GC26 3602 5_360_20_Card_Programming_Support_Basic_Assembler_Language_Jan71 5 360 20 Card Programming Support Basic Assembler Language Jan71
GC26-3602-5_360_20_Card_Programming_Support_Basic_Assembler_Language_Jan71 GC26-3602-5_360_20_Card_Programming_Support_Basic_Assembler_Language_Jan71
User Manual: GC26-3602-5_360_20_Card_Programming_Support_Basic_Assembler_Language_Jan71
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,Ji:rile'~o.S360 ·Ofi~(~:..tIOft (Mo,d. 20) -21 GC26 'J602.-:5 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Model 20 Card Programming Support Basic Assembler Language This reference publication provides programmers with the information required to write programs in the Basic Assembler language of the IBM System/360 Model 20. The Basic Assembler language provides the user with a convenient means of making full use of the operational capabilities of the Model 20. Programs written in the Basic Assembler language (source programs) are translated into machine-language by means of the Basic Assembler program. The description of th~ language includes rules for writing source programs and explanations of the instructions for controlling the Basic Assembler program. In addition, this publication includes a number of tables for convenient reference and conversion. Time and storage requirements are listed in a separate section. An extensive sample program is given to illustrate Basic Assembler language programming. The description of the card and tape versions of the Basic Assembler program is confined to the aspects that affect the planning and writing of source programs. Readers of this publication should be thoroughly familiar with the contents of the SRL publication IBM System/360 Model 20, Functional Characteristics, Order No. GA26-5847. Titles and abstracts of other Model 20 SRL publications are contained in the publication IBM System/360 Model 20, Bibliography, Order No. GA26-3565 . • " ',. CPS o I Seventh Edition (May, 1969; reprinted January, 1971) This is a reprint of GC26-3602-5 incorporating changes issued in Technical Newsletter GN33-8612, dated April 6, 1970. o This edition applies to the following program version and modification levels of IBM System/360 Model 20, Card Programming Support, Basic Assembler, and to all subsequent versions and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions and Technical Newsletters. Program Number Version/Modification 360T-AS-OOl 3/7 360T-AS-110 2/0 360U-AS-130 2/2 360U-AS-153 2/0 Changes are continually made to the information herein; before using this pUblication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest SRL Newsletter, Order No. GN20-0361, for the editions that are app~icable and current. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this pUblication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Laboratory, Publications Department, P.O. Box 24, Uithoorn, Netherlands. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1965,1966,1967,1969 o PREFACE o Prerequisite to using this publication is a thorough knowledge of IBM System/360 Model 20 machine operations, particularly storage addressing, data formats, and machine instruction formats and functions. It is assumed that the reader has experience with programming concepts and techniques or has completed basic courses of instruction in these areas. ~~~Q~rog££~~ing_~Y£EQrt'~2ic_A2§gm= ~lef_JTapgLL~Eg£at~~Q£gQurg§, Form C24-9011. l~Q!LOutEy!_Con!ro~_sys!g~_fQf_!hg_~Qm~ ~un1cation§_!daE!g~, Publications closely related to this one are: Form C26-3606. ing InEQ!LQ~!EQ!_~Qn!~Ql_~~~!em_ior ~ina£Y~~n£h£QnQQ§_fommun!£~!iQn§_AQ£E1= g£, Form C33-4001. fard_grog££mming_~~£EQ£iL~£~!£_YiiliiY grog£g~L_XQn£!1Qn§_~ng_Q~££!ing_~£Q£~ Functional Characteristics, Form A26=5847~----------------- gure§, Form C26-3604. Titles and abstracts of other Model 20 SRL publications are contained in the 1~~ ~Y~iemL36~~~Qgi_20_liiblio~aphy, Form A26-3565. o o . CONTENTS 0 INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • Definitions • • • • • • • • • • • • • Basic Assembler Language Statements BASIC ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE FEATURES Minimum System Configuration • Maximum System Configuration • • • • • Language Compatihility • • • • • • CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BASIC ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE • • . • • • • •• Coding Conventions Statement Formats and Components. The Language Structure • The Character Set • • • • • Self-Defining Terms Symbols • • • • • • • • • • Expressions Location Counter. Assigned Addresses • • • • • • • • • FUNCTIONS OF THE ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE Storage Addresses • • • • • • • • • Effective Addressing • • • • • • Symbolic (Implie~) Addressing Explicit Addressing • • • • Absolute (Di rect) Addressing • • General and Pseudo-Registers • • • Base Registers • • • • • • • • • • • Using -- Use Base Register • • BASR -- BRANCH and STORE Register DROP -- RELEASE Pase Register 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 11 • 14 • 14 • 14 15 16 17 • 19 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 20 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 25 ABSOLUTE AND RELOCATABLE PROGRAMMING •• 26 PROGRAM LINKING S,:mple Program DEFINITION INSTRUCTIONS EQU -- Equate Symbol • DC Define Constant DS -- Define Storage • • 27 • • 28 29 • 29 29 • 32 BASIC ASSEMBLER CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS • • 34 START -- Start Program • • • • • • 34 END -- End of Program •• • • • • 34 ORG -- Reset Location Counter • 35 INPUT/OUTPUT INSTR~CTIONS • XIO -- Execute Input/Output • • • • • CIO -- Control Input/Output • • • • • TIOB -- Test Input/Output and Branch • Sequence of I/O Instructions • • • •• Input/Output Macro Instructions • I/O Routines -- Including Interrupts •• 37 37 37 39 40 40 41 MACHINE-INSTRUCTION STATEMENTS • • Machine-Instruction Mnemonic Codes Instruction Formats RR Format HX Format • • • • 43 45 45 45 45 • • • • • • • • 51 Format •••••• SS Format •••••• Types of Machine Operations Binary Arithm Etic • • • • Instructions for Binary Arithmetic • Decimal Arithmetic • • • • • • • • • Instructions for Decimal Arithmetic Non-Arithmetic Operations Instructions for Non-Arithmetic Operations • • • • ••••• Bran~hing • • • • • • • • Instructions for Branch Operations. · · 47 48 49 49 51 ··· · 53 ·· 6155 · 62 · 69 · 70 I · 72 · 72 · 73 THE BASIC ASSEMBLER PROGRAM Basic Assembler (Card Versions) Basic Assembler (Tape Version~ DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES Loading Object Programs 74 74 · · 75 75 · 75 PERFORMANCE DATA • • • • •• Main storage Requirements Time Requirements -- Card Version Time Requirements -- Tape Version 75 WRITING A PROGRAM IN BASIC ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE • • • • • • • • • • Stating theP ro blem • • • • Writing the Source Program • The Flowchart' • • • • • • Initializing the Program (STMT1-STMT3) ••••• Data Constants and Work Areas (STMT4-STMT15) • • • • • • • • • Program Routine (STMT16-STMT24) Ou tp u t (STMT 25-STMT 3 5) • • . Program End (STMT 36) • • • • Assembling the Source Program Control Card. •••• Diagnostic Ru IJ • • • ·· 7676 · 7676 · · 76 77 · 78 ·· 79 80 · 80 · 80 · · 80 OJ APPENDIX A. SUM~ARY OF BASIC ASSEMBLER INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • 82 APPENDIX B. SUMMARY OF MACHINE-INSTRUCTIONS. • • 83 APPENDIX C. SUMMARY OF INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 84 APPENDIX D. SUMMARY OF DIAGNOSTIC MESS AGES .... ... APPENDIX E. CONDITION CODES APPENDIX F. CHAR ACTER CODES APPENDIX G. HEXADECIMAL-DECIMAL NUMBER CONVERSION TABLE ... APPENDIX H. GLOSSARY INDEX · · · 86 · 93 88 89 • 99 104 o o Computer programs may be expressed either in machine languag~, in other words, language directly interpreted by the computer, or in a symbolic language, which is more meaningful to the programmer. The symbolic language, however, must be translated into machine language before the computer can execute the program. This function is accomplished by an associated processing program. Of the various symbolic programming languages, Assembler languages are closest to machine language in form and content. The Basic Assembler language discussed in this manual is a symbolic programming language for the I~M System/360 Model 20. It enables the programmer to use all .Model 20 machine functions, as if he were coding in Model 20 machine language. o The Basic Assembler program translates or processes programs written in Basic Assembler language into machine language for execution by the computer. The program written in the Basic Assembler language used as input to the Basic Assembler program is called the §Q~£~~_E£Qg£E~; the machine-language program produced as output from the Basic Assembler program is called the Q£j~f~_££Q~m. The translation or processing procedure performed by the Basic Assembler program to produce the object program is called as§emblillg or assemblY. Four versions of the Basic Assembler program are availahle: a. b. o Two card versions. These are two-pass programs for a Model 20 system that includes only card input/output devices. One of the versions permits the assembly o~ the macro instructions associated with the Input/Output Control System for the Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter (BSCA IOCS). Two tape versions. These versions differ from the card versions by being one-pass programs and by using magnetic tape as an intermediate storage medium, thus reducing card-handling and assembly time. The CPS Input/Output Control System (IOCS) routines can be assembled by means of either version. ~Q!g: DEFINITIONS Terms used in this publication are defined in the glossary provided in !E£gndi!_B. BASIC ASSEr.BLER LANGUAGE STATEMENTS Program statements (source statements) written in Basic Assembler language may consist of: a name to identify the statement; a symbolic operatiop coae JmnemonicJ. to identify the function the statement represents; one or more items called operands, to designate the data or storage locations used in the operation; and comments. I Programs written in Basic Assembler language may consist of up to five types of instructions: definition instructions, trogram linkingipi?tructiori~t: Basic· AssemleI' control instru~t~Q~~1 in£UEtOU~put instruct10U& (1ncluding IBM-supp 1e I/O J 1 .., macro 1nstructions) , a nd rna chine j p str \lCtions. There are predeflned mnemonic codes tor n l 5.nstructions in the Basic Assembler language. Definition instructions are used to reserve sto(aae, to define constantsJ and to equate symbols to the attr1butes of an expression. Program linking instructions are used to link prOqraUL.~g~.tj 9ij§~ f.Q,h.j,,!il~t., ~~.~~~tion ._ Basic Assembler control instructions are used to begin assembly, end assembly. anAL set the location counter. Input/output instructions designate the units use devices and con t.,.?~.~r 02~,qtjQP, The use of IOCS macro instructions saves programming time because it relieves the user of having to code, test, and pr~vide linkages to his own I/O routines. Machine instructions direct the computer to execute certain opera lions. The Basic Assembler pr~duces an equivalent internal machine instruction in the object program from each machine instruction in the source prog ram. Introduction 5 BASIC ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE FEATURES Decimal, hexadecimal, or character representation of machine-language binary values may be employed by the programmer in writing source statements. The programmer ~elects the represp.ntation best suited to his purpose. The Model 20 Basic Assembler language provides for two methods of addressiny: 1. The address may be specified as a displacement plus a base register the contents of which are added to the displacement. The base register may be one of the general registers 8 through 15 or one of the pseudo base registers 0 through 3. (If a Submodel 5 is used, pseudo registers 0-7 are available. However, 0-3 are the only pseudo registers recognized in CPS programs.) a. b. 2. When using a general register, the register contents can be controlled by the programmer. When using a pseudo base register, the register contents are assumed to be fixed (i.e., 0, 4096, 8192, and 12288). This corresponds to what is termed direct addressing in the Model ?O SRt pubIl.catl.on !t!U~.f:= tiQnal_~haI~f!~Ii§tif§, Form A26-5847. The address may be specified symbolically without the use of a base register. In this case, the Basic Assembler assumes the clerical burden of computing storage locations in terms of a base address and a displacement. The object programs produced by the Basic Assembler may be in a format enabling relocation from the originally assigned storage area to any other suitable area. The linking facilities of the Basic Assembler language and program allow symbols to be defined in one assembly and referred to Ln another, thus e~fecting a link between separately assembled programs. This permits reference to ~ata and/or transfer of control between programs. A discussion of linking is contained under Program Linking. 6 A listing of the source-program statements and the resulting object-program statements is produced by the Basic Assembler for each source program i t assembles. The programmer can partly control the form and contents of the listing. o I As a source program is assembled, it is analyzed for actual or potential errors in the use of the Basic Assembler language. Detected err:>rs are indicated in the program listing. MINIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The minimum system configuration for assembling and executing Basic Assembler programs is as follows. The configuration applies to all versions of the program except where indicated. • An IBM 2020 Central Processing Unit, Model B2 for the normal version, or C2 for the BSCA version (4096 or 8192 bytes of main storage); • one of the f:>llowing card units: IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine, Model A1, IBM 2520 Card Read-Punch, Model A1, IBM 2501 Card Reader, Model A1 or A2 wi th either an IB l': 2520 Card Pu nch, Model A2 or A3, or an IBM 1442 Card Punch, Model 5; • an IBM 2415 Magnetic Tape Unit, Model or 4 (for the tape versions only); • one of the following printers: IBM 1403 Printer, Model N1, 2, or 1, IBM 2203 Printer, Model A1; • an IBM 2020 Central Processing Unit, Model B3 (4096 bytes of main storage); • an IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine, Model A2; • an IBM 2203 Printer, Model A2. • an IBM 2020 Central Processing Unit, Model B4 (4096 bytes of main storage) • an IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine, Model A2; 0'< II.' System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o • an IBM 2203 Printer, Model A2. • an IBM 2020 Central Processing Unit, Model C5 (8192 hytes of main storage) • one of the following card units: IBM 2560 Multi-~unction Card Machine, Model A1, IBM 2520 Card Read Punch, Model A1, IBM 2501 Card Reader, Model A1 or A2 with either an TBM 2520 Card Punch, Model A2 or A3, or an IBM 1442 Card Punch, Model 5; • an IBM 2415 Magnetic Tape Unit, Model or 4 (for the tape versions only) • one of the following printers: IBM 1403 Printer, Model N1, 2, or 7, IBM 2203 Printer, Model A1. CPS does not support main storage sizes of 24K and 32K, but CPS programs will run on Models DC5 and E5 although only 16K bytes are used. (The maximum value of the location counter i~ X'3FFF'. Therefore, the Basic Assembler will not permit references to addresses greater than this.) • one of the f~llowing magnetic character readers: IBM 1419 Magnetic Character Reader, Model 1 or 31, IBM 1259 Magnetic Character Reader, Model 1, 31, or 32; • an IBM 2152 Printer-Keyboard. • an IBM ~020 Central Processing Unit, Model D3 (16,384 bytes of main storage); • an IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine, Model A2; • an IBM 2203 Printer, Model A2. • an IBM 2020 Central Processing Unit, Model D4 (16,384 bytes of main storage) with or with~ut IBM Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter, Feature No. 2074; • two IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drives, Model 12; • an IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine, Model A2; • an IBM 2203 Pr{nter, Model A2; • an IBM 2152 Printer-Keyboard. • an IBM 2020 Central Processing Unit, Model D5 (16,384 bytes of main storage); with or without IBM Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter, Feature No. 2074; • four IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drives, Model 11 or 12; !~~: If 7-track tapes are used, the data-conversion feature is required. ]Q1g_~: o MAXIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Basic Assembler obiect programs may be produced for the following maximum system configurations. • '0 An IBM 2020 Central Processing Unit, Model D2 (16,38 U bytes of main storage); with or without IBM Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter, Feature No. 2074; • two IBM 2311 Disk Storage Drives, Model 11 or 12 (both must be the same model); • an IBM 2415 Magnetic Tape Unit, Model 1 through 6; • an IBM 2415 Magnetic Tape Unit, Model 1 through 6; • an IBM 2501 Card Reader, Model A1 or A2; • an IBM 1442 Card Punch, Model 5; • an IBM 2501 Card Reader, Model A1 or A2; • • an IBM 1442 Card Punch, Model 5; • one of the following card units: IBM 2520 Card Read-Punch, Model A1, IBM 2520 Card Punch, Model A2 or A3, IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine, Model A1; one of the following card units: IBM 2520 Card Read-Punch, Model A1, IBM 2520 Card Punch, Model A2 or A3, IBM 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine, Model A1; • one of the following printers: IBM 1403 Printer, Model N1, 2, or 7, IBM 2203 Printer, Model A1; • one of the following magnetic character readers: • one of the following printers: IBM 1403 Printer, Model N1, 2, or 7, IBM 2203 Printer, Model A1; Introduction 7 BAS BASR CIa HPR SPSW TIOB XIO IBM 1419 Magnetic Character Reader, Model 1 or 31, IBM 1259 Magnetic Character Reader, Model 1, 31, or 32; • an IBM 2152 Printer-Keyboard. CPS does not support main storage of 24K and 32K, but CPS programs will run on Models DCS and E5 although only 16K bytes are used. o Rote: s~zes The use of the CIa, SPSW, TIOB, and XIO instructions in Model 20 programs can be avoided by using laCS macro instructions to satisfy input/output requirements. I LANGUAGE COMPATIBILITY The IBM System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler language is compatible with the Basic Assembler language for the other models of the IBM System/360, except where differences in machine design make it necessary to include some instructions in the Model 20 Basic Ass~mbler language that are not contained in the System/360 Basic Assembler language. The mnemonics of these Model 20 instructions are: Programs that are written in the Model 20 Basic Assembler language and contain statements with blank operands cannot be assembled by other System/360 Assembler programs. In addition, the use and the functions of registers 0 through 3 in Model 20 programming differ from the corresponding registers on other models of the IBM System/360. () o 8 System/360 ~odel 20 Basic Assembler Language o Statements in Basic Assembler language can be written in free format; in other words, the statement components need not begin in a specified column of the coding sheet. (The name of a statement, which must begin in column 25, is an exception to this rule.) However, the statement components must be separated from each other by at least one blank column. For the purpose of clarity, most programmers do not use the free format but prefer to begin each type of statement component in a specific column of the coding sheet. The coding form shown in Figure 1 is designed to satisfy this preference. This form -- the IBM systemj360 Assembler Short Coding Form (No. X28-6506-2) -- contains a statement field which extends from column 25 to column 71 and is broken down into three sub-fields: the name field (eols. 25-30), the operation field (cols. 32-36), and the operand field (cols. 38-71). The column numbers on the coding form refer to the column numbers on the cards into which the source program is to be punched. For the purpose of alignment, each entry in one of the sub-fields should begin in the leftmost column of the sub-field. Thus, the operation entry should begin in column 32 and the operand entry should begin in column 38. (Note that the name entry .!!!.Y.§1 begin in column 25.) Figure 2 shows a coding form with a number of typical statements in the Basic Assembler language. o o Characteristics of the Basic Assembler Language 9 IBM IBM System 360 Assembler Short Coding Form PROGRAM X28-6506 U. S.A. PTll1h'J 10 PAGE PUNCHING INSTRUCTIONS I PROGRAMMER DATE OF CARD FORM H GRAPHIC o I PUNCH STATEMENT Name Operation 30 25 32 Operand 36 IdentificationSequence Comments 38 45 50 65 60 55 71 73 80 ! --r-f- f-- f - - ~- f-+- f-t- - ~- f - : t-- -~- -+ t -1-- - - - t I I I -- -- - --- - +-. r - t-. --- +-- -- . - f - - "-f-- .-~-- o - -- I 1 Figure 1. The IBM ~ystem/360 Assembler £hort Coding Form STATEMENT Name 25 Operation 30 32 Operand 36 38 45 50 55 S TA Rr IBGN IR TI Figure 2. 10 BASR USING M vic LH M VC 11) P IdentificationSequence Comments 60 65 71 73 80 t 3 .. I~ r*. i 3 o vlT + If ( 3 ) •Ct WOI< K+ 2 (17 ) f cl4 WORKI(19) • (21( 2) Typical Statements on a Short Coding Form System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o STATEMENT FORMATS AND COMPONENTS Examples of invalid names: A source program that is written in the Basic Assembler language is composed of a sequence of statements. These statements have the following format: 3NBR START RL+8 (the first character is not alphabetic) (the symbol contains more than 4 ch ar act ers) (the symbol contains a special char act er) r------,-----------.-----------~i----------~ 1<---------Instruction ~ ~ ~ 1 Name 1_____________ Operation 1 _____________ Operand (s) 1 __ Comments L ______ __ ---->1 Each source statement is punched into a separate card. The deck of cards that contains all the statements of one source program is referred to as the source program deck. A statement may consist of (1) an instruction only, or (2) an instruction and a comments portion. Instruction entries and comments entries are described in two separate sections below. o The instruction entry must contain an operation entry, and may contain a name and an operand entry. These three types of entry are described in the subsequent sections. Ih~~~~~ntry: The name entry consists of a symbol that is placed in the name field of the coding form to identify the associated statement. The use of such names is optional. In the Basic Assembler language, names must conform to thp. following rules. 1. The first character of the name must be alphabetic. 2. The name must not be longer than four characters. 3. The name must not contain special characters or embedded blanks. 4. The name must hegin in column 25 of the coding form an~ in column 25 of the source card. A programming example that demonstrates the use of the name entry is shown in Figure 3. Note-1: For all jg1n! assemblies (i.e., whenever the programmer uses the IOCS and wishes to assemble the generated IOCS routines with his source program) user programs must n3t contain a name that begins with the letter I followed by three numerical characters (0-9). In addition to this, the name assigned to a file must not appear in the name field of any statement in the source pLogram. Note_~: UseL pLogLams for joi~i assemblies with the BSCA Basic AssembleL must not cgp1ain a name that begins with hhe letters ID followed by bWO numerical characters. aser programs for both jQin.t andgE.~'£I!!~ assemblies of the BSCA Basic Assembler must not include the type codes of the BSCA macro instructions in a name field. Th~_Operation_~n.t±Y: T~e operation entry consists of a mn eman ic opel" ation code t~aJ; ~presen ts. amacihl: filco:IJJSii, a Bas1c Assembler instruction, or an laCS macro instruction. ' ne::XMf A mnemonic operation code consists of up to five alphabetic characters. It must be separated fLom the name entry and the operand entry by at least one blank column each. To understand the terms used in this publication, a cleaL distinction must be made between (1) a machine instruction written in Basic Assembler language and (2) a Basic Assembler instruction. . tten in Bas1 a e is an 1ns ruction to the computer. GeneLa escr1p 10ns 0 these Instructions are contained in the sect~io.l1 Machi'TIe I nst'ruc tion Sta temen ts. Detail~d-descriptions-of-machln;-rnstruc tions aLe contained in the SRL publication 5. The name must he separated from the operation entry by at least one blank. Examples of valid names: o RNT1 C345 A BGN I~!1_~Y2i§t!!lLJ2Q_!1.odel_£Q.L_.El!.~£ti2nal_~h~£~£.:: i~ri2ii£21 FOLm A26-5847. Assembler instruction is an inst c sic Assembler PI~gII!ID. e functions of Basic Ass m er 1n tions are summaLized in Appendix .A. D~J;, a i led de sc rip t ion sal' e con ta i n~.g in t,h e p~Ltift~nt sections 6f t~is ~ublicatiori. ChaLacteristics of the Basic Assembler Language 11 The IOCS macro instructions are summarized in the section lnE~lLQQ1EQ1_~~~XQ In§l£~fiiQn§. Det~iled descriptions of these macro instructions are contained in the SRL publication 1~~_~Y§!~illLl~~_~Qg~1_1~ ~~£~~£Qg£~mming_~QEEQ~lL_lnE~lLQ~!EQ!_~Qn= i£QI_~Y§igill, symbolic address VALX. These two operands must be separated from each other by a comma. Operand entries that consist of two operands must conform to the format NQ!~: o Form r26-3603. operand1,operand2 The following are examples of valid operation codes: LH AH MVC ORG TIOB load halfword add halfword move characters reset location 'counter test I/O and branch The operand entry provides the Basic Assembler program or the computer with the information required to carry out the instruction specified in the ope ra tion f iel d. lhg_QEg£~nQ~l£Y: An operand may consist of a symbol ..1p.aIDe), a constant, or a CQlDPopn2 exW-es-:sion. Two examples of compound expressions are shown below. X'BF' defines the hexadecimal constant ~F, which is equal to decimal 191. GAMA-150 -- designates the storage address of GAM~ minus 150 bytes. Each operand entry must be separated from the associaten operation entry by at least one blank column. In addition, each operana entry must be delimited by at least one blank column; i.e., any associated comments entry must be separatec from the operand entry by at least one blank column. For example, the AH instruction requests the computer to ad~ a halfword to the contents of a register. The operand, therefore, must specify (1) the number of the register and (2) the storage address of this halfword, as shown in the sample statement AH 8, VALX The above statement specifies that the value (halfword) stored at the location whose address is VALX be added to the contents of register R. I The attributes and functions of symbols and expressions that may appear in the operand field of a statement are described in a later section. The comments entry in a statement provides for the insertion of explanatory information into a program listing. Comments do not affect the assembly or the execution of a Frogram, but they facilitate the reading and understanding of a program listing by explaining the purpose or function of a particular statement. Any valid character, including blanks, can be used in a comment. Comments entries are punched into a statement card to the right of the operand entry and separated from it by at least one blank column. Comments entries must not extend beyond column 71. If the desired comments entry cannot be in the spac~ avail~ble on the right of t,he. op.erand-e.ntry, or if comments consi~t Qf geperal information that pertains.to a seq-uence. of statements, the "comments card" can be used. accommodat~d Comments Cards must contain an asterisk 25 ; co 1 umns 1-~ ~a-26=-~1'-a't"e'~'" e'OO! r 0 r menEs! ca\'ds,M'may be' inserted anywhere in a source~program deck. System/360 ~odel C"O!i:i mn ava'1!a~! in ~.~ ~A";y-~ll'ilnimrr'YSo~~~ The identification-sequence field (columns 73-80 Qt the coding form) can be used to ~pecify identifying tnformation and/or to provide the statemeritS of a program with seqJ-1ence numbers'. So~e lypical identificatIon-sequence entries are shown in 1he example below. Example 1: The operand entry of the AH instruction in the above example consists of two operands: the register number 8 and the 12 o 20 Basic Assembler Language SALE0001 SAL E0002 SALE0813 o o Example 2: MAIN001 MAINOf'2 If the contents of register 9 are greater than zero (p::>sitive), the BC instruction causes the physically next statement (SH instruction) to be executed. (Refer to Note 4.) MAINO6 Ex ample 3: This STH instruction causes the contents of register 9 to be transferred to an (output) area named OUTA. When this transfer has been completed, the physically next statement of the program (not shown in this example) is executed. MILLE" MILLE~ MILLE~ Any identification-sequence printed in the program listing read. Identification-sequence not affect the assp.mbly or the the program. o entry is as it is entries do execution of Note 4: ~~~l~_~gg~~nc~Q1-~tatem~ni~ The instruction SH 9,CON2 is executed only if the contents of register 9 were found to be greater than zero (refer to Note 2) . Figure 3 shows a sample sequence of statements in the Basic Assembler language. This example illustrates the writing and the general function of the statements and their components as discussed in the preceding sec tions. This SH instruction causes the value stored at the symbolic address CON2 to be subtracted from the current contents of register 9. When this subtraction has been completed, the physically next statement is executed. (Refer to Note 5.) The comments entries in Figure 3 refer to the subsequent notes. Note 5: Note 1: The instruction CALC SR 9,10 caus.es the contents of register 10 to be subtracted from the contents of register 9. When this subtraction has been completed, control is transferred to the physically next statement. (Refer to Note 2.) The instruction BC 2,CALC causes a conditional branch to the symbolic address CALC, which is the address of the SR instruction referred to in Note 1. Note that this BC instruction is executed only if the contents of register 9 were found t::> be greater than zero in the test caused by the instruction BC 12,RES1. Note 2: Note 6: The instruction BC 12,RES1 causes a test to determine if the contents of register 9 -the register whose contents were changed by means of the preceding instruction -- are equal to or less than zero. The program "lo::>ps" through the statement sequence beginning with the instruction CALC SR 9,1D and ending with the instruction BC 2,CALC until the contents of register 9 are found to be less than or equal to zero. When this is the case, the instruction BC 12,RES1 causes an exit from the loop to the instruction RES1 STH 9,OUTA (refer to Note 3). If they are, this BC instruction causes a branch to the symbolic address RES1. (Refer to Note 3.) o Characteristics of the Basic Assembler Language 13 PAGE PUNCHING INSTRUCTIONS PROGRAM CARD FORM # GRAPHIC I PROGRAMMER DATE o OF PUNCH STATEMENT Name Operation 30 25 32 Operand 36 38 IdentificationSequence Comments 45 50 60 55 65 71 73 80 5T A R T CA LC 'R.E 51 I. SJI q .. i QJ 1.2- ~ R. f.S1.. q" CO N2. ST H Iq SR.. BC Be 2. .. CA LG " 0 UT A NO T£ I i NO IE. 2 NO T~ q. NO TE 5 NO IES .3 AN 1> 6 I" EN l) Figure 3. Sample Sequence of Statements THE CHARACTER SET The following 44 characters can be used in statements written in the Basic Assembler language. 26 alphabetic characters: A through Z 0 through 9 10 numerical characters: *+- ,) (' bla nk 8 special charact~rs: The punch combinations that represent these characters are shown in !££~ngi!_X. However, constants and character selfdefining terms may contain any of the 256 punch combinations listed in !E£gndi~_X. Self-defining terms must not be confused with data constants, which are described in the secti on Defini tion Instruct ions. There is a clear dIstInction-in-the-use-of each: the Basic Assembler program assembles the valQ~ of a self-defining term, but it assembles the ~ddres2 of a data constant. ()i A self-defining term is considered absolute because its value is not changed on prog ram relocation. A decimal self-defining term is an unsigned decimal number with a maximum of five digits, e.g., 007, 11900, or 3. Its value must not exceed 16383. A decimal selfdefining term is assembled as its binary equi val en t. SELF-DEFINING TERMS A self-defining term is a term whose value is not assigned by the Basic Assembler program, but is inherent in the term itself. Thus, the decimal digit 3, representing the value 3, is a self-defining term. .The three types of self-defining terms are decimal, hexadecimal, and character terms. They can b~ used to specify immediate data, masks, rpgisters or addresses, and constants. 14 A hexadecimal self-defining term is a sequence of up to four hexadecimal digits enclosed in apostrophes and preceded by the prefix X (e.g., X'9',X'A4',X'20B3'). The highest hexadecimal self-defining term is 3FFF. This value corresponds to the maximum decimal self-defining term 16383. Each hexadecimal digit is assembled as its 4-bit binary equivalent, as shown in Figure 4. System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o r----------------------,----------------------, Hex adecima I Binary I I Digit Equivalent o 0000 0001 0010 0011. 0100 0101 0110 011.1 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Figure 4. in the operand of an EXTRN statement within the same program. A prerequisite for defining a symbol by method (b) is that the same symbol appear in the operand entry of an ENTRY statement ~nd in the name field of some statement in. another progr am section. (R efer to the section irog£~~_Lin~ing for further information about the use of EXTRN and ENTRY statemen ts.) The Basic Assembler program maintains an internal table -- the symbol table -- where it stores all symbols that are used as names within a program. Each symbol in the table is ass~ciated with storage address, which is the setting of the location counter at the time the symbol is read. A program-generated length attribute and a name identification are added. The length attribute depends on the basic instruction format. The name identification indicates whether the symbol is relocatable or absolute, and whether it is external (defined in a separately assembled program section). Thus, a symbol entered in the name field of a statement is considered to be defined. a Table o~ Hexadecimal SelfDefining Terms A hexadecimal-to-decimal conversion table is shown in ]EE~ngi!_g. o (b) A character self-defining term consists of a single character, enclosed in apostrophes and preceded by the prefix C (e.g., C'A', C'I', C1 5', c' '). Any of the 256 EBCDIC punch combinations shown in Appendix F can be used for character specification. However, ampersands and apostrophes that are to be specifien as self-defining characters must be doubled within the enclosing apostrophes. Thus, a single apostrophe must be written as C"" and a single ampersand as C'SS'. All symbols that are used as expressions, i.e., as operands of a statement, must be defined. Normally, this can be done at the most convenient position in the program. The 0 RG and the EQU instructions, however, require the symbols in their operands to be previously defined. Otherwise, the Basic Assembler identifies these statements in the program listing by the diagnostic message U (undefined). Each character self-defining term is assembled as its 8-bit EBCDIC code equivalent (see Appendix F). In general, a symbol is considered to be relocatable because relocatability is its inherent purpose. (Refer to the section !Q~~lu!~~~~~~l~catable pro~mming.) SYMBOLS Symbols are used to refer to locations in main storage by name rather than by the ac t ual add ress. A symbol may be placed in the name field of one statement and in the operand entry of another statement. However, if a symbol is to be placed in the operand entry of a statement, it must be "defined" elsewhere in the program. o A symbol is considered "defined" when it appears (a) in the name field of some statement within the samp. program, or However, for the convenience of relating the meaning of the stored information to its symbolic address, a symbol can be equated to an absolute address by means of the Basic Assembler instruction EQU, which is described in the section ~Q-Eg~~!~ ~Y~.Qol. The Ba~ic Assembler program generates the relocatable or absolute attribute of a symbol as part of the name identification. This attribute is then stored with the symbol in the symbol table. Limited main storage availability may require a pr~gram to be divided into a number of sections, each of which can be assembled separately. Characteristics of the Basic Assembler Language 15 In one program section, the operand entry of a statement may contain a symbol that is defined in a different program section. This symbol must be introduced by an EXTRN statement into the section in which it is not defined. In the program section where the symbol is defined, it must be specified in an EN~RY statement. The Basic Assembler instructions, ENTRY and EXTRN, are described in the section E£Qg£E~ 1in~ing· and, if required, boundary alignment has taken place. The use of relative addressing is illustrated in the example below. In this example, statement sequence A uses different symbols to refer to five different storage locations: BGN, SYM, AUG, ADD, and SUM. In statement sequence B, these five storage locations are referred to by only two different symbols (BGN and AUG) and by three relative addresses: AUG+2 (for ADD), *+6 (for SYM), and AUG+4 (for SUM) • o I I Each symbol can represent one specific storage address only. Therefore, it must not be defined twice. The number of symbols that can be specified in a program depends on the available storage capacity, as shown in Figure 5. r I Storage I capacity Num ber of Sym boIs Allowed in the Source Program , SYM I I AUG ADD SUM ~ ~ 165 847 1530 2213 805* 1487* 2170* I I I I ~~9J! en .f.!L!! BGN ~ 4096 I 8192 I 12288 I 16384 IL-_______ * BGN for the BSCA version Figure 5. Number of Symbols versus Storage Capacity AUG If the number o~ symbols exceeds the applicable maximum, a symbol-table overflow occurs. The card versions of the Basic Assembler program require an additional assembly run to compensate for the overflow; the tape versions (after an informative halt) deal with the situation automatically. Detailed explanations are supplied in the sectio n !ll.~L~asi£_A sse mbler PrQ.9.ram.. To avoid a symbol-table overflow, the number of symbols can he reduced by means of relative addressing. The term relative addressing refers to the method of specifying storage locations by means of a defined symbol plus or minus a displacement, or by means of the setting of the location counter plus or minus a displacement. The following examples show some relative addresses. FLDA-200 *+12 FLDB+X' F' (symbol min us displacement) (location counter plus displacement) (symbol plus hexadecimal displacement) Note: The asterisk (*) represents the value of the location counter after the preceding instruction has been read in, 16 BASR USING LH AH BC SR STH BASR DS DS DS BASR USING LH AH BC SR 'STH BASR DS DS DS 13,0 *, 13 12,AUG 12, ADD 2,SYM 12,12 12,SU£'1 14,15 H H H 13,0 *, 13 12, AUG 12, AUG+2 2,* +6 12,12 12,AUG+4 14,15 H H H 0 The relative address AUG+2 can be used to replace the symbol ADD because the storage area referred to by ADD (see statement ADD DS H) begins directly behind the storage area AUG , which is two bytes-long (see statement KUG DS H). The same applies to the replacement of the symbol SUM by the relative address AUG+4. The branch address SYM is replaced by the relative address *+6 (current setting of the location counter plus 6 bytes). This relative address causes a branch to the location six bytes beyond the BC instruction; in other words, to the first byte of the instruction STH 12,AUG+4. EXPRESSIONS An expression is any symbol or selfdefining term, relocatable or absolute, used in the ~perand entry of a statement. An expression that consists of more than one symbol or self-defining term and connected by plus or minus signs is referred to as a compound expression. System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o Examples: BETA-10+200 FLD+X'2D' *-GAMA+200 program relocation, in other words, the relocation factor is applied to its numerical equivalent to compute the new storage address. Rgstf!£tiQll2. The ~asic Assembler program considers an expression to be terminated by a blank or a comma, depending on the type of expression. An expression must noi • begin with a plus or minus sign, • comprise more than three symbols and/or self-defining terms, • have a negative value at object time (if it is absolute), • contain another relocatable symbol if an external symbol is part of the expression, • contain any self-defining term with a value >4095 if used as operand of a machine instruction, and • exceed 16383 (decimal). Relocatable expressions must conform to the following rules: • A relocatable expression must contain either one or three relocatable symbols. • If a relocatable expression contains three relocatable symbols, one and only one of these symbols must be preceded by a minus sign. • If a relocatable expression contains only one relocatable symbol, this symbol must not be negative. Some examples of valid relocatable expressions are shown below. (R stands for "reloca table sym bol".) R+1, R-8, R-R+R, *-X'DO' The following examples show some invalig relocatable expressions. o The Basic Assembler replaces symbolic expressions with their numerical equivalents by evaluating compound expressions, executing arithmetic calculations, and inserting the results into the instruction. R+R R+R+R (one of the relocatable symbols should be negative) 16-R An expression is considered absolute if it con tains (contains two relocatable symbols) (the relocatable symbol must not be negative) R-R-R (two negative relocatable symbols) (1) only self-defining terms and/or absolute symbols, or LOCATION COUNTER (2) one positive able symbol. an~ one negative relocat- Some examples of absolute expressions are shown below. (The symbols PHS 1 an d PHS2 are considered relocatable.) 2510 PHS2+2510-PHS1 PHS2-PHS1 2510-PHS2+PHS1 The value of a relocatable expression is changed by the Basic Assembler program on The Basic Assembler program uses a counter to record the address assigned to each statement read into main storage. This counter is referred to as ~he location counter. At assembly time, as soon as an instruction statement has been read into main storage, and, if required, boundary alignment has taken place, the location counter is incremented by the number of bytes occupied by that statement. The location coun'ter then indicates the next available storage location. o Characteristics of the Basic Assembler Language 17 / / LOC.: CTR I I 0154 :OBJ. SOURCE STATEMENTS ICRD I onl SIMTOI srARr 340 INOA SIMI02 002 LOAD BASE REG. BASR 13.0 SIMT03 002 ASSIGN BASE RE. USING ~. 13 SIMT04 OOZ CIRCLE THE CONS T 15.CALe Be ST:oH05 002 eQU 10..... RIO ST~T06 007. CLl7 PRT OS STMT07 003 Xt,9:'O' WORK DC STMT08 003 XL7'0' ACCU-i DC STMT09 003 DC X'Z4000C' CPH ST~TlO 003 RATE DC X'025C' 003 STI-ITll X'0000000000005C' ROUN DC 003 S T"'TlZ H'338' DC CNT SIMTl3 003 H'l' DC DEeR SI"1Tl4 003 X'40206B202020bR?020206B' MASK DC STMTl5 003 X'2020214R2020' DC SIMTl6 003 LOAD COUNT RIO,CNT LH CALC STMTl7 003 ACCU+4(31,CPTL LOAD ACCU ",,~y.,C.) STMTl8 004 WORK+l( 71, ACCU LOAD \~ORK:::,. lOOP MVC. ST 'H 19 004 WORK,RATE COMPUTE IMTEREST OP ST'H20 004 INCREMENT CAPITAL AeeU,WORK( H AP ROUND DEC I flAl 004 STMT21 AeCU,ROUN AP 004 RESTORE LAST DIGIT ST,H22 ACCU+6,X'OC' 104 V I DECRFASE: COU~T STiH23 004 Rlo,DEeR SH TEST FOR CO~PlETION S T:-1T24 004 2,lOOP Be 004 MASK TO PRINT AREA STAT25 PRT,MASK MVC EDIT RESULT STMT26 004 PRT,Aceu ED STMT27 004 PRTlX '40' 1,17 PRINT RESULT FINE XIO TfST PRINTE~ NOT OK ST'-1T28 005 1,PERR BC TEST PRINTER WORKNG S TiH 29 4,FINE 005 Be TEST ENU OF 1/0 STMT30 005 TIOB ~,X'40' TEST PRINTER ERROR ST~T31 005 TIOB PERR,X'41' DISPLAY 999 X'999',0 STMT32 HPR 005 HALT lOCK RESTART S T;H33 l5,HAlT 005 Be DISPLAY III STMT34 005 PERR HPR X'lll',O REPEAT PRINT l5,FINE STMT35 005 Be STMT36 006 END INOA OBJECT CODE 0000 01~4 01-56 0156 OOOA 015A 016B 0174 0178 017E 0180 018B 018A 018C 0197 019E 01"'2 OlA8 OlAe 0184 018A OlCO 01C4 0le8 Olee 0102 0108 OlOE 01E2 0lE6 OlEA OlEE OlF2 01f6 OlFA 0154 47FO 0048 0000 0000 2400 025e 0000 0152 0001 4020 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 00 DC 0000 0000 5C bB20 2020 bA20 2020 bB 2020 2148 48AO 0032 0022 ~2 06 01)17 FD81 0015 FAb6 ODIE FA66 DOlE noc 0024 48AO 0034 4720 0052 0210 0004 DElO 0004 0040 0004 4710 OOAO 4740 DOB2 9A40 0090 9A4l OOAO 9900 0999 47fO 0098 9900 0111 47fO 0082 Figure 6A. , Location ,i-------T In Hex 2020 0025 DOlE 0028 0015 002A 0036 DOlE 0011 ~ I 0154 0154 0156 0156 01SA 015A 016B 0174 ,, V 019E 01A2 01A8 01AE 01B4 Figure 6B. 18 I o --,-------------T , ----., , , Counter Setting In Decimal 34n 340 342 342 346 346 361 37? , , V 414 418 42U 430 43~ Instruction, Length I START BASR USING BC EQU DS DC , I I V LH MVC MVC DP , I L-_____- - L ( Assignment of Storage Addresses r J a V etc. ,I none I 2 bytes none 4 bytes I none I 17 bytes 9 bytes I I I , , , , Statement 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 , , I V I 4 bytes I 6 bytes 6 bytes I 6 bytes I I I I , 16 17 18 19 -.J Assignment of storage Addresses System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language 0 o ASSIGNED ADDRESSES If a printer is attached to the Model 20 during the assembly of a source program, a program listing is produced, as shown in Figure 6A. The listing includes all statements translated into machine language. To the left of the machine-language statements, the listing contains the address assigned to each statement; i.e., the current setting of the location counter at the time the statement is read into main storage. In the example in Figure 6B, the location counter is initially set to 340, which is the address of t.he 'next sequential storage location. The next program statement, the BASR instruction, is stored beginning at location 340. Since two bytes are required for the BASR instruction, the location counter is incremented to 342. Then follows the U~ING statement, which does not require any storage space. Therefore, the address 142 is assigned to the BC instruction that follows the USING statement. After storing the BC statement, which requires 4 bytes, the location counter points to stor~ge address 346. This procedure is contin~ed until the entire program is assembled. o of the location counter by using an asterisk in the operand entry. The example in Figure 7 illustrates a print routine, which includes a method of stopping the processing flow until the execution of a previously initiated output operation has been completed. The instruction TIOB *,X'40' tests to determine if the attached 1403 printer is still busy with the execution of the last print command. The second operand (X'40') specifies the unit and the function. The first operand specifies the address to which the pr~gram is to branch if the printer is busy_ During the assembly of this instruction, the Basic Assembler program replaces the asterisk by the actual branch address, which is the current setting of the location counter, 1078. During execution, the program repeatedly branches to the same instruction until the printer is no longer busy and sequential processing of the subsequent instructions can continue. No1~: The same effect can be obtained by the insertion of a symbol in the operand entry that is also inserted in the name fiel d: TEST TIOB TEST,X'40' The location-counter setting is limited to the storage capacity specified in the control card. The control card is described in the SRL publications 1]~_~Y~1~IDLl~Q The symbol TEST, as a branch address; also repeatedly refers the program to the same statement until the busy condition no longer exists. ~Qg~1_l~£~£~Proqramming_Su£EoriL~~2ic !E§~IDQ1~£~_QEerating Procedures, Forms C26- r 3802 and C24-9011 ~or the card or tape versions, respectively. If, for example, the specification in the control card is 4096 bytes and the program to be assemblp.d exceeds this capacity, the location counter is reset to 0 at the point Where the specified storage capacity is exceeded -- even if the storage capacity that is actually available is greater than 4K. The respective statement is identified by an error message (L). I I , I ILocationlNamelOperationlOperand I Cou nt er I I I I I 1060 IHALTIHPR IX'99',0 1064 IPRT(X'40'),17 IFIN IXIO 1070 11,HALT I I BC 1074 I \4,FIN I BC 1078 I IT IOB 1*, X '40 ' 1082 IHALT,X'41' I ITIOB I I ~ I I I I I I '------"--- Fiyure 7. J Use of an Asterisk in the Operand Entry of a statement The largest numner the location counter can accommodate is 2 14 -1 or, in hexadecimal notation, 3FFF. The leftmost digits of any value greater than 3FFF are truncated. At any point in the source program, the programmer may refer to the current setting The Basic Assembler instruction ORG can be used to reset the location counter to any desired value. This is described in the section QR~_==_R~§g1!ing_lh~-1Q£~liQn ~Q.unl~£· o Characteristics of the Basic Assembler Language 19 o SYMBOLIC (IMPLIED) A storage address is the address of the leftmost byte of the area referred to. The length of an addressed area is either explicitly stated in the operand entry, or is implied in the constant by which the addressed area has been defined. Registers are fixed length areas and are, therefore, exempt from this rule. The two ways of specifying storage addresses in a program written in Basic Assembler language are: 1. effective addressing, allowing for symbolic (or implied) addressing and explicit addressing; and 2. absolute (or direct) addressing. An address is generated as a storage field of 16 bits. The four high-order bits (the B-field) indicate the base register. The twelve low-order bits (the D-field) indicate the displacement, which is the difference (in bytes) between the contents of the ~ase register (or the address represen ted by a sym bol) an d the referenced s tor age lo cat ion. D 1 (B 1) and D 2 (B 2) des i g nate addresses that are part of the first and the second operand, respectively. Addition of the contents of the base register to the displacement gives the actual address of a location in main storage. (Refer to the section ~~se Reg:i~j;&£§· ) EFFECTIVE ADDRESSING Effective addresses are identified by a 1-bit in the leftmost position of the Bfield, which signals that at least one of the general registers 8 through 15 must be used as a base register. At assembly time, the address of a location in main storage is split into two narts, a) a fixed value contained in the base register, and b) a displacement, which is the difference between the actual storage address and the contents of the base register. At object time, the contents of the general register specified by the B-field of an address are added to the contents of the D-field to form the actual address in main storage. 20 ADDRE551 NG 5y mbolic (or implied) addressing is used when a symbol is given in the operand entry of a statement, rather than the explicit specification of a base register and a displacement. The equivalent value of the symbol is assigned by the location counter. The symbol must be defined elsewhere in the program. (Refer to the section ~~.QoI2.) I When the Basic Assembler program encounters a symbol during assembly, it scans the symbol table, finds the associated address, and assembles this address into the instruction. If the operand consists of a compound expression, such as ALFA-BETA+ GAMA, the address equivalents of all symbols are looked up, the arithmetic operations are executed, and the result is assembled into the instruction. The computed address integer is not stored as it is, but is first split into a base register and a displacement. This is explained in the following example. If the address equivalent of the abovementioned compound expression (ALFA-BETA+ GAMA) were 6319, the Basic Assembler would split this address by selecting a base register containing the closest value to 6319. For example, if the three base registers 9, 10, and 11 wer e used and contained the values 4000, 5000, and 7000, respectively, the Basic Assembler would select register 10, because this register would cause the smallest displa cement, which is the difference between the actual storage address and the contents of the base register selected by the Basic Assembler for address generation. Thus, the displacement resulting from the splitting of 6319 is 1319. The address 6319, assembled into the instruction, therefore, has the following format: 1319 (10); or A527 in hexadecimal notation, as i t is printed on the program listing produced during the assembly. "A" represents the base register and "527" represents the displacement, 1319. A displacement calculated by the Basic Assembler cannot be greater than 4095. For the calculation of addresses higher than 4095, additional base registers must be used. The rules followed by the Basic AssembIer in the selection of a suit able base register are as follows: System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language (~) " 0 ' o 1. If more than one register would produce d valid displar.ement (not exceeding 4095), the Basic Assembler uses the register that produces the smallest displacement. 2. If two or more registers produce the same displacement, the Basic Assembler uses the highest-numbered register. 3. If none of the specified registers produces a valid oisplacement, the address field in the instruction that contains the invalid opprand is set to zero. An appropriate error message appears in the program listing. The advantages of symbolic addressing are the simplicity of the method itself and the resulting relocatability of the program. EXPLICIT ADDRESSING Explicit addressing requires the specification of a base register and a displacement in the operand entry of a statement. ~~~llig.!. o MVI 800 (8) , XI A' The above statement causes the immediate data (X'A') to be stored in the location identified by D1=8no and B1=8. Explicit addressing provides a special technique of address modification, called ing~~ing. Using the indexing method, the programmer can conveniently deal with a storage area step hy step. Assume that a table of 100 integers, each of which is 5 bytes long, is contained in main storage. ~hese integers are to be transferred one-by-one to the output area OUTA. TLIM TLEN INCR TADR TAB OUTA DS DC DC DC DS DS END Ii H'495' H'5' Y (T AB) 100CL5 100CL5 BGN In the above routine, register 9 is used as a base register. The maximum table address (TAB+495) is computed in register. 10 and then stored at location TLIM. Register 8 is loaded with the address of the first table entry (see the section, Addres~_~on~ta~ts). The expression 0(8) thus designates the first table entry (TAB), which is moved to OUTA. The data stored in OUTA is printed. (For simplicity, the necessary edit and test routines are omitted.) The subsequent instruction is used to increase by five the contents of register 8, causing the address 0(8) to point to the posi ti on of the second table entry (TAB+5). The contents of register 8 are then compared with the maximum table address at location TLIM. If the value in register 8 is lower than, or equal to, the compared value in TLIM, the program branches to LOOP to fetch another table argument. Otherwise the program halts. Normally, if base re.gisters are used for address generation, a symbol in the operand entry of a statement should not be accompanied by an explicit base register designation. It is possible, however, to specify a symbolic address accompanied by an explicit base rEgister designation, instead of using the exp ression 0 (8) in the previous example. If TAB(8) is given as the second operand:> f the MVC instruction, the address is computed by adding the (normal) displacement value of TAB to the contents of register 8. The sta temen t is flagged with a warning message. In the previ:>us example the instructions BGN START BASR USING 350 9,0 *,9 LH MVC LOOP 8,TADR OUTA(5) ,0(8) may be replaced by SR LH AH STH LH LOOP o MVC XIO AH CH BC HPR 10,TADR 10,TLEN 10,TLIM 8, TADR OUTA (5) ,0 (8) OUTA(X'40'),5 8,INCR 8,TLIM 12,LOOP X'99',0 AR LOOP MVC 8,8 8,9 OUTA (5) ,TAB (8) !ot~: In the statements following this MVC statement, the program again uses the base register that was originally designated. This program can be simplified further if absolute addressing is used. In the Functions of the Assembler Language 21 following example pseudo register 0 is used as a base register. BGN LOOP TLIM INCR TAB OUTA START USING 350 *,0 SR MVC XIa AH CH BC HPR 8,8 OUTA(5) ,TAB(8) OUTA (X'40'),5 8,INCR 8,TLIM 12,LOOP X'99',0 DC DC DS DS END H'495' The Model 20 uses eight auxiliary storage units which are referred to as general registers. Each of these general registers has a length pf one halfword (two bytes). The general registers are numbered from 8 to 15 and are used for temporary atorag~of information during execution of indexing, fixed-point arithmetic~ address generation, and logical Jperations. H' 5' 100CLS 100CtI, BGN (~ from register to main storage, or (3) from main storage to register. When general registers are used for addressing, they are referred to as Qsse registe~§. Base registers are assigned by a USING statement, as explained in the section Ba2~_Regi§t~rs_ r----.--------~ An advantage of using general registers for fixed-point arithmetic is that data need not be packed prior to computation. All calculat ions ar e ex ecut ed in binary form. AR 9,10 LH 12,AREA The first 2 bytes of the field AREA are loaded into register 12. (Note that in this case the field)AREA must be aligned at a halfword boundary.) ~ I ~ --.-J Absolute addresses are also split into base register and ~isplacement by the Basic Assembler program, as Idescribed in the section ~ffe£tive-hgg~g§§ing. This addressing method, however, requires the specification of pseudo-registers to be used as base registers. A program that contains absolute addresses is not relocatable. (} Examples of the use of general registers: I The above statement causes the contents of register 13 to be stored in position 2440 of main storaqe. 22 from register to registe r, The direction of the information flow is implied in the machine-instruction format. (Refer to the section Ma£hine Instru£iion '§i~iemen t§.) Absolute addresses are identified by a zero in the leftmost bit position of the B-field. In absolute addressing, the 14 low-order bits of the combined Band D-field represent the complete address value and refer directly to byte locations in main storage. Absolute addresses are specified by decimal ~ntegers or absolute symbols in the operand entry of a sta tement. ~ (1) (DIRECT) ADDRESSING INamelOperationlOpprand • I I I I S_______ TH I 1 3, 24 4 0 L-___ I Information that requires the use of registers can be transferred Register 8 is initially set to zero. Thus, TAB (8) refers to the first table entry. When the last MVC instruction has been executed, register 8 contains the value 500 and the program halts. ABSOLUTE o The contents of register 10 are added to the contents of register 9. The result is contained in register 9. STH 13,aUTA The contents of register 13 are stored in the field OUTA. (Note that in this case the field OUTA must be aligned at a halfword boundary.) When using the IOCS, the following restrictions on general registers apply_ • System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language Register 15 must not be used by the programmer at any time. o o • Register 14 is available only for restricted use, since its contents are changed each time a macro instruction is executed. Registers 11-15 are used by the 1419 IOCS. In addition to the eight general registers there are four pseudo-registers numbered 0 to 3. (If a Submodel 5 is used, pseudo registers 0-7 are available. However, 0-3 are the only pseudo registers recognized in CPS programs.) The pseudo-registers are assumed to have the following permanent con ten ts: o o 1 4096 8192 12288 2 3 The pseudo-registers may be used only for storage addressing, i.e., as base registers. The advantage, in comparison to the use of general registers, is that pseudo-registers need not be loaded with a base address. Thus, program execution is faster and the general registers are available for other purposes. However, pseudoregisters can be used only for the specification of absolute addresses. Additional information is given in the section !E§Q= IJ!i~L!gg£gssing • Base registers are general registers that are used for addressing main storage locations. The contents of a base register are subtracted from each storage address during program assembly; the remainder is referred to as the displacement. The base-register number, together with the displacement, is assembled into the instruction. At least one general register must be assigned as a base register at the beginning of a relocatable program. In addition, this register must be loaned with the desired base address, which is normally the start address of the program. USING -- USE BASE o i i 1 I NamelOperationl Operand I I~---+I--------+I------------~-------~ • o i ~EGISTER The USING statement is used to assign base registers. It also informs the Basi~ Assembler program of the anticipated contents of the respective base registers. IL - - - LI._ US _ ING __ I * , 11 I -J The above statement designates register 11 as a base register and informs the Basic Assembler pngram that it may expect register 11 to contain the current value of the location counter. !ote: A name entry is not used. If a symbol appears in the name field of the USING statement, it is disregarded by the Basic Assembler program -- if it conforms to symbol specifications. Otherwise, it is identified by a dia gnostic message in the program listing. All registers that are assigned by means of USING statements must be loaded. This can be achieved by means of BASR instructions. BASR -- BRANCH AND STORE REGISTER For example, the statement BA~R 12,12 causes register 12 to be loaded with the current value of the location counter. This is followed by a branch to the address ErevioJ!21y contained in register 12. Thus, in the above USING-statement example, register 11 can be loaded as follows: r-, i --, INamelOperationlOperand I ~-+-----+----------------------~ I I BASR L _ _. L - , I 11,0 ____________.___________ ----JI .1.. Register 11 now contains the address of the next storage location; that is, the current value of the location counter at assembly time. The second operand, which normally specifies the register that contains the branch address, prevents branching because it refers to register O. Accordingly, the first instructions of a progrdm may be the following: Functions of the Assembler Language 23 START BASR USING o ( 12) 356 11,0 *, 11 = 0 t 5098 = 5098 Base register 11 is loaded w hen the BA SR instruction is executed. Note that 1002 is the address ~f the first machine instruction after· the BASR sta temen t. BGN The largest displacement that can be calculated by the Basic Assembler is 4095. Therefore, an additional base register mustbe assigned for each additional 4096 bytes of main storage required. Additional base registers may be specified also for other programming purposes, such as creating d~fined areas (dummy sections) in main storage where c~rtain program subroutines can be executed or where intermediate data is stored. However, if several base registers are specified by subsequent USING statements, an adequate method of loading these base registers must be found. To load registers 12 to 14, the desired addresses are supplied to the Basic Assembler by means of address constants, which are then loaded into the respective register by subsequen t LH instructions. Since the location counter is being referred to, the addresses specified by address constants are incremented first by the start address of the program (1000), and then by the length of each instruction. Therefore, the accumulated instruction lengths must be subtracted when the address constants are set up. The expressions contained within the parentheses of the address constants can also be used in the first operand of the respective USING statement. o I Figure 8 illustrates one such method. r-------T ---,I Location- I I I ICounter INamelOperationlOperand IReferencel I I ~ -+----+- I 1000 1000 1002 1002 1006 1006 1008 1008 1010 1010 ALFA BETA GAMA PRGM 1016 1020 START BASR USING BC USING DC USING DC USING DC LH LH LH I 1000 111,0 I * , 11 115,PRGM I * + 4098-' 6 , 1 2 I Y (*+4098-6) 1*+6192-8,13 I Y (*+6192-8) I * + 4 5 0 0- 1 0, 1 4 I Y (*+4500-10) 112,ALFA I 13, BETA 114,GAMA , I I I Example of Loading Base Registers ~KRlan~tiQn: The ~ollowing base registers are assigned by USING statements: 11,12, 13, and 14. In this example, the base registers are loaded with the following base addresses. Register Register Register Register 11 12 13 14 ALFA BETA GAMA 1 ~---------~ Figure 8. Accordingly, the address constants have tha following values: 1002 5098 7192 5500 Base register 12 is assigned and loaded to deal with addresses higher than the maximum address th~ Basic Assembler can generate by using ~ase register 11, which is 4095(11) = 409C; + 1002 = 5097. The contents of a base register can be altered whenever required; but the Basic Assembler program must be informed of the change by means of a USING statement. o r--~---------T-----------------------' INamelOperationlOperand I I IUSING IALFA,9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I IUSING IALFA+1000,9 L - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r--+- I 1 I I I I I I ~ To use absol~t~ addressing, a pseudoregister must be specified in the second operand of the USING statement. In addition, the first operand must be an asterisk; otherwise,' the USING statement will be identified by a diagnostic message in the progr am listing. The pseudo-registers need not be loaded. They are assumed to contain at any time the values described in the section Pseudo::.Registef:~ The statements: The next higher address is generated as 24 1006 + 4098 - 6 = 5098 1008 + 6192 - 8 = 7192 1010 + 4500 - 10= 5500 System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language START USING USING USING USING ORG 0 *,0 *+4096,1 *+8192,2 *+12288,3 * +316 o inform the Basic Assembler program that pseudo-registers 0 through 3, the contents of which are 0, 4096, 8192 and 12288 are to be used as base reqisters. For example, in this case storage address 3091 is split into displacement C13(hexadecimal equivalent for 3091) and base register 0, and assembled as OC13. In like manner, storage address 6000 is assembled as 1770, address 10000 as 2710, and address 16000 as 3E80. A program cannot be relocated if pseudoregisters are used as base registers. This disadvantage, however, may be outweighed by having all the general registers available for other purposes. DROP -- RELEASE BASE REGISTER If a general register has been assigned the functions of a base register, it cannot be used for other proqramming purposes unless the programmer cancels the assignment. This can be done by means of a DROP statement. ri----Ti--------~lr-------------------------__, INamelOperationlOperand I IUSING I I I I I I / / 'V ~ __-4',DROP ________ +-- IADDR,11 I· I I / , I --J I I I , / , /11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - J, ~I~ After the DROP statement in the above example, register 11 can be used as an index register, an accumulator for arithmetic operations, etc. A name entry is not used in the DROP statement. If a name is specified, it is disregarded by the Basic Assembler program -- if it conforms to symbol specifications. Otherwise, the statement is identified by a diagnostic message in the program listing. o o Functions of the Assembler.Language 25 o A program is relocatable if it fulfills the following conditions:--1. It must contain all of the loader information produced by the Basic Assembler program (i.e., the punching of ESD and RLD cards must not be suppressed during the assembly of such programs). 2. At least one of the general registers 8 to 15 must be used for address generation. 3. It must not contain absolute expressions to refer to areas that are to be relocated. A program is ~~§Q!utg if at least one of pseudo-registers 0 to 3 is specified and used for address generation throughout the program. Absolute pro g:amming has the advantage of saving general registers for programming purposes other than address generation. In addi tio n, t he Basic Assembler p rog ram is not required to split the specified absolute addresses if pseudo-register 0 is specified in an appropriate USING statement. Absolute programming does not restrict the application of symbolic addressing. I Absolute programming must not be used under the following conditions: 1. If (1) the Ioes is used, and (2) the source program and the symbolic Ioes routines are to be assembled separately. 2. If subsequent parts of a program are loaded and executed together. In this case, only the program loaded first may be absolu tee o o 26 System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language PROGRAM LI NKING o Extensive programs that exceed the available main storage capacity must be subdivided into sections that are assembled separately. 3. The maximum number of EXTRN statements to be used within one program sequence is 14~ Symbols contained in statements in excess of this number are indicated as undefined in the program listing. Since the Basic Assembler program is no longer required during object program execution, storage availability is increased, which may allow the loading and simultaneous execution of more than one object program. Two jointly executed program sections may contain the same symbols, provided these symbols are ~efined in only one of the two programs. In addition, these two program sections must be linked together by means of EXTRN and ENTRY statements. These statements are described below. o For the and B), program used in joint execution of two programs (A EXTRN statements must be used in B to introduce symbols that are program B hut defined in program A. An EXT RN stat ement must immediately folIowa START statement, an ENTRY statement, or another EXTRN statement. If an EXTRN statement is incorrectly placed, it is identified by a warning message. If it contains an incorrect operand, it is identified by an error message. In either case, the statement is not used. An EXTRN statement in program B requires an ENTRY statement with the same operand in program A, where the appropriate symbol is defined. r---~--------~-------------------------' r i INamelOperationlOperand i INamelOperationlOperand ~ I I 1 I EXTRN 1F 1 L____ ..L- 1 ~ I J The EXTRN statement in the above example introduces F1 as a symbol that is defined in another program section. A name entry is not used in the EXTRN statement. If a symbol is entered in the name field, it is ~isregarded by the Basic Assembler program -- provided it conforms to symbol specifications. otherwise, it is identified by a diagnostic message in the program listing. Only one operand -- a relocatable symbol -- may be specifie~ in an EXTRN statement. Each additional external symbol must be introduced by an anditional EXTRN sta tement. If an external symbol is to be used, the following action is required: o The external symbol must be referred to in the program by means of the above general register. 1. An address constant must be created for the external symbol. 2. The address constant must be loaded into a general register. 1 ~-+---------1--------------------------~ IPRGAISTART IENTRY I I I I I I I I I I I V IF1 I I I I I I I I I I I F1 I XL2' F 0 F 0 ' I 1 IDe 12000 IL - - - - LlEND IPRGA -________ ..L-_________________________ JI The above ENTRY statement permits program D, which has been loaded and stored behind program A, to use the contents of the field Fl. The Basic Assembler ENTRY statement follows the same syntax rules as the EXTRN statement. The START statement of a program can also be used instead of an ENTRY statement; that is, program names need not be introduced as linkage symbols by ENTRY statements. The order in which independently assembled programs are loaded determines the extent of their linkability by means of the relocatable program loader. Programs containing the entry points must be loaded ahead of the programs containing the corresponding external links. Program Linking 27 ---, r------------------------------------------~ !1!I~_R.ftQ~R!!i I I I ~Q1H!QQTl1!] I I I I ---,---------.--T------------------------~ I Name I Operation I Operand I l-------T---------~ . I Name I Operation I Operand ,.---.....:t---------+----.~--------------~--_+_ CRDT ST ART ENTRY EXTRN I3ASR USING LH XIO I I I GET r-----+->CVB F1 C VB 8, a *,8 12,YCVB INPT(X'12'),80 v ~ ST ART EXTRN . BASR US I NG MVC LH MVN I I I o ~ 1000 F1 11,'0 *, 11 WAN,KOO 10,YFl WAN+l(1),O(10) I V MVC 'BASR SR Fl,INPT+l0 9,12 <--------~ 13,14< AH r j-+---~--+-B J .1 CR WAN KOO DS DC YFl DC END 13,WAN 15,9 H H' 0' I I I v I Be F ,I DC YCVB I DC I· END L-_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ Figure 9. 15,GET C'OO' Y (C VB) CRDT ~ ____ ~--------- Y (F 1) CVB ~---------------------- Sample of Program Linkage However, a, program may refer to the names of programs loaded subsequently, by means of .the Include Segment (ICS) card of the Relocatable-Program Loader. This is described in the SPL publication 1]~ ~y~!~mL1QQ_!1QQgl-1~_~~~Q_Erog~amming_~~E= EQ£iL_~asi£~~!ili!y_R.~Qg~~m~L E~n£tiQn~_~nQ Q.E e r ~.ti.!l.9:_R..£Q£gQQ~g~, F0 r.m C 26- 360 4. SAMPLE PROGRAM A sample' program that illustrates program linking is shown in Figure 9. program to allow branching to cva, which the EXTRN statement declares to be an externally defined symbol. An ENTRY statement in the subroutine'is not required for eVB because the START statement I in this ca'se, serves the s arne purpose. During execution of the main program, the data that is read from cards (XIO instruction) is stored in the field INPT. For conversion into binary f6rm, the applicable data section is moved into Fl. Then the program branches into the subroutine (BASR instruction). The main program in Figure 9 is assumed to deal with data in binary form. Since the data obtained by means of the XIO statement is in u~packed decimal form, the subroutine is used to convert the data into. binary. To achieve this, the main program must be loaded first l using the Relocatable Program Loader, including an IeS card to allow reference to the subroutine which is loaded after the'main program. (The two programs in thi~ example are corisidered to be separately assembled.) The contents ~f F1 are available to the subroutine because Fl is declared to be an external symbol by the EXTRN statement, and an entry is provided by an appropriate statement. in the main program. In addition, the address of Fl is loaded ~nto register 10 during execution of the subroutine. Explicit addressing with base register 10 and a displacement of a (MVN instruction) enables the subroutine to make use of the reguired data. 'Program linkage is achieved as fo+lows. Through the rcs card, the loader reserves a storage area for the subsequent program while loading the main program. The address of the reserved area is loaded into register 12 during execution of the main The contents of Fl are processed until the final step (AH instru6tio~ results in a binary value contained in register 13. Then, a branch back to the main program is performed (BCR 15,9) and the binary value in register 13 is at the disposal of the main program. 28 (-)1 System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o EQU -- EQUATE SYMBOL The Basic Assembler instruction EQU is used to equate a symbol to the attributes of an expression. The EQU statement consists of (1) the name entry, (2) the operation code EQU, and (3) an expression as a n operand. All symbols appearing in the operand of the EQU statement must have been E£~viouslL defined. r i 1 i IName I Operation IOperand r----+ IREGSIEQU ___ L. _ _ I ----~I------------------------~, 15 I ~ J The symbol REG5 is equated to the absolute value 5 and thus becomes absolute. To the Basic Assembler program, it is of no further significance whether REGS or the value 5 ~s specified in the operand of a statement elsewher~ in the program. o To reduce programming time, symbols can be equated to frequently used compound expressions, as shown in the following example: r i j ~---+ ICALCIEQU L____ ~ I -+I----------------------~, IA-R+C _________ I J ~___ Type The four types of constants are shown in Figure 10. The length of a constant must not exceed 16 bytes including the bytes skipped for boundary alignment. Constants exceeding these lengths must be defined by subsequent DC statements. For example, the character constant C'THIS PARAMETER COMBINATION IS INVALID' should be defined as The symbol PRT1 in the statement below still refers to the complete sentence; i.e., it causes the complete sentence to be transferred to position FLDA. i I Co del ~ a chi n e Fo r mat I I ~----------+----+--- 0 f the Con s tan t IAlignment at ICharacter I C 18-bit code for each character I I I IHexadecimall X 14-bit code for each hexadecimal I I Idigit I I I IHalfword I H 116-bit binary equivalent of the I I Ispecified value (signed) I I I I y 116-bit binary equivalent of I Address I I Isymbolic or absolute storage IL ___________ LI ____LI~ddress Figure 10. FLDA(37),PRTl Character constants may consist of any of the 256 EBCDIC characters. Each character r---------~-~ o C'THIS PARAMETER C' C'OMBINATION IS IN' C'VALID' CONST~NT Constants are data supplied to the program by the Basic Assembler stateme~t DC (define constant) • I Type 0 f I Constant Constan t The type is written as a single letter, C, X, H, or Y. The length modifier is written as a decimal integer, preceded by the letter L. It must not be specified for Hand Y-type constants. MVC DC -- DEFINE Length Modifier PRT 1 DC DC DC , INamelOperationlOperand The object program refers to these constants by their symbolic addresses,i.~., each DC statement is normally identified by a symbol that point~ towards the storage location of the constant. A DC statement may have only one operand which has the following components: Types of I I by te bounda ry I I -1 byte boundary halfword boundary halfword boundary Con~;tants Definition Instructions 29 in these constants occupies one byte of main storage. DC statements that define character constants may comprise all of the three operand components: type, length modifier, and the constant. ~lf~!!!E1~: r---,-- -,-- l.ameIOperationIOp~rand l----f-------+ ICON11DC L __ , r----r ,I ~-+------+------""'--------"'-----~ ICL4'ABCD' I i I Namel Operation IOperand IMASKIDC __ I. ..,.----, .I IXL3'A345BF' _________________________ - - - - JI ~ J ~_ The length modifier (L4) coincides with the number of characters in the constant. Therefore, it has no effect because the Ba~ic Assembler program assumes the length of the constant to be implied if the length modifier is omi tten. However, if the length modifier disagrees with the number of chatacters in the constant, the constant is modified as follows. In the ab~ve example, the name entry ~nd length modifier are nptional and may be 6mitted. This stat~ment causes the constantA345BF to be generated in main storage. Each pair of digits is translated into one byte. ThUS, the length modifier, L3, coincides with the length of the constant and has no effect because the implied length is half the number of hexadecimal digits specified if the length modifier is omitted. However, if the length modifier is not equal to half the number of hexadecimal digits i the constant is modified as follows: 1. rf the length modifier is smaller than the number of .characters in the constant, rightmost digits of the constant are dropped to achieve.agreement with the modifier. ·1. If the length modifier is greater than the number of characters in the constant, the excess rightmost bytes are fille~ with blanks until ·the length of the constant agrees with the len~th modifier. 2. In the above example, the name entry,and length modifier are optional and may be omitted. 'This statement causes the constant ABCD to be generated in main storage. 2. o Hexadecimal constants are used to introduce data characters each of which occupies half a byte of main storage. DC statements that define hexadecimal constapts may comprise all of the three operand components: type, length modifier, and the constant. The constant must be enclosed by apostrophes. The length of the constant must not exceed 16 bytes. Apostrop hes and ampersands that aie to appear within constants must be written twice but are counted only once. If the length modifier is smaller than the number of pairs of hexadecimal digits the leftmost digits of the constant are dropped to achieve agreement with the modifier. 0 ~ I ,.:. If the length modifier is·greater than the number of pairs of hexadecimal· di gits, t he ex cess leftmost by tes are filled with zeros until the length of the constant agrees with the length modifier. The constant may consist of any number of valid hexadecimal charaqters, 0 to 9 and A to F, but must not exceed 32 digits. If an odd number of digits is specifie~, a hexadecimal zer~ is added to the leftmost position. ~gmple§.: Ex~llig: statement: CON2 DC Generated as: ' TOTAL 1 0' C" 'TOTAL 1 0' , , (implied lengt h 10 bytes) Sta tement: Generated as: CL l ' YY' (explici t length one byte) CON2 Y DC In the last example, the specification of the length modifier (L1) causes the last character y to be truncated. This statement will be identified by a warning mesiage in the program listing. 30 TRIX Statement: genera ted as: 03AF DC X' 3 AF" Statement: INCR generated as: 0000BA05 DC XL4' BAOS' statement: TRNC generated as: E696 DC XL2' AFE696' In the last example, th~ specification 'of the length modifier (L2) causes truncation of the digits AF. The truncation causes the statement to be identified by a warning message in the program listing. System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o A hexadecimal constant can be used to set the binary bits of a halfword. The constant in the following example sets the eight leftmost bits of a halfword to 1's. Since a hexadecimal constant is not boundary aligned, the preceding DS statement is applied to force this condition. (For a discussion of DS statements refer to the section Q~-==-]efin~_StQ£~g~.) r i I I I DS ITESTIDC I -+I--------------------~~, 10H I I IX'FFOO' L--...L- A half word constant is a signed integer, aligned at a halfword boundary. The operand must not contain a length code. ~ I IWORKIDC L-___ __.______ ~ o. -+-- IH'-24' ~ The statement named LOOP stores the value of register 10 in the location designated by register 8, ~hich is the table address ADTA loaded into r~gister 8 by the statement named RTN. Thus, the first calCUlation result is stored in the first table position. The AH statement then increments the contents of register 8 (i.e., the table address) by four, the implied length of each position. The contents of register 8 now point to the second table position. r----~-------~----------------------____. INamelOperationlOp~rand The routine PRGM in Figure 14 calculates certain values, which are then stored in the 480-byte table defined by TABL. The program loads the fir?t value to be stored into register 10 (sta tement 034 A) and branches to LOOP (statement 0330). , INamelOperationlOp~rand ~---+- This is demonstrated in Figure 14 and in the section IDg~iDg. I ~ I ----J The name entry is optional and can be omitted. The abov~ statement causes the generation of one halfword in main storage, containing the value -24. The highest allowable value for a halfword constant is 32767, the lowes~, -~2768. If a specified number exceeds either value, the constant is set to zero and the statement is identified by a warning message in the program listing. Unsigned numbers are considered to be positive. An address constant is a relocatable or absolute expression, enclosed in parentheses with the prpfix Y. It is used for indexing {i.e. , generating and incrementing address values to scan main storage) and for program linkin0. The operand must not contain a length modifier. Successive repetitions of the procedure continue until the table is filled or the program is terminated by the TM instruction. The use of the address constant to link two or more simultaneously executed program parts is discussed in the section PrQgra~ LinKing. An absolute expression is specified in the operand of an address constant if a branch to an absolute address is performed during the C3urse of a program. But the program must be relocatable. Obviously, the absolute address should be updated upon program relocation to avoid branching to the wrong statement. This updating is guaranteed by the address constant. One method of accomplishing this updating is demonstrated by the following example. BC ORG DC 15,0 *-2 Y(3215) In the normal branch instruction BC 15, 3215, the address 3215 would not be altered upon program relocation. Therefore, the second operand is set to zero as the branch instruction is assembled. r----.--------~--------------------------, INamelOpetationlOpprdnd I ~ I -+----------------------~ IADTAtDC L___ ________ IY(TABL) __________________________ JI ~ o ~ In the above example, the address of TABL is stored at position ADTA. If ADTA is now loaded into a register, ari AH instruction can be used to update or increment this dddress by any desired value. On its own, this imperativ3 branch instruction would be invalid because it instructs the computer to branch and, at the same time, prevents the brilnch by setting the branch address to zero. However, the Basic Assembler program does not consider this statement incorr~ct since all syntax requirements are satisfied. The second operand of the BC instruction can be omitted, provided the comma is written. Definition Instructions 31 Bytes 10. Figure 11. 2 3 4 11 12 13 5 6 9 8 7 o Uneconomical Storing of a Sequence of Constants The ORG statement reduces the value of the location counter by two bytes so that it points to the location of the second operand of the BC instruction, which is updated if the proqram is relocated. DC DC X (hexadecimal type) C (character type) I resulting in the storage allocation shown in Figure 12. DS -- DEFINE STORAGE Halfword and address constants are automatically aligned at halfword boundaries by advancing the location counter to the proper value (multiple of 2) when either type of constant is encountered in the source program. For economical use of main storage, the sequence in which constants are defined 1S important. The following example shows the definition of a sequence of ~onstants. It is assumed that the first storage position of these constants is not boundary aligned. CandX-type constants have an implied length of one byte. DC DC DC DC . DC DC DC C X H X (character type) (hexadecimal type) (halfword type) (hexadecimal type) y (address type) C (character type) y (address type) They are stored as shown in Figure 11. As shown in Figure 11 three bytes are' not used. A more economical specification sequence is DC DC DC DC D~ C (character type) H (halfwordtype) y (address type) y (address type) X (hexadecim~ltype) Figfire 12. The DS (Define Storage) statement is used" to reserv~ storage for work areas, I/O areas, tables, etc. These storage areas are not set to zeros or blanks. The location counter is incremented during assembly by the number of bytes implied in the operand .of the DS statement, leaving the respective storage positions unused when the object pcogcam is loaded. The program later refeLS to this area by the symbolic address of the DS statement. The DS statement can also be used to effect boundary alignment of the subsequent program sections. The DS statement has only one operand. It has the following format: Duplication' Factor Type L engt h Modifier The duplication factor is written as a decimal integer; the type is written as a single letter, C or H. The length modifier is wri t ten as a deci mal int eger, precede:i by the letter L. It may only be ~pecified for C-typeconstants. The maximum value is 256. The storage area that can be reserved by a DS stat~ment is limited only by the ~apacity of the location counter. The H-type o~erand is employed to reserve a storage area the subfields of which have an implied length of two bytes. Economical Storing of a Sequence of Constants o 32 System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o .------,- ---------------, i INamelOperationlOpprand I t I I -f IINA11DS 120H I ____ ______________•____________ L---_~ ~I~ ~ This statement causes 20 halfwords (40 bytes) of main storage to be reserved, beginning at a hal~word boundary. The leftmost byte of this area carries the symbolic address INA1. Each storage field referred to by this address has the implied length of two bytes. The knowledge of the implied length is important if INA1 is specified as an operand of a machine instruction that requires the inclusion of a length factor. If the data is defined as character or hexadecimal constants, i.e., data is not automatically boundary aligned, it may be difficult to verify this alignment, especially in a complex program. In such a case, it is better to force boundary alignment, as a precaution, thus removing the need to verify. In the following example, a storage area named AREA is defined, with an implied length of 128 bytes. The preceding DS statement with a duplication factor of zero sets the location counter to a halfword boundary. I I ,--------------------------, INamelOperationlOperand /----_+_ I IDS For reservation of storage areas with subfields of different implied lengths, the C-type operand is used. r --r I I -+I-------------------------~ r----t IINA21DS 110nCL3 I J L This statement reserves 100 fields of main storage with a length of 3 bytes each, a total of 300 bytes, addressable through the symbol INA2. This reserved area is not boundary aligned. The length modifier of a DS C-type statement may have any value from 1 through 256. Additional examples of DS statements are shown below. AREA DS CL100 FLD1 DS 80C ~ 10H ICL128 I I ~--~----------~------------------------~ , INamelOperationlOperand o IAREAIDS defines one field of 1no bytes. defines 80 fields of one byte each. A duplication factor of zero is also used to assign a name and a length attribute to a st:>rage area without actually reserving it. Subseguent DS or DC statements then establish subfields within the larger area by aSSigning addresses to these subfields and generating data. In the example in Figure 13, the name PAYR is assigned to an area of 50 bytes. No space is actually reserved at this point, but subseguent DS statements subdivide and reserve the storage within the area PAYR. The symbols PYNO, REGH, etc., which are specified in the name fields of the DS statements, allow reference to subsections of the area PAYR. The address PAYR still implies the length of 50 bytes and refers to the area as a whole. r----r- ~I------------------------- INamelOperationlOperand While the Basic Assembler is processing a DS statement, it discontinues the punching of the current TXT and RLD cards. Punching is resumed with a new TXT card for the location following the reserved area(or areas}. Therefore, all DS statements of a program should be qrouped together to reduce the number of TXT cards punched. o Data fields frequently contain values that will be loaded into a register in the course of a program. These data fields must be aligned at a halfword boundary. I I J---+-------+ IPAYRIDS I IDS IPYNOIDS ILNAMIDS IFNAMIDS IREGHIDS IOVTMIDS I STRTI DS IOVRTIDS ISLRYIDS I IDS , I ~ OCL50 2H CL6 CL10 CL10 H H CL4 CL4 CL~ H L--l... Figure 13. Reservation of Main storage Definition Instructions 33 o Basic Assembler control instructions are used to begin assembly (START), end assembly (END), and set the location counter to a value at a halfword boundary (ORG). into columns 73 to 76 of each object progr am car d. For the purpose of boundary alignment, the start address should be an even number. If it is an odd number, the Basic Assembler program advances the location counter to the next higher even value above the specified start address. ]~i~: START -- START PROGRAM When a program is loaded, a start address normally specifies the point where the first byte of information is to be stored. Bytes 0 to 155 of main storage lie within an area that contains information required for the execution of a program. This information must not be overwritten. Therefore, the lowpst usable start address is 156 (hexadecimal 009C). nefore a source program or the Basic Assembler program can be loaded, a program to execute the loading functions is required. such a program (the Absolute-Program Loader or the RelocatableProgram Loader) is stored from location 156 upward. The Absolute-Program Loader, for example, requires '60 bytes of main storage, which increases the possible start address for the source program to 316 (hexadecimal 013C). A start address of 156 can be used in this case, provided the subsequent 160 bytes are reserved for the Absolute-Program Loader by means of an appro~riate DS or nRG statement. I END -- END OF PROGRAM A program written in Basic Assembler language must be terminated by an END statement, which supplies the branch address required for program execution after the program is loaded. The operand :::>f the END statement contains the address of the point to which control is t:::> be transferred on completion of the loading process. This is normally the address ~f the first machine instruction in the problem program. o r---~---------T--------------------------' The start address is specified in a START statement. The operand of the START statement specifies the tentative loading point in the form of an absolute address. The value of the location counter is incremented to represent this address as soon as the START statement is read by the Basic Assembler program. If the START statement is omitted, the location counter is automatically set to 340. (A START statement without an operand should not be used and is flagged with a C.) START 1000 This statement causes the location counter to be advanced to 1000. Since the START statement does not consume any storage space itself, the specified start address is assigned to the instruction that follows the START statement. If a symbol is entered in the name field of a START statement, it is considered to be the program name and is entered in the symbol table, together with the start address of the program. In addition, the Basic Assembler program causes the name to be punched 34 INamelOperationlOperand 1 I I I ~ IPBL11START 1340 I IBGN IBASR 110,0 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I V I I I __ lEND ___________ IBGN _________________________ - - - - JI ~ ~ ~ In the ab:::>ve example, the start address for program execution is BGN. When the END card is read, the address contained in the operand of the END statement is loaded into register 12 by the Absolute-Program Loader, followed by a branch to the address in register 12, which initiates program execution. If it is desired to load more than one program for simUltaneous execution, the Relocatable-Program Loader must be used and a load terminate (LDT) card must be supplied. In this case, the loader program disregards the END card. For further details refer to the SRL publication l]~ ~y§!emLl§~od~l_~CaXQ_Progx~~~ing_~gE= EQ~!~~asi~!ility_Pro~ams~_E~n£1iQn§_anQ Q£§~atln~R~Q~~Q~~~§, Form C26-3604. System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o ORG -- RESET LOCATION COUNTER The ORG statement is used to reset the location counter to any desired value. The statement ORG *+500 causes the present value of the location counter to be incremented by 500. The operand of an ORG statement is invalid if it is not a relocatable expression, if the expression consists of or includes a symbol that has not been E£gviously_defingg, or if the name field of the statement contains an invalid symbol. A valid symbol in the name field is disregarded by the Basic Assembler program. Invalid operands are identified by error messages in the program listing. The location counter should not be reset to a value lower than the start address of the program unless it is to be loaded by the AbsoluteProgram Loader. The ORG statement can be used when source and object programs exceed the available main storage capacity and must, therefore, be assembled and executed in separate phases. o The program shown in Figure 14 executes certain scientific-mathematical calculations and stores the results in a 480-byte table, which is printed out later. The calculations are assumed to consist of two phases, each of which requires 3200 bytes. This means that (with an available storage capacity of 4096 bytes) each calculation rou ti ne must be as~em bled sep ar at ely. The resulting object programs are executed one after the other. For this reason, the table area where the results of the calculations are stored, was reserved at the first available positions of main storage, followed immediately by the constants and program routines required for all successive calculation phases. This information occupies storage locations 013C to "340 (the 'addresses are given in hexadecimal notation to facilitate reference to Figure 14), and will not be overwritten when subsequent program phases for execution of the assembly are loaded. The statement PPGM MVC X(5) ,Y, which is stored at position 0344, is the firststatement of the calculation routine. All other statements o~ this procedure have been omitted, excent those that demonstrate the chaining of the various program routines. When the first result has been calculated, i t is loaded into register 10 (statement 034A). The program then branches to LOOP (statement 0330). The following program segment stores the result in the first position of the table area (a detailed explanation is given in the section ~~_== ~efilJ~L£onst~nt) , and tests a switch to determine if the program must go through the calculation routine again to compute another result. If this is the case, the program branches to PRGM. Otherwise, the calculation phase has been completed and the program branches to the loader area (statement 033C) to read calculation phase 2 into main storage. Calculation phase 2, as a separately assembled program, also begins with a START instruction. H~wever, since the loader does not use it, register 14 has the same contents as during the previous assembly. Therefore, the BASR instruction can be omitted and the START address becomes 318. However, the USING instruction is required. Now the previous program part must be linked to the subsequent one. The ORG statement is used to reset the location counter to position 0344. This is the start address of the calculation routine phase 1, which is no longer required and can be overwritten by phase 2. Since the operand of the ORG statement must be relocatable and hexadecimal 0344 is an absolute address, the location counter is set to 0 (*-318) and the desired address 0344, which is e gua I to PH2, is added. The operand *-318+PH2 thus obtained is relocatable. The address 0344 can be determined only from the program listing, after the assembly of phase 1. It must then be inserted int~ a previously prepared statement card. The location counter setting of 0344 causes the subsequent program (a) to be 10dded, starting at this position, and (b) to overwrite phase 1. By following this procedure, any number of programs can be assembled separately and then be linked for successive execution. o Definition Instructions 35 onc onc 013E OnE 0142 0322 0324 0326 0008 0009 OOOA 0328 032C 0330 0334 0338 aBC 0340 U U 0344 034A 034E ODC 41FO EIEA 0142 0004 FO 4880 47FO 40AO 4A80 9101 4710 47EO EIE4 E206 8000 EIE6 EIE8 009C E206 0204 0000 O(li)O 48AO onoo 47FO ElF2 Figure 14 (Part 1). TABl ADTA FOUR SWIT R8 R9 RIO RTN lOOP •• ·START • •PRGM • • .THIS • 0348 034C 0344 92FI 0326 48AO 0000 47FO 0330 Figure 14 (Part 2). 36 DEFINE RESULT TABLE LOAD TABLE ADDRESS BRING RES INTO TABL I NeRM TABLE ADDR TEST FOR PROGRAM END lOAD PHASE 2 REEXEeUTE PHASE 1 001 002 002 002 002 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 Mve I 003 X(5I,Y CA. 3200 BYTES PROGRAM PHASE REOUIRES lH BC END R10,RES 15,LOOP BGN LOAD RESULT INTO RIO INITIATE TABLE ENTRY 003 003 005 o Programmed Routine for Table Look-up and Program Linking •• PBl2 •• .THIS • • 0 CALCULATION PHASE • •• • U 316 14,(l ·,14 15,RTN 120Cl4 Y(TABU H'4' el1'O' 8 9 10 R8,ADTA 15,PRGM R10,0(O,R81 R8,FOUR SW IT, 1 1,156 14,PRGM ·START CALCULATION PHASE 7. START 318 USING .,14 EQU RIO 10 EQU SWIT X'0326' SYMBOL LINKING EQU SWIT+10 lOOP SYMBOL LINK ING EQU PH2 X'0344' ADD OPERND AFT ASS3LY PHI .-318+PH2 JUMP TO FIRST AVAI L LOC ORG 013E OBE ODOA 0326 0330 0344 0344 0344 START BASR USING BC OS De De DC EQU EQU EQU LH BC 5TH AH TM Be BC PBli BGN ODEO MVI SWIT,C'l' BEGINNING OF CALC PH2 PROGRAM PHASE REQUIRES lH BC END R10,RES IS,lOOP PBl2 002 CA. 3200 BYTES lOAD RESULT INTO RIO INITIATE TABLE ENTRY Programmed Routine for Table Look-up and Program Linking System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language 001 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 003 o o Input/output two ways: ope~~tions can be caused in 1. by means of thp Input/Output System (laCS), or 2. by w~iting I/O ~outines using the Basic Assembler I/O inst~uctions. The use of laCS Cont~ol the writing of as explained in a subsequent section. ~he second mathod, the writing of individual I/O ~outines, is explained in the following parag~aphs. mac~o dllow~ inst~uctions, Depending on the specification in the UF field of the XIO instruction, the second symbol designates the amount of data to be handled du~ing the I/O ope~ation; i.e., the number of ca~d columns to be read or punched, or the number of characte~s to be printed. Samples of XIO instructions are shown in Figure 15. If the XIO statement refers to a card unit, the value in the second operand must not exceed 80. If it refers to a p~inte~, the maximum value is 144 for a 2 2 0.1 P r i n t e ~ ; 1 3 2 for a 1 40 3 Mo del 2 0 r N1 ; and 120 for a 1403 Model 7. ~Q1g: Three types of T/O inst~uctions a~e available in the Basic Assembler language: INotelName 1• XIO instructions (execute input and output) . 2. CIa instructions (control input and output) • 3. TIOB instructions (test input and outrut and b~anch' • T---------------------, Ope~ationlOperand I I 1 ICARD EQU 180 I I ILINE EQU I 100 I I IFLDA(X'40') ,LINE lOUT XIO 11. I I OUTB (X' 40' ) ,20 lOUT XIO 12. I IOUTA(X'36') ,CARD IPNCH XIO 13. I IINPT XIO I IN 1 (X' 23') ,16 I 4. I IINPT XIO I EXAR (X' 24') ,CARD 15.___L_---L-________ ____________________ JI t--+ ~ o ~ The XIO statement has an SS format, and CIa and TIOB statements have 51 formats, as explained in the spction ~achi!!.~.-lns1.£uc= Figu~e liQ.!l_IQI!!l~1~· 1. Prints 100 characters on the attached 1403 or 2203 printer. 2. Prints 20 characte~s on the attached 1403 or 2203 printer. 3. Punches 80 columns on the attached 1442 Card Punch, Model 5. All three instructions include the unit and function (UF) specification field. Data in this field must be specified in hexadecimal notation. XIO -- EXECUTE INpnT/OUTPUT 4. 15. Sample of XIO Instructions Reads the first 16 columns of a card the se CDnda~y hopper of the attached 2560 MFCM. f~om The operand entry of an XIO instruction is w~itten 5. Dl (UF,El) ,D2(B2) o~ Punches 80 columns of a card from the primary hopper of the attached 2560 MFCM or 2520. when using symbolic addressing, CIa -- CONTROL INPUT/OUTPUT Symbol 1 (UF), Sym bol 2. U designates the Qnit used as the I/O device and F designates the assigned function, i.e., the oppration to be executed. o For example, a 2501 reader is attached and X'12' is specif"ied in the UF field of the XIO instruction. The hexadecimal digit 1 tells the Basic ~ssembler program that the 2501 is used and the hexadecimal digit 2 indicates that the unit must read a card. A complete list of all UF codes is provided in Appendix C. CIa instructions are used to control the operation of attached I/O devices. With card I/O devices, the CIa instruction is used for stacker or print-head selection; with a printe~, the CIa instruction is used to cause spacing or Skipping. The instruction is written in the following format: D 1 (B 1) , C 10 UF or CIa 51, UF (S=sy mbol) Input/Output Instructions 37 the primary hopper and stacker 5 for cards from the secondary hopper. Therefore, CIa statements that assign these functions are not required. For stacker selection of card I/O devices, the unit specifications in the UF field is always a 2. The function specification can be a 0, 1, or 2, depending on the attached I/O device and the function desired. The stacker is specified by the first operand of the CIa statement. A summary of I/O instructions, including the associated unit and function speci~ication codes, is given in Appendix C. 1• 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. In addition, if 6, 7, 14, or 15 is specified in the first operand of a CIa instruction that refers to a 2560 MFCM, the selected cards are ejected into stacker 1. I In the pr~gramming sequence, the CIa statement for a 2560 MFCM should follow a read instruction, if possible. In addition, it must precede the next read, punch, or punch-and-feed instruction for the same hopper. For punch-card stacker selection, the relevant CIa instruction must be placed before the next read, punch, or punch-feed instruction, regardless of the referenced hopper. CIO 4, X' 21 ' CIa 3,X' 22' CIa 2, X'20' It is assumed that a preceding read instruction caused the feeding of a card from the secondary hopper of the attached MFCM. The sample statement causes this card to be ejected into stacker 4. The punch-card stacker select function (X'22') is specified for stacker assignment, if the respective card is in the punch unit or in the pre-print station of the MFCl'!. The card presently in the punch or preprint station of the attached MFCM is ejected into stacker 3. For a 2520, the CIa statement is required only to assign stacker 2. In the programming sequence, this statement should precede the read, punch, or punch-and-feed instruction. If the attache~ unit is a 2520 and a preceding read or punch instruction caused the feeding of a card, this card is ejected into stacker 2. If the attached unit is a 2560 MFCM and a preceding read instcuction caused the feeding of a card from the primary hopper, this card is ejected into stacker 2. _-'·, 0 , ? Print heads are selected by using bits 26 to 31 of the machine-instruction format as a mask. The mask is specified as a decimal integer in the first operand of the pertinent CIa statement and sets the bits assigned to the individual print heads to one. This is illustrated, in Figure 16 • If the I/O uni t is a 2560 MFCr. and stacker selection is not specified, stacker 1 is automatically selected for cards from , .-r----, Number of print h~ad: I 2 I 3 Assigned bit numbf>rs: 26 27 Decimal equivalent of the binary bi t positions: 0 ! 1 ! ! 1 ! L-----.J L-----.J I I I I 24 I I V 5 6 30 31 0 0 21 20 r--, 0 V 25 29 28 r----, f!~d~.!.. r---, I 4 I L-__ J L-_J V 23 22 I I V Decimal e(]ui valent of r---, I the mask: 16 + 4 I IL _20 __ J LI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________________________________ ~ Figur-e 16. o Sample of a Mask for Print-Head Selection ~ o o In the above ex~mple, print heads 2 and 4 are selected bec~use the bits assigned to these are set to 1 by the ma~k. The decimal equivalent of the mask is specified in the first operand of the CIa statement as follows: CIa 20,X'2.3' The operand X'23' refers to ·a card I/O device and specifies the print-head-select function. The highest decimal number that can be used as a mask for print head selection is 63, which activates all available print heads. The mask can also be expressed in hexadecimal notation or in the format D1(B1). l~~_~Y~ig~Ll~Q_~~Qgl_~QL_~l~_~~gngiif ~h~£9.fig£_Rg~Qg£, For· m A 2 4-1499. A CIa statement that refers to the Model 20 Communications Adapter or the Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter must contain the unit address hexadecimal 5. For the appropriate function srecification, refer to Append ix C. The first operand, D1 (B1), of a CIa statement that refers to one of the communications adapters is ignored. However, it must be contained in the statement, and must resemble a valid address. TIOB -- TEST INPUT/OUTPUT AND BRANCH A CIa statement that refers to a printer must contain the unit address (U) hexadecimal 4. If a spacing function is requested, the first operand ~pecifies the number of space to be performed. This can be expressed in decimal or hexadecimal form, or as D1 (B1). The maximum number of spaces allowed is 3. o The appropriate function codes are shown in the summary of I/O instructions in Appendix C. TIOB statements are used to test the operation al co ndit ions of the a ttached I/O devices or the proper execution of an I/O function; e.g., print error, last card, feed error, device busy. If a busy condition exists, a branch is performed to the address specified in the first operand of the pertinent statement. Otherwise, the subse1uent program statement is processed. The operands of a TIOB statement are written in the following form: D1(B1),UF CIa 2,X'4C' or This statement causes the immediate spacing of 2 lines on both carriages of an attached 2203 Printer. S 1 , UF If a skipping function is requested, the first operand specifies the channel number of the carriage control tape that identifies the line at which the skipping is te rmina ted. 1. 2. 3. o All CIa statements that refer to the serial I/O channel must contain the unit address hexadecimal 6. For the appropriate function specification refer to Appenaix C. The use of the first oper and D1 (B 1) is described in the following SRL publication: AREA,X'24' *,X'40' HALT,X'33' 1. This instruction causes a branch to position AREA after the last card has been read on the attached I/O device wi th the device addr ess 2. 2. This statement causes the program to loop until the attached printer has completed the current print cycle. 3. This instruction causes a branch to the procedure named HALT if a punch error has occurred on the attached 1442 Card Pun ch. CIa 6,X'45' This statement causes the skipping of a page on the attached 1403 Printer, up to the line identifie~ by a punch in channel 6 of the carriage control tape. TIOB TIOB TIOB A summary of the Basic Assembler I/O instructions, t~gether with the associated function specification codes, is provided in Appendix c. Input/Output Instructions 39 SEQUENCE OF I/O o IN~TRUCTIONS The proper sequence of the input-output instructions for different cases is shown in the following examples: CARRIAGE CONTROL: TIOB TIOB CIa CIa *,X'46' *,X'40' 1,X'45' 3,X'44' PRINTER CONTROL: TIOB TIOB XIO BC BC TEST CARRIAGE BUSY *,X'46' TEST PRINTER BUSY *,X'40' PR T (X' 41 ' ) , 120 (0) PRINT AND SPACE SUPPRESS BRANCH IF PRINTER WORKING 4,*-6 1,HLT BRANCH IF PRINTER NOT OPERATIVE CARD READER CONTROL: TIOB XIO BC BC TIOB TIOB *,X'20' CR D (X' 22') , 80 ( O) 4, *-6 1,HLT END,X'24' HLT,X'25' TEST READER BUSY READ THE CARD BRANCH IF READZR WORKING BRANCH IF READER NOT OPERATIVE BRANCH IF LAST CARD BRANCH IF FEED ERROR PUNCH CONTROL: TIOB C 10 XIO BC TIOB TIOB TIOB *,X'20' 2,X'22' PC H(X ' 25 ') , 80 ( O) 5,HLT HLT,X'21' END,X'24' HLT,X'25' TEST READER/PUNCH BUSY SELECT STACKER TWO PUNCH SECONDARY CARD BRANCH IF PUNCH NOT OPERAT IVE TEST READER/PUNCH ERROR TEST LAST CARD TEST FEED ERROR OR A major part of most programs written in Basic Assembler language consists of the routines required to read data into the system and to produce the output of the TEST CARRIAGE BUSY TEST PRINTER BUSY SKIP TO CHANNEL ONE IMMEDIATELY SPACE THREE TIMES IMMEDIATELY I 0 " processing perf3rmed on the input data. IBM provides the user of the Model 20 Basic Assembler language with a library of tested I/O routines, which is part of the IBM System/360 Model 20 Card Programming Support, Input/Output Control System (CPS IOeS) . o o r 1 1 t--------_+_--------------------~ IGET 1 I IMakes the next record avail- 1 lable in the area specified bYI Ithe user. I r------.---.-._t_ -i 1PUT IMakes a record (in an area I IS{Jecified by the user) avail-I I I lable ~or an I/O operation. I 1 I10pens the file, i.e., ensuresl~ Ithat all information necesI Isary to handle a file has I Ibeen provided. I • I •10PEN I I ·1 CLOSE I I I •ICRDPR I I I o ~----------------------------, IMacro 1 IInstructionlFunction I I I _+_ I Moves the information to be -II Iprinted on a card from the I Iwork area into the specified I Iprint area. Used only in 1 Iconnection with a 2560 MFCM. I ~ ICNTRL I 1 1 1 I I I ICauses the performance of Icertain I/O functions, e.g., Iskipping, spacing, stacker Iselection. t---------_+_ 1 ~ IStarts processing of files inl Inon-overlap mode. I 1IStarts processing of files inl~ I loverlap mode, in case of a I I Iprecening LOM macro I I i i nstruction. I •IEOM ~I •IPRTOV 1 IIChecks for printer overflow I cond i tions. •IWAITC 1 1 1 1 IICauses the problem program tol~ Iwait for the completion of 1 lall pending card I/O operaI Itions before processing the I Inext sequential instruction. I 1 L- Figure 17. Summary of IOCS Macro Instructions In the source program, the IOCS routines are called by statements referred to as macro instructions. The use of IOCS macro instructions saves programming time because it relieves the user of coding, testing, and providing linkages to his own I/O routines. In addition, the IOCS routines take advantage of the time-sharing capability of the Model 20, thereby optimizing throughput. o Additional macro instructions, and the associated I/O routines, are available to users of the Communications Adapter and the 1419 Magnetic Character Reader. For detailed information refer to the following SRL publications: ~I I Closes the file, i. e., lensures proper handling of Ithe file after all records I ha ve hee n processed. 1 ~-------+- ILOM Figure 17 contains a summary of the IOCS macro instructions and their functions. For detailed information on the Model 20 IOCS, refer to the SRL publication IBM lrrE~lLOui£~l_f~lll£~l_System_for_ihg ~in~£Y_~ll£h~~no~~_f~mmuni£~iion§_&Q~E1~ ~£, Form C33-4001; lrrEQt-Oul~~l_font£~1_System for_lhg-1 BM Form j~1_~~~li£_fh~ra£1~£_Rea~~£, C26-3607. A user program which enables the interrupt mode with an SPSW statement that changes the channel mask bit of the current program status word from 1 to 0 must ensure that the pending interrupts caused by the loader do not interfere with the execution of the object program. Both the Absolute-Program Loader and the Relocatable-Program Loader cause two pending interrupts. Interrupt 1 is caused when the program is read on a 2501, 2520, or 2560; interrupts 1 and 2 are caused when the program is read on a 2520 or a 2560. llli~£ru~l-1: Associated with the l~st_£eag instru£ti~rr of the loader, interrupt 1 is pending when the execution of the object program begins. This interrupt becomes effective after the first SPSW instruction in the user program has been processed. The program in this case branches to the programmed interrupt routine, although the condition on which the interrupt routine is based has not occurred. An example of the programming sequence that enables thf interrupt mode through an SPSW statement js shown in Figure 18. For this purpose, the first two TIOB statements in the figure may be disregarded. lni~~ruE!-1: This interrupt is issued at the end of program loading. After the END card of the object program has been read, an XIO instruction in the loader program causes a dummY_~Qrrfh_fY~l~ that moves the Input/Output Instructions 41 END card from the pre-punch station to the punch unit of the punching device, prior to execution of the object program. The dummy cycle is effected by specifying X'40' (blank) to be punched into column 1, which results in nothing being punched. loader area is overwritten before execution of the dummy punch instruction has been completed, a character other than blank may be punched into column 1 of the END card, which makes the END card invalid. Interrupt 2 also occurs after the first SPSW instruction in the user program after the dummy punch instruction has been executed. Mispunching of the END card can be avoided by using a TIOB instruction as the first statement in the user's program, as shown in Figure 18. The XIO dummy instruction may cause a mispunching of the END card during the initial phase of the object program. While the XIO instruction is being executed, the loader transfers control to the object program and, thereby, initiates processing. If the I/O device used for loading is a 2560 MFCM or a 252~ card read-punch and the The mispunching of the END card can also be avoided if the loader area is not overwritten during the initial processing phase. (The initial processing phase is terminated after execution of the first XIO statement in the user program that refers to the 2560 that is used for program loading) • o I , r----,--·~1--------------~--------------------------IName OperationlOperand 1 ~ I ---------------~ WAIT, when loading from a 2520 IBEG TIOB 1*,X'22' WAIT, when loading from a 2560 1 TIOB 1*,X'20' GET AUXILIARY NEW PSW IMVNP MVC 1148 (4) ,AXPW ENABLE INTERRUPT MODE 1 SPSW J AX?W THIS PSW BRANCHES TO IAXPW DC IX'0100' MAIN PROGRAM 1 DC 1Y (SNPS) defining the address of ISNPS MVC 1148 (4) ,SYMB user's PSW. 1 r-> 1 1 1 L ____ ~MAIN __ 1 ~ Figure 18. I PROGRAM () Sample Routine for compensation of Pending Interrupts Caused by the Loader o 42 Sy~tem/360 Modpl .20 Basic Assembler Language o This section describes the coding of the machine instructions written in Basic Assembler language and translated into machine language. The machine-language format and the functions of each machine instruction are described and the use of each instruction is illustrated by an ex ample. A machine instruction is a direction given to the computer to cause the execution of a certain operation. In Basic Assembler language, these instructions are written in the form of mnemonic codes, which are translated by the Basic Assembler program into System/360 internal or machine code, respectively. The codes are printed in the leftmost part of the program listing, next to the location counter reference. Machine instructions are divided into four groups, according to basic operand format: o 1. RR instructions (register to register), length: 2 bytes. 2. RX instructions (register to storage or storage to register), length: 4 bytes. 3. 51 instruction~ (storage length: 4 bytes. 4. 55 instructions (storage to storage) , length: 6 bytes. immediate), A summary of th~se formats, together with their associated operation codes, is shown in Figure 19. branch address in operand(s) sta temen t (s) • 1. R1 and R2 are absolute expressions that specify general registers. The general register numbers are 8 through 15. 2. D1 and D2 are absolute expressions that specify displacements. A value of 0 through 4095 may be specified. 3. B 1 and B2 are absol ute exp ressions that specify base registers. Register numbers are 0-3 and 8-15. 4. M1 is an absolute expression representing a condition code. 5. L, L1, and L2 are absolute expressions that specify field lengths. An L expr essio n can sp eci fy a v alu e of 1 256. L1 and L2 expressions can speci~ fy a value of 1 - 16. In all cases, the assembled value will be one less than the specified value. 6. 12 is an absolute expression that provides immediate data. The value of the expression may be 0 - 255. 7. 51 and S2 are absolute or relocatable expressions that specify an address. 8. 5I instruction fields that are crossed out in the machine formats are not examined during instruction execution. The fields are not written in the symbolic operand, but are assembled as binary zer:>s. 9. UF is an absolute expression representing an input/output unit address and a function. All machine-instruction statements are automatically aligned at halfword boundaries. All bytes skipped are filled with hexadecimal zeros. Any machine instruction can be identified by a symbOl, which can be used as a of other o Machine-Instruction statements 43 r--T I I • I I I !2~§i£_1:1~s::hi!!.g2Q.!:!!!.~i I Assembler: Ope r: and I Pi eIQ_Por: m~i T---------------------------, I App I i ca ble Ill! st.f~~.!iQll§ I I 8 14 14 I I IOper:ationl I I IR1,R2 I I I Code IR11R21 I (See note 1) IRRl---------t-+--+ I I I 8 14 14 I I I I Oper:a tion I I I I Ml ,R2 I I Code I M11 R21 I I I I I 1 I (See notes and 4) r--+---------t--+--+--.--.---+__ I I 8 1414141121 I IOper:ationl I I I I IR1,D2(0,B2) I I I Code IR11X21B21D21 IR1,S2 I I I I I I I I (See notes 1,2,3,and 7) I R X l--------t-+--+--+_+_ I I I 8 1414141121 I I IOper:ationl I I I I IMl ,D2 (0,B2) I I Code IM11X21B21D21 IM1,S2 I I I I I I I I (See notes 2,3,4,and 7) I I ISTH,LP.,CH,AH,SH, BAS I I I I I +-- ~-------- ---------~ I I IBC I I I I I l--+--------t~_+_+__t--_+__ t--~--------------------~ I 8 18 141121 I IOper:ationl I I I ID1(Bl),I2 I Code 112 IB11Dli IS1,I2 I I I I I I (See notes 2,3,6,and 7) SIl---------t-----t--+__t I I 8 18 141121 I IOper:ationl I I I ID1(Bl) I Code 1-IB11D11 ISl I I I I I I (See notes 2,3,7,ana 8) l---------t----+--+__t--_+__ I 8 18 141121 I IOper:ationl J I 1 1 Dl (Bl) ,UF I Code IUF IB11Dli IS1,UF I 1 1 I 1 1 (See notes 2,3,and 7-9) l--+---------t I I +__+ I I I 8 141414112141121 IOper:ationl I I I I 1 ID1 (Ll ,Bl) ,D2 (L2,B2) I Cod e l L 1 I L 2 I B 1 I D 1 I B2 I D2 I S 1 (L 1) , S 2 ( L 2) I 1 I I I I I I (See notes 2,3,S,and 7) S S f---------t~+-I I 1 I I 8 18 1411214112 IOper:ationl I I I I D1 (L,B1) ,D2 (B2) I Code IL IB11D11B21D2 S1(L) ,S2 I I I 1 I I (See notes 2,3,S,and 7) l--------t I I I I I 8 18 14 I 12 I 4 I 12 IOper:ationl 1 I 1 1 Dl(UF,B1),D2(B2) I Code !UF !Bl!Dl!B2!D2 Sl(UF):,S2 1 I I 1 1 1 (See notes 2,3,7,and 9) I ICLI,MVI,NI,OI,TM,HPR I I L-_..L- ______ --J... Fig ure 19. I I ~ I o 1 ~~--T---------+-----------------_'_t_ I IAR I I I ~ASR,SR I I I +-------------~------------~ I IBCR I I I I I I I t-------~------------~---~ I I I 1 t------------------------~ I ISPSW I I I 1 I I +------~------------------1 I ITIOB ICIO (Dl (Bl) detailed 1 specification)' 1 1 I 1 o +-----------------------'--~ I IPACK,UNPK,MVO,AP, I C P , DP , MP , S P , ZA P 1 I I 1 I +------------------------~ I ICLC,MVC,MVN, IMVZ,TR,ED I I I I I +----------------------~ I IXIO ! (D2(B2) detailed specification) I I .L.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Machi ne Instru ction For:mats o 44 System/360 Mod~l 20 Basic Assembler: Language o the C2 1 eng t h cod e ( 2) is con ta i ne din the L2 field in the assembled instr-uction. (Each assembled leng~h code is one less than the length of the statement in Basic Assembler- language because the length code 1 is assembled as 0, thus per-mitting a length of 16 within the 4-bit L1 and L2 fields.) Theoper-and addr-esses ar-e split in a base register- and a displacement, which are contained in lhe Band D-fields re$pectively (see the section ~iQ~~gg ! dd!:es.§~.§) • The mnemonic oper-ation codes (shown in Ap pen d i x Ban d Fig u r- e 19) a r- e des i 9 ned to be easily-remember-ed codes that indicate the functions of the instr-uctions. The nor-mal for-mat of the code is shown below; the items in br-ackets ar-e not necessar-ily pr-esent in all codps: Ver-b [Modifier-] [Data Type] [Machine For-mat] The ver-b, which is usually Dne or- two char-acter-s, specifies the function. Forexample, A r-epresents Add, and MV r-epr-esents Move. The function may be fur-the~ defined by a modifier- and the data type. For example, the modifier L indicates a logical function and the C indicates a character- as data type, as in CLC for Compar-e Logical Character-. RR FORMAT This is the shor-test of the four instr-uction formats and r-equires the least pr-ocessing time. It is used to specifyregister-to-r-egister operation; i.e., data is transferr-ed fr-om one register- to another-. In Basic Assembler language, such a statement is wr-itten as The letters R and I ar-e added to the codes to indicate, respectively, RR and SI machine instruction for-mats. Thus, AR indica tes Add in the RR form at. Funct ions involving character and decimal data types imply the SS format. Op-Code or Op - Co d e AR 9,10 o A distinction must be made between the instruction format in Basic Assembler language and the instruction for-mat in machine language, as translated by the Basic AssembIer- program. r--- --~i-l--------------------------' I Instruction in IBasic I Assembler ILanguage 11 " I,Instruction in I,Machine Language I I I I ~-~------------t4--T--T--~--r---~ -.----~ I Op I I Cd lOp e r- and s I- I IDPIWORK(9) ,C2(2) I I I 1 Op I I I I I I I I 1Cd I~ L 1 , L2 I B 1 I D1 , B 21 D21 ++ I I I I I -+--~ I,FDI 81 11 DIODCI DIOEFI I I " I I I I I In the above example, the DP instruction causes the dividend that is contained in the field WORK, with an explicit length of 9 bytes, to be divided by the divisor, contained in the field C2, with an explicit length of 2 bytes. o Assuming register 13 has been assigned as base register by an approFr-iate USING statement, the Basic Assembler program translates this instruction into the format FD81 DODC DOEF, as shown. The mnemonic operation code becomes FD; the WORK length code (9) is contained in the L 1 field; and R1, R2 (R=r-egister) M1 , R 2 ( M= mas k ) The contents of register- 10 are added to the contents of register 9. The oper-and for-mat r-:.1,R2 is used together with the Br-anch-on-Condition-Register (BCR) operation code. It is applied if the' program reaches a decision point where, under a certain condition, a branch must be performed. In this case, the branch address is contained in the register- srecified (R2) BCR 8,15 The binary e:juivalent of 8 (1000) is used as a mask to test the condition code in the Program Status Word. The branch is executed if the condition code is 00. (Refer to the section !hg_~~nditio~~QQg) RX FORMAT This format is used to cause data flow between a register and main storage. The direction of the flow is determined by the operation code. The Store Halfword (STH) instruction transfers data from a register to storage; the AH instruction causes information in main st6rage to be added to the contents of a register. The address specified in the second operand of an RX instruction can be in explicit or implied form. Machine-Instruction statements 45 In Basic Assembler language, the is written as: ins~ruction Op-Code R1,D2(X2#B2) when using explicit addressing, R1,S2 when using implied addressing. (S = sym boll formed, whatever the condition code setting is. Such a branch is called unconditional. Masks can also be specified in-hexadecimal notation. Figure 20 contains examples of branches testing the condition code. 0 or Exam.12les: Op-Code i When specifying an explicit address, the X2 sub-field of the operand D2 (X2, B2) must be set to O. STH '---I 9,AREA+4 (0, 12) The contents of register 9 are stored at the location (AREA+4) + (contents of register 12). However, this statement is valid only if AREA is defined as an absolute symbol with an address value not exceeding 4095. M1 , D2 (0, B 2) when u;;,; i n g ex pI i cit addr essin g, i!!..£lEJ1~ t M1,S2 when using implied addressing. The field M1 is used as a mask to test the condition code. The subsequent section describes how this mask is .set up. The condition code in the Program Status Word occupies 2 bits. Therefore, it can be used to represent ~our conditions: 00, 01, 10, or 11. 3. Variable-length arithmetic instructions also set the condition code to reflect the status of the result (see paragraph 1). The subsequent branch instruction is unconditional, i.e., the program branches under any condition to the location repr~sented by TABL+(contents of register 8). o 4 2 1 Thus, the maximum value of a mask is spe~ifying a branch on condition 15 means that the branch must be per- 46 ion: The eLI instruction causes the value stored at the location FLDA to be compared with the hexadecimal selfdefining term DO. The branch is performed if the contents of FLDA are greater than D9.· Otherwise,· the next sequential instruction in the program is processed. 8 This meuns, for example, that a branch inst~uction to be pe~formed on condition 8 is executed if the condition code setting' is 00. Accordingly,· a· br:anch can be requested in a proqr~m if the condition code setting is either 01 or 11. The corresponding mask, in this case, would be 4+1:5. . 8+4~2+1=15. Branches Testing the Condition Code 2. The corresponding masks reflecting these are: I ----.J Fixed-point arithmetic instructions, like the ab~ve SR instruction, set the condition c~de to reflect the status of the result whether or not the result is equal to, less than, or greater than O. The branch to the location OUT is executed if the result of the preceding mathematical operation is o. Otherwise, the next sequential instruction in the program is processed. s~ttings 00 01 10 11 --, 1. or Op-Code I J Figure 20. Branch instructions in the RX format (operation code BC) are written as: o p- Cod e i INamelOperation Code lOpe rand I I I I -i ICALCISR \ 9,10 I 18,OUT IBC I I ICMPRICLI I FLDA ,X' DO' I 12,BGN IBC \ I I I FLDA (1 0) , FLDB (5) I I 3. ISUM lAP I 15 , TAB L (0,8) I I I ,IBC I I I 1. I \2. Thus~ the interpretation of the condition code setting depends on the type of operation caused by the preceding instruction. A summary of the relation of the situation to the condition code setting is given in Appendix E. The index field X2 of the instruction formatOp - Co de R1 , D2 (X 2 , B2) mus t a l way s be set to O. The base register B2 in an RX in~truction, however, can be used as index reqister, if (1) explicit addressing is Systpm/J60 Modpl 20 Basic Assembler Language o o applied and a Lsolu teo NULL represents the value of 0 to avoid altering the address of TABL, assigned by the Basic Assembler program, when TABL is being defined. In addition, to make *-NULL an absolute expression, NULL must represent a I~lo£~!~~lg O. This can be done as follows: (2) the D2 displacement is In Figur~ 14, the method of indexing with address constants has been demonstrated by a table look-up procedure. The table address was loaded into a register and successively undated, thus pointing to the subsequent table positions. The same effect is achieved when TABL is used as displacement D2 in an RX instruction and register R8 is used as B2 to increment TABL. NULL o TABL EQU 340 *-340 Here, the expression in the operand of the EQU statement becomes relocatable because it contains an odd number of relocatable expressions. For example, thp table area of 480 bytes is set up in storage with the address TABL, as in· Figure 14. l:'ach entry in this area is also considered to have an implied length of four bytes. It is assumed that this table will be filled with successive entries of results computed during processing. To use TABL as a displacement in an RX instruction, it must be made absolute to retain the relocat~bility of the program. TABL must be eguatpd with an ER~olut~ expression that re~erences the location counter. ST ART EQU Adopting the above procedures, the program routine could be as shown in Figure 21. SI FORMAT This format is used to load immediate data that are specified in the instruction into storage. In Basic Assembler language, such instructions are written as: Op-Code D1(B1),I2 in case of explicit addressing, and Op-Code S1,I2 in case of implied addressing. *-NULL ._----_., r----T-------, INamelOperationlOperand jI I PBL1 START 34 n NULL EQU *-140 BGN BASR 14,0 USING *,'4 SR 8, R PRG M MVC X (Cj) , y I I IComments I I , I 10=RELOCATABLE ILOAD BASE REGISTER IASSIGN BASE REGISTER IINITIALIZE INDEX REGISTER ISTART COMPUTATION I I V o STH AH CH BC lED I I I I I V TABLI EQU IDS PRTAIDS X IDS Y I DC INCRIDC LIMTI DC lEND Figure 21. 10 , T ABL ( 0 , 8) RESULT INTO TABLE 8,INCR INCREMENT INDEX REGISTER 8,LIr-!T TEST FOR TABLE END 4,PRGM COMPUTE ANOTHER RESULT PRTA, MASK INITIATE PRINTOUT TABL=ABSOLUTE DEFINE TABLE AREA DEFINE PRINT AREA 10Q DEFINE AREA X DEFINE AREA Y H'00000175' DEFINE INCREMENT VALUE H' 4' IDEFINE TABLE LIMIT H'480' PBL1 I *-~TULL 120CL 4 120CL4 Sample Program Using TABL as Displacement Machine-Instruction Statements 47 The field 12 represents the immediate data, which can be any single self-defining term with a maximum length of 8 bits. CLI TM MVI JACK, C' 6' MIND,X'40' PARA,X'AF' D 1 (B 1) , UF or In Basic Assembler language, this instruction is written as follows: r D 1 (B 1 ) i 0 r S1 I i , I 1----+-------+ ~ I ISPSW INPSWIDC I IDC INP~W IX'n100' IY(PEGN) L-.L SS FORMAT This format is used to cause da ta flow from one area of storage to another. It requires specification of the field lengths for the data to be acted upon. with one exception, which is explained later, the SS instructions form two major groups. The first group includes instructions that require specification of length codes for both operands. The second group reluires a length specification for the first operand only. o I n Basic Ass emble r la nguage, the fi rs t group of instructions is written as follows. INamelOperationlOpprand Op-Code D1(L1,B1) ,D2(L2,B2) when explicit a ddressi ng is used, or Op-Code S1(L1),S2(L2) when implied addressing is used. I I I J In this example, the new PSW contained in the field NPSW is transferred to the internal location of the current PSW. The constant X'0100' replaces the leftmost 16 bits and the address constant replaces the rightmost 16 bits of the 4-byte PSW. Then the program branchps to the address specified by bit positions 16 to 31 of the new PSW storage position BEGN. The termination of object program execution is achieved by a Halt-and-Proceeo (lIFR) instruction. This instruction also belongs to the SI-type formats and is written as shown in the following example: 4A o S 1 , UF The Set Program Status Word (SPSW) instruction causes the current program status word to be replaced by a new PSW stored at the position referenced in the operand of the SPSW instruction. Since the current PSW contains the address of the next sequential instruction to be processed, the SPSW instruction is equal to a branch instruction. o p- Cod e The operation code APR is translated into the machine code 99 which is displayed in the UL xegister panels of the cpu. This code also appears in the UL.register panels in case of a pr~grammed halt during execution of an assembly. The second operand of the HPR instruction is ignored and, though assembled, has no influence on the program. Normally, zero is specified as the second operand of the HPR instruction. It can be omitted, however, if the comma is written to satisfy syntax requirements. Accordingly, these instructions are written as follows: Op-Code X' 999' ,0 TO indicate that the program has reached the HPR instruction (completion of object program execution), the add ress X' 999' specified in the first operand of this instruction is displayed in the STR register panels of the cpu. Some of the input/output instructions the programmer uses to write his own I/O routines are also in the SI format. The field 12 in this case is designated UF and is used to specify the I/O unit and its function. o p- Cod e HPR L1 and L2 in the above format designate the length fields. The operation codes belonging to this group are summarized in Figure 19. PACK MVO AREA (9) ,INPT+5 (9) 400 (10,8) , RES 1 (1:J) The length c~de of an expression can be omitted if the length of a field is implied in its name. System/360 Moopl 20 Basic Assembler Ldnguage o o r ~--------------------------, i INamelOperationlOperand I ...----+---------+--------------~ I ICP IFLDA,FLDD I IFLDAIDC IC'OOOO' I IFLDBIDC IXLtl'O' I L_---L _______ - L ________________________ J Field A and B each have the implied length of four bytps. An explicit length specification, therefore, is redundant. If a symbol with an implied field length is dccompdnied by an pxplicit length code, the implied length is ~isregarded. The eXFression 5 in the first operand is evaluated as a length code and the expression 8 in the second operand is considered to be a base register, even though the two operands appear to specify the same items • The Execute Input/Output tion is written as follows. Op-Code Dl(UF,Bl),D2(B2) wh9n using exp lici t addressing, or Op-Code S 1 (U F) , S 2 when using i mplied addressing. XIO -, INamelOperationlOpprand I ~---+-----+ ~ I ICP IAREAIDC I I IFLDA(2),AREA(,8) ICL2'0' J L o The fields enclosed in parentheses are referred to as sub-fields. In the above example, the first sub-field of the second operand was omitteo because the displacement AREA implies the length of two bytes. Note that the comma separating the subfields must be specified in spite of the first sub-field having been omitted. Otherwise, the expression in parentheses is assumed to be a length code and the displacement AREA is considered an implied address. The second groun of SS instructions requires the length specification in the first operand only. The operation codes for this group are summarized in Figure 19. In Basic Assembler language, these instructions are written as follows: Op-Code Dl (L,B1) ,D2 (B2) when using explicit add£essing, S1(L),S2 when using implied addressing. or Op-Code The length may be explicit or implied, but the comma separating the sub-fields in the first operand must be entered, even if the length code in an explicit address is omitted. o M VC F LD A (5) , W0 RK (8 ) instruc- The length code in the first operand is replaced by the unit and functions specification. In explicit addressing, the length code becomes redundant if the length is implied in the symbol specified as the displacemen t. r----T--------~ (XIO) AREA(X'22') ,50 This instruction causes 50 card columns to be read on the assigned card-reading device. The data is read into the storage location named AREA. For detailed explanations, refer to the section In£B!LQ~iEut l!l~iru£tion§.. There are 3 types of operations: 1. Binary arithmetic operations. 2. Decimal arithmetic operations. 3. Non-arithmetic operations. These operations differ not only in their internal logic but also in the format of data, use of registers, and format of instructions. Some operations set a condition code in bits two and three of the Program status Word (PSW). This condition code indicates the relationship (less than/greater than, zero, negative, positive etc.) between the ·two operands as a result of the last operation effecting the condition code setting. For details ab~~t the PSW see the SRL publica tion 112I.:L~1 st~.!!!L..}§Q_ Model_~.Q_K~n£iiQn al ~Baracteristi£§, Form A26-5847. BINARY ARITHMETIC Binary arithmetic is used by binary instructions for operands like addresses, indexes, counters, and binary data. The length of each operand is one halfword including the sign. Negative numbers are, given in the twos-complement form. The first operand must be in one of the general Machine-Instruction Statements 49 registers. The other operand may be either in a register or in main storage. For detailed information refer to the SRL publication IBM SystemL360 Model 20 Functional fh~±actg£istic§# Form A26-5847. Binary numbers have a fixed length of one halfword=16 bits. The first (leftmost) bit contains the sign, the other 15 bits the binary value. Binary numbers may be stored in one of the general registers or in main storage. In main storage, the address of the left byte must be even. Binary halfword r i , ISignlBinary Value I o 15 Binary numbers are represented as signed integers. Positive numbers are represented in true form with a O-bit as sign. Negative numbers are in the twos-complement form with a 1-bit as sign. The twoscomplement form is found by reversing each bit (0 to 1 and 1 to 0) and adding a 1 to the rightmost bit. Rl indicates a general register containing the first binary number and R2 a general register containing the second binary number. R1 and R2 may refer to the same register. The result of an instruction in the RR-Format replaces the first operand. I I I I lOp-code IRl 10000182 _____ - - i -___ ____ i - -__ ~ ~ o 7 11 15 D2 ~ ___________ J 19 20 R1 indicates a general register contain~ ing the first operand. The address of the second operand. is indicated by the fields 82 and D2 in one of two ways. Either they give the address directly (05 B2 5 3) or an effective address is formed by adding the contents of the register named in the B2-field (8 ~ B2 5 15) to the relative address given in the D2-field. The result of an Format replaces the tion: After "Store replaces the second operation in the RXfirst operand. ExcepHalfword" the result operand. Highest possible positive number: r *first operand compared to second. , I 31 r , r--------I I I I I I I Condi tion c:> de 100 101 110 \11\ I I I I ~ I IAdd register Izero I zerol- I Isubtract register Izero I zerol - I ICompare halfword* lequall low I highl- I IAdd halfword Izero I zerol- I Isubtract halfword Izero I zerol- I L---_______________ L -____L -____ L - - ___ L __ J A zero is always positive by definition. The absolute value of the lowest possible negative number is higher by one than the highest possible positive nu~ber. o o 101111111111111111=2 15 -1=+32767 L-_______________ J o 15 Lowest possible negative number: r----------------, 110000000000000001=(2 15 ) =-32768 L ________________ J o 15 Error conditions that may occur during the execution of binary operations are: 1. Operation c:>de invalid. 2. Addressing error: a. ~~£hi!l~_IQ£.!!!~l~Q.LI!l~.t.I.l!£1.iQ.ll~_fQL~i!l~.u Q.Eg!:~!iQ!l§ Binary operations RX- Forma t. ~re in the RR or b. c. r--------T----,----, lOp-code IRl IR2 L _____ - - - L____ L-___ J o 50 7 11 1 r:; System/360 Modpl 20 Basic Assembler Language <.1. An instruction address or an ope ran dad d r es s ref er s tot h E-~ protected first 144 bytes of main storage (addresses 0 to 143). An instruction address or dn operand address is outside available storage. The last (high(~st) main-storage position contains any part of an instruction that i~:; to be executed. The R1:>r R2 fi(~ld,; of a binary instruction contain binary values 0 through 7. o 3. 0 Specification error: a. b. c. Assume register 8 con tains hexadecimal 0123 and register 9 con tains hexadecimal 0532. ~~£lg: The low-oraer bit of an instruction address is one, i.e., no halfword boundary. The halfword second operand is not located on a half word boundary. Bi ts 12 through 15 of an RX format instruction are not all zero. 4. Binary overflow check. 5. CPU parity error. Source statement: Op-code R1 R2 AR 8,9 From this sourc e sta tement the Basic Assembler creates th E following object code: T Op-code INSTRUCTIONS FOR BINARY ARITHMETIC Forma t: RR Op-code Machine instruction: 1A AR R1,R2 Function: The contents of the first operana-field are added to the contents of the second operand field. The result is stored in the register specified by the first operand. Thp second operand remains unchanged. The sign is determined by the rules of algebra. A zero rpsult is always positive. A sum consisting of more than 15 numeric bits plus the sign caus~s an overflow. In detail, this is what haprens: First all 16 bits of both operands are added. The result is correct if the addition results in a carry out of both the sign-bit position and the high order numeric-bit position or in no carry at all. However, if the addition causes a carry out of only one of the two positions a binary overflow will take rlace. ~ot~: An overflow will change the sign of the result. o 00 01 10 R2 I I 1A 8 _____ 9 ~ I _ _J , I 1 I I I IName 10p-codelFormatlMnemonicl i-1 I I , I Add Register ,1A I RR I AR I I Subtract Register 1 1 B I R R I SR I I Store Halfword 1 40 I RX I STH I ILoad Halfword 1 48 I RX I LH I I RX I CH I I Compare Halfword ,49 I Add Ha I f w0 r d 1 Ig I RX I AH I I RX I SH I I Subtract Halfwordt 413 o R1 ~------------+I-------+----~ ~ r ~------, I Result=zero Result zero After execut ion register 8 contains hexadecimal 0655. The condition code is 10. Format: RR o p-code Machine instruction: 1B SR R 1, R 2 Fun~tion: The contents of the second operand field are subtracted from the contents of the first operand field. The result will be in the register specified by R1. Both operands and the result consist of 15 numeric bits plus the sign. The second operand remains unchanged. The subtraction is performed by adding the twos-complement of the second operand to the first operand. All 16 bits of both operands are added. If this results in a carry out of both the sign-bit position and the high order numeric-bit position or in no carry at all, then the result is correct. If there is, however, a carry out of only one of the two positions a binary overflow will occur. A register may be cleared to zero by subtraction from itself. There is no twos-complement for the highest negative number. This number remains unchanged when a complementation is performed. Nonetheless, the subtraction is still executed correctly. 00 01 10 Result==zer:> Resul t zero Assume register 0 contains hexadecimal 047F and register q contains hexadecimal 0007. ]~~~El~: r.achine-Instruction statements 51 Source statement: specified by Rl. The second operand remains unchanged. Op-code R 1 R'2 8, 1.1 SR From this source statement the Basic Assembler credtes the following object code: .---------,--~, 1 0 p- co del R 1 I R 2 I ~---. -+--+-~ I 1B o ~~amElg: Assume register 9 contains hexadecimal AAAA, register 12 contains 0032, the displacement in the second operand is lF4 (decimal 500) , and the field starting at storage l:>cation hexadecimal 226 (decimal 550) contains 80AF. I 18 I D I '--_ _ _ _ _.J.. __ L - - J Sour ce st atem ent : After execution register 8 contains hexadecimal 03A8. The condition code is 10. Op-code R1 D2 X2=0 B2 9,500(0,12) L.H From this source statement the Basic Assembler creates the following object code: Forma t: RX 40 Op-code Machine instruction: STH I R 1 ,D 2 (0 , B 2) .--.----,--T---' IOp-cod e IR1IX2=0IB2ID2 I ~---+ Function: The contents of the register specified by Rl are stored in the half word at the main-storage location addressed by B2 and D2. The first operand remains unchanged. I 48 ~ I 19 I 0 -t--+----i _ _ _ - - L - - L -___ IC 11F41 ~_~ __ J After execution register 9 contains hexadecimal 80AF. ~~~~£1~: Assume register 9 contains hexadecimal 68AF, register 11 contains hexadecimal 001E, and the displacement in the second operand is hexadecimal 29E (decimal 670) • Source statement: Op-code R1 STH D2 X2=0 B2 9,670(0,1') From this source statement the Basic Assembler creates the following object code: r • ~ • I RX Op -code Machine instruction: (~) 49 CH R1 ,D2 {O, B2} Iun£tiQ.!l: The 16 bits 0 f the register specified by R1 are compared with the halfword at the main storage location addressed by B2 and D2. The comparison is algebraic, i.e., the signs must be taken into consideration. B:>th operands remain unchanged. A condition code is set. , IOp-codeIRlIX2~0IB2ID2 00 01 10 I I I -t 19 l O I S 129EI l-------+-_+_ I 40 Format: First operand=second operand First operand(second operand First operand>second operand L Exam£1e: After execution the field starting at storage location hexadecimal 2BC (decimal 700) contains 68AF. Assume register 9 contains hexa- decimal 0001, the displacement in the second operand is hexadecimal 690 {decimal 1680}, and register 13 contains hexadecimal 0026, and the halfword at storage location hexadecimal 6B6 is AF99. Source statement: Format: RX 48 Op-code Op- code R 1 D2 Machine instruction: I.H CH I]n£ii2n: The hal~word at the main storage location addressed by B2 and D2 is placed into the 16 bit positions of the register 52 X2=0 B2 R1,D2(0,B2) 9,1680{0,13) From this source statement the Basic Assembl er cr eat es t he following object code: System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o Machine instruction: r-----~-~~___r___, IOp-codeIRlIX2=0182ID2 I .. I I I +--~ IL-_____ 49 I~ I 0 ID 1 690 1 __ i - - - - i - - i -__ J ~ After comparison the resulting condition code setting will he: 10. RX Op-code R 1 , D 2 (0 , D2) Function: This instruction is identical to the-Ada-Halfword instruction with the following exce~tion: The twos-complement of the second operand, addressed by B2 and D2, is added in place of the true value. 00 01 10 Format: SH Resu It =z ero Result ze ro 4A ~~amplg: Machine instruction: AH R1,D2(0,82) K~nc!iQn: The hal~word in main storage, addressed by B2 ann D2, is added to the 16 bits of the register specified by Rl. The sign is determined by the rules of algebra. A zero result is positive by definition. Assume register 9 contains hexadecimal 047F, register 11 contains hexadecimal 0050, the displacement in the second operand is hexadecimal 320 (decimal 800), and the field starting at storage location hexadecimal 370 (decimal 880) contains hexadecim al 00 D7 • Source statement: If the resultinq sum is larger than 15 bits plus the sign, an overflow occurs. All 16 bits of both operands are added. If there is a carry out of both the sign-bit position and the high-order numeric bit position or if there is no carry at all, the result is correct. A binary overflow will occur if there is a carry out of only one position. A condition code is set. o Op-code Rl D2 SH X2=0 B2 9,800 (0, 11) From this source statement the Basic Assembler creates the following object code: I i i I i IOp-codeIRlIX2=0IB2I TI 2 1 ~----+--+----+--+---~ I 4B I9 I 0 I B I 3201 00 01 10 Resul t=zero Resul t zero L- After execution register 9 contains hexadecimal 03A8 and the condition code is 10. ~~~m~l~: Assume register 9 contains hexadecimal 047F, register 11 contains hexadecimal 0028, the displacement in the second operand is lEA (decimal 490), and the field at storage location hexadecimal 212 (530) contains hexadecimal 1F29. Source statement: Op-code Rl D2 Decimal arithmetic can be performed only with data in packed format. Packed format means that there are two digits in one byte except for the low order byte. It contains one digit and the sign. X2=O 82 After execution register 9 contains hexadecimal 23A8 and the condition code is 10. Data is transferred to and from the external I/O devices in zoned format. Thus, the data has to be packed and unpacked bef3re and after processing respectively. In zoned format, each byte contains a zone in the left halfbyte and a digit in the right halfbyte except the last one which contains the sign and a digit. The add re ss in an instru ction always s pecifies the left-most byte of the operand. The length field in an assembled instruction indicates how many bytes are part of the operand in addition to the addressed (left) byte. Format: Decimal operations are performed in main storage. The operands have a length from AH 9,490(0,11} From this source statement the Basic Assembler creates the following object code: i r-----~__,__ 1__' IOp-codeIRlIX2=0IB2ID2 I .. 1 14A 19 10 L-_ _ _ _ o DECIMAL ARITHMETIC 1 -L-~ RX I __ I 1 IB IlEAl ~~_~ Op-code 4B Machine-Instruction Statements 53 1-16 bytes. A field may start at any address including an odd one. In zoned format there may be a maximum of 16 digits, in the packed format a maximum of 31 digits plus the sign in a field. The two operands may be of different length. Multiplicand and divisor are restricted to a maximum of 15 digits plus the sign. Machine Formats of Instructions for Decimal Arithmetic Decimal operations have the SS format: • i i i -.-~------, IOp-codelL1 IL2 IB1 The values in the operand fields are assumed to be right aligned, with leading zeros where required. The operands are processed as integers from right to left. If a result extends beyond the field indicated by the address and the length field, the extending (high order) part is ignored and the condition code is set to 11. Fields specifien in a decimal-arithmetic instruction may overlap only if the rightmost bytes coincide. Exception: with the ZAP instruction an overlap to the right is permissable. R~E£esentation 7 11 15 19 31 D2 I 47 35 I The fields B1 and D1 give the mainstorage address of the left byt e of the first operand field; L1 gives its length. In the Basic Assembler created object code, the number of bytes in a field is equal to the length c~de minus one. The instruction fields B2, D2, and L2 give the respective information for the second operand. The address ~f the leftmost byte is found by adding the contents of the register specified in the B-field and the contents of the D-field. of Numbers Decimal numbers consist of binary coded digits and a sign. The decimal digits 0-9 are represented in the four bit code by the bit combinations 0000-1001. The combinations 1010-1111 are reserved for representations of a sign (+,-). 1011 and 1101 represent a minus, the other four combinations a plus. The representations 1100, 1101, 1010, and 1011 are created during calculations in main storage. Negative numbers are represpnted in true form. The two decimal formats are: Packed decimal numher r----------~----------~----------~ I Byte I Byte Byte I I I I I I IDigitlDigitlDigitlDigitlDigitlSign ~ L o I B2 I D1 o The result of a decimal operation replaces the first operand. It cannot occupy more storage area than indicated in the B,D, and L fields. The second operand remains unchanged. Exception: overlapping fields. The general registers are not affected by decimal operations. The results af the decimal operations listed in the table below set a condition code. rI 00 I 01 I 10 I 11 , I r-----+-------+-------+-------+----------~ I ZAP I cp* lAP ,SP Zoned decimal number I I zero I equal I zero 'zero I zero I I I low I high I I , zero , overflow I I _ zero overflow, _____ _ _____ , __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J ~ ~ ~ r---------~----------r----------~ Rvh:~ -.I -- Byte ! Byte 1 I I I , I I I IZone IDigitlZone ,DigitlSign IDigitl L ______ ____ ____- A _ J ! ~ ~ ,.A.-_ _ _ _ ...L.._ _ _ _ _ All other decimal operations leave the condition code unchanged. o 54 system/360 Modpl 20 Dasic Assembler Langudge o INSTRUCTIONS FOR DECIMAL ARITHMETIC The following error condition& may occur during the execution of decimal arithmetic operations: 1. Operation code invalid. 2. Addressing error: a. b. c. 3. Specification error: a. b. o c. 4. An instruction address or an operand address refers to the protected first 144 bytes of main storage. An instruction address or an operand address is outside available storaqe. An instruction occupies the last two (highest) main-storage positions. The low-order bit of an instruction address is one, i.e., no halfword boundary. For Zero and Add, Compare Decimal, Add Decimal, and Subtract Decimal instructions the length code L2 is greater than the length code L1. For Multiply Decimal and Divide Decimal instructions, the length code L2 is greater than 7 or greater than or equal to the length code L1. Data error: a. b. A sign or digit code of an operand in the Zero and Add, Compare Decimal, Add Decim aI, su btr act Decimal, Multiply Decimal, or Divide Decimal instruction is incorrect, or the operand fields in these instructions overlap incorrectly. The first operand in a Multiply Decimal instruction has insufficient high-order zeros. r ---T-------T----~--------, lOp-code FormatlMnemonicl IName -+ ---+--------~ I I Move with Offs Et I F1 ss I £'II VO I I F2 SS I P A CK I IPack ss I UNPK I I F3 I Unpack IZero and Add SS I ZAP I I F8 I Compare Decim al SS I CP I I F9 1 Add Decimal SS I AP 1 I FA ISubtract Decimal 1 FB SS I SP I IMultiply Decimal I FC SS I MP I IDivide Decimal SS I _________ DP I I FD ________________ ______ ______ J ~ ~~ Form at: SS Op -co de ~ ~ F1 Machine instruction: MVO D1 (L1,B1) ,D2(L2,B2) The contents of the second operand field are moved to the location specified by the first operand. The move is executed with an offset of half a byte (one digi~ to the left. The right halfbyte of the first operand remains unchanged. There is no check for validity. The fields need not have e~ual lengths. Leading zeros are inserted if the first operand is longer than the second. If the second operand is longer than the first, the high-order digits ·of the second operand are ignored. fQnctio~: The move proceeds from right to left one byte at a time. The second operand may overlap the first excluding the rightmost byte of the first operand. ~~~~~: Assume register 12 contains hexadecimal 0250, register 15 contains hexadecimal 040F, the displacement given in both operands is zero, storage location hexadecimdl 40F contains hexadecimal 123456, and storage location hexadecimal 250 contains hexadecimal 77 88 99 OC. Source statement: Op-code D1 L1 B1D2 L2 B2 5. Decimal divide check: The resultant quotient in a Divide Decimal instruction exceeds the specified data field instruction (including division by zero) or the dividend has no leading zero. M VO o CPU parity error. a (3 , 15) From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: r- 6. 0 ( 4 , 1 2) , i i i T---T--"---' IOp-codeIL 1 IL2I B1 ID1 IB21D2 I 1--------+--+ 1 I I I , I F1 13 12 Ie 1000lF 10001 ...l.-_...l.- __ ...l.-_.L-__ J Machine-Instruction Statements 55 After execution the field at location hexadecimal 250-253 contains hexadecimal 01 23 45 6C. Format: SS Op-code F2 Machine instruction: PACK D1 (L 1, B 1) , D2 (L 2, B2) Function: The unpacked content of the second-operand field is packed and placed into the first operand field. The second operand field must contain an unpacked decimal number. It may have a maximum size of 16 bytes. There is no check for validity of digits and sign. The lengths of the fields need not be equal. Leading zeros are inserted if the first operand fieln is too long for the result. The high-order digits of the second operand are ignored if the first operand field is too short for the result. The fields are processed from right to left one byte at a time. field. The second operand field must contain a packed decimal number. Sign and digits are n~t checked for validity. After processing, the zoned decimal number in the first operand contains the sign (high-order four bit~ and one digit in the rightmost byte. Each of the other bytes contains a zone and a digit. The fields are processed from right to left. If the first operand field is'~too long it is filled with leading zeros. If the first operand field is too short to contain all the digits of the second operand, the leading digits are ignored. The operands may overlap but you must exercise caution. o I Assume register 10 contains hexadecimal OFAO, the displacement in the first operand is hexadecimal FB4, that in the second operand is hexadecimal 65, and location hexadecimal 1004-1007 contains hexadecimal 01 23 45 6D. ]~~~~: Source statement: Assume register 11 contains hexadecimal 044A, register 9 contains hexadecimal 02CO, the displacement in the first operand is hexadecimal 244, in the second operand it is hexanecimal 180, and that storage location hexadecimal 440-444 contains hexadecimal ~1 F2 F3 F4 C5. ~KamEl~: Op-code 01 UNPK Op-code 01 Ll Bl PACK D2 L2 B2 4020(5,10) ,100(4,10) --'-~-T-_'_---T--T--' IOp-code1L11L21B1101 IB21021 I I I I I I t----1 I F3 14 13 IA IFB41A 1651 L_ _ _ _ _ ~~_~ __ ~ __ ~_~_J 580 (4, 11) ,184 (5,9) From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the ~ollowing object code: r-----~_,_-~ i After execution the field at storage location hexadecimal 6RE contains 00 12 34 5C. Format: SS Op-code F3 Machine instruction: UNPK D1{L1,B1) ,D:'.(L2,B:?) 1~n£1iQn: After execution location hexa~ecimal 1FS41F58 contains F2 F3 F4 F5 06. i-'-----' IOp-codeILlIL2IBllT11 IB2102 I J----_+_ I I I +-+---{ I F2 1314 IB 12441911801 The packed contents of the second operand fieJd are changed to zoned format and stored in the first operand 56 D2 L2 B2 From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: I Source statement: L1 Bl Format: S5 Op-code F8 Machine instruction: ZAP D1 (Ll,Bl) ,D2(L2,B2) functign: The first operand field is zeroed out and the contents of the second operand field are placed into the first operand field. This operation is (~quiva lent to an addit ion into d zero-field. The second operand must be in packed format. A zp.ro result is po~)itiv(~ by (lefinition. The sp.cond operand may b(~ short(~r th,ln th~~ first operand. If th(~ second oI)(~ri1nd is long(~r, then il machine stop occurs and th(~ ins t rue t ion i!:; not (~ x e cut e (1. System/360 Modpl 20 Basic Assembler Language o o Processing proceeds from right to left. All digits and the sign of the second operand are checked for validity. High order zeros are supplied if needed. The fields may overlap if the rightmost byte of the first operand is coincident with, or to the right of, the rightmost byte of the second operand. 00 01 10 Note the difference between "Compare Decimal Packed" and "Compare Logical Characters" (CLC). CP: comparison proceeds from right t6 left, t.he sign, zero, and invalid characters are considered, and fields of unequal length are extended. Result=zero Resul t zero ~x~~l~: Assume register 10 contains hexadecimal 01F4, the displacement in the first operand is hexadecimal 294, that in the second operand is hexadecimal 37A, and storage location h~xadecimal 56E cohtains 01 23 4D. CLC: Comparison proceeds from left to right, the sign and invalid characters are not co n sid er e d . 00 01 10 Source statement: o p- cod e The contents of both operand fields do not change. An overflow cannot occur. The two fields may overlap if the rightmost bytes coincide. Therefore, it is possible to compare a number to itself. D1 L 1 B 1 First operand=second operand First operand zero '0 v e r flo w 00 01 10 11 ];.!~l!u?lg: Assume register 8 contai.ns hexadecimal 00 14 storage location 329 (hex adecimal) cont~ins 00 '2 2D, storage location 500 (hexadecimal) contains 01 00 OC, the displacement in the first operand i5·315 (hexadecimal)1 and that in the second operand is 4EC (hexadecimal). Source statement: Op-code D1 L1 B1 ,AP 'D2 L2· B2 Assume register 9 contains (hexadecimal) 00t8,register8 contains (hexadecimal) 012C, storage location 898 (hexadecimal) contains 012C, storage loea'tion CE4 (hexadecimal) contains 008C, the dis'~lacement in the first operand is7DO (hexadecimal) , and tha t in the second operand is BB8 (hexadecimal). £;.xam£l~: Source statement: 789 (3,8) ,1')60 (3,8) Op-code From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the ~ollowing object code: ,--------T--,- I, I I SP r o 2000(2,9) ,3000(2,8) I 1--'--'-- IOr-codeIL1IL2IB1ID1 .L_-.L _ _ ..J 1 1 FB After executio'n storage location 329 decimal), contains no 77 ,8C. D1 L" B 1 D2 L2 B2 From this soutce statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: ---r--, IOp-code1L11L21B11Dl IB21D2 I ~--,--4-- I I I +--+---~ , I FA 12 I 2 18 111 5 I 8 14 EC I. L-_ _ ,-__ J.._-..l.. Result=zer~ Result(zerb Result>zero Overflow (hexa- 1-' IB21D2 I -+-+-~+--+---+-+~--~ 111119 17DOl8 IRn81 L ___ - - . L _ L - - L - - L - - . L _ L - - _ . . J After execution storage locatioh 898 (hexadecimal) contains OOAO. Th(~ condition code is 10. Format: S5 Or-code FB Machine instruction: SP D1(L1,B1) ,D2(L2,B2) Fo rm d t : funct!.Q..!!: The contents of the second operand field are subtracted from the contents of the first operand field. The result is placed into the first operand field. The sign is determined by the rules of algebra. A zero result is positive by definition. Exception: A zero result remaining in case of an over·flow may, possibly have a minus sign. 58 System/J60 Modpl 20 Basic Assembler (~(~ Op-code FC Machine instruction: MP Dl(Ll,B1) ,D2(L2,B2) I!!.!l~i'!'Q.!l: The multiplicand in th(~ first field is multiplied by t.he multiplier in the second operand fi('~ld. The IJroduct is placed into ,thf~ first ()IH~rancl fif~lrl. The second oper'dnd may havc~ cl mdximum of 1c) c1i{jits (L2=7) plu!. t.h(~!.:;i:gn 7 or L2 ~ Ll a program error halt occurs and the instruction is not executed. from the address value of the implicit address). Source statement: The length of the product is equal to the sum of the lenaths of multiplier and mUltiplicand. Therefore the multiplicand must be expanded with leading zeros by the number of bytes of the multiplier. Otherwise a hal t occurs. An overflow is not possible. The product may have a maximum length of 30 digits plus the sign. It contains at least one leading zero. The factors and the result are considered to be signed integers. The sign is determined by the rules of algebra. The operand fields may overlap if their rightmost bytes coincide. Thus, it is possible to square a number. Op-code D1 L 1 81 D2 L2 B2 PROD, HAND ZAP Basic Assembler produced object code: I I I T--r I I i I 0 p- co del L1 I L2 I B 1 I D1 I B2 I D2 I II I +--+----+-+--~ I F8 14 11 IC IB031C IBOll '--- and Op-code Dl L1 B1 D2 L2 B2 You can save computing time by using the larger of the two factors as the second operand. MP EQ1~: PROD,MOR I I I ~-T---T--'---' IOp-codelL1lL2lBllDl IB21D2 1 I -+ I 1 I I 1 • 1 FC 14 12 IC IB031C IAFEI , 0 = produ ct = PROD Mul tiplicand x multiplier MAND x MOR 2. Length MAND 3. The MAND must be right-aligned and have leading zeros ~efore the multiplication is executed. MOR MAND PROD L--.L-_.L-_J . DS DS DS 1 MAND I I I 14215CI ~ I I I PROD,MAND I PROD,~OR I I I I CL3 I CL2 I CL5 I I I __________________ J I ~ o I I l I 13712119DI MOR -, r------T ZAP r-!P , length MOR = length PROD I Name I Operation I Operand lI +- 1 2 I The result of the two instructions is shown in Figure 22. 1• + .L-_.L-__.L- I Assume the Basic Assembler has allocated storage location (hexadecimal) lC92 to sta-. tement MOR. Then, HAND has location lC95 amd PROD has location lC97. Further assume that the storage locations implicitly addressed by MOR and HAND contain 37219D and 425C respectivply and register 12 cont a ins (h e x a dec i I". a I ) 1 1 9 4 • (T h e Bas i c Assembler. automatically calculates the displacement shown in the object coding by subtracting the contents of register 12 PROD before multiplication I I I .1 I I 10010010014215CI L__ ~~ __ ~~ __ ~ PROD after multiplication I I I 1 I I 10115811810715DI L--L-~ __~~__~ !Q.!.~"!' Maximum length of product is 16 bytes; maximum Ilength of MOR is 8 bytes. L Figure 22. Format: SS Decimal Multiplication Op-code FD Machine instruction: DP D1 (L 1, B1) , D2 (L2, B2) Machine-Instruction Statements 59 . . Function: The dividend in .the .firs·t operand-field is divided by the divisor in the second operand field. The quotient and the remainder are placed into the first operand field. The quotient occupies the left part of the first operand, .L.e. the address of the quotient is the same as the address of the dividend. The remainder occupies the right part of the first operand and has a l~ngth equal to that of the divisor! Th~ quotient an~ the remainder togethei occupy the entire ~ividend field (first operand). This means the dividend field must be large enouqh to accomodate a divisor of maxi~um lenoth an~ a quotient of maximum length. 'In the extreme case the diyiden~ field has to be expanded wit'h zeros to the left by the number of bytes of the di visor. The length of the quotient field (in bytes) is Ll-L2. The div.isor, field may have a maximum of 15 digits plus the sign and must be smaller than the dividend field. If L2 > 7 or L2 ~ Ll a halt occurs and the operation is not execu~~d. The dividend must have at least one leading zero or a hal~ o6curs and the operation is not . executed. 3. The dividend must be right-aligried with at least one leading zero before the division is performed. r--- -.---~---~------------~-~, I IName IOperationlOperand I I I r,---t ~ 1 1 I I I I. ·1 1 DEND IDOR - 1 PROFE I ZAP DP PROFE,DEND PRO FE, DaR. DS DS DS CL4 CL2 CL5 1 I L _____L--________ .~ ______________________ ~ Assume the Basic Assembler has allocated storage locations as tollows: DEND hexadecimal A09, PROFE hexadecimal F40, and DOH hexadeci~al CAC. Register 9 contaihs hexadecimal 0400. The Basic Assembler automatically calculat~s the displacements for the two operands by subtracting the contents of register 9 from the respective storage address values. The source and object codings for the ZAP and DP are: Source statement: Dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder are signed integers. The sign is determined according to the rules of ~lge bra from the ~igns of dividend and divisor. The sign of the remainder is always identical to the sign o~ the dividend. This also holds true if the quotient or the re~ainder are zero. o Op-code Dl Ll B1 D2 L2 82 ZAP o PROFE ,DEND Basic Assembler produced object code: r --r--r--T--T' I -, 10 p- cod elL 1 1L2 I B 1 I DliB 2 I D2 I If the quotient contains more than 29 digits plus the sign, or if the dividend has no leading zero, then' a halt occurs and the operation is not executed~ The divisor and the dividend r~main unchang~d and there is no overflow. The two operands may overlap if their rightmost bytes coincide. ~~--+~-+--+---+--~-~~ I F8 14 13 19 175819 16091 .,L-L-- I ~. and Source statement: Op-code Dl Ll Bl n2 L2 82 DP 1. 2. Di vidend DEND Divisor DO~ Basic Assembler produced object code:. = Quotient QUOT Length of procpssing field QUOT + length nOR length r maximum length of proce$sing field (PROFE) = length DEN D +- len gt h DOR (packed bytes). System/360 Model 20 Basi~ -'--'-~T--T-~-T--'---' lOp-code 1 L llL 21 B11 Dl I 821 D2 I 1-----+-+ I I 1 +--1 1 FD 14 11 19 175819 ISACI L 60 PROFE ,DaR -L-_-L-_L- __ -L-_...l....-__ J The results of the two instructions dre shown in Figure 23. Assembler Language o o --------------, r--- I I I I I I I I 12719513 4 13CI DEND Variable Length I i I i Icharacterlcharacterl L----'-_-'-__..L.---1 I o I I I I I I I I I I DOR 12113CI L_~~ Quotien t: I I I I I I PROFE 11311213CI1414CI ~-L The EDIT operation only handles data of packed format. The other instructions ha nd Ie all bi t com bi n a tio ns • _ _ ~ _ _~-J Quotient and remaindet each have their own siqn. MQ!~~ Maximum length of quotient is 16 bytes; maximum length of DOR is 8 bytes. L- -1 Figure 23. 15 7 8 In storage-to-storage (S5) operations, the fields may start at any address with exception of the first 144 bytes, which are reserved. The maximum lenr;th of a field is 256 byte s. I mme d i ate d a t a is 1 i mit edt 0 a length of one byte. I0012719~13413CI ~~__~_.I_-i-_J PROFE -, Icharacter I _ _..L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Decimal Division Storage-t~-storage instructions may have overlapping operands. The result of overlapping depends on the particular operation. Overlapping does not influence the operation if the operands remain unchanged (e.g. in a comparison). If one or both change, however, execution of the operation may be influenced by the overlapping and by the manner in w tich the data are rounded off and stored. NON-ARITHMETIC OPEPATIONS o There are special instructions for the nonarithmetic processing of data. The operands are processed one byte at a tim~. In some cases the left four bits and the right four bits of a byte are treated separately. Processing of data fields in main storage proceeds from left to right. A field may start at any address excluding the reserved areas. In non-arithmetic operations the operand fields are c6nsidered t6 contain alphameric data. An ex~eption is the Edit-instruction which requires packed decimal numbers in the second operand field. The data are either in main storage or in the instruction itself. 'They may be a single character or an entire field. If two operands are used they must be of equal length. Exception: the Edit-instruction. The two formats for non-arithmetic data are: Fixed Length o r---------, lsingle I Icharacter I L _________ J a 7 Non-arithmetic instructions are either in the SI- or the SS-format. r------,-----T---T--------, IOp-codel 12 IB1 I D1 L ___ - - - - L _ _ _ ' _ - - L - - - L -__ , ____ -1 a 15 7 31 19 The address of the first operand field is the sum of the contents of the B1-and D1-fields. The operand has a length of one byte. The second operand also has a length of one byte but it is contained directly in the instruction. The result is placed into the first operand field. The general registe['s are not affected by an 51-instruction. r-------,-----T---T--------.--~--------, I ai) - co ue l L I B1 I L______ - L - - -_ _ - L ___L - a 7 15 19 D1 IB 2 I 31 D2 35 I J, 47 The address of the each operand field is the sum of the contents the respective Band D-fields. The first and second operand fields must have the same length. The ['esult of an operation in the S~ Format is placed into the first operand Machine-Instruction stdtement~ 61 INSTRUCTIONS FOR NON-ARITHMETIC OPERAT IONS field. The contents of the general registers remain unchanqed. i 1 1 I Opera tion I Code I Format I I I--I I ~ SI 92 I Move Immedia te (MVI) 1 J Move Characters (MVC) SS D2 I I SS Move Numerics (MVN) D1 1 I SS Move Zones (MVZ) D3 I I Compare Logical (CL I) SI 95 I I 5S D5 Co mp ar e Lo 9 i cal (CLC) I ·1 . DE SS Edi t (ED) 1 1 51 94 And (N I) 1 1 96 Or (OI) SI 1 I Test under Mask (TM) 51 91 I I SI 99 Hal t & Proceed (HPR) I J SS Translate (TR) DC 1 I ______ L--_______ I 1Name· Condition Code After Non-Arithmetic Q£eratIon~------------------------- . The results of the operations determine the condition code. Move-operations do not set a code. In case of the EDIT-instruction the condition code indicates the' status of the field to be transferred into the mask. Table of condition codes: ~ ,--- i i i , ~l ~~ ~ ·1 I 1.0 () I a1 I 10 I f1 I .-------------;I-----rl-------rl--- ~-~~ 1Test under Mask I zero I mixed 1-lone I lAnd Izero Inot zerol-I-~ I ICompare Logicalleguaillow Ihigh 1-- I lOr Izero Inot zerol-1-- I IEdit Izeio I zero 1-- I ______________ ____ L ~J Format: Op-code SI 92 Machine Instruction: MVI D1(B1),I2 o Error conditions which may occur during the execution of non-ar~thmetic operations are: 1. Operation code invalid 2. Addressing error a. An instruction address or an operand ad~ress refers to the prote~ted first 144 bytes of main storage (addresses a to 143). b. An instruction address or an operand adnress is outside available ~torage. . c. The last (highest) main-storage position ~ontains ariy part of an instruetion that is to be executed. ]xa.!!!.E1,g: Assume reg,ister 10 contains (hexadecimal) 082E,storage location A22 (hexadecimal) contains A, the displacement in th~ first operand is 1F4, and the immediate data is the $. Source statement: Op-code D1 B1 MVI 12 500(10),C'$' From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: r i T---·'I i Inn_~n~~IT~IQ1In1 I '-'1:' 3. Specific~tion error The low-order bit of an irtstruction address is one, i.e., no halfword boundary. I 192 ....... ...., \..ol ~ I ... L" I j.J , I LJ I I I I 1--1 .15BIA 11F4J .L-__ J After execution storage location A22 contains $. Data error An invalid digit code is contained within the second operand field of an Edit operation. Format :SS 5. CPU parity error. Machine instruction: MVC D1(L,B1),D2(B2) 62 System/360 Modei 20 Basic Assembler Lan~uage 4. 0 Op-code· D2 o o Function: The contents of the second operana-field are placed into the first operand field. Processing is performed from left to right one byte at a time. (hexadecimal) , and that in the second operand is 66 (hexadecimal). The two operand fields may overlap. If the first operand field is to the left of the second operand field, then transfer will proceed correctly. If the first operand field is exactly one byte to the right of the secon~ operand field, then this byte will be propagated throughout the first operand fiel~. Op-code Source statement: D1 L B1 MVZ D2 B2 100(1,10) ,102(10) From this source statement the Basic Assembler "produces the following object code: I i i i i i IOp-codelL IBllDl £~ndition Code: No change. I I I lOlA 10641A 106 6 1 I D3 ~.!amplg: Assume register 11 contains (hexadecimal) 0258, register 15 contains (hexadecimal) 04BO, storage location 3E8 (hexadecimal) contains optional data, storage location 7DO (hexa~ecimal) contains C9 C2 D4, the displacement in the first operand is 190 (hexadecimal), and that in the second operand is 120 (hexadecimal). , j ss Op-code Form at: Op-code Machine instruction: MVN D1 (L,B1) ,D2 (B2) D1 L B1 D2 B2 D1 400(3,11) ,POO(15) From this source statement the Basic Assembler Froduces the ~ollowing object code: I I J After execution storage location 8F4-8F7 contains F4 F3 F2 F1. Source statement: MVC o IB21D2 1 +--+--+---1 -.- j IOp-codelL I r---+--+-I I D2 i j IB11D1 ,B21D2 '1 I ~ 12 IB 1190,F 13201 After execution storage location 3E8 contains C9 C2 D4. Format: SS Op-code D3 Machine instruction: MVZ D1(L,Bl) ,D2(~2) Function: The low order four bits (the numerics) of each byte in the second operand field are placed, from left to right, into the corresponding low order four bits of the first operand field. The high order four bits (the zones) of each operand remain unchanged. The digits are not checked f or v alidi ty • The ope rand fields may overlap. £.Qnditi.2j! Code: No change. Example: Assume reg"ister 15 contains (hexadecimal) 7DA, storage location 8A4-8A 7 (hexadecimal) contains F4 F3 F2 C1, stor.:-age loca tion 96 A (h exadecimal) contain s F9 F 8 F7 D6, the displacement in the first operand is C8 (hexadecimal), and that in the second operand is 190 (hexadecimal). Source statement: XQnc!iQQ: The high-order four bits (the zones) of each byte in the second operand field are placed into the high-order four bits of the first operand field. The low order four bits (the numerics) of each byte remain unchanged. Movement is from left to right one byte at a time. The digits are not checked for validity. The operand fields may overlap. Op-code MVN D1 L B1 From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: I i i r-I D1 o Assume register 10 contains (hexadecimal) 0890, storage location 8F4-8F7 (hexadecimal) contains F4 F3 F2 C1, the displacement in thp. first operand is 64 B2 200(4,15),400(15) T I lOp-cadelL IB11D1 ~.!~mElg: D2 L________ I i -, IB21D2 I +--+--+--~ I 13 IF IOC81F 11901 L-~ __ ~ __ ~J_-L--~ Aft er ex ecu t ion storage contains F9 F8 F7 C6. IOCd tion 8 A4 -8 A7 Machine-Instruction Statements 63 Format: S.I Op-code 95 Machine instruction: CLI D1(Bl),I2 Special characters, lower case letters, upper case letters, digits (System/360 collating sequence). All 256 bit combinations are valid. first operand=second operand first operand~second operand first operand>second operand Assume register 15 contains (hexadecimal) 01F4, sto.rage location 5DC (hexadecimal) contains ~9, the displacement in the first operand is 3E8 (hexadecimal), and the immediate data is the letter A. ~~~~Elg: Comparison proceeds from left to right. All 256 bit combinations are valid. 00: 01: 10; first operand=second operand first operand(second operand first operand)second operand Assume register 11 contains (hexadecimal) 0320 storage location AFO-AF3 (hexadecimal) contains Dl D6 C8 D5., storage location 708-70B (hexadecimal) contains D1 D6 C5 E8, the displacement in the first operand is 7DO (hexadecimal), and that in the second operand is 3E8 (hexadecimal). ~Kam~: Source statement: Op-code Ctc D1 D1 B1 L B1 B2 From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: I -, 10 f- cod elL I B 1 I D 1 I B 21 D 2 I ~------+--+--+---+--+---~ I2 I D5 o 13 IB 17DOIB 13E81 -L~L C LI D2 2000(4,11),1000(11) r------,---,- Source statement: Op-code 0 Special characters, lower case letters, upper case letters, digits. Function: The eight-bit symbol of the immediate-data operand (the second operand) is compared to the contents of the first operand field. The result sets the condition code. The two bytes are treated as eight-bit unsigned binary values. This results in the following order of comparison: 00: 01: 10: All bits are treated alike as part of an unsigned binary quantity. The order of comparison is the System/360 collating sequence: __~~~__~ 100 0 ( 15) , C' A' From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: After having compared the third character the condition code setting will be 10. r-----,----.--~ I Op- code I I2 I B 1 I D1 , For-mat: ~------+--+--+-~ I 95 L_ _ _ _ --L_-L--L---J Op-code DE Machine instruction: ED Dl(L,B1),D2(B2) After execution the condition code setting is 10. Format: SS Op-code D5 Machine instruction: CLC D1(L,B1) ,D2(~2) Function: The contents of the first ~~e~i~d-field are compared with those of the second operand field. The fields may have a maximum length of 256 bytes. The comparison is terminated as soon as inequality is encountere n • 64 SS ICllF 13E81 Fu nction: The forma t of the so urce fi eld (the-second ~perand) is changed from packed to zoned and is edited under con~rol of the pattern field (t he first operand). The edited result replaces the pattern. The two fields must not overlap. Editing in cl u des s i g nan d pu nc t u a t ion con t r 0 I and the suppressing and protecting of leading zeros. It also facilitates programmed blanking of all-zero fields. Several numbers may be edited in one operation, and numeric information may be combined with alphabetic information. The length field d p P lies tot her a t t ern (t h (~ fir s top era n d) • It may h d V e a max i mu m 0 f 256 by t es • The pattern has unpacked format and may contain any character. The source (the second System/360 Modpl 20 Basic Assembler Language 0 o operand} has packed format and must contain valid decimal digit-and sign-codes. Its left half-byte must always contain one of the digits 0-9. The right half-byte may be a digit or a sign. Both operands are processed left to right one character at a time. Overlapping pattern- and sourcp.-fields give unpredictable results. A so-called s-trigger controls the Editoperation. Depending on various conditions during the operation the trigger is set either to ON or OFF. This setting determines whether a sonrce digit or a fill character is inserted into the result field. As mentioned be~ore, the pattern may contain any unpac:kp.d character. However, three Bit-combinations have special significance: (hexadecimal 20) = digit-select character 0010 0010 (hexadecimal 22) = fieldseparator character 00100001 (hexadecimal 21) = significancestart character. 3. o The field-separator character is used if several source fields are to be inserted into one pattern. By settin,] the S-trigger to OFF it causes every source field to be treated separately. The field-separator character is always replaced by the fill character. The significancp-start character sets the S-trigger to ON. Now every character in the pattern is replaced by the respective digit of the source field or the fill character. The S-trigger is set to OFF (0): 1. At the beginning of an Edit-operation. 2. By the field-spparator character in the pattern. 3. By a positive sign 1111). (lOll, 1101). During the processing of the left halfbyte the sign of the right half-byte is checked and set accordingly. If a sign coincides with a valid digit or with a significance-start character in one position of the result field, tIle the sign takes precedence and the S-trigger is set to OFF (0). The new S-trigger setting always takes effect with the subsequent position. The fill character, which under certain conditions, is placed into the result field, is always the first (left) character of a pattern; it is retained in the pattern (exception: the digit-select character and the significance-start character). The S-trigger in OFF position causes: 1. The digit-select character (hexadecimal 20) and/or the significance-start character (hexadecimal 21) to be replaced by a valid digit (1-9) from the source field. 2. The fill character to be stored in rlace of a zero in the source field. 3. The fill character to be stored in place of any character in the pattern (exception: the digit select and the significance start characters). 0010 0000 The digit-select character indicates a position in the result field into which the corresponding digit of the source field or a fill character is to be inserted. By a negative sign The S-trigger in ON position causes: 1. The digit-select and/or the significance-start character to be replaced by every digit (0- 9) from the source field. 2. A character in the pattern to remain unchanged (exception: the digitselect, field-separator, and significance-start characters). All digits in the result field receive the zone 1111. Condition Code: Th~-condition-code is set to: 1. (1010, The s- trigger is set to ON o (1-9) 1100, 1110, (1): 1. By a valid digit field. 2. By the significance-start character in the pattern. QQ if the source field contains only zeros. The setting of the S-trigger has no e ffeet • 2. Ql if the source field is not zero and the S-trigger is set to ON tive result) • of the source 3. (1) (Nega- 10 if the source field is not zero and the S-trigger is set to OFF (0). ( Po sit i v ere suI t) . Machine-Instruction statements 6S If several fields are edited with one pattern, then the condition code refers to t he field being processed. If th e p at tern has a field-separator in the last place, then the oondition code is set to zero. Source statement: Op-code D1 L ED The following symbols are used in the example: t!~ani!l51 b (hexadecimal 40) ( (hexadecimal 21 ) blank character significance-start character field-separator character digi t-select character , ,--, Processing proceeds left to right one character at a time as shown in Figure 24. Condition code=10; result greater than zero. After execution location 3F4) contains bb2,574.26bbb. 100~-'012 (3E8- If the contents of location 1200-1203 are 00 00 02 6D, the following results are obtained: ~xamEl~: (The numbers are given in decimal notation with the hexadecimal equivalent in parentheses.) (before) Loc 1000-1012 (3E8-3F4) bdd,dd(.ddbCR (after) Loc 1000-1012 (3E8-3F4) bbbbbb.26bCR Assume that register 12 contains 1000 (03E8), D1 is 0 (00), D2 is 200 (C8), storage location 1000-1012 (3E8-3F4) contains bdd, dd ( • ddbCR (unpacked) I storage location 1200-1203 (4BO-4B3) contained 0257426C (packed). Condition code=1; result less than zero. 0 1 In this case the significance-start character in the pattern causes the decimal point to be left unchanged. The minus sign , I T I 0 p- co del LIB 1 I D1 I B2 I D2 I I t I +---+-+--f I DE IC IC 1000lC IOC81 If the number to be edited is a negative number, then the CR (hexadecimal C 3D9) is commonly used in the last two bytes of the pattern. Since the minus sign does not reset the s-trigger, the CR will be left unchanged in the pattern. The CR stems from business application. It stands for credit and indicates payments due. r o B2 0(13,12) ,200(12) I i i d (hexadecimal 20) D2 From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: ~..Y.!!lbOl (he xadeci mal 22) B1 , I Pa ttern I Digi t S-trigger Rule I Location 1000-10121 lI I b 0 leave 1 Ibdd,dd (.ddbCR I d 0 0 fill I bbd, dd (. ddbCR I d 1 digit Ibb2,dd (.ddbCR2 2 I , 1 leave Isame I d digit I bb2, 5d (. ddbCR 5 1 I d 7 1 digit Ibb2,57 (.ddbCR I ~;,..,.;.a.. 4 I I I I I I d d b C R L 2 6+ 1 1 0 0 0 0 I l-.l-."'I a::~11 .::a.::a~ .... .., u. ... ~ ..... 11J1.JL.,JI"'.U.U..uI...4\ lea ve digit digit fill fill fill I same Ibb2,574.2dbCR Ibb2,574.26bCR3 Isame Ibb2,574.26bbR Ibb2,574.26bbb -L-- Figure 24. Processing of Edit-Instruction !!Ql~2: 1. 2. 3. This character is saved as the fill character. First non-zero digit sets S-trigger to one. The plus sign in this byte sets the S-trigger to zero. 66 System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o does not reset the S-trigger so that the CR symbol is also preserved. Machine instruction: OI Dl(B1),I2 Format: Function: The immediate data in the second operand field and the contents of the storage location addressed in the first operand field are connected by the inclusive OR. The result (logical sum) is placed into the first operand field. SI Op- code 94 Machine instruction: NI Dl (Bl) ,I2 Function: The immediate data in the second operand-field and the contents of the storage location a~dressed in the first operand field are connected by the logical AND. The result (logical product) is placed into the first operand field. The connective AND is applied bit by bit. If there is a 1-bit Ln both operands, then the 1-bit in the first operand remains unchanged. Otherwise the 1-bit in the first operand will be changed to a O-bit. Condition Code: If all eight bits in the result fiela-are zero, the condition code is set to 00. Otherwise it is set to 01. ]~.2:.!!l.El~: o (The numbers are given in decimal notation with the hexadecimal equivalent in par ent heses) . Assume tha t reg is t e r S con t a ins 4 0 9 6 ( 1 00 0) , D1 is 1000 (3ES) , I2 is 2720 (AA), in binary nota tion: 1010 1010, lo cat ion 5 0 96 (1 06 0, con t a ins 240 ( F 0), in binary notation: 1111 0000. The inclusive OR is applied A O-bit in b~th operand fields bit in the resul t field (first zero. Otherwise the resulting always be one. Condition Code: If all bits are zero, then the condition c~de is 00. Otherwise the code is set to 01. ]~.2:~ple: (The numbers are given in decimal notation with the hexadecimal equivalent in parentheses) • Assume that register S contains 4096(1000), Dl is 1000(3ES), I2 is 2720 (AA), in binary nota tion : 1010 1010, storage location 5096(1060) contains 240( FO), in binary notation: 1111 1010. Source statement: Op-code OI Op-code D1 Bl B1 I2 1000(S),X'AA' I I ,----, IOp-code1I21B11D1 I I2 I IJ~ I 96 ______ IAAI8 ____ 13E81 ___ J ~ NI D1 From thi s so urce st atem ent the Bas ic A ssembIer produces the following object code: I Source statement: bit by bit. will set the operand) to bit will ~ ~ 1000(S),X'J\A' From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the ~ollowing object code: After execution storage location 5096(1060) contains 250 (FA) or in binary notation: 1111 1010. r-- Condition code is 01. I I ~ IOp-codelI2lB 1 lDl 1 ~ I I I ~ IL-_____ 94 IAAIS 13ESt - L __ i--L---~ Form at: After execution storage location 5096 (1060) contains 160(AO) or in binary notation 1010 0000. Condition code setting is 01. o Format: SI Op-code 96 SI Op-code 91 Machine instruction: TM D1 (Bl) ,I2 Function: The bit combination in the first operana-field is compared with the mask in the I2-field. The result of the comparison sets the condition code. The eight bits of the ma~k correspond bit by bit to the eight bits defined by the Machine-Instruction Statements 67 first operand. A comparison with a bit in the first operand is performed ohly if the corresponding bit in the mask contains a "1". If the bit in the mask is "0", the corresponding bit in the first operand field will not be tested. 00: all bits tested were zero (also, if all bits in the mask were zero, i.e., no test) • 01: some (not all) of the bits tested were one. 11: all bits tested were one. fQnaitiQB_Cod~: No change. ~!.ample: (The numbers are given in decimal notation with the hexadecimal equivalent in parentheses). 0 Assume that register 10 cont ains 450 (01 C2) , Dl is 140 (080) , The halt number 590 (24E) is shown on the E-S-T-R registers on the console as 024E. Source statement: Example: (The numbers are given in decimal notation with the hexadecimal equivalent in pa ren these s) • Op-code HPR Assume tha t register 8 contains 2000 (07DO) , Dl is 650 (28A) , I2 is 217(D9) or in binary notation: 1101 1001, storage location 2650(A5A) contains 204(CC) or in binary notation: 1100 1100. op - co de TM D1 B1 140 (10) ,0 From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: r .--'--T---' lOp - co del I2 I B 1 I D1 I I • I I I I 99 100lA I08CI L---____ Source statement: Dl Bl I2 ~_i_ _ _J I 2 650 (8) ,X'D9' From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the +ollowing object code: r i j For mat: ss Op-code DC Machine instruction: TR Dl(L,Bl),D2(B2) • o IOp-codelI2l B llDl 1 l-------+--+-+_~ L______ Iy'nctiQ.!l: This operation allows you to replace the values of one operand field by the corresponding values of a table. Every byte in the first operand field is used to look up a value in a table. The binary value of a byte is added to the starting address (given by the B2/D2 field) of the table. The 3um is the place of the tablevalue wanted. This table-value replaces the byte in the first operand used to locate the table-value. I D9 I 8 I 28 A, I 91 ~~~ __ ~ J Condition code is 01. Format: SI Op-code 99 Machine instruction: HPR D1(B1);'0 Function: This instruction is used to hal t All input/output operations are continued to complption. th;;-CPU:- Execution of the program may be resumed with the next sequpntial instruction by pressing the start key on the cpu. This instruction uses the SI-Format in which the I2 field is ignored. The direct or effective address derived from the 81-Dl fields may be used to identify the Halt and Proceed instruction. 68 Processing proceeds from left to right until the end of the first operand is rea c he d • The max i mU in 1 eng t h may be 25 6 • The table must contain as many bytes as indicated by the highest binary value used for !iearching. ~xam£lg: (The numbers are given in decimal notation with the hexadecimal equivalent in parentheses) • Assume that register 10 contains 0 (0000) , register 12 cont ains 0(0000), Dl is 1000 (3ES), System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Language o o D2 is 2000(7DO), storage location 1000-1012(3Z8-3F4) contains the EBCDIC characters 542156037835 and location 2000-2009 (7DO-7D9) contains the EBCDIC charactprs 6MBOIb3-2 where b=blank. llach,ine_E orma!§_.Q.b_l.n.§t r uc!i 0]}2_ fo ~_£!!;:~.nc h Q.E era t l.Q.!L§ Branching instructions can be in the RR or the RX format. Source statement: Op-code D1 L B1 D2 B2 , i i I 0 p- co del R 1 TR 1000(12,10},2000(12) From this source statement the Basic Assembler produces the following object code: r i i i i -r--, IOp-codelL IB1JD1 IB21D2 I 1----+ I I , l---t I DC 10BIA 13E81C 17DOI After execution storage location 1000-1012 (3E8-3F4) contains the EBCDIC characters bIBMb360-20b where b=blank. BRANCHING o Normally the CPU processes instructions in the order of their location in main storage. Branching operations allow a departure from this sequence. The machine can make logical d~cisions on the basis of certain conditions. For example: • The program continues in its normal sequence. • The program branches to a subroutine. • Part of the progra m is repe ate d (loop). The branch addr~ss may be obtained from one of the general registers or it may be specified in an instruction. The branch address is indepen~ent of the updated instruction addres~. Branching is determined either by the condition code in the Program status Word (PSW) or by the cont~nts of the general registers used in the operations. During a branching operation the rightmost half of the P~W, the updated instruction address, may be stored before the instruction addres~ is replaced by the branch address. The stored information may be used to link thp new instruction sequence with the preceding sequence. o The condition code set by certain instructions and the branch instruction are used to make logical decisions within a program. The branch operation itself does not change the condition code. i ' IR 2 .l.--_J I o 7 11 15 The Rl field may specify a general register into which the updated instruction address is to be stored as link information, or may contain a mask which is employed to identify the bit values of the condition code. In the latter case it is referred to as the M1 field. The R2 field specifies the general register that contains the branch address. i i i i lOp-code I R1 100001 B2 D2 L -_ _ _ ----L--__ _ _ ..l.------1..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J ~ o 7 11 15 19 20 31 The R1 field may specify a general register into which the updated instruction address is to be stored as link information, or may contain a mask (then called M1 field) that is employed to identify the bit values of the condition code. The direct or effective address derived from the B2-D2 fields is the branch addr ess. Error conditions which may occur during a branch operation are: 1. Operation code invalid. 2. Addressing error. a. b. c. d• An instruction address or a branch address refers to the protected first 144 bytes of main storage. An instruction addr ess or a branch address is outside available storage. The R1 field of a Branch and store instruction contains binary values zero through seven, or the R2 field of an RR format branch instruction contains binary values one through seven. An instruction, pa r t i s located in the last (highest) two main storage positions. Machine-Instruclion statements 69 3. Specification a. b. 4. Source statement: Op-code M1 R2 ~rror. The low-order bit of an instru ction address is one, i. e. , no half word boundary. Bits 12 through 15 of an RX format instruction are not all zero. BCR o X'6',9 Basic Assembler produced object code: I " IOp-codel' l'11 IR21 I I I ~ 107 1011019 I CPU pari ty error. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BPANCH OPERATIONS J The branch instructions, their operation codes, formats, ann mnemonics are shown the following table: A branch to the main storage location 22B will take place. , r I I Name lI IBranch on Condition (BCR) IBranch on Condition (BC) IBranch ~ Store (BlI,SR) IBranch ~ Store (BAS) Op- I I Format I Code I +----+---~ I I I I I RR RX RR RX I I I I I 07 47 aD 4D I I I I I - - ' - - -_ _ _. L - L Format: RR Op-code 07 Machine instruction: BCR M1,R2 Format RX 47 Op-code Machine instruction: BC M1,D2(0,B2) Function: The condition code is tested a g aI ns t- the mas k M1 ( f 0 u r bits). If the condition is met, a branch occurs to the address in main storage specified by B2/D2. Otherwise the next sequential instruction is executed. For each ~f the four condition code settings there is a corresponding bit of the mask as shown below: Function: The condition code is tested agains~the four bits in the mask M1. If the con d i t ion i ? met ,g ,l,u;; a Q hll:l. Q hi k Il .. ~ to-:'" the address i-wllll1r~~J~~tQ~Q&1.~ ~"'Ji6iL'j.~~ ~, it~. of her wise, the next sequential !'nstruction is executed. There is a corresponding bit in the mask for each of the four possible condition code settings as shown below: 07 1 1 L M1 R2 -,-,----r--+------J 1001011101'11 The condition for a branch is met if the mask bit correspon~ing to the current condition code settin~ is a 1-bit. It is possible to connect several conditions by specifying a 1-bit in the corresponding mask-bit positions. An unconditional branch occurs if all four bits in the mask are 1-bits. The branch instruction is ignored if all four bits in the mask are a-bits or if R2 is zero. 47 L-- I" M1 I 0000 IB2 --,-- +1_ _ _ _ _--1._ _" ' - - _ o D2 I 00 101 1 101 11 I The condition for a branch is met if the corresponding condition code exists for at least one defined bit in the mask. It is possible to connect several cdnditions by defining several bits in the mask accordingly. An unconditional branch occurs if all four bits in t he mask are one. The branch instruction is ignored if all four bits in the mask are zero. ]~A~~~: Assume that D2 is 875 decimal (36B hexadecimal), Register 11 contains 0000, Co n d it ion co d e i nth e P S W: a a • Source statement: Op-code Assume r~gister 9 contains decimal 555 (hexadecimal 22B), the condition code in the PSW is 01, and the mask is given as hexadecimal 6. M1 D2 a B2 ~~dm~: 70 BC X'O',875(0,11) Basi c Ass embler pr oduced ob ject code: system/360 Model 20 Dasic Assembler Language o o i r----~ After execution register 10 contains 026D and a branch is taken to storage location 362 (hexadecimal). i~--' I Op- co de 1M 1 10 1B21 D2 I r I -+--+--+---~ I 47 18 10 IB 116BI L - -_ _ _ _.1._-L- I J A branch to main storage location 36B (hexadecimal nota tion) ta kes place (branch on egual) . Form at: Format: RR Op-code OD Machine instructions: BASR R1,R2 Function: A branch is taken to the address specified by the contents of the register in the R2-field. Next, the rightmost 16 bits of the PSW (t~e address of the next seguential instruction before the branch is taken) are loaded into the general register specified in the R1 field. This is to link the new instruction seguence with the preceding seguence. Tf R2 contains all zeros, then only the next seguential instruction is loaded into the register specified by the R1 field and no branching takes places. o Ex~l~: The contents of the register 10 are arbi trary. Assume that register 12 contains hexadecimal 0362 (decimal ,:)66), PSW 16-31 contains hexadecimal 026D {decimal 621}. BA SR 10, 12 i I 4D Functign: The rightmost 16 bits of the PSW, the updated instruction address, are stored as link information in the general register specified by R1. Next, the address specified by B2/D2 is stored as an instruction address in the PSW. This amounts to a branch to the address specified by B2/D2. ~x a.m.2.1.g: The contents of register 10 are arbitrary. Assume that register 11 contains hexadecimal 044C, psw 16-31 contains 036C, D2 is hexadecimal 12C (decimal 300). Source statement: Op-code R1 BAS D2 0 B2 10,300(0,11} Basic Assembler produced object code: j Basic Assembler produced object code r Op-code Machine instruction: BAS R1,D2{0,B2} Source statement: Op- code R1 R2 RX , I~---T--T---' IOp-codeIR1IX=0 IB21D2 I I I I I I ~ I 4D IA I 0 I B I 12C I L______ ~I_-.l..-- __ ~_~ __ J IOp-codelR 11R21 1-------+-_+_~ I OD L I A IC I After execution register 10 contains hexadecimal 036C and a branch to storage location hexadecimal 578 is taken. o Machine-Instruction Statements 71 o The Basic Assembler program is available in both card and tape versions. The card versions are used if only card I/O devices are included in the system configuration. The tape versions can be used if an IBM 2415 Magnetic Tape Unit Model 1 or 4 is available. in addition to the card I/O units. The card versions require two passes. During the first pass the Basic Assembler program (phase 1) produces pass information required during pass 2. This information is punched into columns 1-24 of the source cards or into the corres[onding columns of duplicated source cards. In addition, a listing of all source statements is supplied if a printer is attached to the system and if an appropriate entry has been made in the control card. During the second pas3, the source cards containing the pass information are processed by the Basic Assembler program (phases 2 and 3). Then the symbol table generated in storage is punched into cards, if desired. At thp end of the assembly the followin] output is obtained: • a Clear-storage card and an AbsoluteProgram Loader card for loading of the object program. • TXT cards containing the source statements, translated into machine language. • ESD and RLD cards containing information for program lin~ing and relocation. • the punching of all cards is suppressed. The only output produced is a listing of all statements in Basic Assembler language. Most of the erroneous statements are identified by diagnostic messages. For the card versions of the Basic Assembler program, a reassembly feature is pro~ vided that permits the reassembly of a partially or completely assembled program in less time than would be required by the repetition of the total assembly. For a reassembly, at least pass 1, phase 1, and pass 2, phase 2 of the Basic Assembler program (i.e., the punching and/or printing of the symbol table) must be completed. A reassembly can be executed to correct erroneous statements and/or to compensate for a symbol-table overflow, which occurs if the number of symbols specified in the source program exceeds the limit in regard to the storage capacity used. Refer also to the sections ~Y~QQl~ and ~!es2iQn§. When a reassembly is to be performed, the same amount of main storage must be specified to the Basic Assembler program as for the original assembly. The symbol-table overflow can be eliminated by: • making use of relative addressing, described in the section referenced above, thereby reducing the number of symbols in the ~rogram; • performing an additional assembly run, as described in a subsequent section; or • subdividing the program into segments and performing a separate assembly for each segm en t. A program listing, as shown in Figure 34. The first three items above are referred to as the object deck. liQ1~: In order to asspmble a source program written in Basic Assembler language, the source deck must be supplemented by a control (CTL) card, specifying the system configuration used for the assembly and the desired output. The CTL card as well as the card handling required during an assembly is described in the SRL publication 1]~ A program that is to be reassembled can be changed in any manner:. New symbols can be added, existing symbols can be redefined (i f the rei s r a :> min the' s y mbo I tab Ie) , existing symbols can be deleted except from the symbol table, and new statements can be added to the program. A statement that is to be changed must be repunched, leaving columns 1 through 24 blank. ~Y2iemL36Q_tlQQel_lQL_~~!Q_E~Qg!~~~ing_~~£= £QrtL_Qasi~_!§2~~~1~!_J~~!g_yg!~iQn~LL Q£~!£iing_~!Q~edy!~§, Form C26-3802. The control car~ can also be used to specify a diagnostic run. In this case, 72 .AQQiiiQ.!!.~1_!~§'~!!!'Q1Y_.R~D.. This increasps the number of symhols permitted in regard to the storage capacity used during an assembly. System/360 Modpl 20 Basic Assembler Language o o During pass 2 o~ the original assembly, the portion of the object deck already assembled is completed. On completion of pass 2, a programmed halt occurs to enable the user to remove this rortion of the object deck. it can be used for the assembly of any number of source programs during the same run. Each source program is read in after the object deck for the preceding program has been punched. The subsequent source decks must be separated by blank cards. When the system is restarted after an overflow, the Basic Assembler generates a new control card that contains the USING table and the valu~ of the location counter at the time the overflow occurred. After generation of this control card, the remaining portion of the source deck is d up lica ted. For the assembly of a source program with the tape version of the Basic Assembler program, a control card similar to the control card of the card version, must be crea ted. The con trol ca rd a nd the card handling requir Ed during an assembly run are described in the SRL publication l~~ The duplicated source cards contain the following: ~~1~~Ll~Q~Qdel_1QL_Ca£Q~£Qg££mming~Q£= ~or~~_]asi~_As~~ill~le£_J1~~~_l~£§iQn§lL .Q£gL~.!:i}}SLProc~Q~£~~, FOL"m C24-9011. ~~~~_lnfQ£~~tiQB_J£Q1~mB~_j~1~1: For example, a diagnostic message or the punch 12-11-0-7-8, the operation code, and one or more pointers desi0nating the location of storage addresses of related symbols. ~Q~£~~_~1~1~ill~nt_~Ql~mn~_I2~1l1: identification sequence fielc1 to 80) is not duplicated. o The (columns 73 The new control card and the duplicated source cards are the input for the first (or only) additioni'll assembly run. If another symbol-table overflow occurs, this first additional assembly run is considered to be the original assembly run and another additional assembly run can be performed. This again increases, at the rate pera new assembly, the number of symbols that can bp used in the program. The input decks of the tape versions of the Basic Assembler consist of (1) the Basic Assembler pre-phase and (2) the five Basic Assembler phase decks. The pre-phase is used to read and evaluate the control card and to write the Basic Assembler program onto tape. The first four Basic Assembler phases are used to read the cards containing the source program, to check the statement formats, to translate the program into machine language, to print the program listings, and to punch the object program deck. The fifth Basic Assembler phase is used to deal with a possible symbol-table overflow. at herw is e it is not used. mitte~"for The tape versions of the Basic Assembler program use tape as an intermediate storage medium, which reduces card handling time. The Ba~jc Assembler program and the first source pro'Jram (both contained in punched cards) are read into the system during the initial run. Intermediate information is not punched in to ca rds (a s wi th the pa ss informdtion of the card version) but is written on tape, from which it can be ret r i eve d b Y the pro g ram whell r (~(l u ire d • Once the appropriate tdpe version of the Basic Assembler is written on a work tape, In case of a symbol-table overflow, the tape versions of the Basic Assembler program automatically initiate a routine to compensate f~r the overflow. The punching of the object program is discontinued at t he po int where the overflow occurs. Phase 5 0 f the pro g ram c au s es the g en era t ion 0 f ddditional intermediate information, which is required by the Basic Assembler program to initiate another assembly run. The assembly is then repeated, from the beginning, to process the subsequent part of the source program and punch the remaining ob ject ca rds. The printed output versions of the Bdsic d s the p r i n t f~c1 0 u t put versions of the Basic produced by the tape Assembler is the same r ron u c (~d b Y ttl f~ car d Assembler. o Thp Ba~ic A~i!;(~mblp[ Program 73 o Errors in the syntax of source statements and other violations of programming conventions are marked by diagnostic messages in the program listina to the left of the statements involved. These diagnostic messages, produced by both versions of the 'Basic Assembler program, are subdivided into two groups: 1. Warning messages. 2. Error messages. Warning messages indicate violations of programming rules that do not affect execution of the assembly. The pertinent message codes are D, L, R, T, and W. Error messages identify incorrect statements that prevent the Basic Assembler program from completing an assembly. The pertinent message codes are C, M, N, 0, S, and U. A summary of all diagnostic messages is provided in Appendix D. Two routines for the loading of object programs are available: (1) the AbsoluteProgram Loader and (2) the RelocatableProgram Loader. The Absolute-program Loade~ is punched into a single card by the Basic Assembler program when the object deck is punched. Any loader control cards that may have been produced by the Basic Assembler (ESD and RLD) are ignored by the Absolute-Program Loader. If the program is to be relocated on loading, the operator must replace the Absolute-Program Loader card with the deck containing the Relocatable-Program Loader. The loading routines are described in detail in the SRL publication, IBM_~Y2i~illL 360 Mo~~l-1Q_~~£Q_R£Qg£~~mi~g_~~ortL ~asi£_gtility_g£Qg£~ill2L_Funfti2n~anQ Q£erati~g Pr~£~~~res, Form C26-3604. o o 74 System/360 Modpl 20 Basic Assembler Language o This section lists the storage and time requirements for the assembly of source programs and the execution of object programs. If an IBM Model 20 Submodel 3 or 4 is used, the time requirements shown in Figure 26 will increase by approximately 50lf,. For an IBM Model 20 Submodel 5 the time requirements will decrease by approximately 10r,. MAIN STORAGE REQUIREMENTS !ssemblLQ!. Source R!:Q.9..£~1!l'§.: Figure 25 shows the main storage requirements for the assembly of source programs containing the maximum number of symbols. r- ------~----------------------, I I Storage Capacity lI 4096 I I I 8192 12288 16384 Number of Symbols in Sour ce Program I , 1 165 847 1530 2213 The time requirements depend on the distribution of symbols and on the type of cards (i.e., original or duplicated source card~ into which the fass information is punched. The total times shown in Figure 26 do not include card handling time or the time required for loading the two Basic Assembler decks (approximately 10 to 15 seconds) . I I 1 11/0 ConfigurationlTime (in Minutes) o Figure 25. Main Storage Requirements for Assembly Execution_Qf Object_Rf.Q~l£~ms: The Absolute-Program Loader re1uires 160 bytes of main storage (including the load/read area). The Relocatable-Program Loader requires approximately 500 bytes. The remaining portion of main storage is available for object program execution. liQ!g: If the source program contains external symbols, additional storage is required for the External Symbol Identification table. 1 ~ I 12560 MFCM IPass 1: 4 to 7 and IPass 2: _i--1Q ___ 2 I 12203 Printer ITOTAL: 8 to 12 I I 12501 Card Reader IPass 1: 4 to 6 12520 Card Punch I Pass 2: 2 to 3 11403 Printer ITOTAL: -6-to---g L---______________ ____________________ ~ Figure 26. ~ I 1 I ~ 1 1 1 ~ Summary of Time Requirements for Assembly, Card Version Execution of_Q~~~t_~£QE£Em.§: The time required for the execution of an object program depends on the length of the program and on the typ es 0 f op erat ions employed. TIME REQUIREMENTS -- CARD VERSION TIME REQUIREMENTS -- TAPE VERSION !~~g1)lQ1Y_Qf-1QQf.£g_R£Qgf.~m~: Figure 26 shows the times required to assemble a source program consisting of 600 cards, including 165 symbols, on two basic input/ output configurations. The available main storage is 4096 bytes. The times given apply to IBM Model 20, Submodel 2. o The time required for the assembly of source programs depends on the distribution of symbols and on the model of the 2415 used during the assembly. The average time requirement for a source program comprising 600 cards and 165 symbols is from 6.2 to 8 minutes, when using a storage capacity of 4096 bytes. Performance Data 75 o This section illustrates the writing of a program in Basic Assembler language, from the first approach to th~ specified problem, through the subsequent steps of writing the statements and executing the assembly and the object program, and concludes with the result rrinted as final output. INITIALIZING ACTION CALC SET UP COUNT The sample problem used is as follows. In 1627, an Indian sold Manhattan Island for twenty-four dollars. Determine the resulting capital in 196~ if this money had been immediately transfp.rred to a bank at an interest of 4~ per annum. The interest earned each year should be rounded to the nea rest cen t. INITIAL CAPITALACCU AREA LOOP ACCUWORK INTEREST = CAPITAL : RATE/H)O THE FLOWCHART To establish a gui~e line that defines the steps to be taken towards a solution, a flowchart can be dpveloped, as shown in Figure 27. () ACCU = WORK + OUT IN I TIA LI ZI NG THE pnOG RAM (ST MT 1-STMT 3) COUNT = COUNT - 1 According to the flowchart, initializing the program is the first ste~. This means (1) incrementing the loca tion co un ter to a tentative loading point and (2) loading and assigning a base register. NO These first instructions can now be entered on an In~ codiny form, as shown in Figure 28. The opprand of the START instruction (STMT1) causes the location counter setting to be incremQnte~ to 340 (hexadecimal 154). The next statement causes the address 342 (hexadecimal 156) to be loaded i n t 0 register 1 3 (S T MT 2 ) and the USING statement assigns to register 13 the attributes of a base register (STMT3). Figure 27. 76 5ystem/360 Modp.1 20 Basic Assembler Language Sample Program Flowchart o o IBM System 360 Assembler Short Coding Form IBM INDl~N PROGRAM PROSLE.M X28-bSOo Pnnl,,·c.I an U.I\. A. PAGE PUNCHING INSTRUCTIONS CARD FORM /I GRAPHIC I10/10/65 PROGRAMMER DATE G. f"lSH E.R OF PUNCH STATEMENT Operation Name 25 II 32 30 NOA ST ART -- - f-f-- --- --- - Operand 36 61\ S R US I N'G - f-- .34- ~ 1 3 .. IdentificationSequence Comments 45 38 50 60 55 I~ 71 65 LO AD SA S£ RE G • AS S1 GN SA SE. RE G. ""I" 1 3 80 - -- -'-"- _c--- Figure 28. o , 73 S T MT S T Hi 2ST MT3 - "- --,--v - ..... - ....... ...... 1..--" --- Initialization Routine DATA CONSTANTS AND WORK AREAS (STMT4-STMT15) 7. A print (PRT; 17 bytes) large enough to accommodate the mask (STMT6). Next, we must introduce the data and set up the required work areas. knowing that the program must execute arithmetic calculations, including spveral division operations, it appears to be the most convenient approach to define our data in packed decimal form, as required for decimal arithmetic. In addi tion, we know that DP instru ctions require the nividend to have a certain number of leaning zeros. Therefore, we define the work areas as a string of hexadecimal zeros. 8. An area (ACCU; 7 by t es) to accumul ate the computed interest and the resulting new capital (STMT8). 9. A work area for execution of the division and r~unding (STMT7), with a length of 9 bytes, which is equal to the length ~f the divisor plus the length of the dividend. Figure 29 sh~ws how these constants and areas are defined. The following data constants and work areas are required: 1. o The capital (24.000) allowing for an additional decimal position, which can be used for rounding to the nearest cent (STMT9). 2. The divisor 4% interest (2") for calculation of the (S'rMT10). 3. The parameter (S) for rounding the last decimal position (STMT11). 4. The count (33~ to control the number of calculations executed (STMT12) • S. The parameter (1) co u n t ( S TM T 1 3) • 6. The mask required when transforming the result into unpacked format for printing and for insertion of the necessary commas and the decimal point (STMT14; STMT1S). to decrement the The BC statement (STMT4), in Figure 26 is rejuired during execution of the object program so that it can branch around the constants. Register 10 is specified by R10 in the operand of a pr~gram statement (STMTS) which facilitates the reading of the statements. The constant ROUN is used to round. The constant MASK provides a basis for the ED (Edi~ instruction that transforms data to be printed into unpacked format and inserts the necessary decimal signs. Information to be printed is edited into a field that contains the mask. The mask causes leading zeros to be suppressed by its first character (hexadecimal 40). Each decimal digit printed must be represented by the select character, 20, 21, or 22 in the mask -- whichever is applicable. Commas and decimal points ar~ specified by the characters 6B and 4B, respectively, placed in the position where they should appear in the printed data. Writing a Program in Basic Assembler Language 77 o STATEMENT Name 25 Operation 30 32 Operand 36 45 15 18 C- I:QU 11~ DS AC DC. DC. DC CL 17 XL rq '0 XL 7 I o 'I X I 2.11f 0¢ DC CP TL RA Tf X' 10 1<0 UN elN T DC IX DC 1-1 J)E C,R DIC 1)C MA SK 25 C J)C Sr "'T Is oC I 73 • Sr It\rtf Sr JIlTS Sr It1r6 sir /11117 $T MTS 80 SIT If1Tlq 15-(1-1 f 1 'I' ....... _o.-t.,...- 1.iiJ ST Mr 1.i Sr MT 1..1 I I ...... 71 ~r MT I .sIr AfT i3 2.: I~ 2. 10~ 18'1 '-- ..... '" Sr AfT 1.4 $r "T i5 -I.- "'- ..... [.....- Introduction of Data and Work Areas Before a mask c~n be set up, the maximum size of the expect~d result must be determin e d • In 0 u r pro q ram ex a,m pIe, we h a v e analyzed the result and decided to reserve twelve decimal positions. This means, that the latgest result expected is of the format: X,XXX,XXX,XXX.XX If the result should be shorter, zeros are replaced by blanks (hexadecimal 40 in, t he first posi tion of the mask) . The mask may then be determined as follows: x , X X X I I I I I PA 5S 181'1 ¢~ ¢I¢ I¢¢ I¢ ¢ 33 g 65 60 " "'- ....... Figure 29. I 55 t I X I II-Ias 210 16 8l 1-0 2. 1-(62 10~6 18z las Ix I 21~ tl'~ 21 '/fe 2 I~ 2. 1<6 f". H :DC V~ I 50 • c ALc' R jim PP.. T "10 I<.K cu IdentificationSequence Comments 38 , X X X , X X X . X X I II I I I I I I I 40 20 68 20 20 20 68 20 20 20 68 20 20 21 48 20 20 I The digit prece~ing the decimal point is specified as 21. ~his code is the initial start character an~ causes zero suppression to be disregarded ~rom here on. This allows printing of the decimal point, in case the result is !ess than 1. o C ACCU -, 4 ACCU Figure 30. Contents of ACCU After Execution of STMT17 The next step is to br:ing the conte nts of ACCU (accumu ~ated capital) into-the work area for computation of the interest (STMT18). This is the first of the instructions to be executed 338 times and, therefore, becomes the entry point for the program loop (see flow-chart). The contents of the area WORK are then divided by 25 (STMT19). On execution of the division, the quotient, including leading zeros, is placed into the leftmost portion of the dividend field and the remainder into the r:ightmost portion of the dividend field. Thus, the first calculation is executed as shown in Figure 31. 0 PROGRAM ROUTINE (STMT16-STMT24) Now we can concentrate on the program routine itself. According to the flow-chart, we first set up thp count. ~s shown in Figure 32 (STMT16), this is done by loading reg i s t e r 1 0 wit h the co n s tan t 3 3 B ( 1 9 6 5 1627). This statement must be nam(~d CALC to link it with thp branch instruction preceding the DC statpments. The initial capital of 24.000 is moved into the ACCU area used to accumuldt~ the intermediate interest amounts and incremented capital (STMT17). Thus, Arcu now has the conb.~nts shown in Figure 30. 78 L O 0 1 0 0 to ORK loaded from ACCU 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 r 2 4 WORK ofter execution of the division: quotient ,~ o 0 1 0 C I ORK+2 remainder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~A~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,~ 1001001000010019610CI0010CI Figur:e 31. System/360 Modpl 20 Basic; Assembler Ldnguage Execution of the tion St.ep Fi~st Calcula- o o - r--..- CA \..C LH LO o P IMVC IMVC AC CU -t,+ ( 3 ) Wo RI< +2. 'C 7 I) DP .V'JO AC AC A.C R1 10 I., CNT RK , RATE CU ,W OR KI( 17 ) CU • R OU N CU + 6 , X I IfJ C' R1 I~ I, 1>E CR IA P IAlp IMVI Is H [Bc 2. , LO OP ,-"_v-'--- Figure 32. CP TL 'J. A C' CU I'J LO AD LO AD LO AD c.u RK IN TE RiE ST ,I NCR ElM ENT CA PI TAL DIE: C[ MAt.. L IA ST IR 0 UNO RE: IS T ORE: I)) E clR EIA 51E rrE ST FOR DI GI.T CO U NT ST MT 23 CO MP LE TI. ON 15 TM T2 4 - result is greater than or equal to zero. If the result is greater than zero, the program branches to LOOP and re-executes the program segment through the condition code test (STMT24). Otherwise, the print routine (Figure 33) is initiated. OUTPUT (STMT25-STMT35) STMT25 causes the mask to be moved into the pr in t area. (The Ie ng th of eac h operand need not be explicitly stated, because it is implied). The ED instruction (STMT26) causes the editing of the calculated result by moving it into the print area, on top of the mask already contained in this field. The first 4-bit hexadecimal digit of ACCU is placed into the leftmost byte containinJ a digit select character 20. Although the addressed byte is PRT, the first byte used to store the result is PRT+1. The counter is then decreased by 1 (STMT23) • This instruction also sets the condition code, which indicates whether the ~I NE IMVIc. ED XIO Be IBC T1 OB lrI O'B H ALl' PE o Rf\ IHP R Is c. HPR ~C I~N :1) Ip Ri .. 1M A.IS K Ip RT , A Ie c u P R T ( Ix ' 'I; , ) ,1117 11, PE RR It I, FJ. N£. *1 .. X • ,+1' PiE RR • Ix I 'It l ' x' Is 9 1.9 ' .. IJ 115 I, H ALT X • 11 l ' I. CI 115 1'1 F IN£. IN i» A ~-,... --, PR INT IA RE. IA UL T Ip R lINT RE Is IJLT PR IrlN TIE R NO T OK TE Is T PR I.N TE. IR WO RK NG TIE: Is T OF I/O ENl> ITE ST ER RO R PR IN rE. T£ Is T ~Ir 5 P LAY 19 ~ 9 L 0 elK IR Eis IT ".RT DI. Is P LI\'( 1 1 1 RE PE. ".T Ip R .rlN IT is TM T 215 S~ MT 2.6 S TM T2 17 S TM IT 12.IS ST NT 2.19 M,I\ IslK E]) T iI T0 RE IS :p. - Figure 33. --. Calculation Routine Fractions of cents that are equal to or greater than one-half are rounded to the next highest value by adding the constant 0.005 to the contents of ACCU (STMT21). Since the third decimal position contains a zero, the result is not changed. (On the next iteration, however, the computed interest and capital equals 25.958, which results in a rounded total of 25.963.) The original contents of the last byte of ACCO (Oe) are then restored in preparation for the next i tera tion (STMT22). , ST MT 119 l~ TM T 2 JI. 15 TM T21 S TM T 2 2 --- ,- 16 SrI" MT 17 IS TM T 1 8 CO MIP UTE The contents of the leftmost seven bytes of the area WORK (0.960, after the first iteration) are added to the co-ntents of ACCU (ST~T20). Accordingly, ACCU now contains 24.960, the capital available after one year of deposit. o S:r MT C 0 UNT AC WO '-- - S ITN TI3 IJ1 ITM IT 13 1. 5 ITM T32. 'S S TM T 3 3 _5 trM TL3 I .... s T.N TI3 Is sir 'MT 136 - Print Routine W~iting d Program in Basic Assembler Language 79 Finally, the XIO instruction (STMT27) causes the printing of the result. The first operand specifies the area (PRT) in which the data to be printed is stored. The code in parentheses refers to a 1403 printer (U=4), and specifies printing as the function to be performed (F=O). The second operand gives the number of characters (bytes) to be printed. At this stage, the program could be terminated. However, we would risk a disregard of our print instruction if, for instance, the printer were out of servic p , or busy with a rreviously issued I/O instruction. In addition, we should delay processing of the HPR instruction until the previous I/O operation is completed to ensure that no Frint errors have been d~tected. All of these conditions are taken care of by appropriate test and branch instructions, represented by STMT28 through STMT31. STMT28 branches to the instruction that stops the processing of the program if the printer is not operational. STMT29 tests to see if the printer is working ("Working" means that the Model 20 is in the process of setting up mechanical delays and circuitry or still executing a previous XIO instruction, n01 that it is executing the present XIO instruction.) and causes the re-execution o~ the XIO instruction until the printer has completed the last I/O operation. ST~T30 tests to see if the printer is busy ("Pusy" means that the XIO instruction is actually being executed.) and causes the pronram to loop around the same instruction until the last print operation has been terminated. STMT31 causes a halt, if a print error occurs, and display of code 111 in the STR register panels on the CPU (STMT34). In the latter case, pressing the start key of the CPU causes the print instruction to be reexecuted because o~ the branch address in STMT35. will read the Basic Assembler program and the source program. In addition, the pass information will be punched into duplicated source cards on the attached 2560, and the first run will scan the program statements for possible errors. Thus, t he control card will be supplied with the following entries: Columns 1-5://CTL Column 6: a or blank (Indicates a diagnostic run; all punch operations are bypassed; only the program listing is prin ted.) Column 8: a or blank (Indicates that 4096 bytes of main storage are used for the a sse mb1 j • ) All other columns are left blank. DIAGNOSTIC RUN The statement listing printed during the diagnostic run is shown in Figure 34. To demonstrate the identification of incorrect statements by diagnostic messages, two errors have been deliberately included in the source deck (see STMT 19 and STMT29). I ",r'A I'l" PI,l '.,IIPI< AceU ( PH IlA 11 '" \l1'~' (lin flffl< PROGRAM END (STMT3f) If no print error occurs, the program halts on reaching thl~ HPR instruction (STMT12). If the start key of the CPU is pressed, STMT33 causes the nrogram to re-execute the previous HPR instrnction and to return to the same halt. MA S~ CAt ( M LOPP LOPP ~TAPT lui'll) AS~ I:\C !-CU PS DC 15,CALC 1'1 CLl7 Xl9'n' XL 1'0' X'?4000C' X'025C' CI RCLf nc nc DC DC DC DC DC DC LH MVC MVC OP AP AP "'VI SH IIC I ~If 'IAI T XIII IIC IIC TIOB T1110 HPfl PHI< tIP/( CONTIWL CARD 1'( lit ~ /IIU F i'JU re 14. x'oonooooorLOO5C~ H'3~8' o ~T"'H:l eA')t 13,() .,11 MVC f 'i4( ~:ASR UQNr; 10 When the program h~s been punched into cards, the source program can be assembled by either version of the Basic A~sembler program. In our case, it is assumed that the card version is used an~ that the available system configuration includes a 2S60 MFCM dnd a 2S01 Card Reader. Therefore, the 2S01 o ,.'\-(,. It;N BAl'".C" 'H~ Ql"f;·2 p~G. ~T~r,); CCJNST. STMT'i4 ';Polloe; ~HH06 STMT01 STMTG8 ~HIT OQ S,"',) 0 <;T"'Il1 qMTll ,LO(lP TEST FeR COMPLET IO~ <:fMT?4 PRT,MASK MASK TO PRINT AREA S'MT7" H",T'It. PflT,ACCU EDIT RfSULT STMT;l1 PRTC X' 40' 1,17 PRINT RESULT TEST PrllHfR NOT ClK <;''''T71l I,PERR TEST PPI/IITf P WLRK INC.5T"'T;(9· 4,fINF .,X'ltO' TEST £ONO Of lIlt ,)T"'T'lO TEST PP INTI II IRICOR ST",nl PERR,X'ltl' ., T",T '~? DISPLAY qq') X'99Q',O LOCK fll~lA~l 15,HALT Q"'T 1i DI<;PLAY I I I ',HIT '4 X'll1',O H!-prAI PI>IINT l".,f I Nr <, I",T " ~,T "'I '.f, INPA Saml'lp. S td tP. mp.n t Li sti ng Produced OU r in iJ 0000 0000 2400 025C 0000 0152 0001 4020 2020 48AO 0202 0206 F081 FA66 FA66 noc 4BAO 4720 0210 DE10 0040 4710 4740 9A40 9A41 9900 47FO 9900 47FO Figure 35. 10 10 10 00 Result Computed by the Problem Program 01138 01F.E 01F6 OOOA 01 03 03 00 CPH INOA PRT WORK 1;) lD 11> Ii> 017B 0154 015A 016B 02 00 10 08 Image of the Symbol Table ,) 154 015:. 10 10 10 10 13,721,788.77 OilOO 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 00 OC 0000 0000 5C 6i320 2148 0032 0022 01)17 0015 DOLE DOLE 0024 0034 0052 0004 0004 0004 OOAO 0082 0090 OOAO 0999 0098 0111 0082 2020 6R20 2020 68 2020 RIO PRT WORK ACeu ePH RATE ROUN eNT OECR MASK CALC 0025 DOLE 0028 0015 D02A 0036 DOLE 0011 lOOP FINE HALT PERR SIARI 8ASR USING BC EQU OS DC DC DC DC DC De DC DC DC lH MVC MVC DP AP AP MVI SH BC MVC ED XIO BC BC TIOB Tl08 HPR Be HPR Be END 340 13,0 LOAD F3ASE REG. ASSIGN BASE RE. CIRCLE THE CONS T ~~ , 13 15,CAlC 10 CLl7 XL9'O' XL7'0' X' 24000C' X'025C' X'OOOOOOOOOOOO5C' H'33S' H' l' X'40206B20207.06R?07.0206B' X'2020214R707.0' RIO, CNT LOAD COUIIIT ACCU+4( 31 ,CPH LOAD ACCU WORK+2(71,ACCU LOAD WORK WORK,RATE (Ol-'PUTF Ir,TEREST INCREMENT (APITAL '.CCU,I-/ORK( 7 1 ROUND DEC I i/AL ACCU,ROUN RESTO~E LAST DIGIT ACCU+6,X'OC' RIO,OECR DECRFASf: COU~T 2,lOOP TEST FO~ CO~PLETION PRT,MASK MASK TO PRINT AREA PRT,ACCU EDIT RESULT PRTCX'40'I.l7 PRINT RESULT 1,PERR T~ST PRINTE~ NOT OK TEST PRINTER WORKNG 4,FINE TEST ENU OF 110 *,X'40' PERR,X'41' TEST PRINTER ERROR DISPLAY 999 X'999',0 LOCK RESTART 15,HAlT DISPLAY 11 1 X'lll',o REPEAT PRINT 15,FINE INOA STMT01 STrH02 SHH03 STMT04 ST~H05 S PIT06 ST~T01 5T"1T08 ST:H09 S T~Tl 0 STrH 11 STMT12 S TMTl3 SPH14 STMT15 STMTl6 STMTl7 STMT18 SHT19 SHT20 ST~T21 ST.-1T22 ST;H 23 S T:01T 24 STH25 ST1'o1T26 ST"1T27 ST'n 28 STiH29 STMT30 ST~T31 S l1-lT32 ST:H33 STMT34 STMT35 STMT36 Q01 002 002 002 007. 007. 003 GG3 ()O3 0')3 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 004 004 004 004 ()04 004 004 004 004 004 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 006 Assem bIer Pro du c(~cl Pro gr am Listing Writing a Program in Basic A!:isembler Language 81 APPENDIX A. SUMMARY OF BASIC r I Description and Function II ASSEMBL~R ---. I]~§g_]ggi§lg~_±nstr~~ii~~~ I I I lI Use Base Address Register Drop Base Address Register IRIQgI~~_1inking_Insi£Q£ii~ll~ I I Identify Entry Point I Identify External Symbol II l.Qgfi!!i.tiQll_Instruclion~ I I I I • I Equate Symbol Define Constan t Define Storage INSTRUCTIONS I o ~----------------------~ I Name I Operation I Operand I I I -+--------------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I Inot usejlUSING IReloc. exp.,abs. exp. I Inot usedlDROP ISimple abs. exp. 1 I I -+-------------~ I I I 1 I I I I I I I I Inot usedlENTRY IRelocatable symbol I I not used I EXTRN I Relocatable symbol I -+------+-----+------------------~ 'I I I I I I 10ptionallEQU I optiona 11 DC 10ptionaliDS I I I IExpression I TLCI IDYL? I I I I I I I I I -+-----+-----+---. I I !§.~g~.hlef._~Q!!1IQ1_1!!~.tI.!!£liQ!!§ I I I I I I I I I I Start Program 10ptionaliSTART ISelf-defining value I Inot usedlORG IRelocatable expressionl I Reset Location Counter I End of Program Inot usedlEND I Relocatable expressionl l-----------------------+-----L ~ IIT--Type (C, X, H or Y) 12 D--Duplication Factor I I L--Length Modifipr I F--Field (C or H) I IL_C--Constant I L--Length I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J ________________________ o ~ o 82 System/360 Model 20 Rasic Assembler Language APPENDIX B. SUMMARY OF MACHINE-INSTRUCTIONS 0 -.- r------~ 0 I I I Mnemonic I Code I I I • AH AR AP BAS BASR BC BCR CH CIa CLC CLI CP DP ED HPR LH MP MVC MVI MVN MVO MVZ NI 01 PACK SH SP SPSW SR STH TIOB TM TR UNPK XIO ZAP L - - -_ _ _ _ _ ..L.- 1 Name of Instruction Opera tion Code 1 Add Halfword Add Add Decimal Branch ann Store Branch an'! Store Branch on Condition Branch on Condition Compare Halfword Control 1/0 Compare Logical Compare Logical Immediate Compare Decimal Di vide Decim al Edit Halt and Proceed Load Halfword Multiply Decimal Move Characters Move Immeoiate Move Numerics Move with Offset Move Zones And Logical Immediate Or Logical Immediate Pack subtract Halfword Subtract necimal set PSW Subtract store Halfword Test I/O and Branch Test under Mask Translate Unpack Execute 1/0 Zero and Add Decimal 4A 1A FA 4D OD 47 07 49 9B D5 95 F9 FD DE 99 48 FC D2 92 D1 F1 D3 94 96 F2 4B FB 81 1B 40 9A 91 DC F3 DO F8 Basic Machine Format Operand Field Format R1, D2 (X2, B2) R1,R2 D1 (L1 ,B1) ,D2 (L2 ,B2) R1,D2(X2,B2) R 1, R2 M1, D2 (X2, B2) M1,R2 R1, D2 (X2,B2) D1 (B 1) , UF D1 (L, B1) , D2 (B 2) D1 (B1) ,I2 D1 (L1,B1) ,D2(L2,B2) D1 ( L1 , B1) , D2 (L2 , B2 ) D1 (L, B1), D2 (B2) D1 (B1) ,12 R1,D2(X2,B2) D1 (L 1 , B 1) , D2 (L 2, B2) D1 (L,B1) ,D2 (B2) D1(B1),I2 D1 (L,B1) ,D2 (B2) D1 (L1,B1) ,D2(L2,B2) D1 (L,B1) ,D2 (B2) D1(B1),I2 D1 (B1) ,12 D1 (L 1 , B1) , D2 (L 2 , B2 ) R1 , D2 (X2 , B2) D1 (L1,B1) ,D2 (L2,B2) D1 (B1) R1,R2 R1,D2(X2,B2) D1 (B 1) , UF D1(B1),I2 D1 (L,B1) ,D2 (B2) D1 (L1,B1) ,D2(L2,B2) n 1 ( UF , B1) , D2 (B 2) D1 (L 1 , B 1) , D2 (L 2, B2) RX RR SS RX RR RX RR RX SI SS SI SS SS SS SI RX SS SS SI SS SS SS SI SI SS RX SS SI RR RX SI SI SS SS SS SS ---L- --'--- I I Page I I Number I +-53 51 57 71 71 70 70 52 37 64 64 57 59 64 68 52 58 62 62 63 55 63 67 67 56 53 58 48 51 52 39 67 68 56 37 56 . . L - -_ _-A He xadecimal Equivalent. of actual Machine Operation Code. o Appendix B. Summary of Machine-Instructions , 83 r --,- ---.---------------------------------------~i Operand I U F I I 1 2 I 1 A I 1 0 I 1 1 I 1 4 I I 2 2 I 2 A I ""nemonic I I I Machine I Operation Code • I XIO I I XIO I 2501 I TIOB I I Card Reader TIOB I Model A1 or A2 I TIOB I I 1------------+ XIO XIO XIO XIO XIO XIO XIO XIO XIO TIOB T IOB TIOB TIOB TIOB CIO CIO CIa CIO 2560 Multi-Function Card Machine 2 2 3 I B I 2 2 2 4 I 5 I 6 2 2 7 0 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 2 4 5 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 Fun ct ion Read Card *Read Card, Column Binary Test Reader Busy Test Reader Error Test Last Card Read Primary Card * Read Primary Card, Column Binary Read Secondary Card * Read Secondary Card, Column Binary Punch Primary Card Punch Secondary Card Punch and Feed Primary Card Punch and Feed Secondary Card * write Card Test Reader/Punch Busy Test Reader/Punch Error Test Card Printer Busy Test Last Card Test Feed Error Primary Card Stacker Select Secondary Card Stacker Select Punch Card Stacker Select * Print Head Select 1-----------+ I I I I I I I I I I I XIO XIO XIO XIO TIOB TIOB TIOB TIOB TIOB TIOB CIO I I I 2520 I I I Card Punch I Model A2 or A3 I I I XIO T lOB TIOB TIOB CIO I I 1442 ! Card Punch I Model 5 XIO TIOB TIOB TIOB I I I I I 2520 I Card Read I Punch I I I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 Read Card * Read Card, Column Bin ary Punch Card Punch and Feed Test Reader Busy Test Reader Error Test Punch Busy Test Punch Error Test Last Card Test Feed Error Stacker Select A 4 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 .----------+----------+--------+ I I I I I 2 2 2 2 2 6 I 2 I 3 I 5 I 0 I I I 3 I 3 I I 'l J I 3 2203 or 1403 Printer: ~ _______________ ~ ~' ,);1 I I i I \....11 ----1 Print I Prin t and Space Suppress I Test Printer Busy I Test Printer Err:'>r I Test Channel 9 I Test Channel 12 I I * Test Chann(~l 9 (u ppe r) Channel 12 (upper) * Test I ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ~ *Optional Feature 84 (-~ -1 Punch Busy 2 I Test n,, __ l... Error 3 II Test u." 5 I Test Feed Error 4 0 4 1 XIO 4 T lOB 0 4 TIOB 1 4 TIOB 2 4 TIOB .3 4 4 TIOB 4 5 TIOD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~IO -f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 6 t Punch Card 1---------------+----------+------+ I I , I I I I I -f ~ Punch Card Test Punch Busy Test Punch Error Test Feed Error Stacker Select I---------------+-----------+------+_ I I o System/360 Model 20 Basic Assembler Ldnguage ~ ~ o ~---------------.------- o I I Machine j 2203 or 1403 Printer I ~nemonic I Operation Code --+----- TIOS CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO CIO l--------------+ I I I I I I I I Communications Adapter (C. A.) I I I I I I I I XIO XIO TIOB TIOB TIOB CIa CIa CIO I I I XIO XIO XIO XIO XIO XIO TIOS TIOS CIa CIO CIO CIO CIa CIO CIa l----------------+-----------Sinary Synchronous Communications Adapter (BSCA) o -,-Operand I U 4 4 4 4 6 4 5 6 4 4 7 8 4 9 4 4 A B 4 4 C D 4 E 4 F 5 2 5 5 4 5 5 1 5 5 o 2 5 3 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 XIO XIO XIO XIO TIOB TIOS TIOB TIOB TIOB TIOB TIOB TIOB TIOB CIa CIa h 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 l----------------t-------------t-- I 2415 I XIO I 7 Function Test Carriage Busy Imm ediat e Sp ace Immediate Skip Delayed Space Delayed Skip * Immediate Space (upper) * Immediate Skip (upper) Delayed Space (upper) * Delayed Skip (upp~) * Immediate Space (both) * Immediate Skip (both) * Delayed Space (both) * Delayed Skip (bot h) * Receive Record Transmit Record Test C.A. Busy Test C.A Error Test Received EOT Set Receive Mode Send EOT Inhibit Audible Alarm -+ o 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 + o 5 ~--------+ Serial Input/ Output Channel F I 4 8 o 8 o 1 2 3 6 7 8 --+ 2 4 10 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 t Transmit and Receive Receive Initial Address Prepare Auto Call Receive Transmit Test Any Indicator Set Test Busy Disable ITB Enable ITB Enable BSCA Disa ble BS CA Store Current Address Store Sense Information store ITB Address I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Read I/O Device (Time sharing) write I/O Device (Time sharing) Read I/O Device (Burst) Write I/O Device (Burst) Test I/O Transfer 1 Test I/O transfe~ 2 Test I/O Transfer 1 Test I/O Transfer 4 Test I/O Transfer 5 Test I/O Transfer 6 Test I/O Transfer 7 Test I/O Transfer 8 Test Read Transfer Error Unit Control I/O Select 0 I Perform Tape Operation --i I ~----. --+----------+--------+--------------------------------~ I 2 31 1 I ______________ XI a 8 0_ _ LI _ Pe r for m Di ~i k Ope rat i () n I L-______________ LI _______ ~L * Optional Feature o Appendix C. Summary of Input/Output Instructions 85 -r I --, IMESSAGEI ~ I I I C ~ I 1 ~ 1 I I I Dl 1 1 I I 1 Ll 11.) 12.) I r-------+ ~ 1 M I ERROo CONDITION I 11.) I I 12.) I I I Assembly executed using the Basic (a) columns 1-24 and/or column 72 (b) operation code and/or operand Assembly executed using the Basic (a) col umn 72 not blank, or (b) operation code and/or operand Assembler (Card): not blank, or missing. Assembler (Tape) I I I I I 1 missing. ~ This EQU statement is unnamed. This START, ENTRY, or EXTRN statement is misplaced. ignored) • I I 1 (The statement is 1 The value of the location counter has exceeded the storage size for program lexecution as specified in the Basic Assembler Control card (card column 9). An instruction byte may not occupy the last (highest order) available 1 Notes: Imain storage address. I A constant or dat a byt e may be located at this posi ti on. I IThe name of this statement is defined more than once. 1------+ 1 N I I 1 0 ~ I I I I 1 1 I Rl IThe name of this statement does not conform to the rules as follows: Ie It has more than four characters, or Ie its first character is not alphabetic, or Ie it contains an illegal character. I 1 I I I ~ I I I I 1 ~ IThis mnemonic operation code is invalid. I I ~ lIn this statement I 11.) a relocatable expression has been used in an absolute field, or I 12.) an absolute expression has been used in a relocatable field, or I 13.) the X-Register field in an RX-instruction is not zero, or I 14.) a relocatable expression could not be split into a valid base address and I a displacement. (A USING statement is either missing, or wrong, or 1 I misplaced.) I I 1-----+ S ~ ---f r-------+ I o o --i One of th~ operands in this statement is invalid. This diagnostic message is printed when one or more of the follo~ing conditions occur: 1.) An invalid character is used as a delimiter. 2.) The -f'irst character of a symbol in the operand entry is not alphabetic. 3.) A delimiter is incorrectly used. 4.) The operand of a START, ORG, or EQU statement is invalid. 5.) A symbol or self-defining value in the operand entry contains an invalid character. 6.) A self-defining value or a symbol in the operand entry contains too many characters. 7.) A symbol or a self-defining value in the operand entry is followed by an invalid character. 8.) A self-defining value exceeds storage capacity. 9.) An ampersand or an apostrophe used within a character constant is incorrectly specified. 10.) A DS duplication factor is too high. 11.) A DS statement contains an invalid operand. 12.) A DC statement is incorrectly specified. -L- lWarning messages that do not suppress the punching of the object deck. o 86 System/360 Mod~l 20 Basic Assembler Language r-------,------------IMESSAGEI CONDITION --, ERRO~ o I ~----+ I I Tl' IThe symbol table was filled by the name of the last Iname of this statement cannot be accommodated. ~---+ 1 I I t U2 11.) I 2.) I I ----------------------~ ~eceding statement. The I I ~ The operand entry contains an undefined symbJl. I The operand entry of an EQU, ORG, or END statement contains a symbol that I is not previously defined. I ~ I W1 IThe length of a constant defined by a DC statement exceeds the explicit length. I '---_ _ _ _ .L J lWarning messages that do not suppress the punching of the object deck. 2U-messages of type (1) do not suppress the punching of the object deck, those of type (2) do suppress punching. o o Appendi x D. !:ummilry ()f Di,lgn()~;t ic Mns~iiHJ(~!; 87 T------------,------------, r 1 1 ICode setting: 1 1 1 1 I I ~ +------------+------------~ I I I I ,Mask Used to Test the Code: I l- 01 8 4 , --+- 'Ii~~Q_Poig~£ithm~ii£_JRR_[Q£m~1l IAdd Register' CAR) ISubtract Register (SR) 2 1 11 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 -+--------+------------+----------~ 1 IResult=O 1 Result=O --+ ~ I 10 I I , I , 1 00 1 IResult O IResult>O 1 .1 -1 -- 1 1 1 I +------------+----------~ , IResult O lOp 1>Op2 IResult>O IKi~~Q_fQint_!£ilh~~1i£_JR~_IQ£~~1l ,Add Half-word (AR) 1Compare Half-word (CH) 1 Subtract Half-worn (SH) 1 IResult=O IOpl=Op2 IResult;.=O I- +----------+ 1 IAdd Packed CAP) ICompare Packed (CP) ISubtract Packed (SP) 1 Zero Add Packed (ZAP) 1 Iqesult=O IOp1=Op2 IResult=O IResult=O 1 IResult>O IOp1>0l-.2 IResult>O IResult>O I- +----------+------+------t-------~ ( ~ I) ICompare Logical (r'LC,CLI) 1Edi t and Mark (ED) lOR Logical Immediate (OI) ITest Under Mask ('T'M) , I 1 I I 1 IRes u 1 t= 0 IRe suI t i 0 I - I I IOpl=Op2 IOp1 Op2 1 I I source field I source field 1source fie ld I I IResult=O IResultiO 1 I , I Result:::O I Result mixed I -IResult all I ' I ' lones, 1~~£im~1_!£i1hmetic 11Qgi££1_2£~ratiQns I lI. N D Lo g i cal I mme d i ate o 1 I Result 26 27 28 2g 4S 46 4fl 21" '10 In 11 () ,3 49 '>0 'i 1 (), 4 '>2 () , 'd f)4 4 i') 16 '),2 r) 9, () () , 7 ' ) r) J) 11 l7 J\ppl'lItlix ,- "- 2A 7.B 7.C 2D 2E 43 44 \ F. 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Hexddecim,11-DHcimal Numb(~l" ConvPl-slon Tablp 93 o 5 6 7 8 9 A B c D 23 0512 0528 0544 0560 0513 OS14 0515 0516 0517 0529 0~30 0531 0532 0533 0545 0~46 0547 0548 0549 0561 0~62 0563 0564 0565 0518 0534 0550 0566 0519 0535 0551 0567 0520 0536 05S2 0568 0521 0537 0553 0569 0522 0538 0554 0570 0523 0539 0555 0571 0524 0540 0556 0572 0525 0541 0557 0573 0526 0542 0558 0574 0527 0543 0559 0575 24 25 26 27 0576 0592 0608 0624 0577 OS78 0579 0580 0581 0593 0~94 0595 0596 0597 0609 0~10 0611 0612 0613 0625 0~26 0627 0628 0629 0582 0598 0614 0630 0583 0599 0615 0631 0584 0600 0616 0632 0585 0601 0617 0633 0586 0602 0618 0634 0587 0603 0619 0635 0588 0604 0620 0636 0589 0605 0621 0637 0590 0606 0622 0638 0591 0607 0623 0639 28 29 2A 28 0640 0656 0672 0688 0641 0~42 0657 0~58 0673 0~74 0689 On90 0643 0659 0675 0691 0644 0660 0676 0692 0645 0661 0677 0693 0646 0662 0678 0694 0647 0663 0679 0695 0648 0664 0680 0696 0649 0665 0681 0697 0650 0666 0682 0698 0651 0667 0683 0699 0652 0668 0684 0700 0653 0669 0685 0701 0654 0670 0686 0702 0655 0671 0687 0703 2C 2D 23 2f 0704 0720 0736 0752 0705 0721 0737 0753 0~06 0707 0723 0739 0755 0708 0724 0740 0756 0709 0725 0741 0757 0710 0726 0742 0758 0711 0727 0743 0759 0712 0728 0744 0760 0713 0729 0745 0761 0714 0730 0746 0762 0715 0731 0747 0763 0716 0732 0748 0764 0717 0733 0749 0765 0718 0734 0750 0766 0719 0735 0751 0767 30 31 32 33 0768 0784 0800 0816 0769 0~70 0771 0785 0~86 0787 0801 OP02 0803 0817 0 0 18 0819 0772 0788 0804 0820 0773 0789 0805 0821 0774 0790 0806 0822 0775 0791 0807 0823 0776 0792 0808 0824 0777 0793 0809 0825 0778 0794 0810 0826 0779 0795 0811 0827 0780 0796 0812 0828 0781 0797 C813 0829 0782 0798 0814 0830 0783 0799 0815 0831 34 35 36 37 0832 0848 0864 0880 0833 0849 0865 0881 OP34 OP50 OR66 OP82 0835 0851 0867 0883 0836 0852 0868 0884 0837 0853 0869 0885 0838 0854 0870 0886 0839 0855 0871 0887 0840 08S6 0872 0888 0841 0857 0873 0889 0842 0858 0874 0890 0843 0859 0875 0891 0844 0860 0876 0892 0845 0861 0877 0893 0846 0862 0878 0894 0847 0863 0879 0895 38 39 3A 38 0896 0912 0928 0944 0897 0913 0929 0945 OR98 0 0 14 OQ30 OQ46 0899 0915 0931 0947 0900 0916 0932 0948 0901 0917 0933 0949 0902 0918 0934 0950 0903 0919 0935 0951 0904 0920 0936 0952 0905 0921 0937 0953 0906 0922 0938 0954 0907 0923 0939 0955 0908 0924 0940 0956 0909 0925 0941 0957 0910 0926 0942 0958 0911 0927 0943 0959 3C 3D 3E 3F 0960 0976 0992 1008 0961 0977 0993 1009 0 0 62 OQ78 OQ94 1010 0963 0979 0995 1011 0964 0980 0996 1012 0965 0981 0997 1013 0966 0982 0998 1014 0967 0983 0999 1015 0968 0984 1000 1016 0969 0985 1001 1017 0970 0986 1002 1018 0971 0987 1003 1019 0972 0988 1004 1020 0973 0989 1005 1021 0974 0990 1006 1022 0975 0991 1007 1023 40 41 42 43 1024 1040 1056 1072 1025 1041 1057 1073 l n 26 ,ri42 1058 1074 1027 1043 1059 1075 1028 1044 1060 1076 1029 1045 1061 1077 1030 1046 1062 1078 1031 1047 1063 1079 1032 1048 1064 1080 10331034 1049 1050 106S 1066 1081 1082 1035 1051 1067 1083 1036 1052 1068 1084 1017 1053 1069 1085 1038 1054 1070 1086 1071 1087 44 45 46 47 1088 1104 1120 1136 1089 1105 1121 1137 1090 1106 1122 1138 10<)1 1107 1121 1139 10921093 1108 1109 1124 1125 1140 1141 1094 1110 1126 1142 1095 1111 1127 1143 1096 1112 1128 1144 1097 1113 1129 1145 1098 1114 1130 1146 1099 1115 1131 1147 1100 1116 1132 1148 1101 1117 1111 1149 1102 1110 1134 1150 1101 1119 1135 11S1 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1184118511861187119811891190119111921193 .1200 1201 1702 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 120<) 1162 1178 11CJ4 1210 1161 1179 1195 1211 1164 1180 11<)6 1212 1165 1181 11()7 1211 1166 11h7 1182 1181 119B 11<)() 1214 121S 1226 12 4 2 125fl 1274 1227 1 2 4·3 12')<) 127'> 17.2B 1 2 4 I! 1260 1276 1229 1 7. 4 1261 1277 12]0 1 24 (, 1262 127B 20 21 22 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 94 1216 12 3 2 1248 1264 3 2 0~22 0~38 0~54 1217 1218 1 2 3 31 7 ) 4 1249 1750 1265 1766 System/360 Modf'l 121<) 1 2 .1 ') 12')1 1267 20 4 1220 1 2 .1 6 1252 1260 1221 1 2 17 1253 1269 1222 12 3 8 1254 1270 Bd!;ic As!:;pmbl(~[ 1223 1 2 .1 <) 1255 1271 1224 1 /. 4 0 1256 1272 Ldngud Syst~m/360 2~62 2~78 2~94 2~10 2~90 2~06 2~22 2~]8 Modpl 2563 2579 2595 2611 2564 2580 2596 2612 20 Busic A!:;s(~mblp.l Ldl1(Jllll ent<.ltion, such clS chdract{~r quantities, to which meaning might be assigned.. Data Conversion The process of changing datcl from one form of representation to dnother. 100 System/J60 Mo~el 20 I3.1sic A!;semblpr: Data Processing A systematic sequence of operat ions performed on data. Data Processing System A network of machine components capable of accepting information, processing it according to a plan, and producing the desired results. Decimal 1. A characteristic or property involving a selection, choice or condition in which there are ten possibili ties. 2. The number representation system with a base of ten. Decimal-to-Binary Conversion The conversion of a decimal number to the equivalent binary number, i.e., a base-ten number to a base-two~umber. Decision A determination of future action. Decision Block A flowchart symbol whose interior contains the criterion for decision or branching. Decision Instruction An instruction that selects a branch of a program, e.g., a conditional branch instruction. Deck A collection of punched cards. Decrement The quantity by which a variable is decreased. Diagnostic The detection and isolation of a malfunction or a mistake. Diagram A schematic representation of a sequence of operations or routines. D it] it 1. Any of the arabic numerals 1 to 9 ~nd the symbol O. 2• 0 n e 0 f the e 1 em en t s t hat co mbin e to form numbers in d system other than the decimal system. Displacement The difference (in bytes) betwe(~n the contents of a base register (or the add res s rep res e n ted by a s y mbo 1 ) and a referenced storage location. Dumm y The characteristic of having the appearance of d specified thing but not hLiving the caracity to function as such. EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchanc]e Code). A sp<'cific set of B-bit codes standdrd throughout System/360. Edit Tom 0 <1 i f Y the f () r m 0 I' form d t () f (1. 1 t a ; e . 9 ., t () i n s(~ r tor del e t P C h d r' d etc r' s sllch as pa(J(~ numhpl:S or decim.ll poi nt:;. Eftective Addu~!.;!; Thp ab!;olutf~ m thdt of thp in!;tructic)n in !.tor.l(jP. Lln(Jucl .nce of in!;tructi()n~; th,lt i!. [' e p edt p dun til d t (~r- min 11 1 con (1i t i () n occllrs. Md chi n (~ ~)dm(! Add r e ~-' :-; d~; rage. 2. The generation of overflow as in o ( 1) • Pack To combine two or more units of information into a single physical unit to conserve stora ge • Padding A technique used to fill a block of information with dummy records, words or characters. Printer A device which expresses coded characters as hard copy. Program 1. The plan for the solution of a problem including data gathering, processing and reporting. 2. A group of related routines which solve a given problem. Programming Language A language used to prepare computer programs. Pseudo-Register A register with fixed contents used in conjunction with an IBM System/360 Model 20. Punched Card 1• A car d pun c h e d wit h a pa t t ern 0 f holes to represent data. 2. A card as in 1. before being punched. Read To transfer information from an input device to internal or auxiliary storage. Reader A device which converts information in one form of storage to information in another f::>rm of storage. Register A device capable of storing a specified amount of data such as one halfword. Rela ti ve AddL ess An address expressed by a previously defined symh::>l and a displacement. ( e • g ., F LD + 1 0) • Relocate In programming, to move d routine fLom one portion ::>f internal storage to another and to automatically adjust the necessary address refer(!nces so that the routine, in its new location, can be executed. Reset To restore a stoLage device to pre- 20 Basic Assembler Language o o o scribed initial state, not necessarily that denoting zeros. Restart To return to a previous point in a program and resume operation from that point. RLD card RLD cards identify portions of the text that require m00ification owing to relocation (such as address constants). Self-Defining Term A term with an implied value (e.g., 300, X' 2A' o , C' F ' ) Source Lang uage A language that is an input to a given translation process. Source Program A program written in a source language. Special Character In a character set, a character that is neither a numeral nor a letter, e.g., -* $ = and blank. Statement In computer programming, a meaningful expression or g~neralized instruction in a source language. Step 1. One instruction in a computer routine. 2. To cause d computer to execute one instruction. storage 1. Pertaining to a device into which data can be entered and from which it can be retrieved at a later time. 2. Loosely, any device that can store data. storage Capacity The amount of data (in bytes) that can be contained in a storage device. Store 1. To enter data into a storage device. 2. To retain data in a storage device. Subroutine A routine that can be part of another routine. Switch 1. A symbol used to indicate a branching point, or a set of instructions to condition a branch. 2. A physical device which can alter flow. Symbol Table A mapping for a set of symbols to another set of symbols or numbers. Sym boli c Addr ess An address expressed in symbols convenient to the programmer. Symbolic Language An artificial language used in logical expressions, that avoids all ambiguities and inadequacies of natural languages. System 1. A collection of consecutive operations and procedures required to accomplish a specific objective. 2. An assembly of objects united to form a functional unit. Table A collection of data, each item being uniquely identified either by some label or by its relative position. Table Look-Up A procedure for obtaining the function value corresponding to an argument from a table of function values. Truncate To cut off at a specified spot (as contrasted with round or pad). TXT card TXT cards contain the user program in machine language. Unpack To recover the original data from packed data. Zero Suppression The elimination of non-significant zeros in a number. Zone The 12, 11, or 0 punches in IBM card code. o Appendix II. Glossary 101 o Absol u te ad dressin g • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 22 Absolute expressions................. 17 Absolute program loader ••••••••••• 41,74 Absolute programming ••••••••••••••••• 26 Absolute symbols ••••••••••••••••••••• 15 Add decimal (AP) ••••••••••••••••••••• 57 Add halfword (AR) •••••••••••••••••••• 53 Add register (A1) •••••••••••••••••••• 51 Additional assembly run •••••••••••••• 72 Address calculation ••••••••••••••••••• 6 Address constants.................... 31 Addressing, absolute ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22 effective •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 explicit ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 implied •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 relative ••••••••••••••••••••• ·•••••• 16 symbolic ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 And (NI) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 67 Assembly, error elimination •••••••••• 72 Assignment of storage addr.-esses •••••• 18 Base register.- aodr.-ess calculation ••••• 6 Base register.-s •••••••••••••••••••• 20,23 Base r.-egister.-s, loading of ••••••••••• 23 Basic Assembler Contr.-ol Instr.-uctions, END •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 34 ORG •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 START •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 34 Basic Assembler.- Instr.-uctions ••••••• 5,29 DC. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 29 DROP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 D S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 32 ENTRy •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 27 EXTRN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• 27 EQU •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2'9 summar.-y of ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 82 USING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 23 Basic Assembler progr.-am, car.-d ver.-sions ••••••••.••••••••••••• 72 tape versions •••••••••••••••••••••• 74 BASR instr.-uction ••••••••••••••••••••• 23 Binar.-y arithmetic oper.-ations •••••••.• 49 Binary Synchronous Communications Adapter ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11,39 Branches, conditional •••.••••.•.•• 46,70 Branch and storp (BAS) ••••••••••••••• 71 Branch and stor.-p register (BASR) ••••• 71 Br.-anch on condition (BC) ••••••••••••• 70 Branch on condition r.-egister (BCR) .•• 70 Branching •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 69 BSCA ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• 11,39 Card Ver.-sions Basic Assembler.- program Character.- codes, summdr.-y Character constants •••..•••.••••••••• Chdracter self-Clefininq b~rms •••••••• Char.-acter set •••••••••••••••••••••••• CIa instr.-uction ••••••••••.•••.••••••• CIa instruction, Communications Addpters .•••.••••••• print-head sel(~Gtion ••••••••••••••• ot .......... 10 4 S Y s t e m/ 160M 0 del 2 0 B
serial I/O channeL •••••••••••••••• 39 skipping ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 39 spacing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 39 stacker selection •••••••••••••••••• 38 Coding conventions •••••••••••••••••••• 9 Coding form •••••••••••••••••••••••• 9,10 Comments cards ••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 Comments entries ••••••••••••••••••••• 12 Communications adapters •••••••••••••• 39 Com par e d ec i mal ( CP) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 5 7 Compare halfword (CH) •••••••••••••••• 52 Compare logical (CLC) •••••••••••••••• 64 Compare logical (CLI) •••••••••••••••• 64 Compatibility ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Compound expressions ••••••••••••••••• 16 Condition code ••••••••••••••••••••••• 46 Condition codes, summar.-y of •••••••••• 88 Condi tional branches •••• ~ • • • • • • • •• 46, 70 Constants •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Control input/output ••••••••••••••••• 37 Control instructions ••••••••••••••••• 34 Conversion table, hexadecimal-decimal •••••••••••••••• 93 C-type oper.-and of DS instr.-uction ••••• 33 DC instr.-uction ••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 DC instructions, gr.-ouping of ••••••••• 32 Decimal arithmetic oper.-ations •• ~ ••••• 53 Decimal self-defining terms •••••••••• 14 Define constant ••••••••.••••••••••••. 29 Define stor.-age ••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 Defining symbols ••••••••••••••••••••• 1') Definition instructions •••••••••••• 5,2) Definition of constants, sequence •••• 32 Diagnostic messages •••••••••••••••••• 74 Diagnostic messages, summary of •••••• 86 Directaddr.-essing •••••••••••••••••••• 22 Displacement ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 Divide decimal (DP) •••••••••••••••••• ')9 DROP instr.-uction •••••••.••••••••..••• 2S DS instruction ••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 DS instruction, C-type operand of DS instruction ••• 33 duplication factor- •••••••••.••••••• 31 II-type :>perand •••••••...•••.••.••••• 32 Dummy punch cycle •••••••••.•••••••••• 41 Duplication fdctor •.••••.•••••••••••• 13 Edit (ED) ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••. Effective addn~ssinq ••••••••••••••••. END instruction •••••••••••••••••••••• ENTRY instruction ••.••••••••••••••••• EQlJ instruction .••••••••.•••••••••••• Error elimination ••••••••••••.••••••• Error messages ••••••••••••••••••••••• EVdluation of expressions •.••.••••••• Execut~~ input/outpul. •••••••••••••••• Explicit dddressing .•••.•••••.••••••• EXI'rf~!.;si()ns ••••••••••••••.••••••••••• Expre!.isions, ahsolute •••••••••••••••••••••.••••• compound •••••.••••••••.••••••••.••• o 64 20 14 27 29 72 74 17 17 21 16 17 1b o o evaluation of •••••••••••••••••••••• 17 relocatable •••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 External sy mbols.. • ••• • • • • • • •• • • •• • •• 15 EXTRN instruction •••••••••••••••••••• 27 Formats of instructions •••••••••••••• 44 Functions of the assembler language •• 20 General registers •••••••••••••••••••• 22 General registers, restrictions on ••• 22 GroupinJ DC instructions ••••••••••••• 32 Half-word constants •••••••••••••••••• 31 Hexadecimal constants •••••••••••••••• 30 Hal t and proceen (HPR) •••••••••••• 48,68 Hexadecimal-decimal conversion table. 93 Hexadecimal sel~-defining terms •••••• 14 HPR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 48,68 H-type operand of DS instruction ••••• 32 o Identification-sequence entries •••••• 12 Implied addressing ••••••••••••••••••• 20 Incompatible instructions ••••••••••••• 7 Indexing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 Indexing with RY-format instructions. 46 Input/Output instructions •••••••••• 5,37 Input/Output macro instructions •••••• 40 Instruction entries •••••••••••••••••• 11 Instruction formats •••••••••••••••••• 45 Interrupts ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 Introduction •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 Invalid names, pxamples.............. 11 laCS macro instructions •••••••••••••• 40 laCS macro instructions, summary of • 41 I/O instructions, sequence of •••••••• 40 I/O instructions, summary of ••••••••• 85 I/O interrupts ••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 I/O routines ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 Joint assembly ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 Joint execution •••••••••••••••••••••• 27 Language compatibility •••••••••••••••• 8 Language structure ••••••••••••••••••• 14 Linking ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6,27,36 Listing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Load halfword (LH) ••••••••••••••••••• 52 Loading object programs •••••••••••••• 74 Loading of base registers •••••••••••• 23 Location counter ••••••••••••••••••••• 17 Location counter, reference to •••••••••••••.•.••••••• 19 resetting of •••••••••••••••••••• 19,35 Location-counter overflow •••••••••••• 19 o Ma chi n ere qui rem e n t s. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 6 Machine-instruction formats ••.••••••• 45 Machine-instruction formats, summary of ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 44 Machine-instruction statements ••••• 5,43 Machine instructions, summary of ••••• 83 Machine operations, Types of ••••••••• 49 Bin a r y a r it h mf> tic. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 49 Decimal arithmetic ••••••••••••••••• 53 Non-arithmetic ••••••••••••••••••••• 61 Main storage requirements, assembly ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 75 execution •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 75 Maximum system configuration •••••••••• 7 Minimum system configuration •••••••••• 6 Mnemonic •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 5 Mnemonic cod.es •••••••••••••••••••• 45,83 Move characters (MVC) •••••••••••••••• 62 Move immediate (MVI) ••••••••••••••••• 62 Move numerics (MVN) •••••••••••••••••• 63 Move with offset (MVO) ••••••••••••••• 55 Move zones (MVZ) ••••••••••••••••••••• 63 Multiply decimal (MP) •••••••••••••••• 58 Name e n t r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Name specifications •••••••••••••••••• 11 NI-instruction ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67 Non-arithmetic operations •••••••••••• 61 Object program ••••••••••.••.••••.••••• 5 aI-instruction ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67 Operand entry •••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 Ope ran d for ma t s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. 1 2 Ope rat ion cod es. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 8 3 Operation entry •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 Or (01) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 67 ORG instruction •••••••••••••••••••••• 35 Pack (PACK) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 56 Performance data ••••••••••••••••••••• 75 Print-head selection ••••••••••••••••• 38 Program linking ••••••••••••••••• 6,27,36 Program linking, sample of ••••••••••• 28 Program listing ••••••••••••..••••••••••• 6 Pseudo-registers ••••••••••••••••••••• 23 PSW •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 48 Reference to the location counter •••• 19 Register usage ••••••••••••••••••••••• 22 R ela ti ve addressi ng. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 16 Release base register •••••••••••••••• 25 Relocatability •••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Relocatable expressions •••••••••••••• 17 Relocatable program loader •••••••• 41,74 Relocatable programming •••••••••••••• 26 Relocatable symbols •••••••••••••••••• 15 Resetting the location counter •••• 19,35 Restriction on general registers .••••••••••••••••• 22 symbols •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 RR format •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 45 RX format •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 45 Sample of pr~gram linking •••••••••••• Sample of XIO instructions ••••••••••• Sample prJ gram in Basic Assembler language •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sample seluence of statements •••••••• Self-defining terms •••••••••••••••••• Self-defining terms, character .•••••••••••••••••••.••••. decimal •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• hexadecimal ••••••• w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sequence Jf definition of constdnts •• Sequence of I/O instructions ••••.•••• S er i a 1 I/O c han n e 1. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Set program status wor-d .••••••••••••• Short coding form •••••••••••••••••••• 51 format •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Source program •••••••••.••••••.•••.••• 5 pac i n 9 and 5 kip pin g • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. 28 37 76 13 14 15 14 14 32 40 J ') 4B 10 47 ~ .3') SPSW ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 48 SS format •••••••• ~ ••• ~ ••••••••••••••• 48 Stacker selection.................... 38 Statement components ••••••••••••••••• 11 Statement formats •••••••••••••••••••• 11 Statements, sample sequence of ••••••• 13 START instruction •••••••••••••••••••• 34 Storage addresses ••••••••••••••••• 18,20 Store halfword {STH) ••••••••••••••••• 52 Subtract decimal (SP) •••••••••••••••• 58 Subtract halfword (SH} ••••••••••••••• 53 Subtract registp.r (SR) ••••••••••••••• 51 Summary of Basic Assembler instructions ••••••••••••••••••••••• 82 Summary of character codes ••••••••••• 89 Summary of condition codes ••••••••••• 88 Summary of diagnostic messages ••••••• 86 Summary of laCS macro instructions ••• 41 Summary of I/O instructions •••••••••• 84 Summary of machine instruction forma ts •••••••••••••••• 44 Summary of machine instructions •••••• 83 Summary of UF codes •••••••••••••••••• 84 Symbolic addressing •••••••••••••••••• 20 Symbols •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 Symbols, absolute ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• 15 defining ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 external •••••••••••••••..••••••.••• 15 relocatable •••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 restrictions on •••• ; .•••••••••••••• 16 System/360 Assembler short coding form •••••••••••••••••• 10 Sy stern config ura tion. • • • • • • • • •• • • ••• 6,7 0 ... 4a Table look -up. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Tape Versions Basic Assembler program •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Test input/output and branch ••••••••• Test under mask (TM) ••••••••••••••••• Time requirements, card version ••••••••••••••••••••••• ta pe ver si on. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• TIOB instru ct ion. • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• •• Translate (TR) ••••••••••••••••••••••• Types of constants ••••••••••••••••••• 75 75 39 68 29 UF code •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UF codes, summary of ••••••••••••••••• Unit and function code ••••••••••••••• Unpack (UNPK) •••••••••••••••••••••••• USING instruction •••••••••••••••••••• 37 84 37 56 23 Valid names, examples •••••••••••••••• Valid oper.-ation codes, examples •••••• 11 12 73 39 67 Warning messages ••••••••••••••••••••• 74 Writing a program in Basic Assembler language •••••••..••••••••••••••••••• 76 XIO instruction •••••••••••••••••••••• 37 Zero and add (ZAP) ••••••••••••••••••• 56 o o 106 System/360 Mooel 1.0 FLlSic A!;sembler Ldn(JUi1 W O"l 0 I\J a, International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N.Y.IOSOI [USA Only] IBM World Trade Corporation 821 United Nations Plaza, New York, New York 10017 [International] 0 IBM System/360 Model 20 Card Programming Support Basic Assembler Langu;:Ige o READER'S COMMENT FORM Order No. GC26-3602-6 This sheet is for comments and suggestions about this manual. 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