~ &SYSLISTCn) -- Macro Instruction Operan~ Fiel~ · . Sample Macro Definition • • • • In-Line Use of the GMOVE Macr~ Instruction • • • • • • Reserving Space in the Destination Fielj • • • • . Use of the Subroutine Facilit~ of the GMJVE Macro Definition • • Main-Storage Considerations for GMOVE Subroutines • • • • • Error CheckinJ • • • • • Use of Global SET Sy~bois wi thin the 3M.OVE Macro Definition • • • • i i j au .... ••• lo.l.., .. A.•• _ 88 89 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 96 97 97 98 98 99 99 99 SUM~ARY OF :ONSTANrs APPENDIX F. ASSE~BLER FEATURES • • • . • . .127 L~N3J~GE . .132 APPENDIX G. OUTPUT LISfINGS (ASSEMBLER AND MMAlNr) • • 135 Assembler ProJra m • • • . • ..135 Macro Maintenance Program • . • • . 138 APPENDIX H. ASSEMBLER DIAGNOSfIC MESSAGES • • • • • • • • • • • • • 139 APPENDIX I. DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES OF THE MACRO ~AINTENANCE PROGRAM .145 APPENDIX J. CHARACTER CODES • • • • 147 APPENDIX K. MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION • • • • • • • 153 Minimum System Configuration • • • 153 Maximum System Configuration • • • 153 APPENDIX L. HEXADECIMAL-DECIM~L NUMBER CONVERSION TABLE • • • .155 APPENDIX ~. SA~PLE PROGRAMS DPS Assembler LanJuage Program TPS ~ssembler Language Pr:>gran Inde:.: . . . . . . . . · .161 • .161 • .188 .189 Assembler Language - - Introduction computer programs may be expressed either in machine language, i.e.~ language directly interpreted by the computer, or in a symbolic language which is nore meaningful to you, the programmer. The symbolic language, however~ must be translated into machine language before the computer can execute the program. 'rhis is the function of translator programs such as the Assembler. Of the various symbolic programming lanAssembler languages are cl~sest t~ machine language in form and content. guages~ The Assembler language discussed in this manual is a symbolic programming language for the IBM system/360 Model 20. It enables you to use all IBM System/360 Model 20 machine functions as if you were coding in system/360 Model 20 machine language. The Assembler program translates or pr~ cesses (assembles) Assembler-language programs int~ machine language for execution by the computer. A program written in the Assembler language and used as input to the Assembler program is called the ~Q~E£~_E~Q= ~!~~L the machine-language program produced as output from the Assembler program is called the Q~i~£~_E!~!~~. The translation or processing procedure performed by the Assembler program to produce the object program is called ~§§~~Qli!!~ or ~§§,~~Qby. rhere are two outputs from the assenbler run. The first is an object pr~gran consisting of actual machine instructi~ns corresponding to the sour~e progran statements written by you. rhe object program is punched either into cards or it is written on magnetic tape or on disk. rhe second output is a program listing or assembly listing. ~his docunent shoNS the original source pr~gran statements side by side with the object program instructions created from them. Many programmers work from the assembly program listing as soon as it is available, hardly ever referring to their coding sheets again. An example is shown in Figure 2. rhis figure is explained below. (Proceeding from right to left): a. The items listed under A should be exactly the same as the handwritten entries on the coding sheet. rhis provides a good check on the accuracy ~f the keypunching. b. rhe items under B are a re?resentation, in hexadecimal notati~n, of the c~rres ponding instructions and c~nstants. c. C shows the addresses (in hexadecimal notation) of the instructi~ns, ~on stants, and areas of storage specified by you. For more details see ~p?endix The entire process is illustrated in Figure 1~ The Assembler program is supplied by IBM. TYPES OF ASSEMBLER-LANGJA3E Programmer Statements' An assembler-language program nay cJnsist of up to four types of statements: Model 20 Figure 1. srArE~E~rS Schematic Representation of the Assembly Process • machine instruction statements (hereafter called machine instructions) • Assembler-instru~tion • macro-instruction statements (hereafter called macro instructiJns) • comments statements (hereafter called comments). statenents (hereafter called Assembler instructions) Assembler Language -- Intr~du~tion 5 OBJECr CODE B LOCATN C ~, " ADDl A.DD2 STMT SO(JR~E S"rATEMENr A. A ... ... Oloe 4880 B020 0122 0001 SrA.Rr 256 0002 BE3IN B!\'SR 11,0 0003 USING *,11 L:)!-\D RE:;rSTER 8 0004 8,DA.rA. LH 0005 8 , rEN A.DD 10 A.H 0006 * rHE F:)LLOiVING :)PERArI:)N ;1ILL Y10LrIPLY BY 2. 8,8 0007 ~R 8,DArA+2 0008 SH NJTE RELA.fIVE A.DDRESSIN3 I, 1\ (') 1\ nl'\,)11 1\1,)£ 1\1\1\0 0114 4890 B026 0118 4A.90 B028 0128 012A. 011C 47FO 00C2 00C2 0010 LH 9,BIN1 0011 9, BIN2 A.H 0012 * THE NExr MA.CRO INsrRo:::rION 0013 * ;.JILL CA.LL rHE END :)F J:)B MA.CR). E:)J 0014 0015+ 15,194(0,0) BC 0016 * H'25' 0017 DArA. DC 0018 H'15' D: H'10' 0019 rEN DC 0020 RESULr DS H 0021 BINl H'12' DC H'78' 0022 BIN2 DC 0023 BE3IN END 0100 0100 ODBO 0102 0102 4880 BOlE 0106 4l\80 B022 0120 0124 010A. lA.SS 1\1 1 1\ V..L..LV 0120 0122 0124 0126 0128 012A 0100 ..,VOV UV.L..., V..L.L.v 0019 OOOF OOOA. 000::: 004E Figure 2. A.ssembly Listin~ VVV.;l coTta "-'..L L~ 0 U I OC'COr-lTTt L'"\..L:.IvU.LA..L. Produced by the A.ssembly of the Program Predefined mnemonic codes are provided in the A.ssembler language for all machine instructions, A.ssembler instructions, and IBM-supplied macro instructions. Additional extended mnemonics are provided for the various forms of the Branch-on-Condition machine instruction. rhe Assembler language provides for the symbolic representation of any addresses, machine components (such as registers), and actual values needed in source statements. Also provided is a variety of forms of data representations: decimal. binary, hexadecimal, or character representation. You can select the representation best suited to express a given data item. Machine instructions: Machine instructions are-one=£;=one-representations ·of System/ 360 Model 20 machine instructions. The Assembler produces an equivalent machine instruction in the object program for each machine instruction in the source program. • program sectioning and linking, • data storage field definition, and • controlling the !\.ssembler itself. progra~ with a fe~ excepclons i Assenbler instructions do not result in the generation of any machine-language code by the A.ssembler program. Macro instructions: Macro instructions cause-the-Assembler to retrieve a coded symbolic routine, called nacro jefiniti~n, from the macro library, modify the routine according to the infornation in the nacro instruction, a.nd insert the modified routine into the source program for translation into machine language. IB~ supplies macro definitions (mainly fOr input/output operations) as part of the nacr~ library. ~~~~~Ql~r_irr~~£~£~iQg~: Assembler instructions specify auxiliary functions to be performed by the ~ssembler program in addition to its function of translating. These auxiliary functions assist you in You may also define your own nacro definitions and refer to them throu~h macro instructions which you define yourself. These definitions and statements are defined according to the nacro language and are processed by the A.ssenbler in the same manner as the IBM supplie~ macro definitions. rhe macro language is described also in this publication. • checking and documenting programs, :::omments: • controlling storage-address assignment, of your program, what you inten1ed to be 6 Comments allow you to state, for your-o~n reference or for any other reader done in the particular instruction. Your comments should be as precise as possible. g~!Q£~~~Qi!i~i: rhe object prograns proby the Assembler may be in a format enabling relocation from the originally assigne~ storage area to any other suitable area through the Linkage Editor Program. duce~ CHARACTER SET Assembler-language statements may be written using the following alphabetic, numeric, an~ special characters: ~!Eh~Qg~!~_£h~E~£~~E~: 29 characters are classified as alphabetic characters. These include the characters @~ n, and $ as well as the characters A through Z. The three additional characters are included so that the category can accommodate certain nonEnglish languages. (The printer graphic may vary according to the national character set.) ~E~£i~!_£h~E~£~~E~: blank + - , = • * ( ) II & These letters~ digits, and special characters are only 51 of the 256 EB~DI~ (Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code) characters. Each of the 256 characters (including the 51 characters above) has a unique card punch co~e. ~ost of the terms used in Assemblerlanguage statements are expressed by the letters~ ~igits. and special characters shown above. However, such Assemblerlanguage features as £h~E~~~~E_~~!f= g~fi~!Q~_~~E~~ and £h~!~£~~E_£QQ~~~~~~ permit the use of any of the 256 card codes. Appendix J shows the 256 EBCDIC character codes. MAJOR ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE FEATURES ~EQgE~~_~i~~ig~~: A listing of the sourceprogram statements and the resulting object-program statements is produced by the Assembler for each source program it assembles. You can partly control the form and contents of the listing (see Figure 2). Error Indications: As a source program is assembled;-It-Is-analyzed for actual or potential errors in the use of the Assembler language. Detected errors are indicated in the program listing. ~~£~!QQ!Q~_~Q~_~!Q~!~~: rhe Assembler language anj program provi~e facilities for partitioning an Assembler-language program into one or more parts called control sections. Because control sections do not have to be loa~e~ contiguously in main storage# a sectione~ program may be loaded and execute~ even though a continuous block of storage large enough to accommo~ate the entire program is not available. The linking facilities of the Assembler language an~ program allow symbols to be defined in one assembly and referre~ to in another, thus effecting a link between separately assembled programs. rhis permits you to reference jata andlor transfer control between programs. OPERATIN3 ENVIRONMENT The Assembler program is either tape- or ~isk-resi~ent. The TPS Assembler program operates un~er control of the rps Basic Monitor program and the DPS Assembler program un~er the control of the JPS Monitor program. Appendix K contains the minimam and maximum system configuration. For the TPS Assembler progran, the Assembler control car~ an~ the associated source-program input must be read on a car~ reading ~evice. rhe object program may be punched into cards or written onto tape. For the DPS Assembler progran, the Assembler control car~ an~ the associate~ source-program input may be read on a card reading jevice or, in car~-image format, from a magnetic tape. rhe object program is placej in the Relocatable Area on the system disk pack an~, in ad~ition, nay be punched into cards or written onto tape. The absolute or relocatable object program will then be processed as jescribe~ in the Model 20 SRL publications describing the DPS and TPS Control and Service Programs (Form numbers GC2~-9006 and GC24-9000, respectively). Assembler Language -- Introduction 7 Assembler Language Ceding Conventions This section discusses the 3eneral coding conventions associated with use of the ~ssembler language~ The above statement boundaries nay be altered by means of ~he I2TL (Input Fornat control) statement discussed lat~r in this publication. DESCRIPTION OF CONvENTIONS A source program is a sequence of source statements punched into cards. rhe statements may be written on the standard IBM coding form, X28-6509 (Figure 3). One line of coding on the form is punched into one card. The vertical columns on the form correspond to card ~olumns. Statements may consist of one to four entries in the statement field. rhese entries are, from left to right: name, operation, operands, and comments. rhe entries must be written in the order stated and separated fron each other by One ~r more blanks. Space is provided at the top of the form for program identification. You can also give instructions to the keypunch operator; any character code that does not have a corresponding printer graphic can be assigned any special graphic to identify the code to the keypunch operator, who can then punch the corresponding card punch code wherever he encounters the special graphic. (See under £h~£~££~£_§~£ for the representation of the valid character codes that can be used in a source program.) Neithe~ the program information (Program, Programmer~ Date etc.) nor the instructions to the keypunch operator are punched into a card; they are for your own use. The coding form is ruled to provide an eight-character name field, a fivecharacter operation field, and a 56character operand andlor comments field. The body of the form is composed of two fields: the statement field, columns 1-71, and the identification-sequence field, columns 73-80. The identification-sequence field is not part of a statement. Source statements are normally contained in columns 1 - 71 (statement field) of the statement lines. However, macro instructions (and only those) may be continued in columns 16 - 71 of as many continuation lines as required. Therefore, columns 1, 71, and 16 are referred to as the "begin", "end"~ and "continue" column, respectively. If a macro instruction line extends beyond column 71 it is to be continued on the next line. This is indicated by a continuation character in column 72. The continuation character may be any non-blank character and is not considered part of the statement coding. The columns of the continuation line preceding the continue column, columns 1-15, must be blank. 8 If you wish, you may disregard boundaries and write the name~ operation, operand, and comment entries in other positions, subject to the following rules: 1. The entries must not extend beyond statement boundaries (either the conventional boundaries, or the ones you have designated by means of the IcrL statement). 2. rhe entries must be in proper sequence, as stated above. 3. The entries must be separated from each other by one or more blanks. 4. If used, a name entry must be written starting in the be3in colunn. A description of the name, operation, operands# and comments entries folloRS: ~~~~: rhe name (also called label) is a symbol you create yourself to ijentify a statement or to represent an address or an arbitrary value. Whether a name entry is required, optional, or not pernitted depends on the particular statenent. rhe symbol must consist of eight characters or less; it must be entere~ with the first character appearing in the be3in column. If the begin column is blank, the ~ssembler pro3ram assumes no nane has been entered. No blanks must appear within the symbol. QQ~E~~Qg: The operation is a mnenonic code s~ecifying the machine operation or Assembler function desired. An operation entry is mandatory and must start at least one position to the right of the begin column. Valid mnemonic operation codes for machine and Assembler operations are contained in Appendixes A and 2 of this publication. Valid operation codes of your selfdefined macro instructions must be alphameric and must not be longer than five characters~ The leftmost character must be alphabetic. special characters and/or embedded blanks are not permitted. QQ~~~gg~: Operands identify and describe data to be acted upon by the instruction; they indicate such things as registers~ storage locations, masks, storage-area lengths, or types of data. Depending on the needs of the instruction, one or more operands may be written. Operands are required for all machine instructions. Operands must be se~arated from each other by commas. No blanks are permitted between operands and the se~arating commas. Symbols app,earing in the operand field of a statement must be defined. A symbol is considered to be defined when it appears either in the name field of a statenent or in the ,operand field of an EXTRN statement. The o~erands must not contain embedded blanks. However, if character re~resenta tion is used to specify a constant, a literal~ or immediate data in an operand~ the character string may contain blanks. Comments: comments are descriptive items of-information about the program that are to be inserted in the program listing. All valid characters including blanks (see £h~!aC~~E_§~~) may be used in writing a comment. The entry must not extend beyond the end column (column 71), and at least one blank must se~arate it from the operand. An entire line may be used for a comnent by placing an asterisk in the begin column. Extensive comments entries may be written by using a series of lines with an asterisk in the begin column of each line. In statements where either an optional operand is omitted or an operand is not permitted but a comments entry is desired, the absence of the operand must be indicated by a comma preceded and followed by one or more blanks, as follows: r-------T----------T----------------------, I Name 10peration lo~erand 1 ~-------+----------+----------------------~ Il _______ L1END I______________________ , comment __________ L J1 ~~~~~~~gt_§~~~Q!~: The following eKam~le illustrates the use of nane, operation, o~erand, and comments entries. ~n ~dd instruction has been named by the synbol ADD; the operation entry (AR) is the nnemonic for a register-to-register add operation, the two operands, eight and nine, designate the two general registers. rhe comments entry will renind you that you are adding "new sum" to "old" with this instruction. r------T-----------T----------------------, 1Operation 1Operand 1 I Name f------+-----------+----------------------~ ADD NEW SUM TO OLD lI ______ LI~R ___________ L18,9 ______________________ J1 Figure 3 shows an example entered on the standard coding form. Since, in this example, the keyboard is assuned not to have a graphic for the character code >, the character code & has been chosen as a substitute. rhis is indicated to the keypunch operator on the coding sheet. The identification-sequence field of the cbding form (columns 73 -- 80) is used to enter program identification and/or statement-sequence characters. rhe entry is optional. If the field, or a portion of it, is used for program identification, the identification is punched by the user in the statement cards, and re~roduced by the ~ssembler in the ~rinted listing of the source program. To aid in kee~ing source statements in order, you may code an ascending se~uence of characters in this field or a portion of it. These characters are punched into their respective cards. During assenbly, you may request the ~ssembler to verify this sequence by the use of the ISE~ (Input Sequence Checking) statement. rhis instruction is discussed later in this publication. SUMM~RY OF CODIN3 CJNVENTIONS The "begin", "end", and "continue" colunns are 1, 71, and 16 respectively unless the statement boundaries are altered by neans of an IcrL instruction. Assembler-Language 20ding :onventions 9 All entries must be contained within the designated begin and end column boundaries. The entries in a statement must al~ays be separated by at least one blank and must be in the following order: name, operation~ operand(s), comment. Depending on the particular statement, a name entry is either required~ or optional, or not permitted. Every statement, with the exception of comments statement, requires an operation entry. Operand entries are required for all machine instructions and most Assembler instructions. comment entries are optional. 10 The name and operation entries m~st not contain blanks. Operand entries must n~t have a blank preceding or foll~Ning the commas that separate them. A name entry must always start in the begin column. 20lumn 12 must be blank~ except for macro instructions, for which a continuation pun~h may be placej in col~mn 72. .. PIIOGIAM --.0 1 "f0 "'FIRST lOUR HAl« - • YE 10 DATE ... .".... NYC " .. 20 TN EIRI~ . a.-- INSTRUCTIONS ~ I> GlAPHIC PUNCHING j IE .....eH IMGI 1 1 I 01' c_ 30 :IS UE ~. CO NT EN TS I'u IPL Ilc Ir T A. 40 50 OS f:R Of.4 66 55 H~ R& - l~fLlCllO~ STATEMENT- 65 TO 71 n s..- * 10 Iris A. CO ~IH ENT ~ TU II.S 'It ull! iA~ IANIn IAI:lIE I/')I~ l6R El6I~ lIN 'HA II IN 1ST I .. 1.... 1- I form, 11M electro 6SfJ9, it oWi11ab1e for p.lftChine toUf'(:e stotemenb ffIOIII this r... -........ Ior ...... thls _ ... ;oany _ _ I. _ _ _ cone...;.. th. _ .. 11M ~;..,.~.. ~ 232. Son ...... Calilorn.. 95114. • A ~ card IIMS~""""""'Io Figure 3. N>I_. Co:ling Form ~ssembler-Language :oding ~onventions 11 Terms and Expressions An operand is composed of one or more ~~ef~22!QQ.2, which" in turn, are composed of a ~~£~ or an arithmetic combination of terms. Terms anj expressions are used in to define storage locations. genII. operands eral registers~ immediate data, or constant values. Terms All terms represent a value. This value may be assigned by the Assembler program (symbols, symbol length attribute, Location Counter reference) or may be inherent in the term itself (self-defining terns). Terms are classed as absolute or relocatable. They are absolute-or-relocatable accordIng to the effect of program relocation upon them. Self-defining terms are classed as absolute terms since the value they represent does not change upon program relocation. Q~!!l9._§.~lf=-Q~f!.!l!'!:!9._!~f~§': Self-defining terms are the means of specifying n~chine language binary values or bit configurations without equating the value to a symbol. Self-defining terms nay be used to sgecify such program elements as inmediate data, masks, registers, and addresses. rhe type of term selected (1ecimal. hex~decim aI, binary, or character) depenis ~n ~hat is being specified. Self-defining terms are not to be confusej with jata constants or literals. When a self-jefinin~ term is usej in a machine instruction, its value is asse~blej into the instruction. when-a-jata constant or literal is specifiej in the operand of an instruction, its ajdress is assenblej into the instruction~------ Program relocation is defined as: • either reassembling the program with a different starting address or relocating the progran - by neans of the Linkage Editor Program - to storage locations other than those originally assigned by the Assembler program. A term is absolute if its value does not change upon relocation. A term is relocatable if its value changes by n when the program is relocated Q. bytes away from the location where it is first assembled. The section below discusses each type of term and che rules for its use. Limitations on the value of the term depend on its use. For example, a decinal term that designates a general register should have a value between 8 and 15 inclusively; one that represents a jisplacement should not exceed 4095. Q~£!m~l_~~lf~Q~f~rr~~g_r~f~: ~ jecinal self-defining term is an unsigned jecimal number written as a sequence of decinal digits. High-order zeros may be usej. ~ decimal term must not consist of mOre than five jigits, or exceed 32,767 (2 15 _1). ~ decimal term is assembled as its binary equivalent. Some examples of decimal self-jefining terms are: 8, 147, 4092, 00021. SELF-DEFINING TERMS A self-defining term is one whose value is inherent in the term. It is not assigned a value by the Assembler program. For example, the decimal self-defining term 15 represents a value of fifteen. rhere are four types of self-defining terms: Q~£!~~!' h~!~Q~£~m~!, ~!~~~~, and character. Accordingly, we speak of dec inaI;-hexadecimal, binary, or character representation of the machine-language binary value (or btt configuration) a term represents. l:l ff~~~~~£~~~l_§glf=-~~f!'Qi~~_I~E~: A hexadecimal self-defining term is an ~nsigned hexadecimal number written as a sequence of hexadecimal digits. The digits must be enclosed in apostrophes and precedej by the letter X; for exa~ple, K'249 1 • Each hexadecimal digit is assenbled as its four-bit binary equivalent. Thus, a hexadecimal term used to represent an eight~bit mask woulj consist of two hexadecimal digits. The naxinun value of a hexadecim~l term is X'7FFF'. The heKadecimal digits and their bit patterns are as follows: r------T---------T------T---------, I Hex I I Hex I I character term. In addition, any of the 256 punch combinations (shown in AppendiK J) may be used in a character self-defining term. Examples of character self-defining terms are as follows: I Dig. I Pattern I Dig. I Pattern I t------+---------+------+---------i I 0 I 0000 1 8 1 1000 , I I I 1 2 3 I 4 I I 5 6 7 I I I I I I I I 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 I I 1 I I I I 9 A B C D E F I I I I I I I 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 I I I 1 I I I L______ ~ _________ ~_-----~---------J A table for converting hexadecimal t~ decimal representations is provi1e1 in Appen1ix L. A hexadecimal self-defining term that is not specified as a complete byte is assembled as one byte. rhe specified bits are assembled right-justified, and the portion of the byte not specified is padded with binary zeros. For example, X'~' w~uld be assembled as 00001111. ::::'/' ::::'A' '"" , ( blank) e'l' Because of the use of apostr~phes in the Assembler language and ampersands in the macro language as syntactic characters, the following rule must be observed when using these characters in a character tern: For each apostrophe ~r ampersand desire1 in a character term, two apostr~phes ~r ampersands must be written. For eKample, the character value ' would be written as C"" and the value & as ::::'&&'. The character is assembled as its eightbit code equivalent (see Appendix J). rhe two apostrophes or ampersands that nust be used to represent an apostrophe or an ampersand are assemble1 as one apostr~phe or ampersand. ASSEMBLER PROGRAM DEFINED rERMS ~i~~!y_~~lf~Qgf!~!~~_!g!~: A binary selfdefining term is written as an unsigned sequence of ones and zeroS enclose1 in ap~ strophes and preceded by the letter B. F~r example, B'10001101'. rhis term would appear in storage as shown within the apostrophes and occupy one byte. A binary term may have up to eight bits represented. Binary representation is used primarily in designating bit patterns of masks ~r in logical operations4 The following example illustrates a binary term used as a mask in a TM (TestUnder-Mask instruction. rhe contents of GAMMA are to be tested, bit by bit, against the pattern of bits represented by the binary term. r-------r-----------T---------------------, I Name I Operation IOperan1 I Terms whose value depends on the Assembler program are classified as Assenbler pr~gran defined terms although you actually create them yourself. rhe classificati~n is made t~ distinguish these terms from the selfdefining terms. A symbol is a character or combination of characters used to identify a statenent ~r to represent addresses or arbitrary values. Symbols are used as names and in operands to provide you with an efficient way to name and to refer to a program statement. A symbol, which you create f~r use as a name entry or in an ~perand, nust c~n f~rm to the t2!!Q~~Qg_£~!~~: 1. ~-------+-----------+---------------------~ I _______ ALPHA 4IrM L ___________ IGAMMA,B'10101101' _____________________ JI ~ A binary self-defining term that is not specified as a complete byte is assembled as one byte. rhe specifie1 bits are assembled right-justified, and the portion of the byte not specified is padde1 with binary zeros. For example, B'101011' would be assembled as 00101011. DrF £h~!~2~~£_~glf~Q~f!~!g~_!g£~: A character self-defining term consists of one character enclose1 by apostrophes and preceded by the letter C. All letters, decimal digits, and special characters may be used in a rhe symbol must not consist ~f n~re than eight characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. rhe other characters may be letters, 1igits, ~r a combination of the twO. Since synb~ls used by Ioes begin with I, 3ymb~ls in problem programs should n~t begin with the letter I. Als;~-the-synbol ~r the first portion of a symbol (up t~ seven characters) in problem pr~grans ~h2~1~ not be the same as the file name in a header entry. (F~r further details, refer to the SRL publicati~ns describing the pertinent In9ut/)utput ::::ontrol System.) 2. No special characters are permitted in a symbol. Terms and EK?res3ions 13 3. No blanks are permitted in a symbol. The follo~ing are examples of valid symbols: READER A23456 X4F2 LOOP2 N S4 $13 iilPRICE #'LB1 The following symbols are invalid, for the reasons noted: 256B RECORDARE1-\2 BCO*34 IN 1-\REl\ first character is not alphabetic more than eight characters contains a special character. namely * contains a blank aram that ~as assembled seDaratel~ from the iirst (see under ~!~~Q!!£_~!Q~~g~~):Previousl~ Defined Symbols: A 3ymb~1 13 called-ftpreviollsly-deflned" if it has appeared as a name in an instruction or as the operand in an EXTRN statement prior to being used as an operan1 in a 1ifferent instruction. Symbols used in the operands of the Assembler instructions )R3 and ~~U must have been previously defined. ~~~f~!_~~~~f~££~QQ~_~~_2YillQ2!~: ~ s~mbol may be defined only once in an assembl~. That is, each s~mbol used as the nane of a statement or as the operand of an ~xrRN instruction must be unique to that assembly. Defini~~_~mbo!~: A symbol is defined when it apoears as the name of a source statement-or as the operand of an EXTRN statement. The Assembler pro.gram. assigns a value to each symbol appearing as a name entry in a source statement. The value assigned to symbols naming storage areas, machine instructions, constants, and control sections represents the address of the leftmost byte of the storage field containing the named item. Since the addresses of these items change upon program relocation, the symbols naming them are re!Q~£abl~ mm~· A symbol used as a name entry in the EQU (Equate Symbol) Assembler instruction is assigned the value stated as the operand of the instruction. Since the operand may represent either a relocatable or an absolute value~ the symbol is considered a relocatable or absolute term depending upon the-varue-to-;hich-it-rs-e~uated. The length attribute ma~ be used as a tern. Reference to the attribute is made b~ coding L' follo~ed by the symbol, e.g., L'BETA. rhe L' •••• term allowS coding where lengths are unknown. The following example illustrates the use of L'symbol in moving a character constant into either the high-order or loworder end of a storage field. r-------T-----------T---------------------, I Name I Operation I Operand I ~-------+-----------+---------------------~ I ~1 ! DS ! CLB ! IB2 IDC ICL2'~B' I IBIORD IMVC 11-\!(L'B2),B2 I Il LOORD _______ LIMVC ___________ 1~1+L'A!-L'B2(L'B2),B21 _____________________ J ~ The value of a relocatable symbol may vary bet~een 0 and 2 15 -1 (=32767). The value of absolute symbols may vary between -2 15 (=-32768) and 2~5_1 (=32767). Symbol definition also involves the assignment of a !~Qg~h_~~~~!e~~~ to the symbol. (The Assembler program maintains an internal table, the symbol table, in which the values and attributes of symbols are kept. When the Assembler program encounters a symbol in an operand, it refers to the table for the values associated with the symbol.) The length attribute of a symbol is the size~ in bytes, of the storage field ~hose address is represented by the symbol. For example, a symbol naming an instruction that occupies four bytes of storage has a length attribute of four. Normally, symbols are defined in the same program in which they are used as operands. However, you can define a symbol in one program and use it in another pro14 Ai names a storage field eight bytes in length and is assigned a length attribute of eight. B2 names a character constant two bytes in length and is assi~ned a length attribute of twO. rhe statenent named HI~RD moves the contents ~f B2 into the leftnost two bytes of 1-\1. rhe term L'B2 in parentheses provides the length specific3tion required by the instr~ction. When the instruction is assembled, the length is placed into the pr0per field of the machine instruction. LOORD moves the contents of B2 into the right-most t~o bytes of ~1. A1+L'~1-L'B2 results in the addition of the length of ~1 to the beginning address of Al~ and the subtraction of the length of 82 fron this value. rhe result is the addre3s of the seventh byte in field ~1. rhe constant represented by 82 is moved into ~! 3tartin~ at this address. L'B2 in parentheses provides length specification as in HIJRD. You may refer to the current value of the location counter at any place in a program~ by using an asterisk in an operand. The asterisk represents the current value of the location counter. Using an asterisk in a machine instruction or O:-instruction is the same as placing a symbol in the name field of the particular instruction and then using that symbol rather than the asterisk in the operand. A reference to the location counter must not be made in an address constant specified in literal form. The Location counter: In each control sectIon-a-locatIon-2ounter is used to assign storage addresses to program instructions occupying storage. As each machine or DCinst~uction or data area is assembled, the location counter is first adjusted to the proper b6undary for the item, if adjustment is necessary. After the instruction is assembled the location counter is incremented by the length of the assembled item. Thus, it al~ays points to the next available location. If an instruction is named by a symbol, the value attribute of the symbol is the value of the location counter after boundary adjustment, but before addition of the length. The location counter setting can be controlled by using the START and ORG Assembler instructions, ~hich are described under ~rQgra~_~~£tiQll!ll~_~g~ ~!ll~!g~. The counter affected by either of these Assembler instructions is the counter for the control section in ~hich they appear. The naximun value for the location counter is 21.5-1 (=32767),. Two of the terns within a 3-tern expression can be grouped within parentheses to indicate the order in which they are to be evaluated. When terms in parentheses are encountered in combination with another term, the combination of terms inside the parentheses is first reduced to a single value. This value then is used in reducin3 the rest of the expression to another single value. The rules for combinin3 terns are discussed under Absolute and Relocatable ~~E!~~~!Qg~. -In-addItion-to-these;-the following rules apply to the coding of expressions: 1. An expression must not start with an arithmetic operator (+,-,*). 2. An expression must not contain t~o terms or two operators in succession. 3. An expression must not consist of more than 3 terms. ij. An expression must not have more than one pair of parentheses. 5. A multi-term expression must not contain a literal. The following are examples of valid expressions: AREA1+X'2D' *+32 N-25 FIELD FIELD+332 (EXIT-ENTRy)*a =H'123!l' L'BETA*10 B'101' 29 L'FIELD C' A' LI\M.BDI\+::;~MM~ In the example *+32, the asterisk is not used as an operator. EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS Ezpressions Expressions are operand entries consisting of either a single term or an arithnetic combination of terms. Up to three terms can be combined the follo~ing arithmetic operators: + * 2. 1. Each term is 3iven its value. 2. Expressions wi thin parenthes es are eva'luated first. 3. Arithmetic operations are perforned left to right. Multiplication is done before addition and subtraction, e.3., A+B*C is evaluated as A+(B*C), not (A+B)*C. The computed result is the value of the expression. ~ith addition, e.g., ALPH~+2 subtraction, e.g., ALPHA-BETA multiplication~ e.g., 5*L'D~TA Note: The character * (asterisk) has two meanings when used in an operand: 1. A single term expression~ e.g~, 29, BET~, *, or L'SYMBOL, takes on the value of the term involved. A multi-term expression (e.g., BETA+10, ENTRY-EXIr, 10+~*B) is reduced to a sin3le value, as follows: Reference to the location counter (in this case it is not an operator). Arithmetic operator (multiplication). Final values of expressions representing storage addresses may vary between 0 and 21.5-1. HOwever, intermediate results may Terms and Expressions 15 vary between -2 15 (=-32768) and 2 15 _1 <=32767). ~BSOLUTE ~ND RELOCATABLE EXPRESSIONS An expression is called absolute if its value is not affected by program relocation. An expression is called relocatable if its value changes upon program relocation. The two types of expressions, absolute and relocatable, take on these characteristics from the term or terms they contain. rwo terms of an expression are said to be paired if both are relocatable, defined in the same control section, and have opposite signs. Any other term of an expression is called unpaired. An absolute expression may be an absolute term or any arithmetic combination of absolute terms. An absolute term may be an absolute symbo~, any of the self-defining terms, or the length attribute reference. Addition, subtraction~ and multiplication are permitted between absolute terms. An absolute expression may contain two relocatable terms (RT) -- alone or in combination with an absolute term (Ar) under the following conditions: 1. 2. The relocatable terms must be paired. The paired terms do not have to be contiguous, e.g., RT+AT-RT. No relocatable term must enter into a multiply operation. Thus, RT-RT*10 is invalid. However. (RT-RT)*10 is valid. The pairing of relocatable terms cancels the effect of relocation. Therefore, the value represented by the paired terms remains constant, regardless of program relocation. For example, in the absolute expression A-R 1 +R 2 • A is an absolute term, and R2 and R1 are relocatable terms from the same control section. If A = 50. R1 = 25, and R2 = 10, the value of the expression woul1 be 35. If R2 and Ri are relocated by a factor of 100 their values would then be 125 and 110. However# the expression would still be evaluated as 35 (50-125+110=35). A-R~+R2 A A*A R2 -R 1 +A *-R 1 (a reference to the locati~n counter is paired with another relocatable term from the same control section). A relocatable expression is one whose value would ch~nge by n if the progr~TI in Mhich it appears is relocated n bytes awa~ from its originally assigned area of storage. All relocatable expressions have a positive value. A relocatable expression may be a relocatable term. A relocatable expression may also contain several relocatable terns -alone or in combination with absolute terms under the following conditions: 1. There must be an odd number, 1 or 3, of relocatable terns~--------- 2. If a relocatable expression contains three relocatable terns, tHO of then must be paired. 3. The unpaired term nust be 90sitive. 4. Relocatable terns must not enter into mUltiply operations. A relocatable expression is reduced to a single relocatable value. This value is the value of the unpaired reloc~table ter~~ adjusted by the values represented by the absolute terms and/or paired relocatable terms associated with it. For example, in the expression R3 -R 2 +R 3 , R3 and R2 are relocatanle terms tron the same control section. If; initially; R3 equals 10 and R2 equals 5, the value of the expression is 15. HOwever, upon relocation this value will change. If a relocation factor of 100 is applie1, the value of the expression is 115. Note that the value of the paired terms R3 -R 2 renains constant at 5 regardless of relocation. Thus, the new value of the expression, 115, is the result of the value of the unpaired tern (R 3 ) adjustea by the values of R3 -R 2 • stants (see DC instruction). The following examples illustrate relocatable expressions. ~ is an absolute term, R3 and R2 are relocatable terns fron the same control section. R1 is a relocatable term from a different contrDI section. rhe following examples illustrate absolute expressions. A is an absolute term; R2 and R1 are relocatable terms froTI the same control section. R1 -32*A R3 -R a +* R3 -R 2 +R 1 * (reference to location counter) Absolute expressions are reduced to a single absolute value. Absolute expre- ssions may nnly be negative in address con- 16 =H'1234' A*A+R 3 R3 -R 2 +R 3 R~ (litera]) Machine Instructions This section deals with the coding of the machine instructions featured in the Assembler language. Machine instruction statements are used to tell the Assembler to generate the object (machine language) coding for Model 20 instructions. Format and function of each machine instruction are described and the use of each instruction is illustrated by an example. Object Format of Machine In struc t ions The instruction format indicates the length of the instruction and the type of operation to be performed. The length of the instruction can be one, two, or three halfwords. 'rhe types of instruction formats are shown in Figure 4. First Halfword Mel, Me2 I I I I RR Format I Secnnd Halfword Third Halfwqrd I R.glster Operand 1 Operand 2 I 718I 111215iI ' I Operand 1 I I RJgister: R~ FO£~~: Denotes a register-to-storage or a storage-to-register operation. In this format, bits 12 through 15 must be zero. §I_EQ£~~~: Denotes a storage-immediate operation. In this format the I2 field of the instruction is the second ~perand. §§ Fo£!!!~~: oper,ation. Denotes a st,orage-to-storage In each format, the first byte of the first halfword contains the operation code, commonly referred to as the op-code. Mach ine-Instruction Al ignment I J R.g,ster All machine instructions are automatically aligned by the Assembler on halftlord boundary. If any instruction tha~ causes information to be assembled requires alignment, the byte skipped is filled with hex~decimal zeros. 1~c..[iliJ ;0 Denotes a register-to-register The second byte of the first half~ord may be used to contain data, specify • operand lengths, or specify registers to be used by the operation. Each instruction consists of an op-code and two operands. I I I I RR Format: operation. AcId.... Operand 2 rA.... Machine-Jnstruction Mnemonic Codes RX Format ,0 II I 51 Format I I 1~c..GJ" 10 I I I 10 I I I The mnemonic operation codes (shown in I IllIIIMCIIotej Operand I Appendix A) are designed to be easilyremembered codes that indicate the functions of the instructions. The normal format of the code is shown below; the items in brackets are not necessarily present in all codes: Acldr. . Ope~ 1 D, 718151161920 I I I Length Ope~ 1 I AcId.... Operand 2 Operand 1 7 18 1112 1 161920 I I I I : Length: Addr. . Operand 1 AcId.... Operand 2 Verb [Modifier] [Data rype] [Machine Format] 31132 35 36 I I I AcId.... Operand 2 47 Figure 4. Object Format of Machine Instructions The verb, tlhich is usually one or t~o characters, specifies the function. For example, A represents Add and ~v represents Move. The function may be further defined by a modifier. For example, the mOdifier L indicates a logical function and the : a character as data type, as in :LC f~r :ompare Logical :haracter. The letters R and I are added to the codes to indicate, respectively, RR and SI machine instruction formats. rhus, AR indicates Add in the RR format. Functions Machine Instructions 17 involving character and decimal data types imply the SS format. the field to indicate a particular oper3nd (e.g., R1 , R2 , L1 , D2 etc.). There are three types of operands: EXTENDED MNEMONIC CODES For your convenience, the ~ssembler provides extended mnemonic codes, which allow conditional brancheS to be specified mnemonically as well as through the use of the Be machine-instruction. These extended mnemonic codes specify both the machine branch instruction and the condition on which the branch is to occur. rhe codes are not part of the machine instruction, but are translated by the ~ssembler into the corresponding operation and condition combinations. The extended mnemonic codes and their operand formats are shown in ~ppendix ~ together with their machine instruction equivalents. Unless otherwise noted, all extended mnemonics shown are for instructions in the ~X format. The only difference between the operand fields of the extended mnemonics and those of their machine-instruction equivalents is the absence of the R1 field and the comma that separates it from the rest of the operand field. The extended mnemonic list, like the machine-instruction list~ shows explicit address formats only. Each address can . also be specified as an implied address. Examples illustrating instructions using extended mnemonic codes are given below. r------T-----------T----------------------l I Name I I Operand I ~peration ~------+-----------+----------------------~ I I B I 40(0,8) I I I BNL I GO I I 8 I I I BO BR I ______________________ REG9 IL______ I ___________ JI ~ ~ The first instruction specifies an unconditional branch to an explicit address. The address is the sum of the contents of base register 8 and the displacement ~O. The second instruction speci~ fies a branch on not low to the address implied by GO. The next to last instruction is a branch on one to the address contained in register 8. The last instruction is an unconditional branch to the address contained in the register equated to REG9 elsewhere in the program. Machine-Instruct ion Ope rands The operands of a machine instruction are referred to as first and second operands~ They have~ in the following examples. a subscript (lor 2) to the code letter for 18 1. operands that are main-storage addresses. 2. Immediate data operands that are vue byte constants. 3. Operands that are the general registers. Tne aaaress specified in an instruction always refers to the leftmost byte of the field addressed. There is no relation between the address specified in the operand and that of the instruction~ The length of an addressed data field may be fixed or variable. In the latter case, the length is indicated in the length field (L) of the operand. rhe L-field indicates the number of bytes used. The maximum length of a field is 256 bytes. Immediate data is used only as the second operand in logical operations in the SI-Format. The length is one byte and, being part of an instruction, inmediate data has no address. Data in registers have a fixed length of one halfword • OPER~ND FIELDS ~ND SUBFIELDS Some symbolic operands are written as a single field. Other operands are written as a field followed by one or two subfields. For example, addresses consist of the contents of a base register and a displacement. ~n operand that specifies a base register and displacement is ~ritten as a displacement field followe~ by a base register subfield, as follows: 40(8). Since the Model 20 does not ha~e index registers, the base register subfield must be preceded by a zero and a comma in the RX format, e.g., 40(0,8). In the SS format, a length subfield and a base register subfield are written as follows: ~O(21,8). ~ comma must be written to separate operands. Parentheses must be written to enclose a subfield or subfields, and a comma must be written to se~arate two subfields within parentheses. When parentheses are used to enclose one. subfield, and the subfield is omitted, the parentheses must be omitted. In the case of two subfields separated by a comma and enclosed by parentheses, the following rules apply: 1. If both subfie1ds are onitted, the separating comma and the parentneses must also be omitted. For example: LH LH 2. 4. (implicit address) If the first subfie1d in the sequence is omitted, the comma that separates it from the second subfield is written. The parentheses must also be written. For eKample: MVC MVC 3. 12,48(0,15) 12,FIELD 32(16,15),FIELD2 BET~(,15),FIELD2 (implicit length) If in the RX format a base register is specified, the first subfie1d (index register) must be specified as a zero because this subfield is not used. rhis zero must not be omitted. For example: LH-12~48{O~15f----If the second subfie1d in the se~uence is omitted, the comma that separates it from the first subfie1d mu~t be omitted. rhe parentheses must be written. For example: MVC MVC 32(16,15),FIELD2 FIELD1(16),FIELD2 (inp1icit adjress) Fields and subfields in a symbolic operand may be represented by absolute or re10catable expressions, depending on wnat the field requires. Refer to Appendix B for a detailed description of field re~uirenents. Blanks must not appear in an operand unless provided by a character selfdefining term or a character literal. Thus, blanks are not permitted between fields and the comma separators, between parentheses and fields, etc. In the following, when we speak of a data field or storage field, we mean the field in main storage defined by the fields and subfields of the first or second operand of a nachine instruction. Explicit and Implic it Adressing Byte locations in storage are expressed in binary form and are numbered consecutively from hexadecimal 0000 to the upper limit of the available storage. rhe first 144 bytes (bytes 0000-0143) are reserved for internal CPU control and thus not available to the progran. rhe location of any field or group of bytes is specified by the address of the leftmost byte. ~ppendix B showS two types of addressing formats for RX, SI, and S5 instructions. In each case, the first type sho~s the method of specifying an address explicitly as a base register and a displacement. rhe second type indicates how to specify an implied address as a re10catable eKpression. EXPLICIr ~DDRESSIN3 If you use explicit addressing in an operand you must specify a base register and a displacement. For example, eKp1icit addressing is used in the first operand of the following Move-Immediate instruction: where D1 is the displacement and B1 is the base register. B1 may be an absolute eKpression with a value between 0 and 15 inclusive. D1 may be an absolute eKpression with a value between 0 and 4095 inclusive. rhe address specified in an operand occupies one halfword of the object code. ~t object time, the ~odel 23 differentiates between a base register specification of 0~B1~1 and 8~B1~15A The content of the halfword containing the address is taken as the effective address by the cpu. For example, the source statement ~VI 4095(3),X'FO' will be assembled as follows 92F03FFF (object code). rhe CPU takes the second halfword (3fff) of the object code directly as the effective address (16383) of the field addressed by the first operand. rherefore, one speaks of direct addressing. Here, the first four bits of tne half Nord containing the address specify one of the general registers 8 through 15. rhe other 12 bits contain the displacement. rhe CPU adds the content of the general register to the displacement to forn the effective address. For eKanple, the source statenent ~VI 1095(9),X'FO' will be assembled as followS 92F09447 (object code). ~achine Instructions 19 rhe CPU adds the content of register 9 (assumed to have been loaded previ~usly with a value of lq288 or 37DO hexa5ecimal) and 1095 (hexadecimal qq7) to get the effective address 16383 (hexadecimal 3FFF)~ This is referred to as effective ~r indirect addressing. language and as it would be assembled. Note that the value of D2 is the difference between 7400 and 4096 and that K2 is assembled as zero, since double indexing is not possible on Model 20. rhe assenbled instruction is presented in hexadecimal notation: SJurC2 IMPLICIT st3tem2nt~ 14,rIEL) J~n ~DDRESSING Assembled instruction: If you use implicit adjressing you nust specify an expression to represent an address. The-expression may either be absolule 8r relocatable. r---------T---r---T---r----' 1 JP·Code IR1 IX 2 IB2 1)2 1 ~---------+---+---+---+----1 1L _________ 40 1___ E 10___ 18___ 1CE8 1 ____ J ~ rhe value of the expression must n~t exceed 4095 (hexadecimal FFF). The Assembler regards this absolute expression as displacement and auto~atically assumes base register O. For example, the source statement BC 15,EJJ +'-v-' B D ~ ~ Here again, direct and indirect addressing is possible depending on whether y~u specify one of the pseudo registers 0 through 7 or one of the general registers 8 through 15. Jirect and indirect addressing is explained under ~~eli~it_~~~~§~~i~g. A special application of implicit addressing is ~~l~t!~~_~~£~~~~i~g: where the absolute expression EOJ has the value 194 (hexadecimal OC2), will be assembled as follows 47FOOOC2 ~ (object code). Again, at object time, we have direct addressing as described ab~ve. In this case, the Assembler uses of the relocatable expression to base register and displacement. end, you must tell the Assembler register to use as base register USING and DROP instructions. the value calculate T~ this which by issuing You can find an explanation on how to. use the USING and DROP instructions in the section ~!~§_~§g!~£§~_fQ~£~~~£~Q~_~£~£§~ ~§~£~. You will find that the implicit addressing feature of the Assembler language is a great help to you. It relieves you of the necessity to separate each storage address into a displacement value and a base adjress value, thus eliminating a likely source of error and reducing the time required to check out your program. Relative addressing is the techni~ue of addressing instructions and data areas by designating their l~cation in relation tJ the location counter or t~ sone synb~lic location. This type of addressin~ is always in bytes, never in bits, halfwords, or instructions. T~us, the expression *+4 specifies an address that is f~ur bites greater than the current value Jf the l~ca tion counter. In the sequence ~f instructiJns shJwn in the following example, the location ~f the SR machine instruction can be expressed in two ways, ALPHA+2 or BErA-4, because all of the mnemonics in the example are for instructions Nith a len~th of tN~ bites. r-------r-----------T---------------------i 1 Name I Operation 1 Operand 1 ~-------+-----------+---------------------~ I ALPHA 1 AR I 13,14 1 1 8R I 14,15 I 1 BC R I 1, 14 1 I BErA 1 AR 1 12,13 1 ,L-- _____ I ___________ B I _____________________ ALPHA+2 JI 1 1 ~ EKPLICIr AND For examp~e, assume that FIELD is a relocatable symbol, which has been assigned a value of 7400= Assume also that the Assembler has been notified (by a USING instructi~n) that general register 8 currently contains a relocatable value of 4096 and is available as a base register. The following example shows a machine instruction as it would be written in Assembler ~ I~PLICIT LENGrHS The length in 88 instructions can be explicit or implied. To imply a length, simply omit a length field fr~m the Jperand. rhe omission indicates that the len~th field is either of the following: 1. The length attribute Jf the cxp~eGsion the displacement, if an specifyin~ explicit base and displacement have been written (explicit ~ddressing). 2. You may conbine explicit and inplicit addressing with explicit ~nd inplicit lengths. Examples are given below. The length attribute of the expression specifying the effective address, if the base anj displ~cement have been implied (implicit addressing). Examples In either case, the length attribute f~r an expression is the length attribute of the leftmost term in the expression. ~ self-jefining term has the length attribute 1. Both a symbol referring t~ a machine instruction and ~ Location Counter reference have the length ~f the instruction in which they ~ppear. The length attribute of a literal is deternined the same way ~s that of a const~nt in a DC instruction. Implicit addressing, c~ntr~l secti~n anj the function of the USIN3 Assembler instruction are not consijered here. F~r discussi~n of these considerations and for examples of coding se~uences that illustrate them, refer t~ ~~Qg~~~_2~~~ ~jdressing, An explicit length is written in the operand as an absolute expression. The explicit length overrides any implied length. ~i2~i~1_~nd §~21i~i~_~~~_1~21i~i~_~i~~i~1 Whether the length is explicit ~r implied, it is always ~n effective length. rhe value inserted into the length fielj ~f the assembled instruction (object coje) is one less than the effective length. If the specified length is a zero value, a zero is ihsertej into the length fielj. In the foll~wing ex~mple: I Operation 1Operand 1 t--------+-----------+--------------------~ I I I I MVC I. I• anj ~~~~~§.§.i~l. RR Format --------- Both operands must be absolute expressi~ns. r----T---------T--------------------------l I INamelOperationlOperand t----+---------+--------------------------~ r--------T-----------T--------------------, IName The foll~wing ex~nples ~re grouped ~ccord ing to machine-instruction forn~t. rhey illustrate the various synbolic operanj formats. All symbols used in the ex~nples are assunej to be definej either within the same assembly or by means of an EKrR~ st~ tement within another assenbly. ~ll synb~ls specifying register numbers, m~sks, and lengths are assumed to be e~uated, by an EQU instruction, elsewhere to absolute values. 1SYMBOL, A 1 I I I I I ~1 I ~R 1~2 ISR ,I B~ 3 R 111,12 1 IREG11,RE312 1 I B1 IRE 31 0 , J I 182 IB~SR ILINKRE3,LINKRE3 1 I C1 1BCR 12, LINKRE3 1 lIC2 ____ IBCR _________ LIHIGH,LINKRE3 __________________________ J1 ~ Il ________ SYMBOL LIDS ___________ LICL3 ____________________ J1 three bytes are moved since the ~peranj SYMBOL has an implicit length of 3 as defined by the DS instruction. ~s shown below, the value insertej into the length field of the object code is two. 1~1 1~2 ~ Note the length specification of tN~. Using an explicit length, e.g: SYMBOL(5),~ h~ve I t----+---------+--------------------------~ lID2102IB~ID~IB2ID21 __ L __ L __ L __ __ L __ J would r----T---------T--------------------------l INamelOperationlOperand r--T--T--T--T--T--' MVC rhe first operand must be an absolute expressi~n. Explicit or implicit addressing or a literal may be used in the sec~nd oper~nd. ~ length cann~t be specified. ILH IC~LCRE3,38(O,10) IC~LCRE3,DISPL1(J,RE310) IC~LCRE3,M~XIMU~ I I 181 ICH I IB2 IBC I LOtl, *+8 I 183 ISH IC~LCRE3,BIN100J I IB4 IsrH IC~LCRE3,REsuLr I IB5 IB~S IREG8,800N I ICl l ____ LI~H _________ LIRE314,=H'1000' __________________________ JI I~H the following effect: r--T--T--T--T--T--' lID2104IB~ID~IB2ID21 __ L __ L __ L __ L __ L __ J Note the length specific~tion of four. Instructions ~1 ~nd ~2 use explicit addressing; the first oubfield Nithin the p~rentheses must not be omitted ~nd must be zero because double indexing is n~t p~ss ible in the ~odel 20. Instructi~ns 81, 82, ~achine Instructi~ns 21 second operand of instructions A3, A4, B2, and B4. Instruction 21 c8ntains a literal. B3, B4, and B5 use implicit addressing. C1 contains a literal. Expl1Clt anj 1mpl1cit addressin} may oe combined with explicit and implicit length in the first 8perand just as in the SS decimal format. In the second JPer~nj, explicit or implicit ajdressinJ or a literal may be used. Explicit 3nd implicit 3ddressing may be used in the first operand. The sec8nd operand = if any = must be an absolute expression with a value between 0 and 255 (hexadeci~al 00 and FF) inclusively. ~ length cannot be specified. r----T---------T--------------------------,i iNameiO~erationiOperanj ~----+---------+--------------------------~ IA1 ICLI IA2 IMVI IA3 IHPR IB1 INI IB2 10I IB3 IrM IB4 L____ ISPS~ _________ ~ 14 0(9),X'40' IDISPL(REG9) ,BLANK ISTOP01DO,0 ISWBYTE,X'FF'-BITO-BIT7 ISWBYTE,BITO+BIT7 I BYTE, MASK I I I I I I INE~PSW __________________________ JI r----T---------T------~-------------------1 INamel Operation I Operand I ~----+---------+--------------------------1 I A1 I MVN 12 (20,9) ,22 (9) I IA2 IMVZ IDISPL+19(,R9),JISPL+18(R9)1 IB1 IrR IFIELD(10~,rRArABLE I IFIELD+1(L'FIELJ-1),FIELJ I IB2 ICLC lED IPArrFLD,RESFLD I IB3 ICl L ____ IMVC _________ LIPRINTAR,=2'RESOLr' __________________________ jI ~ ~ Instructions A1, A2, and A3 use explicit addressing, instructions B1, B2, B3, and B4 use implicit addressing. A combination of explicit 3nd implicit addressing with explicit and implicit length is possible in both operands. rhus, for both 8perands you have the follo~ing four p8ssibilities: Instructions ~l and ~2 show explicit addressing, instructions B1, B2, and B3 sho~ implicit addressinJ. Explicit length is shown in instructions Al, B1, and B2 and implicit length in instructions A2, B3, and 21. Instruction 21 uses 3 liter31. Types an~ Functions of Machine Operations rhere are five types of operatiJns: 1. Binary arithmetic 8perati8ns. 2. Decimal arithmetic op2r3tiJns. • explicit addressing with explicit length • explicit addressing with "implir.it-_ 1 engt- h • implicit addressing with explicit length 4. Branch operations. • implicit addressing with implicit length 5. 1/0 operations. Literals may be used in the second operand only. r----T-----r------------------------------,I I lOper-I INamelationlOperand I ~----+-----+------------------------------~ I I I I I I 20 (10, 8) ,10 (6,13) 110(LE~10,R8),DISPLO(SIX,12} ID4(9,REG11),0(,10) IFIVE(LFJUR,RB~SE),ZERJ(,R311) I I J ~ ~ ~ I I _ IRESULT(2),PFOUR(1) IMVO IFIELD2(LEN3),FIELD1 IPACK 1PFIELD,ZFIELD(L'PFIELD+1) IUNPK IZFIELD,PFIELD I _____ ~AP I _________________________ RES FIELD , =P' 0' ~ ~ IA2 IA3 IA4 IB1 IB2 IB3 IB4 I ____ Cl L I MP IDP lAP ISP ICP ~ I A1 All A-instructions use explicit addressing and 311 B-instructions use implicit addressing. Explicit length is sh8wn in the second operand of instructions Ai, A2, B1, and B3; implicit length is shown in the 22 rhese operations differ not 8nly in their internal lOJi~ but also in th2 format of data, use of registers, and f8r~at 8f instructions. rhe first four 8perati8ns are discussed in the subsequent secti8ns. Some operations set a condition c8de in bits two and three of the Progran status Word (PS~). rhis coniition code indicates the relationship (less than/greater than, zero, negative, positive etc.) betNeen the t~o operands as a result 8f the last 8peration effectinJ the condition c8de 5etting. For details about the PSw see the SRL publication I~~_~y~t~~~l~~_~Qg~1_~~_~~~£~~Q~~1 ~h~E~£~~E!~~!£~' Form GA26-5847. BINARY ARITHMETIC JPER~rIJNS Binary arithmetic is used for 8peranjs like addresses, indexes, counters, and binary data. rhe length of each 8perand is 8ne halfword including the sign. Negative nu~ bers are given in the two's-co~ple~ent for~. The first operand must be in one of the general registers. The other operand may be either in a register or in main storage. For detailed information refer to the SRL publication !~~_~~~~~~l~Q_~Q~~l_£Q [~~£iiQ~~l_£h~r~£i~Ei~ii~r Form 3~26-5847. Q~i~_~Q£~~i Binary numbers have a fixej length of one halfword (16 bits). The first (leftmost) bit contains the sign, the other 15 bits the binary value. Binary numbers may be stored in one of the general registers or in main storage. In main storage, the address of the left byte must be even. Binary halfword r----T----------------1 ISignlBinary Value L ____ ________________ JI ~ o 1 15 Binary numbers are represented as signed integers. Positive numbers are represented in true form with a O-bit as sign. Negative numbers are in the twos-complement form with a 1-bit as sign. The twoscomplement form is found by reversing each bit (0 to 1 and 1 to 0) and adding a 1 to the rightmost bit. r--------T----T----' tR1 IRa I llOp-code ________ o ~ ____ 8 ~ ____ J 12 R1 indicates a general register containing the first binary number anj R2 a general register containing the second binary number. R1 and R2 may refer to the same register. rhe result of an instruction in the RR-Format replaces the first operanj. r--------T----T----T----T------------, x I I lOp-code I R1 1____ D2 2 =0 L B2 L ________ L ____ L ____ L ____________ JI o 8 12 16 20 31 R1 injicates a general register ~ontain ing the first binary number. rhe address of the seconj binary number is formed by adding the contents of the register naned in the B2 -field to the jisplacement given in the D2 -fielj. r------------------T-----T-----T-----T--' 12onditioncoje 100 1 01110 1111 ~------------------+-----+-----+-----+--~ IAR-Add Register Izero Izerol- I I zero I z ero 1- I I SR-Subtract Reg. ICH-Comp.Halfword* I equal I low I highl- I IAH-AddHalfword Izero I zerol- I Halfw.lzero lISH-Subtract __________________ _____ LI zerol_____ L _____ L __ J1 ~ *first operand compared to second. A zero is always positive by definition. The absolute value of the lowest possible negative number is higher by 1 than the highest possible positive number. All other binary operations leave the condition coje unchanged. Highest possible positive number: BINARY ARITHMETIC ERROR r--------r--------, Error conditions that may occur during the execution of binary operations are: ~ 15 -1=+32767 1011111111111111111=2 l ________ ________ l CJ~DIrIJNS o 15 Lowest possible negative number: r--------r--------, 1. Jperation code invalij 2. Addressing error a. 1100000001000000001=-(215)=-32768 L________ ________ J ~ o 15 b. c. MACHINE FJRMATS OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR BINARY OPERATIONS d. Instructions for binary operations use the RR- or RX-For~at. An instruction address or an operand address refers to the protected first 1~~ bytes of nain storage (adjresses 0 to 1~3). An instruction address or an operand address is outside available main storage. rhe last (highest) main-storage position contains any part of an instruction that is to be executed. rhe R1 or R2 fieljs of a binary instruction contain binary values 0 throu:Jh 7. Machine Instructions 23 3~ Specification error a. rhe lo~-oraer bit of an instruction address is one~ i.e., no halfword b:)undary. The half-word second operand is not located on a halfword boundary. Bits 12 through 15 of an RX format instruction are not all zer~. b. c. ~. Binary overflow check 5. CPU p~rity error r-------------T-------T-------, lOp-code I R1 I R2 I ~-------------+-------+-------~ I _______ 8 I _______ 9 JI I V\ l _____________ ~ ~ After execution, re~ister 8 ~ontains hexadecimal 0655. rhe condition co:le is 10. SR -- SUBTRACr REGISTER r--------T---------T----------------------, I Name IOperationlOperand I INSTRUCTIONS FOR BINARY ARIrHMErIC ~--------+---------t----------------------~ Iblank orlSR IR 1 ,R 2 I ILsymbol ________ I _________ I ______________________ JI r----------------------T-------T------, IOp-codelFornatl ~ I~ame ~ ~----------------------+------~+------~ InAn ."-::J-Rpni~rpr --- (nR) ... --.... 1"'--- •I 1n _.- II RR ---- I I Function: rhe content of the secon:l operand-field is subtracted fr~n the content of the first operand fiell. rhe result will be in the register specifie:l bi R1 • Both operan:ls an:l the result consist of 15 numeric bits plus the sign. rhe second operand remains unchanged. ISubtract Register (SR) I 1B I RR I IStore Halfword (STH) I ~O I RX I 1Load Halfwor:l (LH) I ~8 I RX I ICompare Halfword (CH) I ~9 I RX I IAdd Halfword (AH) I ~A I RX I ISubtract Halfword (SH) 4I _______ ~B RX JI L ______________________ 4I ______ AR -- ADD REGISrER r--------~---------T----------------------l I Operation I Operand I Name I ~--------+---------+----------------------~ Iblank orlAR IR 1 ,R 2 I IL symbol ________ 4I _________ 4I ______________________ JI ~~g£!!Qg: rhe subtraction is performe:l bi ~dding the twos-complement of the second oper~nd to the first operand. All 16 bits Jf b~th operands are added. If the result is higher than 2 15 -1 (=32767) or lower th~n -2 15 (=-32768), a binary overflow check occurs. A register may be cleared to zerJ bi subtraction from itself. The content of the first operand field is added to the content of the second operand field. The result is stored in the register specified by the first operand. The second operand remains unchanged. There is no two's-complement for the highest negative nunber. rhis number remains unchanged when a complenentation is performed. Nonetheless, the subtra~tion is still executed correctly. The si~n is 3etermined by the rules of algebra. A zero result is always positive. If the result is higher than 2 15 -1 (=32767) or lower than -2 15 (=-32768), a binary overflow check occurs. 00 01 10 Result zero Result < zero Result > zero ~!~~Ql~: 00 01 10 Result zero Result < zero Result > zero ~!~mQ!~: Assume register 8 contains hexadecimal 0123 and register 9 contains hexadecimal 0532,. Source statement: AR 8,9 From this source statement the Assembler creates the follo~ing object code: 24 Assume register 8 contains heKadecimal 047F and register 13 cJGt~iGS hexa~ decimal 0007. Source statement: SR B,13 From this source statenent the \ssenbler generates the followin~ object code= r-------T--T--' IOp-co:1e\R 1 I R21 .-------+--+--~ IL _______ lB 18__ I __ D JI ~ ~ ~fter execution register 8 contains hexadecimal 03A8. The condition code is 10. operand is 1F4 (decimal 500), and the field starting at storage location hexadecimal 226 (decimal 550) contains 80AF. Source statement: STH -- STORE HALF~ORO 9,500(0,12) LH I Name r--------r---------T----------------------, I Operation I Operand I From this source statement the 'ssenbler qenerates the folloNin~ object =ode: .--------+---------t----------------------~ Iblank orlSTH IR1w D2 (O,B 2 ) 1 I symbol I 1 1 r-------r--T----r--r---l IOp-codeIR 1 IX 2 =0IB 2 I D2 I ~-~-_- ___ _________ ~ ~_---------------------J Fun£tiQ!l: 'The content of the register specified by R1 is stored in the half~ord at the main-storage location addressed by 8 2 and 02..rhe first operand remains unchanged. ~-------t--+----+--t---~ 1L_______ 48 0 4I::__ 11F41 419 __ 41 ____ ~-_-1 After execution register 9 contains hexadecimal 80AF. :H -- COMPARE ~~mE!~: Assume register 9 contains hexadecimal 68AF, register 1'1 contains hexadecimal 001E, and the displacement in the second operand is hexadecimal 29E (decimal 670) • HALF~ORD r--------T---------r----------------------l 1Name IOperationlOperand 1 ~--------+---------t----------------------. Iblank orlCH IR 1 ')2(0,B a ) I I symbol L __ _____ I _________ 41______________________ JI ~ ~ Source statement: STH 9,670(0,11) From this source statement the Assembler generates the following object code: r-------r--T----T--T---' IOp-codeIR 1 IX 2 =nIB 2 ID 2 1 Function: The content of the register specified-by R1 is compared Nith the halfword at the main storage location addressed by B2 and O2 • The comparison is algebraic, i.e. the signs must be taken into consideration. Both operands remain unchanged. A condition code is set. ~-------+--+----+--+---~ ~ ~ ~ 9 L1____ IL_______ 40 1__ 0 IB __ 129EI ___ J After execution the field starting at storage location hexadecimal 28: (decimal 700) contains 68AF. 00 01 10 First operand = second operand First operand < second operand First operand > second operand §!~mE!§: LH -- LOAD HALF~ORD r--------r---------r----------------------, I Name I Operation I Operand I ~--------+---------+----------------------~ Iblank orlLH IR1 ,D 2 (0,B 2 ) I 1L symbol ________ 41_________ 4I ______________________ JI ~!!!!£tiQ!l: The halfword at the main storage location addressed by 8 2 and D2 is placed into the register specified by R1 • The second operand remains unchanged. Assume register 9 contains heKadecimal 0001, the displacement in the second operand is hexadecimal 690 (decinal 1680), register 13 contains heKadecimal 0025, and the halfword at storage location hexadecimal 685 is AF99. Source statement: :H 9,1680(0,13) From this source statement the Assenbler generates the followin~ object =ode: r-------r--T----T--T---l IOp-codeIR 1 IX 2 =0IB 2 10 2 I ~-------+--+----+--+---~ 690 J1 1L _______ 49 0 ID__ 41___ 419 __ 4I ____ ~ ~!~mE!§: ~ssume register 9 contains hexadecimal A~~A, regi?ter 12 contains hexadecimal 0032. the displacement in the second After comparison the resulting condition code settin~ will be: 10. Machine Instructions 25 AH -- ADD HALFwORD r========T=========T=========~-~~~=~~~~=--l I Operation I Operand INam~ I t--------+---------+----------------------f Iblank IR D (0,B I orl~H 2 2 ) symbol I _________ I ______________________ J L ________ I ~ 00 01 10 Result zer::> Result < zero Result > zero 1y ~ I Function: The halfword in nain storage, addressed by B2 and D 2 , is added to the content of the register specified by R1 The sign is determined by the rules of algebra. ~ zero result is positive by defini tion. §~~~E!~: ~ssume register 9 contains hex~ decimal 047F, register 11 cont~ins hexadecimal 0050, the displacement in the 3ec~nd operand is hexadecinal 320 (decinal 800), and the field starting at stor~ge location hexadecimal 370 (decimal 880) contains hexadecimal 00D7. Source statement: SH If the result is higher than 215 -1 (=32767) or lOwer than -2 15 (=-32768), a binary overflow check will occur. 9,800(0,11> From this source st~tement the generates the following object ~ssenbler ~ode: I~-------~--~----~--~---. I I I . • 00 01 10 IOp-codeIR 1 Ix 2 =0IB 2 I D2 I f-------+--+----+--+---~ Result zero Result < zero Result > zero IL_______ 4B I __ 9 I ____ 0 I B I ___ 3201J ~ ~~~~E!~: ~ssume register 9 contains hexadecimal 047F w register 11 contains hexadecimal 0028, the displacement in the second operand is 1E~ (decimal 490), and the field at storage location hexadecimal 212 (530) contains hexadecimal 1F29. 9,,490(0,11) From this source statenent the ~ssenbler generates the following object code; IOp-codeIR 1 Ix 2 =0IB 2 ID 2 I ~-------+--+----+--+---f I 19__ I ____ 0 LI B __ L11E~1 ___ J ~ execution register 9 cont~ins hex~de 03~8 an1 the con3ition ~o3e is 10. DECIM~L ARITH~ErIC OPERATIONS D~t~ is tr~nsferre3 to and from the external I I ) devices in zoned f~rnat. rhus, the data has to be packed and unp~~ke1 before ~nd after processing respectively. In zone3 Eorm~t, each byte contains a zone in the left halfbyte ~n3 a digit in the right halfbyte eKcept the last one which contains the sign an3 a 3igit. r-------r--T----T--T---l 4~ L _______ ~~_L Decimal ~rithmetic ~an be performe1 onli with data in packed fornat. Packed fornat means th~t there ~re two 3igits in one byte eKcept for the iON order byte. It ~ontains one 3igit ~n3 the sign. Source statement: AH ~fter cimal ~ ~ After execution register 9 contains hexadecimal 23A8 and the condition code is 10. rhe ajdress in an instruction alNays specifies the left-nost byte of the d~t~ fiel1. rha length Eiel1 in an assenble1 instruction indicates how many bytes are part of the 1ata field in addition to the addresse1 (left) byte. sa -. SUBTRACT HALFWORD r--------r---------r----------------------J I Name I Operation I Operand I ~--------+---------+----------------------~ Iblank orlSH IR 1 ,D 2 (0,B 2 > I I symbol ! ! ! L ________ • __ -------4----------------------~ Function: This instruction is identical to the-~dd-Halfword instruction with the fol- lowing exception: The two's complenent of the second operand# addressed by 8 2 and D21 is added in place of the true value. 26 De~im~l operations are perforne1 in nain storage. The data fields may have ~ length from 1-16 bytes. ~ fiel1 may start at any address including an odd Jne. [n z~ne1 format there ~ay be a naxinu~ ~f 16 1igits, in packed format ~ naximum of 31 digits plus the sign in a field. rhe tNo Jper~nds may be of different length. Multipli~~nd and divisor are restricte3 to ~ maxinam of 15 digits plus the sign. The values in the operand fields are assumed t~ be right aligned, with leading zeros where reqaired. rhe Jperands are processed as integers from right to left. If a result eKtends beyond the field indicated by the ~ddress and the length field, the extending (high order) part is ign~red and the c~ndition code is set to 11. Decimal nambers consist ~f binary ::Jded digits and a sign. The de::imal digits 0-9 are represented in the four bit c~de by the bit combinations 0000-1001. The combinations 1010-1111 are reserved for representations of a sign (+,-). 1011 and 1101 represent a minus, the other four combin~ti~ns a plus. The represent~ti~ns 1100, 1101, 1010, and 1011 ~re created during calculations in main stJrage. Neg~tive rhe instru::tion fields B2 , )2' ~nd L2 give the respective infornati~n f~r the se::ond d~t~ field. rhe r=sult oE ~ de::inal JP=r~tio~ the ::~nt=nt of the first d~ta field. It cannot occupy nore st~rage are~ than indi::~ted in the L1 field. rh= se::ond data field remains unchanged. EKcepti~n: overlapping fields. repl~::es The general registers are by decimal operations. n~t CONDIrION CODE AFrER OPER~rIO~S DECI~~L affected nambers are represented in true The decimal operations listed in the table below set a condition ::od=. form. The tw~ de::imal formats ~re: r-----T-------T-------T-------T----------l I 00 I 01 I 10 I 11 I I Packed decimal number (e.g. five digits) ~-----+-------+-------+-------t----------~ r-----------T-----------T-----------, I Byte I Byte I ByLe I I In the source instructi~n statenent y~u spe::ify the effe::tive length ~f the dat~ field. rhe ~ssembler inserts ~ valae one less than the effective length int~ the length field of the assembled instraction. I I I I I IZ~P I~P I lIDigitlDigitlDigitlDigitlDigitlSign _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ JI ~ ~ ~ ~ I zero I eqaal I zero I zero ICP* ISP l _____ _______ ~ ~ I < I zer~1 l~w I > zerol I highl I I < zerol > zerol overfl~N I I < zerol > zerol overfloN I ~-------~---- *First operand ::ompared to Zoned decimal namber (e.g. three digits) r-----------r-----------r-----------, ~ ~ ~ sec~nd. ~ll other de::inal operations condition code unchanged. I Byte I Byte 1 Byte I ·1 I I I I I I IZone L _____ IDigitlZone _____ _____ IDigitlSign _____ _____ IDigitl _____ J ~ ___ L __________ J DECI~~L ~ ~RIrHMErIC le~ve the ERROR :ONDIrrONS The following err~r conditi~ns nay occur during the eKecution ~f decim~l arithneti:: oper~ti~ns: Machine F~rmats of Instractions De::im~l ~perati~ns f~r Decin~l ~rI~fi~~~I£--------------------------------- have the 53 1. Oper~ti~n 2. ~ddressing lOP-Code D. 8 12 16 20 inv~lid. error forn~t: ~. o ::~de 32 36 47 ~n instruction ~ddress ~r an operand address refers to the prJte::tel first l~~ bytes of nain storage. ~n instru::tion adlr=ss or ~~ ~perand ~ddress is ~utside av~il able st~rage. ~n instru::tion ~c::apies the l~st two (highest) nain-storage p~siti~ns. rhe fields B1 and D~ give the mainstorage ~ddress of the left byte of the first dat~ field; L1 gives the nunber of bytes in addition to the leftmost byte. L1 may vary between zero and 25 inclusively. 3. Specification error ~. rhe l~w-~rd=r bit of ~n instra::ti~n address is one, i.e., no h~lfNord o~unjary. ~a:~in= Instra::tions 27 b. Zero an3 ~33~ :ompare Decimal~ Decimal, an3 Subtract Decinal instrQctions the length c~je L2 is }reater than the length c03e L1 . For Multip1i Decinal an3 Jivi3e Decimal instru=tions, the len}th co3e L2 is greater than 7 ~r greater than or equal to the len}th coje F~r ~33 c. [,1- 4. ~ n :'.l. b. in the Zero an3 ~33, :onpa~e Decimal, A3d Decimal, Subtract Decimal, Multiply Decimal, ~r Divide Decimal instruction is inc~rrect. rhe operand fie13s in these instructions overlap incorrectly. rhe first operand in a ~ultiply Decimal instruction has insufficient high-order zeros. c. 6. ~~_ Llle ~ ~~ ;::,e"';Jll...! C~_1~ L.1.e.1....! ~ ~ :::tLe .L::IllULe...!. rhe TI~ve pro=eeds from right to left Jne byte at a time. rhe secJnd fiel~ n~y ~vec l~p the first ex~lujinJ the riJntm83t byte ~f the first fiel3. Da t::t error (,..4.. 5. not have equal lengths. Leading zeros are inserted if tne first field is l~nge~ than the se=onj~ If tr.e se~ond field is lonJer than the first, the__ high-~rder digits ~f ___ ! _____ ~~~n ..... .L':'J ~~ ~v V..L. ~;~;~ ....... ..L~..L "- ~~4~ '-"-'..,A.,- n~ V..L. ~n ~noY~n~ ...,t'''-.L I...A.L.J. ..... I.A.~'&' ExaTIDle: AssuTIe ce]ister 12 ~~ntains hexa0250, re~ister 15 =Jnt::tins nexadecimal 040F, the 3is~la=ement ~iven in b~th operands is zero, storage location hexadecimal 040F-0412 contains hexa3e=imal 123456 i and storage location hexadecimal jecinil 0250-0253 contains hexaie~im~l Decimal divide check The resaltant quotient in a Divide Decinal instruction ex=eejs the specifie3 data fie13 instruction (inclujing jivision by zero) or the 3ividend has no leading zero. Source statement: CPO parity error. r-------T--T--T--T---T--T---' MVO 77RR9902. 0(4,12),0(3,15) Fron this s~u~=e statement the ~ssembler produces the following ~bject c~de: l)p-codeIL 1 IL 2 IB 1 ID 1 13 2 10 2 1 ~-------+--+--+--t---+--+---~ I f.1 INsrRU2rI~NS FOR DE2IM~L 13 12 I: IODOIF POOl L _______ L __ L __ L __ L ___ L __ L ___ J ~RIrHMErI: r----------------------------T----T------l I I Jp- I IName IcojelF~rnatl ~fter execution the field at IJ=atiJn hexadecimal 0250-0253 c~ntain3 hexajecinal 01234562. I t----------------------------t----t------~ I~ove with )ffset 01V») I FI I SS I I Pa=k (P~:K) I F2 I 33 I I Unpack (ONPK) I F3 I S8 I IZero anj ~jj Packed (ZAP) I F8 I 33 I I Compare Oecinal Packe3 (2P) I F9 I SS I I F~ I SS I I ~dd Decimal Packed (~P) ISubtract Decimal Packe3 (SP) I F8 33 I Mul ti ply Dec i ma 1 Pac k e 3 ( Y1 P) 1 F C SS I ____________________________ Divide Decimal Packej (DP) 1 ____ FD I ______ SS JI L L PI\CK -- PI\CK r--------T---------T----------------------l IName ~ ~FF8Er r--------T---------T----------------------, lName l)perationl)peran3 I t--------t---------t----------------------~ Iblank orlMVO ID1{L1,81),D2(L2,B2) I I LIsymbol ________ L _________ LI ______________________ JI Function: rhe contents of the sec~nd data -------field are moved to the location specified by the first operan3. rhe move is executed with an offset of half a byte (~ne digit) to the left. rhe right halfbyte of the first data field remains un=hanged. rhere is no check for validity. rhe fields need 28 I Iblank orlPI\2K ID1(L1,B1),D2{L2.32) I IL________ symb~l I _________ LI ______________________ J1 ~ MVO -- MOVE WIrH IOperationlOperand t--------+---------+----------------------~ Function: rhe unpacke3 c~ntent of the second-data field is packed and placed into the first data field. rhe second jata field must contain an unpacke3 3ecinal number. It may have a maximuTI size of 16 bytes. rhere is no check for validity ~f digits and sign. The lengths of the fields need n~t be equal. Leading zeros are inse~ted if the first field is too Ion} fJr the reSult. The high-order digits Jf the second field ace i~nore3 if the first field is t~~ short f~r the result. rhe fields are ?rJ~essej from right to left one byte at a tine. ~~~~El~: ~ssume register 11 contains hexadecimal 044~, register 9 contains hexadecimal 02CO, the displacement in the first operand is hexa~ecimal 244, in the second operand it is hexadecimal 180, and that storage location hexadecimal 0440-0444 contains hexadecimal F1F2F3F4C5. UNPK 4020(5,10),100(4,10) From this source statement the Assembler produces the following object code: r-------r--r--r--r---r--r--l \Dp-codeIL 1 IL 2 I BLID L IB21D21 Source statement: PACK Source statement: ~-------+--+--+--t---t--t--~ I F3 580(4,11),384(5,9) 14 13 IA IFB41A 1 5 51 L _______ L __ L __ L __ L ___ L __ L __ J Fron this source statement the Assemble~ produces the following object code: After execution location hexadecimal lF54lFS8 contains F2F3F4F5D6. r-------T--T--T--T---T--T---' IOp-codeIL 1 IL 2 I B1ID 1 IB21~2 I ~-------+--+--+--t---+--t---~ 1L _______ F2 13 14 IB 12 44 19 11801 L __ L __ L __ L ___ L __ L ___ J ZAP -- ZERD AND ADD PACKED r--------T---------T----------------------l ~fter execation the field at storage location hexadecimal 068E contains 00123452. IOpe~ationlOperand INane I t--------+---------t----------------------~ I blanK o~IZAP ID1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) I Is________ ymbol iI _________ i ______________________ JI L r ONPK -- [J~P1\CK r--------T---------T----------------------l I Name \Operation\Operand I ~--------+---------+----------------------~ Iblank orlONPK I symbol L ________ !D1(L1,BL),D2(L2,B2) 1 L! _________ LI ______________________ JI Function: rhe packed second-data field are mat and stored in the The second data field decimal number. Sign checked for validity. contents of the changed to zoned fo~ first data field. must contain a packed and digits a~e not After processing, the zoned decimal number in the first data contains the sign (high-order four bits) an~ one digit in the rightmost byte. Each of the other bytes contains a zone and a ~igit. rhe fields are processed from right to left. If the first operand field is too long it is filled Nith leading ze~)s. If the first operand fiel~ is too short to contain all the digits of the second operand, the leading digits are ign)red. rhe operands may overlap but you must exercise caation. ~~~~2!~: Assume register 10 contains hexadecimal OFAO, the displacement in the first operand is hexadecimal FB4, that in the second operand is hexadecimal 65, and location hexadecimal 1004-1007 contains hexadecimal 0123456D. Function: rhe first data field is ze~oed out-and-the contents of the sec)nd data field are placed into the first data field. rhis operation is e~uivalent to an addition into a zero-field. The second field mast be in packed format. A zero result is positive by definition. rhe second field may be shorte~ than the first field. If the second field is longer, then a machine stop occurs and the instruction is not executed. Processing proceeds from right to leEt. All digits and the sign of the second field a~e cheCKed for validity. Hig~ order zeros are supplied if needed. rhe fields may overlap if the rightmost byte of the first operand is coincident with, or to the right of, the rightmost byte of the second operand. 00 01 10 Resalt zero Result < zero Resalt > zero ~~~~21~: A.ssume register 10 co~tai~s hexadecimal 01F4, t~e displacenent in t~e first operand is hexadecimal 294, that in the second operand is hexadecimal 37~, and storage location hexadecimal 056E-0570 contains 01234D. Source statement: ZAP 660(4,10),890(3,10) From this source statement the ~ssenble~ produces the following object code: ~achine Inst~uctions 29 r-------r-jop-codelL iL T -- T --T ---T--T---l io 2 iB IB 2 i o2 i 1 1 1 L _______ ~--~--~--~---~--+---~ i F8 j3 j2 in. j294jn. j37n.j __ L __ L __ L _______ L __ L __ ~fter L~_L~ exe~utiJn ~J loc~tion 0487-048n. cJntains 0001234D. From this source statenent the n.ssenbler produces the following object code: r-------T--T--T--T---T--T---' /B21D2 I IOp-~ojeILiIL2/BiIDi ~-------+--+--+--+---t--+---~ 1l _______ F9 12__ 11__ IC__ 1 640 lB 13EBI ___ __ ___ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n.fter comparison the condition cJde CP -- ~OMP~RE DECI~~L P~CKED r--------T---------T----------------------l l:>per~tionIJperanj I 1N'~ne ~--------t---------+----------------------~ Iblank orl2P ID1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2) I symbol LI _________ LI ______________________ JI I ________ L ~p -- ~D) 1S lJ. DE2IMlI.L PACKEJ r--------r---------r----------------------l I~ame I)perationl)perand I ~--------+---------t----------------------i Iblank orl~P IDL(L1,BL>,J2(L2,82) I Isynbol I _________ I ______________________ JI l ________ L ~ r~~£~!2~: E~~£!!Q~: rhe contents of the first data fie11 are cJmpare:1 to the ~Jntents of the second data field and the result is indicated by ~ new con1ition code. rhe conparison proceeds from ri~ht to left and is algebraic, i.e. the sign and all digits are compared one byte at a time. (Negative values are smaller than p~sitive values). ~ negative zero is e~ual to a positive zero. rhe sign and all di~its are checked for validity. ~ halt occurs if the second field is longer than the first field and the instruction is not executed. If the second field is shorter it is extended with leading zer:)s. rhe contents of both fields do not Change. ~n overflow cannot occur. rhe two fields may overlap if the rightmost bytes coincide. Therefore, it is possible to compare a number to itself. Note the difference between "Conpare Decimal Packed" and "Compare Logical Characters" (2L2). 00 01 10 First operand = second operand First operand < second operand First operand > second operand ~!!mE!~: ~ssume register 12 contains hexadecimal 0040, register 11 contains hexadecimal 02FO, the displacement in the first operand is hexadecimal 640, that in the second ~perand is hexadecimal 3E8, location hexadecimal 0680-0682 contains 01000e, and locatiJn 06D8-06D9 contains 999C. rhe contents of the 3eco~d d~t~ field are added to the contents Jf the first data field. rhe resul t re9la~es the content of the Eirst fielj. rhe si~n is determined by the rules oE algebra. n. zero result is positive by definitiJn. Ex~eption: It is possible that a remaining zero result after an overflow has a ne~ative si~n. A condition co:1e is set. If the se~ond Eielj is lon~er th~n the first a program error halt occurs anj the instruction is not executed. If the se~~nj field is shorter th~n the first it is eKpanded with leading zeros and ~ddition will t~ke pla~e nornally. Signs and jigits are checke~ for valijity. Adjition proceeds from right to left. rhe Lesult i3 in packed format. rhe two fie11s may overlap if the ri~ht most bytes coincide. rhus, it is ?ossible to double a number. 00 01 10 11 Result zero Result < zero Resalt > zero OverfloW' ~~~m2!~: ~ssune rejister B contain3 heKadecimal 001~, storage location )329 (heKadecimal) contains 00222~, stora~e locatiJn 500 (hexadecimal) contains Cl0JJC, the displacement in the first operand is 315 (hexadecimal), and that in the secJnd operand is 4EC (hexadecimal). Source statement: n.P 789(3,8),1260(3,8) Source statement: 1600(3,12),1000(2,11) 30 Feom this SOurce statenent the ~ssenbleL produces the following object code: r-------r--T--T--T---T--r---' IOp-cojeIL~IL2IB1ID1 IB 2 10 2 I From this source st~tenent the ~ssenbler produces the followin3 object coje: .-------t--t--t--t---t--t---~ r-------r--r--T--r---r--r---' IOp-codeIL1IL2IB1ID1 IB 2 10 2 I 12 I _______ FA L L12 __ L __ L18 __ L131518 ___ L __ L14E~1 ___ J ~-------t--+--t--t---t--t---1 After execution storage loc~tion 0329-032B (hexadecimal) contains 0011SC. I _______ FB L L11 __ 11 __ L19 __ 1100lS ___ L __ LIBB81 ___ J ~ ~ After execution stora3e location 0898 (hexadecimal) contains OO~O. rhe con1ition code is 10. SP -- SOBTRACT DECIMAL PA~KEO r--------r---------r----------------------l I JperationlJperanj I I~ame ~--------+---------+----------------------~ Iblank orlSP ID1(L1,B1)D2(L2.B2) 1 IL symbol I _________ L1 ______________________ J1 ________ L r--------T---------T----------------------l IOperationlOperand I IN~me ~--------+---------+----------------------~ Iblank orlMP IOL(~1,B1),)a(L2,B2) I symbol I _________ L1______________________ JI IL________ ~ Function: rhe contents of the second field are-subtracted from the contents of the first 1at~ fie11. rhe result is ~lacej into the first field. rhe sign is jetermined by the rules of algebra. ~ zero result is positive by definition. Exception: A zero result remaining in case of an overflow may have a minus sign. If the secon1 field is longer than the first a program error halt occurs and the instruction is not executed. If the second fie11 is shorter, it is exp~n1e1 with lea1ing zeros and subtraction Nill take place normally. All digits and the signs are checked for validity. The operation proceeds from right to left by reversing the sign of the second number and then adding the second number to the first. The result is in packed format. The fieljs may overlap if the ri3htmost bytes coincide. Thus it is possible to clear a field to zero. 00 01 10 11 Result zero Result < zero Result > zero Overflow §!~~E!~: Assume register 9 contains (hexadecimal) 00~8, register 8 contains (hexadecimal) 012C, stora3e location 898 (hexa1ecimal) contains 012C, stora3e location OCE4 (hexadecimal) contains 0082, the displacement in the first field is 700 (hexadecimal), an1 that in the secon1 fie11 is BBB (hexadecinal). Function: in the second data field. The product is placed into the first field. rhe secon1 field may have a maximum of 15 jigits (L 2 =1) plus the si3n anj must be shorter than the first operand. If L2 > 1 or L2 ~ L1 a pro3ram error halt occurs ~nd the instruction is not executed. The len3th of the pro1uct is equ~l to the sum of the lengths of nulti?lier an~ multiplican1 (L of pro1uct = L1 +L 2 ) . Therefore, the multiplicand must be expan1e1 with le~1ing zeros by the number of bytes of the multiplier. otherwise ~ halt occurs. An overflow is not possible. The product may have a maximum length of 30 1igits plus the si3n. It contains ~t least one le~1in3 zero. The f~ctors ~nj the result ~re considered to be signed integers. rhe si3n is determine1 by the rules of a13ebra. rhe fields may overlap if their ri3htnost bytes coincije. rhus, it is possible to s~u~re ~ number. Sote: You can save computing time by usin3 fhe-Iar3er of the two f~ctors ~s the seconj operand. 1. Source statement: SP 2000(2.9),3000(2,S} The nultiplicand in the first ~ifa-lIeld is multiplie1 by the multiplier Multiplic~nd MAND 2. ~en3th x multiplier MOR x MANO + length MOR = pro1uct = PROD = len3th PROD Machine Instructions 31 3. The M~ND nast be right-3ligne3 3n3 have leading zeros before the multiplication is elCecate1. r------T-----------T--------------------,I I Name I Operation 1 O~erand ~------t-----------t--------------------~ I I I I 1 2 ! i I I l ! 1 I I 1 I MOR I MA.NO Dt-I---""!t 2 MaR 1372 ! 9 MAN 0 I.. 2 5 C~I I PROD PROD,MA.ND PROD:MOR Z~P MP I I I OS I OS I PR:>O 1 os 1 I ! ! CL3 CL2 CL5 IL______ iI ___________ i ____________________ J 10 0 0 0 0 0 " 2 5 '.00 cl 10 1 5 8 1 8 07 5 DI i 2 Note: Maximum length of product i, 16 byt... Maximum length « MOil il 6 byi_. Figure 5. Decimal ~ulti~lication DP -- DIVIDE DECIMAL PACKED r--------T---------r----------------------, IName I IOperationlo~erand A.ssame the A.ssembler has allocated storage l~cati~n (hexa3ecim3l) lC92 to statement MOR •. Then, MA.ND has location lC95 and PROD has location lC97. Further assume that the storage locations in~licitl~ addressed by MOR and MA.ND contain 37219D and 425C respectively and register 12 contains (hexadecimal) 1194. (The A.ssembler automatically calculates the dis~lacement shown in the object coding b~ subtracting the contents of register 12 from the location counter value of the s~nbolic address). Source statement: PROD,MA.ND ZAP ~--------+---------+----------------------i Iblank orlOP ID1{L1#B1),D2{L2,B2) I symbol LI _________ LI ______________________ JI IL________ Function: rhe dividend in the first data divi3ed by the divisor in the second data field. The quotient an3 the remainder are placed into the first j3ta fie13. field-is rhe luotient occupies the left ~3rt of the first field, i.e. the address )f the quotient is t~e same as the address of the 1ivi1en1. ~h?- remainjer occupies the right part of the first field and has a length e~ual to that of the 3ivisor. The quotient and the remainder together the entire aivi3ep3 fie13 (first operand). rhis ~eans the diviaend field must be large enough to accomodate a divisor of maximum length and a quotient of maximum length. In the elCtreme case the dividend field has to be expanded ~ith zeros to the left by the number of b~tes of the divisor. occu~~ Assembler pro~uced object code: r-------T--T--T--T---T--~---, IOp-code1L 1 1L 2 1B11 0 1 IB 2 10 2 I ~-------+--+--+--+---+--+---~ ~ ~ IL _______ Fa L14 __ LIi __ LIC __ LIB031C ___ __ IBOll ___ J and PR:>D,M::>R MP r-------r--T--r--T---T--T---' i~p-codeIL11L2IB1ID1 18 2 1D2 1 t-------+--+--+--+---+--+---~ 1L _______ FC L14 __ 12 __ IC __ IB031C ___ __ IA.FEI ___ J ~ ~ ~ T~e results of the sho~n in Figure 5. 32 rhe length of the luotient fielj (in bytes) is L 1 -t 2 • rhe divisor fie13 n3~ have a malCim~m of 15 3igits pl~s the sign and must be smaller than the diviaen3 fie13. ~ ~ two instructions is If L2 > 7 or L2 ~ LL a halt )cc~rs and the operation is not executed. rhe dividend must have at least one lea1ing zer~. Divi3end, 3ivisor, ~~otient, and remainder are signe3 integers. rhe sign is 3eternine3 accor3ing to the r~les of algebra from the signs of dividend and divis~r. The sign of the remainder is al~ays ident- r-------T--T--T--T---T--T---' ic-al to the sign of the dividend,. This also holds true if the quotient or the remainder are zero. IOp-codeIL 1 IL 2 IB 1 I D1 IB21D2 If the quotient contains more than 29 digits plus the sign~ or if the dividend has no leading zero, then a halt occurs and the operation is not executed. The divisor and the dividend remain unchanged and there is no overflow. The two operands may overlap if their rightmost bytes coincide. J ~-------+-~+--+--+---+--+---~ 7 5819 160 91 IL_______ F8 14 __ L13 __ L19 __ L1___ i __ i ___ J ~ and Source statement: PROFE,DOR DP Assembler produced object code: r-------T--T--T--T---T--T---' Example: 1. 2. (Op-codeIL1IL2IB1ID1 IB21D2 Dividend DEND Divisor DOR = Quotient 8 ACIJ 11 __ L19 __ L175819 ___ i __ L1___ I _______ FD L i14 __ i QOOT Length of processing field QUOT + length DOR I ~-------+--+--+--+---+--+---~ length The results of the two instructions are shown in Figure 6. maximum length of processing field (PROFE) = length DEND + length DOR (packed bytes). 3. The dividend must be right-aligned with at least one leading zero before the division is performed. PROFE ro;o 12 I 719 ,513 I " 13 ,e I PROFE 111 311 , 213 , Cll I" Ie , I" r-----T---------T-------------------------, IName IOperationlOperand I ~-----+---------+-------------------------1 I I I I I I I 1 ZAP 1 DP I 1 IPROFE~DEND I I lPROPE;, DOR 1 1 LOG~CAL 1 There are special instructions for the nonarithmetic processing of data. The data fields are processed one byte at a time. In some cases the left four biti and the right four bits of a byte are treated separately. I I I I I I I I 1 I DEND I DS IDOR 1 DS IPROFEI DS 1 1 ICL4 ICL2 ICL5 I Figure 6. Decimal Division I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I Il _____ i I _________ iI _________________________ JI Assume the Assembler has allocated storage locations as follows: DEND hexadecimal A09, PROFE hexadecimal F40, and DOR hexaaecimal CAC. Register 9 contains hexadecimal 0400. The Assembler automatically calculates the displacements for the two operands by subtracting the contents of register 9 from the respective storage address values. OPERATIONS Processing of data fields in main storage proceeds from left to right. A field may start at any address excluding the reserved areas. In logical operations the data fields are considered to contain alphameric data. An exception is the Edit-instruction which requires packed decimal numbers in the second data field. The source and object codings for the ZAP and DP are shown below. Source statement: ZAP PROFE,DEND Assembler produced object code: The data are either in main storage or in the instruction itself. They may be a single character or an entire field. If two fields are used, they must be of equal length. Exception: the Edit-instruction. The two formats for logical data are: Machine Instructions 33 Fixed Length (one byte; storage-immediate operations) r---------, 55-Format Isingle I IL character! _________ J o II I 7 0 Variable Length (1 to 256 bytes; storage to storage operations) ~ o 8 L 8 exl,;e1-Jl... .J.uu U.1. 20 D2 36 32 47 The first and second operand __ _________ J ~ 15 In storage-to-storage (SS) operations, the fields may. start at any address_1-.':_'with _ _ _ ~ 16 82 D1 1 fields must have the same length. CONDITION CODE _ _ _ _ _ _ ..L..! _ _ _ 8 The address of the each data field is the sum of the con~ents the respective Band D-fields. r--T---------, r---------T---------T-1 I character Icharacter I I character I L---------~---------J-4 I I _ . I OP';'code .L.1-._ l..ue ~~ _ _ ..L. .I...J..L~l.. ... ,.,. .J.'1"t 1-. __ .L.. _ _ .. J.J:tl..t:~f' WU.J.l,;U Cl.I..e AF~ER LOGICAL OPERATIONS The results of the logical operations determine the condition code. Moveoperations do not set a code. In case _.c U.1. reserved. The maximum length of a field is 256 bytes. Immediate data is limited to a length of one byte. the Edit-instruction the condition code indicates the status of the field to be transferred into the mask. Only the EDIT operation handles data of packed format. The other instructions handle all bit combinations. In the case of the Compare Logical Immediate the first data field is compared to the immediate data. In case of the Compare Logical Character the first data field is compared to the second data field. Storage-to-storage instructions may address· overlapping fields. The result of overlapping depends on the particular operation. overlapping does not influence the operation if the contents of the field remain unchanged (e.g. in a comparison). If one or both change, however, execution of the operation may be influenced by the overlapping and by the manner in which the data are rounded off and stored. Table of condition codes: r---------------T-----T--------T------T---' I 00 I 01 I 10 111 I I ~---------------+-----+--------+------+---~ ITest under Masklzero Imixed 1-lonel lAnd Izero Inot zerol-1-- I jCompare Logicaljequalilow ihigh I-lOr Izero Inot zerol-1-IEdit zero LI> zerol-L _______________ Izero _____ 1< ________ ______ L ___ JI ~ MACHINE FORMATS OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR LOGICAL OPERATIONS ~ All other logical operations leave the condition code unchanged. Lo~ical instructions are either in the SI-or the SS-forrrat. Error conditions .which may occur during the execution of non-arithmetic operations are: SI-Format OP-code o 8 16 20 31 The first data field has a fixed length of one byte. The second operand also has a length of one byte but it is contained directly in the instruction. The general registers are not affected by an SI-instruction. 34 1. Operation code invalid 2. Addressing error a. An instruction address or an operand address refers to the protected first 144 byt~s of main storage (addresses 0 to 143). b. An instruction address or an operand address is outside avail= able storage. c. The last (highest) main-storage position contains any part of an instruction that is to be executed. r-------T--T--T---' 4. 5. ~ IOp-codeII 2 \B 1 ID 1 I ~-------+--+--+---~ I _______ 92 15BIA L __ __ 11F41 ___ J ~ specification error The low-order bit of an instruction address is one, i.e., no halfword boundary. ~ 3. Data error An invalid digit code is contained within the second operand field of an Edit operation_ After execution storage location A22 contains hexadecimal 5B, a $ sign. CFU parity error. MVC -- MOVE CHARACTERS r--------T---------T----------------------, INSTRUCTIONS FOR LOGICAL OPERATIONS r-----------------------------T----T------, I -IOp- I I ICodelFormatl IName ~-----------------------------+----+------~ lMove Immediate (MVI) I 92 SI IMove Characters (MVC) I D2 SS IMove Numerics (MVN) 1 Dl SS IMove Zones (MVZ) 1 D3 SS ICompare Logical Immediate I 95 SI I (CLI) I ICompare Logical Character I D5 SS I (CLC) I· IEdit (ED) I DE S5 lAnd Immediate (NI) I 94 SI lOr Immediate (01) I 96 SI ITest under Mask (TM) 1 91 SI IHait 6 Proceed (HPR) I 99 S1 (TR) I ____ DC _____ SS _ LITranslate _____________________________ ~ ~ ~ Function: The contents of the second data field are placed into the first data field. Processing is performed from left to right one byte at a time. The two fields may overlap. If the first field is to the left of the second field, then transfer will proceed correctly. If the first field is exactly one byte to the right of the second f ield then this byte will be propagated throughout the first field. i• Condition Code: No change. ~ MVI --- MOVE IMMEDIATE r--------T---------T----------------------, \ Operation 1Operand I I Name ~--------+---------+----------------------~ \blank orlMvI \D 1 (B 1 ).1 2 1 1L________ symbol \ _________ I _______________ - ______ J1 ~ !Name 1Operation I Operand I ~--------+---------+----------------------~ Iblank orlMVC ID1(LJB1),D2(B2) I 1 symbol I _________ I __ - - __________________ JI L ________ Example: Assume register 11 contains (hexadecimal) 0258, register 15 contains (hexadecimal) 04BO, storage location 3E8 (hexadecimal) contains optional data" storage location 07DO (hexadecimal) contains C9C2D4, the displacement in the first field is 190 (hexadecimal), and that in the second field is 320 (hexadecimal). Source statement: ~ Function: The byte fro~ 12 is placed directly into the storage location addressed by B1 and D1 - MVC 400(3,11)J800(15) From this source statement the Assembler produces the following obj·ect code: r-------T--T--T---T--T---' 10p-codelL IB11D1 IB21D2 1 ~-------+--+--+---+--+---~ IL _______ D2 12 __ IB __ 1190lF ___ __ 13201 ___ J ~ Example: Assume.register 10 contains of each byte remain unchanged. Movement is from left to right one byte at a time. The digits are not checked for validity. The fields may overlap. Source statement: 200(4,15),400(15) MVN From this source statement the ~ssembler produces the following object code: r-------,.--T--T---T--T- ~ Ex~~£1~: Assume register 10 contains second operand -- MOVE NUMERICS r--------T---------T----------------------, IName I Operation I Operand I ~--------+---------+-----------------i Iblank orlMVN ID1(L~B1}~D2(B2) I Il ________ symbol LI _________ I ______________________ JI ~ Function: The low order four L ~s (the numerics) of each byte in the sec ld data field are placed, from left to rigl.·, into the corresponding low order four bit~ of the first field. The high order four bits (the zones) of each byte in the second field remain unchanged. The digits are not checked for validity. The fields may overlap. Ex~E1~: Assume register 15 contains (hexadecimal) 7DA, storage location 08A408A7 (hexadecimal) contains F4F3F2Cl, storage location 096A (hexadecimal) contains F9F8F7D6, the displacement in the first field is C8 (hexadecimal), and that in the second field is 190 (hexadecimal). 36 Examp!~: Assume register 15 contains (hexadecimal) 01F4, storage location 05DC (hexadecimal) contains E9, the displacement in the first operand is 03E8 (hexadecimal), and the immediate data is the letter A. Source statement: eLI 1000(15),C'A' From this source statement the Assembler produces the following object code: r-------T--T--T---' jop-codejI 2 jB 1 iD 1 i r-------t--t--t---1 I 95 ICll F 13E81 l _______ ~ __ i __ i ___ J After execution the condition code setting is 10. CLC -- COMPARE LOGICAL CHARACTERS r-~------T---------T----------------------' I Name I Operation I Operand I ~--------+---------+----------------------~ Iblank orlCLC ID1 (L,B 1 ),D 2 (B a l I I I L________ L _________ L ______----------------J I symbol I Function: The contents of the first data field ?re compared with those of the second data field. The fields may have a maximum length of 256 bytes. Comparison proceeds from left to right. The comparison is terminated as soon as inequality is encountered. All bytes are treated alike as eight bit unsigned binary values. The order of comparison is the Systern/360 collating sequence: Special characters, lower case letters~ upper case letters, digits. All 256 bit combinations are valid. Condition Code: 00: 01: 10: first operand second operand first operand < second operand first operand> second operand Exam£1~: Assume r~gister 11 contains (hexadecimal) 0320 storage location AFO-AF3 (hexadecimal) contains D1D6C8D5, storage location 0708-070B (hexadecimal) contains D1D6C5E8. the displacement in the first operand is 7DO (hexadecimal), and that in the second operand is 3E8 (hexadecimal). Source statement: crc 2000(4,11).1000(11) From this source statement the Assembler produces the following object code: r-------T--T--T---T--T---'I IOp-codelL tB11D1 l Bal D2 ~-------t--t--+---+--t---~ I D5 of the pattern (the first data field). The edited result replaces the pattern. The two fields must not overlap. Editing iLcludes sign and punctuation control and the suppressing and protecting of leading zeros. It also facilitates programmed blanking of all-zero fields. Several numbers may be edited in one operation, and numeric information may be combined with alphabetic information. The length field applies to the pattern. It may have a maximum of 256 bytes. The pattern has unpacked format and may contain any character. The source field has packed format and must contain valid decimal digit-and sign-codes. Its left half-byte must always contain one of the digits 0-9. The right half-byte may be a digit or a sign. Both fields are processed left to right one character at a time. Overlapping pattern-and source-fields give unpredictable results. A so-called S-trigger controls the Editoperation. Depending on various conditions during the operation the trigger is set either to ON or OFF. This setting determines whether a source digit or a fill character is inserted into the result field. As mentioned before, the pattern may contain any unpacked character. However l three bit-combinations have special significance: 0010 0000 (hexadecimal 20) digit-select character 0010 0010 I 6 7 1L symbol I _________ LI ______________________ JI ________ .L 8-11 12-15 16-31 The rightmost 16 bits of the a5dress of the next sequential instruction, are storej as link information in the general register specified by R1.. Next~ the address specifie5 by B2 /U 2 is stored as an instruction address in the PSW. This amounts to a branch to the address specified by B2 /D 2 • Not Used Condition Code Not [Jse:l Overlap Mo1e (8ubmodel 5 only) USA.SCII Mode Bit Channel Mask Device A.::l::lress Function Specification Instruction A.ddress Function: PsW~-the Pro~ramming 1. Nhich is transferred fCJD nain storage to the PS~ by the Set PSW instruction should: a. ~ot refer to the protected first llJ4 bytes of main stora~e, rhe contents of register 10 are arbitrary. A.ssume Lhat register 11 contains hexadecimal OlJlJB, PSW bits 16-31 represent hexadecimal 036B, D2 is hexadecimal 12C (decimal 300). BAS The instruction ajjress portion of the ~ord f~~!!e.!.~: Source statement: Notes b. Have t. he 1 east. s; go i fi c. zero, anj Be within the limits of available storage. C::;J ot. hi t-. If these ~onjitions are not satisfied, an addressing or specification error halt will occur. 2. rhe con::lition co1e is set by the Set PSW instruction to the value containe::l in the wor::l transferred from main storage to the PSW. 3. Main-storage boundaries are not require:l of the first operand a::l:lress in the set PSW instruction. U The condition code, US~SCII no:le bit, channel mask, and overlap mode bit in the PSW are zero wben tbe CPU is in the reset state. rhe instruction a:l::lress portion of the PSW is not changed when 10.300(0,11) Assembler produced object code: r-------r--r----r--r---l IOp-co:leIR1.IX=O IB21D2 I ~-------+--t----+--+---~ IL _______ lJD ~ LI ____ 0 I __ B 112 CJI LI __ ___ ~ ~ A.fter execution register 10 contains hexadecimal 0368 and a branch to storage locati~n hexajecimal 0577 is taken. ..LL. ..... Lue ""T""!"" ~ru .! _ _ _ _ _ ~b .-.L L~b~L. §!~m2!~: Assume D1 is 875 (hexadecimal 036B)J and register 11 contains 555 (hexadecimal 0228). Bits 16 "throu;Jh 31 of the psw cpntain .0444 (hexadecimal), • Control I/O (CIO) • Test I/J and Branch (TIOB) • Transfer I/O (XIO) Source statement: SPSw 875(11) The address of the next sequential instruction as given bl' bits 16 through 31 of the PSw will now be 1430 (hexadecimal 0596). You can find a detailed descriotion of these instructions in the SRL pubiication r~~_~Y~~~m~l~~~Qi~!_~~Fug£~iQg~l_~h~E~£~ ~~£i~~i£~, INPUT/OUTPUT Form G~26-5847. OPER~TIONS The ~ssembler program supports the following Input/Output operations: It is recommended, however" that you use the IBM-supplied Ioes nacro definitions for your input/output operations. Machine Instructions 45 Literals A l~teral is one way to introduce data into a ~rogram. It represents data itself rather than a reference to data. Literals provide a means of entering constants (such as numbers for calculation, addresses, messages, etc.)~ into a program by specifying the constant in the o~erand of the machine instruction in which it is used. The ~ssembler program assembles the value specified by the literal, stores this value in a nliteral pooln, and places the address of the storage field containing the value in the operand field of the assenbled s~urce statement. A literal is an alternative to using the ~ssembler instruction as a means to enter data into the program, and then using the name of the DC instruction in the operand. Literals can be used in nachine instructions only. There, you may use a literal wherever a storage address is ~er mitted as an operand. DC Only one literal is allowed in a machine instruction. ~ literal must not be specified in the first operand of a machine instruction. It cannot be changed in storage. i.e., it must not be used as the receiving field of a machine instruction that modifies storage~ e.g., 8TH. =CL7'PA3E' a character constant with eKplicit length. =X i lA4C' a hexadecimal constant. =B'10011110'-- a binary constant. =P'+324' -- a de~imal constant r the various constant types in the absence of a length modifier. The implied length is assigned before application of the duplicati~n factor. Examples of literals appear throughout the discussion of the DC instruction. Duplication Factor: The duplication factor way be omitted. If specified, the constant is generated the number of times indicated by the factor. The duplication factor must be an unsigned decimal value. It is applied after the constant is fully assembled, i.e., after it has been developed into its proper format. A duplication factor of zero is not permitted. !Ye~: The type defines the type of constant being specified. From the type specification, the Assembler determines hON it is to interpret the constant and translate it into the appropriate machine format. The type is specified by a letter code as shown in ~ppendix D. Further information about these constants is provided under Co!!sta!!:!:_ Length Modifier: A length modifier explicitly describes the length of a constant in bytes (in contrast to an implied length) apd becomes the length attribute of the symbol in the name field. The length modifier is written as Ln, where n is an unsigned decimal value. The value of n represents the number of bytes of s'torage that are assembled for the constant. The maximum value permitted for length modifier supplied for the various types of constants is summarized in Appenoix D. This table, also indicates the implied length for each~ type of constant; the implied length is used unless a length modifier is present. A length moditier may be specified for any type of constant. You would use a length modifier when you want the assembler to pad the constant (extend 'it with either blanks or zeros). For example, the instruction DC CL3'~' defines a constant having a length of three bytes" the leftmost byte containing the character and the other two bytes containing blanks. Note: No boundary alignment will be performeo when a length modifier is specified. constant: A data constant (all types except-Y) is enclosed in apostrophes. An address constant (type Y) is enclosed in parentheses. Thus, the format for specifying the constant is one of the following: • 'constant' (constant) The total storage requirement for a data definition is the product of the length times the duplication factor (if present) plus any byte skipped for boundary alignment of the first constant. The subsequent text describes each of the constant types and provides examples. ~::=~har~r Con~!!!!1: Any of the valid 256 punch combinations may be designated in a character constant. Special consideration must be given to representing apostrophes and ampersands as characters. Each apostrophe or ampersand desired as a character in the constant must be represented by two apostrophes or ampersands. Only one apostrophe or ampersand appears in storage. The maximum length of a ch~racter constant is 32 bytes. No boundary alignment is performed. Each character is translated into one byte. Two apostrophes or two ampersands count as one character. If no length modifier is given, the size in bytes of the character constant is e~ual to the number of characters in the constant. If a length modifier is provided~ the result varies as follows: 1. If the number of characters in the constant exceeds th,e specified length, as many of the rightmost bytes as necessary are dropped. 2. If the number of characters is less than the specified length, the excess rightmost bytes are filled with blanks. In the following example, the implied length attribute of FIELD is 12: r-------T-----------T---------------------, I Operation I Operand I I Name .-------t-----------r---------------------~ IC'rorAL IS 110' lIFIELD _______ 4IDC ___________ L _____________________ JI However, in this next example, the explicit length attribute is 15, and three blanks appear in storage to the right of the zero: r-------T-----------T---------------------, I Name I Operation I Operand I .-------+-----------+---------------------~ I FIELD IDC ICL15'rOT~L IS 110' I l ____ ---L-----------L---------------------J In- the next example, the implied length attribute of FIELD is 12, although 13 characters appear in the operand. The two ampersands count as only one byte. r-------r-----------T---------------------, I Name I Operation IOperand I ~-------+-----------+---------------------~ Il FIELD IS &&10' _______ LIDC ___________ 4IC'TOT~L _____________________ JI Note that in the next example, a length of four has been specified~ but there are five characters in the constant. r-------r-----------T---------------------, I Name I I~peration I~perand ~-------+-----------+---------------------~ FIELD IDC lI _______ ___________ L13CL4'~BCDE' _____________________ JI ~ The generated constant would be: ABCDABCDABCD The same constant could be specified as a literal as follows: ~ssembler Instructions 49 r-------T-----------T---~-----------------, IName I Operand I Operation I .-------t-----------t---------------------~ lI _______ I ___________ MVC I AREA (12) , =3CL4' ABCDE ' JI _____________________ ~ ~ On the other hand, if the length had been specified as six instead of four, the generated constant would have been: ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE x -- Hexadecimal constant: A hexadecimal constant-consists of-one-or more of the hexadecimal digits 0-9 and A-F. rhe maximum length of a hexadecimal constant is 32 bytes (64 hexadecimal digits). No halfword boundary alignment is performed. Constants that contain an even number of hexadecimal digits are translated as one byte per pair of digits. If an odd number of digits is specified, the leftmost byte has the leftmost four bits filled with a hexadecimal zero w while the rightmost four bits contain the odd (first) digit. If no length modifier is specified, the implied length of the constant is half the number of hexadecimal digits in the constant (a hexadecimal zero is added to the high-order byte if there is an odd number of digits). If a length modifier is specified, the-constant is handled as follows: 1. 2. If the number of bytes the constant could occupy exceeds the specified length, the extending 1ef~mos~ bytes are dropped. If the number of bytes the constant could occupy is less than the specified length, the necessary bytes are added to the left and fillej with hexadecimal zeros. A four-digit hexadecimal constant provides a convenient way to set the bit pattern of a binary halfword. rhe constant in the following example would set the bits of the first byte of a halfword to ones: r------T-----------T----------------------, I Operation I operand I I Name ~------+-----------+----------------------~ IDS 10H I lITEST ______ IDC ___________ IX'FFOO' ______________________ JI I ~ ~ The DS instruction 3ets the location counter to a ha~.fword boundary. In the following example, the digit A would be dropped, because five hexadecimal digits are specified for a length of two bytes: 50 r----------T-----------T------------------, I Operation I Operand I I Name t----------+-----------+------------------~ IALPHACON l __________ IDC ___________ L13KL2'A6F4E' __________ ~ I ~~~-----J The resulting constant"would be 6F4E, which would occupy the specified two bytes. It would then be duplicated three tiwes, as requested by the duplication factor. If it had merely been specified as X'A6F4E', the resulting constant would have had a hexadecimal zero in the leftmost p~siti~n: Ol\6F4E ~_-- Binary Constant: A binary constant is written using ones and zeros enclosed in apostrophes. Duplication and length may be specified. The maximum length of a binary constant is eight bytes. The implied length of a binary constant is the number of bytes occupied by the constant, which includes any necessary padding. Padding or truncation takes place on the left. The padding bit used is a zero. The following example shows the coding used to designate a binary constant. BCON would have an implied len~th attribute of one. r--------T-----------T--------------------, I Operation I Operand I 'Name .-~------+-----------+--------------------~ I BCON I DC I B' 11011101' I IBTRUNC IDC IBL1'100100011' I lI BPAD ________ LIDC ___________ IBL1'101' ________________ -- __ JI ~ BTRUNC would be assembled with the leftmost bit dropped as follows: 00100011 BPAD would be assembled with five padding zeros, as follows: 00000101 ~~!~ed=E2!~1_£2~~!~~!: A fixed-point constant is defined as an integer and written as a signed or unsigned decimal value. A positive sign is assumed if an unsigned number is specified. The decimal value is .converted to its binary equivalent and assembled as a halfword. It is aligned on halfword boundary if a length is not specified. ~n implied length of two bytes is assumed. A length of one or two bytes may be specified by a length modifier, in which case no boundary alignment occurs. Highest positive and negative values for a fixed-point constant are: Max 2 15 -1(=32761) 2 7 -1(=127) the digits is iaentical to the configurations for the hexadecimal digits 0-9 as stated under ~exaaeci~al S~!f-~efig~g~ Term. Mir. =2'15"(=-32768) - 27 (=-128) The binary number occupies the rightmost portion of the field in ~hich it is placed. The unoccupied portion (i.e., the leftmost bits) is filled ~ith the sign. A 1-bit for positive and a a-bit for negative numbers. If the value of the number exceeds the length 9 the necessary leftmost bits are dropped after conversion. A negative number is- carried in twos complement form. ~ halfword is generated from the statement shown belo~. The value attribute of CONWRD is the address of the left byte of the half~ord, and the length attribute is two f which -is the impliea length- f or a halfword fixed-point constant. For both packed and zoned decimal numbers, a plus sign is tran~lated into the hexadecimal digit C, and a ninus sign into the digit D. L If no length modifier is given, the lmplied length for either constant is the number of bytes the constant occupies (taking into account the format, sign, and possible addition of zero bits for packed decimals). If a length modifier is given!, the constant is hanalea as follows: 1. If the constant requires fewer bytes than the length specifies, the necessary number of bytes is added to the left. For zonea decimal format, the character zero is placed in each added byte. For packed decimals, all eight bits of each added byte are set to zero. 2. If the constant requires nore bytes than the length specifies, the neces~ sary number of leftmost digits or pairs of digits is aroppea, depenaing on the specified format (zoned or packed). r--------T-----------T--------------------l IName I Operation I Operand I ~--------t-----------+--------------------~ I ICONWRD L ________ IDC ___________ IH'658' ____________________ J ~ ~ The next example uses a naIf word constant as a literal and lo~ds ones into bits 8 through 15 of register 15. r------T-----------T----------~-----------l I Name I Operation !Operand I ~------+-----------+-~--------------------~ I ______ ILH L ___________ 115~=H'255' ______________________ JI ~ ~ P and Z -- Decimal Constants: A decimal constant is written as-~-~I~ned or unsigned decimal value. If the sign is omitted. a plus sign is assumed. The maximum length of a decimal constant is 16 bytes. No halfword boundary alignment is performed. If zoned decimal format (Z) is specified, each decimal digit is translated into one byte. Except for the rightmost byte" the translation is done according to the character set sho~n in Appendix J. The rightmost byte contains the sign in its left half-byte and the rightmost digit of the ~ecimal constant in its right half-byte. In packed decimal format (P), the -rightmost byte contains the rigntmost decimal digit in its left half-byte and the sign in its right half-byte. The other decimal digits are "packed" two at a time into one byte. If you specify ~n even number of decimal digits, one digit will be left unpaired, because the rightmost digit is paired with the sign. Therefore, in the leftmost byte J the leftmost four bits ~ill be set to zeros and the rightmost four bits will contain the first digit. The bit configuration for For example, the instruction DC; P'12' is translated into hexadecimal 012:, and the instruction DC Z'-5~3' into hexadecimal F5F4D3. The follo~ing example illustrates the use of a packed decimal literal. r------T-----------T----------------------, I Operation I Operand I I Name .------+-----------+----------------------~ IL______ lAP ___________ IOUT~RE~,=PL2'+25t ______________________ JI ~ ~ Y -- Address Constant: ~ddress constants are-normally-usea-for initializing base registers to facilitate the addressing of storage. Furthermore, they provide the means of communicating between control sections of a multi-section progran. rhe latter is explained in the section ~~~~ Segis!er_Ig~1r~£1!2g~· ~n adaress constant, unlike other types of constants, is enclosed in parentheses and specified as an absolute, relocatable, or complex relocatable expression. (Complex relocatable expressions are discussed below. ) The value of the expression may range between -2 15 (=-32768) and 215-1(=32761). The implied length of an address constant is t~o bytes, and the value is placed in the rightmost portion. ~lignnent is to a ~ssembler Instructions 51 halfword boundary, unless a length is specified. A length modifier may be used" in which case no alignment will occur. The length that may be specified depends on the type of expression used for the constant; a length of 1-2 bytes may be used for an absolute expr.ession, while a length of two tytes must be used for a relocatable or complex relocatable expression= If an address constant contains a location-counter reference, the location counter value used is the storage address of the first byte the constant will occupy. is a complex relocatable expression constant describing the length of SECTION1. E~lo£~tion Di£~!2g~EY_iRLD): If an address constant is specified by a relocatable or a complex relocatable expression, the Assembler automatically places certain information into the relocation dictionary. This informa~ion tells the Linkage ~ditor that this address constant DUst be updated when the program is relocated and how this updating is to be performed. DS -- DEFINE If you specify a duplication for an address constant containing a locationcounter reference, the value of the location counter used in each duplication is incremented by the length of the constant •• In the following example, the field generated from the statement named ~CONST contains a constant that occupies two bytes. Note that there is a locationcounter reference. The value of the location counter will be the address of the first byte allocated to the constant. The second statement below shows an address constant used as a literal. since a location-counter reference is not permitted within a literal, the instruction must be named and the name used in the literal if a location-counter reference is desired. The instruction ADCON will generate the address of the constant named FIELDA. r-------T-----------T---------------------, IName 1 Operation I Operand I t-------+-----------+---------------------~ jACONST I DC I Y(*+4096) I 11\ I LH I 14" =Y (A) I IFIELDA I DC I H'lOl' I DC I _____________________ Y(FIELDA) lIADCON _______ 1I ___________ JI The OS instruction is used to reserve areas of storage and to assign names to those areas. The use of this instruction is the preferre~ way of symbolically defining storage for work areas~ input/output areas. etc. r----------T-----------T------------------, I Name I Operation I Operand I ~----------+-----------+------------------~ JA symbol IDS lOne operand I lor blank 1 Iwritten in the I I Ifor~at described I Il __________ I ___________ I ___________ below - ______ JI ~ 1. 2. 3= For example, if SECTrONl and SECTION2 name two consecutive sections, the instruction DC Y(SECTION2-SECTION1) ~ The format of the DS operand is similar to that of the DC operand. It consists of a duplication factor, a type c~dew and a length modifier. The rules for DC instructions are also applicable for DS instructions with the following exceptions: ~ Complex Relocatable EXEf~~~!2g~: rhese expressions contain two or three unpaired relocatable terms or a negative relocatable term in addition to any absolute or paired relocatable terms that may be present. A complex relocatable expression may only be used to specify an address constant. Unlike relocatable expressions, complex relocatable expressions may represent a negative value. A complex relocatable expression may consist of external symbols and designate an address in an independent assembly that is to be linked and loaded with the assembly containing the address constant. ST~RAGE ~ duplication factor of zero i3 permitted. (It does not advance the location counter>. Only constants of types C and Hare permitted in the OS instruction. ~ duplication factor is permitted for both types. The length modifier may only be specified for the c-type constant. (Range 0-256). 4 The specification of data is not permitted in a DS ~perand. If you have a symbol in the name field of a OS instruction, its value attribute is the location of the leftmost byte of the reserved area. The length attribute ~f the symbol is the length (implicit or explicit) of the type of data specified. 1\ny positioning required for aligning the storage area to the proper type of boundary is done before the address value is determined. Skipped bytes are not zeroed. A fixed-point field (H) has an implied length of two bytes. rhe leftmost byte is aligned to a halfword boundary_ Use this code if 'you desire to reserve two bytes of storage aligned to a half~ord b~undary. A duplication factor would have to be used to reserve a larger area~ because the maximun length specification for this type is two bytes. Character (C) fields have an implied length of one byte. If you use this code, you would have to specify a length modifier" unless you want to reserve just one byte. Although no alignment occurs, the use of a c-type field permits greater latitude in length specifications, the maximum for this type being 256 bytes,. The size of a storage area that can be reserved by using the os instruction is limited' only by the maximum value of the location counter. Since the maximum length specification is 256, an area larger than 256 must be specified with a duplication factor. For example" the statement OS 2CL200 can 'be used to reserve 400 positions of main storage. To define four 10-byte fields and one 100-byte field. the respective 'OS instructions might be as follows: r----------T-----------T------------------, IName I Operation I Operand I ~----------+-----------+------------------~ tFIELD IDS 1 4C L10 I Il AREA IDS ICL100 __________ .l ___________ .l. _________,_________ JI Although FIELD might have been specified as one 40-byte field, the preceding definition has the advantage of providing FIELD with a length attribute of 10. rhis would be important when using FIELD as a machineinstruction operand governed by a length consideration. Additional examples of OS statements are shown below: r-----T---------T-------------------------, IName IOperationlOperand I ~-----+---------+-------------------------~ lONE IDS ICL80 (one ~O-byte field. I I I I length attribute of 80) I ITWO IDS 180C (80 one-byte fields, 1 I I I length attribute of one)1 ITHREEtDS 14H (four halfwords, I 1 I I length attribute of I two) Il _____ .l.I _________ .l.I _________________________ JI Note: A DS instruction causes the storage area-to be reserved, but not to be set to zeros. You cannot assume that the area contains zeros or data saved from a previous program or program phase. Forcing Alignment: The location counter can be forced to a halfword boundary by using the H-type field with a duplication factor of zero.rhi's method may be used to obtain boundary alignment that ~therwise would not be provided. For example, the following statements would set the location counter to the next half-word b~undary and then reserve storage for a 128-byte field (whose leftmost byte would be ~n a halfword boundary). r----------T-----------T------------------, I Name I Operation IOperand I ~----------+-----------+------------------~ I DS 10H I It __________ AREA IDS ICL128 .l. ___________ .l __________________ I I ~ Q.~fin!!:!g:_£:ie1~~_Qf_~!L~E~~: A DS instrllction with a duplication factor of zero may be used to assign a name and a length to an area of storage without actually reserving the area. A OS statement for c-type fields with a duplication factor of zero does not advance the location counter. Additional DS and/or DC instructions may then be used to reserve the area and assign names to fields and constants within this area. For example, assume that 80-character records are to be read into an area for processing and that each record has the following format: positions Positions Positions positions Positions 5-10 11-30 31-36 47-54 55-62 Payroll number Enployee name Date Gross wages withholding tax The following example illustrates how you might use OS instructions to assign a name to the record area, then define the fields of the area and allocate storage for them. r----------T-----------T------------------, I Name I Operation I Operand I r----------+-----------+------------------~ IRDAREA IDS IOCL80 I I CL4 i I I DS IPAYNO IDS ICL6 I I NAME IDS ICL20 I IDS IOCL6 I I DATE IDAY IDS ICL2 I IDS I CL2 I I MONTH I YEAR IDS ICL2 I I IDS I CL10 I IGROSS IDS ICL8 I IFEDTAX IDS ICL8 I IDS I CL18 lI __________ .l. ___________ .l. __________________ JI Assembler Instructions 53 The first instruction names the entire area by defining the symbol RDAREA; the instruction gives RDAREA a length attribute of 80 bytes~ but does not reserve any storage. Similarly: the fifth statement names a 6-byte area by defining the symbol DATE: the three subsequent statements actually define the fields of DATE and allocate storage for them. The second, ninth, and last statements are used for spacing purposes and, therefore, are not named. DCCW -- DEFINE CHANNEL COMMAND WORD The DCCW instruction provides a convenient way to define and generate a 6-byte channel command word aligned at a half-word boundary. The format of the DCCW instruction is: r--------T---------r----------------------, I Operation I operand I I Name ~--------+---------+----------------------1 IA sympollDCCW /Four operands, I lor blank I Iseparated by commas, I I I Ispecifying the conI I I Itents of the channel I word lI ________ I _________ Icommand ______________________ JI ~ If READAREA represents i for. example, the value 1204, the assembled CCW is 028012040080. If there is a symbol in the name field of the DCCW instru~tion. it is assigned the address value of the leftnost byte of the channel command worj. The length attribute of the symtol is six. Program Sect ioning and Link ing Instructions It is often convenient, or necessary, to write a large program in sections. -The sections may be assembled separately and then combined into one object program. The Assembler provides facilities fJr creating multi-section programs and symbolically linking separately assembled prJgran sections. Program sectioning and linking is closely related to the specification of base registers for each control section. Sectioning and linking examples are given under CS~f!_==_IQ~~~ify_Control_Se£~iQ~ and ~~dr~~~!ng An External Control Section. ~ CONTROL SECTIONS The internal machine format of a channel command word is described in the SRL publication !~M-§y~~em/~Mod~!_20L_Functi~~! Char~teristi£§, Form GA26-5847. All four operands must appear. They are written, from left to right, as follows: First operand: An absol"t~ expression specifying the command code. The value of this expression is right-aligned in byte one. Second operand: An absolute expression. The value of this expression is rightaligned in byte two. Third operand: An absolute or relocatable expression specifying a storage address. The value of this expression is right-aligned in bytes 3-4. Fourth operand: An absolute expression. The value of this expression is rightaligned in bytes 5 anj 6. For further details see the pertinent hardware SRL publication. The following is' an example of a DCCw instruction for a magnetic tape read: r-----T-----------r-----------------------, IName IOperation I operand I ~-----+-----------+-----------------------~ l, _____ IDCCW ___________ IX'02',X'80',READAREA,801 _______________________ J ~ rio ""Of ~ A control section is the smallest logical unit of a program. All elements of a control section are in a constant relationship to each other. Therefore, the control section is the smallest separately relocatable unit of a program. If a pro gran is sectioned, it must be written so that control passes properly from one control section ~o another. regardless of the position of the control section in main storage. A program is divide1 into control sections if it is to be assenbled in severa] parts. (Program parts assemblej at one time are often called an assembly.) In a multi-section program~ each control section must be complete. An unsectioned program is considered a single control section. Since you have described storage symbolically you know ~h~~ eventually will be entered into storage, regardless of whether you write an unsectione1 program, a multisection program, or part of a nulti-section program but you will, most likely, not know where in storage a section appears. There is no constant relatioship between individual control sections. rhus, knowing the location of one control section does not make another control section addressable by relative addressing. The output of the Assembler consists of the assembled control sections, an External Symbol Dictic>nary and a Relocation Dictionary. The External Symbol Dictionary contains information the Linkage Editor program needs to complete cross-referencing between control sections as it combines them into one object program. The Linkage Editor program can take control sections from various assemblies and combine them properly with the help of the corresponding External Symbol Dictionaries. Successful combination of separately assembled control sections depends on the techniques used to provide symbolic linkages between the control sections. This is described in the sections below describing the CSECT, ENTRY, and EXTRN instructions. The Relocation Dictionary qonta~ns information about certain address constants (see DC-instruction) which must be updated by the Linkage Editor Program when a control section is relocated. The External Symbol Dictionary is contained in the ESD-cards in front of the object deck.. The Relocation Dictionary is contained in the RLD-cards mingled with the TXT-cards. The Linkage Editor program assigns locations to control sections in such a way that the sections are placed.in storage consecutively, in the same order as they Occur in the program. Each control section suhsequent to the first begins at the next available half-word boundary. A control section is normally identified ?y the CSECT instruction. However, if it ~s desired to specify a tentative starting address, the START instruction may be used to identify the first control section of an assembly. The first control section of an assembly has the following special properties. 1. Its tentative starting location may be specified as an absolute value. 2. It normally contains the literals requested in the program" although their positioning can be altered.· For further explanation on positioning of literals see the discussion of the LTORG instruction. Limitations The-combIned number of control sections and dummy sections (see QE~mY-£2ntro!_Section~) for an assembly must not exceed eight. The combined number of control sections and dummy sections plus the number of unique symbols in EXTRN statements for an assembly must not exceed 31. A maximum number of 20 ENTRY instructions can be processed in a single assembly. START -- START ASSEMBLY ~he START instruction may be used to give a name and starting ad.dress to the first (or only) control section of an assembly. The START instruction may be preceded only by AWORK, AOPTN (in this order), r:TL, ISEQ, REPRO, EJECT, SPACE, PRIN·r, TITLE instructions, and comments statenents. There must be only one START instruction in an assembly. ST~RT The format of the as follows: instruction is r----------T-----------T------------------, 1Name IOperation IOperand 1 ~------~---+-----------+------------------1 symbol 1START lA self-defining 1 lor blank 1___________ Iterm or blank L__________ __________________ J1 I~ ~ ~ If a symbol names the STARr instruction, the symbol is established as the name of the control section. If not, the control section is considered to be unnamed. ~ll subsequent statements are assembled as part of that control section. This continues until a CSECT instruction identifying the beginning of the next control section or a DSECT instruction is encountered. A CSECT instruction naned by the same symbol that names a START instruction is invalid. An unnamed CSECT instruction that occurs in a program initiated by an unnamed START instruction is also invalid. The symbol in the name field is a valid relocatable symbol whose value represents the address of the first byte of the control section. It has a length attribute of one. The Assembler uses the self-defining value specified by the operand as the starting location of the first control section. This value must be divisible by two. For example~ either of the following stat~ ments could be used to assign the name PROG2 to the first control section and to indicate an initial assembly 10cat:.iOlJ of 2040: r-------r-----------r---------------------, 1Name 1Operation IOperand 1 ~-------+-----------+---------------------~ IPROG2 1START 12040 1 2 1STARr 7 FB ' 1LPROG _______ ___________ I X' _____________________ JI ~ ~ If the operand in a START instruction is blank, the Assembler checks if NORLJ is specified as the operand of an AOPTN instruction, provided such an instruction is given. If NORLD is not specified~ the Assembler Instructions 55 Assembler assumes that the program shall be relocatable and sets the starting address to zero. If it is specified, the Assembler regards the program as not relocatable and sets the starting address to the address of the first available half word behind the Monitor. r------T---------T------------------------, I Operation I Operand I I Name t------+---------+------------------------~ I*************BEGIN OF PROGRAM************ ISECTl IS~ART 0 iBEGl jBASR 10,0 I lOSING *,10 I I. I i oe If you omit the START instruction, the ~ssembler assumes one with blank name and operand fields,. Al r'tr'lTII..""" U0.Ll'11.:I Bl CSECT -- IDENTIFY CONTROL SECTION The CSECT instruction identifies the beginning of a control section. The format of the CSECT instruction is as follows: r----------T-----------T------------------, I Name I Operation I Operand I ~----------+-----------+------------------~ I~ symbol ICSECT IBlank; or a comI lor blank I Iment preceded by I IL__________ 1I ___________ Lla__________________ comma. JI SEcr2,11 jUSING LH MVC LH CLC 11,=Y( SECT2) FIELD1,FIELD2 ISECT3,12 112:,=Y(SECr3) IFIELD1,FIELD3 I I IFIELDl OS IH I**********SECOND CONTROL SECTION********* ISECT2 ICSECT 11,0 IBE32 IBASR USING *,11 I I I I IA2 I USING LH MVC FIELD1,10 10, =Y (FIELD!) FIELD2il FIELDl USING LH CLC FIELD3,,12 12,=Y(FIELD3) FIELD2 i, FIELD3 j The symbol that names the CSEcr instruction is the name of the control section; a blank indicates an unnamed section. All statements following the CSECT instruction are assembled as part of that control section until a statement identifying the beginning of the next control section (i.e •• another CSECT or a DSECT instruction) is encountered. The symbol in the name field is a valid relocatable symbol whose value represents the address of the first byte of the control section. It has a length attribute of one. Only one CSECT statement with the same name is permitted within a program. I I IB2 I I I IFIELD2 OS H !**********THIRD CONTROL SECTION********** ISECT3 ICSECT I ,12,0 IBEG3 IBASR *,12 1 lOSING 1 I A3 ~n additional USING instruction is needed because a CSECT instruction causes the Assembler to disregard all previous OSING instructions of the same assembly. Figure 8 illustrates these rules. BEG1+B1-~1,10 ILH jMVC 10,=Y(BEG1+B1-A1) FIELD3, FIELDl I• I. B3 If you wish to use a symbol defined in one control section as an operand in another of the same assembly, you must write a USING instruction telling the Assembler which register to use as the base register for that control section. The unpaired term in the operand v in the OSING instruction (see USI~~_==_~§~_~~§~_~QQ!~§~_E~gi§~= er) must be defined in that same control section. I· I· I USING lOSING ILH ICLC BEG2+B2-1\2,11 11~=Y(BEG2+B2-A2) FIELD3,FIELD2 I• I. FIELD31DS H I• I• I ______ LlEND END OF PROGRAM L _________ L ,________________________ J Figure 8. Example of a Multi-Section Program The MVC instruction in the control section named SECTl uses FIELD2 as an operand and the CLC instruction uses FIELD3 as an operand. Both FIELD2 and FIELD3 are not defined in control section SE:Tl. Therefore a USING statement must be issued prior to using each symbol as an operand. aSING SECT2,-11 tells the Assembler that a symbcl defined in SECT2 will be' used and that its base register is 11. Likewise. USING SECT3" 12 tells that a . symbol d'~fined in SECT3 will be used and that its base register is register 12. In the control section named SECT2 the instruction USING FIELD1,10 tells the Assembler to use register 10 as base register to address control section SECTl since FIELDlis defined in that control section. The assumed base address is the address of the instruction named FIELD1. In the control section named SECT3!, to use a different method" the i'nstruction USING BEG2+B2-A2.11 tells the Assembler to use register 11 as base register to address control section SECT2 because the unpaired term BEG2 is defined in' that control section. The assumed base address is the value of the expression BEG2+B2-A2. The statements named Al,B1"A2"B2, and A3.B3 load the base register specified in the respective USING statements immediately preceding each statement with the address of the first operand in each USING statement. If neither a named CSECT instruction nor a riamed START instruction appearS at the beginning of the program, the Assembler determines that it is to assemble an unnamed control sect~on as the first (or only) control section. Only one unnamed control section is permitted in a program. If you write a small program that is unsecti6ned~ you need not use a CSECT instruction .. DUMMY CONTROL SECTIONS A dummy control section is not part of the obj~ct program; it only serves to describe the layout of an area of 'storage without actually reserving storage. (It is assumed that the storage is reserved by another assembly). r----------T-----------T-------~----------- ,Name \Operation \ Operand ~----------+----~------+------------------~ lA symbol I I L~ ____ ~ IDSECT \ Blank; or a corr- ! Iment preceded by ! comma. ____ LI ___________ Lla __________________ JI I The symbol in the name field must be a valid relocatable symbol whose value rerresents the first byte of the dummy section. It has a length attribute of one. Symbols that appear in the name fiela of a DSECT instruction or in the name field of an instruction in a dummy secti~n nay be used in USING instructions. Therefore, they may be used in program elements (e.g .. , machine instructions and data definitions) that specify storage addresses. An exampl-,::illustrating the. use of a dummy section appears under AdgE§~~!~g~um~y_Se~~!2~~' A symbol that names a statenent in a dummy section maybe used in an address constant (see DC instruction) :::'Oly if it iE: paired with another symbol (with the opposite sign) from the same dummy section. A location counter is used to determine thf relative locations of named pr~gran elements in ~ dummy section. The location counter is always set to zero at the beginning of the dummy section, and the locatior values assigned to symbols that name statements in the dummy section are relative to the initial statement in the section. Suppose you wish to describe the format of an area whose stora~e location will not be determined until the program is executed. You describe the format of the area in a dummy control section and use symbols defined in the dummy section as the operands of machine instructions. ro reference the storage area, you must: 1. 2. Provide a USI~G instruction specifying both a general register that the Assembler can assign to the machine instructions as a base register and an address value from the dumny section that the Assembler may assume the register contains. Ensure that the same register is loade~ with the actual address of the storage area. DSECT -- IDENTIFY DUMMY SECrION The DSECT instruction identifies the beginning of a dummy section. More than one dummy section may be defined per assembly, but each must be named. The format of the DSECT instruction is as follows: Because the location counter is set to zero at the beginning of the dunmy contra: section~ the values assigned to symbols defined in a dummy control section are relative to the initial statenent of that section. Thus, all machine instructions ~ssembler Instructions 5~ referring to names defined in the dummy section will~ at execution time, refer to storage locations relative to the address loaded into the register. SYMBOLIC An example is shown in the following coding. ~ssume that two independent assemblies (assembly 1 and assembly 2) have been loaded and are to be executed as a single overall program. Assembly 1 is an input routine that places a record into a specified area of storage, places the address of the input area containing the record into general register 13, and branches to assembly 2~ Assembly 2 processes the record. The coding shown in the example is from assembly 2. r---------T-----------r-------~-----------, I Name I Operation I Operand USING CLI BE ATYPE wORKA WORKB ICODE,C'A' ATYPE WORKB,PUrB DS OS CL20 CL18 WORK~" PUT~ OSECT AREA CODE PUTA PUTB L _________ 1*,,12 I I I AREA, 13 MVC MVC DS OS DS ~ END ___________ ~ I I I I CLl I CL20 I CL18 I 1 ___________________ JI The input area is described in assembly 2 by the dummy control section named AREA. Fields of the input area that are to be proce~sed are named in the dummy control section as shown. The Assembler instruction USING AREA,13 designates general register 13 as the base register to be used in addressing the DSECT control section and indicates that general register 13 is assumed to contain the address of ~RE~. Assembly 1, during execution, ,loads the actual beginning address of the input area into general register 13. Because the symbols used in the OSECT section are defined relative to the initial statement in the section, the address values they represent will~ at the time of program execution, be the actual storage locations of the input area. 58 Symbols may be defined in one assembly and referred to in another, thus allowing symbolic linkages between independently assembled sections. Linkages are only possible if the ~ssembler is able to provide information about the externally defined symbols to the Linkage Editor, which resolves these symbols into addresses. The Assembler places the necessary information into the External Symbol Dictionary if the particular symbols are specified in the ENrRY and ExrRN instructions. Symbolic linkages are described as linkages between independent assemblies; more specifically, they are linkages between independently assembled control sections. I ~---------+-----------+-------------------~ ~SMBLY2 START 10 BEGIN BASR 112,0 USING LINK~GES In the program where the linkage symbol is defined (i.e.# used as a name), it must also be identified to the ~ssenbler by means of the ENTRY Assembler instruction, except when the symbol appears in the name field of a ST~RT or CSECT instruction. It is identified as a symbol that names an entry point, which means that another program will use that symbol in order to effect a branch operation or a data reference. The Assembler places this information in the External Synbol Dictionary. Similarly, the program that uses a symbol defined in some other program must identify it by the EXTRN Assembler instruction. It is identified as an externally defined symbol (i.e.,. defined in another program) that is used to effect linkage tc the point of 1efinition. The Assembler places this information into the External Symbol Dictionary. ENTRY -- IDENTIFY ENTRY-P~INT SYMBOL The ENTRY instruction identifies a linkage symbol that is defined in one assembly but may be used in another assembly. ~n ENTRY instruction must not appear in an unnamed control section or in a dummy section. The format of the ENTRY instruction is as follows: r----~-T-----------T----------------------, IName I Operation I Operand I ~------+------===--t----------------------~ IBlank I ENTRY I A relocatable I I I I symbol that also I I I I appears as a state- ! I ment name lI ______ I ________ ===k= _____________________ JI ~ The symbol in the ENTRY operand field may.be used in the operand field of instructions in other assemblies. The symbol· in the operand field must not be defined in an unnamed control section or in a dummy control section. The following example identifies the statements named SINE and COSINE as entry points to the assembly. r------T-----------T---~------------------, \ Name \ operation \ Operand I ~------+-----------+----------------------~ I \ ENTRY I SINE I \L ______ I ___________ ENTRY I ______________________ COSINE JI ~ ~ NO~: The name of a control s~ction need not be identified by an ENTRY instruction when another assembly uses it as an entry point. The Assembler automatically places information on control section names in the External Symbol Dictionary. r------T-----------T----------------------, I Name I Operation I O p e r a n d i ~------+-----------+----------------------~ I EXTRN I RArErBL I I 1 EXTRN 1 PAYC~LC I EXTRN WITHCALC -----______ JI IL ______ 1___________ LI ___________ I ~ External symbols shoulj be used only in address constants. But if you do wish to use an external symbol in a machine instruction, you must write an OSIN3 statement before using the symbol as an operand as illustratej in the following example: r------T---------T------------------------, \ Name I Operation I Operand 1 ~------+---------+------------------------~ 1 I EXTRN 1FIELD 1 I 1 I 1• 1 \ I• I Limitation: A maximum of 20 EN·rRY statements can be processed in a single assembly .. EXTRN -- IDENTIFY EXTERNAL SYMBOL The EXTRN instruction identifies a linkage symbol that is used in this assembly but defined in some other assembly. Each linkage symbol must be identified, even symbols that name external control sections. The format of the EXTRN instruction is as follows: 1 I I I I I• I LH IUSING ICH I 8 r YFIELD IFIELD,8 I 9, FIELD I I I I. I. I. IYFIELDIDC IY(FIELD) i I• I IL ______ I·_________ 1________________________ J ~ ~ An example that employs the EXTRN instruction appears under ~Qgf~~~ing_~n ~~tefnal_£Qg~E21_~~£!!Q~· r------T-----------r,----------------------, I Operation \ operand I 1Name ~------+-----------+----------------------~ \Blank I EXTRN I A relocatable I \ ______ I ___________ I ______________________ symbol L JI ~ ADDRESSING AN EXTERNAL CONTROL SECTION ~ The symbol in the operand field must not appear as the name of a statement in this assembly. Limitation: The combined number of control sections-;-dummy sections, and symbols specified in EXTRN instructions must not exceed 31 for one assembly. The following example identifies three external symbols that have been used as operands in this assembly but are defined in some other assembly. To link a program to a control section in a different assembly, proceed as follows: 1. Identify the external symbol with the EXTRN instruction, and create an address constant from the symbol. 2. Load the constant into a general register, and use the register for base addressing or tranch to the section via the register. Figure 9 shows the coding that might be used to incorporate a subroutine named SUBROUT (which is an external control section), to branch to this subroutine, an~ to branch back to the main progran. Assembler Instructions 59 r---------T-----------r-----------------------------------------------------------------, NAME I OPERATION I OPERAND COMMENTS i ! ~ND ~---------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------~ cm7lorn MAINPROG I 0 BEGIN BASR S~ORE INSTRUCTION COUNTER INTO R12 I 12,0 USING USE R12 FOR ADDRESSING rHE M~IN PROGR~M i *,12 U.LC'1C'\..J. EXTRN I I LH !CALLSUBR B~SR I I I ISUB~DDR Il _________ ~ I I I ! SUBROUT I I I i lO,SUBADDR ! 11.10 DEFINE SUBROUT AS NAME OF EXrERNAL SECfrON LOAD ADDRESS OF EXTERNAL SECrrON INTO RiO BRANCH TO SUBROUT I I I DC I Y(SUBROUT) ADDRESS OF EXTERNAL SECrION END BEGIN BRANCH TO BEGIN ___________ LI _________________________________________________________________ J1 r---------T-----------T-----------------------------------------------------------------, I OPERATION I OPERAND AND COMMENTS I I NAME ~---------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------~ ISUBROUT I CSECT I, CONTROL SECTION EXTERNAL ro MAIN PROGRAM I I I USI NG I *11 10 ! I ' I i I I · I I I I . I I I I BR I 11 RETURN TO INSTRUCTION FOLLOWING C~LLSUBR I Il _________ 1I ___________ END LI _________________________________________________________________ JI Figure 9. ~ddressing an External Control section Sa.e Regi.ter In.truction Statement. USING -- USE BASE ADDRESS REGISTER By means of the USING instruction you tell the assembler • which pseudo registers (0 through 7) or which general registers (8 through 15) are available as base registers for implicit addressing; applies only to instructions following it in the program. with the beginning of a new control section (see CSEcr and JSECT instructions) all previously available base registers are dropped automatically. You must use at least one USING instruction for each control section you ~ant t~ address. The format of the USING instruction is: • for which control section such a base register is available; r-----T---------T-------------------------, IName IOperationlOperand I • what value the register(s) will contain at object time. lIBlanklUSING _____ L _________ LIv,r1~r2I1r3,rq _________________________ JI A USIN3 instruction does not load the registers specified. It is your responsibility to ensure that the specified base address values are placed into the registers (see the BASR instruction). ~n example follows the description of the DROP instruction. A USING instruction has effect only within the control section where it is contained and, withir that control section, it 60 ~-----+---------+-------------------------~ Operands v and r1 are llandat~ry. Operands r2' r3' and rq are optional. Operand v must be a relocatable expression. It specifies a value that the Assembler can use as a base address. The unpaired relocatable term of this expression refers to that control section for which base register{s) are to be made available by this instruction. No literals are permitted. The operands r~, r2~ r3# r4 must be absolute expressions, whose value must be between 0 and 15. Operand r~ specifies the register that can be assumed to contain the base address represented py the operand v. Operands r2~ r3' and r specify registers that can be assumed to contain v+4096, v+ 8192~ v+12288~ respectively. For example, the statement: r-------T-----------T---------------------, lOperand I INamelOperation ~---~---f-----------+---------------------~ I IUSING 1*.8,,9 I l _______ ~ ______ -----~---------------------J tells the Assembler to assume that at object time the current value of the location counter (indicated by the *) will be in general register 8, and that the current value of the L6cation Counter~ incremented by 4096 i1 will be in general register 9. The registers r~, r2' .r,3' r 4 address that control section where the unpaired term of the expression v is defined. For an example see the section Progfam secticning~d Linking In~ru£:!:;12!2~ • rhus" if you want to address two different control sections you must use two USING instructions. If you change the value in a base register currently used ~nd wish the Assembler to compute displacements from this value, you must tell the Assembler the new value by means of another USING statement. In the following sequence the Assembler first assumes that the value of ALPHA is in register 9. The second statement then causes the Assembler to assume that ALPHA+1000 is the value in register 9. • if a base register is available for that control section (i.e. if you issued a USING instruction). If a base register is available, the assembler determines. in'order to get a positive displacement" whether or not the base address value to be assumed for this register (see USING instruction) is lower than or equai to the storage address to be separated. The difference between the base address and the storage address must not exceed 4095 (hexadecimal FFF)iI because exactly three halfbytes are reserved in an instruction to pold the displacement specification .. If more than one base register satisfies the above condition, the assembler will always cho6se the one giving the smallest displacement. If more than one register gives the same displacement, the nunerically highest register will be chosen. USING instructions may specify the pseudo registers 0 through 7 as base registers. This is referred to as direct addressing. In this case, the object progran cannot be relocated by the Linkage Editor Program because the Linkage Editor Program does not update a direct address in the operand of a machine instruction. The Assembler assumes fixed contents for pseudo base registers as shown in the following list: ggg1§.~~ o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r------T-----------r----------------------, I Operation I Operand I 1Name ~------+-----------+----------------------~ I I USING I ALPHA, 9 . t I '. I I· I I Il ______ I USING ALPHA+1000, 9 ___________ I ______________________ JI ~ ~ If you wish to use more than four registers as base registers to address one control section you must use two or more USING instructions. Whenever a storage location is specified by a relocatable expression in an operand of a machine instruction~ the Assembler checks for an available base register to separate the storage address into a base address value and a displacement value. To this end the assembler determines: • which control section the relocatable expression refers to (i.e. in which control section the unpaired relocatable term of the expression is defined); contents ------04,,096 8,192 12,,288 16.,384 20,,480 24,,576 28,672 The Assembler always uses these values. However, a check is performed t~ determine whether the expression v natches the contents of the pseudo base register referred to, and a warning is issued if they do not match. Unlike the general registers 8 through 15, the pseudo registers need not be loaded in a program. You may make the object program relocatable (referred to as indirect addressing) at some future time by making the following changes in the source program and reassembling it: 1. Replacing pseudo registers in the USING st~tement by general registers. 2. Loading the new specified base registers with a relocatable value. Assembler Instructions 61 The p:;endo registers must not be used as 1:0';' working with data. ,':."egi ster') r-------T-----------T-------~-------------, I Name I operation I Operand I t-------+-----------+----~----------------~ 'BEGIN BASR 112,0 t ! USING ! * ~ 12 ! i I iFIRST DROP -- DROP BASE REGISTER ThE' OROP i n~ tr'1ction specifies ;:! nrpu; ()11~ 1 v (;vailoble register that. must no -l~;g~~-b~-..! used as 2 base register. The format of the DROP instruction is as follows: ,-------7-----------T---------------------, IOperation I Operand I l~ame ~-------+-----------+---------------------~ ~Blank IDROP IUp to four absolute I I t 1expressions of the I I _______ LI ___________ 1______ form r 1- ______________ , r 2 , r 3,' r 4 J1 ~ ~ Operand r1 is mandatory~ operands r21 '("3' and r are optional. r111 r2. r3,and r4 are absolute expressions indicating registers previously named in a USING statement and are now unavailable for implicit addressing. The following statement, for example, prevents the Assembler from using registers 9 and 11: r------T-----------T----------------------,I I Name I Operation ,Operand ~------+-----------+----------------------i IL ______ IDP.OP ___________ 19,11 ______________________ J, ~ ~ If: (liOrf~ ':.han four registers are to be ;r-ade una.vc,ilable for base addressing, two or more DROP instructions must be issued. It is nJt necessary to use a DROP state- Tent b~fore the base address in a register is changed by a USING statement; nor are DROP statements needed at the end of a sourct.:> program. A regis./:er made unavailable by a DROP instruction can be made available again by a subsequent USING instruction. PROGRAMMING In the EXA~FLE sequence, the BASR loads register 12 with the address of the first storage location immediately follcwing. In this case. it is the instruction named FIRST. The USING instruction indicates to the Assembler that register 12 contains the address of this ln~truction. When' you employ this method. the USIN3 instruction must immediately fellow the BASR instruction. No other USING or load instructions are required if the locatio~ named LAST is within 4095 bytes of fol!ow~ng instruc~ion FIR3T~ 62 , i I , 1 I l~n~T I I I ----- iL_______ I ~ I END ___________ i BEGIN _____________________ Ji ~ In the following example, the BASR and LH instructions load registers 12-15. rhe USING instruction indicates t~ the Assembl= er that these registers are available as base registers for addressing a maximum of 16,384 consecutive bytes of storage, beginning with the location naned HERE. The number of addressable bytes may be increased or decreased by altering the numrer of registers designated by the USING and LH instructions and the number of address constants specified in the DC in str uc ti ons • r----------T-----------T------------------, I Name 1 Jperation I Jperand 1 ~----------+-----------+------------------~ I BEGIN I I HERE , I BASR I USING .1 LH , LH I LH I I I B I BASEADDR I DC I I DC ! I DC I FIRST I· I I I LAST I . ! • I· I I I I I 12,0 HERE,12.13,14,15 13,BASEADDR 14, BASEADDR+ 2 15,BASEADDR+4 1 FIRST I Y(HERE+4096) , ~(HERE+8192) I Y(HERE+12288) I I I I ,L __________ I ___________ END I ______ BEGIN - - - - - - ______ J ~ ~ Registers 8, 9, 10,14, and 15 have special uses and are available to you only under certain conditions. Register 9 is used by the DPS IOCS. Registers 8, 14, and 15 are used by the FETCH routine. Register 10 is used by the LOAD routine. Neither the FETCH routine nor the IJCS nor the LO~D routine save the contents of these registers prior to using them. If you use these registers you must save their contents (and restore them later) or be finished with them before the FETCH routine or IO:S make use of the registers. If you use IJCS-routines and Specify a DTFEN overlay you must issue a new USING 10 after each JPEN and CLOSE instruction, because a DROP 10 instruction is given within the OPEN/CLOSE routine. For further details see the SRL publicati~ns ment causes the listing to be advanced to a new page (before the heading is printed). For example, if the following statement is the first TITLE statement to appear in a program, and it appears before the ST~RT statement: Registers 11-13 are available to you without any restriction. You will, as a matter of fact~ decrease the possibility of errors if you try to use only these three ' registers. However, if there is a shortage of registers all general registers 8 through 15 are available to you under the restrictions stated above. then PGMl is punched into all of the output cards n in 2o.c[; phase to ensure that the literals are defined in the same phase in which they are used. The following example demonstrates ho~ to use the phasing technique. It i~ assumed that a Linkage Editor run is not required. r-------T----~----T-----~-----------------l I Name I Operation I Operand I ! I REPRO ! I I I I IPHASEl 1 IEXITl 1 PHASE IFIRST,~,4096 I I START IUSING 14 096 I I I I I I 1 ILTORG IXFR 1* 1 t-------+---------+------------- --------- ,... --~ I REPRO 1 I PHASE IORG SECOND PHASEl SECOND,~,4386 PHASE1+290 \PHASE2 I I IEXIT2 I I I I ~-_- Overlay Using the FETCH Macro 1 \ FETCH ! I *,1,2 1 I I FETCH I I rHIRD 1LTORG \ END I PHASE2 __ --L---------L-----------------------~ Second Assembly CODING OF PHASES WITHOUT SUBPHASES t-------,----------T-------·-- ------- - . - ... - .. '--1 1 I REPRO I I I I PHASE ITHIRD,~,4336 ! To code phases without subphases you must apply the follo~ing rules: I I STARr 1 IUSING IPHASE3 1 14386 1.*-290,1,2 1 1 I • Each phase m~st begin with a REPRO instruction followed by a PH~SE statement. (For the first phase in an assembly these two statements must precede the START instruction). I I _______ LlEND L _________ LIPHASE3 _______________________ J When phase SECOND is loaded it overwrites phase FIRST except for the first Planned ~verlay ~SG Structure .C" bytes. These 290 bytes may be used as data areas or to contain subroutines or both. Phase THIRD is fetched by phase SECOND and in turn overwrites it. The next example shows an almost identical program. Only this time the object program generated by the Assembler must be processed by the Linkage Editor program before it can be catalogej. r-------T---------r-----------------------, IName ; Operationl Operand i phase. If the beginning of the head phase coincides with the beginning of the assembly, these two statements must precede the STARr instructiJn. • The load ajdress for a subphase is derived from the load address cJntained in the first TXT-carj of this subphase. • The head phase and the sub~hases nust end with a XFR instruction. If the end of the last sllbphase c:')incides with the end of the assembly, this subphase must end with an END instruction. • If a Linkage Ejitor run is re~uired before cataloging, issue a REPRO instruction followed by the Linkage Editor control statement ACTION DUP prior to the XFR instruction of the head phase. This ensures that the Linkage Editor does not ignore all subse~uent XFR and E~D instructions. • Issue a FETCH macro instruction Nithout an operand at the point in the head and subphases where you want the subs~uent subphase to be loaded into main storage. ~-------t---------+-----------------------~ I REPRO I I I PHASE ICSECTl I START IPHASEl IBASR I USING 1 ILH I ! I •I FETCH ! I i I I IEXITl I I FIRST, S., 0 10 \12,,0 *,12,13 13,=Y(PHASE1+4098) SECOND ILTORG IXFR * IORG CSECT2 ICSECT I REPRO I PHASE PHASE2 IBASR IUSING ~ EXIT2 ; I PHASEl I I I FETCF1 I , ILTORG I END CSECT1+290 I I 1SECOND, L y 112,0 1*,12 The following example shows how to code a phase with subphases. It is assuned that a Linkage Editor run is not required. 290, 2SE2Tl 1 1 I THIRD I I i I PHASE2 r-------T---------T-----------------------, IOperationlJperand I I Name t-------+---------+-----------------------~ I I ~-~-----L-----_---L-----------------------~ 1 Second Assembly 1 ~-------T---------T-----------------------~ 1 I REPRO I ! I I PHASE ITHIRD,L,0,CSECT2 I I CSECT3 I START 10 IPHASE3 IBASR ] USI NG 112,0 I * ,12 I I I 1 I I I lEND L _______ ~ _________ 1 i I I 1 I l IPHASE3 L-----------------------J ; ~PHASE IPRUGR1,A,4U:;6 1 4096 IBEGIN 1 • I I I . t • IEXITH IFETCtI I I I i I . I ! I I I 1* 1 IEXITl To code a phase with subphases apply the following rules: • • If your program must be processed by the Linkage Editor program before it can be cataloged t the head phase and the subphases must be contained in one control section. A REPRO instruction followed by a PHASE statement is required only for the head .68 1*.1,2,3 I . ILTORG IXFR BEGIN BEGIN+4098 ORG ISUBPHl I CODING OF A PHASE WITH SUBPHASES I REPRJ I STARr I USING i I I 1 I 1* I FETCH LTORG XFR SUBPHl ORG BEGIN+4098 ISUBPH2 I IEXIT2 I I FETCH I . I I 1SUBPH2 lI _______ LI END _________ L _______________________ j1 In the following example a Linkage Editor run is required before the phase can be cataloged. r-------T----------T----------------------, • the load address of the phase or s~b phase is specified in the operand of the LOAD instruction, • after loading the phase or subphase, control is given to the next sequential instruction. IName IOperation IOperand I ~-------+----------+----------------------~ , I REPRO I I I PHASE I PROGR1, S, 0 I I START 10 I BEGIN IBASR 111,0 I IUSING ~*,11,12 I ILH 112~=Y(BEGIN+X·1002·) An example illustrating tbe use of the LOAD macro to load a phase (without s~b phases) is given below. It is assuned that no Linkage Editor run is required. I I First assembly: !EXITH 1 I I . I . I FETCH I • I . I I ILTOR3 I REPRO I I~CTION I I* I I I r-------r---------r-----------------------, I I I IXFR I I IDUP I BEGIN I I \ORG I SUBPH1 I • tName I Operation I Operand I .-------+---------+-----------------------~ I REPRO t I IROOT.A,4096 I I PHASE I STARr 14096 I IUSIN3 1*,1,2 I ROOTPH I . I I IBEGIN+X'1002- 1 • I LOAD I IMODOLE,YMOD I I CONT I. I I I YMOD I . I. I • I I ~ I I . I 'FETCH I t I • ~ • I I I ILTOR3 IXFR I REPRO SUBPH1 j I~CTION NODUP Second Assembly: 1* 1 BEGIN+X'1002' I Name SUBPH2 .-------+---------+-----------------------~ I I REPRO I I 1 I PHASE I MODULE, A, 0 I I I STARr 10 I I I • I I I I • I I Il _______ LlEND _________ I _______________________ JI I IORG I SUBPH2 I • I I I I . ILTORG I END l_______ L__ ~-------L---------------------- I I I l _______ LlEND ______ - __ LI _______________________ JI r-------T---------T-----------------------, I Operation I Operand I ~ Overlay Using the LOAD Macro You can use the same technique with the LOAD macro as with the FETCH macro. The LO~D macro is used to load selfrelocatable phases or subphases; it differs from the FETCH macro in the following two points: When the program comes to the instruction LOAD, it loads the phase naned MODULE (see second assembly) to the address of YMOD. After the phase MODULE has been loaded, the program continues with the instruction named CONr. Planned Overlay Structure .69 Macro Instructions The Assembler includes a macro, feature that can be used to reduce the amount of repetitive coding required for general~ frequently used routines. For example, the routines for transferring records from magnetic tape to main storage, checking for acc~racy. and deblocking to obtain a single record for processing are used for any logical input file on tape. Such routines involve many instructions that can be written once and. with modification, may be used repeatedly in any number of programs. The macro feature is composed of two basic ~arts: 2. a macro library of pre-written flexible routines called ~~cro definitions. A direct relationship exists between thesE' two parts, i,. e., a single macro instruction written in the source program is replaced, in the object program, by a routine taken from the macro library. The macro definition contained in the macro library consists of a series of instructions. Thus, many instructions are a5s~mbled for one macro instruction. The same operation code is used in the macro instruction as in the macro definition. Therefore, the proper routine to be included in the object program is found by matching of operation codes. r-----------------------l I&NAM ADD &Sl,&S2,&SUM IProt~type ! I The macro instruction in the source pr n gram specifies the values of the symbolic parameters (commonly called EE~~m~~~2) that are to be substituted in the macro definition when it is assembled. An example of this is: 70 11 ibrary I 1 IA ADD RATl,RAT2,TRArIExample of a i jcorresponding IL _______________________ J! macro instruction The example illustrates the prat~type statement of an addition routine that could be used by any program to add any tw~ terms and store the sum in a sPecifiej location. Program ~ might use the macro instruction to add RATl to RAT2 and store the result in a field named TRAr. The parameters applicable t~ the specific job are specified in the macro instruction. The parameters are substituted f~r the symbolic parameters in the prot~type statement when the macro routine is assembled. The parameters are also substituted in all the statements that fallow the prototype statement to actually perform the addition. The statements fall~wing the prototype statement are called model 2~at~~~ts. ----For the above addition example, the COID= plete macro definition routine night be: r-----------------------, I MACRO I Header statement I &NA~ ADD &21, &2'£, &§.~~! Prototype Rtat em. I&~ 1 I As the instructions of a macro definition are assembled. they can be 'tailored to fit the earticular problem program by a substitution process. The first statement of a macro definition (following the ~~~2 head~~l is the ~Q~:!:ye~_2:!;~ te~!!:!::.. It defines the format of the macro instruction and contains various symbolic operands (called ~ymbolic P~~~~~~~21 for which values may be substituted when the macro definition is used by a specific program. state- ! ment in macro LH AH STH 13,&Sl 13,&S2 l3,&gUM I Model statement I Model statement I Model statement IL_______________________ ME~D JI Trailer statement The & character preceding the symbolic name is part of the macro-language syntax as explained in the following sections. IBM provides a number of pre-written macro definitions and specifies the macro instructions you can use to call these routines from the library. You can write your own macro definitions and store them in the macro library. There are two groups of IBM-supplied macro definitions: • IOCS macro definitions e Monitor macro definitions MACRO-INSTRUCTION FORMAT The format of a macro instruction in a source-language statement must correspond to the format of the prototype statement in the macro definition. Therefore~ the format of the prototype statement determines the form in which the macro instruction must be written in the source program. The name field in the macro instruction may contain a name if the name field of the prototype statement contains a symbolic parameter. The operation field in the macro instruction must contain exactly the same mnemonic operation code as the prototype statement, e.g., ADD. This may be any alphameric code with a maximum of. five characters. the first of which must be alphabetic. The operands in the operand field of a macro instruction must be written in the same format as the symbolic parameters in the operand field of the prototype state~ mente Either the positional format or the keyword format may be used. POSITIONAL MACRO INSTRUCTIONS The operation field of a macro instruction contains the same operation code that appears in the operation field of the corresponding prototype statement. The placement and order of the operands in a positional macro in~truction is determined by the placement and order of the symbolic parameters in the operand field of the prototype statement. Any combination of up to eight characters may be used as a macro instruction operand if the following rules are observed: 1. Apostrophes must always occur in pairs. 2. Two apostrophes must be used to represent one apostrophe enclosed in paired apostrophes. 3. If an apostrophe is immediately preceded by the letter L, and immediately followed by a letter~ the apostrophe is not considered in determining paired apostrophes. 4. Parentheses must always occur in. pairs, left parenthesis then right parenthesis. 5. Nesting of parentheses is not permitted. 6. A parenthesis that occurs between paired apostrophes is not considered in determining paired parentheses. 7. An equal sign may occur cnly as the first character in an operand or within paired apostrophes. 8. A comma indicates the end of an operand unless placed between paired parentheses or paired apostrophes. 9. A blank indicates the end of the operand field unless placed between paired apostrophes. The format of a positional macro instruction is as follows: r--------T----------T---------------------, I Name IOperation I Operand I .--------+----------+----------------~----i , A sym- IMnemonic I Up to 49 operands, I I bol or loperation I separated by commas, I I blank Icode I in the form I described below Il ________ I __________ I _____________________ JI ~ ~ If the name field of a positional prototype statement contains a symbolic parameter. the name field of a positional macro instruction may either contain a symbol or be blank. If the name field is blank, the symbolic parameter in the ·macro definition is considered to be a null parameter. (Null parameters are described below.) 10. Each group of consecutive anpersands must be of an even number. If the name field of a positional macro definition is blank, the name field of the positional macro instruction should be blank. If an entry is present it will be ignored. The following are examples of valid macro instruction operands: SYMBOL If an entry is made in the name field of a macro instruction, the entry must conform to the format for a symbol, regardless of whether or not it will be used as a symbol by the macro definition. A+2 123 L'WORKAR *X'189A' =H'4096' 0(2,3) Note: All characters are generated. Macro Instructions 71 The following are invalid macro instruction operrtnds, for the reasons stated: r ~>JAME 5A.)8 Apostrophe not preceded by L Single parenthesis not enclosed in apostrophes First comma not enclosed in parentheses or apostrophes Blank does not occur between paired apostrophes More than eight characters t 5,(0,3) (15 B) (TO,F'ROM) If no ~perand tinuation caras as are required. The name field, if useo, must begin in the begin column. The operation field f~llowed by at least one blank must appear on the first card of the statement. The other rules are: 1. If the parameters in the operand field extend up to the end column and column 72 contains a nonblank character~ the parameters may be continued in the continue column of the next card. ~ single parameter may be split between two cards. 2. A blank following a parameter signifies the end of all symbolic parameters. 3. comments may appear after the blank that indicates the end of all parameters, up to and incluaing column 71. is specified for a symbol- ic parameter in the prototype statement J the comma that would have separated it from tne next operand must not be omitted. If the last operand (or operands) are omitted from a macro instruction, the trailing comma is not required. Any symbolic parameter for which a name or operand is not specified in the macro instruction becomes a null parameter. As many continuation cards as are required may be used in a positional macro instruction. The following example shows a macro instruction preceded by its corresponding prototype statement. The third and sixth operands of the macro instruction in this example are qmitted and are therefore considered to be null parameters. r------T---------T------------------------, Operand I I Name IOperationl t------+---------+------------------------~ i IEXMPL I &Aw&B,&C,&D,&E~&F I ~------+---------+------------------------i Il ______ 1_________ EXMPL I ~ ~_- I 17,*+14,~AREA.~FIELD6 ______________________ J If the symbolic parameter that corresponds to a null parameter is used in a model statement, a null character value Ieplaces the symbolic parameter in the generated statement. The result will be ~he same as though the symbolic parameter did not appear in the statement. Unless changed by during assembly, the macro instruction is 1, the end column is 71, and the continue be column 16. an IeTL instruction begin colunn for a assumed to be column assuned to be column column is assumed to This format may be changed by an ICTL instruction, the operand of which may be 25 or 25 J 71.38. If 25 is specifiea~ column 25 is the begin column, and column 71 is the end column. No continuation cards will be recognized. If 25,71,38 is specified, the begin column is column 25, the end column is column 71, and the continue column (for macro instructions only> is column 38. KEYWORD MACRO INSTRUCTIONS For example, the first statement below is a model statement containing the symbolic parameter &C. If the operand that corresponds to &C is omitted from the macro instruction, the second stateroent is generated from the model statement. r------T-----------T----------------------, IName I Operation I Operand I The format of a keyword macro instruction is as follows: r-------T----------T----------------------, I Operationl Operand I I Name .-------+----------+----------------------~ I A sym-I Mnemonic I Up to 49 operands, I I bol orl operation I separated by commas, I I blank I code I in the forn I described below. I _______ LI __________ I ______________________ L JI ~ ~------+-----------+----------------------i I I MVC I TH&C rHIS r, I t------+-----------+----------------------i IL______ I ___________ MVC THwTHIS I LI ______________________ ~ J The positional prototype statement can be written in a format similar to the format used for .other Assembler-language statements. To allow for the inclusion of up to ~9 parameters in the prototvpe stateroent 1 m~cro definition, use as many con- This format provides a direct association between the operands of the macro instruction and those of the c~rresponding prototype statement. The very same parameters used in the prototype statement are specified (without the &) in the macro instruction, where they are equated to the value des ired for the specific job. The parameters of a proto- type statement are called keywords when they appear without the & in a macro instruction followed by an equality sign. 2. A keyword is specified in the operand field of a macro instruction and no value is associated with the keyword. In the following example, the first line shows a prototype statement, the second line the corresponding macro instruction~ 3. No value is associated with a keyword in the operand field of a prototype statement, and the keyword and its associated value are omitted from the operand field of a macro instruction. r------T--~--------T----------------------, I Name I Operation I Operand I t------+-~---------+----------------------~ I I CHECK I &SUM=.&DIFF= I ~------+-----------+-----------~----------~ I ______ I ___________ CHECK I ______________________ DIFF=25" SUM=P1\Y L JI ~ ~ since the association of parameters is performed through the use of keywords, the operands in the macro instruction may appear in any order, arid any parameters that are not needed may be omitted. If an operand is o~itted, the comma that would have separated it from the next operand must not be written. The rules for writing names and opera~ tion codes in keyword macro instructions are the same as. those for positional roacro instructions .• The begin., end, and continue columns for keyword macro instructions are the same as those for positional macro instructions. Each macro instruction operand must consist of a keyword immediately followed by an equal sign and a value. Anything that can be used as an operand in a positional macro instruction may be used as a value in keyword a macro instruction. The keyword part of each macroinstruction operand must correspond to one of the symbolic parameters that appears in the operand field of the prototype statement. ~ keyword corresponds to a symbolic parameter if the characters of the keyword are identical to the characters of the symbolic parameter that follow the arrpersand. Operands of a keyword ma6ro instruction may appear on separate cards. ~ comma must follow every operand except the last" and the continuation column must contain a nonblank charact.er. Comments may be contained on the separate cards that contain individual operands. A symbolic parameter becomes a null parameter if: 1. ~ The following rules are used to replace the symbolic parameters in the no del statements of a keyword macro definition: symbolic parameter appears in the name field of a prototype statement and the name field of the corresponding macro instruction is blank. 1. If a symbolic parameter appears in the name field of a prototype statement and the macro instruction is named, the symbolic parameter in the name field is replaced by the name. 2. The value associ.ated with each parameter in the operand field of the prototype statement becomes the value of the symbolic parameter. 3. The value associated with each keyword specified in an operand of the nacro instruction replaces the value obtained from the prototype statement for the symbolic parameter. The following keyword macro definition (first box), keyword macro instruction (second box), and generated statements (third box) illustrate these rules: r----T-----T------------------------------, I lOper-I I INamelationlOperand I ~----+-----+------------------------------1 I I MACRO I I I&NAMIMOVE I®=12,&ARE~=S~VE,&TO=,&FRO~=1 I&NAMISTH I®, &ARE~ I 1 I LH I ®, &FROM I I I STH 1 ®, &TO I I I LH I ®" &AREA I IMEND I I I ~----+-----+------------------------------~ lHEREIMOVE ITO=FLDA,FROM=FLDE,AREA=THERE I .----+-----+------------------------------~ IHEREISTH 112,THERE I I ILH 112,FLDB I 1 1 ISTH 112,FLDA THERE 1____ 41LH L _____ 4112, ______________________________ J1 Note that the keyword REG was omitted in the macro instruction and the standard value 12 obtained from the prototype statement was used in the generation wherever ® appeared in the model statements. If the entry FROM=FLDB is ouitted from the macro instruction J the second model statement is generated as LH 12, which is an invalid statement to the ~ssembler. Macro Instructions 73 ASSEMBLY OF MACRO INSTRUCTIONS from the macro library in language. At program assembly time~ the macro instruction specifies ~hich definition is to be called from the macro library. The definition is extracted, tailored by the operands in the macro instruction, and inserted in the program~ rhe complete program now consists of both source program statements and tailored model statements In subsequent phases of the assenbly, the entire program is processed to produce the machine-language object pr~gram. Figure 10 illustrates the processing of a macro definition. ASSEMBLER OPERATIONS SOURCE PROGRAM (Before) ~sse~bler SOURCE PROGRAM (After) ( ( i 2------ 2 !>ource Locate Macro library Routine Source Program Statements 15· 16 Macro Instruction ~ 17 ... Program Statements 15----- Perform Indicated Selection and Substitution Merge with Source Program l 16 Macro Instruction } ............... ~Macro Routine Sou~e r~ ~~~::nt~, : I ~ Figure 10. 14 Schematic of Macro Processing . ----- Macro Language The macro language is an eKtension of the System/360 Model 20 Assembler language and is an aid in ~riting an Assembler-language program. Before you can code a macro instruction, the series of statements that the macro instruction represents must be defined in a macro definition. 2. A e~~~2~ye§_~~~~~~~Q~. This statement indicates the various symbolic ~arame ters of a macro definition and the format and the mnemonic operation code to be used in the macro instruction. 3. Model statements and conditional~~semblY=Instr~ction~-and-co~~g~~~_~~~~ tements. Model statements define representations of the statements that will replace the macro instruction in the source program. 2onditionalassembly instructions vary the sequence, number, and type of the statements generated, based on presence, absence or values of the operands given in a particular macro instruction (see A macro definition is composed ~f a header statement, a prototype statement, one or more model statements, and a trailer statement, in this sequence. You may further include conditional-assembly instructions. This section contains a descripti~n ~f the components of a positional macro definition and of the differences between it and a key~ord macro definition. Furthermore, this section also contains an explanation of the model statements, the conditional assembly instructions, and the system variable symbols. Inner macro instructions as special model statements are also described. A sample macro definition and a step by step procedure f~r coding a macro definition is included. you can use one of your own macro definitions you must include it in the macro library of your system. To this end, use the MMAINT (Macro Maintenance) program provided by IBM. Bef~re Positional Macro Definitions To make a macro definition available to many programs place the macro definition in the macro library by means of a Macro Maintenance program (MMAINT). rhe MMAINT program enables you to delete or replace macro definitions in the macro library according to your needs. when writing a macro definition, you cannot use the ICTL instruction to alter the normal format of the macro component statements. In a macro definition, the begin column is column 1, the end column is column 71, and the continue column for the prototype statement or an inner macro instruction is column 16. Each macro definition includes (in the sequence indicated): 1. A header statement. This statement indIcates-the-begInning of a macro definition" Conditional-AssemblY_IQ~~~~£~!~~~)· 4. A trailer statement. It indicates the end-of-a-macro-defInition. MACRO -- HEADER STATEMENT The header statement indicates to the MMAINT (Macro Maintenance program) that a macro definition follows. It must be the first statement in every macro definition. The format of this statement is: r--------T---------T----------------------, I I Name I I ~per- ation I I I I Operand ~--------+---------+----------------------~ Il ________ Blank LI _________ MACRO LI ______________________ Blank or vvmm* JI *vvm~ applies to DPS only. vv is the number of the program version; ~~ is the modification level. The operand, if pLesent, is transferred into the macro directory (last t~o tytes of the corresponding entry) • PROTOTYPE STATEMENT The prototype statement indicates the format and the mnemonic operation code of the positional macro instruction the Assembler is to interpret. It must be the second statement of every macro definition. The format of this statement is: Macro Language 75 r-------T---------r-----------------------, I I :)peri i IName lation Operand I ~-------+---------+-----------------------~ IA sym- IA symbol I Ibolic I IparaI Imeter I Up to 49 symbolic parameters, separated by connas I I ! :nnnpn~;v R....... C" L _ .. __ .-.. ............. I; ()T 1-- i _________ i iblank L _______ ~ i i _______________________ J A symbolic p3rameter is an ampersand (&) followed by one to seven alphabetic and/or '1"'\"rnr\..".-';,.... ~J.UUI'-~...L"-' ,.....h-=:a."....":),...... ... \""'Ol~t.A.L\...A.'- ..... t""\ ...... C' '-..L'-', alphabetic. rhe operation code in the operation field must be unique. It must differ from the operation code of ~ay IBMsupplied macro jefinition, any machine and ~ssembler instruction, and the operation code of any other macro definition you defined yourself. ~ list of the IB~ supplied macro definitions is includej in -I-ht""\..f="'; .."....~+\""J.J.'- ..L...L..L.o.,.J\.,... ,-.+, V..L 'aT'h';,.....h nJ..L...L'-LJ, rn"C"'"+ ~U\A""''- QQgf~~~_rigl~: The operand field may contain up to 49 symbolic paraneters separated by commas. rhese symboli~ par3neters are used in model statenents and re?laced dur.; nrT ...L.L~~ rl'r"\T'lr"\'V'""",,\+-';~""" l::j\..:.,:.l.1C..... .LUl-..L.V'lJ. hT.,. U:J -I-hro. \...L.1C ...... r"""\.'V' ...... ,......r-o ......... ,....."'..:t..;,.....,-. ....... Vi.~C....>.t-'Vl~......l..LlJ.'::1 be alphabetic. operands of the macro instructiJn. You must not use any symbolic parameters that have &SYS as the first four characters. The followin~ sample prototy?e statenent contains three symboli~ p3rameters: one in the name field and two in the ~per~nj field. rhe mnemoni~ operation code is MOVE. Furthermore, symbolic parameters in the form &ALn, &AGn, &BLn, &BGn, &CLn, and &CGn, where n is one to five numeric characters, are not permitted. rhese symbols are reserved for internal use. The following are valid symbolic parameters: &REA.DER &A.23456 &X4#F2 &LOOP2 &N &S4 &AGH &BLC &CG6A. The following are invalid symbolic parameters for the reasons injic3ted: IOAREA &2568 &AREA2456 &BCO&34 &IN AREA &SYSTEM &A.G15 &BG28 &CG215 First character is not an ampersand First character after ampersand is not a lett.er More than seven characters 3fter the 3mpersand contains a special character other than initial & contains an embedded blank contains &SYS as the first four char3cters Is in the form &AGn, where n is numeric Is in the form &BGn, where n is numeric Is in the form &CGn, where n is numeric Name: The symbolic parameter in the nane field is normally used to name the generated statements. It C3n also be used in model statements in the same way as symbolic par3meters defined in the operand field. QEgf~~iQ~: The symbol in the operati~n field is the mnemonic operation code of the macro definition containing the prototype statement. The operation code consists of one to five alphabetic and/or numeric characters, the first of which must be ...,r 1'0 r--------T---------T----------------------, I I :JperI I I Name lation I Operand I t--------t---------+----------------------~ IL________ &N~ME IM:JVE I &T:J,&FRJ~ I i _________ i ______________________ J ro allow for the inclusion of up to 49 symbolic parameters in the prototy?e st3tement of a macro definition, use as n3ny ~~n tinuation cards as needed. The name field, if used, must begin in colunn 1. rhe operation field, preceded and followed by at least one blank, must appear ~n the first card of the statement. rhe other yules are: • If the symbolic parameters in the operand field extend up to the end column, and if column 72 contains a nonblank character, the symbolic par3neters may be continued in column 16 of the next card. A single symbolic parameter may be split between two cards. • A blank following a synbolic paraneter signifies the enj of all symboli~ parameters. • Comments may appear after the b13nk th3t injic3tes the enj of ~ll symbolic parameters, up to and in~ludin~ ~olumn 71. MODEL ST~TEMENrS Model statements are represent3tions ~f ~hp. statements th3t will repl~ce the particular macro instruction in the source pro~ram. A. model st3tement that contains no symbolic parameters or variable symbols will appear in the source program in the S~me format as it appears in the macro definition. If a model statement contains symbolic parameters or variable symbols, the Assembler replaces the symbolic parameters and variable symbols by the value specified in the macro instruction before the model statement is included in the source program. ~ model statement consists of one to four fields (from left to right): name field, operation field, operand field, and comments field. The operation field may contain the operation code of any machine or Assembler instruction except: END, ICrL, ISEQ, LTDRG, PRINr, and sr~Rr. It may also contain another inner macro instruction. The operation field must not contain a symbolic parameter. If REPRO is used as a model statement, the following card is not considered a model statement and therefore ignored by the Macro maintenance program. The operand may consist of variable or non-variable symbols. For model statenent fields, the rules· for paired apostrophes, ampersands, or blanks in macro instruction operands must be followed. A model st~tement of a machine or Assembler instruction must not be continued on an additional card. If the nodel st~te ment is ~ macro instruction (see Inner ~~~~2_~g~~~~~~!2g~~, it may be contincred on as many cards as needed. During generation, each symbolic p~r~ meter in the name or oper~nd field of a model statement is replaced by the ch~r~c ters of the macro instruction that correspond to the symbolic paraneter in the prototype statement. I'he operand field of a generated model statement of a n~chine or ~ssembler instruction can contain 56 characters. If a symbolic parameter or a system variable symbol appears in the connent field of a model statement, it is not replaced by the corresponding characters of the macro instruction. In the following example, the ch~r~cters HERE, FIELDA, and FIELDS of the macro instruction MOVE correspond to the synbolic parameters &NAME, &1'0, and &FRJ~, respectively, of the prototype statement. r--------T----------T---------------------, I Name Symbolic p~r~meters used in a model statement nust be defined in the prototype statement. Symbols used in a model statement must be defined within the macro definition or within the source pro~ran that calls the macro definition from the macro library. In the following example, the symbol is defined outside the macro definition. 8~VE~RE~ The function of this macro definition is to move the contents of one storage area to another area in main stora~e. r-------T------r--------------, I lOper-I 1 I N~me I ationlJperand 1 ~-------+------+--------------~ Header 1 1 M~CRO 1 1 Prototypel &N~ME 1 MOVE l&rO,&FROM 1 Model 1 &NAME 1 8TH 112,SAVEAREA 1 Model I I LH 112, &FROM 1 Model 1 18TH 112, &I'D 1 Model I 1 LH 112,SAVEAREA 1 I'railer 1L _______ LI ______ MEND L1______________ JI Note that each of the symbolic parameters used in the model statements of the preceding example appears in the prototype statement. 10peration I Jperand I ~--------+----------+---------------------~ 1L ________ HERE MOVE I _____________________ FIELDA, FIELDS LI __________ JI ~ If the symbolic paraneter &N~ME ~ppe~rs in the-name or operand field of a model statement, it will be replaced by the characters HERE. Similarly, the symbolic parameters &TJ and &FRJM will be re?l~ced by the char~cters FIELDA ~nd FIELDS, respectively. If the precedin~ macro instrGction were used in a source pro~ran, the followin~ Assembler-Ian~uage st~tements would be generated. r--------T---------T----------------------l I I Name IOperlation I I I I Dperand t--------+---------+----------------------~ ISI'H I 12,S~VE~RE~ I I LH I 12, FIELDB I 12, FIELD~ I 1 I SI'H I 12,S1\VE~RE1\ I ________ LILH L _________ LI ______________________ JI I HERE I You may use the same macro instruction more th~n once in the s~me pro~ram. I'he Assembler uses the same m~cro definition to interpret several occurrences of a macro instruction. The following example illustrates this. ~acro Language 77 r-----T-------T---------------, I I IOperIName lation I I Jperand I t-----t-------t---------------~ Macro Instr. IHERE '~OVE 'FIELD~~FIELDB ! ILH 112,FIELDB I 18TH !12~FIELDA i LH i 12, SAVEf\REf\ r-----+-------+---------------1 IHERE 15TH 112,SAVEAREA I Generated Generated Generated Generated I I i i ~-----+-------t---------------~ Macro Instr.ILABELIMOVE IINTO,OOrOF I t-----+-------t---------------~ Generated ILABELISTH 112,SAVEAREA I ! T U ,.1..'(", Generated I Generated 112,INTO ISTH I Generated I I LH 112, SAVEAREA L _____ _______ _______________ J , ., ') The follo~ing examples illustrate these two points. In tne examples, ~ssume that &PARAM has the value A. Af"tTiAD VU.LVl.' In addition to denoting symbolic parameters, ampersands may appear in a character value or a self-defining value. rw~ ampersands must be usej to represent a single ampersand in a character value or selfdefining value. The first statement in the following example is a model statement; the second statement is the source statement generated from the model statement. r----T-----T-----------------T------------, lNameloper-IOperand I Comments I lationl I I I t----t-----t-----------------t------------~ I&SYMIDC IC'&&SYM IS &SYM' I&SYM IS NAME I t----+-----+-----------------+------------~ IS NAME' IS N~MEIJ LINAMEIDC ____ _____ IC'&SYM _________________ 4I&SYM ____________ ~ When a symbolic parameter, ~ SEr symbol, or a system vari~ble symb~l is followej by a single perioj, the period does not appear in the generatej output. &PARAM. (BC) &PARAYl •• BC A(BC) l.\..B2 ~ ~ I.l..JU 2. &P~R~M.BC ~BC &PARAM.2BC &PARAYl •• 2B BC&PARAM l.\.2BC ~.2B BCA B::.l.\. B2A BC.&P~RAYl B2&PARAM &PARAM.&PARAM ~l.\. &P~RAM&PAR~M A~ &PARAYl •• l.\..~ &P~R~Yl The following macro definitiJn is ~ practical example of the precejing jiscussien. The functi~n of the nacrJ definition is to move the contents of one area in main storage to another area in nain stor~ge. r------T-----T-------------------, ~ I I Name Header I Jper-I ~------+-----t-------------------~ I I MP-,CRO I IMOVE I&NAYlE 18TH I ILH I I STH I ILH I I MEND Prototypel&NA~E M~del The characters represented by a symbolic parameter, SET symbols, system variable symbols, symbols, self-defining values, or character values may be concatenated as desired to produce symbols, self-defining values~ and character values. (For a discussion of SET symbols and system variable symbols see the sections Conditional- ~~~~~Qll_!~~~E~~~!2~~ and-~~~~g~=~~r!~Ql§ ~Y~~21~.) A symbolic parameter, a SEr symbol, or a system variable symbol c~nca tenated with a second symbolic parameter cannot produce a third symbolic parameter. concatenation can be performed in the name fielj and in the operand field, but is not permitted in the operation field. The following two points must be considered. 1. 78 When a symbolic parameter: a SEr symbol, or a system variable symb~l is followed by an open parenthesis, a perioj, an alphabetic character, ~r a numeric character, a period must separate i t from the character that follows. Model M~del Model Trailer Macro I I lationlJperand I I&PRE,&SAV,®,&NDXI I®,&Sl.\.V.&NJX I I®,&PRE+8 I I ®, &PRE. A I I®, &SAV&NDX I i I ~------+-----+-------------------~ IHERE I~OVE IFIELD,l.\.RE~,12, 4 I ~------+-----+-------------------~ Gener~tejlHERE 18TH 112,~REA4 I Generatejl ILH 112,FIELJ+8 I Generatejl 18TH I 12,FIELDl.\. I GeneratejlL ______ LILH _____ 4112,~REl.\.4 ___________________ JI Note that the first and fourth model statements have identical oper~nds, except for the period between the two symbolic parameters in the operand field of the first mojel statement. The period is necessary in the third nodel st3tenent to distinguish between the symbolic parameter &PRE and the symbol~. The peri~d is unnecessary (but may be used) in the second model statement to jistin~uish between the symbolic paraneter &PRE and +8. Second tv\acro Definition First tv\acro Definition Th i rd tv\ac ro Definition Header Header Header Prototype statement Prototyp statement Prototype statement tv\acro instruction tv\acro instruction Trailer Trailer Figure 11. Trailer Schematic Representation of Nested Macro Instructions required. A third-level nacr~ definiti~n cannot c~ntain a macro instruction. ~ macro definition may contain another macro instruction as a model statenent. The containing macro instruction is called an outer macro instruction. rhe c~ntained macro-InstructIon-Is-called an i~~~~_~~£!Q i!:!~!!:~£!iQ~· The outer and inner macro instructions may be of the same or of different types. That is, both the inner and the outer macro instructions may be positional, they may both be keyword, or one may be positional and the other keyword. when a macro definition contains a macro instruction, the macro instruction is said to be nested. The maximum depth 6f nesting is three. ~ macro definition (first level) may contain an inner macro instruction (second level). The definition of this inner macro instruction (second level) may again contain a macro instruction (third level). Symbolic parameters that are part of the prototype statement, SEr symbols, and system variable symbols may be used in an inner macro instruction. Each symbolic parameter, SEr symb~l, or systen variable symbol is replaced by its value bef~re the inner macro instructi~n is generated. For example, the following macro definition is contained in the nacr~ library. r------T----------T-----------------------l , ,oper-, , 'Name ,ation 'Operand , ~------+----------+-----------------------~ , ,MACRO, , , , ADD , &N1,&N2,&N3,&RE3,&~RE~' , , LH , ®, & Nl I , I AH I ®,&N2 I , , A.H I ®, &N3 I , I STH I ®, &A.REA. I , I MEND I I L______ L __________ L _______________________ J Figure 11 shows a schematic representation of nested macro instructions. The first-level macro definition can contain as many second-level macro instructions as are required. ~ second-level level macro definition can contain as many third-level macro instructions as are The precedin] A.DD macro definition is used as an inner macr~ instructiJn in the COMP macro definition shown below. rhe macro instruction causing the generation of the model statements is given i~ the niddle box. The generated statements are in the third bOK. ~acrJ Language 79 r----T------T-----------------------------, I lOper-I INamel ation!Operand I ! ~----+------+-----------------------------~ I MACROI I I COMP I&AREA,&Rl,&R2.&Vl,&V2,&V3,&NAI I SR I CH i I I &NA i I &Rl, &R2 I&Rl,&AREA i BNE i&NA.. I ADD I&Vl,&V2,&V3,12,&AREA I AH I &Rl, &AREA I MEND I I I I ~----+------+-----------------------------~ 1 I COMP ICHECK,lO,ll,X,Y,Z,CHNG I ~----t------+-----------------------------~ I 1 SR 110,11 I I CH 110,CHECK 1 I BNE 1CHNG I I ADD IX~Y,Z,12,CHECK I 1 LH 112, X \ I AH \12. Y AH i12~Z 1 1 STH 112,CHECK jCHNGI AH 110,CHECK L ____ ______ ____________________________ _ i i ~ ~ CONDITIONAL-ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS rhe information given in the preceding sections of this publication is sufficient to write a relatively simple macro definition. For each macro definition, the same sequence of statements is generated each time the nacro jefinition is callej by a macro instruction, except that the specific values and symbols in each statement may be different. Frequently, it is 1esirable to vary the sequence, number, and type of instructions generated, based on the presence, absence, or values of the operands given in a particular macro instruction. Thus, the statements generated for two macro instructions calling the same macro definition night differ. while the functions performed by the statements are basically the same. ~o permit the writing of a more complex macro definition capable of producing a tailorej set of generated statements based on the content of the macro instruction operands, two categories of special instructions are provided, the SET instructions and the conditional instructions. The conditional-assembly instructions are: SETA, SETB, SErc, AGO, AGOB, AIF, AIFB, ANOP. MEXIT, and MNOTE. definitions give you a high degree of flexibility in the application of macro definitions. For. bv usino the sane svnbol in the name fielj" of~a SETJinstruction: you may assign it a new value and thus 31ter the value of the operand in the nodel statement. The results of the operations perfornej by the SET instructions are contained, Juring the generation of macro definitions, in a series of specially provided areas in main storage referred to by SET variable symbolse SET variable syTIb~ls can be use~ in model statements, SET instructions, anj conditional instructions. The A30 (Assembler GO) and AG~B (Assembler G~ Back) instructions are SlUllar to an unconditional branch instruction. They are used to indicate, by neans of a sequence symbol, the next statement to be processed bv the ~ssembler. (Se~uence svmbOls are jescribej in jetail unjer ~~1~~~~~ ~Y~2Ql~) • The ~IF (Assemble IF) anj ~IFB (~ssemble IF Back) instructions are similar tJ ~ conditional branch instruction. They are used to indicate, by means of the lJgical value obtained from the operand and a seq~ence symbol, the next state~ent to be prJcessej by the Assembler if the condition is TRUE. The ANOP (~ssemble N~ ~peratiJn) instruction is used with the ~G~,'AG~B, AIF, and AIFB instructions if a se1uence symbol cannot be used as the name of the next statement to be branched tJ. The MEXIT (Macro EXIT) instructiJn is used to indicate to the macro 3enerator that it is to terninate processing of a macro definition. The MNOTE (Macro NOTE) instruction is used to generate nessages in the output listing. The functions of the SET instructions and the AGO, AG~B, ~IF, and AI~B instructions are interrelatej because the generated output is generally tailJrej by the use of AGO, AGOB, ~IF, and ~IFB instructions based on the results obtainej from the values of SET instructions. While numerous examples of SET instructions are given in the section that expl~in the SET~, SETB. anj SETC instructions, their use is sho~n in the sections describing the remaining conditional-assembly instructions. The Set instructions SETA, SETC, and SETB perform arithmetic calculation, character manipulation, and set binary switches on the basis of logical and relational expressions. The use of SET variable symbols in the operand field of model statements of macro 80 SET VARIABLE SYMBOLS The labels or symbols used in the name field of SET instructions are referred as SET variable symbols or SEr symbols. t~ The three types and formats of SET variable symbols are: ~Y!!!Q21 • • • SETA SETB SETC FOf!!}§!;!: &AGn or &ALn &BG!! or &BLn &CG!! When macro instructions are nested, local SETA and SETB symbols defined in the outer macro instruction are reset to zero immediately before the inner macro instruction is processed. After the inner nac~o instruction has been processed, the local variable symbols are reset to the values that were definej in the outer nacro instruction. The n stanjs for an arithmetic value as described in the subsequent sections. SET symbols may be usej with the following restrictions: Three SET instructions are used to assign arithmetic, character, and logical values to SET symbols. The SETA instruction assigns an arithmetic value to a SETA symbol. The SETC instruction assigns a character value to a SETe symbol. A SErB instruction assigns a binary (or logical) value, TRUE (1) or FALSE (0), to a SETB symbol. • rhey can only be used in the na~e or operand field of model statenents or conditional-assembly instructions. • They must not be used to generate a new sequence symbol, a SET symbol, a symbolic parameter, or a system variable symbol. • The SErc symbOl nay be used in the operand field of a SETA statement only if the character strin~ is composed of from one to five decimal digits. You should assign each SET symbol a specific value before the variable symbol is used in the operand field of a macro component. If you do not as~i~n a value~ the following assumed values are used. • SETA symbols (arithmetic values) have an initial value of zero. • SETe symbols 15 Grouping by use of parentheses is not pernitted The followin~ procedure is used to evaluate the arithmetic expression in the operand field of a SETA instruction. 82 jecimal numerical r-------T-----------T---------------------l Division by zero results in a value of zero. In division, only the integer portion of the quotient is retained. For example, 97 divided by 25 ~ives the result of 3. The fractional portion of the ~uo tient is dropped. 27 &A33+4 ~iven LH I 12,S~VE~REA I MEND I I ~-------+-----------+---------------------~ ,HERE I MOVE I FIELD~,FIELDB , ~-------+-----------+---------------------i IHERE I SrH , 12,SAVEAREA I I I LH I 12, FIELDB2 I I I STH I 12, FIELDl\.12 I ,l _______ L, ___________ LH 12, SAVEAREA L, _____________________ JI If you have assigned an arithmetic v3lue to a SErA symbol, you may change the assigned value by using the SErA synbol in the name field of another SETA instruction. If a SETA symbol has been used in the n~me field of more than one SEr~ statenent, 3nj the SErA symbol is usej in the name or operand field of another :nodel stateneut, the value substituted for the SErA symbol is the last value assigned to it. The eKample beloN illustrates this rule. The function of this macro definition is the same as tha~ of the above example. The boxes contain again, respectively, the macro definition, macro instruction, and generated statements. r-------T---------T-----------------------, , ,OperI I IName I ation I ~perand I ~-------+---------+-----------------------~ I I MACRO , , I&N~ME ,MOVE I &rO,&FROM , I&AL8 'SET~ I 5 I '&N~ME ,STH '12,S~VE~RE~ , '12~&FROM&AL8 , I , LH '&AL8 I SET~ I &~L8+3 , 1 , STH '12~&TO&AL8 , I , LH I 12.S~VE~RE~ , I I MEND , , ~-------t---------+-----------------------i IHERE I MOVE I FIELDA,FIELDB , ~-------+---------+-----------------------~ I HERE I STH I 12,S~VEAREA , I I LH I 12, FIELDB5 , , , STH I 12., FIELD~8 , LH I _______________________ 12,S~VEARE~ l, _______ L, _________ J, ~ The follo~ing statenent assigns the character value AB%4 to the SET symbol &CG5: r-------r---------T-----------------------, I ,oper-, , 'Name I ation 'Operand , r-------+---------+-----------------------~ ,l _______ &CG5 ' AB%1.l ' L,SE'rC _________ I _______________________ J, ~ More than one character value may be concatenated into a single character value by placing a period between the terminating apostrophe of one character value and the opening apostrophe of the next character value. Either of the following statements may be used to assign the character value 2 AND 3 to the SErc symbol &CGll.l: r-------T---------T-----------------------, , ,Oper-, , 'Name ,ation '~perand , ~-------+---------+-----------------------1 ,&CG14 ,SETC , '2 AND 3' , ,&CG14 '2'.' AND 3' l _______ ,SErC _________ , ______ ________________ JI ~ SETC -- SET ~ ~ CH~RACTER The SETC instruction may be used to assign a character value to a SETC symbol. Each global character value can vary from 0 to 8 bytes in size. Each character value is initially a null character value of zero bytes in length. You may change the character value assigned to a SETC sy~bol by using another SErc instruction ~ith the same variable symbol in the name field. The format of this instruction is: r-------T---------r-----------------------, ,Oper-, , I I ation , Operand I ,Name ~-------t---------+-----------------------~ IA SETC I SETC I Up to8 characters I ,symbol I ,enclosed by a pair , of apostrophes lI _______ I _________ LI _______________________ J, ~ SETC symbols in the name field are always global. They have the form &CGg, where Q. = 0-15. You may use SETC symbols in the operand field or name field of model statements. The value of the characters in the operand field is assigned to the SETC symbol in the name field. rhe characters in the operand field may consist of a string of characters, a SET symbol, symbolic parameters, system variable symbols, or any concatenation of the preceding values, enclosed ~ithin a pair of apostrophes. Length attributes cannot be substituted by the implicit length of the symbol. Two apostrophes must be used to represent one apostrophe that is part of a character value enclosed in apostrophes. The following statement assigns the character value L'SYMBOL to the SETC synbol &CGll if &PARAM is substituted by SYMBOL: r------T-------T--------------------------, , I I , ~per- ,Name ,ation, Operand , t------+-------+--------------------------~ ,&CGll SErc I _________________ 'L" &PAR~M' l ______ I _______ ________ J, ~ ~ ~ Two ampersands must be used to represent one ampersand that is not part of a variable symbol. Both ampersands becone part of the character value assigned to the SETC symbol. rhey are ~~~ replaced by a single ampersand. rhe following statement assigns the character value HALF&& to the SErc symbol &CG4: r------T-------T--------------------------, I Oper- , I , 'Name , ation , Jperand , r------+-------+--------------------------~ ,&CGI.l 'HALF&&' , l ______ L,SErC _______ L, __________________________ J SET symbols, symbolic parameters, and system variable symbols may be concatenated with other characters in the operand field of a SErc instruction according to the general rules for concatenation. ~acro Language 83 If &CG12 is assigned the character value AB%4, the following statement may be used to assign the character value AB%4RST to the SETC symbol &CG13: operand field of another model statement, the value substituted for the SETC symbol is the last value assigned to it. r-------T---------r-----------------------l I JperI I rhe following example rule: I I Name lation I Jperand ! ~-------+---------~---------~-------~~~-==~ j&CG13 L _______ jSETC _________ ~ i ~ '&CG12.RST' _______________________ JI If &C312 has been assigned the character value AB%4. the following statement may be used to assign the character value RSrAB%4 to the SErc symbol &CG10: r-------T---------T-----------------------l I JperI I I I Name lation I Operand I }=====--+---------+-----------------------i I &CG10 I SETC I 'RST&CG12' i L_______ _________ _______________________ J ~ ~ The character value that has been assigned to a SETC symbol is substituted for the SErc symbol when it is used in the name field or' operand field of model statements. For example, consider the nacro definition, macro instruction. and generated statements (shown in the boxes in this order) below. The function of this macro definition is to move the contents of one storage area to another area in main storage. The symbol SAVEAREA is defined outside the macro definition. illust~ates this r-------T----------T----------------------, I IOperI I IName lation I Jperand I ~-------+----------+----------------------i I I MACRJ I I I&NAME I MOVE I &TO,&FRO~ I I &CG8 I SErc I ' FIELD' I I STH I 12, SAVEAREA I I &NAME I I LH I 12, &CG8&FRO~ I I &CG8 I SErc I ' AREA' I I ISTH I 12,&:G8&rJ I I ILH I 12,SAVEAREA I i I MEND I I ~-------+----------+-----~----------------~ IHERE I MOVE I A~B I ~-------+----------+----------------------~ IHERE ISTH I 12,SAVEAREA I I ILH I 12,FIELDB I I I STH I 12 , AREAA I Il _______ ILH 12,SAVEAREA __________ LI ______________________ J! ~ If a SETA symbol is used in the operand field of a SErc instruction, it is replaced by the value of the SErA symbol converted to a decimal self-defining value with any leading zeros jropped. A SEr: symbol may be usej in the operand field of SETA, SErB, SErc, AIF, and AIFB instructions. r----~-=T=---------T----------------------l I I Name I Jper- I I lation I Operand I t-------+----------+----------------------~ I I ~ACR:) I I I&NAME I MOVE I &rO,&FROM I I&CG4 ISETC I 'FIELD' I I&NAME 18TH I 12,SAVEAREA I I I LH I 12, &CG4&FROM I 12, &CG4&TO I I I STH I I I LH I 12, SAVEAREA l I I~END I I t-------+----------+----------------------~ I HERE I MOVE I A,B I ~-------t----------+----------------------~ IHERE ISTH ,12,SAVEAREA I I I LH I 12, FIELDB I 12,FIELDA I I ISTH I LH 12" SAVEAREA I _______ I ______ L - ___ I ______________________ JI ~ ~ If you have assigned a character value to a SETC symbol, you may change the value assigned by using the SErc symbol in the name field of another SErc instruction. If a SETC symbol has been used in the name field of more than one SErc instruction and the SETe symbol is used in the name or 84 ~~f!ll!gg_~~~~!Eigl~~i£~_~ET£_Ill~£E~£~iQll~· A substring consists of a character valQe enclosed in apostrophes, immejiately follo~ed by two arithmetic terns separ2ted by a comma and enclosed in parentheses. The character value assigned to a SEr symbol in a SErc instruction can be a SQbstring. Substrings permit you to assign, to a SETC symbol, part of the value assigned to another SEr symbol, a symbolic parameter, a self-defining char2cte~ string, or any valid combination of the precejing values. The arithmetic terms may consist of SETA symbols and self-defining decimal valQes with any leading zeros dropped. The first term indicates the first character in the substring~ the second term the number of characters in the substring. A character string fron which a substring is extracted may contain up to 16 characters. The resulting substring that can be assigned to a SETC symbol n2y contain up to eight ch~racter8. The following are examples of valid substring definitions in operand fields of SETC instructions: r------r-----------T----------------------, I~ame I Operation I Operand I ~------+-----------+----------------------~ &CGO LI SErc I______________________ ' &CG6' .' &CG8' (2,3) JI lI ______ ___________ L '&CG6' (2,3) ·&CG10.XYZ'(4,&~G8) ·XYZ&CG10' (&~L4,6) '&CG1.XYZ&~G2'(4,7) I &PA.RA.M' (3,,2) The following is not permitted in the operand field of a SETC instruction: , & CG 2' (4, 6) Blank between character value and arithmetic terms. ~nly one arithmetic term. '&CG15' (8) A.rithmetic terms not '&CG4' (5 6) separated by a comma. ~rithmetic terms not enc'CG5' 3.,4 losed in parentheses. '&CG5' (&C34,2) First term not arithmetic. The following example illustrates the use of substrings. rh~ macro instruction (HERE M~VE FIELDA.,B) assigns the character value FIELD~ to the symbol &ro. The SETC instruction assigns the value FIELD to the symbol &CG6. rhe &CG6 symbol is used in the LH ~odel statement and is replaced in the generated statement by the value assigned to it. r-------~----------T----------------------, IName IOperation I Operand I ~-------+----------+----------------------~ I IMA.CRO I I \&NAME I MOVE I &TO,&FROM I I&CG6 ISETC I '&ro' (1,5) I I&NAME ISTH I 12,SA.VEA.REA. I I ILH I 12,&CG6&FROM I I ISTH I 12,&rO I I ILH I 12,S~VEA.RE~ I I I~END I I ~-------+----------+----------------------~ IHERE I MOVE I FIELDA.,B I ~-------+----------+----------------------~ lHERE ISTH I 12,SA.VEAREA. I I ILH I 12,FIELDB I IsrH I 12,FIELD~ I I 12, SAVEAREA. lI _______ LI LH __________ I ______________________ JI ~ Substrings may be concatenated with other character values in the operand field of a SETC statement. If a substring follows a character value that is not a substring, the tHO may be concatenated by placing a period between the first character value and the substring. For example, if &CG6 is assigned the character value A.B%4, and &CG8 is assigned the character value ABCDEF# the following statement assigns &CGO the character value A.B%4BCD. If a substring precedes another character value, the tNO may be concatenated by placing the terminating parentheses of the substring and the opening apostrophe of the next character value adjacent to one another. If &C32 is assigned the character value A.B%4, and &CG3 is assigned the character value 5RS, anyone of the folloNing statements may be used to assign &CG4 the character value A.B%45RS. r------r--------r-------------------------, I I Oper- I I IName I ation I operand I t------+--------t-------------------------~ I &CG4 I&C34 I &CG4 I&CG4 I&CG4 I I I I I SETC SETC SETC SETC SETC I '&CG2 &C33' I '&CG2'.'&CG3' I '&CG2. &CG3' I '&CG2'(1,4)'&~33' t '&CG2'(1,4)'&CG3'(1,3) l ______ L ________ L ____________ I I I I I ~------------J If &C32 contained A.B%4XY and &CG3 contained 5RSTU, only the last instructi~n ~f the preceding example would produce the desired result of AB%45RS. The first f~ur instructions Nould be in error because the result exceeds eight characters. Assume &CGl is assigned the character value ABCDE, &CG2 has been assigned the character value FGHIJKPQ" and &CG3 is assigned the character value LMNO. The following SETC instruction can be used to assign &CG4 the character value DEXYZFG~. r----T----~T------------------------------l 1 lOper-I I I I~amelationloperand ~----+-----+------------------------------~ '&CG1.XYZ&C32' (4,7)'&C33'(2,1) JI lI&CG4 ____ LISErc _____ LI ______________________________ The preceding example also illustrates how a character string fr~n which a substring is extracted can contain up to 16 characters: r &CG1. XYZ &CG2! becomes 'A.BCDEXYZFGHIJKPQ' before the substring DEXYZF3 is extracted. SETB -- SET BINA.RY The SETB instruction assigns the value one (rRUE) or zero (FALSE) to a SEra symbol. The initial value is zero. Y~u nay change the value assigned to a SETB symbol by using another SErB instruction. rhe format of this instruction is: ~acro Language 85 r----------T---------T--------------------l I Oper- I I I IName i atlon • A logical express10n may begin Nith the operator NOT. It must not b2gin with the operators ~ND or OR. • The logical operators nust be seoaratej by one blank from the terms they-relate. • The entire logical expression nust be enclosed within parenthesese i jOperand ~----------+---------+--------------------1 IA SETB I SETB IA logical expression I I symbol I I I I I lor a relational I lexpression enclosed I lin oarentheses I l _____ =====i======= __ i===:==_==== ____ =====j You may use SETB symbols in the operand field or name field of model statements. The SErB symbol can be either local or global. For DPS there are 256 different global and 256 different local SErB symbols. For TPS there are 256 different global and 128 different local SETB symbols. A global SETB symbol has the forn where n = 0-255. &B3~, A local SErB symbol has the forn &BLn, where ~ = 0-255 for DPS and ~ = 0-127 f;r rps. The logical or relational expression in the operand field is evaluated to deter nine whether it is true or false, and the value one or zero, respectively, is assigned to the SETB symbol in the name field. ~ lQgi£~1_~~2~~§§i2~ may consist of a single term, or of two terms separated by a logical operator. If a logical expression consists of a single term, the term may be zero, one, or a SETB symbol. If a logical expression consists of two terms. each term must be a SETB symbol. The lQgb£~1_Q2~r~iQr~ are AND, OR, and NOT. The logical operator NOT may only be used to negate a SErB symbol. A two-term logical expression is evaluated according to the following rules of Boolean logic: • X AND Y is equivalent to X * Y, i.e., 0*0 = O~ 0*1 = 0, 1*0 O~ and 1*1 = 1. • X OR Y is equivalent to X + Y, i.e., 0+0 0, 0+1 = 1, 1+0 1. and 1+1 = 1. • Nor X is equivalent to 1 - X, i.e., i - O l a n d 1-1 = O. = The following rules must be observed: co~tai~ • A logical expression must not two terms in succession. • A logical exoression may contain two operators in~succession~but only in the combination ~ND Nor and OR NOT. 86 The followinJ are examples of logical expressions that nay be used as the operanj of a SETB instruction: (NOT &B39) (&BG8) (1) (&BG13 AND &BL4) (&BG8 AND NJr &BL6i (NOr &BL22 AND &BG22) (NOr &BL24 AND Nor &BL25) (&B312 OR &BL10) (&BG25 OR Nor &BL25) (NOT &B810 OR &B316) (NOT &BGO JR NJT &B31) The following is not pernitted as the operand field of a SETB instruction, for the reasons stated: &B88 Not enclosed in parentheses. (&BG6 &BL8) rwo terms in succession. (&BG10 AND JR &BG12) Two operators in succession; seconj one is OR. (&BL10 NOr Nor &BL18) rwo operators in succession; first one is Nor. (NOr 1) Negated tern is not a SErB symbol. (AND &BG2 OR &BG3) Expression begins with an operator other than Nor. (&AGl AND &AG3) Not SETB variable symbols. ~ relational expression is eithpr nn arithmetic-relatio~-or-a-character relation. An arithmetic relation consists of tHO arithmetIc-expressI;ns-connected by a relational operator. ~n arithmetic expression can be a SETA symbol, a SETe symbol, Or any valid operand of a SET~ instruction. If a SETe symbol is used in an arithmetic relation, the SET2 symbol nust represent an arithmetic value. rhe arithmetic relation is enclosed within oarentheses. A character relation consists of two charact~r-valu~s-connected by a relational operator. In a character relation. each character value must be enclosed by apostrophes. ~ character value can be a SErA syrrbol. a SETC symbol~ or any valid operand of a SEre instruction, except substrings. If a SETA symbol is used in a character relation. the SETA symbol is treated as a character value. The maximum length of any character value used in a character relation is eight. If two character values in a character relation are of unequal length, the longer value is always considered greater, regardless of the content of the two values. The character relation is enclosed within parentheses. EQ NE LT GT LE GE (equal>. (not equal>, (less than), (greater than), (less than or equal to). (greater than or equal to). A relational expression ~ust not contain two values in succession. ~ relational expression must not contain two operators in succession. The ~elational operators must be separated from the values they relate by one blank. Relational operators and logical operators must not appear in the same SErB instruction. The following are examples of valid operand fields of SETB instructions with a relational operator: ('FIELD' NE '&CG4') (12 EQ &~L4) (&AL10 GT &A.G6) ('&CG8' Lr '&CG4') (' &CG5.X9' E~ '&CG2') (&AL9+&AL4*7 Lr 16*&AG1+4) (&BG4 EQ 1) The following is not pernitted in the operand field of a SErB instruction, for the reasons stated: &BG8 (&BG6 &BL8) (&BG10 GT EQ &B316) (LE &BL20 EQ &BL21) (&~G3 EQ '&AG4') Not enclosed in parentheses. Two terms in succession. rwo operators in succession. Expression begins with an operator. Arithmetic value equated to character value. The logical value tnat has been assigned to a SETB symbol is substituted for the SETB symbol when it is used in the operand field of a SETB, AIF~ or AIFB instruction. (A. detailed description of the ~IF and ~IFB instructions is given in the sections AIF -- Conditional Branch and AIFB-- Condr=~!on~!~ranch_Ba£kwar~.) If the-SETB-symbol is used in any other ~ssembler-Ianguage statement, the logical value is converted to an integer. The logical value TRUE is converted to the integer one, and the logical value FALSE is converted t~ the integer zero. If you have assigned a logical value to a SETB symbol, you may change the value assigned by using the SETB synb~l in the name field of another SETB statement. If a SETB symbol has been used in the name field of more than one SETB statenent, and the SETBsymbol is used in the name or operand field of another nodel statement, the value substituted for the SETB symbol is the last value assigned to it. The following example illustrates this rule. '&T~' 3T '~AAAA~' has the logical value TRUE because FIELDA has a greater binary value than A~A~~~. The function of this macro definition is to move the contents of one storage area to another area in main storage. rhe boxes contain respectively, the macr~ definition, macro instruction, and generate5 statements. r-------T----------T----------------------, I Name IOperation I Operand I ~-------+----------+--------------------~-~ I I MACR:> I I I MOVE I &TO,,&FR~~ I I & NAME I&BG8 \SETB I ('&T:>' 3T I~~~~~~') I I&N~ME ISTH I 12,SAVEAREA I I I LH I 12, &FR~M&B38 I I &B38 I SETB I (NOr &BG8) I I I STH I 12, &TO&B38 I I LH I 12 r SA. VE~REA. I I I JMEND I I ~-------+----------+----------------------~ I HERE \ MOVE I FIELD~,FIELDB I t-------t----------t--------------~-------~ IHERE ISTH I 12,S~VEARE~ I I I LH I 12, FIELDB1 I I ISTH I 12,FIELDA.O I 12,SAVE~REA lI _______ \LH __________ I ______________________ lI ~ ~ !g~t!~g_fQf_~~ll_~~ra~gt~f~. ~ null parameter is a symbolic parameter defined in a positional prototype statement, but undefined in the macro instruction calling the macro definition. ~acro Langaage 87 The SErB instruction can be used to test for the presence of a null parameter. This is accomplished by placing the symbJlic parameter tJ be tested in the operand field of a SETS instruction and equating it to a null character string. ~ null character string is represented by two apostrophes. If the parameter is present in the calling macro instruction, the result is F~LSE or zero. If the parameter is not present in the calling macro instruction, the result is TRUE Jr:- Joe. r------r---------r-----------i IName 10perationiOperand L ______ i ____ __ ~ ==+= __________ ~ I M~CRO & • • DO;1N ~GO i1 1 V • • • UP LOOP 7,FOOR ! I 14 I .JUT V ANOP ~H • i ~ For example, if the prototype statement ~GO • • • ~GO • • is: &N~ME ~DD &FROM1,&FROM2,&SUM .DOWN and the macro instruction is: FIRST ADD FIELD1"FIELD3 ~hile the result of the SETB I 1 • I ~GOB I I. 3P I 1 I 1 1':1. I" I • I • I·OUT L ______ I~END _________ ~ &B38 SETB ('&FROM2' EQ is TRUE II) V 19,D!\T!\ • I the result of the SErB instruction is F~LSE (0), instructiJn 12 .!\G~IN" =~3~IN1LH I &B310 SETB (f&FROMl f EQ I I V I I ___________ JI ~ If) To ensure proper generation, all sequence symbols used in a macrJ definition must be unique. (1). When the same prototype statement and the same macro instruction are used, the result of the SETB instruction &B310 SETB ('&FROMl l NE I') The following are valid sequence symbols: • READER • LOOP2 • A2345 6 .X:4F2 .!\34 .s~srE~ .3L16 is rRUE (1), instructiJn ~hile the result of the SETB &838 SETB (I&FROM2' NE ") is FALSE (0). rhe followin~ are invalid sequence symbols, for the reasons stated: IOARE~ .2468 SEQUENCE SYMBOLS • ~RE~24S6 Sequence symbols are used in the operand fields of AGO, ~GOB, ~IF, ~IF8 instructions and in the name field of model statements and conditional assembly instructions. They indicate to the Assembler the sequence of source statements to be generated. • IN AREA .TWO.AS ~ sequence symbol consists of a period (.) followed by one to seven alphabetic and/or nuneric characters. The first character must always be alphabetic. The following example illustrates the use of sequence symbols as a "branching address". First character is not a period. First character after period is nJt a alphabetic • ~ore than seven characters after periJd. Contains an enbedded blank • contains a special character other than initial periJd. A sequence symbol may be used in the name field of any statement within a macro definition that dJes not requir:-e a synbJl or:- SEr symbol, except a header Jr a prototype statement. If a sequence synbol appears in the name field of an inner macro instruction in a macro definition and the corres~Jnding prJtJtype statement contains a symbolic parameter in the name field, the se~uence symbJl d~es not replace the symbolic parameter in the model statement. A sequence symbol appearing in the name field of a model statement does not appear in the generate1 statement. AIF -- CONDITIONAL BRANCH The AIF instruction may be used to skip one or more statements in your macro definition. The format of this instructi~n is: r-------r-----r---------------------------l I lOper-I I lName·. lationloperand I ~-------+-----+---------------------------~ IA seIAIF IA logical or relational ex-I Iquence I Ipression enclosed in paren-I Isymbol I Itheses, followed by a seI lor I Iquence symbol defined in a I ~blank statement l _______ I _____ Ifollowing ___________________________ JI ~ ~ Any logical or reiational expression that may be use1 in the operand field of a SETB instruction may also be used in the operand field of an AIF instruction. As in the SETB instruction, the logical or relational expression must be enclosed in parentheses. The sequence symbol in the operand field must immediately follow the closing parenthesis of the logical or relational expression. It must also appear in the name fiel1 of ·a statement iQ~!~!~~g the AIF instruction. The follo~ing are examples of valid contents ~f the operand fields of AIF instructions: (&B312 AND &BL10).LOOP (&AL10 EQ &AG6).LAST The following examples are invalid as the operand field of an AIF instructi~n, for the reasons stated: (&BG8 AND NOT &BG9) .X4F2 (&BG8 AND NOT &BG9) ~~[~ No sequence symbol. No logical or relational expression. Blank between logical expression and sequence symbol. The logical or relational expression in the operand field is evaluated to deternine ~hether it is TRUE or FALSE. If the expression is TRUE, the statement named by the sequence symbol in the operand field is the next statement processed by the Assembler. If the expression is FALSE, the next sequential statement is processed by the Assembler. The following example illustrates the use of the AIF conditional-assenbly instruction. It also illustrates the use of global SET symbols to carry values between macro instructions in the same assembly. The function of this macro definition is to move the contents of one st~rage area to another area in main storage. The first time the macro instruction appears in an assembly, a save area is defined. The generate1 instructions of all additional appearances ~f this nacrJ instruction in an assembly use the save area and the register specifie1 in the first appearance of the macro instruction. The boxes in the example bel~w c~ntain respectively: the macro 1efinition, the first macro instruction, the statements generate1 as a result of the first macro instruction, the second macro it1structi~n, and the statements generated because of it. r-------T-------T-------------------------, I Oper- I I 1 I Name I ation I operand I ~-------+-------+-------------------------~ I I MACRO I I I I MOVE I &TO,&FROM,®,&SAVE I I I AI F I ( &BG1) • 1\ I 1 &B31 I SETB I (1) I I &CGl I SET2 1 '&SAVE' I I &232 I SET2 I ' ®' I I I B I &2G1+2 I It2G1 1 DC I H'O' I I. A I STH I &2G2, &231 I I LH I &CG2, &FROM I I ~ I STH I &2G2,&TJ I I I LH I &2G2, &C31 I I MEND I I I ~-------+-------+-------------------------~ I I MOVE I TAX,DEDU2T,9,wORK1 I ~-------+-------+-------------------------~ I I B I wORK1 + 2 I IWORK1 I DC I H'O' I I I STH I 9,wORK1 I I LH I 9, DEDUCT I I I I STH I 9,TAK I I I LH I 9, WO RK 1 I ~-------+-------t-------------------------~ I I MOVE I FICA,DEDU2T,7,WORK6 I ~-------t-------+-------------------------~ I I STH I 9,wORK1 I I I LH I 9, DEDUCT I I I STH I 9,FI2A I Il _______ I _______ LH I _________________________ 9, wORK1 JI ~ ~ Macro Language 89 The B and DC statements are not generated for the second macro instruction, for when the first macro instruction was assembled, &B31 was set to one. rhe third and fourth parameters in the second MOVE macro instruction are ignored. &CG1 is used to assign a name to the DC model statement. AIFB -- CONDlrlONAL BRANCH BACKWARD The AIFB instruction may be used to conditionally alter the sequence in which source statements are processed by the macro generator. The format of this instruction is: r-------T-----T---------------------------, I loper-I I IName lationlOperand I ~-------+-----+---------------------------~ lA se- IAlFB IA logical or relational ex-j Iquence I Ipression enclosed in paren-I lsymbol I I theses, followed by a se- I lor I Iquence symbol defined in a I Il blank statement _______ LI _____ Ipreceding ___________________________ JI ~ j-------r------r--------------------------, loper- I I lation IOperand i .-------+------+--------------------------~ I I Name i MACR:) i I MOVE &NOCHAR~&rO,&FRJM I SErA &~OCHAR I I&AL2 AIF (&AL2 LE 256).LSTMOV ! I I.LOOP MVC &rO+&AL1. (256).&FRJ~+&ALl I j&AL1 SErA &AL1+256 I I&AL2 SErA &NOCHAR-&AL1 I AIFB (&AL2 Gr 256).LOOP I I I.LSTMOV1MVC &TO+&AL1. (&AL2),&FRJM+&ALlj I I MEND I ~-------+------+--------------------------~ I I MOVE I 540 , O[J r , I NPU r I .-------+-~----+-------------------------~~ I IMVC IOUT+O(256),INPur+o I IMVC IOUT+256(256) ,INPur+256 I I I IMVC lour+512(28),INP[Jr+512 I ~---~~~~+------+--------------------------1 I I MOVE 197,oar+540,REsaLT i ~-------t------t--------------------------~ lI _______ IMVC ______ LIOUT+540+0(97),RESULr+o __________________________ JI ~ A30 -- UNCONDITIONAL BRANCH The A30 instruction may be used to ~lter the sequence in whi8h source statements are processed by the Assembler. rhe fJrnat of this instruction is: r-------T---------T-----------------------l The AIFB statement is identical to the AlF statement, except that the sequence ~ymbol in the operand fielJ ~us~ be in the name field of a"statement e~~£~~irrl the AIFB statement. The follo~ing example illustrates the use of the AIFB instruction. rhe function of the macro definition is to move a specified number of bytes of information from one location in main storage to another. The first operand represents the number of bytes to be moved. rhe second operand specifies the first position of the field to be filled. The third operand specifies the location of the first byte to be moved. rhe boxes in the example belo~ contain respectively: the macro definition, the first macro instruction, the statenents generated as a result of the first macro instruction, the second macro instructi~n, and the statements generated because of it. The value of the local variable symbol &AL1 is initially zero. 90 I I OperI I IName I ation I Operand I ~-------t---------+-----------------------~ ih seI AGJ I A sequence synb~l i Iquence I I defined in a followingl Isymbol I I statenent I I I I I Jr Il blank _______ LI _________ LI ______________________ -JI rhe sequence symbol in the operand field may be in the name field Jf a statenent f~!!Q~!gl the A30 statenent. rne statenent named by the sequence symbol in the operand field is the next statenent prJcessed by the Assembler. The followin~ example illustrates the use of the AGO instruction. rhe function of this macro instructiJn is tJ move ~ specified number of bytes from one loc~tion in main storage to another. rhe MOVE na8rJ definition shown in the section AIFB -Conditional Branch Backward is use1-as-an Inner-macro-instruction-ifi-this example. The boxes in the exampl e belJw c:::mtain respectively: the macro definition, the first macro instruction, the statenents generated as a result of the first macro instruction, the second macro instructiJn, and the statements 3enerated because of it. r------T---------T------------------------, I OperI I 1 I Name I ation I Operand I ~------+---------+------------------------~ I I MACRO I &NOCHAR,&TO,&FROM I I I MOVEN I I AIF ('&NOCHAR' EQ ").A. I I I A.IF (&NOCHAR NE 2).B I I.A I 8TH 12~SAVEA.REA I I LH 12,&FROM I I I I STH 12, &TO I 1 I LH 12,SAVEAREA I I I AGO •C I I.B I ~OVE &NOCHAR,&TO,&FROM I I. C I MEND I ~------+---------t------------------------~ I I MOVEN I , FIELDA, wORK I ~------+---------t------------------------~ I 18TH I 12, SAVEAREA 1 I I LH I 12, WORK I I 12, FIELDA I I I STH 1 I LH I 12, SAVEAREA I ~------+---------+------------------------1 I I ~OVEN I 97,OUT+540,RESULT I ~------+---------+------------------------~ MVC I ________________________ OUT+540+0(97),RESULT+OIJ lI ______ I _________ ~ r-------T------ T --------------------------, 1 IOper- I I I Name lation IOperand I .-------t------+--------------------------~ I I MACRO I I I I MOVE I&NOCHAR,&TO,&FROM I I&AL2 \SETA \&NOCHAR I I (&AL2 LE 256).LSTMOV I I.LOOP IAIF IMVC I&TO+&AL1.(256),&FROM+&AL1 I I 1&AL1 ISETA I&AL1+256 I I&AL2 ISETA I&NOCHAR-&A.L1 I I I I AGOB I·LOOP I.LSTMOVIMVC I&TO+&AL1.(&AL2),&FROM+&A.L11 I I MEND I I ~-------t------+--------------------------~ I I MOVE 1540,OUT,INPUT I ~-------+------+------------~----~--------~ I IMVC IOUT+O(256),INPUT+O I IMVC IOUT+256(256),INPUr+256 I I 1L _______ IMVC ______ IOUT+512(28),INPUT+512 __________________________ JI ~ ~ ~ ANOP -- NO OPERATION AGOB -~ UNCONDITIONAL BRANCH BACKWA.RD The AGOB instruction may be used to alter the sequence in which source statements are processed by the Assembler. The format of this instruction is: r--------T---------T----------------------, I IOperI I I Name lation I Operand I ~-----~--t---------t----------------------~ IA seIA80B I A sequence symbol I I jefined in a I I quence I I preceding statenentl I symbol I blankl _________ I ______________________ JI llor ________ ~ ~ The AGOB instruction is identical to the AGO statement except that the sequence symbol in the operand field must be in the name field of a instruction EEg~g~~~~ the AGOB instruction. The following illustrates the use of the AGOB instruction. The macro definition in this example is functionally the same as the macro definition in the section AIFB-~Q~~i~~Q~~l_~E~~~~_~~~~~~EQ· -----The boxes in the example below contain respectively: the macro definition, the macro instruction, and the statements generated as a result of the macro instruction. The ANOP instruction may be used to facilitate conditional and uncondition~l branching to statements named by symbols or SET symbols. The fornat of this instruction is: r--------r--------T-----------------------, I IOperI I i Name lation I Operand I .--------t--------t-----------------------~ I A seIANOP I Blank I 1 quence I I I I ________ symbol LI ________ LI _______________________ JI L If you ~ant to use an A.GO, A;OB, AIF, or AIFB instruction to branch to ~ instruction that has a symbol or SET symbol in the name field, place an ANOP statement before the instruction you want to branch to, and branch to the ANOP instruction. The following example illustrates the use of the ANOP statement. This ex~nple allows a field of any length to be moved. The source and destination fields need not be on a halfword boundary. The name field contains the symbolic name of the first instruction of the macro routine. The boxes in the example belo~ contain respectively: the nacro definition, the macro instruction, and the statements generated as a result of the n~cro instruction. ~acro Language 91 r-------T------T--------------------------l I :)per- I I I IName iation IOperand I ~-------+------+--------------------------~ IlVIlirR;) ,... ,I I&~OCHAR The following example illustrates the use of the MEXIT instruction. rhe function of the macro definition is to move a speci- ! '&NA.ME' 1 (&AL2 LE 256).LSTMOV vue location in main storage to another. -~-~ &NAME &AL2 &CGl "LOOP &CGl &ALl &A.L2 &CGi I MOVE ISETA !SETC AlF MVC SETA SETA. SErc ~GOB must contain a MEND instruction even if the definition contains one or nore MEXIr instructions. I&NOCHAR,&FROM,&rO I&TO+&AL1.(256),&FROM+&ALl I&AL1+256 I&NOCHAR-&ALl Iii ! ; LOOP • LSTMOV A.NOP &CGl MVC I I&TO+&AL1. (&A.L2),&FROM+&ALl ~END I ~-------+------+--------------------------~ IFIRST I MOVE 1 54 o,INPor,oor I ~-------t------+--------------------------~ ,FIRST jMVC jOUT+O(256j,INPur+o I i i~VC jOUT+256(256),INPUT+256 I J _______ LIMVC L ______ loor+512(28),INPor+512 __________________________ JI fied number of bytes of inforTtation fron The definition is essentially the same as the macro definition shown in the section ~~Q_===Q~~Q~9!~!Q~~1_~£~~~h. H~weve~~ the use of the MEXlr instruction reduces the time required for assembling the macro instruction if the first routine is used • The boxes in the example below contain respectively: the nacro definition, the first macro instruction, the statements generated as a result of the first macro instruction, the se~ond macro instructi~n, and the statements ~enerated because of it. ~ Note that the value of the local variable symbol &A.Ll is initially zero. r-------T------T--------------------------l IOper- I I I I~ame lation I:)perand I t-------~------+--------------------------~ MEXIT -- MACRO DEFINITION EXIT I I 1 rhe MEXlr instruction can be used to indicate to the A.ssembler to terminate processing of a macro definition. The format of this inst~uction is: I I.A. I I I r--------T---------T----------------------l I IOperI I iation i Jperand , ~--------+---------+----------------------~ I A seIMEXIT I Blank I J quence I I I I symbol I I I I or I I I IL________ blank I _________ LI ______________________ JI I Name ~ The MEXIT instruction may be used in a macro definition when you Nish that only a certain portion of the definition be generated. For example, a definition contains two sequences of operations. The first sequence is to be generated if a sfecified condition is met and the second sequence is to be generated if another specified condition is met. The use of the MEXIT instruction after the first sequence will terminate generation, just the same as the MEND instruction will do when placed after the second sequence. The MEXIT instruction should not be confused with the MEND instruction. The MEND instruction indicates the end of a macro definition to the macro generating phase of the A.ssembler, as well as signifying the end of generation. Every macro definition 92 I ,•B !&Af.2 I ~ LOOP MACRO M:)VE AIF AIF STH LH 8TH LH MEXrT ANOP ,SErA I I &N02H~R,&rO,&FRJM (' &NOCHAR' EQ " ) . A (&N:)CH1\R NE 2). B 12,SAVEA.REA. 12,&FR:)M 12,&TO 12,SA.VE!\RE~ I I I , , I I I I &N02Hl\R I AIF (&AL2 LE 256). LSTMOV I IMVC &rO+&AL1.(256),&FR:)~+&AL1 I&AL1 ,SETA. 1&1\Ll+256 I &A.L2 I SETA. I &N02H1\t{- &l\Ll I A.GOB I. LOOP I I I.LSTMOVIMVC I&TO+&A.Ll. (&1\L2),&FRJM+&~Lll I I MEND ! I t-------+------+--------------------------~ I I~:)VE 12,OOr,INPJr I ~-------t------+--------------------------~ I I STH 112, SAVEAREA , 112, INPor , I I LH 112,OUT I I ISTH I I ILH I 12,SAVEAREA t-------t-----~t--------------------------~ I IMOVE 1540,OUT,INPUT i ~-------+------+--------------------------~ I IMVC loor+O(256) ,INPor+o I I~VC I:)UT+256(256),INPUT+256 I I IL _______ LIMVC ______ LIOUT+512(28),INPOT+512 __________________________ JI MNOTE -- REQUEST FOR A MESSAGE The MNOTE instruction may be used to request the A.ssembler to generate a nessage. The form3~ of this instruction is: r-------~---------T-----------------------, 1Name IOperationl Operand I ~-------+---------+-----------------------~ I~ seIMNOTE I Any combination of I Iquence I I characters enclosed I lsymbol I I in apostrophes. ~ I lor I I severity code, as I I blank 1 I used in ~ssembler I I I I languages for higher I models, is ignored. lI _______ LI _________ LI _______________________ JI When an MNOTE statement is processed by the Assembler, the characters in the operand field are printed in the program listing in the same way error messages are printed in the program listing. The outside apostrophes are not printed. If variable symbols are used in the operand field, they are replaced by the values they represent. The following example illustrates the use of the MNOTE statement. This macro definition tests for the presence of the three parameters in the macro instruction. If any parameter is missing, an appropriate message is printed and assembly of the macro instruction is terminated. r------T-------T--------------------------, IOperI I the comment. This type is included in a macro definition. The Assembler generates this type of comments statement into any source program that uses the particular macro definition. The second type of comments statement has a period (.) in column 1, immediately followed by an asterisk (*), followed by the comment. This type of comments statement documents the macro definition and is not included in the macro definition. MEND -- TRAILER STATEMENT The trailer statement indicates to the Assembler that a macro definition is complete. It must be the last statement in every macro definition. The format of this statement is: r--------T---------T----------------------, I IOperI I \ Name \ation I Operand I ~--------+---------+----------------------~ I A setMEND I Blank I I quence I I I I symbol I \ I I or I I I blank i i i Il ________ l _________ l ______________________ J I I Name lation I Operand I ~------+-------+--------------------------~ I IM/\CRO I I MOVE I &NOCHAR,&TO,&FROM I I I AI F I (' &NOCHAR' NE I I ) . NO I IMNOTE I 'FIRST PAR~MErER OMITrED I I&BLl ISETB 1(1) I.NO I~IF I('&TO' NE ").Nl I IMNOTE I 'SECOND PARAMErER OMIrTED' &BLl I SETB I (1) • Nl I AIF I (' &FROM' NE "). N2 IMNOTE I 'THIRD PARAMETER OMIrrED' .N3 IMNOTE I 'GENERATION TERMIN/\TED' IMEXIT I I AIFB 1 (&BL1) • N3 • N2 &AL2 ISET/\ I&NOCHAR .LOOP IAIF I (&AL2 LE 256).LSTMO IMVC I&TO+&AL1.(256),&FROM+&ALl &ALl ISErA I&AL1+256 &AL2 ISETA I&NOCHAR-&ALl IAGOB I.LOOP I.LSTMOIMVC I&TO+&AL1. (&AL2) ,&FROM+&ALll lI ______ lI MEND _______ lI __________________________ JI Comments statements may be interspersed in the model statements of a macro definition. Two types of comments statements are permitted. The first type of comments statement has an asterisk (*) in column 1, followed by A sequence symbol consists of a ~eriod followed by one to seven alphabetic and/or numeric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. Sequence symbols are discussed in detail under seJu~~~~_~y~Q~l~. Keyword Macro Definitions This section describes the differences between a keyword macro definition and a positional macro definition. A keyword macro definition is used in cases where the number or type of o~erands is such that a positional macro instruction becomes confusing or cumbersome. It allows the values specified by each parameter to be used with a predefined keyword. A keyword macro definition allowS the operands to be specified in any desired order. The keyword format has two additional advantages: (1) it is possible to limit the number of operands in a given card and (2) it allows the specification of a standard value in the prototYre statement. If an operand is missing in the macro instruction, the standard value from the prototype statement replaces any occurrences of that symbolic parameter in the model statements. Macro LangQage 93 Each keyword macro definition must include: a header statement, a prototype statement, model statements, and a trailer statement. =CARDAREA. &rYPE &IN 256B &THO =123 No symbolic paraneter. No equal si~n. Standard value used, but no equal si~n. t;'If"T1'~' UI.fUt...l...L. C"".; ........... v...L,=,I..I. ~,.......(""'\C'" \....olv~-.J ..... """' ...... l~J imme1iately folloN parameter. '- sy~bolic Like a positional macro definition, a keyword m3cro definition mRV contain comment and conditional-assembi y statements, all of which are described in preceding sections. Keyword macro definitions may include the &SYSNDX and &SYSEC~ system variable symbols, but no &SYSLIST system variable svmbols. (Sep Svstpm Variahlp symbols that are assigned values by the The general format of a keyword prototype stat~ment is: Assembler. rhey nay be used in the n3me,or operand field of macro definition statements. rhey are not permitted in the n3me field of conditional-assembly instructions. §Ym~Ql~)· ---- ~ System Variable Symbols System variable symools are local variable -.~-~~-~~~~~~-~ r--------T----------T---------------------, i Operi i i IName iation i iOperand ~--------+----------+---------------------~ IA syrr- IA symbol IUp to 49 operands w I Ibolic I Iseparated by commas, I Iparam- I lof the form describedl I eter or I I belo~ I I blank I __________ I _____________________ JI L ________ L If a system vari3ble symbol is use1 in the name or operand field of a state~ent that is part of a macro definition, the value substituted for the variable symbol is the value the Assembler has assigned to the variable symbol. ~ A keyword prototype statement differs from a positional prototype statement only in the operand field. Each operand must consist of a symbolic parameter follo~ed by an equal sign. Symbolic parameters are described under Posi- tiQ~~l_f~Q~Q~Ye~_§~~~~m~g~· ----- The equal sign may be followed by a standard value to be substituted for the symbolic-parameter in case the paraneter is not contained as a keyword in the operand field of a macro instruction. If a standard value is either not desired or unnecessary, the equal sign is followed by the comma that separates the parameter from the next parameter. In the case of the last parameter, the equal sign may be followed by a blank. Apything that can be used as an operand in a macro instruction may be used as a standard value in a key~ord prototvpe statement, including null-values. -The following are valid keyword prototype statement operands: &TO=234 &LOOP2=SYMBOL &S4=H'4096' &FROM= The following are invalid keyword prototype statement operands, for the reasons stated; 94 &SYSNDX -- MACRO INSrR[JCrION INDEX The system vari3ble symbol &SYSNDX ~ay be concatenated to other characters tJ cre3te unique symbols for ~enerated statenents. &SYSNDX is assigned the decimal value 0001 for the first macro instruction th3t is assembled. The value 3ssigned to &SYSNDX for any other macro instruction is one plus the value assigned to &SYSNDX f3r the ~re vious macro instruction. High-order zeros are not suppressed. Throu~hout one use of a nacr3 definition, the value of &SYSNDK may be considered a constant, independent of 3ny inner macro instruction in that definition. If &SYSNDX is used in the name or operan1 fie11 of a st3tement th3t is part of a macro definition, the value substituted for &SYSNDX is the value assi~ned to it for the macro instruction teing interpreted. ~ne use of the &SYSNDX systen v3ri3ble symbol is shown in the followin~ macro definition. rhe function of this n3cro definition is to move the contents of one storage area to another area in ~3in storage. In the example, ~&SYSNDX pro~ides a unique symbol in the name field for branching to a particul3r instruction within the macro definition. The content of 3 field is not moved if the first byte Jf the field is a binary zero. The function of this macro definitiJn is to move the contents of one storage area to another area in main storage. r-----------T-----------T-----------------, I Name I Operation I )perand I ~-----------+-----------+-----------------~ I I MACRO I I I I I I I I I MOVE I &rO#&FROM I CLI I &FROM,X'OO' I I BE I A&SYSNDX I I STH I 12,S~VE~RE~ I I LH I 12,&FROM I I I STH I 12, &TO I I I LH I 12, SAIJEAREA I IA&SYSNDX I EQU I * I Il ___________ I ___________ MEND I _________________ JI ~ ~ If the following macro instructions were the 106th and the 107th macro instructi~ns interpreted by the macro generator, the following statements would be generated. r--------T----------T---------------------, I Name IOperation I )perand I ~--------+----------+---------------------~ I I MOVE I FIELDA#FIELDB I ~--------+----------+---------------------~ I ICLI I BE I I I I I I ~0106 I STH I LH I STH I LH !EQU I I I I I I I FIELDB,X'OO' A0106 12, SAIJEAREA 12, FIELDS 12., FIELDA 12, SAVEAREp... * I I I I I i I ~--------t----------+---------------------~ I .. I MOVE I FIELDC,FIELDD I ~-- -----t----------+---------------------~ I I CLI I FIELDD, X' 00' I I IBE I A0107 I I I STH I 12, SAVEAREA I I I LH I 12" FIELDD I I I STH I 12, FIELDC I I I LH I 12., SAVEARE~ I ll ________ AO 10 7 I EQU * __________ I _____________________ JI ~ ~ CSEcr or OSECT statements processed in a definition 3ffect tne value for &SYSECT for any subsequent inner n3cr~ instructions in that definiti~n, and f~r any other following macro instructi~ns. m3cr~ rhroughout the use ~f a macro definition, the value of &SYSECr may be considered a constant, independent ~f any 2SE2T or DSE2r statements or inner macro instructions in that definition. The example below illustrates these rules. (In the example, nodel statements not required for explanation have been omitted. ) r---------T-----------T----------------, I Operation IOper3nd I I Name ~---------t-----------t----------------~ I I 1 I&INCSECT 2 I I I I &IN:Se-:2T I I Y( &SYSECT) I I I I I I ~---------+-----------+----------------~ I I 3 Icsour1 i I 5 I 6 I I 4 I MACRO IO[JTR1 ICSECT iDS I INNER I INNER IDC I MEND I I I 110ac I INA IINB IY(&SYSE:r> I I I I I I I I I ~---------+~-~--------+----------------i I I 7 I I 8 I MACRO I )[JTR2 I DC I :-.1E~D ~---------+-------. IM~INPR03 I 9 I 10 I -- CURRENT CONTROL SECTION I MACRO I INNER ICSECT I DC I MEND ICSECT IDS I :)[JrR1 IOUTR2 I I I I I Y( &SYSECr) I I I 1200C I I I I I --+----------------i I I t---------+-----------+----------------~ The syste~ vari3ble symbol &SYSECr may be used to represent the name of the contr~l section in which 3 m3cro instructi~n appears. For each macro instruction processed by the Assembler, &SYSECT is assigned 3 value that is the name of the control section in ~hich the macr~ instruction appe3rs. IMAINPROG ICSECT I I I IDS 1200C I ICS)Ur1 ICSEcr I I I IDS 1100: I I I NA I cs ECr I I I I DC I Y( CS)[JT1) I I I NB 1CS ECT I I I IDC IY(INA) I I I DC I Y(M~It-lPRJ3)1 lI _________ IDC ___________ IY(INB) ________________ JI ~hen &SYSECr is used in a macr~ definition, the value substitute1 for &SYSE:T is the name of the last CSECT, OSECT, or START statement that occurs before the macr~ instructi~n. If no named CSECr, OSECT, or srART statement occurs before a macr~ instructi~n, &SYSECT is assigned a nullcharacter value for that macro instruction. Statement 8 is the last CSECr, DSECT, or START instruction processed before st3tement 9 is processed. Therefore, &SYSECT is assigned the value MAINPR)3 for macro instruction )UTR1 in statement g. M~INPR03 is substituted for &SYSECr ~hen it 3ppe3rs in sta tement 6. ~0y0ECT ~ ~ Macro Language 95 statement 3 is the last CSECr, OSECr, or instruction processed before statement 4 is processed. rherefore &SYSE2T is assigned the value csour1 for macro instruction INNER in statement 4. csoar1 is substituted for &SYSECr when it a~~ears in statement 2. ST~RT r------T-----r----------------------------, I I~dwe t------t-----t----------------------------f !:v1ACRJ! &NAME IADD &NAME ISrH ILH &?\Ll statement 1 is used to generate a CSEcr instructi~n f~r statement 4. This is the last CSECT, DSECT, or sr~Rr statement that appears before statement 5. Theref8ce, &SYSECT is assiqned the value IN~ for macro instruction INNER in statement 5. IN~ is substituted for &SYSECT when it ap~ears in statement 2. statement 1 is used to 3enerate a CSECT statement for statement 5. rhis is the last CSECT, DSECT, or START statement that appears bef~re statement 10. Therefore, &CSECT is assigned the value INB for macro instruction OUTR2 in statement 10. INB is substituted for &SYSECr when it ap~ears in statement 1. I i I Jper-I lationjOperand I&Fl,&F2,&F3,&F4,&~5 112,3AVEAREA 112,&F1 !SETA 2 I AH 12,&SYSLIST(&~L1) ISErA I SETA &AL1+1 &AL1+1 (;&SYSLIsr{&AL2)i 12 t &SYSLISr (&AL1) I IsrH I LH I MEND I IADD • ADD &AL1 &AL2 i !UFB NE ii).ADD 12,SAVE~REA t------t-----t----------------------------f IFTAX,FIC~,SrAX,BJNDS,DEDU:r I ~------t-----t----------------------------~ I ISTH I LH I 112,3AVEAREA 112, FT~X I T"1"'T"""~ I I 1\ rT ~[l I I AH I AH ISrH ILH 112,3 r1\X 112, BJNDS 112,DEuUcr I 112,SAVE~RE~ I I 1 .L "" ~ , r .L .... H- ~------t-----t----------------------------~ IDEUTOrlADD IREGHR3,OrHR3,rOrHRS I t------t-----t----------------------------~ &SYSLIST(n) -- MACRO INSrRUCrION OPERAND FIELD The system variable symbol &SYSLISrCn) ~r~ vides you with an alternate way to refer to the nth operand of a positional macro instruction. n may be a decimal selfdefining value or a SETA symbol. rhe &SYSLIST(n) system variable symbol is not permitted in a keyword macro definition. IDEUTJTlsrH 112,SAVE1\RE~ I ILH 112,REGHR3 I I I I AH 112, orHRS 1 I I srH 112., 'rJrHRS I lI ______ l ILH _____ l112,SAVEAREA ____________________________ JI r------T-----r----------------------------, I I ::>per-I IName lationlJperand t------t-----t----------------------------~ I MACRO &LABELI~JVE &SYSLIST(n) and symbolic parameters may be used in the same macro definition. The self-defining value following &SYSLISr(n) may be any value between 1 and 49, regardless of the number of symbolic parameters in the prototype statement. If the corresponding symbolic parameter is not contained in the prototype statement, it is treated as a null parameter. The following example illustrates the use of the &SYSLIST(n) system variable symbol. The function of this macro definition is to add the contents of the fields specified in the operand field of the macro instruction and store the sum in the field specified by the last operand of the macro instruction. Depending on the number of operands included in the macro instruction, 2, 3, or 4 fields are added together. The result is stored in the last field speci- fied in the macro instruction operand. 96 I i &LABEL &AL3 &AL4 .LO &AL3 &AL4 srH SETA SETA LH SrH SETA SETA AIFB LH ~OO &A,&T1,&F1,&T2,&F2,&r3,&F3 12,&A 2 3 12,&SYSLIST(&~L4) 12,&SYSLISrC&AL3) &AL3+2 &~L4+2 ('&SYSLISr(&AL3)' 12,&A I I I I I I I I I NE tI).LO I I I ~------+-----t----------------------------~ IMULMOVIMOVE IAREA,A,B,X,Y ! ~------t-----t----------------------------t IMULMJVISTH 112,AREA I I I LH 112, B I IS'TH 112,A I I I I LH 112, Y I I ISTH 112,X I Il--- ___ LILH __ __ l112,AREA __ = _________________________ Ji ~ The preceding example fUrther illustrates the use of the &SYSLIST(n) systen variable symtol. In this macro definition, a multiple move is acconplished. rhe numb- er of fields to be moved depends upon the number of symbolic parameters included in the prototype statement and the number of entries in the operand field of the macro instruction. e. If several source fields are usea, punch two additional operand3 for each additional source field up to a maximum of ten source fields. Each pair of operands consists of the symbol of the source field followed by the length of the source field. Sample Macro Definition This section contains a sample macro definition hamed GMOVE. Figure 12 is a flowchart th~t describes the logic of the macro definition. The flowchart is an example of one which you might draw in preparing to code a macro aefinition. Figure 13 is the actual coding of the macro aefinition. The section further contains a set of instructions for using the macro definition in a source program. rhe set of instructions illustrates the rules for writing macro instructions in a source program. The GMJVE macro instruction causes the Assembler to generate instructions to move a source field to a destination field regardless of the length of the field. It can also move up to ten source fields of any length to con~ecutive locations in a destination field. A typical use of this multi-source or gather-move function is to build an output recora. If the same move is to be used in several places within the same control section, a facility is provided to generate the move instructions as a closed subroutine and link to the subroutine rather then generate them repeatedly in-line. Use of the subroutine facility saves main storage. The GMOVE macro instruction generate3 one or more MVC instructions each time it appears, as illustrated by the three examples belmlT. r------T----------------------------------, IOper- I I I ation 10peran:i I t------+------------------------------~---~ IGMOVE IFIELDA,FIELDB,17 I ~------+----------------------------------~ IMVC IFIELDA+O(11),FIELDB+O I t------+----------------------------------~ IGMOVE IFIELDY,FIELDX,540 I ~------+----------------------------------~ IMVC IFIELDY+O(256),FIELDX+O I IMVC IFIELDY+256(256),FIELDX+256 I IMVC IFIELDY+S12(28),FIELDX+S12 I t------+----------------------------------~ !GMOVE IJUTPUr,NAME,20,~D)RESS,15,M~NNUM,51 ~------+----------------------------------~ IMVC IOUTPUr+O(20) ,NAME+O I IMVC IJUTPUr+20(75),~DDRESS+O I IMVC L ______ LIOUTPUr+9S(S),MANNUM+O __________________________________ JI IN-LINE-QSE OF THE GMOVE MACRO INSTRUCTION An oper,and within the nacro instruction containing the symbolic name of a source or destination field may be address-adjustea provided that the total length of the operand does not exceed eight characters. For example: To generate the approp~iate move instructions without est~blishing a subroutine: r------T----------------------------------, 10per- I I 1. Leave 2. Punch the operation field as GMOVE. 3. State in the operand field: th~ name field blank. a. The first operand as the name of the destination field. b. The second operand as the name of the first source field. c. The third operand as the length of the first source field. d. If only one source field is used, enter no more operands. I ation I Jperand I t------+----------------------------------~ IGMJVE I JUT+100,CITY~35,Sr~TE,20,JJB+12,41 ~------+----------------------------------~ IMVC I OUr+100+0(35) ,CIrY+O I IMVC I JUT+100+35(20),Sr~rE+O I oUr+100+SS(4) ,J08+12+0 lIMVC ______ LI __________________________________ JI The aaaress of the destination field in the second MVC instruction is higher than that of the first destination field by the length of the first source field. Likewise, the adaress of the aestination field of the third MVC instruction statenent is higher than that of the secona ~VC instruction by the length of the secona source field. ~acro Language 97 RESERVING SPACE IN THE DESTINATION FIELD occasionally it is impossible to enter ~ne or more fields in an output record at the time the rest of the record is being built. with the 3MOVE macro instruction, a facility is provided to leave a space between the fields being moved. This is accomplished by entering a zero as the symbol for a source field with the length given as the number of bytes to be skipped before the next source fielj to be moved. For rhe entrv in the name field ~f a G~JVE macro instr~ction ~hich generates a subroutine is usej as the name of the entry point of the routine. The nane preceded by an E is equated to the next sequential instruction following the nacro instructiJn. Register 9 is used to link a generated subroutine. The previous contents of register 9 are lost. If you wish to save the contents of register 9, it is your res?onsibility to save and restore it. example~ r---------T--------------------------T----l I I ICol. 1 I Operation 1Operand 172 1 ~---------+--------------------------+----~ IGMOVE IOUr,NAME,20,ADDRESS,30,0, 11 I 154,SERNO,5,JOB,16 1 1 ~---------+~-----~-------------------+----~ !MVC !OUT+0(20)~NAME+0 !! IMVC IOUr+20(30),ADDRESS+0 1 1 IMVC lour+104(5),SERNO+0 I I IMVC L _________ 4IOUT+l09(16),JOB+0 __________________________ 4I ____ J1 In the example above, the operand field of the GMOVE macro instruction contains the addresses of five source fields: NAME, ADDRESS.O,SERNO and JOB. The symbol 0 for the source field together with the len~th specification of 54 cause the bytes to be skipped from address JUT+50 to address OUT+ 103 inclusively. The operands of a GMOVE macro in3truction that link to an established subroutine are ignored and may be omitted. It nay be desirable to include all operands in each usage to ensure that the Jperands are present in the first occurrence during an assembly. The following example shows the 3ubroutine facility of the GMOV~ nacrJ. The first and the third box show nacro instructions as they mi~ht be coded in a source program. The second and fourth box show the source statenents generated In account of the macro instructions. r----T-----T-------------------------T----l lOper-I I col. I I INamel ationl Jperand \72 I t----+-----+-------------------------+----~ ICOL USE OF THE SUBROUrINE FACILIry OF rHE GMOVE MACRO DEFINITIO~ To obtain a generated subroutine with the GMOVE macro instruction, write the nacro instructi~n in the same manner as if a subroutine were not desired and write a unique name in the name field of the macro instructi~n. The length of the name must not exceed seven characters. The symbolic name preceded by an E must also be unique. An entry in the name field will cause the generation of the subroutine. rhe subroutine, once established, can be used by: • Coding the unique symbolic name in the name field. • Coding GMOVE in the operation field. Up to five closed subroutines can be generated within each control section. ~ subroutine thus generated can only be used in the control section in which it is generated. Generation of a subroutine in one control section will cause the nacro generator to "forget" all subroutines generated in previous control sections. 98 IG~JVEIJUTRE2,SERNJ,4,N~MEr20,~DIiDRESS,30,ClrY,25,Sr~rE,151- I I 1 I 1,0,25,INPurl,540,INPUT2,21- I 1 i60 1 i I i .----+-----+-------------------------~----f I ILH 9,ECJL 1* I START OF GMOVE SUBRJUTINE oorREC+0(4),SERNO+0 ICOL IMVC IMVC OUTREC+4(20),N~ME+O IMVC OOTREC+24 (30) ,AD~RESS+O OUTRE2+54(2S),:IT¥+O 1~1VC OUTREC+79(15},STArE+0 IMVC JorRE2+119(256),INPJrl+Q IMVC OUTREC+375(256),INPUT1+256 IMVC OUTREC+631(28),INPur1+512 IMVC OUTREC+659(256),INPUr2+0 IMVC OUTREC+915(4),INPur2+256 I MVC 9 IBR END OF GMOVE SUBROOrINE 1 *ECOLjDC Y(*+2) t----+-----+------------------------------~ 120L 1GMOVE 1 1 .----+-----t------------------------------f 1 I BAS 1 9, CJ L 1 L ____ 4 _____ 4 ______________________________ J Note that subroutines can hp. est~blishe1 without usin~ the subroutine facility as shown in the example. This can be acconp= lished by using the macro instruction togenerate in-line c~ding within ~ clJse1 subroutine. M~IN-STOR~GE CONSIDER~rIONS FOR GMOVE SUBROUTINES In the preceding example, 72 bytes ~f main storage were used for the two macro instructions. If the subroutine had not been used, 120 bytes of main storage would have been required. Eight additional bytes of main storage are used when a subroutine is established and each request for the subroutine requires four bytes. The amount of main storage that is saved is a function of how many MVC instructions are generated in the subroutine. rhe use of a GMOVE subroutine containing only one MVC instruction does not save main storage unless it is used six times (including the initial time). It would actually take extra main storage if used less than five times, even if no additional instructions were required to save the contents of register 9. ERROR the GMOVE macro. This can be accomplished by using the GMOVE macro instruction to generate in-line coding within a cl~sed subroutine. USE OF GLOBAL SET SYMBOLS WITHIN THE 3MOVE M~CRO DEFINITION To ensure a correct assembly of a macro instruction, you must avoid any c~nflict in the use of SET symbols. The GMOVE macro instruction makes use of global SET symbols as described below. 1. The SETC symbol &~Gl is used in the GMOVE macro definition, and must not be used to communicate a value past the occurrence of the GMOVE macro instruction. In addition, if one ~r n~re subroutines are generated, the SET: symbols &CG10 to &CG15 are u~ed. 2. If no subroutines are generated, the GMOVE macro instruction is properly generated regardless ~f the setting of any global SET symbols, either before or between occurrences ~f the GMOVE macro instruction. 3. If one or more subroutines are generated in one c~ntrol section, the SETC symbols &CG11 to &eG15 are used by the ~ssembler to store subr~utine names. They must not be used between the generation of the GMOvE subroutine routine and the last use of the 3MOVE macro definition to link to a subroutine routine. rhe SErc synbol &CG10 is used to store the name of the control section, and therefore: ~HE~KIN3 Error checking is performed on the operands in a GMOVE macro instruction. Generation is always terminated if either the destination field or the first source field and its length are not specified. ~n appropriate error message is generated. If an invalid source field length (zer~ or non-numeric) is specified or if the length of any other source field is omitted, generation is terminated. ~n appropriate error message is generated. If an attempt is made to generate the sixth subroutine in the same control section~ the 3MOVE routine is generated inline. An appropriate error message is generated. Note that subroutines can be established without using the subroutine facility of a. &CG10 must not contain the nane of the control section before the first subroutine is created. b. &CG10 must not be changed until all subroutines and linkage"s t::> subroutines in a control section have been generated. Macro Language 99 ~ . A ~AME~ I ' .L1NK i I I ( MEXIT ) I ~ Put Out MVC for Remaining Bytes No Variable i t .SETCGl Put &NAME &CGl and Put Out LH 9, *+8 .END Yes Figure 12. 100 FlOwchart of the GMOVE ~acr~ Instructi~n ~ IBM SyatuI!360 IBM Codiag F_ X28-6S09-4 WM02S Pri",MinU.S.". 1-"O_GlAM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. -_ _ _ _ _--I I ~~~~;~~~NS QIIAPHIC I 1 1 PlNCH I I 1 1 I 1 I CAltD ELfCTIO NUMIER Operation I' HAC RiO &NAHle IGMOVE 16 !&F7 iLF7 'Fe ilF"8 'F"9 'LFI9 &Fll. ISlF1G I I ~ I l ' ·* ArF EQ I I) EQ '&SYSeCT').TE5T 'I' SeTe 113 1 SETle .SlETC, I l' I . NON'AHe AIGiOI I ~ I i I I ! I: I I I , I I II ! I I I I r:-OIR ISlliB!RioILlTlrINE lIi'&iNAHIE'lEla '&ckiit:1 I '! .lIINK , 1 t .- I I I I 1 I... ·ilt;ENIER!ATeD I I I ' I Ail -t : tr~ - -1-- ! I : iii · L I NIIITie HiNLOJT!E HIEIXII T ! 'C 'Gi1 : I ! I • I · *1 .'r WM025 "intad in USA ..oGIAM r: i I i ' i l , ; ! I T- -. i , ! "'-'W~ "'·_ .. u.s ..... I I I I !'ll fy i I:i : i~ ! I !, • 1 IfllCiG:!;S! r~li;"," ~·lsET~lt;it ~ A \ I 1:'1 I I~' ,-, i I ' '- r II! f c: 'I I I II, IM,-FI·'-' i .. ~ I.... rl I I ISiEITtC' I 1'!&:""A1HEI'! !! .* I I ' ilL I i [! JO , I, I \ t r III" I I II" I A' i. Ie. iii '" .. .; rl;o, I I! os If "I T T ! j ITT T ' T ! ! I ' ! ! ! ! I ! ! ! ! I ! ! ! ! ! ' ! !! I I I I I I I I 1I I I I I I 1I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I i i i i I I I i 1 i II Iii I I iii I I I i 1·1 I GEiNlsRIATIEI iL I NIKAIGIE IFIOIQ F liRST oiciclulAlRElNlclE1 I • SEiTiCiG 1 LiUi i! 9 'Ei,~iAIHfE ! i I I I Iii III I i I III '.iLc Giti i I I iSiE1Tic i i 1'I&iNiAiHlei' i i i i i i i i i I' i i i i i ! i i i I i I ! Iii i i i I i i i i &8Li2! 5e17[8111)' i 11 i I I ! ' i i I i i 11: Of i I I II j 1 5 .1 FDfU:CTlO~. U./Q\ , l"I"i~1 'l~1 _I: "~I IMGf 3 II I T1 J. r. I -,.::-- =i !! f TIT T1 I I I I I I III I 11 j , -[ I , I ] Ii! I Iii i i ! ,_., i i i i rTn II II I I .. Ii 'fWFtIiIIIrd cord form, 11M "feefr'o 6509, is ovoitahle for punching tiOuI'ce starements from ril" form . •.,.tructMw\i tor uling ""is fonr1 ore- in any 1t,M :.ytt..../360 A~. Kefew-enc. MDnuItI. comments concerning ~t-i, form to 11M Corporation, PrOfil"O'Mlinu Publicotiom, Deportment 732, Son Jose, C.lifornia 95"". AdcW_ X21-65OP-4 WM025 PtintecftnU.S,A . • A standofd cord form, IBM electT¢ 6509, is Qv"(Iilabl. for punching IOUrce ItQtett"enh rrom ~i, form. instructions for U'\ing thil form orf' in ., ... y IDM '5,-srem/360 AUet.tbl., bfrr~nee ManUD'. Addr. . commenn concer"il\g this 'orm t¢ IBM Corporvliotl, Programming Publicotions., OeportrHnt 232, SQ" ~., CalHof"'ljo 9511 ... Figure 13. 1()? Coding of the 3MOVE Macro-Instruction, Part 2 of 3 ..-- •• • II ~ 1.ll [&fi.!T •• ,. .. 1.& -.croG DAft , ... - .- "'~ ....... c.-.'" 0f000tI00 IIr: .. .. $lA_NT • a..os :r:il Nil Sl ... SR I ~C IJII *+ ~I} ENn I..- ·iI III N~ ~D • :IS ALL 510 UIQ ,cEls pIA OC lIN loT 1&1& 112 II • END II • I_ • - IEINID ...... --OIl' ..... .. u.LA. I .- t 11 I I I I I I c- 11 I 1- 5 I . 1'1 In ...... - • • HE 0 . _,_lor . • A ~ COfd form, 11M electro 6509, d CMI,labl. for punchi,. lOUtCestot..-nb from this form. I", "'k"""' ... In any IIIMS,....;360~ .. _I. AcIdr-. ~b eonc.ming this form to IIM:Corpon:Ition, ~i. PublicatioN, o.,.tment 232, Son .toM, Califomkl95114. Figure 13. I.,..onc:. Coding of the GMOVE Macro-Instruction, Part 3 of 3 Macro Language 103 Assemhly of a Program (DPR/TPS) Assembler source programs can be either assembled and executed in one job (assemble-and-execute function) or assembled and executed in separate jobs. In an assemble-and-execute job. the object program (in addition to being executed immediately) may be punched into cards or written onto magnetic tape. when the assemble-and-execute function is to be used, the followin;J conditions must be fulfilled: • The program must not require linking and/or relocation. The Core-Image Maintenance program must be contained in the core-image library of the disk-resident system. A relocatable area must be available in the disk-resident system. • • object programs that do not require linking and/or relocatiJn can be executed directly under control of the disk-resident (tape-resident) systen. Use the execute-loade~ function for this purpose. They can also be included in the core-image library of the disk-resident (tape-resident) system, fron where they can then be loaded and executed. ~ssembler The files and correspondin;J input/output devices used for a progran assenbly are as shown in Figures 14 and 15. Note that for rps the literal wJrkfile and Text Output file may be assigned to the same tape unit. Object programs that require linking and/or relocation must be processed by the Linkage Editor program before they can be executed and/or included in the core-image library. S2 e p Job Control Statements ~embler Control Statements and Source Program ", System Tape Work Tope I Work Tape Job Control Statements ~ System Disk (Object Program in Relocatable Area) Assembler Control Statements and Source Program Second Work Disk ~---_\ (optional) Logging Listing literals Crossreference listing * The same unit may be used for both reading control cards and the sOurce program. ** The same tape drive may be used for both object-program output, Listing Logging Object Program * The same unit may be used for reading control cards and the source program. ** The same disk drive may be IM8cI for SYSRES and SYSOOO or SYSRES and SYSOOl but not for SYSOO and SYSOOl . literals, and Crossreference Listing. Figure 14. _1(\1. 'WI"..LV"'" Input/Output Devices Used for a Program Assembly ~ith the TPS Assembler Figure 15. Input/Output Devices Used for a Pro;Jram Assembly with the DPS ~ssembler r-----------------------------------------, SYS001, ••• Required. I Job Control Statements III Device assignments are normally given at system generation time. If, however. these assignments were not given at that time or if you wish to alter any of the assignments, ASSGN job-control statements as shown below may be used to make the desired assignments. r------------------------------------~----l 1// JOB ~SSEMB lor 1// JOB ASSEMB.p.I name I I I Required if the source program is to be assembled only. Required if the assemble-and-execute function is to be used. (OPS only). I I I I I I I ~-----------------------------------------1 1// DATE ••• I I I Required if the I assembly is the first I job in the system I run. I ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// I I I I I I ~SSGN SYSLOG,.~. Optiona~. Ref ers to the printer J which lists job control statements if you include a LOG ~ontrol statement. I I ! ! I I I ASSG~ I I rps: Required. I DPS: Required if two I I workfiles are used 1 I see (AwORK). Refers I I to the disk (tape) I I drive containing I I \\lorkfil e2. I ~-----------------------------------------~ I rps I III ASSGN SYS002, ••. Optional. ~or I literals. ~aybe same i I I as for SYSOPT. I ~-----------------------------------------~ ~-----------------------------------------~ I OPS I If I VOL SYSOOO,wORK1 Required fJr I 1// DLAB ••• workfile 1. I 11/ XTENr ••• I I 1// VOL I Required if two I IIIDLAB ••• workfiles are used. I III XTENr .... (See AWORK). I .-----------------------------------------~ SYS001~WORK2 .------------------------~----------------~ III EXEC Required. L _________________________________________ JI ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// ASSGN SYSLST, ••• I . I I I I Required. I Refers to the I printer J which printsl the program listing I and_ other I information. I ~-------~------------------~--------------~ III ASSGN SYSIPT, ••• Required. I Refers to the card reading device (or magnetic tape dri ve) (OPS only) J on which the program I control statements I il (if any):, the Assembler source I program, and (if card I input) an end-of-file I card are read. ~-----------------~-----------------------1 1// ASSGN SYSOPT~ ••• Required if an objectl I pro3'ram is to be I I produced in cards or I I on ma3'netic tape. I I Refers to the card I I punchin3' device or I I magnetic tape drive I I on which the object I I program is to be I I produced. I ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// ASSGN SYSOOO, ••• Required. Refers to I I the disk (tape) drivel IL_________________________________________ containing workfile1. JI I I , Prog ram Con tro 1 Sta temen ts Program control statements are supplied for use by the Assembler program. rhese statements indicate which of the Assembler processing options the Assembler ~rogram is to perform or provide~ The Assembler control statements are: • • • • AWORK - Assembler Work File statement, AOPTN - Assembler Option statement, ICTL - Input Format Control statement, ISEQ - Input Sequence Checking statement The AWORK statement is used for the diskresident Assembler only. All four control statements have the same format as Assembler language instructions. AOPTN, AWORK, ICTL, and ISEQ appear in the operation field, while the various options are specified as operands. ~WORK - ASSEMBLER WORKFILE srArEMENr An AWORK statement indicates the nunber of work areas the OPS Assembler is tJ use in processing source-program statements. rhe Assembler can use either one or two \\lork areas. Two work areas are provided only if two disk drives are available. In this case, one work area can be assigned tJ each disk drive. Usin3' two \\lork areas on separate disk drives shortens the proces3ing time required by the Assenbler. Assembly of a Program (OPs/'rps) .105 The format of the AWORK statement is: r----T---------T--------------------------, jNamej Operationj Operand i ~----+---------+--------------------------~ IL____ I _________ Ai-10RK I __________________________ n JI ~ ~ The ~WORK statement requires one operand(n} ~hich must either the digit 1 or the digit 2. If the digit 1 appears as the operand, the Assembler assumes one work area. If the digit 2 is used, the Assembler assumes two work areas. If no ~WORK statement is provided~ thp- ~ssp-mbler assumes one work area~ be ~ work area must always be assigned to a disk area consisting of contiguous storage positions. This is accomplished by using the proper job-control (XTENT) statements. For details concerhing XTENT statenents, refer to the SRL publication !!!~_§t.~~~/3§'Q ~~g~!_~Q,_Qi§~_~EQgE~~~ing_§y§~~~L_~2~~E2! ~~Evi~E29~m§, Form GC24-9006. The AWORK statement must precede any ~OPTN ~tatements used and the source statements. AOPTN (ASSEMBLER OPTION) STATEMENTS AOPTN statement(s) may be used if the normal ~ssembler output is to be altered. AOPTN statement(s). must be written preceding any other source-program statements, even an ICTL statement. Figure 16 shows the option indicators that can be used. The normal Assembler output consists of two major files: the object program and program listing. The object progran consists of three types of information: the External Symbol Dictionary (ESD), rext (rXT). and the Relocation Dictionaty (RLD). The program listing consists of five lists of information: ESO listing, source and object program listing, RLD listing, error listing~ and symbol table. The format of the AOPTN statement is: r----T---------T--------------------------, INamelOperationlOperand I ~----+---------+--------------------------~ ~ymbol(s) ___ ~AOPTN _________ Lloption __________________________ JI I ~- ~ The option(s) that may be supplied in the AOPTN statement are shawn in Figure 16; each option is identified by a symbol which is used in the AOPTN ~tatement. Each option of the AOPT~ statement may be specified in a different AoprN statement, or they may appear as mUltiple operands (separated by commas) in a single statement. 106 r---------T-------------------------------, jOPTION i MEANING i I SYMBOL I I t---------t-------------------------------i IObject program (ESD, TXr, and I I~ODECK "t',L,....,,,,,\A.VC'-A .... '"'~",..Q.;! ; '" ,...:::o .... ~'" II __ I• IDT.n I ""~LJ' . lor tape. (Their appearance in I Ithe program listing is not I ! affected. ) ! .:1:::0+-:::0' '-&'""'-"""'""", n ..... +- I..I.\J'- .£.L.l .L,\,A..,J ~--=======+=================~----~========1 I NOESD INa ESD data will appear in the I lobject program or the pr~gran I I Ilisting. I ~---------t-------------------------------1 'NORLD INO RLD data will appear in the I I lobject program or the pr~gran I I I listing. Tnus, the object pro-I I Igram will be absolute. I ~-~-------+-------------------------------~ I NOLIST IThe program listing Nill not I I I appear. (A statement indicat- I j jing the number of errors in thei i jprogram willJ however, be i I I printed.) I I .---------t-------------------------------~ I NOERR I I I I IThe error listing will n~t I lappear in the program listing. I leA statenent indicating the I Inumber of errors will, ho~ever,! I be printed.) I ~---------+-------------------------------i jNOSYM I I I INeither a rable of Defined Sym-I I boIs nor a Crossreference List I Iwill appear in the program I iisting. I I ~---------+~------------------------------i write ~perations I Ion disk are not verified. t .---------+-------------------------------~ I CROSSREF*I A cross-reference lis,ting will I , lappear instead of the symbol I I Itable listing. The cr~ssI I Ireference listing contains all I f Ithe symbols used in the pr~graml I land the number of the statementl 1 I in which th.ey were used (see I I I Appendix G). f'!Q!:~E- The total I Inumb~r of symbol definitions I I I land references must not exceed I INOVERIFY*IIntermed~ate I I 112,288. I ~-------~ ·t-------------------------------~ ILITERAL**ILiterals will be processed. Ifl I ILITERAL is onitted, literals I I Iwill not be processe1. 1 I I~Q!:~: The user must be sure hel ! Ihas enouqh tape units for lit- I ~ leral processing. I .---------t------------~------------------~ I ENTRY IAn ENTRY car1 ~ill be produced I IL _________ lat the end of the ~utput text. J~ _______________________________ ~ * For the disk-resident Assembler only. ** For the tape-resident Asseffible~ only. (Not required for DPS.) Figure 16. AOPTN Car:'! Option Indicators Note: NG object deck will be produced in of the LI~IT EXCEEDED error regardless of the option specified. (See ~EE§~Qi!_~~ case ~~~~~~!~E_Qi~~~Q~£i£ __ ~~~~eg~~). Non-standard operand specificati~ns other than the two above are not alloNed. H~~ever, a listing will appear. The AOPTN statements must precede the statements and follow the A~ORK statement., if any. ISEQ -- INPUT SEQUENCE CHECKING s~urce ICTL -- INPUT F~RMAT CONrROL The I~TL instruction allows you to alter the normal format of your program statements. An ICTL instruction statement, if any, must precede all other statements in the source program except the AWORK and AOPTN' statements., if any, and must not. be used more than once. Only the following two formats of the IcrL instruction are allowed: either: r-----T-----------r-----------------------, IName I I ~perationl The ISEQ instruction is used t~ che=k the sequence of input cards. The format of the ISEQ instruction statenent is as f~llows: r-----T----------T------------------------l IName IOperation IOperand I ~-----+----------+------------------------~ IBlanklISEQ ITNO decimal values ~f I form l,r; or blank JI lI _____ LI __________ LIthe ________________________ The operands I and r, respectively, specify the leftmost and rightmost columns of the field in the input cards to be checked. Operand r must be e1ual t~, or greater than~ operand 1. Operand I must be greater than 72. The field specified by ~perands I and r must not be greater than seven bytes. ~perand ~-----+-----------+-----------------------~ IBlankl I~TL 25 l _____ L ___________ LI _______________________ JI or: r------T-----------T----------------------, IName I Operation I Jperand I ~------+-----------+----------------------~ IBlank I ICTL I 25,71,38 I l ______ L ___________ L ______ ----------------J In the first case, the operand specifies that the begin column of the coding format is 25. Since the end column is not specified, it is assuwed to be column 71. No continuation lines are permitted. In the second case, the begin c~lunn is ~olumn 25, the end column is column 71, and the continue column for macro instructions is column 38. Sequence checking begins with the first card following the ISE2 statement. 2omparison of adjacent cards makes use of the eight-bit internal collating se1uen=e (see Appendix J). The input cards are said to be in sequence if the value in the columns checked in the second card is greater than or equal to that of the first card. If a statement is found to be out of se1uence a warning is given but no error message appears in the 1iagnostics- listing. An ISEQ statement with a blank operand terminates the checking operation. The next ISEQ statement initiates a neN che=k. Sequence checking is only performed on statements containe1 in the s~urce ?r~gran. Statements generated by a macro instruction are not checked for se1uence (see A??enjix J) • Assembly of a Progran (DPS/rpS) 107 Cataloging a Macro Definition The macro library is maintained by the Macro Maintenance Program (MMAINT).- Use this proqram to add or delete ~nv number of macro-deiinitions to or from the~macro library. Job Contro I Statements (DPS) Program Control Statements 'THe program control statenents re:]:uir-e:i t:> catalog a macro definition in source format are: r-----------------------------------------1 I / / CATA.L The job control statements required for a MMAINT run are: I t-----------------------------------------~ I // I END L _________________________________________ J r-----------------------------------------, Required. I 1// JOB MMA.INT ~---------------=-=-----------------------i III DArE ... Required if first ; I job after IPL. I ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// ASSGN SYSLOG, ••• Optional. 1 ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// ASSGN SYSLST, ••• Optional. 1 ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// A.SS3N SYSIPT, ••• Required. I ~-------~---------------------------------~ 1// VOL SYSIPT,SYSIF Required only if I I SYSIPT 1 I//DLA.B ••• Required refers I to a I I 1// XTENT ••• Required disk drive. I ~-----------------------------------------~ ~// EXEC Required. L _________________________________________ JI Job Control Statements (TPS) The job control statements requirej MMA.INT run are: f~r an r-----------------------------------------, j / / JOB MMA.INT Required. I ~-----------------------------------------~ DATE ••• Required if first 1 1 job after IPL. 1 ~--~--------------------------------------f 1// ASSGN SYSLOG, ••• Optional. I ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// A.SS3N SYSLST, ••• optional. I ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// ASSGN SYSIPT, ••. Required. I ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// A.SS3N SYSOOO Work tape. 1 ~-----------------------------------------~ 1// EXEC Required. L_________________________________________ JI 1// .108 You may use any number of macro Jefinitions in a MMAINT run, but each macro definition must be preceded by a // 2A.T~L statement and the last definition must be followed by the // END statement. For other (optional) progran cJntrJl statements see the SRL publicatiJns IBM §y§~~~~~~Q_~Qi~!_~QL_Qi~~_~~Q3~~~~i~~=~~~= ~~~L_~2~~E2!_~~9_~§~~i£~_E~Qg~~~~, FJrn 3224-9006, or I~~_~y~~~~~l~~_~Q~~!_~~L_r~Q~ ~rQgr~~~!Qg_§i~~~~L_£QQ~~Q!_~Qg_§~~~!£~ ~E2gE~~' Form 3C24-9000. Output Listings If listing is specified, a list is prin~ed during the assembly run. rhe form of the lists and the t~pe of infor~ation c8ntained therein are shown in ~ppendix G. STATEMENT INCOMPLErELY ASSEMELED (SIA) If the statement is a machine i~stru~tion, the stor~ge area required for the instr~c tion is reserved and filled with zeros. ~Q~£~_~IQ~E~~_~gg_Q~~~_~h~~~!gg (~ssembler) ----------- srArE~ENr Diagnostic messages are printed if incorrectly coded instructions are detected by the Assembler program during an asse~bly run. Both the number of the related source-program statement and the acti8n taken by the ~ssembler program are printed together with each message. If more than one error is detected within a sourceprogram statement, the diagnostic messages for all errors detected are listed. rhe ~ssembler program then takes the action for the severest error detected, and the appropriate action is printed with the diagnostic messages. Notification of the types of ~ssembler actions that may occur during an assembly run are listed below in the order of their severity with the severest t~pe first: ~SSEMBLY IN ERROR (~IE) The userfs program cannot be executed. The assembly run is completed, but only diagnostic messages preceding the AlE message may be considered valid. ST~TEMENT TRE~TFD AS COMMENT (STC) ASSEMBLED (S~) rhe individual di~gnostic listed in Appendix H. mess~ges ~re A diagnostic message is added to an incorrect statement. Only one error can be detected within a statement. If an error bas been detected within a macro definition, sequence synbols are not processed and the m~cro definition is not catalogued. If an error bas been detected within a prototype statement, the macro definition is not checked for further errors. The TPS macro maintenance progr~m performs a check to determine whetner the c~ntents of columns 73 through 80 of a statement are out of sequence. In case 8f a sequence error, the statement is flagged with the letter S. If no other errors are contained in the macro definition, it is ~~talogued. The individual ji~gnostic listed in Appendix I. mess~ges ~re Output Listing3 109 Language Compatibility rhe IBM System/360 ~odel 20 DPs/rps ~ssembler and macro Languages are closely patterned after the Basic Proarammina Suoport (BPS) and Disk anj Tape operati~g Systems (DOS/TOS) ~ssembler and macro languages except where differences in machine design require specific instructions for Model 20. These differences are as follows: • instruction may be avoijed by using 102S. • rhe number anj length of Mojel 20 registers differ from higher System/360 rnodel::; • a. rhere are seven ~ojel 20 machine instructions that are not contained in the instructions sets of higher System/ 360 mojel s: CIO, KIO, rIJB, SPSW, Ol\C 07\CD unoL'. .l..Jrl,U, .l..Jr'1 ...... L\.' J.~1. Model 20 has only eight registers (8-15). In addition, it has eight pseujo base registers (J-7) Nith fixed contents. rhe pseudo base registers contain 0, 4096, 8192, 12288, 16384, 20480, 2lJ.576, anj 28672, respectively, thus permitting direct addressing. If programs that were written for the Model 20 are to be executed on higher System/360 models, the use of these instructions can be avoided as follows: a. 210, b. B~S and B~SR instructions nust be replaced by B~L and B~LR, respectively, with consideration given to the functional differences between Model 20 and higher System/360 models. ~ XIO, TIOB, anj SPSW instructions may be avoided by using Ioes macro instructions for input/output operations. HPR instructions must be replace5 by branch instructions. • The Mojel 20 Program status Worj (PSW) has a length of only four bytes. • The Mojel 20 Channel Command worj has a length of only 6 bytes and must be aligned at a half-word boundary. The Model 20 Assembler instruction is DCCw insteaj of CCW. The use of the DCCW 110 b. ~odel 20 registers have a length of ::>nly 2 bytes. ~Q~g: y-type address constants two bytes in length must not be specifiej for Systen/ 360 models having a storage capacity of more than 65535 bytes. No y-type constants must be usej in prograns to be executej under control of the Operating System/360. Programs written in the Model 20 Basic Assembler language can be assembled by the Model 20 DPs/rps ~ssembler program unless blank operanjs are usej in Assembler or machine instructions. rhe instructions L2L~, L2LB, 3BL~, 3BLB, and 3BLC which are jiscussej in the Jisk and Tape Operating Systens, Assenbler Specifications are ignored. The use of L2L2 is illegal be~ause local SEre sy~bols are not alloNed. The relationships between the injivijual Assembler languages are as shOwn in ~ppen dix F. Glossary Absolute Address: l~--~n-address-that 2. is permanently assigned by the machine designer to a storage location. A pattern of characters that identifies a unilue storage location without further modification. Any of the prefix and -) or the infix operators (+, -,*, /, anj **). divide + = plus / raise to a pOwer minus ** * = mult:.iply ~;:.ithmetic~2~rator~: operators (+ ~~£~~Q!~g_Q!Q~f: Access Method: Any of the data management techniques available·to the user for transferring data between main sTorage and an input/output device. ~ccess Time: ~--The-fime 2. interval between the instant at which data is called for from a storage device and the instant delivery is completed# i.e.~ the read time. The time interval between the instant at which data is requested to be stored and the instant at which storage is completed, i.e., the write time. A sequence of records such that the control fields of each successiVe recori collate equal to or higher than those of the preceding record. ASCI!: See USASCII. To prepare a machine-Ian~uage program from a symbolic-language program by substituting absolute operat iOrl codes f:,r symbolic operation codes anj absolute or relocatable addresses for symbolic addresses. ~~~ble: ~§§~m~!~~~9=§~~£~1~: ~ddress: 1.--An-identification (name, label, or number). for a register~ location in main storage, or any other data source. 2. ~ny part of an instruction that specifies the location of an operand for the instruction. 3. (v.t.) In BSC~ IOCS a technique by which the CPU prepares a remote station to receive a message. ~~9;:'~~2._£Qns!:.~!!~: A value. ,or an expresS10n representing a value, interpreted as a main storage address. A job setup which provides. for an assembly of a source program followed immediately by the execution of the assembled program. Assemble-and-Go: Assembler: See Assenble-3.nd-~xecute. A program that assenbles. ~~~~mQ!~;:'_~~!!~~~~~: ~ symbolic language (used to write source programs) which enables the programner to use. all nachine functions as if he were cod'ing in machine language. ~~~fi2ut~: To assign storage locations or areaS-of storage for a specific job. ~llocate: Variable: A variable with which storage has been-associated. ~llocated ~lEb~~~~i£_~E~!~£~~!: ters #. $, @, and the Any of the characcharacters of the alphabet (A through Z). When two drives are given file, the first drive is the primary drive anj the second drive is the alternate drive. rape reels or disk packs are mount~d such that the first is on the primary drive, the second on the alternate drive, the third on the primary drive, etc. Al~ernate Drive: for-one-multi~volume Arithmetic Data: Numeric values used in arithmetic-operations (add, subtract. multiply, and divide). A characteristic; for example, attributes of data include record length, record format, data file nane, associated device type and volume ijentification, use, creation date, etc. ~~£~~2_~n9_B~~!:.Q!~_~fQ9~~]_1~~£~~~~: service program that can be used to 1. 2. 3. 4. A DPS create a backup tape from one or more disk files ani one or more card files, create a backup disk from one or more disk files, and restore each backup file to its original medium. Chan~e the volume and file serial numbers. Base: l~--A 2. reference. value. A number that is multiplied by itself as many times as indicatej by an exponent. Glossary 111 3. the number system in terms of which a value is represented. Examples: tne decimal base (ten), the binary base (twoi, the hexa~ecimal base (sixteen). ~~~~_~~g£~~~: Character: l~--One-of A given address fron which an effective address is derived by combination with a relative address. (See Dis(?lacement). 2. a set of elenentary signals which may incluje jecimal jigit3 0 through 9, the letters A through Z~ punctuation marks and any ~ther symbols acceptable to a computer for readin~, writing~ or storing. An 8-bit (l-byte) code that can be manipulatej in main stora;e= Bi~EY: 1. 2. ~ characteristic or property involving a selection, choice, or condition in which there are two possibilities. The numeration system with a r~dix of two. Character s~t: ~n ordered set ~f unique representatIon called characters. ~~~I~!: See Core-Ima~e Maintenance Program. ~!na£y_~~~ed_~~£!~~l: ~ jecimal notation in which the individual jecimal di~its are each represented by a group of binary digits, e.g., in the 8-4-2-1 binary coded decimal notation, the number twenty-three is represented as 0010 0011 whereas" in binary notation, twenty-three is represented a's 10111. BinarY_Digit: The smallest unit of information. It can have either of the two binary values zero or one. A search in ~hich a set of items is divided into two parts, where one part is rejected, and the process is repeated on the accepted part until the item with the desired property is found. Code: i:---ev.t.) To represent jata ~rnachine instructions in a symbolic form that can be accepted by an appr~?riate processor program. 2. Machine instructions produced on the bases of cojej instructions (see object program). £Qll~tig~_seg~~g£~: The relative ~rder of characters on which a sort or merge is based. ~i~~£Y_§~~f£~: Bit: See Binary Digit. Buffer: ~n area in main storage used as Intermediate storage in I/O operations. Durinq input. data is read into a buffp.r, during output, data is written fron a buffer. rhe smallest addressable unit of inf6rmatibn in System/360. Every byte consists of eight bits, each having a value of zero or one. gy~~: £~!~-R~~!~~g!_§~§!~~: Consists of the card control programs: Initial Program Loader~ (Basic) Monitor, and Job Control. Used for the execution of object programs contained in punched cards. Cv.t_1 The ~ction of including an object program or program phase in the core-image library as a temporary or a permanent entry. ~alog: gh~!~!gg: ~ record retrieval technique. The control irifozmation contained in records of one (the chaining) file is used to access a record in another (the chained) file. The chained file must be organized indexed-sequentially. 112 A string of characters used for documentation. ~2~~~n~: £Qmm~g!£~~iQg_Eg~!Q~: ~n area of the (Basic) Monitor. Contains date, st~rage capacity specification, UPSI byte, user areas 1 and 2r program-nane area, anj various control bits used by the system. Provides for intra-program and inter .. program communication. COmE!l~~~gQ~§~~~~t~: A j~b setup which provides for a compilation ~f a source pr~ gram followed immediately by the execution of the compiled program. A program which translates a program Nritten in a problen-orientej eRP;, PL/I~ etc.) language into object coje. ComRil~: ~Q~e!lg£_~Q~~£Ql_~~~!g~~g~: Anyone of the control statements in the input strean that defines the requirenents and options of a job to the compiler. Concatenation: The operation that connects two-character strings in the orjer injicated to form one string whose length is equal to the sum of the len~ths of the two strings. ~QQ~~Ql_~£Q~£~~~: ~ set of pro~rams which provide the management functions necessary for continuous operation of a c~nputing system. CO~iEQ1_§~£iiQu: The smallest unit of a program that can be separately assembled or compiled. All elements of a control sectiqn are in constant relationship to each other. Data File: treated-as of several scribed by system has control Statement: Any of the statements in the inpur-to a specific job that define the re~uirements of the job or its options. Q~~~~Q!mat A collection of related records a unit consisting of data in one prescribed arrangenents and decontrol information to which the access. Item: Specifications in the program that ~escribe ~ata items in the stream. Such data items may be characters or arithmetic values in character form. Conversion: The process of changing from one-form-;f representation to another. £Q~Y~l~~~!~~~EQgEe~_l£Q~~!~~: A DPS service program"used to copy the system file stored on the syst~m disk pack onto another disk pack. CO~l~~~~~2~ PrQgE~~: Data Transmission: The sending of ~ata from an external storage device to nain storage and vice~versa. ~ TPS service program contained in punched cards. Copies user·s tape-resident system from one tape onto another. Decimal: The number system based on the value-io. £Q!~=!~~9.~_Q!E~£~2El:. ~ A table on the system disk pack used as directory to the program (core-image) library. Each directory entry contains ~nformation about a program phase and its location in the library. Q~ci~~1-Digit: ~ne of the characters a through 9 in a ~ecimal nunber. For example, in the number 567, each of the numeric characters 5, 6, and 7 is a decimal digit. ~QE~=!~eg~_fQE~e:!:: Q~£!~~±_EQ!~~: The radix pOint in decimal A data ,format identical to that used in main storage. Programs or program phases stored in the core-image library constitute data in core-image format. Such programs or program phases are ready for direct loading from the coreimage library into main storage. Delimiter: Any valid special character or combination of special characters used to separate items of data, such as identifiers, constants l and statements. ~QE~=!~~g~_~i£E~EY: Q~sc~~g!gg-2!Q~E: An external-storage area containing the Job Control program, other IBM-supplied programs (except the [~asic] Monitor and the IPL). and user 1 s problem programs. Permits retrieval of programs or program phase by the Monitor. Cu~-I~~g~_~~!~i~~e~£~_E!QgEe~: A system service program. Updates the core-image library and directory. Is used to add and/ or replace and/or delete phases and the (Basic) Monitor. representation. A sequence of records such that the control fields of each successive record collate e~ual to or lower than those of the preceding record. Device Address: See Physical Device AddresS-an~S~mbolic Device Address. Core-Ima~rogra~: Device Independence: The ability to request input/output operations without regard to the characteristics of the inputl output devices. CPS!§: See Copy system Tape Program. Direct Access: Retrieval or storage of data-by-a-reference to its location on a volume rather than relative to the previously retrieved or stored data. £§.§g~: See Core-Image Service Program. A system service program that permits the printing l writing and/or punching of one or more entries of the core-image library. Data: ~A representation of facts, 2. concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation l or processing by humans or by automatic means. Any representations such as characters to which meaning is, or might bel assigned. Direct Address: An address that specifies the-location-of an operand ~ithout need of modification such as adding a base ad~ress value. Dire£~QEl: See Core-Image Directory or Macro Directory Q!rec~QE~En~El: A unit of information in the core-image or macro directory. (Phase header or macro identifier.) Glossary 113 QiE~£!2Ey_§gEYi£~_~EQgf~~; A system service program. Causes printing of the c~re i~age and/or macro directory and/or system directory. Di~~=!!~ide!!1_~st~!!!: contains the Monitor, the disk-resident portion of the IPL, and the Job Control proqram. Mav contain anyone or a combination of the following: IBM-supplied or user-written programs, macro definitions~ and a relocatable area. ~~Q: ESID: See External Symbol DictiJnary. See External Symbol Identification. ~~cep~12!!~!_£2!!91:!::1Q!!: An oce~rrence which can cause a program interrupt Jr an unexpected situation such as an overflow error: or an occurrence of an expected situation such as an enj-of~file conditi~n that Occurs at an unpredictable time. Di2Elace!!!~:!:: A. value., or an expression representing a value, ~hichis added to a base address to obtain the effective address .. Q~§_£2!!!!2!_Ef29!~ru~: A collective term used to refer to the Initial Program Loader. the Monitor, and the Job Control progra~. DS~g~: See Directory Service Program. Q~[!!Q: 1. 2~ 3. (v.t.) To copy the contents of all or part of main storage or an external storage onto an output device, so that it can be examined. Cn.) The data resulting from 1. (n.) A routine that will accomplish 1. EBCDIC: (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) A specific set of eightbit codes standard throughout System/360. ~~~£~~~Q!e ObjecL~ro9:!:am: The set of machine instructions produced by a language trans later and prepared for loading into main storage either by link-editing or by a a CMAINT run if an installation uses a disK-resi3ent system; the set of machine instructions produced by a language translator without further preparation if an installation uses a card-resident systen. Execute: (v.t.) To carry out an instructIon-or perform a routine. Execute-Loader Function: rhe function of eieCUfIng-an-ob)ect-program that is not cataloged in the core-image library. The object program may be read from either a card-reading jevice or a tape drive or from the relocatable area. ~~~£~~~_§:!::~:!::~~~Q:!::: Edit: To modify the form or format of data. e.g., to insert characters such as page numbers or decimal pOints or to delete characters such as leading zeros. Edit Pattern: A field composed of characters-of-a-special significance. rhese characters control such editing functions as' zero suppression, insertion of a floating dollar sign, etc. A Job ContrJI statenent that designates a job by identifying the load module to be fetched and executed. Explicit addressing~ ~n addressing technique which requires the specification of all elements of on address Cbase and di3placement) by means of absolute values. ~~l2.Q!!'~!!!:: In a floating-point constant a decimal integer that specifies the po~er to ~hich the base of the floating-?oint constant is to be raised. Effective Address: The absolute address that-Is-derIved-by applying any specified indexing (base address value) or indirect addressing rules to the specified address. The derived effective address is actually used ~o identify the current operand. ~~QE~~siQg: An operand entry that consists of a single term or an arithmetic combination of terms, normally representing an address value. ~!!!fY_~~!!!~: ~~i~!g~!_§iQ!§g~: The symbolic address of an entry point .• ~!!!:fY_E21!!:!::: In a routine" any place to which control can be passed. A storage device Qut3ije the computer capable of storing information in a form acceptable to the con?uter; for example~ cards or ma~netic tapes. ~~:!::~f!!~!_~i!!!~2!: EOF Card: End-of-file card which signals the-end-of a logi'cal set of input cards (/*b in columns 1-3, where b = blank). EOF Record: End-of-file record which signaI"s-the-end of a logical set of input records (/*b in columns 1-3, where b = blank) • 114 A control secti~n name J entry point name, or external reference; a symbol contained in the external synbol dictionary. ~~~~!~~!_§i~~Q!_Q!£t1Q!!.~EY_l~~Q2: Control information associated with an object or load module which identifies the external symbols in th~ mojule. ~~~~Eg~~_~ymbQ!_~~~g~!f!£~!iQ~_!~~~Q~: ESID numbers are assembler-assigned pointers that are used by the Linkage Editor program to correctly recompute the address constants referred to in RLD entries. Feature: A function of a program, or a partIcular circuitry in a system device, that can be used to perform specific operations. Fetch: r:---(v.t.) To read into main storage and pass control to phases or subphases. 2. (n.) The name of a control routine of the (Basic) Monitor that accomplishes 1. Field: In a record or in a data stream, a specIfied area used for a particular category of data~ for example, a number of character positions used to represent a wage rate or a number of bytes in main storage used to express the address of data in main storage. 1gen~!fier: ~ symbol ~hose pur?ose is to identify, indicata, or nane a body of d~t~. ~~£~~£!~_~~1Eg~~igl: An ~ddressing technique that allONS the specification of synbol addresses. IDde~_R~l!~!::.~E: ~ register whose content is added to the operand address prior to or during the execution of an instruction. Indirect Address: ~n ~ddress that specifies-a-storage-Iocation which cont~ins either a direct address or another indirect address. I~f~~_Qp~f~!::.Q!: An operator th~t an operation bet~een t~o operands. defines Initi~lize: . ro set counters, switches, and addresses-to zero, blank, or other starting values at the beginning of, or ~t prescribed points in, a computer routine. Ig!!!~!_~EQ1E~~_~Q~deE: ~i!~: See Data File. Fixed-Point: pertaining to a number system In-whIch-the location of the (decimal) point is fixed with respect to one end of the numerals according to some convention. ~!~9: Any of various types of indicators used for identification, normally a bit. FIQ9.:!:ig:!_~oi~!: Pertaining to a numeration system in which the position of the point does not remain fixed with respect to one end of the numerals. ~Qf~~:!:: The general makeup of data, a centrol statement, or ~ re~ord. ~ system control Loads (Basic) Monitor into main stor~ge. Is used to assign physical I/J device addresses to synbolic addresses SYSRDR and/or SYSRES. Places name of Job Control program into communication region of (Basic) Monitor. The program must be executed at the beginning of a systen run. program. I~it~9.1-yalu~: A value placed into a register or a storage area at the beginning of an operation and used during the oper~ tion for count purposes or control ?urposes or both. Inner Ma~ro Instruction: A macro instr~ction-contained-in-a-macro definition. Ig£~!: ~E~pbi£: The visual representation of a character or symbol. !!~!f-By!::.~: The leftmost or rightmost four bits of an eight-bit byte. Can contain representation of ~ digit or the sign of a number .. Halfword: Two adjacent bytes where the left~yte is on a half~ord boundary. Ha!!~Qrd_~QE~99.EY: Any even-numbered addressable byte position in main storage. rhe transfer of data from an external storage device to nain stor~ge. Ig£~!_Jo£_~!Eg~~: ~ sequence of JobControl statements entering the system, which mar also in~lude input data. Input~Ju!::.put_~on!:Eol ~~§.te~: ~ group of macro definitions which are contained in the macro library of the progr~nning system. rhese m~~ro definitions c~n be retrieved from the library and tailored to the input/output re~uirenents of the user. Ig1~iEY_~EQ1E~~: Hexadecimal: A number system using the equivalent-of the decimal number 16 as a base. The values 0-15 ~re represented by the digits 0-9 and the aphabetic characters A-F. ~i:!Q=QE~~E_Q~:!!!::': decimal number. Leftmost digit of a A program whose execution inquiry request on the printer-keybo~rd attached to the Model 20 system. When such a request is made, routines of the ~onitor cause the current ~on tents of main storage to be rolled out, the inquiry program to be loaded and executed and, on execution of that progran, the origin~l contents to be rolled in ~gain. is initi~ted by ~n :;lossary 115 !~2~~11~~iQ~: ~ particular computing system in the context of the overall functicn it serves and the individuals who nanage it, operate it, apply it to problens, service it, and use the results it pro5uces. ~gy: One or more characters within an item of data used to identify that data or to control its use. ~§y~~~~~ A mnemonic in a keyword macro instruction. !~~gggr_Qigi~: A digit to the left of the decimal point. In.!:g!:=Pr23.!:am_Co!£!!)uni£~!:i2!!: rhe exchange of data between two or more programs. Interrnot. : (IT: t • ) 'Io stop a process ' such~~~~~y that it can be resumed. n !~!:r~=~rQIr~~_~2~~~!!i£~!:i2!!: rhe exchange of data between two or more phases of a multi-phase program. Facilitated by the c~mnunication region. Keyworj ~acro Instruction: A nacr~ instructIofi-whose-operands must each consist of a mnenonic (keyword), an e~ual sign, and a specification. The ope~an5s need not be in a pre5etermined order. b~~g~~g§_~E~~§1~!2E; A program or a routine that accepts statements in one language and produces equivalent statenents in another language such as an assembler or a compiler. LDSYS: See Load Systen Progran. bi~ra!:~: I/O: Input or output or both. I/O Area: ~n area (portion) of main storage-into which data is read or fron which data is written. A collection of objects (e.g., files, volumes, carj decks) associated with a particular use, and the location of Nhich is identified in a direct8ry 8f sone type. 1!~!:~f~_~1!2~9~i2~_QE99~!~~~i~~_E~~g~~~: A system feature that permits an input/output operation to be performed simultaneously with other I/O operations or with processing or both. system service program. Used tJ rejefine the limits of one or a combination of the following: core-image library, core-image directory, macro library, nacrJ directory, and relocatable area. !~Q_~i~~: 1iQf~E~_~~~~g~~§g£_~EQgr~~: !~Q_Q~grl~E: the time interval between the instant at which data is called for fron an external storage device and the instant delivery is completed (read time); the time interval between the instant at which data is requested to be stored in an external storage device and the instant at which storage is completed (write time). !Q~~: IPL: See Input/Output Control System. A systen service programs such as Core-ImaJe Maintenance, Macro Maintenance, DirectJry Se~vice, and Library Allocation Jrganization programs. ~iQ~~~Y~~QE~_~r~~: ~n ar9a on the system disk pack usej by tne :M~INr program for updating the Monitor or the IPL. In assemble-and-go or compile-and-go runs, the C~AI~T program uses this area fJr the storing of tape label information. See Initial Program Loader. ~2Q: An externally specified unit of work for the computing system from the standpoint of installation accounting and operating system control. Linkaae: Machine instructions that connect separ;tely assemblej control sections. b!~~9g~_§~!~2E: A systen service r~Jgran. Relocates programs or phases and links separately assembled programs or phases. ~Q~_~Q~~rQl_~r2gE~~: A system control program. Resides in main storage between jobs and provides for automatic job-to-job transition. Processps Job control statements in the input stream. Job Control Statement: Anyone of the controI-statements-1In-the input stream) that identify a job or define its requirements and options. 1i!!~~§9ii!~g: rhe function of combininJ a program control section with one Jr nore ather, separately assemb12d program contLol sections into one eKecutable object program. 12~Q: 1. 2. ~-~y!:g§.: 1024 bytes. bytes. 116 To read a program or a prJg~an rhase into main storaje. To initially Nrite a data file Jnto :1i sk. ~~~~_~y§.t~~_Qi~~_~rQ~r~~: For example: nK n x 1024 ~ systen service program that creates a ta~e- or diskresident system from card input. ~2~!2~1_Q~!~_~122~: An entry in the LQgic~ al Unit Table. ~Q9i2~b_Q~i~_~~~1§: Part of the (Basic) Monitor. It has logical unit blocks, each of which refers to one specific synbQlic 1/0 address and contains the address Qf a physical unit block. These symbolic addresses are related to physical 1/0 device addresses by means of ASSGN control statements. L02E: A sequence of instructions that is executed repeatedly a specified nunber Qf time~-or until a condition is brought abcut that ends this repeated execution. !:Q~:.Q!:i§f_Q!Si!~: ~~£fQ_~~!~~~~~~~~_~fQ~f~~: A system service program. Updates the macro library and directory. Is used tJ add andlJr delete macro definitions. ~~£fQ_~~~~: An entry in the nacrJ directQry that identifies and points tJ the corresponding macro definition in the macro library. The rightmost digit Qf a ~~£f~_~~fYi£~_~fQlf~~: decimal number. LU~_Ta~l§: tains the macro jefinitions for the macro instructions in user programs. contains source statements needed to generate frequently used routines. See Logical Unit rable. Machine Instruction: A systen service program that permits the printing, punching, andlor writing of Jne Jr mJre macrJ definitiQns from the macrJ library. An Assembler-language statement~-or-Its-functional equivalent in machine language, that instructs the computing system to perform one specific operation, such as add, subtract, com~are, etc. ~~i~_~!2!:~9~: All addressable internal storage of the CPU (central prJcessing unit). It holds the program(s) under whose control internal manipulatiQn Jf data is performed. Macro Definition: A set of statements in the-macro-library used by the,DPS/rPS Assembler program to expand a ffiacro instruction specified in the source program into a series of machine instructions. ~~~!~~: ~~2fQ_Qif§£!QfY: Model Statement: Anyone of the statements in-a-macro-defInition that may be selected andlor altered (usually accQrding tJ the operands specified in the macro instruction) and become part of the cJde generated into the source program. An area of the macro litrary section of a tape-resident systerr, a table on the system disk pack of a diskresident system. Is used with programs written in the Assembler language. The TPS version has four priority sectiQns, each of which contains the identifiers for the macro definitions contained in the corresponding section of the macrQ library. The DPS version lists the names, begin addresses, and lengths of macro definitions contained in the macro library. Is used with prQgrams written in the Assembler language. The Macro directory can be listed on a printer by means of the Directory Service program. Macro Instruction: A statement used in a source-program-and replaced by a specific sequence of machine instructions in the associated object program. ~~£E2_!:i~f~fY_iQ~~~: A disk area cQntaining the macro definitions fQr the nacrQ instructions issued in user-written prograns. CJntains source statements needed tQ generate fre1uently used routines. See Macro Maintenance Program. Mnemonic: A contraction Jr abbreviatiQn whose-characters are suggestive Jf the full expression. MQnitor: The main control program in DPS. ResIdent in main storage throughout a system run. Loads programs into main stJrage and causes their execution. Monitor 1/0 Area: An area Qf main stJrage wIthIn-the-MonItor used as a buffer by various ~onitor routines when they read data into main storage Qr transfer data tJ an output device. MSERV: See Macro Service Program. Name: A set of one or nore characters that Identifies a statement, file, mJdule, etc., and that is usually associated with the location of that which it identifies. ~~~~i~g: The occurrence Jf a macrJ instruction in a macro definition. QQi§£!_~fQ~f~~: ~~2fQ_!:i~~~fY_i~~~~: An area of the macro library section of the system tape. Has four priority sections, each of which CQn- The output of a single execution of an assembler Qr cJTI9iler. Glossary 117 QQ~!:§!!!~: 1. 2. ~ value or a unit of data that is operated on. The information needed to define and/or locate 1. E~~!~Y_~h~~~: A ~heck that tests whether the number of ones (or zeros) in an array of binary digits is 033 or even. ~~~~~: Operation: I:--A-program step un3ertaken by a co~puter in execution of a machine instruction such as add, multiply, compare, etc. 2. The execution of a series of instructions for the purpose of having one specific function performed, e.g., the transfer of data between main storage an1 an IIO 1evice. QQ~E§!~!£g_~££~: ~ ~ program or a portion ~f a pr:>~ran executed as one main-storage 10a3 if it is n:>t devided up into subphases. Loading a phase, which is stored in the cJre=inage library# is initiated by a set of Job Control statements, a FEr2H or a LOAD in a preceding phase. May be output :>f ~ssenbl er, RPG, PL/I, or Linka3e Editor program. Physical Devi=e Ajjress; A cole used by the-CPu-to-select-an-iIJ 3evice. mnemonic that represents ~hy~!~~~_~gi_~£~i~~~_Q~i~_r~Ql~~_~~~Yi~~ an operation. ~!:2g!§!~: QQ~!:§!~iQg~!_~!E!:~~~i2!!: ~n expression con- taining operators. QE~!:~~2!:: 1. 2. ~ person who operates a machine. A symbol specifyin~ an operation to be performed (see Arithmetic Operator and Comparison Operator). A system service pr:>gran. rhis program (PSERV) is use3 to 3isplay and/or change the permanent 3evi~e assignnents and/or to change the configuration byte of the (Basic) Monitor on the systen disk pack. ~hY~!£~l~IQ~~: Qe~!Qg: ~ specification in a program or a control statement that may be used by the proqrammer to influence the execution of the program or any of its statements. A set :>f routines cJntained in the Monitor program. rhese r:>utines control the transfer of data from the 2PU to attached tape and/or disk drives ~nd to the printer-keyboard, if present. rhe routines also control all data tr~:1sfcr- fr:Hl the aforementione3 I/O 3evices to the CPU. Q~~e~~: rhe transfer of 3ata from nain storage to an external storage device. ~~Y~!~~l_Qgi~_~lQ~~: Overfl:>w: l:--That portion of the result which exceeds the capacity of the particular unit :>f storage 2. Page end on a printer. Ehy~i£§!l_Qgi~_r§!~~~: ~ table c~ntained in the (Basic) Monitor. It has a :1unbe~ :>f physical unit blo~ks, each of Nhich con~ains an actual device address. PJinte~s t:> these blocks are inserted into the logical unit table by means of ASS3N control statements. OV~E!§!E: (v.t.) ro do something at the same time something else is being done; f:>r example, to perform an I/O operation while instructions of a program are being executed by the cpu. QY~E!§!Y: To place a phase or subphase into main storage locations occupied by an:>ther phase or subphase that has already been processed. Pack: (v.t.) A storage technique where by two-digits or one digit and sign are st:>red per byte~ Packed Decimal: ~ data format in which twa digits-or-one-digit and sign are st:>red per byte. Parameter: A variable that is given a constant-value for a specific purpose :>r process. ~§!Ei~Y_~!~: A binary digit appended to an array of bits to make the sum of all the bits always 03d or always even. 118 An entry in the Phys- ical Unit Table. ~2int_~li9n~~~~: Alignnent of arithnetic data in a variable depending :>n the location of the assumed or actual decimal point. p:>sition Macro Instruction: ~ nacr:> InstructIon-whose-operands consist of only the values specified by the prJgranner. They must be specified in a pre3etermine3 order. ~r~f~~_Q~ra~~~: An o~erator that precedes, and is associate3 with, a single operand. The prefix operat:>rs are + and EEi2!:!tY_~~Y~~: Classifies macr:> definitions by frequency usage in TPS. F~lIr levels are used in the ma~ro library section of the tape resident system. Priority section: ~n area of the rps macro directory-or-library. Eac~ ~rior~ty.sec tion is level. ~ssignej to a spec1flc ?rl~~lty Problem Data: ~rithmetic or logical (character>data that is processed under control of the problem program in main storage. Problem Progr~!: Any program t~at is not part of the programming system or of the card programming support. ~~2£g~~iu~_prosra~: Any program that is not a control program. REQgra!: A series of machine instructions that, when executed, cause the necessary processing to achieve the desired result (s).' Relocatable A1dress: ~n address that can be modified by adding a relocation factor, i~e., abas~ address value. Relocatable Area: An area on the system disk-packused-to temporarily h::>ldan object program (or phase) thus ?ernitting a program or program phase to be assembled and executed in one job. Relocation: The m01ificatibn of address constantS-required to compensate for a change or origin of a phase or subphase. Program Library: A collective term used to refer to core-image directory and library. A program ~hich generates report-writing prograns in accordance with specifications describing the characteristics of the files involved, the processing to be performed" and the desired output. ff29f~~_~i£f~fl-§~£tiog: The section of the system tape that contains the program library. Restart: To re-establish the status of a job usIng the information recorded at a checkpoint. ~29.g~§ectiQg: g~~: See Control section. PrototY2~ sta!~g!: The first instruction the macro header) in a macro deftnition. It defines the format of the macro instruction ahd contains varioussymbolic parameters for ~hich values are substituted when the macro routine is used by a specific program. (follo~ing PSERV: See Physical and Logical unit T~bles Service Program. ~~: See Physical Unit Block. Read: Tu acquire data from an external storage device. S~~9!~~m~g~~L_~!e/~2mpute overlae Fea!~~~: A feature of the IBM System/360 Model 20. Submodel 5, that permits data transfer from or to magnetic~tape and disk 1/0 device to be overlapped with processing. g~~9_!i!~: See 1/0 Time. Receiving Fi~19: Any field to which a value may be moved or assigned. Relative ~ddress: The number that specifies the difference between the abs~lute (effective) address and the base address (see Displacement). Relation~LQE~~~tof~: The following ~pera tors used in the macro language of the DPSI TPS Assembler: EQ (equal to) GE (greater than or equal to) G'r (greater than) LE (less than or equal to) LT (less than) NE (not equal). g~EQ!:!2f29!:~[!L~~!}~f~!'Qf : See Report Program 3enerator. RwCFeature: See Read/~onpute, write/ c~mpute Overlap Feature. Second-Level Macro Definition: A macro definition that is called by-an inner (second-level or nesting) macro instruction. Sense ~te(s): One or.more bytes in main storage. The individual bits of a sense byte (or bytes) are used to indicate the status of 1/0 devites. Se!:Y!£~_E!:29!:~m: Any of the system programs that assist in the use of a computing system and in the successful eKecution ~f problem programs, without contributing directly to the control of the system or production of results. §i~gifi£!gE-Qi~i!: A digit that contributes to the accuracy or precision of a numeral. The number of significant digits is counted beginning with the digit contributing the most value. called the mbst ~ig nificant digit, and ending with the one c~ntributing the least value, called the least significant digit. SO~£~_Ef2~~~: ~ series of statements in the symbolic language ~f an assembler or c~mpiler, which constitutes the entire input to a single eKecuti~n of the assenbIer or compiler. S~urce Statement: ~ statement written in a source-language-(e.g. Assenbler language). Gl~ssary 119 §2!£/M~f~~: ~ descriptive term meaning "sort or merge". This term is frequently used in connection with a generalized program from which types of sort or merge programs may be defined. ~e~£i~l_£h~f~££g!: Any character that is neither alphabetic nor numeric. §!~!~!!!§:!!!: ? meanin~ful.expression or generalized lnstractlon In a source language. St2£~~~_~llo£~ti2!!: The assignment of blocks of storage to blocks of data. Stream: l:--The flow of data from an external storage medium to main storage; the flow of data from main storage to an external storage medium. 2. See also Input Job stream. System Disk Pack: rhe jisk pac~ which contains-the-userts disk-resident systen. System Input Device: An I/O device 30ecified-as-i-source-of an input job stre~m, excluding Job Control statenents. §Y§~~!!!_Q~~2~!_Q~yi£~: An 1/0 device used as output device for system prJgrans or problem programs or both (symbolic device address is SYSOPT). §~~t~~=QRtE~t~~E!~£~E: A printer used to list the output of system progr~ms (symbolic device address is SYSLST) or to log control statements (symbolic device address is SYSLOcr) or both (same printer is assigned to both symbolic device addresses>. ~n I/O device uSed by the programs to rea~ the Job Control statenents. §yst~~ R~~deE: c!'7c~om -1'.--'...... ""1"'\1"\~ ......... 1 "-'....,.L ............. '-"' ...... §.yste!!!_g~~!9~g~_Q~Y!£~: Subfield: The subdivision of a field. subphase: A portion of a program executed as one main-storage load. Loading a subphase fro~ tHe core-image library, in which i t is stored, is initiated by appropriate instructions either within the phase of which the subphase is a part or within the preceding sUbphase. ~YIDQQ1!£ .... ~~£!~2.~: An address represented by one or more symbols convenient to the programmer. For DPS the disk drive that contains the system disk pack if a disk-resident system is used; the disk drive on whose pack the Job Control program writes label information if a card-resident system is used. For rps the tape drive that contains the magnetic-tape volume with the system programs. §.yst~ID_~~rvi£S~E2~raID~: A collective term used to refer to the Library Managenent programs# the PSERV pro3r~rn, the Linkage Editor, and the Load System program. 2Y~~~~~~~: symbol!.£_Q.~!£g_~ggE~~~: A. symbol usea ~(l IBM-supplied and user-~ritten programs to refer to an 1/0 device (e.g., SYSRES. SYSIPT, SYSOOS). This address is related to an actual address by means of the logical unit table. §.!:§!E±:: See System Input Device. ~~2~Q~: See System Output Printer. SY2!!ST: See System Output Printer. §'~§'QE!: See System output Device. SYSgOR: See System Reader. §.!§g~§: See System Residence Device. rhe reel of nagnetic tape on which the user's tape-resident systen is located. !~P~_~!!Q!_g~£QY~Ey_gQ~£!~~: A syste~ routine that controls the executiJn of errJr recovery procedures in the case of magnetic tape 1/0 errors. !~Qg_~EEQE_~~~~!~£!£§_gQ~~~!!~: A system routine that analyzes magnetic-tape readl write errors and noise records that may occur during the execution of a program. In addition, the routine records the nunber of erase gap commands that are issued during the execution of the program. !~Eg::R~ident §.¥.st~ID: §.yst~_~2gtr21_Pr2gE~!!!: A collective term used to refer to the Monitor, the Job Control program, and the Initial Program Loadel.. • §y§!§!!!_~iE~£!2!Y: A table on the system disk pack listing the addresses and sizes of the core-image library and directory, the macro library and directory, and the relocatable area. 120 (1-\.lso referred tJ as tape-resident system.") :ontains the Basic Monitor pro3ram, the Job Control program, and may contain any IB~-supplied andlor user-written prJ3rams and/or m~cro definitions. consists of three sections: Monitor section, program library section, and macro library section. Is created and updated by means of maintenance programs. ~user's !§g: See Tape Error Recovery RJutine. TES: See Tape Error Statistics Routine. Third-Level Macro Definition: A macro definition that is*called-by an inner macro instruction of the thirj level. initializing a disk netic tape, etc. !h!Q~he~i: Volu~~: A measure of system efficiency: the rate a~ which work can be handled by a computing system. Transient ~rea: An area in main storage into which the Monitor loads transient routines for execution. Truncation: data~entity The process of cutting short a either on the right or on the left. (v.t.) To convert IlULUer~c data stored in the packed format to unpacked decimal format. ~ack or a reel ~f mag- That portion of a single unit of storage media that is accessible to a single read/~rite mechanism. F~r example, a reel of magnetic tape for a 2~15 magnetic tape drive, or one 1316 Disk Pack f~r a 2311 Disk storage Drive. YQ~~1~g~!. ~ record which uni~uely identifies a volu~e of magnetic tape or a disk pack by its volume serial number and other information. !!!!~ck: Q§~_gQE~~n~: ~ routine written and supplied by the user and incorporated into a system program as a modification. Each user-written routine is accessed through a program exit. User's T~E~=g~side~Y§~~: Resident system. See Tape- Volume Table of Contents (VTO:): ~ table stored on disk pack. The table contains the labels of all files contained on the same disk pack. Y!OC: See Volume Table of Contents. ~rit~: To record data on either disk or on magnetic tape. Utilit~fogr~~§: Programs that perform frequently recurring jobs subh as copying files from one data carrier to another, :nossary 121 Appendix Ail Machine-Instruction Mnemonic Codes The following list is an alphabetical listing of the mnemonic operation codes of all the machine instructions that can be represented in the Model 20 OPS/TPS ~ssenbler Language. The column headings in the list and the information each column provi~es are as f0110NS: Mnemonic Code: This column gives tne mnemonic operation co:ie for the macnine -----Instruction. !~~t!~ct!Qnl This column contains the name of the instruction associated with the mnemonic. QE~fati2~ Cod~l This column contains the hexadecimal equivalent of the actual macnine operation code. Basic Machine Format: rhis column gives the basic machine format of the instruction: RR, RX II SI or SS. QE~f~n2_E!eld_E2f~~1 This column shows the symbolic format of the operand field for the particular mnemonic. Mnemonic opera- Basic Machine tion Operan:i Field cog~ !!!§'~!:!!£~!2!! ~~g~ ~Q;:!!!~:!: EQ!:!!!~:!: AH Add Half~ord A.dd Decimal Add Branch an:! Store Branch and store Register Branch on Condition Branch on Conjition Compare Half~ord Control 1/0 Compare Logical Compare Logical Immediate Compare Decimal Divide Decimal Edit Halt and Proceej Load fIalfword Multiply Decimal Move CharactE!rs Move Immediate Move riumerics Move ~ith Offset Move Zones A.ND Logical Immediate OR Logical Immediate Pack Subtract Halfword Subtract Decimal Set Program Status Word Subtract Store Halfword Test 1/0 and Branch Test Under Mask Translate Unpack Execute 1/0 Zero and Add Decinal 4A FA 4D OD 47 07 49 9B 05 95 F9 PD OE 99 48 FC D2 92 01 Fl D3 94 96 F2 4B FB 81 lB 40 9A. 91 DC F3 DO RX SS RR RX RR RX RR RX SI SS SI SS SS SS SI RX SS S8 SI SS SS SS SI SI SS RX SS SI RR RX SI SI SS SS SS R1 "Oa(0,B a ) D1(L1,B1),Da(La,Ba) R.. ,Ra R1 ,Oa(0,B a ) R1 "Ra M1 ,D a (0,B a ) M1 ,R a R1 1, Oa (0, B'a) D1 (B 1 ),(JF D1 (L,8 1 ) ,Oa (Ba) D1 (8 1 ),I a D1(L1,B1),Da(La,Ba) D1(L1,B1),Da(LarBa) D1 (L,B 1 ),D a (B a ) °1(B 1 )"I 2 R1 ,Oa(0,B a ) D1(L1,B1),Da(La,Ba) D1 (L,B 1 ),02(B a ) D1 (B 1 ), , Ia D1 (L,B 1 ),Oa(B a , D1(L1,B1),Da(La,Ba) D1 (L,B 1 ) ,Da (Ba) D1 (8 1 ),I a 01(8 1 )"I a D1(L1,B1),Oa(La,Ba) R1 ,D a (0,B a ) F8 88 A.P AR BA.S BASR BC BCR CH CIO CLC CLI CP DP ED HPR LH MP M\TC MVI MV'N MVO MVZ NI 01 PA.CK SH SP SPSW SR STH TIOB TM TR UNPK XIO ZAP 122 1~ D1(L1,B1),Da(La~Ba) 01-(B1-) R1i Ra F1 ,Oa(O,B a ) D1 (B 1 ) I, UF 01(B 1 ),I a D1 (L,B 1 ) ,Da (B 2 ) D1(L1,B1),Da(L2"Ba) D1 (OF,B 1 >,D a (B a ) f"'\. r T")' 'U2 n I ....., LJ1 ,\U1,D1' \.LI2,02' ~ r-------------T---------T-------------------------------------T-------------------, CODE I OPERAND ,I MEANING 1 INsrR(JCTION I 1EXTENDED M~CHINE ~-------------+-------~-+--------------------------------------+-------------------~ I I I 1 B BR NOP NOPR ID 2 (0,B 2 ) IR2 102(0,B 2 ) IR2 I I 1 1 Branch crnconditional Branch Unconditional (RR Format) No Operation No Operation (RR Format) IBC 15,02(0,B2 ) I BCR 15,R 2 I BC O,02(O,B 2 ) I BCR 0,R 2 t I I 1 ~-------------+---------+---~-----------~----------------------+-------------------~ I I I I I I 1 BlI BL BE BNH BNL BNE 1 102(0,B 2 ) 102(0!,B 2 ) 102(0,B2 ) 10 2(0,B 2 ) 102(0,B 2 ) 10 2 (0" B 2 ) I USED AFTER COMPARE INSTRUCTIONS I Branch on High I Branch on Low I Branch on Equal I Branch on Not High 1 Branch on Not Low I Branch on Not Equal I I I I I 'I I I BC BC Be BC BC BC 2 1,0 2 (0,B 2 ) 4/1D 2 (OI,B 2 ) 8.0 2 (0,B 2 ) 13.D2(0~B2) 11,02 (0,B 2 ) 7. O2 (0, B 2 ) I I I I I I ~-------------+---------+---------------------~----------------+~---------------~--~ I BO I 'BP 1 BM 1 BZ I IOSED AFTER ARITHMETIC INSTRUCrI~NS Branch on Overflow I Branch on Plus 1 Branch on Minus I Branch on Zero 10 2(0,B 2 ) 1 102(0,B2 ) 102(0,B 2 ) ID 2 (0,B 2 ) I I I I I BC BC Be BC 1.0 2 (0,B 2 ) 2;,02(0,B 2 ) 4.0 2 (0,B 2 ) 8 1,02(0,B 2 ) I I I I I ~-------------+---------+--------------------------------------+-----------~-------~ , 1, I USED AFTER TEST UNDER MASK INSTRucrIONI I 1 BO ID 2 (0,B 2 ) I Branch i f ones 1 Be 1 I1 0 2 (0,B 2 ) I I 1 BM 102(0,B 2 ) I Branch i f Mixed I BC 4 I,D 2 (0,B 2 ) I _______________________________ BZ Branch i f Zeros Be 8 11 0 2 (0,B 2 ) 1_____________ L LID _________ --_____ LI ___________________ JI 2 (0,B 2 ) L Appendix A 123 Appendix B. Machine-Instruction Format r--T---------------------------T--------------------------T---------------------------j ! Operand i ! I I~ssembler I~pplicable I Ba2i£_Machin~EQf!!!~!: I Ei§;1f!_Eor!!!~!=. 1I!!~tr!!ct!Q!!~ I I 1 IA.R,BA.SRr,SR I I I • I ~--t---------r--T--T-----------t--------------------------t-----------------=---------~ I i ! 8 14 14 jOperationj i I ~ode I i IR1./R 2 ! (see note !R1.'R~! 1) I IRR~---------t--t--t-----------f--------------------------t---------------------------~ 1 I I I 1 8 14 14 I IOperationl 1 1 I Code I M1. I R21 I I 1 I 1 IM1 ,M a I I (See notes 1 and 4) 1 IBCR I I I I I I ~--t---------t--+--+--r--r-----+--------------------------+---------------------------~ I 8 14 i 4 i 4 i 12i i I 1 IOperationi i i i i jR1.. 0 2(D,B 2 ) ISTH.LH,CH~A.H,SH, BA.S I I I J I 1 1 ~ode IR11x21 Bal D21 1 I 1 1 1 IR1r,Sa 1 (See notes 1" 2r, 3, and 7) I I 1 I IRX~---------t--+--+--t--t-----t--------------------------+---------------------------~ I i ,8 14 14 14 112 I I I I 1Operation] I I 1 1 IM1 "[)2(O,B 2 ) IBC I I I I ~ode IM1.IX2IB2ID21 IM11,S2 I ! I I I I I I I I (See notes 2,3 r, 4 r, and 7) I 1 ~--+---------+--~--+--f--f-----i--------------------------+---------------------------~ I I 8 18 14 1121 I 1 I I I Operation, '" 101(B1 ).I 2 'CLI~MVI,NI,oI,rM,ffPR' I I Code I 12 , B11 D1.1 I S1.I, 12 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 (See notes 2,3.6, and 7) I I ISI.---------+-----f--f--+-----f--------------------------+---------------------·------1 I I 8 18 14 1121 1 I I I I IOperationl :ode 1-- 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I' IB11D11 I 1 I 101 (B 1 ) 15 1 I (See notes 2,3 .. 7, and 8) I ! SPSi and the I Imodification code (2 cols.>, or blank; for I I I I I I TPS: blank. l ~-----------~------+-----------+----------------------------_._---------------~ I MEND ~A sequence symbol or I Blank I 1 I blank I I ~------------------t----------------------t---------------------------------------------~ tMEXIT IA sequence symbol or IBlank I t I blank I I .------------------t----------------------t---------------------------------------------~ IMNOTE IA sequence symbol or IA comtination of characters encl~sed by I I I blank I apostrophes I .------------------t----------------------t------------------------------~------------~-1 I SE'TA I &AGg or &ALg., where !! I ~n arithmetic expression wi ttl i:t maximum I I I is 0-15 lof three terms I ~------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------------------~ ISETB I&BGn where g is 0-255 I~ logical expression or a relational exI I Ifor both DPS and TPS • • pressio~ enclosed by parentheses I ~ I&BLg where!! is 0-255 I I I I I for DPS and 0-127 for I I~GO -------_. I ITPS I I ~------------------t----------------------t---------------------------------------------~ ISETC I&CGg. where!! is 0-15 IUp to eight characters enclosed by a pair I I I lof apostrophes --substrings and I I I Iconcatenation permitted. I .------------------+----------------~-----t--------------------------------------------~~ IModel Statement IA symbol, a variable IAny valid combination of characters (includingl I (any Assembler I symboL. a sequence I variable symbols) I Ilanguage mnemonic I symbol,. a symbolic I I loperatton code~ I parameter. or a conI I lexcept END, ICTRL, I catenation repI I I ISEQ, LTORG. Iresenting a synbol I I IPRINT, and START~ I I I ~------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------------------~ IPrototype State- IA symbolic parameter IUp to 49 symbolic·parameters separated by I I ment lor blank I commas I t------------------t----------------------t---------------------------------------------~ IMacro Instruction IValid symbol or blank IUp to 49 operands, separated by conmas L __________________ ______________________ _____________________________________________ JI ~ ~ *~hen the IOCS is used~ the following symbols must not be used: &BGO - &8319, &BG21, &BG27, &BG28~ &BG69, and &BG80 - &BG88~ Appendix E 129 Symbolic Parameters and Variable Symbols in Expressions r-------------r-~-----------T-----------------T----------------T-----------------------, I Symbol \Defined By I Initialized or IValue Changed Byl :an be Used In I J I I Set to I I I ~~~==~=======-+-----~==-----+-----------------+----------------+-----------------------~ Isymbolic I parameter I I Prototype I statement I ; ICorresponding I Constant Imacro instructionlthroughout !operand !definition t 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I A.ritbnetic ex:?ressi~ns lif operand is an un!signed decimal selfI defining t ern I I Character I ex?ressi~ns 1 Model statenents I I ! I I I I I t-------------+-------------t-----------------+----------~-~~==+====~~~~==~====~---~===. , I 1 l t SETA I Predefined I I I ,I I I I I I I ~ ~ 10 (at assembly I I I Istart for global, I SETA. instructionl A.r ithnetic ex?ressions I I at macro call I I Character ex?ressions I I for local) I I I I I I Model stat enents I ~-------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------+-----------------------~ j SETB i Predefined i 0 (at assembly i I I i i istart for global, i SETB instructionl hrithnetic ex?ressions I I I I at macro call I I Character expressions I i i Ifor local) I I I I I I I I Logical expressions I I I I I I I 1 I I I I Model statenen ts I ~-------------+------. ------~-----------------+----------------~-----------------------~ ISETC I Predefined' INul1 character ISETC instructionlArithmetic expressions I I I Ivalue (at assem- I lif operand is an unI I Ibly start) I Isigned jecimal selfI I I I I I I defining tern I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I Character ex;>ressi:ms I , , I I Model stat ements I ~-------------+-------------+-----------------+-.--------------+-----------------------~ I&SYSNDX IThe hssemblerlMacro instructionlConstant Ihrithmetic ex:;>ressions I I I I index I throughout defi-, ! jnition; unique !Character ex?ressions 1 I I for each macro I I I I I I instruction I Model statenents I ~-------------+-------------+-----------------+----------------t-----------------------~ ItSYSE:T IThe A.ssemblerlControl section I Constant ICharacter ex:pressi~ns I I I I in which :nacro I throughout jefi-I I I I linstruction I nition; set by I Model statenents I I I I appear's ICSECT, DSECT, I I I I I land SThRT I I ~-------------+-------------t-----------------+----------------+-----------------------~ I&SYSLIST(n) IThe hssemblerlCorresponding I Constant lA.rithmetic expressions I IWhere n is a I Ipositional macro-Ithroughout defi-lif operand is an unI I SETl\, symbol 1 linstruction I nition for a I signed decinal selfI lor a decimal I I operand 19iven value of nldefining term I 1self-defining I I I ICharacter ex;>ressions I Ivalue! ! I ! I I _____________ I _____________ I _________________ I ________________ I Model stat enen ts L __ ____________________ JI 130 ~ ~ ~ IBM-Supplied Macro Definitions r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ~i~!_Q~_l§~=§~QQ!!gg_~~£fQ_~~!g!!!Q~~l~E~~ ASSGN ATENT COIPL CLOSE CNTRL CNVRT COMRG CROPR CREAO DCCB DTFCG DTFIV DTFNB OTFPO DTFSN OCNT OTFDA OTFLC DTFNC OTFPQ OTFSR OCSCT OTFDC DTFLO DTFND OTFPR OTFST DSENG DTFDF OTFM3 DTFNE OTFRG DTFSU OSKA DTFDO OTFMM DrFNF DTFSC DrFSV OrFBG DTFDR DTFMT DrFP DTFSD DrFS;" OTFBN DrFEN DTFMU DrFPA DTFSE OTFSX OTFB"T DTFIA OTFMV D'TFPC DTFSF DTFSY OTFBU DTFID DTFMW DTFPD DTFSG DTFSZ DTFBV DTFIN DTFMX DTFPE DTFSH DTFTC OTFBw DTFIQ DrFMY DTFPK DTFSI DrFTL DrFBK: DTFIR DrFM1 OTFPL DrFSJ orFrJ DTFB~ DTr:~ DTFIS DTFIT DTFM2 DrF~A DTFPM DT~PN DTFSK DTFSL DTF~R DT~~~ ENDFL ENDMT EOJ EOM ESErL EXlrB FEOV FETCfi GET I$BGO I$BG1 I$BG3 IB249 IE001 IICMA INTRD 10001 IPIQJ IQIPT LBRET LOAD LO:v1 LXITB MACRO MAINT MCIPL MDERP MFET MINQ MJOB1 MJOB2 MJOB3 MJOB4 MJOB5 MJOB6 MONrR MPPK MRIN MRJUT MSCEO MSCOO MSC10 MSC11 MTRAN MVCOM NOINQ OPEN PREQ PRTOV PUT I RJEMM I READ RELSE RETRN RJBGN RJCHK RJCMP RJCON RJCRD RJCTR RJDRD RJDRH RJDwE RJE IRJEND RJECT RJERR RJEUT RJEXP RJHOR RJLER RJMSG RJOUT RJPCH RJPRD RJPTR RJREQ RJRQM IRJRQP RJTRA RJTRC RJTRD RJTWC RJTWE RJWNQ RPGEQ SORTB RAPQP TRArB I \SETFL SErL I I TRUNC l WAIT WAlrB WAITC WAITF WRlrE Lis1-Q~_lBM-§~QE!!g9_~~£fQ_Q§±ig!!!Q~2_1I~~1 Ef!Qf!:!:Y_±' CNTRL CO~RG CRDPR DSE~G EJJ EOM EXITB FEOV FETCfi GET LBREr LOM PRTOV PUT READ RELSE RJCMP RJEXP rRUNC NAITB wAITC WRITE LXlrB MiJCJ:v1 ~riQ.E.i!y_~ CLOSE DTFBG DTFBT DTFBO DrFBV DrFB~ OTFBX DTFBY OTFCF DTFCG DTFM:v1 DTFMT DTF:v1U DT~MV DTFMW DTFMX DTFMY DTFNA DTF~B DTFNC OTFNO DTFNE OTFNF DTFPA DrFPC DrFPD DTFPF DrFSR DTFST DTFSU DTFSV DTFSW DrFSX OrFSY DTFSZ OPEN f£ior!!y_~ DTFBN DTFSN ~f.!ori!y_~ L OTFEN _______________________________________________________________________________________ J AppendiK E 131 Appendix F. Assembler-Language Features r-----------------------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------, \ Feature IModel 20lMJdei IBPS !BPS/BOS !DOS/TOS !JS/360 ! 20!SUPP~K ! I !Basic !DPS/TPS I IBasic Il\sse:r.I I I Assem- I !issem-, ,AssemI bIer, , , \ Ibler Ibler' ,bIer, , I I ~-----------------------+--- -----+--------+--------t--------+--------t--------t--------~ fNo. of continuation i 0 0 i 0 0 . 1 I 1 ,2 , cards/statement (excl. I ! I I of macro constructions) , , I ' Input character code ELEMENrS: Miximum characters/ "IEBCDIC EBCDIC 4 8 ~.:z'''~~~ EXPRESSIONS: Opera.tors Number of terms Number of parentheses 1 char. only 1 char. only 8 bits max. X see J~ X I I I max. of 8 I level I X , ASSEMBLER INSTRUCTIONS: DC and DS Expressions in .modifiers Multiple operands Multiple constants/ operand I, 'EB~DIC 8 X X X ~ X X X , , X X X X X X X K , , 6 X 1 char. only ,I , X 12 2 '+-1 I I 12:1.6-1 I I, +-*/ +-* 16 3 8 , i 8 +-* 3 1 3 IEBCDI~ " , 1 +- 22'+-1 2 2 '+-1 22~-1 X X X +- *1 3 1 level I I I, X X +-*/ 8 3 i leve Is +-*/ 16 5 1e\7e13 x: x: X x: X X X , I, I, I, I I ,, I, ,, , I I Only C, I c,. X. B, X, H. Y EBCDIC , 6 , Complex relocatability Bit length specification Scale modifier Exponent mo:iifier DC types EBCDIC , Qumhnl Character selfdefining terms Binary self-defining terms Length-attribute reference Literals Extended Mnemonics Maximum locationcounter value Multiple control sections per assembly 'BCD or 'EBCDIC H, p. Z, Y ,, , , , I I Except 1 I I Except IB,v IB,P,V Except a:1jress cons. X , , I Z, , 'X IY,S 'Except X X X X X X x: X X Except x: S I I A DC duplication factor , I -x: Except x: of zero S I I DC length modifier Except see I X IExcept X x H,Y Appx.D I IH,E, IL _______________________ L ________ • ________ Ll iD ________ L __ ______ L ________ L ________ LI _______ _ DC duplication factor 132 X r-----------------------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------T--------r--------, IModel 20 I Model 20lSUPPAK IBPS IBPS/BOS IDOS/TOS I I Feature I I~S/360 I Bas ic I DPS/rpS I . Ba sic I Assem- I I I , 'AssemI AssemI I As s ern- I bler I I I , ,bler , bler I , bler I I I I ~-----------------------+--------t--------t--------+--------t--------t--------t--------~ , os maximum length I 256 256 : 256 I 256 I 256 165:,535 65,535 I 1 modifier 1 I I I I , os constant subfield I -I -I X I x K l , permitted I I I I I I os type ,only only only lonly I X I X X I t IH,,:::: H,C C,R, I C, H, I I 1 , Dq_length modifier 1 I F "0 lonly only ICC , COpy I 1- I , CSECT ' I DSECT ' , ISEQ I I LTORG I , PRI NT I I T LTLE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I 1 ENTRY EXTRN CNOP X X X X X I X I I I 11 opnd. 11 opnd. lonly I only I t 1 opnd. I only I I X 1 opnd. 1 or 25 only I I I I I I I I I I X X I X X I I I I I I 2-17 2 opnds. 6opnds. opnds. I ist opnd reloc. I reloc. only I only I I 5 opnds. I I I K K X K X X X 11 opnd. lonly X X X K X X X opnd. I 2 reloc. I only I I I I I I I X lopnd. only I I X X I I I I I I I I I I X X I I 4 opnds. I (DCCW) I I X X I I I X X 11opnd. 14 opnds. lonly I only 11 opnd. lonly X X I I I X I I X I I I K X 12 opnds.15 opnds. 11st opndl1st opnd I reloc. I reloc. lonly I only Iblank lopnd. K X I ORG X X I I I I No K I X I I I X I I ' 1 1 opnd. 1 opnd. I 125 only I lor 3 I lopnds. I 125,71,38 CCW K I I I I DROP I X I:::: ' X I lOSING X 7 max. 'COM i I I IF" D I only , 8 max. I IICTL only C I X No blank opnd. No blank opnd. lopnd. only lopnd. only 1 opnd. only max. 14 \1 opn:L 1 opnd. lonly only I 2 dec. digits 2 dec. digits I I I I I I I 12 dec. I digits I t I I I I -X X I I I REPRO I ________ X X K K L _______________________ 4I ________ L 4 ________ 4 ________ 4I ________ 4I ________ 4I ________ JI PUNCH Appendix: F 133 r-----------------------T--------T--------T--------r--------r--------r----====T--------, I " I I , I I I 1360/20 I **' I X I X X ,IOCS", , lonly I I i i ! ! , t-----------------------t--------t--------t--------t--------+--------t--------t----~---~ Operand Sublists I I ' I ' X K I Macro I ! Instructions I Attributes of macro= i instruction operands I inside macro I d~finitions and symbols I used in conditional-! assembly instructions I ~utside macro I definitions , , I i I I I I I I I I I I ! ! ! I j I I , I I I i I I I , t Subscripted SET symbols Maximum number of parameters 49 tJ9 Conditional-assembly Jinstructions outside Inacro definitions X x: X K 200 200 X X I IMaximum number of SET I symbols I Gl::>bal SErA I Global SETB ,I Global SEre I Local SET~ , Local SETB I Local SETB IL__________ Local SETC ____________ ~ * ~ 16 16 * * 256 1 128 * * 16 16 * * 16 16 * * 256 2 128 * * 128 3 0 0 * * J ________ L ________ L ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ~ ~ ~ rhe number of SET symbols pernitted by the Operating System/36J and DOS/TOS ~ssembler is variable, dependent upon available main storage. X Implemented as specified in IBM System/360 Assembler Not implemented. 1 For DPS and TPS 2 For DPS only 3 For N?S only 134 ~ Lan~ua~e SRL. Appendix G. Output Listings (Assembler and MMAINT) Assemb ler Program r--------------r-----------r------------------------------------------------------------1 I PRINT I I I FIELD I ME~NING I POSITIONS I I ~---~----------~-----------~-----------------~------------------------------------------~ I I External Symbol Dictioaary (ESD) ~--------------T-----------T------------------------------------------------------------~ I SYMBOL I TYPE lID I~DDR I LENGTH ILD ID I 01-08 I External name. I 11-12 I 15-16 I 19-22 I 26-29 I 34-35 I Symbol type. I ESD eatry nunber. I Address of symbol before relocation. I I I I I I Length attribute of control se~tion. I ESD entry number of control section Nhere nane a9pears. I ~--------------~~----------~------------------------------------------------------------~ I I Instructions ~-~------------T-----------T------------------------------------------------------------~ LOCATN OBjECT CODE ADD1 ADD2 STMNT SOURCE STATEMENT WRN SEQ ERR CAT I Location of assembled instruction (hexadecimal). or 1 Assembled instruction (heKadecimal). 07-22 I constant generated (hexadecimal). 22-25 1 Effective address of 1st operand (heKadecinal). 27-30 1 Effective address of 2nd operand (hexadecimal). 32-35 I Statement number (decimal). 37-116 I Source statement Ccard image). Column 36 contains 1 a plus sign if a source statement is generated. 118-120 I Number of TXT card (decim3l). I Note: If NODECK was specified, the number is th3t of i a-&OESD option. 03-05 I Flag: Possible error in previous st3tement. 08-10 I Flag: Sequence error in previous statement. 13-15 I Flag: Error in previous statement. I 18-20 I Flag: Catastrophic error in previous statement. 02-05 07-20~ ~----_---------~-----------L--------------~----------- I __________________________________ Relocation Dictionary (RLD) I ~ I l--------------r-----------r------------------------------------------------------------~ IPOS.ID 1 03-04 I ESD ID number of control section containing the constant. I IREL.ID I 10-11 I ESD ID number of control section 60ntaining the 3ddress in I I I I the constaat. I I FLGS I 16-17 I rype of relocation.. I IADDR I 20-23 I Address of constant before relocation. I ~-----------~--~-----------~------------------------------------------------------------~ 'I Diagnostics 1 ~--------------r-----------r----------------------------------------------------~-------~ ISTATEMENT NO. 1 05-08 1 Listing sequence number of statement in error. 1 IERROR MESSAGESI 20-79 I Explanation of error. I I ACTION 1 80-120 I Action taken by Assembler. I ~---~----------~---~-~-----~-----------~------------------------------------------------~ I Table of Defined Symbols I ~--------------T-----------T----~-------------------------------------------------------~ 1SYMBOL I 01-08 I Name assigned to source statement. I I I 65-72 I I I LEN I 11-13 I Length attribute (decimal notation). I I I 75-77 I I I VALUE I 17-20 I Value attribute (hexadecimal notation). I I I 81-84 I I I TYPE I 24 I Type attribute. I IL______________ I ___________ 88 I ____________________________________________________________ JI ~ ~ AppendiK:; 135 r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1I I I .ISYMBOL . ,t---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 01-08 Source Label I i LEN i~iioE IDEF I CROSS- 1REFERENCE I 1 I i Crossreference List* (for DPS Assembler only) 10-13 ij-~6 23-26 31-34 37-40 43-46 49-52 55-58 61-64 61-10 13-16 19-82 85-88 91-94 97-100 103-106 Length attribute (decimal) Value attribute (hexadedimal) Listing sequence number of statement which defines label Listing sequence numbers of statements which contain the label I i i I I ! 1 1nn_11") .LV7-.L.L" 11C_110 ..L.LJ-..L.LU ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I I*Replaces Table of Defined symbols if ~ROSSREF is specifie~ in AJPT~ statement. L _______________________________________________________________________________________ J 136 EXTERNAL SYMBOL DICrIONARi SYMBOL TYPE ID AD DR 01 0100 SD LENGTH LD IF 00118 EXAMPLE LOCATN ADDl ADD2 STMT OBJECT CODE 0100 0000 0008 0009 0100 4890 013E 013E SOURCE STATEMENT 0002 0003 0004 R8 0005 R9 0006 BE3IN 0007 ERR 0104 D20l 0140 0144 0140 01114 0008 0009 0000 010A 4D80 0000 ERR 0010 0142 010E 9500 0142 0011 011E 0112 4780 011E 0012 0146 0116 4A90 0146 0013 0104 011A 47FO 0104 0014 EXIT OOCO 011E 4D80 0020 0015 AREA 0122 0016 TABLE 012A 0017 ADDR 013E 0122 0018 LASTAD 0140 012A 0019 SWITCH 0142 00 0020 HO 0144 0000 0021 H2 0146 0002 0022 START USING EQU EQO LH MVA 256 *-256,0 8 9 R9,ADDR SWITCH, 0 LOAD ADDRESS OP TABLE SET SwITCH OFF MVC BAS LASTAD(2),HO R8.,SUBR 2LEAR 'TABLE GO TO SUBROOTI~E 2LI BE AH B BAS DS DS D2 DC D2 D2 DC END SWITCH,O EXIT R9,H2 BE3IN+4 R8.192 4H 10H Y CAREA) YCTABLE) X'OO' H'O' H'2' IF SwITCH OFF LEAVE ROOrINE ELSE INCREl\SE l\;»)RESS AND BRANCH BACK 0002 STATEMENTS FLAGGED RELOCATION DI2TIONARY POS.ID REL.ID FLGS ADDR 01 01 04 04 01 01 013E 0140 DIAGNOSTICS STATEMENT NO. 0007 0009 ACTION STATEMENT TREATED AS ERROR MESSAGES UNDEFINED OPERATION :ODE UNDEFINED SYMBOL STATE~ENT TABLE OF LEN VALUE ADDR AREA BEGIN EXIT HO H2 LASTAD R8 R9 SwITCH TABLE 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 013E 0122 0100 011E 0144 0146 0140 0008 0009 0142 012/\ Figure 17. Sample Listing of Assenbler Output SYMBOL DEFI~ED COM~ENr IN:O~PLErELY ASSEMBLED SY~BOLS TYPE Y H I I H H Y X H Appen:liK G 131 Macro Maintenance Program r----------------T--------T----------------l ! PRINr !MEANING I I FIELD i i P)SITI)N i I ~----------------+--------+----------------~ ISTMNT NO. I 1-8 IStatement number I IMACRO DEFINlrIQNI 12-91 IMacro definit= i iSTATEMENT i jion statement I I DIAGNOSTIC I 95-120 I Diagnostic nes- I IL ________________ I ________ Isage ________ - - - - - ___ JI ~ ~ MACR~ STMT NO. MACRO DEFINlrION SrArEMENr &NA~E ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD A.DD ADD ADD ADD 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 Figure 18. 138 *&NA~E &AL1 .ADD &AL1 &AL2 ADD STH LH SErA AH SErA SETA AlFB STH LH &F1.&F2~&F3.&F4~&F5 12,SAVE~RE~ 12,&F1 2 12,&SYSLIST(&AL1) &AL1+1 &AL1+1 ('&SYSLlSr(&AL2)' filE ' , ) • ADD 12,&SYSLIST(&AL1) 12 , S~~VEAREA MEND Sample Listing of Macro Maintenance-program output DIAGN~srI: Appendix H.Assembler Diagnostic Messages The associated actions (see Output Listings) are abbreviatej as: SA = Statement assemblej STC= Statement treated as comment SIA= Statement incompletely assembled ~IE= ~ssembly in Error r--------------------------------T------------------------------~------T----------T-----l , Diagnostic Message I Meaning IAssociatejlNotesl I I I Acti:)n I I t--------------------------------+--------------~----------------------+----------+-----1 I~SSEMBLER CONTROL ST~TEMENr Irhe operand of an AW~RK statenent is I sr: I I IAwORK INVALID In:)t a single operand of , I I I I either 1 or 2. I I I ~-------------------------------~+-------------------------------------+----------+-----~ IASSEMBLER CONTROL ~R M~CR~ '~n ~OPTN statement has beenjetectej I S~ , I IST~TEMENT - INVALID N~ME FIELD Iwith an entry in the name field. rhel 'I t I name field has been ignorej, but the 1 ~ I Iremainder of the statement has been I I I I I I processed. I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------r----------~-----~ IASSEMBLER CONTROL STATEMENT I~n ~OPTN statement has been en count- I SIA I I IINV~LID OR MISSING OPERAND lered with no operands or Nith an I I I I :)perand function tha t is not one of I 1 I I , I the valid options. The valid operandi I I I I and any other operanjs followin:J are I ,I I I I i:Jnored. I ' , ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------+----------+-----i 'B~D D~T~ IErroneous data found in D: or D:CW 'SI~ I I I I I I , statenent. ~-----~--------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------~-----~ ICONST~NT TRUNCATED 'Specified constant length is less I S~ I I I ,than the actual length of a constant., " ~--~-----------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------~-----~ IILLEG~L :ONTINUATION LINE 'A statement is continued on the sub- I src I I 1 ,sequent line (in the subsequent I 'I I ,card) • ' I I ~--------------------------------t-------------------------------------t----------t-----i IILLEG~L FORM~T 1. Invalid delimiter. SI~ I 2. Missing or extra field(s) in sta, tement operand. I 3. First operand is a literal. I ~. Blank operand in a machine I instructi:)n. I 5. Parentheses are not paired. I 6. Invalid symbol in L·SY~B~L. I 7. Illegal d:)uble indexing in RX I format. I 8. Illegal type of self-jefining , term. ~--------------------------------+----------------------------~--------+----------+-----~ ,ILLEGAL MODIFIER I Inc:)rrect m:)difier in a D: or DS I SI~ , I I ,statement. I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------+----------+-----~ IIMPROPER START VALUE I I , lrhe value in a STARr statement is n:)tl 'an integer nul tiple o,f two. (rhe I I value is increased to the next higherl I integer mUltiple of two). I S~ I I I I I I 'I ~--------------------------------~-------------------------------------~----------+-----~ IINV~LID :ONDITION CODE ICondition code mask specified in Be I SIA I I ISPECIFIC~TION B:R is other than 0-15. L ________________________________ LI:)r _____________________________________ LI __________ LI _____ lI ~ppendix fI 139 r--------------------------------T-------------------------------------T----------1-----1 Diagnostic Message I Meaning I ! l~ss~ciatejIN~tesl I ! z:-.~cti:)n I I ~--------------------------------1-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ INVALID EXPRESSION 11. For all instructions except DC I SIA/STC I I and EQU, the value of the eKpres-1 I I sion is negative. I I 12. rhe eKpression contains more thanl I i three terms. I I 13. rhe expression is compleK relo- I i I eatable, but it is not allowe1 I I for this instruction. I 4. rhe terns in.a multipli~ation arel not absolute. I 5. An arithmetic operator begins or I ends an expression. I 6. Parentheses are not paired. I 7. During expression evaluation a I value greater than 2 15 -1 or less I than -2 15 has been reache1. I 8. Invalid delimiter sequence. 1 9. The operand in an JRG st3te~ent ! is not relocatable within the I section. i 10. The operand in an END or XFR sta-I I I tement is not relocatable. I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------+-----~ IINVALID IMMEDIATE DATA Irhe immediate data is an invali1 I SI~ I I I Iself-defining term (e.g., more than i I I lone byte). I I 1 t--------------------------------t-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ I INVALID LENGTH VALUE 11. For SS type instructions. I I I I I a. Length is greater than 256 I I I I I b. F~r two length instructions, I I I I I Ll or L2 is greater than 16. I I I I 12. Length is specified as a relocat-I I I I I able term. I I I ~--------------------------------1-------------------------------------t----------+-----~ I INVALID LITERAL SPECIFICArION I Literals have been specifie1, I SII.\ I I ! I a1 th:)ugh an AOPT~~ :or TERAL statement. lis not included. (rps Assembler I I I I I I only>. .--------------------------------t-------------------------------------t----------+-----~ INVALID NAME FIELD 1. For all instructions except I SA/SrC I I rITLE: The statement name beginsl I wi th a non-alphabetic character. I I {$, @, and # are consijer2d i i alphabetic characters}. I 2. rhe statenent name is longer than I eight characters. I 3. Non-alphanumeric characters 1 appear within the statement name. I 4. A statement name is present in a I statenent which must not have a I name. I 5. ~ DSE~T statement has no name. I 6. No name or an invalid name in an I EQU statenent. I t--------------------------------l-------------------------------------t----------+-----~ I INVALID OCCURE~CE JF ASSE~BLER 11. Program has more than one I src I I I STATEME~I' I srARr card. I 1 I I i 2. A START card is improperly pIa ce:i i I I I I in the program. ! I! I 13. An LTOR3 appears within a jummy I I 1 I I control section. I i I L ________________________ 140 ~-------~---------------------- _______________ ~ __________ ~ _____ J r--------------------------------T-------------------------------------T----~-----T-----' I Diagnostic Message I I I Meaning l~ss~ciate1IN~tesl I Ac t i on I I ~--------------------------------t-------------------------------------+----------+-----~ IINV~LID I I RE3ISTER CONrENTS 11. I I I I 12. I Specified register contents are n~t rel~catable or they excee1 21. 5-1. specified c~ntents for registers 0 - 7 are not correct. I I SI'/S~ I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------f----------+-----~ IINV~LID RE3ISTER SPECIFIC~rION I I I 11. I 12 • I Register specifie1 is other than I 0 to 15. I Register specifie1 as relocatablel tern. I SI~/sr: I I I I I I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------+----------+-----~ IINV~LID SELF-DEFINING rERM I I I Irhe self-defining term: 11. is t~~ large 12. is too long 13. c~ntains an invalid. character. I I I I Sl~ I I I I I I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------+-----~ IIN~ALID OPERATION CODE I I I I I 11. I I I I 2. I The operation co1e begins with a I non-alphabetic character. ($, @, I and # are consid.ere1 a lphabeti c I characters) . I N~n-alphanumeric char3.cters I appear within the operati~n code. I src I I I I I I I I I I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------f----------+-----~ I St~rage required for a constant I exceeds 21.5-1. I LIMIT ERROR I I I sr: I I I I ~--------------------------------t-------------------------------------+----------+-----~ LIMIT EX2EEDED 11. I 12. I I I 13. I 14. I 15. I rhe value of the location c~unterl has exceed.ed. 21.5-1. I rhe value of the location c~unterl set by the OR3 st3.tement has gonel below the initial value of the I c~ntr~l secti~n. I The total number of CSECr, DSEcr,1 and ExrRN statements exceeds 31. I The t~tal number of CSEcr and. I DSEcr statements exceeds 8. I Total number ~f ENTRY statements I must not exceed 20. I ~IE I I I I I I I I I I I I ~--------------------------------f-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IM~CRO I l - 3ENERArION TERMIN~rED I Maximum number (999 for TPS; 4999 f~rl I DPS) ~f executed A.30, A30B, ~IF, an1 I I AlFB statements exceeded. I sr: I 1, 21 I I I I ~--------------------------------f-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IMACRO - GENERArION TER~IN~rED IBY OPERArOR'S INTERVENTION I I Irhe generation is terminated. after \the operator has assigned the value I 'FF' to the c~re storage position III OOCE' via the console. I I I I sr: IMACRO - INNER MACRO NESrIN3 IDEPrH EXCEEDED I I I~n inner nacr~ instruction h3.S been given within a third level. (rhis Imacro instruction iNill not be I expanded) • 1 sr: 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 ~--------------------------------f-------------------------------------t----------+-----~ I 1, 21 I 1 1 I I I t--------------------------------t-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IMACRO INSTRucrlON IOCCURANCE OF DATA IN~ALID IThe columns up to the continue colunnl lof a continuation line are not blank. I SA I I I I r--------------------------------f-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ exanple, ~peran1 longer than 7 I src I I Icharacters, or operand has an equal I I I I I sign in ~ther than the first I I I I ________________________________ I position. L _____________________________________ LI __________ LI _____ JI IMACRO INSTRUCrION - I~~ALID IF~r IOPER~ND ~ r--------------------------------T-------------------------------------T----------T-----l Diagnostic Message I Meaning l~ssJciatejlNJtesl I I I I A.cti on I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IMACRO INsrRucrION - KEYWJaD i~ keyword Jccurs nore than on~e in a i SA i IMULTIPLE SPECIFIED Imacro instruction operand. I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IMACRO INSTRUCTION - TJJ ~~~Y t~ore operands in a macro instruction I SI~ t I iOPER~NDS Ithan specified in the prototype sta- ! !! I I tement. The extra operan::'is are I I I I I i:Jnored. I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IKcy~ord in nacro instruction jOeS not; 3r; i I match any keyword defined in the pro-I I Itotype. rhis operand is ignored; alii I I other operands are processej. ~Q~~: I I I IJnly one message appears Nhen more I I I I than Jne undefined keyworj appe~rs inl I I I the same card of a macro instruction. I I I ~--------------------------------t-------------------------------------+----------t-----~ !M~CRO - INVALID DAfA IN !~on-numeric character encountered in I STe I 1, 21 !ARITHMETIC OPERATI~N Ian ~IF. ~IF8i or SErB statement with I I 1 I Ian arithmetic relation or in a SErA I I I I i statenen t. I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IM~CRO - INVALID RESULr IN IFor an A.IF, AIFB, or SErB statenent I sre 1, 21 IARITHMETIC OPERATIJN I with an arithnetic relation or for a I I I I SETz\ STz\TEMENT: I I 1 i 1. Result is negative I I I I 12. Result is greater than 99999. I 1 I IM~CRO INSTRUCTION - UNDEFINED I KEYwORD t I t--------------------------------t-------------------------------------t----------t-----t INVALID SUBSTRING ISpecified substring not wholly conI src I 1, 21 !MACRO - I I I tained in the character strin:J Jf a I I I ISErC instruction. I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IMACRO - INVALID SYSLIST ISYSLIST reference to a paraneter I ST: I 1, 21 I REFERENCE Inumber is less than 1 or greater thanl I I I 149. I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ I MACRO ~ LONG FINAL RESULT 12haracter string Lesul t lias exceeded. I sr: I l, 2 i ICH~R~:rER OPERATION lei~nt cnaracters in an AIF, ~IFB, Jr I I I , ISETB statement with a chara~ter rela-I I I I Ition or a SErC statement. , I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------+----------t-----~ IMACRO - LONG INTERMEDI~TE RESULrlCharacter string has exceeje::'i sixteen, ST: I 1, 21 lIN CHARACTER OPERATIJ~ Icharacters for a SET: statement. I I' r--------------------------------t-------------------------------------f----------+-----i \MACRO - STATEMENT TRUNCATED \A generated model statement exceeds I I 'S~ I I col unn 71 I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----t IMACRO - UNDEFINED OPERATION CODEIAn instruction with an operation cJdel sre I 2 I I Iwhich is not recognized as a valid I I I I ISystem/360 Model 20 Jperation code I I I land is not contained in the macro i I I ; \ \ library was fJund during ma~ro I I I i I generation. I I' ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IMISSING UF IN XIJ I~issing unit and function specifica- I SI~ I I I I tion in XIO statement. I I I ~-~------------------------------t-------------------------------------+----------+-----~ IMNOTE IA message from the macro coder to I None I , i i the macrO user, generally ijentifying I I I I ________________________________ Ian error in the macro in!;;t-.rllct.jon~!L __________ L I _____ J1 L ____________________ - ________________ ~ 142 r--------------------------------T-------------------------------------T----------T-----' I Diagn~stic Message I Meaning l~ssJciate11~otesl I I I ~cti on I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------+----------+-----~ MULTIPLE DEFINITIO~ 1. Identical symbols appear in the I SA/STC I name fields of tHO or more I I statenents. I I For an EXrRN statement: 2. 1 I a. Operand is identical to the I I name field of another I I statenent I I b. Two or more statenents have 1 1 identical operands I I 3. The name fields of CSEcr and/or I I DSECT statements are identical. I 1 \ The statenent encountered second I I I is considered unnamed. I I ~--------------------------------+~------------------------------------+----------+-----~ \NOr ADDRESSABLE 11. No base register specified. I SI~ I I I 12. An absolute displacement is I I I I I greater than 4095 I I I I \3. Base register(s) specified in 1 1 1 I I USING statement (s) cannot be app-I I I I 1 lied" (no coincidental I 1 I I I relocatability). I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------+----------+-----~ IRELOCArION ERROR 11. Base register specified in relo- I S~ I I I I catable operand. I I I I 12. RelJcatable expression in YLl ( ). I I I I 13 • Symbol in operand of E~rRY state-\ I I \ I ment is defined in an unnamed I I I I I contr~l secti~n. I I I ~--------=-----------------------+-------------------------------------t----------+---~-~ FORMAT IBE ANALYZED \ IST~TEMENr C~NNor 1. Erroneous operand in an src instructi~n. 2. 3. Blank operand in an Assembler instructiJn. For DC or DS: a. First character in operand field is not alphabetic or nmoeric. b. No alphabetic character follows the duplication factor. c. N~ terminating apostrophe or close parenthesis. d. Terninating apostrophe or close parenthesis followed by a non-blank character. I e. Length specification is n~n-numeric. f. Invalid constant type. 4. An operation code and/or an ~perand is not c~ntained in co~umns 2 through 71. I 5. OperatiJn c~de has more than 5 characters. I 16. D2 literal has no fourth sub-field. I 17. N~ initial apostrophe in rIrLE I statement. 18. More than four registers are spe1 cified in a USIN3 or DROP I statement. ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------+----------+-----~ ISYMBOL NOr PREVIOUSLY DEFI~ED I~ symbol in the ~perand of an J~G or I sr: I I I IEQU statement is not defined in a I I I encountered statement. IL ________________________________ LIprevi~usly _____________________________________ LI __________ LI _____ JI A.ppendiK d 143 r--------------------------------T-------------------------------------r----------r-----' I Diagnostic Mess~ge I Meaning l~ssJciatedlNotesl I I I ~cti:)O I I ~--------------------------------1-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ ITOO MANY DIGITS \TOO many digits in a decimal value orl SA I I i I a self-defining term. I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IUNDEFINED OPERATION CODE IMnemonic operation code is not reco- I sr: I I i I I i :Jnized as a valid IBlY! SysteItl360 IModel 20 operation code and is not I contained in the macro libr~ry. i i is i i i I I I I I I r--------------------------------t-------------------------------------+----------+-----1 IUNDEFINED SYMBOL IA symbol has been referenced but it ! SIA ! ! i ~ot defined in the name field of i any instruction. I I I I I I ~--------------------------------+-------------------------------------t----------t-----~ IUNPAIRED AMPERSAND IOdd number of ampersands encountered I S~ I I I lin a constant. (T.vo ampersands must I I I I I be specified for every ampersand I I I IL________________________________ LI _____________________________________ wanted in a constant.) 1I __________ LI _____ JI r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I~Q~~§: I I 11. I , I 12. I I These messages refer to statements in the assembly listing which contai~ addition~ll information. This additional information is: the macro-instruction name, and a I pointer to the instruction in error within the generated macro routine. Diagnostic messages for macro instructions may be caused by improper data ~[l the macro instruction (for example, alphabetic characters supplied for a len~th Il _______________________________________________________________________________________ specific~tion). J Appendix I. Diagnostic Messages of the Macro Maintenance Program r----------------------------T----------------------------------------------------------, I MESSl\GE I MEANING \ ~----------------------------4---~~-----------------------------------------------------~ ICHARACTER VALUE TOO LONG IA character value of this statement is too long. \ ~----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ (CHl\Rl\:TER STRING TOO LONG IA character string of this statement is t00 10~g. \ ~----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ (COLS 1 THRU 15 NOT BLANK (Colunns 1 thr~ugh 15 must be b13nk. \ ~----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ (FORMAT ERROR I~ NA~E FLD \The name field of this statement has the wrong format. I ~----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ (ILLEG~L :ONTIN PUNCH IColumn 72 must be blank for this statenent. I ~----------------------------4----------------------------------------------------------~ IILLEGAL OPERAND Il\n operand is n~t allowed for this statement. I ~----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ I ILLEGAL OPERATION CODE \ I I IThe operation code of this'statement is not allowed Nithinl I a macro definiticn, or the operat ion c0de sp ecif ied in 3 I Iprot0type statement is a machine instruction or an I \ assembler statement. I ~----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ (ILLEGAL I STATE~ENT FORMAT IThe format of the statement is illegal (has no operation \ co:1e) . I \ r----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ IILLEG~L :ONTINUATION LINE \The c0ntinuation line is not permitte:1. I r----------------------------f----------------------------------------------------------~ IILLEGAL SUBSrRING \A substring specification is not permitted for this I statement. I I I ~----------------------------f----------------------------------------------------------~ IINCORRECT CONT LINE \The continuation line is incorrect (column 16 of a con\ tinuation line is blank). 1 I I ~----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ IINV l\RITHM TERM OF SUBSTR \rhe arithmetic term of a substring is invalid. \ r----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ TER~INArION IINV CHAR STR \The termination of the character string is incorrect. \ t----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ \INV FORM~r OF l\RITHM EXPR IArithmetic expression has an invalid f~rmat. \ r----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ IINV FORM~r OF LOGICAL EXP \The f0rnat 0f the logical eKpression'is invali:1. \ t----------------------------4-----------------------------------------------~----------~ rERMINATIO~ IINV OPERAND IThe terninati0n of the operand is incorrect. I r----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ !INV PROTOTYPE STATEMENT Irhe prototype statement is incorrect. I r----------------------------f--------------------~-------------------------------------~ IINV RELArIONAL OPERATOR Il\n invalid relational operator (E2, NE, GT, GE, Lr, LE) is\ 1 I specified. \ r----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ \INV SET ST~TEMENT NAME Irhe name of a SET statement is invalid. \ t----------------------------f-----------------------------~----------------------------~ \INV SUBSrR TER~INATION \The terminati~n of a substring is incorrect. \ t----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ lINV SYMBOL TERMINArION \rhe termination of a symbol is incorrect. \ \The operand c0ntains an incorrect symbolic parameter. I r----------------------------f----------------------------------------------------------1 IINV SYMB PAR IN OPERAN~ t----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ !INV SYMB P~R I~ NAME FLD \rhe name field contains an incorrect synb~lic ?3raneter. I ~----------------------------4----------------------------------------------------------~ IINV 1 SYSVARSY~ IN NAME FL~ IThe name field contains 3n \ symbol. in~orr2ct syst2m variable I I t----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ SYSVARSY~ IN OPERAND operand contains an incorrect system variable 3ymbol. JI lIINV ______________ --------- _____ L\The __________________________________________________________ r----------------------------T----------~~----------------------------------------------, I MESSA.GE I MEANING I ~-----------~----------------+----------------------------------------------------------~ IThe statement contains an arithmetic term which is I I invalid. I ~----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ IINVA.LID LOGI2A.L OPERArOR IAn invalid logical operator is specifiej. I ~----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ !INVALID OPERATION CJDE !The operation code for this statement is invali3. I IINVALID ARITH~ETIC TER~ i ~----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------1 IINVA.LID MA.~RO STArEMENr Irhe macro statement specified is incorrect. I ~----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ lINVALID MNOTE OPERi\ND jIhe JpeL'and of an [VlNOrE statenent is invalid. I r----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ 1INVALID OPERAND TYPE IPositional prototype statement with keyword or vice versa.1 t----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------1 IINVALID SEQUEN~E SYMBOL Irhe sequence symbol of this statenent is invalij. I t----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ IINVALID STANDARD VALUE IThe standard value specifiei for a keyworj is incorrect. I t----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ IMORE THA.N 3 ATITHM TERMS Irhis staterrent contains more than 3 arithnetic terns. I ~------------------------~---+----------------------------------------------------------~ IMULTI DEFINED SY~BPARA~ IA parameter is jefinej more than once. I r----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ INO END PAREN IN OPERAND Irhe terminating parenthesis of this operand is nissing. I t----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ INO INIT • IN CHAR STRING IThe initial apostrophe of a character string is nissing. I r----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ INO INIr ; IN 21D CHAR VAL IThe second character value has no initial apostrophe. I r----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------1 INO INIT PAREN IN OPERAND Irhe initial parenthesis of this operand is nissing. I r----------------------------f----------------------------------------------------------~ INO SEQ SYMB IN NAME FLD Irhe name fielj of an ANJP statement joes not contain a I I I sequence synbol. I t----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------1 IOPERAND MISSIN3 Irhe operand of this statement is missing. I r----------------------------f----------------------------------------------------------~ iOPERAND Nor CJ~TINUED IThe continuation of an operanj is missing. I r----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ iOPERAND JVERFLJ~S CJL 71 IThe operand extends beyond column 71. I ~----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------1 IS I * Irhe contents of columns 73 through 80 of this st3tenent I are out of se1:uence. I I r----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ ISequence Symbol I IMULTI DEFINED IA se~uence symbol is jefined more than once. I r----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ ISe1:uence Symbol I I INOT ~EFINED IA se~uence synbol shoulj be jefined. I ~----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------~ ]TOO M~NY SYMB PARAMETERS L ____________________________ * rps 1~6 only Irhis staterrent contains too ma~y syncolic paraneters. __________________________________________________________ JI ~ Appendix J. Character Codes This appendix lists all System/360 card c:>des t:> which a printer ~raphic is a3si~ned. (The printer graphic may vary according to the national character set.) r---------T----------------T--------------T------------T---------------, IEBCDIC I C~RD PUNCH I PRINTER I I I ICODE I CO~BIN~TIJN 1 GR~PHI: I DECIM~L I HEXADECI~AL I ~---------+----------------t--------------t------------+---------------~ 1 I I I 100000000 I 12,0,9,8,,1 0 1 00 1 100000001 I 12,9,1 1 I 01 1 100000010 I 12,9,2 2 1 02 I 100000011 I 12,9,3 3 03 I ,00000100 I 12,9,4 4 04 1 100000101 1 12,9,5 5 05 1 100000110 I 12,9,6 6 06 1 100000111 I 12,9,7 7 07 I 100001000 I 12,9,8 8 08 1 100001001 I 12,9,8,1 9 09 I 100001010, 12,9,8,2 10 O~ 1 100001011 I 12,9,8,3 11 OB I 100001100 I 12,9,8,4 12 oc I 100001101 I 12,9,8,5 13 OD I 100001110 I 12,9,8,6 I 14 OE I 100001111 I 12,9,8,7 I 15 OF I ~---------+----------------+--------------+------------+---------------~ 100010000 I 12,11~9,8,1 I I 16 I 10 100010001 I 11,9,1 I 17 I 11 100010010 I 11,9,2 I 18 I 12 100010011 I 11,9,3 19 I 13 100010100 1 11,9,4 20 1 14 100010101 1 11,9,5 21 I 15 100010110 I 11,9,6 22 I 16 100010111 I 11,9,7 23 I 17 100011000 I 11,9,8 24 I 18 ,00011001 \ 11,9.,8,1 25 1 19 100011010 1 11,9,8,2 26 I 1?\. 100011011 I 11,9,8,3 27 1 1B 100011100 I 11,9,8,4 28 I lC 100011101 \ 11,9,8,5 29 1 1D 100011110 I 11,9,8,6 30 \ 1E 100011111 I 11,9,8,7 31 I lF ~---------+----------------t--------------+------------+---------------~ 100100000 \ 11,0,9~8,1 I I 32 20 ,00100001 I 0,9,1 1 1 33 21 \00100010 I 0,9,2 I 1 34 22 \00100011 I 0,9,3 I I 35 23 100100100 \ 0,9,4 I I 36 24 100100101 1 0,9,5 I I 37 25 100100110 I 0,9,6 1 I 38 26 100100111 I 0,9,7 I 1 39 27 100101000 I 0,9,8 I 1 40 28 \00101001 1 0,9,8,1 I I 41 29 I 00101010 I 0 , 9 ,8 ,2 1 I 42 2?\ 100101011 I 0,9,8,3 1 I 43 2B 100101100 1 0,9,8,4 1 1 44 2: 100101101 I 0,9,8,5 I I 45 2D 100101110 I 0,9,8,6 I 1 46 2E 100101111 0,9,8,7 47 I _______________ 2F L _________ 1________________ LI ______________ LI ____________ J ~ ~ I\:??endix: J 147 r---------r----------------T--------------T------------T---------------, I CARD PUNCH I PRINrER I I , i EBCDIC 120DE I 20MBIN~TION I GRAPHIC I DECIMAL I HEXADECIMAL I ~---------+----------------+--------------+------------+---------------i 100110000 12,11,0,9!1'8,1 ! 48 30 I 100110001 9,1 i 49 31 100110010 9,2 I 50 32 90110011 9 .. 3 51 33 00110100 9#4 52 34 00110101 9,5 53 35 00110110 9.,6 54 36 00110111 9,7 55 37 00111000 I 9,8 56 38 00111001 I 9.,8,1 57 39 00111010 I 9,8,2 58 3~ 00111011 I 9,,8,3 59 3B '00111100 I 9,8,4 60 3C ~00111101 I 9.,8,5 61 3Q 100111110 I 9,8,6 62 3E I 100111111 I 9,8.,7 63 3F I ~---------+----------------t--------------+------------+---------------~ 01000000 I blank I 64 40 I 01000001 I 12,0,9,1 I 65 41 I 01000010 I 12,0,9,2 I 66 42 I 01000011 i 12,0,9,3 I 67 43 I 01000100 12,0,9,4 I 68 44 I 01000101 12,0,9,5 I 69 45 I 01000110 12,0,9,6 I 70 46 I 01000111 12,0,9,7 I 71 47 01001000 12,,0,9,8 I 72 48 01001001 12,8,1 I 73 ~9 01001010 12,8,2 I 74 4l\ 01001011 12,8,3 I 75 4B 01001100 12,8,4 < I 76 42 01001101 12,8 r 5 ( I 77 4D 01001110 12,8,6 + I 78 4E I 01001111 12,8,7 I I 79 4F I t---------+----------------t--------------+------------+---------------~ 01010000 1 12 I & 80 I 50 I 01010001 I 12,,11,Q,1 I 81 I 51 I 01010010 I 12,11,9,2 I 82 I 52 01010011 I 12,11,9,3 I 83 53 01010100 I 12,11,9,4 I 84 54 01010101 I 12,11,9,5 I 85 55 01010110 I 12,11,9,6 I 86 56 01010111 I 12,11,9,7 i 87 57 01011000 1 12,11.,9,8 I 88 58 01011001 I 11,8,1 I 89 59 01011010 I 11,8,2 I 90 5l\ 01011011 I 11,8,3 I $ 91 5B 01011100 l 11,8,4 I 92 52 01011101 I 11,8,5 I 93 5D 01011110! 11,8,6 I 94 5E 101011111 11,8,7 I ______________ 1 95 SF L_________ I ________________ ____________ ______________ _ * ~ 148 ~ ~ ~ r---------T----------------T--------------T------------T---------------l 1 C1\RD PUN2H I PRINrER I I I 1EB2DI2 1CODE I CO~BINATIJN I GR1\PHI2 I DE2IM1\L I HEXADECIMAL I r---------+----------------t--------------+------------+---------------~ 01100000 I 11 I 96 I 60 I 01100001 I 0,1 / I 97 I 61 I 01100010 I 11,0,9,2 I 98 I 62 I 01100011 I 11,0,9,3 I 99 1 63 I 01100100 I 11,0,9,4 I 100 64 1 01100101 1 11,0,9,5 I 101 65 I 01100110 I 11,0,9,6 I 102 66 I 01100111 I 11.0,9,7 I 103 67 1 01101000 1 11,0,9,8 I 104 68 I 01101001 I 0,8,1 I 105 69 I 01101010 I 12,11 1 106 6A I 01101011 i 0,8,3 , I 107 68 I 01101100 I 0,8,4 % I 108 6C I 01101101 I 0,8,5 _ I 109 6D I 01101110 I 0,8,6 > I 110 6E I 01101111 I 0,8,7 ? I 111 6F I ~---------+----------------t--------------+------------+---------------1 101110000 I 12,11,0 I I 112 I 70 I 101110001 I 12,11,0,9,,1 I I 113 I 71 I 101110010 1 12,11,0,9,2 I I 114 I 72 I 101110011 I 12,11,0,9,3 I I 115 I 73 I 101110100 I 12,11,0,9,4 I I 116 I 74 I 101110101 I 12,11,0,9,5 I I 117 I 75 I I 0111011 0 I 12 , 11 , 0 , 9 .• 6 I I 118 I 76 I 101110111 I 12,11,0,9,,7 I I 119 I 77 I 101111000 I 12,11,0,9,8 I I 120 I 78 I 101111001 I 8,1 I I 121 I 79 I 101111010 I 8,2 1 I 122 I 7A. I 101111011 I 8,3 I # I 123 I 78 I 101111100 I 8,4 I @ 1 124 I 7C I 101111101 1 8,5 I I 125 I 70 I 10 1 11 111 0 1 8,6 I I 126 I 7E 1 101111111 I 8,7 I I 127 I 7F 1 ~---------+----------------+--------------+------------+---------------~ 110000000 I 12,0,8,1 I I 128 I 80 I 110000001 I 12,0,1 I 1 129 I 81 I 110000010 I 12,0,2 I I 130 I 82 I 110000011 I 12,0,3 I I 131 1 83 1 110000100 I 12,0,4 I I 132 I 84 1 110000101 I 12,0,5 I I 133 I 85 I 110000110 I 12,0,6 I I 134 I 86 I 110000111 I 12,0,7 I 1 135 1 87 1 110001000 I 12,0,8 I 1 136 I 88 I 110001001 1 12,0,9 I I 137 I 89 I 110001010 I 12,0,8,2 I 1 138 I 8A. I 110001011 I 12,0,8,3 1 I 139 I 88 I 110001100 I 12,0,8,4 I 1 140 1 82 I 110001101 I 12,0,8,5 I 1 141 I 80 I 110001110 I 12,0,8,6 1 I 142 1 8E I 110001111 I 12,0,8,7 I I 143 1 8F I l _________ L ________________ ______________ ____________ L _______________ J ~ ~ r---------T----------------T--------------T------------T---------------, I CARD PUNCH I PRINTER I I I I EBCDIC ICODE ! COMBINATION I GRAPHIC I DECIMAL ! HEXADE2I~AL I ~---------+----------------+--------------+------------+---------------~ 10010000 I 12,11,8,1 144 90 I 10010001 12,11,1 145 91 I 10010010 12,11,2 146 92 I 10010011 12,11,3 147 93 I 10010100 12,11,4 148 9~ i 10010101 12,11,5 149 95 10010110 12,11,6 150 96 10010111 12,11,7 151 97 10011000 12f11:o8 152 98 10011001 12,11,9 153 99 10011010 12,11,8,2 lS4 9Ao. 10011011 12,11,8,3 155 9B 10011100 12,11,8,4 156 9C 10011101 12,11,8,5 157 9D 10011110 12,11,8,6 158 9E 10011111 12,11,8,7 I 159 9F ~---------+----------------+--------------+------------+---------------~ 110100000 11,0,8,1 160 AD 110100001 11,0,1 161 Al 110 100 0 10 11 , 0 , 2 162 A2 110100011 11,0,3 163 A3 110100100 11,0,4 164 All 110100101 11,0,5 165 A5 110100110 11,0,6 166 A6 110100111 11,0,7 167 A7 110101000 11,0,8 168 A8 110101001 11,0,9 169 A.9 110101010 11,0,8,2 170 AA 110101011 11,0,8,3 171 AB 110101100 11,0,8,4 172 A2 110 10 110 1 11, 0, 8 , 5 173 AD 110101110 11,0,8,6 174 1 AE I 110 10 1111 11 , 0 , 8 , 7 175 I AF I ~-----,---=+-~--------------+--------------+------------+---------------1 110110000 I 12,11,0,8,1 I 1 176 I BO I 110110001 I 12,11,0,,1 I I 177 I B1 l 10110010 12,11,0,2 178 82 I 10110011 12,11,0,3 179 B3 I 10110100 12,11,0,4 180 B4 I 10110101 12,11,0,5 181 B5 I 10110110 12,11,0,6 182 B6 I 10110111 12,11,0,7 183 B7 1 10111000 12,11,0,8 184 B8 I 10111001 12,11,0,9 185 B9 I 10111010 12,11,0,8,2 186 BA I 10111011 12,11,0,8,3 187 BB I 10111100 12,11,0,8,4 188 BC I 10111101 12,11,0,8,5 189 BD I 10111110 12,11,0,8,6 190 BE I 10111111 12,11,0,8,7 191 BF ___ ________________ 4 ______________ 4I ____________ 4 _______________ JI ~------ 15U ~ r---------T----------------T--------------T------------T---------------, IEBCDI: I CARD PUNCa I PRINrER 1 I I I CODE I COMBIN~TIJN \ GRAPHI: I DECIMAL I HEXADECIMAL \ ~--~------+----------------t--------------+------------t---------------~ 11000000 \ 12,0 192 CO I 11000001 \ 12,1 A 193 C1 11000010 I 12,2 B 194 C2 11000011 \ 12,3 C 195 C3 11000100 I 12,4 D 196:4 11000101 1 12,5 E 197:5 11000110 I 12,6 F 198 C6 11000111 I 12,7 G 199 C7 11001000 I 12,8 a 200 C8 11001001 \ 12,9 I 201 C9 11001010 1 12,0,9,8,2 202 CA 11001011 I 12,0.,9,8,3 203 CB 11001100 \ 12,0,9,8,4 204 CC 11001101 1 12,0,9,8,5 205 CO 11001110 1 12,0,9, R, 6 206 CE 11001111 1 12,0,9,8,7 207 CF ~---------+----------------+--------------+------------+---------------~ \11010000 11,0 \ 208 I DO I 111010001 11,1 I J 209 I D1 1 111010010 11,2 1 K 210 I D2 I 1101001'1 11,3 I L 211 \ D3 \ 11010100 11,4 I M 21L I 04 1 11010101 11,5 I N 213 \ D5 \ 11010110 11,6 I 0 214 I D6 I 11010111 11,7 \ P 215 I D7 \ 11011000 11,8 I Q 216 I D8 I 1101'1001 11,9 I R 217 \ D9 I 11011010 12,11,9,8,2 I 218 I DA I 11011011 12 t l1#9:8,3 I 219 I DB I 11011100 12,11,9,8,4 1 220 I DC 1 11011101 12,11,9,8,5 I 221 I DD I 11011110 \ 12,11,9,8,6 I 222 I DE I 11011111 I 12,11,9,8,7 I 223 I OF I ~~--------t----------------+--~-----------+------------+---------------~ \11100000 \ 0,8,2 224 I EO 111100001 I 11,0,9,1 225 \ E1 \11100010 I 0,2 S 226 I E2 111100011 I 0,3 T 227 I E3 \11100100 I 0,4 U 228 I E4 111100101 I 0,5 V 229 I E5 111100110 \ 0,6 W 230 I E6 \11100111 \ 0,7 X 231 \ E7 111101000 1 0,8 Y 232 I E8 111101001 I 0,9 Z 233 I E9 111101010 I 11,0,9,8,2 234 I EA 11110 10 11 \ 11., 0, 9 , 8" 3 235 rEB 111101100 I 11,0,9,8,4 236 I EC \11101101 \ 11,,0,9,8,5 237 I ED 111101110 \ 11,0,9,8,6 238 I EE 01111 I ____ 11 .,_________ 0 " 9 , 8, 7 = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 239 I _______________ EF l1111 _________ ______ L J ~ ~ ~ r---------T----------------y--------------T------------.---------------1 IEBCDIC I C~RD PUNCH I PRINTER I I I ICODE I COMBIN~TION I GRAPHIC 1 DECIM~L I HEXADECI~AL I ~---------+----------------+--------------+------------+---------------~ 11110000 0 I 0 240 i FO 11110001 1 I 1 241 I F1 11110010 2 I 2 242 I F2 11110011 3 I 3 243 I F3 11110100 4 1 ij 244 I F4 ll11Dl01 5 5 245 F5 11110110 6 6 246 I F6 11110111 7 7 247 I F1 11111000 8 8 2~8 I F8 11111001 9 9 249 I F9 11111010 12,11,,0,9,,8,2 250 1 FA. 11111011 12,11,0,9.,8,3 251 I FB 1111111 0 0 12 , 11 • 0 , 9 .. 8 , 4 252 I FC 111111101 12 , 11, 0 , 9. 8, 5 253 I FD 111111110 12,11,0,9~8#6 254 I FE tllllllll 12,11,0,9,8,1 LI ______________ ____________ 255 FF =====JI l _________ ________________ LI __________ i ~ 152 ~ Appendix K. Minimum and Maximum System Configuration Minimum System Configuration IBM 2501 C~rj Reajer Model Al or A2, IBM 2520 Card Read-Punch Model Al, IB~ 2560 ~ulti-Function :ard Machine Model A1; The folloNing is the minimum systen configuration required to perform an assembly. one of the followinl printers: IBM 1403 Printer Mojel Nl, 2, or 1, IBM 2203 Printer Model A.l. An IBM 2020 Central PrOcessing Unit Model C2 for the TPS (8,192 bytes of main storage), or BC2 for the DP3 (12,288 bytes of main storage); an IBM 2415 Magnetic Tape Unit Model 2 or 5 (with at least one 9-track drive) for the rps, or an IBM 2311 Disk storage Drive Model 11 or 12 for the DPS; Maximum System Configuration Assembler object programs may be prodaced for the follo~ing maxi~u~ systen configur3.tion. one of the following card reading devices: IBM 2501 Card Reader Model Al or A2, IBM 2520 Card Read-Punch Model A.1, IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine Model 1\1; one of the following printers: IBM 1403 Printer ~odel N1, 2, or 7, IBM 2203 Printer Mojel Al. An IBM 2020 Central Processing unit Mojel D2 (16,384 bytes of main storale); i,lith/Q.r without IBM Binary Synchronous Commanic~-' tions Ad~pter, Fe3.ture No. 2074; two IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drive3 Mojel 11 or 12 (both must be the sane nojel); an IB~ 2415 Magnetic rape unit through 6; ~odel 1 an IBM 2501 C~rj Re3.jer Mojel Al or A.2; An IBM 2020 Central Processing unit Model BC4 (12,288 bytes of main storage); an IBM 1442 C~rj Punch Mojel 5; an IBM 2311 Disk storage Drive Model 12; one of the folloNinl c3.rj units: an IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine Model 1\2; IBM 2520 C3.rj Re~d-Punch Mojel Al, IB~ 2520 Card Punch Model A.2 or A3, IB~ 2560 ~ulti-Function :ard Machine Mojel Al; an IBM 2203 Printer Mojel A2. one of the folloNing printers: An IBM 2020 Centr~l Pro8essin~ Unit Model C5 for the TPS (8,192 bytes of main storage), or BC5 for the DPS (12,288 bytes of main storage); IBM 1403 Printer Model Nl, 2, or 7, 2203 Printer Model 1\1; IB~ one of the followinl readers: an IBM 2415 Magnetic r~pe Unit Model 2 or 5 (with at least one 9-track drive) for the TPS, or IBM 1419 1 or 31, an IBM 2311 Disk storage Drive Model 11 or 12 for the DPS; IBM 1259 M~gneti8 1, 31, or 32; one of the following carj reading devices: an IB~ M~gneti8 ma~netic character Char3.cter Reajer Model Ch3.r~cter Reader Mojel 2152 Printer-Keyboard. Ap?endix K 153 an IBM 2501 An IBM 2020 Central processing Unit M~del D4 <16,384 bytes of main storage}; with or without IBM Binary Synchronous Comnunications Adapter, Fe~ture No. 2074; C~rj Re~der Model ~1 or ~2; an IBM 1442 Card Punch Model 5; one of the follo~ing card units: two IBM 2311 Disk storage Drives Model 12; IBM 2520 Card Read-punch M~del ~1, IBM 2520 C~rj Punch Mojel A2 or A3, IB~ 2560 ~ulti-Function 2ard Machine Mojel Al: an IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine Model ~2; an IBM 2203 Printer Model ~2. one of the an IBM 2152 Printer-Keyboard. printers: IB~ 1403 Printer Mojel N1, 2, or 7, IBM 2203 Printer Model A1; ~~2~Qg~b_~ An IBM 2020 Central Processing unit Model E5 (32,768 bytes of main storage); with or without IBM Binary Synchronous Comnunications ~dapterr Feature No. 2074; four IBM 2311 Disk ~r 12: follo~ing Stor~ge Drives M~del an IBM 2415 Magnetic rape Unit Modell through 6; 11 one of the readers; follo~ing magnetic chara~ter IB~ 1419 ~agnetic 2haracter Reader 1 or 31, IB~ 1259 ~agnetic 2haracter Reader 1, 31, or 32; an IBM 2152 Printer-Keyboarj. M~jel ~~del Appendix L. Hexadecimal-Decimal Number Conversion Table The table in this appendix provides for direct ccnversion of decinal and bers between 0000 and 4095 (hexadecinal 000 and FFF). For numbers outside the range of the table, add the following figures: Hexadecimal --1000---- Hexadecimal Decim~l t~ble -3686440960 45056 49152 53248 57344 61440 A..OOO BOOO cOOO 0000 EOOO FOOO 8192 12288 16384 20480 24576 28672 32768 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 to the nun- Decimal ---9000---- -4096- v~lues hex~decin~l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 C D 00 01 02 03 0000 0016 0032 0048 0001 0017 0033 0049 0002 0018 0034 0050 0003 0019 0035 0051 0004 0020 0036 0052 0005 0021 0037 0053 0006 0022 0038 0054 0007 0023 0039 0055 0008 0024 0040 0056 0009 0025 0041 0057 0010 0026 0042 0058 0011 0027 0043 0059 0012 0028 0044 0060 0013 0029 0045 0061 0014 0030 0046 0062 04 05 06 07 0064 0080 0096 0112 0065 0081 0097 0113 0066 0082 0098 0114 0067 0083 0099 0115 0068 0084 0100 0116 0069 0085 0101 0117 0070 0086 0102 0118 0071 0087 0103 0119 0072 0088 0104 0120 0073 0089 0105 0121 0074 0090 0106 0122 0075 0091 0107 0123 0076 0092 0108 0124 0077 0093 0109 0125 0078 0079 08 09 oA.. OB 0128 0144 0160 0176 0129 0145 0161 0177 0130 0146 0162 0178 0131 0147 0163 0179 0132 0148 0164 0180 0133 0149 0165 0181 0134 0150 G166 0182 0135 0151 0167 0183 0136 0152 0168 0184 0137 0153 0169 0185 0138 0154 0170 0186 0139 0155 0171 0187 0140 0156 0172 0188 0141 0157 0173 0189 0174 0175 0190 0191 OC OD OE OF 0192 0208 0224 0240 0193 0209 0225 0241 0194 0210 0226 0242 0195 0211 0227 0243 0196 0212 0228 0244 0197 0213 0229 0245 0198 0214 0230 0246 0199 0215 0231 0247 0200 0216 0232 0248 0201 0217 0233 0249 0202 0218 0234 0250 0203 0219 0235 0251 0204 0220 0236 0252 0205 0221 0237 0253 0206 0222 0238 0254 0207 0223 0239 0255 10 11 12 13 0256 0272 0288 0304 0257 0273 0289 0305 0258 0274 0290 0306 0259 0275 0291 0307 0260 0276 0292 0308 0261 0277 0293 0309 0262 0278 0294 0310 0263 0279 0295 0311 0264 0280 0296 0312 0265 0281 0297 0313 0266 0282 0298 0314 0267 0283 0299 0315 0268 0284 0300 0316 0269 0285 0301 0317 0270 0286 0302 0318 0271 0287 0303 0319 14 15 16 17 0320 0336 0352 0368 0321 0337 0353 0369 0322 0338 0354 0370 0323 0339 0355 0371 0324 0340 0356 0372 0325 0341 0357 0373 0326 0342 0358 0374 0327 0343 0359 0375 0328 0344 0360 0376 0329 0345 0361 0377 0330 0346 0362 0378 0331 0347 0363 0379 0332 0348 0364 0380 0333 0349 0365 0381 18 19 lA 18 0384 0400 0416 0432 0385 0401 0417 0433 0386 0402 0418 0434 0387 0403 0419 0435 0388 0404 0420 0436 0389 0405 0421 0437 0390 0406 0422 0438 0391 0407 0423 0439 0392 0408 0424 0440 0393 0409 0425 0441 0394 0410 0426 0442 0395 0411 0427 0443 0396 0412 0428 0444 0397 0413 0429 0445 0398 0399 0414 0415 3430 0431 0446 0447 lC lD lE lF 0448 0464 0480 0496 0449 0465 0481 0497 0450 0466 0482 0498 0451 0467 0483 0499 0452 0468 0484 0500 0453 0469 0485 0501 0454 0470 0486 0502 0455 0471 0487 0503 0456 0472 0488 0504 0457 0473 0489 0505 0458 0474 0490 0506 0459 0475 0491 0507 0460 0476 0492 0508 0461 0477 0493 0509 3462 0478 0494 0510 0015 0031 0047 0063 0094 0095 0110 0111 0126 0127 0142 0143 0158 0159 0334 0335 0350 0351 0366 0367 0382 0383 0463 0479 0495 0511 . 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3314 DO Dl D2 03 3328 3344 3360 3376 3329 3345 3361 3377 04 D5 06 D7 3392 3408 3424 3440 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE OF Ap?endh:: L 159 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B EO E1 E2 E3 3584 3600 3616 3632 3585 3601 3617 3633 3586 3602 3618 3634 3587 3603 3619 3635 3588 3604 3620 3636 3589 3605 3621 3637 3590 3606 3622 3638 3591 3607 3623 3639 3592 3608 3624 3640 3593 3609 3625 3641 3594 3610 3626 3642 3595 3611 3627 3643 3596 3612 3628 3644 3597 3613 3629 3645 3598 3614 3630 3646 3599 3615 3631 3647 E4 E5 E6 E7 3648 3664 3680 3696 3649 3665 3681 3697 3650 3666 3682 3698 3651 3667 3683 3699 3652 3668 3684 3700 3653 3669 3685 3701 3654 3670 3686 3702 3655 3671 3687 3703 3656 3672 3688 3704 3657 3673 3689 3705 3658 3674 3690 3106 3659 3675 369i 3107 3660 3676 3692 3108 3661 3677 3693 3709 3662 3678 3694 3710 3663 3679 3695 3711 E8 E9 EB 3712 3728 3744 3760 3713 3729 3745 3761 3714 3730 3746 3762 3715 3731 3747 3763 3716 3732 3748 3764 3717 3733 3749 3765 3718 3734 3750 3766 3719 3735 3751 3767 3720 3736 3752 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3913 3929 3945 3961 3914 3930 3946 3962 3915 3931 3947 3963 3916 3932 3948 3964 3917 3933 3949 3965 3918 3934 3950 3966 3919 3935 3951 3967 F8 F9 FA FB 3968 3984 4000 4016 3969 3985 4001 4017 3970 3986 4002 4018 3971 3987 4003 4019 3972 3988 4004 4020 3973 3989 4005 4021 3974 3990 4006 4022 3975 3991 4007 4023 3976 3992 4008 4024 3977 3993 4009 4025 3978 3994 4010 4026 3979 3995 4011 4027 3980 3996 4012 4028 3981 3997 4013 4029 3982 3998 4014 4030 3983 3999 4015 4031 FC FD FE FF 4032 4048 4064 4080 4033 4049 4065 4081 4034 4050 4066 4082 4035 4051 4067 4083 4036 4052 4068 4084 4037 4053 U069 4085 4038 4054 U070 4086 4039 4055 4011 4087 4040 4056 4072 4088 4041 4057 4073 4089 4042 4058 4074 4090 4043 4059 4075 4091 4044 4060 4076 4092 4045 4061 4077 4093 4046 4062 4078 4094 4047 4063 4079 4095 E~ 160 D Appendix M. Sample Programs DPS Assembler Language Program r---------------r-------------------------, IPrint PositionslContents of Print Field I The purpose of this sample program is to give a short demonstration of the application of the Assembler language. .---------------+-------------------------~ I 11 19 ICARD T~PE I I 21 IType (~,B or ~) I I 26 - 45 IArithmetic Operation I I 49 I Equal Sign I I 52 - 60 I Re s u1 t I Q~~gfie~iQn_Qf_~h~_~fQ~f~~ The program reads data carjs from tne 2501 Card Reader. Only the first 13 columns of each card are read. Input-card format is as follows: r-------T---------------------------------l Columnl~ontents I I ~-------+--------------~------------------~ I 1 I~,B or C (card~type indication) I ~-------+---------------------------------~ 1 2 - 4 la 3-digit. positive decimal I I I number (Field1) I ~-------+---------------------------------~ I 5 - 7 la 3-digit, positive decimal I I I number (Field2) I ~-------+-~-------------------------------~ I 8 - 10ta 3-digit, positive decimal I I I number ,(Field3) I r-------+---------------------------------~ 111 - 131 a 3-digit. positive decimal I I _______ I _________________________________ number (Field4) L JI ~ The program first checks the input cards for correct format. If anyone of the columns does not contain a decimal digit, the program halts and displays the number and digit in error by executing an HPR instruction. (Refer to the halt routines in part 11 of Figure 19). rhen the next card is read in. If the data is correct~ the desired calculations are carried out. The calculations vary depending on the type of card as designated in column 1: L _______________ 4 __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ J The program consists of two separate control sections, PART1 and PART2. The first section# PARTl (see parts 2 and 3 of rigure 19), contains all the input/out?ut (IOCS) routines. These routines consist of the instructions required to read the data cards (READ) and to print the results (PRINT). The IOCS routines will not be discussed in detail here. For further information, refer to the SRL ?ublication I~~_~~~~~~~l~Q_~Q~~l_~QL_Q~~~_~rQ~r~~~i~~ ~y~~~~L_!n2~~~Q~~E~t-~QQ~fQl_~~~~~~, 3224-9007. Form The second section, PART2 (see part 6 of Figure 19), contains a nunber of small routines that test the contents of the cards and perform the desired calculation3. These routines, which nake up the nain ?rogram, are quite similar to each other. Compare, for example, the routines beginning with the names TSTRI20L, rSTMI~OL, TSTLECOL an1 TRICOL, TMICOL, TLECOL (parts 7 and 8 of Figure 19). Although the source code is different for each of these routines~ the Assembler produces the sane object code. This is demonstrated even more clearly by the statements 0202, 0234 and 0264, which read as follows: 0202: 0234: 0264: 01 01 01 59(PRINTRG),X'FO' DPRINTAR+59,B'111100~O' RESZ-L'RESZ-1,2'O' r----T------------------------------------, Here, both operands are expressed differently in each of the three source instructions. HOwever, their object coje is exactly the same. As each calculation is performed, a line of output is printed. The format of the printed line is: The two sections of the prograu, PART1 and PART2, are assembled separately. rhey are brought together to form a single program by means of the Linkage Editor Program. Hence, the symbols which are connon to both sections must be defined by ENTRY instructions in the section in which tney appear as a name, and by EXTRN instructions in the section in which they are referred to. ITypel Arithmetic Operation I ~----+------------------------------------~ 1 A I Fieldl + Field2 - Field3 * Field4 I ~----+------------------------------------~ I B I Field1 - Field2 * Field3 + Field4 I ~----+------------------------------------1 IL ____ C 4I ____________________________________ Field1 * Field2 + Field3 - Field4 JI Appendix M. Sample Prograns 161 If we take the name OPENF as an example. we find that it is defined in the firstA.ssembly as ENTRY OPENF fhe address~ as shown in the External Symbol Dictionary, is hexadecimal 017C. In the second A.ssembly~ this name is defined as EXTRN OPENF In this assembly, the Assembler uses the value of hexadecimal 0000 for OPENF. 'T'h~ Linkage Editor then inserts the actual value. This is the address from the ESD of the first assembly, plus the relocation factor. which can be found in the Linkage Editor listing output in column REL-FR (part 17 of Figure 19). fhus, the actual address inserted by the Linkage Editor is X'017C' X'OOBE I OPENF - X'OF3A' ESD relocation factor (REL-FR) ======= In addition to the ENfRY and ExrRN instructions, the Link register (LINKRG), which is used for branching between the main program (PART2) and the IOCS routines (PART1). must be defined in both sections. The same register must be specified in each section (in our case, register 13). £Qll~fQb_§~~~g~~ll~~ The Job Control cards needed for the Linkage Editor run are produced before PART1 of the program. This is done by means of REPRO statements at assembly time. These cards also include the PHASE card. The letter S following the phase name causes the program to be loaded immediately behind the Monitor at the time of program execution. (Refer to the publication IBM §Y§!~m~~&Q_~29~!_£QL_Q!§~~f2gf~~m!Dg_§y~= ~~~L_£Eg~rQl_~~g_§~f~i£g_~f2gf~~~, Form GC24-9006. Since the four cards that are produced by the Assembler come before the srARf card in the source deck. they are also in front of the ESD (External Symbol Dictionary) cards in the object deck produced by the Assembler. Adgf~~!g~_!g_thg_~~!ll_~E2gf~~ In the main program (PART2) two base registers are used - BASERGl and BASERG2 - in order to show you the use of the USING and DROP instructions. From BEGIN (statement 0052) to TYPEA (statement 0090) the Assembler uses register 10 (BASERG1) as a base register and assumes the base address BA.SEA11. In the routine TYPEA, register 10 is still used as 162 the base register, but its contents changed to the base ajjress B~SEA12. ~re For routine TYPEB, the Assembler has both base registers at its dis9Jsal, but uses only one of them, BASERG2, because this provides the snaller displ~cement. ! .J... .LI.- Routine CEXPR~ uses BASERGl aqain because BASERG2 has been nade unavail~ble by means of a DROP instruction. When using the DROP instruction, take care that the register to be drJP~ej is no longer needed in that routine. Jtherwise, an addressability error will ~ccur. If the register that has been dr~pped is re~uire1 again at a later point in the program, the Assembler must be inforned of this by me~ns of a further USI~G instruction. In routine CEXPRB exactly this ha3 been done; BASERG2 has been nade av~ilable again. Since this base register ~rJvides ~ smaller displacement, it is use1 by the ~ssembler until the end of the ?rog~~n, with the exception of the instructions for branching back to the GETCARD rJutine (statements 308 - 310). GEfC~RD was defined before the base addresses BASEA12 and BASEA21. rherefore its address is lOwer than that cont~inej in the two base register~ at this point. Hence, BASERGl must be loaded with the original base address BASEA11 before a branch to GETCARD takes place. Loading and re-loading of the b~se registers Lakes place when the program 15 executed. Both base registers ~re loaded initially in the routine headed LOAD BASE REGISTERS with the addresses BASEA11 ~nj BASEA21, respectively. The contents of BASERG2 are not changed during the whole of the program. On the other hand, BASERG1 is loaded with the address BASEA12 in the TYPEA routine and re-loaded with its original value, BASEA11, in the B3~f:~R~ routine. To address the card and print areas, the registers CARDRG anj PRINfR3 (general registers 12 and 1~)~ respectively, ~re used. The two areas can be utilizej either by !~e!!£!~ addressing (specifying base and displacement), as in the routine :EXPRA, or by ~~£!~f~t addressing, as in the r~utines CEXPRB and CEXPRC. In the latter c~se the areas are define1 in a Dummy :ontrol Section. fhe Assembler is informe1 vi~ a USING instruction that register CARJR3 is used to ~ddress the first Dummy Control Section (DeS1) and that register PRINfR3 is used to address the secon~ Dummv :ontrol section (OCS2). This is done at the beginning of the main program (statements 0056 and 0057). Of course, CA.RORG and PRINTRG must be loaded Nhen the program is executed. EQff!!~ii!!lg:_ih~_!ns:!:f~£:!:!.on_Listi!lg: To make the program listings more readable, related instructions have been grou~ed into routines and subroutines and spaced out accordingly by using SPA.CE, EJECri and TITLE cards. Compare the listing of the source deck (Figure 20) with the assembly listing (Figure 19) to see the effect of the respective source statement. For example. statements SP1 058 and SP2 087 in Figure 20 are not listed in Figure 19 but the ap~ropriate spacing was performed by the A.ssembler during execution. Likewise. the TITLE statement of source statement SP2 0~5 in Figure 20 is not listed in the assembly listing but the effect of the execution of this formatting statement is obvious. Look at Figure 19 part 5; the last statement listed is SP2 044. The first statement listed in Figure 19 part 6 is SP2 046. The TITLE. statement caused a skip to the next page with the new heading printed on top of that page. A.n EJECr statement causes a skip to the next page without changing the heading. Compare statements SP2 075 - SP2 077 in Figure 20 with the same statements in Figure 19. The Cross Reference List contains useful information such as: the lengths of storage areas; the address of a particular symbol; the numbers of those statements which refer to the symbol in question. The information contained in the table is listed under headings as follows: SYMBOL: Under this heading, the A.ssembler lists, in alphabetical order" all symbols in the program. LEN: In this column you can find the appropriate length attribute of the symbol,. VALUE: This column contains the hexadecimal value of each symbol. DEF: CROSS REFERENCE: This column shows the number of the statement that defines the particular symbol. You can find this number under the heading STMT of the instructi~n listing Under this heading, the A.ssembler gives a list of the state~ent numbers, in which the symbol in question is referred to. You can find these numbers under the heading STMT ~f the instruction listing. Below are three examples to explain the use of the Cross Reference List. Let us assume you Nish to find out from which points in the ~r~gran a branch is made to the entry point BGETCA.RD (statement 0308). To find this sy~b~l, look down the column SYMBOL in the :ross Reference List until you find BGETCARD. The column DEF confirms that the symbol was defined in statement 0308. N~w look under CROSS REFERENCE. There you find that the symbol was used in statements 0290 and .0295. Column LEN in the Cross Reference List contains the number 4 for the symbol BGETCARD. The A.ssembler has assigned B3ETCARD a length attribute of 4 because the machine instruction at statement 0308 takes up four bytes of main storage. EX~Qle~. The value X'02E6' for BGETCA.RD under VA.LUE is the relative storage address of the first byte of the machine instruction at statement 0308. Suppose you want to kno~ which register is meant by BASERG2 (refer to statement 0206) and where it is loaded. ExamQb~£. You look for BA.SERG2 in the colunn SYMBOL of the Cross Reference List and find in the column VALUE hexadecimal 0006. This means that the sy~bol BA.SERG2 stands for register 11. The symbol is defined in statement 0026, as you can find in colu~n DEF. Under CROSS-REFERENCE you can find that the symbol is used in statements 0055, 0120, 0174 and 0206. If you look up these statenents you Nill find that register 11 is loaded by the machine instruction at statement 0055. ExamQb~~. Statement 0263 uses symbol RESZ as its first operand and RESP as its second operand. Both operands use an im~lied length. What lengths are inserted by the A.ssembler? Now look for RESZ under SYMBOL in the Cross Reference List. rhe colunn LEN gives a length attribute of 9 since the area. defined by RESZ is nine bytes l~ng. Ne can check this by looking at the statement in which RESZ is defined, i.e., statenent 0375. Similarly, we find that the symbol RESP has a length attribute of 5. A.ppendix M. San~le Pr~grans 163 II LOG II JOB I\SSEMB I I DATE 70020 II ASSGN SYSIPT,X'100',R~ 2501 I I ASSGN SYSOPT,X'300',P2 " ASSGN SYSGGD,X·a03·,D4 II VOL SYSOOO,WORK1 II DLAB 'SYSTEM/360 MOD 20 DPS 0001,61150,61150 II XTENr 1.000.0153000:0199009.'202020'.S~SOOO II EXEC MOD 20 DPS ASSEMBLER VERSION 03 MOD-LEVEL 02 1202020',P c EXrERNI\L SYMBOL DICr1ONI\RY SYMBOL PART1 ~PEi~F READ PRINT CLOSEF CAROAR PRINTAR EOCF TYPE 1D SO LD LD LD LO LD LD 01 ER 02 Figure 19. 164 ADDR 0000 LENGTH LO 10 01F8 OiiC 0186 018E 0196 OlAF 01BC DPS Sample 01 01 01 01 01 01 Program~ Part 1 of 17 SLE LOCATN ADD1 ADD2 STMT SOURCE SrltrEMENr SLE ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PARr 1, IOCS OBJECT CODE ADD1 ADD2 STMT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SYMBOLS • DEFI1'lE E(URIES AND ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ROUrINE ENTRY OPENF SPl SPl SP1 SPl SPl SP1 SP1 SPl SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 021 028 029 030 031 SP1 SPl SP1 SPl SP1 033 034 035 036 031 SP1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SP1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SP1 SPl • SP1 SPl • ::SP1 SP1 SP1 SPl SPl SPl 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 041 048 049 050 SPl SPl SP1 SP1 SP1 SPl 052 053 054 055 056 051 048 SP1 SPl SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 059 060 061 062 063 064 04~ EXTER1~AL OPE[~ ENrRY J:.NTRY ENrRY ENTRY ENrRY READ PRINT CLOSEF CAR DAR PRINrAR ExrRN EOCF READ ROUTH~E PRINT RourINE CLOSE ROUTINE AREA ;.JHERE ·Ca.RD IS SrORI:.D PRINr AREA END OF CARD FILE 0035 0036 D~FINE rHE FILES 0031 0038 DON'r PRINr GENERArED srATE:o!ENrs 0039 PRINr NOGEN 0040 0041 READER DTFSR TYPEFLE=INPur,BLKSIZE=i3,DEVICE=READ01,EOFa.DDR=EOCF, IOAREA1=INAREA,OVERLAP=NO,wORKA=YES 0042 0092 • 0093 PRINrER DrFSR rYPEFLE=ourpur,wJRKA=YES,DEVICE=PRINrER,BLKSI~E=60 0132 0133 DTFEN • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0184 07FD 0281 0282 • OPEN rHE FILES 0283 0284 • 0285 OPENF OPEN READER,PRINTE:R 0291 BR LINKRG 018C 07FD 0293 0294 READ A CARD 0295 0296 0291 READ GET READER,C~RDAR 0302 LINKR~ BR OPEN REA:lER AND PRItHER RErURN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • READ a. CARD AND Ir ro DPS S~mple 002 SP1 016 SP1 011 SPl 018 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Figure 19. Pa.GE DPS a.SSE:MB 03/02 0029 0030 • SYMBOLIC REGISrER DEFINIrIONS 0031 0032 • LINK-REGISrER 0033 LINKRG EQU 13 0000 001 002 003 004 005 006 001 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• STARr 0 FIRsr PARr OF rHr sa.MPLE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0016 0011 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 • 0021 011C 0186 018E 0196 OlAF 01BC SP1 SPl SPl SPl SPl SP1 SPl SPl SPl SPl SPl SPl SPl SPl 01/20/70 SOUKCE srArEMENr 0012 0013 P!!IRT1 0014 0000 001 JPS a.SSE:l4B 03/02 AoprN NOSYM 0001 0002 • 0003 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0004. PHEPARE CONrROL CARDS FOR LINKAGE EDIrOR RUN 0005 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0006 • 0001 REPRO I I JOB LNKEDr 0008 REPR'::> I I ASSGN SYSJPT,UA ourpur ONLY IN RELOCArABL£ a.RE~ 0009 REPRO I I EXEC 0010 REPRO PH~SE SAMPLE,S,O STARr Jusr BEHIND rHE ~OdlrJR LOCATN P~~E 01/20/70 OBJECT CODE ~OVE RETURN ::~RDa.R Pro3ram, Part 2 of 17 Appendix M. Sample Program3 165 01/20/70 ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PART 1, IOCS SLE LOCAT~ OBJECT CODE ADD1 ADD2 STMT 0304 0305 0306 0307 0308 0313 LIi'iKRG 0315 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0316 • CLOSE THE FILES AND GO BACK ro MO~IrOR (E~D JF JOB) 0317 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0318 0319 CLOSEF CLOSE; READER ANj PRI~T~K CLOSE READER,PRINrER -0325 .. 0326 PRINr GEN PRItH GENERArED STATEME.ns 0327 • , 0328 EOJ GIVE CONTROL B4CK TO ~O~ITOR 15,194(0,0) 0329+ BC • 019E 47FO 00C2 00C2 0331 0332 0333 033" 0335 0336 0337 01A2 OlAF OlBC 0339 'NO STATEMENT Figure 19. 166 S~mple SPl SPl SPl SPl SPl SPl 066 067 068 069 070 071 SPl SPl SPl 3Pl SPl SPl SPl SPl SPl EO] 073 014 075 076 011 078 019 080 081 012 053 050 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SFl 083 • AREAS SPl 084 •••••••• ++++++ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SPl 085 • INAREA CARi>AR P~INTA.R ::>["L DSDS DS 13C CL13 ~L60 END FLAGGED DPS 003 DPS 4S3E;.tB 03/02 SOURCE SrArEMENr ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • PRINf A LINE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • PRINT PUT PRINTER,PRINfAR PRINT A LINE DR P~~E ProJram, Part 3 of 17 INPUT AREA FOR IOCS CARD IS- STJRED HERE PRINT AREA AFT~R G~r voo SPl 081 SPl 088 SPl 089 SPl 091 055 RELOCArION DICrIQN~Rr POS.IO REL.IO FLGS AOOR 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 011 011 011 011 011 011 04 04 011 011 011 011 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 0000 0002 00011 0008 0010 00311 0046 0068 OOAC OOCA OOCE 0002 0006 00E2 0136 01SA 016C 0170 017E 01B2 017E 0182 0188 018A 0190 0192 0198 019C END OF JOB I I JOB ASSEMB I I EXEC SECOND ASSEMBLY MOD 20 OPS ASSEMBLER VERSION 03 MOO-LEVEL 02 ExrERNAL SYMBOL DICrIQNARY SYMBOL PART 2 OPENF READ PRINT CLOSEF CARDAR PRINTAR EOCF TYPE 10 SO ER ER ER ER ER ER LD Figure 19. 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 AODR 0000 02EE LENGrH LO 10 0318 01 DPS S3mple Pro;:Jram" Part 4 of 17 Appen3ix M. Sample Programs 167 01/20/70 SLE LOCATN OBJECT eCCE SOURCE ADDl ADC2 STMT SLE LOCATN ~PS Sr~TEMENr 01/20/70 DPS SOURCE SrF!.rEMENr ADDt ADD2 STMT 03/02 ~SSEMB P~GE 03/02 0003 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SP2 003 0004 PART2 STARr 0 SECOND PARr ~F SAMPL~ SP2 004 0005 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SP2 005 0000 0007 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SP2 001 0008. DEFINE ENTRIES AND EXTERNAL SYMBOLS SP2 008 0009 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SP2 009 SP2 010 SP2 Q11 0010 02EE 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 • 0018 0008 00011. OOOB OOOD OOOE OOOC OOOF 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 OPENF READ PRINr CLOSEF CARDAR PRINrAR ENTRY EOCF OPEN R;)UfINE READ ROUTINE PRINr ROUTINE CLOSE RourINE AHEA NHERE CARD IS PRINT AREA ST~RED END OF CARD FILE ........................................................... .......... . • SYMBOLIC REGISTER DEFINIrIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ • REGS BASERG1 BASERG2 LINKRG BRANCHRG CII.RDRG PRINTRG EQU 8 10 11 EQU 13 EQU EQU EQU 14 12 15 EQU EQU REG. 8 BASE-REGISTER 1 BASE-REGISrER 2 LINK-REGISrER BRANCH-REGISrER REGISrER F~R CF!.RD AREA REGISTER FOR PRINT AREA 0032 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *4 •••••••••••• 0033. EQUATE SYMBOLS 0034 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0035 • CONDITION EQUAL 8 0036 EQUAL EQU CONDIrION EQUAL !l.ND HIGH 0037 NOTLOii EQU 11 0038 • rYPE A C"A" 0039 Til. EQU COB' TYPE B 0040 TB EQU TYPE C C'C' 00111 TC EQU CoO' CHARAcrER 0 00112 CHARO EQU CHARAcrER 9 e'g' 00113 C!!AR9 EOU C' , CH!l.RACrER 'BLANK' 0044 BLANK EQU 0008 OOOB OOCl 00c2 OOC) OOFO OOF9 0040 Figure 19. EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN ExrRN EXTRN DPS S~mple Pro~ram, Part 5 of 17 001 SP2 001 ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PART 2, DEFINIrIONS OBJECT CODE ~SSE~B AoprH CROSSREF,ENTRY 0001 P~;E SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 SP2 020 SP2 021 SP2 022 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 023 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 032 OB 03ii 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 SP2 C!J3 SP2 0114 002 3LE LOCATN ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PART 2, MAIN PROGRAM OBJECT CODE 0000 ODM 0002 0002 0002 48BO A108 0000 0000 ADDl ADD2 STMT OlOA 0006 48EO A10A OOOA ODDE oooe 47FO A2AE OlOC 0010 48EO A10C 0014 ODDE OlOE 0016 OOlA OOlE 0024 48FO 9240 D23A F840 02BO DPS Sample SOURCE STATEMENT 003 PA~E DPS ASSEIIS 03/02 0046 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0047 • MAIN PROGRAM 0048 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0049 • 0050. LOAD BASE REGISTER 0051 • 0052 BEGIN 'BASR SASER31,0 LOAD BASE-REGISTER 1 AND 0053 USING .,BASERGl INFORM ASSEMBLER 0054 BASEA11 EQU • BASE-ADDRESS 1,1 0055 LH BASERG2,=Y(BASEA21) LOAD BASE-REGISTER 2 0056 USIliG DCARDAR, CARDRG FOR IMPLI:IT ADDRESSIN3 0051 USING DPRINTAR,PRINTRG FOR IMPLICIT AODRESSIN3 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 051 0059 • 0060 • 0061 0062 0063 LOAD REG. WITH BRANCH ADDRESS OPEN READER AND PRINTER AND RETURN PRINT A BLANK LINE SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 059 060 061 062 063 009 009 009 LOAD REG. WITH BRANCH ADDRESS BRANCH TO READ ROUTINE AND RETURN SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 065 066 067 068 009 009 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 070 071 OPEN CARD AND PRINTER FILE LH BASR B BRANCHRG,=Y(OPENF) LINKRG,BRANCHRG PRNTLINE 0065. R~AD A CARD 0066 • 0067 GETCARD LH BRANCHRG,=Y(READ) 0068 BASR LINKRG,BRANCHRG 0070 • 0071 • AlOE 0110 0012 0073 FOOO 0000 FOOl FOOO 0001 0000 0074 A306 Al18 0308 OllA 0075 Figure 19. 01/20/70 BLANK PRINTAREA AND RESEr PACKED RESULr FIELD Pro~ram, LH MVI MVC ZAP PRINTRG,=Y(PRINTAR) LOAD ADDRESS OF PRINT ARE~ O(PRINTRG),C" BLANK IN FIRST BYTE OF PRINT AREA l(L'DPRINTAR-l,PRINTRG),O(PRINTRG) BLANK THE R&5r RESP,=P'O' INITIALIZE RESULT FIELD 072 073 074 075 009 009 009 009 009 009 Part 6 of 17 Appendix M. Sanple Pr~gr~ns 169 SLE LOCATN 00211. 002E 0032 0036 003A 003E 0042 0046 ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PARr 2, MAIN PROGRAM OBJECT CODE 4f1CO 95C1 4780 9SC2 4780 95C3 4780 47FO 11.110 COOO 11.048 cOOO AOA2 COOO 11.011.11. A2B8 11.001 11.002 STMT 0112 0000 00411. 0000 001\4 0000 OOAC 02BA 00411. 0011.0 004C 004C TEsr rYPE OF CMD LH CLI BC CLl Be eLI BE Be CARDRG,=Y(CARDAR) O(CARDRG),TA 8, TYPEA O(CA.RDR;i),i'B EQUAL, TYPES O(CARDRG),rC TYPEC 15,HALrOOOl 4880 95F9 4720 95FO 4740 AOC8 C003 A28E C003 A28E 0114 0003 02011. 0003 02011. 0060 0064 0068 006C 0070 0074 95F9 4720 95FO 47BO 9540 4710 C002 11.282 C002 A02C C002 11.282 0002 02CE 0002 0018 0002 02CE 0078 007c 0080 0084 0088 008C 95F9 4,720 95FO 47BO 9540 4170 COOl 1.276 COOl A044 COOl 11.216 0001 02C2 0001 0090 0001 02C2 0090 00911 0098 009C 0011.0 4980 47BO 411.80 4ACO 47FO AOCA AODO AOC8 AOCC 11.004 0116 OllC 0114 0118 0050 Figure 19. INITIALIZE REGISrER TEST IF TYPE A YES H' tYPE B YES IF TYPE C YES GO ro HALr RourUES 0088 :I< TEST FOR OEC. NUMBERS IN THE CARD ENTRIES 0089 • 0090 TYPEA BASR BASERG1,0 CHANGE CONfENrs OF BASE-REGISrER 0091 USIN3 ·,BASERG1 AND INFORM THE ASSE'4BLER oon BASEA12 EQU BASE-ADDRESS 1,2 0093 • 0094 LH 8,=H'l' INlrIALIZE COUNTER 3(CARORG),249 0095 TSTRICOL CLI COMPARE RIGHr COL ~IrH 9 0096 BH HALr003N INVALID IF HIGH 0097 CLI 3(CARDRG),240 COMPARE WIrH 0 0098 BL HALrOO3N INVALID IF LOW 0099 * 0100 TSTMICOL CLI 2(CARDRG),C'9' COMPARE MIDDLE COL WITH 9 0101 BH HALT002N INVALID IF HIGH 0102 2(CARDRG),C'O' CLI COMPARE WIrrl 0 0103 BNL TSTLECOL o. K. IF Nor LOW , 0104 2CCARDRG).C' CLI IF BLANK 0105 BNE HALT002N NO, I NVALILl 0106 • 0107 TSTLECOL CLI 1(CARDRG),X'F9' COMPARE LEFT COL. WITH 9 0108 BH H1.LTOOIN INVALID IF HIGH 0109 l(CARDRG) ,X' FO' CLI COMPARE WITH 0 0110 BNL TSTIFIN o. K. IF NOf LOW 0111 1(CARDRG),X'40' CLI IF BLANK 0112 BNE HALT001N NO, INVALID 0113 0114 TSTIFIN CH 8,=Ii'4' ALL ENrRIES CHECKED 0115 BNL CEXPRA YES, COMPurE EXPRESSIO~ rYPE: ~ 0116 Ali 8,=H'l' INCREMENT COUNrER BY 1 0117 AH CARDRG,=H'3' NExr ENrRY 0118 B l'STRICOL LOOP • DPS Sample Program, Part 7 of 17 PAGE 004 DP3 I\.SSE'4B 03/02 SOURCE SfAfEMENf 0077 • 0078 • 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 • 004C 0050 0054 0058 OOSC 110 01120/10 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 071 018 019 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 SP2 SPl SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 009 009 009 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 O~O 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PARr 2, MAIN PROGRAM SLE LOCATN OBJECT CODE 00B4 018E OOAC 11000 BOOO OOBO 41FO BlIIC 00B4 0200 00B4 00B4 00B8 OOBC OOCO 00C4 4880 95F9 4120 95FO 4740 B240 C003 B226 C003 B226 02F4 0003 02DA 0003 02DA 00C8 OOCC 0000 0004 0008 OOOC 95F9 4120 95FO 47BO 9540 4170 C002 B21A C002 B02C C002 B21A 0002 02CE 0002 OOEO 0002 02CE OOEO OOEII 00E8 OOEC OOFO 00F4 95F9 4720 95FO 41BO 9540 4770 COOl B20E COOl B044 COOl B20E 0001 02C2 0001 00F8 0001 02C2 00F8 OOFC OOFE 0102 0106 4980 07BO 4A80 4ACO 41FO B244 02F8 B240 B242 B004 02F4 02F6 00B8 010A 010A 010C 010E 0110 0112 0114 0116 0118 011A 00B4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0004 0003 OC Figure 19. SOURCE SfAfEMENr ADDl ADD2 STMT 00B4 00A4 4000 BOOO 00A8 41FO BODA 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0157 0158 0159 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 01120/10 rYPEB BRANCH TO SUBROUrINE AND RErtJRN BRANCH TO SUBR~UrINE BAS B LINKR3,rESrENfR CEXPRC BRANCH TO SUBROUrINE A..... D BRANCH TO SUBROUfINE E~U • BASE-ADDRESS 2,1 LH CLI BH CLI BL REGS,Hl ENTRY+2,CHAR9 HALr003N ENTRY+2,CHARO HALf003N INlrIALIZE REGISrER COMPARE RI3Hf COL ~IfH 9 HIGH WlrH 0 LOw CLI BH CLI BNL CLI BRE ENrRY+l,CHAR9 HALT002N ENrRY+l,CHARO rLECOL ENTRY+l,BLANK HALr002N COMPARE MIDDLE HIGH WIrH 0 o. K. IF BLANK NO CLI BH CLI BNL CLI BNE ENrRY,CHAR9 HALTOOIN ENrRY,CHARO TIFIN ENrRY,BLANK HALT001N COMPARE LEFr HI311 wUH 0 o. CH BCR AH AH B REG8,H4 NOrLOW", LINKRG REG8,Hl CARORG.H3 rRICOL ALL ENTRIES CHECKED YES INCREltENT COUNrER BY 1 NEXT ENrRY LOOP • •BASEA21 • TESTELtl'R TRICOL •TMICOL •TLECOL • TIFIN • C~L C~L It It It It It It It It It wlrH 9 WlrH 9 K. IF BLANK NO LITERAL POOL • 005 DP3 ASSEltB 03/02 USING BASEA21,BASERG2 LINKRG,TESTENTR BAS CEXPRB B • • TYPEC P,.3E ~EfURLi SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 S.. 2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 13S. 139 140 141 142 1113 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 15" 155 011 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 013 013 013 013 013 013 013 013 013 013 013 SP2 157 SP2 158 SP2 159 LTORG Y(BASEA21> Y(OPENF) Y(READ) Y(PKINrAR) Y(CARDAR) H'l' H'4' H'3' P"Ot 013 013 ·013 013 013 013 013 014 014 DPS Sample Program, Part 8 of 17 ~ppen~ix M. Sample Programs 171 SLE LOC~TN ~SSEMBLER S~MPLE, OBJECT CODE OllC 48CO A2B2 0120 ~8FO A2B4 ~OD1 P~RT 2, ~002 STMT 02FE 0300 0124 0208 FOOA A2C3 OOOA 030F 012A 92C1 F014 0014 012E 0202 F019 COOl ·0019 0001 0134 F212 A2BF COOl 030B 0001 013A 013E 0144 014A 924E 0202 F212 FA21 FOlD 0010 F01F C004 001F 0004 A2C1 C004 0300 0004 A2BE A2C1 030A 0300 M~IN 0170 0171 0112 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 0188 0189 0190 0150 9260 F023 0023 0154 0202 F025 C007 0025 0007 0191 015A F212 A2C1 C007 0300 0007 0192 030D 0193 FB21 A2BE 0194 0166 925C F029 0029 0195 016A 0202 F02B COOA 002B OOOA 0196 0170 F212 A2C1 COOA 0300 OOO~ 0197 0176 FC41 A2BC A2C1 0308 0300 0198 0199 011C 927E F030 0030 0200 0180 F384 F033 A2BC 0033 0308 0201 0136 96PO POlB 003& 0202 018A 47FO A224 0270 0203 0204 0205 00B4 0206 0207 018E 48CO B24A 02FE 0208 0192 48FO B24C 0300 0209 0210 0196 D208 FOO~ B25B OOOA 030F 0211 019C 92C2 F014 0014 0212 0213 OlAO D202 FOl9 COOl 0019 0001 0214 01A6 F212 B251 COOl 030B 0001 0215 0216 OlAe 9260 FOlD OOlD 0217 01BO D202 FOlF C004 OOlF 0004 0218 01B6 F212 B259 C004 0300 0004 0219 01BC FB11 B251 B259 030B 0300 0220 0221 01C2 925C F023 0023 0222 01C6 0202 F025 C007 0025 0007 0223 01ec F212 B259 C007 0300 0007 0224 01D2 FC41 B254 B259 0308 0300 0225 Figure 19. 172 DPS S~mple SOURCE • • • • 01/20/70 PROGR~M JP3 ST~TEMENT COMPUfE EXPRESSIONS: TYPE ~ TYPE B TYPE C • CEXPRA ENTRY1 + ENr~Y2 ENrRY1 - ENrRY2 ... ENrRYl • ENrRY2 + ENr~Y3 ENTRY4 SP2 ENTRY3 ENrRY4 SP2 ENrRY3 - EiURY4 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 REGISrER DROP BASERG2 LH CARORG,YC~ROAR LH PRrNrRG,YPRrNrAR MIlC Mill 10(9,PRINrRG),MESS ~ESSAGE TJ 20tPRINTRG),r~ rYPE ro p~INrAREA INlrIALIZE INITIALIZE RE~ISTER • PRI~T ~REA • MVC 25(3,PRINTRG),1(C~RDR3) NUMB~R P~CK RESP+3(2),1(3,CARDRG) PACK MVI MVC PACK AP 29(PRINrRG),:'+' SIGN TJ PRINr ARE~ NUMBER 2 ro PRINr~R~A PACK NUMBER 2 (N2) N1 + N2 1 ro PRINr ~R~~ 1 (~1) ~UMBER ... 31(3,PRINTRG),4(:~R~RG) PFLD,4(3,CARORG) RESP+2(3),PFLD • MVI MVC P~CK 35(PRINTRG),C'-' 31(3,PRINrRG),7(CARORG) PFLD, 7(3,C~RORG) .......... ,...-- ..... , ... '" ........... - 1'\1:..::l.t"'T~'.:JJ,rruu SIGN ro PRINr ~REA ~UMBER 3 ro PRINT ~RE~ PACK NUMBER 3 (N3) .H ~ t.. 2 - iB • MVI MIlC 41(PRINrRG),C'·' 43(3,PRINTRG),10(C~RDRG) P~CK PFLD,10(3,C~RDRG) MP RESP,PFLD MVI UNPK or 48(PRINrRG),:'=' 51(9,PRINTRG),RESP S9CPRINrRG),X·FO· EDIT SIGN T~ PRINr ARE~ NUMBER 4 ro PRINT AREA PACK NUMBER 4 (N4) N1 + N2 - N3 ... ~4 • B EOU~L SIGN TJ PRINr AREA RESULT TO PRINr ~RE~ CHANGE SIGN IN ZJNE IJ F • ... ... CEXPRB USIN~ B~SEA21,BASERG2 LH LH CARORG,YCARO~R INlrIALIZE REGISrER PRINrRG,YPRINr~R INlrI~LIZE MIlC MVI OPRINr~R+10(L'MESS),MESS OPRINr~R+20,rB ~ESS~GE rJ PKINT Il,.REA rYPE ro PKINr ~RE~ Mve DPRIN!'AR+25 (L' NU!1Bl>. NUMB1 P~CK RESP+L'RESP-LNUMBP(L~UMBP),jUMB1 .'IUMBER 1 TO PRINT Il,.REI\ P~CK NU~BER 1 (~1) MVl ;)pR.I~rAa+29.l:'-' MIlC DPRINT~R+31(L'NUMB2),NUMB2 NUMB~R P~CK PFLO,NUMB2 RESP+L'RESP-LDIF(LOIF),PFLD P~CK NUMBER 2 I'll - 1'12 REGISTE~ • ... • SP '-' TO PRINT hRE~ 2 TO PRINr ~R2~ (~2) • Pro~ram, Mill MIlC DPRINrAR+35,C'.· P~CK PFLD,NUMB3 RESP,PFLO MP DPRINr~R+37(L'NUMB3),NUMB3 Part 9 3f 17 '.' ro PRINT AR~~ NUMBER 3 f3 PRI~r Il,.REIl,. P~CK NUMBe:R 3 (In) ru - ~S3E~B 1'12 • 1'13 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 P~~E 03/02 161 162 163 164 165 166 161 166 169 170 171 172 113 174 175 176 177 118 179 180 181 182 183 SP2 18l+ SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 00& 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 191 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 014 014 014 014 014 014 014 014 015 015 015 015 015 015 015 015 015 015 016 016 016 016 016 016 205 016 206 201 208 016 vlb 209 016 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 016 017 017 017 017 017 OBJECT CODE AOOl AOD2 STMT 0108 OlDC 01E2 01E8 924E 0202 F212 FA41 F029 0029 F02B COOA 002B OOOA B259 COOA 0300 OOOA B254 B259 0308 0300 OlEE 01F2 OlFI OlFC '21E F184 96FO "FO F030 0030 F033 B254 0033 0308 F03B 003B BIBC 0210 02,° 0 48CO B24A 020' 48FO B24C 02FE .0300 4 0208 0208 FOOA B25B OOOA 030F 020E 0200 F014 COOO 0014 0000 0211l 0202 F019 COOl 0019 0001 021"A F212 B251 COOl 030B 0001 0220 0224 022A 0230 925C 0202 F212 FC41 0010 FOlD F01F C004 001F 0004 B259 C004 0300 0004 B254 B259 0308 0300 0236 023A 0240 0246 924E 0202 F212 FMl F023 0023 F025 C007 0025 0007 C007 0300 0007 B259 B254 B259 0308 0300 024C 0250 0256 025C 9260 0202 F212 FB41 0029 F029 F02B COOA 002B OOOA B259 COOA 0300 OOOA B254 B259 0308 0300 0262 927E F030 0030 0266 F384 F033 B254 0033 0308 026C 96FO FOlB 003B B240 B24E FOOO BIE4 B250 BIFC FOOO B240 B240 BIC4 02F4 0302 0000 0298 0304 02BO 0000 02F4 02F4 0278 0298 4BFO B240 029C 9101 B258 02F4 030C 0210 0214 0218 021C 0280 0284 0288 028C 0290 0294 01120/10 ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PART 2, MAIti PROGRAM SLE LOCATN 4880 48FO 95FO 4110 4980 47BO 9240 4AFO 4A80 47FO Figure 19. DPS S~mple 0226 0227 0228 0229 0230 0231 0232 0233 0234 0235 0236 0231 0238 0239 0240 0241 02Q2 02Q3 0244 02Q5 0246 0241 0248 0249 0250 0251 0252 0253 0254 0255 0256 0251 0258 0259 0260 0261 0262 0263 0264 0266 0267 0268 0269 0270 0271 0212 0273 0214 0275 0216 0271 0278 0219 0280 ;)PS SOURCE STA.TEMENT • '+' TO PRINT AR.t;A NUMBER 4 ro PRINr PACK NUMBER 4 ( !i4) N1 - N2 • N3 + N4 MVI OPRINTAR+41,:::'+' l~VC OPRINTAR+43(L'~U~B4),NUMB4 PACK AP PFLO,NUMB4 RESP,PFLD MVI UNPK 01 B OPRINTAR+48,C'=' OPRINrAR+51(L'RESP·2-1),RESP OPRINTAR+59,B'11110000' EOIr ~R~A • • • CEXPRC LH LH • MVC MVC • MVC PACK • MVI MVC PACK MP • MVI MVC PACK AP • MVI MVC PACK SP • MV1 UNPK 01 * '=' ro PRINr AREA RESULT T::> PR AREA. :::HANGE SI3N IN ZONE r:> F CARORG,Y:::ARDAR PRINTRG,YPRINTAR INITIALIZE REGISTER INITIALIZE REGISrER DMESS,MESS prYPE,TYPE MESSAGE AND TYPE T::> PRINT P!"UMB1, NUMB1 RESPRI,NUMBl I'll SIGN1,C'·' PNUMB2,NUMB2 PFLO,NUMB2 RESP,PFLD A~EA N2 N1 • N2 SIGN2,C'+' P~UMB3,NUMB3 PFLO,NUMB3 RESP,PFLO N3 iU • N2 + ·N3 SIGN3,C'-' PNUMB4,NUMB4 PFLO,NUMB4 RESP,PFLD ,.. 4 N1 • N2 + N3 - N4 E;JSIGN,C'=' RESZ,RESP RESZ+L'RESZ-l,C·O· RESULT TO PR1[~r AREI\ CHANGE SIG~ ro F EDIT RESULT • EDIT TSTIFO • TSTSIGN LH LH CLI BNE CH BNL MVI AH AH B REG8,H1 PRINrRG,YRESZ O(PRINTRG),C'O' TSTSIGN REG8,YLRt:SZ PRNTLINE O(PRINrRG),C' PRINTR3,H1 REG8,H1 TSTIFO SH TM PRINTRG,H1 ONE STEP BACK RESP+L'RESP-l,B'OOOOOOOl' TEST SIGN INITIALIZE REGISrER LOAD ADDRESS :>F RESULT FIEL) ZONE) TEST IF 0 ~O ALL BYTES CHECKEJ YES MOVE BLANK NEXT BYTE INCRE~ENT C:>UNrER BY 1 LOOP A.SSE~B SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 PI\:;E SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 251 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 210 211 sp;t 007 03/02 011 017 017 011 011 017 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 018 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 019 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 Projram, Part 10 of 17 Appen1ix M. Sample Prograns 173 ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PART 2, MAIN PROGRAM SLE LOCATN 02M 02A4 02A8 02AC OBJECT CODE u710 924E 47FO 9260 B1F8 FOOO BlFC FOOO AD01 A:>D2 STMT 02AC 0000 02BO 0000 SOURCE 0281 Mlt~US 0282 PLUS 0283 0284 MINUS MVI B MVI O(PRINTRG),C'+' PRNrLINE O(PRINTRG),C'-' 0286 $ PRINT A LINE 0287 • 0288 PRNTLINE LH BRANCHRG.YPRINr 0289 BASR LliiKRG, BRANCHRG 0290 BGETCARD B 02FA 02BA 9900 0001 02BE 47FO B232 0001 02E6 02C2 4080 B230 02C6 9610 B231 02CA 47FO B22E 02E4 02E5 02E2 02CE 4080 B230 02E4 0292 0293 0294 0295 0296 0297 0298 0299 0300 0301 n"') .... "'l D"~~ 02ES 0302 0206 47FO B22E 02E2 0303 03011 0305 HII.LT003~ 0306 0307 HPRI 0308 BGETCAt PENF OPEN READER, PRINTER BR LINKRG SPACE 2 OPEN REAOEK AND PRINrER RErURN BR LINKRG SPACE 2 RETURN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• READ A CARD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • GET READER,CARDAR READ A CARD AND MOVE Ir ro CARDAR • ~EAD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRINr A LINE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Figure 20. C SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 SPl SPl SP1 SP1 SPl CSPl SPl SPl SPl SP1 SPl SPl SPl SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SPl SPl SPl SPl SPl SPl SP1 SPl SPl SPl SPl 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 031 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 0"55 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 Source Deck Listing, Part 1 of 7 Appendix M. 5anpie Pr~grans 181 PRINT PRINTER,PRINTAR LINKRG SPACE 2 PUT BR PRINT A LINE RErURN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • CLOSE THE FILES GO TO MONITOR (END OF JOB) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •: LOSEF CLOSE READER,PRINTER CLOSE PRINrER • PRINT GEl'" PRINT 3ENERArED • EOO , 3IVE CONTROL BACK ro MONIrOR ~ND B~CK ReAO~R ~ND SrArE~ENrS SPACE 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • AREAS ................................................. .................... . ~ •INAREA CARDAR PRINTAR OS OS DS SPACE END 13C CL13 CL60 2 I NPUT AREA FOR IOCS CARD IS STORED dERE AFrER 3Er PRINT AREA SP1 SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SP1 SPl SP1 SP1 069 010 071 072 013 01l! 075 016 071 018 019 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 /. // // JOB ASSEMB SECOND ASSEMBLl EXEC AOPTN CROSSREF,ENTRY SLE TITLE 'ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PART 2, DEFINlrIONS' PART2 START 0 SECOND PARr OF SAMPLE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • DEFINE ENTRIES AND EXTERNAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • EXTRN OPENF OPEN ROUrINE SP~CE SY~BOLS EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN EXTRN • READ PRINT CLOSEF CARDAR PRINTAR READ ROUTINE PRItIl' ROUrINE C[.()SE ROUrINE AREA WHERE CARD IS SrORED PRINr MEA ENTRY EOCF SPACE 2 EN!) OF CARD FILE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• REGISTER DEFINITIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •REGS REG. 8 EOO 8 • SY~BOLIC 10 11 EQU 13 LINKRG 14 BRAMeHRS EQlJ CARDRG EQU 12 EQlJ 15 P~INTRG SPACE 2 BASERG1 BASERG2 EQU BI'oSE-REGISTER 1 fW)E-REGISTER 2 EQlJ LINK-REGISTER BRANCH-REGISTER REGISTEK FOR CARD AREA REGISTEK FOR PRINT I'oREA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EQUATE SYMBOLS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •EQUAL Eoo 8 CORDIrION EQUI'oL • NOTLOW •rA rB rc ::HARO CHAR9 BLANK EQU 11. EQU EQU EQU EOO EQU Eoo TITLE C"A' COB' C·C· C'O' C'9' C·, 'ASSEMBLER CONDIl'ION SI'o~PLE, EQUI'oL AND HiGH TYPE 1'0 rYPE B TYPE C CHI'oRACTLR 0 CHARI'oCrER 9 CHI'oRACrER 'BLI'oNK' PI'oRT 2, MAIN PROGRAM' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MAIN PROGRM ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • LOl'oD BASE REGISTER • •BEGIN BASR BASERG1,O BASE-REGISrER 1 I'oND • LO~D USING .,BASERG1 Figure 20. 1e2 INFORM I'oSSEMBLER Source Deck Listing, Part 2 of 7 SP2 001 SP2 002 ~r~ vve. SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 ')P2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 011 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 031 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 0119 050 051 052 053 BASE-ADDRESS 1,1 • BASERG2,=YCBASEA21) LOAa BAS~-REGISTER 2 FOR IMPLICIr ADDRESSING USI~G DCARDAR,CARDRG FOR IMPLICIr ADDRESSIN3 USING DPRINTAR,PRINfRG SPACE 2 OPEN CARD AND PRINTER FILE BASEAll • • EQU LH LH BRANCHRG,=YCOPENF) BASR LINKRG,BRANCHRG B PRNTLINE SPACE 2 READ A CARD LOAD REG. wIfH BRANCH ADDRESS OPEN READER AND PRINfER AND RErURN PRINT A BLANK LINE • • GETCARD • • •rYPEA LOAD REG. wIl'H BRANCH ADDRESS LH BRANCHRG,=Y(READ) BRAi«:1j 1'0 READ ROOrINE AND RErlJRN BASR LI~KRG,BRANCHRG SPACE 2 BLANK PRINTAREA AND RESET PACKED RESULr FIELD LH MVI MVC ZAP EJECT TEST TYPE PRINTRG,=YCPRINTAR) LOAD ADDRESS OF PRINr AREA OCPRINfRG),C' , BLANK IN FIRST BYTE OF PRINT AREA lCL'DPRINTAR-l,PRINTRG),OCPRINfRG) BLANK raE REsr RESP,=P'O' INITIALIZE RESULT FIELD OF CARD INITIALIZE REGISTER LH CARDRG,=YCCARDAR) CLI OCCARDRG),TA TEST IF rYPE A YES BC 8, TYPEA CLI OCCARDRG),TB IF TYPE B BC EQUAL,l'YPEB YES CLI O(CARDRG),TC IF TYPE C YES BE rYPEC GO TO HALr RoorINES BC 15,HALTOOOl SPACE 2 TEST FOR DEC. NUMBERS IN THE CARD ENrKIES BASEA12 BASR BASERG1,O USING *,BASERGl EQU * * 8,=H'1' 3(CARDRG).,249 HALT003N 3(CARDRG).240 HALT003N INITIALIZE COIJNrER' COMPARE RIGHT COL WITH 9 INVALID IF HI3H COMPARE wITH 0 INVALID IF LOw CLI BH CLI BNL CLI BNE 2CCARDRG),C'9' HALT002N 2CCARDRG),C'0' TSTLECOL 2 (CARDRG) ,C' , HALT002N COMPARE MIDDLE COL wIrH 9 INVALID IF HIGH COMPARE WIrH 0 O. K. IF NOT L3W IF BLANK NO, INVALID CLI BH CLI BNL CLI BNE 1(CARDRG) ,X'F9' HALT001N 1CCARDRG),X'FO' TSTIFIN 1(CARDRG),X'40' HALT001N COMPARE LEFT C3L. WITH 9 INVALID IF HIGH COMPARE WIrH 0 o. K. IF Nor LOW IF BLANK NO, INVALID CH BNL AH AH B EJECT USING BAS B 8,=H'4' CEXPRA 8,=H'1' CARDRG,=H'3' TSTRI.COL ALL ENrRIES CHECKED YES, COMPUTE EXPRESSION TYPE A INCREMENT COIJNrER BY 1 NEXT ENTRY LOOP BASEA21,BASERG2 LINKRG,TESTENrR CEXPRB BRANCH TO SUBR3UTINE AND RETURN BRANCH TO SUBROIJrINE BAS B LINKRG,TESrENrR CEXPRC BRANCH TO SUBR3UTINE AND RETURN BRANCH 1'0 SUBRourINE EQU * BASE-ADDRESS 2,1 LH CLI REG8,Hl ENTRY+2,CHAR9 INITIALIZE REGISTER COMPARE RIGHr COL wIrH 9 LH rSTRICOL CLI BH eLI BL *rSTMICOL *TSTLECOL • TSTIFI[~ TYPEB CHANGE CONrENrs OF BASE-REGISrER 1 AND INFORM THE ASSEMBLER BASE-ADDRESS 1,2 * •TYPEC * •BASEA21 •TESTENTR TRICOL Figure 20. SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Source Deck Listing, Part 3 of 7 Appendix M. 3anple Pr~gram3 183 •rMICOL I'LECOL BR CLI BL HALTOO3N ENTRY+2,CHARO HALTOO)N CLI BH CLI BNL CLI BliE ENTRY+1,CHAR9 HALTOO2N ENTRY+l,CHARO TLECOL ENTRY+1,BLANK HALT002N eLI ENTRY,CHAR9 HALTOOIN ENTRY,CHARO rIFIN ENTRY, BLANK tlALT001N SH CLI BNL CLI BNE HIGH WlrH 0 LOioJ COMPARE MIDDLE COL WlrH 9 HIGH wITH 0 o. K. IF BLANK NO CUMPARE LEFI' COL wlrH 9 HIGH WlrH 0 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 Si'l i4] SP2 144 SP2 145 146 147 148 1 .. 9 150 SP2 151 ALL ENrKIES CHECKED rIFIN CH REG8,H4 SP2 152 YES BCR NOTLOW,LINKRG SP2 153 INCREMENT COUNTER BY 1 AH REG8,H1 SP2 154 NEXT ENTRY AH CARDRG,H3 SP2 155 LOOP B rRICOL SP2 156 SPACE 2 SP2 157 • LlrERAL POOL SP2 158 SP2 159 LrORG SP2 160 EJECT COMPUTE EXPRESSIONS. TYPE A E~TRYl • E~TRY2 - E~TRY3 • eNTRY4 SP2 161 ENrRY1 - ENTRY2 • ENTRY3 + ENrRY4 SP2 162 TYPE B ENTRYl • ENrRY2 + ENrRY3 - ENTRY4 SP2 163 TYPE C SP2 164 SP2 165 DROP BASERG2 SP2 166 INITIALIZE REGISTER SP2 167 CARDRG,YCARDAR CEXPRA LH INIrIALIZE REGISTER SP2 168 PRINTRG,YPRINTAR LH SP2 169 MVC 10(9.PRINTRGl,MESS MESSAGE ro PRINT AREA SP2 170 MVI 20(PRINTRG),TA TYPE TO PRINrAREA SP2 111 SP2 172 MVC 25(3,PRINTRG),1(CARDRG) NUMBER 1 TO PRINr AREA SP2 173 PACK NUMBER 1 (N1) PACK RESP+3(2),1(3,CARDRG) SP2 17" SP2 175 29(PRINTRG),C'+' SP2 176 SIGN TO PRINT AREA MVI 31(3,PRINTRG),4(CARDRG) NUMBER 2 ro PRINT AREA SP2 171 MVC PACK l«JMBER 2 (N2) PACK PFLD,4(3,CARDRG) SP2 178 N1 + N2 RESP+2(3),PFLD AP SP2 179 SP2 180 SIGN TO PRINT AREA 35lPRINTRG),C'-' SP2 181 MVI 37(3.PRINTRG),7(:ARDRG) NUMBER 3 ro PRINT AREA MVC SP2 182 PACK NUMBER 3 (N3) PACK PFLD,7(3,CARDRG) SP2 183 RESP+2(3),PFLD SP N1 + N2 - N3 SP2 184 SP2 185 • SIGN ro PRINr AREA MVI SP2 186 41 (PRIi.iTRG) , C' .' 43(3,PRINTRG),10:CARDRG) NUMBER 4 TO PRINr AREA MVC SP2 187 PACK NUMBER 4 (N4) PACK PFLD,10(3,CARDRG) SP2 188 N1 + N2 - N3 • N4 SP2 189 RESP,PFLD MP SP2 190 48(PRINTRG),C'=' EQUAL SIGN ro PRINT AREA SP2 191 MVI RESULr TO PRINT AREA UNPK 51(9,PRIHTRG),RESP SP2 192 59(PRINTRG),X'FO' CHANGE SIGN IN ZONE TO F SP2 193 01 B EDIT SP2 194 SP2 195 * SP2 196 SP2 197 USING BASEA21,BASERG2 SP2 198 INITIALIZE REGISrER SP2 199 CEXPRB LH CARDRG,YCARDAR INIrIALIZE REGISrER PRINTRG,YPRINTAR SP2 200 La SP2 201 MESSAGE TO PRINT AREA DPRINTAR+10(L'MESS),MESS SP2 202 MVC TYPE TO PRINT AREA DPRINTAR+20,TB MVI SP2 203 SP2 204 MVC DPRINTAR+25(L'NUMB1),NUMB1 NUMBER 1 TO PRINT AREA SP2-205 PACK RESP+L'RESP-LNUMBP(LNUMBP),NUMB1 PACK NUMBER 1 (N1) SP2 206 SP2 201 MVI DPRINTAR+29,C'-' SP2 208 '-' ro PRINr AREA MVC DPRINTAR+31(L'NUMB2),NU~B2 NUMBER 2 TO PRINT AREA SP2 209 PACK PFLD,NUMB2 PACK NUMBER 2 (N2) SP2 210 SP RESP+L'RESP-LDIF(LDIF),PFLD SP2 211 N1 - N2 • O. K. IF BLANK NO • • • • • • • • . Figure 20. 184 Source Deck Listing, Part 4 of 7 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 • SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 '+' TO PRINT AREA SP2 DPRINTAR+41,C'+' MVI DPRINTAR+Q3(L'NUMBQ),NUMB4 NUMBER 4 TO PRINr AREA SP2 MVC PACK NUMBER. 4 (N4) SP2 PACK PFLD,NUMB4 Nl - N2 • N3 + N4 SP2 RESP,PFLD AP SP2 '=' TO PRINT AREA SP2 DPRINTAR+48,C'=' MVI SP2 RESULT TO PR AREA UNPK DPRINTAR+51(L'RESP·2-1),RESP CHANGE SIGN IN ZONE TO F SP2 DPRINTAR+59,B'11110000' 01 SP2 EDIT B SP2 SP2 SP2 INITIALIZE REGISTER :EXPRC LH CARDRG,YCARDAR SP2 INITIALIZS REGISTER LH PRINTRG,YPRINTAR SP2 SP2 MESSAGE ANI) MVC DMESS,MESS SP2 TYPE TO PRINT AREA MVC PTYPE,TYPE SP2 SP2 MVC PNUMB1,NUMB1 SP2 Nl PACK RESPRI,NUMB1 SP2 SP2 MVI SIGN1,C'.' SP2 MVC PNUMB2,NUMB2 SP2 N2 PACK PFLD,NUMB2 SP2 Nl • N2 MP RESP,PFLD SP2 SP2 MVI SIGN2,C'+' SP2 MVC PNUMB3,NUMB3 SP2 N3 PACK PFLD,NUMB3 N1 • N2 + tn SP2 AP RESP,PFLD SP2 SP2 MVI SIGN3,C'-' SP2 MVC PNUMB4,NUMB4 N4 SP2 PACK PFLD,NUMB4 Nl • N2 + N3 - N4 SP2 SP RESP,PFLD SP2 SP2 MVI EQSIGN,C'=' RESULT TO PRINT AREA SP2 UNPK RESZ,RESP SP2 CHANGE SI3N ro F RESZ+L'RESZ-1.C'O' 01 SP2 SPACE 2 SP2 EDIT RESULT SP2 INITIALIZE RE3ISrER SP2 EDIT LH REG8,H1 LOAD ADDRESS OF-RESULT FIELD ZONED SP2 LH PRINTRG,YRESZ TEST IF 0 SP2 CLI O(PRINTRG),C'O' TSTIFO NO SP2 BNE TSTSIGN SP2 ALL BYTES CHECKED CH REG8,YLRESZ YES SP2 BNL PRNTLINE MVI O(PRINTRG),C' MOVE BLANK SP2 NEXT BYTE SP2 AH PRINTRG,H1 INCREMENT COUNrER BY 1 AH REG8,H1 SP2 LOOP S'P2 B TSTIFO SP2 TSTSIGN SH PRINTRG,Hl ONE STEP BACK SP2 TM RESP+L'RESP-l,B'OOOOOOOl' TEST SI3N SP2 BO MINUS SP2 PLUS MVI O(PRINTRG),C'+' MOVE PLUS SIGN SP2 SP2 B PRNTLINE MINUS MVI O(PRINTRG),C'-' MOVE MINUS SIGN SP2 SPACE 2 SP2 PRINT A LItlE SP2 SP2 PRNTLINE LH BRANCHRG,YPRINT LOAD BRANCH-REGISrER SP2 BASR LINKRG,BRANCHRG SP2 PRINT A LINE AND RETURN B BGETCARD READ NEXr CARD SP2 SPACE 2 SP2 HALT ROUTINES SP2 SP2 flALT0001 HPR 1,0 INVALID CARD rYPE SP2 B BGETCARD NEXT CARr> SP2 SP2 t:IALT001N STH 8,t:IPRI+2 STORE &NTRY NU~BER (N = 1, 2, 3 OR 4 SP2 01 .HPRI+3,X'10' 'OR' COLU~~ NUMBER (COL. 1) SP2 B HPRI SP2 • MVI MVC PACK MP DPRINTAR+35,C'.' DPRINTAR+37(L'NUMB3),NUMB3 PFLD,NUMB3 RESP,PFLD ' . ' TO PRINT AREA NUMBER 3 ro PRINT AREA PACK dUMBER 3 (N3) Nl - N2 • N3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 20. 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 Source Deck Listing, Part 5 of 7 Appen1ix M. Sanple Pr~grans 185 HAI.T002N STH 01 B ENTRY NUMBER (N NUMBER OF COL ElPiU SP2 SP2 SP2 ENrRY NUMBER (N = 1. 2. 3 OR 4) SP2 COL 3 SP2 ~ILL BE UPDATEa BY HALr ROUTINES I.OAD BASE REGISrER 1 ~IrH ORIG VALUE SP2 SP2 REG8,HPRI+2 HALT003N 5TH HPRI+3,X'30' 01 0,0 HPRI HPR BGETCARD LH BASERG1,YBASEA11 USING BASEAll,BASERGl GETCARD B SPACE 2 • END OF CARD FILE 1, 2, 3 OR 4) SP2 293 LII BRANCHRG,YCLOSEF LOAD ADDRESS OF CLOSE ROOfINE BR BRANCHRG CLOSE rHE FILES TITLE • ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PART 2, UJ>.rA DEFINlrlONS i * DArA DEFINITIONS ~OCF Hl DC H) DC H'l' H'3' 114 DC H' 4' DC Y(PRINT) Y(CLOSEF) Y(CARDAR) Y(PRI1"frAR) YCLOSEF DC YCARDAR DC YPRINTAR DC ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PRINT ROUTINE OF CLOSE ROOlINE OF CARDAREA OF PRI~rAREA Ul' t<,t;~UU"J.· YRESZ 1.1'- Y( PRI NTAR'" 51) AuuRESS YI.RESZ YBASEAll DC DC '{(I.' RE"SZ) Y(BASEAU) LENGTH OF RESZ BASE ADDRESS 1 1 RESP PFLD DC DC PL5'O' PL2'0' RESULr PACKED PACK FIELD * ORG EQU EQU RESP X'OOOOOO' PL2'O' L'PFLD LNUMBP SET LOC. COUNrER BACK ro RESP FIRST PARr OF RESP RI3HT PARr OF RESP LENGrH OF PACKED NUMBER LENGTH OF DIFFERENCE ORG DC C'CARD TYPE' RESPRI LNUMBP LDIF * MESS * DCSl •DCARDAR rYPE dUMBl l"fUM82 LiUMB3 l"fUMSII ENTRY DC DC C CL3 CL3 CL3 CL3 NUMBl DCS2 SPACE 2 DSECT , PTYPE PNUMBl SIG.U PNUMB2 SIGN2 PNUMB3 SIGlfl PNUMBII EOSIGN OS ORG DC ORG OS ORG OS EQU ORG OS EOO ORG OS EQU ORG OS EOO ORG RESZ PAEcfD 186 302 303 3011 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 3111 315 316 317 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 sPi SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 320 321 322 323 3211 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 3311 335 336 337 DUMMY PRINrARE~ OCL60 DPRINTAR+I0 C'CARD TYPE' DP1UNTAR+ 20 C OPRINTAR.'t25 CLl ·+1 *+3 CL3 *+1 ·+3 CL3 *+1 *+3 CLl ·+2 *+5 Clog Ei"D BEGIN 318 SP2 319 338 339 3110 341 342 SP2 343 • DS EOU SPACE Figure 20. s~crIONS' OCL1) EOO DMESS sp2 SP2 SP2 FREE SP2 FORMA.r SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 , TO piU;VENr OVERLOADING OF PFL.O :AE[.u *DPRINTAR FIELD ZONED TITLE 'ASSEMBLER SAMPLE, PARr 2, DUMMY CONTROL DSECT • DUMMY CARDAREA DS OS OS OS OS OS EQU 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 sp2 301 NEXT CARD • •YPRINT SP2 291 SP2 292 REG8,HPRI+2 HPRI+3.X'20' •2 Source Deck Listing, Part 6 of 1 SPi SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SPi SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 SP2 3114 345 346 347 348 3119 350 351 352 353 3511 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 SP2 370 /* // // // // // // // A B PAUSE INSERT ASSEMB OUT pur DECKS OF Bora ASSEMBLIES FOR LNKEDr JOB CMAINT CORE IMAGE MAINTENANCE RUN EXEC R CATAL END JOB SAMPLE ASSEMBLER SAMPLE EXEC i 2 3 4 1 234 C 1 234 A 5 678 8 5 6 7 8 C 5 678 A 45 71 28 39 B 45 71 28 39 ::= 45 71 28 39 A248935627310 8248935627310 C248935627310 R~N /* Figure 20. Source Deck Listing, Part 7 of 7 Appendix M. Sanple Pr~gr~ns 187 TPS Assembler Language Program Now you must perform a new IPL with the system tape created in the :M~I~T run above. IPL is followed by You may use the source jeck from the DPS sample program in a tape-oriented system. However~ to run the program under TPS you r-----------------------------------------,I must make the following changes: • 1// LOG 1// JOB SAMPLE replace the job control statements !// • replace the ~OPTN CROSSREF,ENrRY statement (SP2 001) by an AOPTN ENTRY statement. III EXEC t----~------------------------------------1 IL___________ Data cards _________________ ___________ JI ~ The TPS job control statements with which you must replace the corresponding DPS job control statements are listed below. r-----------------------------------------, IJob control cards for first assembly I ~-----------------------------~-----------~ I I I LOG i 1// JOB ~SSEMB i 1// ~SSGN SYSOOO,X-780'T2 I 1// ~SSGN SYS001,X ' 781'T2 I 1// ASSGN SYS002~X·782·,r2 I 1// ~SSGN SYSOPT,X'300'P2 I 1// DATE. 70020 I 1// EXE~ I ~-----------------------------------------i ~-----------------------------------------~ IJob control cards for second assembly arel lidentical to those for DPS I ~-----------------------------------------~ ~--------------------------~-~------------~ IJob control cards for Linkage Editor run J ~-----------------------------------------~ I / / JOB LNKEDT I 1// ASSGN SYSOPT~X'782',T2 I 1// EXE~ I t-~---------------------------------------1 ~-----------------------------------------~ fJob control cards for CMAI~T run I ~--~--------------------------------------~ 1// JOB ~MAIN'r i ']// ASSGN SYSIPT,X'782',T2 I 1// FILES SYSIPT,REW I i l l ASSGN SYSOPT~Xi781~,T2 I 1// EXEC I 1// CATAL 1 1// END L_________________________________________ JI .1RR I I i DATE 70020 ~ You can study the general and detailed organization of the program in the description of the DPS sample progran. The only differences which occur are in the. Job :ontrol, Linkage Editor an1 CMAINr program3 J of which you can find a descri?tion in the SRL pu bi icat ion !~~:L§~~!::~~~l~Q._~22~!:.-~Q.L ±~£~_Rf29f~~~!gg_~~~!::~~L_ge~i~~!:._~~~_§~~~ Y!£~_EfQ9f~~~f Form GC24-9000. For information on the Tape Ioes refer to the publication IBM System/360 Mode~_£Q.L Tape Programminq svstem, Inout/Jut~~t-:~n~ i£ol_~~tem, Form G~24-9003. Indez ~ndexes to System/360 Model 20 SRL pubfications are consolidated in the publication IBM System/360 Model 20, Disk Programming System: Master Index~, rorm GC33-6008. (Where more than one page reference is given, major reference appears first.) &SYSECT ~- current control section •••••• 95 &SYSLIST(n) -- macro instruction operand field •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 96 &SYSNDX -- macro instruction index •••••• 94 Absolute expressions ••••••••.•••••••.•••.••• 20,16 terms ••.•.•.•••••••••••••••.••••••• 20,16 Add Decimal packed (AP) ••••••.•••••••••••• 30 Halfword (AH) .•••••••••••••••••••••••. 26 Register (AR) •••••.••••••.•••••••••••• 24 Address adjustment of ••••••••••••.•••••.•••••• 97 constant (Y) •••••••••••••.•••••••••••• 51 explicit •••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• 19 implicit •••••••••••••.•••.•••••••••••• 19 Addressing ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 18 direct •.•••••••••.•••••••••.•••••••••• 19 dummy contrdl sections •••••••••••••••• 57 examples of ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 21 explicit •.•.•••••••••.•••••••••••.•••• 19 external control sections ••.•.••••• 19,61 implicit •••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••• 20 indirect~ ••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••• 19 relative •••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• 20 Addressing error binary arithmetic operations .••••••.•. 23 branching operations •••••••.•.••••••.• 42 decimal arithmetic operations ••••••••• 27 logical operations •••••••••..••••••••• 34 AGO -- Unconditional Branch ••••••••••••• 90 AGOB -- Unconditional Branch Backward ••• 91 AH -- Add Halfword ••••••••••.••••••••••. 26 AlE -- Assembly in error ••••••••••••••• 109 AIF -- Conditional Branch ••••••••••••••• 89 AIFB -- Conditional Branch Backward ••••• 90 Alignment of Machine instructions •••• 53,17 Alphabetic characters ••••••.••••••••••••• 7 And Immediate (NI) •••••••••••.•••••••••• 39 AND (logical operator) •••••.•••••••••••• 86 ANOP -- No Operation •••••••••••••••••••. 91 AOPTN (Assembler Option) statement ••••• 107 AP -- Add Packed •••••••.•••••••••••••••• 30 AR -- Add Register •••••••••••••••••••••• 24 Areas, definition of •••••••.•••••••••••• 52 Arithmetic relation •••••••••••.••.•••••• 86 Assembler diagnostic messages ••••••••.••••••••• 139 functions of ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 option statement (AOPTN) •••.••••••••• 106 work file statement (AWORK) .•••••.••• 105 Assembler actions on errors •••••••••••• 109 Assembler instructions •••••••••••••••••• 47 base register ..••••••.•••••••••••••••• 60 data definition •••..•••••••••••.•.•••• 48 listing control ••••••.••..•••••••••••• 63 program control •••.••••••••••••••••••• 65 program linking .•.•••••••.•••••••.•••• 54 program sectioning........ . • • .• • . • • . .. 54 summary of ....•••.••••••.••••••.•.••. 126 symbol definition ...•.••.••.•.•••••.•. 47 Assembler language coding conventions..................... 8 features of ••.••••••••••.•••••••••• 132,7 statements, types of .••••.•••...•••.•.• 5 structure of .•••..•••••••.•••...•.•••. 12 Assembler listinq...................... 109 description of -layout. • . • • • . • • • • • • • .• 135 example of •...•.•.••..•.•••••....•• 137,6 printing optional data................. 64 printing title •.•••••••.•..•••.••••••. 63 spacing of............................ 64 sta,rting new page..................... 63 Assembler program defined terms .••.••••. 13 location counter reference •...•••••• ~. 15 symbols. . • • • . . • • • • • • • . • . • . • • • . . • • . • • •. 13 Assembly 6f macro instructions................. 74 of a program .......................... 104 operating environment for •.•.••••.•••.• 7 ASSGN control statement ••.....•.•.• 105,108 AWORK (Assembler Work-File) statement •• 106 B type constant .•.•.•••.•.•••.....•.•.•. 50 BAS -- Branch and Store ••..••.•••.•.•.•• 44 Base address ....••..•..••....••••••.• 19,60 Base register instructions .•.••••••••.•. 60 DROP -- Drop Base Register •••.•..••.•• 62 USING -- Use Base Register .••.••..•.•• 60 Base registers •••••.•.•••..•..••••..•••• 19 f or direct address ing. • • • • • . • . • • • • • . •• 19 for indirect add.ressing............... 19 loading of ••.••••.•.•••.•..••.••••••.• 62 pseudo ••.••.•..••.••..•. ~ ..•..•.•••••. 61 restrictions for use of............... 62 specifying •.•••.•.••••••..•••.•••.•••• 60 Basic Monitor program ••••••..•••••.••••.• 7 BASR -~ Branch and Store Register ••••••• 43 BC -- Branch on Condition ••••••••••••.•• 43 BCR -- Branch on Condition Register ••... 42 Begin column .••••...••..•.•.•.•••••••.••• 107,8 literal pool (LTORG) ..•..•••..•••.•••• 66 Binary constants .•..••••..•.•.••..•..•••••••• 50 data, format of....................... 23 halfword •••...••..•••••..••••.•.•.•.•• 23 machine instruction formats ••.....•.•• 23 numbers. • • • . • • . . . . • • . . • . . . . . . . • . . . • . •. 23 self-defining terms................... 13 Binary arithmetic instructions •.•••.•••• 24 AH Add Halfword ••.••..••...••.••.•• 26 AR Add Register........ . . • • . • . • • • •• 24 CH Compare Halfword •.•.....•••.•.•. 25 LH Load Hal fword. • . • . . . . • • . • . • • • • •. 25 SH Subtract Halfword............... 26 SR Subtract Register............... 24 Index 189 STH -- store Halfword ••••••••••••••••• Binary arithmetic operations •••••••••••• condition code setting after •••••••••• error conditions ••••••••••••• ~ •••••••• Boundary alignment •••••••••••••••••••••• Branch on Condition (BC) ••••••••••••••••••••• on Condition Register (BCR) ••••••••••• and store (BAS) •• m~ee~e.~~~~~~Dee~e~ee and Store/Register (BASR)~.~~~~ •• ~~~~~ Branch instructions ••••••••••••••••••••• BAS -- Branch and store ••••••••••••• ~. BASR -- Branch and store Register ••••• BC -- Branch on Condition •••••••• ~, ••• BCR == Branch on Condition Register ••• SPSW -- Set PSW ••••••••••••••••••••••• Branch operations ••••••••••.•••••••••••• error conditions •••••••••••••••••••••• machine instruction formats ••••••••••• 25 22 23 23 53 43 42 44 43 42 44 43 43 44 41 42 42 C type constant ••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• 49 cataloging a macro definition •• e • • • • • • e 108 'CH -- Compare Halfword •••••••••••••••••• 25 Channel command word ................. 54,110 definition of ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 54 Character codes •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 147 constants •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••• 49 data, format of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 telation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 87 self-defining term •••••• e • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13 set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 CMAINT (core-image maintenance) program •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 65 Coding conventions •••••••••••••••••.••••• 8 summa~y of ..•...•...................... 9 Coding form ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 8,11 Combining symbolic parameters with other characters ••••••••••••••••••••••• 78 Comments entries in macro language statements~~~~t~~ ••• 93 in source program statements'......... 9,6 Compare Decimal Packed (CP) ••••••••••••••••••• 30 Halfword (CH) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Logical Characters (CLC) •••••••.•••••• 37 Logical Immediate (CLI) ••••••••••••••• 36 Compatibility •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 110 Complex relocatable expressions ••••••••• 52 Concatenation of symbolic parameters.~ •.•••••••••••• 78 of substrings ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 85 Condition code setting after binary arithmetic operations •••• 23 after decimal arithmetic operations ••• 27 after logical operations •••.•••• o.4.~a 34 Coriditional assembly ifistructions ••••••• 80 sequence symbols ••••••••••••••••••• 88-92 SET variable symbols ••••••••••••••• 80-88 Conditional branch (AIF) •••.•••••••••••• 88 Conditional branch backward CAIFB) •••••• 90 Configuration t system ••••••••••••••••.• 153 Constants address (Y) ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••• 51 binary (B) •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• 50 character (C) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 49 decimal ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 51 definition of •••••••••••••••••••••• 48-52 fixed- point (H)....................... 50 hexadecimal (X) ••••••••••••••••••••••• 50 literals ................ ~ .. 46 packed decimal 51 rules for definition ..••.••••••••.•••• 48 summary of •.•••.•.•••••.••.••••••.••. 127 zoned decimal (Z)..................... 51 continuation e •• e •••••••• (p).................... card ............................................... ;; 72 character~ •...•••.•..••.•..••••.••••••. 8 column ••••••...•..•.•••••••.••••••• 8,105 of macro language statement •.•••• ~ •. 72,8 Control sections........................ 54 dummy .•.••••..•...•••••.•.••.•••••••.. 57 external, addressing of............... 59 first .••.•••.••.•••••••••••••••••••••• 55 maximum number of .•••••.••.••••••••••• 55 starting location of •••.••••••••.•••.. 55 unnamed. • • • . • . • . • . • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • •• 55, 57 Control statements..................... 105 Conversion table, hexadecimal-decimal •• 155 CP -- Compare Decimal Packed .••••••••••. 30 CROSSREF (Assembler option) •••••••••••. 106 CSECT -- Identify Control secti~n •••.•• 56 Current control section C&SYSE2T) ••••... 95 Data definition instruction •••••••••••.. 48 DATE control statement ••••••••••• 105,108 DC -- Define Constant..... • • • . • • • • • • •• 48 DCCW -- Define Channel Command Word ••• 54 DS -- Define Storage.................. 52 literals .•...•.•.••••.••.•.•.•••.•••. 4.8 DATA (operand of PRINT instruction ••••.• 64 Data error decimal arithmetic operations ••••••••• 28 logical operations.................... 35 Data formats binary numbers •••.•••••••••••••.•••.•• 23 character data •••.••.•••••.•..••.•••.• 33 decimal numbers............................. 26 DATE control statement.~~ •.•.••• ~ •• 105,108 DC -- Define Constant •.••••.•.•.••.••••• 48 DCCW -- Define Channel Command word ••••• 54 Decimal arithmetic error conditions ••••• 27 Decimal arithmetic operations ••••••.••.. 26 condition code setting after •••••••••• 27 Decimal constants ••••.•••.••.•••.••.•.•••••••• 51 data, format of ••••••••••.•••••••••••• 26 machine instructions, format of .•••••• 27 numbers, length of •••••••••••••••.•••• 26 Decimal arithmetic instruction •••••.•••• 28 AP Add Decimal Packed •••••••••••••• 30 CP Compare Decimal Packed ..••••••.• 30 DP Divide Decimal Packed ••••••••••. 32 MP Multiply Decimal Packed .•••.••.. 31 MVO -- Move with Offset ••••••.•••••••• 28 PACK -- Pack~ •••..•••••••••••••••••••• 28 SP -- Subtract Packed.................... 31 UNPK -- Unpack •••••••••••••••••••••••. 29 ZAP -- Zero and Add Packed •••••••.•••. 29 Define Channel Command Word (DCCW) •.•••••••.• 54 constant (DC) •••••••••••••.••••••.• 48-52 Storage (DS) •••••••••.•.••.•..•..••••• 52 Defining areas. • . . • • . • . • . • • • . • • • . . . . • . .. .. . .. . • • •. 52 constants .•••••••••••••.••••••••••• 48-52 entry point of program ••••••••••••• 65,66 fields within areas •••••••••••••••• 53,57 substrings with SETC •••••••••••••••••• 84 symbols ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Depth of nesting macro instructions ••••• 19 Device assignments ••••••••••••••••••••• 104 Diagnostic messages Assembler •••••••••••••••••••••••• 139-144 Macro Maintenance program •••••••••••• 145 Direct addressing ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 Divide Decimal Packed (DP) •••••••••••••• 32 DLAB control statement ••••••••••••• 105,108 DP -- Divide Decimal Packed ••••••••••••• 32 DROP -- Drop Base Register •••••••••••••• 62 DS -- Define storage •••••••••••••••••••• 52 DSECT -- Identify Dummy section ••••••••• 57 Dummy control section ••••• ~ ••••••••••••• 51 Duplicate following card •••••••••••••••• 65 Duplication factor in DC instructions ••••••••••••••••••• ~ 48 in DS instructions •••••••••••••••••••• 52 EBCDIC to card code conversion table. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 147 Edit (ED) ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 37 EJECT -- start New Page ••••••••••••••••• 63 End column............................. 107 END -- End Assembly ••••••••••••••••••••• 66 use in overlay structures •••••••••• 61,68 ENTRY (Assembler option) ••••••••••••••• 106 ENTRY -- Identify Entry-point Symbol •••• 58 EQ (relational operator) •••••••••••••••• 87 EQU -- Equate Symbol •••••••••••••••••••• 47 Error checking.......................... 99 Error conditions addressing (see Addressing error) binary arithmetic ••••••••••••••••••••. 22 branching •••••.••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••• 42 data (see Data error) decimal arithmetic •••••••••••••••••••• 27 logical operations •••••••••••••••••••• 34 specification {see specification error) Error indications •••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 ESD (External symbol dictionary) ••••• 55,65 EXEC control statement ••••••••••••• 105,108 Explicit addressing ••••••••••••••••••••• 19 Explicit length......................... 20 Expressio.ns ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 absolute ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16,20 complex relocatable ••••••••••••••••••• 52 evaluation of ••.•••••••••••.•••••••••• 15 logical ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 86 in macro language •••••••••••••••••••• 128 relational •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 86 relocatable •••••••• -•••••••••••••••• 16,20 Extended mnemonic codes ••.•••••••••• 18,123 External control section •••••••••••••••. 59 External Symbol Dictionary ••••••••••• 55,58 EXTRN -- Identify External Symbol ••••••• 59 FETCH macro instruction ••••••••••••••••• 67 Fields, definition of.~ .••••••••••••• 53,57 First control section ••••••••••••••••••• 55 Fixed-point constants (H) ••••••••••••••• 50 Formats of Machine instructions ••••• 124,17 GE (relational operator)................ 81 GEN (operand of PRINT instruction ••••••• 64 Generate transfer card (XFR) •••••••••••• 65 Global SET symbols ••••••••••••••••••• 81,86 Glossary ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 GMOVE macro definition •••••••••••••••••• 97 coding of ••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 101 error checking........................ 99 flow chart of........................ 100 global SET symbols in................. 99 in-line use ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 97 main-storage considerations ••••••••••• 99 used as subroutine •••••••••••••••••••• 98 GT (relational operator)................. 81 \ H type constant ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 50 Halt and Proceed (HPR) •••••••••••••••••• 40 Head phase •••••••.•••••••••• ~ •••••••• 67,68 Header statement positional •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 75 keyword .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 94 Hexadecimal constants (X) ••••••••••••••• 50 Hexadecimal to decimal conversi:m table. .. • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • •• 155 Hexadecimal self-defining term •••••••••• 12 Highest positive binary number •••••••••• 23 Highest positive fixed-point constant ••• 51 HPR -- Halt and Proceed ••••••••••••••••• 40 ICTL -- Input Format Control ••••••••••• 107 Identification-sequence field •••••••••••• 9 Identify Assembly output (TITLE)............... 63 Control Section (CSECT) .•••••••••••••• 56 Dummy section (DSECT)................. 57 Entry-point Symbol (ENTRy) •••••••••••• 58 External Symbol (EXTRN) ••••••••••••••• 59 Immediate data ••••••••••••••••••••••• 35,46 Implicit addressing......... • • • • • • • • • • •• 20 Implicit length......................... 20 Indirect addressing..................... 19 Inner macro instructions •••••••••••••••• 79 Input format control (ICTL) •••••••••••• 107 Input/Output operations ••••••••••••••••• 45 Input sequence checking (ISEQ) ••••••••• 101 Instructions Assembler •••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 47 machine .•.•••••.•••••••.•••••••••• 17,122 macro. • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 70 I/O devices for assembly •••••••.••••••• 104 IOCS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 45 macro instructions.................... 45 ISEQ -- Input Sequence Checking •••••••• 107 Job control statements for an assembly....................... 105 for cataloging a macro definition •••• 108 Keyword macro definition •••.•••••••••••• Keyword macro instruction ••••.•••••••••• operands, rules for writing .•••••••••• Keyword prototype statement ••••••••••••• 93 72 73 94 Language compatibility ••••••••••••.•••• 110 Layout of Assembler listing •••••••••••• 135 LE (relational operator) •••.•••••••••••• 81 Length Index 191 attribute reference ••••••.••••••••• 12,14 of character constants •••••••••••••••• 49 of decimal constants •••••••••.•••••••. 51 of decimal numbers •••••••.•••••••..••• 26 e f f ect i ve = = • = = = • = = = • • • • • = • • • • • • • • • • • •• 21 explicit •••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 implicit •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 modifier. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 49 Level of nesting macro instructions ••••• 79 LH -- Load Halfword ••••••••••••••••••••• 25 Linkage Editor program •••••••••••••.••• , 65 Linkage, symbolic ............................. 58 Linkinq (see sectioninq and linkinq) Listin~ (see Assembler-listing) Li~ting control instructions •••••••.• 05,41 EJECT Start New Page ••••••••••••••• 63 PRINT Print Optional Data •••••••••• 64 SPACE Space Listing ••••••••••••• ~ •• 64 TITLE Identify Assembly Output ••••• 63 Literal pool •••••••••••••••••••••••.• 46,66 LITERAL (~ssembler option) ••••••••••••• 106 Li terals. . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 46 addressing considerations ••••••••••••• 66 format of .................................. 46 location of, in storage ••••••••••••••• 66 use of •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 71 workfile •••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• 106 Load Halfword (LH) •••••••••••••••••••••• 25 LOAD mac~o instruction •••••.•••••••••••. 69 Loading a base register ••••••••••••••••• 62 Local SET symbols •••••••••••••••••••• 81,86 Location counter reference ••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• 14 setting of ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 60,15 Logical expression •••••••••••••••••••••• 86 evaluation of ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 89 Logical operations •••••••••••••.•••••••• 33 condition cod~ setting after •••••.•.•• 34 data format ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 error condition ••.•..••••.•..••••.•••. 34 Logical operations instructions .•••••.•. 35 CLC -- Compare Logical Character •••••• 37 CLI -- Compare Logical Immediate •••••• 36 ED -- Edit •••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 37 HPR Halt and Proceed ••••••••.•••••• 40 MVC Move characters •••••••••••••••• 35 MVI Move Immediate.m ••••••••• e • • • • ~ 35 MVN Move Numerics •••••••••••.•••••• 36 MVZ Move Zones ••••••••••••••••••••• 35 NI And Immediate ••••••••••••••••••• 39 01 Or Immediate •••••••••••••••••••• 39 TM Test under Mask ••••••••••••••••• 40 TR Translate ••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 Logical operators ••••••••••••••••••••••• 86 Lowest negative binary number ••••••••••• 23 Lowest negative fixed-point constant •••• 51 LT (relational operator) •••••••••••••••• 87 LTORG -- Begin Literal Pool •••• , •••••••• 66 use in overlay structures .••••••••• 67,68 Machine instruct~ons ••••••••.••••••• 17,122 alignment of •••••••••••••••••••••••••. 17 format of ••••••••••••••••••••••••. 17,124 numemonic operation codes ••••••••••••. 17 operands •••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• 18 summary of •••••••••••••••••••••••.••• 122 Machine operations......................... 22 binary arithmetic ••••••••••••••••••••. 22 192 branch. • • • • • • . • . • . • • • • • • . . • • • • • . • • • . •• 41 decimal arithmetic.................... 26 input/output •.•.••••..•....••••.•.•.•. 45 logical .. : • • • . • . . . • • . • • . . . • . • • • . • . • • .. 33 MACRO -- Macro Header statement •••..••.. 75 Macro definition cataloging of .•••.•••••.•••••••..•••• 108 end processing of.................. 92,93 error chec~il1g 109 IBM supplied •.•••.•.•••...•••.••.•••• 131 keyword .•••...•••.••••••.••.•••••••••• 93 positional •.••••••••.••••.•••••••••••. 75 sample o f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Macro exit.............................. 92 Macro instruction index (&SYSNDX) ••••••. 94 Macro instruction operand field (&SYSLIST (n) ) • . . • . • • . . • • • • • • • • .• 96 Macro instructions ••••••••••••••••.••••. 70 FETCH. • • • . • • • • • . . . • . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • . •. 67 formats of •...•••.•..•••••..••••••• 71,72 GMOVE. • • • . • • • . • . • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • •• 97 inner •••••.•..•.•.•••••.••.••••.•.••.• 79 keyword ••••••••••••••••••.••••••.••••• 72 LOAD. • . . • • • • . . .. • . . • . . . .. . • . • • . . • . • . • • •. 69 nested ••.••••.•.••.••••••••••••••••••• 79 positional •• ~ ••.•.•••••••••••••••.•••. 71 Macro language •.•.••••..•••...•••.•• 75-103 comments statements ••••••.•••.•••.••.. 93 conditional assembly instructions ••••• 80 expressions in, summary •.•••••••• 128,130 header statement •••••••••••••••••••••• 75 macro exit............................ 92 model statements •.••••••••.••••••.•••• 76 request for a message................. 92 trailer statement .•••.•.•..••.•••.•.•. 93 summary of •.•.•••.•.•••.••••••••••••• 129 Macro maintenance diagnostics •..•••.••• 145 Macro prototype statement keyword .•••••.•.•.•••••.•..••••••.•••. 94 posit.ional •...•..••..•.....•.•..•.•.•. 75 Main-storage considerations, GMOVE •••••• 99 Maximum system configuration ••••••••••• 153 MEND -- Trailer Statement............... 93 MEXIT -- Macro Definition Exit ••.••••••. 92 Minimum system configuration •••••••.••. 153 Mnemonic operation codes •••••••••••. 17,122 extended •.....•...•...•••.. o • • • • • • 18,123 MMAINT •••.••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 109 MNOTE -- Request for Error Message •••••. 92 Model statements........................ 76 operation code, restrictions for •••.•• 77 Modifier .•••••.••.•.•••.•••••••••••.•.•• 49 Move Characters (MVC) •.•••.••.•.••••••••.•. 35 Immediate (MVI) •••••••••••.••.•••••••• 35 Numerics (MVN) •••••••••••.•••••••••••• 36 with Offset (MVO) •••••••....•••••••••• 28 Zones (MVZ) .•.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 MP -- Multiply Decimal Packed ...•.•••••. 31 Multiply Decimal Packed eMP) .••••••••••• 31 MVC Move Characters ••••••.•••••..•••• 35 MVI Move Immediate................... 35 MVN Move Numerics.................... 36 MVO Move with Offset ••••..••.•••.•.•. 28 MVZ Move Zones ••.•••••.•.•••••••.•.•• 35 ill.................... Name ent.ries............................... 8 NE (relational operator) ••••.••.••.••.•. 87 Nested macro instructions ••••••••••••••• 79 NI -- And Immediate ••••••••••••••••••••• 39 No operation (ANOP) ••••••••••••••••••••• 91 NODATA e PRINT 64 NODECK (Assembler option) •••••••••••••• 106 NOERR (Assembler option) ••••••••••••••• 106 NOESD (Assembler option) •• ~ •••••••••••• 106 NOGEN (operand of PRINT instruction) •••• 64 NOLIST (Assembler option) ••••••• ~ •••••• lQ6 NORLD (Assembler option) ••••••••••••••• 106 NOT (logical operator) •••••••••••••••••• 86 NOSYM (Assembler option) ••••••••••••••• 106 NOVERIFY (Assembler option) •••••••••••• 106 Null character string ••••••••••••••••• ,' 87 Null parameters ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 87 in name field ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 71 in operand field •••••••••••••••••••••• 72 testing for ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 87 Numeric characters ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Object program ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 OFF (operand of PRINT instruction) •••••• 64 01 -- Or Immediate •••••••••••••••••••••• 39 ON (operand of PRINT instruction) ••••••. 64 Operand ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 entries ••• '. . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 9 fields •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 of keyword macro instructions ••••••••• 73 of positional macro instructions •••••• 71 subfields •• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 Operating environment ••••••••.••••••••••• 7 Operation code Assembler language ••••••••••••••••••••• 9 macro language •••••••••••••••••••••••• 77 operator logical •••••••.••••••••••...•••••.•••• 86 relational •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 86 Optional data, printing on assembly listing •••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 64 OR (logical operator) ••••••••••••••••••• 86 Or Immediate (OI) •••.••••••••••••• ~ ••••• 39 ORG -- Set Location counter ••••••••••••• 65 output listings •••••••••••••••••••••••• 109 Overlay with FETCH macro instruction •••• 67 Overlay with LOAD macro instruction ••••. 69 P type constant ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 51 Pack (PACK) ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• 28 Parameter ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 70 Phase (see Program phases) PHASE (Phase Definition) statement •••••• 65 positional macro definition ••••••••••••• 75 positional macro instruction •••••••••••• 71 operands, rules for writing ••••••••••• 71 positional prototype statement ••••••• 75,72 PRINT -- Print Optional Data •••••••••••• 64 Program control statements ••••••••••••• 105 AOPTN -- Assembler Option •••••••••••• 106 AWORK -- Assembler Work File ••••••••• 105 ICTL -- Input Format Control ••••••••• 107 ISEQ -- Input Sequence Checking •••••• 107 Program linking (see Sectioning and linking) Program listings ••••••••••••••••••••• 7,135 examples of ••••••••••••••••••.••••• 6,137 Program sectioning (see Sectioning and linking) Program sections (see Control Sections) Program phases •••.••••••••••••••••••• 67-69 Program-Structure control instructions •• 65 END E Ass ly 66 LTORG -- Begip Literal Pool ••••••••••• 66 ORG -- Set location counter •••••• 65 REPRO -- Reprocedure Following Statement •••.•••••••••••.•••.•••••••. 65 XFR -- Generate a Transfer Card ••••.•• 65 Prototype statement keyword •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 72,94 positional •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 75 Pseudo base registers .................... 61 L •••• Register usage.......................... 62 Relati~e addressing ••••••••••••••••••.•• 20 Relational expression ••••••.•••••••••••• 86 evaluation of ••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 89 Relational opera tor. • • • • • • • • • .. • • .. • • • • • •• 86 Relative addressing ...................... 20 Reloactable expressions •••••••••••••• 16,20 complex. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 52 Relbcatable terms......................... 12 pairing of •.•.••••••••••••••••••••• 16,52 Relocation •••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 dictionary (RLD) .................... 55,52 REPRO -- Reproduce Following Card ••••••• 65 use in overlay structures •••••••••• 67,68 Reserving space.......................... 98 Request for message (MNOTE) ••••••••••••• 92 RR instruction format................... 17 RX instruction format •••••••••••••.••••• 17 SA -- statement assembled •••••••••••••• 109 Sample program ..•.•.••••••••••••••• 161-188 addressing the I/O areas ••••••.•••••• 162 addressing in main program ••••••••••. 162 control statements................... 162 cross reference list •.••••.•••••••••• 163 description of....................... 161 formatting instruction listing ••••••• 163 linking sections...................... 161 organization of •••••••••••••••••.•••• 161 TPS As~embler, differences •••••••••.• 188 Sectioning and linking .••••••••.•••.•• 7,54 example of •••.•••••••••••••••••••••.•• 56 S~ctioning and linking instructions CSECT Identify Control Section ••••. 56 DSECT Identify Dummy sectian ••.•.•• 57 ENTRY Identify Entry-Point Symbol •. 58 EXTRN Identify External Synbol ••.•. 59 START Start Assembly ••..••.•••.••.. 55 self-defining terms .•.••••••••.•••.••••. 12 binary ................................ 13 character ••••••••••••••••••..••.••••. 13 decimal. • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • •• 12 hexadecimal .~ •••••••.•••.•••.•••.•.•• 12 use of................................ 12 Sequence field (on coding form) .•••••.••• 9 Sequence symbol ••••.••••••••.••••••••••• 88 Set Location Counter (ORG)................ 65 PSW (SPSW) .••••••.•••••••••••.•••••••• 44 SET variable symbols........ . •• . • • • . • . •. 80 global. • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . .• 81,86 local ••••••.•••••.•••••.••.••.•.••• 81,86 SETA Set Arithmetic.................. 81 SETB -- Set Binary •.•••.•..••••.•.•••.•• 85 Index 193 SETC -- Set Character ••.•••••••••••••••• 83 Sequence symbols AGO -- Unconditional Branch ••••••••••. 90 AGOB -- Unconditional Branch Backward •••••••••••••••••••••••..•.•• 91 AIF -- Conditional Branch ••••••••••••• 88 AIFB -- Conditional Branch Backward ••• 90 SH -- Subtract Halfword ••••••••••••••••• 26 SI instruction format •••••. ~ •..••••••••. 17 SIA -- statement incompletely assembled ............................... 109 Sign •• '•••••••••••• '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 51 Source program •••••••••••••.••••••••••••. 5 Assembler actions on ••••••••••••••••• 109 errors in •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 109 SP -- Subtract Packed ••••••••••••••••••• 31 SPACE -- Space Listing •••••••••••••••••• 64 Special addressing considerations ••••••• 66 Special characters •••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• 7 Specification error binary arithmetic operations •••••••••• 24 branching operations •••••••••••••••••• 42 decimal arithmetic operations ••••••••• 27 logical operations •••••••••••••••••••• 35 SR - - subtract Register •••••••••••••••• 24 SS instruction format ••••••••••••••••••• 17 Start New Page (EJECT) •••••••••••••••••• 63 START -- start Assembly ••••••••••••••••• 55 use in overlay structures •••••••••• 67,68 Statement boundaries •••••••••• '•••••••••• '••••••••• 8 contination of •••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• 8 format, rules for ••••• '. • • • • • • . • • • • • • • •• 8 types of •••••••••.•••••••••••• ~ ••.••••• 5 STC -- Statement treated as comment •••• 109 STH -- Store Halfword ••••••••••••••••••• 25 Store Halfword (STH) •••••••••••••••••••• 25 Subfields (of operand) •••••••••••••••••• 18 subphase •••••••••••••••••••• o •••••••• 67,68 Subroutine facility •••••••••...••••••••• 98 Substring with SETC instruction ••••••••• 84 Subtract Decimal Packed (SP) ••••••••••••••.•••• Halfword (SH).oo~ ••••••••••••••••••••• Register (SR) ••••• eo •••••••••••••••••• Symbols ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• absolute •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• defining •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• entry-point ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• external ••••••••••.••••••••.•••••••••• length attribute of ••••••••••••••••••• previously defined •••••••••••••••••••• relocatable ••••••.•••.•••••••••••••••• restrictions for use of ••••••••••••••• 194 31 26 24 13 12 14 58 59 14 14 12 14 rules for use of...................... 13 Symbol definition instruction .•.••.••.•. Symbolic linkages....................... Symbolic parameters combining with other characters ••.•..• evaluation as null parameters .•••••••. in keyword prototype statement •...•.•• in positional prototype statement ••.•• 47 58 78 73 94 76 use in expressions ..•.•.......•...•.. 130 System configuration •••••••••••••••••.• 153 System variable symbols .•.•••••.••••.•.• 94 &SYSECT -- Current Control section •••.•• 95 &SYSLIST(ni -- Macro Instruction Operand Field .......•..•.••• = : : : : • : •• : : 96 &SYSNDX -- Macro Instruction Index •••.•. 94 Terms. • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • •• 12 absolute •••.•••••••••••••••.•••.••• 12,14 Assembler program defined •••••••.••.•• 13 relocatable ..••..••••••.•.••..•••.• 12,14 sel f -defining. • . • . • • • . • • • • . • . . • . . . • • •. ..L L Test under Mask (TM) •••••.•••••••••••••• 40 Testing for a null parameter .••••••••.•• 87 Text output file •••.•••••••••••••••••.• 104 TITLE -- Identify Assembler output •••••• 63 TM -- Test under Mask.................... 40 TR -- Translate......................... 41 Trailer statement (MEND)................ 93 Translate (TR) •••.•••••.•.•••••••••••.•. 41 Type specification in DC instruction •••• 48 Unconditional branch (AGO) •••••••••••••• 90 Unconditional branch backward (AGOB) •••• 91 Unnamed control section •••••.••• ~ •••• 55,57 Unnamed dummy section ••••.••••••••..•••. 57 Unpack (UNPK) •••••..•••••••••••••...•••• 29 USING -- Use Base Register...... • • • • • • •. 60 Variable symbols •..••••••• e ~ • • • • • • • • 94.132 use in expressions •••••.•.•••••.••••• 130 VOL control statement ..••.•••.••••• 105,108 X (hexadecimal) ••••.•••••.••.••••.•.•••• 50 X type constant ••••.•••.•....••.••.•..•• 50 XFR -- Generate a Transfer Card ••••.••.• 65 use in overlay structures ••.•••••.• 67,68 XTENT control statement ••••••••••.• 105,108 Y type constant .•••.•••.•.•.•••.••••••.. 51 Z type constant .•••.•••..••••••.•••.•••. 51 Zero and Add Packed (ZAP) .•••••••••••••. 29 GC24-9002-5 International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N.Y.10601 rUSA Only] IBM World Trade Corporation 821 United Nations Plaza, New York; New York 10017 r Internationa! 1 READER'S COMMENT FORM IBM Systern/360 Model 20 DPS/TPS Assembler language GC24-9002-5 • How did you use this publication? 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