GC28 6594 7_PLIf_pg Gd_Jan71 7 PLIf Pg Gd Jan71
GC28-6594-7_PLIf_pgGd_Jan71 GC28-6594-7_PLIf_pgGd_Jan71
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File No. 5360-29 Order No. GC28-6594-7 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System PLII (F) Programmer's Guide Program Number 360S-NL-Sll This publication is a companion volume to IBM System/360 Operating System: PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual, Form C28-8201. Together, the two books form a guide to the writing and execution of PL/I programs under the control of an IBM System/360 Operating System that includes the PL/I (F) Compiler. The Programmer's Guide is concerned with the relationship between a PL/I program and the operating system. It explains how to compile, link edit, and execute a PL/I program, and introduces job control language, the linkage e¢itor, and other essential features of the operating system. OS Eighth Edition (January, 1971) This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, C28-6594-6 and Technical Newsletter GN33-6016. In addition to incorporating information from the Technical Newsletter this new edition contains changes to the description of the PL/I sorting facilities and a number of minor changes throughout. Changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations, are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol • to the left of the caption. This edition applies to Release 20 of the IBM System/360 Operating System, and to all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the specifications herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/360 Bibliography SRL Newsletter, Form N20-0360, for the editions that are applicable and current. The information contained in this publication concerning Model 195 support is for planning purposes only. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Ltd., Programming Publications, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1966,1967,1968,1969,1970,1971 Preface This publication and IBM Systeml360 Operating system: PL/I. (F) Language Reference.Manual form a complementary pair Prograuuner's Guide is concerned with the relati<:>nship between a PL/I program and IBM Syste~'360 Operating System; it explains how to compile, link edit, and execute a PL/I pJrogram. rhe Programmer' s Guide is concerned with the relationship between a PL/I pJrogram and IBM System/360 Operating System;~ it explains how to compile, link edit, and execute a PL/I program. Concepts and Facilities, Order No. GC28-6535 Linkage Editor and.Loader, Order No. GC28-6538 Job. Control Language . User' s Guide, Order No. GC28-6703 Job.Control Language Reference, Order No. GC28-6704 System.Generation, Order No. Pari: 1 is intended primarily for the casual (non-specialist) programmer or for the ne'lI1comer to IBM System/360; the reader is assumed to have only an elementary grasp of PL/I and an awareness of the basic concepts of electronic data processing~. 2 and 3 are designed for use either as reference material or for reading as an introduction to the features they describe. Utilities, Order No. system :Control Blocks" GC28-6628 GC28-6554 GC28-6586 Order No. Messages and Codes, Order No. GC28-6631 Job.Control Language Charts, Order No. GC28-6632 supervisor and Data Manaqement services, Order No. GC28-6646 PREREQUISITE PUBLICATION Supervisor.and Data Management Macro Instructions, Order No. GC28-6547 The reader is assumed to have a working knowled.ge of PL/I; he should therefore be familiar with the material contained in the following publication: IBM SvstenV360 Operating system: PL/I·· (F) Language Reference Manual, Order No. GC28-8201 Programmer's Guide.to Debugging, Order No. GC28-6670 Queued Telecommunications Access Method Message Processing ',Program Services, Order No. GC30-2003 Queued Telecommunications Access Method Message Control Program, Order No. GC30-2005 RECOMM:I!:NDEDPUBLICATIONS Sort/Merge, Order No. GC28-6543 The text of the Programmer's Guide refers to the following publications for information outside its scope: In addition to the publications listed above, the following contain information that may be helpful to the user: IBM Sy:stem/360 Operating system: IBM System/360 Operating System: PL/I (F) Compiler, Program Logic Manual, Order No. GY28-6800 Operator's Reference, Order No. GC28-6691 PL/I Subroutine Library Program Logic Manual, Order No. GY28-6801 Operator '. s Procedures, Order No. GC28-6692 Advalllced Checkpoint/Restart Planning Guiae, Order No. GC28-6708 system Programmer's Guide, Order No. GC28-6550 Storage Estimates, Order No. 1For example, as described in Introduction to IBM Data processing Systems, Order No. GC20-1684. GC28-6551 PL/I Subroutine Library, Computational Subroutines, Order No. GC28-6590 3 IBM System/360: Principles of ,Operation, order No. A22='682I 4 Contents PART 1:: BASIC ·PROGRAMMING THE PL/I (F) COMPILER WITH CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE OPERATING SYSTEM. • • • • 13 IBM Sys·tem/360 Operating System. • Job Scheduler • • • PL/I (F) Compiler • Linkage Editor. • • • • • • Linkage Loader. • • • • • • 13 13 14 14 14 Job Control Language • • 14 Format of Job Control Statements. • • 14 JOB statement • • • 16 EXEC Statement. • • • • • .• • 16 DO Statement. • • • • • 16 Delimiter statement • • 17 Executing a PL/I Program • • 17 CHAPTER 2: HOW TO RUN A SIMPLE PL/I PROGRAlM • • • • • •.• • 20 Job Control statements Further Information • • 20 • 21 CHAPTER 3: HOW TO CREATE AND ACCESS A SIMPLE DATA SET • 22 Using a Data Set • • • 22 How to Create a Simple Data Set. • Type of output Device (UNIT=) • Volume Serial Number (VOLUME=SER=). Name of Data set (DSNAME=) • • • • • Format of the Records (DCB=) • • • • Auxiliary'Storage Required (SPACE=) Disposition of Data Set (DISP=) • • • • • • • 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 How to ,~ccess an Existing Data Set Type of Input Device. • Volume Serial Number. Name of Data Set. • • • Format of the Records • Auxiliary Storage Required. Disposition of Data Set • .• special-PUrpose Parameters. syst,em Output (SYSOUT=) •.• Data in the Input Stream •.• • • • • • • • • • • 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 Standard Files • • 26 Examples • 26 PART OF 2: USING THE PL/I ALL (F) JOB Statement. • • ,. • • 31 Job Scheduling ,.. •••• Job scheduling and the Control Program. • • • • • • • Primary Control Program (PCP) MFT Control Program • MVT Control Program • • 32 CHAPTER 5: COMPILATION • • • 37 Introduction • Compilation • • 37 • • 37 • • • 11 THE FACILITIES COMPILER • 29 CHAPTER 4: JOB INITIALIZATION. • 31 Introduction • • 31 • • 32 • • 33 33 35 Job Control Language for Compilation • • 39 EXEC Statement. • • • • 39 DD Statements • • • • • 40 Example • • • • • • • • • 43 Optional Facilities • • Control Options • • • Preprocessor Options. • Input Options. ,. Output Options .• Listing Options • • 43 • • 44 46 47 • Listing,. • • • • • Options used for the Compilation. • Preprocessor Input. .• • • • • • Source Program. • • • • • • • • Attribute and Cross-Reference Table storage Requirements. • • • Table of Offsets. • • • • • • External Symbol Dictionary. • • statistics. • • •• '. Object Module • • • • Diagnostic Messages • • Return Code • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 49 49 50 50 50 51 52 52 54 54 56 56 57 • • 57 Batched Compilation. The PROCESS Statement • Job Control Language for Batched processing • • • • • • • • Compile-Time Processing.. • • • Invoking the Preprocessor • The %INCLUDE Statement. • • 48 48 • • 58 • • 58 • • 59 • • • 60 Dynamic Invocation of the Compiler • 61 CHAPTER 6: LINKAGE EDITOR AND LOADER • • 63 Introduction • • • • • • • • • Choice of Linkage Program • • • 63 • • 63 Linkage Editor • • • • • • • • Module Structure. • • • • • • Linkage Editor Processing • • • 64 • • 64 65 Job Control Language for Link-Editing • • 66 EXEC Statement. • • • • • • 66 DD Statements • • • • • • • .• • • 67 5 • 68 CHAPTER 8: CATALOGED PROCEDURES. • • Optional Facilities. LIST. MAP. XREF. LET • XCAL. NCAL. SIZE. • • • • • • • Introduction .. Listing. • • • • • • • • • Control Statements and Errors • Diagnostic Message Directory. • Module Map. • • • • • • • • • • Cross-Reference Table Return Code • • • • • • • • • • 70 70 71 71 72 72 Additional Processing. Format of Control statements. • Module Name • • • • • • • • Additional Input Sources. Overlay Programs. • • • • • • 72 72 73 73 • 74 Linkage Loader • • • • Module structure. • • • • • Linkage Loader Processing • • 77 • 77 • 78 Example • • • • • • 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 • 70 Job Control Language for Link-Loading. • 80 EXEC Statement. • • • • • • • 80 DD Statements • • • • 80 Optional Facilities. • Control Statements. Options in the PARM Parameter. CALL I NOCALL I NCAL • • EP. • • • LETINOLET • • MAPINOMAP • • PRINTINOPRINT • SIZE. • • • • RESINORES • • Default options Listing. • • • Module Map. • • • • Explanatory Error or Warning Messsages. • • • • • • • • Diagnostic Messages • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 84 • 85 • 85 • 85 • 85 • 85 .. 86 CHAPTER 7: EXECUTING THE LOAD MODUL:E • • 87 Introduction • • • • • 87 Load Module processing • • Identifying the Module. • 87 • 87 Job Control Language for Execution EXEC statement. • • • • standard DD Statements. User DD Statements. • • • 89 .. 90 • 91 Listing. • • • • • • • • contents of SYSPRINT Listing • • Return Codes. .• .. • • • • • • • • 91 • 91 • 92 • 88 communication with Program during Execution • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • 92 6 9:3 • .. 93 PL/I Cataloged Procedures Supplied by IBM • • • .• • • • • • .. • • • • Compile and Punch Object Deck (PLIDFC) • • • • • .. • • .• • Compile and Write Object Module (PLILFC) . • • • • • • .• • • • Compile and Link-Edit (PLILFCL) • • Compile, Link-Edit, and Execute (PLILFCLG) • .. • • • .. • • • • • Link-Edit and Execute (PLILFLG) .. • Compile, Load and Execute (PLILFCG) Load and Execute (PLILFG) • .. Dedicated Workfiles • • .. 93 • 93 • 93 • 94 95 • 95 • 9'5 • 96 96 Using Cataloged Procedures • • 97 Altering Cataloged Procedures. Temporary Modi:fication. • • Permanent Modification. • • 97 97 • .1010 CHAPTER 9: DATA SETS AND PL/I FILES. • .101 Introduction • .101 Data Sets. • • • • lOt Data Set Names. • .101 Record Formats. • .10:2 Data Set Organization • • .104 Labels. • • • • • ~ .. • • .105 Data Definition (DO) Statement. • • • 105 Files and Data sets • • .. • .. • .107 Operating system Data Management .. • • .107 Buffers • • • • .• • . ' • .10;~ Access Methods. • • .. • .109 Data Control Block. • • .1110 Opening a File. .. • .. .. • • • • .111 Closing a File. • .. .. • .11:2 Auxiliary storage Devices. Card Reader and Punch • Paper Tape Reader • • Printer • • • • • • • • Magnetic Tape • • • • • Direct-Access Devices • • • • • • • CHAPTER 10: STREAM-ORIENTED TRANSMISSION. • .. .. • .. Record Format. .. • .. .. . ' . • Fixed-Length Records. • • Variable-Length Records .. Undefined-Length Records. Choice of Record Format • .11:2 .11:2 .. 11:2 .11:2 .113 .113 .. • .111[J .. • .. • Buffers • • • DCB Subparameters. • .ll/[J • .lll[J • .11/~ • .111[J .. .ll'tJ • .115 • • • 115 Creating a Data Set. • • • • .. Essential Information • Example .. • • • • • • • .11'5 • .1115 .117 Accessing a Data Set • .117 Essen.tial Information • • • • • Magnetic Tape Without Standard Labels • • • • • • • Record Format • Example • • • .117 .118 .118 .119 PRINT Fil es • • • Record Format • Example • • • Tab Control Table .119 .120 .120 .120 Standard Files .122 CHAPTER 11: RECORD-ORIENTED TRANSMI SSION • • • • ,e • • 124 Record Format. • Choice of Record Format .124 • 124 Buffers. • • • • • • • • • .125 creating and Accessing Data Sets. • .125 CONSECUTIVE Data Sets. • • • • • • • creating a CONSECUTIVE Data Set • Accessing a CONSECUTIVE Data Set. Example of CONSECUTIVE Data sets. printing and punching Cards • • • • .125 .125 .126 • 128 .129 .130 INDEXED Data sets • • • Indexes • • • • • • • • • .130 • 131 Creating an INDEXED Data Set • • Accessing an I~DEXED Data Set • • • • 137 Reorganizing an INDEXED Data Set. • .138 Examples of INDEXED Data sets • .138 REGIONAL Data Sets • .• • • • .• • • creating a REGIONAL Data Set. • Accessing a REGIONAL Data Set • Examples of REGIONAL Data Sets. .139 .141 .143 .144 Teleproc.essing • • • • • • • .152 Introduction. .. • • • • • .152 Messa.ge Processing Program (MPP) • • • 153 How to Run an MPP • • • • • • • .153 CHAPTER 12: LIBRARIES OF DATA SETS .155 Introduc·tion • .155 Structurle of a Partitioned Data set. • .155 Direct.ory • • • • • ••• • .155 Creating a Partitioned DaLa Set. • Space Parameter • • • • • • .156 .157 processing a Member. • • • • • Processing with PL/I. • .15t .159 Operatin9 System Utility Programs. .160 System Libraries • • • • • Link JLibrary. • • • • • Procedure Library • • PL/I Subroutine Library .161 .161 .161 .161 Private Libraries. Job Library • • step Library. • • .161 • .161 • .162 CHAPTER 13: MULTITASKING. • .163 Introduction • • • • • • • • .163 Multitasking Requirements. • • • .163 systenV360'Requi;rements • • 163 Operating system Requirements • • • • 163 Programming Requirements. • • .163 Multitasking Management. ~ • • • .164 Trans fer of Control,. • • • • • • • .164 Use of Priorities in PL/I • • .166 programming considerations. • .167 Input/Output Handling • • .1'69 Task Termination. • .172 Multiprocessing. • . • Synchronization • • .173 • e 174 CHAPTER 14: OTHER FACILITIES OF THE OPERATING SYSTEM • • .175 Introduction • .175 Dump of Main storage • .175 Checkpoint/Restart Interface • • .176 Types of Restart • • • • • • • • .177 Checkpoint/Restart Requirements and .178 Diagnostic Aids. • • • • • • Job Control Language Details. • .178 PL/I CALL Statement Details • • .180 Restriction on Use of Checkpoint/Restart • • • • • • .183 Effect of Checkpoint/Restart on Data Sets. • • • • • • .183 Sort Interface • • • • • • • • • • • • • 184 PL/I Sort Environment • • • • • • • • 184 User' Control of SORT ddnames • • • • • 186 Defining the Sorting Application. • .187 Entry Point lHESRTA • .189 Entry Point lHESRTB .• • • .191 Entry Point IHESRTC • • • .193 Entry Point IHESRTD • • • .195 Sorting Variable-Length Records • • .191 Use of PL/I Sort in a Multitasking Environment. • • • • • • • 198 CHAPTER 15: PL/I AND OTHER LANGUAGES • .201 Introduction • • • .201 Data set Interchange • • 201 PL/I-FORTRAN Data set Interchange • • 201 PL/I-COBOL Data Set Interchange • • • 203 Linkage with Other Languages • • • • • • 204 PL/I (F) Environment and Communications • • • • • • • • • • • 204 Communication with Other Languages • • 212 7 PART 3: APPENDIXES. • • • • • • • .217 APPENDIX A: PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES. .219 Example 1: Simple PL/I Program • • Listing • • • • • • • • • • • • .219 .219 Using standard IBM Cataloged Procedures .. • • .. • • • .. • providing Your Own cataloged Procedures. • • • • • .. .. 282 • .283 APPENDIX G: IBM SYSTEM/360 MODEL 91 AND MODEL 195 • • • • .. • • • • ... 287 Example 2: Compiler and Linkage-Editor Listings. • • • • • • • • • • • .226 Listing. • • • • • • • • • • • 227 APPENDIX H: COMPILER DATA SETS • • .289 APPENDIX B: PARAMETERS OF DD STATEMENT .249 APPENDIX I: ON, RETURN, AND USER COMPLETION CODES. • .291 APPENDIX C: VERSIONS OF THE PL/I (F) COMPILER. • • • • • • • • • • • • .261 APPENDIX D: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. • .267 Control Program Options. .267 Machine Requirements • • • • .267 APPENDIX J: IMPLEMENTATION CONVENTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. • • • .297 APPENDIX E: PL/I LIBRARY SUBROUTINES • .270 APPENDIX K: DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES . . . . . . 313 APPENDIX F: .279 Source Program Diagnostic Messages • • .313 Introduction .279 How to Create a Shared Library. .. .279 Compile-Time Processing Diagnostic Messages. • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • .. 445 How to Use a Shared Library. • .281 8 SHARED LIBRARY. • ON-Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Return Codes and User Completion codes .294 step Abend Facility • • .295 Return Codes. • • • • • .295 Object-Time Diagnostic Messages. • .467 INDEX. • .506 .oo • • • • • • • Figures Figure 1-·1. A JOB statement • • • • Figure 1-·2. An EXEC statement • .. • Figure 1-3. A DD Statement (Using a Continuation Card). • • .. _. • • • • Figure 1-·4. Typical Sequence of Job Control ,statements for Compile, Link-Edi.t, and Execute steps.. •• Figure 1--5. Typical Sequence of Job Control statements for Compile and Load-and-Execute steps. • -.. .. • • .. • • Figure 2-·1. Job Control Cards for the Execution of.a simple PL/I Program • • • Figure 3-·1. Creating a CONSECUTIVE Data Set.: Essential Parameters of DD Statement .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. Figure 3-· 2. Accessing a CONSECUTIVE Data Set.: Essential Parameters of DD statement • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 3-·3. creating a simple CONSECU'l~IVE Data Set. • .. • • • • • • • Figure 3-·4. Accessing a Simple CONSECU'l'IVE Data Set. • • • • • • • Figure 5-'1. PLII (F) Compiler: Simplifi.ed Flow Diagram • • • • • • Figure 5-· 2. standard Data sets for Compilat,ion • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 5-·3. Characteristics of CompileI: Data Sets. • • • • • • • • • • Figure 5-·4. Compiler Options, Abbreviations, and standard Defaults. • Figure 5-· 5.. Optional Components of Compiler Listing. • .. • • .. .. • • .. Figure 5-·6. Typical Standard ESD Entries • .. • • • • • • • • • • • .. Figure 5-·7 .. An Example of Batched Processing_ • • • .. • • • • .. • • • Figure 5-· 8. Execution of the Programs Compiled in Figure 5-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 5-· 9. Using the Preprocessor to Create a Source Deck. • • • • • • • .. • Figure 5-·10. Placing Source Statements in a New Library .. • • .. Figure 5-· 11. Including Source Statements from a Library • • .. • • Figure 6-·1. Basic Linkage Editor Processing. • • .. • • • • • • • • • Figure 6-·2. Linkage-Editor Data Sets • • Figure 6-·3. Processing of Additional Data Sources. • .. • • .. • • • • • • Figure 6-'4. Program Suital:>le for Overlay Structure • • • • • • • • .. • • Figure 6-· 5. Overlay Tree Structure for Proqram of Figure 6-4 • • • • • • .. Figure 6-·6. Compiling, Link-Editing, and Executing an Overlay Program. • • • Figure 6-,7. Loader Processing (SYSLIB Resolution) • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 6-· 8. Loader Processing (Link-Pack Area and SYSLIB Resolution) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 6-·9. Automatic Editing • 15 16 18 19 19 20 23 25 27 27 38 40 41 44 49 53 59 60 60 61 62 66 67 74 75 76 76 78 79 79 Figure 6-10. Linkage-Loader Data Sets • 81 Figure 8-1. Cataloged Procedure PL1DFC (Compile and Punch Object Deck) • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • .. • • 93 Figure 8-2. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFC (Compile and Write Object Module) • • • .. • ... ...... 94 Figure 8-3. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFCL (Compile and Link-Edit) • .• 94 Figure 8-4. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFCLG (Compile, Link-Edit, and Execute). • • .. • • • • • -. .. .. 95 Figure 8-5. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFLG (Link-Edit and Execute) • • 95 Figure 8-6. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFCG (Compile, Load-and-Execute) 96 Figure 8-7. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFG (Load-and-Execute) • -. .• 96 Figure 8-8. Invoking Cataloged Procedure PLlLFLG • • • .. • • • 99 Figure 8-9 Executing PL1DFC as an In-Stream P~ocedure • .• • • • • • • • .100 Figure 9-1. A Hierarchy of Indexes • • • 102 Figure 9-2. Fixed-Length Records • • • • 103 Figure 9-3. Variable-Length Records • • • 103 Figure 9-4. Associating a File with a Data Set. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .108 Figure 9-5. Data Management Access Methods for Record-Oriented Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Figure 9-6. How the Operating System completes the Data Control Block. • • .111 Figure 9-7. Card Read Punch 2540: Stacker Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Figure 10-1.. Creating a Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD Statement • • 116 Figure 10-2. Using Stream-Oriented Transmission to Create a Data set • • • 117 Figure 10-3. Accessing a Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD Statement • • 118 Figure 10-4. Using Stream-Oriented Transmission to Access a Data Set .• • .119 Figure 10-5. Using a PRINT File • • • • 121 Figure 10-6. Tabular Control Table (Module IHETAB) • • • .. • • • • .. .122 Figure 10-7. Making a Temporary Change in Tab Settings • • • • • • • • • 123 Figure 11-1. Creating a CONSECUTIVE Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD statement .. • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 126 Figure 11-2. DCB Subparameters for CONSECUTIVE Data Sets • • • • • • • • • 126 Figure 11-3. Accessing a CONSECUTIVE Data Set: Essential Parpmeters of DD Statement .. • .. • • • • • • • • • • 127 Figure 11-4. Creating and Accessing a CONSECUTIVE Data Set. • • • • • • • • .128 Figure 11-5. ANS Printer and Card Punch Control Characters. • • • • • • • 129 Figure 11-6. 1403 Printer Control codes. • • • . • • • • • . • • • .129 9 Figure 11-7. 2540 Card Read Punch Control Codes • • • • • • • • .130 Figure ll-B. Printing with Record-Oriented Transmission. • • .130 Figure 11-9. Index Structure of INDEXED Data Set. • • • • • • • • .131 Figure 11-10. Adding Records to an INDEXED Data Set. • • • • • • • • .132 Figure 11-11. Creating an INDEXED Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD Statement • • • • • • • • • • • • .133 Figure 11-12. DeB Subparameters for INDEXED Data Set. • • • • • • • .134 Figure 11-13. Record Formats in an INDEXED Data Set. • • • • • • • .136 Figure 11-14. Record Format Information for an INDEXED Data Set. .136 Figure 11-15. Accessing an INDEXED Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD Statement • • • • • ,. • • • .. • • .13B Figure 11-16. Creating an INDEXED Data Set. • • • • • • • .. • .. • • .139 Figure 11-17. Updating an INDEXED Data Set. • • • • • • • • • • • • .140 Figure ll-lB. Creating a REGIONAL Data set: Essential Parameters of DD Statement • • • • • • • • • • .142 Figure 11-19. DCB Subparameters for REGIONAL Data Set • • • • • • • • • • .142 Figure 11-20. Accessing a REGIONAL Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD Stat ement • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 143 Figure 11-21. Creating a REGIONAL(l) Data set. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .145 Fi,gure 11-22. Accessing a REGIONAL(l) Data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Figure 11-23. Creating a REGIONAL(2) Data Set. • .. • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Figure 11-24. REGIONAL (2) Data Sets: Direct Update . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . 14B Figure 11-25. REGIONAL(2) Data Sets: Sequential Update and Direct Input. • .149 Figure 11-26. Creating a REGIONAL(3) Data Set. • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • .150 Figure 11-27. REGIONAL(3) Data Sets: Direct Update • ,. • • • • • • .. • • • .151 Figure 11-2B. REGIONAL(3) Data Sets: sequential Update and Direct Input. .152 Figure 11-29. PL/I Message Processing Program. • • .. • .. • • • • ... e .153 Figure 12-1. A Partitioned Data set .156 G e 10 Figure 12-2. A Partitioned Data Set Directory Block ~ • • • • . ' . • • .. .. .157 Figure 12-3. Contents of Directory Entry • • • .. .. .. • . ' . • • • •.• '. • .157 Figure 12-4. Placing an Object Module in a New Library . . . . . . ~ • • • • • • 15B Figure 12-5. Placing a Load Module in an Existing Library • • • • • .159 Figure 12-6. Using a PL/I Program to Create a Member of a Partitioned Data Set. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Figure 12-7,. Updating a Member of a Partitioned Data Set. • • • • • • • • .160 Figure 12-B,. Use of JOBLIB statement • • 162 Figure 13-1. Transfer of Control within a Multitasking Program • • • • • 165 Figure 13-2. Flow of Control through a Program ,. . . . . . . . '. • • • .. .167 Figure 14-1. Return Codes from Checkpoint Module IHECKP. • • • • .lB2 Figure 14-2. Auxiliary Storage required for Sort.. • ,. • • . ' . • .lB5 Figure 14.3. DD Statements for Sort/Merge. • • • • .186 Figure 14-4. PL/I Program Invoking IHESRTA '. • • • • • • • • • • • • 191 Figure 14-5. PL/I Program Invoking IHESRTB • • • • • • • • • • • • .193 Figure 14-6. PL/I Program Invoking IHESRTC • • • • • • • • • • .. • • 195 Figure 14-7. PL/I Program Invoking IHESRTD • • • • • • • .197 Figure 14-8. Using IHESRTA to Sort Variable-length Records • • • • • .200 Figure 15-1. FORTRAN-PL/I Data Equivalents. • • • • • • .202 Figure 15-2. COBOL-PL/I Data Equivalents • • .. • • ,. • ,. • • .204 Figure 15-3. Initial Entry to Procedures with the MAIN Option • • • • • 206 Figure 15-4. PL/I-FORTRAN: Example of Named Common Storage. . ' . • • • • • • • 214 Figure D-l. Control Program Options • • 267 Figure D-2. Minimum system Requirements. • .. • .. • • .. • • .. • 268 Figure 0-3. possible Minimum Configurations of Main Storage. .. .269 Figure F-l. Shared-Library Module Groups • • • • • ,. • • • .. • • • • .280 Figure 1-1. Main ON-Code Groupings • • • 292 Figure 1-2. Detailed ON-Code Groupings • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 292 oO'. • • PART 1: Basic Programming with the PL/I (F) Compiler Part 1: Basic Programming with the PL/I (F) Compiler 11 12 Chapter 1: In IBM System/360, programs are usually executed as part of a group of programs collecti'V'ely termed an operating. system. This chapter introduces IBM System/360 Operatinq System:l. (the operating system that includes the PL/I (F) compiler), and describes the job control language that enables programmers to define the requir,ements of their programs for the operating system. Chapter 2 illustrates the'use of job control language for running asimplePLII program. The two chapters are complementary; the first briefly describes the operating system and job control language, and the second demonstrates how to use them to execute a PL/I program. Chapter 3 introduces the concept of storage of data and shows how to use a simple data set. IBM Sys~tem/360 Operating System IBM system/360 Operating system consists of a control program and a number of processing programs that together assist both the operator and the programmer in the use of IBM System/360. The operating system relieves the programmer of routine and time-consuming tasks by controlling the allocation of storage space and input/output devices. Through the language translators that may be included, it makes programming easier by permitting the use of high-lev'el languages such as PL/I. And it increase~s the throughput of the machine because it can proces,S a stream of jobs without interruption by the operator; i t provides automatic transition from one job to another. 'rhe control :program supervises the execution of all processing programs and provides services that are required in common by the processing programs during their eJ!:ecution. It has four main elements:: 1. Supervisor: The supervisor program is the! control center of the operating system, and controls and coordinates all. activity within it. 2. Master scheduler: The master scheduler forms a two-way communication link :l.IBM System/360 operating System is frequent:ly referred to as 'the operating system,' or simply 'the system.' Introduction to the Operating System between the operator and the operating system. 3. Job scheduler: The job scheduler reads and analyzes the input job stream (the sequence of control statements and data entering the system), allocates input/output devices as necessary, initiates the execution of processing programs, and provides a record of the work processed. 4. Data management routines: The data management routines control input/output operations, regulate the use of input/output devices, and provide access to the data held in them. The processing programs of the operating system include service programs (for example, the linkage editor) and language translators (for example, the PL/I (F) compiler) provided by IBM, as well as programs that are written by the user and incorporated as part of the system. All the programs of the operating system are stored in system,libraries, which are held in auxiliary storage on a direct-access storage device. The most important components of the operating system that directly concern the PL/I programmer are the job scheduler, the PL/I (F) compiler, the linkage editor, and the linkage loader, all of which are discussed below. The operating system is described in IBM system/360 Operating system: Concepts and.Facilities. JOB SCHEDULER The job scheduler is the component of the operating system that handles communications between the programmer and the services provided by the operating system. A simple programming language called job control language (JCL) enables the programmer to specify his requirements to the operating system. The statements of this language indicate to the job scheduler the start and name of the job, specify the programs that are to be executed, and define the auxiliary storage requirements of the programs. In response to the job control statements, the job scheduler allocates the input/output units required, notifying the operator of any tapes or disk Chapter 1: Introduction to the Operating system 13 packs that must be mounted, and then requests the supervisor program to initiate the execution of the specified programs. After the execution of each program the job scheduler prints a record of the work done. The use of the linkage loader and the options available are discussed in Chapter 6. Job Control Language Examples PL/I (F) COMPILER The PL/I (F) compiler is a program that translates PL/I source programs in'to IBM system/360 machine instructions. The set of instructions produced by a compilation is termed an object.module. An ob-ject module is not in a form suitable for loading into main storage and subsequent execution: first it must be processed by the linkage editor.or the linkage loader. (Chapter 5 discusses the compiler and describes the object module it produces.) LINKAGE EDITOR The following discussion of the job control language is an overview. Job control language is fully described in IBM System/360 Operating.System: Job control Langauqe.User's Guide, and Job Control Language.Reference: however the most significant parameters of the DO statemen't are also described in Appendix B. Job control language is the means by which a programmer communicates with the job scheduler; i,t allows the programmer to describe the work he wants the operating system to do, and to specify the input/output facilities he requires. Only seven types of s'tatetnent are involved, of which four are relevant to this discussion: the JOB statement, the execute (EXEC) statement, the data definition (DO) statement, and a delimiter statement. The linkage editor is a program that converts object modules into a form suitable for loading into main storage for execution; a program in this form is termed a load module. The output (load module) from the linkage editor is always placed in a library, from which the job scheduler can load it for execution. The JOB statement identifies a job to the job scheduler. In IBM System/360 Operating System" a job is an independent request for the facilities of the operating system; it comprises one or more job step~~. A job starts with a JOB statement and continues until the next JOB statement is encountered. The linkage editor can combine separately produced object modules and previously processed load modules into a single load module. It can make changes to sections of a load module: only sections that are affected by the changes need be re-compiled. It also permits a program that is too large for the space available in main storage to be divided so that i,t can be loaded and executed segment by segment. The EXEC statement identifies a job stE~p to the job scheduler. A job step involves a request for the execution of a program. Job steps can be interrelated: data can bE~ passed from one job step to the next, and the execution of one job step can depend on the successful execution of a preceding step. (No such relationship exists betweEm jobs; they are independent of one another.) A job step starts with an EXEC statement and continues until the next EXEC or JOB statement is encountered. Chapter 6 discusses the linkage editor and the differelJ.ces between object modules and load modules. LINKAGE LOADER The linkage loader is a program tha~ converts object modules into load modules, loads them into main storage and executes them, all in one job step. It can combine object or load modules into a single load module for execution: this load module is always placed in main storage" never in a library. 14 DO (data definition) statements describe the input/output facilities required in a job step .. The delimiter (/*) separates data in the input stream from the succeeding job control statements. FORMAT OF JOB CONTROL STATEMENTS A job control statement consists of one or mo're aO-byte records. Since aO-column punched cards are the most common input Accounting Programmer's name information Name of job ...-"'-EX t1PtE: JOB (2345, A 1111 ), J. ilL GGS 100 0 00 0 (l] 00 (]]D (I] I1J m rno no 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 DOnO DOC 0 DOnO nOD 0 0 0 COO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'r"!"3'r'56 7 H 9101112131415161718192021222l212S26'i!'282930JI313334~3637383940414143444,46414849,OSl51,3,45556515859606161636465666168691011111314151071181980 (1)1101111 10111111111CJlI1[]1101 1 11 1 1111111111111111111 i 11111111 1'1111111,11111111111 22222222222202202222222222222022220222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3 3 3 3 3 3 3iD3 3 3 3 3 3 3 303 303 3 3 3 3 30303033 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 44444044444444444044444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 5 5[] 5 5 5 5 5 05 5 5 5 505 5 505 5 5 5 5 505 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6(] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 606 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 707 707 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7(1]7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 77 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ~ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 808 8 8 808 8 8 8 8(]]a 08 a8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 & 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 II 18 19 20 21 2223242528 27 282930 31 323334 353631 38 39 .0 41 42 4344414641 48495051 525354 ,:' ,6 ,1 5S ,9" ,: bl '.J :4 6H6 67 66 69 10 II 12 13 74 15 16 71 16 19 60 113M UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED, Figure i--i. A ~OBI JOB Statement medium for the job stream, the following discussion refers to card columns rather than to bytes. JOB, 'BXEC, and DD statements have the same format, examples of Which appear in Figures :iL-l, 1-2, and 1-3. These statement,s are identified by / / in card columns :IL and 2. Each statement can contain four fields (name, operation, operand, comments), which are separated by one or more blanks; the name field starts in coluinn 3. A job control statement must not extend beyond column 71; if necessary it can be:! continued on another card, as shown in Figure 1-3. The .lliime field, which begins in column , 3, can range from one to eight characters 1n length, and can contain any alphameric (alphabe1:ic or numeric) or national (Ii) $ #) characters. The first character must be alphabetic or national. This field is somtimes omitted. The name identifies the statemeni:. and enables other job control statemeni:.s (or PL/I statements) to refer to it. The ~~eration field specifies the type of job cc:mtrol statement (JOB, EXEC, DO). Whether it.he name field is used or not, the operation field must be preceded by at least once blank. The QPerand field can contain one or more pari5lmeters separated by commas; these param~ters pass information to the job scheduler, and, for the JOB, EXEC and DO statements, are of two types, pOSitional and keyword. Positional parameters must be placed at the beginning of the operand field, and are identified by their pOSition relative to other parameters. If a positional parameter is omitted, its absence is indicated by a comma, unless it is the last positional parameter, when the comma is omitted. A keyword parameter consists of a keyword followed by an equals sign, which is followed by a single value or a list of subparameters; keyword parameters may appear in. any order, and their omission need not be indicated. The comments- field is intended for programmer's notes. It has no fixed format, and can contain any information. The comments field is the only field that can include blanks. The following paragraphs contain a general description of the functions of the JOB, EXEC, DO, and delimiter statements; these, and other job control statements, are discussed further under appropriate headings in later chapters. IBM System/360 Operating system: .Job Control Language, User'.S Guide, and Job Control Language Reference, gives a full description of all the job control statements, their formats and parameters .. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Operating system 15 JOB STATEMENT DD STATEMENT The JOB statement (Figure 1-1) indicates the start of a job and the end of the preceding job. It assigns a name to the new job. which is used by the job scheduler in the messages it passes to the operator and prints on the program 1isting~ The parameters (none of which need appear unless your installation has made some of them mandatory) include the programmer's name and accounting information. In IBM System/360, a collection of data held in an auxiliary storage device (a reel of magnetic tape, a disk pack. etc •• ) is termed a data set. A DD statement (Figure 1-3) identifies a data set and describes its attributes. There must be a DD statement for each data set that is useal or created in a job step. The DD statement:s are placed immediately after the EXEC statement for the step. EXEC STATEMENT The EXEC statement (Figure 1-2) marks the start of a new job step and the end of the preceding job step. It requests the job scheduler to fetch a load module from the system library (or from another library) and cause it to be executed; other load modules can be loaded dynamically during the execution of the first. but only one can be named in the EXEC statement. The first parameter (PGM=) names the program to be executed. Sometimes the EXEC statement passes information to the program that it calls (PARM parameter). and it may include accounting information and specify conditions for bypassing the job step. Name of job step Program to be executed The parameters of the DD statement contain such information as the name of the data set, the name of the volume on which it resides, the type of device that holals the data set, the format of the records in the data set, and the method that will be used to create or access the data set. The name of the DD statement provides a symbolic link between the file named in a PL/I program and ·the actual name and location of the corresponding data set. The DD statement allows the programmer to leave the specification of his data set requirements until he is ready to execute his program, and enables him to relate t,he file in his program to different data sets on different occasions. Some data set information can be given in the PL/I ENVIRONMENT attribute rather that in a DD statement. Information being passed to program IEMAA ~-/-/~P~L~1~L~~~X~~~C~P~G~M-=~I~~A~~~4'~P~A~R~~~=~'~----------------------------------~ 'r ,r om 000 / 0 OO[D 0 OJ OD D Dm IlJ IDJ 0 [I] mO 0 DDDDnO 0 0 DOD DOD 0 DOnO 0 0 0 0000 Cono 0 G3 0 0 0 DOC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000000000000000000 W3 4 5 6 7 I 'r'10 11 72131415161718 191021W21212~2627281930 3131~343~3Sl7383940 41414J444~46474849505151535455565758596061626J64656667686970 II 11 7374757677787980 III 1 101 1 1 1 1 101 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Iii I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I [1]1 101 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222022222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3 3 30303 3 3 303 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 303 3 3 3 3 303 3 303 3 3 303 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 44444444444444044404444440444440444044444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 55555550505555555055555555505555505505505555555555555555555555555555555555555555 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 606 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 606 6[)6 6 6 6 7 707 7 7 7 707 7 7[J]7 77 7 77 77 Os 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 077 77 71 77 7 7 77 71 77 7 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 77 7 77 77 7 7 77 7 77 77 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 rna 8 8 8Os 8 8 8 8 808 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 808 8 8 8 808 8 8 8 9999999999999999 ng 9 9 9 9 9 9n9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1234587'9~l1tlQ~~I6~I619~~n21NW28n28H~~n~~~~n»»d~~o«~«c«u~~~~~e56H5656~~~~"~~~U"ronn73H~~77n~~ IBM Figure 16 UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED 1-2~ An EXEC Statement ~081 Chapt:er 3 discusses the creation and access of simple data sets: Chapter 9 is a completE! discussion of data management for a PL/I program. DELIMITER STATEMENT The delimiter statement consists of the charactE!rS /* in card columns 1 and 2. It separatE!S data in the input stream from the job cont:rol statements that follow the data. Dqta in the input stream is usually preceded by a DD statement with the operand *, for E!xample: //SYSIN DD * If the data includes cards that have / / in the first two columns, i t is preceded by a DD statE!ment with the operand DATA, for example: / /Sl~SIN DD DATA Executi:ng a PL/I Program A job consists of one or more job steps, and each job step normally uses one or more data se·t:s. Thus the sequence of job control statements for a single job comprises a JOB statement followed by the EXEC and DO statements for each job step. Figure 1-4 illustrates such a sequence; it has beel simplified by omitting all the parameters in the various statements. The execution of a PL/I program requires two or t:hree job steps: 1. Compilation: The compiler converts the PL/I statements into machine instructions, which form an object module. 2. Link-editing or link-loading: The linkage editor processes the object module produced in step 1, and forms it into a load module that can be eXE~cuted. The linkage loader converts the object module into a load module and executes it. 3. EXE~cution: The load module formed by the linkage editor is loaded into main storage and executed. The sequence of job control statements in Figmre 1-4 might be used for compiling, link-editing, and executing a PL/I program. The ~JOB statement would probably have to include certain parameters required by the installation. The parameters needed and the values used with them vary from installation to installation; it is your responsibility to supply the correct information in this statement. The EXEC statement for the first job step (named PL1L) requests the execution of the program IEMAA, the PL/I (F) compiler; the DO statements defining the data sets required for this step follow the EXEC statement. SYSPRINT and SYSIN refer to the printer and the card reader, respectively, as they do in the other job steps. The object module produced by the compiler is placed in the data set identified by SYSLIN. SYSUTl and SYSUT3 define data sets used as workfiles. The second EXEC statement (LKED) causes program IEWL, the linkage editor, to be executed,•. The linkage editor finds its primary input (the object module) in the data set referred to by the DO statement named SYSLIN; it may seek further input from the private library identified by SYSLIB. The load module produced by the linkage editor is placed in the data set identified by SYSLMOD. SYSUT1 defines a data set used as a workfile. The last EXEC statement (GO) requests the execution of the load module created by the linkage editor in the previous step; a special form of the PGM parameter is used for this. The sequence of job control statements using the linkage loader is shown in Figure 1-5. Cataloged Procedures Often the/same set of job control statements is used over and'over again (for example, to specify the compilation, link-editing, and execution of many different PL/I programs). To save programming time and to reduce the possibility of error, sets of standard series of EXEC and OD statements can be prepared once and 'cataloged' in a system library; such a set of statements is termed a cataloged procedure. To retrieve a cataloged procedure, an EXEC statement is used in which the first parameter (PROC=) names the procedure. The effect is the same as if the job control statements of the cataloged procedure appeared in the job stream in the place of the EXEC statement that calls the procedure. In such an EXEC statement, the keyword PROC can be omitted; the name of the procedure stands alone as if it were a Chapter 1: Introduction to the Operating System 17 Name of data set Name of DO statement Type of device (2400 series magnetic tape drive) Record format //TC:: Tl '0'0 DSNAMC::=Tl='" LC::,lr.'tIT=24 o rno DO {DO DO 0 0 0 UlJo mo 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0no 0 0 0([Jo 0no 0 crTTlo G3 0 0 0 0 000 oa 0 0 0rno 0 0 0 0 0 0 0no 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0no 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 9101J12IJI41516J718'i(2021222124252627'i(293031~351617181940414143444H641484950515253545S56575859~616261646566676869'ltl1711314751077781980 (1]11110111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111 i 111111111111111111111111111 123 4W7 U 2 2 2 202 2 2 2 2 2 202 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 202 2 2 2 2 202 202 (1]2 2 2 202 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 202 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 202 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 33033033333333333303303033303333303(1333 a03 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3(1)3 3{D3 3 303 303 3 3 3 3 303 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 44444444004044404444444404444404440444444444444444444444444444440444444444444444 5550555555555055055555055055555555555505555550555555505555555055 555 5055555555555 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 60606 6 6 6 6 6 6 606 6 6 6 6 6 6 606 6 6 6 6 6 6 606 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 606 6 6 6 6 606 [J]& 6 6 6 & 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 77 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 77 7 77 7 7 7 77 7 77 7 77 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 a8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8088 8 8 808 8 8 808 8 8 808 8 8(D8 8 8 8 8 8 80808 Os 8 8 8 808 rn8 8 8 8 808 81lJa 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a8 99999999999999999999 ng 9 9 9 9ng 9 9 9 9 9 9 ~59 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9[l]s 4~9 9 9 9 9 909 5~'9 9 9 9 9 909 9 9 9 6~9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 J7 18 19 20""22 23 24 25 26 ~ 28 29 30 3' 32 33 34 IBM UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED 36 37 38 39 .0 41 '12 4344 4H6 4849 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 !3 64 61 67 68 69 70 71 72 13 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ~081 Disposition (new data set, to be filed at end of job) " // DISP=(NC::W,KC::C::P) (IJ 00 OJ o0 0 m mo 0 0Ifno 0 0 0 0mo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COo 0 0 G3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'r"r'3 4 5 7 H 910 1J'ifr114 1516 17 18192021222124252627 282930 31313334 351837 3a3940 41424344 4546 41484950515253545556515859606162636465666168691011 7113 74 75 7. 77 787980 0)11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i 111111111111111111111111111 22222022222220222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3 3 3 3 3 3 J 3 3 J 3 3OJ 3 3 J 3 3 3 J 3 3 J 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 J 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 44404444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5([1)5 5 5[l)5 05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6666666066606666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66666666666666666666 777777077 7 7 7 7? 77077 7 7 7 7 7 7777777 77 7 7 7 7 717 7 7 7 717 7 7777 77 7 7 7 7 77 7777777 77 '17 7 77 77 77 7 7 7 88 a a8 8 sma 8 808 8 8 808 8 a8 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8888888 a8 a8 8 8 888 a8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 888888881188888 a 8 8 8 8 8 9999 I 2 3 4 ng 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ~o9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 545~· 999999999999999999999999999 '!' 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 282930 3' 32333053631 38 39 IBM UNITfD Figure 1-3. KINGDOM LIMITED 41 424344 4146 41 48495051 52 53 A DO statement (Using a continuation Card) positional parameter. For example, the following EXEC statements have the same effect: 18 56 17 S8 596081 &2 !3 64 6516 67 68 69 10 71 72 13 14 7576 7116 79 80 ~081 // EXEC PROC=PL1LFCLG // EXEC PL1LFCLG The job control statements in Figure '1-4 (apart from the JOB statement and the DD statements named SYSIN) are the same as those in the cataloged procedure PL1LFCLG. You can use this cataloged procedure, which is supplied by IBM, for compiling, link-editing, and executing a PL/I program. Chapter 2 illustrates the use of PL1LFCLG. Chapter 8 is a complete discussion of catalo.ged procedures; it describes the IBM cataloged procedures for PL/I and tells you how to modify them and how to catalog your own procedures. //EXAMPLE JOB //PL1L EXEC PGM=IEMAA //SYSP:RINT DD //SYSLIN DD / /SYSUT1 DD / /SYSUT3 DD //SYSIN DD * Cards containing PL/I source statemeQts come here Start of job , I I I I I I I I > First job step Cards containing PL/I source statements come here //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL //SYSLIB DD / /SYSLlMOD DD / /SYSU'T1 DD //SYSPRINT DD //SYSLIN DD //GO EXEC PGM=*.LKED.SYSLMOD //SYSPRINT DD //SYSIN DD * //GO EXEC PGM=LOADER / /SYSLI B DD , //SYSLIN DD //SYSLOUT DD //SYSPRINT DD //SYSIN DD * Cards containing data to be processed by the PL/I program come here Cards containing data to be processed by the PL/I program come here I I > Second job step J , I I I I I I > Third job step /* J //NEXT JOB Start of next job Typical Sequence of Job Control Statements for Compile, Link-Edit, and Execute Steps I I I I I I I I of job > First job step , I I I I I I I I I > Second job step /* J //NEXTJOB JOB Start of next job , I ,Start J /* J /* Figure 1-4. //EXAMPLE JOB //PL1L EXEC PGM=IEMAA //SYSPRINT DD //SYSLIN DD //SYSUT1 DD //SYSUT3 DD //SYSIN DD * Figure 1-5. Typical Sequence of Job Control Statements for Compile and Load-and-Execute Steps If a procedure is programmer-written, it can be tested as an in-stream procedure before it is placed in the procedure library. An in-stream procedure is a series of job control statements enclosed between a,PROC and a PEND statement appearing in the job stream. An in-stream procedure can be executed any number of times during a job and has the same content restrictions as a cataloged procedure. For further information about in-stream procedures, refer to the publication IBM system/3600peratinq-System: Job Control LanquageReference. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Operating System 19 Chapter 2: How to Run a Simple PL/I Progam For a PL/I program that uses only punched-card input and printed output, the job control statements shown in Figure 2-1 are sufficient~. Appendix A includes an example of a simple PL/I program that uses these statements. cataloged procedure PL1LFCLG contains three job steps: PL1L: The PL/I (F) compiler processes your source statements and translates them into a set of machine instructions (an object~ module). LKED: The linkage editor creates a load module from the object module produced by the compiler. A load module is a series of machine instructions that are in a form suitable for loading int.o main storage and subsequent execution; only load modules can be loaded and executed. GO: The load module created in step LKED is loaded into main storag'e and executed. //EXAMPLE JOB // EXEC PL1LFCLG //PL1L.SYSIN DD * Insert here the cards containing your PL/I so~rce statements. /* //GO.SYSIN DD * Insert here the cards containing the data to be processed by your program. If your program requires no externa 1 data, omit these sta tements. /* Figure 2-1. Job Control Cards for the Execution of a Simple PL/I Program Job Control Statements //EXAMPLE JOB EXAMPLE is the name of the job. Your job. name must not have more than eight alphameric or national characters; the first character must be alphabetic or national. No parameters are given for this statement. If any are needed they will depend on your installation; the minimum requirement is probably an account number and your name. Before writing the JOB statement, ensure that you are familiar with the conventions established by your installation for the JOB statement and its parameters. // EXEC PL1LFCLG PL1LFCLG is the name of a cataloged procedure supplied by IBM. When the job scheduler encounters the name of such a procedure in an EXEC statement, i t substitutes for the EXEC statement a series of job control statements that have been written previously and cataloged in a system library. The ~Chapter 9 contains a complete discussion of data management. 20 //PL1L.SYSIN DO * This statement indicates that the data to be processed in step PL1L follows immediately in the card deck. SYSIN is the name that the compiler uses to refer to the device on which i t expects to find this da'ta. (In this instance, the device is the card reader, and the data is your PL/I program.) /* This signifies the end of, the data. //GO.SYSIN 00 * This statement indicates ·that the data to be processed by your program (in step GO) follows immediately in the card deck. /* This statement marks the end of the . data to be processed by your program. Note: You could have used the IBM cataloged procedure PL1LFCG in place of PL1LFCLG. This procedure cOnsists of two job steps: PL1L: The PL/I (F) compiler processes the source statements and produces an object module. GO: The object module is converted to a load module" loaded into main storage and executed. FUR'llHER INFORMATION Chapter 8 describes the cataloged procedure PL1LFCLG and other PL/I cataloged procedures supplied by IBM. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 deal with the job steps (compile, linkage, and execute) that are included in PL1LFCG and PL1LFCLG. Chapter 2: How to Run a Simple PL/I Prog~am 21 Chapter 3: How to Create and Access a Simple Data Set A data set is any collection of data in auxiliary storage that can be created or accessed by a program. It can be punched onto cards or a reel of paper tape: or it qan be recorded on magnetic tape or on a qirect-access device such as a magnetic disk or drum. A printed listing can also be a data set, but it cannot be read by a program. Data sets that are created or accessed by PL/I programs must have one of three types of organization: CONSECUTIVE, INDEXED, or REGIONAL or must be a teleprocessing data set. The items of data in INDEXED and REGIONAL data sets are ~rranged according to 'keys' that you supply when you create the data sets. CONSECUTIVE data sets do not use keys: when you create such a data set, data items are iecorded consecutively in the order in Which you present them. You can read the data items from a CONSECUTIVE data set only i'n the order in Which they were presented or, in the case of a data set on magnetic tape, in the order in which they were presented or in the reverse order. Teleprocessing data sets are organized as consecutive groups of data items. This chapter explains how to create and a,ccess simple CONSECUTIVE data sets stored on magnetic tape or on a direct-access device. It is intended to provide an i.ntroduction to the subject of data management, and to meet the needs of those programmers who do not require the full input/output facilities of PL/I and IBM S~stem/360 Operating System. Chapters 9, fo, and 11 contain a full explanation of t'he relationship between the data ~anagement facilities provided by PL/I and tihose provided by the operating system. U sing a Data Set To create or access a data set, you must not only include the appropriate input and output statements in your PL/I program, but you must also supply certain information to the operating system in a DO statement. A DD statement describes a data set and indicates how it will be handled: the information it supplies enables the job scheduler to allocate the necessary auxiliary storage devices, and permits the 22 compiler to use the data management routines of the operating system to transmit data. IBM System/360-0perating system: PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual describes the input and output statements that you will need to use in your PL/I program. Essentially, you must declare a file (explicitly or contextually) and open it (explicitly or implicitly) before you can begin to transmit data. A file is the means provided in PL/I for accessing a data set, and is related to a particular data set only while the file is open: when you close the file, the data set is no longer available to your program. This arrangement allows you to use the same file to access different data sets at different times, and to use different files to access the same data set. Contextual declaration and implicit opening' are performed" where required, in any of the input/output statements GET, PUT" READ, WRITE, LOCATE, and REWRITE. You must provide a DO statement for each data set that you will use in each job step. If you use the same data set in more than one job step, each step which refers to that data set must have a DD statement for the data set. If you are using a cataloged procedure, such as PL1LFCG or PLlLFCLG (described in Chapter 2), the DD statement for any data set processed by your program must appear in job step GO, in which your program will be executed. To signify its inclusion in this job step, you must prefix the name of the DD statement with the name of the job step. (For example, / /GO. LIST DD... would indicate a OD statement named LIST in step GO.) The DD statement for the data set in the input stream (e.g., GO.SYSIN), if it is used in a PCP system, must be the last DD statement in your card deck. How to Create a Simple Data Set When you create a new data set, you should supply the following information to the operating system: Parameter of DD Statement TYPE OF OUTPUT DEVICE (UNIT=) Type of: output device that will wX'ite or punch your data sert. UNIT= Serial number of the volume (tape x'eel, disk pack, etc.) t,hat will contain your data set. VOLUME=SER= You must always indicate the type of output device (magnetic tape or disk drive, card punch, printer, etc.) that you want to use to create your data set. Usually the simplest way to do this is to use the UNIT parameter, although for a printer or a card punch it is often more convenient to use one of the special forms of DD statement discussed at the end of this chapter. Name of your data set. DSNAME= Format of the records in your data set. DCB= Amount of auxiliary storage required for your data set (direct-access devices only). SPACE= Disposition of your data set at the end of the job step. DISP= In the UNIT parameter" you can specify either the type number of the unit (for example, 2311 for a disk drive) or the name of a group of devices (for example, SYSDA for any direct-access device). Appendix B includes a list of the valid type numbers; the group names are established for a system during system generation. VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER (VOLUME=SER=) Note: You can use the abbreviations VOL for VOLUME and DSN for DSNAME. A unit of auxiliary storage such as a reel of magnetic tape or a'magnetic disk pack is termed a volume; a volume can contain one or more data sets, and a data set can extend to more than one volume. Each volume is identified by a serial number that is recorded within it (and usually printed on the label attached to it). Although a deck of cards" a printed listing, and a reel of paper tape can be considered to be volumes, they do not have serial numbers. To give this information in the DD statement, use the parameters listed above. Appendix B contains a description of these parameters; the following paragraphs discuss their use in creating a CONSECUTIVE data set. Figure 3-1 summarizes this discussion. r---------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------, I Parameters of,DD Statement I I I I Storage Device ~---------------------T---------------------~--------------------~ I When required ,What you must state , Parameters I ~---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------~ I I I All I Always I I I Output device I UNIT= or SYSOUT= I ~---------------------+_--------------------~ I Block sizeS. I DCB=BLKSIZE= I ~------.---------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------~ I I Direct access only 'Always I I Auxiliary storage I space required I SPACE: I I I ~---------------------+-----------~---------+---------------------+---------------------~ I I Data set to be used I I I by another job step I Disposition I I but only required I I I by this job I I I ~---------------------+---------------------+---------------------~ I Data set to be kept , Disposition I DISP= I I after end of job ~---------------------+_--------------------~ , , Name of data set 'DSN= I , magnetic tape I I I , I I Direct access and I standard labeled I I I DISP= I I ~---------------------+---------------------+---------------------~ I I Data set to be on particular volume I I Volume serial number' VOL=SER= I I I ~---------------------~---------------------~---------------------~---------------------~ IS.Alternatively, you can specify the block size in your PL/I program by using the I LI _______________________________________________________________________________________ JI ENVIRONMENT attribute. Figure 3-1. Creating a CONSECUTIVE Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD Statement Chapter 3: How to Create and Access a Simple Data Set 23 You need speGify a volume serial number only if you want to place the data set on a particular volume. If you omit the VOLUME parameter, the job scheduler will print in your program listing the serial number of the volume on which it placed the data set. The VOLUME parameter has several subparameters. To specify a 'volume serial number, you need only the SER (serial number) subparameter (for example VOLUME=SER=12354). NAME OF DATA SET (DSNAME=) You must name a new data set if you want to keep it for use in future jobs. If the Qata set is temporary (required only for the job in which, it is created), you can still name it" but you need not: if you omit the DSNAME parameter, the operating system will assume that the data set is temporary, and will give it a temporary name. (Any name you give to a temporary data set must be prefixed with the characters ii; for example. DSNAME='&TEMP.) FORMAT OF THE RECORDS (DCB=) You can give record-format information either in your PL/I program (ENVIRONMENT attribute or LINESIZE option) or in a OD statement. This discussion refers only to the DD statement, and does not apply if you decide to give the information in your program; refer to IEM System/360 Operating system: ',PL/I', (F) ,Language Reference "Manual for a description of the ENVIRONMENT attribute and the LINESIZEoption. The records in a data set must have one of three formats: F (fixed length), V (variable length), U (undefined length). F-format and V-format records can be blocked or unblocked; V-format records can be spanned. In most cases, you must specify a block size. If you do not give a ,record size, unblocked records of the same size as the block size are assumed. Note that, if you are using a PRINT file to produce p:rinted output, you do not need to specify a block size in your DD statement or in your PL/I program; in the absence of other information, the compiler supplies a default line size of 120 characters. If you do not state the' record format, U-format is assumed (except for data sets associated with PRINT files, for wh.ich V-format is the default). 24 To give record-format information in a DD statement, use the subparameters RECFM (record format), BLKSIZE (block size), and LRECL (logical record length) of the DCB parameter. The DCB parameter passes information to the operating system for inclusion in the data control'block, which is a table maintained by the data management routines of the operating system for each data set in a job step; it contains a 'description of the data set and how it will be used. If your DCB parameter includes more than one subparameter, you must enclose the list in parentheses. For example: DCB= (RECFM=FB, BLKSIZE=1000,LRECL=50) AUXILIARY STORAGE REQUIRED (SPACE=) When you create a data set on a direct-access device, you must always indicate the amount of space that the data set will occupy. Use the SPACE parameter to specify the size and number of the blocks that the data set will contain. If you may want to extend the data set in a later job or job step, ensure that your original space allocation is sufficient for future needs; you cannot make a further allocation later. If the SPACE parameter appears in a DD s'tatement for a ~on-direct-access device. it is ignored. DISPOSITION OF DATA SET (DISP=) If you want to keep a data set for use in ia later job step or job, you must use the DISP parameter to indicate how you want it to be handled. You can pass i,t to another job step, keep it for use in a later job" or enter its name in the system catalog. If you want to keep the data set, but do not want to include its name in the system catalog, the operating system will request the operator to demount the volume in which it resides and retain it for you. If you do not include the DISP parameter, the operating system will assume that the data set is temporary and will delete it at the end of the job step. The DISP parameter can contain three positional subparameters. The first indicates whether the data set is new or already exists, the second specifies what is to be done with it at the end of the job step, and the third indicates how it should be treated if the job step is terminated abnormally by the operating 'system. If you omit either of the first two, you must indicate its absence by a comma. VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER For example, DISP= ( , CATLG , DELETE) indicatE~s catalogE~d that the data set is to be if the job step termina.tes normally, and deleted if it is berminated abnormally: the omission of the :first subpar~~eter indicates that the data set is assumed by default to be new~ You can omit the VOLUME parameter if the data set is cataloged or if it was created with DISP=(,PASS) in a previous step of the same job. Otherwise i t must always appear. NAME OF DATA SET How to .Access an Existing Data Set When you want to read or update an existing data set., your DO statement should include informat:ion similar to that given when the data set: was created. However, for data sets on labeled magnetic tape or on direct-access devices, you can omit several parametE~rs because the information they contain was recorded with the data set by the opel~a ting system when the data set was created., Figure 3-2 summarizes the essential information. Except in the·· special case of data in the input stream (described below), you must al~,ays include the name of the data set (DSNAME) and its disposition (OISP). The DSNAME parameter can either refer back to the DD statement that defined the data set in a previous job step, or it can give the actual name of the data set.· (You would have to use the former method to refer to an unnamed temporary data set.) FORMAT OF THE RECORDS You must always state a block size for punched cards or paper tape: otherwise, record-format information is not required. Block size can also be specified in your PL/I program, using the ENVIRONMENT attribute. AUXILIARY STORAGE REQUIRED TYPE OF INPUT DEVICE You can omit the UNIT parameter if the data set is cataloged or if it was created with DISP=(,.PASS) in a previous step of the same job. Ot:herwise, it must always appear. You cannot add to, or otherwise modify, the space allocation made for a data set when it was created. Accordingly, the SPACE parameter is never required in a OD statement for an existing data set. r-------··------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I Parameters of DD Statement I ~-----------------------------------T-------------------------T-------------------------~ I When required I What you must state I Parameters I ~------------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------~ I I Name of data set I DSN= I I Always ~-------------------------+_------------------------~ I I Disposition of data set I OISP= I ~------------------T-----------------+-------------------------+_------------------------~ I IAlI devices I Input device I UNIT= I IIf data set not .-----------------+-------------------------+------------------------~ Icataloqed IMagnetic tape andl Volume serial number I VOL=SER= I I Idirect access I I I ~------------------~-----------------+-------------------------+-------------------------~ IFor pWlched cards or paper tape I Block size~ I DCB=BLKSIZE= I ~------.-----------------------------~-------------------------~-----~-------------------~ 11 Alternatively, you can specify the block size in your PL/I program by using the I lI ________________________________________________________________________________________ JI ENVIRONMENT attribute. Figure 3-2. Accessing a CONSECUTIVE Data Set: Essential Parameters of DO Statement Chapter 3: Bow to Create and Access a Simple Data Set 25 DISPOSITION OF DATA SET You must always include the DISP parameter to indicate to the operating system that the data set already exists. Code DISP=SHR if you want to read the data set, DISP=OLD if you want to read and/or overwrite it, or DISP=MOD if you want to add records to the end of it. You need not code the second term of the DISP parameter if you want the data. set to resume the status it had before the job step; existing data sets will continue to exist, and newly created data sets will be deleted. in the input stream must, like job control. statements, be in the form of SO-byte records (usually punched cards), and must be immediately preceded by a DD statement with the single parameter * in its operand field, for example: //GO.SYSIN DD * To indicate the end of the data, include a. delimiter job control statement (/*). A DD statement that introduces data in the input stream must be the last DD statement in the job step. If your data includes records that commence // in the first two columns use the parameter DATA, for example: //GO.SYSIN DD DATA SPECIAL-PURPOSE PARAMETERS Three parameters of the DD statement have special significance in that they permit you to use a very simple form of DD statement; they are SYSOUT, which is particularly useful for printed or punched-card output, and *, and DATA, which allow you to include data in the input stream. SYSTEM OUTPUT (SYSOUT=) A system output device is any Wlit (but usually a printer or a card punch) that is used in common by all jobs. The computer operator allocates all the system output devices to specific classes according to device type and function. The usual convention is for class A to refer to a printer and class B to a card punch; the IBM-supplied cataloged procedures assume that this convention is followed. To route your output via a system output device, use the SYSOUT parameter in your DD statement. The only essential additional parameter is the block size (if not already specified in your PL/I program by using the ENVIRONMENT attribute). Thus, if you want to punch cards, you can use the DD statement //GO.PUNCH DD SYSOUT=B,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 DATA IN THE INPUT STREAM A convenient way to introduce data to your program is to include it in the input job stream with your control statements. Data 26 Standard Files PL/I includes two standard files, SYSIN for input and SYSPRINT for output. If your program includes a GET statement without the FILE option, the compiler inserts the file name SYSINi if it includes a PUT statement without the FILE option, the compiler inserts the name SYSPRINT. If you use one of the IBM-supplied cataloged procedures to execute your program, you will not need to include a DD statement for SYSPRINTi step GO of the cataloged procedures includes the statement: //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A Note that no block size is specified in this DD statementi the block size for the data set associated with SYSPRINT is supplied by the (F) compiler. However, if your program uses SYSIN, either explicitly or implicitly, you must always include a corresponding DD statement. Examples The examples of simple applications for CONSECUTIVE data sets shown in Figures 3-3 and 3-4 should need no further explanation. The first program evaluates the familiar expression for the roots of a quadratic equation and records the results in a data set on magnetic disk and on punched cards. The second program reads the disk data set created in the first and prints the results. //J001PGEX JOB // EXEC PL1LFCLG //PL1L.SYSIN DD * CREATE: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); DCL PUNCH FILE STREAM OUTPUT, DISK FILE RECORD OUTPUT SEQUENTIAL, 1 RECORD, 2CA,B,C,Xl,X2) FLOAT DEC(6) COMPLEX, ON ENDFILECSYSIN) GO TO FINISH; OPEN FILECPUNCH), FILECDISK); NEXT: GET FILE(SYSIN) LISTCA,B,C); Xl=(-B+SQRTCB**2-4*A*C»/(2*A); X2=(-B-SQRT(B**2-4*A*C»/(2*A); PUT FILE(PUNCH) EDIT (RECORD) (C(EC16,9»); WRITE FlLECDISK) FROMCRECORD)i GO TO NEXT; FINISH: CLOSE FlLECPUNCH), FILECDISK); END CREATE; /* //GO.PUNCH DD SYSOUT=B,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 / /GO. DISK DD. UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186,DSNAME=ROOTS, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=400,LRECL=40), // SPACE=CTRK,Cl,l»,DISP=CNEW,KEEP) //GO.SYSIN DD 5 12 4 4 -10 4 5 16 2 4 -12 10 5 12.9 29 -20 Li· * /* Figure 3-3. Creating a Simple CONSECUTIVE Data Set //J027PGEX JOB / /COLEEX: EXEC PL1LFCLG //PL1L.S:YSIN DD * ACCESS: PROC OPTIONSCMAIN)i DCL RESULTS FILE RECORD INPUT SEQUENTIAL, 1 RECORD, 2 CA,B,C"Xl,X2) FLOAT DEC(6) COMPLEX; ON ENDFILECRESULTS) GO TO FINISH; PUT FILE (SYSPRINT) EDIT C• A' , • B' , • C' I' "Xl' , " X2 ' ) (XC7),3CA,XC23»,A,XC22),A); OPEN FILE(RESULTS); NEXT: READ FILECRESULTS) INTOCRECORD); PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP EDIT(RECORD) (C(FC12,2»); GO TO NEXT; FINISH: CLOSE FILECRESULTS); END ACCESS; /* //GO.RESULTS DD UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186,DSNAME=ROOTS,DISP=COLD,KEEP) Figure 3·-4. Accessing a Simple CONSECUTIVE Data Set Chapter 3: How to Create and Access a Simple Data Set 27 28 PART 2: Using all the Facilities of the PL/I (F) Compiler Part 2: Using all the Facilities of the PL/I (F) Compiler 29 30 Chapter 4: Job Initialization Introduction The operating system requires certain preliminary information about a job in order ·to be able to process it. For exampl,e, it must be able to recognize the beginning and end of a job, and it requires detail:s of the job environment (for example, which control program is used). Most of this information is provided in the job control language: the remainder is either information already known to the operator because it is established for your installation, or information you will have to giv j 9 the operator for your particular job. l?or example, if you have a choice o:f control programs, you must tell the operator which one you want. The information given in the job control languaqe is provided in the JOB statement and its parameters. The JOB statement indica1:es the beginning of a job and (in batch processing) the end of a previous job: the parameters provide information about t,he job environment. Full details of the purpose and syntax of this statement are gi"en in IBM system/360 Operating System:: Job Control -Language User's Guide" and Jol? Control Language Reference. The use of the JOB statement and its parameters is described briefly here, together with job scheduling and the types of control program available. JOB Statement The JOB statement is always the first statemEmt in your job. It identifies the job to the operating system; in particular, i t identifies the job to the job scheduler so that~ the latter can begin job processing. The job scheduler has three main components: 1. 2. Re!ader/interpreter: This checks the job control language and (if required) 'st~ores the data from the input stream on a direct-access device and places control information about the job in ant input queue. Indtiator/terminator: This selects the n€!xt job step for execution, and allocates devices and resources. After processing, i t terminates the job step. After processing of the last job step, it terminates the job. 3. Output writer (MFT or MVT): This handles the transmission of data from output data sets to a system output device (such as a printer or a card-punch) • The JOB statement also provides information on: 1. Work control; for example, accounting information and the programmer's name. 2. Job environment; for example, information relating to the control program under which the job will be executed. .. Note that the JOB statement does not select the control program for you; i t merely allows you to specify information required by the control program yOu are using_ The information to be given in the job statement fields is described below. Name Field A valid job name must appear in this field. certain words must not be used as job names as they are command statements used by the operator to communicate with the operating system. Examples of these are SPACE and JOBNAMES; ,you must find out whether these or other names are used as command statements at your installation. Jobs being executed concurrently should have different job names. Operation Field The word JOB must appear in this field. Operand Field The full set of positional and keyword parameters used with the JOB statement is: positional Accounting information programmer's name Chapter 4: Job Initialization 31 Keyword CLASS COND MSGCLASS Sequential scheduling Each job is processed in the order in which it exists in the input stream. Only one job at a time can be processed; all other jobs in the input stream must wait until this job is finished. Each job is executE~d as a single task. MSGLEVEL PRTY sequential scheduling is used by the primary control program (PCP). REGION ROLL Priority Scheduling TYPRUN The use of these is discussed in the IBM System/360 Operating System:. 'Job Control Language.Reference. Although all these parameters are optional as far as the operating system is concerned, some or all of them will be mandatory at your installation, and some will not be available to you. Therefore, before using any of them, you need to know: 1. Which parameters are mandatory at your installation. 2. Which parameters are optional at your installation. 3. What happens if you omit an optional parameter that is required for a particular job. If there is no default for this parameter, the job could terminate at this point. 4. What happens if you include an optional parameter that is no·~ required for a particular job. The parameter might be ignored or the job could terminate. Note: The examples given in this manual omi t the parameters of the JOB sta'tement because of this installation dependence. Job Scheduling JOB SCHEDULING AND THE CONTROL PROGRAM The operating system uses one of two forms of scheduling to process your job: sequential scheduling or priority scheduling. The type of scheduling employed for your job depends on the control program used. 32 The jobs in the input stream are placed in input queues and selected for processing according to previously determined priorities. Jobs are processed in a multiprogramming environment, that is, several jobs can be processed concurrently. Each job step can be executed as a single task or as several tasks: 1. One job step, one task: Each job step is executed as a task. The number of tasks that can exist concurrently is fixed, and is restricted to the number selected for execution (that is, tasks cannot be created during execution of the job step). Jobs are processed in this way with the MFT (multiprogramming with a fixed number of tasks) control program. 2. One .job step,' several tasks: Each job step is executed as a task. Additional tasks (subtasks) can be created dynamically during execution of the job :step. Therefore the numb4er of tasks that can exist qoncurrently is variable, and depends on the number of subtasks created. Jobs are processed in this way with the MVT (multiprogramming with a variable number of tasks) control program. Control Program The three control programs currently available in the operating system are: PCP MFT MVT Your installation may have only one of these control programs" or it may have two or all of them. You must find out which control program or programs are available to you and design your source program accordingly. To assist you in the choice (if you have one), a brief description of each c~ont rol program is given below, together with the set of JOB statement paramE~ters applicable to that program. FurthE!r details of the control programs are contained in the following publications: IBM .System/360 operating System: cOlncepts and Facilities QJ2lerator'. s Reference QE,erator's Procedures scheduler task. These job steps are executed sequentially. Output System output is put out through the SYSOUT stream; problem program output can be put out through the SYSOUT stream or a user data set. Up to eight output writers are available: each one writes one class of output onto one device (such as a printer). Each output class is designated by one of the letters A through Z•. Class A is the standard system output class: there must always be a device available for this class. storage Estimates MFT CONTROL PROGRAM PRIMARY CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) JOB Statement Parameters JOB Statement Parameters Accounting information Programmer's name Accounting information CLASS Programmer's name COND COND MSGCLASS MSGLEVEL Z.:SGLEVEL PRTY 'l~RUN The jolb stream is read in from a card or tape d l 9vice, and is loaded into main storagca. Only one input reader is available at one time. Job Selection Only one job can be processed at a time. The whole of main storage and all resources are allocated to that job; no other job can qain control until this job has completed execution. The job stream is read from a card or a tape device., or from a direct-access device, and is stored on a direct-access device. If there is any error in the job control statements for a job, that job is terminated. Up to three input readers are available. Job Selection Task EJtecution The job scheduler programs are executed as tasks: each job step of the job to be processed is executed as part of a job Jobs are placed in an input queue: up to fifteen input queues are available. The queue selected depends on the job class, as specified in the CLASS parameter of the JOB statement. A job is placed in an input queue according to its priority, as Chapter 4: Job Initialization 33 specified in the PRTY parameter of the JOB statement. A job with the highest priority is placed at the head of the queue; tha't with the lowest at the end. A job with a plriori ty the same as a job already i:n the q~eue, is placed immediately behind ,that job. If a job is not given a priority, a default priority is given to it by the system, and it is placed in an input queue at the appropriate place. In MFT, main storage is divided into partitions. One partition is allocated to one job at a time. Partitions are independent units of main storage. The work being done in one partition cannot affect work being done in another partition: data cannot be left in a partition for use by the next job st.ep to be loaded. I I Up to fifteen partitions are available for user jobs (there are other partitions but they are not available to you): therefore up to fifteen jobs can be processed concurrently. The number of partitions at a given time" and the size of each one, may be fixed for a particu.lar installation, but usually both the numbe]:' and size can be selected by the operator. The minimum size of a user partition is 8K bytes. You must find out the conventions on partitions at your installation. Partitions are arranged in order of priority. The partition with the highest main-storage address has the highest priority; partitions with successively lower addresses have successively lower priorities. A task is the work executed in a particular partition. Partitions, not job steps, compete for control; if a job step enters a wait state or completes execution, control passes to the partition waiting with the highest priority. Neither job class nor job priority have any affect on competition between tasks for control. The selection' (by the initiator) of jobs for execution depends on the relationship between the partitions and the input queues (that is, the job classes). A partition can service up to three job classes: a job class can be allocated to more than one partition. If a partition services more than one job class, it searches those classes for jobs in a predetermined order. For example: Partitions: Highest priority Lowest priority 34 PO Pi P2 P3 Class Job Class Job Class Job A 1 B 1 C 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 Allocations: Class A: PO, Pi Class B: PO, Pi, P2 Class C: P2, P3 Partition PO: A" Partition Pi: A, B Partition P2: B C " C Partition P3: B In this configuration, when the job step in PO completes execution, class A is searched to see if there are any jobs waiting'for selection. If there are not, class B is searched. Similarly Pi searches A and then B, P2 searches B and then C, and P3 searches C only., A job in class A can be selected for PO or Pi, whichever is the first 'available; a job in B can be selected. for PO, Pi or P2, and a job in C for P2 or P3. Task Execution Once a job has been selected for processing~ its job steps are executed sequentially. When a job step enters a wait state, control passes to the job step waiting in the next highest priority partition, irrespective of the job class 01: the waiting job step. Other ,Considerations Your installation may have the time-slicin9 facility.. Execution time is divided ('sliced') into a number of discrete periods. One period is allocated to one job, the next period to another job, and se) on, among all the jobs to be processed. The total execution time for one job is interleaved with that for other jobs, and thus all jobs are kept moving. Usually onE~ particular class is reserved for time-sliced jobs; if your job is to be time-sliced you must find out the time-slicing class at your installation. Similarly, if you use the TYPRUN parameter., one class may be reserved for jobs whose processing is to be delayed. If your installation has a shared PL/I library, this could affect the amount of space available in a partition or even the parti ticm size .• The job stream is read from a card or a tape device p or from a direct-access device, and is stored on a direct-access device. If there are any errors in the job control statements for a job, that job is terminated. As many input readers as are required can read input streams. output The output.stream from the job is stored temporarily on a direct-access device. The output data is stored in an output queue: each mellilber of the queue is associated with an output class, as designated in the SYSOUT parameter. If system and problem program data are in the same class, they are placed in the queue member in the order: Syst.em messages at job initiation Job Selection Jobs are placed in a single input queue, and are arranged within the queue according to their priorities, as specified in the PRTY parameter of the JOB statement. A job with the highest priority is placed at the head of the queue; that with the lowest at the end. A job with a priority the same as a job already in the queue, is placed immediately behind that job. Problem program data System messages at job termination Up to 36 output queues are available. The contents of each output class are written out by a system output ,writer onto the device (printer, punch, or tape) associated with that class. Up to 36 system output writers are available; each output writer can service up to eight output classes. MVT CONTROL PROGRAM JOB statement Parameters Accounting information Programmer's name CLASS COND MSGCLASS MSGLEVEL PRTY REGION ROLLTYPRUN If a job is not given a priority, a default priority is given to it by the system, and it is placed in the input queue at the appropriate place. In MVT, main storage is divided into regions. The amount of storage required for a region is specified in the REGION parameter. The number of regions that can exist concurrently depends on the total size of main storage and on the region sizes specified. Each job is executed in one region. Regions are independent units of main storage; work being done in one region cannot affect work being done in any other region. Data cannot be left in a region for use by the next job step to be loaded. A region is not a permanent division of main storage. It exists only for the duration of the job step for which it was created. When a job is selected for execution, a region is created for it. A region does not have a priority and does not compete for control with other regions; such competition is between the tasks in the regions. The selection of jobs for execution from the input queue depends on the job class and priority. Jobs are queued in order of priority or, if they have equal or no priority, in order of arrival in the queue. Job class has no affect on job position in the input queue. Jobs are selected by one of several initiators •. When an initiator is allocated to a job class, it selects Chapter 4: Job Initialization 35 only the jobs in that class: the order of taking them is determined by the job priority. An initiator can be allocated to :more than one job class, and will search the classes in predetermined ordero Up to ,fifteen job classes are available: the :number of initiators depends on thE~ number ,of job classes allocated to each one. , For example, if there are three initiators: InitCA) for jobs in class A Init CB) B InitCC) C and there are eleven jobs in the input queue as follows: Job -Class Priority B B A A B C A C C A A 10 9 8 8 7 4 3 2 1 0 0 then, when the job scheduler requires the next job for processing~ if InitCA) is the first initiator to be given control, it ignores the two B jobs at the head of the queue and selects the first A8 job.. The next time InitCA) receives control it selects the second A8 job (assuminq the contents of the queue have remained the same) and so on through all the class A ·jobs: A3, AO, AO. When InitCA) cannot find any jobs to select, InitCB) is given control and selects the class B jobs in the order: Bl0, B9, B7. Similarly, when InitCC) receives control, it selects the class C jobs in the order: C4, C2, Cl. More than two initiators can run together and one initiator can interrogate more than one class depending on the installation standards. Each task competes for control with all the other tasks being executed. Each task has a limit priority that depends on: 1. The value in the PRTY parameter in the JOB statement. 2. The value in the DPRTY parameter in the EXEC statement for that job step .. 3. If neither of these is specified, a default value is supplied by the job scheduler. Each task also has a despatching priority; this can be changed during execution but cannot be greater than the limit priority. The tasks compete for control-on the basis of the current values of their despatching priorities. Note that in MVT a priority can be specified on the EXEC statement; this does not affect the sequential execution of the job steps in a job but can affect considerably the chances of an existing task gaining control. Once a task is being executed, it can create subtasks dynamically.A subtask has a limit and despatching priority in the same way as the originating task, and competes for control with all the tasks and subtasks being-executed. Other-considerations If your installation has the time-slicing facility described above in 'MFT Control Program,' note that usually one particular priority is reserved for time-sliced jobs .. Similarly, priorities are reserved for jobs whose processing is delayed by'use of the TYPRUN parameter; and for the message control or message processing programs in teleprocessing. You must find out the conventions at your installation. If your installation has a shared PL/I library, this could affect the region size. Region sizes can be affected during execution by rollout/rollin. Output , Task', Execution Once a job has been selected for processing, its job steps are executed sequentially: each job step is a task. 36 MVT output follows the same conventions as those for MFT output. If your installaticm has a universal character set CUCS) printc~r that will be used as an output writer, you must assign a separate output class to each character set image in the system library. Chapter 5: Introdufction The PL/:[ (F) compiler translates PL/I source :3tatements· into machine instructions. A set of machine instrudtions suc~ as is produced by the compiler is termed an object· module. (If appropriate control statements are inserted among the PL/I source statements, the compilelt:' can create two or more object modules in a single run by means of batch compilat.ion. ) Howe',er.. the compiler does not generate all the machine instructions required to repres~lt the source program; instead, for frequenltly used standard routines such as those that handle the allocation of main storage space and the transmission of data between main and auxiliary storage, it inserts references to standard subroutines that art? stored in the PL/I subroutine library.. An object module produced by the compileJ::- is not ready for execution until the appJt"opriate library subroutines have been included; this is the task of an operating system service program, the linkage editor or the linkage loader, which is described in Chapter 6. A module that has been processed by the linkage editor or linkage loade~ is termed a load module. While it is processing a PL/I source program" the compiler produces a listing that contains information about the source program and the object module derived from it, together 'with diagnostic messages relatin~J to errors or other conditions detected during compilation. Much of this informat:ion is optional, and is supplied only in response to a request made by including appropriate 'options' in the PARM parametE~r of the EXEC statement that requests execution of the compiler. The compiler also includes a facility, the ~)rocessor or compile-time processor, which ca.n modify the source statements or insert additional source statements before , compilat:ion commences. COMPILATION The compiler comprises a control module that remains in main storage throughout compilat:ion, and a series of subroutines· (termed phases) that are loaded and executed in turn under the supervision of Compilation the control module. Each phase performs a single function or a set of functions, and is loaded only if the services it provides are required for a particular compilation. The control module selects the appropriate phases in accordance with the content of the source program and the optional compiler facilities that you select. Figure 5-1 is a simplified flow diagram of the compiler. The data that is processed by the compiler is known throughout all stages of the translation process as text. Initially, the text comprises the PL/I source statements submitted by the programmer; at the end of compilation, i t compr~ses the machine instructions that the compiler has substituted for the source statements, to which is added some reference information for use by the linkage editor. The source program must be in the form of a data set identified by a DD statement with the name SYSIN; frequently" the data set is a deck of punched cards. The source text is passed to the read-in phase either directly or via one of two preprocessor phases: 1. If the source text is in the PL/I 48-character set, the 48-character-set pr·ocessor translates it into the 60-character set. You must indicate the need for translation by specifying the CHAR48 option. 1 2. If the source text contains preprocessor statements, the compile-time-processor phase executes these statements in order to modify the source 'program or introduce additional statements. The compile-time processor includes a facility for translating statements written in the 48-character set into the 60-character set. To request the services of the compile-time processor, specify the MACRO option. Both preprocessors place the translated source text in the data set defined by a DD statement with the name SYSUT3. The read-in phase takes its input either from this data set or from the data set defined by the DD statement SYSIN. This phase 1The compiler options are discussed under 'Optional Facilities,' later in this chapter. Chapter 5: compilation 37 SOURCE TEXT (FROM SYSIN) CHAR 48 48-CHARACTERSET PROCESSOR CHAR60 PROCESSED SOURCE TEXT VIA SYSUT 3 60 -CHARACTER-SET TEXT VIA SYSUr 3 READ-IN PHASE ~TlONARY ~HASE ~NSLATION ~HASES FINALASSEMBLY PHASE OBJECT MODULE (TO SYS LIN 0 R SYSPUNCH) Lgure 5-1. 38 COMPILE TIME PROCESSOR pur (F) Compiler: Simplified Flow Diagram check:s the syntax of the source statements and rfemoves any comments and nonsignificant blank characters. Aft.er read-in, the dictionary phase of the c()mpiler creates a dictionary that contains entries for all the identifiers in the source text. The compiler uses the dictionary to communicate descriptions of the eJLements of the source program and the object: program between phases. The dictionary phase of the compiler replaces all iclentifiers and attribute declarations in thE~ source text with references to dictionary entries. Translation of the source text into machine instructions involves several compil.er phases. The sequence of events is: 1. 2. RearJ;'angement of the source text to f:acilitate translation (for example, by replacing array or structure a.ssignments with DO loops that contain element assignments). Conversion of the text from the PL/I syntactic form to an internal syntactic form. relocation dictionary, and explains how the linkage programs use them. Job Control Language for Compilation Although you will probably use cataloged procedures rather than supply all the job control statements required for a job step that invokes the compiler, it is necessary to be familiar with these statements so that you can make the best use of the compiler, and if necessary modify the statements of the cataloged procedures. The IBM-supplied PL/I cataloged procedures for compilation are: PL10FC Compile only (object module on punched cards). PL1LFC Compile only (object module stored on magnetic-tape or direct-access device). PL1LFCL Compile and link edit. 3. Mapping of arrays and structures to ensure correct boundary alignment. PL1LFC~ Compile, link edit, and execute. 4. Translation of text into a form similar to machine instructions; this text form is termed pseudo-code. PL1LFCG Compile, load, and execute. 5. S·torage allocation: the compiler makes provision for storage for STATIC v,ariables and generates code to allow AUTOMATIC storage to be allocated during execution of the object p:cogram. (The PL/I library subroutines handle the allocation of storage during execution of the object p:t:'ogram. ) The final-assembly phase translates the pseudo··code into machine instructions, and then creates the external symbol dictionary (ESO) and relocation dictionary (RLD) requirf:!d by the linkage programs. The external symbol dictionary is a list that includes the names of all subroutines that are rejeerred to in the object module but are "not. part of the module; these names, which are termed external references, includE~ the names of all the PL/I library subroU't:ines that will be required when the object program is executed. The relocation dictionary contains information that enable!.:; absolute storage addresses to be assignE~d to locations within the object module when it is loaded for execution. Chaptel: 6 contains a fuller discussion of the ext:ernal symbol dictionary and the Chapter 8 describes these cataloged procedures and how to modify or override the statements they contain. The following paragraphs describe the essential job control statements for compilation; they use statements from the PL/I cataloged procedures as examples. Appendix B contains a description of the parameters of the DO statement that are referred to. EXEC STATEMENT The basic EXEC statement is: // EXEC PGM=IEMAA By using the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement you can select one or more of the optional facilities offered by the compiler; these facilities are described later in this chapter. The use of the other parameters of the EXEC statement is as described in Chapter 7, 'Ex~cuting the Load Module'. Chapter 5: Compilation 39 r-------------------------------------------------------T---------------T---------------, I Purpose I ddname I Associated I I I ICompiler Option I ~-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+---------------~ Primary input (PL/I source statements) SYS:IN Punched card output SYSPUNCH DECK, MACDCK Load module output SYSLIN LOAD To contain overflow from main storage SYSUTl storage for: SYSUT3 1. Converted source module when 48-character set used CHAR48 2. Source statements generated by preprocessor MACRO, COMP Listing SYSPRINT Library containing source statements for insertion by SYSLIB MACRO L ________________________________________________________ ~ _______________ ~ _______________ J preprocessor Figure 5-2. Standard Data Sets for Compilation DD STATEMENTS The compiler requires several standard data sets, the number depending on the optional facilities that you request. You m~~t define these data sets in DD statements with the standard names listed in Figure 5- 2. The DD sta tements SYSIN and SYSPRINT are always required, and you should take uhe precaution of including SYSUTl in case insufficient main storage is available to the compiler. In addition, if you specify any of the options listed in Figure 5-2, you must include the associated DD statement. Figure 5-3 summarizes the characteristics of the compiler data sets. You can place any of them on a direct-access device; if it is likely that you will do so, include the SPACE parameter in the DD statements that define the data sets. The amount of storage space allocated in the standard cataloged procedures (Chapter 8) should suffice for most applications; however, Appendix H explains how to calculate the requirements for auxiliary storage. Primary-Input (SYS~N) The primary input to the compiler must l~ a CONSECUTIVE data set containing PL/I source statements. These source statements must comprise one or more external procedures; if you want to compile more than one external procedure in a single run, you 40 must separate the procedures in the input data set with *PROCESS statements (described under 'Batched Compilation' later in this chapter)~ Eighty-column punched cards are commonly used as the input medium for PL/I source programs. However, the input data set may be on a direct-access device, magnetic tape, or paper tape. The data set may contain either fixed-length records, blocked or unblocked, or undefined-length records; the maximum record size is 100 bytes. The compiler always reserves 1000 bytes for two buffers for this data set; however, you may specify a block size of more than 500 bytes providing sufficient space is available to the compiler. (Use the SIZE option to allocate the additional space: refer to 'Optional Facilities,' later in this chapter.) The standard PL/I cataloged procedures do not include a DD statement for the inpuit. data set; consequently, you must always provide one. The following example illustrates the s·tatements you might use bo compile., link-edit, and execute a PL/I program placed in the input stream: //COLEGO JOB // EXEC PL1LFCLG //PL1L.SYSIN DD • Insert here the source statements of your PL/I program /* Chapter 8 describes how to add DD statements to a cataloged procedure. Note r---------T--------------------T-----------~----------T-----------T-----------T-----------, ddnamE~ I Possible Device I Record IRecord Sizel Default I Reserved I No. of I classes~ I Format I (bytes) IBlock Size IBuffer Areal Buffers I I I I I I I I I (bytes) I (bytes) I I ~-------,-+--------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------~ SYSlN SYSSQ or input job streamCspecified by DD *) F, FB, U SYSPUNCH SYSSQ, SYSCP F,FB SYSLlN SYSSQ F,FB SYSUTl SYSDA F SYSUT3 SYSSQ F, FB, U i 100 (max) I I I I t 1000 2 SO SO 400 1 SO SO 400 1 1024 160 SO SYSPRlNT SYSSQ or. SYSOUT device V, VB 125 SYSLlB ' SYSDA F, FB, U 100 (max) ~--_----_i--------------------~~----------~-----------~-- 25S 129 2 _________ ___________ _________ ~ ~ ~ Magnetic-tape or direct-access device I I I SYSCP Card punch JI SYSDA Direct-access device IL_______________________________________________________________________________________ I~SYSSQ Figure 5--3. Characteristics of compiler Data Sets that you must qualify the name of the added DD statelrnentwith the name of the job step within the cataloged procedure to which it refers C:in this example, PL1L). is to be routed via the system output device of class B, which is usually a card punch. (However, the DD statement SYSPUNCH need not refer to a card punch.) Output (SYSPUNCH,SYSLIN) The other cataloged procedures that include a compilation job step contain the following DD statement: The complIer places the object module in the data set defined by the DD statement SYSLIN if you specify the option LOAD, and in the da.ta set defined by SYSPUNCH if you include 1:he option DECK; you may specify both options in one program. The object module is in the form of SO-byte fixed-length records, blocked or unblocked. The compiler always reserves 400 bytes for buffers for each of the output data sets; however, you may specify a block size of more than 400 bytes providing sufficient space is available to the compiler~ (Use the SIZE option to allocate the additional space: refer to 'Optional Facilities', later in this chapter.) The cataloged procedure PL1DFC includes the DO st:atement //SYSPUNCH 00 SYSOUT=B 'I'his stat.ement specifies that the data set ~The E-I€!vel linkage editor does not accept blocked records; specify blocked records for SYSLIN only if you are using the F-Ievel linkage editor. //SYSLlN DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET, // DlSP=(MOD,PASS), // UNlT=SYSSQ, // SPACE=(SO,(250,100» This statement defines a temporary data set named &&LOADSET on a magnetic-tape or direct-access volume; if you want to retain the object module after the end of your job, you must substitute a permanent name for &&LOADSET (i.e., a name that does not commence &&) and specify KEEP in the appropriate DlSP parameter for the last step in which the data set is used. The term MOD in the DlSP parameter allows the compiler to place more than one object module in the data set, and PASS ensures that the data set will be available to the next job step (link-edit) providing a corresponding DD statement is included there. The SPACE parameter allows an initial allocation of 250 eighty-byte records and, if necessary, 15 further allocations of 100 records (a total of 1750 records, which should suffice for most applications). Chapter 5: Compilation 41 Workspace. '(SYSUT1,' SYSUT3) The compiler may require two data sets for use as temporary workspace. They are defined by DD statements with the names SYSUT1 and SYSUT3. SYSUT1 defines a data set, known as the spill file, which the compiler uses for overflow text and dictionary blocks when compiling large source programs or when less than 57,344 bytes (56K bytes) of main storage are available for compilation. This data set must be on a direct-access device. It is good practice to include this DD statement even when you use the SIZE option to allocate more than 56K bytes to the compiler. The cataloged procedures include the following (or a similar) statement: //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(1024,(60,60)"CONTIG), // SEP=(SYSUT3,SYSLIN) Although the SEP parameter is not essential, its employment increases the efficiency of access to the compiler da"ta sets. You should never need to modify this DD statement. The compiler requires the data set defined by SYSUT3 only when you use the 48-character set or when you employ the preprocessor. In each case, the compiler places the processed text on this data set before commencing compilation proper. All the cataloged procedures use the following DD statement: //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSSQ, // SPACE=(80,(250,250», // SEP=SYSPRINT Note that if a job being run under MVT has a number of job steps, and each job step requires a data set for use as temporary workspace, the result is a considerable overhead in time and space. To reduce this as far as possible, you can use dedicated workfiles. These are workspace data sets which are created by the initiator when the job is selected for execution. They can be used by each job step (in the job selected) that requires temporary workspace; they are dele-ted when the job is terminated. data set. For example, if an initiator has three dedicated workfiles as follows: //SYSUT1 //SYSUT2 //SYSUT3 DD DD DD (parameters) (parameters) (parameters) then, if you want the workspace for the SYSUTl and SYSUT3 data sets in a job step to be provided by the initiator workfiles, code: //SYSUTl //SYSUT3 DD DD DSNAME= '& &SYSUT1, ••• DSNAME=&&SYSUT3, ••• The result is that this job step uses dedicated workfiles as workspace; the SYSUT1 and SYSUT3 DD statements in your job stream are ignored. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures for PL/I include SYSUT1 and SYSUT3 DD statements with a dsname specified in this way. There are several restrictions on the substitution.of dedicated workfiles for workspace data sets in the job stream; for example. only direct-access devices are supported. You should consult your system programmer on the conventions and restraints that apply·at your installation to each type of workspace data set. Listing (SYSPRINTl The compiler generates a listing that incl udes all the source statements that it~ processed, information relating to the object module, and, when necessary, diagnostic messages. Most of the information included in the listing is optional, and you can specify those parts that you require by including the appropriate compiler options. The information that ma.y appear, and the associated options, are described under 'Listings', later in this chapter. You must define the data set on which you wish the compiler to place its listing in a DO statement named SYSPRINT. The da"t:a set must have CONSECUTIVE organization. Although the listing is usually printed, it can be written on any magnetic-tape or direct-access device,. For printed output I' the following statement will suffice: //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A To use dedicated workfiles in your job, you must first make sure that your installation has an initiator that can generate them. If it has, you can use these workfiles by specifying the ddname of the initiator workfile as the dsname of the workspace data set in your job stream; this data set must be specified as a temporary 42 The compiler always reserves 258 bytes for buffers for the data set defined by the DO statement SYSPRINTi however, you may specify a block size of more than 129 bytc:!s provided sufficient main storage is available to the compiler. (Use the SIZE option to allocate the additional main storage: refer to 'Optional later in this chapter.) Facilities'~ single quotation marks1: for example: //EXEC PGM=IEMAA,PARM='SIZE=72K,LIST' Source s~atement Library' '(SYSLIB) If you use the preprocessor %INCLUDE statement to introduce source statements to your program from a library, you can eithe:t" define the library in a DD statement with the name SYSLIB, or you can choose your own ddname (or ddnames) and specify a ddname in each %INCLUDE statement. (Refer to 'Compile'-Time Processing', later in this chapter.) The DD statement SYSLIB is not included in the compilation job step of the standard cataloged procedures (and it has a differen't, function in the link-edit step) .. Note that for SYSLIB, the maximum record size pennit,ted is 100 bytes and the maximum block si:!!:e is 500 bytes. The length of the option list must not exceed 100 characters, including the separating commas: however, many of the option keywords have an abbreviated form that you can use to save space. You may specify the options in any order. If you are using a cataloged procedure, you must include the PARM parameter in the EXEC statement that invokes the procedure and qualify the keyword with the name of the procedure step that invokes the compiler 1 for example: // EXEC PL1LFCLG,PARM.PL1L=('SIZE=100K', // L,E,A) The compiler options are of two types: 1. Simple pairs of ke¥words: a positive form (e.g., LOAD) that requests a facility, and an alternative negative form (e,.g. " NOLOAD) that rejects that facility. 2. Keywords that permit you to assign a value to a function (e.g., SIZE=56K). EXAMPLE The following example is a typical sequence of job control statements for compiling a PL/I prompilation will provide a more efficient use of main storage but might result in the spilling of text blocks (and the production of message IEM3898I) 4. The compiler reserves part of the main stol:'age available to it for use as data set buffers (intermediate storage areas for data transmitted between main and auxiliary storage). The compiler uses one buffer each for the data sets defined by SYSLIN and SYSPUNCH, and two buffers each for SYSPRINT and SYSIN; in each case, the sizE~ of the buffer is equal to the block size of the corresponding data set. If you specify a block size for any of the data sets that requires morE~ buffer space than the compiler normally reserves, you should allow for the extra space in your SIZE opti.on by adding the following quantities to the 44K bytes minimum required by the compiler: (2 (2 *' * SYSIN block size) - 1000 bytes SYSPRINT block size) - 258 bytes SYSPUNCH block size - 400 bytes SYSLIN block size - 400 bytes 5. The text block size determine~ the total number of pairs of parentheses used for factoring attributes in a DECLARE sta tement: The OPT option specifies the type of optimization required: OPT=O instructs the compiler to keep object-program storage requirements to a minimum at the expense of object-program execution time. OPT=l causes object-program execution time to be reduced at the expense of storage. OPT=2 has the same effect as OPT=l, and in addition requests the compiler to optimize the machine instructions generated for certain types of DO-loops and expressions in subscript lists. IBM System/360 Operating-System:PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual includes a discussion of DO-loop and subscript-expression optimization. There is little difference in compilation time for optimization levels 0 and 1, but specifying OPT=2 could result in a substantial increase in compile time. STMT,or NOSTMT The STMT option requests the compiler to produce additional instructions that will allow statement numbers from the source program to be included in diagnostic messages produced during execution of the compiled program. The use of this option causes degradation of execution time. However you can get information about statement numbers and their associated offsets by referring to the TABLE OF OFFSETS. (See 'Options Used for the Compilation,' below.> Chapter 5: Compilation 45 reduces compilation speed, specify this option only when the source module cannot be compiled with the standard dictionary. The OBJNM option allows you to name the load module that will be created by the linkage editor from the compiled object module. (If you do not specify a name, the linkage editor will use the member name from the DSNAME parameter of the DD statement SYSLMOD in the link-edit job step; see Chapter 6.> The option causes the compiler to place a linkage editor NAME statement at the end of the object module. The NAME statement has the effect of assigning the specified name to the preceding module when the module is link-edited. The format of the option is OBJNM=aaaaaaaa where 'aaaaaaaa' represents a name comprising not more than eight characters, the first of which must be an alphabetic character. The format of the resultant NAME statement, which is described fully in Chapter 6, is ~NAME~aaaaaaaa(R> where ~ represents a blank character. The principal purpose of the OBJNM option is to facilitate the use of the linkage editor to create a series of load modules from the output of a batched compilation. (Refer to 'Batched compilation', later in this chapter.> You can also use it to cause the linkage editor to substitute the new load module for an existing module of the same name in a library. Programs that are large enough to require the EXTDIC option will be compiled very much more quickly if a large storage area is available. Ideally, enough storage should be available to hold the dictionary throughout compilation. As a rough guideline, the SIZE option should specify about 100,000 bytes plus 75 bytes for each identifier in the source module. Do not use the EXTDIC option when SIZE specifies less than 47,104 bytes. SYNCHKT" .SYNCHKS or SYNCHKE This option specifies the conditions foz:' termination after syntax checking if errors are detected. The option has three valu.es specifying termination according to the severity of. errors. SYNCHKE terminates compilation if errors of severity ERROR or above are found during the syntax checking stages of compilation. SYNCHKS terminates compilation if errors of severity SEVERE or above are found during the syntax checking stages of compilation. With the SYNCHKS or SYNCHKE in effect., a message is written to SYSPRINT stating:-' 'SYNTAX CHECK COMPLETED. COMPILATION CONTINUES' or 'SYNTAX CHECK COMPLETED. COMPILATION TERMINATED' whichever is appropriate. OBJIN' or OBJOUT You must specify the option OBJIN if you intend to execute the compiled program on an IBM System/360 Model 91 or 195. The special considerations for PL/I programs executed on Models 91 and 195 are discussed in Appendix G. EXTDIC or NOEXTDIC The EXTDIC option causes the compiler to use a dictionary with a capacity of 1.5 times that of the normal dictionary if the dictionary block size is 1K bytes" and 3.5 times that of the normal dictionary if the block size is greater than 1K bytes. This permits successful compilation of large programs that would otherwise overflow the dictionary capacity. As the use of EXTDIC 46 When using the value SYNCHKT compilat:ion is terminated immediately an error of severity TERMINATION is encountered durlng the syntax check. In this case the synt.ax check is not completed, and therefore no special message is printed. With SYNCHKT in effect the option is effectively turned off, and no special messages will be generated. PREPROCESSOR OPTIONS MACRO "or NOMACRO Specify MACRO when you want to employ the compiler preprocessor. The use of the preprocessor is described under 'Compile-Time Processing,' later in this chapter. COMP or NOCOMP SORMGIN Specify this option if you want the PL/I source module produced by the preprocessor to be cClmpiled immediately. The source module i.s then read by the compiler from the data set identified by the DD statement SYSUT3. The SORMGIN (source margin) option specifies the extent of the part of each input record that contains the PL/I source statements. The compiler will not process data that is outside these limits. The option can also specify the position of an ANS carriage control character to format the listing of source statements produced by the compiler if you include the SOURCE option. The format of the SORMGIN option is: ' MACDCR or.· NOMACDCR SORMGIN=(mmm.nnn[,ccc]) specify "the option MACDCR if you want the output from the preprocessor in the form of a card deck. This output is written (punched) in the data set specified by the DD statement SYSPUNCH. where mmm represents the number of the first byte of the field that contains the source statements l• nnn represents the number of the last byte of the source statement field, and INPUT CHAR60 Op~rIONS If the P:L/I source statements are written in the PI./I 60-character set. specify CHAR60; if they are written in the 48-character set, specify CHAR48. IBM system/360 operating.System:'PL/I (F) Language· Reference Manual lists both characte:r sets. (Note that the compiler will acc1ept source programs written in either character set if you specify CHAR48.) BCD or ccc represents the number of the byte that will contain the control character. 0~'CHAR48 EJ~CDIC The compiler will accept source statements in which the characters are represented by either o:f. two codes; binary coded decimal (BCD) and extended binary-coded-decimal interchange code (EBCDIC). For binary coded decimal, specify the option BCD; for extended binary coded decimal interchange code, spc~cify the option EBCDIC. Whenever possible t, use EBCDIC since BCD· requires translation and is therefore less efficien1t:. IBMsystem/360 Operating System:PL/I (F). Language Reference Manual lists thE;! EBCDIC representation of both the 48-character set and the 60-character set. The 029 Keypunch punches characters in EBCDIC~f()rm without multipunchingi to obtain EBCDIC using the 026 you must multipunch some characters. The value mmm must be less than or equal to nnn, and neither must exceed 100. The value ccc must be outside the limits set by mmm and nnn. The valid control characters are: b o + 1 Skip one line before printing Skip two lines before printing Skip three lines before printing Suppress space before printing Start new page Chapter 11 contains a full description of the use of printer control characters. If you do not specify a position for a control character, a default position defined by your installation may apply. You can nullify this,default position by specifying the carriage control character to be zero (for example, SORMGIN=(1,72,0». I f the value ccc is grea"ter than the value set by the LRECL subparameter of the DCB parameter, the compiler may not be able to recognize it; consequently the listing may not have the required format. If the character specified is not a valid control character. a blank is assumed by default. Source statements genera-ted by the preprocessor always have a source margin (2,72). Columns 73-80 contain information inserted by the preprocessolC'; this information is described under 'Listing,' below. Chapter 5: Compilation 47 OUTPUT OPTIONS SOURCE or NOSOURCE LOAD or NOLOAD The SOURCE option requests a listing of ,the PL/I source sta·tements processed by the compiler,. The source statements listed ,are either those of the original source program or the output from the preprocessor. The LOAD option specifies that the compiler is to place the object module in the data set defined by the DD statement.with the name SYSLIN. NEST· or NONEST DECK or NODECK The DECK option specifies that the compiler is to place the object module, in the form of 80-column card images, in the data set defined by the DD statement with ·the name SYSPUNCH. Columns 73-76 of each card contain a code to identify the object module: this code comprises the first four characters of the first label in the external procedure represented by the module. Columns 77-80 contain a 4-digit decimal serial number: the first card is numbered 0001, the second 0002, etc. LISTING OPTIONS The listings produced by the compiler when you specify the following options are described under 'Listing' below. LINECNT The LINECNT option specifies the number of lines to be included in each page of a printed listing, including heading lines and blank lines. Its format is: The NEST option specifies that the source program listing should indicate for each statement,. the block level and the level of nesting of a DO-group. ATR or NOATR The ATR option requests the inclusion in the listing of a table of source program identifiers and their attributes. Attributes with a precision of fixed binary (15.0) or less are flagged •••••••••• ,. An Aggregate Length Table. giving the length in bytes of all major structures and non-structured arrays in the source program, will also be produced when the ATR option is specified. XREF or NOXREF The XREF option requests the inclusion i.n the listing of a cross-reference table t~hat lists all the identifiers in the source program with the numbers of the source statements in which they appear. If you specify both A'l'R and XREF, the, two tablE~s are combined. An Aggregate Lengh Table will also be produced when the XREF opti.on is specified. LINECNT=xxx: EXTREF or NOEXTREF OPLIST or NOOPLIST The OPLIST option requests a list: showing the status of all the compiler options at the start of compilation. The EXTREF option requests the inclusion of a listing of the external symbol dictionary (ESD). LIST or.NOLIST SOURCE2 or NOSOURCE2 The SOURCE2 option requests a listing of the PL/I source statements input to the preprocessor. 48 The LIST option requests a listing of the machine instructions generated by the compiler (in a form similar to System/3fiO assembler language instructions). FLAGWo~ FLAGE or FLAGS The diagnostic messages preduced by the PL/I (F) cempiler are graded in erder ef severity. The FLAG eptien specifies the minimum level ef severity that requires a message to. be printed: FLAGW List all diagnestic messages FLAGE I.ist all diagnestic messages except 'warning' messages FLAGS List enly 'severe' errers and 'terminatien' errers The sevcE~rity levels are discussed under 'Listin9,' belew. The DUMP eptien requests a fermatted listing en SYSPRINT ef the compiler medules c, cempiler sterage. and cempiler centrel blecks if an unreceverable errer is enceuntE~red. The DUMP eptien can also. be used wit:h eptienal arguments; the nature and purpese ef these arguments are discussE~d in the publicatien IBM System/360 Operating system; PL/I. (F) Cempiler. PregramLegic. Order No.. GY28-6800. This facility she~ld enly be used in the event ef: a cempiler failure. Listing During cempilatien. the cempiler generates a listing that centains infermatien about the cempilatien and about the seurce and lead meClules. It places this listing in the data set defined by the DD statement SYSPRIN'I' (usually eutput to. a printer). The fell.ewing descriptien ef the listing refers t.e its appearance en a printed page .. The l.isting cemprises a small ameunt ef standarol infermatien that always appears, tegether with these items ef eptienal infermat.ien requested in the PARM parameter ef the DD statement that inveked the cempiler er that were applied by default. Figure 5·-5 lists the eptienal cempenents ef the list.ing and the cerrespending cempiler eptiens. The first page ef the cempiler listing is identified by the cempiler versien number and the eperating system release number in the tep left-hand cerner, and by the heading OS/360 PL/I COMPILER (F) in the center. Starting'with thi.s page, all the pages ef the listing are numbered sequentially in the tep right-hand cerner. On Page 1. immediately under the page number, the date ef cempil.atien is recerded in the ferm yy. ddd (yy=yea.r, ddd=day). Page 1 also. includes a sta.tement ef the eptiens specified fer the cempilatien, exactly as they are written in the PARM parameter ef the EXEC statement. The listing always ends with a statement that no. errers er warning cenditiens were detected during the cempilatien er with ene er mere di'agnestic messages. The fermat ef the messages is described under 'Diagnestic Messages,' be lew... If yeur machine includes the timer featur.e, the listing cencludes with a statement ef the CPU time taken fer the cempilatien and the elapsed time during the cempilatien; these times will differ only in a multipregramming envirenment. The fellewing paragraphs describe the eptienal parts ef the listing in the erder in which they appear. Appendix A includes a fully annetated example ef a cempiler listing .• Listings Optien Required optiens for the cempilatien OPLIST Preprecesser input SOURCE 2 Seurce pre gram SOURCE Statement nesting level NEST Attribute table ATR Cress-reference table XREF Aggregate-length table ATR er XREF External symbol dictienary EXTREF Object medule LIST Diagnestic messages fer severe errers, errers, and warnings FLAGS, FLAGE, FLAGW Figure 5-5. Optienal Cempenents ef Cempiler Listing OPTIONS USED FOR THE COMPILATION If the eptipn OPLIST applies, a cemplete list ef the eptiens fer the cempilatien. including the default eptiens, fellews the statement ef the eptiens specified in the EXEC statement. This infermatien appears twice, the secend list being in a standard Chapter 5: cempilatien 49 format to facilitate the automatic collection of operating-system usage statistics. Column 73-77 Input line number from which the source statement was generated. This number corresponds to the line number in the preprocessor input listing. 78,79 Two-digit number giving the maximum depth of replacement for this line. If no replacement occurred, the columns are blank. PREPROCESSOR INPUT If both the options MACRO and SOURCE2 apply, the compiler lists the input statements to the preprocessor, one record per line. The lines are numbered sequentially at the left. If the compiler detects an error or the possibility of an error, during the preprocessor phase, it prints a message on the page or pages following the input listing. The format and classification of the error messages are exactly as described for the compilation error messages described under 'Diagnostic Messages,' below. 80 tE' signifies that an error occurred while replacement was being attempted. If no error occurred, the column is blank. Statement Nesting-Level If the options SOURCE and NEST apply, the block level and the DO level are printed to the right of the statement number under appropriate headings: STMT LEVEL NEST SOURCE PROGRAM If the option SOURCE applies, the compiler lists the source program input, one record per line; if the input statements include carriage control characters, the lines will be spaced accordingly. The statements in the source program are numbered sequentially by the compiler, and the number of the first statement in the line appears to the left of each line in which a statement begins. The statements contained within a compound (IF or ON) statement are numbered as well as the compound statement itself; and, when an END statement closes more than one group or block, all the implied END statements are included in the count: 1 2 3 4 5 6 P: PROC: X: BEGIN; IF A=B THEN A=l: ELSE DO; A=O; 7 8 10 11 C=B; END X; D=E; END: If the source statements were generated by the preprocessor, colUmns 73-80 contain the following information: 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 A: PROC O~IONS(MAIN); B: PROC(L); DO 1=1 TO 10; DO J=l TO 10; END: BEGIN; END; END B: END A: ATTRIBUTE AND CROSS-REFERENCE TABLE If the option ATR applies, the compiler prints an attribute table containing an alphameric list of the identifiers in the program together with their declared and default attributes. If the option XREF applies, the compiler prints a cross-reference table containing an alphameric list of the identifiers in the program together with the numbers of the statements in which they appear. If both ATR and XREF apply, the two tables are combined. Except for file attributes, the attributes printed will be those that obtain after conflicts have been resolved and defaults applied. Since the file attribute analysis does not take place until after the attribute list has been prepared, the attributes that appear in the list for a file are those supplied by you" regardless of conflicts. If either of the options ATR and XREF applies, the compiler also prints an aggregat;e-Iength table, which gives, where possible, the lengths in bytes of all major structures and all non-structured arrays in the progrram. Attribut~e of an ALLOCATE statement for the aggregate. An entry appears for every ALLOCATE statement involving a CONTROLLED aggregate, since such statements have the effect of changing the length of the aggregate during execution. Allocation of a BASED aggregate does not have this effect, and only one entry, which is that corresponding to the DECLARE statement, appears. Table If an identifier was declared explicitly, the number of the DECLARE statement is listed under the heading DCL NO.. The statement numbers of statement labels and entry laLbels are also given under this heading. 'l'he attributes INTERNAL and REAL are never included; they can be assumed unless the respective conflicting attributes EXTERNAI, and COMPLEX appear. For'a: file identifier, the attribute EXTERNAL appears if it applies; otherwise, only explicitly declared attributes are listed. E'or an array, the dimension attribute is printed first; the bounds are printed as in the array declaration, but expressions are replaced by asterisks. For a. character string or a bit string, the length preceded by the word • STRING, , is print.ed as in the declaration, but an expression is replaced by an asterisk. Cross .... Re~ference Table If the cross-reference table is combined with the~ attribute table, the numbers of the statements in which an identifier appears follow the list of attributes for . that identifier. The number of a statement in which a based variable identifier appears will be included, not only in the list of statement numbers for that variable~, but also in the list of statement numbers for the pointer associated with ito The length of an aggregate may not be known at compilation, either because the aggregate contains elements having adjustable lengths or dimensions, or because the aggregate is dynamically defined. In these cases, the word 'ADJUSTABLE' or 'DEFINED' appears in the LENGTH IN BYTES column. An entry for a COBOL mapped structure, that is,. for a structure into which a COBOL record is read or from which a COBOL record is written, has the word '(COBOL)' appended, but such an entry will appear only if the structure does not consist entirely of: 1. doubleword data, or 2. fullword data, or 3. halfword binary data, or 4. character string data, or 5. aligned bit string data, or 6. a mixture of character string and aligned bit string data. If a COBOL entry does appear it is additional to the entry for the PL/I mapped version of the structure. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS If the option SOURCE applies, the compiler lists the following information under the heading STORAGE REQUIREMENTS on the page following the end of the aggregate-length table: 1. The storage area in bytes for each procedure. Aggregat.e Length Table 2. The storage area in bytes for each BEGIN block. Each ent.ry in the aggregate-length table consists: of an aggregate identifier preceded by a statement number and followed by the length of the aggregate in bytes. 3. The storage area in bytes for each ON unit. 4. The length of the program control section (CSECT). The program control section is the part of the object module that contains the executable part of the program. 'l'he s·tatement number is the number either of the DECLARE statement for the aggregat.e or, for a CONTROLLED aggregate, Chapter 5: Compilation 51 5. The length of the static internal control section. This control section contains all storage for variables declared STATIC INTERNAL. TABLE OF OFFSETS If the options SOURCE, NOSTMT, and NOLIST apply, the compiler lists, for each primary entry point, the offsets at which the ' various statements occur. This information is found, under the heading TABLE OF OFFSETS AND STATEMENT NUMBERS WITHIN PROCEDURE, following the end of the storage requirements table. LD - Label definition: the name of an entry point to the external procedure other than that used as the name of the program control section. ID - Four-digit hexadecimal number: the entries in the ESO are numbered sequentially, commencing from 0001. AODR - Hexadecimal representation of the address of the symbol: this field is not used by the compiler, since the address is not known at compile time. LENGTH - The hexadecimal length in bytes of the control section (SO, CM, and PR entries only). EXTERNAL SYMBOL OICTIONARY If the option EXTREF applies, the compiler lists the contents of the external symbol dictionary (ESO) for the object module. The ESO is a table containing all the external symbols that appear in the module. (The machine instructions in the object module are grouped in blocks called control sections; an external symbol is a name that can be referred to in a control section other than the one in which it is defined.> The information appears under the following headings: SYMBOL - An 8-character field that identifies the external symbol. Standard.ESD Entries The external symbol dictionary always starts with seven standard entries (Figw~e 5-6): 1. Name of the program control section (the control section that contains t.he executable instructions of the object module). This name is the first label of the external procedure statement .. 2. Name of the static internal control section (which contains storage for all variables declared STATIC INTERNAL). This name is the first label of the external procedure statement, padded on the left with asterisks to seven characters if necessary. and extended on the right: with the character A. 3. IHEQINV: pseudo-register for the invocation count (a count of the number of times a block is invoked recursively) .. 4. IHESADA: entry point of the library routine that obtains automatic storage for a block. 5. IHESAOB: entry point of the library routine that obtains automatic storage for variables whose extents are not known at compile time. 6. IHEQERR: pseudo-register used by library error-handling routines. 7.. IHEQTIC: pseudo-register used by thE! library multitasking routines. TYPE - Two characters from the following list to identify the tYPE! of ESD entry: SD - Section definition: the name of a control section within this module. CM - Common area: a type of control section that contains no executable instructions. The compiler creates a common area for each non-string element variable declared STATIC EXTERNAL without the INITIAL attribute. ER - External reference: an external symbol that is not defined in this module. PR - pseudo-register: a field in a communications area, the pseudo-register vect:or (PRV), used by the compiler and the library subroutines. 52 thE~ r-'----------------------------------, SYMBOL TYPE IO ADOR LENGTH I FIGS SO 0001 000000 00033A ***FIG5A SO 0002 000000 00005F IHEQINV PR 0003 000000 000004 IHESAOA ER 0004 000000 IHESADB ER 0005 000000 IHEQERR PR 0006 000000 compiler. If the number of blocks exceeds the number of characters in the first table, the first character of the pseudo-register name is replaced by a character taken from the second table, and the last character recycles. If the first character thus overwritten is the start of the external procedure name rather than an asterisk, the compiler issues a warning message (since identical pseudo-register names could be generated from different procedure names) • I 000004 IHEQTIC PR 0007 000000 000004 J L_. ___________________________________ Fitgure 5-6. These pseudo-registers are termed display pseudo-registers. Typical standard ESO Entries Example: Other ESO Ent ries X: PROC: Y: PROC: Z: BEGIN; The rema1n1ng entries in the external symbol dictionary vary, but generally include the following: 1. 2. END X: The display pseudo-registers for X, Y, and Z would have the names: section definition for the 4-byte control section IHEMAIN, which contains the address of the principal entry point to the external procedure. This control section is present only if the procedure statement includes the option MAIN. section definition for the control section IHENTRY (always present). EXf:!cution of a PL/I program always starts with this control section, which passes control to the appropriate initialization subroutine of the PL/I library: when initialization is complete, control passes to the address stored in the control section IHEMAIN. (Initialization is required only once dwring the execution of a PL/I program, even if it calls another external procedure: in such a case, control passes directly to the entry point named in the CALL statement, and noit to IHENTRY.) 3. LO···type entries for all names of entry points to the external procedure except the first. 4. A JPR-type entry for each block in the compilation. The name of each of the pseudo-registers comprises the first label of the external procedure statement, padded on the left with as·terisks to seven characters if necessary, and extended on the right wi't:h an eighth character selected from one of two tables used by the *·.··.XB· ······xo ···*··XC 5. ER-type entries for all the library routines and external routines called by the program. The list includes the names of. library routines called directly by compiled code (first-level routines), and the names of routines that are called by the first-level routines. 6. CM-type entries for non-string element variables declared STATIC EXTERNAL without the INITIAL attribute. 7. sO-type entries for all other STATIC EXTERNAL variables and for EXTERNAL file names. 8. PR-type entries for all file names. For EXTERNAL file names, the name of the pseudo~register is the same as the file name: for INTERNAL file names, the compiler generates names as for the display pseudo-registers. 9. PR-type entries for all controlled variables. For external variables, the name of the variable is used for the pseudo-register name: for internal variables, the compiler generates names as for the display pseudo-registers. Chapter 5: Compilation 53 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC STATISTICS If the option SOURCE applies, the compiler lists the following information after the ESD (or, if the option NOEXTREF applies, after 'storage Requirements'): 1. Number of records processed by the preprocessor (MACRO records). 2. Number of records processed by the compiler. 3. Number of statements processed by the compiler. 4. Size of object module (in bytes). OBJECT MODULE If the option LIST applies, the compiler generates a map of the static internal control section and lists the machine instructions of the object program in a form similar to System/360 assembler language. The machine instructions are described in IBM System/360: Principles of operation. The following descriptions of the object module listings include many terms that can be properly defined only in the context of an explanation of the mechanism of compilation and the structure of the object program: such an explanation is beyond the scope of this manual. Both the static internal storage map and the object program listings start on a new page. If the LINECNT option specifies 72 or fewer lines per page and the number of lines to be printed (including skips) exceeds the specified line count, double-column format is used. If the LINECNT option specifies more than 72 lines per page or the number of lines to be printed (including skips) is less than the specified line count, single-column format is used. AL4(SI.+X'6000'} AL4 (SI. +X'7000") VL4 ( IHESADA) VL4(IHESADB) A(DSASUB) A(EPISUB) A(IHESAFA) SI. is the address of the static internal control section, and IHESADA, IHESADB, and IHESAFA are library subroutines. DS.ASUB and EPISUB are compiler routines for getting and freeing dynamic storage areas (DSAs). The remainder of the static control section is listed, each line comprising the following elements: 1. Six-digit hexadecimal offset. 2. Up to eight bytes of hexadecimal tex-t. 3. Comment indicating the type of item -to which the text refers; a comment appears against the first line only of the text for an item. The following abbreviations are used for the comments (xxx indicates the presence of an identifier>: DED FOR TEMP or DED Data element descriptor for a temporary or for a programmer's variable. FED Format element descriptor. DV •• xxx Dope vector for a static variable. DVD.. Dope vector descriptor. D.V. SKELETON Dope vector skeleton for an automatic or controlled variable. ROV.. Record dope vector. A •• xxx Address of external control section or entry point, or of an internal label. ARGUMENT LIST Argument list CONSTANTS Constants. SYMTAB Symbol table entry. SYM •• xxx Symbolic name of label constant or label variable. FILE •• xxx File name. static Internal storage Map The first 52 bytes of the static internal control section are of a standard form and are not listed. They contain the following information: DC DC DC DC DC DC 54 F'4096' AL4(SI.+X'1000·) AL4(SI.+X'2000') AL4(SI.+X'3000') AL4(SI.+X'4000') AL4(SI.+X'5000') skeleton~ ON •• Ji~XX programmer-declared ON-condition. ATTRIB File attributes. xxx static variable. If the variable is not initialized, no text appears against the comment, and there is also no static offset if the variable is an array. (This can be calculated from the dope vector if required.) Object ?rogram Listing The object program listing includes comments of the following form as an aid to identification of the functions of the components of the program: * STATEMENT NUMBER n - identifies the start of the code generated for source listing statement number n. * PROCEDURE xxx - identifies the start of the procedure labeled xxx. * REAL ENTRY xxx - heads the initialization code for an entry point to a procedure labeled xxx. * * PROLOGUE BASE - identifies the start of the initialization code common to all entry points to that procedure. PROCEDURE BASE - identifies the address loaded into the 'base register for -t:h e procedure. A •• Address constant AE •• Apparent entry point (point in the procedure to which control passed from the prologue). BLOCK. Label created for an otherwise unlabeled block (followed by the number of the block). C •• Constant (followed by a hexadecimal dictionary reference). CL. A label generated by the compiler (followed by a decimal number identifying the label). DED •• Data element descriptor DV •• Dope vector DVD.. Dope vector descriptor FVDED •• Data element descriptor of function value. FVR.. Function value IC. Invocation count pseudo-register. ON,•• ON-condition name PRe • pseudo-register RDV •• Record dope vector RSW •• Return switch SI. Address of static internal control section. SKDV •• Skeleton dope vector, followed by hexadecimal dictionary reference. SKPL •• Skeleton parameter list, followed by hexadecimal dictionary reference. ST •• Symbol table entry SYM.. Symbolic representation of a label. TCA.. Temporary control area: a word containing the address of the dope vector of the specified temporary. TMP. .. Temporary, followed by hexadecimal dictionary reference·. TMPDV,. • Temporary dope vector, followed by hexadecimal dictionary reference * APPARENT ENTRY xxx - identifies the point of entry into the procedure for the entry point labeled xxx. * END PROCEDURE xxx - identifies the end IDf the procedure labeled xxx. * * BEGIN BLOCK xxx - indicates the start of the begin block with label xxx. END BLOCK xxx - indicates the end of -the begin block with label xxx. * ·INrrIALIZATION CODE FOR xxx - indicates it:hat the code following performs initial value assignment or dope v'ector initialization for the variable xxx. whereever possible, a mnemonic prefix is used to identify the type of operand in an instrud~ion, and where applicable this is followed by a source program identifier. The following prefixes are used: Chapter 5: compilation 55 VO •• Virtual origin WP1. WP2. WS1. WS2. WS3. Workspace, followed by decimal number of block which alloca"tes workspace The compiler lists only those messages with a severity equal to or greater than that specified by the FLAG option: A listing of the various storagE~ areas is not produced, but the addresses of variables can be deduced from the object program listing. Type of Message Option warning error severe error termination error FLAGW FLAGE FLAGS Always listed Each error message is identified by an 8-character code~ Example: 1. The first three characters are IEM, which identify the message as emanating from the F compiler. 2. The next four characters are a 4-diglt message number. Appendix K lists all the compiler messages in numeric sequence. 3. The last character is the letter I, which is the operating system code for an informative message. A=B+l0El; in the source program produces : 0002CA 78 00 B 058 LE O.B 0002CE 7A 00 B 064 AE 0,C •• 08F4 0002D2 70 00 B 060 STE O,A A and B are STATIC INTERNAL variables at an offset of X'60' and X'58', respectively, from the start of the control section. DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES The compiler generates messages that describe any errors or conditions that may lead to error that it detects during compilation. Messages generated by the preprocessor appear in the compiler listing immediately after the listing of the statements processed by the preprocessor; all other messages are grouped together at the end of the listing. The messages are graded according to their severity: At the end of a compilation, a message is printed giving the value for the SIZE option that will prevent the spill file being used for dictionary blocks if the program is recompiled. RETURN CODE The compiler returns a completion code to the operating system to indicate the degree of success i t achieved. This code appears in the job scheduler END OF STEP message as • RETURN CO DE. ' Meaning A' warning message calls attention t:o a possible error, although the statement to which it refers is syntactically valid. 0000 No diagnostic messages issued; compilation completed without error; successful execution anticipated. An ~ message describes an attempt made by the compiler to correct an erroneous statement (although it may not specify the corrective action)e 0004 Warning messages only issued; compilation completed; successful execution probable. 0008 Error messages issued; compilation completed, but with errors; execution may fail. 0012 Severe error messages issued; compilation may have been completed, but with errors; successful execution improbablE!. 0016 Termination error messages issued; compilation terminated abnormally; successful execution impossible. A severe error message specifies an error that cannot be corrected. by the compiler. The incorrect statement or part of a statement is deleted., but compilation continues. However, if a severe error is detected during the preprocessor stage, compilation is terminated after the compiler has listed the source program. A'termination error message describes an error that forces the termination of the compilation. 56 Note: This return code is returned for all levels of termination when the syntax check option is used. Batched Compilation The batched compilation facility of the compile:r allows you to compile more than one exbernal procedure in a single execution of the compiler. The compiler creates an object module for each external procedure and places them sequentially in the data set identified by the DD statement SYSPUNCH or SYSLIN. Batched compilation can increase compiler throughput by reducinq operating system overheads, but has the disadvantage that a termination error dtetected during the compilation of one extc?rnal procedure will prevent the compila'tion of those that follow it. To specify hatched compilation, you must include a compiler PROCESS statement in front of each external procedure except the first. This statement indicates to the compile:t: that it must process another procedu:re, and it allows you to specify new options for each compilation. The first procedu;re in the batch does not require a PROCESS statement since the EXEC statement that invokes the compiler contains all the information that it requires. Note that the return code given for a batched compilation is the highest code that would be returned if the procedures were crnnpiled independently. THE PROCESS STATEMENT The fonnat of the PROCESS statement is * PHOCESS (' options' ) ; where 'options' indicates a list of compi lelt: options exactly as specif ied in the PAru1 parameter of an EXEC statement; the list. of options must be enclosed within sinqle quotation marks. The asterisk must be in the first byte of the record (card column :U, and the keyword PROCESS may follow in the next byte (column) or after any nU~Jer of blanks. Blanks are also pennitted between: keyword PROCESS and the op:ion-list delimiter (left parenthesis). 1. Thc~ 2. The option-list delimiters and the start or finish of the option list. 3. The option-list delimiter and the semicolon. The options in the option list may include any of those described under .f Optional Facilities,' • earlier in this chapter. The options must be separated by commas, and there must be no embedded blanks. The options apply to the compilation of the source statements between the PROCESS statement and the next PROCESS statement. If you omit any of the options, the default values apply; there is no carryover from the preceding EXEC , statement or PROCESS statement. The number of characters is limited only by the length of the record. If you do not wish to specify any options, code * PROCESS; The input record that contains the PROCESS statement must be in EBCDIC code. TheOBJNM Option The OBJNM option determines how the object modules in a batch will be link-edited together. The appearance of this option in the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement or in a PROCESS statement causes the compiler to place a linkage-editor NAME statement at the end of the object module resulting from the compilation of the external procedure to which the option refers. When the batch of object modules is link-edited, the linkage editor places all the modules between one NAME statement and the preceding NAME statement into the same load module; it takes the name of a load module from the NAME statement that follows the last object module that is to be included. For example, consider the-following source statements (assuming the option OBJNM=A in the EXEC statement): ALPHA: PROC OPTIONS (MAIN) ; END ALPHA; PROCESS; BETA: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN}; * END BETA; PROCESS ('OBJNM=B'); GAMMA: PROC; * END GAMMA; Chapter 5: Compilation 57 compilation of these source statements would result in the following object modules and NAME statements: object module for ALPHA NAME A (R) Object module for BETA Object module for GAMMA NAME B (R) From this sequence of object modules and control statements, the linkage editor would produce two load modules, one named A containing the object program for procedure ALPHA, and the other named B containing the object programs for the procedures BETA and GAMMA. You should not specify the OBJNl-1 option if you intend to process the object modules with the linkage loader. The loader processes all object modules with the same name into a single load module; if there is more than one name, the loader recognizes the first one only and ignores the others. of the procedure FIRST; of the options specified, only SIZE applies to the compilations of the other procedures. The OBJNM option (abbreviated to 'N') ensures that FIRST will be link-edited into a load module named PGM1, which will contain no other procedures~ The first PROCESS statement requests a listing of the external symbol dictionary for the object module compiled from procedure SECOND The second PROCESS statement includes the option N=PGM2, which causes the compiler to insert a linkage editor NAME statement at the end of the object module compiled from the procedure PRINT; since this option does not appear in the preceding PROCESS statement, the object modules for procedures SECOND and PRINT will be combined in a single load module (named PGM2) by the linkage editor. 8 The third PROCESS statement names the load module that will contain the procedure THIRD, and also requests that only error., severe error, and termination error messages be listed by the compiler. JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE FOR BATCHED PROCESSING The only special consideration relating to job control statements for batched processing refers to the data set defined by the DD statement SYSLIN. If you include the option LOAD, ensure that this DD statement contains the parameter DISP=(MOD,KEEP) or DISP=(MOD,PASS); the standard cataloged procedures specify DISP=(MOD,PASS). If you do not specify DISP=MOD, successive object modules will overwrite the preceding modules. Under pCP or MVT, if you do not specify sufficient primary extents for the data sets defined by SYSLIN or SYSPRINT, you may get an abnormal termination with a system completion code of 80A, in which case you should increase the primary extents and run the job again. Example Figure 5-7 is an example of a simple batched processing program. It illustrates the use of a single invocation of the cataloged procedure PL1LFCL to compile four procedures and link-edit them into three load modules. Figure 5- 8 illustra"tes how these load modules could later be executed. The EXEC statement COLE in Figure 5-7 specifies the options for the compilati.on 58 The DD statement LKED.SYSLMOD overrides the corresponding statement in the cataloged procedure, and has the effect of requesting the linkage editor to place th~~ load modules in the private library PUBPG1~, from which they can later be called for execution. In Figure 5-8, this library is named again in the DD statement JOBLIB; a library specified by a DD statement of this name serves as an extension of the system program library for the duration of the job in which the statement appears. (Chapters 6 and 12 discuss the linkage editor and program libraries, respectively.) Compile-time Processing The compile-time facilites of the (F) compiler are described in IBMSystem/360 Operating system: PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual. These facilities allow you to include in a PL/I program statemen"ts that, when they are executed by the preprocessor stage of the compiler, mOdify your source statements or cause source statements to be included in your program from a library. The following discussion supplements the information contained in the Language manual by providing some illustrations of the use of the preprocessor and explaining how to establish and use source statement libraries. //J067PGEX JOB //COLE J~XEC PL1LFCL,PARM.PL1L='SIZE=999999,N=PGM1,A' ,PARM.LKED='LIST' //PL1L.8YSIN DD * FIRST: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); DO I=1250 TO 1500 BY 50; DO J=10, 15, 20; K=SQRT(I/J): PUT SKIP(2) DATA; END FIRST; * PROCESS (' EXTREF' ) ; SECOND:: PROC OPTIONS (MAIN) ; DCL PRINT ENTRY EXT, A(5) INIT(1,2~4,8,16), B(5) INIT(3,5,7,9,11), C(5,5); DO I=l TO 5; DO J=l TO 5; C(1,J)=12*A(I)/B(J); END; END; CALL PRINT (A,B,C); END SECOND: * PROCESS (' N=PGM2' ) : PRINT: PROC (THOR,TVERT,ARRAY); DCL THOR(*),TVERT(*),ARRAY(*,*); I=DIM(THOR,l); PUT EDIT (THOR) (X(7), (I) F(7,2»; DO J=l TO DIM(TVERT,l); PUT SKIP EDIT(TVERT(J), (ARRAY(J,K) DO K=l TO I»(F(7,2»; END PRINT; * PROCESS ( , N=PGM3 , FE' ) ; THIRD: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) GO TO FINISH; NEXT: GET DATA(A,B); C=A+8*B**2/3; PUT SKIP DATA: GO TO NEXT; FINISH: END THIRD; /* //LKED.SYSLMOD DD UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186,DSNAME=PUBPGM,DISP=OLD Figure ~.-7. An Example of Batched processing INVOKING THE PREPROCESSOR The preprocessor stage of the compiler is executed only if you specify the option MACRO and include a DO statement with the name SYSUT3 in the compilation job step. The compiler uses the data set to hold the preprocE~ssed source statements until compilat~ion begins. The information that you must: include in the DD statement is describ€~d under 'DD Statements,' earlier ill this chapter. The standard cataloged procedures for compilation all include an appropriate DO statement. The t~erm MACRO owes its origin to the similarity of some applications of the compile-·time facilities to the macro languaqe! available with such processors as the System/360 assembler. Such a macro language allows you to write a single instruction in your program to represent a sequence of instructions that have previously been defined. Three other compiler options, MAeDCK, SOURCE2., and COMP, are meaningful only when you also specify the MACRO option. All are described earlier in this chapter. Figure 5-9 is a simple example of the use of the preprocessor to produce a source deck for a procedure SUBFUN; according to the value assigned to the preprocessor variable USE, the source statements will represent either a subroutine or a function. Chapter 5: Compilation 59 //J067PGEl JOB //JOBLIB DD UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186,DSNAME=PUBPGM,DISP=OLD //Jl EXEC PGM=PGMl //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //J2 EXEC PGM=PGM2 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //J3 EXEC PGM=PGM3 IISYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A /ISYSIN DD * A=27, B=42; A=39, B=17; A=15; B=19; A=12, B=7; /* Figure 5-8. Execution of the Prog:rams Compiled in Figure 5-7 //J068PGEX JOB I/CO EXEC PLlDFC,PARM.PL1D='NOLOAD,NODECK,MACRO,MACDCK,NOCOMP' //PL1D.SYSIN DO * SUBFUN: PROC(CITY); DCL IN FILE RECORD, 1 DATA, 2 NAME CHAR(10), 2 POP FIXED(7), CITY CHAR(10); %DCL USE CHAR; %USE="SUB'; 1* FOR FUNCTION, SUBSTITUTE %USE='FUN' */ OPEN FILE(IN); READ FILE(IN) INTO(DATA); NEXT: IF NAME=CITY THEN DO; CLOSE FILE(IN); "IF USE='FUN' "THEN %GO TO Ll; PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP LIST (D,ATA) ; END; %GO TO L2; RETURN(POP); END; %Ll: ; %L2: ; ELSE GO TO NEXT; END SUBFUNi Figure 5-9. Using the Preprocessor to Create a Source Deck THE %INCLUDE STATEMENT IBM system/360 operating System: PLII (F) Language Reference Manual describes how to use the "INCLUDE statement to incorporate source statements from a library into a PL/I source program~ (A library is a type of data set that can be used for the storage of other data sets, termed members. Thus, a set of source statements that you may wish to insert into a source p:rogram by means of a %INCLUDE sta'tement must exist as a data set (member) within a libra:ry. Chapter 12 describes how to create a library and how to place members in it.) The %INCLUDE statement includes one or more pairs of identifiers. Each pair of identifiers specifies the name of a DD statement that defines a library and, in parentheses, the name of a member of the library. For example, the statement: %INCLUDE DD1(INVERT),DD2(LOOPX) 60 specifies that the source statements in member INVERT of the library defined by the DO statement DOl, and those in member LOOPX of the library defined by DD2, should be inserted into the source prog~am. The compilation job step must include appropriate DD statements. If you omit the ddname from any pair o:f identifiers in a %INCLUDE statement, the preprocessor assumes the ddname SYSLIB. In such a case" you must include a DD statement with the name SYSLIB. (Note that the IBM-supplied cataloged procedures do not include a DO statement with this name in the compilation job step.) Source statements in a library must be in the form of fixed-length records of not more than 100 bytes. The records can be blocked; the maximum blocking factor is 5. The source margin for input records specified by the SORMGIN option applies equally to included statements. //J069PGEX JOB //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSUT2 DD DSNAME=NEWLIB,DISP=CNEW,KEEP),UNIT=2311, // VOLUME=SER=D186,SPACE=CCYL,C4,,1» //SYSIN DD * ./ ADD NAME=FUN,LEVEL=OO,SOURCE=O SUBFUN: PROCCCITY); DCL IN FILE RECORD, 1 DATA, 2 NAME CHAR(10), 2 POP FIXED DEC(7), CITY CHAR(10); OPEN FILECIN); NEXT: READ FILECIN) INTOCDATA); IF NAME=CITY THEN DO; CLOSE FILECIN) i RETURN (POP) i END; ELSE GO TO NEXT i END SUBFUNi ./ ENDUP /* Figure 5-10. Placing Source Statements in a New Library You can use the operating system utility program IEBUPDTE to place source statements in a library. This facility is described in the publication IBM.System/360 Operatinq System,.Ultilities. You can invoke the CF) compiler from an assembler language program by using one of the macro instructions CALL, LINK, XCTL, or ATTACH. If you use the XCTL macro instruction, you cannot specify any options for the compilation: the default options will apply. However, if you use CALL, LINK, or ATTACH, you can specify: Example~~ Figures 5-10 and 5-11 are simple illustrations of how to place source statements in a library and how to include these s1:.a tements in a source program. The program in Figure 5-10 places the source statements of the procedure SUBFUN in a ne\i library. In this example, the source statements will represent a function procedure. 1. Options for the compilation. 2. Alternative ddnames for the data sets to be used by the compiler. 3. The number of the first page of the compiler listing. Code the macro instructions as follows: Figure 5-11 illustrates the use of a %INCLUDE statement to include the source statements for SUBFUN in the procedure TEST. ']~he library NEWLIB is defined in the DD statE~ment PL1L.SYSLIB, which is added to the stat:ements of the cataloged procedure PL1LFCLG for this job. Since the source statement library is defined by a statement wi th thE! name SYSLIB, the %INCLUDE statement need not include a ddname. r---------T---------T---------------------, I Name I Operation I Operand I ~---------+---------+---------------------~ I[symbol] I CALL IIEMAA,C[optionlist] I I [,[ddnamelist] 1 I I I I 1 [,pagenbr]]),VL 1 I I symbol 1 1- LINK 1 1EP=IEMAA, 1 1 IPARAM=([optionlist] 1 I[,[ddnamelist] I I _________ i I _________ iI _____________________ [, pagenhr]]) , VL=l L JI 1 I I ATTACH 1 Dynami4:! Invocation of the Compiler Note: The following discussion assumes that you are familiar with IBM System/360 assemblE!r language. For a full explanation of these macro instructions, refer to IBM System/360 Operatinq System: Supervisor and ~ata Manaqement Macro Instructions. Chapter 5: compilation 61 //J069PGEl JOB / / COLEEX EXEC PL1LFCLG, P ARM. PL1L=' MACRO, LOAD I' NODECK' , PARM. LKED==' , //PL1L.SYSLIB DD UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186,DSNAME=NEWLIB,DISP=OLD //PL1L.SYSIN DD * TEST: PROC OPTIONSCMAIN); DCL NAME CHAR(10), NO FIXED(7); ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) GO TO FINISH; AGAIN: GET FILE(SYSIN) LIST(NAME); NO=SUBFUN(NAME); PUT DATA (NAME, NO) ; GO TO AGAIN; %INCLUDE FUN; FINISH: END TEST; /* //GO.IN DD UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186,DSNAME=POPLIST,DISP=OLD //GO.SYSIN DD * , ABERDEEN' 'DONCASTER' /* Figure 5-11. Including Source statements from a Library The entry-point name IEMAA is the symbolic name of the (F) compiler. The address parameters are: 'optionlist': the address of a variable-length list of compiler options. The list must begin on a halfword boundary. The first two bytes contain a binary count of the number of bytes in the list (excluding the count field). Options in the list must be separated by commas; the list must not include blanks or zeros. 'ddnamelist': the address of a variable-length list of alternative names for the data sets used by the compiler. The list must begin on a halfword boundary. The first it.wo bytes contain a binary count of the number of bytes in the list (excluding the count field). Each entry in the list must occupy an 8-byte field; the sequence of entries is as follows: Entry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 62 Alternative Name SYSLIN not applicable not applicable SYSLIB SYSIN SYSPRINT SYSPUNCH SYSUT1 not applicable SYSUT3 If a ddname is shorter than eight bytes, fill the field on the right wi1~h blanks. If you omit an entry, fill i1:.s field with binary zeros; however, you may entirely omit entries at the end of the list. 'pagenbr': the address of a 6-byte field containing the number is to be used as the first page number of the compiler listing. The page number must begin on a halfword boundary, and the first halfword must contain the bina~I value 4 (the length of the remainder of the field). The other four bytes contain the page number in binary form. VL or VL=l: specifies that the sign bit in the last word of the parameter list is to be set to 1. Chapter 6: Introdu(~tion An object module produced by the compiler requires further processing before it is sui tablE~ for execution. It must be converted into a load module which can be loaded into main storage and executed. Conversion and execution is performed, in either one or two job steps, by one of two operating system programs, the linkage editor <:md the linkage loader. This chapter describes these programs and the circumst:ances in which each can be used to the best, advantage. Both programs are fully dE~scribed in IBMSystem/360 Operating system: .Linkage.Editor and Loader. Thet:wo linkage programs require the same kind of input, perform the same basic process (the resolution of external references within the object module), and produce the same result, that is, a load module for execution. They differ in the way they are used and in what they do with the load modules they create. Linkage loader: Execution by the linkage loader l:'equires one job step, in which a load module is created, loaded into main storage., and executed. Linkage .editor: The linkage editor does no·t cause the load modules it creates to be loaded and executed. Instead, each load module is placed in a program library; a further job step is required for the loading and execution of such a load module. If you want to keep the load module, or use facilities that are not available to the linkage loader, such as providing an overlay structure, you must use the linkage editor. The linkage loader is essentially a one-shot program checkout facility with limited application. The differences between the two programs can be summarized as: Linkage editor: 1. Does not cause the load module to be executed. 2. Can produce more than one load module from a batched compilation. 3. Always places load modules in a library, from which they can be loaded for execution in a later job or job step. 4. Can accept input from other sources as well as the primary input source. 5. Can provide an overlay structure for a program. 6. Can be used to modify existing load modules. Linkage.loader: 1. Requires only one job step for processing, loading, and execution. 2. Can only produce one load module from a batched compilation. 3. Always loads this module into main storage and executes it. 4. The load module exists only for the duration of the job step. 5. Can accept input only from the primary source. 6. Cannot provide an overlay structure for a program, or modify existing load modules. CHOICE OF LINKAGE PROGRAM The two programs are compatible in the following respects: 1. 2. Al1 object modules acceptable as input to a linkage editor are acceptable as input to a linkage loader. All load modules produced by a linkage editor, except those produced with the NE (not editable) attribute are acceptable as input to a linkage loader. (When the NE attribute is produced, the resulting load module has no external symbol dictionary and cannot be reprocessed; the external symbol dictionary is discussed below in the linkage-editor section.) Linkage Editor and Loader Performance Considerations The execution time of a load module is the same whether it is created by the linkage editor or the linkage loader. However, the Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Loader 63 editing and loading time for a module is greatly reduced when the linkage loader is used. This is achieved by reductions in: 1. 2. 3. Scheduling time: The object program is processed, loaded, and executed in one job step. Processing time: The linkage loader can process a module in approximately half the time required by the linkage editor, because: a. Linkage editor intermediate and I/O operations are eliminated. b. The I/O time for reading modules can be reduced by the use of improved buffering techniques and chained scheduling. Amount of .auxiliary sto:rage: If the linkage loader input is the object module in a compile~load-and-go job, the auxiliary storage that would be required by the linkage editor intermediate and output data sets is not needed. If the linkage loader input is taken from modules link-edited into a library, the auxiliary storage requirements for the library can be reduced by storing the modules with unresolved library references; these references can be resolved at load time. Linkage Editor The linkage editor is an operating system service program that creates load modules. It always places the load modules in a library, from which the job scheduler can call them for execution~ The input to the linkage editor can include object modules, load modules, and control statements that specify how the input should be processed. The ou1:put from the linkage editor comprises one or more load modules. In addition to its primary function of converting object modules into loaci modules, the linkage editor can also be used to: • Combine previously link-edi·ted load modules • Modify existing load modules • Construct an overlay program A module constructed as an overlay program can be execut.ed in an area of main 64 storage that is not large enough to contain the entire module at one time. The linkage editor subdivides the module so that it can be loaded and executed segment by segment. MODULE STRUCTURE Object and load modules have identical structures. They differ only in that a load module has been processed by the linkage editor and stored in a library wi·th certain descriptive information required by the job schedule:r; in particular, the module is marked as 'executable' or 'not executable.' A module comprises three typ1es of information: • Text (TXT) • External symbol dictionary (ESD) • Relocation dictionary (RLD) The text of an object or load module comprises the machine instructions that represent the program to be executed. These instructions are grouped in blocks termed control sections; a control section is the smallest separately executable uni1:. within a program.. An object module creatE~d by the PL/I (F) compiler includes the following control sections: • Control section for the shared library transfer vector.. (This is an area uSE~d for communication between library modules in the PL/I shared library and those in the partition or region.) • Program control section: contains the executable part of the program. • Static internal control section: contains storage for all variables declared STATIC INTERNAL and for constants and static system blocks. • Control sections termed common areas: one common area is created for each EXTERNAL file name and for each non-string element variable declared STATIC EXTERNAL without the INITIAL attribute • • IHENTRY: execution of a PL/I program always starts with this control section, which passes control to the appropriate initialization routine; when initialization is complete, control passes to the address stored in the control section IHEMAIN. • IH~mIN: for a procedure with the MAIN option, contains the starting address for execution of the PL/I program. • cont:rol sections for PL/I library modules link-edited with the program. External. Symbol Dictionary The external symbol dictionary (ESD) contains a list of all the external symbols that appear in the module. An external symbol is a name that can be referred to in a control section other than the one in which it~ is defined. The names of the control sections are themselves external symbols, as are the names of variables declared with the EXTERNAl, attribute and entry names in the external procedure of a PL/I program. References to external symbols defined elsewhel~e are also considered to be external symbols; they are known as external·references. Such external references in a PL/I object module always include the names of the PL/I subroutine library modules that will be required for the execution of the program. They may also include calls to your own subroutines that arE! not part of the PL/I subroutine library, nor already included within the object module. Part of the linkage editor's job is to locate the subroutines referred to, and to include them in the load module that will be executed. Relocation Dictionary At execution time, the machine instructions in a IOcLd module (including the instruct:ions generated by the PL/I (F) compileI:) use two methods of addressing locations in main storage: 1. Names used only within a control section have addresses related to the starting point of the control section .. 2. Other names (external names) have absolute addresses so that any control section can refer to them. The I:elocation dictionary (RLD) contains that enables the absolute addressE!s to be established when a module is loadE!d into main storage for execution. These addresses cannot be determined earlier because the starting address is not known until the module is loaded. The linkage editor consolidates the RLD entries in the input modules into a single relocation dictionary when it creates a load module. LINKAGE EDITOR PROCESSING A PL/I compiled program cannot: be executed until the appropriate PL/I subroutine library modules have been incorporated. The library modules are included in two ways: 1. By incorporation in the load module during linkage editing. 2. By dynamic call during execution. The first method is used for most of the PL/I subroutine library modules; the following paragraphs describe how the linkage editor locates the modules. The second is used for modules concerned with input and output (including those used for opening and closing files), and for the modules that issue the execution time error messages. Appendix E lists all the library modules, indicating which are loaded dynamically. In its basic processing mode, which is illustrated in Figure 6-1, the linkage editor accepts data from its primary input source, a data set defined by a DD statement named SYSLIN. For a PL/I program, this input data is the object module created by the compiler. The linkage editor uses the external symbol dictionary in the input module to determine whether the module includes any external references for which there are no corresponding external symbols in the module: it attempts to resolve such references by a method termed automatic library call. External symbol resolution by automatic library call involves a search of the library defined by a DD statement named SYSLIB; for a PL/I program this will be the PL/I subroutine library (SYS1.PL1LIB). The linkage editor locates the modules in which the external symbols are defined Cif such modules exist), and incorporates them in the load module it is creating. The linkage editor always places the new load module in the library defined by the DD statement named SYSLMOD. informat~ion Any linkage editor processing additional to the basic mode described above must be requested by linkage editor control statements placed in the primary input. These control statements are described at the end of this chapter under 'Additional Processing. ' Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Loader 65 (prima:ry input) r------------, I I I I I I I PL/I object module 1----, I I l _____________ J r-------------, I I I I PL/I I library I (SYS1.PL1LIB)I r--- I I I l ________ r-------------, SYSLMOD r-------------, I Linkage edi tor Output module library >I I I I I I I ~-------------> I I load module I Ir-------->IL _____________ JI I I I I I I I L_____________ J J Il _____________ JI SYSLIB (call library) Figure 6-1. Basic Linkage Editor Processing Main Storage Requirements Two levels of the linkage editor are currently available; each has a number of different versions. The E-level is available in 15K, 18K, and 20K versions; the F-Ievel is available in 44K, aSK, and 128K versions. The capabilities and capacities of each version are described in system/36 0 Operating.System: LinkaqeEditor and Loader. Job Control Language for Link-Editing Al though you will probably use catcLloged procedures rather than supply all the job control statements required for a job s·tep that invokes the linkage editor, i t is necessary to be familiar with these statements so that you can make the bes·t use of the linkage editor and, if necessary, modify the statements of the cataloged procedures. The IBM-supplied PL/I cataloged procedures that refer to the linkage editor are: PLILFCL PLILFCLG PLILFLG Compile and link-edit Compile, link-edit, execute Link-edit and execute Chapter 8 discusses these cataloged procedures and describes how to modify or override the statements they contain. The following paragraphs describe the essential job control statements for 66 link-editing; they use statements from the PL/I cataloged procedures as typical examples. Appendix B contains a description of the parameters of the DD statements that are referred to. EXEC STATEMENT The name IEWL is an alias for the linkage-editor program. If you use the name IEWL in the EXEC statement that invokes the linkage editor, the job scheduler will load the version to which this name corresponds. Normally this would be either the one which is the largest available within your operating system, Ol~ the one which is the most suitable for your job. You should consult your systems programmer if you need to know what versions of the linkage editor are available at your installation, and how to invoke them. The basic EXEC statement is: // EXEC PGM=IEWL By using the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement, you can select one or more of the optional facilities offered by the linkage editor; these facilities are discussed under 'Optional Facilities,' below. The use of the other parameters of the EXEC statement is as described in Chapter 7, 'Executing the Load Module.' r------·-----T-------------------------~---------T----------------------------, I ddname I I Possible device classes1. Function I ~------.-----+-----------------------------------+----------------------------~ I SYSLIN I I Primary input data, normally the I output from the compiler I SYSSQ or the input job I stream (specified by DD *) I I ~------.-----+-----------------------------------+----------------------------~ I SYSL~~OD I Output for load module I SYSDA I ~------.-----+----------------------------.-----+------------~---------------~ I SYSU'l'l I Additional workspace I SYSDA I ~------ -----+-----------------------------------+----------------------------~ I SYSPRINT I Listing, including diagnostic I SYSSQ or SYSOUT device I I I I I messages ~------"-----+-----------------------------------+-----------~----------------~ I SYSLIB I Automatic call library (usually I SYSDA I I I the PL/I subroutine library) I I . ~------,----~-----------------------------------~----------------------------~ 11 SYSSQI Magnetic-tape or direct-access device I JI IL ______ SYSDA,.______________________________________________________________________ Direct-access device Figure 6-2. Linkage-Editor Data Sets DO STATEMENTS link-edit and execute a PL/I object module placed in the input stream, you can use the following statements: The linkage editor always requires four standard data sets. You must define these data sets in DD statements with the standard names SYSLIN, SYSLMOD, SYSUT1" and SYSPRINT. A fifth data set, defined by a DO statement with the name SYSLIB, is necessar.y if you want to use the automatic library call facility. The five standard data se'ts are summarized in Figure 6- 2. //LEGO JOB // EXEC PL1LFLG //LKED.SYSIN DO Insert here the object module to be link edited and executed /* Note: 1. If modules with identical names appear in the primary input, the linkage editor processes only the first of them. 2. You can include load modules or object modules from one or more libraries in the primary input by using a linkage editor INCLUDE statement; refer to 'Additional Processing,' below. Primary.Input (SYSLIN) The primary input source must be a CONSEcurIVE data set containing one or more object lDodules and/or linkage-editor control statements; a load module cannot be part of the primary input, although it can be introduced by the control statement INCLUDE.. For a PL/I program, the primary input source is usually a data set containing an object module created by the compiler. The data set may be on magnetic-tape or on a direct-access device, or you can include it in the input job stream. In all cases, the input must be in the form of aO-byte F-format records. '.rhe cataloged procedure PL1LFLG includes the DD statement: //SYSLIN DD DDNAME=SYSIN This statement specifies that the primary input data set must be defined in, a DD statE~ment named SYSIN. If you use this catalogue procedure, you must supply this DD statE~ment, specifying the qualified ddname I~KED.SYSIN. For example, to * Output (SYSLMOD) The linkage editor always places the load modules that it creates in a library defined by a DO statement with the name SYSLMOD. (A library is a type of direct-access data set that can be used for the storage of other consecutive data sets, frequently load modules); the data sets stored in a library are termed members. To store a member in a library, include the parameter DSNAME=dsname(membername) in the DD statement that defines the library; replace 'dsname' with the name of the library, and 'membername' with the name of the member.) Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Loader 67 The PL/I cataloged procedures include the following DD statement: Listing. (SYSPRINT) //SYSLMOD DD DSNAME=&&GOSET(GO), // DISP=(MOD,PASS), // UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(1024, // (50,20,1) ,RLSE) The linkage edi to:r generates a listing that includes reference tables relating to the load modules that it produces and also, when necessary, diagnostic messages. The information that may appear is described under 'Listing,' below. This statement defines a temporary library named &&GOSET and assigns the name GO to the load module that the linkage editor will place in it. If you want to retain the load module after execution of your job, you must replace this DD statement with one that de:fines your own permanent library. For example, assume that you have a library called USLIB on 2311 disk pack serial number 371; to name the load module MOD1 and place it in this library, code: You must define the data set on which you wish the linkage editor to place its listing in a DD statement named SYSPRINT. The data set must have CONSECUTIVE organization. Although the listing is usually printed, it can be written on any type of magnetic-tape or direct-access device. For printed output, the following statement will suffice: //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A Automatic Call Library (SYSLIB) //LKED.SYSLMOD // // // DD DSNAME=USLIB(MOD1), UNIT=2311, VOLUME=SER=371, DISP=OLD The size of a load module must not exceed 512K bytes (512 * 1024 bytes) for programs executed under PCP or MFT; a much larger load module is permitted for MVTQ The SPACE parameter in the DD statement SYSLMOD used in the PL/I cataloged procedures allows for an initial allocation of 50K bytes and, if necessary, 15 further allocations of 20K bytes (a total of 350K bytes); this should suffice for most applications. Workspace (SYSUT1) The linkage editor requires a temporary data set on a direct-access device for use as extra workspace. The DD statement that defines this data set must have the name SYSUT1. The following statement contains the essential parameters: //SYSUTl DD UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(1024,(200,20» You should never need to modify the DD statement SYSUT1 in a cataloged procedu:re. If your installation supports dedica·ted workfiles, these.can be used to provide workspace for the link-edit job step. For details of these workfiles and their use, see 'Workspace (SYSUT1,SYSUT3)' in Chapter 5, 'Compilation.' 68 If you want the linkage editor to resolve external references by automatic library call, you must use aDD statement with the name SYSLIB to define the library which the linkage editor must search. You can cause the linkage editor to search more than one library by concatenating the DD statements that define the libraries: include the ddname SYSLIB in the first statement and leave the name fields of the following statements blank. The link-editing of a PL/I object module normally requires the presence of a SYSLIB statement that refers to the PL/I subroutine library (SYS1.PL1LIB). The automatic call library can contain load modules or object modules, but not both. EXAMPLE The following example is a typical sequence of job control statements for link-editinsr a PL/I object module. The DD statement SYSLIN indicates that the object module will follow immediately in the input stream; for example, it might be an object: deck created by invoking the PL/I (F) compiler with the DECK option (see Chapter 5). The DO statement SYSLMOD specifies that the linkage editor should name the nE~W load module LKEX., and that it should placE~ it in a new library named MOOLIB; the presence of the SPACE parameter and the keyword NEW in the DISP parameter indicatE~s to the operating system that this DD stateme!:nt requests the creation of a new library. //LINK JOB //. EXEC PGM=IEWL //SYSLMOD DD UNIT=2311, // VOLUME=SER=D186, // DSNAME=MODLIB(LKEX), // DISP=(NEW,KEEP), // SPACE=(CYL,(10,10,1» //SYSUTl DD UNIT=2311, // SPACE=(1024,(200,20» //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSLIB DD DSNAME=SYS1.PL1LIB, // DISP=OLD //SYSLIN DD * LIST The LIST option specifies that all linkage editor control statements processed should be listed in the data set defined by the DD statement SYSPRINT. MAP The MAP option requests the linkage editor to produce a map of the load module; this map indicates the relative locations and lengths of the control sections in the module. Insert here the object module to be link-edt ted XREF Optiona~l Facilities The linkage editor provides a number of optional facilities that you can select by including the appropriate keywords from the following list in the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement that invokes it: The XREF option requests the linkage editor to produce a map of the load module and a cross-reference list of all the external references in each control section. XREF includes MAP. LET LIs~r The LET option requests the linkage editor to mark the load module 'executable,' even if slight errors or abnormal conditions are found during link-editing. MAP or XREF LET or XCAL NCAl. SIZg XCAL The PARM parameter is a keyword parametE2lr. Code PARM= followed by the list of options, separating the names of the options with commas and enclosing the list within single quotation marks. For example:: The XCAL option requests the linkage editor to mark the load module as executable even if errors or abnormal conditions, including improper branches between control sections, are found during link-editing. XCAL, which includes LET, applies only to an overlay module. // EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM=ILIST,MAP' If you are using a cataloged procedure, you must. include the PARM parameter in the EXEC statement that invokes the procedure. and qualify the keyword PARM with the name of the procedure step that invokes the linkage editor. For example: // EXEC PL1LFCLG,PARM.LKED='LIST,XREF' ':l"he j:ollowing paragraphs describe the optional facilities. The listing produced by the options LIST, MAP, and XREF are described under 'Listing,' below. NCAL The NCAL option specifies that no external references should be resolved by automatic library call. However, the load module is marked 'executable' (providing there are no errors). You can use the NCAL option to conserve storage space in private libraries since, by preventing the resolution of external references during link-editing, you can Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Loader 69 store PL/I load modules without the relevant PL/I library subroutines; the DD statement SYSLIB is not required. Before executing such load modules, you must link-edit them again to resolve the external references, but the load module thus created need exist only while it is being executed. You can use this technique to combine separately compiled PL/I routines in a single load module. Listing The linkage editor always lists, in the data set defined by the DD statement SYSPRINT, any errors or abnormal conditions that it discovers. It will also list the following additional information if you specify the appropriate options: Listings Option Required Control statements processed by the linkage editor LIST Map of the load module MAP or XREF Cross-reference 'table of external references XREF SIZE The SIZE option specifies the amount of main storage, in bytes, to be allocated to the linkage editor; it applies only to the F-Ievel linkage editor. Code the SIZE option as a keyword parameter with the following format: SIZE=(valuel,value2) For 'valuel' substitute a decimal integer number representing the number of bytes of main storage to be allocated to the linkage editor, including the allocation for the load module buff:er specified in value2. For 'value2' substitute a decimal integer number representing the number of bytes of main storage to be allocat.ed for the load module buffer. The linkage editor uses the load module buffer when it reads in load module records, and also to retain information for subsequent writing of output records. You can specify both values as the actual number of bytes (for example, SIZE=(45056,6144» or as a multiple of 1024 bytes (for example, SIZE=(44K,6K». Valuel must exceed value2; the following table lists the minimum and maximum values and the minimum difference between valuel and value2 for the three designs of the F-Ievel linkage editor: Linkage Editor Valuel Min 44K 88K l28K 44K 88K 128K Max Value2 Min 6K 6K 6K Max lOOK lOOK lOOK Valuel Value2 (Min) 38K 44K 66K If you specify SIZE incorrectly, or if you omit the parameter, a default value set at system generation is used~ 70 The following paragraphs describe the elements of the listing; the sequence in which they appear differs between the E-Ievel and F-Ievel linkage editors. Appendix A includes a fully annotated example of a linkage editor listing. A statement of the level of linkage edi tor and the options specified appears a,t the head of the listing. CONTROL STATEMENTS AND ERRORS During processing, the linkage editor notE!S the occurrence of error and other conditions as it encounters them; these notes appear as a list immediately after the heading statement. If you specify the LIST option, this list also includes all control statements processed by the linkage editor. Each entry in the list comprises a 7-character code followed by the name of the control statement to which the code applies. For a control statement, the code is always IEWOOQO. All other codes refer to explanatory,. error, or warning messages; each code comprises: 1. The letters lEW, which identify linkage editor messages. 2. A 3-digit message number. 3. A l-digit severity code as follows: Meaning o A condition which will not cause an error during execution. The output module is marked 'executable.' 1 A condition that may cause an error during execution. The output module is marked 'executable.' 2 An error that could make execution impossible. The output module is marked 'not executable' unless LET is specified. 3 An error that will make execution impossible. The output module is marked 'not executable.' 4 An error condition from which no recovery is possible. Linkage editor processing is terminated, and no output other than diagnostic messages is producedQ At t:he end of the list of messages, the E-Ievel. linkage editor places a statement of the disposition of the load module; the F-Ievel. linkage editor places this statememt at the end of the listing, just before the Diagnostic Message Directory (see be!low). The disposition statements, with one exception, are self-explanatory; the exc:eption is: ****modulename DOES NOT EXIST BUT HAS BEE:N ADDED TO DATA SET The message normally appears when a request has beem made for the, linkage editor to substi t:ute the new load module for an existing module. It indicates that the linkage~ editor was unable to locate the existing module, but has placed the new module in the data set named in the DD statemEmt SYSLMOD. If you name a new module by including a name in the DSNAME paramet:er of the DD statement SYSLMOD, the linkagE~ editor assumes that you want to , replacE~ an existing module (even if the data SE~t is new). DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGE DIRECTORY When pJ:'ocessing of a load module has been comple't:ed, the linkage editor lists in full all thE~ diagnostic messages whose numbers appear in the preceding list. IBM System(360 operatinq,system: Linkage Editor and Loader contains explanations of all the linkagE:! editor messages and their probable causes., and suggests how to cope with them. The warning message IEW0461 frequently appears in the linkage editor listing for a PL/I program. It refers to external references that have not been resolved because NCAL was specified (in this instance, in a linkage editor LIBRARY statement). The references occur in PL/I library subroutines that are link-edited with your program as a result of automatic library call. Some library modules may, in turn, call other library modules. Any library module that calls a secondary module that may only occasionally be required is preceded by a LIBRARY statement. This specifies that the references to the secondary modules should not be resolved unless these modules are already part of the input to the new load module, that is, they are external references. For those secondary modules that are required, the compiler generates another external symbol dictionary containing 'alternative names for the modules. These new references can be resolved, and the required modules are placed in the new load module. If the secondary modules in turn call other modules, the process is repeated. MODULE MAP The linkage editor listing includes a module map only if you specify the options MAP or XREF. The map lists all the control sections in the output module and all the entry names in each control section. The control sections are listed in order of appearance in the load module; alongside each control section name is its address relative to the start of the load module (address 0) and its length in bytes. The entry points within the load module appear on the printed listing below and to the right of the control sections in which they are defined; each entry point name is accompanied by its address relative to the start of the load module. Each control section that is included by automatic library call is indicated by an asterisk. For an overlay module, the control sections are arranged by segment in the order in which they were specified. After the control sections, the module map lists the pseudo-registers established by the compiler. pseudo-registers are fields in a communications area, the pseudo-register vector (PRV), used by the PL/I library subroutines and compiled code during execution of a PL/I program. The storage occupied by the PRV is not allocated until the start of execution of a PL/I program; therefore, it does not form part of the load module. The addresses Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Loader 71 given in the list of pseudo-registers are relative to the start of the PRV. At the end of the module map, the linkage editor supplies the following information: 1. The length of the PRV. 2. The relative address of the instruction with which execution of the load module will commence (ENTRY ADDRESS). 3. The total length of the module. For an overlay module, the length is that of the longest path. All the addresses and lengths given in the module map and associated information are in hexadecimal form. Meaning 0000 Normal completion 0004 warning,. but execution should be successful 0008 Errors, execution may fail 0012 Severe errors, execution impossible 0016 Termination error The code 0004 almost invariably appears after a PL/I program has been link-edited" because some external references in the PL/I library subroutines have not been resolved. (Refer to 'Diagnostic Message Directory,' above.> Additional Processing CROSS-REFERENCE TABLE The linkage editor listing includes a cross-reference table only if you specify the option XREF. This option produces a listing that comprises all the information described under 'Module Map,' above, together with a cross-reference table of external references. The table lists the location of each reference within the load module, the symbol to which the reference refers, and the name of the control section in which the symbol is defined. For an overlay module, a cross-reference table is provided for each segment. It includes the number of the segment in which each symbol is defined. Unresolved symbols are identified in the cross-reference table by the entry $UNRESOLVED. However, if a symbol was not resolved owing to the use of the NeAL option or a LIBRARY statement, it is identified by $NEVER-CALL. RETURN CODE The linkage editor returns a" completion code to the operating system to indicate the degree of success it achieved. This code appears in the job scheduler END OF STEP message as 'RETURN CODE.' The code is derived by multiplying the highest diagnostic message severity code by four. 72 The basic function of the linkage editor is to create a single load module from the data that it reads from its primary input source, but it has several other facilitif~s that you can call upon by using linkage editor control statements. The use of those statements of particular relevance 1:.0 a PL/I program is described under functional headings, below. All the linkage editor control statements are fully described in IBM system/360 Operating system: Linkage Editor and Loader. FORMAT OF CONTROL STATEMENTS A linkage editor control statement is an 80-byte record that contains two fields. The operation field specifies the operation required of the linkage editor; it must bE~ preceded and followed by at least one blGillk character. The operand field names the control sections, data sets, or modules that are to be processed, and it may contain symbols to indicate the manner of processing; the field consists of one or more parameters separated by commas. SomE~ control statements may have multiple operand fields separated by commas. The position of a control statement in the linkage editor input depends on its function. In the following descriptions of the control statements, items within brackets [ ] are optionall1 you may omit them at your discretion. MODULE NAME separate the names by commas, for example: ALIAS FEE, FIE, FOE, FUM A load module must have a name so that the linkage editor and the job scheduler can identify it. A name comprises up to seven charactf~rs, the first of which must be al phabet.i c. An ALIAS statement can be placed before, between, or after the modules or other control statements that are being processed to form a new load module, but it must precede the NAME statement that specifies the primary name of the new module. You can name a load module in two ways: 1. If you are creating a single load module, it is sufficient to include its name as a member in the DSNAME parameter of the DD statement SYSLMOD. 2. If you are creating two or more load modules in a single execution of the liJrlkage editor, you will need to use thc3 NAME statement. (The PL/I (F) canpiler can supply the NAME statements when you use the bat.ch-compilation feature: see Chapter 5. ) The tormat of the NAME statement is: NAME membername [( R) ] f'or I, membername ' substitute the name of the module. (R), if present, signifies that the load module is to replace an existinc:J load module of the same name in the dati:t set defined by the DD statement SYSLMOD. The NAME statement must appear in the primary input to the linkage editor (the data set: defined by the DD statement SYSLIN)i if it appears elsewhere, the linkage editor ignores it. The statement must follow immediately after the last input m~dule that will form part of the load module it names (or after the INCLUDE statemerlt that specifies the last module.) To execute a load module, you can include an alias instead of the primary name in the PGM parameter of an EXEC statement. Providing the alias is not also the name of an entry point within the module, execution will commence at the normal entry point (which, for a PLiI program, is the control section IHENTRY). Do not use a NAME or an ALIAS statement to give a PL/I load module a name that is an entry name other than IHENTRY. If you do, the initialization routines which are called from IHENTRY before control is passed to your program will be bypassed and your program will not execute successfully. Generally. you should not give a PLII module a name or an alias name that begins with 'I' (except IHENTRY). ADDITIONAL INPUT SOURCES The linkage editor ~an accept input from sources other than the primary input defined in the DD statement SYSLIN. For instance., the automatic library call facility enables the linkage editor to include modules from the library named in the DD statement SYSLIB. You can name additional input sources by means of the INCLUDE statement, and you can direct the automatic call mechanism to alternative libraries by means of the LIBRARY statement. Al terna1~i ve Names INCLUDE Statement You can use the ALIAS statement to give a load module an alternative name; a load module can have as many as sixteen aliases in addi·tion to the name given to it in a SYSLMOD DD statement or by a NAME statement. 'l'he format of the ALIAS statement is: ALL~S symbol For "symbol' substitute any name of up to seven characters: the first character must be alphabetic. You can include more than one name in an ALIAS statement: The INCLUDE statement causes the linkage editor to process the module or modules indicated. After the included modules have been processed, the linkage editor continues with the next item in the primary input. If an included sequential data set also contains an INCLUDE statement, that statement is processed as if it were the last item in the data set (Figure 6-3). The format of an INCLUDE statement is: INCLUDE ddname [(membername)] Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Lo~der 73 - -! --! Library Member Sequential Data Set Primary Input Data Set --- --- end INCLUDE end INCLUDE' not processed end ....---- Figure 6-3. Processing of Additional Data Sources Replace 'ddname' with the name of a DD statement that defines eithe:r a sequential data set or a library that contains the modules and control statements to be processed. If the DD statement defines a library, replace 'membername' with the names of the modules to be processed, separated by commas. You can specify more than one ddname, each of which may be followed by any number of member names in a single INCLUDE statement. For example, the statement INCLUDE Dl(MEM1,MEM2),D2(MODA,MODB) requests the inclusion of the members MEMl and MEM2 from the library defined by the DD statement D1, and the members MODA and MODB from the library defined by D2. LIBRARY statement The basic function of the LIBRARY statement is to name call libraries in addition to those named in the DD statement SYSLIB. For this purpose, the format of the statement is similar to that of the INCLUDE statement: LIBRARY ddname(membername) Replace 'ddname' with the name of a DD statement that defines the additional call library, and 'membername' with the names of the, modules to be examined by the automatic call mechanism; separate the module names with commas. You can also use the LIBRARY statement to specify external references that should not be resol ved, or to specify tha·t no external references should be resolved. (Refer to IBM System/360 Operating System: Linkage Editor and Loader.) 74 end OVERLAY PROGRAMS To reduce the amount of main storage required for the execution of a program, you can organize i t into an overlay structure. An overlay program is divided into segments, which can be loaded and executed successively in the same area of main storage. To construct such a program, you must use linkage editor control statements to specify the relationship between the segments. Note that one segment" termed the root segment must remain in main storage throughout the execution of the program. Designing the Overlay structure Before preparing the linkage editor control statements, you must determine the overlay tree structure from the program. A tree is a graphic representation that shows which segments occupy main storage at different times. The design of tree structures is discussed in IBM System/360 Operating System: Linkage Editor and Loader, but, for the purposes of this chapter, Figures 6-4 and 6-5 contain a simple example. The tree in Figure 6-5 represents the . execution of the PL/I program of Figure 6-4. The program comprises six procedures, A, B, C, Dr E, and F. The main procedure A calls procedures Band F. Procedure B calls procedure c, which, in turn, calls procedures D and E. (Note that only procedure A requires the option MAIN.) The main procedure (A) must be in main storage throughout the execution of the program. Since the execution of procedure B will be completed before procedure F is called, the two procedures can occupy the same storage; this is depicted by the lin.:!s representing the two procedures in Figure 6-5 starting from the common point (node) r------------------------,I IA: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); I I I I I Clli.L B; I I I I I Clli.L F; I I I I I I IL ________________________ END Ai JI r-----------------------, IB: PROC; I I I I I I Cl~L C; I I I I I END B; IL ______ •_________________ JI r------·---------------, I C: PROC; I I I I I I I I I I I I C.z:!~LL D; CALL E; I I I I I END C; IL ______ •_________________ JI r-----------------------,I I D: PROC; I I I I I I I I IL ______ END D; .. _________________ JI r------·-----------------, I I I I I I I I I END E: IL ______ ._________________ JI lEi PROC: r-----------------------,I IF: PRoe; I I I I I I I I JI END F; IL_______________________ Figure 6-4. Program Suitable for Overlay structure X. ProQ.edure B must remain in storage while procedures C, D, and E are executed, but procedures D and E can occupy the same storage; thus the lines representing procedures D and E start from the node Y. The degree of segmentation that can be achieved can be clearly seen from the diagram. since procedure A must always be present, it must be included in the root segment.. Procedures F, 0, and E can usefully be placed in individual segments, as can procedures B and C together; there is nothing to be gained by separating procedures Band C, since they must be present together at some time during execution. Control. statements To specify to the linkage editor how you want a load module structured, use the control statements INSERT and OVERLAY. You must include the attribute OVLY in the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement that invokes the linkage editor; if you omit this attribute, the linkage editor will ignore the control statements. The OVERLAY statement indicates the start of an overlay segment. Its format is: OVERLAY symbol Replace 'symbol' with an arbitrary symbol representing the node at which the segment starts (for example, X in Figure 6-5). You must specify the symbolic origin of every segment, except the root segment, in an OVERLAY statement. An INSERT statement positions control sections in an overlay segment. Its format is: INSERT control-section-name Replace 'control-section-name' with the names of the control sections (that is, procedures) that are to be placed in the segment: if you include two or more names in the statement, separate them with commas. The INSERT statements that name the control sections in the root segment must precede the first OVERLAY statement. Creatinq-anOverlay structure The most efficient method of defining an overlay structure, and the simplest for a PL/I program, is to group all the OVERLAY and INSERT statements together and then place them in the linkage editor input (SYSIN) after the modules that form the Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Loader 75 I I I I Procedure A I I r-------------.L-----------,-, I I Procedure B I I I X -+- I I Procedure C I I I I I I Procedure F I I I r-------------.L-------------, I I I Procedure D I I I Figure 6-5. Y I I I Procedure E I I I Overlay Tree Structure for Program of Figure 6-4 program. The linkage editor initially places all the input modules in the root segment, and then moves those control sections that are referred to in INSERT statements into other segments. //CREX JOB // EXEC PLILFCLG,PARM.LKED='OVLY' //PLIL.SYSIN DD * Source statements for procedure A *PROCESS This method has the advantage that you can use the batch compilation facility of the compiler to process all the procedures in one run and place the object modules in a temporary CONSECUTIVE data set. You can then place the linkage editor control statements in the input stream, concatenating them with the data set that contains the object modules. (Do not use the compiler OBJNM option to name the object modules: if you do, the NAME' statements inserted by the compiler will cause the linkage editor to attempt to create separate load modules rather than a single overlay module.) Source statements for procedure B * PROCESS Source statements for procedure C *PROCESS Source statements for procedure D *PROCESS Source statements for procedure E *PROCESS Source statements for procedure F /* Figure 6-6 illustrates how you could use the PL/I cataloged procedure PLILFCLG to create and execute the overlay structure of Figure 6-5. An alternative approach instead of batch compilation is to compile the procedures independently and store them as load or object modules in a private library. You can then use an INCLUDE statement to place them in the input to the linkage editor (SYSLIN). 76 //LKED.SYSIN DD * OVERLAY X INSERT B,C OVERLAY Y INSERT D OVERLAY Y INSERT E OVERLAY X INSERT F /* Figure 6-6. compiling, Link-Editing, and Executing an Overlay Program If an INSERT statement contains the name of an €!xternal procedure, the linkage editor will move only the related program control. section, which has the same name. All other control sections established by the compiler, and all the PL/I library subrout.ines, will remain in the root segment.• It is important that PL/I library subroutines be in the root segment, since the PL/I (F) compiler does not support exclusive calls (calls between segments that do not lie in the same path). For example" in the structure of Figure 6- 5, procedures in the segment containing 0; could call procedures in the segments containing A, B, C, and D, but not in the segments containing E or F. Procedures in the segments containing B and C could call procedures in the segments containing A, B, C, D, and E, but not in the segment containing F. A procedure in the segment containing B may not call a procedure in the segment containing A if this latter procedure calls a procedure in the segment containing F. Note: The library modules IHETABS and IHEMAIN must be in the root segment. Howe'V'er, certain modules may not be required by all segments, in which case you can move them into a lower segment. To do this, compile the procedures using the compile:r option EXTREF, and then examine the exbernal symbol dictionary. For example, if in the structure of Figure 6-5 the module IHESNS is called only by the segment containing E, you can move into that seqment by placing the control, statemeat INSERT IHESNS immediately after the sta-tement INSERT E. Similarly, you can move data control section::; from the root segment to lower segment::;. For example, to move the static internal control section for procedure F into th,e segment containing F, place the statement INSERT ******FA after the statement INSERT F. Note that values assigned to static data items are not retained when a segment is overlaid. (A storage area in static constitutes static data fo:r this purpose, but still has the same US4~ as a DSA). Therefore, do not move static (lata from the root segment unless it comprises only: 1. 2. An alternative method of creating an overlay structure is to obtain object decks for the procedures that form the program, and then to intersperse OVERLAY statements among them in the linkage editor input. This method requires more care, since you must move into the root segment all static internal control sections (unless they are read-only) and control sections that refer to external variables not included in a common area. The linkage editor automatically places common areas and any library subroutines that are used in common by different procedures, in the common segments of the paths in which they are referred to. For example, if only procedures D and E of Figure 6-5 require the subroutine IHEOST, the linkage editor will place it in the segment that contains procedures Band C; but if procedure F also refers to IHEOST, the linkage editor will place i t in the root segment. Linkage Loader The linkage loader is an operating system program that creates and executes load modules. The modules created are always placed directly into main storage (never in a library) and executed. The input to the linkage loader is a single object or load module or several object or load modules, or a mixture of both types. The output is always a single load module in main storage. The linkage loader does not support the linkage editor control statements (ALIAS, CHANGE, ENTRY, INCLUDE, INSERT, LIBRARY, NAME, OVERLAY, REPLACE, SETSSI). The presence of any of these in the job streaIrl will not be treated as an error; the job will continue to be processed, and the name of the statement is printed on SYSLOUT together with a diagnostic me~sage. The linkage loader compensates for the absence of the facilities provided by these control statements by allowing the concatenation of both object and load modules in the data set defined by the ddname SYSLIN, and by allowing an entry point to be specified in the EP option of the PARM parameter (see below in 'Optional Facilities'). Values set by the INITIAL attribute and then unchanged (i.e., read-only da1:a ). .MODULE STR UCTURE Values that need not be retained bet.ween different loadings of the seqment. The structure of a module which is the input to the linkage loader is the same as that for a module which is the input to the Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Lo.ader 77 linkage editor. This structure has already been described in 'Module Structure,' in the linkage editor section. LINKAGE LOADER PROCESSING The linkage loader processes the input module or modules in order to resolve all external references in control sections. Once this has been accomplished, the load module is loaded into main storage and executed. The basic functions are: 1. Resolution of external references between control sections in program modules. 2. Resolution of other external references by inclusion of modules from the PL/I subroutines library (situated either on a direct-access device or in main storage). 3. Automatic editing by deleting duplicate copies of program modules. 4. Using the relocation dictionary (RLD) to obtain absolute addresses for control sections; if a particular control section is not in main storage when required, the RLD is saved until the control section has been loaded. In its basic processing mode, which is illustrated in Figure 6-7, the linkage loader accepts data from its primary input source, a data se-t defined by a DD statement named SYSLIN. For a PL/I program, this input data is the object module created by the compiler. The linkage loader uses the external symbol dictionary in the input module to determine whether the module includes any external references for which there are no corresponding external symbols in the module: it attempts to resolve such references by a method termed automatic library call. External symbol resolution by automatic library call involves a search of the library defined bya DD statement named SYSLIB; for a PL/I program this will be the PL/I subroutine library (SYS1.PL1LIB). The linkage loader locates the modules in which the external symbols are defined (if such modules exist), and incorporates them in the load module :it is creating. If all the external references have been resolved satisfactorily, the load module is executed. A Object and/or Load Modules B C A D B c G SYSLIN Main Storage Object 2[ 'Load Modu Ies D G SYSLIB -- called automatically when references were unresolved at the end of input from SYS LI N • Figure 6-7. 78 Loader Processing (SYSLIB Resolution) User' 5 Region Object and/or Load Modu les A B...... A .............. References made in B to 0, E, F, and G are resolved to the link pack area. c SYSLIN ,')-----""""~ Object m: Load tv\odu les Link Pack Area o Modules in link pack area must be reentrant. ,"'--------' SYSLIB -- called automatically when references remain unresolved at the end of input from SYSLIN and after searching the link pack area. Figure 6-8. Object and/or Load Modules Main Storage Loader processing (Link-Pack Area and SYSLIB Resolution) _------------ ---_ ~------L""E .,.. 0 ........ .",. - - - - _ The first copy is loaded A B C o SYSLI N Figure 6- 9. Main Storage Automatic Editing If you are using the MVT or MFT control program" the linkage loader will first search t:he link-pack area for library modules (see Figure 6-8) before searching the PL/I subroutine library. (The link-pack area is an area of main storage in which frequently used load modules are stored permanently; they can be accessed by any job running under MVT.) Library modules for PL1LIB must not be loaded into the link-pack area. If there is more than one copy of a program module in SYSLIN. the linkage loader will load the first one and ignore the rest (see Figure 6-9). Main Storage Reguirements The minimum main storage requirements for the linkage loader are: 1. storage for loader code: At least 10K bytes. 2. Storage for data management access method routines: At least 4K bytes. 3. storage for buffers and tables used by the linkage loader: At least 3K bytes. Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Loader 79 4~ storage for the program to be executed. Thus the minimum main storage required when a program is to be processed by the linkage loader is at least 17K bytes for the linkage loader and its associated routines and data areas, and, in addition, whatever amount of main storage is required for the program to be executed. If the loader code and the data management access routines are stored in the link-pack area, then the amount of main storage required for program execution is 3K bytes for the loader data area and, in addition, the amount required for the problem program,. linkage loader pz'ogram in the remainder of' this section. By using the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement, you can select one or more of the optional facilities available with the linkage loader; these are described in 'Optional Facilities,' below. The use of the other parameters of the EXEC statement~ is as described in Chapter 7, 'Executing the Load Module.' DD STATEMENTS Job Control Language for Link-Loading For most purposes, the IBM-supplied cataloged procedures are sufficent to provide the job control statements required for link-loading. 'However, you may want to supply your own job control statements or you may want to know which job control statements are required in order to construct your own cataloged procedures; therefore a brief discussion of the statements required or used by the linkage loader is given below. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures for the linkage loader are: PL1LFG PL1LFCG Load-and-execute Compile, load-and-execute These are fully described in Chapter 8, 'Cataloged Procedures,'which also includes a description of the methods used to modify or override the statements in them. The linkage loader always requires one standard data set. You must define this data set in a DD statement with the standard name SYSLIN. Three other standard data sets are optional and if you use them/, you must define them in DD statements with the standard names SYSLOUT, SYSPRINT, and SYSLIB. The four standard data sets are summarized in Figure 6";'10. The ddnames SYSLIN, SY3LIB and SYSLOUT for the loader data sets are those specified at system generation. Other ddnames for these data sets may have been specified at system generation for your installation; if they have, your job control statements must use these ddnames in place of those given above. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures PL1LFCG and PL1LFG use the ddnames shown above; your system programmE~r will have to modify these procedures if the ddnames that apply at your installation are different. primary Input (SYSLIN) EXEC STATEMENT The name of the linkage loader program is I EWLDRGO; it also has the alias name LOADER. Either of these can be used in the basic EXEC statement: Input to the linkage loader must be sequential and may be one of the followinq: 1. // EXEC PGM=IEWLDRGO // EXEC PGM=LOADER 2. The alias name LOADER is used in the IBM-supplied cataloged procedures; this name will be used for references to the 80 Object module: a. Output from the compiler. b. One member of a partitioned data set containing object modules. Load Module: One member of a partitioned data set containing load modules. r-----------T--'--------------------------------T----------------------------, ddna:me I Function I possible Device Classes~ I I ~------.-----+-----------------------------------+----------------------------~ I SYSLIN I I Primary input data, normally I the output from the compiler I SYSSQ or the input job I I stream (specified by DD .) I ~------,-----+----------------------------------+----------------------------~ I SYSLOUT I . I Loader messages and module map I listing I SYSSQ, SYSDA. I or SYSOUT=A I I ~------ -----+----------------------------------+-------.---------------------~ I SYSPRINTI PL/I execution-time messages and I I problem program output listing' ... I I SYSSQ, SYSDA, or SYSOUT=A I I ~------ ----+----------------------------------+----------------------------~ .I SYSLIJ3 I ~------ I Automatic call library (usually I the PL/I subroutine library) I SYSDA I I . I ...----.L----------------------------------.L----________________________ ~ 11 SYSSQ Magnetic-tape or direct-access device I I SYSDA Direct-access device I ____._____________________________________________________________________ JI Normal printed output class for system output I SYSOU:P=A L_~ Figure 6-10. 3. Linkage-Loader Data sets A concatenation of object modules, load modules or a mixture of both types. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedure PL1LFCG includes a SYSLIN DD statement; if you want. to modify this statement. you must refer to it by the qualified ddname GO.SYSLIN. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedul:e PL1LFLG does not include a SYSLIN DD statE~ment: you must supply one. using the qualified ddname GO.SYSLIN. Loader Listing '(SYSLOUT) The messages produced by the linkage loader, the module map that can be produced by the MAP option (see 'Optional Facilities,' below). and other information related to the linkage loader program can be written onto this data set. The SYSLOUT data set must be CONSECUTIVE organization and must have been specified at system generation; otherwise. all the loader information will be put out on SYSPRINT. A printed listing can be produced by allocating this data set to the system output class associated with a printer. This is usually designated by: //SYSLOUT DD SYSOUT=A Automatj!c Call Library (SYSLI,B) The SYSI.IB data set. is searched to resolve those external references that remain when all the external symbols that refer to locations within the program module have been resolved. This data set is always a partitioned data set; usually it is the PL/I subroutine library, SYS1.PL1LIB. but any library can be used provided it has the correct ddname. Libraries can be concatenated; the first library DD statement must have the ddname SYSLIB. the others must appear immediately after i t in the job stream and must have the name field blank. The concatenated libraries can contain object or load modules but not a mixture of both. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures PL1LFCG and PL1LFG include this statement; if you want to modify the statement, you must refer to it with qualified ddname GO.SYSLOUT. PL/I Execution-Time Messages and Problem Program Listing (SYSPRINT) PL/I execution-time messages and output produced by the problem program are written on this data set. The data set must be of CONSECUTIVE organization. A printed listing can be obtained in the same way as for the loader information: //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures PL1LFCG and PL1LFG both include a SYSLIB DD statement. If you want to modify this statement, you must refer to it using the qualified ddname GO.SYSLIB. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures PL1LFCG and PL1LFG both include this statement; if you want to modify it, you must refer to it using the qualified ddname GO.SYSPRINT. Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and LQader 81 Examples A typical sequence of job control statements for a compile-load-and-go job is: Here the input data sets are: 1. OBJMOD: An uncataloged data set containing the object module output from a compilation. 2. MODLIB: A cataloged data set containing a library of load modules; the member to be included here has the name MOD55. 3. IN: An object deck to be included in the job stream. //PGEX1 JOB // EXEC PGM=LOADER //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=*.PL1L.SYSLIN, // DISP=(OLD,DELETE) //SYSLIB DD DSNAME=SYS1.PL1LIB,DISP=SHR //SYSLOUT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A Here a PL/I program has been compiled in a job step with the step name PL1L: the resultant object module has been placed in the SYSLIN data set. Because this module is to be loaded and executed in the same job as the compilation, the SYSLIN statement can use the backwards reference as shown. If the compilation and load-and-go steps were in different jobs, the SYSLIN reference would have to specify a permanent data set, cataloged or uncataloged. 'The IBM-supplied cataloged procedure PL1LFCG includes SYSLIN statements in both the compile and the load-and-go steps: you do not need to specify this statement unless you want to modify it. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedure PL1LFG does not include a SYSLIN statement: you must supply one, using the qualified ddname GO.SYSLIN. A more complicated example is given below; it has three concatenated input data sets (one of which is an object deck), and two libraries to be searched for external references. The job control statements differ slightly, according to the control program used: PCP // EXEC PGM=LOADER //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=OBJMOD, // UNIT=SYSSQ, // VOLUME=SER=30103, // DISP=COLD,KEEP) // DO DSNAME=MOOLIBCMOD55},OISP=SHR // DO DDNAME=IN //SYSLIB DD OSNAME=SYS1.PL1LIB, // DISP=SHR // DD DSNAME=PRIVLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSLOUT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A //IN DO * Object deck to be input to the linkage loader 82 The two libraries to be searched for external references are the PL/I subroutine library (SYS1.PL1LIB) and a private library, PRIVLIB. The IN DD statement shown here is only required if you want to include in the job stream an object deck for input to the linkage loader. The statement // DD ODNAME=IN specifies that the IN data set is to be concatenated with other data sets to form the SYSLIN data set. The statement //IN DO * specifies that the IN data set is to be read from the job stream. Because PCP does not permit the use of more than one data set in the input stream for a single job step" you therefore cannot assign the input stream data to more than one data set. This means that you cannot have execution data in the input stream when there is an object deck, concatenated as shown, in the~ input stream. Note: If execution data in the input strealm is required when using an object deck, the! linkage editor must be used so that each input stream data set is in a separate job step. If you use the cataloged procedures PL1LFCG and PL1LFG, you can modify or add to the statements in these procedures to generate the sequence described above. Modified or added statements must be ref erred to in the correct order; this is:: PL1LFCG: PL1L.SYSLIN (if you want to modify the data set for the output from the compiler) GO.SYSLIB GO.SYSLIN GO.SYSIN GO.IN PL1LFG: Optional Facilities GO.SYSLIB GO.SYSLIN GO.SYSIN GO.IN MFT or CONTROL STATEMENTS j~VT // EXEC PGM=LOADER //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=OBJMOD, // UNIT=SYSSQ, // VOLUME=SER=30104, // DISP=(OLD,KEEP) // DD DSNAME=MODLIB(MOD55),DISP=SHR // DD DDNAME=IN //SYSLIB DD DSNAME=SYS1.PL1LIB, // DISP=SHR // DD DSNAME=PRIVLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSLOUT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //IN DD * The linkage loader does not support the linkage editor control statements (ALIAS, CHANGE, ENTRY, INCLUDE, INSERT, LIBRARY, NAME, OVERLAY, REPLACE, SETSSI). The presence of any of these in the job stream will not be treated as an error; the job will continue to be processed, and the name of the statement is printed on SYSLOUT together with a diagnostic message. The linkage loader compensates for the absence of the facilities provided by these control statements by allowing the concatenation of both object and load modules in SYSLIN, and by allowing an entry point to be specified in the EP option of the PARM parameter (see below). Object deck for input to linkage loader /* //SYSIN DD OPTIONS IN THE PARM PARAMETER * Execution data, if any, to be placed here 'The input data sets and the two librarices are as described above. If you want to include" in the job stream, both an object deck' and execution data~ the job control language is less complicated than with PCP because both MFT and MVT permit the use of more than one data set in the, input stream for the same job step. Hence both IN and SYSIN can have the DD * notation. If you use the cataloged procedures PL'lLFCG or PL1LFG, you can modify or add to the statements in those procedures to generatce the sequence described above. Modified or added statements must be referred to in the correct order; this is: The linkage loader provides a number of optional facilities that you can select by' including the appropriate keywords from the following list in the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement that invokes it: CALL I NOCALL I NCAL EP LET I NOLET MAP I NOMAP PRINT I NOPRINT SIZE RES I NORES If any other keywords appear in the PARM parameter, they will be ignored and when processing is complete the keywords and a diagnostic message will be printed on SYSLOUT. PARM Parameter Format PL1LFCG:;. PL1L.SYSLIN (if you want to modify the data set for the output from the compiler) G9·SYSLIB GO.SYSLIN GO.IN these can be in any order GO.SYSIN PL1LFG: GO.SYSLIB GO. SY~3LIN GO.IN GO.SYSIN these can be in any order The basic format of the PARM parameter field is: PARM=' [option list] [/pgmparm] , where 'option list' is a list of linkage loader options, and 'pgmparm' is a parameter to be passed to the main procedure of the PL/I program to be executed. The conventions for passing a parameter to the main procedure of a PL/I program are described in Chapter 7. In the examples Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Loader 83 given below, the program parameter is referred to as PP. If both loader options and a program parameter occur in the PARM parame'ter, the loader options are given first and are separated from the program parameter by a slash. If there are loader options but no program parameter, the slash is omitted. If there is more than one option, the option keywords are separated by commas. The PARM parameter field can have one of three formats: 1. If the special characters '/' or '=' are used, the field must be enclosed in single quotes: PARM=' MAP, EP=FIRST/PP' PARM='MAP,EP=FIRST' PARM='/PP' 2. If these characters are not included, and there is more than one loader option, the options must be enclosed in parentheses: PARM= (MAP, LET) 3. If these characters are not included, and there is only one loader option, neither quotes nor parentheses are required: PARM=MAP If you want to modify the PARM parameter options specified in a cataloged procedure, you must refer to the PARM parameter by the qualified name PARM.procstepname, for example, PARM.GO. CALL I NOCALL I NCAL The CALL option specifies that an attempt to resolve external references will be made by an automatic search of the data set named in the SYSLIB DD statement. If this statement does not exist in the job stream, the option is ignored., The NOCALL and NCAL options specify that no automatic search will be made. The term 'NCAL' is included to preserve compatibility with the linkage editor. LET I NOLET The LET option specifies that the linkage loader will try to execute the problem program even if a severity 2 error condition has been found. The NOLET option specifies that, if a severity 2 error condition has been found, the linkage loader will not execute the problem program. MAP I NOMAP The MAP option specifies that the linkage loader will produce, on SYSLOUT, a map of the load module to be executed. This map includes a list of the external names and their absolute addresses, a list of the pseudo-registers, the total length of the module, and the absolute address of its entry point. If there is no SYSLOUT DD statement, the option will be ignored. The module map is described fully in 'Listing' below. PRINT I NOPRINT The PRINT option specifies that the SYSLOUT data set will be opened and used for diagnostic messages and other linkage loader information. The NOPRINT option specifies that the SYSLOUT data set will not be opened. SIZE The SIZE option specifies the maximum amount of main storage, in bytes, that can be used by the linkage loader to process and execute the problem program. Code the option in one of the following formats: EP The EP option specifies the entry-point name. EP=epname 84 where 'epname' is an external name which is to be assigned as the entry point of the program to be executed. If all the input modules are load modules, you must specify EP=IHENTRY. SIZE=10K SIZE=(lOK) SIZE=10240 SIZE=(10240) RESINORES MODULE MAP The RES option specifies that an attempt to resolve external references will be made by an automatic search of the link-pack area. This search will be made after the primary input has been processed but before the SYSLIB data set is opened. If the MAP option is specified, a module map appears in the SYSLOUT listing. The map lists all the control sections in the module to be executed, and all the entry names (other than the first one) in each contrbl section. The information for each reference is: 'I'he NORES option specifies that the link-pack area will not be searched. 1. The control-section or entry-point name. 2. An asterisk, if the control section is in a module loaded from the SYSLIB data set. 3. An DEFAULT OPTIONS Defaults for all the options except EP can be established at system gemerati'on. If no such de:faults were specified, the linkage loader i:lSsumes defaults as follows: CALJ[" RES SD Section definition: the name of the control section. LR Label reference: identifying an entry point in the control section other than the primary entry point. CIM Common area: an EXTERNAL file, or a non-string element variable declared STATiC EXTERNAL without the INITIAL attribute. NOLET, NOMAP, PRINT, SIZE=100K, It is your responsibility to find out the defaults in operation at your installation. 4. Listing The linkage loader can provide listings on the SYSI,OUT data set: the SYSPRINT data set is used by the problem program. The contents; of each is: Data Set identifier, as follows: Absolute address of the control section or entry point. Each reference is printed left to right across the page and starts at a tab position. This gives the impression that the references are arranged in columns, but the correct way to read the map is line-by-line, not down each column. Contents SYSLOUT Linkage loader explanatory messages and diagnostic messages, and (optionally) a module map SYSPRINT PL/I execution-time diagnostic messages: problem program output The SYSLOUT listing is described here; the SYSPRINT listing is described in Chapter 7, 'Executing the Load Module.' The module map is followed by a similar listing of the pseudo-registers. The identifier used here is PR, and the address if the offset from the beginning of the pseudo-register vector (PRV). The total length of the PRV is given at the end. The total length of the module to be executed, and the absolute address of its primary entry point, are given after the explanatory messages and before the diagnostic messages. 'l'he items in the SYSLOUT listing appear in the following sequence: EXPLANATORY ERROR OR WARNING MESSSAGES 1. A statement identifying the level of linkage loader used. 2. Module map (if specified). 3. Explanatory error or warnjng messages. 4. Diaqnostic messages. The linkage loader always lists details of any error or warning conditions that it discovers during processing. The format of the messages is given in 'Control Statements and Errors,' in the linkage editor section of this chapter. Chapter 6: Linkage Editor and Loader 85 DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES probable cause of the errors noted in them, and suggests how to rectify these errors. When the module to be executed has been processed, the linkage loader prints out in full all the diagnostic messages referred to above. IBM System/360 Operating Syst~~ Linkage ditor and.Loader contains explanations of these messages and the The warning message IEW100l almost always appears in the listing. The explanation for this is the same as that for IEW0461, described above in 'Diagnostic Message Directory,' in the linkage editor section of this chapter. 86 Chapter 7: Executing the Load Module Introduction Jobs Using the Linkage Editor To execute a program, it must be in the form of a load module or an object module. If in load-module form you must use an EXEC statemE~nt to request the job scheduler to load and execute. If in object-module form you must use an EXEC statement to request the job scheduler to load and execute the loader which will process the module and pass control to it. The data set exists in a library created in a previous job step of the same job, 'or in a previous job. Library Created' in' a ,Previous Job Step: The basic reference is: //stepname EXEC PGM=*.prevstepname.ddname where 'prevstepname' is the name of the job step in which the library is created. ~jodules for execution are selected from one of two sources: 1. 2. A partitioned data set which is a module library. The modules are either object modules created by the compiler or load modules created by the linkage editor. A sequential data set which is an object module created by the compiler. partitioned data sets and module librariles are des cribed in Chapter 12, sequential data sets are described in Chapter 9. If the data set is the output data set created by the linkage editor, code: //stepname EXEC PGM=*.linkname.SYSLMOD where 'linkname' is the link-edit stepname. If you use the cataloged procedures PL1LFCLG or PL1LFLG, the code generated is: //GO EXEC PGM=*.LKED.SYSLMOD Library, Created'inaPrevious'Job: If the library is a system library (SYS1.LINKLIB), code: //stepname EXEC PGM=progname This chapter describes the selection of the object or load module for execution, the job control statements required for load module execution, and the messages and other da.ta printed on the output listing. where 'progname' is the member name of the module in the system library. Load M()dule Processing If the library is a private library used as a step library, the syntax is the same as for the system library. The private library must be identified in a STEPLIB DD statement which follows the EXEC statement that initiates the job step. IDENTIFYING THE MODULE If the library is a private library used as a job library, the syntax is the same as for the system library. The private library must be identified in a JOBLIB DD statement placed immediately after the JOB statement. The data. set containing the module to be selected for execution is identified in one of two ways: 1. 2. Jobs using the linkage editor: The data set is identified in the PGM parameter of the EXEC statement for the execution job step. Jobs using the linkage loader: The data set is identified in a DD statement with the name SYSLIN in the execution job step. Jobs Using the Linkage Loader The data set exists in a library or is a single module, created in a previous job step of the same job or in a previous job. Library Created' in' a-Previous Job step: The basic reference is: Chapter 7: Executing the Load Module 87 //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=*.stepname.ddname, // DISP=(disp) //SYSIN DD DSNAME=dsname,DISP=(disp) where '*.stepname.ddname' refers to the name of the DD statement that describes the data set in which the member of the library is created. 'disp' is the set of terms for the disposition of the data se1:: before and after the job step. If you use the cataloged procedure PL1LFCG with input from a library, you must override the SYSLIN DD statements in both job steps. The ddnames for the input data set you are using must be qualified as PL1L.SYSLIN and GO.SYSLIN respectively. If you use the cataloged procedure PL1LFG, you must supply the SYSLIN DD statement, using //GO.SYSLIN. where 'dsname' is the name of the temporary or permanent dat~ set. ., disp' is as defined previously in this chapter. The cataloged procedure PL1LFCG generates the appropriate SYSLIN DD statement. If you use the cataloged procedure PL1LFLG, you must supply this statement, using the qualified ddname //GO.SYSLIN. Module Created ina Previous Job: The reference for the SYSLIN DDstatement depends on whether the data set is cataloged or not.. For a cataloged data set, code: //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=dsname,DISP=(disp) Library Createdina.PreviousJob: If the library is the system library, code: //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=dsname,DISP=(disp) where 'dsname' is the name of the catalog led data set. 'disp' is as defined previously in this chapter. where 'dsname' is the name of the member of the library. 'disp' is as defined previously in this chapter. If the library is a private library, the syntax is the same as for the system library. If the data set is uncataloged, code: //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=dsname, // DISP=(disp), // VOLU~volume, // UNIT=unit where 'dsname' is the name, of the data set. If the library is neither cataloged nor in a job library, it must be described fully in the SYSLIN DD statement. (A cataloged data set, which can be a library or a single module, has its name in the system catalog and can be called by specifying the name only.) Code: 'disp', 'volume', and 'unit' are as defined previously in this chapter. If you use the cataloged procedures PL1LFCG or PL1LFG, the same considerations apply ap for libraries created in a previous job step. //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=dsname(mbname), // DISP=(disp), // VOLUME=volume, // UNIT=unit Job Control Language for Execution where 'dsname' is the name of the library. 'mbname' and 'disp' are as defined previously in this chapter. 'volume' is the set of terms defining the volume and its usage. 'unit' specifies the storage device. If yo~ use the cataloged procedure PL1LFCG or PL1LFG, the same considerations apply as for a library created in a previous job step. Module Created ina.Previous·Job step: basic reference is: 88 The You can use a cataloged procedure to generate the job control statements or you can supply them yourself. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures that apply to this step are: PL1LFCG PL1LFCLG PL1LFG PL1LFLG Compile, load-and-execute Compile, link-edit, and execute Load-and-execute Link-edit, and execute These procedures are described in Chapter 8, 'Cataloged procedures,' which includes an account of the methods used to modify or overwrite any of the statements in the procedures. If you want to supply your own job control statements, the statements required for thE:! execution job step are described below. EXEC S'.l~ATEMENT PARK ,Parameter The PL/I CF) compiler provides a facility for passing, in this job step, a single parameter to the main procedure of the PL/I program. The data specified in the PARM parameter field can be up to 100 characters long and must be enclosed in quotation marks. Any character in the character set available can be specified. The associated parameter in the main procedure should be declared CHARACTER(100) VARYING. The basic form of the EXEC statement require~s only the PGM parameter: // EXEC PGM=reference where 'reference' has one of two forms: 1. Jobs using the linkage editor: a reference to the data set containing the load module. This has already be'en described in 'Identifying the Load Module' in this chapter. 2. Jobs using the linkage loader: the n~ne of the loader program: The PARM parameter is a useful means of passing data to a load module. For example, if the SYSIN file is already associated with a user data set, any extra data required can be quickly inserted by being specified in this parameter. Another use is to pass data that can be employed to determine how the program will be executed and which category or categories of output will be produced. Both the PL/I CF) compiler and the linkage editor use the PARM parameter in this way; the characters passed represent various options which determine, for example, the information to be printed on the output listing. PGM=LOADER ThE:! use of the linkage loader is described in Chapter 6, 'Linkage Editor and Loader.' WhilE~ the PGM parameter is the only mandatOl:Y parameter as far as the operating system is concerned, some or all of the other parameters available may be mandatory at your installation. The use of these parametE~rs is discussed here. ACCT PaI:~ameter The accounting procedure at your installation may require you to provide information here, if each job step is to be charged separately. COND Parameter This is a useful parameter if your execution job step is dependent on the successful completion of a previous job step. The use of the EVEN and ONLY subparam,eters allows you precise control over the conditions under which this job step can be executed. ' If you want to use the PARM parameter for the second of these purposes, you should include, at the beginning of your PL/I program, code to convert the parameter characters to variables, and code to set a series of program switches. For example: STOCK: PROCCINPARM) OPTIONS(MAIN); DCL INPARM CHAR(100) VAR, 1 VALUES BASEDCP), 2 (TERMA, TERMB, TERMC, TERMO, TERME) ,CHAR C1) , 2 NUMBER PIC'9999', 2 SPEC CHAR(l), 2 CTCHAR CHAR(3), P=ADDR (INPARM) ; Ll:IF TERMA=TERMB THEN GO TO ••• ; ELSE IF CTCHAR='I/M' THEN ••• ; L2:IF TERMC,=TERMD THEN GO TO ••• ; ELSE GO TO ••• ; L3:IF TERMA=TERME THEN GO TO ••• ; ELSE IF SPEC='.' THEN ••• : L4:IF NUMBER~1000 THEN ••• : ELSE IF NUMBER<10 THEN ••• : END STOCK: Chapter 7: Executing the Load MO,dule 89 If this program, once compiled and link-edited (or loaded), is executed wit:h the following EXEC statement: I I EXEC PGM= ••• ,PARM='ABCDE1414*I/M' then the elements of the structure variable VALUES will have the following values: TERMA TERMB TERMC TERMD TERME NUMBER SPEC CTCHAR = = = = = = = 'A' 'B' 'c' 'D' , E' '1414' ' *' '11M' REGION Parameter If your load module is executed using the MVT control program, you can specify a region size for the job step. For details of this usage, see 'MVT Control Program' in Chapter 4, 'Job Initialization.' A region size specified in the EXEC statement is always overriden by a region size specified in the JOB statement. If a region size is not specified in the JOB statement, the size specified in the EXEC statement is assumed. If neither is specified, the installation default (if any) is applied. ROLL Parameter These values will then be used in the four switching statements to determine which parts of the program will be executed and therefore what output the program will produce. The result of the pointer assignment statement is that the elements in VALUES now have the appropriate values from the parameter field. If any character in the parameter field is omitted for a particular job, it must be replaced by a blank: this will create a blank in the corresponding VALUES element. The existence of a blank or blanks in these variables must be considered when the switching statements are coded, in order to avoid erroneous switching. GET STRING or SUBSTR could be used in place of the pointer assignment, if the context was such that they offered an advantage. If your load module is executed using the MVT control program, you can obtain extra space dynamically in main storage by means of this parameter. TIME Parameter If your load module is executed using the MVT control program, you can specify the maximum time that this job step can use the CPU, by means of this parameter. The time specified here overrides the default time for the job class. This parameter is useful if there is a possibility that your program might go into a permanent loop or' if your program requires a long execution. time. STANDARD DD STATEMENTS DPRTY Parameter If your load module is executed using the MVT control program, you can specify the priority for each job step. For details of this usage, see 'MVT Control Program' in Chapter 4, 'Job Initialization.' The priority value specified in the EXEC statement is always overridden by a priority value specified in the JOB statement; if no priority is specified in the JOB statement, the value specified in the EXEC statement is assumed. I:f neither statement includes a priority parameter, the installation default (if any) is applied. 90 Three standard data sets can be used for the execution job step. These are: Purpose Input Output Dump ddname SYSIN SYSPRINT SYSABEND, SYSUDUMP, or PL1DUMP Of these, only SYSPRINT is necessary in every job. If it is omitted, the system messages will be put out on the operator" s console and the other output data will he lost. If your installation has multiple-console support (MCS), you must find out on which console or consoles the system messages will appear. Input ~SYSIN) Dump (SYSABEND, SYSUOUMP, '" or PL1DUMP) If you want to include data in the input stream., you can do so by means of a DD statemE:!nt of the form: / /ddname DO * immediately preceding the data. (A data set in the input stream does not have to be called SYSIN; it can have any name.) The data should be 80-byte F-format unblocked records (for example, punched cards). Code: //SYSIN DD * input: data If you want to obtain a printed listing of any of these dumps, code one of the following: / /SYS}~BEND DO SYSOUT=A //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A //PL1DUMP DD SYSOUT=A For further information on DD statements for dumps, see Chapter 14, 'other Facilities of the Operating System'. /* The SYSIN DD statements with this notation must be: the last statement in the job control statements for the job step for PCP. If the data includes the characters // in col.umns 1 and 2 replace //SYSIN DD * by //SYSIN DD DATA. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures PL1LFCG# PL1LFCLG, PL1LFG, and PL1LFLG do not include a SYSIN DD statement. If you want to use one, you must qualify the ddname 1with the step name, that is, code //GO.SYSIN. Output (SYSPRINT) System a.nd problem program output can be put out through the system output streams. The advantage of this is that each output stream can be associated with an output device, such as a printer; this device is speci f,ied in the SYSOUT parameter of the DD statement for the output data set. If, as is usual, output stream A is associated with a printer, the statement //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A will result in all SYSPRINT data appearing in a printed listing. The SYSPRINT data can include both system output (for example, diagnostic messages. from job control statements) and problem program output. If you want system and' problem program ouput to'be on separate listings, you can arrange this by means of the MSGCLASS parameter in the JOB statement, see Chapter 4, 'Job Initialization.' USER DD STATEMENTS In execution of your program, you can create data sets or you can access data sets already created. For the types of data set that can be Qsed with a PLiI program, see Chapter 9, 'Data sets and PL/I Files.' For the methods of creating or accessing these data sets, see Chapter 10, 'stream-Oriented Transmission,' and Chapter 11, 'Record-Oriented Transmission.' The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures PLILFCG, .PL1LFCLG, PLILFG, and PL1LFLG do not include statements for user data sets. If you want to include such statements, you must code them with the ddname qualified with the step name, that is, code //GO.ddname. Listing CONTENTS OF SYSPRINT LISTING The SYSPRINT listing that you obtain with your job consists of some or all of the following entries, usually in the sequence given: 1. Job output, in the format established by any PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) statements in your PL/I source program. 2. Execution-time diagnostic messages produced by the PL/I library. These have the format: lHEdddI Message text where'ddd' is a decimal number. The IBM-supplied cataloged procedures PL1LFCG, PL1LFCLG, PL1LFG, and PLILFLG include this statement in the execution job step. 3. Dump of part of or all main storage. The important information here for you is the completion codes. Chapter 7: Executing the Load Module 91 4. Diagnostic messages from any operating system facility which has an interface with your PL/I program. For example, checkpoint or sort messages would be printed here. 5. Job scheduler messages, showing the final disposition of the data sets used in the job. These messages are printed in pairs, as follows: IEFdddI IEFdddI Data set name Disposition Volume serial number of data set where 'ddd' is a decimal number. The two messages numrrers are always the same for each pair. 6. 7. Step completion information. This depends on your installation but will probably contain the step name, step time, clock time, date and return code. The return code is always zero unless you include statements in your PL/I program to create a return code. Job completion information (if this is the last step). This depends on your installation but will probably include job name, job time, clock time, and date. Of these, only the job scheduler messages and the step and job completion information will appear in every job. The other items will depend on the nature of the source .program and how successfully it executes. RETURN CODES The COND parameter causes the job scheduler to test the return codes put out at the end of every job step. These codes indica·te the degree of success of the job step: they show, for example, whether the program can be expected to complete normally and whether the output data will be as required. Such codes are returned as a matter of course at the end of the compilation and linkage-editor job steps (see Chapters 5 and 6 respectively), therefore you do not have to take any action to supply them. When the execution job step terminates, a return code is produced to indicate whether or not it terminated successfully. Termination 92 Zero Normal Non-zero (value depends on cause) Abnormal The return code is provided by the PL/J[ library error~handlingsubrbutines. You can generate a return code in your program by coding the statements shown below; this code is added to the value provided by the PL/I library and is printed on the listing. Single-task processing: DCL IHESARCENTRY(FIXED BINARY(31,O»; CALL IHESARC(expression): Multitask processing: DeL IHETSAC ENTRY(FIXED BINARY(31,O»; CALL IHETSAC(expression): Note: The entry point IHETSAC is applicable to the major task only. On evaluation, the expression supplies the required value for the return code. IHESARC and IHETSAC must be declared as fullword binary, otherwise errors may occur in the returned code because of the halfword binary feature. Communication with Program during Execution The DISPLAY statement provides a means of communicating with the load module for the PL/I program during execution. The program can put out, on the operator's console, aL message of up to 72 characters in length •.. If a reply is expected, the syntax of thE~ reply message must use a 2-digit code provided by the operating system. The operator uses this code as a prefix to the reply message. If your installation has multiple-console support (MCS), you must find out on which console your messages will appear. The PL/I implementation of the route and descriptor codes in MCS is restricted to: PL/I Statement Route Code DISPLAY DISPLAY with REPLY 2 1 Descriptor Code 7 7 If SYSPRINT is not available, the consol.e on which error messages will appear is designated by route code 11 and descriptor code 7. These error messages will be truncated to 72 characters if they exceed this length. Chapter 8: Introduction Cataloged Procedures The standard PL/I cataloged procedures are: A cataloged procedure is a set of job control statements stored in a system library, the procedure library (SYS1.PROCLIB). It comprises one or more EXEC statements, each of which may be followed by one or more DD statements. You can retrieve the statements by naming the catalog,ed procedure in the PROC parameter of an EKEC statement in the input job stream. When the job scheduler encounters such an EXEC statement, it replaces it in the input stream with the statements of the catalogced procedure. The use of cataloged procedures saves time and obviates errors in coding frequent:.ly used sets of job control statements. Even if the statements in a catalogE:!d procedure .do not match your requirements exactly, you can easily modify them or add new statements for the duration of a job. This chapter describes seven cataloged supplied by IBM for use with the (F) compiler, and explains how to invoke them and how to make modifications to them .. procedw~es PL/I Cat:aloged Procedures supplied by IBM The following paragraphs do not fully describe: the individual statements of the IBM cataloged procedures, since all the parameters are discussed elsewhere in this manual. Note that the cataloged procedures described here are the standard PL/I cataloged procedures. It is recommended that each installation review these procedur~~s and modify them to obtain the most efficient use of the facilities available and to allow for installation conventions: refer to 'Permanent Modification,' at the end of this chapter. PL1DFC Compile and punch object deck PL1LFC compile and place object module on magnetic-tape or direct-access device PL1LFCL Compile and link-edit PL1LFCLG Compile, link-edit, and execute PL1LFLG Link-edit and execute PL1LFCG Compile" PL1LFG Load-and-execute load-and-execute COMPILE AND PUNCH OBJECT DECK (PL1DFC) The cataloged procedure PL1DFC (Figure 8-1) comprises only one job step, in which the (F) compiler is executed with the DECK option. (IEMAA is the symbolic name of the compiler.) In common with the other cataloged procedures that include a compilation job step, PL1DFC does not include a DD statement for the compiler input data set; you must always supply an appropriate statement with the qualified ddname PL1D.SYSIN. Because the EXEC statement includes the options DECK and NOLOAD, the compiler will place the object module in card-image form in the data set defined by the DD statement SYSPUNCHi conventionally, the system output device of class B is always a card punch. COMPILE AND WRITE OBJECT MODULE (PL1LFC) The cataloged procedure PL1LFC (Figure 8-2) is similar to PL1DFC: it differs only in that the options specified for the compilation are LOAD and NODECK, and the DD //PL1D EXEC PGM=IEMAA,PARM='DECK,NOLOAD',REGION=52K //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPUNCH DD SYSOUT=B //SYSUT3 DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT3,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(80,C250,250», // DCB=BLKSIZE=80 //SYSUTl DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT1,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024,(60,60)"CONTIG), // SEP=(SYSUT3,SYSPUNCH),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 F-igure 8--1. cataloged Procedure PL1DFC (Compile and Punch Object Deck) Chapter 8: Cataloged Procedures 93 //PL1L EXEC PGM=IEMAA,PARM='LOAD,NODECK',REGION=52K //SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A //SYSLIN DO DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DISP={MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSSQ, // SPACE=(SO,(250,100» //SYSUT3 DO DSNAME=&&SYSUT3,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(SO,(250,250», // DCB=BLKSIZE=SO //SYSUT1 DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT1,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024, (60,60) ,.CONTIG), // SEP=(SYSUT3,SYSLIN),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 Figure S-2. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFC (Compile and Write Object Module) //PL1L EXEC PGM=IEMAA,PARM='LOAD,NODECK',REGION=52K //SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DISP= (MOD., PASS) , UNIT=SYSSQ, // SPACE=(SO,(250,100» //SYSUT3 DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT3,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(SO,(250,250», // DCB=BLKSIZE=80 / /SYSUT1 DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT1, UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE= (1024, (60,,60) , ,CONTIG), // SEP=(SYSUT3,SYSLIN),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='XREF,LIST',COND=(9,LT,PL1L),REGION=96K //SYSLIB DD DSNAME=SYS1.PL1LIB,DISP=SHR //SYSLMOD DD DSNAME=&&GOSET(GO),DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE= (1024, (50,20,1) ,RI.SE) //SYSUT1 DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT1,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024,(200,20», // SEP=(SYSLMOD,SYSLIB),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSLIN DO DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // DD DDNAME=SYSIN Figure 8-3. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFCL (Compile and Link-Edit) statement SYSLIN replaces SYSPUNCH. The LOAD option causes the compiler to place the object module, in a form suitable for input to the linkage editor, in the data set defined by the DD statement SYSLIN. This DD statement defines a temporary data set named &&LOADSET, since the cataloged procedure assumes that a link-edit job step will follow. If you want to retain the load module, you must substitute your own DD statement for the one supplied. Input data for this cataloged procedure requires the qualified ddname PL1L.SYSIN. COMPILE AND LINK-EDIT (PL1LFCL) The cataloged procedure PL1LFCL (Figure 8-3) comprises two job steps: PL1L, which is identical with cataloged procedure PL1LFC, and LKED,'which invokes the linkage editor (symbolic name IEWL) to link-edit the object module produced in the first step. Input data for the compilation job step requires the qualified ddname PL1L.SYSIN. The COND parameter in the EXEC statement LKED specifies that this job step should be bypassed if the return code produced by the compiler is greater than 9 (that is, if a severe or termination error occurred during compilation) • 94 The DD statement SYSLIB specifies the PL/I subroutine library, from which the linkage editor will read appropriate modules for inclusion in the load module. The linkage editor always places the load modules it creates in the library defined by the DO statement SYSLMOD. This statement in the cataloged procedure specifies a new temporary library &&GOSET, in which the load module will be placed Clnd given the member name GO (unless you specify the OBJNM option for the compilation). In specifying a temporary library, the cataloged procedure assumes that you will execute the load module in the same job; if you want to retain the module, you must substitute your own statement for the DO statement SYSLMOD. The sta temen-t DDNAME=SYSIN following it.he DD statement SYSLIN allows you to concatenate a data set defined by a DD statement with the name SYSIN with the primary input to the linkage editor; for example, you could place linkage-editor control statements in the input stream by this means. //PL1L EXEC PGM=IEMAA,PARM='LOAD,NODECK',REGION=52K //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSSQ, // SPACE=(80,(250,100» //SYSUT3 DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT3,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(80,(250,250», // DCB=BLKSI ZE=8 0 //SYSUTl DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT1,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024,(60,60)"CONTIG), // SEP=(SYSUT3,SYSLIN),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 / /LKED I~XEC PGM= IEWL, PARM= I XREF, LIST' , COND= ( 9, LT, PL1L), REGIONc:96K //SYSLIB DO DSNAME=SYS1.PL1LIB,DISP=SHR //SYSLMOD DD DSNAME=&&GOSET(GO),DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, // 'SPACE=(1024,(50,20,1),RLSE) //SYSUTl DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT1, UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE = (1024, (200,20», // SEP=(SYSLMOD,SYSLIB),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 //SYSPRl:NT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,OELETE) // DO DDNAME=SYSIN / /GO EXEC PGM=*. LKEO. SYSLMOD, COND= ( (9; LT, LKED) " (9, LT, PLlL) ) //SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A Figure 8,-4. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFCLG (Compile, Link-Edit, and Execute) COMPILE, LINK-EDIT, ANO EXECUTE (PL1LFCLG) The cataloged procedure PL1LFCLG (Figure 8-4) comprises three job steps, PL1L and LKED, which are identical with the two job steps of PL1LFCL, and GO, in which the load module created in the step LKEO is executede The third step will be executed only if no severe or termination errors occur in the preceding steps. Input data for the compilation job step requires the qualified ddname PL1L.SYSIN; input data for the execution job step requires the name GO.SYSIN. LINK-EDIT AND EXECUTE (PL1LFLG) The cataloged procedure PL1LFLG (Figure 8-5) comprises two job steps, LKED and GO, which arE~ similar to the steps of the same names in PL1LFCLG. In the job step LKED, the DD statement SYSLIN does not define a data set, but merely refers the job scheduler to the DD statement SYSIN, which you must supply with the qualified ddname LKED.SYSIN. This DO statement defines the data set from which the linkage editor will obtain its primary input. Execution of the step GO is conditional on successful execution of the step LKED only. COMPILE, LOAD AND EXECUTE (PL1LFCG) The cataloged procedure PL1LFCG (Figure 8-6) achieves the same result as PL1LFCLG. However, instead of using three job steps (compile" link-edit, and execute), it has only two (compile, and load-and-execute). In the second job step of PL1LFCG, the operation system loader program is executed; this program link-edits the object program produced by the compiler and then executes the load module immediately. Input data for the compilation job step requires the qualified ddname PL1L.SYSIN. Note that the REGION parameter of the EXEC statement GO speoifies 96K bytes. Since the loader requires about 17K bytes of main storage, there are about 79K bytes for your program: if this is likely to be insufficient, you must modify the REGION parameter. //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='XREF,LIST',REGION=96K //SYSLIB DO DSNAME=SYS1.PL1LIB,DISP=SHR //SYSLMOD DD DSNAME=&&GOSET(GO),DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(1024,(50,20,1),RLSE) //SYSUT1 DD DSNAME=&&SYSUT1, UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE= (1024, (200,20», // SEP=(SYSLMOD,SYSLIB),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSLIN DD DDNAME=SYSIN //GO EXEC PGM=*.LKED.SYSLMOD,COND=(9,LT,LKED) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A Figure 8-5. cataloged Procedure PL1LFLG (Link-Edit and Execute) Chapter 8: cataloged Procedures 95 //PL1L EXEC PGMFIEMAA,PARM:'LOAD,NODECK',REGION=52K //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSSQ, // SPACE=(80, (250,100» //SYSUT3 DD DSNAME=S&SYSUT3,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(80,(250,250», // DCB=BLKSIZE=80 //SYSUT1 DD DSNAME=SSSYSUT1,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024,(60,60)"CONTIG), // SEP=(SYSUT3,SYSLIN),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 //GO EXEC PGM=LOADER,PARM='MAP,PRINT';REGION=96K,COND=(9,LT,PL1L) //SYSLIB DD DSNAME=SYS1.PL1LIB,DISP=SHR //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) //SYSLOUT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A Figure 8-6. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFCG (Compile, Load-and-Execute) //GO EXEC PGM=LOADER,PARM='MAP,PRINT';REGION=96K //SYSLIB DD DSNAME=SYS1.PL1LIB,DISP=SHR //SYSLOUT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A Figure 8-7. Cataloged Procedure PL1LFG (Load-and-Execute) The use of the loader imposes certain restrictions on your PL/I program; before using this cataloged procedure, refer to Chapter 6, which explains how to use the loader. job step include DDstatements that permit the substitution of dedicated workfiles 'for these data sets.. In such a DD statement., the dsname is coded: DSNAME=&&ddname LOAD AND EXECUTE (PL1LFG) The cataloged procedure PL1LFG (Figure 8-7) achieves the same result as PL1LFLG. However, instead of using two job steps (link-edit and execute), i t has only one. In this job step, the operating system loader program is executed. This program link-edits and executes an object program placed in a data set defined by a DD statement with the name SYSLIN; you must supply this DD statement with the qualified ddname GO.SYSLIN. Note that the REGION parameter of the EXEC statement specifies 96K bytes. Since the loader requires about 17K bytes of main storage, there are about 79K bytes for your program; if this is not likely to be sufficient, yqu must mOdify the parameter. The use of the loader imposes certain restrictions on your PL/I program; before using this cataloged procedure, refer to Chapter 6, which explains how to use the loader. DEDICATED WORKFILES All the cataloged procedures that: require the use of workspace data sets in any 96 where 'ddname' is the ddname of the dedicated workfile that is to be substituted for the workspace data set. This substitution only occurs if: 1. The job is being processed under MVT. 2. An initiator that generates dedicabed workfiles is used to select the job. Dedicated workfiles may be used for the SYSUTl and SYSUT3 work data sets for the PL/I (F) compiler. Dedicated workfiles :may also be used for the SYSLIN data set in compile-link-edit-and-go or compile-Ioadand-go jobs. However, care should be taken to specify a block size (which must be a multiple of 80 bytes) for this data set, as the compiler will not override an unsuitable block size left in the dedicated workfile DSCB by a previous job (this is because the compiler cannot know if SYSLIN is a permanent data set, perhaps erroneously specified, for which the blo,ck size may not be overriden). This block size may be specified either in user JCl, or the cataloged procedure used. If it is specified in a cataloged procedure, care! must be taken to ensure that the block size is overridden by user JCL when the procedure is used to update a permanent SYSLIN data set with a block size different to that specified in the procedure. Note that the standard cataloged procedures PLlJ..FC, PL1LFCL, PL1LFCLG, and PL1LFCG use the dsname LOADSET and specify UNIT=SYSSQ for SYSLIN. They assume that SYSLIN 'will not use a dedicated workfile. These may be modified to do so subject to the above restrictions on block size, and provided UNIT is changed to specify UNIT=SYSDA. For'a complete description of the use of dedicabed workfiles, see IBM System/360 Operatil~g system: system Programmer's Guide. U sing C~ataloged Procedures 'l'o invoke a cataloged procedure, specify i ts nam(~ in the PROC parameter of an EXEC statement. For example, to use the cataloged procedure PL1DFC, you could include the following statement in the appropriate position among your other job control statements in the input stream: // EXEC PROC=PL1DFC Note that you need not code the keyword PROCi if the first operand in the EXEC statement does not begin PGM= or PROC=, the job schE~duler interprets it as the name of a cataloged procedure. Thus, the following statement is equivalent to that given above: // EXEC PL1DFC when the job scheduler encounters the name of a cataloged procedure in an EXEC statement, it extracts the statements of the cataloged procedure from the procedure library and substitutes them for the EXEC statement in the input job stream. If you include the parameter MSGLEVEL=l in your JOB stat~ement, the job scheduler will include the original EXEC statement in its listing, and will append the statements of the cataloged procedure. In the listing, catalogE!d procedure statements are identifi.ed by XX or X/ as the first two charactE!rS; X/ signifies a statement that has been modified for this invocation of the cataloged procedure. An EXEC statement identifies a job step. which can require either the execution of a program or the invocation of a cataloged procedure. A cataloged procedure includes one or more EXEC statements, which identify procedu:r:e steps. However, an EXEC statement in a cataloged procedure cannot invoke a.nother cataloged procedure: it must request ,the execution of a program. Thus a job comprises one or more job steps, each of which involve one or more procedure steps. It will usually be necessary for you to modify the statements of a cataloged procedure for the duration of the job step in which i t is invoked, either by adding DO statements to it or by overriding one or more parameters in the EXEC or DD statements. For example, all the cataloged procedures that involve compilation require the addition of a DD statement with the name SYSIN to define the data set that contains the source statements. Also, whenever you use more than one standard linkage-editor procedure step in a job, you must modify all but the first cataloged procedure that you invoke if you want to execute more than one of the load modules: this sp'ecial case is discussed in 'Altering Cataloged procedures,' below. Altering Cataloged Procedures You can modify a cataloged procedure permanently by rewriting the job control statements that are stored in the procedure library. Alternatively, you can make temporary changes by including parameters in the EXEC statement that invokes the cataloged procedure or by placing additional DO statements after the EXEC statement. Permanent alterations should be made only by system programmers responsible for maintaining the procedure library. Some of the considerations that may influence their decisions as to whether and how to modify the standard cataloged procedures are discussed below. Most programmers find it necessary to make temporary modifications whenever they use a cataloged procedure. Such changes apply only for the duration of the job step in which the procedure is invoked and only to that job step: they do not affect the copy of the cataloged procedure stored in the procedure library. TEMPORARY MODIFICATION Temporary modifications can apply to EXEC or DO statements in a cataloged procedure. To change a parameter of an EXEC statement, you must include a corresponding parameter in the EXEC st~tement that invokes the cataloged procedure: to change one or more parameters of a DO statement, you must include a corresponding DO statement after the EXEC statement that invokes the cataloged procedure. Although you may not add a new EXEC statement to a cataloged procedure. you can always include additional DO statements. Cha.pter 8: Cataloged Procedures 97 EXEC stat ement If a parameter of an EXEC statement that invokes a cataloged procedure has an unqualified name, that parameter applies to all the EXEC statements in the cataloged procedure. The effect on the cataloged procedure depends on the parameter: PARM applies to the first procedure step and nUllifies any ot:her PARM parameters. COND and ACCT apply to all the procedure steps. TIME and REGION apply to all the procedure steps and override existing values. For example, the statement // EXEC PLiLFCLG,PARM='SIZE=999999', // REGION=144K invokes the cataloged procedure PL1LFCLG, substitutes the option SIZE=999999 for LOAD and NODECK in the EXEC statement PLiL, and nullifies the PARM parameter in the EXEC statement LKED; i t also specifies a regional size of i44K for all threE! procedure steps. '10 change the value of a parameter in only one EXEC statement of a catalc)ged procedure, or to add a new parameter to one EXEC statement, you must identify the EXEC statement by adding its name as a suffix to the parameter name; separate the parameter name and the step name with a period. For example, to alter the region size for procedure step PLiL only in the preceding example, code: // EXEC PROC=PLiLFCLG, // PARM='SIZE=999999', // REGION.PLiL=144K A new parameter specified in thE;! invoking EXEC statement overrides completely the corresponding paramE:lter in the procedure EXEC statement. This is particularly important with the PAI~ parameter. For example, the statement // EXEC PLiDFC,PARM.PLiL='SIZE=999999, // EXTREF' would bE:! in error if the standard compiler default options applied. The default options NODECK and LOAD would apply, rather than the options DECK and NOLOAD specified in the procedure EXEC statement. Consequently, the compiler would attempt to open the data set defined by the DD statement SYSLIN, which does not exist in the cataloged procedure PL1DFC. 98 You can suppress all the options specified by a parameter by coding the keyword and equal sign without a value. For example, to suppress the bulk of the linkage-editor listing when invoking the cataloged procedure PLiLFCLG, code: // EXEC PLiLFCLG,PARM.LKED= DD statement To add a new DD statement to a cataloged procedure, or to modify one or more parameters of an existing DD statement, you must include, in the appropriate position in the input stream, a DD statement with a. name of the form 'procstepname.ddname'. If 'ddname' is the name of a DD statement already present in the procedure step identified by 'procstepname,' the parameters in the new DD statement override the corresponding parameters in the existing DD statement; otherwise, the new DD statement is added to the procedure step. For example, the statement //PLiD.SYSIN DD * adds a DD statement to the step PLiD of cataloged procedure PLiDFC, and the effect of the statement //PL1D.SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=C is to modify the existing DD statement SYSPRINT (causing the compiler listing to be transmitted to the system output devicE! of class C). overriding DD statements must follow the EXEC statement that invokes the cataloged procedure in the same order as the corresponding DD statements of the cataloged procedure. DD statements that are being added must follow the overriding DD statements for the procedure step in which they are to appear. If you are using an operating system with PCP, an overriding or additional DD statement with the operand * or DATA must be the last DD statement for the procedure step. To override a parameter of a DD statement, code either a revised form of the parameter or a replacement parameter that performs a similar function (e.g., SPLIT for SPACE)., To nullify a parameter II code the keyword and equal sign without a value. You can override DCB subparameters by coding only those you wish to modify; that is, the DCB parameter in an overriding DD statement does not necessarily overrid4~ the entire DCB parameter of the corresponding statement in the cataloged procedure. Multiple Invocation of Cataloged Procedures You can invoke different cataloged procedures, or invoke the same procedure several times, in the same job. No special problems are likely to arise unless more than one of these cataloged procedures involves a link-edit step, in which case you must take precautions to ensure that all your load modules can be executed. of the cataloged procedure by adding a DD statement of the form: // 2. //GO.SYSLMOD DD DSNAME=&&GOSET, DISP=(OLD,DELETE) Modify the DD statement SYSLMOD in the second and subsequent invocations of the cataloged procedure so as to vary the names of the load modules. For example: //LKED.SYSLMOD DO OSNAME=&&GOSET(G01) 'The linkage editor always places a load module that it creates in the library identified by the DD statement SYSLMOD. In the absence of a linkage editor NAME statement (or the compiler OBJNM parameter option), it uses the member name specified in the DSNAME parameter as the name of the module. In the standard cataloged procedures, the DD statement SYSLMOD always specifi,es a temporary library named &&GOSET, and gives the member name GO. Consider what will happen if, for example, you use the cataloged procedure PL1LFCLG twice in a job to compile, link-edit, and execute two PL/I programs, and do not individually name the two load modules that will be created by the linkage editor. The linkage editor will name the first module GO, as specified in the first DD statement SYSLMOD. It will not be able to use ,the same name for the second module, since the first module still exists in the library &&GOSET; therefore it will allocate a temporary name to the second module (a name that is not available to your program). step GO of the cataloged procedure requests the job scheduler to initiat,e execution of the load module named in -the DD statement SYSLMOD in the step LKED, that is, to execute the module named GO' from the library &&GOSET. Consequently, the first program module will be executed twice and the second not at all. You can use one of the following methods to obviate this difficulty: 1. Delete the library &&GOSET at the end of the step GO of the first invocation and so on. 3. Use the OBJNM· option to give a different name to each load module. Example Figure 8-8 is an example of the use of the cataloged procedure PL1LFLG. It assumes that an object module 'already exists in the data set SOURCE1, which is on the 2311 disk pack with the serial number 0186. The PARM parameter in the EXEC statement nullifies the corresponding parameter of the first EXEC statement in the cataloged procedure,; its effect is to suppress most of the linkage-editor listing. Two of the DD statements in the example refer to the procedure step LKED; one of them overrides the existing statement SYSLMOO, and the other adds a new statement SYSIN. The overriding statement SYSLMOO causes the linkage editor to place the load module in the existing private library PLIB and give it the name CAT. The new statement SYSIN defines the data set that contains the object module that is to be link-edi ted,. (The ddname SYSIN is equated with the name SYSLIN by the DDNAME parameter of the DD statement SYSLIN in the cataloged procedure.) Data to be processed when the program CAT is executed is introduced in the input stream and is identified by the DD statement SYSIN, which is added to the job step GO. //J070PGEX JOB // EXEC PL1LFLG,PARM= //LKED.,sYSLMOD DD UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186,DSNAME=PLIB(CAT), // DISP=(OLD,PASS) //LKED.SYSIN DD UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=0186,DSNAME=SOURCE1,DISP=OLD //G0.Sy,sIN DD * 17324 259 7312 841 977 2193 21 37052 /* Figure 8-8. Invoking Cataloged Procedure PL1LFLG Chapter 8: cataloged Procedures 99 PERMANENT MODIFICATION To make permanent modifications to a cataloged procedure, or to add a new cataloged procedure, use the system utility program IEBUPDTE, which is described in IBM system/360 Operating system: utilities. --The following paragraphs discuss some of the factors you should have in mind when considering whether to modify the standard cataloged procedures for your installation. For further information on writing installation cataloged procedures, see IBM system/360 Operating System: Syste~ Programmer's Guide. In general, installation conventions will dictate the options that you include in the PARM, UNIT, and SPACE paramE~ters of the cataloged procedures, and also the blocking factors for output data sets. If your installation is using the MVT option of the operating system, you may need to modify some or all of the REGION parameters and SYSPRINT DD statements in the cataloged procedures. 'The minimum region size for compilation should be at least 8K bytes larger than the largest value that will be specified in the compiler SIZE option (excluding SIZE=999999) • In those cataloged procedures that invoke the linkage editor, a region size of 96K is specified for the link-edit step. You can reduce this value if you are using the E-Ievel linkage edi-tor o.r the 44K F-level linkage editor. The minimum region sizes for the E-level linkage editor are: Linkage Editor E15 E18 E44 Note that, under MVT the operating system requires 52K bytes of main storage within a region when initiating or terminating a job step. If you specify a region size of less than 52K bytes, completion of a job may be held up until 52K bytes are available. If your installation does not use MVT, you can delete the REGION parameter from all cataloged procedures .• If the data set defined by a DD statement with the name SYSPRINT may be OIl a direct-access device, you should add a SPACE parameter to the statement. A modified cataloged procedure can be tested by converting it to an in-stream procedure and executing it any number of times during a job. Figure 8-9 shows how to convert PL1DFC to an in-stream procedure and execute it twice. For further information about in-stream procedures and symbolic parameters, refer to the publication IBM System/360 Operatil~ System: Job Control Language Reference. //PL1COMPL PROC (Symbolic parameters are optional) (PL1DFC procedure as it exists in the procedure library) //ENDCOMPL PEND // EXEC PL1COMPL //PL1D.SYSIN DO * (Input Data) /* // EXEC PL1COMPL //PL1D.SYSIN DD * (Input Data) L ____________________________________________________________ J 1/* 100 24K 26K 54K For the F-Ievel linkage editor, the region size should be at least 8K bytes larger than the largest value to be specified in the SIZE option. You must alter the REGION parameter if you are using the 128K bytes I' F-Ievel, linkage editor,. r------------------------------------------------------------, //CONVERT JOB PL1PROG,MSGLEVEL=1 Figure 8-9, Region Executing PL1DFC as an In-Stream Procedure Chapter 9: Data Sets and PL/I Files Introduction This chapter describes briefly the nature and orc:ranization of data sets, and the da'ta management services provided by IBM System/360 Operating System, and explains how thea compiled program produced by the PL/I Or> compiler uses them. In IBM System/360 operating System, a data set is any collection of data that can be created and accessed by a program. A data set may be a deck of punched cards; it may be a sE2!ries of items recorded on magnetic tape OJ: paper tape; or it may be recorded on a direct-access device such as magnetic disk, drum, or data cell. A printed listinq produced by a program is also a data SE~t, but it cannot be read by a program. A PL/I compiled program uses the data management routines of the operating system to create and access data sets. A data set resides on one or more volume£3. A volume is a standard unit of auxiliary storage that can be written on or read by an input/output device (for exampIE~, a reel of tape, a disk pack, or a card dE!ck); a unique serial number identifies each volume (other than a punched-card or paper-tape volume or a magnetic-tape volume with either no labels or nonstandard labels). A magnetic-tape or direct-access volume can contain more than one data set; conversely, a single data set can span two or more magnetic-tape or direct-access volumes. DATA SE~ NAMES A data set on a direct-access device must have a name so that the operating system can refer to it. A data set on magnetic tape must have a name if the tape has standard labels (see 'Labels,' below>. A name consists of up to eight characters, the first of which must be alphabetic .. Data sE~ts on punched cards, paper tape, unlabeled magnetic tape or nonstandard labeled magnetic tape do not have names. You can place the name of a data set, with information identifying the volume on which it resides, in a catalog that exists in the volume that contains the operating system. Such a data set is termed a cataloged data set. To retrieve a cataloged data set, you do not need to give the volume serial number or identify the type of device; you need only specify the name of the data set and its disposition... The operating system searches the catalog for information associated with the name and uses this information to request the operator to mount the volume containing your data set .. If you have a set of related data sets, you can increase the efficiency of the search for a particular member of the set by establishing a hierarchy of indexes in the catalog. For example, consider an installation that groups its data sets under four headings: ENGRNG, SCIENCE, ACCNTS, and INVNTRY (Figure 9-1). In turn, each of these groups is subdivided; for instance, the SCIENCE group has subgroups called PHYSICS, CHEM, MATH, and BIOLOGY. The MATH group itself contains three subgroups: ALGEBRA, CALCULUS, and BOOL. To find the data set BOOL, the names of all the indexes of which it is part must be specified, beginning with the largest group (SCIENCE)" followed by the next largest group (MATH), and finally the data set name BOOL. The names are separated by periods. The complete identification needed to find the data set BOOL is SCIENCE.MATH.BOOL; such an identifier is termed a qualified ~,. The maximum length of a qualified name is 44 characters, including the separating periods; each component name has a maximum length of eight characters. (Do not use data set names that'begin with the letters SYS and have a P as the nineteenth character.. The names assigned by the PCP operating system to unnamed temporary data sets are of this form. They are deleted when the operating system utility IEHPROGM is used with a SCRATCH statement that includes the keywords VTOC and SYS.> Some data sets are updated periodically, or are logically part of a group of data sets, each of which is related to the others in time.. You can relate such data sets to each other in what is termed a generation data group.. Each data set in a generation data group has the same name qualified by a unique parenthesized generation number (for example, STOCK(O), STOCK(-l), STOCK'(-2». The most recently cataloged data set is generation 0, and the Chapter 9: Data Sets and PL/I Files 101 preceding generations are -1, -2, and so on. You specify the number of generations to be saved when you establish the generation data group. I I T r---------T------.L----------------,I I I I I ENGRNG I I SCIENCE I ACCNTS INVNTRY I I r------T--~---T-------, I I I I I I PHYSICS CHEM I I MATH BIOLOGY I I r----~-----T--------, I I ALGEBRA Figure 9-1. I I CALCULUS I I BOOL A Hierarchy of Indexes ~'or example, consider a generation data group that contains a series of data sets used for weather reporting and forecasting; the name of the data sets is WEATHER. The generations for the group (assuming that three generations are to be saved) are: WEATHER (0) WEATHER (-1) WEATHER (-2) When WEATHER is updated, the new d,ata set is specified to the operating system as WEATHER(+1). When it catalogs the new data set, the operating system changes ·the name to WEATHER(O), changes the former WEATHER(O) to WEATHER(-1), the former WEATHER(-1) to WEATHER(-2), and deletes the former WEATHER(-2). For instructions on how to crea·te a generation data group, refer to IBM system/360 Operating system: Job-COntrol Language and IBM System/360 operating system: Utilities. RECORD FORMATS The items of data in a data set are arranged ~~ blocks separated by interblock gaps (IBG)1; a block is the unit of data transmitted to and from a data set. Each block contains one record, part of a record or several records; a record is the unit of data transmitted to and from a program. When writing a PL/I program, you need consider only the records that you are reading or writing; but when you describe the data sets that your program will crea1:e or access, you must be aware of the relationship between blocks and records. If a block contains two or more records, the records are said to be blocked. Blocking conserves storage space in a volume because it reduces the number of interblock gap's, and it may increase efficiency by reducing the number of input/output operations required to process a data set. Records are blocked and deblocked automa·tically with the aid of the data management routines of the operating system. The records in a data set must be in one of three formats: fixed-length, variable-length, or undefined-length. Fixed-length and variable-length records can be blocked .or unblocked; undefined-length records cannot be blocked. The following pa:ragraphs describe the thrlee record formats. Fixed-Length Records In a data set with fixed-length (F-format and FB-format) records, (see Figure 9-2) all records have the same length. If the records are blocked, each block contains .an equal number of fixed-length records (although the last block may be truncated if there are insufficient records to fill it). If the records are unblocked, each record constitutes a block. Because it can base blocking and deblocking on the constant record size, the operating system can process fixed-length records faster than variable-length records. The use of 'standard" FS-format and FBS-format further optimizes the sequential processing of a data set on a direct-access device.. A standard format data set contains fixed-length records and must have no embedded empty tracks or short blocks (apart from the last block). With a standard format data set, the operating system can predict whether the next block of data will be on a new track, and, if necessary, can select a new read/write head in anticipation of the transmission of that block. Note~ 1Although the term 'interrecord gap' is widely used in operating system manuals, it is not used here; it has been replaced by the more accurate term 'interblock gap.' 102 1. PL/I program never places embedded short blocks in a data set with fixed-length records. A Unbloc:ked records (F-format): r--Block--, r-----'----, I .Reco:rd L _____ ,•• ___ JI r--Block--, r--Block--, r---------, r--------, r--- lBG LI _________ Record JI lBG IL _________ Record JI lBG IL __ _ Blocked records (FB-format): r-'------------Block------------, r----------T--------T---------, I __________ RecOJrd .LI_______ Record .LI _________ Record JI L Figure 9-2. 2. r--------T--- lBG LI ________ Record J., __ _ Fixed-Length Records A data set can be processed as a st.andard data set even if it was not cl:eated as such, providing it contains no embedded short blocks or empty t~:acks. VariabJLe..,.Length Records V-format permits both variable-length records and variable-length blocks. The first four bytes of each record and of each block contain control information for use by the operating system (including the length in bytes of the record or block). Variable-length records can have one of four formats: V, VB, VS, or VBS (Figure 9-3). V-format signifies unblocked variable-length records. Each record is treated as a block containing only one record, the first four bytes of the block contain block control information, and the next four contain record control information. V-format: r--T--'·----------, lelle21 Record 1 r--T--T----------------, I lBG le11e21 ,L__ J.I __ J.I ___________ JI Record 2 r-""--T-- 'lBG ,e1Ie2, IL__ .L-_.L I , _______________ J' IL-._.LI __.L, __ VB-format: r--T--T----------T--T---------------, r--T---r---------- lellc21 Record 1 IC2, Record 2 'lBG ,e1,e2, Record 3 I __ .LI __ .1.I ___________ .LI __ .L, ________________ JI IL__ .LI __.L, _________ _ L VS-format: r--T--T'----------, r--T-~-----------------, r--T--T------------, le11e21 Record 1 I lBG IC11e21 Record 2 , lBG lelle2, Record 2 I lBG I __ .LI __ .L.I __________ (entire) JI IL __ .LI __.LI _________________ (first segment) JI I __ .LI __ J.,(last segment),J L L ______________ VBS-format: r--T--T----------T--T-----------------, r--T--T----------------,...--T--------- le11c21 Record 1 le21 Record 2 I lBG lel1e21 Record 2 le21Record 3 L I __ .LI __ .LI __________ (entire) J.I __ J.I _________________ (first segment) JI IL__ J.I __ .LI ________________ (last segment) J.I __ .LI ________ _ el: c2: Block control information Record or segment control information Figure 9-3. Variable-Length Records Chapter 9: Data sets and PL/l Files 103 VB-format signifies blocked variable-length records. Each block contains as many complete records as it can accommodate. The first four bytes of the block contain block control information, and the first four bytes of each record contain record control information~ are recognized by the PL/I (F) compiler ill the data set organizations CONSECUTIVE, INDEXED, and REGIONAL; and the file attribute TRANSIENT respectively; the fift:h type, partitioned, has no corresponding PL/I organization~. VS-format is similar to V·-format, but differs in that the length of a record can exceed the block length; if necessary, a record is segmented and continued in consecutive blocks. Each block contains only one record or segment of a record. The first four bytes of the block contain block control information, and the next four contain record or segment control information (including an indicati()n of whether the record is complete or is a first, intermediate, or last segment). In a sequential (or CONSECUTIVE) data set, records are placed in physical sequence. Thus, given one record, the location of the next record is determined by its physical position in the data set. Sequential organization is used for all magnetic tapes, and may be selected for direct-access devices. Paper tape, punchE:!d cards, and printed output are sequentially organized. VBS-format differs from Vs-format in that each block contains as many complete records or segments as it can accommodate; each block is, therefore, approximately the same size (although there can be a variation of up to four bytes, since each segment must contain at least one byte of data). An indexed sequential (or INDEXED) data set must reside in a direct-access volume '. Records are arranged in collating sequenc.:!, according to a key that is associated with every record. An index or set of indexes maintained by the operating system gives the location of certain principal records,. This permits direct retrieval, replacement, addition, and deletion of records, as well as sequential processing. VS-format and VBS-format records are known as spanned records because they can start in one block and be continued in the next. Segmentation and reassembly are handled automatically by the PL/I (F) compiler. The use of spanned records allows you to select a block size, independently of record size, that will combine optimum usage of auxiliary storage space with maximum efficiency of transmission. Note that spanned records cannot be specified for stream-oriented files. A direct (REGIONAL) data set must be in a direct-access volume. The records with:in the data set can be organized by a PL/I program in three ways: REGIONAL(l), REGIONAL(2), and REGIONAL(3): in each case, the data set is divided into regions, each of which contains one or more records. A key that specifies the region number and, for REGIONAL(2) and REGIONAL(3), identifies the record, permits direct access to any record; sequential processing is also possible. There are no indexes. Undefined-Length Records U-format permits the processing of records that do not conform to F- and V-formats. The operating system and the PL/I (F) compiler treat each block as a record; your program must therefore perform any blocking or deblocking that you require. A telecommunications data set (associated with a TRANSIENT file in a PL/I program) is an input or output message queue set up by the message control program. A key embedded in the record provides identification of the sending terminal. DATA SET ORGANIZATION In a partitioned data set, independent groups of sequentially organized data, each called a member, are stored in a direct-access volume. The data set includes a directory that lists the location of each member. Partitioned data sets are often called libraries. The data management routines of the operating system can handle five types of data set, which differ in the way data is stored within them and in the permitted means of access to the data. Four of these types of data set, sequential, indexed sequential, direct, and telecommunications ~Do not confuse the operating system data set organizations 'sequential' and 'direct' with the PL/I file attributes SEQUENTIAL and DIRECT. The attributes refer to how the file is to be processed, and not to the way the corresponding data set is organized. 104 'I'he PL/I (F) compiler includes no special facilities for creating and accessing partitioned data sets; however, there is ready access to the operating system :facilities for partitioned data sets through job control language. Chapter 12, 'Libraries of Data sets,' is a guide to the use of partitioned data sets for the PL/I programmer. LABELS The operating system uses recorded labels to identify magnetic-tape and direct-access volumes and the data sets they contain, and to store data set attributes (record size, block size, etc.). The attribute information must originally come from a DO statement or from your program. Once the label is written, however, you need not specify the information again. Magnetic-tape volumes can have standard or nonstandard labels, or they can be unlabeled. Standard labels have two parts: the ini,tial volume label, and header and trailer labels. The initial volume label identifies a volume and its owner; the header and trailer labels precede and follow each data set on the volume. Header labels contain system information, device-dependent information (for example, recording technique), and data-set characteristics. Trailer labels are almost identical with header labels, and are used when maqnetic tape is read backwards. Direct-access volumes have standard labels. Each volume is identified by a volume label, which is stored in a standard location in the volume. This label contains a volume serial number and the address of a volume table of contents (VTOC). The table of contents, in turn, contains a label (termed a data set control block (DSCB» for each data set stored in the volume. DATA DEFINITION (DO) STATEMENT A data definition (DD) statement is a job control statement that describes a data set to the operating system, and is a request to the operating system, for the allocation of input/output resources. Each job step must include a DO statement for each data set tha't is processed by the step. Chapter 1 describes the format of job control statements. The operand field of the DD statement can contain keyword parameters that describe the location of the data set (for example, volume serial number and identification of the unit on which the volume will be mounted) and the attributes of the data itself (record format, etc.). The DO statement enables you to write PL/I source programs that are independent of the data sets and input/output devices they will use. You can modify the parameters of a data set or process different data sets without re-compiling your program; for example, you can modify a program that originally read punched cards so that it will accept input from magnetic tape merely by changing the DO statement. Name of DD Statement The name that appears in the name field of the DO statement (ddname) identifies the statement so that other job control statements and the PL/I program can refer to it. A ddname must be unique within a job step; if two DD statements in one job step have the same name, the second statement is ignored. With the two exceptions noted below, a DD statement must always, have a name. If the job step in which the DD statement appears is part of a cataloged procedure, the ddname must be qualified by the name of the procedure step. For example, a DO statement that describes a data set to be processed in step GO of the cataloged procedure PL1LFCLG might have the ddname GO.MSTR. (Note that the PL/I source program would refer to this DD statement only by its unqualified name MSTR.) For input only you can concatenate two or more sequential or partitioned data sets (that is, link them so that they are processed as one continuous data set) by omitting the ddname from all but the first of the DO statements that describe them. For example, the following DO statements cause the data sets LIST1, LIST2, and LIST3 to be treated as a single data set for the duration of the job step in which the statements appear: //GO.LIST DD DSNAME=LIST1,DISP=OLD // DO DSNAME=LIST2,DISP=OLD // DD DSNAME=LIST3,DISP=OLD When read from a PL/I program the concatenated data sets need not be on the same volume, but the volumes must be on the same type of device, and the data sets must have similar characteristics (block size, record format, etc.). You cannot process concatenated data sets backwards. Chapter 9: Data Sets and PLII Files 105 Parameters of DD statement The operand field of the DD statement contains keyword parameters that you can use to give the following information: 1. The name of the data set parameter) • 2. Description of the device and volume that contain the data set (UNIT, VOLUME, SPACE, LABEL, and SYSOUT parameters). 3. Disposition of the data set before and after execution of the job step (DISP parameter) • 4. (DSN1~ Data set characteristics (DCB parameter) • 1he following paragraphs summarize the functions of these groups of parameters. Appendix B describes the essential parameters and explains how to use them. For full details of all the parameters, refer to IBM svstem/360 op'erating System: Job Control Language User's Guide, and Job Control Language Reference Naming the Data Set The DSNAME parameter specifies the name of a newly defined data set or refers to the name of an existing data set. You need not specify the DSNAME parameter for a temporary data set (one that exists only for the duration of the job step in which it is created); the operating system will give it a temporary name. Describing the Device and Volume The UNIT parameter specifies the type of input/output device to be allocated for the data set. You can specify the type by giving the actual unit address, the type number of the unit (e.g., 2400 for magnetic tape), or by naming a group of uni-ts established at system generation. The VOLUME parameter identifies the volume on which 'the data set resides. It can also include instructions for mounting and demounting volumes. The SPACE parameter specifies the amount of auxiliary storage required to accommodate a new data set on a direct-access device. device. A system output device is any unit (but usually a printer or a card punch) that is used in common by all jobs. The computer operator allocates all the system output devices to specific classes according to, device type and funct,!on. The usual convention is for class A to refer 1:.0 a printer and class B to a card punch; thE~ IBM-supplied cataloged procedures assume that this convention is followed.. If you use the SYSOUT parameter, the only other information you may have to supply about the data set is the block size, which you can specify either in the DCB parameter or in your PL/I program. Disposition of the Data Set The DISP parameter indicates whether a data set already exists or is new, and specifies what is to be done with it at the end of the job step. At the end of a job step, you can delete a data set, pass it to the next step in the same job, enter its name in the system catalog or have it removed from· the catalog, or you can retain the data set for future use without cataloging it. The REWIND option of the ENVIRONMENT attribute allows you to use the DISP parameter to control the action taken when the end of a magnetic-tape volume is reached or when a magnetic-tape data set is closed. Refer to IBM System/360 Operatin. The LABEL parameter specifies the type and contents of the data set labels for magnetic tape. The SYSOUT parameter allows you to route an output data set through a system output 106 4. 5. The number of data management buffers that are to be used (BUFNO slJlbparameter> • The printer or card punch control characters (if any> that will be inserted in the first byte of each rE!cord (RECFM subparameter). You can specify BLKSIZE, BUFNO, LRECL, NCP, RE:CFM, and TRKOFL in the ENVIRONMENT attribute of a file declaration in your PL/I program instead of in the DCB parameter. You cannot use the DCB parameter to overrid.e information already established for the data set in your PLII program (by the file attributes declared and the other attribu.tes that are implied by them). DCB subparameters that attempt to change informa"tion already supplied are ignored. You can use only the DCB subparameters given above; if you specify any others, they will be ignored. Data in the Input Stream You can introduce data to your program by including it in the input job stream with your job control statements. The data must be- in the form of 80-byte records (usually punched cards), and must be immediately preceded by a DO statement with the single parameter * in the operand field, for example: //GO.SYSIN DO * To indicate the end of the data, include the delimiter job control statement /*; this delimiter is not essential if you are using an operating system with MFT or MVT because the operating system will generate //SYSIN DO * statements for other data sets in the input stream. FILES AND DATA SETS When you write a PL/I program, you do not need to know which data sets you will use or where the volumes that contain them will be mounted. PL/I uses a conceptual 'file' as a means of accessing a data set. When an OPEN statement is executed, the file is associated with a data set through the TITLE option, which refers to the name of the DO statement (ddname) that describes the data set; if the OPEN statement does not include the TI~LE option, the compiler takes the DO name from the first eight characters of the file name, padding it wi th bl anks if necessary .• The OPEN statement indicates the name of the DO statement that describes the data set to be associated with the file that is being opened; the DO statement specifies the type of device that will access the data set, the serial number of the volume that contains the data set, and the name of tbe data set (see Figure 9-4). If the DO statement refers to a cataloged data set, i t need supply only the name of the data set and its disposition; the operating system can use the name to obtain unit and volume information from the system catalog. Since the link between the PL/I file and the data set exists only while the file is open, the same file can be associated with different data sets during the execution of a single program; and the same data set can be accessed through different files. Furthermore, the use of a 00 statement to define the data set, the volume that contains it, and the device on which they will be placed, enables you to defer your choice until execution time; and you can use the same program to process different data sets on different devices' without re-compiling the program. If your data includes records that commence //, use the parameter DATA instead., for example: //GO.SYSIN DO DATA In this case, the delimiter (/*> is always necessary. when using an operating system with PCP, you can include only one data set in the input stream for a job step, and the DO statement that defines i t must be the last DD statement in the job step; for MFT and MV'l', you can include more than one such data se:"t in a job step. All three variants of the operating system supply full DCB subparameters for data sets in the input stream. Operating System Data Management The object program produced by the PL/I (F) compiler uses the data management facilities of the operating system to control the storage and retrieval of data. The compiler translates each input and output statement in a PL/I source program into a sequence of machine instructions that includes a branch to the appropriate PL/I library interface subroutine; this subroutine initiates the flow of control through any other PL/I library subroutines that are required. These subroutines issue Chapter 9: Data sets and PL/I Files 107 Figure 9-4. 108 Associating a File with a Data Set operating system assembler language macro instructions:l.. that request the data management routines of the operating system to peri:ormthe required input or output operations. Most of the library subrout:ines required by a PL/I program are includE~d with the object program in the load m()dule produced by the linkage editor. Howevel~, some library subroutines, including those that handle the opening and closinq of files, are loaded dynamically during the execution of the object program; the storage they occupy is released as soon as they have finished their work. a buffer available to a program. In the move mode, the data is actually transferred from the buffer into the area of main storage occupied by the program. In the locate ~ode, the program can process the data while it is still in the buffer; the data management routines pass the address of the buffer to the program to enable it to locate the data. Similarly a program can move output data into the buffer or it can build the data in the buffer itself. ACCESS METHODS operating system data management routinE!S control the organization, location, and cataloging of data sets, as well as the storage and retrieval of the records they contain. They create and maintain data set labels, indexes, and catalo For a direct-access device, the ideal block size is the capacity of one track; this combines maximum transmission efficiency with optimum use of auxiliary storage. A block can exceed the capacity of one track only if your installation has the track overflow feature; this allows the block to be continued on the next track. Although track overflow can increase data-packing efficiency, it reduces transmission speed. The use of small blocks wastes storage space because a block of system information follows each block of data (except the last on the track). For example, there are more than 60 bytes of system information for each block in the 2311 disk drive; a track can contain one block of 3625 bytes, but only 55 blocks of 5 bytes (i.e., 275 bytes of data). (Refer to the reference cards listed under 'Direct-Access Devices,' in Chapter 10, for further information.) Unit record devices (card readers and punches, and printers) and paper-tape readers do not support blocked records. With a unit record device, each record begins on a new card or line regardless of the blocking factor. For example, if you specify LRECL=20, BLKSIZE=SO for a card punch, only the first 20 columns of each card will be punched.. If the record size exceeds the capacity of a card (SO bytes) or the maximum length of a line (132 characters for the 1403 printer), the record is truncated. In general, fixed-length records are transmitted faster than variable-length or und~fined-Iength records. For maximum efficiency in sequential processing of a data set on a direct-access device, specify 'standard' format records (RECFM=FS or RECFM=FBS). If you use variable-length records u VBS-format allows you to specify block size independently of record size (and thus to select the optimum block size). program,. The following sections indicate the essential information that you must supply when processing CONSECUTIVE, INDEXED., REGIONAL, and teleprocessing data sets, and discuss some of the optional information you may supply. The discussions do not refer to data sets in the input stream, which are covered in Chapter 10. Appendix B describes the parameters referred to, and explains how to code them; the ENVIRONMENT attribute is described in IBM System/360 Operating system: PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual. CONSECUTIVE Data Sets Buffers CREATING A CONSECUTIVE DATA SET When YOll use a SEQUENTIAL BUFFERED file to process a data set, you can specify the number of data management buffers to be used eiither in your PL/I program (in the ENVIRONI~NT attribute) or in the DD statemelt (BUFNO subparameter). If you omit this information or specify zero buffers the operating system will allocate two buffers. Tw:o buffers are sufficient for efficient transmission in most cases, but you may gain some advantage by specifying three buffers for a low-speed device such as a printer. You should specify at least three buffers if you use chained scheduling. Blocked records are not supported for UNBUFFERED files. l, Although a buffer specification for a DIRECT file will be ignored, and even if the filE~ is declared UNBUFFERED, the data managemEmt routines of the PL/I library sometimE~s use work buffers termed hidden buffers., Hidden buffers are used for: 1. In a CONSECUTIVE data set, records are stored sequentially in the order in which you write them; there are no keys. Figure 11-1 summarizes the essential information you must pass to the operating system when creating a CONSECUTIVE data set. You must specify: 1. Device that will write or punch your data set (UNIT, SYSOUT, or VOLUME parameter of DD statement). 2. Block size: you can give the block size in the DD statement (BLKSIZE subparameter of DCB parameter), or in your PL/I program (in the ENVIRONMENT attribute). Note: If you do not specify a record size, unblocked records are assumed and the record size is determined from the block size. If you do not specify a record format, U-format is assumed. UNBUFFERED access of CONSECUTIVE data set:s with V-format records (the buffer contains the V-format control bytes and the data). 2. INDEXED data sets (the buffer contains a lO-byte control field and the data) .. 3. SEC!UENTIAL access of a REGIONAL (2) or REGIONAL (3) data set declared KEYED (so that the key and the record can be tralnsmi tted from contiguous storage arE!as) • If you want to keep a magnetic-tape or direct-access data set (that is, you do not want the operating system to dnlete it at the end of your job), the DD statement must name the data set and indicate how it is to be disposed of (DSNAME and DISP parameters) .• The DISP parameter alone will suffice if you want to use the data set in more than one job step but will not need it after the end of your job. If you are creating a data set on a direct-access deVice, you must specify the amount of space required for it (SPACE parameter of DD statement). CREATING AND ACCESSING DATA SETS To creat.e or access a data set, you must gi ve thE! operating system certain informat.ion, either in the DD statement that defines the data set or in your PL/I If you want your data set written on a particular magnetic-tape or direct-access volume, you must indicate the volume serial number in the DD statement (SER or REF subparameter of VOLUME parameter). If you do not supply a serial number of a Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmi~sion 125 1r---------------------T--~--------------------------------------------------------------, I Parameters of DD statement , I Storage Device , ~---------------------T---------------------~--------------------~ , When required I What you must state I Parameters , I~---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------~ I , output device 1 UNIT= or SYSOUT= or I I Always I 1 VOLUME=REF= 1 , All 1 , r---------------------+---------------------~ , I , Block size1. 1 DCB=BLKSIZE= I r---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+_--------------------~ , Direct access only 1 Always , storage space , SPACE: , , , I , required I ~---------------------+---------------------+----------------~----+---------------------~ , Magnetic tape only ,Data set not first ,sequence number I LABEL= , I I in volume and for , , magnetic tapes that , , do not h a v e ' , standard labels I , , but not required at , , end of j o b , , , Direct access and standard labeled magnetic tape I , I I I , , ~---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------~ , Data set to be used , I I I by another job step , Disposition , DISP= I , , , , , ~-------------.--------+---------------------+---------------------~ , Data set to be kept , Disposition , DISP= , , after end of job ·1 ~---------------------+---------------------~ ,DSNAME= , , Name of data set 1~---------------------+---------------------+---------------------~ Data set to be on I volume serial number, VOLUME=SER= or 1 1 particular volume 1 , VOLUME=REF= I ~--------_------------~-------------.------ __ ~--------------- ______ L-____________________ ~ I1.Alternatively, you can specify the block size in your PL/I program by using the 1 L .________________________________________________ J, , _______________________________________ ENVIRONMENT attribute. Figure 11-1. Creating a CONSECUTIVE Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD Statement magnetic-tape data set that you want to keep, the operating system will allocate one, inform the operator, and print the number on your program listing. r----------,.--------------------------1i ISubparameterl Specifies II ~----------+---------------------------~I BLKSI ZE 1Maximum number of bytes per I Ihl~k If your data set is to follow another data set on a magnetic-tape volume, you must use the LABEL parameter of the DD statement to indicate its sequence number on the tape. Figure 11-2 lists the DCB subparameters that are applicable to CONSECUTIVE data sets; they are described in Appendix B. You can specify record format (RECFM), block size (BLKSIZE), record size (LRECL), and number of buffers (BUFNO) in the ENVIRONMENT attribute instead of in a DD statement. ACCESSING A CONSECUTIVE DATA SET You can access an existing CONSECTUIVE data set in three ways. You can open the associated file for input, and read the records the data set contains; you can open the file for output, and extend the data 126 ~ I Number of data management I I buffers I CODE IPaper tape: code in which II Ithe tape was punched ~I DEN IMagnetic tape: tape il ,recording density ,I LRECL ,Maximum number of bytes per I I record MODE ICard reader or punch: mode lof operation (column binary lor EBCDIC) OPTCD IOptional data-management Iservices and data-set 1attributes PRTSP ,printer line spacing (0, 1, 12, or 3) RECFM IRecord format and I characteristics TRTCH ,Magnetic tape: tape Irecording technique for ,7-track tape ___________ J. ___ .______________________ _ BUFNO Figure 11-2. DCB SUbparameters for CONSECUTIVE Data Sets r--------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------, I Parameters of DD statement I ~------·-----------------------------T-------------------------T-------------------------~ I When required I What you must state I Parameters I ~-----------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------~ I I Name of data set I DSNAME= I ~-------------------------+-------------------------~ I Always I I Disposition of data set I DISP= I ~------·-----------T-----------------+-------------------------+-------------------------1 I IAII devices I Input device I UNIT= or VOLUME=REF= I I If dat·a set not ~-----------------+------------------------+-------------------------~ I cataloged IStandard labeled I I I I I I magnetic tape and I Volume serial number Idirect access .. I ~------ ---------J.~----------------+-:...---------------- I Magnetic tape: if data set not I Sequence number I first in volume or which does not I have s·tandard labels I I I I VOLUME=SER= I ______ +-___________________---__ I ~ I LABEL= I I I I I ~-----------------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------~ IIf data set does not have standard I Block size~ I DCB=BLKSIZE= I t I I I labels ~------._----------------------------J.-------------------- _____ L _________________________ ~ I :l.Alternatively, you can specify the block size in your PL/I program by using the I L •_________________________________________________________________________________ JI I ______ ENVIRONMENT attribute. Figure 11-3. Accessing a CONSECUTIVE Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD statement set by adding records at the end; or you can open the file for update, and read and rewrite each record in turn. (The opE:!rating sY,stem does not permit updatinq a CONSECUTIVE data set on magnetic tape; you must read the data set and write the updated records into a new data set.) '1'0 access an existing data set, you must identify it to the operating system in a DD statement. The following paragraphs, which are su~rnarized in Figure 11-3, indicate the essential information you must include in your DD statement,. and discuss some of the other information you may supply; this discussion does not apply to data sets in the input stream., which are dealt with in Chapter 9 'Data Sets and PL/I Files'. Appendi>~ B describes the DD parameters referred to, and tells you how to code them. Essentia~l' Confirmation that the data set already exists (DISP parameter) If you open the data set for output with the intention of extending it by adding records at the end, code DISP=MOD; otherwise, to open the data set for output will result in it being overwritten. oW If the data set is not cataloged, you must, in addition, specify the device that will read the data set, and, for magnetic-tape and direct-access devices, give the serial number of the volume that contains the data set (UNIT and VOLUME parameters) '. If the data set is on paper tape or punched cards, you must specify the block size either in the DD statement (BLKSIZE subparameter), or in your PL/I program (ENVIRONMENT attribute). If the data set follows another data set on a magnetic-tape volume, you must use the LABEL parameter of the DD statement to indicate its sequence number on the tape. Information If the data set is cataloged, you need supply only the following information in the DD statement: 1. 2. MaglieticTape without Standard Labels The! name of the data set (DSNAME paI~ameter) • The operating system will locate the information that describes the! data set in the system catalog, and, if necessary, will request the operator to mount the volume that contains it. If a magnetic-tape data set has nonstandard labels or is unlabeled, you must specify the block size either in the DD statement (BLKSIZE subparameter) or in your PLII program (ENVIRONMENT attribute). The DSNAME parameter is not essential if the data set is not cataloged. Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmission 127 PL/I data management includes no facilities for processing nonstandard labels. To the operating system, such labels appear as data sets preceding or following your data set. You can either process the labels as independent data sets 0r use the LABEL parameter of the DD statement to bypass them; to bypass the labels code LABEL=(2,NL) or LABEL=(~BLP). Record Format If you give record-format information, it must be compatible with the actual structure of the data set. For example, if a data set was created with F'-format records, a record size of 600 bytes f and a block size of 3600 bytes, you can access the records as if they were U-format wit.h a maximum block size of 3600 bytes; but if you specify a block size of 3S00.bytes, your data will be truncated. EXAMPLE OF CONSECUTIVE DATA SETS Figure 11-4 illustrates both creation and accessing of CONSECUTIVE data sets on magnetic tape. The program merges the contents of two existing data sets, DSl and DS2, and writes them onto a new data set, DS3; each of the original data sets contains lS-byte fixed-length records arranged in EBCDIC collating sequence. Th-9 two input files, INl and IN2, have the default attribute BUFFERED, and locate mode is used to read records from the associated data sets into the respective buffers. The output file, OUT, is not buffered, allowing move mode to be used to write the output records directly from the input buffers. //J034PGEA JOB //COLEEX EXEC PL1LFCLG,PARM.PLIL=" SIZE=999999, ,PARM.LKED="LIST' //PLlL.SYSIN DD • MERGE: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN): DCL (IN1,IN2,OUT) FILE RECORD SEQUENTIAL, (ITEMl BASED(A),ITEM2 BASED(B» CHAR(lS); ON ENDFILECIN1) BEGIN; ON ENDFILE(IN2) GO TO FINISH: NEXT2: WRITE FILE(OUT) FROM(ITEM2); READ FILE(IN2) SET(B); GO TO NEXT2; END; ON ENDFILE(IN2) BEGIN; ON ENDFILE(IN1) GO TO FINISH; NEXTl: WRITE FILE(OUT) FROM(ITEM1); .READ FILE (IN1) SET (A) ; GO TO NEXT1; END; OPEN FILE(IN1) INPUT, FILE(IN2) INPUT, FILE (OUT) OUTPUT ; READ FILE(IN1) SET(A); READ FILE(IN2) SET(B); NEXT: IF ITEM1>ITEM2 THEN DO; WRITE FILE(OUT) FROM(ITEM2): READ FILE(IN2) SET(B); GO TO NEXT; END; ELSE DO; WRITE FILE(OUT) FROM(ITEM1); READ FILE(IN1) SET(A); GO TO NEXT; END; FINISH: CLOSE FILE(IN1),FILE(IN2),FILE(OUT): END MERGE: /* //GO.INl //GO.IN2 //GO.OUT DO DO DO // Figure 11-4. 128 DSNAME=DS1,DISP=(OLD,KEEP),UNIT=2400,VOLUME=SER=33731 OSNAME=DS2 ,DISP= (OLD ,KEEP) , UNIT=2400" VOLUME=SER=9876S5 DS~AME=DS3,DISP=(NEW,KEEP),UNIT=2400, OCB= (RECFM=F, BLKSIZE=lS) Creating and Accessing a CONSECUTIVE Data Set r------y----------------------------------, I Code I Action I ~------+---------------------------------~ b '- o + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C V W II Space one line before printing (blank code) Space two lines before printing Space three lines before printing Suppress space before printing Skip to channel 1 Skip to channel 2 Skip to channel 3 Skip to channel 4 Skip to channel 5 Skip to channel 6 Skip to channel 7 Skip to channel 8 Skip to channel 9 Skip to channel 10 Skip to channel 11 Skip to channel 12 Select stacker 1 Select stacker 2 ~--_--~L----------------------------------~ IThe channel numbers refer to the printer I Icarriage control tape. (See IBM 1403 I I printel:-Component' Description.) L ____________________________ ...;. _____________ JI Figure 11-5. ANS Printer and Card Punch Control Characters SKIP, etc). Nevertheless, you can still exercise some control over the layout of printed output by including a printer control code as the first byte of each of your output records: you can also use similar control codes to select the stacker to which cards punched by your program are fed. The operating system recognizes two types of code for printer and card punch commands, ANS code and machine code. You must indicate which code you are using, either in the RECFM subparameter of your DO statement or in the ENVIRONMENT attribute in your PL/I program. If you specify one of these codes, but transmit your data to a device other than a printer or a card punch, the operating system will transmit the control bytes as part of your records. If you use an invalid control character, 'space one line' or 'stacker l ' will be assumed. The ANS control characters (Figure 11-5) cause the specified action to occur before the associated record is printed or punched. The machine code control characters differ according to the type of device. Figure 11-6 lists the codes for the 1403 printer, and Figure 11-7 gives those for the 2540 Card Read Punch. There are two types of command for the printer, the one causing the action to occur after the record ,has been transmitted, and the other producing immediate action but transmitting PRINTING AND PUNCHING CARDS You cannot use a PRINT file for record-oriented transmission, and record-oriented transmission statements cannot include the printing options (PAGE, r-----------------T-----------------------T-----------------, I I Act immediately I I Print and then act I I Action ~------------------~ I Code byt e I (no printing> I I------------------~ I I Code byte I ~------------------+-----------------------+----------------~ 00000001 00001001 00010001 00011001 10001001 10010001 10011001 101.00001 101.01001 101.10001 101.11001 11000001 110101001 110110001 110111001 11100001 ~--_---- Print only (no space) i Space 1 line i Space 2 lines ! Space 3 lines Skip to channel 1 Skip to channel 2 Skip to channel 3 Skip to channel 4 Skip to channel 5 Skip to channel 6 Skip to channel 7 Skip to channel 8 Skip to channel 9 Skip to channel 10 Skip to channel 11 Skip to channel 12 00001011 00010011 00011011 10001011 10010011 10011011 10100011 10101011 10110011 10111011 11000011 11001011 11010011 11011011 11100011 . ---------.L-----------------------.L-----------______ ~ I'l.'he cha.nnel numbers refer to the printer carriage control I IL _______ tape. (see IBM 1403 Printer Component '____________________ Description.> .._______________________________ JI Figure 1.1-6. 1403 Printer Control Codes Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmis~ion 129 no data (i.e., you must include the second type of command in a blank record). The essential requirements for producing printed output or punched cards are exactly the same as those for creating any other CONSECUTIVE data set (described above). For a printer, if you do not use one of the control codes, all data will be printed sequentially, with no spaces between records; each block will be interpreted as the start of a new line. When you specify a block size for a printer or card punch, and are using one of the control codes., include the control bytes in your block size; for example, if you want to print lines of 100 characters, specify a block size of 101. Example The program in Figure 11-8 uses record-oriented transmission to read and print the contents of the data set SINES, which was created by the PRINT file in Figure 10-5. since the data set SINES was cataloged, only two parameters are requ:ired in the DD statement that defines it. The output file PRINTER is declared with the ENVIRONMENT option CTLASA, ensuring that the first byte of each record will be interpreted as an ANS printer control code. The information given in the ENVIRONMENT attribute could alternatively have been given in the DD statement as follows: DCB=(RECFM=UA,BLKSIZE=94) r------------T------------------, I Code bytes I Action I ~---~--------+------------------~ I 00000001 I Select stacker 1 I I 01000001 I Select stacker 2 I IL____________ 1000qOOl I __________________ Select stacker 3 JI ~ Figure 11-7. 2540 Card Read Punch Control Codes INDEXED Data Sets A data set with INDEXED organization can exist only on a direct-access device. Each record in the data set is identified by a key that is recorded with the record. A key is a string of not more than 255 characters; all the keys in a data set must have the same length. The records in the data set are arranged according to the collating sequence of their keys. Once an INDEXED data set has been created, the keys facilitate the direct retrieval, addition, and deletion of records. INDEXES To provide faster access to the records in the data set, the operating system creates: and maintains a system of indexes to the records in the data set,. The lowest level of index is the track index. There is a track index for each cylinder in the data set; it occupies the first track (or tracks) of the cylinder, and lists the keys of the last records on each track in the cylinder.. A search can then be directed t:o the first track that has a key that is higher than or equal to the key of the required record. //J036PGEX JOB //COLEEX EXEC PL1LFCLG,PARM.PL1L='SIZE=999999'iPARM.LKED='LIST' //PL1L.SYSIN DD * PRT: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); DCL TABLE FILE RECORD INPUT SEQUENTIAL, PRINTER FILE RECORD OUTPUT SEQUENTIAL ENV(V(102) CTLASA), LINE CHAR(94); ON ENDFILE(TABLE) GO TO FINISH; NEXT: OPEN FILE(TABLE), FILE(PRINTER); READ FILE(TABLE) INTO(LINE); WRITE FILE(PRINTER) FROM(LINE)J GO TO NEXT; FINISH: CLOSE FILE(TABLE),FILE(PRINTER); END PRT; /* //GO.TABLE DD DSNAME=SINES,DISP=OLD //GO.PRINTER DD SYSOUT=A Figure 11-8. 130 Printing with Record-Oriented Transmission If the data set occupies more than one cylinder, the operating system develops a higher level index called a cylinder inder. Each entry in the cylinder index identifies the key of the last record in the cylinder. To incrle~ase the speed of searching the cylinder index, you can request in a DO statemeat that the operating system develop a maste:~ index for a specified number of cylinde:r.s; you can have up to three levels of mastcer index. Figure 11- 9 illustrates the ind4ex structure. The part of the data set that contains the cylinder and master indexes is termed the index area. When a INDEXED data set is created, all the re<;()rds are written in what is called the prime data area. If more records are added la.ter, the operating system does not rearranqe the entire data set; it inserts each ne~v record in the appropriate position and mOVE~S up the other records on the same track. Any records forced off the track by the insertion of a new record are placed in an Qverj:low area. The overflow area can consist "either of a number of tracks set aside in each cylinder for the overflow records from that cylinder (cylinder overf lmi area), or a separate area for all overflo~i records (independent overflow area). Figure 11-10 shows how the records in the overflow area are chained together and to the track index so as to maintain the logical sequence of the data set. Each entry in the track index consists of two parts: 1. The normal entry, which points to the last record on the track. 2. The overflow entry, which contains the key of the first record trans~erred to the overflow area and also points to the last record transferred from the track to the overflow area. If there are no overflow records from the track, both index entries point to the last record on the track. An additional field is added to each record that is placed in the overflow area. It points to the previous record transferred from the same track; the first record from each track is linked to the corresponding overflow entry in the track index. CREATING AN INDEXED DATA SET When you create an INDEXED data set, your program must write the records in the data set sequentially in the order of ascending key values; the associated file must be opened for SEQUENTIAL OUTPUT. Master Index Cylinder Index . - - - -..- - - - - - - - -... 200 300 375 450 500 600 700 900 1000 1200 1500 2000 Cylinder 1 Cylinder 11 100 100 200 200 Track Index Oat a 10I Data 20 Data 40 Data 100 Prime Data Oat a 1510 Data 175 Data 190 Data 200 Prime Data 1500 2000 Overflow Figure 11-9. Index Structure of INDEXED Data Set Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmission 131 Overflow Entry Normal Entry Track 1 100 Initial Format Track 200 2 I 200 Track TrOlck 2_ _....J Index ---JL..-_ _ _- - L_ _ ----1OO 20_ _ _ _ _--'-_ _ _ _ _40 _ _ _ _ _...L-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _....J1 Prime 10 Data 150 175 I 200 190 .....JI Overflow L...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' - - _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _---l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Add Records 25 and 101 Track 1 40 Track Index 100 10 20 25 Prime Data 150 101 Add Records 26 and 199 100 Track 1 200 26 Track 1 100 10 175 190 Track Overflow 2 Track 3 Record 3 Track 2 190 20 25 Track 3 Record 4 200 TI"1::lck Index 26 Prime DOlta 101 150 175 190 r---l~o::::l~0--~:--T-ra-lc-k--~---2~~--------r-----~-------~----~~------~ Overflow Figure 11-10. Adding Records to an INDEXED Data Set Once an INDEXED data set has been created, it can be extended if the file is reopened for SEQUENTIAL OUTPUT. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that the key of the first record to be added to the data set is higher than the highest key already contained in the data set. Failure to ensure this will cause diagnostic message IHE031I to be printed and the program will terminate abnormally with a system completion code of 031. You can use a single DD statement to define the whole of the data set (index area, prime area, and overflow area), or 132 you can use two or three statements to define the areas independently. If you use two DD statements, you can define either the index area and the prime area together, or the prime area and the overflow area together. If you want the whole of the data set to be on a single volume, there is no advantage to be gained by using more than one DD statement except to define an independent overflow area (see 'Overflow Area,' below). But, if you use separate DD statements to define the index and/or overflow areas on volumes separate from that which contains the prime area" you will increase the speed of direct access to the rea)rds in the data set by reducing the nUItlber of access mechanism movements required. When you use two or three DD statements to define an INDEXED data set, the statements must appear in the order: index area; prime area; overflow area. The first DD state!ment must have a name (ddname), but the name! fields of a second or third DD statement must be blank. The DD statements for the prime and overflow areas must specify ,the same type of unit (UNIT paramete!r) • You must include all the DCB informat,ion for the data set in the first DD state:ment; DCB=DSORG=IS will suffice in the other statements .. Essential Information In general, all the information given above for the creation of a CONSECUTIVE data set on a direct-access d.evice applies equally to an INDEXED data set. The following paragraphs discuss only the constraints imposed by the use of INDEXED organization and the additional information you must supply or may want to give. Figure 11-11 summarizes all the essential parameters required in a DD statement for the creation of an INDEXED data set, and Figure 11-12 lists the DCB subparameters needed. Appendix B contains a description of all the parameters of the DD statement. You cannot place an INDEXED data set on a system output (SYSOUT) device. You must request space for the prime data area in the SPACE parameter. Your request must be in units of cylinders unless you place the data set in a specific position on the volume (by specifying a track number in the SPACE parameter). In the latter case, the number of tracks you specify must be equivalent to an integral number of cylinders, and the first track must be the first track of a cylin.der other than the first cylinder in the volume. You can also use the SPACE parameter to specify the amount of space to be used for the cylinder and master indexes (unless you use a separate DD statement for this purpose). If you do not specify the space for the indexes, the operating system will use part of the independent overflow area; if there is no independent overflow area, it will use part of the prime data area. In the DCB parameter, you must always state the data set organization (DSORG=IS), and in the first (or only) DD statement you must also give the length of the keys (KEYLEN). r-------'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Parameters of DD Statement I I ~-------,·---------------------------T------------------------T------------------------~ I When required I What you must state I Parameters I 1--------..----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------i I I Output device I UNIT= or VOLUME=REF= I i--------------------------+-------------------------i I storage space required I SPACE= I I I I Always t-------------------------+-------------------------~ I Data control block I I I information: refer to I DCB= I I I I I Figure 11.12 I--------.----------------------------+-~-----------------------+-------------------------i I I Name of data set and I I IMore than one DD statement I area (index, prime, I DSNAME= I I I overflow) I I t-------·----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------~----i IData set to be used in another job I I I I Disposition I DISP= I I step but:. not required after end lof job I I I I I t------------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------i I Data se1: to be kept after end I Disposition I DISP= I lof job t-------------------------+-------------------------i I I Name of data set I DSNAME= I ~------------------------------------+--------------~----------+-------------------------i I Volume serial number I VOLUME=SER= or I ____________________________________ I _________________________ I _________________________ JI ILvolume VOLUME=REF= I Data se1: to be on particular ~ ,F'igure 11-11. ~ creating an INDEXED Data Set:: Essential Parameters of DD Statement Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmission 133 Name of Data Set If the data set is temporary, prefix its name with &&. If you use one DD statement to define the prime and index or prime and overflow areas, code DSNAME=name(PRIME)i if you use only one DD statement, code DSNAME=name(PRIME), or simply DSNAME=name. If you use only one DD statement to define your data set, you need not name the data set-unless you intend to access it in another job. But, if you include two or three DD statements, you must specify a data set name, even for a temporary data set. Record Format and-Keys The DSNAME parameter in a DD statement that defines an INDEXED data set not only gives the data set a name, but it also identifies the area of the data set to which the DD statement refers: An INDEXED data set can contain both fixedand variable-length records, blocked or unblocked. You must always include the subparameter RECFM in your DD statement Ol~ specify the record format in your PL/I program (ENVIRONMENT attribute). DSNAME=nameCINDEX) The key associated with each record can be contiguous with or embedded wi thin'- the data in the record; you can save s~orage space in the data set if you use blocked records with embedded keys. DSNAME=nameCPRIME) DSNAME=nameCOVFLOW) r--------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------, I I DCB Subparameters ~---------------------------T-------------------------------------~---------------------~ I I To specify I subparameters I ~--------------------------+--------------------------------.-----+--------------------~ I I Record format j. I I I I RECFM= F, FB, FBS" I V2 , or VB2 I I ~-------------------------------------+-------------------.-~ I I These are always required I I Block siz ej. I ~-----.--------------------------------+-------------------.-~ I I BLKSIZE= I ~-----.--------------------------------+-------------------.-~ IData set organization IKey length I DSORG=IS IKEYLEN= I I ~-------------------------+-----.--------------------------------+-------------------.-~ I I I Include at least one of I these if overflow is I required ICylinder overflow area and I number of tracks per cylinder f or loverflow I-'ecords I I IOPTCD=Y and CYLOFL= I I I l-----.-----.-----------------------------+-------------------~ IIndependent overflow area IOPTCD=I I ~-------------------------+-----------.---------------------------+-------------------~ IRecord lengthj. ILRECL= I .-------------------------------------+--------------------~ IEmbedded key (relative key position) Thes e are optional IRKP= I ~--------------------------------------+--------------------~ I Master inclex I OPTCD=M I ~--------------------------------------+--------------------~ IAutomatic processing of dummy records IOPTCD=L I ~--------------------------------------+--------------------~ I Number of data management buffersj. I BUFNO= I ~-------------------------------------+--------------------~ I Number of tracks in cylinder index I NTM= I Ifor each master index entry I I ~---------------------------~--------------------------------------~--------------------~ Ij.Alternatively, can be specified in ENVIRONMENT attribute. I I2 1 For V or VB format records, it is essential that RKP is specified with a value that I I LI _______________________________________________________________________________________ is equal to or greater than 4. JI Note: Full DCB information must appear in the first, or only, DD statement. Subsequent statements require only DSORG=IS. • Figure 11-12. 134 DCB Subparameters for INDEXED Data set If the records are unblocked, the key of each record is recorded in the data set in front o,f the record even if it is also embedded within the record (Figure 11-13, (a) and (b», If blocked records do not have embedded keys, the key of each record is recorded within the block in front of the record, and the key of the last record in the block is also recorded in front of the block (Figure 11-13(c». When blocked records have embedded keys, the individual keys are not recorded separately in front of each record in the block; the key of the last record in the block is recorded in front of the block (Figure 11-13(d». (a) Unblocked records, non-embedded keys r--~ --'------, LIKeYI ___.L __Data .•• _____ JI r---T--------, IKeYI Data I L ___ .L ________ J r---T-------, IKey I Data I L___ .L ________ J (b) Unblocked records, embedded keys r----- Data ------, r---T--·---T---T-----' IKeYI IKeYI I L __ --L ______ .L ___ .L _____ J A r----- Data ------, r----- Data ------, r---T-----T---T----' r---T-----T---T-----' IKeYI IKey I _____ JI L ___.L _____ .L ___ .L IKeYI IKeYI L ___ .L _____ .L ___ .L_____ JI A I L-samE~ I key-J (c) Blocked records, non-embedded keys r--T--T---- r"---T---T----------T---T----------T---T---------, IKeylKeYI Data IKeYI Data IKeYI Data L ___ .L ___•.L _________ .L ___ .L __________ .L ___ .L _________ JI A A I I IKeylKeYI L ___ .L ___ .L _ _ _ L-----·-------same key-------------J Cd) Blocked records, embedded keys r-----Data-----, r-----Data-----'r-----Data------, r---T---·'--T---T-----T-----T---T-----T-----T---T-----, IKeYI I IKeYI IKeYI I I IKeYI L ___ .L ___,__ .L ___ .L_____ .L _____ .L ___ .L _____ .L ____ .l.- __ .L _____ J A A I I r---T-----T---- IKeYI I L ___ .L __ .... __ .L-__ _ L----------------same key----------------·-J (e) Unblocked variable length records, RKP>4 r----- Data ------, r---T--T·--T-----T---T-----' LIKeYIBllRll ___ .L __.L. __ .L ____ .LIKeYI ___ .L _____ JI A A I I L----same key---J Cf> Blocked variable length records, RKP>4 r------Data-----, r------Data-----, r------Data-----, r--~-~·--T----T---T-----T--T-----T---T-----T--T-----~--T-----' IKeYIBllJRll IKeYI IRII IKeYI IRII IKeYI I L ___ .L __ .L. __ .L _ _ _ .L ___ .L _____ .L __ .L _____ .L ___ .L _____ .L __ .L _____ .L ___ .L ____ J A A I I L-----···-----------------same key----------------------J Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmission 135 (g) Unblocked variable length records, RKP=4 r- Data, r---T-~--T--~-----' ~ ~ ~ IKeylBIIRIIKeYI L ___ __ __ ___ L- ____ JI A A I I L-same keyJ Ch) Blocked variable length records, RKP=4 r- Data, r- Data, r- Data, r---T--T--T---T-----T--T---T-----T--T---T-----' \Key \BI\RIIKeYI IRII Key I I RIIKey\ I L ___ J. __ J. __ J. ___ _____ ~ ~ __ ~ __ -.l. ____ __L_._.J. __ ._J. ____ J A A I I L--------------same key-------------J Figure 11-13. Record Formats in all INDEXED Data Set If you use blocked records with non-embedded keys, the record size that you specify must include the length of the key, and the block size must be a multiple of this combined length. Otherwise, record size and block size refer only to the data in the record. (See Figure 11-14.) r-----------T-------~-----~-------------, I I RKP I LRECL\ BLKSIZE I ~-----------+---.-----+-----+-------------~ I I I I I Not zero I Blocked records R I R * B I ~--------+------+-------------~ IZero or I R + KI lomitted I I B * (R+K) I \ ~----------+--------+------+------------.-~ If you use records with embedded keys, you must include the DCB subparameter RKP to indicate the position of the key within the record. For fixed-length records the value specified in the RKP subparameter is one less than the byte number of the first character of the key: that is, if RKP=1., the key starts in the second byte of the record. The value assumed if you omit this subparameter is RKP=O, which specifies that the key is not embedded in the record but is separate from it. I I Not zero I R I R I I Unblocked ~---.---+------+-------------~ I records I Zero or I R I R I I lomi·tted I \ I ~----------+---.-----+------+-------------~ I V-Blocked I I records >4 I I I ~R+4 I I ~1*(R+4)+4 \ I ~----------+--------+------+-------------~ I V-Unblocked I I records >4 I I I ~R+4 I ~R+8 I I I ~-----------+--------+------+------------~ I V-Blocked \ I records =4 I I~R+K+41~1*(R+K+4)+4 I \ \ I ~-----------+--------+------+-------------~ For variable-length records, the value specified in the RKP subparameter must be the relative position of the key within the record plus four. The extra four bytes takes into account the 4-byte control field used with variable-length records. For this reason you must never specify RKP less than four. When deleting records you must always specify RKP equal to or greater than five, since the first byte of the data is used to indicate deletion. IV-Unblocked I I records \ =4 1~+K+41 I ~R+K+8 \ ~-----------~------~------~-------------~ IR = Size of data in record I \K = Length of keys (as specified in \ KEYLEN subparameter) I IB = Blocking factor \ I Example: For blocked records, I non-embedded keys, 100 bytes of I data per record, 10 records per I block, key length = 20: LI __________________________________________ LRECL=120,BLKSIZE=1200,RECFM=FB J Note: For unblocked records, the key, even if embedded, is always recorded ill a position preceding the actual data. Figure 11-14. Consequently, the RKP subpa.rameter need not be specified for fixed length unblocked records as the default RKP value is o. Under these circumstances the key is only 136 \ \ Record Format Information for an INDEXED Data Set once in the block. For variable length records the minimum RKP value is 4 and the RKP must always be specified. Dummy Records record~~d You cannot change the specification of an INDEXED data set after you have created it. Therefore, you must foresee your future needs where the size and location of the index, prime, and overflow areas are concerned, and you must decide whether you want the operating system to identify and skip dummy (deleted) records .. overf19w Area I·f you intend to add records to the data set on a future occasion, you must request either a cylinder overflow area or an independent overflow area, or both. If you code OPTCD=L, the operating system will flag any record that is named in a DELETE statement by placing the bit string (8)'l'B 'in the first byte. Subsequently, during SEQUENTIAL processing of the data set, such records will be ignored: if they are forced off a track when the data set is being updated, they will not be placed in the overflow area. Do not specify OPTCD=L when you are using blocked records with non-embedded keys; if you do, the string (8) "1" B will overwrite the key of the Udeleted' record. For a cylinder overflow area, include the DCB sUbparameter OPTCD=Y and use the subparc~eter CYLOFL to specify the number of trac~s in each cylinder to be reserved for oVE!rflow records. A cylinder overflow area hals the advantage of a short search time fc)r overflow records, but the amount of spac:e available for overflow records is limited, and much of the space may be unused if the overflow records are not evenly distributed throughout the data set. For an independent overflow area, use the DCE: subparameter OPTCD=I to indicate that ov'erflow records are to be placed in an area. reserved for overflow records from all cylinders, and include a separate DD statement to define the overflow area. The use of an independent overflow area has the advantage'of reducing the amount of unused space for overflow records, but entails an increased search time for overflow records. It is good practice to request cylinder overflow areas large enough to contain a reasonable number of additional records and an independent overflow area to be used as the cylinder overflow areas are filled. If the prime data area is not filled during creation, you cannot use the unused portion for overflow records, nor for any records subsequently added during direct access (although you can fill the unfilled portion of the last track used). You can reserve space for later use within the prime da.ta area by writing 'dummy' records during creation: see 'Dummy Records,' below. Master l;ndex; If you ~1ant the operating system to create a mastel~ index for you, include the DCB subparameter OPTCD=M, and indicate in the NTM subparameter the number of tracks in the cylinder index you wish to be referred to by each entry in the master index. The operating system will automatically create up to three levels of master index, the, first two levels addressing tracks in the next. lower level of master index. You can include a dummy record in an INDEXED data set: by setting the first byte of data to (8)' l"B and writing the record in the usual way. ACCESSING AN INDEXED DATA SET You can open an existing INDEXED data set for sequential or direct access, and for input or update in each case. sequential input allows you to read the records in ascending key sequence, and in sequential update you can read and rewrite each record in turn: during sequential access, if OPTCD=L was specified when the data set was created, dummy records are ignored. Using direct input, you can read records using the READ statement, and in direct update you can read or delete existing records or add new ones. Note that only one DIRECT UPDATE file should be open at anyone time to add records to an INDEXED data set. Further, if two files are open simultaneously, one for sequential and one for direct processing of the same INDEXED data set, some records might become inaccessible to the SEQUENTIAL file due to changes to track indexes made for the DIRECT file when it adds records to the data set. The records that may be inaccessible are those added to the INDEXED data set in the following ways: 1. Records added to the end of the data set. 2. Records written directly into the overflow area of the data set. Chapter 11:'Record-Oriented Transmission 137 r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Parameters of DD statement I I ~--------------------------------·-T--·--------------~------T--·-----------------------·~ I When required I What you must state I Parameters , ~---------------------------------.-+-----------------------+-------------------------~ I I Al ways I I I I Name of data set I DSNAME= I ~--------------.--------+--------------------------~ I Disposition of data set I DISP= I ~-----------------------+--------------------------~ I Data Set Organization I DCB=DSORG=IS I ~--------------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------~ I I Input device I UNIT= or VOLUME=REF= I I If data set not cataloged ~------------------------+_-----------------------.-~ JI IL __________________________ .________ iI _________________________ Volume serial number I _________________________ VOLUME=SER= ~ • Figure 11-15. 3. Accessing an INDEXED Data Set: Essential Parame·ters of DO statement Records·· written on -the overflow area when forced out of the prime data area by records being added to the prime data area. large, and reorganize the data set at regular intervals (see below). REORGANIZING AN INDEXED DATA SET access an existing INDEXED data set, you must identify it to the operating system in one, two or three DD statements; the DO statements must correspond 'with those used when the data set was created. The following paragraphs indicate the essential information you must include in each DD statement, and Figure 11-15 summarizes this information. Appendix B describes the parameters referred to, and tells you how to code them. '1'0 If the data set is cataloged, you need supply only the following information in each DD statement: 1. The name of the data set (DSNAME parameter). The operating system will locate the information that describes the data set in the system catalog and, if necessary, will request the operator to mount the volume that contains it. 2. Confirmation that the data set already exists (DISP parameter). 3. Confirmation that the data set organization is INDEXED (DSORG subparameter'of the DCB parameter). If the data set is not cataloged, you must, in addition, specify the device ·that will process the data set and give the serial number of the volume that contains it (UNIT and VOLUME parameters). It is necessary to reorganize an INDEXED data set periodically because the addition of records to the data set results in an increasing number of records in the overflow area. Therefore, even if the overflow area does not eventually become full, the average time required for the direct retrieval of a record will increase. The frequency of reorganization depends on how often the data set is updated, on how much storage is available in the data set, and on your timing requirements. Reorganizing the data set also eliminates records that are marked as • deleted,' but are still present within the data set. There are two ways to reorganize an INDEXED data set: 1. Read the data set into an area of ma:in storage or onto a temporary CONSECUTIVE data set, and then recreate it in the original area of auxiliary storage. 2. Read the write it storage; original data set sequentially and into a new area of auxiliaI~y you can then release the auxiliary storage. EXAMPLES OF INDEXED DATA SETS Note: If you add a new record to a data set whose overflow areas are already full, the new record will not be added to the data set and the file will remain unchanged; the KEY condition will be raised. To reduce the likelihood of this occurrence, ensure that your overflow areas are sufficiently 138 Figure 11-16 illustrates the creation of a simple INDEXED data set. The data set contains a telephone directory, using the subscribers' names as keys to the telephone numbers. / /J0021)GEX JOB //CREA'l?E EXEC PL1LFCLG,PARM.LKED='LIST' //PL1L.SYSIN DD * TELNOS: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); 'DCL DIREC FILE RECORD SEQUENTIAL KEYED ENV(INDEXED), CARD CHAR (80) , NAME CHAR(20) DEF CARD, NUMBER CHAR(3) DEF CARD POS(21), IOFIELD CHAR(3); ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) GO TO FINISH; OPEN FILE(DIREC) OUTPUT; NEXTIN: GET FILE(SYSIN) EDIT(CARD)(A(80»; IOFIELD=NUMBER; WRITE FILE(DIREC) FROM (IOFIELD) KEYFROM(NAME), GO TO NEXTIN; FINISH: CLOSE FILE(DIREC); END TELNOS; /* / /GO. DIREC DD UNIT=2 311, SPACE= (CYL, 1) , DCB: (RECFM=F" BLKSI ZE=3" DSORG=IS, KEYLEN=20,OPTCD=LIY,CYLOFL=2),DSNAME=TELNO(INDEX), // DISP=(NEW,KEEP),VOLUME=SER=D186 // DD UNIT=2311, SPACE= (CYL,4) , DCB=DSORG=IS"DSNAME=TELNO(PRIME) " // DISP=(NEW,KEEP),VOLUME=SER=D186 // // DD UNIT=2 311" SPACE= (CYL" 4) , OCB=DSORG=I S, DSNAME=TELNO(OVFLOW),DISP=(NEW,KEEP),VOLUME=SER=D186 . // //GO.SYEiIN DD * ACTION,(3. 162 BAKER,R .. 152 248 BRAMLEY"O.H. CHEESEM1\N , L. 141 CORY,G. 336 875 ELLIOTT I' D• 413 FIGGINS., S • 205 HARVEY,C.D.W. 391 HASTINGS,G.M. 294 KENDALL"J .G. 624 LANCAS TE~R, W. R • 233 MILES,R. 450 NEWMAN,l-i. W. 515 PITT,W.H. 114 ROLF,D.E:. 241 SHEERS,C:.D. 472 SUTCLIFFE,M. TAYLOR,G.C. 407 404 WILTON ,I•• W. WINSTONE,E.M. 307 /* Figure 1.1-16. Creating an INDEXED Data Set The program in Figure 11-17 updates this data set and prints out its new contents. The input data includes codes to indicate the operations required: A: C: D: Add a new record Change an existing record Delete an existing record REGIO:NrAL Data Sets A dpta set with REGIONAL organization can exist only on a direct-access device. A REGIONAL data set is divided into regions that are numbered consecutively from zero. The following paragraphs briefly describe the three types of REGIONAL organization. In a REGIONAL(l) data set, a region is a record. Each record in the data set is identified by its region number, an unsigned decimal integer not exceeding 16777215. Region numbers start from 0 at the beginning of the data set. There are no recorded keys. Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmission 139 //J041PGEX JOB / /COLEEX EXEC PL1LFCLG, PARM. PL1L=' SIZE=999999',~ PARM. LKED=" LIST' //PL1L.SYSIN DO * DIRUPDT:PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); DCL DIREC FILE RECORD KEYED ENV(INDEXED), NUMBER CHAR (3) , NAME CHAR(20), CODE CHAR(l); ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) GO TO PRINT; ON KEY(DIREC) BEGIN; IF ONCODE=51 THEN PUT FlLE(SYSPRINT) SKIP EDIT ('NOT FOUND: ',NAME) (A(15),A); IF ONCODE=52 THEN PUT FlLE(SYSPRINT) SKIP EDIT ('DUPLICATE: ',NAME) (A(15),A); END; OPEN FILE(DIREC) DIRECT UPDATE; NEXT: GET FILE(SYSIN) EDIT(NAME,NUMBER,CODE)(A(20),A(3),X(56),A(1»; IF CODE='A' THEN WRITE FlLE(DlREC) FROMCNUMBER) KEYFROM(NAME); ELSE IF CODE='C' THEN REWRITE FlLE(DIREC) FROM (NUMBER) KEY (NAME) ;' ELSE IF CODE='D' THEN DELETE FlLE(DIREC) KEY(NAME); ELSE PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP EDITe'INVALID CODE:'; NAME) (A(15),A); GO TO NEXT; PRINT: CLOSE FILE(DIREC); PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) PAGE; OPEN FILE(DIREC) SEQUENTIAL INPUT; ON ENDFlLE(DlREC) GO TO FINISH; NEXTIN: READ FILE(DIREC) INTO(NUMBER) KEYTO(NAME); PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP EDIT (NAME, NUMBER) (A); GO TO NEXTIN; FINISH: CLOSE FILE(DIREC); END DIRUPDT; /* //GO.DIREC DO DSNAME=TELNO(INDEX),DISP=(OLD,KEEP),UNIT=2311, // VOLUME=SER=D186,DCB=DSORG=IS // DO DSNAME=TELNO (PRIME) , DISP= (OLD, KEEP) " UNIT=2311, // VOLUME=SER=D186,DCB=DSORG=IS // DO DSNAME=TELNO(OVFLOW) ,DISP=(OLD,KEEP) ,UNIT=2311" // VOLUME=SER=D186.DCB=DSORG=IS //GO.SYSIN DO * NEWMAN,M.W. 516450 GOODFELLOW,D.T. 889 MILES,R .. 233 HARVEY,C.D.W. 209 BARTLETI',S.G. 183 336 CORY,G. READ,K.M. 001 PITT,W.H. 515 ROLF,D.F. 114 ELLIOTT,D. 291875 HASTINGS,G.M. 391 BRAMLEY,O.H. 439248 /* • Figure 11-17. 140 Updating an INDEXED Data Set C A o A A o A o C o C REGJCONAL(2) organization is similar to but differs in that a key is recordE~d with each record. The record key is a st:ring of not more than 255 charact:ers. A record is written in the first ~racant space after the beginning of the track that contains the region number specified in the WRITE statement: for retrieval, the search for a record begins on the track that contains the region number specified in the READ statement, and may continue through the data set until the record has been found. CREATING A REGIONAL DATA SET REGION}~(l), A REGIONAL(3) data set is similar in organization and in operation to a REGIONA:L(2) data set, with the difference that each region corresponds to one track of the direct-access device and is not a record position. Therefore, depending on the record size, a region can contain one or more records. The major advantage of REGIONAL organizcltion over other types of data set organizCltion is that it allows you to control the relative placement of records; by judicious programming, you can optimize record access in terms of device capabili.ties and the requirements of particular applications. REGIONAL (1) organization is most suited to applications where there will be no duplicate region numbers, and where most of the regions will be filled (obviating wasted space in the data set). REGIONAL (2) and REGIONAL(3) are more appropriate where records are identified by numbers that are thinly distributed over a wide range. You can include in your program an algorithm that derives the region number from the number that identifies a record in such a manner as to optimize the use of space within the data set; duplicate region numbers will occur, but their only effect might be to lengthen the search time for records with duplicabe region numbers. REGIONAL(l) and REGIONAL(2) data sets can contain only F-format unblocked records, but a REGIONAL(3) data set can have unblocked records of all three formats, F, V, and U. The examples at the end of this section illustrate typical applications of all three types of REGIONAL organizat:ion. You can use either sequential or direct-access to create a REGIONAL data set. In sequential creation, you must present records in order of ascending region numbers: for REGIONAL(l) and REGIONAL(2) the region number for each record must exceed that of the preceding record since each region can contain only one record. In all cases, dummy records (identified by ( 8) .• 1" B in the first byte) are placed automatically in regions whose numbers are skipped. For direct creation, one of the PL/I library subroutines formats the whole of the data set when you open the corresponding file. For REGIONAL(l) and (2), and for REGIONAL(3) with F-format records, formatting involves filling the data set with dummy records; for REGIONAL (3) with U-format or V-format records, a record, called the capacity record, is written at the start of each track to indicate an empty track. During creation, you can present records in any order. Essential Information In general, all the information given above for the creation of a CONSECUTIVE data set on a direct-access device applies equally to a REGIONAL data set. The following paragraphs discuss only the constraints imposed by the use of REGIONAL organization and the additional information you must supply or may want to give. Figure 11-18 summarizes all the essential parameters required in a DD statement for the creation of a REGIONAL data set, and Figure 11-19 lists the DCB subparameters you will need to use. Appendix B contains a description of all the parameters of the DD statement. You cannot place a REGIONAL data set on a system output (SYSOUT) device. Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmission 141 r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Parameters of DD statement I I ~-----------------------------------T-------------------------~------------------------~ I When required I What you must state I Parameters , ~--------------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------,~ I , Output device , UNIT= or VOLUM$=REF= I ~------------~----------r-'------------..:.---------~ I I I storage space required ,S'PACE= ,I I Always r----------------------+----------------------.~ I , Data control block , I I , information:refer to I DCB= I I I Figure 1 1 - 1 9 , I ~-----------------------------------+-------------------~-----+-------------------------~ IData set to be used in another job I I I Istep but not required in another ,Disposition I DISP= I I job I I I ~----------------------------------+--.--------------------+-------------------------.~ IData set to be kept after end I of j ob I I Disposition I DISP= I ~-----------------------+--------------------------~ i DSNAME= I Name of data set .. I ~-----------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------ ~ I VOLUME=SER= or , ,Data set to be on particular I volume serial number IL volume __________________________________ I J. _______________________ I Figure 11-18. VOLUME=REF= .L _________________________ .JI Creating a REGIONAL Data Set: Essential Parameters of DD Statement In the DCB parameter, you must always state the data set organization (DSORG=DA). For REGIONAL(2) and REGIONAL(3), you must also state the length of the recorded key (KEYLEN): refer to IBM System/360 operating system: PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual for a description of how the recorded key is derived fro~ the source key supplied in the KEYFROM option. For REGIONAL(2) and REGIONAL(3), if you want to restrict the search for space to add a new record, or the search for an existing record, to a limited number of tracks beyond the track that contains the specified region, use the LIMCT subparameter of the DCB parameter. If you omit this parameter, the search will continue to the end of the data set, and then from the beginning back to the starting point. r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, DCB Subparameters I I ~---------------------------~------------------------------------~--------------------~ I I To specify I Subparameters I ~----------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------~ I I IRECFM=F or I IRecord format~ IRECFM=V REGIONAL(3) I I I I IThese are always required I I I or only I IRECFM=U I I ~--------------------------------------+--------------------~ I Block siz e~ I BLKSI ZE= . I I I I I ~--------------------------------------+--------------------~ IData set organization I DSORG=DA I ~--------------------------------------+-------------------.-~ IKey length (REGIONAL(2) and (3) only) IKEYLEN= I ~---------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------.-~ I ,Limited search for a record or space I I Ito add a record (REGIONAL (2) and (3) ILIMCT= I I IThese are optional I only) II INumber of data management I I ~--------------------------------------+--------------------~ I _________--J.I BUFNO= __________________ • __ buffers~ ~--_------------------------J.----_---------------------- ~ I L______________________________________________________________________________________ •__ J I~Alternatively, can be specified in ENVIRONMENT attribute. Figure 11-19. 142 DCB Subparameters for REGIONAL Data Set statement. The following paragraphs indicate the minimum information you must include in the DD statement; they are summarized in Figure 11-20. Appendix B describes the parameters referred to and explains how to code them. ACCESSING A REGIONAL DATA SET You can open an existing REGIONAL data set for sequential or direct access, and for inputoJt." update in each case. Using sequential input with a REGIONAL(l) data set you can read all the records in ascending region-number sequence; and in sequential update you can read and rewrite each record in turn. sequential access of a REGIONAL(2) or REGIONAL(3) data set will give you the records in the order in which they appear in the data set, which is not necessaz:ily region-number order. Using direct j.nput, you can read any record by supplying its region number and, for REG IONAI, (2) and REGIONAL (3), its recorded key; in direct update, you can read or delete €!xisting records or add new ones. The opez'ating system ignores dummy records in a.REGIONAL(2) or REGIONAL(3) data set: but a pZ'ogram that processes a REGIONAL(l) data set must be prepared to recognize dummy records. If the data set is cataloged, you need supply only the following information in your DD statement: To access a REGIONAL data set, you must identify it to the operating system in a DD 1. The name of the data set (DSNAME parameter). The operating system will locate the information that describes the data set in the system catalog and, if necessary, will request the operator to mount the volume that conta ins it.• 2. Confirmation that the data set already exists (DISP parameter). If the data set is not cataloged, you must, in addition, specify the device that will read the data set and give the serial number of the volume that contains the data set (UNIT and VOLUME parameters). r-------.··------------------------------------------------------------------------------, , Parameters' of DD Statement I ~-------···--------------------------T----------.--------------~------------------------~ , ... When required I What you must state I Parameters I ~------- --------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------~ I 'Always , , ~------- I. I Name of data set I DSNAME= , ~-----------------------+_------------------------~ , Disposition of data , set I DISP= I I , . ---------------------------+------------------------+_------------------------1 , Input device I UNIT= or VOLUME=REF= , IIf data set not cataloged ~-------------------------+-------------------------~ JI ,l _______ __________________________ , ________________________ Volume serial number I _________________________ VOLUME=SER= ~ Figure 11-20. ~ ~ Accessing a REGIONAL Data set: Essential Parameters of DD Statement Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmission 143 EXAMPLES OF REGIONAL DATA SETS programs in these figures perform the same functions as those given for REGIONAL(3), with which they can usefully be compared. REGIONAL(1) Data Sets Figures 11-21 and 11-22 illustrate the creation and updating of a REGIONAL(l) data set. Figure 11-21 uses the same data as Figure 11-16, but interprets it in a different way: the data set is effectively a list of telephone numbers with the names of the subscribers to whom they are allocated. The telephone numbers correspond with the region numbers in the datp set, the data in each occupied region being a subscriber's name. The SPACE parameter of the DD statement requests space for 1000 twenty-byte records (i.e., for 1000 regions); since space is never allocated in units of less than one track and one 2311 track can accommodate 45 twenty-byte records, there will in fact be 1035 regions. Note that there are no recorded keys in a REGIONAL(l) data set. The data read by the program in Figure 11-22 is identical with that used in Figure 11-17, and the codes are interpreted in the same way. Like Figure 11-17,. this program updates the data set and then lists its contents. Note that before each new or updated record is written the existing record in the region is tested to ensure that it is a dummy~ this is necessary because a WRITE statement can overwrite an existing record in a REGIONAL(l) data set even if it is not a dummy. Similarly, during the sequential reading and printing of the contents of the data set, each record is tested and dummy records are not printed. REGIONAL(2) Data Sets Figures 11-23, 11-24, and 11-25 illustrate the use of REGIONAL(2) data sets. The 144 The figures depict a library processing scheme, in which loans of books are recorded and reminders are issued for overdue books. Two data sets, STOCK2 and LOANS2 are involved. STOCK2 contains descriptions of the books in the library, and uses the 4-digit book reference numbers as recorded keys; a simple algorithm is used to derive the region numbers from the reference numbers. (It is assumed that there are about 1000 books, each with a number in the range 1000-9999.) LOANS 2 contains records of books that are on loan; each record comprises two dates, the date of issue and the date of the last reminder. Each reader is identified by a 3-digit reference number" which is used as a region number in LOANS2; the reader and book numbers are concatenated to form the recorded keys. In Figure 11-23, the data sets STOCK2 and LOANS2 are created. The file LOANS, which is used to create the data set; LOANS2, is opened for direct output merely to format the data set; the file is closed immediately without any records being written onto the data set. It is assumed that the number of books on loan will not exceed 100; therefore the SPACE parameter in the DD statement that defines LOANS2 requests 100 blocks of 19 bytes (12 bytes of data and a 7-byte key: see Figure 11-24). Direct creation is also used fox' the data set STOCK2 because, even if the input data is presented in ascending reference number order, identical region numbers might be derived from successive reference numbers. //J010PGEX JOB / /COLE:E~X EXEC PL1LFCLG, PARM. PL1L=' SIZE=999999' , PARM. LKED=' LIST' //PL1L.SYSIN DD * CRR1: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN): DCL NOS FILE RECORD OUTPUT DIRECT KEYED ENV(REGIONALC1», CARD CHAR(80), NAME CHAR C20) DEF CARD, NUMBER CHAR(3) DEF CARD POS(21), IOFIELD.CHAR(20): ON ENDFILE CSYSIN) GO TO FINISH: OPEN FILE CNOS) : NEXT: GET FILE(SYSIN) EDIT(CARD)CAC80»: IOFIELD=NAME: WRITE FILECNOS) FROMCIOFIELD) KEYFROMCNUMBER): GO TO NEXT: FINISH: CLOSE FILECNOS): END CRR1: /* //GO.NOS DD UNIT=2311,SPACE=C20,1000),DCB=CRECFM=F,BLKSIZE=20, // DSORG=DA),DISP=CNEW,KEEP,DELETE),DSNAME=NOS, // VOLUME=SER=D186 //GO.S;{SIN DD * ACTIONI,G. 162 BAKER,H. 152 BRAMLEY,O.H. 248 CHEESM1~N, L. 141 CORY,G .. 336 ELLIOT~~, D. 875 FIGGINS,E.S. 413 HARVEY II C • D. W. 205 HASTINGS,G.M. 391 KENDALl., J • G. 294 LANCAS~rER, W.R. 624 MILES,n. 233 450 NEWMAN I' M. W• PIT'.r,W .. H. 515 ROLF,D .. E. 114 SHEERS.,C.D. 241 SUTCLI]~FE ,M. 472 TAYLORI,G.C. 407 404 WILTON"L.W. WIN3TONE,E.M. 307 /* Figure 11-21. Creating a REGIONAL(1) Data Set Figure 11-24 illustrates the updating of the dat.a set LOANS2. Each item of input data, read from a punched card, comprises a book number, a reader number, and a code to indica1:e whether it refers to a new issue (I), a returned book (R), or a renewal. (A). The position of the reader number on the card allows the 8-character region number to be derived directly by overlay defining. The DA~m built-in function is used to obtain the current date. This date is wri tten in both the issue-date and remindE~r-date portions of a new record or an updated record. The program in Figure 11-25 uses a sequen1:ial update file CLOANS) to process the records in the data set LOANS2, and a direct input file (STOCK) to obtain the book d~:!scription from the data set STOCK2 for USE~ in a reminder note. Each record from LOANS2 is tested to see whether the last reminder was issued more than a month ago: if necessary, a reminder note is issued and the current date is written in the reminder-date field of the record. REGIONAL(3) Data Sets Figure 11-26, 11-27, and 11-28, which illustrate the use of REGIONAL(3) data sets, are similar to the REGIONAL(2) figures, above: only the important differences are discussed here. To conserve space in the data set STOCK3, U-format records are used. In each record, the author's name and the title of Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmission 145 //J042PGEX JOB //COLEEX EXEC PL1LFCLG,PARM. PL1L=' SIZE=999999 ',PARM.LKED=/'LIST' //PL1L.SYSIN DD * PROC OPTIONS(MAIN)~ ACR1: DCL NOS FILE RECORD KEYED ENV(REGIONAL(l», NAME CHAR(20), CNEWNO,OLDNO) CHAR(3), CODE CHAR(l), IOFIELD CHAR(20), BYTE1 CHAR(l) DEF IOFIELD; ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) GO TO PRINT; OPEN FILE(NOS) DIRECT UPDATE; GET FILECSYSIN) EDIT(NAME,NEWNO,OLDNO,CODE) NEXT: (A(20),2 A(3),X(53),A(1»; IF CODE='A' THEN GO TO RITE; ELSE IF CODE='C' THEN DO; DELETE FILE(NOS) KEY (OLDNO) ; GO TO RITE; END; ELSE IF CODE='D' THEN DELETE FILE(NOS) KEY(OLDNO); ELSE PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP EDIT('INVALID CODE:', NAME) (A(15),A); GO TO NEXT: READ FILE(NOS) KEY (NEWNO) INTO(IOFIELD); RITE: IF UNSPEC(BYTE1)=(8)'l'B THEN WRITE FlLE(NOS) KEYFROM(NEWNO) FROM (NAME) ; ELSE PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP EDIT ('DUPLICATE:',NAME) (A(15),A); GO TO NEXT; PRINT: CLOSE FlLE(NOS)i PUT FILECSYSPRINT) PAGE; OPEN FILE (NOS) SEQUENTIAL INPUT; ON ENDFlLE(NOS) GO TO FINISH; NEXTIN: READ FILE(NOS) INTO(IOFIELD) K~~TO(NEWNO); IF UNSPEC(BYTE1)=(8)'l'B THEN GO TO NEXTIN; ELSE PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP EDIT(NEWNO,IOFIELD)(A(5),A); GO TO NEXTIN; FINISH: CLOSE FILE(NOS); END ACR1; /* //GO.NOS DD DSNAME=NOS,DISP=(OLD,KEEP),trnIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186 //GO.SYSIN DO * NEWMAN,M.W. 516450 GOODFELLOW,D.T. 889 233 MILES,R. aARVEy,C.D.W. 209 183 BARTLETT,S.G. 336 CORY,G. 001 READ,K.M. PITT,W.H. 515 114 ROLF,D.F. ELLIOTT,D. 472875 HASTINGS,G.M. 391 BRAMLEY,O.H. 439248 C A D A A D A D C D C /* Figure 11-22. Accessing a REGIONAL(1) Data Set the book are concatenated in a single character string, and the lengths of the two parts of the string are written as part of the record. CONTROLLED storage is used for the structure in which the records are built because varying-length strings are 'not penni tted by the PL/I (F) compiler in structures that are referred to in record-oriented transmission statements. 146 The average record key) is assumed to the average number (i.e., per region) 40 regions. (including the recorded be 60 bytes; therefore of records per track is 25, and there will be In Figure 11-26, the data set STOCK3 is created sequentially; duplicate region / /JOll1?GEX JOB / / COLE1~X EXEC PL1LFCLG, PARM. PL1L=' 81 ZE= 99 9 99 9' • PARM. LKED=" LIST' //PL1L~SYSIN DD * CRR2: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); DCL (LOANS,STOCK) FILE RECORD KEYED ENV(REGIONAL(2», NUMBER CHAR(4), 1 BOOK, 2 AUTHOR CHAR(2S), 2 TITLE CHAR(SO), 2 QTY FIXED DEC(3), INTER FIXED DEC(S), REGION CHAR (8): ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) GO TO FINISH; OPEN FILECLOANS) DIRECT OUTPUT: CLOSE FILE(LOANS); OPEN FILE(STOCK) DIRECT OUTPUT; NEXT: GET FILE(SYSIN) LIST(NUMBER,BOOK); INTER=(NUMBER-l000)/9; REGION=INTER; WRITE FILE(STOCK) FROM (BOOK) KEYFROM(NUMBERIIREGION): GO TO NEXT: FINISH: CLOSE FILE(STOCK); END CRR2; /* //GO.LOANS DD UNIT=2311,SPACE=(19,100),DCB=(RECFM=F,BLKSIZE=12, , DSORG=DA,KEYLEN=7),DISP=(NEW,KEEP,DELETE),DSNAME=LOANS2, // VOLUME=SER=D186 ' // / /GO. S,]~OCK DD UNIT=2311,SPACE=(81,(100,20»,DCB=(RECFM=F,BLKSIZE=77, , // // DSORG=DA,KEYLEN=4),DISP=(NEW,KEEP,DELETE),DSNAME=STOCK~, VOLUME=SER=D186 //GO.SYSIN DD * '1015' 'W.H.AINSWORTH' 'THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON' 1 '1214' 'L.CARROLL' 'THE HUNTING OF THE SNARK' 1 '3079' 'G.FLAUBERT' 'MADAME BOVARY' 1 , 3083' 'V. M. HUGO' 'LES MISERABLES' 2 '3085' 'J.K.JEROME' 'THREE MEN IN A BOAT' 2 '4295' 'W.LANGLAND' 'THE BOOK CONCERNING PIERS THE PLOWMAN' 1 '5998' 'W.SHAKESPEARE' 'MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING' 3 '6591' 'F.RABELAIS· 'THE HEROIC DEEDS OF GARGANTUA AND PANTAGRUEL' '8362' 'H.D.THOREAU' 'WALDEN, OR LIFE IN THE WOODS' 1 '9765' 'H.G.WELLS' 'THE TIME MACHINE' 3 i 1 /* Figure 11-23. creating a REGIONAL(2) Data Set numbers are acceptable since each region can contain more than one record. In E'igure 11-21 ,the region number for the dat,a set LOANS3 is obtained simply by testin9 the reader number: there are only three l:,'egions, since a 2311 track can hold 36 ninE~teen-byte records. The only notable difference between Figure 11-28 and the corresponding REGIONAL (2) figure is in the additonal processing required for the analysis of the records read from the data set STOCK3. The records are read into a varying-length character string and a based structure is overlaid on the string so that the data in the record can be extracted. r Chapter 11: Record-Oriented Transmission 147 //J043PGEl JOB //COLEEX EXEC PL1LFCLG,PARM.PL1L='SIZE=99999',PARM.LKED='LIST' //PL1L.SYSIN DD DUR2: PROC OPTIONSCMAIN): DCL 1 RECORD,2CISSUE,REMINDER) CHAR(6), SYSIN FILE RECORD INPUT SEQUENTIAL, LOANS FILE RECORD UPDATE DIRECT KEYED ENVCREGIONAL(2», CARD CHAR(80), BOOK CHAR C4) DEF CARD, READER CHAR(3) DEF CARD POS(10), CODE CHAR(1) DEF CARD POS(20), REGION CHAR(8) DEF CARD POS(5); ON ENDFILECSYSIN) GO TO FINISH; OPEN FILECSYSIN),FILE(LOANS); ISSUE,REMINDER=DATE; READ FILE(SYSIN) INTOCCARD); NEXT: IF CODE='I' THEN WRITE FILE (LOANS) FROMCRECORD) KEYFROM(READERIIBOOKIIREGION)1 ELSE IF CODE='R' THEN DELETE FILE(LOANS) KEY(READERIIBOOKIIREGION); ELSE IF CODE='A' THEN REWRITE FILE(LOANS) FROM(RECORD) KEY (READER I I BOOK I I REGION) : ELSE PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP LIST ('INVALID CODE:' ,BOOK, READER) , GO TO NEXT: FINISH: CLOSE FILE(SYSIN),FILE(LOANS): END DUR2; * /* //GO.LOANS DO DSNAME=LOANS2,DISP=(OLD,KEEP),UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186 //GO.SYSIN DO * 3517 095 X 5999 003 A 3083 091 R 1214 049 I /* Figure 11-24. 148 REGIONAL(2) Data Sets: Direct Update / /J0431?GE3 JOB //COLEI~X EXEC PL1LFCLG,PARM.PL1L=' SIZE=999999 '"PARM. LKED= 'LIST' //PL1L.SYSIN DD * SU~2: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); DCL LOANS FILE RECORD SEQUENTIAL UPDATE KEYED ENV(REGIONAL(2», STOCK FILE RECORD DIRECT INPUT KEYED ENV(REGIONALC2», (TODAY,LASMTH) CHAR(6), YEAR PIC '99' DEF LASMTH, MONTH PIC '99' DEF LASMTH POS(3), 1 RECORD,2(ISSUE,REMINDER) CHAR(6), LOANKEY CHAR(7), READER CHAR(3) DEF LOANKEY, BKNO CHAR(4) DEFLOANKEY POS(4), INTER FIXED DEC(S), REGION CHAR(8), 1 BOOK, 2 AUTHOR CHAR(2S), 2 TITLE CHAR(SO), 2 QTY FIXED DEC(3); TODAY,LASMTH=DATE; IF MONTH='Ol' THEN DO; MONTH= '12' ; YEAR=YEAR-1; END; ELSE MONTH=MONTH-1; OPEN FILE(LOANS),FILE(STOCK); ON ENDFILE(LOANS) GO TO FINISH; NEXT: READ FILE(LOANS) INTO (RECORD) KEYTO(LOANKEY); IF REMINDER : 256) Member Entry A Member Entry N Member Entry B '--V.~~~------------------------~ V r--------------------~~ 2~ 2 Figure 12-2. 8 3 A Partitioned Data set Directory Block 62(max} 1 Bytes r-------·-T---T~-------------------------------------------------------------, I Membel: I TTR I C I Optional user data I IL_______ name ._iI ___ i_i I I ______________________________________________________________ JI A A I IL- _______________________________________ , I I I I Pointer to start of member: TT - track number relative to start of data set R - relative block number on track Figure 12-3. Bit ---0 If set to 1, name is an alias 1,2 Number of pointers in user data field 3-7 Binary value indicating number of halfwords of user data (including pointers) Contents of Directory Entry For E!xample, the DD statement: //PDS DD UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=3412, // DSNAME=ALIB, // SPACE=(CYL,(50,,10}}, // DISP=(,CATLG} requests the job scheduler to allocate 50 cylindel:s of the 2311 disk pack with serial number 3412 for a new partitioned data set named ALIB, and to enter this ·name in the system catalog. The last term of the SPACE parametE~r requests that part of the space allocated to the data set be reserved for ten dirE~ctory blocks; it is the presence of this term that indicates to the job scheduler that the request is for a partitioned data set:l... If you want to insert the first member in the data set at the time you create it, you must. include the DD statement in the job step that writes the member, and the DSNAME parameter must include the member 1The SP1\CE parameter in a DD statement that defines an INDEXED data set can include a term in this position to indicate the size of the index, but the DD statement must also include ·the DCB subparameter DSORG=IS. name in parentheses. For example, DSNAME=ALIBCMEM1} names the member MEMl in the data set ALIB. If the member is placed in the data set by the linkage editor, you can use the linkage-editor NAME statement or the compiler OBJNM option instead of including the member name in the DSNAME parameter. SPACE PARAMETER The SPACE parameter in a DD statement that defines a new partitioned data set must always be of the form SPACE=(units, (quantity,increment,directory}). Although you can omit the third term (increment), indicating its absence by a comma, the last term, which specifies the number of directory blocks to be allocated, must always be present. The amount of space required for a partitioned data set depends on the number and sizes of the members to be stored in it and on how often members will be added or replaced. (Space occupied by deleted members is not released.) The number of directory blocks required depends on the Chapter 12: Libraries of Data S~S 157 number of members and the number of aliases. Although you can specify an incremental quantity in the SPACE parameter that will allow the operating SystE:mt to obtain more space for the data set if necessary, both at the time of creation and when new members are added, the number of directory blocks is fixed at the time of creation and cannot be increased. If the data set is likely to be large or you expect to do a lot of updating, i t might be best to allocate a full volume. Otherwise, make your estimate as accurate as possible to avoid wasting space or time recreating the data set. The number of entries that a 2S6-byte directory block can contain depends on ·the amount of user data included in the entries. The maximum length of an entry is 74 bytes, but the entries produced by the linkage editor vary in length between 34 bytes and 52 bytes, which is equivalent to between four and seven entries per block. Processing a Member When proqramming in PL/I, you will ordinarily use partitioned data sets only for storing source, object, or load modules, and the modules themselves will be created by the compiler or the linkage editor. You need only include an appropriately named DD statement to indicate the names of the partitioned data set and the new member. (Note that: you should restrict the use of a particular library to the storage of one type of module, since all members of a partitioned data set must have identical characteristics.) Figure 12-4 illustrates the use of the cataloged procedure PL1LFC to compile a simple PL/I program and place the object module in a new library named EXLIB. The DD statement that defines the new library and names the object module overrides the DO statement SYSLIN in the cataloged procedure. (The PL/I program is a function procedure that, given two values in the form of the character string produced by the TIME built-in function, returns the difference in milliseconds.) Figure 12-5 illustrates ·the use of the cataloged procedure PL1LFCL to compile and link-edit a PL/I program and place the load module in the existing library 'FLM'. (The PL/I program lists the names of the membel~s of a library.) You can delete a member of a parti tionE~d data set by means of the SCRATCH statement: of the operating system utility program IEHPROGM, which is described in IBM System/360 Operatinq.Sytem: UtilItItes. The SCRATCH statement deletes only the directory entry that refers to the member; you cannot free the space occupied by the member unless you reorganize the entire data set. Do not attempt to delete a member by including the parameter DISP= (OLD, DELETE) in the DD statement that~ defines it; this would result in the deletion of the entire data set. TO reorganize a partitioned data set, you must copy the members into a temporarlr partitioned data set, delete and recreate the original data set, and copy the members back into it. The system utility programs include facilities for copying members of partitioned data sets. //JOS7PGEX JOB //CO EXEC PL1LFC,PARM.PL1L='SIZE=999999' //PL1L.SYSLIN DO UNIT=2311,VOLUME=SER=D186,DSNAME=EXLIB(ELAPSE), // SPACE=(CYL,(10,,2»,OISP=(NEW,KEEP) //PL1L.SYSIN DO * ELAPSE: PROC(TIME1,TIME2); DCL (TIME1,TIME2) CHAR(9), Hi PIC '99' OEF TIME1, Ml PIC '99' DEF TIMEl POS(3), MSl PIC '99999' DEF TIME1 PoseS), H2 PIC '99' DEF TIME2, M2 PIC '99' DEF TIME2 POS(3), MS2 PIC '99999' DEF TIME2 POses), ETIME FIXED DEC(7); IF H2 LENGTH=(11",1~) ENTRY POINT IHESRTA Entry point IHESRTA is used for sorting records from one data set to another. The format of the CALL statement is: CALL, IHESRTA (argument3., ,argument 2 , argumenta,argument~): where: argument3., a character-string expression representing the SORT statement. argument 2 a character-string expression representing the RECORD statement. argument a argument~ an arithmetic expression that on evaluation g1ves a fixed-point binary integer of precision (31,0) specifying the amount of main storage available to the sort program. a fixed-point binary integer variable of precision greater than 15, that will contain the value of the return code returned by the sort program: o sort successful, 16 sort unsuccessful. IHESR'rA must be declared as an entry name with the appro~riate parameters. The value of the character-string expression for the SORT and RECORD statemen't has the form: The blanks at the beginning and the end of the expression are always required. An embedded blank must occur between SORT and FIELDS, and between RECORD and TYPE: no other embedded blanks are permitted. When character-string constants are used that are too long for one record of the. PL/I source program, they are continued in the following record. You must take care that embedded blanks are not inadvertently inserted at the beginning and end of such records: the ·value of the SORMGIN parameter must be taken into conF-ideration. A PLVI program that uses IHESRTA requires both the SORTIN and SORTOUT DO statement, as well as any others that are necessary. An example of such a program is given in Figure 14-4. This program sorts 80-byte records into an ascending sequence according to the alphanumeric data contained in two control fields. The major control field is in bytes 75 to 80: the minor control field is in bytes 16 to 21. The input records are obtained from the input stream. The sorted records are written onto a new temporary data set from which they are retrieved and printed by the PL/I program in job steps STEP3 and STEP4. Included in the output for this job are sort program diagnostic messages. These messages include the number of records that are in the input data set, and the number of records transmitted to the output data set. These numbers should be identical. 'bstatementb' Chapter 14: Other Facilities of the Operating System 189 //R20A JOB //STEPl EXEC PL1LFCL //PL1L.SYSIN DD * /* PL/I PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE USING IHESRTA */ SORTA: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN): /* ESTABLISH ENTRY POINTS TO THE SORT PROGRAM */ DCL IHESRTA ENTRY(CHAR(3S),CHAR(27),FIXED BIN(31,0), FIXED BIN(31,0», RETURN_CODE FIXED BIN(31,0): /* INVOKE THE SORT PROGRAM */ CALL IHESRTA (' SORT FIELDS=(75,6,CH,A,16,6,CH,A) ., , RECORD TYPE=F, I..ENGTH= ( 80) ", 25000, /*MAIN STORAGE FOR SORT PROGRAM */ RETURN_CODE) ; /* TEST RETURN CODE */ IF RETURN_CODE = 16 THEN PUT SKIP EDIT ('SORT FAILED') (A); ELSE IF RETURN_CODE = 0 THEN PUT SKIP EDIT ('SORT COMPLETE') (A) ; ELSE PUT SKIP EDIT ('INVALID SORT RETURN CODE. RETURN_CODE) (A); END SORTA; CODE=', /* //STEP2 EXEC PGM=*.STEP1.LKED.SYSLMOD //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SORTLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.S0RTLIB //SORTWK01 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60 w20)"CONTIG) / /SORTWKO 2 DD UNIT=2314, SPACE= (TRK. (60 1,20) "CONTIG) //SORTWK03 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK, (60 1,20) "CONTIG) //SORTWK04 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTWK05 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTWK06 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,{60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTOUT DD DSNAME=&&TEM,DISP=(NEW,PASS), // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1»,UNIT=2314,DCB=(RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80) //SORTIN DD * AAAAAA AAAAAA ZZZZZZ 444444 CCCCCC XXXXXX CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC 333333 ZZZZZZ 444444 ZZZZZZ 999999 888888 VVVVVV EEEEEE 333333 /* //STEP3 EXEC PL1LFCL / /PL1L.DUMP DD DSNAME=&&GOSET(GO) ,DISp:= (OLD, DELETE) //PL1L.SYSIN DD * /* PL/I ROUTINE TO PRINT OUTPUT FROM SORT PROGRAM EXAMPLES */ P: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); DCL SORTOUT FILE INPUr RECORD, CHARS CHAR (80) VAR; ON ENDFILE(SORTOUT) GOTO ENDP; L: READ FILE (SORTOUT) INTO (CHARS); PUT SKIP EDIT (CHARS) (A)i GOTO L; 190 AAAAAA ZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ AAAAAA AAAAAA ZZZZZZ ENDP: END P; /* //STEP4 EXEC PGM=*.STEP3.LKED.SYSLMOD //SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A //SORTOU'J~ DO DSNAME=&&TEM, DISP= (OLD, DELETE) If UNIT=2314 Figure 1l1~-4.. PL/I Program Invoking IHESRTA ENTRY POINT IHESRTB Return Codes fromPL/I to sort Entry point IHESRTB is used for sorting records constructed or updated in a PL/I procedure! and placing the sorted records in a data se!t. The format of the CALL statement is: In addition to the return code supplied by the sort program to the PL/I program, the PL/I program must pass a return code to the sort program to indicate whether there are any more records to be passed for sorting. This return code is set by one of the following statements: CALL IHESRTB(argument:l., argument 2 ,argument 3 " argument~,arguments); where: argumen"ts:l. arguments CALL IHESARC(n); CALL IHETSAC(n); ~ (single-task programs) (multitasking programs) as for IHESRTA entry name of the PL/I procedure supplying the records to the sort program. The PL.lI records are passed to an entry point in the sort program called a user exit E15. (A user exit is a point in the executable code of the sort program at which control can be received from or passed to a user program.) A PL/I procedure invoked from user exit E15 uses .a RETURN statement to pass to the sort program a character-string representation of the record to be sorted. If the record is not in character-string form, it lMust be defined on a character string and then passed. This may lead to difficulties in the PL/I program. The language :rules specify that the attributes of the defined and the base items must match exacctly except for their lengths, and that string overlay defining on an aggregate parameter is not permitted. The implementation of the PL/I (F) compiler permits the use of differing attributes and of this type of overlay defining, and produces E:!rror (E) diagnostics when these situations occur. successful link-editing and execu1:ion are possible, provided the condition codes in the appropriate EXEC statements allow the step conce'rned to be executed. where n has the values: 8 12 No more records will be passed Sort the next record to be passed If the CALL IHETSAC(n) statement is to be used, the TASK option must be specified in the· main PROCEDURE statement. IHESARC or IHETSAC must be declared as an entry of precision (31,0), for example: DCL IHESARC ENTRY(FIXED BINARY(31,0»; Example An example of a PL/I program that uses IHESRTB is given in Figure 14-5. This program sorts records similar to those in the example in Figure 14-4. The PL/I procedure E15A is invoked from the sort program user exit E15. This procedure returns a character string that is inserted by the sort program into the sort. The sorted records are transmitted by the sort program to a temporary data set defined by the DO statement SORTOUT, from which they are retrieved and printed by the PL/I program in job steps STEP3 and STEP4. Chapter 14: Other Facilities of the Operating System 191 //R20B JOB //STEP1 EXEC PL1LFCL //PL1L.SYSIN DD * /* PL/I PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE USING IHESRTB */ SORTB: PROC OPTIONS (MAIN); /* DECLARE SORT PROGRAM ENTRY AND EXIT POINTS */ DeL IHESRTB ENTRY(CHAR(35),CHAR(27),FIXED(31,0), FIXED BIN(31,0),ENTRY), IHESARC ENTRY(FIXED BIN(31,0», E15A ENTRY RETURNS(CHAR(80», RETURN_CODE FIXED BIN(31,O); /* INVOKE THE SORT PROGRAM */ CALL IHESRTB (. SORT FIELDS:= (75,6 ,CH,A, 16, 6,CH,A) ., , RECORD TYPE=F,LENGTH=(SO) " \ 25000, /* MAIN STORAGE FOR SORT PROGRAM */ RETURN_CODE,E15A): /* TEST RETURN CODE */ IF RETURN CODE = 16 THEN PUT SKIP EDIT (' SORT FAILED") (A) : ELSE IF RETURN CODE = 0 THEN PUT SKIP EDIT ('SORT COMPLETE') (A): ELSE PUT SKIP EDIT ('INVALID SORT RETURN CODE. CODE=', RETURN_CODE) (A); E15A: /* THIS PROCEDURE OBTAINS RECORDS FROM THE INPUT STREAM /* AND CHECKS FOR NUMERIC OR ALPHABETIC CODES BEFORE /* PASSING ONLY THOSE WITH ALPHABETIC CODES TO THE SORT /* PROGRAM. RECORDS WITH NUMERIC CODES ARE LISTED. PROC RETURNS(CHAR(SO»; DCL SYSIN FILE RECORD INPUT; ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) BEGIN; PUT SKIP(3) EDIT ('END OF SORT PROGRAM INPUT') (A); CALL lHESARC(S); /* SIGNAL END OF SORT INPUT */ GOTO ENDE15: END: DCL INFIELD CHAR(SO), FIELDl CHAR(6) DEF INFIELD POS(75): NEXT: READ FILE (SYSIN) INTO (INFIELD); IF FIELDl > 'ZZZZZZ' THEN DO; PUT SKIP EDIT (INFIELD) (A); GOTO NEXT: END; CALL IHESARC(12); /* INPUT TO SORT CONTINUES */ RETURN (INFIELD); ENDE15: END E15A: END SORTB; /* //STEP2 EXEC PGM=*.STEP1.LKED.SYSLMOD //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A //SORTOUT DD DSNAME=&&TEM,DISP=(NEW,PASS), // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1»,UNIT=2314,DCB=(RECFM=F,LRECL=SO,BLKSIZE=SO) //SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A //SORTLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.S0RTLIB //SORTWKOl DD UNIT=2314, SPACE= (TRK, (60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTWK02 DO UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTWK03 DO UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) //SORTWK04 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTWK05 DO UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) //SORTWK06 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SYSIN DO * 192 */ */ */ */ AAAAAA AAAAAA ZZZZZZ 444444 CCCCCC XXXXXX CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC 333333 ZZZZZZ 444444 ZZZZZZ 999999 ZZZZZP 888888 AAAAAA ZZZZZZ ZZZZZA ZZZZZZ VVVVVV AAAAAA AAAAAA EEEEEE 333333 ZZZZZZ /* //STEP3 EXEC PL1LFCL //PL1L.,DUMB DD DSNAME=ggGOSET(GO) ,DISP= (OLD, DELETE) / /PL1L., SYSIN DD * /* PI~I ROUTINE TO PRINT OUTPUT FROM SORT PROGRAM EXAMPLES */ P: PROC OPI'IONS(MAIN) 1 DCL SORTOUT FILE INPUT RECORD, CHARS CHAR (80) VAR, ON ENDFILE(SORTOUT) GOTO ENDP; L: READ FILE(SORTOUT) INTO (CHARS); PUT SKIP EDIT (CHARS) (A); GOTO L; ENDP: END P, /* / /STEPL!~ EXEC PGM= *. STEP3 • LKED. SYSLMOD //SYSPJITNT DD SYSOUT=A //SORTOUT DD DSNAME=ggTEM,DISP=(OLD,DELETE),UNIT=2314 Figure 14-5. PL/I Pregram Inveking IHESRTB ENTRY l'OI NT IHESRTC difficulties can be expected here as for IHESRTB. Entry point IHESRTC is used fer serting records frem a data set and then passing them ene-by-one te a PL/I precedure. The fermat .of the CALL statement is: CALL IIIESRTC(argument:l,.,argument 2 ,argument 3 argument~,argument6); where: argullllents:l,. - ... argull(\ent 6 Return Codes frem PL/I te Sert , A return cede may be passed by the PL/I precedure te the sort pregram, using the CALL IHESARC(n) or CALL IHETSAC(n) statement. The return cede'values are: as for IHESRTA = entry name .of the PL/I procedure te which the sorted records are to be passed. when IHESRTC is used, each record that appearfJ in the sorted .output is passed te user elcit E35. The PL/I procedure associated with this user exit is invoked fer each record that it receives as a paramet:er .. The records passed by the sert pregram must bE~ in a character-string form. If this form is net the .one required by the PL/I pl:ogram, then the PL/I record must be defined en a character string. The same 4 the record passed has been accepted, pass the next record 8 stop passing recerds, even if there are still mere te ceme. IHESARC and IHETSAC must be declared as an entry of precision (31,0). If ne return code is passed the sert pre gram continues te pass records until all have been passed. An example .of a PL/I pregram that uses IHESRTC is given in Figure 14-6. This program sorts recerds similar te these in the previous examples. The PL/I procedure E35A is inveked from the sert program user Chapter 14: Other Facilities .of the Operating System 193 //R20C JOB //STEP1 EXEC PL1LFCL //PL1L.SYSIN DD * /* PL/I PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE USING IH:ESRTC */ SORTC: PROC OPTIONS (MAIN); /* DECLARE SORT PROGRAM ENTRY AND EXIT POINTS */ DeL lHESRTC ENTRY(CHAR(35),CHAR(27),FIXED BIN(31,0), FIXED BIN(31,0),ENTRY), IHESARC ENTRY(FIXED BIN(31..,0», E35A ENTRY, RETURN_CODE FIXED BIN(31,O); /* INVOKE THE SORT PROGRAM */ CALL IHESRTC (' SORT FIELDS=(75,6,CH,A,16,6,CH,A) " , RECORD TYPE=F,LENGTH=(SO) " 25000, /* MAIN STORAGE FOR SORT PROGRAM */ RETURN_CODE, E35A)i /* TEST RETURN CODE */ IF RETURN CODE = 16 THEN PUT SKIP EDIT ('SORT FAILED')(A); ELSE IF RETURN_CODE = 0 THEN PUT SKIP EDIT ('SORT COMPLETE') ( A)i ESLE PUT SKIP EDIT ('INVALID SORT RETURN CODE.CODE=', RETURN_CODE) (A) ; E35A: /* THIS PROCEDURE OBTAINS SORTED RECORDS FROM THE /* SORT PROGRAM AND LISTS THEM. DUPLICATE RECORDS /* ARE IGNORED. */ */ PROC (INREC)i /* PRINT HEADING FOR SORTED OUTPUT ON SYSPRINT */ DCL I STATIC INIT(O)i IF I = 0 THEN DO; PUT SKIP EDIT (' OUTPUT FROM E35 SUBROUTINE') (A) ; 1=1; END~ /* PROCESS SORTED RECORDS */ DCL INREC CHAR(SO), PREVREC CHAR(SO) STATIC INIT(' I ) ; IF INREC=PREVREC THEN GOTO NEXT; /* IGNORE THIS RECORD */ ELSE DO; PREVREC=INRECi /* STORE CURRENT RECORD */ PUT SKIP EDIT (INREC) (A); END; NEXT: CALL IHESARC(4); /* REQUEST NEXT RECORD FROM SORT */ END E35A; END SORTCi /* //STEP2 EXEC PGM=*.STEP1.LKED.SYSLMOD //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SORTLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.S0RTLIB //SORTWK01 DD UNIT=2314 f SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTWK02 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTWK03 DD UNIT=2314 f SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTWK04 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) 194 //SORT1WKOS DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRIS, (60,20) "CONTIG) //SORT1NK06 DD UNIT=2314, SPACE= (TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) //SORTIN DD =Ie AAAAAA AAAAAA ZZZZZZ 444444 CCCCCC XXXXXX CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC 333333 ZZZZZZ 444444 ZZZZZZ 999999 ZZZZZZ AAAAAA AAAAAA ZZZZZP ZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ AAAAAA AAAAAA VVVVVV EEEEEE 333333 Figure 14-6. ZZZZZZ PL/I Program Invoking IHESRTC exit E3S. This procedure receives a charact,er-string representing -a sorted record from the sort program. The input to the sort program is in the input stream. arguments arguments ENTRY POINT IHESRTD Entry point IHESRTD is used for sorting records constructed or updated by a PL/I function and then passing them one-by-one to anot~her procedure. The format 'of the CALL st~atement is: CALL IHESRTD(argument 1 ,argument 2 ,argument 3 , argument~,arguments,argument6); where: arguments1-~ = as for IHESRTA = entry name of the PL/I procedure supplying the :r:,~cords to the sort program = entry name of the PLII procedure to which the sorted records are to be passed An example of a PL/I program that uses IHESRTD is given in Figure 14-7. This program sorts records similar to those in the previous examples. The PL/I procedure ElSA is invoked from the sort program user exit E1S. This procedure return a character string that is inserted by the sort program into the sort. At the end of the sort, the sorted' records are associated with a character string parameter in the PL/I procedure E3SA, which is invoked from the sort user exit E3S for each record emerging from the sort. Chapter 14: other Facilities of the operating System 195 //R20D JOB //STEPl EXEC PL1LFCL //PL1L.SYSIN DD * /* PL/I PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE USING IHESRTD */ SORTD: PROC OPTIONS (MAIN); /* DECLARE SORT PROGRAM ENTRY AND EXIT POINTS */ DCL IHESRTD ENTRY(CHAR(35),CHAR(27),FIXED BIN(31,0), FIXED BIN(3l,0),ENTRY,ENTRY), IHESARC ENTRY(FIXED BIN(3l,0», E15 ENTRY RETURNS(CHAR(SO», E35 ENTRY, RETURN_CODE FIXED BIN(3l,0); /* INVOKE THE SORT PROGRAM */ CALL IHESRTD C' SORT FIELD=(75,6,CH,A,16,6,CH,A) 0' , RECORD TYPE=F,LENGTH=(SO) " 25000, /* MAIN STORAGE FOR SORT PROGRAM */ RETURN_CODE, E15A,E35A); /* TEST RETURN CODE */ IF RETURN CODE = 16 THEN PUT SKIP EDIT ('SORT FAILED') (A); ELSE IF RETURN CODE = 0 THEN PUT SKIP EDIT ('SORT COMPLETE') (A); ELSE PUT SKIP EDIT C' INVA:LID SORT RETURN CODE. CODE=' , RETURN_CODE)CA); E15A: /* THIS PROCEDURE OBTAINS RECORDS FROM THE INPUT STREAM */ /* AND CHECKS FOR NUMERIC OR AI,PHABETIC CODES BEFORE */ /* PASSING ONLY THOSE WITH ALPHABETIC CODES TO THE SORT */ /* PROGRAM. RECORDS WITH NUMERIC CODES ARE LISTED. */ PROC RETURNSCCHARCSO»; DCL SYSIN FILE RECORD INPUT; ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) BEGIN; PUT SKIP(3) EDIT (':END OF SORT PROGRAM INPUT.', 'SORTED OUTPUT SHOULD FOLLOW')CA); CALL IHESARC(S); /* SIGNAL END OF SORT INPUT */ GOTO ENDE15; END; DCL INFIELD CHAR(SO), FIELDl CHAR(6) DEF INFIELD POS(75); NEXT: READ FILE (SYSIN) INTO (INE'IELD); IF FIELDl > 'ZZZZZZ' THEN DO; PUT SKIP EDIT (INFIELD) (A); GOTO NEXT; END; CALL IHESARC(12); /* INPUT TO SORT CONTINUES */ RETURN (INFIELD); . ENDE15: END E15A; E35A: /* THIS PROCEDURE OBTAINS SORTED RECORDS FROM THE */ /* SORT PROGRAM AND LISTS THEM. DUPLICATE RECORDS */ /* ARE IGNORED. */ PROC ( INREC) ; /* PRINT HEADING FOR SORTED OUTPUT ON SYSPRINT */ DCL I STATIC INI'!' (0) ; IF I = 0 THEN DO; PUT SKIP EDIT ('OUTPUT FROM E35 SUBROUTINE') (A); 1=1; END; /* PROCESS SORTED RECORDS */ 196 DCL INREC CHAR(80), PREVREC CHAR(80) STATIC INIT(~ .); IF INREC=PREVREC THEN GOTO NEXT; /* IGNORE THIS RECORD */ ELSE DO~ PREVREC=INRECi /* STORE CURRENT RECORD */ PUT SKIP EDIT (INREC) (A); END; NEXT: CALL IHESARC(4); /* REQUEST NEXT RECORD FROM SORT */ RETURN; END E35A; END SORTD; /* //STEP2 EXEC PGM=*.STEP1.LKED.SYSLMOD //SYSot~ DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPHINT DD SYSOUT=A / /SORT][JIB DO DISP=SHR, DSN=SYS1. SORTLIB / /SORTWK01 DO UNIT=2314, SPACE= (TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) / /SORTl~02 DO UNIT=2314, SPACE= (TRK, (60,20) , ,CONTIG) //SORTlil1K03 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) //SORTl~04 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTl~05 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SORTl~06 DO UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK,(60,20)"CONTIG) //SYSIN DD * zzzzzz AAAAAA ZZZZZZ 444444 CCCCCC XXXXXX CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCC 333333 ZZZZZZ 444444 ZZZZZZ 999999 ZZZZZZ 888888 AAAAAA ZZZZZP ZZZZZZ VVVVVV AAAAAA AAAAAA EEEEEE 333333 ZZZZZZ /* Figure 14-7. PL/I Program Invoking IHESRTD SORTING VARIABLE-LENGTH RECORDS 3. Varying-length strings passed from a PL/I user exit E15 procedure will have the length field added to the record automatically; the length will be the current length of the character string plus four bytes for the field itself. The same applies if 'fixed-length strings of different lengths are returned from the E15 procedure. 4. The four-byte length field is removed from variable-length records passed to a PL/I user exit E35 routine. When you wish to use the PL/I sorting facili 1:ies to sort variable-length records, you should note the following points: 1. 2. The portion of a variable-length rE~cord that contains the control field 01: fields on which the sort is to be pE~rf ormed must be present and of the SClme length for every record to be sorted. A sort cannot be performed on control fields whose length or position within a record is liable to alter. Thus the control fields would bE~ expected wi thin the minimum length given for the records in the RECORD control statement. The length of each record is recorded in the first four bytes of the record. P1:ovision for this length field should bE~ made when you specify the sort control fields in the SORT control s1:atement. An example of a PL/I program that uses IHESRTA to sqrt variable-length records is given in Figure 14-8. This example includes a PL/I program to create a data set of variable-length records from data items obtained from the input stream. The sort is performed on alphanumeric data in the first six bytes following the length field in each record. A third PL/I program retrieves the sorted variable-length records from a temporary data set and lists them. Note that the maximum record length includes four bytes for the length field, Chapter 14: Other Facilities of the Operating System 197 and corresponds to the maximum length given in the LRECL subparameter. OSE OF PL/I SORT IN A MULTITASKING ENVIRONMENT When the sort program is invoked from different PL/I tasks, so that two Ol~ more sorting operations are to be performed asynchronously by separate subtasks, the following should be noted if -the sort program diagnostic messages are to be printed on the line printer: 198 If the DD statement for the SYSOUT data set contains SYSOUT=A in the operand field, some sort program messages may be overwritten in the data management buffers and therefore not printed. FUrther, the program in some cases will terminate abnormally or go into a wait state. These problems are caused by the inability to modify the ddname for the SYSOUT data set in the additional tasks that use the sort program: they give rise to synchronization conflicts within data management. This problem does not apply if, when thE! system is generated, the sort program messages are specified to be printed on the console. / /R20V ,JOB //STEPl EXEC PL1LFCLG //PL1L.SYSIN DO * VAR2:: PROC OPTIONS (MAIN) ; ON ENDFILE(SYSIN) GOTO END; DCL OUT FILE RECORD OUTPUT, OUTREC CHAR (80) VAR; NEXT: GET LIST (OUTREC); PUT SKIP EDIT (OUTREC) (A); WRITE FILE (OUT) FROM (OUTREC); GOTO NEXT; END: END VAR2; /* //GO.otn~ DD DSNAME=&&TEMP,DISP=(NEW,PASS),SPACE=(TRK,(l,l», //DCB=(,RECFM=V,LRECL=84),UNIT=2314 //GO.DIDIlB DO DSNAME=&&GOSET(GO) ,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) //GO.SYSIN DO '003329HOOKER S.W. RIVERDALE, SATCHWELL LANE, BACONSFIELD' '002886ElOOKER R.R. ROTORUA, MILKEDGE LANE, TOBLEY' '003077HOKKER & SON, LITTLETON NURSERIES, SHOLTSPAR' '059334HOOK E.H. 109 ELMTREE ROAD, GANNET PARK, NORTHAMPTON' '73872HOME TAVERN, WESTLEIGH' '000931:E'OREST, IVER, BUCKS' * /* //STEP2 EXEC PL1LFCL //PL1L.SYSIN DD * VARY1.: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); DCL IHESRTA ENTRY (CHAR(24),CHAR(3S), FIXED BIN(31,0),FIXED BIN(31,0», RETURN CODE FIXED BIN(31,O); CALL lHESRTA(' SORT FIELDS=(5,6,CH,A) , , RECORD TYPE=V,LENGTH=(84",20,40) 25000, /* MAIN STORAGE FOR THE SORT RETURN CODE); IF RETURN CODE=O THEN PUT SKIP EDIT ('SORT-COMPLETE') (A); ELSE IF RETURN CODE=16 THEN ('SORT FAILED') (A); ELSE PUT SKIP EDIT ('INVALID SORT RETURN END VARY1; " PROGRAM */ PUT SKIP EDIT CODE') (A); /* //STEP3 EXEC PGM=*.STEP2.LKED.SYSLMOD / /SYSOU'I' DD SYSOUT=A //SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A //SORTLIB DO DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.S0RTLIB //SORTWl<:Ol DO UNIT=2314, SPACE= (TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) //SORTWK02 DO UNIT=2314, SPACE= (TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) //SORTWl<:03 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) / /SORTWK04 DO UNIT=2314, SPACE= (TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) //SORTWR05 DD UNIT=2314,SPACE=(TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) / /SORTWK06 DD UNIT=2314, SPACE= (TRK, (60,20) "CONTIG) //SORTINI DO DSNAME=&&TEMP,DISP=(OLD,DELETE), // DCB=: (BLKSI ZE= 8 8, LRECL= 84, RECFM=V) //SORTOUT DO DSNAME=&&TEM,DISP=(NEW,PASS), / / SPACE:= (TRK, (1,1) ) , UNIT=2314, DCB= (RECFM=V, LRECL=84, BLKSI ZE=88) //STEP4 EXEC PL1LFCL //PL1L.DUMB DO DSNAME=&&GOSET(GO),DISP=(OLD,DELETE) //PL1L.SYSIN DO * /* PL/t ROUTINE TO PRINT OUTPUT FROM SORT PROGRAM EXAMPLES */ P: PR:OC OPTIONS (MAIN) ; DeL SORTOUT FILE INPUT RECORD, CHARS CHAR (80) VAR; ON ENDFILE(SORTOUT) GOTO ENDP; L: READ FILE(SORTOUT) INTO (CHARS); PUT SKIP EDIT (CHARS) (A); GOTO L; Chapter 14: Other Facilities of the operating System 199 ENDP: END Pi /* //STEP5 EXEC PGM=*.STEP4.LKED.SYSLMOD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SORTOUT DD DSNAME=&&TEM,DISP=(OLD,DELETE),UNIT=2314 Figure 14-8. 200 Using IHESRTA to Sort Variable~length Records Chapter 15: PL/I and Other Languages Introdu(~tion This chapter is presented as two main sections. The first is concerned with the subject of data set interchange (i.e., sharing data sets between programs written in diffE~rent languages); the second is concernE~d with the more complex subject of linkage (i.e., direct communication) between modules written in different languagE~s but forming one program. output, and the elements will not be aligned unless written in a particular order. 3. PL/I arrays are stored in row major order, while FORTRAN arrays are stored in column major order. Equivalent Data Types Data Se1: Interchange In general, a PL/I program can use data sets produced by programs written in other languagE~s, and can produce data sets that can be used by these other programs. There are somE~ limitations, caused mainly by differences in the way in which PL/I data is handled, in particular the way in which it is mapped and stored, and by the large number of different data types available in PL/I that are not available in the other languagE~s. However, there are many data types and modes of storage in PL/I that have equivalents in other high-level languagE~s. There are also ways in which most of the incompatibilities can be overcome. A previous incompatibility has been removed in the fifth version of the PL/I (F) compiler by the use of halfword storage for data that is FIXED BINARY and has a pI:ecision of less than 16. Figure 15-1 shows FORTRAN-PL/I data equivalents. Note that PL/I numeric character data has no direct equivalent in FORTRAN. However, it is possible to treat a FORTRAN array as a PL/I character string. Structures and Alignment The safest course when PL/I structures are to be associated with FORTRAN records is to declare the structures UNALIGNED. However, if the elements of the FORTRAN record have been forced into correct alignment (using techniques such as writing out the variables that form the record in descending order of data type length), the PL/I structure can be declared ALIGNED. Note that unaligned data is less efficient than aligned data, often requiring extra execution time when acc~ssed. Example: PL/I-FOHTRAN DATA SET INTERCHANGE The major areas of incompatibility between PL/I and FORTRAN are as follows: FORTRAN Main storage: INTEGER*2A LOGICAL*lB REAL*SC Output: 1. 2. WRITE(6) C,A,B PL.lI has more data types; therefore some PL/I data types have no equivalent in FORTRAN, notably character-string data. PLlI records can be organized as stl:uctures in main storage (with the elE~ments aligned or unaligned). FOHTRAN records are built up on Main storage: DCL 1 2 2 2 Input: R U S T UNALIGNED, FLOAT(16), FIXED BIN, BIT(S); READ FILE(FILE6) INTO(R); Chapter 15: PL/I and Other Languages 201 r-------------------------------T--------------------------------------------------------, I PL/I I I FORTRAN (Unformatted Record) ~-----------T--------T------·----+----------------------T--------T-----------------------~ I I I I I Alignment , , Data Type Length I Alignment1I Data Type Length ~-----------------------1 I I (bytes) I I I (bytes), Aligned Unaligned I ~-----------+--------+----------+----------------------+--------+-----------------------~ I INTEGER*2 I 2 I Byte I FIXED BINARY(15) I 2 'Halfword Byte I I INTEGER*4 I .4 I Byte I FIXED BINARY(31) I 4 I Fullword Byte I I REAL*4 I 4 I Byte I REAL FLOAT(short) I 4 I Fullword Byte I I REAL*S I S I Byte I REAL FLOAT (long), I S I Doubleword Byte I S I Byte I COMPLEX FLOAT(short) I S I Fullword Byte I I COMPLEX*S I I COMPLEX*16 I 16 I Byte I COMPLEX FLOAT(long) I 16 I Doubleword Byte I I LOGICAL*l I 1 I Byte I BITCS) ,1 ,Byte Bit2 I 4 I Byte I BIT(32) I 4 I Byte Byte I I LOGICAL*4 I , I , I CHARACTER I any I Byte Byte I ~-----------~--------~-.---------~----------------------~--------~-----------------------~ ,Notes: 1When allocated, the data types generally have the same alignment as listed I , under the PL/I equivalents, but after more than 'one data item has been written I , out in one record (equivalent to writing a PL/I structure), this alignment may I I be lost, and therefore all items should be considered to be byte-aligned for I input/output. I I 2The fact that the alignment requirement of unaligned bit strings is bit rather I I than byte does not affect PL/I-FORTRAN data interchange, since the FORTRAN I I I string will always ·take up an integral number of bytes. I L __________________________________________________________ I I I -----------------------------J Figure 15-1. FORTRAN-PL/I Data Equivalents In the above example, S, T, and U are equivalent data types to A, B, and C respectively. As alignment of the elements has been forced in the FORTRAN WRITE statement, R could have been declared ALIGNED in this case. Example: FORTRAN REAL A(2,5,7) PL/I DCL A(7,5,2) The record format will be either VS or VBS, since the FORTRAN object-time library automatically uses a spanning technique. . The record format specified in the PL/I ENVIRONMENT attribute (or in the DD statement associated with the PL/I file) must match that specified in the DD statement associated with the FORTRAN data set reference number. The disadvantage of this method as it stands is that a reference to the array using the same subscripts in the two different programs will access different elements. A(1,3.6) in FORTRAN would be A(6,3,1) in PL/Ii the likelihood of program error may be increased. This problem can be avoided by using iSUB defining in the PL/I program. Example: FORTRAN Arrays REAL A(2,5,7) Arrays of one dimension are stored in the same way in both PL/I and FORTRAN, but arrays of two or more dimensions are stored differently (row major order for PL/I, column major order for FORTRAN). The solution to this problem is to declare the array in one language with subscripts in reverse order to the declara·tion in the other language. The record will then be correctly associated with the array in either program on transmission. 202 DeL Al(7,5,2), A(2,5,7) DEF Al(3SUB,2SUB,lSUB); Now, if the record is transmitted to or from A1 in the PL/I program, a reference to a particular element in the FORTRAN program will be identical to the PL/I reference to that element •.. Extern.al Representation of Floating-point Numbers The prlE~ceding discussions are concerned with the internal representation of equivalent data types in FORTRAN and PL/I, and thlE~ interchange of record-oriented data sets. The following notes describe an incompatibili ty between PL/I and FORTRAN in the ex'ternal representation of floating-point numbers in stream-oriented data slats. 1• 2. Fc:)r PL/I, the exponent of any floating-point number is indicated by the character "E". For FORTRAN, the exponent of a short-precision floating-point number is indicated by the character "E" and the exponent of a long-precision floating-point number is indicated by the character "0". For PL/I, if the exponent of a floating-point number is positive, it may optionally have a "+" sign. If a sign is not present, the exponent immediately follows the character "E". For example: 0.018737E22 or 0.018737E+22 For FORTRAN, if the exponent of a floating-point number is positive, a blank charact.er rather than a • +' sign may sometimes be present between the "E" or "0" and the exponent. For example: 0.0187370 22 start of the structure, and that the record length may differ from that of the COBOL record. ANS COBOL data can be SYNCHRONIZED (i.e •. ., aligned) or unsynchronized (i.e., unaligned). COBOL records prior to USASI COBOL were always SYNCHRONIZED, and the fifth version of the PL/I (F) compiler assumes that structures in a file with the COBOL option are SYNCHRONIZED. Note that for ANS COBOL the default is unsynchronized, while for PL/I the default is aligned for all data types except bit-string, character-string, and numeric character. You can use the COBOL option in the ENVIRONMENT attribute for a PL/I file that is to be associated with a COBOL data set. This indicates that any structure in the data set associated with this file is mapped according to the COBOL algorithm (i.e., starting at a doubleword boundary and, proceeding left to right, aligning elements on the first available correct boundary). If a structure name appears in a READ INTO or WRITE FROM statement for a fil~ with the COBOL option, a temporary COBOL-type structure for transmission to or from the data set is created. Before output (or after input), the elements of the PL/I-mapped structure are assigned to (or from) the temporary. If the PL/I structure and the COBOL record have identical mapping, the data sets will be directly compatible and there will .be no need to use the COBOL option. Note that the following restrictions apply to files with the ENVIRONMENTCCOBOL) attribute. These differences prevent the direct use of PL/I sitream-oriented transmission facili·ties to read or write floating-point numbers that can be interchanged with a FORTRAN program. 1. The file can be used only for READ INTO, WRITE FROM, and REWRITE FROM statements. The file name cannot be passed as an argument. PL/I-COBOL DATA SET INTERCHANGE 2. The variable named in the INTO option cannot be used in the on-unit for an ON-condition raised during execution of a READ statement. 3. The EVENT option can be used only if the compiler can determine that the PL/I structure and the COBOL record have identical mapping. (For further details see the PL/I CF) Language Reference Manual.) PL/I has data types and organizations that correspond to most COBOL iteins, but there are some differences. For example, PL/I data may be either aligned or unaligned, but records produced by a program compiled by a non-ANS COBOL compiler are always aligned (for ANS COBOL, see below). Also, PL/I s·tructure mapping differs from COBOL record mapping in that the PL/I (F) cqmpil1er minimizes the amount of unused storag,e within the structure. This means that corresponding elements may occupy differ,ent storage locations .relative to the Figure 15-2 shows COBOL-PL/I data equivalents. Chapter 15: PL/I and other Languages 203 Linkage with Other Languages familiar with interlanguage discussion of and suggested The information so far presented in this chapter has dealt with data set interchange between PL/I and non-PL/I modules run as separate jobs or job steps laddress of parameterJI L ____________________ IHETSAP parameter from EXEC statement. I I IHETSAA normal parameter conventions. V r---T----------------, 1 1 11 byte parameter I ________________ J L_~ "I "I IHENTRY r---------------, IL 15,VCIHESAPx)I I Halfword boundary L IBR _______________ 15 JI I Fullword boundary I I V IHESAPA (IHETSAP for tasking environment) r---------------, IENTRY IHESAPA IENTRY IHESAPB IENTRY IHESAPC IENTRY IHESAPD 1 I I IL 15,VCIHEMAIN) I'L 15,0 (15) IBR 15 The maximum length of the argument is 100 bytes and should be declared as CHAR(100) VARYING in the main procedure. The housekeeping module IHESAP/IHETSA builds a string dope vector to describe the argument as a varying character string so that on entry to the main procedure the set up will be: r--------------------, address of SDV I l---------T---------1 Register 1-->1 J 1 I L I _______________ J SDV r-~address I ~---------T----------~ 1I Il _________ X' 64' I __________ 1 JI V IHEMAIN ~ r---------------, I DC VCENTRY A) I I I I I I r--~----------------, l>1L ___ 1 11 byte parameterJI ________________ L _______________ J I I V PL/I program ~ r---------------, IENTRY ENTRY A 1 length L _______________ J Initial Entry to Procedures with the MAIN Option. V r--------------------, of parameter 1 I I Figure 15-3. I I data Example: PL/I PROGRAM Passing Arguments to a Main Procedure: If the entry points IHESAPA, IHESAPC or IHETSAP are called the procedure will expect a single character string argument from the PARM field of the EXEC statement. Register 1 should be pointing at the address of the parameter, as shown below. 206 MYFROC: PROC C:PARAM) OPTIONS (MAIN) i DCL PARAM CHAR (100)VARYINGi END MYPROCi ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE CALLING PROGRAM L L BALR SAPA PARM ADDR LIST Example: 1,PARM 15,SAPA 14,15 DC DC DS DC DC PYI PROGRAM MYPROC: PROC DCL DCL DCL V (IHESAPA) A (ADDR) H AL2(L'LIST) C 'THIS IS PARAMETER' (A,B,C) A CHAR B CHAR C CHAR OPTIONS(MAIN)i (10); (20); (30); END MYPROC; Register 1 will now be set up as follows: END ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE·CALLING PROGRAM 1,PARM 15,SAPB 14,15 L If entry points IHESAPB, IHESAPD or IHETSAA are called the procedure mayor may not be ,expecting an argument list, dependant on whether one was specified in the procedure statement. Register 1 is not examined by the housekeeping module IHESAP/IHETSA, but simply passed on to the main procedure. If no parameters have been declared in the main procedure Register 1 will be ignored, but if parameters are declared Register 1 will be expected to point to a parameter list. The parameters must be in a form acceptable to PL/I. L BALR SAPB PARM DC DC DC DC DC SDVA DC DC PARMA DC SDVB DC DC PARMB DC SDVC DC DC PARMC DC Note: I·t is dangerous to assign to the parameter of the EXEC statement. (If length is greater than the current length job may fail). V (IHESAPB) A(SDVA) A(SDVB) X, 80' AL3(SDVC) A (PARMA) 2AL2(L'PARMA) CL10 • PARAMETERA ' A (PARMB) 2AL2 (L" PARMB) CL20'PARAMETERB' A (PARMC) 2AL2(L'PARMC) CL3 O' PARAMETERC' END As an e:2~ample, consider passing three fixed length character-string arguments to the main procedure.• PARAMETER LIST Registe:l: The procedure prologue for each procedure: SDV of A ,------------------, 1--> I address of SDV of r-------------, address of A A~------>I ~-------------------i laddress of SDV of B~----, ~-------------------~ laddress of SDV of C~-, L___________________ J I I I I II I I I I II ~----> ~----~-T------; I 10 I 10 I r-----' I A I L_____ J L _____________ J SDV of B r-----' I r-------~-----, L->Iaddress of B ~---->I B I . ~-----T------~ L_____ J IL ______ 20 I ____ 20 JI ~_~ SDV of C r-------------, r-----' C I ~---->I f------T------~ L---->Iaddress of C I I I L_____ J 30 30 J L ______ ______ ~ Chapter 15: PL/I and other Languages 207 1. Sets general register 11 to point to the static internal control section. 2. Allocates a dynamic storage area (DSA) for the procedure. The length is 100 bytes plus the lengths of the automatic variables, parameter lists, and dope vectors for that procedure. The 100 bytes contains a register save area plus interrupt and environment information and the field used to provide statement numbers in object-time error messages. 3. Chains the DSA back to the original DSA or VDA. Sets flags indicating DSA characteristics. Stores the address of the DSA in the PR for that block. The pseudo-register name is one of those generated by extending the procedure name to the left with asterisks if necessary to make seven characters and then appending, in order, a single character from B through Z and the special characters, corresponding to the order of the blocks in the compilation. Manual. This section briefly discusses how the blocks are used and how they are related to the system and each other. No attempt is made to cover all control blocks, but only those that a programmer might need to refer to. None of these control blocks can be accessed usefully in FORTRAN or COBOL, but an assembler language subroutine, or an assembler language routine that was acting as an interface between PL/I and FORTRAN or COBOL, could make use of their contents. The control blocks discussed are: 1. Library and data generated control blocks • string dope vector (SDV) • Array dope vector (ADV) • String array dope vector (SADV) • Structure dope vector 2. Input/output control blocks • Declare control block (DCLCB) 4. Initializes any automatic variables having the INITIAL attribute. Initialize all dope vectors for automatic strings, structures, and arrays. • Open control block ~OCB) • File control block (FCB) • Input/output control block (IOCB) 5. Obtains secondary dynamic storage for variables that depend on the results of step 4.. These areas are called variable data areas (VOA). VDAs may also be required for temporary work space. The procedure epilogue is initiated by a call to the library routine IHESAF (an entry point in IHESAP). This routine frees the current DSA and any associated VDAs. A request to free the DSA of a MAIN procedure results in the raising of the FINISH condition, closing all files still open, and freeing all automatic storage for the program. Control is passed from IHESAF via general register 14, which, for MAIN procedures is a transfer to the calling program (usually the operating-sys'tem supervisor). For other procedures, return is to the statement following the call to the procedure being terminated, except in a shared library system, when there is another level of control between the PL/I environment and the operating system. storage Organization.and Control Blocks Detail formats and field descriptions of the PL/I control blocks are contained in the PL/I Subroutine Library Program Logic 208 • Record dope vector (RDV) • Dope vector descriptor (DVD) 3. Storage management control block • Dynamic storage area (DSA) string Dope Vector' (SDV): The string dope vector is primarily necessary to support such features as varying-length strings, adjustable strings, and string arguments. For example, the use of a dope vector allows the SUBSTR function to operate without duplicating the actual data that makes up the substring. The result of this function is simply an additional dope vector that describes part of the original string. Since this additional dope vector exists only during the life of the statement in which it occurs, it is creabed in library workspace. Array Dope Vector (ADV): The array dope vector allows the bounds of the array to be dynamically defined by the values of expressions evaluated by the program, and allows arrays to be passed as arguments; it also provides the reference for the SUBSCRIPTRANGE condition. The main contents of the array dope vector are the virtual origin, the multipliers, and the bounds of the array. The virtual origin (i.e., the location that the element with all zero subscripts has or would ha.ve if it existed) and the multipliers are used, together with the appropriate subscripts, in the address calculation for a given element, thus: n addrel3s = virtual origin + E Si i=l * positive or negative. It is a 3-byte field, and this must be considered when the virtual origin is loaded into a register for address arithmetic. For all except bit-string arrays, the first eight bits in the register will be zero after the virtual origin has been loaded, and will thus represent a positive number even though the offset might be negative. Mi where n = number of dimensions Si = value of ith subscript Mi = value of ith multiplier From the viewpoint of dope vector construction, in contrast to dope vector usage, it is best to think of the virtual origin a.s a location relative to the start of the actual array. You can calculate the necessa:r-y virtual origin as follows: = VO where n (first element address) - ~ i=l ~Bi= M· 1 *LB. LBOUND(array,i) The mul-tipliers are calculated as follows: n * ,-r M= 1 r=i+l where I (HB r - LB + 1) r = distance between the starts of two consecutive single elements (i.e., generally, the length of a single element) HBr= HBOUND(array,r) LB = LBOUND(array,r) r For ex~mple, take an array of three dimensions (10,5,6), with elements 5 bytes long, the first of which is located at 12288. M~ M2 5 5 M3 5 * * 5 6 and virtual origin * 6 = 150 30 12288 - (150 + 30 + 5) = 12103 The dope vector for based arrays is slightly different from that for nonbased arrays. The virtual origin, instead of containing an actual address, contains the offset of the virtual origin from the first element declared. It can be calculated from the above formula, but setting the address of the first element to zero since it is not known. Because the virtual origin is not necessarily part of the array itself, this offset could be either 1 String Array Dope-Vector (SADV): The string array dope vector takes one of two forms, depending on whether the strings are varying or fixed-length. If the L'Strings are fixed, the SADV is an ADV with two halfwords appended, each of which contains the length of the strings in the array. If the strings are varying, the format of the SADV is the same, but certain meanings are different.. To determine which format SADV is being used, test the 'current length' field in the SADV. If it is nonzero, the strings are fixed-length, and normal ADV processing can be used to access the string. If the 'current length' field is zero, normal ADV processing will point to secondary dope vectors for each of the varying strings and each element would then be processed as an element variable. This is necessary because each element in the array could have a different current length. Structure Dope Vector: The structure dope vector is a concatenation of the dope vectors or addresses of all the elements in the structure. If an element has no dope vector (i.e,., it is an element variable of arithmetic type), a single fullword address constant points to the element. Declare Control Block (DCLCB): The DCLCB is the primary compiler-generated control block for input/output operations. It is a read-only block and contains only the information declared for the file (or implied b¥ the declared 'attributes). Its address is constant throughout the execution of the program and it can be used as the source of all information about the file by any module requiring the information. A pseudo-register is used for communication with other related control blocks; the DCLCB contains the offset of the file pseudo-register in the PRV. Another pseudo-register, IHEQFOP is used to identify all files open for the program. open Control Block (OCB): When a file is opened, the parameter list passed to the PL/I open interface is called the open control block. This block combined with the DCLCB provides the PL/I attributes for opening the file. The result of the opening p~ocess is the file control block Chapter 15: PL/I and other Languages 209 (FCB) and the input/output control blocks (IOCBs). File Control Block (FCB): The FCB contains the PL/I information about the current opening of the file, plus the DCB associated with the file. stored in the pseudo-register by the routine. The routine name (the CSECT namle) should be seven characters long, in accordance with the naming convention for pseudo-registers. You can request the DS;A. by the following code: L Input/Output Control Block (IOCB): The main purpose of the IOCB is to fill the operating system requirement for data event control blocks (DECBs) used by the BSAM and BDAM/BISAM interfaces. The number of IOCBs created varies with the data set organization and access technique. For BSAM, the number of IOCBs generated is equal to the NCP value specified in the DD statement for the data set or the ENVIRONMENT file attribute. Unless the EVENT option is used, only one IOCB is required. If the EVENT option is used, one IOCB should be created for each input/output operation that could be outstanding at a given point in time. An attempt to use more IOCBs than requested at open time will raise the ERROR condition. For BDAM and BISAM, only one loeB is created at open time, and others are created when needed. The IOCB also contains the hidden buffer area if one is required for BSAM or BDAM. Record Dope Vector (RDV): Whenever a record-oriented input/output operat.ion is requested, one of two control blocks will be passed to the PL/I library. If the variable involved is a varying character string, the parameter is an SDV; for all other variables, an RDV is passed to the PL/I library. Its contents depend on the type of operation, but, basically, it contains the address of the input/output area for READ or WRITE operations, or t~he buffer address after a LOCATE statement. It also contains the aggregate length of the specified variable. Dope Vector Descriptor (DVD): The compiler generates a DVD for use when an aggregate has to be mapped at execution time rather than compile time~ This occurs primarily for aggregates specified with adjustable bounds. Dynamic storage Area (DSA): If you wish to incorporate a non-PL/I routine into a PL/I program, the main item of consideration in the area of storage management will be the DSA. If the routine is to be used in a multitasking environment, the code should be reentrant and should look like any other PL/I routine. You should ensure that PL/I conventions are followed, in particular setting the proper flags in the DSA and providing a pseudo-register for the routine. The DSA of the routine must be 210 LA BALR MVI 15,=V(IHESADA) 0,100 14,15 o (13) , X' 80' The second load instruction loads the length of the DSA (note that 72 bytes is not enough; the minimum length of the DSA is 100 bytes). On return from IHESADA, general regisber 13 will contain the address of the DSA. The reason for using IHESADA is that the DSA is now chained to the other DSA's and the PRV in the standard PL/I way. The flag byte will be used by IHESAFA in returning control. The coding for returning control is shown belOW': L BR 15,=V(IHESAFA) 15 When the above instructions are executed, the DSA is freed and control is returned 1to the caller. To request a pseudo-register for the routine, append a 'B' to the CSECT name as an eighth character and use the result as the label of a DXD instruction. For example: SUBRUTN CSECT SUBRUTNB DXD A Code the SAVE register macro-instruction thus: SAVE (14,12),,* The asterisk causes the CSECT name to be coded into the program for easy identification in a main storage dump or snapshot. For intermodule trace routines, you should use the chain-back and chain-forward of the OSAs. Arguments and Parameters The (F) compiler generally conforms to th4e IBM System/360 Operating System standard calling sequence, as follows: 1. Arguments are passed by name, not by value. 2. General register 1 contains the address of the first address constant i.n the parameter list, except when the main procedure is called. 3. 'jlhe caller provides a register save area addressed via general register 1.3. The invoked program stores the contents of the general registers of t:he invoking program in this area. 4. 'I'he invoked program loads into general Z:'egister 13 the address of a save area t:hat can be used by any program that i t invokes. 5. On return to the invoking program, g'eneral registers 2 through 13, the p.rogram mask, and the PICA will appear unchanged. General register 14 will point to the return address in the invoking program (set by a BALR instruction). General registers 0, 1, a.nd 15, the floating-point registers, and the condition code may be changed. The main difference between PL/I argument passing and that of other languages is that the addresses in the list addressed by general register 1 do not necessarily point to the! data items that each represents. The list passed by thePL/I module is the same a.s t'hat of other languages only for arithmetic element data items. In all other cases, the address in the list points to a dope vector. (The various dope vectors are discussed briefly above.) In ·the following example, these abbrev'iations are used: SDV ADV S'I'DV SA.DV String Dope Vector Array Dope Vector Structure Dope Vector String Array Dope Vector Exainpl.e: DCL A B C D FIXED DECIMAL, FIXED BINARY, FLOAT DECIMAL, FLOAT BINARY, E PICTURE '999V99', F PICTURE 'XXXAAA', G CHARACTER(10), H BIT(16); DCL 1 1(10), 2 J FIXED DECIMAL, 2 K CHAR(12); DCL 1 L, 2 M CHAR(4), 2 N CHAR (5); DCL :P ( 5) FI XED, Q(S) CHAR(2), R(S,4) FIXED; CALL, SUB(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,I.J,I.J(l) ,L, L.M,P,P(l),Q,Q(l),R,R(l,l»; The fi.rst DECLARE statement above refers to element variables. A through E are arithmetic; the rest are strings. The second DECLARE statement defines an array of structures; the third a structure, and the fourth a number of arrays. The CALL statement generates the following parameter list; general register 1 will contain the address of the first address constant in the list: PARM DC A(A) DC A(B) DC A(C) DC A(D) DC A(E) DC A(SDV of F) DC A(SDV of G) DC A(SDV of H) DC A(STDV of I) DC A(ADV of I. J) DC A(I.J(l» DC A(STDV of L) DC A(SDV of L.M) DC A(ADV of P) DC A (P (1» DC A(ADV of Q) DC A(SDV of Q(l» DC A(ADV of R) DC A (R (1,1» There are several points to note about this param~ter list. For variables A, B, C, D, and E, the parameter list is identical to those of object programs for other languages compiled under the IBM System/360 Operating System: this is because each is an arithmetic element variable. Similarly, even though they belong to arrays, I •.J(l), P(l), and R(l,l) are passed by their actual addresses; their subscripts are included in the argument list of the CALL statement and they each identify a single element of an arithmetic array, so they are treated as elements. (This would be so even if the subscripts were expressions instead of constants; at execution time, a specific element would be referred to.) None of the other arguments represents an arithmetic element, and so they are represented by their respective dope vectors. Note particularly the array of structures, I. The dope vector for I consists of two dope vectors: the ADV for I.J and the SADV for I.K.. I itself, therefore, is not really treated as an array, but more as a structure with its dimensionality carried down to the elements of the structure. In this case, the multipliers used in the dope vectors will be the same for both I.J and I.K, and will be the length of a single J (3 bytes) plus the length of a single K (12 bytes), i.e., lS. The virtual origin of K is 3 bytes from the virtual origin of J. Had the item I been declared: Chapter lS: PL/I and other Languages 211 DCL 1 I, 2 J(10} FIXED DECIMAL, 2 K(10} CHAR(12}; then I would be a structure of arrays :rather than an array of structures.. The !format of the dope vector for I would bE~ ~he same, but the multipliers and virtual origins would be different. The multiplier for J would be 3, that for K would be 12, and the virtual origin of K would be 30 bytes from that of J. If you are writing assembler language modules that will be called from PL/I ~rograms, note the following points: 1. 2. 3. When a dope vector is passed for a string element, only another load register instruction is required to get the address of the actual data. As shown in the examples of I.J(l}, P(l}, and R(l,l} above, passing the first element of an array or s·tructure rather than the array or structure itself will avoid calculations and additional manipulation that would otherwise be necessary to obtain the actual data. This is possible only if the data characteristics are known in the called program. An ADV contains the virtual or1g1n of the array, not the actual origin; also, arrays are stored in row major order, not column major order. COMMUNICATION WITH OTHER LANGUAGES This·section deals with ·the problems of palling non-PL/I modules from PL/I programs and vice versa. The main topics are passing data items between modules written in different languages and establishing the ~ppropriate environment; also discussed are the use of function references between languages, and the invocation of ~ser-defined PL/I ON-units from assembler language subroutines and func·tions. Passing Data Items When data items are to be passed from PL/I ~odules to non-PL/I modules and vice versa, the main considerations are: 1. The use of PL/I dope vectors 2. Data format differences 3. Data mapping differences 212 Only the first item is discussed in this section, since the other two have been discussed earlier in the chapter, under the heading 'Data Set Interchange.' One way to solve the problem of dope vectors is to overlay arithmetic based variables in the PL/I program onto the beginning of items that require dope vectors (i.e., all items except arithmetic elements); thus the parameter can be made to look like an arithmetic element in the parameter list.. Note that a based variabl1e used in this way should not normally be referred to anywhere except in a call to a non-PL/I module. For example, if a character string is to be passed from a PL/I module: DCL STRINGA CHAR(20), PARMA FIXED DEC(l,O} BASED(P}; P=ADDR(STRINGA); CALL SUB (PARMA) ; In this case, the parameter list will consist of an address constant that directly addresses PARMA, an arithmetic element variable. But since the pointer P points to the first character position of STRINGA, the routine SUB will have access to STRINGA wi thou·t concern for the STRINGA dope vector. Similarly, if ·the string is to be passed to a PL/I module from a non-PL/I module, the PL/I coding could be as follows: PL1SUB: PROC(PARMA); DCL PARMA FIXED DEC(l,O), STRINGA CHAR(20) BASED(P); P=ADDR (PARMA) ; Now the dope vector for STRINGA will point to PARMA.. since PARMA is an arithmetic element, the PL/I program will expect the parameter list to contain the address of PARMA. Another way of communicating data items between FORTRAN and PL/I modules is to use named common storage for the item. You can do this by declaring the identifier STATIC EXTERNAL in the PL/I module and COMMON in the FORTRAN module. This results in an external control section. For example: FORTRAN COMMON/COMAR/DVAR,I,A,CHR,IRAY DIMENSION DVAR(7),CHR(3),IRAY(100) PL/I DCL 1 COMAR STATIC EXTERNAL, 2 I FIXED BIN(31,0), 2 A FLOAT DEC, 2 CHR CHAR(12), 2 IRAY(100) FIXED BIN(31,0); The act:ual storage layout would be as shown in Figure 15-4. using the linkage editor CHANGE statement immediately before the FORTRAN module or its INCLUDE statement.) Note the following. points in connection with this method of communication: If more than one PL/I procedure is to be called from non-PL/I routines or if FORTRAN or COBOL subroutines or FORTRAN functions are to be invoked from PL/I, an assembler language interface routine must be used. The main purpose of this interface routine is to save the environment of the language that called it and to establish the environment of the language to which it is to give control. 1. 2. There may be padding between the PL/I dope vector and the start of the st:ructure. The dope vector is always at the start of the control section and is therefore always located on a dcmbleword boundary; it will consist of a number of fullwords. Therefore there could be up to seven unused bytes between the dope vector and the st:ructure if the member having the highest alignment requirement is not the first member of the structure. In the above example, there is no padding, since the structure is word-aligned and starts with a full word. If I had been halfword binary, there would be two bytes of pcldding between the dope vector and the structure. This could be accommodated by a dummy variable of IE!ngth two in the FORTRAN COMMON st:atement immediately after DVARi alternatively, DVAR could be declared as INTEGER*2 and its dimension increased to 15. When there are two or more identical eJl:ternal references, the linkage editor acts on the first one encountered. Since the PL/I dope VE!ctor must be completed, the PL/I mc)dule must precede the FORTRAN module on input to the linkage editor. (It nE~ed not necessarily be executed first; you can use the ENTRY statement a1: the end of the JCL for the link-edit to ensure that the correct module gets initial control.) If you are calling multiple PL/I procedures from COBOL or FORTRAN, your interface routine should perform certain functions: 1. Assuming that calls to PL/I modules from other languages will not be nested, a 'first-time-through' routine can be executed to call the library module IHESAP, which establishes the PL/I environment, at entry-point IHESAPD. This would require that the interface routine contain a control section called IHEMAIN that contains the address to which IHESAP is to transfer control after initializing the environment. 2. The pointer to the PRV, returned by IHESAP in general register 12, should be saved for future executions of the interface routine. Note that the address returned in register 1 by the SPIE macro instruction issued by IHESAP has been saved by the PL/I library. If it is required, in order to reissue the SPIE macro instruction of the calling program, i t may be obtained by the following code: L ORG DC L Establishing the Environment If one procedure only is to be called from a non-PL/I routine, and if releasing the PL/I environment on exit from the procedure does n(~ adversely affect the execution of the pr(~ram, the PL/I procedure should be gi ven 1:he MAIN option. The PL/I procedure will bE~ entered by the statement CALL IHESAPD. (Since the name IHESAPD has more than six characters, FORTRAN programs must have a dummy name for IHESAPD that is six or less characters long. You can change this nc~e to IHESAPD at link-edit time 3. Rx,O(12) *-2 QL2(IHEQLSA) Rx,12(Rx) For all executions after the first, the parameter list pointer in general register 1 should be saved and the SPIE macro instruction for PL/I should be issued, specifying IHEERRA as the routine for handling interrupts. The address returned by the SPIE macro instruction in register 1 should be saved as it will be required to reset the COBOL or FORTRAN SPIE macro instruction on return from the PL/I procedure. Chapter 15: PL/I and other Languages 213 COMAR---> r-------;------------------·--------~-------, I A(I) 1 word I r-------------------·---------------------~ I A(A) 1 word I I.-----------------------------------------~ SDV of CHR 2 words I I I r----------------------------------------~ I I I ADV of IRAY 3 words I I I PL/I Structure Dope Vector (storage reserved in FORTRAN by DVAR) .-----------------------------------------~ I I I 1 word .--------------------.--------------------~ I A I 1 word .-----------------------------------------~ I I I I CHR I IRAY(l) 12 bytes (3 words) I I .--------------------.-----.----------------~ I r-------------------·--------------------~ I IRAY(2) I .-----------------------------------------~ I lRAY(3) I r-------------------·-------------------~ I I I I 1 word each I I I I I.-----------------------------------------~ IRAY(100) I j L ____________________ .____________________ J Figure 15-4. 4. PL/I-FORTRAN: Example of Named Common storage Provided that general register 12 points to the PRV, the PL/I entry point can be called. If the,a.rgument list from COBOL or FORTRAN was of the form: 2. In calling a FORTRAN module, initialization of the environment is carried out by invoking the FORTRAN library as follows: L 15,=V(IBCOM#) (PL/I-entry-point, parm-l, parm-2, ••• ) BAL 14,64(15) then general register 1 (whose contents were saved in step 3) will point to the PL/I entry address constant. If the value 4 is now added to general register 1, the result will be the address of the parameter list that the PL/~ module expects. 5. On return from the PL/I module, the COBOL or FORTRAN SPIE is reset and control is passed back to the original calling module. If a FORTRAN or COBOL modul e is ·to be called from a PL/I program, basically the same procedure as outlined above can be used as an interface, the difference being: 1. In calling a COBOL module no initialization of an environment is required except that the SPIE macro instruction must be re-issued. Conununication between assembler languag1e and PL/I modules is subject to the same interface problems, and the above concepts apply. However, additional conventions should be observed by an assembler routine that invokes a PL/I routine and is itself invoked by another.PL/I routine. The conventions are given in the preceding section "Storage organization and Control Blocks" under the sub-heading "Diagnostic Storage Area (DSA)"e Function References The basic difference between a subroutine and a function is that a subroutine is invoked by a CALL statement and does not actually return a value (although it may \.) 214 change the value of a variable known to the calling program), whereas a function is invoked by a function reference which can be used in the same way as an expression; the function always returns a value, and this value is represented by the function reference. COBOL does not have function references, and so the following discussion does not apply to COBOL-PL/I communication. A function written in another language can be declared with the ENTRY and RETURNS attributes in a PL/I program. Then, whenever the function name occurs in the program. control will be passed to the user-written function of that name. On entry to the function, normal linkage should be performed. At execution time, the difference between a PL/I function reference and a subroutine call is that th~ function parameter list will have an extra item representing a temporary into which the function is to place its result. The address~ depending on the data characteristics declared in the RETURNS attribute in the invoking program, will either be direct or will be that of a dope vector (according to the same rules as for normal parameters). Just as with entry declarations for PL/I-written procedures, you could use the GENERIC attribute to specify alternative entry points to an assembler language function, based on the declared attributes of the arguments. The assembler language function need only specify each name as an entry point. The method employed to return the value from a function to the invoking procedure differs between FORTRAN and PL/I. A FORTRAN function returns its value in general register 0 (if integer or logical), floating-point register 0 (if real), or floating-point registers 0 and 1 (if complex). In PL/I, as already mentioned, an additional argument is automatically provided for the returned value. To resolve this difference in function communication, an assembler language interface routine must be used. When a FORTRAN program invokes a PL/I function, this routine would create a new argument list consisting of the original list and an additional argument. The routine would pick up the value returned in this additional argument when the function is complete, and place the value in the appropriate register(s) before passing control back to the FORTRAN program. When a PL/I program invokes a FORTRAN function, the assembler language routine would obtain the result from the register and place it in the additional argument. Separate entry points to the assembler language interface routine would be necessary for different data types since the location of the result depends on its characteristics. User-Defined Conditions in Assembler Language Subroutines and Functions When you write a PL/I program, you can provide an ON-unit for any circumstance you wish to test for. The ON-unit is defined by any ON CONDITION(condition-name) statement, the condition name being one of your own choosing. (Note that since a user-defined condition is given the EXTERNAL attribute, the name must be no more than seven characters long.) The ON-unit can be invoked by a SIGNAL statement naming the condition. If a PL/I program invokes an assembler language module, and such a user-defined condition occurs during the execution of the module, the equivalent of the appropriate SIGNAL statement will be needed in the module in order to invoke the ON-unit.. To provide this. the assembler language routine must generate a parameter list of one word; byte one of the word contains X'50' and the second through fourth bytes are an identifying field containing the address of an external control section that has the same name as the user-defined condition. General register 1 is then set to point to this parameter list, and the routine calls the PLiI library entry IHEERRD. After execution of the ON-unit, control will be returned to the instruction following the IHEERRD call. An example of a 'SIGNAL' to a use~-defined condition named COND would be as follows: 15,=V(COND) 15,PARM PARM,X'50' 1,PARM LA 15,=V(IHEERRD) L BALR 14,15 L ST MVI PARM DS F The register save area for the routine should look like a PL/I DSA. That is, the first byte of the first word should contain X'80', and bytes two through four should contain the save area length. The second and third words should be used for the chain-back and chain-forward addresses respectively. Chapter 15: PL/I and Other Languages 215 216 PART 3: Appendixes Part 3: Appendixes 217 218 Appendix A: Programming Examples Each of the following examples reproduces the cOl1nplete printed listing. Each listing is preceded by a description of the example and thE~ listing, including references to parts of the manual that deal with the featurE~S being illustrated. All the source statemEmts, job' control statements, and data ccrrds are listed as they would appear in the job stream. LISTING For easy reference to the listing, the description uses the circled numbers that haye bE~en added to the top right-hand corner of ,each page of the listing. Pages 2-4: The listing produced by the PL/I (F) compiler, which is described fully in Chapter S. The PL/I source statements appear on page 3 of the full listing (page 2 of the compiler listing). Page The disposition of the data sets used by the compiler in the first job step, and a list of the addresses of the units to which the data sets for the second job step (LKED) were assigned. Page 1: The JOB statement, and a list of the addresses of the units to which the data sets for the first job step (PL1L) were assigned. Example 1: Simple PL/I Program 5: This e)~ample illustrates the use of the catal0ged procedure PL1LFCLG to compile, link-edit, and execute a simple PL/I program that uses only punched-card input and printed output. The job control statemEmts it includes are described in Chapter 2. Pages 6-8: The listing produced by th~ linkage editor; this is described fully in Chapter 6. ,= Page The disposition of the data sets used by the linkage editor in the second job step, and a list of the addresses of the units to which the data sets for the third job step (GO) were assigned. * Page 10: The printed output p~oduced by the example program. Page 11: The disposition of the data sets used by the example program in the third job step. //J013PGEA JOB // EXEC PL1LFCLG //PL1L.SYSIN DD * EX001: PROCEDURE OPTIONS(MAIN); DECLARECA,B,C) FIXED DECIMAL(3); NEXT: GET FILE(SYSIN) DATA(A,B): IF A 999 THEN DO; C=A+B; PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP DATA(A,B,C); GO TO NEXT; END; END EX001; /* //GO.SYSIN DO A=131 B=75; A=2 B=907; A=-14 B=14; A=341 B=429; A=-245 B=102; A=999 B=100; /* 9: ~ppendix A: Programming Examples 219 IIJ013PGEA Joe JOB LOGGED ON AT IBM'S HURSLEY LABS IEF236I ALLOC. FOR J013PGEA PL1L IEF237I SYSPRINT ON 293 IEF237I SYSLIN ON 342 IEF237I SYSUT3 ON 343 IEF,37I SYSUTl ON 344 IEF237I SYSIN ON 290 VERSION 5.0 OS/360 CLOCK=13.38.18 MVT 1& OS/360 DATE=69.273 PL/I COMPILER IFl MACHINE=Jl PAGE l{";;'\ DATE 69.2730 PL/I F COMPILER OPTIONS SPECIFIED ARE AS FOLLOWS-LCAD.NOCECK.SIZE-100K THE COMPLETE LIST OF OPTIONS USED DURING THIS COMPILATION IS-- *OPTIONS IN EFFECT* *OPTIONS IN EFFECT* *OPTIONS IN EFFECT* EX001: . STMT LEVEL NEST 1 2 3 It 1 6 1 1 1 7 8 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 10 220 1 EBCDI C,CHAR60. NOMAC RO, SOURCE2. NOMACDCK. COMP, SOURCE. NOATR. NOXREF, NOEXTREF, NOll ST, LOAD. NODECK,FLAGW,STMT,SIZE-0102400,LINECNT-055,OPT=02,SORMGIN=1002,072,OOll,NOEXTDIC, NEST,OPLIST PROCEDURE OPTIONSIMAINl; EX001: NEXT: 1 EBCDIC CHAR60 NOMACRO SOURCE2 NOMACDCK COMP SOURCE NOATR NOXREF NOEXTREF NOLlST LOAD NODECK FLAGW STMT SIZE=0102400 LINECNT=055 OPT-02 SORMGIN=1002.072.00ll NOEXTDIC NEST OPU ST PROCEDURE OPTIONS(MAIN); DECLARE IA,B,C) FIXED DECIMALI3Ji GET FILEISYSINl DATAIA,B)i IF A..... 999 THEN DO i C-A+Bi PUT FILE(SYSPRINT) SKIP DATA(A,B,C); GO TO NEXT; ENDi END EX001; PAGE Exa01: PAGE PROCEDURE OPTIONSCMAIN); STORAGE REQUIREMENTS. THE STORAGE AREA FOR THE PROCEDURE LABELLED EX001 IS 192 BYTES LONG. THE PROGRAM CSECT IS NAMED EX001 THE STATIC *STATISTIC.S* AND IS 200 BYTES LONG. CSECT IS NAMED **EXC01A AND IS 219 BYTES LONG. SOURCE RECORDS = 10, OBJECT BYTES 9,PROG TEXT STMNTS = 200 NO ERRORS OR WARNINGS DETECTED. AUXILIARY STORAGE WILL NOT BE USED FOR DICTIONARY WHEN SIZE 65K COMPILE TIME .02 MINS ELAPSED ______ ____________________________________________________________________________________ TJ:~ME~ ~.3~8~M~I~N~S SYSOUT IEF285I SYS69213.T132652.SVOCO.J013PGEA.R0000027 IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= M65293. IEF2851 SYS69273.T132652.RVOCO.J013PGEA.LOADSET PASSED IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 231422. DELETED I EF2851 SYS69273 .Tl32652 .RVOOO .J013PGEA .R0000028 IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 231423. IEF2851 SYS69273.T132652.RVOOO.J013PGEA.R0000029 DELETED IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 231424. IEF2851 SYS69273.T132652.RVOOO.J013PGEA.S0000030 SYSIN I EF285 I VOL SER NOS= M65295. DELETED SYS69273.T132652.RVOOO.J013PGEA.S0000030 IEF2851 IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= M65295. END OF STEP 'PL1L ' JOB 'J013PGEA' STEPTIME=00.00.02 tEfl.3el AI.I,.OC. FOR J013PGEA LKED IU2"37I S'YSUB ON 295 IEF2371 ON 295 IEF237I ON 1CO IEF2371 SYSLMOD ON 342 ON 343 IEF2371 SYSUT1 I EF237 I S'fSPRINT ON 294 IEF2371 SYSLIN ON 342' ~ ® CLOCK~13.38.55 DATE=69.273 ~ppendix ~: RETURN CODE=OO~O programming Examples 221 F88-LEVEL LINKAGE EDITOR OPTIONS SPECIFIED MAP,LIST VARIABLE OPTIONS USED - SIZE=ll04448,59392) IEW0461 IHEDDJA I EW0461 IHEDDPA IEW046l IHEDDPB IEW046l IHEDCPC I EW046l IHEDDPD IEW046l IHEUPBA IEW046l IHEUPBB I EW046l IHEVPAA IEW046l IHEVPCA I EW046l IHEVFBA IEW0461 I HE VFDA I EW0461 IHEVFEA IHEVKBA IEW0461 IEW046l IHEVKCA I EW0461 IHEVKFA I EW0461 IHEVKGA I EW046l IHEVSBA I EW0461 IHEVSFA IEW0461 IHE VSEB I EW0461 IHEM91A . I EW046l IHEM91B IEW0461 IHEM91C IHETERA IEW0461 I HE VCSA I EW0461 IEW046l IHEKCDB IEW0461 IHEDNBA ® DEFAULT OPTIONIS) USED MODULE MAP CONTROL SECTION NAME ENTRY ORIGIN LENGTH EXOOl **EXOOlA IHEMAIN IHENTRY IHE SPRT SYSIN IHEDDI * 00 C8 1A8 1BO 1CO 1F 8 230 C8 DB 4 C 38 38 53C IHEDDO 770 288 * IHEIOA * 9F8 16A IHEIOB * B68 1E4 IHESAP * 050 AB8 222 NA.ME LOCATION NAME LOCAT ION NAME LOCATION NAME LOCATION IHEDDIA 230 IHEODIB 232 I HEODOA I HEDDOE 770 778 IHEDDOB 772 I HEDDOC 774 IHEDDOD 776 I HE IOAA IHEIOAT 9F8 AE8 IHEIOAB 9FA IHEIOAC 9FC I HE ICAD 9FE I HE IOBA IHEIOBE B68 !:l88 IHEIOBB IHEIOBT B70 C74 IHEIOBC B78 IHE I CBO B80 NAME IHEDCN ORIGIN LENGTH >0: 1808 lEF * 19F8 F8 IHEDNC >{< lAFO 284 IHEUPA >0: 1078 E8 IHEDMA IHEVFA IHEVPB I HEVPO IHEVPE * lE60 >0: 1FOO lA2 * * 2178 105 2280 24FO 50 IHEVSC * 2540 AC >0: 2020 20C IHELOI >0: 3000 858 IHEVFC .4< 3858 26 I HEVPG 3880 229 IHEVPH 3A60 64 IHEVQB IHE VQC I HEBEG '4< :+: IHEIOP IHELOO IHEOCL I HE PRT LOCATION IHESAPC IHESADF IHESAFA IHESAFQ D6A D8A DAA DCA IHEDCNA 1808 IHEDCNB 180A I HE OMAA 19F8 IHEUPAB 10E2 I HEDNCA lAFO I HE UPAA 1D78 I HEVFAA lE60 IHEVPBA lFOO NAME IHESAPO LOCATION NAME IHES~PA LOCA'T ION IHESAF& I HE:SARC 072 D92 DB2 1566 IHESADE IHESAFD I HE SADD D7A D9A DBA 1674 IHES~DB CD I HEVPDA 2178 I HEVPEA 2280 IHEVPFA 24FO I HEVSCA 2540 I HEERRO IHEERRE 25FO 2C86 IHEERRC 25FA I HEERRB 2604 IHEERRA 260E I HE IOFB IHEITAA 2020 2FOE IHE IOFA 2022 IHE ITAZ 2FBE IHE ITAX 2FCA IHELOI B 3002 IHELOIC 3004 IhELOIO 3006 IHEOCLO 48F6 729 IHElOF '" NAME D50 D82 DA2 OC2 16AE 26C >0: 25FO LOCATI ON 16C IHEVPF IHEERR NAME I HE:SADA I HESAPB IHESAFC I HESARA I HESAFF 3B68 494 4000 268 4268 80 42E8 1EB * 4408 * 48FO 554 4E48 2C8 I HE~O IA 3000 I HEVFCA 3858 I HEVPGA 3880 I HEVPHA 3ABO I HEVQBA 3B68 IHEVQCA 4000 I HEBEGN 4268 IHEBEGA 42A8 I HE IOPA 42E8 IHEIOPB 42EA IHEIOPC 42EE I HELDOA 4408 IHELDOB 440A IHELOOC 440E I HEOCLA 48FO IHEOCLB 48F2 IHEGCLC 48F4 418 Appendix A: Programming Examples 223 NAME ORIGIN LENGT H l.OCATION IHEPRTA IHESIZ * 5110 C IHETAB * 5120 C IHEVCA * 5130 lOA IHEVQA * 5240 Ec * 532E IHEVSD NAME lAO 4E48 I HESIZE 5110 I HETABS 5120 I HEVCAA 5130 I HEVQAA 5240 I HEVSDA 5328 NAME LOCATION IHEPRTB 4E4A IHE: VSDB 532A NAME LOCATION LOCAT ION NA"E @ PSEUCO REGISTERS NAME IHEQINV IHEQSPR IHEQLW1 IHEQLWE IHEQFOP IHEQSLA IHEQSFC ORIGIN 00 10 20 30 40 54 64 LENGT H 'NAME IHEQERR SYSIN IHEQLW2 IHEQLCA IHEQCFL IHEQS AR IHEQXLV 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TOTAL LENGTH OF PS EUDO REGISTERS ENTRY ADORE SS 180 TOTAL LENGTH 54C8 ****GO ORIGIN LENGTH 4 14 24 34 44 58 68 4 4 4 4 8 4 8 NAME ORIGIN LENGTH 8 18 28 38 4C 5C 70 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 IHEQTIC IHEQLSA IHEQLW3 IHEQVDA IHEQADC I HEQLWF IHEQEVT NAME **EX001B IHEQLWO IHEQLW4 IHEQFVD IHHLPR I HEQRTC OR IGIN ·LE:NGTH C 1C 2C 3C 50 60 4 4 4 4 4 4 78 DOES NOT EX 1ST BUT HAS BEEN ADDED TO DATA SET DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGE DIRECTORY IEW0461 WARNING - SYMBOL PRINTED IS AN UNRESOLVEO EXTERNAL REFERENCE, NCAL WAS SPECIFIED. KEPT tEF2851 SYS1.PL1LIB IEF285I VOL SER NCS.IC 2301CO. IEF2851 SYS69273.T132652.RVOCO.J013PGEA.GOSET PASSED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231422. IEF2851 SYS69273.T132652.RVOOO.J013PGEA.R0000031 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231423. IEF285I SYS69273.T132652.SVCOO.J013PGEA.R0000032 SYSOUT IEF285I VOL SER NOS- M65294. IEF285I SYS69273.T132652.RVOOO.J013PGEA.LOADSET DELETED IEFZ851 VOL SER NOS= 23142Z. END OF STEP 'LKED ' JOe 'J013PGEA' STEPTIME-00.00.02 IEFZ361 ALLOC. FOR J013PGEA GO IEF237I PGM=*.DD ON 342 IEF237I SYSPRINT ON 294 ON 290 IEF237I SYSIN A= AAA= A= 224 131 2 -14 341 -245 eB= B= B= s= 75 907 14 1t29 102 CC= C.. CC= 206 909 0 770 -143 ® CLOCK-13.39.33 DATE=69.273 RETURN COOE~OOOIt @I IEF2851 IEF2851 lEF2851 IEF2851 IEH85! IEF2851: IEF285JI I EF285J: END OF IEF285l1 I EF285J: END OF SYS69273.T132652.RVOCO.J013PGEA.GOSET PASSED VOL SER NOS- 231422. SYS69273.T132652.SVOCO.J013PGEA.ROOOO033 S YSOUT VOL SER NOS= M65294. SYS69273.T132652.RVOOO.J013PGEA.SOOOO034 SYSIN VOL SE R NOS= M65295. SYS69273.T132652.RVOCO.J013PGEA.SOOOO034 DELETED VOL SER NOS= M65295. STEP 'GO JOB 'J013PGEA' STEPTIME=OO.OO.Ol SYS69273.T132652.RVOOO.J013PGEA.GOSET DELETED VOL SER NOS= 231422. CPUTIME=00.00.06 JOB 'J013PGEA' 110 TIME=00.00.08 ® CLOCK=13.40.47 DATE=69.273 RETURN CroE -0000 CLOCK=13.40.48 DATE=69.273 SYSTEM P"CKS 300 AND 311 Appendix A: Programming Examples 225 Example 2: .Compiler and Linkage Editor Listings //J063PGEX JOB //COLEEX EXEC PL1LFCLG,PARM.PL1L='L,E,A,X,M,S2,NT', // PARM.LKED='LIST,XREF,OVLY~, // COND.GO=( (9,LT,LKED), (15,I.. T,PL1L» //PL1L.SYSIN DO * Pi: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN); %DCL AA CHAR, (Vl,V2,V3,V4) FIXED; %AA='IF ANS>COMP THEN WORDS="GREArER THAN"; ELSE IF ANS • pseudo~registers. 2. Statement of the disposition of the load module GO. (Refer to 'Control statements and Errors' in Chapter 6.> 3. Diagnostic Message Directory. The only message refers to the list of modules external references that were not to be resolved. (See above.> This is the end of the linkage-editor listing. Page 3:1L: 1. 2. The disposition of the data sets used by the linkage editor. Only the data set that contains the load module is passed to the last· job step; it is identified by a system generated name that ends with the temporary name GOSET assigned to it in the DO statement SYSLMOD. (The load module is the member GO of the temporary library GOSET. > Job scheduler END OF STEP message, including the return code supplied by the linkage editor. The code 0004 indicates that the linkage 3. The job control statements of the cataloged procedure step GO (execution of the load module>. Each of these statements is prefixed xx. 4. A list of the addresses of the units to which the data sets required during execution of the load module are assigned. Page 32: The printed output from the PL/I program. Page 33: 1. The disposition of the data sets used during execution of the load module. Note that the data set GOSET is not deleted until after the end of the job because step GO does not contain a DD statement that specifies its disposition. 2. The job scheduler END OF STEP message for the step GO. 3. statement of the disposition of the data set GOSET. 4. Job scheduler END OF JOB statement. Appendix A: programming Examples 229 IIJ063PGEX JOB (4056,NI09),R.SMALL.MSGLEVEL-l,MSGCLASS-0.CLASS-0 IICOLEEX EXEC PLILFCLG,PARM.PLILm'L,E,A,X,M,S2,NT', PARM.LKEO-'LIST,XREF,O\lLY', II II CONo.Gb-«9,LT,LKED),(~5,LT,PL1L)1 EXEC PGM-IEMAA,PARMc'LOAD,NODECK,SIZE-100K',REGION c 10SK XXPL1L XXSYSPRINT DD SYSOUT-~,DCBc(RECFM-VBA,LRECL-125,eLKSIZEu629) XXSYSLIN DO DSNAME=&&LOAOSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT-SYSDA, XX SPACEm(~OO,(50,50J),DCB.BtKSIZE.~OO XXSYSUT3 DO UNIT-SYSDA,SPACE=(SO,(250,250)),DCe-BLKSIZE-SO XXSYSUTI DD UNIT.SYSOA,SPACE=(102~,(60,601"CONTIG), XX DCB-BLKSIZEc102~ IIPL1L.SYSIN DO * JOB LOGGED ON AT IBM'S HURSLEY LABS OS/360 MVT 18 IEF236I ALLOC. FOR J063PGEX PL1L COLEEX IEF2371 SYSPRINT UN ~91t IEFZ371 SYSLIN ON 3~2 IEF2371 SYSUT3 ON 343 lEFZ37I SYSUT1 ON 3~~ l-EFZ37I SYSIN ON 290 VERSION 5.0 0002.0000 OOO~OOOO *00060000 OOOSOOOO 00100000 *00120000 Note: The cataloged procedure shown in this example is that in use at the Hursley Laboratories, and varies slightly from the standard cataloged procedure shown in Chapter 8. 001~0000 CLOCK=11.55.04 DATE"69.273 MACHINE=-J1 PAGE 10 DATE 69.273 OS/360 PL/I COMPILER (F) PL/I F COMPILER OPTIONS SPECIFIED ARE AS FOLLO~S-- L,E,A,X,M,S2,NT THE COMPLETE LIST OF OPTIONS USED DURING THIS COMPILATION IS-- *OPTIONS IN EFFECT* *OPTIONS IN EFFECT* *OPTIONS IN EFFECT* P1 z EBCDIC CHAR60 MACRO SOURCE2 NOMACDCK COMP SOURCE ATR XREF EXT REF LIST LOAD NODECK FLAGW STMT SI ZE=0090112 LINECNT=055 OPT=02 SORMGIN=(002,072,001) NOEXTDIC NEST qPLI ST EBCDIC,CHAR60,MACRC~SOURCE2,NOMACDCK,COMF,SOURCE,ATR,XREF,EXTREF,LIST,LOAD, NODECK,FLAGW,STMT,SIZE=0090112,LINECNT=055,OPT=02,SORMGIN=(002,072.001),NOEXTDIC, NEST ,OPLIST PROC OPT IONS (MAIN) ; COMPILE-TIME MACRO PROCESSOR MACRO SOURCE2 LISTING 1 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 230 P1: PR'OC OPT! ONS (MAl N) ; IDCL AA CHAR, (Vl,V2,V3,V4) FIXED; IAA-'IF ANS)COMP THEN WCRCS·"GREATER THAN"; ELSE IF ANS COMP THEN WORDS·'GREATER THAN'; ELSE IF ANS COMP THEN WORDS='GREATER THAN'; ELSE IF ANS ,.E LOCAT ION 1 HECNCA 908 I HEOOB/> C60 IHEOOBB C62 IHEDOBC C64 I HE IOBA I HEIOBE DA8 DC8 IHEIOBB IHEIOBT DBO EB4 IHE IOBC DB8 IHEICBO DCO I HESAOA I HESAPB I HESAFC I HESARA IHESAFF F90 FC2 FE2 1002 lLBEE IHE SAPC IHESADF IHESAFA IHESAFQ FAA FCA FEA 100A IHESAPO lliESADB IHESAFB I HE SARC FB2 F02 FF2 17C6 IHESI>PA IHESI>OE IHES/>Fo IHESADo FBA FDA FFA 1864 IHEITAZ lODE IHEITAX IDEA IHEERRA 2616 IHEOCLD 31 BE I HEOMAA :LA48 IHEIOFB I HE IT AA :LB40 10FE IHE IDFA 1B42 IHEPRTA lE20 IHEPRTB 1E22 IHEVPBA .lOE8 IHEVPFA 2290 I HEVQCA 22EO IHEVSCA 2548 IHEERRD IHEERRE 25F8 .2C8E IHEERRC 2602 IHEERRB 260C I HE IODG 2028 IHE l'OoP 2DZA IHEIODT 2E22 IHEIOPA .lFC8 I HE IOPB 2FCA I HE IOPC 2FCE IHECCLA 31 B8 IHEOCLB 31BA IHEOCLC 31BC IHEBEGN 3710 I HE BEGA 3750 I HESIZE :3790 IHETABS 37AO AC IHEERR IHECCL NAME AB8 1E20 2548 SEG. NO. 554 3710 80 3790 C 37AO C 37BO 37B8 37CO 2 2 3C 1 1 1 @ LOCATION 34 354 35C 380 388 390 360 39C 3A4 414 420 42C 438 461 488 4F8 500 51D 524 52C 508 538 540 570 66C 674 678 690 9BC 9C4 9CC C40 C48 C50 D88 090 D98 OAO F6C F68 F84 UFO 196C 1974 19F8 lAOO lA38 lA40 1AB4 1ACO lAC8 lA~O REFERS TO SYMBOL *****PIA IHESAOB PI IHEOOOC IHEOOBB IHEIGBT IHESAFA ANS P3 IHESPRT IHESPRT IHESPRT IHESPRT COMP PI IHESADA P2 P2 P2 IHEIOBT IHESAFA ANS IHESPRT P2 IHESADB P3 I HESAFA COMP IHELDOC IHEDDPA lHEOOPC IHEDMAA IHEVSCA IHEVQCA IHEIODP IHEONCIl IHEVSEA IHEVSFA IHEIOPA IHEIOPC IHEERRB IHEERRA IHEOCLO I HEBEGA IHEERRB IHETABS IHEPRTA IHEDOOD IHEVFBA IHEVFAA IHEVKGA lHEVKFA IN CONTROL SECTION *****PlA I HES ~P PI IHEOCO IHEOOB IHElCB lHESAP ANS P3 I HES PRT IHESPRl IHES PRT IHESPRT COMP PI IHESAP P2 P2 P2 IHEIGB IHESAP ANS IHESPRT P2 IHESAP P3 IHESAP CGMP IHELlJO $NEVER-CALL $NEVER-CALL IHEOMA IHEVSC IHEVQC IHEIGD IHEONC $NEVER-CALL $NEVER-CALL IHEIGP IHEIOP IhEERR IHEERR lHEOCL IHEBEG IHEERR I HET AB IHEPRT IHEDDO $NEVER-CALL $NEVE R-CALL $NEVE R-CALL $NEVER-CALL SEG. NO. I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 I I 2 2 2 I I 1 1 2 I 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOCAT ION 350 358 37C 384 38C 394 398 3AO 3A8 418 424 430 43C 479 498 4FC 504 520 528 530 534 53C 56C 668 670 688 68C 9B8 9CO 9C8 900 C44 C4C D84 08C 094 D9C F60 F64 F70 F88 194C 1970 19F4 19FC 1A04 1A3C 1A44 1AB8 lAC4 lACC 1AD4 REFERS TC SYMBOL IHE SAOA PI PI IHEOOOA IHEDOBB IHEIOBC COMP P2 IHE SPRT PI PI PI PI ANS IHESAPC IHESAOB P2 P2 IHELDOB I HE 10BC IHESAFC COMP IHESPRT IHESADA P3 P3 ANS IHEIOF,A lHEPRTB IHEDDPB IHEDDPO lHEUPAB IHE VSEB IHEERRC IHEIODT IHEVSCA IHEVSBA IHEIOPA IHE IOPB IHEOCLC IHEERRC IHEMAIN IHESIZE .IHEITAX IHEERRC IHEITAZ IHEPRTB IHEOCLC lHEVFCA IHEVPAA lHEVPDA IHE VPBA IN CCNTRGL SECT ION SEG. NO. IHESAP PI PI IHEOOO IHEDCB IHEICB COMP P2 IHESPR r PI PI PI PI ANS IHESAP IHESAP P2 P2 IHELDO IHEIOB IHESAP COMP IHESPRT IHES~P P3 P3 ANS IHEIOF IHEPRT $NEVER-CALL $NEVER-CALL $NEVER-C ALL $NEVER-CALL IHEERR IHEIOO IHEVSC I 1 @ 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 2 2 2 I 1 1 I 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 $NEVER-C~LL IHEIOP IHEIOP IHEOCL IHEERR IHEMAIN IHESIZ IHEIGF IHEERR IHEIOF IHEPRT IHEOCL $ NE VE R-C IlLL 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I $NEVER-C~LL $NEVER-CIlLL IHEVPB Appendix A: Programming 1 Exampl~s 245 LOCATION REFERS TO SYMBOL lA08 lB08 1B14 lB1C 1B24 lElO 20B8 2268 2430 24DO 2C04 2COC 2FBO 2FB8 319C 36EC 36F8 LOCH ION IHEVPCA IHEVFEA IHEVPGA IN CONTROL SECT ION CONTROL SECTION NAME P2 IHE LOO * LENGTH 3800 39CO 1BA 418 SEG. NO. NAME IN CONTROL SECTION *****P2A IHEERRC IHEVSBA IHEONCA P3 LOCATI ON 246 IN CONTROL SECTION IHE \/FuA lliEVPIiA IHE VKCA IHEVKBA IHEERRB IHEOCLA IHESPRT IHEERRB IHEERRC IHEVSCA IHEM91B IHETERA IHEERRB IHEIOFA IHEERRC IHEERRB SNEVER-CALL SNEVER-CALL SNEVER-CALL SNE VER-C AL L IHEERR IHEOCL IHESPRT IHEERR IHEERR lliEVSC $NEVER-CALL $NE VER-C ALL IHEERR IHEICF IIiEERR IHEERR SEG. NO. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NAME LOCAT ION NAME LOCATION NA,...E LOCAT ION 39CO SEG. NO. IHELDOB LCCAT ION 39C2 IHELCOC REFERS TO SYMBOL 38B8 '30C8 3000 39C6 IN CONTROL SECTION *****P2A IHE I OFA IHEVSCA *****P2 A IHEICF IHEVSC SEG. NC. 1 1 1 E I\T RY ORIGIN L ENGT Ii 3800 F6 SEG. NO. REFERS TO SYMBOL 380C PSEUCO REGISTERS LOCATION *****P2A IHEERR $NEVER-CALL IHEONC CONTROL SECTION NAME REFERS TO SYMBOL lB04 1 B10 1B1B 1820 1EOC 20B4 20BC 2278 2484 2524 2CD8 2000 2FB4 3198 31AO 3l:F4 2 2 RE FE RS TO SYMBOL 380C 30C4 30CC 30D4 1 1 1 1 1 LEt-.GTH LOCATI CN ENTRY ORIGIN I HELOOA LOCATI ON SEG. NC. Sf';E:VE R-CALL SNE VE R-CAL L SNEVE R-CALL IHEVPF~ IHEVPF IHEVPEA SNEVER-CALL IHEERRC lliEE RR IHEIOFA IHEIOF IHEERRC lliEERR $NEVER-CA'LL IHEVSEB IHEERRB IHEE RR IHEM9lA $NEVER-CALL $NEVER-CALL IHEM91C IHEIOFA IHEICF IHEERRC IIiEE RR IHEERRB IHEERR IHEIOFA IHEIOF IHEERRC IHEERR 8 REQUESTS CUMULATIVE PSEUDO REGISTER *****P3A NAME IN CONTROL SECT ION *****P3A LOCATION SEG. NO. NAME LOCATION LOCA TI ON NAME REFERS TO SYMBOL LOCATION NAME IN CONTRCL SECTION LOCAT ION SEG. NO. @ NAME IHEQINV IHEQSPR *****P2B IHEQCFL IHEQLW2 IHEQLCA IHEQSAR IHEQEVT ORIGIN LENGTH 00 10 20 30 4 4 4 8 4 ~4 54 64 78 It 4 8 NAME IHEQERR IHEQLWF *****P2C IHEQADC IHEQLW3 IHEQVDA IHEQRTC TOTAL LENGTH OF PSEUDO REGISTERS ENTRY ADDRESS 490 TOTAL LENGT H 3008 ****GO ORIGIN LENGTH 4 14 24 38 48 58 68 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 NAME ORIGIN LENGTH 8 18 28 3C 4C 5C 6e 4 4 4 4 4 IHEQTIC IHEQSLA *****P3B IHEQLSA IHEQLW4 IHEQ.FVD IHEQSFC It It NAME *****Pl B IHEQLWO IHEQFOP IHEQLWl IHEQLWE IHE'LPR IHEQXLV OR IGIN LENGTH C lC 2C 40 50 60 70 4 4 4 4 4 @ It 8 . 80 DOES NOT EXIST BUT HAS BEEN ACDEC TO DATA SET DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGE 01 RECTORY IEW046:l WARNINr. - SYMBOL PRINTED IS AN U~RESCLVED EXTERNAL REFERENCE, NCAL WAS SPECIFIED. lEF21l5I SYS1.PLl LIB KEPT IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 2301CO. IEf285I SYS69273.T115427.RVOOO.J063PGEX.GOSET PASSED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231422. IEF285I SYS692i3.T115427.RVOOO.J063PGEX.ROOOC013 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NOS= 231423. IEF285I SYS69273.T115427.SVOOO.J063PGEX.R0000014 SYSOUT IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= M65293. IEF2851 SYS69273.T115427.RVOOO.J063PGEX.LOACSET DELETED IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 231422. IEF2851 SYS69273.Tl15427.RVOOO.J063PGEX.SC000015 SYSIN IEF2851 VOL SER NOS= 'M65295. IEF285I SYS69273.Tl15427.RVOOO.J063PGEX.SC000015 DELETED IEF285I VOL SER NCS= M65295. END OF STEP 'LKEC JOB 'J063PGEX' STEPTIME=00.00.02 CLOCK=11.57.14 XX GO EXEC PGM=*.LKED.SYSLMOD,COND=((9,LT,LKEDI ,(16,EQ~PL1LI), *00340000 XX REGICN=108K 00360000 XXSYSPRINT DC SYSOUT=A 00380000 I EF2361 ALLOC. FOR J063PGEX GO CCLEEX IEF2371 PGM=*.DD eN 342 IEF2371 SYSPRINT ON 294 DATE=69.273 RETUR~ CODE=0004 Appendix A: Programming Examples 247 ANS- 2.0 COMPANSWER GREATER THAN CCMPARATOR ANS= 0.2 COMP= ANSWER LESS THAN CCMPARATOR NEXT COMMENT INvALID ANS= 0.0 COMP= ANSWER EQUAL TC CCMFARATOR ANS: 0.0 COMP= ANSWER EQUAL TG CCMPARATOR ANS= 1.0 COMP= ANSwER EQUAL TO CCMPARATOR ANS= 1.0 COMP= ANSWER EQUAL TC CCf rmed if the job step terminates abnprmally. If in the event of abnormal termination you wish to have a data set cataloged, code: apply if a 'STEP WAS NOT EXECUTED' message is given, either due to a JCL error or a condition code setting. Id~ntifying the Data Set (DSNAME) The DSNAME parameter identifies the data set to which the DO statement refers. You need not code this parameter if the data set is te~porary or resides on a unit.-record device or on an unlabeled magnetic tape; the system automatically assigns a temporary name. You can specify the DSNAME parameter in one of three ways: 1. r---------------------------------------, IL _____DISP=(status,disposition,CATLG) .__________________________________ JI To name or retrieve a data set that will be identified in later jobs by name, or that was assigned a name in an earlier job or job step, code: r----------------------------------, I OSNAME= ds name I L __________________________________ J 'status' and 'disposition' show the status and disposition of the data set at normal end of job, as discussed above. The word DSNAME can be abbreviated to OSN. Replace 'dsname' with the cataloged or tabulated name of the data set. If the catalog has more than one level of index, you must give a fully qualified name (e.g., 1\..B.LINKFILE). If in the event of abnormal termination you wish to uncatalog a data set, code: r----·----------------------------------, I I L ____________________________ ~ __________ J DISP=(OLD,disposition,UNCATLG) If the DO statement refers to a particular generation of a generation data group, you must code the generation number in parentheses, i.e., DSNAME=dsname(number). 'Disposition' refers to the disposition you want made of the data set upon normal termina·tion of the job step. If in the event of abnormal termination you wish a data set to be deleted, code: If the DD statement refers to a member of a partitioned data set, you must code the member name in parentheses after dsname, i.e., DSNAME=dsname(membername). r-----'---------------------------------, IL _____ DI:8P= (status, disposition, DELETE) ,______________ - - - - - -______________ JI If the DO statement is one of a group of DO statements that detine an INDEXED data set, you must code one of the terms INDEX, PRIME, or OVFLOW in parentheses after dsname (e.g., DSNAME=dsname(PRIME». If in the event of abnormal termination you wish a data set to be kept, code: Ir---------------------------------------,I L _______________________________________ J DISP=(status, disposition, KEEP) The second subparameter can be omitted. If you code Ir---------------------------------------, OISP=(OLD"DELETE) I 2. To obtain the data set name from an earlier DO statement~ code: r----------------------------------, JI IL __________________________________ DSNAME=*.stepname.ddname L _____ •__________________________________ J the default for the second subparameter follows the rule established above. The third (conditional disposition) subparameter applies only if the job step is terminated abnormally. It does n2~ Replace 'stepname' and 'ddname' with the job step name and DD statement name, respectively, where the data set was first defined. ~ If the earlier 00 statement is contained in a cataloged procedure AppendiK B: Parameters of 00 Statement 255 step, you must include the procedure step name, i.e., DSNAME=*.stepname4procstepname.ddname. 3. A data set that exists only within the boundaries of a job can be assigned any temporary name. To assign a temporary name, code: r----------------------------------, IL_______________________ DSNAME=&&name .____ •_______ JI Replace 'name' with any name of not more than eight characters not used by another temporary data set in the job (e.g., DSNAME=&&TEMPDSET). The system replaces the &&nam'e wit.h a name of the form 'jobname.dsname'. If the DD statement refers to a member of a temporary partitioned data set, you must code the member name in parentheses, i.e., DSNAME='&name(membername). If the DD statement is one of a group of DD statements that define a temporary INDEXED data set, you must code one of the terms INDEX, PRIME, or OVFLOW in parentheses after the &&name (e.g., DSNAME=&&nameCPRIME». Data Set Label CLABEL) Magnetic-tape volumes can contain standard or nonstandard volume labels and data set header and trailer labels, or they may have no labels at all. Direct-access devices have standard labels. The LABEL parameter indicates the position of a data set · relative to the other data sets on a tape · reel, and the type of labels; it can also specify the retention period for a data set · on magnetic tape or direct-access device, and whether a password is required before it can be accessed. Only the sequence number and label type are described here. To create or retrieve a data set that does not have standard labels, you must include the LABEL parameter. To specify the type of labels, code: r---------------------------------------, IL _______________________________________ I.ABEL= (, t y p e ) . JI Replace 'type' with: SL - if the data set has standard labels NL - if the data set has no labels NSL - if the data set has nonstandard labels SUL - if the data set has both standard and user labels BLP - to bypass label processing If you specify SUL, SL, or omit the label type (in which case standard labels are assumed), the operating system will ensure that the correct volumes are mounted. If you specify NSL, your installation must have incorporated label processing routines into the operating system. If you specify NL, the data set must have no labels. (Specifying NL for an output data set on a labeled volume can cause the volume label to be erased.) The feature that allows you to bypass label processing is a system generation option (OPTIONS=BYLABEL). If this option was not requested at system generation and you have coded BLP, the system assumed NL. Note that the two L~BEL subparameters are positional. (If you omit the first, indicate its absence by placing a comma in front of the second.) Optimizing Channel Usage (SEP and AFF) For a magnetic-tape volume, if a data set !s not first in sequence on the reel, the LABEL parameter must include a data set sequence number to position the tape properly. The sequence number describes the position of the data set relative to other data sets on the volume or group of volumes. Code: r----------------------------------------, IL________________________________________ LABEL=seq# JI Replace 'seq#1 with the sequence n,~er (1-4 decimal digits) of the data set on the reel. 256 A job step that requires several input and output operations might be performed more efficiently by balancing the channel requirements of its data sets. To obtain optimum channel usage, you can request that a data set be assigned a separate channel from the ones assigned to earlier data sets. ~ later DO statement can express the same separation requirements by requesting affinity. TO request channel separation from as many as eight other data sets in the job step, code: r-----·----------------------------------, I I SEP=(ddname, ••• ,ddname) L _____ ._________________________________ J Replace 'ddname' with the names of up to eight earlier DO statements in the job step. To obviate writing identical SEP for different data sets, you can request affinity with an earlier data set that re~uested channel separation by coding paramet'E~rs whichever is most convenient. In the last case the system will compute the number of tracks or cylinders required. To allocate space using this technique, code: r---------------------------------------, IL_______________________________________ SPACE=(units,quantity) JI Replace 'units' with: TRK - if you want space in tracks r-----'"---------------------------------, CYL - if you want space in cylinders IL _____,"__________________________________ AFF=ddname JI in a later DO statement. Replace 'ddname' with the name of the earlier DD statement. The data set that requests affinity is also allocated a separate channel from those identified in the SEP parameter of the earlier statement (but not necessarily the same channel as the data set to which the SEP parameter referred). Average block length in bytes - if you want space in terms of blocks Replace 'quantity' with the. amount of space you need in the units you have chosen (e.g., SPACE=(TRK,200) for 200 tracks, SPACE=(CYL,10) for ten cylinders, and SPACE=(400,100) for 100 blocks with an average length of 400 bytes). Notes: The operating system will comply with your requests for separation and affinity only if enough channels are available. Note: Do not confuse the SEP and AFF parameters with the subparameters SEP and AFF of the UNIT parameter. 1. For most efficient performance, request space in units of cylinders (CYL), or in units of blocks with the ROUND subparameter. 2. The average block length cannot exceed 65,535 bytes. 3. If you request space in units of blocks, and the blocks have keys, you should specify an average block requirement which includes the key. 4. Space allocation by blocks allows device independence. Allocating Direct-Access Space (SPACE, SPLIT, and SUBALLOC) When creating a new data set on a direct-access volume, you must indicate in your DO statement how much space the data set will need. You can allocate space: 1. By requesting the amount of space and letting the system assign specific tracks. 2. By requesting specific tracks. 3. By splitting cylinders with other data se,·ts. 4. By suballocating space from an earlier da:ta set. If the possibility exists that the data set might at some time exceed the amount of space you requested, you can ensure that extra space will be made available by denoting an incremental 'quantity. Code: r---------------------------------------, I SPACE=(units,(quantity,increment» I L _______________________________________ J The most frequently used technique of space a,llocation allows you to specify the amount of space you need and let the system assign specific tracks. Options permit you to specify the manner in which the space is to be arranged, to release unused space, and to request that the space begin and end on cylinder boundaries. Replace 'increment' with a decimal number. Each time the data set exhausts its space, additional space will be allocated on the same volume in the amount of the increment. For example, if you code SPACE=(TRK,(200,10», the data set would be initially allocated 200 tracks. If it later exceeded 200 tracks, ten additional tracks would be made available. This incrementing by ten tracks would take place each time the data set exhausted its total space (up to a maximum of 15 times). You can specify the amount of space in units of tracks, cylinders, or blocks, If the data set for which you are allocating space has partitioned Appendix B: Parameters of DD Statement 257 : organization, you must indicate the size of :its directory in the SPACE parameter. Code: SUBALLOC parameter. Suballocation allows you to place a number of data sets in contiguous order on a direct-access device. r-------------------------------------·--, IL_______________________________________ SPACE=(units, (quantity"directory» JI Routing Data sets through an output Stream (SYSOUT) Replace 'directory' with the numbeI~ of 256-byte blocks in the directory. If you wish to give an incremental quantity, code SPACE=(units, (quantity, increment, directory». If the data set has INDEXED organization, you can indicate the size of its index in the SPACE parameter. Code:: r---------------------------------------,I The operating system provides output streams through which you can route data sets destined for unit record devices. To route a data set through any output stream, code: r---------------------------------------, JI IL _______________________________________ SYSOUT=x I L _______________________________________ J SPACE=(units,(quantity"index» ;Replace 'index' with the size of the index, 'in cylinders. If you do not allocate space :for the index , the operating system will 'use part of the independent overflow area 'or prime data area for the cylinder and :master indexes. You cannot give an incremental quantity for an INDEXED data set, but you can do so for a REGIONAL data set only for SEQUENTIAL 'creation. Replace 'x' with an alphabetic (A-Z) or numeric (0-9) character. The character you select specifies an output class and a corresponding output stream. (The computer operator allocates ,the output classes; a usual convention is that class A refers to a printer and class B to a card punch.) When using an operating system with PCP, to route a data set through the output stream that carries system messages, code: r---------------------------------------, IL_______________________________________ SYSOUT=A I J you can release unused space when you ,have finished writing a data set by 'including the positional subparameter RLSE 'in the SPACE parameter. Code r---------------------------------------,I I SPACE=(units,(quantities),RLSE) L _______________________________________ J ,where 'quantities' represents 'quantity, iincrement,directory' or 'quantity, iincrement,index' as used above. RLSE cannot be used with ISAM data sets. The SPACE parameter also allows you to request that the data set be placed on contiguous tracks or cylinders, and to place a data set in a specific position on the volume. You can also route both data sets and system messages through the same output stream when using a system with MFT or MVT. To do this, you mus't specify in the SYSOUT parameter the output class that you selected for the MSGCLASS parameter in your JOB statement. Operating systems with MFT and MVT have two additonal options for the SYSOUT parameter. They allow you to name your own special program to handle ouput operations, and to select a specific type of output form for a printed or punched data set. g~cify!~g When a job step involves one or more data sets that have corresponding records, ,you can minimize access-arm movement by using the SPLIT parameter instead of the SPACE parameter. The SPLIT parameter :requests that each data set be given a :proportion of the tracks on every cylinder 'allocated, allowing access to corresponding :records in the data sets without movement of the access arm. l>.nother method of obtaining direct-access space is through the technique of suballocation, using the 258 a Character Set (Ucs) The Universal Character Set (UCS) parameter allows you to have your output printed with a specified character set on a printer with the UCS feature. This character set is selected from a library of the character sets available at your installation; such a library would only exist if your installation had a UCS printer. Each character set is held in the library as an image of the appropriate subset of the universal character set of 240 graphic symbols. The selected image is loaded into the UCS buffer of the control unit for the printe'r, which must be equipped with the appropriate print chain or train. TO specify a required character set code: r----·-----------------------------------, number (e.g., UNIT 2400-2). The following are valid unit type numbers: Tape Units 2400 2400 series 9-track magnetictape drive that can be allocated to a data set written or to be written with a density of BOO bpi. 2400-1 2400 series magnetic-tape drive with 7-track compatibility and without data conversion. 2400-2 2400 series magnetic-tape drive with 7-track compatibility and data conversion. 2400-3 2400 series 9-track magnetictape drive that can be allocated to a data set written or to be written with a density of 1600 bpi. 2400-4 2400 series 9-track magnetictape drive having an BOO and 1600 bpi (density) capability. IL ____ .__________________________________ UCS=character set code JI Replace 'character set code' with one of the twelve identification codes for the IBM standa.rd character sets or with a code for your own character set. These codes must be one, to four bytes long; those for the PL/I character sets are: PN Alphameric (PL/I) QNe Alphameric (PL/I commercial) QN Alphameric (PL/I scientific) If you. omit the UCS parameter when using a with the UCS feature. there may be a defa.ult character set for your installation. If not. a message will be put on. the console asking the operator to specify a character set. printe~r other UCS features available allow you to tra.nspose certain EBOle characters with others, and to request the operator to verify that the character set chosen is the right one. Regues~ting a Unit (UNIT) The UNIT parameter of the DO statement allows you to specify information about the input or output unites) used by a data set. You ca.n identify a specific unit or group of uni.ts by its address, its type number, or its group name. To identify a unit by its address. code: r----'-----------------------------------, IL ____,.___________________________________ UNIT=address JI Replace 'address' with the 3-byte address of thE! unit (e.g., UNIT=lBO for channell, control unit B., unit 0). To identify a unit by its type number, code: r----·-----------------------------------, UNIT=type I --.-----------------------------------J I L __ Replace 'type' with a valid unit type Direct-Access Units 2301 2301 drum storage unit 2302 2302 disk storage drive 2303 2303 drum storage unit 2311 2311 disk storage drive 2314 2314 direct-access storage facility 2321 Bin mounted on 2321 data cell drive Unit Record Equipment 1052 1052 printer keyboard 1403 1403 printer or 1404 printer (continuous form only) 1442 1442 card read punch 1443 1443 printer 2501 2501 card reader 2520 2520 card read punch 2540 2540 card read punch (read feed) 2540-2 2540 card read punch (punch feed) 2671 2671 paper-tape reader Appendix B: Parameters of DO statement 259 Graphic Units 1053 1053 model 4 printer 2250-1 2250 display unit, model 1 2250-3 2250 display unit, model 3 2260-1 2260 model 1 display station (local attachment) To identify volumes by their serial numbers. code: r----------------·-----------------------, I VOLUME=SER=(sern ••••• ser#) JI L ______________________________________ 2260-2 2260 model 2 display station (local attachment) 2280 2280 film recorder 2282 2282 film recorder/scanner At system generation, your installation can designate names for individual units or collections of units (for example, to classify collections of magnetic-tape and direct-access units under the same name). To identify such a group of units in a DO statement. code: r---------------------------------·-----, IL______________________________________ UNIT=group JI Replace 'group' with a valid unit group name (e.g., UNIT=TAPE). If your installation uses IBM-supplied cataloged procedures, the following group names must have been established at system generation: ±Y,pes of Devices SYSSQ SYSDA SYSCP There are two ways of requesting the volumes used by an earlier data set. If the data set is cataloged or passed. and you wish to refer to it. code: r---------------------------------------, IL _____________________________________ VOLUME=REF=dsname -_.JI Replace 'dsname' with the name of the data set. If the data set is not cataloged or passed. and you wish to refer to the DO statement that defines it, code: r---------------------------------------, IL_______________________________________ VOLUME=REF=*.stepname.ddname JI Magnetic tape. direct access Direct access Card punch other subparameters of the UNIT parameter allow you to specify the number o·f units you need, defer mounting of volumes until the da.ta set is opened. and request that the data set not be retrieved or stored by access mechanisms used by certain other data sets. Specifying Volume Information (VOLUME) To request specific volumes. you can either identify the volumes by their serial numbers or use the volumes used by an earlier data set in the job. 260 VOLUME can be abbreviated to VOL. Replace 'sern' with the serial numbers associated with the volumes; a serial number may consist of up to six characters. You must use this form of the VOLUME parameter when retrieving noncataloged data sets. If only one volume is involved. you can omit the parentheses. i.e., code VOLUME=SER=ser#. Replace 'stepname' and 'ddname' with the name of the job step and DD statement where the earlier data set is defined~ If the earlier data set is part of a cataloged procedure. you must include the procedure step name, i.e., VOLUME=REF=*.stepname.procstepname.ddname. Other subparameters of the VOLUME parameter allow you to request private volumes. request that private volumes remain mounted until the end of the job. select volumes when the data set resides on more than one, and request more than one nonspecific volume. Appendix C: Versions of the PL/I (F) Compiler This edition, Form C28-6594-6 of the PL/I (F) Programmer's Guide, documents the fifth version of the compiler with the improvements incorporated for Release 19 of the operating system. Earlier versions are: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 4th 5th version: version: version: version: version, version: LIST/DATA-DIRECTED OUTPUT: ~lignment of data on preset tab positions. RECORD FORMAT: The use of undefined-format source records. , PAPER Form C28-6594-0 Form C28-6594-1 Form C28-6594-2 Form C28-6594-3 release 17: Form C28-6594-4 Form C28-6594-5 The more important differences between these versions of the compiler are listed below. There then follows a statement concerning the compatibility between compiled code and library modules of various versions. T~PE: Paper tape as input to the compiler and object program. OPERATORS: The operators ,> and ,<, and their 48-character set equivalents NG and NL. QUALIFIED NAMES: The resolution of apparently ambiguous name qualification. OBJECT PROGRAM LISTING: Double-column format for the object program listing. OBJECT-TIME ERROR H~NDLING: Optional inclusion of the statement number in object-time diagnostic messages. Chanqe~ at Second Version Combination of SNAP output with SYSTEM action for ON statements. The most significant changes for the second version of th.e compiler are: RECORD I/O: The statements: READ, WRITE, REWRITE, and DELETE. The attributes: RECORD, UPDATE, SEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, BACKWARDS, BUFFERED, UNBUFFERED, and KEYED. RECURSION ENVIRONMENTS: A change in the interpretation of ENTRY parameters and ON units in recursive contexts. CATALOGED PROCEDURES: A new cataloged procedure (PL1LFLG) for link-editing and execution. The ON-conditions: RECORD and KEY. The built-in functions: ONFILE and ONKEY. Changes at Third Version Note: The usage UPDATE SEQUENTIAL was not supported except for INDEXED data set organization. The most significant changes for the third version of the compiler are: COMPILE-TIME PROCESSING: The compile-time processing feature of PL/I. COMPILER OPTIONS: Abbreviated names as alternatives to the full names for compi.ler options. ARRA.Y INITIALIZATION: Initialization of arrays of STATIC variables by means of the INITIAL attribute. STRE:AM I/O: The options PAGESIZE and LINESIZE. OBJECT PERFORMANCE: Changes in the object code generated by the compiler will result in considerable imprOVements in the object-time performance. The most significant improvements are in the following areas: data conversions, the SUBSTR function and pseudo-variable, the INDEX function, the UNSPEC function, object-time error handling and procedural housekeeping, and the us e of GO TO label va'riabl es • ~RRAY The ON-condition NAME. ~ppendix INITIALIZATION: Initialization of arrays of AUTOMATIC or CONTROLLED C: Versions of the PL/I (F) Compiler 261 variables by means of the INITIAL attribute. AREA to AREA POINTER/OFFSET to POINTER/OFFSET UPDATE SEQUENTIAL: The use of UPDATE SEQUENTIAL for CONSECUTIVE and REGIONAL data set organizations. ASYNCHRONOUS OPERATION: The EVENT option on IIO statements, the COMPLETION built-in function and pseudo-variable, and the WAIT statement. Attributes: AREA[(expression)] BASEDCpointer) OFFSETCbased-variable) POINTER REFERCidentifier) Built-in functions: BATCHED COMPILATION: The facility for batched compilation of programs and a new compiler option, OBJNM. LINK-EDITING: A changed method of link-editing library routines into an object program, facilitating both the link-editing of PLII object modules from a library and the use of overlay technique with PLII object modules. MIXED DEFINING: The severity of diagnostic messages for defined data of type different from the type of the base is reduced from terminal to error, permitting the compilation of programs using mixed defining. AD DR EMPTY NULL NULLO Condition: AREA Operation: -> in 60-character set PT in 48-character set ASYNCHRONOUS OPERATIONS AND MULTITASKING: The following language is now supported: Statements and options: Changes at Fourth Version The most significent changes for the fourth version of the compiler are: LOCATE I/O AND LIST PROCESSING: The following language is now supported: Statements and options: READ FILECfilename) SETCpointer-variable) [KEYCexpression)IKEYTO (character-string-variable)]; CALL statement with TASK, EVENT, and PRIORITY options in any combination WAIT statement extended to allow array names in the event list DISPLAY statement with REPLY and EVENT opt.ions UNLOCK statement NOLOCK option in READ statement Assignment: EVENT to EVENT Attributes: LOCATE based-variable FILECfilename) [SET(pointer-variable)] [KEYFROMCexpression)]; REWRITE FILECfilename); ALLOCATE based-variable [inCarea-variable)] (SETCpointer-variable)]; FREE based-variable (INCarea-variable)]J Assignment: 262 EVENT EXCLUSIVE TASK Built-in functions/pseudo-variables: COMPLETION PRIORITY STATUS Mul titasking is supported by the system Multiprocessing r1VT DATi~ INTERCHANGE: The COBOL option in the ENVIRONMENT attribute: the ALIGNED/UNALIGNED attributes (for FORTRAN data interchange). ASSJ~MBLER SUBROUTINES: A variable-length argument list can be passed to assembler subroutines invoked by a PUI program. STRING HANDLING: The STRINGRANGE condition for use with SUBSTR: the STRI~G function. STR~~AM I/O: LINESIZE, SKIP, and COLUMN in non-PRINT files: PUT DATA with no data list. RECORD I/O: Some types of VARYING string may be used with the INTO or FROM options: the KEY option in the DELETE statement is now optional. The DELETE statement is now supp0rted for INDEXED data sets using SEQUENTIAL access. The new ENVIRONMENT options (INDEXAREA, NOWRITE, and REWIND) provide improved performance. COMPILER OPTIONS: SIZE and SORMGIN have been changed, and four new options (OPLIST, EXTDIC, MACDCR, and NEST) have been 'added. EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS: priority is changed: now comes before the logical operators in of priority. The order of concatenation comparison and the sequence PL/I SORT: The operating system sort program is available for use with PL/I programs. Note: In multitasking the action taken by the conditions ERROR and FINISH, and the statements .EXIT and STOP vary significantly between the third and fourth versions. The following descriptions refer to the fourth version. ERROR condition: if raised in a major task, FINISH is raised: if in any other task, that task is terminated. FINISH condition: execution of the interrupted statement is resumed. EXIT statement: causes immediate termination of the task containing this statement, and all tasks attached by this task. If in a major task, it has the same effect as STOP. STOP statement: raises FINISH and causes immediate termination of the major task and all subtasks. COMl)ILE-TIME OPTIMIZATION: Macro-processor concatenations are improved. Changes at Fourth Version, Release 17 OBJ:~CT PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION: Constant subscript and constant expression evaluation; some instances of . VARYING strings in assignment: in-line code for some VARYING string operations: prologue optimization: in-line handling of certain data conversions and some bit-string assignments: rounding-off (instead of truncation) for E- and F-format outptlt:dope vector initialization impr9ved: optimization of some IF statements LIs/rING IMPROVEMENTS: More details in attribute listings: aggregate listing in alphabetical order: sizes of the STATIC and program control sections are given; the size of each DSA is given; statement number provided in diagnost;i.c m~ssage for invalid pictures; improvements in aggregate length table for BASED items. PROGRAM RESTARt,,: The operating system checkpoint/restart facility is available under PCP. The most significant changes for the fourth version at Release 17 are: RECORD I/O: Spanned records (VS- or VBS-format) can be specified to span blocks. Generic keys (GENKEY option) can be specified to access groups of records on an INDEXED data set. PL/I SORT: User control or SORT ddnames for multiple use of PL/I SORT within a single job step is provided. MULTIPROCESSING: More than one PUI task may be executed simultaneously by a multiprocessing system. PROGRAM RESTART: Improved checkpoint/restart facilities are supported by PCP and MVT systems. CATALOGED PROCEDURES: Changes to some condition codes and to the dsnames for temporary data sets have been \ Appendix C: Versions of the PL/I (F) Compiler 263 incorporated into the PL/I cataloged procedures. Protection between tasks when executing 'soft' code in a multiprocessing environment PRTY parameter in the EXEC statement Changes at Fourth Version, Release 18 PRIORITY pseudo-variable enables priority of any task to be changed The.most significant changes for the fourth version at Release 18 are: COMPILER STATISTICS: Additional information is given in the listing to facilitate the automatic collection of statistics about the use of the operating system. DEDICATED WORKFILES: With the MVT control program, a dedicated workfile can be substituted for workspace data sets. LINKAGE LOADER: A new operating system service program, the linkage loader, can be used as an alternative to the linkage editor. CATALOGED PROCEDURES: Two new cataloged procedures are introduced: P:L1LFCG and PL1LFG; both for use with the linkage loader. MULTIPLE CONSOLE SUPPORT (MCS): Fo:r an installation that has MCS, system messages can be displayed on one or more consoles. MESSAGE LEVEL PARAMETER: The MSGLEVEL parameter in the JOB stateme:nt can have additional values. OBJECT PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION: Optimization of DO-loops for faster operations; implementation of halfword binary; some in-line conversions; improved assignment code for fixed decimal data; improved edit I/O for F- and E-formats; improved register allocation. OBJECT PROGRAM TERMINATION: The specified task asynchronous exit (STAE) feature for abnormal terminations in single and multitasking. DATA SET DESCRIPTION: TRKOFL (track overflow) and NCP (number of channel programs) have been added to the list of options in the ENVIRONMENT attribute. PROGRAM RESTART: The operati:ng system checkpoint/restart facility is now available under PCP, MFT, and MVT. IMPROVED FLOATING-POINT ENGINEERING CHANGE (IFPEC): Implementation of this feature has produced increased precision and faster execution for computational subroutines. DATA EDITING: Built-in functions: Changes at Fifth Version The most significant changes for the fift.h version are: TELEPROCESSING: The following language is now supported: File attributes: ENVIRONMENT Options: G(max. length) R(max. length) TRANSIENT TRANSLATE VERIFY PL/I LIBRARY: Selected library modules may now,be stored permanently in main storage for MFT and MVT. STRING HANDLING: STRING pseudo-variable. FUNCTION REFERENCES: Mandatory RETURNS attribute on PROCEDURE and ENTRY statements. BASED STRUCTURES: Improved precision for FIXED BINARY data used with the REFER option. ON-conditions: PENDING ASYNCHRONOUS OPERATIONS AND MULTITASKING: The following is now supported: Task management: 264 CATALOGED PROCEDURES: New cataloged procedures (PL1LFG and PL1LFCG): dedicated ·workfiles. ABBREVIATIONS: The following abbreviations for file attribute keywords are accepted: Keyword BUFFERED EXCLUSIVE SEQUENTIAL UNBU~"FERED Abbreviations 1. Fixed binary variables with a precision less than 16 are now aligned on half word boundaries and are two bytes long. Fixed binary variables with a precision of 16 or more are aligned. as before. on fullword boundaries and are four bytes long. Therefore. the boundary alignments obtained in this version of the compiler for fixed binary data with a precis'ion of less than 16 may differ from those obtained in a previous version. Programs based on previous versions may have to be recompiled if they contain fixed binary data. or make calls to modules IHESRT. IHEDUM. IHESAR. and IHETSA. These modules should have their fixed binary arguments re-declared with a precision greater than 15. 2. A change to the multitasking support in this version will provide faster execution for the PL/I user in a multiprocessing environment. Re-compilation is not necessary: re-link-edit is. 3. If a function reference returns a value. the entry-point name for the function reference must be declared with the RETURNS attribute. Programs compiled by earlier versions of the compiler without such a declaration will generate a warning message. 4. The restrictions on fixed binary variables in the REFER option have now been lifted. and such variables may be fixed binary integer variables of any precision. Both variables must be of the same precision. BUF EXCL SEQL UNBUF Changes at Fifth Version, Release 19 The mos·t significant changes for the fifth version at Release 19 are: In-stream procedure: Provision to test programmer-written procedures as in-stream procedures before being placed in the procedure library. Model 195 support: New compiler options to support Model 195. Step Ilbend facility: Enables system to issue a STEP ABEND after an abnormal termination from any task when the termination is caused by the ERROR condition, and no ERROR on-unit is established. Synta}c Check option: Provision made to terminate compilation after the syntax checking is completed. conditional on the error severity specified. 7 tra<::k tape default: Default changed from 200 b.p.i •• to 800 b.p.i. Changes at Fifth Version, Release 20 All chrulges at the fifth version for Release 20 are minor changes resulting from maintenance of the compiler and this publicat.ion. Compatil?ility between Different Versions of the PL/j~ Library and compiled Code Certain changes and improvements have been made to PL/I. the compiler. and the library between the five versions of the compiler. As a result. certain incompatibilities have unavoida.bly arisen between library modules of the different versions." The purpose of this compatibility statement is to make clear to the user what incompatibilities exist. and how the problems raised by them can be overcome. Sevelral changes in the fifth version prevent this version from being completely compatible with earlier versions: Two definite compatibility statements can be made about the compilers in general: 1. compiled code from any version of the compiler must always be executed using a library of the same version or a later version. 2. Library modules of different versions can be mixed only in the following circumstances: a. All link-edited modules must be of the same version as each other. and b. All dynamically linked or loaded modules must be of the same version as each other and must be of at least as late a version as the link-edited modules. Unless a user has link-edited PL/I external procedures with modules from a PL/I library and placed them in a private Appendix C: Versions of the PL/I (F) Comp~ler 265 library modules are present, then every time a main program needs to use the external procedure, it should be link-edited with it. using INCLUDE cards naming the library modules which are to be replaced (i.e., all of them) and an INCLUDE card naming the external procedure itself. (The latter must be a separate card and it must follow the INCLUDE card for the library modules.) This will result in the incorporation of the correct later-version library modules and then the external procedure itself. This method is temporary. library for future use with main programs compiled by a later version of the compiler, these incompatibilities should cause no problems. Provided the user has installed the latest compiler and library components, all future link-editing operations will result in the incorporation of the correct library modules. If, however, he has link-edited some of his external procedures, then, if he intends to use them in conjunction with a main program containing later- version library modules, he must remove the earlier-version library modules from them. Two methods may be employed to carry this out, one temporary and the other permanent: 1. 266 The linkage editor map for the external procedure is examined to see whether any library modules have been incorporated in the load module; t.hese can be identified by the initial letters IHE. If there are no library modules present in the load module, no further action is required. If 2. The permanent method is to link-edit the external procedure using the replace facility on the NAME card. In other words, the linkage editor is executed using the INCLUDE cards naming the library modules which are to be replaced, followed by an INCLUDE card naming the external procedure, followed by a NAME card naming the external procedure with the replace option. Appendix D: System Requirements Control Progra,m Options Machine Requirements Figure 1)-1 shows the control program options which may be added in order to provide greater performance and/or programning flexibility for the various features of PL/I. These exclude input/output features. The PL/I (F) compiler requires an IBM System/360 Model 30 or higher with at least 64K bytes of main storage, of which at least 44K bytes should be allocated to the compiler by means of the SIZE compiler option. The PL/I (F) compiler also requires at least one direct-access device, and an operator console. r------------T'----------------------------, Control Program Option2. I I PL/I Ffeature I ~------.------+,----------------------------~ I WAIT I I Taskin«;r I I I I I ITIME, DATE I I I ITlME, DATE, I I DELAY I I I M\TT I I Timing: A. Time I I Timing: B. Interval timing I I Multiple WAIT The use of certain operating system features requires additional main storage and resources. A table listing the minimum requirements of such features is given below (Figure 0-2). ~--_--._-----.L----------------------------" I2.See tllle publication IBM Systeml360 I I I Opera·tinq System: .StoraqeEstimates for further details of these options. IL ______ .___________________________________ JI Figure :0-1. Control Program Options Appendix D: System Requirements 267 r------------------T-------------T-------------T-------------T'--------------------------, , Facilities , Control IMain storage ,Systeml360, Resources required 1 1 , program 1 required 1 model , I ~------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------------------.-~ r I , , I I I I I I PCP I , , I , , 64K 1 30F I I I I IBatched processing 1 ,i. I I I I I I central processing uni1t.1 Operator's console , Card reader punch I Direct-access storage I device I printer I 1 .-------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------~ 1 - ~---,-----,-----+-------------+-------------+-------------------------.-~ I MVT I 256K I 40H 13. As for 1, with interval, , 'MFT I , , I 128K I , 40G I 1.2. As for 1 I timer I I ~------------------+-------------+-------------~-------------~--------------------------~ Teleprocessing 1 PCP I Not available: QTAM requires MFT or MVT I ~----·---------+·-------------T-------------T--------------------------~ , , , 14. As for 2, with , I I I , Direct-access storage I I I 1 , device for message I , MFT I 128K 1 40G I queues I I I (see Fig.O-3)I I Communication terminals I , , , I with adapter or control I units I , I I I ~--------,-----+-------------+-------------+---------------------------~ I I MVT I 256K I I (see Fig.D-3)I 40H SOl 15. As for 4, with interval I I timer I .------------------+-------------+-------------~-------------~--------------------------i I I PCP I Not available: ,MCS requires MFT or MVT I ~-------------+------------T-------------T---------------------------~ IBatched processing, MFl' , 128K I 40G 16. AS for 2, with up to 3:JLI Iwith multiple I I I I extra operator's I Iconsole support , I I I consoles I , (MCS) .-------------+--------------+------------+----------------------------i I I MVT . I 256K , 40H 1"l.AS for 6 I I .----------------+-------------+--------------+-------------+---------------------------i I Multiprocessing I I , I 18. As for 3 except that I , two CPUs and two I , , , operator's consoles I , , I , are required I ~------------------~-------------~-------------~-------------~--------------------------·i ,Notes on resources: I I MVT I I 2x256K I I I 2x40H 11. , Direct-access storage devices for PCP, MFT, and MVT. 12. Printer: 1403 and 1443, with chain (HN, PN, or QN) or bar (S2H or 63-character). I 13. I 14. Character set: EBCDIC or USACII-8. Operator's console: 1052 print:er keyboard model 7 (with dual case printing element) I with 2150 console or with 1052 adapter; composite consoles currently supported; IL _______________________________________ 2250 console; model 85 integrated operator's console 220C. .________________________________________________ . Figure 0-2. 268 Minimum System Requirements PCP (64K) DYNAMIC AREA '--.---"'----' \.'--------.. . . r----------', T y 12 K 52 K MFT (128K) / DYNAMIC AREA WRITER I PARTITION 0"'- V POSSIBLY USED FOR TELEPROCESSING 32 K 50K 30K 16K MVT ,(256K +) , / J I I AREA) I l I "L--. _ _ _.....y,--____...J, \.\....-------.. POSSIBLY USED FOR TELEPROCESSING REGION 0 WRITER I WRITER 2 MASTER SCHEDULER (52 K) Y qOK lAPPROX) I04K 16K 16K 32K (APPROX) Note: the MFTand MVT diagram show the possible configurations with the teleprocessing facili~f. As teleprocessing requires a minimum of two partitions or regions, the space available in the dynamic area may not be sufficient w-ith the minimum configurati9n. Figure ]0-3. possible Minimum Configura"tions of Main storage Appendix D: System Requirements 269 Appendix E: PL/I Library Subroutines The following list comprises all the library modules provided for Version 5 of the PL/I (F) compiler. It gives the length in bytes of each module; and a brief description of its function. All the modules are resident in system libraries in auxiliary storage, either in the PL/I subroutine library (SYS1.PL1LIB), or in the link library (SYS1.LINKLIB). Those modules marked * reside in the link library. Module Length IHEABN 12 IHEABU 184 ABS (complex fixed-point binary) IHEABV 544 ABS (complex fixed-point decimal) IHEABW 128 ABS (complex short floating-point) IHEABZ 128 ABS (complex long floating-point) IHEADD 216 ADD (real fixed-point decimal) IHEADV 96 IHEAPD 360 Conversion (real fixed-point decimal) IHEATL 536 ATAN and AT AND (real long I HEATS 408 ATAN and ATA,ND (real short floating-point) IHEATW 304 ATAN and ATANH (complex short floating-point) IHEATZ 296 ATAN and ATANH (complex long floating-point) IHEBEG 136 Messages to operator IHEBSA 296 AND (byte-alignej bit strings) IHEBSC 272 Comparison (byte-aligned bit strings) IHEBSD 192 CompariBon (bit strings, any alignment) IHEBSF 480 Boot IHEBSI 296 INDEX (bit strings) IHEBSK 472 Bit-string (assignment, concatenation, REPEAT) IHEBSM 384 Bit-string (assignment, padding) IHEBSN 192 NOT (byte-aligned bit string) IHEBSO 312 OR (byte-aligned bit strings) IHEBSS 240 SUBSTR (bit string) IHEBST 512 TRANSLATE (bit string) IHEBSV 408 VERIFY (bit string) IHECFA 160 ONLOC 270 ABEND option ADD (complex fixed-point decimal) floating~point) Length * * * Description IHECFB 576 IHECFC 88 IHECKP 184 Checkpoint (CALL IHECKPT) IHECLS 922 Closing files (Versions 1, 2, and 3 only) IHECLT 1298 IHECNT 72 IHECSC 200 Comparison (two character strings) IHECSI 168 INDEX (character string) IHECSK 320 Character string (concatenation, REPEAT) IHECSM 280 Character string (assignment, HIGH, LOW) IHECSS 224 SUBSTR (character string) IHECST 304 TRANSLATE (character string) IHECSV 198 VERIFY (character string) IHEC'rT 1718 IHEDBN 344 Conversion (bit string to arithmetic) IHEDCN 495 Conversion (character string to arithmetic) IHEDDI 1248 IHEDDJ 448 Array handling IHEDDO 648 Data-directed output IHEDDP 640 Array handling IHEDDT 760 Data-directed output IHEDIA 584 Edit-directed input IHEDIB 280 Edit-directed input IHEDID 448 Edit-directed input IHEDIE 456 Edit-directed input IHEDIL 48 Edit-directed input IHEDIM 528 Edit-directed input IHEDIMA 248 Conversion (arithmetic data) IHEDNB 248 Conversion (arithmetic to bit string) IHEDNC 632 Conversion (arithmetic to character string) IHEDOA 224 Edit-directed output IH~D()B 328 Edit-directed output IHEDOD 296 Edit-directed output ONCODE ONCOUNT Closing files COUNT/LINENO Closing files Stream-oriented transmission Appendix E: PL/I Library Subroutines 271 Module IHEDOE 224 Edit-directed output IHEDOM 584 Edit-directed output IHEDSP 612 Messages to operator IHEDUM 280 Main storage dump (CALL IHEDUMC, IHEDUMJ, IHEDUMP, IHEDUMT) IHEDVU 408 DIVIDE (complex fixed-point binary) IHEDW 576 DIV'IDE (comp1ed fixed-point decimal) IHEDZW 104 Division (complex short floating-point) IHEDZZ 104 Division (complex long floating-point) IHEEFL 736 ERF, ERFC (real long floating-point) IHEEFS 384 ERF, ERFC (real short floating-point) * * * * * IHEERD 720 Execution-time error messages IHEERE 1704 Execution-time error messages IHEERI 896 Execution-time error messages IHEERN 4096 IHEERO 856 Execution-time error messages * IHEERP 1208 Execution-time error messages IHEERR 1816 Error and interrupt handling * * IHEERS 848 Execution-time messages (SNAP) IHEERT 712 Execution-time error messages * IHEESM 1768 Execution-time messages (SNAP, CHECK) * IHEESS 1960 Execution-time messages (SNAP, CHECK: Version 2 only) IHEEXL 456 EXP (real long floating-point) IHEEXS 256 EXP (real short floating-point) IHEEXW 136 EXP (complex short floating-point) IHEEXZ 136 EXP (complex long floating-point) IHEHTL 272 ATANH (real long floating-point) IHEHTS 192 ATANH (real short f10atifig-point) IHEIBT 576 stream-oriented output (PUT) IHEIGT 1340 Record-oriented transmission (multitasking) IHEINT 436 Record-o:rient.ed transmission (multitasking) IHEIOA 360 Stream-oriented input (GET) IHEIOB 480 Stream-oriented output (PUT) IHEIOC 288 stream-oriented transmission (STRING) 272 Execution-time error messages (Versions 1 and 2 only) Length * * * * * * * * * * * * Description IHEIOD 640 Edit-directed transmission IHEIOE 176 Implicit OPEN (Versions 1,2,3 only) IHEIOF 736 Stream-oriented input IHEIOG 1104 IHEIOH 200 IHEIOJ 1992 IHEION 248 Record I/O transmitter IHEIOP 488 PAGE option/format IHEIOX 328 SKIP option IHEI'rB 3772 BSAM/CONSECUTIVE or REGIONAL UNBUFFERED interface IHEI'l~ 2604 BSAM/REGIONAL SEQUENTIAL (output) interface IHEI'I'D 2270 QISAM/INDEXED SEQUENTIAL interface IHEI'rE 1760 BISAM/INDEXED DIRECT interface IHErrF 1845 BDAM/REGIONAL DIRECT interface IHEI'I'G 1122 QSAM/CONSECUTIVE RECORD BUFFERED interface IHEI~I'H 2610 BISAM/I~DEXED IHEI'I'J 2650 BDAM/REGIONAL DIRECT (multitasking) interface IHEI~rK 622 QSAM/READ spanned records IHEI'l"'L 492 QSAM/WRITE spanned records IHErrp 874 QTAM/teleprocessing interface IHEJXI 320 Initialize and address arrays IHEJXS 104 Finds first and last elements of array IHEKCA 1560 Checks decimal picture specifications IHEKCB 1464 Checks sterling picture specifications IHEKCD 256 IHELlDI 2072 List-directed input director IHELOO 1048 List-directed output director IHEL1~ 360 LOG (x) (real long floating-point) IHELlNS 256 LOG (x) (real short floating-point) IHEVNW 268 LOG(z) (complex short floating-point) IHELlNZ 288 LOG(z) (complex long floating-point) IHEL:SP 1064 IHEM'91 344 Record-oriented transmission BDAM/BISAM housekeeping (Version 2 only) BSAM housekeeping (Versions 2,3 only) DIRECT (multitasking) interface Checks character picture specifications List processing storage management Model 91 execution-time error routines Appendix E: PL/I Library subroutines 273 Module Length I HEMAl 8 lHEMPU 240 MULTIPLY (complex fixed binary) IHEMPV 288 MU:LTIPLY (complex fixed decimal) IHEMSI 32 'STIMER unavailable' message IHEMST 32 'TIMER wlavailable' message IHEMSW 136 IHEMXB 96 IHEMXD 120 MAX (real fixed-point decimal) IHEMXL 96 MAX (real long floating-point) IHEMXS 96 MAX (real short floating-point) IHEMZU 240 Z1. *z:,a (c<:>mplex fixed-point binary IHEMZV 672 z1.*z:,a (complex fixed-point decimal) IHEMZW 64 z1.*z:,a (complex short lHEMZZ 64 Z1.*z:,a (complex long floating-point) IHENL1 280 ALL or ANY for simple array IHENL2 192 ALL or ANY for interleaved array IHEOCL 1338 Explicit/implicit open/close (non-multitasking) IHEOCT 2190 Explicit/implicit open/close (multitasking) * IHEOPN 920 Implicit/explicit open routine * IHEOPO 1828 Implicit/explicit open routine * IHEOPP 1874 Implicit/explicit open routine * IHEOPQ 1296 Implicit/explicit open routine * IHEOPZ 992 Format director: REGIONAL DIRECT output lHEOSD 216 Obtain current date IHEOSE 80 Terminate current task abnormally lHEOSI 72 Invoke STIMER (with WAIT if required) IHEOSS 56 Terminate job step abnormally IHEOST 88 Obtain time of day lHEOSW 1060 IHEPDF 144 IHEPDL 88 PROD (real long floating-point) interleaved array IHEPDS 88 PROD (real short floating-point) interleaved array IHEPDW 120 274 Addresses IHEBEG if no main procedure I/O event counter (multitasking) MAX (real fixed-point binary) floating~point) EVENT counter (non-multitasking) PROD (real fixed-point binary/decimal) interleaved array PROD (complex short floating-point) interleaved array Length Description IHEPDX 272 PROD (complex binary or decimal) interleaved array IHEPDZ 120 PROD (complex long floating-point) interleaved array IHEPRT 656 COPY/error message via SYSPRINT IHEPSF 160 PROD (real fixed-point binary/decimal) simple array IHEPSL 72 PROD (real long floating-point) simple array IHEPSS 72 PROD (real short floating-point) simple array IHEPSW 96 PROD (complex short floating-point) simple array IHEPSX 256 lHEPSZ 96 IHEPTT 768 COPY/error message via SYSPRINT (multitasking) IHEFtES 100 Checkpoint/restart interface IHESAP 2488 IHESHL 248 SINH (real long IHESHS 192 SINH (real short floating-point) IHESIZ 16 IHESMF 136 SUM (real binary or decimal) interleaved array IHESMG 128 SUM (real short floating-point) interleaved array IHESMH 128 SUM (real long floating-point) interleaved array IHESMX 224 SUM (complex binary or decimal) interleaved array IHESNL 416 SIN (real long IHESNS 320 SIN (real short floating-point) IHESNW 320 SIN (complex short floating-point) IHESNZ 368 SIN (complex long floating-point) IHESQL 160 SQRT (real long floating-point) IHE8QS 168 SQRT (real short floating-point) IHESQW 152 SQRT (complex short floating-point) IHES:QZ 144 SQRT (complex long floating-point) IHESRC 344 Passes data to condition functions IHESRD 128 Passes data to ONKEY function IHESRT 1348 IHESSF 168 SUM (real fixed-point binary/decimal) simple array IHESSG 104 SUM (real short floating-point) simple array IHESSH 104 SUM (real long floating-point) simple array PROD (complex binary or decimal) simple array PROD (complex long floating-point) simple array storage management (non-multitasking) \ floating~point) Length of PRV in Register 1 floating-~oint) Sort/merge interface Appendix'E: PL/I Library Subroutines 275 Description Module Length IHESSX 216 IHESTA 1124 Abnormal termination error message IHESTG 1108 Length of structure string IHESTP 1432 Assigns bit/character string to string pseudo-variable IHESTR 1592 structure address and length • IHESUB 16 Subtask initialization interface I HE TAB 16 Default table for tabulation IHETCV 208 Controlled variable storage (multitasking) IHETEA 248 Event variable assignment IHETER 272 ON-field search (multitasking) IHETEV 240 COMPLETION pseudo-variable IHETEX 1464 IHETHL 280 TANH (real long floating-point) IHETHS 200 TANH (real short floating-point) IHETNL 344 TAN (real. long floating-point) IHETNS 272 TAN (real. short floating-point) IHETNW 184 TAN (complex short floating-point) IHETNZ 184 TAN (complex long floating-point) • IHETOM 493 Operator messages IHETPB 56 IHETPR 268 IHETSA 5720 IHETSE 88 Abnormally terminates current task IHETSS 72 Terminates PL/I program abnormally (multitasking) IHETSW 1520 IHEUPA 192 Complex data item IHEUPB 232 Complex numeric field IHEVCA 272 Defines attributes of arithmetic data in character form IHEV'CS 480 Conversion director (complex data-string) IHEVFA 232 Radix conversion: binary to decimal IHEVFB 224 Conversion (long-float to fixed-point binary) IHEVFC 40 Conversion (long-float to floating-point variable) IHEVFD 88 Conversion (fixed-point binary to long floating-point) * 276 SUM (complex fixed-point binary/decimal) simple array Active task terminated message PRIORITY built-in function PRIORITY pseudo-variable object program management (multitasking) EVENT counter (multitasking) Length Description IHEVFE 32 IHEVKB 736 Conversion (float-point decimal to packed decimal) IHEVKC 720 Conversion (sterling to packed decimal) IHEVKF 1504 Conversion (packed decimal to IHEV.KG 1248 Conversion (packed decimal to sterling) lHEV~PA 352 Conversion (packed decimal to long floating-point) IHEVPB 408 Conversion (packed decimal to F-format) IHEVPC 492 Conversion (packed decimal to E-format) 264 Conversion (packed decimal to decimal) IHEVPE 616 Conversion (F-, E-format to packed decimal) IHEVPF 72 IHEVPG 560 Conversion (binary fixed/floating-point to 10n9 floating-point) IHEVPH 184 Conversion (bit string to long floating-point) IHEVQA 208 Conversion (floating-point to binary) IHEVQB 1004 IHEVQC 600 Conversion (coded arithmetic to F-. E-format/character string) IHEVSA 320 Assignment (bit string to bit string) IHEVSB 208 Conversion (bit string to character string) IHEVSC 176 Assignment (character string to character string) IHEVSD 416 Conversion (character string to bit string) IHEVSE 352 Assignment (character string to picture string) IHEVBF 240 conversion (bit string to picture string) IHEVTB 136 Float-point table for conversions IHEXIB 88 IHEXID 136 X**n (decimal to integer) IHEXIL 152 X**n (long floating-point to integer) IHF.XIS 152 X**n (short floating-point to integer) IHEXIU 120 Z**n (complex binary to integer) lHEXIV 192 Z**n (complex decimal to integer) IHEXIW 256 Z**n (complex short floating-point to integer) IHEXIZ 256 Z**n (complex long floating-point to integer) lHEXXL 152 x**y (long floating-point) IHEXXS 144 x**y (short floating-point) Conversion (float-point to long floating-point) fixed/floating~point) Conversion (decimal to packed decimal) Conversion (decimal constant to coded arithmetic) X**n (binary to integer) Appendix E: PL/I Library subroutines 277 Module Length IHEXXW 280 Z~**Z2 (complex short floating-point) IHEXXZ 280 Z~**Z2 (complex long floating-point) IHEYGF 432 POLY (binary or decimal) lHEYGL 240 POLY (long floating-point) IHEYGS 240 POLY (short floating-point) IHEYGW 280 POLY (complex short floating-point) IHEYGX 688 POLY (complex binary or decimal) IHEYGZ 280 POLY (complex long floating-point) * IHEZZA 1296 SNAP dump index (I) * IHEZZB 1704 SNAP dump index (II) * IHEZZC 2960 SNAP dump cont.rol routine * IHEZZF 1596 Save-area trace for SNAP 278 Qescr!.Etion (Version 3 only) (Version 3 only) Appendix F: Shared Library Introduction 1. The sheared library feature enables certain presel1ected PL/I subroutine library modules to be ishared between two or more PL/I progralrklS being executed under the control of an l~T or MVT control program of the operat:ing system. By using standard IBM-supplied cataloged procedures and overriding the link-edit and loader job steps. 2. By providing your own cataloged procedures. The presel~cted group of modules is made resident in main storage (in the resident access method area for MFT" and in the link-pi:tck area for MVT). To create a shared library you must specify the modules that you require when you generate your operating 'system. You do this by means of a system generation macro instruction. The system generation process will link-edit these modules together with a tranl3fer vector module, into a load module which is given the entry-point name IHELTV1\, and stored in auxiliary storage in the link library, SYS1.LINKLIB. The load module can be subsequently loaded permanently into main storage during initial program load. This load module is a reent.rant load module and your installation must be able to make this type of module resident during initial program load1.. To .:!xecute a PL/I program using the shared library, you must ensure that a dummy t.ransfer vector module is link-edited to YOUJc program in order to resolve all references to the shared library modules. You do this by specifying the entry-point name IHELTTA for your PL/I program. This dummy 1:.ransfer vector module is also created during system generation and is also stored in auxiliary storage in the PL/I subroutine library, SYS1.PL1LIB. You can use the shared library by either of two me1:.hods: 1.For mc)re information on making reentrant load modules resident during initial program load refer to IBM System/360 Operating System: System Generation, and IBM "SYBtem/360 Operating system: system Programmer's ,Guide. These methods and their required coding are described below. How to Create a Shared Library The PL1LIB System Generation Macro Instruction To create a shared library, you must specify the modules that you require when you generate your operating system. You do this by means of a system generation macro instruction, PL1LIB2. To facilitate selection of modules required for your shared library, the PL/I subroutine library modules have been divided into 36 groups. Each group comprises modules that have associated functions, as shown in Figure F-1. You cannot specify modules in Group 1 because these are housekeeping, string function, or stream input/output modules that cannot be used in a shared library; they are termed 'non-shareable' modules. Group 2 modules will be included automatically during system generation if you have specified a multitasking shared library, or group 3 modules if you have specified a non-multitasking shared library. You can specify any of the remaining groups (Groups 4 through 36) in any combination to form a shared library to fit your needs. You should specify only frequently used groups of modules to make best use of the shared library feature. 2 For more information on the PL1LIB macro instruction refer to IBM System/360 Operating system: system Generation Appendix F: Shared Library Cataloged Procedures 279 r-------T----------------------------------------------, I GROUP I MAIN FUNCTIONS OF GROUP I ~-------+----------------------------------------------~ 1 Non-shareable modules 2 Multitasking storage management 3 Non-multitasking storage mangement 4 Error handling (ON-units) 5 List processing and struc·ture mapping 6 Basic conversion package 7 Edit conversions 8 Complex conversions 9 Bit-string conversions 10 Character-string conversions 11 Picture conversions 12 Sterling conversions 13 optimization=l special conversions 14 Bit-string built-in functions 15 Character-string built-in functions 16 STRING built-in function and pseudo-variable 17 Real non-interleaved arrays 18 Real interleaved arrays 19 Complex non-interleaved arrays 20 Complex interleaved arrays 21 Real arithmetic operators 22 Complex arithmetic operators 23 Real short arithmetic built-in functions 24 Real long arithmetic built-in functions 25 Complex short artihmetic built-in functions 26 Complex long arithmetic built-in functions 27 Non-multitasking data-directed I/O 28 Non-multitasking list-directed I/O 29 Non-multitasking edit-directed I/O 30 Multitasking data-directed I/O 31 Multitasking list-directed I/O 32 Multitasking edit-directed I/O 33 Non-multitasking record I/O 34 Multitasking record I/O 35 Non-multitasking record I/O wait 36 Multitasking record I/O wait _______ i _____________________________________________ _ Figure F-l. Shared-Library Module Groups IEBUPDTE~ utility program; the method of specifying its use by the system is given in the following paragraph. For illustration purposes, the ~xample has been given the user list name IEAIGG01. Initial Program Load (IPL) //BLDLIST EXEC //SYSPRINT DD DD //SYSUT2 Once created, your shared library load module is given the entry-point name IHELTVA and is stored in auxiliary storage in the link library, SYS1.LINKLIB. To store this load module permanently in main storage you must first build a new reentrant load module user list for it in the parameter library, SYS1.PARMLIB; and second, you must ensure that the use of this list by the system is specified during initial program load. You can give this user list a name of the form IEAIGGxx, where xx are any two digits other than 00. The following example of coding suggests how you create such a list by means of the // // // 280 PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW SYSOUT=A DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB, UNIT=2314, VOL=(,RETAIN,SER=MVTll1), DISP=OLD DD * ADD NAME=IEAIGG01,LIST=ALL NUMBER NEW=01,INCR=02 SYS1.LINKLIB IHELTVA ENDUP //SYSIN ./ ./ ./ /* ~For more information about the IBM utility program IEBUPDTE refer to IBM System/360 Operating system: U·tilities The AD)) statement identifies your shared librar~{ load module, IHELTVA, in the new reentrclnt load module list (IEAIGG01).:I. When the nucleus initialization program (NIP) J::equests the system parameters, the operator reponds by specifying 'RAM=Ol' (the digits 01 correspond to the last two digits of the user list name IEAIGG01). This rE:lSpOnSe causes your load module to be loaded into the relevant area of main storagE:l. If you require both the standard and shared library load module lists, you must instru(~ the operator to respond to the NIP request: for system parameters by specifying 'RAM=OO,Ol'. You should note the following points:: • If your installation standard reentrant load module list (IEAIGGOO) refers to SYS1.LINKLIB and not SYS1.SVCLIB, you can add your module entry-point name (IlIELTVA) to this list. In this case you do not need to create a new procedure library list; your shelred-library load module will be aut:omatically stored in main storage at initial program load. • If your installation standard reentrant load module list (IEAIGGOO) does not re1:er to SYS1. LINKLIB, your system must have been generated with the ability to conwunicate with the operator during initial program load. This is because thE! operator must specify the use of thE~ alternative list as described above. How tOI Use a Shared Library When e:ll:ecuting programs using the shar ed library you must ensure that the first module ,to be processed by the linkage editor or loader is the dummy transfer vector module IHELTTA. Also ensure that the entry-point name of the resulting load module is specified as IHELTTA. You should note the following points: :l.For mClre information about reentrant load module lists refer to IBM/360 Operating System: system Programmer's Guide. • You can have a shared library for either non-multitasking or multitasking programs. You cannot, however, use a multitasking program with a non-multitasking shared library and conversely, you cannot use a non-multitasking program with a multitasking shared library. You should find out whether your installation has a multitasking or non-multitasking shared library. • A load module created for use with one shared library will not execute with a different shared library. You will have to link-edit the object module again, including the dummy transfer vector module IHELTTA for the different shared library. • You must remember that the linkage editor or loader require a large amount of main storage for external symbol dictionary tables while processing the dummy transfer vector module IHELTTA. If you specify SIZE=200K in the PARM field of your EXE~ statement for the linkage editor or loader (and use a region or partition of equivalent size), you will get sufficient main storage for processing with the largest possible shared library. • Your PL/I program may take slightly longer to execute when using a shared library, because all library calls have to pass through the transfer vectors. However, your main storage requirements for a region will be greatly reduced if you have carefully selected your shared library modules to suit the operating environment. • The address of your shared library module in the link-pack area of main storage is found by IHELTTA issuing a LO~D macro instruction. If the shared-library load module IHELTVA was not made resident in main storage at initial program load, and you try to run your program with shared-library job control statements, the shared-library module will be loaded into the region or partition. Your job will still execute, but you will need to specify a larger region size(MVT), or use a larger partition (MFT). AppendiK F: Shared Library Cataloged Procedures 281 USING STANDARD IBM CATALOGED PROCEDURES In this method you make use of standard IBM-supplied cataloged procedures that contain a link-edit job step or that use the linkage loader. If you use this method you must override certain statements in ·the link-edit or loader job step of the cataloged procedure to ensure that the shared.-library transfer module (IHELTTAJ is the first module to be included by the linkage editor or loader. and that its entry point in the resulting load module has the name IHELTTA. The methods for doing this for each individual cataloged procedure differ slightly and are described below. Cataloged Procedures using the Lin~~gg_~ditQ~ Compile and Link-Edit (PL1LFCL) You may use this cataloged procedure by reversing the order of concatenation of the data sets defined in the DO statement with the name SYSLIN. This ensures that the first module specified is IHELTTA. The suggested method of doing this is as follows: //S //LKED.SYSLIN //LKED.OBJ //LKED.LIN INCLUDE INCLUDE ENTRY EXEC PL1LFCL DD DDNAME=LIN DO DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) DD * SYSLIB (IHELTTA) OBJ lHELTTA (add further input here) /* You can add other linkage-editor control statements by placing them as indicated. If, for example, you wish to give the resulting load module the name MINE, you should add the statement: NAME MINECIU between the ENTRY and /* statements. Note: You must not use DDNAME=SYSIN in the LKED.SYSLIN DD statement as this would be concatenated with an identical DD statement provided by the cataloged procedure and cause the input stream to be processed twice. Compile, Link-Edit and Execu·te (PL1LFCLG) This cataloged procedure can be modified for use with a shared library in exactly same way as described for PL1LFCL above. thE~ Link-Edit and Execute (PL1LFLG) You may use this cataloged procedure by specifying the compiled object module as the member DECK of the partitioned data set PL1. OBJECT, as follows,: 282 //S //LKED.OBJ //LKED.SYSIN INCLUDE INCLUDE ENTRY EXEC PL1LFLG DO DSN=PL1.OBJECTCDECK),DISP=SHR DO * SYSLIB(IHELTTA) OBJ IHELTTA (add further input here) /* Note: Since PL1LFLG does not specify a concatenated data set for the SYSLIN DO statement of the l~KED step, but only specifies DDNAME=SYSIN, you can specify all the link-edit control statements by the LKED.SYSIN DO * statement. CatalogE~d Procedures using the Linkage Loader Compile, Load-and-Execute CPL1LFCG) You may use this cataloged procedure by overriding the PARM parameter of the GO step to add t;he specified entry-point IHELTTA. You must also override the SYSLIN DO statement to pernrl.t the transfer vector module IHELTTA to be processed by the compiler object module. The suggested method for doing this is as follows: //S //GO.SYSLIN // EXEC DO DO PL1LFCG,PARM.GO='MAP,PRINT,EP=IHELTTA' DSN=SYS1.PL1LIBCIHELTTA),DISP=SHR DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) Load-and.·- Execute (PL1LFG) You may use this cataloged procedure by specifying the compiled object module as the member DECK of the partitioned data set PL1.OBJECT, as follows: //S //GO.SYSLIN // EXEC DD DD PL1LFG,PARM. GO=' MAP, PRINT, EP=IHELTTA' DSN=SYS1.PL1LIBCIHELTTA),DISP=SHR DSN=PL1.OBJECT(DECK),DISP=SHR PROVIDING YOUR OWN CATALOGED PROCEDURES You can provide your own cataloged procedures for use with a shared library. The followinq examples suggest how you might write these, basing them on the standard IBM-supplied cataloged procedures. For illustration purposes, the names PL1LSCL, PL1LSCLG, etc., have been chosen, but you. could use any names you choose. Once you have written your cataloged procedures you add them to the procedure library (SYS1.PRO~LIB) at your installation by using the IBM utility program IEBUPDTE. Appendix F: Shared Library cataloged Procedures 283 Cataloged Procedures using ·the Li9kage Editor compile and Link-Edit (PL1hSCL) when you write this cataloged procedure, you should remember that it needs a special member in the procedure library to hold the input control data to the linkage editor. In the example, this member is called PL1LSLD and includes the following linkage editor statements: INCLUDE ENTRY SYSLIBCIHELTTA) IHELTTA Your cataloged procedure might look like this: //PL1L //SYSPRINT //SYSLIN EXEC DD DD // //SYSUT3 DD // //SYSUT1 DD // //LKED EXEC // //SYSLIB //SYSLMOD DO DD // //SYSUT1 DD // //SYSPRINT //SYSLIN // // DD DO DD DD PGM=IEMAA,PARM='LOAD,NODECK',REGION= 52K SYSOUT=A DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=,MOD,PASS.,UNIT=SYSDA, SPACE=CSO,<250,100» DSN=&&SYSUT3,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=CSO,C250,250», DCB=BLKSIZE=SO DSN=&&SYSOT1,SPACE=C1024,C60,60)"CONTIG), ONIT=SYSDA,SEP=CSYSnr3,SYSLIN),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 PGM=IEWL,PARM='XREF,LIST',COND=C9,LT,PLIL), REGION=96K DSN=SYS1.PLILIB,DISP=SHR DSN=&&GOSETCGO),UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=CMOD,PASS), SPACE=C102 14, (50, 20,1) ,RLSE) DSN=&&SYSUT1,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=C1024,C200,20», SEP=CSYSLMOD,SYSLIB),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 SYSOOT=A DSN=SYS1.PROCLIBCPL1LSLD),DISP=SHR DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=COLD,DELETE) DDNAME=SYSIN Compile, Link-Edit and. Execute (PL1LSCLG) You can write this cataloged procedure in a similar way to that described above for PL1LSCL, remembering that again you require the special member PL1LSLD. //PL1L //SYSPRINT //SYSLIN EXEC DO DO // //SYSUT3 DO // //SYSUTl DD // //LKED EXEC // //SYSLIB //SYSLMOD DD DO // //SYSUTl DO // //SYSPRINT //SYSLIN // // //GO //SYSPRINT 2S4 DD DO DO DD EXEC DO PGM=IEMAA,PARM='LOAD,NODECK',REGION=52K SYSOOT=A DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=CMOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSSQ, SPACE=CSO,(250,100» DSN=&&SYSUT3,UNIT=SYSDA.SPACE=CSO,250,250». DCB=BLKSIZE=SO DSN=&&SYSUT1,SPACE=C1024,C60,60)"CONTIG), UNIT=SYSDA,SEP=CSYSUr3,SYSLIN).DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 PGM=IEWL,PARM='XREF,LIST',COND=C9,LT,PL1L), REGION=96K DSN=SYS1. P:L1LIB, DISP=SHR DSN=&&GOSET(GO),UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=CMOD,PASS), SPACE=C1024.C50.20,1),RLSE) DSN=&&SYSUrl,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=C1024,C200,20», SEP=CSYSLMOD,SYSLIB),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 SYSOUT=A DSN=SYS1.PROCLIBCPL1LSLD),DISP=SHR DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=,OLD,DELETE. DDNAME=SYSIN PGM=* • LKED. SYSI,MOD, COND= CC9 , LT , LKED) , C9 , LT, PL1L) ) SYSOUT=A Link-Edi"t and Execute (PL1LSLG) Again you need the special member PL1LSLO in SYS1.PROCLIB. //LKED //SYSLIB //SYSLMOD EXEC DD DD PGM=IEWL,PARM='XREF,LIST',REGION=96K OSN=SYS1.PL1LIB,DISP=SHR DSN=&&GOSET(GO),UNIT=SYSOA,DISP=(MOD,PASS), SPACE=(1024,(50,20,1),RLSE) DD OSN=&&SYSUT1,SP~CE=(1024,(200,20», DO DD DD EXEC DO UNIT=SYSDA,SEP=(SYSLMOD,SYSLIB),DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 SYSOUT=A DSN=SYS1.PROCLIB(PL1LSLD),DISP=SHR DDNAME=SYSIN PGM=*.LKED.SYSLMOD,=(9,LT,LKEO) SYSOUT=A // //SYSUTl // //SYSPRINT //SYSLIN // //GO //SYSPRINT Cata10qel~ Proceduresusinq the -Linkage Loader In cataloged procedures that use the linkage loader, SYSLOUT is the ddname of the diagnostic message output data set. This name should have been specified at system generation; if i t has not, you should specify PARM = 'NOPRINT' in your EXEC statement. If you do not specify this, and the loader was generated without the ddname SYSLOUT, the system gives the loader diagnostic message output data set the default name SYSPRINT, which is also the standard diagnostic message output data set name for PL/I programs. If both the loader and a PL/I program attempt to execute DO statements with this ddname under an MFT or MVT control program, you may lose your output or input/output errors may occur whcen an output writer attempts to print it. You do not need the special member PL1LSLO in the procedure library because you must name the entry point of the resulting load module in the PARM parameter of your EXEC statement:. • Compile, Load-and-Execute (PL1LSCG) In this cataloged procedure, your compiled object module is stored in the temporary data set &&L01\DSET which is concatenated with the transfer vector module IHELTTA. //P][,lL //SYSPRINT //SYSLIN EXEC DD DD // //SYSUT3 DD // //SYSUTl DD EXEC // //SYSLIB // //SYSLOUT //SYSPRINT SYSOUT=A DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,P~SS),UNIT=SYSSQr SPACE=(SO,(250,100» DSN=&&SYSUT3,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(SO,(250,250», DCB=BLKSIZE=SO DSN=&&SYSUT1,SPACE=(1024,(60,60)"CONTIG), UNIT=SYSD~,SEP=(SYSUr3,SYSLIN),OCB=BLKSIZE=1024 // //GO PGM=IEMAA,PARM='LO~OrNODECK',REGION=52K DD DD DD DD PGM=LOADER,PARM='MAP,PRINT,EP=IHELTTA', REGION=96K,COND=(9,Lr,PL1L) DSN=SYS1.PL1LIB,DISP=SHR DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) SYSOUT=A SYSOUT=A Load-and--Execute (PL1LSG) In this cataloged procedure, your compiled object module is the member DECK in the partitioned data set PL1.0BJECT, and you may define this in the GO step as follows: //GO.L01\'DIN DD OSN=PL1.0BJECT(OECK) ,DISP=SHR Note: You might use the ddname LOADIN instead of SYSIN to define input to the loader, because BYSIN may be required to define the PL/I (F) default input data set for the program being loaded. Appendix F: Shared Library Cataloged Procedures 2S5 Your cataloged procedure may look like this: //GO EXEC // //SYSLIB //SYSLIN // //SYSOUT //SYSPRINT 286 DO DO DD DO DO PGM=LOADER,PARM='MAP,PRINT,EP=IBELTTA', REGION=96K DSN=SYS1.PL1LIB"DISP=SHR DSN=SYS1.PL1LIB(IHELTTA),DISP=SHR DDNAME=LOADIN SYSOUT=A SYSOUT=A Appendix G: IBM System/360 Model 91 Note: In the following discussion, the terms exception and interrupt are used. An exceptio]} is a hardware occurrence (such as an overflow error) which can cause a program interrupt. An interrupt is a suspension of normal program activities. There are many possible causes of interrupt:s, but the following discussion is concerned only with interrupts resulting from hardware exceptions. IBM System/360 Models 91 and 195 are processing systems in which more than one instruction is executed concurrently. As a result, an exception may be dE~tected and an interrupt occur when the addrE?!ss of the instruction which caused the exception is no longer held in the central processing unit. Consequently, the instruction causing the interrupt cannot be precisely identified. Interrupts of this type are termed imprecise. When an exception occurs, the machine stops decoding further instructions and ensures that all instruct10ns which were decoded prior to the exception are executed before honoring the exception. Execution of the remainin parameter of the EXEC statement. STEP ABEND FACILITY Using the standard default module IHEABND in the PL/I library (data set SYS1.PLILIB), error handling will be as stated above. The STEP ABEND facility is available however by using a user-written module IHEABND.; Replacing the standard module results in a STEP ABEND being issued whenever the ERROR condition is raised or signallE;!d in the absence of an ERROR ON-unit., Changing Standard Module IHEABNn To change the standard module IHEABND to obtain the STEP ABEND facility the return code in register 15 must be set to non-zero. TO become an installation standard this module must be link-edited into the PL/I library (data set SYS1.PLILIB) to replace the standard module IHEABND. For use in one program only, the object deck is link-edited with that program. The purpose of this module is to set a non-zero return code in register 15. The error handling module IHEERR calls IHEABND and examines the return code held in register 15 to decide whether STEP ABEND or normal action is required. (The standard default module IHEABND in SYS1.PLILIB sets a zero return code in register 15). If the return code is non-zero then a STEP ABEND is issued. RETURN CODES Return codes are set by use of the statement CALL IHESARC, or CALL IHETSAC (multitasking). Module form: IHEABN IHEABND CSECT ENTRY USING EQU L NONZERO BR DC END IHEABND *,15 * NONZERO 15, 14 F'l' Define entry Addressability Entry point Set return code in register 15 Return on register 14 Non-zero return code Appendix I: ON, Return, and User completion Codes 295 296 Appendix J: Implementation Conventions and Restrictions AREA At"tribute The BASED attribute must be followed by a pointer identifier in parentheses. The size of an area is limited to 32,767 bytes. In this implementation, the AREA size is provided by the value associated with thle AREA attribute or by the default value o:f. 1000 bytes. The OFFSET attribute must be followed by an identifier in parentheses. The variable named in the OFFSET attribute must be an unsubscripted level 1 based area. Aggregat:es Offset variables 'may not be used in any SET option or in any explicit or implicit based variable qualifier. The lenqth of an aggregate is limited to 8 , 388 , 607 byt es • A based variable may not have the INITIAL attribute. A based label array cannot be initialized by means of subscripted label prefixes. Array Bounds A based structure can have either: Arrays a.re limited, for each dimension, to a lower bound of -32,768 and to an upper bound of 32,767. BASED 1. One adjustable array bound, or 2. One adjustable-length bit or character string. A1~tribute The implementation of offsets and pointers does nOi: support bit address ing. This restric1:ion has no practical effect on ALIGNED bit strings. With UNALIGNED bit strings belonging to arrays or structures, however., only offset or pointers to major structw:es or minor structures with byte (or higher) alignment should be used. Based Structure with-One Adjustable Array Bound: This is permitted only when there are no adjustable strings in the structure. The bound must conform to the following rules: 1. It must be of the form: X REFER (Y) where X is an unsubscripted fixed binary integer variable, Based Vc~riable Declaration Y is an unsubscripted fixed binary integer variable, of the same precision as X, which is: A pointE~r variable must be included in a based variable declaration. (This is the pointer that will be set in the absence of a SET option from a LOCATE or an ALLOCATE statemeIit referring to the based variable.) part of the structure, and b. not associated with an explicit pointer qualifier. 2. It must be the upper bound of the leading dimension (including inherited dimensions) of the element with which it is declared. 3. The structure member with which the bound-is declared must be, or must contain, the last base element in the structure. Based Variables The pointer variable explicitly or implici"t:ly qualifying a based variable must be a non-based unsubscripted scalar pointer :i.dentifier. a. Appendix J: Implementation Conventions and Restrictions 297 Example: Buffers DCL 1 2 2 2 The number of buffers must not exceed 255" PARTS LIST BASED(P), FIRM_NAME CHAR(40), REF_NO FIXED BINARY, FIRM ADDRESS, 3 STREET TOWN CHAR (50), 3 COUNTRY CHAR(30), 2 STOCK(20:N REFER(REF NO), 100:200), 3 NUMBER, 4 HERE FIXED(10,0), 4 ORDERED, 5 PROVISIONAL FIXED(10,O), 5 CONFIRMED FIXED(10,0), 3 COST FIXED(5,0); Based Structure with.One Adjustable-Len~h Bit or Character String: This is permitted only when there are no adjustable array bounds in the structure.. The string must conform to the following rules: 1. It must be an element. 2. It must be the last element in the structure. Built-In Functions The default value for the second argument of the FIXED built-in function is 15 for binary data, and 5 for decimal data. The default value for the second argument of the FLOAT built-in function iB 21 for binary data, and 6 for decimal data. The length of the bit string which is the value returned by the UNSPEC built-in function is defined by the type of the argument. Argument Type 3. The length must be declared in the form: X REFER (Y) where X and Yare as described above. Example: DCL 1 2 2 2 TYPE OF HOUSE BASED(P), NUMBER_OF_FLOORS FIXED(2,0), AREA FIXED BINARY, RATES_CODE CHAR(N REFER(AREA»i Note: Pointer and area data types must be aligned. Length of Bit String FIXED BINARY (p,q) 16 if p < 16 32 if P > 15 FIXED DECIMAL (p,g) 8*FLOOR ( (p+2)/2) FLOAT BINARY (p) 32 if p :$ 21 64 if P ~ 22 FLOAT DECIMAL (p) 32 if P :$ 6 64 if p ~ 7 CHARACTER (n) 8*n BIT (n) n 32 POINTER 32 OFFSET (Number of bytes AREA allocated + 16)*8 The length of the string returned by the ONSOURCE and DATAFIELD built-in functions is subject to an implementation maximum of 255 characters. Character Code Block Size The maximum size of a block must not exceed 32,760 bytes. See IBM System/360 Operating System: PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual for details of data aggrega·te size requirements necessary in calculating the block size for data sets using RECORD I/O. Blocks in a Compilation The number of PROCEDURE, BEGIN, and iterative DO-groups, plus the number of ON-statements, must not exceed 255. 298 Input to the object program is assumed to be in EBCDIC mode. CHECK Condition If an identifier that is read in by a GET DATA statement is 'included in a CHECK lis1t anywhere in the program, then the CHECK condition is raised, and will be treated as enabled unless the block containing the GET DATA statement has an explicit NOCHECK prefix. If the CHECK condition is raised, system action will be taken unless the GE'r DATA statement lies within the dynamic scope of an ON CHECK statement for the identifier in question .• If Cil READ statement with the EVENT option has a KEYTO or an INTO variable for which t~he CHECK condition is enabl,ed, the value of the variable will be printed immedialtely after execution of the READ statemEmt, not after the WAIT statement. consequently, the printed values of the variable will be the old, not the new values. The CHECK condition is not raised for the name of a procedure when: 1. The procedure that enables the CHECK condition also invokes the named procedure, and 2. The invoking procedure and the named procedure hav'e been placed in di.fferent program segments (overlays) by the linkage editor. COLUMN Format Item in Non-Print Files For input files, if the value of the expression is greater than the current record length, a value of 1 is assumed. For both input and output files, if the value is less than the current position on the line, the file is positioned at COLUMN (value) on the next line. For output files, all characters from the current position in the line to the next position are blanked out. For U- or V-format records, if another record is required, a short record is put out subject to the rules described under the SKIP , format item. Concatenated Data Sets The maJ!:imum number of entries in a CHECK conditi.on, whether in a prefix list or in an ON-s:tatement, is 510. The maximum number of data items being at any point in the compilation varies between 2078-2n and 3968-2n, where n is the number of currently checked items which have the attribute EXTERNAL. ch~cked If at structure or part of a structure is in a CHECK condition, the number of items in this: restriction must include all element~s of the structure. Concatenation of data sets with 'unlike attributes' (device type, record format, etc.,) is not supported at object time. Constants The precision or length of constants may not be greater than the precision or length of the corresponding type of variable. Constants, Floating-Point COBOL Option The exponents of floating-point numbers are restricted to a maximum of 2 digits for decimal or 3 digits for binary. If an ON-condition arises during a READ INTO, t~hen: 1. 2. The INI'O variable may not be used in the ON-unit. Constants Returned by Procedures If: the completed INTO variable is must be a normal ON-unit. If a procedure has more than one entry point, and each entry point returns a value, code is generated to convert each value returned to each of the data types for the entry points. If any of these values is a constant., it is possible that this constant cannot be converted to all the data types specified. A severe error message will be put out, and execution will be unsuccessful. r€~quired, there r€~turn from the In the execution of PL/I programs, compari.sons of character data will observe the collating sequence resulting from the represe~ntations of characters in bytes of IBM&System/360 storage in extended binary coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC). This situation can be avoided by assigning the constant to a variable of the same data type, and then returning this variable. For example: Appendix J: Implementation Conventions and Restrictions 299 DCL A ENTRY RETURNS(CHAR(S», B ENTRY RETURNS(FIXED DECIMAL(lS», C ENTRY RETURNS(BIT(64», ATEMP CHAR(S); A: ENTRY CHAR(S); ATEMP= , AOS ' ; RETURN (ATEMP) ; B: ENTRY FIXED DEClMAL(lS); RETURN(10S); C: ENTRY BIT(64); RETURN ('10101' B) ; The use of ATEMP aVioids the interrupt caused by the CHARACTER->FIXED DECIMAL and the CHARACTER->BIT conversions. However, execution may still be unsuccessful, and a warning message is put out to remind the user. DE CLARE statement, (compile-time) No more than three levels of factoring are! permitted in a compile-time DECLARE statement. DEFINED Attribut~ The DEFINED attribute is always evaluated on entry to the declaring block. Overlay defining is not permitted if the base is either subscripted or is declared CONTROLLED. Correspondence defining is nClt permitted if the base is declared CONTROLLED. Example: DCL B CONTROLLED" Constants, Sterling The maximum number of digits allowed in the pounds field of a sterling constant is 13. The number of digits following the decimal point in the pence field must not exceed 13 minus the number of digits in the pounds field. C(10) AUTOMATIC; DCL A DEFINED B, E DEFINED C(I), F(10) DEFINED C; /*INVALID*/ /*INVALID*/ /*VALID*/ No correspondence defining may be used with arrays of structures. Example: DCL 1 A(10), 2 B~ 2 C; DCL 1 0(5) DEFINED A, 2 E, 2 F; /*INVALID*/ DCL D(S) DEFINED B; /*VALID*/ Constants, String The number of characters in a string constant, after expansion of iteration 'factors, may not exceed the size of a dictionary block minus 14. The size of a dictionary block will vary with the storage available to the compiler in the same way as does text block size, but will not be less than 1,024 bytes. Dimensions The maxiumum number of dimensions permitted, including dimensions inherited from containing structures, is 32. DISPLAY Statement Data-Directed Input/Output ';Jt' The maximum lengtH'o~ a qualified name, including the separating periods, is 255 characters. Data~Directed The maximum lengths of character string acceptable are 72 characters for the message and 126 characters for the reply. The reply string's current length is set equal to its maximum length and padded with blanks if necessary. List Dummy Arguments The maximum number of elements permitted in a list for data-directed input is 320. Each base element of a structure counts as a separate list~element. 300 The maximum number of dummy arguments permitted at each invocation of a procedure is 64. Edi t- Dj:rected Input/Output Example: In the output format item E(w,d,s), s must be less than 17 digits. In the output format item E(w,d), d must be less than 16 digits. If t~he number of significant digits in E- formcLt is greater than 16, then: E-format input: CONVERSION condition raised E-format output: ERROR Condition raised when either a repetitive specification appears in an edit-directed format list or an iteI~ation factor is used in a format list, t:he data items are associated with their format items during execution rather than compilation. The compiler will therefore include library modules that can handle all the possible pairings of data and fOI~mat items. Some of these modules, however, will never be invoked should the circumstances that demand their use never arise. ENTRY Names as Arguments and ON-Statements in Rect~sive Contexts In the first version of the (F) 'compiler, ENTRY parameters were invoked with the enviror~ent existing at the time of invoca"t:ion. In subsequent versions, they will bE~ invoked with the environment existing at the time when the ENTRY name was passed as an argument. ExamplE~: Pi:: PROC RECURSIVE: B=l-; CALL P4(P3); RETURN; P4:: ENTRY (PP) ; B=2; CALL PP: P3:: PROC: PUT DATA(B); END: END: P: PROC RECURSIVE; DCL I STATIC INIT(O),M AUTOMATIC; I=I+l: M=I: IF I=l THEN DO: ON OVERFLOW PUT DATA(M): END: IF I=3 THEN SIGNAL OVERFLOW: ELSE CALL P: END: Note: In the first version, the procedure gave M=3:. subsequent versions give M=l:. These modifications of semantics can affect only those programs which contain both recursive procedures and either entry parameters or ON-statements. EVENT Option The EVENT option is implemented for RECORD input/output statements used as follows: Access Data~Set Organization SEQUENTIAL UNBUFFERED CONSECUTIVE, REGIONAL DIRECT CONSECUTIVE, INDEXED or REGIONAL Note: The EVENT option should not be used on a WRITE statement if V- or U- format records are being added to a REGIONAL(3) data set which is being accessed in a direct update mode. If the EVENT option is specified in the DISPLAY statement, it must follow the REPLY option. Exponentiation Note: Ii"or the first version, the above procedltte gave B=2;, for subsequent versions it gives B=l;. In t.he first version of the (F) compilE:lr, ON-units in recursive contexts were entered with the environment existing when the condition occured. In subsequent versions, the ON-unit will be entered with the en"ironment which was in existence when the ON··statement was executed. The expression X**(-N) for N>O is evaluated by taking the reciprocal of X**N. This may cause the OVERFLOW condition to occur as the intermediate result is computed, which corresponds to UNDERFLOW in the original expression. Expression Evaluation The maximum number of temporary results which may exist during the evaluation of an expression or during an assignment statement is 200. Appendix J: Implementation Conventions and Restrictions 301 An estimate of the number of temporary results which may exist during the evaluation of an expression can be obtained from the following: At each level of parenthesis, count one for each operator which is forced to be evaluated before an inner level of parentheses. For each such operator, count one for each operand which requires conversion before use, count one for each nested function, count one for each subscripted variable used as a target in a assignment statement, and finally, count one for each pseudo-variable and each argument of a pseudo-variable. GENERIC Attribute There is a limitation on the number of family members and argumants which may he associated with a GENERIC entry name. the! value given by evaluating the following formula must not exceed 700: n 3n + 8I:a. + 8MAX(a 1 ,a2, ••• an) + 3d 1 I where n = the number of family members. aj = the number of arguments relating to the ith family member. d the greatest function nesting depth at which an invocation of the GENERIC entry name appears. Factoring of Attributes The total number of pairs of parentheses used for factoring attributes in DECL~RE statements within a compilation is dependent upon the SIZE option, as follows: Text Block Size Factor Bracket Limit 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 146 292 585 1171 2340 For relationship between SIZE option and block size, see "Control Options" in Chapter 5: Compilation. FLOAT Attribute Halfword Binary Facilities With previous versions of the compiler, fixed binary variables of any precision were always mapped as fullwords (requiring four bytes of storage). The fifth version. of the compiler will map fixed binary variables of precision less than 16 as halfwords (requiring only two bytes of storage), and will use IBM System/360 halfword instructions to process them. Note that variables of default precision will be mapped as half words. The change does not apply to fixed binary constants or fixed binary intermediate targets (i.e., compiler created temporaries for holding intermediate results of operations). These will continue to occupy fullwords. Floating-point precision specified as FLOAT (*) in a parameter description within the GENERIC attribute, is not permitted~ Identifiers, Length Floating-point Magnitude The magnitude of a normalized floating-point variable or intermediate result must lie in the range from 2.4 * 10- 78 to 7.2 * 10 75 • The following types of identifiers should contain not more than seven characters: EXTERNAL data identifiers EXTERNAL PROCEDURE and ENTRY labels ExrERNAL Files CONDITION identifiers Function Values If this restriction is exceeded, the first four characters are concatenated with the last three to form an abridged identifier. The maximum number of different dat.a types or precisions returned by one function may not exceed 256. In, addition, such identifiers must not start with the letters IHE, in case they conflict with the names of library modules. 302 Identifiers, Subscripted INTO Option of READ Statement For subscripted identifiers, the maximum number of characters in the subscript is limited to 255 characters. This figure includes the first left parenthesis, the commas, and the final right parenthesis: it excludes redundant characters such as blanks and plus signs. When the record variable of a READ statement is a variable length bit-string, the byte count, not the bit count, is stored as the current length. This is because all variable length bit-strings are not both byt'e aligned and multiples of eight. INCLUDE statement (compile-time) LABEL Attribute Included text must be from a member of a partitioned data set. If a single identifier is specified, either as (identifier) or identifier then it is assumed to be the name of a member of the partitioned data set with the ddname SYSLIB. If identifier~ (identifier2) is written, then identifier~ is the ddname and identifier2 is the member name. DD statements must be provided for partitioned data sets used. Records in these data sets must have a fixed length of not more than 100 characters. The maximum blocking factor is 5. The source margin and character set options on the EXEC statement also apply to included text. The number of statement-label constants specified by the LABEL attribute is limited to 125 in any particular label list. Qualified names may not be used as label prefixes. Reference to arrays of label variables initialized by means of subscripted labels must not require explicit structure qualification. Example: DCL Z(3) LABEL, 1 5'1 2 Y(3) LABEL, 1 51. 2 Y(3) LABEL, 1 52, 2 X(3) LABEL: INDEXAREA option The index-area-size parameter to this option is a decimal constant and must not exceed 32,767. INITIAL Attribute An INITIAL attribute given for CHARACTER or BIT data of STATIC storage class may not specify 'complex expressions' as initial values. Example: DCL C CHAR(10) STATIC INITC3+4I), /+INVALID+/ DCL C CHAR(10) STATIC INITC'3+4I'): /+VALID+/ on~y the INITIAL CALL form of the INITIAL, attribute is allowed in pointer declarations. Z Cl): : S.Y(1): X(1): : /*VALID*/ /*INVALID*/ /*VALID*/ LABEL Variables in Structures with the LIKE Attribute Initialization of LABEL variables in these structures requires careful handling particularly as the implementation does not provide the result specified by the language. A structur.e A is declared, using the LIKE attribute, to ~e identical to a structure B. Structure B' contains a LABEL variable that is initialized, using the INITIAL attribute, to the value of a LABEL constant~ The initial value of the corresponding LABEL variable in A is the initial value of the LABEL constant known in the block containing the declaration of B, not A. Appendix J: Implementation Conventions and Restrictions 303 CALL ACB); . ExamEle: DCL 1 B, 2 L LABEL INITCL1); L: . END A; Ll: . ; /*B.L=Ll*/ END X: BEGIN; DeL A LIKE B: Ll: . , /*A.L IS GIVEN THE VALUE OF Ll IN STRUCTURE B*/ END; Label constants in Recursive Procedures When a label constant in a recursive :procedure is the object of a GOTO statement, the branch will be taken to the label in the most recent invocation of -the .procedure. The most recent invocation is used irrespective of the environment that invoked the recursive procedure and of -the environment that invoked the procedure containing the GOTO statement. Consequently, if the GOTO statement: is in a procedure which was passed as an entry name parameter, the branch will be to the most recent invocation rather than to the invocation that, was active when the entry name parameter was passed. In the following example, the first invocation of A invokes A recursively: the second invocation of A invokes procedure B. The GOTO statement in procedure B causes a branch to the label L in the most recen-t :invocation of procedure A rather than to 'the previous invocation. X: PROC OPTIONS(MAIN): Label Variables in Recursive Procedures If a label variable is assigned a label constant in a particular invocation of a recursive procedure, a GOTO statement associated with the invocation will transfer control to the label constant within that invocation. Consequently, if the GOTO statement is in a procedure which was passed as an entry name parameter, thE~ branch will be to the label constant assigned to the label variable in the environment that was active when 'the entrl!' name was passed. In the following example, the first invocation of procedure A invokes A recursively; the second invocation of A invokes procedure B. The GOTO statement in procedure B causes a transfer to the label L in the invocation of A that was active when the entry name parameter B was passecl, i.e., the first invocation of A. X: PROC OPTIONSC'MAIN): CALL A (A) : A: PROC (E) RECURSIVE: DCL E ENTRY: DCL SW BIT(1) STATIC INIT( 'O'B): DCL LAB LABEL INIT(L): CALL A(A): A: PROC(E) RECURSIVE; DCL E ENTRY, SW BIT(l) STATIC INIT('O'B)i B: PROC: GOTO LAB END B: IF SW THEN CALL E; SW='l'B: CALL A(B): B: PROC GOTO L; END B: IF SW THEN CALL E SW='l'Bi 304 L: • END A; END X; Level Numbers ENVIRONMENT attribute. Short lines are padded with blanks for F-format records only. The maximum declared level number permitted in a structure is 255. The maximum true level number permitted in a structure is 63. The MACRO option should be included among the complete set of options for the compiler invocation if the program contains compile-time statements .. Line Nmnberinq (Compile-Time) Where constants or comments span more than one linc=, the output line numbering refers to the :Eirst input line number of the string or comment. MAIN Option LINESI Z]~ Format Item The maximum amd minimum line size depend on the record format. r------·~-T--------------------------------, I I LINESI ZE I I Record ~------------------T-------------~ I Format: I Minimum I Maximum I ... MACRO Compiler Option (compile-time) A single parameter may be passed by the EXEC statement for the execution job step to the MAIN procedure. If this facility is used, the first parameter to the MAIN procedure should be declared as a VARYING character string; the maximum length is 100, and the current length is set equal to the parameter length at object time. The parameter can also be a fixed-length character string. ~------ -+-----------------+-------------~ I I V ... INon-PRINT file: 101 I PRINT file: 9 I 32,751 I I MA~MIN,MOD, Built-In Functions ~------ -+------------------+-------------~ I I 11 I I I I I ______ U,F ... _J.. __________________ J.. _____________ 32,759 L J If a line size is not specified, the default values are: PRINT file: 120 characters Non-PRINT output file: no default value The I,INESIZE value determines the logical·mrecord length in the data set (i.e., ithe value of LRECL): F- and U-format records: LRECL = LINESIZE V-format records: LRECL = LINESIZE + 4 For PRINT files, an extra byte (for the ANS conitrol character) is added to each of the above LRECL values. If BLKSIZE is specified, its value and the LRECL value must be compatible.. If BLKSIZE is not specified, its value is calcula1:ed from the LINESIZE value .. Evaluation of the expression gives an inteqer that must be within the limits described above. For V- and U-format records" LINESIZE is the maximum size of a line. If a variable LINESIZE is required, the maximum value must be specified as the BLKSIZE in the DD statement or in the When the arguments to these functions have different attributes" all the arguments are converted, before the function is invoked, to the highest characteristics. Contrary to the language specification, both the precision and the scale factor of an argument will be adjusted. If all the arguments are FIXED, application of the highest-characteristics rule may, in conjunction with the maximum precision defined by the implementation, cause truncation and hence an inaccurate result. For example: DCL X FIXED DECIMAt(12,l), Y FIXED DECIMAL(12,9); Z=MOD(X,Y); Here Z (whateVer its attributes) will be wrong. X and Yare stored in a temporary field which would have, according to the precisions of the operands, a precision larger than the implem.entation permits. Therefore the implementation-defined maximum is applied, resulting in a precision of (15,9). Y can be stored satisfactorily inside such a field but X is truncated, with the loss of its five high-order digits. When the MOD built-in function is used with FIXED arguments of different scale factors, the results may be truncated. If Appendix J: Implementation Conventions and Restrictions 305 SIZE is enabled, an error message will be printed; if SIZE is disabled, no error message will be printed and ,the result is undefined. Multiple Assignments and Pseudo-Variables Multiple assignments are limited by the following rule: count 11 for each target of a multiple assignment, add 3 for each pseudo-variable, and then add 11 for each argument of a pseudo-variable. The total must not exceed 4,085. Names Generated by the Compiler The number of names generated by the compiler must not exceed 11,264 in a compilation. One name is generated for each PROCEDURE, BEGIN, or ON-block u for ,each variable declared as CONTROLLED INTERNAL, and for each INTERNAL file. 'Names, Qualified The number of characters in a qualified name, which is to be used either for ,data-directed input/output or in CHECK lists, must not exceed 256. Note that if the DATA option without a list is used for data-directed input, this will include all structure elements in the compilation. Nesting Limitations There must not be more than 50 levels of nesting at any point in the compilation. The degree of nest~ng at any pOint is the number of PROCEDURE, BEGIN or DO statements, without a corresponding END statement, plus the number of currently active IF compound statements, plus the number of currently unmatched left parentheses, plus the number of dimensions in each active array expression, plus the ,maximum number of dimensions in each active ,structure expression. The number of nested iteration factors in a format list must not exceed 20. The maximum nesting of ENTRY attributes within an ENTRY or GENERIC attribute'is 3~ 306 Nesting and Depth of Replacement At any point in the program the combined level of nesting and depth of replacement is restricted to 50. However, since not all nested or replacement items require the same amount of space, a program may run with a greater actual nesting or replacement depth than 50 levels. Depth of replacement is self-defining, but nesting level requires some clarification. A nesting level is required for: 1. Each pair of parentheses, either explicit or implied by hierarchy of operation. 2. ~ach 3. Each member of a parenthesized list, such as factor lists in DECLARE statements or argument lists of procedures. IF, DO or PROCEDURE statement. OFFSET and POINTER Built-In Functions The OFFSET and POINTER built-in functions cannot be specified expl~citly. However, if the value of an offset variable is assigned to a pOinter variable, or a pointer value to an offset variable, the necessary conversion is implicit in the assignment. ON-Units and Entry Parameter Procedures There is an implementation limit to the number of ON-units and/or entry parameter procedures which can be active at any timE~. An entry parameter procedure is one that passes an entry name as parameter to a procedure it calls. rhe total permissible number of these ON-units and/or entry parameter procedures is 127. ONCOUNT Built-In Function This built-in function is supported only for Model 91 requirements. PAGESIZE Option The maximum size of a page is 32,767 lineB; the minimum is 1 line. If the page size is not specified a value of 60 lines is assumed. Parame"ters aggregate size requirements necessary in calculating the record size for data sets using RECORD I/O. The ma:lcimum number of parameters permitted at any entry point is 64. REFER Option PICTUR:~ Attribute The ma:lcimum length of a PICTURE describing a numeric field, after expansion of iteration factors, is 255. , The maximum length of a PICTURE describing a character string, after expansion of iteration factors, is the size of a dictionary block, less 14. The size of a dictionary block will vary with the storag1e available to the compiler in the same way as does, text block size, but will not be less than 1,024 bytes (or 768 bytes if the EXTDIC option is in use). The restriction on the two variables in the REFER option of the BASED attribute~ has been eased to permit fixed binary integer variables of the same precision as each other. This will allow the user the choice of either continuing to use fullword binary or using halfword binary for the controlling fields in self-defining structures. Scale Factor The scale factor of a variable, or of an intermediate result of type FIXED, must be in the range -128 arid +127. POSITION 1\ttribute The ma:tdmum value of the integer constant in the POSITION attribute is 32,767. Precision The pr1ecision, N, for a compile-time variable declared FIXED is restricted to' 5. The maximum precision of a variable or of an intermediate result is: 53 16 31 15 for for for for FLOAT FLOAT FIXED FIXED BINARY DECIMAL BINARY DECIMAL Size of Compile-Time Processor Input The use~'s program is maintained internally as blocks of text. Block size is assigned at the start of processing and is a function of machine size as specified by the SIZE option on the EXEC card. The total size of internal text is restricted to 90 times the size of a text block. The minimum system configuration results in a block size of lK, so a total of 90K is allowed for internal text. This minimum figure is roughly equivalent to 1000 source input statements. Size of Individual Statement Proced~res (compile-time) There may be no more than 254 compile-time procedures per compilation. Further, each procedure is limited to a maximum of 15 parame"ters. Record Size The ma:,dmum size of a record must not exceed 32,760 bytes. See IEMSystem/360 Operating System: PL/I (F) Language Refere:!lce Manual, for details of data All statements, other than a DECLARE statement, are limited to 3,500 source characters, i.e." equivalent to 50 cards. The 'content' of any statement, other than a DECLARE statement, is limited by the size of a text block; this varies, as described in the preceding paragraphs, with the storage available, but will not be less than 1,024 bytes. The contect of a statement can be calculated by ignoring nonsignificant blanks and comments, expanding iteration factors in string constants and pictures, and then adding one byte for each occurrence of an identifier, and three bytes for each occurrence of a constant. Appendix J: Implementation Conventions and Restrictions 307 To this, for binary constants add the iterations of any CHARACTER or BIT strings (note that at this point BIT strings are treated as characters, not bits), since the (F) compiler expands the strings as if the programmer had ~ritten then in full, and two decimal digits for decimal constants. At most, these restrictions will limit a statement to six cards, but the limit will normally he between 20 and 30 cards. even for a text block of 1,024 bytes. These restrictions also apply to a DECLARE statement for the text between any two commas which are not contained within parentheses. SKIP Format Item in Non-Print Files For output files, SKIP action depends on the record format: F-format: On a short line. SKIP fills out the remainder of the line with blanks. V-format: SKIP puts out the current line as a short record. If the byte count of the line is less than 14 (18 with control bytes), the line will be blanked up to that size. Successive lines will be of the same minimum length, padded with blanks. STRING Built-In Function The argument may be an element array, or structure variable that consists of one of the following: 1. Bit strings 2. Character strings 3. Decimal numeric pictures 4. ~ mixture of (2) and (3) It cannot be an operational expression. The argument can be ALIGNED or UNALIGNED; if it is ALIGNED, padding is not: included in the result. The concatenated string in the result has a maximum length of 32,767 bytes. String Lengths The length, in characters or bits, of a string variable or intermediate string result is limited to 32,767. String Lengths in Intermediate Result Fields U-format: SKIP will put out the current line as a short record. Statements The total size of the internal text, at any point in the compilation, is restricted ·to 90 times the size of a text block. The size of a text block is itself dependent on the amount of main storage available to ·the compiler, as specified by the SIZE option. The minimum block size is 1,024 bytes (lK), giving a maximum size for the internal text of 92 r 260 C90K). This is equivalent to roughly 280 executable statements. The maximum block size is 16,382 bytes, giving a maximum of 1,474,560 bytes for ·the size of internal text. This is equivale:nt to roughly 14,000 executable statements. The figures given for numbers of statements are necessarily approximate, since the number of bytes per statement will vary between different types of source programs. 308 When non-adjustable V~RYING strings, or functions which return non-adjustable VARYING strings, are used in an expression, the lengths of the intermediate result fields are calculated from the maximum lengths of the operands. If these lengths are at or near the maximum permi tt ed by thE~ implementation (32767 bytes or bits), the length of the intermediate fields may be greater than the implementation maximum; if so, they will be truncated on the left. This situation can occur with concatenation, the UNSPEC function with a character-string argument, the REPEAT function., and the STRING function. The use of adjustable VARYING strings can create a similar problem. When an operand of the concatenate operator or the argument of the UNSPEC function is an adjustable VARYING string, the length of the intermediate result field is not tested, and execution will fail. This situation can also occur with SUBSTR if thE~ third argument is not a constant, because in this case the result is an adjustable VARYING string. Sim:i.larly, when a VARYING string is passed as an argument to a fixed-length string parameter, the length of the temporary argument created is the maximum length.. If the user wishes to pass the currenit;. length of the VARYING string (in, for ex(~ple, Y=X(A», a possible method is: DC]C, ATEMP CHAR(*) CTL; ALLOCATE ATEMP CHAR(LENGTH(A»; AT1!;MP=A; Y=X(ATEMP) ; FRlm ATEMP; ALLOCATION), or to a procedure declared with the attribute GENERIC. Example: DCL 1 A(10), 2 B: A=SIN(A) ; B=SIN(B): /* INVALID */ /*VALID*/ No reference may be made to both a structure and an array of structures in the same expression or assignment. Example: structure and Ar'ray Expressions The le"el of nesting in structure and array expressions is limited' by the following rule: FOl:- each level of nesting of structure or array expressions, add 2 for the maximum number of dimensions in the stJcucture or array, add 2 for the ma~dmum level in a structure expression, add 3 for each subscript or arqument list in the expression or assignment., and finally, add 15. The tot.al for the whole nest should not exceed 900 .. DCL 1 A(10), 2 B, 2 C, 1 F(10), 2 B~ 2 C, 1 p" 2 Q, 2 R; A=P; A=F; A(I)=P; A=F. BY NAME: A=F(I), BY NAME: /*INVALID*/ /*VALID*/ /*VALID*/ /*VALID*/ /*INVALID*/ TITLE Option If the TITLE option specified exceeds eight characters, then the first eight are used. If there is no TITLE option. the file name (padded or truncated to eight characters) is used as the ddname. structures TRANSIENT Attribute NO refE:!rences can be made to cross sections of arrays of structures; the whole of an array of structures may be referenced, or a single element of the array may be referenced, but not a cross section .. The following rules apply specifically to the use of TRANSIENT with the (F) compiler: 1. The TRANSIENT attribute can be specified only for RECORD KEYED BUFFERED files with either the INPUT or the OUTPUT attribute. 2. The ENVIRONMENT attribute with one of the two teleprocessing format options (G and R) must be declared for TRANSIENT files. 3. Input can be specified only by a READ statement with the KEYTO option and either the INTO option or the SET option. DCL EV~['(10,10,2) EVENT; WAIT (EVIl') 200; /*VALID*/ WAIT(EVT(I,J,2» 100: /*VALID*/ WAIT(EVI'(l,*,l» 10: /*INVALID*/ 4. output can be specified only by a WRITE statement or a LOCATE statement, either of which must have the KEYFROM option. No structure or array of structures may be passed as an argument to either a built-in function (except STRING, ADDR, and 5. The EVENT option is not permitted since TRANSIENT files are always BUFFERED. ExamplE~: DCL 1 A(10,10), 2 B, 2 C(10,10); DCL 1 X ( 1 0), 2 Y, 2 Z ( 10" 1 0) ; A (* ,J) ==X; A=A+l; A (I, J) ==X ( I) ; /*INVALID*/ /*VALID*/ /*VALID*/ A cross-section of an EVENT array is not permitt.ed to appear in a WAIT statement .. ExamplE~: Appendix J: Implementation Conventions and Restrictions 309 6. The 'data set' associated with a TRANSIENT file is in fact a queue of messages maintained automatically in main storage by a separate message control program using the QTAM (Queued Telecommunications Access Method) facilities of the operating system. The queue is always accessed s equentiall y • 7. The name 01: title of a TRANSIENT INPUT file must be the name of a recognized queue set up by the message control program. For TRANSIENT OUTPUT files, any name can be declared, since the file is reassociated for each output operation with a queue determined by the terminal name. 8. The element expression specified in the KEYFROM option must have as its value a recognized terminal or process queue identification. Variables The maximum number of variables in -the source program depends on the total size of the dictionary, which (for NOEXTDIC) is restricted to approximately 65,000 bytes. This is equivalent t~ a restriction of roughly 1,200 variables for a scientific user and to 1,000 for a commercial user. In computing these figureas a reasonable allowance has been made for constants, statement labels, and other items which may require dictionary entries. identifier, macro label, and unique compile-time constant. In addition, two dictionary entries are created for each iterative DO, one for each THEN or ELSE clause, and one for each compile-time procedure. Error message references are also entered into the dictionary. The dictionary is cleared at the end of compile-time processing; it is therefore unnecessary to keep the above considerations in mind if estimating available dictionary space during actual program compilation. Under EXTDIC the number of variables can be increased by a factor of 1.5 for 1K blocks, or 3.5 for larger block sizes. VARYING Attribute The only form of 'varying strings permitted in the INTO or FROM options in RECORD I/O are unsubscripted level 1 varying strings that are not members of arrays or structures. Varying Strings passed as Arguments If a structure passed as an argument includes a varying string, the length of the string cannot be changed within the invoked procedure unless a dummy argument is created. Example: If the EXTDIC option is specified, the maximum size of the dictionary is approximately 1.5 times 65,000 bytes for a block size of 1K, and approximately 3.5 times 65,000 bytes for other block sizes. DCL 1 P(lO), 2 Q(10), 3 R FIXED(5,0), 3 S CHAR(S) VAR, 2 T FlXEO(5,0); The figures for variables are necessarily approximate, since the size of a dictionary entry varies with the type of variable, length of identifier, whether it is a structure element, and so on. CALL PROC1(P.Q(4,4»; CALL PROC1(P.Q,4,4); Variables at Compile-Time WAIT Statement The maximum number of compile-time variables which can be used in a program depends on the total size of the dictionary, which (for NOEXTDIC) is restricted to 65,000 bytes. Assuming an ?l,verage dictionary entry size of 28 bytes, this restricts the processor to approximately 2,300 items. An entry is ~ade in the dictionary for each macro variable, macro procedure name, INCLUDE If the user wishes to specify more than onte event name in a WAIT statement, the multiple-wait option must have been specified at SYSGEN time. 310 /*INVALID*/ I*VALID; ARRAY OF STRUCTURES PASSED WITH REQUIRED SUBSCRIPTS*/ If a WAIT statement is executed and the events requited to satisfy the WAIT contain a mixture of 1/0 and non-I/O events all non-I/O events will be set complete before any of the 1/0 events. 4 8-Chal~acter Set is undefined and may not, therefore, be what the user intended. 48-character set 'reserved' words (e.g., GET, Ll~, CAT, etc.,) must be preceded and followed by a blank or a comment. If they are not:, the interpretation by the compiler A record containing part or all of a 48-character-set reserved word must be 3 characters or more in length. Appendix J: Implementation Conventions and Restrictions 311 312 Appendix K: Source! Program Diagnostic Messages All so,~ce program diagnostic messages producE~d are written in a group following the sOlttce program listing and any other listin9s specified as a par.ameter on the EXEC s1:.atement card. Each message number is of the form IEMnnnnI, where the code IEM indicates the PL/I (]!') compiler, and nnnn the number of the message. The letter I is a system standal:d action code indicating an informative message for the programmer. TheJce are four types of diagnostic warning, error, severe error, and termination error. messag~:!: A W(~rninq is a message that calls attention to a possible error, although the statemE;!nt to which it refers is syntac1:.ically valid. In addition to alerting the programmer, it may assist him in writ'.ing more efficient programs in the future .. An ]!:rror message describes an attempt to correc1:. an erroneous statement; the programmer is informed of the correction. Errors do not normally terminate processing of the text. A S4:!vere error message indicates an error lliThich cannot be corrected by the compiI4~. The incorrect section of the program is deleted, but compilation is continued. Where reasonable, the ERROR condition will be raised at object time, if execution of an incorrect source statement is att4~mpted. T4:!rmination error message describes an error 1M'hich, when discovered, forces the termination of the compilation. A The choice of the severity level at and above 1M'hich diagnostic messages appear on the out,put is an option which may be select4~d by the programmer. FLACW is assumed if no level is specified. In t:he list of diagnostic messages below, the abbreviations W, E, 5, and T, respectively, are used to indicate the severit.y of the message, and appear immediately before the number of the messag~e. They do not appear in this way in the compiler output listings; instead, the messag~es are printed in separate groups according to severity. Diagnostic Messages In the following·text, messages are followed where necessary by an explanation, a description of the action taken by the system, and the response required from the user. "Explanation" and "System Action" are given only when this information is not contained in the text of the message. When no "Programmer Response" is stated explicitly, the p~ogrammer should assume that he must correct the error in his source program unless the action taken by the system makes it unnecessary for him to do so. Rowever, even when system action successfully corrects an error, the programmer should remember that if he subsequently recompiles the same program, he will get the same diagnostic message again unless he has ~orrected the source error. If a problem arises in using the PL/I (F) Compiler, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • If the compiler preprocessor has been used and the problem occurs in the processor stage, use the 'MACDK' option to obtain the macro deck output; this ensures that source code from INCLUDE libraries is available. Otherwise, retain the source input to the compiler. (Note: if the problem occurs in the preprocessor stage, ensure that all source data in libraries as well as the primary input is available.) • Obtain listings of SYS1.LINKLIB and of SYS1.PL1LIB, and listings of program temporary fixes (PTF's) using lMAPTFLS against these libraries. • Specify MSGLEVEL=(l,l) on the job statement. • Include a SYSUDUMP DO statement for the failing job step. • If the problem is associated with a compiler termination message, recompile with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. It may be necessary to override the default queue space for SYSOUT for the SYSPRINT data set in order to prevent a 'B37' ,abend. Not~ e.g. //PL1L.SYSPRINT DO SYSOUT=A, SPACE=(629,(2000,20» Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 313 E IEM00021 INVALID PREFIX OPERATOR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. REPLACED BY PLUS. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM00011 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following beforE~ calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00031 RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs" do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00081 OPERATOR. NOT. IN STAT]~MENT NUMBER xxx USED AS AN INFIX OPERATOR. IT HAS BEEN REPLACED BY .NE. programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM00091 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED AFTER SINGLE PARENTHESIZED EXPRESSION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00061 314 A LETTER IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS CONSTANT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. AN INTERVENING BLANK IS ASSUMED~ • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00051 RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED AT END OF CALL ARGUMENT LIST OR OTHER EXPRESSION LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00041 IDENTIFIER MISSING IN STATEMEN~L NUMBER xxx. A DUMMY IDENTIFIER HAS BEEN INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00101 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. IDENTIFIER yyyy IN OR NEAR STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO LONG AND HAS BEEN SHORTENED. Explanation: Implementation restriction. Identifiers may not exceed 31 characters in length. RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED AT END OF SUBSCRIPT, ARGU~NT OR CHECK LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx §ystem Action: Identifier has been shortened by concatenating first 16 characters with last 15. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source p~ogram listing available. W IEM00111 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: CONSTANT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS IDENTIFIER IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. AN INTERVENING BLANK IS ASSUMED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have ,the source program listing available. E IEM00161 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00121 Programmer Response: Probable user errore correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: EXPONENT MISSING IN FLOATING-POINT CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ZERO HAS BEEN INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00171 INTEGER yyyy TOO LONG IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. IT HAS BEEN TRUNCATED ON THE RIGHT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00181 EXPONENT TOO LONG IN FLOATING-POINT CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. IT HAS BEEN TRUNCATED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following·before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing·available. E IEM00151 SOLITARY DECIMAL POINT FOUND IN OPERAND POSITION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. A FIXED-POINT ZERO HAS BEEN INSERTED. ZERO INSERTED IN PENCE FIELD OF STERLING CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00141 ZERO INSERTED IN FLOATING-POINT CONSTANT BEGINNING .E IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs r do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00131 FLOATING-POINT CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO LONG AND HAS BEEN TRUNCATED ON THE RIGHT. • Have the source program listing available. EIEM00191 POUNDS FIELD IN STERLING CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO LONG AND HAS BEEN TRUNCATED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 315 E IEM00201 calling IBM for programming support: ZERO INSERTED IN POUNDS FIE:LD OF STERLING CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN ST~TEMENT NUMBlffi xxx • Have the source program listing available. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs" do the following before calling IBM for programming support: E IEM00251 Programmer Response: ProbablE! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00211 DECIMAL POINT IN EXPONENT FIELD OF CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. FIE:LD TRUNCATED AT DECIMAL POINT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00261 DECIMAL PENCE TRUNCATED IN STERLING CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs" do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00271 LETTER L MISSING FROM STERLING CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx system Action: None Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM00281 SHILLINGS FIELD TRUNCATED IN STERLING CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If -the problem recurs, do the following before 316 LABEL REFERENCED ON END STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CANNOT BE FOUND. END TREATED AS HAVING NO OPERAND. Programmer Response: ProbablE! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs-~ do the following befol~e calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00241 FIXED-POINT CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN TRUNCATED ON THE RIGHT. Programmer Response: ProbablE~ use~ error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00231 ILLEGAL CHARACTER IN APPARENT BIT STRING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STRING TREATED J~ A CHARACTER STRING. Eroqrammer Response: ProbablE! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00221 ZERO INSERTED IN SHILLINGS FIELD OF STERLING CONSTANT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. S IEM00291 INVALID CHARACTER IN BINARY CONSTANT IN STATEMENT NUMBER calling IBM for programming support: xxx. CONSTANT TREATED AS DECIMAL CONSTANT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: . • Have the source program listing available. W IEM003L~I • Have the source program listing available. S IEM0030I Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Check that the system action will have the required effect. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: POINTER QUALIFIER FOLLOWS EITHER A SUBSCRIPT OR ANOTHER POINTER QUALIFIER IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. System Action: As stated in a further message referring to the same statement. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs" do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM0035I OPERAND MISSING IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DUMMY OPERAND INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. ~anation: something invalid has been found in an expression, or where an expression was expected but no·t found. In order that further diagnosis can be made, the compiler has inserted a dummy operand. This may cause further error messages to appear for this statement. E IEM0037I • Have the source program listing available. E IEM0038I E IEM0033I AN INVALID PICTURE CHARACTER IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS TEXT yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE PICTURE HAS BEEN TRUNCATED AT THIS POINT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before ZERO INSERTED IN SCALING FACTOR IN PICTURE yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. LETTER F IS NOT FOLLOWED BY LEFT PARENTHESIS IN PICTURE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ONE HAS BEEN INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM0031I A LETTER IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS A CONSTANT AT nnnn SEPARATE POSITION(S> IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. AN INTERVENING BLANK HAS BEEN ASSUMED IN EACH CASEa RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED AFTER SCALING OR REPLICATION FACTOR IN PICTURE yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 317 E IEM00391 NO CHARACTER FOLLOWS REPLICATION FACTOR IN PICTURE yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE PICTURE HAS BEEN TRUNCATED AT THE LEFT PARENTHESIS OF THE REPLICATION FACTOR. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00451 Programmer Response: Probablfe user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Respo~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programmdng support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00401 A REPLICATION FACTOR OF 1 HAS BEEN INSERTED IN PICTURE yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx E IEM00461 • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx E IEM00481 Explanation: Right parenthesis missing from length attached to character or bit string. E IEM00441 IN STATEMENT NUMBER XX:K PRECISION NOT AN INTEGER Explanation: Precision should be an un~igned integer system Action: The ac·tion taken depends on whether the precision is found in a DECLARE statement or a PROCEDURE statement. A further message will be produced. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. I.f the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: 318 RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN FILE NAME LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probablfe user error. Correct program and :recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befo:re calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED AFTER PRECISION SPECIFICATION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Prog:rammer Response: Probablfe user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM00431 ZERO INSERTED IN FIXED PRECISION SPECIFICATION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00491 THE COMMENT FOLLOWING THE LOGICAL END OF PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN TERMINATED. Explanation: A /* was found following the logical end of the program and was interpret fed as the start of a comment, but end-of-file was reached beforle the comment was terminated. system Action: All text following the/* is read as a comment. Programmer Response: Probabl1e user error. Check if this is a delimiter in the wrong column of the record. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM00501 INVALID STATEMENT LABEL CONSTANT IN LABEL ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE STATEMENT LABEL CONSTANT LIST HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM00551 Programmer Response:' Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM00511 MISSING RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED FOLLOWING STATEMENT LABEL CONSTANT IN LABEL ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00561 INVALID ATTRIBUTE IN RETURNS ATTRIBUTE LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE INVALID ATTRIBUTE HAS BEEN DELETED FROM THE LIST. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00571 • Have the source program listing available. W IEMO Cl531 SURPLUS COMMA HAS BEEN FOUND IN DECLARE OR ALLOCATE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THIS COMMA HAS BEEN DELETED. S IEM00541 ILLEGAL FORM OF CALL STATEMENT. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. INVALID CHARACTER FOLLOWING ITERATION FACTOR IN PICTURE BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE PICTURE HAS BEEN TRUNCATED AT THE LEFT PARENTHESIS OF THE ITERATION FACTOR. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. NULL PICTURE FORMAT ITEM IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE CHARACTER 9 HAS BEEN INSERTED IN THE PICTURE. Explanation: The null picture may be the result of the compiler truncating an invalid picture. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM00521 LABEL OR LABELS ON DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAVE BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00581 ITERATION FACTOR IN PICTURE BEGINNING yyyy NOT AN UNSIGNED INTEGER IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE PICTURE HAS BEEN TRUNCATED AT THE LEFT Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 319 alignment defaults will be compa'tible with those of earlier versions of the compiler., except for bit string arrays that are not members of structures. PARENTHESIS OFTSE ITERATION FACTOR. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct source, and recompile if necessary. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00591 MISSING RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN POSITION ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00631 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM0060I POSITION MISSING IN POSITION ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. POSITION OF 1 INSERTED. Programmer Respop~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the,fo110wing before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM00641 MISSING LEFT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN POSITION AT'TRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ' • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00671 THE ATTRIBUTE • PACKED' IN DECLARATION STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOW OBSOLETE, AND HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM00691 Explanation: PACKED has been removed from the language: the complementary attribute to ALIG~ED is now UNALIGNED. system Action:. ,since PACKED applied only td~rrays and major structures, the new 320 EQUAL SYMBOL HAS BEEN INSERTED IN DO STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befor,e calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing avai.lab1e. W IEM00621 ILLEG.AL STATEMENT FOLLOWS THE THEN IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. SEMICOLON HAS BEEN INSERTED AFTER THE THEN. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befor,e calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00611 MISSING LEFT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN RETURNS STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. SOURCE PROGRAM CONTAINS TOO MANY BLOCKS. System Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite program with fewer blocks, or divide into more than one separate compilation. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM00721 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the .following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM00701 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00741 BEGIN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NESTED BEYOND THE PERMITTED LEVEL. COMPILATION TERMINATED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM00751 TOO MANY PROCEDURE, BEGIN, ITERATIVE 00, ON. STATEMENTS IN THIS PROGRAM. COMPILATION TERMINATED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM00761 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE~ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) NO STATEMENT FOLLOWS ELSE IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: There is an implementation restriction on the number of blocks in a compilation. Refer to Appendix J of this publication for details. Programmer Response: Probable user error. subdivide program into two or more compilations. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: NO STATEMENT FOLLOWS THEN IN IF STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM00711 THEN INSERTED IN IF STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Reduce level of nesting of blocks to 50 or less. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IE~nnnnI messages.) DO STATEMENT NUMBER xxx REPLACED BY BEGIN STATEMENT. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM00771 ELSE DELETED IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Mess~ges 321 E IEM007BI IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. TOO MANY CHARACTERS IN INITIAL LABEL ON STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. LABEL IGNORED. S IEMOOB31 System Action: ON ERROR inserted in place of invalid condition Explanation: There is an implementation restriction on the number of character:s in the subscript of a subscripted identifier. The maximum permissible number is 225. Pr.ogrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befor1e calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: P:robable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. E IEMOOB41 E IEMOOBOI EQUAL SYMBOL HAS BEEN INSERTED IN ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx THE 1/0 ON-CONDITION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS NO FILENAME FOLLOWING IT. SYSIN IS ASSUMED. Programmer Respo~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. S IEMOOB11 LABELS OR PREFIX OPTIONS BEFORE ELSE TRANSFERRED TO STATEMENT NUMBER xxx E IEMOOB51 Explanation: Labels or prefix options illegal before ELSE and therefore transferred to following statement. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM00901 • Have the source program listing available. OPERAND MISSING IN CHECK LIST IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DUMMY INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. 322 COLON MISSING AFTER PREFIX OPTION IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ONE HAS BEEN ASSUMED. Programmer Response: Probable user errore Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEMOOB21 ON-CONDITION INVALID OR MISSING IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ON ERROR HAS BEEN ASSUMED. THERE ARE NO COMPLETE STATEMENTS IN THIS PROGRAM. COMPILATION TERMINATED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM0094I RECORD IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS SHORTER THAN THE SPECIFIED SOURCE START. THE OUTPUT RECORD HAS BEEN MARKED WITH AN ASTERISK AND IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM0099I Explanation: Although the compiler has detected the end of the program, there is more text following it. The programmer appears to have made an error in matching END statements with PROCEDURE, BEGIN, DO or ON statements. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEMO()95I ~stem Action: The END statement is ignored LABEL ON STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS NO COLON. ONE IS ASSUMED '" Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The compiler has encountered an identifier which appears to be a statement label, but without a colon. system Action: inserted A colon is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs" do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM0100I END OF FILE FOUND IN OR AFTER STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, BEFORE THE LOGICAL END OF PROGRAM. system Action: If the statement is incomplete, it is deleted. Whether or not the statement is incomplete, the required number of END statements are added to the program so that compilation can continue. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM0096I LOGICAL END OF PROGRAM OCCURS AT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THIS STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED SO THAT SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS MAY BE PROCESSED. SEMI-COLON NOT FOUND WHEN EXPECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ONE HAS BEEN INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the source code. possible causes of this error include: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: 1. Unmatched quote marks 2. Insufficient END statements 3. Omission of final semicolon. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM0097I INVALID ,CHARACTER HAS BEEN REPLACED BY BLANK IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE CONTAINING OUTPUT RECORD IS MARKED BY AN ASTERISK. Programmer Response: probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM0101I PARAMETER MISSING IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. A DUMMY HAS BEEN INSERTED. ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 323 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEM01061 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. SOURCE PROGRAM CONTAINS TOO MANY BLOCKS. system Action: terminated compilation is • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01021 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite program with fewer blocks, or divide into more than one separate compilation. If the problem recurs" do the following before calling IBM for programming support: LABEL MISSING FROM PROCEDURE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. A DUMMY LABEL HAS BEEN INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options ·S,DP=(PIE.ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01031 LABEL MISSING FROM ENTRY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM01071 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01041 Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. subdivide statement and recompile. If tHe problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ILLEGAL STATEMENT FOLLOWS ELSE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: inserted Null statement Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE.ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01051 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. ILLEGAL STATEMENT FOLLOWS ON IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx S IEM01081 system Action: inserted Null statement Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs,. do ,the following before calling IBM for programming suppo+t: • Have the source program listing available. 324 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICT~N. STATEMENT NUMBER XXX f I5 ~OO LONG,. THIS STATEMEN(I' MAY CONTAIN UNMATCHED QUOTE MARKS .. ENTRY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IN AN ITERATIVE DO GROUP HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probabl.e user error. Correct program and :recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: " • Have the source program listing available. S IEMOl.091 Programmer Response: P~obable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: TEXT BEGINNING yyyy IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: The source error is detailed in another message referring to the same statement. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program ,{;lnd recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEMOl151 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01111 FIRST STATEMENT NOT A PROCEDURE STATEMENT. A DUMMY PROCEDU~E STATEMENT HAS BEEN INSERTEp'. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01161 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • S IEM01:l21 program ava1lable. t ENTRY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IN BEGIN BLOCK HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEMOl171 RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Parenthesized list in ON statement is either not closed or contains an error and has been truncated. • Have the source program listing available. S IEMOl181 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEMOl1.41 RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN PREFIX OPTION IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DATA ATTRIBUTE LIST IN PROCEDURE OR ENTRY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT PRECEDED BY RETURNS ATTRIBUTE AND IS NOT PARENTHESIZED. RETURNS AND PARENTHESES HAVE BEEN ASSUMED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01:ll31 PREFIX OprION FOLLOWS LABEL IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. PREFIX OPTION IS IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: H~ve.tpe ~o~rce l1st1~g LEFT PARENTHESIS INSERTED AFTER WHILE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx OFFSET ATTRIBUTE NOT FOLLOWED BY PARENTHESIZED BASED VARIABLE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE ATTRIBUTE IS IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 325 E IEMOl191 PARENTHESIS. ASSUMED. THE RETURNS ATTRIBUTE IN PROCEDURE OR ENTRY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT FOLLOWED BY A PARENTHESIZED DATA ATTRIBUTE LIST. RETURNS HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Respons e: ProbablE! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer R~nse: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01201 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01241 DATA ATTRIBUTE LIST FOLLOWING RETURNS IN PROCEDURE OR ENTRY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT PARENTHESIZED. PARENTHESES HAVE BEEN ASSUMED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01251 System Action: ignored. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01261 THE ATTRIBUTE NORMAL OR ABNORMAL IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS OBSOLETE AND HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM0127I 326 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS TOO MANY ERRORS TO BE INTERPRETED., THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user errors. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: THE DATA ATTRIBUTE LIST IN PROCEDURE OR ENTRY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS NO CLOSING The label is Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM0123I INVALID USE OF LABEL yyy ON ON-UNIT BEGINNING AT S TATE MEm? xxx. LABEL HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: An on-unit cannot be referenced by a label. THE ATTRIBUTE USES OR SETS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS OBSOLETE AND HAS BEEN IGNORED TOGETHER WITH ITS PARENTHESIZED ITEM LIST. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ., E IEM01221 INVALID ATTRIBUTE IN DECLARE OR ALLOCATE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx., ATTRIBUTE TEXT DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01211 ONE HAS BEEN INVALID TEXT IN PREFIX OPTIONS THE TEXT BEGINNING yyy TO THE END OF THE OPTIONS LIs~r HAS BEEN IGNORED. LIST~ and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01.281 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01341 LENGTH OF BIT OR CHARACTER STRING MISSING IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. LENGTH 1 INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem re!curs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The implementation restriction on levels of nesting has been contravened. For details, refer to Appendix J of this publication. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01291 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite INITIAL attribute with lower level of replication. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: INVALID WAIT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01351 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01301 OPERAND MISSING. COMMA DELETED IN WAIT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx S IEM0131I RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01321 DUMMY OPERAND INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program AN EXPRESSION APPEARS ILLEGALLY ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF AN ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT. STATEMENT DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer.Response: probable user error. Correct program and recompile'. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. TOO MANY LEVELS OF REPLICATION IN INITIAL ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE ATTRIBUTE HAS BEEN DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM0136I 'IN' CLAUSE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS NO ASSOCIATED 'SET' CLAUSE. Explanation: An IN clause must be accompanied by a SET clause in the same statement. system Action: is ignored The IN clause Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 327 E IEM01381 .§ystem Action: assumed .. SOLITARY I FOUND WHERE A CONSTANT IS EXPECTED IN INITI~L ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. FIXED DECIMAL IMAGINARY 11 HAS BEEN ASSUMED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The programmer has initialized an element using the variable I where the constant 11 was expected. System Action: • Have the source program listing available. 11 is assumed Programmer.Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM01441 TEXT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING yyyy IN INITIAL ATTRIBUTE IS ILLEGAL. INITIAL ATTRIBUTE DELETED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: A language feature has been used that is not supported by this version of the compiler. For details, refer to Appendix J of this publication. Although the message states that the error follows the quoted text, the quoted text may itself be invalid, and the compiler may have attempted to correct the source error. In this case, there will usually be another diagnostic message associated with the statement. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01451 • Have the source program listing available. W IEM01401 328 DUMMY IDENTIFIER INSERTED IN GENERIC ATTRIBUTE LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: ProbablE! user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01411 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following be:fore calling IBM for programming support: RETURNS ATTRIBUTE IS NOT FOLLOWED BY A DATA DESCRIPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE RETURNS ATTRIBUTE HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01391 Null statement THE USE OF REFER IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS EITHER INVALID OR IS NOT IMPLEMENTED IN THIS RELEASE Explanation: The implementation of the REFER option is restricted; see Appendix J, 'Implementation Conventions and Restrictions'. NO IDENTIFIER FOUND IN DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT REPLACED BY NULL STATEMENT. system Action: Ignore the REFER clause. A further message identifying the invalid text will usually accompany this message. Explanation: Either no identifiers appear in t.he DECLARE statement or. as a result of previous compiler action, all identifiers have been deleted from the statemept. Programmer Response: Probabl~~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befOl:e calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The source error may be detailed in another message referring to the same statement. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01481 LEFT PARENTHESIS MISSING IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recUJ;s, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: See further messages relating to this statement Programmer Response: Probable user ercor. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the follqwing before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01531 Explanation: The PL/I feature CONtROLLED (pointer) has been changed to BASED (pointer). • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01.491 COMMA HAS BEEN DELETED FROM LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx programmer Response: Probable user' error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem requrs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01.501 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01541 STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS AN INVALID FREE STATEMENT. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. System Action: Text is deleted. See further error message for this statement. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct source statement. If the problem re·<::urs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: SEMI-COLON INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01521 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. BASED ~UST BE FOLLOWED BY AN IDENTIFIER IN PARENTHESIS. Explanation: The format of the statement is invalid • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01511 THE ATTRIBUTED BASED HAS BEEN ASSUMED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WHERE CONTROLLED WAS SPECIFIED. TEXT BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01581 ZERO STRUCTURE LEVEL NUMBER DELETED IN DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: not allowed Zero level number Programmer Response: Probable uSer error. Correct program and' recompile. If the problem recwrs, do the following before ca~ling IBM for programming support: .'Have the source program listing available. Appendix ·K:. Diagnostic Messages 329 E IEM01591 and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: SIGN DELETED PRECEDING STRUCTURE LEVEL NUMBER IN DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: The level number must be an unsigned integer Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01811 Explanation: An error has been discovered. A semi-colon is therefore inserted and the rest of the statement is skipped. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01631 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: FqRMAT LIST MISSING, (A) INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01821 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01661 Explanation:· The source error is detailed in another message~ referring to the same statement. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: LEFT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN DELAY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. S IEM018S1 Explanation: The exprE~ssion in a DELAY statement should be contained in parentheses • Have the source program listing available. EQUAL SYMBOL HAS BEEN INSERTED IN DO SPECIFICATIONS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program 330 OPTION IN GET/PUT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVALID AND HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: E IEM01801 TEXT BEGINNING yyyy SKIPPED IN OR FOLLOWING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx OPERAND MISSING IN GO TO STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DUMMY IS INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM01721 SEMICOLON INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. S IEMOla7! DATA LIST MISSING IN STATEMEN,]~ NUMBER xxx. OPTION DELETED. Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befol::-e calling ISM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01911 DUMMY OPERAND INSERTED IN DATA LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02021 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The statement referred to is of a type not supported by this version of the compiler. For details, refer to Appendix J of this publication. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM019131 system Action: continues RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN DATA LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx E IEM01941 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM02071 MISSING RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN FORMAT LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx S IEM01951 .• Have the source program listing available. E IEM02081 INVALID FORMAT LIST DELETED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. (A), INSERTED. S IEM01981 COMPLEX FORMAT ITEM yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVALID AND HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programmdng support: LEFT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN CHECK'LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programmdng support: • Have the source program listing available. COMMA REPLACED BY EQUAL SYMBOL IN ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite source program avoiding use of unsupported feature. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. DEFERRED FEATURE. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx NOT IMPLEMENTED IN THIS VERSION. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM02091 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO COMPLEX Explanation: The level of nesting exceeds the implementation restriction. Refer to Appendix J of this publication for details. system Action: compilation Terminates Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 331 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Divide statement into two or more statements. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: E IEM02141 system Action: Ignores options other than the first Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM02111 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM02161 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM02171 • Have the source program listing available~ E IEM02121 system Action: Ignorf~s options other than the first • Have the source program listing available. W IEM02181 MULTIPLE EVENT OPTIONS SPECIFIED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE FIRST ONE IS USED. • Have the source program listing available. System Action: Ignores options other than the first S IEM02191 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program list\ng available. 332 REPETITION FACTOR MISSING AF.rER ITERATION FACTOR IN STATEMEN~r NUMBER xxx. REPETITION FACTOR OF 1 INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the probl,em recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM02131 INVALID PRIORITY OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problE~m recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: MULTIPLE TASK OPTIONS SPECIFIED IN STATEMENT NUMBER XJCX. THE FIRST ONE IS USED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: INVALID EVENT OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problE~m recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: LEFT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: MULTIPLE PRIORITY OPTIONS SPECIFIED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE FIRST ONE IS USED. KEYWORD 'CONDITION' NOT SPECIFIED IN SIGNAL STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following bef'ore calling IBM for programming support: calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02201 IDENTIFIER MISSING OR INCORRECT AFTER OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. OPTION DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02241 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02211 NUMBER OF LINES NOT GIVEN AFTER LINE OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. (1) INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02251 DEFERRED FEATURE. THE IDENT OPTION ON OPEN/CLOSE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT IMPLEMENTED BY THIS VERSION. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02261 Explanation: A language feature has been used that is not supported by this version of the compiler. Refer to Appendix J of this publication for details. system Action: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM02271 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02231 NO FILE/SrRING OPTION SPECIFIED IN ONE OR MORE GET/PUT STATEMENTS. SYSIN/SYSPRINT HAS BEEN ASSUMED IN EACH CASE Explanation: One or more GET or PUT statements have appeared in the program with no specified FILE option or STRING option. EXPRESSION MISSING AFTER IDENT/TITLE/LlNESIZE/PAGESIZE OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. OPTION DELETED. Explanation: No left parenthesis found following keyword Erogrammer Res~~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before EXPRESSION MISSING AFTER FORMAT ITEM IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ITEM DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Option ignored Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: OPTION AFTER OPEN/CLOSE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVALID OR MISSING. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02221 INVALID OPTION DELETED IN I/O STATEMENT NUMBER xxx system Action: The compiler has assumed the appropriate default file (SYSIN for GET, SYSPRINT for PUT). S IEM02281 EXPRESSION MISSING AFTER' OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. OPTION DELETED. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 333 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM02331 programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befo're calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02291 FORMAT ITEM IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVALID AND HAS BEEN DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02351 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: INVALID DATA LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx.. STATEMENT DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error.. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02361 MISSING COMMA INSERTED IN DATA LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Comma missing between elements of a data list • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02371 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: KEYWORD DO MISSING IN DATA LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DO IS INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM023BI Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. 334 INSUFFICIENT OPTIONS SPECIFIED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. TH]!: STATEMENT HAS BEEN REPLACED BY A NULL STATEMENT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problc~m recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available,. E IEM02321 THE OPTION yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS UNSUPPORTED OR INVALID. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problE~m recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM02311 ARGUMENT OMITTED FOLLOWING yyyy OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. OPTION DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problE!m recurs, do the following before c~lling IBM for programming support: • Have the source p:r-ogram listing available. S IEM02301 RETURN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS WITHIN AN ON-UNIT. IT IS REPLACED BY A NULL STATEMENT. THE LOCATE-VARIABLE IN LOCATE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS OMITTED OR SUBSCRIPTED. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: The omission o:f the locate variable renders ·the sta'tement meaningless. subscripted locate variables are invalid. system Action: Replaces invalid statement with a null statement. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM02431 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: terminated IEM02~~OI • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments Which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) COMPILER ERROR IN PHASE CV. SCAN CANNOT IDENTIFY DICTIONARY ENTRY. Explanation: The main scan of fifth pass of read-in has found something in the dictionary which it cannot recognize system Action: terminated • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Compilation is E IEM02441 Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing availablen E IEM02411 • Have the source program listing available. E I,EM02451 MULTIPLE USE OF A PREFIX OPTION HAS OCCURRED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE LAST NAMED OPTION IS USED. • Have the source program listing available. PREFIX OPTION INVALID OR MISSING IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. INVALID OPTION DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: CHECK PREFIX OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT FOLLOWED BY A PARENTHESIZED LIST. THE OPTION HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: A CHECK PREFIX OPTION IS GIVEN FOR STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WHICH IS NOT A PROCEDURE OR BEGIN. THE OPTION HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM02421 Compilation is Programmer Response: . Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T COMPILER ERROR. PHASE CS HAS FOUND AN UNMATCHED END. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02471 ALL SUBSCRIPTED LABELS PREFIXING PROCEDURE OR ENTRY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAVE BEEN IGNORl.~D. Explanation: subscripted labels may not be used as prefixes on PROCEDURE or ENTRY statements. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 335 and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM02571 • Have the sou:['ce program listing available. DATA DIRECTED I/O LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS BASED ITEM zzzz System Action: Statement will be deleted by later phases. T IEM02541 COMPILER UNABLE TO RECOVER FROM I/O ERROR - PLEASE RETRY JOB. System 1Ction: compilation Programmer Response: Probablle user error. Correct program and :['ecompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Terminates Proq:r:arnmer Response: Re-attempt compilation. If the input/output error persists, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM02581 • Recompile the program ~dth compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) System Action: Statement will be deleted by later phases. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM02551 • Have the source program listing available. W IEM05101 THERE ARE NO COMPLETE STATEMENTS IN THIS PROGRAM Compilation is System Action: The TASK option is correctly applied Programmer Response: Check source for completed statements. If these are present then do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) 336 THE TASK OPTION HAS BEEN ASSUMED TO APPLY TO THE EXTERNAL PROCEDURE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: TASK, EVENT or PRIORITY options have been detected in a CALL statement" but the TASK option has not been speci fied in the externall procedure. Explanation: Compiler cannot reconcile END statements with stack entries. Usually caused by a progranl containing only comments. system Action: terminated NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS SPECIFIED FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONFLICTS WITH DIMENSIONALITY. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following bef()re calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM05111 OPTIONS MAIN AND/OR TASK ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE INTERNAL PROCEDURE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: The invalid options are ignored Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05121 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05161 IDENTIFIER yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IN INITIAL ATTRIBUTE LIST IS NOT A KNOWN LABEL CONSTANT AND HAS BEEN IGNORED. System Action: Compiler scans for next right bracket. If this is not the bracket closing the illegal options list, a compiler error will probably follow. system Action: Identifier changed to * in the list. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem re'curs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05131 REPEATED LABEL IN SAME BLOCK ON STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. LABEL DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05171 Explanation: A label may not be used more than once in the same block. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05181 S IEM05141 PARAMETER yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS SAME AS LABEL. PARAMETER REPLACED BY DUMMY. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05151 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. CHARACTER STRING LENGTH IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx REDUCED TO 32,767. CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE DELETED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. ILLEGAL OPTIONS LIST ON STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. LIST IGNORED. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. PRECISION TOO LARGE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DEFAULT PRECISION GIVEN. Explanation: If later a valid preC1S10n is given, this will be accepted in place of the default. System Action: Attribute ignored. Attribute test mask restored so that later attribute will not be found to conflict with deleted one. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 337 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05191 S IEM05221 ILLEGAL ATTRIBUTE ON STATEMENr NUMBER xxx IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Only data attributes allowed on procedure or entry statements. (No dimensions allowed). Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05231 • Have the source program listing available. T IEM05201 COMPILER ERROR CODE nnnn system Action: immediately Terminates Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05241 system Action: Assumes length of 1 and skips to next attribute Programmer ResP.Qns~.!. Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. 338 Ignores Programmer Response: Probable! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Explanation: Either no length has b~en given or s·tring length * has been used in source code. IDENTIFIER yyyy IN LABEL LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NO'l' A LABEL OR IS NOT KNOWN. system Action: identifier • Recompile the progz'am with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) INVALID STRING LENGTH IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. LENGTH OF 1 ASSUMED. PARAMETER zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER :XXK APPEARS TWICE. SECOND ONE REPLACED BY DUMMY. Programmer Response: Probable! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: A compiler error has occurred. S IEM05211 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. NUMBER OF PARAMETERS IN PROCEDURE OR ENTRY STATEMENT NUMBER .xxx TRUNCATED TO 64. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM05251 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. TOO MANY PAIRS OF FACTORED ATTRIBUTE BRACKETS FOR THIS SIZE OPTION. ExplanatioQ: Factor bracket table has overflowed. ~stem Action: terminated Compilation PrQ.gFammer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Recompile using Sl SIZE sufficient to provide a larger block size or reduce factoring by expanding declarations. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler opti!ons 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05301 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM05261 S IEM05271 -.·i OPTION MAIN HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFIED FOR THE EXTERNAL PROCEDURE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: There is an implementation restriction limiting the number of label constants following the LABEL attribu'\:e to 125. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. ARRAY BOUND IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO LARGE AND HAS BEEN REPLACED BY THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED VALUE (32767 OR -32768) • Progra~ner Response: Probable user error. Correct program and rec()mpile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support:: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05321 • Have the source program listing available. T IEM05.281 COMPILER ERROR CODE nnnn IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Progra~ner Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Terminates Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) S IEM05331 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRIGTION. STRUCTURE LEVEL NUMBER IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx REDUCED 255. -·Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ro Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. I-SUB VALUE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx TOO LARGE. REDUCED TO 32. EXplanation: There is an implementation restriction limiting the number of dimensicms to "a maximum of 32. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM05291 ILLEGAL ASTERISK AS SUBSCRIPT IN DEFINING LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER :ICXX. LIST TRUNCATED. System l\ction: Compilation continUt:~s with truncated iSUB list, p()ssibly causing cascade errors. Explanation: Compiler error found in processing a DECLARE statement system-Action: compilation IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. TOO MANY LABELS IN LABEL LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE LABEL zzzz AND ANY FOLLOWING IT HAVE BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05341 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 339 STRING LENGTH IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx REDUCED TO 32,767. and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following be:Eore calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05401 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05361 IDENTIFIER yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A LABEL CONSTANT OR IS NOT KNOWN. IT IS IGNORED. Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befo)~e calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Identifiers following the LABEL attribute must be LABEL constants and must be known. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05411 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. POSITION CONSTANT IN ST~TEMENT NUMBER xxx REDUCED TO 32,767. Programmer Respon?e: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05421 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. PRECISION SPECIFICATION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx TOO L~RGE. DEFAULT PRECISION GIVEN. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05391 340 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. NUMBER OF DIMENSIONS DECLARED TRUNCATED TO 32 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probabl~~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05381 LOWER BOU~D GREATER THAN UPPER BOUND IN DECLARE OR ALLOCATE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE BOUNDS ARE INTERCHANGED. Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05371 * BOUNDS ARE MIXED WITH NON-* BOUNDS IN DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER XXK. ALL THE BOUNDS ARE MADE *. . • Have the source program listing available. T IEM05431 COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL STATEMENT FOUND IN THE DECLARE CHAIN. Explanation: Compiler error found in scanning chain of DECLARE statements ILLEGAL NEGATIVE PRECISION IN STAT.EMENT NUMBER xxx. DEFAULT PRECISION GIVEN. System Action: terminated Compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program Prog:E:'ammer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEMOS44I • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comment~ which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) CHARACTER FOUND AFTER LEVEL NUMBER IN DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. system Action: terminated Explanation: Compiler error found after structure level number in DECLARE statement programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. INITIAL CODE BYTE QF DECLARE STATEMENT IS NEITHER STATEMENT NUMBER NOR STATEMENT LABEL. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: Compiler error found in first byte of DECLARE statements system Action: terminated Compilation • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: W IEM0547I T IEMOS45I • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) THE IDENTIFIER yyyy DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS A NON-MAJOR STRUCTURE MEMBER AND HAS THE SAME NAME AS A FORMAL PARAMETER OR INTERNAL ENTRY POINT. ALL REFERENCES TO THE STRUCTURE MEMBER SHOULD BE QUALIFIED. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. system Action: Same BCD treated as different identifiers COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL INITIAL CHARACTER TO DECLARED ITEM IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Compiler error found in scanning start of declared item system Action: terminated • Have the source program listing available. Compilation T IEM054BI Programmer Responsg;.. Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEll.10S46I Compilation COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL CHARACTER FOUND IN DECLARATION LIST. Explanation: Compiler error found in list of declarations in DECLARE statement system Action: terminated Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler option's 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 341 formatted dump of t:he compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) system Action: terminated Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available •. E IEM05491 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) THE DECLARED LEVEL OF IDENTIFIER yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx SHOULD BE ONE. THIS HAS BEEN FORCED. system Action: Illegal level number treated as 1 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM05531 THE IDENTIFIER yyyy HAS BEEN DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH A TRUE LEVEL NUMBER GREATER THAN THE IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION OF 63. THE DECLARATION OF THE IDENTIFIER IS IGNORED. Programmer Response: ProbablE:! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befOJ::e calling IBM for programming support: Programmer R~ns~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05511 • Have the source program listing available. T IEM05541 THE IDENTIFIER yyyy HAS BEEN DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH ZERO PRECISION. THE DEFAULT VALUE HAS BEEN ASSUMED. 342 Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a :formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL CHARACTER FOUND IN FAC'rORED ATTRIBUTE LIST IN DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Compiler error found in factored attribute list COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL CHARACTER FOUND IN PARAMETER LIST FOLLOWING 'GENERIC' ATTRIBUTE. system Action: terminated Programmer Response: Probable user error. Cor:rect program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEM05521 THE IDENTIFIER yyyy HAS HAD A CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE IGNORED IN DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER Xlt:X Explanation: The two attributes may conflict as a result of a feature not supported by this version of the compiler. For details of these features, refer to Appendix J of this publication. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05501 Compilation • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM05551 STORAGE CLASS ATTRIBUTES ~~y NOT BE SPECIFIED FOR STRUCTURE MEMBER yyyy. IGNORED. ATTRIBUTE • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05591 Programmer Response~ Probable user error. Delete illegal storage class attribute for the structure member. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM05S61 COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL CHARACTER FOUND IN PARAMETER LIST FOLLOWING AN 'ENTRY' ATTRIBUTE IN DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: terminated • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05601 Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05611 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. THE MULTIPLE DECLARATION OF IDENTIFIER yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN IGNORED. S IEM05581 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. NUMBER OF PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS DECLARED FOR PROCEDURE OR ENTRY NAME yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx TRUNCATED TO 64. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx THE IDENTIFIER yyyy IS A MULTIPLE DECLARATION OF AN INTERNAL ENTRY LABEL. THIS DECLARATION IS IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx A CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE HAS BEEN IGNORED IN THE DECLARATION OF THE RETURNED VALUE OF ENTRY POINT yyyy Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) E IEM05571 THE IDENTIFIER yyyy HAS BEEN DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH CONFLICTING FACTORED LEVEL NUMBERS. THE ONE AT DEEPEST FACTORING LEVEL HAS BEEN CHOSEN. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05621 THE IDENTIFIER yyyy IS DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx AS AN INTERNAL ENTRY POINT. THE NUMBER OF PARAMETERS DECLARED IS DIFFERENT FROM THE NUMBER GIVEN AT THE ENTRY POINT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 343 S IEM05631 THE IDENTIFIER yyyy DECLARED 'BUILTIN' IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A BUILT-IN FUNCTION. DECLARATION IGNORED. THE VALUE RETURNED WILL CONFLICT WITH THE ATTRIBUTES IN THE PROCEDURE OR ENTRY STATEMENT FOR THAT VALUE. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The data type to which a result will be converted at a RETURN (expression) will not be the same as that expected at an invocation of the entry label as a function. • Have the sou:rce program listing available. system Action: E IEM05641 THE IDENTIFIER yyyy HAS BEEN DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH PRECISION GREATER THAN THE IMPLEMENTATION LIMITS. THE MAXIMUM VALUE HAS BEEN TAKEN. Programmer Respons e: Probablle user error. Write an entry-point declaration Cusin,:} the ENTRY or RETURNS attributte> in the containing block, giving the same data attributes as those on the PROCEDURE or ENTRY statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for prograrmnin.g support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05651 THE IDENTIFIER yyyy IS DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx AS A MEMBER OF A GENERIC LIST, BUT ITS ATTRIBUTES DO NOT MAKE IT AN ENTRY POINT. THE DECLARATION OF THE IDENTIFIER HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05681 Programmer Response: Probabl,e user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. ONE OF THE PARAMETERS DECLARED FOR ENTRY POINT yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx SHOULD BE AT LEVEL ONE. THIS HAS BEEN FORCED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM05671 344 IF FUNCTION yyyy IN ST.ATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVOKED, THE DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES ASSUMED FOR THE IDENTIFIER zzzz IS CALLED BUT IS ElrHER A BUILTIN FUNCTION OR IS NOT AN ENTRY POINT. system Action: The erroneous statement is deleted. Programmer Respo~~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: , E IEM05661 None • Have the sdurce program listing available. T IEM05691 COMPILER ERROR NUMBER nnnn IN MODULE EP. Explanation: Compiler error found in s can of chain of CALI.. statements System Action: terminated Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) S IEM05731 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM051'OI THE ENTRY POINT yyyy HAS BEEN DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx TO HAVE A RETURNED VALUE DIFFERENT FROM THAT GIVEN ON THE PROCEDURE OR ENTRY STATEMENT. system Action: Explanation: The usage referred to is not supported by this version of the compiler. For details, refer to Appendix J. None Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the declaration, or the PROCEDURE or ENTRY statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05i'11 • Have the source program listing available. T IEM05741 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. IDENl'IFIER yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS MORE THAN 32 DIMENSIONS. DIMENSION ATTRIBUTE IGNORED. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP={PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. THE IDENTIFIER yyyy HAS BEEN DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH THE ATTRIBUTE "NORMAL" OR "ABNORMAL". THE APPLICATION OF THIS ATTRIBUTE IS AN UNSUPPORTED FEATURE OF THE FOURTH VERSION, AND IT HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM05751 • Have the source program listing available. TH~ REPEATED ATTRIBUTE IN THE DECLARATION OF FILE yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: A language feature has been used which is not supported by this version of the compiler. Refer to Appendix J of this publication for details. Programmer Response;. Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: THE MULTIPLE DECLARATION OF IDENTIFIER yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM05721 THE SELECTION OF GENERIC FAMILY MEMBERS WHOSE PARAMETERS HAVE A STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION IS DEFERRED. ENTRY NAME yyyy, DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, IS SUCH A MEMBER AND HAS BEEN DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05761 THE EXTERNAL FILE yyy DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS THE SAME NAME AS THE EXTERNAL PROCEDURE, DECLARATION IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 345 and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming ,. support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05801 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05771 Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befol~e calling IBM for programming support: INCORRECT SPECIFICATION OF THE ARRAY BOUNDS, STRING LENGTH OR AREA SIZE OF THE NON-CONTROLLED PARAMETER yyyy IN DECLARE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx; THOSE OF THE CORRESPONDING ARGUMENT WILL BE ASSUMED. Explanation: In the declaration of a non-controlled array, string or area parameter, the bounds, length or size must be given by a constant or by an asterisk. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05891 • Recompile the program with compiler options wS,DP=(PIE,EV)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. UNDIMENSIONED VARIABLE yyy DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS INITIAL ATTRIBUTE WITH CONFLICTING SPECIFICATION FOR A DIMENSIONED VARIABLE. INITIAL ATTRIBUTE IGNORED. S IEM05901 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Cor:rect source program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: THE PARAMETER OF THE MAIN PROCEDURE SHOULD BE A FIXED LENGTH CHARACTER STRING OR HAVE THE ATTRIBUTES CHARACTER(lOO) VARYING. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct source program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: 346 STRUCTURE ELEMENT zzzz WHICH HAS LIKE ATTRIBUTE ATTACHED TO IT, IS FOLLOWED BY AN ELEMENT WITH A NUMERICALLY GREATER STRUCTURE LEVEL NUMBER. LIKE ATTRIBUTE IS IGNORED. System Action: Self explanatory: may result in cascade errors. Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile~ If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: .,Have the source program listing available. W IEM05791 COMPILER ERROR. ITEM zzzz IN LIKE CHAIN IS NOT A STRUCTURE., ITEM IS IGNORED. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: The bounds, length or size of the array, string or area passed as an argument will be takenu E IEM05781 INVALID USE OF FILE yyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. IT HAS BEEN REPLACED BY A DUMMY REFERENCE. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05911 STRUCTURE ELEMENT zzzz IS LIKENED TO AN ITEM WHICH IS NOT A STRUCTURE VARIABLE. LIKE ATTRIBUTE IS IGNORED. system Action: Self explanatory: may result in cascade errors. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: The erroneous statement is deleted. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05921 STRUCTURE ELEMENT zzzz IS LIKENED TO A STRUCTURE WHICH CONTAINS ELEMENTS walCH HAVE ALSO BEEN DECLARED WITH THE LIKE ATTRIBUTE. LIKE ATTRIBUTE ON ORIGINAL STRUCTURE IS IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05961 system Action: Self explanatory: may result in cascade errors. System Action: Self explanatory: may result in cascade errors. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the followipg before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05931 STRUCTURE NAME TO walCH zzzz IS LIKENED IS NOT KNOWN. LIKE ATTRIBUTE IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05971 System Action: Self explanatory: may result in cascade errors. ~~~rammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: AMBIGUOUS QUALIFIED NAME yyyy USED AS A BASE IDENTIFIER. MOST RECENT DECLARATION USED. Pro~rammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEMOS951 QUALIFIED NAME yyyy USED AS A BASE IDENTIFIER CONTAINS MORE THAN ONE IDENTIFIER AT THE SAME STRUCTURE LEVEL. IDENTIFIER zzzz WHICH IS NOT A FORMAL PARAMETER OR OF STORAGE CLASS CONTROLLED HAS BEEN LIKENED TO A STRUCTURE CONTAINING * DIMENSIONS OR LENGTH. * DIMENSIONS OR LENGTH HAVE BEEN IGNORED IN THE CONSTRUCTED STRUCTURE. System Action: Self explanatory: may result in cascade errors from later phases. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM05.941 MAJOR STRUCTURE yyyy HAS BEEN LIKENED TO AN ITEM walCH IS NOT A VALID STRUCTURE. DECLARATION OF STRUCTURE IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05981 QUALIFIED NAME TO WHICH·zzzz HAS BEEN LIKENED IS AN AMBIGUOUS REFERENCE. LIKE ATTRIBUTE HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 347 System Action: terminated • Have the source program listing available. S IEM05991 Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. If the problem recurs, do the following befol:e calling IBM for programming' support: zzzz WHICH IS A PARAMETER OR A BASED VARIABLE, HAS BEEN DECLARED (USING THE LIKE ATTRIBUTE) AS A STRUCTURE WITH THE INITIAL ATTRIBUTE. THE INITIAL ATTRIBUTE IS INVALID AND HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Declare the parameter or based variable with the LIKE attribute specifying a structure without the INITIAL attribu,te. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IeMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM06031 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06001 System Action: is terminated Programmer Response: Probable user er:r:or. Correct pz."ogram and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progranwing support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM06021 348 IDENTIFIER IN BASED ATTRIBUTE ON ZZZZ DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A NON-BASED POINTER The compilation • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progranwing support: it~ Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. If the problem recurs, do the following befol~e calling IBM for programming support: system Action: All bounds on the offending variable are set to zero OFFSET ATTRIBUTE ON PROCEDURE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT BASED ON A BASED AREA. IT HAS BEEN CHANGED TO POINTER. INVALID POINTER EXPRESSION IN BASED ATTRIBUTE ON zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: The pointer associated with the based variable does not obey the implementation rules (e. g., may be subscripted). STATIC STRUCTURE zzzz HAS BEEN DECLARED BY MEANS OF Tlm LIKE ATTRIBUTE TO HAVE ADJUSTABLE EXTENTS. THE EXTENTS HAVE BEEN IGNORED. Explanation: A STATIC variable cannot have adjustable extents S IEM06011 Compilation is. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM06041 LENGTH OR SIZE DECLARED FOR BASED STRING OR BASED AREA ZZ2:Z IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVALID Explanation: The declaration violates the compiler implementation rules. (See Appendix J, 'Implementation Conventions and Restrictions'). System Action: compilation Terminates Programmer. Response: ProbablE~ user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM06071 • Have the associated job ptream and source program listing available. T IEM06051 Explanation: For correspondence defining not involving iSUB's, the bounds of the defined array must be a subset of the bounds of the base. In this case the bounds declared for the base do not satisfy this requirement. However, the base is of CONTROLLED storage class and if it is allocated with different bounds the defining may be legal. BOUNDS DECLARED FOR BASED ARRAY zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARE INVALID Explanation: The adjustable bounds declared are outside those permitted by this implementation. System Action: compilation Terminates System Action: Prog~er Respo~~e: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM06061 OFFSET VARIABLE zzzz HAS BEEN DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx RELATIVE TO AN IDENTIFIER WHICH IS NOT A LEVEL 1 BASED AREA. IT HAS BEEN CHANGED TO A POINTER VARIABLE. system Action: The offset is changed to a pointer to prevent the compiler from producing further error messages. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Consider assigning the ADDR of the required area to the pointer named in the declaration of a level 1 based area; this area can be validly named in the OFFSET attribute, and offset values for it will be correct for the other area. If the problem recurs, do the IF THE BASE OF zzzz CORRESPONDENCE DEFINED IN STA'l'EMENT NUMBER xxx IS ALLOCATED WITH THE DECLARED BOUNDS ·THE DEFINING WILL BE IN ERROR. Nothing further Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM06081 ILLEGAL DEFINING IN STATEMENT NUMBER XXK. BASE IDENTIFIER zzzz IS A MEMBER OF A DIMENSIONED STRUCTURE. Explanation: In the case of string class overlay defining where the base is an array, it is an error if it is a member of an array of structures. system Action: is terminated. The compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ' • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the AppendiK K: Diagnostic Messages 349 formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM0609I DEFERRED FEATURE. DEFINING OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH A SUBSCRIPTED BASE. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM0611I Explanation: Overlay defining on a subscripted base is not supported by this version of the compiler. SCALAR zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS ILLEGALLY DEFINED WITH ISUBS. Explanatio~: Only arrays may be correspondence defined using iSUB notation. System Action: is terminated. The compilation System Action: is terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Replace all references to the defined item by appropriate subscripted references to the base. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Refer to the PL/J (F) Language Reference Manual nThe DEFINED Attribute n - and correct error. If the problem recurs, do the following befol~e calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the progl~am with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messaqes.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM0610I DEFERRED FEATURE~ DEFINING OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ON A BASE OF CONTROLLED STORAGE CLASS. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM0612I Explanation: If the base is declared CONTROLLED, neither overlay defining nor correspondence defininq is supported by this release of the compiler. system Action: is terminated. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a 350 INITIAL ATTRIBUTE DECLARED FOR DEFINED ITEM zzzz IN STATEMEN,]~ NUMBER xxx WILL BE IGNORED. EXplanation: DEFINED items may not have the INITIAL attributE~. system Action: INITIAL attribute ignored Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: The compilation Programmer R~nse: Probable user error. Replace all references to the defined item by appropriate references to the base. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: The compilaticm • Have the source program listing available. S IEM0613I ELEMENT VARIABLE SPECIFIED IN REFER OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT AN INTEGER. Explanation: Both I and N in (I REFER(N» must be fixed binary integers; they must also be of the same precision. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP::;:(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) system Action: Compilation continues. Any reference to the element variable may result in an execution error. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming. support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM06241 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06141 Explanation: The base of DEFINED data may not itself be DEFINED. ELEMENT VARIABLES SPECIFIED IN REFER OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DO NOT HAVE THE SAME PRECISION. System Action: terminated Explanation: Both I and N in (I REFER(N» must be fixed binary integers of the same precision. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the cOmments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. THE BASE SUBSCRIPT LIST USED WITH THE DEFINED VARIABLE zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ILLEGALLY REFERS TO OR IS DEPENDENT ON THE DEFINED VARIABLE. Compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Replace the specified base by an appropriate reference to its base. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: Compilation continues. Any reference to either element variable may result in an execution error. T IEM06231 THE BASE IDENTIFIER FOR zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS DEFINED OR BASED. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM06251 THE DEFINING BASE FOR zzzz DECLARED I N STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS THE WRONG NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS. Explanation: It is illegal for a base subscript list in the DEFINED attribute to refer directly, or via any further level of defining, to the defined item. Explanation: If the base reference in a DEFINED attribute is subscripted, it must have the same number of subscr~pt expressions as the dimensionali.ty of the base array. System Action: is terminated. System Action: is terminated. The compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual nThe DEFINED Attribute n - and correct error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: The compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the subscript list, or declaration of the base, whichever is appropriate. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 351 formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associate<] job stream and source program listing available. T IEM0626I • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM06291 THE DEFINING BASE FOR zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT DATA. Explanation: The POS attribut:e may not be specified for correspondence defining. Explanation: The only legal data types that may be used for defining bases are String, Arithmetic, Task, Event:, and Label. system Action: is terminated. System Action: is terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check that: the defining base is correctly written and declared. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all 1:.he IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messa~res .. ) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM06301 T IEM0628I IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. THE NESTING OF REFERENCES TO DATA DEFINED WITH A SUBSCRIPTED BASE IS TOO DEEP~ Explanation: The complexity of defining has resulted in a level of nesting which is too great for the compiler. system Action: is terminated. 352 The compilation The compilation Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Delete POS attribute If the problem recurs, do the following befol:e calling IBM for programming support: The compilation • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. ARRAY zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ILLEGALLY HAS THE pas ATTRIBUTE WITH ISUB DEFINING. THE DESCRIPTION OF zzzz CORRESPONDENCE DEFINED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DOES NOT MATCH THAT OF THE DEFINING BASE .. Explanation: For correspondence defining, if either the base or the defined item are arrays of structures., then both must be arrays of structures. System Action: is terminated. The compilaticm Programmer Response: Probable user error. Reduce complexity of defining. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct the program. Note that POS (1) may be used to force overlay defining. If the problem recurs, do the following befol:e calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the progl~am with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct program. Note that POS (1) may be used to force overlay defining. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM06311 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. THE CORRESPONDENCE DEFINING OF yyyy AN ARRAY OF STRUCTURES DECL~RED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: correspondence defining with arrays of structures is not supported by the compiler. System Action: is terminated. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. The compilation S IEM06331 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Declare the base arrays of the defined structure as correspondence defined on the matching base arrays of the base structure. Note that for this to be valid, the base arrays of the defined structure must have unique names and be declared at level 1. This alternative method precludes structure operations with the defined item, but achieves the desired mapping. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: An identifier specified in an ALLOCATE statement must refer to a major structure or data not contained in a structure. A major structure identifier may optionally be followed by a full structure description. system Action: The ALLOCATE statement is deleted Programmer Response: Probable user error. Replace erroneous identifier by that of the containing major structure. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM06321 THE BOUNDS OF zzzz CORRESPONDENCE DEFINED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARE NOT A SUBSET OF THE BASE. Explanatiq!!: For correspondence defining not involving iSUB's, the bounds of the defined array must be a subset of the corresponding bounds of the base array. system Action: is terminated. The compilation ITEM TO BE ALLOCATED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT AT LEVEL 1. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06341 ITEM TO BE ALLOCATED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS NOT BEEN DECL~RED. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED. Explanation: Only CONTROLLED data may be allocated. Data may only obtain the attribute CONTROLLED from an explicit declaration. System Action: The ALLOCATE statement is deleted Programmer Response: Probable user error. Construct a DECLARE statement for the ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 353 Programmer Response: ProbablE! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: identifier. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06361 ITEM TO BE ALLOCATED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WAS NOT DECLARED CONTROLLED. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06401 Explanation: Only CONTROLLED data may be specified in ALLOCATE statements. Explanatio~: Only CHAR, BIT, INITIAL, and Dimension attributes are permitted in ALLOCATE statements. system Action: The ALLOCATE statement is deleted §ystem Action: The ALLOCATE statement is deleted Programmer Response: Probable user error. Declare the identifier CONTROLLED. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Proqramme~ Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM06371 A CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE WAS GIVEN FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE ATTRIBUTE HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM06411 ~~!anatio~: Attributes given for an identifier in an ALLOCATE statement may not conflict with those given explicitly or assumed by default from the declaration. System .Action: All attributes after the first in a particular class are ignored. Programmer ResE2ns~l Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. THE STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION GIVEN ON STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DIFFERS FROM THAT DECLARED. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program lis·ting available. S IEM06421 ~~lanation: If a description of a major structure is given on an ALLOCATE statement, the description must match that declared. System Action: The ALLOCATE statement is deleted 354 CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTES HAVE BEEN GIVEN FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE FIRST LEGAL ONE HAS BEEN USED. Explanation: At most, one attribute in the following classes may be given for an identifier in an ALLOCATE statement: Dimension, String(CHAR or BIT), INITIAL. system Acti2~: Ignores the attribute from the ALLOCATE S IEM06381 AN INVALID ATTRIBUTE WAS GIVEN IN S'I'ATEMENr NUMBER xxx. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED. DIMENSIONALITY GIVEN IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DIFFERS FROM THAT DECLARED. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED. Explanation: If a dimension attribute is given for an identifier in an ALLOCATE statement, the identifier must have been declared with the same dimensionality. Explanations: Based variable may not be specified with attributes system Action: The ALLOCATE statement is deleted Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct ALLOCATE statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Respon~~~ Probable user error. Correct declaration or ALLOCATE statement w whichever applicable. If the problem recurs w do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM06431 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06461 THE LEVEL NUMBER DECLARED FOR zzzz IS NOT 'l'HE SAME AS THAT GIVEN IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE FORMER HAS BEEN USED. System Action: The identifier is replaced by a dummy dictionary reference; a later phase will delete the statement. Explanation: If a structure description is 'given in an ALLOCATE Statement w it must match the declaration. The indicated level number discrepancy may be an error. system Action: Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid statement. If the problem recurs w do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~Eoqrammer Nothing further Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check that ALLOCATE statement is as intended. If the problem recurs w do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06471 IEM061~41 STAl'EMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS AN ILLEGAL PARENTHESIZED LIST. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Factored attribures are not allowed on ALLOCATE statements. system Action: ignored Statement Programmer Response: Probable user error. Remove parentheses and any factored attributes. If the problem recurs w do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06451 POINTER-QUALIFIED IDENTIFIER zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A BASED VARIABLE system Action: Identifier is replaced by a dummy dictionary reference; a later phase will delete the statement. • Have the source program listing available. S IDENTIFIER yyyy PRECEDING POINTER QUALIFIER IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A NON-BASED POINTER VARIABLE ATTRIBUTE GIVEN WITH BASED VARIABLE zzzz IN ALLOCATE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM06531 COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL ENTRY IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: compiler error found in scan of statement §ystem Action: terminated Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 355 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) S IEM06581 system Action: Statement will be deleted by later phase Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM06551 QUALIFIED NAME BEGINNING yyyy USED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT NO PREVIOUS STRUCTURE DECLARATION GIVEN.. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06591 System.Action: Reference to the illegal variable or the whole statement will be deleted by later phases. UNSUPPORTED FEATURE. STRING PSEUDO-VARIABLE APPEARS IN REPLY, KEYTO OR STRING OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT WILL BE DELETED BY A LATER PHASE. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program by inserting DECLARE statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befor1e calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM06561 MOST RECENT DECLARATION USED OF AMBIGUOUS QUALIFIED NAME OR STRUCTURE MEMBER BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06601 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: The statement will be deleted by a later phase. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: QUALIFIED NAME BEGINNING yyyy I N STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS MORE THAN ONE IDENTIFIER AT THE SAME STRUCTURE LEVEL. system Action: is deleted • Have the source program listing available. The sta'tement S IEM06611 Programmer Response: P:robable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. 356 PSEUDO-VARIABLE yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVALID BECAUSE Ir IS NESTED IN ANOTHER PSEUDO-VARIABLE. Explanation: Language restriction. Pseudo-variables cannot be nested. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM06571 QUALIFIED NAME BEGINNING yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS AN AMBIGUOUS REFERENCE. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. INVALID USE OF THE PSEUDO-VARIABLE 'PRIORITY' IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx~ THE TASK OPTION HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFIED IN THE EXTERNAL PROCEDURE. Explanation: The PRIORITY pseudo-variable can be used only in a multitasking environment. system Action: is deleted. calling IBM for programming support: The statement Pro~rammer Response: Probable user error. Recompile Vlith the TASK option in the external procedure options list. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06751 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM06621 §ystem Action: Statement deleted by later phases. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CHECK LIST CONTAINS DEFINED ITEM yyy. IT HAS BEEN REPLACED BY ITS BASE IDENTIFIER. Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Defined items are not permitted in CHECK lists. system Action: The base item is assumed to replace the reference to the defined item in the CHECK list. References in the text to the defined item will not be checked. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06761 Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Pro~rammer System Action: Statement deleted by later phases INVALID USE OF FUNCTION NAME ON LEFT HAND SIDE OF EQUAL SYMBOL, OR IN REPLY KEYTO OR STRING OPTION, IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct statement by removing reference to function in error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Statement will be deleted by later phases Programmer Respon~g~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06771 • Have the source program listing available. SIEM06'141 STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS ILLEGAL USE OF FUNCTION yyyy system Action: Reference to function or whole statement Vlill be deleted by later phases Rrog~ammer_E~~PQnsel Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before DEFERRED FEATURE. IDENTIFIER yyyy NOT ALLOWED AS A BUILT-IN FUNCTION OR PSEUDO-VARIABLE • DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: A language feature has been used that is not supported by this version of the compiler. For details, refer to Appendix J of this publication. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06731 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IDENTIFIER yyyy AFTER GO TO IS NOT A LABEL OR LABEL VARIABLE KNOWN IN THE BLOCK CONTAINING THE GO TO. ILLEGAL PARENTHESIZED LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx FOLLOWS AN IDENTIFIER WHICH IS NOT A FUNCTION OR ARRAY. LIST DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 357 S IEM06821 calling IBM for programming support: IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx GO TO TRANSFERS CONTROL ILLEGALLY ro A FORMAT STl~TEMENT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If -the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the, source program listing available. S IEM06861 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06831 i System Action~ A dummy reference is inserted. The sta tement will be deleted by later phase zzzz WAS FOUND WHERE A FILENAME IS REQUIRED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DUMMY DICTIONARY REFERENCE REPLACES ILLEGAL ITEM. • Have the source program listing'available. E IEM06871 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DICTIONARY REFERENCE zzzz TRANSFERS CONTROL ILLEGALLY TO ANOTHER BLOCK OR GROUP. EXECUTUION ERRORS MAY OCCUR. B IEM06881 COMPILER ERROR. TOO FEW LEFT PARENTHESES IN STATEMENT NUMBE~R xxx • Have the source program listing available. W IEM06841 USE OF LABEL VARIABLE zzzz MAY RESULT IN AN ILLEGAL BRP1NCH IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: It is possible that the label variable may contain a value which would cause control to branch illegally into a block. Explanation: This is a compiler error system Action: None taken. Cascade errors may result. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Proqrammer Response! Probable user error. Check validity of possible branches. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progra~ning support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,FI), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06851 zzzz IS NOT A STATEMENT LP1BEL ON AN EXECU1'ABLE STATEMENT. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED ~FTER GO TO IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx system Action: statement will be deleted by later phases ProqrammerResponse: Probable user error. Correct pl:ogram and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before 358 SL Programmer Response: ProbablE! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: statement will be deleted by later phases Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: zzzz APPEP1RS IN A FREE OR ALLOCATE STP1TEMENT BUT HAS NO'l' BEEN DECLARED CONTROLLED. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED IN STP1TEMENT NUMBER xxx. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM06891 zzzz WAS FOUND WHERE A TASK IDENTIFIER IS REQUIRED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. §.ystem Action: Statement will be deleted by later phases Programmer Respons·e: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: Statement will be deleted by later phases Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06901 zzzz WAS FOUND WHERE EVENT VARIABLE IS REQUIRED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06941 System Action: Statement will be deleted by later phases Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: Format item deleted by later phase Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06911 INVALID ITEM zzzz IN DATA LIST, OR 'FROM' OR 'INTO' OPTION, IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx system Action: Statement will be deleted by later phases • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06951 ~rogrammer ResPQ~~~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Action: Statement will be deleted by later phases Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: DATA DIRECTED I/O LIST OR FROM OR INTO OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS A PARAMETER, DEFINED OR BASED ITEM zzzz. System Actio~: Statement will be deleted by later phases Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S -IEM06931 ILLEGAL USE OF FUNCTION zzzz IN INPUT LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. LABEL ARRAY zzzz IS NOT FOLLOWED BY A SUBSCRIPT LIST AFTER GO TO IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DUMMY REFERENCE REPLACES REFERENCE TO ARRAY. ~stem • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06921 IN THE FORMAT LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx A REMOTE FORMAT ITEM REFERENCES zzzz, WHICH IS NOT A STATEMENT LABEL IN THE CURRENT BLOCK. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. W IEM06961 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IT IS AN ERROR IF THE PARAMETER zzzz IN A REMOrE FORMAT ITEM REFERS TO A FORMAT STATEMENT WHICH IS NOT INTERNAL TO THE SAME BLOCK AS THE REMOTE FORMAT ITEM. Explanation: Remote formats become executable code, but not internal procedures. Therefore they must appear in the same block in which they are used. system Action: Object-time error message is compiled Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 359 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: OR VARYING STRING zzzz AS ARGUMENT OF FROM OR INTO OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. system Action: statement deleted by later phase • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06971 Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: STATEMENT LABEL zzzz ATTACHED TO STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS USED AS A REMOTE FORMAT ITEM IN TH~T STATEMENT. A DUMMY REPLACES THE REMOTE FORMAT ITEM. • Have the source program listing available. System Action: statement will be deleted by a later phase S IEM07011 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: statement deleted by later phase. Programmer Response: ProbablE! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06981 THE BASED VARIABLE zzzz IN LOCATE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT AT LEVEL 1. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. System Action: The statement will be deleted by a later phase. • Have the source program listing available. W IEM07021 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: STRUCTURE ARGUMENT zzzz OF FROM OR INTO OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A MAJOR STRUCTURE. DUMMY REFEREN:E INSERTED System Action: statement deleted by later phase Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07001 360 ILLEGAL USE OF FUNCTION, LABEL TASK OR EVENT VARIABLE zzzz USED IN FROM OR INTO OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx MAY LOSE ITS VALIDITY IN TRANSMISSION L~BEL, Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM06991 ARGUMENT zzzz OF SET OPTION IS: NOT A POINTER VARIABLE. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07031 INVALID IDENTIFIER zzzz FREED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: The identifier in the FREE statement is not: 1. A BASED or a CONTROLLED variable, or 2. A major structure with the BASED or CONTROLLED attribute. System Action: Invalid identifier replaced by dummy. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEtvl07041 • Have the source program listing available. STArEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS INVALID USE OF FUNCTION zzzz S IEM07151 system-Actio~: del~ted statement by later phase Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explan~io!!: The INITIAL attribute has been used incorrectly. system Action: The INITIAL attribute is deleted • Have the source program listing available. W IEM07051 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: IF THE LABEL VARIABLE IN GO T::> STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ASSUMES THE VALUE OF ITS VALUE-LIST MEMBER zzzz, THE STATEMENT WILL CONSTITUTE AN INVALID BRANCH INTO AN ITERATIVE DO GROUP. system Action: • Have the source program listing available. None S IEM07181 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check that branch will be valid at execution time. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: VARIABLE zzzz IN LOCATE STATEMENT IS NOT A BASED VARIABLE~ DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07191 System Action: The statement is deleted by a later phase. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid Btatement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Label is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ARGUMENT zzzz OF IN OPTION IS NOT AN AREA VARIABLE. DUMMY REFERENCE INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07201 §.Y2.!::gm A9tiog: The statement is deleted by a later phase. ELEMENT OF LABEL ARRAY zzzz walCH IS DECLARED WITH INITIAL ATTRIBUTE USED AS STATEMENT LABEL ON STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: deleted • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07071 INVALID CHECK LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 'ON ERROR'. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07061 TEXT yyyy ASSOCIATED WITH THE INITIAL ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS ILLEGAL AND HAS BEEN IGNORED. SUBSCRIPTED IDENTIFIER zzzz USED AS LABEL ON STATEMENT NUMBER XXK IS NOT A LABEL ARRAY Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 361 system Action: deleted compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Label iB Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM07241 • Have the source proc]'ram listing available. S IEM07211 Explanation: The identifier list of a CHECK prefix must not. contain formal parameters ELEMENT OF STATIC LABEL ARRAY zzzz USED AS LABEL ON S~rATEMENT NUMBER xxx system Action: deleted Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befor(~ calling IBM for programming support: Label is Pro~~er Response:. Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07251 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07221 ELEMENT OF LABEL ARRAY zzzz USED AS LABEL ON STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IN BLOCK OTHER TF~N THE ONE IN WHICH IT IS DECLARED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07261 COMPILER ERROR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Compiler error found in scan of text System Actio!!: terminated IDENTIFIER zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A FILE NAME. THE STATEMENT IS DELETED. Explanation: The identifier has been used previously in a different context and is therefore not recognized as a file name. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM07231 STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN DELETED DUE TO A SEVERE ERROR NOTED ELSEWHERE. System Action: The whole statement is replaced by an error statement. system Action: An error statement is inserted in the text in place of the offending label. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: FORMAL PARAMETER zzzz IN CHECK LIST. PARAMETER IS IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Compila.tion Respon2!H. Do the following before calling IBM for programming support.: Prog~er • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of t.he 362 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07271 IDENTIFIER zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A CONDITION NAME. THE STATEMENT IS DELETED. Explanation: The identifier has been used previously in a different context and is therefore not recognized as a condition name S IEM01301 MORE THAN ONE SIGN CHARACTER PRESENT IN A SUBFIELD OF PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER ST~TEMENTS. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Scan of picture terminated; picture ignored by later phases. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM07281 COMPILATION TERMINATED DUE TO A PREVIOUSLY DETECTED SEVERE ERROR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanatioh: A previous module has inserted a dummy dictionary reference into the second file. The compiler cannot recover. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01311 Programmer ReSpOnSe! Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progra~ng support: PICTURE CHARACTER M APPEARS IN NON-STERLING PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY.IN OTHER STATEMENTS. system Action: Scan of picture terminated; picture ignored by later phases. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler~ (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM01321 S IEM07291 COMPILER ERROR IN SCALE F~CTOR IN PICTURE BEGINNING yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER ST~TEMENTS. .l system ~ction: Scan of picture terminated; picture ignored by later phases. System Action: Scan of picture halted. ~ll references to picture deleted. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progra~ng support: Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,FO), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. FIELD MISSING IN STERLING PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM01331 ILLEG~L EDIT CHARACTERS AT START OF STERLING PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 363 System Action: Scan of picture terminated; picture ignored by later phas es • Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the followinq before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07371 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07341 ILLEGAL CHARACTER OR ILLEGAL NUMBER OF CH.ARACTERS IN POUNDS FIELD OF S~~ERLING PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. system Action: Scan of pictur1e terminated; picture ignored by later phases. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following beforle calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Scan of picture terminated; picture ignored by later phases. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before callin9 IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07391 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM0735I ILLEGAL CHARACTER OR ILLEGAl. NUMBER OF CHARACTERS IN SHILLINGS FIELD OF STERLING PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07361 WRONG NUMBER OF DELIMITER CHARACTERS M IN STERLI NG PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. system Action: Scan of picture terminated; picture ignored by later phases. 364 STATIC PICTURE CHARACTER $ S + - NOT AT EXTREMITY OF SUBFIELD. PICTURE IN ERROR IS yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STArEMENTS. system Action: Scan of picture continued with item ignored, but picture will be ignored by later phases. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Scan of picture terminated; picture ignored by later phases .. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ILLEGAL CHARACTER OR ILLEGAL NUMBER OF CHARACTERS IN PENCE FIELD OF STERLING PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM0740I MULTIPLE OSE OF E K OR V IN PICTURE. PICTURE TRUNCATED AT ILLEGAL CHARACTER. PICTURE IN ERROR IS yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. system Action: Picture truncated at pOint indicated Programmer Response: Probable user er.ror. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM0746I • Have the source program listing available. E IEM07411 §ystem Action: Scan of picture continued with item ignored, but picture will be ignored by later phases. CR OR DB INCORRECTLY POSITIONED IN SUBFIELD. PICTURE TRUNCATED AT THIS POINT. PICTURE IN ERROR IS yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Picture truncated at point indicated Programmer Response: Probable user error,. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07471 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM071~21 CR OR DB GIVEN E'OR A NON-REAL, NON-NUMERIC OR FLOATING FIELD. PICTURE TRUNCATED BEFORE CR OR DB IN PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~rogfamm~_g~~~e: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM07481 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07lJ 51 ILLEGAL USE OF PICTURE CHARACTER Z OR * IN PICrURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. • Have the source program listing available. ILLEGAL USE OF SC~LING FACTOR IN PICTURE. SCALING FACTOR ONWARDS DELETED. PICTURE IN ERROR IS yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER ST~TEMENTS. System Action: Picture truncated at point indicated Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: Scan of picture continued with item ignored, but picture will be ignored by later phases. Programmer Respon~~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: STERLING PICTURE CHARACTERS FOUND IN NON-STERLING PICTURE. SCANNING OF PICTURE STOPPED. PICTURE IN ERROR IS yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER ST~TEMENTS. system Action: Scan of picture terminated; picture ignored by later phases. System Action: Picture truncated at point indicated Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: STERLING MARKER FOUND IN OTHER THAN FIRST POSITION IN PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07491 ILLEGAL USE OF SCALING FACTOR IN PICTURE. SCAN OF PICTURE TERMINATED. PICTURE IN ERROR IS yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 365 "'" IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, A.ND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. but picture will be ignored by later phases. system A.ction: Scan of picture terminated; picture ignored by later phases. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07541 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07501 §ystem Action: Scan of picture continued with item ignored, but picture will be ignored by later phases. ILLEGAL CHARACTER PRESENT IN CHARACTER STRING PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STA.TEMENTS. Programme~ Response: Probable~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Scan of picture continued with item ignored q but picture will be ignored by later phases. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07551 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07511 Programmer Response: ProbablE! user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befo:I"e calling IBM for programming support: system A.ction: Scan of picture continued with item ignored, but picture will be ignored by later phases. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07521 ILLEGAL USE OF,OR ILLEGAL CHARACTERS IN, STERLING PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. system A.ction: Scan of picture continued with item ignored, 366 ILLEGAL USE OF DRIFTING EDITINIG SYMBOLS S $ + - IN PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATE:MENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS • .§¥stem Action: Scan of picture conti.nued with item ignored, but picture will be ignored by later phases. NO MEANINGFUL CHARACTERS IN PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUt-!lBER XXK, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and, recompile. If ,the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ILLEGAL CHA.RACTER IN PICTURE yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STA.TEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07561 IMPLEMENTA.TION RESTRICTION. PRECISION roo LARGE OR PICTURE: TOO LONG IN PICTURE BEGINNING yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. §yste!!!~ction: Scan of picture continued with item ignored, but picture will be ignored by later phases. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the probleM recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM07581 • Have the source program listing available. COMPILER ERROR IN PHASE FT. S IEM07611 Explanation: Compiler error found in scan of dictionary System Action: terminated Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following befo~e calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Reference to, picture deleted from program Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct picture:. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE~ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEr-107'591 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07621 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STERLING CONSTANT EXCEEDS 4166666666666.13.3L. HIGH ORDER DIGITS LOST DURING CONVERSION TO DECIMAL. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07601 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTIoN. EXPONENT FIELD TOO LARGE IN PIC1'URE yyyy'. THIS PlcrURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. system Action: Reference to picture deleted PICTURE CHARACTER E OR K IS NOT PRECEDED BY A DIGIT POSITION CHARACTER. PICTURE IN ERROR IS yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS., System Action: References to picture deleted system Action: High order digits lost somewhere in the following conversion process: shift pounds field left one digit,' double by addition.. ~dd shillings field. Add result, doubled by addition, to result shifted left one digit. Add pence field. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: PICTURE CHARACTER E OR K APPEARS WITHOUT AN EXPONENT FIELD FOLLOWING IT. PICTURE'IN ERROR IS yyyy. THIS PICTURE OCCURS IN STATEMENT NUMBER XXX, AND POSSIBLY IN OTHER STATEMENTS. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07631 INVALID CHARACTER nnnn IN EXPONENT FIELD OF PICTURE yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. §ystem Action: Scan of picture continued with item ignored, but picture will be ignored by later phase. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programmirig , support: • Have the source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 367 W IEM07641 ONE OR MORE FIXED BIN~RY ITEMS OF PRECISION 15 OR LESS HAVE BEEN GIVEN HALFWORD STORAGE. THEY ARE FLAGGED '*********' IN THE XREF/ATR LIST. S IEM07691 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STArEMENT NUMBER xxx AS EXPANDED IS TOO LONG ~ND HAS BEEN DELETED .. walCH HAS BEEN DECLARED WITH THE ENV(COBOL) ATTRIBUTE AND THE EVENT OPTION. THE EVENT OPTION HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: The intermediate variable has been created because there is a difference between the PL/I mapping and the COBOL mapping of the READ INTO variable. The READ INTO statement has been expanded into: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Simplify by splitting into two or more statements and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support~ READ INro (Intermediate variable); Variable = Intermediate variable; The READ statement must have been completed before the assignment takes place. The EVENT option has been deleted to ensure that the READ statement is complete before processing continues. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM07701 COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE GA IN' STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: The compiler has encountered meaningless input to phase GA. System Action: terminated System Action: Delete the EVENT option and continue Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check the use of the EVENT option or of the COBOL file. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Compilation Programmer Response-: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support:: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)~ to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available,. S IEM07711 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRI:TION. NESTING OF FORMAT LISTS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx EXCEEDS 20. STATEMENT DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07781 368 AN INTERMEDIATE VARIABLE HAS BEEN CREATED IN READ INTO STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THIS STATEMENT SPECIFIES FILE zzzz, • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07791 AN INTERMEDIATE VARIABLE HAS BEEN CREATED IN WRITE/REWRITE FROM STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THIS STATEMENT SPECIFIES FILE zzzz, WHICH HAS BEEN DECLARED WITH THE ENV(c'OBOL) ATTRIBUTE AND THE EVENT OPTION. THE EVENT OPTION HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: The intermediate variable has been created because there is a difference between the PL/I mapping and the COBOL mapping of the WRITE/REWRITE FROM variable. The WRITE/REWRITE FROM statement has been expanded to: Intermediate variable = variable; WRITE/REWRITE FROM (Intermediate variable); The WRITE/REWRITE statement must have been completed before the intermediate variable can be deleted. The EVENT option has been deleted to ensure that the WRITE/REWRITE statement is complete before processing continues. S IEM07821 system Action: Delete the EVENT option and continue Explanation: The attributes referred to do not exist in COBOL Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check the use of the EVENT option or of the COBOL file. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: is deleted THE USE OF COBOL FILE zzzz IN LOCATE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx M~Y LEAD TO ERRORS WHEN THE RECORD IS PROCESSED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07841 Explanation: The COBOL structure-mapping is not necessarily the same as the PL/I structure-mapping. System Action: is deleted 1. a major structure 2. an unsubscripted array or scalar variable, not in a structure It must also be of nonbased CONTROLLED storage class. • Have the source program listing available. system Action: If the argument list begins with a valid operand, that operand is used as the argument; otherwise, the argument list is deleted. THE USE OF COBOL FILE zzzz IN READ SET STATEMENT NUMBER xxx MAY LEAD TO ERRORS WHEN THE RECORD IS PROCESSED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The COBOL structure-mapping is not necessarily the same as the PL/I structure-mapping. system Action: is deleted INVALID ARGUMENT LIST FOR ALLOCATION FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN TRUNCATED OR DELETED. Explanation: Only a single argument can be given in the ALLOCATION function, and it must be one of the following: The statement Prog~er R~~.!.. Probable user error. Either the LOCATE statement must be replaced by a WRITE FROM statement, or a non-COBOL file must be used. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM0781I The statement Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07801 THE ATTRIBUTES OF zzzz USED IN RECORD I/O STATEMENT NUMBER XXX ARE NOT PERMITTED WHEN A COBOL FILE IS USED. The statement Programmer Response: Probable user error. Either the READ SET statement must be replaced by a READ INTO statement, or a non-COBOL file must be used. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. W IEM07861 NAME, NOT V~LUE, OF FUNCTION zzzz P~SS.ED AS ARGUMENT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. ·If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 369 Examples of circumstances under which the error message is generated are label arguments to da"ta item parameters, array arguments to scalar parameters. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM07871 INCORRECT NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS FOR FUNCTION OR ROUTINE zzzz IN STATEMENTS yyyy. system Action: The parameter description is ignored. If the parameter description is correct, this will give rise to totally incorrect execution. Explanation: Number of arguments differs from "the ENTRY declaration. system Action: Argumen"ts are matched as far as possible. zzzz is invoked using all the arguments. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter description or the argument so that at least conversion is possible. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ignore this message if zzzz is a non-PL/I routine that can accept a variable number of arguments. Otherwise correct the program. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM07931 • Have the source program listing available. W IEM0791I NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS FOR FUNCTION OR SUBROUTINE zzzz IN STATEMENTS yyyy IS INCONSISTENT WITH NUMBER USED ELSEWHERE. sy~tem Action: A temporary structure of the same type as the parameter description is created and the argument is assigned to each base element, converting where necessary_ Explanation: The number of arguments for zzzz has not been explicitly declared. 'ELSEWHERE' refers either to the PROCEDURE or ENTRY statement for zzzz, or to a previous invocation of the function. Programmer Response: Probable! user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: zzzz is invoked using all the arguments. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ignore this message if zzzz is a non-PL/I routine that can accept a variable number of arguments. Otherwise correct the program. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support.: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07941 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CONVERT FROM THE ATTRIBUTES OF ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn TO THOSE OF THE CORRESPONDING PARAMETER IN ENTRY zzzz. THE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION IS IGNORED. Explanation: 370 Self explanatory. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz CONTAINS A SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLE wITH THE WRONG NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM07921 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz IS A SCALAR AND THE CORRESPONDING PARAMETER IS A STRUCTURE. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07951 DEFERRED FEATURE. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz CONTAINS A CROSS-SECTION OF AN ~RAY OF STRUCTURES" STATEMENT DELETED. example, if the argument was a cross-section of an array. ExplanatioI!: The usage referred to is not supported by this version of the compiler. For details, refer to Appendix J of this publication. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM0799I • Have the source program listing available. S IEM07961 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz IS A GENERIC ENTRY NAME AND THERE IS NO CORRESPONDING ENTRY DESCRIPTION. STATEMENT DELETED. System Action: The value assigned to the temporary argument during the execution of the procedure is lost on return from the procedure. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. W IEM0800I S IEM07971 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz IS A BUILT-IN FUNCTION WHICH MAY NOT BE PASSED AS AN ARGUMENT. STATEMENT DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz IS NOT PERMISSIBLE. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. Expl~:!::io!!:' The message is generated, for example, when scalar arguments are given for array built-in functions. For the ADDR function the message could ,indicate that the function cannot return a valid result because the argument does not satisfy the requirements of contiguous storage. This could occur, for IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn IN ENTRY zzzz IS A SCALAR AND THE CORRESPONDING PARAMETER IS AN ARRAY. System Action: A temporary array with the attributes of the entry description is created and the scalar is assigned to each element of the array, converting the type if necessary. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM07981 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx A DUMMY ARGUMENT HAS BEEN CREATED FOR ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz. THIS ARGUMENT APPEARS IN A SETS LIST. S IEM08011 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn IN ENTRY zzzz IS SCALAR CORRESPONDING TO AN ARRAY PARAMETER WITH * BOUNDS. rHE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 371 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM08021 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn O:F ENTRY zzzz DOES NOT MATCH THE PARAMETER. A DUMMY ARGUMENT HAS BEEN CREATED. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM08051 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: A language feature has been used that is not supported by this version of the compiler. For details, refer to Appendix J of this publication. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM08031 Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following'before calling IBM for programming support: IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS TOO MANY NESTED FUNCTION REFERENCES. LIMIT EXCEEDED AT ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz system Action: terminated • Have the source program listing available. Compilation S IEM08061 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Reduce depth of function call nesting. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM08071 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO LONG M'D HAS BEEN DELl'~TED. system Action: Compilation t erminat ed. Programmer Response: Proba.ble user error. Reduce statement size. If the problem :recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the pro9ram with compiler options 372 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz IS NOT CONTROLLED BUT THE CORRESPONDING PARAMETER IS. system Action: An execution error will occur on entry to the called procedure • Recompile the program with compiler options ·S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messa.ges.) T IEM08041 DEFERRED FEATURE. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF ENTRY zzzz IS AN EVENT. STATEMENT DELETED. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER nnnn OF BUILT-IN FUNCTION zzzz IS AN ENTRY NAME. THE STATEMENT BAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM00081 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT NUMBER yyy WILL CAUSE A DUMMY ARGUMENT TO BE PASSED TO ENTRY yyy IN ANOTHER TASK. comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Explanatio~: Dummy arguments passed to a subtask will cause temporary storage to be obtained which cannot be freed when the subtask is detached. This may result in the excessive use of storage. Note that this error can be avoided by using only one label on the statement. T IEM08181 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the source program so that no dummy arguments are created for arguments passed to a subtask. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: compiler error in scanning source text system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) COMPILER ERROR. INVALID END OF STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Compiler error in scan of input text SystemActiQ~: Compilation is terminated grogrammer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for progra~ning support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM08191 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: Compiler error in scanning labels of a statement Compilation is programmer Respons~~ Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR IN LABEL CHAIN FOR STATEMENT NUMBER xxx system Action: terminated COMPILER ERROR IN CHECK/NOCHECK LIST ENTRY FOR STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Compiler error in CHECK or NOCHECK list dictionary entry • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM08171 Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM08161 COMPILER ERROR IN DICTIONARY ENTRY FOR STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM08201 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx TOO LONG. Explanation: Statement length exceeds text-block size. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 373 System Action: terminated. Explanation: A stack used to trace nested IF statements has overflowed compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. subdivide statement and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: terminated Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rephrase IF statements, or do not CHECK so many items. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)'to obtain a formatted dump of t.he compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM08211 INVALID ITEM zzzz IGNORED IN CHECK LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx EXplanation: Valid items in CHECK lists are: statement labels, entry labels, and scalar, array, structure, or label variables. Subscripted variable names, or data having the DEFINED attribute, are not allowed. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM08251 System Action: terminated Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all ·the IEMnnnnI messages). IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. NO ROOM FOR zzzz IN CHECK TABLE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explana!:io!!: The CHECK list table has overflowed • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. System Actio!!: The it:em ment~oned is ignored Programmer Response: Probable user error. Do not CHECK so many items. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM08241 374 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. TOO MANY CHECKED ITEMB WITHIN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Compilation is Programmer Response: Avoid the error by supplying an explicit DATA list. Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. IEM08231 COMPILER ERROR IN READ DATA STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Compiler error in processing GET or READ DATA statement ~rogrammer W Compilation is W IEM08261 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. CHECK WILL NOT BE RAISED FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BECAUSE OF EVENT OPTION Explanation:' The compiler does not raise the CHECK condition for variables when they are changed in statements containing an EVENT option. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: OF STRUCTURES. DELETED. Explanation: In BY NAME assignment, the operand to the left of the equals sign must be a structure or an array of structures. • Have the source program listing available. S IEMOB32I IN THE EXPANSION OF BY NAME ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx A SET OF MATCHING ELEMENTS HAS BEEN FOUND BUT THEY ARE NOT ALL BASE ELEMENTS. THE STATEMENr HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: For a valid component scalar assignment to result from a BY NAME structure assignment, it is necessary that all the scalar names derived from original structure name operands have identical qualification relative to the structure name originally specified. e.g: DeL lS, 2T, 2U, 3V; DCL lW, 2T, 2U; w=s; gives rise to the component assignments W.T=S.T; W.U=S.U; t~e second of which is invalid. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08351 System Action: Replaces statement by a null statement and continues Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual rules for expansion of structure assignment BY NAME and correct the error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Break statement up into a series of separate statements. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08361 THE EXPANSION OF BY NAME ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS RESULTED IN NO COMPONENT ASSIGNMENTS. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. THE ASSIGNED OPERAND IN BY NAME ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A STRUCTURE OR AN ARRAY ILLEGAL ARRAY REFERENCE IN STRUCTURE ASSIGNMENT OR EXPRESSION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Explanation: In PL/I, arrays of scalars are invalid operands in structure, or array of structure, expressions. System Action: The statement is treated as a null statement S IEM08341 ALL OPERANDS LEFT OF EQUAL SYMBOL IN MULTIPLE STRUCTURE ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARE NOT STRUCTURES. STATEMENT DELETED Explanation: In multiple structure assignment, all the operands being assigned to must be structures. system Action: The BY NAME assignment statement is deleted S IEM08331 STATEMENT • Have the source program listing available. T IEM08371 COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMHF. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 375 Explanation: Meaningless input. This message is also produced if an error is found in a DECLARE statement. In that case, a second message w of severity level severe, is issued giving details of the error. system Action: terminated calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08491 compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support.: Explanation: PL/I does not allow separate structures with different structuring within the same expression or assignment. The (F) compiler does not support reference to both a structure and an array of structures within the same expression or assignment. • Recompile the progI.*am with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct the source code~ The two restrictions quoted above are detailed in the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual and in Appendix J of this publication, respectively. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM08381 EXPRESSION RIGHT OF EQUAL SYMBOL IN BY NAME ASSI GNMENT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS NO STRUCTURES. BY NAME OPTION DELETED. Explanation: In an assignment statement having the BY NAME option, the expression "to the right of the equal symbol should contain at least one structure or array of structures. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08481 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. THE EXPANSION OF STRUCTURE EXPRESSIONS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS CAUSED A TABLE INTERNAL TO THE COMPILER TO OVI~RFLOW. STATEMENT DELETED. Explanation: The nesting of structure expressions in argument lists is too deep. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Decrease "the nesting. If the problem recurs, do the following before 376 AN EXPRESSION OR ASSIGNMENT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx EITHER CONTAINS SEPARATE STRUCTURES WITH DIFFERENT STRUCTURING, OR CONTAINS BOTH A STRUCTURE AND AN ARRAY OF STRUCTURES. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08501 THE BOUNDS JF THE BASE ARRAYS OF THE STRUCTURE OPERANDS OF THE STRUCrURE EXPRESSION OR ASSIGNMENT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARE NOT THE SAME. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: In a structure assignment or expression, all structure operands must have the same number of contained elements at the next level. Corresponding sets of contained elements must all be arrays of structures, structures, arrays, or scalars. The arrays must have the same dimensionality and bounds. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual the expansion of array and structure expressions and assignments - and correct the prog:ram. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEMOB511 S IEM08641 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO LONG AND HAS BEEN DELETED. EXPlana~on: Nesting of function(, combined with size of arrays involved, is too great Explanation: The expansion of structure expressions or assignments has given rise to a statement which exceeds one text block in length Programmer Response: Probable user error. Simplify by splitting into two or more sta~ements. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Respo~ Probable user error. Decrease statement size. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08651 S IEMOB521 A SUBSCRIPTED REFERENCE TO AN ARRAY OF STRUCTURES IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS THE WRONG NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS. THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Simplify by splitting into two or more statements. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: probable user error. Correct subscripted reference. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM08531 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08661 DEFERRED FEATURE. A STRUCTURE ASSIGNMENT OR EXPRESSION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx INVOLVES CROSS SECTIONS OF ARRAYS. STATEMENT DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. NEITHER MULTIPLE ASSIGNMENT COMMA NOR ASSIGNMENT MARKER FOUND IN CORRECT POSITION. ST~TEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Explanation: An occurring on the of an assignment. contained within Explanation: This version of the compiler does not support reference to cross sections of arrays of structures. Programmer Respon~e: Probable user error. Expand the statement in DO loops replacing '.'s in subscripts by the appropriate DO control variable. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO LONG AND HAS BEEN DELETED. EXElanation: Nesting of functions with array arguments involves a large expansion of text Explanation: subscripted references to arrays must have subscript expressions equal in number to the dimensionality of the array • Have the source program listing available. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. NESTING OF ARRAY ASSIGNMENTS OR I/O LISTS TOO DEEP. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. expression left-hand side must be parentheses. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming -support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08671 NUMBER OF • SUBSCRIPTS SPECIFIED FOR zzzz IS NOT THE DIMENSIONALITY OF THE LEFTMOST ARRAY. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DEI,ETED Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 377 Explanation: Array references in expressions must have the same dimensionality • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08711 Programmer Response: I'robable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08681 BOUNDS OF ARRAY zzzz ARE NOT SAME AS FOR LEFTMOST ARRAY IN ASSIGNMENT OR EXPRESSION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Dl~LETED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08721 Explanation: Array references in eKpressions must, have the same bounds Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. DIMENSIONS OF ARRAY zzzz ARE NOT THE SAME AS FOR LEFTMOST ARRAY IN ASSIGNMENT OR I/O EXPRESSION. STATEMEN']~ NUMBER xxx DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. ,8 IEM08731 ~anation: Array references in eKpressions must hcl'\7e the same dimensionality Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available,. OF PSEUDO-VARIABLE INVALID. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx: IS DELETED. ARGUME~T • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08741 Ex..E!anation: Arguments of pseudo-variables must be variables which are not expressions Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: 378 ARGUMENTS OF PSEUDO-VARIABLE COMPLEX INCORRECT. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Explanation: Only one argument given for COMPLEX, or expression illegally used as argument for pseudo-variable. ~rogrammer S IEM08701 NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS SPECIFIED FOR LEFTMOST OPERAND zzzz IS NOT SAME AS DIMENSIONALITY. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Explanation: The number of subscripts specified must be the same as the number of dimensions of the array Programmer Res2Qns~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM08691 SCALAR zzzz ON LEFT OF EQUAL SYMBOL IN ARRAY ASSIGNMENT. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. SECOND ARGUMENT OF PSEUDO-VARIABLE COMPLEX OR FIRST ARGUMENT OF REAL, lMAG, OR UNSPEC EITHER IS NOT FOLLOWED BY A RIGHT PARENTHESIS OR IS AN EXPRESSION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Explanation: Too many arguments given for this pseudo-variable, or expression used as argument. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Structures may only be assigned to structures Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem ~ecurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08751 ONSOURCE OR ONCHAR APPEARS IN A DIMENSIONED ARRAY ASSIGNMENT. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08791 Explanation: ONSOURCE and ONCHAR may only appear in scalar assignments Explanation: Pseudo-variables COMPLEX, REAL, lMAG, UNSPEC, COMPLETIO~, and SUBSTR require arguments Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check whether the variable was intended as a pseudo-variable or whether it should have been declared otherwise. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08761 ARGUMENTS OF PSEUDO-VARIABLE SUBSTR INCORRECT. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Explanation: Only one argument given for SUBSTR, or express10n illegally used as argument for pseudo-variable. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08801 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: UNSUBSCRIPTED ARRAY zzzz IN SCALAR ASSIGNMENT. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Explanation: Only scalars can be assigned to scalars Programmer . Response;; Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08781 STRUCTURE zzzz FOUND IN ARRAY OR SCALAR EXPRESSION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS SPECIFIED FOR zzzz IS NOT SAME AS DIMENSIONALITY. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Explanation: The number of subscripts specified must be the same as the number of dimensions of the array. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM081'71 PSEUDO-VARIABLE COMPLEX, REAL, IMAG, UNSPEC, COMPLETION, OR SUBSTR LACKS ARGUMENTS. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM08811 NUMBER OF DIMENSIONS IN REFERENCE TO zzzz IS NOT SAME AS THAT OF EXPRESSION OR ASSIGNMENT. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 379 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available., T IEM08821 COMPILER ERROR. INVALID INPUT TO PHASE HK AT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Explanation: Illegal text has been encountered system Action: terminated Compilation S IEM08971 Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Declare defined item with dimension attribute. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM08831 • Have the source program listing available. T IEM08981 DEFERRED FEATURE. STRUCTURE zzzz PASSED AS ARGUMENT TO THE TRANSLATE OR VERIFY FUNCTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. system Action: compilation • Recompile the program wi 1:.h compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. TOO MANY LEVELS OF ISUB NESTING IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System A.ction: terminated • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM08991 MULTIPLIER IN ISUB DEFINING LIST FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx I S NOT A SCALAR EXPRESSION. Compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Reduce the number of levels of nesting in the statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 380 Terminates Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing availableo Explanation: stack has overflowed scratch core. The maximum number of levels of nesting possible depends on the dimensionality of the arrays involved. NO SUBSCRIPTS AFTER ISUB-DEFINED ITEM zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Explanation: This is a compiler error Programmer Response: Probable user error~ Remove structure from statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEM08961 ISUB DEFINED OPERAND zzzz HAS NOT BEEN DECLARED AS AN ARRAY. ISUBS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DELETED. Explanation: A comma has been found within the iSUB multiplier expression system Action: Remainder of expression, after comma, ignored Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite expression. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: §ystem Action: terminated • Have the source program listing available. E IEM09001 Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: * USED AS SUBSCRIPT FOR ISUB DEFINED ITEM zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ZERO SUBSTITUTED. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite without *. If the problem recurs, do the fol~owing before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM09011 ISUB NUMBER IN DEFINING LIST FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO GREAT. M~XIMUM NUMBER USED. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM0906I System Action: The present statement is dropped and the new one processed. Compilation will not be completed. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite defining DECLARE statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Check the source text. This is probably a compiler error; do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. WRONG NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS FOR ISUB DEFINED ITEM zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. SUBSCRIPTS IGNORED OR ZERO SUPPLIED. Programmer ResPQ~~ Probable user error. Rewrite with correct number of subscripts. The error may be in the reference to the defined item or in the defining DECLARE statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM09031 STATEMENT DELIMITER FOUND WITHIN SUBSCRIPT LIST FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: The subscript scan routine has found a statement marker system Action: The iSUB number is replaced by the number of dimensions of the defined array. E IEM0902I COMPILER ERROR. ERROR DETECTED IN DEFINING ISUB LIST FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Expl~io~: Compiler error. Either (a) SUB not found where expected, or (b) SUBO found without a multiplier expression. Compilation • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,HP), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM09071 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO LONG AND HAS BEEN TRUNCATED. Explanation: Statement length exceeds text block size system Action: Statement is truncated. Compilation will not be completed. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Simplify statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 381 zzzz IS ILLEGALLY USED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. S IEM1024I ILLEGAL USE OF zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. A FIXED BINARY ZERO CONSTANT IS SUBSTITUTED. ~' Explanation: A non-scalar identifier has been specified in a context that requires a scalar identifier. system Action: terminated system Action: Replaces illegal identifier with arithmetic constant zero • Recompile the program with compiler options QS,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source pI:ogram listing available. IDENTIFIER zzzz ILLEGALLY USED AS SUBSCRIPT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: A subscl:ipt has been used which is not a scalar, a scalar expression, or a constant • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM10281 system Action: Replaces illegal subscript with arithmetic constant zero • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS AN UNLABELED FORMAT STATEMENT Programmer Respon~e: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing availableo T IEM1027! 382 THE SUBSCRIPTED STRUCTURE ITEM Terminates Programmer.Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. lXplanation: A FORMAT statement should have a label COMPILER ERROR IN STATEMENT NUMB:ER xxx:. ILLEGAL INPUT TEXT FOR PHASE IA. system Action: compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: W IEM10261 Compilation is Programmer Response: ProbablE! user error. If the problem recurs, do the following befol:e calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM10251 Explanation: The indicated structure item is used in a statement other than an assignment statement or an I/O data list. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1029I THE APPEARANCE OF THE ARRAY CROSS-SECTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx: IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS VERSION OF THE COMPILER. Explanation: A feature has been used that is not support:ed by this version of the compiler. For details, refel: to Appendix J or to IB~ system/360 Operating system: PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual. system Action: compilation Termi.nates stream and source program listing available. T IEM10511 Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: In this version of the compiler, structures may not be passed as arguments to pseudo-variables. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which -precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) system Action: compilation IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. TOO MANY DUMMY ARGUMENTS ARE BEING PASSED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. A MAXIMUM OF 64 DUMMY ARGUMENTS MAY BE PASSED IN EACH INVOCATION • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM10561 • Have the source program listing available. T IEM10LWI DEFERRED FEATURE. STRUCTURE ARGUMENT IS BEING PASSED TO FUNCTION zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite program, avoiding unsupported feature. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM f or programming s'upport: • Have the associated job Terminates Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Terminates • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) INVALID ARGUMENT IS BEING PASSED TO ENTRY NAME zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. system Action: compilation Explanation: In this version of the compiler, structures may not be passed as arguments to built-in functions. system Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite program, avoiding unsupported feature. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM10301 DEFERRED FEATURE. STRUCTURE ARGUMENT IS BEING PASSED TO PSEUDO-VARIABLE zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM10571 DECIMAL INTEGER CONSTANT IS NOT BEING PASSED, AS REQUIRED, TO FUNCTION zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Explanation: Argumentto built-in function is not a decimal integer as expected. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 383 System Actio!!: compilation Terminates • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all -the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Respon~~ Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)t to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM10601 Explanation: TOO many arguments are being passed to a built-in function • Have the associated job ,stream and source program listing available .. T IEM10581 system Action: compilation ARRAY OR STRUCTURE ARGUMENT IS NOT BEING PASSED, AS REQUIRED, TO FUNCTION zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. • Recompile the program wit.h compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the pro~rram with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available .. T IEM10591 FIRST ARGUMENT BEING PASSED TO FUNCTION zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx SHOULD BE AN ARRAY. Explanation: Argument to built-in function is not an array as expected system Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: 384 Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Argumen-t to built-in function is not an array or a structure, as expected. system Action: compilation. TOO MANY ARGUMENTS ARE BEING PASSED TO FUNCTION zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM10611 TOO FEW ARGUMENTS ARE BEING PASSED TO FUNCTION zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Explanation: Too few arguments are being passed to a built-in function sys·tem Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM.l062I Explanation: The dictionary entry for one or more of the generic families is not a recognizable entry type. COMPILER ERROR.. CORRECT GENERIC SELECTION FOR FUNCTION zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS NOT BEEN ACHIEVED. System Action: compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Compiler, although being given a legal argument to a generic built-in function, is unable to make the • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) sel~ction. sys,£em Action: Function result is set to zero and compilation terminated. Programmer ResQQ~~! Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1065I system Action: compilation Terminates COMPILER ERROR. UNEXPECTED SITUATION HAS ARISEN IN THE SCANNING OF THE ARGUMENTS PASSED TO FUNCTION zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Compiler is unable to correctly scan an argument list • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) ~anatioB: system Action: is set to zero Function result Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1064I NO GENERIC. SELECTION POSSIBLE FOR THE ENTRY NAME zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Explanation: Incorrect use of the GENERIC attribute resulting in no selection being possible • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1063I Terminates COMPILER ERROR. THE GENERIC FAMILIES ASSOCIATED WITH ENTRY NAME zzzz HAVE BEEN INCORRECTLY FORMED IN THE DICTIONARY. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1066I MORE THAN ONE GENERIC SELECTION IS POSSIBLE FOR THE ENTRY NAME zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Explanation: Incorrect use of the GENERIC attribute resulting in more than one selection being possible system Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before Appendix K: Diagnostic Me~sages 385 calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of ·the compiler. (Refer ·to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEMl070I Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM10671 PSEUDO-VARIABLE zzzz APPEARS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH AN I LLEGAL ARGUMENT. Explanation: Argument to pseudo-variable cannot be converted to a legal type; or, structure argument bei.ng used with pseudo-variable. System Action: compilation • Have the source program listing available. T IEM1071I • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. AN ARRAY IS BEING PASSED TO FUNCTION zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THIS PRODUCES AN ARRAY EXPRESSION WHICH IS INVALID IN THIS CONTEXT. Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options ~S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) 386 Terminates Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) System Action: compilation PSEUDO-VARIABLE zzzz APPEARS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH TOO MANY ARGUMENTS. §ystem Action: compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. If ,the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEM10681 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. AN ARGUMENT OF A BUILT-IN FUNCTION USED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN TRUNCATED TO 32,767. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. r IEM10721 PSEUDO-VARIABLE zzzz APPEARS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH TOO FEW ARGUMENTS. system Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling I~M for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1()731 COMPILER ERROR. CORRECT GENERIC SELECTION FOR PSEUDO-VARIABLE zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS NOT BEEN ACHIEVED. pictured element may cause subsequent errors. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~anatioB: Compiler error. Although being given a legal argument to a generic pseudo-variable, is unable to make the selection. system Action: terminated • Have the source program listing available. Compilation T IEMi076I programmer.Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: §ystem Action: terminates • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. COMPILER ERROR. UNEXPECTED SITUATION HAS ARISEN IN THE SCANNING OF THE ARGUMENTS PASSED TO PSEUDO-VARIABLE zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Unable to correctly scan an argument list of a pseudo-variable System Action: terminated Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programmdng support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM10151 THE ARGUMENT zzzz OF THE STRING PSEUDO-VARIABLE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS A PICTURED ELEMENT. THIS IS NOT CHECKED FOR VALIDITY ON ASSIGNMENT. Explanation: Invalid data in Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) T IEM10741 COMPILER ERROR IN PHASE JD • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T ~EM10781 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. THE NUMBER OF FAMILY MEMBERS AND ARGUMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE GENERIC ENTRY NAME yyyy EXCEEDS THE LIMITATION IMPOSED. Explanation: There is an implementation restriction on the number of family members and arguments associated with GENERIC entry names. For details, refer to Appendix J of this publication. System Action: terminated Compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Divide the generic family into two or more generic families. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 387 stream and source program listing available. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEMl0891 S IEM1082I STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS AN INVALID USE OF AREA OR POINTER DATA. PART OR ALL OF THE STATEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED. 1. is not permitted for AREA or POINTER data, or system Action: Compilation is terminated. 2. can only be used with AREA or POINTER data but such data is not the data specified for the operation. Programmer Respons e: ProbablE~ user error. Reduce the size of the aggregate, or reduce the value of the low bounds in thE~ aggregate. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System.ActioIl:: Deletes the statement or clause responsible for the error. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. lfthe problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. THE SIZE OF AGGREGATE zzzz IS GREATER THAN 8,388,607 BYTES. STORAGE ALLOCATION WILl.. BE UNSUCCESSFUL. S IEMl0901 Explanation: The message is generated when an array or structure size exceeds 2 23 -1 System Action: The RECORD I/O statement is processed but the record will contain erroneous information. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the source codeu If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check source code. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming suppor1:.: • Recompile the program with compiler options sS,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job THE STRUCTURE zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS VARYING STRINGS AND MAY APPEAR IN A RECORD I/O STATEMENT Explanation: VARYING strings in structures are not permitted in RECORD I/O statements. system Action: Array or structure mapping for the i·tem is terminated, but the compilation continues. Execution of object decks containing references to the item will give incorrect results. 388 I Exp!?nation: The low bounds of the arrays in the aggregate are too high. Explanation: The s·tatement contains an operation that: T IEM1088I THE RELATIVE VIRTUAL ORIGIN OE AGGREGATE zzzz IS LESS THAN -8,388,608 BYTES. STORAGE HAS NOT BEEN ALLOCATED. • Have the source program listing available. W IEMl0921 THE TASKS, EVENTS OR LABELS CONTAINED IN STRUCTURE zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx MAY LOSE THEIR VALIDITY IF USED IN A RECORD I/O STATEMENT. Explanation: The TASK, EVENT g or LABEL variable may lose its validity in transmission. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the source code if necessary. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEMll06I Explanation: With the exception of the case of string class defining, if either the base or the defined item are arrays, then both the base and the defined item must be arrays with the same dimensionality. • Have the source program listing available. E IEMll041 THE DEFINING OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx INVOLVES DATA NOT ALLOWED FOR STRING CLASS OVERLAY DEFINING. system Action: Compilation is aborted after examining other uses of the DEFINED attribute Explanation: The programmer's use of the DEFINED attribute contravenes the language rules concerned with the permitted data types and dimensionality of base and defined item. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F)' Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct the error.? I f the problem recurs, do,the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Defined item mapped onto same storage as item defined on. Data and specification interrupts may occur at execution. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct the error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source'program listing available. E IEMll05I THE DATA CHARACTERISTICS OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DO NOT MATCH THOSE OF THE DEFINING BASE. Explanation: For valid use of the DEFINED attribute, both the defined item and the base must be of the same defining class. system Actio!!: Defined item mapped onto same storage as item defined on. Data and specification interrupts may occur at execution. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct the error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. THE DIMENSIONALITY OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT THE SAME AS THAT OF THE DEFINING BASE. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1107I THE DEFINING OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ILLEGALLY INVOLVES VARYING STRINGS. Explanation: In use of the DEFINED attribute, neither the base nor the defined item may involve strings declared VARYING. system Action: Compilation is aborted after examining other uses of the DEFINED attribute. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct the error. If the: problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the Appendix K: Diagnostic Messqges 389 compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEMii081 THE DEFINING OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx I LLEGALLY INVOLVES DA'r A AGGREGATES THAT ARE NOT UNALIGNED. Explanation: In the string class overlay where either or both and the defined item aggregates, then the must have the PACKED • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEMiiii1 case of defining the base are aggregates attribute. Explanation: In the case of string class overlay defining where the defined item or the base is a structure, then all the elements of the structure must be data of the same string defining class. system Action: Defined item mapped onto same storage as item defined on. Data and specification interrupts may occur at executiond System Action: Defined item mapped onto same storage as item defined on. Data and specification interrupts may occur at execution. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct the error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calLing IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct the error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available .. T IEMiii01 THE DEFINING BASE OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS SHORTER THAN THE DEFINED ITEM. Explanation: In the case of string class overlay defining, the defined item must occupy a subset of the base storage. In the case of correspondence defining, the length of each defined element must not be greater than the length of each base element. system Action: Compilation is aborted after examining other uses of the DEFINED attribute Programmer Respo~2e: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct the error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the proq'ram with 390 THE DEFINING OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx INVOLVES A STRUCTURE HAVING ELEMENTS NOT ALL OF THE SAME DEFINING CLA.SS. • Have the source program listing available. T IEMll121 THE DEFINING OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ILLEGALLY INVOLVES THE POS ATTRIBUTE. Explanation: The POSITION attribute may only be declared. for data of the string class which is overlay defined System Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PL/I (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct the error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. E IEMll151 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM11.:131 THE STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DOES NOT MATCH THAT OF THE DEFINING BASE. Explanation: The base for 'string class overlay defining must occupy contiguous storage Explanation: Where a structure or an array of structures is defined on a structure or an array of structures, and it is not string class overlay defining, then the two structure descriptions must be identical. System Action: continues • Have the source program listing available. S IEMl1201 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Refer to the PLII (F) Language Reference Manual "The DEFINED Attribute" - and correct the error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,JP)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) IF THE BASE OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS ALLOCATED WITH THE DECLARED EXTENTS, THE DEFINING WILL BE IN ERROR. system Action: action No further Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check that when the base is allocated it is of adequate size to accommodate the defined item. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. INVALID SIGN FOUND IN INITIAL VALUE LIST FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. TREATED AS PLUS. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Explanation: In the case of string class overlay defining, the defined item must occupy a subset of the base storage. If the base is of CONTROLLED storage class, its extents are not finally resolved until execution time. Comments and Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check validity of arguments. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Defined item mapped onto same storage as item defined on. Data and specification interrupts may occur at execution. W IEM11.:141 THE DEFINING BASE OF zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS AN ARRAY FORMAL PARAMETER. IF THE MATCHING ARGUMENT IS AN ELEMENT OF AN ARRAY OF STRUCTURES OR A CROSS SECTION OF AN ARRAY, THE DEFINING WILL BE IN ERROR. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEMl1211 COMPILER ERROR. INVALID MARKER FOUND IN INITIAL VALUE LIST FOR zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. INITIAL VALUE LIST TRUNCATED. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,JP), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 391 stream and source program listing availableD S IEMl1221 so that iteration factor does not exceed 2~5. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: UNSUPPORTED FEATURE. ,AN EXPRESSION HAS BEEN USED TO INITIALIZE STATIC STRING zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STRING INITIALIZED TO NULL. Explanation: A complex expression has been used to initialize a STATIC string. This is a feature of PL/I not supported by this version of the compiler. See Appendix J of this publication for details. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM12001 Explanation: Phase KT is out of step in scanning text System Action: The string is initialized to null. system Action: Recovery impossible. Compilation is terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Amend sou:rce code. The restriction can be overcome by using an a.ssignment statement instead of the INITIAL attribute. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dUmp of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source pl:ogram listing availablee S IEMl1231 INITIAL VALUE FOR STATIC DATA ITEM zzzz IN nnnn IS NOT A CONSTANT. INITIALIZATION TERMINATED. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM12101 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Use a constant in the INITIAL string. I:f the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progra~nming support: system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: Iteration factors are converted by the compiler to REAL FIXED BINARY with a default precision of 15,0. The iteration factor referred to in the message has a value greater than 2~5, and therefore exceeds the default precision. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. System Action: The iteration factor is replaced by zero 392 Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ITERATION FACTOR USED IN INITIALIZATION OF STATIC ARRAY zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS TOO LARGE. REPLACED BY ZERO. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Amend source code COMPILER ERROR NUMBER nnnn IN PHASE KE. Explanation: Compiler error :i.n dictionary or text scan. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM11251 COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL TRIPLE IN TEXT. CURRENT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Recompilation should also be tried without the OPT=2 option. T IEM12111 COMPILER ERROR IN PHASE KE. compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: Compiler error found in scan of dictionary. System A~tion: compilation terminated. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompilation should also be tried without the OPT=2 option. T IEM12241 Explanation: An invalid request has been encountered by the table-handling routines in Phase KA. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM12201 COMPILER ERROR NUMBER nnnn IN PHASE KA. System Action: terminated. COMPILER ERROR NUMBER nnnn IN PHASE KU IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: A compiler error has occurred in the DO loop control optimization phase. system Action: terminated. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) T IEM12:231 Compilation is • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM12261 COMPILER ERROR IN PHASE KG IN OR NEAR STATEMENT NUMBER xxx An error has occurred while scanning text or tables. Explanatio~: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. System Action: terminated • Recompilation should also be tried without the OPT=2 option. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. INVALID INPUT TYPE nnnn TO OprIMIZING PHASE KO. system Action: terminated. Compilation • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Compilation Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the • Recompilation should also be tried without the OPT=2 option. ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 393 T IEM15691 generated internally for array assignments etc.) IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. SOURCE PROGRAM TOO LARGE. System Action: terminated Explanation: The number of symbolic register names generated by the code generation section of ·the compi ler has exceeded ·the maximum number allowecL System Action: terminated Programmer Response: Probable user error. Simplify nesting so as to reduce number of levels. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Compilation is • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all ·the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Programmer should break down ,the compilation into smaller modules. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of ·the compiler. (Refer ·to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM15721 COMPILER ERROR. INVAIJID TRIPLE FOLLOWING WHILE PRIME TRIPLE. system Action: Generates an error stop at execution time Explanation: Input to phase LG of compiler is erroneous. A WHILE' triple is not followed by CV' or compiler label. system Jetion: terminated Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the c~mpiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM15711 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. SOURCE PROGRAM TOO LARGE. Explanation: No more core is available for the stack of nested DO statements (both in source language and those 394 ILLEGAL USE OF ARRAY OR STRUCTURE VARIABLE IN DO STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: A non-scalar variable has been used as (1) the control variable, or (2) a cont:rol variable subscript, or (3) a loop limit or increment value. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM15701 Compilation is • Have the source program listing available. S IEM1574I INVALID LOOP CONTROL EXPRESSION OR CONTROL VARIABLE SUBSCRIPT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx REPLACED BY FIXED BINARY TEMPORARY. Explanation: Either something other than an arithmetic or string datum has been used as a subscript in the control variable, or something other than an arit.hmetic or string datum, label variable, or label constant has been used in an init:ial value, TO or BY clause. System Action: Ignore the erroneous expression and use a fixed binary temporary Programmer Response: pr~bable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: the ADDR built-in function must be a variable. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct source program. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM1575I DO LOOP' CONTROL PSEUDO-VARIABLE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS AN INVALID ARGUMENT. BINARY INTEGER TEMPORARY ASSUMED. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM1600I Explanation: An invalid argument, such as an expression or function, has been used in a pseudo-variable. Explanation: Compiler error. Fixed binary arithmetic uses an unassigned general register number greater than 15, or floating arithmetic uses a floating register greater than 6. system Action: Assigns invalid argument to binary temporary, and uses the latter as argument. system Action: Compilation is terminated and error messages printed. Programmer Res~se~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP={PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. W IEM158SI VARYING STRING HAS BEEN USED AS AN ARGUMENT TO ADDR FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx r~planation: The result of the ADDR function can only be assigned to a pointer qualifying a based variable. If the argument to the ADDR function is a VARYING string, the length of the data in the based variable may not be the length required in the program. system Action: None Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check this use of the ADDR function. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1599I A STATEMENT LABEL CONSTANT IS BEING PASSED AS AN ARGUMENT TO THE ADDR BUILT-IN FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: The argument to COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL ABSOLUTE REGISTER NUMBER. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1601I IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx REQUIRES MORE THAN 200 INTERMEDIATE RESULT DESCRIPTIONS. Explanation: Compiler limitation. The temporary result stack, which holds 200 items, is full. System Action: Compilation is terminated and error messages printed Programmer Response: Probable user error. This error should only occur in very large statements. Divide the statement into two smaller statements. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 395 comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16041 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16021 Explanation: Compiler error in expression evaluation phase. Attempt to generate an RS or SS type pseudo-code instruction using a register as the 2nd operand. COMPILER ERROR. INSUF'FICIENT NUMBER OF TEMPORARY RESULT DESCRIPTIONS. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Compiler error. A temporary result is required but the temporary result stack is empty'. This can happen if the triples are out of order or if extra triples have been inserted. system Action: Compilation is terminated and error messages printed. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Compilation is aborted and error messages printed • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of ,the compiler. (Refer 'to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16031 COMPILER ERROR. COUNT OF FREE FLOATING REGISTERS IS WRONG. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Compiler error in expression evaluation phase. Error in control blocks for floating registers. System Action: Compilation is terminated and error messages printed Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming suppoz:t: • Recompile the program with compiler options ·S.DP=(PIE~ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the 396 COMPILER ERROR. SECOND OPERAND FOR RS OR SS INSTRUCTION IS IN A REGISTER. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM160S1 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx FIXED DECIMAL VARIABLE CANNOT BE CORRECTLY CONVERTED TO BINARY DUE TO SIZE OF SCALE FACTOR. Explanation: Error in source prog,ram. When a fixed decimal variable is corrected to fixed binary, the magnitude of its scale factor is multiplied by 3.31. If the original scale factor is >38 or <-38, then the fixed binary scale factor would be outside the range +127 to -128. system Action: The fixed binary scale factor is set to +127 or -128. Processing continues. Programmer Response: Probable user error. The data in the expression must be re-declared with more suitable scale factors. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPLEX OPERANDS. REPLACED WITH EQUALS OPERATOR. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM1606I COMPILER ERROR. FUNCTION NOT FOLLOWED BY RESULT DESCRIPTION. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Error in source program. The only legal comparison between complex operands iso' = , • Explanation: Compiler error. A function is not followed by TMPD or LEFT triples giving the result type. system Action: The operator is replaced with "=' 'and processing continues Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct source program using either the ABS function or possibly the REAL and IMAG functions. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: Compilation is terminated and error messages printed Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. T IEM1609I Explanation: Compiler error. The symbolic dictionary reference is less than 256. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM1607I System Action: Compilation terminated and error messages printed LABEL, EVENT, FILE, OR TASK ITEM zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS USED IN AN EXPRESSION WHICH IS ILLEGAL. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Error in source program. A label, event, file, or task datum cannot be used in an expression. Alternatively, this can be a compiler error when an unrecognizable dictionary entry is used in an expression. System Action: Substitute a fixed binary (31,0) data item (if the illegal item occurs in an arithmetic expression) or a null bit string (if it occurs in a string expression). processing is continued. Response: Probable user error. If error in source program, correct it. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~!Qgrammer • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1608I LT, LE, GE, OR GT COMPARISON OPERATOR ILLEGALLY USED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WITH COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL DICTIONARY REFERENCE X'OO •• ' STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1610I COMPILER ERROR IN PHASE LW AT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. INSUFFICIENT NUMBER OF TEMPOR~RY RESULT DESCRIPTIONS. Explanation: Compiler error. A temporary result is required but the temporary result stack is empty. This can happen if the triples are out of order or if extra triples have been inserted. System Action: Compilation is terminated and error messages printed Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 397 expression into several sub-expressions. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer lto the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16131 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM16111 Ex~anation: system Action: Severe error message and object program branch. compilation continues, assuming scalar of same type if array, or fixed binary (31,0) type if structure. Explanation: Maximum Btring length for this implem,:mtation is 32767. This may be exceeded during concatenation, because the length of the intermediate resul t i s the sum of t.he operand lengths. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insert DO blocks for array, or break down structure into its componentsfi If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Compilation continues with string result length truncated to 32767 • Have the source program listing available. W IEM16121 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. INTERMEDIATE WORK SPACE IS OBTAINED MORE THAN 50 TIMES IN A STRING EXPRESSION. SOME WORK SPACE WILL NOT BE RELEASED UNTI L THE END OF THE BI.OCK. Explanation: The intermediate work space is required each time a function returns a string result or each t~ime a library module is called System Action: The first 50 areas of work space are released. The remainder may not be released until t.he end of the block. Compilation continues and execution is valid. Programmer ReSpO!!~~!. Probable user error. Divide the string 398 Illegal source program IMPLEMENTATION RESTRlcr.rION. A STRING RESULT LONGER 'I'HAN 32767 IS PRODUCED BY CONCATE:NATE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STRING TRUNCATED TO LENGTH 32767. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Shorter strings must be used. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ILLEGAL USE OF ARRAY OR STRUCTURE VARIABLE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. W IEM16141 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. A VARYING STRING RESULT LONGER THAN 32767 MAY BE PRODUCED BY CONCATENATE IN STATEMENT NUMBgR xxx. STRING TRUNCATED TO LENGTH 32767. Explanation: The sum of the maximum lengths of two strings in a concatenation operation exceeds the implementation restriction of 32767. Since one or both of the operands is a VARYING string, it is not known at compile-time whether the restriction will be exceeded at execution time. System Action: Compilation continues with string result maximum length truncated to 32767. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Shorter strings must be used if the sum of the execution-time current lengths will ever exceed 32767. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM16151 SECOND ARGUMENT IN THE SUBSTR FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS ZERO, WHICH IS INVALID. ZERO HAS BEEN REPLACED BY ONE. e.g. has an incorrect number of arguments. §ystem Action: Ignores the pseudo-variable and uses a fixed binary temporary instead. Programmer.Response: Probable us er error,. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM fOr programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM16161 SECOND ARGUMENT IN THE SUBSTR PSEUDO-VARIABLE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS ZERO, WHICH IS INVALID. ZERO HAS BEEN REPLACED BY ONE. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16191 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The expressi1,n on the right-hand side of the, specified statement cannot'be ,assigned to a pseudo-variaBle, i.e. it is not an arithmetic or string datum. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM16171 System Action: The assignment is deleted from the text. COMPILER ERROR. ILLEGAL RETURN FROM SCAN ROUTINE. STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: An illegal return of control has been made by the SCAN routine which supports the code generation phases. System Action: terminated. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and ,source program listing available. S IEM16:l81 • Have the source program listing available. Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: PSEUDO-VARIABLE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx INCORRECTLY SPECIFIED. REPLACED BY FIXED BINARY TEMPORARY. Explanation: A pseudo-variable in the given source statement has been incorrectly specified, RIGHT HAND SIDE OF STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CANNOT BE ASSIGNED TO A PSEUDO-VARIABLE. ASSIGNMENT IGNORED. S IEM16201 "IMAG' IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS REAL ARGUMENT. REPLACED BY ASSIGNMENT TO TEMPORARY FIXED BINARY INTEGER. Explanation: The pseudo-variable 'IMAG' is meaningful only if its argument is of type complex. System Action: A fixed binary temporary target is provided for the assignment or input data list item and the pseudo-variable is ignored Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 399 3 IEM16211 ILLEGAL PSEUDO-VARIABLE ARGUMENT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx REPLACED BY BINARY TEMPORARY. A pseudo-variable in the specified statement has an illegal argument, i.e. one whose data type is not permissible in that context. recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~anation: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16261 System Action: A temporary whose type is legal in the context is used to replace the erroneous argument and the latter is removed from the text Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available., S IEM16221 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16271 FIRST ARGUMENT OF PSEUDO-VARIABLE SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A STRING VARIABLE. ARGUMENT HAS BEEN CONVERTED TO STRING TEMPORARY AND THE ASSIGNMENT MADE THERETO. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16281 system Action: Code is compiled to assign to a string temporary. The original argument remains unchanged. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If thE! problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Code is generated to perform assignment to the specified REAL argument Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem 400 THE SUBSTRING SPECIFIED BY THE SECOND AND THIRD ARGUMENTS TO THE FUNCTION SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DOES NOT LIE WITHIN THE FIRST ARGUMENT. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESUVr. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. PSEUDO-VARIABLE REAL IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DOES NOT HAVE COMPLEX ARGUMENT. ARGUMENT HAS BEEN TREATED AS HAVING ZERO IMAGINARY PART. ILLEGAL NEGATIVE THIRD ARGUMENT IS BEING PASSED TO THE FUNCTION SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT. Prog:rammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: SUBSTR pseudo-variable cannot have a first argument which is not a string variable. W IEM16251 ILLEGAL NEGATIVE SECOND ARGUMENT IS BEING PASSED TO THE FUNCTION SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16291 THE SECOND ARGUMENT TO THE FUNCTION SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS GREATER THAN THE LENGTH OF THE FIRST ARGUMENT. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: problem recurs, do the fol~owing before calling IBM for -programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM16301 COMPILER ERROR IN CEIL/FLOOR/TRUNC IN-LINE FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx system Action: terminated Compilation is • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16331 Programmer ReSponse: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16311 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM1634I COMPILER ERROR IN MOD IN-LINE FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: terminated Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16351 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM16321 THE SUBSTRING SPECIFIED BY THE SECOND AND THIRD ARGUMENTS TO THE PSEUDO-VARIABLE SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DOES NOT LIE WITHIN THE STRING zzzz. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: THE INVOCATION OF THE ROUND FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx WILL ALWAYS GIVE A ZERO RESULT. Explanation: (p - q + r) is zero or negative, where p = precision, q = scale factor, and r = rounding position. ILLEGAL NEGATIVE THIRD ARGUMENT IS BEING PASSED TO THE PSEUDO-VARIABLE SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Compilation is • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) ILLEGAL NEGATIVE SECOND ARGUMENT IS BEING PASSED TO THE PSEUDO-VARIABLE SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT. • Have the source program listing available. to zero THE SECOND ARGUMENT TO THE PSEUDO-VARIABLE SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS GREATER THAN THE LENGTH OF THE STRING zzzz. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check scale and precision of the first argument in ROUND function. If the Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before §.~tem Action: Result is set S IEM16361 Appendix K: Diagnostic Meqsages 401 system Action: compilation calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Provide correct parameter description. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16371 THE THIRD ARGUMENT TO THE FUNCTION SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS GREATER THAN THE LENGTH OF THE FIRST ARGUMENT. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16381 THE THIRD ARGUMENT TO THE PSEUDO-VARIABLE SUBSTR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS GREATER THAN THE LENGTH OF THE STRING zzzz. AN EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT. W IEM16411 Programmer Response~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. INCORRECT INPUT TO SUBROUTINE 6 IN MODULE IEMMF IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM16421 system Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBl>1 for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer 'to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1640I 402 THE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION RELATING TO THE PASSING OF THE GENERIC ENTRY NAME zzzz DOES NOT MATCH ANY OF THE FAMILY MEMBERS. THE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION RELATING TO THE PASSING OF THE GENERIC ENTRY NAME zzzz ' DESCRIBES THE ENTRY NAME'S RESULT TYPE RATHER THAN ARGUMENT TYPE. IF POSSIBLE, GENERIC SELECTION WILL BE MADE ON THE BASIS OF THIS RESULT TYPE. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Provide fuller parameter description. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM16391 Terminates THE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION RELATING ro THE PASSING OF THE GENERIC ENTRY NAME zzzz IS NOT SUFFICIENr FOR THE PURPOSES OF GENERIC SELECTION. system Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. Provide fuller parameter description. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16L~3I parameter description. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. THE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION RELATING TO THE PASSING OF THE GENERIC ENTRY NAME zzzz IS INCORRECTLY FORMED IN THE DICTIONARY. system Action: compilation • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Terminates Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1648I Explanation: Incorrect handling of text by previous phase. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16ll4I system Action: compilation COMPILER ERROR. THE GENERIC FAMILIES ASSOCIATED WITH ENTRY NAME zzzz HAVE BEEN INCORRECTLY FORMED IN THE DICTIONARY. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Terminates Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16(~5I THE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION RELATING TO THE PASSING OF THE GENERIC ENTRY NAME zzzz RESULTS IN MORE THAN ONE POSSIBLE FAMILY MEMBER SELECTION. system Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. Provide fuller Terminates Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The dictionary entry for one or more of the generic families is not a recognizable entry type. §ystem Actio~: compilation COMPILER ERROR. FUNCTION REFERENCE MISSING FROM TEXT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1649I COMPILER ERROR. INCORRECT FORMATION OF ARGUMENT LIST ASSOCIATED WITH ENTRY NAME zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Incorrect handling of text by previous phase system Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 403 system Action: compilation • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16501 Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Reduce nesting level. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. INCORRECT HANDLING OF ARGUMENT LIST ASSOCIATED WITH ENTRY NAME zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all -the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: Incorrec-t handling of text by pl:evious phase system Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16541 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanatio~: Incorrect handling of text by previous phase Terminates Programmer.Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of t:.he compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16521 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. INVOCATIONS ARE NESTED BEYOND THE ~AXlMUM PERMITTED LEVEL IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Nesting level exceeds implementation limi-t 404 Terminates Programmer Response: Probable user error. supply argument list. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. ARGUMENT REFERENCE MISSING FROM ARGUMENT LIST ASSOCIATED WITH E:NTRY NAME zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: compilation THE GENERIC PROCEDURE zzzz IS BEING INVOKED WITHOUT AN ARGUMENT LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: compilation • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16511 Terminals • Have the associated job stream and source program listing avai~able. T IEM16551 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. TOO MUCH WORKSPACE REQUIRED FOR TEMPORARY RESULTS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: compilation Terminates Programmer Res pons e: ProbabIE~. user error. subdivide the statement in question into two or more separate statements. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) System Action: Attempts to pass the argument. Programmer Response: Probable user error. C()rrect program and recompile. If the 'problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16561 COMPILER ERROR. INCORRECT INPUT TO PHASE MF FOR COMPLETION BUILT-IN FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Explanation: The compiler has encountered incorrect input to phase MF. System Action: terminated • Have the source program listing available. T IEM16701 Compilation is Explanation: Either the nesting of procedure arguments requiring dummies is too deep, or too many temporary results are required between the assignment of an argument expression to a dummy and the procedure call. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) System Action: terminated THE FILE zzzz, WHICH HAS BEEN DECLARED WITH THE COBOL OPTION, IS BEING PASSED AS AN ARGUMEN'r IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: (F) compiler restriction: files with the COBOL option may not be passed as arguments. system Action: continue • Have the source program listing available. S IEM16581 IN IS AN IF IS • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Comment and Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct source program if necessary. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: STATEMENT NUMBER xxx, zzzz NOT A PERMISSIBLE ARGUMENT. EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT THE CORRESPONDING PARAMETER REFERENCED Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Reduce complexity of argument expressions. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM16571 STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS CAUSED A TABLE INTERNAL TO THE COMPILER TO OVERFLOW. T IEM16711 COMPILER ERROR NUMBER MP nnnn IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: This is a compiler error system Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before' calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) ~planatio~: A condition name appears as an argument in a CALL statement or function reference. This is illegal. ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Me~sages 405 following 'before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16801 • RecompileJthe program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of'the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) COMPILER ERROR. TRIPLE OPERATOR NOT RECOGNIZED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Illegal input from a previous phase System Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16891 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: Illegal input from a previous phase system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) COMPILER ERROR. OPTIMIZED SUBSCRIPT INCORRECTLY FORMED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Illegal input from a previous phase system Action: terminated compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support.: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of ,the compiler. (Refert.o the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job 'stream and source program listing available. T IEM16881 COMPILER ERROR. ARRAY NAME zzzz INCORRECTLY DESCRIBED AS DEFINED IN STATEMEWr NUMBER xxx EXQlanation: Array incorrectly described by a previous phase as having the DEFINED attribute system Action: terminated Programmer 406 Compilation is ResEQ~~t Do the Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM16871 COMPILER ERROR. ARRAY zzzz IS INCORRECTLY SUBSCRIPTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM1692I IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. SUBSCRIPT NESTED TO DEPTH GREATER THAN 50 LEVELS IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: subscript nesting exceeds fifty levels §ystem Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user errOr. Reduce amount of . nesting and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. 'I' IEM16931 NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS ASSOCIATED WITH ARRAY zzzz IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INCORRECT. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM17501 Explanation: The number of subscripts given does not agree with the declared dimensionality of the array. System Action: terminated Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Add or delete subscripts as appropriate. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM17511 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: TRANSLATE FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS A CHARACTER OR BIT DUPLICATED IN ITS THIRD ARGUMENT. Explanation: This may be a source program error. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check that the character or bit was intentionally duplicated. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM16961 VERIFY FUNCTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx HAS A CHARACTER OR BIT DUPLICATED IN ITS SECOND ARGUMENT. Explanation: This may be a source program error. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check that the character or bit was intentionally duplicated. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: THE IDENTIFIER zzzz IS AN ILLEGAL ARGUMENT OF THE RETURN STATEMENT NUMBER x~x AND HAS BEEN DELErED. Explanation: Illegal arguments include arrays and structures. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM16951 zzzz IS A~ ILLEGAL OPERAND IN AN IF STATEMENT OR WHILE CLAUSE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. IT HAS BEEN REPLACED BY A ZERO BI'l' STRING. • Have the source program listing available. W IEM17521 THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE EXPRESSION USED IN THE RETURN STATEMENT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONFLICT WITH THE ATTRIBUTES OF SOME OR ALL OF THE ENTRY POINTS OF THE CONTAINING PROCEDURE. AN EXECUTION FAILURE MAY OCCUR AT THIS STATEMENT. Explanation: After a call to a procedure through an entry point with POINTER, AREA or data attributes, any RETURN statement encountered must return a value of type POINTER or AREA or of a data type compatible with the data attributes of the entry point. system Action: The ERROR con~ition is raiSed Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before caliing IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 407 System Action: The default interpretation for SORMGIN, as set at system generation, is used. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1753I THE EXPRESSION USED IN THE RETURN STATEMENT IN STA.TEMENT NUMBER xxx AND THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE CONTAINING PROC:e:DURE ARE INCOMPATIBLE. EXECUTION OF THIS STATEMENT WILL RESULT IN A FAILURE. Explanation: After a call to a procedure through an entry point with POINTER, AREA or data attributes, any RETURN statement encountered must return a value of type POINTER or AREA or of a data type compatible with the data attributes of the entry point. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the erroneous argument, and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM1790 Programmer Response: Check to see if the conversion can be avoided or performed in line System Action: The ERROR condition is raised S IEM17931 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: An instruction is compiled which will cause execution to abort if the statement is executed THE EXPRESSION USED IN THE RETURN STATEMENT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVALID Explanation: The only permitted arguments are data types STRING, POINTER, and AREA. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: Raise ERROR condition on execution of the statement. Programmer Response~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM17551 OPTION SPECIFICATION CONTAINS INVALID ARGUMENT, DEFAULT USED FOR SORMGIN. Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. The compiler found that an argument to the SORMGIN option was either zero or grea·ter than 100. 408 ILLEGAL ASSIGNMENT OR CONVERSION IN .STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. EXECUTION WILL RAISE THE ERROR CONDITION. Explanation: Illegal assignment or conversion in source statement, e.g. label to arithmetic. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1754I DATA CONVERSIONS WILL BE DONE BY SUBROUTINE CALL IN THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS yyyy • Have the source program listing available. T IEM17941 COMPILER ERROR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx PHASE OE. Explanation: compiler error caused by input text in bad format system Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dUmp of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Responset Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM1795I INVALID ITEM IN FREE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Variable in FREE statement is either not CONTROLLED or not at level 1 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18001 system Action: Error condition and message given at object time system Action: result. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ASSIGNMENT OF AN ILLEGAL LABEL CONSTANT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Explanation: constant does value list in statement for variable. The not the the label appear in the DECLARE label • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18011 system Action: Accepts label constant as if in value list and continues compilation. • Have the source program listing available. CONVERSION OE' NULL VALUES IN POINTER/OFFSET ASSIGNMENTS IS INVALID. NULLO HAS BEEN REPLACED BY NULL, OR NULL BY NULLO, IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: A NULLO offset type constant has been assigned to a pointer, or a NULL pointer type constant to an offset. Conversion of null values is not allowed. The constant type has been corrected. sys~em Actio~: is unaffected The assignment AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE CONVERSION TO FLOATING-POINT OF THE STERLING CONSTANT WHICH HAS DECIMAL PENCE FORM yyyy. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Respon§~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: W IEM1797 I Truncates Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1796I AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED WHEN CONVERTING rHE CONSTANT yyyy TO FLOATING-POINT. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. ~ S IEM18021 Have the source program listing available. AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED WHEN CONVERTING THE CONSTANT yyyy TO FIXED BINARY. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 409 ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. • Have the source program listing availabled S IEM18031 AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE CONVERSION TO FIXED BINARY OF THE STERLING CONSTANT walCH HAS DECIMAL PENCE FORM yyyy. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do "the following before calling IBM for programming support: Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18071 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18041 AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED WHEN CONVERTING T HE CONSTANT yyyy TO FIXED DECIMAL. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. System Action: result. Programmer Response: Probable user error. change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming supp()rt: Trunca1:es Programmer Response: I)robable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM1808I • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18051 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18061 410 AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED WHEN CONVERTING THE CONSTAN~r yyyy TO DECIMAL NUMERIC FIELD. THE AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED WHEN CONVERTING THE CONSTANT yyyy TO STERLING NUMERIC FIELD. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE CONVERSION TO FIXED DECIMAL OF THE STERLING CONSTANT ~IICH HAS DECIMAL PENCE FORM yyyy. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USE OF THIS CONSTANT. Programmer Response:: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE CONVERSION TO DECIMAL NUMERIC FIELD OF THE STERLING CONSTANr WHICH HAS DECIMAL PENCE FORM yyyy~ THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18091 AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE CONVERSION TO STERLING NUMERIC FIELD OF THE STERLING CONSTANT WHICH HAS DECIMAL PENCE FORM yyyy. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in CONVERSION TO CHARACTER STRING OF THE STERLING CONSTANT WHICH HAS DECIMAL PENCE FORM yyyy. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the sourpe program listing available. S IEM18101 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED WHEN CONVERTING THE CONSTANT yyyy TO BIT STRING. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18141 • Have the source program listing available. S .IEM1S1111 Programmer Response: Probable user error_ Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE CONVERSION TO BIT STRING OF THE STERLING CONSTANT WHICH HAS DECIMAL PENCE FORM yyyy. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18151 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM1B121 AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED WHEN CONVERTING THE CONSTANT yyyy TO CHARACTER STRING. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT~ Responsel Probable user error. Cha~ge the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM10131 AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE CONVERSION TO PICTURED CHARACTER STRING OF THE STERLING CONSTANT WHICH HAS DECIMAL PENCE FORM yyyy. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the constant and check its use in the given statement and elsewhere. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~grammer • Have the source program listing available •. AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED IN THE CONVERSION OF THE CONSTANT yyyy TO PICTURED CHARACTER STRING. THE ERROR WAS DETECTED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx BUT CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF THIS CONSTANT. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18161 zzzz USED IN FILE OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A FILE. OPTION HAS BEEN IGNORED. EXECUTION ERROR WILL RESULT Explanation: Dictionary reference of file triple was Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 411 not file constant or file parameter code. T IEM18231 Explanation: NJ/NK found some unexpected input. Register 9 in dmap will indicate cause of error. System Action: Ignores option, but continues to scan statement. Programmer.Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: compilation • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) INVALID KEYTO OPTION zzzz IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: KEYTO option must be scalar character string variable. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correc·t program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM18241 zzzz USED IN KEY/KEYFROM OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A SCALAR. OPTION IGNORED. System Action: Ignores option but continues scan of statement Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the followi.ng before calling IBM for progranmdng support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM18251 zzzz USED IN THE IGNORE OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT A SCALAR. OPTION IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18261 system Action: Ignores option but continues scan of statement INVALID MESSAGE IN DISPLAY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx .• STATEMENT IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct IGNORE variable. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available,. 412 INVALID REPLY OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs" do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18191 OPTIONS IN OPEN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARE IN CONFLICT WITH PAGESIZE AND/OR LINESIZE. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18181 Terminates Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing a~railable. E IEM18171 COMPILER ERROR DETECTED IN PHA.SE NJ/NK. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18.271 INVALID ARGUMENT TO DELAY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT IGNORED. System Action: terminated Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs" do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. T IEM18281 COMPILER ERROR. INCORRECT NUMBER OF TMPDS FOLLOWING ZERO OPERAND IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: terminated • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Compilation is E IEM18311 Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM18321 INVALID SCALAR EXPRESSION OPTION IN WAIT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. MAXIMUM EVENT COUNT GIVEN. The optional scalar expression in the WAIT statement cannot be converted to an integer. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM18331 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. INCORRECT INPUT TO PHASE NG IN WAIT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Explanation: The compiler has. encountered incorrect input to phase NG and cannot continue. INVALID LINE OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM18301 INVALID PAGE OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~anation: System Action: The number of event names in the list is assumed as the event count. INVALID KEYTO OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: KEYTO option must be scalar character-string variable • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) S IEM18291 Compilation is • Have the source program listing available. E IEM18341 MULTIPLE COPY OPTIONS SPECIFIED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE FIRST ONE IS USED. System Action: The first option only is used Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 413 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1835I INVALID FILE OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1840I Programmer Response~ Probable USf9r error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1836I INVALID STRING OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1841I Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: NO FILE OR STRING SPECIFIED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM1843I Explanation: No FILE or STRING given in GET/PUT statement E IEM1838I INVALID TITLE OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Respon~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM1839I 414 INVALID IDENT OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx NO FILE SPECIFIED IN OPEN/CLOSE STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ANY OPTIONS ARE IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response :_ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program 'listing available. INVALID PAGESIZE OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM1837I INVALID LINESIZE OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. T IEM1844I COMPILER ERROR. INCORRECT NUMBER OF TMPDS FOLLOWING ZERO OPERAND IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx System Action: aborted Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following·before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated jpb stream and source program listing available. E IEM18/li51 MULTIPLE DATA SPECIFICATIONS IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM1850I • Have the source program listing available. E IEM18 l!i6I System Action: ProqrammerResponse: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM18j~71 • Have the source program listing ava.ilable. S IEM18601 NO DATA SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN FOR GET STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT DELETED. S IEM18l~81 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18611 NO DATA SPECIFICATIONS OR PRINT OPTIONS GIVEN FOR PUT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT DELETED. W IEM18l~91 THE USE OF THE BUILT-IN FUNCTION NULL IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVALID; NULLO HAS BEEN SUBSTITUTED. CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF NULL. System Action: NULLO substitute Programmer Response: Probable AN ILLEGAL TEMPORARY RESULT OR SUBSCRIPTED ELEMENT HAS BEEN DELETED FROM THE I/O DATA LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. THE ILLEGAL ITEM zzzz HAS BEEN DELETED FROM THE I/O DATA LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error'. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. substitute NULL Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: INVALID SKIP OPTION IGNORED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Have the source program listing available. THE USE OF THE BUILT-IN FUNCTION NULLO IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS INVALID; NULL HAS BEEN SUBSTITUTED. CHECK ALL SIMILAR USES OF NULLO. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18621 AN EXPRESSION OR FUNCTION INVOCATION IS AN ILLEGAL DATA ITEM AND HAS BEEN DELETED FROM THE DATA-DIRECTED I/O STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 415 calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM18701 THE FORMAT LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx CONTAINS NO DATA FORMAT ITEMS AND WILL BE EXECUTED ONCE IF THE STATEMENT IS INVOKED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18741 system Action: At execution time, on finding no data format items, control passes out of the statement at the end of the format list. Explanation: PAGE, SKIP, LINE, COLUMN, and format items A and B with no width specification, may be used only for output. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If thE~ problem recurs,.do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: item deleted \ IN STATE~NT NUMBER xxx THE FORMAT LIST CONTAINS AN E OR F FORMAT ITEM WITH AN ILLEGAL SPECIFICATION. THE FORMAT ITEM HAS BEEN DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. W IEM18751 ProgrammerR~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: There will be an error at execution time. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx AN E FORMAT ITEM HAS A FIELD WIDTH WHICH WOULD NOT PERMIT PRINTING OF A MINUS SIGN. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct specification. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM23041 • Have the source program listing available~ S IEM18731 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx AN A, B OR CONTROL FORMAT ITEM SPECIFIES AN EXCESSIVE LENGTH mIlCH HAS BEEN REPLACED BY THE ~~IMUM OF 32,767. Programmer Response: :Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before 416 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx AN E FORMAT ITEM HAS AN ILLEGAL SPECIFICATION IF USED FOR AN OUTPUT DATA ITEM. Explanation: The specification violates the restriction that the field width w must be greater than s+n+2. • Have the source program listi.ng available .. W IEM18721 Invalid format. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM18711 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx AN INPUT STATEMENT CONTAINS A FORMAT ITEM WHICH MAY BE USED ONLY IN OUTPUT STATEMENTS. COMPILER ERROR. DICTIONARY ENTRY zzzz UNRECOGNIZED IN STATIC CHAIN. Explanation: Due to a compiler error, a dictionary entry with an unrecognized code byte has been found in the static chain. system Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM23051 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM26501 COMPILER ERROR. DOPE VECTOR REQUESTED BY NON-STRING, NON-STRUCTURE MEMBER zzzz system Action: terminated. 1. Use a larger partition or region 2. specify OPT=O or 1 3. Reduce the number of subscripts in the DO loop that contains the statement indicated. Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE, ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM23521 THE AUTOMATIC VARIABLES IN THE BLOCK HEADED BY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx ARE MUTUALLY DEPENDENT. STORAGE CANNOT BE ALLOCATED. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM26601 Explanation: This message is generated when a number of automatic variables are mutually dependent. It is not then possible to allocate storage in order of dependency. 2ystem Action: terminated Compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Re-compile with one of the following changes: Explanation: Due to a compiler error, the allocation of a dope vector has been requested for an item which should never require one. System Action: terminated IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. OPTIMIZATION TABLE OVERFLOWED WHILE PROCESSING STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE RD. IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx A PREVIOUS PHASE HAS GENERATED A LABEL NUMBER GREATER THAN THE MAXIMUM SHOWN. system Action: terminated. Compilation is Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite statement, eliminating mutual dependency_ If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the • Have the associated job ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 417 following before calling IBM for programming support: stream and source program listing available. T IEM26611 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) COMPILER ERROR. INTERNAL TABLE ENTRY IN PHASE RD IS INCORRECT. Explanation: An entry in the internal table of compiler-generated labels does not point to a label in text. System Action: terminated. Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM27021 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) 2Ystem Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompilation should also be tried without the OPT=2 option. COMPILER ERROR IN INPU~r TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. SPECIAL ASSIGNED REGISTER IN FORMAT/DATA LIST CODE CANNOT BE FOUND .. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM27031 System Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer ~esponset Do the following before calling IBM for programming suppor't: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) COMPILER ERROR. PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. PSTOR GREATER THAN 32K. Compilation is Programmer Response: 418 Do the Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. system Action: terminated COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. LINK REGISTER IN BALR IS NOT ASSIGNED. §ystem Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of ,the compiler. (Refer 'to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) T IEM27011 Compilation is PrQgrammer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM27001 COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. BCT WITHOUT DICTIONARY REFERENCE AS DESTINATION. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM27041 COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER x.:ICX. 'USNG' ITEM DOES NOT HAVE ASSIGNED REGISTER. System Action: terminated Compilat~on is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM27071 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: One or more symbolic registers have been used in the PROCEDURE or BEGIN block, but no corresponding DROP has occurred. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM27051 system Action: Inserts in listing at end of block: the register number, the offset from register 9 at which the register is stored, and the words 'ERROR STOP'. COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. DROPPED REGISTER NOT ACTIVE. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Register number in field in DROP item is not in register table nor in storage. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,RF), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) system Action: Continues compilation, ignoring DROP. Execut~on is inhibited. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,RF), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM27061 COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. NOT ALL REGISTERS IN 'DRPL' ITEM CAN BE FOUND. COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. NOT ALL SYMBOLIC REGISTERS DROPPED AT END OF PROCEDURE OR BEGIN BLOCK. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM27081 COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ASSIGNED REGISTER USED IN SOURCE FIELD IS NOT INITIALIZED. Explanation: The assigned register should have a previous value (e.g. X in AR X,Y or L Y,10(X) etc.), but none can be found. system Action: Ignores DRPL item and continues system Action: Register 13 is used instead of the correct number, and compilation is continued. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,RF)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,RF), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 419 status should be zero at the start of each procedure. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. §~stem S IEM27091 Action: Drops the assigned register and continues compilation COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. SYMBOLIC REGISTER SHOULD HAVE PREVIOUS VALUE, BUT HAS NOT. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for p:rogramming support: Explanation: Register X in an instruction such as AR X,Y, or L Y,10(X), has not been set up previously. system Action: Inserts register 12 and continues compilation. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,RF), to obtain ;a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,RF)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) S IEM27121 system Action: continued • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM27101 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,RF), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming suppor-t,: • Recompile the prog:ram with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of ,the compiler. (Refer 'to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM28161 COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx.. ASSIGNED REGISTER IS STILL IN USE AT THE START OF A PROCEDURE. Explanation: 420 Assigned register ILLEGAL ENVIRONMENT OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx system Action: Remainder of environment attributes ignored.• Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM27111 Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. MORE THAN ONE REGISTER PAIR REQUIRED IN AN INSTRUCTION. system Action: terminated COMPILER ERROR IN INPUT TO PHASE IEMRF, STATEMENT NUM~ER xxx. IPRM/IPRM' OR EPRM/EPRM' PAIRS ARE NOT MATCHED IN PREVIOUS STATEMENT. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28171 COMPILER ERROR. INVALID ATTRIBUTE CODE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: An invalid attribute marker has been found in the dictionary entry corresponding to the file attributes in the statement specified S IEM28201 Explanation: Misplaced comma in ENVIRONMENT attribute system Action: Ignores the rest of the entry system Action: Remainder of ENVIRONMENT attribute ignored Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,GA)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28211 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM28181 CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IGNORED. system Action: attribute. system Action: Remainder of ENVIRONMENT attribute ignored Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Ignores this Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: I!.LEGAL CHARACTER IN KEYWORD IN ENVIRONMENT OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Invalid keyword in ENVIRONMENT attribute Explanation: An attribute other than 'ENVIRONMENT' clashes with previously declared attributes in the specified statement • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28221 FIELD TOO LARGE IN ENVIRONMENT OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Field in item in ENVIRONMENT attribute too large • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28191 ERRONEOUS USE OF COMMA IN ENVIRONMENT OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx system Action: Remainder of ENVIRONMENT attribute ignored ERRONEOUS USE OF PARENTHESIS IN ENVIRONMENT OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Misplaced parenthesis in ENVIRONMENT attribute System Action: Remainder of ENVIRONMENT attribute ignored Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28231 ERROR IN FORMAT OF ENVIRONMENT ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: Format of item in ENVIRONMENT attribute incorrect system Action: Remainder of ENVIRONMENT attribute ignored ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 421 following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer ~esponse: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28241 • Have the source program listing available. W IEM28271 CONFLICT BETWEEN ENVIRONMENT ATTRIBUTE AND OTHER ATTRIBUTES IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation:: An option in the ENVIRONMENT attribute clashes with either another ENVIRONMENT option or with a declared attribute. • Have the source program listing available. System Action: Remainder of ENVIRONMENT attribute ignored W IEM28281 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progra.mming support: CONFLICTING OPTIONS IN ENVIRONMENT ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. REST OF ENVIRONMENT IGNORED. system Action: DECLARE control block is constructed from attributes which have already been processed. The rest are ignored. • Have the sourc~ program listing available. W IEM28291 Pr~rammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. DIRECT FILE zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx MUST HAVE AN ORGANIZATION SUBFIE:LD IN THE ENVIRONMENT ATTRIBUTE. System Action: No compile-time action, but execution will fail. Programmer gespo!!2§:.!.. Probable user error. Provide ENVIRONMENT attribute. If the problem recurs, do the 422 IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx THE PARAMETER SPECIFIED IN THE INDEXAREA OPTION IS GREATER THAN 32767 AND HAS BEEN IGNORED. Explanation: If the parameter is not specified or is outside the permitted range, data management uses as much main storage as is required for the master index. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct ENVIRONMENT option. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM28261 ENVIRONMENT OPTIONS CLTASA AND CLT360 HAVE BOTH BEEN DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. THE SECOND ONE LISTED WILL BE IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28251 A D COMPILER OPTION HAS BEEN DECLARED IN THE ENVIRONMENT LIST IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. IT HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM28301 FILE DECLARED TRANSIENT IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx DOES NOT HAVE MANDATORY ENVIRONMENT OPTION G OR R. System Action: terminated. Compilation Programmer Response: Probable user error. Corre1ct file declaration. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: contains a marker which is not valid System Ac~ion: terminated Programmer Re~ponse: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler,. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM2831I THE NCP VALUE IN S'TATEMENT NUMBER xxx EITHER IS NOT AN INTEGER CONSTANT OR LIES OUTSIDE THE PERMITTED RANGE OF 1 TO 99. A VALUE OF 1 HAS BEEN ASSUMED .. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM2835I §ystem Action: The label definition is ignored • Have the source program listing available. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. OPERAND OF CL OR SL NOT LABEL • .ID92!anation: The dictionary entry referenced after a compiler label or statement label marker in the text is not in fact a label • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,TF), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) System Action: The label definition is ignored. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEM2836I • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,TF)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM2834I COMPILER ERROR. SUBSCRIPTED LABEL CHAIN ERROR. Explanation: subscripted labels in the source program result in the creation of chains of dictionary entries. An error in the chaining causes this message to appear. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the NCP value and re-compile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM2833I Compilation is IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. SOURCE PROGRAM TOO LARGE. Explanation: Not enough scratch core is available for the generated label number table created by this phase. The condition arises when a large number of such labels have been used, and this in turn is related to the size of the program. COMPILER ERROR. INVALID PSEUDO-CODE OPERATION. 2Ystem Action: is terminated Explanation: Programmer Response: The input text The compilation Probable Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 423 user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: user error. Break down the program into smaller modules. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support::: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of t:he compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28651 Explanation: The compiler allocates a pseudo-register entry for each block and CONTROLLED variable in the source program. The maximum number of such entries is 1,024 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM28371 COMPILER ERROR. MULTIPLY DEFINED LABEL OR INVALID LABEL NUMBER. system Action: terminated Compilcltion is System Action: No pseudo-registers are allocated for items after the limit has been reached. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support:: Proqrammer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Reduce number of blocks, or CONTROLLED variables, in program to less than 1,025. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer t:o the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM28381 • Have the source program listing available. W IEM28661 THE TELEPROCESSING FORMAT OPTION IN STATEMENT NUMBER :xxx CONTAINS NO CONSTANT. A VALUE OF ZERO HAS BEEN ASSUM:8D. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: NUMERIC FIELD IN ENVIRONMENT OPTION FOR FILE zzzz DECLARED IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx IS NOT IN PARENTHESES AND HAS BEEN DELETED. system Action: E IEM28671 Explanation: If an environment option requires a numel:ic field, then that field must be enclosed in parentheses. Programmer Response: 424 l?robable THIS PL/I COMPILATION HAS GENERATED EXTERNAL NAMES IN WHICH THE FIRST LEADING CHARACTER OF THE EXTERNAL PROCEDURE NAME HAS BEEN REPLACED BY A SPECIAL CHARACTER. Explanation: The external procedure name with its first character changed is being used as a base for generating names for External symbol Dictionary entries. If the same thing happens in another compilation, and the two are then joined by the Linkage Editor, two External symbol Dictionary entries may have the same name. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28401 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. SOURCE PROGRAM CONTAINS TOO MANY BLOCKS AND/OR CONTROLLED VARIABLES. None IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. EXTERNAL NAME zzzz HAS BEEN TRUNCATED TO 7 CHARACTERS. Explanation: External identifiers are restricted to 7 characters system Action: Name of ESD entry truncated by taking first 4 and last 3 characters; phase then carries on normally~ DCA4 pseudo-code item is not valid - the operand should always be relocatable. System Action: An offset of zero is assembled into the text. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Shorten the name. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM28681 THIS PL/I COMPILATION HAS GENERATED EXTERNAL NAMES IN WHICH THE SECOND LEADING CHARACTER OF THE EXTERNAL PROCEDURE NAME HAS BEEN REPLACED BY A SPECIAL CHARACTER. Explanation: The external procedure with its second character changed is being used as a base for generating names for External Symbol Dictionary entries. If the same thing happens in another compilation, and the two are then joined by the Linkage Editor, two External Symbol Dictionary entries may have the same namea system Action: T IEM288:11 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,TT), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler.. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM28831 EKplanation: The operand of a branch instruction has been found to require relocation. system Action: An offset of zero is assembled into the text. None COMPILER ERROR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. INVALID PSEUDO-CODE OPERATION. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The input text contains a marker which is not valid. system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,TT), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,TT)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM28821 COMPILER ERROR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. OPERAND OF DC CODE INVALID. Explanation: The operand of a COMPILER ERROR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. INVALID REQUEST FOR RELOCATABLE TEXT. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM28881 COMPILER ERROR IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. UNDEFINED LABEL. Explanation: No offset has been assigned to a label generated by the compiler. System Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 425 'S,DP=(PIE,TT), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM28971 calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM29001 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. QUALIFIED NAME zzzz LONGER THAN 256 CHARACTERS,. system Action: Initialization is terminated when every element has been initialized. Explanation: The fully qualified name of the variable indicated will not fit into its Symbol Table entry Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: Leaves Symbol Table entry incomplet,e and carries on with the initialization of the Static Internal control section. e T IEM29131 Programmer ResE2n2~~ Probable user error. Shorten the qualified name. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: W IEM2899I INITIALIZATION SPECIF'IED FOR TOO FEW ELEMENTS IN STATIC ARRAY zzzz system Actio~: Initialization terminated when end of initial string is :found. Programmer Response: Probable user error." Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before 426 compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before c~lling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program wi t:h compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) System Action: Zeros are inserted in the argument list for the call to the library routine to 'GET/PUT DATA', and compilation continuesD • Have the source program listing availableo COMPILER ERROR. INVALID PSEUDO-CODE OPERATION. system Action: terminated DATA-DIRECTED 'GET/PUT' STATEMENT WITH NO LIST IN A PROCEDURE OR BEGIN BLOCK WHICH HAS NO DATA VARIABLES .. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct GET/PUT statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Have the source program listing available. Explanation: The input text contains a marker which is not valid • Have the source program listing available. S IEM28981 INITIALIZATION SPECIFIED FOR TOO MANY ELEMENTS IN STATIC ARRAY zzzz • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM30881 -32131 THE CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE aaaa HAS BEEN IGNORED IN THE DECLARATION OF IDENTIFIER yyyy IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx Explanation: The attribute gi ven in the message conflict:s with another attribute declared for the same identifier, or is invalid for that identifier. system Action: The attribute given in the message is ignored. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: terminated Programmer Response: Check the directory and re-attempt compilation,. If the input/output error persists, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM35,84I AN UNBALANCED NUMBER OF PARENTHESES HAS BEEN DETECTED WITHIN A STATEMENT AT OR NEAR STATEMENT NUMBER xxx • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: An occurrence of a comma immediately followed by a period at or near the given statement has been taken as a statement delimiter. The statement contains an unbalanced number of parentheses •. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. Programmer Response: probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM3839I COMPILER ERROR. MESSAGE CHAINS. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM3842I INVALID ERROR Explanation: Compiler is unable to print error diagnostics. System Action: terminated. Compilation is system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dnmp of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Have the associated job stream and source program l.isting available .. I/O ERROR ON SEARCHING DIRECTORY. Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. A permanent I/O error was detected when an attempt was made to search the directory of the library containing the compiler. Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) IEM38,l~lI COMPILER ERROR AT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ALL TEXT BLOCKS IN CORE ARE BUSY. REFERENCED BLOCK CANNOT BE BROUGHT INTO CORE. Explanation: All blocks in core have become busy. Compiler cannot continue since an external block cannot be read in. Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T Compilation is T IEM3843I COMPILER ERROR aT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ATTEMPTED USE OF PHASE yyy OF ZDABRF WITH BLOCK NOT IN CORE. Explanation: Referenced block is not in core Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 427 System Action: termina ted. NUMBER xxx:. TEXT BLOCK REFERENCED BY PHASE yyy IS NOT IN CORE. Compilation is Programmer Response: ])0 the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer lto the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Do the following-before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all ·the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associatE~d job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38441 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. DICTIONARY ENTRY FOR STRING CONSTANT, PICTURE, DOPE VECTOR, OR STATIC INITIAL STRING IS TOO LONG FOR THIS SIZE OPTION. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38461 Explanation: The dict..ionary entry cannot be made because it is larger than the dic·tionary block size of this compilation. system Action: compilation Te~~inates Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the entry is smaller than 16K bytes, increase the size option to give dictionary blocks bigger than the required entry. The largest dictionary block size is 16K, and in cases where a larger entry was requ:ired, it is necessary to avoid the source program feature which caused the excessive dictionary entry request. In general, write the source program in such a way that the required function is performed at execution time rather than compile time. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source pr~gram listing available. T IEM38451 428 COMPILER ERROR AT STA'l~EMENT compilation is IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. SOURCE PROGRAM TOO LARGE BY STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. ALL TEXT BLOCKS FULL WHEN PHASE yyy IS BEING EXECUTED. Explanation: There is no more space for text in this environment System Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: user error. Probable 1. Subdivide the program and recompile. 2. Increase the SIZE option for the compiler to obtain larger text blocks, and recompile. 3. If OPT=2 has been specified for this compilation, recompile specifying OPT=l or OPT=O. All three possibilities may be tried together. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program wit.h compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38471 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) COMPILER ERROR AT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. PHASE yyy HAS REQUESTED MORE THAN 4K OF SCRATCH CORE. Explanation: Request for scratch core exceeds 4096 bytes System Action: terminated • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Compilation is T IEM38501 Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) COMPILER ERROR AT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. PHASE yyy HAS REQUESTED A RELEASE OF UNALLOCATED CORE. Explanation: Attempt to release unallocated scratch core system Action: terminated • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38511 Compilation is system Action: terminated • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. COMPILER ERROR. PHASE yy IN RELEASE LIST IS NOT IN PHASE DIRECTORY. T IEM38521 Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: compilation is • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Compilation is An unmarked phase Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) System Action: terminated COMPILER ERROR. PHASE yy NOT MARKED. IT IS LOADED. Explanation: is loaded Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEM38LJ91 Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38fJ81 COMPILER ERROR. PHASE yy IN LOAD LIST IS NOT IN PHASE DIRECTORY. COMPILER ERROR AT STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. BLOCK REFERENCED BY PHASE yyy IS NOT IN USE. COMPILER CANNOT CONTINUE. 2Ystem Action: terminated Compilation is Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 429 ProqrammerResponse: Do the following before calling IBM for programming suppor1:.: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler.' (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which 'pre(~ede all the IEMnnnnI messages." • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38561 COMPILER ERROR. PROGRAM CHECK TYPE nnnn HAS OCCURRED IN PHASE yy AT OR NEAR STATEMENT NUMBER xxx T IEM38531 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. SOURCE PROGRAM TOO LARGE. DICTIONARY IS FULL. Explanation: A program check has occurred during compilation. This is due to ii compiler failure which may have been exposed by an error in the source code. The check number is the code for a program interrupt as follows: Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. system Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: ]?robable user error. subdivide into more than one program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Cause of Program InterrUpt 1 2 3 4 5 • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) 6 7 System Action: terminated ERROR IN PHASE yy .. Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. A compiler error has been discovered during the printing of compile-time diagnostic messages (if phase quoted in message is BM) or of source-program diagnostic messages (if phase is XA). System Actio~: Compilation is terminated. Note that only the diagnostic message ou"tput is incomplete. All other output files have been generated satisfactorily. ResEQ!!2!.! Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~rogrammer 430 Compilation is Programmer Response: Check source code carefully. If an error is found, correcting it may enable compilation to be completed successfully. Whether or not an error is found do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing 'available .. T IEM38551 Operation privileged operation Execute Protection Addressing Specification Data • Recompile the program with compiler options "S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associ,ated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38571 COMPILER ERROR. ATTEMPT TO PASS CONTROL TO AN UNNAMED PHASE. AN UNMARKED PHASE HAS BEEN ENCOUNTERED. Explanation: An unmarked phase has been encountered. cannot continue System Action: terminated Compiler Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check the SIZE option and check that the required core is available in the system on which the compilation is being run. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEM3858I • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ) '-to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUOUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. COMPILER ERROR. REQUESTED OR UNWANTED PHASE NOT IN PHASE DIRECTORY. Explanation: Request to mark a phase which is not in phase directory. Compiler cannot continue. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. system Action: terminated • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM3859I INSUFFICIENT CORE IS AVAILABLE TO CONTINUE THIS COMPILATION. ~anation: An attempt is being made to expand the number of text blocks in core. The GETMAIN routine has failed to get the core. This will only occur where less than 45,056 bytes are available to the compiler, or when the SIZE option has been given too large a value. This message is written directly onto SYSPRINT~ System Action: Compilation is terminated. Message IEM3865I may follow. E IEM3860I I/O ERROR ON SYSIN. ACCEPTED AS INPUT. RECORD Explanation: The error may be a machine error, or, if SYSIN is a card reader, there may be a hole pattern which does not represent a valid System/360 character (validity check). system Action: The error message number is printed in the source listing before the record in error. The record is accepted as input. Programmer Response: If SYSIN is a card reader, check that every column of the indicated card contains a valid code. If the input/output error persists, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 431 MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. UR - unit record device, or TA - magnetic-tape device, or DA - direct-access device. Notes: 1. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available~ T IEM38611 I/O ERROR ON SYSLIN. GENERATION OF LOAD FILE IS TERMINATED. Check DO card and recompile,. If the input/output error pe:rsists. de. the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: This is an online message written to the operator. There is an I/O error on SYSPRINT.. The compiler cannot continue. The information in the message is provided by the operating system. The device type field contains either: 432 For a direct-access device • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing availableo Note: IEM38621 should always be preceded by message IEAOOOI. 3. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l i 1) was specified in the :job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. IEM38621 For a magnetic-tape device Programmer Response: Check DD statement and recompile. If the input/output error persists, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE.ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) I/O ERR,jobname,stepname.unit address, device type,SYSPRINT, operation attempted. error desc r iptic·n CONT- •••• *••••••••• *~access method (see Note 1) relative block number (decimal),access method (see Note 2) actual track address and block number (BBCCHHR in hexadecimal format), access method (see Note 3) 2. System Action: Compilation is terminated. (No further printing takes place.) ProgrammerRespons~: T IEM38621 For a unit record device • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. For users with MVT/MFT and with SYSPRINT assigned to a SYSOUT queue on a direct-access device. have the unit or pack containing the data set checked. T IEM38631 I/O ERROR ON SYSPUNCH. GENERATION OF OBJECT DECK IS TERMINATED. Programmer-Response: Check DO card and recompile. If the input/output error persists. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE.ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the (.' following before calling IBM for programming support: comments Which precede all the IEMn~nI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM3872I T IEM3B64I Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. There is an I/O error on SYSUT3. The compiler cannot continue. Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. There is an I/O error on SYSUT1. The compiler cannot continue. system Action: terminated System Action: terminated Compilation is • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=.(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM3873I ERROR IN COMPILER ABORT Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. The compiler has tried twice to abort and cannot do so. Compilation will therefore terminate without the production of any further diagnostic messages. system Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Do the Compilation is Programmer Response Check DO card and recompile. If the input/output error persists, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Check 00 card and recompile. If the input/output error persists, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEM3865I I/O ERROR ON SYSUT3 I/O ERROR ON SYSUTl I/O ERROR ON SYSUT3. ACCEPTED AS INPUT. RECORD system Action: The error message number is printed in the source listing before the record in error. The record is accepted as input. Programmer Response: Check DO card and recompile. If the input/output error persists, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 433 option is forced and compilation continues. compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of t.he compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response:~ Probable user error. Check DO statement for SYSLIN if LOAD is requested, else specify NOLOAD, and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38741 UNABLE TO OPEN SYSIN • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. Unable to open SYSIN. The compiler cannot continue. System Action: terminated Compilation is • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check SYSIN DD card and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support:: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Obtain a listing 0:1: module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38751 UNABLE TO OPEN SYSLIN. THE LOAD OPTION HAS BEEN DELETED Explanation:: The SYSLIN data set could not be opened. system 434 ActiQ~: The NOLOAO • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38761 UNABLE TO OPEN SYSPRINT Explanation: This is an on-line message. It is written to operator. Unable to open SYSPRINT. The compiler cannot continue System Action: terminated Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check SYSPRINT DD card and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dUmp of the compiler.. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUOUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38771 • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. UNABLE TO OPEN SYSPUNCH. THE DECK/MACDCK OPTION HAS BEEN DELETED Explanation: The SYSPUNCH data set could not be opened. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using lMASPZAP. System Action: The NODECK and NOMACDCK options are forced and compilation continues. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check SYSPUNCH DD statement if LOAD is requested, else specify NODECK, NOMACOCK, and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38801 Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. Unable to open SYSUT3. The compiler cannot continue. system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) MSG~EVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUOUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. UNABLE TO OPEN SYSUT1. COMPILATION CANNOT CONTINUE. System Action: terminated • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. Compilation i.s Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check SYSUTl DD card and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check SYSUT3 DO card and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that T IEM38781 UNABLE TO OPEN SYSUT3 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM38881 SYSPUNCH BLOCKSIZE NOT A MULTIPLE OF 80. THE DECK AND Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 435 MACDCK OPTIONS HAVE BEEN DELETED. formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: On opening SYSPUNCH, the blocksize definition, either on the DD card or in the data-set. label, was not a multiple of 80. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. system Action: The DECK and MACDCK options are deleted Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the blocksize definition and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of ·the compiler.. (Refer ·to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have associated job stream, source and program listing available. W IEM3890I System Action: Compilation proceeds assuming U type records. U format will be specified in the data-set label when SYSIN is closed. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check RECFM definition on SYSIN DD card and rerun if necessary. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using,IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler.. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) SYSLIN BLOCKSIZE NOT A MULTIPLE OF 80. THE LOAD OPTION HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: On opening SYSLIN, the blocksize definition, either on the DD card or in the data·-se-t. label, was not a multiple of 80. System Action: is deleted • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. The LOAD option Programmer Response~ Probable user error. Correct the blocksize definition and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming supp(.)rt: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a 436 U Explanation: No RECFM definition has been found in the DeB parameter of the SYSIN DD card or the data-set label. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and tha·t a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. S IEM3889I NO RECFM GIVEN FOR SYSIN. TYPE RECORDS ARE ASSUMED • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM3891I SYSIN BLOCKSIZE IS TOO LARGE formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: On opening SYSIN for unblocked records, a blocksize of greater than 100 has been specified either in the DCB parameter of the SYSIN DD card or in the data-set label. system Action: terminated • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. change the invalid blocksize definition and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38941 Explanation: On opening SYSIN for F format records, the block size and record-length definitions, either on the DO .card or in the data-set label, were found to be unequal. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. System Action: "terminated. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. SYSIN BLOCKSIZE NOT A MULrIPLE OF RECORD LENGTH. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: On opening SYSIN for FB format records, it has been noted that the blocksize definition, either on the DO card or in the data set label, is not an exact multiple of the record length. system Action: terminated. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. Compilation is Programmer Res22ns~~ Probable user error. Correct the blocksize definition and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a Compilation is Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Change the incorrect definition and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINK~B) using IMASPZAP. T IEM3B93I SYSIN BLOCKSIZE NOT EQUAL TO RECORD LENGTH. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM3895I SYSIN RECORD LENGTH TOO LARGE ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 437 comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: On openi:ng SYSIN for F format records, a record length definition, either on the DO card or in the d.ata-set label, was found to be greater than 100. system Action: terminated. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the record-length definition and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump oft~he compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM38971 Explanation: On opening SYSIN, the record-format definition, either on the DD card or in the data-set label, was varying. This is invalid. system Action: terminated • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dUmp of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. SYSPRINT BLOCKSIZE IS NOT OF FORM 4+N*125 Explanation: On opening SYSPRINT, the blocksize definition, either on the DO card or in the data-set label, was not of the form 4+N*125. system Action: terminated • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. Compilation is • obtain a listing of modulE! IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the blocksize definition and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM38981 • Recompile the program with compiler options . 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer t:o the 438 Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the definition of SYSIN and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for p~ogramming support: • Obtain a listing of module IEMAP (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. T IEM38961 SYSIN DEFINITION IS INVALID COMPILER CORE REQUIREMENT EXCEEDED SIZE GIVEN. AUXILIARY STORAGE USED. System Action: opened SPILL file W IEM38991 A BLOCK FOR OVERFLOW DICTIONARY ENTRY OFFSETS WAS CREATED DURING COMPILER PHASE YY Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. Invalid syntax in the PROCESS statement has rendered the options unrecognizable. Explanation: This message occurs only in compilations run with the extended dictionary option. An entry offset table in a dictionary block became full before the entries filled the block. System Action: The created to hold the offsets overflowing entry offset tables compilation. E IEM39001 system Action: The installation defaults are assumed for all options. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. If the use of installation default options is unsatisfactory, correct the syntax of the PROCESS statement and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: block is entry from any during this ERROR IN PROCESS STATEMENT. Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. The syntax of the PROCESS statement is incorrect. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) System Action: An attempt is made to interpret the statement correctly. Actual results will depend on the nature of the syntax error. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. Prog~ammer Response: Probable user error. Check that the options required have been correctly applied. If not, and recompilation is necessary, correct the syntax of the PROCESS statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM39011 ERROR IN PROCESS STATEMENT. DEFAULT OPTIONS ASSUMED. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using lMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM39021 OBJNM FIELD TOO LARGE. FIRST EIGHT CHARACTERS OF NAME HAVE BEEN USED. Explanation: The name specified in the OBJNM option may not have more than eight characters. System Action: First eight characters of name used. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Either amend object module name as required, or alter other references to object module to correspond with truncated name. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program compiler options Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages ~ith 439 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) it could not identify as a keyword. System Action: The offending character string is ignored. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct the erroneous parameter, and recompile.. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL={l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using lMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM39031 • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. CARRIAGE CONTROL POSITION :LIES WITHIN THE SOURCE MARGIN. IT HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Recompile with carriage control position outside source margin. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the pro~rtam with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compil~r. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) j • Make sure tha-:f MSGLEVEL=(l¥l) was specified in the :job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associat.ed job stream and source program listing availableo E IEM39041 THE FOLLOWING STRING NOT IDENTIFIED AS A KEYWORD - yyyy Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. The compiler was processing the option list passed to it as an invocatiQn parameter, when it found a character stz"ing that 440 • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using lMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM39051 THE FOLLOWING KEYWORD DELETED, DEFAULT USED FOR - yyyy Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. The compiler was processing the option list passed to it as an invocation param~ter, when it. found an option keyword that had been deleted at system generation. System Action: The keyword passed at invocation time is ignored. The default interpretation for the option, as set at system generation, is used. Programmer Response: Probable user error. None, unless it is required to reinstate the deleted keyword, in which case it is necessary to generate the required version of the compiler with a system generation run. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: included for the failing job step. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using lMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM39071 Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. The two characters given in the message were used as parameters to the DUMP option. This usage is incorrect since the characters do not represent the name of a compiler phase. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using lMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM39061 system Action: The processing of the DUMP option continues, unless the two characters were used to indicate the first phase of an inclusive phase dump, in which case the scan of the DUMP option is terminated. OPTION SPECIFICATION CONTAINS INVALID SYNTAX, DEFAULT USED FOR - yyyy Explanation: This message is written directly on SYSPRINT. The compiler was processing the option list passed to it as an invocation parameter, when it found that a sub-parameter, associated with the keyword given in the diagnostic message, was incorrectly specified. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the erroneous parameter, and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: The keyword passed at invocation time is ignored. The default interpretation for the option, as set at system generation, is used. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the erroneous parameter, and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was THE FOLLOWING NAME IGNORED AS IT DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE PHASE DIRECTORY - yy • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using lMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM39081 SYNTAX ERROR IN DUMP OPTION SPECIFICATION Explanation: This message is Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 441 written directly on SYSPRINT. Incorrect use of delimiters in the specification of the DUMP option parameters. • Make sure that .MSGLEVEL= (1,1) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. system Action: Processing of DUMP option is terminated programme~ Response: Probable user error. Correct the erroneous specification, and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the pro~Jram with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer "to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messclges.) • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM3910I Explanation: The size specified allows a limited buffer area which is smaller than that required by the spec:ified blocksize. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the :job statement, and tha"t a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. system Action: terminated • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a :Eormatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. EXTENDED DICTIONARY CAPACITY EXCEEDED. COMPILATION TERMINATED. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was :included for the failing job step. Explanation: This message occurs only in compila"tions run with the extended dict:ionary option. The block created to hold overflow dictionclry entry offsets is full. system Action: terminated Compilation. is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Subdivide program and recompile. If the problem recu.rs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which prE!cede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) 442 Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Use smaller blocksize or larger SIZE option. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM :Eor programming support: • Obtain a listing o:E module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. T IEM3909I SYSPRINT BLOCKSIZE IS TOO LARGE WITH THIS SIZE OPTION • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM3911I SIZE AVAILABLE FOUND TO BE yyyyyy BYTES. SIZE=44K ASSUMED. COMPILATION CONTINUES. Explanation: SIZE is found to be less than 44K. Programmer Response: ProbabJLe user error,. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM39131 Explanation: The SIZE specified allows a limited buffer area which is smaller than that required by the specified SYSPUNCH blocksize. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. System Action: The DECK and MACDCK options are deleted Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the SIZE option allows room for the SYSPUNCH buffers needed, and recompile,. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM391.21 SYSIN BLOCKSIZE IS TOO LARGE WITH THIS SIZE OPTION • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler,. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: The size specified allows a limited buffer area which is smaller than that required by the buffers for SYSIN, or for SYSIN and SYSPRINT together. System Action: terminat'ed • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement. and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. Compilation is Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that SIZE option allows room for both the SYSIN and the SYSPRINT buffersu If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • obtain a listing of module SYSPUNCH BLOCKSIZE IS TOO LARGE WITH THIS SIZE OPTION. THE DECK AND MACDCK OPTIONS HAVE BEEN DELETED. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM39141 SYSLIN BLOCKSIZE IS TOO LARGE WITH THIS SIZE OPTION. THE LOAD OPTION HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: The SIZE specified allows a limited buffer area which is smaller than that required by the specified SYSLIN blocksize. system Action: is deleted. The LOAD option Programmer Response: Probable Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 443 user error. Ensure that the SIZE option allows room for the SYSLIN buffers needed and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: OPTIONS DECK AND NOCOMP HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED. THE DECR OPTION HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program wit.h compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINRLIB) using lMASPZAP. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINRLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM3915I THE CONFLICTING COMPILER OPTIONS MACDCK AND NOMACRO HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED. THE MACDCK OPTION HAS BEEN DELET:ED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the p:r'oblem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S~DP=(PIE,ZZ)f to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was incl uded for the :f ailing job step. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1..LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP .. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM39161 444 THE CONFLICTING COMPILER • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM39171 THE CONFLICTING COMPILER OPTIONS LOAD AND NOCOMP HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED. THE LOAD OPTION HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compil er opt/ions 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINRLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Compile .. Thne Processing Diagnostic Messages STRING TREATED AS A CHARACTER STRING. The details given under the heading "Source Program Diagnostic Messages" apply equally to compile-time processing messages, with one exception: all compile-time processing messages are listed in a group following the SOURCE2 input listing and preceding the source program listing. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. The line number in the messages refers to the line in which the error was found. The incorrect statement may have commenced on an earlier line. S IEM41061 S IEM41151 UNEXPECTED END-OF-FILE IN STRING AT OR BEYOND LINE NUMBER xxx. A STRING DELIMITER HAS BEEN INSERTED. Explanation: End-of-file encountered while scanning for end-of-comment delimiter. programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: End-of-file encountered while scanning for closing quote of a string constant. system Action: Closing quote inserted before end-of-file. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T ,IEM41181 REPLACEMENT VALUE IN LINE NUMBER xxx CONTAINS UNDELIMITED STRING. PROCESSING TERMINATED., programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: End-of-string delimiter cannot be found in a replacement value. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM411.21 ILLEGAL CHARACTER IN APPARENT BIT STRING IN LINE NUMBER xxx. REPLACEMENT VALUE IN LINE NUMBER xxx CONTAINS UNDELIMITED COMMENT. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Explanation: End-of-comment delimiter cannot be found in a replacement value. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM41091 UNEXPECTED END-OF-FILE IN COMMENT AT OR BEYOND LINE NUMBER xxx. A COMMENT DELIMITER HAS BEEN INSERTED. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available.' E IEM4121I INVALID CHARACTER HAS BEEN REPLACED BY BLANK IN OR FOLLOWING LINE NUMBER xxx Explanation: Invalid character found in source text Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 445 Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available~ T IEM41241 COMPILER ERROR. PUSH DOWN STACK OUT OF PHASE system Action: terminated • Have the source program listing available. S IEM41361 Processing Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)Q to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41391 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM41301 Explanation: An attempt is made to execute a statement which references an identifier for which a DECLARE statement has not been executedy Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41421 • Have the source program listing availableo E IEM41331 % ENCOUNTERED IN LABELLIST OF STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. IT HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. 446 UNEXPECTED COLON WITHOUT PRECEDING LABEL IN LINE NUMBER xxx. COLON HAS BEEN IGNORED. LABEL zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx MULTIPLY DEFINED. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. System Action: No action unless a statement which references the mUltiply defined label is executed. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Remove % from label list. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progranuning support: E IEM41341 PREVIOUS USAGE OF IDENTIFIER zzzz CONFLICTS WITH USE AS LABEL IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. system Action: No action unless an attempt is made to execute a statement which references the ill-defined identifier. UNDECLARED IDENTIFIER zzzz REFERENCED AT LINE NUMBER xxx. PROCESSING TERMINATED .. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: STATEMENT TYPE NOT RECOGNIZABLE IN LINE NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. W IEM41431 LABELS BEFORE DECLARE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx ARE IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41521 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41481 IDENTIFIER zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx USED WITH CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTES. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. Explanation: Usage of identifier conflicts with a previous usage or declaration. If the line number refers toa procedure END statement, the error occurred within the procedure. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing "available. E IEM4153I System Action: No action unless a statement is executed which references the identifier in error. '\.' system Action: Any reference to the label in the procedure will terminate processing. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recdrs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. FORMAL PARAMETER zzzz WAS NOT DECLARED IN PROCEDURE ENDING IN LINE NUMBER xxx. TYPE CHARACTER HAS BEEN FORCED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41541 LABEL zzzz IS NOT DEFINED. REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. ANY System Action: No action unless a statement is executed which references the undefined label. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: SEMICOLON TERMINATES IF EXPRESSION IN LINE NUMBER xxx. SEMICOLON HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41511 LABEL zzzz IS UNDEFINED IN THE PROCEDURE ENDING IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. Explanation: Label may have been defined outside of procedure, but transfers out of procedures are not allowed. programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: E IEM41501 END OF FILE OCCURS BEFORE END FOR CURRENT PROCEDURE OR DO. END HAS BEEN INSERTED AT LINE NUMBER xxx. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM41571 NEITHER % NOR THEN FOLLOWS IF EXPRESSION IN LINE NUMBER xxx. IF STATEMENT DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 447 • Have the source program listing available~ E IEM41601 E IEM41721 % MISSING BEFORE THEN OF IF STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. % HAS BEEN INSERTED. Programmer Response: probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41631 • Have the source program listing available. W IEM41751 Explanation: Label(s) found preceding an ELSE statement. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILE TIME STATEMENT MUST FOLLOW THEN OR ELSE IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A % HAS BEEN INSERTED IN FRONT OF STATEMENT. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM41761 Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. If the statement in question is meant to be a non-compile time statement, it should be put inside of a "% DO" group. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41781 THEN MISSING FROM IF STATEMENT AT LINE NUMBER xxx IN A COMPILE TIME PROCEDURE. A THEN HAS BEEN INSERTED. • Have the source program listing availabled 448 ELSE WITHOUT PRECEDING IF IN LINE NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs. do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: NO STATEMENT FOLLOWS THEN OR ELSE IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A NULL STATEMENT HAS BEEN INSERTED. Programmer Response: probab~e user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: % does not precede the first statement in the THEN or ELSE clause of an IF statement. E IEM41691 LABELS BEFORE ELSE IN LINE NUMBER xxx HAVE BEEN IGNORED. THEN MISSING FOLLOWING % IN IF STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A THEN HAS BEEN INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41661 THE % IN LINE NUMBER xxx IS NOT ALLOWED IN COMPILE TIME PROCEDURES. IT HAS BEEN IGNORED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM41841 ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx MUST END WITH SEMICOLON. TEXT DELETED TILL SEMICOLON IS FOUND. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: zzzz ON LEFT HAND SIDE OF EQUALS SYMBOL. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling laM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41871 LABEL MISSING FROM PROCEDURE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A DUMMY LABEL HAS BEEN INSERTED. Programmer Respo~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompilea If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41961 • Have the source program listing available. T IEM41881 System Action: No action unless a statement is executed which references the erroneous identifier. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. NO MORE THAN 254 COMPILE-TIME PROCEDURES MAY BE DEFINED IN A COMPILATION. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Delete excess procedures. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. S IEM41991 LABEL zzzz ON PROCEDURE IN LINE NUMBEER xxx IS PREVIOUSLY DEFINED. ANY REFERENCE TO IT WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. • Have the source program listing available. 5 IEM42021 system Action: No action unless a statement is executed which references the multiply defined label. IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: MORE THAN 15 PARAMETERS OCCUR IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: Processing is terminated if an attempt is made to execute a statement which references the procedure that has more than 15 parameters. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM41931 FORMAL PARAMETER zzzz IS REPEATED IN PARAMETER LIST IN LINE NUMBER xxx. THE SECOND OCCURRENCE HAS BEEN REPLACED BY A DUMMY PARAMETER. programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM41901 PREVIOUS USE OF IDENTIFIER zzzz CONFLICTS WITH USE AS ENTRY NAME IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. ILLEGAL USE OF' FUNCTION NAME Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 449 calling IBM for programming support: calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available~ E IEM42141 E IEM42051 FORMAL PARAMRl'ER MISSING IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A DUMMY H~S BEEN INSERTED. Explanation: RETURNS option should be of the form RETURNS(CHARIFIXED). Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct pro9ram and recompile. If thE~ problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing availableo E IEM42081 UNRECOGNIZABLE PARAMETER yyyy IN LINE NUMBER xxx. IT H~S BEEN REPLACED BY A DUMMY PARAMETER. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42151 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If thE~ problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: PARAMETER IN LINE NUMBER xxx NOT FOLLOWED BY COMMA OR PARENTHESIS. TEXT DELETED TO NEXT COMMA OR END OF STATEMENT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42161 UNEXPECTED END OF PROCEDURE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. RIGHT P~RENTHESIS INSERTED. Explanation: A semicolon was encountered during scan of an apparent parameter list. 450 THERE IS NO RIGHT PARENTHESIS FOLLOWING THE DATA ATTRIBUTE OF THE RETURNED VALUE IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ONE HAS BEEN ASSUMED. PrQgrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing availableu S IEM42121 DATA ATTRIBUTE IN PROCEDURE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx IS NOT PARENTHESIZED AND IS NOT PRECEDED BY RETURNS. RETURNS AND PARENTHESES HAVE BEEN ASSUMED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following befo:re calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing availableo S IEM42111 ILLEGAL FORM OF RETURNS OPTION IN LINE NUMBER xxx. RETURNS (CHAR) HAS BEEN ASSUMED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42171 NO ATTRIBUTE FOR RETURNED VALUE IN LINE NUMBER xxx. CHARACTER ATTRIBUTE IS USED. System A£tiQ!!: A right parenthesis is insertE~d before the semicolon and processing continues. §ystem Action: CHARACTER attribute is assigned Programmer R~n~e: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM42291 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM42201 Explanation: Compile-time procedures may not be nested. SEMICOLON NOT FOUND WHERE EXPECTED IN PROCEDURE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. TEXT DELETED UP TO NEXT SEMICOLON. System Action: Text is deleted up to and including the first % END following the erroneous PROCEDURE statement. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42231 ENTRY ATTRIBUTE AND PROCEDURE STATEMENT FOR ENTRY zzzz DISAGREE ON THE NUMBER OF PARAMETERS. THE LATTER IS USED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM42321 system Action: The number of parameters specified in the PROCEDURE statement is used. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. RETURNS ATTRIBUTE AND PROCEDURE STATEMENT FOR ENTRY zzzz DISAGREE ON ATTRIBUTE OF RETURNED VALUE. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM42351 system Action: The returned value will first be converted to the type on the procedure statement and will then be converted to the type given in the RETURNS attribute. A third conversion can occur if the type given in the returns attribute does not agree with the type required where the result is used. • Have the source program listing available. RETURN STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx IS NOT ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF COMPILE-TIME PROCEDURE. STATEMENT DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42381 ProqrammerResponse: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: PROCEDURE STATEMENT AT LINE NUMBER xxx MAY NOT FOLLOW THEN OR ELSE. PROCEDURE HAS BEEN REPLACED BY A NULL STATEMENT. Explanation: A PROCEDURE statement may appear in a THEN or ELSE clause only if it is inside a compile-time DO group. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: E IEM42261 PROCEDURE STATEMENT AT LINE NUMBER xxx MAY NOT BE USED WITHIN A PROCEDURE. PROCEDURE HAS BEEN DELETED. RETURNED VALUE MUST BE PARENTHESIZED IN LINE NUMBER xxx. PARENTHESIS INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 451 • Have the source program. listing available. E IEM42411 T IEM4250I RETURNS EXPRESSION IN I~INE NUMBER xxx DOES NOT END RETURN STATEMENT. REMAINDER OF STATEMENT HAS BEEN IGNORED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support:: Programmer Respon~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programning support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain i3. formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. S IEM42441 GOTO IN LINE NUMBER xxx IS NOT FOLLOWED BY LABEL. STATEMENT DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progra~ning support: • Have the associated job s·tream and source program listing available. S IEM4253I PREVIOUS USE OF IDENTIFIER zzzz CONFLICTS WITH USE AS OBJECT OF GOTO IN LINE NUMBER xxx.. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. system Action: No action unless a statement is executed which references the er.roneous identifier. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM4254I • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42561 SEMICOLON NOT FOUND WHERE EXPECTED IN GOTO STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. TEXT DELETED UP TO NEXT SEMICOLON. 452 SURPLUS COMMA IN ACTIVATE OR DEACTIVATE IN LINE NUMBER xxx. THE COMMA HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer. Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct pr.ogram and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. EMPTY ACTIV~TE OR DEACTIVATE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. ,If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response:. Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM4248I ACTIVATE OR DEACTIVATE IN LINE NUMBER xxx NOT ALLOWED IN A COMPILE-TIME PROCEDURE. STATEMENT DELETED~ Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM4247I GOTO zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx TRANSFERS CONTROL INTO ITERATIVE DO OR ENCLOSED INCLUDED TEXT. PROCESSING TERMINATED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM42591 UNRECOGNIZABLE FIELD IN ACTIVATE OR DEACTIVATE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. THE FIELD HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42801 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM42621 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ONLY PROCEDURES OR VARIABLES MAY HAVE ACTIVITY CHANGED. IDENTIFIER zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN DELETED FROM STATEMENT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42831 COMMA MUST SEPARATE FIELDS OF ACTIVATE AND DEACTIVATE STATEMENTS. IN LINE NUMBER xxx TEXT AFTER IDENTIFIER yyyy HAS BEEN DELETED UP TO NEXT COMMA. Programmer ResEQ~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42861 INVALID SYNTAX IN DO STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. IT HAS BEEN CONVERTED TO A GROUPING DO. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42891 NO MAXIMUM VALUE WAS SPECIFIED IN ITERATIVE DO IN LINE NUMBER xxx. PROGRAM WILL LOOP UNLESS ALTERNATE EXIT IS PROVIDED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program DO STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx SHOULD END WITH SEMICOLON. TEXT TO SEMICOLON DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM42:771 MULTIPLE BY'S HAVE OCCURRED IN DO STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. SECOND 'BY' HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 'TO'. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM42711 MULTIPLE TO'S HAVE OCCURRED IN DO STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. SECOND 'TO' HAS BEEN CHANGED TO • BY' • Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM42651 UNEXPECTED % IN LINE NUMBER xxx TREATED AS HAVING BEEN PRECEDED BY SEMICOLON. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42921 END STATEMENT AT LINE NUMBER xxx MAY NOT FOLLOW THEN OR Appendix K: DiagnostiC Messages 453 ELSE. A NULL STATEMENT HAS BEEN INSERTED BEFORE THE END STATEMENT. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42991 Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the followi.ng before calling IBM for programming support: ~rammer Explanation: The END statement referred to in this message is the logical end of the procedure. Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42951 SEMICOLON NOT FOUND WHERE EXPECTED IN END STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. TEX'I' DELETED UP TO SEMICOLON. Programmer gesponse: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43011 END STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx NOT PRECEDED BY DO OR PROCEDURE STATEMENT. END HAS BEEN DELETED. Explanation: An END statement has been encountered which is not preceded by a DO or PROCEDURE statement that has not already been terminated. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43041 system Action: A null value is returned if the procedure is invoked. • Have the source program listing available. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: 454 Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: LABEL REFERENCED ON END STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx CANNOT BE FOUND. END TREATED AS HAVING NO OPERAND. Explanation: The label cannot be found on a DO or PROCEDURE statement that has not already been terminated. PROCEDURE zzzz DID NOT INCLUDE A RETURN STATEMENT. Explanation: Language syntax requires use of RETURN statement in a procedure. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: E IEM42981 IDENTIFIER zzzz ON END STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx IS NOT A LABEL. END TREATED AS HAVING NO OPERAND. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM42961 END STATEMENT ENDING PROCEDURE IN LINE NUMBER xxx DID NOT HAVE A PRECEDING PERCENT. A PERCENT IS INSERTED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM43071 INCLUDE STATEMENT AT LINE NUMBER xxx IS NOT ALLOWED IN COMPILE-TIME PROCEDURES. STATEMENT DELETED~ Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: characters of member name have been used. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43101 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct data set member name in INCLUDE statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. DDNAME IN LINE NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS. Explanation: The first of a pair of data set identifiers in an INCLUDE statement is a ddname and as such is limited to a maximum of 8 characters. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43251 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM43131 UNRECOGNIZABLE FIELD IN INCLUDE STATEMENT AT LINE NUMBER xxx. FIELD HAS BEEN DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM4326I System Action: Text is deleted up to next comma or semicolon. • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. T IEM43281 EMPTY INCLUDE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT DELETED. Explanation: At least one identifier must appear in an INCLUDE statement i.e., the data set member name. Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: LEFT PARENTHESIS INSERTED BEFORE MEMBER NAME IN LINE NUMBER xxx. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: S IEM43191 RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED AFTER MEMBER NAME IN LINE NUMBER xxx. COMPILER ERROR. DICTIONARY INFORMATION INCORRECT. Explanation: A name containing an invalid character is found in the dictionary. system Action: terminated Processing is ~rammer • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43221 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. MEMBER NAME IN LINE NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN TRUNCATED TO 8 CHARACTERS. system Action: First 8 Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE.ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 455 S IEM43311 user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: DECLARE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx IS ILLEGAL AFTER THEN OR ELSE. STATEMENT DELETED. R!:Qqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program. A DECLARE statement can appear in the THEN or ELSE clause of an IF statement if it is inside a DO group. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progranming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43431 Explanation: An identifier may be declared only once. • Have the source prc~ram listing available. E IEM43321 EMPTY DECLARE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT DELETED. system Action: No action unless a statement is executed which references the multiply declared identifier. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM43341 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. FACTORING IN DECLARE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx EXCE:EDS 3 LEVELS. REMAINDER OF STATEMENT DELETED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM43461 • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. SURPLUS COMMA HAS BEEN FOUND IN DECLARE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. THIS COMMA HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progranuning support: • Have the source pr~Jram listing available. E IEM43401 IDENTIFIER MISSING WHERE EXPECTED IN LINE NUMBER xxx. DUMMY IDENTIFIER HAS BEEN INSERTED. Programmer Response:. 456 Probable UNRECOGNIZABLE SYNTAX IN DECLARE STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER xxx. STATEMENT DELETEDu Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Reduce level of factoring in DECLARE statement. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support~:: E IEM43371 IDENTIFIER zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx HAS MULTIPLE DECLARATIONS. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. A E IEM43491 LABEL zzzz CANNOT BE DECLARED IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ANY REFERENCE WILL TERMINATE PROCESSING. Explanation: An attempt has been made to declare an identifier which has already been used as a label. system Action: No action ' unless a statement is executed which references the declared label .. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43!521 EXTRA PARENTHESIS DELETED IN LINE NUMBER xxx. Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43641 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43!551 ILLEGAL ATTRIBUTE yyyy IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ATTRIBUTE HAS BEEN DELETED. Programmer Response: Probable user error.. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: Legal attributes are FIXED, CHARACTER, ENTRY and RETURNS. • Have the source program listing available. System Actio~: The illegal attribute is deleted. E IEM43671 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: system Action: The attribute of the returned value is determined by the relevant PROCEDURE statement. CLOSING RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN LINE NUMBER xxx. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM431511 RETURNS ATTRIBUTE OCCURRED WITHOUT ENTRY ATTRIBUTE FOR PROCEDURE zzzz IN DECLARE STATEMENT AT OR BEFORE LINE NUMBER xxx. Explanation: Both ENTRY and RETURNS attributes must be declared for a compile-time procedure name. system Action: The identifier is treated as an ENTRY name. If it is referenced, the arguments will be converted to the types declared for the procedure parameters. RETURNS ATTRIBUTE NOT GIVEN FOR ENTRY NAME zzzz IN DECLARE STATEMENT AT OR BEFORE LINE NUMBE~ xxx. Explanation: Both ENTRY and RETURNS attributes must be declared for a compile-time procedure name. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43!581 NO ATTRIBUTES WERE DECLARED FOR IDENTIFIER zzzz IN DECLARE STATEMENT AT OR BEFORE LINE NUMBER xxx. CHARACTER HAS BEEN ASSIGNED. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43701 ENTRY ATTRIBUTE DISAGREES WITH DECLARATION FOR FORMAL PARAMETER zzzz. THE LATTER HAS BEEN USED. Explanation: An ENTRY attribute in a DECLARE statement does not agree with the parameter attributes declared in the procedure. System Action: If the relevant procedure is referenced, the argument will be converted to the type declared for the formal parameter. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 457 calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If thE~ problem recurs, do the followi:ng before calling IBM for progra:mrning support: • Have the source pl:-ogram listing available., E IEM43731 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43821 RETURNS ATTRIBUTE IN LINE NUMBER xxx MUST BE PARENTHESIZED. PAREN'rHESIS INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and :recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Respo~~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the followin.g before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43761 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43831 ONLY FIXED OR CH~RACTER ARE ALLOWED IN RETURNS AT']~RIBUTE IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ATTRIBUTE IGNORED. A system Action: The attribute of the returned value is determined by the relevant PROCEDURE statement. E IEM43911 • Have the source program listing available. S IEM43941 Explanation: An invalid attribute was found. ILLEGAL OPERATOR yyyy IN LINE NUMBER xxx. IT H~S BEEN REPLACED BY A PLUS. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: System Action: No conversion to an ENTRY attribute will be carried out. However, if the relevant procedure is referenced, arguments will be converted to the types declared for the procedure para.meters. 458 OPERAND MISSING IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A FIXED DECIMAL ZERO HAS BEEN INSERTED. programmer Respons e: Probabl(~ user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ATTRIBUTE yyyy IS ILLEGAL IN ENTRY ATTRIBUTE IN LINE NUMBER xxx. NO CONVERSION WILL BE DONE. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before OF IDENFIFIER WITH ATTRIBUTE xxx. ANY TERMINATE • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM43791 PREVIOUS USAGE zzzz CONFLICTS IN LINE NUMBER REFERENCE WILL PROCESSING. Programmer Response: probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: An illegal attribute was found Programmer Respo:nse: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ATTRIBUTE CONFLICTS WITH PREVIOUS ATTRIBUTE FOR IDENTIFIER zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ATTRIBUTE IGNORED. ., Have the source program listing available. W IEM43971 A LETTER IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS CONSTANT yyyy IN LINE NUMBER xxx. AN INTERVENING BLANK HAS BEEN ASSUMED. S IEM44071 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The processor has found a mis-match while scanning a keyword consisting of more than one identifier,. system Action: The identifiers preceding the non-matching identifier are deleted. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM4ljiOOI OPERATOR. NOT. IN LINE NUMBER xxx USED AS AN INFIX OPERATOR. IT HAS BEEN REPLACED BY .NE. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM44091 • T IEM411,031 the source program listing available. ~ave Processing is Programmer Response: Do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. S IEM44121 • Recompile the program with compiler options • S, DP= (PIE, ZZ) '. to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) PREVIOUS USAGE OF IDENTIFIER zzzz CONFLICTS WITH USE IN EXPRESSION IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A • Have the source program listing available. S IEM44151 system Action: Processing is terminated if an attempt is made to execute a statement which references the identifier in question. ILLEGAL OPERAND yyyy IN LINE NUMBER xxx HAS BEEN REPLACED BY A FIXED DECIMAL ZERO. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listin~,,~ available. E IEM44211 • Have the source program listing available. NO EXPRESSION WHERE ONE IS EXPECTED IN LINE NUMBER xxx. FIXED DECIMAL ZERO HAS BEEN INSERTED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM44061 OPERATOR MISSING IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A PLUS HAS BEEN INSERTED. programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: COMPILER ERROR. EXPRESSION SCAN OUT OF PHASE. System Action: terminated. UNDECIPHERABLE KEYWORD. nnn IDENTIFIERS HAVE BEEN DELETED BEFORE yyyy IN LINE NUMBER xxx. MISSING LEFT PARENTHESIS INSERTED Ar BEGINNING OF EXPRESSION IN LINE NUMBER xxx. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 459 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM44481 Explanation: All procedure names must be declared with ENTRY and RETURNS attributes before the procedure is referenced. • Have the source program listing available,. T IEM44331 REFERENCE IN LINE NUMBER xxx TO STATEMENT OR IDENTIFIER WHICH IS IN ERROR. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options • S, DP= (PIE, ZZ)" to obtain a formatted dump of -the compiler. (Refer -to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the source program listing available. T IEM44511 EXCESS ARGUMENTS TO FUNCTION zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx. EXTRA ARGUMENTS HAVE BEEN DELETED. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Explanation: Too many arguments appear in a procedure reference. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If thE~ problem recurs, do -the followlng before calling IBM for progrcLInming support: • Have the source program listing available. W IEM44391 TOO FEW ARGUMENTS TO FUNCTION zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx. MISSING ARGUMENTS HAVE: BEEN REPLACED BY NULL STRINGS OR FIXED DECIMAL ZEROS. Explanation: Too few arguments appear in a procedure reference. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: 460 PROCEDURE zzzz REFERENCED IN LINE NUMBER xxx CANNOT BE FOUND. PROCESSING TERMINATED .. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recu:rs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available., S IEM44361 NO ENTRY DECLARATION FOR PROCEDURE zzzz REFERENCED IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ATTRIBUTES TAKEN FROM PROCEDURE. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM44521 RECURSIVE USE OF PROCEDURE zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx IS DISALLOWED. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM44!)41 Programmer Response~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: TOO FEW ARGUMENTS HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED FOR THE BUILTIN FUNCTION SUBSTR IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A NULL STRING HAS BEEN RETURNED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM44721 • Have the source program listing available. E IEM44!>71 Explanation: Identifiers may not exceed 31 characters in length. TOO MANY ARGUMENTS HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED FOR THE BUILTIN FUNCTION SUBSTR IN LINE NUMBER xxx. EXTRA ARGUMENTS HAVE BEEN IGNORED. System Action: The identifier is truncated to the first 31 characters. Programmer ResPQ~ Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM44601 FIXED OVERFLOW HAS OCCURRED IN LINE NUMBER xxx. RESULT TRUNCATED. • Have the source program listing available. S IEM44731 system Action: Truncation occurs on left to 5 decimal digits. System Action: is assigned. ZERO DIVIDE HAS OCCURRED AT LINE NUMBER xxx. RESULT SET TO ONE. • Have the source program listing available. Programm~gespon§.!.t • Have the source program listing available. S IEM44691 END-OF-FILE FOUND IMBEDDED IN STATEMENT IN LINE NUMBER .xxx. EXECUTION OF STATEMENT WILL CAUSE TERMINATION. A value of zero Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. Probable user error. Correct program and recompileo If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: CONSTANT yyyy IN LINE NUMBER xxx HAS PRECISION GREATER THAN 5. A FIXED DECIMAL ZERO HAS BEEN INSERTED. Explanation: Implementation restriction. Precision of fixed decimal numbers is limited to 5 digits. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: E IEM44631 IDENTIFIER BEGINNING zzzz IN STATEMENT AT LINE NUMBER xxx IS TOO LONG AND HAS BEEN TRUNCATED. E IEM44751 QUESTION MARK IN LINE NUMBER xxx HAS NO SIGNIFICANCE. IT HAS BEEN IGNORED Explanation: Question mark, although a recognizable character in PL/I, has no syntactical meaning. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 461 Programmer Response: ProbablE~ user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM44781 • Recompile the program with compiler options ~S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) STRING IN LINE NUMBER xxx CONVERTS TO A FIXED DECIMAL NUMBER WITH PRECISION GREATER THAN 5. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Explanat,ion: Implementation restriction. Precision of fixed decimal numbers is limited to 5 digits. System Action: terminated • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. Processing is T IEM44991 Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for prograrnming support: Explanation: A replacement value may not contain a compile-time statement. • Recompile the program with compiler options • S, DP= (PIE, ZZ)·· to obtain a formatted dump of ·the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a :formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM44811 CHARACTER STRING IN LINE NUMBER xxx CONTAINS CHARACTER OTHER THAN 1 OR 0 AND CANNOT BE CONVERTED TO A BIT STRING. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progrannning support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' t() obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM44841 462 STRING IN LINE NUMBER xxx OR IN PROCEDURE REFERENCED IN SAID LINE NUMBER CANNOT BE CONVERTED TO A FIXED DECIMAL CONSTANT. PROCESSING TERMINATED. A % STATEMENT IS FOUND IN A REPLACEMENT VALUE IN LINE NUMBER xxx. PROCESSING TERMINATED. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM45021 AN IDENTIFIER zzzz WITH CONFLICTING USAGE OR MULTIPLE DEFINITIONS IS REFERENCED IN LINE NUMBER xxx. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Explanation: An attempt is made to execute a statement which references an identifier that was not properly defined. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. S IEM45041 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM4508I VARIABLE zzzz IS USED IN LINE NUMBER xxx BEFORE IT IS INITIALIZED. IT HAS BEEN GIVEN NULL STRING OR ZERO VALUE. Programmer Response: Check DO statement and reattempt compilation. If the input/output error persits, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: A value must be assigned to variables before they are ref erenced after being declared. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI ~essages.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. T IEM4!>05I • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP OD statement was included for the failing job step. DD STATEMENT FOR INCLUDE zzzz . MISSING IN LINE NUMBER xxx. PROCESSING TERMIN~TED. Explanation: A DD statement must be present, in the Job Control cards for the compilation, with a name in the name field that corresponds to the ddname identifier in the INCLUDE statement. If no ddname is specified in the INCLUDE statement, a SYSLIB DO statement is required. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insert appropriate DD statement and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the . following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP= (PIE, ZZ) ,f to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. I/O ERROR WHILE SEARCHING FOR MEMBER OF INCLUDE zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx. PROCESSING TERMINATED. UNRECOVER~BLE • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM4511I ILLEGAL RECORD FORMAT SPECIFIED FOR INCLUDE zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Explanation: Included records must be a fixed length of not more than 100 characters with a maximum blocking factor of 5. Blocksize must be a multiple of the record length. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,OP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 463 statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using lMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source progra.m listing available. T IEM45141 • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP .. MEMBER OF INCLUDE zzzz IN LINE NUMBER :u:xx NOT FOUND ON DATA SET4 PROCESSING TERMINATED. Progra.mmer ResQonse: Probable user error. Check INCLUDE statement, DD statemen1:. and data file. 1:1: the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: o o • Have the associated job s·tream and source program listing available. W IEM45201 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct blocksize specification in DD statement, if necessary.. If the problem recurs, do the following befor·e calling IBM for programming support: Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of 1:.he compiler. (Refer to the comments which prec,ede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was incl~ded for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM45171 • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using lMASPZAP. RECORD LENGTH NOT SPECIFIED FOR INCLUDE zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx. RECORD LENGTH EQUAL TO BLOCKSIZE HAS BEEN ASSUMED .. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct record length specification in DD statement, if necessary. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer ·to the comments which precede all 'the IEMnnnnI messag'es.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job BLOCKSIZE NOT SPECIFIED FOR INCLUDE zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx.. BLOCKSIZE EQUAL TO RECORD LENGTH HAS BEEN ASSUMED .. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. W IEM45231 RECORD LENGTH AND BLOCKSIZE NOT SPECIFIED FOR INCLUDE zzzz IN LINE NUMBER xxx. RECORD LENGTH OF 80 AND BLOCKSIZE OF 400 HAVE BEEN ASSUMED .. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct record length and block size specifications in DD statement, if necessary.. I f the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), t"o 6btain a <~ 464 Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement, was included for the failing job step. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM45261 • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM45321 I/O ERROR WHILE READING TEXT INCLUDED FROM zzzz AT LINE NUMBER xxx. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Explanation: Input record contains more than 100 characters. Programmer Response: Check DO statement and reattempt compilation. If the input/output error persists, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: If the input/output error persists, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM45351 T IEM45291 IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION. EXCESSIVE LEVEL OF NESTING OR REPLACEMENT AT LINE NUMBER xxx. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Explanation: Level of nesting in this case is calculated by summing the number of current unbalanced left parentheses, the number of current nested DO's, the number of current nested IF's, and the number of current nested replacements. A level of 50 is always acceptable. INPUT RECORD AT LINE NUMBER xxx IS TOO LONG. PROCESSING TERMINATED. INPUT RECORD CONTAINS FEWER CHARACTERS THAN SORMGIN REQUIRES. PROCESSING TERMINATED. Explanation: The length of the input record is less than the left margin of the SORMGIN specification. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check SORMGIN option on EXEC control card. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 465 CONTAINS COMPILE TIME CODE. PROCESSING TERMINATED. • Recompile the program with compiler optIons 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ), to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler. (Refer to the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messaqes.) Explanation: Compile-time code may not be embedded in argument list of compile-time procedure reference. . Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSUDUMP DO statement, was included for the failing job step. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)' to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler.. (Refer t.o the comments which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.) • obtain a listing of module IEMAF (in SYS1.LINKLIB) using IMASPZAP. • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. T IEM45471 COMPILER ERROR. INSUFFICIENT SPACE FOR TABLES. system Action: terminated • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM45591 Processing is Programmer Response: ])0 the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: The argument list referred to is in a source program reference to a compile-time procedure. • Recompile the program with compiler options 'S,DP=(PIE,ZZ)'to obtain a formatted dump of the compiler.. (Refer to the comments Which precede all the IEMnnnnI messages.)" Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before callinq IBM for programming support: • Have the associated job stream and source program listing available. E IEM45501 RIGHT PARENTHESIS INSERTED IN LINE NUMBER xxx TO END ARGUMENT LIST FOR PROCEDURE zzzz. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM45621 Explanation: The argument list referred to is in a source program reference to a compile-time procedure. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before callIng IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing availableG 466 IN LINE NUMBER xxx ARGUMENT LIST FOR PROCEDURE zzzz IDENTIFIER IN LINE NUMBER xxx EXCEEDS 31 CHARACTERS. REPLACEMENT WAS DONE ON TRUNCATED FORM zzzz. Exp!,anation: A non-compile-time source text identifier consists of more than 31 characters. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct p:rqgram and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: T IEM45531 LEFT PARENTHESIS BEGINNING ARGUMENT LIST OF PROCEDURE zzzz WAS NOT FOUND. PROCEDURE WAS INVOKED AT LINE NUMBER xxx WITHOUT ARGUMENTS. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM45701 THE THIRD ARGUMENT OF BUILT-IN FUNCTION SUBSTR IS NEGATIVE, IN LINE NUMBER xxx. A NULL STRING HAS BEEN RETURNED. xxx. A NULL STRING HAS BEEN RETURNED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM4572I • Have the source program listing available. S IEM4580I THE THIRD ARGUMENT OF BUILT-IN FUNCTION SUBSTR EXCEEDS THE STRING LENGTH, IN LINE NUMBER xxx. THE SUBSTRING HAS BEEN TRUNCATED AT THE END OF THE ORIGINAL STRING. AN UNINITIALISED VARIABLE HAS BEEN FOUND IN A BUILT-IN FUNCTION ARGUMENT LIST, IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx. A NULL STRING HAS BEEN RETURNED. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Initialise the variable before invoking the built-in function. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error,. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. • Have the source program listing available. E IEM4574I THE COMBINED SECOND AND THIRD ARGUMENTS OF BUILT-IN FUNCTION SUBSTR EXCEED THE STRING LENGTH, IN LINE NUMBER xxx. THE SUBSTRING HAS BEEN TRUNCATED AT THE END OF THE ORIGINAL STRING. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM4576I THE SECOND ARGUMENT OF BUILT-IN FUNCTION SUBSTR, IS LESS THAN ONE, IN LINE NUMBER xxx. ITS VALUE HAS BEEN RESET TO ONE. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct program and recompile. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the source program listing available. E IEM4578I THE SECOND ARGUMENT OF BUILT-IN FUNCTION SUBSTR EXCEEDS THE STRING LENGTH, IN LINE NUMBER Object-Time Diagnostic Messages The messages in the following text may be printed on the output data set specified for SYSPRINT, as the result of an exceptional or error condition occurring during the execution of a PL/I program. If the SYSPRINT DD statement is absent, then theobj'ect-time messages appear on the operator'S console, except for the ON CHECK system action messages and the copy option output, which will not be produced at all in this case. Each message number is of the form IHEnnnI, where the code IHE indicates a PL/I library message, and nnn the number of the message. The final character I indicates the informative nature of the message, .. Diagnostic messages are printed at execution time for two main reasons: 1. An error occurs for which no specific ON-condition exists in PL/I. A diagnostic message is printed, and the ERROR ON-condition is raised. 2. An ON-condition is raised, by compiled code or by the library, and the action required is system action, for which the language specifies COMMENT as part of the necessary action. Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 467 Object time diagnostic messages will take one of the following forms: 5. Use Linkage Editor options 'LIST,MAP', or Linkage Loader options 'PRINT,MAP'. 1. IHEnnnI FILE name - text AT location message 6. Specify MSGLEVEL=(l,l) on job statement. 2. IHEnnnI rtname - text AT location message 7. Include a SYSABEND DD statement for the failing job step. 3. lHEnnnI text AT location message where 'name' is the name of the file associated with the error (given only in 1/0 diagnostic messages) 'rtname' is the name of the Library routine in which the error occurred (given only for computational subroutines). 'location message' is either Note: If the shared library feature is in use, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Obtain a list of the options specified in the PL1LIB macro used during system generation. • Obtain a Linkage Editor Map of the resident shared library module IHELTVA. IHE0031 OFFSET ± hhhhh FROM ENTRY POINT E1 This message will always contain a statement number whether or not the compiler option is specified. or OFFSET ± hhhhh FROM ENTRY POINT OF ccce ON-UNIT Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Note: If it is a Model 91 or tJlodel 195 message resulting from an imprecise interrupt, "AT OFFSET..... is replaced by "NEAR OFFSET..... since the instruction causing the interrupt cannot be precisely identified,. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the I'~RROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the faiiing job step. If the statement number compilel~ option has been specified, each message wl.Il also contain IN STATEMENT nnnnn pri or to AT location message. nnIlnn gives the number of the statement in which the condition occurred. The diagnostic messages for other than ON-type errors are mainly self-explanatory. Explanations in the following lists are given only when the message is not self-explanatory. • ijave the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. To assist error determination, use diagnostic aids during debugging rlms: 1. Enable SIZE, SUBSCRIPTRANGE" STRINGRANGE conditions. 2. Do not disable any of the conditions: CONVERSION, FIXEDOVERFLOW, OVERFLOW, UNDERFLOW, ZERODIVIDE. 3. Insert an on-unit for the ERROR condition in the Main Procedure, and incl ude a PL1DUMP DD statemenlt for the failing job step. For example: ON ERROR SNAP CALL IHEDUMP: 4. Recompile prl)gram with compiler options 'ST,A,X,L'. 468 SOURCE PROGRAM ERROR IN STATEMENT nnnnn IHE0041 INTERRUPT IN ERROR HANDLER PROGRAM TERMINATED Explanation: When an unexpected program interrupt occurs during the handling of another program interrupt, it indicates that the program has a disastrous error in it, such as DSA chain out of order, instructions overwritten, or such. The program is abnormally terminated, and the above message is printed out at the console. A dump is produced with a User completion Code of 4000. console. A return code of 4008 is gener<;lted. Programmer Response: After making corrections, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: After making corrections, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specifi.ed in the job statement, and that a SYSABEND DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSABEND DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. • Have the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0091 lHEOOSI PSEUDO-REGISTER VECTOR TOO LONG - PROGRAM NOT EXECUTED Explanation: Execution has been abnormally terminated with a system dump and a system completion code of (3000 + Return code (if set» Explanation: This error arises when the sum of the number of procedures, the number of files, and the number of controlled variables exceeds 1000. It causes return to the supervisor from IHESAPi PL/I program is not entered. rhe message always appears at the console. A return code of 4004 is generated. Programmer Response: After making corrections, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ~rammerResponse: After making corrections, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSABEND DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0061 NO MAIN PROCEDURE. TERMINATED. PROGRAM Explanation: No external procedure in the program has been given the option MAIN. This message appears at the IHEDUM*. NO PL1DUMP DD CARD. EXECUTION TERMINATED. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSABEND DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0101 PROGRAM ENDED BY OS360. RETURN CODE = hhh (a hexadecimal number) • Explanation: The major task has been terminated abnormally by the operating system. The above message appears on the console. Programmer Response: After making corrections, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 469 recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: After making corrections, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSABEND DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=Cl,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSABEND DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHEOll1 • Have the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. KEY ERROR WHEN CLOSING FILE AT END OF TASK Explanation: An unresolved key error exists for which no condition can now be raised~ The above message appears on the console. IHE0131 Explanation: Insufficient main storage available for the PL/I STAE exit routine to load the routine which analyzes the ABEND termination. Message appears on the console. Programmer Response: After making corrections, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: After making corrections, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSABEND DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=Cl,l) was specified in the job statement, and that a SYSABEND DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0121 470 • Have the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. jjj ABENDED[IN STMT nnnnn] [AT OFFSET xxxxxx] [FROM ENTRY POINT ppp] WITH CC xxx {(SYSTEM)ICUSER)} Explanation: Job jjj was terminated by the operating system with completion code xxx, if (SYSTEM) is printed. (USER) is printed if the termination was due to a user specified ABEND. STMT nnnnn is the statement number, which was the last to be executed before the ABEND took place. xxx xxx is the offset from the entry point specified. Message may appear on SYSPRINT if OPEN and not in ERROR, or on the console. NO MAIN STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR PL/I STAE EXIT I/O Errors IHE0181 FILE name - FILE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED IHE0201 FILE name - ATTEMPT TO READ OUTPUT FILE IHE0211 FILE name - ATTEMPT TO WRITE INPUT FILE IHE0221 GET/PUT STRING EXCEEDS STRING SIZE Explanation: For input: programmer has requested more than exists on the input string. For output: programmer is trying to write more than his output string will hold. Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0241 FILE name - PRINT OPTION/FORMAT ITEM FOR NON-PRINT FILE Explanation: Attempt to use PAGE, LINE or SKIP S 0 for a non-print file. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that th~re is an active on-unit i~ the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0231 • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. FILE name - OUTPUT TR~NSMIT ERROR NOT ACCEPTABLE Explanation: The ERROR is raised, (i) upon return from a TRANSMIT ON-unit, if the device in error is other than a printer, or (ii) if access to a file by RECORD I/O has been attempted after the TRANSMIT condition has been raised for output. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again.. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: IHE0251 DISPLAY - MESSAGE OR REPLY AREA LENGTH ZERO Explanation: This message appears only if the REPLY option is exercised. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again.. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage ~ppendix K: Diagnostic Messages 471 IHE026I FILE name - DATA DIRECTED INPUT - INVALID ARRAY DATUM Explanation: Number of subscripts on external medium does not correspond to number of declared subscripts. • Have the associated job stream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0291 Explanation: Programmer has executed an I/O statement with an option or verb not applicable to the specified file. Programmer Response! Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again.. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: For example: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. GET STRING - UNRECOGNIZABLE DATA NAME GET DATA - name of data item found in string is not known at the time of the GET statement, or 2. GET DATA data list - name of data item found in string is not specified in the list. 472 READ SETI LOCA'J.1E DIRECT I (SEQUENTIAL UNBUFFERED) KEYTO REGIONAL DIRECT LINESIZEI PAGESIZE STREAM (INPUT I UPDATE) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that the:re is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the 'NAME condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. File Attribute Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again,. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: 1. I/O Option or Verb (SEQUENTIAL REWRITE (without FROM) I INPUT! OUTPUT! UPDATE) I EXCLUSIVE I (DIRECT INPUT! UNLOCK I (READ NOLOCK) OUTPUT) • Have the associatecl jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0271 FILE name - UNSUPPORTED FILE OPERATION • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0301 FILE name - REWRITE/DELETE NOT IMMEDIATELY PRECEDED BY READ Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0321 • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. Explanation: When a record is read from an INDEXED file which contains blocked records and which is open for DIRECT UPDATE, the record must be rewritten. Between the READ statement and the associated REWRITE statement, no other operation may be performed on the file. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available& IHE0311 Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again,. I f the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: FILE name- INEXPLICABLE I/O ERROR Explanation: Operating system data management has detected some error in the current input/output operation. The message could be caused by one of the following: 1. 2. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDOMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. INDEXED data set with F-format records: a previously created data set was reopened for sequential output and the key of the record to be added was not higher in the collating sequence than that of the last key on the data set. An input/output error occurred for which no information was supplied by data management. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage FILE name - OUTSTANDING READ FOR UPDATE EXISTS • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0331 FILE name - NO COMPLETED READ EXISTS (INCORRECT NCP VALUE) Explanation: This message may be issued because the correct NCP value has not been specified or it may be due to incorrect source code. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDOMP and that a PL1DUMP Appendix K: Diagnostic M~ssages 473 DD statement was included for the failing job step. IHE0361 Explanation: There has been a failure in an implicit OPEN operation. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE034I Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: FILE name - TOO MANY INCOMPLETE I/O OPERATIONS Explanation: The number of incomplete I/O operations equals the NCP value. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After maki.ng correction, recompile the program and execute thE! job step again. If the problem recurs, do the fQllowing before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the jc)b statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that loIlSGLEVEL= (1,1) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0371 FILE name - EVENT VARIABLE ALREADY IN USE Programmer Response: Probable user error.. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. 474 FILE name - ATTEMPT TO REWRITE OUT OF SEQUENCE Explanation: An intervening I/O statement occurs between a READ statement and a REWRITE statement referring to the same record. • Have the associatecl jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0351 FILE name - IMPLICIT OPEN FAILURE, CANNOT PROCEED • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE0381 FILE name - ENDFILE FOUND UNEXPECTEDLY IN MIDDLE OF DATA ITEM. I/O ON-conditions All these conditions may be raised by the SIGNAL statement,. Explanation: The ERROR condition is raised when end-of-file is encountered before the delimiter when scanning list-directed or data-directed input, or if the field width in the format list of edit-directed input would take the scan beyond the end-of-file,. IHE1001 Explanation: Initiating ON-condition: Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: FILE name - ATTEMPT TO CLOSE FILE NOT OPENED IN CURRENT TASK • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available~ 1. GET DATA - name of data item found on external medium is not known at the time of the GET statement, or 2. GET DATA data list - name of data item found on external medium is not specified in the list. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: NAME Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. IHE0391 FILE name - UNRECOGNIZABLE DATA NAME • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1101 FILE name - RECORD CONDITION SIGNALED Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 415 DD statement was included for the failing job step. record with one of greater size. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correo-tion" recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHEll1I FILE name - RECORD VARIABLE SMALLER THAN RECORD SIZE fxplanation: The variable specified in the READ statement INTO option allows fewer characters than exist in the record. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. F format records: a WRITE statement attempts to put a record smaller than the record size. All formats: a REWRITE attempts 1:0 replace a record with one of smaller size. (Note: This condition cannot be detected for U-format records read for UNBUFFERED or DIREC~ files.) • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE113I Programmer Response: Probable user error. Af·ter making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: A WRITE or REWRITE statement attempts to put out a record of zero length, or a LOCATE statement attempts to get buffer space for a record of zero length; such records are used for end·-of-file markers for direct access storage devices. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition \V'hich calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If ,the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE112I FILE name - RECORD VARIABLE LARGER THAN RECORD SIZE ExPlanation: The variable specified in the READ statement INTO option requires more characters than exist in the record; or a WRITE statement attempts to put out a record greater than the available record size: or a REWRITE statement attempts to replace a 476 ATTEMPT TO WRITE/LOCATE ZERO LENGTH RECORD • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHEl141 FILE name - ZERO LENGTH RECORD READ Explanation: A record of zero length has been read from a REGIONAL data set accessed in the DIRECT mode. This should not occur, unless the data set was created by another processor. A zero length record, on a direct access device, is an end-of-file signal., IHE1211 Explanation: Initiating ON-condition: TRANSMIT Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again.. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: ' • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1201 • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1221 Explanation: Initiating ON-CONDITION: TRANSMIT Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. FILE name - TRANSMIT CONDITION SIGNALED Programmer ResEonse: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: FILE name - PERMANENT INPUT ERROR • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. FILE name - PERMANENT OUTPUT ERROR • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1301 FILE name - KEY CONDITION SIGNALED Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 477 step again. If the problem recurs, do ·the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the followi.ng before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, :Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1321 FILE name - ATTEMPT TO ADD DUPLICATE KEY Expl~natio~: WRITE statement specified a key value which already exists within data set. 478 2. REGIONAL data sets: detected only for REGIONAL (1) and (2) SEQUENTIAL output. • Make sure that .MSGLEVEL= (1,1) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and ·that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. FILE name - KEYED RECORD NOT FOUND Explanation: READ, REWRITE, or DELETE statement specified record key which does not match with records of data set. If REGIONAL (2) or (3) data sets are employed, and the DO statement parameter LIMCT is used, then the record does not exist within the number of records or tracks searched, but may exist elsewhere. INDEXED data sets: detected for both SEQUENTIAL and DIRECT access. Programmer Response: Probablc~ user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1311 1. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1331 FILE name - KEY SEQUENCE ERROR Explanation: WRITE statement specified, during creation of data set (OUTPUT SEQUENTIAL), a key Which for: 1. INDEXED data sets is lower in binary collating sequence than prior key 2. REGIONAL relative value is of prior data sets the record/track lower than that. key. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. not match that of the original record. 2. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE13LH (B)'l'B. FILE name - KEY CONVERSION ERROR Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Explanation: WRITE, READ, REWRITE, or DELETE statement for REGIONAL data set specified character string key value whose relative record/track partition contains characters other than blank or the digits o through 9, or which contains only the character blank. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(1,1) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. Programmer Respgnse: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE13SJC FILE name - KEY SPECIFICATION ERROR EJg?lanation: 1. INDEXED: the KEYFROM or KEY expression may be the NULL string. Alternatively, RKP does not equal zero and the embedded key is not identical with that specified by the KEY FROM option (or the KEY option in the case of a rewrite statement). A third possibility is that an attempt has been made during SEQUENTIAL UPDATE to replace a record by one whose embedded key does REGIONAL: as for INDEXED, or initial character of KEY or KEYFROM expression value is the value • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE136I FILE name - KEYED RELATIVE RECORD/TRACK OUTSIDE DATA SET LIMIT Explanation: WRITE" READ, REWRITE, or DELETE statement for REGIONAL data set specified a key whose relative record/track value exceeds the number of records or tracks assigned to the data set. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 479 jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1371 FILE name .- NO SPACE AVAILABLE TO ADD KEYED RECORD IHE1501 Explanation: WRITE s"tatement attempted to add reco:rd, but data set was full.. I:f REGIONAL (2) or (3) data set, condition is raised if space within optional limits (DD parameter LIMCT) is unavailable. Explanation: Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFINEDFILE Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer R~se: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-Unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL={l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. FILE name - CANNOT BE OPENED, NO DD CARD • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1511 FILE name - CONFLICTING DECLARE AND OPEN ATTRIBUTES IHE1401 FILE name - END OF FILE ENCOUNTERED Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFINEDFILE Explanation: Initiating ON-condition: ENDFILE Programmer Response:. Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for pro9ramrning support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-·unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated 480 There is a conflict between the declared PL/I file attributes. For example: Attribute Conflicting Attributes PRINT INPUT, UPDATE, RECORD, DIRECT, SEQUENTIAL, TRANSIENT, BACKWARDS, BUFFERED, UNBUFFERED, EXCLUSIVE, KEYED STREAM UPDATE, RECORD, DIRECTi TRANSIENT, SEQUENTIAL, BACKWARDS, BUFFERED, UNBUFFERED, EXCLUSIVE, KEYED EXCLUSIVE INPUT, OUTPUT, SEQUENTIAL, TRANSIENT, BACKWARDS, BUFFERED, UNBUFFERED DIRECT SEQUENTIAL, TRANSIENT, BACKWARDS, BUFFERED, UNBUFFERED UPDATE INPUT, OUTPUT, BACKWARDS, TRANSIENT OUTPUT INPUT, BACKWARDS BUFFERED UNBUFFERED Finally, a group of alternate attributes has one of the group as a default. The default is implied if none of the group is specified explicitly or is implied by other attributes or by the opening I/O statement. The groups of alternates are: Default Some attributes may have been supplied when a file is opened implicitly. Example of attributes implied by I/O statements are: I/O statement Implied-Attributes DELETE RECORD, DIRECT, UPDATE GET INPUT LOCATE RECORD, OUTPUT, SEQUENTIAL, BUFFERED PUT OUTPUT READ RECORD, INPUT REWRITE RECORD, UPDATE UNLOCK RECORD, DIRECT, UPDATE, EXCLUSIVE WRITE RECORD., OUTPUT STREAM! REC ORO STREAM INPUT! OUTPUT I UPDATE INPUT SEQUENTIAL I DIRECT! TRANSIENT (RECORD files) SEQUENTIAL BUFFEREDIUNBUFFERED (SEQUENTIAL files) BUFFERED Programmer Response: Probable U$er error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. In turn, certain attributes may imply other attributes: IHE1521 FILE name - FILE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED Attribut~ Implied Attributes BACKWARDS RECORD, SEQUENTIAL, INPUT Explanation: BUFFERED RECORD, SEQUENTIAL Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFINEDFILE DIRECT RECORD, KEYED EXCLUSIVE RECORD, KEYED, DIRECT, UPDATE KEYED RECORD PRINT OUTPUT, STREAM SEQUENTIAL RECORD UNBUFFERED RECORD, SEQUENTIAL UPDATE RECORD The user has attempted to associate a paper-tape device with a file that does not have the INPUT attribute. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 481 lHE1531 • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the :job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. FILE name - BLOCKSIZE NOT SPECIFIED IHE1551 Explanation: Explanation: Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFlNEDFILE Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFINEDFILE Block size not specified on DD card, nor on environm(~:nt. However, will never occur for PRINT file, because default block size is assumedo A REGIONAL data set, opened for DIRECT OUTPUT, cannot be properly formatted during the open process. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PLIDUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1561 IHE1541 FILE name - UNDEFINEDFILE CONDITION SIGNALED Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: 482 FILE name - ERROR INITIALIZING REGIONAL DATA SET FILE name - CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE AND ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS Explanation: Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFINEDFILE Examples of conflicting parameters NAME block size is assumed. are: ENVIRONMENT Parameter No file organization parameter Track overflow was specified in the 00 statement of a REGIONAL(3) file using U- or V-format records. 4. Track overflow was specified in the ENV attribute of a REGIONAL(3) file using U- or V-format records. The compile-time message was ignored. KEYED INDEXEDIREGIONAL STREAM CONSECUTIVE DIRECTI EXCLUSIVE INDEXED DIRECT OUTPUT programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: INDEXEDIREGIONAL OUTPUT without KEYED Blocked records 3. File Attribute UNBUFFERED V-format records BACKWARDS Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE1581 FILE name - KEYLENGTH NOT SPECIFIED Explanation: • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE15'7I FILE name - CONFLICTING ENVIRONMENT AND/OR DO PARAMETERS Explanation: Initiating ON-condition: UNOEFINEOFILE One of the following conflicts exists: 1. 2. F-format records have not been specified for a REGIONAL(l) or REGIONAL(2) file. Blocked records have been specified with a REGIONAL file. Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFINEDFILE A keylength has not been specified for an INDEXED, REGIONAL(2), or REGIONAL(3) file that is being opened for OUTPUT. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 483 IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. IHE160I Explanation: • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE159I Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFINEDFILE The implementation-defined maximum linesize is: FILE name - INCORRECT BLOCKSIZE AND/OR LOGICAL RECORD SIZE IN STATElmNT NUMBER xxx ExPlanation: Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFlNEDFILE F~format a. b. 2. a. records The specified block size is less than the logical record length. records The specified block size is less than the logical record length The logical record length is less than 14 for a RECORD file or 15 for a STREAM file. Proqrammer Responsel Probable user error. After making correction, recompile t:he program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for progra~ng support: • ·Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that the:re is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Ed:ltor /Loader Map and program listing available. 484 V-format records 32751 • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. + 4. b. 32759 • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. The specified block size is not a multiple of the logical record length. V~format F-format records Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: One of the following situations exists: 1. FILE name - LlNESIZE GREATER THAN IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED MAXIMUM LENGTH IHE161I FILE name - CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE AND DO PARAMETERS Explanation: Initiating ON-condition: UNDEFINEDFILE The user has attempted to associate a file with the BACKWARDS attribute with a device that is not a magnetic tape device • Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program. and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEOUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE2031 Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs" do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. computational Errors lHE2001 rtname - X LE 0 IN SQRTeX) • Mqke sure that MSGLEVEL=el,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. Programmer Respo~ Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the progr~m and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=el,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE2041 rtname - ABSeX) GE e2**50>*K IN TAN (X) eK=PI) OR TANDeX) eK=180) Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE2021 rtname - ABSeX) GE e2**50)*K IN SINeX) OR COS(X) (K=PI) OR SINO(X) OR COSDeX) eK=180) rtname - X LE 0 IN LOGeX) OR OR LOG10ex) LO~2eX) • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=el,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR qondition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correct,ion, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=el,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE2061 rtname - X=Y=O IN ATANCY,X) AND ATANDCY,X) Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 485 DD statement was included for the failing job step. step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=e1,1) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available .. IHE2101 Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. lHE2081 rtname :- ABS(X) GT 1 IN ATANHeX) Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile ·the program and execute th·e job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=e1,1) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE2091 rtname - X=O, Y LE 0 IN X**Y Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=e1,1) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP 486 rtname - X=O, Y NOT POSITIVE REAL IN X**Y • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=e1,1) was specified in the job :statement, and that -there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE2111 rtname - Z=+I OR -I IN ATAN(Z) OR Z=+l OR -1 IN ATANH(Z) Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE2:L2I rtname - ABS(X) GE (2**18)*K IN SIN(X) OR COS (X) (K=PI) OR SIND (X) OR COSO (X) (K=180) Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job 'step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE213I rtname - ABS(X) GEe2**18)*K IN TANeX) (K=PI) OR TAND(X) (K=180) Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=el,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. List of Routine Names IHESQS Short float square root IHELNS Short float logarithm IHETNS Short float tangent IHEATS Short float arctan IHESNS Short float sine and cosine IHEHTS Short float hyperbolic arctan IHESQL Long float square root IHELNL Long float logarithm IHETNL Long float tangent IHEATL Long float arctan IHESNL Long float sine and cosine IHEHTL Long float hyperbolic arctan IHEXIS Short float integer exponentiation IHEXIL Long float integer exponentiation IHEXXS Short float general exponentiation IHEXXL Long float general exponentiation IHEXIW Short float complex integer exponentiation IHEXIZ Long float complex integer exponentiation IHEXXW Short float complex general exponentiation IHEXXZ Long float complex general exponentiation IHEATW Short float complex arctan and hyperbolic arctan IHEATZ Long float complex arctan and hyperbolic arctan Computational ON-Conditions • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. All these conditions may be raised by the SIGNAL statement. IHE300I OVERFLOW Explanation: This condition is raised, by Library routines or by compiled code, when the Appendix K: Diagnostic Messages 487 exponent of a floating-point number exceeds the perndtted maximum, as defined by implementation. Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE3201 Explanation: This condition is raised, by Library routines or by compiled code, when the result of a fixed-point binary or decimal operation exceeds the maximum field width as defined by implementation. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • l.\.1ake sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEOUMP and that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEOUMP and that a PL10UMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE3101 SIZE Explanation: This condition is raised, by Library routines or by compiled code, when assignment is attempted where the number to be assigned will not fit into the target field. This condition can be raised by allowing the fixed overflow interrupt to occur on account of SIZE. If associated with I/O, then "FILE name" will be inserted between the mE:!ssage number and the text. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEOUMP and ,that a PL1DUMP DO statement was included for the failing job step. • Ha'Te the associated jobstream, LinkagE~ 488 FIXEDOVERFLOW • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available., IHE3301 ZERODIVIOE Explanation: This condition is raised, by Library routines or by compiled code, when an attempt is made to divide by zero w or when the quotient exceeds the preqision allocated for the result of a division. The condition can be raised by hardware interrupt or by special coding. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL10UMP is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the STRINGRANGE condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included' for the failing job step. DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE3LWI UNDERFLOW EXQlanation: This condition is raised, by Library routines or by compiled code, when the exponent of a floating-point number is smaller than the implementation-defined mimimum. The condition does not occur when equal floating-point numbers are subtracted. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. IHE360I Explanation: There is not enough room in the area in which to allocate the based variable. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: IHE35tOI AREA CONDITION RAISED IN ALLOCATE STATEMENT Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again.. I f the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for programming support: • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the UNDERFLOW condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) was specified in the job statement, and that there is an active on-unit in the Main procedure for the ERROR condition which calls IHEDUMP and that a PL1DUMP DD statement was included for the failing job step. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Edi'tor/Loader Map and program listing available. • Have the associated jobstream, Linkage Editor/Loader Map and program listing available. STRINGRANGE Explanation: This condition is raised by library routines when an invalid reference by the SUBSTR built-in function or pseudo-variable has been detected. Programmer Response: Probable user error. After making correction, recompile the program and execute the job step again. If the problem recurs, do the following before calling IBM for pro
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