GC28 0708 1_OS_VS2_Debugging_Handbook_Vol_1_Rel_3.7_Nov78 1 OS VS2 Debugging Handbook Vol Rel 3.7 Nov78
User Manual: GC28-0708-1_OS_VS2_Debugging_Handbook_Vol_1_Rel_3.7_Nov78
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- ------------- ---_ -----. ® OS/VS2 System Prrogramming Library: Debugging Handbook Volume 1 GC2S-070S-1 File No. S370-37 Includes Selectable Units: Scheduler Improvements Supervisor Performance # 1 Supervisor Performance #2 Data Management IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem TSO/VTAM Scheduler/lOS Support Service Data Improvements MSS Enhancements 3838 Vector Processing Subsystem 3895 Device Support System Security Support Dumping Improvements Attached Processor Support MVS Processor Support Hardware Recovery Enhancements Interactive Problem Control System TSO/VTAM Level 2 Data Management Support VS2.03.S04 VS2.03.805 VS2.03.S07 VS2.03.808 VS2.03.810 VS2.03.813 VS2.03.816 VS2.03.817 5752-824 5752-829 5752-830 5752-832 5752-833 5752-847 5752-851 5752-855 5752-857 5752-858 5752-860 Includes Program Product: MVS/System Extensions 5740-XEl IBM Corporation, Publications Development, Dept. D5S, Bldg. 706-2, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, New York 12602 Page of GC28-0708-1 Revised March 12. 1979 By TNL: GNZ8-2967 Second Edition (November, 1978) This is a major revision of and obsoletes GC28-0708-O and GC28-0751-O incorporating changes released in the following Technical Newsletters and System Library Supplements: Scheduler Improvements Supervisor Performance #1 Supervisor Performance #2 Data Management rBM 3800 Printing Subsystem TSO/VTAM Service Data Improvements 3838 Vector Processing Subsystem 3895 Device Support System Security Support Dumping Improvements MVS Processor Support Hardware Recovery Enhancements Interactive Problem Control System TSO/VTAM Level 2 Data Management Support MVS/System Extensions (program product) VS2.03.804 VS2.03.805 VS2.03.807 VS2.03.80B VS2.03.Bl0 VS2.03.B13 VS2.03.817 5752-829 5752-830 5752-832 5752-833 5752-B51 5752-B55 5752-857 5752-B58 5752-860 SU4 SU5 SU7 SUB SUlO SU13 SU11 SU29 SU30 SU32 SU33 SU51 SU55 SU57 SU58 SUOO (GN2B-267B) IGN2B-2680) (GN2B-2704) IGN2B-2679) (GN2B-2722) (GN2B-2655) (GN28-276B) (GC28-0925-0) (GC28-0800-0) (GC28-0845-0) (GC2S-oBl6-0) (GD23-0025-0) IGC28-0891-O) (GD23-0095-0) {GD23-OO4B-O} (GD23-OO76-0) 5752-XE1 XE1 (SD23"'(x)()1-O) I This edition with Technical Newsletter GN28-2967 applies to Release 3.7 of OS!VS2 and to all subsequent releases of OS/VS2 until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the information herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM Syslem/370 Bibliography, GA20-0001, for the editions that are applicable and current. The JES3 information contained in this manual is applicable only if JESJ has been integrated into your system. Publications are not stocked at the address given below; requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation. Publications Development. Department 058, Building 7()6.-2. PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602. Comments become the property of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corporation 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 ! : :F¥e"'n'~' New,'''" ThIS Newsletter No GN28-2984 Date July 16, 1979 Base Publication No. File No. GC28-0708-J S370-37 Prerequisite Newslettersl None Supplements OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Debugging Handbook Volume 1 ©Copyright IBM Corp. 1978 This newsletter contains replacement pages for Debugging Handbook (Val. J) in support of IBM 3203-5. ) Before inserting any of the attached pages into Debugging Handbook (Vol. I), read carefully the instructions on this cover. They indicate when and how you should insert the pages. be Removed Attached P3ges to be Inserted * xi - xii 4-7 - 4-10 4-25 - 4-36 xi - xli 4-7-4-10 4-25 - 4-36 Pages to *If you arc inserting pages frOIll different Newsletters/Supplements and identical page numbers are involved, always use the page with the latest date (shown in the slug at the top of the page). The page with the latest date contains the most complete information. A change to the text or to an illustration is indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. Summary of Amendments ) This technical newsletter contains new and updated information in support of the IBM 3203-5 device. Note: Please file this col'cr letter at the back of the bas(' publication to proJ'ide a record of changes ) 18-·.' Corporation, Publications Development, Department 056, Building 706-2, PO 80)( 390, Poughkeepsie, New York 12602 Printed in U.S.A. • : :'["yechnica, News'_' This Newsletter No. GN28-2967 Date March 12, 1979 Base Publication No. GC28-0708-1 File No. S37o.37 Prerequisite Newsletters! None Supplements OS/VS2 System Programming Library; Debugging Handbook Volume 1 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 This newsletter contains replacement pages for Debugging Handbook (Vol. 1). Before inserting any of the attached pages into Debugging Handbook (Vol. 1), read carefully the instructions on this cover. They indicate when and how you should insert the pages. Pages to be Removed Attached Pages to be Inserted * Cover· Edition Notice Cover - Edition Notice 5-47·5-48 5-47 - 5-48 *If you are inserting pages from different Newsletters/Supplements and identical page numbers are involved, always use the page with the latest date (shown in the slug at the top of the page). The page with the latest date contains the most complete information. A change to the text or to an illustration is indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. Summary of Amendments This update modifies SVC 109. Note: Please file this cover letter at the back of the base publication to provide a record bf changes. IBM Corporation, Publications Development, Department 058, Building 706·2, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, New York 12602 ©Copyright IBM Corp. 1979 Printed in U.S.A. Preface This handbook provides reference information for use in debugging user or system programs. The user of this publication should have a working knowledge of OS!VS2 functions and logic. The handbook has been divided into three volumes totaling six sections: Volume 1 (GC28-0708-l) Section 1. Problem Categories and Analysis describes an approach to debugging based on identification and analysis of system status indicators. Section 2. Debugging Aids summarizes major OS/VS2 debugging aids. Section 3. Dump and Trace Formats describes the output of debugging aids summarized in Section 2. Section 4. Error Indicators summarizes major system error indicators. Section 5. General Reference provides general reference information useful for debugging purposes. Section 6. Control Block Chains illustrates the logical relationships of major system data areas. Volume 2 (GC28-0709-l) • Data Areas A-M Describes the format of the data areas, and includes data areas frequently used in debugging, Volume 3 (GC28-0710-0) • Data Areas N-Z Describes the format of the data areas, and includes data areas frequently used in debugging. The following publications are referenced within this book: GA22-6966 GA22-6969 GC27-6974 GC28-0627 GC28-0628 GC28-0673 GC28-0674 GC2S-0675 GC2S-0677 GC2S-0681 GC28-0683 GC28-0692 GC2S-0l25 GC30-2045 GC34-2006 GC38-0015 GC38-0025 GC38-0030 GC38-0229 GC38-10CXl GC38-1002 GC38-1007 GC38-1008 GC38-1045 GC38-1046 GY21-0012 GY21-0013 GY30-3CXXl SBOF-8210 SY88-0606 SY24-5162 5Y24-5163 SY24-5167 5Y24-6OCXl SY26-3814 SY26-3815 SY26-3820 SY26-3823 SY26-3825 SY26-3826 SY26-3827 IBM System/370 Model 155 Operating Procedures IBM Syslem/370 Mode1165 Operating Procedures OS/VS Problem Determination Aids and Messages and Codes for GPS and GSP OS/VS2 System Programming tibrary: Job Management OS/VS2 System Programming library: Supervisor OS/VS System Modification Program (SMP} OS/VS2 System Programming library: Services Aids OS/VS2 System Programming library: OLTEP Q5/VS2 System Programming library: SYS1.LOGREC Enor Recording OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Initialization and Tuning Guide OS/VS2 Supervisor Services and Macro Instructions OS/VS2 JCL OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Diagnostic Techniques OS/VS TeAM User's Guide OS/VS2 MVS Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) User's Guide and Reference IBM System/370 Model 145 Operating Procedures IBM System/370 Model 158 Operating Procedures IBM System/370 Model 168 Operating Procedures Operator's Library: OS/VS2 MVS System Commands OS/VS Message library: Mass Storage System Messages OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Messages OS/VS Message library: linkage Editor and Loader Messages OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes OS/VS Message library: VS2 EREP Messages OS/VS Message Library: VS2 TSO Terminal Messages OS BSAM LogiC for IBM 1419/1275 OS Data Management Macro Logic for IBM 1285/1287/1288 IBM 3735 Programmable Buffered Terminal: Form Description Macro Instruction and Form Description Utility: Program Logic Manual (aS, DOS, and VS Systems) OS/VS2 System Logic Library: Volumes 1-7 OS!VS2 Data Areas (Microfiche) . OS/VS IBM 3886 Opticul Character Reader Model 1 Logic OS/VS IBM 3890 Document Processor Logic OS!VS2 IBM 3540 Logic OS!VS2 JES2 Logic OS!VS Loader Logic OS!VS Linkage Editor Logic OS/VS2 Checkpoint/Restart logic OS/VS2 I/O Supervisor Logic OS/VS2 Virtual Storage A:ccess Method (VSAM) Logic g~~~~~ g~t~~lC~OS~]eEo~i~~P~c Preface iii SY26-3828 SY26-3831 SY26-3832 SY26-3833 SY26-3834 SY27-7241 SV27_7242 SY27-7246 SY27-7256 SY27-7260 SY27-7263 SY27-7269 SY28-0612 SY28-0621 SY28---0623 SY28-0713 SY28-0714 SY28-0715 SY28-0716 SY28-0717 SY28-0718 SY28-0719 SY28-0843 SY28-0650 SY28-0651 SY28-0652 SY28-0676 SY2B-0678 SY28-0685 SY2B-0773 SY30-2040 SY33-BD41 SY33-8548 SY35-0004 SY35-OOO5 SY35-OOlO SY35-0014 SY35-OO16 OS!VS2 DADSM logic OS!VS2 BDAM logic OS!VS2 SAM logic OS!VS2 ISAM logic OS!VS2 VIO logic OS/VS Graphics Problem-Oriented Routines logic OS!VS Graphics Subroutine Package logic OS!VS BTAM logic Introduction to VTAM logic OS/VS2 Graphics Access Method logic VT AM Data Areas as!VS2 MVS VTIOC and TCAS logic OS!VS2 JES3 logic OS/VS2 VTAM logic OS/VS2 System Initialization logic OS!VS2 System logic library: Volume 1 of 7 OS!VS2 System logic library: Volume 2 of 7 OS!VS2 System logic library: Volume 3 of 7 OS!VS2 System logic library: Volume 4 of 7 OS!VS2 System logic library: Volume 5 of 7. OS/VS2 System logic library: Volume 6 of 7 OS/VS2 System logic library: Volume 7 of 7 OS/VS2 Service Aids Logic OS!VS2 Terminal Monitor Program and Service Routines OS/VS2 TSO Command Processor logic: Volume I {ACCOUNn OS!VS2 TSO Command Processor logic: Volume IV as!VS2 OlTEP logic OS!VS2 SVS1.LOGREC Error Recording logic OS/VS System Modification Program {SMPj logic OS!VS Environmental Recording, Editing and Printing (EREP) OS!VS2 TeAM logic OS!VS and VM/370 Assembler logic OS/VS2 TSO Command Processor logic; Volume 2 (EDIT) as!VS2 TSO Command Processor logic: Volume III (TESn OS!VS Utilities logic OS!VS2 Access Method Services logic Mass Storage Control {MSCj Trace Reports logic Mass Storage Control Table Create logic The handbook specifically omits the following general reference topics, which are covered in the System/370 Reference Summary (card), GX2D-1850: Machine instructions Extended mnemonic instructions CNOP alignment Assembler instructions Summary of constants EDIT and EDMK pattern characters Channel commands EBCDIC translation table Machine instruction formats Control registers CCW Dynamic address translation Hexadecimal and decimal conversion Note: If you use only one order number, you will receive only that volume. To receive all three volumes, you must use the three order numbers or the following form number: GBOF-8211. A handbook-sized binder, order number 5229-4124, may be purchased from IBM. Customers may order it through their marketing representative. IBM personnel should order the brnder from Mechanicsburg. In this manual, any references made to an IBM program product are not intended to state or imply that only IBM's program product may be used; any functionally equivalent program may be used instead. This manual has references to the following IBM program products: RACF . Resource Access Control Facility Program Number 574D-XXH. MVS!System Extensions Program Number S740-XE1. The date for this publication is November 30, 1978. Only supplements and TNls with dates later than November 30. 1978, apply to this publication. iv OS!VS2 DebUgging Handbook Volume 1 Contents Section 1. Problem Categories and Analysis . Diagnostic Approach . . . Serially Reusable Resources . . . . Logical Section of the Processor Channels Storage . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Resources . Resource Status Indicators . Processor Resources Channel Resources . . . . Address Space Resources. Section Z. Oebugging Aids . . . . . . . Interactive Problem Control System (lPCS) . Function Summary Dumping . . . . SNAP Dumps . ABEND Dumps SVC Dumps . . . : . Stand-Alone Dump. _SPZAP _ . Dumps Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trapping (Intercepting System Error Information) 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 2-t 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 M 2-5 2--6 ICR/PTF Application . . . . . . Mapping, Formatting, and Printing Displays. . . . . . . . . . . SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording Restart and Recovery . Debugging Aid Summary . . . . Service Aids Reference Summary. How to Use This Summary Symptom Table . . . Information Gathering. SADMP. GTF Patching. SPZAP DIPOO . . HMASMP. . . . . . . . . . Mapping, Formatting, and Printing PRDMP . LIST . EREPI 2-7 2-7 2-7 . 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 Section 3. Dump and Trace Formats . . . ABDUMP Output (ABEND and SNAP Dumps) VSAM SNAP Output High Density Dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . SADMP Output (lOW-SpMd Stand-Alone Dump) . . . . . . . . . AMDPRDMP Output (SVC Dump, SYSMDUMP ABEND Dump and Unformatted Stand-Alone Dump) . . . . . . • Page Heading and Dump Title (SVC Dump) Message Log . . . . ASM DATA Output. CPUDATA Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CVTMAP Output (Communication Vector Table) EDIT Output (GTF Trace Records) . . . . . . . . . . . . FORMAT, PRINT JOBNAME_ and PRINT CURRENT Output System-Related Control Blocks Job-Related Control Blocks . Task-Related Control Blocks. . . . PSW, Registers, and Virtual Storage TCB Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOGDATA OUTPUT (LOGREC Buffer Data) . lPAMAP Output (Link Pack Area Map) . . . . . . . . PRINT CSA, PRINT NUCLEUS, and PRINT SOA Output PRINT REAL Output (Real Storage Print) . , . PRINT STORAGE Output (Virtual Storage Print) aCBTRACE Output {Queue Control Block Print} . . . SUMDUMP Output (Summary Portion of SVC Dump) . SUMMARY Output (System Summary) AMOPROMP Output Comments EOIT Output Comments . General Output Comments . . Summary of Output Comments . Explanation of Output Comments GTF Trace Records . . . Time Stamp Records Lost Event Records . . . . . . DSP and SDSP Trace Records. . . EOS, 10, and PCI Trace Records. EXT Trace Records, FRR Trace Records . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . HEXFORMAT, SUBSYS, and SYSTEM Trace Records LSR Trace Records. . . . PGM and PI Trace Records RNIO Trace Records 3-1 . 3-3 3-23 3-31 3-33 2-12 2-12 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-13 3-35 3-35 3-35 3-37 3-52 3-57 3-58 3-60 3-60 3-62 3-66 3-77 3-79 3-81 3-83 3-84 3-87 3-89 3-91 3-93 3-95 3-99 3-99 3-102 3-102 3-'11 3-122 3-122 3-122 3-123 3-124 3-125 3-126 3-127 3-128 3-129 3-130 Contents v SIO Trace Records . SRB Trace Records. SRM Trace Records ST AE Trace Records . . . SUBSYS Trace Records. SVC Trace Records . . . . SYSTEM Trace Records . UIO Trace Records . . USR Trace Records . . . . . . . USRF9 Trace Records (VSAM) tJSRFD Trace Records (VTAMI . . . . . . . . . . . USRFE Trace Records (BSAM/GSAM/BPAM/BDAM) • USRFF Trace Records (OPEN/CLOSE/EOV) Section 4. Error Indicators System Error Messages . , . . . Machine-Check Interruption Code . PSW Error Indicators . . . . . Program Interruption Codes . Condition Codes . Wait State Codes ECB Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abnormal Completion Codes (OOl-Fnn Hex) . . . . . . . . . . • . SVC and Special-Category Abnormal Completion Codes (lOO-Enn) . I/O Error Indicators . . . Channel Status Word . . . limited Channel Logout . UCB Sense Bytes . 3800 Sense Bytes Section 5. General Reference . SVC Summary . SVC Routines Residence . . . . . . Naming Conventions . . Register Conventions . Locks . . . Page Faults . . . SVC Instructions . . . . Other Characteristics . SVC Table . . . . . . . System SVC Instructions SVC-Macro Ust . SYSEVENT Summary Module Summary . Module Index . . . Module Directory . Module Status . . Component Summary Storage Summary . Storage Maps . . Storage Protection . . Access Control Bits Fetch Protection Bit Reference Bit Change Bit . . Storage Subpools . . Serialization Summary . . Lock Summary . . . . lock Reference Table . ENG/DEQ Summary General System Flow Acronyms Section 6. Control Block Chains . TCB Structures - Master Scheduler TCB Structures - Initiator . TCe Structures - JES2 . Tce Structures - JES3 . . . . . . Subsystem Interface Control Blocks. Job Scheduling Control Blocks TSO/TCAM Control Blocks TSO/VTAM Control Blocks . . . . . . . . . Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Overview . . . . . . . . Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Processor Control Blocks . . Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Dispatching Queues: GSMQ. lSMQ. GSPl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Dispatching Queues: ASCB, TCB, lSPl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task Management Control Blocks - Overview. Task Management Control Blocks - Details . . . Program Management Control Blocks - Overview . . . . . . Program Management Control Blocks - link Pack Area Queue Program Management Control Blocks - Job Pack Area Queue Virtual Storage Management Control Blocks - Overview . Virtual Storage Management Control Blocks - Global PQE Chain (V=V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Virtual Storage Management Control Blocks - local PQE Chain (V=V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Virtual Storage Management Control Blocks - local POE Chain (V=R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Virtual Storage Management Control Blocks - Subpool Queues Real-Storage Management Control Blocks - Overview vi OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 · 3-131 · 3-132 · 3-133 3-134 3-135 · 3-136 3-138 · 3-138 · 3-139 3-140 · 3-141 3-145 3-146 4-, 4-2 4-2 · . 4-3 .. .. 4-3 4-4 . 4-6 4-10 4-11 4-'5 4-24 4-24 4-24 4-26 4-36 5-' 6-, 6-, 6-, 6-, 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 5-2 . 6-3 6-53 6-62 6-64 5-64 6-64 5-65 6-6B 6-6B 6-71 6-7' 6-7' 6-7' 6-7' 5-72 6-75 6-75 5-76 6-77 6-79 6-B5 6-, 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-7 6-B · . 6-9 6-11 6-'3 6-'5 6-17 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 Real-Storage Management Control Blocks - Details Auxiliary Storage Management Control Blocks I/O Control Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Recovery/Termination Management Control Blocks - Overview JES3 Control Blocks .... Open Catalog Control Blocks . VSAM Control Blocks Catalog Management Control Blocks 6-31 6-32 6-33 6-35 6-38 6-41 6-42 6-43 ,-, Index Figures ,. Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. '4. '5. '6. '7. 'B. '9. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 2B. 29 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 3B. 39. 40. 4'. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 4B. Figure 49. 2. 3. 4. Figure 50. Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 5'. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Figure sa. Figure 59. Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 6B. 69. System and Address-Space Status Indicator Locations Diagnostic Approach . . . . Debugging Aids Summary . . . . . . . . . . USing Service Aids to Process System Problems ABDUMP Output. VSAM SNAP Output High-Density Dump fo~ a~d ABEND Low-Speed Stand-Alone Dump AMDPRDMP Page Heading and Du~p Titl~ AMDPRDMP Message Log Format of ASM Data CPU Data . . . . . . . . Communication Vector Table GTF Trace Records System-Related Contra"1 BI~cks Job-Related Control Blocks Task-Related Control Blocks PSW. Registers. and Virtual SIC·rage TCB Summary LOG DATA OutP~t Link Pack Area Map SOA Print CSA Print Nucleus Prir"lt Real Storage Pri~t Virtual Storage Print Queue Control Block Print SUMDUMP Output. System Summary Virtual Storage Layo~t ·fo~ Sin·gl~ Addr~s~ Sp~c~ Virtual Storage layout for Multiple Address Spac~ Mapping of V'"' R Regions into Real Storage Nucleus Initialization Master Scheduler Initialization Start Primary JES Start Initiator Job Entry Job Execution TCB Structures ~. Ma~t~r Schedu·le; TCB Structures - Initiator TCB Structures - JES2 TCB Structures - JES3 Subsystem Interlace Contr~l BI~cks Job Scheduling COr"ltrol Blocks . TSO/TCAM Control Blocks TSO/VTAM Control Blocks . . . . . . . . . Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Overview Supervisor-Control Control 810cks - Processor Control Blocks . . . . . . . . . ......... Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Dispatching Queues; GSMQ, LSMQ. GSPL . Supervisor-Control Control Blocks·......:. Dis·p~tchi~g·Q~e~e·s: ASCB. TCB. LSPL Task Management C~~tr~l BI~cks·....:. Ov~~ie~ Task Management Control Blocks - Details Program Management Control Blocks - Overvie';" Program Management Control Blocks - link Pack Ar~a·Q·ue·u~ Program Management Control Blocks - Job Pack Area Queue Virtual Storage Management Control Blocks - Overview . Virtual Storage Management Control Blocks - Global POE Chain {V=VI Virtual Storag~ M~n~g~~e~t Co·nt~oi B·lo~k~ ..:...... L~c~1 POE Chain (V=V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Virtual Storage Management Control Blocks - Local POE Chain (V=R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Virtual Storage Management Control Blocks - Subpool Oueues Real-Storage Management Control Blocks - Overview Real-Storage Management Control Blocks - Details Au~iliary Storage Management Control Blocks I/O Control Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . Recovery/Termination Management Control Bla"cks:""": Ov~rvie~ JES3 Control Blocks Open Catalog Control BI~cks VSAM Control Blocks. Catalog Management Co~t;ol· Biodks· SNAP '-3 '-9 2-11 2-14 3-2 3-22 3-31 3-32 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-57 3-57 3-58 3-59 3-62 3-64 3-77 3-78 3-80 3-83 3·84 3-85 3-86 3-87 3-88 3-90 3-92 3-94 5-69 5-70 5-71 5-80 5-81 5-82 5-83 5-84 5-84 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-7 6-B 6-9 6-11 6-'3 6-15 6-17 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-31 6-32 6-33 6-35 6-38 6-4, 6-42 6-43 Contents vii viii OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Contents Directory / Contents Directory ix July 16, 1979 s.....,. of Amelldments for GCl8-0708-1 G........ I This edition has been reorganized into a three volume publication. See the Preface and Contents for the basic design and setup. SpecIfic ) • Volumes 1, 2, lind 3 incorporate maintenance updates accumulatad since tho last revision. Also, tho following SUa havo been integrated into thesa volumes. Scheduler Improvements Supervisor Perfonnanc8 ,1 Supervisor Performance ,2 Data Management IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem TSO/VTAM Service Data Improvements 3838 Vector Processing Subsystem 3895 Device Support System Security Support Dumping Improvements MVS Processor Support Hardware Recovery Enhancements Interactive ProbJem Control System TSO/VTAM Level 2 Data Management Support VS2.03.S04 VS2.03.805 VS2.03.807 VS2.03.808 VS2.03.B10 VS2.03.B13 VS2.03.B17 5752-829 5752-830 6762-832 5752-833 5752-851 5752-B55 5752-857 5752-858 5752-860 • Volume 1 incorporates program product information for MVS/System Extensions (5740-XE1) and highlights this infonnation where applicabJe. • Section 2 of Volume 2 (GC28-0709 or GC28-0752) Control Block Chains has been moved to Volume 1 (GC2~708-1) as Section 8. o • Section 1 of Volume 2 (GC2~709 or GC28-0752) - "How to Find Information" ha, been moved. This information is now contained in the description of the individual data areas. Each Volume 2 and 3 data area greater than 2 pages in length will have a label-displacement li,t appended to it. This infonnation already exists in OS/VS Data Areas (microfiche) and serves here as a replacement for the " How to Find Information" section. ) • The publications summary (Section 6 in GC2~708 or GC28-0751) has been deleted and replaced by a list of applicable publications in the Preface of Volume 1 (GC28-0708-1). A complete list of MVS publications can be obtained from the MVS Release Guide. This edition has been reorganized for a three volume publication. See tho Preface and Contents for the basic duign and setup. ) _of_x> July 16,1979 ) ) ) Section 1: Problem Categories and Analysis This section summarizes problem categories and analysis. It includes the following subsections: Diagnostic Approach • Serially Reusable Resources • Resource Status Indicators Program errors faU into three major categories: I J Unending loops • Unending wait conditions • Abnormal termination of a task or job step The publication OS/VS2 Message Library: VS2 System Codes. outlines problem determination procedures to be followed for each of these problem categories. Problem determination is the activity required to identify a failing program or hardware unit, and to determine who is responsible for program support or hardware maintenance. This section provides information that supplements, but does not replace or supercede, formal problem determination procedures. Diagnostic Approach The difficult way to analyze a dump is to look at each address space and task individually. looking at its request blocks and resume-PSWs to determine what it was doing (or waiting for) at the time of the dump. The objective of this section is to describe a diagnostic approach that will quickly determine which task or address space is preventing normal system operation. One way to start debugging is to look at system and address space status indicators. Part 1 of Figure 1 shows the control blocks that contain system and address space indicators in effect during normal system operation. Part 2 of Figure 1 shows the control blocks containing status indicators for the system and address spaces after an abnormal operation. Figure 1 acts as a recall mechanism; it does not represent all the control blocks active in a system (only one TeB on the chain is shown, for example), nor all offsets into the control blocks. Specific values can be located in Volume 2 or Volume 3, or on microfiche in OS!VS2 Data Areas. Section 1 1·1 Serially Reusable Resources Many system resources can only be used serially - that is, by only one task at a time. A system loop or wait generally occurs because a task has control of such 8 resource and never finishes with it or gives it up. Other tasks that require the resource are thus unable to continue processing. Following are some examples of serially reusable resources. Logical Section of the Processor: The responsibility for determining which task gets control of the processor belongs to the dispatcher. The dispatcher's decision is based on such things as priority, dispatchability status. processor affinity, and the presence or absence of a wait count. If. due to an error condition, the Asee, Tea ready queue, or ready Tea pointer is not correct, then those address spaces or tasks beyond the break in the queue will never get control of the processor. Channels: At anyone time, a selector channel can handle one request for data transfer. while a multiplexer channel can handle one request per device. Since requests are asynchronous. the system must have some means to keep track of these requests and to schedule them for execution when the channel or device is available. This is provided by the logical channel queue, which consists of I/O queue elements (lOOs) that are created as the requests are generated. Storage: There is actually a two-level competition for storage: ~ardware and software. The channels compete with each other and with the processor; any channel has priority over the processor, and the channels have priority with respect to each other. It is possible for a hardware error in a channel to prevent a channel operation from finishing; if that operation has already disabled the processor. preventing references to storage, the further execution of instructions is impossible. The system light stays on continuously. and the system fails to enter the manual state when the STOP button is pressed. System reset clears this condition, which cannot be accurately detected from a dump alone. The software competition involves control of both real and virtual storage. OS/VS2 handles this competition in a manner that prevents lockouts and permits the execution of tasks that have control of the storage they require. Miscellaneous Resources: Many OS/VS2 functions require that resources be used serially to preserve the integrity of data and to ensure normal operation. Examples of these functions are allocating and unallocating devices. dispatching work using the TCB queue, updating of VTOCs. using the catalog and system data sets; writing to the operator; and so forth. The system provides for these functions in two ways: 111 The ENO and OEO macro instructions are used to construct control blocks IOCBs and QELs) that indicate the name of the resource, the task requesting it. and whether the request is for shared or exclusive use of the resource. For exclusive requests. only the first-queued task is allowed to execute. If a task requests exclusive control of several resources. it is not allowed to execute until it has control of all of them. (2) locks are used to serialize the use of control blocks associated with the dispatching of work. For example, the local lock is used to serialize the use of the TCB. '·2 OS/V~2 Debugging Handbook Volume' System Level • PSA - Contains PSW, interruption codes, registers, and register save area for lock managcr and FLlH •. • LCCA - Registers saved by FLlHs, program check QPSW. • PVT - Work save area for RSM. Address Space Level ASCB - Contains lock indicator. LDA - Contains 9·64 byte work save area for GETMAIN/FAEEMAIN. ASXS - Contains 72 byte save area. IHSA - Contains save area for locally lockedinterrupts.PSW, registers, and FRR stack. RS - Contains PSW, register save area, extended save area. TCB - Contains task mode register WSAVT - Contains table of save area addresses . • -Indicates changes that apply to MVS/System Extensions TCB RB 10 20 30 Save area 70 PSW First Problem Program Save Area Save area 60 Extended Figure 1. System and Address Space Status Indicator Locations (Normal Status Areas) (Part 1 of2) Section 1 1·3 System Level 'SA ~~~ ~ • LCCA - Contains program check registers and PSW. SVC and I/O • PSA - Contains PSWs. interrupt codes. super flags. pointer to the current stack. and pointer to the FLiH stack. Location COO begins normal stack. location c10 begins RT1W. Location 380 poinu to the current stack. • RB - Contains flags. PSW. and registers. registers. 3BO FLiH Stack COO Cl. RT1W +34 SDWA CAC EEO 10 RT1W 3C • EEO 44 +SDWA Address Space Level • RTM2WA - Contains error data. • SDWA - Contains indicators for errors in locally locked routines. • TCB - Contains completion code. flags. and registers . .. RTM2WA normally chained off of the TCB but also chained off the ASCB if no LSQA is available. Previous RTM2WA Work area Figure 1. System and Address Space Status Indicator Locations (Error Status Area) (Part 2 of 2) 1-4 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Resource Status Indicators ) Figure 2 defines a simple but logical approach to determining the current use of serially reusable resources. The following text is a list of the more important resources, and associated status indicators. (For a list of ENQ/DEQ names. associated resources, and requesting modules, refer to the serialization summary in Section 5,) Processor Resources 1. Current ASIO (address space identified • The PSAANEW /PSAAOLD field of the PSA is a doubleword new/old ASe8 pointer. • The ASCBASID field of the ASeB is the ASIO (2 bytes). 2. Current Tea (task control block) • The PSATNEW!PSATOlD field of the PSA is a'doubleword new/old Tee pointer. (If the old SRB has been dispatched.) Tea pointer, PSATOLD, is zero, an • If the TCBRBP field of the TCa points to itself (instead of an AB), then the Tca is the pseudo-wait TCB and is not chained to any other TCB. 3. TCB Chain (by priority for each address space) • Location 4C hex points to the CVT. • The CVTASVT field of the CVT points to the ASVT. • The ASVTENTY field of the ASVT begins a series of one word entries that point to ASCBs (one for each active ASID). • The ASCBTNEW field of the ASCB points to the first ready TCa on the ready TCB queue. When no ready tasks exist, ASCBTNEW points to the last TCB. This pointer is never zero (applies to MVS/System Extensions). • The ASCBASXB field of the ASCa points to the ASXB. • The ASCBTCBS field of the ASCB in the number of ready TCBs not requiring the local lock. (applies to MVS/System Extensions). • The ASCBTCal field of the ASCa is the number of ready TCas requiring the local lock. (applies to MVS/System Extensions). • The ASXaFTCB field of the ASXB points to the first TCa in the TeB ready queue. • The ASXBLTCB field of the ASXa points to. the last TCB. • The TCBTCa field of the TCB points to next TCa. • The TCBBACK field of the Tca points to the previous TCB. • The last TCa in the chain has a fullword of zeros at TCaTCB; the first TCB has a fullword of zeros at TCBBACK. 4. Subtask Chains (end of chain is always zero) • The TCBOTC field of the TCB points to the mother Tca of this TCa_ • The TCBlTC field of the TCa points to the daughter TCa most recently attached. • The TCBNTC field of the TCB points to the sister TCa attached by the common mother. • The error task TCa is the only TCB without a mother TCB. In an address space created by a START, MOUNT, or LOGON request. the error task is the region control task (ACT). 5. Dispatching • Task dispatchabiJity flags are in the TCaFlGS4 and TCBFlGS5 fields of the TCB. If any bit in these two bytes is set to one, the TCa is nondispatchable. (If bit 7 of TCBFLGS5 is set to one, the reason for nondispatchability is indicated by a flag bit set to one in the TCBNDSP1. TCBNDSP2. or TCBNDSP3 field of the TCB. • Tasks ara dispatched based on the prioflty of the address space and then on the priority of the tasks within the address space. • Dispatching is in the following four levels. - Global SAB dispatcher (first). Section 1 '-5 - Local SRB dispatcher (second). - Local supervisor dispatcher (third). - Task (TCB) dispatcher (fourth). Channel Resources 1. Channel restart queue (LCHWDTB - logical channel word entry) • The CVTILCH field of the CVT points to the first logical channel word entry. • Each entry is 32 bytes long. • The first word in the logical channel entry points to the first 100E on the LCH (logical channel Queue table). Is FFFFFFFF hex if empty. • The second word in the logical channel entry points to the last [OOE on the LCH (logical channel queue tablel. • The associated UCB is located by: - The 10QIOSB field of the 100 points to tt1e IOS8. - The 10SUCB field of the IOS8 points to the UCB. Note: The 10SB has many flag bytes that contain information about the status of the 1/0 operation. For a complete description see the IDS logic manual, the diagnostic aids section, the topic called-informative 10SB fields. • The UCBFLA field of the UCB contains one byte of device status: - 80 hex is device busy. - 40 hex is device not ready. - A2 hex is device active-executing a channel program. - 08 hex is control unit busy. - 10 hex is sense pending. • Mount pending is indicated by 80 hex in the UCBDMCT field of the UCB. Memory Resources - ENQ/DEQ control blocks 1. Major aCB. • The CVTFaCB field of the CVT points to first major aCB. • The MAJNMAJ field of the aCB points to next major OCB. • The MAJPMAJ field of the aCB points to the previous major aCB. • The MAJFMIN field of the OCB points to the first minor aCB. • The MAJLMIN field of the aCB points to the last minor OCB. • The MAJNAME field of the aCB is the major name (qname; 8 bytes). 2. Minor aCB. • The MINNMIN field of the aCB points to the next minor OCB. • The MINPMIN field of the aCB points to the previous minor aCB. • The MINFaEL field of the aCB points to the first aEL • The MINLOEL field of the aCB points to the last aEL • MINNAMEL field of the OCB is: - Length of minor name (rname; 1 byte). - Flags (1 byte - MINFLGS field of the aCB). 80 hex is Scope 40 hex is Scope = SYSTEM. = SYSTEMS. 20 hex is Scope = STEP. 10 hex is No ENQ Allowed (set by FRR). - ASID (for Scope aCB). = STEP only; 2 bytes - MINASID field of the • The MINNAME field of the OCB is the minor name (rname; 1-256 bytes). 1-6 OS!VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 3. GEL. • The QELNQEL field of the GEL points to the next GEL. • The GELPOEL field of the OEL points to the previous OEL. • The OELTCB field of the GEL points as follows: - If bit - If bit a :::: a OELTCB points a :::: to the TCB. 1 GELTCB points to a LIST OEL. • The OELOFLGS field of the OEL is: - QFlAGS (1 byte). 80 hex is a shared OEL. 40 hex is a "must complete" OEL 20 hex is a LIST OEL. 10 hex is a RESERVE GEL 00 hex is an exclusive OEL. - LFlAGS (1 byte). 80 hex indicates that the ECB or RB has been posted. 40 hex indicates an ECB request. - ASID (2 bytes - OElASID field of the OEL). LIST OEL anly (OFLAGS :::: 20 hex): • GELSVRB field of the OEL points as follows: - If bit 0 :::: 0 points to the SVRB. - If bit a :::: 1 points to the ECB. • OELLCNT field of the OEL is: - Number of OELs for this request (2 bytes). - Number of OELs "waiting" (2 bytes - OELWCNT field of the OEL). • OEL + 18 hex points to the UCB (if OFlAGS contains 10 hex, indicating a RESERVE OEL). 4. WTO Buffers and WTOR reply queue elements. • WOE (write queue element). - The CVTCUCB field of the CVT points to the UCM. - UCM - UCM - UCM - WOE - ORE + 18 hex points to the first WOE (or zero). + 3C hex points to the last WOE (or zero). + 1C hex points to the first ORE (or zero). + 1 (3 bytes) + points to the next WOE (or zero). 1 (3 bytes) points to the next ORE (or zero). + 20 hex (1 - UCM - UCM + - UCM - UCM + 38 hex (2 bytes) is number of outstanding OREs. + 3A hex (2 bytes) is number of active WOEs. byte) is maximum number of ROEs. 2E hex (2 bytes) is maximum number of OREs. 5. SRB (service request block). • Global SRB. (enqueued on global service priority list) - The CVTGSPL field of the CVT points to GSPL. - The PSASVT field of the PSA points to the SVT. - The SVTGSPL field of the SVT points to the GSPL. • Local SRB. (execution based on an address space priority) - The ASCBSPL field of the ASCB points to the service priority list (SPl). - The ASCBLSPL field of the ASCB points to the LSPL. Section 1 1-7 6. SVC Table. • The CVTABEND field of the CVT points to the SCVT. • The SCVTSCVT field of the SCVT points to the SVC table. • Each entry in the SVC table is 2 words: - Bytes 0-3 contain the SVC entry point address. - Byte 4 (type and authorization): 000. 0 ... is type 1 (unauthorized). 000. 1 .. is type 1 (APF authorized). 100. 0 .. is type 2 (unauthorized). 100. 1 .. is type 2 (APF authorized). 110. 0 ... is type 3 or 4 (unauthorized). 110. 1 .. is type 3 or 4 (APF authorized). 001. 0 .. is type 6 (unauthorized). 001. 1 .. is type 6 (APF authorized) . .. 1. is a non-preemptive SVC. - Byte 6 (locks) to be obtained by the SVC first level interruption handlerJ: 80 hex is LOCAL lock. 40 hex is CMS lock. 20 hex is SRM lock. 10 hex is SALLoe lock. 08 hex is DISP lock. 1-8 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Figure 2 (Part2of2) operator trace the loop? Yo. Yo. No C~n the loop be Figuro 2. Diagnostic Approach (Part 1 of 2) Section 1 1-9 Figure 2. Diagnostic Approach (Part 2 of 2) 1-10 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 ) ) Section 2: Debugging Aids This section summarizes major OS/VS2 debugging aids. It includes tha following subsections: Function Summary lists major debugging aids, briefly describes their functions. and indicates appropriate reference publicafions. Debugging Aids Summary (Figure 3) • Service Aids Reference Summary ) is a reprint of OS/VS2 information from the service aids reference card. Interactive Problem Control System - IPeS The OS/VS2 MVS Interactive Problem Control System (IPeS) Selectable Unit (SUS7) provides MVS installations with expanded capabilities for diagnosing software failures and facilities for managing problem information and status. IPes includes facilities for: Online examination of storage dumps. Analysis of key MVS system components and control blocks. Online management of a directory of software problems that have occurred in the user's system. Online management of a directory of problem-related data, such as dumps or the output of service aids. IPCS runs as a command processor under TSO, allowing the user to make use of existing TSO facilities from IPCS, including the ability to create and execute command procedures (CLISTs) containing the IPCS command and its subcommands. IPCS supports three forms of MVS storage dumps: • High-speed stand-alone dumps produced by AMDSADMP. • Virtual dumps produced by MVS SDUMP on SYS1.DUMPxx data sets. • Virtual dumps produced by MVS SDUMP on data sets specified by the SVSMDUMP 00 statement, when the Dumping Improvements Selectable Unit (SU33J is installed. For information about IPCS. refer to the OS/VSl MVS In/ernerhY! Problem Control System (IPCS) Use,'s Guide and Reference. Function Summary ) Figure 3 lists debugging and debugging-related facilities by type and function. For each function, the text describes the role of each facility listed in the figure. The figure identifies publications where each facility is described in detail. Dumping Dumping functions are of five types: ) • SNAP dumps • ABEND dumps • SVC dumps • Stand-alone dumps • SPZAP dumps ) Suction 2 2-1 Snap Dumps The SNAP macro instruction dumps a specified task to a specified data set. The SNAP macro instruction can be used with various operands that govern the content of the dump. For JES3, RJPSNPS spools the channel-end data to the JES3 queue volumes and prints this data at termination. CBPRNT snap dumps control blocks of JES3 and MVS. DEBUG snap dumps selected JES3 control blocks to the DEBUG data set. Abend Dumps Functions are provided by: • SYSABEND, SVSMDUMP, SYSUDUMP, and JESSADMP (DO statements) • IEAABDOO. IEADMPOO, and IEADMROO (SVS1.PARMUB members) • AMDPRDMP (service aid) • CHNGDUMP and CANCEL (operator commands) • ABEND. CALLRTM. and SETRP (macro instructions) SYSABEND. JESSADMP, SVSMDUMP or SVSUDUMP (DD statement): • Defines a data set to contain an ABEND dump. IEAABDOO (SYS1.PARMlIB member): Defines content options for SVSABEND dumps. In effect. these options are added to options specified in ABEND, CAllRTM, and SETRP macro instructions. Unless changed by the installation, IEAABDOO defines dump options as 5 DATA = (LSQA.ENQ.CB.TRT.DM.IO.ERR). PDATA = (ALLPDATA). A dump defined by these options alone would include the local system queue area (lSQA, SUB POOL 229 and 230). ENO control blocks (ENO) and other control blocks (CB) for the terminated task, the GTF or system trace table [TRT), data management control blocks (OM), I/O control blocks (10). recovery/termination error control blocks (ERR). the PSW. registers. save area trace, pack and link pack areas. and virtual storage subpools 0-127,252 for the terminated task (ALLPDATA). IEADMPOO (SVS1.PARMUB member): Defines content options for SV5UDUMP dumps. In effect these options are added to options specified in ABEND. CAllRTM. and SETRP macro instructions. Unless changed by the installation, IEADMPOO specifies the same options as IEAABDOO, with these exceptions: LSQA and 10 are omitted. IEADMROO (SV51.PARMLIB member); • Defines SVC dump options for SY5MDUMP dumps. SYSMDUMP dumps are unformatted ABEND dumps that can be formatted by AMDPRDMP service aid. In effect these options are added to options specified in ABEND. CALLRTM. and SETRP macro instructions. Unless changed by the installation, IEADMROO specifies SDATA (NUC,SOA.LSQA,SWA,TRT,RGN). = CHNGDUMP (operator command): • Changes the dump content options originally specified in SV51.PARMUB, in the system option list. The options override or are added to the options specified by the ABEND. CALlRTM. SETRP macros. and the associated parmlib member. The changes remain in effect until a re-IPL. or until changed by a subsequent CHNGDUMP command. CANCEL (operator command): • Cancels a job or TSO terminal session. • Abnormally terminates the current job step. • Optionally requests an ABEND dump. 2-2 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 "CANCEl (JES3 operator command): Cancels a JES3 dynamic support program. • Abnormally terminates the job step. • Provides an optional ABEND dump. ·FAll (JES3 operator command): • Terminates a JES3 dynamic support program. • Used when a program fails to respond to -CANCEL • Provides an optional ABEND dump. "DUMP (JES3 operator command): • Forces a dump of the global processor. AMDPRDMP (service aid - MVS problem program): • Formats and prints the unformatted ABEND dump contained in the data set specified by the SYSMDUMP DO statement. ABEND (macro instruction): Abnormally terminates the current task and its subtasks or (optionally) all the tasks for the current job step. Optionally requests an ABEND dump for all terminated tasks. Optionally specifies dump content options. CALLRTM (macro instructionl: • Invokes the recovery termination manager for a task or an address space. • Optionally requests an ABEND dump for all terminated tasks. • Optionally specifies dump content options. SETRP (macro instruction): • Sets return parameters for return to the recovery termination manager by the FRR or ESTAE/ESTAI routine. • Optionally requests an ABEND dump for all terminated tasks or for the current task if a retry is to be performed. • Optionally specifies dump content options. SVC Dumps Functions are provided by: • DUMP system parameter • SYS1.DUMPnn data sets • SDUMP macro instruction • CHNGOUMP, DUMP, and SLIP operator commands • AMDPROMP service aid DUMP (system parameter): • Specifies virtual address spaces to be dumped to specified data sets. • Specifies whether SYS1.DUMPnn data sets are available to the system. • Specifies whether SVS1.DUMPnn data sets are on tape, on direct access storage, or both. SYS1.0UMPnn (OO,' SZ-SlAB 0019D(.2-=: fL-COt CCOOOvCO FL(,l LUU""UvU wC-L-ll.. (lJUL0033 RE~V PS.W C1CCHC1u CCl'1F';:IQA ecce eeoc wT-lNI< ((ot1r 12H '-,/lTk C0CVLI':',.(,. C(('8o~U (-cecece 1 (.rce 8b50Ct 000(-OC64 he, u-7 L'C,uBb ..H,t. t (Cb6UvC C0Cf,6~CC ( GL(,!uOOf, O(;(;('OCto4 '\It,c>&tCt.f .. (IC'H5ClE ~,G 6-l~ L,008u~YC C(lc,e624f' 40Cb5fb4 921JolABO (,CC; ~16,' (>(Jb[)Al Ar... ct"'C"!)['[lb ('(·FFI: Al ( QuFDouGO h'·C·b6 .... (J(. 000313064 ~XT~Jo I'C'(iL63t I n(lblopS} h olO41CCCFFlJ003(./' 4000C hI} OOO[l(!OD{, (J(,oonOO0 ~ (,000000 ~CB (,OuCul.CG (,CuJOCd, (.. L.OuOU' '-' RE SV ((c(.cere ccccc(.(.o fU,i o':U,(JOJ( wL-L-ll CLC/~ (.,uGl R[-Sv 11--'$10; SZ-Sl~fl 0(190022 Fl-CD[ OOOOOCOCc.c 00(.(1(,[wT-lNK C'('CO[)~rot PS\~ l'7(C2()(llj ON.6(.('t A C/11"k.l.. r,_? .. ·-,·,(lv,-t.0 .. bDAC J I.' 0G[0[ t.~(, (,(I~'UAC 1 b JvFf-,('<:::':\ 5('E.9F564 uCltDtt~e OObDAl!!£:' U'jjDACb( (o(h-;')OO'.:O LCbt9FFb K0 0-15 l0bhQH':' (·eLG(;CC{J OChb'1FF c f'Of DAE'3b 50EAOA3A CJ(IC()[ PoEC l0F [i~ID()(} (·o(e(.-c(.( (.('C'O(.['(,(. (,Ct:.LA4C(r CJ('OCuGUC ((JOC.IlIvl'(1 ('I0000C'1 C t..X 1 ~A (,·GC(O("'( ( OCO('(O(' (, (o(00C(,0C \.I(000C)CC' [,Cv['GL(.,u ( CC\:-C,S-J( (Of rcc( c' cc·occ(.co ,SLb lGGu,,)OOu L,A./CC-COC PE5V fLG1 L(,'I.ICliC . O( 84Ft(;0((\OC4:: " PSW 0('O(lt.(,t.(' C((("·lilL ... ( ('bFl~E\ @ LOAll LlSl Nl Cel-.F t:-I·ft. tvl (.(l'rbGt r.:.SF·-(['L CCFf.';IF-1(' -;'SP-Ll'F CC+h'L~t- CJ\l (!l'uIOCti (""T (.'Oh('(1 Nt C{q·Fl:'{i; N[ C'(L,FbC P.!.,i-'-CCf.- (.('1HSC[,(J ~,~,P-{DE (J~rEHKe CNT ((,('10001 CNT (:00H001 Figure 5, ABDUMP Output (Example) (Part 2 of 14) e ACTIVE RBS -- Request blocks (REs) queued to the TeB.1 IRS hhhhhh -- Interruption request block. PRS hhhhhh -- Program request block. SVRS hhhhhh -- Supervisor request block. @ LOAD LIST -- Load list elements (LLEs) queued to the '1'2. c.ach line of print represents the content;:; of two LLLS; thtse contents described under "LLE" in Volume 2. 'Oata area address followed by formatted fields. For a description of each field, refer to the appropriate data area description in Volume 2 or Volume 3. (Note that all request blocks are described under the heading "RE".) '-- ',-- - CuE@ "lCClf GO(j(I(IC(,Q /I.e.DF: ('CFt.: SFAL f'lLUf C'( H L'DC (' NClIE- (;OFl t be? bF14uf' h .. 'JF7l' Ff bCDL F-lE&Sc Rt-I-l CC'~F17tlf~ NM E[IAr11FST Xl/MJ CCoFl(·,H F:F't, CGCtl5Cf-f: PLJ-> (CC'l..'{.OC( NM IC,GC19CL' FF-A 001-::. ... 63(1 XL/t'IJ hl.P CCCCOGCC' NM IGG( 19(1 ~!rp (·(I(,O(lCOC t.M IGG('19AK E:P.4 ( OFf,LC?( XL/r~J (,(:FF~F90 (1CFEeCFl Xl/"'J ('OFFfH'78 EF-A 00Fl\6211C USE USE USE USE 0001=,,:·00 0003(.0(.10 (JOO2COOC (OOOlCO(';C ATTR tTTf.' ATTR ATH: OB;';:';'(.(!u E-122CI.{" b122CC'O 0022(.(;( @ XL ~ " ,lJ!)(H . lu i.,u. o(o(,!..., F! O:Jr"'C ~l. ~l (\..(,1.~1..'l( $'- ((.'!l.;lJu(.lfl lIJ[J A99D20 UFFSET SPQE g' '" '" ~ :)(J(){JV':(II JOB RPTESTI STEP IN-STA DDNAME 14010100 STEPLlB 14010102 SVSUDUMP 00A6C500 NSPQE 00A8C450 SPr.,J 00A8C450 NSPQE A FOAO FIJt: AbC540 SPi,j 00AB(490 NSPQE SPQ ODABF120 NSPr.)E OIJ£ A F2:'iO FUE A8(320 O~E: D-rQf r~(j f-t..!·Cr", fol bb 7L + 0018 + OD2C ®v SM l r'l-Il(JL'L'l {\jU i: Cl,C'l.,vlI /';(, ,",(!,,(JCIl 1 ®rIOT ~ JI[lF, LN t)FlI)At AaF548 PQE ABF41B FBQE A6C4QO ,)(IF(:.l,C? . (JOFt6;'At· TTR-5T AA3CB 000 AA371000 DOE 00000000 00AI:1(490 6(N,(13[), 8 (lC'OOvf- (, STl lFB 00A8C400 RS 1 DOA3cooa PFB OOABF41e Figure 5. ABDUMP Output (Example) (Part 3 of 14) ,ADR, STB-UC 8QQ03E 88 80QOaQnQ SPIO 252 I(tV 0000 SPIO 251 K 00001000 FQE ABCS CODO SPID 000 K 6000 SPID 000 K 00001000 FOE AHC3 FIRST OCAbF41e FFB OOA6C4Qa TeB OOABC920 NFB OOAb'=4-18 LN O(,F!'·4b3; Fl/RS 0000 UOE OQABFOAO Fl/RS glK 0008!>OOO LN 00000000 DOE OOHIF120 FL/KS 00000000 G ... r OOASFZiW Fl/F<.S NDuE 000000 BLK 00084000 IN NtJQE 000000 AD' UJ U.'t.:'f:~C.ff:l 8l (,(,,231 ~ L[..C'Oc,<::!: { NPQ 00000000 RAD 00084000 sz OOA0700a PPQ 00000000 FLG 00000000 AR!:A 00086000 a f' fOE:. E (' I-QE- 80000000 LN OOOOOFOB Af."EA coceSHIB ~OOOOOOQ LN 00000720 AkfA 000';:1+720 'o" ~ o ~ @ CDE -- Contents directory entries (eDEs) queued to REs and LLEs. Each line of print represents one @ 6) CDE.l i..L -..:. Extent list entries ill ~. ~ f ;;: ~" @ (XTLSTs) queued to CDEs. Each line of print represents one XTLST. 1 TIOT -- 'I'ask 1/0 table (Tlor) queued to the TeB. Lach succeeding line of print represents one DO entry in the table. Contents are described under "TIOT" in Volume 3. I~..t.: -- Interruption queue elements (lQEsl. Each line of print represents one lQE.1 No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. 1Data area address followed by formatted fields. For a description of each field, refer to the appropriate data area description in Volume 2 or Volume 3. @ VSM -- Virtual storage management subpool queues for the task (s) that are dumped. The display includes: SPQE -- Subpool queue element lSPQE). 1 Note that the subpool 10 field lSP1D) is printed in decimal format. DQE -- Descriptor queue element lDQE). are described under "DQE" in Volume 2. Fields FQE -- Free queue element (FOE). Fields are described under "FOE" in Volwne 2. D-P~E:@C(.r:::.S. @ P'~["SCUF-""bl. FbQ£ luC"1 t. FH.Sl ('O((F 4 l-,(- r-F[, C(,C'... C4lt T (2 (·O(liC(,F c. f'.: F nrc [-. ~J/\:: fll. cr' hS I 1,:('l.[)A:;>n( (lC'bt'(()('O PH ((CCf-4t.( NPC' 1I00C(;r,,:\O F.AL I,Oflf4CiOO OOb17(C'C ~l PP(1 (rr'Gr.~·c,~ H(. (I()OO(.~JCC APEA (CC£!:UCC c."CF-®R/lLt-@ MAJ f-F.f7Lt< 1'0:'1/ J l Cff A..:."tt. PtltJ 1...;, l,(I,.:( II f-MIN ( . .JfH::7.Ab LHIN ':,( FH7Al /'w, MIN FlE7H \I."1I~ ('u()uu(,Ou N(d:.l cCt(,(,c(.c r.'I'IA.1 1.·0 ... ( l c.c lQE-l C',)F- EC 54 t. FLIr. 20('('0(04 lMlr.. OCf-I:i:4lC FL rD C3?uCCG4 ~v~:f.. CC.COufJt b SYSuSN uc: PMIN I. l F-LJ:'>lt-t U.ll Cf1f-t:M,cr. F- U [) ~. Cliv( l"':.(.'l P;l:'l '.'('( (,C(.':""::' Fun \;(! cf·f,DA.:":-:t MAJ FFFE.H @ "Ill'll FEL~:.7l r-..t-'llN (I. Nr,F-l TC~T TC" A 1 ABO 148 AtlE 3AO TCB AT ABE 150 TCt. A 1 ABC 920 rcs AT AA1 EfH) CMP CMP CMP CMP eMP F:;~l 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 aooooHa h,j: l C.( FlM'CC leo 11(,cccnFb ***1CI::\ SUMMARY*** PKF-fLG PKF-FLG PKF-FLG PKF-i=LG PKF-FlG ------OSP 00000060 000000 eo 00000080 1I0000000 80010000 OSP OSP DSP asp IlJ4'-{ SOY SDY SOY SOY SOY OODOFFFF OOOOFFFF OOOOFFFF OOOOFFFF OOOOFFFF SY~·IFA"'l N" rl·4 00000000 oocooooo 00000000 00000000 00000000 rs aGe (". R TM 00000000 NM on fI.~~ IE-A f,('{)lO{JOO SYSMAPlr C/I. T L'( (,:;:( QuC' RTM 00000000 FHYT 00000000 Ft3YT 0004(,00(, RiO,.., Ft:>YT 000 .. 0000 FuYT 08040000 RTM 00000000 RTM 00000000 OOAAlAC~ F~YT C004000C Figure S. ABDUl\IP Output (Example) (Part 4 of l4) @ ~ @ ::: D-PQl. hhhhhh -- Dwnmy partition queue elerrent (address minus eight bytes, followed by formatted fields). jo'IRST hhhhhh -- Address of first PQB. PQE hhhhhh -- Partition queue element storage in the address space. 1 (PQE) for ~ S w 1Data area address followed by formatted fields. For a description of each field, refer to the appropriate data area description in Volwne 2 or volume 3. "" .FB'..,>!:. hhhhhh -- Free olock qileue element o -- Iruce rcque::;ted by the :;:'DATA=ENQ option. (Trace of queue control blocks and queuE: f.;lements as::lOciated with the job step.) ~CBl',{l'I.C,!!, ® .'..AJ nhhhhh -- i':ajOI. queue control block (QCB). 1 ® ,"lId hhhhhh -- Minor QCB queued to rna jor QCB. Each ..jucceejing line of print represents a queue tlement (QEL) queued to the minor 2CB; fit"lds are described under "QEL" in Volume 3. (§ TeE SUMMARY -- task control block summary. (FBQEj.1 '" 'en" 0 (§ -DEf!;----------------------------------AT lnCA nON ('IOAAF.4QC <: 1(J ~ :il ~. f ~ [ -74 -10 +0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 ® -£'1CI3+10 +30 +50 0OO40QQF OOF311MI 00040QQf DEsper A on0409 Q E OEBCfA 00040C,Qf DFRXCEA MHYpc 00000000 ooaOOODO EXTNSlflN ODAAE5AA lC::NGTH 20 TBLOF PRFFIX 11 (E1ooanoo PATS Of>,ACC 180 Nt:"XTn~13 lOAII.F.524 IRfliAOR 17000100 TCR-AOR USRPC; 8FOSo;f.64 APPADR 04AAF478 OIoooono RPQ FFOOOOOO DeBAOP IPAAFIAO 00000000 0001000[1. QDOBaOA3 00010[101 ol1nooooo 000000(10 00000000 DEBAVT C2C2C2CI C3CPC3C3 (3C4C2C3 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 AT LnCATH1N ODOA5664 ( R$AMJ 002Q336r'1 onOQoOOl 00004000 00000001 04000001 COOOOOOO f'r~(,9:'4"4 OOAAF49C Q2FAbOFfI (lOFAA770 10085600 nnnOODOO 58045070 OOOB4EAC 01C20SFO OOC2!"15f::O 00000000 00Cl713 R @ -10B-A +0 +10 {SAM,BPAM-NORMAL SCH~DULTNGI OlOR4FAP 7FOOOOOO FLAG SF.:NS 0700 START OOOA4FOB DeePT Figure S. ABDUMP Output (Example) (Part 5 of 14) AT LOCATION 0000 EC9PT 0008'56h4 R~STR 00084EBO 00084FAC csw 00000000 00000000 00000000 VARIARLE' noooonoo 0002 "'---@ DEB • • • -- Data extent block prefix and data extent block. Each line of print includes: The virtual address of the first printed word of stroage. Eight words of storage in hexadecimal format. The same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A-Z, and 0-9. If the dump is directed to a 3800 printer and the JCL specifies CHARS==DUMP on the SYSUDUMP, SYSABEND or SNAP-related DD statement, each line of print includes: The virtual address of the first printed word of storage. Sixteen words of storage in hexadecimal format, printed in groups of four words with the first character of each word underlined. The same 16 words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A-Z, and 0-9. This will appear as two 32-character groups separated by one blank. Fields are described under "DEB" in Volume 2. (Note for JES2 and JES3, the DEB prefix is meaningless. ) w "' e @ DeB -- data control block pointed to by the preceding DEB. This infonnation is formatted only for the OM option. lOB -- I/O control block pointed to by the preceding DeB. This information is only formatted for the 10 option. '" 0 0 ~ [(l ® -f., 1 ,,;: W J l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A . l +, .;:0::' -I:I:I~ +,L ()Slc-jU4~~ (J((j' ..... .:.OC lYP~ (,O/lAIALb ((~L('OOC(; 1.ktlS ANl LC'CA T J 0N ®l 0(,AA lAce Ff-<..",u3Cb (.l!{)3';f{)4h orIAAlFE'H (,G.ab~-5h· lCH:l;o5i:1 (}(,UC1LlC(J ·::l-C'V..iOvu ..;L.L.o(,CQC ()nAAlft'·p, rCAL,tSF: ::01--E:1(;bO +~,C +7(. CLOC. ...'(, COCCl·UC'l' LC(.COOuo g' "( v(:U(,,.."I('(1 bl'0vltlll'O [ -ttl, TYH:3 M.eL.hJNL Cl-1lL«. (lLLL_ .:oJl.. LU;)OCOOO ,:)CO(;0000 +'" : 0 f ~ ~ +0'" +U4 +1-- mation is formatted only for all DEBs under the task for the 10 option. No example of this inforrnation is shown in the corresponding figure. p~w ('LC,(j .' A. ('vUUU,oUL' O(,('\('I/(HJ(I ...,I..uh(I(,(j(l i.,(>OOL00v "OUUO(Il)O l:u(lO('IJI)0 ('()OU'_'lJl!\.! ("CO, (,0(, C';(JOC.OllL "O((,OO{JU l-lllJUC,UOU O(}('O"(I(\(' ,100G0000 Oe000l0U (,uCUC,()('l' :;(;0001.-C'0 ."".)UUUVU ~OCJOC00 ~O(o(,CCCG r.OCO(J(.,)( (tCC-DeCOG ® UCB -- unit control block pointed to by the DEB. This information is only formatted for all DEBs under the task for the 10 option. No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. @ RTM2WA -- RTM work area queued to the TeB. This informa tion is only formatted if available, for the ERR option. (IOCL.( Lou ,:"Ct,._(" () (,Ct10000u uLUO('OOD O(,CG(l(i(,C' ('(1(;(,00(·1 OC(.Ll.r..:ro ('t'COI'('((" GOG Jl,:GOC uC,(.u,,:;Gl·O ',iCC uvOCG uC0CO( GC JC'(IOOOOO 000000G<.: OG(lorr'IJO (.(,(iu() (jor· O(:CJl;u(':OL Cl'v('OlH.O u('(,:)O~O(j -~N,,'P.Ak~~ +J.lh -PUI-jt-' +11., +134 + 1=. .. \..1001." t:·v\..l r,.:'): (,OL(! (1(:C(!LvlJtJ t,l,(.l.(}COC croooc,(oo ~ Tukt..l,[ RANL£. So Lo(;(;l t;{)O() C'LI\..I(JUOLL 0(,(:(" {Ill" GCOc.c,~Ol.l 0('((;00(0 .:..LuuOCC,(, oC'()coroc OOl.lCO()O(.o ..;Ol..'l UUCC (. uCOO()O(, Gu(,C0GCG 1.'(lC0l;{tl/l! U(iVUtJ(lJO C(!.AAICIC OOAAIC20 OOAAH24 (,u!;Al( £t1 COLOl.vCO JCC()".;0J DOGOOOCiC ocr-onC'oo (~OCOOCCl 00CO(lC00 t'OC:OIJ{JC(I -$Uf.FlIf'lCTHjN Rl(~I~Tf--R ~k.Vf_ AF.c:A + 11~· U(·V(;·.j·,,-.' U. uUv(W(J v\ll'lJ(.oOliO vUuu000t' (l000(lAOO r,oouO(Ju\' ti('vvLdA,,) L!I)('O()(I(-("\ {)CtJ ... (IOIJ0 l LL0CJLLl.' \,0l·('{}(,0CJ ()lJU()l/(,t)O OO(l(,(l(,OC (·ul.,v()U(,L' (.'('D()CnOO (,QlOI)(,LI) +J.':f'+lb .. [COLuO(, (uCO':'uC(' +He +llJC uuut...lJuOu l~lIt...(Jvu()L' \!lJl.'(){IOlJ{J ulJlJl.!{JL,(jO oOOOOOCt) ('OUl)l!(l(\(> OO(lO()(.\lO 00LliL0IJv Lo(-lJu\..lCLIJ (,( (.uL,-,vu (.(,000l·00 uOBF17F( (j(ot.'CJ(.['O(.J -R[CUK~lUN + If .. +c1"- 0000{;Of'(1 Pl:l,l!::1EI fJ [t'C(('P('(1 ('·OCCCU.v (..(11.)00(100 ('Iocaocc(I (JC.OvO(I(}lI i.. ,\'l',UOVV +2(. ... OO,ll.A]LJ90 -RMPl +2CI- OU(,l!{IUU(, I..VUUUlJu(. (·l!(.llIJ{)lJl' vOCllJUI1(.(1 uOAA]DA8 l·(j\"i(J{I{lvu -SAVI:: ,ll.RE:A -Wul-K AH:A ... u~ ~LSUllK(( MANA(.tK ... 21::(, (.c,,(lI.....·Cl ", ... JOQOC:' t-Gc, •.:.:.uOO :1..0CCI"..CO cceoe·cac ':OCOOO~(J OC.GDCUOl ClCC-oc...orr, +j,('l. (Joe;l.\. voL, (-OVOCrf./L·" lJlJvl"l/OLlI \,·vVL'OCI,.·(· O(-COOLOfJ COOOOl't!L' uOOOCGOO ('ICCOOQC{: -!:l.AVt +3," +;..-L +'::>r'l +~I: t +;"c (\ +:;~ IoIH:.A tllR Rt::~LlUI{CE MAN,.f~tK ('OVl)·,.~_UC «(.(;.:.I('U(..(' Ol.(,(;l'Cr(IL 1"..1ou\JLt'OO O(;('ocJOCC' (lfIUUfI(l(!l. U(J(;LlJl,(;G U(()COULC C(,("LO(/!: 0 LVUc..OOC'O .JC( 000e(' ~ '·O(,.(jLC(' )rONief)C 0(;')OCOOOl. :'OOCGC'·(;O OGGO()O(() OL:Cltll:vL. GC:(O(:l.:Lli .)C ~(HilL(i(:CJ (IU(;L, • ..1' OCG':~ :':00 "l.l.LCt('U(,l' CfJC(J(lGCC l'{J(Ju u()(,(..IJOtIV c.C.OOOr.oo \}oQOOf'r·r ':'(Jconuu(, l.u'.:U\IUU(.o (,1.. ('L'(IIo(o,) ('L·l'~,v{JLL d,(;C.lobl,(. ('-OCl(,(,(.(·r. ("t(..O(J(,(;O(' UlIl,QU(-CO OG(.(j(lO(;{j ;:GCuOOUC .;uooo(.oc Figure S. ABDUMP Output (Example) (Part 7 of 14) le.> ~o('('or-ro .., ;;; o ~ ~ :g .be +'>4 +jC "t(;S AT +~c +1L ~. +CC iF .t; -':' he ~ FC, p~w Ai SlJWPldM f- (Juu(iuCJ00 tk.kur< lIMe. LJ.-. C(,LOu0Lu (;COOCCI10 ("GCO()OU II.;OUl;('(;(' ooaoCiocc Ul'('OOCOC' co{O(r.c,( LLL'lH.JOU. <..l'OC('C'J(\ ·:-!CC:GD00(,' ',..(,00G(,(i0 C'OOGOCCG :.o(",c[;(,cr g'ClC{ f':C'r' OL'I..'U(!Vu(, \~CL'(.('U (I (IOC00('OO CL,CClJCOO f:-HkuR +( CVl AC! q I{TCl AUU1( (,~rF-'('f.'· S.Cb At...ul<, C (;00l OC) l'UlILdJlC' ....H:· ~ +lbl ,q7, +['.f. +ju( +37l +jl'''(, +31:' .. Al·L" S.Vkt t.uU< I-'t\!: v t(Y I,ULJUN~-(l(;,UlrJTJNIJ~ WITH HKM!NATIUN-]MPLH,S Kt.TkY Ai'UK k[lu"NElJ H.L'M KI-CUVU,y t:XIT (lr-OCC(CO kb AuLR t-Lf.- Kl:fhY l'r'll('(1 C·[:O ~ < ~l.JM""tkY fl.1M.d-JA CUMI-'U,T fLlN CUuf: Ab[NuING PRu(,RAM NAMf AbfNDIN(, PIW(,RAM A()rj~ +1(. (fljABI:. 5F(' Gl,u('()ul·(, l/\!:.K FUf... ktCUt-S!UN ASH. nF r:Kkl:k FRk[!f.I A ~_Il~ It- U,lJ~~ (.L(;L,cccr P,bTEr<~ MlMUf A~MLI ~T +0 sc~ +p f,r::Y"l('-lRO"lfll l , AlL':"~ '~IT cLAG IhAOF63t.. TCP,/RP. 1')3ACf6Fn SCS'l ATA nnnnr'l3nO SU"'~/IRY T~;j:TRlIPT,<;' PYP",<'S P' T,1 r.. +r JOF IISl:q 1.I~l:P lIn TNTF~V!="'JTI:'\1 PjT'I (A TrH~ f'N !II.! I(~Y 0-7 T"J ... n.PN"A~ -STH S1!pplVT~np SH p STATF ~ULL l!t-IF 153716 C"'~1Tq "'L H "(";K-----------------------!\T ---------------- +n "JrxTs(r +8 ALlD~...r +C rSTA~ w:p~ IN I(FY 0-7 IJSFR PJ <\<:::Y'!CHPO'IJnus ~yp,,('~ ~lAG nnQ 16('\~FF60 T(P,/I(<) f1:?ACI:6J:.O "'CDnAlA O("lDOn~f;,O C;t/"'Mt8Y I"!Tf:F.~UPT~ I/r P.1TI=R.vc~1l H'DI[f.T[lq U"J ~UP~RVIsrp 'in In l!"lC /lTH''I.l ('10 AI:: c-o'Jr nnA('11")nc l'$FR.fXIT C41"'lP73PA PARMlI"T ~cp. nATI= 770n7 In~' <::'TATp Figure 5. ABDUl\IP Output (Example) (Part 9 of 14) i '" '" w @ EED -- extended error descriptor bloc.ks queued to the TeE. This information is only formatted if available, for the ERR option. No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. ® seE -- STAE control blocks queued to the TeB. This information is only formatted if available, for the ERR option. ~ '"0 ® SAVE ~ en N ARlA TRACE: @GO @~A I .,"" ~. 5' HAS (.a4Ft~l1 085F6 a :J: f ® INT~RRUPT ~ ~ o ENT~RE~ VIA LINK WOl (lyOOOOOO Rl ('OOU4FFB R7 FO(IOOi)OO HOl 00000000 OCGOOI,...(,O Rl R7 00000000 HSA OOOOOllUO L~ QOOtl5FB8 R2 OOuIJOO40 R3 i:08'J2464 R8 (>(lB9(.980 HSA OOOB4FbO 000)\,0(11':,0 R2 Rti 00000000 "9 nOB9('Fl:I~ RET 0OO25DFa R4 00b9244C RlO 0-;(0("'0(,00 EPA (.(I(Jb~t:B6 R5 0089CC00 Rll O(JE.9CFSl, .5 Rf; ('i)B9DZCB t'CBi'aC18 RIZ 7CFOQfJitA R6 L~A 00000000 00000000 HoE T (;000 OLOO C.OOOOOCO EPA 00000000 "3 RQ R4 "~UOOOOO Rlb \IOltOOOCJ{1 R 11 .,0000000 OO{jOOoi~·{, RO R6 OOOl.JOOOO R 12 cooooooo l!)A (.OOCJClOOO REl ". R4 uOCOOOOO RIO (10000000 EPA 00000000 R5 000(10(;00 R 11 OOOOVO~" po ()OOuoooc. R6 000(.10000 K12 (.u(,o()"u'..; Rt:T u(JC25DFH R4 "~B9244(1 R10 oooococo EPA COOB5FB8 0069(COO R~ R11 OOB9CF5C· R6 (lOH78(-1& H1Z 70FOO94A c.ooooooc" AT OB5EFf PROCEEDING BACK ViA REG 13 5' r.o 5A C,B5f~B HOl ('0000000 cooc,GOOO Rl R7 0001:00000 H5A (; DC g4FH(; R2 001.1(..0000 kB OOOvC;OOO WAS ENTE:Rf.D VIA LINK ()64fBv WDl tXlOOOCCJO HSA 00000000 R1 OOOB4FFB "2 (.;0000(,40 R7 FDOuOOOO RS 006'iC98(; NOT AVAILA HU.. ADDRE5S FOR ATCVT Vl AM NoT ACTIVE FOR TH1S CALL Figure S. ABDUMP Output (Example) (Part 10 of 14) R3 O('(;OOOuO ,,·000.0000 lSA (jOOU~FaB k3 R9 00(:1,92404 BO~9C.t=80 (,0000000 ~,O 00&902(8 CD SAVE AH£A TKACE -- Save area trace and linkage LSA hhhhhhhh -- Third word of the save area; address of the next save area, or zero {for the last save area). information requested by the PDATA=SA or PDATA=SAH opcion. (A.!l Cllrrent save areas for the task are 2rinted in the order in which they were created. 'ihe first save area is created by the control ~rogram, RET hhhhhhhh -- Fourth word of the save area; contents. of general register 14 (return address) . wOllules at sllcces.:;;ively 10W'er levels of conteol.) EPA hhhhhhhh -- Fifth word of the save area; contents of general register 15 (entry-point address) . LinKage inf::;lI:"mation (for each linkage thilt creates d request DIock). RO hhhhhhhh R1 hhhhhhhh •.. R12 hhhhhhhh -- and queued to the TCBF/\.S fiel::1 of the TClj; i t is used by tht: module at the hioliest level of control within the task. Aaditional save areas, if any, are created by the task ano used by s Words 6 through 18 of the save area; contents of general registers 0 throuqh 12. cccccccc WAS EN'l'E..HED -- Name of the mooule that received control and stored registers in the next-printed save area. @ INCORRECT BACK CHAIN -- Indicates that the next-printed save area may be invalid because the second word does not point to the previous save area. No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. @ 1N'I iRRUPT AT hhhhhh -- Addcess of tbe next instruction to be executed in the last modl11e that was entered l.OBFF (,':-,,'/IJr 8f- C, OQCOVO(IU (4H.. Fl.fl uO('(·FF6H C,CGi.:00(.,(' ·~O(I(.O()0('1 d:1FFA\ If' C:00107'18 (.·CC.O:';CU l,I,F\.:.f-t'I-"'f 1u~OOtJC9 u(.UUO'J4l< (.,Gl,:"()C(i2 ('OC0001..IO (.l,Fu/-{'F~ ·C.F-Fli.]~L.O;:l/EF-_.c.(1 ....... CJ..C.6,::C(·_" {* Figure 5. ABDUMP Output (Example) (Part II of 14) CD (TCAM Control Blocks) -- Formatted control blocks included in a TCAM dump, but not included in this example. (Most of thesEl control blocks are described in Volume 2 and Volume 3; for additional information, refer to the OS/VS TCAM Users Guide, which describes the TCAM: port~on ()'fthe dum~ full detail.) CD Information requested by the SDATA=NUC option. @ 1.''<31. ® NUCLEUS -- Contents of the nucleus.' nhhhhh -- Prefixed storage area (PSl\.) address, followed 01' formatted fields~ For the contents of each field, refer to the PSA description in Volume 3. lEach line of print includes: • The virtual address of the first printed word of storage. Eight words of storage in hexadecimal format. The same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A-Z, and 0-9. '~, @ ALLOCATED LSQA COCOOO E2E2D6C2 COC020 00COC030 COC040 00000000 COC060 46000000 00140005 0002S1BO 00000000 00020001 00COD118 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80COC038 00000000 00000000 00000000 00080000 00000000 00110083 00000018 OOOOEDOO 00000000 00FEB8F8 OOCOCOOO 00000000 00100003 oooooobo 00000000 OOBFE008 070C1000 00FOF680 LPA/JPA MODULE SABENDAR 08SF60 08SF80 D00818DE q1100076 q10000AO 89000018 08SFAO 00000000 00000000 00000000 S8DODOOq 085FCO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 LINE oaSPED SAME AS ABOVE 90ECDOOC 161 Oq 100 98ECDOOC 00000000 OSCOSODO c0220AOD 07FEOOOO 00000000 COq6q1EO 00500000 00000000 00000000 COq2S0EO 00000000 0008qFBO 00000000 FOF861F1 0068BF08 Q780B272 SQ30B2AE Q8Q73001 899147DO 8000Q708 Q3Q08003 Q12Q6000 18071B1C Q770B1SA Q780B17C F861 F7F3 c006QS10 91018000 8830000Q SOQOC02C BOBC1B91 BOEQS87A 9180C007 Q1106078 S8FOCO 1 Q Q1S0000Q 0630QQ30 90ECDOOC 18C11BFF B03COAOA q710806F 91028000 1Bqqq3qO lB394430 800qq1AA Q780B1BC 1821Q7BO OSEF12FF 1B3SQ700 B2SA9823 OSBOq7FO 1280q780 SOD1000q 910q8000 q780n08E 8002q1qq B26047FO 000QQ7FO 91108000 B066Q192 Q780B1QA B1701A7S 00589120 *SSOB . . . . . . J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . * * ................................ * * ....................... 8 ..... 06.* 'Gj ACTIVE LOAD MODULES '"~ g' '" '"~ LPA/JPA MODULE CBOCFO B01AC1DQ CBODOO CBOD20 B2MS860 CBODqO 50100008 Q710BOCQ CBOD60 S870800Q CBOD80 6000Q110 CBODAO CBODCD BOSEQ330 BOF8S870 CBODFO Q710B18C CBOEOO 30001991 CBOE20 9680D060 CBOEqO 06S0QQSO CBOE60 ................................ ................................ "' .........•..•................... * AMDPRFMT CQD709C6 C0089180 18D18200 Q18A800Q Q1AAOOOQ 607819Q1 80015Q30 C030Q Jq 7 91208000 Q7DOB12E Q7FOB066 82SM12S OQE3D9FO C007Q780 00601BAA Q7FOBOQC Q7FOB092 47BOB05E B2B2Q133 3000S0QO Q12000Q8 18911B39 18101357 2001Q7FO Figure 5. ABDUMP Output (Example) (Part 12 of 14) F2FOFOFO BOQCQ100 91FF8000 Q3308001 S870C02C 41943001 00019108 C0301MQ Q780B12E 90230058 SQSOB2B6 B1321A3S .....• . 0* '" •• AMDPRFMTR02QOOOB. 18.73 .A •••••• '" "' • • • • • • • •• 00 •••• ••••••••••• ••• J: .• * * * .. ....... 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * "' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0* * ................ " . .. u ......... 0* * ..... J .... "' ••. D .•... 0 .....••....•.•........ '" o ••••••••••••••••••••• . .... _ .............. * * ................................ * *.Y....... .. * ................... .. 0 ......•... * * ..... 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * ........... 0 •••••••••••••••.•••. * @ ~ ~ SDATA=LSQA option. 1 for subpools 229 and 230: when both LSQA and SQA @ STORAGE -- Dump of virtual storage requested by the LIST= or STORAGE= option. 1 No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. @ Dump of the job pack area requested by the PDATA=JPA option, or dump of the link pack area requested by the PDATA=LPA option, or both (requested by the PDATA=ALLPA option). When both pack areas are dumped, the job pack area is dumped first. ALLOCATED SQA -- Dump of the system qUf.fue area (SQA) requested by the SDATA=SQA option. No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. ~ ill if il. @ (There is no special heading are dumped, the subpools are printed before SQA.) c ~. ALLOCATED LSQA -- Dump of the local system queue area (LSQA) and subpools 229 and 230, requested by the @ 9 Dump of scheduler work area (SWA) requested by the SDATA=SWA option. No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. IS ~ SP ddd -- Virtual storage subpool number (236 237) and dump.' ~ c ~ @ REGS AT ENTRY TO ABEND or SNAP -- Register data requested by the PDATA=REGS option (data obtained in registers on entry to the ABEND or SNAP routine). In the case of a program error, the data mayor may not be the same as when the error occurred. No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. FLTR 0-6 -- Floating-point registers 0, 2, 4, and lcontents in hexadecimal format) • REGS 0-7, REGS 8-15 -- General registers 0 to 15 tcontents in hexadecimal format). lEach line of print includes: • • • yn ACTIVE LOAD MODULES cccccccc -- Load module on queue or load list (name followed by dump). The load module is resident in the Link Pack Area (LPA) or the Job Pack Area (JPA)_ LPA/JPA ACTIVE SVC MODULE cccccccc -- Dump of the SVC routine represented by SVRB on the active RB queue and resident in the link pack area (SVC module name followed by dump_ 1) The virtual address of the first printed word of storage. Eight words of storage in hexadecimal format. The same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A - Z, and 0 - 9. S TRACE TABLE SVC ::RF.T sw PSW p sw 070(2001. Q10(900A 070(200A 070CBOClA 07QC?03C 070CBQ3C PSw P$W P SW 1)7t')CBODA DOF~65EO 070(1004 0/)FB65~0 070C700A 00F865EO 070C707~ I)OO2~C(A 0SW P Sw 070C204F Q7('C804F 070C204F Q70CB04F (l71)C807B 0OO45b9C OlP. PSW NEW p ~w svr. svc t')LO PSW ::~¥f tJLn psw ::RET ::P.ET EXT osp svc svc ::RET ::~¥i ::RE-T N~W OLD N~W NEW OLD NEW OL!) OLD N~W p psw OLO DSW NEw PSW ~EW psw 011)C200./l DOF-8629R aOi=P629l< OOF86~CA aQF865CA OOF865DO 001=8650C (lI)Fe65::0 0OO4~b9C 000457C8 000457CQ I)002BCCA R15/RO 0:)000000 E=600C04C Rl'5/RO 00000000 ·OQB5QFR8 R15/RQ 00000000 f6000048 P !5/RO cooooooo OO~51 (100 R.15/RC OI')OOr)OQO 00000094 R! S/RO oeooooeo 00000084 R IStRO 00000000 !=-500007D R IS/RO 00000000 Oc-P54000 R15/RO 00000000 008~4000 ~I5/RC (11)000000 OOB5400C R.15/RO OOQ28Cfl4 000003C( R15/RC 000133f\0 coooooon R IS/RO OOOOGOOO COOOO040 ~15/RO 000133DO 00000000 Q.l'5/ D O 00000000 COOOO040 ~15/RO 00000000 COOOO040 ~1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 Rl R1 R! .1 "1 R1 R1 "1 '1 '1 00850F68 001350F68 ooe50FA8 aO'350FB8 OOB'50C::S8 I)I)B50l=g8 OO~53FqC OOB53F90 00853F Q 0 00B531:90 0OO2~D14 00000000 00000000 FFFFFf:F3 FFFFFFF3 FFFFFF F3 IDS 50000001 IDS 50000001 IDS 50000001 IDS IDS IDS lOS IDS IDS IDS lOS IDS Ins lOS IDS IDS 501)00001 50000001 5CQOOOOI 51)1)00001 50000001 10000000 50001J001 40000001 40000001 40000001 /:)00QOO01 50000001 4001)0001 TeB COB55798 TC~ CC13557A8 TCB OOA557B8 TeB 00£'55788 Teg 008557B8 TCS OOfl;'557BB TCR OOB~~7f.18 TCI3 (lOB55798 TCB 00014030 TC~ OOEl557B8 TCB 001:l5578E1 TCB 00A55788 r(B OOA557P.>B TCB 009S57B$ rCI3 00855768 TCB 00B557B8 TME TME TME TME TM!: T~E A053C7Fa A053F?50 A0541~BO A056BF8Q A056F180 A0570F80 T"'E A0573C7Q TME AG5 g 14AO TME A058?FAO TM~ AC5P.C7FQ TMC. A058FFec TME A059326Q TM.~ A0597B70 TM~ A05A9QEO TME A05Af250 T"'E A05AF790 ®P 252 17 078800 078820 078840 078860 05008000 070C1000 0004810E 00000000 00eOBDF8 40047290 00000040 OOOOOOOA 00000e5e 00022098 80047296 00COBCB8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 LINES 078880-078FEO SAME AS ABOVE 80000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80500000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ooeOBDDO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00eOBDF4 00000000 00000000 00000000 SP 000 '"~ .,~r ., '" 0845CO 0845EO 084600 084620 084640 084660 084680 0846AO 06504040 F440F4FO FOFOFOFO FOFOF440 F7007DOO FDCSF5C2 FOF04040 404040E3 007DOOOO C5F5C2F2 F0404040 4040E3C3 0040E2E5 F3FSF240 4009F140 C3C240FO 40C4E2D7 C5F64040 09F14040 C240FOFO C34040D6 4040D9F1 40FOFOC2 FOC2C4el Figure 5. ABDUl\IP Output (Example) (Part 13 of 14) 4040D5e5 40D9F1FS FOFOC2c4 C2c4C1cS D3c44007 FS61D9FO C4C1F6F6 CSClF840 E64007E2 61D9F040 C1F6F6F4 ClF84040 E2E64040 40FQFOFO F4404040 4040E3D4 E6404040 FOFOFOFO 404040C9 40E3D4C5 4040FOF7 FOFOF6F6 C9c4E24a C540F4Fl 40FOF7FO FOFOFOFO c4E240PO 40F4Flc4 FOC3F2FO F040FOFO FOFOF4F1 e4FOF8F) - C3F7FOFO 40FOFOFO FOF4F1FO FOFSF3C1 FOF440F4 FOFOFOFO FOFOFOF4 C2F1007D -.- .................... ................................· · ··................................ * ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4* ..• 8 .••••. · · · .. •••• OSF NEW PSW 070c700* *4 40E5B2E6 R1S.RO 00000000 000* 00BOA664 IDS 00410* *00000 Rl TCB 00BOAEA8 TME 41D083A* *004 070C2004 4* *7 •••• SVC OLD PSW R15.RO 00000660 000000* *OE5B352 IDS 00410004* Rl DOBDA664 '00 TCB 00BDAEA8 TME 410083B1.. · ---- · :t:@6TrdcetaO!einformationre q ue S tedb Y theSDATA=TRT o . opt~on. o ~ Q V ~ ill ~. ! TRACl:. TABLE -- Formatted dump of the system trace table (included only' when the system trace is active and GTF is inactive). Each line of print represents one entry in the tanle; the first field indicates the entry type, as follows: OOP EXT I/O PGM Trace dist;>atch External ~nterruption Input/output interruption Program interruption SIO -- start input/output LSD -- Initial SHE dispatch ~ 2 ----- SSH -- Suspended SRB redispatch SVC SVC interruption RET -- SVC return ~ The entry type is followed by formatted fields, which are described under "TTE" in Volume 3. 8 GT l' THACE rABLE -- Formatted dump of GTF trace records (included only when GTF is active; not ~ncluded when the dump results from annormal termination of GTF). For descriptions of these records, refer to "GTF Trace Records" later in this section. No example of this infonnation is shown in the corresponding figure. G Dump of virtual storage subpools requested by the PDATA=SPLS option. Subpools 0 thru 127 will be dumped first, followed by subpaol 252, SWA (supervisor work. area). SP ddd -- Virtual storage subpool number (0-127, 2521 and dump. 1 1 Each line of print includes ~ The virtual address of the first printed word of storage. Eight words of storage in hexadecimal format. The same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A - Z, and 0 - 9. If the dump is directed to a 3800 printer and the JCL specifies CHARS=DUMP on the SYSUDUMP, SYSABEND or SNAP-related DO statement, each line of print includes: The virtual address of the first printed word of storage. Sixteen words of storage in hexadecimal format printed in groups of four words with the first character of each word underlined. The same 16 words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A-Z I and 0-9. This will appear as two 32-character groups separated by one blank. JOB ASMAU TIME fl95q45 STEP GO OATE 7b365 10 000 @~~~~~ DATA AREAS PAGE NUMBER O£TA MANAGEMENT CONTROL BLOCKS......... R TM C~NTIJ..Ot '3lnCII::S........................................ SAVE AREAS..... ......... •••• ....... •••••• INSTALLATION/SUBSYSTEM AREAS.......... REGISTFRS. ••••• ••• ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mn[)UlF~.............................................................. TRAC-:: lARlF............................. HSER. SImpnnl S •••••••••• o............................ nn03 on03 r006 0006 0007 0007 n008 0015 @ END OF DUMP Figure 5. ABDUMP Output (Example) (Part 14 of 14) e INDEX OF Om-iF -- An index will be printed at the end of the dump of each task. The index will contain the page numbers for key areas of the dump. '"~ G END OF DUMP -- Indicates nonnal completion of ABDUMP processing. If this line is missing, the ABDUMP routine was abnormally terminated before the dump was completed. ., w VSM~ JS(~sl-q t3CC3SC N BOC380 0 ~ f(l ~ ill g' I~ ;§ [ OuCEP( "it @ \JSAl-'! GS'<. 0ACF:! CE~ 63Ai4F cucosa OI:lCIl( QOCC4C 08DIOO 08D120 08C14.) OBOlf:O @ AIo1BL ccccc40 /.l:JeCO<4C OQAAltBE DCE.t-(13J 52CCOI01 CCCLuLle! OC0474SC OOJ(0011 uOF3A748 12C00000 (cceecce ((eDeLCO 20CCCCC{. CCCJuuuH (.JGJJUQ'J 0000JOOO J0CCC(CC eC(oJOOuJ (UvJOuCU GooeJGce .••• * :::::: .......:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: . ~ BAHHHl CCce44 !-"A1 t:\AO BAIBCO BAle EJ (")JCJOOO COOO)0(1 ••.••••• ** *................................... •• J .................. E........................ * ODCCCC(C C(COJCDO Cl.COGOCC COucocco * ........................ .......................... *......................... oo............ '* CuOMe6~tl oooeOllC OllO,)OOOLI aQ!!Abt:C8 CaOUIei:' ccccccee CCC:OGCJ aJCCOJOD OOB~9610 @ OO(CCCCC 0(021000 occccocc ~LlA!J4d20 OOf:Ao04U u08,:...lbdu ~ eMB AAIBHC oaCCEE BAlfS80 BUlAO 11000038 8001000C I]Ol:51AL4 JUt:57A50 C(ccccce CCC;OOOO :.JOfj5{/18C 'JOB':Ii'J.H VSAM GSP [;[I-l P.~5FSC ccceccce OOOOOOOJ ~ >to :< ....................... ~ ......... K ................................ ~ ................ 1< ..... L .... l ...................... ~ ¥ ...................................... '*............ o .............. * * ceecu: lOoOCCc3 COCdOOCU OOI-'~~3CO ':C£:4ti4!ll CCH36111C CC1330rlClC ~l.CCUCOO OOCCJOIJO OC000CI.:0 OO['C",P;?O ((c(OCue CIDtC } ................................................. *(1....... * Figure 6 is an example of VSAM SNAP output. Contents are: CD VSAM JSCBSHR hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and ,length of JSCBSHR. This field is used by VSAM to locate the VAT. The information is the actual data in the JSCBSHR field of the JSCB. CD VSAM GSR DEB hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of a VSAM GSR DEB. The DEB chain is used to locate open VSAM GSR DEBS. The DEB is displayed as shown in Figure 5 number (Sd). VSAM DEBs which are not GSR will not be identified. CD ACB hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of an ACB associated with the VSAM GSR DEB. This ACB~ identifies a VSAM data set opened with the GSR option. The information is the actual data in the ACB. o !! g' '" :''":l AMBL hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of the AMBL associated with the ACB. The information is the actual data in the AMBL. ® CMB hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of a CMB. This mayor may not be present in every dump. The CMB contains pointers to HEB entries in the PSB which describes storage obtained when the VSAM data set was opened. The information is the actual "data in the eMB associated with the AMBL. ® AMB hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of an AMB. The information is the actual data in the AMB. (]) BIB hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of a BIB. The information is the actual data in the BIB. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ [ ~ ~ I V~T P,I\HAIO OOCOJC@ B AEL'1 00 BAt'-t..20 OOI)OOOIS OJGue7Ll C3D2FlFC uOCul"~1:! 12(((C30 CC0JIJCiJu eUu2.UODU JOUOLuGE OOCCCCIA CCOODKI CJ02Flfi 1JuDOl'181j G) ................................ * *.c. •.•..• PACl OIJ GC83(;AlC CCCJU0i,JO aOi-BAttD FICOOC2D 4(.()OCCOO aOB3t.R'50 OCDOOCCC COOuliuOO DO'JOOOOC COC00000 00r).1S7C FICtJ002u 4CCCOGO( CCB3(:.lCe FlCUQ27G J0334dOll ;JCC(GC'::O uJ~36!130 OCr3f<;FO C(((CtlCO b3bf~OO 836B20 A36P.40 ~3t.f'6Ll 836880 f,36PAO 8361:.(0 @ ,",SB CW"'EC ST(R.AC[ B56r!f:.O 85bcOO B'ibl2U B56F1tG B56F60 [}56UHJ B56F.AC E56ECU B5bEFO B5f.FOtJ 2QC'')CIJOG FlCCJHO 636AAO uO~3!\bOB OO('OOuOO CCC(CCCC CCBJ62E4 2(h,)FOHl OC0016CO 40J()()CIB GtlP8C8CC 00£:'3[C(0 OOEJA8Ff! 20tcCCCO n(;JCC7E OCE3t;;:;( JC~573LJ OvC'3l.d __ ;:d IJJdj~Sl3J 2IJOoJOOOO flOLiOC/~ iJJt..~6 .... C.4 OUd~Fj{O ~OiU4,'\1u 1300Ul~C flLlC014~ ~C'JCJC!CC COrUABF8 cctJOJJiJQ 'JOR3J02C FW0014,J 200(:JOOC CCCOJC00 FIO()1)20 JOl',H,tlub 'dCuCJGC QC0QJOOO CCt:'311. JJO'J OCC(COCO OCO'JOOuO 0000u')00 OCuuJJCO u0CCOCCO eJst10C C001:;0 41.:000C18 OQR5t>['30 OO[l~J~CO Ua[!5S~SO 1-\/l~dC80a I)G'i411J~8 20((C(( ClI1GOIJC CC7(C(111 'JOe~1::t34 CUOthhJOl) JC"I:()f'PC .;ce~7E2C c':ccccco 0C":CJ80C CCdJJ120 C00002CC CCChJCl., OCC~CCCO C0010(101) JtH~53t'CG JOt:5':ioC;O ClltCCCa ((7eU011 ooeS57EC DOf'AI2uO Q,JUGtlOI)1.l L10CCJ.J00 JOB~'it:~C OCR5F.CftJ c((occea OCC(OO';C COECJ120 JO()uI60C 00000200 I)COHJOI4 C~LHCUCO (lOfAEd(e CCE41Gll1 13ECC(lCO OOP)7..:.1u cce~C:;HSO ?Ce0JCl ;):1.............. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 •••• * ••••••••••• 04.G ••• 81 ••••• ~ ••••• * *~ .•.•.• :; .. 1 •••••••••••••••••• .1 .... * •••••••••••••••• l ••••••••••••••• * *•. oal •••••• 0 ••••••• ~ •••• I . . . . . . . * **................................. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• ** ~· *........ * *~ ................................. * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• c.* ** ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• ................................. ** ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.* * ................................. * * ••••••••••••••••••••••• C •••••• v.* * ................................. . * ••.•••••••.•••••••••.••••••.•••• '*.................................. * CC03CO , i.iuCfJ3?O 00 3[A2f, Ccooo(oa OOB:~HH~:r: cc((caoc 00 "'~ECd CCOl1CCC2 OODl)oo(Jl) 00COOOOO 00 CODOO Jocee OC':(OOCC OCDQJ.>Ja J(CCOCC2 o~o iJ00QtJOOO acccc JOCCC aocco OJJ.,f:::F GCCCCCCC CCC:::JCC·) 5J2J442C CJGiJI.HJ02 C083csse COC,JOut..J 01IJ34QaC S':2.Jl142J ~t :< ig' w ~ ® VMT hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of a VMT. The VMT describes DASD volumes mounted by VSAM. The information is the actual data in the VMT. ® PSB hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of a PSB. The PSB contains HEBs which have entries that explicitly describe storage obtained for VSAM data set control blocks. The information is the actual data in the PSB. @ PSB OWNED STORAGE hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of storage owned by the PEB. This display is obtained from the REB entry in an HEB which resides in the preceding PSB. The information is the actual data in the PSB storage. @ PSAB hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of a PSAB. The PSAB contains dummy AMBLs for any VSAM alternate index control block structures. The information is the actual data in the PSAB storage. ... Ii: "SAr-' GSR CE£l e~~F,,4 oeCCle 0 AM~ ~ fl,51)040 B5D060 H50()8J !!!. g-" ~. oil Igo ~ < 0 C il 4110000H: OlJe~COF.8 ocoooeC8 00000000 f!A~l:oeoC O12COOQO OCI3'iE.SOC CGJPC4CO J035f..8AP. OO(COOOO ccoc~ccc OJ~UE~O OCt'5f-CIH CCCQJJOO VSA'" GSf. 11l:.-3 B55E~C ~5['OEO 850120 6501040 ~ 0(40CO(8 OOE53HO 1lt:1:'59d~O CJBAHtiC 0(7CC011 OQP55F24 U8uuvO CaB~~I::U: DOCCCOCC CCI:lJJ120 Olof.WLC Jo.)uOJOL) ~~~~dS~31 @ VSRT hhhhhh hhhhhh -Location and length of the GSR VSRT. The information is the actual data in the VSRT. oce~!~.cc OOI3S~~18l @ CPA WSHD hhhhhh hhhhhh -Location and length of a CPA WSHD. The CPA WSHD is a VSAM WSHD used to describe storage obtained for shared resource channel program areas. The information is the actual data in the CPA WSHD. OOt:~C.CEe Caf'51Ut~ tJoe5~l:~ 000(18 AMB P.5UOfB 00C(76 B5D10O aoooootJ:J .. cocaCle ~CCCC()CO IHP.808JO 1J12CilUOO OCR5F9CC CCQt'EhU(J OO::i5~.ACC catcaoeQ Geacccee OOPIlIF.<;II..l OOF.5FO('l8 (C',"IJOCO CCB5SESO COBAeaC8 OU1(GOll OCf-55Et.L 1~80CJC') C::iH.lAI-C ooccccco O()E~516it4 Oub~"'8fJJ 20ilOJOOO ooce'ccc C(fOOllU UbdOlCC CCoJCJCCC MCEIS FF-123') OCuC28 FF1220 FF1240 @ P~l BA l [ EO BA if 00 !Mlt 20 BAIFLtO ~PA AMCBS hhhhhh hhhhhh -Location and length of the AMCBS. The inforrna tion is the actua1 data in the AMCBS. B5D048 oncele B500AO VSRT @ OCCF30\JC C'JEl1f?8 CCCCI)OUC ';OCtlcuOO [Fe OOCCCC2E CCOI0COO OOe4.bA.Ed OOF02JGC occeCCCI0CI"!Ait:f-Q JOOCt~ OC~5c;RIJC OJ R 53f!f'J 1HH!ftlE"90 JOB5t:oet:. 2Cf)53BCC F lOill','tJ ilC'1,)1t;=3C FIlJOJ.llJG vlJ~~lr:LC 20i~5C;EC;C rlCOQJ80 ,=1C':27;C 15(CGC6o (11)(4(1[5 E",(;9E340 HQ'JC041F OOeAlElC (JOf-ERI4J Lup.430ac FIllO:\OOO OOH12t;C F5JultHO Ouf-I::'ioH f:SOC14I1C 40f:.11!:FO ;:lOt.);)Ct.H wS"'P fAIEqa eCCC"51.:. RAIEeO BAH"All BAlEeo PAll-EG OCOOOCrJ4 000;)0000 ,)0000000' QOFt=:BCO F5CCCdOC CO(OOOOO lllCC('CCC COFFOOOC F,!:;00060Q CCCOa~)oO 01C(0000 Figure 6. VSAM SNAP Output (Example) (Part 3 of6) 44fl0060 OOB3uDC8 u;)CuoJu~!J COJCO~CC F5CC(fCC CCOOOOI)O OlOJJJCJ tlIlFF08(tJ F5 CCC 8CO CGOllOQ\lu ull.)llOOJ~) OOFlQ8CC CPo. WSHC C\ojNEIJ FEEE'eO FE EC EO t=~ EC AO OCIH8CUG CDCUOuOO IJO':!L,7CCC eC(~COeO OOc.)-)OCCC coeOUuoo I..lcoo.Ju{Jo JGCCUllCO FEfr:EO FE Ef: 00 [;AAIEgC OOFEEF!:.8 oeoooocc ,J5'JCA05E ceOOeCC( OC003358 QOiJ004C2 Fr: E =EU.28 Ct:C8nOOC 2~UU_03r: CC0007~r1 030011UOO CCCJeOOJ JOfEUCu OOF":f.l::r.;. OOUllillJE AO()1l5A2 OOFHf50 QCCOOOI,)(J O(eceCee OCOA1H-F CCFUEOO CCCCOOOO OC(:COCOO CCfFy c 3e JQuC335E 7l1014LA2 'JOOCl)OOC ODtJlbnl) CGCf:CP.1A 000141 EO D07FOOSC ceccccco CCC(OCCe OOll:l2f3 OCFf-;·-f.28 4':'000005 JOOClJOOO DOFE 088 DOFf SSO .JCCC 2eO 6(;(e OCI 2000 OCI ccce oeo 00 C(OCOa OUOJOI)OO COOJuOOI) OOOIJOQOD oecceacc eCCOJCOO O.;OOCuCu OOfE:ESeO OaClGCCe E4CJOOJO COCuOJCe COFEE800 :!llE:~C;~C 4CCOUU05 Gdli.f::b10 OJiJ0JuGO ooceccec C(el.01.00 CI)OJQJCC OOJC'JOCC CCC(eCCe (;(I]OOvI)O CDIJ:JoJJeC OuOCu(;DC (;":COOOCo. CCCGOOCG OJC4CCCf e(((C(CC C lCJJOuu C(GeOeCu Cccoooce (coc~cc( CJOiJ00iJ 0< • • .o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. ................................... * * .................................. .....................................'" "'".................................... *•••••..•.••..• * >11 :0:- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '" .o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *T ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * * ................................. * ................................... **................................... lI *.o. .................................. * >11 * ••••••• 1# • • • C; .................. 3 ••••• * * •• MS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .o • • • • • • • • • • • • '" * ....................................* **........................ o. ......... * ••••••••••.•••••••• 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lI 3 ...............................* .................................... * ................................... * 4* 'II • • ~ :01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. * *"' ........................... X...... * ~ ® 0 ws .. o e5EOfle OOCt:;5C Ie. 85EOAO f(l 65 fOE 0 ~ WSHO ClhNr'-> < ill ~. J: fl5 ElleD 65 ElOO 633BOO 833820 ~ R338EO B33 c;,oO B33Q20 ~ b139 EO 833AOO B33A20 i ~ B]3AEO B33600 B337EO 00000000 DOCOJlluJ OOGC0004 CO(CCOCO 01COOCOO 20B)3800 FIOOD8DO OOBSEOEd 01000000 208328CC FlCeGSCO eCI:l~EOCc ~TORAGE ,i336CC 83SSgggh . ....... * *....................... Y •••• .1 1 ........ * *.......... • . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ........ H*1 ••••• • Q ..... e(CECO@) 0(040001l 04000000 ~0000006 00000006 c(cecccc CCCOCDCO oceeQuau oaaQuaco AEnVi: l Jf\E IS PEPEAll:C ceccccee COCOOOOD OCCCOOllO OCCDOuOO 83g~gggg 44FlOlJ6Q UOO000CO OCE=E([E ,~Ct:34I.H)O FlOOCoOJ 00000000 J1COOOOO 20R33000 Fl0008011 OOB5EOCE 01eeCOCG g2gg8g~8 gg~g3ggS' AeO\l[ LIN[=, IS k[PE;l,lFC ocoooooo OJOllOOOO OC(.G0GOO 00040000 040001)00 10000006 aCDoocee caoouooo oeceococ /lEOvE l Jt.E IS f.:EF E/ll H c(ecc(c( CCCCOCGe oeecotJoo OC040000 040JUO(lO ~CCCOOG6 OeDOOccc oocooooo 00000000 00ccooec occooooo GOGOOOCO (ooeeoco occecaco OCOJJ It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ................................... * ••••••••••••••••••• 0 0 .... 0 ••••••• H* •••••••••••••• @ \lSRT OftNEC 843000 B43800 B43820 B43840 B43B60 843(' 80 B43BAU B438CO B43BEO 843900 B439EO B43AOO STORAGF. e43000 OOAOOO oeaoeaec oeoooooo oeccoooo OC040001 0 ... 000000 140000( 7 0000160C 00e66400 04CC01(-4 2C00C400 01e40000 0014UOOO CCOOC01B CCCUOA64 00C40001 OB2CC004 00010400 OOOClEoe OLtOOOOOO 20000DOC 6't000400 OC002COO C40iJOI04 eCCCOC22 0104CCCO OtJ2500uO Of6lt0004 Dcooeecc eceOC00a OOCCOOOO APOVE LINE IS REFEATEC oeoocccc OOCOOOOO 00001..1000 00040001 040UOOOl 4CCOOO(1 Figure 6. VSAM SNAP Output (Example) (Part 5 of6) ccccoaeo 90tJOO400 CC(CC017 OC,'iOOOQ4 04COOOOO CCCBSCC0 JI040000 COCCCoc;"o 00C10400 CCCODa00 cc(ccceG 01C400CO 00(C(8(8 00CI04(( 1(eOOOO/l 04(((1(4 Ou210000 OO(40\JOl 00C026CO ooecceoo (((I)(}OOl! OC150000 0('0400ul OOOGIAOO C6000400 ((COuOlF OCCd0004 0400.;)000 OCOt:C8QO OCCOOOOD CtJOOuucc OO)OJOOO OOu1004Cl: 18J00G09 040C0104 001(.0000 (004)001 OQO(220C 0OOO04tJO CGOCOCOC OOJO()OUO cooouaeo 9Oe00400 oocceeee OOOJOtiOtJ 134D00CD COF100FF 01C4COOO Ol5uQU00 080uOOJ't 0OO1040Q CbOJOO~/l C4000000 C\JC/lCCCC Q1040UOO t.:'JctJocec OiJ01J400 24u,J(JuCE CCOJCOCO OOJOOOOO *'Ct .................................. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *' 110 ••••••••••••••••••• H •••••••••••• *...•••• * *•••••••••••••••••••• H ••••••••••• ** *....•••.• H ............. *' '* ** .......... .•.• r ••••••••• * ................................... *' * ............................ 'O •• 1 •• * * ................................... * 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••• *' ................................ , •••• '" oO • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ••• 0 .............................. 'O • • • • • • • • @l WSHD hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of a WSaD. @ WSHD OWNED STORAGE hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of storage owned by the WSHO. The The information is the actual data in the WSHD. information is the actual data in the WSHn storage. @) VSRT OWNED STORAGE hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of storage owned by the YSRT. Imbedded in the VSRT are explicit descriptions of miscellaneous storage obtained for the VSAM shared resource pool. The information is the actual data in the VSRT storage. r w ~ ~ @) VGTT ~ f ~. . 8Al[:FC OOC020 BAlDED BAIEOO 00BAI2es COCOCOOO PSB SA12e8 oeelte I BAI2eo BA 12EO BAl300 BA 1320 BA1340 BAI360 BAI3BO BAl3AO BA13eO BAI3 EO BAI400 BAI42J ~ ~ * f5e7E3E3 080000FI 00CC(.C20 00000(,00 000l:3SI,;.38 CGoaooco ,. * .•. 1-.... "G1T ••• I ••••••••••••••••• Flooal'O FAOOOlsa 00000000 00AEBS3C 000ABS28 00000000 oeceoooo 00BH3BO oeceocoo 00000000 ooecccee OOCCGOCO FceeeelE oo(OOoeo ooeecoec cecoocoo cCaOQOaD CC08C280 00AEEse8 eccoouoo eO".\1428 OOOJ.l.76CIl coeooooo FAOOOlec COOOOOOO 1300014C F,a000158 00000000 COOABlE8 oooe0400 • 1 •••••• 1- ••••••••• Oo(eeOOO ooeccoce 00 EA 13CE OOCOOOOO 00eA139C oeoooooo ceoooooo 00000000 00000000 cooooooo coeooooo OOBAI400 00000000 008A13(4 ceo cooeD OO-lOOOOO E5(1E3E3 4COOOOFl *......... ....... VGTT ••• l •••••••• .*. VGTT BARcee OCCCH BABOOO BAB020 if a C0000020 OQSAflCCe 00BAeA40 COOOOOOI 00B36A6E coceooco lEND OF oeoeoece 00064378 000BC2EE 00000000 FCOOOBC cccccccc COOOOOI0 00000000 E6ececB8 00000000 OOOg[OOO OQfEC5CO 00000000 00000000 ocoooooo 00000000 00000000 OOBA13EC OOBllC" OCCA;53d 0(eE4400 eocoooco FAce0400 00000000 OOOOOOCO ooeoooeo oocooooo OOCOOOOO OOOOCCOO OO(JOOOOO 00000000· aOE,O 10414 oeooccco COOOOOOO 1l0QP.EE3C F!:COOl.CtI OOHC4Fe ccocoooc 1l0CCCocc 0(0110COO eoaucaea coococec vs~" CJl,T~ @ • 0 ••••••• ................................... * * ...••......•...•••...• f! ••••••••• * to .BY~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * . . . . . . . . . . . . oooo • • • oo.oo.oooo.oo • • oo •• oooo.~oo* * ........•.•....•.• 101.5 •• t-: •• cs ..... . ,. • • • oo •• E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * .•••...•..••.•.•..•.••....••••• 0* 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q •••••••••••• * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • oo • • • • • • * * •••••••••••••.••••••• oo • • • • • • • oo • • * *........ * Figure 6. VSAM SNAP Output (Example, \Parf6 of6) @) VGTT hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Location and length of a VGTT. The infonnation is the actual data in the VGTT. @ END OF VSAM DATA -- Indicates that this is th.e end of information supplied by the VSAM SNAP Dump FacilitYa '-." The purpose of this page is to present an example of the high-density dwnp format supported for SNAP and ABEND dumps printed on a 3800 printer. The dump contents are unchanged; only the format of storage dumps lines have changed. Each line contains a 6 digit address. A maximum of 16 fullwords of storage can be formatted in the 4 four-word pieces. The £u11words are followed by an EBCDIC translation (up to 64 characters in length), separated into two 32 character portions. 'l'he first digit of each fullword of storage is underlined. '~'~~D ,{60OBDBD.Q.DaODOOO9.000aooo.!o~a I,)AO .Q.OOOOOOOiOE6CJB6.!!.OE6CB78.!!D8F5D1C .!!.OBF6FDC.!!.08F6FFO.!!.OOOOOOO.!!.090"~28 w••••••• ' , •• •• •• 'f6FIO .!!.QBF59I .. .!!.090 .... 28.!!.OBfnU!ODE77E2 .!!.08f5FZO!!.OBF6FFO.!!.Olf&F5810E6C OIC !Of6COfA.!!.OE6CQOQ.!!.08F5B7C.ll.Q8F5~5a .!!.OBf5B~O.!!.OBF59~Q.lI.OBF59B~lOE6C""'~ •••••••••••.••• s .•.••.• 0 ••••• 8f6fC0.ll..OfOA9fE.2.08FH581oDE77E2.11.aBFSF20 .2.0oo0000.ll.0IF6F5810E6colq08f6fFO .!!.ooooooo.!!.Qoooooo.!!.OOOOOQQ.!!.ooooooo !oaooooo.!!.OBF59SB.!!.OOOOQQo.!!.ooooooo ••••••••••• s ............• w••••• o • •••• we •• w•• , • •• • ••••• 0 •••••• w.. .w ... w.......... .. ... . .... W 8f1E~O :~!;~: IF1'''0 IF7F80 L Figure 7. High Density Dump for SNAP and ABEND ~ g" w ~ ~ ~ ~ I· :J: ~ l;;: c ii SAMPL~ DUMP TITU CURRENT PSW LOW SPEED DUMP FROII MP SYSTeM ® rinted word of storage. A sincle letter (R or V) indicating whether t.he address is real absolute or virtual • .1. ,r-A-n-a:-b-so""'l'-u-'t-e-ad-d-=-r-e-s-s-is an address to which prefixing has been applied. Prefixing is described in GA22-7000; in effect, it simply interchanges the 4K bytes of storage at real address 0 with the 4K bytes of storage at the real :t.ddress contained in the prefix register. Prefixing is applied to all references to real storage and to keys in storage, except for references to the PSA. during a S'l'ORE srATUS operation, and except for references by a cbannel to extended. logout locations, to indirect-data-address fJords, and to CCWs. Virtual addresses correspond to tile address space current at the time of the STORE STATUS operation for the processor on which the stand-alone dump program was IPLed. If the STORE STATUS operation was not performed, virtual addresses correspond to the master scheduler address space. Note: As printed in the dump, virtual address zero corresponds to abSOlute address zero. The corresponding real address is not zero, but the address contained in the prefix register. Each line of print includes: • • o The virtual address of the first printed word of storage. Eight words of storage in hexadecimal format. The same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A-Z, 0-9. ,.'"'" CD A blank line, representing a range of storage addresses that has not been printed for one of the following 0 U> <:U> N ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ The storage contains data identical to that contained in the preceding eight words of storage. 'rhe storage is paged-out or unallocated I< ASMVT o + 10 + 28 + + + + + 40 58 70 88 AO + 68 + 00 + E8 +100 +118 000330BO ANCHORED IN FLAGI 00 FLAG2 TRPAG 0001l6BC EREC IORQR 0OO21F71 IORQC PCCWA 00076M8 PCCWC PSRB 00FE9400 RSV7 SLOTS 00008BIC VSC CINV STGXA 00FEDB68 REQCT 00000002 TCBPT RSV8 00000000 PSWPO 00032E48 P5RMT PCMPN 00028540 PCMPA PFRLG 040COOOO PHSGO RSVIO 070COOOO POOL CONTROLLERS +128 CPID IOEP CPSIZ +138 BWKP +148 SWKP +158 ACEP WORK SAVE AREAS +170 PAGIO 00FD36E4 +198 00000000 +lCO QIOE 00FED228 +lEB 00000000 +210 PAGCM 00000000 CVTASMVT 08 00FCD700 0OO21F6F FFFDE089 00000000 0000005B 00001644 00AF9220 00000000 000 IFB02 00030A08 0004020E 00035954 0010 0100 0200 0028 00FED228 00000000 000330BO 00000000 00000000 CPEXT ... ... FORMAT OF ASM RSV4 MSGBF RSV6 PCCWN NVSC LSAIL TMECB PQIOE PSRBC PCMP PMSGS 0000 0004 0004 0032 000454A8 00045B30 OOOOOCDC 9001DFA8 00000000 0000 00FE9458 DATA SART RSV5 >I< ... * 00FEOl90 00000000 PART 00FEIOC8 STAGF 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000028 00000000 000005A1 00000001 80AF9CAO 00010FC6 00031A68 000307EO 00000000 07800000 BURST 0000C350 00000000 ERRS 00000006 LSAIH FFFFFFFF RLGRQ 00000000 PFRSL 0001E358 VRMTR 00031A80 PSAV 00CC5750 PVACQ 00000000 OOC5F50E 10CNT 0000000 I 00000000 SLOTY 000334BO GOSWT 00000000 RLGWQ 00000000 PFRSW 000lE35E PEX 000334B8 PACT 00CC5100 PIOFR 0003AB78 CPAVL 00FEA888 00FEA040 00000000 00FE9600 00AFC060 40020D2E 00FD2724 00FEA7B8 00000000 GOS 00031E90 STAGL 00000000 SRBCT BKSLT LGVT GOSWK TASCB PTM PCMPD 00000000 00000001 00005F05 00FE9000 00000000 00039CBO 0OO2BEDO 800308CC 00CC3000 PVACE 00000000 PRLG cpeNT FFFDEQ8B FFFFFF39 00000000 FFFFFFBB 00AE0770 00000004 84AFF4C4 00000000 00000000 00001649 00FED440 00AFF4C4 00000000 A002D898 CPTAK 00000000 00075820 00000000 00033620 40000000 00000000 0002165A 00000000 600lDD78 AOOIDFFO 00FFB700 CPRES 00FE9DA8 5002065C 00000000 00FD36E4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ooooocoo OOOOODA9 Figure 11. Format of ASM Data (Part 1 of 13) r'" ~ 8 AsMDATA OUTPUT Figure 11 is an example of ASMDATA output. as follows: Contents are ASMVT hhhhhhhh anchored in CVTASMVT -- Address of the auxiliary storage management vector table (ASMVT) contained in the CVTASMVT field of the communication vector table (CVT). ~ I i !" % I ~ ~ +218 +·260 +288 +2BO .+2D8 +300 +328 +350 +378 +3AO 00000000 00FoEAC8 00000000 00FDEAC8 SLSQA 00000000 PoS/VIOCH 00000088 ·60010078 PEX/MSGOO 00000000 00000000 STANDARD 00000000 +3C,," doooocoC +3E8 00000000' SWAP 00000000 000454A8 00FD3580 000330BO 00000000 00F02724 000000A9 00000000 00000000 00FEDC04 OOFEOnO 00000000 00000000 00AFCEE6 4002E54A 00FFBA78 40020078 00FE0228 00FE0440 00000000 00000000 00000000 70031lAO 00000000 00000000 0000 ~OFF 00000000 00FDEFl8 800105A8 000330BO 00000000 00000000 00000000 4003169E 00FD2724 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00FFB9BC 00000001 OOOOOCOC 7001DE94 00000000 00000000 0001E358 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FD3580 00000000 00FFDE28 00FCE674 00F02724 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000088 OOABFAEO 00000000 00FDEBI0 00000000 6002D7F4 80000000 84AFF4C4 OOOOOOOA 00000000 00000000 00030120 00ABFB34 00000000 0002F2AE 00000000 00000000 00000000 00AFF4C4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FE0228 900n358 00000000 5002E2BO 00000000 00FCF190 00000000 00033620 00FF207C 00000000 00000000 000330BO 00FE9000 00000000 00FFI598 00000000 00FCFlB4 00000000 00000000 OOOOOCOC 00000000 00000000 0 EREC 00FC0700 ANCHORED IN ASI'IEREC CURNT 00FCD720 CFRST 00FC070C 00FC070C 00'040317 0004039B 00FC072C 00000000 00000000 00FC074C 00000000 00000000 00FC076C 00000000 00000000 00FC078C 00000000 00000000 OOFC07AC 00000000 00000000 OO·FC07CC 00000000 00000000 00FC07EC 00000000 00000000 00FC080C 00000000 00000000 00FC082C 00000000 00000000 00FC084C 00000000 00000000 00FC086C 00000000 00000000 00000000 .00FC088C 00000000 00FC08AC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FC08CC 00FC08EC_ _ ~_ _00~000!L 00000000 CLAST OOFCoAFC· 0003032B 00030152 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000_ _OOOOOOOO~ F~re 11. Format of ASM Data(Part2of 13) ® EREe hhhhhhhh anchored in ASMEREC -- Address of the error record table (bad slots) contained in the ASMEREC field of the ASMVT. 00040201 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 0003039C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0~001J.00 _O~OOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000.0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 _ _ 001J.00000 "'-/ 00FCD90C 00FCD92C 00FCD94C 00FCD96C 00FCD98C 00FCD9AC OOFCD9CC OOFCD9EC oOFcDAoc 00FCDA2C 00PCDA4C 00FCDA6C 00FCDA8C OOFCDAAC OOFCDACC OOFCDAEC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000·0 00000000 00000000 OOO~OOOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0) MSGBF 00FE9458 ANCHORED IN ASMMSGBF FIRST 00FE9468 LAST 00FE9508 CURNT 00FE9468 00FE9468 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FE94B8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FE9508 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 TERMINATION BUFFER 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FE9558 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOOOOOO,!! i. Figure 11. Fonnat of ASM Data (Part 3.of 13) ~ 0) ~ MGSBF hhhhhhhh anchored in ASMMSGBF -- Address of ASH message buffers contained in ASMMSGBF field of the ASMVT. TERM ·00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FE9558 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 --- -- ----- 00000000 -- ---- ..... i J,. 0 c g- .. ~. fg- ,.. < ~ ~ PCB/AlA 00FEE700 ANCHORED I-;;-;;;MSTAGQG) PCB CQN 88 FQPA FFIB98 BQPA FXC 00 RLPA 000000 FL2 RBN OB10 1450 VBN SRB AlA FQPA 00FEE7A4 BQPA 11111111 OP NXAIA 00FF18FC ID 0000000000000000 PCB/AlA 00FF18D8 PCB CQN 88 FEE700 BQPA FQPA FXC 00 RLPA 000000 FL2 RBN OC70 1460 VBN SRB AlA FQPA 00000000 BQPA 55555555 OP NXAIA 00FF1BBC ID 0000000000000000 ACE ACE ACE Figu~ CD 00FF18D8 80 00000000 00 02 AD87FC 00FEOF18 FLG1 CO GRPSZ/LGE/DPXP 00000000 00FEE780 80 00000000 00 FLl XPTA ASCB FLl XPTA ASCB 02 AD8808 00FEOF18 FLG1 CO GRPSZ/LGE/DPXCT 00000000 RTPA FLJ 000000 00 PGTA AD87AA FLG2 00 FLGJ 00 RTPA FLJ 000000 00 PGTA AD87AC FLG2 00 FLGJ 00 00FEE724 ANCHORED IN ASMRLGRQ FQPA 00FEE7A4 BQPA 11111111 LGE 00FF18FC LGID 00000000 SRBWK 41AEJEB8 OP RPN 00 00000000 FLG1 SYM CO FLG2 0000000010 FEECB a 00 00FF1998 FLGJ 00 00FEE7A4 FQPA 00FEE9E4 LGE 00000000 SRBWK 41AEJEB8 22222222 OOQOOOOO OP RPN 00 00000000 FLG1 SYM CO FLG2 0000000010FFECB8 00 OOFEEBOO FLGJ 00 00FP1BBC ANCHORED IN ASMRLGWQ FQPA 00FF22FC BQPA 66666666 LGE 00FF26FC LGID OOJJJJJA SRBWK 41AEJEBB OP RPN 00 0044444A FLG1 SYM CO FLG2 005555 5A 1 0 FFECB8 00 00FF21D8 FLGJ 00 BQPA LGID 11. Fonnat of ASM Data (Part 4 of 13,- PCB/AIA hhhhbhhh anchored in ASMSTAGQ Address of the first PCB/AIA on the staging queue contained in the ASMSTAGQ field of the ASMVT. ACE OOFF22FC FQPA 00000000 LGE 00000000 BQPA LGI D 77777777 DODDDDDD OP OC SRCID DOFFFFFf fLGl CO AI APT lOFEE98Q TEUSE 00000005 TAIAE 00000000 TLCNT 0002 FLG2 ECB 00 OOFFIA58 FLG3 00 SRBWK 03000000 PART OOFEIOC8 ANCHORED IN ASMPART TIDEN PART TSIZE 00000006 TCIR2 DOFE1218 TLOCK 00000000 TDUPF 00000000 PCT TDSNL OOC2E060 TCOMF 00000000 TSUPL 00000000 OOfE1298 ANCHORED IN PARTPCTQ ID PCT DTYPE JJJO DMA5K DOOOOOOOOOOOOD3F MSSB 0180 PCB/AlA OOFEE70Q ANCHORED IN PCB CQN 88 FQPA FXC 00 RLPA RBN OBI0 VBN AlA FQPA 00FEE7A4 BQPA NXAIA OOFF18EC ID en !!g. '" '"~ PCB/AlA 00FF18D8 PCB CQN 88 FXC 00 RBN oe70 AlA FQPA 00000000 NXAIA OOFFIBBC FQPA TPCTQ 00FE1298 TCOML 00000000 TLOCF OOFEA7B8 SMAX TerRI 00000000 TLKUP OOOIOEOB TSPLL 00000000 DTYPX 2009 SSECN D03A CYLSZ D03A RQTIM 00001388 NEXT 00000000 MAXTK 30D8 FLl XPTA 02 ADS 7 FC RTPA FL3 000000 00 PGTA AD87AA ASCB 00FEOF18 FLG2 00 FLG3 00 RTPA 000000 FLJ 00 PGTA AD87AC FLG2 00 FLG3 00 PARTAIAE fFIB98 000000 1450 BQPA FL2 SRB OOFF18D8 11111111 OP 00 80 00000000 0000000000000000 BQPA FL2 SRB RLPA FEE700 000000 VBN 1460 BQPA ID OP 55555555 0000000000000000 Figure 11. Fonnat of ASM Data (Part 5 of 13, 5B88 DPGWT 00 lE TSPLF 00000000 TLOCL OOFEA78B FLGl CO GRPSZ/LGE/OPXCT 00000000 00FEE780 80 00000000 00 FLl XPTA ASCB 02 AD8808 00FEOF18 FLGl CO GRPSZ/LGE/DPXCT 00000000 ... t; ~ I i" :J: [ IOE AlA 00FEE9E4 WORK 00000000 AlA 00FF26FC WORK 00000000 00FEA7B8 ANCHORED IN PARTSPLQ LSIDA 00000000 00000000 AlA 00FD2724 WORK 00000000 IOE 00FEA7B8 ANCHORED IN PARTDUPQ NXT 00000000 LSIDA 00000000 ~IA 00FD2724 WORK 00000000 IOE 00FEA7B8 ANCHORED IN PARTLDCQ NXT LSIDA 00000000 OOODOOOO AlA 00FD2724 WORK 00000000 IOE NXT go ,..a ~ 00FEB8C8 ANCHORED IN PARTCDMQ 00FEBA68 LSIDA 00000000 00FEBA68 NXT 00FEB858 LSIDA 00000000 NXT IOE [ PARTE oOFE 1118 EPARE 00FE1l58 ESZSL 00000828 EEDBP 00FEEE58 PAT OOFEEAEO IDENT PAT PAT MAP FDIC8423 PF7FBFD7 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF PLPA705 ELKUP OOOIOEOB ESLTA 00000495 EUCBP 00006148 ANCHORED IN PAREPATP 00FEI1l8 PART 0000007F FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000003F 0000003F 0000003F 000QQ.93F Figure 11. Fonnat of ASM Data (Part 6 of 13) EE9FBFFF FFFFFEFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFCOOOOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00.00.0000 EFLGI 00 E IDRB 00FEED28 EWTQE OOFEIIOO ENN 0000 EPATP OOFEEAEO ERQTM 00001388 E I OEQ 00000000 ENODE 00000000 CYLNO 0024 CYLSZ 003A CYLMW 0002 RSVI ETYPE 80 ERRCT 00000000 FA338BFF FFDFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 007FFFFF 000000.3F 0000003F 0000003f 0000003F 7EFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFF9 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FEFC273F FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FD7FFFFF 0000003F 0000003F 0000003F 0000003F 0000003F 797DF6DD FFFFFDFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFB 00000000 00000000 00000000 00.000000 00000000 EPCTP OQfE1298 ELCYL 0003 EFAFF3BF BF7FFFFF FFFFFFFF F7FFFFFF DOOOOO3F 0000003F 0000003F 0000003F 0000003F 0000 IORB 10SB + + + + + + + + o 6 10 20 34 4C 59 64 PCCW 00FEED28 ANCHORED IN PAREIORB ID 88 01 NUM 10SB 00FEED98 SAVE 00FEED50 RQSZ ERR 01 00000000 FLGS TSMP 10RB CO 0000000000000000 00000000 PCCW 00076550 PARTE 00FEIU8 00FEED98 ANCHORED IN FLA FLB CO AslD 0001 PGAO UCB 00006148 CC REs4A USE 00FEE028 ERP PCI 00000000 VST 00076570 OS I D CKEY 00 MDB sKM 00 SKBB FLC PKEY CSWCA APMSK NRM RsslB MDM sKCC 20 04 0166BO 0000 00028540 00 00 0004 PROC COO STATUS SNs ABN AFF 00 7F 0000 0000 00030A08 00 DVRID OPT CsWRC I PIB DIE PATH 01, 10 0000 00000000 800308CC 0000 PRLVL OPT2 sRB PCHN RsT FMSK SKHH OOOC sKR 04 00076550 ANCHORED IN 10RPCCW WID 86 WsECT 62 WFLGS 00 WIORB 00FEED28 WM 00 WBB 0000 SEEK IB07656140000006 ssEC 2307655140000001 R/W 06 OB50 0 0 40 0 0 1 0 0 0 NOP 0307 6AC 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 01 PCB/AlA 00FD2BCO ANCHORED IN PCB 20 CQN FQPA FXC 00 RLPA RBN OB50 VBN AlA FQPA 00000000 BQPA NXAIA 00030027 10 ~ g' w w t; SART 10RIOSB 81 000307EO 40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00 0000 WPCCW 00000000 WAIA WCC 0004 WHH sRCH 3107656340000005 00 80 00FEEE08 00000000 00076570 88 00F02BE4 WR 04 OOOC TIC 0807657840000000 PCCWAIA 000000 000000 E090 BQPA FL2 sRB 00000000 OP 00000 OD50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00FE0190 ANCHORED IN AsMSART ID SART 5 I ZE 00000002 SDCT 00FEECA8 sccwQ 000771EO SETSZ oooooooc SRBCT 00000000 Figure 11. Fonnat of ASM Data (Part 7 of 13) 00000000 10 00AF09DO 00 FLl XPTA AsCB 40 FE260C 00FD77A8 FLGI 00 GRPsZ/LGE/OPXCT 00000000 00000001 USE SETCT 0000004B FXDNX WAITF oobooooo 00000000 RTPA EL3 AFADFO 00 PGTA FE2592 FLG2 00 FLG3 00 MOVNX OOFEOIEO WAITL 00000000 OSNL SRBP 00C2E168 00FE942C ... J:: 0 SDCT rn ;: fa 0 gIII. oS iii' ~ g "< 2- ~ 00FEECA8 ANCHORED IN SfZE 10 ·SDCT DEVTP ·3'f : ~ Section 3 3·49 MODULE AHDSADMP ~ TITLE FROM DUMP' SLIP STOP OF V CPU(O) .OFFLINE 9/24/77 T6959.8 I @ CSD **** FFDD30 ~ !. '" t @ 'SVT 03E518 ~ ~ @ LCCA FFCE28 FFD1FO PAGE 0001 **** +118 +00 +14 +28 +2C +6C +8C ISECT RSME2 LSMQ WAS DACTV ISECR +0 +8 +28 +48 +68 +88 +AO +CO +EO +160 l'J;J;A DATA TIME 01.55.25 CSD C3E2C440 CPUJS 4000 CHAD 0008 CPUAL COOO CPUOL 0002 SCFLl 00 SCFL2 00 SCFL3 00 SCFL4 00 RV043 00000000 MFICP 0000 ACR 00 FLAGS 80 MAFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 RV044 0000 DO ReT 0000 SDCC 00000001 GDINT 00000001 GOT DO 00000001' TCNT 00000000 UCNT 00000000 MASK' 80004000 20001000 08000400 02000100 00800040 00200010 00080004 00020001 RESV 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOODOOOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +0 +F +18 +40 +68 +7C +AO +C8 +FO +100 +120 +140 @ CPU DATE 09/24/77 +0 +18 +30 +48 +60 +78 +84 gggggggg gggggggg gggZgggg gggggggg gggggggg gggggggg gggggggg 00059F28 00047A90 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 GSeHl 00046676 JSTEQ 00000000 07C3C3Cl OOFEEOOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FiJlI~ 12. CPU Data (Examp1';' (Part 1 of 5) MSEEP 00028888 GSMQ 00FD5010 MSDEP 00028868 GSPL 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 oooonooo 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 WAIT 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 LCCA D3C3C3Cl CPUA 0041 PGRl 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 PGR2 80B7A568 00FF40FC 80B7A568 0000B568 PPSW 070COOOO 00C94600 RESV 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 XGR2 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 XGR3 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 RSGR 00000000 00000000 PCCA PSAV RV85 RV91 RV97 RV9D RPB GSCH2 0004668C DSREQ 00000000 CPID PSAR RV86 RV92 RV98 RV9E RISP RV77 OOOD 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 C9C7C5FO 00023368 00035418 80B7A568 PINT 00060011 PVAD 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 onoooooo 00000000 00000000 FOF1FOF6 FOFOF1F5 FOFlF6F8 005EFOOO RV81 00000000 RV87 OODOOOOO 00000000 00000000 RV93 00000000 RV99 00000000 00000000 00000000 TMFl 80 EMS2 00 00 00000000 00000000 0096E3D8 FFFFFFFD 00C94600 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 CPUA RV82 RV88 RV94 RV9A TODE EHS3 00000000 onoooooo O~ 00000000 00000000 onoooooo 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00 00000000 00000000 00000000 Q096DF9D 000368AC 000228CO 00022860 MCRl OF507COO CRO CAFH RV83 RV89 RV95 RV98 CCE RMSB 00000000 00000000 00000185 00C94600 00000000 OOOOOOOD 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 40'00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00 00 OOoODOOO TQEP RV84 RV90 RV96 RV9C INTE EMSP 000230A8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00 00000000 - ***** @PSW PSA@OOOOOO +0 +18 +30 +4C +60 +78 +89 +90 +9C +AC J. STORE-STATUS DATA FOR CPU 0001 00000018 OOFFAFAO OOFFAFCO GPRS 0-7 00000004 00000000 00000000 00042168 60033F88 GPRS 8-15 00FFCE28 00000000 00000000 CTRS 0-7 D080EC40 OF5D7COO FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 CTRS 8-15 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FPRS 0-2 00000000 00000000 00022878 00022878 FPRS 4-6 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 CPU-TIMER OOFFFFEC F4AOIOOO CLOCK-CaMP 886E8265 986E5000 PREFIX 005EFOOO CVT 00023368 RNPSW oooeoooo 00034180 ROPSW 00000000 00000000 POPSW 070eoooo EOPSW 070EOOOO 00000000 SOPSW 070CI000 00039802 MOPSW 00000000 00000000 IOPSW 070EOOOO 00000000 eSI~ 00SFSD78 TRACE OOFD06FO ENPSW 040COOOO CVT2 00023368 TIMER FDDF2DFF SNPSW 040COOOO 00047DEB PNPSW OOOCOOOO 0002A744 HNPSW 00080000 INPSW 040COOOO 000513210 00000000 SPAD 0000 RESV PIlLe 06 SVIlC 02 SVCN 0000 RESV 00 TEA 00C94600 RESV 00 MCNUM 00 PEReo 00 RESV 00 MTRCD 000000 RESV 00000000 MPl 00048350 005DFA18 FFFFFFFF RESV 0000 RESV 00 IOEL lCl Figure 12. CPU Data (Example) (Part '2 of S) '" '"~ OOOAOOOO OOFFAAFB 000421AB 00000000 00000000 ooooeooo 8003408A 00000000 EFCOOOOO RESV OOFFFOOO OOC94600 08000000 CAW 00059208 00011E80 EICOD 1202 RESV RV049 00 PICOD RESV 00 PER CHNID 10020000 RESV 00 IDA OOFFDlFO 00000000 00000000 005AAA78 00SF5D70 00 11 00000000 00000005 C:'J ~ ~ CPUDATA OUTPU'l ill ( ~ [ Contents are PSA hhhhhh -- Prefixed storage area (PSA) oytes 0 3FF hex. 1 as follows: (9 ~ @ .g' @ Figure 12 is an example of CPUDATA output. CD CSD hhhhhh -- Conunon system data area {eSD}. 1 SVT hhhhhh -- Supervisor vector table (SVT). Data for p,,=,ocessor on whiCh the dump was taken: @ LCCA hhhhhh -- L9gical configuration communication area (LCCA). @ PCCA hhhhhh -- Physical configuration communication area (PCCA). 1 @ STORE-STATUS DATA FOR CPU hhhh -- stored status information for the indicated processor: PSW -- Current program status word (hex). GPRS 0~7, GPRS 8-15 --. General-purpose registers {hex}. CTRS 0-7, CTRS 8-15 -- Control registers (hex). FPRS 0-2, FPRS 4-6 -- Floating-point registers (hex) • PROCESSOR TIMER -- Processor timer value (hex). CLOCK-COMP -- Clock comparator value (hex). PREFIX -- Prefix register (hex). NOTE: If you do not perform a STORE STATUS operation, only the general-purpose registers appear; other items in the above list are not shown. Figure 18 shows the formats for the PSW, control registers, and floating-point registers. 1Data area acronym and address, followed by for;rnatted fields. Each line of print includes: The offset of the first printed field, relative to the oeginning of the data area. The name of each printed field (minus the d.ata area acronym) and the contents of the field in hexadecimal format. In the CSD, for example, the printed name "CPUJS" identifies the CSO field CSDCPUJS. (The printed name "RESV" indicates that the field is reserved and contains no useful data.) For a description of each printed field, see the appropriate data area description in Volume 2 or Volmne 3. @ @ ~i~~A~~D~ ~~S I ~O~ 6 0 ~g~BgT6~A~g F §~g I NN I NG AT 0005BO 50015370 00000000 00100000 DOBOEC40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOOOODOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 06 00000000 00000000 00000000 oaaooooo 940E5011 07FEOOOO 00000000 00000000 * ................................ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 06 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 * ................................ * TO NEXT LINE ADDRESS SAME AS ABOVE 06 DoaoaODO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 * ................................ +800 IDEPl 00058220 IOEP2 OOOSB2FB IOEP3 00058358 IOSRC 00020734 IOEP4 00058398 IOEPS DODS82FB +818 IOEP6 QOOSB2FB IOEP7 0005B2FB IOEP8 OOOS82FB rOEP9 OOOSB2FB IOEPA oaOSB2F3 IOEPS 0005B2FB +830 IOEPC OOOSB2FB IOEPD 0005B2F8 IOEPE 0005B2F8 IOEPF OOOSB2FB IOSLH 000206DC LSCHI 00046538 +848 LSCH2 00046550 SVT 0003E518 WTPSW 070E7000 00000000 WTR1500000000 WTRO 00090000 +860 WTRI 00000000 TWCPU 0001 TASID 0000 WTTCB 00022E70 STMP 6596E4AB +870 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +890 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +880 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000 00000 +8DO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000 00000 +BFO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ::000580 06 OOOSAO nooseD GOOSEO 000600 OOOAEO en l! frw 000E60 OOOEBO ooOEAO OOOECO OOOEEo OOOFOO 000F80 OOOFAO 06 * * STAK 00000C34 OOOOOE34 00000020 00000C34 40010300 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 @+COO +C28 00000020 00000088 6005C014 4005BDFO 00000000 00000000 00000000 000 23C38 00000000 00000000 +C50 OCOCOOOO 0007A84o 00000000 o096EC68 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00016F5E +C78 00000000 FF022B78 00000000 00FF4AA8 50000502 40060ACC o00225BC 000 5A29A 00000000 00000000 +CAO 00000000 00070000 00000000 40000000 00000000 000681F8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +CC8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000 00000 00000000 00000000 +CFo 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +018 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +068 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +090 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000 00000 00000000 00000000 +OB8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +OEO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +E08 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +E30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 REAL ADDRESS FOR OOOE60 IS 5EFE60 STORAGE KEY IS 06 FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT 000E60 06 48810080 48000008 14804770 690441FO 000407FE 50800230 96400228 5880021C * •••.•.••.•••• M.D •••.••••• 06 12BB4780 OEB09103 002047EO OEA85880 00644180 Bo045080 oEC40203 OECOo060 "' •••••.••••••••••••••••••• OK ••••• '" 06 58800230 82000ECO 95000088 47800E8E 82000EBB 00000000 OOOEOOOO 00FIF5F7 * •••••.•••••••••.•••••••.•.•.• 157* 06 040COOOO 00047DEC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 * ................................ " 06 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 * TO NEXT LINE ADDRESS SAME AS ABOVE 06 96205000 943F20FO 07FFOOOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 * ..•..•• 0 ••••••••••.••.••••••••.• 06 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 w ~ *. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . ............... * "' ................................ * Figure 12. CPU Data (Example) (Part 3 of 5) . .. . . . '" * ................................ .................................. "* ...,. co @ 0 !!! ~ c g- ill ~. Ig ~ ~ [ @ REAL ADDRESS FOR 000580 IS hhhhh -- Real (absolute) address corresponding to PSA offset 580 hex. (An absolute address is an ,qddress to which prefixing has been applied. 'Prell.xing is aescrioea1n GAZ2--/OOU~ in effect, it simply interchanges the /.IX bytes of storaqe at real address 0 with the 4K !lytes of storage at the real address contained in the prefix register. prefixing is applied to all references to real storage and to keys in storage, except for references to the PSA cturin:r a STORE STATUS operation, and except for references by a channel to extended lcqout locations, to indirect-data-address words, and to ccws.) Prefixed storal]e area (PSA) bytes 400 -- FFF hex. Except for bytes coo - ESF hex (descriced De low), each line of print inc1udes: The PSA offset (virtual address) of the first printed word of storage. The storage protection key. Eight words of storage in hexadecimal format. The same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A - Z, and 0 - 9. @ +COO STAR - hhhhhhhh ••• -- Normal FRR stack (PSA bytes COO - ESP hex). Each line of print includes: l'he offset of the first printed word of storage, relative to the beginning of the PSA. Ten words of storage in hexadecimal format. For a description of FRR stack contents, refer to the FRRS description in Volume 2. Note that FRRS offset 0 corresponds to PSA offset coo hex. @LCCA fE-C~9(' LetA D.:lC:'C:;Cl Pu-K 1 (:lOOD04t CF'UA 0041 +0 C.O(A!;I.t-bv C;OC~b9Ab +':'6 C CCE:C;:('b (Ol54F4t. (vtCJC,C4C {jO':'A5H,C bClt:bb5CO Cot56':1A!;1 +(, +4~ j--GR2 (,lJ(.E-CCQf.< +6H +68 pp~w (1t(."ooc. +AO +CU +f:(j X(,Rl (.('()lJO<;O(; [-(OOCInCr XGf'..2 C(.vLv(.OC! +lLO O{'O{"(llJ(J(; vor 54F4G tCF9t:.EAtI 0(;000000 OO{J('OOOl.l 1.10('U{JCCU OO:...G(i\lf.U R\l71 000(1 bv£.b&~CC (;QO,,-tUbO uOLA:,f-Bu (;C(J2b 160 O('CA5f-BG P1NT 00040011 PVAu L{JCSS&OB 6{JF9b1:.9C OOC!)BbUb bC.f-'1bE9C CGOA!>r~4 {.(;O('(lwOt ("·OOCOOO'.) COO(JOOOO OCONICOO 000C.'UCC.O lJOOO()'.H)O (JCOOt' 000 LOOC(.,(iOO Or'DUC-0(ID OOOUOOOO OGLGe,.OCO COLOOl LO 00(,58848 'tOE9Elb4 OOC54f4Q GCC5bfl4b DOC54F40 bDEb8GeO OuCOOOOO 4CtE.9i:lb4 COFFl.A36 bOEbt!H8L 00000000 CRQ HCkl OF30FCOO (,000...,(.100 00000000 Cooooooe COOOl'Cee OOliOOOOO 00000000 COGQuOOQ 00000000 OOH·CA3H OOOOOOllO (10000000 aO{)GOCOD OOOOOUOO 00000000 _ _ _ :;--PCCA f-:':C.(4[' +G PCC" u7C3C2Itl +1f. "'~/JV ui,;Fl·,tIl"OO f t printed field, relative to the beginning of the SRB .. The name of each printed field (minus the prefix "SRBft) and the contents of the field in hexad~cimal format.. For example, the printed name "ID" identifies the SRB field SRBID. (The printed name "RESV" indicates that the field is reserved and contains no useful data .. ) For a description of each printed field, refer to the Slffi description in Volume 3. '-/ '-.~ ® GLOBAL SERVICE PRIORITY LIST SRB 00B080 SRB OOBOAO SRB OOBOCO FLNK OOOOBOAO AseB 30044780 300CD203 RMTR 20009888 PARM 07172008 CPAFF 9786 SAVE E2D9C240 PASIO 5A20 PKF 00 ASCB 505858EO CPAFF 5058 PASID D203 10 EP RESV BOCO RESV 505858EO +0 +14 ID EP FLNK OOOOBOCO +14' +26 EP RESV 94FD RESV BOOO1811 +0 +14 +26 In E2D9c240 EP 9B4C4770 RESV BI00 FLNK OOOOBCEQ RMTR 939058DO -- t'-"'" E2D9C:24D +0 +14 +26 E209C240 50101~203~ABM ~00447'70 ~OC50EO AseB 58EOQ224 PARM 02FC98BD RESV 58EOF028 Figure 15. System-Related Control Blocks (Example) (Part 2 of 2) (3) ~ g' w ~ GLOBAL SERVICE PRIORITY LIST -- Global SRB dispatching queue. 9BFG98B~~D9C~KF~ SAVE BO 2 8 5 0Eii'PKF CPAFF 50BO SAVE E2D9C240 BO PASID 5010 PKF 00 30085020 PRIOR 00 PTC8 PTCB EOOC5050 p'RTn'R PRIOR2C PTCB D501E024 PRIOR 00 ~ CD JOB ~ CD MODULE AMDSADMP ASCB 022460 I g. if ~ ~ ® ASXB ;;: [ 022568 +0 +IB +2A +3C +5B +6C +7A +90 +A4 +Be '+C8 +EO +0 +14 .+24 +4B +6C +B4 +AO +BB +00 ASCB C1E2C3C2 IOSP 00000000 HlHI 03 T5B 00000000 USEr 00000000 ASXB NVSC Dues RTWA peTT SRBT WPRB 00022568 0000 OOFE6FS8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00022550 aWDP 00000000 CMSF oooooaoo SVRB OOFECA40 CPUS 00000001 ASID 0001 SEQN 0001 00022878 FF STOR OF5D7COQ LOA 0096EC68 R5M COO2290B EJST 00000008 EECBBBC4 EWST BB6EB265 97973800 JSTl DOFFFFFF DUMP 00965000 AFFN FFFF RCTF 00 F LGI 83 TLCH 00000000 Siller OB31 DSPl 00 F LG2 EO RV48 0000 SRBS 0000 FWD? OOFE587Q TNEW ReT? 00000000 LOCK 00000041 OUXB DOFESOOO FMCT 0023 MCC 00000000 JBNI 00000000 SSRB 0000 SMCT 00 96C44B3C LSMQ 00000000 NDP FF TNOP FF NTSG FF PAGE 0014 LSQH RSO 1 JBNS RS14 lSPl lOOP 00000000 0000 00023040 00 00000000 FF QEC8 XMPQ SRQ SWTL TCBS RV49 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 SYNC 0OOO24DC IOSM 0016 CSCB 00000000 ECB 00000000 TNCH VSC MECS IQEA VGTT 00000000 TCBl RV50 00000000 00000000 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ASXB C1E2E7C2 FTCS 00022670 l TCB 00965040 TCSS 0000 RSOO 0000 MPST 00000000 LWA 00000000 RV14 00000000 RV15 00000000 IHSA 00023968 FlSA 00FF4AA8 000A5FAO 00967944 OF969C38 4001758E OOFF4AA8 0000lOA8 00FF40FC AOO17960 B00186A6 OOFF4D48 oaoooc7C 0002258C 900183EA 90010100 00017078 OOOOOCSC 40060A02 RCTD 00000000 FRWA 00023C38 SPSA 0004AOF8 RSMO 00000000 DDR 00000000 OUSS oa0240CO TAXE 00000000 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 PSWD 40404040 40404040 PRG SIRB 00022860 ETSK 00022670 FIQE 00000000 LIQE 00000000 FRQE 00000000 lRQE 00000000 SENV 00000000 FSRB 00000000 lSRB 00000000 USER 00000000 000000 SECR 00 RV19 00000000 RV20 00000000 RV21 00000000 RV22 00000000 RV23 00000000 RV24 00000000 RV25 00000000 Figure 16 is an example of the major control blocks associated with a specific job (address spacei, but not with a specific task. Contents are as follows: o o TIME 01.55.25 DP Figure 16. Job-Related Control Blocks (Example) (Part 1 of 2) Job-Related Control Blot.n.;::o_ CD DATE 09/24/77 *MASTER* JOB cccccccc -- Name of the job associated with the address space. The following names identify systan address spaces: *MASTER* -- Master scheduler. HASP -- JES2. ASCB hhhhhh -- Address space control block (ASCB1. 1 ASXB hhhhhh -- Address space extension block (ASXB). 1 l Data area acronym and address, followed by formatted fields. Each line of print includes: The offset of the first printed field, relative to the beginning of the data area. The name of each printed field (minus the data area acronym> ar:rl the contents of the field in hexadecimal format. In the ASCB, for example, the pri nted name "PDWP" identifies the ASCB field ASCBFDWP. ('l'he printed name "RESV" indicates that the field is reserved arrl contains no useful data.) For a description of each printed field, refer to the appropriate data area description in Volume 2 or Volume 3. CD LOCAL SERVICE MANAGER QUEUE QUEUE I S EMPTY @LOCAL SERVICE PRIORITY LIST SRB FAILED VALIDITY CHECK SRB F09650 +0 +14 +26 00000000 10 EP 000388FO RESV 0000 FLNK 00BC3F38 RMTR 000387B4 RES V 000389FC ASCB 00FAD638 PARM 00FD967C PASID 0001 CPAFF 0000 00000000' PRF 00 SAVE 00018908 PTCB PRIOR AO SRB FC5F38 +0 +14 +26 10 E2D9C240 00BDA620 EP RESV 0000 FLNK 00FE8804 RMTR 00BDA826 RESV 00000000 ASCB 00FAD638 PARM 00BC3F64 CPAFF 0000 PASID 001A SAVE 00000000 PKF 00 PTCS FLNK 00000000 RMTR 00024B28 RESV 00000058 ASCB 00FA0638 PARM 80FE8708 CPAFF 0000 PAS I 0 001A SAVE 00000000 PKF 00 PTCB 009CC9FB PRIOR 00 00000000 PRIOR 00 SRB FAILED VALIDITY CHECK SRB FE8804 +0 +14 +26 ID 40404040 EP 0002603E RESV 8508 Figure 16. lob-Related Control Blocks (Example) (Part 2 of 2) 0 CD J.co ~ LOCAL SERVICE MANAGER QUEUE -- Local SRB staging queue. LOCAL SERVICE PRIORITY LIST -- Local SRB dispatching queue. ~ODUlE t 00(100000 JST OOB'IC4bb TS F .20000060 ~D~ 00000000 I::XT 00000000 jjAK COB9CCDl~ FOE CODoooeO UKV OOB9C7H sca oowoooo RES COOOOOOO 00a9C904 f{i.4'~.18 P.tlGE Ie 13 *••• * OflB75-'80 IJOOOFFFF 00000060 (10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00 au IE7S 00000000 TIfiE CAlf CMP JLb NTC Llo;S COB9C7B8 00000000 (.(,OOUOOO C.CCttoor.t() D-P~E (lOtiQFS90 HOIO bITS R TMWA SWA CPVl elF RES V ('00(,0000 00":000('(: (t('lOOf'(lC'O OOB"ICbB8 004Cr-FFF ooooocw.o OGOOOOOO oooo{.o(.Q TRN JPO un AO" JSCB IJA" 10TH Rl:SV BYTI S'IAb Resv 0069C968 OOB.CeoC 0089C3311 LOb9(.AA4 ooococoo (t(\or,(,OHO oOOCOCOCl 4C('l4COOO OO(l{,('Ibj;(t coo~COOo o ACT IVE RBS PRB 868(11) SVRB 88[BI0 RTOPSh 1l('10t'JOO'~(' RESV C(,(,COr)')O C nnr')~;lnon r'.""r.(,'"Jf~ RTIL-IC APSh .100r"n1C \ll .. U .. K C08680r.r RTQPSh I'Jfl110000C 0l)C00300 RESV c RG 0-1 RG a-IS EXlSA "C-l-IC ,",.;r::2~r:3F TRM\ '!~O(';l)Or.f1 FLGl ".:r\:~"fr PSh l':1E03c r r r.'J~·C:;2e4A SZ-STAB ~>:lUl1IF'l Fl-CCE "r882~C;r IN r'rC54G .AT'q (E .ATfl2 2B 1)~<)n(,O'H'; CC·V'O~I.'f) APSk ()t'I(Jr';)oor IIT-LI\K t:'CB6eC1(1 ef'l,)QZp.41') 81'l")Ci2,t1F4 r.C ~r.cc\)'''!· ,\(!t:'r')t;t")\" f)OO{'lI'H;EC 0C8822EC M("nc-nooc \·H~a5AC2r. 00000000 qJo';,)C"i110C (;Ct'lC!7;)I!i: 00000000 lRM.. 0CV"(~C(:(, FlGl ("(rcs,:c,' ftC-l-IC ~~t":C1.;C( ':"(,r'( '·'»r' )"1<:10(122 PSW r.7r.cutr;,:, r;,''':A1F4FA lPOE eeZAe..: CQf"()f' 1.:8 firhiC; 1 F AS tH'eS!clf ~( n(l( C;ZAer.' 111)0.':''1'''1):' l'!"II.~,,,:r.(:C'! oC:t)n('lO('l!) ~r;r:lO·ll""l1 I"oror:-Uf'lr o;"rf;.::!)"'r Or,':GZFA4 r,t r~~(' t:' f! C ':'f"r':I';Cn" Figure 17. Task-Related Control Blocks (Non-MVS/System Extensions Example) (Part 1 of 10) Fe /;()C,,': G(85.ac 1 E 4·'-)92(54 r~; fnr,(,;:,("C rC((fn:C riG (nr(~r r.C r.OC(;f ~O .. C~ CD MODULE AMDSADMP JOB CONSOLE o TeB o STEP SYSTEM PROCSTEP VMS ® ***** 022878 EXT2 RBP DOFEC898 PIE 00000000 OEB PK-F LG MSS 0096F4AO 00000080 FLG RG 0-7 FFOOOO30 OOFFFFFI 00036108 RG 8-15 00865078 00969C38 00036704 FSA 00000000 TeB 0096EABO TME 00000000 ECB LTC 00000000 IQE STAB 0OO95EBO TCT 00000000 USER EXCPD RES 00000000 10BRC 00000000 AECB 00000000 TIRB EXT2 00022CAO ABR-TID OOOOFDOO TMSAV 00000000 RES ESTAE TCBID E3C3C240 RTMI2 00000000 00000000 RCMP 00000000 GTF CURRENT TASK 00967944 OOOOFFFF 00023368 OOFECBF8 aOFF9A88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000041 00000000 DATE 09/24/77 TIME 01.55.25 ***** 0096C9CB eMP 00000000 TRN 00000000 TIO 00969CIB JLB 00000000 JPO 00000000 LLS OOCFEB58 00865078 00022878 OOFEC898 QOCF5'}A8 BOCFSA9A OQCF59AB 009698FO J5TCB 00022878 NTC 00000000 OTC 00022670 D-PQE TSFLG 20000000 0096F224 AQE 00969490 HOlDS 00000000 JSCB 0096E154 NOSP 00000000 00000000 BITS 00000004 OAR 00000000 EXTl RTWA 00000000 00000000 00022970 IOTIM BACK SWA 00000000 RESV 00000000 FOE 00000000 CPU-AF 0003FFFF UKYSP 0096F7BO FBYTES 00000000 ACTIVE RBS PRB 022CEO SVRB FEC898 en i· w w 31 RTOPSW 00000000 00000000 RTIl-IC RESV 00000000 APSW 00000000 WT-LNK 00022878 Q 00000000 00000000 SZ-STAB WC-L-IC 00020048 TRAN OOE43190 FlG1 00000004 FL-CDE 00000000 PSW 070C3000 00E41B5A 00110080 WC-L-IC 0002000A FLGI 02000000 RTIL-IC 00000000 TRAN 00000000 RTOPSW 00000000 00000000 psw 070C1000 00CF5AB6 00000000 RESV 00000000 APSW 00000000 SZ-STAB 001CD022 LPDE WT-LNK 00022CEO Q 00000000 o0095F64 12FEC8F8 03FEC898 64000BOO SCSB 00000000 00020728 00000000 FEPARM 00000000 80E35ADO 80E35AFO 00000000 00036098 000010A8 RG 0-7 000362F4 00036098 0003613C 00000001 00036108 00036140 000367A4 50E4255E 00E41908 RG 8-15 90E41B58 50E419DE 00036704 00000050 90E41B12 OOCFE040 OQCFEDOA 00036704 00036140 EXTSA 00B65078 00000000 C9C7C3FO FIFOF7C2 12FEC8F8 03FEC898 009698FO 00095F64 00000000 00865096 00000000 BOCFSA9A 64000BOO 00000000 Figure 17. Task-Related Control Blocks (MVS/Systcm Extensions Example) (Part 2 of 10) PAGE 0018 ~ Task-Related Control Blocks ~ Figure 17 is an example of the major control blocks associated with a specific task. Contents are as follows: <: ~ 0 The follCM'ing fields, printed with the request block, are taken from the CDE, LPDE, or XTLST: JOB cccccccc STEP cccccccc PROCSTEP cccccccc -- Name of job, job step, and cataloged procedure step (where applicable). NM cccccccc -- Load module name (CDNAME field of CDE or LPDENAME field of LPDE, for PRB and SVRB only; RBEXRTNM field of RB for sn.B only) . ~. ***** I (00) EPA nhhhhh -- Load module entry point address (CD:t:NTPT field of CDE or LPDENTP field of LPDE, for PRB, SIRB, and SVRB only). TeB nhhhhh Task control olock (TCB). AcrlVE B.BS Request blocks (RBS) queued to the TCB. I o ll~ [ CURRENT TASK ***** -- Identifies control blocks for the current task. IRB hhhhhh -- Interruption request block (RB). PRb hhhhhh -- Program request block (RB). SIRE hhhhhh Supervisor interruption request block lRB). SVRB hhhhhh -- Supervisor request block Um). STA hhhhhh -- Load module storage address (XTLMSBAD field of XTLST, for PRB only). LN hhhhhh -- Load module length in bytes (X,TLMSBLN field of XTLST, for PR8 only). AT.t{l hh -- Load module attribute flags (CUATTR field of CDE or LPDEATTR field of LPDE, for PR8 only). ATH.~ hh -- Load module attribute flags (CDATTR2 field of CDB or LPDEATT2 field of LPDE, for PRB only). ,®M.Hf\ SlCRAGE D-PQE poe ®lCAC eCE eeE eeE eCE eeE CDJCe CDE ® DEB eBF5<:~' FIRST 8BF4(;r' FF('Ine8 ForOO8 FE 1040 FE14Fe N~ IGGalgco N'" IGGi'ltC;Ct N'" tGGl) IGP.A NM IGG~nC;p.B N'" IGCf'llC;r.K FO'lIlt.(' ~r w w "PC n"o"''''~'' R.AC n"'r"Hf'f'(' ppc C(.cnr·ou" FLC ~,;r'),.-~'~I.: USE ''''('fH USE t'llinZ RE$P "n" 1 USE "'ee2 RF.SP ,,/"In 1 RESF ('{'II') 1 RE5P nfHll USE RESP USE " .... ';2 ;~r.t)l (t~r'1 SVS(T SYSCT 5YSCT SYSCT SY$CT SY SeT NA HtH EH ATR 1 01 .6TR 1 ~!~ HR 1 81 ATR2 22 51/1 AnaA3r IITR2 77 EPA i\OeA3f EPA A083FE 51'" HRllH ATR2 ?2 }lIP? 72 /lTR2 22 EP/I Afl32N EPA AOAtH EPA ef:4p.3 e 51/1 JlA32CC S1/1 IlCAllE STA £l6483E ATRI ATR2 2' EPA "'S2AC" STA r.S2/1CC AD~3FP LN CI'F'2~a IN 1.)r:'C3r.'~ If\ Cflf': lcO IN <,~r24(,. l" C'ar7Cs PACK CUEUE E823 c t:; 81-1344 NM CS1ARrr~8 USE ,'cnl SICA I~N12C56b APPENDAGES ECEA (:O')'17C566 (lOr'!'"I.Hrl3 ~'187~1/1F1 1120nt: n 2 r..r.F.P 1Ce7~7EY"\ IFlet C80'r:r0" He START lq':!~(ln·16 o c:'·I'jO"Q 6 DEAXTN E7(:3A8 IN 1)("2/"1 RESV f!r'lr B5AC2~ RESF to. " PFX £HJOOO('l')fI TeB C4S6eoc'J AVT r4e1r~20 180(14018 !l'" ('~B680rc lFB CC882FIB RSt "r1FFCC" LIST Fr---l'Ce ® rYCT LAST ·1~B8F46(' FFB 0('\882168 TCB ~l1fl82~8n JCB TCKPI3~3 CFFSET n('lS (H~2C STEP IN-STA 14{)l)('1(',{, 14r.l"!'"1""2 FlGS ::F(("OF~ (EA ·1\'h083EP. UPRG i.lt:,:c("(,r XCEA OCr:"2C566 PlSl Ffrrr~..,r:- [ce eFrC;2cec nGill DCP'" \Jr"'~~FlE2 ST(3~3(l1 FRe( CCr\Afo'E JCelIe P~I to. T TTFl-STC e111EP.";'I ...· P11f.6A,)" Figure 17. Task·Related Control Blocks (Part 3 of 10) PCU ':',).)2C566 lto. 01)(540 TPKS CSAR f)'J86FE3e !!l ;'B STE-UCe A·"1/ '171('7 Bf'1'1C ):.''': DE~ 1:.·"'87'"'344 r.SCFlG 4("(\" ~ACFl ()fl2r. X/IRG 1",:<",:,.("]00 ~ CD g ~o ~ ~. ~ r0 ~ [ MAIN STORAGE -- Partition queue for the region. ATR1 hh -- Module attribute flags (CDATTR field of COE). ATR2 hh -- Mr)dule attribute flags (CDAT.TR2 field of COE). EPA hhhhhh -- Module entry point address (CDENTPT field of CDE). STA hhhhhh -- Module storage address (XTLMSBAD field of XTLST). LN hhhhhh -- Module length in bytes (XTLMSBLN field of XTLST) • D-PQl!. hhhhhh -- Dummy partition queue element (address minus eight bytes, followed by formatted fields). FIRST hhhhhhhh -- Address of first PQE.. LAST hhhhhhhh -- Address of last PQE. PQE hhhhhh -- Partition queue element (PQE).* LOAD LIST -- List of load modules requested by LOAD macro instructions. Each line of print represents one load module, and includes fields from the CDE (contents directory entry), LLE (load list element), and XTLST (extent list). CDE hhhhhh -- Address of CDE NM cccccccc -- Load module name (CDNAME field of COE). USE hhhh -- Module use count (COUSE field of COB1. RESP hh -- Module responsibility count (LLECOUNT field of LLE) • SYSCT hh System responsibility count (LLESYSCT field of LLE) • For a complete description of each field, refer to the appropriate data area description in volume 2 or Volume 3. 0) CD 0) JOB PACK QUEUE -- List of load modules in the job pack area. Each line of print represents one load module and includes the fields descril::ed aoove for modules on the load list. (The RESP and Syscr fields are not applicable, and are pr inted "RESP NA" and "SYSCT NA. ") DEB hhhhhh -- Data extent block (.DEB}. 1 TIOT hhhhhh -- Task I/O table (TIOT} associated with the TCB.1 1Data area acronym and address, followed by formatted fields. For a description of each field, refer to the appropriate data area description in Volume 2 or Volume 3. (Note that all request blocks are described under the heading IIRB".l '~ mE ml§ III .,Q<;;IIUQt; l!QMQ~H @ -[lCR+10 +30 +50 ( PSA~I) AT Ln!:ATIr~ OOA9?FOe OO?CJ??oa:; O:lO:l~nnl 000:141100 OQrYJC'orl 040£"00(\1 90nooo~o QO?CO(1?D OOA9QR94 q?FAM'FO O('lFAA770 nr:I"Onnnl O('lnOl(H'lp 3f1()40f'l48 41084F58 n 1C211517('1 OOC~n5Fn oOOOlnop ooonOOOl @ -101\- (~A"".~?A""-"!O~""AL -p 410!'4a:~P +0 +10 FLAr. STA~T SCI-IFN1LtMG) 4"0('100(1('1 0;'>00 SF.-'I!; 400t::l4FB? r':Il.PT AT LOCATIO1\; Doon F.r.L]PT OOAQ?E08 RFSTR 0(1('1"41=60 7Ff"g4FFO C5W OO(lF4FA!! OOOOOOOr! VA.F'.IARLE' 00000000 oeooooo(" EQB lllll! iiI LQ<;;II):IQN QQII2Ql!H @ -UCR-p +0 +r. fnlP~CT Lnc~ Flr.~ +18 A.CCI:C;~ TVP!:; I COQOOO{lo 100 AT l'1CA.TTfl'J OOA~OP70 (10('1('('1('00 "}OO HI J:'F STATIJS AQ CHAN tlNIT"lAMI= r.('IF~r9r" r:FVTVPt:= 30~O:'OC''1 fXTPT 00000000 nnnonnnro 4n40t'tn41) 404np:r.nl 000000"'0 0(\('1('10('(\0 00000aoo 3FFFOO(JO ')FVFL.Ar. oooaoono Figure 17. Tllsk-Related Control Blocks (Part 4 of 10) @ *'g' '" ill'" @ DCB -- Data control block associated with each DEB. The DCB is formatted only if the TCB was an abended TeB. @ lOB -- I/O control block chain associated with each DEB. The lOB is formatted only if the DCB format is successful and the lOBs could be found. IeB -- Interruption control block replaces the lOB for chained scheduling. @ LCB -- Line control block replaces lOB for TeAM access method. XPBA -- lOS EXCP debugging area pointed to by the TeB. . The XDBA is formatted only if the task was an abended TCB and the XDBA was available. No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. UCB -- Unit control block chain associated with each DEB. The UCB is formatted only if the task was abended TeB and the UCBs were available. I"EAVTRT2 - MODULE SVCOUHP LNRECOVEKABLf:. ABE:.NO FAILURE ~ - R T C T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A T LOCATION o +O@ --- ..... ~ +10 ~ N NAME RES V R TCT DATE 01/21/77 SYSAbEND 2fCubE00 SYSUOUfoI.P OF40BEUO SYSMDUMP FCOc.ooOO SDHPASILl G(,"J~ MEHlECB f!OAb8~FO ASCb? 00000000 REC£:.CB (JOOO TIMF Oq.02.0~ PAGE 0013 OOFE:7ut-O ~('I,Af.'Fl150 LnGp.FCR nOFEC,'" .H) SOUMP ENTRIES c lQ +£4r +30 +3C +48 lQ +bO ~ cE :r +~4 ~ :~~ :~6 [ ~ fLAGS EO 20 20 00 0(" OU 01 flAG~ FLAGS FLAGS FLAGS FLAGS g~~~~~ g~~:~~ ~t!~~ ~t~&~ gg ge DEBCBP LJE-BCt\P Ui::bCBP lJEBCIiP OE-BCbP ut:ac.bP 00078760 DEVICE ('oolo79~ UE:VICF DEVrCF DfVICF Of-VICE IJEVJCE uOu7h700 00000000 OOuOOOClC vOOOOOQO e~~~~~ ggg8~g8g 8t~~~~ g~g~g~ ~&~ggg8g g~~J~~ ~~~~~~~ ~gg~l~fi8 ~~~Pt~ g8gg 30502009 30502009 30502009 00')00000 OOOOOOCO O(J(,ouOOO 8ggggg88 Egg888S8 ~~~~~~~N gg~200()1 ~~~aRB ooo,o TAPt(JC6S OOGOOOOO OOO(;OuOO aOOOOOO() 00000000 OQOOOOuO UOOuOuuo ooooouOO uOOOOOOO l)OGOOOOO +t=:C ASDMPOPT VOCO :~l CD U~NAHE. +C(' ::g +11" c 3 D5NAMl:. LO DSNAHE 02 DSNAME DSN,e;ME USN,AME ~~a~¥~ON ~~f8~~rig ~n~~~I~~ g~~~g~gg ~~g~~¥g~ ~~gg8e8g !:)[)MPINFO 1:110200 RFSV 88~~~!Ag SDOPTJON OOOCODOO SDMPFLG oooe OOOOClu()O 000000 RE:SV 0("00 :)OUHP MULTIPLE ADDRESS 5PACF FLAGS +10C +lhl +12C ASH; ASIIJ ASICJ ASH; ASIU ASIO AS][.. ASID ASHJ +11.. +lHi +11l +120 +12... +12~ OOCIO OOvO OfJClO OOC:::: (lOCO ('OuO ClOllO f-lA(,S FLAC,S FLAG5 FLAGS FLA("S FLAGS FLAGS FLAGS 02 00 (..L FLAGS vl! LC. O{.l e.O i.V CO ~t~~~ ~~ ~fSV RESV RESV RfSV RfSV RFSV R~SV RESV RE'SV !l~~ ~~i~ ~~fB 88tg eege +J4L +14't +1'tb ASIlJ ASIL ASID OOCU 00(.10 (lOc.,O +1 ... C MRMIJ 0000(,00(.1 KESI:.KVED uOLooaoo nononono :l~~ .. 0003 COCO ~t~~~ FL,AGS FLAGS FLAt:.S Figure 17. Task-Related Control Blocks (Part 5 of 10) 00 ac CO (.0 00 00 00 00 00 gg ~~~~ =~~~ gg gg iJG OG (Iv RESV RE:SV RFSV CO (10 VO I® RTCT -- Recovery termination control table is formatted with the first TCB of the current address space on the CPU which took the dump. @ -BTM.fj~~-----------------------------------AT +0 +20 LOCATION DOAA 1AC8 09E304F2 00AA1AC8 FF0003C8 00039048 00AA1EB8 00ABE5FO 00FE0658 000C1000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00AA1EB8 00ABE5FO 00FE7060 -EED TYPEl REGS AND PSW +3C +5C +7C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +8C 00000000 00000000 00000000 -EED TYPE3 MACHINE CHECK +98 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +B4 +04 +F4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 -SNPPARMS +100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 -DUMP STORAGE RANGES ~ +114 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +134 +154 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00AA1C1C 00AA1C20 00AA1C24 00AA1C28 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 g' '" Figure 17. Task-Related Control Blocks (Part 6 of 10) -- RTM2 work area chain pointed to '" @ RTM2WA :j The RTM2WA is only formatted when the are available. by the TeB. work areas ~ ~ J g. -SUBFUNCTION REGISTER SAVE AREA 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +174 +194 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +1B4 00000000 00000000 +lBC +1DC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOBE77FC 00000000 ~ -RECURSION REGISTERS 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +1F4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +214 ;f -SAVE AREA FOR VTRT2 +234 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +254 +274 00000000 00000000 f ~ -SAVE AREA FOR TAS2/TAS3 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +27C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +29C +2BC 00000000 00000000 +2C4 00AA1D90 -RMPL +2CB 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOAA 1DA8 00000000 Figure 17. Task-Related Control Blocks (Part 7 of 10) -WORK AREA FOR RESOURCE MANAGER +2EO +300 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 -SAVE AREA FOR RESOURCE MANAGER 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +320 +340 +360 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +366 +366 +3A6 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 I\TM2WA SUMMARY +lC +6C +94 +3C +5C +7C +DC +E8 J.... ... il COMPLETION CODE OOOC1000 ABENDING PROGRAM NAME ABENDING PROGRAM ADDR 00000000 REGS AT TIME OF ERROR 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 EC PSW AT TIME OF ERROR SDWACOMP RETURN CODE FROM RECOVERY ROUTINE-DO,CONTINUE WITH TERMINATION-IMPLIES PERCOLATION +EO RETRY ADDR RETU!\NED FI\OM RECOVERY EXIT 00000000 +E4 RB ADOR FOR RETRY 00000000 Figure 17. Task-Related Control Blocks (Part 8 of 10) (0-7) (6-F) w ...'" 0 ~ ~ :8 ~. :J: [ I< +C +38 +C8 +04 +14 +16C +170 - CVT RTCT SCB SDWA SVRB PREV PREV - - 00039048 00FE7060 00000001 00000000 OOABESFO 00000000 00000000 ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR ADDR RTM2WA FOR THE TASK RTM2WA FOR RECURSION +B8 +36C ERROR ASID +37C +380 +384 CURRENT TRACE ENTRY FOR SAVED TRACE TABLE FIRST TRACE ENTRY FOR SAVED TRACE TABLE LAST TRACE ENTRY FOR SAVED TRACE TABLE ASIO OF ERROR IF CROSS MEMORY ABTERM --- - 0000 0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 5!. ~ RTM2WA BIT FLAG SUMMARY +2CB TASK TERMINATION ESA BIT FLAG SUMMARY (RTM1 RELATED INFORMATION) FROM SVRB AT OOABESFO +89 RECURSION DURING INITIALIZATION Figure 17. Task-Related Control Blocks (Part 9 of 10) OOABESFO @ -STAF crNTQnl +0 P.L"r.I(----------------------~T r..JFl(T~r.!' nOf)OOOno !J~r;q,FXTT !'cq +R +C @ ALlnW +7"'1. ~T ACI<-----------------------AT In(:A TIIJ1\1 ...J. ~ +1~ +20 +'" 60r,OP1300 ( RT J W Watt\{ AR!=.A FnLl'lw$ FRR r:NTR I fS FqQD OO!'lFIO}.6 FRD.p 000104DA FDP'P nn rc C7r.n F~~P onnl Q 4,)A I=RRP 0002C2('u' FP9P r(\o2C2n n FR.RP ("ICDOOOOO F~t.:P nnooocoo OOODOC34 LAST OOOOOF'34 LFf.JGT .... ('loonnn?o FQ<:!~I=:,",P 1")("\(11"10000 FR9p OOOOOOOf) FPPp O"onn0'10 FpRP rWCQnooo FC!:~P nnnonoon FQ:RP OOO~ODOO FR~P noon on no F~C:P onoooooo F:)QP nnnnnnnn -=LII-;S I=:u,r;s CU~RF.~T *.'" F~TPIFS ----------D~R"1ARf'A onnonnnn ollononoo FLAr.c:: O(,H}O('lnoo FLAr.S onOO('loon cLAr;~ 00000000 FL4r.c,; 00000000 Flf..t;5 O('loocnoo FLAr.S flononnon FLAr.~ 000(01)00 FlAI';S 0000('1000 FlAf~~ 00000000 FLAr;s nnnnno('lo FLAo;!) 00000000 !=L"r.S nO(ifJOOOO FLAGS ooacoooo FlA~S I)nnnooon WAR"'Ir-.'r., P,T]W MAY C?ot-.OO('l(l nncnlp,~A nOAAIA(lR PAt''''l,ARF.A ooooonoo 00000000 0006~OOO PA,R....,ARFA DOAA0748 OOA91F70 00000('102 n('nnoonn ('Ionnnooo 001r8000 PAt!:""!AP,FA OOARF54 1l 00000000 00000000 PAPMAPEA orARF"42 OOOOOOCIO 000('0000 P,&,R'-\AF'.;'A OOOOOOCO 00000000 (lononnnn PAP'UREA nOOl"OOfln oonnnnno ononoono PA~MAREA. 00000000 00000000 00000000 PAQ."'1ARFA ono('lOOOO 00("1("10000 000(10000 PAr,,-\AR~'&' ororcoco OOOOCOOO onot')nnnn PAP,",AP~A nnnnnnnn nnl"'!nnnon nonoo('lon p~q,p.oA~F.\ 00000000 00000000 00000000. PA~"1APF.A 00000000 00000000 I"oonoooo PAr.~ARFA anae-oooo (10000000 nnoonol)n PAR~ARfA nor,(,nnOn oonnO{'lno 00000000 PAQ."1AR~A ~(IT 91: CU~RI:NT gggggt~g 8~~~l~~g ggg;t~bg gg~2g~~g onAA.lA~~ O~ VALrO OI')Fr:D"ir~ 5CocoI1C8 OOt~9!==FC ('I('\('lOlOr0 OOBA9FF't OOOOOf"l(lO ooCt:'t 196A I')OCOl Figure 17. Task-Related Control Blocks (Part 10 of 10) On(1(H'C'54 I PTlW WORI( ARFA +0 SC~I)ATA 'lIT FLAG SIJI.iIMA,qV PlTFqqUPT~ F~P. +74 +94 +R4 +04 +F4 +114 +134 +154 +] 74 +lq4 +lp/. +]['14 +1 F4 +214 nOAp.~07~ 16AAIAFO TCq/RI\ O?AeF"rO lJSFQ IN SIJDFttVT snq STATE +10 +~4 lrC.IITION PARMlT~T eYPASS T/"1 Tf inted to by the TeB. The EED 1S only formatted 1f the EEDs are available. No example of this information is shown ip the corresponding figure. seB -- STAE control block chain pointed to by the TeB. The SeB is only formatted if the TeB is an abended TeB and the SCBs are available. FRRs -- Functional recovery routine stack (which has the RT1 work area embedded in it) is associated with the TeB. The FRRs are only formatted for the current task if it is holding the local lock. (This block is mutually exclusive with the IHSA.) IHSA -- Interruption handler save area (which has the RTl work area embedded in it} is associated with the TCB. It is formatted only for task interrupted or suspended SRB while holding the local lock. (This control block is mutually exclusive with the FRRs.) No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. PSW, Registers, and Virtual Storage Figure 18 is an example of the PSW, registers, and virtual storage printed for a specific address space. Contents are as follows: CD o CURRENT PSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh -- Current program status word (current when the dwnp was taken}. 1 Register contents in hexadecimal format: 1 GPRS 0-7, GPRS 8-F CTRS 0-7, CTRS 8-F FPRS 0-2, FPRS 4-6 0CURRENT @ General purpose registers. Control registers. Floating-point registers. o Virtual storage (address space private area). line of print includes: • The virtual address of the first printed word of storage. o The storage protection key. o Eight words of storage in hexadecimal format. • The same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A-Z, and 0-9. lNote: If you do not perfonn a STORE STATUS operation, only the general purpose registers appear. MODULE RTMSD350 PSW 070CIOOO DATE 08/16/73 ~r w TIME 22.28.05 PAGE 0027 001775AO GPRS 0-7 GPRS 8-F 00177560 00FB4DB8 90177540 00000000 00000040 00000000 00182FF8 OOFBD438 00FBBC80 40l7750A 00FB4438 001775F8 OOFB2458 OOOlBF48 FDOOOOOO 00177558 CTRS 0-7 CTRS 8-F C080EC40 00000000 OF1BOCOO 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 C60QOOOO 00000000 00000200 FPRS 0-2 FPRS 4-6 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 @ ~ Each 180000 THROUGH 182000 COULD NOT BE PRINTED STORAGE KEY IS 84 FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT 18200 182000 84 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 182020 TO NEXT LINE ADDRESS SAME AS ABOVE STORAGE KEY IS 86 FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT 182800 w :j Figure 18. PSW, Registers. and Virtual Storage (Example} ~ o ~ ,,",C[JUlE CDJCB , f ~. ~ :;: c ~ :t: :t: *MASTER:t: ASIC 01C8 AT rlFC08 TCA AT rlFFCO Tce AT f.2CICS TCA AT e~CBqe TCe Al S8C7'10 lCB AT 889EBB TCB AT 88t;BIC TCB AT 8aQ'1AO TCB AT 8eS16B TCR AT 8a'>530 TCe AT 88BBFS JOB HASP TCB AT TeB AT TCB AT TCe AT TeB AT lee AT TCB AT TCB AT JCB * :t: T C ~ AMCS~D~P 0001 H.OP "l(:FPH:4C RWCP ~SCB ~Q~IFeOO GTC (I(h)n""'l')r CPoIP ("!I)CCO(\OI) t\TC I1ocC'ooon NTC C()1)201C8 CTC l1i)fllFCD8 CMP OCQOorco C,.,P 00000000 NTC onrl]t10CO eTC C'.J('lFcoe CMP I")OflOf'!{)(lO NTC 1)1)1) IFFcn eTC 00n IFCCS Nrc ~1)crOf)OO OTC OCFl8cege CMP 00r-000CO NTC I'lO('('I)r.(lO OTC (I.("'88C791" C,.,P OnOoor(!O NTC r'!oa89EE8 eTC "(188C19r CfoIP OCr:oc:OCOC CfoIP ryQOflO(HlO NTC ("IJSeQfnr eTC ~088C79;'" eTC 1'('88C79r: C flP OC("'n(~n<: ~TC cnS8<;Q.oo Cplp ornC'occr. NTC ('1'18897(:8 eTC: (")f'89C191 NTC ~C8S<;5:("1 rTC {'r~p.C7'1r CMP COflOOCOC FAGE t:'C021"69S LTC f';1:flSCP.<:A LTC nl'f!.')I~f)(r. l TC ('t:'1I't:t)C(1 LTC rt'eeC7<:r LTC r.(~flfleBFA LTC rr'f1'1(I'1 f O LTC (}·,c "'~"'1r ) LTC 1)f"!:)<".rCf., LTC [ f ' l ' r r ':' (".'1 LTC r:r;lf'r:]"'~ LTC O(l"'1("IJrq H.Cp nNJ2Cf<;a AS ID ono: PWCP C("J'1'.'O,,": ASCe ~CFF2E4C F/lGF CTC t'I()()()()f,'l,' eMP oonoonel"' r-,TC ooorl)OO('l LTC ~'188C75r; 8SE2FO LTC r.tJcrr:Drf"l C~P o()("\oonco N.TC ('('''''{1nC0 BeOG8S eTC OC"'8SE2Fr. 880150 CiWP OCQOOfiOO ~TC 110SeCC;eA erc r:1~AAE=2Ff"' LTC rraSeA tt:: CplP COI)(lOCCO ,.,T( C10CrOOQC CTC nn88075r aBSAA(' LTC C"B1FC2fJ LTC (f1tH 'IQocn 8S893n C,",P ocr-norro NTC coc'r:()n~o eTC ':"C8B8AA':' OTC rr.AflAAAI~ LTC ~·'1cr\;.>.:r. ~PB6e8 CPr.+P OOOQOCl l lO NTC 008S8<;30 LTC f),l(lIlCnCI1 CliP ocnoocc~ NT( '~08E86e:P eTC: rri8881111r: B7FEBS LTC (!IH1,-,;'crn Cp.lP (lO(IOO()OO NTC 1C)A1FFep. CTC .)(' 8ABAto'; 81FC2n T CKP [30: ASID TCB AT S8E2FO TCB AT esc~ss TCe AT Se0750 TCR AT eS2A8C F .... CP ~('Ia4 ASCe OCFFf.f:40 NTC #"JOOCOf)O{) CfolP ooneolJoo NTC rnrl(,(H)('IO Cp.lP OO1100()GC CliP OGf"c()Ono NTC 008aO<;88 N1C OO(l('nocn CfoIP OC'.:'OIJr.t;:(l Figure 19. TeB Summary (Example) DATE THE CC.4;.18 p.oGE 1015 SU"'I-I~RY**»* ;"IS82 TCA ,"I(f'lFFCI" Tce f;11~2t11C:8 TCB CreeCBSfl Tce ::reBC79(" TCe "{'88GE-Be TCP. crep9f!1{1 TeB ....::' e8<;<;A~ TCe: (t"SPQ768 TCP, ("{ BAq 51r rep. ,:,r:~88BFB !~ 8 1~0r:'t:'r,r:r: eACK SIlCK BACK PACK PACK PACK 8ACI< P.ACK PACK BACK EACK r:QCr)O( "e I1C/~lFcce r.orlFFCr. lJ!~('2rtc8 l'reeCp.<:e "( SAC1G/J ·'::r:a8t;EEB r)C88gEH(' '~(8A<;~Af: .,r8A'17ta (lf88<;5:r. PME PAGE PACE P.oCF P.HE PAGE 0'183 ('9S4 0<;85 ngS6 ('<;87 OG88 P~GF 0<;A9 PAGE Cg<;1"': P.oCE t:<;<; 1 PAGE CG92 P~CE (19<;3 \~ "G" TCA ~\-:e8nc:;8a TCP. ror e80150 lC8 crSfl8.,ufl TCR e88""3~ HA (1( 888fBA TCe (I" 87FEBS TCB Cf'P7F(2C lCB Q('ccr;~(H1 fl(8EC<;fe e~CK fI(eeC75 l j (lACK nf18SeAAr BliCK ~1(898S3r eACK C':8P86ee E~CK or,a1FEEe (l\ojCP (JOnlFeCf! FACE ICC E OTC f'I(l1 i ',"H'I)r". TCB Or-S80S88 LTC (ltl88C75:1 LTC 000()("C': .... TeB r.(EEC15r. eTC ';"B8E2F'~ TCA ':'r"E82A8r; eTC r:n88E2FO LTC C{,8821lEC TCB r'{ 8l:eor'{" eTC (lr.B8C7')(~ LTC r:rS6er.C(l PACK Cf~l)l)t~rOG EACI< (~C8P.E2FC (lACK r("8eC<>E8 B~CI( tceer.7'5t: .,r BACK eACI< v:r'n()~', r~ fI(~88F2F" P~CI< PAGE loon PAC!: 100·1 PtGE IIJU2 P~CE 100] PACF. 1004 PAfE 10(15 PAfE 11)116 P~GE lC07 t.\r.~C:1rCr. P.oGE 1009 P~CE 101G P~CE 1011 P"GE 1012 TeB Summary Figure 19 is an example of a TCB summary. as follows: CD Contents are Address space information for each address space (requested by a FORMAT control statement), for selected address spaces (requested by a PRINT JO.aNAt-I.E.= control statement), or for the current address space (requested by a PRINT CURRENT control statement). JOB cccccccc -- name of the job associated with o Task control block information Uimited to the current address space in the case of an SVC dump}. Each line of print represents a single TCB, and includes the following information: 'l'Cd (TCB). CMF hhhhhhhh -- TCBCMP field: task completion code (three low-order bytes)_ NrC hhhhhhhh -- TCBNTC field; address of the TCB for the task that was previously attached by this task's originating task, or zero if no such task exists. (Example: If task A attaches task B and then task C, the TCBN'IC field in task c' 5 TCB points to task Bt s Tca, and the" TCBNTC field in task B's Tca is zero.) the address s~ace. The following names identify system address spaces: *MASTER* -- Master scheduler HASP JES2 JES3 -- JES3 ASI)) hhhh -- address space identifier. AS CB hhhhhhhh address of address space control block. FOWl> hhhhhhhh -- ASCBFDWP field; address of next lISCB on the ASCB ready queue. ig" '" ~ AT hhhhhh -- A.ddress of the task control block orc hhhhhhhh -- TCBOTC field; address of the TCB for the originating task, or zero if this is the first task in the address space. LTC hhhhhhhh -- TCBLTC field; address of the 'lCB for this task's last-created subtask, or zero if this task has no subtasks. BWDP hhhhhhhh -- ASCBBWDP field; address of previous M;CB on the ASCa ready queue. 'lca hhhhhhhh -- TCSTCB field; address of the next 'lCB on the TCB ready queue, or zero if this is the last 'ICa on the queue. .a?AGE dddd -- number of printed dump output page BACK hhhhhhhh -- address of the previous TCS on the 1:.hat contains a formatted dump of the ASCB. lCB ready queue, or zero if this is the fi:r:st TCB on the queue. PAGE dddd -- number of printed dump output page that contains a formatted dump of the TCB. MODULE AMDSADMP ~ Igo TITLE FRW. m.l'tp: I-PC 077C2000 :J: i ~ ~ c ill DAY YEAR DEVICE TYPE PRIMARY CHANNEL UNIT ADDRESS AL TERNATE CHANNEL UNIT ADDRESS FAILING CCW CC DA 00 ilvOOOu FL u~ 0: JOB lOENTlTY i" CT CSW K l){~ CHANNl:L STATUS PRGM-CTLU lRPT INCORRECT LENGTH PROGRAM CHECK "~ CHAN C TL CHEel(. ~ PROTECTION CHECK CHAN tlATA CHECK " CHAINING C.HECK " 0 CA OU!J.O(1(} I1F eTL CHECK US CS "u CT OPJ U~Ul! " "" DATE SOFTWARE - - TYPE D24RSHI TEST ~/A SOFTWARE(SVC 131 1 U"E HH 101M SS.TH 123ti3d21 Bt MODE PSW AT TIMl: uF Ef{i.C1R FH!4 ... ",1;')0 5,' N.lA N/A DAY Vk fo44 16 ~2.E CPU SFRIAL Vo·,j, 15 CoPH III . lnl~ 8888%8gl 80Z ... 1UOO aOO':'OOO4 Figure 20. LOGDATA Output (Example) (Part 1 of 2) HuFAD84u PC-:>798AB OVV\\~I.;.·l Jc,)ijB[DOtJ "58 t.>.,~8CAtl'.i 8""u2E~Bo. FFt1!iIJ,.Il! u ;dBlJ:;,Z8 1J(I('7CJE5.) ~r LfA!:.r: Lt:VtL VS 2 riEL. HC HOuf: PS;i OF LA!.' kH REGS AT TIME OF ERROR REGS 6-7 REGS B-lS - 10 (>O~3FF uCi uc,.!/O FIJ'.!CTIO"AL RECOVERY ROUTINE ,.6 \)!.. fl3FF "" JOBNAME ABEND lNG PROGRAM ~AME NAME OF MODULE INVOLVED NAME OF CSECT I~VOLVED PAGE 0001 NONE 0 - - RECORD ENTRY SOURCE - SEKIAL NU., MUDEL- t..lbd HH MM S!).lH I. ® TIME 05.00.02 *' •• *' LOGOATA VTAII OUTBOARD TIM. 11 33 12 31 76 OATE- u44 UNIT STATUS ATTENTION STATUS MODIFIER CONTROL UNIT END BUSY CHANNEL END DEVICE END UNIT CHECK UNIT EXCEPTIIl'< SOURCE - IINIT CHECK DATE OB.lOSn6 ASIO=OOOb CPU=41 .JOB=IMSI1PRO'l L=OOOO TEA==Oa0030 ILC=4 PIC=] 1 FNT=002 LVL=b141 •• * CD RECORD ENTRY TYPE VS 2 REL. 03 ~. oil OOAF~la i."".'J., """v17CAb ('\'~d"Al! btJ(lLE~~.l( 5I.1C£~d::'''' 3 LOGDATA Output Figure 20 is an example of the LOGDATA output for some hardware and software entries in the in-storage LOGREC buffer. Contents are as follows: CD o i .... .... ~ Format of a unit check entry in the buffer. (For addi tional information on the unit check record contents see OS/VS2 System Programming Library: SYS 1 • LOGREC Error Record~ng. Format of a software entry in the buffer. (For additional information on software record contents see OS/VS2 System Programming Library: SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording. 1 ...;, N 0 ~ ~ ill i" :J: [ g- ,.. 0 < 2- ~ ® I-Pt 077t2000 00AF5418 ASID=0006 tPU=41 JOB=IMSHPR09 L=OUOO TEA=HDDULE AMDSADMP 14tH REtORDS REQUESUII BuT NOT FOUND ttH REtoRDS REQUESTED BUT liOT FOUND SFT REtORDS REQUESTED 8UT NUT FOUND IPL REtoRDS REQUESTED BUT NOT FOUND OOR REC.OR.DS kEQUESTE-O BUl NOT FOUND MIH REtORDS REQUESTED OUT NOT FOUND EOD REtORDS REQUESTED 8UT NOT FOUND 0 .ftUMBER OF oOR TYPE OF REtoRDS RfAD WAS 6 NUMBER OF MDR TYPE OF RE'ORDS READ WAS b Figure 20. LOGDATA Output (Example) (Part 2 of 2) ® o Summary of record types that would have been formatted if they were in the in-storage buffer. Swnmary of records found in the in-storage LOGREe buffer. Not all record types are formatted, so the number of records listed in the swnmary may not equal the number of records formatted by LOGDATA. DATE 08,05/76 TIHf 05.00.02 PAGE 0008 LPAMAP OUTPUT (LINK PACK AREA MAP) Figure 21 is an example of LPAMAP output. Each line of print represents one module, and provides the following information: STA LNGTH NAME (cccccccc) load module name or alias. TYPE EPA type of eDE (contents directory entry) associated wi th the Module. NAME IGG019BC IGG019CC IGG019CI IGG019CH IGG019BA IGG019BB HASPSSSM .. (MAJOR or MINOR) (hhhhhh) MODULE AMDSADMP ~r (hhhhhh) total length of all control sections (in bytes) . entry point address. LIN K ~ (hhhhhh) storage address (of first control section). IEESB670 IEESB605 IEESB665 IEAVAROO IEEVWAIT IEAVTMTC IEAVTRET IEAVTSDT EPA C16400 C3BCD8 C3B3E8 COF088 C16548 C3D030 FBDOOO D56BCO F8BOOO C7F008 F9F320 E7F700 F2CBB8 STA C16400 C3BCDB C3B3E8 COF088 C16548 C3D030 FBnDDO E4A7DO D56BCO F8BOOO C7F008 F9FOOO E7F700 F2CBB8 E4A7BO DBOEUO DBOE60 ~ Figure 21. Unk Pack Area Map (Example) LNGH 000148 000328 0003DO PAC K TYPE MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR OOOODO OOOICO 000240 004320 000440 002778 MAJOR MAJOR 0OO3AO MAJOR 001858 000900 000448 000850 000028 MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR ARE A MAP DATE TIME 12.51. 31 PAGE 0103 ~ ~ PRINT CSA, PRINT NUCLEUS, AND PRINT SOA OU'l!PUT Figures 22, 23 and 24 are examples of PRINT SQA, PRINT CSA, and PRINT NUCLEUS output. Each line of print includes: <:fa • c ~ The virtual address of the first printed word of storage. • The storage protection key. • Eight words of storage in hexadecimal format. The same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representinq characters other than blank, A-Z, and 0-9. :8 • ,i' :I: [ MODULE AMDSADMP f ~ 2" [j SQA PRINT DATE 12/20/73 TIME 05.42.21 PAGE 0294 **** FCOOOO THROUGH. FC BODO COULD NOT BE PRINTED REAL ADDRESS FOR FCBOOO IS 3BBOOO STORAGE KEY IS 00 FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT FCBOOO FC8000 00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FC8020 TO NEXT LINE ADDRESS SAME AS ABOVE STORAGE KEY IS 06 FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT FC8800 FC8DAO FC8DCO FC8DEO FC8EOO FC8E20 FC8E40 FC8E60 'FC8EBO FC8EAO FC8ECO 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 00000000 00FCAB60 070E1201 070E7000 070C3011 070E1201 070E7000 070E1202 070C2001 070E7000 00000000 00FC8DEO 00000000 00000000 FOF3BD1A 00000000 00000000 00000000 50F3C220 00000000 Figure 22. SQA Print (Example) 00000000 OOFCBFEO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 F5003240 00000000 00000000 00072F7B 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000.001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00072F7B 00000000 00000000 00000000 FFFB659B 00000000 00000000 00000000 00400000 00400000 00410001 00400000 00400000 00400000 00410001 00400000 00000000 00000000 00027C70 00027C70 0002730B 00027C70 00027C70 00027C70 00027308 00027C70 00000000 00000000 61E7512B 61E75147 61E751AB 61E75299 61E752B3 61E752ED 61E752Fl 61E75309 .................................... .............. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....................... •••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••• X •• " 0 •••••• X •• * * .... 03 •••••...•.•...•.•.••••• X •• * * •••••••• 0 •••••• * .......... * ..... * 0 •••• 0 0000.0 •••••• 3B. 0.0 * .......... 0 0 0 0 •• ••••• o. 0 000 •• 0 ••• 0 0 •••••• 0 oX. o. oX •. * ••••••••• 0.0 •••• 0.0 0 0* •••• •• 0.00 0 0 ••• •••• 0 X •• * X.I* .x .. * MODULE AMD5AOMP TITLE FROM DUMP;: DCll IN ~EAOVLQO DATE ** •• C5A PRINT J.w ~ 919000 lE 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 910020 TO NEXT LINE ADDRESS SAME AS ABOVE 919040 1E 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ouoooooo uaouoooo 919060 lE 47COF590 01138501 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 01139706 01 L38603 00000000 OOOODOOO 00000000 00000000 919080 lE 00000000 00000000 ooaooooo 0100AO 9190(,0 9190EO 010100 010120 919140 010160 910180 9191AQ 9101CO 919 lEO 010200 919220 010240 910260 HOl80 01qzAO 01qzCO SAME AS ABOVE 00000000 00000000 28800050 OOOOF105 5C5C5C5C 40404040 80000000 00200000 00000000 00000000 E2E3C44B 5C5C5C5C 01138505 0004C101 40404040 40404040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0040002C CBFlF5F5 0040002C 00000000 80200012 40404040 E3C5D4F3 80BOOO12 D7C1E2E2 E6D6DOC4 IE 1E IE 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E NEXT LINE ADDRESS OOOOOQOO 00000000 00000000 COOOOLEC E2E3C44B 5C5C5C5C 01138502 0002C101 40404040 40404040 00200000 00000000 00000000 OOCOOOAO 5C5C5C5C 5C5CSC5C 0065C101 BOOOOOOO 40404040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 C9F3FOF3 0001F303 00000000 0001F5A7 40404040 E2F3F6FO 80400012 40E2EBE2 C5ClCId:5 10020010 Figure 23. CSA Print (Example) PAGE 0001 *.** 890000 THROUGH 91 l WOO COULD Nor BE PRINTED REAL ADDRESS FOR 919000 IS L9AOOO STORAGE KEY IS lE FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT 919000 TO lE lE 1E 1E IE 1E 1E IE 1E TIME 00.40.18 rEST CASE TCKPI3Q3 00000000 00000000 OOOOOUOO 00000000 00000000 C9DbE340 08002800 00000100 ooaoODoo 00000000 00000000 0001el01 BOOOOOOO 00200000 00000000 40404040 00000000 00000000 20C20085 00000000 00a0005A 5C5CSC5C 80000000 00000000 E2E3C44B 00000000 00000000 00000000 40404040 OB06EOOO E2F3F7FO 40404040 OADBOOIC E2E3C44B 01138503 40404040 00200000 00000000 5C5C5C5C 00000000 00000000 00000000 40404040 40404004 80200012 D3C905C5 40404005 5C5C5C5C 0003CI01 40404040 00000000 00900050 5C5C5C5C 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOEOOOOO F2F060F6 40404040 1001000C E40409C4 5C5C5C5C 80000000 00000000 E2E3C44B 01138603 40404040 00000000 00000000 E3C3D207 00000000 H0180012 F1F1F3FO OOD6E4E3 10010015 * ................................. 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (OT ..... 0 * •. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * ...••.••..•.....••.....••••.•.•. * * ••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• * *. .o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ••• A.............. * *STD.. ••••••• • •••••••• 8 •• * ••••••• A ••••••••••••• 5TO .......... * ... • ••••••••••••••••• A ••••• * *•••••.•• STD... ••• ••• • •••• * .•.••.•..•.... A ••••••••••••• 5TO.* .o • • • . ............... * * •••••••• ............................. * :ct • • A •• ••••••••••• 5TD ••••••••• * ................................. * * ........... TCKP* •••••••• * .o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ll 303 •• 3 • • • • H15S *.o ••••• 5.. •••• ••• ••• H20.b ••••• * 5360.... 5310.... 1130* SYSTEM3.... lINE •••• ROUT. *ECDE •••• PA5SwORD.... NUMRO ..... *.•• * ~ MODULE AMOSAOMP I I i' Ig ,.. ~ ! DATE TIME 00.40.18 PAGE 0001 TITLE FROM DUMP: OCII IN IEAOVLOO TEST CASE TCKPI303 **** NUCLEUS PRINT **** REAL ADDRESS FOR 000000 IS 000000 STORAGE KEY IS 06 FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT 000000 000000 06 00080000 0000740Z 00007000 Q00071ZZ 08000110 60000001 070COOOO 00A7F4FA 000020 06 071COOOO 000923CC 040CIOOO 0022A61C 00000000 00000000 Q70EOOOO 00000000 000040 000060 000080 OOOOAO OOOOCO OOOOEO 000100 OOOIZO 000140 FABI0FFF 00080000 00ZZ7AIO 00000000 00000000 06 06 06 06 06 TO 06 06 06 01007000 60006000 01000000 60006000 OZ007000 60005FE8 OZ007000 BOOOO090 02007000 30006000 5000A008 4190626C 000160 06 5090AOOC 50JJOA010 B611B57C 41A08578 50AOCU04 18AA5890 000450AO 90 1058FO ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• 0· 000180 OOOIAO OOOICO OOOIEO OOOZOO OOOZZO 000Z40 000260 000Z80 00000000 03007031 090079EE 800074B4 00007000 900071ZZ A00077Z6 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00ZOAE76 000070ZA 00000009 00007148 00000000 00000000 SAME AS ABOVE 00FFFA08 00lFFA08 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 AOOOOZ6C 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOFFF710 00000000 040COOOO 00000000 00000000 001FF710 00000000 00A7F534 00000000 00000000 04080000 04080000 00000000 00000382 00000000 00868000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00066EC8 00065098 00000000 00000000 00000000 4.* * ••••••••••...•••••.••.••••••••••• * •••••••••••..•.••••••.••••••••••• *.....•••••..•••••••••.•..•.••.•• * *••••••.••..•.••••••••.••••••••.. * *••.•••••••.•.•••.•.••.••.•••••.•• *•••••.••••••••••.••••.. V••••••••• *•• •Y•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• * 00868Fl6 00069E9C 00007SEO OB007660 00000000 00000000 NEXT LINE ADDRESS 07EZCI04 00000040 00FF0640 00FF0640 070COOOO 00A7F4FA AOOOOZ64 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FC70CO 000lB5Z0 00000000 00000000 00000000 *••.•..••....•••••••••.•••••••• •................................• * .••••.......•..•....•..•••••.•• H* 00007148 OOOZIOZO 00080000 00066000 OOOZOOOI 00040001 ZOOOOOOO 00000000 00000000 0000000'0 SAME AS ABOVE 00000000 00000000 OZ007000 BOOOOOl8 OZ007000 70006000 06 06 06 TO 06 06 06 06 06 00007158 OCOOOOOO 04080000 00069188 00000000 00001004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 NEXT LI NE ADORESS 00000000 00000000 07007000 60006000 OZOOCFE8 60005F70 00868000 00000C54 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002AO 06 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000040 OOFF0218 ooozeo 06 00FF5Z3C OOOOOCOO 00868000 00880Boe 06 "~04!:..l.3..!L.l1l00j)mI..LQJllIl!J)OOL0003311~ t..nnl RF= I A.-nnoooooo 00000001 OOQ449CB OOOZEO -... Figure 24. Nucl~us Print (Example) 00031008 00032008 00000000 400189AE •.•..•••••••..•••••••..•....••••. * *•.•••.....•••••..•.••.•.....•.•.• *.....••••••••••••••••.•••••••..•• .PSA ••••••• Q ••• Q •• 7 ••• 7 •••••••••• * ••• '" •...•••••••.•.•••••••••• * *•.•••• 4 ................ 5 ••••••••• • ••••.•••••.••••••••.••.•••••••••• * *••• '" •.•••••.••••..•.••••••••••• •...............................• •...............................• _.A •••••••••••• Y •••••••••••••• H. IIIe PRINT REAL OUTPUT (REAL STORAGE PRINT) Figure 25 is an example of PRINT REAL output. are as follows: Contents CURRENT PSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh -- Current program status word (current when the dump was taken). 1 Register contents in hexadecimal format: 1 GPRS 0-7, GPRS 8-F CTRS 0-7, CTRS 8-F FPRS 0-2, FPRS 4-6 General purpose regist£:rs. Control registers. Floa ting-point registers. Contents of real storage. Q Each line of print includes: The real (absolute) address of the first printed word of storage. 2 • The storage protection key. • Eight words of storage in hexadecimal format. • The 'same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representing characters other than blank, A-Z, and 0-9. 'NOTE: If you do not perform a STORE STATUS operation, only the general purpose registers appear. 2An absolute address is a real address to which prefixing has been applied. Prefixing is described in GA22-7aOO ~ in effect, it simply interchanges the 4K bytes of storage at real address 0 with the 4K bytes of storage at the real address contained in the prefix register. Prefixing is applied to all references to real storage and to keys in storage, except for references to the PSA during a STORE STATUS operation, and except for references by a channel to extended logout locations, to in~~re::.t-data-address words, and to CCWs. MODULE AMDSADMP DATE TIME 00.40.1B PAGE 0001 TITLE FROM DUMP: Oell IN IEAOVLOO TEST CASE TCKPI303 **** GPRS 0-7 GPRS 8-F REAL 00868F16 00069E9C 0020AE76 000075EO OB007660 00000009 STORAGE 0000702A 00007148 PRINT 00000000 00007000 03007031 90007122 090079EE A0007726 80007484 00000004 ONLY GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTERS AVAILABLE ~ g' w ~ STORAGE KEY IS 06 FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT 000000 000000 06 00080000 00007000 06000130 6000002B 000020 06 040COOOO 000164S2 040COOOO 00FOCA40 08000130 60000001 071D2000 000E073E 00000000 00000000 07102000 000E073;;; 000040 06 OODAFBFO OC000001 0007C4FB 00016460 FB3BPFFC 0002C034 040COOOO 00017FE8 000060 06 040COOOO 000188110 OOOCOOOO 0001819A 00000000 00010c90 040COOOO 00016114 Figure 25. Real Storage Print (Example) *....................................... * *... 0 ....... 08 .................... y* * ........................................... . ................................................... '" Ig ~ f ~. [ f ~ 2" ~ ® GPRS MODULE AMDSADMP DATE 12/20/73 STORAGE P R I N T * * * * NUCLEUS oaOOPoOl 00000000 140COOQO TIME 05.42.21 PAGE 0388 VIRTUAL 0-7 00000168 OOC58BB8 OOC58BDS GPRS B-F BOO3FF68 4003D9FE 50036B66 ONLY GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTERS AVAILABLE ®~~~~~D~iS I~O~6 o~g~O~T~~~~5~~gINNING 000000 06 140COOOO 0003E59E 00000000 4003C598 4003DA92 A003FE14 00028160 00000000 OOC58BDB OOQASE34 oaoopoo! 00000168 OOCSBBBB OOC588D8 000040 06 00C5C468 00000c5C 0003FJj90 00026C40 000060 06 A003FE14 00000000 6003FE4A 47806506 7FCIFF68 40Q2A15C ooocoaDA OOC5C4FO 00080000 00044680 040COOOO 00037C3E ASIO 0001 @REAL ADDRESS FOR 070000 IS 3BEOOO STORAGE KEY IS 08 FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT 070000 070000 08 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 070020 TO NEXT LINE ADDRESS SAME AS ABOVE 00105BBO C094D201 0705AO OB 00000000 00000000 90ECDOOC 05A05BCO 0705CO 08 07FE0014 5D404040 OSB047FO 801AC9C5 C5E5C9D7 D340D9FO D2QF4004 85A6D765 0705EO 08 F861F7F3 5800854A 45108022 OAOA1841 10005030 10009610 070600 08 41104004 07021001 10014130 30005630 CEOOOO CE0020 CE0040 CE0060 CEQOBO CEOOAD COMMON THROUGH CEOOOO eOULD NOT BE PRINTED REAL ADDRESS FOR CEOOOQ IS 28BOOO STORAGE KEY IS DE FOR STORAGE BEGINNING AT CEOOOO OE 00CFD400 OOOOOOCO 00000007 00CE057C E7300000 00CE0020 OE 01CE0080 21200015 40FOF6F5 4040F.6F9 40SC5C5C 5CSC5C4B OE 4BOOOOOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OE 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OE 01CEOOE4 20200015 40FOF6F5 4040F6C1 405C5C5C SC5CSCSC DE 4.BOOOOOO 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Figure 26. Virtual Storage Print (1 'lIe) 00000010 00000000 DOFFF710 0003AA30 AT 000000 000020 06 00028160 OOC58BD8 040COOOO 0OO30AD8 ® e60000 00028160 00000000 00000000 * ...... v ..... . E . • . . . . . . . . E.Q ..•. * * •.••• E.Q ••••••• Q ••••• E ••. E.Q •••• * * .ED .••...•••.•. .A . . • . . . • • • . EDO* * ................................ ................................ B03AA014 F2FOFOFO 400040'00 10005040 9BECDOOC FOF961F2 4130B38C 10049620 * • • • • . • • . • . . • • • . . • • . . . • K •.•.••••• * 00CE1000 4B4B4B4B 00000000 00000000 5C4B4B4s 00000000 00000000 4B4B4B4B 00000000 00000000 4B4B4B4B 00000000 * •• M .•••••••••••• X ..•••...•.••..• * * •••.•... 065 69 •.•.•••.••••••. * ................................ * ................................ * ••. 0 •••. 065 6A .•••••••••••••• * * ................................ * .. . 0 .• IEEVIPL R0200009. 2* *B.73 . . . . . . . . . . . . K • • • • P . • • • • • • * * • • • P •••••••••.•••••••••.•••••• * PRINT STORAGE OUTPUT (VIRTUAL STORAGE PRINT) Figure 26 is an example of Print Storage output. Contents are as follows: o o CURRENT PSW hhhhhh hhhhhh -- Current program status word (current when the dump was taken). 1 No example of this information is shown in the corresponding figure. Register contents in hexadecimal format: 1 GPRS 0-7, GPRS 8-F -- General purpose registers. cr,i5 0-7'JCTRS 8-F -- Control registers. FPRS 0-.2, FPRS 4-6 -- Floating-point registers. 1rf you have not performed a STORE STATUS operation, CURRENT PSW, CTRS, and FPRS do not appear. The formats of the_s_e _.(.~e.lds are shown in Figure 18. r w ~ o Contents of virtual storage, identified as follows: @ @ @ NUCLEUS -- Nucleus and system area. ASIO hhhh -- Private area of indicated address space. COMMON -- C ammon area. Each line of print includes: i'he virtual address of the first printed word of storage. The storage protection key.. .eight words of storaqe in hexadecimal format. The same eight words in EBCDIC format, with periods representi.ng characters other than blank, A - Z, and 0 - 9. ~ I MODULE ABC ~ TER* -- Master scheduler. nA:3P -- ·J£52. JEs3 -- JES3 .I\5CH hhhhhh -- Address of AseB {address space control bloCK}. L{bXl hhhhnh -- A.SCBFDWP field; address of the next ASCB on the ASCB ready queue. r'Rl!.V hhhhhh -- ASCBBWDP field; audress of the previoo3 AseE on the 1\5C13 ready queue. ASILJ hhhh -- ASCBASID field; address space ide nti fi er. ® LOCAL SERVICE PRIORITY LIST -- Local SRB dispatching queues. NON-QUIESCEABLE QUEUE -- SRBs to be dispatched without regard to the status of the, address space (active or quiesced) . ~ SYSTEM QUEUE -- SRBs to be dispat-ched only when the aMress space is active.' @ TCB ready queue. Each line of print represents TCE, and includes the following fields: TCB hhhhhh -- Address of the TCB (task control block) . NEXT hhhhhh -- TCSTCS field; address of the next TCB on the TCB ready queue. PREV hhhhhh -- TCBBACK field; address of the previous TCB on the TCB ready queue. MODULE AMOSAOMP JOB ~ LOCAL 0 ~ QUEUE IS EMPTY "c QUEUE IS EMPTV f(l LOCAL ~ NEXT 000000 PREY FE5870 ASCB FE7468 - ADDRESS SPACE IN LONG WAIT - ADDRESS SPACE SWAPPED OUT INIT ~. I~ PROBLEM LIST ® SERVICE PRIORITY NEXT NEXT NEXT NEXT ;;: -Figure 29: CD TIME 01.55.25 PA.GE LIST 9603DO 960178 96C9F8 000000 PREY PREV PREV PREY JOB *~lASTER* TCB 022970 SET TEMP 96EA80 SET TEMP JOB *MASTER* TCB TCB 96E748 SET TEMP JOB *MASTER* JOB *MASTER* TCB 969348 SET TEMP TCB JOB *MASTER* 9699E8 SET TEMP TCB 969138 SET TEMP JOB *MASTER* JOB *MASTER* TCB 969790 SET TEMP TCB 965B78 SET TEMP JOB "MASTER* JOB *MASTER* TCB 965778 SET TEIlP JOB .. MASTER .. TCB 965040 SET TEf1P JOB JES2 TCB 96E080 SET TEMP 960178 SET TEMP JOB JES2 TCB JOB JES2 96C670 SET TEMP TCB JOB JES2 TCB 96C398 SET TEMP JOB JES2 TCB 96CIAO SET TEMP JOB JES2 TCB 9666A8 SET TEMP JOB RMF TCB 96EOBo SET TEMP JOB RMF TCB 960300 SET TENP JOB RMF TCB 960178 SET TEMP JOB RMF TCB 96C980 SET TEMP JOB RMF TCB 96C290 SET TEf1P JOB INIT TCB 96E080 SET TEMP JOB INIT TCB 960300 SET TEMP JOB INIT TCB 960178 SET TEMP JOB INIT TCB 96C9F8 SET TEMP NO MACHINE CHECKS IN PROCESS NO ABENDS DETECTED FOR ASCBS NO NON-DISPATCHABLE ASCBS DETECTED NO ABENDS DETECTED IN PROGRESS FOR [ 09/24/77 SERVICE MANAGER QUEUE TCB 96E080 TCB 960300 TCB 960178 TCB 96C9FB ill DATE ASID 0004 000000 96E08o 960300 960178 NQN-DISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABLE Not~-DISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABlE NON-DISPATCHABlE NON-DISPATCHABlE NON-OISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABlE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-OISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABlE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-OISPATCHABLE NON-OISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABlE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-DISPATCHABLE NON-OISPATCHABlE NON-DISPATCHABLE TCBS System Summary (Example) (Part 3 of 3) PROBLEM LIST -- List of problems diagnosed by AMDPRDMP. - FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FlGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FlGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 i=LGS4 FLGS4 FlGS(t FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FLGS4 FlGS4 FLGS4 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 00 04 04 04 04 00 04 04 FLGS5 F LGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FlGSS FlGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGSS FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGSS F LGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGS5 FLGSS FLGS5 FLGS5 DO DO DO DO 00 00 DO 00 00 00 DO 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 00 01 01 01 SCNDY SCNDY SCNOV SCNDV SCNDV SCNDY SCNDV SCNDV SCNDV SCNDY SCNDV seND V SCNDV SCNDV SCNDV SCNOY SCNOY SCNDV SCNDV SCNDV SCNDY SCNDV SCNDV SCNDV SCNDV 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001000 00001000 00001000 00001000 00000000 00001000 00001000 00001000 DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAP. DAR DAR DAR 00 00 DO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DO 00 STPcr STPeT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT STPCT DO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DO 00 0062 The arF control block chain was broken. AMDPRDMP OUT PUT COMMENTS AMDPRDMP output comment:; are of two types: comments and general output comments. EDIT output EDIT Output Corr.ments The following comments may ilppcilr with thc GTF data that AMDPRDMP formats. They are listed here in alphabetic order. EDIT DELETED UPON USI:;R"S REQUI:;ST A user exit routine requested that the current EDIT execution terminate by returning to EDIT with a return cooe of 16 to 20. EDIT TERMINATED UPON USER "S REQUEST A user exit routine requested EDIT termination by returning to EDIT 'Nith a return code of ~4. The dump data set being processed is not from a MVS system. The block containing the addressed area was mi sSing from the dump, perhaps because the prcgram that produced the dump encOJntered an I/O error while attempting to wr,\te the block. Edit processing terminates. AMDPRDMP encountered an I/O error while attempting to read the record containing the area addressed by the pointer. ERROR IN GTF BUFFER CONTINUING WITH NEXT BUFFER While IJrocessing an internal (dwnp) trace data set, EDIT encountered a GTF trace record with a length outside the range of 4 to 284 bytes. EDIT continue.s processing with the next GI'F buffer. GTF Nor ACl'IVE AT TIME OF DUMP ERROR IN GT F BU FFER CONTROL BLOCK CHAIN Whil e attempting to locate the GTF trace buffers for an internal (dump) trace data set, AMDPRDMP could not obtain the tracc Duffers for one of the following reason:::;: ~ While processin~ an internal (dump) G'IF trace data set, EDIT determined that GTF was not active when the dump was taken. EDIT processing terminates. ~ g GTF OPTIONS IN EFFBCT - option PCI= rn section of the output listing and indicates the conditions, under which the GTF records were produced. '"c FORMAT= 0 " pecified control block is not in the dump. Further processing of this portion of the structure is impossibl e. g- ~o ~ 22 ~ 27 While formatting the specified control blOCk or control block 'extension, either an 110 error was encountered while attempting to read the block of storage containing the control nlock or control block extension: or the required block of storage was missing from the dump_ processing continues. 28 A field of the specified extent block extension could not be read from the dump. Processing continues with the next extent Dlock. The address of the top of the nucleus could not be ~ determined from the dump. Default values of x'D' and 0- 26 While attempting to read the pOinter to the sr;ecified control nlock, either an I/O error wa~ encountered; or the block containing the control block was missing fronl the dump; or the pointer was zero. Processing continues~ X'20000' will be used as boundaries. 23 While attempting to. read the specified address either an I/O error was encountered: or the block containing the address was missing from the dump. Processing continues. 24 While attempting to determine the region or LSQA boundaries for the family of TCBs attached to the job step TCB, one of the following i terns could not be extracted from the dump: A PQE pointer, or a pointer within a PQE could not be extracted from the dump; or the pointer to the SPQE for the LSQA for the TCB, the dummy PQE in the SPQE, the size of the LSQA, or the LSQA itself could not be extracted from the dump. 25 While attempting to read the specified storage, either an I/O error was encoontered while attempting to read the block containing this storage; or the black containing this storage was missing from the dump~ Processing continues~ 29 While formatting the specified area, either an I/O error was encountered while attempting to read the block containing the required data or the chain pointer for the area addressed an area that was missing from the dump. Process ing continues. 30 While formatting the load list or job pack area, a CDE was encountered that had a block extent list with a relocation factor of zero or greater than twenty-five; or the extent list pointer was zero. Processing continues with the next CDE. 31 Whi Ie processing the specified control block chain, the control block pointed to by the preceding control block was found to bave a non-zero link field. A maximum of five more control blocks will be formatted following the link field pain ter. 32 'Ihe same TeB was encountered twice on the TeB chain for a memory, indicating an infinite loop. Processing for this memory is terminated. 33 While formatting the specified area. required data was missing from the dump; was encountered while attempting to read containing the required data. Processing either the or an I/O error the block continues. 34 A read error occurred on at least one of the preceding fields of the TCB. Processing continues. 35 While formatting the specified control block, either the area addressed by a pOinter in the control block was missing from the dump; or an I/O error was encountered while attempting to read a block containing required data. 36 A field in the specified entry associated with an RB could not be read from the dump. That entry will not be formatted. 37 Processing of the present address space is terminated. 38 All remaining data will not be formatted. 39 The link field of the SRB chain was zero. 40 While following the event chain for the specified area, more than the allONable number of events were found. processing continues with the next verb. ~ ~r '" ~ 41 While formatting the data extent blocks, AMDPRDMP found more then 200 DEBs chained to the TCB .. The first 200 DEBs are printed. Processing for the current control statement is terminated, but processing of the dumped data set is continued. 42 AMDPRDHP foond more than 255 CDEs or LLEs on the specified queue/list ... The first 255 elements will be printed. Processing continues. 43 The print routine foond more than fifty request blocks/partition queue elements on the specified chain. Only the first fifty will be printed. Processing continues. 44 While formatting the specified T..able, more than 1635 DO entries were found. The first 1635 entries were formatted. Processing continues. 45 The processor address obtained from the LCCA,PCCA, PSA was a negative value, or greater than X'3pl. 46 The number of MAJOR or MINOR QCBS exceeded the assumed maximum (200). 47 The FORMAT rontine found an invalid job name in the TIOT. TO be valid, the first character of the job name must be A through Z. or $,U.@, or il blank (X'I.jO'). Processing cont.inues. 48 An I/O error was encountered while attempting to read the specified area of data. Procpssing continues. 49 The pointer to the CDE queue was zero, or the CDE queue head was zero. Processing ends for t.he LPA.MAP verb. processing continues with the next verb. 50 More than 50 DQEs were foond that de..scrine SQA blocks. Only the first 50 will be processed. 51 The loop control value was zero. processing of the specified function or control block ends for this request .• 52 One more than the maximum number of SRBs wa s found on the SRB queue. Processing terminateg for this queue unless there is a pointer to the last SRB. In that case. a maximum of five more SRBs will be processed. .:a. 53 Due to a preceding error, processing will continue using the pointer to the last SRB on the chain. A maximum of five SRBs will be processed from this point. ~ 54 All of the entries to the specified table were zero. Possibly the table or the pointer to the table has been overlaid. ct' :::: ~ ~ The load list pointer or the DEB pointer in the TCB is The zero ·load list pointer indicates that either no programs were loaded by the LOAD macro instruction; or the load list pointer was overlaid with zeros. The zero DEB pointer indicates that either there were no open aata sets or the DEB pointer in the TCB was overlaid with zeros. processing continues. 2. 56 No ASCBs were found in the dump. Processing 57 None of the jobs specified were found in the dump. ~. :J: ~ < 3• 55 62 While processing input from an SVC dump, the virtual PCCA address in the PSA for the active processor was found to be zero, and the PCCA address for the PSA of the active processor could not be found in the PCCAVT. This PCCA contains the only pointer to the unprefixed 0-4K block. Processing continues. 63 The specified address was O. listed. No processors will be zero~ continues~ 58 The pointer to the chain for the specified control block was zero. 59 '!he jab pack queue field of the TCB is zero. Processing continues. 60 Since a STORE STATUS operation was not perf ormed prior to taking the dump., only the contents of the general purpose registers were stored and will be avai lable to the dumping prOJram. 61 An error occurred during the search for SQA boundaries. At least one block of the SQA was found, so it will be printed. 64 The pointer to the last SRB in the SPL queue was zero. Processing continues. However, if the SRB chain is broken, no recovery wi 11 be attempted. 65 The pointer. in the SPL queue, to the last SRB on the queue wa.3 zero. The queue is processed witoout using the end poincer. 66 While processing the the backward pointers, a of the control blocks on processing of the memory specified control block chain via zero pointer was found before all the chain were processed. is terminated. 67 Input is from AMDSADMP. During AMDPRDMP initialization, the prefix value could not be obtained for the specified processor. This makes it impossible to obtain the PSA for this processor. 68 '111e processim of the specified area or the current function is terminated. 69 While processing from the last SRB, more than five SRBs were found. processing terminates. 10 The virtual PSA address in the PCCA was not a 4K multiple. 71 'Itle first word of the SPL or SMQ was zero. Processing continues. 80 rhe termination bit of the flag byte at XI 21 1 of the TCB is set indicating that the formatting of the TCB has been completed~ 72 Either the chain pointer for the specified block addressed an area of storage that could not be extracted from the dump; or the block containing the chain pointer was missing from the dump~ 81 'Itle specified area of data coold not be read from the dump. 73 AMDPlillMP is printing virtual storage from real dump input. xxxxxx is the real storage location of the virtual address that is being printed. 82. 'Ihe required CVT was not. fmnd in the dump .. The function raauirin~ the CVT is, therefore, passed over, and processing continues .. If no valid CVTs are found, the address of the MAJOR QCB chain wil1 not be availab1e. 7~ 'Itle specified storage area could not be printed because either an I/O error was encountered while attempting to read the block that contains the registers: or the block containing this storage area was missing from the dump~ 75 While processing the specified chain, either a zero 1 ink field was found before the normal end of the queue was reaChed; or an attempt:. to read the link field failed. 76 The number of the specified blocks on the queue exceeded the set limit~ The rest of the queue is passed over~ *'g' '" ~ 83 The specified table could not be located during the initial ization phase ~ Processing for the FORMAT/LPAMAP verb ends~ 84 The address of the CVT, in common, is zeroa Only the LCCA, PCCA, registers, and PSA for the IPLed processor will be processed. 85 The specified table could not be read from the dump~ rhe rest of the function is passed over~ processing continues with the next control sta tement .. 86 'Ihe specified pointer at address xxxxxx could not be read~ 77 '!he storage protection key has changed .. yy is the protection key for the block, at address xxxxxx, that is now being processed a 87 The specified area could not:. be read from the dump. rhe listing aeing processed may be in error~ 78 An error condition resulted when AMDSADMP attempted to do a STORE-STATUS for the non-IPLed processor. Allor part of the data formatted may be invalid. 88 AMDPRMST was unable to find the bounds of the private area in the SQA. AMDPRPCR was then unable to read the PQE for that memory. AMDPRDPS is not invoked~ Processing 79 14hile formatting the specified table, the pointer to that table was either zero, or addressed an area of storage that was not in the dump. processing continues~ continues~ 4J ::::: en a g- 89 While accessing the LCCA, PCCA and PSA to get the processor address. either an I/O error was encountered while attempting to read the block containing the addressi or the block containing the address was missing from the dump. If the STORE-STATUS for this processor was dumped by AMDSADMP, it will be formatted after the control blocks for any remaining processors, and prior to the unprefixed 0-4K block. Processing continues. ~. 90 f!! ~ ~ ~ Since the ASCB dispatching chain could not be found in the dump, no more ASCB3 can be processed. i . . . ~ =!te:~l:02~~~~S:~~g p:~t;~~oo~h~n f~:;t q~~e fa~~~~e~n~n ~ the pointer to _the last SRB on the queue was zero; or an 2. on the queue failed .. Processing terminates. < attempt to read the pointers to the first and the last SRB ~ 92 The J?CCA VT was unavailable (rea son for unavai lability stated in previous outp..1t comment); or the read to access the PCCAVT for the pointer to this PCCA failed; or the pointer to this PCCA in the PCCAVT lrIas zero. Since the PCCA is the only pointer to the PSA, the peA cannot be processed. Processing cont inues. 93 The specified pointer was not in the dump. 94 An exit module has issued a return code of 4 indicating that i t was unsuccessful in obtaining enough main storage for its processing.. (AMDPRDMP guarantees that each exit module has up to 8K bytes of storage for processing .. ) 95 The virtual PSA address in the PCCA for the PSA of the active processor is zero. This address is the only pointer to the unprefixed 0-4K block. (Input is from SVC dump.) 96 While processing the SHEs of an SPL queue, either an error was encountered while attempting to read the pointer to the first SRB or a link field in an SRB; or the link field of an SRB, which w-as not the last SRB on the chain ....as zero; or a loop was found while processing the SRB chain. A maxinum of five more SREs lrIill be processed .. 97 Due to a preceding error, the ASVT was not entirely processed. Any ASCBs on the ASCB dispatching chain which have not already been selected "'tIl be processed. 98 The specified control block did not contain its OWn naue in it:;; 1D field. The control block may be overlaid the pointer to it may be invalid. Processing of the control block continues. 99 Line or lines are omitted because they duplicate the last line that was printed. 100 Printed when the access service returns a non-zero return code after trying to access a field in the PSA, or while trying to follow chains to locate another PSA on a MP system. 101 The operating system flags could not be accessed or the dump system was not an MVS system. 102 Either the TCB address or the CVT address in the parameter list was zero. 103 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing fields from the TCB. 104 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the MACRF or DSORG bytes from the DCB or if the DSORG byte has an unknown value. 105 Non-zero return code from the access ser/ice routine while accessing the DCB address from the DEB. 106 Error in the fields in the FRRS that indicate first entry and last entry and entry length heeded to c"lculate number of entries. 107 Non-zero return code from access service routine while accessing the EXCPD address from the TCB. lOB There are no UCB' s pointed to by this DEB. 109 The control block pointed to by the DEB is an ACB, not a DCB. 1 j 0 Non-zero return code from format service routine while formatting the FRRS or from the access service routine while accessing fields from the FRRS or FRRS section of the IHSA. ~ gO '" ~ .... 111 Non-zero return code from fonnat service routine while formatting the IHSA or from the access service routine while trying to determine which SU I S are on the dump system. 112 Non-zero return code from format service routine while formatting the SCB. 113 Non-zero return code from format service routine while formatting the DCB 'or from the access service routine while aCCessing fields from the DCB. 114 Non-zero return code from format service routine while formatting the DEB or from the access service routine while accessing fields from the DEB. 115 Non-zero return code from format service routine while formatting the EED or from the access service routine while accessing fields from the EED. 116 Non-zero return code from the format service routine while formatting the EXCPD (XDBA). 117 Non-zero return code from the format service routine while formatting the ICB. '" o f!? ~ ~ g- ~. ~ ~ il~ [ 118 Non-zero return code from the format service routine while formatting the lOB, or from the access service routine while accessing .the DCB backpointer. It wilJ. also appear if the DCB back-pointer does not match the DCB address passed in the parameter list, or if the access method flag in the parameter list is not one that requires an lOB. 119 Non-zero return code from the format service routine while formatting the RTCT or from the access service routine while trying to determine which SU's are on the dump system. 120 Non-zero return code from the format service routine while formatting the RTM2WA or from the access service routine while accessing fields in the RTM2WA or trying to determine which SU' s are on the dump system. 121 Non-zero return code from the format service routine while formatting the SDWA registers. 125 Any access error or validity check failure while trying to locate the IHSA or to locate the ASCB on the CMS suspend Queue. It also appears for a non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the pointer to the TCB from the IHSA. 126 Non-zero return code from the access service roui;.ine while accessing the lOB pointer from the DCB. 127 Either the operating system flags could not be accessed or the dump system was not an MVS system. 128 Either the TCB address or the CVT address in the parameter list was zero. 129 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing fields from the TCB. 130 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing LCB related fields in the DCB. 131 The maximum formatter limit of 25 was reached. 122 Non-zero return code from the format service routine while formatting the UCB. 123 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the PSA or the PSA validity check failed. 124 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the ICB pointer from the DCB. 132 The maximum formatter limit of 25 was reached. 133 The maximum formatter limit of 25 was reached. 134 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the EED pointer from the TeE. '- 135 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the RTM2WA pointer from the 143 Either the operating system flags could not be accessed or the dump system was not an MVS system. TCB. 136 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the seB pointer from the TCB 144 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while trying to find the UCB or information about the UCB. or other fields from the TeB which indicate abended TCB. 137 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the next EED pointer from 145 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the DSORG and MACRF" fields needed from the DCB to determine the access method, or trouble finding the DeB i tsel!. the EED. 138 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the next RTM2WA pointer from the RTM2WA .. 139 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the next SCB pointer from the ~ 0' ... ~ ~ ;;; 146 Either an acces~ error accessing the UCB type field or an invalid value in that field. 147 Either an access error accessing the ASCB lock field or an invalid value in that field. SCB. 148 The RT1W logical phase nwnber is zero indicating the RT1W is not currently in use. 140 Non-zero return code from the access service routine while accessing the pointer to the RTCT from the CVT or while trying to determine if this TeB is the first TeB of the current address space. 150 Data management formatter's ESTAE received control for an unexpected abend. 141 Either the CVT address or the TeB address in the parameter list was zero. 151 lOS formatter's ESTAE received control for an unexpected abend. 142 Non-zero return code from the access sarvice routine while accessing either the pointer to the SU string or the su bit string itself. 152 RTM formatter's ESTAE received control for an unexpected abend. 149 An invalid value in the EEDID field. ~ 153 During reconst.ruct.ion of a summary dump record N insufficient. data was found to fill out the length CI o ~ ~ ~. oil :!: i ~ ~ c il indicated in the record header. record was set to zeros. 154 The unique summary dump record which indicates the normal end of the data was found. 155 The unique sununary dump record that indicates the normal end of the data was not found before the data was exhaust.ed. Probable cause was a shortage of buffer space when the summary dump occurred or the dump data set was too small to contain the summary dump. (If the storage areas specified with the SUMLIST parameter on the SDUMP macro are extremely large either of the two previously stated causes could occur.) 156 Probable causes: Either the dwnp was not an SVC dump or SUMDUMP was not request:.ed when dump was made, or summary dump was unable to provide any data. 157 One of the two system control blocks needed to locate the summary dump data was not available in the dwnp. 158 A GETMAIN failed. 159 Issued for' an error while scanning t.he DEB chain for the next DEB. The missing end of 160 Non-zero return code from access service routine while accessing the lOB pointer from the previous lOB. 161 Non-zero return code from the apeess service routine while accessip9 the IeB pointer from the previous rCB. 162 A request other than a read direct or write to printer was asked for. 163 Non-zero return code from AMDPRDMP I S access service routine while trying to access in-storage LOGREe buffer. 164' Non-zero return code from AMDPRDMP I S access service routine while trying to access the RTCT or an in-storage LOGREC buffer address which is not a 4K boundary. 165 EREP enhancement (SU27) is not running on the system. 166 The in-storage LOGREC buffer either was not 4K in size or had a bad beginning, end, and first free pointers in the header. 167 The CVT pointer in the parameter list is zero. '-168 Non-zero return code from AMDPRDMP I S access service routine while trying to access either the PCCAVT or PCCA. 169 Non-zero return code from AMDPRDMP' s access service routine while trying to access the CVT operating system flags or the dump system is not MVS. 170 There are no LOGREe records with data in the in-storage LOGREe buffer. 171 The SRB could not be loaded into storage while SUMMARY data is being put out. Processing continues without SRB formatting. ~ ~r '" ~ GTF Trace Records '~" ~ ~ Ii? g- ~. if ~ ~ ~ c ~ The following pages describe GTF trace records in alphabetic order by type of event, as indicated in the first field of each record: DSP or SDSP -- task dispatch or redispatch after SVC interrupt. EOS, 10, or PCl -- end-of-sense, input/output, or program-controlled ip.terruption .. EXT -- external interruption. FRR -- functional recovery routine (return from) .. HEXFORMAX, SUBSYS, and SYSTEM -- (unformatted trace event record) .. LSR -- local supervisor routine (dispatching of) .. PGM or PI -- program interruption. RNIO"-- VTAM remote net\o,/ork. SIO -- SIO instruction (execution) .. SRB -- service request block routine redispatch) .. SRM -- r-- TIME ddddd.ddddd -] This tecord follows each trace event record and indicates the time (Greenwich mean timel when the trace record was placed in the GTF trace buffer. The time is expressed in the form sssss.mmmmmm (where 5SSSS is seconds and mmmmmm is microseconds of elapsed time since midnight). This record is produced only if the GTF TIME=YES parameter is in effect. Note that the TOD clock value represents loca1 time and that the fo:rmatted output expresses time in terms of Greenwich mean time (GMT] .. (dispatch or Lost Event Records system resources manager (return from) .. STAE -- STAE or ESTAE exit routine (return from) .. SVC -- svc instruction (execution) .. UIO -- unexpected I/O interruption. USR -- event signalled by GTRACE macro instruction. USRF9 -- VSAM event .. uSRFr: -- VTAM event. USRFE -- BSA.M/QSA.M/BPAM/BDAM event. USRFF -- OPEN/CLOSF/EOV event. In addition to these trace event records, GTF also produces time stamp and lost event records, as described below. Time Stamp Records **** This record precedes the printout of each GTF trace buffer. It indicates the day of the year (Julianl and the time (Greenwich mean timel of day (hour.minute.second.microsecondl when the first trace record was placed in the buffer. DATE DAY ddd YEAR dddd TIME dd.dd.dd.dddddd **** ONE 4096 BYTE BUFFER LOST TIME dd.dd.dd .dddddd This record indicates that a GTF trace buffer has been lost due to an error condition. It indicates the time of day (hour.minute.second.microsecond) when the first trace record was placed in the buffer. **** LOST EVENTS TOTAL dddddddddd TIME dd.dd.dd.dddddd This record indicates the total number of trace events lost due to error conditions or trace buffer overflow. 'Ibis record indicates the time of day (hour.minute.second.microsecond) when the first trace record was placed in the current trace buffer. 'nSF AND SDSP TRACE RECORDS Miniroal Tra.ce Record 1 ASCB hhhhhhhh IDSP SDSP -Comprehens!ve"Trace I psw hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh CPU hhh CPU hhh JOBN cccccccc nsp psw A nsp record represents the dispatching of a task; an snsp reco't'd represents the redispatching of a task after an sve interrupt .. AseB hhhhhhhh -- Address of address space control block~ CPU hhh -- Address of processor on which task .will be di spa tched. /PSW \ PSW.hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhh -- Program which the task is dispatched. status word under JOBN cccccccc -- Name of the job associated with the task being dispatched, or "N/A" for system or started task. 1 TeB hhhhhhhh -- Address of the task control block. [l' g' ...w t:i RIS hhhhhhhh RO hhhhhhhh Rl hhhhhhhh -Record DSP ) ASCB hhhhhhhh SDSP lnsp TCB hhhhhhhh {~lhhhhhhh -- Data that will appear in general registers 15. 0" and 1 when the task is dispatched .. MOONw~~~c~~c ~;kN~e d~;P:~~~~' rh~; ~~!lo~e~~!v~o~~~!~~~: WAITTC.i3 -- Indicates that system wait task is about to be dispatched. hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh TeB hhhhhhhh MOON cccccccc SVC-T2 -- Indicates that a type 2 SVC routine in the nucleus is about to be dispatched. SVC-RES -- Indicates that a type 3 SVC routine, or the first load module of a type II SVC routine, is about to be dispatched. The routine is located in the pageable link pack area. SVC-cccc -- Indicates that the second load module, or a subsequent load module, of a type 4 SVC routine is about to be dispatched. The module is located in the fixed or pageable link pack area; the last four characters of the module name are ecce. .*IRB ••• -- Indicates that an asynchronous routine with an associated interruption request block is about to be dispatched; no module name is Oivailable. .cccccccc -- Indicates that error fetch is in the prcx::ess of loading an error recovery module; the last seven characters of the module name are ccccccc. 11 £ GTF encounters an error while trying to gather this information, the information is replaced by a string of asterisks. ( •••••••• ). However, if the error is a page fault, the information is replaced by pppppppp. ~ ~ g ,g~ AND PCl TRACE RECORIki Note: Duplicate records will appear in the trace output for certain types of I/O interruptions that result from a SIOF with a deferred condition code. In these records, bits 6 and 7 of the CSW will be non-zero. Minimal 'I'race Record ~ I {~gS} ~ :8 i" ~ < CPU hhhh PSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh IEOS} 10 PCI hhhh 10 DEV ADD hhhh CSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh SNS hhhh ASCB hhhhhhhh CPU hhhh JOBN cccccccc OLD PSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh TCB hhhhhhhh DSID hhhhhhhh CSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh SNS hhhh R/V CPA hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh FLG hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hh . An EOS, 10, or PCr. record indicates an end-of-sense, input/output, or program-controlled interruption. 3 !!.IE"' \I '". ... TeB hhhhhhhh Comprehensive Trace Record i >. I ASeB hhhhhhhh PCl 10 DhV ADD hhhhl-- Address of the device that PCl \hhhh caused the interrupt. ASCB hhhhhhhh -- Address of the ABCB for the address space that started the I/O operation, or "U/A" (unavailable due to unavailability of the 105B control block). 1 CPU hhhh -- Address of the processor on which the interruption occurred. JOBN cccccccc -- Name of the jpb associated with the task that requested the I/O operation, or "N/A" (not applicable), or "U/An (unavailable due to unavailability of the IOSB control block). 1 I PSW I OLD PSW hhhhnhhh hhhhhhhh -- Program status word stored when tne interrupt occurrl:!d. rCB hhhhllhnn -- Address of t.he Teo for the task. ttlat. requested the 1/0 operation. or "N/A" (not applicable), Or flU/A"' (unavailable due to unavailaoility of the 10SB control block). DS1.o hhhhhhhn -- Contents of the ICS[SID field of the lOSE control Dlo:::.k.. or "'U/A'" (indicating that the lOSS is unavaila.ole). losDSID contains the address of the data extent block (DEB) or other control block used by PURGE. 1 CSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh -- Channel status word associated with the interruption, or "U/A" (unavailable due to unavailability of the IQSB control block) • SNS hhhh -- First two bytes of sense data for the device that caused the i'nterrupt, or "U/A" (unavailable due to unavailabili tv of the IOSB control block).' it/V CPA hhnhhhhh hhhhhhhh -- Keal address of real channel program, and virtual chann~l program, or "UtA" (unavailable due to unavailability of the 10SB control block).1 FLG hhhhnnntl hhhhhhhh hh -- First four bytes are contents of tile lOSFLA. 10SOPT, lOOFMSK, and IOSDVRID fields of the J..Q.;B, or '"U/A" (unavailable :lue to unavailability of thf:= 10Sb); last 5 oytes are contents of the UCBFLS, UCBCPU, and UCBCHAN fields of the UCB. These fields are described in Volume 2 and Volume 3. lIf GT.F encounters an error while gathering this information, each missing byte is replaced by an asterisk (").) lIf GTF encounters an error while gathering this information, the information is replaced by a string of asterisks ("*****""1. EXT TRA.CE jlECORDS Minima-l '{race Record EXT ASCB hhhhhhhh CPU hhh PSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh TCB hhhhhhhh [INT CPU hhhh ] TOE TeB hhhhhhhh Comprehensive Trace Record EXT hhhh ASCB hhhhhhhh CPU hhh JOBN cccccccc OLD PSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh TCB hhhhhhhh ~ARM hhhhhhhh SIG CPU hhh ] LTQE FIELDS: FLG/EXI hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh ASCB hhhhhhhh TCB hhhhhhhh An EXT record indicates an external interruption. EXT hhhh -- External interruption code. ASCB hhhhhhhh -- Address of ASCB for the address space that was current when the interruption occurred. CPU hhh -- Address of the processor on which the interruption occurred. JOBN cccccccc -- Name of the job associated with the interrupted task, or "N/A" ( PSW (not applicable) • 1 ) OLD PSW' hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh -- Program status word stored when the interruption occurred. ag' '" '" r::; U1 TCB hhhhhhhh -- Address of the TeB for the interrupted task, or "N/A" (not applicable, as in the case of interrupted SRB routine). FARM hhhhhhhh -- Signal passed on a signal processor interruption (indicated by interruption codes 12hhl. lINT CPU hhhh) SIG CPU hhhh -- Address of the processor on which a signal processor interruption occurred (.indicated by interruption codes 12hh). 'I ITQE lTQE FIELDS -- lmlicates e.> 1:: RI5/RO hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh Rl hhhhhhhh R151 (~~ hhhhhhhh -- [Uta that was contained in general regi3ters 15, 0, and 1 when the system resources manager passed control to GTF. The data includes a SYSEVf;NT cocle in the low-order byte of reigster O. Register data is explained in the SYSEVENT summary in Section 5. 1 If GTF encounters an error while gathering this infonnation, the information is replaced by a string of asterisks (********). STAE TRACE ~ II! o .. ~ R~CORDS Minima1 Trace Record STAB ASCB hhhhhhhh CPU hhhh PSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh STAE N ~ ASCB hhhhhhhh FLG hhhhhh CPU hhhh RC hh JOBN cccccccc RTRY hhhhhhhh ESTN cccccccc A STAB record indicates a return to the recovery termination manager by a STAE or ESTAE exit routine. :J: ~e J f FLG hhhhhh RC hh RETRY hhhhhhhh RTCA hhhhhhhh ERR PSW hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh ABCC hhhhhhhh ERRT hhhhhhhh RTCA hhhhhhhh !. i CC hhhhhhhh C.omprehensive Tt:ace Recore! ERRT hhhhhhhh -- Error type f1895 from the SDWAFLGS fie1d of the SOWA. These fields are described in Vol.ume 3. 1 RTCA field indicates the type of routine (STAE or ESTAB). FLG hhhhhh -- Flag bytes (SDWAERRA., and SDWAACF2 fields 0:1; the SDWA1, or "N/A" (not applicable, in the case of a ASCB hhhhhhhh -- Address of the ASCB for the address space in which the error occurred. ::a~~:~i~i~; ~~ ~~~A;D~~yailab1e CPU hhhh -- Address of the processor associated with the error. Note: In the comprehensive trace record" SDWAERRA is omitted; the first printed .by'te is meaningless. JOBN cccccccc -- Name of the job associated with the error, or "N/A" (not app1icab1e).* RC hh -- RetUrn code from the STAE or ESTAE exit routine, as follows: 1 . ESTN cccccccc -- Name of the routine (for ESTAE on1y). or :~!; .p-ndicating that the routine did not supply a 00 -- fpsw 04 -- } lERR PSW hhhhhh hhhhhhhh -- Program status word that was current when the error occurred, or "U/A" (unavailable due to unavailability of the SD1iA (system diagnostic work area)). 1 10 -- fcc hhhhhhhh } FF -- lAB CChhhhhhhh -- System comp1etion code (first three digits) and user completion code (next three digital, or "U/A" (unavailable due to unavai1ability of the SDWA).l due to Continue with termination, passing control tD the. recovery routine at the next higher 1evel, if any. Attempt recovery by pass ing control to the retry address supplied by the exit routi ne. Continue with termination; suppress execution of STAI or ESTAI exit routines. (rhis return code is valid on1y for an ESTAI exit routine.) Inaicates that an ESTAE ec:it routine returned an inval id SDWA address to the recovery termination manager. ( RTRY I RETRY hhhhhhhh -- Retry address SJ.pplied by the exit routine, or "N/A'" (not applicable, indicating an exit routine return code other than 4). This field is zero if the exit rcutine returned an invalid SDWA address to the recovery termination manager. 1 RTCA hhhhhhhh -- Address of the SDWA (system diagnostic work area) passed to the exit routine by the recovery termination manager. If the rOll':.ine was a STAE (rather than ESTAE) routine, the address is in two's complement form. The address is zero if no SDWA was available, or if the exit routine returned an invalid SDWA add,ress ct' is cccccccc -- Name of the job associated with the address space. TPIOS IN -- Indicates in-bound TPIOS buffer information. TPIOS OUT -- Indicate!':. out-bound TPIOS buffer information. DNODE TEXT cccccccc -- Destination node hhhhhhhh -- Buffer text information. ~ E: ~ USRFD TRACE RECORDS (VTAM -- TPIOS REMOTE) Input, Trace Record i USRFD FEF ASCB hhhhhhhh JOBN cccccccc TPIOS IN ANODE REMOTE DNODE cccccccc cccccccc i ~. oil :J: t ~ c il hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh FOB FSB THRH' TEXT OUtput Trace Record USRFDFEF Asta fifihfilifihfi TPIOS OUT ANODE cccccccc REMOTE DNODE cccccccc hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh RSVD hhhh LNG2 hhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hh (hhhhhh hhhhhhhh) hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh .................... . hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh .................... . JOBN FOB THRH TEXT hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh A TPIOS record contains the contents of message buffers during TPIOS processing. USRFO -- Identifies VTAM I S trace-record formatting routine (AMDUSRFD). FEF -- Event identifier specified by the GTRACE macro instruction. ASCB hhhhhhhh -- Address of the ASCB of the VTAM application. JOBN ccccqccc -- Name of the job associated with the address space. TPIOS IN -- Indicates in-bound TPIOS buffer information. hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh FOB RSVO RSVO hhhh LNG2 hhhh hh (hhhhhh hhhhhhhh) hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh •••••••••••••••••••• ' hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh ••••••••••••••••••••• hhhhhhhh -- Feedback data block. hhhh -- Reserved. LNG2 hhhh -- Length of buffer. RSVD2 hhhhhhhh Reserved. Also used as a workarea. DNODE cccccccc -- Des~ination node name. FSB hhhhhhhh -- Feedback status block. THRH hhhhhhhh -- Transmission and request or response headers. TEXT hhhhhhhh Buffer text information. TPIOS OUT -- Indicates out-bound TPIOS buffer information. REMOT,E -- Indicates data being transferred to/from a device attached to a 370x. ANODE cccccccc -- Application, (source) node name. 1The SAF/OAF fields are reserved for the FIOO PIUS in the THRH fields. USRFE Trace Records USRFE (BSAM/QSAM/BPAM/BDAM) h~ASCB- hhhhhhhh JOBN cccccccc BSAM/QSAM/BPAM/BDAM ecce. •• TRACE RECORD DDNAME cccccccc ABEND CODE hhh RETURN CODE hh TIME=dd.dd.dd [AT LOCATION hhhhhhhh] hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh A USRFE trace record indicates abnorITHl termination of a :lata nanagement access met hod routine. DDNAME cccccccc -- Name of the DD statement for the data set being processed. USRFE -- Identifies the data nunagement trace-record formatting routine (AMDUSRF£). ABEND COvE hnh -- Ti13k abnormal completion code. hhh -- Event identifier specified in the GTRACE macro instruction~ The event identifier (EID) corresponds to the abnormal completion code (CC) as follOWS: EID(cc): FF3(002), FF4(OOS), Fr'6 (112) , FF7(21S), £'FS(119), FF9(235), FFA(239), FFB(145), FFC(251), FFD( 451), FFE (169) ASCB hhhhhhhh -- Address of the ASCB for the ilddress space in which the abnormal termination occurred. JOBN cccccccc -- Name of the job associated with the address space. ' UJ II §f "' ~ BSAWCPAMfBPAM/BDAM TRACE RECORD -- Record identification provid.ed by the AMDUSRFE formatting routine .. RE'lURN CODE. hh -- Return code from the module that detected the error condition~ TIME=dd.dd.dd -- Time (hcur.minute.second) when the GTRACE macro instruction was issued (or blank. if the time is not avai lable) • ccce. •• [AT LOCATION hhhhhhhh] hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh ••. -- Datil area name, or name and address, followed by data area contents. For descriptions of the DCB, DEB, ECB, and rOB, refer to Volume 2; for description of other data areas, refer to OS/VS2 SAM Logic, or to OS/VS2 BDAM Logic. CfJ g; i~ N :J: ! g ~ USRFF Trace Records (OPEN/CLOSE/EOV) USRFF FFF ASCB hhhhhhhh xxxx ••• A USRFF trace record indicates either an abnormal ~:~u!~~t:~~ ~u~~~ ~~:/~~~!~mv processing. or a user USRFF -- Identifies the OPEN/CLOSF./EDV trace record formatting routine CIMDUSRFF). FFF -- Event identifier specified by the GTRACE macro instruction. ~ c xxxx ••• -- Data recorded il by OPEN/CLOSE,/EOV. For abnormal termination trace records, this data consists of unformatted RRCBSAs (recovery routine control block save areas). For user-requested work area trace records, the data consists of formatted control blocks and OPEN/CLOSElEOV work areas. For a oomplete description of the recorded data, refer to OS/ys2 OPEN/CLOSE/EOV Logic. JOBN cccccccc ) Section 4: Error Indicators ,.' This section summarizes the following system error indicators: System Error Messages Machine-Check Interruption Code PSW Error Indicators (program interruption codes, condition codes, and wait state codes) • ECB Indicators (error completion codes and abnormal completion codes) • I/O Error Indicators (channel status word, limited channel logout and UCB sense bytes) ) Soctlon 4 4-1 System Enor Messages System error messages are identified by seven or eight-character message numbers. The first three characters are the same as the first three characters in the name of 8 module associated with the massage. For each three-character message number (module name) prefix. the Module Summary in Section 5 identifies the corresponding system component" program logiC manual. and message library publication. Machine-Check Interruption Code The machine-check interruption code is stored in location EB (hex) of the prefixed storage area (PSA) for each processor. The format is as follows: insert 15 (MCH logout diagram) I Me conditions 00. 00 I 000. 000. • 1 2 3 4 • • 7 14 0000 I 3940 32 System damage Instr.proc'gdamage System recovery Timerdamago Timingfacil.damage External damage Degradation Warning Backed·up 4-Z I I I I Time 1314 • 9 I. I. 16 17 2. 21 22 23 24 00 16 Stg, error I•I 1819 Vat. 45 46 Corrected Key uncorrected PSWbiH 12-15 PSW masks and key Prog. mask and CC Instruction address Failing stg. address OS!VS2 DebuggIng Handbook Volume , 31 MCELlength I 48 Delayed Uncorrected Validity 2• 5556 25 Region code 27 Floating-pt registers General registers Control registers CPU ext'd logout Storage logical CPU timer Clock comparator 2. 29 30 31 46 47 63 PSW Error Indicators PSW error indicators include program interruption codes, condition codes, and wait state codes. The general fannat of the PSW is as follows: 0000 0000 31 .3 1 (R) Program event recording mask 5 {I' Input/output mask 6 (T-ll Translation mode 7 lEI External mask 12 (C"lI Extended control mode 131M) Machine-check mask 14 (W=1) Wait state 15 18·19 (P=lj Problem state (CCI Condition code 20 Fj"ed· point overflow mask 21 22 23 Decimal overflow mask Exponent underflow mask Significance mask PROGRAM INTERRUPTION CODES 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 COCA OOOB Operation ex~ption Privileged operation excp Execute exception Protection exception Addressing exception Specification exception Data exception Fixed-point overflow excp Fixed-point divide excp Decimal overflow exception Decimal divide exCeption OOOC 0000 OOOE OOOF 0010 0011 0012 0013 0040 0080 Exponent overflow excp Exponent underflow excp Significance exception Floating- point divide excp Segment translation excp Page translation exception Translation specification exep Special operation exception Monitor event Program event (code may be combined with another code) ) Section 4 4-3 CONDITION CODES Condition Code Setting 1 8 4 zero, no carry zero equal equal equal equal equal < zero not zero, noearry not zero low not equal not equal low low Mask Bit Position General Instructions ADD land ADD HALFWORDI ADD LOGICAL AND COMPARE land COMPARE HALFWORDI COMPARE AND SNAP COMPARE DOUBLE AND SlNAP COMPARE LOGICAL COMPARE LOGICAL CHARACTERS UNDER MASK COMPARE LOGICAL LONG EXCLUSIVE OR INSERT CHARACTERS UNDER MASK LOAD AND TEST LOAD COMPLEMENT L04D NEGATIVE LOAD POSITIVE MOVE LONG equal zero zero,carry count equal ,.,0 wt SUBTRACT (and SUBTRACT HALFWORDI SUBTRACT LOGICAL TEST AND SET TEST UNDER MASK TRANSLATE AND TEST overflD'N not zaro, carry high high high high 1st bit zero > zero > zero > zero OR SHIFT LEFT DOUBLE SHIFT LEFT SINGLE SHIFT RIGHT DOUBLE SHIFT RIGHT SINGLE STORE CLOCK low not zero htbitone overflow count low not zero zero > zero overflow overflow zero '7'mplete zero high > zero > zero > zero > zero > zero < zero zero > zero > zero > zero zero. carry not operational overflow not zero. ""'" Decimal Instructions ADD DECIMAL COMPARE DECIMAL EDIT EDIT AND MARK SHIFT AND ROUND DECIMAL SUBTRACT DECIMAL ZERO AND ADD zero equal Floating-Point Instructions ADD NORMALIZED ADD UNNORMALIZED COMPARE LOAD AND TEST LOAD COMPLEMENT LOAD NEGATIVE LOAD POSITIVE SUBTRACT NORMALIZED SUBTRACT UNNORMAlIZED 44 zero equal OS!VS2 Debugging Handbook Volum. 1 < zero <. zero high > zero > zero > zero > zero > zero overflow overflow overflow overflow Condition Code Setting 4 Mask Bit Position Input/Output Instructions CLEAR CHANNEL CLEAR I/O HALT DEVICE HALT I/O I/O system channel busy performed no operation CSWstored in progress interruption CSW stored pending, or busy interruption CSWstored pending' START I/O channel busy dianne I working burstop. stopped operational operational "ot operational operational busy no' busy "ot operational START I/O FAST RELEASE successful CSW stored operational STORE CHANNEL 10 10 stored CSW stored busy TEST CHANNEL available burst mode TEST I/O available interruption pending CSWstored operational operational busy operational System Control Instructions LOAD REAL ADDRESS RESET REFERENCE BIT translation availoble A bit zero. Cbit zero ST entry invalid A bit zero. Cbitone PTentry invalid A bit one, Cbit zero order code accepted status stored busy length violation R bit one, Cbitone SET CLOCK operational SIGNAL PROCESSOR operational Expfanation: > zero Result is greater than zero high First operand compares high < Result is less than zero zero low First operand compares low NOTE: The condition code may also be changed by LOAD PSW, SET PROGRAM MASK, and DIAGNOSE, and byan interruption. Section 4 4-5 Wait State Coda Wait state codes are found in the 12 low-order bits of the PSW when the PSW wait bit (bit 14) is set to one. The PSW format is: This is the left half of the program status word. This half has two forms: 070s0000 If the wait state code (zzz in the right half of the program status word) is ODD, no tasks are ready in the system, Otherwise. an error condition. indicated by zzz has occurred, ODDsOOOO System wait state caused by an error condition. In each of the above forms. s represents bits 12-15 (the CMWP bits). This is the right half of the program status word. The wait state code. indicatea the error condition. zzz. Wait state codes are described briefly in the following table. For complete explanations and problem determination procedures, refer to OS/VS Message Libra",: VSl System Codn, Code Explanation 001 IPL: "Not operationa'" is the status of the volume containing the nucfeus being loaded. IPL: An I/O operation was not initiated; CSW was stored: channel was not busy, IPL: An I/O operation was not initiated because a "not operationsl" response wss received from a SID instructicm; CSW wss not stored; channel was not busy. IPL: An I/O operation waa not initiated: CSW was not stored; channel was not busy after execution of a Test I/O instruction. IPL: A unit check caused an I/O interruption; the address of the CCW is placed in location X'4C': the first four unit-check sense bytes are placed in location X'54'. IPL: A interface control check. or channel control check. or channel data check. or program check,. or channel chaining check occurred. NIP: A console was not available. NIP: A catalog entry for the SvSl.UNKUB data set was not found on or not retrievable from the system catalog. The master scheduler terminated abnormally during initialization; a dump was taken to the SYS1.0UMPxx data set. IPL: An active nucfeus member is not edited in the scatter format; the nucleus cannot be loaded. The master scheduler terminated abnormally during initialization; no dump was taken. IPL: The SYS1.NUCLEUS data set or active member, IEANUCOx. of SYS1.NUCLEUS ia not found on the IPL volume: the system nucleus cannot be located'. IPL: An IPLed volume does not contain the IPL text. NIP: An error occurred from which recovery waa impossible. Recursive translation exceptions occurred due to incorrect: Initialization, or overlaying of the master address apace segment tables or common page tables occurred. IPL: A unit check occurred following a successfully started I/O operation. IPL: The nucleus ia too big for the machine size; the space availabfe for relocation dictionary records waa exceeded. IPL: An unexpected program interruption occurred. An attemPt was made to execute multiprocessing modules that were not included in the nucleus when the system was generated. The error condition specified on a SUP command has been met and the system is placed in a ''wait state", as requested. Supervisor control suffered a double recursive abnormal termination in supervisor control auper FRR. NIP: An I/O error occurred on the main consola following an EXCP operation. A page fault occurred for a duplexed page but primary and secondary devices are either in a quiesced or "not RIoIdy" state. The system termination facility failed to receive the" expected interruption while attempting to write record to the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Either a power Interruption occurred or the operator replied "REST'" to the m8lS8ge,. ICFTlM21. 002 003 004 005 006 007 OOA 008 OOC 000 OOE OOF 013 014 017 018 019 01A 01 B 01 C 021 022 024 026 4-8 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 July 16. 1979 027 029 02A 02B 020 02E 02F 030 031 032 033 034 036 037 038 039 03A 03B Q OlC 030 03F 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 04A 040 A power interruption occurred. or the opel1ltor replied "REST" to the masuga. ICFTIM21. or the openItor replied "STOP" to one of the power waming initialization mauagea. The time-of-dey dock ia in lII10I''. The hlrdwllre coukt not aignaI the other pnx:euor because the other proceuor did not 8ppM!' to exist. The hardware couk:t not signal the other proceuor. because the other procauor heel experienced a Simi.r problem and w .. the first proc::naor to enter the 02A wait state. NIP: An unconditional mount WItS iuued requesting a Maaa Storage System deviee (3850). which i. not ~ during NIP. ASM can no longer IICCeUI a nlquired page date set due to an unusual number of permanent I/O errors. A direct IICCeUI device containing a page data set is unavailable for an I/O oparIItion. NIP: An unanticipated request for abnormel task termination (ABEND) has occurred. NIP: The IPt volume resides on a unit for which there is no UCB. NIP: A required module is not found in the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set by BlDL NIP: An I/O IKTOI' occurred during BlOt's processing for a required module. The operating system is incompatibht with the processor. Dynamic addma tr8nalltion. Ihe CS, COS, IPIC. and SPKA instructions or the clock comPliratar feature ant not supported an the proceuor. An attempt was made to ~nd storage initially allocated to SQA before initializing the peging subsystarn. The DSCB for SYS1.LOGREC. SYS1.SVCUB, SYS1.PARMUB, or SYS1.UNKUB could not be succeufuDr I1NId from the volume where the data Nt r.idn. NIP: InsuffICient real storage apece is available for initializing the VS2 oystem. NIP: The requittd direct acceu volume could not be succeufully mounted due to • conflict with another online volume. NIP: An error occurred during an attempt to build the LPA lcold start). NIP: A module requittd for continued system operation cannot be found in the system LPA. ASM detechKt iMufflCient auxilNlry storage rnoun:ea for syatem operations. NIP: The subroutine. IEAVCSEG. returned I nonzero code indicating that an IHT'OI' occurred in creating • Mgment tlbIe entry. the page tllble. or the external page table. NIP: A NIP function WIll improperly Invoked. NIP: An &bend request occurred during NIP proc:euing. The ACR call to the I/O supervisor ~ devices reserved from the fliling proceaor which have to be re-rnerved on the operati¥a proceuor (rastlruble). The I/O aupervisor found devices reserved from failing proceUOr that hive no IogicIlty online ~s from the operative proceuor. The I/O ~ found it impossible to ....rve a device that was previousty r...-...ct to the t.iling proceUOr. NIP: A machine check intanuption occurred on a proceaaor in the configUration. NIP: A BlDCPOOL request for a cellpocl in the SQA faiied. NIP: An unexpected program check intenuptjon occurred. HIP Ifor a multiprocaMor conflgurdon); A rnaffunction .... interruption 'NIlS receiwId by • proceuor in the configuration. NIP: The subroutine. IEAVPCB. returned an undafinac:I retum code. A device was rfIIIeted that was attached to In unavailable channel. and this device wu found to be r1I88fWId by thI procauor receiving the lMChine check interruption. NIP: The TOO clock i, in the error state. Channels hive bKome tempc)fSlrily unuuble without reserves outstanding (1'HtIrta~). 04C 040 lOS: A rMChine chack i"*"'Ption has ooc:u~ indiceting one or mora channels ... at lust temporarily unavailable ,,....rtabIa). lOS: An I/O intDmIption has octurnId indicating thin: • channel is unusable {"'-l. 04E 105: An internal error has ooc:urred while attempting to recover from an I/O related hardWIIre problem (not rntartable). IIecdon 4 4-7 July 16.1979 04F 060 051 062 05B 069 06A 06B 06C 050 Mont chInneIa were lost after PfOC8SIing was initiated for temporarily unusable channell (not restartable). ACR 'NIIa recuraively invoked. ACR encountenMi! an unrec:overIIbIe error while recovery 'NIIa in progreu for another proceuor (probable software iIITOf). ACR encountered an UlV8CCMtrlble error while recovery wea in progress for another praceaot CptObabie hardwant error). NIP: The subroutine. IEAVSPSA,. mumed a nonzaro code indicating either that it was unable to obtain or free the SAUOC lock. or that a GETMAIN or FREEMAIN fcx' apace in the SQA fai5ed. NIP: A BLDL req.... returned an undefined return code. NIP: The IPL proceuor failed to set a synchronization "-II for a pt'DC8SIOr that it had aIgnaIed. NIP; In a multiproceaor confIgUration. a non-lPLad proceaor was signaled bv the (Pled Pf'()CeAOr to begin initializing itaetf. The non-lPLed proceuor ia a pouibIe "run-.way". NIP: Could not obtain a pointer to the master catalog from the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. NIP: A DSCB fcx'the> -nuter c:abliog wu not found or could not be read from the of the volume pointed to by the SYS1.NUCLEUS data -.... vroc 05E NIP: An I/O error occunad while attampting to read the master c:abllog'a 06F NIP: The .......... catalo((a setf-deacribing recorda are damaged. NIP/ASM: An error is dIrtected while procesaing external page table entries or (XPTE) while AVing or rebuilding the PlPA. The mesuge. 1EA943W. pt'1ICIdes this wait state code. NIP/ASM: An error is dIrtected in the TOO (time of day) dock while executing a stora dock lnatruction. NIP: A conditional GETMAIN failed. NIP: A S'fSt*n error is dIrtected and RTM is entered. NIP: Attempted to execute a type 3 or 4 SVC befont it w.. loaded. lOS: Hot I/O has been ctet.cted an a non-DASD device. No f1tII8fVed devices are on the ..... channel (rntartable). lOS: Hot I/O ,... been dIItected on a non-DASD device. Reserved devices are on the ..me channel (ratartabIe). lOS: Hot I/O has been detected on a channel or • CASO device. No ~ dMticeI: are on the ume channel (reatartable). lOS: Hot I/O haa been datacted on a channel or. CASO device. Reserved devicea ara on the arne channel (restartab!e). lOS: Complete rec:overy for hot I/O on a channel or DASO device cannot be 080 081 063 084 065 016 087 088 069 06A. .... ......... .............. 1.-......1. ooa . lOS: An ettIImpt was made to change chlnneI _ ; however. the hardw.... wu to connect eny channel set. leaving the aystem with no I/O _ unable _ lnat_l. 08C A rnechine check interruption occurred indicating • serioua error in the 06F An inoperative 3830 control unit. or a channel enor. or an undatllnnined MOl' waa dIrtected along a path used by thia rtatam. The device on the feiling path ia a ~ device (rntmable). A GETMAIN fMCfO. executed bv a program ex.:uting in ~ mode. raquested more bvtea from the SQA than was available. A GETMAIN mecro. executed bv • progqrn ex8Cll1ing in supaNiMJr mode. requastad mora pages of rut ator8ge frOm SQA than was available. 101 102 ADI AI. A22 A23 A25 A28 4-. -.. Either a predefined number of hard machina cMck IntarrupIionI occurred on 'the only online procauor with I/O capability. or a hard machine check intemtp1ion occunad from which rec:avery was not pouible. lOS raceivad an unIOIicited device and interruption for • volume containing • j:NIging data Nt. It. proceuor wn put into a .mpped condition blc.u" of disabled conaoIe communication procaaing (~). It. program check interruption occurnd while the machine check handler .... executing on the only available online proceaaor; r.c:overy waa - whi. A loop 'NIIa detKtad the machina check handler _ executing on the only IMIiIabla onIina"proceaor; 11ICOVery"" impoaible. A machine check interruption occurred on the onIr avaiIabIa online procauor; the intarNption code i~ ayNm damege was - A rnac:hina check intanuption occurnd on the only aQi'-ble online procauor; the intenuption code ia irMlid. A machina check intenuption or • program intanuption has occunad in • routine ~ linked to the machine check handler. (l Page of GC28-0708·' Revhed July 16, 1979 By TNL GN2B·29B4 801 802 B03 B04 B05 BOO 807 BOA BOB HOC The 3203/3211 utility completed normally. The 3203/3211 utility detected II control card missing or out of Of"der. The JOB statement for the 3203/3211 utility is incorrect. The DFN statement fOf the 3203/3211 utility is incorrect. The UCS statement fO( the 3203/3211 utility is incorrect. The FCB statement for the 3203/3211 utility is incorrect. The END stlltement for the 3203/3211 utility is incorrect. An external interruption occurred during the execution of the 3203/3211 utility. A pi'"ogram check. interruption occurred during the execution of the 3203/3211 utility. A machine check interruption occurred during tho execution of the 3203/3211 utility. s.crtion 4 4-8.1 July 18, 1978 ..... a.JVa _ _ _ , Page of GC28-070B·l Revised July 16, 1979 By TN L GN28·2984 Code Explanation 811 812 813 814 The rellder required by the 3203/3211 utility is not online. The reader required by the 3203/3211 utility is not ready. The reader required by the 3203/3211 utility is not ready. 815 819 B1B 8le B1D cec E02 A reader channel error occurred during the execution of the 3203/3211 utility. No device end is indicated on the reader being used by the 3203/3211 utility. A printer required by the 3203/3211 utility is not online. A unit check occurred on the printer being used by the 3203/3211 utility. A printer channel error occurred during the execution of the 3203/3211 utility. No device end is indicated on the printer being used by the 3203/3211 utility. During execution of the QUIESCE function on a uniprocessor, the system is placed in a disabled wait state as part of its normal operation (rmtartllble). A permanent 1/0 error occurred while the IBM 2250 display unit was being used as a primary console; no alternate console was available at the time of the error. Section 4 4·9 July 1G, 1979 ECB II*aton An ECB (event control block) can be posted with a two-part completion code, • Brts 1 through 7 are posted by data management and teleprocessing functions. This part of the completion code is described under "ECS" in the "Data AreB Descriptions" portion of Volume 2 . • Bits 8 through 31 are posted by all system components and by user-written programs. When a task is abnormally tanninated, the ECB for the task is posted with an abnormal system completion code in bits 8 through 19, or with an abnormal user completion code in bits 20 through 31. o Abnormal Completion Cod.. (OOI-Fhh HEX) The following table provides a brief explanation of the system abnormal completion codes. For complete explanations, associated messages, reason codes. and problem determination procedures. refer to OS/VS Message Library: VS2 System Codes. Code OOn 001 002 003 004 005 006 008 OIh 013 014 02h 020 02B 03h 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 03A 03B 030 03E Explanation DATA MANAGEMENT CODES CHECK/GET !PUT: An I/O error was encountered (BDAM/BPAM/BISAM/BSAM/OISAM/OSAM). An efror occurred while processing. creating. or opening a data set IBSAM/QSAM/QISAM load mode). READ/PUNCH/PRINT: A 3525-associated data set I/O macro sequence error occurred (BSAM/aSAM). OPEN: Conflicting or invalid DCB parameters (BSAM/OSAM) exist. READ: An invalid OECa leSAM) exists. The program is not authorized to run a 1419. CHECK: A save area was destroyed during the execution of a SYNAD routine (BSAM). DATA MANAGEMENT CODES OPEN: The OPEN macro could not be executed (BDAM/BSAM/QSAM). CLOSE: The CLOSE macro could not be executed (BDAM). BDAM AND RSM CODES OPEN: The DCBMACAF field of the DCB wes invalid; or the data set contained zero extents (BDAM). An I/O error occurred while attempting a page-in operation: or an indeterminate error occurred in a RSM service routine. or a translation error occurred in an ASM routine. ISAM CODES OPEN: The DCBMACRF field of the DCB indicated an invalid mode of operation (BISAM/QISAM). An I/O error occurred during processing. The control program attempted to pass control to a SYNAD routine but either the DCBSYNAD field contained an invalid address for a SYNAD routine (QISAM). or the error occurred aftar the CLOSE macro instruction was executed. OPEN: The DCBMACRF field of the DCB contained invalid ISAM information (BISAM/QISAM). OPEN: An I/O error occurred while reading the highest level index; or while searching for end-of-file mask; or the DCBMSHI field of the DCB contained an invalid address: or an I/O error occurred while reading last prime data block; or all volumes of a multivolume ISAM data set were not mounted. OPEN: An invalid address exists in the DCBMSWA: or the DCBNCBHI field of the DCB indicated that a too small virtual storage area (BISAM) exists. OPEN: The DCBMSWA and DCBSMSW fields of the DCB indicated too small a virtuel storage area (BISAM). OPEN: No space is allocatad as the prime area for a data set (BISAM/OISAM). OPEN: Supplied buffers were inadequate for records to be processed (BISAM/OISAM). OPEN: Space for an index area was either exhausted or occupied more than one volume (QlSAM). The DCBEODAD fiald of the DCB did not contain sn EOD exit routine address (QlSAM). CLOSE: An I/O error occurred while writing an updated data set control block back to a direct access device (BISAM/OISAM). OPEN: No records from an indexed sequential data set were processed (OISAM). OPEN: An error in the VOLUME parameter of DO statement {OISAM/BISAM/BOA~1 exists. OPEN: No space was available for additional records (QISAM). ) SectJon 4 4-11 Code 04h 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 OSh 056 . 057 06h 061 062 063 Olh 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 07A 078 07C 07D 07E 07F 4-12 Explanation TCAM CODES OPEN: An error occurred during the execution of an OPEN macro instruction for a TCAM line group. OPEN: An error occurred during the execution of an OPEN macro instruction for a TCAM message queue data set. OPEN: An error occurred whire running with the telecommunications online test executive (TOTE). OPEN: An error occurred during the execution of an OPEN macro instruction for a TCAM application program data set. An error occurred during the execution of the FE common write (COMWRITE) task. An error occurred during the execution of a TCAM message control program (MCP). A TCAM application program data set was left open when the message control program terminated. An unauthorized program requested a restricted SVC. GAM CODES The graphic attention service routine referred to an invalid UCB . The graphic attention service routine referred to an UCB associated with a nongraphic device. GAM CODES CLOSE: The OAR macro was issued for a graphic attention control block. which was not specified by the closing task. A routine from the graphics subroutine package for FORTRAN IV, COBOL and PL/I was not executed. The 2250 operator canceled the graphics ·program. SUPERVISOR CODES An error occurred during the execution of the Suspend, Resume, or TCTL function. The operator pressed the RESTART key. A task terminated because a required processor was logically offline. SETLOCK: An invalid request was made. An invalid lockword address was specified; or the SETLOCK function was unable to complete. A SAB specified an invalid ASCB. An error occurred in address space creation Of initialization. A start or stop MONITOR JOBNAMES, STATUS, or SESSIONS was made with an invalid console 10 or ASIO for the terminal user. RCT processing received an unacceptable return code from an invoked routine. RCT ettention exit processing encountered an unacceptable return code from an invoked routine. ACT recovery processing was invok.ed as a result of an unrecoverabl6 error. ACT issued a CALLRTM macro to terminate the address space. A remote immediate, or remote pending, or direct signal interprocessor communications sarvice request was supplied with an invalid PCCA address. An error was detected by the supervisor control recovery function. SETFAR:A FAA is not added to the recovery stack because the stack. is full. IEEVOEV received an invalid parameter. Execution of the address space recovery verification function resulted in an empty TCB queue. OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Code OSh 081 082 083 084 085 086 OS7 08F 09h 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 OAh OA7 DAB 0A9 OAA DAB OAC DAD aBh OBO OBl OB2 OB3 OB4 OB5 OB7 OB8 OB9 DBA OBB Explanation STORAGE MANAGEMENT (ASM arU RSM) CODES GETMAIN or IEAVITAS passed an incorrect virtual address to IEAVSOA. The lockword 10 does not match the caller's 10. ILRGMA: No storage cell was available for a workarea. for an ACE. for an AlE. for an IDE. for a TME. or for a SRB. ILRGMA: The storage cell used for a workares. an ACE. an AlE. an 10E. a TME. or a SRB was not freed. ASPCT: Virtual storage is unavailable for initialization or expansion. ILRACTOl received an error return code from VSAM record-management macro instruction or from the ILRAPROO IT 'jne. ILRAFSOO reeaived an error return code from FREEMAIN. IEAVCKEY: An error occurred during the execution of tho CHANGKEV macro instruction. 8TAM CODES OPEN: A non-communications devico was allocated to the DCB. OPEN: An invalid or unsupported transmission control unit was specified in the UCB. OPEN: An invalid or unsupported terminal control or terminal adepter was specified in the UCB. OPEN: An invalid or unsupported terminal was specified in the UCB. OPEN: An invalid or unsupported optional feature or mode of operation was specified in tho UCB. OPEN: lines allocated to a line group did not have tho identical torminal types and/or optional features. OPEN: Buffers could not be dynemicallv allocated. OPEN: An additional antry could not be placed in devica I/O directory. OPEN: The transmission control unit is not a 2701, or not a dual communication interface; or a dual code faature was not specified in the UCB. OPEN: Dynamic buffering is not supported for V=V. VTAM CODES Either VTAM was unable to schedule a user's TPEND exit routina or, a TPEND exit routine was not specifiod. An invalid RPL or ECB exists. A bad OVT was supplied by the user; or a VTAM lock was held on TPEXIT; or a request for storage was not granted; or storage was not released; or the local address space lock was not obtained; or a request for a device/logical unit was invalid; or control was not passed to proper module. or a HALTNET. CANCEL command was processed. VTAM's FRRs were unable to associate an ABEND condition to a particular TCB. TSO/VTAM: An error occurred while a vnoc module was executing a VTAM macro. TSO/VTAM: A TCAS error occurred. TSO/VTAM: An error occurred while the VTIOC queue manager was executing a GETCELl or FREECELL macro. SCHEDULfR CODES The SWA manager detected an uncorrectable error. Invalid parameters were passed to the master subsystem module. An invalid card exists in the MSTRJCL data sot. An invalid or non-servicable request was sent to a pseudo access method via the APL/ ACB interfaco. The master subsystem was unable to use the SYS1.PROCLIB data set defined by the IEFPDSI card. The master subsystem was unable to ATTACH the converter. A reconfiguration command proceSSing error occurred. An error situation is encountered while processing a START. MOUNT, or LOGON command. Started task control received an invalid (etum code from the master subsystem. Started task control or tha initiator received an invalid retum code from the subsystem interface. The initiator was unabla to ATTACH tha job step task. started task. or logon task. Section 4 4-13 Code OCh OCl OC2 OC3 OC4 DC5 OC6 DC7 OCS OC9 DCA DCB DCC OCO OCE DCF ODh 002 003 OEh Explanation PROGRAM INTERRUPTIONS (0-17) CODES An operation exception occurred. A privileged-operation exception occurred. An execute exception occurred. An protection exception occurred, or a virtual address could not be translated into a real address. An addressing exception occurred. A specification exception occurred. A data exception occurred. A fixed-point-overflow exception occurred. A fixed-point-<:livide exception occurred. A decimal-overflow exception occurred. A decimal-divide exception occurred. An exponent-overflow exception occurred. An exponent-underflow exception occurred. A significance exception occurred. A floating-point-divide exception occurred. PROGRAM INTERRUPTIONS (18-31) CODES A translation specification error occurred. A program check interruption (special operator error) occurred. VIO CODES OE1 EXCP: An error occurred while processing the first EXCP against a via data OE2 EXCP: An error occurred while processing the first EXCP for a vIa data set after a restart. A vIa data set processing error occurred. Unable to scratch a VIO data set. Unable to disconnect the virtual track buffer from a via data set. Unable to process with a scratched data set. A journaling error occurred at step termination or at a checkpoint. A processing error occurred for via data sets after an abnormal system or job step task failure. OE3 OE4 OE5 OEB OE7 DEB OFh OFO OF3 OFB OFB OF9 DFA OFB OFC OFO OFE "L PROLOGUE AND INTERRUPTION HANDLER CODES An error occurred while processing a machine check interruption with the machine check handler's FRR stack active. The task that took the machine check interruption was abnormally terminated. Unrecoverable machine check interruption. A SETEVENT service processing error occurred. The issuer of a SVC was not in TCB mode, or held a lock. or was disabled. Space for a SVRB was not available to honor a SVC request in an address space. Space for a SVRB was not available to honor a SVC request in an address space while an ABEND is in process. A translation exception error occurred. A translation exception error occurred during a TRAS function. A type 6 SVC made a cross-address space SRB request. An error was detected while RMF was sampling data about the state of the system. 100 to Ehh (See Fhh 4-14 "svc and Special-Category Abnormal Completion Codes.") An invalid SVC instruction was issued IOAhhj or an error occurred during the execution of a SVC routine or an aPEN/CLOSE/EaV problem occurred, or the determination routine failed to recognize the passed abnormal termination coda (indicated by message IEC9OO1). OS!VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 SYC and Special-Category Abnormal Completion Codes (J 00 Ehh) Codes are listed by the last two digits (SVC number). and include: • SVC codes (hOO - h7BI • System restart codes (hF31 • JES2 codes (hFAI • JES3 codes (hFB) Supervisor codes (hFC) • MF/1 codes (hFDI • Miscellaneous codes (hFEI Code hOO 200 300 400 500 700 800 AOO BOO EOO hOl 101 201 301 h02 102 202 402 502 702 h03 A03 C03 E03 1104 104 304 Explanation SVC 0 (OAOO) CODES EXCP processing encountered an error when checking the validity of an I/O request. A DEB failed the validity check; or on IOBM value is greater than the value in the DEBEXSCL" field of the DEB. The DeB address in the DEB differs from the DCB address in the JOB. An invalid UCB is specified in the DEB. A program check interruption occurred in a supervisor service routine. An error occurred while fIXing or unfixing a page during EXCP processing. or the IDA bit is ON in e virtual channel program. A program check interruption occurred while processing an I/O request. A program check interruption occurred in an EXCP procedure during EXCP processing of an I/O request. An 10SB is returned with a completion code of 045 due to a program check intarruption in 105. SVC I (OAOI) CODES The problem program specifiad more WAIT events than ECBs. The WAIT macro expansion contained an invalid ECa address. The WAIT macro specified an ECB whose WAIT flag was already "ON". SVC 2 (OA02) CODES The POST macro encountered an invalid ECB address. The POST macro encountered an invalid RB address in the apecified ECB. An invalid EVENTS table address exists in the specified ECB. The EVENTS table is already full. The POST failed attempting to process 8 POST exit request SVC 3 (OA03) CODES When the task attempted to terminate. one or more subtasks were not yet terminated. A date set could not be closed by end-of-task processing. A "must complete" was not reset before the task ettempted termination. SVC 4 (OA04) CODES The GETMAIN macro requested more bytes of virtual storage from tha SOA than were available in real storage. An asynchronous cross-address space POST failed. (Not applicable to SVC 4.\ 504 604 704 S04 B04 A GETMAIN macro requested storage where the length list and the address list would occupy overlapping storage. A GETMAIN macro had an invalid address in the A or LA operand: or a GETMAIN macro had an invalid parametar list address. An uncorrectsble machine. system. or indeterminate error occurred while processing a GETMAIN macro. A GErMAIN was issued for which there was not enough virtual storage available; or e negative length was specified. A GETMAIN macro contained a subpcol specification error. Sactlon 4 4-16 Coda hOS 305 605 705 905 AD5 B05 D05 h06 106 206 306 406 506 Explanation SVC S (OAOS) CODES A PREEMAIN macro contained a subpool specification error. A FREEMAIN macro requested the releaso of stQrage where the length Jist and the address list would occupy overlapping stonlge locations. A FREEMAIN macro had an invalid address in A of LA operand; or the FREEMAIN macro had an invalid panlmeter list address. An uncorrectable machine, system, or indeterminate error occurred while processing the FREEMAIN macro. The address of the storage area specified in the FREEMAIN macro was not on a doubleword boundary. The srea to be freed by the FREEMAIN macro overlapped a free area in virtual storage, or part of the area was still fixed in real storage. A FREEMAIN macro contained a subpool specification error. FREE MAIN macro anempted to free an unowned stonlge area. SVC 6 (OA06) CODES -- Applicable to SVC 6 through SVC 9 LINK. LOAD, ATTACH, or the XCTL macro requested a program which could not be brought into virtual stonlge. LINK, LOAD, XCTl.. or the DELETE macro had an error in its parameter lisL LINK. LOAD, ATTACH, or the XCTL macro requested a module that was not found on the authorized library but was on en unauthorized library, or the module neme was in a CDE entry whose major CDE was unauthorized. LINK. ATTACH, or the XCTL macro requested that a program be marked "only lead able". LINK. LOAD, ATTACH, or the XCTL macro in an overlay program requested a program that could not be loaded. (NOT applicable to SVC 6, 7, B, or 9J 706 806 906 A06 BOO hOA 10A 30A 40A 70A BOA 90A ADA BOA DOA hOB 10B 20B 4-1a LINK. ATTACH, LOAD, or the XCTL macro requested that a module be marked "not executable". LINK. XCTL. ATTACH, or the LOAD macro requested a program or a SVC rd"utine that could not be found; or an I/O error occurred while proceSSing, or an invalid DEB was detected. The maximum use count was exceeded for the LINK. LOAD, ATTACH, or XCTL macro, or the maximum use count and the maximum responsibility count are both exceeded. A prior request for a module already queued for this task is now being requested by the LINK. LOAD, ATTACH, or xcn macro. The system error task. operating on behalf of a user task, abnormally terminated. (NOT applicable to SVC 6, 7, B, or 9.l SVC 10 (OAOA) CODES A A-Type GETMAIN macro requested more bytes of virtual storage from the SOA than were available in real storage. A A-Type FREEMAIN macro contained an error in its subpool specification. A R-Type FREEMAIN macro specified the release of all of subpool 0, SOA,. CSA. LSQA, or an invalid subpool. An uncorrectable machine, system, or indeterminate error occurred while processing a A-type GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro. A R-Type GETMAIN macro specified too much virtual stonlge or a negative length. A R-Type FREEMAIN macro instruction specified a storage area not on a doubleword boundary. A R-Type FREEMAIN macro specified an area that overlapped a free area in virtual storage, or part of the area was still fixed in real storage. The subpool specified by a R-type GETMAIN or FREEfI..AIN macro is erroneous. A R-Type FREEMAIN macro attempted to free an unowned storage area. SVC 11 (OAOB) CODES Input panlmeter errors exist for the TIME servics routine. No usable time-of-day clock is available in the system. OSNS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Code hOD 100 200 4DD 500 COD hOE 10E 20E 30E hOF 20F h12 112 212 h13 113 213 313 413 513 613 713 813 913 A 13 B13 C13 013 E13 h14 214 314 414 614 714 A14 B14 014 Explanation SVC 13 (OAOD) CODES The jobstep task was terminated with a subtask in "step-mlJst-complete" status. An error occurred while a subtask was operating in "step-must-complete" status; or the subtask issued an ABEND macro with the "STEP" option. Recursive errors during the termination of a task caused address space termination to take place. The program tried to use the OPEN, OPEN-J, CLOSE. CLOSE-T, EOV, or FEOV function while holding exclusive control of a resource dafined in theTIOT. A routine found 8 condition that should not occur. RTM2 was invalidly reentered. SVC 14 (DADE) CODES The SPIE macro encountered en invalid PICA address. The SPIE macro encountered an invalid PIE address. The SPIE macro in an unauthorized program specified interruption code 17; or the SPIE caller was in supervisor state; or the SPIE caller's PSW key does not match the caller's TCB key. SVC 15 (OAOF) CODE A non-supervisor state module requested the use of SVC 15 in 105. SVC 18 (OAI2) CODES The BLOL or FIND macros passed invalid input to SVC 18. SVC 18 encountered an error not caused by invalid user input. SVC 19 (OA13) CODES No JFCB extension block wes found. or no JFCB exit was found for the OPEN TYPE.J macro instruction. Ttle OPEN macro could not be executed for a data set on a direct access device. The OPEN macro could not be executed for a data set on a direct access device. The OPEN macro could not be executed for e data ~et on a magnetic tape or direct access device. The tape device specified by the OPEN macro already Ilas an open data set on it. An I/O error occurred while positioning, raading. or writing on a magnetic ..... The expiration data of the data set specified by the OPEN macro had not yet been read1ed. The data set name in the header label did not match that in the JFCB (occurs only when using the OPEN macro for tape). While processing an OPEN macro, an error occurred involving e password-protected data set or a checkpointed data set. The date set requested by the OPEN macro is not found (tape only). The OPEN macro could not be executed for 8 data set on a 1403 primer. The OPEN macro could not be executed for a concatenated partitioned data set or 8 graphics device. The OPEN macro could not be exacuted for a grephics DCB when the DCB is associated with a non-graphics device. The OPEN macro could not be executed for a graphics DCB when the DCBGNCP fiald contains an invalid value. SVC 20 (OA14) CODES The CLOSE macro could not be executed for 8 data set on 8 magnetic tapeU/O error). The CLOSE macro could not be executocl for a data set on a direct acceaa daviceU/O errorl. The CLOSE macro encountered an I/O error while writing 8 DSCB. The CLOSE macro detected an error while attempting to write a file mark. The CLOSE macro detected an I/O erTOr while writing a trailer labelOf'" a tape mark. The CLOSE macro encountered an I/O error while attempting a partial release of space on a direct access device. The CLOSE macro could not be executed for a partitioned data set opened for output to a member. The CLOSE mecro for a graphics DCB. could not be executed. Sec:tlon 4 4-17 Code hI5 Explanation SVC 21 (OA15) CODES 115 A DCB did not point to a valid DEB; or a valid DEB did not point back to 215 315 the correct DCB. An error exists in the contents of the DCB or the parameter list being used. A STOW error occurred that was not caused by invalid user input. hl7 117 317 417 717 hIS 11 a 21 a h19 119 219 hlA llA fl22 122 222 322 522 622 722 a22 922 A22 fl23 A23 BZ3 OZ3 E23 h2S 12B 22B 32B fl2A 12A 22A 42A 52A 72A B2A 92A 4-18 SVC 23 (OAI7) CODfS An I/O error occurred while executing a TYPE_T, CLOSE macro (BSAM). The TYPE_ T, CLOSE macro encountered an I/O error reading the OSCB; on a direct access device. The TYPE .. T, CLOSE macro encountered an I/O error while writing an updated DSCB (BSAM). The TYPE .. T, CLOSE macro detected an I/O error while writing a trailer label or a tape mark. SVC 24 (DAIS) CODES Invalid parameters were passed to DEVTYPE. An error occurred that was not caused by invalid user input. SVC 25 (OAI9) CODES Invalid input was passed to SVC 25. An error occurred that was not caused by invalid user input. SVC 26 (OAIA) CODES A protection check occurred attempting to store into a user-supplied OS/VS CAMLST work area. SVC 34 (OA22) CODES The operator canceled the job and requested e dump. The operator canceled the job. The job, job step, or cataloged procedure exceeded the specified time. An ECa specified in a WAIT request was never posted. A task activated by a TSO terminal was not initiated. The specified output limit was exceeded. The region required to run the step could not be obtained. ABEND, program check interruption, machine check interruption, or depression of the RESTART key occurred when the initiator was executing. The operator entered the FORCE command for the job. SVC 35 (OA23) CODES A cross-address space POST using an invalid ECa address was specified by the communications task. A WTOR went unanswered. An invalid parameter list exists, or subpool space is unavailable. An ECB address, RB address, or virtual storage area address is invalid. SVC 40 (OA2S) CODES The EXTRACT macro received an invalid address at which to store the requested fields. The EXTRACT macro received an invalid parameter list address. The TCB specified in tha sacond operand of EXTRACT macro is not a subtask of the task issuing the EXTRACT. SVC 42 (OA2A) CODES A task attempted to give a shared subpool to e subtask. An invalid subpool was specified on the ATTACH macro. The ECB operend of the ATTACH macro is specified with an invalid ECB address. Insufficient LSQA storage exists to copy the nacessary STAI information. An invalid parameter addrass is used in the ATTACH macro. The ATTACH macro specified an invalid subpoollD. An anvironmental error occurred in SVC SO, in subpool 255, or in SErLOCK. OSNS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Coda h2C 12C 22C h2D 12D 22D 32D 42D C2D 020 E2D h2E 12E 22E h2F 12F 22F h30 130 Explanation SVC 44 (OA2C) CODES An invalid address for a subtask TCB was supplied in the CHAP macro. An invalid TCB address was specified in the CHAP macro. SVC 45 (OA2D) CODES Words 3 and 4 of the segment table are incorrect. An invalid address exists in the segment table or the entry table. A record of incorrect length was found; or an uncorrectable I/o error occurred while loading a segment from a library. An error occurred in SEGLD processing. An invalid scatter record exists. An invalid record type exists. An invalid address was found. SVC 46 (OA2E) CODES Erroneous input parameters exist for the TTIMER service routine. No usable time-of-day clock was available for TTIMER service routine. SVC 47 (OA2F) CODES Erroneous input parameters exist for the STIMER service routine. No useable combination of the time-of-day clock and clock comparator or no usable processor timer is available for the STIMER service routine. SVC 48 (OA30) CODES 630 A resource was specified for DEO that had not been previously specified by ENO under the same task. An invalid length was specified for the name representing a resource being dequeued. An unauthorized task attempted to use the authorized options of the DEQ macro. An invalid parameter list was used for the DEO macro. A task issued an ENO macro for a resource; Before the ENO request was filled. this same task issued a DEO macro for the same resource. An out-of-storage condition occurred during the execution of the DEO 730 An unexpected error occurred during the processing of a DEO request. 230 330 430 530 h33 133 233 h35 135 235 335 435 535 h37 137 237 337 437 637 737 837 937 SVC 51 (OA33) CODES An unauthorized caller invoked an SVC dump via the SDUMP macro. Invalid parameters were passed to SVC dump. SVC 53 (OA3S) CODES Exclusive control of a resource could not be obtained or released. A control block required as input to SVC 53 was not in the user's region and/or did not have the user's storage key. The data set does not contain the block for which acquisition or release of exclusive control is requested. An input DCB points to an invalid DEB. or the lOB has been altered by other than a system routine. No storage was available for the GErMAIN issued by SVC 53. SVC 55 (OA37) CODES An I/O error occurred during the end-of-volume processing for a magnetic tape; or an invalid header or a trailer label was read. An invalid block count or dsname exists. No EODAD routine was specified in the DCB when an EOF occurred. An invalid DCB pointer exists. An I/O error occurred during end-of-volume processing for a data set on magnetic tape. or an error occurred during concatenation. An I/O error occurred during end-of-volume processing. or during the allocation of a secondary quentity of direct access storage. An error occurred during end-of-volume processing for a sequential data sat. An error occurred during end-of-voluma processing for a checkpoint data set. or a RACF protected data set. Section 4 4-18 Coda Explanation A37 Tha DCB _8 nat apan whan end-cf-valuma precessing took placa. A volume cannot be demounted; or an invalid VTOC could not be converted; or a direct access volume contained the maximum number of 837 C37 An end-of-voluma condition cccurred on a data set opened for input. but the naxt volume of the data set contained mare than 16 extents. Or a type of split cylindar allocation exists that cannot be processed under 037 E37 No secondary space was requested. No more volumes were available; or a OSCB with a duplicate data set name on the next volume was found. OS/VS. h3S 138 238 338 438 638 738 838 h39 139 239 339 SVC 56 (OA3S) CODES Two END mecro instructions were issued for the- same resource in the same task without an intervening OEQ macro instruction. An invalid length was specified on an ENQ macro for the name representing the resource. An unauthorized task attempted to use an authorized ENQ option. An invalid parameter list was created for the ENQ macro. An out-of-storage condition occurred during the execution of an ENQ macro. An unaxpected arror occurred during the execution of an ENQ macro. Serious damage occurred to the ENQ/OEQ control blocks. SVC 57 (OA39) CODES An error occurred while freeing a buffer or extending the unscheduled test. A control block required as input to SVC 57 was not in the user's region and/or did not have the user's storage key. The DEB pointed to by the DCBDEBAD field of the DCB was not on a DEB chain for that job step TCB, or did not point back to that DCB. Or the request was issued for e data set which was neither BDAM or ISAM. h3C SVC 60 (OA3C) CODES 13C An invalid request was detected. h3E 13E 23E 33E 43E 53E haF 13F 23F h40 240 h44 144 SVC 62 (OA3E) CODES The calling task issued a DETACH macro specifying STAE.NO before a subtask had terminated. The DETACH macro detected e storage key error or an invalid parameter. The DETACH macro specifying STAE .. YES was issued by the originating task before e subtask had completed execution. An invalid ECB address was specified for the ATTACH macro. An error occurred during end-of-task processing. SVC 63 (OAlF) CODES A checkpoint restart error occurred. An unauthorized usar has attempted to read or write a checkpoint data set. SVC 64 (OA40) CODES The RDJFCB macro datected an error in e DCB. SVC 68 (OA44) CODES An Invalid access method code was specified in the high artier byte of register 16. 244 344 444 544 644 744 4-20 An Invalid register save area was provided by the user. An Invalid DCB address was used. An Invalid DECB address was used. An Invalid lOB eddress was used. The message buffer was modified or freed. A program check intemlption occurred that was not caused by invalid user input. OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Code h4S 145 245 h4F 14F hSl Explanation SVC 69 (OA4S) CODES An invalid DCB or ICB is used. An error occurred that was not caused by invalid user input. SVC 79 (OA4F) CODES The STATUS macro was used for a function other than STOP, STOP SYNCH, or START, and the user was not iri supervisor key (0-7). SVC 81 (OA5l) CODES 151 An invalid parameter list address was passed to the SETPRT macro. 251 The SETPRT macro detected an invalid DeB exit list. 351 451 The SETPRT macro could not be executed. The SETPAT macro detected an invalid DCB, invalid lOBs, an invalid DEB address, or a DCB exit list address. hS3 153 h57 157 h5C 15C hSD 150 hSF 15F 25F 35F 45F 55F h60 260 h69 169 269 h68 168 h6D 160 260 360 h6E 16E SVC 83 (OA53) CODES An error occurred in the cross-address space communications for SMF record processing. SVC 87 (OAS7) CODES The issuer of a OOM request is not in the same address space and is not a privileged task. SVC 92 (OASC) CODES The program issuing SVC 92 was not in supervisor state. SVC 93 (OASD) CODES An invalid data area is specified in the TGET or TPUT macro and detected by SVC 93. SVC 95 (OASF) CODES The system resources manager is invalidly invoked. A system failure destroyed the data used by the system resources manager. An sddress space was non-swappable when a SYSEVENT, TRANSWAP (X'OE'I. was issued. A quiese or swap-out failed whUe 8 transition swap (TRANSWAPI or requested swap (REQSWAP) was pending. An error was encountered during the execution of the XMPOST SRB for an issuer of SYSEVENT, TRANSWAP or REQSWAP. SVC 96 (OA60) CODES The STAX SVC detected an invalid user parameter. SVC lOS (OA69) CODES The CLOSE macro passed an invalid DCB address to IMGUB. An error occurred during the execution of the IMGUB macro. SVC 107 (OA68) CODES An invalid parameter list exists. SVC 109 (OA6D) CODES An invalid ESR code for sve 109, 116, or 122 was detected. MF/1 could not initialize, collect or reinitialize the workload activity measurements. A communications error occurred between AMF and the system resources manager. SVC 110 (OA6E) CODES The DEBCHK function was not completed. (Applies to SVC 117, not SVC 110.) Section 4 4-21 Code h6F 36F 56F tl71 171 271 h72 172 h7S Explanation SVC 111 (DA6F) CODES An invalid entry code was passed to SVC 111. or DEBCHK processing found that the DEB was invalid. or the DEB was not a subsystem DEB. An error occurred during end-of-job processing for a JES2 job that was being processed by an execution batch monitor. SVC 113 (OA71) CODES An illegal or invalid request is made for the PGFIX. PGFAEE. PGlOAD. or PGOUT macro. An unauthorized call is made for the PGFIX or PGFREE macro. SVC 114 (DA72) CODE An SVC 114 was issued with one of the following conditions: the protect key was not correct {not 0 thru 71. the request was not issued in the supervisor state. or the authorization bit was not set in the JSCB. SVC 117 (OA7S) CODES (See completion code 16EI hll 177 h78 178 378 478 77S 87S 97S A7S S7S D7S h79 179 279 h7A 17A 37A 47A h7B 178 278 4-22 SVC 119 (DAll) CODES Invalid input parameters were detected by TESTAUTH. SVC 120 (OA78) CODES The RC or AU type GETMAIN macro requested more bytes of virtual storage from the SQA than were available in real storage. The RC or RU type FREEMAIN macro contained an error in its subpool specification. The RC or AU type FREEMAIN macro contained an error in its subpool specification. An uncorrectable machine, system. or indeterminate error occurred while processing the RC or RU type GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro. Not enough virtual storage is available for the GErMAIN issuer. or the RC or AU type GETMAIN issuer specified a negative length. The address of the storage area specified by the RC or AU type FAEEMAIN macro was not on a doubleword boundary. An error occurred in defining the area to be freed by the AC or AU type FAEEMAIN macro. The RC or RU type GETMAIN or FAEEMAIN macro contained a subpool specification error. The RC OR RU type FAEEMAIN macro attempted to free an unowned storage area. SVC 121 (OA79) CODES Anyone of the following conditions; • PGFIX or SETlOCK fail. • The conversion to a real address (honoring a lRA instructionl fails. • The block sire for track overflow is not 4k. An invalid BUFC or protection check is indicated in the 10SB by 105. SVC 122 (OA7A) CODES An invalid EVENTS table address was specified. A request was issued for an EVENTS table being waited on by another program. The ENTRIES specification is incorrect (not from 1 to 32.7671. SVC 123 (OA7B) CODES An invalid ASIO was specified when the PUAGEOO SVC was issued. A PURGEOO received a non-zero return code from FESTAE. OS!VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Code Explanation hlD 170 370 470 570 670 770 B70 SVC hB2 EB2 SVC SVC 131 (OA83) CODES An error occurred while disabled. An inactive SVC was invoked. SVC 132 (OAB4) CODES h84 E84 An error occurred while disabled. An inactive SVC was invoked. SVC 133 (DABS) CODES haS EB5 An error occurred while disabled. An inactive SVC was invoked. SYSTEM RESTART CODES hF3 2F3 A system failure occurred. JES2 CODES hFA 1FA Invalid data management control blocks were found by JES2. JES3 CODES hFB 1FB 2FB 3FB 4FB 5FB 6FB 7FB BFS An error condition exists that was caused by either module, IATOMEB, or module,IATSIDM. The JES3 address space abnormally terminated. Sufficient storage could not be obtained in subpool 241 to build a OSB or to create an RAS. Sufficient storage could not be obtained in subpool 241 for the SSISERV; or sufficient storage could not be obtained in subpool 230 for user address space buffers; or an error occurred while processing TOE. An error occurred during the execution of an MV5-JES3 allocation subsystem interface routine. An error condition exists. The reason code is in the high-order byte of register 15; the return code is in the low-order byte of register 15. An error occurred during the execution of the MVS JES3 dynamic device reconfiguretion (ODR) subsystem interface routines. An error occurred in one of the interpreter service non-JES3 support areas. SUPERVISOR CODES hFC 1Fe 2FC 3FC 4FC 5FC 6FC hFD 1FO 130 (OA82) CODES An error occurred while disabled. An inactive SVC was invoked. h83 EB3 125 (OA7D) CODES An invalid EVENTS table address was specified. A request was issued for an EVENTS table being waited on by another program. An invalid LAST parameter was specified. An invalid EeB address was specified. A "WAITED ON" EeB is trying to be initialized. Invalid input options were specified. The event table is full. An An An An error occurred in executing a SVC first level interruption handler. error occurred while executing the I/O first level interruption handler. error occurred while executing the oxtemal first level interruption handler. error occurred while executing the program check first level interruption handler. An error occurred while executing the restart first level interruption handler, An error occurred while a 5PIE exit routine was being set up by the program-check first level interruption handler. MF/l CODES An error was detected by MF/1 while sampling data about the state of the system. Section 4 4-23 1/0 Error Indicators 1/0 errors are indicated in: " The channel status word ICSW) • The limited channel logout area uce • The sense bytes (Sense bytes 0 and 1 are also stored in the lOB (Input/Output Block), in the fields IOBSENSO and IOBSENS1 (offsets X'02' and X'03'). A maximum of 64 bytes of sense information is also stored by the individual ERPs in the EWA (ERP work area). This information is in the field EWAIERP (offset X'20') in EWA.) CHANNEL STATUS WORD IPSA + 40 hex) CCWaddress 345678 I I Unit status 31 Channel status 39 40 32 47 48 5 Logout pending &7 Deferred condition code 32 (BO) Attention 33 (20) Control unit end 35 36 37 38 (10) (08) (04) (02) 39 (01) Unit exception 6 7 8 9 10 11 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48-63 [401 Status modifier 34 Busy Channel end Device end Unit check Processor Channel Storage control unit Storage unit Processor Olannel Main storage control Main storage 4-24 I 12 15 16 17-18 I. 20 21 Byte count 55 156 (80) Program- controlled interruption (40) Incorrect length (20) Program check (10) Protection check (08) Channel data check (04) Channel control check (021lnteriace control check (011 Chaining check Residual byte count for the last CON used Control unit Limited channel logout is valid (not used on all models) Interface address Reserved (00) Sequence code Unit status Command addre5S and key OS/VSZ Debugging Handbook Volume 1 22 23 24-25 00 01 10 11 27 28(A) 29-31 Channel address Device address TYpe of tennination Interface disconnect StoP. stack or normal Selective reset System reset Interfaceoperativa 110 error alert Sequence code 63 Page of GC28·0708·1 Revised July 16. 1979 By TNt GN28-2984 SelUe lJyleJ The $8rn;e bytes are found in the EWA data area at offset X'02'. The first two sense bytes can also be found in tho lOB data area at offset X'20', and in ths 1058 data area at offset X'2A'. Also, error message IEAOOOI, when issued, contains sense byte data. The following abbreviatjons are used in the chart on the next pages. local storage register ACCT Acrouol LSR Loop write to read ADDR Add.... LWR ADV AlU AMT ATT Advon"" B" BKWD BLK BOC BPI BR BUF Beck Backward B_ Branch on condition Bits per inch .",nch CARR CH CHAR CH" CMD CNT CNTRl CNVTT COMP COMPT CORR CRC CU CYL ceaoo< Protection ... Recognition and control ""', ," R""",,,, Raed bock Reedy """'"' -- Register """'" Required R_ _I Ribbon Re.J-onIy storage Req~t for price Qootation Rotational position Hflsing Request Rewind Rewinding Road/write -- ~controlunit .-... Seq"""", Spurious Special record transfemd S..... T_ -S_ed Stack" """'" Syodu,,"o", Tepemieate -Tape mark T_ Tepe unit Un~chItrecter_ UniverMI c::har.:ter set """'" -Iec:dan 4 4·25 Page of Ge2S·0708-1 Revised July 16, 1979 By TNL GN28·2984 VEL WRT Write VRC WTM Write tape mark '-,~ ij 4·25.0 OS!VSZ DoIDugaing ~ Volume 1 July 16. 1979 / Sectian 4 4-25.1 Palll of GC2B-070S-1, Rewised JulV 16, 1979, By TNL GN28-2984 BYTE 0 ~ 4 5 6 DATA CHK OVER· RUN LOST DATA TIME OUT EO CHK DATA CHK OVER· RUN NON RCVY KYBD CORR BUS BUS EO CHK DATA CHK OVER· RUN NON RCVY' SHOULD NOT OCCUR BUS OUT EO CHK OVER· RUN AUTO SELECT NOT USED LATE STKR SELECT AUTO SELECT OP/ 0 1 2 3 33. 35. 1030, 1050 CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT EO CHK 1052,2150 CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT EO CHK 1287 CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT 1288 CMO REJ .NT REO 1403,1443 CMO REJ .NT REO DEVICE h-hBAR DATA 1419/1275 PCU CMO REJ 'NT REO BUS OUT 1419/1275 SCU CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT CHK 2021,2540 CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK 2250 CMO REJ SHOULD NOT OCCUR BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK 2260 CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT EO CHK 230. CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT 2314,2319 CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT 2400 CMO REJ .NT REO 2495 CMO REJ 2501.2520 ~HK 7 CH9 BAR ATT SHOULD NOT OCCUR UN· USUAL CMO 8UFFER RUN· NING SHOULD NOT OCCUR SHOULD NOT OCCUR SHOULD NOT OCCUR SHOULD NOT OCCUR SHOULD NOT OCCUR EO CHK DATA CHK OVER· RUN EO CHK DATA CHK OVER· RUN BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK OVER· RUN WORD CNT ZERO DATA CNVTT CHK .NT REO BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK SHOULD NOT OCCUR POSN CHK SHOULD NOT OCCUR CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK OVER· RUN 2671 CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK 2701,2702 CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT ED CHK DATA CHK 2715 CMO REJ BUS OUT EO CHK 2803,2804 CMO REJ BUS OUT EO CHK .NT REO EO CHK OVER· RUN TIME OUT LOST DATA TIME OUT OVER· RUN WORD CNT ZERO DATA CNVTT CHK DATA CHK BUFFER PARITY CHK LOAD CHK CH9 CNTL CHK CMO REJ .NT REO 3210,3215 CMO REJ 'NT REO 3270 CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK UNIT SPEC 3330/3333 Modi, Mod II CMO REJ .NT REO BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK OVER· RUN 6-28 LOST DATA DATA CHK 3203,3211 BUS OUT INVAL ADDR EO CHK OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Vol ....... , OP CHK J July 16, 1979 I3YTE 0 IContinued) ~ DEVICE 3340/3344 3350 0 CMD REJ CMO REJ 1 INT REO INT REO 2 BUS OUT BUS OUT 4 3 EO CHK EO CHK 5 DATA OVER- CHK RUN DATA CHK OVERRUN 3410/3411 CMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO CHK CHK OVER· RUN 3420/3803 CMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK RUN 3505,3525 CMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK 3540 CMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT CHK EO CHK DATA CHK 3Boo CMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK EO CHK DATA COND CHK TRK COND CHK WOAD CNT ZERO WORD CNT ZERO ABNORMAL FORMAT RESET LOAD CHK NON 3BB6 CMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT 3890 CMO REJ INT REO BUS OUT EO CHK 3895 CMD REJ INT REO BUS OUT 7770 CMD REJ BUS OUT EO CHK DATA CHK - OVER- 7 6 TRK INIT SEEK CHK SEEK CHK DATA CNVTT CHK DATA CNVTT CHK PERMANE NT ERROR (BYPASS KEY) CH. RCP ERR RUN· NING DATA CHK NON EO DATA NON CHK CHK INIT RUNNING INIT OVER· RUN BYTE 1 ~ I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 INVAL OP SHOULD NOT OCCUR SHOULD NOT OCCUR SHOULD NOT OCCUR INVAL SHOULD NOT OCCUR SHOULD NOT OCCUR SHOULD NOT OCCUR ACCT# FIELD VALID TRANSit SERIAL# FIELQ FIELD VALID VALID 2840 2840 OUTPUT CHECK INPUT CHECK DEVICE 33, 35, 1030, 1050 1052,2150 1287 1288 TAPE MODE SHOULD NOT OCCUR LATE STKR SELECT NO DOC END OF PAGE NO OOC FOUND FOUND SHOULD NOT OCCUR SHOULD NOT OCCUR OP 1403,1443 DOC UNDER READ HEAD 1419/1275 PCU AMT FIELD VALID PROCESS CNTRL FIELD VALID 1419/1275 SCU 2021,2540 I LIGHT 2250 END PEN ORDER DETECT SEa CHAR MODE 2260 Section 4 4-27 Page of GC28-0708·', Revised July 16, 1979, By TNL GN28·2984 BYTE 1 (Continued) ~ DEVICE 0 2 1 3 2305 PERM ERR INVAL TRK FORMAT END OF eYL 2314.2319 DATA CHK IN COUNT TRK OVER· RUN ENO OF eYL 2400 NOISE 2803.2804 NOISE 3203 eMD RETRY PAT CHK eMD RETRY PRINT eHK PRINT QUAL· ITY LINE POSN 3330/3333 Mod I, Mod II , PERM ERR INVAL TRK FORMAT END OF eYL STATE VAR PRES 3340/3344 PERM ERR VAL TRL FORMAT END OF eYL 3350 PERM ERR 3410/3411 NOISE 3420/3803 NOISE VAL TRL FORMAT TU STATUS A TU STATUS A END OF eYL TU STATUS B TU STATUS 4 5 ND REe FOUND FILE PROT INVAL SEQ NO REC· FOUND FILE PROT 00 NON·XST TU 01-NOTREADY 10-ROY AND NO RWD l1-RDYAND RWDNG 7TRK AT LOAD POINT TU STATUS A 7TRK 6 7 OPER· ATiON INL SERVICE OVER· RUN OVER· FLOW INL WRT STATUS FILE PAOT· ECT NOT CAP· ABLE LOAD POINT SEL& WRT STATUS FILE PROT NOT COMP FORMS eHK CMD SUP CNTALR eHK 2495 2501,2520 2671 2701,2702 2715 TU STATUS B LlNEPOS eHK 3210,3215 3211 o eMD SUP MECHA· NICAL MOTION FILE PAOT WRITE INHIBIT REe FOUND. FILE PROT WRITE INHIBIT ND REe FOUND AT LOAD POINT FILE PROT WRITE INHIBIT FORMS eHK 3270 3505.3525 PERM· ANENT ERROR AUTO· MATIC RETRY 3540 PEAM ERR AUTO· MATIC RETRY 3800 4·28 B MOTION MAL· FUNC· TION NO REe FOUND NO 7 TRK TU LOAD POINT WRT STATUS WRT STATUS NOT CAP· ABLE NOT CAP· ABLE RETRY AFTER INT REO COM· PLETE RETRY AFTER INT COM· PLETE SRT BIT MEANINGS DEPENDENT UPON BYTE O. SeE TABLE OF "3800 SENSE B..... TES 0-2" OSNS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 FILE PROT· ECT FILE PROT· EeT OPER· ATION INC OPER· ATION INC OPER· ATION INC I July 16, 1979 BYTE 1 (Continued) ~ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 NON REeov· VERY OUT· BOARD DEVICE 3886 MARK CHK INVAL FORMAT INCQMP SCAN 3890 Section 4 4·28.1 July 16, 1979 4-28.2 OSNS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Page of GC2B·070B-l, Revised July 16, 1979, By TNL GN28·2984 BYTE 1 (Continued) ~ 0 DEVICE 3895 PRED REO 2 1 3 5 4 FEED CMO REO FEA CHK INC PRO 7 6 MERGE FEED REO PROC NOT FUNC 7770 BYTE 2 ) ~ 0 DEVICE 2250 2305 2314,2319 I FULL UN- SAFE SHIFT REG CHK SKEW FAIL CTR CHK 81T9 6 & 7 INDICATE NO ERROR OR MULTI· ERROR FORMS FEA· TURE FEA· TURE CARR SEO CHK CARR STOP CHK PLATEN FAILED TOADV PLATEN FAILED TO RE· TRACT TRAIN VEL CHK FORMS RIBBON MOTION JAM TRAIN OVER· LOAD COR· RECT· ABLE ENV DATA PRESENT COMP CHK COR· RECT· ABLE ENV DATA COMP CHK MODULE MODULE SIZE SIZE COR· RECT· ABLE ENV DATA COMP CHK MODULE MODULE SIZE SIZE TRACK IN ERROR 3420/3803 TRACK IN ERROR 3800 BIT 10 JAM 3410/3411 3540 7 TRACK IN ERROR OR DEAD TRACK REGISTER CARR FAILED TO MOVE RPS 3505,3525 6 CaMP CHK CARR CARR FAILED MOTION TO MOVE CHK RPS 3350 5 BITSO 7 INDICATE A TRACK IS IN ERROR 3330/3333 Mod I, Mod II 3340/3344 4 COR· RECT· ABLE 2803,2804 3211 3 BUFFER ADDRESS REGISTER BIT 11 BIT 14 BIT 13 BIT 12 BIT 15 BUF LOG 2400 3203 2 1 USED FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES ONLY USED FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES ONLY BIT MEANINGS DEPENDENT UPON BYTE 0 SEE TABLE OF "3800 SENSE BYTES 0·2" Section 4 4-29 Pall! of GC28-070S-1. R.,.ised July 16. 1979. By TNl GN28·2984 BVTE3 ~ 1 0 4 3 2 5 7 6 DEVICE BUFFER ADDRESS REGISTER 2250 BIT8 I 81T' I I BITS I BIT5 I 81T4 I BIT3 I BIT2 I BIT 1 RESTART COMMAND 2305 2314.2319 LRC BITD LRC BIT 1 LRC BIT2 LRC BIT 3 2400 RNI VRC LRC SKEW CRC 2803,2804 RNI VRC LRC! MULTI· TASK SKEW CRC/ EOO CHK SKEW REG VRC/EN CHK COIL PROT HAM FIR COIL PROT CHK HAM· MER FIRE 3203 ~CSB PAR PlB PAR UCSB PARITY 3211 PLB PARITY FC8 PARITY SKEW REa VRC 0·800 1·1600 BK.WD STATUS COM· PARE BKWD C COMP SYNC CHK FIELD END UCSAR SYNC CHK SEP SYNC 3330/3333 Modi .. Mod II RESTART COMMAND 3340 "RESTART COMMAND 3350 RESTART COMMAND 3410/3411 VRC MTE/ LAC SKEW MTE/ LRC SKEW END DATA ENV CHK CHKI CRCR 3420/3803 RNI VRC END DATA CHK/ CRC VRC ENV CHK o 1600 8PI SET IN TU BKWO 1600 BPI SET IN BKWD TU CIP COM· PARE USED FOR DIAGNOSTIC PURPOSES aNt Y 3505.3525 TRACK IN ERROR 3540 3800 PRINTER PAGE BUFFER ROY EMPTY BK DATA CHK ~~~~';..D. ED FOR SYSTEM P~~~O RESTART DUCTOR ~~!~~ER ~5iRED :~X:~Co BVTE4 ~ 0 1 2314.2319 SEa INO 0 SEa INO 1 2400 ECHO ERR REJ TAPE UNIT DEVICE 2 3 4 5 6 7 2305 2803.2804 3203 4-3Q PHYSICAL DRIVE IDENTIFICATION READ CLOCK ERR REJ TU WRITE CLOCK ERR DELAY eNTR ERR SEa INO C SEa INO 8 SEa INO A WRT TRC VRC START RO CHK SEa INO C SEa INO B SEa INO A ALWAYS X"84" OS/VS2 Debugging H.ndbook Volume 1 July 16. 1979 Byte 4 (Continued) '~ DEVICE 3330/3333 I 0 I I I I I 1 2 3 4 Mod I. Mod II PHYSICAL DRIVE IDENTIFICATION 3340/3344 PHYSICAL DRIVE IDENTIFICATION 3350 PHYSICAL DRIVE IDENTIFICATION 5 J I 6 Sl!ction 4 7 4·30.1 July 16, 1979 4-30.2 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Page of GC2S·0708-1, Revised July 16, 1979, By TNL GN28·2984 Byte 4 (Continued) 3410/3411 TAPE UNIT POSN CHK TAPE UNIT REJ ALU/MP HARO· WARE ERROR REJ TAPE UNIT TRK CHK TAPE UNIT CHK LWR ERROR CHK DIAG TI EOT SPARE ~ 3420/3803 TAPE INDI· CATE WRITE TGR VRC MICRO· PRGM DETECT ERROR TAPE UNIT BINARY ZERO 35<0 3800 DIAGNOSTIC STATUS CODES BYTES , ~ DEVICE 0 2 1 3 4 5 7 6 CYLINDER ADDRESS 2305 2314.2319 2400 2803,2804 ~ I 3203 COMMAND IN PROGRESS WHEN OVERFLOW INCOMPLETE OCCURS OR ZERO FUT DEN DIAG MADE CE FUNC RIB REV REST KE~ RESET LINE CNTR SPACE KEY IDLE STAT START KEY RPO STOP KEY 3330/3333 Mod I, Mod II CYLINDER ADDRESS 3340 CYLINDER ADDRESS 3350 3410/3411 3420/3803 LOW ORDER LOGICAL CYLINDER ADDRESS NEW NEW SUB· SYSTEM SUB· SYSTEM NEW NEW SUB· SYSTEM sua· SYSTEM 35<0 3800 WRT TAPE MARK CHK WRT TAPE MARK CHK ID BURST 10 BURST PARITY DOM· PARE START READ CHK TACHO· METER CHK FALSE END RPO MARK EXCESS· PARTIAL IVE RECORD POST· AMPLE ORTM RPO SECTOR IN ERROR DIAGNOSTIC ERROR·DEPENDENT DATA Section 4 4-31 Page of GC2S-070S·1, Revised JulV 16, 1979, By TNL GN2S-2984 BYTE 6 ~ DEVICE 0 1 2 2305 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 CURRENT HEAD ADDR 3203 INVAL FUNC ROST HI-SPD FLT DATA eHK I: 3330/3333 Mod I REVERSE eYL HIGH DIFFER HIGH HEADADDR CYl 3330/3333 Mod II 512 3340/3344 REVERSE 3350 REVERSE eYL HIGH eYL HIGH eYL 3410/3411 3420/3803 WRITE DUAL CUR· DEN· RENT SITY FAILURE 3800 HALT HEAOADDR DIFFER HIGH DUAL DEN· SITY I HEADADDR 256 DIFFER HIGH SHORT GAP MODE 7 TRK INVAL rRLR; BUSOUT I/OCMD PAR HEAD ADDA ALTER· NATE DENSITY TU MODEL DENSITY NOT TAFE UNIT MODEl DEFINED 1600 DIAGNOSTIC ERROR-DEPENDENT DATA " BYTE 7 ~ DEVICE 0 1 2 3 5 4 6 PRINT eHK 3203 eA8 2 PAR DUCT PAR INTRR OVRN SPUR INTRR MBSB FMR PAR 3330/3333 Modi FORMAT OF REMAINING SENSE BYTES (8 - 23) ENCODED ERROR MESSAGE 3330/3333 Mod II FORMATOF REMAINING SENSE BYTES (8·23) ENCODED ERROR MESSAGE 3340/3344 FORMAT Of REMAINING SENSE BYTES (8·23) ENCODED ERROR MESSAGE 3350 FORMAT OF REMAINING SENSE BYTES (8 - 23) 3410{3411 TAPE BOTTOM RIGHT COLUMN eHK RESET KEY 3420/3803 TAPE TAPE LAMP BOTTOM FAILURE BOTTOM RIGHT LEFT RESET KEY 4-32 DATA SECURITY ERASE eHK DATA SECUR- lTV ERASE HEAD ERASE DIAGNOSTIC ERROR-DEPENDENT DATA OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 TIME OUT ENCODED ERROR MESSAGE TAPE LAMP BOTTOM FAILURE LEfT COLUMN eHK eHK 3-SOO 7 ENCODED ERROR MESSAGE 2305 AIR SEARING LOAD FAILURE PRES· SURE Page of GC28-070B-l, Revised July 16, 1979, By TNL GN28-29B4 BYTES ~ DEVICE 3203 0 FAIL TO MOVE 3800 ACCEL TOO SLOW WRT FEEDTHROUGH CHK 3410/3411 3420/3803 1 IBG DET IN WRT FEED THRU 2 MISSING FDBK PULSE 3 EXTRA FDBK PULSE 4 STEP CHK 5 1 STEP 2 CHK ENO VELDCITY NO READBACK START VElOCITY CHK DATA CHK EARLY BEGIN RO 8K CHK EARLY END RD BK CHK SAGC SLOW BEGIN RD BK CHK 7 6 CARR OP CARR INC CNTRLD STOP MARGINAl VELD· CITY SLOW END RO BK CHK VElOCITY RETRY! RESTART DIAGNOSTIC ERROR-DEPENDENT DATA Q Section 4 4-32_1 July 16. 1979 4-32.2 0SNS2 Debugging Handbook VolurnI 1 Piige of GC2B-0708-1. Revised July 16, 1979. By TNL GN28-2984 BYTE9 ~ 0 1 FORMS OUTOF FORMS OEVICE 3203 CHK 2 5 4 3 STACKER FRONT ATTCHMT PRNTR INOPNO FUlUJAN INTRLK COIL COil OPEN PROT PROT 7 6 TRAIN VEL SYNC CHK 0 3410/3411 VELDC- 3420/3803 6250 COR lTV CHGE WHILE WRTNG 3BOO CH BUF CRC CH" III 3803-2 CU RESVO DIAGNOSTIC ERROR-DEPENDENT DATA BYTE 10 ~ 0 DEVICE 3203 1 FUNCGO MISSING NPL DEV REJ RDY DATA 3 STATUS CNTRl STATUS REJ REJ 5 6 7 SYNC CHK I FOLDING NO BlK ON RCD RD BK CHK 3BOO 4 SYNC CHK 2 CHK CMD 3420/3803 2 BlK WTM NOT TACHOMETER DETECT START FAIL VELOCITY DIAGNOSTIC ERROR-DEPENDENT DATA BYTE 11 ~ 0 DEVICE 3203 ATTCH RDY 1 EXP BUS LOW ROS INSTR PAR/PAR DECODE ERR ON BR INSTR MPI MPI lSR ADDR ERR MPI 4 3 CARR OP PRINT OP INTRR PARITY 3420/3803 2 5 IME OUT IN IT HAM SETLNG EXP 6 7 TRAIN DRIVE FEED ROll IDLE OFF BOC D BUS MICRO PARITY PRGM DETECTED ERR MPI MPI MPI DIAGNOSTIC ERROR-DEPENDENT DATA 3800 BYTE 12 ~T DEVICE 3203 0 BUSY BUS PARITY 3420/3803 lSR ADDR ERR MP2 3800 1 2 GO NOT ERROR PENDING RDY 3 ATTN PNDNG LOW RDS INSTR PAR/PAR DECODE ERR ON BR INSTR MP, MP' 4 5 PlB· CARR ERlOG CNTAlD IN PRGAS STOP MICRO D BUS PRGM PARITY DETECTED ERR MP, MP2 7 6 FUNC REO HI·Spa CARA STKD BOC MP' MODULO 256 TRANSFER 2 PPI COUNT Section 4 4·33 Page of GC28-0708-1, Revised July 16, 1979, By TNl GN28·2984 BYTE 13 ~ DEVICE 0 I 1 3420/3803 4·33.0 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I FUNCTION REQUEST BYTE 3203 3800 I CONTROL UNIT FEATURES I CONTROL UNIT UNIQUE 10 HIGH MODULO 256 FUSER 8-16 PPI COUNT OSNS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 6 I 7 Julv 16.1919 Section 4 4·33.1 Page of GC2B-070B-l, Revised July 16, 1979, By TNL GN2B-29B4 BYTE 14 ~ DEVICE 3203 1 0 PRINT COMPLT INTRR 2 TIMED NOT RDY STATUS INTRR INTRR 3420/3803 3 4 5 6 7 ADPTR ERR INTRR OP INTRA MACH CHK INTRR ENABL INTRR INTRR ROST CONTROL UNIQUE 10 LOW 3800 FUSER PAGE COUNT I BYTE 15 ~ 0 DEVICE I 3203 1 I I 2 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 FIRST FAILING HAMMER POSITION TAPE UNIT UNIQUE ID 3420/3803 FUSER PAGE COUNT 3800 BYTE 16 ~ 4 3 2 1 0 6 7 HAM MISFIRE PLB PAR CHK 5 DEVICE 3203 FIRED ENABLE COMPARE HAM FIRE DATA HANDLED CHK TAPE UNIT UNIQUE 10 3420/3803 [\ PAPER COUNT 3800 BYTE 17 ~ 0 DEVICE I 1 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 NUMBER OF FAILING HAMMERS 3203 3420/3803 I CHANTWO NELSW (MIS) I CONTROL UNIT DEVICE SWITCH FEATURES I EC LEVEL OF CONTROL UNIT PAPER COUNT 3800 BYTE 18 ~ DEVICE 3420/3803 3800 4-34 0 1 I 2 I 3 POWER CHK/ OVERTEMPERATURE 4 I 5 I 6 I EC LEVEL OF TAPE UNIT SERIAL NUMBER OSIVS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 7 July 16,1979 BYTE 19 ~ DEVICE 0 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 PRIMED FOR DEVICE END 3420/3803 TU7 3800 I I TU6 I TU5 I TU' I TU3 I TU' I TU 1 I TU 0 SERIAL NUMBER Section 4 4·34.1 July 16, 1979 . 4-34.2 OS/VS2 Dl:bugging Handbook Volume 1 Page of Ge28·0708·1, Reyised July 16, 1979, By TNL GN28·2984 BYTE 20 ~ 0 I 1 I 2 TU F I TUE I TUO DEVICE 3420/3803 I 3 I 4 I I 5 I 6 TUA I TU9 7 PRIMED FOR DEVICE END 3800 I Tue I TUB I I TUB PAGE BACK· UP COUNT BYTE 21 ~ DEVICE 3420/3803 2 1 0 REEL RIGHT REEL TAPE PRE· TURN· ING TURN· ING SENT lEFT LOAD BUTTON DEPRESS 3 3800 5 4 7 6 LOAD LOADED REWIND REELS LOAD COM· LOAD CHECK PLETE PAGE BACK·UP COUNT BYTE 22 ~ DEVICE 0 I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 7 MESSAGE fORMAT 00= PAINTER SUBSYSTEM 3203 01 '" CONTROllER 02 = STATISTICS FRU IDENTIFIERS FOR CONTROL UNIT 3420/3803 11 3800 PHOTO CONDUCTOR GAP LOCATION OR LOAD CHECK OFFSET BYTE 23 ~ DEVICE 342013803 3800 0 I 1 T T 2 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 FRU IDENTIFIERS FOR CONTROL UNIT PHOTO CONDUCTOR GAP LOCATION OR LOAD CHECK OFFSET Section 4 4-35 July 16,1979 3800 Sense Bytes 0·2 BYTE 0 HEX _ BIT _ BIT HEX J I 80 0 COM· MAND REJECT INVALID 0 80 COM· MAND , 08 4-38 (RE· SERVED) CPS CHECK r- - I--- 4 PROCESS CHECK 04 9 IN· COR· RECT LENGTH IN· CORRECT MUL· TIPLE OF 60R B NO FeB CHAN· NEL CODE MATCH INVALID FCB CHAN· (RE· NEL SERVED) CODES I MUL· TIPLE CHAR· ACTERS FCB VS FORM LENGTH ERAOR - FCB 112 INCH ~ WCGM NOT I LOADED (RE· SERVED) (RE· SERVED) UN· ASSI· GNED GRAPHIC CHAR· I ACTER (RE· SERVED) INVALID WCGM ID - NO 10 FOR WCGM ~ INVALID COpy MODIFY SE· ~ f--- ~ C- 5 LOAD CHECK 0 7 CHAN· NEL CANCEL KEY TRANS· FER CHECK FUSER CHECK - (RE· SERVED) NO TRANS· LATE TABLE ~ 2 20 - 01 02 6 ERROR LOG FULL FORMS HOLDER INTER· 40 OB DATA BYTE PER· (RE· MANENT SERVED) ERROR ~ SERVED) 80 10 COM· MAND CODE OUTPUT FULL f--- 3 HARD· WARE ERROR UN· PRINT· ABLE CHAR· ACTER ~ r- ~ 2 DATA CHECK I--- 02 BYTE EQUIp· MENT CHECK END OF FOAMS ~~ , BUS OUT PARITY ~ 04 r-7 e01 0 5 SERVED) OPER REPLACE· MENT (RE· RE· SERVED) e-e6 04 4 TONER EMPTY -5 08 3 ~ 10 -e- (RE· 4 10 2 TONER COLL· ECTOR 20 ~3 NOT READY 20 ~ e-- BYTE INTER· VEN· TION RE· QUI RED OPERA· TION CHECK 1 40 2 40 1 (RE· (RE· (RE· SERVED) SERVED) SERVED) I--BURSTER TRIM· MER STACK· ER CHECK OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 INVALID FORMS (RE· OVER· SERVED) LAY SE· ~ GRAPHIC MODIFY SE· ~ WCGM DATA PARITY ERROR i\ 3800 Sense Bytes 0-2 (continued) BYTE 0 HEX _ BIT _ 80 40 20 10 08 04 02 0 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 lNTERVEN· Tl0N RE· QUIRED BUS OUT PARITY LOAD CHECK CHANNEL COM MAND BIT HEX REJECT I I 6 BYTE 2 02 r-r7 01 (RESERVED) .~ EQU1PMENT CHECK !"'-' DATA CHECK (RESERVED) (RE(RE(RESERVED) SERVED) SERVED) r---uNE OVERRUN 01 (RESERVED) 0 (RESERVED) I--- 9 (RESERVED) (RESERVED) Section 4 4-37 3838 Sense Information FIXED Format I~ 0 1 2 3 0 COMMAND REJECT .NT BUSOUT PARITY EQUIP CHECK 1 RESTARTABLE 6 5 4 7 BYTE REG UNRELATED ERROR DATADEPENDENT ERROR I/O AE INVALID PASSWORD OVERRUN UNDEFINED UNDEFINED CP CP 2 DATA CHECK (MACHINE CHECK) OTC EXECUTIVE PREVIOUS NOT INITIAL- I/O EXCEPTIZED TION UN DEFINED PERFORMANCE MONITOR e FORMAT OF BYTES 8-31. FOR EACH VALUE OF THIS FiElD, 3 LOOK UP CORRESPONDING SENSE FoRMAT_ VALUE = O/FORMATO. VALUE = 1/FORMAT 1. VALUE = 2/FoRMAT2. VALUE = 4/FoRMAT 4_ • r--- BYTES 4-5 ARE THE CIT OP CODE_ S 6 r--- BYTES 8 7 IS THE CIT OFFSET_ 7 4-38 OS!VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 UNDEFINED 3838 Sense Information Extended Format a (Equipment - Related) ~ 0 1 2 3 BYTE • • AE CP CP AE BULK PROGRAM CONTROL WORKING CONTROL STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE 9 CP BULK STORAGE PROGRAM STORAGE 10 ILLEGAL EDS MICRO· INSTRUC· TIMEOUT TION " EDB PARITY ERROR (READ) EDB PARITY ERROR (QUT· BOUND) INVALID IOCW 5 6 7 INVALID TCS AE INITIATE FAIL INVALID AFCW MACHINE WS CONFLICT CHECK 12 INVALID DIVIDE INSTRUC· BY ZERO TION I/O INITIATE FAIL 13 INVALID ADDRESS REFER· ENCE DEVICE INITIAlI· ZATION ERROR INSUFFI· CIENT BUFFER SPACE DTC INITIATE FAIL " f--- ,. BYTES 14·15 STORAGE PAGE NUMBER 16 f--- BYTES 16·17 CP PROGRAM STORAGE ADDRESS 17 ,. f--- BYTES 18·19 CONTROL STORAGE ADDRESS REGISTER 19 20·27 28-31 lQCW BYTES 20·27 BYTES 28·31 UNUSED Section 4 4-39 3838 Sense Information Extended Format 1 (Hardware Verification) I~ BYTE I I 1 0 2 J I I• I • I 4 3 8 BYTE B CONTAINS PERFORMANCE MONITOR EXECUTION COUNT 9 BYTE 9 CONTAINS PERFORMANCE MONITOR ERROR COUNT 10 r-11 r-PERFORMANCE MONITOR ERROR STATUS 1-10 (BYTES 10-19) 12 f--13 r-14 EACH OF THESE FIELDS MAY CONTAIN AN ERROR INDICATION GENERATED BY THE PERFORMANCE MONITOR FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION PACKAGE. THE NUMBER OF VALID FIELDS IS EQUAL TO THE ERROR COUNT (SENSE BYTE 91_ THE FORMAT OF EACH FIELD IS AS FOLLOWS: f--- ,. CONDITION BfT r-16 f--- 0 CP FAILURE 1 AE FALIURE BULK STORAGE FAILURE 2 3 DTC FAILURE 4·7 STATUS CODE DEPENDING ON SETTING OF BITS 0-3 17 f--18 r-1. 20-31 4-40 UNUSED OS/VS2 DebuggIng Handbook VoIum.' 7 3838 Sense Information Extended Format 2 (Data Related) ~ 0 1 2 3 4 5 CIT LIMIT CHECK INVALID CIT OPERA· TION INVALID CIT PARA· METER BYTE • I/O LIMIT CHECK CIT CHANNEL I/O PROGRAM LENGTH CaRRE· ERROR SPaN· DENCE • CIT INDEX OVER· FLOW CIT INDEX DIVIDE CHECK BULK STORAGE LIMIT CHECK ~~PONEN VER· FLOW 11 12·15 16-31 ADDER A EXPO· NENT OVER· FLOW ADDER A ADDER A EXPO· INTEGER NENT OVER· UNDER· FLOW FLOW , CIT INVALID BRANCH CIT COUNT BRANCH EXCI;:EDED OTe CONVER· SELECTED ERROR SiaN STOP CHECK RECIPRO· CAL ESTIMA· OR ,. • ADDER A RIGHT EXPO· NENT LARGER MULTIPLY EXPO NENT UNDERFLOW INTEGER MULTIPLY OVER· FLOW UNNDR· MALIZED RECIPRO· CAL ESTIMA· TOR INPUT ADDER B ADDER B EXPO· 'EXPO· NENT NENT OVERUNDER· FLOW FLOW ADDER B INTEGER OVER· FLOW ADDER B RIGHT EXPO· NENT LARGER MULTIPLY EXPO· NENT OVERFLOW BYTES 12-15 CONTAIN THE CIT SUCCESSFUL BRANCH COUNT UNASSIGNED SectIon 4 4-41 3838 Sense Information Extended Format 4 (Not Initialized) I~ 0 1 2 3 BYTE • • 7 CHANNEL END UNIT CHECK STATUS MODIFIER BUSY CONTROL CONTROL PROCESS SYSTEM DISCONNECT IN SELEC· TIVE RESET INTER· FACE DISCONNECT ADDRESS CHECK STATUS TAKEN ONLINE SENSE ID 10 READ 11 COMMAND REJECT WRITE SENSE BUS OUT SUPPRESS PARITY OUT ILLEGAL MICROBRANCH 12 EQUIP· MENT CHECK STOP DIVIDE BY ZERO I CHECK DATA INVALID INVALID INSTRUCADDRESS TION CP MICRO STATE - VALID ONLYWHEN BYTE 0, BIT 3 IS ON 13 EXTERNAL BUS PARITY ERROR (READ) ,. PROGRAM STORE PARITY ERROR (lNST. FETCH) PROGRAM STORE PARITY ERROR (DATA FETCH) ILLEGAL ADDRESS (lNSTRUC· ION FETCH) ILLEGAL EXTERADDRESS NAL (DATA BUS TIMEOUT FETCH) 16-17 CP PROGRAM STORAGE DATA ADDRESS 18-19 CP CONTROL STORAGE ADDRESS REGISTER 20·21 UNASSIGNED 22·23 CP INSTRUCTION COUNTER 24-31 UNASSIGNED 4-42 6 CONTAINS THE SUBCHANNEL I. D. 9 15 5 OSIVS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 EXTERNAL BUS PARITY ERROR (WRITE) CONTROL STORE PARITY ERROR Section S: General Reference This section provides general reference infonnation useful for debugging purposes. There ate eight subsections: SVC Summary defines tho five types of sve routines, briefly describes the sve table, summarizes system-defined sve instructions, and lists the sve's and associated macros. SVSEVENT Summary describes system events causing entry to the system resources manager (SAM) by a direct branch or SVC 95. Modulo Summary identifies. for each three-character module-name prefix. the corresponding system component and program logic manual. (Where the module-name prefix is also a system message number. the appropriate message manual is also identified.) Component Summary identifies the component microfiche, the modules that belong to the component, and the program logic manual that provides primary documentation. Storago Summary briefly describes the layout of real and virtual storage, the use of storage protection keys, and the meaning of virtual storage subpools. • Serialization Summary describes the use of locks and ENQ/DEQ names. • General System Flow describes generalized control ftow among system components. • Acronyms defines commonty used acronyms. For each acronym that identifies data area, the definition includes a reference to the mapping macro and to the publications that describe the data area. 8' SVC Summary This summary defines the five types of SVC routines, briefly describes the SVC table, and summarizes each'system-defined SVC instruction. SVC Routine~ There arB five types of SVC routines, which are distinguished as follows: Rosidence: Types 1. 2 and 6 SVC routines are part of the nucleus; types 3 and 4 SVC routines reside in the link. pack area. A type 3 routine is a single load module, while a type 4 routine consists of two or more load modules. Naming Conventions: Types 1, 2 and 6 SVC routines are named IGCxxx, where xxx is the SVC number (decimal). Types 3 and 4 SVC routines are named IGCyyxxx, where xxx is the SVC number and yy is the number of the load, beginning with 00 for the first (or only) load. For types 3 and 4 SVC routines, th& internal format of the SVC number (xxxi is a zoned decimal with a four-bit sign code (1100) in the low-order position. Because of the sign code, a low-order digit between 1 and 9 corresponds to an EBCDIC character between A and I; a low order zero corresponds to an EBCDIC opening brace' {'. Since an opening brace is not included in most character sets, a low-order zero is usually entered as a 12-0 punch and printed as a blank. Section 5 5-\ Register Conventions: SVC routines are entered with the following data in the general purpose registers: Registers 0.1.13. and 15 - Contents when the sve instruction was executed. Register 3 - Address of the CVT. Register 4 - Address of the TCB. Register 5 - Address of the current RB Ifor type 1 SVe). or address of the SVRS for sve routine Ifor type 2. 3, 4, or 6 SVe). Register 6 - Address of the sve routine entry point Register T - Address of the AseB. Register 14 - Return address. Other registers - Unpredicteble Locks: Each SVC routine is entered with the locks specified for the routine in the BVe table. In addition. each type 1 BVe routine is entered with the LOCAL lock. whether or not it is specified in the sve table; this lock must not be released. An sve routine can acquire any lock. and runs enabled or disabled dependi_ng on the lock held. To avoid disabled page faults. a type 3 or 4 sve routine must fix its pages in real storage before acquiring a disabled lock (any lock other than LOCAl, eMS. or eMSEQOQ). A type 6 sve may not be suspended for a lock request (applicable to MVS/System Extensions). Page Faults: An sve routine can be restarted after a page fault. provided that the routine does not hold a disabled lock. SVC Instructions: An sve routine can issue SVC instructions. provided that it does not hold any lock. (NoM': A type 1 sve routine cannot issue BVe instructions. because it always holds at least the LOCAL lock.) Other Characteristics: All sve routines are entered in supervisor state with a zero storege protect key (other keys may be used during execution). Use of an sve routine is authorized or unauthorized. as specified in the sve table. A type 6 sve executes disabled and must not enable (applicable to MVS/System Extensions). . SJ'CTabl. The sve table is a system data area that contains one eight-byte entry for each system-defined or user-defined BVe instruction. Each entry contains the following information. • • • • The entry-point address of the sve routine. The BVe type (1. 2. 3. 4. or 6). The function code (authorized or unauthorized). The locks to be acquired by the BVe first level interruption handler before the sve routine is executed. . The format of an sve table entry is described under "SVCTABLE" in the "Data Area Descriptions" portion of Volume 3. Sy.t.m SJ'C In.tnIctlolU For each BVe. this summary provides the following information: • The sve instruction in assembler language and machine language (hexadecimal). Exampl.: SVC 16 (OA10l • The macro instructions that generate the sve instruction. • The sve type (1. 2. 3. 4. or 6). • Locks acquired by the sve routine or by the sve first level interruption handler. • The object module containing the entry point of the BVe routine. • The applicable PLM which describes the SVC's operation. • APF protected. if applicable. (Unless otherwise noted. the sve in question is not APF protected.) • GTF trace data: - Information passed to the BVe routine in general registers 15. O. and This includes the extended BVe routing codes for BVe 109. sve 116. and sve 122. - Additional information displayed in GTF comprehensive trace records (but omitted in GTF minimal trace records). For complete GTF record formats. refer to "sve Trace Records" in Section 3. 1-2 OSNS2 Debugging Hendbook Volume 1 SVC - Macro List The following is SVC 0 1 2 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 I. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2. 2. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3. 3. 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 47 48 4. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 50 61 62 63 64 65 68 67 88 69 8 list of SVCs and associated macros. SVC Macro EXCP/XDAP WAIT/WAITR POST/PRTOV EXIT GETMAIN FREEMAIN UNK XCTL lOAD DELETE GETMAIN/FREEMAIN (with R operand) TIME SYNCH ABEND SPIE ERREXCP PURGE RESTORE BlDl/FIND (TYPE D) OPEN CLOSE STOW = = OPEN (TYPE J) CLOSE (TYPE T) DEVfYPE TRKBAl CATALOG/INDEX/ lOCAn OBTAIN 'RESERVED' SCRATCH RENAME FEOV ALlOC IOHAlT MGCR/OEDIT WTO/WTOR WTL SEGLD/SEGWT 'RESERVED' LABEL EXTRACT IDENTIFY ATTACH CIRB CHAP OVLYBRCH TTIMER STIMER DEQ 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' SNAP/SDUMP RESTART RElEX DISABLE EOV ENO/RESERVE FREEDBUF RELBUF/REOBUF OlTEP STAE/STAI-ESTAE/ESTAI IKJEGS6A DETACH CHKPT RD.JFCB 'RESERVED' BTAMTEST 'RESERVED' SYNADAF/SYNADRLS 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 .2 93 94 .5 98 '7 .8 .9 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 lDB 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 11. 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 Macro GSERV ASGNBFR/BUFINO/ RLSEBFR 'NO MACRO' SPAR DAR OOUEUE IFBSTAT 'RESERVED' LSPACE STAlUS 'RESERVED' SETPRT DASDR SMFWTM GRAPHICS DDRSWAP ATLAS DDM MODSS 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' VDLSTAT TCPEXCP TGET/TPUT 'SEE SVC 94' SYSEVENT STAX IKJEGS9G PROTECT DYNAlLOC IKJEFFIS OTIP AOCTl XLATE TOPCTl IMGUB 'RESERVED' MODESET 'RESERVED' 'SEE SVC109' 'NO MACRO' 'NO MACRO' PGRLSE PGFIX/PGFREE/ PGlOAD/PGOUT EXCPVR 'RESERVED' 'SEE SVC116' DEBCHK 'RESERVED' TESTAUTH GETMAIN/FREEMAIN VSAM 'SEE SVC122' PURGEDO TPIO EVENTS MSS(lCB2SVC) 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' RACHECK RACINIT RACUST RACDEF 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' SSP Section & 5-3 SVC 0 (OAOD): EXCP/XDAP macro - is type 1. gets LOCAL lock, calls module IECVEXCP (E.P.=IGCOOO). PLM is OS/VSl J/O Supervisor Logic. GTF data is: R15 and RO - No applicable data. R1 Address of the lOB associated with this reQuest. DDNAME cccccccc Name of the assoCiated DO statement. DCB XXXXXXXlC Address of the DCB associated with this I/O requesL DEB XlCXXXXXX Address of the DEB associated with this I/O request. SVC 1 (OAOU WAIT /WAITR macro - is type 1. gets LOCAL lock. calls module IEAVSY50 IE.P. = IGCOO1). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RO Count of the number of events being waited for. If the count is zero, the wait is treated as a NOP. Bit 0 equals one indicates a long waiL R1 If positive. the address of the ECB being used. If complemented. the address of 8 list of ECB addresses. PliST - Four to 40 bytes of the WAIT/WAITR parameter list, which has a maximum length of 1020 bytes. The list is a series of fullwords. each containing the address of an ECB. SVC 2 (OAOl) - POST/PRTOV macro - is type 1. gets LOCAL and SALLOC locks. calls module IEAVSY50 IE.P. IGCOO2) for POST. module IGG019CL for PRTOV. PLM is: OS/VS2 System Logic Library for POST, OS/VS2 SAM Logjc for PRTOV. GTF data is: = R15 No applicable data. RO For POST: The completion code to be placed in the ECB. R1 For POST: The address of the ECB to be posted or lif the high-order bit is 1), the address of a parameter list 8S follows: Bytes: Address of the ECB. 4-7 Address of the ASCB for the eddress space thai contains the ECB 8-11 Address of the ERRET routine. 12 Contains the storage protection key of the ECB if the high-order list of RO is on and the high-order bit of R1 is on. o-a SVC 3 (OA03) - EXIT macro - is type 1. gets LOCAL lock, calls module IEAVEOR (E.P. = IGCOO3). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: R15. RD. and Rl - No applicable data. 5-4 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 SVC 4 (OA04) GETMAIN macro - is type 1. gets LOCAL lock. calls module IEAVGMOO (E.P. = IGC004I. PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: R15 and RO - No applicable data. R1 Address of the parameter list passed when the SVC was called. PUST - 10 bytes in length: Bytes 1)..3 a. Single area request - length requested. b. variable request - address of a doubleword containing the minimum maximum length requested. Formet is: Bytes o Zero. 1-3 Minimum length. Zero. 5-7 Maximum length. Ust request - address of a list of langths requested (one word per request); last word contains X'BQ" in byte O. 4 5-7 z... Single area r!!quest - address of a word GETMAIN initializes with the address of the area acquired. Variable area request - address of a doubleword GErMAIN initializes with the address of the area acquired and the actual length allocated. Ust request - address of a list of areas that GETMAIN initializes with the addresses of the areas allocated for each raquested length in the length list. Flag byte. format is: 10 Request is for storage aligned on a page boundary. 00 Unconditional single area request. 20 C~nditional single area request. eo Unconditional list request. NJ Conditional list re.quest. CO Unconditional variable request. EO Conditional variable request. Subpool identification. b. SVC 6 (OADS) FREE MAIN macro - is type 1. gets LOCAL lock. calls module IEAVGMOO (E.P. = IGCOO5). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: R15 and AO - No applicable data. R1 Address of the input parameter list. PUST - 10 bytes, contents are: Bytes 0-3 Single area request - length to be freed. b. Ust area request - address of a list of FREEMAIN length requests (1 word per request): lest word con'tBins X'BQ" in byte o. 4-7 Variable Request-zero Single area request - address of a word containing the address of the area to be freed. b. Ust area request - address of a list of addresses of areas to be freed. Variable request-address af 8 doubleword containing the address to be freed in the first word and the length to be fraed in the second word. Flag byte, fonnat is: 00 Unconditional single area request. 20 Conditional single BreB request. SO Unconditional list area request. AD Conditional list area requast. CO Unconditional variable request. EO Conditional variable request. Sub pool identiflCDtion. Section & &-6 sve 6 (GAOl LINK macro - is type 2. gets LOCAL and eMS locks, calls = IGC006). PLM is OS/YSl System Logic Library. module IEAVLKOO (E.P. GTF data is: R15 Address of the parameter list. RO No applicable data. Rl Addrass of the user optional parameter list. NAME cccccccc entry point/directory entry IEP/DE) name of the module to be linked to or given control. PUST - The parameter list is twelve bytes long; the fonnat is: Byte. o flag byte 80 DE form of macro instruction. 00 EP and EPlOC form of macro instruction. Address of the directory entry list if byte 0 is X'8O'. 1-3 Address Of the entry point name. if byte 0 is )('00'. Indicates an extended parameter list. If X·SO". DCB address or zero. Contains the address of routine to get control on error (ERRET parameter) if byte 4 is X'sa. sve 7 10000J XCTL macro - is type 2, gets LOCAL and eMS locks, calls IGCOO7). PLM is OS/YS2 System wgic Library. module IEAVLKOO (E.P. = GTF data is: R15 Address of the parameter fist. RO and R1 - No applicable data. NAME cccccccc entry point/directory entry (EP/DEI name of the module to be linked to or given control. PUST - The parameter list is eight bytes long: the format is: Byteo Rag byte 80 DE form of macro instruction 00 EP and EPlOC form of macro instruction Address of the directory entry list if byte 0 is )('80'. Address of entry point name if byte is X·OO'. No applicable data. DCB address or zero. o ,-3 sve 8 (OAOS) a LOAD macro - is type 2. gets LOCAL and eMS locks, calls = IGC008). PLM is OS/YS2 System Logic Library. module IEAVLKOO (E.P. GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RO Content: If byte a contains X·OO'. bytes 1 - 3 contain the address of the entry point neme. If byte a contains)('8O". bytes 1 - 3 contain the address of the directory entry list.R1 Byte 0 - If X'sa specifies that a return is requested. Bytes 1 - 3 is the DeB address. or zetO if the default for DCB was specified. NAME cccccccc entry point/directory entry name of the module to be loaded. sve 9 (0A09) DELETE macro - is type 2, gets LOCAL 8nd eMS locks, calls z:I IGC009). PLM is OS/VSl Sys~m Logic Library. module IEAVU -1 0000 2-3 0001 MASK 0003 MASK 0004 NfA 0000 0000 ASIO NfA ASIO ASlo MASK MCSTEP NDSTEP NfA NfA NfA ASIO(XM status only for reset/start) NOSYS NOTCB NfA ITCB STOP START o or o or NfA NfA ITCB MASK oooc SDSTEP SOSYS SDTCB sorrCB NoETCB nCB nCB MASK ASID(X,M status only for reset or 0000 SRBS NfA 0005 0006 0007 OOOB 0009 OOOA OOOB nCB nCB NfA ASID NfA NfA NfA MASK start) 0000 ASlolXM status only for reset or .tart) 0000 0000 0000 OOOE OOOF OOOF SYNCH Callar. SO Caller, SO NfA tTce MASK NfA N/A lfor MVS/System Extensions) 0000 0000 0010 0010 Celler, NO Caller, NO ITCB NfA MASK 0000 0011 SRBs only NfA NfA N/Alfor MVS/Syst&m Extensionsl ASlolXM status only for reset/start - for MVS/Svstem Extensions) NDI/t: The sign bit of register one indicates: O. sat(stop). 1_resetlstert). not applicable to codes 6, 7, 14, 15, 16. SVC 80 (0A60) Reserved. SVC 81 (0A51) SETPRT macro - is type 4, gets no lock. calls module IGC0008A. PLM is OS/VS2 SAM Logic. GTF data is: R15 and RO - No applicable data. R1 Address of the parameter list. Name of the DO statement associated with the data DDNAME cccccccc sat being printed. PLIST parameter list of four or twetve words being passed to SVC 81; The 12word parameter list is collected if the extended tist bit is on in the' parameter list. Byles 0-3 address of the DCB. 4-7 EBCDIC character-set image 10. B LOAD MODE indicator; bit settings are: Bits .0.. No fold • •1.. Fold. x.xx xxxx Reserved. Verification indicator: bit settings are: B" ... 1 ...0 Displev the image on the printer for verifteation. Do not displev the image on the printer for verification • ReseNad. 5-34 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 10 11-14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 28 32 36 40 44 Data check indicator; bit settings are: Bits 1... Block• •1.. Unblock. 00.. As the DCB specifies. 1... Unfold the UCS 3211 • . 1.. Fold the UCS 3211. Reserved. ••• 1 Extended parameter list. EBCDIC FCB image 10. FCB parameter options; bit settings are: Bits 1... Verify the FCB . ... 1 Align. Reserved. SPPFLAGl Flag indicators; bit settings ere: Bits 1... BURST",Y, thread through the burster-trimmer-stacker• . 1.. REXMlT",Y, retransmit. .. 1. INIT",Y initialize the printer. 1... Bypass the "load forms overlay" message IJES2 and JES3 only) • . 1.. Bypass the stacker setup message IJES2 and JES3 only). Reserved. SPPFLAG2 Flag indicators; bit settings are: Bits 1... MODIFY is specified as an address. 0... MODIFY is not specified or is specified as a name. . 1.. First character arrangement table is specified as an address. First character arrangement table is specified as a .0.. name or is not specified. .. 1. Second character arrangement table is specified as an address• .•0. Second character arrangement table is specified as a name or is not specified. ... 1 Third character arrangement table is specified as an address• ...0 Third character arrangement table is specified as a name or is not specified. 1... Fourth character arrangement table is specified a's an address. . 0... Fourth character arrangement table is specified as a name or is not specified . •1.. FCB is specified as an address (3800 only) • •0.. FCB is specified as a name or is not specifiad. ..xx Reserved. Number of copies to be printed on this transmission. Starting copy number. Reserved. Number of copies to be forms flashed on this transmission. Table reference character for copy modification. The last 4 bytes of a module name or a pointer to the copy modification control record. The 4 character name of a forms overtay frame. The last 4 by1es of a member name or a pointer to the first character arrangement table module. The last 4 bytes of a member name or a pointer to the second Character arrangement table module. The last 4 by1es of II member name or II pointer to the third character arrangement table module. . The last 4 bytes of II member name or a pointer to the fourth character arrangement table module. Section 6 6-35 SVC 82 (0A52) DASDR macro - is type 4. gets no lock. calls module IGCOOO8B. PLM is OS/VS2 Ulililies Logic. APF protected. GTF data is: A1S and AD - No applicable data. R1 Address of the parameter list. VOLSER volume s8f"ial number. OA-ADDR hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh field displayed depends on the options in effect for the SVC routine. Option Direct access address content. A~alyze or format 6-byte track address. Post UCB S-byte track address. Address of alternate N/A. track CCHH Unlabeled volume B-byte track address. New volume N/A. PLiST parameter list up to 16 bytes long pointed to by R1. First 4 bytes include a flag byte defining the function to be performed. and a 3-byte UCB address. The fourth. eighth. and twelfth bytes. when present, will contain a flag indicating the last element {4-bytesl in the list. Last flag bit settings are: Bytes Function byte as follows: SF New volume. lF Address of the altemate track CCHH. 00 ANALYSE or FOAMAT. 08 POST UCB. Unlabeled volume. FS Delete the DEB analyze of label. 1-3 Address of the UCB. The contents of the remaining bytes are determined by the function specified in byteO. {Function SFI 4 SO Flag byte in the last element. 5-7 Address of DCB. (Function 1FI 4 80 Rag byte in the Isst element. 5-7 Address of the alternate track CCHH. {Function 001 4-7 Address of the alternate track CCHH. 80 Flag byte in the last element. 9-11 Address of alternate track information. (Function OB) 4-7 Address of the serial number. 80 Flag byte in the last element. 9-11 Address of the VTOC. (Function 881 4-7 Address of the serial number. 8-11 Address of the VTOC. 12 80 Flag byte in the last element. 13-15 Address of the DEB. {Function FBI 4-7 Address of the serial number. 8-11 Address of the VTOC. 12 80 Flag byte in the last element 13-15 Address of the DEB. o sa SVC 83 (OA53) SMFWTM macro - is type 3, gets no lock. calls module IEEMBB30. PLM is OS/VSl System Logic Library. APF protected. GTF data is: AIS and AD - No applicable data. A1 The address of an SMF record that is to be written to 8n SMF data set. &-38 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Voluma , svc B4 (OA54) GRAPHICS macro - is type 1, gets LOCAL lock, ca11s module IGC084 (E.P. ;:: lGCOOO84). PLM is OS/VS2 Graphics Access Method Logic. GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RD High-order two bytes have the buffer restart address stored in the UCB; two low-order bytes contain the address of the UCB. Rl Zeros. svc 85 (OA55) DDRSWAP macro - is type 3, gets LOCAL lock, calls module IGCOOOBE. PLM is OS/VS2 System Lngic Library. APF protected. GTF data is: R15, RD and Rl - No applicable data. SVC 86 (OA56) ATLAS macro - is type 4, gets no lock, calls module IGCOOO8F. PLM is OS/VS2 Utilities Logic. APF protected. GTF data is: R15 and RD - No applicable data. Rl Address of the parameter list. PLiST parameter list is B bytes long; format is: Bytes o Flag byte; bit settings are; 1... User's channel program is not reexecutable Reserved. Address of the lOB. Flag byte; bit settings are: 1-3 1... IEHATLAS is the calling program . Partial count (CCHH only) has been passed by the calling program . Special write CCW is required for a track overflow record . Special write CCW is not required. Reserved. . 1.. .. 1. ... 1 XXlO( Address of the 5-byte track address of the complete (CCHHR) or partial count (CCHH) field passed by the calling program. If entry is from the IEHATLAS program (byte 4, bit 0 in parameter list), this address points to the CCHH part of the count field. CCHHR cccc Track address SVC 87 (OA57) DaM macro - is type 3, gets LOCAL and eMS locks, calls module JEAVXDOM (E.P. IGCOOO5G). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: = R15 RD No applicable data. Values are as fonows: NEG List of tD numbers and REPLY_YES not speCified 00 04 DC Rl One ID number and REPLY .. YES flat specified One 10 number and REPLY .. YES specified List of ID numbers and REPLY .. YES specified List of 10 numbers or 24-bit right-adjusted 10 number of the message to be deleted. Contents are determined by RO. PLiST up to 40 bytes long. It is a series of 4-byte entries. Each entry is a message lD word; the last entry is identified by 1 in the first bit of the high-order byte. SVC 88 (OA5B) MOD8S macro - is type 3, gets no lock, calls module IGCOOOBH (E.P. = IGCOOO8B). PLM is OS/VS2 System Lngic Library. GTF data is: R15 and RD - No applicable data. RO User defined job entry code. R1 Address of the DCB associated with the current task when the SVC was issued. DEB hhhhhhhh address of the DEB taken from the DCB pointed to by DSSTAT DEVMOD hh hh data set status flags field taken from the DEB. device modifier field taken from the DEB. R1. SVC 59 (OA591 Reserved. SVC 90 (OA5AI Reserved. Section 5 5-37 SVC 91 {0A5B} VOlSTAT macro - is type 3. gets no lock, calls module IGC0009A. PLM is OS/VSZ SYSl.LOGREC Emir Recording Logic. GTF data is: R15 No applicable information. RO Rl If negative. contains the address of the UCB. If positive. contains address the of the DCB. Contents: The SVC was issued by CLOSE. )("32' The SVC was issued by DDR. X'33' The SVC was issued by EOD. )("63' The SVC was issued by EOV. Any other. the SVC was issued by UNAllOCATION. SVC 92 {0A5C) TCBEXCP macro - is type 1. gets LOCAL lock. calls module IECVEXCP IE.P. = IGC092). PLM is OS/VS2 I/O Supervisor Logic. GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RO Address of the TCB to which the I/O operation is related. R1 Address of the lOB associated with this request. (If the high ordar bit is zero. SVC 92 is functionally equivalent to SVC 0; if the high order bit is one. SVC 92 is functionally equivalent to SVC 114.1 ODNAME Name of the associated DO statement. DCB Address of the DCB associated with this I/O request. DEB Address of the DEB associated with this I/O request. SVC 93 {0A5D} TGET macro - is type 3. gets LOCAL and CMS locks, calls module IGC0009C. PlMs are DS/VS2 TCAM Logic and OS/VS2 MVS ¥TIDe and TCAS Logic. (See also following TPUT description.) GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RO Two high-order bytes are reserved. Two low-order bytes contain the buffer size in bytes. R1 ~;~~~;e~~a~si: t~a= ::ef=-:!ern=-I~n~~~ ~a::ress settings are: Bits 1... 0... ,1.. .. 1. ... 1 ...0 5-38 TGET specified. TPUT ·specified. Reserved. Reserved for TPUT• NOWAIT specified; control should be returned to the program that issued the TGET whether or not an input line is available from the tanninal. If no input line is obtained, a return code of 4 will be found in register 15• WAIT specified; control will not be returned to the program that issued the TGET until an input line has been put into the program's buffer. If an input line is not available from the terminal, the issuing program will be put into 8 wait atate until a line does become available and is placed in program's buffer. 1... Reserved for TPUT• •1.. Reserved for TPUT• .. 10 Reserved forTPUT• ..01 ASIS specified; nannal or minimal editing will be performed• ..00 EDIT specified; further editing will be performed in addition to the normal CASISI editing. OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume , SVC 93 IOA5D) TPUT mapro - is typo 3, gots LOCAL and CMS locks, calls Modulo IGCOOO9C. PLM is OS/VS2 TCAM Logic. ISee also preceding TGET description.) GTF data is: A15 Pointer to the USEAIO if specified. (See flag byte. bit 1 in reg 1). RO Two high·order bytes contain the address space identifier (ASia) of the destination terminal. Two low·order bytes contain the size of the input buffer in bytes. R1 The high--order is a flag byte; low order bytes have the address of the buffer to hold line of output. Flag byte bit senings are: Bits 1... TGET specified. 0... .... TPUT specified• . 1.. USERIO specified by register 15. .. 1. LOWP specified; the terminal will not receive any inter-terminal messages from non-supervisory routines if TSBITOFF is on, even if a key·zero task is sending messages. Can onlv be specified on TPUT with ASIO or USEAIO• ..0. HIGHP specified; the terminal will receive inter·terminal messages if TSBITOFF is on. Can only be specified with ASID or USERID• ... 1 NOWAIT specified; control should be returned to program that issed TPUT, whether or not TIOC buffers are available for the output line. If buffers are not available, a return code of 4 will be placed in register 15 ...0 ..•• WAIT specified; control will not be returned to the progrern that issued the TPUT until an output line has been placed in a TIOC output buffer. If no buffers are available. the issuing program will be put into a wait state until buffers do become available and the output line is placed in them. 1... HOLD specified; the program that issued the TPUT cannot continue its processing until this output line has been either wrinen to the terminal or deleted. 0... NOHOLD specified; control should be returned to the program that issued the TPUT as soon as the output line has been placed on the output queue• . 1.. BREAKIN specified; output has precedence over input. If the user at the terminal is transmitting, he is interrupted, and this output line is sent. Anv data that was received before the interruption is kept and displayed at the terminal following this output line• .0.. NOBAEAK specified; input has precedence over output. The output message will be placed on the output queue to be printed at some future time when the user is not entering a line. •. 10 CONTROL specified; the line is composed of terminal control characters and will not print or move the carriage on the terminal. ..01 ASIS specified: normal minimal editing will be perforry"led. ..00 EDIT specified; further editing will be performed in addition to the normal ASIS editing• .. 11 FULSCA specified: no editing is performed. Section 5 6-39 SVC 94 (OASE) STCC macro - is type 3, gets LOCAL and eMS locks, calls module IGCOOO9D. PLMs are OS/VSl TCAM Logic and OS/VSl MVS JlTIOC and TCAS Logic. GTF data is: SVC 94 is called by the following macro instructions; TClEARQ, STBREAK. STCOM, STTlMEOU, STCC, STATTN, STAlITOlJll, STSIZE, GTSIZE. STAUTCCP, STAUTSRM, RTAUTSRM, STClEAR, STTRAN. STFSMODE. STLINENO, TCABEND and TSEND. GTF data is: Entry from TCLEARQ: R15 No applicable data. RO Contents: Bytes o 1-3 01 0 Entry code. Reserved. R1 Contents: Bytes o SO INPUT specified. 00 OUTPUT specified. 1-3 0 ReselVed. Entry from STBREAK: ti15 No applicable data. RO Contents:~"'" Byte. o 04 Entry code. 1-3 a ResOlVed. Rl Contents: Byte. o 80 YES specified. 00 NO spe<:ified. 1-3 0 ReselVed. Entry from STCOM: R15 No applicable data. RO Contents: Bytes o 05 Entry code. 1-3 0 ReselVod. R1 Contents: Bytes 80 YES specified. 00 NO specified. 1-3 ReselVed. Entry from STTIMEOU: R15 No applicable data. RO Contents: Bytes 06 Entry code. 1-3 0 ReselVed. R1 Contents: o o o Byte. o 80 YES specified. NO specified. 1-3 0 Reserved. Entry from STCC: R15 No applicable data. RO Contents: Bytes o 07 Entry code. 1-3 0 Reserved. R1 Contents: Bytes Flag byte; bit settings are: o o B" 1... . 1.. .. 1. ... 1 0000 0000 First operand specified. ATTN specified• lD specified. CD~jed . No operands specified; retain the previousfy-used characters. o 5-40 Reserved. OS/VSZ Debugging Handbook Volume 1 hh Hexadecimal representation of any EBCDIC character on the terminal keyboard except new line (NL) and carriage return (CAl control characters. Character representation of any EBCDIC character on the terminal keyboard. hh Character - delete the control character; the hexadecimal representation of any EBCDIC character on the terminal keyboard except new line (NL) and carriage return (CA) characters. c Character representation of any EBCDIC character on the terminal keyboard. Entry from STATTN: R15 No applicable data. RD Contents: Bytes o 8 Entry code. 1 00 Reserved. hh line byte; number of consecutive lines of output that can be directed to the terminal before the keyboard will unlock. DO Output line counting is not used. hh Tens byte; tens of seconds that can elapse before the keyboard will unlock. DO Locked keyboard timing is not used. Rl Contents: Bytes Flag byte D LINES specified. 1. .. TENS specified . . 1.• Input address specified. .. 1. 0000 0000 No operands specified; results in a NOP instruction. 1-3 Character'string address; if zeros. no character string was specified. Entry from STAUTOLN: R15 No applicable data. RD Contents; Bytes 09 Entry code. D 1-3 Address of a fullword containing the number to be assigned to the first line of terminal input. Rl Contents: Bytes DO Reserved. D 1-3 Address of a fullword containing the increment value Uled in assigning line numbers. Entry from STSIZE: R15 No applicable data. RD Contents: Bytes D DA Entry code. 1-2 Reserved should be zeros. c ~1 "-Co~:~~~yte; number of lines (depthl that can-a p lfekOn.th;·sCre&:I1... Bytes 0-2 Reserved; should be zeros. Size byte; the logical line size (widthl. in characters. for the terminal. Entry from GTSIZE. STAUTOCP. STAUTSRM. RTAUTSRM: R15 No applicable data. RD Contents: Bytes D Entry codes are: OB GTSIZE. OC STAUTOCP. 00 STAOUTPT. OE RTAUTSRM. 1-3 00000o Reserved. R1 No applicable data; should be zero. Section 5 6-41 Entry from STCLEAR: R15 No applicable data. RO Contents: Byte. o 10 Entry code. 1-3 R...... rved; should be zeros. R1 Contents: Bytes ReseNed; should be zeros. 1-3 Erasura character string address. Entry from STTRAN R15 No applicable data. RO Contents: Bytes: OF Entry code. Flag byte 1 ... NOTRAN specified. . 1.. NOCHAR specified. .. 1. TCHAR and SCHAR specified . Terminal character to be translated in the system. System character 10 be translated at the terminal. R1 Address of the parameter list containing the address and the name of the user table. entrY from STFSMODE: R15 No applicable data. RO Contents: o o B_ o 12 Entry code. 1-3 0 Reserved. R1 Contents: Bytes SO ON specified. 00 OFF specified. 1-3 0 Reserved. Entry from STLiNENO: R15 No applicable data. o RO Contents: Byt." 13 Entry code. 1-3 0 Reserved. o R1 Contents: Bytes SOON specified. OOOFF specified. 1-2 0 ReseNed. 3 Une number byte; the screen line number that specifies where the ~ext non-full-screen message should appear. Entry from TCABEND: R15 No applicable data. RO Contents as follows; Bytes: o 00 Entry code. 1-3 0 Reserved. R1 No applicable data. Entry from TSEND: R15 No applicable data. RO Contents as follows; Bytes: 02 entry code. 1-3 0 Reserved. R1 No applicabfe data. o o 6-4Z OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 svc 95 {OA5FI SYSEVENT m e order in whic:h IIddress $PIIC:e5 lire c:ruted. LSCA 229/230 Privata G) Master scheduler address space LSCA LSCA LSCA LSCA LSCA SNA SNA SNA SNA SNA 229/230 229/230 U~, U~, 229/230 229/230 2291230 PrimaryJES TeAM VTAM ,a~dres5space addressspaee addres55p~e address space address space batch JOB ~ time shared JOB tionstask (j) ® tASIO"lI fASID=21 System region System region ® 3) fASLD c System region ® IASID"SI System region System region Nucleus load module Figure 31. Virtual Storage layout for Multiple Address Spaces ~70 OSNS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 ® IASIO-5) System region Nucleusl system ® (ASLO:o41 Virtual Storage Common area RealStoragl LSQA, SWA and LSnA, SWA and LSOA, SWA and 229/230 229/230 229/230 Pageablearea 1----1---- - - - - - -------1------1 V=R JOB3 Reserved area for V-A JOBs (REAL= xxi ( V=R; JOB3 V=R JOB2 V"A JOBl V=R; JOB2 V=R; JOBI System region System area System region System region System area Unallocated storage Figure 32. Mapping af V=R Regions Into Real Storage Storage Proli!ctioIJ For each 2K block of real storage, there is 8 seven-bit control field called "key in storage." This key is used as follows: B Access Control Bits: Bits 0-3 are matched against the four-bit protection key in the PSW whenever information is stored. or whenever information is fetched from a location that is protected against fetching. In OS/VS2. the 16 protection keys provided by the PSW (arid matched against tha accass control bits) are assigned as follows: Kay Assignod to: o Supervisor and other system functions that require access to the private area of storage. 6 7 8 9-15 Job scheduler and job entry subsystem. VSPC. 3,4 (Reserved). Oata management, including 105. ASM. block processor. and OPEN/CLOSE/EOV. TCAM and VTAM. IMS. All V. V problem programs. V.R problem programs (each protected by a unique protection key). Fetch Protactian Bit: Bit 4 indicates whether protection applies to fetch-type references. A zero indicates that only store-type references are monitored. and that fetching with any protection key is permitted; a one indicates that protection applies to both fetching and storing. No distinction is mede between the fetching of instructions and the fetching of operands. Reference Bit: Bit 5 is associated with dynamic address translation. It is normally set to one each time that a loca'tion in the related 2K storage block is referred to either for storing or for fetching of Information. Change Bit: Bit 6 is also associated with dynamic address translation. It is set to one each time that information is stored into the corresponding 2K block of storage. Section II &-71 Storage Subpools A subpool is a group of logically related storage blocks identified by a subpool number. In a request for virtual storage. a subpool number indicates the type of storage that is requested_ The meaning of each subpool number is defined in the following table. Subpool Number Indicates Request for Attributes of Subpool Notes Space within a region Job-oriented Pageable Job step's protection key Fetch - protected 227 Fixed, global space (explicitly assigned and frlled.l Requester protection key Fixed System-oriented Explicitly assigned and freed Fetch·protected Multiple-key system queue area space is assigned from the common service area. 228 Fixed,global space (explicitly assigned and freed.) Requester protection key Fixed System-oriented Explicitly assigned and freed Not fetch-pI'"otected Multiple-key system queue area space is obtained from the common service area. 229 Private area storage Requester protection key Pageable Fetch - protected Freed automatically at task termination. ASSigned from top of private area. 230 Private area storage Requester protection key Pageable Not fetch-protected Freed automatically at task termination_ Assigned from top of private area. 231 Space within CSA (explicitly assigned and freed I Requester protection key Pageable Fetch· protected System- oriented Explicitly assigned and freed ASSigned in common service area. 0-127 128 These are the only valid subpool numbers for problem programs. A request for a higher number will cause the problem program to be abnormally terminated. When subpool 0 is requested by programs in supervisor state and key 0, subpool 252 is assigned_ Reserved for compatibility with VS1. Treated Undefined. 129-226 Reserved. Treated as an error. Used in OS/VS2 Release 1 for TSO external page storage. 232 • A job step protection key is supplied from the TCB; a user protection key supplied from the PSW or via the GETMAIN macro, 5-72 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Subpool Number Indicates Requenfor Note$ Attributes of Subpool 233 Space within LSQA (ta~k - related) Job-oriented Fixed Protection key = 0 Task-related Swappable Not fetch-protected Allows a task running in key Oto acquire accountable, fixed,protected Horage that is job-oriented and freed at end of task Space is assigned from subpool 2S3. 234 Space within LSOA (job-step· related) Job·oriented Fixed Protection key =0 Job-Slep-related Swappable Not fetch-protected Allows a task running inkey Oto acquire accountable, fixed, protected storage that is job-oriented and freed at end of job step_ Space is assigned from subpool2S4_ 235 Spacewith,n LSOA (explicitly ass,gned and freedl Job-oriented Fixed Protection key = 0 Explicitly assigned and freed Not fetch-protected Swappable Allows a task running In key Oto acquire nonaccountable, fixed, protected storage that is job·oriented. Space is assigned from subpool 255. 236 SpacewithinSWA For system use only Protection key = 1 Not fetch-protected To assign or free pageablevirtual storage for the scheduler work area. 237 Spacewith,nSWA For system use only Protection key = 1 Not fetch-protected To assign or free pageablevirtual storage for the scheduler work area. 239 Fixed,Global Space (explicitly assigned and freed) Fetch-prutected Protection key =0 Explicitlya,signedand freed System Queue area space obtained from the common service area (CSA). Treated as subpool227 keyO space. 240 Spacewithll1a region (job-step related) Job-oriented Pageable Job step's protection key Fetch-protected Job-step-related Treated as subpool 250 to maintain compatibility with MFT and OSIVS1. Automatically freed at end of step_ 241 Space within GSA System-oriented Pageable User protection key Explicitly assigned and freed Not fetch-protected A~signed in the common service area_ 242 Nonpageable V= R region For scheduler use only A new nonpageable (V- R) region is assigned or an existing nonpageable region is freed_ Reserved for compatibility with OSIVS1. Treated asan error. 238 Reserved_ Treated asan error: Used in OSIVS2 Release 1 for SOA space_ 243 Reserved. Treated as an error. Used in OSIVS2 Release 1 for SOA space 244 245 Space within SOA (explicitly assigned andfreedl System-oriented Fixed Protection key = 0 Explicitly assigned and freed Not fetch-protected Allows a task running in key 0 to acquire non-accountable, fixed, protected storage that is system-oriented. Pageable (V=V) region For scheduler use only A new pageable (V = V) region is assigned or an existing pageable region is freed. External page storage allocation is assumed when using this subpool. Reserved_ Treated as an error. Used in MVT to exchange regions __ 246 247 248 Reserved. Treated as an error. Used in MVT for rolioutlrollln_ 249 Reserved_ Treated asan error. Used in OSIVS2 Release 1 for LSQA segments. 250 Space within a region Job-oriented Pageable Job step's protection key Job-$tep-related Fetch-protected Allows a task running in supervisor state and key state to aCQuir.: unprotected storage in the user's region_ All subpoot 250 requests are assigned subpool 0 of the associated task. o Section 5 5-73 Subpool Number Indleates Requlstfar Attrlbutl. of Subpool Notll 251 Spacllwlthlna region Job-oriented Job-step's protection key Job-step-related Fetch-protected Allows an authorized task to acquire accountable, unprotected, pageable storage In the user's partition. Space Is job·oriented and automatically freed at the termination of the job step. Used for modules not loaded into Subpool 252 from the low end of storage. 252 Space within a region Job·oriented Protection key .. a Job-step-related Not fetch-protected Allows a task running in key a to acquire accountable, pagllabte, protected storage In the user's region that is job-oriented and automatically freed at the tennination of the job-step task. Used for reenterable modules from authorized libraries. 253 Space within Job-orlented Fixed Protection key = 0 Task-related Not fetch·protected Swappable Allows a task running in key a to acquire fixed, accountable, protected storage In the LSQA for the user's region that is joboriented and freed when the task tenninates. LSQA (task-related) 254 Space within LSQA (job·step-related) Job-oriented Fixed Protection key .. 0 Job-stap-related Swappable Not fetch-protected Allows a task running in key a to acquire fixed, accountable, protected storage in the LSOA for the user's region that is Joboriented and freed when the job step tennlnates. 255 Space within LSQA (explicitly assigned and freed) Job-oriented Fixetl Protection key - a Explicitly assigned and freed Swappable Not fetch-protected Allows a task running in key 0 to acquire fixed, non-accountable, protected storage in the LSOA that is job-oriented and must be expllcitlyfreld. ~74 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Serialization Summary This summary describes the use of locks and system ENQ/DEQ names. Lock Summary In OS/VS2, the set of locks is categorized. by hierarchy (from highest to rowestl 85 follows: DISP Dispatcher - serializes certain global functions and storage in addition to ASM SALLOe IOSYNCH users of the global intersect (applies to MVS/System Extensions). Auxiliary storage management - serializes auxiliary storage resources. Space allocation - serializes the resources of real storage management (RSM) and virtual storage management (\ISM). and some auxiliary storage management resources. I/O supervisor synchronization - serializes the IDS purge function and other lOS resources. IOSCAT IDS channel availability table lock. - serializes lOS processor related seve area. IDS unit control block lock • serializes access and updates to the unit control blocks. There is one lock per UCB. 10SlCH IDS logical channel Queue lock - serializes access and updates to the IDS logical channel Queues. There is one lock per channel Queue. SRM System resources manager lock· serializes the use of SRM control blocks and associated data. CMSEQDQ ENQ/DEQ Cross Memory Services - Serializes ENQ/CEQ functions and the use of tha ENQ/DEQ control blocks. (As applicable to MVS!System Extensions.) CMS General Cross Memory Services· this lock is used by all other global functions. (As applicable to MVS/System Extensions.) LOCAL Local Memory· serializes the memory related resources and users of the local intersect. (As applicable to MVS/System Extensions.) 10SUCB The use of locks is based on the following considerations: At anyone time, a processor canflold only one lock per class (as listed above). The cross memory services category is an exception. A processor can hold both cross memory services locks but only if they are unconditionally requested at the same time. For each processor. the location. (PSA.2FA) indicates the locks currently held.-• Page faults are permitted for programs that own the LOCAL and/or CMS locks. but not for programs that own locks higher in the hierarchy. • When requesting the CMS lock, a program must already own the LOCAL lock. When requesting any other lock. a program need not own locks that are lower in the hierarchy. • Locks can be requested conditionally or unconditionally. However. only locks higher than those currently held by the processor can be requested unconditionally. Tho following table lists the class. type. location and PSACLHS bit of each lock. Lock Plame DISP ASM SALLOC IOSYNCH IOSCAT IOSUCB 10SLCH SRM CMSEQCQ eMS LOCAL Category Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Glogal Global Local Typo Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin Suspend Suspend Suspend location lEAVESLA+O PSACHLS bit 1000 (O) OBOO IEAVESLA+4 0400 (O) 0200 0100 0080 0040 0004 0002 0002 0001 (O) (O) (O) IEAVESLA+8 IEAVSLA+,a HEX lEAVESLA+20 HEX ASCS .. HEX ao IEAVESLA is pointed to by the lock interface table. The lock interface table is pointed to by PSA location. PSA+2FC hex. - For each processor, the PSACLHT field (PSA + 280 hex) contains the addresses of the ASM and lOS locks currently held. Each lock is a ful1word of storage. If the lock value is zero, the lock is available (that is, not owned). For owned locks, lock contents and descriptions are listed below. Section 5 5-75 Category!Type Contents Global-Spin 0000 00xx Description 10 of the owning processor, as found in the PSACPULA field {PSA+206J. Global-Suspend 00xx xxxx ASCB address.·· Local-Suspend 0000 00xx ID of the owning processor. FFFF FFFF Lock is held, but the holder is currently inactive due to an interruption while the lock was held. 7FFF FFFF Lock. is held, but the holder is currently nondispetchsble due to e page fault or a pending unconditional request for the CMS lock. When the page fault is resolved or the CMS lock is relused, the local lock contents will be changed to FFFF FFFF to allow the address space to be red is patched. ··If an address space owned the eMS lock and/or the CMSEQDO lock and was interrupted or suspended, the ASCBCMSH flag in the ASCBFLG1 field of the ASca is turned on and the cross memory seNices lock-held indicator in the PSAHLHI field of the PSA is turned off until the address space is redispatched. The ASCB address remains in the CMS lock and/or the CMSEOOQ lock until they are released. For more complete information. refer to OS/VS2 System Logic Library For information about the use of locks by SVC routines, refer to the SVC summary earlier in this section. NIB: IEAVESLA can be located as follows: the first word of the lock interface table (PSA+2FC) contain the address of the dispatcher lock which is at IEAVESLA +0. Lock Refennce Table (new for MYS/System ExtelUions) The ~ble below begins at offset O. Each entry is 3 words in length and contains the lock address. mask. and entry point for each lock and lock request type. To find 8n individual lock's address, mask, or entry point. use the following: Location Offset+D Offset.4 Offset+B Length Description 4 Lock Address Mask for specified loelt Entry point into lock man&gflt'" 4 For each type of lock the 3 word entry described above is duplicated. The appropriate offllets are listed below. Conditional Obtain Unconditional Obtain Ralease 18 2. IOSCAT 30 3C 48 54 IOSUCB 60 6C 78 84 IOSlCH 90 9C AS 84 IOSYNCH CO CC D8 E4 TPNCB FC 108 11. Lock/Request Dispatcher Release Disabled TPDNCB 120 "" 12C 138 144 TPACBDEB 150 15C 168 17. ASM 180 18C 198 lA4 SAUOC lBO lBC lC8 104 204 SRM lEO lEC lF8 Generel eMS 210 21C 22B Local Lock 234 240 2.C 264 270 27C Multiple Spin ENO/DEOCMS AIICMS 258 288 AIICMS 5-76 DS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume' 294 2AO ENQ/DEQ Summary Following is a list of major and minor ENQ/DEQ names, the resources that they represent, and the modules that use them. Major SYSDSN SYSIAT SYSIEADl SYSIEFSD SYSIGGVl SYSIGGV2 SYSIKJBC SYSIKJUA SYSIEWLP SYSSJWTP SYSSMF01 SYSZUSAL SYSVSAM SYSVTOC Minor dsnam& Resource - Using Modules System data sets - IEEVSND2. IEFAB4DC. IEFSD1D2, IEFSD161, IGCOOO2B. IGCOOO21, IGCOOO30, IGGD20Pl. IHJACPOO (Dequeue onlv - IEFAB4A6. IEFSD162, IFOORROE, IGGD20P3. IGG0290D. IGG03OO11 JES3 CHKPNT data set - IATINTK.. IATINGL CKPT IATINJB. ND~ 1: This is a device RESERVE rather than an ENQmacro. Note 2: Major/minor names are defined in macro IATYITK. which is assembled in-line in module IATINTK. Modules IATINGL and IATINJB reference the in-line expansion. Dump data set - IEAVTABD lEA CHNGOEVS UCB - IEEMB813 Swap unit record tape device or - IGFDUO, OORTPUR IGFDTO, ALLOCATION Swap DASO device - IGFDDD, ALLOCATION OORDA Q4 UCB - IEEVCPU. IEEVPTH, IEE3603D, IEFAB421 {Dequeue only - IEE3103D, IEE3303D. IEE4203D. IEE4403D, IEE4803D. IEE4903D. IEE7303DI QS Protect key resource - IEFSD161. IEFSD166 (Dequeue only - IEFIB620) Ql0 CSCB - IEECB800. IEECB866. IEEMB810. IEEVMNT1. IEEVSND6. IEEVSTAR. IEEVWAIT. IEE0303D. IEE0703D. IEED803D. IEE3703D. IEE5103D, IEFIRECM. IEFJRECM (Dequeue only - IEESB665, IEFISEXRI RPLL Job journal data set - IEFXB500 STCQUE Started task control - IEFJSWT, IEEVWAIT {Dequeue only - IEESB6701 TSO data seh - IEFJSWT, IEEVWAIT TSOaUE (Dequeue only - IEESB67D) Master catalog - iGGDCLAC (Dequeue only MCATOPEN IGGOCLAD) Catalog name catalog - IGGOClA3 ABA T50 broadcast data set (rba _ relative block address) - IEEVSND2, IEEVSND3, IEEVSNOB. IKJEES10. IKJEES40. IKJEES75, IKJABBCR OPENUAOS User attribute data set - IKJEFA10, IKJEFA20. lKJEFA30, IKJEFA40, IKJEFLE. IKJEFLl. IkJABBCA userid TSO users - IKJEFAl2, IKJEFA2D, IKJEFA30, IKJEFLB, IKJABBCR, IKJRBBUO (Dequeue only - IKJEFLS) dsname for SYSLMOD SYSLMOD data set - HEWLFINT (Dequeue only -HEWLFFNU Job step messages - IEEJB840 JSCBWTP Message data set - (rpl _ request RPL + ASID parameter list pointer, esid _ address space identifier) - IGC0203E SYS1.MAN Data Set - IEEMB829. data set IFASMFDP ucbaddr User label tracks - IFG0202C, IFG0554L VSAM data 8ets (ccce _ ACB address. nnn cccennnx _ control interval number, K _ stetus) IDA02OOT. IDA0231T. IDA0557A, IGGOCLSG VOLSER VTOC - IGCOOO7H, IGGOCLBU, IGGD20P1, IGG0290E, IGG03001, IGGOO213. IGG03214, IGG03215. IGG03218. IGG0325A. IGG0325E, IGG0553A, IGG0860A (Dequeue only IFGORROE. IGC01D7H, IGG020P3. IGGD3217. IGG0325H. IGGD86AEI Section 5 5-77 Major Minor SYSZRBMF ACTIVE SYSZCAXW CAXW SYSZCSO CSOCPWS SYSZEC18 PURGE SYSZIGGI ASID SYSZISTOC Configuration Restart D8ta Set ddname SYSZOPEN dsnama SYSZPCCB PCCB SYSZPGAD PAGEADD SYSZPSWD dsnarr19 SYSZSIPS IRARMSET SYSZSMFl BUF SYSZTIOT ASID+DSAB SYSZVARY CPU VALIDATE SYSZVMV ucbaddr SYSZVOLS volsemo &-78 Resource - Using Module. Indicates that MF/1 is already active IRBMFMFC CAXWA {catalog auxiliary work area) _ IDACAT11. IDACAT12. IGGOCLBG CSO field - IEEVCPU. IEFICPUA {Dequeue only - IEFIB820} Purge data set - IGCOOOl F TSB - IGCOOO9C. IGG09302 ROT Segment/Checkpoint Data Set - ISTINCR4 System Data Sets - IGCOOO2B PCCB (private catalog control block) IEFAB4F4. IEFAB4F5. IEFAB4FE. IEFAB469. IGGOCL.A3 Serializes the PAGEADO command. Password data set - IFG0195U. IFG0195V IDequeue only - IFGORROEI SYSEVENT - IEEMB812 SMF buffer - IEEMB825. IEEMB830 aOB addr TIOT lasid • address space identifrer. DSAB aOB addr.address of the OSAB aDBI - IDACATll. IDACATl2, IEFDB400. IFGOTCOA. IFG019RA. IGC0002G. IGC0002I. IGCOOO3O. IGG020R1 (Dequeue only - IFGORROE. IGG02900. IGG03O(1) Reconfiguration commands - IEEMPDM. IEEMPS03. IEEVCPU Storagewlidation process - IEEMPVST Virtual volumes - IEFA8498 System volumes - IEFAB4FO, IEFAB4Fl. IEFAB421. IFG0194C. IFG0194F. IFG01960. IFG0552N. IFG0554L IGCOOO28, IGC00088 (Dequeue only - IEFAB4A8. IEFA8477. IFG0194A. IGG02900, IFG0194J. IGCOKOSB) OS/V$2 Debugglnll Handbook Volume 1 The following table refines the ENQ/DEQ summary for the job scheduler modules of MVS. Enqueue Resource Share SYSDSN data set name IEFAB4DC IEFAB4DC IEFAB4A6 IEFAB4DD IEFBB410 SYSIEFSD CHNGDEVS IEFAB421 IEFAB471 IEFAB487 IEFAB488 IEFAB4EC IEFAB491 IEFAB421 IEFAB4E7 IEFAB4EB SYSIEFSD Q4 IEFAB421 IEFAB4EC IEFAB421 IEFAB4DD IEFAB4E7 IEFAB4EB SYSIEFSD DDRTPUR IEFAB421 IEFAB4EC IEFA8471 IEFAB491 IEFAB488 IEFAB4B7 IEFAB4E7 IEFAB4EB SYSIEFSD DORDA IEFAB421 IEFAB4EC IEFAB471 IEFAB491 IEFAB438 IEFAB487 IEFAB4E7 IEFAB4EB SYSIEFSD ALLOCTP SYSZPCCB pces IEfAB425 IEFA84F4 IEFAB4F5 IEFAB469 SYSZTIOT address space identifier and DSAB SYSZVMV UCB address SYSZVOLS volume serial number SYSZOPEN data set name Exclusive IEFAB4FO IEFAB4Fl IEFAB421 IEFDB4Al Dequeue Only IEFAB4EB IEFAB4EA IEFAB4FE IEFDB400 IEFDS402 IEFAB49B IEFABB410 IEFAB4EB IEFAB4FO IEFAB4DD IEFAB4AB IEFAB477 IEFAB421 IEFBB410 General System Flow The following diagrams illustrate the general flow of control within OS/VS2. Nucleus Initialization • Master Scheduler Initialization • Start Primary JES • Start Initiator • Job Entry • Job Execution Nou: Module names that appear in these figures are the names of load modules. Section 5 5-79 RIM51nvoked by IEAVNIPM LINK ReTURN lEach RIM) lEAVNP021A21 1 IEAVNPOI IEAVNP02 (B2}1 IEAVNPF2 IEAVNPll IEAVNP03 IEAVNP10 IEAVNPOB IAB}1 IEAVNP14 IEAVNP05 IEAVNPOB IBB)' IEAVNPA6 IEAVNP06 IEAVNPAl IEAVNP07 IEAVNP09 IEAVNP13 IEAVNP16 IEAVNP17 IEAVNP19 IEAVNP15 IEAVNP18 IEAVNP08 (CBl l lOS Comm.task IDS lOS {options} VSAM NIP Systemresourcesmgr. Virtual storage mgmt. Aux.storagemgmt. Programmgr. Virtualstoragemgmt. Recovery term mgmt. Recovery mgmt. support Comm.task DIDOCS Taskmgmt. Scheduler Datamgmt. GTF MSS initialization Volurneattributeproc. VSAM Virtualstoragemgmt. 1 Parentheses enclose last two characters of entry point name Figure 33. Nucleus Initialization 5-80 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT Task Modo Initialization ILRTMI44 • Subsystem Interface. Figure 34. Master Scheduler Initialization Section 5 5-81 ASID::1 ASID: 3 • Subsystem Interface. Figure 35. Start Primary JES 5-82 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 ·Subsvstemlnterface. Figure 36. Start Initiator Section & 5-83 TEXT Figure 37. Job Entry Figure 3B. Job Execution 5-84 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Acronyms Following is a list of acronyms and their meanings. This list includes a subset of acronyms for all the data areas described in Volume 2 and Volume 3 of this publication, and in the OS!VS2 Data Areas. SYBB-0606 (microfiche). For each data area acronym, the explanation identifies the data area mapping macro and any additional publications (other than SYB8-06061 that apply. For each mapping macro, a listing of the macro definition is available in the system microfiche. ABDA ABDPL Abdump work area. Macro is IHAABOA. Snap parameter list. Macro is IHAABDPl. ABEND Abnormal end of task. ABP ActUil' bloc" processor. Macro is IEZABP. ACA ACe AeDES ACE ACR ACT AFC AFM AFMP AFQ AlA AlB AIT ALCA ALCC ALCWA ALLOCOEF ALTIOSTB AMB AMBl AMCBS AMDOATAX AMOS8 AMWA APF APG AQE AQMRB AAOB ASC8 ASIO ASM ASMHO ASMVT ASPCT ASVT ASXB ATB ATCOM ATTCH AVT AWA BASEA BBMB BCBIR BCMSG BCMSG BEB BECA BIB BRKElEM BTU ASM control area. Macro is ILRACA. Access. method control block. Macro is IFGACB. VTAM data extent block. Macro is ISTACDEB. ASM control element. Macro i~ ILRACE. Alternate CPU recovery. Account tables. Available frame count. AlloC3tion function map. Allocation function map. Available frame Queue. ASM I/O reQuest area. Macro is ILRAIA. Application interface block. Macro is TAIBD. Algorithm interface tables. Macro is IEFZB426. Allocation communication area. Macro is IEFZB432. Allocate catalog controls. Macro is IEFZB442. Allocation work area. Macro is IEFZB425. Device allocation defaults. Macro is IEFZ8445. TIOT status B overlay. Macro is IEFZB449. Access method block. Macro is IOMMB. Access method block list. Macro is IDAAMBl. Access method control block structure. described in OS/VS2 Catalog Management logic. SY26-3826. Macro is AMCBS. Mapping of PRDMP input records. Macro hi AMDDATA. Access method data statistics block. Macro is IDAAMDSS. Access method work area. Authorized program facility. Automatic priority group. Allocate Queue element. Macro is IHAAQE. Allocation Queue manager parameter/communication ares. Macro is IEFZB427. Address range definition block. Macro IS IOAAAOS. Address space control block. Macro is IHAASCB. Address space identifier. Auxiliary storage management. ASM header. Macro is IlAASMHO. ASM vector table. Macro is ILAASMVT. Auxiliary storage page correspondence table. Macro is IlAASPCT. Address space vector table. Macro is IHAASVT. Address space extension block. Macro is IHMSXB. Anention table entries. Allocation/termination communications area. ATTACH parameter list DSECT. Macro is IEZATTCH. TCAM address vector block. Macro is TAVTD. Interpreter work area. Macro is IEFVMAWA. Master scheduler resident data area. Macro is IEEBASEA. Background parameter block. Macro is IKJZBBMB. Broadcast notices directory record. Macro is IKJZTJ02. Broadcast notice message record. Macro is IKJZT30J. SYS1.BROADCAST data set. 8eginning·end block. Macro is IECOBEB. EOIT communications area. Macro is IKJEBECA. Base information block. described in SY26-3825. Macro is IDABIB. Breal( element. Macro is BRKElEM. Bssic transmission unit. Macro is TBTUD. Section 5 5-85 CAT Buffer control block. Macro is IOABUFC. Common allocation ESTAE exit parameter area. Macro is IEFZB447. Common allocation function map. Macro is IEFZB428. Channel availability table. Macro is IECDCAT. eeA Catalog CommunicatiOns ante, described in OS/VS2 eatelog CAXWA Catalog auxiliary work area. described in OS/VS2 Catalog Management logic. SY28-3826. Macro is IGGCAXWA. CC CCH CCT Condition code. Channel check handler. SRM CPU management control 18ble. Macro is IRACCT. Channel command word for TCAM. Macro is TCCWO. Contents directory entry. Macro is IHACDE. Checkpoint wodt area. Macro is IEEVCHWA. Command input buffer. Macro is IEZCIB. JES compatibility inte"!'ace control block. Macro is IFGJCICB. Common intemal work area. Macro is IEACIWA. CI SVC exit list. Macro is IHACIX. Cluster managamant block,. described in SY26-3825. Macro is IDACMB. Cross memory services. Communications parameter list. Macro is IEZCOM. Converter/interpretar common work area. Macro is IEFCOMWA. Internal control 18ble for TSO submit command. Macro is IKJEFFCT. Channel program area. Macro is IDACPA. Channel program area. working storage header, described in SY26-3825. Macro is IDAWSHD. Cell pool anchor block. Macro is IHAtPAB. Cell pool identifulr. Command processor parameter list. Macro is IKJCPPL Central processing unit. Console queue element. Macro is IHACTM. Cathode ray tube. Common service area. Command scheduling control bklck.. Macro is IEECHAIN. Control section. Common system data area. Macro is IHAeSD. Command scan output area. Macro is IIUCSOA. Command scan paremeter list. Macro is IKJCSPL Channel status word. VSAM catalog control volume. Macro is IEZCTGCV. VSAM catalog control field. Macro is IEZCTGFL VSAM catalog parameter list. Macro is IEZCTGPL VSAM catalog volume list. Macro is IEZCTGVL VSAM catalog scheduler work area. Macro is IEZCTGWA. Common unallocation ESTAE exit perameter area. Macro is IEFZB441. Common unallocation interface. Macro is IEFZB439. MP and K command paremeter list. Macro is IEECVMAP. Convarter work area. Macro is IEFCVRWA. Communicationl vector table. Macro is CVT. SVC 72 extended save area. Macro is IHACTM. DAIR attribute control block. Macro II IICJDACB. Dynamic allocation function map. Macro is IEFZB407. DynamiC allocation klllY dictionary. Macro is IEFZB4D4. Dynamic al1oc:ation key 18b1e. Macro il IEFZB4D3. DAIR entry code 00 parameter list. Macro is IKJDAPOO. DAIR entry code 04 parameter list. Macro is IKJDAP04. DAIR entry code 08 parameter Rat. Macro Is IKJDAPOS. DAIR entry code DC parameter list. Macro il IKJDAPOC. DAIR enby code 10 parameter list. Macro is IKJDAP1o. DAIR entry code 14 parameter list. Macro iIIKJDAP14. DAIR entry code 18 parameter list. Macro is IKJDAP1B. DAiR entry code "1C parameter list. Macro il IK.JDAP1C. DAiR entry code 24 parameter list. Macro il IKJDAP24. DAIR entry code 28 parameter list. Macro il IKJDAP28. DAtR entry code 2C parameter list. Macro is IKJDAP2C. DAiR entry code 30 p8f1IImetat list. Macro II IKJDAP30. DAiR entry code 34 parameter rlSt. Macro is IKJDAP34. BUFC CAESTPA CAFM Management logic,. SY26-3826. Macro is IGGCCA CrNV COE CHKWA CIS CICB CIWA CIX CMS CMS COM COMWA CONTAB CPA CPAWSHO CPAS CPIO CPPL CPU COE CRT CSA CSCS CSECT CSO CSOA CSPL CSW CTGOV CTGFL CTGPL CTGVL CTGWA CUNESTPA CUNI CVMAP CVRWA CVT CXSA OACS DAFM DAKEYDIC DAKEYTAS DAPBOO OAP804 OAPBOB OAPBOC DAPS10 DAPS14 DAP818 DAPB1C OAP824 DAPB28 DAPB2C DAPB30 DAPB34 .... OB!VSZ _ ......_ V....... , DAPL DASD OAT DCB DCM DO DDNAME DDR ODRCOM DEB DEBAP DECB OEVTAB DEVNAMT DFPB DFPL OIDOCS OIWA DMDT DOM DOMC DOMPL DOE ORO DSAB DSABMASK DSABaOB OSC8 OSDR DSENQT OSL OSNT asp DSPCTMAP OSRFM OUIDL OVA DVCIDT OVCT DYNESTPA DYNTCFRR EBCDIC EC ECB ECT EDB EDL EDT EED ElL EMM EP EPA EPAL EPAM EPATH EPFP EREPL ESA ESD ESDID ESTA ETIORB EVNT DAIR parameter list. Macro is IKJDAPL Direct access storage device. Dynamic address translation. Data control block. Macro is DCBD. Display control module. Data definition. Data definition name. Dynamic device reconfiguration. Dynamic device reconfiguration communication table. Macro is IHADDR. Data extent block. Macro is IEZDEB. TCAM application program DEB. Macro is TDEBAPD. Data event control block. Macro is IHADECB. Device table. Device name table. Default paramater block. Macro is IKJPFDB. Default parameter list. Macro is IKJDFPL Device independent display operator console support. Data insert work area. Macro is IDADIWA. Domain descriptor table. Macro is IRADMOT. Delete operator message. Delete operator message control block. Macro is IHADOMC. Parameter list for OOM - SVC B7. Macro is IHACTM. Descriptor queue element. Macro is IHADaE. Data ready queue. Macro is TDRaD. Data set association block. Macro is IHADSAB. Data set association block mask. Macro is IEFZB4D8. OSAB queue descriptor block. Macro is IEFZB4D5. Data set control block. Macro is IECOSL1. Data set descriptor block. Data set enq teble. Macro is IEFZB902. Data set label. No macro. Data set name table. Macro is IEFDSNT. Dovice support processor. Data sot page COTfospondenco table. Macro is lDAVBPM. Data set reservation/release routine function map. Macro is IEFZB406. User data list. Macro is IKJEFUDL OEVTYP output. Macro is IHAOVA. Device 10 table. Macro is TDVCIDTD. Device characteristics table. Macro is IHADVCT. Dynamic allocation ESTAE exit parameter area. Macro· is IEFZB409. Dynamic atlocation TCTlOT FRA parameter area. Milcro is IEFZ8451. Extended binary coded decimal interchange code. Extended control. Event control block. Macro is IHAECB. Environment control table. Macro is IKJECT. Extent definition block. Macro is tDAEDB. Eligible device list. Macro is IEFZB422. Eligible devices table. Macro is IEFZB421. ATM extended error descriptor. Communications task evont indication list. STC STAE exit parameter list. Macro is IEFZB820. Entry point. External parameter erea. External parameter area, SWA manager locate mode. Macro is IEFZBS05. External parameter eree, SWA manager, move mode. Macro is IEF2B506. ASM recovery audit trail area. Macro is ILREPATH. ExtendO'd preciSion ftoating point. Converter/interpreter ESTAE'exit parameter list. Mecro is IEFZB9RD. Extended sove area. Macro is RTMZESA. Extemill symbol dictionary. External symbol dictionery 10. SVC 13 use of the SVRB extended STAE parameter list. Macro is IHAESTA. DSAB/TIOT entry build routino request block.. Macro is IEFZB430. EVENT tabla. Macro is IHAEVNT. Section 6 6-87 EWA EWD Common ERP work area. Macro is EWAMAP. CASD ERP work area. Macro is EWDMAP. Installation exits for TSO FIB commands. Macro is IKJEFFIE. EXITL EXLSTA EXLSTD EXTWA FBCE FCAUD FCBIM FCT FElWK FF82 FFIB VTAM function management control block. Macro is ISTFMCB. Fixed ownership element. Macro is IHAFOE. FPWA FQE FRR fRRS FTPT GDA GDGNT GFA GFPARMS GMT GSOA GSMQ GSPL GSR GTF GTFBCB GTFBLOK GTFPCT GTPB HC HDR HISTORY HSKESTPA HSKPWA ICB ICOE ICR ICT ICWA ID IDR IECALLWA IECPRLWA IECSCRWA IEDOTCX IEFPARM IEL IFDCOM IHSA IKJEFlWC IKJEFUAD IMCa IMWA INITOATA 5-8B Extend work area. Macro is IECEXTWA. Free block queue element. Macro is IHAFBQE. Audit trail, open/close executors. Macro is IHAFCAUD. fCBIMAGE in EXITUST. Macro is IHAFCBIM. Function control table - JES3. FETCH work area. Macro is IHAFETWK.. Mapping macro of SVC 100 attach interface. Macro is IKJEFFB2. Mapping macro of SVC 100 interface. Macro is I! SlOT" ~4 + C 6B 10 0 ThisSIOT I 3 DDname 53 I--.c + SlOT tAO + JFCBX -( Create date -4 Expiration date Subsvstem name 56 62 DSQAG I--- 64 65 66 6B RECFM Maximum block size LRECL 70 9. Figure 44. Job Scheduling Control Blocks (Part 2 or 2) Space parameters following format. -10 ' Data set name 2C 50 9B '- JFCB (See Notel Data Area Acronym ...Ases "... " CVTI o"V • FO • TCX Current 3B 3C Ases TCX 24 6C ... TIORPT BO LWA 10 .. ASeS lC ... JSEL (Used During LOGON) 20 .. EeT (Used During LOGON) • ~l: ) 'B l ECT AC L JSEL ASXB .. First TCB on Queue .. LWA ... l 18 1 t PSCB r ~74. J. "~ N."TAXE ... TAlE (if one exists) f TAlE l" 14 J lOB tOC Next TCB B4 No. Input Buffers It First Input Hdr Buffer Password (8 bytes) ... PSCB ASIO • JSCB Pm",," d) _f PSCB 30 3' ... Next TCB TCB I" Camm,"" 74 First Output Hdr Buffer JSCB Next TCB TCB for TMP (B4 It First Input Trailer Buffer ... NextTCB .4 74 Buffers 58 hr'4 84 Private Area of TSO User Address Space .. USERIO forTSO TCB for LOGON/Initiator TAXE Queue TAXE LWA ... ASXB t First Output Trailer Buffer No. Output TCB for STC ACTO It ... TSB n '4 TSB fin {CSA} J~ csea TCB for RCT .-f RCTD .. ~ ... RLGa l:~ fJ Zeros • JSCB LWA + 'lS'X - Figure 45. TSO/TCAM Conlrol Blocks :c I o GVI FO ~f ~ TWAR TCX 4 TCAST I First TSB 5C ... ~ I-l 24 User ASCB 38 3C ... Current User ASCB I 10 • ASCB f ~~ 4 JSEL (Used During LOGON) 1+ ECT (Used During LOGON) LWA hCT r 14 5C l: 78 4 + TAXE Queue f+ Figure 46. TSO/VTAM Control Blocks dJ 74 l it USERIDforTSQ l - J 0 4 24 Password (8 Bytes) 4 TSBX 74 l 74 l84 ... Previous TSB 4 TVWA iTAIE 74 :J 84 j---- JSCB 108 10C' .. Next TCB 4 PSCB ... Next TCB ASIO t!'SCB 30 TCB for TMP 34 I + Next TCB + JSCB j-- + RLGB ~ UPT ORLGB TCB for Command Processor N",TAXE TAlE (if one exists) D TSBX ... Next TSB TCB for LOGON/Initiator hAXE l 4 CSCB 4 TSB 4 ASXB TC8 f-' RCTO RTCD AC ... Private Area of TSO User Address Space First TCB on Queue + LWA :l) [ OJSEL BO TIORPT ASXB 4 j,-.58 50 TCAS ASCB TCASASCB TCX A' ...... lin ,............. TSB CSA), ....... TWAR TCAST ''''........ , 44 Zeros + JSC8 t. UPT j-- tTVWA f1 1 LOC 10 (16) PCCAVT PCCAs Points to PCCAs (CVT points to ASC8 dispatching queue) CSD Contains common data u$ed by the system Contains information for physical CPU LCCAVT Points to LCCAs LCCAs ASVT ~ PSA- 1 Contains information for a logical CPU ASCS Represents address spaces located inSQA Points to created address spaces " ------------------------- RSVT II ~ 1 I ~ Normal Stack (part of the PSAI 1 1 I 1 SVC - I/O - Di,pmh" 1 -I M"hin, Ch"k 1: Program Check I -I External 1 II 1 External 3 -I I 1 External 2 l I f- a> ~ 1 I l i ~ I I stacks can be the current stack. L __________________________J I I Note: Anyone of these FRR Figure 47. Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Overview (Part 1 of 2) - I Restart I ~ 0 In r--1 ~ ICVT points to ASCB dispatching queue) Aepresents address spaces located in SQA. ;" - - - -- - -SVT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rCV;:- I CVTGSMO SVTGSMO I CVTGSPL SVTGSPL I I CVTLSMO SVTLSMO SABs (See Note 1J _ L __________ _ S5' . I f 6C AS AC BO ASXB Tess CD seA aEl Contains SPIE information ASXBFAOE ASXBLROE {See Note 2 (lRB) (SIRB) Aequest fora service ASXBFIOE ASXBUQE SRBs RB Contains task·related information Extension of ASCS located in LSOA. SABs (See Note 1J P'E Points to the PICA aCB ASXSFASB 'j IEHGSMO SRBs 1-, ~-- PICA Used for program exits IHSA 20~' ________ ~ ~ IEALSMO SRBs I" Not.. : 1. Global SRBs: Dispatched before addrass spacas. 2. Locel SRBs: Dispatchad at the priority of an address space. C'::J - Applies to MVSlSvstem Extensions Figure 47. Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Overview (Part 2 of 2) IEAGSPL b th SABs (See Note 1) ~ -- ~ 2h '-. PSA 10 h 20B 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 20C I-_v:.:."c::,u::"c::,::dd::"=",,-P::CC::.A=-_-j I ;l 1--===-=---, 214 1----'--'------1 LeCA 'LeCA' Virtual address LeCA Logical processoj Real address LeCA address Program check FUH register save 88rl~----~~~----t Program check FLIH PSW save CVT 294 1 ::1 h MI~--~--~----~ External FLIH register save ~ 160 I --- CSD 'eso Processors available Processors alive J o ~ l TOE 'TOE • 4, Real address PCCA 210 bll (~~====~ a ~PCCAVT nlCCAVT 1 I Numberof processors alive Figure 48. Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Processor Control Blocks PCCA NextTQE • Previous rae Requester's ASIO Flag Flag 10 'PCCA' E:Kpiration time or time left CPU id 10 Physical processor address 14 ~~ I Virtual address PSA Real addressPSA 20 24 I-------' 28 + UserTCB • User ASeS ht word of current PSW ~ PSA s4c + lt SVT 0 ~ SVT ~ J(j +2. GSMQ i I :: I +24 GSPL +28 LSMQ ASCS LSMQ LSPL f cl:; Lo,,1 SRS SRS GlobalSRB Global SAB d.....t Global SAB Global SAB ~ Local SAB SRS Nota: The LSMQ in tho SVT is maintained for compatability. The MVS System Extensions SRB schedule function places lotal SRBs on the address space LSMQ. All queues are single headed and each contains svstem and non·quiescable level SRBs. Figure 49. Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Dispatching Queues: GSMQ, LSMQ, GSPL (Applies to MVS/System Extensions) ~ Local SAB ~ 264 eVT It It 26e It 268 GSMa J o l GSMQ L+ LSMa GSPL 1 o 0 8 e First SAB 1 LSMO I t First SRB 0 di': SR8 'SRB' +NextSAB ~ Ases GSPL + FirstSRB + Last SAB o SRB rL..::::r- t 'SRB' + Next SRB 8 ASe8 0 1: ., ag co ~ Figure 49. Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Dispatching Queues: GSMQ. LSMQ. GSPL 'SAS' + Next SAB t ASe8 ~ ,----, 22C CVT It ASVT 1] 0 III ~ J " • 2'0 2" 2'B .f 8 'ASVT' SC r- 00 I I I DB I+ Next Fullword DB 1+ Next Fullword DB I 00000000 00 00 ,C +Readv TCB •+ 8 Next SAB + ASCB I + First Suspended SAB 00 ASCBLSMQ 04 ASCBLSPL II- J J SRB L Nox,SRB ASCB ~ o ASXB • 8 'ASXS' + First TCB + Last TCB Jr ~TCB r- + ~ RB 7. r- + NextTCB DC 'SRS' • + NextSRB B + ASCB I 1r I SRB L+ L+ SRB 0 I 'SRS' ASCBLOCK B4 r- SRB/SSRB + ASXB OO 4 Next ASeS ASCB 0 + Next ASCB .J _Previous ASeS ASeS +Next ASee ,-----, 'ASCS' ASVT 200 f Ases 0 + Previous TCB Blocks for Each Address Space Figure 50. Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Dispatching Queues: AseD. TeD. LSPL (Applies to MVS/System Extensions) r---- ~ 0 RB rc + First Major COE ,C '- r- + Previpus AS ~~f t Next COE ·Suspended SRBs are queued off the ASCB only if the condition was a lock suspension. 22C ,f?[l t b ASVT I:: ASCB 'ASCB' NeKt ASCB ASVT ASCB Previous ASCB 200 'ASVT' " I----' First Suspended SRB' 18 Last Suspended SRB 1C LSPL 6C t Next Fultword ASXB Next Fullword 00000000 0' ~ f t FlrstSRB I ,.--C f-- TCB RB NextTCB ~ I Blocks for Each Address Space Figure 50. Supervisor-Control Control Blocks - Dispatching Queues: ASCB. TCD. LSPL ~~R~B______________- , LSPL 7. I g " B ASXB 'ASXS' • . t FirstTCB 8 + LastTCB ..a c r---=o DC Previous TCB lfj + First Major CDE t I P",;ou, RB I I- ~ ~"'CDE ·Suspended SRBs are Queued off the ASCB only if the condition was a lock suspension . ! .. ~ OrP~SA~______________, 16 1 CVTPTR eSD CVT 294. SVT Identifies the features of each CVTCSD ~=S=V=T=GS=M=Q=====: CPU in the system SVTGSPL SRB chain ASVT Identifies the active address spaces in the system; contains index into ASCB chain. f. I SVTlSMQ Global SRB GSMQ SRBASCB Points to SRSs scheduled for global requests. These SRSs will be moved to the GSPl queue. ASCB chain ~ ASCB contains information related to a specific address space. ~ SRBchain tSRB Chain Global SRB r.J ~ Notel r ASCBASXS _~~S~R~BA~s~eB~~~~~~~~ SRB chain (Note 21 Notes: 1. The dispatcher and the schedule service routine (see the topic "Supervisor Control") mova SRBs from the service management queues to the service priority lists. 2. This LSMQ is maintained for compatability. The MVS Systems Extensions SRB schedule function places local SRBs on the address space lSMQ. ~:I ASeBLSMQ ASCBLSPl ~J SRB chain II , '"' "'"" I '---"-l lo--'''oo .. A"''' SRu,..... ....... ..u ASXB ASXBFTCB Figure 51. Task Management Control Blocks - Overview (Part 1 of 2) (Applies to MVSjSystem Extensions) ~ I Lo,,' SRB SRBASCB III ~ o PSA eVT CSD eVT CVTCSD 16 CVTPTR 26e Identifies the features of each CPU in the system Points to SRBs for programs Identifies the active address spaces in the system; contains index into Asee chain. ASee chain CVTLSMQ that exccute at the highest priority. GSMQ SAB chain Points to SABs schedUled lor global requests. These SABs will be moved to the GSPL qUCIUI. Global SAB SRBASeS SRB chain ASe. Ie contains information related to a specific address space. ASCBSPL 6e ASCBASXB Global SAB Points to SABs for programs that execute at the priority of thc address space. SRBASeS \,Note 1 SRBchain LSMQ \ \ LocalSRB ASXB ASXBFTCB No' 1. CVTGSPL CVTGSMQ CVTASVT Points to SABs scheduled for local \ requests. These SRBs will be moved to the LSPL queue. SRBASeS SRB chain Local SRB SRBASCB .J ~ service priority lists . Figure 51. Task Management Control Blocks - Overview (Pari 10f2) ~ o ~ ~ ASXB chain IU{ ASXB FlCa ~ ASXBFIQE ~ :~ 1- ~EL identifies the task 8 GELTeS g 280 Minor aca corresponds to the minor name on an ENO. i ~ aCBFQEL i 1 Issued the ENO. CVTFOCB w- Major aCB chain Major aCB corresponds to the name on an ENG. '- aC8FMIN that l ~ Figure 51. Task Management Control Blocks - Overview (Part 2 of 2, TCB contains information related to a specific task. 8C TC810E B4 TCBJSCB 1 LJ JOE (See Note 1 ~ I TeBRBP I 4 TeaPIE r- Identifies en.d-of.task exit for a task (JOE IS created by I ATTACH}. JSCB ·1 :l -I I Contains information related to a job step. 0 CVT Minor aCB chain ~. TCB queue GEL chain RS queue ~ RB id,otili", ----' RTCT f -I -I .~ -h ] LCCAs 1 ~ -I LSMaSRBs ~ I------------~----- I ~ Machine Check Stack '--CVT 23C 2FCI 300 IL .. -There are 3 types of SDWAs: 1. Local 2. Global 3. GETMAIN These are in different areas. This illustrates a GETMAIN SDWA. Each FRR stack contains a global SDWA. and the ASXB points to the local SDWA. The RTMl work area (offset X'34') points to the current SDWA. f. g ~ The EED contains information that is moved into the RTM2WA. Information in the ATM2WA is moved into the SDWA. Anyone of these FA A stacks can be the current Slack. f r-...I.. .... v ====~----, PCCAs I ,---------I SOA ~~ Contains recording information PSA 380 "I + Current stack -+---Normal Stack C-----RSVT COO Normal stack Cl0 1 - - - - - ATM1 Work Area I i J! I I L SuperSt8ck. L -l 1 RcstartStack External 2 Stack Program Check Stack L ___ 'I Figure 65. Recovery Tennination Management Control Blocks - Overview (Part 1 or2) (Applies to MVS/System Extensions) SDWA- I I I I -I 1 Machine Check Stack I II I I I External 3 Stack JI I I 1 1 J ~ CVT LAB* GSPL SRBs ~ I ~ 1 o Contains error information EED LSPL SASs I ~ -L ~ ASVT t , f ~t::AS=CB====== -, Contains error inf?rmation , regs. or dump aptlons TCB SNAP SVRB 1 Ir1 ESA ABDAAEA 6C ] ContamsSTAEexlt ~ routine control information ASXB I I IHSA (pointed to by either RTM1WA or TeB; resides in quick cell paols) RTM2 SVRB I Contains control information for RTM2 RB - L~~~~t~~e~ea ::~U;t~tdfor ESA 104 1C ~ • A hardware LRB contains information about machine checks. Software LABs contain hardware and software information (3 header and SDWA!. 1 J Noto: The fED contains information that is moved into the ATM2WA. Information in the RTM2WA is moved into the SOWA. Figure 65. Recovery Tennination Management Control Blocks - Overview (Part 2 of 2) Cont;lins dump options I ATM2WA SDWA' Contain~ !;:ontrol information, SNAP parameters,error information from EED, and Aes.Mgm. information RMPL Contain$crror information • The SDIVA pointed to by the ATM2WA is acquired by a GerMAIN. I '~, LAB- eVT 22e • 234 • A hardware LRB contains information about Contains error information ASVT machine checks. Software LRBs contain hardware and software information + ASes highest (a header and SDWA). l ASVT ~ TeB l EED Contains error informatio-;] regs, or dump options I (Pointed to by either RTM1WA or TCB; resides in quick cell poolsl SNAP SVRB 1 ~ ESA ASeB ;e- RTM2 SVRB l r ABDAREA Contains dump options 6C t::::::::::::::::j=r--- ~ ~ '1 IHSA ~ information from EED, and Res. Mgm. information iTAE/ESTAE SeB l I I Nota: The EED contains information that is moved into the RTM2WA. Infarmation in the RTM2WA is moved into the SDWA. Figure 65. Recuvery Tennination Management Control Blocks - Overview (Part 2 of 2) (Applies to MVS/System Extensions) code to b SDWA* Contains control parameters,error ASXB ..J RTM2WA information, SNAP -I::: 'I Contains control information for RTM2 AMPL '1 Contains error information l • The SDWA pointed to by the ATM2WA is acquired by a GETMAIN. ~ ~ J ~. :J: i f SSCVT 1++ SSVT SSCTVSE TVT +ACST • ADLTABLE ~(~r +FCTTOP I nDLT Contains information related to each deadline job Contains information related to all possible JES3 functions ~ JlJNCB'h';' Contains information related to each DJC job network +JNCBTOP +JSSFCT ~ RaBTM +ROTDP I ~ ( ) DSP D;tepping 2-6 interactive problem control system (lPCS) 2-1 interruption handler and prologue codes 4-14 I/O control blocks 6-33 I/O error indicators 4-24 I/O queue clements (laOs) 1-2 I/O trace records 3-124 ISAM codes 4-11 JES, start primary 5-82 JES2 codes 4-23 JES3 codes 4-23 JES3 control blocks 6-38 JES3 macro-IATXTRC 2-6 job entry 5-84 job execution 5-84 job-related control blocks 3-62 job scheduling control blocks 6-5 limited channel logout 4-24 link pack area map output 3-83 LIST 2-13 LIST PTF 2-7 lock interface table 5-76 lock summery 5-75 lOGDATA output 3-81 logical section of the processor 1-2 lost event records 3-122 low speed stand-alone dump 3-33 lPAMAP output 3-83 lSR trace racords 3-128 Index 1·3 machine-check interruption code 4-2 mapping 2-7.2-13 debugging aids summary 2-10 V = R regions into real storage 5-71 master scheduler initialization 5-81 memory (see s1;orage) MF/1 codes 4-23 miscellaneous resources 1-2 MODE command 2-9 module directory 5-64 module index 5-64 module status 5-64 module summary 5-62 MONITOR command 2-8 multiplexer channel 1-2 nucleus initialization nucleus print output 5-80 3-86 open catalog control blocks operator facilities summary output comments EDIT 3-58 general 3-102 explanation of 3-102 6-41 2-11 patching 2-6.2-13 PCI trace records 3-124 PGM trace records 3-129 PI trace records 3-129 PROMP 2-13 PRDUMP (see AMDPRDMP) PRINT CSA output 3-84 PRINT CURRENT output 3-60 PRINT JOBNAME = output 3-60 PRINT NUCLEUS output 3-84 PRINT REAL output 3-87 PRINT SOA output 3-84 PRINT STORAGE output 3-89 printing 2-7.2-13 problem catagories and analysis 1-1 problem determination 1-1 program interruption codes 4-3 processor competition for 1-2 1-5 prologue and interruption handler codes 4-14 program management control blocks job pack area queue 6-22 link pack area queue 6-21 overview 6-20 protection. storage 5-71 PSW 3-77 dump 3-77 error indicators 4-3 PSW. registers. and virtual storage 3-77 PTF application 2-7 aCBTRACE output 3-91 aEL status indicators 1-7 queue control block print 3-91 1-4 .oS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 RACF 5-81 real storage management control blocks details 6-31 overview 0-29 real storage print 3-87 recovery 2-10 recovery and restart 2-10 register dump 3-77 channel 1-6 processor 1-5 memory 1-6 resource acce:3S control facility (see RACF) resource status indicators 1-5 addr~ss space resources 1-6 channel resources 1-6 processor resources 1-6 RESTART key 2-10 restart and recovery 2-10 RNIO trace records 3-130 RSM codes 4-13 RTM control blocks overview 6-35 SAOMP (see AMOSADMP) scheduler codes 4-13 SOSP trace rocords 3-123 SCUMP macro instruction 2-4 selector channel 1-2 serialization summary 5-75 serially reusable resources 1-2 channels 1-2 logical section of the processor 1-2 miscollaneous resources 1-2 storage 1-2 services aids AMAPTFLE 2-7 AMASPZAP 2-6 AMBLIST 2-7 AMDPRDMP 2-4.2-6.2-7 AMDSADMP 2-4 HMASMP 2-7 IFCDIPOO 2-9 IFCEREP1 2-9 service aid reference summary 2-12 how to usn 2-12 GTF 2-5 SETFRR macro instruction 2-10 SETRP macro instruction 2-10 SID trace records 3-131 SLIP operator command 2-3,2-6.2-11 SMP 2-7 SNAP dump definition 2-2 output format 3-3 summary 3-3 special category abnormal completion codes SPIE macro instruction 2-10 SPZAP (see AMASPZAP) SOA print 3-84 SAB trace records 3-132 SAM trace r3cords 3-133 STAE macro instruction 2-10 STAE trace records 3-134 4-15 Index 1·5 stand-alone dump output format 3-32,3-35 summary 2-4 start initiator 5-83 start primary JES 5-82 status indicators 1-5 STOP button 1-2 storage competition for 1-2 protection 5-71 access control bits 5-71 change bit 5-71 fetch protection bit 5-71 reference bit 5-71 resources 1-6 subpools 5-72 summary 5-68 storage management (ASM and RSM) codes STORE STATUS operating procedure 2-4 subpools 5-72 SUBSVS trace records 3-127,3-135 subsystem interface control blocks 6-4 SUMDUMP output 3-93 summaries of debugging aids 2-1 summary of output comments 3-102 SUMMARY output 3-95 supervisor codes 4-12 supervisor control control blocks dispatching queues ASCS 6-14,6-15 GSMQ 6-13 GSPL 6-13 LSMQ 6-13 LSPL 6-14.6-15 TCB 6-14,6-15 overview 6-9 processor control blocks 6-11 SVC abnormal completion codes 4-15 SVC dUmps 2-3 output format 3-35 summary 2-3 SVC instructions 5-2 macro list 5-3 routines 5-1 locks 5-2 naming conventions 5-'1 other characteristics 5-2 page faults 5-2 register conventions 5-2 residence 5-1 SVC instructions 5-3 summary 5-1 table 5-2 trace records 3-136 symptom table 2-12 SV$ABEND (DO statement) 2-2 SVSEVENT summary 5-53 SYSMDUMP DO statement output 3-93 1-6 2-2 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 4-13 system and address space status indicator locations system error messages 4-2 system flow 5-79 System Modification Program (SMP) 2-7 system-relatnd control blocks 3-60 system restart codes 4-15 system summary output 3-95 system SVC instructions 5-2 SYSTEM trace records 3-127,3-138 system trace routine 2-5 SYSUOUMP (DO statement) 2-2 SYS1.0UMPnn 2-3 SYS1.LOGREC error recording 2-9 1-3 task management control blocks dotails 6-19 overview 6-16.6-17 task-rolated control blocks 3-66 TCAM coden 4-12 TCa structures initiator 6-2 JES2 6-3 JES3 6-3 master scheduler 6-2 Tca summary 3-79 time stamp records 3-122 TRACE command 2-5 trace format 3-122 trace records examples (SBe dumps) tracing 2-5 TRACK command 2-8 trapping 2-6 intercepting system errors 2-6 TSO/TCAM control blocks 6-7 TSO/VTAM control blocks 6-8 UCB sense bytes 4-26 UIO trace records 3-138 unformatted stand-alone dump 3-35 using selVic') aids to process system problems 2-14 USA trace r()cords 3-139 USRFD trac3 records (VTAM - Control Layer) 3-142 USRFD trac3 records (VTAM - NCP Une) 3-141 USRFD traca records (VTAM - TPIOS) 3-143 USRFE traco records (BSAM/OSAM/BPAM/BDAM) 3-145 USRFF traco records (OPEN/CLOSE/EOV) 3-146 USRF9 traco records (VSAM) 3-140 VIQ codes 4-14 virtual storage print 3-89 virtual storage layout for single address space 6-69 virtual storege layout for multiple address space 5-70 virtual storcge management control blocks global POE chain tv = V) 6-25 local POE chain (V = R) 6-26 local POE chain (V = V) 6-27 overview 6-23 subpool c;ueues 6-28 VSAM control blocks 6-42 VSAM SNAP dump output 3-23 VTAM cados 4-13 wait state codes 4-6 WTO buffers 1-7 WTOR repl,} queue elements 3800 sonsa bytes 1-7 4-36 Index 1-7 1-8 OSNS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 READER'S COMMENT FORM VS2 System Programming Library: Debugging Handbook Volume 1 GC28-0708-1 This manual is part of a library th:!t serves as a reference source for systems analysts. programmers, and operators of IBM systems. 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Number of latest Newsletter .:J.s.~ociated with this publication: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Thank you for your cooperation. No postage stamp necessary if mailed in the U.S.A. (Elsewhere. an IBM office or representntive will be happy to forwnrd your comments.) First Class Permit 40 Armonk New York Business Reply Mail No postage stamp necessary if mailed in the U.S A. Postage will be paid by: International Business Machines Corporation Department D58, Building 706-2 PO Box 390 Poughkeepsie, New York 12602 -j GC28-0708-1 File No. 8370-37 'F'DU :s::ii==~= (l) Inlernatlonal Buslne.s Machines Corporation Dala Proce.sing Division 1133 We.lchesler Avenue, White Plains, New York 10804 (U.S.A. only) IBM World Trade Corporation 821 Unlled Nations Plaza, New York, New York 10017 (International) ---- ------ ---------_.- -- ® OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Debugging Handbook Volume 1 GC28-0708-1 File No. S370-37 Includes Selectable Units: Scheduler Improvements Supervisor Performance # 1 Supervisor Performance #2 Data Management IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem TSO/VTAM Scheduler/lOS Support Service Data Improvements MSS Enhancements 3838 Vector Processing Subsystem 3895 Device Support System Security Support Dumping Improvements Attached Processor Support MVS Processor Support Hardware Recovery Enhancements Interactive Problem Control System TSO/VTAM Level 2 Data Management Support VS2.03.804 VS2.03.805 VS2.03.807 VS2.03.808 VS2.03.810 VS2.03.813 VS2.03.816 VS2.03.817 5752-824 5752-829 5752-830 5752-832 5752-833 5752-847 5752-851 5752-855 5752-857 5752-858 5752-860 Includes Program Product: MVS/System Extensions 5740-XE1 IBM Corporation, Publications Development, Dept. 058, Bldg. 706-2, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, New York 12602 Page of GC28-0708-1 As Updated January 15, 1980 By TNL GN28-4692 r-' . Second Edition (November, 1978) This is a major revision of and obsoletes GC28-070B-O and GC28-0751-O incorporating changes released in the following Technical Newsletters and System Library Supplements: Scheduler Improvements Supervisor Penormance #1 Supervisor Penormance #2 Data Management IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem TSO/VTAM Service Data Improvements 3838 Vector Processing Subsystem 3895 Device Support System Security Support Dumping Improvements MVS Processor Support Hardware Recovery Enhancements Interactive Problem Control System TSO/VTAM Level 2 Data Management Support MVS/System Extensions (program product) VS2.03.804 VS2.03.B05 VS2.03.807 VS2.03.808 VS2.03.810 VS2.03.813 VS2.03.817 5752-829 5752-830 5752-832 5752-833 5752-851 5752-855 5752-857 5752-858 5752-860 SU4 SU5 SU7 SU8 SU10 SU13 SUtt SU29 SU30 SU32 SU33 SU5t SUSS SU57 SUS8 SU60 (GN28-2678) IGN28-2680) IGN28-2704) IGN28-2679) IGN28-2722) (GN28-2655) (GN28-2768) (GC28-0925-0) (GC28-0800-0) (GC28-0845-O) (GC28-0816-0) (GD23-OO25-0) (GC2a.o891-O) (GD23-0096-0) (GD23-0048-0) IGD23-0076-0) 5752-XEt XEl (S023-OOO1-O) This edition with Technical Newsletters GN28-2967, GN28-2984 and GN28-4692 applies to Release 3.8 of OS/VS2 and to all subsequent releases of OS/VS2 until othelWise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the information herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/J70 Bibliography, GC2D-0001, for the editions that are applicable and current. The JES3 information contained in this manual is applicable only if JES3 has been integrated into your system. It is possible that this material may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs). programming. or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Publications Development, Department 058, Building 706-2. PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the information you supply. © Copyright IBM Corporation 1974. 1975. 1976, 1977. 1978 Page of GC2B-0708-1 As Updated January 15, 1980 By TNL GN28-4692 I Summary of Amendments for GC28-0708-1 As Updated by GN28-4692 /1 This technical newsletter contains information in support of the 3800 MVS enhancements and miscellaneous technical and editorial changes. Summary of Amendments for GC28-0708-1 General This edition has been reorganized into a three volume pUblication. See the Preface and Contents for the basic design and setup. Specific Volumes 1, 2, and 3 incorporate maintenance updates accumulated since the last revision. Also, the fonowing SUs have been integrated into these volumes. Scheduler Improvements Supervisor Performance #1 Supervisor Performance #2 Data Management IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem TSO/VTAM Service Data Improvements 3838 Vector Processing Subsystem 3895 Device Support System Security Support Dumping Improvements MVS Processor Support Hardware Recovery Enhancements Interactive Problem Control System TSO/VTAM Level 2 Data Management Support VS2.03.804 VS2.03.805 VS2.03.807 VS2.03.808 VS2.03.810 VS2.03.813 VS2.03.817 5752-829 5752-830 5752-832 5752-833 5752-851 5752-855 5752-857 5752-858 5752-860 Volume 1 incorporates program product information for MVS/System Extensions (5740-XE1) and highlights this information where applicable. Section 2 of Volume 2 (GC28-0709 or GC28-0752) Control Block Chains has been moved to Volume 1 (GC28-0708-1) as Section 6. Section 1 of Volume 2 (GC28-0709 or GC28-0752) - "How to Find Information" has been moved. This information is now contained in the description of the individual data areas. Each Volume 2 and 3 data area greater than 2 pages in length has a label-displacement list appended to it. • The publications summary (Section 6 in GC28-0708 or GC28-0751) has been deleted and replaced by a list of applicable publications in the Preface of Volume 1 (GC28-0708-1). A complete list of MVS publications can be obtained from the MVS Release Guide. This edition has been reorganized for a three volume pUblication. See the Preface and Contents for the basic design and setup. Summary of Amendments xi January 15. 1980 xii OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Page of GC28-070B-1 As Updated January 15, 1980 By TNL GN2B-4692 Coda M5 145 245 MF 14F h51 151 251 351 451 hS3 I 153 253 hS7 157 h5C 15C hSD 150 h5F 1SF 25F 35F 45F 55F h60 260 h69 169 269 h6B 16B h6D 160 260 360 h6E 16E Explanation SVC 69 (0A45) CODES An inva~d DCB or ICB is used. An error occurred that was not caused by invalid user input. SVC 79 tOA4F) CODES The STATUS macro was used for a function other than STOP, STOP SYNCH. or START, and the user was not in supelVisor key (0-7). SVC 81 (OAS1) CODES An invalid parameter list address was passed to the SETPRT macro. The SETPRT macro detected an invalid DCB exit list or user supplied image in storage. The SETPRT macro could not be executed. The SETPRT macro detected an invalid DCB. invalid lOBs. an invalid DEB address. or a DCB exit list address. SVC 83 (OA53) CODES An error occurred in the suspend /reset portion of SMF record processing. SMF processing errors caused SMF to terminate. SVC 87 (OAS7) CODES The issuer of a DaM request is not in the same address space and is not a privileged task. SVC 92 (OA5C) CODES The program issuing SVC 92 was not in supelVisor state. SVC 93 (OA5D) CODES An invalid data area is specified in the TGET or TPUT macro and detected by SVC 93. SVC 95 (OA5F) CODES The system resources manager is invalidly invoked. A system failure destroyed the data used by the system resources manager. An address space was non-swappable when a SYSEVENT. TRANSWAP IX'OE'), was issued. A quiese or swap-out failed while a transition swap (TRANSWAP) or requested swap (REQSWAP) was pending. An error was encountered during the execution of the XMPOST SRB for an issuer of SYSEVENT, TRANSWAP or REOSWAP. SVC 96 (OA60) CODES The STAX SVC detected an invalid user parameter. SVC 105 (OA69) CODES The CLOSE macro passed an invalid DCB address to IMGLlB. An error occurred during the execution of the IMGLlB macro. SVC 107 (OA6B) CODES An invalid parameter list exists. SVC 109 (OA6D) CODES An invalid ESR code for SVC 109, 116, or 122 was detected. MF/1 could not initialize, collect. or reinitialize the workload activity measurements. A communications error occurred between RMF and the system resources manager. SVC 110 (OAGE) CODES The OEBCHK function was not completed. (Applies to SVC 117. not SVC 110.1 Section 4 4·21 January 15. 1980 Code Explanation SVC III (OA6F) CODES h6F 36F 5SF An invalid entry code was passed to SVC 111. or DEBCHK processing found that the DEB was invalid. or the DEB was not a subsystem DEB. An error occurred during end-of-job processing for a JES2 job that was being processed by an execution batch monitor. SVC 113 (OA7l) CODES h71 171 271 An illegal or invalid request is made for the PGFlx.. PGFREE. PGlOAD. or PGOUT macro. An unauthorized call is made for the PGFIX or PGFREE macro. SVC 114 (OA72) CODE h72 172 An SVC 114 was issued with one of the following conditiOlls: the protect key was not correct (not thru 7). the request was not issued in the supervisor state. or the authorization bit was not set in the JSCB. a h75 SVC ll7 (OA75) CODES {See completion code 16EI SVC 119 (OA77) CODES h77 177 Invalid input parameters were detected by TESTAUTH. SVC 120 (OA78) CODES h78 178 378 478 778 878 978 A78 B78 078 The Re or RU type GETMAIN macro requested more bytes of virtual storage from the SOA than were available in real storage. The RC or RU type FREEMAIN macro contained an error in its subpool specification. The RC or RU type FREEMAIN macro contained an error in its subpool specification. An uncorrectable machine. system. or indeterminate error occurred while processing the RC or RU type GErMAIN or FREEMAIN macro. Not enough virtual storage is available for the GETMAIN issuer. or the RC or RU type GETMAIN issuer specified a negative length. The address of the storage area speCified by the RC or RU type FREEMAIN macro was not on a doubleword boundary. An error occurrad in defining the area to be freed by the RC or RU type FREEMAIN macro. The RC or RU type GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro contained a subpool specification error. The Re or RU type FREEMAIN macro attempted to free an unowned storage area. h79 SVC 121 (OA79) CODES 179 Anyone of the fol/owing conditions: 279 • • • An h7A 17A 37A 47A h7B 178 278 4-22 PGFIX or SETLDCK fail. The conversion to a real address (honoring a LRA instructionl fails. The block size for track overflow is not 4k. invalid BUFC or protection check is indicated in the 10SB by lOS. SVC 122 (OA7A) CODES An invalid EVENTS table address was speCified. A request was issued for ail EVENTS table being waited on by another program. The ENTRIES specification is incorrect (not from 1 to 32.7671. SVC 123 (OA7B) CODES An invalid ASID was speCified when the PURGEDO SVC was issued. A PURGEDO received a non-zero return code from FESTAE. OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Page of GC2B-070B-1 As Updated January 15, 19BO By TNL GN2B-4092 SVC - Macro List The following is a list of SVCs and associated macros. SVC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 84 65 66 67 68 69 Macro EXCP/XDAP WAIT/WAITR/PRTOV POST EXIT GETMAIN FREE MAIN LINK XCTL LOAD DELETE GETMAIN/FREEMAltl (with R operand) TIME SYNCH ABEND SPIE ERREXCP PURGE RESTORE BLDL/F1ND (lYPE 0) OPEN CLOSE STOW OPEN (TYPE = J) CLOSE (lYPE = Tl DEVTYPE TRKBAL CATALOG/INDEX/ LOCATE OBTAIN 'RESERVED' SCRATCH RENAME FEaV ALLOC IOHALT MGCR/QEDIT WTO/WTOR WTL SEGLD/SEGWr 'RESERVED' LABEL EXTRACT IDENTIFY ATTACH CIRB CHAP OVLYBRCH TTIMER STIMER DEQ 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' SNAP/SDUMP RESTART RELEX DISABLE EOV ENG/RESERVE FREEDBUF RELBUF/REQBUF OLTEP STAE/STAI-ESTAE/ESTAI IKJEGSSA DETACH CHKPT RDJFCB 'RESERVED' BTAMTEST 'RESERVED' SYNADAF/SYNADRLS svc 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 Macro GSERV ASGNBFR/BUFINQ/ RLSEBFR 'NO MACRO' SPAR DAR DQUEUE IFBSTAT 'RESERVED' LSPACE STATUS 'RESERVED' SETPRT DASDR SMFWTM GRAPHICS DDRSWAP ATLAS DaM MODSB 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' VOLSTAT TCPEXCP TGET/TPUT 'SEE SVC 94' SYSEVENT STAX IKJEGS9G PROTECT DYNALLQC IKJEFFIB QTIP AQCTL XLATE TOPCTL IMGlIB 'RESERVED' MODESET 'RESERVED' 'SEE SVC109' 'NO MACRO' 'NO MACRO' PGRLSE PGFIX/PGFREE/ PGlOAD/PGOUT EXCPVR 'RESERVED' 'SEE SVC 11S' DEBCHK 'RESERVED' TESTAUTH GETMAIN/FREEMAIN VSAM 'SEE SVC 122' PURGEDQ TPIO EVENTS MSS(1CB2SVC) 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' RACHECK RACINIT RACLIST RACDEF 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' 'RESERVED' 8SP Section 5 5·3 Page of GC28-0708-1 As Updated January 15, 1980 By TNt GN28-4692 SVC 0 (OAOOI: EXCP/XDAP macro - is type 1, gets LOCAL lock, calls module IECVEXCP IE.P. = IGCOOO). PLM is OS/VSl 1/0 Supervisor Logic. GTF data is: A15 and AD - No applicable data. Rl Address of the lOB associated with this request. DDNAME cccccccc Name of the associated DO statement. DCB xxxxxxxx Address of the DCB associated with this I/O request. DEB xxxxxxxx Address of the DEB associated with this I/O request. svc 1 (OA011 WAIT/WAITR/PRTOV macro - is type 1, gets LOCAL lock, calls module IEAVSY5D (E.P. = IGCOO1) far WAIT/WAITR, module IGG019CL far PRTOV. PLM is OS/VSl System Logic Library for WAIT/WAlTA, OS/VS2 SAM Logic for PRTOV. GTF data is: I A15 No applicable data. AD Count of the number of events being waited for. If the count is zero, the wait is treated as a NOP. Bit D equals one indicates a long wait. Al If positive, the address of the ECB being used. If complemented, the address of a list of ECB addresses. PLiST - The list is a series of fu!lwords, each containing the address of an ECB. I SVC 2 (OA021 - POST macro - is type 1. gets LOCAL and SALLOC locks, calls module IEAVSY50 (E.P. = IGCOO2). PLM is: OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: A15 No applicable data. RD Rl For POST: The completion code to be placed in the ECB. For POST: The address of the ECB to be posted or (if the high-order bit is 1). the address of a parameter list as fo!lows: Bytes: 0-3 Address of the ECB. 4-7 Address of the ASCB for the address space that contains the ECB 8-11 Address of the ERRET routine. 12 Contains the storage protection key of the ECB if the high-order list of AD is on and the high-order bit of Rl is on. SVC 3 (OA031 - EXIT macro - is type 1, gets LOCAL lock, calls module IEAVEOR (E.P. = IGCOO3). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library_ GTF data is: R15, RD, and A1 - No applicable data. 5-4 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 January 15, 1980 28-35 36 37-39 40 41-43 44 / 45-47 48 49-51 52 Entry point name for EP; blank or zeros for EPLOC or DE specification. Reserved. JSCB address. Task ID-AUTH ONLY. Address of the parameter list for the STAI or the ESTAI routina. Flag bytas: ..00 Purge",QUIESCE specified . ..01 Purge.. HALT specified• •. 10 Purge. NONE specified • . 1.. ASYNCH _ YES. 1... EST AI was specified. ••. 1 TERM = YES was specified. 000. Reserved. Address of the routine to get control if the subtask ABENDs. Reserved. Address of the opened TASKUB DCB. Indicators: 0... Word 56 contains a subpool number (AUTH ONLY) or zero. 1... Word 56 contains the address of a list of subpocls-AUTH ONLY . . 1.. Reset APF • ..00 0000 Reserv~d. 53 Reserved. Length of the parameter list in bytes. A subpool number or a list of subpool numbers. See byte 56 52-AUTH ONLY. Length of PLiST (1 byte) PLiST - PUST up to 40 bytes of parameter list passed to a program. The parameter list is a series of 4-byte entries. Each entry has its high-order byte reserved and an address in the low-order three bytes. No/~: Contents of register 1 at the time SVC 42 is issued are passed to the attached program. 54 SVC 43 (DAZB) CIRS macro - is type 1, gets LOCAL lock, calls module IEAVEFOO IE.P. = IGC043). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RO Entry point address of the use(s asynchronous exit routine. When the routine is dispatched it will get control at this entry point. R1 The meanings of the bytes of the register are as follows: Byte 1 A normal IRB is being created. 0100 0 .. . An SIRB is being created. This is used only by lOS to 1000 0 .. . run ERP routines. . 1.. Problem program key • Supervisor key • .0 .. Problem program state. .. 1. Supervisor state . ..0. Save area for registers requested • ... 1 No save area requested . ...0 Byte 2 Reserved - always zero. 0000 ...0 1. .. Indicates that the IOE's are going to schedule the routine. Indicates that the ROE's are going to schedule the 0 ... routine Return the IQEs at exit if the IRB has a work area and .1.. the RBUSIOE flag is not on. .0.. 00 not return the IOE's at exit. .. 1. Indicates that the RB will be freed when the exit issues an SVC 3. ..0. Indicates that the RB will not be freed when the exit issues an SVC 3. Byte 3 Reserved. Byte 4 Indicates the size in doublewords of the work area to be aCQuired. £IRB will 'unconditionally request ;;pace from subpool 253. The maximum sila is 255 doublewords. Section 5 5·21 Page of GC28-0!08-1 As Updated January 15. 1980 By TNL GN28-4692 SVC 44 (OA2C) CHAP macro - is type 2. gets LOCAL lock, calls module IEAVECHO (lGC0441. PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RO Signed value to be added to the dispatching priority of the specified task; negative value will be in two's-complement form. R1 Address of th6 area containing the address of TeB whose priority is to be changed; or zeros. Zeros 'indicates that the active task's priority is to be changed. CHAP TCB hhhhhhhh Address of the TCB whose priority is to be changed. Must be a subtask of the current task. SVC 45 (OA2D) OVL VBRCH macro - is type 2, gets no lock, calfs module IEWSUOVR (E.P. == IGC04S). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: R15 Address of the entry-table entry that caused the SVC to be issued. RD and R1 - No applicable data. PUST - 12 bytes long; format is: Bytes 0-3 Branch instruction to SVC 45. 4-7 Address of the referred-to symbol. 8 'To' segment number. 9-11 Previous caller or zero. SVC 46 (OA2E) TTIMER macro - is type 3~ gets no locks. calls module lEAVRTOO (E.P. == IGCOOO4F). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RO Address of the doubleword where time in microseconds is to be retumed. Rl Low-order byte has code determining the type of request and the format of the returned value. Code .000 TIme remaining in the current task's time interval is to be in register D in timer units; the time interval is not to be canceled . .•. 1 Current task's time interval is to be canceled • .. 1. •1.. Same as •.•.. 000 except the interval remaining is returned to the specified address in microseconds . Routine specified by the ERRET parameter gets control on an environmental error. SVC 47 (OA2F) STIMER macro - .is type 3, gets no locks. calls module IEAVRTOO (E.P. == IGC0004G). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RD Contents: Bytes STIMER option byte as follows: 0000 TUINTVL option. 0001 BINTVL option. 0010 MICVl option. 0011 OINTVL option. 0110 GMT option. 0111 TOO option . •()(X) [ntelVal to be decreased only when the task is active. •001 Decrease the interval continuously and put the task in the wait state until the interval expires. a .011 1... R1 Decrease the interval continuously. ERRET bit: Control is returned on errors with register 15 set to 8. 1-3 Exit address. Address of the time value. PLiST - 4 or 8 bytes depending on option in force: a. OINTVL. TOD.MICVL. and GMT - 8 bytes; represents the time value. b. 81NTVL and TUINTVL - 4 bytes; represents the time value. 5-22 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Page of GC28-070S-1 As Updated January 15, 1980 By TNL GN28-4692 SVC 60 (OA3C) . STAE/STAI-ESTAE/ESTAI macro - is type 3. gets LOCAL lock, calls module IEAVSTAO (E.P. == IGCOOO60). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic Library. GTF data is: FOR STAE/STAI REQUESTS R15 No applicable data. RO Contents: 00 Create. 04 Cancel. 08 Overlay. R1 Address of the parameter list. The high-order bit is set to 1 if the XCTL" YES parameter was coded. PLlST 12 bytes long: format is: Bytes Flag byte: TCB address is supplied . Allow asynchronous exit scheduling . Do not purge I/O operations. .. 01 Purge I/O operations with the halt option . .. 00 Purge I/O operations with the quiesce option• .xxl x... Reserved and set to zero. If zero, the CANCEL operand is in effect; othenyise, the address of the STAE/STAI exit routine. Address of the exit routine parameter list; if zero, no exit routine parameter list exists. TCB address for a STAI request. 1... •1.. .. 10 1-3 4-7 8-11 FOR ESTAE/ESTAI REQUESTS R15 No applicable data. RO Contents: 00 A new ESTAE parameter list is to be created. 02 Previous STAI/ESTAI exits are to be propagated from the originating task. 04 Cancel the most recent STAE request. 84 Cancel the most recent ESTAE request 94 Branch enter to comcel the most recent ESTAE request. 08 Overlay the previous ESTAE parameter list with the parameters passed in this request. R1 Address of the parameter list. The high-order bit is set to 1 if the ESTAE macro is not to be canceled when an XCTL is issued, and to 0 if the ESTAE macro is to be canceled when an XCTL is issued. PLlST 16 bytes long; format is: Bytes D Flag byte: TeB address is supplied. 1 ... . 1.. ESTAR indicator• ... 1 ESTAE/ESTAI/ESTAR parameters . •1.. Allow asynchronous exit scheduling . .. 10 Do not purge I/O operations. .. 01 Purgo I/O operations with the halt option . ..00 Purgo I/O operations with the quiesce option . .. 0. 0 ... Reserved and set to zero. 1-3 Address of the user e)(it routine. 4-7 Address of tre user parameter list. 8-11 TCB address if an ESTAI request. otherwise zero. 12 Fldg byte: .1.. Request for termination processing. .. 1. Request for error recording . Request branch entry to SVC 60. . 1 .. 13-15 Reserved. SVC 61 IOA3DI tKJEGS6A mecro - is type 3, gets LOCAL tock, calls module IGCOOO6A. PLM is OS/VS2 TSO Command Processor Logic: Volume III (TEST). GTF dala is: R15 and RD - No applicable information. Rl Contains: Zeros if the routine is being entered flOm the overlay supervisor. Address of the DCB used to fetch the module if the routine is being entered from the contents supervisor. Section 5 5-29 January 15, 1980 SVC 62 (OA3E) DETACH macro - is type 2, gets LOCAL lock, calls module IEAVEEDQ (E.P. :::: IGC062). PLM is OS/VSl System Logic Library. GTF data is: R15 and RD - No applicable data. R1 Address of the fullword containing the address of the subtask Tea to be detached. If bit 0 '" 1, STAE~ YES was specified. This affects the abend code with which an incomplete subtask is abended; If STAE=YES the code is 33E, otherwise it is 13E. DETACH TCa hhhhhhhh Address of the subtask TCB to be detached. Note: If R1 contains zeros, the DETACH TCB field is meaningless, and the issuer of SVC 62 will be abended with code 23E. SVC 63 (OA3F) CHKPT macro - is type 4. gets LOCAL and CMS locks. calis module IHJACPOO (E.P. = IGCOOO6C). PLM is OS/VS2 Checkpoint Restart Logic. GTF data is: A15 and RO - No applicable data. R1 Contents: a. Address of the parameter list. b. Zero if for a CANCEL request. PUST 8 bytes long; format is: Bytes o 00 Check the ID address provided in the second parameter of CHKPT macro instruction. 80 1-3 No check ID address is provided. Address of the checkpoint DCB. Check 10 address is provided. 01 Check ID length is provided via the to third parameter of the CHKPT 10 macro instruction. FF 'S' specified as the third parameter of the CHKPT macro instruction; the system-generated check ID is to be placed at the address specified in bytes 5-7. Address for storing the system-generated check ID or the address of the user provided check ID. 00 5-7 SVC 64 (OA40) RDJFCB macro - is type 3, gets LOCAL lock, calls module IGCOOO6D. PlM is OS/VS2 OPENICLOSEIEOV LogiC. GTF data is: A15 and RO - No applicable data. R1 Address of the parameter list. PUST four to 40 bytes of the RDJFCB parameter list. which has a maximum of 1020 bytes. The list is a series of 4-byte entries, each containing a DCB address. The high-order byte has bit 0 set to one to indicate the last entry. SVC 65 (OA41) Reserved. SVC 66 (OA42) BTAMTEST macro - is type 4, gets no lock, calls module IGCOOO6F. PlM is OS/VS2 STAM Lngic. GTF data is: R15 and RO - No applicable data. R1 Address of the lOB when the SVC was issued. I08ERINF Address of the RFT message, inserted by the channel end appendage (lGGQ19MB). IOBERNIF+4 Address of the parameter list, inserted by the terminal test control (lGG019MR). SVC 67 (OA43) Reserved. 5-30 OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Page of GC28-0708-1 As Updated January 15. 19BO By TNL GN28-4692 SVC 74 (OA4A) DAR macro - is type 3, gets LOCAL lock. calls module IGCOOO7D. PLM is OS/VS2 Graphics Access Method Logic. GTF data is: R15 and RD - No applicable information. R1 Address of the parameter list. PLIST up to 40 bytes. It is a smies of 4-byte entries. First entry has the format: Bytes D-1 Reserved. 2-3 Number of words in the parameter list. Each additional entry contains the GACB address specified by the DAR macro instruction. SVC 75 (OA4B) DQUEUE macro - is type 3. gets LOCAL lock. calls module IGCOOD7E. PLM is OS/VS2 Graphics Access Melhod Logic. GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RD Address of next the IQE on the IRB active list for the attention routine when ATTNINQ has specified the clear mode; otherwise. contains zeros. R1 content: Bytes o Unit index to identify a particular 2260 display station; or 00 for a 2250 station. 1-3 GACB address. IOE When ATTNINO specifies clear mode this field contains the first 3 words of the IOE pointed to by RO: Bytes D-3 Address of the next IOE in the chain. or zeros. 4-7 No applicable data. 8-11 Address of the IRB aS50ciated with the IOE. N/ A will appear in this field whenever the ATTNINQ macro instruction did not specify the clear mode. I SVC 76 (OA4C) No macro - is type 3. gets no lock. calls module IFBSVC76 (E.P. = IGCOOO7FI. PLM is OS/VS2 SYS1.LOGREC Error Recording Logic. APF protected. GTF data is: R15 RO 00 04 08 OC R1 No applicable data. If positive, contains the function indicator in byte 3: IndiCAtes ~hat the EOD recording is requested. Indicates that the EREP entry to record statistical information in SYS1.LOGREC is requestad. Indicates that an IPL recording is requested. Indicates entry to update date and time values in the SYS1.LOGREC time-stamp record. If negative (complemented), contains the length in bytes of a record to be placed in the SYS1.LOGREC data set. If RO is positive, R1 contains no app[icable data. [f RO is negative, R1 contains the address of the record to be written. SVC 77 (OA4D) Reserved. I SVC 78 (OA4E) No macro - is type 3. gets LOCAL lock. calls module IGCOOO7H. PLM is OS/VS2 DADSM Logic. GTF data is: R15 No applicable data. RD Address of the associated UCB. R1 SMF indicator and/or the message buffer address as follows: Bytes a SMF indicator (caller must be in protect key 0 or authorized to specify either SMF indicator). X'BO' - Build SMF record type 19. X'40' - LSPACE should test if the SMF volume information is requested before building the SMF record type 19. . 1-3 zero or the address of a 3D-byte message buffer. CUU cccc unit address in channel-unit format. Section 5 5-33 Page of GC28-0708·1 As Updatad January 15, 1980 By TNl GN28-4692 SVC 79 (OA4F) STATUS macro ~ is type 1. gets LOCAL. CMS, CMSEQOQ, SALLOC. and OISP locks. plus the local and global intersect. calls module IEAVSETS (E.P. = IGC079). PLM is OS/VS2 System Logic LIbrary. GTF data is: The two low-order bytes of register 0 contain a STATUS function code. Depending on the code. registers 15 and 1 contain other information as shown. Register 0 Function Register 1 Register 15 0-1 0000 MASK 2-3 0001 0003 MASK DOO4 MCSTEP NOSTEP NfA NfA NfA NfA nCB tTCB Oar tTCB ASIO NfA NfA MASK tTCB nCB nCB MASK MASK ASIO(XM status only for reset or start) ASID(XM status only for reset or start) OOOC NDSYS NOTCB STOP START SDSTEP SDSYS SDTCB SDETCB NOETCB 0000 0000 SRBS NfA 0000 0000 0000 oooE oooF oooF SYNCH Caller. SD Caller. SD NfA NfA 0000 0000 ASID NfA ASID ASID MASK 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 oooA oooB NfA ASIO(XM status only for reset/start) a or NfA NfA NfA NfA nCB MASK NfA N/ A (for MVS/System Extensions) 0000 0000 0010 0010 Caller. ND nCB MASK Caller. ND NfA 0000 0011 SRBs only NfA N/Alfor MVS/System Extensions) ASIDIXM status only for reset/start - for MVS/System Extensions) Note: The Sign bit of register one indicates: 0= set(stop). 1 =reset(start). not applicable to codes 6. 7. 14. 15. 16. SVC 80 (0A50) Reserved. SVC 81 (OA511 SETPRT macro - is type 4. gets no lock, calls module IGCOOO8A. PlM is OS/VS2 SAM Logic. GTF data is: R15 and RD - No applicable data. Rl Address of the parameter list. DDNAME cccccccc Name of the DO statement associated with the data set being printed. PliST parameter list of up to 14 words being passed to SVC a1. Bytes 0-3 address of the DCB. 4-7 a EBCDIC UCS image 10. LOAD MODE indicator; bit settings are: Bits .0.. No fold . . 1.. Fold. Reserved. Verification indicator; bit settings are: Bits ... 1 ... 0 5-34 Display the image on the printer for verification . Do not display the image on the printer for verification. Reserved. OS/VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 Page of GC28"()70B-1 As Updated January 15, 19BO By TNl GN2B-4692 10 11-14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 28 32 36 40 Data check indicator; bit settings are: Bits 10.. Block data checks. 01.. Unblock data checks. 00.. Data checks the DCB specifies. .. 10 Schedule SYSOUT data segment for printing now. Do not schedule SYSOUT data segment for immediate .. 01 printing. 10.. Unfold 3203 or 3211 UCS. 01.. Fold 3203 or 3211 UCS. ResoNed . SETPRT parameter list is extended to at least 48 bytes ... 1 in length. EBCDIC FCB image 10. FCB parameter options; bit settings are: Bits Verify the FCB. 1. .. Align . ... 1 .xxx xxx. ReseNed. SPPFLAG1 Flag indicators; bit settings are: Bits BURST=N, thread continuous forms stacker. 0... 1... BURST=Y, thread burster-trimmer-stacker. REXMIT=Y, retransmission-only change COPIES, . 1.. FLASH and starting copy number. INIT=Y, initialize the printer. .. 1. PRTMSG=N. suppress error messages in the printer. ... 1 Bypass the "load forms overlay" message and status 1 ... display. . 1.. Bypass the stacker setup message and status display. .. 1. Bypass WCGM overflow message (JES2 only) . ... 1 Load the requested FOB (JES2 and JES3 only). SPPFLAG2 Flag indicators; bit settings are: Bits 1... MODIFY is specified as an address. 0... MODIFY is not specified or is specified as a name. First character arrangement table is specified as an .1 .. address. First character arrangement table is specified as a .0.. name or is not specified. Second character arrangement table is specified as an .. 1. address. Second character arrangement table is specified as a .. 0. name or is not specified. Third character arrangement table is specified as an ... 1 address. Third character arrangement table is specified as a ... 0 name or is not specified. Fourth character arrangement table is specified as an 1... address. Fourth character arrangement table is specified as a 0 ... name or ;s not specified. . 1.. FCB is specified as an address (3aOO only) . .0 .. FCB is specified as a name or is not specified. Re5eNed. Number of copies to be printed on this transmission. Starting copy number. Length of the parameter list. Number of copies to be forms flashed on this transmission. Table reference character for copy modification. The last 4 bytes of 3 module name or a pointer to the copy modification control record. The 4 character name of a forms overlay frame. The last 4 bytes of a member name or a pointer to the first character arrangement table module. The last 4 bytes of a member name or a pointer to the second Character arrangement table module. The last 4 bytes of a member name or a pointer to the third character arrangement table module. Section 5 5-35 Page of GC2B-07OB-1 As UpdClted January 15, 1980 By TNL GN2B-4692 I: 52 5-35.0 The last 4 bytes d a member name or a pointer to the fourth character arrangement table module. Address of the message communication area for error information. Address of the DCB for a user library to load 3800 setup modules. OS!VS2 Debugging Handbook Volume 1 January 15. 1980 Section 5 5-35_1 January 15. 1980 svc 82 (OA52) DASDR macro - is type 4. gets no lock. calls module IGCOOO8B. PLM is OS/VS2 Utilities Logic. APF protected. GTF data is: R15 and RD - No applicable data. R1 Address of the parameter list. VOLSER DA-ADDR cccc volume serial number. hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh field displayed depends on the options in effect for the SVC routine. Option Direct access address content. Analyze or format 6-byte track address. Post UCB 8-byte track address. Address of alternate track CCHH Unlabeled volume N/A. 8-byte track address. New volume N/ A. PUST parameter list up to 16 bytes long pointed to by Rl. First 4 bytes include a flag byte defining the function to be performed. and a 3-byte UCB address. The fourth, eighth, and twelfth bytes, when present, will contain a flag indicating the last element (4-bytes) in the list. Last flag bit settings Bytes D 1-3 Function byte as follows: 8F New volume. 1F Address of the alternate track CCHH. 00 ANALYSE or FORMAT. 08 POST UCB. 88 Unlabeled volume. F8 Delete the DEB analyze of label. Address of the UCB. The contents of the remaining bytes are determined by the function specified in byte O. (Function 8F) 4 80 Flag byte in the last element. 5-7 Address of DCB. (Function 1 F) 4 80 Flag byte in the last element. 5-7 Address of the alternate track CCHH. (Function 00) 4-7 Address of the alternate track CCHH. 80 Flag byte in the last element. 9-11 Address of alternate track information. (Function OBI 4-7 Address of the serial number. 8 80 Flag byte in the last element. 9-11 Address of the VTOC. (Function 88) 4-7 8-11 12 Address of the serial number. Address of the vrOC. 80 Flag byte in the last element. 13-15 Address of the DEB. (Function F8) 4-7 Address of the serial number. 8-11 Address of the VTOC. 12 80 Flag byte ill the last element. 13-15 Address of the DEB. svc 83 (OA53) SMFWT iV1 macro - is tr'pe 3, gets n'J lock. cans module JEEMBB30. PLM is OS/VS2 Systo!nI Logic LibniJ)' . .4..PF protected. GTF data is: R15 and RD - NQ applicable data Rl Tre address of
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