GC28 6631 13_OS_360_R21.7_Messages_and_Codes_Apr73 13 OS 360 R21.7 Messages And Codes Apr73

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File No. 8360-20

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/360 Operating System:
Messages and Codes
08 Release 21.7



This publication lists, explains, and suggests appropriate
responses to the system completion codes, wait state
codes, and messages produced by IBM-supplied components
of the IBM System/360 Operating System. The codes and
messages are presented in alphameric order.


Page ofGC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL: GN28-2598

Thirteenth Edition (April, 1973)

This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC28-6631-12. See
the Summary of Amendments following the Contents. Changes
or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a
vertical line to the left of the change.
This edition with Technical Newsletter GN28-2598 applies to
release 21. 7 of IBM System/360 Operating System and to all
subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or
Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the
information herein; before using this publication in connection
with the last est IBM System/360 andSystem/370 Bibliography
GA22-6822, for the editions that are applicable and current.


Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to
your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving
your locality.
A form for readers comments is privided at the back of this
publication. If the form has been removed, comments may
be addressed to IBM Corporation, Publications Development
Department D58, Building 706-2, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie,
N. Y. 12602. Comments become the property of IBM.

0J. "

Technical Newsletter


This Newsletter No. GN28-2598
Date April 30, 1975
Base Publication No. GC28-6631-13
File No. S360-20 (aS ReI. 21.7)
Previous Newsletters


IBM System/360 Operating System:
Messages and Codes
© IBM Corp. 1966,1967,1968,1969,1970,1971,1972,1973

This Technical Newsletter, a part of as release 21.7, provides replacement pages
for the subject publication. These replacement pages remain in effect for subsequent
releases unless specifically altered. Pages to be inserted and/or removed are:
Front Cover, Edition Notice
39 - 48
57 - 60
93 - 96
163 - 182.2
187 - 194
243 - 246
251 - 254
261 - 264



329 - 332
339 - 342
387 - 392
437- 442
461 - 464
479 - 484
641 - 646
713 - 714

A change to the text or to an illustration is indicated by a vertical line to the left of
the change. Some pages without changes were reprinted in order to decrease the
number of page inserts .


Summary of Amendments
New messages have been added and deletions were made to some of the existing .
messages. Updates were made to the routing and descriptor Codes Chart to reflect
the latest changes.


Note: Please file this cover letter at the back of the manual to provide a record
of changes.
IBM Corporation, Publications Development, Department 058, Building 706-2,
PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, New York 12602

Corp. 1975

Printed in U.S.A.




This publication lists the system
completion codes, wait state codes, and
messages produced by IB~-supplied
components of the operating system. The
causes of the codes and messages are
explained, the accompanying actions by the
operating system are described, and
appropriate responses are suggested. The
codes and messages are presented in
alphameric order.

Those publications that introduce
concepts and terminology relevant to all
messages are:
IBM System/360 Operatinq system:
Data Management Services, GC26-3746
Job Control Language Reference, GC28-6704

This publication contains some messages
that appear in other publications and are
duplicated in this publication, and some
messages that appear in this publication
only. Those publications that contain
messages or that serve as references to
specific messages are listed at the
beginning of their appropriate message
sections in this publication.

Operator's Procedures, GC28-6692
Operator's Reference, GC28-6691
Programmer's Guide to Debugging.,
supervisor Services and Macro
Instructions, GC28-6646






Messages 'Codes (Release 21.7)


Summary of Amendments
Release 21.7 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Release 21 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10
Release 20.6 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10
Introduction ............................................... _...... ...... • • .............. 11
Part I:
Part II:

System Completion Codes ............................................ 13
Wait state Codes........................................................... 63
Uncoded Wait State.................................................... 73
Loops ....................................................... 75

Part III: Numbered Messages ........... ,....... • ...... ........... •• ••• • ...... .... 77
(Independent Utility lotlessages) •••• ·.........................., ...... .o . . . 79
Error Messages for IBCDASDI (DASDI)
and IBCDMPRS (DUMP/RESTORE) .............. ,.................
Diagnostic Messages for Independent Utilities .................. 82
Error Messages for IBCRCVRP (RECOVER/REPLACE) •••••.,............. 86
lEA (Supervisor Messages) .................................................... 89
Input/output.Supervisor Messages (1) .............................. 89
Supervisor Messages ............................................. 92
ABEND Messages ................ o. ••• • •• • .... • • • • •• ... • • • .... •• • • • •• 92
NUCLEUS Initialization Program (NIP) Messages .... .o • • • • • • • • • • • 94
Rollout/Rollin Messages ...................................... '•••• 105
Input/Output supervisor Messages (2) ............
(Data Set Utility Messages) ..................................... I I I
IEBEDIT Program Messages..................................... ..... •• •• I I I
IEBCOPY Program Messages .............................................. '114
IEBCOMPR Program Messages ........................................ 125
IEBGENER Program Messages... .•• •• • ... .... • ......... •.• ............. ...... 131
IEBPTPCH Program Messages................... .•• • • • • • • • • • •• ... • • •• 137
IEBUPDAT Program Messages.............................................. 141
IEBISAM Program Messages ................... ,••••.• ,. • " • •.• • ..... • •• 143
IEBDG Progrant Messages ..................................... '.... • •.•.• 144
IEBUPDTE Program Messages......................................... 149
IEBTCRlN Program Messages' ....................... ,•••• ,.. • • • • • • •• 155
(Data Management Messages) •••••• ~ ............................... 159
End-of-volume Messages ................................ ,............ 159
Open Messages ••.••••••.•••••••••••.•••••
Close Messages .................................. ,.. ... • ...... •.••••• •.• •.• 185
Password security Messages ......................................... 193
Checkpoint/Restart Messages ...................... ,. • •• • • .• • • ••• 193
Direct Access Device Space Management (DADSM) Messages ........ 194
Tape Label Creation Messages ••••••••••• '••• 0.. • • • •.• • • • •.• • • • •• 194
BTAM/ QTAM Messages ••••
lED (Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM) Messages)........... 199
lEE (Master SCheduler Messages) .......................................... 225
IEF (Job Scheduler Messages) ••••••• ~ ................. ,............... 271
IEH , indicating the reason for the wait
state. Unless otherwise specified, the wait state
is to be interpreted by the cperator and handled
according to the operator response given for the
Part II also contains diagnostics and
corrective actions for uncoded wait states and
Part III contains nun:bered messages produced by
IBM-supplied components of the System! 360
Operating system.
Numbered messages are grouped
by component name and listed in numeric order.
Part IV contains the unnumbered messages
produced by IBM-supplied ccmponents. They are
grouped alphabetically according to issuing
component name and are listed alphabetically
within their respective groups.
Part V contains the rwting and descriptor
codes for applicable messages. Messages and their
routing and descriptor codes are tabularized and
grouped by component nan:e; and within each table,
they are listed in alphaIreric order.
Part VI contains problem determination
information. Where applicable, the documentation
for messages and codes will identify common
problem determination actions by referring to the
action lists in Part VI, or by identifying unique

Int roduct ion




Messages & Codes (Release 21.7>




system Completion Codes




Messages & Codes (Release 21.7)


Completion Code Summary (Part 1 of 10)


I Group

I tion
I Code

1Cperation or
IMacro Instruction


1 Explanation









I I/O error; terminate specified or no SYNAD specified







I Record is greater than 32,768 bytes; exceeds maximum track









I length or stated blocksize; could not be contained in one
I extent; too many tracks specified for cylinder overflow;
I or BDW or RDW (SDW) invalid.
I 3525 associated data set I/O macro sequence error.


I Invalid FORMAT card or invalid device specified with OMR.



I Conflicting or invalid DCB parameter.


I Data protection image not present in SYS1.IMAGELIB.
CHECK while creating I SYNAD returned to CHECK routine, but save area was



direct data set

I destroyed



10 26

IProcessing with
lexclusive control

I In valid DCBMACRF fie ld or data set contained zero extents
I Address in DCBSQND field outside task
I Invalid DCBXARG field or exclusive control status not
I indicated













I Invalid DCBrtACRF field
I I/O error; no SYNAD specified
I Invalid DCBMACRF fie ld
1 I/O error in reading volume index or in validating last
1 record pointers, or address in DCBMSHI field outside task
1 or under incorrect protection key







I SCanning




1 DCBMSHI and DCBSMSI fields specify area too small for
I va 1 ume index
I DCBMSWA and DCBSMSW fields specify area too small for one
I track



1 No prime area specified
1 In valid buffer spec if icati on
Index area too small or crosses volumes
End of data set; no address in DCBEODAD field
I/O error in writing updated forn:at 2 DSCB
ISAM data set to be processed, but not created or its DCB
not closed after creation
Records to be loaded; but data set previously loaded;
attempt to add records with resume load to variable length
data set


\ 03D
I No DSORG=IS or ISU in DD or serialmmbers in SER in DD not I
\ QISAM/ \
I in order or not all present
\ _______ I _____________________ I _____________________________________________________________JI



system Completion Codes


COmpletion Code Summary (Part 2 of 1,0)

I Group

I Comp Ie,.. I
IOperation or
I Code IMacro Instruction

I tion


I Explanation


Error in opening a TCAM line group data set.













Error in opening a TCAM rressage queues data set.


Error in runnin9 a TCAM MCP with the telecommunication
on-line test executive.



Error in opening a TCAM application program data set.


Error in processing the FE common write subtask.


I/O error or logical read error.
















IMessage Control
IProgram (MCP)




TCAM MeP is scheduled to be terminated, application program I
data set is active. Completion code is for the application,
I '
program data set.
'Graphics 1056
IGraphic attention
I ANALYZor GSERV specified DCa, which pointed to DEB, which I
Iservice routine
pointed to in~lid UCB
'Graphic attention
ANALYZ or GSERV specified DCB, which pointed to DEB, which I
Iservice routine
pointed to DCB for other than graphic device






CLOSE issued DAR for GACB that was not specified (via SPA.R,) ,
by the closin9 task



Return code equal to or greater than value of null argument I

iGraphic Subroutine
IPackage (GSP) for
,and PL/I



2250 operator depressed alphameric keyboard CANCEL key and ,
used light pen to terminate program
UCB for other than communications devic~






UCB specified invalid or unsupported transmission control





UCB specified invalid or unsupported terminal control or





UCB specified invalid or unsupported terminal




nCB specified invalid or unsupported optional feature or
mode of operation




Line group did not have identical terminal types and/or
optional features



DCBBFTEK field specified dynamic butfer allocation, but
DCBBUFCB, DCBBUFNO. and DCBBUFL fields not specified







Transmission control unit not a 2701 or the Dual
Communication Interface, or Dual Code Feature not specified I
in UCB









Device I/O directory full




I '
I DCBTRMAD field not filled





field not filled



J ddname, in DD or terminal table, not name of process entrY
- ___________ -J,
,L________ "_______ L _________---_________ , ________________________________________________
in terminal table


Messages 6 Codes (Release 21.7)




Completion Code Summary (Part 3 of 1e)


I Comp le- I
I tion 10peration or
I Code IMacro Instruction
I Explanation
I Group
/Message control
I All available space used in message queues data set
I program


I Checkpoint
I data set


I Insufficient space allocated when opening data set: I/O
I error when setting up format of or closing data set









I DCB for checkpoint data set opened before DCB for direct
I access message queues data set opened, or uncorrectable
I disk error





I DCB for main storage process or main storage destination
I queue previously opened



I DCB for direct access message queue not opened first or not I
I closed last



I Job
I I/O error in reading or writing SYS1.SYSJOBQE
I sched- I
I Invalid TTR for SYS1.SYSJOBQE found by system conversion
I uler
I ro utine
Program interruption., not in I/O interruption handler or
type 1 SVC routine; no prOJram routine to handle
interruption; x = program interruption code


Program interruption in I/O interruption handler




Program interruption in type 1 SVC routine




Machine-check interruption: MCH or SER1 able to abnormally
terminate job step to conti nue operating syst em


Program interruption occurred while lcading transient area
for type 3 or 4 SVC
I I/O operation
I Invalid ECB" lOB, DCB protect key
I (SVC 00) I
I I/O operation
I Invalid DEB protect key
II/O operation
I Invalid DCB pOinters
I I/O operation
1 Invalid UCB address
I More events than ECBs
I (SVC 01) I
I In valid ECB address
I ECB wait flag already on

I In valid ECB address
I (SV C02) 1
, Invalid RB address in ECB
IRETURN or branch to I ECB already posted or RB address in ECB invalid
Ireturn address in
I termina-I
I tion
/register 14
I (SVC 03) I
IRETURN or branch to I Subtasks not yet terminated
'return address in
, _____________________________________________________________ IJ
,L_________ , _______ Iregister



System Completion Codes


Completion Code Summary (Part 4 of 10)

,Comple- J


I Group

I tion

I Code

10peration or
IMacro Instruction


I Explanation




I terrnina-I
I tion
I (SVC 03) I
do not agree with those
reflected in the device
characteristics entry for this
There was not enough main
storage to satisfy a GETMAIN
request to build a TCAM control
area in the subpool.
An invitation list is not
specified for each line in the
line group.

System Action:' If a user ABEND exit, is
provided in the EXLST= operand of the DCB
macro instruction for the data set, the
routine is given control. If it returns" or
if no user ABEND exit is provided., the task
is terminated.
Programmer Response:
Probable user error.
No action is required if a user ABEND exit
has been provided in the EXLST= operand of
the DCB macro instruction for the line group
data set. When the program is next
reassembled" a user completion code should be
supplied in register 15. For a more
i~diate fix, the contents of register 0
indicate the action to be taken:
Contents of
Register 0 in
Hexadec i rna 1










Specify a larger region or
partition size on the JOB
statement for the MCP.
Specify similar stations in
the line group; reassemble and
rerun the MCP.
Check the addresses specified
in the line group DD
statements to be sure that the
line addresses are valid.
Check the addresses specified
in the line group DD
statements to be sure that the
line addresses are valid.
Check the addresses specified
in the line group DD
statements to be sure that the
line addresses are valid.
Check the addresses specified
in the line group DD
statements to be sure that the
line addresses are valid.
Specify a larger region or
partition size on the JOB
statement for the MCP.
Specify a larger region or
partition size on the JOB
statement for the MCP.
Check the type of interface
specified in the INVLIST=
operand of the DCB macro
against the bit settings
specified in the UCBs for each
line in this line group.
Specify DD statements with
valid UNIT= operands.
Specify a larger buffer size
for input on the BUFSIZE= and
BUFIN= operands of the line
group DCB macro, reassemble,
and rerun the job.
(If a DD
system Completion Codes


statement is used instead of
specifying the RESERVE=
operand, a reassembly is not
required. )
If main-storage queuing is
being used. verify that data
sets were provided at INTRO
execution time; if disk
queuing is being used, ensure
that the disk message queues
data sets are opened before
opening any line groups.
If main-storage queuing is
being used. verify that data
sets were provided at INTRO
execution time; if disk
queuing is being used, ensure
that the disk message queues
data sets are opened before
opening any line groups.
Each TERM·INAL macro must
specify an unframed decimal
integer between 1 and 255"
inclusive (zero is invalid).
Verify that all DD statements
specify the correct type of
UCB for the lines being
Specify a larger region or
partition size on the JOB
statement for the MCP .•
Either remove excessive DD
cards or reassemble the MCP
with an invitation list
included for each line in the
group .•







Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an OPEN macro instruction for. a
TCAM message queues data set.
If the user has coded an addre ss in the
DCBEXLIST operand of the DCB, the error code
is in register 0.. The exit routine may
examine the c.ode in register o. If no user
exit routine is specified, the type of error
is indicated by message IED008I.
The contents of register 0 indicate the
nature of the error:









An incorrect length is specified
for the address vector table
(AVT) in order to support
switched message queuing. Disk
queuing is specified in a DCB
macro defining a message queues
data set" but the INTRO macro
that generates the AVT specifies
The key length specified by the
KEYLEN= operand of the INTRO
macro does not agree with the
key length specified in the
IEDQDATA DD statement of the
IEDQXA utility used to format
the message queues data set.

Codes (Release 21.7)


System Action: If a user ABEND exit is
provided in the EXLST= operand of the DCB
macro instruction for the data set" the
routine is given control. If it retirns, or
if no user ABEND exit is provided, the task
is terminated.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
No action is required if a us er ABEND exit
has been provided in the EXLST= operand of
the DCB macro instruction for the message
queues data set. When the program is next
reassembled, a user· completion code s houl d be
supplied in register 15. For a more
immediate fix" the contents of register 0
indicate the action to be taken:
Contents of
Register 0 in
Hexadec imal

Note: If no asynchronous error routine is
provided, the value in register 0 following
this ABEND will be meaning less .•
Register 0
Contents in


Dissirrular disk types are
defined for message queuing .•
The OPTCT= operand for this DCB
specifies something other than
reusable or nonreus able queuing,.
A GErMAIN macro was issued by
TCAM to obtain main storage to
build a data extent block (DEB)
for a message queues data set"
but there was not enough main
storage to satisfy the request.
A GFTMAIN macro was issued by
TCAM to obtain main storage to
build input/output blocks (lOBs)
for a roessage queues data set,
but there was not enough main
storage to satisfy the request.
The rressage queues data set was
allocated but not formatted
correctly; the last record
number written on a track is
There was not enough main
storage to satisfy a GETMAIN
request to build a TCAM control
area in the subpool.


specify DISK=YES in the INTRO
macro, reassemble, and execute
Reassemble the job with the
proper length specified in the
KEYLEN= operand of the INTRO
macro and rerun the MCP, or
restart the TCAM job and
override the KEYLEN= value by
entering REPLY XX" 'K=nn U' to
message IED002A, or reformat
the disk to the proper key
length using the IEDQXA
uti lity and rerun the MCP.
Ensure that the disk types
specified for message queuing
are similar.
Check and correct the contents
of the DCB field.
specify a larger region or
partition size on the JOB
statement for the MCP.
Specify a larger region or
partition size on the JOB
stateJIlent for the MCP.
Reformat the data set using
the IEDQXA utility and rerun
the MCP job.






specify a larger region or
partition size on the JOB
statement for the MCP.



Explanation: An error occurred while running
with the telecommunications on-line test
executive (TOTE). The TOTE subtask has
Programmer Response:
without TOTE.
Problem Determination:
10, 29.


The MCP should be run
Table I, items 5a,

Register 3
Contents in

Register 0
Contents in



Programmer Response:
Probable user error.
No action is required if a user ABEND exit
has been provided in the EXLST= operand of
the. DCB macro for the application program
data ~et. The contents of register 0
indicate the action to be taken:
Contents of
Register 0 in



Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of the FE Common Write (COMWRITE)
task. The COMWRITE task has been terminated.
The contents of register 3 indicate the
nature of the error:

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an OPEN macro instruction for a
TCAM application program data set.
contents of register 0 indicate the nature of
the error:

An OPEN macro for a TCAM
application program data set has
been issued but there is no
Message Control Program (MCP)
active in the system.
The QNAME= parameter of the DD
statement associated with an
input or output DCB for an
application program is not the
name of a process entry defined
in the terminal table.
A process entry named by the
QNAME= parameter of a DO
statement associated with an
application program is currently
being used by another
application program.
Insufficient main storage was
available in the MCP to build
internal control biocks
associated with the application
program interface.
Insufficent main storage was
available in the application
program work area to build
internal control blocks.
system Action: If a user ABEND exit is
provided in the EXLS~= operand of the DCB
macro for the data set, the routine is given
If it returns, or if no user ABEND
exit is provided, the task terminates.

Verify that an MCP is active
before attempting to start an
application program.
Recode the QNAME= parameter
specifying the name of a valid
process entry.
Specify a larger region or
partition size on the JOB
statement for the MCP.

Recode the QNAME= parameter
specifying another valid
process ent ry •
specify a larger region or
partition size on the JOB
statement for the application



Explanation and
Technical Information
Permanent I/O error on output
Register 7 contains
user ID; register 8 contains
address of failing DECB.
STAE routine failed.
15 contains the return code.
User parameter list is
incorrect, and output required
was specified.
Register 7
contains the address of the
parameter list saved in
Register 11 contains
the address of the error
OPEN failed on the output DCB.

Programmer Response:
Response depends upon
the contents. of register 3:
Register 3



Check the status of the
recording medium.
If it is
valid, call IBM for hardware
Call IBM for hardware support.
Probable user error. verify the
parameter list.
Probable user error.
device specified. Correct the
Probable user error. Missing DD
Include the DD
statement and rerun the job.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a TCAM Message Control Program
(MCP). The MCP is terminated.
The contents of the low-order byte of
register 15 indicate the nature of the error.
Register 15
Contents in


I/O has been requested on a
non-reusable disk record that is
beyond the capacity of the data
set. The non-reusable disk data
set cannot be wrapped.
Logical read error caused by the
reusable disk receiving a heavy
burst of new traffic, causing
unsent messages to be overlaid
before they can be copied to the
alternate destination queue.
System Completion Codes





Logical read error while trying
to fetch a message for
transmission to a terminal.
The copy subtask needed to copy
messages from one data set to
another has not been loaded by
the disk open. A multiple-route
or distribution list message has
been enqueued to go to
dissimilar message queue types.
The copy subtask is needed to
put the message on the queue.
Caused by failure to open
successfully a disk message
queue DCB.
I/O has been requested on an
unopened disk message queues
data set.
specified on the INTRO macro
instruction, but a function
requiring the system timer has
been ca lIed.
A message longer than the
reusable disk dataset has been
A disk hardware error occurred,
not a logical read error.
An error occurred because not
enough space was allocated for
the checkpoint data set, or a
read error occurred while trying
to read records from the
checkpoint data set during a


System Action:
termi na ted.



Messages & Codes (Release 21.7)

The application program is

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of the graphic attention service
routine for the IBM 2250 Display Unit, Model
1, or the IBt-l 2260 Display station.
The routine referred to an invalid unit
control block (UCB). The routine obtained
the reference to the unit control block
through a data control block (DCB).
The user gives the routine the addresses of
data control blocks through the poll list
address in the first operand of the ANALYZ
macro instruction or the address of one data
control block through the list item address
in the first operand of the GSERV macro
instruction. The DCBDEBAD field in the data
control block points to a data extent blook
(DEB), which in turn points to the unit
control block.
'The unit control block is us ed by the control
program to obtain inforrration about an
input/output device; each unit control block
is associated with one input/output device.


Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Chec k the fi rst operand in the ANALYZ or
GSERV macro instruction to make sure that it
spec if ied the poll list address or I ist item
address correctly.
If the first operand was
correct, make sure that the maoro- expansion
and the data control block were not
incorrectly modified by program errors.
After correcting the error, execute the job
step again.

Register 15

Problem Determination: For a return code of
08, Table I, items 1, 2, 4, Sa, 18, 30. For
all other return codes, Table I, items "Sa,
10" 29; obtain a listing of the message
queues data set.


Programmer Response: Follow the programmer
response for the system completion code
provided with the termination of the MCP.

Programmer Response: Except for 08, probable
user error. To determine the action for a
specific reason code, follow these procedures
based on the contents of the low-order byte
of register 15.
Either specify a larger data set
or request that closedown occur
at an earlier point.
02,03,07 Specify a larger data set or one
that occupies more than one
For further suggested
corrections., refer to the
publication IBM System/360
Operating system: TCAM
Programmer's Guide and Reference
Manual, GC3o- 2024.
Before issuing the line opens,
test for successful open of the
message queues data set.
reassemble and rerun the MCP.
Determine the exact cause of the
failure by the message written
to the operator just before this
ABEND and refer to the
explanation and programmer
response for that particular

Explanation: The TCAM ~CP has been
terminated but an application program data
set is still open. The application program
data set is scheduled to be terminated with a
systerr completion code of 046.

Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, -29.

Tabl.e I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred durina
execution of the graphic attention service
routine f or the IBM 2250 Dis play Unit, Hodel
1, or the IBM 2260 Display station.
The routine referred to a unit control block
(UeB) that was associated with other than a
graphic device.
The routine obtained the
reference to the unit control block through a
data control block (DCB).
The user gives the routine the addresses of
data control blocks thrcugh the poll list
address in the first operand of the ANALYZ
macro instruction or the address of one data
control block through the list item address
in the first operand of the GSERV macro
instruction. The DCBDEBAD field in the data
control block points to a data extent block
(DEB), which in turn points to the unit
control block.



The unit control block is used by the control
program to obtain information about an
input/output device; each unit control block
is associated with one input/output device.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Check the first operand in the ANALYZ or
GSERV macro instruction to make sure that it
specified the poll list address or list item
address correctly.
If the first operand was
correct, make sure that the macro-expansion
and the data control block were not
incorrectly modified by program errors.
After correcting the error. execute the job
step again.
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Programmer Response:
Determine from the 2250
operator the condition that caused him to
terminate the program, and respond
acc ord iIlJ ly.

An OPEN routine found that a device other
than a communications device was allocated to
the data control block (DCB) being opened;
that is, the device class code in the unit
control block (UCB) for the device allocated
to the data control block was not equal to
hexadec ima I 40.

Table I, items 1, 3"
Programmer Response:
Either the UNIT
paraneter of the I:D statement for the
communications device is incorrect or the
unit control block generated during system
generation is invalid.
Check for improper
specification of the UNIT parameter or'the
IODEVICE macro instruction used in generating
the system. Also, check for program errors
that could have improperly modified control
infor:rrati on.
After correcting the error"
execute the job step again.

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of a CLOSE macro instruction for a
graphic data control block.
The graphic CLOSE executor issued a DAR macro
instruction for a graphic attention control
block (GACB) which was not specified (via a
SPAR macro instruction) by the closing task.
System Action: Abnormal termination occurred
for the task that issued the SPAR macro
instruction for the graphic attention contr.ol

Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Programmer Response:
Probable user error.
Issue a DAR macro instruction for the graphic
attention control block in the task which
issued the SPAR macro instruction before the
closing task issues the CLOSE macro
instruction. Then execute the job step


Problem Determination:
Sa. 15, 29.

Table I"

Programmer Response: Check for improper
specification of the IOCONTRL macro
instruction used in generating the system.
Also, check for program errors that could
have improperly modified control information.
After correcting the error, execute the job
step again.
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Table I, items 1"

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BTAM OPEN macro instruction.

Programmer Response: Check for improper
specification of the ADAPTER parameter in the
IODEVICE macro instruction used in generating
the system. Also, check for program er.rors
that could have improperly modified control
Correct the error, and execute
the job step again.


Explanation: During execution of a problem
program" the 2250 operator depressed the
alphameric keyboard CANCEL key causing the
Graphic Cancel Routine to be activated.
Then, as a response to a display produced by
the routine, the 2250 operator used the light
pen to terminate the program, either with or
without an abnormal termination dump.

Table I, items 1, 3"

An OPEN routine found an invalid or
unsupported type of terminal control or
terminal adapter specified in the unit
control block (UCB) for the device allocated
to the data control block (DCB) being opened.

Programmer Response:
Determine the condition
that caused the job step to be abnormally
terminated and alter the program accordingly.
Then, execute the job step again.


Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BTAM OPEN macro instruction.

items 1, 3,

A condition was encountered that produced a
return code equal to or greater than the
value specified by the programmer as the
"null" argument in the call to the INGSP
subroutine. The GSPARRAY field in the GSPCB
identifies the return code produced, register
2 contains the address of the status table
entry last invoked, and register 3 contains
the address of the GSPARRAY field.


Table I, items 1, 3,

An OPEN routine found an invalid or
unsupported type of transmission control unit
specified in the unit control block (UCB) for
the device allocated to the data control
block (DCB) being opened.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a routine of the graphic
subroutine package (GSP) for FORTRAN IV,
COBOL, and PL/I.

Problem Determination:
Sa. 15, 29.

ExPlanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BI'AM OPEN macro instruction.

Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BTAM OPEN macro instruction.
System Completion Codes


An OPEN routine found an invalid or

of the DD statement.
step again~

unsupported type of terminal specified in the
unit control block (UCB) for the device
allocated to the data control block (DCB)
being opened.
Programmer Response: Check for improper
specification of the UNIT parameter in the
IODEVICE macro instruction used in generating
the system. Also, check for program errors
that could have improperly modified control
information. Correct the error, and execute
the job step again.
Problem Determination:

Problem Determination:

Then execute the job


Table I, items 1, 3"

5a. 15. 29.


Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BTAM OPEN macro instruction.
The open routine required an additional entry
in the device I/O directory; however, the
directory was already full.
Since the last
system start" the maximum number of device
types have already been opened. Normally.,
the maximum number of device types is 16.

Table I, items 1, 3,

5a, 15"


Programmer Response: Additional space in the
device I/O directory can be provided by
changing one staterrent in the Read/Hrite
routine. The staterr.ent following the one
labeled IOD must be changed. The duplication
factor must be increased to correspond to the
number of different device types being used.
The new Read/Write routine must be
reassembled and link edited to SVCLIB with
RENl', NE" and DC as parameters. The IEHIOSUP
program must then be executed.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BTAM OPEN macro instruction.

An OPEN routine found an invalid or
unsupported optional feature or mode of
operation specified in the unit control block
(UCB) for the device allocated to the data
control block (DCB) being opened.
Programmer Response: Check for improper
specification of the FEATURE parameter in the
IODEVICE macro instruction used in generating
the system. Also, check for program errors
that could have improperly modified control
information. Correct the error, and execute
the job step again.
Problem Determination:
5a, 15, 29.

Problem Determination:

Table I, i terns 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BTAM OPEN macro instruction.
An OPEN routine found that the lines
allocated to the line group did not have
identical terminal types and/or optional


Table I, items 1, 3,


An OPEN routine found that dynamic buffer
allocation had been specified in the DCBBFTEK
field of the data control block (DCB).
However, the OPEN routine could not
dynamically allocate buffers because the data
control block specified neither the address
of a buffer pool control block (in the
DCBBUFCB field) nor the number and length of
the buffers (in the DCBBUFNO and DCBBUFL
fields) •


Messages & Codes



ExPlanati on: The error occurred during
execution of a BTAM OPEN macro instruction.
Dual Communication Interface B or Dual Code
Feature B was specified.
However, the
transmissi on control unit was not a 2701, the
transmissi on control unit was not the Dual
Communication Interface, or the Dual Code
Fea ture was not specified in the unit control
block WCB).

Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BTAM OPEN macro instruction.

Programmer Response: Correct the error by
(1) providing a buffer pool and specifying
the address of its control block in the
DCBBUFCB field, (2) specifying the number and
length of the buffers in the DCBBUFNO and
DCBBUFL fields, or (3) handling buffering in
the program and deleting the BF'I'EK=D operand
in the DCB macro instruction or DCB parameter

items 1, 3,


Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Correct prCXJram errors and execute the job
step again.

Programmer Response: Determine which line
group contains different terminal s and
redefine its lines through DD statements or a
new system generation.
Problem Determination:
5a, 29.

Table I"

5a, 15, 29.

Table I"

items 1, 3,

Explanati on: The error occurred during
execution of a QTAM OPEN macro instruction.
The DCBTRMAD field in the data control .clock
(DCB) had not been filled before the system
attempted to open the block.
(Register 2
contains the address cf the data control
olock in error.)
System Action: The systero terminated the
task, but did not produce a dump.
Programmer Response: Reassemble the program,
specifying the TRMAD parameter in the DCB
macro instructi~n or filling the DCBTRMAD
field in the data control block before the
OPEN macro instruction is executed. Then
execute the job step again.
Problem Determination:

Table I, items 3, 15,



Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a QTAM OPEN macro instruction
that specified the data control block (DCB)
for the main storage-process queue.



The DCBSOWA field in the data control block
had not been filled before the system
attempted to open the block.
(Register 2
contains the address of the data control
block in error.)

Programmer Response:
If insufficient space
a lloca ted f or the dat a set, increas e the
size of the SPACE parameter on the DD
statement describing the checkpoint data set.
Then execute the job step again.

System Action: The system terminated the
task. but did not produce a dump.

Problem Determination: If an uncorrectable
input/output error occurred, see Table I,
items 3, 15, 29.

wa s

Programmer Response: Reassemble the program,
specifying the SOWA parameter in the DCB
macro instruction or'filling the DCBSOWA
field in the data control block before the
OPEN macro instruction is executed. Then
execute the job step again.
Problem Determination:

The open routine attempted to open a data
control block (DCB) for a main-storage
process queue or a main-storage destination
queue that had previously been opened.
(Register 2 contains the address of the data
control block in error.)

Table I, items 3, 15,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a QTAM OPEN macro instruction
that specified the data control block (DCB)
for the main storage-process queue.

System Action: The message processing
program was terminated with a dump.
Programmer Response: Make sure that a
message processing program does not attempt
to open a data control block for a main
storage queue which had previously been
opened either by itself or by another message
processiDJ program.

The data definition name specified in the
name field of the DD statement or as an entry
in the terminal table is not the name of the
process entry in the terminal table.
(Register 2 contains the address of the data
control block in error.)
System Action: The system terminated the
task, but did not produce a dump.


Programmer Response: Reassemble the program,
specifying the correct data definition name
in the DD statement or terminal table. Then
execute the job step agairr.
Problem Determination:

Table I, items 3, 15,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of the QTAM message control
QTAM used all available space in the message
queues data set.
Programmer Response:
Problem Determination:


Execute the job again.
Table I, items 3, 15,

Explanation: The error occurred in using the
checkpoint data set during QTAM processing.
The contents of register 15 indicate the
nature of the error:
Register 15
Contents in



Inte r~ta ti on
The error occurred during an
attempt to open the checkpoint
data set.
Insufficient space
was allocated for the data set.
An uncorrectable input/output
error occurred during an attempt
either to set up the format of
the checkpoint data set or to
close the checkpoint data set.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a QTAM OPEN macro instruction
issued by a message processing program.

Problem Determination: Table I, items 19,
29. save the message processing program

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of (1) a QTAM OPEN macro
instruction or (2) a QTAM CLOSE macro
instructi on.
This error condition occurred for either of 2
• In case (1), the data control block (DCB)
for the direct access message queues data
set was opened after a data control block
for another QTAM data set was opened.
• In case (2), the data control block for the
direct access message queues data set was
closed while a data ccntrol block for a
main-storage process queue or a mainstorage destination queue was still open.
system Action:
Either the message control
program or the message Frocess~ng program was
terminated with a dump.
Programmer Response: The error, in case (1),
can be corrected by one of the following:
• Correcting an invalid DD statement for the
direct access device.
• Chang iDJ the message control program to
open the data control block for the direct
access message queues data set before
opening any other data control block in
tha t prOJ ram.
• Opening the data control block for the
direct access message queues data set
before any message processing program opens
any QTAM data control block. Then execute
the job step again.
The error, in case (2) " can be corrected by
closing all the data control blocks in the
message processing programs before closing
the data control block for the direct access
system Completion Codes


(The instruction-length code is O. >

message queues data set in the message
control program. Then execute the job step
Problem Determination:
16, 29.

i'he first three positions of the user
completi on code field contain the
mask bits from the imprecise
interrupt, in hexadecimal. These
bits correspond to bits 16 to 31 of
the PSW of the Model 91 or Model 195.
The last position of the user
completion code field will always be

Table I, items 15,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a QTAM OPEN macro instruction:
• The data control block (DCB> for the
checkpoint data set was opened before the
data control block for the direct access
message queues data set was opened.
• An uncorrectable disk error occurred when
rewriting canceled header labels on the
disk as part of the restart function.


System Action: The message control program
was terminated with a dump.
Programmer Response: In the first case,
correct an invalid DD statement for the
direct access devices or change the message
control program to open the data control
block for the direct access message queues
data set before o'pening the data control
block for the checkpoint data set.
execute the job step again.





Use another volume or
Table I, items 2, 8a,

Explanation: A program interruption occurred
during execution of any instruction other
than those listed under completion codes OFl
and OF2. When the interruption occurred, the
program had not specified a routine to handle
this type of program interruption.
The last digit of this completion code is a
hexadecimal number that indicates the cause
of the program interruption:



Program Interruption Cause
Imprecise or multiple-imprecise
program interruption:
on the Model
91 or the Mode 1 195, a prog ram
exception (or series of program
exceptions> was detected during
execution of an instruction that
cannot be precisely identified by the
instruction address in the current
program status word (PSW>.

Messages & Codes (Release 21.7>

Protection exception: the key of an
instruction halfword or an operand in
storage does not match the protection
key in the PSW.
(The operation is suppress ed on a
store violation, except in the case
AND SET, and variable-length
operations, which are terminated.
Except for EXECUTE, which is
suppressed, the operation is
terminated on a fetch violation. The
instruction-length code is 0, 2, or

System Action: The system terminated the
task, but did not produce a dump.

Problem Determination:

Execute exception: the subject
instruction of EXECUTE is another
(The operation is suppress ed. The
instruction-length code is 2.)

Possibly, the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set resided
on a bad track.

Programmer Response:
change units.

Privileged-operation exception: a
pri vi leged operation is encountered
in the problero state.
(The operation is suppress ed. The
i nstructi on-length code is 1 or 2.)

Table I, items 18,

Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output
error occurred when the job scheduler
attemp~ed to read from or write in the
SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set on a direct access

Operation exception:
an operation
code is not assigned or the assigned
operation is not available on the
particular rrodel.
(The operation is suppressed. The
instruction-length code is 1, 2, or


Problem Determination:



Addressing exception: an address
specifies any part of data, an
instruction, or a control word
outside the available storage for the
particular installation.
(In most cases, the operation is
terminated for an invalid data
Data in storage remain
unchanged, except when des ignated by
valid addresses.
In a few cases, an
invalid data address caus es the
instruction to be suppressed - AND
DIAGNOSE, EXECUTE, and certain store
operations (ST, STC, STH, STD, and
STE). The operation is suppressed
f or an invalid instruction address.
The instruction-length code normally
is 1, 2, or 3; but may be 0 in the
case of a data address.)




specification exce£!i9~: one of the
following occurreu:
• A data, instruc~ion, or
control-word adoress doe~ fiot
specify an integral boundary for
the unit of information.
• The R1 field of an instruction
specifies an odd register address
for a pair of general registers
that contains a 64-bit operand.
• A floating-point register address
other than 0, 2, 4, or 6 is
• The multiplier or divisor in
decimal arithmetic exceeds 15
digits and sign.
• The first operand field is shorter
than or equal to the second operand
field in decimal multiplication or
• 'The block address specified in SET
has the four low-order bits not all
• A PSW with a nonzero protection key
is encountered when protection is
not installed.
(The operation is suppressed.
instruction-length code is 1, 2, or


(The operation is completed by
ig nori ng the overflow informat ion.
The interruption may be masked b¥ PSW
bit 37. The instruction-length code
is 3.)

(The operation is suppressed. The
instruction-length code is 3.)


Data exception: one of the following
• The sign or disit codes of operands
in decimal arithroetic or editing
operations or in CONVeRT TO BINARY
are incorrect.
• Fields in decimal arithmetic
overlap incorrectly.
• The decimal multiplicand has too
many high-order Significant digits.

high-order carry occurs or high-order
significant bits are lcst in
fixed-point add, SUbtract, shift, or
3ign-control operations.


Fixed-point-divide exception:
quotient exceeds the register size in
fixed-point division, including
division by ze.ro, or the result of
CONVERT TO BINARY exceeds 31 bits.
(Division is suppressed. Conversion
is completed by ignoring the
information placed outside the
register. The instruction-length
code is 1 or 2.)


Decimal-overflow exception:
destination field is too small to
contain the result field in a decimal

Exponent-underflow exception: the
result characteristic in
f loati ng-point addition, subtraction,
multiplication, halving, or division
is less than zero and the result
fraction is not zero.
(The operation is completed. The
setti ng of the exponent-under~low
mask (PSW bit 38) affects the results
of the operation. When the mask bit
is zero, the sign, characteristic,
and fraction are set to zero, making
the result a true zero.
When the
mask bit is one, the fraction is
normalized, the characteristic is
Trade 128 larger than the correct
characteristic, and the sign and
fraction rerrain correct. The
instruction-length code is 1 or 2.)


(The operation is completed by
ignoring the inforrration placed
outside the register.
interruption may be masked by PSW bit
36. 'The instruction- length code is
1 or 2.)

Exponent-overf lew except ion: the
result characteristic in
f loati ng-point addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division exceeds
127 and the result fraction is not
(The operation is completed. The
f racti on is normaliz ed, and the sign
and fraction of the result remain
The result characteristic
is made 128 smaller than the correct
characteristic. The
instruction-length code is 1 or 2.)

(The operation is terminated.
instruction-length code is 2 or 3.>

Decimal-divide exception: a quotient
exceeds the specified data field

Sianificance exce&tion: the result
cf a floating-peint addition or
subtraction has an all-zero fraction.
(The operation is completed. The
interruption may be masked by PSW bit
39. The rranner in which the
operation is completed is determined
by the mask bit. The
instruction-length code is 1 or 2.)


Floati nq-point-divide exception:
division by a floating-point number
wi th zero fraction is attempted.
(The operation is suppress ed. The
instruction-length code is 1 or 2.)

If bit 15 of the old program PSW (PSW at
entry to ABEND) is on, the problem program
had control when the interruption occurred.
The correct register contents are reflected
under the heading "REGS AT ENTRY TO ABEND" in
an ABEND/SNAP dump.
In a stand-alone dump,
register contents can be found in the
register save area for ABEND's SVRB.
System Completion Codes


Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2S98

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Determine if the problem program or control
program was in error. If the problem program
contained an error, correct it and execute
the job step again.
Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Table I, items Sa,

Explanation: A program interruption occurred
execution of an instruction in the
input/output interruption handler of the
control program. The applicable program
status word (PSW) can be found at hexadecimal
location 28.
(In systems with MFT, this
program status word is valid only if the
first four digits are 0004.)


If a device was specified that was not
operational, an unallocated device should be
specified in the UNIT parameter of the DD
statement describing the data set to be
processed. Run the job again.
If a pseudo device was illegally used, an
unallocated device should be specified in the
UNIT parameter of the DD statement and the job
run again.
Problem Determination:
1S, 29.

Problem Determination:
Sb, 15, 29.

For a system with the storage protection
feature, make sure that the event control
block address is in the same protection area
as the task waiting for the block to be
posted and the task attempting to post the
block. Correct the error and execute the job
step again.

System Action: The system terminated the job
step, but did not produce a dump.

Problem Determination:

Table I, items 2, 18,

Explanation: A program' interruption occurred
while loading the transient area for a type 3
or 4 SVC. Probably, the interruption was
caused by invalid parameters in the work area
used to load the SVC.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Ensure that the parameters in the work area,
which resides in unprotected main storage,
have not been incorrectly modified by a
program in the same partition. After making
corrections, execute the job step again.


Messages & Codes (Release 21.7)

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a POST macro instruction.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Make sure that the event control block
address specified is a valid main storage
address and that it was not incorrectly

Explanation: A machine-check interruption
occurred. Either system environment
recording routine SER1 or MCH was specified
during system generation. The control
program was able to abnormally terminate the
job step after this machine-check
interruption and continue processing with
other job steps.

Programmer Response: Probable hardware
If the data on external storage
devices is still valid, execute the job step

Table I, items 1, 3,

The control program found an invalid event
control block (ECB) address.

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, Sa,
16, 23, 29. If a DAR dump was produced, have
it available. Table II, Format 1: trace
option - TRACE=SVC.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execut~on of a WAIT macro instruction.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the number of events specified so that
it is less than or equal to the number of
event control blocks. If the specification
was correct, make sure it was not incorrectly
modified. Correct the error, and execute the
job step again.

Explanation: A program interruption occurred
during execution of an instruction in a Type
I SVC routine.
Probably, the interruption
was caused by incorrect parameters passed to
the Type I SVC routine.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Determine if the parameters supplied by the
problem program were incorrect or if an SVC
routine was added incorrectly to the control

Table I, items 1, 3, Sa,

The problem program specified more events
than there were event control blocks (ECB).

Problem Determination: Table I, items Sa,
16, 23, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace
option - TRACE=IO.

Explanation: The control program detected one
of the following:
• A device to be used was not operational.
• An illegal use of a pseudo device was made.
A pseudo device previously allocated has been
Programmer Response: If the device was taken
offline, the device should be varied online or
another device used. Then the job step should
be executed again.

The.inte~ruption was caused by the problem
program ~f:
• An access method routine in the problem
program storage area was overlaid.
• An input/output block (lOB), data control
block (DCB), or data extent block (DEB) was
modified after an EXCP macro instruction
was issued, but prior to the completion of
an event.

Programmer Response: IDetermine if the
parameters suppl~ed by the problem program
were incorrect or if the computer generated
an incorrect address.
If incorrect
parameters were supplied, correct them and
execute the job step again.

Table I, items Sa,

Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred when a task
attempted to terminate normally with a RETURN
macro instruction or a branch to the return
address in register 14. The ATTACH macro
instruction that initiated the task specified
that an event control block (ECB) should be
posted at task termination.
The control program found one of the
• The specified event control block was
already posted .
• The request block (RB) address in the event
control block was invalid.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Correct program errors that incorrectly
modified the event control block.
Such an
error could be a POST macro instruction that


Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598


erroneously specified the event control block
used to indicate task termination.
and execute the job step again.

specified correctly and was not incorrectly
modified. After making corrections, execute
the job step again.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 5a,
10c, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option TRACE=SYS.

Table I, items 1, 5a,

Explanation: The error occurred during the
execution of a GETMAIN macro instruction for
a program operating in the supervisor mode.
The program requested more bytes of main
storage from a local system queue area than
were available.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
If this code occurs frequently, installation
action is needed to increase the space
allowed for a local system queue area. More
local system queue area in the TSO user
region should be specified at START TS or by
using the MODIFY TS command for the TSO
region start.
Problem Determination:


If register 15 contains a X'F', resubmit the
Problem Determination: Table I, items 30.
Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=IO.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
If th~s code occurs frequently, installation
action is needed to increase the space
allowed for a local system queue area. More
local system queue area in the TSO user
region should be specified at the START TS or
by using the MODIFY TS command for the TSO
user region start.

Table I, items 2, 29.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execut~on of a LINK, LOAD, ATTACH, or XCTL
macro instruction.
An error was detected by the control program
when it' attempted to fetch the requested
program into main storage.

Problem Determination:

Technical Information: The contents of
register 15 indicate the nature of the error:
Register 15
Contents in






In a system w~th MVT, the
control program found that the
scatter data placed by the
linkage editor in a table in the
load module was invalid.
In a system with MFT, the
control program found an invalid
record type in the load module.
In any system, the control
program found an invalid address
in the load module.
In any system, an uncorrectable
input/output error occurred. At
the time of abnormal
termination, the contents of
general purpose register 6 plus
X'400' is the address of the lOB
ECB, the post code of which may
prove helpful in isolating the
(For discussion of the
post codes see IBM System/360
Operating System: Input/Output
Supervisor, Program Logic
Manual, GY28-6616.) Note: the
storage area related to the lOB
ECB may be free unless the dump
is taken immediately after the
ABEND macro instruction is

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3,
5a, 15, 16, 19, 23, 29.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an OPEN macro instruction or an
OPEN macro instruction with a TYPE=J operand.
This system completion code is accompanied by
message IEC142I. Refer to the explanation of
message IEC142I in this publication for
complete information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC142I.
Problem Determination:
5a, 15, 29.


Problem Determination:
5a, 15, 29.

Respond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction
with a TYPE=T operand. This system
completion code is accompanied by message
Refer to the explanation of message
IEC218I in this publication for complete
information of the return code (rc in the
message text) in register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC218I.

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 5a,
16, 23, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace
option - TRACE=SYS.


Table I, items 2, 29.

Explanation: The error was detected when an
input/output operation was requested using
ERROR EXCP. The address of the RQE in
register 1 was invalid.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Make sure that the ERROR EXCP SVC (15) was
issued correctly. Correct the problem and
rerun the job.

Programmer Response: If register 15 contains
a X'C', process the program by the linkage
editor again, and execute the job step again.

If register 15 contains either a X'D' or
X'E', it is a probable user error. Make sure
that the load request in the problem was

Explanation: The error occurred during the
execut~on of a GETMAIN macro instruction for
a program operating in the supervisor mode.
The program requested more bytes of main
storage from a local system queue area than
were available.

Respond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The operator canceled the
and requested a dump. The job may have
canceled because it appeared to be in a
or because it was waiting for resources

System Completion Codes




were not immediately available (e.g., direct
access space or devices). Perhaps the job
was canceled to correct a system interlock
condition (e.g., two tasks enqueued on a
resource without an intervening dequeue), or
the job may have violated a procedure
established for your installation. There are
many reasons why an operator might cancel a
jon. There may be nothing wrong with your

The address of the task control block (TCB)
for the subtaSk whose priority was to be
changed was invalid. This address was
specified in the second operand of the CHAP
macro instruction. The address was invalid
for one of the follCMing reasons:
• It was not a valid TeB address.
• The valid task control block at the address
was not associated with a subtask of the
task issuing the roacro instruction.
• It was not a multiple of 4.
• The valid task has terminated.

system Action: The system terminates the job
and produces a dump to the data set described
by the SYSABEND or SYSUDUMP DD statement in
the canceled job step.


Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

The address of the list in which the control
program was to store the task control block
(TCB) fields was invalid. The beginning
address for the list did not define a
fullword boundary, or the list did not begin
and end within the storage assigned to the
JOD step.
(The beginning address of the list
is specified in the first operand of the
macro instruction; the length of the list is
determined by the number of fields
requested. )

Problem Determination:

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the ATTACH macro instruction to
specify the subpool in an SHSPV or SHSPL
operand, Recompile and execute the job step


Table I, 1 tems 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of a CHAP macro instruction.
Messages & Codes

Table I, items 1, Sa,

9, 29.



The error occurred during
execution of a DEQ rracro instruction.

The DEQ reacro instructicn specified a
resource not previously specified by an ENQ
macro instruction under the same task. That
is, the program had not requested control of
a resource i t was attempting to release. The
DEQ macro instruction did not contain a
RET=HAVE operand.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

In a GSPV or GSPL operand, the macro
instruction specified that a subpool was to
be given to the subtask being created. The
attaching task owned the subpool, but had
previously shared it with other subtasks
through SHSPV and/or SHSPL operands. A task
is not permitted to give an owned subpool to
a subtask if it is sharing the subpool with
one or more other subtasks.


Explanati on: The error occurred during
execution of an overlay program.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Chec k for prograre errors that caus ed the
segment table to be incorrectly modified.
Correct the program, linkage edit, and
execute the job step again.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Check the DEQ macro instruction for incorrect
qname or rname operands, or specify RET=HAVE
in the DEQ macro instruction, or add an ENQ
macro instruction before the DEQ macro
instruction, or delete the DEQ macro
Recompile and execute the job
step again.

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of an ATTACH macro instruction.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

items 1, Sa,

The overlay supervisor found that words 3 and
4 of the segment table were incorrect.

Programmer Response: Probable user error
Determine if the first operand of the macro
instruction was specified correctly or if
program errors had incorrectly modified the
EXTRACT macro-expansion. After making
corrections, recompi Ie and execute the job
step again.


Table I,

Table I, items 1, 2,

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of an EXTRACT macro instruction.

Problem Determination:


Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the address specification and ensure
that it and the task control block were not
incorrectly modified by the problem program.
Rec ompile and execute the job st ep again.

Programmer Response: Find out why the
operator canceled your jOb, make any
necessary corrections, and resubmit the job.
Problem Determination:
Sa or b, 16, 23, 29.



(Release 21.7)

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Table I,

items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error occurred at an
end-of-volume on a rragnetic tape. This
system completion code is accompanied by
message IEC022I.
Refer to the explanation of
message IEC022I in this publication for
complete information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return cod.e (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Res ponse:
message IEC022I.
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Res pond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,




The routine attempted to execute the STATUS
macro instruction for other than the STOP or
START function and was not key zero.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execut10n of an ENQ macro instruction.
Two ENQ macro instructions were issued for
the same resource in the same task without an
intervening DEQ macro instruction. The
second ENQ macro instruction did not specify
TEST, USE, or HAVE in its RET operand.
~roqrammer Response:
Probable user error.
;:;pecify RET-TEST, RET=USE, or RET=HA VE in the
c,econd ENQ macro instruction, or add a DEQ
macro instruction between the 2 ENQ macro
instructions, or delete one of the ENQ macro
instructions. Recompile and execute the job
step again.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29,.

Proolem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

'Table I, items 1, Sa,


Table I, items 1, 16,

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1" 2,
Sa, 7c, 29. Also, retain the terminal
listirg or record what is currently displayed
on the graJ;hics device.
Make sure that a TSO
Dump DD statement was included for failing
start TSO procedures.
Execute the IMDPRDMP
service aid, specifying TSO options, after
restartirg the system. The input to IMDPRDMP
is the dump tape from TSO Dump. Save the
formatted output.

The system did not produce a

Programmer Response: Respond as indicated by
message IHJ007I, ~hich appears, on the

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a RDJFCB macro instruction.
This system completion code is accompanied by
message IEC154I. Refer to the explanation of
message IEC154I in this publication for
complete information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC154I.


Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Respond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of the STATUS macro instruction.

The job step was abnormally

Programmer Response: Resubmit the job.
Abnormal termination of the job step may be
intercepted by specifying STAE exit and retry
routines to reestablish the failing task.
The STAE macro instruction must be reissued
in either the STAE exit or retry routines to
reestablish to user exit routine to handle
attention interruptions.

Explanation: An error occurred during
execution of a checkpoint restart.
system Action:

Table I, items Sa,

Explanation: The error occurred during the
procesRirg of a user attention exit for a
time shari ng tas k. The cont rol progr am' s
record of the attention exit routine was
inva lid.
system Acti on:

programmer Response:
If the subtask must
complete processing before being detached,
use the ECB or EXTR operand of the ATTACH
macro instruction ~hen creating the subtask.


Explanation: An SVC 85, which is authorized
for use by Dynamic Device Reconfiguration
(DDR) only, has been illegally issued by a
user's task.
DDR has abnormally terminated
the user's task.

Problem Determination:
16 I 23, 29.

Note: DETACH gives the issuing task a return
code of 00 if its subtask is abnormally
terminated with a system completion code of

Problem Determination:
23, 29,.

Table I, items 1, 3,

Programmer Response:
Probable user error.
Make sure that no program except DDR issues
SVC 85.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a DETACH macro inst~uction. A
task created a subtask and i'ssued a DETACH
for that subtask (specifying STAE=NO) before
the subtask had terminated.
System Action: The subtask is abnonnally
terminated to force its completion. This may
or may not be an error, depending on the
intent of the programmer; therefore, the task
issuing the DETACH is not terminated.


Programmer Response: Pro~able user error.
Correct the program errors making sure that
the STATUS macro is not being used for other
tnan the STOP or START function. Then
execute the job step again.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of one of the extended SVC routers
(ESR), SVCS 109, 116, and 117. An invalid
ESR code was detected in register 15.
This error is the result of:
• The function invoked not being included
in the system.
• The BSR code passed to SVC 109, 116, or
117 havi ng no related function.
Programmer Response:
In the first case, make
sure that the item being invoked has been
inc luded in the system.
In the second cas e,
correct the ESR code, and execute the job
step again.
Prob lem Determi nation:
16, 23, 29.

Table I, items 1"

system Completion Codes



Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598

Explanation: The system conversion routine
has encountered an invalid TTR for an address
in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set.

Problem Determination:
5b, 15, 19, 29.

System Action: The system terminated the
task w~thoutallowing access to the
SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set.



The address of the request block is placed in
the event control block during execution of a
WAIT macro instruction. This address must
remain in the event control block until a
POST macro instruction places a post code or
zeros in the event control block. The
request block is a control block used for
internal purposes by the control program.

Table I, items 2, 8a,

Explanation: The error was detected when an
input/output operation was requested and the
storage protection keys of the input/output
block, the event control block and the data
control block were not the same as the
protection key field in the data extent
(This condition is checked for
systems with MVT only.)

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Make sure that the contents of the event
control block were not modified after the
WAIT macro instruction and before the POST
macro instruction.

In MFT and MVT, this system completion code
will result if a program check occurs while
the DCB, DEB, or UCB is being loaded for IOS
EXCP validity checking. Typical causes are
premature freeing or overrunning of control

For systems with the storage protection
feature, make sure that the event control
block and the request block are in the same
protection area as the task waiting for the
block to be posted and the task attempting to
post the block.

If an abnormal termination dump with a trace
table is available, the address of the
applicable input/output block is:
• In register 1 of the EXCP (SVC 0) most
recently issued before the abnormal
termination occurred.
• In register 2 in the section of the dump

Correct the error and execute the job step
Problem Determination:
5a , 1 5, 1 9, 2 9 .

Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: In MFT only, the error occurred
during execution of an asynchronous exit

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Verify that the blocks were not incorrectly
modified by the problem program. If the EXCP
access method is being used, make sure that
the input/output block and the event control
block are correctly built.

The routine attempted to execute an XCTL
macro instruction. such a routine can
terminate only by issuing a RETURN macro

After making corrections, execute the job
step again.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Rewrite the asynchronous exit routine to
terminate correctly. Then execute the job
step again.

Problem Determination:
5a, 15, 19, 29.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a POST macro instruction.
The control program found an invalid request
block (RB) address in the 3 low-order bytes
of the event control block (ECB) specified by
the problem program.

Programmer Response: Attempt to execute the
fa~l~ng Job aga~n.
At the next convenient
time the system should be restarted and the
queue reformatted. Make sure the jobqueu~
size is within the device type limits.
Problem Determination:
16, 29.

Table I, items 1, 3,

Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a WAIT macro instruction.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

The macro-expansion contained an .invalid
event control block (ECB) address.

For systems with the storage protection
feature, make sure that the event control
block address is in the same protection area
as the task waiting for the block to be
Correct the error and execute the job step

Explanation: While freeing or replacing a
region, the main storage supervisor found
that storage was still allocated to the
requesting task.
Programmer Response:

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Make sure that the event control block
address specified is a valid main storage
address and that it was not incorrectly

Table I, items 1, 5a,

Rerun the job.

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 5a,
16, 23, 29. Table II, Format 2: trace
option keyword(s) - TRACE=SVCP, event
keyword(s) - SVC=OA,END.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an OPEN macro instruction for a
data set on a direct access device. This
system completion code is accompanied by
either message IEC143I or IEF317I. Refer to
the explanation of message IEC143I or IEF317I
in this publication for complete
information about the task that was


Messages & Codes (Release 21.7)

Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598


terminated and for an explanation of the
return cgde (rc in message IEC1431 text)
in register 15.

The location of the input parameter list was
(The input parameter list,
ordinarily created through expansion of the
standard or MF=L form of the EXTRACT macro
instruction, describes the function to be
The starting address provided
indicated that the parameter list did not
begin either on a fullword boundary or within
the area of storage assigned to the job step.

Programmer Response: Respond as indicated
in the applicable message.
Problem Determination:
~a, 15, 25b, 29.

Explanation: The error occurred during
executlon of a CLOSE macro instruction for a
data set on magnetic tape. This system
completion code is accompanied by message
IEC210I. Refer to the explanation of message
IEC2101 in this publication for complete
information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC210I.
Problem Determination:
5a, 15, 29.


Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Correct the program so that the address of
the input parameter list is valid, recompile
and execute the job step again.
Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Respond as indicated in

Problem Determination:
5a, 15, 29.

Table I, items 1, 3,

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 5a,
16, 23, 29. Table II, Format 2: trace
option keyword(s) - TRACE=SVCP, event
keyword(s) - SVC=42,END.

Explanation: The operator canceled the job.
The job may have been canceled because it
appeared to be in a loop or because it was
waiting for resources that were not
immediately available (e.g., direct access
space or devices). perhaps the job was
canceled to correct a system interlock
condition (e.g., two tasks enqueued on a
resource without an intervening dequeue). Or
the job may have violated a procedure
established for your installation. There are
many reasons why an operator might cancel a
job. There may be nothing wrong with your
System Action:

The address was invalid for one of the
following reasons:
• It was not a multiple of 4.
• It was higher than the highest address in
main storage.
• It was not in storage assigned to the job
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the CHAP macro instruction to specify
a valid pointer to the task control block,
and ensure that the specification was not
incorrectly modified by the problem program.
Recompile and execute the job step again.

The system terminates the

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 5a,
16, 23, 29. Table II, Format 2: trace
option keyword(s) - TRACE=SVCP, event
keyword(s) - SVC=44,END.

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2,
5a or b, 16, 23, 29.
Rerun the job making
sure the operator enters the command CANCEL
jobname, DUMP.
Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of an EXTRACT macro instruction.

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of a CHAP macro instruction.
The address of the task control block (TCB)
for the subtask whose priority was to be
changed was invalid. This address was
specified in the second operand of the CHAP
macro instruction.

Programmer Response: Find out why the
operator canceled your job, make any
necessary corrections.


Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of an ATTACH macro instruction.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the macro instruction to specify a
problem program subpool (1 through 127). If
the macro instruction had been specified
correctly, check for program errors that
incorrectly modified it. Recompile and
execute the job step again.

Respond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,

Table I, items 1, 5a,

specified a subpool number greater than 127.
The subpools above 127, that is, subpools 128
through 255, are supervisor sUbpools. A
problem program is not permitted to use these

Explanation: The error occurred during
executlon of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction
with a TYPE=T operand. This system
completion code is accompanied by message
IEC219I. Refer to the explanation of message
IEC219I in this publication for complete
information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC219I.


Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred during
executlon of an overlay program.

System Completion Codes


The overlay supervisor found an invalid
address in the segment taole or the entry
table. The address pointed to a location
outside the boundaries of the main storage
assigned to the job step.

1 was not fullword address.
• The storage key of the address in register
1 does not match that of the issuer of the
• The parameter contained in the addresded
fullword is not the address of a subtask of
the issuer of the DETACh.

Programmer Response: Prooable user error.
Check for program errors that caused the
segment table or entry table to be
incorrectly'modified. Correct the program,
linkage edit, and execute the job step again.
Problem Determination:
9, 16, 29.

~~err Action:
The issuer of the DETACH is
abnorrrally terminated.

Programmer Response: Procable user error.
Cha nge the DETACH rracro inst ruct ion to
specify a valid address of the TCB, and
ensure that it was not incorrectly modified
oy the problem prograrr. kecompile and
execute the job step again.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: .The error occurred during
execution of a DEQ macro instruction.

Proolem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

An invalid length was specified for the name

length representing a resource. ~he length
was specified in the rname length operand of
the DEQ macro instruction, was supplied by
the assembler program, or was contained in
the byte immediately preceding the resource


Programmer Response: ProDable user error.
Correct the invalid macro instruction or the
program errors that incorrectly modified the
length. Recompile and execute the job step
Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Prograrrmer Response:
message IEC155 I.
Problem Determination:
5a, 15, 29.


Respond as indicated in
Table I, items 1,3,

Programmer Response: Prooable user error.
Correct the invalid macro instruction or the
program errors that incorrectly modified the
length. Recompile and execute the job step

Table I, items 1, 3,


Explanati on: A perrranent input/output error
occurred ~hile atterrpting to rollin a job
The joo step was aonormally

Programmer Response: ProLable hardware
error. Resubmit the job.
ProbleIP Determination: Table I, it ems 1,. Sa,
16, 23, 29. 'I'able II, Format 1: trace
option - TRACE=IO.

ExPlanation: The job step was abnormally
terminated at the request of User Appendage
III (the request for ABEND appendage). No
dump is produced.
Programner Response:

Rerun the job.

Table I, items 1, Sa,
PrOblem Determination:

Table I, items 1, Sa,

23, 29.




Explanation: In systems with MFT or MVT, the
job was being executed when system failure
occurred. A systew restart was performed; a
syst.~rr jOb queue entry for the job existed at
the tim:: of fai lure.

Systen: Acti on:
termina ted.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an ENQ macro instruction. An
invalid length was specified for the name
representing the resource. This length was
specified in the rname length operand of the
ENQ macro instruction, was supplied·by the
assembler program, or was contained in the
byte immediately preceding the resource name.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Respond as indicated in

Prograrrrrer Response:
If results of the job
are unsatisfactory, resubmit the job or job
steps, as desi red.

Problem Det;ermination:
Sa, 15, 19, 29.

ExPlanation: The error occurred duringexecution of a RDJFCB macro instruction.
This system completion code is accompanied by
message IEC1ssI.
Refer to the explanation of
message IEC1ss1 in this publication for
complete information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error occurred at an
end-of-volume. This system completion code
is accompanied by message IEC023I. Refer to
the explanation of message IEC0231 in this
publication for complete information about
the task that was terminated and for an
explanation of the return code (rc in the
message text) in register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IECO 231.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a DETACH macro instruction. One
of the following was detected:
• The parameter passed to DETACH in register
Messages & Codes (Release 21.7)


Explanation: The error was detected when an
input/output operation was requested and the
storage protection key of the data extent
bloc k was not zero (MVT) or not the s arne as


Programmer Response:
Probable user error.
Rewrite the problero program to name an entry
point specified during linkage editing as a
member name or alias. Then execute the job
step ag'ain.

the protection key field in the task control
block; or the number of extents as found in
the DEB is less than the number of extents as
found in theM field of the lOB.
If an abnormal termination dump with a trace
table is available, the address of the
applicable input/output block is:
• In register 1 of the EXCP (SVCO) most
recently issued before the abnormal
termination occurred.
• In register 2 in the section of the dump

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Verify that the Data Control Block contains
the address of the DEB. After making
corrections, execute the job step again.
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15,19,29.

Table 'I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a WAIT macro instruction.
The macro instruction specified an event
control block (ECB) whose wait flag was
already on. This indicated that a previous
wAIT macro instruction was already waiting
for posting of the event control block.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a FREEMAIN macro instruction:
• The specified subpool could not be found.
• The SP parameter was specified, but the
main storage area to be released was not
within the subpool specified.
• The SP parameter was not specified, but the
main storage area to be released was not
within subpool zero.
• The SP parameter was specified correctly.
but the boundaries of the storage area to
be freed were not completely described by a
descriptor queue element (DQE).
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Determine if the A operand and the LV or LA
operand specify an area within the subpool.
If the area as specified is within the
subpool, check for program errors that
incorrectly modified the FREEMAIN
macro-expansion. After making corrections,
execute the job step again.
Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.



Table I, items 1, Sa,

Table I, items 1, 3,


Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an R-form FREEMAIN macro
• The SP=(O) pararoeter was specified, but the
length in the three low-order bytes of
register 0 was not zero.
• The specified subpool could not be found.
• The SP parameter was specified, but the
main storage area to be released was not
within the subpool specified.
• The SP parameter was not specified, but the
main storage area to be released was not
within subpool zero.
• The SP parameter was specified correctly,
but the boundries of the storage area to be
freed were not completely described by a
descriptor queue element (DQE).
Programmer Response:
Probable user error.
Determine if the A operand and LV operand
specify an area within the subpool.
If the
area as specified is within the subpool,
check for program errors that incorrectly
modified the FREEMAIN macro-expansion. After
making corrections, execute the job step

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the problem program to eliminate a
double wait on a single event. If no double
wait is found, make sure that the event
control block was not incorrectly modified by
the program. Then execute the job step
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15., 19, 29.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a LOAD macro instruction.
A problem program specified a program to be
loaded by an entry point whose location was
given to the control program by an IDENTIFY
macro instruction.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an OPEN macro instruction for a
data set on a direct access device. This
system completion code is accompanied by
message IEC144I.
Refer to the explanation of
message IEC1441 in this publication for
complete information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC14 4 I.
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 2Sb, 29.


Respond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred during the
execution of a CLOSE macro instruction for a
data set on a di rect access device. This
system completion code is accompanied by
message IEC211I.
Refer to the explanation of
message IEC2111 in this publication for
complete information about the task that. was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC211I.
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 25b, 29.

Repsond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,

System Completion Codes


Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2S98

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction
with a TYPE=T operand for a data set on a
direct access device. This system completion
code is accompanied by message IEC220I.
Refer to the explanation of message IEC2201
in this publication for complete information
about the task that was terminated and for an
explanation of the return code (rc in the
message text) in register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC220I.
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 2Sb, 29.


Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Ensure that the job pack queue is not given
to the new task or that the job pack queue
contains only contents directory entries with
a use count of zero. Then execute the job
step again.
Problem Determination: Table I, items Sa,
16, 23, 29.
Table II, Format 2: trace
option keyword(s) - TRACE=SVCP, event
keyword(s) - SVC=42,END.

Respond as indicated in

A record of an incorrect length was found or
an uncorrectable input/output error occurred
in loading a segment from the library.
Programmer Response: Linkage edit the
program agaln and execute the job step again.
Problem Determination:
9, 29.

System Action: The system abnormally
terminated the job, job step, procedure, or
procedure step.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

The task control block (TCB) specified in the
second operand of the macro instruction was
not for an immediate subtask of the task
issuing the EXTRACT macro instruction.


The requesting task attempted to give its job
pack queue, which contained one or more
active programs, to the newly created task.
(A program is considered active if its
contents directory entry (CDE) contains a use
count greater than zero.)

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of the TESTRAN interpreter with a
program that was being tested.

System Action: The system terminated the
task, but dld not produce a dump.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Provide the necessary address.
Alternatively, prevent execution of this
statement, and list the address in the OPTEST
operand of another TEST OPEN statement. Then
execute the job step again.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an ATTACH macro instruction
issued by a program executing in the
supervisor state.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Control was given to a TEST OPEN statement.
The second operand of the statement did not
specify an address in the problem program to
which control could be returned.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the EXTRACT macro instruction to
specify a task control block for an immediate
If the macro instruction was
specified correctly, check for program errors
that incorrectly modified the EXTRACT
macro-expansion. After making corrections,
recompile and e~ecute the job step again.
Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Explanation: The error occurred during
executlon of a DEQ macro instruction.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the DEQ macro instruction so that
reset-must-complete is not specified.
Recompile and execute the job step again.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of an EXTRACT macro instruction.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

The DEQ macro instruction was issued by a
task in problem state and specified the
reset-must-complete (RMC) option. This
option can be specified only in supervisor

Programmer. Response: Check for program
errors, such as endless loops, that would
cause the job step, procedure, or procedure
step to take too long. Correct any such
If no errors are found, specify a
longer time in the TIME parameter. Then
execute the job again.


Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an overlay program.

Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: Execution of a job, job step,
or cataloged procedure step took longer than
the time specified in:
• The TIME parameter of the EXEC or JOB
• The standard time limit specified in the
cataloged procedure for the SYSIN reader,
if the TIME parameter was not specified in
the EXEC statement.

Problem Determination:
7b, 26d, 29.


Problem Determination:
4, 5b, 29.

Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred when the end
of a data set was reached. This system
completion code is accompanied by message
Refer to the explanation of message
IEC0241 in this publication for complete
information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC024I.

Respond as indicated in

C-J' \

, I


Messages & Codes (Release 21.7)


Problem Determination:
5b, 15, 21, 29.

Table I, i terns 1, 3,

applicable input/output block is:
• In register 1 of the EXCP (SVC 0) most
recently issued before the abnormal
terminati on occurred.
• In register 2 in the section of the dump

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an ENQ macro instruction.
The ENQ macro instruction was issued by a
task in problem program state, and specified
the set-must-complete (SMC) option. This
option is valid only in the supervisor state.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Verify that the blocks were not incorrectly
modified by the problem program.
If the EXCP
access method is being used, make sure that
the input/output olock correctly Duilt.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the ENQ rna·cro instruction so that the
set-must-complete option is not specified.
Recompile and execute the job step again.
Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

After making corrections, execute the job
step again.

Table I, items 1, 5a,

Explanation: A DETACH rnacro instruction
specifying STAE=YES has been issued for a
subtask that has not completed.

Problem Determination:
5a. 15, 19, 29.

System Action: The subtask is abnormally
terminated, but the task issuing the DETACH
is not abnormally terminated.

Programmer Response: This mayor may not be
an error, depending on the intent of the
If the subtask should complete
processing before it is detached, use the ECB
or EXTR operand of the ATTACH macro
instruction when creating the subtask.
Problem Determination:
16., 23, 29.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Rewrite the problew program so that it
specifies only loading, but not execution, of
the "only loadable n program, or so that it
names an entry point specified during linkage
editing as a member name or alias. Then
recompile and execute the job step again.

Table I, items 1, 5a,

Explanation: The task attempted to end
normally but teleprocessing I/O requests were
active or pending. This situation usually
opcurs when the terminating task issued I/O
requests to a data set opened by another task
in the terminating task's tree structure.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

system Action:

The outstanding I/O has been

Programmer Response: Correct the program to
ensure that all teleprocessing I/O for the
terminating task completed prior to that task
Problem Determination:
15, 16, 29.


Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a LINK, ATTACH, or XCTL macro
ins truc ti on.
This error condition occurred for either of 2
• The requested program was marked by the
linkage editor as "only loadable." The
program was produced by a linkage editor
execJ.tion for which the EXEC statement
contained OL in the PARM parameter field.
• In systems with MFT, problem program
specified a program to be loaded by an
entry point whose location was given to the
control program by an IDENTIFY macro
instructi on.

DETACH gives the issuing task a return
code of 04 if its subtask is abnormally
terminated with a system completion code of


Table I, items 1, 3,

Table I, items 1, 5 a.,

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of an R-form FREEMAIN macro
instructi on.
The macro instruction specified the release
of all subpool zero storage. The entire
subpool zero cannot be released by problem
programs, that is, programs with storage
protection keys other than zero.

Table I, items 5a,

Explanation: The error was detected when an
input/output operation was requested and the
DEBDCBAD field of the data extent block (DEB)
did not contain the same data control block
(DCB) address as the IOBDCBPT field of the
input/output block (IOB).

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
I f the FREEMAIN macro instruction was
intended to release subpool zero, remove it
from the program.
The control program
automatically releases subpool zero when a
job step terminates.
If the FREEMAIN macro instruction was not
intended to release sub pool zero, correct the
macro instruction or program errors that
incorrectly modified it.

The control program found that one of the
blocks was incorrectly modified or, when
using the EXCP access method, the programmer
incorrectly built the input/output block or
the event control block.

After makiDJ corrections, execute the job
step again.

If an abnormal termination dump with a trace
table is available, the address of the

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Table I"

items 1., 5a,

System Completion Codes



Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an OPEN macro instruction for a
data set on magnetic tape or on a direct
access device. This system completion code
is accompanied by message IEC145I.
Refer to
the explanation of message IEC145I in this
publication for complete information about
the task that was terminated and for an
explanation of the return code (rc in the
message text) in register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC145I.
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.


Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 25b, 29.


Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 25b, 29.

Table I, items 1, 3,

Table I, items 7ab,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a SEGWT macro instruction in an
overlay pr03'ram.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Either combine the two exclusive segments
into one segment, or reorganize the overlay
structure so that the exclusive segments
become inclusive. Then execute the job step
Problem Determination:
9, 29.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of an ATTACH macro instruction.
The ECB operand specified an invalid address
for the event control block (ECB) to be
posted when the subtask terminates. The
address was invalid for one of the following
• It was not on a fullword boundary.
• It was higher than the highest address in
ma in storage.
• The TCB protect key for that task did not
match the main storage key in the area
where the ECB was located.

Respond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Change the ATTACH macro instruction to
spec ify the correct ECB, and ensure that the
specification was not incorrectly modified by
the problem program. Recompile and execute
the job step again.


Respond as indicated in
Problem Determination:

Table I, items 1, Sa"

Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The job required too much queue
space in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set for

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Correct the DEQ macro instruction
spec if ica ti on or the program errors that
incorrectly modified the parameter list.
Recompile and execute the job step again.

system Action: If the ABEND occurred during
step termination for the last step of the
job, the problem program completes, even
though CANCEL messages were issued.
Programmer Response: Divide the steps of the
terminated job into two or more jobs or, the
next time the system is started, ~pecify that
(1) the format of the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set
be changed (F in the Q parameter of the SET
command) and (2) a larger t parameter be used
in the reply to message IEF423A.
If the ABEND occurred during step termination
for the last step of the job., verify that the
Messages & Codes (Release 21.7)

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a DEQ rracro instruction.
The control program found that the parameter
list created from the macro instruction was

The space reserved for each initiator was
specified either during system generation or
in the t parameter of the reply to message



The SEGWT macro instruction specified loading
of an exclusive segrrent.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction
with a TYPE=T operand for a data set on a
direct access device.
This system completion
code is accompanied by message IEC221I.
Refer to the explanation of message IEC221I
in this publication for complete information
about the task that was terminated and for an
explanation of the return code (rc in the
message text) in register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC221I.


Problem Determination:
8a, 17b, 29.

Respond as indicated in

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a CLOSE macro instruction for a
data set on a direct access device.
system completion code is accompanied by
message IEC212I. Refer to the explanation of
message IEC212I in this publication for
complete information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC212I.

problem pr03'ram completed as expected and
that the data sets associated with the
problem pr03'ram were handled correctly.

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of the TESTRAN interpreter with a
program that was being tested.
The symbol table and control dictionaries of
a program could not be read.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Repeat the linkage editing of the program to
recreate the symbol table and control

. .



Then execute the job step

Problem Determination:
4, 5b, 29.

Table 1, items 1, 3,

If an abnormal terrrination dump with a trace
table is available, the address of the
applicable inputloutput block is:
• In register 1 of the EXCP (SVCO) most
recently issued before the abnormal
termination occurred.
• In register 2 in the section of the dump

Explanation: The error occurred at an
end-of-volume. This system cowpletion code
is accompanied by message IEC025I. Refer to
the explanation of message IECQ251 in this
I?uolication for complete information about
the task that was terminated and for an
explanation of the return code (rc in the
message text) in register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IECO 251.
Problem Determination:
5a, 15, 29.


incorrectly bui It the input-output block or
the eve nt control block.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Verify that the blocks were not incorrectly
modified by the problem Frogram.
If the EXCP
access wethod is being used, make sure that
the inputloutput block and the event control
olock are correctly b\lilt.

Respond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,

After fllaking corrections, execute the job
step again.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an ENQ macro instruction.
The control program found that the parameter
list created from the macro instruction was

Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 19, 29.

Programmer Response: Prooable user error.
Correct the specification of the macro
instruction or the program errors that
incorrectly modified the parameter list.
Recompile and execute the job step again.


Problem Determination:
16, 23, L9.

The outstanding 1/0 has been

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Correct the macro instruction or program
errors that incorrectly modified the
parameter lists. Then execute the job step
aga in.
Prob lem Determi nation:
16, 23, 29.




The control program found that one of the
blocks was incorrectly modified or, when
using the EXCP access method, the programmer

The error was detected during

of a FREEMAIN macro instruction

The lenJth list and the address list occupied
overlapping storage locations.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Correct the macro instruction or program
errors that incorrectly modified the
parameters. Then execute the job step again.

Table I, items Sa,

Explanation: The error was detected when an
input/output operation was requested and the
Data Extent Block did not contain the address
of a valid unit control block, or the UCBID
field of the unit control block (UCB),
pointed to by the DEBUCBAD field of the data
extent block did not contain hexadecimal FF.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

that requested release of one or more areas
of main storage.
The macro instruction
contained an LA operand (address of a list of
lengths) and an A operand (address of a list
of beginning addresses for the areas).

Programmer Response: The program may be
corrected by one of the following:
• Making sure that all I/O for the
terminating task has completed prior to the
task completing •
• Making sure that the completing task was
attached using the EXTR or ECB option. The
EXTR routine or ECB logic can then be used
to restore the purged 1/0 to the attaching
task by RESTORE. The lOB chain pointer was
stored in the terminated TCB at TCB+'BC'
Problem Determination:
15, 16, 29.

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of a GETMAIN macro instruction that
requested allocation of one or more areas of
main storage. The rracro instruction
contained an LA operand (address of a list of
lengths) and an A operand (address of a list
of beginninJ addresses for the areas).
The lenJth list and the address list occupied
overlappi ng storage locations.

Table I, items 1, 5a,

Explanation: The task attempted to terminate
normally; however, there was at least one
outstanding I/O request that was incomplete.
This situation usually occurs when the
terminating task issues I/O requests to a
data set that was opened by another task in
the terminating task's tree structure.
System Action:

Table I, items 1, 3,

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a LINK, XCTL, ATTACH, or LOAD
macro instruction in an overlay program. If
the requested program had been loaded, not
enough main storage would have remained for
the overlay supervisor.
Programmer Response:
Probable user error.
Reduce the size of the entire program or of
th€· overlay segment.
If this is not
pOSSible, change the program from an overlay
System Completion Codes


Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598
environment, there was not sufficient Local
System Queue Area available to propogate the
STAI environment to the subtask specified by
this ATTACH macro instruction.
If this
program is not executing in a TSO
environment, there was not sufficient System
Queue Area to propagate the STAI environment.

program to a dynamically loaded program or
do not execute the program with the TESTRAN
interpreter. Then recompile and execute the
job step again.
Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, Sa,
16, 23, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace
option - TRACE=SYS.

Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.

Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2,
Sa, 7a, 29.
If the problem persists in a TSO
environment, have the terminal sheet

Respond as indicated in

A DEQ macro instruction was issued in an
asynchronous exit routine for a resource
previously enqueued by another routine in the
same task. However, the task had not yet
received control of the resource.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Correct the program so that the DEQ macro
instruction is issued only after the task has
control of the resource.
If possible, avoid
issuing the DEQ macro instruction in the exit
routine. Recompile and execute the job step

Respond as indicated in

Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: All of the tasks in a job step
were in an SVC wait state for thirty
consecutive minutes or, in systems with
system management facilities, for the time
specified in the JWT parameter.
The event control block (ECB) specified in
the wait request was never posted. This
could be the result of waiting on the wrong
ECB or not posting the correct ECB.
Programmer Response: Correct any errors and
execute the job step aga~n. If no errors are
found and a thirty minute wait is legitimate
for that particular job step, specify
TlME=1440 on the EXEC statement to bypass all
job step timing.
Problem Determination: Table I, items 7ab,
29. Execute the IEBPTPCH utility program to
list the reader procedure that was used for
this job, if SMF is not being used and the
TIME parameter was not specified on the EXEC


Explanation: The error was detected during
execut~on of a DEQ macro instruction.

Table I, items 1, 3,



Programmer Response: Notify the system
programmer at the installation and resubmit
the job.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a CLOSE macro instruction. This
system completion code is usually accompanied
by message IEC213I.
Refer to the explanation
of message IEC2131 in this publication for
complete information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC213I.


System Action: The subtask is not attached,
and the task that issued the ATTACH macro
instruction is abnormally terminated.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execut~on of an OPEN macro instruction for a
data set on magnetic tape. This system
completion code is accompanied by message
IEC146I. Refer to the explanation of message
IEC1461 in this publication for complete
information about the task that was
terminated and for an explanation of the
return code (rc in the message text) in
register 15.
Programmer Response:
message IEC146I.


Explanation: The error occurred during the
execution of an ATTACH macro instruction.
Although the STAI operand was not specified
in this ATTACH macro instruction, a STAI
operand had been specified for an ancestor
task in the task tree structure. However, if
this program is executing in a TSO

Explanation: The error occurred at
end-of-volume input/output on magnetic tape.
This system completion code is accompanied by
message IEC016I. Refer to the explanation of
message IEC0161 for complete information
about the task that was terminated and for an
explanation of the return code (rc in the
message text) in register 15.
Programmer Response:
for message IEC016I.
problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.


Table I, items 1, Sa,

Respond as indicated
Table I, items 1, 3,

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of a GETMAIN macro instruction.
The control program found one of the
• An erroneous address or length was
contained in a free queue element.
• The address in the A or LA operand
specified a location outside the main
storage assigned to the task, or was not a
multiple of 4.
• The address of the parameter list for the
macro instruction was erroneous. This
address was in register 1.
• In MFT only, the address or length
contained in a gotten queue element (GQE)
was invalid.


Messages & Codes (Release 21.7)



Then execute the job step

Problem Determination:
4, 5b,


Table 1, items 1, 3,

I f an abnormal tenrination dump with a trace
table is available, the address of the
applicable input/output block is:
• In register 1 of the EXCP (SVCO) most
recently issued before the abnormal
termination occurred •
• In register 2 in the section of the dump


Explanation: The error occurred at an
end-of-volume. This system completion code
is accompanied by message IEC025I. Refer to
the explanation of message IEC0251 in this
pUblication for complete information about
the task that was terminated and for an
explanation of the return code (rc in the
message text) in register 15.
Programmer kesponse:
message IEC025I.
Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 29.


incorrectly bui It the input-output block or
the eve nt control block.

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Verify that the blocks were not incorrectly
modified by the problem ~rogram.
If the EXCP
access wethod is being used, make sure that
the input/output block and the event control
olock are correctly b\lilt.

Respond as indicated in
Table I, items 1, 3,

After roaking corrections, execute the job
step again.

Explanation: The error occurred during
execution of an ENQ macro instruction.
The control program found that the parameter
list created from the macro instruction was

Problem Determination:
Sa, 15, 19, 29.

Programmer Response: Prooable user error.
Correct the specification of the macro
instruction or the program errors that
incorrectly modified the parameter list.
Recompile and execute the job step again.


Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.


The outstanding I/O has been

Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Correct the macro instruction or program
errors tha t i nc orrect ly modi f i ed the
parameter lists. Then execute the job step
aga in.
Problem Determination:
16, 23, 29.

Programmer Response: The program may be
corrected by one of the following:
• Making sure that all I/O for the
terminating task has completed prior to the
task completing.
• Making sure that the completing task was
attached using the EXTR or ECB option. The
EXTR routine or ECB logic can then be used
to restore the purged I/O to the attaching
task by RESTORE. The lOB chain pointer was
stored in the terminated "TCB at TCB+'BC'
Problem Determination:
15, 16, 29.


The control program found that one of the
blocks was incorrectly modified or, when
using the EXCP access method, the programmer

Table I, items 1, Sa,

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution err a FREEMAIN macro instruction
that requested release of one or more areas
of main storage. The macro instruction
contained an LA operand (address of a list of
lengths) and an A operand (address of a list
of beginning addresses for the areas).
The len:Jth list and the address list occupied
overlappin:J storage locations.
Programmer Response: Probable user error.
Correct the macro instruction or program
errors that incorrectly modified the
parameters. Then execute the job step again.

Table I, items Sa,

Explanation: The error was detected when an
input/output operation was requested and the
Data Extent Block did not contain the address
of a valid unit control block, or the UCBID
field of the unit control block (UCB),
pointed to by the DEBUCBAD field of the data
extent block did not contain hexadecimal FF.

Explanation: The error was detected during
execution of a GErMAIN macro instruction that
requested allocation of one or more areas of
main storage. The rracro instruction
contained an LA operand (address of a list of
lengths) and an A operand 
~.'-f!i Operator Response: Probable hardwaie~··error. Start the system again. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. 004 Explanation: During execution of the IPL program or the nucleus initialization program (NIP), an input/output operation was not initiated; the channel status word (CSW) was not stored and the channel was not busy following executi on of a Test I/O instruction. (If NIP, the fourth byte of the program status word is. hexadecimal FF.) Operator Response: PrObable hardware error. start- the system again. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. Wait State Codes 65 005 Explanation: During execution of the I~L program or the nucleus initialization program (NIP), an input/output interruption occurred because of a unit check. If IPL, the fourth byte of the program status word is hexadecimal 00. The address of the channel command word (CCW) causing the original unit check was placed at hexadecimal location 4C. The first four sense bytes describing the unit check were placed at hexadecimal location 54. If NIP, the fourth byte of the program status word is hexadecimal FF. The result of a sense operation to determine the cause of the unit check was not one of the following: • No record found. • File mask violation. • End of cylinder. • Track condition check. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. Problem Determination: 17b, 29. Table I, items 11, 006 Explanation: During execution of the IPL program or the nucleus initialization program (NIP), one or more of the following occurred: • An interface control check. • A channel control check. • A channel data check. • A program check. • A channel chaining check. (If NIP, the fourth byte of the program status word is hexadecimal FF.) operator Response: Probable user error. Restart the system. Problem Determination: 17b, 29. Table I, items 11, 17b, 29. 008 Explanation: During execution of the nucleus initialization program (NIP), an input/output interruption occurred because of a unit check. rhe unit check indicates that a record was not found. rhis code also appears if an unformatted direct access volume is mounted on an online device or if the volume label is on an alternate track (defective track 0 at DASDI). operator Response: Probable user error. Ensure that there are no unformatted volumes on an online direct access device, and restart the system. 66 Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. Problem Determination: 17b, 29. Table I, items 11, OOA Explanation: The SYS1.LINKLIB was not found in the catalog. Operator Response: progra rrme r • Notify the system Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insure that the SYS1.LINKLIB is in the catalog and restart the system. Problem Determination: Table I, items 30. OOF Explanation: A volume has been IPLed that does not contain IPL text. Operator Response: Probable user error. Correct the load unit switches to address the correct volume to be IPLed. Verify that the correct volume is Irounted. Press the LOAD key and continue. Problem Determination: Table I" items 11, 29. 010 Explanation: During execution of the nucleus initialization program (NIP), an input/output interruption occurred because of a unit check. The unit check indicates that an end of cylinder occurred before the record being searched f or was found. o Operator Response: Probable user error. Restart the system. operator Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the device is available. Problem Determination: 17b, 29. o Table I, items 11, 007 Explanation: During execution of the nucleus initialization program (NIP), a console was not available. Problem Determination: 009 Explanation: During execution of the nucleus initialization program (NIP), an input/output interruption occurred because of a unit check. The unit check indicates that a file mask violation occurred in response to a TIO macro instruction. Table I, items 11, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Problem Determination: 17b, 29. Table I, items 11, 011 Explanation: During execution of the nucleus initialization program (NIP)" an input/output interruption occurred because of a unit check. The unit check indicates that a track condition check occurred. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. Problem Determination: 17b, 29. Table I, items 11, 012 Explanation: During nucleus initialization, the prefix switches on both central processing units were set in the same position, causing both units to use the same prefixed storage area. Operator Response: Probable user error. Set one of the prefix switches in the opposite position, and restart the system. If the problem recurs, call IBM for programming support. o o 015 Explanation: During nucleus initialization, it was determined that the storage box enable/disable switches were not set in the same position on both central processing units. Operator Response: Probable user error. set the storage enable/disable switches so that each box in a multiprocessor configuration either can or cannot be used by both central processing units. If the problem recurs, call IBM for programming support. 016 Explanation: During nucleus initialization, the uppermost 4K bytes of storage malfunctioned and could not be used for the permanent storage area. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Redial the storage boxes so that a different box has the highest address range, and start the system again. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. 017 Explanation: During execution of the IPL program or the nucleus initialization program (NIP)" a unit check occurred while executing a sense instruction. The sense instruction had been issued to clarify a previous unit check condition. (If NIP, the fourth byte of the program status word is hexadecimal FF.) Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. o Problem Determination: 17b" 29. Programmer Response: Make sure that module IEAMP650 is in SYS1.LINKLIB. Problem Determination: 17b, 29. Table I, items 11, (2) Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. Problem Detenrination: 17b, 29. Table I, items 11, 021 Explanation: During nucleus initialization, an input/output interruption occurred on teleprocessing or graphics console following an EXCP operation. Register 1 contains a pointer to the input/output block (lOB) for the failing EXCP operation. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. If the problem recurs, ca 11 IBM f or hardware support.. OE2 Explanation: During processing by the supervisor, either a machine-check interruption or a channel failure occurred, but neither system environment recording routine, SERO or SER1, is in the operating system. Table I, items 11, 018 Explanation: During execution of the IPL program" the nucleus was found to be too big for the machine size; the space available for relocation dictionary (RLD) records was exceeded. Operator Response: Probable user error. Report this message to the programmer. Programmer Response: Regenerate the system and decrease the size of the nucleus by removing options. If the problem recurs, call IBM for programming support. 019 Explanation: During execution of the IPL program, a program interruption occurred because a machine malfunction made the area containing the IPL program unusable. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. o recurs, report the condition to the programmer responsible for the system. 020 Explanation: During execution of the nucleus initialization program (NIP), the multiprocessing initialization module (IEAMP650) could not be loaded from the SYS1.LINKLIB data set for one of the following reasons: (1) The multiprocessing initialization module was not found in the SYS1.LINKLIB data set,. (2) A permanent input/output error occurred during the directory search for the mul tiprocessing initialization module,. (1) Operator Response: Probable user error. Restart the system. If the problem Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. Problem Determination: 30. Table I, items 2, 12, AOl Explanation: This wait state code is associated with message IGF003W. MCH has encountered an unexpected machine-check interruption during its error recovery attempt. System Action: Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If ·S· is present in the associated message, execute the system Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment, then restart the system. If ·S· is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO prograrr.. Problem Determination: Table I, items 14, 30. A02 Explanation: A second machine-check interruption occurred while handling a machine-check interruption within either RMS/85, 155, or 165. No message will be issued,. System Acti on: Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment; restart. the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: Table I .. items 14, 30. Wait State Codes 67 A03 Explanation: This ~ait state code is associated with message IGF004W. A program interruption occurred during MCH processing. System Action: Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If ·S· is present in the associated message, execute the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment, then restart the system. If ·S· is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: Table I, items 14, 30. A04 Explanation: This ~ait state code is associated with message IGF006W. The MCH Resident Nucleus module (IGFNUCOO) was unable to load a scheduled MCH transient module. MCH operation must terminate. System Action: Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If • S· is present in the associated message" execute the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment, then restart the system. If'S' is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: Table I, items 14, 30. A05 Explanation: This ~ait state code is associated with message IGF002W. MCH has encountered a nonretryable recoverable failure within a supervisor area. System Action: Enter wait state. Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If'S' is present in the ass ociat ed mess age. execute the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment, then restart the system. If ·s' is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: A08 Explanation: This wait state code is associated with message IGF006W. Same as state code A07 except a CC=O was received the SIO. A TCH was then issued expecting CC=l (interruption pending) but receiving CC=O or 3. System Acti on: wait from a a Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If'S' is present in the associated message, execute the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment, then restart the system. If'S' is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: Table I, items 14" 30. A09 Explanation: This wait state code is associated with message IGF006W. MCH successfully created a pending SYSRES interruption but in attempting to clear it via a TIO, a CC=2, or 3 was received instead of a CC=l,. System Acti on: Problem Determination: Problem Determination: system Action: Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If'S' is present in the associated message, execute the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment, then restart the system. If'S' is not present. restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: Table I, items 14, 30. A07 Explanation: This ~ait state code is associated with message IGF006W MCH was attempting to create a pending I/O interruption (both CE and DE pending) from the SYSRES device ~hile performing its termination procedures. An SIO ~as issued with CC=O expected, but a CC=l, 2, or 3 was received. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) rf-,~ " IV Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. I f ' S' is present in the ass ociat ed mess age" execute the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment, then restart the system. If ·S· is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO prog ram. Table I, items 14, 30. o Table I, items 14, 30. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If ·S· is present in the associated message, execute the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment, then restart the system. If'S' is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. A06 Explanation: This ~ait state code is associated with message IGF001W. MCH has encountered a nonrecoverable failure within a supervisor area. 68 system Acti on: Table I, items 14, 30. AOA Explanation: This wait state code is associated with message IGF013W. MCH was entered as the result of a channel-check condition. MCH has produced a channel inboard record. (CCH has not been able to complete its functions" or CCH is not in the system). System Acti on: Enter wait I state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If'S' is present in the associated message, execute the System Environment Record Edit and Print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment, then restart the system. If'S' is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: Table I, items 14, 30. AOB Explanation: This wait state code is associated with message IGF012W. MCH determined that a machine-check interruption occurred during Channel-Check Handler processing. 0 '~ o ~titem Acticn: Enter wait state. Operatcr Redpcnse: Prcbable hardware errcr. If'S' is present in the asscciated message, execute the System Envircnment Reccrd Edit and Print (SEREP) prcgram to. reccrd the machine environment, then restart the system. If'S' is nct present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO prcgram. PrcbleII' Determinaticn: Enter wait state. Operatcr Respcnse: Prcbable hardware errcr. Execute the System Envircnment Reccrd Edit and Print (SEREP) prcgram to record the machine envircnment, then restart the system. Prcblem Determination: AOE o Table 1, items 14, 30. ~xplanaticn: This wait state cede is asscciated with message IG}'OllW. NCH determined that it has not been prcperly initialized oy NIP. system Acticn: Enter wait state. Operator Kespcnse: Prcbable hardware errcr. Execute the System Envircnment Reccrd Edit and Print (SEREP) prcgram to. reccrd the machine envircnment, then restart the system. Problem Determinaticn: Table I, items 14, 30. AOF Explanaticn: This wait state code is asscciated with message IGF016W. MCH has received an indicaticn in the logcut that an unrecoverable 2880 errcr has occurred. System Acticn: Enter wait state. Operatcr Respcnse: Prcbable hardware errcr. If 'st is present in the asscciated message, execute the system envircnment reccrd edit and print o Independent Utility Messages (me) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IBC I r-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------i I Program Producing Message I Independent utility programs: IBCDASDI (DASDI), IBCDMPRS , I Component Name I I (OUMP/RESTORE), IBCRCVRP (RECOVER/REPLACE). I I IBC2nns text cuu xx ssss YYYYYYYYYYYY mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrmmmmmm cccchhhh I I I nnn or 2nn Message ser ial number. I I s I I I I I I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For programmer: location specified in MSG utility control statement. I r-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Fbrmat J IBCnnns text I I 1 Type code: I 1 I A Action; operator must perform a specific action. I Information; no operator action is required. I W Wait; processing stopped until action is determined and I performed. I I text I I I ,I I I 1 16-byte message text. I c I I I I I 1 I I Channel of device in error. J uu Uni t in error. xx Command code. o ssss I I I I I status bytes from channel status word (CSW). YYYYYYYYYYYYmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrmmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrmm J Sense bytes. I cccc I Cylinder address of direct access device bein~ used when failure I occurred. (This address appears only if direct access device is I being used.) I hhhh I Head address of direct access device being used when failure I occurred. (This a ddress appears only if direct access dev ice is I being used.) I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Associated Publications I IBM System/360 Operating system: I I utili ties, GC28-6586 r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this publication for problem I determination instructions. IL_____________________________ LI _______________________________________________________________________ JI Error Messages for mCDASDI (DASDI) and IBCDMPRS (Dump/Restore) IBC101W INVALID CARD CODE. CORRECT ERROR. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: An invalid card code appears in the last card processed. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check for keypunch or multipunch errors. COrrect and rerun the job. o Problem Determination: 20, 29. Table I, items 2, IBC102A CONl'ROL STATEMENl' ERROR. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: A utility control statement contains an incorrect keyword, parameter" or name field. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check f or keypunch errors. Correct incorrect keyword, parameter" or name fields. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: 20, 29. Table I, items 2" IBC103A STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: The utility statements are not in the proper sequence, or unnecessary utility statements are present. IBC Messages - IBCDASDI and IBCDMPRS 79 ell: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct control statement sequence or remove unnecessary statements and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 20, 29. Explanation: The home address or record zero was defective and has been m'Oved down the track (on 2314/2319 disk and 2321 data cell only). The defective track and the alternate track assignment are listed. Table I, items 2, IBC108W .HA OR RO FIELD BAD. IBC104W SVC INTERRUPT. '~ IBC1081 HA OR RO FIELD BAD. JOB TERMINATED. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: An unknown SVC interrupt occurred. This program doe s not issue SVCs. Explanation: The device cannot be initialized due to a bad surface area in the home address or track descriptor rec ord a rea. System Action: System Action: The job is terminated. Operator Response: program. Operator Response: and re run the job. Re-execute the Problem Determination: 15, 20, 29. The job is terminated. Mount another volume Problem Determination: 20, 29. Table I, items 11, Table I, items 2, IBC1091 TRACK CHK INDICATES TRACK IS GOOD. IBC105A DEFINE INPUT DEVICE. Explanation: The input device must be identified to the system by the operator as specified under Operator Response below. Explanation: The track in question is good and no alternate was assigned. Prcqrammer Response: None. IBCll01 BAD TRACK cccchhhh. Explanation: A defective track was found at the specified location (cccc is the cylinder number, hhhh is the head number). System Action: The system waits for the operator to reply. Operator Response: Enter the following message from console typewriter: Prcqrammer Response: fJlake sure that message IBClll1 was issued for each bad track. INPUT=dddd cuu, where dddd is the device type and cuu is the channel and unit address of the input device. IBClll1 ALTERNATE{CCCChhhh} NONE Explanation: An alternate track at the specified location (cccchhhh) is assigned to replace the defective track (cccc is the cylinder nurober, hhhh is the head number). If NONE is specified with this message, either the defective track is in the alternate track area or the applicable device is a drum device. IBC106A THE VOLID IN CONTROL STATEMENT DOES NOT AGREE WITH ID IN VOL LABEL WHICH FOLLOWS. VOLID=ser. Explanation: The VOLID parameter in the utility control statement did not match the volume serial number (ser) found on the receiving volume. Operator Response: Probable user error. Correct the statement or mount the correct vol ume. Restart the. program. Problem Determination:. 15" 20, 28, 29. IBC107W TRACK ZERO BAD. NOTE: If an alternate track is bad and another alternate is assigned the second alternate will not indicate cccchhhh. IBCl12W ALT TRACKS DEPLETED. JOB TERMINATED. Operator Response: Mount another volume andre run the job. Problem Determination: Table I" items 2" 20, 29. ~BCl13W The job is terminated. Programmer Respb~: This volume cannot contain IPL text as track 0 is defective. Mount another volume arid,rerun the job. Problem Determination: 20, 29. 80 JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: The number of alternate tracks assigned has exceeded the maximum number for this device. Table I, items 2, Explanation: '!he device cannot be initialized as a system residence volume due to a defective surface on cylinder 00, track 00. System Action: o Table I, items 2" Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) IMPROPER VTOC BEGIN ADDRESS. TERMINATED. JOB Explanation: The starting address for the VTOC cannot be track 0 for any direct access device or track 1 for the 2302 or 2311 devices if IPL text is written by the program.. The VTOC cannot start on an alternate track. 0 .. " .. , System Action: ',The jOb, i,s terminated. Proorammer Re.3pOnse,: Probable user error. Change .the SrrRTADR parameter on the V'lOCO state~ent t,o us~ another t:r::ack. Operator Response: Correct the faulty condition, ready the printer, and press the console INTERRUPT key to continue to prcgram. Problem Determination: Problem Determination: 15, 20~ 29. ,--' IBC151W 'MACi;lI~E CHECK_ IBC156A READY TAPE cuu. '--- .. - - DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. -"'--'~---'-- JOB'rEHMINA'lED. Explanation: A machine malfunction has caused a machine' in"t:e:r;rupt. System Actiofi: Explanati on: The tape drive on channel c, unit uu is not ready. System Action: The system waits for the operator's response. The' job,is terminated. Oper"atot Response: Execute the SEREP pro'grarn aJ',ld save' ·the output. Rerun the job. Operator Response: Correct the faulty condition, ready the tape drive, and depress the conso~e INTERRUPT key. Problem Determination: Problem Determination: 30. ISC152fl PROGRAM INTERRUPT. System Action: IBC157A READY DASD cuu. JOB TERMINATED. it~ 30. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation: The direct access device on channel c, unit uu is not ready. System Action: The system waits for the operaitor's response. The job is,terminated. R~sponse: None .. Problem Determination:', Table I, items 2, 11. 20~ 2,9'~ \ IBC15~A TYPEWRITER FAILE;D o Table I, Table I, items 14, Explanation:, A progt'alJll interrupt has occurr,ed. Operator Table I, item 30. Table I, items 2, TO 'R~AD LAST MESSAGE. DEPRESS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation :, The ~onpole typewriter to tea,d the, inpu,t me ssage. ~aile~ sYSttem Ac,tion":",Tp~ sY,stem wai ts for th,· operatoi" s z:espo:Qs~ ~ . ~ ,. .'''!. Operat0r Response:' Press the console INTERRUPT key ahdattempt to enter the input messa.gea:g~in. ' Problem Determination: Table I, item 30. IBC154A READY READER cuu., OEPRE,SS INTERRUPT KEY. Explanation,: The reader identified in the me!:')sage by ,~uu has, a c,ard jam, a transport jam" ot is :()llt' of'ca:r;ds ~ Operator Response: Correct the faulty c oro iti on, ready the direct access drive, and press the console INTERRUPT key. Problem Deter~ination: IBC158A WRONG TAPE ON cuu. INTERRUPT. Table I, item 30. MOUNT PROPER TAPE. Explanation: The tape on the device spec ified by cuu does not pertain to this job. System Action: The system waits for the operator's response. Operator Response: Probable user error. Mount the correct tape and press the INTERRUPT key to continue. Problem Determination: 20, 28, 29. Table I. items 2" IBC159A READER CHECK. CORRECT ERROR. I NTERRU PT KEY • DEPRESS .system'; Act i6ri:"The.~~tem waits for the , ' Explanation: Qperat'~i," Re~;po~'e.:'~c~rr,ec't the faulty System Action: The system waits for the operator's response. 'qp~~at:o~'~sre~;~~l1~~ ( A reader check has occurred. 'cb~dit,iQn." ltE$CiitJ:,lereader, and press the consQle INTERRgPiT key, t-() contin ue the Program. If, 'the card Or transport jam o,ccllr~ ,aga;i,n~, '~produc~the jammed cards and,try, agai*. ' P:ro:b1:~m "DetermL~tio~: ,fable I, item 30. IBC155A R~D¥ PRIl~,TER }~~u,.' ,.o'J?R.ESS INTER~UPT :KEY. EXPlan~tion,: ,~:~~'pr:int~r 0 1 identified in th~,messa.ge't:elCb;py cn"oft he R:EC(JVER Use an routine't6'·p:r~uc~.; :~~ c~rre.ct J:eeovertape. bet~ha~Z'()~'f~"T~biej;" i~elns 2~ 28#.~'9.~ ".1 . '. '>,' IBC413A TAPE ON buti.:NpT"~A'·iiE~V~·T~£'Explanati dn:o '. A,. reco/et: t~pe is not mountedon"tWe's;pea;i"fieQ channel and uhit. as stat~~ iI?- ",bqeR;EPL)\~st:atemertt., S ystem System Action: of'the>R:E~OVER OF . System Adtioi1<';':The'~':~'Ob -:18 t:en:n:inat.ed. Problem 15, 20 i IBC411A {TRACKIVOLIDl NUMBER SUPPLIED DOES NOT MATCH NUMBER ON TAPE ' 'RECOVE;R Aeti:on~ ~.\~~.,;'j.ol:)· is',' t,~*,mii1ateq.' . ... <.~<;<, ..... , , ,'.. ",.. ,,' ' Operator .:ReSJ?oliiSe;:. ". '·l?r.ebable utiererror.,· Mount the~,oo'PJt.ect ;t.~.pe','andrerun tile job. Problem Det.ermination; 15,20,29:,29. " Table -I" items 2, o o 88, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) o Supervisor Messages (lEA) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I Component Name I lEA 1 ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I ABEND, IEAPRINT program, input/output supervisor, nucleus I I I initialization program (NIP), rollout/rollin, and supervisor. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced 1 For operator: I I console. 1 I For programmer: " I I I SYS PRJ NT data set. ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Fbrmat 1 xx IEAnnns text I I I xx I I 1 1 1 nnn 1 1 s I I I 1 I I I I I text Message reply identification (absent, if o~erator reply not required or if issued by IEAANIP at IPL time.) I I Message serial number. ~ype I I I code: A E Action; operator must perform a specific action. Eventual action; operator must perform action when he has time. I Information; no operator action is required. W Wait; processing stoppedunti 1 acti on is determined and performed. I I I I I I I I I 1 Message text. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments 1 None. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this publication for problem I Il _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI ~ condition. This field appears only f or devices that give mor"e than 2 bytes of sense information. Input/Output Supenjsor Messages 1 IEAOOOA adr,INT REQ,cm,stat,sensbbbDbb"ser,jjj IEAOOOA adr,INT REQ,CC=3/NO PATHS AVAlLABLE",jjj Explanation: For the first format of the message, the input/output supervisor detected a device that requires intervention; for the second format of the message, the input/output supervisor received a not operational indication on the last available path to a device. In the message text in hexadecimal, the fields are: adr Unit address of the device. cm Operation code of the channel command word (CCW) during whose execution the error occurred. If the channel command word cannot be found, this field appears as **. stat Status portion of the channel status word (CSW). o sens First 2 sense bytes for the error condition. bbbbbb Next 3 sense bytes for the error ser serial nUIrber of the volume on which intervention is required. This field appears only for magnetic tape or direct access devices. jjj Job name, in characters, durinq which intervention is requ'ired. (If" the job name cannot be determined, this field will be left blank.> Operator Response: For the first format of the message, take an appropriate action, such as: • Make the unit ready. I f the unit cannot be Irade ready, cancel the jon. • Feed more cards to the reader or punch. • Clear a card jam. • Empty a stacker. • Empty the chip box. • Put paper into the printer or console typewri ter. For the second format of the message, either physically turn on a path to the device (for example, a control unit switch or a channel switch) or VARY a path online that has been previously varied offline. The n, if necessary, make the dev ice ready. lEA Messages - I/O supervisor 1 89 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 3D, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Problem Determination: 29, 30. Table I, items 1.1, • DSE FAILED to indicate that a data security erase failure occurred. An lOB intercept condition has been detected and the error is flagged as permanent. • UNEX INTRPT to indicate that an interrupt condition has been detected by the error recovery procedures and that only "device end" is on in the status byte. A status of x'1400' indicates the tape drive has gone from 'not ready' to 'ready' status. This is a "SECURITY INTERRUPT." A Security Interrupt indicates that during the time your drive was "not ready", your tape may have been replaced or moved so that it is now mispositioned. If neither situation occurred, the tape processing may proceed normally. • CHAN PGM CHECK to indicate a channel program check. • PROT CHECK to indicate a channel protection check. • WR INHIBITED to indicate that a write command attempted to a file-protected device. IEAOOOI adr,errmsg,cm,stat,sens,dcbctfd,ser, hh.mm.ss IEAOOOI lna,err,cm,stat,ibss,opxxterm"jjj, hh.mm.ss IEAOOOI adr,err,cm,stat,sensbbbbbb, binXCYlntrCk},Ser,jjj,hh.mm.ss binxsbstcytr , { dcbctfd Explanation: The input/output supervisor, the bas~c telecommunication access method (BTAM), the queued telecommunication access method (QTAM) routine or TCAM found an uncorrectable input/output error. The first format of the message is used only for magnetic tapes; the second format only for telecommunication devices; and the third format for all devices other than telecommunication devices. For devices having greater than six sense bytes, two lines are required to contain the message. In systems with graphics access method (GAM), unit checks and conditions that require operator intervention indicate devices that do not exist or that were included in SYSGEN but not attached to the system. err Description of the error based on status and sense information: • CCC - channel control check. • ICC - interface control check. • CHC - chaining check. • CDC - channel data check. • EQC - equipment check. • BOC - bus out check. • CMD - command reject. • DCK - data check. • SEN - a unit check occurred during a sense operation. (When this condition is present, the fields cm, stat, sensbbbbbb, and binxcylntrck do not appear in the message text.) • OVR - (for direct access and magnetic tape only), overrun. • SKC - (for direct access only) , seek check. • NRF - no record found (for direct access only). • MAM - missing address marker (for direct access only). • DCC - data converter check (for magnetic tape only). • UNC - unusual command (for 2540 card reader and punch only). • TOT - (for telecommunications onlyl, time out. • LDA - (for telecommunications only), lost data. • IOE - input/output error (for errors other than those described above) . • WRI - write inhibited. • UEX - unit exception. • CPC - channel program check. • PRT - protection check. In the message texts, the fields are: errmsg Message describing the error: • ERROR ON ERG to indicate that a data check occurred during an erase gap operation. The operation was initiated by the write recovery procedures. This message is an indication that some residual data remained on the tape; a later reread through the erased area may indicate a noise record. Depending on the length of the noise, a permanent error (read data check) may occur. • NOISE-USER to indicate that a noise record (a record whose length is less than 12 bytes) was recognized as a cause of a data check. The noise record is ignored, and no repositioning for a reread is attempted. • NOISE-ERP to indicate that error recovery procedures were in progress when a short record-data check condition was encountered. This situation should not occur, and is a good indication of either faulty hardware media, a crimp in the tape, or noise on the bus line. Repositioning of the tape cannot be guaranteed under these conditions. • UNEX LOAD PT to indicate that an unexpected load point was encountered during error recovery for magnetic tape (probably the result of a recording density incompatability). The message may appear twice if the tape is not a standard label tape. • CTRL BLK ERR to indicate that the tape ERP is using an input/output block lOB in which the CSW command address is zero instead of an expected address. 90 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) o /1"\ \~"J adr unit address, in hexadecimal, of the device. Ina Line address, in hexadecimal. cm Command code, in hexadecimal, of the channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. If the channel command word cannot be found, this field appears as ** o o o o stat Status portion, in hexadecimal, of the channel status word (CSW). sens First two sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. This field appears only if a unit check condition is indicated in the stat field (which precedes this field in the message text). bbbbbb Ne~ three sense bytes, in hexadecimal, for the error condition. This field appears only for devices that give more than two bytes of sense information. For devices having greater than six sense bytes, the sense bytes are contained in the second line of the message. For the 3330 and 2305, this field contains the next six sense bytes for program errors and the next 22 bytes for equipment and data checks. ib The sense byte describing a unit check type error condition for telecommunication devices. ss Sense information resulting from the execution of a diagnostic Write/Read command which ended with a unit check status (2701 Data Adapter unit only). This information may result from a Write/Break or Read/Skip command for QTAM. dcbctfd Record count, in hexadecimal, not including label records. This field appears only for magnetic tape. (For the first format of this message, this field indicates the coUnt of the record preceding the error record.) For devices having greater than six sense bytes, this field is contained in the second line of the message. op TP operation code, in hexadecimal, describing the type of channel command word (CCW) being executed when the error occurred. xx Not used. term Terminal identification characters, in hexadecimal. It may be either two bytes or one byte. depending upon the terminal type. If it is one byte, it is left justified. If a dial line is being used with QTAM, the last four digits of the dial number are provided. binxcylntrck Address, in hexadecimal, of the bin (binx) " the cy linder (cyln), and the track (trck) where the error occurred. When an error occurs while trying to obtain this data., the last seek address is substituted. This field appears only for disk and drum direct access devices. On a data or equipment check for a 2305 or 3330, this field does not appear.. For other errors on these devices, the field is contained on the second line. binxsbstcytr Address, in hexadecimal, of the bin (binx), the subcell (sb), the strip (st), the cylinder (cy), and the track (tr) where the error occurred. When an error occurs while trying to obtain this data, the last seek address is substituted. This field appears only for data cell direct access storage devices. ser Serial number of the volume on which the error occurred. This field appears only for magnetic tape or direct access devices. jjj Jobname hh.mm.ss Time in hours, minutes., and seconds. Note: Two consecutive commas or a blank field in the message text indicates that a fie ld could not be determined or is contained on the next or previous line of the message .. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. For the first format of the message, proceed with caution in accepting, unconditionally, the results of the operation. Consider canceling the job if there is a requirement to 'expect perfect results. Each message should be considered as a potential warning of a marg inal condition. For the second and third formats of the message, note that some abnormal error corrlition occurred. Depending on the severity of the error (check the status and sense information) and depending on the installation requirements, take appropriate action. For the 2305 and the 3330, the following responses are valid: • CMD REJECT - command reject This is a programmer error - correct and retry. • OVERRUN BUS OUT CK - bus out check EQUIP CHECK - equipment check INTF CTL CK - interface control check These are permanent hardware faults. Customer Engineer action is required. • DATA CHECK Operator should request an alternate sparing utility program such as IEHATLAS to perform recovery replace functions and to assign an alternate track spare if necessary. If the above utility cannot complete. then the GET ALT function in the IBCDASDI or IHFDASDR utility should be invoked. This will assign the spare but will not perform recovery/replace. If no alternate spares are available. Customer Engineer action is required. lEA Messages - I/O Supervisor 1 91 • WR INHIBITED If the write inhibit switch is set on to inhibit execution of write commands and the volume should be written on, set'if:ieswitch' off and rerun the job. If the write inhibit switch is set on to i,ntentionally inhibit execution of write commands, follow the proceduI:'es established by your installation.· For the 1419/1275, the following response is valid: • CMD REJECT - command reject If the command~ode is X'FF', this is a probable hardwaref'ail ure. The disengage command failed and a customer engineer's attention is required. .,' Problem Determination: 30. Table I, items 2, lEA0011 UNIT adr, PATH pth INOPERATIVE [FOR CPU xl Explanation: One path to a multipath device has become inoperative. The system will continue all operations on a limited basis, using the remaining paths. In the message text, the fields are: Operator Response: None. Proqrammer Response: Ensure that 52K of main storage is available and resubmit the job. o ABEND Messages IEA0211 jjj sss CORE IMAGE BYPASSED -x Explanation: No attempt was made to write a core image dump for step sss of job jjj for one of the following reasons: • If x is 1, the damage assessment routine (DAR) was entered twice to perform the same function. • If x is 2, the data set to contain the dump was not in the system. • If x is 3, a dump was already in progress. system Action: processing. The system continues Operator Response: If x is 1 or 3, none. If x is 2, report this message to the programmer. Proqrammer Response ~ Ensure that the SYS1.DUMP data set ~s included in the system and execute the job step again. adr Unit address, in hexadecimal, of the device. pth x Channel and unit con1;:rol path, in hexadecimal" by, which the device could not be acdessed. If the path cannot be determined, this field appears as **. Central processing unit, A or B, for which the path is inoperative. The field FOR CPU x appears only for multiprocessing systems. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. The system will automatically begin reusing the path when i t becomes operational. Problem Determination: 30. Problem Determination: Table I, item 30. Table II, Format 1: t race opt ion TRACE=SYS. IEA0221 jjj sss CORE IMAGE FAILED -x Explanation: The attempt to write a core image dump for step sss of job jjj failed for one of the following reasons: • If x is 1, the data set was full. • If x is 2, the format of the data set was incorrect. • If x is 3, an input/output error occurred; no dump is provided. • If x is 4, an input/output error occurred; a partial dump is provided. • If is 5, an end-of-volume condition occurred for a tape; a partial dump is provided. x Table I, items 2, system Action: processing. 'l'he system continues Operator Response: Supervisor Messages IEA0071 NO CORE 'AVAIL FOR NEW REGN Explanation: SUfficientstqrage (52K contiguous bytes within dynamic storage) to bring in a terminator is not available .• System Action: A second attempt is made to obtain the 52K of storage, and if successful, processing 'continues. If main storage can not be obtained, the task is abnormally terminated 'arid the system proceeds to the next task. 92 o 'Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) None. Problem DeterIllination: Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=IO. If x=l, execute the IMDPRDMP service aid program and then execute the job step again. I,f the problem recurs, call IBM for programming support. If x=2, execute the IEHPASDR program to produce a direct access dump of the SYS1.DUMP data set before calling IBM for programming support. If x=3 or x=4, have the master console log available and call IBM for programming support. o o If X=5, probable user error. If the message was issued on the first core image dump written to the tape volume, use a full 2400 foot reel of tape, or allocate the SYS1.DUMP data set on a direct access device specifying sufficient space to contain the entire dump. If the message is issued on other than the first dump written to the volume, note the number of dumps which can be contained on a single tape volume, manually unload the dump volume, and mount a new non-labeled scratch tape. This tape should be manually unloaded and replaced by a new tape when the number of core image dumps on that tape is such that a subsequent dump would generate the end of reel condition. IEA025I INVALID GTF RECORD FOLLOWS Explanation: ABDUMP in its formatting of the GTF trace table found a GTF record with an invalid EID or FID field. ABDUMP prints this message and follows it with a hexadecimal dump of the error record. System Action: Processing continues. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that problems programs are not a lteri ng the trace table. Problem Deterroination: 2, 11, 29. Table I, items 1, IEA027I jjj sss ENQUEUED RESOURCES IEA027I xxxx, yyyy IEA0231 jjj sss CORE IMAGE COMPLETE -x Explanation: If x is 1, the attempt to write a core image dump for step sss of job jjj was successful. System Action: process ing. o The system continues In the message text, xxxx is a major name and yyyy is a minor name of an enqueued resource for the job. This line will appear for each enqueued resource. Operator Response: For a direct access device, use the IMDPRDMP service aid program to print the dump data set. system Action: processing. Problem Determinaiton: Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=IO. Operator Response: follows. IEA0241 ERROR IN GTF. DISABLED xxx TRACE OPTION ~S Explanation: ABDUMP in its formatting of the GTF trace table found an error record for trace option xxx; where xxx is, EXT 10, SIO, PI, or SSM (SSM is applicable only in a multiprocessing system). This error record was produced when GTF encountered a program check while attempting to create a trace record for xxx. This message is followed by a hexadecimal' dump of the error record. Refer to messages IHL1181 and IhL1201. System Action: The program check for the error record caused GTF to bypass recording further events for the trace option xxx. However, GTF continued to record all events for the other trace options requested. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that problem programs are not altering the GTF region or partition. The trace option xxx is disabled after this point, but processing continues for the other trace options requested. If xxx is svc, svc tracing will continue. o Explanation: step sss of job jjj has been running in "must complete" status. However, the job has been scheduled for abnormal termination. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, i6, 29. Ensure that sufficient storage is available within the GTF region or partition for a SNAP dump (an additional 4K is needed for ABDUMP/SNAP execution). Ensure that the GTFSNP catalogued procedure is used to obtain an ABDUMP/SNAP dump. The system continues None. Message lEA028A IEA028A REPLY 'C' OR 'N' Explanation: This message permits the operator to respond to precedin9 message IEA027I. System Action: reply. The system waits for a Operator Response: If the resources are critical and "must complete" status must be maintained, enter REPLY xx,.'C'. If the resources are not critical, enter REPLY xx,' N' to release the resources and allow prOCessing to continue. Note: A REPLY xx,' C· will require that the system be reinitialized to release the resources. IEA0291 jjj sss TASK REINSTATED } { REINSTATEMENT FAILED Explanation: An attempt was made to reinstate a failing task for step sss of job j j j. Tas k x;ei nstatement for probl em program tasks means that the superv1sor will abnormally terminate the task. System tasks will be reinitialized. System Action: proce ssi ng. The system continues Operator Response: None. If the problem recurs, before calling IBM for programming support, execute the IMDPRDMP service aid program to print the dump data set, and have the output available. lEA Messages - ABEND 93 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Problem Determination: Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SYS·. IEA0301 OPEN FAILED FOR DUMP DATA SET FOR Programmer Response: step. Problem Determination: 5a, 15, 16, 29. Re-execute the job .Table I, items 2, o [DUE to hhh] Explanation: An attempt to open a dump data set during ABEND processing was unsuccessful. In the message text, JS signifies a job step task and ST signifies a subtask (valid only in systems with the MFT - ATTACH option). If the phrase "DUE TO hhh" appears, abnormal termination with a system completion code of hhh has occurred during the attempted open. This message only appears in MFT systems. System Action: No dump is provided. system continues processing. The Programmer Response: If the phrase "DUE TO hhh" appears, follow the response for that completion code. If the phrase does not appear, check that the SYSUDUMP DD statement is correctly specified, and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15, 29. lEA0331 ABDUMP BYPASSED - NO MS - {~~} Explanation: The abnormal termination routine (ABEND") has determined that there -is insufficient available main storage to attempt execution of the abnormal termination dump routine (ABDUMP). In the message text, MS signifies main storage, JS signifies the job step task, and ST signifies a subtask (valid only in systems with the MFT - ATTACH option). This message only appears in MFT systems. System Action: No dump is taken and the system continues processing. Programmer Response: In an MFT system, ensure that 4800 bytes of main storage are available for ABDUMP processing by increasing the partition size. Table I, items 1, IEA0311 ABDUMP FAILED FOR {~~} [DUE TO hhh] Explanation: The abnormal termination dump routine (ABDUMP) was executed unsuccessfully. In the message text, JS signifies a job step task and ST signifies a subtask (valid only in systems with the MFT - ATTACH option). If the phrase "DUE TO hhh" appears, abnormal termination with a system completion code of hhh has occurred during the execution of the ABDUMP routine. This message only appears in MFT systems. System Action: processl.ng. The system continues Programmer Response: If the phrase "DUE TO hhh" appears with a completion code of B37, allocate more direct access space by coding the SPACE parameter on the SYSABEND or SYSUDUMP data definition card. For other completion codes, follow the response given for that completion code. If the phrases does not appear, resubmit the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 15, 29. If not a B37 completion code, see Table II, Format 1: trace option TRACE=SYS. IEA0321 CLOSE FAILED DURING ABEND FOR DATA SET (ddn] Explanation: The abnormal termination routine (ABEND) attempted unsuccessfully to close a data set. If the data definition name ddn associated with the data set can be located, it will be included in the message text. This message only appears in MFT systems. System Action: processing. The system continues Nucleus Initialization Program (NIP) Messages IEA1001 TIMER IS NOT WORKING. Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) found that the timer was not enabled. System Action: proceSSl.ng. The system continues Operator Response: Probable user error. Turn on the timer switch on the system control panel if timing is desired, and restart the system. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. Note: This message will always occur on the Model 155. IEA101A SPECIFY SYSTEM PARAMETERS FOR RELEASE xx.yy.sss Explanation: xx - Release number yy = Release level sss = System type (e.g., MFT, MVT, MVT/MP) When the system was generated, the installation specified that the operator be allowed to change certain system parameters each time the system is loaded. This message, issued during nucleus initialization, requests the changes. For systems with MFT, the parameters are: • ALTSYS=ddd to specify the alternate system residence device. The device must be the same type as the system residence device. If an invalid address is specified, no message will be issued to so indicate. The system will use the alternate system residence device specified at system generation. o 94 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o • BLDL=xx,[yy] to specify lists of modules in SYS1.LINKLIB or SYS1.SVCLIB for which resident BLDL entires are to be created. The xx,yy are appended to IEABLD to form the names of SYS1.PARMLIB members. If two lists are specified, one must be for SYS1.SVCLIB and the other for SYS1.LINKLIB. If two lists are specified for the same library, the second is ignored. • HARDCPY=(xxxx[,yyyy] [,zzzz]) to specify that the hard copy log 1S desired (for systems with multiple console support (MCS) only). The xxxx is required and is either SYSLOG if the system log is to be used as the hard copy log or an appropriate unit address if a console is to be used as the hard copy log. However, if the system log was designated as the hard copy log during system generation, a unit address must be specified; if desired, a VARY command can be issued to reestablish the system log as the hard copy log after message IEE0411 is received. The yyyy is either ALL if the hard copy log is to record aillmessages or a list of the appropriate routing codes -----(separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses) if only messages with these routing codes are to be recorded on the hard copy log. (If the console configuration contains an active graphic console or more than one active console, a hard copy log is required. In this case, the yyyy is not required if any of routing codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 10 are desired, since all of these codes are automatically assigned by the system. ) The zzzz is either CMDS if all commands, responses and status displays are to be recorded on the hard copy log; or STCMDS if all commands, responses and sta~ displays, except time-interval updated status displays, are to be recorded on the hard copy log; or INCMDS if all commands and responses (but not status displays) are to be recorded on the hard copy log; or NOCMDS if the commands, responses and status displays are not to be recorded on the hard copy log. If this parameter is not specified, CMDS is the system default. (If the console configuration contains an active graphic console or more than one active console, a hard copy log is required. In this case, the zzzz is not· required and will be ignored if specified since CMDS is automatically assigned by the system.) • MIN=nn to specify the minimum main storage space for job initiation. The nn is the number of 1K (1024-byte) blocks to be used. Caution should be taken to avoid reducing this value below actual scheduler design. This value overrides the value specified during system generation for minimum scheduler size (MINPART). o • MOD=nn to specify the computing system model being initialized. The nn is the model number (for example, 40, 50, or 65). This parameter is used to initialize the correct recovery management support (RMS) routines for the specified model. The default is the system-generated model identifier. • RAM=aa to specify access method modules to be made resident. The aa is appended to IEAIGG to form the name of a SYS1.PARMLIB member; the member contains the list of modules to be loaded. If specified during system generation and not modified through this reply, the IEAIGGOO list is used. (If the resident reenter able load module area option is included in the system, this parameter is as described for MVT.) • RERP=xx to specify error recovery procedure routines to be made resident. The xx is appended to IEAIGE to from the name of a SYS1.PARMLIB member; the member contains a list of modules to be loaded. If specified during system generation and not modified through this reply, the IEAIGEOO list is used. • RSVC=xx to specify non-resident SVC rout1nes, which are otherwise kept in direct access storage, to be made resident. The xx is appended to IEARSV to form the name of a SYS1.PARMLIB member; the member contains a list of SVC modules to be loaded. If specified during system generation and not modified through this reply, the IEARSVOO list is used. • SQS=n to specify the main storage space for the system queue area·. The n is the total number of bytes needed for the system queue area. For more than two partitions in the system, 800 bytes of storage should be added to the minimum system queue area size (1600 for systems without MCS, 2600 for systems with MCS) for each partition in excess of two. The total size of the nucleus, including the system queue area and the optional BLDL, RAM, and RSVC ..modules, is rounded to the next higher 2K boundary, in systems with the storage protection feature, or to the next doubleword boundary. For systems with MVT, the parameters are: • ALTSYS=ddd as described for systems with MFT. • BLDL=xx,[yy] as described for systems with MFT. • HARDCPY=(xxxx[,yyyy] [,zzzz]) as described for systems with MFT. .HRAM=aa[,bb,cc,dd] to specify access method and other reenter able modules to be made resident in the secondary link pack area in Hierarchy 1 (only if IBM 2361 Core storage and Main storage Hierarchy Support is included in the system). The aa, bb, cc, and dd are appended to IEAIGG to form the names of SYS1.PARMLIB members. The number of members specified by the HRAM and RAM parameters combined cannot exceed four. If not specified at this time, no reenterable modules are loaded into Hierarchy 1. lEA Messages - NIP 95 ~ HSVC=aa[,bb,cc,ddl to specify non-resident SVC routines to be made resident in a secondary li.nk pack area in Hierarchy 1 (only if IBM 2361 Core Storage and Main Storage HierarcQY Support are included in the system). The aa, bb, cc, and dd are appended to IEARSV to form the names of SYS1.PARMLIB members. The number of members specified by the HSVC and RSVC parameters combined cannot exceed four. If not specified at this time, no non-resident SVC modules are loaded into Hierarchy 1. • MIN=nn to specify the minimum main storage space for jon initiation. The nn is the number of lK (1024-byte) blocks to be used. It must be 52 or greater. This value overrides the value specified during system generation. • MOD=nn to specify the computing system model being initialized. The nn is the model number (for example, 40, 50, or 65). This parameter is used to initialize the correct recovery management support (RMS) routines for the specified model. The default is the system-generated model identifier. • MPS=nn to specify the main storage space for the master partition. The nn is the number of 2K (2048-byte) blocks to be reserved. This value overrides the value specified during system generation. • QBF=nnn to specify the main storage space to be reserved for buffers for the job queue. The nnn'is the number of lK (1024-byte) blocks to be reserved. It can be any number up to and including 255. This value overrides the value specified during system generation. • RAM=aa[,bb,cc,ddl to specify access method and other reenterable modules to be made resident. The aa, bb, cc, and dd are appended to IEAIGG to form the names of SYS1.PARMLIB members; the members contain lists of modules to be loaded in addition to the standard required modules. One to four members can be thus specified. If specified during system generation and not modified through this reply, the IEAIGGOO list is used. • RERP=aa[,bb,cc,ddl to specify error recovery procedure routines to be made resident. The aa, bb, cc, and dd are appended to IEAIGE to form the names of SYS1.PARMLIB members; the members contain lists of error recovery procedure modules to be loaded. One to four members can be thus specified. If specified during system generation and not modified through this reply, the IEAIGEOO list is used. • RSVC=aa[,bb,cc,ddl to specify non-resident SVC routines, which are otherwise kept in direct access storage, to be made resident. The aa, bb, cc, 96 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) and dd appended to lEARSV to form the names of SYS1.PAR~~IB members; the members contain lists of SVC modules to be loaded. One to four members can be thus specified. If specified during system generation and not modified through this reply, the lEARSVOO list is used. o • SQS=n to specify the main storage space for the system queue. The n is the number of 2K (2048-byte) blocks of. storage to be added to the size specified during system generation. • TMSL=(nn,xxxx) [,(nn,xxxx) ••• l to specify time-slice groups. The nn is the priority of the time-slice group and is expressed as a one or two digit value from 0 through 13; the xxxx is the length, in milliseconds, of the time slice and is expressed as a one to four digit decim~l value. System Action: The system waits pending the operator's reply. Operator Response: Reply as requested by the system programmer at the installation. The reply must take one of the following forms: • REPLY 00,' U' to indicat e that no parameters are to be changed. Note: a simple EOB is equivalent to this reply. • REPLY OO,'U,H' when using the system generation value for all parameters, and a list of the size of each of the storage hierarchies in systems with IBM 2361 core storage and main storage hierarchy support for IBM 2361 models 1 and 2 is wanted. • REPLY OO,'U,L,H' when using the system generation value for all parameters, and all lists (including a list of the size of each of the storage hierarchies) are wanted. • REPLY OO,'prm=,' to indicate that the parameter as specified during system generation is to be canceled for this loading. The cancelation specification must always be followed by a comma. • REPLY OO,'prm=val' or REPLY OO,Jprm=val,val, ••• • to indicate that the parameter is to take the specified value(s) for this loading. • To get a list of the HRAM, HSVC, RAM, and/or RSVC rrodules in systems with MVT or a list of the BLDL, RAM, or RSVC modules or all three in systems with MFT, enter one of the following: REPLY OO,'prm=val,L' REPLY OO,'prm=val,val, ••• ,L' REPLY OO,'prm=OO,L' REPLY 00,' U ,L' Enter the first or second reply when specifying the value(s) for the parameter, the third reply when using o o the system generation value for the parameter, and the fourth reply when using the system generation value for all parameters, if all lists are wanted. • Omission of a parameter fram the reply to indicate that the system generation value is to be used. More than one parameter can be specified. For example: REPLY OO,'prm=val,val prm=, prm=OO,L' The rules for specifying several parameters are: • The list of parameters must be enclosed in apostrophes. A comma or blank must separate successive parameters in the list. The last parameter in the list need not be followed by a comma or blank unless the cancelation specification is the last item. The cancelation specification must always be followed by a comma. Example: You may specify: r 00,' prm=va 1, prm=val, pnn=, , or r 00, 'prm=val,prm=,prm=val, You may not specify: r 00,' prm-va 1, prm=val, prm=·' o • U must not be specified. • If all the parameters do not fit on one line, follow the last parameter on the line with a blank and CONT. For example: REPLY 00,'RAM=12,RSVC=00,L CONTi The system will issue message IEA116A to request the rest of the reply. The reply can be continued as many times as needed. Problem Determination: 29. Table I" items 2, IEA1031 DATASET dsn NOT FOUND BY LOCATE Explanation: Data set dsn could not be found; the data set is either not cataloged or the volume containing the data set is not mounted. GIl System Action: Nucleus initialization will continue. The system will run with decreased function. Operator Response: Probable user error. If the data set and its associated functi on are required, catalog the data set or mount the volume containing the data set. Restart the system. Problem Determination: 11, 2Sd, 29. Table I, items 2, IEA104A M ser Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) requires that the direct access volume whose serial number is ser be mounted. This message will be repeated if a non direct access device, a direct access device with a serial number other than ser, or a direct access device of the wrong device type was mounted. System Action: reply. The system waits for a Operator Response: Probable user error. Mount the specified volume on any available direct access device of the correct type. Problem Determination: 11, 29. Table I, items 2, IEAl02A INVALID PARAMETER/FORMAT - RESPECIFY Explanation: During nucleus initialization, the last reply entered through the console contained an invalid parameter or was not in the correct format. System Action: If the reply contained an invalid parameter, the system accepts all parameters specified before the specification of the parameter in error. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the reply again correctly. In the case of an invalid parameter, i t is permissible to enter a reply specifying only the corrected parameter and the parameters that were not accepted (that is, those parameters following the invalid parameter in the last reply). o If desired, any parameter may be respecified in this response. However, if any parameter was accepted, any reply which contains the parameter U is invalid. IEA10SA dsn RESIDES ON A UNIT (utn) FOR WHICH THERE IS NO UCB Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) could not find the unit control block (DCB) for the unit on which the volume containing the specified data set resides. The unit was probably not defined during system generation. In the message text; dsn is the data set name and (utn) is the unit name. System Action: If dsn is either SYS1.NUCLEUS or SYS1.LINKLIB, the system enters the wait state. If dsn is any optional data set name, the system continues processing. Operator Response: If the SYS1.NUCLEUS or SYS1.LINKLIB data set resides on a unit havirg no unit control block, remove the system residence volume from its present unit and mount it on a unit defined at system generation. Then start the system again. lEA Messages - NIP 97 If an optional data set (SYS1.ASRLIB or SYS1.ROLLOUT) resides on a unit having no unit control block, the associated option will be made inoperative and nucleus initialization will continue. If i t is desired to include the option in the system, remove the volume from its present unit and mount i t on a unit defined at system generation. Then start the system again. Report this message to the system programmer at th~ installation, so that he can have the system generated again with all units defined. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Perform an input/output system generation, specifying in the lODE VICE macro instruction the addresses of all device accessible to the system. Problem Determination: 11, 29. Table I, items 2, IEA106 I mem NOT FOUND IN lib Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) could not find the member named mem in the library named lib. System Action: The nucleus initialization program continues processing. Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the member is included in the library. Problem Determination: 11, 29. Table I, items 2, Explanation: A reply to message IEA101A named a parameter., prm, that was not selected during system generation for optional changing when the system is loaded. system Action: The nucleus initialization ,program (NIP) continues processing. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Report, this message to the pr o:J rammer. Problem Determination: If the error recurs, before calling IBM for hardware support, record the address of the device on which the input/output error occurred and have i t ,available. IEA1091 BLDL FAILED FOR FOLLOWING MODULES Explanati on: During nucleus initialization, parts of the resident directories have not been completed. The module names not found in SYS1.SVCLIB or SYS1.LINKLIB and therefore not appearing in the resident directory are printed on the console iremediately following this message. System Action: The nucleus initialization pro:Jram (NIP) continues processing with an incomplete resident directory. Operator Response: Probable user error. Report this message and give the master console log to the programmer. Prcqrammer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the modules listed are included in the SYS1.LINKLIB or SYS1.SVCLIB data set. -~ C ! . Table I, items 2, IEA1101 LOAD FAILED FOR lmd Explanation: During nucleus initialization, the access method module named lmd was not loaded into main storage. System Action: The nucleus initialization pro:Jram (NIP) continues processing. Report this message to Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the parameter is required ensure that the option associated w1th parameter prm is selected at system generation. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that modules listed are included in the SYS1.LINKLIB or SYS1.SVCLIB data set. Problem Determination: 11, 29. Problem Determination: 13, 25c, 29. Table I, items 2, IEA1081 PERMANENT I/O ERROR DURING BLDL [-SYS1.SVCLIB] Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) is unable to bring the linkage library (SYS1.LINKLIB) or the SVC library (SYS1.SVCLIB) directory into main storage because of an uncorrectable input/output error. If the system can 98 O. System Action: The nucleus initialization pro:Jram continues processing without a re side nt di rect ory • Problem Determination: 13, 25c, 29. IEA107 I prm IGNORED Operator Response: the programmer. determine that the failure occurred while attempting to bring in the SYS1.SVCLIB directory, this information is also included. Messages & Codes (Release 21,. 7) Table I" items 2. IEA111W SPACE EXCEEDED - RESPECIFY prm Explanation: While providing the optional parameter named prm, the nucleus initialization program (NIP) exceeded the available main storage. System Action: The system enters a wait state (Wait State code 003). 0 . ' o Operator Response: Report this message to the programmer, asking him for a different response to message IEA101A so that less main storage ~ill be required. Then restart the system. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that sufficient main storage is available for the system generated. Problem Determination: 29. system Action: The module was not loaded; however., the nucleus initialization program (NIP) continues processing. Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that SVC routine module xxx is included at system generation. Table I, items 11, Problem Deterrdnation: 29. Table I, items 11, IEAl121 LIST lis FOR prm - INVALID FORMAT Explanat ion: During nuc leus initialization, the .format of the list named lis for the optional parameter named prm was invalid. system Action: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) continues processing without the named parameter. Explanation: During nucleus initialization, the reply to message IEAl01A specified CONT as its final entry. The CONT indicated that the reply was incomplete and that additional parameters were to be specified. Operator Response: the programmer. system Action: The system waits for a reply to message IEA101A. Report this message to Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the list (lis) in SYS1.PARMLIB referenced by parameter prm is of the correct format. Problem Determination: 26c, 29. o IEA116A CONl'INUE SYSTEM PARAMETERS Table I, items 13, lEAl131 prm MODULE LIST Explanation: In the reply to message lEA10lA, a list of modules for the optional parameter named prm was requested. The list immediately follows this message. System Action: processing. The system continues Operator Response: programmer. Give the list to the Operator Response: Probable user error. Continue the reply to message IEA101A, beginning this continuation with REPLY 00. IEAl171 NUMBER OF TIME-SLICING GROUPS EXCEEDS SYSGEN LIMIT Explanation: During nucleus initialization., the operator specified more time-slicing groups than were defined at system generation. Message lEA102A follows, permitting the operator to respecify his reply. System Action: The system waits for a reply to message IEA102A. Operator Response: Probable user error. Respecify the reply in respo~se to message IEAl02A. IEA1141 SVC xxx NOT SUPPORTED Explanation: During nucleus initialization, SVC routine module xxx, which is not supported by the system being initialized,~as specified. System Action: The module was not loaded; however, the nucleus initialization program (NIP) continues processing. Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that SVC routine module xxx is included at system generation. Problem Determination: Table I, items 11, 29. IEA118I TIME SLICE VALUE INCREASED TO 20 MILLISECONLS Explanation: The time-slice value specified by the operator is smaller than the minimum value permitted. The nucleus initialization program (NIP) corrected the error by increasing the size of the time-slice value to 20, the minimum permissable size. System Action: processing. The system continues Operator Response: None. IEAl191 SQS SIZE INCREASED TO nnnn BYTES IEA1151 SVC xxx NOT DEFINED o Explanation: During nucleus initialization, SVC routine module xxx, which is not defined and does not exist., was specified. Explanation: During system initialization, the nucleus initialization program found that the size specified for the system queue area was less than nnnn bytes. lEA Messages - NIP 99 System Action: The size of the system queue area was increased to the minimum of nnnn bytes. System Action: processing. Operator The system continues ~esponse: IEA120A DBVICE ddd SHARED. 'WAIT' None. REPLY 'CONTINUE' OR Explanation: Device ddd is a shared device and is presently reserved by a central processing unit (CPU) other than the central processing unit from which an IPL is being performed. System Action: The system action depends on the operator's response. Operator Response: To wait until the device is released by the central processing unit that is presently using it, enter REPLY xx, 'WAIT'. Normal processing will continue after the device is available. Otherwise, enter REPLY xx, 'CONTINUE'. This reply will result in the device being marked unavailable to the central processing unit from which the IPL is being performed. Processing will continue. (If this reply is entered, do not execute any job that might require allocation of device ddd. If such a job is executed, a mount message will be issued and suosequent operator action might make the device unavailable to the central processing unit that originally reserved it.) Note: If the message appears frequently or if the wait time is excessive, notify the system programmer at the installation. lhA125I EMULATOR COMPATIBILITY FEATURE LOADED INTO WCS ~SSUMED Explanation: If emulation is to be performed, the nucleus initialization program (NIP) has assumed that the emulator compatibility feature has been loaded into Writable Control storage (WCS) • System Action: The nucleus initialization program continues processing. Operator Response: If emulation is to be performed and the compatibility feature has not been loaded into WCS, load the compatibility feature and restart the system. Otherwise, none. lEA130I LINK LIBRARY DATA SETS NOT FOUND Explanation: The nucelus initialization program (NIP) could not find one or more of the data sets that were to be concatenated with the SYS1.LINKLIB data set to form the system link library: • The data sets were not found in the system catalog. 100 Messages 6 Codes (Release 21.7) • The data sets were not found on the device indicated by the catalog. (In this case, this message will be preceded by message IEA211I.) • The data sets were resident on a device that the operator (in response to message IEA131A) indicated was not to be mounted. 0 .. System Action: The nucleus initialization prCXJram continues processing. Operator Response: the prCXjrammer. Report this message to Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the data sets are included in one of the volumes sp~cified in the SYS1.PARMLIB member LNKLSTO. Problem Determination: 13, 26c, 29. IEA131A MOUNT LINKLIB VOL(S): Table I, items 11, ser Explanation: The nucleus initialization prCXJram (NIP) could not find one or more of the volumes containing the data sets to be concatenated with the SYS1.LINKLIB data set to form the system link liorary. The volume serial numbers, ser, of the volumes that could not be found are listed one at a time following this message. System Action: The nucleus initialization prCXJram waits for an operator response after each volume serial number is listed, and continues processing after each response. O--~ . \ .. Operator Response: After each volume serial number is listed, either mount the indicated volume or reply with an EOB signal from the console. (The EOB signal indicates that the data sets resident on the indicated volume are not to be included in the system link library.) IEA135A SPECIFY SYS1.DUMP TAPE UNIT ADDRESS OR NO Explanation: The nucleus initialization prCXJram (NIP) has been unable to locate the SYS1.DUMP data set and is askinq whether a tape volume is to be provided for the data set. system Action: reply. The system waits for a Operator Response: If the SYS1.DUMP data set is to be used, enter REPLY xx,'ddd' where ddd is the 2400/3400 series tape device to contain the tape volume. Note: For a Model 65 Multiprocessing System, make sure that tape device ddd is accessible to the central processing unit be ing tested. If the SYS1.DUMP data set is not to be used, enter REPLY xx,' NO'. (The dump, which is normally directed to the SYS1.DUMP data set, will be bypassed if a critical systerr. error occurs.) o o IEA1361 DEVICE AT ddd UNACCEPTABLE FOR xxxx SYS1.DD~P - Explanation: An unacceptable device ddd was specified in response tc message lEA135A for reason xxxx as follows~ • NO DCB - The unit control block (UCB) for device ddd cannot be found. • NOT 2400 - Device ddd is not a 2400/3400 series tape device. • UNAVAILABLE - Device ddd is either not available or not operational. • NONEXISTENT - Device ddd is physically nonexistent. • I/O ERROR - An uncorrectable I/O error occurred on device ddd. System Action: The system reissues message IEA135A. Operator Response: In all cases except where xxxx is an I/O error i t is a probable user error. Verify that the device is operational and is specified correctly. Then enter REPLYxx,·ddd' again in response to message I~A135A. If the second attempt also fails, either specify another device in response to message IEA135A or enter REPLY xx, 'NO' in response to message IEA135A and call IBM for programming support. If xxxx is 1/0 ERROR, it is a probable hardware error. Either specify another device in response to message lEA135A or enter xEPLY xx, 'NO', and call IBM for hardware support. o lEAl37 A M ddd"NL Explanation: In response to message lEA135A, the operator indicated that the SYS1.DUMP data set was to reside on a tape volume on device ddd. IhA150A SPECIFY HARDCPY Explanation: A hard CO?y log is required for one of the f cllowina reas ons : • ~he console configuration contains an active graphic console. • 'The console configuration contains more than cne active console. System Action: The system waits until the operator has responded to this message. Operator Response: Enter REPLY xx, 'HARDCPY-(xxxx[,yyyy][,zzzz])' to specify that the hard copy leg is desired: • The xxxx is required and is either SYSLOG if the system log is to be used as the hard copy leg or an appropriate unit address if a console is to be used as the hard copy log. Note: The console sFecified must be one that was operating during previous NIP processing. • The yyyy is not required if any o~ routing codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 10 are desired, since all of these codes are automatically assigned by the systero. Otherwise, the yyyy is either ALL if the hard cOFY loqis to record all messages or a list of the additional routina codes (sefarated by commas and enclosed in parentheses) if messaaes wi th these routi ng codes are also to be reccrded on the hard copy log. • The zzzz is normally part of the standard reply but should not be specified duri no nucleus initial iz ation processing ~ince all commands and re s Fonses wi 11 autorr,ati cally be recorded on the hard copy log. ~his message appears (following message lEA138A) if the operator erroneously mounts a labeled tape volume in response to this message. This message also appears if, before the tape is mounted, input/output activity occurs on any device other than device ddd. System Action: The system waits for the operator response. Operator Response: Mount an unlabeled tape volume on device ddd. Explanation: In response to message lEA137A, a labeled tape volume was mounted on device ddd. system Action: The system waits for the operator response. Operator Response: Probable user error. Demount the volume from device ddd. o 29. Explanation: In resFonse to message IEAl01A or IEA150A, the operator specified an invalid device for a hard copy log: • ~'he device was not a valid console. • The system log is not supported as the hard copy log. System Action: In response to an invalid device in the reply to message IEA101A, the system ignores the HARDCPY specification and continues operation. In response to an invalid device in the reply to message IEAI50A, the system reissues message IEA150A. lEA138 A' D ddd Problem Determination: IEA1521 HARDCPY SPECIFICATION INVALID Table I, it~ms 11, Operator Response: Probable user error. If the invalid reply was issued in response to message IEA150A, wait until message lEA150A is reissued and then respond with a valid device (or SYSLOG if the system log is sUFPorted and SYSLOG was not previously specified). If a hard copy log is not mandatory but is desired for NIP and IPL messages, start the system again. lEA Messages - NIP 101 If a recording of NIP and IPL messages and operator commands is not required but a hard copy log is desired, wait until a READY message is issued and then enter a VARY HARDCPY command. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 11, IEA153I HARDCPY CONSOLE UNAVAILABLE IEA2061 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE dsn ON ser Explanation: An attempt to allocate.space for data set dsn on the volume whose serial number is ser failed. System Action: processing. The system continues Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Explanation: In response to message IEAI0lA, HARDCPY specified a valid console, but the console was unavailable at IPL time. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the central processing unit indicated at system generation is the same system that is the subject of IPL. system Action: System initialization continues, but the HARDCPY specification is not accepted. If a hard copy log is required, the system issues message IEA150A. Problem Deterrrination: 29. Operator Response: If message IEA150A has been issued, respond as indicated by the message. If a hard copy log is not mandatory but is desired for NIP and IPL messages, start the system again. If a recording of NIP and IPL messages and operator commands is not required but a hard copy log is desired, wait until a READY message is issued and then enter a VARY HARDCPY command. IEA1541 HARD COpy OF INITIALIZATION MESSAGES DISCONT INUED Table I, items 11, IEA2071 FORMATTING OF dsn DATA SET UNSUCCESSFUL Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while the nucleus initialization program (NIP) was a ttempti ng to set up the format of the data set dsn. system Action: processing. The system continues Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Proqrammer Response: Probable hardware error. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. IEA2081 fff FUNCTION INOPERATIVE Explanation: The logging of nucleus initialization program (NIP) messages must be discontinued because the message buffer is full. The message or operator reply preceding this message was the last message recorded. System Action: continues. System initialization Operator Response: o () Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) has detected unrecoverable error conditions during initialization of functi on fff. As a reSUlt" t he function has been made inoperative. This message is issued in conjunction with a diagnostic message identifying the specific type of error. None. IEA2051 UNABLE TO SCRATCH dsn ON ser Explanation: An attempt to scratch and reallocate space for data set dsn on the volume whose serial number is ser failed because of an error during the scratch operation. system Action: The nucleus initialization prCXJram continues processing. Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Programmer Response: Probable user error. Respond to the diagnostic message issued in conjunction with this message. IEA2091 dsn SCRATCHED FROM ser system Action: proc es sing. The system continues Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the central processing unit indicated at system generation is the same system that is the subject of NIP. Problem Determination: 29. 102 Explanation: The space allocation for data set dsn was found to be too small and has been scratched from the volume whose serial number is sere system Action: The system attempts to allocate more space for the data set and will inform the operator of the action taken by issuing either message IEA2061 or IEA210I. Table I, items 11, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Operator Response: None. o 0 IEA2101 dsn ALLOCATED ON ser EXQlanation: Space for data set dsn was successfully allocated on the volume whose serial number is sere System Action: processing. The system continues OQerator ResQonse: None. system Action: processing. IEA211I OBTAIN FAILED FOR dsn DATA SET ExQlanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) was unable to find the data set control block (DSCB) for data set dsn for one of the following reasons: • The volume containing the data set was not mounted. • The data set control block was not in the volume table of contents (VTOC). • A permanent input/output error occurred. System Action: The nucleus initialization ~rogram continues processing. OQerator ResQonse: If the volume that contains the data set is not mounted, mount it and restart the system. If the volume is mounted, record the device number and notify the programmer. o Programmer ResQonse: Probable user error. List the VTOC of the volume that is supposed to contain the data set. If the data set is not on the volume, create it and have the system restarted. The system continues Operator Res Qonse : the programmer. Report this message to Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the SYS1.ASRLIB is large enough to contain all the modules. Problem Determination: Table I, items 11, 29. IEA214I I/O ERROR DURING SYS1.ASRLIB INITIALIZATION EXQlanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) has encountered a permanent input/output error while writing the SYS1.ASRLIB data set. Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Proqrammer Response: Probable hardware error. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. IEA216I GETMAINFAILED DURING INITIALIZATION Problem Determination: 13, 25bd, 29. Table I, items 2, Additional Technical Information: data set may be relocated. The IEA212A D, xxx OR yyy Explanation: During nucleus initialization, direct access devices xxx and yyy were found to have duplicate volume labels. If one of the devices is a data cell, the message text will appear as adr/b, where adr is the device address and b is the bin number of the sub-cell containing the duplicate volume label. System Action: Nucleus initialization is suspended until one of the identified volumes is demounted. operator ResQonse: Demount the volume that is not needed. If the volume to be demounted is a permanently resident device, such as a drum, start the system again. If a sub-cell is to be demounted, demount the entire data cell. IEA2131 INITIALIZATION OF SYS1.ASRLIB INCOMPLETE o • The SYSl. ASRLIB data set was not large enough to contain all the modules and tables required for the machine check handler (MCH). • An attempt was made to write a module or table onto the SYSl. ASRLIB data set, but the size of the module or table exceeded the track capacity of the unit on which the data set resides. Explanation: The SYS1.ASRLIB data set was only partially initialized for one of the following reasons: • The nucleus address of one or more refreshable modules was not resolved successfully. EXQlanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) issued a GETMAIN macro instruction; however, more main storage was requested than was available. System Action: The system bypasses the function requiring the storage and issues message IEA208 I, describing the inoperative function. Processing continues. Operator Response: the programmer. Report this message to Programmer ResQonse: Probable user error. Ensure that sufficient main storage is available for NIP processing. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 11, IEA217I SEREP INTERFACE ESTABLISHED Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) has retained the system environment recording, editing, and printing (SEREP) interface for one of the following reasons: • SEREP support was selected for the model. • Neither SER nor MCH was selected during system generation. • No level of SER support was selected for the mode 1. (In this cas e., mess age IEA219I precedes this message.) lEA Messages - NIP 103 II • A required SER module could not be found in the SYS1,.LINKLIB data set. (In this case., message IEA106I" which identifies the SER module not found, precedes this message. ) In the message text, HO represents hierarchy 0 (processor storage), H1 represents hierarchy 1, and nn represents the number of bytes, in decimal. Operator Response: System Action: The nucleus initialization program continues processing. Operator Response: None. IEA218I MODEL=nnn/sys, ALTSYS=ddd, ASSUMED Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) has assumed primary model nnn, system type (360 or 370) - sys, and alternate system residence device ddd: • Model nnn will be used for initialization of model dependent system functions unless the MOD parameter is specified in response to message IEA101A, which follows this message. • Device ddd will be used as the 'to' device for a system-initiated system residence swap unless the ALTSYS parameter is specified in response to message IEA101A, which follows this message. System Action: The nucleus initialization program continues processing. Operator Response: If model nnn and device ddd are correct for the system being initialized, none. If nnn is not correct, specify the correct model number in the MOD parameter in response to message IEA101A; if ddd is not to be used, specify a device of the same type as the system residence device in the ALTSYS parameter in response to message IEA101A. o None. IEA250E TIMER ON CPU Y INOPERATIVE, VARY COMMANDS MAY BE AFFECTED Explanati on: The interval timer on central processing unit (CPU) y is not enabled. Therefore, VARY CPU, VARY channel, and QUIESCE commands may give unpredictable results. System Action: processing. The system continues Operator Response: Probable user error. To avoid unpredictable results, enable the tiner and restart the syst ern. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 11, IEA251E CONTROL UNIT ccX HAS PARTITION SWITCHES SET ASYMMETRICALLY Explanation: The control unit ccx has at least one tape unit or direct access device that is accessible to one CPU only. System Action: System initialization will continue normally but system performance may be degraded. Operator Response: Probable user error. If the control unit is intended to be assyrnetric, ignore the message. Otherwise, set the I/O control unit allocation switch to "enable" and restart the system. Problem Determination: Table I, item 30. o IEA252I STORAGE LOCATIONS xxxxxx TO yyyyyy OFFLINE IEA219I MODEL NOT SUPPORTED Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) has determined that system environment recording (SER) support was not selected for either the assumed model or the model specified in the MOD parameter in response to message IEA101A. Explanation: During nucleus initialization, storage has been placed offline. Storage is either nonexistent, disabled, powered down, or malfunctioning. In the message text, xxxxxx is the starting address and yyyyyy is the ending address of the storage. System Action: The nucleus initialization program continues processing. System Action: processing. Operator Response: the programmer. Operator Response: If this message appears unexpectedly, call IBM for hardware support. Otherwise, no response is necessary. Report this message to Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the central processing unit indicated at system generation is the same system that is the subject of NIP. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 11, The system continues Additional Technical Information: If the main storage box is enabled, and the . message appears, there has been a machine check in that rrain storage. IEA253I CHANNELS OFFLINE y:x IEA220I HO=nn BYTES H1=nn BYTES Explanation: During nucleus initialization, a listing was requested of the size of each of the storage hierarchies. 104 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Explanation: During nucleus initialization, channels x of central processing unit y have been placed offline. In the message text, x will appear for each channel involved. o o System Action: processing. The system continues Operator Response: If this message appears unexpectedly, call IBM for hardware support. lEA254W STORAGE BOX ENABLE/DISABLE SWITCHES SET ASYMMETRICALLY Explanation: Located on the configuration control panel is a pair of storage allocation switches for each storage unit in the system (one switch for each central processing unit). Both central processing units are operating in multisystem mode, but cannot share storage because the storage allocation switches for each storage unit have been set in the same position (ENABLE or DISABLE). System Action: The system entered wait state (wait state code 015). Operator Response: Probable user error. Set the storage enable/disable switches so that each box in a multiprocessor configuration either can or cannot be used by both central processing units. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. lEA255W BOTH PREFIX SWITCHES ARE SET THE SAME o Explanation: The prefix switches, located on the configuration control panel, for both central processing units have been set in the same position (ENABLE Or DISABLE). This causes both central processing units to use the same prefixed storage area. Operator Response: None .• Problem Determination: If the message appeared unexpectedly, Table I, items 11., 29. If the message was expected, no action is necessary. IEA2581 MULTIPROCESSOR INITIATED Explanation: The system h~s been started in multisystem mode, and both central processing units have been initiated. System Action: processing. O~rator The system continues Response: None. IEA2601 STATUS OF DEVICE dev dev dev dev dev x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x cc cc cc cc cc Explanation: This message indicates the status of all devices in the system at nucleus initialization: • Each cc indicates a unique channel/control unit address in the system. • Each dev indicates a possible device address. • Each x indicates the status of the particular dev for the particular cc: # Offline to both central processing units. System Action: The system entered wait state (wait state code 012). A Operator Response: Probable user error. Set one of the prefix switches in the opposite direction and restart the system. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. B Onli ne to central process ing unit A only. Online to central proceSSing unit B only. S Online to both central processing uni ts (shared) .. IEA2561 PARTITIONED SYSTEM INITIATED :E}cplanation: A system with only one central processing unit has been initiated. System Action: process ing • System Action: processing. The system continues The system continues Operator Response: Operator Response: If an attempt to initiate a system with two central processing units was made, call IBM for programming support. otherwise, no action is required. IEA2511 ONE CPU MULTIPROCESSOR INITIATED o No unit control block (not generated into system) • None. RoDout/Rollin Messages IEA400I jjj, sss R/I I/O ERR Explanation: The system has been' started in multisystem mode, and the central proceSSing unit (CPU) that was not started was placed offline. Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred on a direct access device while attempting to rollin step sss of job jjj. system Action: processing. system Action: terminated. The system continues The job is abnormally lEA Messages - Rollout/Rollin 105 Operator Hesponse: Probable hardware error. Resubmit the job. If the problem recurs, reallocate the Rollout/Rollin data set. Problem Determination: Table II, Format 1: trace option - 1RACE=!Q. System Action: processing. Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred on a direct access device while attempting to rollout step sss of job jjj. System Action: The system designates that the job could not be rolled out, and an attempt is made to find another region that will satisfy the rollout request. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If the problem recurs, reallocate the Rollout/Rollin data set. Problem Determination: Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=IO. REQUIR~D. The system continues Operator Response: None. Explanation: Step sss of job jjj has been physically rolled in. System Action: processing. The system continues Operator Response: None. Input/Output Supervisor Messages 2 IEA604A D adr,ser Explanation: The operator replaced a required direct access volume without having received a mount request. REPLY Y OR N. Explanation: The rollout/rollin code has been entered for the first time after the system was started. This message gives the operator the option of allowing the system to display informational messages lEA403-IEA406. In the message text, D indicates that the volume whose serial number is ser is to be demounted from the device whose unit address is adr, in hexadecimal. Operator Response: Demount the volume. Then respond as indicated for message IEA60SA, which follows this message. System Action: The system waits pending the operator's reply. IEA60SA M adr,ser" Operator Response: If the informational messages are to be displayed, enter REPLY xx,'Y'. If the informational messages are to be suppressed, enter REPLY xx,'N'. I~A4031 [jjjl o Explanati on: M indicates that the volume whose serial number is ser is to be mounted on the device whose unit address in hexadecimal is adr. jjj, sss, LOG R/O siz, adr ~!~nation: Step sss of job jjj has caused a logical rollout of dynamic main storage. In the message text, siz is the size of the region and adr is the beginning address of the region, in hexadecimal. System Action: process ing. The system continues Operator Response: None. IEA4041 REGN adr LOG ROLLIN ExPlanation: The region whose beginning address is adr, in hexadecimal, has been rolled in. system Action: processing. The system continues Operator Response: None. IEA40S1 jjj, sss, R/O OF jjj, sss Explanation: Step sss of job jjj specified at the beginning of the message text has caused a physical rollout of step 106 o IEA4061 jjj, sss, ROLLIN IEA4011 jjj, sss R/O I/O ERR IEA402A ROLLOUT/IN MSGS sss of job JJJ specified at the end of the message text. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Message IEA604A or IEA606I precedes this message, indicating the reason for the mount request. In the message text, jjj is the name of the job in control during which intervention is required. If the job name cannot be determined, this field is left blank. Operator Response: If the volume requested is not available, cancel the job. Otherwise, mount the indicated volume. (If message IEA606I precedes this message, the volume indicated in that message must first be demounted from the device. ) IEA606I adr,BAD VOLUME LABEL,cm,stat,senbbbbbb" ser, [j jjJ Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while trying to read the volume serial number of the indicated volume. In the message text, in hexadecimal, the fields are: adr Unit address of the device. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o cm sss Operation code of the channel command word (CCW) during whose execution the error occurred. If the channel command word cannot be found, this field appears as **. step name ff flag byte. A X'OO' indicates that the GETMAIN macro instruction was issued v~a an SVC 4 instruction. A X'80' indicates that GETMAIN was entered via a branch and that job name jjj has been replaced by branch address aaa. stat status portion of the channel status word (CSW). sens First 2 sense bytes for the error condition. bbbbbb Next 3 sense bytes for the error condition. This field appears only for devices that give more than 2 bytes of sense information. ser Serial number of the volume on which intervention is required. jjj The name of the job in control when intervention is required. If the jobname cannot be determined, this field is left blank. Operator Response: Respond as indicated for message IEA605A, which follows this message. 2 aaa return address of the calling routine from register 14 if the entry to GETMAIN was not via an SVC instruction. dddddddd variable data in hexadecimal. Data is 1 to 3 complete words in length. The length and meaning of hexadecimal data dddddddd is dependent on system completion code ccc and reason code (r) given in the message. The meaning of the applicable reason codes is: ccc E. Meaning 604-1 Parameter list for the GETMAIN macro instruction contained an invalid address, or the address of the parameter list was invalid. A free queue element (FQE) contained invalid information In MFT with ATTACH, a gotten queue element (GQE) contained invalid information. Requested amount of main storage was not available. In an MVT system, a negative length was specified; in an MFT system, a zero or negative length was specified. IEA6201 ddd TR=nnn,TW=nnn,SIO=nnnnn ERROR THRESHOLD REACHED Explanation: The number of errors spec1fied by either the read error threshold or the write error threshold has been exceeded. 604-2 604-3 In the message text, the fields are: o 804-1 ddd Unit address of the TR=nnn Number of temporary TW=nnn Number of temporary SIO=nnnnn Number of Start I/O device. 804-2 read errors. write errors. The meaning of the variable data is: operations. Operator Response: Check the local operating procedures to see if the number of errors specified in the message text indicates that the volume should be reconditioned. IEA700I ccc[-r] {jjj} sss ff[dddddddd] aaa Explanation: The control program detected an error during the execution of a GETMAIN macro instruction. The job step was abnormally terminated with a system completion code of ccc. This message provides additional information on the error. In the message text, the fields are: ccc system completion code ccc E. 504 604 604 604 804 804 B04 C04 E04 word 1 word 2 word 3 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 1 2 3 1 2 x3 x6 x1 x3 x6 x4 x5 where: x1 - Address of the GETMAIN parameter list. The first word of the parameter list is the address of the length list specified in the LA operandi the second word is the address of the address list specified in the A operand. r reason code. Included only when there are multiple reasons for issuing the message. jjj x2 - The first byte is the number of the subpool for which the request was madei the last three bytes are the number of bytes requested. job name o lEA Messages - I/O Supervisor 2 107 x3 - Contents of the free queue element (FQE). The first word is a pointer to the next FQE; the second word is the number of bytes in the free area defined by this FQE. The meaning of the applicable reason codes is: Meaning 305-1 x4 - Number of bytes in the largest available block of main storage in your region or partition. x5 - Number of bytes in the largest available block of SQA. 305-2 605-1 605-2 605-3 x6 - Contents of the gotten queue element in MFT with ATTACH. The first word is a pointer to the next GQE; the second word is the number of bytes +S in the allocated area. 905-1 905-2 Programmer Response: Refer to the explanation of completion code ccc in the section on "Completion Codes" for the complete response to this message. IEA701I CCC[-rl{jjj} sss ff[ddddddddl aaa Explanation: The control program detected an error during the execution of a The job step FREEMAIN macro instruction. was abnormally terminated with a system completion code of ccc. This message provides additional information on the error. In the message text, the fields are: ccc system completion code r reason code. Included only when there are multiple rea sons for issuing the message. jjj job name sss step name ff flag byte. A X'OO' indicates that the FREEMAIN macro instruction was "issued via an SVC 5 instruction. A X'SO' indicates that FREEMAIN was entered via a branch and that job name jjj has been replaced by branch address aaa. aaa return address of the calling routine from register 14 if the entry to FREEMAIN was not via an SVC instruction. dddddddd variable data in hexadecimal. Data is 1 to 4 complete words in length. The length and meaning of hexadecimal data dddddddd is dependent on system completion code ccc and reason code (r) given in the message. lOS Messages. Codes (Release 21.7) o 905-3 specified main storage area was not in named subpool specified subpool could not be found Parameter list for the FREEMAIN macro instruction contained an invalid address, or the address of the parameter list is invalid A free queue element (FQE) contained invalid information In MFI' with ATTACH" a gotten queue element (GQE) contained invalid information. In MFI' only., the address of the area to be freed was not on a doubleword boundary. In MFI' only, the address of the area to be freed was not in the area described by the job step boundary box. In MFI' with ATTACH, the length of the area to be freed was greater than ,that described by its gotten queue element (GQE). The meaning of the variable length data is: word 1 word 2 word 3 word 4 305 305 505 605 605 605 705 905 905 905 905 A05 B05 DOS 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 xl xl x4 x4 xl xl x4 xl xl xl xl xl xl xl x2 x2 x3 x3 x2 x2 x5 x7 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 C x5 x7 xS [x61 where: xl - The first byte is the number of the subpool for which the request was made; the last three bytes are the number of bytes requested. x2 - Beginning address of the main storage area to be freed. x3 - Address of the task control block (TCB) for the abending task. x4 - Address of the FREEMAIN parameter list,. The first word of the parameter list is the address of the length list specified in the LA operand; the second word is the address of the address list specified in the A operand~ x5 - Contents of the free queue element (FQE). The first word is a pointer to the next FQE; the second word is the number of bytes in the free area defined by this FQE. o o x6 - Number of bytes of overlap into free area. (Provided only in an MVT system. ) 30A 4 x7 - In M'FT with ATTACH, the contents of the gotten queue element (GQE). The first word is a pointer to the next GQEi the second word is the number of bytes +8 in the allocated area. x8 - IOn MFT with ATTACil, the beginning address of the gotten queue element (GQ~) describing the area to be freed. Programmer Response: Refer to the explanation of completion code ccc in the section on "Completion Codes" for the complete response to this message. lEA7021 ccc[-rl {jjj} sss ff(ddddddddl aaa Explanat~on: The control program detected an error during the execution of either a GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro instruction. The job step was abnormally terminated with a system completion code of ccc. This message provides additional information on the error. In the message text, the fields are: o ccc system completion code r reason code. Included only when there are multiple reasons for issuing the message. jjj job name sss step name ff flag byte. A X'OO' indicates that the GETMAIN/FREEMAIN macro instruction was issued via an SVC 10 instruction. A X'SO' indicates that G~~MAIN/FREEMAIN was entered via a oranch and that job name jjj has been replaced by branch address aaa. aaa The length and meaning of hexadecimal data dddddddd is dependent on system completion code ccc and reason code (r) given in the message. The meaning of the applicable reason codes is: Meaning 30A 1 30A 2 60A 2 60A 3 SOA-l SOA-2 90A-l 90A-2 90A-3 The meaning of the variable length data is: Specified main storage area was not in named subpool specified subpool could not be found word 1 word 2 word 3 £££ !: 20A 30A 30A 30A 30A 40A 60A 60A 704 80A 80A 90A 90A 90A 90A AOA BOA DOA xl x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 xl x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 1 2 3 4 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 x2 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x5 x8 xl xl xl xl x5 x8 x6 x4 x4 x4 x4 x4 x9 [x7] x4 where: xl - return address of the calling routine from register 14 if the entry to GETMAIN/FREEMAIN was not via an SVC instruction. dddddddd variable data in hexadecimal. Data is 1 to 3 complete words in length. o Main storage area to be freed was not within caller's region (subpool FREEMAIN only) Zero length was not specified for subpool FREEMAIN A free queue element (FQE) for either a GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro instruction was invalid In MFT with ATTACH, a gotten queue element (GQE) contained invalid information. Requested amount of main storage not available Zero length specified In MFT only, the address of the area to be freed was not on a doubleword boundary. In MFT only, the address of the area to be freed was not in the area described by the jobstep boundary box. In MET with ATTACH, the length of the area to be freed was greater than that described by its gotten queue (GQE). 30A 3 Address of the task control block (TCB) for the abending task. x2 - Number of the subpool that was not freed. x3 - The first byte is the number of the subpool for which the request was made~ the last three bytes are the number of bytes requested. x4 - Beginning address of the main storage area to be freed. x5 - Contents of the free queue element (FQE). The first word is a pointer to the next FQEi the second word is the number of bytes in the free area defined by this FQE. x6 - Number of bytes in the largest available block of main storage in your region or partition. lEA Messages - I/O Supervisor 2 109 x7 - Number of bytes of overlap into free area. (Provided only in an MVT system. ) r x8 - jjj x9 - In MFT with ATTACrl, the contents of the gotten queue element (GQE). The first word is a pointer to the next GQEi the second word is the number of bytes +8 in the allocated area. In MFT with ATTACH, the beginning address of the gotten queue element (GQE) de,scribing the area to be freed. Programmer Response: Refer to the explanation of completion code ccc in the section on ,nCompletion Codes n for the complete response to this message. reason code. Included only when there are multiple reasons for issuing the message. job name sss step name xxxxxxxx the name of the modu·le being access ed at the time of the error. This message is issued for the following c ompleti on codes: £££ !: Explanati on of reason Code 106 C E F Invalid scatter data in load module Invalid record type in load module Inva lid address in load module Uncorrectable input/output error 4 8 specified entry point not found Uncorrectable input/output error 106 D IEA703I ccc[-r] jjj sss MODULE ACCESSED xxxxxxxx Explanation: During execution of a LINK, LOAD, ATTACH, or XCTL macro instruction, the control program encountered an error while loading module xxxxxxxx. The job step was abnormally terminated with a system completion code of ccc. This message provides additional information on the error. In the message text, the fields are: ccc system completion code o 106 106 207 308 406 706 806 806 906 A06 Programmer Response: Refer to the explanation of completio~ code ccc in the section on nCorrpletion Codes" for the complete response to this m~sage. o o 11.0 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) o Data Set Utility Messages (lED) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IEB J I Componen t Name ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Data set utility programs: IEBCOMPR, IEBCOPY, IEBDG, IEBEDIT, I I IEBGENER, IEBISAM, IEBPl'PCH, IEBTCRIN, IEBUPDAT, IEBUPDTE. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For programmer: SYSPRINT data set. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Message FOrmat I IEBnnns text I Program Producing Message I I I I I nnn Message serial number, which is coded to indicate the utility program: Onn inn 2nn 3nn 4nn 5nn 6nn 7nn Bnn 9nn I IEBEDIT IEBCOPY IEBCOMPR IEBGENER IEBPTPCH IEBUPDAT IEBISAM IEBDG IEBUPDTE IEBTCRIN I I I I I I I I I I s o Type code: A Action; operator must perform a specific action. I Information; no operator action is required. i text I Message text. J r----·--------··--------···--·------t . ----------.------------------------------------------------------------~ I Comments ~ Messages indicating job termination can be interpreted three ways: l I I I I I I I I I I • 1 I~ t~~ util;ty program was invoked, a return code is passed to the calling program with the option to terminate. • If the utility program represents one step of a multi-step job, the job is terminated. • Otherwise, the job is terminated. I I 1 'J ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Associated Publications I I IBM system/360 Operating system: I Utilities; GC2B-65B6 ) I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem Determination ! Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this publication for problem 1 I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. J1 I l _____________________________ ~ IEBEDIT Program Messages that the block size specification is a multiple of BO). Resubmit the job. IEB0011 {SYSUT1} NOT OPENED SYSUT2 SYSIN Problem Determination: 2,3, 5a, 13, 29 Table I, items 1" IEB0081 INVALID NAME FIELD Explanation: The SYSUT1, SYSUT2, or SYSIN data set, as indicated in the message text, could not be opened. Either the DD statement defining the data set was not included in the input stream or a DCB parameter for the data set was invalid. SYstem Action: The job $tep is terminated. (The return code is S.) o Programmer Response: Probable user error,. Ensure that a DD statement for SYSUT1, SYSUT2, and SYSIN is inciuded in the input stream, and that the parameters on the DD statement(s) are correct (particularly Explanation: In the EDIT statement preceding this message" the name field is invalid,. possibly, the name field consists of more than 8 characters or contains an invalid character. system Action: Processing continues with the next EDIT statement, if any. (The return code is 4.) Prcqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct the name field on the preceding statement and resubmit the job to process IEB Messag~ - IEBEDIT 11~ either the entire input stream or the unedited portion of the input stream. Problem D8termination: 2, 3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. ILB0091 lNVALID ~TATEMENT Table I, items 1, Problem Deterroination: 2,3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. SYNTAX Explanation: The EDIT statement preceding this message is coded incorrectly. System JI.ction: Processinq continues with the next .i:.DIT statement •. (The return code is 4.> Programmer Response: ?robable user error. Correct the preceding statement and resubmit the job to process either the entire input stream or the unedited portion of the input stream. Problem Determination: 2, 3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. prnrammer Response: Correct the de l.mi ter (s) on the preceding control statement and resubmit the job to process either the entire input stream or the unedited portion of the input stream. Table I, items 1, IES01DI INVALID OPERATION CODE Explanation: The preceding statement is not an EDIT utility control statement. Possibly, EDIT is misspelled. o Table I, items 1, IEB020I INVALID CONTINUATION CARD Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, the continuation does not begin in coluron 16. System Action: Processing continues with the next EDIT statement. (The return code is 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Begin the continuation statement in column 16 or correct the statement that indicated a conti nuation, if no continuat ion is desired. Resubmit the job to process either the entire input stream or the unedited portion of the input stream. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. System hction: Processing continues with the next EDIT statement. (The return code is 4.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the operation on the preceding control statement to EDIT and resubmit the job to process either the entire input stream or the unedited protion of the input stream, as necessary. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 5a, 7c, 13, 29. IEB0211 INVALID CHARACTER Explanation: In the EDIT statement preceding this roessage, a character is invalid. System Action: Processing continues with the next EDIT statement. . (The return code is 4.) o Table I, items 1, IEBOllI INVALID OPERAND Explanation: In the EDIT statement preceding this mE~ssage, the operand is invalid. ?ossibly, a parameter is misspelled or incompatible parameters are specifiEd. Proqramrner Response: Probable user error. Correct the error in the control statement and resubmit the job to process either the entire input stream or the unedited portion of the input stream. Problem Determination: 2,3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB022I JOB NAME NOT FOUND BEFORE END OF FILE System Action: Processing continues with the next EDIT statement. (The return code is 4.> Programmer Response: ~robable user error. Correct the operand(s) on the preceding control statement and resubmit the job to process either the entire input stream or the unedited portion of the input stream. Problem Determination: 2, 3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, Explanation: Either no JOB statement was found in the input data set or the specified job could not be found. System Action: The job step is terminated. (The return code is 4.) Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Insert the missing JOB statement into the input stream or correct the control information on the associated EDIT statement and resubmit the job. IEB0141 INVALID DELIMITER Problem Determination: Explanation: In the EDIT statement preceding this message, a delimiter is invalid. System Action: Processing continues with the next EDIT statement. (The return code is 4.) 112 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Table I, items 1, 2, 3, Sa, 7c. 13 I 29. IEB023I sss STEP COULD NOT BE FOUND Explanation: Step sss could not be found in the input data set. Possibly the step name was misspelled. o o System Action: Processing continues with the next EDIT statement. (The return code is 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insert the miasing step into the input stream or correct the control information on the associated EDIT statement. Resubmit,the job to process either the entire input stream or the unedited portion of the input stream. Problem Determination: 2, 3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB024I d WAS BIGrlEST SEVERITY CODE Explanation: Return code d was the highest return code generated during execution of the IEBEDIT program. Problem Deterrr.ination: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, 5a, 7c, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SYS. IEB0301 {SYSUT1} BLKSIZE INVALID SYSIN Explanation: The blcck size of the SYSU'Il or SYSIN data set, as indicated in the message text, is not a multiple of 80 bytes. System Action: The froaram is terminated. (The return code. is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the block size of the indicated data set and resubmit the jon. Problem Deterrr.ination: 2, 3, 5a, 7c, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB0321 SYSUT2 BLKSIZE INVALID - SYSUTl ASSUMED Programmer Response: For other than sucessful job completion (severity code 0), resubmit the job to process either the entirt input stream or the unedited portion of the input stream. Problem Determination: 2, 3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEE0271 1/0 ERROR dsn, jjj, sss, ddd, devtyp, ddn, op, err, xxxx, acc o Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on device ddd. In the message text, the error analysis information was provided by the SYNADAF data management macro instruction issued by the SYNAD routine: dsn Data set name. jjj Explanation: The block size of the SYSUT2 data set is not a multiple of 80 bytes. System Action: 'Ihe SYSUTl block s iz e attributes are assumed for the SYSUT2 data set. Processing continues. (The return code is 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the block size for SYSUTl is undesirable for SYSUT2, correct the block size for SYSUT2 and resubmit the job; otherwise, disregard this message. Problem Determination: 2,3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB0331 STATEMENT NOT PROCESSED EOF ON SYSUTl Explanation: An end-of-file condition was encountered on the SYSUTl data set, and the preceding EDIT statement was not processed. Job name. sss Step name. System Action: The job step is terminated. (The return code is 4.) ddd Unit address of tbe device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxxx Last seek address of block count. acc Access method. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 8.) o Programmer Response: Correct the error condition indicated in the message text according to the error analysis information provided by the SYNADAF data management macro instruction. Resubmit the job. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Restructure the EDIT statements if the edited output is' not as desired and resubmit the job; otherwise, disregard the unprocessed EDIT statements. Problem Deterrrination: 2,3, 5a, 7c, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB0341 STEPNAME REQUIRED WITH TYPE={INCLUDE} EXCLUDE Explanation: No step name was specified with a TY?f.'=INCLUDE cr TYPE=EXCLUDE operation, as indicated in the message text. systew Action: Processina continues with the next EDIT statement. (The return code is Q..) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the condition indicated in the message text and resubmit the job to IEB Messages - IEBEDIT 113 • _ process either the entire input stream or the unedited portion of the input stream. Problem Determination: 2, 3, Sa, 7c, 13, 29. replaces the membername in the above message, the error was found reading from SYSUT3. The output directory will have to be investigated to determine which member was not copied (possibly by use of IEHLIST. ) Table I, items 1, IEB1001 I/O ERROR READING MEMBER membername Programmer Response: Depending on the type of error, rerun the COpy operation with the data set in error allocated (1) at a different physical location on the volume, (2) on a different device" or (3) on a different channel. Explanation: An I/O error was encountered reading the specified member name. Message IEB139I, which gives detailed information regarding the location of the error record, is always issued previous to this message. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 2Sb, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO,PCI. System Action: The next COpy control statement is sought, unless a data check in the key or data portion only occurred. In this case the error is ignored and data is copied as it came into main storage. (The return code is 4.) IEB1031 MEMBERS membername THROUGH END OF DATA SET ARE NOT ACCESSIBLE DUE TO I/O BRROR Explanation: Due to an I/O error while updating the output data set' s directory, members starting from the named member through the end of the data set (in alphanumeric order) have become inaccessible. Programmer Response: Depending on the type of error, rerun the COPY operation with the data set in error allocated (1) at a different physical location on the volume, (2) on a different device, or (3) on a different channel. If the error is on an input data set, it may be necessary to re-create the data set. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy operation is sought. (The return code is 12.) Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO,PCI. Programmer Response: Depending on the type of error, rerun the COpy operation with the data set in error allocated (1) at a different physical location on the volume, (2) on a different device, or (3) on a different channel. IEB1011 I/O ERROR WRITING MEMBER DATA AT TTR=ttr [-DURING READ BACK CHECK] Explanation: An I/O error occurred while copying member data to the output data set,. The TTR of the record in error relative to the beginning of the data set is given. The [ ] part of message is only given if the error occurred during read back check. IEB1041 INVALID COMMAND OR KEYWORD Explanation: A command or keyword on the control statement just listed is misspelled or invalid for the IEBCOPY prCXJram. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Depending on the type of error, rerun the COpy operation with the data set in error allocated (1) at a different physical location on the volume, (2) on a different device, or (3) on a different channel. Pr(XJrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error an resubmit the job. Problem DeterJl1ination: 3, 13, 29. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13" 25b, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO,PCI. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Table I, items 1" IEB10S1 PARAMETER INVALID Explanation: A parameter on the control statement just listed is too long or contains an invalid character. I~B1021 MEMBER{membername}NOT COPIED DUE TO I/O ******** ERROR 114 o Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 2Sb, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO,PCI. System Action: If the error was encountered during read back check and involved a data check in key or data only, the error is ignored. Otherwise the next COpy control statement is sought. (The return code is 4,.) Explanation: An I/O error on the SYSUT3 work file has made processing of the specified member impossible. If ******** I ' system Action: Processing continues with the next member to be copied. (The return code is 8.) IEBCOPY Program Messages I 0' ~ System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) o o Programmer Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, Table I, items 1, IEB1101 INVALID REPLACE SPECIFIED IEB10 6 I UNEQUAL PARENTHESIS Explanation: The statement just printed has an unbalanced number of parentheses. Explanation: Parameters were not embedded within parentheses correctly or parentheses were missing from valid RENAME/REPLACE specifications. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control sta tement is sought. (Return code - 8. > System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COpy control st~tement is sought. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, Problem Determination: Table I, items 1" IEB111I NULL PARAMErERS IEB1071 INVALID CONTINUATION Exolanation: The control statement just listed is invalid. Parameters may have ended with a comma (which infers continuation> but the continuation column (72) was blank. An attempt may have been made to continue a statement from within a RENAME/REPLACE specification within nested parentheses. This is invalid. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, Explanation: A control statement was completely blank, or blanks followed the equal sign immediately after a keyword. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COPY control statement is sought. (Return code - 8. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3,13,29. Table I, items 1, IEB112I CANNOT RENAME/REPLACE ON EXCLUDE Explanation: The control statement just listed has a parameter embedded within parentheses to show RENAME/REPLACE of this member. This is invalid with an exclusive copy. IEB1081 MEMBER WITHOUT SELECT OR EXCLUDE Explanation: A statement contained MEMBER= but was not associated with a SELECT or EXCLUDE command. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB109I NO MIXING OF SELECT AND EXCLUDE MODES IN SAME COpy STEP o Explanation: A SELECT statement immediately follows an EXCLUDE statement without an INDD= statement between, or the converse - an EXCLUDE statement immediately follows a SELECT statement. I System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEBl131 OUTDD OR INDD NOT SPECIFIED Explanation: The commands are incomplete. An INDD=keyword must be associated with a COPY statement that has defined the output data set (OUTDD=>. A SELECT or EXCLUDE statement may have been read without an INDD= preceding it. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COPY control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 13, 29. Table I, items 1" 3,~ IEB Messages - IEBCOPY 115 IEBl141 OUTDD/LIST NOT ON COPY CARD Explanation: The OUTDD= or LIST= keywords were scanned but were not physically or logically associated with the COPY statement. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEBl15 I END OF FIL'E ON SYSIN Explanation: On the first read or during a "flush", end-of-file was given by the SYSIN device as the result of a previous error. System Action: Control is returned to the caller; this is the end of the last COpy operation. Programmer Response: Correct the preceding error or insert control statements .. Problem Determination: 3., 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEBl16I MIXING CONTROL STATEMENTS FROM OLD AND NEW VERSION OF IEBCOPY Explanation: Both types of statements were contained within the same copy step or multiple COPY operations were attempted using old version IEBCOPY control statements. System Action: If a complete set of valid statements occurred together, one COPY operation was done. If the statements are intermixed, no COpy was done. The job is terminated. (The return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEBl171 TABLES EXCEED ALLOCATED CORE Explanation: The amount of main storage available for creation of the INDO table and SELECT/EXCLUDE table has been exceeded. storage estimate considerations for IEBCOPY. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Have core storage estimate calculations available. IEBl181 CONTROL STATEMENT ERROR Explanation: The statement just listed has an invalid command, keyword, or parameter. There may be multiple INDO= keywords on the same statement or old and new versions of IEBCOPY keywo~ds are mixed. System Action: The job step is terminated if old IEBCOPY type of statements. Otherwise, the COpy operation is terminated and the next COPY control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Explanation: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Programmer Response: Probable user error .• Multiple COpy., OUTDO=, and INDO= statements can be used so the INDO table, which is built for each copy step will not be so large. The number of member names in SELECT/EXCLUDE statements per copy step can also be decreased, and the number of copy steps increased. Review the core 116 Messages & Codes (Release 21. 7) Table I, items 1, IEBl191 STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR Explanation: There is an error in the.old version IEBCOPY control statement sequ~ce or multiple COPY statements immediately following each other where the first COpy statement was incomplete or out of place. System Action: If in old version IEBCOPY mode, the job step is terminated; otherwise, the next COpy control statement is sought. (The return code is 8.> o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB1201 ddname VALIDATION ERROR Explanation: The name of the DO statement on which the error occured is identified in the area designated by ddname~ This message is always given by the validation routine when there is an error during the validation or opening of any data set. The message immediately following this message will explain the nature of the error .• System Action: (The return code is 8.) PrCXJrammer Response: System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) o Problem Determination: 25b, 29. None. Table I, items 1, IEB121I OPEN ERROR Explanation: The data set defined in the preceding message could not be opened. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) o o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check for invalid DD statement parameter s. Problem Determination: 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB1261 ddname REFERENCES AN UNMOVABLE DATA SET Explanati on: The input data set (ddname> is flagged as unmovable. It will not be compressed in place because it may contain location dependent data. IEB1221 OSCB COULD NOT BE OBTAINED Explanation: There was an error code returned from the OBTAIN macro that was used to read the DSCB for the data set defined in the preceding message. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next copy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check to see that a DSCB for data set in question is available. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Verify that the data set in question is flagged as unmovable (formatl DSCB>. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB1271 RECFM INCOMPATIBLE Explanation: The record format of the input data set defined is imcompatible with that of the output data set (that is, it cannot copy from fixed record format to variable record format or vice versa). IEB1231 DATA SET NOT PARTITIONED Explanation: The data set the preceding message does partitioned organization. that is not partitioned is output data set, it cannot the IEBCOPY program. o identified in not have If the data set an in put or an be processed by System Action: The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COPY control statement is sought. (Return code ~ 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Respecify the record format of either the input or output data set and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, Rerun the job step. IEB1281 CANNOT REBLOCK TRACK OVERFLOW DATA SETS Problem Determination: 3, 13, 250, 29. Table I, items 1, Explanation: The input and/or the output data sets have track overflow records. Reblock/deblock will not be done. IEB1241 INVALID LRECL Explanation: The logical record length of the data set defined is not valid. It may be zero or input data set LRECL may not be equal to output data set LRECL. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Problem Determination: 3, 13, 250., 29. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COPY control statement is sought.. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Respecify the block size of the output data set so that it is equal to the block size of the input data set. Rerun the job. Rerun the job step. Table I, items 1, Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1" IEB1291 CANNOT REBLOCK KEYED DATA SETS IEB1251 INVALID BLOCKSIZE Explanation: The blocksize of the data set defined is not valid. The blocksize may be zero or larger than the track capacity allows, taking the key (if any> into account, while the data set is not track overflow. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> o Programmer Response: Problem Determination: 3.. 13, 25b. 29 .. Rerun the job step. Table I, items 1, Explanation: The input and/or the output data sets have keyed records. Reblock/deblock will not be done. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COPY control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Respecify the block size of the output data set so that it is equal to the block size of the input data set. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table I" IEB Messages - items 1, IEBCOPY ~17 I£B1301 KEY LENGTHS UNEQUAL Explanation: The key len~th of the input and output data sets are not equal. System Action: The COEY operation is terminated. The next COpy control sta tement is 30ught. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Re~ponse: Probable user error. Respecify the key length of the output data set so that it is equal to the key length of the input data set. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, ·13, 25b, 29. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Verify that the data set in question is keyed (formatl DSCB). Table I, items 1, IEB132I INVALID RE/DE-BLOCKING Explanation: The data set previously defined i::; incompatible with the output data set. For example, a variable format record may contain an LRECL that is greater than the outpUt block size. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Respecify the output block size to allow this member to be properly copied, and rerun the job. Table I, items 1, IEB1331 MINIMUM REQUESTED CORE NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: A variable conditional GETMAIN was issued, and the return code indicates that the minimum amount of permanent storage requested was not obtainable. This error may also occur if blocked SYSIN/SYSPRINT is specified and the required access method modules use permanent storage such that the minimum requested by GETMAIN cannot be made available. system Action: The job step is terminated. (The return code is 8.> Operator Response: Run the IEBCOPY program in a larger region ,or partition. 118 Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Have permanent storage estimate calculations available. IEB1341 CANNOT COMPRESS Explanation: A compress in place COPY operation was requested but the data set contains keyed records. IEBCOPY does not compress keyed data sets. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. o Table I, items 1, IEB131 I CANNOT C0l1PRESS KEYED DATA SET Problem Determination: 3 , 13 , 250 , 29. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Allocate a larger partition or region to the IEBCOPY program. 'This error may also occur if blocked SYSIN/SYSPRINT is specified and the required access method modules use permanent storage such that the rrinimum requested by GETMAIN cannot be made available. In this case, de-block the blocked SYSIN/SYSPRINT data set{s). Review the perrranent storage estimate considerations for IEBCOPY. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) WIT~ SELECT OR EXCLUDE Explanation: An input data set's DDNAME was specified which was identical to ·the current output data set's DDNAME, but a SELECT or EXCLUDE control statement was also specified. This is an implied COMPRESS, and a mixed-mode copy step is not allowed. system Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error If the COMPRESS is desired, do not follow the INDD staterrent or group which contains the duplicat'e DDNAME with a SELECT or EXCLUDE control statement. If the COMPRESS is not desired, remove the duplicate DDNAME from the appropriate INDD statement. Problem Determination: 3,13, 29. o Table I, items 1, I£B135I MINIMUM I/O BUFFER NOT ALLOCATABLE Explanation: There is not enough unallocated perrranent storage available to contai n two minimum size I/O buffers without overlaying required tables. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Operator Response: Run the IEBCOPY program in a larger region or partition. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make more storage available to IEBCOPY. If a relatively large number of membernames are specified on the current SELECT or EXCLUDE control statement{s), it may be necessary to divide them into smaller groups of membernames and more copy steps. Allocate a larger partition or region to the IEBCOPY program. Review the permanent storage estimate considerations for IEBCOPY. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3,15,29. Have permanent storage estimate calculations available. o o lEB1361 CANNOT ALLOCATE TWO TRACKS OF I/O BUFFERS FOR CONPRESS Explanation: There is not enough unallocated permanent storage available to contain twice the device-dependent block size as specified by the results of a DEVTYPE macro. COMPRESS operations must have this much I/O buffer space for full track LID and synchronization. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Operator Response: Run the lEBCOPY program in a larger region or partition. o Review Problem Deterrrination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Have perwanent storage estimate calculations available. IEB1391 SYNADAF DURING DURING { DURING message text READ WRITE READBACK CHECK I Explanation: An I/O error has occurred, the SYNADAF macro issued, and this message text is generated by the SYNADAF macro. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COPY control statement is sought. (Return code - 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make more permanent storage available to IEBCOPY. If several input data set DDNAME's are specified on the current INDD control statement or group, remove the DDNAME causing the COMPRESS and put it into a separate copy operation. Also it may be necessary to take actions similar to those described in message IEB1331. Review the permanent storage estimate considerations for lEBCOPY. Programmer Response: Depending on the type of error, rerun the copy operation with the data set in error allocated (1) at a different physical location on the volume, (2) on a different device, or (3) on a different channel. If the error is on an input data set, it may be necessary to re-create the data set. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Have core storage estimate calculations available. Problem Deterrrination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 25b, 26c, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option -TRACE=SIO,IO,PCI. IEB1371 CANNOT SPECIFY DUPLICATE ME~illERNAMES FOR SELECT'/EXCLUDE/RENAME - NAM~=membername Explanation: The user has specified duplicate membernames in either his EXCLUDE statement(s) or his SELECT statement (s). If in the latter, the user may have specified duplicate renamed or un-renamed "oldnames", duplicate "newnames", or a combination of these. The membername specified is the one which was duplicated. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If duplicate names must be specified, put each duplicate in a separate copy step. It is advisable not to specify duplicate member names at all. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB1381 CANNOT PROCESS ALL OLD/NEW-NAMES SPECIFIED Explanation: The permanent storage required for processing the number of oldname/newname pairs specified is not available. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) o statements over IT'ore copy steps. the permanent ::;torage estiroate considerations for IEBCOPY. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Decrease the number of renamed members specified within anyone SELECT control statement, and spread the SELECT control IEB1401 ddname REFER~NCES A NULL INPUT DATA SET Explanation: The ddname orinted is used to reference an "empty" input data set; there are no membernames contained in the directory of this data set. System Action: The next input data set or control statement is sought. Proarammer Response: Check the input data set. Problem Deterrrination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 25c, 29. IEB1411 CANNOT REiDE-BLOCK WITh NOTE-LIST/USER TTRN IN MEMBER membername Explanation: The directory entry for the named member indicates the presence of a Note List and/or User 'ITRN's. However, the user's data set specifications indicate the requirement to re/deblock merrbers as they are copied. These two facts are incorrpatible in IEBCOPY. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COPY control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If this member is to be copied, it cannot be re/deblocked. Either respecify those factors which cause re/deblocking (i.e., BLKSIZE, RECFM, and LRECL parameters of the appropriate DCB's referenced in JCL), or rebuild the directory entry and alter the member data as needed to eliminate the Note-List/User TTRN indicators. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3 .. 13, 25b, 29. IEB Messages - IEBCOPY 119 IEB1421 CANNOT CONTINUE TO BUILD CTLTAB Explanation: IEBCOPY requires more storage to build required control table to process the current input data se~. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. Operator Response: larger partition. IEB1431 ALL SELECTED MEMBERS COPIED - DID NOT USE ALL SPECIFIED INDD'S Explanation: All specified members have been successfully copied, and the directory entries referencing these members are properly set up. It was not necessary to use all specified input data sets in order to "find" and process all selected members. The next control statement Programmer Response: should be used. Problem Determination: 3 • 13, 25c, 29. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Verify that the data set in question is not flagged (for~atl DSCB> as a track overflow data set. Problem Determination: 3. 13, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, Explanation: IEBCOPY does not allow a compress-in-place operation to be done if the user has not specified the same data set characteristics in both the input and output DD statements that reference the data set to be compressed. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought (Return code - 8.) PrCX!rammer Response: Probable user error. specify the same data set characteristics Messages & Codes (Release 21.7> System Action: If message number IEB1681 does not immediately follow this message, the output data set "directory (a) r~flects those members copied as of the immediately preceding input data set, if any, or (b) is left as it originally was if this input data set is the first one from which members were to have been copied. If the message IEB1681. does follow, the output directory is truncated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) o o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Execute IEHLIST to determine just which members are usable and referenced by the truncated output directory. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 25b, 29. Execute IEHLIST to list the directory (LISTPDS) of all input data sets in the associated COpy operation; have the directory listing available. Execute IEHDASDR to dump the directory of the associated output data set, and save the output. IEB149I THERE ARE xxx UNUSED DIRECTORY BLOCKS IN OUTPUT DIRECTORY Explanation: This message is issued upon completion of copying all required members to the output data set, at the end of the current COpy operation. If an error has occurred, the number of blocks given in this message may be incorrect. System Action: is sought. The next control statement Programmer Response: None. IEB150 I ++WARNING++ 'I'HE OUTPUT DS REF. BY xxxxxxxx CONTAINS TOO MANY DIRECTORY BLOCKS PER TRACK o Explanation: While writing the output directory, IEBCOPY found the number of directory blocks per track allocated to the output data set to be greater than the track capacity. System Action: Processing of the job step is continued and the directory blocks are updated without the number of directory blocks per track being changed. (Return code is 4.) Programmer Response: Make sure that your disk pack has the legitimate number of blocks per track (for instance, 17 (X'll') on a 2316 disk pack). The number of directory blocks per track can be checked in the format4 DSCB of the volume in question at offset 75 (X'4B') on a 2316 disk pack. If your disk pack would have 18 blocks per track instead of 17, in the case of a 2316 disk pack, I/O errors might occur when using the la~t directory block on each track. Therefore, copy all partitioned data sets from this disk pack to a pack that shows the correct number of directory blocks per track (see the format4 DSCB). IEB151I JOB HAS TERMINATED WITH ERRORS Explanation: This message is issued as the result of a previous error (as indicated by one or more preceding error messages). Further processing may be terminated. o Programmer Response: Correct the error(s) indicated by preceding error message(s) and resubmit that portion of the job that was not successfully completed. Problem Deterfl1ination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO, 10, PCl. IE8152I membername COMPRESSED-WAS ALREADY IN PLACE AND NOT MOVED Explanation: The member named in this message did not need to be physically moved during the compress-in-place operation. System Action: Programmer Response: None. IE8153I ALL MEMBERS COMPRESSED-ALL WERE ORIGINALLY COMPRESSED Explanation: The data set which was to have been compressed in place was not in need of being compressed, since there were no embedded "gaps" between any of the members of the data set. No members from this data set were physically moved. System Action: None. Prcqrammer Res ponse : None. IEB154I membername HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY COPIED Explanation: The member named in this message has been successfully copied from the input data set to the output data set. In a compress-in-place operation, this message may be issued for a specific member even though the member was not actually moved, and message IEB152I was issued. If the job step completes successfully, this copied member can be accessed and used. system Action: None. Proorammer Response: None. IEB1551 membername HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY COPIED AND IS A • NEWNAME' Explanation: The member named in this message is a renamed member which has been successfully copied from the input data set to the output data set. The "oldname" of this member can be determined by checkina the IEBCOPY control statement(s) printed-at the beginning of the copy step in which this rr.essage occurred. If the job step completes successfully, this copied member can be accessed (using the new membername specified), and used. System Action: System Action: Depending on the error(s), either the next COpy operation is processed or the job step is terminated. None. None. Prcqrammer Response: None. IEB Messages - IEBCOPY 121 IEB156I NOT A DIRECT ACCESS DATA SET Explanation: The data set defined in the previous message is not on a direct access device. IEBCOPY will not copy non-direct access data sets. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated.. The next COPY control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB157 I DD STATEMENT NOT FOUND Explanation: The DD statement for the data set defined in the previous message could not be found. System Action: The COPY operat~on is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insert a DD statement for the data set and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, Prcqrammer Response: None if this condition was desired; otherwise, take appropriate action, depending upon the condition indicated in the above e xpla na ti on. Problem Determination: 3,13, 25c, 29. o Table I, items 1, IEB160I CONCATENATED DATA SETS Explanation: The DD name given in the previous message is the first in a group of concatenated data sets. IEBCOPY does not process concatenated data sets. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COPY control statement is sought. None. Programmer Response: Programmer Response: Depending on the type of error, rerun the COpy operation with the data set in error allocated .(1) at a different physical location on the volume, (2) on a different device, (3) on a different channel. If the error is on an input data set, it may be necessary to re-create the data set. Another utility (such as IEHLIST) should be used to determine the final status of the output directory. System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code 12.) Programmer Response: Depending on the type of error, rerun the copy operation with the data set in error allocated (1) at a different physical location on the volume, (2) on a different device, (3) on a different channel. The output data sets directory should be investigated to see if all information is valid (possibly via use of IEHLIST. > Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 25c, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO.,IO,PC!. IEB1701 **WARNING** DUE TO SYSUT3 I/O ERROR, COMPRESS-IN-PLACE NOT DONE AND COPY OPERATION TERMINATED Explanation: An I/O error has occurred while using the "spill" data set. None of the members were physically moved, so the data set remains as it was prior to processing. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is sought. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Depending on the type of error, rerun the COpy operation with the data set in error allocated (1) at a different physical location on the volume, (2) on a different device, (3) on a different channel. Problem Determination: Table I., items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO,PCI. IEB1711 ** WARNING ** DIRECTORY MAY NOT REFLECT VALID LOCATION OF MEMBER DATA Explanation: An I/O error during a compress-in-place operation may have affected the validity of the data set directory. IEB Messages - IEBCOPY 123 System Action: The COpy operation is terminated. The next COpy control statement is souqht. (Return code - 8.) Problem Deter.mination: 3, 13, 29. IEB175I Programmmer Response: The data set in question should be re-created or dumped and checked for valid information. (Possibly via IEHLIST and/or IEHDASDR.) Explanation: 'Ihe specified data set could not be opened. This is normally the SYSJ?RIN'I data set. The SYSJ?RIN'I' DD statement may not have been included in the JOB stream. System Action: This data set cannot be used. I/O error messages and an end-of-joD message are issued to the console typewriter via alternate methods. The error i3 ignored. (Return code is 4.) ProgrammEr Response: Probable user error. It is necessary to use another utility (such as IEHLIST) to verify the ending status of all COpy operations performed. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB173I ddname - INVALID BLOCKSIZE Explanation: An invalid blocksize associated with the specified data set was detected. This is probably the SYSPRINT data set. Invalid DCB information, such as block 3ize, may have been specified in the SYSPRINT DD statement. system Action: This data set is not used. 1/0 error messages and an end-of-job message are issued to the console typewriter via alternate methods. The error is ignored. (Return code - 4.) IEB174I WARNING ** INPUT RECORD IS GREATER THAN OUTPUT BLKSIZE-DDNAME = inddname - OUTPUT TTRN = tt tt rr nn I System Action: The error is ignored. (Return code - 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If necessary, rerun the COPY operation again, specifying a lar<,ler block size, via JCL on the output data set. Problem Deterrrination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB1761 MEMBER membername IN DATASET REFERENCED BY ddname HAS MORE THAN ONE NOTELIST POINTER Explanation: The directory entry for the referenced member has more than one note list (user TTRN with N having a value greater than zero). This is an invalid directory entry and the member cannot be correctly processed. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COPY operation is sought. (The return code is 8.> Problem Deterreination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 25c, 29. IEB1771 membername WAS SELECTED BUT NOT FOUND IN ANY INPUT DATA SET ** System Action: The error is (Return code - 4. > System Action: The error is ignored. (Return code - 4.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the error cannot be ignored by the user, the input data set must be re-created,. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7> o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Re-create the rrember in error. Explanation: The member named in this message was specified on a SELECT statement for the previous copy operation but it does not exist on any of the specified input data sets. Explanation: An unexpected short length record (shorter than BLKSIZE) has been found on the input data set described by inddname. It was copied to the output data set (at tt tt rr nn) exactly as it was read from the input data set. 124 ** Programmer Response: Probable user error. It is necessary to use another utility (such as IEHLIST) to verify the ending status of all COpy operations performed. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. WARNING ** INPUT RECORD IS A SHORT LENGTH RECORD - DDNAME = i nddname - OUTPUT TTRN = tt tt rr nn () Explanation: An input record, on the input data set inddname, whose length is greater than the output block size has been processed. The record was copied to the output data set at tt tt rr nn exactly as it was on input (no truncation). Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, ~5c, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIOL!O,PCI. IbB172I ddname COULD NOT BE OPbNED Table I, items 1, Prcqrammer Response: the member is. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25c, 29. igno~ed. Check to see where Table I, items 1, IEB1881 MEMBER membernarne IN DATA SET 'REFERENCED' BY ddname HAS RECORDS GREATER THAN BLKSIZE Explanation: The input data set's records were found to be greater than the block size. System Action: The COPY operation is terminated. The next COPY operation is sought. (The return code is 4.> o o . Programmer Response: Probable user error. Re-create the member in error. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, naRes associated with every member in the partitioned data set, and rerun the job. Problem Table I, items 1, Deter~ination: 3, 13, 26a, 29. IEB2111 KEY LENGTHS ARE NOT EQUAL. IEBCOMPR Program Messages Explanation: 'I'he key len~hs of the SYSU'I·1 and SYSUT2 data sets are not the sarre. IEB2011 INVALID CONTROL STATEMENT Explanation: The syntax of the control statement preceding this message is invalid. ~roqram is terminated. System Action: The pro~ram is terminated. (The return code is 12.) PrOQrammer Response: Probable u~er error. Make sure that both input data sets contain keys with the same length, and rerun the job. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the syntax of the preceding statement and rerun the job. Problem DeterIrination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Have the input data sets available. Table I, items 1, Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. IEB2021 INVALID DIRECTORY BLOCK SIZE; Explanation: The lengtp of the partitioned data set directory entry is less than 14 or greater than 256 bytes. o System Action: The (Return code - 12.) System Action: The job step is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: None. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 26a I 29. Table I, items 1, IEB2031 ALIAS/TRUE NAME FAILURE Explanation: The same name was found for a true name and an alias name for SYSUTl and SYSUT2 data sets. System Action: The name found is printed. Processing continues. (The return code is 8.) Programmer Response: IEB2121 INVALID DCB PARAME~ER Explanation: The record formats are not standard or the BLKSIZLlLRECL is omitted from either the input or output DD statement. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Pr(XJrammer Response: ft:ake sure that a valid RECFM was specified in the DCB, and that the BLKSIZE/LRECL parameter was included in the input or output DD statement. If the data set res ides on an unlabeled tape, wake sure that a valid RECFM was included in the DCB parameter in the DD statement. After making corrections, execute the job step again. Problem Deterrrination: 3,13, 25a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB2131 REPETITIOUS CARD INVALID Explanation: A second COMPARE or LABELS statement has been encountered. None. IEB2051 USER DATA FIELDS UNEQUAL Explanation: The user data fields or TTRs of the SYSUTl and SYSUT2 data sets are not the same. system Action: The fields are listed and processing continues. (Return code - 8.) system Action: The job is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Remove the extra command statement and rerun the job step. Problem Deterrroination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Programmer Response: None. IEB214I FIXED RECORD LENGTHS UNEQUAL IEB2101 TRUE NAMES MISSING FROM BOTH SETS Explanation: All the names in one directory do not have counterpart names in the other directory. o system Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Make sure that at least one partitioned data set has true Explanation: The record lengths of the SYSUTl and SYSUT2 data sets are not the same. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Proarammer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the loaical records in both data sets are of the ~ame length, and that IEB Messages - IEBCOMPR 125 the LRECL parameter in both DCBs are correctly specified; rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3. 13, 25a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB2191 INVALID BLKSIZE FOR V/VS RECORD Explanation: The LL field of a V/VS is less than 9 or greater than 32,760. o System Action: The job step is terminated. (The return code is 12.) IEB2151 RECORD FORMATS DIFFERENT Explanation: The record characteristics of the SYSUTl and SYSUT2 data sets are not the same. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the record characteristics of the two data sets are compatible. Problem Determination: 3,13, 25a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB2161 ILLEGAL CONTROL CARD SEQUENCE Explanation: The COMPARE statement was not the first utility control statement, or two COMPARE statements were encountered. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (The return code is 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that there is only one COMPARE statement in the input stream, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, PrCX{rammer Response: Make sure that the input data sets are valid, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Have the input data sets available. IEB2211 RECORDS ARE NOT EQUAL Explanation: Two corresponding records do not contain the same data, or the second part of the record descriptor word is not equal (00). system Action: The records are printed, and processing continues. {The return code is 8. > PrCX{rammer Response: None. IEB2221 KEYS ARE NOT EQUAL Explanation: Two corresponding keys do not contain ·the same data. system Action: The records are printed, and processing continues. (The return code is 8.) Programmer Res ponse : None. () IEB2231 EXTRA RECORD ON SYSUT2 Explanation: The SYSUT2 data set contains more records than the SYSUTl data set. IEB2171 INVALID LRECL FOR V/VS RECORD Explanation: The 11 field of a V/VS record is less than 5 or greater than 32.,756. system Action: The records are printed, and processing continues. {The return code is 8. > Programmer Response: System Action: The job step is terminat~d. (The return code is 12.> Programmer Response: Make sure that the input data sets are valid and rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Have the input data sets available. IEB2181 PERMANENT INPUT ERROR - FIND MACRO IEB2241 EXTRA RECORD ON SYSUTl Explanation: The SYSUTl data set contains more records than the SYSUT2 data set. System Action: The records are printed, and processing continues. (The return code is 8 .• > PrCX{rammer Response: None. IEB2251 JOB TERMINATED AFTER EXIT Explanation: A permanent input error was found by the FIND macro instruction during a partitioned data set directory search. Explanation: The return code from an exit routine indicated that the job should be terminated. System Action: The job step is terminated. (The return code is 12.> System Action: The job is terminated. (The return code is 12 or 16, as determined by exit routine. > Programmer Response: None. Programmer Response: Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3. 13, 25c, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,!Q. 126 None.• Messages & Codes (Release 21. 7> None. Problem Determination: Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. o o IEB2261 WARNING - INVALID NAME Explanation: The statement label either is longer than eight characters, or contains an invalid character. System Action: normally. Processing continues Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the statement label, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, system Action: The extra labels are printed, and processing continues '. (The return code is 8.) Pr(XJrammer Response: None. IEB2321 EXTRA USER INPUT HEADER LABELS ON SYSUT2 Explanation: The SYSUT2 data set contains more user input header labels than the SYSUT1 data set. system Action: The extra labels are printed, and processing continues. (The return code, is 8.i) PrCX}rammer Response: None. IhB227 I TEN CONSECUTIVE ERRORS IEB233I EXTRA USER INPUT TRAILER LABELS ON SYSUT1 Explanation: Ten successive unequal comparisons have occurred, and an error routine was not specified. system Action: If the input data sets are sequential the program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) If the input data sets are partitioned, processing continues with the next member. If the current member is the last member , the program is terminated. (Return code 8.) Programmer Response: o None. Explanati on: The SYSUT1 data set contains more user input trailer labels than the SYSU'!'2 data set. System Action: The extra labels are printed, and processing continues. (The return code is 8,.) Pr(XJrammer Response: None. IEB2341 EXTRA USER INPUT TRAILER LABELS ON SYSUT2 Explanation: The SYSUT2 dataset contains more user input trailer labels than the SYSUT1 data set. IEB2291 DDNAME ddn CANNOT BE OPENED Explanation: The named DO statement ddn does not exist. system Action: The extra labels are printed, and processing continues. (The return code is 8.) Pr(XJrammer Response: System Action: The program is terminated,. (The return code is 12.) None. IEB235I SYSUT1 CONTAINS NO USER INPUT HEADER LABELS Proqrammer Response: Either correct the ddname if it is misspelled in the DD statement or the ddlist, or insert a new DD statement with the correct name. Explanati on: The programmer requested the INHDR exit and/or label comparison, but there was no input header label on the SYSUT1 data set. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. system Action: issued. Table I, items 1, Message IEB232I is also Proorammer Response: IEB230I SYSIN BLOCKSIZE ERROR Explanation: The SYSIN 00 statement specifies a block size that is not a multiple of the specified logical record length. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Proqrammer Response: Make sure that the block size is a multiple of the specified logical record length, and rerun the job. IEB2361 SYSU'!'2 CONTAINS NO USER INPUT HEADER LABELS Explanation: The programmer requested the INHDR exit and/or label comparison, but there was no input header label on the SYSUT2 data set. System Action: issued. Message IEB2311 is also Pr(XJrammer Response: Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. None. None. Table I, items 1, IEB2371 BOTH 'INPUT DATA SETS CONTAIN NO USER HEADER LABELS IEB2311 EXTRA USER INPUT HEADER LABELS ON SYSUT1 o Explanation: The SYSUT1 data set contains more us er input header label s than the SYSUT2 data set. Explanation: The programmer requested the INHDR exit and/or label comparison, but there were input header labels on neither the SYSUT1 nor the SYSUT2 data sets. IEB Mess ages - IEBCOMPR 127 System Action: Processing continues. (The return code is 8.> system Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.> Programmer Response: PrgJrammer Response: None. IEB2381 SYSUTl CONTAINS NO USER INPUT TRAILER LABELS Explanation: The programmer requested the INTLR exit and/or labe 1 c ompari son, but there was no input trailer label on the SYSUTl data set. System Action: issued. Message IEB2341 is also Programmer Response: None. IEB2391 SYSUT2 CONTAINS NO USER INPUT TRAILER LABELS Explanation: The programmer requested the INTLR exit and/or label comparison, but there was no input trailer label on the SYSUT2 data set. System Action: issued. Message IEB2331 is also Programmer Response: None. IEB2401 BOTH INPUT DATA SETS CONTAIN' NO USER TRAILER LABELS None. Problem Deterroination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. Have the associated data set available. IEB2441 I/O ERROR WHILE READING USER INPUT HEADER LABEL ON SYSUT2 Explanati on: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading user input header label on the SYSUT2 data set. system Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12. > PrgJrammer Response: None. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. Have the associated data set available. IEB2451 I/O ERROR WHILE READING USER INPUT TRAILER LABEL ON SYSUTl Explanati on: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading user input trailer label on the SYSUTl data set. Explanation: The programmer requested the INTLR exit and/or label comparison, but there were input trailer labels on neither the SYSUTl nor the SYSUT2 data sets. system Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12. > System Action: Processing continues. (The return code is 8.> Problem Deterroination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. Have the associated data set available. Programmer Response: None. IEB2411 INPUT HEADER LABELS ARE NOT EQUAL Explanation: Corresponding input header labels are not the same. system Action: The SYSUTl label is listed first, followed by the SYSUT2 label. Processing continues. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: None. IEB2421 INPUT TRAILER LABELS ARE NOT EQUAL Explanation: Corresponding input trailer labels are not the same. System Action: The SYSUTl label is listed first, follo~ed by the SYSUT2 label. Processing continues. (Return code - 8.) C) · , PrgJrammer Response: () None. IEB2461 I/O ERROR WHILE READING USER INPUT TRAILER LABEL ON SYSUT2 Explanati on: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading user input trailer label on the SYSUT2 data set. system Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12. > Pr Programmer Response: None. IEB258I USER LABELS NOT COMPARED, UNABLE TO TAKE EXIT FOR ONE DATA SET Explanation: The programmer wishes to process the input header/trailer labels as data, but the utility program is unable to take the input header/trailer label exit for one of the data sets. Probably, the SUL subparameter is missing from the SYSUTl or SYSUT2 DD statement. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> i?roqrammer Re.3pOnse: Make sure that both the SYSUTl and SYSUT2 OD statements s~ecify SUL in the LABBL parameter; rerun the jon. ?roblem Determination: 3, 13, ~9. IbB259I INVALiD K~YWORD Table I, items 1, IN OR dEFORE COL~lN System Action: The job is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid keyword on the preceding statement, and rerun the job. Table I, items 1, IEB260I MISSING COMMAND IN OR BEFORE COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a command that should appear in or before column dd is omitted. Possibly, the previous statement indicated a continuation, but the continuation indicator was not recognized and the scan routine looked for a command on the preceding statement. system Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Include the required command on the preceding statement, or correct the previous statement that caused the error. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB261I INVALID PARAMETER IN OR BEFORE COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a keyword beginning in or before column dd is incorrect: 130 Messages & Codes (R~lease 21.7) o System Action: The ~rogram is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Correct the invalid preceding statement. Probable user error. on the ~arameter Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB262I MISSING KEYWORD IN OR BEFORE COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a required keyword that should appear in or before column dd is omitted, or a blank immediately preceded an equal sign. dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a keyword beginning in or before column dd is either incorrect or not applicable to the command for which it is specified. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. • The parameter is longer than eight characters. • The parameter is invalid for the preceding keyword. • The parameter is not immediately preceded by an equal sign. • The parameter is miss pelled. System Action: The ~rogram is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct or include the required keyword on the preceding statement. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, o IEB263I MISSING PARAMETER IN OR BEFORE COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a required parameter that should appear in or before column dd is omitted, or a blank immediately preceding an equal sign. System Action: The ~rogram is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error on the preceding statement. Problem Deterrrination: 3,13,29. Table I, items 1, IEB264I FIRST CONTROL CARD IS NOT COMPARE Explanation: The COMPARE statement was not the first utility control statement. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control card scan. (The return code is 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the first statement of the SYSIN data set is the COMPARE statement, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, o ~ Problem Deterroinaticn: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,lO. Have the associated data set available. IEB2651 INVALID COMMAND IN OR BEFORE COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, the command beginning in or before column dd is either rr~sspelledor not immediately preceded or followed by a blank. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.> IEBGENER Program Messages IEB3021 INVALID Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid command on the preceding statement. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. PA~lETER LlST Explanation: The parameter list supplied by the prograrnrrer is invalid; that is, the halfword pOinted to by the fir:::;t word of the three-word parameter list contains a neg a ti ve numbe r • Table I, items 1, System Action: ~he program step is terroinated. (The return code is 12.) IEB2661 CONTINUATION CARD BEGINS IN WRONG COLUMN Explanation: The continuation statement preceding this message does not begin in col umns 4-16. Prooramroer Respcnse: Probable user error. sure that the length of the parameter list speci fied is net a negat ive numner. ~Jake system Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement 3can. (The return code is 12.> Problem Deterrrinaticn: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB3031 INVALID CONTROL STATEMENT Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. COrrect the error indicated in the message text, and rerun the job. o Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Explanati on: The syntax of t he control statement preceding this message ~s invalid. Table I, items 1, System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) IEB2671 1/0 ERROR, jjj, sss, ddd, devtyp, ddn, op, err, xxxx, acc Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the preceding utility control statement and rerun the job. Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on device ddd. Problem Deterrrination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB3041 CONTROL STATEMENT INPUT ERROR In the message text, the error analysis information was provided by the SYNADAF data management macro instruction issued in the SYNAD routine: Explanation: A permanent input/output error was detected while reading the SYSIN data set. jjj Job name. System Action: The progr?m is terminated. (The return code is 12.) step name. Programmer Response: sss None. ddd Unit address of the device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxxx Last seek address or block count. acc Access method. o System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Ensure that the DCB information was valid. and rerun the job. Problem DeterIrination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB3051 JOB TERMINATED AFTER LABEL EXIT Explanation: A return code of 16 was returned by a LABEL exit routine, indicating that processino is terminated. system Action: The job is terminated. ('Ihe return code is 16.) Proqrammer Response: None. IEB3061 JOB TERMINATED AFTEH KEY EXIT I Explanation: The return code (12 or 16) from a KEY exit routine indicates the processing is terroinated. IEB Ness aqes - IEBGENER 131 System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12 or 16, as determined by the exit routine.) Programmer Response: None. IEB3071 JOB TERMINATED AFTER DATA EXIT Explanation: The return code (12 or 16) form a DATA exit routine indicates the processing is terminated. system Action: The job is terminated. (The return code is 12 or 16, as determined by the exit routine.) Programmer Response: IEB3111 CONFLICTING DCB PARAMETERS Explanation: The DCB parameters in the SYSUT2 DD statement are not compatible with those specified in the SYSUTl DD statement (e.g., (1) the I/O blocksize is not a mUltiple of the I/O logical record length when the record format is FB or F; or (2) the I/O blocksize is not at least four bytes larger than the I/O logical record length when the record format is VB or V.) o system Action: The job step is terminated. (The return code is 12,.) None. IEB3081 PERMANENT INPUT ERROR Explanation: A permanent input/output error was detected while reading the SYSUTl data set. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Make sure that the DCB values are correct for the data set being processed. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEB3091 PERMANENT OUTPUT ERROR Explanation: A permanent input/output error was detected while writing the SYSUT2 data set. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the DCB parameters of the output DD statement are compatible with the DCB parameters of the input DD statement, considering any editing that was requested. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB3121 JOB TERMINATED AFTER ERROR EXIT Explanation: A return code of 16 was returned by an ERROR exit routine, indicating that processing is terminated. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) Programmer Response: None. IEB3151 SPACE NOT AVAILABLE System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Make sure that the output DCB values are compatible with input DCB values, considering any record editing that was requested. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3. 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. o Explanation: Insufficient main storage space is available for the work area, buffers, and save areas. System Action: The job is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Pr~rammer Response: Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. None. Table I, items 1, IEB310 I STOW ERROR IN OUTPUT DATA SET IEB3161 DDNAME ddn CANNOT BE OPENED Explanation: A permanent error occurred while writing the directory of the SYSUT2 data set. Possibly: • The SYSUT2 data set is not partitioned. • A member name was specified more than once in MEMBER statements. • Insufficient space was allocated for the directory. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Make sure that the SYSUT2 data set is partitioned, a member name is not specified more than once, and sufficient space is allocated for the directory, as necessary. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 25c, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=§~2L!Q. 132 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Explanati on: DD statement ddn does not exist. Perhaps a ddname is misspelled in an existing DD statement or ddlist. System Action: The job is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the ddname if it is misspelled in the DD statement Or the ddlist, or insert a DD statement specifying the name. Problem Determination: 3,15,29. Table I, items 1, IEB3171 JOB TERMINATED., NO INPUT BLKSIZE/LRECL 0 Explanation: The BLKSIZE/LRECL parameter was omitted from the input DD s t a t e m e n t : for SYSUTl. 01 System Action: The program is terminated for SYSUT1. (The return code is 12.) IEB321I INPUT DATA SET WITH KEYS IN VS/VBS PROCESSING Explanation: The input data set contained ke ys in one of the following situations: • The input data set contained VS (variable-length, spanned) or VBS (variable-length, blocked, spanned) records, and the output data set had different attributes from the input data set • • The input data set did not contain VS or VBS records, but the output data set did contain VS or VBS records. If a change is required in the data set characteristics, or if editing is to be done, a key cannot be specified. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Include a BLKSIZE/LRECL parameter in the SYSUT1 DD statement. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB318I JOB TERMINATED, NO OUTPUT BLKSIZE/LRECL Explanation: The BLKSIZE/LRECL parameter is omitted from the output DD statement for SYSUT2. SYstem Action: The program is terminated for SYSUT2. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Include a BLKSIZE parameter in the SYSUT2 DD statement. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the data set characteristics (RECFM, BLKSIZE, LRECL) to be equal for the input and output data sets, and do no edit if keys are desired on VS or VBS records. Table I, items 1, I£B319 I INVALID SYSPRINT/SYSIN BLOCKSIZE Problem Determination: 3,15,29. Explanation: The SYSPRINT/SYSIN DD statement specifies a block size that is not a multiple of the specified logical record length. o ~ ~ System Action: The job is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Table I, items 1, IEB322I JOB TERMINATED AFTER OFENING OUTPUT DATA SET UPON USER REQUEST Explanation: The input header user label routine requires termination of the job after the output data set is opened. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) System Action: The job is terminated. (Return code is 16.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the SYSPRINT/SYSIN BLKSIZE to be a multiple of the logical record length. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Programmer Response: IEB323I JOB TERMINATED AFTER HEADER LABEL PROCESSING Table I, items 1, Explanation: The programmer specified a LABELS DATA=ONLY statement. Therefore, after the user header labels are processed, the program is terminated. IEB320I OUTPUT DATA SET WITH KEYS IN VS/VBS PROCESSING Explanation: During a process other than • straight copy', the programmer specified keys for a VS (variable-length, spanned) or VBS (variable-length, blocked, spanned) output data set. If a change is req uire;"j in the data set characteristics, or if editing is to be aone, a key cannot be specified. System Action: The job is terminated. (~rhe return code is 12.) System Action: Only user header labels are processed. The program is terminated. (Return code - 8.) Proqrammer Response: I I o Problem Determination: 3 .. 15, 29. Table I, items 1, None. IEB324I x TIMES TO rtne EXIT ROUTINE Explanation: User label exit routine rtne has received control x times. system Action: Processing is continued. (Return code is 0.) Programmer Response: Programmer Response: Probable user error. COrrect the data set characteristics (RECFM, BLKSIZE, LRECL) to be equal for the input and output data sets, and do not edit if keys are desired on VS or VBS records. None. None. IEB325I LAST RETURN CODE WAS xx Explanation: Return code xx was the last return code issued by the user routine specified in preceding message lEB324I. System Action: Processing is continued. (Return code is 0.) lEB Messages - IEBGENER 133 Programmer Response: None. IEB3261 {SYSUT1} {HEADER }LABEL GAVE I/O ERROR SYSUT 2 TRAILER Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while reading or writing a SYSUTl or SYSUT2 header or trailer label, as indicated in the message text. If the error occurred while reading or writing a header label, the data set was not opened. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29,. None. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. 0, IEB3301 TOTALING EXIT REQUESTS TERMINATION Explanation: A return code of 16 was returned by the programmer's totaling routine, indicating that processing is terminated. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) Pr Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct keywords in the GENERATE statement or insert a LABELS DA'I'A=INPUT statement, as necessary. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, O. " System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insert the missing parenthes is or correct the error within the parentheses, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3,15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB347I DUPLICATE KEYWORD Explanation: In the EXITS statement preceding this J(l€ssage, a keyword is specified twice. IEB343I ALLOWED NO. OF CARDS EXCEED¥D Explanation: Three or more LABELS statements were encountered. Two LABELS statements are the maximum allowed. System Action: The program is terminated. {The return code is 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Reduce the number of LABELS statements to one or two and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 15, :':9. IEB344I WARNING: Table I, items 1, INVALID STATEMENT LABEL Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, the name field is greater than eight characters or contains an invalid character. System Action: Processing continues. Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct the name field of the preceding statement. IEB345I CONTINUATION NOT BEFORE COLUMN 17 system Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Remove the duplicate keyword and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3,15, 29. Table I, items 1, 1££3481 PRECEDING MEMBER REQUIRES 'IDENT' Explanation: Two MEMBER statements were encountered; however, there was no RECORD IDENl' statement associated with the first MEMBER statement. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insert a RECORD IDENT=(ident parameters) with the associated MEMBER statement, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. IEB349I INCONSISTENT PARAMETERS Table I, items 1, I~ FIELD OR IDENT Explanation: The statement preceding this message does not contain any characters in columns 1-16, indicating that the statement is not a continuation. However, the previous statement indicated that a continuation statement was to follow. Explanation: The first two parameters on an IDENT or FIELD keyword are not consistent with each other. system Action: The program is terminated. {The return code is 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the length indicator is accurate for the parameter it is de scribi ng, and rerun the job. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the preceding statement so that the statement is a continuation or correct the previous statement so that a continuation statement is not expected. o System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Problem DeterJ(lination: 3,15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB350I LITERAL LENGTH EXCEEPS 40 Problem Determination: 3, 15 I 29. Table I, items 1, IEB346I MISSING PARENTHESES Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a closing parenthesis is omitted, or an error was encountered in a 136 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Explanati on: In the RECORD statement preceding this J(l€ssage, the literal specified in the FIELD keyword is greater than 40 bytes. system Action: The job is terminated. (The return code is 12.) o o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the literal on the preceding statement so it does not exceed forty bytes, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB3511 1/0 ERROR jjj, sss, ddd, devtyp, ddn, op, err, xxxx, acc Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on devic~ ddd. In the message text, the error analysis information was provided by the SYNADAF data management macro instruction issued in the SYNAD routine: IEBPTPCH Program Messages IEB401I PRINT/PUNCH STATEMENT NOT FIRST. Explanation: A PRINT or PUNCH statement is not the first utility control statement. System Action: The Frogram is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the sequence of control statements or insert a PRIN'I' or PUNCH statement. Problem oeterrri nati on: Taole 1, items 1, 3, 13, 29. IEB4021 INVALID OPERATION jjj Job name. Explandti on: In the utility statement precedina this message, the operation is lnva lid. sss step name. ddd o Unit address of the device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxxx Last seek address or block count. acc Access method. SYstem Action: The job step is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Make sure that the data set characteristics accurately describe the data set which is being accessed. If they do not, correct them and rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEB352I WARNING: OUTPUT RECFM/LRECL/BLKSIZE COPIED FROM INPUT Explanation: One of the following occurred: • When neither RECFM, LRECL, nor BLKSIZE is present in the output DCB at open time, IEBGENER copies the RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE from the input data set. • When the output data set has no LRECL, this value is copied from the input data set. System Action: No return code is set. Systew Action: The Froaram is terminated. (Return code - 12.) ?roo rarnm,er Res ponse: .rrobaole user trror. Correct the invalid operation on the procedi ng statement. Problem Deterrrination: 3,13,29. Table I, items 1, IEB4031 MORE TrlAN TWO TITLE STATEMENTS. Explanation: More than two TITLE statements are included. Two TITLE statements are the maximum allowed. system Action: The Frogram is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Remove all but two TITLE statements. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. IEB4041 KEYWORD INVALID OR OMITTED Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a required keyword is either incorrect or missing. System Action: The Froaram is terminated. (Return code - 12.) ?rogrammer Response: Probaole user error • Correct or include the required keyword on the precedi nq statement. Problem Determinati on: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. o Programmer Response: If the output RECF~l, LRECL, and BLKSIZE are to be changed, always specify the RECFM (except for U) and BLKSIZE on the output DD statement. The true name must be present on the output DD statement when the output is edited and the RECFM is FB, VS, or VBS. IEB4051 PARAMETER INVALID OR O~iITTED Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a required parameter is either incorrect, inconsistent, or missing. IEB Messages - IEBPTPCrl 137 system Actien: The program is terminated. (Return cede - 12. > Pregrammer Res'pense: Prebable user errer. Correct er include the required parameter en the preceding statement. If multiple RECORD statements are included, make sure that an IDENT parameter is centained in each statement except the last. The last statement dees net require an IDENT [)arameter. Proqrammer Res pense : Probable user errer. Make sure that the censtructien ef the preceding statement is cerrect. If this is a TITLE card, make sure there are valid parentheses with the ITEM keywerd. Preblem Determinatien: 3, 13, 29. o Table I, items 1, IEB410I INCORRECT RECORD STATEMENT Problem Determinatien: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB406I JOB TERMINATED AFTER USER EXIT Explanation: The jeb was terminated after centrel was returned frem an exit reutine. System Actien: The program is terminated. {Return cede is 12 er 16, as determined by the exit reutine.> Programmer Respense: Nene. IEB407I JOB TERMINATED DUE TO I/O ERROR Explanation: A permanent input/output error was enceuntered. System Actien: The pregram is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Respense: Prebable user errer. Check the DCB parameters ef the SYSUT1 data set. Make sure that the maximum LRECL size is specified fer variable length recerds. Make sure that TYPORG=PO was not specified fer a physical sequential data set. If SYSUTl recerd format is V er VS make sure there are nO' records less than the minimum five bytes long. Problem Determinatien: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB40SI MEMBER mem CANNOT BE FOUND Explanatien: Member mem is net contained in the SYSUTl data set. System Actien: The member is not printed or [)unched. If there is anether MEMBER statement, the next member is read; otherwise, the pregram is terminated. (Return code - S. > Programmer Respense: Make sure that the member to' be printed er punched is contained in the SYSUT1 data set. Problem Determinatien: 3, 13, 25c, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB409I INVALID CONTROL STATEMENT 138 Explanati en: The RECORD statement preceding this message is incerrect. System Actien: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12. > Programmer Response: Prebable user errer. If an IDENT keywerd is in the preceding RECORD statement, make sure that the sum ef the input-Iecatien parameter - minus ene and the length parameter does net exceed the SYSUTl logical recerd length. If ene er mere FIELD keywerds are in the preceding RECORD statement, make sure that the sum ef the input-Iecatien parameter and the length parameter dees net exceed the SYSUT1 logical recerd length. AlsO' make sure that the sum ef all length parameters fer fields defined in the precedi ng RECORD statement, dees not exceed the specified eutput length - minus ene per printed line er per punched card. Preblem Determinatien: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB411I DDNAME ddn CANNOT BE OPENED Explanati en: DD statement ddn does net exist. perhaps a ddname is misspelled in an existi ng DD statement or ddlist. System Actien: The program is terminated. (Return cede - 12.> Proqrammer Respense: Make sure that the ddname is net misspelled in the DD statement er ddlist. Preblem Determinatien: 3, 13, 29. Table I., items 1, IEB412I INVALID INP/OUTP DCB PARAMETER Explanatien: One or mere parameters in the BLKSIZE and LRECL keywerds were emitted frem the SYSUTl DD statement. The emitted parameters were replaced by the value 1. System Actien: The program is termi.nated. {Return cede - 12.> Explanatien: The censtructien of the centrel statement preceding this message is invalid. Proqrammer Res pense : Make sure that the data contrel bleck contains all necessary parameters. system Actien: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12. > Preblem Deterroination: 3, 13, 29. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7> c Table I, items 1, o o IEB414 I xxxx PARAMETER IS TOO SMALL Explanation: The number of FIELD keywords, IDENT keywords, literals, or name keywords in MEMBER or RECORD statements is greater than the number specified in parameter xxxx - MAXFLDS, MAXGPS, MAXLITS, MAXLINE, or MAXNAME, respectively. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Specify a greater value for parameter xxxx. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If SYSUT1 record format is VS or VBS, make sure that TYPORG=PO was not specified. Problem Determination: 3 i 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB419I USER RETURN CODE dd INVALID Explanation: Return code dd was returned by the user. However, the return code is invalid if it is other than 0, 4, or 16. System Action: The return code is ignored. Processing continues according to pri or c ondi ti ons. Programmer Response: code to 0, 4, or 16. Change the return IEB4151 VS/VBS DATA PROCESSED IN BLOCKS IEB4'201 SYSIN IS EMPTY Explanation: The LRECL specified for the VS or VBS input data area exceeds 32,756 bytes. System Action: Processing continues on a physical basis; that is, blocks rather than logical records are printed or punched. Programmer Response: None. Explanation: The SYSIN data set does not contain any IEBPTPCrl control statements. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the SYSIN data set contains either a PRINT or PUNCH statement. IEB4161 PREFORM, VS LRECL LARGER THAN 32K Problem Determination: Explanation: The LRECL specified for the VS or VBs input data set exceeds 32,756 bytes and PREFORM was specified in the PRINT or PUNCH utility control statement. o system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Reformat the data set or delete the PREFORM parameter from the PRINT or PUNCH control statement. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. I IEB4171 Table 1, items 1, DATA SET EMPTY, RETURN CODE IS 4 Explanation: The data set to be printed or punched contains no data. System Action: The print or punch operation is terminated. (Return code 4.> Programmer Response: Ensure that the volume containing the proper data set is mounted. Pro.blem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB4181 VS/VBS NOT ALLOWED IN PDS Explanation: The data set organization conflicts with the record format; that is, if RECFM=VS or VBS, then TYPORG must be PS. o System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. IEB4211 I/O ERROR jjj, sss, ddd, devtyp, ddn, op, err, xxxx, acc Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on device ddd. In the message text, the error analYSis information was provided by the SYNADAF data management macro instruction issued by the SYNAD routine: jjj Job name. sss Step name. ddd Unit address of the device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxxx Last seek address or block count. acc Access method. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Correct the error condition indicated in the message text. Problem Deterroination: Table I, items 1, 3" 13, 29. T able II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEB Messages - IEBPTPCH 139 IEB431I INVALID KEYWORD IN COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a keyword beginning in column dd is either incorrect or not applicable to the command for which it is specified. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. {Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid keyword in the preceding statement. If this is a LABELS command, make sure that the keyword specified for the DATA= operand is either ALL, ONLY, YES or NO. If this is a PRINT command, make sure that the parameter specified for the CNTRL keyword is not greater than that specified for the MAXLINE keyword. If this is ~ PUNCH command make sure that neither the INITPG or MAXLINE keyword has been specified. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, omitted, preceded, or followed by an invalid delimiter. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12. > o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct or inc lude the required parameter on the preceding statement. If a TITLE statement precedes this message, make sure that the literal in the ITEM parameter does not exceed 40 characters. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB435I MISSING COMMAND PRECEDING COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a required command that should appear before column dd is omitted. If the statement is a continuation, however, an error occurred on the preceding statement. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12. > IEB432I INVALID PARAMETER IN COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a parameter beginning in column dd is either incorrect or not applicable to the keyword for which it is specified. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure the preceding statement contains a valid command. If this is a continuation statement, make sure a statement preceding the continuation c ontai ns a va lid command. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, () IEB4361 INVALID COMMAND Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid parameter on the preceding stat-ement. If the NAME, INREC, or OUTREC keywords are specified, make sure that the parameter doe s not exceed 8 characters. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a command is incorrect or invalid because of conditions set upon that command by commands, keywords, or parameters on previous statements. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.) IEB433I MISSING KEYWORD BEFORE COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a required keyword that should appear before column dd is either omitted, preceded or followed by an invalid delimiter. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct or include the required keyword on the preceding statement. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB434I MISSING PARAMETER BEFORE COLUMN dd Explanation: In the statement preceding this message-, a required parameter that should appear before column dd is either 140 Messages & Codes {Release 21.7> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the corrmand on the preceding statement. Make sure that previous keywords and parameters, such as MAXGPS or MAX NAME , do not conflict with this command, or make sure that no RECORD command precedes the first MEMBER command. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB4371 INVALID ITEM PARAMETER Explanation: The TITLE Or output-location parameter of the ITEM operand in a TITLE statement is invalid. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Programmer Res ponse : Probable user error. Make sure that the TITLE field of the ITEM operand does not exceed 40 bytes, is not o o zero, and does not contain one apostrophe instead of two. Also, make sure that the sum of the TITLE length and the output-location length does not exceed the output logical record length. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29 •. Table I, items 1, IEB438I INVALID NAME Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, the statement name is either too long or contains an invalid character. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If SYSUTl specifies a physical sequential data set, remove the MEMBER statement. If SYSUTl specifies a partitioned data set, spec ify TYPORG=PO on the PRINT or PUNCH statement. Problem Determination: 3,13,29. Table I, items 1, IEB4421 USER ATTRIBUTE I/O ERROR CAUSED TERM, System Action: Processing continues normally. However, the control statement is ignored. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the preceding statement name neither exceeds 8 characters, nor contains an invalid character. Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O error occurred for one of the following reasons: • A standard user label exit was found _ during label processing. • A user totaling exit was found while the utili ty was placing data on the output data set. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. system Action: The program terminates. (Return code -- 12.) Table I, items 1, IEB439I CONTINUATION NOT STARTED IN 4-16 Explanation: In the continuation statement preceding this message, data does not begin in columns 4 through 16. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.> o 1 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the continuation statement begins in columns 4 through 16. If the statement is not a continuation, however, correct the previous statement that indicates a continuation. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, I]::;B440 I MISSING PARENTHESIS Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, either a parenthesis is omitted or there is an error within the parentheses. System Action: The program is terminated at the end of the control statement scan. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Include the missing parenthesis or correct the error within the parentheses. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29 .• IEB4411 MEMBER INVALID: o Table I, items 1, TYPORG NOT PO Explanation: The MEMBER statement preceding this message is invalid since physical sequential (PS> organization was specified; that is, TYPORG=PO must be specified on the PRINT or PUNCH utility control statement. Programmer Response: If further handling of the error is desired, expand the user exit and examine the standard status inf ormati on, and issue the appropriate message. IEBUPDAT Program Messages IEB501I INVALID EXIT NAME. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: In the EXEC statement preceding this message, the exit routine name is incorrect. Possibly, the routine name is misspelled. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code -- 12.> Pr(XJrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct the exit routine name on the EXEC statement, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB502I EXIT RETURN CODE INDICATES TERMINATION. Explanation: An exit routine returned a return code of 16, indicating termination. System Action: The program is terminated. Programmer Response: IEB503I I/O ERROR ON SYSUT1. None. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: A permanent fnput/output error was encountered while the SYSUTl data set was being read. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12. > Programmer Response: Make sure that the DCB parameters are specified correctly. IEB Messages - IEBUPDAT .141 : Problem Determination: Table I. items 1, Table II, Format 1: trace option TRACE=SIO,IO. 3, 13, ~9. 1£a5041 1/0 ERROR ON SYSIN. JOB ~ERMINATED. ~xplanation: A permanent input/output error wa~ encountered while the SYSIN data set was being read. IEB5101 NO RECORDS WITHIN DELETE RANGE. Explanation: No records were found within the range specified in the DELET statement. o system Action: Processing continues with the next member of the library. (Return code - 4. > System Action: The program is terminated. (keturn code - 12.> Proarammer Response: Make sure that the DCB parameters are specified correctly. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIOL!Q. IEB5051 1/0 ERROR ON SYSUT2. JOB TERMINATED. Explanation: A permanent input/output error was encountered while the SYSUT2 data set was oeing written. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12. > Programmer Response: Make sure that the DCB parameters are specified correctly. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3. 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SI~Q. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the range specified in the DELET statement is correct. Problem Determination: 3. 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB511I NO RECORDS WITHIN NUMBER RANGE. Explanation: No records were found within the range specified in the NUMBR statement. system Action: Processing continues with the next member of the library. (Return code - 4. ) Pr~rammer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the range specified in the NUMBR 3tatement is correct. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IE35121 DIRECTORY WRITE ERROR. IEB5061 NM BLOCKSIZE IS ASSUMED 80 ~xplanation: Either no block size was specified for the SYSUT2 data set or the block size specified was not a multiple of 80 bytes. System Action: A blOCK size of 80 bytes is assumed, and proces~:;ing continues. (Retur:ncode - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the block size on the SYSUT2 DD statement. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. System Action: Processing continues with the next member of the library. (Return code - 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the preceding control statement. Messages & Codes ~rogram is terminated. Programmer Response: Make sure that the SYSUT2 data set is partitioned. Problem Deterrrination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 25a, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEBS131 OUTPUT DIRECTORY FILLED. Explanation: The transaction represented by the preceding control statement and the logical record statements is rejected because the control statement is incorrect or is out of sequence with respect to other control statements. 142 system Action: The (Return code - 16.) c Table I. items 1, IEB5091 CURRENT TRANSACTION REJECTED. Problem Determination: 3" 13, 29. Explanation: A permanent error occurred while writing the directory of the SYSUT2 data set. Possibly, the SYSUT2 data set is not partitioned. Table I, items 1, (Release 21.7) Explanation: The directory of the SYSUT2 data set does not contain sufficient space for all the merrber entries. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that sufficient space is allocated for the directory. Problem Determination: 3. 13, 2Sa, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB5141 MEMBER HAS NO RECORDS. Explanation: The member specified in the preceding header statement contains no records. o o System Action: processing continues with the next member of the library. (Return code - 4.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the member name is spelled correctly. Problem Determination: 3,13, 25a, 29. None. IEB6011 DCB FIELD VALUES INCONSISTENT CODE=08 COMPLETION Explanation: One or more of the following DCB subparameters are invalid: RECFM, LRECL, BLKSIZE, RKP, and KEYLEN. Table I, items 1, IEB515I IMPROPER INVOCATION PARAMETER. Explanation: Either the EXEC statement contains an incorrect parameter or an incorrect parameter was passed to the IEBUPDAT program. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid parameter. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Prcqrammer Response: Table I, items 1, IEB5161 MEMBER NAME SEQUENCE ERROR. Explanation: The member names specified on the preceding header statements are not in binary collating sequence. (For example, member name t-l£fJm3 cannot be specified before member name MEMB2.> system Action: The Frogram is terminated. The requested operation is not performed. (Return code - 8.> Prcqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correc·t the invalid DCB subparameters. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB6021 jjj, sss, ddd, devtyp, ddn, op, err, xxxx, ~ acc COMPLETION CODE=08 ~ Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on device ddd. In the message text, the error analysis information was provided by the SYNADAF data management rracrc instruction issued by the SYNAD routine: jjj Job name. sss Step naIt1e. o System Action: Processing continues with the next member of the library. (Return code -' 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the sequence of header statements. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB5171 DDNAME ddn CANNOT BE OPENED Explanation: exist. DD statement ddn does not ddd Unit address of the device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxxx Last seek address or block count. acc Access method. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> system Action: The Frogram is terminated. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the ddname if it is misspelled in the DD statement or the ddlist, or insert a new DD statement with the correct name. Prcqrammer Response: Make sure the DCB information is consistent with the original indexed sequential data set. Problem Determination: 3., 13, 29. Table I, items 1, Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEB6031 DUPLICATE RECORD IEBISAM Program Messages IhB6001 UTILITY PROGRAM IEBISAM HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPL~TED THE REQUESTED OPERATION COMPLETION CODE=OO o Explanation: The program has successfully completed the requested operation. System Action: Program operation has completed. (Return code - 0.> COMPLETION CODE=08 Explanation: A record key is identical to a record key previously placed in the indexed sequential data set. Poss ibly the RKP or the KEYLEN paramet er has been changed. (This message appears for a LOAD operation only. ) System Action: The Frogram is terminated. Reconstruction of the indexed sequential data set is incomplete. (Return code 8.> IEB Messages - IEBISAM 143 Programmer Response: UNLOAD the original indexed sequential data set and respecify the LOAD operation. Also specify the original DCB parameters in the SYSUTl and SYSUT2 DD cards. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB6041 NUMBER OF CHARACTERS TO BE TRANSMITTED EXCEEDS LIMIT COMPLETION CODE=08 Explanation: The number of characters in a fixed-length record exceeds the value specified in LRECL or in LRECL + KEYLEN (for fixed-length, unblocked records with a relative key position of 0). (This message appears for a LOAD operation only. ) System Action: The program is terminated. The requested operation is not performed. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct th~ LRECL subparameter and unload the original indexed sequential data set. Then respecify that LOAD operation. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB6051 CLOSE REQUESTED BY USER AFTER A USER EXIT COMPLETION CODE=04 Explanation: The return code returned by the user was either 4 or 12. IEB6081 INVALID OPTION IN THE PARM FIELD OF THE EXECUTE CARD COMPLETION CODE=16 Explanation: The PARM parameter of the EXEC statement is incorrect,. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16. > Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct the PARM parameter in the EXEC statement. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. IEB6091 INPUT SEQUENCE ERROR Table I, items 1" COMPLETION CODE=08 Explanation: Either a record was lost or a noise record was encountered when loading an indexed sequential data set. Possibly the RKP, KEYLEN, or OPTCD parameter has been changed. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 8. > Programmer Response: If possiole, use a backup copy of the unloaded data set. UNLOAD the original indexed sequential data set and respecify the LOAD operation. Also specify the original DCB parameters in the SYSUTl DD card. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 4.> Programmer Response: None. IEB6061 ILLEGAL RETURN CODE RECEIVED FROM A USER EXIT COMPLETION CODE=12 Explanation: The return code returned by the user was other than 0, 4, 8, or 12. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the user exit routine to issue a valid return code. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Have a listing of the exit routine available. IEB6071 SYSUT2 OR SYSUTl DD CARD MISSING COMPLETION CODE=16 Explanation: No SYSUTl or SYSUT2 DD statement was included in the job step. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insert the missing SYSUTl or SYSUT2 DD sta tement • Problem Determination: 3" 13, 29. 144 Table I, items 1, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7> o () IEBDG Program Messages IEB7001 DATA GENERATION HAS BEEN [SUCCESSFULLY] COMPLETED. COMPLETION CODE IS xxx x Explanation: If xxxx is ZERO, data generation was successfully completed. If xxxx is FOUR, the job step was terminated at the request of the user. If xxxx is EIGHT" an error 'occurred while processing a utility control statement. If xxxx is TWELVE, an error occurred while processing an input or output data set. If xxxx is SIXTEEN, incorrect parameters were encountered in a data control block while opening a data set. System Action: The program is terminated. Programmer Response': If xxx x is ZERO or FOUR, no acti on is necess ary. If xxxx is EIGHT, correct the appropriate control statements and execute the job step again. If xxxx is TWELVE, correct the error condition described in message IEB729I and execute the job step again. o o If xxxx is SIXTEEN, correct the appropriate DD statements and execute the job step again,. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB702 I OP ERAT ION WAS NOT DSD, FD, CREATE, REPEAT, OR END. CORRECT AND RERUN. Expla na ti on: The ddname spec if ied on a CREATE or FD statement was not referred to on the IBD statement beginning this set of utility control statements. The IEBDG prClJram was unable to open the data set. Explanation: The preceding utility control statement specified an invalid operation; that is, the operation was not DSD, FD, CREATE, REPEAT, or END. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in. this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.) System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.) Pr System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is processed. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - B. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Make sure that the FD statement precedes the CREATE statement that refers to it. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. If a REGION parameter was specified, ensure that the specified value is sufficient to complete the necessary processing. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. o Table I, items 1, Problem Determination: 3,13,19. Table I, items 1, IEB70B I PICl'URE LENGTH TOO LARGE FOR CONVERSION Explanation: A decimal picture was to be converted to packed decimal or to a binary equivalent; however, the number of digits specified in the picture exceeds 16. No conversion is performed. Explanation: The keyword value pinpointed by preceding message IEB727I is not followed by a blank or comma. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - B.> System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed., execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set., if necessary. Make sure that the number of digits specified in the picture is less than 16. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute the IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Make sure that the keyword value is followed by a blank or comma. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29 .• Problem Determination: 3,13,29. Table I, items 1, IEB709 I USER EXIT ROUTINE RETURNED AN INVALID REl'URN CODE : )],) -' IEB712I CONTROL CARD NAME OR KEYWORD VALUE EXCEEDS B CHARACl'ERS Explanation: The length of a keyword value or control statement name is greater than B characters. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - B.> System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8,.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. COrrect the user exit routine so that a valid return code is returned. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, ex'ecute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Correct the preceding statement so that the name or va lue does not exceed B characters. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7> C Table I, items 1, Explanation: The return code returned from the user exit routine was other than 0" 4 " 12, or 16. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 23. Have program listing of the associated user exit routine available .• 146 IEB711I KEYWORD VALUE NOT FOLLOWED BY A BLANK OR COMMA Problem Determination: 3" 13, 29. Table I., items 1" o 0" IEB713 I FLAGGED KEYWORD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH A PRECEDING KEYWORD Explanation: The keyword pinpointed by preceding message IEB7271 is not compatible with another keyword already specified on the same statement. (For example, the keywords PICTURE and FORMAT cannot be used together.> System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encounte~ed, if any. (Ret~n code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Correct the preceding statement so that the incompatible keywords are not specified together. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Explanation: One of the following error conditions occurred: • Two or more REPEAT statements refer either to the same CREATE statement or to the same group of CREATE statements. • A CREATE keyword in a REPEAT statement specifies a number greater than the number of following CREATE statements. system Action: syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Correct the erroneous REPEAT or CREATE statement, as necessary. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB7151 NAME AND/OR LENGTH OR QUANTITY SPECIFICATION(S> OMITTED FROM FD AND/OR REPEAT CARD Explanation: One or more of the field name, length, and quantity specifications is missing from an FD and/or REPEAT statement. o Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1" IEB7161 PICTURE STRING OR FD FIELD OVERFLOWS OUTPUT RECORD OR INPUT FIELD SELECTED OVERRUNS INPUT WORKAREA Explanation: During construction of an output record by a CREATE statement, a specified picture string or FD field extended past the end of the defined record. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8. > Table I, items 1, IEB7141 REPEAT CARD ERROR OR REQUIRED NUMBER OF CREATE CARDS NOT PRESENT o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Include the missing parameters on the FD and/or REPEAT statements" as necessary. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Make sure that the DCB parameters are correct. Compare the LRECL parameter value with the length of the defined record, and make sure the value is specified correctly • Problem Determination: 3" 13" 29. Table I" items 1" IEB7171 INPUT RECORD SIZE EXCEEDS SPECIFIED OUTPUT RECORD SIZE Explanation: The record length specified , in a DD statement for an output data set is not sufficient to contain corresponding input records. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Increase the record length specified in the DD statement. Problem Deterroination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB7181 DSD CONTROL CARD MUST BE FIRST CARD OF SET Explanation: The DSD control statement is either out of order or missing. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues" but no additional data is generated. Processing IEB Messages - IEBDG 147 continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insert the missing DSD statement or correct the sequence of control statements, as necessary. Prc:qrammer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Correct the preceding statement so that the picture parameter is followed by a blank or comma. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Problem Determination: 3,13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB720I BLANK DOES NOT FOLLOW OPERATION OR CONTROL CARD NAME Explanation: The control statement name or operation is not followed by a blank. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.) Programmer ttesponse: Probanle user error. Since output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Correct the preceding statement so that the control statement name or operation is followed by a blank. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB721I KEYWORD, KEYWORD VALUE OR DELIMITER IS MISSING OR EXTENDS INTO COLUMN 72 Explanation: A required keyword, keyword value, or delimiter is missing or is specified in column 72. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Since the output data set may have been only partially completed, execute IEHPROGM to scratch the data set, if necessary. Correct the preceding statement so that the missing item is included or so the item does not extend into column 72. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB723I PICTURE PARAMETER IS NOT FOLLOWED BY A BLANK OR COMMA Explanation: The picture length subparameter or the picture value field is not followed by a blank or comma. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.) 148 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) 0' Table I, items 1, IEB724I UNABLE TO OPEN DATA SET. LOOK FOR CONFLICTING VALUES OR MISSING DD CARD Explanation: An input or output data set referred to by a DSD statement could not be opened. possibly, the DD statement is missing or the BLKSIZE, LRECL, or RECFM subparameters are incorrect. system Action: No syntax checking or data generation is performed for this set of utility control statements. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Insert the missing DD statement or correct the invalid parameters, as necessary. Problem Deterwination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB725I A DUPLICATE DSD CARD HAS BEEN FOUND. CHECK FOR MISSING END CARD Explanation: An END statement is either out of order or missing. System Action: Syntax checking of the remainder of the utility control statements in this set continues, but no additional data is generated. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.) o Programmer Response: Probable user error,. Insert the missing END statement or correct the sequence of control statements, as necessary. Problem Deterwination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB726I EXEC STATEMENT PARM PARAMETER IS CODED INCORRECTLY Explanation: The PARM parameter of the EXEC statement contains an invalid character or does not contain a 4-digit decimal number. System Action: The line count of the message data set is set to a default value of 58. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the default value assumed is unacceptable, correct the LINECNT subparameter on the EXEC statement. Problem Determination: 3" 13, 29. Table I, items 1, Ol Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o IEB7271 ERROR Explanation: This message pinpoints the locat10n of syntax errors, incompatible keywords, and other control statement coding errors. In most cases, the "E" of ERROR falls directly below the point at which the error was detected in the preceding control statement. System Action: The system action and return code are as indicated in the error message that follows this message. Programmer Response: Respond as indicated in the error message that follows this message. IEB7281 INPUT STREAM FLUSHED FROM THIS POINT. LRECL, BLKSIZE, OR RECFM INCORRECT IN INPUT OR OUTPUT DCB Explanation: An input or output data set could not be opened. Probably, the LRECL, BLKSIZE, or RECFM specification for the data set are incorrect or missing. System Action: No syntax checking or data generat10n 1S performed for this set of utility control statements. Processing continues normally with the next DSD statement encountered. (Return code - 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Include the missing LRECL, BLKSIZE, or RECFM parameters or correct the invalid parameters, as necessary. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB7291 PERMANENT I/O ERROR, jjj, sss, ddd, devtyp, ddn, op, err, xxxx, acc Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on device ddd. In the message text, the error analysis information was provided by the SYNADAF data management macro instruction issued in the SYNAD routine: Programmer Response: Correct the error cond1t1on as ind1cated in the message text. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEBUPDTE Program Messages IEB8011 {~:} LRECL AND BLKSIZE ASSUMED 80/80 Explanation: Necessary DCB parameters were om1tted from the SYSUT1 (indicated by OM or old master) or SYSUT2 (indicated by NM or new master) DD statement. The program assumes that the SYSUT1 or SYSUT2 data set, as applicable, contains 80-byte (fixed-length) unblocked records. System Action: Processing continues. However, 1f the data set does not contain 80-byte (fixed-length) unblocked records, additional messages will be generated during execution and the job step will be terminated. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Response: If the record format specif1cat1ons assumed are correct, none. Otherwise, correct the applicable parameters. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Use IEHLIST to list the VTOCs of the volumes on which the old master and new master data sets reside. IEB8021 I/O ERROR jjj, sss, ddd, devtyp, ddn, op, err, xxxx, acc Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on device ddd. In the message text, the error analysis information was provided by the SYNADAF data management macro instruction issued in the SYNAD routine: jjj Job name. jjj Job name. sss step name. ddd Unit address of the device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxx x Last seek address or block count. acc Access method. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) sss Step name. ddd Unit address of the device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxxx Track address or relative block number. acc Access method. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) o IEB Messages - IEBUPDTE 149 Programmer Response: Correct the error condition indicated in the message text. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29,. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the sequence of control statements. Problem Determination: 3. 13, 29. c Table I, items 1, IEB8031 PERMANENT INPUT ERROR - FIND MACRO Explanation: A permanent input error was detected by the FIND macro instruction while attempting to search a partitioned data set directory. System Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.> Programmer Response: Check the DD statement describing the SYSUTl data set for missing or incorrect parameters. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEB8071 INVALID OPERATION Explanati on: The statement preceding this message is inconsistent with previously specified pararreters. Possibly: • A DELEl'E staterrent is encountered during an UPDATE=INPLACE operation. • A CHANGE staterrent is encountered, but PARM=NEW was specified on the EXEC statement. • Data statements are out of sequence. • A NUMBER statement with a SEQl parameter is encountered following an ADD statement. IEB8041 PERMANENT INPUT ERROR - BLDL MACRO Explanation: A permanent input/output error was detected by the BLDL macro when attempting to search a partitioned data set directory. system Action: The program is terminated. (The return code is 12.> Programmer Response: Check the DD statement describing the SYSUTl data set for missing or incorrect parameters,. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEB8051 CONTROL STATEMENT E~ROR Explanation: In the utility control statement preceding this message, a name, keyword, or parameter is incorrect. system Action: If both the old master data set and the updated master data set are partitioned, the program continues processing with the next function statement. Otherwise, the program is terminated. (Return code - 4. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the incorrect name, keyword, or parameter on the preceding statement. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. IEB8061 STATEMENT SEQUENCE ERROR Explanation: Either the utility control sta tements are out of sequence, or an unnecessary statement has been encountered. system Action: If both the old master data set and the updated master data set are partitioned, the program continues processing with the next function statement. Otherwise, the program is terminated. (Return code - 4.> 150 Messages & Codes (Release 21. 7>, system Action: If both the old master data set and the updated master data set are partitioned, the program continues processing with the next function statement. Otherwise, the program is terminated. (Return code - 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the control statement or sequence of data stateroents, as necessary. Problem Determination: 3. 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB8081 TERMINATED THIS MEMBER. NEXT MEMBER /'~--- I '\ (,jtI IEBUPDTE WILL TRY Explanation: A control statement error, a statement sequence error, or an invalid operation has terminated an update operation. System Action: Processing continues with the next fUnction statement. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Res'ponse: statement error. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Correct the control Table I, items 1, IEB8101 DELETE RANGE INVALID Explanati on: In the DELETE statement preceding this message, the SEQl or SEQ2 value specified does not match sequence number in an existing logical record. a system Action: Processing continues with the next function statement. (Return code - 4,. > Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the SEQl or SEQ2 value, as necessary, on the preceding statement. Problem Deterroi nati on: 3, 13, 26 bc , 29 • Table I, items 1, o o IEB8111 NUMBER RANGE INVALID IEBS151 CANNOT PROCESS MORE THAN ONE PS DATA SET PER. PASS Explanation: In the NUMBER statement preceding this message, the SEQ1 value does not match a sequence number in an existing logical record. Explanation: A control statement specified the processing of two input sequential data sets in the same job step. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) System Action: Processing continues with the next function statement. (Return code - 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the SEQl value on the preceding statement. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 26bc, 29. Table I, items 1., IEBS16I{MEMBER NAME mem FOUND}IN NM DIRECTORY. TTR IS NOW ALTERED ExPlanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while writing the directory of the SYSUT2 data set. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Proqrammer Response: Ensure that sufficient space is allocated for the directory on the SYSUT2 DD statement. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. Explanation: For the first format of the message, member name mem specified on an ADD statement already exists. For the second format of the message, member name mem exists in the new master (NM) directory. system Action: For the first format of the message, the program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) For the second format of the message, an entry (TTR) is altered and processing continues. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Response: For the first format of the message, change the member name to be added. For the second format of the message, no action is necessary. IEBS13I OUTPUT DIRECTORY FULL Explanation: Insufficient space was allocated for directory entries in the SYSUT2 data set. Therefore, the member was not placed in the data set. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Re-create the SYSUT2 data set, allocating sufficient space for the additional directory entries. Then rerun IEBUPDTE to include the members that were omitted. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Problem Determination: 3,15,29. Table I, items 1, IEBS12I DIRECTORY WRITE ERROR o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that there is no disagreement between the JCL and the user control statements. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. IEBS1?I MEMBER NAME mem NOT FOUND IN NM DIRECTORY. STOWED WITH TTR Explanation: Member name mem does not exist in the directory of the new master (NM) data set. System Action: An entry (TTR) is made for the member in the directory~ Processing continues. (Return code - 0.) Table I, items 1, Programmer Response: None. IEBS1S1 HIGHEST CONDITION CODE WAS xx IEBS141 DDNAME ddn CANNOT BE OPENED Explanation: The data set specified on DD statement ddn cannot be opened. Possibly, the LRECL or BLKSIZE for the SYSIN volume is not equal to, or a multiple, of SO. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Explanation: Condition code xx was the highest code generated in the job step. System Action: normally. The program is terminated Programmer Response: None. IEBS191 END OF JOB IEBUPDTE o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameters that define the data set on DD statement ddn. Explanation: The IEBUPDTE program has completed processing. Problem Determination: 3 .. 15, 29. System Action: normally. Table I, items 1, The program is "terminated IEB Messages - IEBUPDTE 151 Programmer Response: None. IEB820I CANNOT PROCESS MORE THAN ONE UPDATE INPLACE PER PASS Explanation: TWo or more UPDATE=INPLACE operations were specified in the same job step; they must be specified in separate job steps. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Specify each UPDATE=INPLACE operation in a separate job step. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. IEB821I INVALID EXIT NAME. Table I, items 1, JOB ENDED Explanation: The name of a user exit routine, specified on a function statement, is invalid. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Proqrammer Response: Probable user error. Correct the routine name on the applicable function statement. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Have the exit routine listings and linkage editor output available. IEB825I ALIAS IGNORED - SEQUENTIAL DATA SET Explanation: An ALIAS statement specified an alias name for an output sequential data set. o system Action: The statement is ignored. (Return code - 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Delete the ALIAS statement. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB826I MEMBER NAME FOUND IN OM DIRECTORY AS AN ALIAS - CHANGED TO TRUE NAME IN NM DIRECTORY Explanation: The member name is an alias name in the old master (OM) directory, and is entered as a member name in the new master (NM) directory. System Action: Processing continues. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Response: None. IEB827I INVALID INPUT PARAMETER Explanation: Either the EXEC statement contains an incorrect PARM parameter or an incorrect parameter was passed to the IEBUPDrE program. system Action: The (Return code - 12.) ~rogram is terminated. IEB822I EXIT RETURN CODE ENDED JOB Explanation: The return code returned by the user was 16. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Programmer Response: If a return code of 16 was not expected, check your exit routine and rerun the job. IEB828I PAGE NUMBER PARAMETER INVALID Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Have the exit routine listings available. IEB823I {SYSUT1} HAS NO RECORDS SYSIN Explanation: The SYSUT1 or SYSIN data set, as indicated in the message text, contains no records. Explanation: An invalid starting page number for the roessage data set was passed to IEBUPDr E. system Action: A page number of 1 is assigned to the first page of the printout. (Return code - 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the default of 1 is not acceptable, correct the starting page number. Problem Deterroination: system Action: For the SYSUT1 data set, processing continues with the next member, if any. (Return code - 4.) Table I, items 1., 3, 15, 29. IEB829I DDNAME PARAMETER IS INVALID For the SYSIN data set, the program is terminated.. (Return code - 12.) Explanation: An incorrect DDNAME parameter was passed to IEBUPDTE. Programmer Response: Insert data statements for the SYSIN data set or ensure that the proper SYSUT1 data set is specified., as necessary. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Problem Determination: 3 .. 15, 29. 152 Table I, items 1, Table I, items 1, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the DDNAME parameter. o o Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB8341 LAST RETURN CODE FROM rtne WAS xx Explanation: RetUrn code xx was the last return code issued by user routine rtne. IEB8301 OLD AND NEW MASTER LRECL UNEQUAL Explanation: The logical record lengths of the old and new master data sets are unequal. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the LRECL subparameter of the DCB parameter on the SYSUT2 DO statement. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB8311 OLD AND NEW MASTER DSORGS INCOMPATIBLE o System Action: (Return code - Processing continues. o. > Pr Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Programmer Response: Probable user error. In the first case, ensure that the space allocation specified on the SYSUTl and/or SYSUT2 DD statements is consistent with the data set organization. Also, ensure tha t the DSORG subparameter, if included, is correct. In the second case, ensure that the keywords specified on the utility control statements are consistent with the data set organizations specified or implied on the SYSUTl and/or SYSUT2 DD statements. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, Pr Programmer Response: Pr Programmer Response: System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> None. IEB8331 xx ENTRANCES TO rtne o Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred during user label processing. The results of the label processing are unpredictable. items 1, trace IEB8391 rtne IS TAKING TOTALING EXITS Explanation: User routine rtne is taking totaling exits prior to writing each record. None. IEB Mess ageS - IEBUPDTE 15,3 GIl • • System Action: Processing continues. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Response: None. I£.B840 I rtne REQUESTED TERMINA'I'ION OF TOTALI N::; EX ITS Explanation: A return code other than 4 was passed to IEBUPDTE by user totaling routine rtne. System Action: If the return code passed to IEBUPDTE was 0, totaling exits are discontinued, but processing continues. (Return code - 0.) o IEB843I INVALID CORE SIZE Explanation: ..rThe main storage specified in the TOTAL keyword either is a non-numeric character, is less than 2 bytes, or is greater than 32K nytes. system Action: The (Return code - 12.) ~rograrn is terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the TOTAL keyword. Problem Determination: 3,15,29. Table I, items 1, If the return code was 8, the program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) If the return code was 16, the program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) Programmer Response: If termination of the totaling exit routine was not expected, check the exit routine and rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Have the exit routine listings available. I£.B8411 INVALID RETURN CODE FROM rtne, 'TOTALING EXITS DISCONTINUED Explanation: The return code passed to IEBUPDTE by user totaling routine rtne during a totaling exit was not valid -that is, the return code was not 0, 4, 8, or 16. System Action: Totaling exits are discontinued, but processing continues. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check the user routine to make sure that a valid return code was passed to the utility program; rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Have the exit routine listings available. IEB842I TOTALING EXITS NOT SUPPORTED FOR UPDATE=INPLACE Explanation: The user specified totaling exits with an UPDATE=INPLACE operation. This is not supported. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) 154 IEB844I NO USER {HEADER } LABELS EXIST ON TRAILER INPUT DATA S El' Explanation: The user specified SUL on the DD statement for the input data set, but there are no header or trailer labels, as indicated in the message text, on the data set. System Action: Processing continues. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Response: None. IEB845I NO USEd. {HEADER } LABELS CREATED ON TRAILER OUTPUT DATA SET Explanation: The user specified SUL on the SYSUT2 DD statement, but no header or trailer labels, as ,indicated in the message text, were copied from the SYSUTl data set and no labels were generated by a LABEL statement. System Action: Processing continues. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Response: If user labels are desired on the out~ut data set, make sure that the SYSUTl data set contains user labels, or supply user labels with the LABEL statement. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Have the associated input data set available. IEB8461 ALIAS IGNORED FOR UPDATE=INPLACE Explanation: ALIAS statements for partitioned data set members cannot be processed using the UPDATE=INPLACE operation. System Action: All ALIAS stateme~ts are ignored. Processing continues. (Return code - 0.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Do not specify totaling exits with an UPDATE=INPLACE operation. Programmer Res ponse: Probable user error. Delete the ALIAS statements. Problem Determination: 3 .. 15, 29. 3 .. 15" 29. Table I, items 1, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, () o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure the control statement is correct and execute the job step again. IEBTCRIN Program Messages IEB901A M ddd,ser,jjj,sss Explanation: M indicates that an MTDI or MTST cartridge file is to be mounted on device ddd. The volume was required by job jjj or, if applicable, step sss of job jjj. In the message text, ser is the volume serial number provided in the SYSUTl DD statement. If ser is TCRINP, no serial number was provided and TCRINP is used. Operator Response: Mount the requested cartridge(s> on device ddd and press the START button to ready the device. If the volume cannot be mounted, issue a CANCEL command to terminate job jjj. IEB902I INVALID NAME FIELD Explanation: In the control statement precedirig this message, the name field contains either more than eight characters or a nonalphabetic character in column 1. o System Action: Diagnosis of the preceding statement is terminated. Any additional control statements are scanned for syntax errors, after which the program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Table I, items 3, IE8905I INVALID PARAMETER VALUE Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a parameter value is incorrect. Possibly: • The MAXLN parameter value contains more than 5 digits. • The OUTHDR2 user routine name is more than 8 characters. • The VOKCHK parameter is misspelled as VOKCHECK. • The REPLACE parameter value s not of _ the form X'xx', where each x is replaced by hexadeci~al characters A-F or 0-9. 1.." System Action: Processing continues with the next keyword. Any additional control statements are scanned for syntax errors, after which the program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure the control statement is correct and execute the job step again. Problem Deterroination: 15, 29. Table I, items 3, IEB906I DUPLICATE OPERATION FIELD Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure the name field is correct and execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 15, 29. Explanation: In the control statement preceding this message, an operation code other than TCRGEN or EXITS was specified. system Action: Diagnosis of the preceding statement is terminated. Any additional control statements are scanned for syntax errors, after which the program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable ~ser error. Make sure the operation field is correct and execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 15, 29. Explanation: The operation field on the control stateroent preceding this message is the same as the operation field on a control staterrent previously processed. Table I, items 3, IEB903I INVALID OPERATION Table I, items 3, IEB904I INVALID KEYWORD Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a keyword is incorrect. Possibly, the keyword was misspelled. o Problem Deterrrination: 15, 29. System Action: Processing continues with the next keyword. Any additional control statements are scanned for syntax errors, after which the program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> system Action: Diagnosis of the preceding statement is terrrinated. Any additional control statements are scanned for syntax errors, after which the program is terminated. (~eturn code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure no control statements have duplicate operation fields and execute the job step again. Problem Deterroination:Table I, items 3, 15, 29. IEB907I INCONSISTENT REPLACB PARAMETER Explanation: In the TCRGEN statement preceding this roessage, the REPLACE parameter is inconsistent with specified or implied TYPE, TRANS, and/or EDIT options. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure the control statement is correct and execute the job step again. Problem Deterrrination: 15, 29. Table I, items 3, IEB Messages - IEBTCRIN 155 : IBB9081 CONFLICTING OPTIONS SPECIFIED Explanation: In the control statement preceding this message, either two or more keyword parameters were specified that should not appear together, or the same keyword parameter was specified more than once. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the use of all default options is desired, none. otherwise, insert a SYSIN DD statement and any other necessary statements. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. o Table I, items 1, System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure the control statement is correct and execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 15, 29. Table I, items 3, IEB9091 EXPECTED CONTINUATION NOT RECEIVED Explanation: The statement preceding this message is not a valid continuation statement: • The previous statement contains a comma at the end of the operand, indicating continuation of the operand, but data in the preceding statement does not begin in columns 4 through 16. • The previous statement contains a non-blank character in column 72, indicating continuation of a comment, but data in the preceding statement does not begin after column 3. Explanation: No SYSPRINT DD statement was included in the job step. System Action: The program is executed as if DUMMY was specified for the SYSPRINT data set; that is, no messages will appear in the SYSPRINT data set. (Return code 4.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. If no output on the SYSPRINT data set is desired, none. otherwise, insert a SYSPRINT DD statement. Problem Determination: 3. 13, 29. Table I., items 1., IEB9131 NO {SYSUT2} DD CARD - DUMMY ASSUMED SYSUT3 System Action: Diagnosis of the preceding statement is terminated. Any additional control statements are scanned for syntax errors, after which the program is terminated. (Return code - 12. > Explanation: No SYSUT2 or SYSUT3 DD statement, as indicated in the message text, was included in the job step. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the continuation statement begins in column 4 through 16 or after column 3, as appropriate. Make sure that the control statement is correct and execute the job step again. System Action: The program is executed as if DUMMY was specified for the SYSUT2 (or SYSUT3) dataset; that is, no data will appear in the SYSUT2 (or SYSUT3) data set. The records that are pass ed to the user exit are constructed using the default value (VB> of the DCB RECFM parameter; in some cases, however, this may produce undesirable results. (Return code - 4.) Problem Determination: 15, 29. Table I, items 3, IEB9101 NO SYSUTl DD CARD - JOB TERMINATED Explanation: No SYSUTl OD statement was incl uded in the job step. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error .• Insert the missing SYSUTl DD statement. Problem Determination: 15, 29. Table I, items 3, IEB9111 NO SYSIN OD CARD - ALL DEFAULT OPTIONS ASSUMED Explanation: No SYSIN DO statement was included in the job step. System Action: The program is executed using all default options for the SYSIN da ta set. (Return code - 4.) 156 IEB9121 NO SYSPRINT DD CARD - DUMMY ASSUMED Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) o Programmer Response: Probable user error. If no output on the SYSUT2 (or SYSUT3) data set is desired, none.. Otherwise, insert a SYSUT2 (or SYSUT3> ODD statement. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB9141 DCB SUBPARAMETER(S) MISSING IN ddn DD CARD - DEFAULTS ASSUMED Explanati on: In DD statement qdn" the LRECL, BLKSIZE~ and/or RECFM subparameters were not specified. System Action: The program is executed using default options. (Return code - 4.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the default parameters are acceptable, none. otherwise, include the missing subparameters on DD statement ddn. Problem Determination: I 13 I 29. 3 Table I, items 1., o o IEB9151 DDNAME ddn C&~NOT BE OPENED Explanation: Because of an undetermined error, the data set specified on DD statement ddn cannot be opened. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) Programmer Response: None Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, 15, 29. If the data set that cannot be opened is on a direct access volume, execute IEHLIST (with the LISTVTOC function) for the volume, and save the output. IEB9161 INCONSISTENT ddn DCB PARAMETERS Explanation: TWo or more DCB parameters for the data set specified on DD statement ddn are inconsistent. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) Prcqrammer Response: IEB9191 INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE Explanation: In a GETMAIN macro instruction" more main storage was requested tha~ was available. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16 .• ) Programmer Response: If additional storage is available, increase the value specified in the REGION parameter of the JOB or EXEC statement. If addi ti ona I st or ag e is not avail abl e, decrease the value specified in the BUFL subparameter of the DCB parameter of the SYSUTl DO statement. Problem Determination: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the DCB parameters on DD statement ddn and execute the job step ag~in. None. Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. IEB920I ddd,devtyp,ddn,op,err,xxxx,acc Problem Determination: 2, 29. o Table I, items 1, If the DCB refers to a data set on a direct access volume, execute IEHLIST (with the LISTVTOC function) for the volume, and save the output. I£B9171 LOAD MODULE SPECIFIED FOR prm NOT FOUND Explanation: Either a user exit routine specified in the prm keyword parameter of the EXITS statement or a user translate table specified in the prm keyword parameter of the TCRGEN statement could not be located in the job library or link library. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the control statements contain no keypunch errors. If no keypunch errors are found, verify that the module is present in a link library or job library. If the module .is present in the job library, ensure that a JOBLIB statement is included, and that it is correct. Execute the job step again~ Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, 15, 29. Execute IEHLIST (with the LISTVTOC fUnction) for the volume containing the load module, and save the output. Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on unit record device ddd. In the message text, the error analysis information was provided by the SYNADAF data management wacro instruction issued in the SYNAD routine: ddd Unit address of the device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxxx Asterisks. acc Access method. System Action: The program is terminated,. (Return code - 16.) PrOgrammer Response: Probable hardware error. Correct the error condition indicated in the message text, if possible. Execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 2, 5a, 30. Table I, items 1, IEB921I ddd,devtyp,ddn,op,err,xxxx,acc IEB918I JOB TERMINATED AFTER prm EXIT o Explanation: A user-supplied exit routine specified in the prm parameter requested termination upon return to the utility program. Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on tape device ddd. In the message text, the error analysis information was provided by the SYNADAF IEB Messages - IEBTCRIN 157 ~: _ data management macro instruction issued in the SYNAD routine: ddd Unit address of the device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxxx Relative block number. acc Access method. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) In the message text, the error analysis information was provided by the SYNADAF data management macro instruction issued in the SYNAD routine: o ddd unit address of the device. devtyp Device type. ddn Data definition name. op Operation attempted. err Error description. xxxx Actua 1 track address and block number. acc Access method. Programmer Response: Correct the error condition indicated in the m~ssage text. Problem Determination: Table I, item 29. system Action: The program is terminated. (Return code - 16.) IEB922I ddd,devtyp,ddn,op,err,xxxx,acc Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while processing on direct access device ddd. Prcgrammer Response: Correct the error condition indicated in the message text. Problem Determination: Table I, item 29. o o 158 Messages 6 Codes (Release 21.7) o nata Management Messages (lEe) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, Name I IEC I I C~ponent ~-----------------------------+-------~---------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I Data management. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For operator: console. I ~----------------------------~+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format I xx IECnnns text [Pnn] I I xx Message reply identificaticn (absent, if cperator reply not I required) • I I nnn Message serial number, which is coded te indicate the data I management function: I J I I I I I I I 1nn End of vol ume Open Close Password Security Checkpoint/Testart Direct access device space managenent ([A[SM) Tape label creation Bnn BTA~/CTAM Onn lnn 2nn 3nn 4nn 6nn s Type code: A Action~ operator must perferm a specific action. D Decision~ operator nust cheose an alternative. E Eventual action; operater must perf ern actien when he has time. I Information~ no operator action is required. text Message text. Pnn Partition which issued the message (systems with MiT only). ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I COmments I None. I I I I t-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI cf this publication for problem I L _____________________________ 4 ____________________________________ ~ _________________________________ J deteIlll.ination in structions. End-of-Volume Messages IECO01 o {~} M ddd,ser[,labtyp] [,den],jjj,sss[,dsnl Explanation: M indicates that a volume is to mounted on device ddd: • If ser is a 6-digit serial number, the volume with that serial mnber is to be mounted on the device. • If ser is SCRTCH, a scratch volume is to be mounted. • If ser begins with an L, the volume to be mounted is unlabeled; the number after the slash or L is an internal serial number assigned by the system to an unlabeled voluue and is of the form xxxyy, where xxx is the data set number and yy is the voluJre sequence number of the data ~et. • If the device indicates a 1419/1215, ser is a stack of docuJrents to be readied on the device. In the case ef message IEC001E, no reference to a 1419/1215 will occur. ~: In the message text, labtyp and den appear pnly for tape velunes. The volume has the tYJ;:e of label specified by la1:typ: SL for standard label, ~L fer ANSl label, NSL for nonstandard lal:el, er NL for no la1:el~ the density is as specified by den. The velume is being used 1:y step sss of job jjj. If a MONITOR DSNAME command is active, data set dsn contained en the voluRe is also specified in the message text. Operator Res pense : If ser is SCR'ICH, make sure that the file protection ring has been inserted in the volume. Mount the volune en the deY ice. If a scratch volune is te be mounted and a scratch volune is already on the device, mount another scratch voluree. Then, ready the device. lEC Messages - End-of-volume 159 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 IEC002E K ddd,ser[,labtyp] [,den] ,jjj,sss [,SPACE=prm] [,dsn] Explanation: K indicates that the volume on device ddd is to be demounted and returned to the library: • If ser is a 6-digit number, it is the serial number of the volume, which contains labels. • If ser begins with an L, the volume to be demounted is unlabeled; the number after the L is an internal serial number assigned by the system to an unlabeled volume and is of the form xxxyy, where xxx is the data set number and yy is the volume sequence number of the data set. In the message text, labtyp and den appear only for tape volumes. The volume has the type of label specified by labtyp: SL for standard label, AL for ANS1 label, NSL for nonstandard label, or NL for no label; the density is as specified by den. IEC003E R ddd,ser[,labtyp] [,den] ,jjj,sss [, SPACE=prm] Explanation: R indicates that the volume on dev1ce ddd is to be demounted and retained near the computer for use in the near future: • If ser is a 6-digit number, it is the serial number of the volume, which contains labels. • If ser begins with an L, the volume to be demounted is unlabeled; the number after the L is an internal serial number assigned by the system to an unlabeled volume and is ,of the form xxxyy, where xxx is the data set number and yy is the volume sequence number of the data set. The volume is being used by step sss of job jjj. In the message text, labtyp and den appear only for tape volumes. The volume has the type of label specified by labtyp: SL for standard label, AL for ANS1 label, NSL for nonstandard label, or NL for no label; the density is as specified by den. The volume is being used by step sss of job jjj. For direct access volumes, if a MONITOR SPACE command is active, the field SPACE=cccc,tttt,aaaa/yyyy,zzzz is specified: For direct access volumes, if a MONITOR SPACE command is active, the field SPACE=cccc,tttt,aaaa/yyyy,zzzz is specified: cccc cccc Total number of free cylinders on the volume. tttt Total number of free cylinders on the volume. tttt Total number of tracks in addition to the free cylinders. aaaa Total number of tracks in addition to the free cylinders. aaaa Areas or extents dividing the cylinders and tracks. yyyy Areas or extents dividing the cylinders and tracks. yyyy Maximum number of contiguous free cylinders of the largest extent within the total remaining space. zzzz zzzz Number of tracks in addition to the free cylinders of the largest extent within the total remaining space. Number of tracks in addition to the free cylinders of the largest extent within the total remaining space. If an error occurred during the listing of the parameters in the SPACE field, one of the following messages is specified: • LSPACE-PERMANENT I/O ERROR • LSPACE-NON-STANDARD OS VOLUME • LSPACE-NOT A DIRECT ACCESS VOL • LSPACE-INVALID PARAMETER • LSPACE-UCB NOT READY If an error occurred during the listing of the parameters in the SPACE field, one of the following messages is specified: • LSPACE-PERMANENT I/O ERROR • LSPACE-NON-STANDARD OS VOLUME • LSPACE-NOT A DIRECT ACCESS VOL • LSPACE-INVALID PARAMETER • LSPACE-UCB NOT READY If a MONITOR DSNAME command is active, data set dsn contained on the volume is also specified in the message text. Operator Response: Demount the volume. Mark the ser1al number, label type, and density on the volume, if they are not so marked. (The internally assigned number should appear externally on the volume in case a subsequent step needs the volume; for the subsequent mounting, the system will specify the volume by the internally assigned number.) Then retain the volume near the computer. Also, mark the jobname on the volume. If the job ends without requesting a remount of the volume, the volume need no longer be retained. If LSPACE-PERMANENT I/O ERROR was in the message, a permanent I/O error was encountered while trying to Operator Response: Demount the volume. Mark the serial number, label type, and density on the volume, if they are not so marked. Then return it to the library. If LSPACE-PERMANENT I/O ERROR was in the message, a permanent I/O error was encountered while trying to read the VTOC. Execute the IEHLIST utility program to list the VTOC of this volume. If errors occur, take appropriate action as indicated in the message. Problem Determination: If LSPACE-INVALID PARAMETER was in the message, see Table I, items 2, 29. 160 Maximum number of contiguous free cylinders of the largest extent within the total remaining space. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) o read the VTOC. Execute the IEHLIST utility program to list the VTOC of this volume. If errors occur, take appropriate action as indicated in the message. Problem Determination: If LSPACE-INVALID PARAMETER was in the message, see Table I, items 2, 29. IEC004E D ddd,ser[,labtyp) [,den),jjj,sss [,SPACE=prm) [,dsn) was in the message, a permanent I/C error was encountered while trying to read the VTOC. Execute the IEHLIST utility program to list the VTOC of this volurre. If errors occur, take appropriate action as indicated in the message. Prcblem Deterrrination: If LSPACE-INVALID PARAMETER was in the message, see Table I, items 2, 29. IEC007D E ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn Explanation: D indicates that the volume on device ddd is to be demounted and used subsequently as a scratch volume: • If ser is a 6-digit number, i t is the serial number of the volume, which contains labels. • If ser begins with an L, the volume to be deRounted is unlabeled; the number after the L is an internal serial number assigned by the system to an unlabeled volurre and is of the form xxxyy, where xxx is the data set number and yy is the voluRe sequence number for the data set. In the rressage text, labtyp and den appear only for tape volumes. The volume has the type of label specified by labtyp: SL for standard label, AL for ANSi label, NSL for nonstandard label, or NL for no label; the density is as specified by den. o The volume is being used by step sss of job jjj. For direct access volumes, if a MONITCR SPACE command is active, the field SPACE~cccc,tttt,aaaa/yyyy,zzzz is specified: cccc Total number of free cylinders on the volume. tttt Total number of tracks in addition to the free cylinders. EXFlanation: E indicates that a program intended to write on the volurre on device ddd; however, the expiration date for data set dsn on the volume 'has not occurred. In the message text, ser is the 6-digit serial number of the volume, which contain labels. The volume is being used by step sss of job jjj. Fcr a tape volume, only the last 17 characters of the data set narre (dsn) appear. 'Ihis is as much as is contained in the tape's data set labels. ~ Operator Response: If the expiration date~ is to be ignored and the volurre written on, enter REPLY xx,'U'. If the expiration date is to be honored and the volume not written on, enter REPLY xx,'M'. The systerr will then request that a new volume be rrounted. Note: In systerrs with MVT or MFT, the operator should normally terminate any job attempting to update a system data set, if this rr.essage is issued. However, if a system data set is to be updated, the job stream should be set up so that no other concurrently running job uses the data set being updated: if the job stream is set up in this manner, the operator should be instructed to respond with REPLY xx,'U' to this message. IEC009A F ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn aaaa Areas or extents dividing the cylinders and tracks. yyyy Maximum number of contiguous free cylinders of the largest extent within the total remaining space. EXFlanation: F indioates that the volume on device ddd is file protected: that is, its file protection ring is not inserted, so it can only be read. However, the volume is to be written on. zzzz Number of tracks in addition to the free cylinders of the largest extent within the total remaining space. If an error occurred during the listing of the parameters in the SPACE field, one of the following messages is specified: • LSPACE-PERMANENT I/O ERROR • LSPACE-NON-STANDARD OS VOLUME • LSPACE-NO'I A DIRECT ACCESS VOL • LSPACE-INVALID PARAMETER • LSPACE-UCB NOT READY If a DISPLAY DSNAME corrmand is active, data set dsn contained cn the volume is also specified in the message text. o Operator Response: Demcunt the volume. Use it later when a scratch volume is requested. If LSPACE-PERMANENT I/O ERRCR In the message text, ser is the 6-digit serial nurrber of the volurre and dsn i~ the data set narre. The volume is being used by step sss of job jjj. §ystem Action: The system rewinds and unloads the volurre. Cperator Response: If so specified by the programrrer, insert a file protection ring in the volume. rrcunt the volume, and ready the device. otherwise, cancel the job. IEC010D F ddd,ser,jjj.sss.dsn EXFlanation: F indicates that the volume on device ddd is file protected: that is, its file protection ring is not inserted, so i t can only be read. IEC Messages - End-of-volume 161 In the message text, ser is the 6-digit serial number of the voluroe and dsn is the data set name. The volume is being used by step sss of job jjj. Operator Response: If the vclume should be file protected, enter REPLY xx,'U'. If the volume must have a file protection ring, enter REPLY xx, 'F'; the system will rewind and unload the vclun,e. Then insert a file protection ring, mount the volume, and ready the device. ddnl-#l I:Dnane (fcllowed l:y a concatenation nurober if i t is part of a ccncatenaticn and not the first DD statenent in the concatenaticn.) ddd device address ser vclune serial nunter The values of rc and their neanings are as fcllcws: Return Code IEC012I I/O ERR 04- ddd,ser Explanation: If I/O ERR appears in the message text, an uncorrectable input/output error occurred while processing tape labels; if SEC VOl appears, a security protected tape was mounted and the progran,rrer had specified NL or NSL in the LABEL subparameter of the DD statement describing the data set. In the message text, ser is the serial number of the volume and ddd is the unit address. Operator Response: Respond as indicated when the system requests that a new volume be mounted. Problem Determination: 2~ 3, 13~ 28, 29. Table I, items 1, IEC014E D ddd 08 ~ganim: An SVC 55 (EOV) was issued, usually by a CHECK, GE'I, or PU'I rcutine, against a DCB which was net open. An SVC 55 (EOV) was issued with register 1 pcinting tc a DCB. Systen Action: The task is terminated unless the errcr is to be igncred as specified in the DCE AEENI: exit routine. Pr.9Jranrre!_Eg~fcnse: Protable user error. An open DCE nay have teen partially cverlaid, closed by the user in a SYNAD routine, or autcnatically closed ty a previcus end-of-vclune error where 'ignore' was sp~cified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. Ccrrect the errors causing abnornal ternir:aticn as indioated ty the return code indicated in the nessage text. Rerun the job. Prcblem Deternir.aticn: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 15, 16, 29. Tatle II, :Format 3. Explanation: D indicates that the volume on device ddd is to be demounted. The control program has determined that this volume, mounted in respcnse to an earlier mount message, either: • Contains labels that cannct be read due to a permanent input/cutput error. • Contains no labels or nonstandard labels when standard labels were specified. • Contains standard labels when no labels or nonstandard labels were specified. • Contains labels which are written in a density other than the density specified. Operator Response: Demcunt the volume. The system will then request that a new volume be mounted. Mount a volume with the correct density and label type. Problem Determinaticn: 2, 3, 13, 28, 29. Table I, items 1, o o IEC016I537-rc,jjj,sss,ddn£-#1,ddd,ser,dsn §xtlan~~!cn: The errcr occurred at an end-of-volune. In the message text, 537-rc associates this message with system ccnpletion code 537 and with return code rc. ether fields in the message text are: jjj jobnarre sss step nane ddnl-#l I:Dname (fcllowed by a concatenation nunber if it is part of a ccncatenaticn and not the first DD statenent in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser vclume serial numter dsn data set nane IEC015I A37-rc,jjj,sss,ddnl-#1,ddd,ser Explanation: The error occurred during end-of-volume processing. In the message text, A37-rc associates thi s message with system completion code A37 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss step .name 162 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) The values of rc and their neanings are as fcllcws: Return Code 04- Meanlli The vclune serial nunner indicated was being used ty another data set for tape input/cut put. Correct the volume reference tc ensure that the same volune is nct being used ty more than cne data set. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. If the error is to be ignored, the system will attempt to close the DCB before returning to the user. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error causing the abnormal termination as indicated by the return code in the message text. Then resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 5a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEC0171 A ddd, ddnExplanation: A indicates that the volume (specified in DD statement ddn) on device ddd is recorded in ASCII and bears an American National Standard volume label or file header label. The accessibility field of the volume label (indicated by in the message text) contains a nonblank character, or the file header label (indicated by 2 in the message text) contains a nonblank character other than one; this means that the volume or the file is security-protected and may not be processed by the operating system. System Action: The system closes the data control block associated with the file on the volume, and stops further processing of the file. If the tape volume has already been mounted, it is rewound. 0 ', v Programmer Response: Make sure that the correct volume and file were specified in the job control statements. Problem Determination: 2, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEC018D A ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn Explanation: A indicates that volume ser on device ddd bears a standard volume label or an American National Standard volume label, but the programmer did not specify the label type of the mounted volume in the job control statements. In the message text, ser is the 6-digit serial number of the volume and dsn is the 17 character data set name from the existing HDR1 label. The volume is being used by step sss of job jjj. System Action: The system waits for the operator's reply. Operator Response: Enter REPLY xx,'U' to permit the system to create a new volume label or write a tape mark over the American National Standard volume label. Enter REPLY xx,'M' to permit the system to rewind the tape volume and issue a mount message for a scratch tape. Programmer Response: Make sure that the Job control statements specify American National Standard labels if they are to be used. Problem Determination: 2, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEC0201 001-x,jjj,sss,ddn,ddd,ser,dsn NO ERROR HANDLING, (SYNAD), EXIT SPECIFIEDl ERROR OCCURRED WHILE CLOSING DATA SET NON-ACCEPTABLE ERROR DCB EROPT=ABE OR AN INVALID CODE, AND/OR NO SYNAD EXIT SPECIFIED \ GET OR READ ISSUED AFTER END-OF-FILE Explanation: A 001 system completion code was 1ssued for step sss of job jjj for one of the following reasons: • If x is 1, for BSAM, BISAM, BDAM or QSAM, no error handling (SYNAD) exit was specified. • If x is 2, an error was encountered while attempting to close the data set. • If x is 3, for QSAM, an error was encountered that could not be accepted. • If x is 4, for QSAM, ABE or an invalid value for EROPT parameter in the DCB and/or no error handling (SYNAD) exit was specified. • If x is 5, for QSAM, a GET was issued after end-of-file; for BSAM, a READ was issued after end-of-file. In the message text, ddn is the data definition name of the DD statement describing the data set, ddd is the unit name, ser is the serial number of the volume, and dsn is the data set name. NOTE: System completion code 001 is also issued when the logical record length and block specified in the data control block or DD statement differ from the logical record length and blocksize that occur in the data set. Programmer Response: Correct any errors that caused the abnormal termination. Then execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 3, 5a, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEC0211 NO SPACE IN PASSWORD DATA SET Explanation: The password data set on the system residence device is full. No additional entries may be added until entries are deleted or a new password data set is created. System Action: terminated. The job step is Operator Response: Inform the programmer responsible for the installation that you have received this message. Programmer Response: Delete outdated entr1es 1n the present password data set or create a new password data set. Problem Determination: 25a, 29. Table I, items 2, o IEC Messages - End-of-volume 163 IEC0221 137-rc, jjj,;sss,ddn[-#] "ddd, ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred during end-of-vo1ume on a wagnetic tape. In the message text" 137-rc associates this message with system com~leticn code 137 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a ccncatentation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the ccncatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their Reanings are as follows: Return Code ()il 08 OC An I/O error occurred while positioning the ta~e in preparation for label processing. An I/O error occurred reading a trailer label for a data set opened with the o~tion INPUT or INOUT.. If the data set was opened with the o~tion RDBACR, the I/O error cccurred reading a header label. 10 An I/O error occurred while positioning a Jragnetic tape at the end of the data set. 14 An I/O error occurred reading header labels for a data set opened for INPUT or INOUT. If the data set was c~ened for RDBACK, the error cccurred while reading the trailer label. 18 An I/O error occurred while positioning a Jragnetic tape data set at the first data record. 1C 20 164 Meaning An I/O errcr occurred while writing an end-of-volume label or a tape mark. An invalid trailer label was read during end-of-voluRe processing. Execute the IEBPTPCH utility program to determine the contents of the volume. Take any corrective action necessary to recreate the volume so that the information may be accessed. An invalid header label was read during end-of-voluRe processing. Execute the IEBPTPCH utility program to determine the contents of the volume. ~ake any corrective action necessary to Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) recreate the volune so that the inforn,aticn may be accessed. o System Action: The task is terminated unless the errcr is to be ignored as specified in the DCE ABEND exit routine. If the error is tc be ignored, the system will attempt tc clcse the DCB before returning to the user. Programmer ResFcnse: Probable user Error unless an I/O errcr has occurred. Correct the errors that caused the abnormal termination as indicated by the return code in the Ressage text. Then resu1::mit the job. If I/O error has cccurred, a defective volume or device may be the cause. Rerun the job, specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volune was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volune. If that does not solve the problem, request a differEnt device in the UNIT ~arameter cf the CD stateRent. If 'as~ecific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT paraneter of the CD statement. Rerun the job. Prdblem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Fornat 3. IEC0231237-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The errcr occurred during end-of-volune. In the message text, 237-rc associates this message with system completion code 237 and with return code rc. ether fields in the message text are: jjj job naRe sss step nane ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation nunner if it is ~art of a concatenaticn and not the first DD statenent in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn da ta set nan,e The values of rc and their meanings are as fellows: Return Cede ~eaninq Oil The block ccunt in the DCB does not natch that in the trailer label. A block of data has been missed or skiI;ped (probably due to a hardware error.) 08 The DSNAME in a header latel does net natch that in the JFCB on the second cr subsequent volume of a magnetic ta,~e data set. verify that the correct volume and DSNAME were sI;ecified. 0 " Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. If the error is to be ignored, the system will attempt to close the DCB before returning to the user. Programmer Response: Probable user error unless hardware error has occurred. Correct the errors causing the abnormal termination as indicated by the return code in the message text. Then rerun the job. sss step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: IEC0241337-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred when the end of a data set was reached. In the message text, 337-rc associates this message with system completion code 337 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj Return Code -04-- 08 job name Meaning The protect key in the TCB (TCBPKF) was not the same as that in the DEB (DEBDEBID). Correct any errors that may have caused the task control block or data extent block to be modified. When FEOV was issued, the DCB pointer was invalid. sss step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenated data set and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: System Action: The task is terminated. unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. If the error is to be ignored, the system will attempt to close the DCB before returning to the user. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the errors causing the abnormal termination as indicated by the return code in the message text. Then rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC0261 637-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,dev,vol,dsn Return Code -04-- 08 Meaning The end of a data set was reached, but no end-of-data-set routine (EODAD) was specified in the DCB. A dummy data was referenced for input but no end-of-data set routine (EODAD) was specified in the DCB. Explanation: The error occurred during end-of-volume for a data set on magnetic tape or an end-of-volume during concatenation. In the message text, 637-rc associates this message with system completion code 637 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss System Action: The task is terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the errors causing the abnormal termination as indicated by the return code in the message text. Then rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, item 1, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC0251 437-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred at an end-of-volume. In the message text, 437-rc associates this message with system completion code 437 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: jjj o job name IEC Messages - End-of-volume 165 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Return Code -04-- 08 Following user trailer label processing, an I/O error occurred positioning a magnetic tape. OC Concatenation of data sets with unlike attributes was detected, but not specified in the DCB (i.e., DCBOFLGS bit 4 is 0). 10 An I/O error occurred while positioning a magnetic tape volume at a label, if the volume has standard labels, or at the data, if the volume does not have labels. 14 3C An I/O error occurred while positioning a concatenated magnetic tape data set. If it has standard labels, the error occurred positioning at the labels. If it has no labels, the error occurred positioning at the data. 40 An I/O error occurred while positioning a magnetic tape data set that was opened with the option INPUT or INOUT. If it is a tape with standard labels, the error occurred positioning at the labels. If it is a tape with no labels, the error occurred positioning at the data. 44 An I/O error occurred while checking sense bytes to determine if a file protect ring is on a magnetic tape containing a data set opened for INOUT. 48 An I/O error occurred rewinding and unloading a magnetic tape volume in preparation for a look ahead mount. Meaning An I/O error occurred while reading a tape label, writing a tape mark, or positioning a magnetic tape volume. An I/O error in tape positioning occurred for a data set with the LEAVE option specified in the OPEN macro instruction or with the LEAVE option specified in the FEOV macro instruction. 18 An I/O error in tape positioning occurred for a data set opened with the REREAD option. 4C An I/O error occurred in tape positioning following user header label processing. 1C An I/O error occurred in tape positioning when FEOV is issued for a data set with DISP=PASS and no OPEN option 2 specified. 50 20 An I/O error occurred during a rewind and unload of a private magnetic tape volume. No option 2 is specified in the OPEN macro instruction and the DISP is not PASS. The second or subsequent member of concatenated tape data sets is either a GDG that had not been opened at the time it was catalogued, or contained a volume reference to a DD statement that contained a non-specific volume request. 24 28 An I/O error occurred rewinding a scratch magnetic tape volume. Either FEOV with a REWIND option was issued, or no OPEN option 2 was specified when the DISP was not PASS. An I/O error occurred during a rewind and unload of a magnetic tape volume. When the error occurred, the system was att~mpting to unload a volume from the device to allow the mounting of a required volume. 2C An I/O error occurred while rewinding a magnetic tape volume prior to verifying the volume label. 30 An I/O error occurred performing a rewind and unload when the wrong volume was mounted in response to message IEC001A. 34 An I/O error occurred during end-of-volume processing while reading the volume label of a magnetic tape volume. o System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. If the error is to be ignored, the system will attempt to close the DCB before returning to the user. Programmer Response: Probable user error unless I/O error has occurred. Correct the errors causing abnormal termination as indicated by the return code in the message text. Then rerun the job. If an I/O error has occurred, a defective volume or device may be the cause. Save the output £rom the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem, request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. If a specific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC0271737-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn 38 166 An I/O error occurred while positioning a tape without a label or with nonstandard labels. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Explanation: The error occurred during end-of-volume processing or during allocation of a o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o secondary quantity or direct access storage as requested in the SPACE parameter of the DD statement for the data set. In the message text, 737-rc associates this message with system completion code 737 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss step name ddn[-#l DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: Return Code -04-- Ci 08 An I/O error occurred reading a direct access volume label during end-of-volume processing. OC An I/O error was detected by BLDL while searching for the TTR of a concatenated member. Programmer Response: If an I/O error has occurred, a defect1ve volume or device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem, request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. If a specific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table I~, Format 3. IEC0281 837-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#1 ,ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred during end-of-volume for a sequential data set. In the message text, 837-rc associates this message with system completion code 837 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss 10 An I/O error occurred writing a file mark for a data set on a direct access device. 14 An I/O error occurred while reading a DSCB preparing for user trailer label processing. 18 An I/O error occurred reading the volume label on a 2321 Data Cell. step name ddn[-#l DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name 1C An I/O error occurred while reading a format 3 DSCB. The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: 20 An I/O error occurred during a look-ahead mount, and while reading a DSCB at end-of-volume. Return Code -04-- 24 28 30 o Meaning An I/O error occurred reading or writing a DSCB during end-of-volume processing. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. If the error is to be ignored, the system will attempt to close the DCB before returning to the user. A missing member name was detected by BLDL while searching for the TTR of a concatenated member. An I/O error occurred reading a format4 DSCB in preparation for reading a format 1 DSCB. Either 1) the TTR of the VTOC in the UCB is bad due to improper volume label verification, 2) the VTOC has been overlaid by other data, or 3) the disk has been demounted and another mounted when not requested. 08 Meaning An I/O error occurred while reading or writing a JFCB or JFCB extension block. No TTR was found for the ,JFCB extension. Specify more volume serial numbers or a larger volume count in the VOL parameter of the DD statement. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. If the error is to be ignored, the system will attempt to close the DCB before returning to the user. During end-of-volume processing when reading a FORMAT1 DSCB, the DSCB read did not have a FORMAT1 format id. IEC Messages - End-of-volume 167 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Pr0 Rerun the job sfecifying a different vclurre er device. If a scratch volume was being used wher: the I/O errcr cccurred, request a different vclume. If that does nct sclve the frcblerr, request a different device in the UNIT Fararoet€r cf the DD staterrent. If a Sf€cific vclume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT pararreter ef the CD statement. Rerun the job. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2S98 o Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. jjj IEC2111 314-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred during the execut10n of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. In the message text, 314-rc associates this message with system completion code 314 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: Return Code Meaning An I/O error occurred reading a ~ DSCB for a data set on a direct access device during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction. o 08 An I/O error occurred reading a format 1 DSCB during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction and standard user labels were specified. OC When reading a DSCB, the DSCB read did not have a Format 1 or Format 4 ID during the execution of a CLOSE macro instruction. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. Programmer Response: If an I/O error has occurred, a defective volume or device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem, request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC2121414-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn o fields in the message text are: Explanation: The error occurred during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. In the message text, 414-rc associates this message with system completion code 414 and with return code rc. Other job name sss step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: Return Code Meaning ~ An I/O error occurred writing a DSCB during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. Programmer Response: If an I/O error has occurred, a defect1ve volume or device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. If a specific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC2131 S14-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction. If the message text, 514-rc associates this message with system completion code 514 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name IEC Messages - Close 187 The values of rc and their rreanings are as follows: Return COde 04 Prcblem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, ForIr.at 3. o IEC21S1714-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#1,ddd,ser,dsn Meaning An I/O errcr occurred reading a JFCB during executicn of a CLCSE macro instruction. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. Prograromer Response: again. Execute the job step EXFlanation: The errcr occurred during executicn of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on Iragnetic tape. In the message text, 714-rc associates this message with systerr completion code 714 and with return code rc. other fields in the message text are: jjj job naIre sss Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC2141 614-rc, jjj.,sss,ddn (-#1 ,ddd, ser, dsn Explanation: 'Ihe error occurred during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. In the message text, 614-rc associates this message with system completicn code 614 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss .step name ddn (-#1 DDname (followed by a ccncatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the ccncatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their neanings are as follows: Return COde (j""4 Meaning An I/O error occurred writing a file mark for a data set on a direct access device during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction. system Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. Prograrrorr.er Response: If an I/O error has occurred, a defective vclume or device may be the cause. Save the out~ut from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the 1/0 error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem request a different device in the UNIT paraneter cf the DD statement. If a specific vclume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. 188 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) step nane ddn[-#1 DDname (fcllowed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenaticn and not the first DD statenent in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser vclume serial number dsn da ta set nane The values of rc and their neanings are as follows: Return Code 04 08 O"C Meaning An I/O errcr occurred writing trailer label 1 for a data set on magnetic ta~e during execution of C10SE Iracrc instructicn. An 1/0 errcr cccurred writing trailer label 2 for a data set on magnetic ta~e. An I/C errcr occurred writing a tape nark during execution of a CLOSE Iracrc instructicn. System Action: The task is terminated unless the errcr is to be igncred as specified in the DeE ABEND exit routine. PrcqraIrxer ResEcnse: If an 1/0 error has occurred, a defective volune cr device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job tc aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different vclume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the prcblem request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD stateroent. If a specific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT paraIreter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. PrdOlem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Forroat 3. 'IEC2161 A14-rc, jjj,sss,ddn( -#1 ,ddd,ser, dsn Explanation: The error occurred during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. In 0.·. Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o the message text, A14-rc associates this message with system completion code A14 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj jjj job name sss step name ddn [-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: Return Code Meaning ~ An I/O error occurred during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction attempting a partial release of space on a direct access device. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. () system completion code B14 and with return code rc. Other fields in the messaoe text are: Programmer Response: If an I/O error has occurred, a defective volume or device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem, request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. If a specific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. If rc is 08, check the console listing to insure the specific pack is still mounted and execute IEHDASDR for the VTOC of the pack in question. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 16,29., Table II, Format 3. job name sss step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn date set name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: Return Meaning Code A dupllcate name was found in the ~ directory of a partitioned data set. The close routine attempted to add a member name to the directory using the STOW macro instruction, but a code of 4 was returned, indicating that the member already exists. Specify a different member name, or remove the old member name using the IEHPROGM utility, or specify DISP=MOD on the DD statement. OC The close routine attempted to update the directory of a partitioned data set; however, a code of 12 was returned by the STOW macro instruction, . indicating that there is no space left in the directory. Copy the data set to a scratch volume, reallocate space for the data set specifying more directory blocks, and then copy it back using IEBCOPY. 10 An I/O error occurred trying to update the directory of a partitioned data set. 14 Specified data control block is not opened correctly as determined by the STOW macro instruction. 18 Conditional GETMAIN issued from the STOW macro instruction was unsuccessful. IEC2171 B14-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction for a partitioned data set opened for output to a member. In the message text, B14-rc associates this message with System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. o IEC Messages - Close 189 Prograrr.rr.er Response: Probable user error unless an I/O error has occurred. Correct the errors causing abnormal termination as indicated by the return code in the message text. Then rerun the job. If an I/O error has occurred, a defective volume or device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem, ~equest a different device in the UNIT paraneter of the DD statement. If a specific volume is needed" try requesting a different device in the UNI~ parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Fonnat 3. OC An I/O error occurred when writing the second tape mark following trailer labels during the execution of a CLOSE maoro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. 10 An I/O error occurred in tape positioning during exeoution of a CLOSE nacro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. A backspace file past the tape mark following trailer labels was being attenpted. 14 An I/O errer occurred in tape positicning during execution of a CLOSE nacre instruction with a TYPE=T cperand. The data set was opened with the opticns RDBACK and LEAVE cr INOUT and REREAD. 18 An I/O errcr occurred in tape positicning during execution of a CLOSE' nacrc instructicn with TYPE~T cperand. A fcrward space file was being performed past a tape nark preceding data for a data set with standard labels opened for RBBACR. 1C An I/O errcr occurred in tape positicning during execution of a CLOSE nacrc instruction with a TYPE=T cperand. A fcrward space file was being performed past a tape nark preceding data for a data set with no labels opened for RDEACK. IEC218I 117-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#1,ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: ~'he error occurred during execution of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T oFerand. In the message text" 117-rc associates this message ~ith system completicn code 117 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj sss job name step name ddn (-#1 DDname (followed by a ccncatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD staterr.ent in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name 20 An I/O, errcr cccurred in tape positiening during the execution of a CLOSE nacro instruction with a TYPE=T cperand for a data set with nc labels opened for input, or a data set with standard labels cpened for output. 24 An I/O errcr occurred in tape positicning during the execution of a CLOSE nacro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. A forward space file past a tape mark preceding the data was being attenpted. 28 An I/O errcr occurred in tape pos~tiering during execution of a CLOSE nacro instruction with a TYPE=T cFerand. A backspace file past the tape mark fcllowing data was being attempted for a data set cpened with the options INPUT and LEAVE. 2C An I/O error occurred in tape positicning during the execution of a CLOSE nacro instruction with a TYPE=T cperand. A tape mark was written following the last data record. During this operation, end-of-volume The values of rc and their Reanings are as follows: Return Code 04 08 190 Meaning An I/O error occurred writing a file mark for a data set on a direct access device during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction with a ~'YPE=T operand. A CLOSE macro instruction with a ~YPE=T operand was issued for a data set that was opened with the options RDBACK and LEAVE or INCUT and REREAD. An I/O error occurred in tape positioning while performing a forward space file past a tape mark. Messages' Codes (Release 21.7) () ;¥" '\, \l,o/ o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o condition was encountered. The close routine attempted to backspace file past the tape mark prior to calling EOV, and encountered an I/O error. 30 An I/O error occurred in tape positioning during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction following user trailer label processing. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. Programmer Response: If an I/O error has occurred, a defective volume or device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem, request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. If a specific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC2191217-rc ,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn o Explanation: The error occurred during execut10n of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. In the message text, 217-rc associates this message with system completion code 217 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: IEC2201 317-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred during execut10n of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand for a data set on a direct access device. In the message text, 317-rc associates this message with system completion code 317 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: Return Meaning Code An I/O error occurred reading a ~ DSCB during the execution of a CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. 08 When reading either a format 1 or 4 DSCB, the DSCB read did not have either a format 1 or format 4. Format ID during the execution of a close macro instruction with TYPE=T operand. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. jjj job name sss step name ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: Return Code Meaning ~ An I/O error occurred reading the JFCB during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. Programmer Response: step again. o Execute the job Programmer Response: If an I/O error has occurred, a defect1ve volume or device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem, request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. If a specific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC2211417-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred during execut10n of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand for a data set on a direct access device. In the message text, 417-rc associates this message with system completion code 417 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC Messages - Close 191 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Return Code Meaning ~ An I/O error occurred writing a tape mark following the last data record during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction'with a TYPE=T operand. jjj job name sss step name ddn [-#J DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name 08 An I/O error occurred during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand, writing trailer label or trailer label 2. OC An I/O error occurred writing the first tape mark following the trailer labels during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. 10 An I/O error occurred reading trailer label 1 in order to update the DCB block count during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: Return Meaning Code An I/O error occurred writing an ~ updated DSCB during execution of a CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in ,the DCB ABEND exit routine. System Action: The task is terminated unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. Programmer Response: If an I/O error has occurred, a defect1ve volume or device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Programmer Response: If an I/O error has occurred, a defect1ve volume or device may be the cause. Save the output from the failing job to aid in the analysis of the problem. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem, request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. If a specific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. Rerun the job specifying a different volume or device. If a scratch volume was being used when the I/O error occurred, request a different volume. If that does not solve the problem, request a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. If a specific volume is needed, try requesting a different device in the UNIT parameter of the DD statement. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC2221 717-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#J ,ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred during execution of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand for a data set on magnetic tape. In the message text, 717-rc associates this message with system completion code 717 and with return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: o Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. I IEC2231 rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#J ,ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred when the system discovered an invalid control block. In the message text, the fields are: rc the values of rc and their meanings are as follows: jjj Return Meaning Code ocr-- E1ther the data extent block (DEB) or the task control block (TCB) was incorrectly modified, or the DEB was not on the TCB DEB chain, or the protect key of the DEB in the DEBDEBID field was different from that of the TCBPKF field in the TCB. job name sss step name ddn [-#J DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name jjj job name sss step name The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: 192 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o ddn[-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name System Action: Processing is bypassed for the DCB in error. other DCBs in the CLOSE parameter list will be processed. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct any errors causing the control block(s) to be incorrectly modified. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Table II, Format 3. IEC225I rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn Explanation: The error occurred during execution of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. The macro instruction was issued for the specified data set, but an invalid condition was encountered, indicated by the return code rc. Other fields in the message text are: jjj job name sss step name ddn [-#] DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.) ddd device address ser volume serial number dsn data set name Password Security Messages IEC301A S{JOB jjj, STEP sss, DDNAME ddn [,CONC DSNAME dsn n]} Explanation: S indicates that the data set referred to in the message text is security protected, and a password is required before the data set can be accessed. If the message has the first format, a program is attempting to open the security protected data set defined ~n the DD statement whose data definition name is ddn; the data set is being opened by step sss of job jjj. If the data set is part of a concatenated data set, CONC n appears in the message text to identify the concatenation number or the sequence position of the data set in question. If the message has the second format, a program is attempting to scratch or rename the security protected data set. System Action: The system gives the operator two ~pportunities to supply a valid password. If both passwords are invalid, message IEC150I is issued and the task is terminated with a system completion code of 913. Operator Response: If the indicated OPEN, SCRATCH, or RENAME function is authorized, enter REPLY xx, 'yyyyyyyy', where yyyyyyyy is the programmer supplied password for the data set referred to in the message text. The password can have a maximum of eight characters. For a data set that is part of a concatenation, the password entered must be the one supplied for concatenation number n." If the indicated function is not authorized or if no password was supplied, cancel the job. If the program is attempting to scratch or remove the data set, a WRITE password must be supplied. IEC302I SYSCTLG I/O ERROR,ser,dsn The values of rc and their meanings are as follows: Explanation: An I/O error has occurred Catalog Management routines were reading or writing in the system catalog. In the message t"ext, 'ser' is the volume serial number of the volume containing the catalog that was being processed, and 'dsn' is the fully-qualified index level or data set name that was being processed. wh~le Return Code Meaning The DCB specified an invalid ~ DSORG. 04 The DCB was opened for input to a member of a partitioned data set. 08 The LEAVE option was specified for an invalid data set organization (input processing only). OC OUTPUT processing was request~d for an invalid data set organization. Operator Response: Report this message to the programmer responsible for the system. He should check the catalog for missing or damaged entries. 10 The REREAD option was specified for an invalid data set organization. Problem Determination: 25d, 28. System Action: Processing is bypassed for the DCB error. Other DCBs in the CLOSE (TYPE=T) parameter list will be processed normally. o Programmer Response: Probable user" error. Consult Data Management Macro Instructions, GC26-3784, correct the error and run the job again. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, 15, 19, -25b, 29. Table II, Format 3. System Action: The Catalog Management rout~ne ex~ts directly to the caller without performing any further processing on the catalog data set. Return code is 28. Table I, items 2, Checkpoint/Restart Messages IEC400A M ddd,ser/dsn Explanation: M indicates that a tape volume is to be mounted on device ddd for data set dsn. The ser is the six-digit serial number of the volume. IEC Messages - Checkpoint/Restart 193 Operator Response: Mount the volume on the device. Then, ready the device. IEC401A F ddd,ser/dsn Explanation: F indicates that the volume on device ddd for output data set dsn is file protected; that is, its file protection ring is not inserted, so it can only be read. However, the volume is to be written on. The ser is the six-digit serial number of the volume. System Action: The system rewinds and unloads the volume. Operator Response: Insert a file protection ring in the volume, mount the volume, and ready the device. IEC402D F ddd,ser/dsn Explanation: F indicates that the volume on device ddd for input/out~ut data set dsn is file protected; that is, its file protection ring is not inserted, so it can only be read. However, the volume is to be written on. The ser is the six-digit serial number of the volume. Operator Response: If the volume should be file protected, enter REPLY xx,·U'. If the volume must have a file protection ring, enter REPLY xx,'F'; the system will rewind and unload the volume. Then insert a file protection ring in the volume, mount the volume, and ready the device. IEC403A M ddd,ser Explanation: M indicates that a direct access volume is to be mounted on device ddd. If ddd is followed by a slash, the number after the slash is the bin number of a 2321 device. ''Ihe ser is the six-digit serial nunber of the volume. Operator Response: Mount the volume on the device. Then, ready the device. Direct Access Device Space Management Messages IEC601D M ddd,ser REPLY=SKIP VOL OR MOUNTING Explanation: M indicates that a volume is to be mounted on device ddd, so that a data set can be scratched. 'Ihe ser is the 6-digit serial number of the volume to be mounted. If the volume cannet be mounted and the job step must net ccntinue unless the data set or volune is scratched, terminate the job step. c Tape Label Creation Messages IEC701D M ddd, V01UME TO EE LAEELED ser EXFlanation: M indicates that a volume is to be meunted cn device ddd. If ser is a 6-digit serial Dumber, a standard label containing the serial number will be written on the vcluIre. If ser is absent, a nenstandard label will be written on the velume. .., . OFerator Respense: Fer the first of this message, mount a volume on device ddd, ready the device, and enter REPLY xx,'M'. The vclume Rcunted should be a scratch vclume, unless the programmer su~plied a volune tc be used. ~~nce If this message is reFeated inmediately after message IEC7031 a label cannot be written on the vclun.e because the volume is file pretected: • If the volune is tc be labeled, insert a file ~rotecticn ring in the vclume, mount the vclune, ready the device, and enter REPLY xx, 'M' • • If the volune is nct to be labeled, demount the vclune, mount a new scratch volume with a file ~roteeticn ring, ready the device, and enter REPLY xx, 'M'. • If cnly this nessage is repeated, enter REPLY xx,'S'. Re~crt the message sequence to the ~rcgramner. Problem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 2, 15, 28, 29. Table II, Fornat 3. IEC7031 ddd, VOLUME IS FILE PROTECTED EXFlan~tig!!: The vclume file ~rotected; that is, on dev ice ddd is its file pretection ring is net inserted, so it can only be read. A label cannot be written on the volune. syste!LAction: The systeIr rewinds and unloads the volune. IIrmediately or in a shcrt time, the system issues message IEC701D. Operator Respcnse: Respond as indicated for message IE:C701I:, which follO\t1s this message. IEC704A L ddd Operator Response: If the volume can be mounted, enter REPLY xx, 'MOUNTING'; then, mount the volume and ready the device. If the volume cannot be mounted but the job step is to continue, enter REPLY xx, 'SKIP VOL'; the system will ignore the volume. 194 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7> EXFlanation: L indicates that label infornation is required for the output ta~ veluIre IrouDted cn device ddd. systeIr_Action: The system will write a standard volune label containing infornation su~~lied by the o~erator. o Operator Response: Enter REPLY xx, 'ser"yyyy' where ser is the 1 to 6 character serial nu~ber of the volume and yyyy consisting of 1 to 10 characters specifying the owner's name or similar identification. (The yyyy field may be omitted.) ~he 1 to 6-character volume serial number may include s~ecial characters but not embedded blanks or commas. The 1 to 10-characters of the owner-identification is not so restricted. If the tape volume is net to be used, enter REPLY xx, 'M '. IEC7051 TAPE ON ddd, ser IS labtyp,den BPI Explanation: A standard vol \IRe label ha s been created, rewritten, or destroyed on output tape mounted on device dQd. In the message text, ser is the serial number of the volume. The volume has the type of label specified by labtyp: SL for standard label, NSL for nonstandard latel, or NL for no label; the density is as specified by den. Operator Response: At the end of the job, make any necessary changes to the contents label. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2" 15, 28, 29. Table II, Fo:nnat 3. o BTAM/QTAM Messages IEC8011 Ina T.BRESBOLD 'lRANS=nnn DC=nnn IR=nnn TO=nnn Explanation: During QTAM or BTAM certain errors before a specified transmission count was reached on a line. The errors are data check errors, intervention required errors" or non-text time-out errors. In the message text, the fields are: Ina Line address, in hexadecimal,. TRANS=nnn Number of transmissions, in decimal, before an error threshold was reached. DC=nnn Numbe'r of data check errors, in decimal, in the abcve number of transmissions. IR=nnn Number of intervention required errors, in decimal, in the above number of transmissions.. TO=nnn Number of non-text time-out errors, in decimal, in the above number of transmissions. o Operator Response: None. IEC8021 Ina LINE TOTALS TRANS=nnnnnnnn DC=nnnnn IR=nnnnn TG=nnnnn Explanation: This message is ~rodueed, at the request of the user, to indicate total counts for a line being used in BTAM precessing. In the message text, the fields are: Ina Line address, in hexadecimal. TRANS=nnnnnnnn Total nunber cf trans~issions, in decimal. DC=nnnnn Total nu~ber ef data check errors, in decimal. IR=nnnnn Total nunber ef intervention required errors, in deci~al. TC=nnnnn Total nunber ef non-text time-out errors, in deci~,al. Cperator Response: None. IEC804A Ina CONTROL UNIT NOT OPERATIONAL. CCl-."T OR POST REPLY Ex~lanation: A net eperatienal SIO conditien occurred in a line during B~AM or QTAM processing. In the message text, Ina is the line address. cperator Respense: Make sure the control unit is operatienal. Enter one of the fcllowing replies: • REPLY xx,' CCNT'. The systen: retries the condition. If the retry is successful, ~rocessing ccntinues; if the retry is not successful, this message is issued again. • REPLYxx,'POST', fer BTAM. The operation IS ~ested comple-with-error and the not-e~erational SIO bit will be en in the DECERRST field of the data event centrel bleck (DECB). • REPLY xx,'POST', fer QTAM. The system igncres the line until a STAR~N macro instruction is issued or sent. If a re~ly is net entered before the requesting job is canceled, the system may enter wait state. If the ~roblem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. IEC8051 I/O ERROR - CBECRPOINTS TERMINA~ED Explanation: Ar. uncerrectable errer eccurred while writing the current checkpcint record in the checkpoint data set. The record could not be written. in~ut/output Syste~ Action: Prccessing continues, but no checkpoint reccrds are written. Cperator Respcnse: Either allOW the job to continue, or restart the jet at the last checkpoint by reloading the program. If the job is restarted, processing will continue as usual and checkpoint records will be written as s~ecified. IEC Messages - BTAM/QTAM 195 Problem Determinaticn: 2, 3, 5a, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEC8061 Ina, LINE UNAVAILABLE, ENDING STATUS NCT RECEIVED Explanation: The error occurred during execution of the QTAM oFen line group. The line, Ina, failed tc return ending status to commands within 30 seconds. Operator Response: Check the control unit to determine whether the line is in CE mode. If the line is in CE mode, it should be taken out of that mode, ending status should be sent for that command, and the line should be restarted. To send ending status fcr that command, the customer engineer should return the following sequence: Channel End Device End Unit Check Equipment Check To restart the line, the aFFrcpriate message must be sent to a Q~M message processing program. The message processing program will then issue a STARTLN macro instructicn fcr that line. If the system has the operatcr control facility, a S'I'AR'l'LN operator control message for that line may be entered directly from the teleccmmunications control terminal. If the line is not in CE mode and the problem recurs, call IB~ for hardware support,. id Terminal identification sequence of the terninal tc which the ETAM-transrritted test message or request-fcr-test message was sent, for multiFcint terminals only. Operatcr Respcnse: Ncne. o IEC8081 cuu ONLINE TEST xx yy tt 11 dd Explana~ion: This Ressage reForts the results of an cnline test in which BTAM receives test rressages from a remote ccmputer or terrrinal. This message aFFears once f cr each online test, fcllowing receiFt cf all test messages frcm the remote ccnfuter or terminal. In the message text, the fields are: cuu Address cf the comnunication line (channel and unit>. xx Test type sfecified in the request-fcr-test n:essage received frcm the renote ccmputer or terminal. yy Number of test rressage transmissions received frem the remote ccmputer or terminal. tt Number of time-cut errors that occurred while receiving test rr,essages. 11 Number of lest-data errors that occurred while receiving test messages. dd Number cf data checks that occurred while receiving test rressages. Operator Respense: () Ncne. IEC8071 cuu ONLINE TEST xx yy tt nn id IEC8091 Ina CeNTROL UNIT NOT OPERATIONAL Explanation: This rressage reForts the results of an online test in which BTA~ sends test messages to a remote computer or terminal, or in which BTAM sends a request-for-test message specifying a test type (X field) of O. This message appears once for each online test, fcllowing transmission of all requested test messages. In the message text, the fields are: cuu Address of the communication line (channel and unit). xx Test type specified in the request-for-test message. yy Number of test message transmissions requested, as specified by the Y field of the request-for-test message. tt Number of time-out errors that occurred during the test message transm~ssions. nn Number of NAK responses to BTAM-transmitted test messages. 196 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Explanation: This message indicates that a not operaticnal SIO conditien occurred in a line during BTAM or QTAM Frocessing. In the message text, Ina is the line's address. Operator Respense: Reactivate the aFFroFriate ccntrcl unit. IEC815I{CUU tttt yy ERS Z } cuu xx tttt TERESHL~ cuu xx tttt·yy eeee zzzz yy eeee zzzz yy eeee zzzz yy eeee zzzz cuu ww tttt eeeeeee zzzz eeeeeee zzzz eeeeeee zzzz eeeeeee zzzz Explanation: This rressage prevides the results of a scan ef the errcr file of an IEM 2715 Transrrissien Contrcl unit. The scan cccurs when the error threshold for one of the area staticns connected to the 2715 is exceeded (threshold value is eight) or when rranually requested at the 2715, the 2740 terminal attached to the 2715, or the central systerr ccnsole. B'IAM prints the message cn the master ccnsole, the teleprocessing ccnsole, or the system maintenance ccnscle, depending cn the rcuting code sFecified at the 2715. 0' o In all four formats of the rressage text, cuu is the address in EBCDIC of the communications line (channel and unit), xx is the address in hexadecimal of the area station for which the error scan is reported, tttt is the time (0001 - 2400) when the error occurred, and ww is the address in hexadecirral cf a Farticular adapter within the 2715. Fields appearing uniquely within a message fcrmat are described below. The first format of the message is issued when five or more of the eight errors involved a particular one of the devices attached to the area staticn. In the message text, yy is the address in hexadecimal of the device for which the errors occurred, and z is the number of errors (frorr, decilfa 1 5 to 8) that occurred for the device. The second forlfat of the message indicates that the threshold value of eight has teen reached for the area staticn whose address is xx, but that no one device attached to the station accounted fcr as many as five of the errors. o The third format of the message is issued twice whenever an error scan for a particular area station is rranually requested at the 2715, the 2740 terminal attached to the 2715, or the central system console. The address of device yy for which the error data eeee was recorded at time zzzz is given fcur times in each message; the two messages tcgether thus provide information about the eight most recent error occurrences for area station xx. The fourth format of the message is issued twice whenever an error scan for a particular 2715 adapter is manually requested at the 2715, the 2740 terminal attached to the 2715, or the central systeIt console. 'The error data eeeeeee for adapter ww recorded at time zzzz is given four times in each message; the two messages together thus Frovide information about the eight most recent error occurrences for adaFter ww. Operator Response: ~O MODULE Explanation: The module xxxxxxxx is an OPEN/CLOSE/EOV Problem Determination routine. It did not recognize the passed abnormal termination code, so i t issued an Fxx abnormal termination code where xx= for for for for OPEN or OPEN CLOSE CLOSE TYPE=T EOV or FEOV TYPE=~ Register 12 contains the abnormal termination code passed to the module. o System Action: I IEC9011 UNABLE TO RECOVER tUE TO I/O ERR ON JCEQUEUE EXFlanation: An errcr was encountered in CPEN/CLOSE/EOV and recovery was attempted. During the reccvery attempt, an I/O error occurred reading cr writing a JFCB extensicn block. Syste!L~£:tion: The task is terlf:inated with the systerr ccrrFletion code of the earlier error unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABENt exit routine. FrograItrrer ResFcnse: Correct the errors causing recovery tc te atterepted. Then resubrrit the jct. Problem teterrrir.aticn: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Tatle II, Fcrlfat 3. IEC950I 003-x 3525 ASSOCIATEt tATA SEQUENCE ERROR SE~ I/O .§lli~natio!!: This is an eXFlanatory rressage for the system coroFleticn code 003. A sequence I/O error has occurred fcr a 3525 reader Funch. In the message text, x defines the nature of the error. • If x is 1, the error occurred because of a READ I/O sequence error. • If x is 2, the error occurred because of a PUNCH I/O sequence error. • If x is 3, the error occurred because of a PRINT I/O sequence error. System Action: task. The system terminates the frogramlfer Re§Fcnse: Probable user error. SFecify the I/O Ifacrc instructicns in the Froper sequence and rerun the jct. Prcblem Deterlfinaticn: Sa, 15, 16:-29:------- Table I, items 1, None. IEC900I INVALlt ABEND CODE PASSED xxxxxxxx 13 14 17 37 Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 4, 5a, 7b, 16, 29. ~able II, F'ormat 3. IEC9511 004 INVALIt FORMAT CARt OR INVALIt DEVICE FCR OMR EXFlanation: Either the fcrrrat card for Read Column Elilfinate (RCE) or for Optical Mark Read (OMR) is invalid, or the device indicated with OMR is ineligitle for OMR. Register 15 has the return code X'05.' Systerr Action: task. The systelf terreinates the Programmer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Verify the referenced fields and rerun the job. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 5a, 15, 16, 29. Table I, items 1, The task is terminated. lEe Messages - BTAM/Q~'AM 197 IEC9521 004 CONF·LIC'IING/INVALID DCB FUNC OR RELATED PARAME'IER Explanation: 'Ihis is an eXFlanatory message for system ccmFleticn code 004. A conflicting or invalid DCB Farameter (FUNC or related parameter) was sFecified. The contents of register 15 indicate the nature of the error: Register 15 Contents in Hexadecimal '01' Explanaticn An invalid DCB FUNC parameter was specified. E~arrrrer ResFcnse: Prorable user error. Verify the referenced fields and rerun tte jcb. Prcblem Deterninaticn: Sa, 15, 16, 29. An invalid corrbination of the DCB FUNC Farameter and CNTRL macro instruction was specified. Conflicting associated data set access methods were specified. , 04' System Action: task. 198 An invalid DCB was specified with a 3505 or 3525. The system terminates the Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Table I, items 1, IEC9531 004 DATA PROTECTICN IMAGE NOT FCUND ~~~na~!£n: This is an eXFlanatory message for the systew corrpletien code 004. A data prctectien irrage was not fcund. This is indicated by a X' 06·' return code in register 15. The image was nct feund fcr cne of tbe fcllcwing reasens: 1. '02' 0' 2. 3. It is not in the SYS1.IMAGELIE data set. The vclurre centaining SYS1.IMAGELIB is not rreunted. The SYS1.IMAGELIB data set is not cataloged. Systerr Action: task. ·The systerr terminates tte PrograRrrer ResFcnse: Prorarle user error. Verify the referenced fields and rerun the job. Preblem Deterninaticn: Sa, 15, 16, 29. Table I, items 1, o o Telecommunications Access Method Messages (lED) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I I Component Name I IFD I r-i;~~~~--------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Program Producing Message I TCAM (Telecommunications Access Method) I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For operator: console I I I I I For system programmer: I I I I I I I I I I I nnn Message serial number. I I s Type code: I A Action; operator must perform a s~ecified action. I D Decision; operator n.ust cheose an alternative. I I I Informa~ion; no operator action is required. console or operator centrel statien. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Message Format I xx IEDnns I I xx Message identifier (absent, if operater re~ly not required). I I I t o ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I IBM system/360 Cperating-.2yste!r: I~ I ~CAM Programmer's Guide and Reference Manual, GC30-2024. I~ I ~CAM User's Guide, GC30-2025. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI ef this publicatien for problem I lI _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ JI determination instructions. I Associated Publications I I ~ r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I I I ***IED9nn: I Program Producing Message I I Assembler program during expansion of TCAM ness age handler macro I instructions. I I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f assembler listing in SYSPRINT data set. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format Iss, ***IED9nn text I ss severity code indicating effect of errer en executien of program I being assembled: I * Information only, does net affect execution. I 4 warning; successful execution probable. I 8 Error; execution nay fail. I 12 Serious error; successful executien iWfrobable. I 16 Terminal error; successful executien im~ossible. I I Audience and Where Produced I For system programmer: I Message serial number. I nn I text Message text. ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I IBM System/360 Operating ~vsten:: I I ~CAM Programmer's Guide and Reference Manual, GC30-2024.. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in par~ VI of this publicaticn for problem I Il _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI I Associated Publications I ~ IED001I TCAM JOB jjj,sss,proc ADDRESS OF AVT addr o Explanation: A TCAM Message Control Program (MCP) identified in the message text by the job name jjj, the step name sss, and the procedure step name proc , is being started. In the message text, addr is the absolute address in main storage of the beginning ef the Address Vector (AVT) • System Action: ~able Precessing continues. Prcgrammer Respense: None. Operator Respense: Nene required. ~his address may be used to alter the MCP from IEL Messages - TCAM 199 the console, if requested by the systems programmer. Explanation: At least one cf the following operands has been emitted from the INTRO macro instruction: STARTUP=(S=>, KEYLEN=(K=), LNUNITS=(B=) or, if BISK=YES is coded in INTRO, CPB=(D=). If any of these cperan~ is omitted from the INTRO rracro instruCt~on at asserrbly, it must be specified at execution time. System Action: The system enters a wait state until the proper response is received. The message will then be repeated until the required keywords and "U" are specified. Programmer Response: If the operator enters REPLY xx,·u·, the system will issue message IED004A, which identifies and asks for the mi'ssing keyword, unless ·u I is the missing keyword. Provide the required values according to the directions for dynamic specificaticn of IN~RO operands at INTRO execution time as provided in the TCAM Programmer's Guide (GC30-2024). Operator Response: Enter the Values for the required operands that were omitted and for other INTRO operands according to the detailed directions for dynamic specification of INTRO operands that should have been provided by the system programmer. If the system programmer has not provided the information, contact him. Table I, items 2, IED003A INVALIB KEYWORD xxxx Explanation: An invalid response keyword has been entered in a response to message IED002A. In the message text, xxxx represents the four characters of the unrecognizable keyword. System Action: The system enters a wait state until the respense is received. Programmer ResFcnse: Provide the operator with the necessary information to complete the response. Operator Respense: Probable user error. Enter a value fer the specified operand in your response tc this rr,essage. If the system prograrrrrer has not provided you with this inforrratien, contact him. Problem Deterninatien: 10, 29. Tatle I, items 2, IED005A MSUNITS (M) SPECIFICATION NOT CONTINUE RESPONSE The system enters a wait response is provided. All right of the unidentified are igncred. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter a new response, respecifying the keyword in error, if required. Since all operands to the right of the keyword in error are ignored, all such operands must be respecified. Problem Determination: 10, 29. Table I, items 2, IED004A REQUlREB PARAMETER MISSING. System Action: The system enters a wait state until the respcnse is ccntinued. ProgramEer Respcnse: If a message queues data set in rrain stcrage is required, cancel the job, code a positive int'eger in the MSUNITS= operand cf the INTRO macro instruction, and reassemble and reexecute the MCP. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) _~_ 0 '\ Operator Respcnse: Prcbable user error. Either continue with the respcnse, or contact the system prcgrarrrrer for inforrration. Prcblem Deterninatien: 10~9:--------------- Table I, items 2, RESPECIFY xxx The keyword indicated ty xxx was coded with an incorrect value in the operatcr's respense tc the previous message. E,ither a decimal value was not within an acce~able range, or a non-decimal integer was coded when a decimal value was needed, or a character string more than eight characters long was coded. Ex~nation: Systerr Action: The systerr, enters a wait state until the respcnse is entered. All keywords to the right of the invalid keyword are ignered. SPECIFY xxx Explanation: A "U" has been coded at the end of a response to message IEDOO2A at execution time, indicating that all operands have been specified, but a value has not yet been specified for one or more of the following operands: 200 PERMI~'IED. EXFlanation: Either MSUNI~S=O was coded in the INTRO nacro instruction or the MSUNITS= operand was omitted from the INTRO macro instructicn. As a result, the operator nay net assign buffer units to a main storage rressage queues data set in response to the rressage IED002A. IED006A INVALID OPERAND ON KEYWORD. System Action: state until the keywords to the four characters () In the message text, xxx is the name of the missing operand. IED002A SPECIFY TCAM PARAMETERS Problem Determination: 10, 29. STARTUP=, KEYLEN=, LNUNITS= or, if DISK=YES is ceded, CPB=. Programrer ResFense: Provide a valid value for the inccrrect keyword. 0Ferator Respcnse: Prcbable user error. Enter a new respcnse" specifying (if required) the keywcrd with a valid value. Since all keywerds tc the right of the one 0 ,' Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o in error are ignored, all such keywords should also be respecified. If you do not know what a valid value is, notify the system programmer. Problem Determination: 10, 29. xxx-y Console Code 040-1 DEBCORE 02 040-2 DEVLINE 03 040-3 NOTPDEV 04 040-4 CTLUNIT 05 040-5 BRIXUCB 06 040-6 DEVCHAR 07 040-7 LCBCORE 08 040-8 SCBCORE 09 040-9 BSCINER 11 040-A NVALUCB 12 040-B HPSZLRG 13 040·-C NODATST Code in Reg. 0 --0-1- 'l Table I, items 2, IED007I xxx IS AN ILLEGAL DESTINATION Explanation: This message is generated whenever the terminal name table sort routine is unable to calculate a valid offset into the terminal name table after it has been sorted into collating sequence. The destination named in the message to be in an invitation, cascade or distribution list. A terminal which has been specified as an alternate destination by the ALTDEST= operand of a TERMINAL or TPROCESS macro instruction, or a station that does not have the capability to accept messages will also generate this message. System Action: A return code of X '10' is passed to the initialization routine (IEDQOA) in register 15. IEDQOA does not call any of the other INTRO non-resident initialization routines but writes out the error message IED0651 and returns to INTRO which passes control to the next instruction. Programmer Response: Probable user error. The incorrect ALTDEST= operand (indicated by xxx), or the invalid cascade or distribution list entry (indicated by xxx) should be corrected, and the message control program should be reassembled and executed again. Problem Determination: 10, 29. I Table I, items Sa, IED0081 TCAM OPEN ERROR cde-y descriptor IN DCB ddn Explanation: In attempting to open the data set represented by the DD statement named zzz, TCAM's Open Executors encountered an error. xxx is a threedigit code indicating what type of data set was being opened when the error was encountered. possible codes and their meanings are as follows: Code 040 041 Explanation The error occurred in opening a line group data set. The error occurred in opening a message queues data set. In the message text, y is a reason code naming the specific error that was encountered, and descriptor is a one-word abbreviation corresponding to y. If no asynchronous error routine is provided, the value in register 0 following the ABEND will be meaningless. possible values for y upon entry to the user's asynchronous error routine are: Meaning There is not enough main storage to build a data extent block (DEB) for a line group data set. Incompatible stations are specified in the same line group. The device class field of the first unit control block (UCB) for a station in the line group specifies something other than telecommunications or graphics. An unsupported control unit is specified for this line group. The adapter-type and model-code bits in a unit control block (UCB) specify something other than those devices supported by TCAM. The device characteristics specified for stations in this line group are not consistent with the devices specified on the DD statement. There is not enough main storage to build a line control block. (LCB) for a line group. There is not enough main storage to build a station control block (SCB) for a switched line. The binary synchronous interface specified in the data control block does not agree with that specified in a unit control block (UCB) for a line in this line group. No valid unit control block (UCB) addresses were found for this line group; all UCB addresses checked were zero. The sum of the header prefix size plus the number of bytes reserved in the first buffer of each message by the RESERVE= operand of the line group DCB macro is equal to, or greater than, the size of the buffers assigned to the lines in the group for input; thus, there is no room in the buffers for data. There is no data set for the type of queuing o lED Messages - TCAM 201 14 040-D 15 040-E 16 040-F 17 040-G NOLINES RELINEO CHAR ERR DSPAREA 18 040-E INVLIST OA 041-1 DISKAVT 041-2 OB 202 REYLNGR OC 041-3 DEVUCBS OD 041-4 QUEUING OE 041-5 MDEBCOR specified by the terminal table entry for a line or line group. 'Ihe QUEUES= operand of a TERMINAL macro specified an unopened data set because each terminal entry for each line in this line group specified an unopened data set. The data set for this line group cannot be opened. A queue control block (QCB) was found that specified a relative line number of zero. The opticnal features specified in the unit control block (UCB) do not agree with those reflected in the device characteristics entry for thi s line,. There was not enough nain storage to specify a GETMAIN request to build a ~CAM control area in the subpool. An invitation list is not specified for each line in the line group. An incorrect length is specified for the address vector ta~le (AVT) in order to support switched nessage queUing. Disk queuing is specified in a DCB macro defining a message queues data set, but the INTRC nacro that generates the AVT specifies DISR=NO. The key length specified by the REYLEN= cperand of the INTRO macro does not agree with the key length specified in the IEDQDATA DD statement of the IEDQXA utility used to format the nessage queues data set. Dissimilar disk types are defined for message queuing. The OPTC~'= operand for this DCB specifies something other than reusable or nonreusa~le queUing,. A GE~IN macro was issued by TeAM to obtain main storage to build a data extent block (DEB) for a nessage queues data set, but there was not enough main storage to satisfy the request. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) OF 041-6 MIOECOR 10 041-7 NOFORMT 17 041-G DSPAREA A GETMAIN n,acro was issued ~y TCAM to o~tain Rain storage to tuild input/output blocks (lOBs) for a message queues data set, but there was not enough main storage to satisfy the request. The message queues data set was allocated ~ut net fornatted cerrectly; the last record number written en a track is zero. There was not enough main storage to satisfy a GETMAIN request to build a TCAM control area in the subpool. System Action: The action taken depends upon the return ccde provided by the user's asynchrencus error routine. If no error routine is previded, TCAM will terminate with the system corr.pletion code indicated in the message text by xxx. programmer ResFense: Probable user error. No action is required if the programmer has provided a user ABEND entry in the prdQlem progran exit list named by the EXIST= operand ef the rCB nacro instruction whcse rr statement is named zzz. The routine specified by the entry is given contrel fron the TCAM open Error Handler routine. If nc user routine is provided, TCAM issues an ABEND macro instruction fer the MCP causing it to terminate abnernally with the system ccmpletion code indicated in the message text by xxx. Programmer respenses for possible values fcr yare: 01 xxx-y Console Code 040-1 DERCORE 02 040-2 DEVLINE 03 040-3 NOTPDEV 04 040-4 CTLUNIT 05 040-5 BRIXUCE 06 040-6 DEVCEAR Code in ~ :i PrograIrmer Response specify a larger region cr partiticn size on the JOB statement for the MCP. Specify sinilar stations in the line group; reassemble and rerun the MCP. Check the addresses specified in the line group DD statements to be sure that the line addresses are valid. Check the addresses specified in the line group DD statements to be sure that the line addresses are valid. Check the addresses specified in the line group DD statements to be sure that the line addresses are valid. Check the addresses specified in the line group DD statements to be sure that the line addresses are valid. o o 07 040-7 LCBCORE 08 040-8 SCBCORE 09 040-9 ESCINER 11 040-A NVALUCB 12 040-B BPSZLRG 13 040-C NODA'!ST o 14 o 040-D NOLINES 15 040-E RELINEO 16 040-F' CBARERR 17 040-G DSAREA 18 040-B INVLIST Specify a larger region or partition size on the JOB statement for the MCP. specify a larger region or partition size on the JOB statement for the MCP. Check the type of interface specified in the INVLIS'l'= operand of the DCB rracro against the bit settings specified in the UCBs for each line in this line grou{:. Specify DD statements with valid UNI'!= operands. Specify a larger buffer size for input on the BUFSIZE= and BUFIN= operand of the line group DCB macro, reassemble and rerun the job. (If a DD state1l'ent is used instead cf specifying the RESERVE= operand, a reassembly is not required.> If main-storage queuing is being used, verify that data sets were provided at INTRC execution time; if disk queuing is being used, ensure that the disk rressage queues data sets are opened before opening any line grou{:s. If main-storage queuing is being used, verify that data s.ets lIiere provided at INTRC execution time; if disk queuing is being used, ensure that the disk rressage queues data sets are opened before opening any line groups. Each TERMINAL macro rrust specify an unframed decimal integer between 1 and 255, inclusive (zero is invalid> • Verify that all DD statements specify the correct type of UCB for the lines being opened. specify a larger region or partition size on the JOB statement for the MCP. Either remove excessive DD cards or reassemble the MCP with an invitaticn list included for each line in the group. OA 041-1 tISKIWT OB 041-2 KEYLNGR OC 041-3 tEVUCES OD 041-4 QUEUING OE 041-5 MDEECCR OF 041-6 MIOECCR 10 041-7 NOFCRMT 17 041-G DSAREA specify DISK=YES in tr.e INTRO nacro, reassenble, and execute again. Reassemble the job with the proper length specified in the KEYLEN= operand of the INTRO nacre and rerun the MCP, or restart the TCAM job and override the KEYLEN= value by entering REPLY xx, 'K=nn U' to nessage IEDOO2A, or reformat the disk to ~he pro{:er key length using the IEDQXA utility and rerun the MCP. Ensure that the disk ty{:es specified for ness age queuing are siIrilar. Check and correct the ccntents of the DCB field. s{:ecify larger region or {:artiticn size on the JOB statement for the MCP. s{:ecify a larger region er partiticn size on the JOB statement for the MCP. Reformat the data set using the IEDQXA utility and rerun the MCP job. specify a larger region cr partitien size on the JOB statement for the MCP. a Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 10, 29. Table I, items Sa, IED009I CHECKPOINT DISK ALLOCATION ERROR - r:ATA SET NCT OPENEt Exklanation: The aneunt of disk space specified on the r:t statenent for the check{:oint data set is insufficient for rr.inirr.ulf: check{:cint requiren.ents. 'Ihe check{:oint data set is not opened. §ysterr. Action: The checkpoint facility is not available tc the Message Contrel Prcgrarr (MCP). Linited precessing continues withcut checkpoint. PrcqraImer Res kcnse: Probable user error. If the checkpoint facility is required, terminate the MCP, reallocate the checkpoint data set giving it more space, and run the MCP job again with DISP=NEw coded in the r:r: statement for the check{:oint data set. Problem Deterrrination: 10, 29. Table I, items Sa, lEt Messages - TCAM 203 G I IED010I CHECKPOINT - INSUFFICIENT CORE DATA SET NOT OPEN xxx } ENVIRON xxx INCIDENT xxx { CKREQ name xxx INCIDENT RECORD IGNORED Explanation: A GETMAIN macro instruction issued by a checkpoint routine cannot te satisfied because insufficient main-storage is available. The xxx qualifier is the nunber of bytes of storage requested. For a checkpoint request record the name qualifier is the name of the process entry in the terminal table for which a check~oint request record would have been taken had sufficient main storage been available. System Action: If the data set was not opened, processing will continue without the checkpoint facility. If the data set has been opened successfully, the checkpoint record indicated in the message was not taken, but the check~oint facility is still active and will ccntinue processing, or the incident record was not used by TCAM in reconstructing the environment during restart. Proqramrr.er Response: Probable user error. Specify a larger region or ~artition and do a TCAM warm restart. A warm restart uses th~ checkpoint facility to recreate the environment prior tc a normal closedo'lilin. The warn: restart is specified as the STARTUP=w operand of the INTRC macro instruction or as a REPLY xx,'s=w,U' response to message IEDOO2A. Problem Determination: Obtain an ABEND dump of the Message Control Program taken immediately after the error message 'lilias issued. Prcbelm Deternir:aticn: If a ncn-z ero systeir-interval is s~ecified and this resporlseis received, check'Tatle I, items o 2, 29. Have a listing cf the Message Ccntrol Program availatle. ijave the conscle listing cr the terminal listing for the device which entered the ccnnand availatle. IED012I ~SC SESSIC~ ON'LINE xxx COMMAND REJECTED EXFlanation: ,Ar. c~eiator connand to stop the line xxx' has teen entered, tUt a TSO sessicn is currently in prcgress cn the line.' , SysteJr Action: The conmand is rejected. Ncrmal ~roces$ing ccntinuEs. c}:erator' R~spCll~e: Ncne. Infcrmation only. If tIle l1ne lI'ust: stil~te stopped, wait until -the TSO session has teen ccnpleted and reentex the cCl\'nand. PrOblem Deterninaticn: ,Table I, items 2, 10,29. If TSC is net ql:h:ently activE, Or if xxx in the resI:cme does nOt agrEe with the value sJ;ecified in the cOR)mand. Instruct the terninal user tc retain the terminal listing cr record what is currently dis~layed en the gra~hics device. IED0131 STCP REQUEST lOR SELl - VARY COMMAND REJECTEr: ~!.E!!!!2.ticn= An c~erator cOJrnand to stop a line was entered, tut the line s~EcifiEd is associated with the station that entered the ccnnand. §yste!LAction: ~he line is nct Ncrmal processinq ccntinues. o stc~ped. IEDOllI SYSTEM INTERVAL CANNOT BE ALTERED Explanation: A system interval of zero or no system interval at all was s~ecified in the INTVAL= operand of the INTRO macro instruction or in the o~ratcr's response to a message issued at execution time, or the Time-sharing Option CTSO) is active and an operator command was entered to modify the value of the interval, The interval, a time during which ~olling and addressing are suspended on multipoint lines to polled stations, cannot be altered. System Action: The requested action is not taken. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: If the interval feature is required', clcse dcwn the system. Either reassenble with a positive value specified in the INTVAL= operand of the INTRO macro instruction and restart, or restart the job with a ncn-zero v~lue provided in the REPLY xx,'I=nn,U' response to message IEDOOIA. If the interval feature is not required, refrain from entering the MODIFY id, INTERVAL=SY,STEM [, nn] operator commands. 204 Messages 6 Codes (Release 21.7) IED0141 TCAM ALREAI:Y iN SYSTEM ~!Flanatio~: The TCAM initialization ~cutine has detected·the ~resence of ancther,Message Ccntxcl Prcgran- CMep) in this systen. Initia~izaticn cf the seocnd.MCP is.terninated. A return code of X, 04' is returnec:3 tc the user code iimediatelY fcllcwing the I~TRO macro instructicn in the MCP. If the MCP is not halted ~" resUlts are ui1~redictatle.f and may cause the previcus MCP to alsc l:eccme unpredictable. syst~~Aotion: Rroqra!m~~_Re!FCnse: Close down the MCP curret)tly in the systen cefcre attempting tc restart the MCP fer which this, messagE is issued. An invalid procedure in clcsing down the ~revicus' ~CP a.ay leave a nen-zero value in CV't+X',O· .. When 'tCAM starts, the wcrd Jr.Ust tezerc tc avoid this error conditicn. Make sure there is nc other TCA~ ~CP q:erating before atteItJ;ting to set this word tc zero. o o Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 29. IEDO~51 TCAM ~P OPEN ERROR 043~x yyy zzz Explanation: In attempting to open the aPPlication proqramdata set ~epresented by .the' DD statement nawled yyy in the jot named zzz, TCAM's Open Executors encountered an error. In the message text, xisa one":'byt.e rea£!oncode naming the specific erro~ that was encountered. Possible values -for x and their· exPlanatiOns are: ' 01 02 03 04 05 0 1 An. application progxam OPEN has been is~ued but thexe is no Messaqe Control Program (MCP) active in the system. The QNAME= paraweter of a DD statem~nt for an ,application program is net the name of a pJ;'ocess entry in'the terminal table,o~ the process entry named is inconsi£!tent with the DCB macro instruction forlNlt.·' Aprocess"~ntry named on a DD ~t~tement'associated with an applicationprpgram is currently being,used'by ano~exdata control blOck. ' Insufficient main storage was avaiiaple in theMCP to build inteJ;'nal control blccks. Insufficient main storage was available in the application program area to build internal contfo~ blocks. " System Action: TeAM willtexminate the applicati9n progr~m with a system completiopcodeof 043~ Operator Response: Report this message to ~hesystem· progr~m~r. Programmer Response:' '1he possible values of ~ and their appropriate responses are: 01 02,03 04 05 verify that an MCP is active before attew'pting. to start an application program. Recode theQNAME=. paxameter specifying the name of a valid process entry. Specify a larger region or partition size in the JOB statement for "the MCP. specifying a larger region or partition size in the JOB statement for tl,leafplication progJ;'am or,restart the system, specifying a larger system queue space.. . Problem Determination: 10" 29. IED016 I STAT ION xxx "0'1 o The action xequested ty net taken. Normal prOCessing continues., syste~Action:' the com~and is Table I, ~tems FOO~D Explanation: Ap . operator camnand referring t.o a station named xxx was entered "but xxx is not an entry in the '1'C~ termin.al t~ble. 2, operator Respc~se: Verify the spelling of the station nawe. Remembex that lower-case chaxaetexs entexed from a staticn other than the systel[l. console are not generally equivalent tc upper case characters. Respecify the cOIrmand. Problem Deterrrinaticn: If the station name is correct, and the respcnse is still received, see Table I, iterrs 2, 10, 29. Instruct the terrrinal user to retain the terminal listing or record what is currently displayed cn the graphics device. IED017I LINE xxx NOT OPEN Explanation: An c:perator coItrr,and referring to a line named xxx is entered, but the connand was net honored for one of the fcllowing reascns: • The line was net cfen. • The OPEN macre fer the line specified IDLE. • The group narre sfecified had no matching :CD stateItent. • The relative line number specified was ~ either zero er higher than any relative ~ line nurrber in the line group. System Action: The requested action is not taken. Ncrrral frocessing continues. operator Respense: Verify that the line referred to is efen and aetive. Reenter the ceItIrand. If the line is open tut inactive, it rray te activated with a VARY (line), ONTP cferatcr comrrand tefore reentering the cemr;and which frovided this response. Problem Deterrrinatien: Table I, items 2, 10, 29. Instruct the terminal user to retain the terrrinal listing or record what is currently dis flayed on the graphics device. IED018I xxx COMMAND INVALID Explanation: An Of erator corr,mand is entered, and a field in the oferand list is incorrectly fcrnatted, cr required operands are rrissing, cr operands are in the incorrect crder. In the roessage text. xxx is the verb cf the command in error. systen Action: The requested action is not taken. Ncrrral frocessing ccntinues. cperator Respcnse: Check the required format of the eferatcr corrroand and correct the operand in errcr. Respecify the CClfIrand. Prcblem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 2, 10, 29. Instruct the terminal user to retain the terrrinal listing or record what is currently dis flayed on the graphics device. lEI: Messages - 'r-CAM 205 IED019I xxx ALREADY STARTED Cperator Respcnse: Explanation: An operator command to start the line or station named by xxx is entered. ~he line or station is already active. System Action: The con:nand is ignored and normal processing continues. Operator Response: None. IED020I xxx STARTED System Action: The line or station is started. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: IED021I AUTO POLL S~ARTED None. FOR xxx Explanation: An operator command to start autopolling on the line named xxx was entered. ~his respcnse confinns that the action was taken. System Action: Autopolling begins for the line named xxx. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: None. IED022I AUTO POLL ALREADY S'IARTED FOR xxx Explanation: A request to start autopolling on the line named xxx was entered. ~he line is already being autopolled. system Action: continues. Nornal processing Operator Response: IED023I TRACE STAR~ED IED025I xxx ALREADY STOPPED None. FOR xxx Explanation: An operatcr command to start TCAM's line I/O interrupt trace was entered for the line naned xxx. This message confirms that the action has been taken. The line I/O interrupt trace is a sequential recording in main storage of I/O interrupts on a line. System Action: I/O trace is started on the line named xxx. Ncrmal processing continues. Operator Response: o EXFlanation: An cperator cou;l[:and to stop the line or staticn named xxx is entered. This line or staticn is not currently active. System Action.: ccntinues. Ncrmal processing Cperator Respense: Explanation: An operatcr command to start the line or station named xxx is entered. The line or station is started, and the message is a confirnaticn of the action taken. None. Ncne. IED0261 xxx STOPPED EXFlanation: An eperator command to stop the line or station nan:ed xxx is entered. The line or statien is stopped. This message confirns the action taken. systen: Action: The line or station stops. Normal processing. centinues. Operator Respense: None. IED0271 AUTC POLL STOPPED FOR xxx Explanation: A request to step autopclling on the line naned xxx was entered. This nessage confirms that autopolling has been stopped. system Action: Autepolling stops on the line. Processing centinues. Qperator Respense: None. o IED028I AUTO POLL ALREADY STOPPED FOR xxx EXFlanation: An cperator command to stop autopelling on the line naned xxx was entered. Autopelling on the line is not in progress at this time. Systerr._Action: Precessing continues. Operator Respense: Nene. IED029I TRACE STOPPED FOR xxx Explanation: An cperator command to stop line I/O interrupt trace for the line naned xxx was entered. This response ccnfirms that tracing is stopped. System Action: Line I/O trace is stopped on the line. Precessing ccntinues. Cperator Respense: Nene. None .• IED030I TRACE ALREADY STOPPED FOR xxx IED024I TRACE ALREADY STARTED FOR xxx Explanation: An operator command to start TCAM's line I/O interrupt trace for the line named xxx was entered, but I/O trace was already active for this line. EXFlanation: An eperator cOl(!n:and to stop line I/O interrupt trace cn the line named xxx is entered. Line I/O trace is not currently active cn this line. syst~!LAction: System Action: continues. 206 Precessing continues. Nornal processing Messages & Codes (Release 21.7> Operator Respense: Nene. o o IED03~l xxx QUEUE SIZE=yyy QUEETYP=bb, STATUS=zzz., .... PRIORITY=aaa, ••• Explanation: An operator command to display the queue for the station named xxx is entered. This message displays the fields of the queue. In the message text, yy is the number of messages currently on the queue; zzz is the equivalent of the status bits currently on; aaa represents the priority levels for the ~riority queues associated with the master queue for the station; and bb is the queuing type for this queue. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: None .• IED0321 xxx LNS'I'AT=zzz, ••• ERR=aaa, ••• EXPlanation: An operator command to display the status of the line named xxx is entered.. In the message text, zzz is the equivalent of the status bits currently on in the line control block, and aaa represents the equivalent of the bits currently on in the message error record for the line. system Action: Processing continues. Oper(!tor Response: o None. IEV0331 xxxSTATUS=yyy, ••• INTENSE=zz IN-SEQ=aaa OUT-SEQ=bbb Explanation: An operator command to display the fields of the entry for the station named xxx is entered. In the message text, yyy represents the equivalents of the status bytes of the entry, zz is the setting of the error recording field, and aaa and bbb are the input and output sequence numbers, respectively. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: IED0351 xxx OPTION yyy=zzz EXFlanation: An o~erator co~roand to display the contents of the o~tion field naned yyy for the station xxx is entered. In the message text zzz re~resents the requested contents. system Action: Cperator Respense: None. IED0361 xxx ACTIVE=yyy, ••• EXFlanation: An o~erator co~rr:and to display the list of active stations associated with the line naroed xxx is entered. In the message text, yyy re~resents the entries which neet this requirerrent. System Action: Precessing continues. operator Respcnse: Ncne. IED0371 xxx INACTIVE=yyy, ••• EXFlanation: An c~erator con.n,and to dist:lay the list cf inactive stations associated with the line naRed xxx is entered. In the message text, yyy represents the names of the entries which meet this requirement. §.Ystem Action: Precessing continues. Cperator Respcnse: None. IED0381 xxx IS ON LINE yyy zzz aaa EXFlanation: An o~erator command to display the line infermation associateo with the statien nameo xxx is entereo. In the message text, yyy is the ddname of tbe line on which the station is an entry, zzz is the relative line number and aaa is the unit control blcck ioentification (the hardware address) ef the line associateo with the statien. None. system Action: IED0341 xxx BAS NO yyy OPTION Explanation: An operator command to display or modify the contents of the option field named yyy for the station named xxx is entered.. No ot:tion field named,yyy exists for this station. system Action: The requested action is not taken. Processing continues.• Problem Determination: If the option field named by yyy exists for the station named xxx; and the wessage recurs check Table I, items ,2" 10., 29. Instruct the terminal user to retain the terminal listing or record what is currently displayed on the graphics device. Precessing Cperator Respense: co~tinues. Nene. IED0391 NC STATIONS INTERCEPTEL EXFlanation: An o~erator conmand requesting the dis~lay of the list of all currently intercepteo (helo) stations in the system is entereo. No stations are currently being held. System Action: Programmer Response: Verify that the optiop named yyy is spelled correctly and is defined for the station named xxx. Reenter the command. o Processing continues. Precessing continues. Cperator Respense: None. IED0401 INTERCEPI'ED STAT IONS=xxx, .••• Explanation: An o~erator co~n.and requesting dis~lay of the list of all stations which are currently intercepteo (held) is entered. In the message text, xxx represents the name of the stations which meet this requirement. IEL Messages - TCAM 207 System Action: Processing continues. Operator Repsponse: None. station, see Table I, iteIrs 2, 10, 29. Save the terminal listing for the device which entered the ccrrmand available. o IED041I PRIMARY=xxx IED045I SYSTEM INTERVAL ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: An operator command requesting display of the name of the current primary operator control station is entered. In the message text., xxx is the name of the current primary control station. An operator command requesting that the station named xxx be made the primary operator control station is entered. This response confirms that the action was taken. System Action: Processing continues. If the corr~and entered was MODIFY id.,PRIMARY=xxx, the named station is made the primary operator control station. Operator Response: IED042I xxx ALREADY Retry the command .• PR~Y Processing continues. Operator Response: None. IED043I SECONDARY=xxx, ••• Explanation: An operator command requesting display of the list of all secondary operator control stations is entered. In the message text, xxx represents the names of all entries which meet this requirerrent. The system console (SYSCON) will not be listed as a secondary operator control station unless there are no other secondary stations. If the primary operator control station is not the system console. i t will be listed as a secondary station. System Action: Tbe IED046I LINE FOR xxx IS OUTPUT ONLY STATION EXFlanation: An oFerator command to start or stop a terIrinal fer entering messages is received, but the line has no capability to enter messages. In the message text, xxx is the name of the staticn to be started or stoPFed. Operator Respense: Retry the command. Problem DeterIrinatien: If the station named xxx in the resFonse is not an output only staticn or is net identical to the naIred specified in the comIrand, check Table I, iteIr.s 2, 29. Instruct the terminal user te retain the terminal listing or recerd what is currently displayed on the graFhics device. .~.. () IED047I SYSTEM INTERVAL IS {xxx } ACTIVE EXFlanation: If the message text includes xxx, an operatcr request to cbange the system interval has teen entered and the response (this rressage) confirms that the requested acticn has been taken. If the message text ccntains ACTIVE, an operator request to start or stop a line group has been entered but the system interval is active, the Ir€ssage indicates that the request is rejected. Processing continues. Operator Response: None. IED044I xxx NOT ELIGIBLE FOR PRIMARY Explanation: An operator camnand requesting that the station named xxx be made the primary operator control station was entered, but xxx is not eligible to be made the primary (i.e., i t is not defined as a secondary operator control station). System Action: The primary operator control station remains unchanged. Processing continues. Operator Response: Retry the command. Problem Determination: If the station is a valid secondary operator control 208 System Action: Prccessing continues. system interval is being activated already. 0Ferator Respense: None. System Action: The requested action is not taken. Precessing continues. Explanation: An operatcr command requesting that the station named xxx be made the primary operator control station was entered, but xxx is already the primary operator control station .• system Action: EXFlanation: An 0Ferator comIr:and to activate the system interval is entered, but a previous request has already been honored. Messages 6 Codes (Release 21.7) systerr Action: The value of the system interval has been changed to xxx, or the comrand has been rejected. Operator Respense: Nene. IED048I peLLING DELAY FOR xxx IS yyy EXFlanation: An oFerator command to change the polling interval for the line en which the statien named xxx is a member tc a new value cf yyy is entered. This message verifies that the requested action is taken. System Action: The FoIling delay for the line group on which the named station is a rrerrber is changed to yyy. Prccessing continues. Operator Response: Ncne. o o IED0491 OLT CON~ROLS LINE xxx COMMAND REJECTED Explanation: A comrrand to start or stop a line was entered, but the line is currently controlled by the Online Test (OLT) feature. System Action: not perforreed. The requested function is Processing centinues. IED0541 xxx RELEASED, SEQ-OUT=yyy EXFla@tion: An eperator comrrand to release the statien narred xxx is entered. This reessage cenfirrrs that the station is released. In the rressage test, yyy is the sequence nurober for eutput currently asseciated with the station. svstere Action: The station named xxx is released. Processing continues. Nene. gperat0!-B~~: Operator Response: Refrain from attempting to start or stop the line until it is freed for use by OL '!,. Problem Determinatien: If the line named by xxx is not identical to that specified in the command, or if en-line test is not active in the systerr, see ~'able I, items 2, 10, 29. Save the terminal listing for the device which entered the command. IEC0501 xxx OP~ION yyy MODIFIED Explanation: An operater ccmmand to modify the contents of the eption field named yyy associated with the station named xxx is entered. ~his message confirms that the requested action is taken. o System Action: The option field is modified as requested. Processing continues. IEC0511 xxx SET FOR HOLD, SEQ-OUT=yyy Explanation: An operater ccmmand to intercept (hold) the statien named xxx is entered. ~his message confirms that the action is taken. In the message text, yyy is the output sequence number associated with the station at the time the station is intercepted. System Action: The narred station is intercepted. Processing centinues. operator Response: IED0521 xxx ALREADY SE~ None. FOR HOLD Explanation: An operatcr ccmmand to hold the station named xxx was entered, but the station is already intercepted. System Action: The requested action is not taken. Processing continues. operator Response: Retry the command. IED0531 xxx ALREADY RELEASED Explanation: An operator ccmmand to release the station named xxx is entered. The station is already released,. o System Action: The requested action is not taken. Processing·continues. Operator Response: None. IED0551 I/C TRACE CANNOT EE AL~ERED ~xFlanatio~: An eperator comrrand to start or step the TCAM line I/O interrupt traee facility was entered, but there is no trace table available inte which entries can be rrade. §.ystero Action: The requested action is not taken. Precessing continues. Cperator Respense: If the trace feature is required, clcse dewn the system and restart; when rressage IED002A is issued, enter RE'PLY xx,'T=nn,U,' where nn is a non-zero value. Otherwise, refrain from atteIq:ting to start cr stop the trace facility. Preblem Deterrrinaticn: If a nen-zero value is specified fcr trace and the rressage recurs, check Table I, items 2, 10, 29. Instruct the terminal user to retain the terrrinal listing or record what is currently displayed on the graphics device. IED0561 xxx CPl'ION yyy I:ATA FORMAT INVALID EXFlanation: An eperator cororr.and to roodify the contents cf the option field narred yyy asseciated with the station nareed xxx is entered, but the data format specified in the ccrrrr.and differs from the definition of the cptien field format. System Action: The cption field is not reedified. Processing continues. gperator Respense: Verify that the type specified in defining the epticn matches that specified in the comnand. Respecify the c errrra nd. Preblem Deterrrinaticn: If the types are identical and the preblem recurs, or if the station narred xxx or the option named yyy in the res pense do not agree with the corresponding values in the cerr~and, check Table I, itens 2, 10, 29. Instruct the terminal user tc retain the terminal listing or reccrdwhat is currently displayed on the graphics device. IED0571 xxx NOT CAPABLE OF AUTOPOLL EXFlanation: An eperator comnand to start or step autopelling en the line named xxx is entered, but the line is net capable of being autopolled (per its unit control blcck) • lEI: Messages - TCAM 209 System Action: The requested action is not taken. Processing continues. Operator Response: IED062I xxx OPTION yyy CANNOT ACCEPT SPECIFIED DATA ~~~B~1ieB: Ar. cperator con~and to rr-odify the contents cf the opticn field naned yyy asscciated with the station naned xxx is er.tered, but the data to replace the current setting of the option field is greater in length than the field. None. IED058I xxx SENSE COUN'!=yy SETTING=zz Explanati.on: An operatcr ccmmand to modify the setting of the sense information for the station 'er line named by xxx is entered. yy is the requested sense count and zz is the requested sense type. '!'his message confirms that the requested action is taken. §Y§te!LActien: 'The requested acticn is net taken. Prccessing continues. CFer~12r Res~se: Verify that the cata length defining the cption is net less than that specified in the cc~~,and. Reenter the ccrrected comnand. System Action: Sense infornation is modified for the station or line named. Processing continues. Operator Response: IED059I xxx LIST S,!ATUS=ZZZ, ••• Explanation: An operator ccmmand to display the status ef the invitation list for the line named xxx is entered. In the message text, ZZZ represents the equivalents of the status information bits. System Action: I IED063I CLCSEI:CWN IN PROGRESS COMMAND REJECTED §~~nati2B: Systen closedown is in progress. All further operatcr coremands will be rejected. Systerr Acti2~: The requested action is net taken. Systen closedown ccntinues. gpera12~-B~~~ns~: Refrain frcre entering TCAM eperator ccnnands. Processing centinues. Operator Response: None. IED060I xxx CANNOT BE HELD Explanation: An operater ccmmand to hold the station named xxx is entered, but the station is not capable cfbeing held (for instance, it is associated with a main-storage only queue, it is on a line which is not open or has been opened idle, or no EOLD macro has been ceded in the Message Control Program). SYstem Action: The requested action is not taken. Processing continues. Operator Response: None. IED061I POLLING DELAY FOR xxx CANNO'! BE ALTERED Explanation: An operater ccmmand to modify the polling interval for the line associated with the station named xxx is entered, but the line is a switched (dial) line. system Action: The requested action is not taken. Processing continues. Operator Response: 210 Rrcblem Deterninati~B~ If the replacement data will fit ir. the cpticn field ano the prcblem recurs, er if the staticn named xxx cr the opticn naned yyy in the response do net agree with the cerresponding values in the ccrrn·and, check Table I, itens 2, 29. Instruct the terreinal user tc retain the terninal listing or reccrd what is currently displayed en the graFhies device. Retry the command. Problem Determinatien: If the line or station named xxx, the sense count or the setting .in the response do net agree with the corresponding values in the command, check Table I, items 2, 8, 29. Instruct the terminal user to retain the terminal listing or record what is currently displayed on the graphics device. o None. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) IED064I LINE addr CONTROL UNIT NOT OPERATIONAL Ex~na1ion: The Transmission Control Unit (TCU) te which the specified line is ccnnectied is net cperational. The line is net irr-reediately available for message transnissicn. Systerr Action: Prccessing continues, but statiens on the line named by addr cannot be used for nessage transrr-issicn. £Eerater Respcnse: Prebable user error. The TCAM job that is being started may be cancelled and restarted after the control unit is made operatienal, er after the TCU is rrade operaticnal this line may be activated by er.tering VARY (line), ONT'P. If the contrel unit is online and the preblem recurs, call IBM fer hardware sUH::ort. IED065I INITIALIZATION ERROR xxx Explanation: The ncn-resident initialization reutines have returned a decirr-al return ccde, represented in the rr,essage text by xxxx, to the INTRO macro instruction. This cede is passed en to the user's next instructicn by the INTRO nacre instructicn. The values of xxxx and their n,eanings are: o o o 0004 The Message Control Program (MCP) initialization routine has detected the presence of ~nother MCP in this system. 0008 Sufficient main storage was not available to satisfy a GET~AIN request in one of the non-resident initialization routines. 0012 Sufficient nain storage was not available to satisfy a FREE~AIN request in one of the non-resident initialization routines. 0016 A terminal definitien error. The module has found one or more incorrectly specified TER~INAL macro instructions, while sorting the termina 1 name table. 0020 One of the following errors in defining the primary operator control terminal: • 'lhe terminal defined as the primary operator terminal could not be found in the terminal name table. • 'lhe primary operater control terminal did not have send and receive capabilities,. • 'lhe primary operator control terminal was not defined as being a possible secondary operator control terminal. 0024 One of the following occurred while sorting the device ID table for a concentrator terminal: • 'lhe terminal name table offset in the device ID table was not found in the offset table. • The device dependent fields of the terminal entry pointed to by the device ID entry did not indicate a concentrator or attached terminal. System Action: Initialization of the ~CP is terminated. The error cede is returned to the user in register 15 by the INTRC macro instruction. If the MCP is not halted when INTRO's return code is non-zero, results are unpredictable. Programmer Response: If xxxx is 0008 or 0012, either increase the region or partition size, or specify smaller optional features. If xxxx is 0004, close down the MCP currently in the system before attempting to restart the MCP for which this message is issued. If xxxx is 0016 or 0020, verify that the terminal table entries are correct in the assembly, close down the MCP currently in the system, and reassemble and restart the job with the corrected entries. Operator Response: programmer .• Contact the system Problem Determination: 10, 29. Table I. items Sa, IED0671 TCAM INITIALIZATION BEGUN o Explanation: The parameters on the IEDQDATA CC statemept have been examined and found to be satisfactory. Formatting of the message queues data set by the IEDQXA utility has begun. System Action: Precessing continues·. Prcqrammer ResFcnse: only. CFerator Respense: only. None. None. Information Information IED0681 UNABLE TO OPEN IEDQCATA EXFlanation: An attempt has been made to format a message queues data set on disk by the IEDQXA utility progrant, but the IEIJQDATA DD statenent for this utility is ffiissing. This nessage may be due to a possible error while atterrpting to read the JFCE for the IEDQDATA DD statement. I System Action: The IEDQXA utility abnormally terninates with an error code of 20 in register 15. Progranmer ReSFcnse: Probable user error. Supply the n.issing I:I: staten.ent and resubn~t the initialization jeb. Have a listing of the utility JCL available before calling IEM fcr programroing [' support. CFerator Respense: prcgran:roer. Centact the system IED0691 INVALID KEYLEN FOR IEIJQDATA EXFlanation: Either the CCB= eperand of the IEDQDATA DD statement for the IEDQXA fernatting utility prograIr has teen omitted, or DCB=KEYLEN=integer has been coded en this I:D statement and the integer is less than 31. system Action: The IEDQXA utility abnormally terninates with a return code of 8 in register 15. Programmer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Supply a correct IEDQI:ATA DD statement and resubmit the initializatien jeb. If the prcblem recurs, have a listing of the utility JCL available before calling IBM fer programring suppert. OJ;erator Respense: prcgrammer. Centact the system IED0701 IEDQDATA DOES NCT SPECIFY CONTIG SPACE IN CYLINCERS EXFlanation: The SPACE= keywerd on the IEDQI:ATA DD statement for the IEDQXA disk-initialization utility has specified CYL but not CCNTIG, er CONTIG but not CYL, er neither. The fellowing is an example of a properly ceded SPACE= paramete~: //IEDQDATA DD (ether operands),SPACE= (CYL,(2,2)"CONTIG) svstem Action: The IEI:QXA utility abnormally terninates with a return eode of 16. Progran,mer ReSFcnse: Probable user error. Cerrect the SPACE- parameter cn the IEDQIJATA DD statement and resubmit the lEI: Messages - TCAM 211 initialization job. If the problem recurs, have a listing cf the utility JCL available before calling IBM for programming support. Operator Response: programmer. COMPLE~E EXFlanation: A ness age queues data set on disk has been conpletely formatted by the IEDQXA utility prcgram, and is ready for use by a RCAM Message Contrel Program. o Contact the system system Action: IED0711 UNEQUAL PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EXTENTS eN I EDQI:ATA Explanation: The SPACE= keyword on the IEDQDATA DD statement fcr the IEDQXA disk-initialization utility does not specify a number of cylinders for secondary allocation equal to the number of cylinders specified for Frimary allocation; 'TCAM requires that the primary and secondary allocation be equal. System Action: The IEDQXA utility abnormally terminates with a return code of 16 in register 15. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Respecify the SPACE= parameter of the IEDQDATA DD staterrent so that the primary and secondary allocation are equal, and resubmit the initialization job. Have a listing of the utility JCL available before calling IBM for programming support. Operator Response: programmer. IED0741 TCAM INITIALIZATION Contact the system IED0721 I/O E:RROR ON IEDQDA'I:A Explanation: An I/O error from which recovery cannot be made has occurred during an attempt to format a message queues data set by neans of the IEDQXA utility. Nornal end of job. CFerator Respense: cnly. None. Information IED0751 ENI: OF EXTENT. RECORD COUNT IS rrrrrrrr, TI~E IS nnnn SEC EXFla~tion: One extent (volume) of a message queues data set residing on disk has been fornatted by the IEDQXA utility program. The reccrd count, indicated by xxx, is the cunulative total. 'I'hat is, xxx is the total nunter of records formatted thus far in the entire data set, and not just in this cne extent. rrrrrrrr= cunulative record ceunt nnnn= cumulative elapsed time System Action: Precessing continues. Operatcr Respense: Ncne. Information enly~ IED0761 TCAM NON-REUSABLE DISK THRESHOLD CLOSEDOw"N EXFlanaticn: The n,essage queues data set lccated on nonreusable disk has received encugh nessages sc that the percentage of the data set area cn disk specified by the THRESH= operand of the DCB macro instruction fcr the data set has been exceeded. System Action: The systell' begins a flush closedown of the TCAM MCP. A flush clcsedown sends all queued messages to their destinatiens befcre closing. System Action: Initialization is terminated with a return code of 12 in register 15. 'Ihe data set is not completely formatted. .Qperator Respcnse: progran,ner. Programmer Response: Use the IEHPROGM system utility to scratch the data set, and resubmit the initialization job.. If possible, try to avoid the allocation of the same area, as i t prcbably contains a bad track. Programmer ResFense: Reformat the ncn-reusable disk ness age q~eue data set with the IEDQXA utility, and start the job with S=C coded fcr the INTRO macro instruction. If this message is followed by a system conpletien code 045 with a user code of 001, the TERESE= value specified was teo high, and register 6 pOints to a CPE. Operator Response: Start TCAM only if i t does not require the message queue data set defined by the IEQDATA DD statement in the message text. Otherwise, contact the system programmer. If the Froblem recurs, use the IBCDASDI independent utility to assign alternates for defective tracks on the volume being used. o Contact the system Problem Deterninatien: If the value in CPB+X'2D' (3 bytes in length) greatly exceeds the tctal nunber of records forrratted in the nen-reusable disk data set, check Table I, items 5a, 10, 29. IED0771 xxx OPTION yyy DATA CHARACTE:R INVALID Operator Response: To tempcrarily bypass the error, substitute SYSPRINT DD DU~MY for the existing SYSPRINT DD statement. The SYSPRINT data set is only a copy of the messages displayed at the console. Then scratch the old IEDQDA'IA data set and rerun the job. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. 212 Messages i Codes (Release 21.7) EXFlanation: An cperator command to n,cdify the contents ef the option field naned yyy associated with the station nan:ed xxx is entered, but the contents of the rr.odificatien data do not agree with the frarring characters surrounding the data. o o System Action: The requested action is not taken. Processing continues,. Operator Response: Verify that the data specified within the framing characters is invalid for the frarring characters used. Reenter the correct corr~and. Problem Determination: If the data is valid and the problem recurs, or if the station named xxx or the option named yyy in the response do not agree with the corresponding values in the command, check Table I, items 2, 10, 29. Instruct the terminal user to retain the terminal listing' or record what is currently displayed on the graphics device. systerr Action: Pclling and addressing on wultipoint lines are suspended for the duration of the interval currently defined fcr the systerr. Switched (dial) lines are not affected. If there are nc dial lines in the systerr, this message will te fcllcwed by what seerrs to te a system ~IT state. At the end cf the interval, operations will autcrratically resume. O~erator R~cnse: Ncne. At the end of the system interval, ncrmal operations will resume. Changing the length of the delay interval with an operatcr command will not affect this delay, only subsequent ones. TeAM may be stopped or cancelled during a system delay. IED0811 END OF TCAM SYSTEM DELAY IED0781 DLQ TERM ERROR Explanation: "Ibe staticn named in the DLQ= operand of the INTRO macro is not eligible to be a dead-letter queue, since i t is a TSO station. System Action: The terrrinal number of the terminal defined as the dead-letter queue is not stored in the address vector table (AVT) and normal processing continues. o Programmer Response: Probable user error. If no action is taken, the dead-letter queue is not defined for this Message Control Program (MCP). If a dead-letter queue is desired, ter~inate the job, specify a valid station for the DLQ=operand of INTRO (either by recoding INTRO and re-assembling, or by entering REPLY xx" 'Q=name, U' to nessage IED002A at execution time) and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 10, 29. Table. I, items Sa, IED079 I ENDING STA"I'US NOT RECEIVED FROM LINE addr-LINE UNAVAILABLE Explanation: The Transrrissicn Control Unit to which this line is ccnnected is not operational. An interrupt indicating successful completion of the initial channel program has not occurred for this line, and the line is nct available for sending or receiving. System Action: The errcr message is written to the console and the next line in the line group is checked to see if the initial channel program has completed. If i t has not, the error message is written again. Operator Response: Attempt to start the line by entering VARY (addr),ONTP. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. IED080 I START OF' "I'CAM SYSTEM DELAY o Explanation: Someone has entered ~ODIFY id,INTERVAL= SYSTEM which activated the system interval. Explanation: expired. The system interval has System Action: The Message Ccntrol Program is resurring normal operations. Operator Respcnse: cnly. None. Information IED0821 CHECKFOINT DISK ERROR -- DATA SET NO"I OPENED Explanation: Either the control record fer the checkpcint data set cculd not be read during a restart, or ncne of the envircnment reccrds could be read during a restart. As a result, the checkpoint data set is not open. System Action: The checkpoint data set is net opened, the environment is not reconstructed, and the checkpcint facility is not available tc the Message Control Program. Lirrited precessing continues. Programrrer Respcnse: The IBCDASDI utility program should be used following closedown to clean up the disk on which the data set is located, if the checkpoint facility is desired. If the prcblem recurs, call IBM for hardware suppcrt. IED0831 CHECKFOINT DISK ERROR -- RECOVERY FROM PREVIOUS RECORD EXFlanaticn: TCAM's checkpoint routine could not read the environrrent record that was tc be used tc reccnstruct the envircnment. If pcssitle, the next-rr,ost-recent environment is used to reconstruct. Syste~ Action: The next-rr,ost-recent envircnment reccrd is used to reconstruct the TCAM envircnrrent. Programmer Respcnse: Information -- the envirenrrent is nct as well reccnstructed when cIder reccrds are used. If the problem recurs frequently, the IBCDASDI utility prograrr shculd be used to clean up the disk on which the data set is located. In this case, a ccld restart cnly Gan be performed. If the protlem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. lED Messages - TCAM 213 IED0841 CHECKPOINT DISK ERROR -- RECOVERED Explanation: An error occurred while TCAM was writing an environment, checkpoint request or incident record into the checkpoint data set, but space for another such record was available in the data set. System Action: Since space was available, TCAM wrote the record into the available space and processing continues. No data was lost. Programmer Response: Inforxration.. If this message recurs often, DASDI utility program should be used follcwing closedown. If the problem recurs after DASDI has been run, call IBM for hardware support. IED08S1 CHECKPOINT DISK ERROR -- {CKREQ }RECCRD INCIDENT IGNORED Programmer ResFcnse: Informatien -- the envircnrrent reccnstructed after restart becomes increasingly less accurate as elder records are used. The ICBDASDI utility prograrr rray be used tc elean up the disk after clesedewn of tbe Message Centrel Prcgrarr. If it is, only a cold restart (identical tc the criginal start-up) can be performed. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. IED0881 xxx ON DIAL LINE - CANNOT BE VARIED Explanation: An cperator eornrr,and to start or stop the statien nareed xxx for accepting is entered, but the station is on a switched (dial) line. Svstem Action: The requested action is not taken. Precessing continues. Cperator Respense: Explanation: 'l'he specified record (checkpoint request or incident) could no.t be read at restart time, and was therefore not used by 'ICAM in rec cnstructing the environment. System Action: The system environment is reconstructed, but the specified record is not included. Processing centinues. Programmer Response: Information -- the reconstructed environment is not as up-to-date as it would be otherwise. If this message recurs frequently, the IBCDASDI utility prograffi may be used following closedown to clean up the disk on which the checkpoint data set is located. The restart following disk cleanup must be a cold restart. If the problem recurs after DASDI, call IB~ for hardware support. IED0861 CHECKPOIN'I DISK ERROR -- {ENVIRONMENT} CKREQ,name Explanation: Due to a faulty disk, no environment or checkpoint request record area is available to hold the latest such record taken. system Action: The data in the record is lost. Processing continues. Programmer Response: If a complete checkpoint facility is desired, close down the Message Control Program, use the IBCDASDI utility program to clean up the disk, and do a cold restart. A cold restart is the same as the eriginal start-up. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. IED087 I CHECKPOIN'I DISK ERROR -- CON'lROL RECCRD Explanation: Due to an I/O error on disk, the control record does not reflect the latest environment checkpoint taken. As a res~lt. this environment checkpoint, record will not be used for restart. System Action: 214 Messages i Processing centinues. o Nene. IED0891 LINE ACTIVE - VARY TERMINAL COMMAND REJECTED Explanation: An eperator command to start or stop a staticn frcm entering, aceepting or both is received, but the line for the staticn has nct been previously stopped. §ystem Action: The requested action is not taken. Precessing continues. Operator Respcnse: If the station is to be started or stepped, enter VARY (line), CFFTP,C to stop the line, reenter the original corrrrand, and then enter VARY (line),ONTP tc restart the line. o IED090I xxx IS NOT SINGLE ENTRY Expla@tion: An operator con:rr,and requesting display er modification of staticn inforrratien for the station narned xxx is entered, but xxx. is not a single statien entry. Systexr Action: Precessing continues. Cperator Respense: Nene. IED091I LINE FOR xxx NOT OPEN Explanation: An operator corrreand requesting display er modification of status for the staticn named xxx is entered, but the line for the station is net open or has been opened idle. System Action: Processing continues. Cperator Respense: Retry the command. IED092I EISYNC ERROR - LINE xxx CANNOT BE STARTED Explanation: An operator comn:and requesting that the line named xxx be started is entered, but it is a binary-synchrenous line with an invalid dual corr:municatien interface preventing it from being started. Codes (Release 21.7) / o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o System Action: The requested action is not taken. processing continues. Operator Response: Programmer Response: Determine the reason for the abnormal termination, correct and rerun. Close down the TCAM job and rerun. Retry the command. Operator Response: and rerun. Closedown the TCAM job IED093I SET SYSTEM INTERVAL COMMAND ACCEPTED Explanation: The operator entered a command requesting activation of the system interval, which suspends polling and addressing on multipoint lines to polled stations. This message confirms that the command has been accepted. System Action: A system interval is activated. Processing continues. Operator Response: Problem Determination: 10, 29. Table I, items 5a, IED097I TCAM IS CLOSED DOWN Explanation: A TCAM closedown has been completed and control has returned to the code which follows the READY macro instruction coded in the Message Control Program. None. System Action: IED094I CORE REQUESTED FOR ON-LINE TEST NOT AVAILABLE Normal end of job. Programmer Response: Operator Response: Explanation: The amount of main storage requested by the OLTEST= operand of the INTRO macro instruction is not available. However, the minimum amount of main stroage required to run one on-line test is available. System Action: Only one on-line test may be run at a time. Limited processing continues. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If more than one on-line test is to be run simultaneously, close down the Message Control Program (MCP) and rerun with a larger region specified. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 10, IED095I MODIFY OLT REJECTED - OLT NOT ACTIVE None. None. IIED098I DCB NOT CLOSED FOR MESSAGE PROCESSING PROGRAM - jjj Explanation: A TCAM closedown has started, but a TCAM DCB in an application program is still open. System Action: The closedown will not complete until the closedown is performed for the DCB (s) . Operator Response: Cancel the job named jjj. Inform the application programmer that his job was cancelled so that closedown of the Message Control Program could proceed. IED099IROUTINE LOADED Explanation: The request for an on-line test (OLT) is rejected because the subtask that handles the requests has either terminated or was never activated (because OLTEST=O (0=0) was specified in the INTRO macro) . Explanation: The routine that was called by the command MODIFY id,DEBUG=L,yyy is loaded and initialized. System Action: The command is rejected. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: only. Operator Response: Close down the TCAM MCP and rerun; when message IED002A is issued, enteI: REPLY xx, 'O=nn,U', where nn is a non-zero value. Problem Determination: 29. IED096I {CHECKPOINT} OPERATOR COMWRITE Table I, items 10, CONTROL NO LONGER ACTIVE Limited processing None. Information IED1001 ROUTINE DEACTIVATED Explanation: The routine designated in the command MODIFY id,DEBUG=D,yyy is deactivated and deleted. System Action: continues. Normal processing Operator Response: only. Explanation: The indicated subtask of TCAM has abnormally terminated, and the related functions will no longer be performed. System Action: continues. System Action: Normal processing contlnues. None. Information IED1011 RESTART IN PROGRESS Explanation: The requested operation cannot be processed because TCAM is being restarted. o lED Messages - ~CAM 215 System Action: The comnand is ignored. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: Reenter the command after the restart is completed. If the problem recurs, obtain a SYSABEND dump of the region in which the Message Control Program resides before calling IBM for programming support. syste~Acti£n: Ncrnal processing ccntinues. o PrcqraImer ResFense: The indicated return ccde prcbably denetes an exceptional condition in the user routine. Determine the problen fren the return cede given and correct the prcblen. IED1061 MULTIPLE REQUEST IED1021 INVALID OPERAND §~anaticn: Explanation: The fcrmat of the command MODIFY id, CEBUG=subparaneter. routine is incorrect. System Action: The comnand is ignored. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: Probable error caused by improper command specification. Check for errors in one or more of the follo~ing operands: • A subparameter other than L or D is specified • • An invalid routine naned is specified. Valid names are IEDQFE10, IEDQFE20 and IECFE30. Reenter the command ~ith the correct format. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, The reutine requested is already active in the systen. 2Y§!~~_~ction: The request is igncred. Nerroal processing ccntinues. E~~~~er ResFc~~e: The requested routine was prcbably net loaded via a progran other than by the MODIFY id, DEEUG=x,yyy cperater ccrr-rrand. Determine hcw the mcdule was leaded previcusly and correct • Prcblem Deterrrir.aticn: 11, 29. Have available cutput, forrratted using shcwing the nucleus and fEeratcr Respcnse: programrrer. Table I, items 2, the IMDSADMP IMCPRBMP and the TCAM region. Notify the system IED1071 CCMWRITE NOT ACTIVE IEB1031 ROUTINE ALREADY ACTIVE §x~lanation: Explanationd An operator ccnmand requesting activation of a debugging routine is entered, but the routine is already active. System Action: The comnand is ignored. Normal processing ccntinues. Operator Response: A request has been made to activate a debugging routine which reqUires that the F'E Ccromcn Write task (CCMWRITE) be active. COMWRI'IE is not active because COMWRTE=YES was not specified on the IN'IRO roacro instruction. syste!LAction: The request is ignored. Ncrnal processing ccntinues. None. Problem Determinaticn: Table I, items 2, 11, 29. Eave available the IMDSAD~P output, formatted using IMDPRDMP sho~ing the nucleus and the TCAM REGION. Prcqra~~ ResFense: Probable user error. Instruct the eperatcr to enter REPLY xx,'G=YES' as a respcnse te rressage IEC002A to insure preper initialization of the debugging aids. Make sure that a DD card is present specifying the COMwRITE data set, either en rragnetic tape or disk. IED1041 ROUTINE NOT ACTIVE ~rato~RespcL§~: Explanation: A request has been made to deactivate a debugging routine that is not active. System Action: The cOImand is ignored. Normal processing continues. operator Response: None. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 11, 29. Eave the operator ccntrol console listing available. Have available the IMDSABMP output, formatted using IMDPRD~P and sho~ing the nucleus and the TCA~ region. IED10S1 RETURN CODE = xx Explanation: A user-written routine has passed a return code to a debugging routine of the operator control facility. 216 Messages t Codes (Release 21.7) Nctify the system prog rarrrrer. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 2, 11, 29. Eave availatle the cutput of I~CSACMP, fornatted by IMCPRDMP showing the nucleus and the TCAM regien. IED1091 ROUTINE NOT CELETEC EXFlanaticn: A request has been made to deactivate a rcutine, and the svc 9 (CELFTE) functicn failed. §.yst~n: Action: The rcutine is not deleted. Nornal prccessing centinues. Proqraromer ResFcnse: This message is a result cf a failure cf the CELETE function of the OS superviscr. The requested mcdule to be deleted could not te found by OS; hcwever, it was found by the TCAM operator ccntrel facility. o o Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 11, 29. Have available the IMDSAD~P output, formatted by IMDPRDMP showing the nucleus and TCAM region. IEDll01 LESS THAN 4 ENTRIES Explanation: An attempt has been made to activate the subtask control block (STCB) trace dump, but there are less than four STCB trace entry slcts in the STCB trace table. §ystem Action: The FE Corrmcn Write (CCMWRITE) task terminates abnormally with a system cOIrpleticn code of 044. Cperator Respcnse: Probable hardware error. check reccrding rr,ediuIr, (tape or disk) for daIrage. If COMWRITE is required, TCAM IrUSt be stopped and restarted specifying another device for CC~RITE. Prcblem DeterIrinaticn: 30. Table I, items 18, System Action: The STCB trace dump is not activated. Normal processing continues. IED1141 sxxx ABEND COMWRITE CLOSING Programmer Response: Probable user error. The IEI:QFE20 printing utility requires a minimum of four trace entries in order to properly function. If this message recurs frequently, instruct the operator to restart the MCP, specifying a larger value for nn in the response REPLY xx, 'A=nn,U' to the message IEDOO2A. Operator Response: prograIrlller. Contact the system Problem Determination: Sa, 10, 13, 29. Table I, items 2, IEDlll I NO TRACE 'IABLE o System Action: The STCB trace dump is not activated. Normal processing continues. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If a trace facility is required, close down and restart the Message Control Program (MCP), specifying a non-zero integer value for nn in the response REPLY xx,'A=nn,U'to message IEDOO2A. Operator Response: prograIrllIler. Contact the system Problem Determination: Sa, 10, 29. IED112 I TCAM REQUES'I'ED COMWRITE Table I. items 2, CLOSEDO~N Explanation: TCAM is closing down and is closing the FE Common Write (COM~RITE) subtask. Norn.al end of job follows. Operator Response: only. None. Information IEDl131 I/O ERROR addr,statsens,recordtype,COMwRITE CLCSING o The F'E Common Write (CCMWRITE) task has abnormally ended with the system cCIrpleticn code indicated by xxx. System Action: The COMWRITE task is terminated with the indicated code. Programmer ResFcnse: A systeIr completion code of 044 is ncrmally caused t:y invalid or missing JCL. Ex aIr,i ne the jot: control staten.ents, and ensure that a COMWRI'IE DD card exists and is valid. Rerun the job. CFerator Response: prograImfter. Explanation: An attempt has been made to activate the subtask control block (STCB) trace dump" but no STCB trace table has been provided. System Action: ~xFlanation: Explanation: A perIr:anent error has been detected on the indicated device. In the message text, addr. is the hardware line address, statsens is the CS~ status byte and sense byte, and recordtype is the type of record (BUFF, IOTR, or S'ICB) being written when the I/O error cccurs. Contact tbe system Problem DeterIrinaticn: 29. Table I, items Sa, IEDllS1 userid DATA AREA EXCEEI:S CORE EXFlanation: This Iressage is caused by an invalid parameter list being passed to the FE Ccrrmcn Write (COMWRITE) task. Syste!LAction: The request is ignored. Normal processing ccntinues. Operator Response: prog rammer. Contact system Programmer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Exarrine the user routine using nuserid" and correct any errors. Problem DeterIrinaticn: Table I, items 2, 11, 29. Have the COMWRITE output data set. Have available the IMDSADMP output, formatted by I~DPRDMP, showing the nucleus and the TCAM regicn. IED1161 userid PARMLIST NOT ON FULLwORD BOUNDARY EXFlanation: This Ir:essage is caused by an invalid pararreter list being passed to the FE Corrmon Write (COMwRITE) task. System Action: The request is ignored. Ncrmal processing continues. Cperator Response: prograIrllfter. Ccntact system Proqrammer ResFonse: Probable user error. Examine the user rcutine using "userid" and ccrrect any errors. lEI: Messages - TCAM 217 Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 11, 29. Have the COMWRITE cutput data set. Eave available the IMDSADMP output formatted by IMDPRDMP, showing the nucleus and the TCAM region. IEDl171 userid BLKSIZE EXCEEDS DEVICE SPECS Explanation: A parameter list passed to the FE common write (COMWRI'IE) task describes a block of data whose length exceeds the maximum that the device containing the COMWRITE data set can handle. System Action: The request is ignored. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: prograIr.mer. Contact system Programmer Response: Probable user error. Examine the user routine using "userid" and correct any error. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 11" 29. Have the COMWRITE cutput data set. Eave available the IMDSADMP output, formatted by IMDPRDMP, showing the nucleus and the 'ICAM region. IEDl181 PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON TRACE UNIT Explanation: wbile reading the SYSUTl data set, a permanent I/O error has been encountered. System Action: o systerr Action: The trace data set is formatted with the BLOCK= parameter ignored. Norna 1 ~rccessing ccntinues. Programroer ResFcnse: None. Problem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, Sa, 29. Instruct the operator to cancel the job, requesting a dump and save the output. IED121I REQUESTED TIME NOT FOUND Explanation: The tine specified in the BLCCK- parameter ef EXEC statement for the CC~EDIT printing utility was not found on the ta~e data set described by the SYSU'Il DD statement. Twc ccnditions may cause the error: • There were nc subtask contrcl blocks (STCBs) or buffers en the trace data set. • The time specified is later than the latest time recerded in the trace data set. system Action: Prccessing terminates. printeut is prcvided. No Prcqrammer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Ensure that STCEs are being traced and the BLCCK= parameter is correctly specified. The time stamp fields in the various trace records on tape are chronolegically earlier than the BLOCK= parameter. Prcblem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 2, 29. Have a listing of the COMWRITE data set available. Processing terminates. o IED1221 INVALID MESSAGE CHAIN Operator Response: Check the recording medium (tape or disk) of the trace data set for damage. If the medium is tape, clean the device .• Problenl Determination: 30. Table I, items 18, Explanation: The chaining sequence of the message queues data set has been invalidated. system Action: Prccessing terminates. ProgramIter ResFcnse: IEDl191 UNABLE TO OPEN ddname Explanation: The system was unable to open the data set naned ddname. System Action: Processing terminates. Operator Response: Probable user error. Check and correct the job ccntrol language for the indicated data set and rerun the job. This message is ncrmally caused by the lack of a DD stateIrent cr by the ddname being misspelled. Problem Determination: 2, 29. Table I, items 1, IED1201 BLOCK= PARM REQUIRES TAPE INPUT Explanation: 'Ihe BLOCK= keyword parameter was specified in the EXEC statement fgr the COMEDIT formatting utility., but tpe SYSUTl CD card specified a direct access device. 218 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) None. Preblem Deterninaticn: Before calling IBM for prograIrning suppcrt make sure that listing of the nessage queues data set is available. IED1231 INVALID PARAMETERS Explanatien: While scanning the EXEC staten:ent paraneters fcr the IEDQXB or IECQXC printing utilities, an error has been detected. syste!-Action: If the IEDQXB utility is being used" the errcr is noted en the SYSPRINT data set. Fcr either utility, processing terninates. Programmer ResFcnse: Probable programmer error. Check and ccrrectly specify the parameters on the EXEC statement. For the preper specificaticn of parameters, refer to the TCAM PrcgraIrmer's Guide GC30-2024). Problem Deterninaticn: 2, 29. Table I, items 1, o o IED1241 QUEUE EAS BEEN WRAPPED Explanation: Whi Ie running the IEDQCX printing utility, the message queues data set has run out of space and started to overlay the beginning cf the data set (wrap-around). System Action: Since the message queues data set can no longer be fcrmatted reliably, the IEDQXA printing utility is terminated. Programmer Response: In order to obtain the printed output from the message queues, process i t via a system utility. To avoid the wrap-around in the future, format a larger message queues data set with the IEDQXA utility. Problem Determination: Befcre calling IBM for programming support, make sure that a listing of the message queues data set is available. has been run, check the contents of the DCBB to ensure that the configuration is correct. Reenter the TRM. Prcblem Deterninaticn: If there is a record in the DCBE fcr the control terminal and prcblem recurs, cbtain and have available the fcllowing tefore calling IBM fcr prcgranming support: • The TRM that was cancelled. • The configuraticn for the terminal. • The contents cf the DCBB. • Any error printouts received. IED1271 CLT RECUEST REJECTE!:, CONTROL 'TERMINAL UNIDE'NT IFIED Explanation: This message is issued when the symbolic nan,e cf the control terminal specified in the Test Request Message (TRM) is not ccntained in the TCAM terminal table. Systew Action: The TRM is canoelled. Normal processing continues. IED1251 xxx BYTES NEEDED Explanation: 'The operator entered MODIFY id,DEBUG=x,yyy, but insufficient main storage exists for loading the requested debugging aid. o system Action: The requested debugging aid is not loaded. Nornal processing continues. Programmer Response: Specify a larger region or partition size for the TCAM Message Control Program (MCP). Operator Response: Specify a larger region or partition size for the TCAM MCP, if possible. Otherwise, contact the system programmer. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 10" 11, 29. Bave available the IMDSADMF output formatted by IMDPRDMP showing the nucelus and ~CAM region. IED126 I OLT REQUES'I' REJECTED, NO DCBE FOR CCNTRCL TERMINAL Explanation: ~his message is issued when a Test Request Message (TRM) specifies a control terminal which does not have a Device Characteristics Record in the Device Characteristics Block (DCBE) library. Before a terminal can be used as an on-line test control tern~nal, it is necessary to define the device characteristics by executing a Telecommunications On-line ~est Executive (TOTE:) configuration run. system Action: The TRM is cancelled. Normal processing continues,. o Operator Response: Before a terminal can be used as an on-line test control terminal it is necessary to define the device characteristics by executing a TCTE configuration run. If the ccnfiguration QEerator Respcnse: Reenter the TRM and specify a valid ccntrol terminal. If there is a valid translate tatle for the TRM, no more than eight characters tetween the prefix and the first slash, and the control terninal is identical to the name cf an entry in the TCAM tern:inal tatle, obtain and have availatle the follcwing and call IBM fcr prcgramming support: • A listing of the TCAM Message Control Program. • The TRM that was cancelled. • The control terminal printout. IED1281 ALTERNATE PRINTER REQUESTED BY OLT ALREADY IN USE Explanation: This n,essage is issued when the alternate printer requested in the option field of a Test Request Message (TRM) has already teen assigned to another Cn-line Test (OLT). The TRM is cancelled and roust be reentered to initiate an OL'I. system Action: The TRM is cancelled. Norroal processing ccntinues. Cperator Respcnse: Reenter the TRM and specify an alternate printer not in use. Prcblem Deterninaticn: If this problem recurs and the alternate printer is not in use, cbtain and have available the following before calling IBM for prcgraroning suppcrt: • A listing of the TCAM Message Control Program. • The TRM that was cancelled. • The control terminal printout. IED1291 CLT REQUEST REJECTE!:, C. BE STARTED T. LINE CANNO~ Explanation: This message is issued when TCAM cannot start the control terminal line and returns an error code to the request to start a line. The Test Request Message (TRM) is cancelled. IE!: Messages - TCAM 219 G I system Action: The TRM is cancelled. Normal processing continues. Operator Response: Attempt to restart the line by entering VARY nine) ,ONTP,. Reenter the TRM. Problem Determination: If the problem recurs, obtain and have available the following before calling IBM for programming support: • The TRM. • The control. terminal printout. IED1301 OLT REQUES~ REJECTED, CONTROL TERMINAL NOT OPEN Explanation: 'Ihis message is issued when TCAM cannot open the control terminal. The problem could be that the required DD card is missing from the TCAM JCL. The Test Request Message (TRM) is cancelled. System Action: The TRM is rejected and normal processing continues. Operator Response: Check JCL for a DD card for the control terminal. Restart the Message Control Program llii th a valid DD card for this terminal. Reenter the TRM. Problem Determination: If the problem recurs" obtain and have available the following before calling IBM: • The TRM. • The control terminal printeut. System Action: TCAM continues normal precessing. The On-line Test (OLT) enters a wait state fer three minutes. If the response is net received at. the end of this time, the OLT is cancelled, and normal processing ccntinues. o Operator Respc~: If all activity on specified lines can te suspended for the duration of the test, enter REPLY xx, 'YES'. Otherwise enter REPLY xx, 'NO'. IED1331 C. T. REQUESTED BY OLT ASSIGNED TO ANOTHER OLT EXFlanation: This Iressage is issued when the ccntrol terninal device requested in the Test Request Message (TRM) has already been assigned tc ancther On-line Test (OLT). The TRM is cancelled and must be reentered to initiate an OLT~ system Action: The TRM is cancelled. Nermal processing ccntinues. Operator Respcnse: Reenter the TRM and specify a contrcl terminal not in use. Preblem Deterninatien: If this problem recurs and the ccntrol terndnal is not in use, have the fcllowing availal:le before calling IBM fcr programming support: • A listing of the TCAM Message Control Program. • The TRM that was cancelled. • The control terminal printout. IED1341 xxxxxxxx TERMINAL FAILED, OLT CANCELLED o ~xFlanation: IED1311 TRM CANCELLED, NOT ENTERED FROM SwITCHED C. T. Explanation: This nessage is issued when a Test Request Message (TRM) has specified a control terminal en a switched line but the TRM was entered from some other terminal. To use a switched terminal as control terminal, the TRM must be entered from the terminal. system Action: Ncrrral processing continues. The OLT is cancelled. System Action: The TRM is cancelled and normal processing continues. Operator Respcnse: Reenter the Test Request Message (TRM). Operator Response: Reenter the TRM from the specified control terminal. Prcblem Deterninaticn: If the prol::lem recurs, obtain and have available the fellowing before calling IBM: • The TRM tha1;·was entered. • The control terminal printout. Problem Determination: If the problem recurs when the TRM is entered from the control terminal, obtain and have available the following befere calling IBM: • The TRM that was entered. • The control terminal printout. IED132D CAN OLT USE FOR NON-CONCURRENT MODE lINES xxx, xxx.,xxx ,xxx... (up to 11 lines) Explanation: This message is issued when exclusive use of specified lines xxx,; •• ,xxx is needed for the duration of testing, where xxx is the physical address of the line(s). 220 This Itessage is issued when an unrecoverable errcr occurs while the telecorrnunicaticns cn-line test executive or an On-line Test (OLT) is trying to conmunicatewith a remote ccntrol terminal or alternate printer terminal, where xxxxxxxx is the syrrbclic name of the terminal. The OLT is cancelled. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) IED1351 message Explanation: Messages with this number are directed tc the control terminal for CE con,municaticn. The meaning of the message is found in the TCAM User's Guide, GC30-2025. system Action: continues. Ncrmal processing Operator Respcnse: Refer to 'TOTE/Ccnfiguratcr User's Guide'. o o IED136D message IED1431 xxx GENERAL POLL STARTED Explanation: Messages with this num:t::er are directed to the control terminal for CE comreunication and require a response. The meaning of the rressage and the proper responses are found in the ~CAM User's Guide, GC30-2025. System Action: The On-line ~est goes into wait state until response is received. Normal processing ccntinues. Explanation: An eperator corrrr,and was entered to activate the general poll invitation characters associated with statien xxx. systerr Action: The general pell invitation characters are activated and all specific pell characters en the centrel unit are deactivated. Programmer Respense: Operator Response: Guide. GC30-2025. IED13SI ERROR SOR~ING None. Refer te TCAM User's DEVICE ID TABLE, xxxx IED1441 xxx GENERAL PCLL STOPPED Explanation: An error eccurred while sorting the device ID table. xxxx identifies the terminal nane being processed when the error occurred. EXFla~tion: An eperator corrrrand was entered to deactivate the general poll invitation characters associated with staticn xxx. system Actien: A return cede of X'lS' is passed to the initializatien routine (IEDQOA) in register 15. IEDQOA issues error wessage IEDQ65I, suspends calling other INTRO, non-resident, initialization routines, and returns te' IN~RO. which passes control to the next instruction. systen Action: The general pell invitation characters are deactivated and all specific pell characters en the control unit are activated. Prcqramner ResFcnse: ~erator Programmer Response: Respcnse: None. I Ncne. Nene. IED145I xxx GENERAL PCI·L ALREADY STARTED o Problem Determination: Execute the IMASPZAP service aid prograw to obtain a dump of module IEDQOA at the point the error message was issued. ~able I, items 3, 13, 16, 29. IED139 I PRINTING S~OPPED Explanation: ~CAM disk errer message IED140I has been printed the maximum of five times. EXFlanation: An cperator command was entered to activate the general poll invitation characters associated with the statien xxx. systerr, Action: The corrroand is ignored because the general poll invitation characters were active already; normal precessing continues. CFerator Respcnse: system Action: Printing of further messages is suppressed. Programmer Response: Ncne. IED1401 TCAM DISK ERROR aa,bbbbbbbb,cccccccccccccccc,dd,eeffffff Explanation: An error cccurred while reading from, or writing to disk. The fields of the message text are as follows: aa Contents of IOBECBCC (completion code). bbbbbbbb Hexadecimal equivalent of IOBFLAG 1- 2 and IOBSENS 0-1. cccccccccccccccc Hexadecimal equivalent of 8-byte IOBCSw (first byte of IOBFLAG3). dd Character UCB ide ee Either RD (Read) or WR <"write). ffffff Hexadecimal equivalent of 3-byte CPDADDR (disk record number). See the I/O Supervisor PLM, GY2S-6616, for further explanation of these fields. o Programmer Response: Operator Response: None. None. Ncne. Prcqrawrrer ResFcnse: None. IEDi46I xxx GENERAL POLL ALREAI:Y S~'OPPED EXFlanation: An cperator compand was entered to deactivate the general poll invitation characters associated with statien xxx. system Action: The corr~and is ignored because the general pell invitation characters were inactive already; normal precessing cor.tinues. Prcqrammer Respcnse: CFerator Respense: None. Nene. IED147I xxx CCMMAND INVALID FOR GENERAL POLL EXFlanation: An CJ;:erator corelrand was entered to hold cr release the general poll station xxx. System Action: The corrmand is ignored because i t was nct a valid corrmand for general poll statiens; norrr:al Frocessing continues. lEI: Messages - TCAM 221 Programmer Response: Operator Response: Ncne. None. IED148D IS CONTROL UNIT FOR ADDRESS xxx CONNECTED TO TEIS CPU? Explanation: 'I·CAM's on-line test (TCTE) facility was asked to test unit address xxx'. Configuration data indicates that this address is shared between two CPUs. Before TOTE can test this unit, it must be ensured that the control unit for the line is connected to this cpu. System Action: TOTE waits for the operator to reply. Programmer Response: Ncne,. Operator Response: If the control unit is not already connected to this CPU, s~itch it and reply R xx, 'YES'. If you cannot switch the control unit to this CPU reply R xx" 'NO' and TOTE will cancel the TRM request. IED1481 OLT ABEND xxxyyy Explanation: An OLT abended with a system ABEND code of xxx and a user ABEND code of yyy. System Action: None. Operator Response: For a response of xxxOOO" refer to the corresI;:cnding system completion code to determine the nature of the failure. For a response of of OOOyyy, notify IBM hardware support of the user ABEND code. IED1491 TOTE BUSY Explanation: All storage available to TOTE for running OLTs is currently in use. The TRM that was entered cannot be processed and is rejected. This message is issued to the ter~inal entering the TRM except when the requesting terminal is: • A concentrator or a terminal attached to a concentrator • • A 3270 terminal w.hen general poll is active. When either of these excepticns occurs, the message is issued to the system console. System Action: None,. Proqrammer Response: If the problem recurs" increase the value of n in the OLTEST= operand of the INTRO macro. IED150D TCAM REUSABLE Q WRAPPED - REPLY '0' TO DUMP ENTIRE MSG DATA SET OR ·c' TO CANCEL Explanation: This message is not issued at the time the reusable queue wraps. Rather" it is issued when theIEDQXC utility is used to format and print data from a reusable DASD message queues data set that wrapped previously •. Individual queues cannot be dumped since the first record number of an individual queue 222 o cannot be deternined. Only the entire ~essage data set can be dunped. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) System Action: The systen waits for the operator to reI;:ly. Programner ResFcnse: None. 0Ferator Respcnse: ReI;:ly R xx,'D' to dump the entire message data set or R xx,'C' to cancel the dunI;:. Nctify the system progranmer of the acticn taken. I IED151IlcUU tttt yy TERESHLD ERS Z cuu xx tttt cuu xx tttt yy eeee zzzz yy eeee zzzz yy eeee zzzz yy eeee zzzz cuu ww tttt eeeeee zzzz eeeeee zzzz eeeeee zzzz eeeeee zzzz Explanation: This nessage prcvides the results of a scan cf the error file of an IBM 2715 Transnissicn Control Unit. The scan occurs when the error threshold for one of the area staticns connected to the 2715 is exceeded (threshold value is eight) or when nanually requested at the 2715 or at the 2740 terminal attached to the 2715. TCAM prints the message on the master console, the teleprocessing conscle, or the system maintenance ccnsole, depending cn the routing code specified at the 2715. In all four formats of the ness age text, cuu is the address in EECDIC cf the communications line (channel and unit), xx is the a6dress in hexadecimal cf the area station for which the errer scan is reported, tttt is the time (0001 - 2400) when the error occurred, and ww is the address in hexadecimal of a particular adapter within the 2715. Fields appearing uniquely within a message f ern at are descrited below. The first fornat cf the message is issued when five or nere cf the eight errors involved a particular ene of the devices attached to the area statien. In the wessage text, yy is the address in hexadecimal of the device for which the errors occurred, and z is the number of errors (from decimal 5 to 8) that occurred for the device. The seccnd fornat cf the rressage indicates that thethreshcld value of eight has been reached for the area station whose address is xx, but that ne ene device attached to the station acceunted for as many as five of the errors. The third fornat cf the message is issued twice whenever an error scan for a particular area switch is manually requested at the 2715 or at the 2740 terminal attached tc the 2715. The address of device yy fer which the error data eeee was reccrded at time zzzz is given four tin.es in each message; the two messages together thus proviae information about the eight n,Qst recent error occurrences fer area statien xx. The fourth fornat of the message is issued twice whenever an error scan for a particular 2715 adapter is manually requested at the 2715, the 2740 terminal o o o attached to the 2715, or the central system console. The error data eeeeee for adapter ww recorded at time zzzz is given four times in each message; the two messages together thus provide information about the eight most recent error occurrences for adpater ww. Operator Response: Prcqrammer Respense: Operator Respcnse: Explanation: A TCAM HALT con,mand was issued during a TCAM systeR delay. 300 WAS svstero Action: The requested action is net taken. Precessing continues. Explanation: A block size of less than 300 bytes was specified for environment checkpoint records for a checkpoint data set.. TCAM used the def aul t val ue of 300. System Action: Programmer ResFcnse: Operator Response: Operator Respcnse: Reissue the TCAM HALT cen-mand after the system delay expires. IED901 None. system Action: The TSINPUT macro is not expanded properly. (severity cede = 12.) Progran,nler Respcnse: Probable user error .• Place the TSINPUT xracre after all TERMINAL nacres and resubnit the job. Exolanation: A block size ef more than 3520 bytes was specified for environment checkpoint records for a checkpoint data set. TCAM assigned a value of 3520. Problem Deterninaticn: 29. None. Programrr.er Response: Change the val ue of the BLKSIZE= operand of the checkpoint DCB macro instruction. Specify a value between 300 and 3520, inclusive. Operator Response: IED902 TYFE=xxxC AND SECTE:RM=YES MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE System Action: The TERMINAL macro instruction is net expanded properly. (SEVERITY CODE = 12.) Explanation: TOTE remetrbers the status of a device (terminal or line) from the point that testing of that device begins. When TOTE completed testing the device at address xxx, i t was unable to return that device to its original status.• Programmer Respense: Probable user error. Either omit the SECTERM= operand or specify SECTERM=NO cn all TERMINAL macros reFresenting ccntrol unit entries; resubnit the jcb. None. Programmer Response: Prcblem Deterninatien: 29. None. Operator Response: Determine the status of the device at address xxx through operator control facilities.. Since the device is not in the sane status as it was at the beginning of the test, use TCA~ operator control to return i t to the same status. IED156I xxx ON CONCENTRATOR - CANNOT BE VARIED o Table I, items 15, Explanation: Ccntrel unit entries do not represent actual terninals and therefore are not eligible as secondary censoles. None. IED154I TOTE CANNOT RETURN DEVICE xxx TO ORIGINAL STATUS System Action: ALL TERMINAL MACROS MUST PRECEDE TEINPUT EXFlanatien: The TSINPUT nacre instruction was placed improperly in the source pregran (TSO). IED153I CHECKPOINT BLKSIZE TOO BIG - 3520 WAS USED o None. None. Programmer Response: Change the value of the BLKSIZE= operand of the checkpoint DCB macro instruction. Specify a value between 300 and 3520, inclusive. System Action: None. IED157I TCAM SYSTEM DEI.·AY ACTIVE - HALT COMMAND REJECTED None. IED152I CHECKPOINT BLKSIZE TOO SMALL USED None. Explanation: An operater camnand was received for starting or stepping station xxx from accepting or entering, but the station is attached to a cencentrator. system Action: The requested action is not taken. Processing continues. IED903 Table I, items 15, FEATURE=NODIAL SPECIFIED ON INTRO Explanaticn: Althcugh a terminal is defined as switched, the FEATURE= operand of the INTRO nacre sFecifies that this MCP does not require dial suppert. system Action: The INTRO nacro instruction is expanded. (severity = 12). Programmer Respense: Probable user error. Either specify FEATURE=DIAL, or modify the TERMINAL macres to include nonswitch terminals only. operator Respcnse: None. IEB Messages - TCAM 223 I IED904 OLTERM <::REA'IER THAN 255 IED906 Explanation: The maxin.um value of the OLTERM= operand of the 'ITABLE macro is 255. This MNO'IE notifies the programmer that he exceeded the rr.aximun value allowed. SysteIr Actien: The INBLOCK macro instruction is net eXFanded. (severity cede = 12.) PrcgraIrner Respcnse: Remove the INBLOCK rracre from the TSO n.essage handler and resubIrit the jcb. None. xxx OPERAND INCONSISTENT WI'IH yyy OPERAND Explanation: In the TCAM MH macro associated with this MNOTE, the value specified for operand xxx is inconsistent with the value specified for yyy. SYstem Action: The MH Ifacrc is partially expanded. (Severity code = 12.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Recode the wacro. If xxx and yyy are mutually exclusive, code onlY'one of them. If they both may be coded, change the value for ene or both, to make them compatible. Operator Response: o IN A TSO MH An INBLOCK nacre was coded in a TSO message handler. Progran,n.er Response: Change the OI.TER~= operand of the TTABLE n.acro instruction to a value between 1 and 255"inclusive. IED90S INVALI~ Expla~tien: system Action: The TTABLE nacro is expanded. (severity code = 12.> Operator Response: INELCCK MACRO None. Problem Determinatien: 19, 29. Cperator Respense: IED907 Nene. RESERVE OPERANI: VALUE TOO LAR<::E USED 221 WAS Explanation: The RESERVE= operand of the ~KFUT macro sFecified a value greater than the n.aximun of 221. §ysterr. Action: The MHPUT nacro is eXFanded using a value of 221. Prsgrammer Respcnse: Either reassemble the MHPUT macrc with a value of less than 222 sFecified cn the RESERVE= oFerand, or onit the operand tc get a default value of 221. Table I, items 4, Qperator Respcnse: Ncne. ··~· C I .1 o 224 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7> o Master Scheduler Messages (lEE) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I lEE I I Component Name ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I Master scheduler. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For cperator: I console. ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format xx IEEnnns text [Pnn] xx Message reply identificaticn (absent, if crerator reply not required). nnn Message serial number. s 'I'ype code: A Action; operator must perfcrrr a specific action. D Decision; operator rrust chcose an alternative. E Eventual action; operatcr rrust perfcrrr acticn when he has time. I Information; no operatcr action is required. w wait: processing stopped until acticn is deterrrined and perforroed. text Message text. Pnn Partition which issued the message (systerrs with o I cnly). ~-~~~~~~;;i~~~~~----__t-~~~~~~-~h~-f~id=~~;-i~-~;~-vi-~f~i~-~~bli~~;i~~-f~;-~;~ti~~------l 4111 I I I determination instructions. L _____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ J ~ IEE0191 cm QUOTE(S) MISSING. IEE0251 UNIT ddd HAS Explanation: In the cro cororrand, one or more apostrophes that should appear are missing. system Action: the command. The system did not execute Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the command again, making sure that the required apostrophes are used. Problem Determination: 7ab, 29. The system did not execute Operator Response: Probable user e+ror. Enter the command again, making sure that the class name is correct. Problem Determination: 7ab, 29. PATHS Explanaticn: In a Mcdel 65 Multiprccessing systerr, a vary cororoand was entered for a device having nc availatle path. systero Action: executed. The ccrrroqnd is not Cper?!.toLBesEcn~~: Enter a VARY PA'IH ccrrrrand to rrake a rath availatle. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 11, 29. IEE0261 crr NOT Explanation: In the cm comrrand, the class specified was not a valid jcb class or system output class. System Action: the coromand. NC Tatle I, items 2, Table I, items 2, IEE0231 cm CLASSNAME ERROR. o ~FT ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Table I, items 2, SUPPORTE~. Explan?!.tich: If crr is LO~ cr WRI'IELOG, the systerr log is net teing supported for cne of the follcwing reascns: • The systerr lcg was deleted at system generation,tirre. • Cne or both cf the lcg data sets, SYS1;SYSVLOGX and SYS1.SYSVLOGY, were not cataloged and rrcunted during system start. • The systerr lcg task terrrinated abncrll'ally. If cm is an RJE central corrrrand, remote jcb entry was r.ct in the systero or had not ccrrpleted initializaticn when the command lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 225 was issued. (If cm is RJE, a START RJE command was issued.) IEE0341 WRITELOG EXECUTION tEF'ERRED. DATASET NO BAC~U:P If cm is DDR (or SYSRES), dynamic device reconfiguration (or the SYSRES option of dynamic device reconfiguraticn) is not in the system. 7he systerr cannot complete the SWAP request entered by the operator. EXFlanation: A WRITELOG cOJ{'J,tlandwas entered to write a system log data set (either SYS1.SYSVLOGX cr SYS1.SYSVLOGY) on a SYSCUT device. However, the other system log data set is currently being written, or waiting to be written, on a SYSOUT device. If cm is HIARCHY, a START cr MOUNT command specifying the 'B=' parameter was issued. However, Hierarchy support was not included in the system during system generation. system Action: switched. System Action: the command. The system did not execute o The log data sets are not OFerato,; Respense: Reenter the command after the alternate log data set has peen written to the SYSOUT device. IEE0371 10G NOT SUPPORTED Operator Response: Probable user error. If cm is LOG or WRI7ELOG, and if the system log is supposed to be kept, report the message' to the system programmer at the installation. If ClIo is anRJE central command, reenter the ccnmand after RJE is started and has completed initialization. If cm is DDR or SYSRES, no action is necessary. If cm is HIARCHY, reenter the command omitting the 'H=' parameter. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 17ab, 29. If the function denoted by the command is sUpported, and any necessary data sets are cataloged and mounted" and you must have the function before proceeding, check Table I, items 11, 29. IBE0321 WRITELOG COMMAND PENDING. CLASSNA~E x. Explanation: A WRITELOG conmand was entered to write ,the currently recording system log data set, SYS1.SYSVLOGX or SYS1.SYSVLOGY, on the systere output writer of class x. However, execution of a previously entered WRITELOG command is still pending. SYstem Action: The WRITELOG command will be honored after execution cf the previously issued WRITELOG command has completed. Operator Response: None. IEE0331 liALT OR WRITELOG CLOSE COMMAND HAS BEEN' ISSUED Explanation: A HAL7 or WRI7ELOG C10SE command was entered to close the data control block of the data set currently recording. However, the execution of a previously entered HALT or ~RITELQG C1CSE command has not completed. system Action: The second HALT or WRITELOG CLOSE command is ignored. After execution of the first corrll1land has completed, the log is nc longer supported. Operator Response: 226 None. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) EXFlanaticB: F'cr th:i,s loading of the systerr" the systerr lcg is not being su~ported for cne cf the following reasons: • Eoth log data sets, SYS1. SYSVLOGX and SYS1.SYSVLOGY, were not cataloged during system start. • The jcb abncrnally terminated. • A WRITELOG ccnnand was issued tefore log initializaticn cccurred. gperator Respcnse: Ncne, unless the system log shculd be supported. In that case, report this Iressage tc the prograrrll1ler respensitle fOr the system. If the data sets are net cataloged, they shculd be catalcged and the system started again. () PrOblem Deterninatien: If you must have the log functien befere proceeding, see Table I, itens 2, 7at, 29. IEE03BI LeG NCT SUPPORTED. ser NOT MOUNTED. Fer this loading of the system, the systerr. leg is not being supported because a volume containing a system log data set (SYS1.SYSVLOGX and SYS1.SYSVLOGY) is net mounted. The velume's serial DUrrber is sere Explan~ operator Respcnse: None, unless the systere log shculd be supported. Inthat case, mount volune serial ,number se,; and start the systen again. Problem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 29. If ycu rrust have the 109 function befo,;e prcceeding, Cbeck item 11. IEE0391 LeG SYS1.SYSVLOG{i} NOT FOUND ON ddd EXFlaB2,tioB: The data control tloek for the SYS1.SYSVLOGX cr SYS1.SYSVLOGY data set, as indicated in the message text, cculd not be cpened tecause the data set could not be fcund cn the volume on deVice ddd. systeR Action: suppo,;ted. The log is no lcnger o o Operator Response: Repcrt this message to the programmer responsible fcr the system at the installation. Problem Determinaticn: 25bd, 29. 'Table I, items 7a, IEE040I LOG I/O ERROR ON ddd Explanation: During executicn of a leG command or a W~L macro instruction, an uncorrectable input/output error occurred while ~riting text into the system log data set, SYS1.SYSVLOGX or SYS1.SYSVLCGY, on device ddd. System Action: The text is written in the alternate system log data set. Operator Response: None. Problem Determination: 29. ON ddd Explanation: The SYS1.SYSVLOGX or SYS1.SYSLVOGY data set, as indicated in the message text" is located on device ddd and is cUrrently recording. o hhh EXFlanaticn: During the execution of the systerr: log or SysteR Managenent Facilities functicn, the task atncrmally terminated with the conpletien cede hth, in hexadecima 1. syste!LAction: The system log or System Management Facilities function is no longer supported. Cperator Respense: Report this message to the pregramrer resJ;ensible for the system at the installatien. Prcblem Deterninatien: If the indicated function is required before proceeding, see Table I, iterrs 2, 7ab, 11, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE041I LOG NOW RECORDING ON SYS1. SYSVLOG {~ } Operator Response: IEE044I{LCG}ABEND COMPLETION CODE SMF None. IEE045I LCG INACTIVE EXFlanation: Beth leg data sets, SYS1.SYSVLOGX and SYS1.SYSVLOGY, are currently being written or waiting to be written on systen. eutput devices. Curing this titre, all previeusly entered log reccrds are held in rrain storage. Systetr, Action: Subsequent log records will be honored when a log data set is written on systerr cut put and becomes available for leg entries. Until then, incorring log entries will be sent to the operator via rressage IEF147I. IEE042I LOG DA~A SE~ SYSVLOG {~ } ON ddd CLOSED Operator Respense: None, unless a system output device needs to be started. Explanation: The data control block for the SYS1.SYSVLOuX or SYS1.SYSVLOGY data set, as indicated in the message text, ~as closed for one of the fcllo~ing reasons: • At IPL time, if both the SYS1.SYSVlCGX and SYS1.SYSVLOGY data sets are not empty, the data ccntrcl blcck for the data set containing the least data is closed. • The data set is full. • An input/output error occurred ~hile processing the data set. • A WRITELOG command was issued. Operator Response: None. IEE046I LeG NOW ACTIVE EXFlanation: A lcg data set was written on system output (SYSOUT) and is now available for leg entries. System Action: Lcg records are now written in the leg data set currently recording. Operator Respcnse: None IEE047I WRITELOG DEFERRED, INSUFFICIENT QUEUE SPACE IEE043I LOG DATA SET{~} QUEUED ~O SYSOUT CLASS x Explanation: The SYS1.SYSVLOGX or SYS1.SYSVLOGY data set, as indicated in the message text, was queued to be written on the system output writer of class x for one of the following reasons: • The data set is full. • An input/output error occurred. • A WRITELOG command was issued. o SYstem Action: The data set is queued to system output and the alternate data set is opened and made available for log entries. Operator Response: None. EXFlanation: The cJ;erator entered the WRIT'ELOG corrrrand to have the contents of a leg data set put in ene of the output queues. However, there was not enough system queue space to allow the log to be written. System Action: The systerr will retry tbe WRIT'ELOG operatien each time a task enters allocation until the operation has c orr.pleted. Qperator Respense: As active jobs and systerr tasks start and stop, display the output queues until it is evident that the log has been written. It is not necessary to reenter the WRITELOG corrrrand. If the lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 227 GI transfer does not complete and there are no tasks starting or stopping, i t may be necessary to start a task (Ferhaps an initiator) so that the WRITELOG operation can complete. id is a three-digit decimal identification number used with the K C,r: cOIrnand to stop status displays from being written on conseles. 0 yy IEE050A SMF OP'!' ION CANCELED - REPLY U TO CONTINUE Explanation: During execution of the System Management Facilities function, the task abnormally terminated. System Action: No jobs in the system will terminate until the reply U is given. All data currently residing in the System Management Facilities buffers will be preserved. It is necessary to restart the system in order to reinstate the system Management Facilities function. Operator Response: If the system should proceed without recording System Management Facilities records, enter REPLY xx,'U'. If the System Management Facilities function must be active, restart the system and inform the programmer responsible for the system. Problem Determination: If the indicated function is required before proceeding, see Table I, items 2, 7ab, 11, 29. IEE0511 SQA {addrl addr2 fffff } addrlK addr2K fffff Explanation: In response to a DISPLAY command with SQA in its operand, the message gives the high and low boundries of the system queue area and the amount of free space within. The first case of the message text represents the message for systems with MFr. addrl is the 8 byte address of the low boundary, addr2 is the 8 byte address of the high boundary and fffffrepresents the amount of free space within. The second text represents the format of the message for systems with MVT. addrl is the 5 byte address of the low boundary, addr2 is the 5 byte address of the high boundary, fffff is the amount of free space and K indicates that the address is rounded to the nearest multiFle of 1024. Operator Response: None. IEE0701 hh.mm.ss CPU/CHANNEL rid] AB0123456 yyxxxxx'Xx Explanation: '!his message is issued in response to a display configuration matrix (DISPLAY M) command and indicates the status of both the control units and all channels in the Model 65 multiprocessing system where: hh.mm.ss specifies the hour (00-24), the minute (00-59), and the second (00-59) that the message is issued. 228 Messages' Codes (Release 21.7) indicates the status of oentral processing units A and B. # - in multisystem mode, but offline P - in partitiened mode S - in multisystem mode, and online • - not in the system xxxxxxx indicates the status of ohannels 0 through 6. # - offline te both central processing units A - online to oentral processing unit A only B - online te central precessing unit B only S - online te beth central processing units - not ir. the system CFerator Respense: Nene. IEE0711 hh.mm.ss DEVICE STATUS ad] 0123456789AECDEF' cc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXFla~tion: This m.essage is issued in response to a dis Flay configuration matrix (DISPLAY M) command and indicates the status of all devices in the Medel 65 multiFrocessing system. In the message text, the first and second lines appear ence. The third line appears fer each unique channel/contrel unit address in the systen. where: hh.mm.ss sFecifiesthe heur (00-24), the m~nute (00-59), and the second (00-59) that the message is issued. id is a three-digit decimal identificatien number used with the K C,r: command te stop status displays from being written on consoles. cc indicates a unique channel/control unit address in the system and is read in cenjunction with the hexadecimal digits in the second line (0132456789ABCr:EF) to form unique unit addresses such as device ceO and device ccF. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx indicates the status of each device represented by the first two digits (cc) in the third line and the hexadecimal digits in the second line .• # - offline te beth central processing units A - online te central precessing unit A only E - online te central precessing unit B only S - online to bcth central processing units - not in the system o o o operator Response: None. IEE0721 NO STORAGE OFFLINE Explanaticn: The ~rccessing of the dump ccnnand has successfully completed. Explanation: In response tc a DISPLAY configuration matrix con~and, this message indicates that no storage is offline. system Action: processing. IEE0921 CORE DUMP SUCCESSFULLY COMPLE1ED Cperatcr Respcnse: Execute the IMDPRDMP service aid prcgran: tc print the dump data set. The system ccntinues IEE0931 cp OPERAND IS INVALII: REPLY FOR DUMP CC~MAND operator Response: None. Explanation: In respcnse to a dump ccnEiand, the cperand cp is invalid. IEE0731 cm IMPROPER CHANNEL NUMBER SPECIFICATICN Explanation: In the crr. corr.nand. a channel number was specified for a channel that was not in the system at system generation. System Action: executed. The conmand was not Cperatcr Re2£fDse: Prcbable user error. Ccrrect the operand, and reissue the dump ccnnand. The conrr.and was not IEE094D SPECIFY OPERAND(S) FOR DUMP COMMAND Operator Response: Prcbable user error. Enter the command again correctly. specifying a channel that is in the system. Explanation: A dunp ccmmand has teen issued fron the cperatcr's console. This message allows the cperator tc specify the stcrage locaticns tc te dunped. Problem Determination: 29. Systen Action: Dump command processing waits pending the cperator's reply. Table I. items 11. IEE0901 cm-x I/O ERROR DUMP TERMlNA1ED o Systerr. Acticn: executed. Explanation: During executicn of a dump command. an uncorrectable input/output error occurred. If x is 1. the error occurred before the dump was taken. If· x is 2. a partial dump was taken. System Action: terminated. Dump conmand processing is Operator Response: If x is 2, invoke the IMDPRDMP service aid program to print the partial dump. If x is 1, enter the command again. Problem Determination: 7a, 29. Table I. items 2, Cperator Respcnse: If a full core dump is desired. reply ALL cr U. If the dump is to represent stcrage locaticns, reply STCR= (x,y. [x,y]) where x represents _ starting addresses in decimal or hexadecimal. and y re~resents ending addresses in decinal cr hexadecimal format. The decimal addresses must represent a nultiple cf 1024 (lK). For example: STOR=(OBA040.0CA044) - EEX STOR=(00456K.00508K) - DEC Note: SDATA nay alsc be specified with STORe Refer tc Operatcr Reference Manual for further explanation. IEE0951 cm-x-retcde INVALID RETURN CODE FROM SVC DUMP Ex~lanation: IEE0911 cm-x SYSl. DUMP DATA SET FULL OR IN USE Explanation: While writing a core image dump into the SYS1.DUMP data set, one of the following occurred: • If x is 1, a unit exception was detected on tape. • If x is 2, the data set is full. • If x is 3, the data set is in use. system Action: terminated. o During execution cf a dump conmand an unusual ccndition cccurred. If x is 1, the return ccde (retcde) from SVC dunp is not valid. If x is 2, there is a systen error in the Svc dunp interface. Systen: Action: terminated. Dunp cOIrmand processing is Operator Respcnse: again. Enter the command Dump command processing is operatcr Response: If x is 1, Tewind and unload the tape and mount another nonlabelrl tape. Reissue the command. If x is 2, execute the IMDPRDMP service aid program to print the dump or mount a new SYS1.DUMP tape, and reissue the command. If x is 3. enter the command again when the current dump is complete. IEE0961 cm-x SYS1.DUMP DEVICE NOT SPECIFIED OR SUPPORTED Explanation: During execution of a DUMP conmand. one cf the fcllowing occurred: • If x is 1. nc SYS1.DUMP data set was specified at systen: initialization. • If x is 2. the SYS1.DUMP data set is not allocated tc tape cr direct access (2321 direct access is nct supported). lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 229 Syst~Action: DUMP corrmand processing is Nurrher, in decirr,al, of subtasks created in the step. Operatff-B~sponse: Probable user error. The SYS1.DU~P data set must be allocated to ta~e or direct access at IPL time. Problerr Determination: 7a, 29. NAMEl This field is one of the fcllowing: • The jobnarre for a job attached by an initiator. • The procedure name for a system task. • ~he initiator identifier for an initiator. • MASTER SCHEDULER for the master task. Table I, items 2, IEE101A READY Explan~tion: Nucleus initialization has been corr~leted and the master scheduler has received control. NAfi:E2 ~'his field is cne of the following: • The steFnam~ for a job attached by an initiator. • The identifier for a system reader or systerr writer. • The jobnarre for an initiator processing a job step. • Blank for the master task or for an initiatcr waiting for work. • The procedure stepnarre for a procedure called by a step. System_Action: The system entered wait state to receive a SET DATE command. Operatcr Response: corr.mand. IEE102I hh.mm.ss STRADDR xxxxxxx AC~IVE Enter a SET DATE DISPLAY lid] ENrADDR SQA xxxxxxx xxxx R SUBT NAME1 xxxxxxxx x xx o SUET terrrinated. NAME2 xxxxxxxx NAME3 This field is one of the fcllowing: • The steFnarre for a step that called a catalcged Frccedure. • Blank if there is no cataloged procedure. NAME 3 xxxxxxxx ~anation: ~his is the ccntrol line of the Status Display indicated by the DISPLAY A or MONI~OR A corrmands entered to an MVT system. The label line names the fields of data. Note: The STRAI:DR,ENI:ADDR and R fields are-re~eated fcr each additional region occuFied by the task. -~" O lid] ' A three-digit decirral identification nUrr,ber. It is used in conjunction with the CONTROL C,D ccmmand for canceling status displays being written on typewriter cr ~rinter consoles or being dis~layed in-line (not in a display area) on a display (CR~) console. This identification number does not a~~ear when the display is presented in a display area on a display conscle. STRAI:DR Starting address, in decimal of the region (or part of the region located within a hierarchy> occu~ied by the task. ~his field is zero for an initiator waiting for rrain storage, a data set, or work. EN DA I: DR Ending address, in decimal, of the region (or part of the region located within a hierarchy> occu~ied by the task. ~his field is zero for an initiator waiting for rrain storage, a data set, or work. SQA Nurrber of bytes, in decimal, at supervisor queue area required to control the job step. R This field is one cf the following: • Elank is the region cccupied by the task is owned. • B if the region cccuFied by the task is borrowed. • R if the region cccuFied by the task is rolled out. 230 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) IEE102I TI~E SHARING Y al a2 qs x ~x~lan~!ion: As a result of Display Active corr.rrand, the Tirre sharing regions will be shewn as abcve where: y is the regicn number. a1 is the beginning address of the time sharing regicn. a2 is. the end address of the time sharing regicn. qs is the arrcunt cf LSQS within that regicn. x is the nunber cf users fcr that region. All cf the above are decimal nurrhers. IEEl031 S Froc[.identl[,ddd]l,serll,DSNAME=dsnl * EXFlanation: In systens with automatic START commands, this Iressage is issued at systerr initializaticn to permit the cperator to retain cr reject the automatic conrrands. In the message text, the fields, are: prcc Cataloged Frocedure name. o \ o ident IEE1111 NC CUTSTANrIN~ REQUESTS Identifier. ddd Device name. ser serial number cf the vclume. dsn ~~H::lan~:!=ic~: In res~cnse tc a DISPLAY ccnnand with R in its cperand, this nessage indicates that there are no nessages awaitir:g re~lies and there are no unfulfilled ncur.t rec;:uests. Data set name. * CFeratcr ResFcr.~: Ncne. Indicates an autoIratic STAR'! command. IEE114A DATE=yy.ddd, CLCCK=hh.nn.ss REPLY Pl!RAMET ERS OR U. System Action: The connands retained in response tc this message are executed. Operator Response: Enter a SET command to indicate which of the automatic commands are to be retained: • In the AU'!O sUbparameter, sfecify Y if a command is to be retained and N if a command is to be rejected. (For example, if three messages are issued and the three con,nands are te be rejected, include the sub~arameter AUTO=NNN. If only the third command of the three commands sfecified is to be rejected, inclUde the sub~arameter AUTO=YYN.) • If all the comnands are tc be retained, the AUTO subparareeter may be omitted. • If all the commands are tc be rejected, the subparameter AUTO=NONE may be included. o IEll101 [REPLY IDS: xx] [READY UNITS: ddd] (AVR MOUN'!' PENDING] Explanation: In response tc a DISPI,AY command with R in its o~erand, the system is displaying the following information: REPLY IDS: xx The messages whose message identifiers., xx, are listed above are awaiting replies. READY UNI'!S: ddd The devices, ddd, listed above are waiting for mount requests to be fulfilled. If one of the devices is a data cell, the message text will apfear as ddd/b where ddd is the device address and b is the bin number. AVR MOUNT PENDING A VOlume listed in message IEF504A is waiting to be mounted. o ~I'IH SFT The tine-of-oay clock is cperative, and the current date and time are displayed tc the cFeratcr fcr verficaticn. Ir. the rressage text, yy Sfecifies the year (60-99), ddd SfEcified the day (001-366), hh specifies the hour (00-23), rrn s~ecifies the ninute (00-59), and ss specifies the secend (00-59). ~!f1~tic~: 2.Y.§te!LActien: The systen waits until tr.e cferatcr enters a re~ly. ~eratg~~~E£~: If the date and time indicated in the ness age text are correct, and if you de nct want to use any SE'! ccnnand faraneters, enter REPLY xx,'U'. If the date and tine indicated in the rressage text are ccrrect and you want to use ene or nere cf the SET cerrrranO fararreters, enter REPLY xx, parrr., wherE parrr nay be Q, l!UTO, er PRCC cr any ccnbinatien cf the three. Do nct cepress the TCD cleek enable switch. If the date and/cr tine indicated in the message is inccrrect, enter REPLY xx, parm, where parn nay be CLOCK=hh.mm.ss and/or tATE=yy.ddd (use the date and time fermat indicated in the ex~lanaticn abeve). If ycu wish tc use any other SE'! ecnmand paraneters, they nay te included in the reply as shewn above. After you have typed the aFFrc~riate resfcnsE, de~ress the TCD enable switch and hola it down while you signal end-of-bleck. (Ncte: The TCD clcck settings are entirely dependent en the way the eperator responds te this message. If beth the TIME= and DATE= paraneters are specified, the clock will be u~dated in accordance with both paraueters. If cnly cne parameter is sFecified, the cleek will be ufdated in acccrdance with that parameter and the value nct specified will be assuned te be ccrrect.) 0l?erator Response: For each xx listed, f1nd the last message on the console printout with that identifier and reply as indicated by the message. IEEll51 INSUFFICIENT STCRAGE AVAILABLE TO PROCESS SELECTED OPTICN For each ddd listed, find the last mount message on the console printout for that device (and bin number, if applicable) and mount the indicated volume. EXFlanaticn: sufficient storage is not available at the mcnEnt for the centrol program to prcduce the display asscciated with the selected cfticn. If AVR MOUN'! PENDING is specified, find the ~ message (or group ef messages) numbered IEF504A on the console printout and mount each unmounted volume as indicated by the message. Systerr Action: The cption is discarded and the display is nct produced. Respcnse: Select the desired option again at a later tine. C~erator lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 231 41 IEEl16A TOD CLOCK INVALID- REPLY WITH SET PARAMETERS Explanation: The value of the time-of-day clock is incorrect because of a power-down or a hardware error. The problem mayor may not have been resolved when this message is issued. System Action: The system waits for the operator's reply. Operator Response: Enter REPLY xx" , DATE=yy • ddd' where yy is the year (60-99) and ddd is the day (001-366). Any other valid SET command parameters may also be specified in the REPLY command. - If this response fails to reset the clock correctly, call IBM for hardware support. IEEl17A INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON TOD CLOCR ENABLE SWITCH Explanation: During initial program load, the time-of-day clock enable switch was not depressed at the right time for the command setting the clock to be registered. System Action: This message is issued fifteen seconds after the command setting the time-of-day clock was entered, if the enable switch was not depressed properly. If the switch still has not been depressed after one minute, the system issues this message again. If after another minute the switch has not been depressed, the system will terminate the initialization procedure and issue message IEEl19I. Operator Response: Depress the enable switch and hold it until the system issues message IEEl18I to indicate that the command setting the clock has been accepted. Problem Determination: If message IEE118I does not appear, see Table I, items 2, 17a, 29. IEEl18 I SET PARAME'!ER (S) ACCEPTED. Explanation: The time-cf-day clock has been updated and any other valid SET command parameters have been processed successfully. System Action: o If this message appears after the system has been started, processing continues as if the SET cOImand parameters has not been entered. Operator Respcnse: If this message is issued during initial program load respond as indicated to message IEEl12I. Otherwise, enter the command with the SET parameters again, specifying the correct tine. Be sure tc depress the enable switch and hold it dcwn until message IEEl18I is issued. Problem DeterRinaticn: If n,essage IEEl18I does not appear and the correct procedures have been fOllowed, see Table I, items 2, 29. IEE120I Q SEARCH I/O ERROR EXFlanation: An unccrrectable input/output error occurred while the queue manager was reading or writing in the SYS1.SYSJOEQE data set. System_Action: The read or write operation was nct performed. Processing continues. Operator Respcnse: Report the message to the programmer responsible for the system. o Problem DeterRinaticn: If una~le to continue, see Table I, items 2, 8a, 11, 29. IEE121I JOE QUEUE I/O ERR DURING COMMAND EXEC EXFlanation: During processing of a S'!ART or MOUNT command, an uncorrecta~le input/output error cccurred in reading or writing the input work queue entry in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. systen Action: the c cmnand. The system did not execute Operator Respcnse: again. Enter the conmand Prcblem Deternination: Table .1, items 2, 8a (b if known), 11, 29. Processing ccntinues. Operator Response: None. IEEl19 I SET PARAME'IER (S) NO'!' ACCEPTED - ENABIE SWITCH NOT DEPRESSED. Explanation: '!he time~of-day clock enables switch was not depressed within two minutes and fifteen seccnds after the command setting the clock was entered. The parameters specified in the command are not accepted, and the original value of the clock is retained. 232 system Action: If this message appears during initial program load, the system ~ssues message IEE112I and then reissues message IEE101A, and the SET cOR~and parameters must be reentered. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) IEE122I START COMMAND JCL ERROR EXFlanation: Either a START RDR or S'IAR'! WTR cOIrIrand was specified incorrectly, or the catalbged reader procedure or cataloged writer procedure invoked ~y the command contains inccrrect jo~ control sta tenents • systen Action: the cORnand. The systendid not execute o o Operator Response: Probable user error. Look in the SYSOUT data set for message(s) associated with this corrmand; these messages will describe any errors found in the reader or writer prccedure or in the overriding job control statements generated from the START RDR or START WTR command. After making corrections, enter the command again. Problem Determination: 4, 7ab, 26d, 29. systerr Action: the ccrrrrand. The systerr did not execute Operator ResEfrse: Probable user error. Make correctiens indicated by other rressages on the ccnsele or in the SYSOUT' data set. Then enter the corr.mand again. Prcblem Deterrrinatien: 4, 7ab, 26d, 29. Table I, items 2, Table I, items 2, IEE1351 ERR - REQUESTEr: DEVICE RESERVED IEE124 I MOUNT COMMAND JCL ERR Explanaticn: A MOUNT comrrand specified a device that is either reserved cr permanently resident. Explanation: The procedure invoked l;y a MOUNT command contains invalid job control statements. system Action: the command. Operator Response: Probable user error. Look in the SYSOUT data set for message(s) beginning with IEF and associated with this conmand; these rressages will describe any errors found in the procedure. If possible, correct the jcb centrol statements in the procedure; otherwise, report this message to the programmer responsible for the system at the installation. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 4, 7ab, 26d, 29. o system Action: the ccmrrand. The system did not execute The systerr. did not execute Operator Respense: Probable user error. Change the MOUNT cerrrrand to specify a different device, cr enter an UNLOAD ccrrmand and wait fcr the device that was specified to be released. Problem Deterrrinaticn: 4, 7ab, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE1361 TIME::!:hh.mm.ss LATE=yy.ddd Explanation: In response to a DISPLAY T cOIrmand, this rr.essage indicates the time of day ana the date. In the message text, hh specifies the hour (00-23), reIr specifies the minute (00-59), ss specifies the seccnd (00-59>, yy specifies the year, and ddd specifies the day (001-366). IEE1301 TIMEOUT - TERMINAL RESET Explanation: The 2740 console, upon which this message appears, timed out because the operator did not terminate his input message with EOB (end-of-block) within 28 seconds of requesting entry to the console or entering the last character of data. Operator Respcnse: None. IEE1371 cm VALID ONLY IN MCS System Action: The system reset the terminal to stand by state and ignored the operator's incomplete input message. Explanation: Coromand em was environment without multiple support (MCS). However, the valid only in an envircnment console support. Operatcr Response: Reenter the input message and terminate with EOB. system Action: executed. IEE1321 START CCMMAND DEV ALLOC ERR Explanation: Luring processing of a START RDR or ST'ART WTR command, an error was detected during allocation of the device specified in the command,. System Action: the comrr,and. The command was not Operator Respense: Explanation: Ccrrmand em was issued. However, the CCIrrr.and is currently being processed in the system. Operatcr Response: Pro1:able user error. Make ccrrections indicated by other messages on the console or in the SYSOUT data set. Then enter the command again. system Action: the command. The system did not execute Operator Respcnse: Table I, iterrs 2, IEE1341 MOUNT CCMMAND DEV ALLOC ERR o Explanation: During processing of a MOUNT command, an error was detected during allocation of the device specified in the comnand. None. IEE1381 cm ALREADY IN SYSTEM The system did not execute Problerr Determination: 4" 7 ab, 26d, 29 .• issued in an ccnscle cOIrE-and is with multiple I IEE1391 None. INITIALIZATION FAILED CODE=nn Explanation: During system initialization, the master scheduler failed to recatalog the SYS1.PRCCLIB data set. The code supplied in the message text (nn) is the return code frcm the catalog routines: lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 233 (I : CODE MEANING AL'I alt ddd device address of the alternate console. ddd,ddd device addresses of the composite alternate console. 04 The SYSCATLG data set cound not be found 08 The existing catalog structure is inconsistent witb the operation performed. 20 The SYSCATLG data set is full. H 28 A permanent I/O error occurred M o COND hard copy device. while the catalog was being read. master console. A System Action: The system will reissue the automatic start commands and the "READY" message to allow the operator to retry initialization. active console. N non-active console. AUTH authl CMDS Operator and system conHiands and all responses are to be written on the hard copy log. STCMDS Operator and systerr commands and status displays are to be written on the hard copy log. INCMDS Operator and system commands and inline responses are to be written on the hardccpy log. NOCMDS Operatcr and system conmands and responses are not to be written on the hardco~og. auth2 SYS Commands authorized for oonsole are CANCEL, CENOUT, l:EFINE, HAL'I, HOL),;, MO),;E, MODIFY, QUIESCE, RELEASE, RESET, SET, S'IAR'I, S'IOP, USERI),;, and WRITELOG. Operator Response: In all cases, retry initialization by setting the date again. If the error recurs, initialize an alternate system and list the catalog data set of the original system using the IEHLIST utility program. Give the catalog list to the system programmer or installation manager. Programmer Response: SYS1.PROCLIB must be found and cataloged before initialization can continue. The most comrron return code from catalog is 20, in which case som~ entries in the catalog should be del ted or the size of the catalog expanded. If the return code is 4, insure that the catalog has not been lost. If the code is 28, move the volume containing the catalog to another drive. Retry initialization. Problem Determination: 13, 18, 25d, .. 29. Table I, items 2, IEE140I SYSTEM CONSOLES {CONSOLE/AL'I} COND AUTE console/alt H authl SYSLOG auth2 console/alt {: ) o 10 ID nn AREA ReUTED x,a-b routed nn x,a-b routcd commands authorized for console are MOUNT, UNLOAI:, and VARY. CONS corrn.and authoriz ed for consol e is VARY, plus use of the routing locaticn cperand. INFO connands authorized for console are ERn CST , ),;ISPLAY, LOG, MSG, and SHOW, CONTROL, MONI'IOR, MSGRT, STOPMN, REPLY ALL conn,ands authorized for console are all the commands listed above under SYS, 10., CONS, and INFO. NONE no conrrand authority, which occurs with an output only device. Explanation: After the consoles have been initialized, this message provides a display of the system ccnsole configuration. The first format of the message appears if a hard copy device is indicated; the second fermat appears for each other console. In the message text, the fields are: CONSOLE console ddd device address of the primary console, which is either an output device er an input/output device. ddd,ddd device addresses of the composite primary console. SYSLOG the SYSLOG is the hard copy device. ID nn the systen identification number for the conscle (used with the routing location operand). AREA x,a-b specifies the range of display area identifiers for tnis console, where x is the identifier of the nessage area, a is the bottom display area, and b is the top display area. o 234 Messages i Codes CEFINED §ysterr Action: System operation ccntinues, but nc records are written in the SYS1.MAN data set. CFerator ResFc~: Probable user error. Inforn the prograrrrrer respcnsible for the system to define the SYS1.MAN data set in the SMFDEF.LT rrerrl:er. SYS 10 '''!\ ~lJ( EXFlal@tion: The SYS1.MANX or SYS1.MANY data set, as indicated in the message text, is required but was net defined in the SMFCEFLT rrerrl:er cr by the operator frcm the keybcard. auth2 Commands authorized for the console are CANCEL, CENCUT, DEFINE, HALT, HOLD, ~CDE, MODIFY, QUIESCE, RELEASE, RESE'I, SET, START, STCP, USERID, and wRITELOG. {i }NOT If Prcblem Deterrrination: 7ab, 29. IEE3511 S~F Table I, items 2, SYS1.MAN RECORDING NOT BEING USED EXFlanatign: During SMF initialization, one of the following cccurred: • Space was nct allccated for the SYS1.MAN data set or SYS1.MAN data set could not be cpened. In this case, message IEE350I, IEE358I, cr IEE3631 precedes thisroessage, indicating the cause of the error. • MAN=NCNE was specified, indicating that no data reccrds were to be written in the SMF data set. o o System Action: System cperation continues, but no records are written in the SYS1.MAN data set. Operator Response: In the first case, inform the system programmer to properly define the SMFDEFLT member, as indicated in the response to the preceding message. In the second case, none. IEE352A SMF MEMBER MISSING - REPLY ~ITH SMF VAlUES Explanation: During SMF initialization, the SMFCEFL'I member was not found in the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. System Action: SMF initialization will not continue until the cperator has responded to this message. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter REPLY xx,'keyword=value, keyword=value', listing all the required SMFDEFLT parameters as defined by the programmer responsible for the system at your installation. Infcrm the programmer responsible for the systemtc define the SMFDEFL'I member in the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, thereby eliminating the need to redefine the SMFDEFLT pararreters from the keyboard at every SMF initialization. IEE3551 IEE3551 FARAMETER ERRORS ~~~x UNRECOGNIZAELE KEYWORD/FORMA'! } keywcrd=value INVALlr: VALUE SPECIFIEr: keywcrd - KEYWCRC NOT SPECIFIEC S~F l E~anation: During SMF initialization, a parameter-was s~ecified incorrectly either in the SMFDEFLT rrencer or in a reply from the ccnsole. The s~ecific errcr is listed in the seccnd line cf the nessage: x:x~x UNRECOGNIZAELE KEYWORr:/FORMA'I An unrecCgnizacle keywcrd was detected; xxxx s~ecifies up to 25 characters cf the keywcrd in error. keyword=value INVALI[ VALUE SPECIFIEr: The keywcrd sFecified is valid, cut the value sFecified is invalid. keywcrd - KEYWORr: NO'I SPECIFIED The keywcrd sFecified is required, but was nct fcund in the SMFDEFL'! nerrber. Message IEE356A fcllcws, perrritting changes to be nade. §~~!L~£!:icn: Ncne. CEeratoLBes12s.rse: Ncne. IEE356A REFLY WITH SMF VALUES o Problem Determinaticn: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 29. Execute the IEHLIS'! utility program to list members of SYS1.PAR~LIB and save the output. IEE353A I/O ERROR ON SMFDEFLT READ - REPLY SMF VALUES OR RE--IPL ~ITH Explanation: During SMF initialization, an uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading or searching for the SMFCEF·L'I member in the SYSl. PARIHIB data set. System Action: SMF initialization will not continue until the operator has responded to this message. Operator Response: Restart the system. If the error persists, enter REPLY xx,'keyword=value,keyword=value', listing all the required SMFDEFLT parameters as defined by the system programmer_at your installation. Problem Determination: 2.,7ab, 29. Table I, items ~~Elan~!:igD: This nessage follcws message IEE355I, and ~errrits correcticns to ce rrade tc the pararreters in errcr. syste!LAction: SMF· initialization will nct ccntinue until the operatcr has responded to this rressage. Enter REPLY xx,'keyword=value,keywcrd=value', correcting the ~araneters in error indicated in nessage IEE355I (as defined by the systerr ~rcgranrrer at ycur installation> • Infc:r:rr the systen: prograrrrrer to ccrrect the errcrs in the specificaticn cf the SMFDEFLT memcer. ~.Eeratg±-B~§12S.rse: IEE357A REPLY WITH SMF VALUES OR U ~~~E~ti~E: This rressage follows message IEE354I, and perrrits changes to ce made to the parameters listed. systerr_Act!On: SMF initialization will nct ccntinue until the operatcr has respcnded to this rressage. IEE3541 SMF PARAME'!ERS ~~to~-B~s~: Explanation: This rressage is issued if OPI=YES was specified in the SMFDEFlT member. All the parameters of the SMFDEFL'I member are listed, cne parameter to a line, following this message; each parameter is listed in the format keyword=value. Message IEE357A foll~ws, permitting changes to be made. o System Action: None. Operator Response: None. If any pararreters are tc be changed, er.ter REPLY x~,'keyword=value,keywcrd=value', specifying the changes desired (as defined by the progranner respcnsicle fcr the systerr at your installaticn>. If pararreters are nct tc te changed, enter REFLY xx,' U' • Prcblem Deterninaticn: Tatle I, items 2, 7ab, 29. Execute the IEBP'IPCE utility program to list the rrerrber SMFDEFL'! from SYS1.PARMLIB, and save the output. lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 249 IEE358I SMF SYS1.MAN{i} NOT FOUND ON utn IEE361I SMF DATA LOST -- SYS1.MANX/Y NOT AVAILABLE TI~E=hh.mn:.ss Explanation: 'Ihe SYS1.MANX or SYS1. l'IANY data set" as indicated in the message text, was specified for the device whose unit address is utn. Hcwever, no space was allocated for the data set on that device. System Action: System operation continues, but no records are written in the SYS1.MAN data set,. the SYS1. MAN data set. Operator Response: Probable user error. Inform the programmer responsible for the system either to allocate sFace for the data set on the indicated device or to redefine the set in the SMFDEFLT data member. ~xFlana:ticn: The SYS1.MANX and SYS1.MANY data sets are bcth full~ Therefore, no rrcre records can be written. The message also indicates the tin;e of day, where hh specifies the hcur (00-23), ml' specifies the rrinute (00-59), and ss specifies the second (00-59). o systerr Action: System operaticn continues, but nc reccrds are written in the SYS1.MAN data sets. Until a data set beoomes availatle, a record is kept of the nurrber of reccrds lcst and of the starting and ending tirres cf the period during which no reccrds were written. When a data set becorres available, an SMF data lost record (tYFe 7) is written. ~~tor Respcns~: Problem Determination: 7ab, 25bd, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE359I INCOMPATIBLE SMF VALUES FOR OPT AND DSV. OPT= 2 SUBS'l'ITUTED. Explanation: The value OP'I=l is not compatible with the value DSV=2 or DSV=3 for the recording of STEP and/or VOLUl'I~ information for SMF. The value OPT=2 is required to create preliminary records needed for the above SMF information. System Action: The value OP'I=2.is substituted. Processing continues and SMF information is recorded. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If STEP and/or VOLUME inforrration is not desired, re-initialize the system and specify SMF parameter value DSV=O or DSV=l. Probelm Determination: List SYS1.PAR~IIB member SMFBEFL'I to verify the parameter defaults specified. The user may change these defaults in SYS1.PARMLIB, or override them through the ccnsole at system initialization, to cenform to his current SMF requirerrents. IEE360I SMF NOW RECORDING ON SYS1.MAN{i} ON utn TIME=hh.mm.ss Explanation: Records are being written in the SYS1.MANX or SYS1.MANY data set, as indicated in the message text, on the device whose unit address is utn. The message also indicates the time of day, where hh specifies the hour (00-23), mm specifies the minute (00-59), and ss specifies the second (00-59). Note: These records are initially placed in a buffer; when the buffer is full, the data in the buffer is written in the indicated data set. If the system fails before the buffer is full, the records are lost. System Action: None. Operator Response: 250 None. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Initiate execution of the IFASMF'BP Frcgrarr. If a dump program is currently executing, ensure that it corrplet'es as secn as FCSS ible. IEE362A SMF ENTER DUMP FOR SYS1.MAN{~} ON utn EXFlanation: 'I'he SYS1.MANX or SYS1.MANY data set, as indicated in the message text, is full cr end-cf-day was specified. The data set is cn the device whose unit address is utn. system_Action: Ncne,. Operator Respcnse: Initiate execution of the IF'ASMFDP prcgrarr fcr the indicated data set. IEE363I SMF {ser}l DEVICE CAPACITY '1'00 SMALL utn EUFFER DEVICE NOT IN SYSTEM INCORRECT BEVICE TYPE NOT DIRECT ACCESS OFF'LINE PRIVATE IS EUSY EXFlanaticn: SFace for the SYS1.MAN data set defined in the SMFDEFLT Iremter cannot be allocated fcr cne cf the fcllowing reasons: DEVICE CAPACITY TOO SMALL FOR BUFFER The specified device cannct contain the largest Fcssible SYS1.MAN record. DEVI CE NOT IN SYSTEM No unit ccntrcl block exists for the specified device. INCORRECT DEVICE TYPE The wrong device type was specified for the SYS1.MAN data set. NOT DIRECT' ACCESS A device ether than a direct access device was sFecified fcr the SYS1.MANY data set. OFFLINE; The unit ccntrel block for the device is marked effline. o PRIVATE The volume is private and the volume serial was not specified for the SYS1.MAN data set in the PRM and/or the AL~ parameter. IS BUSY A tape device specified for the SYS1.MAN data set was already allocated to another data set. In the ~essage text, ser is the serial number cf the volume and utn is the unit address of the device containing the SYS1.MAN data set. System Action: System cperation continues, but no records are written in the SYS1.MAN data set. Operator Response: Probable user error. Inform the programmer responsible for the system to properly define the device in the SMFI;EFL~' member or to make the specified device available. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 29. Execute the IEBPTPCH utility program to list the member SMFDEFLT from SYS1.PARMLIB, and save output. If unable to continue system operation, see Table I, item 11. o EXJ;lanation: A VARY PATH cOlmand requested that the last path tc device ddd be varied off line. In the message text, central processing unit y appears cnly for multiprocessing systems,. §ystem Act;.Q.D: The ccnmand is not executed. The system conti'nues op.eration .• Cperatcr Respcnse: Probable user error. If ddd does nct indicate the desired pat'h, enter the command again correctly. ~he last fath to a device cannot be varied offline. Prcblem Determinaticn: 29. Table I, items 11, IEE3771 PATHdddy TP - CANNOT BE VARIEr; EXFlan~!!: A VARY PATH comnand requested that the path to telecoltmunicaticns device ddd be varied. However, alternate Fath retry does not support teleprccessing. In the message text, central processing unit y appears cnly for multiprocessing systems. IEE3641 SMF I/O ERROR ON utn §Yst~Action:- Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while writing in the SYS1.MAN data set on the device whose unit address is utn. System Action: For direct access: if an alternate data set is available, records will be written on that data set; if no alternate data set is available, no records will be written. executed. The ccmmand is not The system. continues operation. CFerator Respcnse: If ddd does not indicate the desired path, enter the cCITwand again ccrrectly. Prcblem Determinaticn: 29. IEE3781 PATHdddy DOES NOT Table I, items 11, EXIS~ FOr tape: the data control block for the data set is closed; however, the system will request another taF€ vclume to be mounted, and the data ccntrcl block will be subsequently reopened. EXFlanatic.n: A VARY PATH cOITITand requested that a ncn-existant path to device ddd be varied cnline or offline. Hcwever, the path dces not exist in the systen:. Operator Response: Infcrm the programmer responsible for the system tc define a different data set in the SMFDEFLT member. In the message text, central processing unit y appears cnly for multiprocessing systerrs. Problem Determinaticn: 7ab, 29. systen Action: The command is not executed. The system continues operation. Table I, items 2, ~rator IEE3711 D M COMMANI; IGNORED Explanation: ~he operator issued an invalid Display Matrix command. This command is only valid in a Medel 65 multiprocessing system. System Action: The cOInrand was ignored and the system continues precessing. o IEE3761 PATHdddy LAST PATH TO I;EVICE Operator Response: Probable user error. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, Respcnse: Probable user error. If ddd does nct indicate the desired path, enter the command again correctly. Prcblem Determinaticn: If ddd does indicate the desired path, or if the prcblem recurs, see Table I, items 11, 29. IEE3791 PATHdddy NOT AVAILAELE EXFlanation: A VARY PATH cOITIT.and requested that the path to shared direct access storage device ddd be varied offline. Hcwever, the path is temporarily reserved and cannot be varied. lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 251 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 In the message text, central processing unit y appears only for multiprocessing systems. Operator Response: Probable user error. If a swap is still desired, enter the command again correctly. System Action: The command is not executed. The system continues operation. Problem Determination: 29. operator Response: Probable user error. If des1red, enter the VARY PATH command again after the shared device has been released. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 11, IEE380I ddd DEVICE TYPE INVALID Explanation: A SWAP command was entered; however, either device ddd is not supported by dynamic device reconfiguration or device ddd is not the same device type as the other device specified in the command: Note: • Teleprocessing devices are not supported. • Emulator 7-track "native mode" tapes are not supported. • The system residence volume cannot be swapped unless the operator enters a SWAP SYSRES command specifying the current sysres address as the "from" device. ex: SWAP SYSRES "from" TO "to" • The following unit record swaps are supported: • 1403/1404 to 1403/1404. • 1 4 42 to 1 4 4 2 . • 1443 to 1443. • 2501 to 2501. • 2520 to 2520. • 2540 to 2540. Unit record devices must be out of the ready state when a swap is performed. Note: When swapping printers, both printers must either have or not have the UCS option; that is, one ,printer cannot have the option when the other does not. • The system will not initiate requests for DDR on readers, punches and printers but the operator may request DDR for these devices during "intervention required" conditions only. • Shared direct access storage devices can only be removed from and remounted on themselves. • The following tape swaps are supported: • 7-track to 7-track. • 9-track 800 bpi to 9-track 800 bpi. and 9-track 800 dual density to 9-track 800 bpi or dual density. • 9-track 1600 bpi to 9-track 1600 bpi, and 9-track 1600 dual density to 9-track 1600 bpi or dual density. • An allocated tape device may not be specified as the yyy device in a SWAP command. • Permanently resident volumes cannot be swapped. Table I, items 11, IEE381I ddd DEVICE UNALLOCATED Explanation: A SWAP command was entered for device ddd that has not been allocated to a job. Therefore, a swap cannot be performed. System Action: The command is not executed. The system continues operation. Operator Response: Probable user error. If movement of the volume on device ddd is not desired, none. If movement of the volume on device ddd is desired, issue a VARY DEVICE offline command for the device and move the volume. If the VARY DEVICE command is not executed successfully, then the device has since been allocated and the SWAP command can be reentered. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 11, IEE382I DDR CURRENTLY ACTIVE Explanation: A SWAP command was entered; however, a dynamic device reconfiguration request is outstanding. System Action: executed. The command was not /"--\ Operator Response: Wait for the outstanding dynamic device reconfiguration request to complete. Then, if desired, reenter the SWAP command. ~,,) NOTE: Canceling the affected job will purge the outstanding request. CAUTION: If you decide to cancel the job that was running when DDR got control or if that job ABENDS, you must reply to any outstanding DDR messages that require replies. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 11, IEE390I NO ALTERNATE CONSOLE Explanation: No device has been designated as an alternate console. System Action: process1ng. The system continues Operator Response: If an alternate console is desired, ready the device and restart the system. Otherwise, ignore the message. System Action: The command is not executed. The system continues operation. i(~1 J 252 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o IEE4041 {~} dd [rr] xx yyy z IEE3911 ALTERNATE CONSOLE IS adr Explanation: A device has been designated as an alternate console. In the message text, adr is either the address of the console device (adr) or in the case of a composite console, the addresses of both devices (adr,adr). System Action: The system continues process~ng. Operator Response: None. IEE395W MASTER SCHEDULER INITIALIZATION FAILED RE-IPL Exelanation: During master scheduler abnormal termination ~n~t~al~zation, occurred. System Action: The master scheduler task goes ~nto a permanent wait state. Operator Response: Restart the system. Problem Determination: 7ab, 11, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE4001 THESE MESSAGES CANCELLED - xx,xx,xx Explanation: The program that issued the messages whose message identifiers, xx, are listed above has abnormally terminated. Therefore, the replies previously asked for by these messages are no longer needed. System Action: processing. o The system continues Operator Response: None. IEE4011 INVALID ATTEMPT TO INVOKE SYSTEM READER Explanation: An attempt to invoke the system reader has been made but the Interpreter Entrance List (NEL) being passed to the reader is invalid. System Action: The reader was not invoked. Return is made via Register 14. Operator Response: Probable user error. Report this to the programmer responsible for the job that invoked the reader. Problem Determination: 2, 4, 29. Table I, items 1, IEE4031 cm COMMAND ABORTED Explanation: The cm command was unable to complete its execution because of a system failure. Message IEE404I, which usually precedes this message, indicates the probably cause of the failure. System Action: the command. The system did not execute Operator Response: again. Enter the command Problem Determination: Have both the console sheet containing this message and the master console sheet available. Provide the storage dump if message IEE4041 indicates that one has been taken. o Explanation: While the Master Scheduler (~nd1cated by M in the message text) or the Command Scheduler (indicated by S) was processing a command, a system task abnormally terminated with the system completion code yyy. The system entered processing recovery routines to perform corrective action as indicated by xx. In the message text, dd is the dump identification used to correlate this message with a system produced storage dump, rr is the return code from the SVC Dump routine, and z represents the program status word at the time of the failure. If z consists of zeroes, insufficient core was available to the ABEND/STAE routines at the time of failure to save the psw at the time of the failure. System Action: The system takes one of the follow~ng corrective actions, as indicated by xx in the message text: 00 - All control block chains were found to be valid and no corrective action was taken. 02 - A LOGON Communication Element (LCE) chain pointer was not within System Queue Space (SQS). The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating the LCE chain. 03 - An LCE pointer was not on a doubleword boundary. The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating the LCE chain. 04 - A Command Scheduler Control Block (CSCB) chain pointer was not on a doubleword boundary. The invalid pointer was zeroes, truncating the CSCB. 06 - A CSCB chain pointer was not within SQS. The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating the chain. 08 - An abnormal termination occurred when this task was enqueued on the Group Control Block (GCB) chain. A DEQ macro instruction was issued to free the GCB resource. 10 - A GCB chain pointer was not on a doubleword boundary. The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating the GCB chain. 12 - A GCB chain pointer was not within SQS. The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating the GCB chain. 14 - A Command Input Buffer (CIB) chain pointer was not on a doubleword boundary. This CIB chain was pointed to by a CSCB. The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating the CIB chain. 16 - A CIB chain pointer was not within SQS. This CIB chain was pointed to by a CSCB. The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating this CIB chain. 18 - A CIB chain pointer was not on a doubleword boundary. This CIB chain was pointed to by a GCB. The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating the CIB chain. 20 - A CIB chain is not within SQS. This CIB chain was pointed to by a GCB. The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating the CIB chain. 22 - The Master Scheduler task or Display Active task terminated abnormally. The system freed main storage that had been obtained by these tasks. 24 - A Reply Element chain pointer \"ilS not on a doubleword boundary. The invalid pointer was zeroed, truncating the Reply Queue Element chain. lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 253 , r!~. 25 - A Reply Queue Element chain pointer was not within SQS. ~he invalid pOinter was zerced, truncating the Reply Queue Elerrent chain. 29 - 'Ihe Display Acive task terminated abnormally. The Master Region BUsy (also known as the Display Active) bit in the Master Resident Area was turned off (set to 0). 30 - A dump of all main storage was attempted to help isclate the problem. The fcllewing are possible values ef the rr field and their meanings: 00 Successful cempletion of dump to SYS1.DUMP data set. 04 DCB invalid, or net opened. 08 Caller not in supervisor state. 12 Dump device not supported. 16 Recursion to durrp routine occurred. 20 Cump data set full. 24 Invalid pararreter list given. 28 permanent I/O error--no dump taken. 32 Permanent I/O errer--partial dump taken. 36 End-of-file en tape. NO~E: ~he rr field will only be present when a cede ef 30 is given. 31 - ~he Master Scheduler task or Cisplay Active task terminated abnormally. Some sterage obtained by these tasks was net freed. After these cor.rective actiens have been taken, the system will continue processing, but at a reduced capability. Performance may be affected in the following ways: • If xx is 04 or 06, sorre MODIFY, STCP, CANCEL, and DISPLAY cemmands may result in other error rressages. • If xx is 10, 12, 14, 1~ ,18, or 20, some previously entered MODIFY er STOP commands wil not be executed. • If xx is 24 or 25, serre eutstanding repiies may not be valid. • If xx is 31 and message IEE403 indicates that the Display Active task was aborted, future Display Active tasks may not execute. Operator Response: Respond as follows: • If xx is 00, 02, 03, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, or 29, no actien is required. • If xx is 04 or 06, quiesce and restart the system. • If xx is 24 or 25, determine which outstanding replies are required by entering a DISPLAY R command. Because the Reply Queue Element chain has been truncated, the systerr may no longer be ~ware of tasks waiting for o~tstanding replies. Therefore, some problem programs may terminate abnermally and some system tasks may wait indefinitely. If system tasks appear to be waiting for this reason, quiesce ans restart the system. • If xx is 30, use the IMDPRDMP Service Aid program to print the dump data set. 254 Messages' Codes (Release 21.7) • If xx is 31 and wessage IEE403I indicates that the Display Active task was aborted·, quiesce and restart the systerr.• ... _/ Prcblem Deterrrinatien: Table I, items 2, 29. If the xx field in the nessage text is 30, indicating that a storage dump has been taken, have the dump available. If rr is 04, 08, 12, 16, er 24, see Table I, items 2, 30. IEE415I INVALID PROCEDURE ON S~ART cm ~~~~tieE: The precedure specified in a START corrrrand ccntained more than one step, at least ene ef which was a system task. Systerr Action: executed. The eorrwand was not CperatgX-B~£~: Probable user error. Report the rressage te the programmer responsible fer the systen at the installation. Preblem Deterrrinatien: 7ab, 26d, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE450I hh.mm.ss UNIT STATUS lid] In res pense to a DISPLAY U corrrrand, this rressage provides a display ef the requested infernation. ~he message nay appear in either ef twc fermats: • If CFFLINE is net specified in the CIS PLAY U cerrrrand, the following headings will appear on the second line ef this rressage -- UNIT, TYPE, S~A~·US, VOLSER, and VCLS~A~E. If two or more units are being described, the headings will appear twice en the seccnd line. The third line, and each succeeding line, will ccntain inforrraticn as described by the headings. The fcllowing alphabetic characters may appear in the STATUS field with these rreanings: C - cnline ESY - busy S - SYSRES MTP - rrount pending C ~ censole NRC - not ready A - allocated R - reserved, shared DASD • If OFFLINE i~ specified in the DISPLAY U corrnand, the fellowing headings appear en the second line -- UNIT and ~YPE. Up to seven units nay be descrited on tte third line and each succeeding line of the display. ~~Flanatien: lid] three-digit decimal identification nuwber. It is used in cenjunction with the CONTROL C,D corrrrand for canceling status displays teing written cn typewriter or printer consoles er being displayed in-line (not in a display area) cn a display (CRT) consele. This identification nurrber does net appear when the display is presented in a display area cn a display console. A system Action: None. Cperator Respcnse: None. ('.~' J o IEE452I UNIT STATUS NUMBER OF UNITS REQUESTED EXCEEDS NUMBER AVAILABLE Explanation: In the DISPLAY U command, the number of devices s}.:ecified for ",hich information was to be supplied exceeded the number of devices in the system with the requested attributes. 'Ihis message appears as the last line of the display. System Action: The Operator Response: cOR~and IEE500E CHANNEL xy NOT CPERA'IIONAL Ex~~~ti~~: A test ef channel x of central precessing unit y indicateo that the channel was ~ct cFeraticnal. ~steIr_~~tien: The VARY channel online ceIrrrand was nct executed. £E~t~~ ResEcLse: Pretatle user error. Set the channel cn and reenter the VARY cemrand. was executed. Preblem Deterrrinaticn: 29-. ------------- None. IEE453I UNIT STATUS, INVALID OPERAND. RE-ENTER Tatle I, items 2, IEE502I CH xy CNLINE ~~~~~ti~~: Explanation: In the DISPLAY U command, invalid parameters were specified. In resfcnse to a VARY cbannel online cCIrrrano, channel x of central precessi~g unit y has teen Flaced online or was already cnline. System Action: §yste~£tion: No display was created. Operator Response: Enter the command correctly, specifying valid Farameters. The systeIr centinues Frccessing. CEerator Respense: Ncne. IEE503I CH xy OFFLINE IEE4541 UNIT STATUS, DEVICE DOES NO~ E~IST EXElan~ti~D: Explanation: In the DISPLAY U command, the single device specified did not correspond to any device in the system. o System Action: channel central offline already In reSfcnse te a VARY offline cCIrrrand, cbannel ~ of precessing unit y has teen marked in the channel tatle er was offline. No disFlay was created. §yg~Actien: Operator Response: Enter the command correctly, specifying a valid device description. IEE455 I UNIT STATUS, NO DEVICES WI'IH REQUESTED ATTRIBUTES The systerr centinues prccessing. IEE504I CPU Y ONLINE [:CBANNELS OFFLINE ARE x] ~xElanatic~: Explanation: In the DISPLAY U command, attributes were specified that did not correspend to any devices in the system. In resfcnse te a VARY CPU online cOtrIr:and, central Frccess ing unit (CPU) y has been Flaced online. In the Iressage text, channels x are cffline. System Action: syste~ctien: No display was created. 'Ihe systeIr centinues precessing. Operator Response: Enter the command correctly, specifying valid device descriptions. IEE5051 CPU Y OF"FLINE IEE475I TASK jjj sss ABENDED. COMPLETION CODE hhh EXEla~ati~: Explanation: A system task being performed for the step named sss of the job named jjj abnorIrally terminated with a completion code of hhh, in hexadecimal. In resfcnse te a VARY CPU offline cOIrIrand, central precessing unit (CPU) y has been Flaced offline. syst~~~ction: The systeIr centinues Frccessing. System Action: The task was terminated. Operator Response: Examine the conditions causing completion code hhh to be produced and, if possible, correct the error and start the task again. At seme convenient time, either start or restart the system, whichever is necessary, to ensure against a possible loss of system resources. o Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 29. If unable to continue system operation, see Table I, itero 11. If hhh is associated with the job queue see Tarle I, iterr Sa. IEE506E 2ND CPU DID NOT RESPCNr: TO E~'IERNAL S'IAR'I EXElanation: A VARY CPU online cemmand was entered fcr the second central precessing unit in the Model 65 ~ultiFrecessing Systerr. Eew€Ver, the central prccessing unit already online was unable te start the secend central precessing unit electrcnically. §Y.§!eIr Action: Frccessing. The systeIr centinues lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 255 Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the QUIESCE,coromand, check to see if, power is up on the central process~ng unit to be varied online, and check the configuration panel to insure that the switches are set correctly. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 11, IEE507E TIMER ON SECOND CPU NOT WORRING. COMMANDS MAY BE AFFECTED VARY Explanation: In response to a VARY CPU online command, the timer for the externally started central processing unit (CPU) was not enabled. Therefore, VARY channel, VARY CPU, and QUIESCE commands may give unpredictable results. system Action: processing,. The system continues Operator Response: Probable user error. Vary the second CPU offline, enable the timer, then vary the second CPU back online. Problem Determination: 11, 29. EXFlanation: In response to a VARY stcrage offline ccrrmand, storage has bEEn placed offline. In the message text, xxxxxx is the starting address and yyyyyy is the ending address, in hexadecimal, of the storage placed cffline. o This message is alse issued in response to a DISPLAY configuration matrix command requesting the status ef storage. syste!LAction: precessing. The systerr. centinues Cperator Respcnse: Nene. IEESllE QUIESCE IS NOT POSSIELE. ARE: ddd BUSY DEVICES EXFla~tion: A QUIESCE command was entered, but the input/output activity has not cempleted. In the message text, devices ddd are busy. systerr. Action: The command was not executed. The system continues precessing. Table I, items 2, gEerat2~~E~: IEE508E BOTH PREFIX SWITCHES SET THE SAME Explanation: In response tc a VARY CPU online command, it was disccvered that the prefix switches, located on the configuration control panel, for both cent~al processing units were set in the same position (ENABLE or DISABLE). This causes both central processing units to use the same prefixed storage area. System Action: The comrrand was not executed. The system ccntinues processing. Operator Response: Probable user error. Change the prefix switch for the central processing unit that is being brought online to a setting (ENABLE or DISABI·E) that is opposite to the setting of the switch for the central processing unit that is running. Then reenter the command. Problem Determination: 11" 29. IEE5101 STCRAGE LOCATIONS xxxxxx TO yyyyyy OFFLINE Table I, items 2, IEE50 9 I VARY REJEC'IED, CHANNEL ERROR Explanation: During executicn of a VARY channel online command" a channel error was encountered. System Action: The corr-mand was not executed. The system continues processing .• Reply in cne of the fellowing ways: • Allew the input/cutput activity to complete and reenter the cerrmand. • ~ake the busy device not ready, ana reenter the cerrmand. • Cancel the jcbs whese input/output is rraking the devices busy. () Problem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 2, Sa, 29. Table II, Fermat 1: trace option - TRACE=IO. IEE512E ddd BUSY. COMMAND IGNORED EXFlanation: A ,VARY CPU offline commana was entered, but the input/output activity en device ddd did nct complete within three minutes. System Action: The command. was not executed. The system continues precessing. Operator Respcnse: Probable user error. Reply in one cf the fellowing ways: • Allew the input/cutput activity to complete, and reenter the VARY command. • Make the busy devices not reaay, ana reenter the VARY ccrr,rrana. • If necessary, cancel the jobs whose input/output is making the channel busy. PrOblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 2, 11, 29. Record the system configuration at the time of failure and have it available. IEES141 taskname AEENDING COMPLETION CODE xxx Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Enter the VARY command again. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 11, 29. 'Iable II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=IO. 256 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) EXFlanatien: The system task control failed with a ccrrpletien cede of xxx while precessing a START cr MOUNT corr~and for the indicated task, cr terminating the indicated task. o o System Action: Processing for the indicated task terminates, and all resources of that task are returned to the system. A D03 ABEND and DAR dump may occur upon exit fron: the system task control STAE exit routine that is used to return the failing task's storage to the system. For a complete clean~up of the task, ABEND will DEQ all resources that were not dequeued and return them to the system. system Action: The command was not executed. The systerr_ continues precessing. Cperator Respcnse: Prcbable user error. Enter the conrrand again correctly. Problem Deterninaticn: 11, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE519E STCRAGE ONLINE HAS IMPERF'ECT OVERLAP Operator Response: Inform the system prograrr.mer that this message has been issued. Programmer Response: Examine the conditions causing the termination of the indicated task, and if possible, correct the error. ~hen request that the operator restart the task. Problem Determination: 7ab, 29. SYSTE~ Explanation: A VARY storage online command was issued, but the storage unit specified has been dialed out of the system and cannot be addressed. System Action: ~he con,n.and was not executed. The system ccntinues processing. operator Response: Probable user error. If a VARY online corrnand was entered, dial the storage box back into the system and reenter the VARY corrmand. Otherwise, no response is necessary. Problem Determination: 11, 29. In a VARY online command, the storage addresses overlap but do not exactly match the addresses s~ecified in a previous VARY cffline corerrand which has nct yet completed. 2ystem~ction: The command is ignored. The system continues ~rocessing. Table I, items 2, IEE515E STORAGE PHYSICALLY REMOVED FROM o ~~Flanation: Table I, items 2, Record the system configuration at the time of failure and have i t available. Cperator Respcnse: Probable user error. If the intenticn is tc cancel the previous VARY cffline ccnnand, then reenter the VARY cnline ccmrand specifying the same addresses as in the VARY offline command. Otherwise, wait until the VARY offline ccrrreand conpletes and reenter the VARY online comreand s~ecifying addresses that dc nct overla~ the addresses cf the VARY off line con_n.and. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 11, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE5201 VARY STORAGE OFFLINE CANCELLED DUE SUBSEQUENT ONLINE ~O Ex~nation: A VARY offline command had previously been issued, but had not ccnpleted. In res~cnse to a VARY cnline ccnnand for the sane space, the VARY cffline conftand was canceled. systen Action: precessing. The systerr continues IEE5171 INVALID ADDRESS SPECIFIED IN VARY STCRAGE Explanation: In a VARY storage online or offline command, one of the following errors was made: • The number of the storage unit was not 1 through 8. • The storage address c_ontained a non-hexadecimal digit. • The address range was above the highest range selected at IPL time. • The address range was specified in the wrong order. System Action: The conrrand was not executed. ~he system ccntinues processing. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the command again correctly. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 11., 29. IEE5211 CH xy INVALID §xFlanation: In a VARY cOD"nand, channel x of central precessing unit y was specified incorrectly and was not recognized by the systen,. 2ystem Action: The conmand was not executed. The systen continues precessing. Cperator Respcnse: Probable user error. Enter the connand again correctly. Problem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 2, 11, '29. IEE5221 CPU Y INVALID IEE5181 VARY STORAGE OFFLINE OVERLAPS SUPERVISCR In a VARY connand, central prccessing unit (CPU) ywas not recognized by the systen. Either an invalid character was specified for the CPU ID, or the CPU is not active. EXFlan~tion: o Explanation: The storage address range specified in a VARY storage offline command overlaps the supervisor storage area. lEE Messages·- Master Scheduler 257 ~ystem System Action: The command was not executed. The system continues processing .• Action: The corrmand was not executed. The systelT continues prccessing. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the command again correctly. CFerator Respcnse: Probable user error. Dc nct enter a VARY cClTmand tbat eliminates access tc the systelT: ccnsol e. Problem Determination: 11, 29. Prcblem DeterlTinaticn: 11, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE523I INVALID COMMAND IN ONE CPU SYS'IE}Il IEE528I CC~MAND Table 1, items 2, PROCESSING AEEND xxx EAS OCCURRED ExPlanation: 'I'he command cannot be executed in a partitioned system. The message is also issued if an attempt is made to remove the only central processing unit in multisystem mode. Explanation: An a1::ncrmal terlTination occurred during execution of a queue manipulation cClTlTand. The system cClTpletion code is indicated by xxx. System Action: The comlTand was not executed. The system ccntinues processing,. System Action: prccessing of the queue cOlTmand terlTinates, and the subpools and the region allccated tc the queue-alter routine are freed. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter only commands valid fcr systems ~ith one central processing unit. Operator Respcnse: Inform the system prcgralTner or installation lTanager that this message has been issued. Problem Determination: 11" 29. Programmer Respcnse: Exawine the conditions causing the systelT: ccmpletion code xxx. If pcssible, correct the error and re-enter the cCRlTand. Table I, items 2, IEE524I STORAGE LOCATIONS xxxxxx TO yyyyyy OJHINE Explanation: In response to a VARY storage online command, storage has been placed online. In the message text, xxxxxx is the starting address and yyyyyy is the ending address, in hexadecimal, of the storage placed online. o Prcblem DeterlTinaticn: 7ab,29. Ta1::le I, items 2, IEE541E VARY REJECTED, VARYING OUT LAST PA'IH TO DEVICE ddd Explan~tion: System Action: 'I'he system ccntinues processing. Operator Response: None. IEE525I LOGICAL STORAGE UNIT' z IS NOW OFFlINE Explanation: In response tc a VARY command, storage has been placed offline. In the message text, z is the number (1"2,3,4,5,6,, 7., or 8) of the logical storage 1nit. System Action: processing. The system ccntinues Operator Response: None. IEE526I LOGICAL STORAGE UNIT z IS NOW ONLINE Explanation: In response tc a VARY command, storage has been placed online. In the message text" z is the number (1,,2,3,,4,5,6,7 or 8) of the logical System Action: processing. The system ccntinues Operator Response: None. IEE527E VARY REJECT'ED, WOULD REMOVE ACCESS TC CONSOLE Explanation: In response to a VARY CPU offline or VARY channel offline command, access to the system console would be lost. 258 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) In respcnse to a VARY CPU offline or VARY channel offline command, the last path tc device ddd or an element of the reserved path to shared direct access device ddd wculd be relToved from the system. Note: A VARY cClTmand that rerrcves the last path to a resident data set, an unallocated device, cr a tape drive, will always be rejected. SystelT. Action: The cOlT,mand was not executed. The systelT, continues prccessing. Operator ResFcnse: Probable user error. Dc not enter a VARY cOlTmand that eliminates access tc a device. Problem DeterlTinaticn: 11, 29. IEE549I ONLINE: Table I, items 2, ddd[, ••• ddd] EXFlanation: In response to a VARY channel offline cOlTmand in a system with multiple conscle support (MCS) cnline ccnsoles ddd wculd be placed offline by executing the cClTRand. svstem Action: The command was not executed and the system continues processing. 0Ferator Respcnse: follows. Ncne. Message IEE527E o o IEE550 I ONLINE: ddd [ , ••• ddd] Cperatg~~~~: Explanation: In response to a VARY CPU offline command in a system with multiple console support (MCS>, online consoles ddd would be placed offline by executing the command. Ex~nation: System Action: The corrroand was not executed and the system continues process ing .• Operator Response: follo'Ws. System Action: The REPLY xx was ignored. The systen continues processing. None. Message IEE527E Cperator Resp~: Probable user error. Enter the REPLY ccnmand again correctly. Explanation: This nessage notifies all console operators that received a message request with identification xx that a reply has been accepted to the message. The first thirty characters of the accepted reply appear as 'text'.. The text mayor may not be enclosed in quotes depending on whether or not the reply was enclosed in quotes. system Action: processing. The system ccntinues Operator Response: None. IEE6991 REPLY xx IGNORED; NON-DECIMAL ID Explanation: A REPLY xx command was entered specifying a non-decimal id. The reply id must be entered as decimal digits with or 'Without a leading zero in ids 01 through 09. SYstem Action: The REPLY xx command is ignored. ~e systen continues processing. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the REPLY command again correctly. Problem Determination: 29. IEE7001 REPLY xx IGNORED; REQUESTOR Table I, items 2, REPLY TOO LONG FOR Prcblem Deterninaticn: 29. Table I, items 2, IEE7031 REPLY xx NOT REQUESTEI: FROM THIS CONSOLE Explanation: In systens with multiple console support (MCS), a REPLY xx command was entered by a seccndary console in response to a nessage that the console did not receive. Systen: Action: The REPLY xx conimand is ignored. The systen. ccntinue processing. Qperator Respcnse: Probable user error. Enter the connand again froIT the master console or frcn a ccnsole that received the message. Problem Deterninaticn: 29. Table 1" items 2, IEE7041 REPLY xx NOT OUTSTANI:ING Explanation: A REPLY xx con~andwas entered; however, there is no outstanding reply request with the identification xx. Either the nessage request has already been answered cr the message reply identification xx is incorrect. SysteIT Action: The REPLY xx command is ignored. The systeIT ccntinues processing. Explanation: A REPLY xx command 'Was entered and the reply text was too long for the user's buffer. Operator Re~~s~: Probable user error If the reply identificaticn was incorrect, enter the connand again correctly. SYstem Action: The REPLY xx command is ignored. The systen continues processing. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 29. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the REPLY command again correctly. Problem Determination: 29. IEE7011 REPLY xx IGNORED; Table I, items 2, NO REPLIES OUTSTANDING Explanation: REPLY xx was ente~ed 'When a reply was not being requested.• o IEE7021 REPLY xx IGNORED; IMPROPER USE OF DELIMITERS REPLY xx was invalid for one of the following reascns: • A closing apostrcphe did not follow the text when the text was preceded ty an apostrphe. • An invalid character (a character other than a COlma, space, or EOB) followed the id. IEE6001 REPLY TO xx IS text o· None. SvS'tem Action: The unexpected REPLY xx was ignored. The system continues processing. Table I, items 2, IEE706I {SWITCH} NOT SUCCESSF'UL HALT Explanation: One of the following occurred: • The SWITCH SMF conn·and was entered in a system not supporting SMF. • The SWITCH SMF- or the HALT EOD command was entered while the SMF' recording data sets were being switched or while there was no SMF data set available. system Action: executed. The command was not lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 259 GIl Operator Response: Reenter the command as soon as the data set switch has completed. IEE723I PFI< IN PROCESS. LAS'I INTERRUPT IGNORED ~~la~~tif~: Problem Determinaticn: 7ab, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE720I NO PFK ALLOCA'IION Explanation: 'Ihe operator has entered the CONTROL command with either the N, PFK, D, PFK, or E, PFK operand with PFK support has not been included within the system. System Action: executed. The corrrrand is not The cferator pressed a nenconversatier.al PFI< (or selected a nenconversatienal PFK number with the light pen) and then pressed a second PFK (er selected a secend PFI< number) before precessing of the first request was ccrrplete. o §.Ysterr Action: The systerr does not recognize the secend request. 'I'his rressage is displayed in the instruction line until precessing of the first request is corrplete; then it is rerrcved. wait until the message is removed frcrr the instructicn line, then reenter the seccnd request. ~erato~espe~: Operator Response: Check with the system analyst to insure PFK support has been included in the systerr during system generation. If so, prier te calling for IBM support, do the following: • Execute the IMASPZAP service aid program to durr.p load module IEEPFKEY from r;CMLIE. • Save the output. IEE721I PFK nn NO'I SUPPOR'IED Explanation: 'Ihe operator pressed PFK nn for which support had nct been requested at system generation. System Action: None. Operator Response: Retry the operation. Check the PFK specification for correctness. If the prcblerr. recurs, do the following before calling for IBM support: • Issue D PFK command from the console. • Have the hardcopy printout available. IEE722I PFK nn NO'I DEFINED Prcblerr Deterrrinaticn: 29. Table I, items 2, IEE724I hh.mm.ss PFK DEFINITIONS lid] KEY# CON DEFINITIONS nn ccc ttttt ••• EXFla~~tion: This rressage is displayed on a CRT ccnsole in respcnse to a DISPLAY PFK ccrrrrand. It prcvides a display of the operator corrrrands associated with each PFK key. In the heading, KEY # refers to the number of the PFK key (cr displayed PFK key nurrber), CON refers to conversational rrede, and DEFINITION refers te the current definition of the key. In the message text the fields are: hh.mm.ss the tirre cf day, where hh specifies the hour (00-24), mm specifies the rrinute (00-59), and ss specifies the second (00-59). lid] A three-digit decimal identification number. It is used in cenjunction with the CONTROL C,D corrrrand for canceling status displays being written en typewriter or printer consoles cr being displayed in-line (not in a display area) en a display (CRT) conscle. This identification number dces net appear when the display is presented in a display area on a display console. Explanation: 'Ihis rressage indicates that the operator has pressed PFK key nn or positioned the light pen over PFK key number nn, and either of the following conditions occurred: • The selected key has no commands defined for it. • A zero length comrr.and is contained within the key definition. System Action: None. nn Operator Response: Use the DISPLAY PFK command to request a display of the commands associated with the PFK keys. If the selected key is undefined, select another key or use the CON'IROL N,PFK command to define corr.mands for the key. If the selected key is defined, check the co~and syntax. A semi-colen incorrectly located immediately behind the first quote or immediately in front of the last quote, or two semi-colons together within the command, can cause a zero length indication. Problem Determination: 29. 260 Table I, items 2, Messages' Codes (Release 21.7) the nurrber ef the key whese definitien is displayed en this line. ccc the status ef the conversational rrode: YES, if cenvers at ional mode is in effect; NO, if conversational mode is not in effect; and blank, if the key is net defined. ttttt ••• the current definition fer the key. This field can contain up to 108 characters er 52 key numbers separated by commas; this field will be continued en a second line, if necessary. If the key is not defined, this field centains NO'! DEFINED. 0 ." Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o Operator Response: IEE801D CHANGE PA~TITIONS None. - REPLY YES/NO (,LIST) Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) has finished processing. This message asks if partitions are to be redefined and if a listing of partition definitions, job classes being serviced, and time slicing is desired. Operator Response: In response to this message, enter REPLY xx, 'parameters' where the parameters are: • YES if partitions are to be redefined, or NO if partitions are not to be redefined. --• LIST if a listing of partition definitions, job classes being serviced, and time slicing is desired. If LIST is specified but neither YES nor NO is specified, NO is assumed as the default parameter. If more than one parameter is specified, the parameters must be separated by commas. If LIST is specified in the reply, then messages IEE804I, IEES16I, and IEE8171 follow, listing the desired information. IEE802A ENTER DEFINITION Explanation: In response to this message, the operator can specify redefinitions with respect to partition sizes, job classes, and time slicing. 0 ', Operator Response: In response to this message, enter REPLY xx, 'parameters' where the parameters are: " • Pn=jclass to redefine the job class(es). The n l.S the partition number and the jclass is the job class or classes of the partition. The job class(es) can be expressed as: RDR A resident reader partition. WTR A resident writer partition. xxx One, two, or three alphabetic characters from A through o. If jclass is xxx, each character identifies a job class that the partition is to service. The first character identifies the primary job class, the second the secondary job class, and the third the tertiary job class. Jobs will be selected for the partition from the primary job class as long as there are entries in that job class queue. If there are no entries in the primary job class queue, the scheduler attempts to select a job from the secondary class assignment. If there are no entries in the secondary class queue, the tertiary queue is checked. If there are no entries in any of the job class queues serviced by the partition, the partition remains dormant until a job is enqueued for one of its classes. If the partition being defined was inactive and is being made active, at least one job class (jclass) must be assigned. • Pn=(,psize) to redefine the partition Sl.ze, in systems without main storage hierarchy support for IBM 2361 models 1 and 2. The n is the partition number, the leading comma indicates the absence of the jclass subparameter, and the psize is the new size of partition n. The partition size can be expressed either as an absolute decimal value (such as 40960) or as a multiple of 1024 followed by the letter K (such as 40K). The minimum acceptable partition size is 8192, or SK. If the system has storage protection, partition sizes that are not expressed as multiples of 2K will be increased to the next multiple of 2K. If a partition size is specified as zero, the partition will remain inactive. When a partition size is increased or decreased, another partition size should correspondingly be decreased or increased. • pn=(,psize,H1=psize) or Pn=(,psize) or Pn-H1-psl.ze to redefine the partitl.on Sl.ze, in systems with main storage hierarchy support for IBM 2361 Models and 2. The n is the partition number, the leading comma indicates the absence of the jclass subparameter, the psize is the new partition size in hierarchy 0 (processor storage), and the H1=psize is the new partition size in hierarchy 1 (IBM 2361 core storage). The first format of the parameter is used to redefine both hierarchies; the second format is used to redefine hierarchy 0; the third format is used to redefine hierarchy 1. The restrictions for psize are as describes under the parameter pn=(,psize). When a partition size is increased or decreased, another partition size within the same hierarchy should correspondingly be decreased or increased. • Pn=LAST to specify the last partition which l.S to be active. The n is the partition number. All partitions with partition numbers higher than n will be considered inactive. If LAST is entered in error, a new partition definition may be reentered, omitting LAST. LAST may not be specified for more than one partition. If 'Pn=LAST' refers to a partition that was previously inactive, a size must be specified in the definition; otherwise, the partition will remain inactive. • LIST to request a listing of all current partition definitions. At system initialization, all job classes being serviced by active partitions and all time slicing information are also listed. • CLASS to request a listing of all job classes being serviced by active partitions. At system initialization, it is unnecessary to specify this parameter if LIST is specified. • END to indicate that no further redefinition is desired. When END is specified at the end of a reply, the o lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 261 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 system will implement all the replies entered since the last occurrence of this message. If more than one partition definition is entered for a partition, the system will implement the most recent definition entered for that partition. • CANCEL to indicate that all definitions entered since the last occurrence of this message are to be canceled. When CANCEL is entered at the end of a reply, the partition definitions will remain as they were before the last occurrence of this message. • TMSL to request a listing of time slicing partitions and the time slice value. At system initialization, it is unnecessary to specify this parameter if LIST is specified. • TMSL=CANCEL to indicate that the time slicing, as specified, is to be canceled. • TMSL=(Px-Py) to respecify the time-slicing group from partition x through partition y (where x is less than y) . • TMSL=nnnn to respecify the length, in milliseconds, of the time slice. The nnnn is expressed as a one to four digit value and is greater than 19. • TMSL=(Px-Py,nnnn) to respecify the time-slicing group from partition x through partition y (where x is less than y) and the length, in milliseconds, of the time slice. The nnnn is expressed as a one to four digit value and is greater than 19. More than one parameter can be specified in a reply: • The psize, jclass, H1=psize, and LAST subparameters of the Pn parameter can be used in any combination. However, the jclass subparameter must appear first and the LAST subparameter must appear last. If the jclass subparameter is omitted, a leading comma must be specified. If the subparameters are used in combination, they must be separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. • The keyword parameters LIST, TMSL, CLASS, END, and CANCEL can be used in any combination and in any order. However, the parameters must be separated by commas. • A partition belonging to the TMSL group cannot be defined as being inactive by specifying a prior partition as LAST. For example: You may specify: P1=(A,30K) ,P2=OK,P3=LAST, TMSL=(P1-P3) ,END You may not specify: P1=(A,30K) ,P2=LAST,TMSL=(P1-P3) ,END • A reply cannot occupy more than one line (126 characters) . 262 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Two examples follow: REPLY xx, 'PO=(AB,58K,H1=240K), P1=(RDR,30K) ,P4=(WTR,H1=12K), P2=(,0,H1=0),P3=(,20K,H1=80K) , P5=(DEC,LAST), TMSL=(P3-P5,200),END' In this example, PO is redefined as a problem program partition having a primary job class A, a secondary job class B,58K bytes in hierarchy 0, and 240K bytes in hierarchy 1. P1 is redefined as a 30K reader partition in hierarchy o. P4 is redefined as a 12K writer partition in hierarchy 1. P2 is to be inactive. P3 is redefined having 20K bytes in hierarchy a and 80K bytes in hierarchy 1. P5 is redefined as a problem program partition having a primary job class 0, a secondary job class E, and a tertiary job class C. All partitions numbered higher than 5 are to be inactive. The time-slicing group will contain partitions 3, 4, and 5, and the time slice will be 200 milliseconds. No further redefinition is desired and the replies entered since the last occurrence of this message can now be implemented by the system. REPLY xx, 'P2=(JFE,10K,H1=40K), P3=(MO,10K,H1=40K) ,END' This example reactivates P2, which was made inactive in the previous example. P2 is redefined as a problem program partition having a primary job class J, a secondary job class F, a tertiary job class E, 10K bytes in hierarchy 0, and 40K bytes in hierarchy 1. P3 is assigned primary job class M and secondary job class 0, and is decreased from 20K to 10K bytes in hierarchy a and from 80K to 40K bytes in hierarchy 1. Note that for each hierarchy, P3 was decreased to allow for the increase in P1 . IEE803A CONTINUE DEFINITION Explanation: If message IEE802A precedes this message, the redefinitions have been accepted by the system and the redefinitions may now continue. Otherwise, corrections to the previous redefinitions are to be made as indicated by preceding messages IEE806I and IEE809I. Operator Response: Respond as indicated for message IEE802A: • If message IEE802A precedes this message, continue the redefinntions. • Otherwise, enter the reply again correctly. IEE804I pn={(jClaSS,PSiZe) } (jclass,psizeO HO,psize1 H1) (INACTIVE) Explanation: In redefining the partitions, a listing was requested of all current partition definitions. o In the message text, two partition definitions are listed per line. The fields in the message text are: n The partition number. psize The size of the partition, in decimal. psizeO The size of the partition in hierarchy 0, in decimal, for systems with main storage hierarchy support for IBM 2361 models 1 and 2. psizel The size of the partition in hierarchy 1, in decimal, for systems with main storage hierarchy support for IBM 2361 models 1 and 2. jclass The job class or classes of the partition. The job class(es) may be expressed as: RCR A resident reader partition. WTR A resident writer partition. xxx One, two, or three alphabetic characters fron, A through 0 .• INACTIVE The partition size was defined as zero. o If the jclass field is follcwed by the parameter LAST, then all partitions with higher partition nunbers are considered inactive. Operator Response: None. IEE805I CEF"INITION COMPLETED Explanation: In redefining the partitions, the parameter END was specified at the end of a reply. When this message occurs, the redefinitions have already been inplerr.ented by the system. Operator Response: Enter a START INIT command for each of the redefined partitions or, if desired, enter a START INIT.ALL command. IEE806I TOTAL SIZE OF PARTITIONS IS x BYTES TCC LARGE FOR STORAGE Explanation: In redefining the partition, the total bytes needed for all partitions exceeds the amount of main storage available by the amount indicated by x. Message IEE803A follows, permitting corrections to be made. Operator Response: Respond as indicated for message IEE803A. IEE801A DEF"INITION PARAMETER ERROR, REPLY AGAIN o Explanation: In redefining the partitions, either a partiticn size or job class ~as specified incorrectly, no job c1ass was specified for a previous1y inactive partition being made active, RDR was specified for a small partition, LAST was specified more than once in the same reply, or another syntax error was specified. Note: A snall partition is one that is less than scheduler size. Scheduler size can be deternined at system generation tine with the 'MINPART' paran:eter or at IPL time with the 'MIN=' parameter. That is, if 'MIN=100' is specified at IPL time, a RDR partiticn cannct be defined with less than lOOK bytes of main storage. Operator Respcnse: Probable user error. Enter the reply again correctly. Problem Deterninaticn: 1ab, 29. Table I, items 2, IEE808A P n NOT DEFINAELE - REPLY AGAIN EXFlanation: In redefining the partitions, one cf the following conditions was deteoted: • Partition n was not defined at system generaticn. • Partition n was previously defined as a resident reader partition and is being redefined as a small partiticn. • The comrr.and specified a value for partition n which was less than the ninimum acceptable size. • Partiiton n ccntains an active program which, because cf ccntinuous requests for its services by programs running in other partiticns, could take an indefinite ancunt cf time to stop processing and allow redefinition. • Partition n has been marked permanently non-dispatchable. operator Respcnse: Probable user error. In the first case, enter the reply again correctly, onitting the undefined partition. In the second case, either enter the reply again specifying a large partition size, or enter another reply to redefine the job class(es) for the snaIl partition. In the third case, enter the reply again specifying the nininum acceptable partiticn size. In the fourth case, do the following: • Terninate this definition; then, if possible, redefine the partitions cmitting n frcn the redefinition. • If partition n must be defined: 1. Terroinate this definiticn. 2. Enter a STOP Pn command to terminate the progran running in partition n. 3. When the prcgram processing in partiticn n has stepped, enter another DEFINE command specifying the desired definition for partition n. In the fifth case, terrr.inate this definition; then enter a DISPLAY ACTIVE connand to deternine if the partition is non-dispatchable. Problem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 2, 7ab, l1ab, 29. If unable to continue system operaticn, see T"able I, item 11. lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 263 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 IEE809I SIZE DEFINITION OF Pxx OR LOWER EXCEEDS AVAILABLE SPACE Explanation: In redefining the partitions, the total bytes specified for the adjacent partitions exceeded the original amount of space. Pxx, as an individual partition, has requested more bytes than the total amount of main storage available for partition definition. In the message text, Pxx is the lowest priority partition that is to remain active. System Action: The system issues message IEE803A. Operator Response: Respond as indicated for message IEE803A. IEE810A PROBLEM PROGRAM PARTITIONS EXCEED 15, RESPECIFY Explanation: In redefining the partitions, more than 15 problem program partitions were specified. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the reply again correctly, specifying no more than 15 problem program partitions. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, • The partition specified in a START command does not exist or was being redefined when the command was entered. • The partition specified in a START INIT command is not a problem program partition. • A START command for a system-assigned reader has been entered, but no problem program partition of sufficient size to contain the scheduler program exists. • The command START INIT.ALL was entered, but no problem program partition exists. • A START command was entered for a system-assigned procedure when a system-assigned procedure was already active. In the message text, yyy represents up to 14 characters of the PARM parameter of command cm. System Action: the command. The system did not execute Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the command again correctly if the command was in error. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, IEE814I DEFINITION CANCELLED Explanation: In redefining the partitlons, a request was issued that all definitions entered since the last occurrence of message IEE802A be canceled. IEE811A CHANGED PARTITIONS NOT ADJACENT, RESPECIFY Explanation: In redefining the partltions, an attempt was made to redefine non-adjacent partitions. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the reply again correctly, specifying adjacent partitions. The partition that was omitted must be specified. ---Problem Determination: 29. System Action: are canceled. All partition definitions ,;(,-", Operator Response: None. IEE815A DEFINITION DELIMITER ERROR, REPLY AGAIN \~~,) Explanation: In redefining the partl tions, a parti t.ion def ini tion contained an incorrect parenthesis, comma, blank space, or other delimiter. Table I, items 2, Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the reply again correctly. IEE812I P n HAS xxxx EXCESS BYTES ADDED IN Hy Explanation: In redefining the partitlons, the total bytes specified for all the defined partitions is less than the amount of,main storage available. In the message text, n is the partition number, xxxx is the number of excess bytes available, and y is the hierarchy number (0 or 1). System Action: The excess bytes available In the speclfied hierarchy are added to the lowest priority problem program partition redefined in the series of replies just entered. Operator Response: None. IEE813I cm yyy - FAILED Explanation: Command cm could not be performed by the system for one of the following reasons: Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, IEE816I CLASSES=jclass Explanation: In redefining the partitions, a listing was requested of all job classes being serviced by active partitions. In the message text, jclass is the listing of the job classes. Operator Response: None. IEE817I TMSL=xxxx Explanation: The operator requested a llstlng of time slicing that has previously been specified. In the message text, xxxx is one of the following: • NONE if there is no time-slicing group. (~ ; .. 264 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) ' o • (Px-Py,nnnn) if the time-slicing group from partition x through Fartition y has previously been specified; the nnnn is the length, in milliseconds, of the time slice. Operator Response: lid] A three-digit decimal identification nurrber. It is used in conjunction with the CONTROL C,D com~and for canceling status displays eeing written on tYFewriter or printer ccnsoles cr being displayed in-line (not in a dis Flay area) on a display (CRT) conscle. This identification nurr~er does net aFpear when the display is Fresented in a display area on a display conscle. None. IEE818A TMSL SPECIFICATION NOT ACCEPTABLE, RESPECIF'Y Explanation: One of the following occurred: • In redefining time slicing, the parameter 'IMSL .(Px-Py, nnnn) was specified incorrectly. For example: the value of x (in Px) is less than y (in Py). • A partition belonging to a TMSL group was defined as being inactive by specifying a prior partition as LAST. For example: You may specify: Pl= (A" 30K) ,P2=OK, P 3=LAST, 'I'MSL=(Pl-P3) ,END You may not specify: Pl= (A., 30K) ,P2=LAST, TMSL= (Pl.,..P3) ,END Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the reply again correctly. Problem Determination: 29. 0' Table I, items 2, IEE819 I TIME SLICING IS NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS SYSTEM Explanation: DUring DEFINE Frocessing, the TMSL parameter was specified for a listing of the time-slicing Fartitions; however, time slicing is not supported in this system. System Action: The time-slicing specification is ignored, and processing continues. Operator Response: None. IEE820I TMSL VALUE LESS THAN MINIMUM; 20 MILLISEC DEFAULT USED. PNC partitior. nUIreer JCENAME This field is one of the fcllowing: • Na~.e cf currently active joe • Procedure name of STARTed task STEPNAME: This field is cne of the following: • Narr.e cf current step for active jcb • Identifier cf procedure of STARTed task SUET Nurrher, in decimal, of subtasks created in the step if suttasking is included. Note: If there are no active tasks in the system, the fields of data in the third line of the message will ee replaced with NC ACTIVE TASKS. If the partition has become per~aneiltly ncn-disptaohatle, the fields of data in the third line of the message will be replaced with TASK NON DISPATCH. Cperator Respcnse: IEE822A NC PARTITION RESPECIFY None. SPECIFIE~ FOR EXCESS BYTES, EXFlanation: In redefining the partitions, the tetal bytes specified for the defined partitions is less than the amount of storage available in either hierarchy 0, hi~rarchy 1, or eoth hierarchies.. Nc partition aotive in the affected hierarchy was redefined to receive the excess bytes. Explanation: The time-slice value specified by the operator is less than 20, the minimum value permitted. Cperator Respcnse: Probable user error. Redefine the next lowest priority proelem program partiticn that is active in the affected regicn. System '. Action: The system assumes a time-slice value of 20 ~illiseconds. Prcblem Deter~ination: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 17ab., 29. If unable to continue system operaticn,see Table I, item 11. Operator Response: None. IEE823A xxxx IS NOT SUPPORTEr - REPLY AGAIN IEE821I hh.mm.ss ACTIVE DISPLAY lid] PNO ~OBNAME S'I'EPNAME SUBT PNO .JOBNA!m xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx STEPNAME SUBT XXXXXXlCX xx o Explanation: This is the control line of the statu~ Display initiated by the DISPLAY A or MONITOR A command entered to an MFT system. The label line describes the fields of data. Explanation: In redefining partitions, one of the following oocurred: • If xxxx is TIME SLICING, tilre slicing was specified ey th~ operator, tut time slicing is nct sUPF0rted in this system • • If xxxx is MAIN STORAGE HIERARCHY, a partition was redefined specifying a size in hierarchy 1, but main storage hierarchy sUFport is not supported in this systerr. lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 265 I Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the reply again ccrrectly, omitting the specification in error. in the operand field. For examFle, xxx cculd be the naxre cf a device that is not in the systexr, cr it cculd be the name of Proble:rr: Determination: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 17ab, 29. If unable tc continue system operation, see Table I~ item 11. This It',essage als c aFpears if a device that is not ready is sFecified by the PROC or Q parameter cf the initial SET cOil'mand issued ixrxrediately after systerr start. o IEE866I DEFINE COMMAND BEING PROCESSED Explanation: In response tc a DEFINE command or in response to a reply to message IEE801D, the DEFINE command is now being processed. system Action: All task-creating commands issued to the systerr will be ignored until message IEE80SI (or message IEE814I) has been issued, at which time ncrmal coromand processing will continue. Operator Response: None. IEE870I hh.mm.ss NAME DISPLAY lid] QUEUE JOBNAME STA~ JOBNAME xxxx x ~~xxxxx xxxxxxx JOBNAME STAT JOBNAME STA~ xxxx~~~ x-xxx xxxxxxx x-xxx x-~~~ A three-digit decirral identification number. It is used in ccnjunction with the CONTROL c,n ccmmand for canceling status displays being written on typewriter cr printer consoles or being displayed in-line (not in a display area) on a display (CRT) console. This identification nurrher does not appear when the display is presented in a display area cn a display conscle. The label line describes the fields of data. JOBNAME The name of a job placed on one of the system queues. QUEUE This field is cne cf the following: ~, where x is the class identifier of an input queue. • HOLD, which contains all jcbs assigned to the HOLD queue by the HOLD comxrand, or by the ~YPRUN=HOID parameter of the JOB statement. • SOUT x, where x is the class identifier of an output queue. STAT HELD if queue is held. Originating queue identifier if job is on HCID • JOB q~eue. None. IEE901I xxx NOT VERIFIE:D Explanation: In a command, xxx was not recognized by the systerr; xxx could be the operation field or a parameter or keyword Messages' Codes (Release 21.7) Cperatgr ResPf~: Prcbable user error. If a coxrmand was entered tc a device that was nct ready, either ready the device and restart the systexr ,cr enter a ccromand sFecifying anether device. Otherwise, enter the coxrxrand again ccrrectly. Problem Deterxrinaticn: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 29. If unable tc continue system oFeraticn, see Table I, itexr 11. IEE902I ddd CNLINE lid] 266 The syste:rr: did not execute STAT Explanaticn : ~his is the ccnt'rol line of the Status Display initiated by the DISPLAY N or DISPLAY N,(list) command. Operator Response: system_Action: the ccxrxrand. E~.f.!~naggE: In resFcnse to a VARY conrrand, device ddd has been Flaced on-line. Cperatcr Re~~~: Ncne. IEE903I ddd OFFLINE EXFlana~: In response tc a VARY conmand, device ddd has been Flaced off-line. CFerator Resp~: IEE904I ddd LOADED. Ncne. NO MOUNT. EXFlanaticn: A MOUNT comrr:and specified a device, ddd, that had a vclume cn it and was in ready status; the system haa not issued a roessage ccntaining K (keep), R (retain), or D (dencunt) fcr the volume on that device. Ncr:rr:ally a MOUNT ccxrxrand shculd specify cnly devices that dc net have vclumes on thexr cr, if they have voluxres on them, are not ready. Hcwever, a MOUNT coromand can be entered to a device that has a volume cn it and is ready if the system had previcusly issued a K, R, or D message for the vclume. systerr: Action: the ccxrxrand. The systerr did not execute Cperat2f-B~s~~: Prcbable user error • Enter an UNLOAD ccxrrr:and sFecifying the device; the systerr will unload the volume frcro the device; then enter the MOUNT ccrrroand again. Prcblem Deterxrinaticn: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 29. If unable to continue system oFeraticn, see Table I, iterr 11. IEE905I ddd REFERENCE ILLEGAL EXFlanation: In a ccrrxrand, device specification ddd is invalid. For example, an UNLOAD ccmrrand might have o o specified a system residence volume, ~hich cannot be unloaded, or a S'lAR'I ~'IR or RDR command might have been entered for an offline device. System Action: the corrmand. The systew did not e~ecute Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the command again correctly, checking the unit narre ~ararreter. Problerr Determinaticn: Table I, items 2, 7ab, 29. If unable to continue system operation, see Table I, iterr 11. MCNITCR corrrrand while an Active display was being built cn tehalf cf the DISPLAY ccrrrrand. ~yste!-Ac~!2~: Nc disflay was created on bebalf cf the MONI'IOR corrrrand. A new time interval ~as estaclished. CFer~!~~~~~~~: Ncne. Bo~ever, if this ccnditicr. cccurs frequently, it is suggested that the tirre interval ce increased by er.tering 1< M, U'IME=nn from tte rraster console. IEE921I crr o~ REJECTED [NC TIMER DISELAY ALREADY EXIS'IS NO DISPLAY AREA AVAILABLE NC CRT CONSOLES DEVICE NOT SUPPOR'IED NEE[S DISPLAY AREA DISPLAY AREA BUSY IEE9061 jjj CANCEL IGNORED Explanation: 'Ihe last CANCEL command entered for job jjj was igncred for one of the following reasons: • A CANCEL command was ~reviously entered for the job. • The scheduler was in control when the command was entered. • The job was in the process of being either normally or abnorrr,ally terminated. System Action: executed. 'Ihe corrrrand was not Operator Response: o None. IEE907I xxx AEEND-{S~D}CMD ABOR'IED Explanation: 'Ihe systerr has encountered an error while processing the SEND or DISPLAY USER cowroand, as indicated in the message text; the comrand ~rccessing routine has terminated abncrmally. In the message text, xxx is the system completion code for the failing task. System Action: The task is terminated. System processing continues. Operator Response: Reenter the command. For an explanation of systerr completion code ~xx, refer to the System Completion COdes section of this ~ublication. IEE908 I em CMD LENG'IH EXCEEDS MAX Explanation: In the cm comrr:and,. the length of the operand field exceeds the maximum number of characters. System Action: the corr,mand. The system did not e~ecute Operand Response: Probable user error. Enter the command again with a shorter operand field. Problem Determination: Have available the master console sheet or the listing from a terminal in operator rrode. IEE920I NO MN A UPDATE AT hh.mm.ss o Explanation: A time interval has elapsed at hh.rrm.ss signaling that an Active display be created on behalf of the EXFlanaticn: The MCNI'IOR A (cr MN A) cCRrrand ~as entered and cne of the fcllc~ing errcr ccnditions cccurred: • ~C TIMER - A request for a dynamically u~dated status dis flay of tte active tasks was entered into a system ~hich has ne interval tirrer, er ene in which the interval tirrer was net e~erational at IPL. • DISPLAY ALREADY EXIS'IS - A MN A command requested a dynarrically ufdated status disflay at a ccnscle already displaying a dynamic disflay. • ~C DISPLAY AREA AVAILABLE - A dynarrically updated status display ~as requested fer a CR'I consele which has no display areas defined, er was routed to a ncn-CRT ccr.scle. • NC CRT CONSOLES - A dynarric display time specificaticr. cr a DISPLAY PFK command ~as entered tc a systeR. that has no CR'I censcles. • DEVICE NOT SUPPOR'IED - An attem~t ~as rrade to 1< V a 2250 censele er te 1< V a CRT censole tc rressage stream (MS) on a systerr ~ith nc hard copy. • NEEDS DISPLAY AREA - A MN A (rronitor active) cORRand was entered with the L c~erand specifying either a nen-CR'I device or ar. cut-cf-line disflay (z), or the MN A cORRand was issued to a console ~ith no availacle dis~lay areas. • DISPLAY AREA EUSY - A mcnitcr (MN) A cerrrrand was issued tc a censele with no available display area, or a display (D) cerrrrand ~as issued te a non-rr,essage strearr (}I!S) ccnscle with no availacle display areas. §Y§te!LAction: executed. ~£er~!2r The cerrmand was net Re~~~se: • NC TIMER - Turr. cn the interval timer, if cne is availacle, cefere the next IPL. The interval timer rrust ce in eperaticn befcre the systerr is IPLed if the MCNITOR A is tc ce used. • DISPLAY ALREADY EXISTS - If the eperator ~ishes te place the display in a different display area frerr· the ene it is ne~ in, he rrust first step and erase the existing display with the S'IOPMN A lEE Messages - Master Scheduler 267 • • • • • command and then enter MN A. If the operator does not wish to do this he need make no response. NO DISPLAY AREA AVAILABLE - The CONTRCL (K) command may be used to define a display area on a CRT console and then enter the MN A corrrrand. If the receiving console is a non-CRT console, the DISPLAY A command may be used to request a static display of the active jobs. If this message appears when display areas exist, a core dump of the nucleus may be taken. NO CRT CONSOLES - None. DEVICE NOT SUPPORTED - Reissue the command to a valid console. NEEDS DISPLAY AREA - Reissue the command with the L operand specifying a defined area (a) on a CRT console (cc). DISPLAY AREA BUSY - Reissue the command. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, IEE922I K M,UTME=nnn Explanation: This nessage is issued in response to a K M,REF command issued on a non-CRT console. The value specified by nnn is the number of seconds in the time interval for updating of dynamic displays. It represents the CONTROL (K) command that set the time interval. System Action: None. Operator Response: Change the time interval, if desired. I IEE924 I INVALID AREA DEFINIT'ION SCREEN SIZE EXCEEDED DISPLAY IN OR ABOVE AREA AREA TOO SMALL I Explanation: One of the following things was wrong with the display area definition requested. SCEEEN SIZE EXCEEDED The sum of the lengths of the areas defined exceeded the size of the message area on the ccnsole for which the definition was requested. DISPLAY IN OR ABOVE AREA Redefinition was requested which affects an area with a display in or above it. Any area definition requested while a display is on the screen may differ from the previous definition only above the display. AREA TOO SMALL An attempt was made to define a display area of less than four lines. system Action: executed. The corrnand is not Operator Response: Correct the command and reissue it if desired. If the problem recurs, have the hardcopy log available before calling IBM for support. 268 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) IEE925I K COMMAND OPERAND XXXXXX{FOR CRT ONLY } FOR NON CRT ONLY EXEl~!!ation: The CONTROL (K) commano operand XXXXXX a~plies: • FOR CRT ONLY - if entereo fro~ a non-CRT; it lTUst be routed to a CRT console. • FOR NON CRT ONLY - if entered from a CRT; i t rrust be rcuted to a CRT console. §ystero Action: executed. o The conmano is not ~peratc~espcnse: Ccrrect the corrmano and reissue it if desired. D C,K may be entered for an explanation of the CONTROL ccmrand. Problem Deterninaticn: 2"-9-. --------- Table I, items 2, IEE926I L=cca OPERAND INVALID cca NOT AN AREA cc NCT A CONSCLE cc FULL CAPACITY DYNAMIC DISPLAY IN AREA CN THIS COMMAND cc OUTPUT ONLY EXEl~!!~tion: One cf the follcwing error conditions occurred as a result of the locaticn operand, L=cca (cca in the rressage text will be replaced with the invalid operands). • cca NOT AN AREA - The area specifieo by the L=cca operand dces net exist. • cc NOT A CONSOLE - The conscle ID specified by the L=cca operand is not an existing consele. • cc FULL CAPACITY - The consele ID specified is net the requestor's own console, a nessage strean ccnsole, or status display censcle. No routing is allowed fron cne full capacity console to ancther. • DYNAMIC DISPLAY IN AREA - The area specified by the L=cca operand contains a dynamic display. • CN THIS COMMAND - 'The L=cca cper and is invalid on any ccrrnano issued from a TSO terninal and en ce:rtain K ccmmands. • cc OUTPUT ONLY - An attenpt was maoe to: • K V an output-enly console to full capacity (FC). • define areas en a message stream (MS) only consele. SysteIr Action: executed. o The ccrrmand is not Operator Respense: In the first case, change the area specification and reenter the ccmrand. If the p:roblen recurs,. a console switch nay have taken place. If one has, re-enter the command specifying the valid area fer the alternate console. In the seccnd case, change the console io specification and re-enter the commano. If the problen recurs, a conscle switch rr.ay have taken ~lace. If cne has, re-enter the ccnnand specifying the alternate consele's id. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o In the third case, specify your own console or a message stream or status display console and re-enter the command. In the fourth case, specify another area and re-enter the command. In the fifth case, reissue the command without the L operand. In the sixth case, reissue the K V command to an input-output console, or define areas on a status display (SD) or full capability (FC) console. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, IEE927I{CO~TROL}REQUEST AMBIGUOUS SPECIFY DISPLAY ID} { SPECIFY L OPERAND o Explanation: The Control (K) command cannot be executed without further information . • SPECIFY DISPLAY ID - A CONTROL C,D (or K C,D) command was entered without the id operand. To cancel a display (K C,D,id), the id of the display to be terminated must always be specified. • SPECIFY L OPERAND - A CONTROL command for an out of line display, such as a frame or erase command, was issued without the routing location parameter (L=cca), and more than one display exists on the screen. The area id of the display area to be controlled must be specified by using the L operand. System Action: executed. The command is not Operator Response: Reissue the command spec~fy~ng the m~ssing operand. Problem Determination: 11, 29. Table I, items 2, Operator Response: Change the display area def~nit~on, if desired. IEE9301 MR [[ (D= [ (] display operand [,display operand] ... , L={~C })]['(MN=A'L={~C })]['(K'L={~C })]] cca cca cca Explanation: This message is issued, on non-CRT consoles only, in response to the operator issuing a MR REF command. It represents the MSGRT (MR) command which specified the routing defaults currently in effect. If the operand portion of the message is blank, no routing defaults have been established. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Change the routing defaults and enter the MR command, if desired. IEE9311 INSUFFICIENT STORAGE FOR cm op Explanation: While attempting to fulfill the request specified by the CM, OP command, a GETMAIN was issued requesting a region or main storage from system queue area to build a control block and/or work area. The requested region or main storage was not available. This condition may occur during definition of display areas or when routing to a console other than the requesting console. System Action: executed. The command cm op was .not Operator Response: at a later time. Re-enter the command Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, IEE9321 nnn IEE9281 DISPLAY AREA ID's FOR CONSOLE cc ARE id, id, ... Explanation: A multiple line WTO macro was issued with descriptor code 9 and no control line text was supplied. The number, nnn is used with the CONTROL (K) command to cancel the display. ~nstruction Explanation: This message is written in response to the operator defining areas for console cc. The display area identifiers are listed in the order in which the areas were defined, from the bottom of the screen to the top. System Action: None. Operator Response: The operator may route to the areas defined by using the display area id. System Action: SVC 35 has supplied this message as a control line. The number nnn, is the display identification number. Operator Response: None. d~splays IEE929I K A, NONE length, ... ,L=cc Explanation: This message is issued, on non-CRT consoles only, in response to the operator issuing a K A,REF command. It represents the CONTROL (K) command which defined the display areas for 'the console whose address is specified. System Action: IEE933I DCMLIB OPEN FAILED Explanation: When attempting to open the display control module library (SYS1.DCMLIB) in secondary storage, the system was either unable to locate the library, unable to open the library, or the volume containing the library was off-line during IPL. None. o IEE Messages - Master Scheduler 269 system Action: The transient DC~ facility is inoperative. The DCM of the first console in the transient group is made resident, and the other consoles in the transient group are inactivated. PFK updates will net carryover to subsequent IPLs. CFerator Respe!§~: If an error occurs on a read during IPL, the operater will have to define each PFK key for the current IPL. If an errer eecurs during a PFK update, the new definition will te effective only fer the current IPL. Report this pretleR to the pregrammer responsible fer the systeR. Operator Response: Note the status of the system consoles. Use only the consoles that the system activates. Report the problem to the prograrrrrer responsible for the system. Note: Since PFK definitions are maintained in SYS1.DCMLIB, this situation also causes a PFK update error indication for the affected console. See message IEE934I. IEE934I PFK UprATE ERROR Explanation: An I/O error occurred: (1) when the system attempted to read the permanent PFK definition fram secondary storc0e during IPL, or (2) when the system attempted to write a new PFK definition in secondary storage after the operator issued a CON'IROL N, PFK command. System Action: If an error occurs on a read during IPL, the permanent PFK definitions will be unavailable for the system operation following the current IPL. If an error occurs for a PFK update, the permanent copies of the PFK definitions will not be altered, and the IEE935I DC~ I/O ERROR F'OR CONSOLE xxx EXFlanation: An I/O error eceurreQ when processing the transient display control nodule (DCM) fer the console whose address is xxx. SysteR Action: A censele switch is initated, and centrcl is passed to console xxx's alternate. QEerator Respe~se: Use the alternate console for system eperation. Report this prcblem to the programr.er respensi1::le for the systerr. Note: The affected ccnsole's address may net appear in the rressage. This occurs when the systeR fails to obtain sufficient Rain storage te fermat the w.essage: it does net affect the Reaning of the message or the indicated acticn in any way. (1',\ \l~J' C. " I ' I! 270 Messages i Codes (Release 21.7) o Job Scheduler Messages (IEF) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, lIEF I I Component Name ~-------------------------~---+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Job scheduler. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For ~rogrammer: listing of job control statenents in SYSOUT data I I I set. I I program Producing Message I I I I For I console. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format IEFnnnI text (in SYSOU'I) xx IEFnnns text [Pnnl (on ccnsole) c~erator: nnn Message serial number. text Message text. xx Message reply identification (absent, if required). o~erator reply not s Type code: A D E I I I I I o I w Action; operator must perforn a specific action. Decision; operator nust choose an alternative. Eventual action; operator nust perforn acticn when he has time. Information; no operatcr action is required. wait; processing stopped until action is determined and performed. Pnn Parti tion which issued the message (systen,s with MFT only). ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments I Ncne. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI cf this publicaticn fcr problem I IL_____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI ~ I IEF110I Q MGR I/O ERR FOR jjj RETURN CODE x Explanation: An unusual condition occurred while the system was trying to access the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. The Queue Manager returned the return code indicated by x. In systems with MVT and MF'I, jobname is the applicable jobnaroe as fcund on the JOB statement. CFerator Re§..12£~~:' Report the message to the prcgranmer cr the installation manager. The nessage indicates a potential problen with the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. If the n,essage is repeateo, reforIl'at the SYS1. SYSJOBQE data set at the first convenient cppcrtunity. Prcblem Deternination: 2, 4, 7ab, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF125I jjj LOGGED ON [TIME=hh.mm.ssl The return codes are as follcws: EXFla~ticn: 4 - No job queue space was available in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. 12 - An uncorrectable input/output error or unusual conditicn occurred. (Message IEF440I will normally have also been issued.) o System Action: The access of the SYS1. SYSJOBQE data set was ~ct performed,. System cOmpletion code 030 1S issued following the message for the task which received the return code. In respcnse tc a DISPLAY or MONITOR conroand with JOBNAMES or SESS in its cperand, this nessage indicates that a user has logged cn tc the system under tine sharing and his session name is jjj. If T is also specified in the operano of the ccmnand, then the time of day appears, where hh specifies the hour (00-23), mm s~ecifies the ninute (00-59), and ss specifies the seccnd (00-59). system ResFonse: allocation. session jjj is entering IEF Messages - Job scheduler 271 II Operator Response: No respcnse required. Ho~ever, if the user shculd not be logged , on at this time, issue CANCEL U=j j j command and the session will be terminated. Problem Deterrrinatien: 7a, 29. IEF129I ~ULTIVOLUME INDEX NO~ Table I, items 2, ALLOWED o §~Flan~tion: IEF126I jjj LOGGE~ OFF The ccntrol program is unable to allecate a multivolume index for a r&~ indexed sequential data set. 'Ihe request was rrade by a device number greater than 1 in the UNIT parameter of a DD statement specifying DSNAME=name (INCEX) • [~IME=hh.mrn.ss] Explanation: In response te a DISPLAY or MONITOR corrmand with JOBNAMES or SESS in its operand, this message indicates that the~ session j j j has terrrinated (been logged off of the systerr). ~his message is not issued if session jjj has terminated abnormally. ~yste~ The jeb is terminated. f!:2l!arrrr~.!-B~Fense: :Celete the device nurrber subparaneter, er reduce it to 1. Then rerun the jeb. If T is also specified in the operand of the corrrrand, then the time cf day appears, where hh specifies the hour (00-23), mm specifies the minute (00-59), and sss specifies the second (00-59). System Response: Sessien jjj has completed termination. Act!on: Preblem Deterninatien: 7a, 29. IEF130I DSNAME ELEMENT WRONG CVFLCW, OR PRIME §~Flan~tion: Operator Response: Explanation: No SPACE pararreter appears in a D~ statement defining a new data set on a direct access device or an absolute track request was made for ne space (zero space) beginning at absclute track zero. Problem Determination: 7a, 25a, 29. IEF128I INVALI~ Table I, items 2, REQUES'I FOR ISAM INDEX Explanation: For one of the follo~ing reasons, the control prograrr is unable to allocate space for the index of a new indexed sequential data set: • An embedded index was requested for the index or overflow area by a DD statement specifying the index quantity subparameter in its SPACE request. • An embedded index was requested for multivolume prime area. ~he request ~as made by a DD staterrent specifying an index quantity in the SPACE parameter, DSNAME=name(PRIME), and a device number greater than 1 in the UNI~ parameter. System Action: statements data set, parameter OVFLOW. Problem Deterrrinatien: 2-;-3~1a,-14,-~- IEF131I ~ULTIVOLUME Table I, items 1, OVFLCW REQUEST NO'I ALLOWED EXFlanaticn: A ~D statement is requesting a rrultivolurre cverflew area fer a new indexed sequential data set by specifying a device nurrber greater than 1 in the UNIT pararreter and CSNAME=name(OVFLOW). 'I'his is net allowed. syst~~£tion: The jeb is terminated. Rrogra~~r ResFense: Probable user error. Change the device nurrber subparameter to 1. List the velurre table of centents (VTCC) of each vclulfe that will contain the data set using the IEHLIS'I utility program. If the narre of the data set appears in any VTOC, remove it using the IEHPRCGM utility. Rerun the job. Prcblem Deterninatier.: 2,4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, The job is terminated. ProqraIfIrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the faulty DD staterrent, and rerun the job. In the first case, delete the index quantity subparameter. In the second case, delete the index quantity subparameter or change the device number subparameter to 1. 272 BE INDEX, Programrrer ResFense: Probable user error. Cerrect the elerrent subpararreter. List the volume table ef contents (V~OC) of each volurre that will contain the data set using the IEELIST utility pregram. If tbe narre of this data set appears in any V'IOC, rerrove i t using the IEHPROGM utility. Then rerun the jeb. The job is terminated. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. If the data set is not new, correct the DISP parameter by specifying OLD, SHR, or MOD. If the data set is new, make sure that a SPACE parameter appears. Then rerun the job. MUS~ In ene ef the D~ defining an indexed sequential the elerrent part ef the DSNAME is other than PRIME, INDEX, or None. IEF127 I NO SPACE PARAME~ER GIVEN FOR A NEW DATA SF!' OR ZERO SPACE REQUEET A'l ABS'IR ZERC System Action: Table I, items 2, Messages i Codes (Release 21.7) IEF132I SPACE PARAMF!'ER WRCNG - ABSTR AND CYL CCNFLICT EXFlan~tion: The SPACE parameter in one of the ~D staterrents defining an indexed sequential data set is incorrect. One of the DC staterrents defining this data set specified ABSTR and ancther specified CYL. o o Space for one area of an indexed sequential data set cannot be allocated using the CYL subparameter while the space for another area is allccated using the ABSTR subparameter. System Action: IEF135I PRIMARY SPACE REQUEST CANNOT EE ZERO ~!£!~~~Ei~~: In a [I staterrer.t definina an indexed sequential data set, thE priRary space subpararreteI is zero. This is nct a valid space request. J The job is terminated. Rrcgra~!!~~_B~§tcr.s~: PrograIrlrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the SPACE paraIreter. List the volume table of contents (V~OC) of each volume that will contain the data set using the IEHLIST utility pIogram. If the name of this data set appears in any VTCC, remove it using the IEHPROGM utility. Then rerun the job. Problem Determination: 7a, 14, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF'133I SPACE PARAMETER WRONG - CYL AND CONTIG CONFLIC'I o Explanation: The SPACE parameter in one of the CD statements defining an indexed sequential data set isinccrrect. The CONTIG subparameter appears for a CYI request in one of the DD stat~ents, while not in another. Space for one area of an inqexed, sequential data set cannot be allocated contiguously if space for another area is not. System Action: The job is terminated. Prograrnrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the SPACE pararreter. List the volume table of contents (V~OC) of each volume that will contain the data set using the IEHLIST utility program. If the data set name appears in any V~oc, remove i t using the IEHPROGM utility. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: 7a, 14, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF134I SUBPARAME'IER wRONG IN SPACE MUST BE CYL OR ABSTR PARA~E~ER - Explanation: ~he SPACE parameter in a DD statement defining a new indexed sequential data set is incorrect. A subparameter other than CYL or ABSTR is present in the staterrent. System Action: The job is terminated. Pro9!:~!!!!~~_gesponse: o Probable user error. Correct the invalid subparameter. List the volume table of contents (VTOC) of each volume that will contain the data set using the IEHLIST utility pIogram. If the name of the data set appears in any VTCC, remove it using the IEHPROGM utility. Then rerun the job. ProbablE user EIror. Change the prirrary space rEqUEst tc a non-zerc positive value, and rerun the job. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 4~a:-29-.------------ Table I, itEms 1, IEF136I DUFLICATION IN ALLCCATION RECUESTED TWICE INDEX AREA EX£!~E~EicE: TWc CC staterrents defining the same indexed sequential data set arE requesting space fcr the index area. Fclle~ing the allccaticn of an indEX arEa requested by a CD staterrent ccntaining DSNAME=narre(INIEX), either a DD statEmEnt containing DSNA~E=narre(PRI~E) requestEd an errbedded index thrcugh an index quantity in its SPACE pararreter, or ancther DD staterrent was fcund specifying DSNAME=narre(INIEX}. §yst~rr Action: The jet is terminated. f~~arrrrer ResFcnse: Protable user Error. Either elinir.ate the I[ staterrent that specifies DSNA~E=nane(INDEX) cr eliminatE the index quar.tity sutpararreter in thE DD staterrent specifying ISNAME=nan·e(PRIME). list the volurre table of ccntents (V'IOC) ef each volurre that will contain the data set using the IEHLIS~ utility program. If the narre of the data set appears in any VTCC, rerrove i t using the IEHPROGM utility. Rerun the jot. Prcblerr. Deterrrir.aticn: 7a, 14, 29. IEF137I SUEALLOC DATA SET NO~ Table I, items 2, FOUN.D §!Flan~tioE: Ir.' a II staterrent, space allocation is requested by a SUEALLOC pararreter. The ccr.trcl prograrr can not find the data set refeIred to by the SUEALLCC pararreter cn the specified vclurre. syst~~_~£E!g~: The job is terminated. R~gg£~~~_Re§Fcnse: Protable user Error. Replace the SUEALLCC pararrEter with a SFACE pararreter, cr recreate the data set allewing fer suballccation. Then rerun the jcb. Problem Determination: 7a, 29. IEF138I SUEALLOC DATA NCT ALLCWED SE~ Table I, items 2, HAS MORE THAN 1 EX'lEN'I - §!£l~E~tioE: Problem Determination: 7a, 14, 29. Table I, items 2, In a D[ stat errer.t , space allocation is requested by a SUEALLOC pararreter. The data set specified in the IEF ~essages - Job Scheduler 273 GIl SUBALLOC parameter has more 'than one extent. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 14, 29. Table I, items 1, o '-" IEF142I STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CCDE xxxx System Action: The job is terminated. Progran.ner Response: Probable user error. Replace the SUBALLOC parameter with a SPACE parameter or define another data set. Then rerun the job by specifying the CONTIG sUbparameter fron which to suballocate. Problem Determination: 7a, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF'139I SUBALLOC DA'IA SET IS PASSWORD PROTECTED Explanation: In a DD statement, space allocation was requested by a SUBAllCC parameter. The data set specified in the SUBALLOC parameter had security protection. System Action: The job is terminated. PrograJ(,n.er Response: Probable user error. Replace the SUBALLOC parameter with a SPACE parameter or define another data set from which to suballocate. Then rerun the job. Problem Determination: 7a, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF140I DIRECTORY SPACE REQUES'I IS LARGER THAN THE AMOUNT AVAILABLE ON THIS VOLUME ~xplanatien: The step for whieh this nessage appears was executed, and the cendition code fer the step is xxxx. Ncte: This ccnditien code eriginates from the centents ef general purpose register 15 at the end cf the step. If the last task of the step did net set a completion ccde in register 15, the xxxx field of tbe message is neaningless. system Action: The systen will continue to precess further steps of the associated job if so allcwed by the CCND= parameter ef subsequent EXEC statements. !!£grarrmer ResFcnse: None. IEF143I LAST CONCATENATED DD CARD UNNECESSARY OR INVALID FOR THIS DATA SFT EXFlanation: In prccessing the DD statenent defining an indexed sequential data set, two cr three DD eards were precessed successfully and INDEX, PRIME, and OVFLOW areas were allocated. It was then found that at least ene ncre concatenated DD statement was present for the data set. Since all three areas had already been requested, the DD eard is unnecessary. syste~_Action: Explanation: The directory for a new partitioned data set was not allocated because the space requested for the directory by the SPACE parameter of the associated DD statenent exceeded the space available on the specified volume. system Action: The job is terminated. Progranrrer Response: Probable user error. Reduce the directory quantity subparameter or request a different volurre. Then rerun the job. Problem Determination: 7a, 25a, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF141I INDEX REQUES'I MUST PRECEDE PRIME FOR ISAM DATA SET Explanation: In the DD statement defining an indexed sequential data set, a statement containing DSNAME=name(PRI~E) was found to precede a statement containing DSNAME=name(INDEX). system Action: The job is terminated. Programmer Response: Reorder the DD statements for the data set, making sure that INDEX is placed before PRIME. list the volume table of contents (VTOC) of each volUme that will ccntain the data set using the IEHLIST utility program. If the name of the data set appears in any VTCC, remove it using the IEHPROGM utility. Then rerun the job. 274 Messages 6 Codes (Release 21.7) The job is terminated, and the extra DD statenents were net precessed. () Programmer ResFcnse: Reroove the extra DD statements. List the volune table of centents (VTOC) ef eaeh volume that will contain the data set using the IEHLIST utility progran. If the nane of the data set appears in any V'IOC, renove it using the IEHPROGM utility. Then rerun the job. Preblem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 14, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF144I CANNCT SUBALLOCATE FROM A SPLI'I CYLINDER DATA SET EXFla@tio!}: In a :C:C staterrent, suballocation is requested by the SUBALLOC parameter, and the data set from which tbe space is to be allecated is a split cylinder data set. Suballecaticn from a split cylinder data set is not allowed. syste~Action: 'Ihe job is terrr.inated. Prcqrarrrr.er ResFcnse: Probable user error. Either replace the SUBALLOC parameter with a SPACE paraneter er define another data set froJ(; which tc suballocate. TO insure that the error dces net reeur, use the SPACE paraneter when defining a data set frem which suballecatien is desired. 'Ihen rerun the job. Preblem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 25a, 29. Table I, items 1, o o IEF1451 SPACE REQUEST MUST BE ABSTR FOR DOS VOlUME E'xplanation: In a DD staterrent defining an indexed sequential data set with multivolume prime area, the space for one of the prine volumes (except the first one) was requested on a volume where the DOS bit (bit 0 of the D54VTOCI field) is set in the format 4 DSCB, but the SPACE parameter for the DD statenents defining the data set specified CYL. system Action: The job is terminated. PrograIurer Response: Probable user error. Request space by coding ABSTR for the SPACE parameter or request a different volume. List the volurr,e table of contents (VTOC) of each volurre that will contain the data set using the IEHLIS'! utility prograrr. If the nane of the data set appears in any VTOC, remove i t using the IEHPROGM utility. Then run the job again. Problerr Determination: 4, 7a, 25a, 29. Problem Deterninaticn: 3,4, 29. The job is terminated. Programmer Response: Specify unique names for the data sets involved. List the volume table of contents (V'lOC) of the associated volume to insure that the names selected do not already exist on that volume. If either of the selected names already exists on the vclune, either remove the existing data set from the volume using the SCRATCH function of IEHPROGM or select an alternate name for the new data set whose name is a duplicate. Problem Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 14, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF'1611 ddd - REALER CLOSED Explanation: The SYSIN, reader closed its input data set on device ddd and stopped itself for one of the fcllowing reasons: • End of file occurred on ddd. • A STOP RLR or STOP RDRA ccmmand was entered. Operator Response: Unload device ddd. IEF1631 I/O ERROR TERMINATED DISPOSITION PROCESSING Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O error was encountered while attem~ting to read a step input/output table (SlOT) from the SYS1.SYSJOBQE. o System Action: The job is terminated. disposition processing is performed on data sets for which no disposition messages appear in the SYSOUT listing. Table I, items 2, IEF1641 INVALID DSNAME OR VOLUME REFERBACK Explanation: The data sets of a split cylinder request have the same name. Data sets on the same volurre cannct have the same name. o If a dispositicn cf LELETE,CATLG or UNCATLG was s~ecified, do the following: • Corrpare the dis~csition rressages with the allocaticn rr,essages and the job control staterrents to deterrrine which data sets received incorrplete disposition prccessing. The position of this message in the SYSOUT listing corresponds tc the ~osition of the allccation nessages and the jot. control staterrents. • Frorr the previcus examinaticn determine the data set narres, unit ty~es and volume serial nurrbers desired. • Execute the IEHLIST utility program to list any terr~crary data set names. • Execute the IEHPROGM utility ~rogram to give the dis~csiticn of DELETE,CA'!LG or UNCATLG. Table I, items 1, IEF'1461 DUPLICATE LATA SET NAMES WITHIN SPlIT CYLINDER REQUEST System Action: Prograrr~er ResFcnse: If a disposition of KEEP,FASS or RETAIN was specified, no action is required. No EXFlanation: In a LL staterrent that defines a direct access data set that has a status of OLD, cne of the fcllowing was encountered: • The VOL=REF ~ararreter refers to a DD staterrent in the same step. • The DSNAME ~ararreter specifies the same data set nane as a LD statenent in tte same step. • The DSNAME pararreter has a tackward reference tc a DD staterrent in the same step. In all instances the referenced DD staterrent defines a NEw non-s~ecific vclume request. Systerr Action: The job is terminated. Prograrrrrer ResFcnse: Probable user error. An OLL data set rrust exist prior to the step in which it is referenced. Correct the VOLUME, DSNAME and/or the DISP paraneter and run the job again. Prcblem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 4, 29. IEF1651 crr EXFlanation: Ccnrrand cm was entered through the in~ut stream. If the operator is requested tc authcrize execution of conrrands entered thrcugh the input stream, nessage IEF166L fcllcws to permit the operatcr to res~cnd. fEeratcr ResFcnse: Ncne. IEF166D REFLY Y/N TO EXECUTE/SUPPRESS COMMAND ~~~tion: This rr,essage permits the operator to authorize execution of the ccnreand displayed in message IEF165I, which precedes this nessage. IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 275 GIl Operator Response: If the command displayed in preceding rressage IEF165I is to be executed, enter REPLY xx,ly l • If the command displayed in preceding message IEF165I is not to be executed, enter REPLY xx, IN I. IEF182I jjj WILL RES'IART IN Pn Explanation: In systems with MFT, a checkpoin,t restart for job jjj will be executed in problem program partition n. At this time, no redefiniticn of the partiticn is pending. system Action: The system places the job on the hold queue. The job will automatically be scheduled into the partition (that is, the operator will not have to enter a RELEASE .comnand), sutject to the following conditions: • Any job already executing in the partition must first terminate. • If a S'IAR'I'command for a transient reader (user-assigned) or transient writer is pending in the partition, the command will first be executed. • If the partition contains a transient reader (system-assigned or user-assigned) or transient writer, the reader or writerrrust first be removed from the partition~ For a writer, the operator must enter a S'I~P command. • The operator must start an initiator in the partition if one has not already been started. operator Response: If the partition contains a transient writer, stop the writer. ~o hasten the restart when the partition contains a job or a transient reader~ cancel the job or stop the reader, as desired. ('Ihe DISPLAY A command may te used to determine if there are jobs, transient readers, or transient ~riters in thepaJ'tition.) , If the pa~tition is redefined, the redefinition will not occur until the restaJ't job has been executed. TO immediately redefine the partition, the restart job should be canceled. IEF183E PY=(aaaK,bbbbK,X) AFTER (cccK,ddddK) NEEDED TO R~:S'IART jjj Explanation: In systems with MFT, a checkpoint restart for job jjj must te executed in the main storage areas designated in the message text. Either a partition containing the required areas has not been defined or has been defined but has a redefinition pending. In ,the message text, aaaK is the number of bytes of required processor storage (hierarchy 0), and bbbbK is the number of bytes of required IBM 2361 core storage (hierarchy 1). These areas must be located cccK bytes and ddddK bytes, respectively, from the beginning of the dynamic areas of hierarchy 0 and hierarchy 1. The x is the job class of the restart job. 276 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) System Action: The systerr places the jot on the hold queue. cperator Res~~~~: If the jot is to te restarted, a partiticn must te defined that contains the required areas and that can process jcts of the indicated jot class: • Enter a DEFINE LIST command to get a listing of all current partition definiticns. • Add the sizes cf partiticns 0, 1, 2, and so cn until a tctal cf cccK tytes (for hierarchy 0) and ddddK bytes (for hierarchy 1) is reached. • For hierarchy 0, the required partition rrust be nc ncre than cccK tytes from the beginning of the dynamic area of hierarchy O. TC dc this, decrease the size of the last partition encountered so that the tctal size of that partition and the preceding partitions is at most cccK bytes. Then increase the size of the next partiticn ty the size decreased from the last partitcn. (The same procedure shculd also be followed for hierarchy 1.) • For hierarchy 0, the required partition, which is now nc ncre than cccK tytes fron the beginning of the dynamic area cf hierarchy 0, nust be at least aaaK bytes in size. If the partition is not at least aaaK bytes in size, increase the size of the partition sc it is at least the required size, and correspondingly decrease the size of tte following partiticn. (The same procedure shculd also be followed for hierarchy 1.) • Enter a DEFINE ccrrnand to redefine the partitions as descrited atove, making sure that the required partition can process jobs cf jct class x. • Then start an initiator in the required partition and enter a RELEASE command to release the jct frcm the hold queue. If the job is nct tc be restarted, cancel the jcb. Note that the respcnse to this message can be delayed until redefiniticn is convenient. IEF184E JCECLASS x REELED IN Pn TO RES'IAR'I jjj Explanation: In systens with MFT, a checkpoint restart fcr job jjj must te executed in a nain storage area contained in partition n. Hcwever, partition n is a resident reader cr writer partition. And, at this tine, nc redefinition cf the partiticn is pending. In the message text, xis the jet class needed to process the job. System Action: The systen places the job cn the hold queue. Cperator Respcnse: If the jot is to be restarted, stcp any reader er writer acti ve in the partition and redefine the partiticn so that it will process jots of the indicated jeb class. Then start an 0" ' o initiator in the partition and enter a RELEASE command to release the job from the hold queue. Exill~:!=io!!: If the job is not to be restarted, cancel the job. In a S'IART or MODIFY command fer an initiatcr, a force value associated with a class was greater than 15. Note that the response to this message can be delayed until redefiniticn is convenient. In the message text, 'ident' specifies the identifier assigned to the task when it was started. IEF185I COMMAND CANCELLED BY START xxx RESTAR~ READER: Explanation: In systems with MFT, the operator authorized an automatic restart. In starting the restart reader (IEFREINT), the system found that a START command ~as pending. In the message text, xxx represents up to 19 characters of the operand cf the pending STAR~ command. System Action: The comn:and ~as not executed. ~he restart reader was started. Operator Response: the command. IEF189E REDEFINE Pn RESTART jjj o WI~'HOUT If desired, reenter HIERARCHY ZERO TC Explanation: During execution of a checkpoint restart for job jjj, it was found that partition n was defined to contain both hierarchy 0 and hierarchy 1 storage. However, hierarchy 0 storage should not be specified -- that is; during the initial execution of the job when checkpoints were taken, only hierarchy 1 storage was specified. System Action: The system on the hold queue. ~laces the job Operator Response: If the job is to be restarted, redefine the partition to eliminate the hierarchy 0 storage. Then start an initiator in the partition and enter a RELEASE comn.and to release the job from the held queue. If the job is not to be restarted, cancel the job. IEF190 I COMD REJEC~ED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' LIMIT MORE ~BAN 15 Explanation: In a STAR~ or MODIFY command for an initiator, the limit value associated with the initiater was greater than 15. In the message text, 'ident' specifies the . identifier assigned to the task when it was started. o IEF191I CCMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' FCRCE MORE THAN 15 Operator Response: Probable user error. Issue the S~'AR~ or MODIFY command again, spec~fying a limit value of 15 or l~ss. Problem Determination: 2, 4, 1a, 29. Table I, items 1, CFerater ReSFcnse: Prcbable user error. Enter the START cr MO:CIFY COmIr and again, specifying a ferce value of 15 or less. Preblem Deterninaticn: 2, 4, 1a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF198I ddd VOLUME HAS WRONG LABEL OR VOLUME SERIAL EXFlanation: The ta~e volun.e en drive dad was nct the vclune requested by the MOUN~ cernrand. The tape mounted centained either the wreng label ty~e er the wreng velume serial. This nessage is followed by message IEF234E and IEF199A. systen Action: The volume was not mounted by the systen. Precessing continues. Operator ReSFense: Nene. IEF199A REISSUE MOUNT COMMAN:C ddd, labtyp, ser Explanatien: The ta:r;:e specified in the ~CUNT command was net the tape mounted by the eperator. In the message text ddd is the unit address ef the drive requiring a n.ount, labtyp is the label type and ser is the velume serial ef the tape specified the MCUNT connand. This nessage is preceded by nessage IEF198I and IEF234E. inti Systen: Action: The volume is not mounted; the tape is rewcund and unloaded. QFerator Respcnse: Reenter the mount ccnnand and ncunt the correct velume. IEF200I ddn - CNE OR ~CRE GENERATICNS BYPASSED DURING GDG RETRIEVAL Explanation: In a :cr: statenent, the data set name in the :CSNAME paran,eter specified a generatien datagrcu~ (G:CG) name and indicated all cf the data sets in the grcup. Sone cf these data set names were catalcged, but re~resented non-existing data sets (the vclurre serial number in tte catalog was FF40404040). In the message text, ddn is the nan,e cf the :CD statement that specified the Gr:G. systen Action: Ne allecatien er disposition prccessing is performed for the bypassed data sets. All ether data sets are processed ncrmally. Fer example, if the GDG ALL :CD statement specified a disposition of DELETE; at step termination all retrieved data sets will be deleted and uncataloged. Hewever, any data sets by~assed (because cf a FF40404040 volume serial number) will remain cataloged. IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 277 Prograrrrrer Response: Ncne required. The IEHLIST utility prograrr may be used to list the catalog to deterrr,ine what generation levels rerrain, and IEHPRCG~ may be used to delete those entries if desired. If termination was nct intentional, do the fcllcwing: • Correct the errcr that caused the corrpletion ccde tc ~e issued ~y the prcblem prograrr. • Change the ccnditicn test specified in the COND pararreter of the succeeding EXEC staterrent, if the problem program contained nc errcrs. Then execute the problem prograrr, if it contained an error, and the jc~ step that was not executed. IEF201I JOB TERMINATED BECAUSE OF CONDITION CCDES Explanation: A problerr program terminated either norrrally or abnormally by issuing a RETURN or ABEND macro instruction that specified a completion code. This completion code satisfied a condition test specified by a code and operator subparareeter in the COND parameter of the JOB staterr,ent. (Note: Thi s message doe s not appear if the ccnditicn code from the last step cf the job satisfied a condition test). Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 2, 4, 7a, 29. IEF202I STEP - In the roessage text, 'ident' specifies the identifier assigned to the task when it was started. Cperator Respcr.se: Probable user error. Enter the corrrrand again correctly, specifying cnly those pararreters which pertain to classes. Problem Deterrrinaticn: 2:~~29~--------- Ta~le I, items 1, IEF204I CCMD REJECTED FCR INITIATOR 'ident' - '100 ~At-.i-y CLASS ES EXFI~~~i2~: Mcre ,than eight jot classes were specified in a START or MODIFY ccrrrrand. Eowever, a maxirrurr cf eight job classes is perrritted. In the message text, 'ident' specifies the identifier assigned to the task when it was started. 'sss,' wAS NOT RUN BECAUSE OF xxx ~~gto!_Resp~: Probable user error. Enter the START cr MOCIFY connand again correctly, specifying no wore than eight job classes. Problem Deterrrinaticn: 2, 4, 7a, 29. IEF20SI If xxx is COND=GNLY, the COND parameter of an EXEC statement specified ONLY, but no previous job steps had abnormally terminated. In the «,essage text, sss is the job step name of the EXEC staterr,ent ccntaining the COND parameter. CC~D Table I, items 1, REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - INVALI~ OPERAN~ EXFlan~tion: An errcr occurred for one of the following reasons: • An invalid class was specified in a START or MOCIFY ccrrITand. • The CLASS keywcrd cf a MOCIFY command was not specified correctly. System Action: The job step specified by the succeeding EXEC statement was not executed. The remainder of the job was or was not executed, depending on the condition tests specified in the EXEC statement for each step. In the rressage text, 'ident' specifies the identifier assigned to the task when it was started. Programmer Response: If termination was intentional, no action is needed. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 2, 4, 7a, 29. Messages ~ o Table I, items 1, Explanation: If xxx is CONDITION CODES, a problem program terrrinated ~y issuing a RETURN rracro instruction that specified a completion code. This completion code satisfied a condition test (specified ~y a code, operator, and job step name subpararreter) in the COND parameter of an EXEC statement. 278 '100 ExE!~~atio~: In a START or MODIFY corrrrand,pararreters were specified which do not pertain tc classes. Prograrr,rr.er Response: If termination was intentional, no action is needed. Problerr Determination: 2, 4, 7a, 29. "" Table I, items 1, IEF203I com REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' ~Al\"'Y CPERANDS System Action: The job was terminated, so the rerraining steps in the jcb were not executed. If termination was not intentional, do the following: • Correct the error that caused the completion code tc be issued by the problerr. program. • Change the condition test specified in the CON~ parameter of the JOB statement, if the problem prograrr ccntained no errors. • Submit for execution the remainder of the job, including the prcblem program if it contained an error. () Codes (Release 21.7) Cperator R~~: Probable user error. Enter the corrrrand again correctly. Table I, items 1, o o IEF206I COMD REJEC'lED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - NC CLASSES SPECIFIED Explanation: An error cccurred for one of the following reasons: • No job classes were specified either in the S'lAR'l command cr in the cataloged procedure. • No job classes were specified in the MODIFY cowmand. In the message text, 'ident' specifies the identifier assigned to the task when it was started. §yste!_Actien: terrrinated. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the command again correctly, specifying the proper jcb classes. Prcgra!rrer-B~§~nse: Protable user error. Request the use cf a systerr known to te adequate fer the restart. Problem Determinaticn: 2, 4, 7a, 29. CFera1ff-Respsr.s~: Table I, items 1, IEF207I COMD REJEC'lED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' STORAGE KEY UNAVAILABLE Explanation: when a START command was entered, fifteen initiators were already operating. 'lherefore, no mcre storage protection keys are available. In the rr,essage text, 'ident' specifies the identifier assigned to the task when it was started. o criginal area was adjacent to the link pack area, the rrain storage area could net be increased. • In systerrs with MVT, a deferred restart was being perfcrrred, but after IPL the link pack area had expanded into the required rrain stcrage area. • In a Model 65 Multiprocessing system, the requested stcrage wa~ already cffline or, because cf a stcrage error, was reccnfigured cut of the system. Operator Response: None. IEF208I INVALID REGION PARAME'l'ER Explanation: In a JOB cr EXEC statement, the REGION parameter specified a value larger than dynamic main stcrage. System Action: Restart fer jct jjj is Rerun the jct when tce systerr is started again. At that time, specify the sane cpticns as thcse used when the checkpcint was taken. If such a rerun fails or is net feasible, report tbe rressage to the prcgrarrrrer. Frcblerr Deterninatien: 2:~-7a:-29~--------- Table I, items 1, IEF210I ddn - UNIT F'IELD SPECIFIES INCORREC'I DEVICE NAME ~~~natif~~ In a I I staterrent, the unit nane subpararreter in the UNIT parameter was invalid: • The unit was net defined when the system 'IrOas generated. • In systerrs with MFT cr MV'I, the SYSOuT and UNIT paraneters were specified, tut the unit was net a direct access cEvice. • If a cataleged data set was teing referenced, the unit field in the ~ catalcg entry is inccrrect. ~ 'l'he job was terminated. Prograrereer Response: Probable user error. Correct the REGION pararreter and resu1:::mit the job. In the rressage text, ddn is tbe data definition nane in the narre field ef the DD statement. §yste!LActienJ. Problerr Determination: 2, 4, 7a, 29. The jet was terrri.nated. Table I, items 1, R!~~rrer~§fense: Protatle user error. Cerrect the ubit narre subpararreter, and subrrit the jcb again. IEF209 I MAIN S'l'ORAGE UNAVAILABLE FOR jjj. sss.ppp o Explanation: During executicn of a checkpoint restart for procedure step ppp of step sss of job jjj, i t was found that all or part of the rrain storage for the restart job was not available for one of the following reasons: • In systems with MFT, the nucleus expanded into the required main storage area. • In systeres with MFT, cr MV'l, a deferred restart was being perforreed cn an alternate system that did not have the required main storage area. • In systems with MVT, the system queue space expanded into the required main storage area. . • In systerrs with MVT, a deferred restart was being performed, but the requested main storage area was larger than the area used originally. Since the Prcblem Deterninaticn: 2, 4, 7a, 29. Tatle I, items 1, IEF211I ddn - REQUIRED CONTRCL VOLUME NOT MOUNTED Ex£!an~tio~: A required centrcl vclume fer a cataloged data set was nct meunted fcr cne of the fellewing reascns: • Nc device type inferrratien fcr the ccntrel velune was ccntained in the SYSCTLG data set. • No SYSCTLG data set was ccntainec on tce required vclune. Therefere, it was inpcssible te locate the catalcged data set. In the rressage text" ddn is the data definitien nane in the narre field ef the Dr: statement that specified the cataloged data set. IEF ~essages - Jot Scheduler 279 System Action: The job was terminated. Proqrarr~er Response: Probable user error. In the first case, rrake sure the device type inforrr.ation for the control volume is included in the SYSCTLG data set. (This can be done by using the IEHPROG~ utility program to first release and then reconnect the control vclume.) In the second case, make sure the SYSCTl:G data set exists on the volume. Problem Determination: 2, 4, 7a, 25d, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF212I ddn - BATA SET NOT FOUND Explanation: In processing a DD statement, the job scheduler found one of the following: • The data set name in the DSNAME parameter. did not contain all the levels of qualification, making i t im~ossible to locate the cataloged data set. • The data set had been deleted from the volume table of contents (VTOC) of the volume on which it had been placed when cataloged. • The BCE parameter or the REF subparameter of the VOLUME parameter contained invalid information. • The data set was not cataloged. • A level of index was either missing or incorrect in a generation data group. • In a step, an attempt was made to receive a passed data set. However, a data set with the sarr,e name was previously received in this step. In the message text, ddn is the data definition name in the name field of the BD statement. System Action: The job was terminated. Proqrarr.mer Response: Probable user error. If the data set name was specified incorrectly, correct it. If the DCE or VOLUME parameters were incorrect, correct them. If the data set was not cataloged, either catalog it or, on the DD statement, specify the volume serial number of the volume on which the data set resides. But, if the DD staterrent was correct, recatalog the data set. Then su.bmit the job again. . Problem Determination: 2, 4, 7a, 25d, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF213I ddn - BSNAME FIELD SPECIFIES INDEX BleCK, NOT BA'IA SE'I Explanation: In a DD statement, the data set name in the DSNAME parameter did not contain the lowest level of qualification, making it impos~ible to looate the cataloged data set. The lowest level specified in the data set name was an index block, instead of a data set. In the message text, ddn is the data definition'name in the name field of the DD statement. 280 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) System Action: The job was terminated. o Prcgrarrrr.er Res,"cnse: Probable user error. Correct the data set name, and submit the job again. Problem Deterninaticn: 2:~~a;-25d,~-9-.---- Table I, items 1, IEF214I ddn - BSNAME FIELD SPECIFIES BATA SET PRIOR TO LOWEST LEVEL EXFlanation: In a BD statenent, the data set name in the DSNAME parameter contained the name of a cataloged data set in other than the lowest level of qualification. Either the data set nane was inoorreot or a level of the index had been destroyed. In the message text, ddn is the data definition nane in the nane field of the DD statement. §Y§terr. Action~ The job was terminated. R~~am~er~§Fcnse: Probable user Error. Correct the data set name or the indexEs. Then submit the job again. If the problem Problem Deterninaticn: 2,4, 7a, 25d, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF215I ddn - BSNAME FIELD CCNTAINS SYNTAX ERROR EXFla~~ In a DC statenent, the data set name in the BSNAME parameter oontained a syntax error, rraking it impossible to looate the catalcged data set~ ExamplEs of syntax errcrs are a data set name qualifier of 9charaoters (8 charactErs is the naximum length perrritted) or a double delirriter. () In the message text, ddn is the data definition nane in the naIlie' field of the DD stateIlient. §~em Action: The job was terminated. Pr~amrr.er ResFcnse: Probable user error. Correct the data set name, and submit the job again. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF216I ddn- DATA SE'!' MUST EE RECREA'IED IN 'lHE CATALCG' EXFlanation: The ccntrol program oould nct retrieve a catalcged data set specified by the data set nane in th.E DSNAME ~araneter cf a tD statement. One cf the following oaused this failure: .' An index had been rr.odified, so that it contained an inccrrect ~ointer. • Anuncorrectable input/output error cccurred in reading part of the index. In the Iliessage text, ddn is the data definition narre in the name field of the DD statement. Systen Action: 'I'he job was terminated. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o Programmer Response: Check the catalog. If ~t 1S ~n error, use a utility program to recatalog the data set or to recreate the entire catalog or those parts that were destroyed. If the catalog does not contain errors, an uncorrectable input/output error occurred. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 25d, 29. Table I, items 1, Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the generat~on data group name so . that it does not exceed 35 characters, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 25b, 29. IEF220I ddn - GDG ALL CAUSES TOTAL DD STATEMENTS TO EXCEED 255 Explanation: In a DD statement, the data set name ~n the DSNAME parameter was a generation data group (GDG) name that specified all of the data sets in the group. All the data sets in the generation data group plus all the other data sets specified in other DD statements for the job step totaled more than 254, which is the maximum number of data sets allowed per job step, including the DD statements for the job library. IEF217I ddn - VOLUME CONTAINING PATTERN DSCB NOT MOUNTED Explanation: In a DD statement, the data set name ~n the DCB parameter specified a data set on a volume that was not mounted when the job was to be executed. In the message text, ddn is the data definition name in the name field of the DD statement. System Action: In the message text, ddn is the data definition name in the name field of the DD statement that specified the generation data group. The job was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Subm~t the Job again, making sure that the volume containing the data set is mounted before the job step is to be executed. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 25b, 29. System Action: IEF218I ddn - PATTERN DSCB RECORD NOT FOUND IN VTOC In the message text, ddn is the data definition name in the name field of the DD statement. System Action: The job was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check the data set name in the DCB parameter for an error. On the volume pointed to by the catalog, check the volume table of contents (VTOC) for the data set control block (DSCB) specified in the DCB parameter. Correct the error, and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF219I ddn - GDG GROUP NAME EXCEEDS 35 CHARACTERS Explanation: In a DD statement, the data set name in the DSNAME parameter was a generation data group (GDG) name longer than the maximum length of 35 characters. The extra length made it impossible to obtain the data set name's final qualifications from the catalog. In the message text, ddn is the data definition name in the name field of the DD statement. System Action: o The job was terminated. The job was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Reduce the total number of data sets specified for the job step, so as not to exceed the limit, and rerun the job. Table I, items 1, Explanation: In a DD statement, the data set name ~n the DCB parameter specified a data set that did not exist in the volume(s) specified. Table I, items 1, Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF221I PGM=*.DD - JOB CANCELLED - BACKWARD REFERENCED STEP WAS NOT EXECUTED OR REFERENCED DD WAS INVALID I Explanation: In an EXEC statement, the name of the program to be executed was specified by a reference to the data definition name of a DD statement in a previous step of the job. However, the previous step, which contained the DD statement, was not executed because a condition test specified in the COND parameter of t.he step's EXEC statement was satisfied. If the referenced DD has UNIT equal to a non-direct access device, the job will terminate due to JCL error. System Action: The job was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. In the EXEC statement that refers to the DD statement in the previous step, include the condition tests specified in the previous step's EXEC statement. Then rerun the job. If the unit parameter is used on the referenced DD it must be a direct access device. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF222I COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' UNIQUE IDENT REQUIRED Explanation: A START command was entered; however, 'ident', the identifier assigned to the task when it was started, has already been used with another procedure name. IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 281 ;('~. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the command again correctly, specifying another identifier. characters, but the input reccrds did not ccntain machine ccde ccntrcl characters. Problem Determination: 2, 4, 7a, 29. Syste~ Table I, items 1, IEF225D SHOULD jjj.sss.ppp [checkid1 RESTART Explanation: Automatic restart was requested by procedure step ppp of step sss of job jjj and one of the following occurred: • The step was abnormally terminated with a completion code that makes the step eligible to be restarted. • The system failed. If the checkpoint identification, checkid, is omitted in the message text, step restart was requested; if the checkpoint identification is present, checkpoint restart was requested. Operator Response: If the checkpoint identification is the same as in a previous request for a restart by the same job, and if the job was previously terminated with the sane corepletion code, it may be desirable to prevent another restart at the same checkpoint.. Enter one of the following replies: • REPLY xx, 'YES' if automatic restart is to be authorized. • REPLY xx, 'NO' if automatic restart is to be denied, thus causing the system to dispose of data sets as if restart had not been requested .• • REPLY xx, 'HOLD' if the job is to be held until the operator issues a RELEASE command, at which time autcmatic restart will be performed. (If it is desired to terminate the job, the CANCEL command should not be issued until after the RELEASE command has been issued.) This reply can only be entered in systems with MFT or MVT. \~J Action: The SYSOUT writer closes its SYSOUT data set and ceases processing. Programner ResFcnse:: If it is necessary to prccess reccrds with a length of greater than 32K tytes, do not request centrel characters fcr the SYSOUT writer'S output data set unless control characters have been included in the input records. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 2, 3, 13, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF230I Tee MANY SEPARATIONS AGAINST ddn EXFlan~tion: A data set was specified in the SEP subparaneter cf the UNI'! parameter and/or in the SEP Faraneter ef more than 8 DD statereents. In the rressage text, ddn is the data definition nane in the name field of the DD statement that ccntained the ninth seFaration specificaticn for the data set. ~sten Action: The centrol program attemFted to assign the data set so that the first 8 separaticn specifications were net. The ether seFaration specifications were not necessarily hcnored. Progran,mer ResFcnse: Protable user error. If the job step is tc be executed again, cerrect the DC statements so that only separations are specified. (~"\ j 8'--" Prcblem Deterninaticn: I Table I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF231I jjj - QUEUE MGR I/O rEVICE ERROR DURING ALLOCATION An unccrrectable input/cutput errcr cccurred wbile reading er writing in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set; the error occurred during allecation for job jjj. EXFla~atioB: IEF'228I jjj RESTAR'I CANCELLED - I/O ERROR SCHEDULER WORK AREA Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while the queue manager was reading the SYS1.SYSJOEQE data set for processing of an automatic step restart fcr job jjj. system Action: terminated. Restart for job jjj was Operator Response: Either reenter job jjj through the input strearr or perform a deferred restart. System Action: Jcb jjj was rerreved from the input work queue and was terminated. prograremer ResFcnse: again. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 29-.-------- 4~8a, submit the jot Table I, items 1, IEF232I jjj - NO SPACE eN JOE QUEUE FOR ALLOCATION Problem Determination: 2, 4, 7a., 8a , 29. Table I, items 1, IEF229 I LRECL EXCEEDS 32K Explanation: The variable record extension (VRE) input or output logical record length exceeds 32,760 bytes. The output data set records were defined as variable spanned with machine code control 282 Messages i Codes (Release 21.7) EXFlanation: Nc s~ace remained in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set for allecation for job jjj. system Action: Job jjj was removed from the input work queue and was terminated. Prograrrmer ResFcnse: again .• Submit the job c Page of GC28-6631=13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o IEF233A M ddd'Ser'[labtyp],~~~~ ))),sss jjj,sss,dsn jj j, ,dsn IEF233A ddd,dsn l Explanation: M indicates that a volume is to be mounted on device ddd. The volume was required by job jjj or, if applicable, step sss of job j j j • (If this message is issued for a system task, sss will appear as a system task identifier.) o If a DISPLAY DSNAME command is active, the first nontemporary data set name, dsn, is also specified in the message text. The data set name will not be specified for data sets being deleted. If the data set name causes the message to exceed 72 characters, the data set name will appear as specified on the second line of the message text. • If ser is a 6-digit serial number, the volume with that serial number is to be mounted on the device. • If ser is SCRTCH, a scratch volume is to be mounted. The scratch tape volume must have the type of label specified by labtyp: SL for standard label or standard user label, NSL for non-standard label, or NL for no label or by-pass label. • If ser is PRIVAT, a scratch volume is to be mounted. It will be marked PRIVATE and demounted at the end of job jjj. • If ser begins with a L, the volume to be mounted is unlabeled; the number after the L is an internal serial number assigned by the system to an unlabeled volume and is of the form xxxyy, where xxx is the data set number and yy is the volume sequence number for the data set. System Action: The task waits for the volume to be mounted. No jobs may be allocated or terminated until the operator responds to this message. Operator Response: For tape, if ser is SCRTCH, make sure that the file protect ring has been inserted in the volume. If device ddd is direct access, this mount request should be honored first if it appears in conjunction with an IEF533A mount message. Mount volume ser on the device; then ready device ddd. If a mount is requested for a device with non-removable volumes, ready the device in order to indicate that the volume is mounted. If the volume cannot be mounted, enter a CANCEL command to terminate job jjj. Separate commands are necessary to cancel all jobs requiring volume ser. IEF234A{D ddd,ser,labtyp } IEF234E {~} ddd,ser [,SPACE=prm] [,jjj] o Explanation: R indicates that the volume on device ddd is to be demounted and retained near the computer for use in the near future; D indicates that the volume is to be demounted and used subsequently as a scratch volume; D in conjunction with device address, volume serial and label type indicates that the volume was mounted in response to a MOUNT cowmand and was not the volume specified in the command. • If ser is a 6-digit number, it is the serial number of the volume, which contains labels. • If ser begins with a L, the volume to be demounted is unlabeled; the number after the L is an internal serial number assigned by the system to an unlabeled volume and is of the form xxxyy, where xxx is the data set number and yy is the volume sequence number for the data set. • If ser is absent from the message text, the volume is unlabeled and is not being passed between job steps. • If ser appears in conjunction with label type, the label type is that of the volume actually mounted by the operator in response to a MOUNT command to device ddd. If a DISPLAY SPACE command is acrive, the field SPACE=cccc,tttt,aaaa/yyyy,zzzz is specified: cccc Total number of free cylinders on the volume. tttt Total number of tracks in addition to the free cylinders. aaaa Areas or extents dividing the cylinders and tracks. yyyy Maximum number of contiguous free cylinders of the largest extent within the total remaining space. zzzz Number of tracks in addition to the free cylinders of the largest extent within the total remaining space. If an error occurred during the listing of the parameters in the SPACE field, one of the following messages is specified: • LSPACE-PERMANENT I/O ERROR • LSPACE-NON-STANDARD OS VOLUME • LSPACE-NOT A DIRECT ACCESS VOL • LSPACE-INVALID PARAMETER • LSPACE-UCB NOT READY In the message text, jobname ))) appears only if R appears; jjj is the job for which the volume is to be retained. If the system cannot determine the jobname for which the volume is to be retained, it will use the jobname of the job currently allocating to the device. The demount message can occur if the volume does not have enough available space to meet an allocation request or if a data set already on the volume has the same name as the data set for which space is to be allocated. Operator Response: Demount the volume. If D appeared in the message text, use the volume later when a scratch volume is requested. If labtyp appears in the message text, the volume to be demounted was mounted in error and may not necessarily be a scratch volume. IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 283 If R appeared, retain the vclume near the computer. If it is not externally marked with its serial number, mark the 6-digit or internally assigned serial number on it. (The internally assigned number should appear externally on the volume in case a sUbsequent step needs the volume; for the subsequent nounting, the system will specify the volune by the internally assigned number.) Also, mark the jobnarne on the volume~ If the job ends without requesting a remount of the volume, the volurr.e need no longer be retained. The second series shculd te ignored; they 0, ': · are produced when the systen is oompleting the output queue entries for step sss. Programmer ResFcnse: CFerator Respcnse: None. None. IEF237I ddd ALLOCATED TO ddn EXFlanation: Cevice ddd is allocated to the data set defined in the DD statement whcse name field contains ddn. Problen Determination: If an error oocurs again during the listing of the pararreters in the SPACE field see ~able I, items 2, 7a, 29. IEF235I jjj.sss.ddn WAITING FOR VOLUMES Explanation: ~he systerf was unable to satisfy the volume requests for a data set in step sss of job jjj. In the rr,essage text, ddn is the data definition name in the name field of the CD statement that specified the data set. system Action: The initiator for step sss will enter a wait state until the requested volumes have been unallocated by terminating tasks and are available. for use. Other jobs cannot go through allocation until this wait has terminated and current allocation processing has completed. Operator Response: If desired, enter a CANCELcorr.rrand to terrrinate job jjj. In systems with MFT, a reply of CANCEL must be entered if no other scheduler size partiiton is available for termination services. IEF236I ALLOC. FOR jjj sss [ppp] Explanation: ~his rressage identifies the job step and, if applicable, the cataloged procedure for which devices were being allocated. ~he IEF237I messages, which follow this message, describe the device allocations. The devices were allocated for step sss of job jjj or for cataloged procedure ppp, which was executed by step sss of job jjj. In response to a MONITOR JOBNAMES command, this message will appear on the console only for the unit reccrd devices being allocated. In systems with MFT or MVT, this message appears twice for a step or procedure if the step or procedure was being executed or terrr,inated when system restart was required. ~he second IEF236I message is followed by duplicate allocation messages (IEF237I) for the SYSIN and SYSOUT data sets specified by the step or procedure. The first series of allocation messages reflect the actual device assignments. 284 Messages i Codes (Release 21.7) This rressage is written for each device allocated to a data set, exoept for data sets defined in CD staterrents ccntaining the SYSOUT pararreter. However, if message IEF242I precedes this message, all data sets will be listed for the step which caused message IEF242I to be issued. In respcnse tc a MONITOR JOBNAMES command, this rressage will appear cn the consolE cnly for the urit record devices allocated to data sets, except fcr data sets defined in DD • or DD DATA statements or in DD staterrents containing the SYSOU~ pararreter. ~~~arr.rrer ResFcnse: None. ~erator Respcnse: Check the unit record device to rrake sure it is ready and has the proper input decks, cards, or forms. IEF238A REPLY [DEVICE NAME] OR 'CANCEL' [,'WAIT'] [,'NCSEP'] EXFlan~ticn: The system cannot allocate either a device cr space requested by a DD staterrent for cne cf the fcllcwing reasons: • The CD staterrent requested rrore devices than were currently available. • The DC staterrent specified channel or unit separaticn. • The DC staterrent was narred in ancther DD staterrent's separation request. This rressage perrrits the operator to respond to preceding rr;Essage IEF239I, IEF247I, or IEF248I. gperator Respcnse: If message IEF239I Erecedes this rressaqe, refer to the installation prccedures and enter one of the fcllowing: • REPLY xx,'NOSEP'. The job step needing the space rr~st be executed irr,rr.ediately and the separaticn requests can te igncred. The system will ignore the step's separaticn requests and will attempt allocaticn again. • REPLY xx, 'WAIT'. The job step needing the space shculd te executed with its separation request, if possible. The job will wait. When direct access space is freed on apprcpriate devices, the systerr. will attempt allocaticn again. Other jobs cannct go through allocation until this wait has terrrinated and current allccaticn processing has corr;pleted. O· ... ' o o • REPLY xx, 'CANCEL'. The jcb will be terminated. • REPLY xx,'ddd'. If device ddd fulfills the requirements of the DD statement, allocation will be attempted again; however, device ddd may be allocated to a different DD stateroent than the one specified in message IEF239I. • In systems with MFT, a reFly of CANCE1 or NOSEP must be eiltered if there is no scheduler size partition available for termination services. If message IEF241I precedes this message, enter one of the following after checking with installation procedures: • REPLY xx,'ddd' where ddd aFFeared in an OF'FLINE line of the n:essage. The system places the device online and attempts allocation again; however, device ddd may be allocated to a different DD statement than the one specified in message IEF241I. • REPLY xx, 'WAIT' if the OFFLINE devices in the message cannot be changed for allocation recovery, and either the job step did not request channel or unit separation or the steF's separation requests cannot be ignored. The job waits until enough devices are released to satisfy its device requirements and separation requests, if any. Other jots and system tasks can neither start or go thro~gh allocation until this wait has terminated and current allocation processing is complete. • REPLY xx,'NOSEP' if the OFFLINE devices in the message cannot be changed for allocation recovery, the job step requested channel and/or unit separation, and the separation requests can be ignored. ~he system ignores the step's separation requests and attempts allocation again. • REPLY xx, 'CANCEL' if the needed devices are always used, perhaps for a background job step. The system terminates the job. Note: One of the replies to message IEF238A must be entered befcre the initiator will process the jcb. Although a CANCEL command may be entered, the command will not take effect until a valid reply has been entered to this message. (All replies must be specified in upper-case letters.) If message IEF248I precedes this message: IEF239I jjj sss ddn WAITING FOR ALLOCAlION ~xfla~tio~~ The ~[ staterrent whose name field is ddn has requested direct access sFace that car.nct te allocated. Systen ActioE: The systerr placed step sss of job jjj in a wait state. Nc other jot steps or systerr tasks will be allowed to allecate or start until sFace becomes available. When direct access space is freed en theaFFrcp:iate devices, the systerr will atterrFt allocaticn agai~. Hcwever, if rressage IEF238A irrrr.ediately fellcws on the ccnscle, the eFerater can take the jcb cut cf wait state. Other jobs cannot gc threugh allecaticn until this wait has terroinated and current allocation prccessing has ccrrFleteo. Cter~!2±_gespc~ If desired, enter a CANCEL comrrand tc terrrinate tr.e jot narned jjj. In systems with MFT, a reply cf CANCEL or NCSEP trust be entered if there is no scheduler size Fartiticn availatle for terrrination services. IEF240I TCe MANY [B CARLS ~xtlana!!2~~ The jct step contained too rrany [[ staterrents fcr the rrain storage available for internal tables in the systerr being used. ~sterr Action: The job was terrrinated. Programrrer ResfS~ Probable user error. Reduce the nurrber cf data sets, ana thus the nurrber of [B staterrents, for the job step, and subrrit the jcb again. In systems with fl.!FT, submit the jot again, instructing the cFeratcr to increase the size cf the partiticn by a specified arrcunt. In systems with MVT, submit the jot again, instructing the cFeratcr to start the systeIr again and, during nucleus initialization, tc increase the size of the MIN pararreter by a specified amount, if this option was chcsen at system generation. IEF241I RECUEST FOR PENBING OFFLINE RESERVEB DEVICE EXElanati2~: o If one of the reserved volunes can be demounted, enter REPLY xx,'ddd'. The system will issue message IEF234A to demount the volume and then message IEF233A to request llounting cf a scratch volume to be allocated to the data set named on DB statement ddn. If none of the reserved volumes can te demounted, enter REPLY xx, 'CANCEL'. The system will terminate the jcb. In a [ t staterrent, the UNIl pararreter specifies a device which is reserved and Fending offline. 1he dEvice was reserved by PRESRES or by a MOUNl ccrrrrand. §yste!-Action: If the volurre cn the device contains SYSIN data sets, recovery is atterrpted by issuing message IEF238I, allcwing the cFeratcr to bring the device back cnline. If the vclune does not contain SYSIN, the jcb is terrrinated. IEF ~essages - Job scheduler 285 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Programmer Response: If possible, request another dev~ce and rerun the job. Otherwise, rerun the job when the required device is back online. IEF242I ALLOC. FOR jjj sss [ppp] AT ABEND Explanation: In the JOB statement, the allocat~on MSGLEVEL=O was specified. Since the problem program failed during execution, the system has overriden the previous specification and has assumed MSGLEVEL= 1 . unit allocation messages IEF237I will follow this message. Programmer Response: IEF243E UNIT xxx UNLOADED. None. VOLUME HAS ANS LABEL. Explanation: A tape volume which has an American National Standard (ANS) label was either requested or mounted (in response to a MOUNT command) on a device in a system which does not support ASCII tape processing. The xxx field contains the unit address. System Action: unloaded. The tape volume is Operator Response: Set aside jobs which need thi.s tape until a syst.em ".r;'.i.ch supports ASCII processing is available. If no jobs need this specific tape, issue a MOUNT command for a tape of a different label type. IEF245I INCONSISTENT UNIT NAME AND VOLUME SERIAL Explanation: The VOLUME serial specified is not compatible with the device collection specified in the UNIT parameter. • In a DD statement, the UNIT parameter specified a device collection; the SER subparameter of the VOLUME parameter specified the volume serial number of a volume which is not removable and is not compatible with the device collection. • In the UNIT parameter of the DD statements with the same volume serial number specified, there is not, at least one common unit. The DD statement indicated may not be the statement which is incorrect, but it is the statement being processed at the time the error is detected. System Action: The job was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the erroneous paiameter, and submit the job again. Problem Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF246I INSUFFICIENT SPACE ON STORAGE VOLUMES Explanation: In a DD statement that requested a storage volume the SPACE parameter requested a greater quantity of tracks than was available on the direct access device. IEF244I jjj sss ddn UNABLE TO ALLOCATE System Action: Explanation: The system was unable t.o allocate a device to the data set named on DD statement ddn for step sss of job jjj : • The UNIT parameter on the DD statement specified a device collection. The number specified was greater than the available devices in the collection. Either the collection did not contain the requested number of devices, too many devices in the collection were already assigned or offline, or the attributes of the volumes mounted on the specified devices could not satisfy the request. • The DO statement requested allocation of device(s) currently allocated to another task, and the device(s) could not be shared. System Action: The system might have terminated the job; in this case, no further termination message is issued for the job. If the job was not terminated, the system issues message IEF247I to attempt allocation recovery. Operator Response: None. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If the job was terminated, check the UNIT parameter to ensure that the device collection can supply the number of devices needed. If allocating SYSOUT, report the problem to the system programmer. If necessary, change the UNIT parameter and run the job again. Problem Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 29. 286 Table I, items 1, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) The job was terminated. ;f Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check the track quantity of the SPACE parameter for validity. If it was incorrect, change it. If it was correct, change the request to a different volume. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF247I{jjj ALLOCATION RECOVERY} jjj ddd-list OFFLINE, Explanation: The system was unable to allocate a device to a data set, as required for job jjj, and is attempting allocation recovery. In the message text, ddd-list is a ~isting of the devices. In any system, device ddd is pending offline but currently online and possibly allocated to another job. If the operator replies to message IEF238A with this device address, the device will be allocated to job jjj only if it is eligible. If the device is not eligible the message sequence IEF247I and IEF238A will be repeated if there is another device offline or pending offline. Note: If the operator replies a device address which is pending offline to message IEF238A, the reply counteracts the previously issued VARY OFFLINE command. In any system, device ddd could be allocated if the operator could vary its status from offline to online. -'1\ \ ',_.)tl o In the message text, the first line always appears. ~he second line a~~ears for eligible devices that are currently offline or that are pending offline (that is, devices which a VARY offline command has recognized but has not completely processed, in which case ddd is preceeded by an asterisk <*); this line may appear more than once. System Action: The system action depends on the operator response to message IEF238A, which follcws this message. Proqrarorrer Response: If the job ~as terminated, make any changes indicated ty other messages, and subrrit the job again. Operator Response: Respond as indicated for message IEF238A, which follo~s this message. IEF2481 jjj sss ddn ERROR ALLOCATING RESERVED VOLUME IEF2481 ddd BAS RESERVED VOLUME ser o Explanation: ~he systerr was unable to allocate space on a device tc the data set named on DD statement ddn fcr step sss of job jjj. Device ddd is eligible for allocation, but the reserved volume with serial number ser is mounted on the device. The second line in the rressage text may be written once or several times, depending on the number of eligible reserved volumes available. Operator Response: Respond as indicated for message IEF238A, which follows this message. IEF249 I FOLLOWING P/R & RSV VOLUMES ARE ser ON ddo ccc-ccc MOUN~ED Explanation: During system start, this message describes the vclumes mounted for PRESRES (permanently resident and reserved), which is a rrember of the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. ser ON ddd ccc-ccc is written once for each mounted volume. ser is the serial number of a mounted volume, ddd is the device address, and ccc-ccc specifies the characteristics of the volurre: P/R-PUE P/R-PRV P/R-STR 0 RSV-PUB RSV-PRV RSV-STR Permanently resident, public Permanently resident. private Permanent ly resident. storage Reserved, public Reserved, private Reserved, storage Operator Response: None. IEF2501 FCLLCWING MAY EE MOUNTED ser CN dddtyp IEF250D REPLY DEVICE AtDRESSES OR EO EXFlanation: If PRESRES (perrranently resident and reserved), a rremter of the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, exists in the system and if all volumes described in entries in the PRESRES data set are not mounted during systerr start. this message is produced tc request mounting of the unrr.ounted PRESRES vclurres. ser CN dddtyp is written cnce for each unrrounted volurre. ser is the serial nurrber of a vclurre tc te rrcunted and dddty~ is the ty~e cf device, such as 2311, 2314, 2319, cr 2321, that the volume is to be mounted on. dddtyp does not specify ~ny s~ecial features, such as track overfl~, that may te required; it is the user's res~cnsibility to select the device that has any required special features. 0Ferator Respcnse: If any of the listed voluroes is to be ncunted, enter REPLY xx.·ddd.ddd,ddd, ••• • where each ddd is a device address. Any valid direct access devices can be used. including those that already have vclunes mounted cn them. After replying, rrcunt the required volumes on the devices re~lied. If no vclurres are tc be mounted. enter REFLY xx.' GO' • IEF2511 JCE CANCELED (in SYSOUT) IEF2511 jjj JOE CANCE'LED (cn conscle) GIl EXFla!1aticn: In res~onse tc a CANCEL ccrr.rrand or a CANCEL response tc message IEF238A, the systerr terminated jot jjj. Programrrer ResFcnse: Correct any errors indicated by any cther messages. and submit the job again. CFeratcr R~cnse: Ncne. IEF2521 DIRECT ACCESS - SPACE UNAVAILABLE FOR ASSIGN ~xFlaE~tion: Cn the direct access device used tc hold the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. the space for prccessing a jot was exceeded. §'ysterr, Action: The jot was terrr,inated. Prograwrrer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Create a larger SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set so that i t can hcld larger jots. 'Then sutmit the job again. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I. items 1, IEF2531 DIRECT ACCESS - DUPLICATE NAME ON VOLUME EXFlanati.2ill In a tt staten,ent that requested space cn a direct access device. the data set nane in the DSNAME parameter was the sane as a data set narre already in IEF f.!:essages - Job scheduler 287 the volume table of contents (VTOC) for the requested volume. IEF257I DIRECT ACCESS - SPACE REQUESTED NO'! AVAILABLE ~~Flana1ion~ System Action: The job was terminated. Prograrr.rr.er Response: Probable user error. If the data set being specified is a new data set, select a unique name for it. If the DD statement intended to specify the data set that is alr~ady on the direct access device, specify the OLD subpararoeter in the DISP parameter. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF254I DIRECT ACCESS - NO SPACE IN VTOC Explanation: A DD statement requested space on a direct access volume for a new data set. The volurr.e table of contents (VTOC) for the requested volume did not have the minimum nurrber of format 0 data set control blocks (DSCB) required to allocate the data set. System Action: The job was terminated. Programrr,er Response: Probable User error. Submit the job again, requesting space on a different volume. Problem Determination: 3,4, 7a, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF255I DIRECT ACCESS - PERMANENT I/O ERROR Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred in using a direct access device during program initiation. System Action: The job was terminated. Prograrr,mer Response: Operator Response: Rerun the job. None. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF256 I DIRECT ACCESS - ABSOLUTE TRACK NOT AVAILAELE Explanation: In a DD statement defining a data set on a direct access device, the ABSTR subparameter of the SPACE request is asking that the data set be allocated in absolute tracks. The requested tracks are not available. System Action: The job is terminated. Progran,mer Response:· Probable user error. Check the beginning track address and quantity subparameters for validity. If they are correct, request different tracks or a different volume. Then resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 7a, 25a, 29. 288 Table I, items 2, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) In a DD statenent, the SPACE pararreter requested a greater quantity of tracks than was available on the direct access device. Either the system terminated the jeb because space would not become available or the operator cancelled the job while it was waiting for space to become available. 2Yst~~Action~ o The job was terminated. g~2~S~~~ Probable user error. Check the track quantity of tee SPACE pararr.eter for validity. If it was incorrect, change it. If it was correct, change the request te a different volume. Then submit the job again. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 3, 4, 7a, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF258I DIRECT ACCESS - INVALID REC LENGTH ~xFla~tion: In a Dt statenent, the average record length subparaneter in the SPACE paraneter specified a length greater than the capacity of a track en the requested direct access device. systen Action: The job was terminated. Progranner ResFense: Probable user error. Reduce the lengths ef the records to make the average length ne greater than the track capacity cf the device cr specify a device with a greater track capacity. Then submit the job again. Problem Deterninatien: o Table I, items 1, 3, 4, 7a, 29. IEF260I WRCNG tSORG OR DISP FOR ISAM EXFla~tifE: During allocaticn of an indexed sequential data set, cne of the following error ccnditions was detected: • A tt statenent requiring that direct access space be ebtained was found concatenated tc a tD statelI'ent (for tee same ISAM data set) that indicated that the data set already existed. Example: A ccncatenated tt statenent specified DISf=(NEW,KEEP), and a preceding DD staterrent fcr an ISAM data set specified DISP= (OLD, KEEP) • Note that secondary dispositions are net checked for consistency. • A tD statenent specifying DSORG=IS or ISU was found concatenated to a DD statenent (fer the same data set) that specified a DSORG ctherthan IS or ISU. This message will net appear if a DD statement specifies DSORG=IS or ISU and a succeeding ccncatenated DD statement specifies a tSORG cther than IS or ISU. system Action: The job is terminated. Programmer ResFcnse: Correct theoDISP or DSCRG pararr.eters in error and run the job again. o Problem Determination: 7a, 29. Table I, items 2, Explanation: None of the DD statements defining an indexed sequential data set specify DSNAME=name(PRIME). Two r:r: staterrents defining the same indexed sequential data set are requesting sFace for the sarr,e area. Both DD statements sFecify the same element in the DSNAME pararreter. system Action: Qysterr. Action: IEF2611 NO PRIME AREA REQUEST FOR lSAM DATA SET The job is terminated. The job is terminated. programmer ResEcnse: probable user error. Elirrinate one cf the dUFlicating DD statenents. List the volune tal:le of contents ("VTOC) cf eachvolune that will contain the data set using the IEHLIST utility progran. If the name of the data set aFFears in any V~OC, remove it using the IEHPROGM utility. Then rerun the job. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 14, 29. Problem Deternination:· 7a, 14, 29. MUS~ Table I, items 1, BE REQUESTED BEFORE OVFICW Table I, items 2, IEF2651 INVALID TRACK QUANTITY FOR SPLIT REQUEST Explanation: The control program is unable to allocate the overflow area of a new indexed sequential data set because the overflow area request aFFears before the prime area request. That is, the control program read the DD statement specifying DSNAME=naroe(OVFLOw) before the DD statement specifying DSNAME=name(PRIME). Ex~~~tion: In a r:~ staterrent, space allocation was requested by a SPLIT Fararr.eter. The total number of traoks specified in the first subFararneter of the DD statement was greater than the number of tracks Fer cylinder on the device being used. If a percentage of space was specified, the Fercentage was too small to allow a full track. system Action: systen Action: The job is terminated. Progranmer Response: Probable user error. Insert the DD staten.ent speoifying DSNAME=name(PRIME) before the DD statement specifying DSNAME=name(OVFLOw). List the volume table of contents (VTOC) of each volume that will contain the data set using the IEHLIST utility program. If the name of this data set aFpears in any VTCC, remove it using the IEHPROGM utility. Then rerun the job. Problem Determination: 2, 4, 7a, 14, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF2631 SPACE REQUEST WRONG - MUST BE ON CYLINDER BOUNDRY Explanation: The SPACE parameter of a DD statement defining an indexed sequential data set is incorrect. In the absolute track request (ABSTR), the beginning address subparameter does not specify a cylinder boundary, or i t does not specify, in tracks, an integral number of cylinders. System Action: o ~XElanation: Proqrarr,mer Response: Supply a DD statement that specifies DSNAME=name(PRIME). List the volume table of contents (V~9C) of each volume involved using the IEHLIST utility program. If the name of the data set aFpears in any VTCC, remove it using the IEHPROGM utility. Then rerun the job. IEF2621 PRIME AREA o IEF2641 DUPLICATION OF THE DSNAME ELEMENT NOT ALLOWED - SAME AREA REQUESTED TWICE The job is terminated. Proqran.rr.er Response: Probable user error. COrrect the absolute track subparameter. List the volume table of contents (VTOC) of each volume that will contain the data set, using the IEHLIST utility Frogram. If the name of this data set appears in any VTOC, remove it using the IEHPROGM utility: Then rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 7a, 14, 29. The job is terminated. prcqramner ResFcnse: Probable user error. Reduce the nunber ef tracks sFecified in the first subFaraneter of the SPLI'I request. If ycu are using a 2314 or 2319 disk, the maxirrun nunber of tracks is 20, and for a 2311, the rraximun is 10. Rerun the job. Problem Deterrrinatien: 7a, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF2661 INVALID JFCB OR PART'IAL DSCB POlN'I'ER EXFlanation: CUring allocaticn, a JFCB or partial DSCB Feinter was found to have been zeroed. system Action: The job is terminated. Programrrer ResFcnse: Probable system error. Rerun the jeb. Preblem Deterrrinatien: Table I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF2671 INVALID DIRECTORY REQUEST EXFlanation: In a r:r staterrent that defined a new partitiened data set, the sFace requested fer the directery was not allocated by the centrel Frogram for one of the followir.g reasens: • The directory quantity subparameter of the SPACE or SUBALLOC parameter requested nere sFace than the primary quantity subFararreter. • The sFace requested by the directory quantity sub~ararneter exceeded the largest space available on the volume. IEF' Messages - Job Scheduler 289 GI System Action: The job was terminated. Proqrarrrr,er Response: Probable user error. Reduce the directory quantity subparameter or increase the prirrary quantity subparameter. Then subrrit the job again. Problem Determination: 3,4, 7a, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, Explanation: ~his rressage verifies that volumes have been mounted on the devices named in the reply to rressage IEF250I and that the devices are ready. ser is the serial number of the velume mounted on device ddd. cec-ccc are the characteristics of the volurre: P/R-PUE Permanently resident, public P/R-PRV Permanently resident, private P/R-STR Permanently resident, storage RSV-PUB Reserved, public RSV-PRV Reserved, private RSV-STR Reserved, sterage NO ATRB No attribute, meaning that an unrequested velurre was mounted on a device specified in response to rressage IEF250I None. IEF269A ddd AttRESS INVALID OR OFFLINE. REPLY REPEAT Explanation: ~he reply to rressage IEF250I is invalid. possible errors are: • Device address unknown to system. • Device unable to satisfy required mounts. • Device offline. • tevice other than 2311, 2314, 2319, or 2321. • Device holds system residence data set. • tuplicate device addresses. • Comma miSSing between device addresses. • Comma present at end of reply. • 2321 cell number non-nUmeric or greater than 9. • Too few voluroes needed by PRESRES for type of device specified. Operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the reply again correctly or enter REPLY xx, , GO ' • Problerr: Determination: Table I, items 2, 7a, 29. Make sure that the device is defined to the systerr ccrrectly. IEF270 t I/O ERROR IN PRESRES READ. RE-IPL REPLY GC CR Explanation: while reading to determine if PRESRES o S 6 8 EXFlanation The expiraticn date had not occurred. When the data set was created, the eXfiration date was specified ty the EXFDT or RETPD sutFararreter in the LAEEL fararreter cf the DD statement. No device was available for mounting during deleticn. Too rrany vclurres were sfecif.ied for deletion. Deleticn can be accomplished in several jeb steps by specifying some of the volurre serial nurrbers in each step. Either no velurres were rrounted or the mounted volurres cculd net te demounted to Fermit the remaining volumes to be mounted. The SCRATCE routine returned a code, z, following each vclurr.e serial numter eXFlaining why the data set was not deleted frorr that volume. The values of z and their rreanings are as follows: 1 - The data set was net found on the volurre. () o o o 2 - The data set is security protected and the correct password was not given. 3 - 'The expiration date had not occurred. ~nen the data set was created, the eXFiratien date was specified by the EXPDT or RETPD subparameter in the LABEL parameter of the DD statement. 4 - An uncorrectable inFut/output error occurred in deleting the data set from the velume. 5 - The system was unable to have the volume mounted for deletion. 6 - The system requested that the operator mount the volume, but the operator did not mount it. 9 A job was cancelled and was deleted from any of the following queues: Input queues Background Reader Queue Hold Queue Automatic SYSIN Batching (ASB) Queue output Queues The data set named dsn was deleted from the volumes whose serial nunber(s), ser, are listed in the message text. Programmer Response: Cerrective action depends on the value of x and z. If x is 1, do not attempt te delete the data set. If x is 4, ensure that the correct volumes can be mounted. If x is 5, delete the data set in several job steps. If x is 6, ensure that the cerrect volumes can be meunted. If x is 8, and z is 1, ensure that the correct volumes can be mounted. z is 2, supply the correct password. z is 3, do not attenpt te delete the data set. z is 4, resubmit the job. z is 5, ensure that the correct volumes can be mounted. z is 6, ensure that the correct volumes can be neunted. If x is 9, execute the IEHPROGM utility to delete the data set. Operator Response: If x was 9, report this message to the programner whose jo£ was cancelled. If x was other than 9, no action is necessary. Problem Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF2841 NO TIOT ENTRY FOUND FOR ddname Explanation: The system cannot process the disposition for the data set described by ddname because i t could find no entry for ddname in the task input/output table (TIOT). Possible the user-sFecified ddname has lost its identity during processing. system Action: The data set deseribed by ddname is bypassed and dispesition processing continues with the next data set, if one exists. This message is issued in place ef the nornal disposition Iressages fer the data set in the SYSOUT' listing. Proqranmer ResFense: If the user specified a disFcsitien of KEEP, PASS, or RETAIN, ne actien is necessary. If the specified dispcsiticn was CELETE, CATLG, er UNCATLG, de the fcllowing: If the ddnane that appears in the message text is not n.eaningful, you can determine which CD statenent descri£es the data set that has received ineeIr.plete disposition precessing by ccmparing the disposition message with the allecatien messages and the jeb centrel statements; the position of this message (IEF·284I> within the set of disposition Iressages correspends to the pesition of the ddname in the allocation messages and the jc£ centrel statements. By exanining the relationships ef these staten.ents you can determine the data set nane, the unit type, and the serial number ef the volune en which the data set exists. If the data set has a temporary data set nane and yeu know the volume serial number, execute the IEHLIST utility tc list the centents of the velume; from that you can deternine the data set name. If yeu cannot detern.ine the velume serial number, call IEM fer programrr.ing support. To give the data set the dispcsition of DELETE, CATLG, cr UNCATLG, execute the IEHPROGM utility te perforn these functions. Preblerr Deterninatien: If you cannot deterrrine enough infcrmation about the data set to pernit executien ef IEBPROGM, see Table I, items 3, 4, 29. IEF2851 dsn dsp veL SER NOS= ser,ser,ser,ser,ser VOL SER NOS= ser,ser,ser. EXFlanatien: The disFesitien, dsp, specified for the data set naned dsn was acceIrplished fer the vclumes whese serial nunbers, ser, are listed in the message text. • If ser is blaI1k, the volune is an unlabeled nagnetie tape whose disposition is PASSE~. The dsp is one ef the following: PASSEC KEPT DELETED CATALOGED UNCATALOGED RECATALOGED SYSOUT SYSIN • If ser is a 6-digit num£er, it is the serial nUIrber ef the volume, which centains labels. • If ser begins with a L, the volume is unlabeled; the numter after the L is an internal serial nunber assigned ty the system te an unlabeled volune ana is of the form xxxyy, where xxx is the data set number and yy is the volume sequence number for the data set. IEF ~essages - Job scheduler 293 Five volume serial numbers are listed per line until all the volurres are listed. The last volume serial number is followed by a period. 3 4 5 Proqrarrrrer Response: None. IEF2861 ddn - DISP FIELD INCOMPATIBLE WITH DSNAME Explanation: The dispositicn specified in the DD statement does not agree with the status cf the data set .• In the rressage text, ddn is the data definition name in the name field of the DD statement. 7 System Action: A The job was terminated. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the disposition parameter on the DD statement. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3 ,. 4, 7 a , 29 • Table I, items 1, IEF2871 dsn dsp w VOL SER NOS= ser,ser,ser,ser,ser VOL SER NOS= ser,ser,ser. Explanation: The DISP pararreter of a DD statement was CATLG or UNCATLG, but the system could not catalog or uncatalog the data set. In the message text, dsn is the data set name and dsp is the disposticn of the data set. If CATLG was specified in the DD statement, then dsp appears in the message text as NO'I CATLGD (not cataloged) or ~CT RECTLGD (not recataloged). If UNCATIG was specified in the DD statement, dsp appears in the message text as NOT UNCTLGD (not uncataloged). • If ser is a 6-digit number, i t is the serial number of the volume, which contains labels. • If ser begins with a L, the volume is unlabeled; the nurrber after the 1 is an internal serial number assigned by the system to an unlabeled volume and is of the form xxxyy, where xxx is the data set number and yy is the volume sequence number for the data set. Five volUme serial numbers are listed per line until all volurres are listed. The last volume serial number is followed by a period. The w explains why the data set was not cataloged or uncataloged: w I 2 294 6 Explanation control volume was required and a utility program Irust be used to catalog the data set. The data set to be catalcged had previously been cataloged or the data set to be uncataloged could not be located, or no change was made to the volume serial list of a data set with a disposition of CATLG. A Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) 9 A specified index did net exist. The data set cculd not be cataloged because space was net available in the catalog data set. TCC rrany vclurres were specified for the data set; because cf this, not enough main stcrage was available tc perform the specified catalcging. The data set tc be cataloged in a generation index is improperly named. The data set tc be cataloged was not opened and nc density information was provided on the DO staterrent (for dual density tape requests only). An uncorrectable input/output error occurred in reading or writing the catalog. The VTOC cculd net be converted from DOS to OS fcrrrat, therefcre, the SYSCATLG data set cculd not be extended to perforrr the specified cataloging. 0 prograrrrrer ResFcnse: If w is 9, resubmit the jcb. If w is not 9, probable user error. If w is 1, execute the required utility prograrr, rraking sure the required control vclume is rrounted. If w is 2, 3, cr 6, ccrrect the DSNAME parameter of the DO statement, and submit the jcb step again. If w is 4, increase the size cf the catalcg data set cr delete unused catalog entries, and use a utility prcgram to catalcg the data set. If w is 5, reorganize the data set into several smaller data sets and catalog each cne. When usir~ these smaller data sets, concatenate therr intc cne large data set. If this procedure is net practical, try to change the forrrat of the data set so that it occupies fewer vclumes and then catalog it. o If w is 7, correct any prograrr errors and submit the job step again. If the data set is to be catalcged, make sure the density inforrraticn is provided in the DCB subparameter cf the DD statement. If w is A, scratch the data set causing the problerr,' or rearrange the pack using DCS. Problem Deterrrinaticn: 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF2881 UNABLE TO OPEN TAPE UNIT EXFlanation: The IEFPRT (SPRINTER) program was unable tc open the input tape data set. This was probably due to an irrproper or rrissing data definition name in the narre field of the DO statement describing the tape. The data definition narre should be PRINTAP. Svsterr Action: The program was terIr.inated. (The return code is 8.) o ProqraIr,Irer Response: Probable user error. Correct the data definition name, and execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 29. IEF289I jjj ACCT/SYS~EM Table I, items 1, Problem DeterIrinaticn: 3, 4, 7a, 29. ERROR Explanation: An invalid parameter was detected while building a system message block for job jjj. For exarople, the address of the system message block was zero, the message length was zero, or the address of the message exceeded the maximum main storage address. EXFlanaticn: The IEFPRT (SPRINTER) program deterIrined that the DCB parameter of the input data set specified a lcgioal record length (LRECL) cf Ir,ore than 32,756 bytes. The DCE paraIreter of the data set also specified a reccrd forIrat (RECFM) of VS or VBS. System Action: No nessage is placed into a system message block. Prccessing continues. systerr Action: Problem Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF292I RETAINED VOLUMES RELEASED FOR JOB jjj Explanation: Job jjj has ended, but one or more volumes retained (via message IEF234E) for that job were nct reused and need no longer be retained near the computer. Operator Response: RetUrn to the appropriate library or pool any volumes being retained for job jjj. IEF294I OUTPUT CLASSES REQ EXCEEDS EIGHT. CANCELEr; JCB Explanation: More than eight system output classes were specified in the SYSOUT parameters of the DD statements. HOwever, only eight system cutput classes can be active in a system at anyone time. system Action: The job was terminated. Proqranner Response: Probable user error. Correct the CD statements sc that no more than eight system output classes are specified. Then sUbmit the job again. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF296I MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DEVICES FOR DD EXCEEDED o Table I, items 1, IEF297I LRECL EXCEEDS 32K Operator Response: Report this message to the programmer. If an accounting routine exists in the system, he shculd check it for errors. Otherwise, he should resubmit the job. o RroqranIrer ResFcnse: Procable user error. If pcssible, change the program so that fewer voluIres are required to be mcunted at the sane tiIre. ExPlanation: The number of units requested for the jcb step was insufficient to perlI'it all the required volumes to be mounted. The scheduler attempted to increase the unit count but ;xceeded the maximulI' of 59 units per DD, statement. system Action: The job was terminated. The job was terminated. Froqramroer ResFcnse: Procable user error. Change the LRECL sucparameter to specify less than 32,756 bytes. ~hen execute the jeb step again. Prcblem DeterIrinaticn: 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF298I jjj SYSOUT=sclass EXFlanation: The system is displaying the classnames of the system output classes, other than the Iressage class, which contain data fcr jcb jjj. In the message text, sclass is the listing of the c lassnan;es. Note, however, that if the system restart occurs and the jeb is not scheduled for step restart or checkpoint restart, then the system output classes indicated in the message text Iray nct be relied cn to ~ contain data. .. QEerator Respcnse: Fcllow installation prccedures in cbtaining data frcm the systeIr cutput classes indicated in the message text. Note: This Iressage appears as the first line cf the systeIr cutput for the message class of job jjj unless the message class is being written directly to the output device; in that case, this Iressage may appear as the last line of the system output. IEF300I ddd WTR CLOSED -- QMGR I/O ERROR EXFlanation: An unccrrectable input/output errcr cccurred while the queue manager was using the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set, either tc update an output queue or to read reccrds fer a SYSOUT writer. The error nakes the contents of the output queue unpredictacle. Because the SYSOU~ writer receives its data from the output queue, the writer clcsed its cutput data set on device ddd and stopped itself. Operator Respcnse: WTR cOIr:lI'and. Enter another START Prcblem DeterIri~aticn: 3, 4, 7a, 8c, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF' Messages - Job Scheduler 295 IEF'301I ddd WTR CLOSED systerr Action: The SYSOUT writer will terrrinate itself. Explanation: In response tc a STOP command, the SYSOUT writer closed its output data set on device ddd and stopped itself. Operator Response: None. IEF302I SYSOU'I' WRI'1ER ddd, FAILED ON JOB jjj ClASS x CONTINUA'1ION FOLLOWS. Explanation: In response tc a START wTR command, the system started the SYSCUT writer for class narre x. 'Ihe writer opened the SYSOUT data set in which this message appears. The data written in this data set was being written in a SYSOUT data set that was closed because of an unccrrectable input/output error associated with its device, ddd. wben the forrrer data set was closed, message IEF303I was written on the console. Some of the data written before the error rriay be duplicated in this new data set. In the rressage text, jjj is the name of the job that produced the SYSOUT data set. Prograrrrrer Response: Qperater Respense: o Restart the writer. Preblerr Deterrrinatien: 7a, 29. Tatle I, items 2, IEF308I jjj - NOT ENOUGE CORE FOR PROCESSING ExplanatiQB: When trying to initiate job jjj, the scheduler cculd net cbtain enough rrain storage fer its werk area. systerr Action: Tpe jot was terminated. _ QEerator Respense: Redefine the partition er regien size tc increase the amount of rrain sterage availatle to the scheduler. IEF3091 jjj - QUEUE MGR. REA[ ERROR ON SIO'1 ~~~B~tion: An errer was detected ty tr.e queue rranager while reading a step input/eutput tatle (SlOT) frorr the SYS1.SYSJOEQE data set for jot jjj. 2'yste~ction: The jet was terrr:inated. Ncne. IEF303I ddd WTR CLOSED -- OU'IPU'I ERROR IEF3101 jjj - QUEUE MGR. REA[ ERROR ON VOLT Explanaticn: 'Ihe SYSOUT writer closed its SYSOUT data set on device ddd and stopped itself, because of an uncorrectable input/output error while writing the data set. '1he data that was being written will be written on the device specified in the next S'IAR'I WTR coromand that also specif·ies the data's class narre. Operator Response: Enter ancther START WTR corrrr.and, specifying the class name of the data that was being written. Problerr Determination: 13, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF·3041 jjj, DSNAME=dsn, IEF304I DDNAME=ddn, VOLUME=SER=ser Explanation: One or roore of the specified volumes on which the data set named dsn resides was not available when an attempt was made to write the data set. In the message text, jjj is the name of the job being executed, ddn is the name of the DD statement specifying the data set, and ser is the serial number(s) of the volume(s) en which the data set resides. Prograrrmer Response: Problerr. Determination: 25b, 29. Ncne Table I, iteros IEF307 I ddd WTR CLOSED-oU'I·PUT DCB FAILED 'IC CPEN Explanation: wbile processing a START WTR command, the system was unsuccessful in opening the system output data set. In the message text, ddd is the unit address of the device assigned to the writer. 296 Messages ~ Codes (Release 21.7) EX~E~ti~B: An errer was detected ty the queue manager while reading a vclume table (VCLT) frorr the SYS1.SYSJOEQE data set for jcb jjj. 2.YsteIr_ActiQ.!!= The jot was t erminat ed. Prcblem Deterrrinatien: 3, 4, 7a, 8c, 29. o Tatle I, items 1, IEF311I NOP - SETPRT PARAME'I·ER LIST INVALID ExE.!~naticn: When the SYSCUT writer issued the SETPRT rracro to lead the UCS/FCE buffer(s) en a 3211 printer for the input data set, ne operaticn was performed because the SETPRT parameter list was net valid. SysteIr Actien: The SYSOU'I writer stopped precessing the input data set and will go te precess other input data sets. Rrcgrarrrrer Respense: Make sure that the UCS/FCB paraIreters are correctly specified en the DO stateIrent. Preblem Deterrrinatien: 2, 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF3121 INVALID BLKSIZE SPECIF·IED FOR PROCEDURE LIERARY EXFlan~ti~B: The tlccksize specified for the precedure library was not a multiple ef 80. SysteIr. Action: The SYSIN reader was unable to read the procedure library and terrr:inated the jcb. o o In systems with MFT and MV~, since the job scheduler is invoked by means of procedures existing in the Frccedure library, the systems are rendered unusable. IEF316I CCEAr: EXlli!)~tif!).!. While a SYSOUT writer was Frinting or pur.ching a SYSOUT data set, an invalid machine ccntrcl character was detected in the inFut data set. ~he SYSOUT writer ceuld nct translate the character inte an ASA character. Operator Response: Report this message to the system programmer. He should change the bloeksize of the procedure library to a multiple of 80. 2yste~_Action~ The SYSOU~ writer stcFped prccessing the inFut data set and will go en to process ether infut data sets. R~~~~~~~-B~§Eense: IEF"314I SYSIO Probatle user Error. sure that the inFut data set contains valid centrol characters. ~ake Explanation: While a SYSOU~ writer was printing or punching a SYSOU~ data set, one of the following was detected: • An uncorrectable input/outFut error in reading the input data set. • F'or an input data set containing clocked variacle format records, a logical record that was too short; that is, less than 5 characters for blecked variable format with control characters or less than 4 characters for blocked variable format with no contrcl characters. • For an input data set containing fixed or fixed blocked records, the B~RSIZE or LRECL of the data is not the same as the BLKSIZE or LRECL which describe the attributes of the data set. System Action: The SYSOUT writer stopped processing the input data set and will go on to process other input data sets. o Proqrarrmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the input data set does not have a blocked variable forrrat record that is too short. Then recreate the data set by again executing the job step that produced it. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 4, 25b, of the vclurre ccntaining the SYSOUT data set, 29. IEF315I VOLUME COUN~ INCONSISTENT WITH UNIT CCUNT Explanation: One of the following conditicns has occurred: • The number of devices specified in the UNIT= parameter of the DD statement is greater than the nurnber of volumes available to be mcunted, cr is greater than the number of volume serial numbers specified in the VOL= parameter. • The starting volurre specified in the volume sequence nurrber subFarameter of the VOL= parameter of the DD statement is not the first volurre in the series of volumes; therefore the nurrber of volumes to be mounted is less than the numcer of devices specified in the UNI~= parameter. System Action: Preblerr Deterrrir:atien: Tatle I, items 1, 3, 4, 15, 29. IEF317I TE~PORARY FAI~URE CF OPEN FOR JOB jjj sss ~~~!)~!ion: An errer oecurred during executien of ar. OPEN rracro instruction for the JCELIE, FETCHLIE, er S~EPLIB data set fer the step r.arred sss of the jet named jjj. §ysterr_Action: ~'he jet is terrr,inated. C}:::er~to~§spense: Rerun the jet. Preblem Ceterrrinatien: Tatle I, items 1, 2,3,4, 7a, 29. IEF318I ddn Il\1VALIr: UNIT AFFINITY REQUEST FOR DIREC~ ACCESS Ex~natio!): ~he AFF subpararreter of the UNIT Fararreter was sFecified for a nEW direct access data SEt. In tte message text ddn is the data definitien name of the r:r: staterrer:t defining the data SEt. §yste!L~cticn: ~he jet is terrninated. Pr~!!.!!:l!er_Bes.E.fnse: Protatle user Error. If the data set is nEW, rerrcve the AFF subpararreter and rrake sure that the UNI~ pararreter specifies a unit address or unit tYFe. Run the jeb again. Problem Deterrrinatien: Tatle I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF320I STCRAGE NOT AVAILAELE EX£1~!)~!!f!): The IEFPRT (SPRIN~ER) program deterrrined that not enough main sterage space was available fer the logical record ef the data set. §ystel!_~ction: The data set is skipped. Precessing cer.tinues. Prcqrarrrrer ResEense: Make sure the space allocation descriced in the IEFPR~ program is sufficient. Then execute the jot step again. The job is terminated. IEF3211 INVALIr: SEGMENT o Programmer Response: Probacle user error. Correct the erroneous UNIT= cr VOL= parameter and rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Expl~natio!): Ir. an inFut data set, a variable record extension (VRE) segment descriFtor werd is incerrect. For exarrFle, a beginning s Egrrent eccurred IEF ~essages - Jot Scheduler 297 before the end segment of the last logical record. System Action: The writer closed its output data set and sto~ped itself. Proqramrrer Response: Probable user error. Make sure the segment descri~tor words in the input data set are being created correctl~. Then execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. Explanation: In response tc a user request for verification of the FCB image on a 3211 printer, no irrage-id had been specified with the verification request. System Action: The SYSOUT ~riter ignores the request for verification and continues with remaining requests. Proqrarr.roer Response: VERIFY should onl~ be specified with the FeB image-ID to be verified. Make sure the FCB image-ID is correctl~ included follcwing the FCB=ke~words pararreter en the DD statement. Table I, items 1, IEF3231 NO FCB IMAGE-ID SPECIFIED FOR ALIGN~ENT Explanation: In response to a user request for alignment of the FCB forms on a 3211 Printer, no image-ID had been specified with the alignment request. System Action: The SYSOUT writer ignores the request for alignrrent and continues with reroaining requests. Programmer Response: Align should onl~ be specified with the FCB image-ID to be aligned. Make sure the FCB image-ID is correctl~ included following the FCB=ke~word parameter on the DD statement. If the problem recurs dc the following Problem Determination: 2, 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF3241 NO IMAGE-ID SPECIFIED FOR VERIFICATICN Explanation: In response to a user request for verification of the UCS image on a 3211 Printer, no irr.age-ID had been specified with the verification request. system Action: The SYSOUT ~riter ignore the request for verification and continues with reroaining requests. Prograrr.mer Response: VERIFY be specified with the UCS-ID verified. Make sure the UCS correctly included following UCS=keyword parameter on the Problem Determination: 2, 3, 15, 29. 298 o EXEl~nation: When the SYSOUT Writer issued the SETPRT rracro to load the UeS/FeB buffer(s) cn a 3211 printer for the in~ut data set, either the image could not be found in the image library (SVCLIB) cr the requested train was not available. Therefore, the c~erator canoelled the load. Table I, items 1, IEF3221 NO FCB IMAGE-ID SPECIFIED FOR VERIFICATICN Problem Determinatien: 2, 3, 15, 29. IEF3251 CPERATOR CANCELLED LOA1::. UCS/E'CB IMAGE-IB/TRAIN NOT AVAILABLE. should onl~ to be image-ID is the DD statement. Table I, items 1, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) syste!!:,-Action: The SYSOUT Writer stopped ~rocessing the in~ut data set and will go on tc process ether in~t dat a sets. R~cqraromer ResEcnse: Load the required irrage into the systerr library or res~eeify the in,age-ID on the 1::B card to use an inage and train availal::le at the installaticn. Problem Deterninatien: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, 15, 29. Execute System utility IEHLIST, LISTPDS DSNAME=irrage library on volume which centains the irrage lil::rary; save output. IEF3261 PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON BLDL LOCATE ON UCS/FeB IMAGE IN IMAGE LIBRARY EXElanatio!!: When the SYSOU'I Writer issues the SETPRT nacro to load the ueS/FeB buffer(s) en a 3211 printer for the input data set, a permanent I/O error was detected when the BLDL rraero instruction was issued by data management to locate the character set inage in the irrage library. o System Acticn: The SYSOUT Writer stopped precessing the input data set and will go on tc process ether input data sets. Cperator Respcnse: Enter another START WTR comrand specifying the class name of the data that was being written. Problem Deterninatien: Table I, items 2, 29. Save asscciated output from WTR. Execute systen utility IEELIS'I', LISTPDS, DSNAME=image library on volurre whieh contains the irrage library; save output. IEF3271 WTR ddd CLOSED. PERMANENT I/O ERROR WHILE LOADING UCS/FeE EUE'FER EXElanation: When the SYSOUT writer issued the SETPRT nacro to load the Ucs/fcb buffer(s) en a 3211 printer for the input data set, a permanent I/O error persisted after twe attempts were made to load the associated l::uffer. §.yste!LAc!:ion: The SYSOUT Writer elosed its SYSOUT data set en device ddd and stopped itself. CEerator Response: Enter another START WTR corrrrand, s~ecifying the class name of the data that was being written. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 2, 29. Save associated output from WTR. o 0 1 IEF328 I WTR ddd CLOSED. PERMANENT I/O ERROR CN UCS/FCB IMAGE VERIFICATION. Explanation: When the SYSOUT Writer issued the SE'I'PRT macro to load the UCS/FCB buffer(s) on a 3211 ~rinter for the input data set, a ~erwanent I/O error was detected when an attem~t was made to display the character set iKage on the printer for visual verification. System Action: The SYSOUT writer closed its SYSOUT data set on device ddd and stopped itself. Operator Response: Enter another START WTR cOK.K.and, specifying thecclass name of the data that was being written. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, IEF329I WTR ddd CLOSED. OPERATOR CANCELLED LeAD. INCORRECT UCS/FCB IMAGE DISPLAYED FCR VERIFICATION Explanation: wben the SYSO~T writer issued the SETPRT macro i tc load the input data set, the o~erator cancelled the load because an incorrect irc:age was displayed on the printer for visual verification. e'i System Action: The SYSOUT writer closed its SYSOUT data set on device ddd and stopped itself. Programmer Response: Insure that the requested train contains the graphics necessary to print the image-ID specified and that the image-ID and desired verification image are correctly defined. performed due tc an uncorrectable error in a ~reviously ir;itiated out~ut o~eration. SysteK Action: The SYSOUT Writer closes its SYSCUT data set cn device ddd because of the uncorrectable cut~ut error, and steps i tse 1£ • C~erator Re2Ef~: Fellow acticn specified for these ccrrpanion messages which describe the nature ef the unccrrectable error. Enter another START WTR cOKKand, s~ecifying the class name of the data that was being written. Prcblem DeterKinaticn: Table I, items 2, 29. Save asscciated output from WTR. IEF334I QUEUE DEVICE I/O ERROR PROCESSING FOR JOB jjj Explanatien: An uncerrectable errer eccurred while the autoKatic SYSIN batching reader was entering the jcb centrcl language for job jjj into the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. inFut/cut~ut SySt~K Action: Jcb jjj was nct placed in the inFut work queue, all ~receding jobs were inter~reted and the in~ut stream was stc~~ed at this Feint. Operator Respcnse: Enter a START command te begin processing at job jjj. Preblem DeterKinaticn: 2, 4, 7a, 8b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF335I INSUFF·ICIENT QUEUE SPACE FOR JOB j jj ~!~ticn: Problem Determination: 2, 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF330I INTERPRETER ABENDED DURING JOB jjj COMPLET ION CODE hhh Explanation: The interFreter invoked by the automatic SYSIN batching reader abnormally terminated with a corn~letion code of hhh, in hexadecimal. The termination occurred during interpretation of the job control language for job jjj. System Action: Job jjj and other remaining jobs in its batch were purged and the automatic SYSIN batching reader was tern;inated. Operator Response: Enter a START command to begin processing at job jjj. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 15, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, Insufficient space was allocated to the auteK:atic SYSIN batching reader for entering the job centrol language for jeb jjj into the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. SysteK Ac;.tion: Jcb jjj was purged from the SYS1.SYSJOEQE data set, all preceding jobs were inter~reted, and the input stream was stc~~ed at this point. £Eerato~espc~: Prebable user error. InforK the prcgraIme:r :responsible for tbe systero either tc break up the jeb into smaller jobs cr to increase the space allocation in the autorr.atic SYSIN batching reader ~rocedure. Prcblem Deterninatien: 2, 3, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF336I QUEUE FULL AND WAITING ~xpla~tion: IEF331I WTR ddd CLOSED. SETPRT NOP-UNCORRECTABLE OUTPUT ERROR ON PREVIOUS OPERATION o Explanation: when the SYSOUTwriter issued the SETPRT macro to load the UCS/FCB buffer(s) on a 3211 ~rinter for the input data set, no operation was During interFretatien of job contrcl language, the interpreter invoked by the auteroatic SYSIN bat ching reader found that no Kcre sFace was available on the job queue. Systerr. Action: The job being interpreted was saved and the inte:r~reter region was freed. As seen as s~ace beccKes available IE·F Messages - Job scheduler 299 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 on the job queue, the interpreter will be automatically restarted. Operator Response: None. IEF3701 INSUFFICIENT MAIN STORAGE FOR MOUNT PROCESSING Explanation: There is not enough main storage available to allocate volumes to a job step whose DD statements specify old data sets that reside on unmounted volumes. In the message text, yy specifies the year, ddd specifies the day of the year (001-366), hh specifies the hour (00-23), and mm specifies the minute (00-59). For the CPU time, xxxxMIN specifies the minute and xX.xxSEC specifies the second (in seconds and hundredths of a second). Also, the MAIN xxxxK specifies the processor storage (hierarchy 0) and the LCS xxxxK specifies the IBM 2361 core storage (hierarchy 1). Programmer Response: ( ).'"~ None. IEF3751 JOB/jjj START/yyddd.hhmm System Action: terml.nated. The job step is Programmer Response: Increase the value specified in the REGION parameter of the JOB statement, or reduce the number of DD statements that specify old data sets residing on unmounted direct access volumes. Problem Determination: 2, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF3721 ddn VOLUME FIELD CONTAINS REFERENCE TO A DD NOT PREVIOUSLY RESOLVED Explanation: In a DD statement (ddn in the message text), the VOLUME parameter contains a reference to a DD statement in a previous step. However, the previous step, which contains the referenced DD statement, was not executed because.the condition test specified by the COND parameter of that step was satisfied. System Action: The job was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. In the EXEC statement of the step containing DD statement ddn, include the same condition test specified in the EXEC statement of the step being referenced by Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 2, Explanation: At job termination for SMF, this message indicates the time and date that job jjj was started. In the message text, yy specifies the year, ddd specifies the day of the year (001-366), hh specifies the hour (00-23), and mm specifies the minute (00-59). Programmer Response: None. IEF3761 JOB/jjj STOP/yyddd.hhmm CPU xxxxMIN xX.xxSEC Explanation: At job termination for SMF, thl.S message indicates the time and date that job jjj was terminated and the job problem program CPU time. In the message text, yy specifies the year, ddd specifies the day of the year (001-366), hh specifies the hour (00-23), and mm specifies the minute (00-59). For the CPU time, xxxxMIN specifies the minute and xX.xxSEC specifies the second (in seconds and hundredths of a second). Programmer Response: None. IEF382A ddd WTR WAIT DUE TO PAUSE. Explanation: In response to a MODIFY command with a PAUSE=DATASET parameter, the SYSOUT writer is waiting before starting to write a SYSOUT data set on device ddd. IEF3731 STEP/sss START/yyddd.hhmm Explanation: At step termination for SMF, this message indicates the time and date that step sss was started. In the message text, yy specifies the year, ddd specifies the day of the year (001-366), hh specifies the hour (00-23), and mm specifies the minute (00-59). Programmer Response: None. IEF3741 STEP/sss STOP/yyddd.hhmm CPU xxxxMIN xx.xxSEC MAIN xxxxK LCS xxxxK Explanation: At step termination for SMF, this message indicates the time and date that step sss was terminated, the step problem program CPU time, and the maximum storage in use at any time during execution of the step. The previous data set or messages are completed; that is, all lines or cards have been printed or punched and completely checked. Operator Response: Perform any desired actions on device ddd; then enter REPLY xx, 'y' where y is any single character. This reply causes the writer to begin processing the data set. IEF383A ddd WTR, CHANGE FORM TO nnn Explanation: The SYSOUT writer is waiting for the operator to change the forms on device ddd to form number nnn. This message appears only when a data set to be printed or punched needs forms different from the forms used for the data set just printed by the SYSOUT writer. o 300 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) o The previous data set or messages are completed; that is, all lines have been printed or punched and completely checked. Operator Response: Change the forms to form number nnn; then enter REPLY xx,'y' where y is any single character. This reply causes. the writer to begin processing the 4ata set. IEF384I dsn NOT DELETED w VO~ SER NOS= se~ x,ser x,ser x,ser x,ser x. Explanation: A DD statement specified that a data set spould be written directly in intermediate direct access storage and printed or ~unched later by a SYSOUT writer. After the data set is printed or punched, it is supposed, to be deleted from intermed~at~ storage. 'This message indicates that the data set, which is named dsn, was not deleted trom the intermediate,' storage volumes whose serial numbers, ser, ar~ listed in ~e message text. IEF385I ddd DSO OPEN FAILURE OUTCLASS=s jjj Explanation: While writing output separators and/cr system wessages directly to device ddd fcr jot jjj, the system was unsuccessful in cpening the direct system output (DSO) data set. In the message text, dd,d is the unit address of the device assigned to the writer, and s is the systerr output class being processed. system Action: If a job step was teing initiated when the error occurred, then the jcb will be terrr,inated. If the system output class is the same as the message class fer the jct. then the system rr.essages are enqueued to be written ty a systeIr output writer. The DSO writer associated with device ddd is stopped. Cperator Respcnse: If any output was enqueued, start a system output writer for the jcb. if one is net already started. Preblem Deterninaticn: Tatle I, items 1, 2,3, 4, 7a, 29. Up to five volume serial nurrbers are listed. The last serial nuw:ber is followed, by a period.' o IEF386I ddd DSO OUTPUT I/O ERROR OUTCLASS=s jjj The w in the message text indicates why the data set could'not be deleted from all the volumes listed. w 4 8 x Explanation No device was available fer mounting the volumes for deletien. An unusual condition was detected for one or more of the listed volumes. This condition is identified in the cOdes. x. foliowing each volume serial number. " o Explanation Deletion was not attempted. The data set was not' found on the 2 The data set is security protected and the correct password was not given. The expiration q(lte. had net,occurred. When the data set.was created, the expiration date was specified by the EXPD1: or'REiJpp' $ubpararoeter in the i.A~n parameter of the DDstatement. An uncorrectable' input/output error occurred'~n (jel~ting the'data set from the volume .. The system was unable to have the volume mounted for deletion. Thesyst~m requested that tpe operator m~)Unt the volume,' put the operator did not mount it. . 1 Explanation: While writing output separators and/er system reessages directly to device ddd fer jot jjj, a permanent input/eutput errer was encountered. In the message text, ddd is the unit address of the device assigned to the direct systen cutput (DSO) writer, and s is the systen cutput class being precessed. system Action: If a jeb step was teing initiated when the errer occurred, then the jcb will be terninated. If the system output class is the same as the message class for the jeb. then the system messages are enqueued to be written by a system output writer. volume~ 3 4 5 6 o The DSO writer associated with device ddd is stepped. Cperator Respcnse: If any output was enqueued, start a system output writer for the jcb, if one is net already started. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. IEF387I DIRECT SYSOUT=sclass ne~essa~y. Explanation: The system is displaying the classnaroes of the system output classes, including the rressage class, that are qualified to use the facilities of the direct systen cutput (DSO) writer currently available. Problem Determination: If w = 8 and x = 4, See Table I, iterr.s 25~, 29. In the message text, sclass is a listing of the classnarres. Operator Response: If w = 4 or is w and x =0:"3 or 5-6. no actien is 8 IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 301 GIl System Action: The data is written directly to the device assigned to the DSO writer instead of being spooled on disk and later written by the system output writer. Proqrarorr.er Response: Ncne. IEF388I jjj.sss.ddn WAITING FOR DEVICES Explanation: 'Ihe system was unable to satisfy the device request(s) by the data set narned ddn for the step named sss of the job named jjj. System Action: The initiater for step sss of job jjj will enter a wait state until the requested devices have been unallocated by terminating tasks and are available for use. Other jobs cannot go through allocation until this wait has terminated and current allocation processing has completed. Operator Response: If desired, enter a CANCEL cOlrIf.and to terminate the job named jjj. In systems with MF'I, a reply of CANCEL must be entered if no other scheduler size partition is available for termination services. IEF389I jjj.sss.ddn SEP REQUEST IGNORED Explanation: In a DD staterr.ent, channel or unit separation was requested by the SEP parameter or the SEP subparameter of the UNI'I parameter. However, the system was unable to satisfy the request. separation was requested in the DD statement whose name field contains ddn for the step named sss cf ~he job named jjj. System Action: The system will ignore the separation request and attempt reallocation. Operator Response: None. IEF390I 080 (s,j,devtyp) NEEDED TO RESTART jjj[Pn1 Explanation: During execution of a checkpoint restart for job jjj, the system found that a direct system cut put (DSC) writer ~as required to restart the job. The message text, s is the system output class, j is the job class, and devtyp is the device type associated with the DSC writer. In systems with MF'I, Pn is the partition in which the DSO writer should be started. system Action: The system will place the job on the hold queue. Operator Response: Start the DSO writer required. In systen:s with MFT, the WI:" iter should be started in the indicated partition. 'Ihen, release the job from the hold queue. 302 Messages i Codes (Release 21.7) IEF391I ddd DSO CLOSED EXFla~ticn: In respcnse to a STOP corrrrand or an input/cutput failure, the direct systerr cutputCI:SO) writer closed its output data set and stopped itself. In the rressage text, ddd is the unit address of the device assigned to the writer. 0Ferator Respcnse: o None. IEF392I ddd DSC JOBCLASS=jclass,OUTCLASS=s EX~Eation: In response to a MODIFY ccrrmand, the systerr cutput class and job classes associated with the direct system output (OSO) writer were changed. In the rr.essage address of the writer, jclass classes, and s class. text, ood is the unit device assigneo to the is a listing of the new job is the new system output £Eerator Respense: Nene. IEF393I ddd DSO COMMAND OR PROCEDURE ERROR Explanation: While precessing a START or ~CDIFY corrrrand, the oirect system output (DSC) writer detecteoan error in the parameter field ef the corrrrano. For a START command, the error may have teen a faulty parameter fielo in the procedure or a rrissing IEFRDER DD staterrent. o In the message text, odd is the unit address of the device assigneo to the writer. syst~~Acticn: If a START corrmand was being processed, the DSO writer will terminate itself. If a MODIFY commano was being processed, the command will not be executed. Cperatgr ResF.s~: Probable user error. Enter the conrrand again correctly. Problem Deterrrination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 26d, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF394I ddd DSO PARTITICN ERROR EXFlaEation: In systens with MFT, a START DSC cCItmand was issued for a partition that was net a prcblem progran partition. In the rr.essage text, odd is the unit address of the device assigned to the direct systen cutput (DSO) writer. syste!LAction: The DSO writer will terminate itself. Cperator Respcnse: Probable user error. Reissue the START DSO command fer a prcblem progran partition. Problem Deterrrinaticn: 7a, 29. Table I, items 2, o o IEF"395I ddd DSO JOBQ I/O ERROR MSGCLASS=s jjj Preblem Deterrrinaticn: 7a, 29. Explanation: while writing the system messages directly to device ddd for job jjj, a read error on the SYS1.SYS~OBQE data set was encountered. Table I, items 2, IEF399I DSC AEEND EXIT PRCCE[URES COMPLE~ED ~~tlan~tio~: While ~rccessing a S~OP or connand, the direct system output (DSC) writer enccuntered an atnormal conditien. In the message text, ddd is the unit address of the device assigned to the direct system output (DSO) writer, and s is the message class being ~rocessed. ~CDIFY Syst~~Acticn: The [SO writer will terrrinate itself, and the devioe assigned te the writer will te de-allocated. If the device was a ta~e device, the final record indicating end ef output may not have been written. System Action: If a job ste~ was being initiated when the error occurred, then the initiator is abnorreally terminated with a system completien cede of OBOe In systems with MFT, all DSO writers in the partition are stopped. fEerator Restcnse: If the device was a ta~e device, latel the ta~e externally to indicate that the end cf output record may be missing. (~lthcugh the IEFPRT (SPRINTER) prcgran nay be used to ~rint the system out~ut frcn this tape, if the end cf eutput record is missing, the program's acticr: u~cn reaching the end of the valid eut~ut nay be un~redictatle.) Operator Response: None. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 4, 7a, 8b, 29. IEF396I READER PAR~ITION ERROR Explanation: In systems with MFT, two readers were started in the same partition. Problem Deterrrir.aticn: 29-.- 2~3,4~11, System Action: The seccnd reader will terminate itself. Table I, items 1, IEF401W I/C ERROR SCEEDULER WORK AREA Operator Response: o None. IEF397 I ddd DSO. END OF OU'IPUT RECORD NOT Explanation: While processing a STCP command, the direct system eutput (DSC) writer was unable to write the final record indicating end of out~ut. In the message text, ddd is the unit address of the tape device assigned to the writer. System Action: The DSO writer will terminate itself without writing the end of output record. Operator Response: Label the tape externally to indicate that the end of output record is missing. (Although the IEF'PRT (SPRIN~ER) program may be used to print the system output fron this tape, the program's action upcn reaching the end of the valid output is unpredictable.) Problem Determination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. EXtla~~ticn: while starting the system, an uncorrectable in~ut/output error occurred when the system was writing in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. WRI~TEN Table I,. items 1, IEF398I ddd DSO OPEN UNSUCCESSFUL Explanation: while processing a START DSO command, the system was unsuccessful in opening the direct system output (DSC) data set. Syste~_Action~ ste~ped. I Systerr- processing was Cteratcr Respcnse: Re-IPL the system and ~ format the jet queue. ~ Preblem Deterrrinaticn: 7a, 8a, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF403I jjj STARTED [TIME=hh.nrr.ss] ~xtla~~tion: In res~onse .te a DISPLAY connand with JCENAMES in its c~erand, this nessage indicate's that the system has begun processing the jeb naned jjj. ~his nessage is alsc issued if job jjj has restarted in systens with MV'I'. If T is also s~ecified in the operand of the DISPLAY ccrrnand, then the time of day a~~ears, where hh s~eoifies the hour (00-23), rrn s~ecifies the ninute (00-59), and ss specifies the second (00-59). ~be tine, if specified, does net necessarily ccrres~ond to any tine-accounting time stam~. QEerato~espcr.se: In the message text, ddd is the unit address of the device assigned to the writer. o system Action: The DSO writer will terminate itself. Operator Response: Enter the command again. There may be a problem with the particular reel of tape. Nene. Eowever, if tte jcb sheuld not be executed at this time, issue a CANCEL ccrrnand and the jot will be by~assed. IEF404I jjj ENDED [TIME=hh.rrrr.ss] Extlanation: In res~cnse tc a DISPLAY ccnnand with JCENAMES in its cperand, this message indicates that job jjj has tern ina ted. IEF M.essages - Jot Scheduler 303 Note: If job jjj has been cancelled by the operator and not by the system, this message will not be issued. pp If T is also specified in the operand of the DISPLAY command, then the time of day appears, where hh specifies the hour (00-23), mm specifies the minute (00-59), and ss specifies the second (00-59). qqqq The priority cf the jcb queue entry. nn 0 The pcsiticn cf the jcb en its queue. Operator Response: The name cf the queue. ~his can 1:e either JOEQ x (where x is the class identifier cf an input queue), BRDRQ, BOLDQ, ASEQ, cr SOUTQ x (where x is the output class identifier of an output queue). None. IEF406I ddd - READER CANNOT BE OPENED Explanation: ~he data contrel block for the SYSIN data set on device ddd could not be opened. Probably, the IEFRDER DD statement in the reader procedure ~as specified incorrectly. Operator Response: Probable user error. Report this message to the programmer responsible for the system. He should correct any errors on the IEFRDER DD statement in the reader precedure, and then restart the reader procedure. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, Cperator Respcnse: IEF410I Ncne. INCORRECT PARTITION FOR S'l'ART COMMAND Explanaticn: A START command was entered fcr a procedure in a partition that was defined as a Reader cr writer partition, but the procedure was not a Reader or Writer. Cperatcr Respcnse: Prct;able user error. Enter the corrrrand again, specifying a prcblem prograrr partition. IEF407I ddd - PROCLIB CANNOT BE OPENED FOR READER Explanation: ~he data contrel block for the SYS1.PROCLIB data set en device ddd could net be opened. Probably, the IEFPr;SI DD statement in the reader procedure was specified incerrectly. Froblem Deterrrinati cn: Table I, items 2, 2 6d, 29. Enter DEF INE LIS'I tc o1::t ain a listing of partiticns that are currently active. IEF412I SFCOL DEVICE I/C ERROR WRITING FOR JOB jjj Operator Response: Repert this message to the prograrr~er respensible fer the system. He should correct any errors on the IEF'PDSI DD statement in the reader procedure, and then restart the reader procedure. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. IEF408I ddd - Table I, items 1, jjj JOB NOT FOUND FOR READER Explanation: In a START corrrnand for reader ddd, job jjj was specif~ed as a jobname parameter value. Hcwever, job jjj was not found in the input stream. Operator Response: Probable user error. Make sure the jobnarre is spelled correctly in the STAR~ command, and make sure the job has been placed in the input stream. Then reenter the command. Problem Determination: 2,3,4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF409I jjj,CLASS=cc,PRTY=pp,POS=nn,qqqq Explanation: In response tc a DISPLAY command with the job name jjj in its operand, the system is displaying the following information about the job: cc The job class assigned to the job if it is on an input queue or the output class assigned to the job if, it is on a SYSOUT queue. 304 Messages 6 Codes (Release 21.7) Expl~ticn: While a SYSIN reader was writing a data set from the input stream cn a direct access device an uncorrectable input/output errcr was enccuntered. The data set being rrcved was specified t;y a DD * cr DD DATA staterrent. syste!LAction.l Jcb jjj, which contains the input strearr data set, was terminated. The jcb scheduler also wrcterr.essage IEF608I in the SYSOUT data set to inform the prograrr,rr,er. ~rator Respcnse: Reenter job jjj through the input stream. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 2, 4, 7a, 29. Tat;le I, items 1, IEF413I QUEUE DEVICE I/O ERROR INTERPRETING JOB jjj ExplaB~tion: An unccrrectable input/output errcr cccurred while a SYSIN reader was writing in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set; the reader was queuing jot; jjj in the input wcrk queue. System Action: Jct; jjj was rernoved from the input work queue and was terminated. Cperator Respcnse: Reenter jet; jjj through the input stream. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 2,4, 7a, 8b, 29. Table I, items 1, o o IEF414I QUEUE DEVICE I/O ERROR ENQUEUEING JCB jjj Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while a SYSIN reader was writing in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set; the reader was queuing job jjj in the input work queue. System Action: Job jjj was removed from the input work queue and ~as terminated. Operator Response: Reenter job jjj through the input streall'.• Problerr. Determination: 2, 4, 7a, 8b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF'415I I/O ERRCR CN ddd PURGING JOB jjj Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while the job scheduler was purging job jjj from the SYS1.SYSJOEQE data set, which is on device ddd. This message can occur cnly during the job removal after message IEF413I or IEF414I. If space has net beccme available, the systeIr will flush the input data for job jjj and stop the reader. In this case, reenter job jjj and the JOB card for the job fcllowing jjj. IEF417I PRCCLIB DEVICE I/O ERRCR READING FOR JOB jjj Explanation: During the processing of a request for a cataleged procedure, an input/output errer cccurred in reading or searching the SYS1.PROCLIB data set. systelTi Action: Job j j j, which was teing processed, was terrrinated. If the error occurred in reading the procedure library, the job scheduler also wrote lTessage IEF603I in the SYSOUT data set; if the error occurred in searching the procedure library, the jcb scheduler also wrote message IEF'614I in the SYSCUT oata set. Operator Respense: Reenter job jjj through the input stream. Prcblem DeterlTinaticn: 2, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF418I SPOOL DEVICE I/O ERRCR OPENING FOR JOB jjj System Action: Job removal on device ddd was stopped; however, removal continued on other devices. Operator Response: Respond as indicated for message IEF413I or IEF414I. Notify the systelT; programmer at the installation of this message. EXFlanation: An unccrrectable input/output errer cccurred while the systeIr was opening the data centrol block (nCB) that the jeb scheduler bad created for a data set in the input stream. (The data set was defineo by a DD * or DD DATA statement. ) Problem Determination: 2, 4, 7a, 8b, 29. 21stelT Action: Jcb jjj, which containeo the input strealT data set, was terminated. Table I, items 1, IEF416I SPOOL FULL AND WA1TING jjj Explanation: A SYSIN reader placing an input stream data set fcr job jjj on a direct access device found that no more space was available on the device. The data set was defined by a DD * or DD DATA statement. Operator Respense: Reenter jot jjj through the input stream. If this message a~pears a secend tilr.e for the same job netify the prcgralTlTe:r that jot jjj could net be executed. Preblem DeterlTinatien: 2, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF419I INPUT DEVICE I/C ERROR READING JOE jjj System Action: The timer was set for 1 minute; at the end of the minute, the reader will determine if space had in the meantime become available on the direct access device. If space had become available, the reader will resume placing the data set on the direct access device. If space had not becolTe available, the timer will again be set for 1 minute. Thus, this message will be issued once a minute until space becolTes available. Operator Response: If this message is repeated for too long a time, enter a STOP RDR command. o If space has become available, the system will continue processing and close the reader after job jjj has been read. In this case, reenter the JOB card for the job following jjj before the reader is started again, or the jeb fcllowing jjj will be flushed. An uncer:rectable input/output errer cccurred while a SYSIN reade:r was reading the input stream. EXEla~tion: systen Action: The SYSIN :reader closeo the input strealT ana stopped itself. 'Ihe interp:reter terlTinateo the jot named jjj, which was being reao when the error eccurred. The jet scheduler also wrote lTessage IEF602I in the SYSOUT data set to inforn the prcg:ralTlTe:r. Cperator Respcr.se: Enter a S'IART RDR cClTttand and reenter jot jjj through the input strean. If this message appears a seccnd tine fer the saIre job, tell the prcgralTlTer the r.alTe ef the jot; his action is needed to ccrrect the caro image teing read when the e:r:rcr eccu:rreo. If the Preblem DeterlTir.atien : Tatle I, items 1, 2, 4, 7a, 29. IEF Messages - Job Scbeouler 305 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 IEF4201 RDR=jjj Explanation: The job named jjj was being processed by the reader/interpreter when a system failure occurred or the power was turned off. (This message is issued during the subsequent system restart.) Operator Response: Enter the job named JJj through the 1nput stream. • Job control statements, but not messages, for steps following sss (or ppp) • () If x=2 and cond=RESTART or x=3 and cond=CONTINUING, all SYSOUT data sets, job control statements, and system messages for the job will be written after the initiator has finished processing the job. If x=3 and cond=ENDED, all output for the job will be written. IEF4211 INIT=jjj.sss.ppp (x) cond Explanation: When a system failure occurred or the power was turned off, procedure step ppp of step sss of job jjj was being initiated (x=1) , was being executed (x=2) , or was being terminated (x=3) • (This message is issued during the subsequent system restart.) If x=1 and cond=CANCELLED, initiation could not be resumed and the job was canceled. If x=2 and cond=NO RESTART, either the step requested restart and the operator denied the request or the step did not request restart. Restart will not be performed. If x=2 and cond=RESTART, the step requested restart. The operator authorized the restart and the restart will be performed. If x=3 and cond=CANCELLED, the job failed before system failure occurred. If x=3 and cond=CONTINUING, the step was not the last step. Termination was completed normally and the next step will be initiated normally. If x=3 and cond=ENDED, the step was the last step. Step termination and job termination have completed normally. Operator Response: Report the message to the programmer: • If x=1, non-temporary data sets for step sss (or ppp) may have been created before the failure. Temporary sysout data sets for tasks started from the console may not be scratched by the writer, and may have to be scratched by the installation programmer. • If x=2 or 3, termination for step sss (or ppp) has completed normally. IEF4221 ddd I/O ERROR DURING SYSTEM RESTART (c) Explanation: During system restart, an uncorrectable input/output error or unusual condition occurred while the system was reading or writing a data set control block (DSCB) for SYSIN data set on device ddd. The SYSIN data set was for a job that was abnormally terminated before the system was stopped. The (c) indicates that either (1) not all SYSIN data sets for abnormally terminated jobs were scratched from ddd or (2) the volume table of contents (VTOC) on ddd is unusable. System Action: Operator Response: None. However, the message 1nd1cates a potential problem on device ddd. If later messages indicate problems on ddd, then enter a VARY command to vary device ddd offline. Enter START WTR -c~o-mm--a-n-d~s~f~o-r~t~h~e-installation-defined classes. If cond=RESTART or CONTINUING, start an initiator for the job's input class. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF423A SPECIFY JOB QUEUE PARAMETERS If x=1, the following will be written: • SYSOUT data sets for all steps preceding sss (or ppp) . • Job control statements and system messages for steps preceding sss (or ppp) . • Job control statements, but not messages, for step sss (or ppp) and all subsequent steps. Explanation: During system start, in response to a SET command with an F in its Q parameter, this message requests parameters describing the format for the SYS1 .SYSJOBQE data set. If x=2 and cond=NO RESTART or x=3 and cond=CANCELLED, the following will be written: • SYSOUT data sets for steps preceding sss (or ppp) and, if they contain data, for step sss (or ppp) . • Job control statements and system messages for steps preceding sss (or ppp) . • Job scheduler messages (message code IEF), including device allocation messages, for step sss (or ppp) • • REPLY xx, 'u' to indicate that the values specified during system generation are to be used . • REPLY xx,'n,t,k,p' where n, t, k, and p are positional parameters that are either replaced by the desired values or omitted to indicate that the value specified during system generation is to be used. The parameters are: Operator Response: Enter one of the following, as specified by the system programmer at the installation: n t 306 System restart continues. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Number of queue records per logical track. (Decimal number from 10 through 255.) Number of queue records to be reserved for each initiator. (Up to 4 decimal digits.) o o k p Number of queue records to be reserved for termination of jobs that require more than t records to initiate. (Up to 4 decimal digits .• ) Nurr,ber of queue records to be reserved for the write-to-programmer reutine. (Decimal number from 0 through 20.) IEF426I QUEUE CRITICAL EXFlanation: When the system attempted to terminate one er more jobs that required teo much queue space in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set for initiation, the termination required too much queue space. Examples are: The space reserved for terIr.inatien for jobs that require too much space for initiation was sFecified either during system generatien er in the k parameter of the reply to rressage IEF423A • • REPLY xx,'12' indicates that n is the only parameter to be different from the system generation values. • REPLY xx,',,5' indicates that k is the only parameter to be different from the syste~ generation values. Notice the commas that represent the two omitted positional parameters. System Action: No more queue space can be assigned. Therefore, the reader/interpreters, initiators. and SYSOUT writers can do no more work. Currently executing job steps will continue. Operator Respense: Prebable user error. Report this rressage to the pregrammer responsible fer the systerr. Then start the systerr, sFecifying that the format of the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set be changed (F in the Q pararreter ef the SET command) and, in the reFly to message IEF423A, using the larger t and/or k parameters specified by the pregrammer responsible for the systerr. IEF424A INVALID PARAMETER/FORMA'!· Explanation: The reply to message IEF423A was invalid. One or more parameters in the reply either contained characters other than numbers or were not within the allowable range (n: 10 threugh 255, t: 4 decimal digits, k: 4 decimal digits). System Action: reply. o The system ignored the IEF427I operator Response: Probable user error. Enter the reply again cerrectly. Problem Determination: 7a, 11, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF425I jjj EXCEEDED SPECIFIED QUEUE SPACE Explanation: The job named jjj requires too much queue space in the SYS1.SYSJCBQE data set for initiation. The space reserved for each initiator was specified either during system generation or in the t parameter of the reply to message IEF423A. Message IEF450I will normally follow this message. However, if the jeb exceeded the specified queue space during job termination, message IEF404I will follow. CC~D REJECTED F·OR INITIATOR 'ident' INSUFFICIENT QUEUE SPACE g~Flanation: A START command was entered; however, not er.cugh sFace is available in the SYS1. SYSJOEQE data set for another initiator. The sFace to be reserved for each initiater was specified either during system generatien er in the t parameter of the reply to rressage IEF423A. In the message text, 'ident' specifies the identifier assigned to the task when it was started. .9~rateLBesEense: Enter a S'IAR'! command later when the queue has more free space. Free space is preduced when a SYSOlj'! writer cr the current initiator(s) finish precessing a jeb. IEF428I [jjj1 TERMINATEC DUE TO I/O ERROR System Action: o The job was terminated. Explanatien: An I/O error occurred while reading or writing te the job queue during the interpretaticn ef START command JCL. In the rressage text, jjj is tr.e name of the jeb being read er written. Operator Response: Probable user error. Report this message to the Frogrammer responsible for the system. He should ei ther have the prograrr,rrer divide the steps of the terminated job into two or more jobs or, the next time the system is started, specify that (1) th~ format of the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set be changed (F in the Q parameter of the SE'! command) and (2) a larger t pararreter be used in the reply to message IEF423A. Operator Re2.Ef~: Re-issue the S'lAR'1 cerrrrand that caused the error. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Preblen Deterrr.inaticn: 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, Systerr Action: Jeb jjj is terminated by flushing i t frerr the systerr. No JOB jjj ENDED message will aPFear. Table I, items 2, IEF Messages - Jeb Scheduler 307 fI IEF4291 INITIATOR 'ident' ~AITING FOR ~ORI< hhh is the corrpleticn code, in hexadecima 1. Explanation: Each input queue for the initiator either contains nc jobs or is in a held status. Input queues are held ~ith the HOLD Q command. In the rressage text, 'ident' specifies the identifier assigned to the task ~hen it was started. System Action: ~hile waiting for a jot to initiate, the initiator's region is free and its storage is rrade available to other tasks. Operator Response: More jobs may be read into the system or the RELEASE Q command may be entered, as desired. IEF4301 RESTART STEP NOT FOUND jjj Explanation: During execution of a deferred restart for job jjj, i t ~as found that the RESTART parameter ef the JCB statement specified a step name that could not be found either in the resubmitted deck or in the specified cataloged procedure. System Action: terroinated. Restart for job jjj is Operater Response: None. IEF431W SYSTEM RESTART I/O ERROR ON JOB QUEUE Explanation: 'Ihe system restart function has encountered an uncorrectable input/output error on the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. §ystem Actign: The system entered into a one-instruction loop. Oper2tcr Response: Restart the system and reformat the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. Problerr, Determination: 7a, Sa, 11, 29. Table I, items 2, o IEF4391 DATASET WRITER xxx FOR DDN ddn COMPLETION CeDE hhh ~xFlanatic~: The data set writer whose rrcdule narr,e is xxx abncrreally terminat ed while atterrptir.g tc write the data set described by LL stateroent ddn; hhh, the ccrrpletion code, is in hexadecimal. §.ysterr Action: The systerr output (SYSOUT) writer stopped precessing the input data set, but will ccntinue to precess other input data sets. R~aremer ResFcnse: Use the system cerrpletion code specified in the message text to deterrrine the cause of the failure. After correcting the error, resubrrit the jeb step which created the data set. IEF4401 I/O ERROR IN THE SYS1.SYSJOBQE DATA SET FOR jjj sss nnn EXFlanation: An uncerrectable input/output errer cccurred while the systero was trying to read cr write in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. In systerrs with MVT, jjj sss is the jebnarre and stepnarre or task name identifier for which inforrratien was being written at the tirre cf the errer. () In systems with ~FT, jjj sss is the task narre identifier cf the applicable system task, or the partitien number of the applicable partiticn. in either case, nnn is the ICS return code frcm the read/write cperation in question. It will be one cf the following: IEF4321 START INI'I REJECTED Explanation: A START command ~as entered; however, not enough space is available in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set for another initiator. The space to be reserved for each initiator was specified either during systerr generation or in the t parameter of the reply to message IEF423A. Operator ResFonse: Enter a START comroand later when the queue has more free space. Free space is produced when a SYSOUT writer er the current initiator(s) finish processing a job. IEF43S1 SUBTASR OF utn TERMINATED. COMPLETICN CODE hhh Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) The I/O activity was not corrpleted because an unccrrectable error eccurred. Prcbable hardware error. X'42' The lactivity was nct started because a pointer referenced an area out of the SYS1.SYSJOBQE direct access extent. Probable software error. X'44' The request was intercepted because a permanent error occurred the last tirre the device was used. X'4S' The request element has been freed because the data set is perrranently in errcr. X'4F' A direct access error recovery routine was unable te read the horre address or record O. SYSTEM Explanation: A subtask abnormally terminated; therefore, the system output (SYSOUT) writer was unable to print or punch the SYSOUT data set. In the message text, utn is the applicable unit name and 30S X'41' o o System Action: The read or write operaticn was not performed. ResFonse: Report this message to systere prcgrammer or installation manager. The roes sage indicates a potential problem with the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. If the message is repeated, restart the systeIT and refcrmat the queue at the earliest convenient opportunity. Oper~tcr Problerr Determination: 2, 4, 7t, 8t, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF441I SYSTEM RESTART ERROR ON{jjj }' qqqq, FREELIST QUEUE TTR=nnn},{status},[SenSel, mod { NN=nn C • D - The errcr occurred while a job was being deleted frcIT a queue. The rood field contains the three-byte identifier of the rrodule that detected the error conditicn. The asserrtly rrodule name can be deterrrined ty adding tte prefix IEFSD to this identifier. §ysterr Action: System restart processing for jcb jjj is terrrinated; however, processing will continue with the next job en the SYS1.SYSJCBQE data set. The tracks assigned to job jjj are not released. Operator Respense: Process current work en the queues. Reformat the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set at the earliest ccnvenient time be entering SET Q=([unitnarrel,F). Jcbname jjj rrust be reentered into the systerr. after the queue has teen reforrratted. E D o Explan~tion: An uncorrectable error occurred during system restart processing f6r job jjj. In the message text, the first variable field contains one of the following: • Name of the job being prccessed (jjj). • FREELIS'I, which indicates that an error occurred while tracks were being returned to the free track queue on the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. • QUEUE, which indicates that the error occurred during processing of a queue control record. The T'IR=nnn or l'iN=nn field will contain blanks if QUEUE appears in this field, and messages IFD442I and IEF443I will follow this message. • bbbbbbbb (blanks), which indicates that the error occurred while the system was atterrpting tc read the logical track header for a job. PrebleIT Deterrrinatien: 29-.------------ ~-Sa, Table I, items 2, IEF442I AUTO COMMANDS SUPPRESSED ON RESTART ERROR §~~~~!!en: An uneerrectatle error eccurred during prccessing cf a queue centrcl record (QCR). Any automat,ic start ccrrmands that were authorized fer initiation have teen suppressed. Message IEF443I fellews this rfessage te indicate the queues that have werk en theIT. §yste~_Act!en: The systeIT issues message IEF443I and then enters a wait state until the eperater enters a start cerrrrand. ~~erato~~~£S!~~: Respond as indicated te rressage IEF443I. IEF443I WCRK CN QUEUES: [HOLt], [ASE], [CUTPUT=listl, (RJE], [INPUT=listl, [BRDRQl Ex~nat!2~: The qqqq field identifies the queue type that was being processed at the time of the error. • IDL:C • • • • • ASB OUTPUT=x RJE INPUT'=x BRDRQ where x is the input or output class identifier. In the next field, TT.R=nnn cr NN=nn represents the address cf the logical track header assigned tc the job on the queue. This rressage follows message IEF442A; it indicates the queues that have data en therr ard can have writers or initiaters started fer th~rr. ~Y§!~~Acti2~: The systerr enters a wait state until the cperater enters a START cerrrrand. ~Eeratcr-B~~S!~~: start writers ana/or initiatcrs for the indicated classes as required. Cnce the cperating system bas quieseeo, execute the stardalcne prograrr IMCJQDMP to durrp the SYS1.SYSJOEQE data set. Then referrrat the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set using the Q= pararreter ef the SET oerrmand. IEF4441 SYSTEM RESTART ERROR TERMINATING JOB jjj o The status field contains either the two-byte portion of the channel status word (CSW) followed by the first two sense bytes for the error conditicn, or one of the following error codes. • C - The error occurred during the conversion of the TTR. • E - The error occurred while the jot was being enqueued. §~Flana!i2~: The system restart function enceuntered an uncerreetatle input/output error on the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. In the rressage text, jjj is the jotname. §'ysterr Ac!:!on: The read or write eperation was ret perfermed. Processing centinues. IEF Messages - Jot Scheduler 309 Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Report this rressage to the system programIr.er. The actual errer Iressage appears in the systerr output (SYSOUT) data set. Problem Determination: 2" 3, 4, 7a, 8a, 29. In respense te a DISPLAY oommand with JCENAMES,T in its eperand, this message also indicates the time of day, where hh specifies the hcur (00-23), rorr specifies the rrinute (00-59), and ss specifies the seccnd (00-59). IEF450I jjj.sss.[ppp]ABEND Table I, items 1, Shhh } Udddd { Shhh Udddd o TIME=hh.mm.ss Explanation: A job ste~ was abnormally terminated during (1) step sss of job jjj, or (2) step ppp, which is part of a cataloged procedure called by step sss of job jjj. The first format of the message indicates that the job step was abnormally terminated by the contrel program; hhh, the completion code, is in hexadecimal. The second format of the message indicates that the job step was terminated by the probleIr, program; dddd, the completion code, consists of 4 decimal digits. This message also indicates the time of day, where hh specifies the hour (00-23~, mm specifies the minutes (00-59), and ss specifies the second (00-59). Operator Response: None. IEF451I jjj.sss.[ppp] ENDED BY CC dddd TIME=hh.rom.ss Explanation: A condition test specified in the CON~ parameter of a JOB staterrent was satisfied by the completion code dddd for (1) step sss of job jjj, or (2) step ppp, which is part of a cataloged procedure called by step sss of job jjj. Completion code dddd consists of 4 decimal digits. This message also indicates the time of day" where hh specifies the hour (00-23), rom specifies the minute (00-59), and ss specifies the second (00-59). System Action: terminated. If xxx is a jet name, the jeb was not initiated and no steps were executed. If xxx is a procedure name, the START cemnand was net executed. Operator Respense: If xxx is a jot name, none. If xxx is a pIocedure name, either reenter the START cerr.mand with the correct procedure narre, cr, if the procedure name is correct. have the prograrr~er responsible fer the systew check the procedure for errors. Problem Deterrrinatien: 2, 3. 4, 7a, 29. IEF4531 jjj JOB FAILED - JCL Table I, items 1, ERROR Expl~ation: In a jeb control statement, an error was detected by the initiator, or an error was detected in a sutsequent job step by the reader/interpreter. The actual error rressage appears in the system output (SYSOUT) data set. System Action: The job named jjj was terminated. If the error was detected by the initiator, the job was terrrinated either before or after any steps were executed; if the error was detected by the reader/interpreter, the job was terminated after one or rrore steps were executed. Operator Response: o None. I IEF4541 DOS VTOC CANNCT BE CCNVERTED TC OS VTOC The job named jjj was Operator Response: None. IEF452I xxx JOE NOT RUN - JCL ERROR [TIME=hh.mm.ss] Explanation: If xxx is a job name. the reader/interpreter detected an error in a job control statement or the job was canceled while on the input queue. If the error was detected on a JOE statement, the xxx appears as JOEFAIL. If xxx is a cataloged procedure name, the procedure was specified in the first operand of a START command. In this case, either the procedure was not found in the system procedure library (SYS1.PROCLIB) or, if found, the procedure had an error in a jot control statement. Message IEE132I will always follow this message on the console listing. 310 syste~Action: Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Explanation: A DD statement requested space on a direct access voluIre on which the DOS contarrination bit was set. In attempting to cenvert the DCS VTOC to OS VTCC format, one of the following data set allocation was found: • A split cylinder data set was located on cylinder zero. • A split cylinder data set was located on the same cylinder as the VTCC. • A split cylinder data set was located on the same cylinder as a non-split cylinder data set. • TWO data sets have overlapping extents. System Action: If the DD staterrent specifically requested this velume then the job will be terminated. The system will issue a mount message. Programmer ResFonse: Either scratch or move the data set that is creating the error, and execute the job again. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o Operator Response: Demount the volume on whLch the data set resides. (Note that it may be used only in a DOS environment until the offending split cylinder data set has been moved or scratched.) Respond to the mount messages issued following this message. Problem Determination: 2, 4, 7b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF4571 5MB loop for jjj. OUTPUT Deleted. Explanation: A loop in the 5MB chain for Job JJJ was found by warmstart. System Action: Operator Action: The output was deleted. Rerun Job jjj. Problem Determination: 3, 8a, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF4591 WTP SYSTEM MESSAGE LIMIT EXCEEDED Explanation: The write-to-programmer routine was attempting to process a system message but all available SYS1.SYSJOBQUE records for WTP had been used. (The maximum number of records allowed for WTP messages is specified at system generation in the JOBQWTP parameter of the SCHEDULR macro instruction;) c System Action: The message that write-to-programmer was attempting to process and all subsequent messages to be processed by write-to-programmer for this step are suppressed. In subsequent steps, one SYS1.SYSJOBQE record will be allocated for use by system tasks for WTP messages. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Increase the value of the system generation JOBQWTP parameter. In systems with MFT or MVT, change the value of the parameter in response to message IEF423A. IEF4611 I/O ERROR SYS1.SYSJOBQE, WTP PROCESSING FOR j jj Explanation: One of the following occurred: • An uncorrectable input/output error occurred on the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set while the write-to-programmer routine was processing a message for job jjj. The message the routine was attempting to process follows this message. • Error recovery routines were in control of the SYS1 .SUSJOBQE device when the write-to-programmer routine was processing a message. To prevent a possible interlock condition (if the message being processed was issued by the error routine) the write-to-programmer is bypassed. System Action: In both cases, further messages to be processed by the write-to-programmer routine for this job are suppressed. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Report this message to the programmer responsible for the system. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 8b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF462I NO RECORDS AVAILABLE SYS1.SYSJOBQE, WTP PROCESSING jjj Explanation: The write-to-programmer routine attempted to process a message for job jjj, but was unable to get a record in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. System Action: If the write-to-programmer routine was attempting to process a problem program message, the message is not processed; if the routine was attempting to process a system message, the message will be processed. (One, two, or three system messages may follow this message. ) IEF4601 WTP MESSAGE LIMIT EXCEEDED Explanation: A WTOR or WTO message with a ROUTCDE=11 parameter was issued for a task that used the maximum number of SYS1.SYSJOBQE records available; the limit was specified at system generation in the JOBQWTP parameter of the SCHEDULR macro instruction. System Action: Problem program messages to be processed by the write-to-programmer routine for the current job are suppressed. If the write-to-programmer routine was attempting to process a system message, the message will be processed (and will follow this message). In this step, one additional system message will also be processed. Further system messages will be suppressed and message IEF4591 will be issued. Operator Response: Probable user error. Increase the value of the system generation JOBQWTP parameter or change the value of the parameter in response to message IEF423A. o Problem Determinatibn: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Operator Response: Report this message to the programmer responsible fbr the system. The problem was caused by the initiator using records belonging to the write-to-programmer routine. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF5001 VOLUME NEEDED ON DIFFERENT UNIT Explanation: One of the following occurred: • A DD statement requested that this volume be mounted on a particular unit but the volume is presently mounted on another unit. • A DD statement requested this specific volume, but the unit on which it is presently mounted is ineligible for this request. System Action: Message IEF234E follows indLcatlng the volume to be demounted. Operator Response: After the volume is demounted in response to mess~ge IEF234A, wait for a mount message to be issued. Table I, items 1, IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 311 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 IEF501I UNIT NEEDS DIFFERENT VOLUME Explanation: A DD statement requested that a specific volume be mounted on a particular unit. However, a different volume is presently mounted on that unit. Message IEF234E follows, indicating the volume to be demounted. Operator Response: After the volume is demounted 1n response to message IEF234E, wait for a mount message to be issued. During this job step, if the demounted volume is later requested by the non-specific mount message IEF504A, do not mount the volume on the unit from which it has just been removed; mount the volume on another unit. IEF502I DUPLICATE SERIAL Explanation: Two volumes with the same volume ser1al number are mounted. Each message IEF234E which follows indicates a volume to be demounted. System Action: If both volumes are permanently resident or reserved, the job is canceled. If only one volume is permanently resident or reserved, the other volume is unloaded. If neither volume is permanently resident nor reserved, both volumes are unloaded. Operator Response: Probable user error. After a volume 1S demounted in response to each message IEF234A, determine which of the volumes should be used. When requested by the system, mount the correct volume, making sure that the volume label is correct. Problem Determination: 7a, 29. Explanation: An error occurred while the job scheduler was reading the label on a volume. This error can be one of the following: • An uncorrectable input/output error. • An unlabeled tape. • A nonstandard label for which a user's nonstandard label handling routine has not been provided. • For 7-track tape, a density different than the density specified during system generation. Message IEF234E follows, indicating the unit and the volume serial number. o The volume was required by job jjj or, if applicable, step sss of job jjj. (If this message is issued for a system task, sss will appear as a system task identifier.) If a DISPLAY DSNAME command is active, the first nontemporary data set name, dsn, is also specified in the message text. System Action: The system waits until the operator mounts the volume or cancels the job. Operator Response: Mount the volume on any available device of the proper type. If the volume cannot be mounted, cancel the job. DVTYP 2400 2400-3 2400-4 3400-3 3400-4 CLASS OF UNITS REQUESTED 2400 Series Drive 800 BPI Only 2400 Series Drive 1600 BPI Only 2400 Series Drive 800/1600 BPI Dual Den 3400 Series Drive 1600 BPI Only 3400 Series Drive 800/1600 BPI Dual Den 3400 Series Drive 6250 BPI Only 3400 Series Drive 1600/6250 BPI Dual Den IEF505I UNIT REQUIRED Explanation: A volume has to be unloaded to prov1de a free device to hold the volume voThich has been, or will be, requested by message IEF504A. Message IEF234E follows, indicating the volume to be demounted. Table I, items 2, IEF503I WRONG DENSITY OR INCORRECT LABEL System Action: Explanation: M indicates that the volume whose serial number is ser should be mounted on any available unit of the indicated device type, dvtyp. :;1'"""'\ \'l,/ Operator Response: None. However, perform the act10ns indicated in accompanying messages. IEF506I ddn NO STORAGE VOLUMES. ASSUMED. 'VOLUME=PRIVATE' Explanation: The DD statement named ddn requested allocation of space for a new data set on a non-private volume; the statement. did not specify a volume serial number. The only way to satisfy such a request is allocation on a storage volume; however, the system contains no storage volumes. System Action: The system assumed VOLUME-PRIVATE and allocated space to the data set on that basis. The volume is unloaded. Operator Response: Probable user error. No action necessary. However, if the volume is subsequently requested by mount message IEF504A and if, after the volume is mounted, this message appears again, cancel the job, making sure that the volume label is correct. Problem Determination: 7a, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF504A M dvtyp'Ser,,{~~~ JJJ,sss jjj,sss,dsn jjj"dsn I IEF507I utn[,N] - SYS1.ACCT - text IEF507D REPLY XXX OR XXX,N OR SKIP Explanation: An error occurred during execution of the accounting routine. The first line of the message text identifies the specific error. The second line of the message text describes the three basic replies demanded of the operator. (The three basic replies are described more fully under the description of each text.) In the message text, the fields are: utn The unit name of the device. ( --..\ I,' 312 Messages & Codes (Release 21. i) ~ o N If N is specified in the first line of the message text, the error occurred during an attempt to write the account data from the beginning of the SYS1.ACC'I extent. If N is speoified in a reply, the account data will be written from the beginning of the SYS1.ACC~ extent; if N is not specified in a .re~ly, the account data will be written from the last record written. SKIP SKIP results in the date, time of day, and reason code being written on the console. Control is then returned to the accounting routine. If the pararreter SKIP is used, the same message will be repeated on the console at the next entrance to the accounting routine whenever the factors which caused the original message still prevail. text resides on a device other than that s~ecified, er.ter REPLY xx, 'XXX' or REPLY xx,'XXX,N' where XXX is the unit narre of the device on which the data set resides. If the SYS1.ACCT data set does not reside on any device, enter REPLY xx,·SKIP·. Then submit a job to allocate the data set to a device. Problem Deterrrination: 2, 7 a, 25b, 29 • Table I, items PERMANENT I/O ERROR Explanation: A ~ermanent input/out~ut error occurred while processing the SYS1.ACCT data set. Operator Respcnse: If the SYS1.ACCT data set was allocated to two resident deVices, enter REFLY xx,'XXX' or REPLY xx,'XXX,N' where XXX is the unit name of the second device. ERROR IN UNIT NAME Expl.§nati,2!ll An invalid unit name was s~ecified in a reply to message IEF507D or in a SET command. ~!ator Response: Probable user error. Enter the reply again correctly. o Problem ~etermination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. If the SYS1.ACCT data set was not allocated to two resident devices, enter REPLY xx, 'SKIP'. Then, if possible, submit a job to allocate the data set to another device; otherwise, submit a job to retrieve the data set. When this job is completed, res~cnd to the next occurrence of this rr·essage with REPLY xx,·XXX,N'. Table I, items Problem Determination: 2, 7a, 29. Table I, iteros NC END CF FILE SPACE NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The end of file terrrinating the SYS1.ACCT data set was lost. Therefore, the program is unable to ~osition to the end of the data set to write the next record. Response: If the SYS1.ACCT data set was allocated to two resident devices, enter REPLY xx, 'XXX I or REPLY xx,'XXX,N' where XXX is the unit naroe of the second device. ~ratcr If the SYS1.ACCT data set was not allocated to two resident devices, enter REPLY xx,·SKIP'. Then, if possible, submit a job to allocate the data set to another device; otherwise, subrrit a job to retrieve the data set. When this job is completed, respond to the next occurrence of this message with REFLY xx,·XXX,N'. If the problem Problerr, ~etermination: 2, 7a, 29. ~ Explanation: The extent of the SYS1.ACCT data set is full. ~ Operator Response: Probable user error. If the SYS1.ACCT data set was allocated tc two resident devices, enter REPLY xx,·XXX· or REPLY xx,'XXX,N' where XXX is the unit name of the second device. Then submit a job to retrieve the SYS1.ACCT data set which is full so that it, in turn, may be used when the second data set is full. If the SYS1.ACCT data set was not allocated to two resident devices, enter REPLY xx,·SKIP'. Then submit a job to retrieve the data set. When this job is com~leted, res~ond to the next occurrence of this message with REPLY xx,'XXX,N'. Table I, items Problem Determination: 2, 7a, 29. Table I, items NOT PREALLOCATED o Explanation: The SYS1.ACCT data set was not found on the device specified or, if no device was specified, on the system ~esidence device. Operator Response: Probable user error. If the SYS1.ACCT data set SYNTAX ERROR Explanation: A syntax error was detected in a reFly to rr.essage IEF507D. C~erator ReFcnse: Probable user error. Enter the reFly again correctly. IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 313 Problem Determination: 2, 7a, 29. DEVICE NO~ ~able I, items Response: If the SYS1.ACCT resides cn a permanently device, reply ccrrect unit not, submit a jcb to allocate set to a permanently resident Display the unit specified in reply to message IEFS07D, using the DISPIAY UNIT cOIT·Irand. Problerr Determinaticn: 2, 7a, 29. IEFS08I VOLUME MOUN~ED o This rressage nay te issued for more than ene jcb at a tine. RESIDEN~ E~planation: ~he unit name specified in reply to message IEFS07D was not a resident device. Operator data set resident name; if the data device. was specified in the EXEC statement, the sss field is left blank. ~able I, items ON INELIGIBLE DEVICE Explanation: A DD statement requested that a tape volume be n,cunted en a 3400 series tape drive, and the tape volume was found mounted on a 2400 series drive. A 2400 series tape drive cannct satisfy a request for a 3400 series drive because the 2400 drives de not have the unload security feature. system Action: Message IEF234E follows, indicating that the volume is to be demounted. Operator Response: After the volume is demounted, in response te message IEF233A, mount the volume on the apprcpriate 3400 series tape drive. §.ysten Actig,!}: The task waits for the vclurre to be ncunted. Other jebs may be allocated or terninated. fperater R~§E~£~: If device ddd is direct access, and if this message appears in ccnjunctier. with nessage IEF233A, honor the IEE233A neur.t ness age first. Ctherwise, mount vclume ser on device coo as indicated ir. the nessage text, ana ready the device. If the volume cannot be neunted, enter a CANCEL connand for jot jjj and for all ether jobs that require the vclume and call IBM fer hardware suppcrt. IEF594I jjj.sss.ddn INVALIC SPLIT REQUES~ ~~Flanatig,!}: The specifieo DD statement nade invalid use cf the SPLIT parameter fer ene of the fcllcwing reascns: • ~ere than one unit was requested. Split cylinder allccaticn is lindted to one volune en one unit. • CD statenents using the SPLI~' parameter are net in ccrrect sequence. Every DD statenent using the SPLI~ parameter must be preceded by anether SPLI~ request or it nust be the DC statenent which requests the ancunt ef space to te allecated tc the split cylinder oata sets. ~ysterr Action: ~he o jeb is terminateo. R~ogran~~~s~~~cnse: Explanation: A tape velume that has an American National Standard label was mounted in a system which dces not support ASCII tape processing. SYstem Action: The tape velume is unloaded. A demount nessage, IEF234E, is issued to point out the device on which the ~Tong volume was mounted. Operator Response: set aside jobs that require ASCII tapes until a system that supports ASCII is available. I IEF533A i M ddd,ser" {~~~ JJJ,sss jjj,sss,dsn jjj"dsn } Explanation: Job jjj requires that volume ser be IT,ounted on device ddd. If a DISPLAY DSNAME command is active in the system, the first nentenporary data set name appears in the message text as dsn. (This field will not appear if a DISPLAY DSNAME command is not active or if this message fellows message IEFS34E.) In the message text, sss is the name of the step that requires the volume; if no step name ~14 I Probable user error. sure that cnly cne device was requested for each allccatien and that the DD statements are in the preper sequence. Run the jeb again. ~ake IEF510 E VOLUME BAS ANS LABEL. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Prcblem Deternir.aticn: 4~~~~----------- Tatle I, items 1, IEF601I INVALIC STATEMENT IN PROCECURE Ex~natign: Cne cf the follewing invalid statenents was fcund in a procedure: • JCB statener.t. • A statenent ether than a jot control statenent; that is, a statenent that does not begir. with //. • A CC * or a CD DATA statenent in an instrearr prccedure. • A null statenent cr a delimiter. §'yste!LAction: The jeb is terminated. The remaining jcb ccntrol staterrents for the job were scar.ned fer syntax errors. Prograrrrrer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Cerrect the prccedure by renoving the invalid card. The invalid card will appear in the SYSOUT listing in«oediately before the errer message if MSGLEVEL=l is ceded on the jeb statement. Rerun the job. o o Problerr Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF602I INPUT DEVICE I/O ERROR READING JOB An uncorrectatle error occurred while a SYSIN reader was reading the input stream. IEF605I UNIDENTIFIED CPERA~ICN FIELD EXFlanation: In a job control staterrent, either an operaticn field cculd net be feund or the cperaticn field cculd nct be identified as JCB, E~EC, DO, or any valid o~erator corrrrand. Explanaticn: input/cut~ut System Action: The SYSIN reader closed the input stream and stopped itself. ~he job scheduler interpreter terminated the job being read when-the error occurred. The jot scheduler also wrote message IEF419I on the console; in response, the operatcr started a SYSIN reader and reentered the job through the input strearr:. Prograrrrrer Response: If this message is repeated fcr the same job, a~ indicated by IEF419I, check the format of the card image being read when the error occurred. Make any ccrrections needed, and subrrit the jcb again. Problerr Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, iterrs 1, System Action: The job was terrrinated. The remaining job control staterrents for the job were scanned for syntax errcrs. Prcgrarrmer ResFonse: Frobatle user error. Check that the operation field is spelled correctly and that it is preceded and fellewed by at least one blank. After correcting the errer, submit the job again. Preblem Deterrrinatien: 4, 7a, 29. IEF606I MISPLACED DD Table I, items 1, STATE~ENT Explanation: A DD statement between the JCB staterrent and first EXEC staterrent did not contain JCEIIB in its narre field. possibly, JOBIIE was misspelled or rrispunched. possibly, the operation field of the first EXEC statement was not correctly specified. IEF603I PROCLIB DEVICE I/O ERROR REAI:ING FOR JCB o Explanaticn: An uncorrectable input/cut~ut error occurred in reading the procedure library (SYS1.PROCLIB) during processing of a job that requested a catalegEd procedure. System Action: The job being processed was terrrinated. The job scheduler alse wrote message IEF417I on the console; in response, the operator reentered the job through the input stream. system Action: The job was terrrinated. The remaining job ccntrol staterrents for the job were scanned for syntax errors. R~~amrrer ResFense: frobable user error. Correct the DO or EXEC staterrent, or place the CD staterrent in the job step in which i t belongs. Then submit the jot again. Problerr Deterrrination: 29. Table I, items 1, 4, 7a, IEF607I JOE HAS NO STEPS Prograrrrrer Response: None. Ex~nation: The job contrel statements following a JOE statement did not include an EXEC staterrent. IEF604I INPUT STREAM DATA FLUSHED Explanaticn: In a system with MVT, the job was terminated for the reasons indicated in previous messages. While scanning the remaining job control staterr.ents for the job for syntax errors, the scheduler found a data set in the input stream; the data set was specified by a DC * or DC DATA statement. The data in this data set was ignored. Scanning for errcrs was resurr:ed with the first staterr.ent following the data set. No previous message will have been issued if the input stream contained data that was not preceded by a valid EXEC statement. o This message is alse issued if the job contains a PROC statement pricr to any EXEC or SYSCHR DD statement but contains no PEND staterrent. system Action: The jcb was terrrinated. The remaining job control staterrents for the job were scanned for syntax errors. A dummy EXEC staterrent with EXECFAIL in its name field was inserted. If a PEND staterrent was omitted, the rerrainder of the jot was considered part of the in-strearr prccedure. Programmer Response: In systems with ~FT or MVT, insure that a valid EXEC statement precedes any data in the input stream. Pr~arrrrer Re§~~ Probatle user error. Insert an EXEC cr FEND staterrent or correct an EXEC or PENC staterrent containing errors that made it unrecognizable as arrlicable. Submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29 •. 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, Problem Deterrrination: IEF ~essages 'l;able I, items 1, - Jot Soheduler 315 IEF608I SPOOL DEVICE I/O ERROR WRI'IING FOR JCB Explanation: While a SYSIN reader was writing a data set fron the input stream on a direct access device, an uncorrectable input/output error was encountered. System Action: The job aontaining the input stream data set was terminated. The job scheduler also wrote message IEF412I on the console; in respcnse, the operator reentered the job through the input stream. Programmer Response: Ncne. IEF609I INVALID OVERRIDE KEYWORD xxxx Explanation: An EXEC statenent containing a PROC parameter specified twc identical override keywords that both refer to the same step in a cataloged or in-stream procedure. In the message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr STA'IEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the errcr was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exanFle, an error was detected in the nane field of a statement. ) • IN TEE prm1 SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELD, where prm1 is a mincr keyword parameter associated with major keyword parameter prm2. (For exanple, SER is a minor keyword paraneter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the errcr was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC statement. System Action: The job was terminated. The remaining job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Prograrr.mer Response: Probable user error. Change the override parameters. Then submit the job again. Prcqramner ResFcnse: Protable user error. Cerrect the prccedure ty inserting an EXEC staterrent or ccrrecting an EXEC statement that contained errcrs that rrade it unrecognizable. Sutrrit the jet again. iF Problem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 29. o Table I, items 1, IEF611I OVERRIDDEN STEP NOT FOUND IN PROCEDURE EX.E!~ticn: An EXEC cr DD statement, which was to cverride a correspending EXEC or :CD statenent in a cataloged er in-stream procedure, specified a step name that ceuld not be feund in the procedurE. Prebably, the step nane was misspelled or the DD cverride statenents did not appEar in the sane order as the corresponding statenents in the prccedure. ~Y§!~Action..!. 'l'he jet was terminated. The remaining jct ccntrol statenents for the jeb were scanned fer syntax errors. ResFcnse: Protatle user error. Correct the step nane in the EXEC or DD statenent in the input stream, correct the order ef the DD cverride statements in the infut strearr, cr ccrrect tbe precedure. Then submit the jet again. R~ogranner Preblem Deterninaticn: Tatle I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF612I PRCCEDURE NOT FOUND EXFlanati£n: The frccedure specified in the first pararreter cf an EXEC statement cculd net be fcund in the Frocedure library (SYS1.PROCLIE) or in tbe in-strEam prccedure directcry. Possitly, the prccedure nane was rr.issFelled cr the PEND staterrent ending the previeus in-stream prccedure was enitted. o systerr Action: The jet was terminated. The renaining jcb ccntrol statements for the jeb were scanned fer syntax errors. R~.s~LB~~gnse: Protable user error. Correct the prccedure name in the EXEC statenent in the infUt stream, in the PRoe statenent in the input strearr, er in the prccedure library. If the precedure name is ccrrect, insert the missing PEND statenent. Then sutrrit the jeb again. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Tatle I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF613I PRCCEDURE WITEIN A PROCEDURE Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF610I PROCEDURE EAS NO STEP Explanation: The job contrcl statements in a procedure did not include an EXEC statement. System Action: The job was terminated. The remaining job contrel statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. 316 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) EXFlanatien: In a prccedure, an EXEC staterr.ent contained a PROC parameter or a prccedure nane, inplying a precedure within a procedure. A procedure cannot te specified within a precedure. systerr Acticn: The jcb centaining the EXEC statenent that invoked the procedure was terrrinated. The remaining jot control staterrents for the jct were scanned for syntax errors. o o ProqraRn,er ResEonse: Probable user error. Replace the invalid EXEC statement with either (1) the procedure that i t called or (2) a valid EXEC statement centaining a PGM parameter. Then submit the job again. Problen. Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, iten,s 1, IEF6141 PROCLIB DEVICE I/O ERROR SEARCHING FCR PROCEr:URE Explanaticn: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred in searching the prccedure library (SYS1.PROCLIB) during processing of a job that requested a cataloged procedure. System Action: The job being processed was terminated. The job scheduler also wrote Ressage IEF417I on the console; in response, the operator reentered the job through the input stream. IEF615I EXCESSIVE FROCSTEP NAME xxx x o Explanation: In an EXEC statement that specified a procedure, the name of a step to be cverridden was longer than 8 characters. In the n.essage text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN THE pxm FIELD, where prm is the mest recently encountered keyword parameter pxeceding the error. • ON THE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statereent on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the error was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For example, an error was detected in the name field of a staten.ent. ) • IN THE pxm1 SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELr:, where prml is a minor keyword paran.eter associated with major keyword paranetex prm2. (For example, SER is a minor keyword parameter that appears only when associated with major keywcrd paraneter VOLUME.) • IN THE SY~BOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN THE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a sYRbclic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC stateIrent. SYstem Action: The job was terminated. The renaining job control statements for the job wexe scanned for syntax errors. Progra~n:er o Re§Fonse~ Probable user error. Correct the step name so that i t consists of not nore than 8 alphameric characters, with the first character alphabetic. Then submit the job again. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 29. IEF616I SUBLIST WITHIN SUBLIST Table I, items 1, INCORREC~ xxxx EXElanation: In a jcb control statement, a subpar~eter list was specified within a subpararotJl'er list. ~his arrangement is invalid. Pos~ibly, too many parentheses were used, so that a list appeared to be wi thin a list. In the message text, xxxx is cne of the fcllowing phrases: • IN~HE prm FIELD, where prn is the most recently enccuntered keywcrd parameter preceding the erxcr. • CN THE cntr S~ATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control state~ent on which the errcr occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the error was detected befere any keywcxd parameters were processed. (For example, an error was detected in the name field of a statement.) • IN ~HE prml SUBPARAMETER CF THE prrn2 FIELD, where prrnl is a minor keywoxd parameter associated with najor keyword parameter prrn2. (For exanple, SER is a niner keyword parameter that appears cnly when asscciated with najor keyword parameter VOlU~E.) • IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN ~BE VALUE FIELD CF TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the exror was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic paraReter. • IN 'IHE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keywcrd parareeter on an EXEC statement. ~ System Action: The job was terminated. The remaining jeb control statenents for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Proqramner ResEcnse: Frobable user exror. Correct the subparameter. Then submit the jeb again. Problem Deterninatien: 4, 7a, 29. IEF6171 NO NAME ON STATEMENT FIRS~' DD Table I, items 1, STATEME~"'T AFTER EXE·C EXElanation: The first 00 statement following an EXEC statement did not contain a data definition nane in its name field; that is, cclunn 3 of the 00 statement was blank. possibly, the first statement for a ceneatenation of data sets was omitted. System Action: The job was tern:inated. The 'remaining jcb contxol statenents for the job were scanned for syntax erroxs. Proqramrer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Either put a data definition nane in the name field of the 00 statenent cr place it arr.ong other DO statements so that a proper concatenation is defined. Then submit the job again. IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 317 ~ Problen Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF618I OPERAND FIELD DOES NOT 'IERMINATE IN OR BLANR CC~~A • Explanatien: In a job control statement, the operand field does not terminate with one of the following: • A conrra after the last parameter in the card image, if the statement is to be continued in the next card image. The comma must be before column 72,. • A blank after the last parameter, if the state~ent is not to be centinued. The blank may be in column 72 er any previous column. Svstem Action: The job was terminated. The re~aining job centrel statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Proqrarerr,er Response: Probable user error. Correct the operand field. ~hen submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4" 7a, 29.' Table I, items 1, IEF619I DATA IN ~'EE INPUT S'lREAM CANNOT BE PROCESSED, NO IEFDA'IA CARD IN THE READER PROCEDURE Explanation: ~he reader precedure used to start the reader interpreter did not contain an IEFDATA statereent. Therefore, no atte~pt was made to allocate a spooling device or create a spocl data set and the data in the input strearr cannet be processed. System Action: The job was terminated and the data in the input strean was flushed. Programrr:er Response: Probatle user error. Insert an IEFDATA staterrent in the reader procedure. Problem Determination: 26d, 29. Table I, items IEF'620 I CPP PARAME'IFRS NO'I COMPATIBLE WITH READER - DEFAULT VALUES USED xxxx SYSTE~ Explanation: A keywerd parameter was syntactically incorrect or specified a value too large for the system reader reading the input strearr. ~he parameter appeared on one of the follcwing: • The preceding DD * or DD DATA statement. • A prev'ious DD statement that contained a DDNAME parameter specifying the name of the DD * or DD DA~ staterr.ent. In the message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where pm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase 318 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) • • • usually occurs if the error was detected befere any keywcrd parameters were precessed. (Fcr exarriple, an errer was detected in the name field ef a sta tereent. ) IN 'IHE prrol SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELD, where prml is a minor keyword parameter asseciated with rr,ajor keyword parameter prrr2. (For exareple, SER is a ninor keyword parameter tbat appears cnly when asscciated with najcr keyword parameter VOLUME.) IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symtelic parameter. IN THE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic pararreter. IN THE prrr OVERRICE FIELD, where prm is an override keywcrd pararreter on an EXEC staterrent. o Systen Act!~E: The parameter was ignored and the cencurrent peripheral processing (CFP) data set was created on a direct access device using the systerr reader default values (as specified cn the IEFDATA DD staterrent of the reader cataloged procedure). Processing ccntinues. Protable user error. Correct any syr.tax ezrors. If the pararreter specified toc large a value for the systere reader, either specify a srraller value cr request the cperator to start a systerr readez that can handle tte larger value. Then resubmit the jot. f~ogram~_B~§kcnse: Problerr Deterrrinatien: 29 : - - - - - - - - - - - 0" t, ,\.' Tatle I, iten:s 3, 4, 7a, IEF621I EXFECTEC CONTINUATION NOT RECEIVED EXFlanaticn: In a jct control statement, ccntinuation was indicated ty a comma at the end of the cperand or ty a nontlank character in cclurrn 72, or toth. However, the following card irrage was not a c ontinuati on. ~ysterr Action~ The jot was terminated. The remaining jcb ccntrol statements for the jeb were scanned fcr syntax errors. Prograrrroer Res£fnse: Protable user error. Previde the rrissing centinuatien card, if it was lost. If nc ccntinuatien was intended, correct the card so that column 72 is blank and the cperand ends with a blank. If the continuaticn card was present, cerrect it so that slashes (//) appear in colurrns 1 and 2, a tlank appears in column 3, and the continuatien of a cemment begins anywhere after column 3 er the centinuation cf the cperand begins in cclumns 4 thrcugh 16. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, o o IEF622I UNBALANCED PARENTHESIS xxxx Explanation: In a job control statement, one of the following appeared: • A valid left parenthesis not follo~ed by a right parenthesis. • A valid right parenthesis not preceded by a left parenthesis. • A right parenthesis where i t is not permitted. In the message text, xxxx is one of the o following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the errcr was detected before any keyword pararreters were processed. (For exaIrple, an error was detected in the name field of a staten.ent. ) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELD, where prml is a minor keyword parameter associated with major keyword para~eter prm2. (For example, SER is a minor keyword parameter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the errer was detected in the field which assigns a value to a syn:bolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC statenent. SYsterr. Action: The job was terminated. The re~aining job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Progrann.er ResFonse: Probable user error. Correct the error. Then submit the job again .• Problen, Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, iten;s 1, IEF623I SOURCE TEXT CONTAINS UNDEFINED OR ILLEGAL CHARACTERS xxxx Explanation: A job control statement contained cne or more invalid characters. All characters in a job control statement must belong to the character sets defined in the publication IBM System/360 Operating system: Job Control Language, GC28-6539. o In the rr.essage text, xxxx is one' of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keyword parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement cn which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the error was detected • • • • befcre any keywcrd parameters were J;:rocessed. (Fer exaIrJ;:le, an error was detected in the nane field of a stateIrent. ) IN THE prnl SUEPARAMETER OF' 'lEE prm2 FIELt, where J;:rnl is a niner keyword Farameter asseciated with major keyword parameter Frn2. (Fer example, SER is a nincr keywerd J;:ararr.eter that aFpears only when asseciated with rrajor keyword Fararr.eter VOLUME.) IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. IN THE VALUE FIELI: OF TEE SYMBOLIC FARAMETER, if the error was det.ected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic paraneter. IN THE prn OVERRII:E FIELt, where prm is an override keywerd Farameter on an EXEC statenent. ~sterr_Action: The job was terminated. The remaining jeb centrol statenents for the job were scar-ned for syntax errors. R~ammer ResFense: If the statement contains any invalid characters, correct it. Then subrrit the job again. Prcblem Deterninatien: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF624I INCORRECI' USE OF' PERIOD xxxx §xFlanation: In a jeb control statement, a Feriod aFpeared in a paraneter or field in which a pericd is net perrritted. In the rressage text, xxxx is ene of the following phrases: • IN THE prm F'IELD, where prm is the most recently enceuntered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON 'IHE cntr STATEMEN'I, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the errcr occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the error was detected befcre any keyword Farameters were processed. (Fcr example, an error was detected in the nane field ef a staterrent. ) • IN THE prml SUEPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELD, where prml is a minor keyword parameter-associated with majcr keyword parameter prrr2. (For exanple, SER is a rrinor keyword parameter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLU~E.) • IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN THE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic paraIreter. • IN THE prn: OVERRIDE F'IELD, where prm is an override keyword pararreter on an EXEC statement. System Action: The job was terminated. The remaining jcb control statenents for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Programmer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Correct the parameter or field. Then submit the job again. IEF ~essages - Job Scheduler 319 GI Problerr Determination: 4, 7 a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF'6251 INCORRECT USE OF LEFT PAREN'IHESIS xxxx Expl~nati2~ In a job control statement, a left parenthesis appeared in a parameter or field in which a left parenthesis is not perIritted. In the rressage text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr STATEMEN'I', where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually cccurs if the errcr was detected befcre any keyword parameters were processed. (For example, an error was detected in the name field of a staterrent.) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELC, where prml is a mincr keyword pararreter associated with major keyword parameter prm2. (For exarrple, SER is a minor keywcrd parameter that appears only when associated with major keyword pararreter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbclic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYlv'I.BOI.·IC PARAME'IER, if the errer was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC statement. System Action: The job was terminated. The rerr.aining job ccntrel statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter er field. Then submit the job again. Problerr Determinaticn: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF6261 INCORREC'I USE OF PLUS xxxx Explanation: In a job contrel statement, a plus sign appeared in a parameter or field in which a plus sign is not permitted. In the message text, xxxx is cne of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywerd parameter preceding the errcr. • ON TfE cntr S'IA'IEMEN'I, where cntr indicates the job ccntrcl statement on which the error occurred. 'Ihis phrase usually occurs if the errer was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exaIrple, an error was detected in the narre field cf a statement. ) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAME'IER OF THE prm2 FIELD, where prml is a roincr keyword parameter associated with major keyword 320. Me~ges & Codes (Release 21.7) parameter prrr2. (For exarrple, SER is a rrinor keywcrd Farameter that appears cnly when associated with rrajor keyword parameter VOIU~E.) • IN 'IHE SYMBCIIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN 'IHE VALUE FIELD CF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN THE prE. OVERRIDE FIElD, where prm is an override keyword pararreter on an EXEC statement. o Syste:rr Action: The jot was terrrinated. The remaining jet centrol staterrents for the jcb were scanned for syntax errors. Prcgrammer Respcnse: Probable user error. Correct the pararreter or field. Then submit the job again. Prcblem Deterrrinatien: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF6271 INCORRECT USE CF AMPERSANI: xxxx Ex~la~~tion: In a jcb control statement, an arrpersand aFpeared in a parameter or field in which an arr,Fersand is not permitted. In the rressage text, xxxx is cne of the fcllcwing phrases: • IN THE prrr FIELI:, where prrr. is the most recently enccuntered keywcrd parameter Freceding the errer. • CN THE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the jet ccntrol statement on which the errcr cccurred. This phrase usually cccurs if the error was detected befere any keywerd Farameters were Frccessed. (Fer exarrple, an errcr was detected in the narre field ef a staterrent. ) • IN THE Frml SUEPARAMETER OF' 'I'HE prm2 FIELD, where prrri is a minor keyword pararreter asscciated with majcr keyword Fararreter prrr2. (For exarrple, SER is a rrinerkeywcrd Fararreter that appears enly when asscciated with majcr keyword Farameter VOLUME.) • IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symtclic parameter. • IN THE VALUE FIELC OF TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a sy:rrbclic pararreter. • IN THE prrr OVERRICE FIELC, where prm is an everride keywerd paraueter on an EXEC staterrent. o ~Y§!~Actic~~ The jctwas terminated. The remaining jet centrol statements for the jcb were scanned fer syntax errors. Prograrrrrer Resperise: Protatle user error. Ccrrect the pararreter er field. Then sub:rrit the job again. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 29. Tatle I, items 1, o o o IEF628 I INCORRECT USE OF AS'IERISK xxxx Explanation: In a job control statement, an asterisk appeared in a parameter or field in which an asterisk is not permitted. In the rr.essage text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the wost recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr S'IATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the errcr was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exarrple, an error was detected in the name field of a statement. ) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 F'IELC, where prml is a minor keyword parameter associated with major keyword pararreterprm2. (For example, SER i~ a minor keyword parameter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAME'IER, if the errcr was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OV~~RIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC statement. System Action: The job was terminated. The rerraining job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Proqramrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the paraweter or field. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF'6291 INCORREC'I USE OF APOSTROPHE xxxx Explanation: In a job control stateroent, an apostrophe was used incorrectly. Single apostrophes are used to enclose certain parameters containing special characters or blanks. 'Iwo apostrophes within a parameter enclosed in apostrophes are used to represent an apostrophe. o In the message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr S'IATEMEN'I', where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the error was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exarrcple, an error was detected in the name field of a statement. ) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAME'IER OF 'IHE prm2 FIELD, where prml is a minor keyword parameter associated with major keyword paraweter prrr2. (Fcr exarrple, SER is a rrincr keywcrd pararreter that appears cnly when asscciated with rrajcr keyword pararreter VOLUME.) • IN THE SYMBCLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbclic parameter. • IN THE VALUE FIELC OF TEE SYMEOLIC FARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic pararreter. • IN THE prrr OVERRICE FIELC, where prm is an override keywcrd pararreter on an EXEC staterrent. syst~~_~ction: The jcb was terrrinated. The remaining jcb ccntrol staterrents for the jcb were scanned fcr syntax errors. R~~arrrrer B~§tcnse: Protatle user error. Correct the invalid use of the apostrophe. Then submit the jct again. Prcblero Deterrrinaticn: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF630I UNICENTIFIED KEYWCRC xxxx ~~f1~~~!i~~~ In a jct contrcl statement, the scheduler fcund that: A character string fcllowed a tlank or ccrrrra and preceded an equal sign, tut could not be reccgnized as a valid keyword. Either the keyword was rrisspelled, the equal sign was roisplaced cr, because cf the acsence cf a right parenthesis after the previcus major keywcrd, a valid rrajor keywcrd was ccnsidered a rrinor keyword. A valid subpararreter keywcrd appeared without the ccrresponding parameter keyword; for exarrple, SER without VCLUME. • A valid keywcrd was not consistent with the staterrent cperation code; for exarrple, DSNAME in an EXEC statement. In the rressage text, xxxx is cne of the fcllcwing phrases: • IN THE prrr FIELC, where .prrr is the most recently enccuntered keyword parameter preceding the ~rrcr. • eN 'IHE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the jct contrcl staterrent on which the errcr cccurred. 'Ihis phrase usually occurs if the error was detected before any keywcrd parameters were prccessed. (Fcr exarrple, an error was detected in the narre field cf a staterrent. ) • IN THE prrri SUEPARA.METER OF 'IHE prm2 FIELC, where prrrl is the rrost recently enccuntered rrincr keyword parameter associated with the rr,ajor keyword parameter prrr2, which precedes the error. • IN THE SYMBCLIC PARA~ETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN THE VALUE FIELC OF THE SYMBOLIC FARAMFTER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic pararreter. • IN THE prrr CVERRICE FIELC, where prm is an override keywcrd pararreter on an EXEC staterrent. IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 321 SYstem Action: 'I'he job was· terminated. The remaining job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Proqrarrmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the statement.. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. • IN THE VALUE FIELl: OF TEE SYMBOLIC FARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a sYII'bclic paraIr.eter. • IN THE prn- OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an cverride keywcrd paraIreter en an EXEC stateIrent. • IN THE prIr FIELD, where the value specified fcr the particular prm was less than the acceptable length. o Table I, items 1, SysteIr Action: The jcb was terrrinated. The reroaining jcb ccntrol statements for the jcb were scanned for syntax errors. IEF631I NUMBER OF' I:DNAMES EXCEEDS MAXIMUM Explanation: In the DD statements for step, the DDNAME parameter appeared in or more DD statements. This parameter appear in no more than 5 DD statements a step. a 6 can in System Action: The job was terminated. The remaini.ng job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. ProgramIrier Response: Probable user error. Change the DD stateIrents for the step so that 5 or fewer use the DDNAME paramete~. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Prcblem DeterIrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF633I PROGRAMMER NAME MISSING xxxx EXFlaE~tion~ The prcgramIl'er's name, established as an installation requirement in the PARM paraIreter cf the reader procedure, was cIritted froIr the JOB staterrent. Table I, items 1, IEF632I FORMAT ERROR xxxx Explanation: In a job contrel statement, the format of a parameter was incorrect. For example: • Too many or too few levels of qualification were specified. • No enclosing parentheses appeared. • An operator was missing in a COND parameter. • The EVEN and ONLY suhpararreters were both specified in the COND parameter of the EXEC statement. • A cOIr~a, right parenthesis, ampersand, or blank did not follow a right parenthesis in a SPACE parameter. • The keyword specified is shorter than the required length. the message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr S~A~EMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the errcr was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exa«.ple, an error was detected in the naIre field of a statement.) • IN TEE prml STmpARAME~ER OF THE prm2 F'IELI:, where prml is a mincr keyword parameter associated with majo~ keyword parameter prm2. (For exaIr,ple, SER is a minor keyword pararreter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMET~R, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. In 322 RrograIrrrer ResFense: Probable user error. Correct the paraIreter. Then submit the job again. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) In the message text, xxxx is cne of the fcllcwing phrases: • IN THE prm FIELD, where prIl1 is the most recently enccuntered keyword parameter preceding the errcr. • CN THE cntr STATEMEN~', where cntr indicates the jeb ccntrol statement on which the errcr eccurred. ~his phrase usually occurs if the error was detected before any keywcrd paraIreters were processed. (Fcr exaIl'ple, an error was detected in the naIre field of a staten-ent. ) • IN THE prml SUEPARAMETER OF ~HE prrn2 FIELB, where prIr,l is a Irinor keyword parameter asscciated with II1ajor keyword paraIr.eter prIr2. (For exan,ple, SER is a Irinor keyword paraIreter that appears only when asscciated with II1ajor keyword parameter VCLUME.) • IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN THE VALUE F'IELl: OF THE SYMBOLIC FARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic paran.eter. • IN THE prm OVERRII:E FIELB, where prm is an cverride keywcrd parameter on an EXEC staterrent. o SysteIr Action: The job was terminated. The rerraining jeb centrol staterrents for the jcb were scanned for syntax errors. ProgramIrer ResFense: Probable user error. Specify a prograIrIrer's narre. If a prograIrroer's naIre had been specified, correct the order of the positicnal paraIreters. Then submit the job again. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, o o IEF634I ACCOUNT NUMBER MISSING xxxx Explanation: '!he account number, established as an installaticn requirement in the PARM parameter of the reader procedure, was omitted from the JOB statement. In the l(I.essage text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: o • IN THE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON THE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the errcr was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exanple, an error was detected in the name field of a statement.) • IN THE prml SUBPARAME~ER OF ~HE prm2 FIELB, where prrnl is a minor keyword parameter associated with major keyword parameter prro2. (For exarrple, SER is a minor keyword paraneter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAME'IER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the errcr was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC staten,ent. Prograrrn€r ResFcnse: Probable user error. Specify a job r.ane. Then subnit the job again. Prcblern Deternir.aticn: 4, 7a, 29. IEF636I MISPLACED JOBLIE Table I, items 1, S~A~EMENT ~~~~~~tien~ A:CD statement ccntaining JCELIE in its r.ane field appeared after an EXEC staterrent. Or a seccnd JOBLIE DD stateIT:ent appeared in the ccntrel stateITents for a jcb. A JCELIE BD stateITent, which defines a job library, can aFFear cnly in.n:ediately after a JCB statenent and tefore the first EXEC stateIT.ent in a jcb. Only cne statement centaining JOELIE in its nane field ean aFpear in the staten.ents fer a jot. System Action: ~he job was terminated. The remaining job ccntrel statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. §1sten Actien: 'Ihe jot was terrrinated. The remaining jcb ccntrol statements for the jcb were scanned for syntax errors. Proqran.:roer Specify an number had comma or a number; if submit the Pr~nmer ResFcnse: Protable user error. Place the JOELIE BB stateITent inmediately after the JOB staterrent. If two er more jeb libraries are tc be used as one library, put blanks in the nane fields of the ccncatenated :C:C stateITents. Place the concatenated :CD statereents innediately after the JOBLIB DD statement. Then submit the jeb again. Response: Probable user error. account nuwher. If an account been specified, check for a parameter before the account one appears, rerreve it. Then job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF6351 JOBNAME MISSING xxxx Explanation: The jeb name, which must appear in the name field of a JOB statement, was missing. o parameter prn2. (Fer exarrple, SER is a IT,iner keywcrd Faran.eter that aFpears enly when asscciated with majer keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN THE SYMEOLIC PARAMETER, if the errer was detected in the symtolic pararreter. • IN THE VALUE FIEL:C OF 'IHE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a synbclic paraneter. • IN THE prn OVERRI:CE FIELD, where prm is an override keywerd paraneter on an EXEC statenert. Systen. Action: The jet was terrr:inated. The rerraining jcb ccntrol statements for the jeb were scar.ned fcr syntax errors. In the message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr S~ATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job centrol statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually eccurs if the errer was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exanple, an error was detected in the name field of a statement.) • IN THE prml SUBPARAME~ER OF 'IHE prm2 FIELD, where prml is a miner keyword parameter associated with major keyword Prcblem Deterninaticn: 4 I 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF637I EXCESSIVE ACCOUNT FIELD LENGTH xxxx EXFlanation: In a JOE or EXEC statement, the acceunting inferrration was longer than the 142 characters pernitted. In the message text, xxxx is cne of the fellcwing phrases: • IN THE prm FIELD, where prrr. is the most recently enceuntered keyword parameter preceding the errer. • eN THE cntr STATEMENT, where entr indicates the jeb centrol statement on which the errcr cccurred. This phrase usually eccurs if the error was detected befere any keywcrd paraneters were precessed. (Fer exarr.ple, an error was detected in the nan,e field cf a st,atenent. ) IEF Messages - Jot scheduler 323 • IN TEE prml SUBPARAME'IER OF THE prm2 F'IELr:, where prml is a miner keyword parameter associqted with major keyword parameter prm2. (For example, SER is a minor keyword parameter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE Vj\LUE FIELD OF THE SY!'JEOIIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN THE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC statement. SYstem Action: The job was terminated. The remaining jobcentrel statements for the job were scanned fer syntax errors. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Shorten the accounting information. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4" 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF638I SPECIFIED NUMERIC EXCEEDS MAXIMUfol ALICWED xxxx Explanation: In a job contrel statement, a parameter or subparameter value contains a valid number of digits, but exceeds the maximum numeric limit. the message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywerd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the 'Job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the errer was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exaIr:ple, an error was detected in the name field of a statement.) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELr:, where prml is a miner keyword parameter associated with major keyword parameter prm2. (For example, SER is a minor keyword pararreter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the errer was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter,. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an overrid~ keyword parameter on an EXEC statement. In System Action: The job was terminated. The rerraining job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter or subparameter value. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. 324 Table I, items 1, Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) IEF639I INVALIr: CLASS r:ESIGNATION xxxx EXFlanation: In a jeb control statement, the class naIre s~eeified as the operand of a ~arameter or sub~arameter was not one of a set of narres cr values acce~table for that ~arameter cr sut~arameter. o In the message text, xxxx is cne of the fellowing phrases: • IN THE ~rrr FIELD, where prm is the most recently enccuntered keywcrd ~arameter ~receding the errer. (For example, CLASS=U is invalid since the aeceptatle class names fcr the CLASS parameter are A threugh 0.) • CN THE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the jet control statement on which the errcr eccurred. This phrase usually eccurs if the error was detected befere any keywcrd ~arameters were ~rocessed. (Fcr exaItple, an errer was detected in the naIre field cf a stateIrent. ) • IN THE prrri SUEPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELr:, where ~rIrl is a Iriner keyword ~arameter asscciated with majer keyword ~arameter prIr2. (Fer example, SER is a Iriner keywerd ~araIreter that a~pears enly when asscciated with major keyword ~arameter VOLUME.) • IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbelie parameter. • IN THE VALUE FIELI: OF THE SYMBOLIC FARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbelic paraIreter. • IN THE prn CVERRII:E FIELD, where prm is an everride keywerd ~ararreter on an EXEC statenent. System Action: The job was terminated. The remaining jcb centrol statements for the jeb were scar:ned for syntax errors. ProqraIrIrer ResFcnse: Protable user error. Correct the class naIre. Then submit the jeb again. Problem DeterIrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF640I EXCESSIVE NUMEER OF POSITIONAL PARAMETERS xxxx EXFlanation: A jeb eentrol statement contained too nany ~esitional parameters. A Iris~laced cenna, a duplication, or a null cperand field cculd cause such an error. In the message text, xxxx is ene of the fellewing phrases: • IN THE prn FIELD, where prm is the most recently enccuntered keywerd parameter ~receding the errer. • CN THE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the jcb centrol statement on which the errer eccurred. 'Ihis phrase usually occurs if the error was detected befere any keywerd parameters were ~rocessed. (F'er example, an error was detected in the name field ef a staterrent. ) o o • IN TEE prml SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 F'IELr:, where prml is a miner keyword parameter associated with major keyword parameter prm2. (For exam~le, SER is a minor keyword parameter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC statement. System Action: The job was terminated. The remaining job centrol statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the statement, and submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF6411 IMPROPER SUBPARAMETER LIST xxx x Explanation: A job control statement contains an incorrect subparameter list for a positional parameter. Either such a list is required and is missing, or is not permitted but is present. o In the message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN ThE prm FIELD, where ~rm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr STAT'EMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the errcr was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exan~le, an error was detected in the name field of a stateIrent.) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELr:, where prml is a minor keyword parameter associated with major keyword parameter prm2. (For exan;~le, SER is a minor keyword parameter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC statement. SYstem Action: The job was terminated. The remaining job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter. Then submit the job again. Progran~er o Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF6421 EXCESSIVE PAR1U~E"I'ER EXFlanation: a ~ositional In a LENGTE xxxx jc~ ~arameter control statement, was longer than ~erIl'itted. In the II'essage text, xxxx is cne of the following ~hrases: • IN THE prn FIELD, where prn: is the most recently encountered keyword parameter ~receding the errcr. • eN THE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the errer occurred. This ~hrase usually occurs if the error was detected before any keywcrd ~araneters were ~rocessed. (Fer example, an error was detected in the name field ef a statement. ) • IN THE prnl SUEPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELr:, where ~rnl is a minor keyword ~arameter asseciated with Kajor keyword ~arameter prn2. (For exaIr~le, SER is a ninor keyword ~araneter that appears cnly when asscciated with major keyword ~arameter VOLUME.) • IN THE SYMBCLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN THE VALUE F'IELl: OF TEE SYMBOLIC FARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a synbclic paraneter. • IN-THE prm CVERRll:E FIELD, where prm is an override keywerd ~arameter on an EXEC staterrent. systen, Action: The job was terminated. The remaining jeb centrol statements for the jcb were scanned for syntax errors. Programner ResFense: Probable user error. ShcrtEm the paraneter to the n.aximum _ permitted length or less. Then submit the job again. Froblem Deterninaticn: Tatle I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF6431 UNIDENl'IFIED POSITIONAL PARAMETER xxxx EXFlanation: In a je~ control statement, a ~ositional ~arameter that has certain permitted values was not recognized. It nlay be invalid, nissFelled, or mis~unched. In the message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN THE prn; FIELr:, where prID is the most recently enccuntered keyword parameter Freceding the errcr. • CN THE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the jcb centrol statement on which the errcr cccurred. This ~hrase usually occurs if the error was detected before any keywerd ~arameters were ~rocessed. (Fcr example, an error was detected in the nane field of a statenent. ) • IN THE prrnl SUEPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELr:, where ~rIrl is a minor keyword parameter asseciated with major keyword ~aran;eter prn2. (For example, SER is a ninor keywcrd Farameter that a~pears only when asseciated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) IFF Messages - Jo~ Scheduler 325 • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the errcr was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword pararreter on an EXEC stateIl'ent. System Action: 'Ihe job was terminated. The remaining job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Prograrr,Il'er Response: Probable user error. Correct the erroneous positicnal parameter. 'Ihen subrrit the job again. Problerr, Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF644I INVALID NUMERIC xxxx Explanation: In a job control statement, 'an alphabetic or special character appeared in a parameter that can contain only nUIl'eric characters. In the rressage text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keywcrd parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr S'IA'IEMEN'I', where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. 'Ihis phrase usually occurs if the error was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exarrple, an error was detected in the naIl'e field of a staterr,ent. ) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAME'IER OF THE prm2 FIELI:, where prrr,l is a rrincr keyword pararreter associated with major keyword parameter prm2. (For exarrple, SER is a minor keyword pararr,eter that appears only when associated with major keyword paraIl'eter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the sYIl'bolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a syrr~olic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC staten:ent. SYstem Action: The job was terminated. The reIl'aining job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Programmer Response: Probable user error. COrrect the erroneous parameter. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF645I INVALII: REF'ER BACK xxxx Explanation: In a job control statement, a pararr.eter specified the name of a previous statement. However, a statement with that name was not found. 326 Messages' Codes (Release 21.7) In the rr.essage text, xxxx is cne of the following phrases: • IN THE prm FIELL, where prm is the most recently enccuntered keyword parameter Freceding the errcr. • CN THE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the jot control statement on which the errcr cccurred. This phrase usually occurs if the error was detected befcre any keywcrd pararreters were Frocessed. (For example, an error was detected in the narre field cf a staterrent. ) • IN THE prrri SUEPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELD, where Frrri is a rr,inor keyword Farameter asscciated with major keyword parameter prn2. (For exarr'ple, SER is a ninor keyword Faraneter that appears cnly when asscciated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN THE SYMBCLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symtolic parameter. • IN THE VALUE FIELL OF' THE SYMBOLIC FARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a synbolic paratreter. • IN THE prrr CVERRILE FIELD, where prm is an cverride keywcrd Faraneter on an EXEC staterrent. o systeg_Act!£~l The job was terminated. The rerraining jcb ccntrol statements for the jcb were scanned for syntax errors. Prcqrarrrrer~§gnse: Probable user error. Check the spelling and punching of the parameter containing the reference and of the nan:e in the staterrent to which it refers. Deternine if the parameter ccntaining the reference can validly contain a reference. After correcting the error, subrrit the jct again. Prcblem Deterninaticn: o Table I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF646I REC;UIREI: POSITIONAL PARAMETER MISSING xxxx Ex~~~ti~ In a jcb control statement, a required positicnal Farameter or subpararreter was net sFecified. In the rressage text, xxxx is cne of the following phrases: • IN THE prrr FIELI:, where prm is the most recently enccuntered keywcrd parameter Freceding the errcr. • CN THE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the jot control statement on which the errcr cccurred. This phrase usually occurs if the error was detected befcre any keywcrd pararreters were Frocessed. (Fcr exarr.ple, an error was detected. in the narre field cf a staterrent. ) • IN THE prrri SUEPAR~.METER OF THE prm2 FIELD, where prrri is a minor keyword parameter asscciated with major keyword paran:eter prrr2. (For example, SER is a rrinor keywcrd Fararr'eter that appears cnly when asscciated with major keywo~d Farameter VOLUME.) • IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. o o • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOI.,IC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE, prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword para~eter on an EXEC stateroent. System Action: 'rhe job was terminated. The remaining job ccntrcl statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Proqramroer Response: Probable user error. I.nsert the rr,issing pararreter or subparameter. Then subrrit the job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. 'Table I, items 1, IEF648I INVALII: DISP FIELD - xxxx SUBl:'II'IU'lEI: ~~~E~!icn: In a [[ staterrer:t, a subpararreter specified in tbe DISP pararreter is ir:valid: • A dispositicr: cf KEEP is invalid for a terrporary data set. In this case, xxx x will appear as PASS. If a I:SNAME pararreter referenoes a data set which has a dispositicn cf CELETE, xxx x will alsc appear as PASS. • A dispositicr cf CATLG is invalid for a data set whcse data set narre is enclosed in apostrophes. (In this case, xxxx will appear as KEEP.) 2ysterr Action: The systerr changed the disposition of the data set to xxxx. Frccessing continued. Proeaele user error. If the job is te ee executed again, correct the invalid dispositicn. Rrcgr~!!:rrer-B~§fense: IEF647I NON-ALPHAEETIC FIRS'I CHARAC'IER OF xxxx NA~E Explanation: In a job contrcl statement, the first character in a narre is not alphabetic. The narr,e can be the name field, a procedure narre in a parameter, or a program name in a parameter. Frcblem Deterrrinaticn: Taele I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF649I EXCESSIVE NU1-'!EER OF [C STATEMENTS ~ere than 255 LL statements appeared in one jee step. Possiely, an EXEC staterrent is rrissing. ~~~~~iien~ o This message will also appear when a relative generation nurrber cf a generation data grcup is used without a plus or minus sign. For example, DSNAME=dsname(+l) is correct, whereas DSNAME=dsname(l) is incorrect. I.n the 'message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where prm is the most recently encountered keyword parameter preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr STATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the errcr was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exarrple, an error was detected in the narre field of a staterrent. ) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAME'IER OF THE prm2 FIELI:, where prml is a minor keyword parameter associated with major keyword parameter prm2. (For exarrple, SER is a minor keyword pararreter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if ±he error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF 'IHE SYMBOI.IC PARAME'IER, if the errcr was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword pararreter on an EXEC statement. SYstem Action: The job was terminated. The remaining job control statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. o Prograrr!rr,er Response: Probable user error. Correct the name field. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, §yste!LActionJ. The jol:: was terrrinated. The rerraining jce ccntrol staterrents for the jeb were scanned fer syntax errors. The systerr printed the message with each DC staterrent after the 255th. Re§gnse: Prol::aele user error. Either rerrove the excess LC statement(s) cr add a rrissirg EXEC staterrent. 'Ihen submit the job again. R!:~!!:!!:~r PrebleII' Deterrriratien: 7a, 29. Ta1::le I, items 1, IEF650I INCORRECT USE CF SLASH xxxx EXFl~~~tic~J. In a jee control statement, a slash appeared in a pararreter or field in which a slash is net perrritted. In the roessage text, xxxx is cne of the fellowing phrases: • IN THE prrr FIELD, where prrr is the most recently enceuntered keywerd parameter preceding the errer. • CN THE cntr STATEMEN'l, where cntr indicates the jee centrcl statement on which the errcr cccurred. 'Ihis phrase usually cccurs if the error was detected befere any keywcrd pararreters were prccessed. (Fcr exarrple, an error was detected in the narre field cf a staterrent. ) • IN THE prrri SUEPARAMETER OF TEE prm2 FIELI:, where prrri is a rrincr keyword pararreter asscciated with rrajcr keyword pararoeter prrr2. (Fcr exarrple, SER is a rrincr keyword pararreter that appears only when asscciated with rrajer keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the syroeolic parameter. IEF Messages - Joe Scheduler 327 • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF 'IHE· SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was deteoted in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC statement. SYstem Action: The job was terminated. The remaining job contrel statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter or field. Then submit the job again. Problem Determination: 4" 7a, 29. • The keyword indicated by prrr in the rr,essage text and another keyword or Fositional Fararreter on the same staterrent are either mutually exclusive or identical. • A DLM keywerd was detected en the staterr,ent befcre the required asterisk(*) cr BATA. Therefore, any ether major keywerds that Fight appear en the statenent, except DCE, will be rrutually exclusive with BLM. o Systerr Act!gn: The job was terminated. The remaining jeb ecntrol staterrents for the jeb were scanned fer syntax errors. Table I, items 1, IEF6511 INCORRECT USE OF MINUS xxxx Explanation: In a job control statement, a hyphen (or minus sign) aFFeared in a parameter or field in which a hYFhen is not permitted. In the message text, xxxx is one of the following phrases: • IN TEE prm FIELD, where Frrn is the most recently encountered keywerd parameter, preceding the error. • ON TEE cntr S~ATEMENT, where cntr indicates the job control statement on which the error occurred. This phrase usually occurs if the errer was detected before any keyword parameters were processed. (For exarrFle, an error was detected in the name field of a statement.) • IN TEE prml SUBPARAMETER OF THE prm2 FIELB, where prml is a miner keyword parameter associated with major keyword parameter prm2. (For examFle, SER is a minor keyword pararreter that appears only when associated with major keyword parameter VOLUME.) • IN TEE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the symbolic parameter. • IN TEE VALUE FIELD OF THE SYMBOLIC PARAMETER, if the error was detected in the field which assigns a value to a symbolic parameter. • IN TEE prm OVERRIDE FIELD, where prm is an override keyword parameter on an EXEC statement. SYstem Action: The job was terminated. The remaining job contrel statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Prograrrrr-er ResFcnse: Probable user error. Correct the staterrent in error and run the jeb again. Preblem Deterninatien: Table I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. IEF6531 SUESTITUTION JCL - xxxx ~xFla~~tien: In a cataloged Frocedure staterrent, one er rrcre syrrbclic parameters were used. In the rr.essage text, xxxx reFresents the text that results from the synbelic Faraneter substituticn. If BD DUMMY or BD BYNAM were used in the original Frocedure staterr.ent, they will aH::ear as DUMM= er BYNA= in the message text. ~ammer ResFcnse: None. IEF6541 MUI,TIFLE DDNAMES REF'ER TO ONE DD STA~EMENT o EXFlanation: In the jeb centrol staterr,ents for a jcb step, two DD staterrents centain BBNAME Farameters that sFecify the sane nane. §ysteIl'_~ction.1 The job is terrrtinated. The 'remaining jcb ccntrol statements for the job are scanned for syntax errors. Prograrr,mer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Either delete cne cf the DD statements or change the nane in cne of the duplicate DDNAME Fararr:eters. Then submit the job again. Preblem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF6551 DSNAME INVALID WHEN SYSOUT SPECIFIED Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter or field. Then submit the job again. EXFlanation: A DD statement contained a SYSOUT pararreter and a BSNAME Farameter. Problem Determination: 4" 7a, 29. §'ysteF Action: The BSNAME pararoeter was ignored. Processing continued. Table I, items 1, IEF6521 MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE~EYWORDS -KEYWORD IN THE prm FIELD IS MU~UALLY EXCLUSIVE wITH KEYWORD ON THE cntr STATEMENT Explanation: The jeb centrel statement indicated by cntr in the message text was flagged for one of the follcwing reasons: 328 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Prograrrrrer ResFcnse: Probable user error. If the job' is tc be executed again, correct the staterrent by renoving the DSNAME or SYSOUT Farameter. Preblem Deterninaticn: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o IEF656I 16 EXTENTS EXCEEDED SPOOLING JOB [-jjj] Explanation: A SYSIN reader was writing an ~nput stream data set, defined by a DD * or DD DATA statement, on a direct access device. Because the data set was large, the reader had to repeatedly ask for more storage. This message was issued when so much storage was required that a 17th extent would have been needed. In the message text, jjj is the job name. System Action: The SYSIN reader stopped the data set. If the message appears on the console, the reader stopped itself; if the message appears on the SYSOUT job listing, only job jjj was terminated. wr~t~ng Programmer Response: Probable user error. Remove the data set from the input stream, change its DD statement so that * or DATA is not specified, and place the data set on magnetic tape, direct access storage, or another card reader; then submit the job again. If the data set must remain in the input stream, change the IEFDATA DD statement in the cataloged reader procedure to specify a larger incremental quantity in the SPACE parameter; then submit the job again. Operator Response: Report the message to the programmer, and restart the SYSIN reader. c Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF657I SYMBOL IC NOT REFERENCED IN PROCEDURE Explanation: On an EXEC statement calling a cataloged or in-stream procedure or on a PROC statement contained in the procedure, a value was assigned to a symbolic parameter. The symbolic in question was not referenced in the procedure expansion. System Action: The job is terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Include a reference to the symbolic in the procedure, or remove the symbolic assignment from the EXEC or PROC statement. Problem Determination: 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF658I PROC VERB STATEMENT OUT OF SEQUENCE Explanation: A statement which specified PROC in ~ts operation field was not the first statement in a procedure. The PROC statement is valid only as the first statement in a procedure. System Action: The job was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If a PROC statement is to be used, make sure that it appears only as the first statement in the procedure. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF659I MISPLACED SYSCHK DD STATEMENT Explanation: During execution of a deferred restart, it was found that a SYSCHK DD statement preceded the first EXEC statement in the resubmitted deck. However, the RESTART parameter of the JOB statement did not specify a checkpoint identification. System Action: Restart was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If checkpo~nt restart is desired, specify a checkpoint identification in the RESTART parameter of the JOB statement. If step restart is desired, remove the SYSCHK DD statement. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF660I MISSING SYSCHK DD STATEMENT Explanation: During execution of a deferred checkpoint restart, it was found that the RESTART parameter of the JOB statement specified a checkpoint identification. However, a SYSCHK DD statement did not precede the first EXEC statement in the resubmitted deck. System Action: Restart was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Place a SYSCHK DD statement before the first EXEC statement. Then resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF661I RESTART STEP NOT FOUND Explanation: During execution of a deferred restart, it was found that the RESTART parameter of the JOB statement specified a step name that could not be found either in the resubmitted deck or in the specified cataloged procedure. System Action: Restart was terminated. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the RESTART parameter and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF662I INVALID LABEL ON THE {PROC} STATEMENT PEND Explanation: The name in the name field of the PROC or PEND statement, as indicated in the message text, either is too long or contains an invalid character. System Action: The job is terminated. The remaining job control statements for the job are scanned for syntax errors. o IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 329 Proqramr.er Response: Probable user error. Correct the name field cf the statement. Then submit the job again. prccedure. Ccrrect any errors and restart the reader. Problem Determination: 4,. 7a, 29. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 7ab, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF6631 NO LABEL ON THE PROC STATEMENT Explanation: No narre was s~ecified in the name field of the PROC statement for an in-stream procedure. System Action: The job is terminated. The remaining job ccntrcl statements for the job are scanned for syntax errors. Prograrr,mer Response: Probable user error. specify a name in the name field of the PROC statement. Then sUbmit the job again. Problem Determinaticn: 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF6651 EXCESSIVE NUMBER OF IN-STREAM PROCEDURES Explanation: The job ccntains more than 15 in-stream procedures. System Action: The job was terminated. The remaining job ccntcl statements for the job were scanned for syntax errors. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that no more than 15 in-stream procedures are specified in the job. Then submit the job again. If the problem recurs, do the following befcre calling IEF6661 SPOOL FULL - OPERATOR S'IOPPED RDR Explanation: In response tc message IEF416I, the operator issued a STOP RDR command. System Action: If rressage IEF6041 does not follow this message, then space became available before the STOP RDR command was executed, and the job was read. Programmer Response: Ncne. IEF667 I Sccc ABEND IN OPEN DURING IN'IERPRETER IN IT IAL IZA'I ION Explanation: The reader/interpreter failed during OPEN processing with a completion code of ccc. Ifmessages IEF'4061 and IEF4071 follow, the termination occurred du;ring opening of the SYSIN data set. If the message IEF4071 follows, the terminaticn occurred during opening of the SYS1.PROCLIB data set,. 330 Table I, items 2, IEF6681 PEND VERB STATEMENT OUT OF SEQUENCE ExplaE~ticn: A PEND staterrent has been encountered which dces not terminate an in-stream prccedure; that is, either it is not preceded by a valid PROC statement, or the prccedure ccntains data, a DD • staterrent, or a DD [ATA staterrent. The PEND verb is valid cnly as the last statement in the in-strearr prccedure. system_Action: The jcb was terminated. The remaining jcb ccntrol statements for the jcb are scanned for syntax errors. Respcnse: If the PEND staterrent is ur:necessary, rewcve it. Ctherwise, either su~~ly a correct PROC statement or rerrcve from the in-stream procedure the data, [[ • statement or DD DATA staterrent. Resubmit the jcb. Pr~mmer IEF6691 INVALI[ REFER FCRWAR[ TO DYNAM DATA SET Explanation: The system has encountered a DD statewent in which the DDNAME parameter specifies the narre cf a DD statement that ccntains a DYNAM parameter. FroqramIrer Respcnse: Probable user error. Either change the reference in the DDNAME parameter or delete the DYNAM parameter in the referenced DD statement. Submit the job again. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 4, Sa, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF6701 NC VALUE ASSIGNED TO SYMBOLIC PARAMETER ON PRCC STMT VIA THE: EXEC STMT Explanation: A jcbstep calling a cataloged procedure has net provided a value in its EXEC statement fcr a symbolic parameter contained in the PRCC statement cf the procedure. The symbol has no default value, and is therefore undefined. Note: The syrrbclic parameter in question may have the sarre spelling as scme valid EXEC statement keywcrd, such as REGION. systeIr Action: The jcb is terminated. Operator Response: Probable user error. Report this message to the system prograw~er or installation manager. Programmer Response: Check the IEFRDER and IEFPDSI DD statements in the reader 3, 4, 7a, 29. Messages ~ Codes (Release 21.7) ;r--~\ i\~~ Systew Acticn: The job is terminated. The remaining jcb ccntrol statements are s~~nned for syr.tax errors. Programmer Respcnse: Correct the error by giving the syrrbclic ~arameter a default value on the PRCC statement, by making a value assignment for it on the EXEC statement, or by changing the name of the sYIrbolic paraneter. System Action: The reader closes and processing continues. () Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, c Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o IEF8611 FOLLOWING RESERVED DATA SET NAMES UNAVAILABLE TO jjj Explanation: The job named jjj has requested use of one or more data set names that are reserved for other jobs currently executing in the system. Message IEF8631 and IEF864D follow, listing the data set name(s) and requesting operator action. System Action: Processing of the job named ]j] is suspended. Operator Response: Respond as indicated for message IEF864D. IEF8621 FOLLOWING RESERVED DATA SET NAMES UNAVAILABLE TO jjj, IN Pnn. Explanation: While scheduling is being performed ~n a large partition for the small partition nn, the job named jjj has requested use of one or more data set names that are reserved for other jobs currently executing in the system. Messages IEF8631 and IEF864D follow, listing the data set name(s) and requesting operator action. System Action: Processing of the job named jjj is suspended. Operator Response: Respond as indicated for message IEF864D. available for scheduling and the data set name(s) can become available, REPLY xx, 'RETRY' should be entered. In MVT, enter REPLY xx, 'CANCEL' to terminate the job. The system will terminate processing of the job named in message IEF8611 or IEF862I, and message IEF4521 will be issued. In MVT only, enter REPLY xx, 'WAIT' to suspend processing of the job named in message IEF8611 or IEF8621 until the data set name(s) become available. When the data set names are free, the system will reserve them for the job and processing will continue. IEF865A Q FULL - REPLY 'WAIT' OR 'CANCEL' - jjj. Explanation: A transient input reader has run out of available direct access space in the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set on which to place input data. Therefore, the reader cannot continue interpreting job jjj, the job currently being read. This message may also occur if an initiator runs out of space on SYS1.SYSJOBQE. If so, jobname jjj may not be present in the message. System Action: The system issues a DISPLAY A command to display the active jobs and job steps. Further system action depends on the operator's response. IEF8631 DSNAME=dsn c Explanation: Data set name dsn is not available to the job named in preceding messages IEF8611 or IEF862I. This message will appear for each data set name that is not available. System Action: None. Operator Response: None. IEF864D REPLY 'RETRY' OR 'CANCEL' [OR 'WAIT'] Explanation: This message follows message IEF8631 and permits the operator to respond to preceding messages IEF8611 or IEF862I. System Action: The system action depends on the operator's response. Operator Response: If the job named in preceding message IEF8611 or IEF8621 is requesting data set names which another job or series will release upon termination, enter REPLY xx, 'RETRY'. However, the reply need not be entered until another job in the system has terminated and the data set names are available. The scheduler will then repeat its attempt to reserve the data set name(s) for the job. If data set names are still not available, the message sequence is repeated. o Operator Response: If termination of another job currently executing in the system will free space for the reader or initiator, enter - REPLY XX, 'WAIT'. The affected task will wait until space is made available on SYS1.SYSJOBQE, and then will continue. In MFT, if the partition in which scheduling is being performed is the only large partition which does not contain an unending job, a system interlock can occur unless REPLY xx, 'CANCEL' is entered. Knowledge of the system and of the status of all data set names requested will normally determine the reply. However, if at least one other large partition is If the reader or initiator is to be terminated, enter - REPLY XX, 'CANCEL'. The task will abend with a system completion code of 222. If the initiator is cancelled, a core image dump may result, and it may have to be restarted if not reinstated by the system. The jobname indicated by a previous IEF4031 message should be resubmitted. If the reader is cancelled, and is to be restarted, reposition the input stream to begin with job jjj. The 'CANCEL' reply must be used if the reader initiator is operating in the only scheduler-size partition which does not contain an unending job such as graphics or telecommunications. IEF866E·SCHEDULER ABEND COMPLETION CODE hhh Explanation: During execution of a scheduler routine, the ABEND routine was entered and abnormal termination occurred. Completion code hhh is in hexadecimal. System Action: The system has recovered in the affected partition, and the scheduler has been restarted. However, there may be extraneous information left on the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set as a result of the abnormal termination. Operator Response: To remove the extraneous information left on the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set, restart the system at the earliest convenient time. IEF Messages - Job Scheduler 331 Problerr, Determinaticn: 2, 3, 4, 7a, 29. Table I, items 1, IEF867D CPO FULL -- REPLY 'loiAIT' OR 'CANCEL' jjj Explanation: Direct access space for input stream data could nct be allocated by a reader for the job narred jjj. system Action: The system issues a DISPLAY AClIVE command to display the active jobs and job steps. Further system action depends on the operatcr's response. (Jobs in other partitions ccntinue execution. ) Operator Response: If the system contains at least one other scheduler-size partiticn which does not contain an unending job, enter REPLY xx, 'WAIT'. This reply causes the reader to wait on an event control block (ECB) which will be posted by a writer cr terrrinator when space used for concurrent peripheral operaticns online (CPO) is freed. The reader will then repeat its attempt to allocate space. If sufficient space is still not available, the rressage is repeated. If the reader occupies the cnly large partition available for scheduling enter REPLY xx, 'CANCEL'. This reFly will cause the reader to be closed and make the partition available for use by other jobs. When sufficient CPO space has been subsequently freed, the reader may be restarted. However, reposition the input stream to begin with the job named jjj. Note: Inform the systerr prcgrammer that you have received this rressage. the partition nay te redefined as a prcbleJr. prograrr partition cr the MODIFY cCImand can be used tc assign new output classes to the writer. IEF869I hh.rrrr.ss QUEUE DISPLAY [idl CUEUE JOBS STAT QUEUE JOBS XXXX X XXXX XXXX XXXX X XXXX CUEUE JOBS STAT QUEUE JOBS XXXX X XXXX XXXX XXXX X XXXX SlAT XXXX STAT XXXX EXFlan~ti.2!!= This is the centrel line of the Status Display initiated ty the DISPLAY Q or DISPLAY Q, (list) command. The label line describes the fields of data. lid] A three-digit decimal identification nurrber. It is used in ccnjunction with the CONTROL C,D connand for canceling status displays teing written cn tYFewriter or printer conseles cr being displayed in-line (net in a dis Flay areas on a display (CRT) conscle. This identification nurrber dees net aFpear when the display is Fresented in a display area on a dis Flay conscle. QUEUE This field is cne of the fellewin9: • JOB X, where X is the class identifier cf an input queue. • HOLD, which ccntains all jots assigned te the HOLD queue ty the HOLD ccnrrand, er by the lYPRUN=HOLD pararreter ef the JOB statement. • SOUT X, where X is the class identifier cf an output queue. /'fl--"\ I.L) JOBS Proqrarrrr.er Response: If this message occurs frequently, list the VTOC of the volume(s) in question tc determine whether more space is needed for inFut stream data, or whether a larger VlOC is needed. The nurrber, in decimal, ef the jobs ccntained in the qUeue of the QUEUE field. STAT HELD if queue has been held. Note: Check the space requirement specified in the IEFDATA DD statement of the reader procedure. lhe amount of space specified there is allecated for each job with input stream data, regardless of the amount of spaces actually used. If space requests are unusually high, i t may be advisable to force CPO data to be written on a unique direct access device by specifying the volurre serial number in the IEFCATA CD statement. IEF868I ddd WTR WAIlING FOR wORK Explanation: lhe writer asseciated with device ddd is waiting for wcrk. That is, there are no output data sets on the queue of the output class(es) that this writer was established to service. System Action: None. Operator Response: If jobs currently executing in the systerr will establish output queue entries of the class(es) assigned this writer, ncne. Otherwise, 332 Messages' Codes (Release 21.7) IEF871I SYSTEM ISSUED DISPLAY A Ex~~tion: This rressage accompanies rressage IEF865A cr IEF867C, and indicates that the systen has entered a DISPLAY ACTIVE corrrrand tc dis Flay the active jobs and jeb steps. 2ysterr Action: The systerr entered a DISPLAY ACTIVE ccrrrrand. Further system acticn depends cn the cperator's response to wessage IEF865A cr IEF867D. Operator Respcnse: None. IEF874I ddd DSO INVALID DCE SUBPARAMElER EXFla~~tion: While Frecessin9 a start cerrJrand, the direct systerr output (DSO) writer detected an error in one of the DCB subpararoeters. If a 3525 punch is on t h e " systerr, check the DSO Frocedurel the FUNC paraJr.eter values are probably invalid for C o the IEFRDER DD statement. parameters are I and P.) system Action: terminate. (Valid The DSO writer will Operator Response: Probable user error. Notify the system programmer or installation manager. data set but the system encountered an input/output errcr while atterrpting to read the job ccr.trcl statements in thE prccedure. ~'§!~!LAction: 'The job is term,inatEo. ~Eer~!2!-B~~E~~~~: Problem Determinaticn: 7a, 26a, 29. Table I, items 2, Inform the programmEr that ycu have receivEd this rrEssagE. Pr~~~~er_B~.§~nse: ProbablE user ~ake sure that the SYS1.PROCLIE data IEF8751 proc FAlLEr:, JCL ERROR Error. SEt has net been ncdified incorrectly. Explanation: A START ccmmand was entered for procedure proc in the SYSl. PROCl:IB data set but the system enocuntered an error in the job control statements in the procedure. System Action: The job is terminated. Operator Response: Infcrm the programmer that you have received this message. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct any errors in the jcb control statements in the procedure, and execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 26d, 29. Table I, items 2, IEF'8761 proc FAlLEr:, I/O ERROR Explanation: A S'IART ccmmand was entered for prooedure proc in the SYS1.PROCl:IB Problem Deterrrir.aticn: 7a~~6d~-29:---------- Table I, items 2, IEF877I prcc FAILE:C, INSUFFICIENT Q-SPACE ExE1~B~~!~g: A START command was enterEd fer procedure prcc in the SYS1.PROCLIB data set; the [rccedure could nct be started because nct Encugh logical tracks were available in the SYS1.SYSJOBQ data set. Syste~_Act!on: The jcb is terminated. ~era12~espcr.se: Prcbable user E:r;ror. Stcp some cf the readers that are cperating and allow the jobs that arE in the system tc finish [rocessing. 'IhEn try the jcb again. Prcblerr r:eternir.ati cn: 8a, 29. Table I, items 2, o IEF Messages - Jot Scheduler 333 o () o 334 Messages ~ Codes (Release 21.7> o System Utility Messages (IEH) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IEH I I Component Name ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I System utility programs: IEHATLAS, IEH~AS~R, IEBINITT, IEBIOSUP, I I I IEHLIS'I, IEH~CVE, IEHPROGM. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For programmer: SYSPRINT data set. I I I I I I For cperator: console. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format IEHnnnI text (in SYSPRIN~) xx IEHnnns text (cn console) nnn Message serial number, which is coded tc indicate the utility program: lnn 2nn 3nn and 4nn IEHLIST IEHPROGM IEHMOVE 6nn 7nn 8nn 9nn IEBINITT IEBIOSUP IEB~AS~R IEEATLAS text Message text. xx o I I I s I I I I I Message reply identificaticn' Programner ResFcnse: Action is required only if the prctectien status in the tape System Action: The PASSWORD data set is updated but the protection status of the data set in the data set control block (DSCB) is not altered. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Action is required only if the protection status in the DSCB is incorrect. label is incorrect. If protection is being added, use jcb centrol language (LABEL paraneter) tc set the desired protection status in the tape latel. If pretection is being deleted, use the IEHINITT utility prcgram to relabel the taFe and delete Frctection. Preblem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 3, 29. If protection is being added and the protection status of the data set was not specified when the data set was created, or if the protection status of a data set is being changed between read/write protection and read-without-Fassword protection: 1. Provide a data definitien statement that defines the mountable volume on which the data set resides .• 2. Change the protectien status in the DSCB using a REPLACE utility statement for the entry just added or changed in the PASSWORD data set. supply the new protection status and make sure the volume information is cerrect. If protectien is being deleted and the data set has not been scratched: 1. Provide a data definiticn statement that defines the mountable volume on which the data set resides. 2. Add the entry just deleted to the PASSWORD data set using an ADD utility statement. 3. Scratch the data set if desired. 4. Delete the entry again from the PASSWORD data set using a DEIETEP utility statement. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 29. 340 ~able Messages 6 Codes (Release 21.7) i, items 1, IEH225I DUPLICATE ENTRY EXISTS IN THE PASSWORD DATA SET EXFlanation: The password to be assigned has already been assigned to this data set. system Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Progran~er ResFcnse: Protable user error. Either select a new Fassword cr delete the previously assigned Fassword tefore attempting to assign the same password. Problem Deterninaticn: Table ·1, items 1, 3, 15, 29. Use the LIST utility statement to list the entry in the PASSwORD data set associated with this password and data set nan.e. IEH226I LOCATE MACRO FAILE·D. LOCATE RETURN CCDE=xx. INDEXES SEARCBED=yy EXFlanatien: An errcr occurred during executien of the LOCATE macro issued to search the catalog fcr a data set name. The return cede frcn the LOCATE macro is xx, and the nunber cf indexes searched is yy. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. (To ~nterpret the return code, refer to the publication IBM System/360 Operating System: Data Management for System Programmers, GC28-6650.) Correct any errors and resubmit the ignored request. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 25d, 29. IEH2271 OBTAIN MACRO FAILED. CODE=xx Table I, items 1, OBTAIN RETURN Explanation: An error occurred during execut~on of the OBTAIN macro issued to search the VTOC for a DSCB. The return code from the OBTAIN macro is xx. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. (To ~nterpret the return code, refer to the pUblication IBM System/360 Operating System: Data Management for System Programmers, GC2B-6650.) Correct any errors and resubmit the ignored request. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 25b, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH22BI INVALID {CPASWORD} PASWORD1 SPECIFIED PASWORD2 Explanation: More than two invalid passwords have been supplied for the specified password in the utility statement preceding this message or PASWORD1 invalidly specified in the utility control statement. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) IEH2301 VTOC NOT CONVERTED FROM DOS TO OS DATA SET NOT CATALOGED OR INDEX NOT BUILT .•. UNUSUAL END Explanation: The VTOC cannot be converted to OS format because one of the following conditions exists in the VTOC structure: • A split cylinder extent resides on cylinder zero. • A split cylinder extent resides on the same cylinder as the VTOC. • A split cylinder extent resides on the same cylinder as a non-split cylinder extent. • The VTOC begins on track zero of cylinder zero. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is B.) Problem Response: Probable user error. Correct the VTOC structure and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3, 15, 25c, 29. Table I, items 1, IEHMOVE Program Messages IEH3011 INCLUDE OP NOT VALID Explanation: The INCLUDE statement preceding this message is not valid with the specified MOVE or COPY operation. System Action: The MOVE/COPY request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the ut~l~ty control statement. Problem Determination: 13, 22, 25bc, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH3021 EXCLUDE OP NOT VALID Programmer Response: Probable user error. Resubm~t the ~gnored request and supply a valid password. Explanation: The EXCLUDE statement preceding this message is not valid with the specified MOVE or COpy operation. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, 15, 29. If attempting to add, delete, or replace an entry in the PASSWORD data set, use the LIST utility statement to list and the entry in the PASSWORD data set. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is B.) IEH2291 INVALID PARAMETER IN PARM FIELD OF EXEC CARD Explanation: An invalid parameter was found e~ther in the PARM field of the EXEC statement or in the PARAM field of the LINK or ATTACH macro. System Action: Default values are to the invalid parameters. Processing continues. (Return code is 4.) ass~gned Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct any errors and rerun the job. Problem Determination: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the utility control statements. Problem Determination: 1 3, 2 2, 2 5 bc , 2 9 . Table I, items 1, IEH3031 REPLACE OP NOT VALID Explanation: The REPLACE statement' precedlng this message is not valid with the specified MOVE or COpy operation. System Action: The MOVE/COPY request is 19nored. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the utlilty control statements. 1, 3, 15, 29. o IEH Messages - IEHMOVE' 341 Problem Determination: 13, 22, 25bc, 29. Table I, items 1, systerr. Action: The request is ignored. (RetUrn code is 8.) IEH3041 SUBORDINATE REQ-SRIPPED Explanation: One of the following conditions occurred: • The INCLUDE, EXCLUDE" REPLACE, or SELECT statement preceding this rressage is not preceded by a MOVE or COPY statement. • The MOVE/COPY request is being ignored for the reason given in the preceding message. • The data set is being loaded for the reason given in the preceding message. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Prograwxer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and resub«it the job. Problem Determination: 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, Explanation: In the statereent preceding this message, duplicate or ccnflicting keywords are specified. System Action: 'Ihe request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the keywords on the preceding statement. Problem Determination: 13" 22, 29. Table I, items 1, Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 13, 22, 29. IEH3091 SY~~AX Table I, items 1, ERROR EXFla!!!!tion: The syntax of the statement preceding this rressage is invalid. systerr. Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Proqrarerner ResFcnse: Probable user error. Correct the syntax cf the preceding stateJrent. Table I, items 1, IEH310I LENGTH ERROR EXFl~!!!!~ion: In the staterrent preceding this message, a keywcrd value ccntains too rrany characters (fcr example, DSNAME=NINECEARS ccntains rrore than eight characters), cr the EXPAND keyword does nct specify a nurrber in the decimal range 1-99. systerrl Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Proqrawrner ResFcnse: Probable user error. Correct the length errcr in the preceding statewent. IEH3061 MISPLACED REYWORD ERROR Explanation: A MOVE/COPY ccntrol statement contains a misplaced keyword. system Action: The request is ignored. (The return code is 8.> Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check the format of perreissible keywords in the control statement. Problem Determination: 13, 22, 29. froqrammer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Correct the invalid parameter on the preceding staterrent. Prcblere Deterrrinaticn: 13, 22, 29. IEH30S I MULT IPLE: KE·YWORD ERROR c Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEE3111 INCOMPLETE REQUEST EXFlanaticn: The statement preceding this message does net ccntain adequate' infornation tc perfcrm the MOVE/COPY operation. Table I, items 1, Acti2!!: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) ~ystere IEH3071 KEYWORD NOT PERMITTED Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a keyword is invalid. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid keyword cn the preceding statement. Problem Determination: 13, 22" 29. Table I, items 1, IEH3081 INVALID PARAMETER ERROR Explanation: In the statement preceding this message, a parameter is invalid. 342 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) prcqrarr.rrer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Include all required inforrr.aticn on the preceding staterrent so that the MOVE/COPY operation can be perfcrmed .. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEE313I DATA SET dsn HAS INCORRECT FORMAT FOR UNLOADED DATA SET EXFlanation: The fcrmat of unloaded data set dsn is inccrrect; therefore, the data set cannot be Kcved cr copied. The records are apparently out of sequence. system Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) o o Programmer Response: Make sure that the correct ta~e or direct access device is mounted, and that the data has not been altered. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 26b, 29. Have the unloaded data set available. Progranner ResFcnse: Probable user error. Ensure that the data set narreand member nane are correct. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 13, 22, 25c, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH3211 MEMBER reem NOT MOVE[/COPIE·D. DIRECTORY IS FULL OUTPU~ IEH3151 UNABLE TO FIND FROM VOLUME Explanation: 'The 'FROM' volume cannot be located. Possibly, the FROM key~ord ~as missing from the MOVE or COPY statement, or the CVOL keyword was specified but the data set was not cataloged. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Progran.mer Response: If the data set is not cataloged, ensure that the FRO~ key~ord is included on the MOVE or CCPY statement. Also, make sure that a DD statement for the 'FROM' device exists and is compatibl~ with the utility control information. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25d, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEH3161 MODE:L ~SCB FOR GENERATION DA'IA GROUP CANNOT BE wRITTEN o Explanation: An error (possibly, a permanent input/output error) occurred during an attempt to create the model data set control block (DSCB) for a generation data group, or if there was no format 0 block available in the VTOC. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25b, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEH3191 MEMBER mem NOT MOVED/COPIED. NAME IN OU~PUT DATA SET DUPLICATE Exillnatio!!: The directory of the output partitioned data set is full; therefore, nenber nere cannct be meved or copied. system Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Rrogramrrer ResEf~: Increase the size of the directory, and selectively MOVE or CCPY the reenber. Problem Deterninaticn: 13, 22, 25c, 29. IEH3221 I/C ERROR ENCOUNTERE[ IN MEMBER mem OF INPUT ~ATA SET dsn EXFla~tion: l! Fern·anent input/output error occurred while reading nember mem of inFut data set dsn. systerr. Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Progra~mer R~§Fcnse: Ensure in~ut data set is valid. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 4.) that the Problem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 11, 22, 25ac, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace o~tion - TRACE=SIO,IO. Have the failing data set available. IEH3231 I/C ERROR ENCOUNTERE[ IN MEMBER mem OF CUTPUT [ATA SET dsn EXFla~tion: l! ~ernanent input/output error occurred while writing rrember mem data set dsn. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Prograrr.rr.er Res):cnse: Explanation: A member wi th the same name as member mem is contained in the output partitioned data set; therefore, the member is not moved or copied. Table I, items 1, None. Prcblen Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 29. Table II, Fornat 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEH3251 INVALID CATLG REQUEST IGNORED ~XFlan~tion: Programmer Response: Problem Determination: 13, 22, 250, 29. IEH320 I MEMBER mem o NO~· None. In the statenent ~receding this rr.essage, the receiving vclume specified is net a direct access device. Table I, items 1, FOUND IN DATA· SET dsn The neved or copied aata set is not catalcged en the sFecified vclune. (Return ccde is 8.) syste~_Action: Explanation: Member nerr cannot be located in partitioned data set dsn. Perhaps the data set name or menber was incorrectly specified. Prograrrroer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Ccrrect the preceding staterrent so that the receiving vclune is direct access or delete the CATLG keyword. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Prcblem Deterninaticn: 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB Messages - IEHMOVE 343 IEH3261 I/O ERROR ENCOUNTERED IN OUlPUT DATA SET dsn Explanation: A perrranent in{:ut/output error occurred while writing data set dsn. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Proqrarrrrer Response: Ncne. Problem Determinaticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 29. lable II, Fornat 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEH321 I A TTRN IN lHE USER DATA FIELD OF THE DIRECTORY HAS NOl BEEN UPDAlED Explanation: A llRN was not updated for the men~er named in the follcwing message. A TTR in the source directcry points to a record that is not in the member being being copied. System Action: The nerrber is copied; however: 1. If copying from direct access to direct access the invalid TTR will be the same in the receiving directory as it was in the scurce directory. 2. If loading, the invalid llR is zero in the receiving directory. The prograrr then attelfI:ts tc copy the next member. Proqrarr,rrer Response: Ccrrect the invalid TTR. lhis may require that the proper TTR be placed in both the source and receiving directories or that the scurce member ce re-created and recopied. Check for an end-of-file record err,bedded wi thin the source rrember. Problem Determinaticn: 13, 22, 29. T~ble I, items 1, Have an IEHLIST (LISl'PDS) cf both the source and receiving data sets as well as IEHLIST (LISlVlOC) in DUMP fcrmat of both the source and receiving vclumes. Have an IEHDASDR dump to SYSPRINT cf the source data set. Have an IEHDASDR dump to tape of the source data set. IEH3281 A TTR IN lHE NOTELIST RECORD HAS NOT BEEN UPCATED rece~v~ng note lists cr that the source ce re-created and reccpied. Prcblerr Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 13~-22, 2~25c, 29. Have an IEHLIST (LISTPCS) cf toth the scurce and receiving data sets as well as an IEHLIST (LISTVTOC) in CUMP format of bcth the source and receiving vclumes. Have an IEECASDR dunp to SYSPRINT of the scurce data set. Have an IEHCASDR dump to tape cf the scurce data set. o IEH329I A TTR IN A NOTE LIST CANNOl BE UPDAlED ~~f1ana~i~n: The TTR does not {:oint to any reccrd contained in the ccpied memcer that precedes the netelist or that follows a {:revicus nctelist (if any). ~~terr Action: lhe rren,ber is unloaded but the TTR will net be updated during a reload. The prcgran then attempts to unload the next nerrber. ~~ogran~~Fcnse: Correct the invalid TTR in the scurce nctelist, and unload the data set again. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 29. Use IEH[ASDR to dump the source data set to SYSPRINl. IEH3311 USER LABELS ARE NOT MOVED/COPIED. LABEL TRACK ALLOCATE!: FOR INPUl NO USER ~xFla~~~ion: A previcusly allocated data set did not prcvide a user lacel track. ~yste~_Actio~: User labels are ignored. Ncrnal MOVE/COPY prccessing ccntinues. o ~~Qll~!!!!:er ResFcnse: For the COpy operation, if user lacel information is desired, scratch the data set on the receiving volurre and preallocate the data set ccrrectly. Fcr the MOVE cperation, if user label infcrrraticn is desired, recuild the user labels. Prcblerr. Deterrrinaticn: 3,4,22, 25b, 29. Tacle I, items 1, IEH3321 PERMANENT I/O ERROR WHILE READING USER INPUT HEADER LAEELS. NO MORE LABELS WILL BE PROCESSED ~~Flan~tion: Explanation: A TTR in the nctelist record for the menher named in the message following this message was nct updated. The TTR is either pointing tc a record that is not within this merrber or to a record within the member that is after the notelist record. System Action: The rrember is copied. However the invalid TTR will be the same in the receiving notelist as i t was in the source note list. The program then attempts to copy the next member. Proqrammer Response: Correct the invalid TTR. This may require that the correct TTR be placed in both the scurce and 344 Messages 6 codes (Release 21.1) The c{:en routine encountered a {:errranent input/cutout errcr while atterr{:ting to read user input header labels. ~yste!!-Ac~ion: IEHMOVE returns to the user, {:oints tc the label in error, ignores the return ccde, and terminates the operaticn. Rrogram~er ResFcnse: If user label inforrration is desired, rebuild the user labels. Problem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, item 29. Table II, FOrrrat 1: trace option TRACE=S!QLIO. Have the data set with the failing labels available. o o IEB3331 PERMANENT I/O ERROR WBILE READING USER INPUT TRAILER LABELS. NO MCRE LABELS WILL BE PROCESSED §y§!~~~£tion: Explanation: The end-of-volume routine encountered a perrranent input/output error while atterr.pting to read user input trailer labels. System Action: IEHMOVE returns to the user, points to the label in error, ignores the return code, and terminates the operation. Prograrrroer Response: If user label informaticn is desired, rebuild the user labels. Problem Determination: Table I, item 29. Table II, Format 1: trace cption TRACE=SIO,IO. Have the data set with the failing labels available. IEH3341 PERMANENT I/O ERROR WHILE WRITING USER OUTPUT HEADER LABELS. NO MORE LABELS wILL BE PROCESSE1:: Explanation: 'Ihe open routine encountered a permanent input/output errcr while attempting to write user output header labels. o errcr cr record length check cccurred for the reccrd just read. System Action: IEHMOVE returns to the user, points to the label in error, ignores the return code, and terminates the operation. Proqramrr.er Response: If user label information is desired, rebuild the user labels. Problem Determination: Table I, item 29. Table II, Format 1: trace cption TRACE=SIO,IO. Have the data set \<\iith the failing user labels available. IEB3351 PERMANEN'I I/O ERROR WHILE wRI'IING USER OUTPUT 'IRAILER LABELS. NO MORE LABELS WILL BE PROCESSED Explanation: 'Ihe c lose routine encountered a permanent input/output error while attempting to write user output trailer labels. system Action: IEHMOVE returns t9 the user, points to the label in error, ignores the return code, and terminates the operation. Programrr.er Response: If user label information is desired, rebuild the user labels. Problem Determination: Table I, item 29. Table II, Format 1: trace cption TRACE=SIO,IO. Have the data set with the failing labels available. terrrinated. The functicn is (Return ccde is 8.) ~arrme~~sEcnse: Ensure that the input data set is sfecified ccrrectly. Prcblerr· Deterrrir:aticn: Tatle I, items 1, 22-;--29:--TableIl,Fcrrrat 1: trace option - TRAf!=SIQL1Q. Have the failing data set available. IEH3391 I/C ERROR ENCOUN'IERE[ IN INPU'I DA'IA SE'I ~~Ela~~ticn: A ferrranent input/output errcr occurred while reading the input data set. §yste~_~£ti2~: The request is igncred. (Return code is 8.) R~£gra~rrer_BesEcnse: Ensure that the infut data set is valid. Prcblerr Deterrriraticr:: Tatle I, items 1, 22:-29:--Have-the failing data set available. IEH3461 CATALCG CANNOT EE LOCA'IEC, OR CON'IROL VCI.UMES ARE CCNNEC'IE[ 'IO EACH O'IHER ~~E1~~~tio~: In the staterrent preceding this rressage, nc catalcg exists on the specified contrcl vclurre, cr the ccntrol vclurres are ccnnected inccrrectly to each other. §Y§!err Acticn: 'Ihe request is ignered. (Return code is 8.) Ercgr~~!!:er_Re~Ecnse: Make sure that there is a cataleg cr the specified vclume, and that the centrel vclurres are cerrectly cennected te each cther. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 25d:-2-9-.------ I~-22: Tatle I, items 1, IEH3481 I/C ERROR ENCOUNTERE[ IN CA'IALOG ~~~na~~2D: A perrranent input/output errcr eccurred while reading cr writing the cataleg. §yste!!:_~ct~en: The request is ignered. (Return cede is 8.) Prcblem Deterrrir:aticn: Tatle II, Format 1: trace cpticr - TRACE=SIO,IO. HaVE the failing catalcg data set availatle. IEH3491 UNABLE TO MOUNT VOLUME ser xxxx ~xElan~ticD: IEH3361 AN UNCORREC'IABLE ERROR OCCURED wHILE READING 1::A'IA SET dsn o Explanation: 'Ihe data event control block (DECB) for input data set dsn indicated that an error other than an input/output Nc device was allecatee for the vclume whese serial nurrter is ser. In the rr.essage text, xxxx is the acticn taken. §yste~_Act~2~: The request is igncrEc. (Return cede is 8.) IEH Messages - IEHMOVE 345 ~ ~ Proqrarnmer Response: Ensure that a DD statement for the device exists and is consistent with the utility control statements. Problem Determination: 2, 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH3511 DATA SE'I dsn NOT CATALOGED. AVAILABLE IN THE CATALOG SPACE NCT Explanation: The catalog is full; therefore, data set dsn cannot be cataloged. system Action: The data set is not cataloged. (Return code is 8.) Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 29. Table II. Forrrat 1: tracE oJ::tion _. TRACE=SIO,IO. o IEH3621 DATA SET dsn MAY NOT BE SCRATCHED ON VCLUME (S) EXFlanatio~: An abncrroal condition (such as an input/outJ::ut errcr) occurred; therefore, data set dsn could not te scratched. 2ysterr ~ction: PrccEssing countinuEs with the next functicn tc be performed. (Return code is 4.) RrcgraIr~r ResF~: Scratch the data set. Programrrer Response: Increase the size of the catalog and catalog the data set. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 29. Execute IEHDASDR to obtain a printed copy of the catalog and save the output. IEH3541 DATA SE'1 dsn NOT CA'I'ALOGED. STRUCTURE INCONSISTENT INDEX Explanation: Either the index structure is invalid or the catalog already has an entry for data set dsn. Therefore, the data set cannot be cataloged. System Action: The data set is not cataloged. (Return code is 4.) Programmer Response: Catalog the data set, if it is not already cataloged. Problem Determination: 13, 22, 25d, 29. Table I, items 1, Prcblem Deterrrir,aticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25a, 29. Tatle II, Format 1: trace oJ::ticn - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEH363I DATA SET JUST COPIEB WAS NOT SUCCESSFULLY UNCATALOGED EXFlan~ti cn: A J::errranent input/output error occurred during the uncatalog operation; therefcre, the data set was copied but not uncataloged. systerr_Actio~: Prccessing continuEs witb the next functicn tc be performed. (Return code is 4.) Prcgrarr;Irer set. Resg~: Uncatalcg the data Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25b. 29. Tatle II, Fcrmat 1: trace oJ::tion - TRACE=SIO,IO. () IEH3641 THE BATA SET JUST COPIED WAS NOT SUCCESSFULLY CATALCGEB IEH3561 DATA SET dsn NOT CA'IALOGED. SEl' NAME INv1H.ID DATA ~XFla~tion: Explanation: 'Ihe data set name. dsn, is inappropriate for cataloging; therefore, the data set cannot be cataloged. system Action: The data set is not cataloged. (Return code is 8.) Programrner Response: Correct the data set name and catalog the data set. Problem Determination: 13, 22, 29. Table I. items 1. IEH3611 DATA SET dsn NOT MOVED/COPIED TO systerr: Action: Prccessing cont.inu€s with the next functicn tc be performed. (Return code is 4.) VOLU~E(S) Explanation: An abnormal condition (such as an input/output error) occurred; therefore, data set dsn could not be moved or copied. System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next function to be performed. (Return code is 4.) Prograrr~er Response: Ens~re that the input data set is valid. 346 The data set was copied but not cataloged cn the 'TO' volume for one of the following reasons: • The SYSCTLG data set does not exist on the sJ::ecified vclurre. • The existing index structure does not perrr~t the catalcging of the data SEt. • No sJ::ace is availatle in the catalog. • A perrranent in:t:nt/cutput errcr occurred during the catalcg operation. • The data set is already cataloged on the receiving vclurre. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Prcgrarr~r ResFcnse: aJ::plication errcr. Correct the Problem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25d, 29. Tatle II, Fermat 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEH3651 DATA SET dsn MAY STILL EXIST ON VOLUME(S) EXFlanatio~: An unusual condition (such as a permanent input/output error) occurred during the scratch operation; o o therefore, data set dsn was moved but not scratched from the source vclume(s). System Action: Processing centinues with the next function to be perfcrmed. (Return code is 4.) Proqrarrmer Response: set, if required. Scratch the data Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25a, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. Frcblern Deterrrinatien: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25d, 29. Tatle II, Fcrmat 1: trace opticn - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEH3721 I/C ElmOR ENCOUNTEREI: IN WORK DATA SE'l EXFla~ticn: A perrranent input/output error cccurred while reading cr writing the wcrk data set. Possitly secondary space was specified in the SYSU'll DD staterr!ent. system Action: The MOVE/COPY request is ignored. (Return ccde is 12.) Pr~!!!mer--BesFense: IEH3661 THE DATA SE'l JUST MOVED MAY EXIST ~ITH AN INTERNALLY GENERATED NAME ON VOLU~E(S) Explanation: An unusual condition (such as a permanent input/output error) occurred; therefore, a specified rename operation was not successful. An internally generated narr.e may have been assigned to the moved data set. System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next function to be performed. (Return code is 8.) o Proqrarolter Response: Use IEHLIST to determine the temporary narre (the name beginning with **TEMP). Then, use IEHPROEM to rename the data set from the temporary name to the required name. Problerr Determinaticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25b, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. Check the SYSU'll DD staterrent. Leave eut any space specification. Use the POWER parameter if necessary. Frcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 29. Table II, F'orrr.at 1: traee option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEH373I UNABLE TO MOUNT VOLUME sere OR REFLACE REQUESTS IGNORED SOME INCLUDE EXFla~~ti~B: The velURe whose serial nurrber is ser cannct te mounted. systerr Action: The INCLUDE and REPLACE requests referring te the specified volume are ignored. (Return eode is 8.) Prcqrarrrrer ResFense: Ensure that a DD staterr€nt for the velURe exists. Prcblern Deterrrinatien: 2, 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH367 I THE DATA SE'I JUST MOVED WAS NOT SUCCESSFULLY UNCATALOGED Explanation: A perrranent input/output error occurred during the uncatalog operation; therefore, the data set was moved but not uncataloged. EXFlanaticn: Data set dsn does not reside on the volurre whese serial nurrber is sere System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next function tc be performed. (Return code is 4.) Systerr Action: The INCLUDE or REPLACE staterrents that refer to data set dsn are ignored. (Return cede is 8.> Proqrarrner Response: set. Prograrrrrer ResFense: Probatle user error. Ensure that the DD statement for the indicated volurre is correct. Uncatalog the data Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25d, 29. Table II, Fcrmat 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. IEH3681 THE DATA SE'l JUST MOVED WAS NOT SUCCESSFULLY RECATALOGED Explanation: Either an input/output error occurred during the catalog cperation, or the existing index structure in the catalog does not perrrit the cataloging of the data set. Therefore, the data set was moved but the catalog was net updated. o IEH3741 DATA SET dsn NOT FOUND ON VOLUME sere INCLUDE OR REPLACE REQUEST IGNORED Prcblem Deterninatien: 13, 22, 25a, 29. IEH3751 DATA SET dsn IS NOT PARTITIONED. CR REPLACE REQUEST IGNORED EXFlan~ticn: INCLUDE Data set dsn is not partiticned. systg!L~ction: The INCLUCE request or the 'including' part ef the REPLACE request is ignored. (Return cede is 8.) System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next function to be perfcrmed. (Return code is 4.) Programmer ResFcnse: set is valid. Proqrarrroer Response: set. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 13, 22, 25bc, 29. Recatalog the data Table I, items 1, Ensure that the data Table I, items 1, IEH Messages - IEHMOVE 347 ~ ~ IEH3761 RECORD CHARACTERISTICS NOT COMPATIBLE xxxx. INCLUDE OR REPLACE REQUEST IGNORED Explanation: Attribute xxx x of the output data set is not compatible with that of the input data set. System Action: The INCLUDE request or the 'including' part of the REPLACE request is ignored. (Return code is S.) Programmer Response: Ensure that the record characteristics of the input and output data sets are co«patible. Problem Determination: 25bc, 29. Table I, items IEH3831 INVALIt DEVICE NAME EXElanation: In the state«,ent preceding this message, a device name is invalid. o system~ction: The reqUest is igncred. (Return code is S.) proqr~!~~~2Fcnse: Prokable user error. Correct the device name on the preceding state«ent. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH384I GENERIC DEVICE NAME ERR ~.!Flana:ticn: In the state«ent preceding this «essage, a devioe name is invalid. IEH3771 DATA SET dsn REQUIRES TRACK OVERFLOw FEATURE INCL/REPL REQUEST I-GNORED Explanation: The data set dsn was originally written with track overflow, but the source device does not support the track overflow feature. System Action: The include or replace request for this data set is ignored. (Return code is 8.) syste~~ction: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Proqrarrrrer~sFcnse: Prokable user error. Ccrrect the device name on the preceding statement. Prcblem Deter«inaticn: 13~22:~:----------- Table I, items 1, IEH385I SELECT OP NOT VALIt Programmer Response: Change the job control language to specify a device that supports track overflow. Problem Determination: 4, 25b, 29. ~:t~mAction: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Explanation: Member men: is not contained in partitioned data set dsn. System Action: .The INCLUDE request or the 'including' part of the REPLACE request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Progra«mer Response: Ensure that the control statements are correct. Table I, items 1, IEH3811 ERROR ENCOUNTERED IN SCRATCHING wORR FILES Explanation: Either a work file could not be located, or an input/output error occurred during the scratch operation. Therefore, the work file(s) could not ke scratChed. System Action: The MOVE/COPY request is ignored. (Return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Ensure that a SYSUT1 DD statement exists and specifies a sufficient amount of space. If the POWER=n parameter is used, ensure that the space is equivalent tc 80xn tracks. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25ab, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. 348 The SELECT statement preceding this «essage is net valid with the specified MOVE er COPY operation. Table I, items 1, IEH3801 MEMBER mem NOT FOUND IN DATA SET dsn. INCLUDE OR REPLACE REQUESTS IGNORED Problem Determination: 13, 22, 25c, 29. !;ill~.!!~ti£n: Messages i Codes (Release 21.7) (j R~amrrer ResFcnse: Prokable user error. Correct the preceding control statement. Problem Deter«inaticn: 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH3881 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE IEHMOVE WORK FILES EXFlana:tion: IEHMOVE was unakle to allocate space for the work files. Either no SYSUT1 I:D state«ent was included with the jcb step cr"there was insufficient space on the direct access volume aSSigned tc the SYSUTl tD staterrent. §ysterr Action: The program is terminated. (Return code is 12.) Programmer ResFcnse: Ensure that a SYSUT1 DD statement exists and contains the equivalent, of 80 tracks on a 2311 device. (If the POWER=n paraIreter is used, ensure that the space is equivalent to 80xn tracks. ) Prcblem Deter«inaticn: 13, 22, 25a, 29. Takle I, items 1, IEH3891 I/O ERROR ENCOUNTEREI: IN INPUT DATA SET' EXFlanatioil: A per«anent input/output errcr occurred while reading the input data set. System Action: The request is (Return code is 8.) i~nored. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o Programmer Response: Ensure that the ~nput data set is specified correctly. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 25b, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO,IO. Have the input data set available. IEH3901 INVALID DATA SET NAME SPECIFIED IN RENAME-PARAMETER Explanation: A dsname containing invalid characters, or a subname exceeding eight characters is specified in the RENAME parameter. System Action: Processing continues with the next function to be performed. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 3, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH4011 DATA SET dsn {UNLOADED } --xxxx through NOT MOVED/COPIED IEH4291 Explanation: Data set dsn was unloaded or was not moved or copied for the reason indicated by xxxx. System Action: The data set is unloaded or the MOVE/COPY request is ignored, as applicable. (Return code is 4.) Programmer Response: Correct the error ~ndicated in the message text. Problem Determination: 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, or CATALOG= parameter. A name is invalid if it does not exist in the specified catalog, or if it contains syntax errors. • An error occurred while the system was trying to obtain a model DSCB for a generation data group. • A particular NODE (specified in CATALOG = NODE) was found via a CVOL pointer entry. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Make sure that the SYSCTLG data set ~s valid, and that the names specified in the CATALOG= and DSGROUP= parameters and the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements are correct. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 2Sad, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=SIO ,,10. Execute IEHDASDR to list the contents of the SYSCTLG data set. IEH4361 DATA SET dsn, VOLUME ser, NOT SCRATCHED DUE TO I/O ERROR Explanation: An uncorrectable input/ output error occurred in data set dsn on the volume whose serial number is sere System Action: not scratched. The data set is moved, but (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: set. Scratch the data Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 2Sa, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace option - TRACE=S,IO,IO. IEH440I RECFM AND BLKSIZE ARE INCONSISTENT. IEH4331 DATA SET NOT MOVED/COPIED BECAUSE INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, SELECT, OR REPLACE REQUEST WHILE LOADING/UNLOADING Explanation: INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, SELECT, or REPLACE requests cannot be processed while loading or unloading a data set. System Action: The MOVE/COPY request is ignored. (Return code is 4.) Programmer Response: Either correct the cause of the UNLOAD indicated by message IEH40SI, or remove the INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, SELECT, or REPLACE requests following the IEHMOVE control statement. Problem Determination: 13, 22, 29. Explanation: The record format (RECFM) and/or block size (BLKSIZE) specified for the unloaded data set are not the same as those specified for the receiving data set. IEHMOVE will not reblock or change record format while performing a load or unload operation. System Action: The request is ignored. (The return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Make sure BLKSIZE and RECFM specified for receiving data set are the same specified for the unloaded data it was unloaded. that the the as those set before Table I, items 1, IEH43S1 ERROR ENCOUNTERED WHILE ANALYZING THE SYSCTLG DATA SET Explanation: One of the following conditions has occurred: • An input/output error occurred while the system was reading the SYSCTLG data set. • An invalid name was specified either as the name of an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement or as a value in the DSGROUP= Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 2Sa, 29. Execute IEBPTPCH to print the first block of the unloaded data set; save the output. IEH4S01 REQUEST TERMINATED BECAUSE DATA SET SPANS MORE THAN S VOLUMES Explanation: The data set extends over the maximum of S volumes; therefore, the data set is not moved or copied. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) o IEH Messages - IEHMOVE 349 Proqrarr.rrer Response: Problem Determination: 13, 22, 25c, 29. Nene. IEH4611 UNABLE TO OPEN {INPUT} DATA SET SYSIN Table I, items 1, EXfl~E~tion: IEH4511 TRACK OVERFLOW FEATURE REQUIRED eN DEVICE THAT ~OES NO~ HAVE ~ACK OVERFLOft FEATURE Explanation: A data set to be moved or copied was originally written with track overflow, but the source device does not support the track overflow feature. System Action: The request is ignored. (Return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Change the job control language to specify a device that supports track overflow. Problerr Determinaticn: 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH4521 THE ~ATA SE~ BEING MOVED/COPIED IS UNMOVABLE. UNMOVABLE DA~A MUST BE BEFORE I~S NEX~ USE ~AR~ED UPDA~ED Explanation: A data set being moved or copied from one direct access device to another contains locaticn dependent informaticn; that is, the unmovable bit in the ~SORG field of the data set control block (~SCB) is cn. System Action: The data set is moved, and processing continues normally~ Proqrarnrrer Response: Update the location dependent information in the moved or copied version of the data set. (For example, use IEHIOSUP tc update the ~~R entries in the transfer control tables of the supervisor call library (SVC library) after the library has been rroved.) Problerr Determination: 13, 25a, 29. IEH4601 INVALID DA~A Either no DD statement was previded to define the input cr SYSIN data set, cr the bleck size specified for the data set is net a nultiple of the logical recqrd length. Syst~rr Action: The MOVE/COPY request is ignored. (Return ccde is 12.) Frcqr~!!!!er_ResFense: Ensure that a DD staterrent exists fcr the data set ana that the specified bleck size is ccrrect. Preblem Deterrrir.atien: 13, 22, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH462I NO RECORD FOUND OCCURRED READING DATA SET dsn Explanation: One of the following conditions was encountered while reading a direct organization data set: • The record ferrrat ef the data set is fixed (F), ar.d a track within the aata set is not ccrrpletely filled with reccrds. • ~he record ferrrat is variable (V) or undefined (U), and not all tracks were initialized when the data set was created. • An uncorrectable errcr occurred. §Y§terr Action: Message IEE361I is also issued. (Return cede is 8.) Pr~arrrrer ResFcnse: Ensure that the data set ccnforrrs te the standards of a direct organization data set. . Prcblem Deterrrinatien: Table I, items 1, 13, 22, 29. Table II, Forrrat 1: trace eption - TRACE=SIO,IO. Have the data set available. Table I, items 1, IEHINITf Program Messages SET ORGANIZATION IEH601I INVALID CONTROL STATEMENT Explanation: One of the following error conditicns occurred: • The source data set is not a partitioned, physical sequential, or direct access (BDAM) data set. • While attempting to move or copy a catalog, the DSORG field indicates a partitioned, physical sequential, or direct access data set. Therefore, the data set cannot be processed by IEHMOVE. System Action: The MOVE/COPY request is ignored. (Return code is 12.) Prograrrrrer Reponse: Correct the data set organization specified in the data set control block (DSCB). Problem Determination: 13, 22, 25a, 29. 350 Table I, items 1, Messages' Codes (Release 21.7> Ex~nation: The censtruction of the contrcl staterrent preceding this message is invalid. Systerr Action: Processing continues with the next INITT utility control statement. (Return code is S.) Proqrarerrer ResFcnse: Pro1::able user error. Correct the ccnstructicn of the preceding statement and rerun the job tc label those tapes that were bypassed. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 2, 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH602I INVALID KEYWORD EXFlanation: In the control statement preceding this rressage, a keyword is incorrect. o o System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next INI'!"I utility control statement. (Return code is 8.> step by the asscciated DD statenent. (Return code - 8.> Prcgramn,er ReSFcnse: PrograIrner Response: Probable user error. OOrrect the keyword cn the preceding statement and rerun the job to label those tapes that were bypassed. Nene. PreheIm Deternir.aticn: 2:~~c~i~~-.----- Table I, items 1, IEH607I ALLOCATED DEVICES EXHAUSTED Problem Determination: 2, 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, §xFlan~tif~: All devices allccated to this job step (specified in DD statement associated with the ccntrol statement being processed> have been eliwinated as nountable devices. IEH603I INVALID PARAMETER VALUE Explanation: In the control statement preceding this message, a parameter is incorrect. §ysten_Ac~!cn: Prccessing continues witb the next INITT utility control statement. (Return code is 8.> System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next INIT'! utility control statement. (Return code is 8.> E~~~nn~_ResFcnse: Probable user error. If message IEE606I precedes this message, ensure that the paraneters en tbe applicable CD statenent are ccrrect. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter en the preceding statement and rerun the jeb te label those tapes that were bypassed. Problem Determinatien: 2, 3, 13, 29. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 2~7c,-1~-~-- Table I, items 1, IEH608I I/C EBROR ON SYSIN. IEH604I OPERATOR SUPPRESSED VOLUME LABEL ser o Table I, items 1, JOB TERMINATED §~Elan~tio~: A pernanent input/output error was enccuntered while the SYEIN data set was either being cpened cr being read. Explanation: The tape that was to be labeled with serial number ser was not mounted by the operator. Syste~_~£~ion: The job is terrr.inated. (Return code is 16.> System Action: The current serial number is reserved for the unIreunted tape, and the next number is used for the next tape to be labeled. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Find out why the tape was nct mounted, and take any indicated acticn--checking the console log for additienal background. Prcgramrer Res.]:cnse: Proba1::1e user error. Ensure that the CCE parameters on the SYSIN DD statenent are correct, particularly the ELOCKSIZE specification. If the CD statenent is correct, the error prcbably occurred when the data set was being read. Problem Determinatien: 2, 3, 13, 29. 2, 3, 7c, 13, 29. Prcblerr. Deternir.aticn: Table I, items 1, IEH605I INVALID DEVICE ALLOCATED ON ddd IEH609I I~VALID Ta1::1e I, items 1, DEVICE SPECIFIED FOR ASCII LAEELING Explanation: Device ddd was removed from operation -- that is, i t is either unacceptable or not online. EXElanatif~: The tape to be initialized in ASCII code is nct Irounted cn a 9-track unit. System Action: The device is removed from the list of devices allecated to this job step by the associated DD statement. (Return code is 8.> §ysterr_Act!f~: Prccessing continues witb the next INITT ccntrcl statewent. (The return code is 8.> Programrer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the parameters cn the applicable DD statenent are correct. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 7c, 13, 29. Rrogra~~~ ResEcnse: Proba1::1e user error. Change the correspcnding DD card to specify a 9-track unit. Table I, items 1, IEH606I PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON ddd Prcblere Deterninaticn: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, 13, 29. IEH6101 I~VALID PARM OR PARM LIST PASEED TO IEHINITT o Explanation: A pernanent input/output error was encountered on device ddd. System Action: The device is removed from the list of devices allecated to this job EXFlanation: Ar. invalid paraIreter is coded in the EXEC statement or in the parameter list passed 1::y a LINK or ATTACH rracro. .IEH Messages - IEHINITT 351 System Action: The job is terminated. (The return code is l6.) IEH7021 NC FOUN:C CONDITION SEARCHING FOR mem ~xFlan~tion: Programr:er Response: Probable user error. Check the parameters passed to IEHINITT for validity. Menber n,em could not l::e found in the directory of the SYS1.SVCLIB data set. Problem Determinaticn: 3, 13, 29. 2Y§1~Action: Table I, items 1, IEH6111 INVALIJ: DENSITY SPECIFIED, DEFAULT VALUE USED Explanation: The density sFecified in the DCB parameter of the DD statement is invalid for the unit requested. system Acticn: The default density value for the unit requested is used. Programrr.er Response: Probable user error. If the labels are to be written at a different density than the default value, change the density value in the DCB parameter and relabel the taFe(s}. Probelm Determinaticn: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, The Frcgrarr is terminated. (Return code is 12.) Rrograrrmer ResFcnse: Either use IBCRCVRP or IEHATLAS tc reccnstruct the EYSDTl data set or, if possible, use a backup copy of the data set. Problem Deterninaticn: 3, 13, 14, 29. IEH7001 THE LOAr; MODULES OF mod[,modl HAVE NeT BEEN UPJ:A'IED Explanation: Because of an unrecoverable error condition, modules mod have not been updated. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Either use IBCRCVRP or IEHATLAS to reconstruct the SYSUTl data set or, if possible, use a backup copy of the data set. IEH7031 A PERMANENT I/C ERROR DETECTED ON A CCMMAN:C CHAIN CF- SEARCH Ir;=,TIC,WRI'lE DATA. MBBCCHHR=nb1::cchhr §~Flan~tio!!: A Fernanent input/output error occurred while uFdating the mem1::er whcse absolute address is nb1::cchhr. In the rressage text, rr, is the extent nunber, bb is the bin number, cc is thE cylinder nunber, hh is the head num1::er, and r is the reccrd nurrber. Prograrrmer ResFcnse: Either use IBCRCVRP or IEHATLAS tc reccnstruct the EYSD'll data set or, if possible, use a backup copy of the data set. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 3, 13, 14, 29. o IEH7041 EL:CL HAS DETECTE:D A PERMANENT I/O ERROR EXFlanation: A Fern,anent input/output error occurred during executicn of a BLDL macro i nstructi cn. Syste!LAction: The Frograrr is terminated. (Return code is 12.) Programmer ResFcnse: Either use IBCRCVRP cr IEHATLAS to reccnstruct the SYSD'll data set or, if possible, use a backup copy of the data set. Problem Deterninaticn: Explanation: A permanent input/output error occurred while searching for the member whose absolute address is mbbcchhr. In the message, m is the extent number, bb is the bin number,cc is the cylinder number, hh is the head number, and r is the record number. System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code is 12.) Programmer Response: Either use IBCRCVRP or IEBATLAS to reconstruct the SYSUTl data set or, if possible, use a backup copy of the data set. 352 Table I, items 1, Table I, items 1, IEH701I A PERMANENT I/O ERROR DETECTED ON A COMMAN:C CHAIN OF SEARCH ID=,TIC,READ DATA. MBBCCHER=mbbcchhr Problem Determination: 3, 13, 14, 29. Table I, items 1, 2Ysterr. Action: The Frogran is terminated. (Return code is 12.) IEHIOSUP Program Messages Problem Determination: 3, 13, 14, 29. o Table I, items 1, Messages t Codes (Release 21.7) Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 14, 29. IEH705I ZERO LENGTH RECORD REA:C AT A:CDRESS MEECCHHR nbbcchhr EXFlanaticn: An unexFected zero length record was found while updating the member whcse absolute address is nbbcchhr. In the message text, m is the extent nunber, bb is the bin number, cc is the cylinder nunber, hh is the head number, and r is the reccrd number. System Action: The Frograrr is terminated. (Return code is l2.) Programmer ResFcnse: Either use IBCRCVRP or IEHATLAS to reccnstruct the EYED'll data o o set or, if possible, use a backup copy of the data set. keywords. the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 14, 29. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH707I SYSUTl DATA SET NOT OPENED IEH803I INVALID PARAMETER=(~arameter) An IEHtASDR utility control staterrent contains an invalid parameter value in the cI;erand field; fcr example, CPYVCLIt=YSE, rather than CPYVOLID=YES. system Action: The job ste~ is terminated. (The return code is 12.) Syste~ Actign: Prccessing continues with the next IEHDASDR ccntrol statement. (The return code is 8.) IEHDASDR Program Messages Prcqramn:er ResFcnse: Probable user error. Consult the IEECAStR sI;ecifications for required keywords and faraneters. Correct the ccntrol statenent and rerun the job. IEH800I INVALII; CONTROL S'IATEMENT. LAST COI.·UlJ.N SCANNEI;=(decimal nurrber 1 to 71) Explanation: An IEHDASDR utility control statement is coded incorrectly (for example, a syntax error was encountered). The column number of the last column scanned is included in the n:essage .• Preblem Deterninaticn: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH804I RECUIREC KEYWORC(S) MISSING EXFlanation: A necessary keywerd or keywerds are erritted from an IEHDASDR utility centrel statement. System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next IEHI;ASDR contrcl statement. (The return code is 8.) §ysten: Action: Prccessing continues with the next IEHDASCR ccntrol statement. (The return code is 8.) Proqran:n:er Response: Probable user error. Check for keypunch or format errors in the last column scanned as indicated above. Correct and rerun the jcb. Proqramn:er ResFcnse: Probable user error. Censult the IEEtAStR s~ecifications for required keywcrds and ~araneters. Correct the centrol staten.ent and rerun the job. Table I, items 1, IEH801I INVALII; COMMAND=(corrmand) Prcblem Deterninatien: 3, 13, 29. Explanation: An IEHDASDR utility control statement contains an operaticn that is not valid; for example, RESTERE, rather than REST·ORE. Table I, items 1, IEH805I DDNAME=ddnarre CANNOT BE OPENED EXFlanation: The narred DD statement does nct exist or is coded incorrectly. System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next IEHDASDR ccntrcl statement. (The return code is 8.) Systen Action: Precessing centinues with the next IEHDASCR centrol statement. (Thereturn code is 8.) Programlier Response: Probable user error. Check for keypunch or fcrmat errors. Check the IEHDASDR specifications for acceptable control codes. Correct the statement and rerun the job. Problen: Determination: 3,13, 29. Table I, items 1, EXFlan~tioE: Explanation: IEHIOSUP was unable to open the data set specified in the SYSUTl DD statement. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Correct the statement and rerun R~anner ResFcnse: Probable user error. Make sure that a :CI; staten~ent is present and centains the cerrect :CI;NAME as specified in the related control staterrent. Rerun the job. Table I, items 1, Prcblen: Deterninaticn: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH802I INVALID KEYWORD=(keyword) Explanation: An IEHDASDR utility control staten:ent contains an invalid keyword in the operand field; for exan:~le, CPYVULIC=YES, rather than CPYVOLID=YES. System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next IEHCASDR contrel statement. (The return code is 8.) o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check control staterr.ent for fossible keypun~h or format error. Ccnsult IEHDASI;R specifications for acceptable I IEH806I(RESTORE TO }DDNAME=ddnan:e IS COMPLETE. DUMP TO LAEEL OF GETALT FOR FCRMAT OF ANALYSIS OF [VCLUME SERIAL NO.=xxxxxx] EXFlanation: The indicated fUnction has conpleted successfully on the device specified on the indicated DD statement. If the ·to· velurre is a direct access vclume, the vclune serial number is indicated in the message by xxxxxx. IEH Messages - IEHDASDR 353 System Action: Processing centinues with the next IEHDASDR contrel statement. §Y§ten Action: Precessing continues with the next IEHDAS£R centrol statement. (The return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Prograrrmer ResFense: Protable user error. Correct the DD statenent so that it describes a direct aecess device. Nene. IEH807D cuu (or cuu/h) HAS UNEXPIRED DATA SETS, serial, jobname, stepnan.e. Problem Deterrrinatien: 3, 13, 17a, 29. Explanation: T·he user specified the PURGE keyword and IEHDASDR encountered one or more unexpired data sets on the indicated volume while attempting to ~erform an ANALYZE, FORMAT, DUMP, or RESTORE operation. The deviee defined ty the indicated DD statement is not a magnetic tape drive. EXFlanatie~: systern Action: Precessing continues with the next IEHDASDR centrol statement. (The return code is 8.) grogrammer ResFense: Probable user error. Cerrect the £D statement so that it describes a nagnetie tape drive. Preblem Deterninatien: 3,13, 17a, 29. EXFlanation: A ddnane specified in an IEHDASDR centrel statement has no corresponding ddnarre in a DD statement. Either a necessary 1:1: staterrent is missing or a ddnarne is rrisspelled in an existing DD stateroent. Explanation: 'Ihe operator issued an invalid reply to message IEH807D or IEH841D. systerr Action: Processing centinues with the next IEHDASDR utility contrel statereent. (The return code is 8.) Operator Response: Enter the correct reply when message IEH807D or IEH841D is again issued. Programrrer ResFense: Protable user error. Check the DD staterrent for correctDDNAME as specified in the related centrol staterrent. Cerrect the staterrent and rerun the job. IEH809I {R} cuu (or cuu/b), serial, jobname, N stepnane [,NOW OFFLINE] Explanation: R indicates that the specified volume, cuu (er cuu/b for a 2321 vol ume), is to be deniounted. The previous IEHDASDR operation resulted in identical serial numbers beipg placed on two or more direct access volumes. If the duplicate serial number was placed on a 2321 or a non-demountable volume, that volume is also placed offline. N indicates that the specified volume, cuu (or cuu/b for a 2321 volume), was assigned the indicated serial number, and the volume is unavailable to the system. System Action: Processing centinues when the message indicates R. Otherwise, no action is required or taken by the system. Operator Response: R -- den;ount the specified volume. N -- no response necessary. IEH810I TODD DDNAME=ddname IS NOT DIRECT ACCESS Explanation: The device defined by the indicated DD statement is not a direct access device. 354 Table I, items 1, IEH812I UNABLE TO MATCH DDNAME=ddnarre IEH808I REPLY IN ERROR. REPLY WI'IH 'U' OR 'T', jobname, stepname. I Table I, items 1, IEH811I FRCMDD DDNAME=ddnarr,e IS NOT A TAPE system Action: Processing continues according to the operator's response. If the operator responds with REPLY xx,'U' processing continues. If he. replies with REPLY xx, ''I' the operation is terminated and processing continues with the next function to be performed. Operator Response: A response of REPLY xx,'U' will allow IEHDASDR to overwrite all existing data sets on the volume regardless of the expiration date specified in the VTOC. A response of REPLY xx,' 'I' will terminate the operation and continue processing with the next function. Messages i Codes (Release 21.7) 0 Preblem Deterrrinatien: 3, 13, 17a, 29. I IEH813I o Tatle I, items 1, SYSTEM ERROR ENCOUNTERED DURING SVC {~~}, ddn or SYSTE:M ERROR jebnarre, stepname, unit address, device type, ddnaree, operation attempted, errer description, last SEek address or bleck count, access method. EXFlanation: Either a system error occurred during an SVC 29 or 82 (as indicated in the reessage) or a system. error occurred while processing other than the above SVCS en the named device. If possible, error analysis information such as jobname, stepnarre, unit address, device type, etc., is included in the message. systen. Action: Processing continues with the next IEHDASDR centrol statement. (The return code is 8.) Proqramrrer Res Fense: If the system- erro~: did not occur during execution of an SVC, check the ·operation attempted" field. o o The following conditions indicate a possible hardware failure and would normally require the attentien of a hardware specialist: FQP CHECK SEEK CHECK BUS OUT CK DATA C. CHECK DATA CHECK MISSING A.M. OVERRUN CHAN CTL CK POSITION CHECK INTF CTL CK Direct access volumes identified in the TODD statement experiencing errors should be varied offline and a full surface analysis performed using the ANALYZE function of; IEHD~SDR. (Do not use PASSES=O.) If the direct access volumes cannot be surface analyzed, a FORYAT function should be perfermed using IEHDASDR. 'Iape volumes identified in the TODD statement having errors should be moved to another drive, replaced by another tape, or the read/write heads of the indicated device sheuld be cleaned. Direct access volumes identified in the FROMDD statement (except the 3330) experiencing errors, should be moved to another drive and the operation rerun. Tapes identified in theFROMDD statement and experiencing errors, sheuld be moved to another drive, or the read/write heads of the indicated device should be cleaned. If the error is due to a data check or missing address marker, use IEHATLAS to correct the error. Caution: Do not move the volume to more than one other drive. A bad volume may cause damage to other devices. o Problem Determination: 3, 13, 14, 29. IEH8141 1RESTORE GFl'ALT FOR TO I" Table I, items 1, SYS'I'EM RESIDENCE IS NOT DUMP TO ANALYSIS OF FORMAT OF LABEL OF ALLOWED. DDNAME= ddname Explanation: One of the naned functions is specified for the system residence volume. 'Ihe ddname identifies the DD statement defining the system residence volume. Rroqramner ResEcnse: Probable user error. Mount the proper tape er direct access volume. Data dunped cnto tape can only be restored to the device ~ype from which it was dumped. Cerrect the DD statement to indicate the ccrrect device type. Prcblem Deterninatien: 3, 13, 28, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH8161 NOT A RESTORE TAPE ON DDNAME=ddname Ext:lanation: The nagnetic tape volume rreunted on the device defined by the indicated DD statenent is not a "restore" tape volune; that is, it does not contain dun,ped direct access data. Systen Action: Precessing continues with the next IEHDASDR centrol statement. (The return code is 8.) Proqramn,er ResEense: Probable user error. the proper restore tape. ~ount Preblem Deterninatien: 3, 13, 28, 29. Table I, items 1, IEB8171 FCRMAT S DSCB IN VTOC FOUND TO BE INCORRECT FOR FROMDD=ddname Explanation: Prier to a DUMP operation, the entries in the fermat5 DSCB were found to be invalid en the seurce velume. syste~_Action: All tracks within the specified range ef tracks are dumped, whether they are "owned" or nct. Precessing continues. (Return code is 4.) Proqran.mer Res pense : DSCE using IEEATLAS. Prcblerr. Deterninatien: 3, 13, 2Sb, 29. Correct the formatS Table I, items 1, IEB818I MAIN STORAGE REQUIREMENTS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS FUNCT ION Explan~tion: System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next IEHDASDR centrol statement. (The return code is 8.) Insufficient n:ain storage space was available for this function. The function was terninated. Proqran,n,er Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. systen Action: Precessing continues with the next IEBDASDR centrol statement. ('I'he return code is 8.) Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH81S1 INCORRECT' DEVICE TYPE ON RES'IQRE. DDNAME=ddname o System Action: Precessing continues with the next IEHDASDR centrol statement. (The return code is 8.) Explanation: The device type of the direct access device being restored (ddname) does not match the device type from whieh the restore tape was created. Proqramner ResEense: Probable user error. Increase the partitien or regien and rerun the operation. Cperator Respense: Issue a DISPLAY ACTIVE c'ennand as seen as the job is started. Problem Deterninaticn: 2, 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, lEE Messages - IEHDASDR 35S IEH8191 FROM~D=ddname IS NO~ DIREC~ ACCESS Explanation: An atte~ft was made to dump a volume other than a direct access volume. ~he named DD statenent defines the device containing the velume that was to be dumfed. System Actien: Processing centinues with the next IEHDASDR contrel statement. (The return code is 8.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Only direct access volurres nay be dumped using IEHDASDR. Correct the DD statement and rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 17a, 29. IEH8201 system Action: Processing centinues with the next IEEDASDR control statement. (The return code is 8.) Prograrrner Response: Probable user error. Correct the FROMDD or the ~ODD state~ent and rerun the job. Only tafes, system output devices, or identical direct access devices may be dumped te. Proble~ Determinatien: 3,13, 17a, 29. IEH8211 INVALID COPY REQUES~. Table I, items 1, DDNAME=ddname ExPlanation: An ANALYZE, FORMAT, DU~P, or RESTORE control state~ent defines multiple devices tYfes and multi fIe cCfies when they are not permitted. The named DD statement defines the invalid device. Preblem Deterninatien: 3, 13, 29. o Table I, items 1, IEB8231 THE DEVICE SPECIFIEt BY TOtD=ddname IS A DRUM tEVICE. AN ALTERNATE TRACK MUS~ BE ASSIGNEt MANUALLY. EXFla~atie~: Either a defective track has been encountered cn a drum device during precessing of an ANALYZE staterrent, or the user has defined 9 druIr device through the use of a GETALT statement. The ddname is that ef the DD statenent defining the drum device. §ysterr Action: Precessing continues with the next IEHDASDR centrol staterrent unless the oferation is an ANALYZE oferation, in which case prccessing continues with the sane staterrent. (The return code is 4.) £Ferator Respcnse: Call IBM for haraware sUffort to have a track manually assigned. IEB8241 ANALYZE TERMINATED. ~EVICE NOT OFFLINE AND CCNFIRMED. TOtD=cuu (er cuu/b for a 2321 volurre). ~xFlanatio~: The function is not ferfermed because the specified device was net flaced offline frior to the execution of the job stef and ccnfirrred by the ofera tor durir.g the jcb stef. TODt specifies the channel and unit address of the device centaining the vclume to be analyzed. The referenced device address does net have an asseciated UCB in this systerr. §yst~~Action: Prccessing continues with the next IEHDASDR centrol statement. (The return code is 8.) System Action: Processing centinues. (The return code is 8.) Progr~~~ResFense: Probable user error. Vary the device effline and ensure that the systere has ccmfleted the request. Proqrarnrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the ~ODD statement and rerun the operation. £Ferator Respense: Enter the response REFLY xx, tc the rressage IEB841D cenfirming the request. Problem Determinaticn: 3, 13, 17a, 29. Prcble~ Deterninatien: 2, 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, INVALI~ TRACK ADDRESS SPECIFIED. DDNAME=ddname ExPlanation: An invalid track address has been specified on either a DUMP statement (BEGIN or END address) or a GETAIT statereent (TRACK address). The named DD statement defines the device containing the volume to which the invalid track pertains. System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next IEHDASDR contrcl statement. (The return code is 8.) 356 ResFense: Probable user error. Cerrect the track address en the eentrol staterrent and rerun the operaticn. INVALI~ DUMP DEVICE SPECIFIED. DDNAME=ddname Explanation: A device ether than an identical type direct access device, a magnetic tape drive, or a system output device was defined as the receiving device for a ~UMP eperation. ~he named DD statement defines the device that was to be the receiving device. IEB8221 ~rarrEer Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) ·u· Table I, items 1, IEB8251 INVALID VTOC LIMITS SPECIFIED FOR TCtD=ddname EXFlanation: The VTOC=xxxxx keyword or EXTENT=xxxxx keywerd in an ANALYZE or FCRMAT contrel staterrent sfecifies an invalid starting address or extent. The VTCC cannot begin cn track 0 (or on track 1 for a 2302 er fer a 2311 with IPL text.) The VTOC cannet extend into the alternate track area or ente a second vclume. ~he indicated ddnarre is that ef the DD staterrent defining the device centaining the velume to be analyzed or formatted. o o System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next IEHDASDR ccntrcl statement. ('Ihe return cede is 8.> ~Y§!~!!:_~cticn: Progranner Response: Probable user error. Correct the V~OC or EX~EN~ Farameter. ~ffg!~!!:!!:er_B~~nse: Prob len. Determination: 3, 13, 29. Tabl e I, item s 1, IEH826I IPL TEX~ NO~ FOUND OR APPLICABLE FCR TOr:D=ddname I'rccessinq ccr.tinuEs witt the next IEHr:ASr:R ccntrol statenent. (~te return code is 8.> ~his pack cannot bE used as an IPI velunE. If IPL text is reguired, ncur:t anether pack and rErun ttE q::eraticn. IEH829I HA-RO AREA WAS r:EFEC~IVE. TOr:C=ddnamE ~~~l~~~!if~: Explanation: Either an attempt was made to supply IPL for a volume cther than a 2301, 2303, 2311, 2314, or 2319 volume, or IPL text is to be written on a valid volume but IEHDASDR cannot lccate the source copy of the IPL text. Also, the END card for IPL text may be missing or incorrect (not in colunns 2, 3, or 4>. o r:uring an ANALYZE or FOR~~1 cperaticn, the herre address/rEccrd z~ro area cf a track was fcund defEctive. ~hE naned r:r: statenent defines ttE deviCE ccntaining the velunE that has the defective HA-RO area cn onE of its tracks. ~essage IEB8131 is issued tc identify thE defective track. System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next IEBCASDR ccntrcl statement. (~he return code is 8.> §y~!~~ction: Progranner Response: Probable user error. Correct the direct access DD statement referenced in the IPLDD keYwcrd to point to the data set that contains the IPI text. Change the IPLDD keyword to point to the SYSIN data set. Follow the first control statement with the IPL ~EXT control statement and the IPL text. Ensure that the IPL text has an END card punched in colUmns ~, 3, and 4. Remove all references to IPL text. 2311 cr 2302 -- The functicn is terrrinated. ('Ihe return ccde is 8.) Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 17a, 29. If IPL text is in card form, have the deck available. The action taken dEpEnds cn the device type cf the volume having the defective HA-RO area: 2314, 2319, or 2321 -- An atterrpt is made tc rrcve the HA-Ha area tc ancther spot on the track. If the atterr-pt is unsuccessful, a return COdE cf 8 is issued. ~~~ra!2f_B~~s!se: Ecr a ncuntatlE vclurre, mcve it tc ancther drive. Defective vclunes nay caUSE damagE to devices. r:c net neVE the volune mcrE than cnce. R!cbl§.~_f~i~!.!!i~aticn..!. IEB827I NO MORE AL~ERNA~E 'IRACKS AVAILABLE FCR TOCD=ddname Explanation: An attempt was made to assign an alternate track; hcwever, there are no unassigned alternates available. The named LC statement defines the device containing the volune cn which an alternate track was to be assigned. System Action: Processing ccntinues with the next IEBDASDR contrcl statement. (The return code is 8.> Programmer Response: ANALYZE the direct access device with FLAG~ES~=NO. If this message was issued while running ANALYZE, the pack should be replaced. Problerr. Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, iterr-s 1, IEB828I TRACK ZERO IS DEFEC~IVE ON THIS VOLUME IS NON-IPLABLE. o 'Ial::le I, items 28,30. IEB830I THE VCLUME SPECIFIEr: EY TOr:r:=ddnamE HAS EECCME UNUSAELE. ~~f.!~!}!:'!!i2!}: GE'IAL~ has pEen Sfecifieo fcr the VTOC area Call data on the sfecified track is lcst), cr an ANALYZE, FCRMAT, RESTORE, cr r:UMP cferation has not ccrrfleted successfully, thus leaving thE volume in an ur:usatle conditicn. For a direct access velune, the harred r:D staterrent defir.es the device ccntaining the vclume that has l::ecome unusal::lE. For a tape volurre, the narrEd r:r: statemEnt defines the device centaining the volume that has beccne unusal::le as a restcrE tape. §y~te~_t£iion: Precessing continues witb the next IEHDASr:R centrol staterrent. (~te return code is 8.) ~ODD=ddname. Explanation: ~rack 0 cn a volume tl)at is to be analyzed, dumped to, cr restored to is defective. ~he volune cannot be nIPLed" ~he named DD statenent defines the device containing the vclune that has the defective track. Rf29~~!!:~~~-Besfsns~: If the ~ODD volume is a direct access vclume, the volume shculd be analyzed cffline. If the ~OLD is a tafe, rrcurt ancther tape and rerun tbe jcb. Prcbl~!!:~~i~~~ir:aticn..!. Table 1, itEms 1, 2,3, 13, 29. lEE Messages - lEHDASDR 357 IEH8311 DEFECTIVE cccchhhh ~RACK ON ~ODD=ddname Preblem Deterninatien: 2, 3, 13, 30. ~AS Explanation: ~his nessage lists the track address (cccchhhh) of a track found defective during an ANALYZE cr FOR~AT operation, or a track sfecified on a GETALT statement. ~he named DD statement defines the device containing the volume that has the defective track. System Action: IEH8321 ALTERNA~E ~RACK ASSIGNED ON ~ODD=ddname IS Explanation: ~his nessage lists the alternate track address of a track assigned for a track found defective during an ANALYZE or FORMA~ cFeration, or for a track specified in a GE~ALT statement. ~he named DD statement defines the device containing the vclume on which the alternate is assigned. If N/A appears in the rressage, no alternate track was assigned because the defective track is in the alternate area. IEH8331 3 BLANK TRACKS SUPPOR~ED. ~~~E~~icB: A direct access device type other than a sUFFerted device type has been specified. The named DD staterrent defines the invalid device. None. CCCChhhh} { N/A System Action: IEH8341 DIRECT ACCESS CEVICE NOT DDNAME=ddnane o systerr_Acti9B: Precessing continues with the next IEHDASDR centrol statement. (~he return code is 8.) Processing ccntinues. Operator Response: Tatle I, items 1, I Processing ccntinues. ON HEAD CHECK. ON CYLINDER CHECK. ON S~RIP CHECK. ON SUBCELL CHECK. TRK=cccchhhh, ddname I Programmer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Ccrrect the DD statenent referenced to reflect a sUPFerted device ty~e and try the jeb again. Preblem Deterninatien: 17a:~------------- Table I, items 1, IEH8351 TAPE £D STATEMENT £OES NO~ SPECIFY CORRECT LAEEL INFORMATICN FOR SECURITY PRO~EC~ION ~~E!~B~~!cn: A DUMP oFeration from direct access to tape invelved passwerd Froteeted data sets; however, ene or rrore of the fcllcwing errcr cenditions exists in the DD statement defining the nagnetie tape velune: • The LABEL paraneter specifies a latel cther than a standard latel. • The PASSWORD sutFararreter is cmitted fron the LAEEL Fararoeter. • The LABEL paraneter specifies a file nunber other than 1. ~\ ( ..) _ §~ste~_ActicE: Explanation: ~his nessage is issued during an ANALYZE operation cn a 2321 volume for one of the fcllowing reasons: The £UMP oferation is terninated. precessing continues with tbe next IEHDASDR centrel statenent. (~he return code is 8.) 1. R~~rr.ner 2. 3. 4. 3 BLANK ~RACKS ON HEAD CHECK -- Three blank tracks were encountered during an analysis or address ccmFare test on each track of a cylinder. 3 BLANK ~RACKS ON CYLINDER CHECK -Three blank tracks were encountered during an address ccmpare test of'the first track of each cylinder on a strip. 3 BLANK TRACKS ON S~IP CHECK -- Three blank tracks were encountered during an address compare test cf the firEt track cn each strip of a subcell. 3 ELANK TRACKS ON SUBCELL CHECK -Three blank tracks were encountered during an address ccmpare test of the first track of each subcell of a cell. Note: ~his message usually indicates that a 2321 has failed to "pick" a strip. ResFense: Probable user error. Ccrrect the DD statenent, the LABEL pararreter, or the PASSWORD sutparameter, and rerun the eFeraticn. Preblem Deterninatien: 3, 13, 29. Tatle I, items 1, IEH836I INCORRECT PASSWCRD WAS GIVEN FOR A SET ON DDNAME=ddnarre DA~A §~~nation: The cFerator did not provide the ccrrect passwcrd fer a password prctected data set en the specified vclume. §yste~_Action: Precessing continues witt the next IEHDASDR centrol staterr.ent. (~be return code is 8.) R~2[±~~rrer-BesFense: System Action: Processing centinues with the next IEBDASDR contrel statement. (~he return code is 8.) Proqrarr.n.er Response: Probable hardware error. Rerun the program. Provide tr.e cpErator with a list of data set nanes and thE ccrresponding Fasswcrds. Rerun thE cFeraticn~ Preblem Deterninatien: ~-~13,-29:--------- Table I, items 1, o 358 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7> o IEB8371 UNEXPIRED DA~A SET(S) NOT CONFIRMED CN TODC CDNAME=ddname Explanation: IEHDASDR encountered one or more unexpired data sets on a direct access volume. Either the user did not code the PURGE keyword or the operator did not respond with REPLY xx, 'V' after message IEB807D was issued. SYstem Action: The operatien is terminated. Processing continues with the next IEBDASDR control staterrent. (The return code is 8.) Proqrarr.rrer Response: Probable user error. Mount the proper direct access volume. Code PURGE=YES on the contrel statement and respond REPLY xx, 'u' after wessage IEB807C. Problerr. Determination: Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. IEB8381 INVALID BLOCK SIZE SPECIFIED. DDNAME={SYSIN \ SYSPRINT( Explanation: ~he block size specified on the indicated DD staterrent is not a multiple of the logical record length (LRECL). SYSIN block size rrust be a mUltiple of 80; SYSPRIN~ bleck size should be a multiple of 121. o System Action: If an invalid block size is specified for SYSIN data set, the IEBDASDR is terminated. (The return code is 16.) Rrograrr-rrer_B~§E~nse: Probable user Error. Prcvide a CD staterrent for each security prctected data set en the volurre, ana rerun the operaticn. Prcblerr. Deterrrinaticn: 3,13,29. Table I, items 1, IEH841D cuu (or cuu/b fcr a 2321 volurre) CONFIRM REC;UEST TO INITIll.LIZE LABEL (or cuu/b for a 2321 veluRe) ~~~E~tion: A vclurre is to be initialized or labelea offline ana the operator is requestea to verify that the desired volurre is rrcunted on the specified cffline device (cuu er cuu/b>. ~teE-~ction: Precessing continues according to the cperator's response. ~Eera1.Qr Re§12~nse: ~o continue prccessing, respcna REPLY xx,'U'. ~o terrrinate the cperaticn ana centinue witb the next functien, rESPOna REPLY xx, '~'. IEH8421 DATA CHECK IN KEY FIELD ON TRK=cccchhhh,ddnarre (Fcllowed by defective record.) Ex£!an~tion: DU~P function When dumping to SYSOUT, tbe was unable to read tbe specified field witheut a aata check. If there is a data check in bctb tbe key ana data fields, this rressage appears twiCE before i t is fclleweo by the defective record. §Y§te!!~ction: If an invalid block size is specified for the SYSPRINT data set, a default block size of 121 is assigned. (~he return code is 4.) The systerr output aevice contains the reccra as reaa. Processing continues. If data check is in tbe count field en a 2301, the operation terminates. Proqrarorrier Response: Probable user error. Correct the blocksize on the DD statement and rerun the operation. Pr.f9.±arr-rrer Respense: Use IEHA'ILAS to assign an alternate to the defective track, copy and ccrrect the defectivE data. Problerr Determination: 3, 13, 29. 2:~~9:--------- IEB8391 HIGBEST RE~URN CODE Table I, items 1. ENCOUN~ERED WAS xx Explanation: IEHDASDR has completed operation. The highest return code encountered was xx. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 1, IEH8431 DATA CHECK IN COUNT FIELD AND POSSIBLY IN KEY AND DATA FIELDS ON TRK=ccccbbhh,caname (Fcllowed by the defective reccrd ana tbe rerrainder of the track.> ~~~nati.Qn: System Action: The job is terminated. Proqrarrrrer Response: If the return code was other than 00, check the output listing for possible incomplete operations. Refer to actual error message for oorrective action. IEB840I NO DD CARD PROVIDED FOR ON FROIV;[D=ddname SECURI~Y DATA SET Explanation: ~he user has failed to provide a DD statement defining a security protected data set on the named device. o When dumping to SYSOUT, tbe function was unable to read tbe count field without a data check. Using the key and data lengths frcrr this count, DUMP was unable to read the key ana/or data fielas without a data check. The original aata check may have been in the length fielas of the count, er there may actually be a data check in the key and/cr aata fielas. DU~P §~~E-~ction: The systerr output aevice contains the reccra as reaa and thE rerrainder of the track (as if one recora). Processing continues. Re§pcnse: Use IEBA'ILAS to assign an alternate for the defectivE track, copy and ccrrect the defective data. .!:~.Q~amrrer System Action: Processing centinues with the next IEBDASDR control statement. (~·he return code is 8.) IEB Messages - IEBDASDR 359 Problem Determinatien: 2, 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH844I MISSING ADDRESS MARKER ONTRK=cccchhhh,ddnarre (Follewed, if possible, by the defective record and the remainder of the track.) Explanation: When dumping to SYSOUT, the DUMP function was unable to read the specified track without enceuntering a missing address marker. System Action: The system eutput device contains the last record as read and the remainder of the track (as if one record). Processing continues. Programmer Response: Use IEHATLAS to assign an alternate for the defective track, and copy and correct the defective data. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 13, 14, 29. Freblem Deterninatien: IEH849I RESTORE TERMINATED. RECUIRED. Tatle I, item 29. AtDITIONAL TAPE ~~~natieE: The syste~ ~ultivelune RESTORE tafe, requires a cut an additional velune either is net available or cannet be neunted. §:l'§!~!LActioE: The jot is terminated. FrQgarr!Ier_Besg~: Make sure that all tafe velurr·es required l:y the jet have teen subreitted with the jet, and tbat their velune serial runbers have teen specified in the DD statenent. Prcblem Deterninatien: Table I, item 29. IEH850I SUESEQUENT RESTORE VOLUMES NOT SPECIFIED IN JCL FOR DDNAME = ddn Explanation: The fUnction is not performed because the specified offline device was other than a 2314 volume. Exf1~~~tien: The system requires a rrultivelurre RESTORE, tut the JCL defines fewer tapes than required. System Action: Processing centinues with the next IEHDASDR centrel statement. (The return code is 8.) §.ysterr_Ac!:!on: Programreer Response: Probable user error. Vary the device online, changing the TCDD keyword to indicate a DDNAME. Remove the PASSES=O keyword from the centrol statement and request full surface analysis by the ANALYZE function. Problem Determination: 2, 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH847I INVALID PARAME'IER IN EXEC CARD Explanation: The LINECNT= and/or N= subparameter in the PARM field of the EXEC statement has been incorrectly specified. System Action: The job is terminated. Programmer Response: Make sure that the value in the LINECN'I= subparameter is a two-digit decimal nurrber frem 01 to 99, and that the value in the N= subparameter is a decimal number frorr 1 to 6. Check for keypunch or spelling errors. Correct any errors and resubmit the jcb. Problem Determinatien: o Table I, items 1, IEH845I DEVICE NOT SUPPORTED FOR OFFLINE QUICK DASDI FEATURE. 'IODD=cuu. Table I, item 29. IEH848D IS ANO'IHER 'IAPE REQUIRED FOR THIS RESTCRE JOB. REPLY Y OR N. 360 Enter REPLY xx,ly l if a centinuation tafe volume is availatle and has been ncunted. Enter REPLY xx IN I if a continuatien tafe volurre is net available or cannet ce mounted. QE~!2~-B~~E~: The jot is terminateo. Frs~a~roer ResEense: Make sure that the VOI.UME pararreter indicates the total nunber ef restcre ta[es required and rerun the job. IEH869I EAt COUNT FIEI.D ENCOUN'IERED ON TRACK= DDNAME= ~~~~atio~: IEHtAStR has detected a count field centaining either: • Non-matching CCHH for this track. • Invalid reccrd length causing track everrun. §y§!~!I_Act!2~: Precessing continues with the next IEHDASDR centrol card. FrQl.f~!!rre~--B§Eense: Correct the tao ceunt field en the track and rerun the jeb. Preblem Deterninatien: Tatle I, items 1, 4, 7a, 29. List the centents cf the failing track. IEHATLAS Program Messages IEH900I SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION. AN AL'IERNA'IE 'IRACK HAS BEEN ASSIGNED. COMPLE"TION CODE=OO Explanation: During executicn of a multivolume RESTORE job, the system requires that a continuaticn tape volume be mounted. EXElanation: An alternate track has been assigned and data has teen transferreo frere the bad track te the alternate. System Action: The task waits for the operator to reply. §yste!LAction: terreinated. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) o The jeb step is o o Programf:er Response: Ncne. entire control card rray be rrissing. Check for a misspelled keyword or a character in cclurrn 1. IEH9011 SUCCESSFUL COMPLE'IION. NO AL'IERNATE TRACK ASSIGNE~. COMPLE'IION CODE=OO Explanation: 'Ihe utility successfully rewrote the record in error. §.Y..§t~!LAction: System Action: terminated. Progra~rrer Re~Fcnse: Probable user error. Check for key~ur.ch cr forrrat errors. Cclumn 1 rrust be blank on the centrol staterrent. Cerrect and rerun the job. The job ster: is Programmer Response: Ncne. IEH9021 I/O ERROR IN ALTERNATE 'IRACK COMPLET ION CODE=1.6 ASSIGN~ENT. Preblerr. Deterrrinatien: P. character in the user inr:ut record cannct be translated into valid internal cede (that is, the character is ether than 0-9 or A-F). §yste!LAction: terminated. o The jet: ~L CARD MISSING. Probable user error. V'IOC utility control statem€nt for 10 bytes of hexadecimal inforrratien. Check the in~ut record for valid hexadecirral infermatien. Correct and rerun the jeb. COMPLETICN The job ste~ IEH9071 DEVICE rOES NCT HAVE SOFTWARE ASSIGNABLE ALTERNATES. COMPLE'IION corE=16. ~~E1~E~tion: The unit ty~e sr:ecified in the ueB is other than a 2302, 2311, 2314, 2319, or 2321. It has no seftware assignable alternates. is §yste!LActioE: terrrinated. Programrrer Response: Probable user error. Insert the required DD statement and rerun the joh. Problem Determinaticn: 2, 3, 13, 29. 'The job Table I, items 1, DCB PARAMETERS FOR SYSIN. COMPLE'TION CODE=16 ste~ is FrQIra!!'!rer Res£fnse: If device is a 2301 cr a 2303 the alternate Rust be assigned rranually. Preblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, item 30. INVALI~ IEH9081 AI.I. ALTERNATE TRACKS FOR THIS DEVICE HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED. COMPLE'IION CODE=16 Explanation: SYSIN DCB blocksize was not a multiple of LRECL (80 bytes) • System Action: terminated. EXFlan~~icn: The ferrrat 4 DSCB shows that this device has no alternate tracks available for assignrrent. The job ster: is system Action: terrrinated. Programrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the blocksize for the SYSIN DD statement (must be a multi~le of 80) and rerun the job. Table I, items 1, The jeb ster: is Problem Deterrrinaticn: IEH9091 Problem Determination: 2, 3, 13, 29. o Table I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. CODE=16 System Action: terminated. I IEH9051 is Table I, item 30. Explanation: Either the SYSU'Il or SYSIN data set could not be c~ened. The DD statement defining the data set was not included in the input strearr. IER9041 ste~ Progra~~er ResFcnse: E~amine the TRACK er Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: REQUIRE~ Table I, items 1, E~Flanatien: PrograIrtIr.er Response: Use the IEHDASDR utility prcgram to analyze cr format the volume. IEH9031 is IEH9061 INVALIC CHARACTER IN USER-INPUT RECORD. CC~PLETION COrE=16 System Action: The program is terminated. (Return code = 16.) I ste~ 3, 13, 29. Explanation: Input/out~ut errors occurred while atterr:pting to assign an alternate track; therefore, no alternate track was assigned. 'Ihe number of attem~ts at assigning the alternate track is equal to the number of alternate tracks available at the time the ATLAS SVC was called, or 10% of the number of assigned alternate tracks, whichever is less. Problerr, Determination: 'Ihe jcb terrrinated. RECUESTE~ CC~PLETION Table I, item 30. STORAGE IS NOT AVAILAELE. CO~E=16 COMPLETION CODE=16 EXFlanation: Necessary storage for a work area was not available at the time the GETMAIN was issued. Explanation: 'Ihe ccntrol card keyword is missing or is invalid as i t a~pears. The System Action: terminated. INVALI~ OR MISSING CONTROL CARD KEYWCRD. The job step is IEB Messages - IEHA'I'LAS 361 Proqrarrrrer Hesponse: Probal::le user error. Increase the partiticn cr region size and rerun the job. track. IfHATLAS cannet handle the error ccnditicn. ~~~~_Actien: Problerr ~etermination: 3, 13, 29. The je~ .I!Q!.!!!~!!:~LEesg~: ~ACRC step is terrrinated. Table I, items 1, IEH910I MESSAGE ~EX~ PROVIDED BY SYNADAF I/O ERROR. COMPLE~ION CODE=16 o vclurre using either - Explanation: A perrranent error waS detected while reading the SYSIN data set. IEH914I FCRMA~ .keinitialize the er IEC~AS~I. IEE~AS~R 4 :CSCB CANNCT BE READ. COMPLE~ION CCI:E=16 System Action: terminated. ~he job stef is ~~E1~E!!t!~n: A fe~nanent I/O error was detected when reading the forrrat4 ~SCB. Infernatien ccr.cerning the nuncer ef alternates available, er the address of the next availal::le alternate cannot ce retrieved. Prograrrrrer Response: Ccrrect the error conditicn indicated in the rressage text. Ensure that the DCB parameters on the SYSIN [C statement are correct. Problerr Determinatien: 3, 13, 29. Table I, iterr,s 1, §~~~en_~£~ieE: IEH911I TRACK A[DRESS ~ATA SE~. PROVI~ED DOES NO~' COMPLE~ION CODE=16 BElCNG TC PrQ!.!~rre.!-E~~tcnse: Explanation: ~he address of the record provided on the contrel card dees not belong to the specified data set. System Actien: terminated. vclurre using either Reinitialize the cr IBC~ASDI. IEE~AS[R Prcblerr. ~eterninaticn: 3~3~-29~------------ The job stef is Tatle I, items 1, IEH915I RECOR[ IN ERROR IS FORMAT 4 DSCB. CC~PLETION COI:E=16 Prograrrrrer Response: Probal::le user error. Examine the utility control statement to insure that the cylinder and track address is within the extents ef the SYSU~l data set. If in doubt, use IEHLIST to list the VTOC, which will give yeu the extents of the data set. Problerr ~eterminatien: 3, 13, 14, 29. The jet step is terrrinated. ~~Elan!!tieE: IEHA~LAS could not successfully rewrite the ferrrat4 DSCB recerd. No alternate track information is available. Table I, items 1, §yste!!:_~ctien: The jot step is terrrinated. IEH912I INCORREC~ USER-INPU~ NUMBER OF RECORD. CHARAC~ERS COMPLE~ION IN CODE=16 R'!Q!.!!!!!:!!:~!-Egstcnse: Reinitialize the volume using either IEHDAS:CR cr IBC~ASDI. ExPlanation: ~oo few or tce many data statements are in the input stream. Check for incerrect record length. System Actien: terminated. Prcblerr. Deterninaticn: 3~~3~-28:-29:-------- IEH916I ERFOR FOUND IN COUNT FIELD OF CN TRACK. COMPLETION CODE=16 The job stef is Table I, items 1, ~st~L~£tien: The jot step is terf[\inated. IEH913I CONDITION OTHER THAN DA~ CHECK OR ~ISSING A~DRESS MARKER. COMPLETION CODE=16 Explanation: An invalid sense byte indication has been detected for the user's channel program er fer another channel program to process data on the bad ' I Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) RECORD Ccunt field infcrrr,ation cannet be recovered fer the last record on a track unless that record is the error record input tc the utility or the CCHHRK[D has been fassed to the A~LAS SVC (86). IEHATLAS alsc requires information regarding track cverflcw records. Have documentation showing the original record before failure (back-up data) available. 362 LAS~ ~~E1!!nation: Prograrrmer Response: Probal::le user error. Check the data staterrents fcr the accurate number ef hexadecimal characters. The input record must be the sarre length as the record being replaced. Problem Determinatien: 3, 15, 29. Tal::le I, items 1, Prcgrarrrrer ResJ7cnse: Either IEHATLAS or the ATLAS SVC (86) shculd l::e given as infut to the CCBHRK[[ of the last record. Track overflow infcrrration is also required if the last reeord is part of a track overflew data set. Problem Deterninaticn: 3, 13, 29. Tatle I, items 1, o o IEH9171 HA OR RO ERRORS. COMPLETION CODE=16 Explanation: ~he A~LAS SVC (86) accept an RO error record unless was entered via the utility. An in HA or RO prevents further use track on which the errcr exists. System Action: terminated. will not the SVC I/C error of the The job stef is E!.f9.!arrrrer BesFcnse: ~here is a track cverflcw indicaticn in the LCE, tut the UCE indicates that the device dces not supfcrt track cverflcw. Prcblerr. Deterrrinaticn: i3:-i7a~29:---------- Tatle I, items 1, IEH9211 NC ERRCR IN SPECIFIEI VTOC RECORD. CC~PLETION CODE=OO ~~flan~ti2n: Prograrrrrer Response: Reinitialize the volume using either IEHDASDR or IBCDASDI. Problerr, Determination: Reini tialize with IEHDASDR or IBCDASDI for devices which can be surface analyzed. ~'able I, items 1, 3, 13, 29. IEH9181 ERROR/ERRORS ENCOUN~ERED AL~ERNATE ASSI<:NEL. COMPLETION CODE=16 The user's VTOC record was read withcut errcr. Nc alternate track was assigned. ~!~~cti2n: The jct step is terrrinated. IEH9221 ERBOR/ERRORS ENCCUN~ERED CANNC'! BE HA~DLED. NO ALTERNATE ASSIGNED. CC~PLETION CODE=16 E~E1~n~ti2n: Explanation: One or more errors were encountered while transferring the data from the bad track to the alternate tracks. such a conditicn dces not prevent assignment of an alternate track. System Action: terminated. o ~'he The ccnditicns which procuce this rressage are: (1) Count field errors cn rrore than three reccrds. (2) Error on an ECF reccrd when it is nct the record sfecified by the utility. (3) An error in the KLL of the ccunt field cf a record cther than the specified error record. job stef is Programmer Response: Use IEHDASDR to dump the alternate track and check for data validity. Dc nct rrove direct access volumes to more than cne other device. Bad vclumes may cause darrage tc devices. ~yste~_Aciion: The jot step is terrrinated. Problem Determination: 3, 14, 15, 29. IEH9191 Table I, items 1, ALTERNA~E '!RACK ASSIGNED. I/O ERROR IN RE-EXECUTING USER CHANNEL PROGRA}I! COMPLET ION CODE=16 Explanation: An alternate track has teen assigned but because the user's channel program could not be re-executed, the error condition still exists for the original record in error. System Action: terminated. Pr2g!ammer Resfcnse: Check the return parameter list tc determine tr.e record nurrbers of errcr reccrds. The last record indicated in the list is the record whict caused the unreccverable condition. If three errcr reccrds have been listed, then the possibility exists that a fcurth read ccunt error was alsc encountered. Move the vclume to ancther drive and rerun the job. If the prcblerr still exists, the data cannot be reccvered and the volume shculd be restcred. The job step is Problem Deterrrinaticn: 3, 13, 29. Programmer Response: Execute the I~ASFZAP service aid program to dump the data set to check data validity cn the alternate track. Execute IEBATLAS, if necessary, to update in flace the defective record if the user's channel program cannot be successfully re-executed. Problerr. Determinaticn: 3, 13, 14, 29. Table I, items 1, IEH9231 NC ERRORS FOUND ON ~'RACK. NO ASSIGNED. CO}l!PLETION CODE=16 ALTERNA~E ~~~naticn: The A'!LAS SVC successfully read the indicated Error track and therefore did nct assign an alternate track. Table I, items 1, Systerr_~ction: The jct step is terrrinated. IEH9201 THE SYS~EM DOES NOT SUPPOR~ ~RACK OVERFLOW. COMPLETION CODE=16 Explanation: ~rack overflcw support was not included in the system at system generation time. o System Action: terminated. The job step is Rrogra~!-B~§fcnse: Probable user error. The cylinder and track address passed to the ATLAS SVC rrust specify a track ccntaining an errcr record. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Tatle I, items 1, 15, 29. Have the asserrbly listing of the program that calls SVC 86 availatle. IEH Messages - IEEA~LAS 363 o () o 364 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) o System Generation Messages (lEI) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I lEI I I Component Name ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Program Producing Message I I Assembler program during expansion of systen generation nacro I instructions. I I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Audience and Where Produced I For system programmer: I assenbler listing in SYSPRINT data set. ~-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------~ Message Format s,* * * IElaaannn text s severity code: 0 5 7 warning message; the ccndition indicated nay cause errors in new system. Error message; error is in coding of a system generation macro instruction. Error message; message is froduced by GENERATE nacro instruction. aaa Indication of system generation macro instruction at which error was detected: AGL ALG ASM CEN CHA CKP CKR COB COL C'I'R DA'I EDT EMU FOI FTC GEN 0 ALGLIB ALGCI, ASSE~BLR CENPRCCS CHANNEL CKPTREST CHECKER CCBCI· CCBLIB CTRLPRffi DATA~GT EDITeR GJC GPH IOC IOD IDR INK GJCBCTL GRAPHICS ICCONTRD ICr:EVICE LOAtER LINKLIB RPG SCH SCN SEC SOL SOR RPG SCEE·DULR SECONSLE SECMODS SOR'ILIB SOR'IMERG ~AL PLL PLl POP PRL MACLIB PL1LIB PLl PTCP PRCCLIB SUP SVC SVL SYS TEL SUPRVSOR SVC'IABLE SVCLIB SYSUTILS 'I'ELCMLIB PRM PIN RES PARMLIB PARTITNS RESMODS UCS UNI UCS UNI'INAME E~ULATCR FORTIIB FORTRAN GENERATE nnn Message serial number. text Message text. ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments I None. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Associated Publications I I IBM system/360 Cperating Systen: I System Generation, GC28-6554 I I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this publication for problem I IL_____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI ~ IElaaannn text Explanation: Error: 'Ihe error indicated by the message text is a coding error in the system generation macro instruction, aaa. The message serial number, nnn, identifies the message. o For the CHANNEL, IOCONTRL, and IODEVICE macro instructions, the message text begins with either the name field of the macro instruction or, if the name field was omitted, the sequential identification numter frovided ty the systen. Examples of these rressages are: 5,* * * IEICEN104 INS'ISET VALUE NO'I SPECIFIED 5,* * * IEICHA102 CHANNEL2-ADDRESS VALUE NOT SPECIFIED 5,* * * IEICHA102 CHAN#2-ADDRESS VALUE NOT SPECIFIEr: lEI Messages - system Generation 365 GIl The second example illustrates a message for a CHANNEL macro instruction. "CHANNEL2" is the name field of the macro instruction. The third example illustrates the same message, but in this case the name field of the macro instruction was omitted and "CHAN#2" was supplied by the system. 0,* * * IEIIOCl14 PREVIOUS CON'IROL UNIT HAS NO CEVICES System Action: The assembler program did not produce a job stream in the SYSPUNCH data set. The program analyzed all renaining system generation macro instructions and printed any other required messages. Either message IEIGENl13 or IEIGENl16 was printed, followed by the message: GENERA'I-ION TERMINATED. 'Ihen the system generation process was abnormally terminated. severity Code: 5 The job stream is severity Cede: 0 Progranner Respense: Determine if the cendition indicated is a problem. If necessary, cerrect the condition indicated and begin the system generatior. precess fron- the start of stage I. Preblem Deternination: 17a, 29. IEIGE~113 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the errer or errors indicated and begin the system generation process from the start of Stage I. Problem Determination: 'I'able I, items 17a, 29. Have the hardware configuration available. system Actien: produced. Table I, items QUIT SWITCH eN BEFORE GENERA'I'E MACRO Explanation: One or nore errors, indicated by severity code 5 messages, were detected befere the GENERATE n-acro instructien was expanded. severity Cede: IEIGENl16 7 QUIT SWITCH SET IN GENERATE MACRO IElaaannn text Explanation: Warning: 'Ihe message text indicates a hardware condition that may cause errors in the new system. For example: o Explanatien: One or nore errors were detected during expansion of the GENERATE nacre instruction. severity Cede: 7 o o 366 Messages i Codes (Release 21.7) o FORTRAN IV H Messages (IEK) ,,-----------------------------1-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I Component Name I IEK i r~----------------------------r----------------------------------------------------------------------~I I Program Producing Message I FORTRAN IV H compiler. I 1'----------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------~I I Audience and Where Produced : For programmer: SYSPRINT data set following the source module I I listing and the object module name table. I :1 r-----------------------------. -----------------------------------------------------------------------<1 1 Message Format ISN a IEKnnnI text I LABEL b NAME c I 1 I ·1 [ a 1 Internal statement number of statement in error or statement following last previous executable statement. I I 1 b I c I I I nnn 1 text Source label (statement number). Variable name. Message serial number. : . Message text. ~-----------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I : I I I .: IEK messages are not included in this publication. They are I documented in the publication IBM System/360 Operating System: FORTRAN IV (G and H) Programmer's Guide, GC28-6817. If your I \ installation uses FORTRAN IV H frequently, you may prefer to have the I IEK messages in this publication; the index tab on this page is I provided so that you can remove the IEK messages from the I I' Programmer's Guide and insert them here. I : I I For routing and descriptor codes of IEK messages., see Table 8 in Part : : V of this publication: "Routing and Descriptor Codes. n I : Comments o I I ----------------------------_. : I I -----------------------------~-----------------------------------------[ IBM System/360 operating System: r FORTRAN IV (G and H) Programmer's Guide. GC28-6817 [ IBM System/360 FORTRAN IV Language, GC28-6515 1I _____________________________;1I ______________________________________________________________________ -JI. : Associated Publications o IEK Messages - FORTRAN IV H 367 o o o 368 Messages and Codes (Release 21.1) o PL/I F Messages (IEM) -----------------------------T------------------~----------------------------------------------------, I Component Name IEM 1 r-----------------------------l-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 , Program Producing Message PL/I F compiler,. :: 1 I'--------------------.,---------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------', I Audience and Where Produced 1 For programmer: SYSPRINT data , set either directly or following PL/I 1 1 source program listing and any other listings (specified in PARM of 1 1 EXEC statement). , , I For operator: console. [: ____________________________,i' ______________________________________________________________________ _: , Message Format : IEMnnnnI text xx IEMnnnnI text , 1 , "" , " nnnn I (in SYSPRINr) : (on console) , ' Message serial number. ,, Message text. , , , text I xx : 1 1 : Message reply identification (absent" required) • if operator reply not : , t-~~~~~;--------------------r-i;~-~~;;~~~;-~;~-~~~-i~~l~d~d-i~-~i;-~~bli~~~i~~~--;h~;-~~~----------' [ , o : documented in the publication IBM System/360 Operating System: PL/I : , (F) Proqrammer's'Guide, GC28-6594. If your installation uses PL/I , (F) frequently" you may prefer to have the IEM messages in this : , [ publication; the index tab on this page is provided so that you can : l I remove the IEM messages from the Programmer's Guide and insert them , here. l l , : 1 For routing and descriptor codes of IEM messages, see Table 9 in Part , , l V of this publication: "Routing and Descriptor Codes,." , ._----------------------______ 1. _____ -----------------______________________________________________ ~ __ ,' [ Associated Publications 1 IBM System/360 Operating System: : " _____________________________ L_______________________________________________________________________ PL/I (F) Programmer's Guide, GC28-6594 1 ~ o IEM Messages - PL/I F 369 o o 370 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o COBOL E Messages (IEP) :~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=T.=~~~====~==~=~~~~~~=~================================~=~~~~~===========l Program Producing Message I'1. _______________________________________________________________________ COBOL E compiler and COBOL E debug packet. 1_____________________________ 1 Audience and Where Produced 1 For programmer: I I 1 1 1 For opera tor: SYSPRI'NT data set and console. 'I 1 console. 1 J.------------------..:..---------.I,------------------------ _________________ .:. ____ ~ _______________'_ _______ l 1 Message Format 1 yyy-w IEPnnnIx clause text 1 1 xx IEPnnns text 1 1 IEPnnnI sentencel. sentence2. 1 . 1 1 1 yyy-w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Line number and element position of verb where error was detected. If element cannot be located" only line number appears. If SEQUENCE NUMBER 0-0 is printed, message refers to an entire section. 1 1 1 1 nnn Message serial number. 1 1 x 1 1 severity code indicating effect of error on execution of program being compiled: 1 1 .. I 1 W warning message; successful execution is probable. C Conditional message; erroneous statement was not compiled or corrective action was taken; compilation was continued to permit debugging; execution may fail. E Error message; successful execution is improbable; execution should not be attempted. clause Clause being processed when message produced, or basic area in vol ved, such a s ALIGNMENT, I/O CONTROL. text Message text. xx Message reply identification (absent, if operator reply not required) • 1 1 1 o (in SYSPRINT) 1 (on console) 1 /. 1 1 I 1 1 1 s Type code: A Action; operator must perform a specific action. D Decision; operator must choose an alternative. I Information; no operator action is required. sentencel. Message text describing the error. sentence2. Message text describing action as a result of the error. _____________________________ L ________________________ Comments 1 I 1 t 1 r ----------------------------------------------_! 1 ,I IEP messages are not included in this publication. They are 1 documented in the publication IBM System/360 Operating System: COBOL 1 E' Programmer's Guide, GC24-5029. If your installation uses COBOL E 1 frequently, you may prefer to have the IEP messages in this 1 publication; the index tab on this page is provided so that you can I remove the IEP messages from the Programmer's Guide and insert them 1 ,I here. I 1 1 1 1 1 I I ) For routing and descriptor codes of IEP messages" see Table 10 in I Part V of this publication: "Routing and Descriptor Codes." 1 1 -----------------------------l--------------------------------------------------------------~--------~ Associated Publications 'I IBM system/360 Operating SYstem: 1 I ~ COBOL E Programmer's Guide" GC24-5029 I _____________________________1_________________ -----J1 COBOL Language"________________________________________________ GC28-6516 ~ o IEP Messages - COBOL E 371 - ~ o o o 372 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Sort/Merge Messages (IER) r---~-------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------. 1 i Component Name IER i Sort/merge program. 1 I.~----------------------------·I,-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 Program Producing Message 1 1'-----------------------------1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 Audience and Where Produced 1 For programmer: 1 1 option). SYSPRINT data set or console (system generation 1 1 1'-----------------------------1--------------------------------------------.... ---------------------------1 1 Message Format 1 IERnnns - text 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,I 1 nnn l i s 1 1 1 1 Message serial number. 1 severity code: 1 I 1 1 A Error message; programmer action is required. I I I Information message; no prcgrammer action is required. 1 1 text 1 1 Message text. 1 1 1 1 1 I~----------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 Comments 1 1 1 1 1 : IER messages are not included in this publication. They are documented in the publication IBM Systeml360 Operating System: : Sort/Merge, GC28-6543. If your installation uses Sort/Merge frequently, you may prefer to have the IER messages in this 1 publication; the index tab on this page is provided so that you can : remove the IER messages from the Sort/Merge publication and insert [ them here. : 1 1 For routing and descriptor codes of IER messages, see Table 11 in : Part V of this publication: "Routing and Descriptor Codes." 1 o I~---------------------------- 1 Associated Publications 1 I ..------------------------------------------------------------------------'1 1 IBM System/360 Operating system: 1 1_____________________________ L 1_______________________________________________________________________ Sort/Merge, GC28-6543 1 ~ ~ o IER Messages - Sort/Merge 373_ o o o 374 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Report Program Generator (RPG) Messages (IES) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, i Component Name I IES 1 1'----------------------------·1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 Program Producing Message 1 Report program generator (RPG). 1 1-------------------------------1-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 Audience and Where Produced 1 For programmer: SYSPRINT data set. 1 -----------------------------1-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 Message Format 1 IESnnnI text 1 1 1 1 nnn 1 1 1 Message serial number. 1 1 text 1 Message text. 1 -----------------------------·1·-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 Comments 1 1 I 1 IES messages are not included in this publication. They are documented in the publication IBM System/360 Operating System: RPG I Language Specifications, GC24-3337. If your installation uses RPG I frequently, you may prefer to have the IES messages in this 1 publication; the index tab on this.page is provided so that you can 1 remove the IES messages from the RPG publication and insert them 1 here. 1 1 1 1 ·1. 1'------------------------------1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 Associated Publications 1 IBM System/360 Operating System: 1 1 1 RPG Lanquaqe Specifications, GC24-3337 1 ~---------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------~ o o IES Messages - Report Program Generator 375 o o 376 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Assembler F Messages (lEU) r-----------------------------T----------------------------------------------------------------------. , Component Name -, lEU i ,-----------------------------,'--------------------------------------------~--------------------------, , Program Producing Message ,Assembler F program during assembly of assembler instructions. , ," , For operator: ,, , Message Format , , , ***IEUnnn text , lEUnnnltext , nnn I, Message serial number. , text , Message text,. ,-----------------------------,-----------------------------------------------------------------------,, , Audience and Where Produced, For programmer: assembler listing in SYSPRlNT data set. console. ,------------------------------,-----------------------------------------------------------------------" , , , Comments (in SYSPRlNT) (on console) , , , , , , lEU messages are not included in this publication,. They are documen.ted in the publica tion IBM System/360 Operating System: Assembler (F) Programmer's Guide, GC26-3756. If your installation uses Assembler (F) frequently, you may prefer to have the lEU messages in this publication; the index tab on this page is provided so that you can remove the lEU messages from the Programmer's Guide and insert them here. For routing and descriptor codes of lEU messages, see Table 12 in Part V of this publication: "Routinj and Descriptor Codes." "------------------------------, ----------------------------------------------------------------------, Associated Publications , o " IBM System/360 Operating System: , Assembler (F) Programmer's Guide, GC26-3756 L_____________________________l ____ ~:::~~::_:~~~~:::_~:~~=~=:~ ______________________________________ ~ o lEU Messages - Assembler F 377 4111 o () o 378 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Loader and Linkage Editor Messages (lEW) ir-----------------------------T----------------------------------------------------------------------. Component Name i lEW i 1-----------------------------'1'-----------------------------------------------------------------------·1 'I Program Producing Message I Loader program and linkage editor F program. I I Message Format I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I IEWnnns xxx - text I I nnn I Message serial number, which is coded to indicate the program: I I Onn Linkage edi tor program inn Loader program I I s I severity code o SMF Dump Program Messages (IFA) r-----------------------------T----------------------------------------------------------------------. I IFA 1 1 Component Name r-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I SMF Dump program IFASMFDP 1 ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f 1 Audience and Where Produced I For Programmer: SYSPRINT 1 ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------i 1 Message Format I IFAnnnI text I 1 Program Producing Message I I 1 1 I I I nnn 1 I I I I 'I I message serial number I I I Information; no operator action is required.. I I I text 1 I message text I r-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Associated Publications I IBM Systeml360 operating System: System Management Facilities" 1 I I GC28-6712 I t-;;~bi;;-~~~~;i~~;i~~-------t-;;f~-;~-;h;-f~ld:~~;-i~-~;;-~~-~f-;hi~-~~bli~~;i~~-f~~-~;~bl;;-----_: ~ IL _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. J1 ~ IFA001I DD CARD REQUIRED FOR DUMPIN MISSING o Explanation: The user has failed to provide a DD statement for the data set containing records produced by System Management Facilities. Explanation: A permanent I/O error has occurred on the dumpin or dumpout data set. The error descriptor portion is error diagnosis produced by the SYNADAF error analysis routine. System Action: The operation is terminated. (Condition code -- 16.) System Action: The operation is terminated.. (Condition code -- 16.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Provide a DD statement for the input data set. IFA003I NO RECORD LENGTH WAS GIVEN FOR DUMPIN Explanation: Both the logical record length and blocksize for the input data set are zero. System Action: The operation is terminated. (Condition. code -- 16.) Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure the input data set has a DCB parameter specifying blocked, variable length records. IFA004I OUTPUT BLOCKSIZE IS SMALLER THAN INPUT Explanation: The blocksize of the input data set is greater than the blocksize of the output data set. System Action: The operation is terminated.. (Condition code -- 16.) o IFA005I PERMANENT I/O ERROR DIAGNOSIS error descri pti on Programmer Response: Make sure the output blocksize is not smaller than the input blocksize .. programmer Response: Correct the error corrlition indicated in the message text .• Probl em Determination: 13,23, 29. Tab le I, items 1, IFA006A REQUEST MADE TO DUMP ACTIVE SMF DATA SET REPLY CANCEL Explanation: The SMF Dump program is attempting to dump the active SMF data set. This request is invalid and must be cancelled or SMF records will be lost .• system Action: The SMF Dump program enters a wait pending the operator's reply. (Condition code -- 16.) Operator Response: Enter REPLY xx,' CANCEL' to acknowledge the cancellation of the SMF Dump program. If the wrong SMF data set was specified in the dump program, enter the program to dump the correct data set. TO dump the acti've data set, issue the HALT EOD or SWITCH SMF cornroand from the console. Either command will activate the alternate SMF data set and free the current one for dumping. If the alternate SMF data set is full, it must be dumped prior to issuing the above commands. IFA Messages - SMF Dump Program 401 W Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 29. Have copies of the SMF Dump procedures and a listing of the program IFASMFDP available. IFA007I SMF DUMP CANCELLED Explanation: This message is issued to notify the operator that a program attempting to dump the SMF data set has been cancelled. System Action: cancelled. The program IFASMFDP is If a dump of the active SMF data set is desired first issue a HALT EOD or SWITCH SMF command from the console. Either command will activate the alternate SMF data set and free the current one for Dump ing via the SMF Dump program IFASMFDP. If the alternate SMF data set is full, it must be dumped prior to issuing the above commands. o Problem Determination: Table I" items 2" 29. Have copies of the SMF Dump procedures and a listing of program IFASMFDP available. Operator Response: Enter the SMF Dump program to dump the correct SMF data set. o o 402 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Environment Recording Messages (IFB) r--------------~--------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I Component Name I IFB ! I I environment recording routines SERO and SERl. I r-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 J PrOgram producing Message I Input/output environment recording routines OBR and. SOR, and system I r-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------i I Audience and Where Produced I For opera tor: console. I ~--------------------------.---+-------------.----------------------------------------------------------1 Message Format xx IFBnnns text xx IFBFnns text xx Message reply identification (absent,. if operator reply not required). nnn or nn Message serial number. s Type code: I Information; no operator action is required. S stop; hardware error cannot be corrected by retry. W wait; processing stopped until action is determined and performed. text Message text. r-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Comments I The first format of the message is used for I/O routines; the second '1 I o I format is used for the system routines. I r-----------------------------+---------------------------~------------------------------------------_t I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this publication for problem I IL_____________________________ I _________________________________________________________ determination instructions. _____________JI ~ IFB0021 CHANNEL DETECTED ERROR ON ddd RECOROEO,.xxxx, op. stat. hh. mm .• ss Explanation: A channel-detected error occurred during the operation of device ddd and has been recorded on the SYS1.~OGREC data set by input/output environment recording routine OBR. The message applies to both recovered and permanent channel-detected errors for which error records have been crea ted .• Note: The ddd field contains the device address (CUA). If the device address is indicated as invalid, it is overlayed with 'XX, and only the channel address is displayed. In the message text, the fields are: ~ hh .• mm. ss time in hours. minutes, and seconds System Action: None. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. LOg the error in the operator's log. If this message is repeated frequently, execute the IFCEREPO service aid to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. If Alternate Path Retry (APR) is included in the system, consider varying the path offline. If the system is a Model 65 Multiprocessing system, consider varying the channel offline .• Problem Determination: 14. 30. Table I, items 2, xxxx error source: CU control unit channel CHAN PROC processor (CPU) SCU storage control unit STOR storage op o ! failing command code IFB0100 ENl'ER 'IPL REASON., SUBSYSTEM 10' OR 'u' Explanation: This message requests the operator to provide: • The reason for the IPL. • The device or prOgram (subsystem) responsible for the IPL restart. or • U - to continue operation with default values. stat channel and unit status from command status word (CSW) system Action: RDE waits pending the operator's reply. IFB Messages - Environment Recording 403 Operator Response: Enter a reply in the format REPLY xx,'rr,ss' where xx is the reply ID, rr is the RDE IPL reason code, and ss is the sUbsystem ID code. IFB0201 INVALID REPLY TO IFB010D Explanation: The reply to message IFB010D is incorrect. System Action: Message IFB010D is reissued to allow the operator to reenter his reply. Operator Response: Either enter the IPL reason code and subsystem ID code in the proper format or reply 'u' to select default values, in response to message IFB010D. data set being dumped, may cause the data set to become full. To compile a history of hardware failures, do the following: • Save the IFCEREPO output • • Save the master console listing. 0 IFBFOSW {CPU ERROR } RELOAD OS/360,hh.mm.ss CHAN x ERROR Explanation: The system environment recording routine SERO or SER1 wrote an environment record about a machine malfunction that caused an unrecoverable error. In the first cas e of the message text, the detected error was localized in the CPU; in the second case, the error was localized in the channel indicated by x. System Action: The routine attempted to ring the console alarm and then placed the system in wait state. IFB0301 SYS1.LOGREC I/O ACCESS ERROR Explanation: SYS1.LOGREC was accessed for either a read or write operation, and an incorrectable input/output error occurred. This may occur during the updating of SDR external counters. system Action: For updating of SDR counters the routine will not attempt retry of the access that failed, but will attempt SUbsequent access requests. Operator Response: Execute the IFCEREPO service aid to dump SYS1.LOGREC data set; then execute the IFCDIPOO service aid program. IFB040I SYS1.LOGREC AREA IS FULL Explanation: The SYS1.LOGREC data set 'is full and cannot contain further environment records. At least one record has been lost. System Action: Processing continues, but further environment records will be lost. Operator Response: Execute the IFCEREPO program to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. IFBOSOI SYS1.LOGREC FORMAT ERROR Explanation: A format error was detected on the SYS1.LOGREC data set during an attempt to write environment records. system Action: The system cancels any attempt to write environment records to SYS1.LOGREC. Operator Response: Run IFCDIPOO to reinitialize the data set. IFB060 E SYSl. LOGREC NEAR FULL Explanation: The SYS1.LOGREC data set has reached 90% of its capacity for data. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: Execute the IFCEREPO service aid to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set; for continued processing, without the 404 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. Problem Deterroination: 18, 30. Table I, items 2, IFBF06W {CPU ERROR } RELOAD OS/360,hh.mm.ss CHAN x ERROR Explanation: A second-check interruption occurred while the system environment recording routine SERO or SERl was writing an environment record about a prior machine malfunction. The record was written. In the first case of the message text, the error was localized in the CPU; in the second case, the error was localized in channel x. 0" System Action: The routine attempted to ring the console alarm and then placed the system in wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Restart the system. Problem Determination: 18, 30. Table I, items 2, IFBF07S {CPU ERROR }EXECUTE SEREP, hh.mm.ss CHAN x ERROR Explanation: Machine-check interruptions are occurring so frequently that the system environment recording routine SERO cannot write a roeaningful environment record. In the first case of the message text., the error was localized in the CPU; in the second case, the error was localized in channel x .• System Action: The routine attempted to ring the console alarm and then placed the system in wait state •. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the System Environment Recording, Editing, and Printing (SEREP) program to record the machine environment and restart the system. Problem Determination: 14, 30. Table I~ items 2, o , Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 IFBF08S {CPU ERROR } EXECUTE SEREP,hh.mm.ss CHAN x ERROR Explanation: System environment recording rout~ne SERO could not write an environment record in the SYS1.LOGREC data set because of an uncorrectable input/output error. In the first case of the message text, the source of the machine-check was the CPU; in the second case, the source of the machine-check was the channel indicated by x. S¥stem Action: The routine attempted to the console alarm and then placed the system in a wait state. r~ng Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the System Environment Recording, Editing, and Printing (SEREP) program to record the machine environment and restart the system. Problem Determination: 14, 30. Explanation: System Environment recording routine SERO or SER1 could not write an environment record in the SYS1 . LOGREC data set for one of the following reasons: • The SYS1.LOGREC data set is full . • An error exists in the header record. In the first case of the message text, the machine-check occurred in the CPU; in the second case, the machine-check occurred in the channel indicated by x. System Action: The routine attempted to r~ng the console alarm and then placed the system in wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the system environment record edit and print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment and restart the system. Problem Determination: 12, 14, 30. Problem Determination: 14, 30. Table I, items 2, IFBFOBI CPU ERROR,hh.mm.ss Explanation: System environment recording rout~ne SER1 wrote an environment record about a machine malfunction. System Action: The routine terminates the current Job step in order to continue the operating system. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Reschedule terminated job. Problem Determination: 18, 30. Table I, items 2, Table I, items 2, IFBF09S {CPU ERROR } EXECUTE SEREP,hh.mm.ss CHAN x ERROR o program to record the machine environment and restart the system. IFBFOCI {CPU ERROR } CHAN x ERROR ,LOGREC FULL,hh.mm.ss Explanation: System environment recording rout~ne SER1 could not write an environment record in the SYS1.LOGREC data set because the data set is full. The routine is terminating the current job step in order to continue the operating system. In the first case of the message text, the detected machine-check occurred in the CPU; in the second case, the detected machine-check occurred in channel x. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the (IFCEREPO) program to empty LOGREC and prevent the loss of data. Problem Determination: 18, 30. Table I, items 2, IFBFODS {CPU ERROR } ,EXECUTE SEREP,hh.mm.ss CHAN x ERROR Table I, items 2, IFBFOAS {- CPU ERROR } EXECUTE SEREP CHAN x ERROR Explanation: The resident module of system envirqnment recording routine SERO could not load the nonresident module because an uncorrectable input/output error occurred in reading the linkage library (SYS1.LINKLIB) data set. In the first case of the message text, the machine-check occurred in the CPU; in the second case, the machine-check occurred in channel x. System Action: The routine attempted to r~ng the console alarm and then placed the system in a wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the System Environment Recording, Editing, and printing (SEREP) Explanation: System environment recording routine SER1 encountered an uncorrectable input/output error or a central processing unit (CPU) error or both while attempting to write an environment record in the SYS1 .LOGREC data set. The environment record was not written. In the first case of the messag~ text, the machine-check occurred in the CPU; in the second case, the machine-check occurred in the channel indicated by x. System Action: The routine attempted to the console alarm and then placed the system in wait state. r~ng Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the System Environment Recording, Editing, and printing (SEREP) program to record the machine environment and restart the system. o IFB Messages - Environment Recording 405 Problem Determination: 14, 30. Table I" items 2. an environment record about a machine malfunction. All high speed buffer segments were disabled (see message IFBFOFI) • IFBFOEI {CPU ERROR } RECORD LOST,hh.mm. ss CHAN x ERROR Explanation: One of the following conditions occurred: • System environment recording routine SER1 encountered an uncorrectable output error while attempting to write in the SYS1.LOGREC data set. • SERl was entered when input/output environment recording routine OBR or SDR was in control. In the first case of the message text. the machine-check occurred in the CPU; in the second case, the machine-check occurred in the channel indicated by x. System Action: Processing continues. environment record is not recorded. The Operator Response: Probable hardware error.. Execute the system environment record edit and print (SEREP) program to record the machine environment and restart the system. Problem Determination: 14, 30. IFBFOFW CPU ERROR. Table I~ items 2, RELOAD OS/360,hh.mm.ss Explanation: The system environment recording program (MODEL 195 SER1) wrote 406 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) System Action: The routine attempted to ring the console alarm and place the system in a wait state,. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the System Environment Recordihg, Editing., and Printing (SEREP) program to record the machine environment., and restart the system. Problem Determination: 14, 30. Table I" items 2" IFBFOFI MACHINE ERROR. BFR SEG x DSBL Explanation: The system environment recording program (Model 195 SERl) wrote an environment record about a machine malfunction. The program is terminating the current job step in order to continue with system operation. In the message text, xis the number of the high speed buffer segment that has been disabled due to a permanent buffer segment failure. The buffer segrrent will be enabled again when the system is restarted. system Action: Processing continues. The current task is abnormally terminated and buffer segment x is disabled. Operator Response: None. () o Service Aids Messages (IFC) r-----------------------------T----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Component Name I IFC I ~----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------i I Program Producing Message I Service aids: IFCEREPO, IFCDIPOO. I r-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------~--------------------------_f I Audience and Where Produced I For programmer (IFCEREPO program): SYSPRINT data set. I I I I I For operator (IFCDIPOO program): I ! console. ~----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------i I Message Format I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (in SYSPRINT) I (on console) I IFCnnnI text xx IFCnnnI text I I I I I I I I nnn Message serial number. text Message text. xx Message reply identification (absent" required). if operator reply not ~----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------i I Comments I None. I r-----------------------------t----------------------------------------------------------------------_f I Associated Publications I IBM System/360 Operating system: I I I Service Aids" GC28-67l9 I ~-----------------------------·t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this publication for problem J IL ____________________________ LI _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI Operator Response: Probable user error. Correct the DD statement. Then execute the IFCDIPOO program again. IFCDIPOO Program Messages IFCOOlI D=ddd N=x F=trck* L=trck* S=recd** DIP COMPLETE Explanation: Produced by the IFCDIPOO program during the initialization of the SYS1.LOGREC data set, this message describes the limits of the da~, set. In the message text, ddd is the device type containing the SYS1.LOGREC data set; x is the hexadecimal representation of the device type code; in F=trck, trck is the address of the first track of the extent; in L=trck, trck is the address of the last track of the extent; and recd is the starting address of the record entry area within the data set. One asterisk indicates that hexadecimal representation causes 8-character printout, and two asterisks indicate that hexadecimal representation causes lO-character printout. Operator Response: Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 29. Execute the lMASPZAP s erv ice aid program to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Specify DSN=SYSl.LCGREC in the SYSLIB CD statement" and include an ABSDUMP control statement, specifying the extents of the data set, after the SYSIN DD statement. IFC0031 I/O ERRORS IN FORMATTING DISK Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while the IFCDIPOO program was formatting the SYSl. LOGREC data set. System Action: is terminated. IFCDIPOO program execution Response: program again. ~rator Execute the IFCDIPOO Problem Determination: Table I, items 2" Execute the IMASPZAP service aid program to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Specify DSN=SYSl.LOGREC in the SYSLIB DD statement and include an ABSDUMP control statement, specifying the extents of the data:" set, after the SYSIN DD statement .• None. 29.. IFCO021 INVALID INPUT Explanation: In the DD statement, the DD name is misspelled. o IFC Messages - IFCDIPOO • 407 IFC004I END OF DATA SET BEFORE PROGRAM COMPLETE system Action: The program is terminated. (No return code is provided.) Explanation: During formatting of the SYS1.LOGREC data set, the IFCDIPOO program found that the data set is not large enough for the parameters specified in the EXEC statement. Programmer Response: Execute the IFCDIPOO program to initialize the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Execute the IFCEREPO program again. Probably, the number of tracks previously allocated to the SYS1.LOGREC data set is too small for the number of uniquely addressable input/output devices specified in t he EXEC statement. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2" 29. Execute the IMASPZAP service aid program to dump the SYS1.LOGREC DATA SET. specify DSN=SYS1.LOGREC on the SYSLIB CD statement and include an ABSDUMP control statement" specifying the extents of the data set, after the SYSIN DD statement. Operator Response: Probable user error. Correct the EXEC or DD statement. (See message IFC001I for correct values for the EXEC statement parameters.) Then execute the IFCDIPOO program again. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 29. Execute the IMASPZAP seryice aid program to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. specify DSN=SYS1.LOGREC in the SYSLIB DD statement, and include an ABSDUMP control statement, specifiying the extents of the data set" after the SYSIN DD statement,. 0 IFC008I READ DISK FAILURE Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output failure has occurred while reading a record from the SYS1.LOGREC data set. If the record is the header record, message IFC006I is also printed. system Action: The record that was being read when the failure occurred is skipped. The program attempts to resume processing with the next record. Operator Response: Execute the IFCDIPOO program. Execute the IFCEREPO program again. IFCEREPO Program Messages IFC005I I/O ERROR ON OUTPUT DEVICE Explanation: A permanent error has occurred on the output device. system Action: The program is terminated. (NO return code is provided.) Operator Response: Problem Determination: Table I, items 29. Execute the IMASPZAP service aid program to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Specify DSN=SYS1.LOGREC in the SYSLIB DD statement and include an ABSDUMP control statement, specifying the extents of the data set, the after SYSIN DD statement. o Execute the job again. IFC009I WRITE DISK FAILURE Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2, IFC006I HEADER RECORD INCORRECT Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output failure has occurred while the program was attempting to clear a record to zeros. Explanation: A validity check of the SYS1,. LOGREC dataset has uncovered an error in the header record. system Action: IFCEREPO continues processing further records without c leari ng them to zero. system Action: If possible, the IFCEREPO program resumes processing. The program does not clear selected records to zeros in the SYS1.LOGREC data set. If the program is unable to resume processing" it is terminated. (No return code is provided. ) Operator Response: Execute the IFCDIPOO program. Execute the IFCEREPO program again. Operator Response: Execute the IFCDIPOO program to initialize the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Execute the IFCEREPO program again. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, 29. Execute the IMASPZAP service aid' program to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Specify DSN=SYS1.LOGREC on the SYSLIB DD statement after the SYSIN DD statement,. Problem Determination: Execute the IMASPZAP service program to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Specify DSN=SYS1.LOGREC on the SYSLIB DD statement and include an ABSDUMP control statement, specifying the extents of the data set, after the SYSIN DD statement.. IFCOOAI PARAMETER FIELD ERROR Explanation: The PARM parameter in the EXEC statement was specified incorrectly. IFCO07 I END OF DATA SET BEFORE PROGRAM COMPLETE system Action: The program is terminated. (No return code is provided.) Explanation: The IFCEREPO program referred to a disk address that was not within the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Operator Response: Probable user error. Correct the PARM parameter and execute the job again. 408 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o o Problem Determination: 4, 29. Table I, items 2" IFCOOBI STAT RECORD KEY DIFFERS FROM THE EXPECTED -- EXPCD xxx REC xxx Explanation: A statistical count record is out of sequence. The messaqe identifies the expected record (EXPCD xxx) and the received record (REC xxx). system Action: Processinq continues. Operator Response: None. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2" 29. Execute the IMASPZAP service aid proqram to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Specify DSN=SYS1.LOGREC in the SYSLIB DD statement and include an ABSDUMP control statement, specifying the extents of the data set" after the SYSIN DD statement. System Action: terminated. The job step is operator Response: Probable user error. Correct the invalid DD statement or insert the missing statement. Execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 4, 29. Table I, items 2" IFC010I ddname FAILED TO OPEN Explanation: The DD statement whose ddname is specified in the message text is coded incorrectly or is missing. The input data set could not be opened,. System Action: The job step is terminated with a return code of 4. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct or include the named DD statement and execute the job step again. IFCOOCI INPUT NOT ACCUMULATIVE DATA SET Explanation: The input data set is specified as beinq a history data set; however, it is not a history data set. system Action: terminated. o The job step is Operator Response: Mount the correct volume and rerun the job step. IFCOODI ACCUMULATICN OUTPUT TERMINATED - ERROR Explanation: An unrecoverable write error occurred while writing into an accumulated data set. system Action: No additional accumulation is performed. The job step is terminated unless an additional function or functions (such as, summarization or full record printing) are specified. Operator Response: None. Problem Determination: 4, 29. Problem Determination: 4, 29,. Table 1., items 2" IFC011I HEADER RECORD READ ERROR Explanation: The header record on the SYS1.LOGREC data set could not be read. System Action: The job step is terminated with a return code of 4. ~ Programmer Response: Execut,e the IMASPZAP service aid program to obtain a dump of ~ the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Then execute the IFCDIPOO program to reinitialize the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Problem Determination: 4, 14, 29,. Table I, items 2, IFC012I HEADER RECORD INVALID Explanation: A validity check of the header record on the SYS1.LOGREC data set has uncovered an error. Table I, items 2, IFCOOEI JOB TERMINATED DUE TO INPUT ERRORS System Action: The IFCEREPO program will attempt to continue ~rocessing the data set. Explanation: Unrecoverable I/O errors occurred while reading an input history data set. Thi~ message is qenerated when at least 40 records have been read and the number of input errors exceeds 12.5% of the total number of records read. Programmer Response: Execute the IMASPZAP service aid program to obtain a dump of the SYS1.LOGREC data set to verify the output of, the IFCEREPO program. Then execute the IFCDIPOO program to reinitialize the SYS1.LOGREC data set. System Action: terminated. Problem Determination: 4, 14" 29. The job step is Operator Response: None. Problem Determination: 4, 29. Table I, items 2, Table I" items 2" :J:FC0131 ddname INPUT ERROR Explanation: An uncorrectable input error has occurred on the data set whose ddname is specified in the messaqe text. IFCOOFI ddname DD STATEMENT INCORRECT STEP TERM o Explanation: The named DD statement is coded incorrectly or is missing from the inpl t stream. System Action: The proqram will continue processing. The record which caused the input error is ignored. No more records will be zeroed. IFC Messages - IFCEREPO 409 , Programmer Response: Execute the IMASPZAP service aid program to obtain a dump of the data set on which the input error occurred. Move or copy the data set to a like device to determine if the problem was caused by a hardware malfunction. If the message does not recur there is a probable hardware error on the device originally used. Otherwise, a probable programming error exists. If the error occurred on the SYS1.LOGREC data set, execute the IFCDIPOO program to reinitialize the data set. Problem Determination: 4, 14, 29. IFC017I INPUT ERRORS HAVE EXCEEDED MAX Explanation: More than 16 input errors have occurred during this execution of the IFCEREPO prograrr. o system Action: The job step is terminated with a return code of 4. Programmer Response: Execute the IMASPZAP service aid program to obtain a dump of the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Then execute the IFCDIPOO program to reinitialize the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Table I, items 2, Problem Deterrrination: 4, 14, 29. Table I, items 2, IFC014I HEADER RECORD WRITE ERROR IFC018I ddname END OF DATA BEFORE PROGRAM END Explanation: The header record of the SYS1.LOGREC data set cannot be updated because of an uncorrectable output error. system Action: normally. The program will terminate Programmer Response: Execute the IFCDIPOO program to reinitialize the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Problem Determination: 4, 29. Table I, items 2, IFC015I ddname OUTPUT ERROR Explanation: An uncorrectable output error has occurred on the data set whose ddname is specified in the message text. System Action: The system action depends on the data set on which the error occurred: • If ddname is EREPPT, the job step is terminated. • If ddname is MEASURE, records are not zeroed but processing continues without further measurement. • If ddname is ACCDEV, records are not zeroed but processing continues without further accumulation. Programmer Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the job again after changing the device or the recording medium which caused the error. Problem Determination: 4, 30. Table I, items 2, IFC016I I/O ERROR WHILE ZEROING RECORD Explanation: An output error on the SYS1.LOGREC data set was encountered when a zeroed record was being written. system Action: The program will continue processing the selected records but no more records will be zeroed. 410 Explanation: The IFCEREPO program found the end of data on the data set associated with ddname before the program was complete. The problem probably resulted from an input/output error. system Action: The job step is terminated with a return code of 4. Pr(XJrammer Response: Execute the IMASPZAP service aid program to obtain a dump of the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Then execute the IFCDIPOO program to reinitialize the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Problem Determination: 4, 14, 29. Table I" items 2, IFC019I PARAMETER FIELD SYNTAX ERROR Explanation: A keywcrd or operand in the PARM field of the EXEC statement for IFCEREPO is coded incorrectly. system Action: The job step is terminated with a return code of 4. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter and execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 4, 29. Table I, items 2, IFCOlAI PARAMETER CONFLICT Explanation: Two of the parameters of the EXEC statement for IFCEREPO would endanger the data if the job step were to continue executing,. Example: (ZERO=Y,PRSNl'=NO). The records would be lost without being either edited or accumulated. System Action: The job step is terminated with a return code of 4. Programmer Response: Execute the IFCDIPOO program to reinitialize the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Pr(XJrammer Response: Probable user error .. Eliminate the conflicting parameters in the EXEC statement for IFCEREPO and execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 4, 29. 4, 29. Table 1'1 items 2, Messages and Codes (Release 21,.7) Problem Determination: Table I, items 2, o o IFC01BI DUPLICATE KEYWORDS FOUND Explanation: TWo identical keywords were specified in the PARM field of the EXEC statement for IFCEREPO. System Action: The job step is terminated wi th a return code of 4. IFC021I INVALID START DATE; CORRECT AND RESTART JOB Explanation: The reFort starting date specified on the control card was either non-numeric or was before January 1, 1960. In order to obtain valid output the start date must be within 30 days of the first date on the first record of the measurement data set. System Action: Programmer Response: Probable user error. Eliminate one of the duplicate keywords and execute the job step again. Problem Determination: 4, 29. Table I, items 2, IFC01CI STAT RECORD KEYS OUT OF SEQUENCE EXPCD yyy FND xxx Explanation: The key of a statistical record (SDR) is out of sequence. In the message text, yyy is the key which the IFCEREPO program expected (EXPCD) to find, and xxx is the key which was found (FND). System Action: The IFCEREPO program stops processing the SDR records only. No more records are zeroed. o Programmer Response: Execute the IMASPZAP service aid program to obtain a dump of the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Then execute the IFCDIPOO program to reinitialize the SYS1. LOGREC da ta set. Problem Determination: 4, 29. Programmer Response: Correct the start date and resubmit the job. IFC0221 INVALID END DATE CORRECT AND RESTART THE JOB Explanation: The end date of the report as specified on the control card was either not completely numeric or blank. This date must be greater than or equal to the start date. system Action: The job is terminated. Prcqrammer Response: Correct the end date in the control card and resubmit the job. IFC0231 INVALID CLUSTER VALUE; CORRECT AND RERUN JOB Explanation: The IPL clustering time interval specified on the control card was not completely numeric or blank. system Action: The job is terminated. Programmer Response: Correct the control card's IPL clustering time interval or leave i t blank and resubmit the job. Table I, items 2, IFC0241 SUPPLY AN ROE CONTROL CARD AND RERUN THE JOB IFC0201 ENCOUNTERED MORE THAN 16 SEQ ERRORS STOP RUN Explanation: The input measurement data set contains 16 or more consecutive records which are out of sequence. The RDE summary program is unabl e to handle sequence errors of this severity. Sequence errors normally result from a failure to accumulate the measurement data set in time order sequence. system Action: The IPL report will report on system ~nitializations up to the point of the error but will not print the clusters or mean IPL time. The hardware error report will not be generated. The RDE summary program will be term ina ted. Programmer Response: The job is termin&ted. Explanation: A control card must be present in order to run the RDE summary program. This control card must at least specify the start date for the report. System Action? The job is terminated. Programmer Response: Fill out the control card correctly and resubmit the job. IFC0251 NO IPL RECORDS PROCESSED Explanation: No IPL records were encountered in the measurement data set. System Action: Processing continues. Prcqrammer Response: Ensure that the proper measurement tape was mounted. None. o IFC Messages - IFCEREPO 411 o o o 412 Messages and Codes (Release 21,.7) o Online Test Executive Program Messages (IFD) r-----------------------------T----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I IFD I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------i I Program Producing Message I Online test executive program. J I Component Name t-----------------------------t-------------------------------------------~--------------------------_I J Audience and Where Produced I For programmer: SYSPRINT data set. I I I I I For operator: I I console.. ~----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 Message Format IFDnnnI text xx IFDnnns text (in SYSPRINT) (on console) nnn Message serial number .• text Message text. xx Message reply identification (absent" required) • if operator reply not s Type code: J I I D Decision; operator must choose an alternative. I Information; no operator action is required. ~----------------~------------t-----------------~~----------------------~----------------------------_f J Comments I None. t I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------i I IBM System/360 Operating system: I o I Associated Publications I I Online Test Executive Program, GC28-66S0 I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------i I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this publication for problem I IL _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI ~ IFD1001 message Explanation: The message may be any of the follONing: xxxxxyyy CANNOT RUN ON UNIT zzz The configuration data in the OLT library or the UCB for unit zzz does not specify the device characteristics required by section yyy of test xxxxx. The test section is bypassed. Operator Response: Probable user error. Check for an error in the test definition (OLTEP control statement or reply to message IFD105D). Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 4" Sa. 16" 29. cancel the job., requesting a dump. NO DEVICE DESCRIPTORS FOR DEVICE o OLTEP scheduled a test for a device for which there is no configuration data entry in the OLTEP library. The test is bypassed. Operator Response: ~ NOT ALL SELECTED ROUTINES WERE RUN None. Not all the routines specified in the response to message IFD10SD (ENTER-DEV/TEST/OPT) were executed. Either the routines do not exist, or the test section terminated before the routines were able to run. Operator Response: None .• TEST CANCELLED. ATTEMPTED TO WRITE ON FILE PROTECl'ED DEVICE A device is being tested in File Protect Mode. OLTEP is terminating a test section that tried to write on the device. Operator Response: None. test output A test section is running and producing output. Because the Parallel Print (PP) option was selected, OLTEP sends this output to the console as well as to the output data set. Content depends on the value specified with the option: PP(O) - header only PP(1) - header, description, comments PP(2) - header" results PP(3) - header, description, comments, results IFD Messages - OLTEP 413 ~ If no value was specified with the option., PP (,2) is assumed. Operator Response: None. IFD101D message Explanation: This message is issued by an OLT program (test section). The OLT program requires the operator to perform some action or to make a decision before testing can continue. system Action: OLTEP waits for the operator to respond. Operator Response: Respond as indicated in the message text. IFD1021 OLTS RUNNING Explanation: The Online Test Executive Program (OLTEP) has been loaded. Note: OLTEP is the executive program for the Online Test System (OLTS) ,. system Action: OLTEP processes the first OLTEP control statement (if any), or issues message IFD105D. Operator Response: Explanation: OLTEP is asking the operator what to do next.. The operator can define the next test to be run, or terminate the job step. He can also ask for help in defining the next test. system Action: OLTEP waits for the operator to reply. ~rator Res ponse: Define the next test (ask f or help if necess ary) " or terminate the job step. To define the next test, enter REPLY xx, 'devices/tests/options/' '. This reply is a test definition: it specifies the devices to be tested, the tests to be run, and the OLTEP options to be appl ied,. For example" REPLY xx,'180-184/2400//' This means: "Test units 180 to 184; run basic IBM 2400 tape unit tests; use standard OLTEP options .• " For full information on how to enter a test definition, refer to the publication IBM System/360 Operating System: Online Test Executive Program, GC28-6650. To ask OLTEP for help in defining a test., enter REPLY xx,' PROMPT yyyy', where yyyy is one of the following: Explanation: The not-ready bit in the unit control block for device dddddddd is set to 1. DEV TEST OPT ALL - system Action: OLTEP will bypass all tests on device dddddddd. If another device was specified in the test definition., OLTEP will schedule testing of that device. OLTEP will issue messages that give examples of correct device" test" and option specifications. OLTEP'will then reissUe message IFD105D to let you define the next test. operator Response: Ready device dddddddd .• Request the same test again when OLTEP sends you message IFD105D. Note: Rather than ask OLTEP for help" you can get the same information by referring to this manual for descriptions of messages IFD147I, IFD148I, and IFD149I. IFD104E TO FORCE COMMUNICATION WITH OLTEP EXECUTIVE, ENTER ANY CHAR Explanation: This message enables the operator to stop a test in order to define a new test or terminate the job step. Operator Response: Do not reply immediately.. Reply when and if you want to stop a test in order to define a new test or terminate the job step. To stop xx,'y', console testing respond reissue test is o None. IFD1031 UCB NOT READY BIT ON - dddddddd TESTS BYPASSED the running of a test" enter REPLY where y is any character on the keyboard,. OLTEP wi 11 suspend and issue message IFD105D. If you by defining a new test, OLTEP will message IFD104E before the new started. Note that you can reply to message IFD104E at any time before the end of the job step.. If you do not reply to the message, i t is not reissued .• 414 IFD105D ENTER - DEV/TEST/OPT/ Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) device field - test field option field all of the above o To terminate the job step, enter REPLY xx, 'CANCEL' • IFD1061 INPUT DATA DOES NOT CONTAIN 3 SLASHES Explanation: An incorrect test definition has been entered, either as an OLTEP control statement or as a reply to message IFD105D. The test definition is incorrect because it does not contain three slashes as field delimiters,. For example, devices/tests/options should be devices/tests/options/ NOTE: If you reply to message IFD168E and the REl'AIN/370 Interface terminates before the response is transmitted to the remote specialist, you may receive first message IFD105D, then this message" then IFD105D again. In that case" you should ignore this message .• o o System Action: OLTEP will issue message IFD10SD to permit a new test definition to be entered. Operator Response: Probable user error. Respond as indicated to message IFD10SD. If the test definition is correct, make sure that the sequence of events described in the NOTE above has occurred. Cancel the job, requesting a dump. Problem Determination: 2, 4, Sa" 16, 29. Table I, items 1, IFD107 I OPTIONS ARE xxx" •.•• xxx Explanation: A correct test definition has been entered. The test definition specifies or implies the OLTEP options indicated by the xxx fields in the message. system Action: Testing continues. Operator Response: None. IFD108I INVALID ENTRY IN DEV FLD xx o Explanation: An incorrect test definition has been entereQ, either as an OLTEP control statement or as a reply to message IFD10SD. The test definition is incorrect because of an error in the device field. The error is of type xx, which may be any of the following: • 01 - Invalid delimiter. • 02 - Invalid address. • 04 - Field omitted. • 60 - Invalid range of device addresses. System Action: OLTEP issues message IFD161I, which explains how to request help in entering the device field. OLTEP then issues message IFD10SD to permit either a request for help or a new test definition to be entered. operator Response: Probable user error. Respond as indicated to message IFD10SD. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Cancel the job, requ est ing a dump. IFD109I XXXXXXXX{OFFLINE,,} {UNALLOCATED} ONLINE, ALLOCATED WILL NOT BE TESTED o Explanation: Device xxxxxxxx has been presented to OLTEP for testing. OLTEP determined that the device is unsuitable for testing for one of the following reasons: • The device status is OFFLINE or ONLINE. Only certain DASD and local 3270 graphics (BTAM controlled) devices can be tested online. All other devices presented to OLTEP for testing must first be offline. • The device is allocated or unallocated in the operating system. Only certain DASD and local 3270 graphics (BTAM controlled) devices can be tested when allocated to another user in the system. All other devices presented to OLTEP must be unallocated in the system. System Action: device. OLTEP bypasses testing the Response: In cases where the device is online or offline and allocated or online and unallocated" the device must be freed from any possible users and a VARY OFFLINE command entered for the device. The device can then be presented to OLTEP for testing, by responding to message IFD10SD. ~rator Note: 1) When OLTEP is the only active task in the system" OLTEP must be terminated and restarted in order for the VARY command to take affect. If another initiator is available, the starting of a "dummy" job will also initiate the VARY command. 2) For devices allocated to a teleprocessing access method" the device must first be freed from the access method, and then a VARY OFFLINE command entered before being presented to OLTEP. 3) For the 3705 (under BTAM control), a VARY OFF command must be entered from BTAM and then a VARY OFFLINE command entered in the operating system. The device can then be· presented to OLTEP. IFD110I TESTABLE DEVICES MAY NOT EXCEED 16 Explanation: In a test definition (OLTEP control statement or reply to message IFD105D) I, more than 16 devices were selected for testing,. System Action: OLTEP will test the first 16 devices that neet test requirements; the others will be ignored,. Operator Response: None. Devices not tested at this time can be respecified the next time that OLTEP issues message IFD10SD. IFD111I NO DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR TEST Explanation: In a test definition (OLTEP control stateroent or reply to message IFD10SD), OLTEP has been asked to test one or more devices. The devices do not exist, or cannot be tested because they are online to the operating system. System Action: OLTEP processes the next OLTEP control statement (if any)" or issues message IFD105D. Operator Response: Make sure that devices are specified correctly in the test definition. Vary offline any of the devices that are online. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 4, Sa, 16, 29. Cancel the job., requesting a dump_ IFD Messages - OLTEP 41S IFDl12I INVALID ENTRY IN TEST FLD xx Explanation: An incorrect test definition has been entered, either as an OLTEP control statement or as a reply to message IFD1 05D. The test definition is incorrect because of an error in the test field. The error is of type xx, which may be any of t he follow ing: • 01 - Invalid delimiter. • 04 - Field omitted. • 05 - Invalid test type (contains both letters and numerics). • 06 - Invalid test sections (name not alphabetic) • • 07 - Invalid range of test sections. • 08 - Invalid specification of test section routine (more than one test section is specified). • 09 - Invalid test section routine (not numeric) • Invalid range of test section • 10 routines. system Action: OLTEP issues message IFD161I" which explains how to request help in entering the test field. OLTEP then issues message IFD105D to permit either a request for help or a new test definition to be entered. Operator Response: Probable user error. Respond as indicated to message IFD105D. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Cancel the job, requesting a dump. IFD114I ALL GRAPHICS ON CONTROL UNIT NOT OFFLINE Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test one or more IBM 2250 graphic display units. These units cannot be tested, because other 2250s on the same control unit are online to the operating system. system Action: OLTEP processes the next OLTEP control statement (if any), or issues message IFD105D. Operator Response: Vary all devices on the control unit offline; request the same test again when OLTEP issues message IFD105D. (The VARY OFFLINE command will take effect when the operating system terminates or initiates a job step. If no jobs are being run concurrently with OLTEP, you must terminate OLTEP to let the VARY command take effect). IFDl15I INVALID ENTRY IN OPT FLD--xxxxxxxxxxx Explanation: An incorrect test definition has been entered, either as an OLTEP control statement or as ,a reply to message IFD105D-. The test definition is incorrect because of an invalid entry in the option field. The first three characters of the invalid entry appear in the xxx field of the message text. The first ten characters of the invalid entry appear in the xxxxxxxxxx field of the message text. 416 Messages and Codes (Release 21,.7) 0 system Action: OLTEP issues message IFD161I, which explains how to r e q u e s t _ he lp in entering the option field. OLTEP then issues message IFD105D, to permit either a request for help or a new test defini tion to be entered,. Operator Response: Probable user error. Respond as indicated to message IFD105D. statement. Cancel the job" requesting a dump. Problem Deterrrination: 2, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Table I, items 1, IFDl17I SECTION xxxxxyyy NOT FOUND Explanation: In a test definition (OLTEP control statement or reply to message IFD105D), OLTEP has been asked to run one or more sections of test xxxxx. The OLT program required to perform section yyy is not available in the step library, job library, or link library. system Action: section. OLTEP bypasses the test Operator Response: Probable user error. If the OLT program named xxxxxyyy has not been included in the system link library (SYS1.LINKLIB), be sure that it is included in a private library that has been defined as the step library or job library. Problem Determination: Table I, items 2" 4, 29. If the program has been included in the step" job, or link library, execute the IEHLIST utility ~rogram to list the library directory. Save the listing. C ' _~} J IFD118I UNREADABLE TAPE LABEL - dddddddd Explanation: OLTEP has been device dddddddd, which is an magnetic tape unit. Because permanent input error, OLTEP determine whether a standard tape is mounted. asked to test IBM 2400/3400 of a cannot label scratch system Action: OLTEP issues messages IFD137I and IFD139D. Operator Response: Respond as indicated below to messages IFD137I and IFD139D. Message IFD137I indicates the nature of the error (for example, the device may not be loaded). If you can correct the error. enter REPLY xx,'R' in response to message IFD139D; OLTEP in turn will try again to read standard label s from the tape,. If you cannot correct the error, probable hardware error. Enter one of the following responses to message IFD139D: • REPLY xx,' B' to allow OLTEP to bypass the device,• • REPLY xx,' P' 'to allow OLTEP to proceed with the test, using the mounted volume as a scratch tape; if the volume contains data or labels, they may be destroyed. o o Problem Determination: Table I, items 30. IFD1191 NON-STANDARD TAPB LABEL - dddddddd Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test device dddddddd, which is an IBM 2400/3400 magnetic tape unit. Because the mounted volume does not have standard labels, OLTEP cannot determine whether the volume is a scratch tape. Device dddddddd may not be the one that the operator intended to test; in that case, the operator may have made a simple typing error when he entered the test definition. System Action: IFD1390'. OLTEP issues message Operator Response: Make sure that the correct device was specified in the test definition. If it was not, this is probably a user error; enter REPLY xx,'B' in response to message IFD139D, and specify the correct device the next time message IFD105D is issued. If the data on the volume must be preserved, enter REPLY xx, 'NO' OLTEP will test the device in File Protect Mode; no write testing will be Ferformed, and no data will be destroyed. IFD1211 xx MESSAGE CANCELLED BY OLTEP Explanation: An OLT program previously issued message IFD154E with message identifier xx. The cperator has not replied, and the OLT program can no longer acceFt a reply. System Acti0n: OLTEP has cancelled the message, making a reFly impossible. operator Response: message. Note: If the system provides multiple console support (MCS), message IFD1211 is preceded by message IEE6001 (ACCEPTED REPLY TO MSG xx IS'S'). IFD1221 VOL ON dddddddd o If the correct device was specified in the test definition, and the volume mounted on device dddddddd is not a scratch tape, remove the volume and replace i t with a scratch tape. Then respond to message IFD139D as indicated below: • If you mount a scratch tape with standard labels, enter REPLY xx,'R' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP in turn will read the volume and data set labels to make sure that the tape can be used as a scratch volume. • If you mount a scratch tape with no labels or with nonstandard labels, enter REPLY xx,'P' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP will then proceed with the test. Data and labels may be destroyed. If the volume mounted on device ddd has standard labels, Or if you cannot mount a scratch volume, enter REPLY xx" 'B' in response to message IFD139D and call IBM for support. IFD120D CAN VOL DATA ON dddddddd BE DESTROYED REPLY YES OR NO Explana tion: Device dddddddd is an IBM 2311 or 2314/2319 disk storage device or an IBM 2301 or 2303 drum storage. device; it is offline to the operating system. OLTEP is asking whether it can run tests that will destroy data stored on the device. System Action: OLTEP waits for the operat or to reply. Operator Response: If OLTEP is permitted to destroy all data stored on the device, enter REPLY xx,'YES'. OLTEP will use the entire volume for testing. When testing is complete, you must use the IBCDASDI utility program to reinitialize the volume. Ignore the cancelled SECURITY PROTECTED} { UN EXP IR ED DATE Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test device dddddddd, which is an ,IBM 2400/3400 magnetic tape unit or an IBM 2311/2314/3330 direct access device. The volume mounted on the device has standard labels, and the data set header label indicates that the volume contains a security-protected data set or a data set with an unexpired date. OLTEP cannot use this volume as a scratch tape for testing the device. Device dddddddd may not be the one that the operator intended to test; in that case, the operator may have made a simple typing error when he entered the test defi ni ti on. System Action: IFD139D. OLTEP issues message Operator Response: Make sure that the correct device was specified in the test definition. If i t was not, this is probably a user error; enter REPLY xx, 'B' in response to message IFD139D, and specify the correct device the next time message IFD105D is issued. If the correct device was specified in the test definition, and the volume mounted on device dddddddd is not a scratch tape, remove the volume and replace i t with a scratch tape that does not contain a security-protected data set. Then enter REPLY xx, 'R' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP will try again to recognize the volume as a scratch volume. If the volume mounted on device dddddddd was not security-protected or if you cannot mount a scratch volume, enter REPLY xx,'B' in response to message IFD139D and call IBM for support. IFD Mess ages - OLTEP 41 7 GI IFD1241 CE VOL NOT ON UNIT dddddddd Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test unit dddddddd which is an IBM 2311, 2314, or 2319 direct access device. The volume label does not indicate a C.E. volume. System Action: IFD139D. OLTEP issues message If a C.E. volume is not available to be mounted, enter REPLY xx,'B' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP will bypass the device. If you can mount a C.E. volume, enter REPLY xx,'R' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP will verify that the volume is a C,. E. volume and proceed with the test. Problem Determination: 4, 30. IFD1251 UNREADABLE LABEL ON ddd Explanation: OLTEP attempted unsuccessfully to read the label of the volume on device ddd. system Action: OLTEP issues messages IFD1371 and IFD139D. Operator Response: Respond to messages IFD1371 and IFD139D as indicated below: Message IFD1371 indicates the nature of the error. If you can correct the error, enter REr~Y xx,'R' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP will try again to read the volume label. If you cannot correct the error, this is probably a hardware error. Enter one of the following response to message IFD139D: • REPLY xx,'B' to allow OLTEP to bypass the device. • REPLY xx" 'P' to allow OLTEP to proceed in File Protect Mode; tests will not destroy data on the volume unless you gi ve permission in a later response to message IFD120D .• Problem Determination: o Operator Response: Make sure that a C .E. volume is mounted in bin 0 of device dddddddd. Then enter REPLY xx,'R' in response to message IFD139D; OLTEP will try again to recognize the mounted volume as a C.E. volume. Operator Response: If possible, replace the mounted volume with a C.E. volume. Then respond to message IFD139D as indicated below. ·If a C. E. volume is not available to be mounted, enter one of the following responses to message IFD139D: • REPLY xx".' B' to allow OLTEP to bypass the device. • REPLY xx,'P' to allow OLTEP to proceed in File Protect Mode; the test will not destroy data on the volume unless you give permission in a later response tq message IFD120D. Table I, items 2" IFD1281 TEST BYPASSED CHANNEL DATA PROTECT NOT DONE Explanation: An OLT program (test section) has asked OLTEP to execute a special instruction (Diagnose) that is used only for channel testing. The device field of the test definition did not specify channel testing, (that is, i t did not begin with the characters "CH"). System Action: OLTEP terminates the test section and tries to execute any other test section specified in the test definition,. Operator Response: Probable user error,. Determine the error, and enter a corrected test definition when OLTEP next issues message IFD105D.. (If you are trying to test a channel, enter the device field as CHddd, where ddd is a device attached to. the channel. If you are not trying to test a channel, reenter the test field to specify the correct test type.) Cancel the job, requesting a dump,. Problem Determination: 2, 4, 5 a , 16, 29 • 0 .' \ Table 1., items 1, IFD1291 FIRST ERROR COMMUNICATION xxx.xxxxx yyyy UNIT dddddddd [aaaaaaaa] Explanation: section yyyy of OLT program xxxxxxxx has detected an error on device dddddddd. (OLT program xxxxxxxx performs section yyyy of the test.) Becaus e the first error (FE) communication option is in effect., OLTEP will issue message IFD105D to let the operator determine whether testing should continue,. aaaaaaaa is used if a symbolic name is applicable. Table I, item 30. IFD1261 BIN 0 OF dddddddd DOES NOT INDICATE CE CELL Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test device dddddddd, which is an IBM 2321 data cell drive. The operator replied YES to message IFD140D, indicating that a C.E. volume is mounted in bin O. However I, the C.E. sense bit is set to zero, which indicates that a C.E. volume is not mounted. 418 System Action: OLTEP issued messages IFD1371 and IFD139D. Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) System Action: IFD105D. OLTEP issues message Operator Response: If the PP option has been specified" message IFD1001 will be issued to indicate the nature of the error. After you have determined the cause of the error and have taken the appropriate corrective action, you can choose to do one of the following: • You may reSUIr,e testing with the same option in effect by entering R E P L Y ! xx,'///' in response to message IFD105D. 0 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o The First Error Communication option will remain in effect. When the next input/output error occurs, OLTEP will again issue messages IFD1291 and IFD105D. • You may resume testing with different options by entering REPLY xx,'//yyy,yyy, ••. /' where yyy is an OLTEP option. (For a list of OLTEP options, refer to the description of message IFD149I.) Any option that is not specifically changed remains in effect. Thus, the FE option remains in effect unless you specify NFE; when the next input/output error occurs, OLTEP will again issue messages IFD1291 and IFD105D. • You may define a new test or terminate the job step; to do this, refer to the description of message IFD105D. If you are unable to correct the error described by message IFD100I, or if you are unable to determine the nature of the error, call IBM for support. IFD1301 INTERVENTION REQ dddddddd Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test dev~ce dddddddd. The device is not ready; operator intervention is required. System Action: OLTEP issues messages IFD1371 and IFD139D. IFD1321 CE BIT WILL NOT RESET-dddddddd Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test dev~ce dddddddd, which is an IBM 2321 data cell dri.,e. The operator responded YES to message IFD140D, indicating that a C.E. volume is mounted. OLTEP issued a sense command to verify the operator's reply. The C.E. sense bit is set to 1, which normally indicates that a C.E. volume is mounted in bin 0; but the bit cannot be reset. Therefore it is not certain that the C.E. sense bit is meaningful. System Action: OLTEP issues messages IFD1371 and IFD139D. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Respond to messages IFD1371 and IFD139D as indicated below. Message IFD1371 indicates the nature of the error. If you can correct the error, enter REPLY xx,'R' in response to message IFD139D; OLTEP will try again to verify that a C.E. volume is mounted. If you cannot correct the error, enter REPLY xx,'B' in response to message IFD139D; OLTEP will bypass the device. Problem Determination: 30. Table I, items 2, IFD1331 TIMER NOT STEPPING, TIMING TEST BYPASSED. Operator Response: Ready the device; then enter REPLY xx,'R' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP will again read or sense to see if the device is ready. If the device remains unready, OLTEP will issue the same messages again. If you cannot successfully ready the device, you can either proceed with the test or bypass it. To proceed with the test; enter REPLY xx, 'p' in response to message IFD139D. If you are testing an IBM 2311 or 2314 direct access device, testing will proceed in File Protect Mode; data on the device will not be destroyed unless you give permission in response to a later issuance of message IFD120D. To bypass the test, enter REPLY xx,'B' in response to message IFD139D. IFD1311 SENSE TO dddddddd FAILED Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test device dddddddd, which is an IBM 2321 data cell drive. The operator replied YES to message IFD140D, indicating that a C.E. volume is mounted in bin O. A permanent error occurred when OLTEP issued a sense command to verify that a C.E. volume is mounted. System Action: OLTIEP issues messages IFD1371 and IFD139D. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Respond as indicated to messages IFD1371 and IFD139D. Message IFD1371 indicates the cause of the error. If you can correct the error, enter REPLY xx,'R' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP will try again to verify that a C.E. volume is mounted. If you cannot correct the error, enter REPLY xx,'B' in response to message IFD139D; OLTEP will bypass the device. Problem Determination: 4, 29. Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to run the tape motion test for an IBM 2400 magnetic tape unit. OLTEP cannot run the test because the interval timer is not working. System Action: test. OLTEP bypasses the tape mot~on Operator Response: Set the timer switch ON and request the tape motion test again when OLTEP next issues message IFD105D. Problem Determination: Table I, item 30. IFD1341 WARNING - DASD VOLUME LABELED CEPACK NOT PROTECTED FROM WRITE Explanation: A direct access volume with the volume serial number CEPACK is mounted. OLTEP will use that volume for a scratch volume. System Action: OLTEP issues message IFD105D, asking for a test definition. Operator Response: Before responding to messageIFD105D, make sure that the volumes with a serial numb~r of CEPACK are available for OLTEP's use. Any data on those volumes may be lost. IFD135D ARE TIME DEPENDENT DEVICES ACTIVE(TP, 1419), REPLY YES OR NO Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to run the tape motion test for an IBM 2400 magnetic tape unit. OLTEP cannot run this test if time-dependent devices are active within the system. Time-dependent devices are teleprocessing lines and the IBM 1419 magnetic character reader. System Action: OLTEP waits for the operator to reply. Table I, items 2, o IFD Messages - OLTEP 419 operator Response: If time-dependent devices are active, enter RE.PLY xx,,' YES' ; OLTEP will bypass the tape motion test and issue message IFD136I. If time-dependent devices are not active, enter REPLY xx, 'NO'; OLTEP will then run the tape motion test, provided that the interval timer is working properly. IFD136I TIME DEPENDENT DEVICES ARE ACTIVE, TIMING TEST BYPASSED Explanation: The operator replied YES to message IFD135D, indicating that time-dependent devices are active within the system. System Action: motion test. OLTEP bypasses the tape Operator Response: None. IFD137I CSW - XXyyyyyyyyyyyyyy SNS - sns Explanation: An error occurred during execution of OLTEP data protection. This message displays sense data resulting from the error condition (indicated in the message text by sns) and the low-order bytes of the channel status word (Csw). System Action: IFD139D. OLTEP issues message Operator Response: Examine the sense data and the flag bytes of the CSW to determine what action, if any, can be performed to correct the error. (Note that some of the sense data may be invalid; the number of valid sense bytes depends on the device type .• ) Respond as indicated to message IFD139D. IFD138I DEV dddddddd NOT OPERATIONAL., CC=3 If you cannot make the device operational, this is probably a hardware error. Enter one of the following: • REPLY xx,'B' to allow OLTEP to bypass the device. • REPLY xx,'P' to allow OLTEP to proceed in File Protect Mode and attempt to perform the specified test; testing, if successful" wi 11 net destroy data, unless you give permission in response to a later issuance of message IFD120Q. In both cases, call IBM for hardware support. IFD139D REPLY B TO BYPASS, R TO RETRY B TO BYPASS, R TO RETRY, P TO PROCEED B TO BYPASS, R TO RETRY, P TO PROCEED (MAY DESTROY DATA) R TO RETR Y, P TO PROCEED Explanation: An input/output operation has resulted in a permanent error condition. The cause and nature of the error has been given in messages issued previously. system Action: The system action depends on the operatOr's response. Operator Response: Respond as indicated in the messages issued previously.. If you can, remove the cauSe of the error and enter REPLY xx, 'R'; OLTEP will try again to perform the interrupted operation. If you cannot remove the cause of the error, enter REPLY xx" 'B' to bypass testing of the device, or REPLY xx,'P' to proceed without retrying the unsuccessful operation. IFD142D OLTS .WAITING FOR CHANNEL x, REPLY PROCEED OR CANCEL Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test device dddddddd. The device is not operational or does not exist. In the message text" CC=3 represents the condition code reSUlting from an SIO instruction. Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test channel x, but has been unable to get exclusive use of the channel. System Action: IFD139D. Operator Response: To continue waiting for the channel, enter REPLY xx" 'PROCEED' .. OLTEP will try again to get exclusive use of the channel. If i t cannot do so in the next minute, i t will issue the same message again. OLTEP issues message Operator Response: If device dddddddd does not exist., enter REPLY xx,' B' in response to message IFD139D.. Enter the correct device the next time message IFD105D is issued. If dev ice ddd exists but is not loaded, mount a C.E. volume or scratch volume and ready the device. If the device exists but is not ready, make it ready. In both cas es, enter REPLY xx" 'R' in response to message IFD139D; OLTEP will again test for an operational device. System Action: OLTEP waits for the operator to reply. To cancel the request for channel testing, enter REPLY xx. 'CANCEL'. OLTEP will issue messages IFD152I and IFD105D to allow you to define a new test or terminate the job step. You must enter the word PROCEED or CANCEL in uppercase. Note: This message does not appear in the OLTEP output data set,. o 420 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) O IFD144D TIMEOUT, NO INTERRUPl'-UNIT dddddddd. REPLY WAIT OR CANCEL Explanation: OLTEP is testing a device .. Thirty seconds have elapsed since the start of an 1/0 operation; no interruption has occurred to signal completion of the operation. The interruption may have been lost due to a device error; OLTEP is asking whether to cancel the operation or to wait for its completion. System Action: OLTEP waits for the operator to reply .• Operator Response: To wait for I/O completion, enter REPLY xx,'WAIT'. To cancel the 1/0 operation and continue testing, enter REPLY xx,,' CANCEL' • Note: This message will appear only if the interval timer is working, and the operating system includes MVT or MFT and the interval timer option. IFD14SD IS dddddddd OFFLINE TO ALL SHARING SYSTEMS, REPLY YES OR NO o Explanation: Device dddddddd is an IBM 2311, 2314, or 2319 disk storage device or an IBM 2301 or 2303 drum storage device; it is shared by two or more computing systems. The device is offline in the system where OLTEP is being executed. OLTEP is asking whether the device is also offline in other systems that share the device. System Action: OLTEP waits for the operator to reply. Operator Response: Determine whether the device is offline to all operating systems that share the device. If it is, enter REPLY xx,,' YES'; OLTEP will issue message IFD120D to allow you to decide whether data on the device can be destroyed. If the device is not offline to all operating systems, enter REPLY xx, 'NO'; OLTEP will test the device in File Protect Mode. No write testing will be performed, and no data will be destroyed. IFD1461 SEE SRL - ONLINE TEST EXECUTIVE PROGRAM Explanation: In response to message IFD10Sn, the operator asked OLTEP for help in entering a test definition. OLTEP has issued one or more messages to provide examples of correct device, test, and option specifications. In this message, OLTEP refers the operator to the SRL publication IBM system/360 Operating System: Online Test Executive Program, GC28- 66S0. System Action: IFD10SD. OLTEP reissues message Operator Response: For additional help" refer to the publication indicated by the message.. Then enter a test definition in response to message IFD10SD (or terminate the job step). IFD1471 EXAMPLES OF DEVICE FIELD IFD1471 1811 TEST DEVICE 181 IFD147I 185-1871 TEST DEVICES 18S" 186;, AND 187 IFD1471 285-286,184"EI TEST DEVICES 28S, 286" 184 AND SYMBOLIC E IFD147I .CH2821 TEST CHANNEL 2 IFD1471 .NDRI NO DEVICE REQUIRED FOR TEST IFD1471 I (slash alone)TEST PREVIOUSLY SELECTED DEVICES Explanati on: IFD10SD, the entering the definition. the operator be tested. In resFonse to message operator asked for help in device field of a test In this message" OLTEP shows how to specify the devices to System Action: OLTEP issues message IFD1461 and reissues message IFD10SD. Operator Response: Respond as indicated to messages IFD1461 and IFD10SD,. IFD1481 EXAMPLES OF TEST FIELD IFD1481 24001 TAPE TESTS IFD1481 2400AI SECTION A OF TAPE TEST 2400 RTN. 2, SEC. C, TEST 2400 IFD148I 2400C,21 IFD1481 2400A-C, E, G/ SEC. A, B" C, E, AND G OF TEST 2400 SEC. AA OF READER TEST IFD1481 R2540AAI 2S40 IFD1481 I (SLASH ALONE) RUN PREVIOUSLY SELECTED TESTS Explanation: IFD10SD, the entering the def ini tion. the operator run-. In response to message operator asked for help in test field of a test In this message, OLTEP shows how to specify the test to be System Action: OLTEP issues message IFD1461 and reissues message IFD10SD. Operator Response: Respond as indicated to messages IFD1461 and IFD10SD,. o IFD Messages - OLTEP 421 IFD1491 IFD1491 IFD149 I IFD1491 IFD149I IFD1491 IFD1491 IFD149I IFD1491 IFD149 I IFD1491 IFD1491 IFD149 I IFD149 I IFD149I IFD149 I IFD149 I IFD1491 IFD149 I IFD1491 TABLE OF OPTIONS TO REQUEST TO OMIT BY OPTION OPTION OPTION DEFAULT TESTING LOOP TL NTL NTL TL (value) VAL=1-32767 ERROR LOOP EL NEL NEL EL (value) VAL=1-32767 ERROR PRINT EP NEP EP CP NCP CP CONTROL PRINT PARALLEL PRINl' PP NPP NPP REMOTE FE CONTROL RE NRE NRE PP (level) VAL=1-3 FIRST ERROR COMMUNICATION FE NFE FE MANUAL INl'ERVENl'ION MI NMI NMI REMOTE RE NRE NRE PRINT PR NPR PR ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF OPTION FIELD OPT-SPECIFICATION OF OPTIONS PP, NMI,RB/ EP,TL(50),FE,EXT=A.B/ Explanation: There has been OLTEP to test a channel, but cannot be tested because the entered REPLY xx" 'CANCEL' in message IFD142I. a request for the channel operator response to system Action: OLTEP processes the next OLTEP control statement, if any" or issues message IFD105D. Operator Response: None. IFD1531 TEST BYPASSED" CPU NOT SUPPORTED FOR CHANNEL TESTING Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test a channel. It is unable to do so because the system requires the channel for access to xxxxxxxxxxxxx on device dddddddd. System Action: OLTEP bypasses the channel test. OLTEP processes the next OLTEP control statement (if any), or issues message IFD105D. system Action: OLTEP bypasses the channel test and processes the next OLTEP control statement (if any), or issues message IFD105D. Operator Response: None. Before you can test the channel, you must assign device dddddddd to another channel, or assign xxxxxxxxxxxxx to another device (on another channel). Operator Response: If the computing system on which OLTEP is running is not an IBM Systeml360 Model 85 or 195 or an IBM System/370 Model 165, no response is necessary. If it is an IBM system/360 Model 85 or 195 or an IBM System/370 Model 165, determine whether the channel is properly attached to the system. In response to message operator asked for help in option field of a test In this message, OLTEP shows how to specify options .• System Action: OLTEP issues message IFD1461 and reissues message IFD105D. Operator Response: Respond as indicated to messages IFD1461 and IFD105D. IFD1501 TEST BYPASSED. xxxxxxxxxxxxx ON dddddddd IFD1511 TEST BYPASSED, CHANNEL NOT A 2880 Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test a channel. The channel cannot be tested because it is not an IBM 2880 block multiplexor channel. System Action: OL~EP bypasses the channel test. OLTEP processes the next OLTEP control statement (if any), or issues message IFD105D. Operator Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the channel is an IBM 2880, and that a device on the channel is specified in the device field of the test definition. The first digit of the device address must identify the channel; for example, enter the field CH1831 if channel 1 is to be tested. Request the channel test again when OLTEP issues message IFD105D. Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) r o IFD1521 TEST BYPASSED, CHANNEL CANNOT BE QUIESCED Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test an IBM 2880 block multiplexor channel. The channel cannot be tested for one of the following reasons: • The computing system on which OLTEP is running is not an IBM system/360 Model 85 or 195 or an IBM systeml370 Model 165. • If the computing system is an IBM Systeml360 Model 85 or 195 or an IBM System/370 Model 165, the channel to be tested is not properly attached or is not enabled. • If the channel to be tested is properly attached to the correct computing systan and is operable, the operating system may have been defined as if it were running on a system other than an IBM System/360 Model 85 or 195 or an IBM Systeml370 Model 165. Ex planat ion: IFD105D, the ent ering the definition. the operator 422 Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2" 4, 5a., 16" 29. Cancel the job, requesting a dump. o If the channel is not attached to the system and you wish to test the channel. call IBM for hardware support in attaching the channel.. If you do not wish to test the channel, no response is necessary. If the channel is not enabled., enable it, and make sure that it is operable. If you cannot make it operable, call IBM for hardware support. If the channel is properly attached to the correct system and is enabled and operable, consult messages IEA2181 and IEAl01A to deterrrine whether the system has been correctly defined to the operating systefll. (Message IEA2181 was issued during system initialization to tell you which computing system parameters 0 ' 1 o were assumed for the operating system. It was followed by message IEA101A, which allowed you to change the syst.em parameters. These messages, and your reply to message IEA101A, should appear on the master console sheet.) If the operating system has been defined for a system other than an IBM Systeml360 Model 85 or 19S or an IBM system/370 Model 165, do the following: • Enter the HOLD Q command to stop scheduling of jobs. • Stop all readers and writers. • After scheduled tasks have completed, restart the system. Then when you receive message lEA10lA, enter REPLY xx,'MOD=8S', REPLY XX,'MOD=16S', or REPLY xx" 'MOD=19S' to define the correct computing system to the operating system. Then start OLTEP and specify this test again when you enter the first test definition. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 2., IFD1S4E message o Explanation: This message is issued by an OLT program that OLTEP has called to perform a test section. The text of the message varies, but always defines an operator response. The response is generally optional" and can be made at any time before the test section is completed. System Action: processing. The OLT program continues Operator Response: Respond as indicated in the message text. If you do not reply to the message before the test section is completed, OLTEP will cancel the message and notify you by issuing message IFD121I. IFD1551 TEST SECTIONS MAY NOT EXCEED 26, WILL TEST xxx-xxx Explanation: Too many test sections were specified in a test definition (OLTEP control statement or reply to message IFD10SD). The maximum number of test sections for a single test definition is 26. system Action: OLTEP will run (or try to run) the first 26 test sections specified in the test definition. OLTEP will ignore the remaining sections. xxx - xxx indicates the names of the first - last sections tested. Operator Response: None. Test sections not run at this time can be respecified when OLTEP next issues message IFD105D. IFD1S61 DEVICE dddddddd STATUS CHANGED, BYPASS TESTS Explanation: OLTEP has suspended testing of device dddddddd. During the test, the device status was changed from online to offline, or from offline to online. System Action: OLTEP bypasses the device. Operator Response: If the device status has changed from online to offline, no action is necessary. If the device status has changed from offline to online, do the following : If the device can be tested while online, you can request the same test again when OLTEP next issues message IFD10SD. If the device cannot be tested while online, you can enter a VARY command to return the device to offline status. (The VARY OFFLINE command will take effect when the operating systen: terminates or initiates a job step. If no other jobs are being executed concurrently, you must terminate OLTEP to let the VARY command take effect.) Note that for complete testing, direct access devices must always be offline. IFD1S7I CATASTROPHIC ERROR ON DEVICE dddddddd[name] Explanation: OLTEP has suspended testing of device dddddddd. The device is not ready, or for some other reason cannot be tested. When present, name indicates the s yrnbo lic name. Systef(l Action: IFD105D. OLTEP issues message • Operator Response: Make sure that the device is ready. If it is not, make it ready and enter REPLY xx,'///' in response to message IFD10SD. If the device is ready, look for diagnostic inforrraticn which will be issued by the OLT program. If the PP opti on has bee'n specified, this information will appear on the console as the text of message IFD100I; otherwise, the i nf ormati on wi 11 be rout ed to the SYSOUT data set. After you have deterf(lined the nature and cause of the error and have taken the appropriate corrective action, you can chcose to resurre testing by entering REPLY xx, ' / / / ' in response to message IFD10SD. If you cannot correct the error, enter a new test definition or terminate the job step (use the procedure outlined in the description of roessage IFD10SD), and call IBM for support. '0, l .. , IFD Messages - OLTEP 423 !FD1581 ww XXXXX{~y~}UNIT dddddddd Explanation: New section yyy or old section y $ of test xxxxx has been started or terminated for unit dddddddd. (If the test definition specifies NDR (no device required) " the phrase UNIT ddd does not appear. ) The ww field is one of the following: System Action: OLTEP returns control to the OLT prograrr. wit~ an error return code. Testing will proceed if the OLT program can recover from the error condition; otherwise" testing will be terminated. 0 .. Operator Response: If you can provide additional main storage, cancel the job and reschedule it in a larger region (MVT) or partition (MFT)!. S section has been started. T IFD1611 FOR HELP ENTER PROMPT xxxx TO DEV/TEST/OPT/ MESSAGE section has been terminated. *T Section has been terminated; device errors were detected. Operator Response: None. Note: This message is issued only when the Control Print (CP) option is in effect. IFD1591 MODULE{XXXXXXXX}NOT FOUND GOOOOddd aaaaaaaa Explanation: One of the following has occurred: • An OLT program has asked OLTEP to load module xxxxxxxx. This module is not in the step library!, job library, or link library (SYS1.LINKLIB). • No configuration data exists for device ddd or for symbolically named terminal aaaaaaaa. System Action: If the message is issued because of a missing module, the OLT program terminates. If the message is issued because of missing configuration data, and if testing is taking place on a System/370 CPU, device ddd or aaaaaaaa is not tested. If testing is on a System/360 CPU, testing mayor may not proceed" depending on whether the online test program needs the configuration data. Explanation: OLTEP has issued message IFD108I, IFD112L, or IFDl15I to diagnose an error in the test definition. The error is in the xxxx field" where xxxx is DEV, TEST, or 9FT. This message explains how to request help in correcting the error. System Action: IFD105D. OLTEP.issues message Operator Response: Respond as indicated to message IFD105D. For help, enter REPLY xx, • PROMPT xxxx·. IFD1621 UNIT dddddddd, BE SCRA'ICHED DSNAME=xxx~xxxx Explanation: OLTEP is testing an IBM 2301 or 2303 drum storage device;. An CLT program has created a data set on the device, and OLTEP has tried unsuccessfully to scratch the data set.. System Action: processing. IFD1601 INSUFFICIENT CORE Explanation: An OLT program has required more main storage than is available. 424 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) 0 " .. . OLTEP continues ~rator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the IEHPROGM utility program to scratch the data set. (Refer to the publication IBMSystem/360 Operating System: Utilities, GC28-6586.) Problem Determination: Operator Response: Do one of the following: • If the message is issued because of a missing module or because of missing configuration data for device ddd" and if the module or data is supposed to reside in a private library, make sure that a step library or job library is defined in the JCL which is used to invoke OLTEP .• • If the message is issued because of missing configuration data for device aaaaaaaa " make sure that the data set which contains configuration data for symbolically named devices is specified in the JCL which is used to invoke OLTEP. COULD NOT Table I., items 30. IFD1631 RETAIN/370 READY Explanati on: This mess.age is issued when a line connection has been successfully established between RETAINl370 and the OUTEP REI interface. Operator Response: Proceed with testing. IFD1641 CANNOT LINK TO RETAIN/370 Explanation:OLTEP attempted unsuccessfully to enable a telecommunication line between RETAIN/370 center and the OLTEP REI interface. Operator Response: again .• Make the attempt Problem Determination: Table I'I items 30. o ·'1 o IFD165I ENTRY IN DEV FLD NOT ALLOWABLE BY REMOTE IFD174I UNABLE TO RESTORE LABEL ON DEVICE dddddddd Explanation: OLTEP has completed testing of device dddddddd, which is an IBM 2400 magnetic tape unit. A standard-label scratch tape is Rounted, but testing has destroyed the labels. OLTEP has tried unsuccessfully to create new labels on the tape. Explanation: The remote specialist has entered unit addresses in the device field in response to message IFD105D. NDR (no devices required) is the only permissible entry in the device field. system Action: IFD105D. OLTEP reissues message System Action: OLTEP issues messages IFD137I and IFD139D. Operator Response: Respond to message IFD105D, making sure that no unit addresses are specified in the device field,. Unless you wish to enter NDR in the device field, make sure that any information entered in the test and option fields is preceded only by a / (slash). Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Respond as indicated to messages IFD137I and IFD139D. Message IFD137I indicates the nature of the error" which may be. for example, that the device is not loaded. If you can correct the error, enter REPLY xx" 'R' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP will try again to write standard labels on the tape. IFD167I PERMANENT ERROR ON REI DEVICE STATUS=XXyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, SENSE=xx Explanation: Contact with the RETAIN/370 center has been lost or cannot be established because of an uncorrectable error. The message includes the low-order seven bytes of the channel status word (indicated by yyyyyyyyyyyyyy) and sense data (indicated by xx); this information can be used to determine the nature of the error. If you cannot correct the error, enter REPLY xx" 'B' in response to message IFD139D. OLTEP will leave the tape unlabelled. You must relabel the tape bef ore you can use it again as a standard-label scratch tape. Problem Determination: System Action: OLTEP issues messages IFD169I and IFD105D. o Operator Response: You can attempt to reestablish contact with the RETAIN/370 center by entering REPLY xx,'REI' in response to message IFD105D,. Problem Determination: Table I, items 30. IFD176I MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE OPTIONS HAVE BEEN SELECTED Explanation: In res~onding to message IFD105D, the operator selected options RE and MI; these options are mutually exclusive. Table I, items 30. IFD168E TO COMMUNICATE WITH REMOTE SPECIALIST ENTER MESSAGE System Action: OLTEP issues message IFD161I and reissues message IFD105D. Explanation: This message allows the on-site operator to communicate with the remote specialist. Operator Response: Probable user error. In responding to message IFD105D" select either option RE or option MI, but do not specify both.• Operator Response: When you want to communicate with the remote specialist, enter REPLY xx, 'message " where message is any character string that you wish to send. You meed not reply to this message immediately. Problem Determination: 29. IFD178I Table I, items 2, MESSAGE xx ANSWERED BY REMOTE IFD169I RETAIN/370 TERMINATED Explanation: This message is issued to indicate that RETAIN/370 has been terminated .• Operator Response: None. IFD173I REPLY xx NOT VERIFIED Explanation: OLTEP is unable to verify the reply ID specified by the remote specialist in his reply to a message. o Operator Response: The remote specialist must reenter his response, making sure that he specifies the correct reply ID. Explanation: This message is issued to the on-site console to indicate that the remote specialist has replied to message IFD104E or IFD105D. In the message text" xx represents the re~ly ID of message IFD104E or IFD105D. Operator Response: None. IFD179I NO UCB FOR ADDRESS dddddddd Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to test device dddddddd. There is no UCB (unit control block) for this address. System Action: OLTEP bypasses the device. IFD Messages - OLTEP 425 Operator Response: Probable user error. Ensure that dddddddd is the correct address for the device to be tested. If the address is wrong" enter the correct address when OLTEP next issues message IFD105D. Problem Determination: Table I" items 1" 2, 4, 5a, 16, 29. Cancel the job, requesting a dump. IFD186D VERIFY CHANNEL x RELEASE TO OLTS, REPLY YES OR NO Explanation: One of the following conditions occurred: • OLTEP has been asked to test channel x. It is therefore asking for exclusive use of that channel • • Because of an error in the system, some unauthorized program is asking for exclusive control of the channel. System Action: OLTEP waits pending the operator's reply. Operator Response: If you intend to test the channel,' enter REPLY xx, 'YES.' OLTEP will try again to gain exclusive use of the channel. If it is successful., OLTEP will proceed with the test. If i t is unsuccessful., it wi 11 issue the message IFD142D to ask whether it should try again or cancel the test. If you do not desire to test the channel, enter REPLY xx, 'NO' • OLTEP will bypass the test. You must enter the word YES or NO in uppercase. Note: This message does not appear in the OLTEP output data set. IFD2101 ROUTINE xxxx BYPASSED" REQUIRED MANUAL INTV Explanation: OLT program routine xxxx requires manual intervention by the operator" but the Manual Intervention (MI) option was not specified in the test definition. System Action: executed. Routine xxxx is not Operator Response: If you wish to run routine xxxx" the next time you reply to message IFD105D specify routine xxxx in the test field and MI in the option field of your test definition. IFD2121 CANNOT DATA PROTECT DEVICE ddd Explanation: OLTEP attempted unsuccessfully to verify the class and type of device ddd. System Action: IFD120D. OLTEP issues message Operator Response: Respond to message IFD120D as indicated below: 426 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) If OLTEP is permitted to destroy all data stored on the device, enter REPLY xx" 'YES'. o If the data on the volume must be preserved, enter REPLY xx., "NO' • OLTEP will bypass testing the device. IFD243D ARE SHARED DEVS USED BY OTHERS" OR NO REPLY YES Explanation: This message is requesting the CU TEST user to verify that all devices shared by this system with other systems (the devices listed in message IFD244I) are logically disconnected from the other sharing systems. (As a result of CDS checks on the listed devices, it was assumed that these devices are shared. ) System Action: A 'NO' response allows testing to proceed normally. A 'YES' response sends return code '08 1 to the online test (OLT), and OLTEP will reject that particular CU TEST request. Programmer Response: Verify that all devices listed in message IFD2441 are logically disconnected from (offline to) other sharing systems. Reply 'NO' if all devices are disconnected from sharing systems. Reply "YES' if there are devices which cannot be disconnected or if there are devices having a shared status of available. IFD244I THE FOLLOWING CU TEST DEVS ARE ASSUMED CPU SHARED; } { ONLINE, NON BTAM ALLOCATED; ddd" ddd, ••• , ddd o Explanation: This message indicates one of the following: • ASSUMED CPU SHARED - The listed devices are assumed to be shared with another system. (The CDS for the device indicates the device is shared, or the lack of a CDS forces the CU TEST function to assume the device is shared.) • ONLINE" NON BTAM ALLOCATED - The devices in the list resulting were found to be online or allocated, and not under BTAM control; therefore, the devices could not be tested. In any case, ddd,ddd" ••• ,ddd indicates the list of shared or online/allocated devices. The devices listed apply only to the associated message text. System Action: The system action depends on the text of the message. In the first case, the list of shared devices is followed by message IFD243D, requesting the operator to examine the shared devices and make sure that they are disconnected from the other sharing systems. In the second case" the CU TEST facility is not honored for online/allocated" non-BTAM devices. A return code of 08 is sent to the OLT. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o Operator Response: In the first case, any shared devices from other sharing systems, and reply to message IFD243D. In the second case, vary the non-BTAM devices offline, and reenter the D/T/O/ OLTEP command. log~cally d~sconnect IFD255I message Explanation: This is a communications message from an on-site C.E. ~o the remote specialist, or vice versa. Operator Response: If applicable, respond as ~nd~cated ~n the message text. IFD400I TP LINE CONNECTION, LINE=xxxxxxxx, TERMINAL=xxxxxxxx Explanation: OLTEP is testing teleprocessing equipment, and the above message is the output for each TP test where: LINE=address of the line TERMINAL=symbolic name of the terminal. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: None. IFD405I OPERATOR CALL REQUIRED, TELEPHONE NUMBER NOT IN CDS Explanation: OLTEP is testing Teleprocessing equipment. The telephone number for the terminal to be tested is not in the configuration data set; therefore, the operator must establish the line connection by placing a call to that terminal. None. IFD412I CCW CHAIN TERMINATED ON xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Explanation: The displayed CCW chain, used for a line connection, has terminated. System Action: made. The line connection is not Operator Response: Make sure that the term~nal ~s operational and retry the procedure. IFD413I REQUIRED CDS POINTER NOT PRESENT Explanation: The OLT did not specify the configuration data set for this device. System Action: made. Line connection is not Operator Response: None. IFD415I REQUIRED DATA INCORRECT OR MISSING IN CDS Explanation: One of the following errors occurred: • an invalid CCW line connection code • the set mode bytes were not present • the number of dial digits exceeds 20 • the dial digit count equals zero System Action: made. Line connection is not Operator Response: Correct the CDS file to ~nclude all the necessary information. IFD501I xxxxxxxx BYPASSED, INVALID TEST System Action: If the call has not been made within 4 minutes, the line connection is terminated. Explanation: OLTEP has been asked to run an ~nvalid test (xxxxxxxx). That test is being withdrawn from use. Operator Response: If the telephone number is known, place a call to the terminal. System Action: IFD406I OPERATOR CALL TERMINAL ON NUMBER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Explanation: OLTEP is attempting to test a terminal. To continue with the line connection, the operator must call the terminal. System Action: If the call has not been made within 4 minutes, the line connection is terminated. Operator Response: Place a call to the term~nal on the number displayed. IFD407I OPERATOR CALL NOT COMPLETED WITHIN TIME LIMITS Explanation: OLTEP is attemptinq to test a term~nal, and the operator has been requested to call that terminal within a specific time interval. The call was not placed to terminal within the allotted time (4 minutes) after message IFD405I or IFD406I appeared. o Operator Response: OLTEP bypasses the test. Operator Response: None. IFD505I TIME INTERVAL EXPIRED, NO LINE ACTIVITY Explanation: One of the following conditions has occurred: 1. The RETAIN/370 Interface has been activated successfully, but no line activity to or from the remote terminal has occurred for ten minutes. The Interface must be reactivated before it can be used. 2. An unsuccessful attempt was made to activate the RETAIN/370 Interface. (That is, message IFD1631 was not issued within ten minutes after the command was entered.) System Action: In the second case, OLTEP terminates the RETAIN/370 Interface. In both cases, OLTEP issues message IFD105D. (Note: Sometimes the system enters a two-minute wait state after issuing message IFD505I. If that happens, wait for OLTEP to issue this message again and then respond as indicated below.) System Action: Line connection for that terminal is not made. IFD Messages - OLTEP 427 operator Response: In the first case, do one of the following: • Attempt to reactivate the RETAIN/370 Interface by entering REPLY xx," REI' , in response to message IFD105D. If .you receive message IFD163I you may then resume testing from the point where the Interface was interrupted. To resume testing with the RE option, enter REPLY xx,'//RE/' in response to message IFD105D. (You must reenter the option, even if i t had already been specified in the previous test definition. To resume testing without the RE option, enter REPLY xx,'///' in response to message IFD105D. • To resume testing from the point where the RETAIN/370 Interface was interrupted without using the RETAIN/370 feature of OLTEP, enter REPLY xx,'///' in response to message IFD105D. • To define a new test or terminate the job step without first trying to reactivate the RETAIN/370 Interface enter REPLY xx,'dev/test/opt/' or REPLY xx, 'CANCEL' in response to message IFD105D. In the second case, do one of the following: • Attempt to activate the RETAIN/370 Interface again by entering REPLY xx, 'REI' in response to message IFD105D. • To proceed without the RETAIN/370 feature, enter REPLY xx,'dev/test/opt/' or REPLY xx, 'CANCEL' in response to message IFD10 5D. IFD899I OLTEP INITIALIZATION CONFLICTS., OLTEP MUST TERMINATE Explanation: The operator -initiated a second OLTEP when OLTEP was already active. System Action: terminated. The second OLTEP is Operator Response: Use the executing OLTEP to run the tests desired. o 428 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Graphics Programming Services Messages (IFF) r-----------------------------T----------------------------------------------------------------------. I IFF I I Component Name r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I GraFhics Access Method Program I I Program Producing Messages r-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------fI I Audience and Where Produced I For the Operator: console I I For 2250 display unit programmer: 2250 display unit I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format IFFnnnI text (for 2250 display unit) xx IFFnnnI text (for system console) xx message reply identifier (absent if no operator reply is needed). nnn Message serial number; (also indicates recipient of message) Onn message routed to console. inn message routid to 2250 display unit programmer. I Information: no operator action is required except to inform the system programmer. I I text I Message text. o I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Comments I IFF messages are not included in this publication. They are I I I documented in the publication Problem Deterrrinaticn Aids and Messages I I I and Codes for GPS and GSP, GC27-6970. I r-----------------------------t---------------~-------------------------------------------------------~ I Associated Publications I Problem Determination Aids and l-'lessages and Codes for GPS and GSP, 1 IL ____________________________ LI _______________________________________________________________________ GC27-6970. JI o IFF Messages - Graphics Programming services 429 o o o 430 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Machine-Check Handler and Dynamic Device Reconfiguration Messages (IGF) r-----------------------------T------------------~----------------------------------------------------, I Component Name I IGF I r-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program producing Message I Machine-check handler program and dynamic device reconfiguration I I I program. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Audience and Where Produced I For operator: console. I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------i IGFnnns text CPU ID {1} I I Message Format I I I I I I I I I I I 2 nnn Message serial number. s Type code. I This message supplies information about the error recovery attempt. W The system has been placed in wait state by MCH. E This message supplies error recovery information and indicates that operator action is required, but that the action may be delayed until convenient. I I I I I I J Type code (dynamic device reconfiguration program): A D E I o Action; operator must perform a specific action. Decision; operator must choose an alternative. Eventual action; operator must perform action when he has time. Information; no operator action is required. text Message text. CPU ID {~} The identification of the CPU to which the message applies (for Model 65 only). For a uniprocessing system, the CPU ID is always 1; for a multiprocessing system, the CPU ID can be either I 1 or 2. r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Comments I The first format of the message is used for the machine-check handler I I I I program; the second format of the message is used for the dynamic I I I device reconfiguration program. ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Associated Publications I IBM System/360 Operating System: I I I Input/Output Supervisor, Program Logic Manual, GY28-6616. I I I Machine-Check Handler for IBM System/360 Model 65, Program Logic I I I Manual" GY27-7155. I I I Machine-Check Handler for IBM System/360 Model 85, Program Logic I I I Manual, GY27-7184. I I I Machine-Check Handler for IBM System/370 Models 155 and 165, I I I Program Logic Manual, GY27-7198. I I 1 Machine-Check Handler For the IBM System/370 Models 135 and 145, l I I GY27-72.17. I I I Machine-Check Handler for IBM system/370 Model 145, Program Logic J I J Manual, GY27-7237. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Problem Determination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this publication for problem I determination instructions. IL _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ JI ~ IGF001W [S] o P B U m aaaaaa [CPU ID {~}] Primary storage failure Block storage failure Unit storage failure aaaaaa starting address of storage failure Explanation: MCH has encountered a permanent storage failure within a supervisor area. IGF Messages - MCH and DDR 431 CII System Action: Enter wait state4 Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If ·s' is present, execute the SEREP program for the model. If'S' is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: 30. IGF002W [S] SUPVR MC CPU ID Table I, items 14, {~} the wait state code for further information about the type of error. System Action': Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If'S' is present., execute the SEREP program for the model. I f ' s ' is not present" restart the system and schedule the execution of the IFCEREPO prCXjram. Problem Determination: 30. Explanation: MCH has encountered a nonrecoverable failure within a supervisor area. o Table I" items 14. IGF010W S NOT M/xx CPU ID{~} xx = 65 or 85 system Action: Enter wait state,. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If ·s' is present" execute the SEREP program for the model. If'S' is not present, restart the system and execute the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: 30. Table I, items 14, Explanation: MCH determined that the machine is not an IBM System/360 Model 65. or i t is not an IBM System/360 Model 85. system Action: Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the SEREP program for the model. Ensure that the correct operating system is being used. IGF003W [S] UNEX MCI Explanation: MCH has encountered an unexpected machine-check interruption during its error recovery attempt .• System Action: Problem Determination: 30. Table I, items 14, IGF011W S Mel-NIP CPU ID{~} Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If'S' is present, execute the SEREP program for the model ,. If" S' is not present, restart the system and schedule the execution of the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: 30. Explanation: MeH determined that it has not been properly initialized by NIP. system Action: Enter wait state. o Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Execute the SEREP program for the model. Table I, items 14, Problem Determination: 30. IGF004W [S] PGM CHK CPU ID{~} Table I, items 14, IGF012W [S] MCI-CCH Explanation: A program interruption occurred during MCH processing4 System Action: Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If ·S· is present, execute the SEREP program for the model. I f ' S' is not present, restart the system and schedule the execution of the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: 30. Table L, items 14, IGF006W [S] I/O ERR {CPU ID{~}1 Explanation: MCH determined that a machine-check interruption occurred during Channel-Check Handler processing. System Action: Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If'S' is present, execute the SEREP program for the model. If ·S· is not present, restart the system and schedule the execution of the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: 30. Table I, items 14, cua IGF013W [S] CHAN ERR Explanation: The MCH Resident Nucleus module was unable to load a schedule MCH transient module. MCH operation must terminate. For Model 65, an I/O error occurred during MCH processing,. Consult 432 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Explanation: MeH was entered because there was a channel-check interruption and o o a) CCH was not in the system or b) CCH could not recover from the failu~e. System Action: Enter wait state. Operator Response: Probable hardware error.. If'S' is present" execute the SEREP program for the model. If ·s' is not present, restart the system and schedule the execution of the IFCEREPO program. IGF016W (S] 2880 CHx Explanation: MCH encountered a catastrophic failure on the 2880 channel identified by x. The failure occurred when hardware could not perform a channel logout. If'S' is not present in the message text, the error was recorded in the SYS1.LOGREC data set. If'S' is pres ent in the message text, the error was not recorded. System Action: Problem Determination: 30. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If'S' is present" execute the SEREP program for the model. If .'s' is not present, restart the system and schedule the execution of the IFCEREPO program. IGF014 {I}{cua csw } W S cua csw cua csw Enter wait state. Table I, items 14, device address channel status word Explanation: An I/O error occurred while MCH was clearing the channel path to an I/O device. System Action: Continue operation or enter wait state according to the severity of the error. Operator Response: Problem hardware error,. If'S' is present" execute the SEREP program for the model. If ·s' is not present, restart the system and schedule the execution of the IFCEREPO program. Problem DeterlT'ination: 30. IIGF0201 ABEND, hh.mm.ss Explanation: MCH has encountered a nonretryable or a retry-failed condition in a task which can be abended. System Action: The affected task is scheduled for an abnormal termination. Syst'em operation continues,. Operator Response: error. Probable hardware Problem Determination: Problem Determination: 30. I IGF01S{I}{UNEX ERR W [S] UNEX ERR items 30. IGF0211 nnnnnnnn Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while MCH was making a recovery attempt .• FOr System/370, probable causes of this error are: • The system encountered an erroneous machine check interrupt code. • The machine check handler program was processing a hard machine check interruption when another hard machine check interruption occurred. • The system encountered a program check in the machine check handler. System Action: Continue operation or enter WAIT state according to the severity of t he error. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If the type code in the message is 1., no response is necessary. If the type code is W and S appears in the message text, execute the SEREP program for the model. If the type code is Wand S does not appear in the message text, restart the system and schedule the execution of the IFCEREPO program. o Table I" Table I, items 14'" },hh.mm.ss Problem Determination: 30,. Table I" items 14" Table I., items 14, Explanation: MCH has encountered a nonrefreshable error in the Resident Access Method (RAM) entry Area. The module name has been deleted from RAM (thi s message is applicable only to MFT) .• nnnnnnnn = Request Block (RB) name System Action: The requestor is abnormally terminated; system operation continues .• ~rator Response: Probable hardware error. If a system task was terminated, this task should reinitialized. If a problem program was terminated., this program should be rescheduled. Problem Determination: Table 1" items 30. IGF0221 RAM xx Explanation: MeH has detected a nonrefreshable error and has determined that the RAM chain has been altered (applicable to MFT only). 1 xx = RAM chai n ID of the last good chain member System Action: continues. System operation IGF Messages - MCH and DDR 433 operator Response: hard ware error. None. Problem Determination: Probable Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Monitor the system until i t quiesces, then restart the system. Table I, items 30. IIGF023I BLDL DLT, hh.mm. ss Problem DeterIl'ination: Explanation: MCH has detected a nonrefreshable error in the LINKLIB BLDL table and has either deleted the affected entry (Model 65 only), or has deleted the table from use. IGF026I System Action: The requestor has been scheduled for an abnormal termination. system operation continues. operator Response: hard ware error. None. Problem Determination: {g} IIGF024I address {~,} Probable address S P1 xxxxxxxx operator Response: Probable hardware error. Reintialize the affected task. Problem Determination: = starting address of damaged storage area bbbbbb = final address of damaged storage area jjj name of job(s) that have been abnormally terminated dsn name of data set(s) that were left aaaaaa Explanation: The MCH error recorder has failed because of an I/O failure on the SYSRES device. system Action: continues. System operation operator Response: Probable hardware error. Monitor the system until i t quiesces, then attempt to restart the system. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Relocate the SYSRES volume on another device and restart the system. Problem Determination: Problem Deterroination: IGF025I{MSTRSCHD} bbbbbbbb MSTRSCHD bbbbbbbb Table I, item 29. Master scheduler (MVT) Master Scheduler or Communication Task -- not determinable (MFT) Explanation: MCH has encountered a nonretryable or retry-failed condition within the indicated task. System Action: The affected task's TCB is set nondispatchable with the result of system degradation; system operation quiesces. Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o IGF028I I/O ERR system Action: The affected task's TCB is set nondispatchable with the result of system degradation; system operation may either quiesce or continue. 434 Table I, item 30. IGF027I STORAGE DAMAGE aaaaaa-bbbbbb JOB ABEND (DS OPEN) IGF027I jjj(dsn)(dsn). •• ; jjj(dsn); ••• Note: The second format of this message is for System/370 only. Explanation: If the first format of this message is issued, MCR encountered a permanent storage failure in the dynamic area which affects the indicated task. If the second form of the message is issued, MCH encountered a permanent error in storage which affects the indicated job. RDR xx WTR xx I/T xx SYTSK xx STC xx RDR Reader system task WTR = Writer system task I/T = Initiator/Terminator task (MVT) SYTSK = SysteIl' Task (MFT) STC = System Task co~trol Routine (MVT) xx = bb (MVT) or Partition ID (MFT) system Action: The affected task is abnormally terrrinated with the result of system degradation; system operation continues. • hh.mm.ss Primary storage failure Block storage fail ure Unit storage failure Address of storage failure System task Problem program Job identity not available. Table I, item 30. Explanati on: MCH has encountered a nonretryable or retry-failed condition in the indicated task. Table I, items 30. nnnnnnnn SET NON-DISPATCHAELE xxxxxxxx P B U o I Table I, item 30. IGF029I csw, hh.mm.ss csw = channel status word Explanation: The MCH error recorder has failed because of an I/O failure on the SYSRES device. system Action: continues. System operation Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Relocate the SYSRES volume on another device and restart the system. Problem Determination: Table I., item 30. o o I IGF032I aaaaaa. hh. mrn. ss aaaaaa Problem Determination: the address of the instruction which was successfully retried EXplanation: successful. System Action: continues. MCH instruction retry was System operation Operator Response: hardware error~ None. Problem Determination: I IGF033E Probable Table I, item 30. RUN EREP, hh.mm. ss System operation Operator Response: hardware error. None. Problem Determination: 30. o HSM-ERR, hh. mrr. ss Explanation: A residue or parity error has been detected in the high speed multiply feature. System Action: The regular multiply algorithm has been loaded in writable control storage (WCS). The MCW bit to bypass the high speed multiply feature has been turned on. All multiply instructions will now be executed by the regular multiply algorithm. System operation continues. Operator Response: hardware error. Explanation: The SYS1. LOGREC da ta set lacks adequate space for an MCH record entry. At least one MCH recovery record has been lost. System Action: continues. I IGF0421 Probable None. Problem Deterrrination: Prooable Table I, items 30. IIGF043I {HIR} CNT, hh.rrrr.ss ECC HIR Hardware Instruction Retry ECC Error Correction Code Explanation: The threshold provided by the operator to control mode switching automatically has been reached. Table I, items 18, System Action: The indicated machine recovery facility (HIR or ECC) has been switched to count mode. IGF040 I TSO Operator Response: hardware error. TSO S R ND - - TSO Subsystem Subsystem is affected by MCI Region is affected by MCI Affected task has been set non-di spa tchab Ie AB - Affected task has been abnormally terminated Explanation: MCH has associated an error with a task which is in a nonrefreshable portion of code in the TSO subsystem area. Operator Response: hardware error. None. Problem Determination: I IGF041I STAT Probable Table I, items 30. ERR, hh.mm.ss EXplanation: The machine status as indicated in logout does not agree with the status record of MCH. System Action: MCH restored the machine to the status per its record and continued its execution. Operator Response: hardware error. None. Probable None. Problem Deterrrination: Probable Table I, items 30. IGF044I ECC SUCCESSFUL Explanation: MCH has identified a soft machine-check interruption which resulted from an ECC-corrected single-bit storage data failure. System Action: System Action: The affected task in the TSO subsystem has been either set non-dispatchable or abnormally terminated by the TSO recovery routine. system operation continues .• o Table I, items 30. Continu~ Operator Response: hardware error. None. Problem Deterrrination: operation. Probable Table I, items 30. I IGF045I{MULT BIT xj. X2 X3 },hh.mm. ss MULTIPLE BIT ERROR Explanation: MCH has identified a permanent machine-check interruption which resulted from an uncorrectable (The multiple-bit storage data failure. second format of the message appears only for an IBM Systerr/370 model>. For IBM 2365 system: xj. X2 X3 is the sub-unit in which the failing storage is located. o 0 Biframe 0 X~ = 1 1 Biframe 1 L R L R Left uni.t Right unit IGF Messages - MCH and DDR 435 ell X3 = 0 0 E E odd BOM even BOM Problem Determination: Table I, items 30. IGF0491 MODE STATUS For IBM 2385 storage system: SECTORS DELETED ECC - mode 00-10 nnnnnnnnnnn THR-dddddddddd 11-21 nnnnnnnnnnn CNT-dddddddddd 22-31 nnnnnnnnnn IGF049I HIR - mode X2. X2 X3 = storage storage storage storage 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Core Core Core Core 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Logical Logical Logical Logical L L R R Left Basic Storage Module Right Basic Storage Module system Action: Storage Storage Storage Storage 0 1 2 3 Unit Unit Unit Unit IGF049I THR-dddddddddd IGF049I CNT-dddddddddd 0 1 2 3 Note: only .• None. Problem Determination: Probable Table I, items 30 .• n SEC xx, hh.mm.ss n = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Buffer In Key Block Valid Sector Compare Multiple Sector Compare sector Key Buffer Mark Buffer Address Bus Buffer Data Bus Out System Action: MCR has deleted the buffer sector indicated by xx to prevent further machine check interruptions. None. Problem Determination: I IGFO 47 I Probable Table I, items 30 .• n BUFFER, hh.mm. ss Explanation: The check indicated by n has occurred. (See IGF0461 for meaning of n). System Action: MCR has disabled the buffer to prevent further machine check interruptions. Operator Response: hardware error. None. Problem Determination: I IGF0481 Probable Table I, items 30 .• status These formats issued on Model 85 I Operator Response: o None. IGF049I HIR, {~}"aaaa/bbbb, cccc/dddd ECC" BUF DEL=xxxx ' HIR SUCCESSFUL, hh.mm.ss Explanation: MCH has identified a soft machine check interruption which resulted from a successful hardware retry. system Action: continues. System operation Operator Response: hardware error. 436 BUFR for Hardware Instruction Retry (HIR) and EFror Correction Code (ECC) " may be either RECORD, indicating that the facility is in recording mode" or COUNT, indicating count mode. dddddddddd indicates the threshold (THR) and the present error count (CNT) in decimal. nnnnnnnnnnn indicates, for each sector, whether the sector is active or deleted .• Each number in each row represents a sector; '0' indicates that the sector is active, '1'" that i t has been deleted. status for the high speed multiply facility (MULT)" may be either NORM" indicating that the facility is working normally, or ALT, indicating that it is not working, and the alternate multiply control is being used instead; for the high speed buffer (BUFR), may be either ENB, indicating that the buffer is enabled, or DSB, indicating that the buffer is dis abled. The check indicated by n has Operator Response: hard ware error. status mode xx = two digit number from 00 to 31 Explanation: occurred. 0 Explanation: This message gives the status of certain machine facilities of the Model 85, in response to the operator command MODE entered with the parameter STATUS. It gives the mode" threshold., and present number count of the machine recovery facilities Hardware Instruction Retry (HIR) and Error Correction Code (ECC); a list of sectors deleted from the high speed buffer; and the status of the high speed multiply and high speed buffer facilities, as follows (descriptions of all these terms may be found in IBM system/360 Operator's Reference., GC28- 6691>: Continue operation. Operator Response: hard ware error. I IGF046I Unit Unit unit Unit MULT None. Probable Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) R=recording mode Q=quiet mode aaaa=current error count bbbb=error count threshold cccc=elapsed time or 'INVL' if the TOD clock is inval id dddd=time threshold xxxx=number of buffer pages deleted Note: This format is issued on Model 155 only .• o o Explanation: This message gives the status of the machine recovery facilities for IBM System/370 Model 155. These facilities are the Hardware Instruction Retry (HIR) and Error Correction code (ECC).. See IBM system/360 Operator 's Reference., GC28-6691 for further details on the terms used above. recording or quiet mode, what the soft error count and soft error threshold are, and whether the buffer is enabled or disabled. System Action: continues. ~rator operator Response: System operation Response: None.• None. IGF054E SYS1.LOGREC FULL" hh .• mm.ss IGF050W [S] TOD ERROR Explanation: An error has occurred in the Time of Day Clock. System Action: Explanation: The SYS1.LOGREC data set lacks adequate space for an MCR or CCH record entry. At least one MeH or CCH recovery record has not been recorded. Enters wait state. Operator ReSpOnse: Probable hardware error. I f ' S· is present., execute the SEREP program for the model .• ' If ·S· is not present., restart the system and schedule the execution of the IFCEREPO program. Problem Determination: 30. System Action: continues .• System operation Operator Response: program. Schedule the IFCEREPO Problem Deterrrination: 30. Table I, items 14. Table I, items 14., IGF055I{QUIET MODE } QUIET MODE ECC [,HIR], hh.mm.ss IGF0511 HRT ERROR, hh.mm.ss Explanation: An error has occurred in the High Resolution Timer (HRT). o System Action: MCH has corrected the damage. System operation continues. Operator Response: hardware error. None. Note: The second format is for the IBM SyStem/370 Models 135 and 155 only. Explanation: The threshold counts for CPU retry or Error Correction Code have been exceeded and the facility has been placed in quiet mode. Probable System Action: continues. Problem Determination: System operation Table I, items 30. IGF0521 xxxx BUFF PG DELETED, hh.mm.ss Explanation: In the message text, xxxx is the number of buffer pages which have been deleted. Operator Response: hardware error. None.. Note: For the Model 145 this message only applies to control storage. Problem Determination: Note: This message is for IBM Systeml370 Model 155 only. System Action: continues. system operation Operator Response: hard ware error. None. Problem Determination: Probable Table I., items 30. IGF0561 I/O ERR IN RECORDER, hh.mm.ss Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while the MCH recording routine was recording on the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Probable Table I, item 30. IGF0531 MODE STATUS-ECC{QUIET } HIR {QUIET } RECORD RECORD COUNT-n THRESHOLD-n IGF0531 MODE STATUS{RECORD}COUNT-n THRESHOLD-n QUIET BUFFER {ENABLED } DISABLED System Action: The routine may not have been able to the present records, but will attempt to record subsequent records. System operation continues. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Schedule the IFCEREPO program. Then execute the IFCDIPOO program. Problem Determination: 30 .• Table I" items 14.. IGF057E DISK FORMAT ERROR, hh.mm .• ss Note: The first format of the message is for the System/370 Model 135 and the second is for the Systeml370 Model 165. o Explanation: This message gives the status of the machine recovery features of the IBMSystem/370 Models 135 and 165. The message tells whether the system is in Explanation: The MCH recording routine found that the preformatted area of SYS1. LOGREC is incorrect. System Action: The system will proceed as usual except that further errors will not be recorded. IGF Messages - MCH and DDR 437 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Operator Response: Probable hardware error. Schedule the IFCEREPO program. Then schedule the IFCDIPOO program. Problem Determination: 30. Table I, items 14, IGF0581 BUFFER DISABLED Explanation: The following has occurred depending on the Model: Model 165 - four buffer errors were detected by MCH. Model 165I1 and 168 - part of the buffer has been deleted by hardware. System Action: One of the following occurs: Model 165 - MCH has disabled the buffer between main storage and the CPU to prevent further machine-check interruptions. System operation continues without the use of the buffer. Model 165I1 and 168 - Processing continues. Operator Response: Probable hardware error. If the problem recurs, call IBM for hardware support. IGF0601 SYS1 .LOGREC NEAR FULL Explanation: The SYS1.LOGREC data set, used by the Machine-Check Handler for error recording, is nearly full. This message may be followed by the message IGF054E SYS1.LOGREC FULL. See Operator Response. System Action: continues. System operation Operator Response: Print out the Record, Edit and Print (EREP) data set by running the IFCEREPO program. If space is not made available thus, an MCH recovery record may be lost. Env~ronment IGF0611 MODE SWITCH COMPLETEQQ Explanation: The machine status has been successfully altered through the use of the MODE command. System Action: System operation cont~nues. Operator Response: None. IGF.SOOD {REPLY 'YES', DEVC, OR 'NO'} REPLY 'YES', OR 'NO' Explanation: The message is a repeat of a SWAP command entered by the operator. If IGF500D is REPLY 'YES', OR 'NO', device xxx is a shared direct access storage device, which can only be removed from and remounted on itself. o Caution: If a 7-track tape drive in being used at 200 BPI, the operator must make sure that the 'TO' device has the 200 BPI feature. System Action: The system continues operation. The 'YES' or DEVC reply invokes the dynamic device reconfiguration function. The 'NO' reply causes a permanent I/O error to be posted for device xxx, or, if the request is operator-initiated, causes the SWAP command to be cancelled. Operator Response: When IGF500D is REPLY 'YES', DEVC, OR 'NO": • If a swap to device yyy is desired, then enter YES. See note below. • If dynamic device reconfiguration is desired but device yyy is not acceptable, enter the primary channel unit address of the device to which the volume on xxx is to be moved. Warning: Insure that the specified device is available to the system before entering the reply. See note. • If dynamic device configuration is not desired, enter NO. When IGF500D. is REPLY 'YES', OR 'NO': • If you wish to remove the volume from shared direct access device xxx and then remount it on device xxx, enter YES. See note. • If you do not wish to remove the volume from shared direct access device xxx and then remount it on device xxx, enter NO. ,;'f---'\ ~~>JVi Notes: When entering YES or 3-character device address, do not move the volume until the "PROCEED" message for device xxx is written. If the volume is moved before the "PROCEED" message is written, data set integrity may be lost. DDR does not check 'TO' device for an AVR mount. IGF0631 SVC BLDL DLT Explanation: MCH has detached a nonrefreshable error in the SVCLIB BLDL table and has deleted the affected entry or has deleted the table. System Action: The requestor has been scheduled for an abnormal termination. System operation continues. Operator Response: hardware error. None. Problem Determination: CAUTION: If 2314 or 2319 is indicated. insure before swapping that no head-disk interference ("head crash") problem exists. If you decide to cancel the job that was running when DDR got control, or if that job ABENDs, you must reply to any outstanding DDR messages that require replies. Probable Table I, item 30. IGF5001 SWAP xxx TO yyy If message IGF500I (or IGF509I) is received again for the same error on the 2314/2319, do not SWAP again. Devices actively involved in DDR should not be varied offline. Problem Determination: 30. Table I, items 2, c 438 Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) 4l:)~ IGF501D SWAP SYSRES FROM xxx TO yyy Explanation: Either a permanent I/O error has occurred on the pr imary SYSRES device ora SWAP command has been entered for the primary SYSRES device. system Action: The system will not start any I/O opera.tions on the SYSRES device or on device yyy until the swap is completed as instructed. Operator Response: Take one of the following actions: • Move the primary SYSRES volume from device xxx to yyy. (If there is a volume mounted on yyy, exchange it with SYSRES.) Ready the device with the primary SYSRES volume first .. • Put a duplicate SYSRES volume on device yyy and ready the device. Before using the duplicate volume. the installation must insure that writing to SYSRES has been prohibited except to the SYSi.LCGREC data set. • If xxx = yyy: For 2311's., ready the current SYSRES device. For 2314' s and 2319 's, move SYSRES to any spare drive belonging to the same control unit as the SYSRES device and ready the device with the address plug xxx. Operator Response: Select a new "to" device for yyy. If the reply is NO, the job must be cancelled,. CAUTION: If you decide to cancel the job that was running when DDR got control or if that job ABENDs, you must reply to any outstanding DDR messages. IGF504I AN ERP IS IN PROCESS FOR xxx Explanation: A swap was requested from tape device xxx. By the time dynamic device reconfiguration gained control, an error recovery procedure had begun processing for that device. This message will always be followed by message IGF512I. System Action: The system continues operation. The operator-initiated swap request is cancelled. If the error recovery procedure is unsuccessful, the system will request dynamic device rec onfigurati on. Operator Response: If the system does not request dynamic device reconfiguration, the error recovery procedure was successful. Enter the SWAP command again. IGF505I SWAP FROM xxx TO yyy COMPLETE Explanation: The swap requested for the tape volume on device xxx is now complete. IGF502E PROCEED WITH SWAP xxx TO yyy Explanation: Dynamic device reconfiguration (DDR) i~ waiting for swapping of volumes. System Action: operation,. The system continues Operator Response: Move the volume on device xxx to device yyy. If a volume res i des on yyy, move that vol ume to device xxx. Make both devices ready. If xxx and yyy are the same device, make the device not ready" then make it ready. If you decide to cancel the job that was running when DDR got control, or if that job ABENDs, you must reply to any outstanding DDR messages that require replies. You must complete the physical swap. IGF5031 ERROR ON yyy, SELECT NEW DEVICE o Explanation: A permanent I/O error has occurred during dynamic device reconfiguration tape repositiohing; tape repositioning was in process as the result of a SWAP request to yyy. The error occurred positioning the tape from the load point on yyy. svstem Action: The tape is rewound and unloaded. The system continues operation. System Action: operation. The system continues Operator Response: If an operator-initiated swap has previously been rejected by the system, because another dynamic device reconfiguration request was processing, reissue the SWAP command. Otherwise" no action is required. IGF507A VOLUME ON DEVICE yyy UNIDENTIFIABLE;, SWAP SYSRES '10 zzz Explanation: While swapping the system residence volume during dynamic device reconfiguration, the label of the volume made ready as SYSRES could not be determined on the device with address yyy. Either an I/O error occurred during the volume label verification, or device yyy was made not ready prior to readying volume identification. System Action: The system is no longer certain of the whereabouts of SYSRES. It is now waiting for SYSRES to be mounted on the "to" device zzz as specified in the message. Operator Repsonse: If yyy is not equal to zzz, move SYSRES to zzz and ready it. If there is a volume already mounted on zzz" demount it move SYSRES to zzz and ready zzz, then mount the volume removed from zzz on the original failing SYSRES device. IGF Messages - MCH and DDR 439 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 If yyy=zzz: If the DDR function is not desired, enter NO. For 2311 's, ready the device zzz. For 2314's, 2319's, ready the device zzz, but if the message is repeated, move SYSRES to any spare drive belonging to the same control unit as zzz, then ready the device with the address plug zzz. IGF5081 OPERATOR INITIATED SWAP CANCELED BY SYSTEM Explanation: (1) A conflict among DDR, WTO, and device allocation is imminent; DDR cannot continue processing. (2) For SYSRES: Either the "to" device specified in the SWAP command was found not operative or the execution of the command was interrupted by a system-initiated system residence volume swap. CAUTION: If xxx is a 2314 or 2319 direct access-storage device, insure before swapping that no head-disk interference ("head crash") problem exists. If message IGF5091 (or IGF500I) is received again for the same error on the 2314 or 2319, do not swap. If you decide to cancel the job that was running when DDR got control, or if that job ABENDs, you must reply to any outstanding DDR messages that require replies. Problem Determination: 30. Table I, items 2, IGF5101 SYSRES RESIDES ON xxx System Action: The SWAP command is reJected. The system continues operation. Explanation: This is a reminder in response to a SWAP command for SYSRES. Operator Response: If you still wish to swap, re-enter the SWAP command. System Action: This message is always followed by a WTOR (IGF500D), requesting confirmation. IGF5091 SWAP xxx Operator Response: None. IGF509D REPLY DEVC, OR 'NO' IGF511A WRONG VOLUME MOUNTED ON yyy Explanation: A permanent I/O error has occurred on the device with channel unit address xxx. The I/O error recovery procedures may be recycled by removing the volume from device xxx and then replacing the volume on a device of the same type as device xxx. Caution: If a 7-track tape drive is being used at 200 BPI, the operator must make sure that the 'TO' device has the 200 BPI feature. For tape swaps, if you reply 'NO' to this message and this message was preceded by message IGF503I, DDR will unload the tape; you should not re-ready this particular tape because the system will not reposition it before writing labels on it during CLOSE processing. A non-labelled scratch tape should be mounted to satisfy CLOSE. System Action: The system continues operation. Job jjj will not complete until the operator responds with one of the indicated replies. Reply with a 3-character device address (indicated in the message by DEVC) to invoke the dynamic device reconfiguration function. Reply NO to cause a permanent I/O error to be posted for device xxx. Operator Response: If the DDR function is the pr~mary address of a device of the same type as xxx. (An unallocated device on a different channel is preferred.) Do not move the volume until the system directs to do so with the "PROCEED" message. If the volume is moved before the "PROCEED" message is written, data set integrity may be lost. des~red, Warning: 440 Insure that the specified device is available to the system before entering the reply. Messages & Codes (Release 21.7) Explanation: In performing a swap, the volume that had been on the "from" device was not put on yyy. Some other volume has been mounted. System Action: operation. The system continues Operator Response: Demount the volume on yyy and put the volume that was on the "from" device on yyy. IGF5121 DDR TERMINATED Explanation: One of the following cond~tions exists, following an operator-initiated Swap request: 1. The user did not specify REPOS=Y in his DCB when using EXCP. This is an indication that the user is not keeping an accurate block count and therefore DDR for tape cannot be p·erformed. 2. Open, CLOSE, or EOV was found to be in process and therefore DDR for tape cannot be performed. 3. There was no user on the "from" device, so DDR is not needed at this time. 4. The user replied NO to message IGF500D or IGF509D. 5. For an operator-initiated tape swap: the 'from' device is allocated to a TSO task that is currently out of core. The user control blocks cannot be found. System Action: The system continues operat~on. Operator Response: For case 1), none. For case 2), re-enter the SWAP command. For case 3), if you still desire to move the tape, you can do so' without DDR. For '" 0 I' ~y , Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o case 4), none. For case 5), if you still wish to swap, re-enter the SWAP command. IGF513I yyy INVALID FOR SWAP Explanation: Device yyy specified in reply to message IGF500D for SWAP xxx,yyy is one of the following: • not of the same device type as xxx. • not a supported device (see note). • an invalid address. • not operational. • reply was made in lower case. o Notes: • Teleprocessing devices are not supported. • Emulator 7-track "native mode" tapes are not supported. • For a systems residence volume swap request, the system residence volume must be on the xxx device. • The following unit record swaps are supported: • 1403/1404 to 1403/1404. • 1 4 4 2 to 1 4 4 2 . • 1443 to 1443. • 2501 to 2501. • 2520 to 2520. • 2540 to 2540. • 3505 to 3505. • 3525 to 3525. • unit record devices must be out of ready state when a SWAP is performed. • When swapping printers, both printers must either have or not have the UCS option; that is, one printer cannot have the UCS option when the other does not. • The system will not initiate requests for DDR on readers, punches, and printers, but the operator may request DDR for these devices during "intervention required" conditions only. • Shared direct access storage devices can only be removed from and remounted on themselves. • The following tape swaps are supported: • 7-track to 7-track. • 9-track to 9-track 800 bpi, and 9-track 800 dual density to 9-track 800 bpi or dual density. • 9-track 1600 bpi to 9-track 1600 bpi, and 9-track 1600 dual density to 9-track 1600 bpi or dual density. • An allocated tape device may not be specified as the yyy device in a SWAP command. • An error occurred on the addressed device during a rewind/unload operation. System Action: The system continues operation. You may choose another yyy device. Operator Response: Wait for the recurring messages IGF500I and IGF500D to either correct the yyy device or cancel the swap. IGF991E MOUNT DEVICE AND CHANNEL END { CHANNEL END DEVICE END '! PENDING FOR DEVICE ddd Explanation: The missing interrupt checker found the named condition pending for device ddd for more than the time period specified by the installation; the default time is 3 minutes. The explanation depends on the condition named in the message: • MOUNT - System-issued MOUNT request for device ddd has not been satisfied within the specified period of time. • DEVICE AND CHANNEL END - Both a channel end and a device end interruption have been pending for device ddd for more than the specified period of time. • CHANNEL END - A channel end interruption for device ddd has been pending for more than the specified period of time. • DEVICE END - A device end interruption for device ddd has been pending for more than the specified period of time. System Action: Processing continues. Operator Response: The response depends on the condition named in the message: • MOUNT - Ready device ddd. If the unit is ready, issue a VARY ONLINE command to generate a pseudo device end so that MOUNT command processing can continue. • DEVICE AND CHANNEL END CHANNEL END - A hardware malfunction has occurred. The jobs using device ddd should be cancelled. • DEVICE END - Examine device ddd for hardware malfunctions such as the SELECT light on a tape drive, or the SELECT LOCK light on disk drives. Check control or switching units for proper connection. If the device was just rewound or mounted, issue a VARY ONLINE command to generate a pseudo device end. Note: Issuing a VARY ONLINE command at any other time is inadvisable since data set integrity may be lost. Problem Determination: Sa, 16, 24, 30. Table I, items 2, o IGF Messages - MCH and DDR 441 ", C ~\ " 442 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) '" : o Supervisor and Data Management Assembler Macro Expansion Messages (IHB) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IHB I I Component Name ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Assembler program during expansion of supervisor and data nanagement I I macro instructions. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For programmer: assembler listing in SYSPRINT data set. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format ss, ***IHB {nnn } text nnnn ss Severity code indicating effect of errcr cn execution cf program being assembled: I Program Producing Message I * Informational message; no effect cn execution. Information only; nornal execution is ex~ected. 4 Warning message; successful executicn is probable. 8 Error; execution nay fail. 12 serious error; successful executicn is irrprobable. 16 Terrr,inal error; successful executicn is imFossible. nnn or nnnn Message serial number. text Message text. ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments I None. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Associated Publications I IBM System/360 Cperating-2ysten~ I I I SUFervisor and Data Mana~ent Macro Instructicns, GC28-6647 I I I ~CAM Programmer's Guide and Reference Manual, GC30-2024. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem Cetermination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this publicaticn for problem I IL_____________________________ I _________________________________________ determination instructions. I o o ------------------------------J ~ IBBOOl Progranrrer R~~: Probable user error. Correct the invalid cFerand and reassemble. xxx OPERAND REQ'D-NOT SPECIFIED Explanation: A required positional or keyword operand was omitted. The position or name of the operand is xxx. Problem Deterniraticn: 29. IHB004 System Action: The nacro instruction was partially expanded; expansicn stopped on detection of the error. Severity code = 12. Problem Determination: 23, 29. IBB002 One cr mcre required operands were cnitted. o Systen Action: The nacro instruction was partially expanded: expansion stopped on detection of the errcr. Severity code = ~ 12. W Table I, items 15, Progranner ResFense: Probable user error. Provide all required oFerands and reassemble. Table I, items 13., Preblem Deterninatien: 29 •. INVALIC xxx OPERAND SPECIFIED-yyy Explanation: An operand, whcse position or name is xxx, was specified as yyy. The specified operand is invalid. System Action: The nacro instruction was partially expanded; expansien stopped on detection of the error. Severity code = 12. REC;UIREC OPERANC(S> NOT SPECIFIED ~xFlanation: Prograrr,rrer Response: Probable user error. Provide the required operand and reassemble. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 15, IHB005 Table I, items 15, REGISTER NOTATION IN RC CPERANL-xxx I~VALIL The RC operand cf a RE'IURN nacre instructien s~ecifies a return code locaticn other than register 15. xxx is the cperand as specified. ~xFlanatio!!: IHB Messages -- Macro Expansion 443 system Acticn: The macro instruction not expanded. Severity code = 12. ~as svsten Action: The naero instruction was partially expar.dedi expansion stopped on detectien of the errer. Severity code = 12. ProqraroIrer Response: Probable user error. Either load the return code into register 15 and rewrite the operand as RC=(15), or specify the return code in the RC operand; recompile. Problem Determination: 23, 29. IBB006 Progranner ResFcnse: Probable user error. Cnit the first ~csiticnal operand and resUbnit the jeb. Table I, items 13, Problem Deterninatien: 23, 29. lHB010 §ysten Action: The nacro instruction was partially e~panded; ex~ansien stopped on detectien of the errer. severity code = 12. . : Prol::able user error. Cnit the In operand and resubnit the job. PiebleIt Deternir:aticn: 23, 29. lHBOll Explanation: A PARAM e~rand is in an L-form ATTACH or LINK nacro instruction. Proqranner ResFcnse: Prol::ablE user error. Check the special ~~erand requirements for L-:-forn use; onit the inValid eperand and resubnit the jeb. . Table I, items 13, Problem Deterninatien: 23, 29. Table I, items 13, INVALID REGISTER NO'IATION WI'IH SF=L FOR!! IHB012 PARAM OR VL ALLOWED CNLY WITH MF=(E,ADDR) Explanation: An operand of an L-form macro instruction (with an SF=L operand) is specified in register notation. EXElanaticn: A PARM or VL operand is specified in anXCTL macro instruction. SYstem Action: The maoro instruction was partially expanded; expansien stopped on detection of the error. Severity code = 12. These eperands are allcwed only in the E-forrn cf the nacre instructien (with an ~F=E eperand) ~ Programn:er Response: Probable user error. specify the value in the operand or omit the operand; resubmit the jcb. svsten Action: The naeroinstruction was partially expanded; ex~ansion stopped on detecticn of the errer~ Severity code = 12 .. Problem Determination: 23, 29 .• Table I, items 13, ENTRY SYMBOL NOT ALLOWED WI'JH MF=L FOR!! Explanation: '!he first positional (entry point) operand is specified in an L-form CALL macro instruction.. 444 OPERAND SP!CIFIED wITE SF=L FORM Systen Action: The naero instruction was partially expar,de!3; ex pans ion stopped on detectien of the errer. severity COdE = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Omit the PARAM operand. To create a remote problem program paraneter list, use the L-form of the CALL nacre instruction; resubmit the job. IHB009 I~VALID Tal::le I, items 13, EXElanatien: An'e~erand dees not conform tcthe special eperand requirements of an L-fcrn nacro instructicn (with an SF=L operand). SYstem Action: The macro instruction was partially expanded; expansien stopped on detection of the error.. Severity code = 12. Problem Determination: 23, 29. . prograJill!er~~gnse Table I, items 13, PARAM= OPERAND INVALID wITH SF=L FORfo: M~=L FO~ The 1D c~erandisspecified in an L-foim. CALL rraere instruction. Prograrr.wer Response: Probable user error. specify the value in the operand, or omit the operand; resubmit the jeb. Problem Determination: 23, 29. ID= CPllRAND INvALID WITH ~~Elanation: System Action: The macro instruction ~as partially expanded; expansien stopped on detection of the error. severity code = 12. IHB008 Table I, items 13, INVALID REGIS'IER NO'IATION WI'IH MF=1 FCRfo: Explanation: An operand of an L-form macro instruction (with an MF=L operand) is specified in register notation. IHB007 o Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Proqranxer ResFcnse: Prokable user error. Onit the PARA~ er VL operand, or provide an MF=E operand that s~ecifies the address of a remote prebleII' ~xcgram parameter list; resubnit th~ jeb. Problem Deterninsltien: 23, 29. Table I, items 13" o o . IHBO 13 MF=L NOT ALLOWED operand can be used cnly if the mode operand is EO. EC, cr E. Explanation: An MF=L op!rand appears in an ATTACH. L INK ~ or XCTL macro instruction. Action: The nacro instruction was partially expanded; expansion stopped on detection of the errcr. severity code = 12. Svste~, System Action: The ~acro instruction ~as partially expanded; expansicn stopped on detection o£the ~rror. severity code = 12 •. Prcgran~er Restcnse: Probable user error. Change the Diode cperand to EU, EC, or E, or replace the LV cperand; resubmit the jcb. Progra~Rer Response: Probable user error. To form a re~ote s\lperviscr parameter list, specify an SF=L ~perand. ~o form a remote. problem program paraneter list, use an L~form CALL macro instruction; resubmit the job. . Problem Deternir.aticn: 23. 29. IHB017 Problem Determination: 23, 29 .• IHE014 Table I" items 13, DECB NOT SPECIFIED AS SYMBOL system Action: The macro instruction ~as partially expa~ded; expansion stopped on detection of the error. Severity code = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. the first operand as a symbolic name fora data. event controlblcck to be posted on completion of the input or QutPPt operation •. Resub~t the job. systen Action: The naero instruction was partially expar.ded; expansion stopped on detectien of the errcr. severity code = 12. Wr~te Problem Determination: 29. IHB01S Table I, items 13. MORE THAN ONE OF EP, EPLOC, OR DE PrcgraDiDier Restense: Probable user error. For a GETMAIN nacre instructien, change the ~cde operand te VU, VC. LU. LC, or L, or replace the LA eperand with an LV operand. For a FREEMAIN 1l'acre instruction, onit the LA operand. Resubnit the jeb. PRES~NT Explanation: Mo:r;e than one of the alternate operands EP, EPLOC, and DE is specified in an A~'TACH, DELE'IE. LINJ. LQAD, or.XC'IL macro·instruction. System Action: The It',acro instruction ~as partially expanded; expansicn stopped on detection Of the error. severity code = Problem Deterninatien: 23, 29. IHB01S Programmer Response: Probable user error. Rewrite themacrocinstructicn, specifying only one of the 3 alternate operands. and reS~bmi~ the job. ' 43" IBB016 o BOTH LV AND LA OPERANDS SPECIFIED systeIt' Action: The nacro instruction was partially expanded; expansion stopped on detection cf the errer. severity code = ~ 12. W Table I, items 13, 2~. ResFcnse: Protable user error. CIt'it cne or beth of these operands, according to which Diede operand is specified. and resubnit the job. Progra~~er LV OPERAND NOT ALLOWED WITH SPECIFIED I!CDE Explanation; '!he LV operand is inconsistent with the,first pcsitional (mode) . operand of an s~type GE~MAIN or FREEMAIN macro instruction.. The mode operand isVU, VC.or v, wbich specifies allocation or release of a variable-length stprage area~ or it.is LU, La. or L, which specifies allocation or release of a list of fixed-length stprage areas. The LV oper~rid implies allocation or release of a single fix~d-~~n9,th storage are~; this Table I, items 13, Extlanation: Beth the LV and LA operands are specified in an S-type GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macre instruction. ~2. Problem Determination: LA OFERAND NOT ALLOWED WITH SPECIFIED MODE Extlanation: The LA cperand is inconsistent with the first pcsitional (It'cde) ,operand cf an S-type GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro instruction. The mode operand is EO. EC. or E, which specifies either allocaticn er release of a single fixed-length sterage area. or it is V, which specifies release of a variable-length sterage area. 'The LA operand implies allecation or release of a list of fixed-length storage areas, or allocation of a variable-length storage area; this operand can be used enly if the ~cde cperand is VU, VC, LU, LC. or L. Explanation: ~l'1e first positional operand of a READ or WRITE reacro instruction does not specify a name for an associated data ~vent control blopk (DECB). o Table I, items 13. Problem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 13, 23, 29. IHB019 SP NOT ALLOWED WITH LV SPECIAL REG. NOTATION EXFlanation: The SP operand is specified in an R-type GETMAIN er FREEMAIN macro instruction and the cptiona~ value of the IBB Messages -- Macro Expansion 445 LV operand is specified in sFecial register notation. IEB024 Progranner Response: Probable user error. Either load the subpool number into the leftmost byte of parameter register 0 and omit the SP operand, or specify both the LV and SP operand values in the macro instruction resubmit the jcb. IEB020 A= OPERAND NO~ ALLO~ED R-~YPE IEE021 Action: The nacro instruction was eXFanded norrrally. Severity code = 4. R~~~_Respcnse: Probable user error. Prcvide an entry pcint identifier for the prcgrarr by specifying a narre for the SAVE nacre instructicn cr fe~ the centrol secticn in which it is located and re subni t the j cb. MACRO Explanation: ~he A operand is specified in an R-type GE'TMAIN nacro instruction. Preblem reterninaticn: 23, 29. IHB02S Progranner Response: Prbable user 'error. Omit the A operand and resubmit the job. Qysten Action: The rracro instruction was nct eXFanded. severity code = 12. Probleffi Determination: 23, 29. R~cqran~~_Re~Ecnse: Table I, items 13, Probable user error. Correct the EIARCHY Farameterto specify a value of 0 or 1~ Resubmit the job. MORE TEAN MAXIMUM VALUE IN FIELDS OPERAND Prcblem Deterninatien: 19, 29. IHB026 Problem Determinaticn: 23, 29. Prcqrarr.lI'er Resg~: Probable user error. Correct the FCE pararreter list. Resutmit the job. Explanation: In a CAMLST rracro instructicn, the first cperand specifies SCRATCE and the third operand specifies xxx. This combination cf oFerands is invalid. Problem Determination: 19, 29. Table I, items 13, Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) FCE SUBLIST IS INVALID systerr Action: The rracro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 12. THIRr OPERAND INVALID wITH SCRATCH SPECIFIED AS - xxx Programmer Response: Probable user error. Change the first or third cFerand. Resubmit the job. o In a SETPRT macro instruction, the FeB pararreter list was incerrectly specified. One of the fcllewing occurred: • The forrrat cf the FCE parameter list was invalid. F'cr exarrFle, cem1l1as or Farentheses were incorrectly placed. • Cne of the FCE pararreters was invalid. For example, the inage-id was omitted, cr the ALIGN cr VERIFY paraneter was nisspelled. Table I, items 13, System Action: The rracro instruction ~as partially expanded; expansicn stopped on detection of the error. Severity code = 12. Table I, items 13, ~xFlanation: Progranrrer Response: Probable user error. Reduce the number of value tc the maximum value and recompile. 446 HIARCEY OPERANt SPECIFIED EXFlanatign: In a GETMAIN, GETPOOL, DCB, LINK, LOAr, XCTL, cr ATTACE macro instruction, the HIARCEY paraneter specified a value ether than 0 or 1. SYstem Action: The rr-acro instruction ~as partially expanded; expansicn stopped on detection of the error. Severity ~ode = 12. IEE023 I~VALIr Table I, items 13, SYstem Action: 'The nacro instruction ~as partially expanded; expansion stopped on detection of the error. Severity code = 12. Explanation: ~he FIELDS oFerands of an EXTRACT macro instructicn ccntain more than the maximum value. o ~sterr Table I, items 13, IN MACRO NAME FIELD Explana~!£n: A SAVE nacro instruction, in an unnawed contrcl section, centains an asterisk as the third Fositional (entry peint identifier) cFerand, but it does not contain anane in its name field. system Action: The rr-acro instruction ~as partially expanded; expansicn stopped on detection of the error. severity code = 12. Problen Determinatien: 23, 29. CSECT NAME OMITTED. BLANK Prcblem Deterninaticn: 1S:-~------------ IHB027 Table I, items 4, EXCESSIVE POSITIONAL PARAMETERS SPECIFIED EXFlanation: ~cre Fcsitional parameters are specified in an OPEN, CLOSE, or RDJFCB rracrc instructicn than are in the macro pretetypes. 2Ysterr Action: The nacro instruction is expanded, but the extra parameters are ignored. (The severity code is 12.) o o Proqranmer Response: Probable user error. This error often occurs because the parameter list is not enclesed with parenthesis. Omit invalid cr unnecessary parameters and rerun the jeb. ~!~~!~~_S~~Fcnse: Problem Determination: 29. 1~9:--------------- Prorarle user error. Prcvide the BSCRG c~erand, or specify in the ~~CRF operar.d use cf the EXCP macro instructien. Resubnit the jet. Prcblem Beternir.aticn: IBB030 Table I, items 15, LPS MACRO xxx IMPROPERLY USED IHB053 In a BCE macro instruction, value cf a BSORG operand is yyy. This opticnal value is not valid for the BSCRG operand. SysteL~ct!on: ~he ~artially expanded; ~as nacro instruction was ex~ansicn sto~~ed on detection of the errcr. Severity coce = 12. Proqramner Response: Probable user error. Remove the macro instructicn from the line Procedure Specifications and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 29. IBB050 xxx OPERAND ~!~an~_s~~~~~: Prorable user error. Correct the o~ticnal value of the CSORG e~erand. Resubnit the jor. Table I, items 15, Preblem Beterni~aticn: 19~9:--------------IHB054 INV~LIB BSORf QUALIFIER-IGNCRED Ir. a LCE macro instruction, the third character cf the optional value ef a LSeRG operar.d is y. ~his character is not a valid qualifier fer the speoified data set orgar.izatic~. 2yst~!_Act!~: ~he nacro ex~anded, but the invalid Proqran.mer Response: Probable user error. COrrect the inconsistent operand. Resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 19, 29. Y E~Flana!!9~: System Action: The nacro instruction ~as expanded" but the inconsistent operand was ignored. Severity code = 4. ignored. instruction was eperand was Severity ccde = 8. Pr~anrrer ResFcnse: Prorarle user error. Correct the o~ticnal value of the BSORG operand. Resubnit the jor. 0 Table I, items 13, Prcblen Beterninaticn: IHE051 xxx INVALIB CODE FOR yyy-IGNORED System Action: The macro instruction expanded, but the invalid o~erand was ignored. Severity code = 8. IHB055 2ysten Act!on: The nacro instruction was ex~anded; use cf the EXCP nacro instruction was assuned. severity code = 8. Pr~anrre~~~~r.se: Response: Probable user error. Correct optional value. Resubmit the jor. o error.~ ~ Prorable user If the EXCP nacrc instruction is not used, prcvide the MACRI c~erand. Resubroit the jeb. Table I, items 13, DSORG OM IT~ED System Action: The macro instruction ~as partially expanded; expansicn stopped on detection of the error. Severity code = 12. NOT SPECIFIED-EXCP.ASSUMED ~he M~CRF operand was enitted fron a LCE nacro instruction. ~as Explanation: ~e DSORG operand ~as omitted frem a DCB nacre instruction. The MACRI operand does not specify use of the EXCP macro instruction. ~ACRF ~xFlanatig~: Proqran~er Problem Determination: 19, 29. Tarle I, items 13, 19, 29. Explanation: In a DCB nacrc instruction, an invalid character string was specified as the optional value ef a key~ord operand. ~he name of the keyword operand is yyy. The character string is xxx. IBE052 Tarle I, items 13, INCONSISTEN~-IGNORED Explanation: In a DCB nacrc instruction, an operand is inconsistent with the optional value of the DSORG, DEVD, lRECL, MACRI!, or RECFM operand. ~he name of the inconsistent operand is xxx. o yyy INVALIB COLE FOR BSORG ~~Flanatio~: the c~tional Explanation: Macro instruction xxx cannot be used in all Line Preeedure Specifications (LPS). System Action: The macro instruction not expanded. Severity code = 12. Table I, items 13, Prcblen Beternir.aticn: Table I, items 13, z CF MACRF LSORG=yyy-IGNORED 19~9:--------------- IHB056 INV~LID WI~E EXFlanation: Ir. a LCE macro instruction, the first or enly character of a sutlist e lenent for the MACRF eperand is z. ~his character is nct ccnsistent with the optional value cf the LSORf o~erand, which is yyy. IHE Messages -- Macro Expansion 447 System Action: The rr:acro instruction was expanded, but the invalid MACRF sublist element was ignored. Severity code = 8. Problem Deterninaticn: 19, 29. IHB060 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the MACRF operand tc specify a type of macro instruction ccnsistent with the specified data set crganization. Resubmit the job. Table I, items 13, x INVALID QUALIER FOR z OF MACRF IF DSCRG= yyy-IGNORED Systen Action: The nacro instruction was ex~anded, but the DEVD operand was ignored. Severity ccde = 8. Explanation: In a DCB macro instruction, z is the first character, and x is a qualifier, of a sublist elenent for the MACRF operand. The optional value of the DSORG operand is yyy. For this combination of data set organization and z" x is not valid. System Action: The rracro instruction was expanded, but the x in the ~ACRF sublist element was ignored. Severity code = 8. Problem Determinaticn: 19, 29. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 19, 29. IHB061 Table I, items 13, Prograrr:mer ResFcnse: If the name of the DD statement is nct ~laced in the data ccntrcl blcck during execution cf the problem pragran, reass emble tbe program and ~revide the nan,e througb the DDNAME operand of the DCE nacro instruction. Problem Deterninaticn: 19" 29. IHB062 System Action: The macro instruction was expanded, but the x in the RECFM operand was ignored.. Severity code = 8. 448 Table I, items 13, DDNAME LONG-TRUNCATED TO 8 CHAR Systen Action: The nacro instruction was expanded; the nane in the tDNAME operand was truncated tc 8 oharacters. severity cede = 4. grogra~rrer Table I, items 13, ResFcnse: Protable user error. Cerrect the Dr:NAME e~erand by specifying nct mere than 8 alphameric characters, the first of which trUst te alphabetic. Resubmit the jct. x OF OPTCD INVALID wITH DSORG=yyy-IGNORED Problem Deterninaticn: 19, 29 .• IHB065 Tatle I, items 13, MACRF=xxx INVALID-EXCP ASSUMED SYstem Action: The macro instruction was expanded, but the x in the OP~CD operand was igncred. Severity code = 8,. EXFlanation: In a DeE macro instruction, the optional value ef the MACRF operand is xxx. This opticnal value is invalid. Programreer Response: Probable user error. COrrect the OPTCD operand tc specify an optional service consistent with the specified data set organization. Resubmit the job. Systen Action: The macro instruction was ex~nded; the invalia MARCF operand was ignored and use cf the EXCP macro instruction was assun.ed. severity code 8. Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Explanation: In a DCE macro instruction, the optional value cf the r:DNAME operana is lenger than 8 characters. Programrr.er Response: Probable user error. COrrect the RECFM operand tc specify a record format consistent with the specified data set organization,. Resubmit the job. Explanation: In a DCB rracro instruction, a character in the opticnal value of the OPTCD operand is x. This character is not consistent with the optional value of the DSORG operand, which is yyy. DDNAME NOT SPECIFIED §yste.!!~cticn: The nacro instruction was expanded nornally. severity ccde = *. Explanation: In a DCB nacrc instruction, the optional value of the RECFM operand is x. This optional value is not consistent with the optional value of the DSORG operand, which is yyy. IHE059 Tatle I, items 13, EXFlanation: The DDNAME operand was omitted fron a DCB macro instruction. x OF RECFM INVALID' wITH DSORG=yyy-IGNCRED Problem Determination: 19, 29. o Progranmer ResFcnse: Protableuser error. Ccrrect the DEVD c~erand tc s~ecify a device dependence ccnsistent with the specified data set crganization. Resutmit the jcb. Programn.er Response: Probatle user erz:or. COrrect the MACRF operand tc specify a type of macro instructicn ccnsistent with the specified data set crganization. Resubmit the job. IHB058 xxx INVALID CODE FOR I:EVD WITH DSORG=yyyIGNORED EXFlanati9n: In a DCE macro instruction, the q:tional value cf the DEVD operana is xxx. This opticnal value is not consistent with the cFtional value of the DSCRG operand, which is yyy. Problem Determination: 19, 29. IHB057 Table I, items 13, · , 0 "J o Prograrrmer Response: Probable user error. If the EXCP macro instructicn is not used, correct the MACRF operand. Resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 19, 29. IHE066 INCONSISTEN~ instruction was assuned. *. Programreer ResFcnse: If the EXCP macro instruction is nct used, provide or cerrect the ESORG c~erand. Resubmit the jeb. Table I, items 13, OPERAND Prcblem Deterninaticn: 19,29. Explanation: In a DCB nacre instruction, the first character of every sublist element of the MACRF operand is not consistent with the optional value of the DSORG operand. Message IHB056 was given for each MACRF sub list elerrent. IHB069 IHB070 IHE067 Prcblem Eeterninaticn: 29. IHB071 ERROR IN LPS EELIMITER MACRO. systen Action: The nacro instruction was net expanded. severity code = 12. system Action: No xxx nacre instruction beyond the first encountered is expanded. severity code: for TCAM macros, 12; for ECBD macro, 4. Programrrer ResF~: Probable user error. Place the nacre instructien in the LPS secticn and resubnit the job. Programrrer Response: Probable user error. Limit to ene the nunber of DCBD macro instructiens in each assembly. Resubmit the job. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 29. IHB072 o SE~UENCE Table I, items 15, EXFlanation: The LPS delindter macro instruction is inprc~erly placed in the seurce progran. The ~revious macro instruction or secticn may require a specific n:acrc instruction. Explanatien: More than one xxx macro instruction is present in a single assembly. Only the first is used. IHE068 FOLLOW xxx MACRO PrograIr:Irer ResFcnse: Pro1::able user error. Correctly ~lace the nacro instruction fcllewing an xxx nacre instruction and resubnit t~e jcb. xxx MACRO PREVIOUSLY USED Problem Determination: 19, 29. ERROR-~UST systen; Action: The n.acro instruction is net expanded. severity code =12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the DSORG and MACRF eperands to specify a data set organizatien and macro instruction types that are eensistent. Resubmit the job. Table I, items 13, SE~UENCE EXFlanatien: The QTAM LPS n;acrc instructien or the TeAM MH maere instructicn is in~re~erly placed in the seurce progran. It nust fellcw an xxx nacre instructicn. system Action: The DCB macre instruction was not expanded. The MH nacres were partially expanded; expansien stopped on detectien ef the error. severity code = 12. Problen. Determination: 19, 29. DEVD NOT SPECIFIED-ALL ASSUMEE systen. Action: The naero instruction was ex~anded; if PS, BS, or QS was specified in the DSORG o~erand, symbelie names were prcvided fer all ~cssible device de~endencies. If cther values were specified in the DSORG operand, no synbclic names were ~rcvided. severity cede = *. In a TCAM STAR~MH macro instruction, when neither STOP= or CONT= are specified, either CONV= or LOGICAL= is coded. o Table I, items 13, EXFlanatien: The EEVE operand was omitted freIr a ECEE nacrc instruction. In a TCAM EATETIME nacre instruction, both the Cate and Time operands specified n~Cn. In a TCAM SETSCAN macro instruction any of the following invalid cenditions were specified: • MOVE = RETURN, POINT = BACK • Skip characters, POINT = BACK • MOVE RE~URN, RESULT = Net specified • MOVE = KEEP, RESULT = specified severity code LERB RE~UESTEE Table I, items 15, - ERRCPT=C ASSUMED Table I, items 13, NO VALlE CSORG SPECIFIED-EXCP ASSUMED EXFlanation: LERE was coded in the DCB but ERROPT=C (indicating a request for line error reccrding) was nct coded. Explanation: In a DCBD macre instruction, the ESORG operand is either absent or invalid. ~sten Action: The nacro instruction was expanded normally with line error reccrding provided. severity code=*. System Action: The macro instruction was expanded; the DSORG operand, if present, was ignored and use of the EXCP macro Prograrrrrer ResFcrse: Probable user error. Delete the LERB c~erand if line error recording is net wanted. Resubmit the IHB Messages -- Macro Expansion 449 ~ _ job. If line error reccrding is wanted, code ERROP'I=C. Problem Determination: 29. IHB073 IHB077 INVALID - SET TO xx EXFlanation: The erzcr occurred either in a SNAP nacre illstructicn, er in a Graphics int:ut/out~ut (I/C) nacro instructicn for a 2260 device. Table I, items 15, o LERB OMITTED-ERROPT=C IGNORED In a SNAP nacrc instruction, the parameter naned t:rm (either S[ATA or PDATA) was invalid. Explanation: Line error recerding was requested by ERROPT=C but nc LERB address was given. In a GREAD, GWRITE, GCNTRL, or GREADR nacrc instructicn fcr a 2260 device, the UNIT t:arameter (naned t:rm) was net a self-defining tern and may be invalid. This nessage nay be issued as a result of a user-written, inner macro calle. System Action: The macro instruction was expanded normally with no line error recording ~rovided. severity code= •• Progran,mer Response: Probable user error. Delete ERROPT=C if line errer recording is not wanted. If line error recording is wanted, code a LERB address. Resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 29. IHB074 ~rn systen Action: The nacre instruction was ex~anded. If the error is the result of a SNAP macre instruction, the value of the ~arameter is rrade xx (CE for SDA'IA er ALL for PDA'IA). Table I, items 15, ERROPT=N - LERB IGNORED If the error is the result of a Graphics I/C ll'acro instructicn (GREAD, GwRI'IE, GCNl'RL, or GREADR), the UNI'1 field was assigned a value cf xx. Explanation: LERB was coded in the DCB but error recovery ~rocedure was not requested (ERROPT=N). severity code = 4. System Action: The macro instruction was expanded normally with no line error recording ~rovided. severity code= •• PrcqranJrer ResFcnse: If the error is in a SNAP nacre instruction, ccrrect the SDATA or PDATA o~erand resubnit the job. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Delete the LERB operand if the line error recording is not wanted. If line error recording is wanted, code ERROPT=C. Resubmit the job.. Problem Determination: 29.• IHB075 If the error is in a Graphics I/O macro instruction issued 1::y a user-written inner n,acro call, deterxrine that the value xx is the desired unit; if it is, nc further action is required. If it is not, correct the user-written inner macro instruction and resubxrit the jcb. If the Graphics I/O nacro instructicn was not issued 1::y an inner macro call, ccrrect the UNI'I operand sc that it is a decinal integer between 1 and 25 and resubnit the jo1::. Table I, items 15, TABLENAME OPERAND REPEA'IED-XXX Explanation: In the ASMTR'IA~ macro instruction, a table nane e~erand was coded more than once. XXX is the repeated operand. System Action: The macro instruction was expanded normally. Severity code=.,. Problem Deterninaticn: 29. 450 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Table I, items 15, systen Action: The nacre instruction.was nct ext:anded. Severity code=12. Prcqramr-er ResFcnse: Pro1::able user error. Correct the register notation or specify a valid register and resubmit tne jo1::. system Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. Severity code=12. Table I, items 15, \ EXFlanaticn: Fcr the XXX operand, the operand was not enclcsed in parentheses or specified an invalid register. YYY is an invalid notaticn. Explanation: A name must be s~ecified in the name field of this nacre instruction. Problem Determination: 29. O yyy Problem Determinaticn: Table I, items 15, 29. MACRO NAME FIELD BLANR - NAME REQUIRED Proqramrr.er Response: Probable user error. COde a name in the name field of the macro instruction and resubmit the job. ~~ \ IHB078 {XXX}CPERANI: REGISTER NCTATION INVALID - Programmer Response: Probable user error. Remove the duplicate operand. Resubmit the job. IHB076 Pro1::able user error. Problem Deterninaticn: 29. IHB079 Table I, items 15, FIRST OPERAND REGISTER NOTATION REQUIRED EXFlanation: Register notatien is required for the first o~erand. o o System Action: The macro instruction not expanded.· severity code=12. ~as Prograrr~er Respcnse: Pro~a~le user error. Renove the ERROPT ~araneter and resubmit the jcb. Progranreer Response: Probable user error. a register notation for the first operand and resubmit the job. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 29. Specif~ Problem Determination: 29. IHE080 Table I, items 15, IHB086 Table I, items 15, xxx INVALID KEYWORD, yyy ASSUMED Explanation: Operand xxx does not conform to the requirenents cf the operand format. ONE ECBLIST OPERAND ONLY REQUIRED Explanation: The ECBLIST operand was omitted, or more than one supplied. System Action: The reacro instruction not expanded. severity code=12. systeIr Action: The rracro instruction was expanded, but the invalid operand was ignored and yyy was assumed. Severity cede = 4. ~as Programmer Response: Probable user error. Suppl~ onl~ one ECBLIST operand and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 29. IHB083 Prcqranl'l",er Res pense: Probable user error. Ccrrect the invalid eperand. Resubmit the job. Table I, items 15" Prcblem Deterninatien: 29. MF, STORAGE, OR LIST OPERAND INVALID IHB087 Table I, items 15, INVALID OPERANt xxx PASSED TO SYSTEM MACRO IHBER~AC Explanation: In the SNAP rriacro instruction, the MF, STORAGE, or LIST operand was invalid. o Explanation: System Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 12. SysteIr Action: Expansion of the macro instruction is terninated when the error is detected. severity code = 12. Prograrereer Response: Probable user error. Oorrect the MF, STORAGE, or LIST operand and resubmit the job. Programmer Respense: Pro~a~le user error. Correct the listed cperand, and resu~it .the jcb. Problem Determination: 23, 29. Prcblere Deterninaticn: 29. Table I, items 13, IHB088 IHB084 REQUIREt OPl'ION MACRC NOT GENERATED Explanation: An IPLTXID operand in a DCB macro instruction exceeds the allowable limit of 7 characters. Explanation: The nurrber of OPTION macros generated does net match the num~er of epticnal subfields specified in the 'TERM nacre,. System Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. severity code = 12. systerr Actien: The rracro instruction was net expanded. severity code = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Oorrect the IPLTXID operand so that the operand does not exceed 7 characters. progranroer Respcnse: Pro~able user error. Check OPl'ION rracrcs fer errors or correct the eptional subfields specified in the TERM nacre. Resubrrit the job. Table I, items 15, Prcblere teterninatien: 29. Table I, items 15, DEVD = xx CODED - ERROPT = Y IGNORED IHB090 o Table I, items 15" IPLTXID OPERAND EXCEEDS 7 CHARACTERS Problem Determination: 29 IHB085 Operand nnn is not valid. Explanation: In a DCB rracrc instruction, one of the following occurred: • Both tEVD=BS and ERROPT=N were coded. However, ERROPT=N is invalid for Binary S~nchronous devices. Errcr recover~ procedures are required. • Both DEVD=WT and ERROPT=R, W, or T were coded. However, ERROPT=R, W, or T is invalid for World Trade Telegraph Terminals (WTTA). System Action: The macro instruction was expanded normally. The ERROPT parameter was ignored. severity code = *. INVALID AUTOPOL VALUE Explanatien: In a POLL reacro instruction, the AUTOPOL operand specified a value other than 1 cr 2. systen Action: The nacro instruction was not expanded. severity code = 12 • Progranmer Respcnse: PrQ~able user error. Fcr IBM 1030 terrrinals, specify an AUTOPOL operand of 1 in the FOLL macrc instruction. Fcr ether terrrinals, specify an AUTOPOL operand cf 2 in the POLL macro instruction. Resu~mit the jo~. IHB Messages -- Macro Expansion 451 GIl Problelfo Determinatien: 29. IHB091 Table I, items 15, nacre instructien er did net begin with fo:F=(E, for the execute forro of the macro instructien. MORE TEAN 123-1030's OR 82 NON 1030's 2ysten Action: The nacro instruction was net expanded. severity cede = 12. Explanation: The POLL nacre instruction specified more than the allewable number of terminals. Progranrrer ResFense: Probable user error. Ccrrect the MF q:erand according to the ferm ef the nacre instructien desired. Resubnit the jeb. System Action: The rracro instruction was not expanded. severity code = 12. Progranrner Response: Probable user error. For IBM 1030 terminals, reduce the numl:er of terlrinals specified in the POLL macro' instructien to 123 or less. Fer other terminals, reduce the nurnber of terminals specified in the POLL n.acre instruction to 82 or less. Resubmit the jeb. Problen Determinatien: 29. IHE092 o Prcblem Deterninatien: 19, 29. IBB095 Table I, items 13, CPTC£ IS INVALI£ ~~~~~ticn: In a SETPRT nacro instructien, the OPTCD operand was not specified as either U er B. Table I, items 15, 2y'§telLAct!Qn: The nacro instruction was net expanded. Severity code = 12. DCB IS MISSING OR INVALID ~rogran!!:~LS~Ef~: Explanation: In a SETPRT nacre instructien, the DCB operand, which specifies the opened data central block (DCB) for the UCS printer data set, was either nissing or incorrectly specified for the form of the rracro instruction used. Prol:able user error. Cerrect the OPTC£ eperand. Resubmit the jeb. Preblem DeterniT;atien: 19, 29. IBB096 System Actien: The nacro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 12. IHE093 UCS SUELIS~ In a SETPRT nacro instructien, the UCS, FCB, and OPTCD eperands were enitted. At least one of these eperands nust l:e specified to execute the standard ferm ef SETPRT macro instructien. 2ysten Acti.2~: The naero instruction was net expanded. severity code = 12. Table I, items 13, Prograrrner Res}:er:se: Prol:able user error. specify the ucs cperand, FCB eperand, and/or the OPTCD eperand according to the functien desired. Resubmit tte jOl:. IS INVALID Explanatien: In a SETPRT macro instruction, the UCS parameter list was incorrectly specified. One ef the following occurred: • The format of the UCS parameter list was invalid. For exanple, the cemmas or parentheses were incorrectly placed. • One of the UCS subparameters was invalid. For exanple, the character set code was omitted, the FOLD and/or VERIFY subparameters were misspelled, or the subparameters were out of erder. Problem Deternir.atien: 15, 29 • IBB097 IBB094 MACRO-FORM IS INVALID Explanation: In a SETPRT macro instruction, the MF operand was not specified as MF=L for the list form of the 452 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) TCE OPERAN£ INVALID wITH MF=L FORM The 'ICE eperand was specified in the list forn of the SNAP nacro instructien. systen Action: The naero instruction was net expanded. Severity code = 12. Progra!!:~~~sFense: Probable user error. Cnit the TCB cperand and resubmit the job. Programmer Response: Probable user error. COrrect the UCS parameter list. Resubmit the job. Table I, items 13, Table I, items 4, EXFlanatio~: System Action: T'he roacro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 12. Problem Determinatien: 19, 29. UCS, FCE, AND OPT CD SUBLISTS MISSING ~~~natie~: Prograrrrner Response: Probable user error. Supply the missing DCB eperand or correct the one that is in errer. Resubmit the job. Problem Determinatien: 19, 29. Table I, items 13, Preblem Deterninatien: 23, 29. IHB098 BUFNC LESS THAN 12. Table I, items 13, 12 ASSUMED. EXFlanation: In a DCB macro instruction, at least twelve buffers must be specified when processing a 1419/1275 data set. systen, Action: Twelve buffers are assumed. Severity cede = *. o Prcblem :ceterniT:aticn: Programmer Response: Probal::le user error. Correct the BUFNO pararreter cf the DCB and resubmit the job. 15~9-.--------------- IHB103 Problerr :Cetermination: 15, 29. Table I, iteIrs 3, TEXT 1. CR LENGTE ~ISSING Table I, items 3, WHEN X o OR X §~Elanat!~~: IHE099 BUFL AN:C ELKSIZE UNEQUAL. BUFL IT: the ONLTS'I rracro instructicn, althcugh the X parameter sfecified 0 or 1, either the 'lEXT er IE~GTH fararreter was rrissing. whenever the X fararreter sfecifies 0 or 1, the 'lEXT and LENGTH pararreters rrust alsc l::e sfecified. ASSU~ED. Explanation: In a DCB rracrc instruction, BLKSIZE and BUFL must be equal for a 1419/1275 data set. System Action: BUFL length is assumed for BLKSIZE. Severity code = *. £Y.§j:§;!LAc!:!2~: nct eXfanded. Prograrrmer Response: Probable user error. COrrect the parameters and resubmit the job. Problem Determinaticn: 15, 29. IHE100 Prol::al::le user error. Include both the TEX'I and LENGTH fararreters in the s~ecificaticn of the C~ITST rracro instructicn and resutmit the jcb. R~oqrarr~er~§ESnse: Table I, items 3, Prcblem I:eterniT:aticn: Table I, items 15, 29-. ------------ X OR Y PAR~.ME'IER NO'I WI'IHIN ALLOw\BIE VALUE RANGE. IHB104 Explanation: In the ONLTS'I macro instruction, either the X cr Y ~arameter specified an incorrect value. The X parameter must specify a value from 00 through 19, and the Y ~arameter must specify a value from 01 thrcugh 99. o TEXT CR LENGTH MISSING. In the ONLTS'I nacro instructicn, either the TEX'I cr LENG'lH pararreter was nissing. If ene ef these twc farameters is sfecified, the other pararreter rrust te s~ecified alsc. §~ganatic~: The nacro instructicn was severity ccde = 1. System Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 12. 2Yst~~_Act!on: Programmer Response: Probable user error. COrrect the X or Y pararreter in the specification of the ONL'I'S'I macro instruction and resubreit the jcb. Rrcgrarrrre.!-B§;§Ecr:se: Prol::al::le user error. Include beth the TEX'I and LENG'lH ~araITeters in the s~ecificaticn of the C~LTST rracro instructicn and resutmit the jcb. Problerr. Determinaticn: 29. IHE101 'Ihe nacro instruction was severity ccde = 12. SSRTN TOO LONG. nct eXfanded. Table I, iteres 15, Prcblem :ceterninaticn: 29. Table I, items 15, 'IRUNCA'IED '10 8 CHAR Explanation: In a DCB rracrc instruction, the narr.e of the user's stacker select routine must not be rr.ore than eight characters. IHB105 ~~~natie~: In the ONL1S'l rracro instruction, althcugh the X parameter sfecified a value greater than 1, the 'lEXT and LENGTH paraneters were alsc sfecified. Whenever the X fararreter sfecifies a value greater than 1, the TEXT and LENG'lH pararreters sheuld net l::e sfecified. System Action: The narre is truncated to eight characters. Severity code = *. Programrr,er Response: Probable user error. Correct the name, if necessary, and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15, 29. X GREATER THAN 1. TEX'I ANI: LENG'I'H PARA~ETERS IGNORED. 2Ysterr Actien: The rracro instruction is eXfanded norrrally, and the TEXT and LENG'lH ~ fararreters are igncred. _ Table I, items 3, Prol::able user error. Rerrove the TEXT and LENGTH pararr.eters from the sfecificaticn cf the ONLTST macro instructien. Resutrrit the jet. R~oqrarrrrer_B§;§Fcnse: IHB102 LREC PLUS 6 IS GREA'IER 'IHAN BUFL. ASSUMED. BUFI Explanation: In a DCB rracrc instruction, LRECL plus 6 must net be greater than BUFL for the 1419/1275 data set. System Action: BUFL is assumed to correct. severity code = *. o pe Prcblerr. I:eternir.aticr:: 29. IHB107 DIALCCUNT AN:C I:IALCHARS NO'l' IN AGREEMEN'l. Ir. instructien, the nurrber specified fararreter is net ~XFlanatic~: ProqraII'Ir,er Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter, if necessary, and resubmit the job. Table I, items 15, the :CFTR~IS'l' rracre length of the telephone in the dialceunt the same as the numter of IHB Messages -- Macre Expansion 453 dial digits specified in the dialchars parameter. IHB111 LENGTH CR ADDRESS OF TONE OM ITTED • ~~f12~tiOB: Ir, the rFTRMLST macro instruction, either the address or length operand was onitted. However, both operands must be included for an answering WTLIST. System Action: The dial digits are generated as specified in the dialchars parameter without regard to the length specified in the dialcount ~arameter. severity code 4. = systen_Action: The nacro instruction was nct expanded. Severity code = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the dialcount or dial chars parameter in error. Resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 29. IHE108 Prcqra~Eer ResFcr,se: ~ake sure both length Probable user error. and address operands are specified fcr an answering wTLIST. Resubnit the jcb. Table I, items 15, POLLING CHARACTERS ARE IMPROPER. Explanation: In the DFTRMLST macro instruction, the nunber of entries specified in the polling list was greater than 253 or one of the ~olling characters in an entry was hexadecimal FE, a value that must not be used as a ~olling character. Prdblem Deterninaticn: 29. IHBl13 Proqram~er ResFcnse: Probable user error. Correct the ItCCUNT value. Resutmit the job. Table I, items 15, Prdblem Deterninaticn: 29. LENGTH OF POLLING CHARACTERS PER ENTRY IS IMPROPER. IHB114 Explanation: In the DF'IRMLST macro instruction, the entries in the polling list are not all of the same length. IHE110 DIAL CHARAC~['ERS Prdblem Deterninaticn: 29. INVALID IN wT'LIST. Explanation: In the DFT.RMLST macro instruction, dial digits were specified. However, a WTLIST should only be used for a manual dial, and no dial digits can be used. ~as Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the specificaticn of the dial digits in the terminal list and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 29. 454 Table I" Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) items 15, o (AN Proqranmer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Correct the IrCOUNT value and resubmit the job. items 15, system Action: The macro instruction not expanded. severi ty code = 12,. IDCCUNT IS TOO LARGE System Action: The nacro instruction was partially expanded; ex~ansion stopped upon detection of the errcr. Severity code = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the polling list so that all the entries are of the same length. Resubmit the job. Table I" Table I, items 15, EXFlanation: In a DF'TRMLST nacro instruction, the value specified for IDCOUNT is greater than 16 (AD or MD calling list), cr is greater than 17 answering list>. System Action: All entries are truncated or expanded to equal the length of the first entry. Severity code = 4. Problero Determination: 29. IDCCUNl' ANI: IrSENT I:O NOT AGREE Svsten Action: The nacro instruction was partially expanded; ex~ansion stop~ea upon detection of the errcr. severity COde = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the polling list. Resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 29. Table I, items 15, EXFlanation: In a I:FTRMLST nacro instructicn, the value specified for IDCCUNT does net equal the nunber of characters in IDSENT. System Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. severi ty code = 12. IHE109 o IHBl15 Table I, items 15, INVALII: TYPE ATTRIEUTES EXFlanation: In a I:FTRMLST macro instruction, ar, invalid type attribute was specified for cne of the o~erands. svsten Action: The nacro instruction was partially expanded; ex~ansicn stoppeo upon detecticn of the errcr. Severity COde = 12. Proqran~er ResFcnse: Probable user error. Correct the operand and resubn,it the job. Prdblem Deterninaticn: 29. Table I, items 15, o o IBEl16 IHB122 AUTHORIZED SEQUENCE IS MISSING REGISTER SPECIFICATIONS GENERATION TERMINATEJ:. NO~ PAIRED. ~~Flana~ion: Explanation: In a DFTRMLS~ macro instruction, either a ccntrcl value or user data area was specified without an authorized sequence having been specified. In a RESCN or DSPLY macro instruction, twc valid registers were not specified. System Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 16. system Action: The macro instruction ~as partially expanded; expansicn stopped upon detection of the error. severity code = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. :E:i ther specify an authorized sequence or eliminate the control value cr user data area. Resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 29. IEBl17 Prcgram.mer ResJ:;cnse: Probable user error. Correct the register specification and resubmit the jcb. Prcblem Determinaticn: 15, 29. IHB123 Table I, items 15, EXCEEDS 9. 9 ASSUMED. system Action: The nacro instruction was expanded normally with a retry value of 9. Severity code = 4. Explanation: In a MFTR.MLS~ macro instruction, the authorized sequence was not enclosed in parenthesis. grogramrrer Resfcnse: Probable user error. Correct the retry value and resubmit the jcb. System Action: The macro was partially expanded; expansion stopped upon detection of the error. Severity code = 12. o RE~RIES Exillnatign: In a RESCN lI!acro instruction, a number cf retries greater than 9 was specified. PARENTEESIS IS MISSING Programmer Response: Probable user error. Enclose the authorized sequence in parentheses and resubmit the job. OF NU~BER Table I, items 3, Problem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. IHB124 NU~BER Table I, items 3, OF RETIRES INVALID. 1 ASSUMED. In a RESCN II'.acro instructicn, an invalid nunber cf retries (other than greater than 9) was specified. ~~Flanation: Problem Determination: 29. IEB120 Table I, items 15, systen· Acti'on: The nacro instruction was expanded ncrmally with a retry value of 1. severity code = 4. :CCE AttRESS MISSING OR INVALID. GENERAT ION ~ERMINA~·ED. PrograltJr:er ResFcnse: Probable user error. Ccrrect the retry value and resubmit the job. Prcblem Deterninaticn: Table I, items 3, 15:-2-9-.--------------- Explanation: In a RDLNE, DSPLY, or RESCN macro instruction, the required DCB address was not specified ccrrectly. System Action: ~'he m.acro instruction not expanded. severity code = 16. ~as IHB125 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the DCB address operand and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15, 29. UNRECCGNIZABLE IGNORED. PAR~~ETER. PARAMETER EXFlanation: In a RESCN macrc instruction, an unrecognizable parameter was specified. Table I, items 3, ~sten IHB121 Action: The parameter was ignored, and the macro instruction was expanded ~ normally. severity code = 8. ~ REGISTER SPECIFICATION INVALID. GENERATION ~ERMINATED. Programmer Resf~: Probable user error. Correct the invalid parameter and resubmit the jcb. Explanation: In a DSPLY macro instruction, an optional register specification was not specified correctly. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. System Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 16. IHB126 o Programmer Response: Probable user error. COrrect the register specification and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15, 29. Table I, items 3, Table I, items 3, PARAMETER PREVIOUSLY :CEFINE:C. DEFINITION ASSUMED. F'IRS~ EXFlanaticn: In a RESCN macrc instruction, either the nunber of retries cr the register specifications was repeated. IHB Messages -- Macro Expansion 455 system Action: The macro instruction was expanded normally, using the first specification. severity cede = 4 Prcblem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. IHB131 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Delete the unwanted specification and resubmit the job. Table I, items 3, OPTICNAL PARAMETER SPECIFIED AF'IER FIELD DEFINITION. PARAMETER IGNORED o Exf12natig~: Problem Determination: 15, 29. IHB127 In a DEFAREA nacre instruction, an cFticnal paraHeter (FLAG, CNTR, or RGET) was s~ecified after the first field was defined. Table I, items 3, LABEL PREFIX MISSING OR INVALID. GENERATION 'I'ERMINATED. §.Y§!:en Action: The ~arameter was ignored, and the macro instruction was expanded ncrmally. Severity ccde = 4. Explanation: In a DEFAREA nacro instruct'ion, the required label prefix was not supplied correctly. Proqrarrmer ResJ;cnse: Probable user error. Renove the opticnal ~arameter and resubmit the job. System Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 16. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Supply a correct label prefix and resubmit the job. Problem Determina'tien: 15, 29. IHB128 Prcblem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. IHB132 Table I, items 3, LABEL FOR LOAl: F'ORMAT l:ATA MISSING OR INVALID. GENERATION TERMINATED. Table I, items 3, EXJ;lanation: In a DEFCCW macro instruction, the required label for the lead fermat data was net specified correctly. UNRECOGNIZABLE PARAMETER SPECIFIED. GENERATION 'IERMINATED. Explanation: In a DEFAREA cr DEFCCw macro instruction, an unrecognizable parameter was specified. ~sten Act!g~: System Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. severity code = 16. su~ply Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the parameter in error and resubmit the job. nct expanded. 'Ihe nacro instruction was severity code = 16. PrcqraIrn.er ResJ;cnse: probable user error. a valid label and resubmit the job. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. IHB133 Table I, items 3, o LABEL PREF'IX FOR DEFAREA MISSING OR GENERATION TERMINATED. I~-VALID. Problem Determination: 15" 29. IHE129 Table I, items 3, EXJ;lanatien: In a DEFCCW nacro instruction, the label prefix from the associated DEFAREA macro instruction was not specified ccrrectly. TIMES NOT PRECEDED BY FIELD LENGTH. GENERATION TERMINATED. Explanation: In a DEFAREA macro instruction, a TIMES operand was not preceded by a valid field length.. §ysten Action: The nacro instruction was not expanded. Severity code 16. system Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. Severity code 16. su~ply Programmer Response: Probable user error. Supply a valid field length and resubmit the job. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. = Prcqrammer ResJ;cnse: Probable user error. a valid label prefix and resubmit the job. = IHB134 Problem Determinatien: 15, 29,. IHB130 Table I, items 3, TIMES NOT FOLLOwED BY NUMBER. TERMINATED. GENERATICN Explanation: In a DEFAREA macro instruction, a TIMES operand was not followed by a valid duplication factor. system Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 16. Progranmer Response: Probable user error. Supply a valid duplication factor and resubmit the job. 456 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7l Table I, items 3, REFMARK OR UN FORMAT NOT SPECIFIED PRIOR TO DEFINITION OF F'IRST FIELD. F'ORMATTED MODE ASSUMED. EXFlanation: In a DEFCCW n,acro instruction, the parameter REFMARK or UNFCRMAT was net s~ecified before defining the field. system Action: The nacro instruction was expanded norxrally in the 'formatted mode. REFMARK was assuned. severity code = 4. Prcqrammer ResFcnse: Probable user error. If unformatted ncde was desired,' specify the UNFORMAT parameter, and res~bmit the job. o o Problem Determination: 15, 29. IHE135 REFMARK SP~CIFIED UNFORMATTED MODE.. Table I, items 3, IHB139 PROCESSING IN GENERATION 'IERMINATED. ~HEN Explanatien: In a BEFCC~ macro instruction, the last defined CC~ has the conrnand chaining bit on. Explanation: In a DEFCC~ macro instruction, REFMARR was specified after UNFORMAT was specified. System Action: The macro instruction not expanded. Severity code = 16. systen Action: The nacro instruction was ncrnally. Severity ccde = 8. ex~anded ~as Prcqramr.er Respcnse: Prol::able user error. If conmand chair.ing was not desired, specify the paraneter NOCHAIN in~ediately before the paraneter(s) which generate tte last CCW, and resul::nit the jol::. Pro9ran~er Response: Probable user error. Re-evaluate the desired CC~ chain, and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15. 29. IHE136 Problem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. IHB140 Explanatio!!: In a BEF'CC~ Ir.acrc instruction. a LAEEL paraneter was specified withcut a valid syml::cl. systen Action: The nacro instruction was nct expanded. severity code = 16. ~a s ·prcqranner Respcnse: Prol::able user error. Supply a valid syrrl::cl and resubmit the jeb. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Supply a valid field nunber, and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15, 29. Problem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. TERU NOT FOLLO~ED BY FIELD NUMBER. GENERATION 'IERMINATED. System Action: The macro instruction not expanded. severity code = 16. system Action: The nacro instruction was nct expanded. Severity code = 16. ~as Prcqra~Sespcnse: Probable user error. Supply a valid field number. and resubmit the jcb. Programn.er Response: Probable user error. Supply a valid field nunber, and resubmit the job. ENDING VALUE IN TERU LESS THAN STARTING VALUE. GENERA'IION 'IERMlNA'IED. Explanation: In a DEFCC~ macro instruction. a THRU parameter was specified with a starting value greater than the ending value. = o ~as Programmer Response: Probable user error. Correct the ending value in '!BRU. and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15, 29. Problem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. Table I, items 3, System Action: The macro instruction not expanded. severity code 16. FIELD NUMBER FOR RET/RFT MISSING OR INVALIB. GENERATION TERMINATED. Explanation: In a BEFC~ nacre instruction. an RET cr RFT parameter was not fcllowed by a valid field number. Explanation: In a DEFCCW macro instruction. a 'I'HRU parameter was not follo~ed by a valid field number. Problem Determination: 15, 29. Table I, items 3, Table I, items 3, IHB141 IHB138 SYMBCL WITH LAEEL PARAMETER MISSING OR INVALIB. GENERATICN TERMINATED. TERU NOT PREC~DED BY FIELD NUMBER. GENERATION 'IERMINATED. System Action: 'I'he n.acro instruction not expanded. Severity code = 16. IHB137 Table I, items 3, Table. I, items 3, Explanation: In a DEFCC~ macro instruction, a THRU parameter was not preceded by a valid field number. o LAST CCW GENERATED USES COMMAND CHAINING. PCSSIELE ERROR. Table I, items 3. IHB142 Table I, items 3, SY~ECL FOR RBT/RFT MISSING OR INVALID. GENERATION TERMINATEB. EXFlanation: In a BEFCC~ macro instruction, an RET cr RFT paranleter was specified with cut a validly specified synbel. systen; Action: The n,acro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 16. Prcqranmer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Supply a valid symbcl, and resubmit the job. Problem Deterninaticn: 15, 29. Table I, items 3, IHB Messages -- Macro Expansion 457 IBE143 SYMBOL (S) FOR COMPARE MISSING OR INVAI.ID. GENERATION TERMINATED. IHB147 GEl\E,RATION TERIHNATEI: BY E OR DE LINETYPE ~!~nation: In a rrultiple-line WTO macro o instruction, a line ty~e of E (end) or DE (data end) was enccuntered prior to the end of the nessage. Explanation: In a DEFCCW nacro instruction, a COMPARE pararreter was specified with one or beth cf its associated symbols invalidly s~ecified. 2ysterr Action: The rracro expansion is terrrinated at the line in which the DE or E s~ecificaticn was fcund. Severity code = *. System Action: The nacro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 16. E~~~~~~~_Re§f~r.se: Su~~ly Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Supply valid symbol(s), and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15, 29. jcb. Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 2 (with a printcut cf the WTO), 3, 15, 29. Table I, items 3, IHB148 IHE144 SYMBOL FOR BRANCH MISSING OR INVAlID. GENERATION TERMINATED. I~VAI.ID LINETYPE, E OR DE ASSUMED ~!plan~tif~: In a rrulti~le-line WTO macro instruction eXfansicn, a linetype cther than C, L, D, DE, cr E was enccuntered. Explanation: In a DEFCCW Iracro instruction, a BRANCH parameter was specified without a validly s~ecified symbol following it. syste!!2ct!on: The eXfansiol"l is terrrinated with the line ccntaining the invalid line ty~e. Any lines fcllowing that line are igncreo. SEVerity code = *. Prograrrner ResEcnse: Probable user error. a valid line tYfe, and resutmit the jcb. System Action: The nacro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 16. SUf~ly Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I, items 2 (with a printcut cf the WTO), 3, 15, 29. Prograrrner Response: Probable user error. Supply a valid syrrhol, and resubmit the job. IHB149 Problem Determination: 15, 29. Probable user error. a valid line tYfe and resubmit the Table I, items 3, INVALII: C OR I LINETYPE, DE ASSUMED GENERATION TERMINATEI: () ~xElanation: IHB145 In a rrultiple-line WTO macro instruction ex~ansicn, an invalid C (ccntrcl) cr L (label) line type was encountered: • Line ty~e C can be ccded only for the first line cf the rrulti~le-line WTO rressage; any cther sfecification is invalid. • line ty~e L can be ccded only for the first line cf the rressage, tbe line following the C line of the rressage, or the line fcllcwing the first L line of the message; any cther s~ecification is invalid. STACKER NUMBER FOR ESD MISSING OR INVAI.ID. GENERAT ION TERMINAT'ED. Explanation: In a DEFCCW nacro instruction, an ESD pararreter was specified without a valid stacker number. System Action: The nacro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 16. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Supply a valid stacker number, and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15, 29. IHB146 §ysten ~ct!on: Exfansion is terminated with the line the line in which the invalid s~ecificaticn is encountered; any lines following that line are ignored, and SVC 35 is not issued. Severity code = 16. Table I, items 3, SYMBOL FOLLOWING RElMARK MIESING OR INVALID. GENERATION TERMINATED. Prograrrmer ResEcnse: Probable user error. the correct line ty~e, and resubmit the job. Su~ply Explanation: In a DEFCCW IIlacro instruction, a REFMARK pararreter was specified without a valid symbol. Preblem I:eterrrinaticn: Table I, items 2 (with a printcut cf the WTO), 3, 15, 29. System Action: The Iracro instruction was not expanded. Severity code = 16. IBB150 Proqramrrer Response: Probable user error. Supply a valid symbol and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 15, 29. 458 Table I, items 3, Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) I~~ALII: COMBINATION OF CHARACTERS IN xxxx OFERANI: - yyyy Explanation: The xxxx operand of the DCB nacre instructicn was specified with yyyy, which is an invalid cembinaticn of characters. o o System Action: The xxx x field was set to zero. severity code = 12. E!:f9!:~!!~_Re§Ecns~: Pro1:a1:lE user error. Check the cperand Sfecifiec and resutmit the jcb. Programrer Response: Proba1:le user error. Correct the specified o~erand and resu1:mit the job. Prcblerr- Deternir.aticn: 4:-13~-29:----------- IHB232 Problem Determination: 29. IHE151 Table I, items 15, Cl·CCK= CR CINTVl·= RECD WHEN RETRY SPECIFIED. EXFlan~!!f~: Either CLOCK= or CIN'IVL= is a required operand cf the TER~INAL macro instructicn when RETRY is specified. Neither was present. INVALID CEARAC'IER IN xxxx OPERAND-y Explanation: 'Ihe xxxx cperand of the DCB macro instruction was s~ecified ~ith y, which is an invalid character for that function. ~.§ten Act!.Q~: nct expanded. The nacro instruction is Severity code = 12. E!:~!!~~-B~2f£~: System Action: The xxxx field zero. Severity code = 12. ~as Ta1:le I, items 3, set to Pro1:a1:le user Error. ~ake sure that either the CLOCK= or CI~~VL= operand is ccded with the TERMINAl nacrc instructicn if RETRY is specifiEo. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Oorrect.the specified o~rand and resu1:mit the job. Problem Determinaticn: 29. IEE152 Table I, items 15, Prcblen Deternir.aticn: 19~:-------------- IHB233 NUMBER OF LINES REQUESTED IS 0 OR GREATER THAN 10 - GENERATION TERMINA'IED INCCNSISTENT WITH xxxx OPERAND OF THE yyyy lo!ACRC ~~~~tio~: The nacrc instruction s~ecified does net agree with the specification cf the xxxx cperand of thE yyyy nacro. Explanation: In a ~'I,() nacrc expansion, the nunber of lines coded was either 0 or greater than 10. o ~)!ste!L~£!!f~: nct expanded. system Action: The roacro is nct expanded. Severit.y code = 16. Pro1:a1:le user error. Change the specificaticn cf tte xxxx operand cf the yyyy nacro to agree with this nacro specificaticn. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 13,-29:----------- 4, Table I, items 3, IHB234 IEE153 gXFlanatif~: Explanation: A WTOR macro instruction ~as coded using the multiple-line wTO macro instruction format. ~)!sten ~ct!.Q~: Cr.ly cne x~xx nacro instruction is allcwed in this INELOCK subgrcup; nore 'than cne was specif iee. nct expanded. System Action: The macro is nct expanded. severity code = 16. Make sure that only one xxxx nacrc instruction is ccded in each inblock su1:grcup. Prcblerr Deternir.aticn: 19, 2~------------ Ta1:le SECCND CPERAND NCT ALLOWED -- lGNORED xxxx NOT A MUL'I. OF 2, POSSIBLE ERROR Explanation: 'Ihe operand xxxx should 1:e specified in unframed hexadecimal. A number of characters not evenly divisitle by t~o~as specified. The assembled data may be incorrect. g~Flanat!f~: In a TIME macro instruction, a secend operand was specifiec with the DEC, EIN, or TU eperands. A second operand (,address) can be used cnly with the MIC operand. ~ysten system Action: The n:acro is expanded. Severity code = 4. Act!SE: The nacro expansicn took place as if the secend o~erand had not been specified. Severity code = 4. IHB Messages -- Macro ~ I, items 13, ~ Table I, items 3, IHB236 o The nacro instruction is Severity code = 12. R!:~~!!!!~~_Re2Fense: Programner Response: Proba1:le user error. Recode the W'IOR using the ccrrect format, and resubmit the job. IHE15q Ta1:le I, items 3, JCJCJCX MACRO PREVICUSLY DEFINED IN INELOCK MLWTO/WTOR MU'IUALLY EXCLUSIVE - GENERATICN TERMINATED Problem Determination: 15, 29. The nacro instruction is Severity code = 8. E!:.s!:~~_Re2f~: Programmer Response: Proba1:le user error. Rec·ode the W'IO macro with a valid nurober of lines, and resubnit the jcb. Problem Determination: 15, 29. Ta1:le I, items 13, Ex~ansion 459 Prograrerr,er Response: Probable user error. omit the second operand or ccde the macro instruction with the MIC oFerand. Resubmit the job. Problem Determinatien: 23, 29. IHB245 IHB253 PrograImrer Response: Problem user error. Correct the POS~ wacro instruction by removing the completion code eFerand. Rerun the job. systerr Action: The nacro instruction was eXI=anded; the user sU~I=lied II: was padded tc 2 characters. severity code is O. Prograrrmer ResFcnse: Correct the ID specifying 2 characters. Prcblem I:eterninaticn: 22, 29. IHB254 WITHOU~ 'I'JID OPERAND Prcblem Deterninaticn: 22, 29. IHB256 a id TOO LONG FOR apdg - NO~ SPECIFIED - o R~~Re§FeIlse: Correct the invalid operand, and reasserrtle the prcgram. Prcblem Deternir:aticn: 22, 29-.--------------- IHB257 Table I, items 15, BPX COUNTER INDICATES WRAP AROUND TO TOP CF CRT Ncne. TRUNCA~ED TO 2 CHAR SYstem Action: The rr.acro instruction was expanded; the user supplied ID was truncated to 2 c~aracters. Severity code = *. Programmer Response: Correct the ID specifying no more than 2 characters. 460 cFrnd OPERAND INVALII: OR SET TC Y Qysterr Action: The nacro instruction is eXI=anded: the severity code is 4. CHAR Explanation: In a EXCP DCB macro instruction, the user supplied ID (id) for the appendage (apdg) was tee long. Problem Determination: 22, 29. Table I, items 15, EXFlanaticn: In a rracro instructicn, a required operand, c~rnd, is invalid or not sFecified; therefcre, it is set tc the value y. Table I, items 15, System Action: ~he macro instruction was expanded; the name in the DDNAME operand was padded to a characters. The severity code is O. IHB252 Y Rrcgrarrrrer ResFcnse: Check te see if the cperand in questicn is required: if so, specify the ccrrect value and reassemble the ~rcgran. Explanation: In a DCB nacrc instruction, the optional value of the DDNAME operand is shorter than a characters. Prograrr.mer Response: ~O Systerr Action: The nacro instruction is ex~anded: the severity code is o. Programrr:er Response: Cerrect the POST macro instruction by including the TJID operand. Rerun the job. DDNAME SHORT-PADDED '10 oFrnd Nor SPECIFIED - PRESET Table I, 15, 22, System Action: The macro instruction was partially expanded; expansicn stopped when the error was detected. Severity code = 12. IHB250 Table I, items 15, Exf1an~ti2n: III a nacro instructicn, a required operand, c~rnd, is net specified; therefcre, it is assigned the value y. Explanation: In the list fcrm of the FCST macro instruction, the TCB cI=erand was specified without including the TJID operand. Problem Determination: 22, 29. o Table I, items 13, System Action: The macro instruction was not expanded. The severity cede = 12. TCB OPERAND SPECIFIED 2 CHAR In an EXCP I:CB nacro instruction, the user supplied ID (id) for the aI=I=endage (aI=dg) was tce shcrt. Explanation: The completien code operand cannot appear in the list fcrm of the FCST macro instruction. IHB246 ~o ~~illnatien: COMPLETION CODE CANNOT APPEAR IN LIST FCRM Problem Determinatien: 29. id TCC SHORT FOR aI=dg - PAI:DED Table I, items 15, Messages and Codes (Release 21. 7) EXFlanaticn: The team pcsiticn counter fcr the X ceordinate indicates that the wrap arcund ccnditicn is about to occur. That is, the bearr ~csition will change frcm thelcwer right-hand corner of the natrix to the u~I=er left-hand ccrner. systen Action: The nacro instructipn is eXI=anded: the severity code is 4. Prcgranmer ResFcnse: verify Freviously sFecified iIrage generation rracrcs to deterrrine if disI=lay disterticn will occur. Prcblem Deterninaticn: 22, 29. Table I, items 15, o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o IHB258 BLC GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO BLIM Programmer Response: Correct the control block address and reassemble the program. Explanation: The buffer load counter (BLC) exceeds specified or default buffer limits (BLIM). System Action: The macro instruction is expanded; the severity code is 4. Problem Determination: 22, 29. IHB264 mac MORE THAN 5 POSITIONAL OPERANDS Explanation: The macro instruction (mac) conta~ns more than 5 positional operands; this is not allowed. Programmer Response: Adjust the graphic order program so that the Buffer Load Counter does not exceed the buffer limits. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: 22, 29. Table I, items 15, System Action: Expansion of the macro (mac) ~s terminated; the severity code is 12. Table I, items 15, Programmer Response: IHB259 Correct the macro no more than 4 positional operands, and reassemble the program. CURRENT BUFFER xxx=y ~nstruct~on, Explanation: This message is issued as a result of a FIND macro instruction. xxx is the specified counter and y is the current value. System Action: is o. None. Programmer Response: IHB260 The severity code Problem Determination: 22, 29. IHB276 o None. System Action: Operand 'Y' has been ignored and the macro expansion continues. Severity code = 4. IHB261 Programmer Response: Correct the ~ncompatible operand and reassemble the job if the macro instruction does not expand as desired. The severity code O. Programmer Response: Problem Determination: Table I, items 13, 23, 29. (Ref. GC38-1 001, OS/VS Message Library: VS1 System Messages, page IHB-24) None. ctr COUNTER EXCEEDS CRT LIMITS IHB300 Explanation: The ctr counter value has exceeded the limits of the specified CRT device. In an INTRO macro or an MH macro instruction, the specified operand did not satisfy TCAM requirements. ~nstruction System Action: The macro instruction was partially expanded; expansion stopped when the error was detected. Severity code=12. Programmer Response: Correct the graphic order program to remain within the CRT limits. IHB262 IHB263 Problem Determination: 19, 29. IHB301 Table I, items 13, QSTART SPECIFIED - NO EXPANSION Explanation: The Load Variable Space order has not been specified, and a request has been made to enter Stroke Mode. This is not allowed. Explanation: The user has coded a QSTART macro ~nstruction in a QTAM application program that is assumed to be compatible with TCAM. System Action: The assembly continues; the severity code is 4. System Action: The macro is not expanded. Programmer Response: Verify that the GIVS macro. instruction ~s specified. If it is not, correct and reassemble the program. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check to see that the program containing the macro is being reassembled to achieve TCAM compatibility. Problem Determination: 29. Problem Determination: 19, 29. Table I, items 15, INVALID ctlbk ADDRX-y Explanation:, The indicated system control block (ctlbk) has an invalid address, and y indicates what action the system takes. o Programmer Response: Probable user error. Check the requ~rements for the operand in error and correct it. Table I, items 15, LOAD VARIABLE SPACE ORDER MAY HAVE NOT BEEN SPECIFIED PRIOR TO ENTERING STROKE MODE xxxx OPERAND INVALID AS SPECIFIED Explanation: System Action: The macro instruction is expanded; the severity code is 4. Problem Determination: 29. xINCOMPATIBLE WITH y - IGNORED w~th Explanation: This message is issued as a result of a GBPOS macro instruction where m is the value of the X coordinate counter, and n is the value of the Y coordinate counter. ~s Table I, items 15, Explanation: Operand 'X, cannot be specified operand 'Y' . None. CURRENT BEAM POSITION COUNTER IS X=m, Y=n System Action: spec~fying System Action: The severity code is 8. IHB302 Table I, items 13, NAME FIELD LONG - TRUNCATE TO xxx CHARACTERS Explanation: The user coded a TERMINAL, PROCESS, or TLIST entry whose name field exceeds the length specified in the TTABLE macro instruction. IHB Messages - Macro Expansion 461 system Action: The entry name is truncated to xxx characters. Problem Deterninaticn: 19, 29. IHB306 Programreer Response: Probatle user error. Correct the erroneous entry, s~ecifying the correct number of characters. Problem Determination: 19, 29. IHB303 EXFlanatif!p The OPIATA o~erand of a TPROCESS, cr TLIST nacro s~ecified rrore OPTION fields than were defined by OPTION rracrc instructions. Table I, items 13, §ysten Action: The OPtATA o~erand(s) that exceeded the nunter cf OPTION fields are ignored. severity ccde = 12. Explanation: Operand xxx in an INTRC macro i~struction is s~ecified incorrectly. In the message text, yy is the default value assigned for the operand in error. R~~~_ResFcnse: Probable user error. ~ake sure that a sufficient numter of OPTION macros is used to define the necessary nurrber cf OPTION fields. Prcblem teterrrinaticn: 19, 29. System Action: The macro instruction will be expanded with yy s~bstituted for the invalid o~erand. Severity code = 12. IHB307 Progl.·'.rr.reer Response: Probatle user error. If the default value does not satisfy the user's requirements, either recode the INTRO macro specifying the correct value for the operand in error and reassemble, or instruct the operator to s~ecify a satsifactory value in responding to a message issued during execution. IHE304 §yste!LAct!On: not ex{:anded. user error. the INVLIST rracrc instructicns rracro instructicns specify the sane length for the ~clling characters. Problem Deterrrinaticn: 19 I 29. I~TRC IHB308 The rracro instruction is Progr~~~2fSnse: Probable user ~ake sure that any length qualifiers error. for OPTION rracro instructicns are ceded ccrrectly. CL8" cr XL4'O' are examples of correctly ccded length qualifiers. Preblem Deterrrinaticn: 19, 29. Table I, items 13, Table I, items 13, LENGTH QUALIFIER REQUIRED NO'I SPECIFIED Explanation: An IN'IRO rracrc instruction has not been specified ~rior to the READY macro instruction, or a TTABLE macro instruction has not been s~ecified prior to the INVLIST macro instruction. System Action: The READY or INVLIST macro instruction is not expanded. Severity code = 12. programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that READY follows INTRO and/or that INVLIST follows TTABLE in the assembly of the TCAM message control program. 462 INVALIJJ LENGTH QUALIFIER SPECIFIED syste!LAct!2B: nct ex~anded. IHB309 MACRO Tatle I, items 13, EXFlanaticn: The length qualifier for an OPTION rracro instructicn is invalid. Prograremer Response: Probable user error. If the default value is unsatisfactory, either respecify the INTRO nacro instruction correctly and reassemble, or instruct the operator tc s~ecify a satisfactory value in respcnding to a message issued at INTRO execution time. xxx The rracro instruction is R~ammer ResFcnse: Probable ~ake sure that the c~erands of System Action: The rracro instruction is expanded and the default value is substituted for the errcnecus operand. Severity code = 12. IHE305 INCONSISTENT LENGTH F'OR xxx The ~~erand lengths of the INVLIST macro instructions are not ccnsistent. xxx SPECIF'IED '100 MANY CHARAC'IERS Problem tetermination: 19, 29. Tatle I, items 13, Ex~naticn: Table I, items 13, Explanation: The xxx o~erand on the macro instruction has s~ecified a character string longer than eight characters. TCC MANY OPtATA PARAMETERS TER~INAL, INVALIt OPERANt xxx, yy ASSUMED Problem Determination: 19, 29. Tatle I, items 13, Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) EXFlanati en: The length has net teen given fer the fields defined ty an OP'IION rracre instructicn; length qualifiers are required. Systerr Action: net ex~anded. The rracro instruction is Prograrr-mer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Make sure that any fields defined ty an OPTION rracro instructien include length qualifiers; fer exarr~le, make sure that XL8'O' is specified and net X'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~. Problem Deterninaticn: 19, 29. Table I,. items 13., o o IEB310 INVALID CONS'IANT TYPE SPECIFIED IHB315 Explanation: An invalid censtant has been specified while defining the fields for an OPTION macro instruction. System Action: not expanded. SECUENCE ERROR - MUS'I PRECEDE LAS'I' EN'IRY SPECIFIED EY TTAELE MACRO EXFlanatien: The last entry defined ty the TTAELE Ir,acrc instructien is not the last terminal entry specified. The roacro instruction is Systero Actien: net expanded. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the constants specified are defined correctly; for exam~le, make sure that XL3'O' is specified, and not GL3'O'. Problem Determination: 19, 29. The Iracro instruction is Probable user error. I{ake sure that the last entry in the terninal table specified by tbe 'l'IABLE Iracre instructicn is the last terminal specified by a TERMINAL macro instruction. E~~_Re§Fcnse: Table I, items 13, Prcblem DeterIrinaticn: 19, 29. IEE311 xxx MACRO PREVIOUSLY SPECIFIED IBB316 Explanation: More than one xxx macro ha s been included in this Message Control Program. System Action: not expanded. The macro instruction is ProbleIr, Determination: 19, 29. systen Action: The Iraero instruction will net be expanded. severity code = 12. PrcqraIrmer Re§.}:.f~: Make sure that no mcre than 253 OPTION Iracro instructions are included ir. cne Message Centrel Progran. Tabl,e I, items 13, Prcblem DeterIrinaticn: 19, 29. i~~ IHE312 MACRO MUS'l FOLLOW xxx MACRO WITH yyy IHB317 Explanation: A TCAM macro instruction was improperly placed in the seurce program. It must follow an xxx Ir,acre instruction, and it must specify the required yyy operand. System Action: not expanded. CPCATA INVALIIJ - NO OPTION FIELDS SPECIFIED The macro instruction was Problem Determinatien: 19, 29. systen ActiQn: All OPtATA operands are ignored. The Iracrc is partially expanded. severity code = 12. PrcqraIrIr,er-.S~f.f~: Probable user error. Make sure that the required OPTION macro instructions are ccded, or reIrcve OPDA'IA operand(s) freIr the Iracro instruction. Table I, items 13, Preblem CeterIrinatien: 19, 29. MORE T EAN ONE NOLOG EXIT IBB318 Explanation: More than one LOGON macro instruction in an MB has specified a NOLOG= operand, and only one exit routine may be specified for each MH. System Action: The macro instruction is not expanded. Severity code = 12. o Table I, items 13, Ex~natie~: Ne OPTION macro instructions were ceded in the terminal table, ty an CPCATA eperand was ccded en a 'IERMINAL, TPROCESS, er TLIST Iraero instruction. PrograIr,Jller Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the Iracre instruction, with the required yyy operand, cerrectly follows the xxx macro instruction. IHE313 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF OPTION FIELCS EXCEEDED ,E:x}:lanation: The TCAM user has specified Ir.cre than the IraxiIruIr number cf OP'IION nacro instructicns fermitted in one I{essage Centrel prcgran. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Include only one xxx macro instruction in a Message Control Program. Resubmit the job. (;1 Table I, items 13, PrograIrner Response: Probabl~ user error. only one LOGON macro instruction per I{H may specify the NOLOG= eperand. Remove any additional NOLOG= operands from subsequent LOGON macro instructions and reasseIrble the Message Control Program., Problem Determination: 19, 29. Table I, items 13, Table I, items 13, QUEUES OPERANt xx INVALID ~ITE MSUNI'IS = 0 Ex}:laB2!!~~: The MUSUNITS operand of the INTRO Iracro instructien specified that no nain-storage Message Queues Data Set was te be used, but the QUEUES operand of a TERMINAL or TPROCESS macro instruction specified that Irain-sterage message queues veuld be used. systeIr Action: The Iraero instruction is net expanded. Severity code = 12. Prcqran:rrer ResFcnse: Probable user error. Medify the QUEUES cperand to indicate disk Iressage queues cnly, er code the MSUNI'IS operand of the INTRO roacro instruction with a non-zerc integer. IHB Messages -- Macro Expansion 463 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Problem Determination: 19, 29. IHB319 Table I, items 13, CONTINUATION EXPECTED GENERATION DEFERRED Problem Determination: 19, 29. IHB346 Explanation: An INVLIST macro instruction ser1es uS1ng the continuation capability was coded. This statement is not the last in the series, and generation of the macro instruction is deferred until the operands of the last macro instruction have been validated. Programmer Response: IHB320 System Action: The macro instruction is not expanded. Severity code = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the operands xxx and yyy are not coded with the same TERMINAL macro instruction. None. Explanation: More than 200 entries were spec1fied by one INVLIST macro series using the continuation capability. Two hundred is the maximum number of entries supported by an INVLIST macro instruction. Problem Determination: 19, 29. IHB347 Programmer Response: Probable user error. Recode the INVLIST macro series that is in error, and resubmit the job. Table I, items 13, Programmer Response: Probable user error. Do not code a reg1ster other than 15 as the result register if 'integer' coded on SETSCAN. Explanation: Operands invalid for a TCAM macro instruction are present. System Action: The macro instruction is not expanded. Severity code = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Specify correct operands for the macro instruction, and resubmit the job. IHB345 Determina~ion: WARNING - RESULT IS RETURNED IN REG 15 System Action: The macro inst~uction is expanded. Severity code = 12. INVALID OPERANDS SPECIFIED Problem 19, 29. Table I, items 13, Explanation: The user has specified SETSCAN with the integer operand and has requested that the result (scan pointer addr.ess) be ~eturned in a register other than 15. This request is invalid. System Action: The macro instruction is not expanded. Severity code = 12. IHB342 xxx AND yyy MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE Explanation: TERMINAL macro instruction operands xxx and yyy are mutually exclusive. TOO MANY ENTRIES SPECIFIED Problem Determination: 19, 29. Table I, items 13, Table I, items 13, DIALNO = REQD WHEN CINTVL SPECIFIED O~ CLOCK Explanation: TERMINAL macro instruction operand DIALNO is required when CINTVL or CLOCK is specified. Problem Determination: 19, 29. IHB375 Table I, items 13, MCSFLAG=HRDCPY INVALID FOR MLWTO GENERATION TERMINATED Explanation: The queue for the hardcopy only opt10n, MCSFLAG=HRDCPY, was specified for a multiple line WTO message; this is invalid. System Action: The macro generation is terminated. Severity code = 16. Programmer Response: Modify the invalid parameter and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 19, 29. Table I, items 13, System Action: The macro instruction is not expanded. Severity code = 12. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that the DIALNO operand is coded with the TERMINAL macro instruction if CINTVL or CLOCK is specified. C"'" I 464 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) ~~ I o FORTRAN IV Object Program Messages (IHe) r-------------------~---------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, Component Name I IHC I ~------------------~----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I object program originally ceded in FORTRAN IV G cr E language. I ~-------------------~---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and WheEe Produced I Fcr programmer: object errcr unit, generally the SYSOU'I oata set I I (defined using SYSOUT=A pararreter in [[ staterrent). I I Fcr Operator: console. I ~------------------~----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message F'ormat IHCnnnI (in SYSPRINT) I xx IHCnnns text (cn ccnsele) I I I I I I nnn Message serial numl:er. xx Message reply ioentificaticn (absent, if eperator reply net required). s 'Iype code: A I I o Action; operator roust perfcrn a specific actien. Information; no operater action is required. \' I I I I I I I I text Message text. I ~-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------~---------f I Comments IHC messages are not incluoed in this publicatien. They are I I decumented in the putlicaticn !~§ysterr/360 Oterating systero: I I FORTRAN IV (G and H) Prog~~~~~~Guid~, GC28-6817. If your I installation uses FORTRAN IV G cr E frequently, yeu may prefer to I I I have the IHC messages in this publicaticn; the inoex tat cn this page I I is previoed so that you can rerrcve the IEC ness ages frcn tte I I Prcgrammer's Guide and insert therr here. I I I I I F()r routing and descriptor codes cf IEC rressages, see 'Ial:le 21 in I Part V of this pul:lication: "Rcuting and [escripter Cedes." I ~------------------~----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Associated publications I IBM system/360 Operating_~y§ten~ I I I FORTRAN IV (G and H) Pre~anrrer's Guide, GC28-6817 I IBM System/360 FORTRAN IV language, GC28-6515 Il _____________________________ , _______________________________________________________________________ JI ~ o IHC ~essages - FORTRAN IV Object Prograro 465 o o o 466 M€ssages and Codes (Release 21.7) IW P #'**! *UI'tlt! ) te\" COBOL E 'Object Program Messages (IHD) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IHD I I Component Name ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I Object ~rogram I originally coded in COBOL E, language. ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For programmer: SYSPRINT data set and conscle. I I I I For c~erator: console. I I I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Message Format I I I I I I IHD 9nnI text I I 9nn I Message serial number. I text Message text. I I I I I I I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IHD messages are not included in this publicaticn. They are documented in the putlicaticn lEM Systen/360 0Feratinq system: COBOL E Programmer's Guide, GC24-5029. If your installation uses COBOL E frequently, you may prefer to have the lEE nessag€s in this publication: the index tab cn this ~age is ~rcvided so that you can remcve the lHD messages fran the PrcgranRer's Guide and insert them here. For routing and descriptor codes of IHt nessages, see Table 22 in Part V of this publication: "Rcuting and tescriftor Codes." I I I I I I I I I I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f o I Associated Publications I IBM System/360 Cperating_~lsten: I I I COBOl E Programmer's §uide, GC24-5029 I JI Il _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ COBOL lan~, GC28-6516 ~ o lHE Messages - COEOL E Object Program 467 ( o 468 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o PL/I F Object Program Messages (IHE) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IHE I I Component Name ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I Object ~rogram I originally ceded in FL/I F lar.guage. ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and where Produced I Fer fregrammer: in SYSFRINT data set. (If SYSPRIN'! is absent., on I I ccnscle. In this case~ CN CHEeR systere acticr. rressages and COpy I I optien output are not produced.) I I I I Note: Certain IHE messages always afpear cr. the ccnsole; this is t I indicated in the explanations cf such rressages. I I I I I I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format IHEnnnI FIlE name - text IN STATE~ENT xxxxx AT lccation rressage IHEnnnI rtname - text IN STATE~ENT xxxxx AT lccaticn message IHEnnnI text IN STATE~ENT xxxxx AT lccatien rressage nnn narre Message serial numter. Name of file associated with the errer (given cnly in in~ut/output messages). rtname Name of the litrary routine in which the errcr eccurred (given enly for computational subreutines): IHEA'll IHEA'!·S IHEATw IHEA'IZ IHEH'!1 IHEH'!·S IHEINI IHEINS IHESNI IHESNS IHESQI IHESQS IHE'INI IHE'!NS IHEXII IHEXIS IHEXlw IHEXI Z IHEXXI IHEXXS IHEXXw IHEXXZ o long float arctan. Short float arctan. Short float corrplex arctan and hYfertclic arctan. long float corr~lex arctan and hYfertclic arctan. long float hyperbclic arctan. Short float hyperbclic arctan. IQng float logarithrr. Short float logarithrr. long float sine and ccsine. Short float sine and cesine. long float square rcct. Short float square rcct. long float tangent. Short float tangent. long float integer eXfcnentiaticn. Short float integer ex~cnentiaticn. Short float corrplex integer ex~cnentiation. long float corrplex integer eXfcr.entiation. long float general eXfcnentiaticn. Short float general ex~cnentiaticn. Short float corrplex general eXfcnentiation. long float corrplex general eXfcr.entiation. text Message text. xxxxx Number of statement in which the cenditicn cccurred. Phrase IN S'IA'!E~ENT xxxxx appears only when staterrent nurrcer e~ticn is s~ecified. locatien message Lecation of error in prograrr, expressed in either ef twc fermats: OFFSE'I ± hhhhh FRCM ENTRY FCINT xx OFFSET ± hhhhh FROM ENTRY FCINT OF ccce ON-UNI'! I I I I I I I I I Pnrase AT CFFSET.... is reflaced by NEAR OFFSE'!... if rressagE is a model 91 lor model 195 rressage resulting from an im~recisE I L _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ JI interrupt. ~ ( centinuEd) o IHE Messages - PL/I F Object Program 469_ r-~~;;~~t~--------------------T-~h~~;-;~~~~~~~-~;~-~~~d;~~d-~;~~ii;~~-t~~-;~~;~~;~------------------l I I I J I J J • An error occurs for which nc s~ecific CN-ccnditien exists. when the message is produced, an EFFCR CN-ccr.diticr. is raised. • An ON-condition is raised by ccrrpiled ccde cr a PL/I litrary reutine; system action is required, fer which the language specifies CC~~ENT as part cf the necessary acticn. 4::) I , I Input/output and computational CN-conditicn rressages may occur I because of SIG~AI staterr.ents. J I I I I Tasking errors are associated with CALL, REAC, cr WRITE stateroents with ~S~ option; with wAIT staterrent; with TASK cr EVENT variatles; with PRIORITY pseudo-variable cr built-in fur.cticni or with COMPLETION pseudo-variable. J I Ccnversion errors occur most often cn input because of errcrs in I input data or in format list. J Ncn-ccm~utational interru~tion in a program interru~t errors nay te caused ty a program FL/I object prcgran because cf a severe prcgram errcr which cannot t€ detected until executicn tine. Other program interrupts may arise if PL/I ccntrcl blccks have teen d€strcyed. After a multiple-exception irrprecise interrupt cn a model 91, c€rtain exce~tions will remain unprccessed if the ERRCR ccnditicn is raised befcre all the exceptions have been handled. If the prcgrarr subsequently is terminated as a direct result cf the ERROR ccndition being raised in these circunstances, a nessage is produc€d. Storage management error rressages are associated with stcrage handling and transfer of contrcl. These errcrs can result from prcgram errors, tut they rray arise because the save area ct.ain, allccation chain, or pseudo-register vector has teen overwritten. o To assist error determination, use diagnostic aids with these guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enable SIZE, SUBSCRIPTRANGE, STRINGRANGE ccnditions. Do not disa·l::le any of conditicns CCNVERSICN, FIXEI:OVERFLOW, OVERFICw, UNDEFFICw, ZERCDIVI[E. Insert an on-unit for the ERRCR conditicr. in the Main Procedure, and include a FL1DU~F DD staterrent for the failing jol:: ste~. e.g. CN ERRCR SNAP CALI IHEI:UMPi Recompile program \\ith ccrrfiler opticr.s 'ST,A,X,L'. Use Linkage Editor options 'LIST,MAP', cr Lcad€r opticns 'PRINT, ~AP' • specify ~SGIEVEI=(l,l) on job statener.t. Include a SYSAEEND DD staterrent for the failing jet step. I I Nete: If the shared-litrary featu~e is in use, dc the fellcwing befcre calling IBM for prograrrning sUfport: I • Obtain a list of the optiens specified ir. the PL1LIE rraero used I during system generation. I I • Obtain a linkage editor rrap ef the resider.t shared-library mocule I I I IHEITVA. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments I IHE messages are not includ€d in this publicaticn. Th€y are I I ~ decumented in the putlieatien JE~§Yst~~/36Q_~rat!n9 System: PL/I I I ! (F) Programmer's Guid€, GC28-6594. If your installatien uses PL/I I I I (F) frequently, you may prefer to have the lEE rressages in this I I I publication; the index tab en this page is prcvid€d se that you can I I I rerrcve the IHE messages fron the Frcgrarrrrer's Guide and insert them J J I here. I I I I I I I Fer reuting and descriptor cedes ef IHE rressages, see Table 23 in I Part V of this publication: "Rcuting and I:escrifter Ced€s." I I I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Associated Publications I IBM system/360 Cpera!igg-2lst~!~ I IL _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ PL/I (F) Frog~m~~~§_§~ig~, GC28-6594 JI ~ o 470 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Maintenance Program - Analyzer Messages (IHG) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IHG I I Component Narre ~--~------~-------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I Analyzer of maintenance pregrarr. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For system programmer: conscle. I ~-----------------------------t----~------------------------------------------------------------------f I Message Format I IHGr.nnI text I I I I I I I I nnn Message serial numter. I I text I Message text. I I I I I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments I Ncne. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Associated Publications I J IBM system/360 I Maintenance I I Cpera!i~~L§.x.§!~.!!1. F!Q9ra~, GC27-6918 ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem teterrrination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI cf this pul:licaticr. fcr prcl:leIl' I IL_____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI ~ IEG001I NO BLANR o AF~ER OP (irrage of ccntrol card) f!:cq~S!.!!rre~_sesf.fr.s~: Prol::atle user. error. Ccrrect the c~erand(s) ef the centrel staterrent acccn~anyir.g this rressage, and resubrrit the jel::. Explanation: No blank fellews the operation cede in this ccntrel card; the analyzer cannot be certain ef the operand field. System Action: The analysis run is terminated irrmediately after centrol-card processing is completed. Preblerr teterrrir.atien: 2:-3:-~9~---------- IHG0041 NCT AN UAP CTL CP.Rt (irrage ef ccntrel card) §~f!S!Es!!~f~: Proqrarrrrer Response: Probatle user error. Correct the constructicn ef the control staterrent accompanying this message, and resubmit the job. Problem Determinaticn: 2" 3, 4, 29. Tal::le I, items 1, This card is net a valid centrel card fer the analyzer. (~his rressage is written when a card contains inferrratien ir. celurrr. 1, tut is net ene of the jcb-infernaticn cards, which eentain 2-character ider.tificatiens in celumns 1 and 2.) Table I, items 1, IHG0021 OP COtE IN ERROR (irrage of ccntrol card) §y.§!err_~£!ig~: ~he analysis run is terrrinated irrrrediately after ccntrcl-card ~rccessing is ccrr~leted. Explanation: ~his contrel card contaihs an invalid eperation cede. ~~fg~S!.!!~~_B~.§f.f~: Prel::al::le user error. Ensure that cclurrn 1 is tlank fer the tAP centrcl statener.t aeeerrpanying this rressage, and resutrrit the jet. system Actien: The analysis run is terminated irr.mediately after centrol-cardprocessing is completed. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probatle user error. Correct the op code of the centrol statement accompanying this message, and resubmit the job. Problerr. Determination: 2. 3, 4, 29. Frcblerr. teterrrir.atien: 2:~:-4:-29:---------- IHG005I FRIeR CARD THIS TYPE (image of eentrol card) Table I, items 1, §~fls!E~tig~: P. jct-inferrraticn card of this type has already teen read ana stered. (This card is not assureed to te a centinuatien cf the first eara, since it did net irrrrediately fellew that first card in the input jel:: strearr.) IEG003I OPERANt IN ERROR (irrage of centrol card) Explanatien: ~is centrel card an invalid eperand. o Tatle I, items 1, conta~ns §y§!~_Ac!if~: system Actien: The analysis run is terminated irr.mediately after control-card processing is completed. The analysis run is terrrinated irrrtediately after centrel-eard precessing is cerr~leted. lEG ~essages - Mainter.anee Pregrarr Analyzer 471 Proqramrer Response: Probable user error. Supply the correct job-information identification characters in columns 1-2 of the job-information statement accompanying this message.. Cerrect the sequence of the staterrents, as necessary, and resubmit the job. Preblem Deterrrir.atien: 2~-3~~~--------- Table I, items 1, o IHG009I ALIAS TABLE IS FULL (irrage of eentrol card) EXFl~~i!£~: Problerr Determination: Table I, items 1, 2., 3, 4, 29. IHG006I IS NOT CONi OF PREV (irrage ef control card) Explanation: ihis card was ex~ected to be a continuation of the last jcb-information card processed~ but it is net. (That is, this job-information card is a different type from the one that contained a punch in its continuation colurrn.) The s~aee allotted fer stering aliases has teen filled. (ihis rressage is reFeated each tirre an alias card is read sutsequent te the everflow cenditien. ) §ysterr ~2B: The analysis run is terIrinated irrrrediately afte~ eentrel-eard ~recessing is ecn~leted. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the conditien indicated in the message text for the jeb-infermation statement accompanying this message and resubmit the job. E!:cgraIrrre!-B~gf.f~: Protatle ,user error. Take cne er beth ef thefellewing table-everflew steFs and resutIrit the jot: • Reduce the r.urrber cf analysis phases per the PARM field cf the Analyzer's EXEC staterrent; alsc, remcve any associated contrel staterrents from the Analyzer's iPFut jeb strearr. • Su~~~ess ~recessing ene er Irere libraries sFecified in the LIBSEQ stateIrent; alsc~ rerr.Cve any associated contrel stateIrents from the Analyzer's inFut jeb strearr. Problerr Determinatien: 2,3,4,29. 2~-3~~:-29~---------- System Acticn: The analysis run is terminated irrmediately after centrol-card processing is com~leted.' Table I, items 1, IHG007I LAST CARD PROCESSED EXPECTED A CONTINUATION NONE ENTERED Preblem r::eterrrir.atien : Tatle I, items 1., IHG010I DATA TAELE IS FULL (iIrage ef eentrel card) Extl~~tieB: ihe last analyzer control card processed., or the last job-inforIration card ~recessed, indicated that a continuation card was te follo~, but none did. ~anation: The sFaee allctted fer stcring jeb-ir.fcrIratieneards has teEn filled. (This rressage is reFeated each tiIre a jeb-infcrrraticn card is read subsequent te the cverflow condition.) o §ysterr_~£i!g!}: System Action: The analysis run is terminated iIrmediately after control-card processing is completed. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Insert the rrissing continuation statement as indicated in the Iressage text. If no continuation is desired, ccrrect the statement that indicates a centinuation. Resubmit the job. Problerr. Determinatien: 2~ !:!:cgrarr~~~ll£!!~.~: Prota};le user error. Reduce the nunber of jeb-inforrratien centinuatien stateIrents and resutmit thE jcb. Preblerr r::eternir.atien : 2:~~2g:---------- Tatle I, items 1, Table I., items 1, 3., 4, 29. IHG008I LIBSEQ CARt MISSING OR CARD NUMBER r::UPLICATEr:: Explanation: IHGOll1 NC SPACE/EASE JCE ct ~~E.!~.!}~tieB: The s~ace alletted for stcring jeb-inferrtaticn cards has teEn filled, but ne JCE card has been stored there. (And there is no reerr te store an analyzer-generated JCE card.) In checking the numbers to the' change PDS name., the analyzer has detected that a number is missing or du~licated. §yste!L~tio!1: system Action: The analysis run is terminated irrmediately after centrol-eard processing is com~leted. !:rcqrarr!~_S~.F.f~: Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user ~rror. Ensure that the LIBSEQ statements are uniquely and sequently numbered for a particular change PDS. Then resubmit the job. Preblem r::eternir.atien: 2, 3, 4, 29. subscri~ted 472 The analysis run is terIrinated iIrnediately after eentrel-eard Frecessing is celfFleted. Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) The analysis run is terIrinated irrrrediately after centrel-eard precessing is cerrFleted. Protable user error. Reduce the nurrber ef jeb-inforrratien ccntinuatien staterrents and resutmit thE jcb.. " Table I, items 1, o o IRG0121 LIBSEQ TABLE IS FULL (irrage ef control card) IHG0161 FEIIE TABLE IS FULL (irrage of eentrol card) gXFlanat!gn: The s~aee allotted for library-narre entries in the fcrce and exce~t table has been filled. (This rressage is re~eated each tirre a FORCE or EXCEPT card centaining a new library name is read subsequent tc the ever flew conditien. ) Explanation: The s~ace alletted for storing library-sequence infermation has been filled. (This rressage is repeated each tirre a LIBSEQ card is read subsequent to the overflow conditicn.) System Action: The analysis run is terminated irrmediately after centrol-card processing is completed. 2~§te~~ctio~: The analysis run is terrrinated irrrrediately after eentrel-card precessing is ccrr~leted. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Reduce the number of LIBSEQ statements and/or refer to message IHG0091 for further table-overflow ste~s. Then resubmit the job. f~~~!_Sg§fS~: Problen: Determinaticn: 2,3.,4,29. 2:-3:~:~9~---------- Probable user error. Refer te rressage IRGOO~I for table-cverflow ste~s and resubrrit the job. Preblem Deterrrinaticn: Table I., items 1, IHG0171 FEITEM TAEIE IS FULL (image of control card) IEG0131 IHGUAP PARM ERROR Explanation: The PARM field of the EXEC card for the analyzer centains an invalid parameter. g~~l~~tion: The s~aee alletted fer change-iterr entries in the fcrce and exce~t table has been filled. (This rressage is re~eated each tirre a FORCE or EXCEPT card is read subsequent to the cverflew ccnditicn.) System Action: The analysis run is terminated immediately after centrol-card processing is completed. o Table I, items 1, Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the PARM field ef the Analyzer's EXEC staterrent and resubmit the job. §Y§!g~_~£t!gn: Problen: Determinaticn: 2, 3, 4, 29 .• f~sra!!!!g!-B~.9~s~: The analysis run is terrrinated irrrrediately after centrcl-card precessing is ccrr~leted. Table I, items 1, Probable user error. Refer tc rressage IHG0091 fer table-cverflcw ste~s and resubmit the job. IHG0141 CARD FORMAT ERROR Prcblerr Deterrrinaticn: Explanation: If any of the error messages related to control cards (IHGe011 through IHG0131 and IHG01S1 threugh IHG018I) have been given, this ITessage is written to indicate that an error condition was detected, and that the analysis run is being terrrinated at this ~eint. 2:~:-4:~~---------- IHG0181 DUPLICATE ALIAS CARr: (image of alias card) E~~natign: A sec end ALIAS card has teen read fer the sarre lil:rary rrerrl:er. (This card (listed in the rressage) is not a continuaticn cf the ALIAS card ~reviously read for this nerrber. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the error(s) indicated in previous diagnostics and resubITit the jeb. Problerr. Determinatien: 2., 3, 4, 29. §~stg~~£t!g~: The analysis run is terrrinated irrrrediately after ccntrcl-card precessing is ccrr~leted. Table 1, items 1, Frcgrarr~~_Sg§fS~: Probable user error,. Ap~ly standard ccntinuation rules when IHG01S1 DU/DP r:ATA MISSING using rrultiple ALIAS staterrents for the sarre library rrerrber. Then resul:mit the jcb. Explanation: Job-inforrraticn cards for the SYSUT1 and/or the SYSPRINT DD cards were not included in the centrol-card input. System Action: The analysis run is terminated irrmediately after ccntrol-card processing is completed. o Table 1, items 1, Prcblem Deterrrinaticn: 2:~~~---------- IHG0211 DISTN ERROR. CR r:. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Insert the rrissing job-infermation stateroent(s) and resubrrit the job. EXFlan~!ic~: Problen: Deterrrinatien: 2,,3,4,29. §ysterr_Actio~: Table 1, items 1, CHANGE TYPE SHOULD BE M OR R Pcsiticn 15 of the distributicn ccntrcl staterrent for this change rrerrber ccntains an errcr. Execution centinues. change rrerrber is disregarded. Table I, items 1, IHG ~essages - Maintenance Prograrr Analyzer The 473 Prograrrrrer Response: Proba1::le user error .• For an existing member in the user's library, the add update is unaccepta1::le. If the errer occurred in user su~plied input, correct the type-of-change field in the distribution contrcl statement and resubmit the job. Problem Determinatien: 2"3,4,, Sa, 7c, 29. ,Table I., items 1, §y§!~_Act!g~: Executicn centinues. change wember is dis regarded .• ~fSg~2!~~_S~~~: Pro1::a1::le user error. Fer user supplied in~ut, cerrect er supply the rrissing SYSLIN tt staterrent in this change Frs tc nark the beginning of the in~ut data set tc the linkage editcr, and resubrrit the jcb fcr this change memter. PrebleII' Deternir.aticn: IHG0221 DISTN ERROR. MISPUNCEED .. 2:-3:-4~a:~c:~ CT HDR CARD MISSING OR Explanation: The CT header card for this change rrember is either II'issing or contains an error. System Action: Executicn ccntinues,. change rrember is disregarded. The The IHG0261 DISTN EFROR. lUSFUNCHEC. o Ta1::le I, items 1" IE EXEC CARC MISSING OR ~~~2~ic~~ The EXEC card tc execute tee linkage editer is either missing or centains an errcr. Executicn cf the analyzer centinues. The change roemter is disregarded. §ysten_~ct!g~: Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. For user su~plied input, correct or supply the missing CT header staterrent as the second statement in the syrrbclic or macro change PDS and resubrrit the jeb for this change rrember. ' Problem Determinatien: 2" 3, 4" Sa, 7c, 29. Table I, items 1, IHG0231 BLCL PERM I/O ERROR. in~ut, Prcblem Ceternir.aticn: System Actien: Executicn ccntinues. The library is closed; the current and further change iterrs for the library are disregarded. IHG0271 DISTN ERROR. R.. Table I, items 1, CHP.NGE TYPE SEOULD BE A OR ~f1an~ti£~: Pcsiticn 15 ef the distributien ccr.trcl statenent for this change nerrber ccr.tair.s an errer. §Yst~_~£~!g~: Executien ccntinues. change rrerrber is disregarded. The Nene. Problew Determination: Table I, items 1, 2" 3, 4., Sa, 7c, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace optien - TRACE=SYS. IHG024 I CISTN ERROR,. MISPUNCEED .• Pro1::a1::le user error. cerrect or su~~ly, as the seccnd statenent in the change FDS, the nissing EXEC statement to execute the lir.kage editor and resutmit the jcb fer this change rrerrter. su~plied 2:~:-4, 5a:-?c:~- Explanation: A perrranent i~~ut/output error occurred when the analyzer attempted to issue a BLDL macro instruction against the target library .• Prograrrmer Response: Frsg~~!~_S~§£s~: Fcr user DISTN CTL CARD MISSING CR Explanation: The distributien control stateIl'ent for this change roember is either miss ing or contains an errcr. System Action: Executicn ccntinues. change rrerober is disregarded. The PrS9~2!!~~_B~§£~~: Prota1::le user error. Cnly an add cr re~lace u~date is acce~table fer user ferced u~dating to a nen-existent nen1::er in a li1::rary. If the errcr eccurred ir. user sup~lied input, cerrect the ty~e-cf-change field in the distributien ccr.trcl statenent, and resubrri t the jc1:: f cr this change memter. Prcblerr Deterrrir.aticn: 2:~:~-sa:-7c:~ Ta1::1e I, items 1, IHG0311 rrerrber HAS BEEN CELETEt. ~~an~~!f~: Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. For user supplied input, ccrrect or supply., as the first staterrent in this change PDS, the missing distribution control statewent, and resubmit the jo1:: for this change wember. Problew Determinaticn: 2, 3, 4" Sa., 7c, 29,. IHG0251 DISTN ERROR. MISPUNCEED. Table I" items 1., SYSLIN DD CARD MISSING CR Explanatien: The SYSLIN DD card for this change member is either roissing or contains an error,. 474 Messages and Codes (Release 21 .• 7) This rressage, written ty tte analyzer's deletien rcutine, indicates that the rrerrber r.arre identified in the rressage has beer. successfully deleted from the directery cf the systerr litrary ~n which the rrenber resided. IHG0321 rrerrber WAS NOT IN CIRECTORY. EXFla~atie~: This rressage, written ty the analyzer's deleticn rcutine, indicates that the rrerrber r.arre identified in the rressage could r.ct te feund in the directery ef the systerr li1::rary that su~~esedly ccntained the rrerrber. o o I Proqramrer Response: Probal::le user error. If the rrernber was inadvertently deleted subsequent to the preprccesscr analysis run, disregard this rressage. Preblem Deterrrir.atien: ~-3~-4:-5a~-7c~-- IHG0421 TAELE AREA OVERFLOW If the rrerrber was relccated to another library, ccrrect the DO statement for the affected library and rerun the deletion routine for this rnerrber. Problem Determinaticn: 2, 3 , 4" Sa " 7c, 29. ~~~~~!f~: Ir.sufficient space is available tc build tal::les cf centrcl infcrrraticn related tc the change PDS. Table I, items 1, System Action: This condition is discovered prior to analyzing any of the change items from this change PDS. No analysis is performed for any of these change items, and the analyzer immediately proceeds to the analysis phase associated with the next change PDS (if any). lEG0331 member, PERM I/O ERROR. Explanation: This message, written by the analyzer's deletion routine, indicates that an irrecoverable I/O error occurred while trying to delete the member name identified in the message. Prograrrrrer Response: Tal::le I, items 1, Prf9~!!rreL-B~.2.ESnse: Pro1::al::le user error. Refer tc Message IEG0091 fcr table-everf lew steJ;:s, ,and resu1::Irit the jcb. None. Preblem teternir.atien: 2, 3, 4, Sa, 7 c, 29. Problerr Determinaticn: Table I, items 1, 2, 3, 4, Sa, 7c, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace oJ;:ticn - TRACE=SYS. Tal::le I, items 1, IHG0431 I/C ERRCR lEG0401 NO CEANEE libnaroe ~O LIBRARY ON LIBEEQ CARD EXFl~~~ie~: has eccurred Explanation: A LIBSEQ card sJ;:ecifies a library, libnaroe, fcr which no change items are included in the change PDS. o System Acticn: ignored. Ar. irreecvera1::le I/O error reading the change PDS. wh~le §yst~!!~ctig~: This cendition is discevered prier te analyzing any ef the change itens fren this change PDS. No analysis is perferrred for any ef these change iterrs, ar.d the analyzer irrmeoiately preceeds te the analysis J;:base asseciateo with the next change Pts (if any). The specification is Prograrrrrer Response: Probal::le user error. If job rerun is required, remcve the subject record; otherwise nc action is required. Tal::le I, items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5a, 7c, 29. Table II, Format 1: trace eptien - TRACE=SYS. £~eblero_De~~~!!ir.atien: IHG0411 changepds rrember narre DIST OR LIBRARY NAME ERROR C~L CD ~Ez.mER Explanation: A distributicn ccntrol record frcrr the specified change PDS contains a rrember nane that is not in the change PDS directory, cr a library name that is unrecognizable. IHG0441 changeJ;:ds NOT PRCCESSEt ~~El~~~!2~: The change PDS identified in the rressage (~ACCEG, SYMCEE, cr UPC~L) car.net be precessed. This rressage is written if one ef the 3 preceding messages (IHG0411 thrcugh IEG043I) has teen given as the result cf an error ccnoiticn related tc the change PDS. Systero Acticn: This error cendition is discovered prior to analyzing any of the change iteros from this change PDS. The analyzer ccntinues reading the distribution control reccrds from this change PDS in order tc determine ~hether the error condition occurs again. (Thus, this message may be repeated fcr the same change PDS.) However, no analysis is perforrred for the change items from this change PDS, and the analyzer J;:roceeds to the analysis phase asscciated ~ith the next change PDS (if any). o Prograrrrrer Response: Probal::le user error. If the errcr occurred in user supplied input, use the IEBP~CH data set utility program to list the inccrrect distril::ution control record. ~hen use the aJ;:propriate data set utility prcgrarr (IEBUPDAT, IEEUPtTE) to modify the inccrrect meml::er name or library narre in the distribution control record. The analysis phase asscciated with this change Pts has 1::een disccntinued, ar.d the analyzer is preceeding with the next analysis J;:hase ( i f any). §yst~~t!fl}: Pr~~S~2gr.S~: Pro1::al::le user error. Cerrect the errcr indicated in the J;:revieus diagr.cstic and resul::rrit the jo1::. Prcblem Deternir.aticn: ~3:-4:-Sa-;-7c ~- Tatle I, items 1, IHG0501 UPDATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED ~~~~~ic~: IHG ~essages Nerrral end-cf-jel:: message. - Mainter.ance Prcgrarr Analyzer 475 o (, J '~.'\ o 476 Messages and Codes (Release 21. 7) o ALGOL Object Program Messages (lUI) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IHI I I Component Narre ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------l I Program Producing Message I Object ~rogram originally ccded in ALGCL lar.guage. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and where Produced J Fcr ~rogrammer: SYSFRINT data set. I I I I 1 Fcr I console. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format I IHIr.nnI SC nnnnn text I c~erator: I I nnn I Message serial numcer. I nnnnn I Semicolon nurncer, right-adjusted, and ir. decirral. J text I I I J o Message text. where a~pre~riate, begir. with: DSN=nn or DSN=ddnaroe Indicates the nurrber (nn) er narre (ddr.ane) cf the data set involved in the errer. PSV;=nnnn nnnn Contents of the prograrr status werd (FS~) held ty the system ~hen the errer cccurred. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I For rcuting and descriptor cedes ef IHI nessages, see ~atle 25 in I Part V of this puclication: "Rcuting and Cescrifter Cedes." . ** Indicates that tte ~rcgrarr dces r.et cerresfcnd te the parameters specified in the jcb cer.trel staterrents. ~-----------------------------+----------------------- -------------------------------------------~----l I Comments I IHI messages are not included in this ~ublicatien. They are I I I dccumented in the putlicaticn !E~~~!~~L1~Q~ratiQg_§y~terr: ALGCL I I I Prcgrammer's Guide, GC33-4000. If ycur installaticn uses ALGOL I I I I freguently, you may ~refer tc have the lEI nessages in this I I I ~ublication; the index tab en this fage is frevided sc ttat ycu can I I rerrcve the IHI messages fron the Frcgrarrrrer's Guide and insert them I I I here. I I I I ~-----------------------------t----------------------- ------------------------------------------------l I Associated Publications I IBM System/360 C~~!igS_§lst~~: I I I ALGOL Lan~s~, GC28-6615 I Il _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ ALGOL Programroer~~_~Eig~, GC33-4000 JI ~ o IHI Messages - ALGCL Ocject Pregram 477 o o 478 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Checkpoint/Restart Messages (IHJ) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IHJ I I Component NaIl'e ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I I Check~cint/restart. ~-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------~-f I Audience and Where Produced I Fcr c~erator: I console. ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Message Format I I I I I I I I I I I I I xx IHJnnns text xx Message reply identificatien (absent, if required). c~erator reply not nnn Message serial number. s 'Iype code: A I Action; operator Rust perferrr a s~ecific action. Information; no operator actien is required. text Message text. ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments I Ncne. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem teterrrinatien I Refer to the fold-out in part VI ef this putlicatien fcr pretlem I IL_____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI ~ IHJOOOI CHKPT j j j [(ddn)] NOT TAKEN (xx) 08 Explanation: During executicn of a CH~fT macro instruction, an errer eccurred before the checkpoint reutine ~rote any part of a checkpoint entry. In the rressage text, j j j is the jobname, ddn is the data definition name of the checkpoint data set (which is emitted if xx is 01), and xx explains why the checkpoint entry was nct written: 09 10 11 xx 01 o Explanation A checkpoint pararreter list error was encountered. (Return cede - 08.) 02 An uncorrectable input/cut~ut error occurred or a DO staterrent error.~as encountered while cpening the data control block (DCB) fer the checkpoint data se.t. Pessibly, a DO staterrent was rrissing. (Return code - OC.) 03 Insufficient space was available for a ~ork area. (Return cede - 08.) 04 The checkpoint werk area extended too lo~ in main sterage; tce fe~ bytes were below the work area to ~rite a valid record on the checkpoint device. (Return ecde - 08.) 05 . The checkpoint data set key length was net equal to zere. (Return code - 08.) 06 The checkpoint data set record format was net U. (Return cede - 08.) 07 The data contrcl block (DCB) for the check~oint data set was opened for other than basic sequential access method (BSAM) er basic ~artitioned access method (BPAM) ~rccessing. 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 (Return ccde - 08.) The tine ir,terval specified in the STIMER nacrc instructien had not elapsed. (Return code - 08.) The CEKPT rracrc instruction was issued ir. ar. exit routine cther than the end cf vclune exit rcutine. (Return ccde - 08.) A gra~hic data ccntrel tlcck (DCB) has been detected but is not su~p·crted in checkpoint restart. (Return ccde - 08). The currer.t task was a suttask. (Return ccde - 08.) The currer.t task had subtasks. (Return ccde - 08.) A re~ly tc a WTCR macro instruction was net received. (Return code 08.) An incorrect check~eint identificaticn length or fermat was enceuntered. (Return cede - 08.) The check~cint data set device type was net nagr,etic tape er direct access. (Return code - 08.) The check~cint data set tleek size was less than 600 bytes, the minimum acceptable size. (Return cede - 08.) Either MACRF=W was net s~eeified for the check~cint data centrel tleck (tCB), or the data contrcl tleck was e~ened by the user's ~regram, tut was net o~ened fcr cutput. (Return code - 08.) The step was using main sterage eutside ef its requested regien. (Return ccde - 08.) 1AEEL=AL cr LAEEL=AUL was ceded in the tt statenent fer the checkpoint data set. These values for the LABEL IHJ Messages - Check~eint/Restart 479 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 25 27 29 30 31 32 parameter must not be used in a checkpoint data set DD statement. (Return code - 08.) An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading a job control table (JCT). (Return code - DC.) Secondary allocation occurred while writing the checkpoint data set on a direct access volume, or end of volume occurred twice while writing the checkpoint data set on tape. (Return code - 08.) The OPTCD subparameter of the DCB parameter was coded incorrectly. The value coded is not acceptable for a checkpoint data set. (Return code 08. ) An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while quiescing pending input/output requests. (Return code OC.) A conflict was found between a data extent block (DEB) and a data control block (DCB) such that pending I/O requests could not be quiesced. Specifically, the DEB was constructed for an ISAM data set but the DCB DSORG did not specify 'IS', or the DCB DSORG specified 'IS' but the DEB was not constructed for an ISAM data set. An indexed sequential data set (ISAM) was open and the disposition is share. (Return code - 08.) System Action: A checkpoint entry was not wrltten. A restart was not requested, but any previous request for a restart remains in effect. If MOD is not the disposition of the checkpoint data set and if this is the first issuance of the CHKPT macro instruction after the data control block for the data set was opened, then all checkpoint entries in the data set are lost. (The data control block may have been opened by the programmer or as a result of this checkpoint request.) However, if xx is 01, no entries are lost. Programmer Response: resubmit the job. If xx is 14, issue a WAIT macro instruction after the WTOR macro instruction, but before the CHKPT macro instruction. Then resubmit the job. If xx is 20, make the step ineligible to rollout other steps and use a REGION parameter requesting a larger main storage area or change the step so that it does not issue a CHKPT macro instruction when it could cause rollout. Then resubmit the job. If xx is 31, probable user error. Make sure that the DCB was not overlaid or its main storage released prior to taking the checkpoint, then resubmit the job. If xx is 32, be sure that a close is issued for all indexed seque~ial data sets with disposition of share before issuing the CHKPT macro. Thep resubmit the job. Operator Response: If xx is 25 or 30, and if the programmer indicated that the job was to be canceled if it did not take checkpoints correctly, cancel the job; otherwise, none. (The job may execute successfully and not require restart.) If the error persists, specify a different location for the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set when the system is restarted. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IHJ0011 jjj (ddn,utn,ser) INVLD checkid (xx) Explanation: During execution of a CHKPT macro lnstruction, an error occurred while the checkpoint routine was writing a checkpoint entry. In the message text, jjj is the jobname, ddn is the data definition name of the checkpoint data set, utn is the unit name, ser is the serial number of the volume containing the data set, checkid is the checkpoint identif~cation, and xx explains why the checkpoint was invalid: xx Explanation 17 Execution of a STOW macro instruction was unsuccessful; there was no space in the checkpoint data set directory. (Return code - 08.) An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading system control blocks from the SYS1 .SYSJOBQE data set. (Return code - OC.) An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while writing the checkpoint data set. (Return code - DC.) Execution of a STOW macro instruction was unsuccessful; a permanent input/output error occurred. (Return code - OC.) End-of-volume occurred while writing the checkpoint data set on a direct access volume and secondary allocation was requested and allocated. End-of-volume occurred while writing the checkpoint entry on a tape. If xx was 25 or 30, If xx was other than 25 or 30, probable user error. 22 If xx is 01, 02, OS, 06, 07, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, or 29, correct the indicated error and resubmit the job. 23 If xx is 03 or 04, use a larger main storage area. Then resubmit the job. 26 If xx is 08, cancel the time interval before issuing the CHKPT macro instruction, and then restore the interval. Then resubmit the job. 27 If xx is 09, make sure that the CHKPT macro instruction is not issued in an exit routine other than the end of volume exit routine. Then resubmit the job. 28 If xx is 11 or 12, make sure that the CHKPT macro instruction is not issued when multiple tasks (created by the ATTACH macro instruction) exist. Then resubmit the job. () 480 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) 0' system ~ction: A partial invalid checkpoint entry was written. A restart was not requested, but any ~revious request for a restart rerrains in effect. Prograrrrrer Response: If check~oint identifications specified by the prograrrrrer are being used in a sequential data set, then a checkpcint identification different from checkid in the message text must be specified for the next entry in order to roake the next entry retrievaele in a restart. centaining the data set, and checkid is the check~cint identificatien. §.Y§!~.!L~ct!.Q'!): 11 valid check~cint entry that can be used te ~erforrr a deferred restart was written. ~ restart was not requested, but ar.y ~revious request for a restart rerrains in effect. Effg~nn~!_Ees£f~: ~s desired, resutmit the jcb as is er request that a restart te perfcrffed at the indicated check~oint. fE~~!.Q!-E~2E~~: If xx is 17 o~ 27, Gorrect the checkpoint data set directory, and resubmit the jot. If xx is 22, 23, or 26 resubmit the joe. If xx is 22, and if the prcgrammer indicated that the job was tc be canceled if it did not take check~oints correctly, cancel the job; otherwise, nene. If the error persists, specify a different location for the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set when the system is started again. () If xx is 23, and if the pregrammer indicated that the job was te be canceled if it did not take checkpoints correctly, cancel the job; otherwise, nene. If the job is canceled or terrrinates abnormally, and a rerun is atterrpted, then (1)' if a nonspecific volume was requested for the checkpoint data set, rrount a different volume during the rerun than was used originally, or (2) vary offline the device originally containing the checkpoint data set. The ~rcgrarrrrer indicated that the jet was to te canceled if this message was issued, cancel the jcb; etherwise, ncne. (The jct may execute successfully and nct require restart.) If the errcr persists, specify a different lccaticn fer the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set when the system is started again .• Preblem Ceterrrir.aticn: 3, 13~29~------------ IHJ004I jjj (ddn,utn,ser) If xx is 28, reissue the CHRP~ macro to get the entry written on the next volume. It is advisable to specify a different check id for the entry. Problerr Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IHJ002I jjj (ddn,utn,ser) ERROR checkid o Explanation: During executicn of a CHRFT macro instruction, an uncorrectable input/output error occurred while the checkpoint routine was writing a job control table (JC~) after it had written a checkpoint entry. In the rressage text, jjj is the ddn is the data definition name checkpoint data set, utn is the ser is the serial nurrber of the jobname, of the unit name, volume checkid ~~E1~.!)~ticn: 11 CHKP~ rracrc instruction was executed successfully; no errors cccurred. In the rressage text, jjj is the jotname, ddn is the data definition narre of the checkpcint data set, utn is tr.e unit name, ser is the serial nurrber cf the volume containing the data set, and checkid is the check~cint identificaticn. syst~~~!.Q'!): was written. If xx is 27, and if the prcgrammer indicated that the job was tc be canceled if it did not take checkpoints correctly, cancel the job; otherwi se, ncne.. I f the job is canceled or terrrinates abnormally, attempt a rerun only if the vclume containing the checkpoint data set was requested as a nons~ecific velume. During the rerun, rrount a volurre (tape or direct access) containing rrore available space than was contained on the velume used originally. CHRP~ Tatle I, items 1, 11 valid check~cint entry 11 restart was requested. ~~2!n~!_E~~: If a deferred restart is tc be ~erfcrmed: • Ccde the check~cint identificaticn (checkid in the rressage text) in the REST~RT pararreter cf the JOE statement. • If rrultiple check~cint data sets were used, use ddr. in the message text to deterrrine the r.arre cf the data set ccntaining the desired checkpcint entry. Ccde the data set nane in tte DSNAME ~araroeter of the SYSCHK CC statement. • If the checkpcint data set is rrultivolurre, indicate cn the SYSCHR CD qtaterrent that the velurre ccntaining tr.e checkpoint data set is the first (or cnly) vclurre ccntaining the data set. That is, ccde the serial nurrter (ser in the rressage text) in the VOLUME=SER pararreter cr, if the data set is to te retrieved usir.g the catalcg, ccde the sequence nurrber cf the vclurre in the vclurre sequer.ce sutpararreter cf the VCLUME ~ararreter. Then resubrrit the jet. IHJOOSI jjj (ddn,utn,ser) ENQS checkid ~~~~tion: ~ CHKP~ rracrc instruction was executed successfully. Although no errcrs cccurred, the user's prcgram was enqueued upon rescurces. (The ENQ macro instructicn was issued by eitr.er the IHJ Messages - Checkpoint/Restart 481 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 problem program, the BDAM READ macro instruction with exclusive control, the RESERVE macro instruction, or the BDAM WRITE macro instruction with variable-length (V) or undefined (U) record format.) Note that the enqueues will not be re-established if restart occurs. 33 34 35 36 In the message text, jjj is the jobname, ddn is the data definition name of the checkpoint data set, utn is the unit name, ser is the serial number of the volume containing the data set, and checkid is the checkpoint identification. 37 System Action: A valid checkpoint entry was written. A restart was requested. 38 Programmer Response: Make sure that the program re-establishes the enqueues upon restart. 40 IHJ006I jjj RESTARTING AT WWWWWW xxxxxx } yyyyyy zzzzzz { wwwwww xxxxxx yyyyyy zzzzzz 41 44 48 Explanation: During execution of a checkpoint restart for job jjj, the main storage indicated in the message was requested. In the message text, wwwwww is the lowest address and xxxxxx is the highest address of hierarchy 0 (processor storage), and yyyyyy is the lowest address and zzzzzz is the highest address of hierarchy 1 (IBM 2361 core storage). 52 54 System Action: If the required areas are currently unavailable, restart is delayed until the areas are available. 60 Operator Response: In systems with MVT, use the DISPLAY A command to determine if the required areas are occupied by system tasks or by other job step tasks. 72 If the area is occupied by a system task, either allow the system task to continue and terminate (if a reader), stop the system task (if a reader or writer). 73 If the area is occupied by another job step task, either allow the job step task to continue and terminate, cancel the job step task. IHJ007I RESTART NOT SUCCESSFUL FOR jjj 64 76 (xx,ddd) Explanation: During execution of a checkpoint restart for job jjj, an error occurred. In the message text, xx is the code used to identify why the restart was not successful and, for tape errors, ddd identifies the unit address. xx Explanation 24 An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading a job file control block (JFCB). An uncorrectable input/output error occurred in the user's nonstandard label .(NSI) routine. A system failure occurred in the reader/interpreter. A system failure occurred during reinterpretation. 28 31 32 482 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) 79 82 83 84 The checkpoint data set is partitioned and the specified entry could not be found. A DD statement was missing for the restarted step. A checkpoint entry record of undetermined type was encountered. An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading or writing a system control block on the. SYS1 .SYSJOBQE data set. This error will also occur if MSGLEVEL=1 is not specified on the restart JOB card of a deferred restart or in the original JOB card for an automatic restart. A specified checkpoint entry could not be found. An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading the checkpoint data set. An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading standard volume labels. A wrong-length record was read from the checkpoint data set. Insufficient devices were available for restart. An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading a volume label on a direct access device. A module, which was located in the link pack area and was being used by job jjj when the checkpoint was taken, is either not in that area now or is in a different location in that area. ANSI label used for SYSIN/SYSOUT tape. Data set repositioning errors occurred on tape. Record repositioning errors occurred on tape. An uncorrectable input/output error occurred while reading a data set control block (DSCB). This message is also issued if a data set was scratched or deleted. While processing a direct access data set, a discrepancy was found between the DSCB address saved at checkpoint time, and the DSCB address found at restart time. Probably the data set was scratched and re-allocated between checkpoint and restart. (Not applicable to SYSIN or SYSOUT data sets). A direct access data set (other than the system input data set) being processed for input did not occupy the same extent as it did originally; that is, discrepancies were found in comparing the space allocations described in the data extent block (DEB) and the data set control block (DSCB) . DUMMY was specified for an open data set and either the data set was not being processed by the basic or queued sequential access methods or the checkpoint at which restart was to occur was established in an end of volume exit routine for the data set. The TCAM control program was not active at restart. The QNAME= parameter's DCB is not the name of a process entry in the terminal table. A QNAME= parameter's process entry is being used by another user. 11~ "-.y (~--,\ ~J c Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 o 85 92 96 Core storage is not available in the Message Control Program to build necessary control blocks. An error occurred during basic partitioned access method (BPAM) processing. For example, an error was detected after the convert routine or after reading the directory blocks. An error occurred during use of the STOW macro instruction to delete a member from the directory. System Action: terminated. Restart for job jjj is Programmer Response: If xx is 33, 34, 35, 37, 44, 52, 76, or 79, probable user error. If xx is 33 or 37, make sure that the checkpoint identification subparameter of the RESTART parameter of the JOB statement specifies a checkpoint entry on the volume specified by the SYSCHK DD statement. Then resubmit the job. If xx is 34, supply the missing DD statement. Then resubmit the job. If xx is 35, make sure that the program does not write in the checkpoint data set. Then resubmit the job. If xx is 38, 60, 64, or 96, either restart at an earlier checkpoint or repeat the original execution, using a different volume. Then resubmit the job. If xx is 41, either the checkpoint from which restart is being attempted was incomplete or invalid when it was taken, or the checkpoint has been overwritten with records not belonging to it. Check the checkpoint messsage output from the original execution. If the checkpoint being used was incomplete or invalid, restart from a different checkpoint. If the checkpoint was good, make sure the program does not write into the checkpoint data set. Resubmit the job. If xx is 44, ensure that the UNIT parameter of the DD statement accurately reflects the device requirements for the data set. Then resubmit the job. If xx is 52, make sure that the IP! parameters are the same parameters that were in use when the checkpoint was taken. If xx is 54, make sure that the type specified for SYSIN/SYSOUT has IBM standard labels. ANSI labels are not permitted for SYSIN/SYSOUT. If xx is 72, ensure that no data set has been scratched or deleted. If xx is 73, ensure that no data set has been scratched or deleted. If xx is 76, make sure that no input data set (other than the system input data set) has been expanded, or rewritten, on its original volume. Then resubmit the job. If xx is 79, make sure that DUMMY is specified only for data sets being processed by the queued or basic sequential access methods. Also, make sure that restart is not to occur at a checkpoint that was established in an end of volume exit routine for a data set that has been made dummy. If xx is 24, 36, or 92, and if the restart was deferred, the restart may be attempted again. If the error persists, specify a different location for the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set when the system is started again. If xx is 28, 40, 48, or 72, and if the restart was deferred, the restart may be attempted again. If a preceding input/output error message for the restarted job identified the device in error, vary offline the device before attempting the restart again. If xx is 31 or 32, resubmit the job. If xx is 38, and if the restart was deferred, the restart may be attempted again. However, vary offline the device containing the checkpoint data set before attempting the-restart again. If xx is 82 or 85 make sure that the TCAM control program region is active and is large enough to add control blocks. Resubmit the job. If xx is 83 or 84 make the necessary corrections to the QNAME= parameter and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 3, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IHJ008I jjj RESTARTED Explanation: A checkpoint restart for job jjj has completed successfully. System Action: contl.nues. Processing of job jjj operator Response: None. o IHJ Messages - Checkpoint/Restart 483 I / ... "\ ~".J 484 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Remote Job Entry and Conversational Remote Job Entry Messages (IHK) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IHK I I Component Na~e r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I Rerocte job entry and conversaticnal rerrcte jct entry. I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I Fer central operator: conscle. I l-----------------------------1-~~~~:::-:~::::::-:::-~:::::::::~--::::~::~-~::::-::~~~~-::::::-----1 4II1II I Nessage Format I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IHKr.nnI text I I IHK~nns text IHK~nn text (cn ternir.al in tcth RJE and CRJE) (in RJE, cn terrrinal and SYSOt~) (in ~RJE, CI} terminal) ssssssss J I I I I I I I I I I I nnn Message serial nurnter. text Message text. s ~y~e code: A Action; operator rrust ~erfcrn a s~ecific acticn. I Information; no operatcr action is reguired. ssssssss Command or statement sequence nurrber. r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I RJE messages sent to the rerrote wcrk staticr.s are nct included in I o I Comments I I II I I I I this ~ublicaticn. They are dccurrented in the ~utlicaticn IBM I System/360' Cperating §Y§!§~_:__ Berrcte_~2Q_!Ltry, GC30-2006. CRJE I roessages sent to terminals are nct included ir. this ~utlicaticn. J They are documented in the publicaticn I System: Conversational Rerrote Jcb I GC30-2014. J~~_§ysten/360 o£erating EEtry_~§~~inal~~~~ Guide, I I I I I J r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Associated Publications ~ IBM System/360 Cperatigg_~§te!~ I I I I I I I i I ! I I I I I I Remcte Jot Entry, GC30-2006 Ccnversational Remote Job Entry System Frogram~§!~_Guid§. GC30-2016 Ccnversational Remote Job Entry Terminal User's Guide, GC30-2014. r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------~ I Problem Deterrrination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI cf this putlicaticn fcr prctlem ~ IL_____________________________ 1_______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI ~ o IHB ~essages - RJE (ser.t tc Central O~eratcr) 485 Remote Job Entry Messages Sent to the Central Operator 2.Y.§terr_Acti.Q!l: Ncne. IHKOOOI RJSTART ACCEPTED terrrid unitname IHROOSI JCE(S) NOT Explanaticn: A work staticn (termid) has logically attached itself tc the central system and is using the corrrrunications line (unitname) .• CO~FIETE o jctnarre userid ~~fl~~1!S!l: A CENOUT connand for a jot (jcbnarre) was issued and tr.€ jct was not ccnFlete. System Action: Central rescurces are made available to the work staticn. ~f!2~.f~!22ESf§'~: Operator Response: None. Resutrrit the commano when the jcb ccnFletes. IHR007I JCE I:ELETEI: jctr.arre IHK001I uuu kkk{OFF } OFF termid ON termid uni tnarr,e NO USERS IN DIREC'IORY Explanation: This is the resFcnse to a SHOW USERS or SHOw USERS, userid command: where ~~tlana1!S!l: Either a jot (jctname) subrr.itted at the central system has placed cutFut in the RJE SYSOUT class, the central cFeratcr deleteo a user with jots in the systen, cr the cperatcr starteo RJE with FCRM specifieo in the START commano after warrrstartir.g OS. §Y.§1~!LActio!l: The jct and its eutFut are deleted. uuu is the assigned userid. kkk is the associated Frotection key. OFF indicates the user is currently lcgged off. ~f~!S.f_B!2§'£ff§'~: The oFeratershould tell the Fregranner whc sutnitteo the jot nct tc use the RJE SYSOUT class if the job deleted was a jct sutrritted at the central installaticn. ON indicates the user is currently logged cn. termid is the work staticn where the user was last or is currently logged on. unitname is the communicaticn line currently being used by the work station .• NO USERS IN CIRECTORY indicates there are nc entries for users in the User Directcry. System Action: Reporting ccntinues until the request has been hcnored. operator Response: None. IEK003I RJENI: ACCEPTEC termid Explanaticn: The wcrk staticn (termid) has logically detached itself from the central system. System Acticn: The work staticn is logically' detached frorr the central system. Operator Response: None. IHROllI ~SG FENI:ING STARTUP {NONE. } terrr'1d terrr.id NONE ~~f1~!l~1!S!l: The cFerator has requesteo either a display cf nessages waiting for a wcrk staticn startuF er a transrrission of a nessage te ar. inactive werk station. If a disFlay was requested, tr.e requested nessages are disFlayed. NONE inoicates that nc roessages are Fenoing. Termio NONE indicates that there are nc messages waiting fer a sFecifieo terninal. §yst~~_~£1!.Q!l: If a disFlay bas teen requested, reFcrting ccntinues until all the Fending rressages reguesteo are displayed. If nessage transrr.ission has been requested, the nessage is held until the wcrk staticr. initiates startup prccedures, ur.less the central cperator deletes the rressage. ~~1S.f_B~£.r§.~ : Ncne. IHR0121 ~SG CUEUEI: FOR CELIVERY {US€r~d } terrr10 TERMINALS ~~~~1!S!l: The nessage specifieo in the ccnrrand is awaiting delivery either to the sFecified user (userid), tc a specified wcrk staticn (ternio), er to all active wcrk staticns (TERMINAL~). ~SG IHK0041 NO JOB(S) IN SYSTEM [jcbnarrel Explanation: A display of remctely submitted jobs resident in the central system has been requested. Nc remotely submitted jobs are in the central system, or a CENOUT or SHOw connand fcr job (jobname) was issued and i t was not found in the RJE system. 486 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) 2.Ysterr_~£1!.Q!l: The nessage is transmitted as sccn as the wcrk staticn will accept it. ~teratS.f_B~SECr.§.~: Ncne. ~ o IHK013I MSG I~NOREC {USer~d } terml.d DISK ERROR §ysteE-~£1i2~: CFer~!2~B~~E~L~~: If the start of ancther RJE prccedure is desired, the active RJE task nust be stepped. ~hen the START ccnnand referer.cing anether RJE prccedure nay be subnitted and processed. Explanation: ~he request fcr message transmission cannot be serviced because: userid - The message is directed to a user whe is not logged cn. termid - ~he central system has no space to keep a pending nessage. DISK ERROR - ~he rressage cculd not be held on the message pending data set for the terminal. Systero Action: The START RJE is nct r;rccessed. IHI<026I CENCUT jebnane (class, ••• ,class) EXFI~ti2~: A request te have the eutput cf the renetely subnitted jeb 'AND. Nctify the system prograrrrrer er ir.stallatien rranager that this failure has cccurred. Explanation: The Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) has previously been started. Prf9'.!:~B~~Fcns~: Protable user error. Include an IEFRDER rr staterrent in the GTF prccedure using the IEEUPCTE utility. System Action: GTF is terII'inated. The GTF that was previously started remains active. Prcblem Deterninaticn: Tatle I, items 2, 3, 1a-;-29."Restart GTF using the GTFSNP prccedure" and save the durrp that is prcduced uFon terrrination of GTF. Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) 0 ,:,\ .1 ,I o IHL0221 OPEN FAILURE FOR Explan~tion: ~RACE ~he ~RACE DATA SE~ IHL041 data set failed to G~F The LNG= keyword is not specified in the GTRACE rracro instruction. If the standard fcrn cf the GTRACE macro instruction is being used, the LNG= keywcrd rrust be specified witt a valid paraneter. is terninated. Proqranner Response: Prcbable user error. Ensure that the paraneters cn the DD staterr.ent are correctly s~ecified. ~§~~~~ct!gn: The nacro is partially expanded; expar.sicn stcps fcllcwing detecticn of the cnission. Severity code = 12. Problerr Determinaticn: Table I, items 2, 3, 7a, 29. Restart GTF using the G'I'FSt\F procedure, and save the dunf that is produced upon terrrinaticn cf G~F. IHL0231 INSUFFICIEN~ ALLOCA~ED R~£g~~~~~_B~§£SL2~: Probable user error. Ccrrect the GTRAC~ nacro instruction, specifying the LNG= keyword with a valid paraneter. A valid parameter is any decinal integer in the range 1 to 256. Run the job again. BUFFER SIZE -- DEFAULT ASSIGNED Explanation: ~he buffer size specified in the GTF procedure is less than the default size. ~he default· size will be used. System Acticn: G'IF continues processing. Prcblen Deternir.aticn: 19:-29:-------------IHL044 Progranner Response: Probable user error. Increase the buffer size specified in the GTF procedure so that it is greater than, or equal to, the default size. Problem Determinaticn: 3, 7a, 29. o IEL0311 GTF INI~IALIZA~ION G~F Table I, items 4, DATA= KEYWORD MISSING §~I1~~~!gn: The DATA= keywcrd is not specified in the GTRACE macro instruction. If the standard fcrn cf the GTRACE macro is being used, the [ATA= keywcrd must be specified with a valid paraneter. Table I, items 2, §ysten_~£t!2n: The nacro is partially expanded; expar.sicn stcps fcllcwing detecticn cf the cnission. Severity code = 12. COMPLETE Explanation: Initializaticn cf the Generalized ~race Facility has been successfully completed. System Action: ~ISSING §~1~~icn: open. System Acticn: It\G= KEYWORD E!:Q!~~~~~-BesFcnse: Probable user error. Ccrrect the GTRACE nacro instruction, specifying the DATA= keywcrd with a valid paraneter. Valid paraneters are a register value within parentheses or an A-type address ccnstant. continues processing. IHL034I WARNING -- INSUFFICIENT CORE FOR ABEt\D Explanation: ~he ccre stcrage required for an ABEND dump is nct available in the GTF region/~artition. Prcblem Deternir.aticn: 19:-29:-------------IHL045 ~F= Table I, items 4, (E, PARAMETER SPECIFICATION MISSING §~Flanat!En: In the G~RACE nacro instructien, the pararr.eter specification fer the MF= keywcrd is inconplete. If tte EXECUTE fern cf the GTRACE nacre is being used, the address cf the paraneter list rrust be included as part of tte MF= eperand. System Action: G~F continues processing. A dump will not be provided upcn abnormal termination of the GTF procedure. IHL040 NOT A LEGAL FORM OF TEE MACRO. MF= CHEC~ THE §Y§~~~£ticn: The nacro is net expanded. severity cede = 12. Explanation: A paraneter other than 1 (for LIS~ format) or E (for EXECUTE format) is specified in the MF= keyword of the GTRACE macro instructicn. 1 and E are the only valid paraneters. Rrcgra~~-B~§fSr.se: Probable user error. Cerrect the GTRACE nacro instructien, speCifying the address of the parameter list as part cf the MF= o~erand. If the address of the paraneter list is in register 1, MF=(Ei(l» should be specified. Otherwise, specify the acdress cbserving the syntax rules governing address specificaticn for an Rx-type instructicn, er specify one of the general registers 2-12, previcusly loaded with tte address. Run the jcb again. System Action: The nacro is not executed.• severity code = 8. Progranner Response: Probable user error. Correct the MF= keyword, specifying a valid parameter (L or E), and run the job again. o Problem Determination: 19, 29. Table I, items 4, Prcblem Deterninaticn: 19,29. IHI ~essages Table I, items 4, - Generalized Trace Facility 505 II IHL048 cerrespcnd tc the trace options specifiEd in respcnse te nessage IHLIOOA are to tE entered in respense te this rressage. Only these event keywerds aFpearing in thE rressage text (keywcrd, •••• keywerd) may bE specified in the resFcnse. Tte keyword(s) and their correspcnding trace cpticns (as specified in the reFly to rressage IHLICOA) are as follows: • keywcrd 10= fer cptien lOP • keywerd SIO= fcr cpticn SlOP • Key~crd SVC= fcr cption SVCP • keywerd PI= fcr cFtien PIP • keywerds 10= ,PI= .SvC= for cption SYSF. ID= KEYWORt MISSING Explanation: The ID= keywcrd is not specified in the GTRACE wacrc instruction. The ID= keyword must be specified for either forn (standard or EXECUTE) of the GTRACE n:acro. System Action: The rracro is partially expanded; expansion stc~s fellc~ing detection of the omissicn. Severity code = 12. Proqrarrner Response: Probable user error. Correct the GTRACE nacrc instruction. specifying the ID= keywcrd with the appropriate parameter. Run the job again. Problem Determination: 19. 29. o ~~te~~£~!2~: ~TF initialization will net centinue ur.til the eperater has respended te this rressage. Table I. items 4. ~~ate~B~2EfL~~: IHL052 INSUFFICIENT KEYWORD Enter REPLY id,'keywerd=(value, ••• ,value),keywerc=(val ue •••• value) •••• ' fer these keywords allowed. PARAME~ERS Explanation: The EID keywcrd is not specified in the HOOK nacro instruction. This keyword must be included in the HCCK macro. IHL102A CC~~INUE TRACE DEFINI~ION OR REPLY END ~~E1~~~~!fn: System Action: The rracro is nct expanded. Seve+ity code = 8. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the HOOK macro instruction. specifying the EID= keyword with a valid symbol~c parameter. Run the jcb again. Problem Determination: 19, 29. IBL053 Event keywerds fer the Generalized Trace Facility (~~F) are to te entered in respcnse te this ness agE to centinue trace definitien. END may tE entered te terrrir.ate dEfinitien. 2~te!_~£~!g~: ~TF initialization will net centinue ur.til the operater has respcnded tc this rressage. Table I. items 4, fE~~atf~_B~2Eff2~: Enter REPLY. id.'keywcrd=(value •••• ,value).keywero=(val ue, ••• , value) ••••• fer these keywords allowed. INVALlt' TYPE= KEYWORD Explanation: An invalid parameter is specified for the TYPE= keywerd of the HOOK macro instruction. A parameter other than P, BP. T, or BT is specified. () IHLI03I TRACE CPTIONS SELECTEt -- value,valuE, ••• ,value ExE1~~~!2n: System Action: The macro is not expanded. Severity code = 8. Proqranrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the TYPE= keyword. specifying a valid parameter. Run the jeb again. Problem Determination: 19, 29. Table I, items 4. IHL100A SPECIFY TRACE OPTIONS Explanation: The trace options for the Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) are to be entered in response to this message. The tracE eptiens specifiEd fer the Generalized ~race Facility (G1F) are neted by value, ••• ,value. The value(s) cerrespcnd te thcse epticns specified in the resFense.to rressage IHLIOOA or in the eentrel staterrents previded by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. If additienal trace definiticns were requested, the values also indicate thOSE keywerds and values previdEd ty the SYS1.FARMLIB data set er in response to rressages IHLIOIA and IHLI02A. 2y~~ct!2~: ~TF initialization centinues. fEeratc~_B~2Eff~~: System Action: GTF initialization ~ill not continue until the cperator has responded to this message. Operator Response: Enter REPLY xx.'TRACE=option,option, •••• eption' for the desired trace options,. IHLIOIA SPECIFY TRACE EVENT KEYWORBS -- keyword, ••• ,keywcrd Explanation: The event keywcrds for the Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) ~hich 506 Messages and Codes (Release 21. 7) If the values do not indicate the desired trace eptiens, thE optiens way be respecified in the rEsponSE te nessage IBL125A. IHL104A TRACE= KEYWORD NeT SPECIFIED ~~Ela~~ti2n: The ~RACE= keywcrd was not specified in the respense tc rressage IH1100A or in the centrol staterrents previded by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. 2~terr~£~!2~: nct accepted. The ecntrel statemEnt is o o operator Response: Probable user error. If control statements are being supplied by way of the master console. enter the response again. fE~ate~-E~~Efr~~: Proqrarrmer Response: If centrcl statements are being prcvided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. correct the statement in error and rerun the job. Prograrr~~_B~~f~: If centrel staterrents are being provided ty the SYS1.FABMLIB data set. correct the staterrent in errer and rerun the jet. Problem Determination: 3,. 29. ~~g:---------------- Prebable user error. If centrol staterrents are being supplied by way cf the systerr ccnsele. enter the respcnse again. Table I. items 2. Preblem Deterrrir.atien: IHL108A IHL105A SYNTAX ERROR. IMPROPER Ex}:lanatieE: In the respense te message IHL100A or in the centrel staterrents previded by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. an invalid Generalized ~race Facility (G~F) cpticn was specified. The opt denetes tte invalid specificatien. The control statement is §.Y§terr ~ctieE: net accepted. Operator Response: Probable user error .• If the control staterrents are being entered by way of the systerr ccnsole, enter the response again. Problem Determination: 3., 29. Preqrarrmer Resf~: If centrel staterrents are being provided ty the SYS1,.FABMLIB data set. correct the staterrent in errer and rerun the jct. Table I. items 2, Freblerr. Deterrrir.atien: 3. 2g:---------------- IEL106A NO OPTIONS SPECIFIED EXFlanatien: Ir. the respense tc message IHL101A er IEL102A er in tte ecntrel staterrents previded ty the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. a device address was specified in the 10=, SIC=, er IO=SIO= parameter that was net included in the system at systerr generatien. The control statement is §ysterr_Act!.Q.!p The ccntrel statement is net accepted. All e~tions on the line in errer are disregarded and rrust te respecified. Operator Response: Probable user error .• If control statements are being supplied by way of the systerr console, enter the response again .• fFerate~Be~E£E§~: Prebable user error. If centrol statenents are teing supplied by way ef the systerr censole, reenter the ccrrected line. Proqramrr.er Response: If control statements are being prcvided by the SYS1 .• PARMLIB data set. correct the statement in error and rerun the joh. Problem Determination: 3, 29. RrS!:anner-B~~~ : If ccntrcl staterrents are being provided ty the SYsl.FABMLIB data set. correct the staterrent in errer and rerun the jct. Table I, items 2, Preblem Deterrrinaticn: IHL107A SYNTAX ERROR. o J:~~------------ MISSING COMMA Explanation: In response tc message IHL100A" IEL10lA, or IHL102A. cr in the control statements provided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. a corrma that should appear is missing. system Action: not accepted .. Tatle I, items 2, IHL109A INVALI[ DEVICE SPECIFIED -- cuu Explanation: In the response to message IHL100A or in the contrcl statement provided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. the TRACE= keyword is either fcllowed by a blank, \';hich preceeds the q;:tions, or is not followed by options. system Action: not accepted. The eentrol statement is fEerater BesE£~~: Prebatle user error. If ccntrol staterrents are teing supplied by way cf the systerr censcle, enter the respense again. Proqrarrrr.er Response: If centrcl statements are being previded by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. correct the statement in error and rerun the job. o OPTION SPECIFIED -- opt DELIMI~ER Explanation: ~he response te message IHL100A. IEL10lA. IEL102A. er the control statement provided by the SYS1.PAR~IIB data set is incorrectly punctuated. System Action: not accepted,. I~VALIC Tatle I, items 2, Table I, items 2, IHLll0A INVALID EVENT KEYWOR[ SPECIFIED EXFlanaticE: A keywcrd was inccrreetly specified in the res~cnse to rressage IHL101A, IEL102A, cr in the centrol staterrents previded ty the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. The contrcl statement is IHI ~essages - Ger.eralized Trace Facility 507 II System Action: ~he response is not accepted. All options cn the line in error are disregarded and ITUSt be respecified. IHLl13A PAREN~HE8IS o syst~Ac~iQn: The resFonse is not acceFted. All cpticns on the line in error are disregarded and rrust be resFecified. .£E~atcLBesEcrc2~: Prcbable user error. If control staterrents are being entered by way cf the systerr ccnscle, reenter the ccrrected line. Table I, items 2, IN KEYwORD keywd Rffgrarrrrer-B~2E~nse: If centrel staterrents are being provided by the SYS1. PARMLIB data set" correct the staterrent in errcr and rerun the jeb. Explanation: A parenthesis is missing for the keyword keywd in the response to message IEL101A or IEL102A cr in the control statements Frovided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. System Action: The response is not accepted. All options cn the line in error are disregarded and rrust be respecified. EXCEEDEt 50 tEVICES FOR 10= lrc the response tc message IHll01A or IHL102A cr in the oontrol staterrent provided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, rrore than 50 device addresses were specified fcr the 10= keywcrd. Proqrarrmer Response: If control statements are being prcvided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, correct the statement in error and rerun the job. IHLlllA UNBALANCED ERRCR. ~~Flana~icn: Operator Response: Probable user error. If control statements are being supplied by way of the systerr console, reenter the corrected line. Problem Determination: 3, 29. L~T Prcblem Deterrrircaticn: 3:-29:---------------IHLl14A I~T ERROR. Table I, items 2, EXCEEDEt 50 tEVICES FOR EIO= ExFlana~ion: Ir. response te rressage IHll01A, IEL102P., cr in the ccntrol staterrents beircg prcvided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, more then 50 device addresses were specified fer the 810= keywerd. Operator Response: Probable user error. If control statements are being supplied by way of the systerr console, reenter the corrected line. §ysterr Actio~: The response is not accepted. All cpticns on the line in errcr are disregarded and rrust be resFecified. Proqrarrrrer Response: If control statements are being prcvided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, correct the statement in error and rerun the job. o .£~ate~_B~~~2~: Problem Determinaticn: 3, 29. Prcbable user error. If ccntrel statenents are being entered by way cf the systerr ccnscle, reenter the ccrrected line. Table I, items 2, IHL112A UNALLOWABLE KEYWORD FOR THE PROMPTING SEQUENCE -- keywd Explanation: In response tc message IHL101A or IHL102A cr in the control staterr,ents provided by the EYS1. PAR~IIB data set a keyword., keywd in the message text, was used that was not specified in the TRACE= options when starting the Generalized ~race Facility (G~F>. System Action: The response is not accepted. All options cn the line in error are disregarded and rrust be respecified. Operator Response: Probable user error. If control statements are being supplied by way of the systerr console, enter the response again using only thcse keywords noted in message IHL10lA. 508 Rfograrrrr~_Res£f~: If centrel staterrents are being provided by the SYS1. FARMLIB data set" correct the staterrent in errcr and rerun the job. Prcblerr Deterrrir.aticn: 3~--------------- IHIl15A I~VALIt INTERRUPT COrE SPECIFIED ~~Flanation: lr. the respcnse te message IHL101A or IEL102A cr in the centrel staterrents beir.g prcvided by the system consele, an invalid interruFtien code was specified for the PI= keywerd. Syste!L~cti£m: The resFonse is not accepted. All cpticns en the line in errer are disregarded and rrust be resFecified • Proqrarrrrer Response: If control statements are being provided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, correct the statement in error and rerun the job. .£EeratQLB~2E~2~: Problem Determination: 3, 29. RfQl.!~rre~_sesFcnse: Table I, items 2, Messages and Codes (Release 21.7> Table I, items 2, Prebable user error. If control staterrents are being entered by way ef the systerr ecrcs cle,reenter the c crrected Ii ne. If centrel staterrents are being provided by the SYS1.FARMLIB data set, correct the staterrent in errcr and rerun the job. o o Problerr Determinaticn: 3" 29. Table I" items 2, Prcblem teterrrir.aticn: Table I, items 2, 3, 1~16;-29:- Stc~~TF. Start the GTFSNF ~rccedure, EX'I rrode, DEBUG=YES, and s~ecifying the sarre trace c~ticns s~ecified fcr GTF. Execute tee IMtPRDMP service aid, s~ecifying the EtI'I vert. The trace data set is the input to the I~r:FlH:MP service aio. IHL116A INVALlt SVC NUMBER SPECIFIED Explanation: In the respcnse to message IHL101A or IHL102A or in the ccntrol statements provided by the SYS1.PAR~IIB data set,. an SVC nurrber greater than 255 was specified in the SVC= keywcrd. system Action: The res~onse is not accepted. All opticns cn the line in error are disregarded and roust be respecified. I IHL1201 EXE~:!:icE: Ar. attemFt was rraoe to start GTF on a systerr ether than MF'I, MV'I or Mvr ~ulti~rccessir.g. Operator Response: Probable user' error. If control statements are being entered by way of the system conscle, reenter the corrected line. ~yste!_~ct!gE: terrrinated. Proqramrer Response: If ccntrol statements are being prcvided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, correct the statement in error and rerun the job. Problem Determination: 3" 29. IHLl17A LMT ERROR. o Table I, items 2, INVALlr: SYSTEM FOR G'IF -- INI'IIALIZA'IION TERMINATED ~ GTF initialization is Prcblem Deternir.aticn: 11, 29. _ Table I, items 2, IHL1211 SYS1.FARMLIB INPUT INr:ICA'IED ~~E~~tigE: The user has indicated that the trace cpticr.s fcr the Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) are tc be ~rovioea by a nerrber cf the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. EXCEEDED 50 SVC NUMBERS Explanation: In the response to message IHL101A or IHL102A or in the ccntrol statements being provided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, rrore than 50 SVC numbers were specified for the SVC= keyword. §ysterr ~£~!gn: GTF will receive trace frcn the SYS1.PARMLIB c~ticns IHL1221 system Action: The res~onse is not accepted. All opticns cn the line in error are disregarded and must be respecified,. ~E~BER NOT SPECIFIEr:. PARMLIB IGNORED EXE~~tic~: P. nerrber was nct found on the SYS1.PARMLIE r:r: staterrent. §yst~_~ctigE: The SYS1.PARMLIB oata set will nct be used tc su~~ly trace o~tions tc the Generalized Trace Facility. 'Irace c~ticns will be su~~lied thrcugh the rraster conscle. operator Response: Probable user error. If control statements are being entered by way of the system conscle, reenter the corrected line. ~~ograrr~~_B~sFcnse: Protable user error. Include a valid nenter narre in the SYS1.FARMLIB r:r: stateIrent. Programmer Response: If control statements are being prcvided by the SYS1.PARMLIB data set, correct the statement in error and rerun the job,. Problem Determination: 29 .. IHL118 I ERROR IN IEL'Ixxxx. TIME=hh.mm.ss Prcblem Deternir.aticn: 3, 29. Table I, items 2, IHL1231 ME~EER ddn NOT FCUNr:. PARMLIB IGNOREr: ~~Flanatig~: yyy DISABLED. The rrenber nane cn the SYS1.FARMLIB r:t staterrent, ddn, was not fcund in the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. ExPlanation: An error has cccurred in the Generalized 'Irace Facility (GTF) module IHLTxxxx. As a result" fUnction yyy \\iill no longer be traced or filtered. o Table I, items 2" syst~ActioE: The SYS1.PARMLIB oata set will not be used tc su~~ly trace o~tions tc the Generalized Trace Facility. 'Irace c~tions will be su~~lieo cnly through the rraster console. System Action: If GTF is nct in DEBUG mode. it remains active and all specified events" except yyy" will continue to be traced.. If the module name is IHITFII, the filtering of event yyy has been disabled and all events of that type will be traced. If GTF is in DEBUG mode, it will be immediate ly terrri na ted,. Frcgrarrrrer ResFcnse: Pro1:::able user error. Include a valid rrerrter narre cn the SYSL. FARMLIB r:r: statement. Frcblem Deternir.aticn: 3, 25c, 29. lEI ~essages Table I, items 2, - Ger.eralized Trace Facility 509 IHL1241 GTF PARMLIE INPUT ERROR ~eratgLB~£f§'~: Enter tee trace cpticns frcK the Kaster ccnscle. Explanation: An error has been found in the trace option paraKeters specified ty the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. system Action: The trace cfti6ns specified on the SYS1.PARMLIB data set will be disregarded. Trace cptions ~ill be requested from the rraster ccnsole. o Preblere I:eterrrir.atien: Tatle I., items 29. Have-a-listing-ef the-SYS1.PARMLIB data set available,. IHL1281 GTF McrULE Kod NOT FOUND PrograKKer Response: Probable user error. A message indicating the exact erro'r is in the job stream list. Problem Determination: 3, 26c" Ex.E.!~~:!:ig!p The GTF Kodule, recd, was not feund. Table I, items 2, 29. ~eratcr IHL125A RESPECIFY TRACE OPTIONS OR REPLY U Explanation: Trace options fcr the Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) may be respecified at this point or a reply of U may be entered to ccntinue initialization. ResEf~: Restart GTF. Preblem Deterrrir.atien: Table I, items 2, 13:-25c-1sysI:LINKLIE), 29. IHL1291 BLrL I/O ERROR LOACING GTF MOr:ULE name ~~~tifn: Ar. I/O error cccurred during a ELrl for Kcdule (narre). System Action: GTF initialization ~ill not continue until the cperatcr has responded to this message. 2ysteE-Action: Operator Response: If rressage IHII031 does not indicate the trace cptions you desire., respecify the desired options, beginning with TRACE=. Tc ccntinue initialization" reply U. 13, GTF is terKinated. Prcblerr Deterrrir.atien : Table I, items 2, 25c-CSYS1:LINKLIE), 29. IHl1301 INSUFFICIENT CeRE FOR TRACE INITIALIZATION IHL126A ILLEGAL SPECIFICATION OF TRACE OPTIONS Explanation: No trace cpticns other than TRC, PCl and/or SSM have been specified. ~~Flana:!:ieE: There is insufficient main sterage space fer GTF tc ccntinue initializaticn. 2ysteK Action: system Action: The trace oftions specified have not been accepted. Operator Response: Probable user error. Reenter the trace opticns qualifying the options previously specified. Problero Determinaticn: 3, 29. GTF is terKinated. ~Eeratg~ResEf£2~: Prcbable user error. Increase the regien/fartiticn size and restart GTF. Preblem Deterrrir.atien: ~7a:-29:------------ Table I. items 2, Table I, items 2, IHL1311 GTF PARMLIB ERROR CURING OPEN -- cce IHL1271 GTF PARMLIB I/O ERROR text Explanation: GTF detected an input/output error ~hile reading the SYS1.PARMIIB data set. The text of the Kessage describes the error: device address, I/O operation, error condition, and access method used. System Action: The trace cftions specified in the SYS1.PARMLIB data set are disregarded. Trace options must be be supplied through the Kaster ccnsole. EXFlanatifE: An errcr cccurred while atteKfting tc efen the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. The cCKfleticn cede is 9iven ty cc. 2~~!!:.J~ction: Trace cpticns will not be sUfflied tc GTF ty the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. All cfticns KUSt be specified from the Kaster ccnscle. Pr~!!~!-B~2Ef~: Follcw the directicns for the ceKfleticn ccde - ccc. o 510 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Emulator Messages (IIx) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IIx I I Component narre ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I Errulater Programs I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I Fer frcgrammer: SYSFRINT and SYSEMOUT data sets. I I I I I Fer eferator: I console. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 Message Format IIxr.nnS text (fer eferater and fregrammer) id IIxnnns text (fer eferator) x N - o P Q R - 'I - U V - IB~ 709/7090/7094/7094 II Eumlator Pregrarr on Systerr/360 Model 85. IB~ 7074 Emulator Fregrarr on Systen/370 Medel 165. IB~ 7080 Emulator Fregrarr en systen/370 Medel 165. IB~ 1401/1440/1460 Errulater Pregran en System/370 Medels 135, 1458 and 155. IB~ 1410/7010 Errulatcr Fregrarr on Systen/370 Mcdels 145 ana 155. IB~ 709/7090/7094/7094 II Errulator Pregrarr on Systerr/370 ~odel 165. IB~ 7074 Emulator Fregrarr en Systen/370 Medel 155. IB~ Des Emulator Frograrr en systerr/370 Mcdels 135, 145, ana 155. nnn Message Serial ~umber: 000 to 299 Emulator Pregrarr 300 to 399 Tape Formatting Fregrarrs 400 to 499 Disk Formatting Fregrarr (where afflicatle) 500 to 599 Emulator Systerr writer Routir.e (where afflicatle) 600 to 899 Reserved 900 to 999 Available fer User-written Reutines o id Message reply identificatien (absent, if operator refly net required) s J 'Iyr;:e Code: A Action: operator rr.ust ferferrr a sfecific action. D Qecision; operator rrust cheese an alternative. E Eventual action; operatcr rrust ferferrr aetien when he has time. I Information; no operater action is required. w ~ait; processing stopped until actier. is deterrrined an ferformed. I text I Message text. ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments I 'Ihe messages produced by the varicus errulater fregrams are net I I I included in this publication, but can be feur.d in the fublications J I I listed belo~. The index tab IIx is r;:rovided se that errulater J I I messages can be inserted in this fublicatier. and feund easily. I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Associated Publications I Errulating the IBM 7094 on IE~ ~edels_~~-2~Q 165 Using OS/360, I I I GC27-6951; J I I Emulating the IBM 7074 on the IEM systerr/370 Medels 165 Using OS/360, J I I GC27-6948; J J I Emulating the IBM 7080 on the IEM systerr/370 Medel 165 Using OS/360, J I I GC27-6952; I I I Emulating the IBM 1401L-!44~nd 1460 en the IEM systerr/370 Mooels I I I 135 c 145, and 155 Usin9_CS~360, GC27-6945; I I I Emulating the IB~ 1410 and 7010 on the IBM systerr/370 Models 145 and I J I 155 Using CS/360, GC27-6946. I L JI J _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ Emulating Des on IBM-2Y§~~/370-Ysi~~s/1~Q, GC26-3777. ~ o IIx Messages - Errulators 511 o G o 512 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Graphic Job Processor and Satellite Graphic Job Processor Messages (IKA) r-------~---------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I Cempenent Name I lKA I ~---------~-------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Pregram .Preducing Message I GraJ;:hic Jeb Frecesser and Satellite Gra:r;:hic Jcl::: Precesscr. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced .1 Fer J;:regrammer: SYSFRINT data set.. I I I I I Fer c:r;:erater: I I 1 1 I I nnn I I censole. ~-------------------------~-~-+-----------------------------------------~----~---------------~--------f I Message Fermat I lKAnnnI text I I I text ,. 1 I 1 Message serial numl:::er. I 1 1 Message text. ~---------------------------~-+----------~------------------------------------------------------------f t The PRINTED RECCRD eptien on the LeG ON frane nust l:::e selected in I Cemments I I I 1 order to.· insure the recepticn cf all messages. ~--------------~--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I IBM system/360 Cperating-2]st~!~ I I I User's Guide fer Jeb Contrcl Frem the IEf{ 2250 r:isFlay Unit, I I I GC27-6933 I I I I IBM System/360 cperatin~2]~ten and 113Q~~! Mcn!tcr System: User's Guide for Job Contrel Frcrr an IBM 2250 r:isFlay Unit I I I I I Attached to an IBf{ 1130 2Y§terr, GC27-6938 I ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Preblem Deterrrinatio~ I Refer to. the fold-eut in part VI ef this :r;:ublicatien fcr :r;:rcl:::lem I IL ________________ ____________ L1_______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. J1 1 AsseciatedPublications ~ o Il o PL/I Syntax Checker Messages (IKM) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IKM I I Component Name ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I PL/I Syntax Checker I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For remote operator and prograrrrrer: terrrinal I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Message Format I IKMnnn 1111111 text I I Program Producing Message I I I I I I I I I I I I nnn I Message serial number. I I 11111111 I Data set line number of the line in which the errcr was I detected. leading zeroes and blanks are su~~ressed. I I text Message text. I I I I I I I J I I I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f J Central operator may request that rressages a~~ear cn his ccnsole. ] I Comments ~-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I IBM System/360 Cperating S~st~~~ ] I Ccnversational Remote Job Entry J I ~erminal User's Guide, GC30-2014 I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Problem I:eterrrination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI cf this J;:ublicaticn fcr J;:rctlem I Il _____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI I Associated Publications I I ~ IKM001 11111111 UNMA~CHED STATEMENT S~RING QUOTES IN left J;:arenthesisi cr, a staterrent (excluding J;:refixes) starts with a ncnkeywcrd identifier tut dces not contain an equal sign cr dces not have an equal nurrber cf left and right J;:arentheses on the left cf the equal sign. ~HIS Explanation: ~he quotation mark at the end of a character cr bit string is missing. No more checking cf the statement is perforrred,. IKM002 R!:~~!!~-B~f.f~: Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct any errors in ycur PL/I source statement and let the syntax checker rescan it .. Protal::1e user error. Ccrrect any errcrs in your PL/I source staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. Problem Determination: Table I, items 13, 29. Compile your PL/I statement as part of a valid PL/I prograrr. 29:- 11111111 UNMA~CHED COMMENT BRACI Prota~le user error. Ccrrect any errers in your PL/I source staterrent and let the syntax cnecker rescan it. o o Problerr. Determinaticn: Ta.ble I, items 13, 29. Corrpile your PL/I statement as part of a valid PL/I prograrr. IKM088 IKM089 11111111 NO BEGNG :x:xx DIGI~ POSITION IN PICTURE Prcb1err I:eterniI:aticn: cf a valid PL/I IKM093 keywcrd ~O cr BY is the ro specification ccntains an illegal syrrbo1. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error .• Correct any errors in ycur PL/I source staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. Pr23:~~!-B~§.F~: Protab1e user error. Ccrrect any errcrs in your PL/I scurce staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. Problerr. Determinaticn: Table I, items 13, 29. Corrpile your PL/I statement as part of a valid PL/I prograrr. Prcb1em Deterninaticn: Tatle I, items 13, 29. cC!E!l~ ycur PL/I statenent as part cf a valid PIlI Frcgrarr. IKM094 11111111 INVALID OPERATOR xxx Fcr exarrf1e, the keyword TO cr the label iI: a GC ~·o statenent is nissing .• R!23:!~~~!_S~~~nse: Protable user error. Ccrrect any errcrs in your PL/I source statenent and let the syntax checker rescan it. R~~~l~I:e~~~!Laticn: 29. ff~Ei1~ ycur PL/I Tat1e I, items 13, statenent as part cf a valid PIlI frcgran. 11111111 II:EN'IIFIER MISSING AFTER :x:x:x IKM095 Explanation: An operatcr is missing after the iterr named. ~his errcr terminates the checking of the expression in question. NC~ FOUND wBEN EXPEC~ED narking the statement is fcund for tbe buffers. Pr.fqran~-B~g~: Prol:able user error. Ccrrect any errcrs iI: your PL/I source staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. Prob1err. Determinaticn: Table I, items 13, 29. Corrpile your PL/I statement as part of a valid PL/I prograrr. Frcblem Deterninaticn: Tatle I, items 13, 29. ff~Eil~ ycur PL/I staterrent as part cf a valid PL/I frcgran. 11111111 OPERATOR MISSING,BEFORE :x:x:x Explanation: An operatcr is missing after the iterr narr.ed. ~his error terminates the checking of the expression in question. 11111111 SEMICCICN ~~~an~!!f~: The senicolcn end cf a lcgically ccrr~lete nissing, cr nc senicclcn is last staterrent cf the input Proqrarrrrer Response: Probal:le user error. Correct any errors in ycur PL/I source staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. IKM091 11111111 xxx MISSING IN yyy STATEMENT ~~~lan~tic~: Problere Determinaticn: Table I, items 13, 29. Corrpile your PL/I statement as part of a valid PL/I prograrr. 0 11111111 INVAllr DC SPECIFICATION EXF1~~tif~: The rrulti~ly used, cr Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct any errors in ycur PL/I source statereent and let the syntax checker rescan it. 1 ~rcgran. Explanation: A picture specification must contain at least one digit fcsition. Explanaticn: The operator is not valid for use in an expressicn. IKM090 Tatle I, items 13., 29:--ff~Eil~-ycur-PL/I statenent as part IKM096 11111111 INVALII: EVEN~ NAME BEGNG xxx Ex~an~!ic!l: II: a WAI~ or input/output staterrent, the event name specified for the EVENT optic!: is invalid. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct any errors in ycur PL/I source staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. _ R!cqra~!_ResF~nse: Protable user error. Ccrrect any errcrs in your PL/I source statenent and let the syntax checker rescan it. Prob1err Determinaticn: Table I, items 13, 29. corrpile your PL/l statement as part of a valid PL/I prograrr. Prcblerr DeterniI:aticn: Tatle I, items 13, 2g:--~~rrFil~-Ycur PL/I statenent as part cf a valid PL/I frcgran .. IKM092 o 11111111 ILLEGAL LEFT PART OF STATEMENT ASSIGN~E~T IKM097 11111111 BREAK CBARINVALlr AT EEGNG OF IDENTIFIER xxx Explanaticn: An invalid cperand appears to the left of the assignrrent symbol. Checking of the staterrent is terminated. EXF1an~tic~: The identifier nay nct tegin witb a break character. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct any errors in ycur PL/I source staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. Prcqra~~~!-B~§Fcnse: Protatle user error. Ccrrect any errcrs in your PL/I source statenent and let the syntax checker rescan it. IKM Messages - PL/I syntax checker 573 Prob1err Determinaticn: Table I, items 13, 29. Corrpi1e your PL/I statement as part of a valid PL/I prograrr. IKM098 R!:~~~-B~g~: Protab1e user error. Ccrrect any errcrs in your PL/I source staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. 11111111 INVALID FORM OF INI'IIAIIZATICti FOR xxx Prcblem Deterrrir:aticn: cf a valid PL/I IKM101 Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct any errors in ycur PL/I source statement and let the syntax checker rescan it .. ~rcg~arr. 11111111 MORE THAN 63 'IRUE LEVEL NUMBERS SFECIFIED FOR xxx A structure rray have a rraxirruro of 63 levels, including the major structure nurrber 1. ~~F1ana~icn: PrebleII' Determinaticn: Table I, items 13, 29. Corrpi1e your PL/I statement as part of a valid PL/I prograrr. Ef~~!!~!:_ResFc~: 11111111 MORE 'IRAN 3 LEVELS OF ENTRY NESTIN<: Protatle user error. Ccrrect any errcrs in ycur PL/I source staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. Explanation: 'Ihe ENTRY attribute may not apply to more than three lcgical levels. 2~ ff~EI1~-Ycur-PL/I staterrent as Fart Prcb1ero r;eterrrir:aticn: cf a valid PL/l proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct any errors in ycur PL/I source staterr.ent and let the syntax checker rescan it. Prablerr Determination: Table I, items 13, 29. COll'pile your PL/I statement as part of a valid PL/I prograrr. IKM100 Table I, items 13, ~-ff!Eil~-ycur PL/I staterrent as part Exp1anaticn: 'Ihe initializaticn specified in this statement dces not ccmF1y with the rules of PL/I syntax. IKM099 11111111 INVALID REPE'II'IION FAC'IOR Iti INITIAL LIS'I Explanation: 'Ihe repetiticn factor, a decimal integer constant, rrust be enclosed in parentheses and rrust precede the value or character to which it relates. o IK~102 Tatle I, items 13" ~rcg~arr. 11111111 MORE THAN 32 r;IMENSIONS SPECIFIED FeR xxx ~~Elana~!f~: Ar: a~ray may have cf 32 dirrensicr:s. a maximum Prcqrarr!~!_Bg§.F.fr.se: Protable user error. Ccrrect any er~crs in your PL/I scurce staterrent and let the syntax checker rescan it. Prcblem Deterrrir:aticn: Tatle I, items 13" ff~lg ycur PL/I staterrent as part cf a valid PL/I ~rcg~arr. (-..I , '~.''\) 29:- o 574 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7> Service Aids Messages (IMx) () r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IMx I I Component Narr,e ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------l I Program Producing Message I I Service Aids: IflAPTFLE I IMCOSJQD, I~DPRD~P. I I~ASFZAF IMBLIST I IMEMI:MAP I I I I IMCJQDMP I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I Fcr Prcgrammer: SYSFRINT data set. I I Fcr Operator: console. I I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format IMxr.nnI text (in id IMxnnns text (on console) I I I I I I I I SYSPRI~~) id Message reply identificaticn (absent if q:eratcr reply not required). xnnn Message serial number, which is ccded tc indicate the service aid program: ACOO AI00 BOOl BI0l COOO DOOO D1S0 - A004 I~APTFIE AIIB B020 B126 C014 D005 D184 I~ASPZAP I~B~DMAP I~BIIST I~CJQD~P/IMCCSJQI: HmSAD~p I~DPRD~P s 'Iype code: o A D I J Action; operator roust perfcrrr a specific actien. Decision; opera tor rrust chccse an alternative,. Information; no operatcr actien is required. I I I I I text Message text. ~-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------~------------f I Comments J Nene. I ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Associated Publication I IBM system/360 Cperating-2]sterr: I service Aids, GC28-6719. ~-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Problem r:eterrrination I L _____________________________ I Refer to the fold-out in part VI cf this publicaticn fcr prol::lerr I determination instructions. I _______________________________________________________________________ JI ~ IMAPTFLE Messages IMAOOOI THE FOLLOWING MODULE(S) DID NO'I FIND A MATCE Explanation: The IMAPTFLE pregram could not find a match for the input module name on the stage 1 output tape fer SYSGE~, 2!: a module name has been specified more ,than once ('for example, two input statements contained the same rrodule name). Frcgrarrrrer ReSI:.fr.se: Prol::atle user error. If the rrodule r.arre was in errcr, cerrect the narre and rerun the jet. Fcr duplicate narres , no actier. is required. Preblerr r:eternir.atier.: 1~9:--------------- Tatle I, items 2, II IMAOOII INPUT MOr:ULE TAELE BAS OVERFLOwED BREAK ~NFUT INTO TWO JOES ANI: RERUN The nurrter ef input mocule narres has exceeded the lirrit ef 150 allewed in the input rrcdule tatle. EX~B~tieB: System Action: If lMAP'IFLE ceuld not find a match, all module narres fcr which no JCI was produced will be listed fcllowing this message,. If duplicate rrodule names were encountered" IMAP'IFLE will list the JCI for the module the first tirre it processes the narre,. All Subsequent enceun ters with the same module name will cause IMAPTFIE to flag the name as an errcr. (Return code -- 4,.) IMAP'IFLE stcps processing the input, and gives this rressage. (Return cede -- 16.) ~sterr_~cti2B: Protatle user error. Break the input data into groups of no rrcre than 150 rrcdule names per execution cf IMAPTFLE, and execute the prcgram as Ercgrarr~.!-B~§ll~: IMX Messages - IMAP'IFLE 575 many tiIres as needed to create JCI for all the modules,. Problem Determinaticn: 13, 29. IMA002 Table I, items 2, r:ATA SE'! ASSOCIA'!ED WITH THE //xxxx DD CARr: CANNO'I BE OPENED Explanation: 'Ihe DCB associated with DD statement xxxx cannct be opened. The data set cannot be read. System Acticn: IMAP'IFLE prccessing is terminated,. (Return ccde -- 16.) PrograIrrrer Response: Probatle user error. Check fcr errors in the DD statements named in the message. Correct the errors and rerun the job with MSGLEVEL=(l,l) in the JOE statement. Problerr. Deterroinaticn: 13, 29. §y§teIr Acti£n: IMAP'IFLE prccessing is terIrinated. (Return ccde -- 16.) Table I, items 2, IMA003I UNCORREC'IAELE I/O ERROR OCCURRED jobname, stepname" addr, typ" ddname, operation,error descripticn Explanaticn: An uncorrectable error was detected during the executicn of an I/C operation. System Action: IMAPTFLE terminates (return code -- 16) but gives the following diagnostic inforIration in the message text: jobname the job within which the I/O error was detected. step name the job step in which the error occurred. addr the unit address of the device on which the error occurred. typ the device type of the failing device. ddname the name of the associated data set. operation the type of I/O operaticn that was being performed at the time of the error. error description the type of error that cccurred. o g.f9.raIi~~!_B~.E£ns~: Pro1:al:::le user error. Verify that the: • Stage 1 Output tape is froll" a Sysgen earlier than Release 19. • SysteIr tc be updated witb tbe P'IF is of a Release 19 level cr later. If beth of these ccnditions are true" rerun the job using the ccrrect Stage 1 Cutput tape. Make sure that ~SGIEVEL=(l,l) is specified on the JOB stateIrent,. Prcblem DeterIrinaticn: 13:-17a~-29:--------- Tatle I, items 2, IMA005I INVALID PARAMETER SPECIFIEt ON EXEC STATEMENT ~~f1anaE!£n: Ar. invalid pararreter was specified in the PARM field cf the EXEC stateIrent. §yst~Acti2n: terrrinated. IMAP'IFLE processing is (Return ccde -- 16.) Pr~!!~_B~.E£nse: Protal::le user error. Check fer an errcr in the PARM field of the EXEC staterrent. Ccrrect any error and rerun the jcb with MSGLEVEL=(l,l) specified in the JOE staterrent. Prcblem DeterIrir.atien: 13, 29-.--------- Tal::le I, items 2, o IMA006I lCAr: MCr:ULE cccccccc NOT UPr:A'IED wI'IH P'IF - r;n IMAPTFLE was unal::le to update load Ircdule eeeecccc with the prcgrarr terrporary fix (PTF). If nn=Ol, the directcry er.try fex load rrodule cccccccc in the data set descrited 1:y the SYSLMCr: r:r: staterrel1t ceuld not te located,. If nn=02, the PTF was net successfully linkage edited intc the mcdule. ~~f12~gti£n: §Y§E~!!_ACEi£E: IMAP'IFLE dces net attempt tc update load Iredule eceececc with the FTF. Processir.g eentinues. (Return code -- 16.) !:!.f9.~~!-B~§f.f~: PrograIrIrer Response: ResubIrit the job with MSGLEVEL-(l,l) specified in the JCE statement. Problem Determination: 13, 29. Table I, items 2, IMA004I UNIDEN'IIFIED FORMA'! ON SYSGEN S'IAGE 1 TAFE Explanation: IMAP'IFLE has determined that the Stage 1 Output tape was from a SYSGEN earlier than Release 19. 'Ihe format of this level Stage 1 Output tape is not supported by IMAP'IFLE,. 576 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Pro1:al:le user error. If nn=Ol, verify that the [SNAME parameter cn the SYSLMOr: r:r: statement identifies the data set that ccntail1s load ncdule cccccccc, and that the STAGE 1 cutput tape frcrr SYSGEN ccrrespcnds te the system that is currently rur.ning. Correct any errors and rerun the jet with MSGLEVEL=(l,l) specified in the jet staterrent. Preblere r:eterrrinaticn: Table I, items 2, 13, 17a, 29. If nn-02, respond as indicated to the Linkage Editcr messages (beginning with lEW) that acccIrpany this rressage. o o IMA007I LOAC MOCULE cccccccc UPDATED NEW SSI IS nnnnnnnn PTF - ~ITH Fregranner ResEense: Protatle user error. Insert an ICENTIFY statement after each FTF cbject nodule and rerun tt.e jot. Explanaticn: Load nodule cecccccc has been successfully updated with the program temporary fix (PTF). The system status index (SSI) for the updated lead module is nnnnnnnn. Frcblem Ceternir.aticn: IMAOll1 System Acticn: IMAPTFLE precessing continues. (Return code 16.) Proqranner Response: Table I, items 1, 1~29:--Have-t~MO[F infut available. ~U~EER OF IDENTIFY CARLS IN INPUT STREAM EXCEE[S 150 ~~~Batic~: The I~AFTFLE is beir.g Nene. I1>1A008I THE PRECEDING STATEMEN'I IS INvALID generate functicn of executed. There are ncre than 150 ICENTIFY statenents and centinuatiens. ExplanaticB: while scanning inFut defined by the MOCF CD statenent, I~APTFLE found a statenent that was neither an IDENTIFY statenent or an IMAPTFLE centrcl statenent. The control statement in error is printed above the nessage. §y~!~~_Acti~~: The staterrent probably has ene of the following errors: l~29:-~ave~he MorF infut available. IMAPTFLE terninates. (Return ccde -- 16.) Rre9~~~~er_B~§f£~: Probable user error. Frecess the ir.fut with more tr.an one step. Preblen Ceternir.aticn: Tatle I, items 1, IMA0121 CVERLAY STRUCTURE FOR MOCULE ned EXCEEDS • The nane on the module nane control statenent did not begin in cclumn one. • The word IDENTIFY was nissfelled. The MODF input is out cf erder. • Continuation of an IDENTIFY statement was expected but not received before the next nodule name. System Action: IMAPTFLE terminates with a return code of 16. () Progranner Response: Probable user error. Correct the error and rerun the job. Problen Cetermination: Table I, item 29. Have the MODF input and the PRINT output available. II~IT ~~flanati~B: The nunter ef statements in the Stage 1 eutfut reguired tc define an overlay fer nedule ncd exceeds 185. §~!~li-Actie~: IMAPTFLE terninates. (Return ccde -- 16.) Probable user error. Dc net use the Stage 1 outfut again with I~AFTFLE unless the Stef defining the ncdule ncd has been renoved. (The step nay be rencved frcn the Stage 1 cut put using IEBECIT.) Rrc9ranne~_Resfcnse: Preblen Ceterninaticn: 29-. ------------- IMA009I IMAPTFLE TERMINATED; NO BLOCKSIZE ON THE PCEF LL STATEMENT IMA0131 THE FCLLOWING IS I[ENTIFY INFORMATION FOR ~CCULE ncd Explanation: The BLKSI2E farameter was missing fron the PCEF DD statement which described a non-labeled tafe. EXFlanatien: The I[ENTIFY infcrmation to be included ir. the CSECT I[ENTIFY records fcr nedule ned is listed fcllcwing this nessage. System Action: IMAPTFLE terminated with a return code of 16. 2Yst~~_~£!i~B: centinues. Proqranner Response: Probable user error. Include in the BLKSIZE faraneter on the PCEF CC statement the block size of the records on the tape and rerun the job. Problen Ceterminaticn: 3, 15, :29. IMAPTFLE frccessing (Returr. cede 0.) E!:s.!~~~~-BesEcnse: Ncne. IMA014I INSUFFICIENT MAIN STORAGE FOR PROCESSING, I~APTFLE TERMINATEI: Table I, items 1, IMA0101 IMAPTFLE TERMINATED, AN IDENTIFY IS MISSING g~~~ti~B: STATE~ENT Explanaticn: During the afflication function, IMAPTFLE did not find an IDENTIFY statement follcwing a PTF object module; an IDENTIFY statement must follow each PTF object module. o Table I, items 17, System Action: IMAPTFLE terminates with a return code of 16. IMAPTFLE was unable to centinue processing teeause tt.enain sterage reguired fer necessary tables and buffers was net available in, the IMAPTFLE regien er fartitien. §yst~~_Acti~n: IMAPTFLE processing terninates with a return cede of 16. R!:~~ner_~f£~: Increase the region cr fartiticn size available te IMAPTFLE as reccnnended in the futlicaticn IBM §ysten/360_Q~rating sY§terr: Service Aids §B!, GC28-6719. IMX Messages - IMAPTFLE 577 ~ ~ Problerr Deterrroinatien: Table I, items 15, 29. Eave the MODF input available. I~Al02I SYSIIE CC SPECIFICA~ION ERROR ~~Ll~£~!i£n: IMA015I MODULE rrod FOUND ONLY MA~CH ON AESEMBIY S~EF Explanatien: ~hile executing the generate function fer a module (rrod) assembled during system generaticn, IMAP~FIE found the module in the' stage 1 assembly step but not in the stage 1 link-edit step (which should follow the assembly). System Actien: IMAP~FLE terminates the job and lists the JCL. (Return code -4.) Proqrarrrrer Response: Proba~le user error. It is possible that the SYSGEN Stage 1 output data set did not contain the link-edit step, or the link-edit step preceded the assembly step. If the link-edit step was properly included in the SYSGEN, rerun the I~AP~FLE job. Either a SYSLIB [D statement was nct included in the JCL, cr tbe cata set defined ir. the SYSLIB CC statement dces nct ccntair. the rrember narre er physical recerd defir.ed in a centrel staterrent. §Y§!~~_~£!!~n: sutsequent VERIFY, REP, and SETSSI staterrents are igncred until a successful NA~E cr ((HER eperation is perf crrred. !~~~~~~~_B~§f~r.s~: Protatle user error. sure that a SYSLIE CC statement was included in the JCL. If sc, ccrrect tbe rrerrber narre cr address in the errcneous ccntrcl statener.t er cerrect tbe DENAME in the SYSLIB CD staterrent, and resutmit tbe jeb. If the CONSOLE crticn is teing utilized, the jcb r.eed net ~e resutmitted: the ccrrected staterrent can te reentered in respcnse tc rressage IMA116A. ~ake Prcblerr Ceternir.aticr.: Problerr Deterrroinatien: Table I, items 1, 17a, 29. Eave the MODF input available. i3~~--------------- IMA103I CSECT AESENT - AIL IMASPZAP Messages IMA1001 IMASPZAP PROCESSING COMPLE~ED Tatle I, items 2, CSEC~S FOLLOw ~~~~~!!£n: A ccr.trcl secticn name defined in a ccr.trcl staterrent cannot te fcund in the rrerrber that was specifiEc as ccntaining it. Explanatien: ~his rressage cccurs when IMASPZAP terminates norrrally. It should be noted, however, that norrral termination can occur despite prior failure in the processing of contrel staterrents. All ccntrel sEcticns of the lcad rredule are durrped. SutsequEnt VERIFY cr REP staterrents are ignored until a ~AME cr CCEER staterrent is read. System Actien: !!~ra~~~~_B~§L~£§~: The job stef terminates. Proqrarrrrer Response: Check the output on SYSPRINT te insure that all ccntrol statement operations corrpleted successfully. o §y§!err_~ct!£n: -~~"'\" C ' PretatlE user Error. Ccrrect the ccr.trcl secticn parameter in the errcnecus ccr.trcl staterrent, and resubrrit the jcb. If the CONSOLE cption is being utilized, the jot neEd nct tE resubrritted: the ccrrected staterroent can be reentered ir. resfcnse tc rressage I~A116A. IMA101I SYSLIB I/O ERROR device, operation, error conditien, access method Explanation: An I/O error cccurred when the data set defined in the SYSLIB DD statement was being accessed. ~he device address, the operation in prcce~s, the type of error, and the access method in use are provided in the errcr message. System Action: Frcblerr Deternir.aticn: i3:-29~---------'------ IMA104I VERIFY REJECT - SE~ Tatle I, items 2, NO GO S~I~CE ~~f1~~~!!£n: The data centained in tbe VERIFY staterrer.t did net agree witb tbE data at the sfecifieo lecatien. The job stef terminates. §yst~~£!!£~: Proqrarrrrer Response: If VERIFY and REF control statements were part ef the input stream for IMASPZAP, the user should dump either the record or centrol section being inspected and/or modified, and carefully check the printed output te insure that any modifications made were ferformed correctly. If all the rrodifications requested have not been perfcrmed, tpe user should reexecute IMASPZAP to make the necessary rrodifications. Problem Deterrrinatien: 13, 29. 578 Table I, items 2, Messages and Codes (Re lease 21.7) A durrf ef the text portion ef the c~ntrel sectien er the entire cata recerd is prir.ted cn SYSPRIN~. PrecEssing centinues, but all REP and SE~SSI staterrents that fcllcw the rejected vERIFY staterrent are igncred until ancther NAME cr CCHHR statenent is enceuntered. Hcwever, any VERIFY staterrents that arE detected will be executed. !!£q~~~~~~_BesLcnse: Proba~le user Error. Check the durrp cutfut and correct eitbEr the data er cffset farameter (whicbevEr was in errer in the VERIFY staterrent), and resubrrit the jct. 0") o Problerr Determinaticn: Table I, items 2, 13, 29. IMA1051 INVALID CARr: OR NO GO SwITCH SE'I Explanation: ~his rressage eccurs if an operaticn is not acceptable due to an invalid operation narre er if an error occurred cn a previcus cperaticn.. System Action: If the errcr cccurred previously, during the prccessing of a NAME or CCEHR staterrent, nc VERIFY or REF operations will be perfcrmed until a subsequent NAME, CCHHR, DUMP, DUMPT, ABSDUMP, or ABSDUMP~ statement is processed successfully. If the error occurred in a previcus VERIFY cr REP statement, cnly REP staterrents will te bypassed until a subsequent NAME or CCHHR statement is perforrred successfully. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the control statement found to te in error, and resubrrit the jcb. centrel secticn. then nc mcdificaticn of data will have teen rrade. In this case, cerrect the offset s~eeified in the REP staterrent and ~erferrr the REP eperation again. If a VERIFY eferaticn was teing perfcrrred cn a centrel secticn cr data reccrd, or if a REP eferaticn was teing perfcrrred cn a data reccrd at tr.e time the errcr was detected, nc modificaticn will have been rrade. Cerreet the effset or nurrber cf bytes sfeeified in the control staterrent (whichever was in errer), and perferrr the cperaticn again. Preblem Deterrrir.atien: 13:-29:--------------- Tatle I, items 2, lMA1071 DS AREA NOT INCLUDED IN TEXT !~~naticE: A VERIFY or REP eperation was attempted. and the tase value specified in a EASE staterrent was greater than the offset value specified in a cerrespcnding VERIFY er REP statement. 21ste~~ct!2E: Problerr Determinaticn: Table I, items 2, 13, 29. IMA1061 PATCH OVERLAPS - CHECK DUMP Explanaticn: One of the fcllcwing conditicns has occurred while a VERIFY or REP operation was being perfermed: o For a data reccrd - the cffset specified in the centrel statement is beycnd the end of the reccrd containing the data tc be inspected or modified. (For exarr~le, OFFSE~>KEYLEN+RECORD LENG~H.) For a control section - the offset value plus the nurrber ef bytes of data specified in the centrol staterrent denotes a lccation that is beyond the limits ef the control secticn. (For exarrple: cffset value + number of bytes ef data > displacement of last byte of control section. ) IMASPZAP durrps the data in the centrel sectien teing rrodified or inspected and ccntinues prceessing. Any subsequent REP staterrents pertaining to the same NAME staterrent will te ignored. Prograrr~_S~§E~: Probable user error. Cer~ct either the value .in tl:e erroneous BASE\staterrent cr the invalid effset value qiven in the VERIFY er REP staterrent, and resubrri t the jet,. Preblerr Deterrrir.atien: Tatle I, items 2, 13, 29. IMA1081 SYSIN SPECIFICATION ERROR !~lan~~!2E: The SYSIN Dr: staterrent was net defined in the exeeutien JCL. Protatle user error. Include the SYSIN DD staterreQt in the JCL and resubrrit the jet. Preblerr Deterrrir.atien: Table I, items 2, Rrograrr~_ResF~~: 13, 29. System Action: lMASPZAP durrps the data in the contrcl section or data record being modified or inspected, and ccntinues processing subsequent centrel statements. However" any REP staterrents ~ertaining to the saroe NAME or CCHHRstatement will te ignored. o Proqrarrrrer Response: Probatle user error,. If a REP cperation was being performed on a contrcl section when the errcr occurred, check the offset and data parameters. If the offset is within the lirrits of the control section, but the nurrber of tytes specified exceeds the end cf the control section, the portion of data that fell within the control section will have been modified before the errcr was detected. Restore the data to its original form, correct the number of bytes specified in the REP statement, and ~rfcrm the REP operaticn again,. If the offset in the REP statement exceeded the limits of the IMA1091 ERReR - ODD NUMEER DIGITS - IGNORED !~~~~!2E: This rressage occurs if the patch data, verify data or data cffset specified in a VERIFY er REP eentrel staterrent is net refresented as an even nurrber ef hexadecirral digits. §ysterr~~!2E: If the errcr results from an invalid VERIFY staterrent, any REP staterrents that fel'lcw are igncred until a subsequent NAME, CCEER, DUMP, DUMP~, ADSr:UMP, or AESr:UMP~ cerrmand is entered. If the errcr is detected in a REP staterrent., cnly that particular statement is igncred. ~ra~~~Fense: Probable user ~ake sure that an even nurrter of error. hexadecimal digits is specified in the cffset and data pararreters in the VERIFY cr REF staterrer.t, and resutroit the jot. IMx Messages - IMASPZAP 579 Problerr Determinaticn: 13, 29. o Table I, items 2, IMAl14I PERMISSION TO UFr:ATE V~OC r:ENIED IMA110I NO DIRECTORY SSI - SETSSI IGNORED ~~~~~i£B~ Explanation: A SE~SSI statement has been entered fcr a member which dces not contain SSI inforroation in its directory entry .• System Acticn: No SSI information is stored; prccessing continues with the next control statement. Prograrrrrer Response: ~'c create the SSI in the directcry entry for the member: • If a rrember of a load rr·odule library, re-linkage edit the lcad rrcdule, including a SE~SSI ccntrcl statement. • If a rrember of a nacrc or symbolic library, use the IEBUPD~E utility program, specifying SSI infcrmation in the ADD, REPL, CHANGE or REPRO control statenent .• Problerr Determinaticn: 13, 29. IMA1111 PREVIOUS ERROR - SE~SSI Table I, items 2, IGNORED Explanation: Due tc an errcr detected in a previcus cperation, the SE~SSI operation cannot be performed. System Acticn: ~he SETSSI e~eration is not perforned, and IMASPZAP ccntinues processing subsequent ccntrel statements. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the previously detected error, and rerun the jcb. Problerr Deterrrinaticn: 13, 29. Table I, items 2, When IMASPZAF requesteo perrrission tc u~date the V~OC, the cperatcr replied 'N~. §y§!gE_Action: Nc nedificatien to the VTCC will be ~erferned. Processing ccntinues with the next contrel statement, but any subsequent VERIFY cr REP operaticns will 1:e igncred. E~egra~-Bg2E~~ If ycu intend to ncdify the VTOC, instruct the cperator to re~ly 'Y' when perrrissicn is requested 1:y I~ASFZAP. (See ness age IMAl17D. > IMAl15I SYSIN I/O ERROR device, operaticn, error ccnditicn, access rrethed ~~E1anatifB~ Ar. uncerrectable I/O error cccurred when I~ASFZAP was atterr.pting to read a control staterrent frcrr the SYSIN data set. The device address, the operaticn in ~recess, the type cf error, and the access rrethed in use are provioed in the errcr rressage. ~steE_~ction~ Precessing is terminated irrnediately. Cer.trel staterrents read from the SYSIN data set 1:efcre tr.e error was enccuntered will have 1:een prccessed. Fr~~Eg!_Re2E~nse: Pro1:a1:le user error. If the errcr cer.ditien is a wreng length reccrd, check the 1:lecksize specified for the SYSIN data set te1:e sure ttat it is equal tc the actual size cf tr.e records in the SYSIN data set. Fer cther error ccnditicns, check the SYSIN Dr: statement fer ccrrect s~ecifieations. Freblen: Deternir.atien: lMAl121 MEMBER NO~ FOUND - SETSSI IGNORED Explanation: ~he merrber tc which the SETSSI operation was directed could not 1:e found in the direct cry ef the data set specified by the SYSLIB DD statement. System Acticn: Processing ccntinues with any rerraining control staterrent. 13~29:--------------- IMAl16A ENTER IMASPZAP Problen Determinaticn: 13, 29. IMAl131 COMPLETED DUMP Table I, items 2, REQUIREMEN~S Explanation: ~his rressage is written to the SYSPRIN~ device following the successful completicn cf a DUMP, DU~PT, ABSDUMP or ABSDUMP~' operatien. System Action: IMASPZAP ccntinues processing with any rerraining sequential control statement. 580 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7> Ta1:le I, items 2, STA~EMEN~ OR END ~~~E~ticB~ When the console cpt ion is being used, this rressage is written to tr.e ccnsole device every time input is required. §ystg~cti2E~ Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the member narre in the NA~E statement associated with the SE~SSI command, cr correct the data set name defined in the SYSLIB DD statement, and resubmit the job. CON~ROL O',\ Precessing continues. fEeratf!-Bg2Efnse: If the prcgramroer wishes to contir.ue prccessing, enter a valid ccntrol staterrenti if tte prcgrammer wishes to terninate the jc1:~ enter REPLY xx,' END'. IMAl17D REFLY Y or N TC UPr:A~E VTOC xxxxxx yyy 222Z2ZZZ ~xFla~~icn~ I~ASPZAP is being executed by the zzzzzzzz fer the purpcse of rrcdifying cr ir.specting the V~OC cn volume xxx~xx, device yyy. As a precauticnary rreasure, the prcgrarr requests ~ermission fcr this cperatien. §y~Ac~i2n: The J;regrarr suspends precessing until the c~erator enters a respense. o Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 () Operator Response: If the programmer ~n~t~at~ng th~s run is not authorized to perform such an operation, enter REPLY xx,'N'. As a result of this negative response, lMASPZAP will issue message lMA1141 and all subsequent VERIFY and REP statements will be ignored. The response REPLY xx;~'Y' will, however, allow lMASPZAP to inspect and modify the VTOC. lMA1181 SYSPRINT DD NOT IN INPUT lMASPZAP terminates ~mmed~ately. Response: Probable user error. a SYSPRINT DD statement to be included in the JCL, and rerun the job. Pro~rammer Def~ne Problem Determination: 13, 29. Table I, items 2, lMA1191 NO IDR FOR MODULE name Explanation: lMASPZAP found that the load module (name) does not include CSECT identification records (IDRs) ~ it has not been processed by a linkage editor containing IDR support. System Action: lMASPZAP continues with normal processing. c Programmer Response: If IDR maintenance data ~n the load module is desired, reprocess the module with the linkage editor that has IDR support, then return the lMASPZAP job. I lMA1201 membname NO IDR SPACE - RE-LINK Explanation: A REP operation was to be performed on the module indicated in the message (mod) but lMASPZAP found that no space is available in the lMASPZAP IDR for maintenance information. System Action: Any REP operation for the module (mod) will not be performed. Programmer Response: The indicated module must be reprocessed by the linkage editor so that the module will contain an additional lMASPZAP IDR. In the event the module has the noneditable attribute, process lMASPZAP against the module using the CCHR control statement to locate and change this bit to editable prior to the linkage editor run. Rerun the lMASPZAP job. lMA1211 CCHHR UPDATE BY jobname ON ser, cchhr, dsname Explanation: lMASPZAP has modified a data set on a direct access device by use of the CCHHR and REP statements. This message is automatically given as security audit information. Variables in the message are as follows: jobname ser cchhr o dsname System Action: Normal processing continues. Operator Response: Save the information as recommended by your installation. lMA1231 SYSPRINT I/O ERROR ddd,op,err,acc-meth Explanation: A SYSPRINT DD statement was not ~ncluded in the execution JCL statements for this execution of lMASPZAP. System Action: have been processed, then this message will appear immediately after the next CCHHR, NAME, DUMP, ABSDUMP, END, or invalid statement entered. represents the name of the job which performed the CCHHR update. is replaced with the volume serial. is replaced with device record address of the record that was modified. is replaced with the name of the modified data set. Explanation: An I/O error occurred while IMASPZAP was writing in the data set defined by the SYSPRINT DD statement. The device address (ddd) , the operation (op), the type error (err), and the access method used (acc-meth) are provided in the message text. System Action: Programmer Response: If the REP operation was successful, rerun the job step after insuring that the associated REP and VERIFY control statements have been removed. Problem Determination: 13, 29. Table I, items 2, lMA1241 INVALID SYSLIB DeB BLOCKSIZE Explanation: The SYSLIB DCB contained zero ~n the DCBBLKSZ field after OPEN, or a value less than the size of the block just read. System Action: lMASPZAP terminates. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Ensure that the SYSLIB DCB contains the correct blocksize, or specify the blocksize in the DCB parameter of the SYSLIB DD statement. Problem Determination: 4, 25b, 26b, 29. Table I, items 2, lMA1251 membname IDR COUNT = nn (MAX = mm) Explanation: The IDR record(s) for the load module Just updated contain nn valid entries and mm-nn empty entries. System Action: None. Programmer Response: If nn=mm, the module must be re-linked~ted before any further updates. If mm=19 and 15 ~ nn ~ 19, additional IDR space (19 entries) can be created by re-linkediting the load module (using INCLUDE). lMA1261 membname IDR(s) FILLED - RE-LINK Explanation: nn-mm. System Action: Appears after lMA1251 with None. Programmer Response: If nn=mm, the module must be re-linkedited before any further updates. If mm=19 and 15 ~ nn ~ 19, additional IDR space (19 entries) can be created by re-linkediting the load module (using INCLUDE). IMBMDMAP Messages IMB0011 SYSPRINT DD STATEMENT MISSING Explanation: IMBMDMAP was unable to open the SYSPRINT data set. System Action: If lMASPZAP input is from the system console and both CCHHR and REP statements The job step is terminated. Processing is terminated. Pro~rammer Response: Probable user error. Def~ne a SYSPRINT DD statement and rerun. IMx Messages - IMBMDMAP 581 Problerr Determination: 13, 29. IME0021 SNAPtUMP DD S~ATEMENT Table I, items 2, MISSING Explanation: The DEBUG opticn was specified in the JCL staterrents, but the SNAPI:UMP data set could nct be opened. R~cgrarr~~B~§Fer,se: Protacle user error. Check fer prcper sfeeification ef the DS!,;AME and rrerrcer narre. If they are accurately specified and the error recurs. use IMBMtMAP with the tEBUG parameter to ebtain a durrp ef the fartitioned data set directcry. Prcblem teterrrir.aticn: system Action: Processing ccntinues, cut the tEEUG parameter is igncred. Prograrrrrer Response: Probacle user error. tefine a SNAPDUMP DD staterrent and rerun. 13:-2~-------------- Tacle I, items 2, IMB0071 I/C EFROR REA[ING pes [IRECTORY - tURING EItL E~~laE~SifE: Problero Deterrr.inaticn: 13" 29. Table I, items 2, IME0031 - WARNING - xxxxxxxx CONTAINS NO RLD RECORDS Explanation: warning rressagei partitioned data set rr.ember xxxxxxxx ccntains no relocation dictionary records. System Action: Executicn of the BLDL macro instructicn cculd net be corrpleted; an errcr cccurred during reading cf the partiticned data set directery cf the rrerrber indicated ir, the heading at the top cf the listing fage. ~~§S~Act!2E: Maffin9 of the specified rrerrber is net perfcrrred, cut IMBMDMAP ccntinues precessing. P7.ocessing ccntinues. Prograrrrrer Response: Ncne. Prcblem I:eterrrir.aticr,: 13~9:--------------- Table I, items 2, IME0041 xxxxxxxx CONTAINS NO ESD RECORDS .IDm.!anation: Partitioned data set memcer xxxxxxxx contains nc external symbol dictionary entries.. This rr.ay be a normal condition., e .• g., if the rrerrber was linkage edited ~ith an attribute of NE (NOT-EtITAELE) • system Action: Mapping of xxxxxxxx is not performed, but IMBMDMAP ccntinues processing. Proqrarrrrer Response: Execute IMB~D~AP with a I:EBUG request te obtain a dump of the subject module and partitiened data set directory to verify lead medule structure,. Problerr. Determination: 13" 29. IMB0081 EXEC FARM CONTAINS INVALID CHARAC~ERS. MUST EE LINKPACK~ EASIC, I:EBUG, AND/OR 1 TC 6 CHARACTER HEX A[tRESS ExganatifE: IMEM[MAP has en,ceuntered invalid characters ir. cne cf the EXEC pararreters. ~yste~_~cti2E: IMEM[MAP will execute, using pararreters Uf tc the invalid one. Probable user error. Ccrrect the invalid farameter and resubmit the jcb. g~ograrr~~~_Re§f££2~: Prcblem teternir.aticn: 13, 29 .. Explanation: An error cccurred while partitioned data set rrerrber xxxxxxxx was being read. IMB0101 RESII:ENT SVCS NCT MAFPEI: IN LINKPACK MAP NUCLEUS IPIEt I:OES NCT MATCH SYS1.NUCLE~S (IEANUC01) • EXFlan~:!:!£E: The nucleus described in the DD staterrent previded for a link pack area rrap dces net natch the nucleus currently residing in rrair. stcrage. System Action: Mapping of rrember xxxxxxxx is not performed, but IMBMD~AP continues processing. ~~sterr_ActioE: Prograrrrrer Response: Rrcgran~~-B~§f£~: Rerun IMBMDMAP. Table I, items 2, IMB006I MEMBER xxxxxxxx NOT FOUND - BLD1 FAILED Explanation: Partitioned data set memcer xxxxxxxx was not found during execution of the BLtL rr.acro instruction. Messages and Codes (Re lease 21.7) Prccessing continues. Probable user error. Define the cerrect nucleus in a DD staterrent and rerun. Prcblerr Deterninatien: 13, 29 .• IMB011I WARNING - NUCLEUS ~~g~~SiCE: system Action: Mapping of rrember xxxxxxxx is not performed, but IMBMDMAP continues processing. 582 Tacle I, items 2, Table I, items 2, IME0051 I/O ERROR READING MEMBER xxxxxxxx Problem Determination: 13, 29. ;<~" I\~~J NO~ Table I, items 2, SCATTER LOADABLE Warning rressage. IMEDMAP has detected ar, errer while processing the scatter recerds fer the nucleus. ~he nucleus may be ir.cerrectly leaded. o () System Acticn: Processing ccntinues. Prcblerr Ceternir.aticn: 13~-2~--------------- Prograrrrrer Response: Rerun with the DEBUG option and check scatter reccrds. Problerr Ceterroinaticn: 13, 29. IME012I WARNING - IMB016I ESC RIC TAELE CVERFLOw-ENLARGE REGICN/PARTITICN SIZE-RERUN Table I, items 2, ~~f1~1ifn: IEAANIPO IS NOT 1~~ EN~RY I~ ESD IMEMCMAP table capacities were exceeded because the regicn cr partiticn size was ir.sufficient. Explanation: ~arning rressage. One of the following ccnditions has been encountered by IMBMCMAP, while rrapping the nucleus: • IEAANIPO was not the first ccntrol secticn to be given ccntrcl at initial prograro load; or • One of the first two contrcl sections in the nucleus was nct of the "SD" type. 2ysterr_~ctig~: System Action: 1~~--------------- This sfecific rrapping operaticn is terninated and prccessing ccntinues • R!:.f9rarr~_Bes.E£r.se.: Probable user error. Expand the regicr. cr partiticn size and rerun IMBMCMAP. Prcblerr Ceternir.aticn: Processing ccntinues. Prograrrrrer Response: Check the map of the nucleus in question to determine which conditicn has occurred; then ccrrect the situaticn before trying again to load this nucleus. Problerr Ceterminaticn: 13, 29. NO~ Table I, items 2, IMB017I SCATTER TAELE CVERFLCW-ENLARGE REGICN/PARTITICN SIZE-RERUN ~~.Elan~1icE: IMEMCMAP table ca~acities were exceeded because the regicn or partiticn size was insufficient. Table I, items 2, 2Y§te!_~£1if~: IME013I *****NUMEER OF ALIASES EXCEEDED TAELE-ALIA~ES Table I, items 2, This specific rrapping operaticn is terninated and prccessing ccntinues. PRIN~ED***** R!:s~!!er_Bes.E£nse: o Explanation: IMBMDMAP will frint a maxirourr of sixteen aliases. System Action: ~he first nine aliases will be printed; the rest will be ignored and processing continues. Proqrarrrrer Response: Ncne. IME014I SORT TAELE OVERFLOw-ENLARGE REGION/PAR~I~ION SI2E-RERUN Explanation: IMBMDMAP table cafacities were exceeded because regicn cr partition size was insufficient. System Action: This specific mafping operaticn is terminated, and frocessing continues. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Expand the reg~on or partiticn size and rerun IMEMCMAP. Problerr Determinaticn: 13, 29. Table I, items 2, IMB015I CCE TAELE OVERFLOw-ENLARGE REGION/PAR~I~ION SI2E-RERUN Explanation: IMBMDMAP table capacities were exceeded because regicr. cr fartition size was insufficient. System Action: ~his specific mapping operation is terminated and frccessing continues. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Expand the reg~on or partiticn size and rerun IMBMCMAP. Probable user error. Expand the regicr. cr partition size and rerun IMBMCMAP. Prcblem Ceternir.aticn: 13:-29:--------------- Table I, items 2, IMB018I TRANSLATE TAEIE CVERFLOW - ENLARGE REGICN/PARTITICN SIZE - RERUN ~~f1~~~1ifE: IMEMCMAP table capacities were exceeded because the regicn or partiticn size was insufficient. 2Ysterr_~ctig~: This specific napping operaticn is terninated and prccessing ccntinues. R!:~~!rre!:-Bes.E~: Probable user error. Expand the regicr. cr partiticn size and rerun IMBMCMAP. Prcblero Ceternir.aticn: 13~29:--------------- Table I, items 2, IMB019I IPI TAELE OVERFLOW - ENLARGE REGICN/PARTITICN SIZE - RERUN ~~E1~na1ifn: IMEMtMAP table capacities were exceeded because the regicn or partiticn size was insufficient. 2Y.§.1~!_AC1ig~: ~his specific rr.apping cperaticn is terninated and processing ccntinues. R!:fq~!~!:-B~§Fcnse: Probable user error. Expand the regicr. cr partiticn size and rerun IMBMtMAP. Prcblem Ceternir.aticn: 13, 29. I~x Table I, items 2, Messages - IMBMDMAP 583 IME0201 xxxxxxxx DD S!A!EMENT DOES NO! DEFINE A PCS., :e:e IGNOREC Explanaticn: IMBMDMAP Ferfenns its mapping function based upcn the DD statements supplied by the user. Any DD statement which describes a lcad module in a partiticned data set will cause I~B~D~AP to produce a map of that lead module. DD statements which do not define a partitioned data set will result in this message being produced. r:C statements which dc nct define a memter of a partitioned data set will result in the issuance of this rressage. System Action: Staterrent xxxxxxxx is ignored. Processing ccntinues. Prograrrrrer Response: Exarrine the DD staterrent indicated in the nessage. If a map of the data set specified was not desired, the message shculd be considered for infcrrration only. If a maF of the data set specified was desired, correct the :ec statement indicated and resubmit the job. precessing will terrrinate for the current centrcl statenert and resurre with the next. (Returr cede -- 8.> o !~~g~~~~~~_B~§f~L§~: List tne lcad module using the IEEPTPCH data utility sFeeifying PRINT TCTCCNV=XE tc deterrrine the nature cf the faulty reccrd. If it tas teen inccrrectly ncdified, restcre it tc its cerrect fcrrrat. Frcblerr Ceterniraticr: Tatle I, iteltls 1, 2~-r~-29~--Execute-th€ IMELI~~ service aid frcgran tc cttair. ItR listings for tte ncdule and fcr all frcgrarrs wtich may have ncdified it. IMB1031 RI:e FCINTER INVP.Llr: ~~f1~nati~~: The IMELIST Frcgram enccuntered ar. ir.ccrrect R or P fcinter in the relccaticn dicticnary (RLO. §yst~~~£tig~: Prccessing terninates for this creraticr. ar.d ccntinues with the next ccntrcl statenert. (Return ccde -- 8.) !~~ra~~~~_B~§~cr.s~: Problerr. Determinaticn: 13., 29. Table I, items 2, Be-link edit the Frcgran and rerur. the jct. Prcblem r:eternir.aticn: IMBLIST Messages IME1011 ESC CON!AINS INVALID Tatle I, items 1, 2~-r3~-29~--Execute-the LIS~OEJ function DA~A Explanation: !he IMBLIST Frcgram encountered either an invalid ESD type or an incorrect ESDID.. System Acticn: If the IIS!CBJ function of IMBLIS! is being used, the invalid control card is printed and processing continues. Other~ise, processing terrrinates. (Return code -- 8.) Prograrrrrer Response: Reccnfile the module(s) and rerun the job. cf I~ELIST tc deternine which linkage editcr cr language translatcr rrcducec tte bad R cr P Fcir.ter. Execute LISTICR for IDR data, shcwir.g if IMASPZAP has teen executed fcr the nedule, wten and what translatcrs were used, and ctter user sUfflied data. IMB1041 TP.ELE CVERFLOW, ENLP.RGE SIZE AN:e RERUN REGION/PAR~I~ION ~~f1~l]~tig~: n~EIIS~ tatle caraeities were exceeded because the regicn cr Fartiticn size was ir.sufficient. §yst~~_Act!gl]: Problerr. Determinaticn: Table I, items 1, 13, 29. If the problerr occurred during execution of LIS!OBJ, execute the IISTIDR function of IMBLIS! to determine which compiler processed the nodule. If the problem occurred during execution of LISTLOA:e, execute the LIS!IDR function of IMBLIST to determine which linkage editor produced the load module. IME1021 INVALIC [LOAC/OBJEC!] RECORD The cre~aticn is terrrinated; Frccessir.g ccntinues with the next ccntrcl s·tatenent. (Return ccde 8.) !~~ra~~~!_B~§fS~: Enlarge tte regicn/Fartitier. size, and rerun the jot. Prcblen r:eternir.aticr.: Tatle I, items 1, 2~-13~-29~--Execute-the IEBPTPCH utility Frcgran sFecifyir.g PRINT TC~CCNV=XE to list the nodule teing rrocessed ty I~ELIST. Explanation: IMBLIS! detected an undefined record type in the lcad/object records. For object records, byte positions 2-4 do not ccntain any of the following types: ESD, SYM, !X!, RID, or EN:e. For lcad module reccrds, the hexadecirral code in the first byte of the record is invalid or undefined. System Action: If the reccrd in question is an object record, i t will be Frinted and execution will continue. If the record in question is frcn a lcad module, 584 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) IMB105I ddnane :eOES NOT CEFINE LOA:e MOCULE LIBRARY §~f1~l]~tig~: The nane sfecified ty the faraltleter cr. the IMBLIST ccntrel statenent cr by the default ddname on tte SYSLIE :er: statenent is not the name of a lcad ncdule litrary. r:D~ §y§!~~P.ct!~l]: Precessina terninates for this cperatior. and ccntinues with the next centrcl statener.t. (Return cede -- 8.) o C", " Proqranner Response: Insure that the library referenced by the IMBLIS! control statement or by the SYSLIB DD statement contains lead modules, er change the control statements indicating the proper library type. Rerun the jcb. Prcblen Deternir.atien: 2, 13, 25ac, 29. IMBll0I DD~AME Tatle I, items 1, rOES NOT DEFINE OEJECT MODULE tA!A SET IM'El06I MODULE IS NO! EDITABLE, NO XREF PROVIDED §!E!~~~icn: Explanation: ~hen the asscciated module was link edited, the not editable attribute of the linkage editor was specified. !he module, thezefoze, does not contain the CESD, and nc XREF can te provided. System Action: ProceSSing tezminates for this operation and continues with the next control statement. (Return ccde -- 4.> The IMELIST Frograro attenFted to Frccess as an cbject mocule a data set cr nenter defined ty the DDN Fararreter cr by the cFerands cn the LISTCEJ centrcl statement. Eewever, the data set or nenber is not an ebject nedule. Systen Action: Precessing terrrinates for this eFeration ar.d centinues with the next centrel statener.t. (Return eede -- 8.) E!QJran!!:~-BeSFer:s~: Proqrarrner Response: Recreate the load module fron its associatedcbject module. Do not specify the not editable attzitute. Rerun the job. Problen Determinaticn: 2" 13, 29. Verify that the nedule to be Frecessed is an ctject nedule. Rerur: the jeb. Prcblem Deternir.atien: 2:-IJ:-25aC:~9:------ Tabl.e I, items 1., Table I, items 1, IMBlllI ddnane CANNOT EE OPENEr IME107 I I/O ERROR ON READ ~xFlanation: o Explanation: An uncorrectable input/output error was enccuntezed while IMBLIS~ was reading input. System Acticn: Processing tezminates for this operation and continues with the next control statement. (Return ccde -- 8.> Progranner Response: Be suze the data set is defined correctly in the control statement. Problem Determination: 2, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IME108 I MEMBER NO'! FOUND Explanation: '!he merrber nane cr alias name specified by the MEMBER Farameter on the !MBLIS'! control staterrent was not found in the indicated library. System Acticn: Processing terminates for this operation and continues with the next control statement. (Return ccde -- 8.> The sFecified data set car.nct be oper.ed because the DD statement defining the data set nay be nissing. §ysten Actio~: Precessing terrrinates if ddnarre is SYSIN er SYSOUT. Otherwise, Frccessing cor.tir.ues with the next control statenent. (RetUrn ccde -- 12 .. ) Prcg~~! ResFcnse: Verify the job ccntrel language fer the sFecified data set, insuring that a rr statenent cefining it is including and is corzect. Execute the LISTVTOC fur.ctier. ef the IEELIS! utility to obtain a list of tre volume tableef conter.ts ef the vclune ccntaining the data set. IMB1121 lCAD ~ODULE DOES IDENTIFICATION NO~ CONTAIN CSEC~ EXFlana~ion: The lead module sFecified on the LISTIDR ccr.trel secticn does net ccntain any CSECT identificaticn records. syst~!£~ig~: Progranner Response: List the directory of the referenced library using the LISTPDS function of the IEHLIS! utility. Rerun the job. Problem Determination: 2,,13,29. Table I, items 1, IME109I I/O ERROR READING PDS DIREC'!ORY o Explanation: An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while IMBLIST was reading the directory of a partitioned data set. system Action: Processing terminates for this operation and contiQues with the next control statement. (Return ccde -- 8.> Ne IrR listings are prcduced. Prccessing continues with the next eFeration. (Return cede -- 4.> Prcqranrrer Re2g~: Re-link the load ncdule using a linkage editor which ccntains IDR sUFFert, and zerun the, jot .. IMBl13I IDR INFORMATION IS INCOMPLE~E ~~Flan~tion: The last CSEC~ identification recerd found in this load nodule is not narked with an "end of IDR data" flag. ~ysten Act!~: Precessing continues. (Return code -- 8.> IMx Messages - IMBLIS! 585 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Programmer Response: Verify that no IDR data has been lost. Re-link the module using a linkage editor which contains IDR support, and resubmit the job. IMB1141 THE CSECT NAME ASSOCIATED WITH AN IDR DATA ENTRY CANNOT BE FOUND Explanation: The ESDID on an IDR data entry d1d not match any ID in the CESD of the load module being processed. System Action: Processing of this operation is terminated. Processing continues with the next operation. (Return code -- 8.) Programmer Response: Verify that the lDR data for th1s load module has not been altered. If it has been altered, correct it and resubmit the job. Problem Determination: 2, 13, 29. Table I, items 1, IMB1151 BUFFER SPACE NOT AVAILABLE - INCREASE REGION OR PARTITION SIZE Explanation: The IMBLIST buffer capac1ties were exceeded because the partition or region size was insufficient. System Action: The operation is terminated; processing continues' with the next control statement. (Return code 8. ) Programmer Response: Enlarge the part1tion or reg10n size and rerun the job. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 13, 29. Execute the IEBPTPCH utility program specifying PRINT TOTCONV=XE to list the module being processed by IMBLIST. IMB1201 EXPECTED CONTINUATION CARD NOT FOUND Explanation: The IMBLIST control statement indicated continuation (a comma was found after the last operand) ; however., it is not followed with proper continuation. System Action: processing is terminated. (Return code -- 12.) Programmer Response: Check all IMBLIST control cards for valid continuation cards. Resubmit the job. IMB121I INVALID CONTROL STATEMENT Explanation: An IMBLIST control statement 1S 1nval1d because it contains an invalid operation, an embedded blank, or an operation beginning before column 2. System Action: Processing terminates for th1s operat10n and continues with the next control statement (Return code -- 8.) Programmer Response: Check IMBLIST control statements for infractions of the IMBLIST control statement format. Rerun the job. IMB1221 INVALID OPERAND NEAR CARD COLUMN INDICATED BY ""$" Explanation: An error has occurred in the IMBLIST control statement near the card column location indicated by the "$". System Action: Processing terminates for th1s operat10n and continues with the next control statement. (Return code -- 8.) Programmer Response: Check the IMBLIST control statements for infractions of the IMBLIST statement format. IMB123I CLOSE QUOTE OR PAREN NOT FOUND, OR KEYWORD VALUE EXCEEDS COL 71 Explanation: Quotation mark or close parenthesis is missing on an IMBLIST control statement, or the value for a keyword runs past column 71. System Action: Processing terminates. Programmer Response: Check the IMBLIST control statements for unbalanced quotation marks and parenthesis, or for operands that run past column 71. Resubmit the job. IMB1241 NUMBER OF MEMBER NAMES EXCEEDS 32 NEAR COLUMN INDICATED BY ""$" Explanation: The number of member names spec1f1ed on an IMBLIST control statement exceeds the limit, 32. The card column where this error was first detected is flagged by a "$". System Action: The excess is ignored and processing continues. (Return code -- 8.) Programmer Response: Use two or more IMBLIST control statements to list the membernames. IMB125I IMPROPER OPERAND NEAR COLUMN INDICATED BY "$" Explanation: An incorrect or invalid operand has been detected in the IMBLIST control statement; its location is indicated by "$". System Action: The operand is ignored. Processing continues. (Return code -- 8.) Programmer Response: Check the validity of the I~~LIST control statements. Resubmit the job. IMB126I IMPROPER OPTION NEAR COLUMN INDICATED BY "$" Explanation: An option specified in the IMBLIST control statement is invalid. "$" indicates the relative card column location. c' 586 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o System Action: The default value ~as assumed; processing continues. (Return code -- 4 .• ) If ccrrrrands are being entered from the ccnscle, message IMC002A is issued to the ccnscle and the ~rcgram waits pending the c~eratcr's ProqraIUrer Response: Check the validity of the options specified on the IMBlIST control statement. Correct the errors and resubmit the job. re~ly. f~atcr Respcr.se: Prcbable user error. If ccntrol staterrents are being entered frcm the conscle, reenter the ccmmand. R~~~rre~_Re2f~~: IMCJQDMP Messages IMCOOOA ENTER O=XXXD,Q=YYY(,S) OR PRESS INTERRUPT KEY FOR O=OOE,Q=191 Explanation: ~he prograro is requesting that a device identificaticn command be entered through the console keyboard, or that default device assignrrent be specified by the absence of a consoie entry. System Acticn: The program sus~ends processing until the operatcr enters a reply. Operator Response: If input and output devices are to be specified, enter a device identificaticn ccrrrrand. If the default assignments'of address aOE for output and address 191 for in~ut are satisfactory., depress the external interrupt key without rraking a console entry .• o IMC001A SPECIFY SELEC~ PARAMETERS [ORENDl Explanation: For the Systerr/360 Operating System version of the jcb queue dump program - IMCOSJQD - the durr~ cptions have not been provided in the SYSIN data set and must be obtained frcm the cperator's console. A reply of "END will terminate job queue dump operation. For the stand alone versicn cf the job queue dump program - IMCJQDMP - the SElECT parameter has been indicated in a deice identification command and the program is requesting that the parameters for a selective job queue durr.~ be entered through the console. Probable user error. If ccntrol staterrents are being supplied in the input stream, ccrrect the options and resubrrit the jcb. If contrcl staterrents are being entered from the systerr console, insure that proper options are ~rcvided tc the c~erator, and request that he rerun the jet. IMC003A QUEUE NOT FOUNr: ON SPECIFIEr: DEVICE-EN1ER QDUMP PARAMETERS ~~~~~~io~: The fcrrrat 1 data set ccntrcl blcck (r:SCE) fcr SYS1.SYSJOBQE was nct fcund in the VTOC cf the vclume rrounted on the device indicated in the device identificatien eororrand entered thrcugh the ccr.scle; cr, if the default pararreters were utilized, in the V~OC of the vclume rrour.ted cn device 191. §.Y..2!~Ac~io.!): The ~rcgrarr suspends prccessing until the cFerator enters a re~ly • f.I:erats:r Re2g.I2~: Pre1:able user error. ~cunt the correct velurre cn the desired device, if necessary. Enter a device identificatior. cerrrrand giving the current cutput and in~ut addresses. Preblem r:eternir.atien: 13, 29:-----------~-- Table I, items 2, IMC0041 QDUMP CCMPLETEr: EXFlanatis:~: Precessing of tte QDUMP cperaticn is new cenFlete. §yst~Act!s:.!): If ccrrrrands are being prcvided by the SYSIN data set, the prcgram issues rressage IMC004I to the SYSPRINT data set. If connands are being entered frorr the systen ccnsole, message I~C004I is issued te the ccnsele and to the SYSPRINT data set. system Action: The system waits pending the operator's reply. Operator Response: parameters. Enter the desired dump IMC002A COMMANr: ERROR [-EN'IER QDUMP PARAMETERS] Explanation: A syntax error was detected in a job queue dump corrrrand entered through the SYSIN data set cr thorugh the operator's console. ~ IMC005I SPECIFIEr: QUEUE IS EMP1Y ~xFlan~~!s:~: The ~regram was requested to dunp the lcgical tracks assigned tc a specific wcrk queue, cr to search a particular queue fer a given job name. Exaninaticn of the nincr queue control reccrd (QCR) asseciated with the queue reveals nc reccrds resident in the queue. 2Y§ten_Actio~: o system Action: If the corrmands are being entered through the SYSIN data set, message IMC002A is issued tc an output device" and processing will ccntinue only if there are more comrrands in the input stream. If dump connands are being entered in the SYSIN data set, the prcgrams durrps the cerrespcnding minor QCR, nessage IMCOOSI is issued to the SYSPRINT data set, and processing will ccntinue cnly if mere cpticns are included in the input strearr. IMx Messages - LMCJQDMP 587 ~ If dump options are being entered from the console, the prograrr durrps-the corresponding minor QCR, issues message IMCOOSI to the console, and reissues message lMCOO1.A,. Operator Response: Additicnal selective dump parameters may be entered or the operation rr,ay be terrrinated. IMC006I THESE JOBS NO'I FOUND jobname1 jobname 2" etc ,. Explanaticn: ~he program fcundno logical tracks assigned to the listed job or jots. The search was restricted tc the specified queue control record (QCR) if the QCR= parameter was entered in ccrrbination ~ith the JOBNAME= parameters and, if so, the associated QCR is durrped. If the QCR= parameter was omitted, all in~ut work queues ~ere searched, and all associated QCRs ~ere dumped. System Action: If corrrrands are being entered from the SYSIN data set, message IMC006I is issued to the SYSPRIN~ data set and: • Processing continues if mcre options are included in the SYSIN data set. • The program terrrinates if nc more commands are included in the SYSIN data set. If dump options are being entered from the console, the prograrr reissues message IMC001A. Operator Response: Additicnal selective dump parameters may be entered or the operaticn rray be terrrinated. IMC007E K ddd, {SCR~CH}/JQDUMP ser Explanaticn: K indicates that the volume on tape drive ddd is te be demcunted and saved. • If the vclume has standard labels the voluroe serial number replaces ser; other~ise SCR~CH a~pears in the message. • JQBUMP is the data set narre given to the data set created by IMCJQDMP if the volume has labels. System Acticn: The prcgram ccntinues processing and will request a ne~ volume if more data is to be written. JQBUMF is the r.arre cf the data set created by IMCJQBMP. §~~~Ac!ic~: The ~rcgrarr waits for the device ddatc te rrade ready. o f.Eerat.2LE~~.£.!:§.~: ta~e Mcunt the requested and ready the drive. IMC009A ENTER TCDAY'S BATE IN THE FOLLOwING FORM YYBDB ~~la~~!ic~: The ~rcgram needs the current date tc verify the ex~iraticn of dates en standard lateled tape. The date rrust be entered in the forrr yyddd with no blanks cr s~ecial characters errtedoeo. The date in the fcrrr yyddd has the fcllcwing rrea~ir.g: yy - re~resents the last twc digits of the current year. ddd - represer.ts the Julian fcrro cf the current day with leading zercs if the date is less than ttree digits. §~sterr ~£!!.2~: c~eratcr's ~he ~rcgrarr waits fer tbe re~ly. f.E~ratc~~~E'£E§'~: Enter the current date in the ferrr requested. IMCOIOI TAFE IS STANBARB LAEELED, BSN=JQDUMP ~.2n:lanatic~: The ta~e just created has standard labels with the data set name JQBUMF. §yst~Act!2~: Precessing contiriues. (} IMCOIID E ddd, volser, dsn ~~E!~~~!ic~: , E indicates that the ~rogram intended tcwrite cn the ta~e en drive ddd; hcwever, the ex~iraticn date for the data set dsri cr. the vclume vclser has not cccurred. §~sterr_AC!ic~: c~eratcr's The ~rcgrarr waits for the re~ly. f.E~ratcLS~~.E'£f§.~: Enter REPLY xx,'u' if the ex~itaticn date is to te ignored and the ta~e writter. cn. Enter REPLY xx, 'M' if the ex~iraticr. date is tc te hcnorEd and the ta~e ~.£! writt~ cn. IMC012E TAFE PRCTECTEB FROM USE ~~~ti.2~: Operator Response: Derrcunt the tape and save it for later processing. lMC008A M ddd, {SCR~CH}/JQDUMP SL~APE Explanation: M indicates that a tape is to be rrcunted on tape drive ddd. • If SCRTCH appears in the rressage a non-labeled tape or a labeled tape that has labels which can be overwritten _~th data is to be mounted. • If SLTAPE appears in the rressage a standard labeled tape is tc be mounted. 588 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Cr.e cf the fcllcwing caSES will cause this nessagE to te given: • The tape that was tc te written en is security prctected. • The expiraticr. date fcr the data set on the rrcunted ta~e has not cccurred and the c~eratcr re~lied M tc roessage IMCOIID. §y§.~Acti~~: The ~rcgrarr ccntinuEs precessing and wil1 eventually request a new ta~e. f.E~rat2LS~~pcr.se: It-:C008A. Wait fcr rrcunt message o o IMC013A adr, IN~ REQ inforrraticn car. te cttained in IBM Service Aids §ysterr_Re!~~~E£e Li£ra~, GC28-6719, under prcgrarr IMCOSJQt. §ysterr/}~Q_QE~~~ting Systerr: ~anation: IMCJQDMP tried tc ~rite on the device at unit address adr, but the device ~as not ready. §ysterr_~£t!£E: IMCJQtMP execution is terrrinates unless the I/O errcr occurred en the job queue data set being dumped. If the I/C errcr cccurred en the queue data set being durr~ed cne of the fcllowing ~ill cccur: • If the o~ticr.s are being entered from the systerr ccr.scle, rressage IMC001A will be issued tc allcw further dUIT

o 2Ysterr Acti2B: IMtPRCMP assurres that the durrp inforrraticr. has teen previeusly lcaded cn the SYSUTl data set and will atterrpt tc prccess the durrp infermation frcrr there. ~~!!:~_S~.F~: None. 2Ysterr Acti2B: terrrinated. Ncne. () §ysterr Ac1ioB: IMCPRCMP atterrpts to load the I~tTREAD tape read module to te used as the Tape data set access reutine. Explanation: S~OP has been entered in reply to rr.essage IMD156I. Programrer Response: 594 Ncne. IMD173I SYSUTl IS NOT tA - IMCPRtMP execution is o o • SYSU~2 - ~his may be any data set to the durrp is copied fcr later processing by IMDPRDMP. IMD1781 I/C ERROR ON ELDL ~hich Problem Determinaticn: 2, 13, 29. IMD1771 THESE MODULES IMD1771 module names IMD1771 module narees etc. NO~ ~~Elanati~~: IMDPRtMP issued a BLDL macro instructicn tc lccate a required module. The ELtL nacrc instruction enccuntered an input/cutput errer. Table I, items 1, §yst~~£~!2~: FOUND IMtPRtMP suppresses the function that required use of the mocule, issues nessage IMD1801 to indicate which functicn cannct ce used, and continues prccessing with cne ef the following actions: • If the ncdule ~aned in rressage IMD1801 is required fcr executicn of a centrol staterrent, that centrol statement is not executed and IMDPRtMP prcceeds with tbe next centrcl statenent. • If the TSO fu~ctien cf IMtPRDMP is ceing used and the nedule named in rressage IMt1801 is IMDPRSWP, TSO user infcrrration ca~net ce read frcm the ~SO SWAF data set. Executicn of the ~SO contrcl statenent ccntinues, cut printing of swapfed inferrration is crritted. • If the nodule ~aned in rressage IMD1801 is a user exit prcgram er a fcrmat appendage fcr the EtIT functicn of IMtFRtMP, rressage IMt2141 is issued to indicate that EtIT precessing will te terninated. IMDPRtMP prcceeds with the next control staterrent. Explanatien: IMDPRDMP attenpted unsuccessfully to lccate the named modules in SYS1.LINKLIB or in a private library cy using the ELDL macrc instructicn. o System Acticn: IMDPRDMP sUfpresses the function that required the use of the named nodules, issues nessage IMD1801 to indicate which function cannct be used, and continues processing with cne of the follo~ing actions: • If the medule named in rressage I~D1801 is required for executicn cf a control statenent, that ccntrcl statement is not executed, and IMDPRDMP prcceeds ~ith the next control statenent. • If the ~SO functicn ef IMDPRDMP is ceing used and the module nan,ed in message IMt1801 is IMDPRS~P, ~SO user inforrration cannot be read from the TSC SWAP data set. Executicn cf the TSC contrel statement continues but printing of s~apped informatien is emitted. • If the nedule is a user exit program for the EtI~ function of IMDPRDMP. message IMt2141 is issued to indicate that EDIT processing will be terrrinated. I~DPRD~F continues with the next ccntrol statenent. • If the module is a ferrr·at appendage for the EtI~ function of IMDPRDMP. message IMt2151 is issued to indicate that trace records requiring this appendage will ce printed in the hexadecinal dump format. 9E~ratcLB~§'E~ns~: Inforrr the system prcgrarrner that this rressage bas teen issued. E!£gra~~_B~§Ec~se: verify that the ncdules have teen link edited correctly intc the private litrary or SYS1.LINKLIB data set. Resucnit the joc. I~tFRtMF Frcblen teternir.aticn: 4~-29:---------------- IMD1791 Operator Response: Note the mcdule names identified by message IMD1771 and inform the systerr prograrrmer that this message has been issued. Prograrrner Response: If the mcdule named in message lMD1771 has the fCDnat IMtUSRxx. xx being a hexadecimal numcer in the range 1-50, the module is a user format appendage for the EDI~ function. Trace records requiring this mcdule are user trace records for which the hexadecinal dump may be desired. If the module nane is not of this fcrmat or if the user fermat appendage is desired, message lMD1772 indicates a prcbable user error. The required IMDPRDMP module must be link edited into the private library or the SYS1.LINKLIB data set. Problerr Determination: Table I, items 2, 29. Save a listing of the SYSPRIN~ data set produced by IMDPRDMP available. o CA~NCT LOAt PGM SEGMEN~, Tacle I, items 1, INCR REG/PAR~ n~~nK §xElan~ti~~: IMDPRtMP atterrpted te load a rrcdule, but sufficient main stcrage was not available. The value nnnn gives the nunber of K-bytes. ty which tte region shculd be increased tc prcvide storage for the requires segnent. §yst~~ct!2n: IMtPRtMP suppresses the funeticn that required the use cf the segrrent, issues rressage IMt1801 to indicate which functicn cannot te used, and ccntinues prccessing with cne cf the fcllcwing acticr.s: • If the ncdule r.arred in rressage IMt1801 is required fcr executien of a centrol statenent, that ccntrel staterrent is not executed, and IMtPRtMP proceeds with the next centrcl staterrent. • If the TSO fu~cticn cf IMtPRDMP is ceing used and the ncdule named in message IMt1801 is IMtPRSWP, TSO user infcrrration car.nct te read frem the ~SO SWAF data set. Executien of the ~so centrcl staterrent centinues, cut printing of swapped inferrraticn is crritted. IMx Messages - lMDPRDMP 595 fa • • If the ~odule named in rressage I~D180I is a user exit prograrr fcr the EDI'!' function of IMDPRDMP, rressage I~D2141 is issued to indicate that EDI'! frocessing will be terrrinated. IMDPRDMP froceeds with the next control statement. • If the module named in rressage I~D1801 is a forrrat appendage for the EDIT function of IMDPRDMP and G'!F trace data is being edited frorr a durrf data set, message !MU2151 is issued tc indicate that trace records requiring this module will be frinted in hexadecimal dump format .• • If the ~odule named in message I~D1801 is a forrrat appendage fcr the EDIT function of IMDPRDMP and an external trace data set is being frccessed, message IMD2141 is issued to indicate that EDI'! processing will be terminated. IMDPRDMP processing proceeds with the next control staterrent. • A user exit frcgran fcr tr.e EDI'! functicn cf IMDPRDMP as sfecified by the EXIT faraneter cf thE EDI'! ccntrcl statenent. 0 . ~st~~£1!9~: The action taken by defer.ds cr. thE cause cf the named functicn beccnir.g incfErative. One of tr.e nessages IMD1771 - IMD1791 is issued prior tc issuing nessage IMD1801 to indicate bcth the reascr. fcr the functicn becomino incferative and the resulting system actien. I~DFRDMF R!~~!!~~_B~2fS~: Fellew the reccnnended fregranner resfensE indicateo fcr nessages I~D177I - IMD1791. IMD1811 DEI.E'I'E ERROR - ncd During executien ef the EDIT functicn, IMDPRDMP attemfted te acquire stcrage fer the lcad cf a fro~ram segment by deleting the leaded medule - med. It was fcund that ncdule - med had already been deleted. g~lan~1~fn: Operator Response: Repcrt this message to the systerr prograrrmer. Probable Response: Probable user error. Increase the value cf the REGION parameter on the JOE or EXEC staterrent used to execute IMDPRDMP, as indicated in the message text. Verify that a SYSPRINT DD statement has been included in the IMDPRDMP JCL. Resubrrit the jcb. §yste!_~£1!£n: EDIT executien is terninatedi I~DPRDMP frecessing freceeos with the next ccr.trcl statenent. f£er~te!_B~2E££2~: Problerr Determination: Table I, items 1, 2, 4, 29. Save a listing cf the SYSPRI~T data set produced by IMDPRDMP. IMD1801 mod FUNCTION INOPERA'!IVE Explanation: '!he function cf IMDPRD~P, mod in the message text, is inoferative. This module can be one cf the following: • Required for the executicn cf an IMDPRDMP control staterrent. In this case, the module narre will have the format IMDPRxxx where xxx is one of: Refert this message to the fregranner. R!~!an!~~_Besfcr.s~: Probatle user error. User exit frograns and user fcrrr.at affendages fer the ErIT functicn must not issue the DElETE nacre instructien sfecifying nedules cf IMDPRDMP. Verify that this is nct dcne. Resutrrit the job including a SYSPRINT Dr statenent in the I~DPRrMF JCL. Prcblerr Ceternir.aticr.: o Table I, items 1, 2~-29~--save-a listing ef the SYSPRIN'! data set preduced by IMCPRDMP. PAL PCR PDR FX'! PJE PRINT ALL functicn RPINT CURREN'! function PRIN'! F03 functicn (DAR) FORMA'! functicn PRINT JOBNAME= - frint storage by specific jobname LPA - LINK PACK AREA rraf function SCN - EDI'! G'!F trace data (control card scan phase) XED - EDI'! G'!F trace data (frocessing phase) NUC - PRINT Nucleus and SQA PM5 - PRIN'! S'!ORAGE= - frint by absolute storage address 'ISO - '!SO sUbsysterr fcrmatting • IMDPRSWP, the '!SO SWAP data set routine. • A system or subsysten fcrnat afpendage routine for the EDIT functicn of IMDPRDMP. In this case, the module name has the format IMDSY5xx where xx is a hexadecinal number, or IMDUSRyy where yy is a hexadecimal nurrber in the range 51-FF. • A user format appendage fcr the EDIT function as indicated by ncdule name IMDUSRxx where xx is a hexadecimal number in the range 1-50. 596 - Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) IMD1821 SWAP rATA SET NOT ACCESSlELE ~c DD staterrents r.ave been prcvided te describe the 'ISO swap data set; therefcre the '!SO user regions ana user centrcl blccks cannot te printed. gXFlana1~£n: IMDPRDMP centinues prccessing the TSO ecntrol statement. '!r.e TSC systerr cer.trcl bleeks that have teEn specified in'the TSO ccntrel statement are fernatted and frinted. §ysten_Act!9~: Supply the necessary DD statements tc describe tte swaf data set. Resubnit thejct, rr.aking sure that ~SGI.EVEL=(l,l) is sfecified in the JOB statenent. Prcblen Ceternir.aticn: Tatle I, items 2, ~~!~!_B~fSnse: 13~29:-------------- IMD1841 INFUT rATA SET INVALIr IMDPRrMP has determined that tt:e input data set is nct an IMDSADMP high-speed dunp cr an Os/360 ccre imagE Exf1~ticn: o o dump. ~he input block size is greater than 133 characters; therefcre., the tape cannot be printed .• ~st~Act!g~: System Action: If user contrcl statements are being entered through the card reader, IMDPRDMP will scan rewaining ccntrol staterr.ents for syntax errors. No control statements will be executed until a correct NEWDUMP or NEW~APE ccntrol stateI(ter:lt is encountered. If user control statements are being entered through the console, the IMDPRDMP program issues message IMD155D to let the user enter a new control staterr.ent. PrS!:~_Re§.E~: Prebable user error. Resfecify the SYSWAPnrr DD staterrent with a valid, nurreric SWAP level. Rerun the job. Infcrrraticn descrited by the r:r: staterrer.t in error will nct te printed. Precessing ccntinues. Prcblerr. r:eternir.aticn: 16:-29:--------------IMD199D r:EFINITION ~~Flan~~!f~: Ccr.trcl statenents fcr the .EDIT functicn cf IM[PRr:MP are being entered frerr the systerr ecnscle. An Er:I'! centrel statener.t is tc be continued. (This message nay fcllcw rressage IMD200I.) Proqramrer Response: Probable user error. If control statements are being entered through the console, the current tape volume should be derrounted by entering the NEWDUMP or NEW'!APE cbntrcl statement .• Otherwise, execute IMDPRDMP again, making sure that the correct duwp tape is mounted. Problerr Determinaticn: 13, 16, 29. CC~~INUE Table I, items 1, Systerr Actien: The IMr:PRr:MP fregram enters a wait pending the eperator's refly. f£eratgf-B~~f£~~: Enter the centinuation fcr the current EDIT ecntrel statement. Table I, items 2, IMD2001 VERB RECEIVE[ - Er:IT KEYWORD I~r:PRr:MP EXFECTEr: IMD187I INVALID EXEC CARD PARAMETER IMr:PR[MP control statements are being entered frcrr the system ccnsole. ~essage IMD199D cr rressage IMD210D requested additicnal E[IT keywerds; hcwever, the reply began with an IMDPRDMP verb. ~xFlanatie~: Explanation: '!he IMDPRDMP frcgram detected a syntax error in the value of the PARM= parameter on the EXEC JCI statement which invoked IMDPRDMP. o System Acticn: IMDPRDMP prccessing continues with the value assumed for this parameter in error. 2Ysterr ~ct!gE: If IMr:PRDMP ccntrel staterrents are being entered by way of the SYSIN data set, the IMr:PRDMP fregram will scan fcr syntax errcrs, without executing the rerraining staterrents. If the control staterrents are being entered frem the systerr console, rressage IMr:199D or message I~r:210r: is reissued te allcw the user to enter the ccrrect keywerds. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Correct the value of the PARM= farameter; make sure that MSGLEVEL=(l,l) is specified on the JOB statement and that a SYSPRI~T DD statement has been included with the IMDPRCMP JCL.. Re-subrri t the jcb. Problem Determinaticn: 29. Table I., items 4, IMD188I PARALLEL AND SERIAL SWAP DO NO~ 2£~!-B~£f£se: Ottain the prcfer ccntinuatien cr resfeeificaticn format frcm the prcgranner, and enter the proper keywerds in the reply to rressage IMD199D er rressage IMr:210r:. PAIRED Explanaticn: IMDPRSWP encountered a SYSWAPnl DD statement withcut having encountered a SYSWAPnO DD statement. Preblem Deterrrir.aticn: Table I, items 1, 2:-~2g:--Save-the SYSPRIN~ data set for I~DFRr:MF. System Acticn,: Inforrraticn described by these r:r: statements will nct be frinted .• Processing continues. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Include the required SYSWAPnO DO statement in the IMDPRSWP JCL. Rerun the job. Problerr Determinaticn: 16, 29. Table I, items 1, IMD189I INVALIr: CEARAC~ER IN LEVEL FIELD OF SWAP DD STATEMEN'! o Explanation: IMDPRSWP enccuntered a SYSWAPnrr. DD staterr.ent in which n is not a numeric value (0-9) or rr is neither zero (0) nor one (1). IMD2011 I~VALID KEYWOR[ BEGINNING WITE xxx EXFlanaticn: While scanning a centrol staterrent, Er:IT has enccuntere·d an invalid keywerd. The first three characters of that keywerd are indicated ty xxx. Systerr Acticn: If ccntrol statements are being prcvided by the SYSIN data set, the functien requested ty the ccntrel staterrent in errer will net be executed. Further acticn depends on the nature of the data set being frccessed: 1. If a duwp data set is being processed, IMr:PRDMP will syntax-check the rerraining ccr.trcl staterrents fcr that dump witheut executing them. IMx Messages - IMDPRDMP 597 fa 2. If an external trace data set is being processed, IMDPRDMP will resume processing with the next ccntrol statement. If user centrol staterrents are being entered frerr the prirrary system console, IMBPRBMP issues message IMD210D to allow the user te enter EDIT keywcrds. Operator Response: None. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. If the control staterrents were entered ty way of the SYSIN data set, resubmit the job using valid keywords a~~ abbreviatiens. If entering the control staterrents by way of the system console, reenter EDI'I keywords with ccrrect syntax. Problerr: Determinaticn: o Table I, items 2, R!.s~~B~f~: 4, 29. IMD2021 INVALIC PAREN'IHESES Explanation: wbile scanning a control statement, EDI'I enccuntered either unbalanced parentheses cr ~arentheses around a keyword value(s) fer which only one value nay be specified. System Actien: If control statements are being provided by the SYSIN data set, the function requested by the ccntrol statement in error will net be executed. Further action depends en the nature of the data set being processed: 1. If a durr.p data set is being ~rocessed, IMrPRDMP will syntax-check the rerraining contrcl statenents for that dump without executing them. 2. If an external trace data set is teing processed, IMDPRDMP will resume processing with the next ccntrol statenent. If user centrol statenents are being entered frorr the prinary system console, IMtPRCMP issues message IMD210D to allow the user to enter EDIT keywcrds. Operator Response: Action: If ocntrol statements are beiD9 ~rovided by the SYSIN data set, the functicn requested ty the centrol staterrent in errcr will net te executed. Further action de~ends on the nature of the data set teir.g ~rccessed: 1. If a dun~ data set is teing precessed, IMCFRCMP will syntax-check the renaining ccr.trcl staterrents for that durr~ with cut executing there. 2. If an external trace data set is l:eing ~rocessed, IMDPRrMP will resume ~rccessing with the next contrel staterrent. If user ccntrcl staterrents are l:eing entered fron the ~rirrary systerr censole, I~CFR[MF issues rressage IM[210D te allow the user tc enter E[IT keywords. ~sterr None. Prograrrrrer Response: Probatle user error. If the contrel staterrents were entered ty way of the SYSIN data set, resubmit the job, making sure that all ~arentheses are paired and that no parentheses are used wi th the DrNAME and EXI'I keywcrds. If entering the control staterrents by way of the systerr console, reenter the EDIT keywords correctly. Problerr Determination: Table I, items 2, Protatle user error. If the control staterrents were entered l:y way of the SYSIN data set, resul:mit the jcb, rraking sure that alphal:etic and nurreric characters are used ccrrectly, and that all ~ararreters fall within the range ef values allowed. If entering the ccntrcl staterrents l:y way cf the system console, reenter the ErIT keywcrds, making sure' that all the errcrs rrentioned atove have been corrected. Prcblerr Deterrrir.aticn: 4~--------------- Tal:le I, items 2, IMD2041 LENGTH CF PARr-: INVALI[ FOR KEYWORD keywd ~~Flan~~i~~: While scanning ~arameter values associated with keywerd - keywd" EDIT has enceur.tered a ~ararreter value that exceeds the rraxirrum length allowed fer ~arameters cf that keywcrd. o §~~~_~£~i2~: If ccntrol statements are being ~rovided l:y the SYSIN data set, the fUncticn requested ty the ccntrcl staterrent in errcr will net l:e executed. Further action de~ends cn the nature of the data set beir.g ~rccessed: 1. If a dunp data set is teing processed, IMCFRtMP will syntax-cheok the rerraining ccr.trcl staterrents for that durr~ withcut executing them. 2. If an external trace data set is l:eing ~rccessed, IMBPRrMP will resume ~rccessing with the next ccntrel staterrent. If user control staterrents are l:eing entered frorr the ~rirrary systen consol e., I~tFRrMP issues rressage IM[210D to allow the user tc enter EtIT keywords. 4, 29. IMB2031 INVALIr PARM VALUE FOR KEYWORD keywd Rr2!!an~~!_B~2fcnse: Explanation: wbile scanning the keyword parameter- keywd, EDIT has encountered a value that contains other than valid alphameric values or that falls outside of the range of values allcwed for that keyword. 598 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Protal:le user error. If the control staterrents were entered l:y way cf the SYSIN data set, resutmit the jcb, naking sure that all ~ararr:eter values ccnferrr tc length re<2uirenents.. If entering the ccr.trcl statenents ty way of the systerr ccnscle, reenter the EDI'! keywcrds, naking sure that the error rrenticned above has teen corrected. o o Problem Determinatien: 4, 29. Table I, items 2, CUPLICA~E KEYWORD-keywd Explanation: wbile scanning a control statement, ECI~ has eneeuntered the E~IT or CtNAME keyword after it had already been specified with a different value. System Actien: If control statements are being provided by the SYSIN data set, the function requested by the centrol statement in error will net be executed. Further action depends en the nature of the data set being processed: 1. If a dump data set is being processed, IMtPRCMP will syntax-check the remaining control staterrents for that dump without executing them. 2. If an external trace data set is being processed, IMDPRDMP will resume processing with the next centrol statement. If user control staterrents are being entered frorr the prirrary system console, IMCPRCMP' issues message IMD210D to allow the user to enter EDIT keywcrds. Operator Response: o Pretable user error. If the centrel staterrents were entered frcrr the SYSIN data, set, resutrrit the jcb, rraking sure that the nurrter of unique pararreter values dces not exceed the rraxirruro nurrber allcwed for this keyword. If entering the ccntrel staterrents from the systerr ce~scle, reenter tte EDI~ keywcrds, rraking sure that the errer rrenticned abeve has teen cerrected. R~ograrrrre~-B~§Efnse: IMD205I None. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. If the control staterrents were entered ty way of the SYSIN data set, resubmit the job, making sure that the E~I~ or DD~A~E keyword is specified only cnce per EDIT control statement. If the eentrol statements were entered frerr the system console. reenter the EDIT keywerds. making sure that the error rrentioned above has been corrected. Problem Determinaticn: 4, 29. Prcblerr Ceterrrir.aticn: 4:~-.---------------- Tatle I, items 2, IMD207I INVALIr CELIMITER FOR KEYwORD keywd While scanning values for the keywerd (keywd) ErIT has encountered either a delirriter in the place of a value or an unexpected type cf delirriter. §~Flanaticn: §lsterr Acti2n: If ccntrol statements are being previded by the SYSIN data set, the fUnctien requested ty the centrel staterrent in errcr will net be executed. Further acticn depends en the nature of the data set beir.g prccessed: 1. If a durop data set is teing processed~ I~tFRtMP will syntax-check the rerraining ecr.trcl staterrents for that durrp withcut executing them. 2. If an external trace data set is teing precessed, IMCPRrMP will resume precessing with the next centrel staterrent. If user eentrel staterrents are teing entered frerr the prirrary system eensole, I~DFRrMF issues rressage IMt210D to allow the user te enter ErIT keywerds. Table I, items 2, R~~~_B~§.F'£~: IMD206I EXCESSIVE NO. keywd PARM VALUES FOR KEY~CRD Explanation: While scanning multiple parameter values associated with keyword keywd" EDI~ has enceuntered a greater number of unique pararreter values than is allOwed for this keyword. System Action: If control statements are being provided by the SYSIN data set, the function requested by the centrol statement in error will net be executed. Further action depends en the nature of the data set being processed: 1. If a dump data set is being processed, IMtPRDMP will syntax-check the rerraining contrel staterrents for that dump without executing them. 2. If an external trace data set is being processed, IMDPRDMP will resume processing with the next centrol staterrent,. c If user control staterrents are being entered frorr the prirrary system console, IMCPRCMP issues message IMD210D to allow the user to enter EDIT keywcrds. Protal::le user error. If the centrel staterrents were entered l::y way ef the SYSIN data set, check all delirriters and resul::rrit the jel::. If entering the ecntrcl staterrents frem the systerr console, reenter the EtI~ keywordS with the proper delirriters. Prcblerr Ceterrrinaticr.: 4~--------------- IMD208I START VALUE AECVE E~CEECS Tal::le I., items 2, STOP VALUE IN E'IM~S EXFI~nati2n: This rressage is issued when EDIT deterrrines that, en the EDIT control staterrent, the START pararreter value is larger than the STOP parameter value. §ysterr ~cti2~: If ecntrol statements are being previded by the SYSIN data set" the fUncticn requested ty the contrel staterrent in errer will not l::e executed. Further actien depends en the nature of the data set beir.g precessed: 1. If a durrp data set is teing processed" IMtFRDMP will syntax-check the rerraining eentrcl staterrents for that dump withcut executing therr. IMx Messages - IMDPRDMP 599 ~ ~ 2. If an external trace data set is being processed, IMDPRDMP will resume processing with the next centrol statement. If user centrol stateKents are being entered frem the priKary system eonsole, IMBPRBMP issues message IMD210D to allow the user te enter EDIT keywcrds. Operator Response: None. ProqraKKer Response: Probable user error. If the control stateKents were entered by way of the SYSIN data set, resubmit the job, insuring that the STOP farameter value is greater than the S~R~ farameter value. If entering the centrel statements from the system console, reenter the EDIT keywords, Kaking sure that the error mentioned above has been cerrected. Problem Determinatien: 4, 29. Table I" items 2, IMB2091 INVALIB USR EID OR RANGE Explanation: while scanning the parameter values asseciated with the USR keyword, EBIT has encountered ene of the following conditiens: 1. an unrecognizable symbelic EID. 2. an EID range in which the left (lower) value exceeds the right (ufper) value. System Action: If control statements are being provided by the SYSIN data set, the function requested by the ccntrol statement in error will net be e~ecuted. Further action depends cn the nature of the data set being processed: 1. If a dump data set is being frocessed, IMBPRDMP will synta~-check the remaining contrel state Kents for that durop without executing them. 2. If an external trace data set is being processed, IMDPRDMP will resume processing with the next centrol statement,. If user control stateKents are being entered from the priK,ary system console, IMBPRDMP issues message IMD210D to allow the user te enter EDIT keywcrds. Operator Response: None. ProqraKKer Response: Probable user error. If the control stateKents were entered by way of the SYSIN data set, resubmit the job, making sure that any symbelic EIDs used are valid and that the right (upper) value in an EID range is equal to or greater than the left (lower) value. If entering the control stateKents by way of the system console, reenter the control statement" making sure that all of the errors Kentioned abcve have been corrected. IMD210D RESFECIFY EDIT KEYWORBS OR REPLY 600 ~ E~Flan~ticn: Ar. EBI~ contrel statement entered freK the systeK censole is in errcr. This Kessage is issued to allow the eferatcr tc resfecify the keywords centained in that statewent or to select default precessing. Nete: If the ccr.trcl stateKent has been divided into a string ef centinued lines, enly the keywcrds fcr the line in error Kay be respecified. The keywerds from the previcus lines have already been accepted. §~steK Act!2~: EDIT waits pending the eperater's refly. CFerate~~~Efr.s~: [e cne ef the fellewing: • Resfecify the keywcrds and values from the stateKer.t in errer including cerrectiens tc syntax vielatiens as neted by rressages IM[201I - IMD2109I. • Refly RUNEDIT te cause E[IT execution to begin with the faraKeters selectec on the previously accefted centrel stateKents. If ne centrel statements have been accefted, the default eptions (EBIT SYS,USR=JlLL) will be in effect. IMD211I EDIT CFTIONS IN EFFECT-optien list §~Flan~~!2n: This Kessage is issued to inferK the user what keywerd eptiens have been accepted fer EBIT's data reduction precess. If rrere than cne optien has been acdefted, they are sefarated by commas in the crder specified telow: O~_-~' ", EXIT=exitnaKe DBNAME=ddnaKe START=(day,hh.rrrr.ss) STCF=(day,hh.rrK.ss) JCENJlMES=(jjj1,jjj2, ••• jjj ) TCES=(tcbaddr1,tcbaddr2, •• ·tebaddr either cf the fellewing: IC=SIO=f arrr er [S 10= parK] [, IO=parrr] SVC=parK FI=farK USR=parK EXT BSF In the eptiens listed, parK rr.ay be either 'JILL', CR 'SEll, where 'ALL' indicates that all events within that event class will be edited, and 'SEL' indicates that cnly events selected by the user supplying the keywerd paraKeter values fer that event class will be edited. §~steK Action: EDIT processing continues with the above data reductien options in effect. £Ferater Problerr. Determination: 4, 29. 'RUNEDI~' Res12~: Nene. Table I, items 2, Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o o IMC212I RCr ON PG nnnn. MorULE rrod RE~ CODE retcde RCVD FR the value cf the ER ~arameter cn the EXEC staterrent. ECI~ continues prccessing, by~assing fcrrrat a~~endage or user exit rrodule - rrcd I~rFRrMF Explanaticn: ~he record currently being processed by EDI~ has been dum~ed in hexadecirral on page nurrber T;nn of the output data set. Module mcd attempted to format the record, but EDI~ was unable to process it because rrodule rrcd returned an invalid return code (retcde). System Action: EDI~ will disFlay in hexadecirral the reccrd asscciated with the error in hexadecimal. ~ste!_~£~icn: EDI~ execution continues. If the errcr ncted in rressage IMD212I or I~r216I occurred in a forrrat a~~endage rrcdule, further reccrds requiring that rrcdule will nct be ~rccessed. If the error ncted in rressage IMr~121 cr IMC216I cccurred in a user exit mcdule, ~rocessing cf reccrds will ccntinue withcut ~assing ccntrcl tc the failing user exit. ECIT takes action based on the value of the "ER" parameter, specified in the E~EC staterrent cf the IMDPRD~P JCL, as followS: o -- o If the error was in a fcrmat appendage module, as sccn as EDIT recognizes that a subsequent record requires that rrodule, ~rocessing will terminate for that reccrd and EDIT will select ancther. If the error was in a user exit rrcdule, records will continue to be prccessed by the format appendages. Message I~D213I will then be issued by EDI~. 1 -- If the error was in a fcrmat appendage module, all subsequent records requiring the same format module will be durr~ed in hexadecimal format. Message IMD215I will then be issued by EDI~. If the error was in a user exit module, fcrmatting of records will ccntinue. Message IMr213I will then be issued by EDIT. 2,3 -- Processing of the current EDI~ function will terrrinate. Message IMr2141 is issued by EDI~, and processing will continue with the next control staterrent. If ER= is not s~ecified cn the E~EC staterrent a value cf ER=2 will be assumed. Operator Response: the prograrrrr,er. Repcrt this message to Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error if the rrodule name is either cf: 1) 2) IMCUSRxx where xx is a hexadecimal nurrber in the range 01-50: A user exit name. Verify that the module sets a valid return code, and, if necessary, correct it. Problerr Ceterminaticn: If the module name is neither case (1) or (2), see ~able I, items 1, 2, 4, 29. Make sure that a SYSPRINT DD staterrent is included in the IMCPRDMP JCL. Save a listing cf the SYSPRIN~ data set, and the G~F input trace data set or the dum~ data set being processed. IMD213I PROCESSING mod o CON~INUES - BYPASSING ~ODULE IMD214I CURRENT ErIT FUNCTION ~ERMINA~ED ~~~n~~icn: This rressage is issued, during ~DIT executicn, when one of the fcllcwing cccurs: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) A user exit rrcdule could n"ot l::e found cr loaded fcr executicn. A fcrrrat a~~endage module, required fcr processing an external data set, existed in the ccrrect lil::rary l::ut cculd nct be lcaded for execution. ruring an atterr~t tc load a user exit rrcdule or a fcrrrat ap~endage module, an I/O errcr cccurred during execution cf a ELCL rracrc instructicn. ErIT atterr~ted tc acquire rrain storage s~ace for the lead of a rrcdule neeoed tc ~rocess the current input record by deleting a ~revicusly loaded user exit cr forrrat a~~endage module which is no lcnger is use. ErIT fcund, however, that the ~revicusly leaded format aF~endage cr user exit rrcdule has already beeT; deleted. The user has sFecified '2' cr '3' as the value cf the ER= ~ararreter on tbe I~rFRCMP EXEC statement, and an error, identified ty rressage IMD~12I or I~C216I, has cccurred in a format aF~endage cr user exit rrcdule. ~.§~~!·_~£1:!gn: The current ECI~ function is terrrinated. Prccessing continues with the next ccntrcl staterrent. E!.Ql!~!!~!_B~~.E.f~ : Nen e • IMD215I FURTHER RCCS REQUIRING mod wILL BE CUMPED IN HEX ~~~na~!gn: This rressage is issued fcllcwing rressage IMr212I and message I~C216I when the user has specified '1' as the value cf the ER= ~ararreter on the I~£PRrMF EXEC staterrent. ECI~ continues prccessing, durr~ing in hexadecirral any reccrd that requires fcrmat a~pendage rrcdule - rrod fcr editing. syste~Ac~!gn: Explanation: ~his rressage is issued following rressage IMD212I and message IMC216I if the user has specified '0' as EDIT ccntinues processing, having deleted fcrrrat a~pendage module rrod. Any subsequent records requiring mod fer editing will be durrped in hexadecimal. IMx Messages - IMDPRDMP 601 ~ W Operator Response: Proqrarrrrer Response: I~LFR[MF JCL. Save a listing cf the SYSFRINT data set, a eepy ef the relatEd durrp, and a ccpy ef thE input trace cata set (cr durrp) £eing rrccessed. Ncne. Nene. IMr:;216 I RCr:; ARC O'IEER INFO ON PG nnr:n. IN MOr:;ULE rrcd PG~ o CHECl< Explanation: A prograrr check interrupt has occurred during executien ef the format appendage or user exit module mod. The current input recerd will be dumped in hexadecimal, aleng with information pertaining tc the program check, on page nnnn cf the IMDPRD~P data set. System Acticn: EDI'I will display in hexadecirral the reccrd asseciated with the error. EDI'I ccntinues executicn based on the value of the 'ER' pararreter specified on the EXEC staterrent. Er:;IT takes action based en the value of the 'ER' parameter, as fellews: o -- If the error was in a fermat appendage module, as seen as EDIT recognizes that a subsequent record requires that rrodule, prccessing ~ill terrrinate for that recerd and EDI'I will select ancther. If the error was in a user exit rrcdule. records will continue to be precessed by the forrrat appendages. Message I~D213I ~ill then be issued by EDI'I •. 1 -- If the error was in a fermat appendage module, all subsequent records which require prccessing by the sarre format rrcdule will be dumped in hexadecimal forrrat. Message IML215I is then issued by EDI'I. If the error was in a user exit module, the resultant actien is the same as if 'ER=O' had been specified. 2 -- Processing of the current EDIT function will terrrinate. Message lMr:;214I is issued by EDI'I. Processing continues with the next contrcl statement. If ER= is not specified cn the EXEC staterrent, a value of ER=2 is aosumed. IMD217I NC SYS [ATA, JCE OR 'ICE SELEC'IION NO'! ArrCWEC ~~lan~~i~n: The ECI'I funetien of is being used and tr.E JOBNAME or TCE keywcrd pararreter was spEcifiEd cn thE ECIT ccntrcl staterrent. ThE trace data set being precessed is in tr.e SYSM format; tterefcre, editing cf tracE rEccrds ty specified jcbnarre cr 'ICB addrEss is not pessible. I~CFRCMF §~sterr_~£~i~n: If ccntrol staterrents arE being entered by way cf thE SYSIN data set, ECIT prccessing is terrrinated and I~LFRCMF executicn ecntinuEs with thE nExt user centrcl staterrent. If ccntrcl staterrents are being enterEd ty way cf tr.e systerr ccnscle, rressagE IMC~18D will tE issued allcwing the cperater te decidE if EDIT precessing is tc centinuE. fE~at~!_~~~EfI~~: MessagE IMC218C will be issued fcllcwing rressage IMD217I. Enter desired resrcnse te rressage IML218D. R!~arrrre!_B~~fcr.s~: ProbablE user Error. If centrol staterrents are being enterEd ty way ef the SYSIN data set, de net use thE JCENA~E cr TCE address pararreters cf thE EDIT centrcl staterrent. Make sure that a SYSFRINT CL staterrent is included in thE I~LFRCMF JCL. Resutrrit thE je£. If centrol staterrents are teing entered frerr the systerr censclE, rEs pend te rressage IML218C when it is issued. o Preblerr Deterrrir.aticn: Table I, items 1, '4-;29-:-Save-alistir;g cf tte SYSPRIN'I data set prcduced by IMCPRCMP. Save thE GTF trace data set er the dUITp data set be ing Frccessed. IMD218D REFLY 'c' TO ECIT W/Q JOB/'ICB SELEC'IION, 's' TC TERMINATE ~~f1~~~ti~n: Operator Response: the prograrrmer. Repert this message to Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error if the rrodule name is either cf: 1) lMr:;USRxx where xx is a hexadecimal nurober in the range 01-50; 2) A user exit name. Verify that the module in errcr has been thoroughly tested, using the 'ER=3' parameter value on the IMDPRDMP EXEC statement and including a SYSABEND DD statement in the IMDPRDMP JCL if a dump of the module is desired. Problerr Determinaticn: If the ~odule name is neither case (1) or case (2), see Table I, iterrs 1, 2, 4, Sa, 29. Insure that the ER=3 parameter is specified cn the IMLPRCMP EXEC staterrent and that a SYSPRINT DD staterrent is included in the 602 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) I~r:;PRCMP ccntrol statemEnts are being entered frerr the system ccnsolE. Tte ECIT functicn cf IMLPRCMP is teing used and the JCENAME er TCE keywerd pararreter was sFecified cn the EDI'I centrcl staterrent. 'Iraee data teinq precessed is ir. the SYSM fcrrrat; therefcr~, editir.g ty sFecifie jctnamE or TCE address is nct rcssiblE. 'Ihe cpErator is asked tc decide whether or nct precessing is tc ccntinue witheut the requested selective Editing. ~terr_~£~i2n: 'Ihe IMCPRCMP rrcgram enters a wait state rending the eperator's reply. ffer~!2~~~~f~I§~: If Er:;I'I precessing is tc ccntinue ar;d all trace recerds are to be edited, reply 'C'. If ELI'! Frocessing is tc stcp, er.ter ,s" causing IMCPRCMP executicn tc ccntinue with the next USEr ccr.trcl staterrent. o o IMD219£ EDIT DUMP - NO SELECT. REPI. Y DDNA~E CR which IMDPRtMP is executing is too small tc ccntain the requested nurrber of trace data set buffers. '!he amount cf storage required fcr these tuffers is determined by the prcduct cf the rraxirrurr tlocksize in the trace data set and the value of the BUFNC subparaneter cf the [t statement. (If EUFNO is net specified, tr.e value 2 is assurred). '0' TO '!ERMINA'!E Explanation: IMDPRDMP contrcl statements are being entered by way of the system console and the EDI'! functicn is being used. The user has specified selective editing ~ithout including a DDNA~~ parameter in the EDIT ccntrcl statement, thus requesting selective editing of GTF trace buffers in a durr~ data set. This is not perrritted by the EDI'! function. Systerr Acticn: EDI'! processing is terrrinated. I~tPR[MP executicn ccntinues with the next user central statement. System Action: The IMDPRDMP program enters a wait state until. the response is entered. fEeratc!-BesFe!§~: ~rograrr~~sFense: Operator Response: If an external trace data set is to be edited, enter the ddname of the tD card describing the data set. If an external trace data set is not to te edited, enter '0' and then enter the corrected EDI'! control statement is response tc message IMD155D. Protable user error. Either 1) increase the value cf the REGION parameter cn the JCE cr EXEC statement ty the arrcunt indicated by nnn, cr 2) decrease the value cf the EUFNO parameter sc that the arrcur.t cf rrain stcrage required fcr trace buffers is less than the value. Resutrrit the jct rraking sure that the SYSPRINT [[ staterrent is included in the IM[FRD~P JCL. IMt2201 NO EtIT DD CARD - ddn Explanation: '!he EDIT funcitcn of IMDPRtMP is being used. The DD statement specified by the EDIT keywcrd parameter tDNAME has been omitted frcrr the I~DFRD~F JCL. ddn is the narre s~cified by this parameter. Report this message to the prcgrarrrrer. Prcblerr. Deterrrir.aticn: Table I, items 1, 4, 29. Save a listing of tte SYSPRINT data set ~rcduced by IM~PR[MP. IMD2261 NC RECCRDS IN REQUES'!E[ INTERVAL system Action: EDIT prccessing is terminated. IMDPRDMP executicn continues with the next contrcl staterrent. Operator Response: Repcrt this message to the prograrrmer .• EXFlanaticn: EDIT did not find any reccrds in the requested interval for one cf the fcllowir.g reascns: • The tirre interval specified ty tte START/STCP keywcrds are within the time interval covered by the trace data set" but GTF did r.ct generate any records during that tirre. • The entire trace data set was generated befcre the ST~RT tirre indicated by the EDIT contrcl staterrent. Prograrrrrer Response: Probatle user error. Supply the necessary DD statement, or correct the value of the DDNAME parameter to specify the correct ddnarre. ~ake sure that a SYSPRINT DD staterrent has been included in the IMDPRDMP JCI.. Resubmit the job. §ysterr Acti2E: EtIT processing is terrrinated. IMtPR[MP executicn ccntinues with the next user central statement. Problerr Determinaticn: Table I, items 1, 4, 29. Save a listing cf the SYSPRI~T data set produced by IMDPRDMP. IMD2241 BLKSIZE=3500 ASSUMED, NOT SPECIFIED FCR tD - ddn IMD227I Explanation: The EDIT fUncticn of IMtPRDMPis being used. Nc blccksize ~as specified for the data set described by the [D statement ddn. '!his data set resides on a non-labeled magnetic tape volume. System Action: EDIT prccessing continues wi th the blocksize 3500 assumed .• Operator Response: o None. Problem Determination: Table I, items 1, 4, 29. Save a listing cf the SYSPRIIST da ta set produced by IMDPRDMP,. IMD2251 REG/PAR'! nnnK TOO SMALL FOR EDI'! BUFFERS Explanation: '!he EDIT functicn of IMDPRDMP is being used. The region in D~TA SET CREATE[ AFTER STOP TIME EXFlanaticE: The E[IT functicn of I~[FR[MF is beir.g used for an external trace data set. The user specified a STCF= value in his E[IT ccntrcl statement that is earlier than the value cf any time stamp reccrd ir. the data set. systerr Action: CUrrent EtIT prccessing is terrrinated and prccessing resurres with the next contrcl staterrent. CFeratc!-Bespc!§~: Report this message to the prcgrarrrrer. ~~~ ResEcnse: Probatle user error. ~ake sure that the STOP= tirre is within the tirre-range cf this data set (this can be determined ty executing IMtPRDMP EDIT with the sarre data set, specifying the SYS IMxMessages - IMDPRDMP 603 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 and USR=ALL options, and exam~n~ng the block time stamps). Resubmit the job with the correct STOP= value. A'-- I',' '\ "- / Problem Determination: Table I, items 4, 29. Save the trace data set and a listing of the SYSPRINT data set produced by IMDPRDMP. IMD265I POSITIONS 73-80 OF PRECEDING CONTROL STATEMENT WILL BE IGNORED I Explanation: The preceding control card read by IMDPRDMP contained non-blank characters in columns 73-80. System Action: IMDPRDMP ignores data found in columns 73-80 of a IMDPRDMP control card. Programmer Response: Probable user error. If IMDPRDMP control statements were entered via the card reader, resubmit the job. If entering the control statements via the system console, reenter the control statement in the proper syntax. rr-~"'\ Ivv o 604 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o FORTRAN Syntax Checker Messages (IPD) r-----------------------------T-----------------------------------------------------------------------, I IPD I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Program Producing Message I FOR!RAN syntax checker. I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Audience and Where Produced I For remote operator and pro9ranner: terninal. I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f Message Format IPDnnn xxxxxxxx yyyyyy text I Component Narr-e nnnn Message serial number. xxxxxxxx Data set line number of the line in which the errcr was detected. yyyyyy Characters in error. text Message text. r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Comments I Centrcl operator may request that nessages cn his ccnsole. I r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f I Associated Publications I IBM system/360 I a~~ear I I Cperating-21st~~ I I I I Ccnversational Remote Job Entry !e~inal User's Guide, GC30-2014 r-----------------------------t-----------------------------------------------------------------------f o I Problem Beternination I Refer to the fold-out in part VI of this Fublicaticn for protlem I IL_____________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ determination instructions. JI ~ IPDOOO SYSTEM OR SYN!AX CHECKER FAILURE E~2!!~.!-B~2gnse: ~ake the ccrrecticn Explanation: wnile scanning the last statement., the syntax checker encountered a condition that should not cccur. It may be a hardware., syntax checker, or operating system error. ex~lanaticn a~d Problen Determinaticn: 29. Frcblen Beterninaticn: 15,22, 29. UNRECO~NIZABLE S~N! OR MISSPELLED Proqranner Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb or jobstep. IPD004 o Table I" EXFRESSION EXPECTEB ~EYwD Explanation: !he statenent was not a recognizable FORTRAN statenent type, or a keyword of six or fewer characters was misspelled. An assignnent statement with errors to the left of the "=" is unrecognizable .. Problerr Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29. Tatle I, items 3, Table I, items 3, IPD006 IPE002 Protatle user error. as noted in the rerun the job or jotstep. items 3, UNSIGNEB IN!EGER EXPECTED Explanation: An invalid fczm, such as an integer constant preceded by a Flus or minus sign., was enccuntered in the statement where (1) an unsigned integer is the only valid form, or (2) an unsigned integer or unsigned variable is the only valid f'orm. Exf12E2~ifE: An ex~ressicn is either rrissing or invalid in the staterrent where a valid one is ex~ectea. Fcr examFle, each cf these staterrents would receive this nessage: 1. 2• A= G (I , J) = C ( I , 3. X= Y+2.0*( ) **2+6.28) The scurce characters in error in the rressage would be: ncne for statement 1; ")" fcr statener.t 2; "**2+6." for statenent 3,. Prcqranner ResEcnse: Protable user error. ccrrecticn as ncted in tte ex~lanaticn and rerun the job or jctstep. ~ake Prcblem Beternir.aticn: 15, 22, 29. Tatle I, items 3" IFD Messages - FORTRAN Syntax Checker 605 IPD008 Prcblem Deterni~aticn: 15, 22, 29. POSSIBLY iOO MANY SUBSCRIPiS PRECEDE Explanation: A list of eight cr more (four or rr.ore in FORTRAN E) names within parentheses has been fcund fcllowing a symbolic name on the left side of the equal sign in an assignnent statement or statement function definiticn. If the statement is a statenent function definition.~ the message shculd be ignored. IPD018 IP£010 U1SRECCGNIZABLE STMN'I AFTER LOGICAL IF" The statement fellowing the "IF (legical expressicn)" was nct a recognizable FORTRAN statenent type, or there was sonething cther than blanks between the right ~arentheses at the end of the logical expressicn and the start of the statement. Sene errors in arithmetic IF statements will cause this message to be issued. (FORTRAN G and E enly) Table I, items 3, .R!:cqrann~~.E..S~: Probable user error. ~ake cerrectic~ as neted in tte ex~lanatien and rerun the jcb or jcbstep. TOO MANY SUBSCRIPiS Prcblen Explanation: A list of eight cr more (four or more in FORTRAN E) expressions within parentheses has been fcund following a symbolic nane in a place where a subscripted variable reference would be valid. Problen Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29. IPD020 Table I, items 3, NCN-ZERO INTEGER EXPECTED §XFla~~ieE: The indicated numeric censtant is zerc, r.et an integer ccnstant, cr beth. PrQlran~LResFcr.se: Probable user error. ~ake ccrrectic~ as ncted in tte ex~lanaticn and rerun the job or jebstep. Table I, items 3, Prcblem Deterni~aticn: 15,22, 29. Table I, items 3, ) EXPECiED IPD022 Explanation: Either a required parenthesis was missing or there was no right parenthesis to match a left parenthesis .. Problem Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29. IllEGAL STATEMENi AF'IER LOGICAL IF §~FlanatifE: The statement fcllowing the "IF (logical expressicn)" is net one of tte statenent types ~ernitted after a logical IF. The statene~t eannet be a DO, another lcgical IF, any nen-executable statement, ner any of the £EEUG statenents. (FOR'IRAN G and H cnly) ProQranrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb cr jobstep. IPD014 Deterni~aticn: 15:-22~~~---------- Proqranner Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb cr jobstep .• IPD012 o §~fl~ticE: Proqranner Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and re~un the jcb cr jobstep. Problem Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29 .• Table I, items 3, Table I, items 3, o Prsgranner Resfcnse: Probable user error. as ncted in tte eXFlanaticn and rerun the job or jcbstep. ~ake ccrrectic~ ARITE IF REQUIRES SiATEMENi NUMBER lIST Explanation: There was a missing or inval~d statement number in the list of statement numbers after an arithmetic IF statement. (FORTRAN G and H only) Prcblen £eterni~aticr.: 15:-22:-29~----------IPD026 DATA SET NUMBER EXPECTED Explanation: An input/output statement had neither an unsigned non-zero integer nor a variable name in the correct position for the data set reference numbers. Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jeb or jobstep. Problem Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29. Table I, items 3, Table I, items 3, .R!:2[!~~~~LB~2fS~: Probable user error. as ncted in tte eXFlanatien and rerur. the jeb or jebstep. ~ake cerrectic~ IPD016 INVALID EXPRESSION IN IF SiAiEMENT Explanation: ihe expressicn within parentheses after the "IF" keyword of a logical or arithmetic IF statement was not recognizable as either a valid logical or arithmetic expression. (FORiRAN G and H only) Proqranmer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanaticn and rerun the jcb or jobstep. 606 Messages and Codes (Release 21.1) Prcblerr. Deterninaticn: 15, 22, 29. IPD028 lE~GTH Table I, items 3, SPECIFICATION INVALID EXFlanatien: In a tYFe-statenent, a length specificaticn was nissing or was incorrect fcr the ty~e of statenent specified for the variable(s) or function. (FCRTRAN G and E cnly) o o Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanatien and rerun the jeb er jobstep. Problerr Cetermination: 15, 22, 29. IPC030 IPD038 The first narre in a NAMELIST staterrent was ret ~receded by a slash, or a narre cr list ef data Freceded by a slash was net follewed by a slash. (COMMON, SUERCUTINE, FUNCTION, ENTRY, NAMELIS~, DATA, INTEGER, REAL, LOGICAL, and COMPLEX staterrents in FCRTRAN G and Henly) (EXPEC~EC Expl~n2tion: A required left parenthesis is missing. ~his message is net issued for statements where parentheses are optional (assignment staterrents, for example), but is issued where a pair of parentheses is roandatory (as in FUNC~IC~, EQUIVALENCE, wRI~E, etc.). Problerr Ceterminatien: 15, 22, 29. IPD032 NAME Rregra!!~S~§ff~: ~ake cerrecticr. ex~laratien ar.d Preblerr Deterrrir.aticr.: IPD040 £regrarr~_S~f£~: Probable user error. ~ake cerrectier. as neted in the ex~lanatien and rerun the jeb er jebstep. FUNC~ION (A,B,C) DIMENSION, X (20,30) CEFINE FILE 8(10,20,U,3X) IPC034 CUMMY ARGUMEN~ Preblerr Deterrrir.atien: 15, 22, 29. IPD042 NUMEER EXPEC~ED A FORMAT staterrent was not nurrbered er a ferrr ether than a statement nurrber was enceur.tered after the "GO ~O" in an uncenditienal GO TO staterrent. (In additien, in FCRTRAN G and H, the invalid ferrr cculd be ir. an ASSIGN or a CALL staterrent. ) EXPEC~ED Explanation: A SUBROUTINE er FUNC~ICN staterrent has an argurrent that is invalid - a constant or an expressien, for example. (~his alse applies to the ENTRY statement in FOR~RAN G and H) Problerr Determinatien: 15, 22, 29. STATE~ENT Table I, items 3, ExE1~~tifE: Table I, items 3, Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jeb er jobstep. INVALID DATA TYPE ty~e declared by the staterrent, the datum was rrissing, er, in an Implicit statement, the type sFecificatien was invalid (e.g., I~FLICIT REEL (D». (Hexadecirral and both ty~es cf literal data are allewed in all ty~e staterrents.) (FORTRAN G and H only) EXPEC~ED Problerr Determinatien: 15, 22, 29. Table I, items 3, ~~fl~EatieE: Either the type ef a datum in a ty~e-staterrent did net agree with the Table I, items 3, Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the . explanation and rerun the jeb er jobstep. Probable user error. as neted in the rerun the jeb er jebstep. 15~22:~~----------- Explanation: A required narre is missing or is preceded by characters that cannot begin a narre. For exarrple, all these statements will receive this message: o EXPECTEC ExE1~tifE: Table I, items 3, Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanatien and rerun the jeb er jobstep. / Prograrrrrer Resff~: Probable user error. cerrectier. as neted in the ~ake Preblerr Deterrrir.atien: 15, 22, 29. IPD044 Table I, items 3, 'TC' EXPECTED §~~~tifE: Ar. ASSIGN staterrent dia not have "TC" in the required ~lace. (FOR~RAN G and Henly) Table I, items 3, R~ograrr~!_S~§f~: Probable user ~ake ccrrecticr. as neted in the IPD036 ex~lanatien ARRAY ClMENSIONS EXPECTED Explanation: A DIMENSION statement gave either partial or ne dirrensien information for one of its array narres, er invalid characters were between the array name and the dimension inforrraticn. and rerun the job er jcbstep. Prcblerr Deterrrir.aticn: 15~2~~~----------- IPD046 error. Table I, items 3, ARGUMENT EXPECTED EXFI~~tieE: o Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jeb er jobstep. Problem Determinatien: 15, 22, 29. Table I, items 3, A CALL staterrent has an invalid er rrissing arguroent in its argurrent list. Prograrrrrer ResFcnse: Probable user error. as ncted in the rerun the job or jebstep. ~ake ccrrecticr. ex~lanatien and IPD Messages - FORTRAN Syntax Checker 607 Problerr Deterw.inaticn: 15, 22, 29. IPD048 DATA LIS~ Table I, items 3, IPD058 Explanation: A data staterrent contains no data list or the data list is se~arated from the variable list by invalid characters. (FOR~RAN G and H cnly) RELA~IONAL OPERATOR Tacle I, items 3, Prcblerr Deternir.aticn: Table I, items 3, IPD060 • EXFECTED ~~~~~~ic~: P. FIN[ statErrEnt did not ccntain an a~cstrcEhe tc sErarate thE oata set reference r.unber frcm thE tx~ression descrininq the reccrd to ce fcund. 1his rressage is issued cnly if tte orrission of the aEcstrc~he leaves a valid data SEt reference nunber. Fer exanrlE, "FIND (10 100)" wculd nct cause this rressage cEcause 10100 is nct a valid data SEt referenCE nurrber. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb or jobstep. , o ProbablE user Error. as nctEd in tte reru~ the jct cr jccstE~. I5~~2~-29:----------- Explanation: In a logical ex~ression, an arithmetic expression was nct follo~ed by a relational operator. (FOR~RAN G and H only) IPD052 P. variable narre did not ~ake ccrrecticr. ex~lanaticn ar.d EXPEC~ED Problew Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29. ~~~~~~ic~: R~ra~~~~_B~~sr.se: Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb or jobstep. IPD050 EXPEC~EI fcllcw a ccrrrra i~ the list cf a READ or WRITE staterrer.t (cr in FOR~RAN G ano H, a PU~CH cr PRINT statenent). EXPEC~ED Problerr Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29. IIC LIST ITEM R~2[~arr~~~_B~§fsr.se: Table I, items 3, PrccaclE user Error. ccrrecticr. as nctEd in tte exrlanaticn and rerun the jcb cr jccstEp. ~ake EXPEC~ED Tacle I, items 3, Prcblerr Deternir.atien: Explanation: In a staterrent with a relatively rigid forrr, such as EQUIVAIE~CE or DEFINE FILE, a corrrra was absent or preoeded by invalid characters. 15~-2~-29:----------- IPD062 I~CCRFECT PARA~ETER - MUS~ BE E, L, OR t ~~fl~~~~i~~: ~he data set control character in a DEFINE FILE statewent was nct an E, I cr U. Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make ccrrection as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb or jobstep. o o R~~~~rre~_B~§fsnse: ProbablE user Error. ccrrecticr. as nctEd in tte exrlanaticn and rerun the jct cr jCbstEp. ~ake Problerr Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29. IPD054 OPERAND EXPEC~ED IN Table I, items 3, ARI~H Prcblerr Deternir.atic~: 15:-2~~9:----------- EXPRESSICN Explanation: An arithrretic c~erator was not followed by a valid arithmetics operand, or two operatcrs cccur together (a s in A * -B). IPD064 DEEUG PARAMETER EXPECTED ~~f1an~~i~~: A valid EararrEtEr did not fcllcw a ccrrrra after a valid rarametEr in a DEEUG statener.t. (FORTRAN G cnly) Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb or jobstep. Problem Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29. Tacle I, items 3, R~s~~~~~_B~§fcr.s~: ProbaclE user Error. ccrrecticr. as nctEd in tte eXElanaticn ar.d rerun the jct cr jccstEp. ~ake Table I, items 3, PrSQ1~~_De~~~i~atic£~ Table I, items 3, 15, 22, 29. IPD056 OPERAND EXPEC~ED IN LOGICAL EXPRESSICN IPD066 Explanation: A logical o~eratcr was not followed by a logical o~erand, or a logical operand was rrissing. An invalid logical operator, such as ".NO~ •• NCT.n, also causes this message. (FOR~RAN G and H only) 608 SUESCFIPT EXPECTED §~f1~~~~i~~: P. subscript was rrissing, not in Cne cf the valid fcrw.s, cr separateo frcrr the rrecedir.g cerrna cr left parenthesis by invalid characters. (FCRTFAN E cnly) Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb cr jobstep. R~sg~~~~~_B~§fcnse: Problerr Determinaticn: 15, 22, 29. Prcblerr Deterrrir.aticn: 15,22, 29. Table I, items 3, Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) ProcablE user Error. ccrrecticr. as ncted in tte ex~lanaticn and rerun the jcc cr jccstep. ~ake ~able I, items 3, o o IP:C068 Preblem Det~rnir.atien: 15,22, 29. TOO MANY LEV:ELS OF PARENTHE-SES Explanation: In a FORMAT statement, group repeat specifications were tee deeply nested. 'FOR'IRAN E does net allo\.; a group repeat specification within a gxoup repeat specification. FOR'IRAN G and H do allo~ this, but allow no further nesting of group repeat s,pecifications. IPDoeo 'I'al::le I, items 3, EXFECTEt IN FORMP.T cotE There was nc pericd as required in the "w.d" fellcwing the t, E, er F fcrwat ccde in a FORMA'I statement. ~~FlanaticE: PrograrrIrerRes~£~: Prol::able user ~ake cerrectier. as neted in tt.e PrograrruerResponse~ Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation~nd rerun the jeb ox jobstep. e~planaticn ar.d rerun the job cr jctstep. Preblem Deternir.atien: Problerr :cetermination: 15, 22,' 29. IP:C072 IPD082 INTEGER EXPEC'IED Tee LCNG NP.~E E~Flan~SE: P. sYIrbelic nane ccntains Rcre than si~ characters, akeyworc of seven er rrere letters at the teginning of a statenent is Rissfelled, cr a misspelled keywcrd,fellcws the "IF(lcgical e~pressicn)" part ef a logical IF staterrent. A rrissing delirriter may caUSE this nessage te be issued. Each cf the fcllcwing statenents wculd preduce this Ressage: Explanation: A numeric constant that ~as not an integer was found whexe an integer is required. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and r~run the jeb ox jobstep. Problerr Determinatien: 15, 22, 29. Table I, items 3, 38 IPD074 PrograrrnerResponse: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the expianation and rerun the jeb er jobstep. Problem Determinatien: 15, 22, 29. IP:C076 Preblerr Deterninatien: 15, 22-;29:----IPD084 Table I, items 3, Problerr Determination: 15, 22, 29. o STP.TE~ENT Table I, items 3, NUMEER INVALID The statement number field (pesiticns 1-5 ef the initial line of a statenent) was zere er ccntained at least cne character that was neitr.er a digit nor a blank. Withir. a staterrent, this message is issued if a statenent nunber is zero or ccntains tco nar.y digits. ~XFlanatieE: DELIMITER MISSING OR INVALID FORMAT ceDE PrograIrrrerResponse: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jeb ox job step. ARG2) R~!:2!!~~§.E.fr.se: Protable user error. ~ake cerrectier. as neted in tr.e e~planaticn and rerun the jct er jctstep. Explanation: In a FO~MAT statement, either a format code was invalid, a delimiter (such as the required comma or slashes between two literal fe~at codes) was missing or the right paxenthesis at the end of the FORMA'! was Irissing,. IPD078 CONTINUE SUEROUTINE X(P.RGl COMPLEX NUMBER INVALID Explanation: 'Ihe two parts ef a comple~ constant did not agree in length, or one or both parts waS not a real constant. (FORTRAN G a'nd Honly> o Table I, items 3, r5:-22~97-·---------- Table I, items 3, error. ~raIrrrer ResE$~: Protable user error. ~ake ccrrecticn as neted in tt.e e~planation ar.d rerun the job or jctstep. Prcblerr teternir.aticn: Is, IPD086 22, 29.---- H-IITERAL Tatle I, items 3, INCO~PLE'!E Table I, items 3, E~FlanaticE: The nunber of cr.aracters in the staterrent after the "E" was smaller than the ccunt befere the "E" in the ,Ii-literal. VARIABLE LIS'I EXPEC'IED Explanation: Ina DATA statement, a variable nane (or list cf variable names) did not occur (1) as the fixst item of the data staterr.ent, or (2) after a comma following.a list. of constante enclosed in slashes. 'Ihis message is alse issued when there are·' invalid characters between the "DATA" keyword or the ccrrl11a and the list of varicibles.(FOR'IRANG and H only) Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noteq in the explanation and rerun the jeb cr jobstep9 Prgu;anrrer B~sFc:r:se: Prctal:le user error .. ~ake cexrecticr. as neted in tr.e e~planaticn ar.d rerun the job or jctstep. Preblew Deter!ir.aticn: 15, 22, IPD088 FIELC Tatle 1, items 3, 29. WIDT~ NCT IN RANGE 1-255 E~E!2na~: The field width specified in a fcrrrat code was nct in the required range .. 1ft Messages - FCRTRAN Syntax Checker 609 that is not alfhabetic will also cause this rressage tc ee issued. (FORTRAN G and H cnly) Proqrarrrrer Response: Probaele user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb or jobstep. Problerr Determination: 15, 22, 29. IPD090 LITERAL EXCEEDS 255 o Table I, items 3, R!~.!!:rrer R~'§.E£ns~: Proeaele user ~ake ccrrecticr. as ncted in tte ex~lanaticn CHARAC~ERS Explanation: ~he nurrber of characters between the apostro~hes of a literal exceeds 255. In deterrrining the numeer of characters enclosed, twc adjaoent apostrophes within the cutermost apostrophes are counted as cne character. error. and rerun the job or jcbstep. Prcblerr Deternir.aticn: Tatl~ I, items 3, 15,22,29. IPD100 FIRST LINE IS A CON~INUATION EXFlanatif~: The first line scanned did nct have "C" ir. fcsiticn cne, ncr did it have a blank cr zerc in pcsition six. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the job or jobstep. f!fg~~_S~.§.E~~: Proeaele user error. ccrrecticr. as ncted in tte eXflanation and rerun the joe or jcbstep. ~ake Problerr Determination: 15, 22, 29. IPD092 STATEMEN~ Table I, items 3, ANALYSIS EXCEEDS ~B1E Prcblerr teterrrir.aticn: 15, 22, 29. 1I~ITS Explanation: ~he staterrent was so complicated that the syntax checker ran out of space in its table. ~he statement cannot be checked by the syntax checker. IPD102 IPD094 LINE WITHIN STATEMENT EXFlanati~: l! ccrrrrent line was found between an initial line and a continuation line cr betweer. twc ccntinuation lines. PrograImer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb or jobstep. Problem Determination: 15, 22, 29. CC~~ENT Table I, items 3, ~!ograrr~!_S~2Fcnse: Probable user error. ccrrecticn as ncted in tte eXflanation and rerun the job or jcbstep. ~ake Table I, items 3, Frcblerr Deterrrir.aticn: 15:-22, 297----------- Ta1::le I, items 3, ENt REQUIRES BLANK LABEL & CON~IN FIE1DS IPD104 Explanation: Positions 1-6 of an END statement roust be blank, and an END statement cannot have ccntinuation lines. TCC Ml!NY CONTI~Ul!TICN LINES () ~~~~~ti~~: The stateroent ocnsisted of an initial line fcllowed ey rrcre than 19 ccntinuation lir.es. Proqrarrrrer Response: Probaele user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb or jobstep. f!ograrrrr~SesEf~: Proea1::le user ~ake ccrrecticr. as ncted in tte error. eXflanaticn and rerun the job or jobstep. Problerr Determination: 15, 22, 29. IPt096 Table I, items 3, Frcblerr teterrrir.aticn: 15, 22, 29. ~a1::le I, items 3, INVALIC OR EXCESS SOURCE CHARACiERS IPD106 Explanation: ~he staterrent being checked completely satisfies the definition for that type of statement at scme ~oint before the last non-blank character in the stateroent. ihis may occur if a delimiter has been left out between elements of a statement. Tce ~l!NY tECI~l!1 PLl!CES FOR FIELD WIt~H ~~~~ti~~: Ir. a [, E, F, or G format cede, the fracticnal fcrtion ("d" of "w.d") exceeded the tctal field width ("w" cf "w.d"). (<= in FORTRAN G and H only) f!~!arrrre!_S~2.Esnse: Proeable user error. ccrrecticr. as ncted in the eXflanaticn and rerun the job or jcbste~. ~ake Prograrrrrer Response: Probable user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jcb or jobstep. Problerr Determinatic_n: 15, 22, 29. IPD098 Taele I, items 3, Table I, iteros 3, INVALIt RANGE IN IMPLICIT IPD108 S~~EMENT Explanation: An IMPLICIT statement contains a range of characters in which the last character of the range alphabetically precedes the first cha.racter of the range. Note that "$" follows "Z" in the alphabet. A character 610 Prcblerr teterrrir.aticn: 15, 22, 29. Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) DECIMl!L PLACES MUST EE SPECIFIED EXFlan~tio~: Ir. a fracticnal ~orticn C, E, or F format code, ("d" of "w.d") was rrissing or was sefarated from the decimal ~cint by invalid characters. Prograrrrrer ResFcr.se: Proeaele user error. ccrrecticr. as ncted in the eXflanaticn ar.d rerun the job or jcbstep. ~ake o o Problem Determinatien: 15, 22, 29. Table I, items 3, IPt110I ) REQUIRED FOR IMPLIED DO Prcblerr ~eternir.aticn: 15, 22,~9:----------IPD120 ~atle 1, items 3, I1STEGER TCO LARGE E~~~!icn: Explanation: In the inFut er eutput list of an 1/0 statement, a right parenthesis was not the first nen-blank character after the parameters of an implied DC. The rragnitude of an integer ccnstant exceeds 2147483647. ~rcgrarr!!:~_sg§.E.fr:se: Prol::atle user error. ccrrecticr. as ncted in tr.e eXFlanatien and rerun the jet er jcl::step. ~ake Prograrrrrer Response: Probatle user error. Make correction as noted in the explanation and rerun the jct er jobstep. Problem Determination: 15, 22, 29. Prcblero ~eternir.aticn: 15, 22, 29:----------- Table I, items 3, IPD122 IPt112 to VARIAELE CANNO~ BE CICSING' EXPECTEt SUBSCRIP~ED EXFlana!!~~: The end cf the statement was reached witheut finding the elesing apcstrcFhe fer a literal ccnstant cr literal fcrrrat cede. ~he cpening apcstreFhe of the literal is the scurce character identified in the errcr message. FORTRAN IV H Unnumbered Messages FORTRAN IV H Unnurrbered Messages are net included in this publicatien. They are decurrented in the publication IEM 2Ysterr/360 OEerating System: FCRTRA~ IV (G and H) Prcqrarrrrer's Guide, GC28-6817. If your installatien uses FOR~RAN IV G frequently, ycu way Frefer tc have its messages in this publicatien~ the ir.dex tat on this page is provided sc that yeu can rerrcve the rressages from the prograrrrrer's guide and insert therr here. For routing and descriFtcr ccdes ef ttese messages, see Table 8 in Part V of this publicatien: .. Routing and res criFter Cedes. II o FCRTRAN IV H Unnurrbered Messages 623 o o o 624 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7> o Linkage Editor Module Disposition Messages ***** Nete: member narre NOW ADDED TO DATA SET. ***** member narre NOW REPLACED IN Programmer Response: ***** DA~ SET. Nene. alias name IS AN ALIAS FOR THIS MEMBER. Explanation: The alias narre sfecified in the message has been assigned to the load module created in this execution cf the linkage editor. The alias name can be an alternate entry point in the module cr an additional name for the primary entry point. Programmer Response: ***** ***** ~ODUI.E HAS EEEN MARKEe attribute [,attribute] [,AND attribute] ~~~nati£n: The directcry entry for the lead ncdule created by this execution of the linkage editcr has been rrarked with the attributes narred in the rressage. Each attribute field ir. the rressage can be one of the. fcllcwing: None. Explanation: The replacerrent function ~as specified in the NAME centrol statement, and the member named in this rressage did exist prior to this execution of the linkage editor. The load module created by the linkage editor has replaced the existing member in the partitioned data set specified on the SYSLMOe CD card. o Ccrrect the error and link edit the stef again. A NAME statement ~ith the replacerrer.t functicn will be needed if the new lead rrcdule is to replace the load rrcdule rrarked NOT EXECUTAELE in an existing data set. member narre COES NOT EXIST BUT HAS BEEN ACCEC TO TEE CATA SET. Programmer Response: ***** R~f~~g!_Re§E£r§g: None. Explanation: The replacerrent function ~as specified in the NAME centrol statement, but the member narred in this rressage did not exist prior te this executien cf the linkage editor. The lead module created has been added to the ~artitioned data set s~ecified on the SYSLMOC CD card with the member name specified in this message. s~ecified, fcr a severity 2 errcr ccnditicn. Explanation: The load module created by this execution ef the linkage editcr has been added to the ~artitioned data set s~ecified on the SYSLMOC CD card with the member name specified in this message. Programmer Response: If the LET cfticn has been t~linkage editcr will nct take this action REFRESHABI.E REENTERABLE REUSAELE NOT REFRESBABLE NOT REENTERABLE NOT REUSABLE The attributes (REFR, RENT, er REUS) are specified in the PARM field cf tr.e EXEC staterrent fer the linkage editer jeb step. The specified attributes can be negated, however, because the linkage editer checks the rrcdule attributes in the directory entry for each input lcad rrcdule included from systerr cr private libraries by linkage editor centrcl staterrents cr the auterratic library call rrechanisrr. Ar.y incerrpatible attributes ~ill cause the lir.kage editor to everride tte attribute specified cn the EXEC statement. If any input lead rrcdule is marked NOT REUSAELE, the eutfut lcad module is marked NCT REUSAELE. If any is rrarked NOT REENTERAELE, the cut put lcad rrcdule is marked NCT REENTERAEI.E. If any is rrarked NOT REFRESHAELE, the cutput lcad rredule is marked NCT REFRESHAEI.E. Nene. MODULE BAS BEEN MARKED NOT EXECU~BLE. Explanation: The linkage editcr has encountered an error ccndition (severity code 2 or greater) that may cause an error during execution of the load rroaule. (The numbered diagnostic messages issued by the linkage editor describe the error.) The linkage editor sets a flag in the directory entry for the load module to indicate that the module cannot be executed. E~rarrrr~ ResEen§g: Ceterrrine if each attribute assigned tc the eutput lead module is ene ycu want. If nct, check the attribute assigned tc each ir.put lcad rredule for a pessible ccnflict. When an undesirable attribute is feund, exarrine the lcad module te see if the attribute is accurate. If it is nct, recreate the inccrrect rrcdule from its cbject deck, specifying the cerrect attribute cn the PARM field ef tte EXEC staterrent. Then link edit the original job again. c I.inkage Editcr Module CiSfcsiticn Messages 625 o 626 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o o Maintenance Analysis Log Unnumbered Messages CHANGE ITEM BYPASSEC - CHANGE DO NOT CHECK. LEVEL~ FORCE AND EXCEPT BarB SPECIFIEr. Explanation: ~he change level in the change SSI is not one greater than the change level in the library SSI. FORCE OVERRIDES .• ~XFlana~icE~ Ecth a FORCE card and an EXCEPT card were sutrritted fcr the change itew. The analyzer acce~ts only the FORCE card. CHANGE ITEM BYPASSED - EXCEPT CARD. FORCED Explanation: ~he change item is intended for a member that does not exist in the user's system libraries. The change item has not been treated as a new member, because no FORCE card was submitted for it. If a FORCE card was used, the change item is not an additicmlor re~lacement, and therefore cannot be added to a library. ~CDIFICATION TO A LFF. LFF FLAG RE~AINED. Ex.E1anati cill The change iterr is a rrodificaticn that has teen fcrced against a library rrerrber ccntaining a local fix. The lccal-fix flag in the litrary E~I renains on. FORCED MODIFICATION TO A P~F. PTF FLAG RE~AINED. ~!.F1~~ti cill The change iteIT is a nedificaticn that has teen forced against a library nenber ccntaining a prcduct-terr~orary-fix. The P~F flag in the library SSI renains on. CHANGE ITEM BYPASSED - LOCAL-FIX FLAG ON. Explanation: ~he local-fix flag is on in the library SSI; no FORCE card was submitted for the change item. FORCED REPLACEMENT TO A LFF. LFF FLAG SE~ OFF. CHANGE ITEM BYPASSED - NOT IN SYSTEM. ~!~naticn~ o Explanation: ~he change item is intended for a member that dces not exist in the user's system libraries. The change item has not been treated as a new member, because no FORCE card was submitted for it. If a FORCE card was used, the change item is not an addition or re~lacement, and therefore cannot be added to a library. CHANGE ITEM BYPASSED - PTF FLAGS DO NO~ EXPEC~~ PTF. P~F FIAG ~ET FORCED REPLACEMENT TO A PTF. SE~ OFF. EXFlanaticn: The change iterr is a that has teen fcrced against a library menber ccntaining a prcduct-ten~orary-fix. The P~F flag in the library SSI is set off. LIBRARY BYFASSEC - COULC NOT BE OPENEC. Ex.E1~ticE~ The litrary identified in the header lir.e cf this lcg ~age could not be o~ened, ~rcbatly tecaus e a DD card was net subrritted fcr it (cr the ~D card ccntained an ur:detected errcr). Therefcre, nc change iterrs fcr this library cculd be analyzed. OFF. Explanation: ~he change item, which has been included in the job-stream output, expected the product- te~~orary-fix that had been made in the rrerrber to be updated. The PTF flag in the ~rrber's library SSI is set off. PTF FLAG re~lacenent CHECK. Explanation: ~he P~F flag is cn in the library SSI, but the prcduct-temporary-fix is not expected by the change item. No FORCE card was submitted for the change item. CHANGE ITEM The change iterr is a that has teen fcrced against a library nenber ccntaining a lccal fix. The lccal-fix flag in the litrary ~SI is set cff. re~lacenent NEW ~E~BER TC EE A~DE~ TO SYSTEM. UPDATE ANALYSIS HAS COMPLETEr. ~~.E1anaticill Ncrnal end-cf-jct message. () Maintenance Analysis Lcg Unnunbered Messages 627 o o 628 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7> o PL/I Object Program Unnumbered Messages PL/I Cbject Prcgrarr Unr.urrtered Messages are not included in this ~ublicaticn. They are documented in the publication IBM systerr/360 OEerating §y§~~!_:__ FL/I-J!1-R~ggrarrrrer's Guide, GC28-6594. If your installaticn uses PL/I F frequently, you may prefer tc have its rressages in this publicaticn; this ~age and the index tat for this section is ~rcvided sc that ycu can remove the messages frcrr· the Prcgrarrrrer's Guide and insert them here. For routing and descri~tcr cedes cf tr.ese messages, see Table 23 in Part V cf tr.is publicaticn: "Rcuting and r:escri~or Codes." o C) PL/I Object Prcgrarr Unnurrbered Messages 629 o () o 630 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) System Generation Unnumbered Messages 7,* * * GENERATION TERlHNATE[ * * * The system generation precess was abr.errrally terrrinated. ~~El~~ticn: *, nessage text ExE1~~~ticn: This type cf rressage dccurrents the eptiens selected for the new systerr threugh the system generation macro instructicns. All c~tions are deserited~ whether the selectien was explicit or irrFlici t. o· o systerr Generatien Unnurrtered Messages 631 o o 632 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7> o PART V: ROUTING AND DESCRIPTOR CODES o c Rcuting and tescriFtcr Codes .. 633 ~ o o 634 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Messages Routing Codes 6 Routing codes provide the ability tc route system operator messages to selected functicnal areas. More than one routing code can be assigned to each message. Through IIIultiple conscle su~~ort, each system operator receives only those messages related to the commands that he enters and to his assigned functions. ~he routing ccdes are specified in the ROUTCDE paraHeter cf the ~TC/R macro instruction. DISl< LIERARY tc be used fcr any Hessage that s~ecifies disk library infcrHaticn -- fcr example, Hessages that request, via volume serial nUHbers, that disk ~acks te ottained for systeH cr ~rcgraHHer use. 7 UNIT RECORD POOL tc be used for any Hessage that s~ecifies unit reccrd equi~Hent infcrHaticn -- for exaH~le, Hessages that request that printer chains be Hcunted. 8 TELEFRCCESSING CCNTROL tc be used for any Hess age that specifies the status cr the dis~csiticn cf tele~rocessing equi~Hent -- fcr example, Hessages that indicate line errors. 9 SYSTEM SECURITY tc be used fcr any Hessage associated with security checkir.g -- fcr exaIllfle, messages that require reflies s~ecifying a passwcrd. Code 1 2 Meaning MASTER CONSOLE ACTION to be used for any Hessage that indicates a change in the systero status and demands action by the master console o~erator. MASTER CONSOLE INFoRMATION to be used for any Hessage that indicate s such a a change in the system status. message does not deHand acticn, but alerts the master console operator to a condition that may require his action. This routing code is used for any Hessage that indicates job status: it is also used for processor and problem ~rogram messages to the system operator. 3 TAPE POOL to be used for any Hessage that specifies the status of a tape unit or reel, the disposition of a tape reel, cr other tape oriented information -- for exam~le, messages that request that tapes be mounted. 4 CIRECT ACCESS POOL to be used for any Hessage that specifies the status of a direct access unit or pack, the disposition of a disk ~ack, or other direct access oriented information -- for example, messages that request that disks be mounted. o 5 TAPE LIBRARY to be used for any Hessage that specifies tape library information -- for example, messages that request, via volume serial numbers, that tapes be cbtained for system or programmer use. 10 SYSTEM ERROR/MAINTENANCE to be used for any Hessage that indicates a systeH errcr cr an uncorrectatle infut/cutput errcr, cr any Hessage asscciated with systeH maintenance. 11 FRCGRA~~ER INFOR~ATION tc be used fcr any Hessage that is of interest cnly tc the ~robleH frogrammer. This routing ccde is used cnly when the prcgraH issuing the Hess age has no way of rcuting the Hess age tc the ~rcgrammer via the systeH outfut data set facility. ~he rressage will affear in the jct's system cut~ut Hessage class. 12 ElolUI.ATCRS to be used fcr any Hessage issued ty an eHulatcr ~rograH. (~hese Hessages are not included in this futlicaticn, tut are ccntained in the SysteHs Reference Library publicaticns that describe the emulator prcgraHs. ) 13 Reserved for custcHer use 14 Reserved for custcHer use 15 Reserved for custcHer use 16 Reserved fir future ex~ansicn 16 Reserved for future ex~ansicn o Routing and rescripticn Codes 635 ..W o o o 636 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Messages Descriptor Codes rescriptor codes provide the rreans fer deterroining how a message is to be printed er dis~layed and how a message is to be deleted frorr a graphic device. Cescriptor codes 1 thrcugh 7 are mutually exclusive; a message can be assigned only one such code. rescriptor code 8 and 9, however, may ce used with any other descriptor code. ~he descriptor codes are specified in the DESC parameter of the W~O/R macro instruction. Messages Sent to the Hard Copy Log All rressages that are sent tc the hard co~y log are prefixed with a tine starrf and the routine codes used te reute the ness ages. (Tr.e time stamp is included cnly if the tirrer feature is a part of the central ~rccessing unit and the timer option is specified in the CENPROCS Cr SUPRVSOR system generation rracrC instructicn.) Each legged message will have the fcllcwing fcrrrat: hhmmss rrrr rressage Code 1 Meaning SYSTEM FAILURE to be used for any rressage that indicates an uncorrectable error cccurred. To continue, the operator rrust restart the hh specifies the hcur (00-23). mm specifies the rrinute (00-59). syste~. ss 2 3 4 o IMMECIATE AC~ION REQUIRED to be used for any rressage that requires an immediate action by the c~erator. The tas~ ~aits until the requested action is complet.ed. EVENTUAL AC~ION REQUIRED to be used for any rressage that requires an eventual action by the e~erator. The task does not aw,ait corr~letion of the action. SYSTEM STATUS to be used for any rressage that indicates the status of a systerr task er the status of a hardware unit. 5 IMMECIATE COMMAND RESPONSE to be used for any rressage that is issued as an irrmeqiate ~es~onse te a system command. ~he completicn of the response is not dependent upcn another system action or task. 6 JOB STATUS to be used for any rressage that contains status information regarding the job or job step. specifies the seccnd (00-59). rrrr s~ecifies the hexadecirral re~resentation of the rcuting cede field. The hexadecimal nurrber rrust be ccnverted to a binary number and then ccm~ared tc the routing cedes. For exarr~le, hexadecirral nunber 420C can be shown te re~resent routing ccdes 2, 7, 13, and 14: Hexadecinal 4 Binary 0 1 0 0 :Routing codes 1 2 3 4 8 9 o APPLICATION PROGRAM/PROCESSOR to be used for any nessage that is issued while a,Pt"ogram is in ~roblein program mpde. 10-16 Reserved for fut~re use 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 C 0 0 1 1 0 0 13 14 15 16 The following is the hardccfY log rressage format for multiple-line WTO rressages (including system status dis~lays): (Ccntrel lir.e cf the status dis Flay) Byte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Data h h rr rr s s b rc rc rc rc b first line text OUT OF LINE MESSAGE to be used for one rressage cf a group of one or u.ore messages that is to be displayed out oflfpe~ If the device support cannot print a rressage out of line. the code will be ignored and the message will be pr~nted ~n line ~ith other messages. OPERATOR1S R~QUES~ to be used fora message that is ~ritten ~n response to an operator1s request for information (made by rreans cf tne'DISPlAY or ~ONITOR co~mand). 0 roessage specifies the rressage identificatien and nessage text. First line 7 2 0 0 1 0 tine starr~ 8 9 10 11 12 13----to----84 rcuting cedes Byte 1 2 3 4 5----------tc----------76 Data n n n b text ~essage Identif ica ti on Nunber Routing and rescriptien Codes 637 • ~ o ( J-"" o 638 Messages and Codes (Re lease 21.7) o Key to the FoUowing Figures NCTE 3 indicates rressages that have a routing code of 1 and are alsc rcuted to each active console. (All these rress ages are routed to the rraster ccnscle, but each individual rr-essage is rcuted cnly to the conscle that the rressage describes.) tescriptor codes 1-8 as descr ibed above. Routing codes 1-12 as described above. • NOTE 4 indicates that the messages will be routed back to the consoles that initiated the associated requests. indicates rressages that are troadcast to each acti ve ccnsole. NOTE 5 indicates rressages that have a rcuting code of 2 and are alsc rcuted to each individual conscle assurring the ca~atilities of the failing ccnscle. (These rressages are issued to indicate that a ccnscle switcr. has occurred. ) # indicates that the message will be routed: (1) according to the routing indicators specified by the operator; (2) according to the default routing instructions ~reviously specified by the operator; or (3) back to the console that initiated the associated request. x indicates that the code denoted by x is always present. o indicates that one of the routing codes denoted by 0 is present. a and b indicates that either both the routing codes denoted by a or both the routing codes denoted by b are present. indicates that the routing code mayor may not be present NOTE 6 indicates rressages that are routed only to the CRT tisplay Ccnscles. (These messages are not issued via ,the WTO/R rracrc instruction.) Systerr Ccrrrrands issued from the Medel 85 O~eratcr Ccnsole with CRT Display are rrcved frcrr the entry area to the rressage area via the WTO rracrc instruction. The rressages are rcuted back to the Model 85 conscle. NOTE 7 indicates rressages that are rcuted only to conscles where a tISPLAY (or MONITOR) JCBNAMES ccrrrrand is active. NCTE 8 NOTE 1 o indicates messages that issued via START I/C operations. (These messages are not issued' via the WTO/R macro instruction.) indicates rressages that are issued via the WTC/R rracrc instructicn, tut have no routing or descri~tor codes s~ecified (old format WTC/R reacrc instructicn). Routing and rescri~icn Codes • 639_ lEA F~gure 1. Routing and Descr~ptor Descriptor Codes Co d es 0 f SuperV~sor Messages (P ar t 1 o f 3) Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o o ,10 11 12 IEAOOOA IEAOOOA adr,INT REQ,cm,stat,sensbbbbbb"ser,jjj adr,INT REQ,CC=3/NO PATHS AVAILABLE",jjj o o IEAOOOI IEAOOOI IEAOOOI adr,errmsg,cm,stat,sensbbbbbb,dcbctfd,ser,hh.mm.ss lna,err,cm,stat,ibss,opxxterm"jjj,hh.mm.ss adr,err,cm,stat,sensbbbbbb, Ibinxcy In trck~ ,ser,jjj,hh.mm.ss binxsbstcytr dcbctfd x o 0 0 x x x x x x x IEAOOlI UNIT adr, PATH pth INOPERATIVE [FOR CPU xl o 0 0 x x IEAOO7I NO CORE AVAIL FOR NEW REGN x IEA02l1 jjj sss CORE IMAGE BYPASSED -x x IEA0221 jjj sss CORE IMAGE FAILED -x x x IEA023I jjj sss CORE IMAGE COMPLETE -x x x x IEA027I IEA027I jjj sss ENQUEUED RESOURCES xxxx, yyyy x x IEA028A REPLY 'c' OR 'N' x IEA0291 jjj sss TASK xxx {REINSTATED REINSTATEMENT FAILED} x IEAlOOI TIMER IS NOT WORKING. IEAlOlA SPECIFY SYSTEM PARAMETERS FOR RELEASE xx.yy.sss IEAlO2A INVALID PARAMETER/FORMAT - RESPECIFY IEAlO31 DATASET dsn NOT FOUND BY LOCATE IEAlO4A M ser IEAlO5A dsn RESIDES ON A UNIT (utn) FOR WHICH THERE IS NO UCB IEAlO61 mem NOT FOUND IN lib IEAlO7I prm IGNORED IEAlO81 PERMANENT I/O ERROR DURING BLDL IEAlO91 BLDL FAILED FOR FOLLOWING MODULES IEAllOi LOAD FAILED FOR lmd IEAlllA SPACE EXCEEDED - RESPECIFY prm IEAl121 LIST lis FOR prm - INVALID FORMAT IEAl131 prm MODULE LIST IEA1l41 SVC xxx NOT SUPPORTED IEAllSI SVC xxx NOT DEFINED x x II 0 I~ x x I 0 0 Ix I x x - ---- NONE 0 0 o NOTE 1 o 640 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) () lEA Figure 1. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Supervisor Messages (Part 2 of 3) Descriptor Codes R~~ting Codes Message Texts * 1/21314IsI617/8 NONE o IEAl16A CONTINUE SYSTEM PARAMETERS IEAl171 NUMBER OF TIME-SLICING GROUPS EXCEEDS SYSGEN LIMIT IEAl18I TIME SLICE VALUE INCREASED TO 20 MILLISECONDS IEAl191 SQS SIZE INCREASED TO nnnn BYTES IEA120A DEVICE ddd SHARED. IEA1301 LINK LIBRARY DATA SETS NOT FOUND IEA131A MOUNT LINKLIB VOLeS) : IEA13SA SPECIFY SYSl.DUMP TAPE UNIT ADDRESS OR NO IEA1361 DEVICE AT ddd UNACCEPTABLE FOR SYS1.DUMP-xxxx IEA137A M ddd,NL IEA138A D ddd IEAlSOA SPECIFY HARDCPY IEA152I HARDCPY SPECIFICATION INVALID IEA1531 HARDCPY CONSOLE UNAVAILABLE IEA154I HARD COPY OF INITIALIZATION MESSAGES DISCONTINUED IEA20SI UNABLE TO SCRATCH dsn ON ser IEA206I UNABLE TO ALLOCATE dsn ON ser IEA2071 FORMATTING OF dsn DATA SET UNSUCCESSFUL IEA2081 fff FUNCTION INOPERATIVE IEA2091 dsn SCRATCHED FROM ser IEA2101 dsn ALLOCATED ON ser IEA211I OBTAIN FAILED FOR dsn DATA SET IEA212A D, xxx OR.yyy IEA213I INITIALIZATION OF SYSl.ASRLIB INCOMPLETE IEA214I I/O ERROR DURING SYS1.ASRLIB INITIALIZATION IEA216I GETMAIN FAILED DURING INITIALIZATION IEA217I SEREP INTERFACE ESTABLISHED IEA2181 MODEL=nnn/sys, ALTSYS=ddd ASSUMED IEA2191 MODEL NOT SUPPORTED IEA2201 HO=nn BYTES Hl=nn BYTES IEA2S0E TIMER ON CPU Y INOPERATIVE, VARY COMMANDS MAY BE AFFECTED 11213141s161718191 10l11112 REPLY 'CONTINUE' OR 'WAIT' ser NOTE 1 Routing and Descriptor Codes 641 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Figure 1. IEA r't-e_'J' Routing and Descriptor Codes of Supervisor Messages (Part 3 of 3) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IEA251E CONTROL UNIT ccX HAS PARTITION SWITCHES SET ASYMMETRICALLY IEA252I STORAGE LOCATIONS xxxxxx IEA253I CHANNELS OFFLINE y:x IEA254W STORAGE BOX ENABLE/DISABLE SWITCHES SET ASYMMETRICALLY IEA255W BOTH PREFIX SWITCHES ARE SET THE SAME IEA256I PARTITIONED SYSTEM INITIATED IEA257I ONE CPU MULTIPROCESSOR INITIATED IEA258I MULTIPROCESSOR INITIATED IEA260I STATUS OF DEVICE dev dev dev dev dev x cc x x x x cc x x x x x x x cc x x x x x cc x x x x cc x x x x x IEA400I jjj, sss R/I I/O ERR x x x IEA401I jjj, sss R/O I/O ERR x x IEA402A ROLLOUT/IN MSGS REQUIRED. x IEA403I jjj, sss, LOG R/O siz, adr x x IEA404I REGN adr LOG ROLLIN x x IEA405I j j j, sss, R/O OF jjj, sss x x NONE x '1'0 yyyyyy OFFLINE REPLY Y OR N. NOTE 1 x (--'\, '\.....,J)/ IEA406I jjj, sss, ROLLIN x IEA604A D adr, ser x x IEA605A M adr,ser, ,jjj x x IEA606I adr,BAD VOLUME LABEL,cm,stat,sensbbbbbb"ser, [j j j] x x IEA620I ddd TR=nnn, TW=nnn, SIO=nnnnn ERROR THRESHOLD REACHED x x x o 642 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Figure 2. Descriptor Codes lEB Routing and Descriptor Codes of Data Set Utility Messages Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 3 456 7 8 9 10 11 12 IEB901A M ddd,ser,jjj,sss x x IEB902I INVALID NAME FIELD x x IEB903I INVALID OPERATION x x IEB904I INVALID KEYWORD x x IEB905I INVALID PARAMETER VALUE x x IEB906I DUPLICATE OPERATION FIELD x x IEB907I INCONSISTENT REPLACE PARAMETER x x IEB908I CONFLICTING OPTIONS SPECIFIED x x IEB909I EXPECTED CONTINUATION NOT RECEIVED x x IEB910I NO SYSUTl DD CARD - JOB TERMINATED x x IEB9l1I NO SYSIN DD CARD - ALL DEFAULT OPTIONS ASSUMED x x IEB912I NO SYSPRINT DD CARD - DUMMY ASSUMED x x IEB913I NO{SYSUT2}DD CARD - DUMMY ASSUMED SYSUT3 x x IEB9l4I DCB SUBPARAMETER(S) MISSING IN ddn dd CARD - DEFAULTS ASSUMED x x IEB915I DDNAME ddn CANNOT BE OPENED x x IEB916I INCONSISTENT ddn DCB PARAMETERS x x IEB9l7I LOAD MODULE SPECIFIED FOR prm NOT FOUND x x IEB918I JOB TERMINATED AFTER prm EXIT x x IEB919I INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE x x IEB920I ddd,devtyp,ddn,op,err,xxxx,acc x x IEB921I ddd,devtyp,ddn,op,err,xxxx,ac x x IEB922I ddd,devtyp,ddn,op,err,xxxx,acc x o Routing and Descriptor Codes 643 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Figure 3. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Data Management Messages (Part 1 of 4) IEC Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IEC001A M ddd, ser [, labtyp] [, den] , j j j , sss [, dsn] o x IEC001E M ddd, ser [, labtyp] [,den] , j jj , sss [,dsn] x x x IEC002E K ddd,ser[,labtyp] [,den] ,jjj,sss[,SPACE=prm] o 0 x 0 [,dsn] x IEC003E R ddd, ser [ ,labtyp] [,den] , jj j , sss [, SPACE=prm] o 0 x IEC004E D ddd,ser[,labtyp] [,den],jjj,sss[,SPACE=prm] [,dsn] o 0 o 0 x IEC007D E ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn x IEC009A F ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn x x IEC010D F ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn x IEC012I I/O ERR ddd,ser IEC014E D ddd IEC017I A ddd,ddn{1} IEC018D A ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn IEC020I 001-x,jjj,sss,ddn,ddd,ser,dsn IEC021I NO SPACE IN PASSWORD DATA SET x IEC0221 x x x x x x x x _x x x x x (-1--\ 137-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x I....._. IEC023I 237-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x IEC024I 337-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC025I 437-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC026I 637-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC027I 737-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC028I 837-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC030I B37-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC031I D37-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC032I E37-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x IEC101A x M ddd, ser [, labtyp] [,den] , jjj, sss [,dsn] o IEC104E D ddd, ser x IEC105I ddd,jjj REDUCED ERROR RECOVERY REQUESTED IEC106E R ddd, ser x IEC107D E ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn x IEC109A F ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn x x IEC110D F ddd,ser,jjj,sss,dsn x x x x x x x x x x x IEC112I {I/O ERR} ddd, ser SEC VOL y x 0 x x x o x 0 x o 644 Messages and Codes (Rrelease 21.7) Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Figure 3. () Routing and Descriptor Codes of Data Management Messages (Part 2 of 4) lEe Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IEC114E D ddd {,ser,jjj,SSS,ddn-n} ,ddn-n x IEC1191 ERROR-lMAGELIB,CODE-n x IEC120A M xxx, character set code [, FOLD] [, VERIFY] x x IEC121D V xxx, character set code [,FOLD] x x IEC122D xxx, character set code UCS IMAGE NOT FOUND x x IEC123D xxx, SPECIFY UCS PARAMETER x x IEC1241 xxx, ERROR OCCURRED WHILE LOADING FCB x x IEC1251 ERROR - REPEAT REPLY x x IEC1261 xxx, UNCORRECTABLE ERROR LOADING UCS x x IEC127D xxx, image-id FCB IMAGE NOT FOUND x x IEC128D V xxx, VERIFY FORMS ALIGNMENT x x IEC129D xxx, SPECIFY FCB PARAMETER x x IEC1301 ddn DD STATEMENT MISSING x x IEC1311 xx,jjj,sss,RDJFCB ISSUED FOR DCB WITH BLANK DDNAME x IEC134D A ddd,ser,jjj,sss, [dsn] x IEC1401 ddn., ser {START} END OF DATA SET NOT ON VOLUME x x IEC1411 013-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1421 113-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1431 213-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1441 313-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1451 413-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1461 513-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1471 613-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1481 713-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1491 813-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1501 913-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1511 A13-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1521 B13-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1531 C13-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1541 140-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1551 240-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC1561 03D-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC157I C13-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd x x o * x x x x Routing and Descriptor Codes x 645 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Figure 3. IEC Routing and Descriptor Codes of Data Management Messages (Part 3 of 4) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IEC158I D13-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd[,ser,dsn] x x IEC159I E13-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd x x IEC202E K ddd, ser [, labtyp] [ , den] , j j j , sss [, SPACE=prm] [ ,dsn] x IEC204E D ddd,ser[,labtyp] [,den],jjj,sss[,SPACE=prm] [,dsn] o x IEC209I [jj j ser] ddd TR=nnn, TW=nnn, EG=nnn, CL=nnn, N=nnn, SIO=nnnnn x x IEC210I 214-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC211I 314-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC212I 414-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC213I 514-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC214I 614-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC215I 714-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC216I A14-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC217I B14-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC218I 117-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC219I 217-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#1,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC220I 317-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC221I 417-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC222I 717-rc,jjj,sss,ddn[-#],ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC223I jjj,sss,ddn[-#] ,ddd,ser,dsn x x IEC301A SfOB jjj, STEP sss, DDNAME ddn [,CONC n]} DSNAME dsn x IEC400A M ddd,ser/dsn x x x IEC401A F ddd,ser/dsn x x IEC402D F d-d,ser/dsn x IEC403A M ddd,ser x x IEC601D M ddd,ser REPLY=SKIP VOL OR MOUNTING x x IEC701D M ddd, VOLUME TO BE LABELED ser x IEC703I ddd, VOLUME IS FILE PROTECTED x IEC704A L ddd x x IEC70SI TAPE ON ddd, ser IS labtyp,den BPI x x IEC801I Ina THRESHOLD TRANS=nnn DC=nnn IR=nnn TO=nnn x x IEC802I Ina LINE TOTA~S TRANS=nnnnnnnn DC=nnnnn IR=nnnnn TO=nnnnn x x x o 0 • 0 x f~ ~,/ x x x x .. x o 646 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Figure 3. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Data Management Messages (Part 4 of 4) lEe Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B x x x IECB04A Ina CONTROL UNIT NOT OPERATIONAL. OR pos'r x IECB051 I/O ERROR - CHECKPOINTS TERMINATED x IECB06I Ina, LINE UNAVAILABLE, ENDING STATUS NOT RECEIVED x x IEC807I cuu ONLINE TEST xx yy tt nn id x x IEC80BI cuu ONLINE TEST xx yy tt 11 dd x x IEC8091 Ina CONTROL UNIT NOT OPERATIONAL x o 1 1 21 3 4 5 6, 7 B IEC8151 REPLY CONT x cuu tttt yy ERS z cuu xx tttt THRESHLD cuu xx tttt y'y eeee zzzz yy eeee zzzz yy eeee zzzz yy eeee zzzz cuu ww tttt eeeeeee zzzz eeeeeee zzzz eeeeeee zzzz eeeeeee zzzz x 910 " 12 x x x x x x x x IEC9001 INVALID ABEND CODE PASSED TO MODULE xxxxxxxx x x IEC901I UNABLE TO RECOVER DUE TO I/O ERR ON JOB QUEUE x x IEC950I 003-x 3525 ASSOCIATED DATA SET I/O SEQUENCE ERROR x x IEC951I 004 INVALID FORMAT CARD OR INVALID DEVICE FOR OMR x 'X IEC9521 004 CONFLICT/INVALID DCB FUNC OR RELATED PARAMETER x x IEC9531 004 DATA PROTECTION IMAGE NOT FOUND x o Routing and Descriptor Codes ..- 647 _ lED Routing Codes Operator Messages * 123 4 567 8 x I o Figure 4". Routing and Descriptor Codes of TCAM Messages (Part 1 of 5) Descriptor Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 x x IEDOOII TCAM JOB jjj,sss,proc ADDRESS OF AVT adr x IED002A SPECIFY TCAM PARAMETERS x x IED003A INVALID KEYWORD xxxx x x IED004A REQUIRED PARAMETER MISSING. SPECIFY xxx x x IED005A MSUNITS (m) SPECIFICATION NOT PERMITTED. CONTINUE RESPONSE x x IED006A INVALID OPERAND ON KEYWORD. x x IED0071 xxx IS AN ILLEGAL DESTINATION x x IED0081 TCAM OPEN ERROR xxx=y IN DCB zzz descriptor x x IED0091 x x IEDOIOI CHECKPOINT DISK ALLOCATION ERROR - DATA SET NOT OPENED CHECKPOINT INSUFFICIENT CORE DATA SET NOT OPEN xxx ENVIRON xxx INCIDENT xxx CKREQ name xxx INCIDENT RECORD IGNORED I x x IEDOIII SYSTEM INTERVAL CANNOT BE ALTERED x x IED0121 TSO SESSION ON LINE xxx COMMAND REJECTED x x IEDOI31 STOP REQUEST FOR SELF - VARY COMMAND REJECTED x x IEDOI41 TCAM ALREADY IN SYSTEM x IEDOI51 TCAM AP OPEN ERROR 043-x YYY zzz x IEDOI61 STATION xxx NOT FOUND x x IEDOI71 LINE xxx NOT OPEN x x IEDOI81 xxx COMMAND INVALID x x IEDOI91 xxx ALREADY STARTED x x IED0201 xxx STARTED x x IED0211 AUTO POLL STARTED FOR xxx x x IED0221 AUTO POLL ALREADY STARTED FOR xxx x x IED0231 TRACE STARTED FOR xxx x x IED0241 TRACE ALREADY STARTED FOR xxx x x IED0251 xxx ALREADY STOPPED x x IED0261 xxx STOPPED x x IED0271 AUTO POLL STOPPED FOR xxx x x IED0281 AUTO POLL ALREADY STOPPED FOR xxx x x IED0291 TRACE STOPPED FOR xxx x x IED0301 TRACE ALREADY STOPPED FOR xxx x x IED0311 xxx QUEUE SIZE=yyy, QUEETYP=bb, STATUS=zzz, ..• ~~ 648 RESPECIFY xxx PRIORITY=aaa, •.•_ _ _ _ _ Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) () x x x x ----1-..I....-L~~ o o Routing Codes Operator Messages * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o o lED Figure 4. Routing and Descriptor Codes of TCAM Messages (Part 2 of 5) Descriptor Codes l x x IED0321 xxx LNSTAT=zzz, •.. ERR=aaa, ..• x x IED0331 xxx STATUS=yyy, ... OUT-SEQ=bbb INTENSE=zz IN-SEQ=aaa x x IED0341 xxx HAS NO yyy OPTION x x IED0351 xxx OPTION yyy=zzz x x IED0361 xxx ACTIVE=yyy, ... x x IED0371 xxx INACT IVE=yyy , ..• x x IED0381 xxx IS ON LINE yyy zzz aaa x x IED0391 NO STATIONS INTERCEPTED x x IED0401 INTERCEPTED STATIONS=xxx, ... x x IED0411 PRlMARY=xxx x x IED0421 xxx ALREADY PRIMARY x x IED0431 SECONDARY=xxx, •.• x x IED0441 xxx NOT ELIGIBLE FOR PRIMARY x x IED0451 SYSTEM INTERVAL ALREADY ACTIVE x x IED0461 LINE FOR xxx IS OUTPUT ONLY STATION x x IED0471 SYSTEM INTERVAL IS{XXX } ACTIVE x x IED0481 POLLING DELAY FOR xxx IS yyy x x IED0491 OLT CONTROLS LINE xxx COMMAND REJECTED x x IED0501 xxx OPTION yyy MODIFIED x x IED0511 xxx SET FOR HOLD SEQ-OUT=yyy x x IED0521 xxx ALREADY SET FOR HOLD x x IED0531 xxx ALREADY RELEASED x x IED0541 xxx RELEASED, SEQ-OUT=yyy x x IED0551 I/O TRACE CANNOT BE ALTERED x x IED0561 xxx OPTION yyy DATA FORMAT INVALID x x IED0571 xxx NOT CAPABLE OF AUTOPOLL x x IED0581 xxx SENSE COUNT=yy SETTING=zz x x IED0591 xxx LIST STATUS=zzz, ... x x IED0601 xxx CANNOT BE HELD x x IED0611 POLLING DELAY FOR xxx CANNOT BE ALTERED x x IED0621 xxx OPTION yyy CANNOT ACCEPT SPECIFIED DATA x x IED0631 CLOSE DOWN IN PROGRESS COMMAND REJECTED x IED064I LINE addr CONTROL UNIT NOT OPERATIONAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x Routing and Descriptor Codes All 649. lED o Figure 4.Routing and Descriptor Codes of TCAM Messages (Part 3 of 5) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Operator Messages 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 x IED065I INITIALIZATION ERROR xxx x x x IED067I TCAM INITIALIZATION BEGUN x x x IED068I UNABLE TO OPEN IEDQDATA x x IED069I INVALID KEYLEN FOR IEDQDATA x x IED070I IEDQDATA DOES NOT SPECIFY CONTIG SPACE IN CYLINDERS x x IED071I UNEQUAL PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EXTENTS ON IEDQDATA x x IED072I I/O ERROR ON IEDQDATA x x x - -- '--, x IED074I TCAM INITIALIZATION COMPLETE x IED0751 END OF EXTENT. RECORD COUNT IS rrrrrrrr, TIME IS nnnn SEC x IED076I TCAM NON-REUSABLE DISK THRESHOLD CLOSEDOWN IED077I xxx OPTION yyy DATA CHARACTER INVALID x IED078I DLQ TERM ERROR x IED079I ENDING STATUS UNAVAILABLE x IED080I START OF TCAM SYSTEM DELAY x x IED081I END OF TCAM SYSTEM DELAY x x IED0821 CHECKPOINT DISK ERROR--DATA SET NOT OPENED x x IED0831 CHECKPOINT DISK ERROR--RECOVERY FROM PREVIOUS RECORD x x IED084I CHECKPOINT DISK ERROR -- RECOVERED x x IED085I CHECKPOINT DISK ERROR --{CKREQ }RECORD IGNORED INCIDENT x x IED086I CHECKPOINT DISK ERROR -- {ENVIRONMENT} CKREQ,name x IED087I CHECKPOINT DISK ERROR -- CONTROL RECORD x IED088I xxx ON DIAL LINE - CANNOT BE VARIED x x IED089I LINE ACTIVE - VARY TERMINAL COMMAND REJECTED x x IED090I xxx IS NOT A SINGLE ENTRY x x x xi x x x x x x x NOT RECEIVED FROM LINE addr-LINE o x x x IED091I LINE FOR xxx NOT OPEN x x IED092I BISYNC ERROR - LINE xxx CANNOT BE STARTED x x IED093I SET SYSTEM INTERVAL COMMAND ACCEPTED x IED094I CORE REQUESTED FOR ON-LINE TEST NOT AVAILABLE x o 650 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 4. lED Routing and Descriptor Codes Of TCAM Messages (Part 4 of 5) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Operator Messages 1 234 5 6 7 8 x x * IED0951 MODIFY OLT REJECTED - OLT NOT ACTIVE IED0961 tHEcKPOINTI OPERATOR CONTROL 1 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 x x x x x x x NO LONGER ACTIVE COMWRITE x TCAM IS CLOSED DOWN IED098I DCB NOT OPEN FOR MESSAGE PROCESSING PROGRAM-jjj x IED0991 ROUTINE LOADED x x IEDIOOI ROUTINE DEACTIVATED x x IEDlOlI RESTART IN PROCESS x x IEDlO21 INVALID OPERAND x x IEDlO31 ROUTINE ALREADY ACTIVE x x IEDlO41 ROUTINE NOT ACTIVE x x IEDlO51 RETURN CODE = xx x x IEDlO61 MULTIPLE REQUEST x x IEDlO71 COMWRITE NOT ACTIVE x x IEDlO91 ROUTINE NOT DELETED x x IEDllOI LESS THAN 4 ENTRIES x x IEDlllI NO TRACE TABLE x IEDl121 TCAM REQUESTED COMWRITE CLOSEDOWN lEDl13l I/O ERROR addr,statsens,recordtype,COMWRITE CLOSING IEDl141 Sxxx ABEND COMWRITE CLOSING IEDl15l userid DATA AREA EXCEEDS CORE IEDl16l userid PARMLIST NOT ON FULLWORD BOUNDRY IEDl171 userid BLKSIZE EXCEEDS DEVICE SPECS lEDl181 PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON TRACE UNIT x x lEDl191 UNABLE TO OPEN ddname x x IED1201 BLOCK= PARM REQUIRES TAPE INPUT x x IED12l1 REQUESTED TIME NOT FOUND x x IED1221 INVALID MESSAGE CHAIN x x IED1231 INVALID PARAMETERS x x IED1241 QUEUE HAS BEEN WRAPPED x IED1251 xxx BYTES NEEDED x IED1261 OLT REQUEST REJECTED, NO DCHB FOR CONTROL TERMINAL x x IED1271 OLT REQUEST REJECTED, CONTROL TERMINAL UNIDENTIFIED x x o x x x x x o - IED0971 x x x x x x Routing and Descriptor Codes 651 All ~ lED Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Operator Messages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IED128I ALTERNATE PRINTER REQUESTED BY OLT ALREADY IN USE x x IED129I OLT REQUEST REJECTED, C.T. LINE CANNOT BE STARTED x x IED130I OLT REQUEST REJECTED, CONTROL TERMINAL NOT OPEN x x IED131I TRM CANCELLED, NOT ENTERED FROM SWITCHED C.T. x IED132D CAN OLT USE FOR NON-CONCURRENT MODE LINES xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx •.. (up to 11 lines) x IED133I C.T. REQUESTED BY OLT ASSIGNED TO ANOTHER OLT x x IED134I xxxxxxxx TERMINAL FAILED, OLT CANCELLED x x IED135I message x IED136D message x x x o Figure 4. Routing and Descriptor Codes of TCAM Messages (Part 5 of 5) x x o o 652 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 5. Descriptor Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o lEE Routing Codes Message Texts # *. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 x IEEOl91 cm QUOTE(S) MISSING. x x IEE0231 cm CLASSNAME ERROR. x x IEE0251 UNIT ddd HAS NO PATHS x x IEE0261 cm NOT SUPPORTED. x x IEE0321 WRITELOG COMMAND PENDING. x . IEE0331 x CLASSNAME = x IEE0341 WRITELOG EXECUTION DEFERRED. DATASET x x IEE037I LOG NOT SUPPORTED x IEE0381 LOG NOT SUPPORTED. NO BACKUP x x ser NOT MOUNTED. .x x IEE0391 LOG SYSl.SYSVLOG x IEE0401 LOG I/O ERROR ON ddd x IEE041I LOG NOW RECORDING ON SYSl.SYSVLOG{~}ON ddd x x x IEE0421 LOG DATA SET SYSVLOG{~}ON ddd CLOSED x x x IEE0431 LOG DATA SET{~}QUEUED TO SYSOUT CALSS x x x IEE0441 {~~} ABEND COMPLETION CODE x x IEE0451 LOG INACTIVE x x IEE0461 LOG NOW ACTIVE x IEE050A SMF OPTION CANCELED - REPLY U TO CONTINUE {~} NOT FOUND ON ddd x = hhh x x 0 0 x x x x IEE0701 hh.mm.ss CPU/CHANNEL [id] ABOl23456 yyxxxxxxx x x 'x x IEE07l1 hh.mm.ss DEVICE STATUS [id] Ol23456789ABCDEF cc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x IEE0721 NO STORAGE OFFLINE x x IEE0731 cm IMPROPER CHANNEL NUMBER SPECIFICATION x IEE090I cm-x I/O ERROR DUMP TERMINATED x IEE09l1 cm-x SYSl.DUMP DATA SET FULL OR IN USE x x IEE0921 'CORE DUMP SUCESSFULLY COMPLETED x x IEE093I op OPERAND IS INVALID REPLY FOR DUMP COMMAND x x IEE094D SPECIFY OPERAND(S) FOR DUMP COMMAND x x IEE095I cm-x-retcde INVALID RETURN CODE FROM SVC DUMP x x 910 11 12 x x. HALT OR WRITELOG CLOSE COMMAND HAS BEEN ISSUED x o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 1 of 9) Routing and Descriptor Codes ..- 653_ Figure 5. lEE Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 2 of 9) x' x IEE0961 cm-x SYSl.DUMP DEVICE NOT SPECIFIED OR SUPPORTED IEElOlA READY IEElO21 hh.mm.ss ACTIVE DISPLAY rid] * I, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x x xix STRADDR ENDADDR SQA xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx R SUBT NAMEI x xx xxxxxxxx NAME 2 xxxxxxxx NAME 3 xxxxxxxx IEElO31 S proc[.ident] [,ddd] [,ser] [,DSNAME=dsn]* x IEEllOI [REPLY IDS: xx] [READY UNITS: ddd] MOUNT PENDING] x IEElllI NO OUTSTANDING REQUESTS IEEl14A DATE=yy.ddd,CLOCK=hh.mm.ss REPLY WITH SET PARAMETER OR U. IEEl15I INSUFFICIENT STORAGE AVAILABLE TO PROCESS SELECTED OPTION x IEEl16A TOD CLOCK INVALID - REPLY WITH SET PARAMETERS x IEEl17A INTERVENTION REQUIRED ON TOD CLOCK ENABLE SWITCH x x IEEl18I SET PARAMETER(S) ACCEPTED. x x IEEl19I SET PARAMETER(S) NOT ACCEPTED - ENABLE SWITCH NOT DEPRESSED. x x IEE1201 Q SEARCH I/O ERROR x IEE121I JOB QUEUE I/O ERR DURING COMMAND EXEC x x IEE1221 START COMMAND JCL ERROR x x IEE1241 MO'UNT COMMAND JCL ERR x NONE IEE130I TIMEOUT - TERMINAL RESET x IEE1321 START COMMAND DEV ALLOC ERR x x x IEE1341 MOUNT COMMAND DEV ALLOC ERR x x x IEE135I ERR - REQUESTED DEVICE RESERVED x x IEE1361 TIME=hh.mm.ss DATE!=yy.ddd x x IEE137I cm VALID ONLY IN MCS x x IEE1381 cm ALREADY IN SYSTEM x IEE139A INITIALIZATION FAILED CODE=nn IEE1401 SYSTEM CONSOLES CONSOLE/ALT COND AUTH authl {COnsole/al H SYSLOG auth2 console/alt x x ·x x x ~ x' t} 654 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) m [AVR x x x x x x () x x NOTE 1 ID AREA ROUTED nn x,a-b routcd nn x,a-b routcd }( NOTE 3 o () Figure 5. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 3 of 9) Descriptor Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8 91 x 'l # * 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 IEEl4lA MASTER AND ALL ALTERNATES UNAVAILABLE ISSUE VARY MSTCONS x IEE142I ddd NOW RECEIVING HARDCOPY x x IEE143I IEEl43I OLD=conso1e NEW=console VALDCMD=auth ROUTCDE=routcd T=a H=b x IEE147I ' text' IEE150I CHANGE OPTIONS IF DESIRED IEEl5lI DELETE REQUEST INCONSISTENT - xxxxxx IEEl52I *ENTER* *CANCEL* *D C,K* IEE153E ERROR - ENTRY GREATER THAN 126 CHARACTERS IEE154I ILLEGAL CURSOR OPERATION - CURSOR REPOSITIONED IEE155E NO HARD COPY-CON=Y, DEL=N IEEl56I cm INVALID OPERAND - xxxxxx IEEl57E DELETION REQUESTED IEEl58I K REQUEST INCONSISTENT - xxxxxx IEE159E MESSAGE WAITING IEE160I UNVIEWABLE MESSAGE IEE161I WARNING - CON=N,DEL=Y IEE162I hh.mm.ss K COMMAND rid] IEE163I MODE= {:D} IEEl64I ILLEGAL LIGHT PEN - CURSOR DETECT IEEl65I DEL UNCHANGED, NO TIMER IEEl67E OUTPUT IN HOLD MODE IEEl70E RETRYABLE ERROR. RECENT ACTION MAY NEED TO BE REPEATED. PRESS THE CANCEL KEY TO RESTORE THE SCREEN. NONE x x x lEE Operator Messages NOTE 4 NOTE 5 x NOTE 6 x NOTE 6 NONE IEEl70E IEEl7lE IEEl71E CONDITIONAL ERROR. RECENT ACTION MAY NEED, TO BE REPEATED. PRESS CANCEL TO CONTINUE, OR SWITCH -CONSOLES. x IEEl9lI REQUIRED DD ENTRY MISSING FROM PROCEDURE x x IEE192I INVALID PROCEDURE PARM FIELD FORMAT x, IEE250I hh.mm.ss CONSOLES rid] CONSOLE/ALT COND AUTH console/alt H authl SYSLOG Console/alt th2 A[,P] N[ ,Pl x o x 10 11 12 x x IEE298I rr cm INVALID CHARACTER x ID AREA ROUTED nn x,al-a 2 rouced rouced x Routing and Descriptor Codes 655 Page of GC28-6631-13, Revised April 30, 1975, by TNL GN28-2598 Figure 5. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 4 of 9) IEE Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 567 8 9 # * x IEE299I {SYSLOG} REQ'D FOR HARDCOPY ddd x x IEE3001 ddd/aaa INVALID ALTCON x x IEE3011 jjj CANCEL COMMAND ACCEPTED x x IEE3021 dddy ONLINE x x IEE3031 dddy OFFLINE x x IEE3041 jjj JOB RESET x x IEE3051 1cm NO CORE }COMMAND INVALID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 r x x (blanks) CSCB USE MODE x IEE3061 em INVALID NUMERICS x x IEE307I em DELIMITER ERROR x x IEE3081 em TERM LENGTH ERROR x x IEE3091 em UNIDENTIFIABLE KEYWORD x x IEE3101 em KEYWORD MISSING x x IEE3111 em PARAMETER MISSING x x IEE312I em PARAMETERS CONFLICT x IEE3131 {utn } UNIT REF INVALID HARDCOPY 656 x IEE3141 em UNIT NOT AVAILABLE x x IEE3151 em UNIT NOT SUPPORTED x x IEE3161 jjj JOB NOT FOUND x x IEE317I jjj JOB SELECTED x x IEE3181 QUEUE EMPTY x x IEE3201 jjj ALL SYSOUT CANCELLED x x x IEE3211 jjj SYSOUT CLASS x CANCELLED x x x IEE3221 jjj JOB CANCELLED x x x IEE3231 em CLASSNAME ERROR x x IEE3241 xxxx NOT LOGGED ON x x IEE3251 xxx REJECTED - TSO NOT ACTIVE x x IEE327I USERS=nnnn id(regno) id(regno) x x IEE3281 em COMMAND ABORTED x x IEE3291 unitaddr UNDER TEST BY OLTEP x x IEE3301 jjj JOB HELD x x x IEE3311 jjj JOB RELEASED x x x IEE3321 QUEUE HELD x x Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o o Figure 5. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 3 of 9) Descriptor Codes Message Texts # * 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 678 9: IEE141A MASTER AND ALL ALTERNATES UNAVAILABLE ISSUE VARY MSTCONS x IEE142I ddd NOW RECEIVING HARDCOPY x x IEE143I IEE143I OLD=console NEW=console VALDCMD=auth ROUTCDE=routcd T=a H=b x IEE147I 'text' IEE150I CHANGE OPTIONS IF DESIRED IEE151I DELETE REQUEST INCONSISTENT - xxxxxx IEE152I *ENTER* *CANCEL* *D C,K* IEE153E ERROR - ENTRY GREATER THAN 126 CHARACTERS IEE154I ILLEGAL CURSOR OPERATION - CURSOR REPOSITIONED IEE155E NO HARD COPY-CON=Y, DEL=N IEE156I cm INVALID OPERAND - xxxxxx IEE157E DELETION REQUESTED IEE158I K REQUEST INCONSISTENT - xxxxxx IEE159E MESSAGE WAITING IEE160I UNVIEWABLE MESSAGE IEE161I WARNING - CON=N,DEL=Y IEE162I hh.mm.ss K COMMAND rid] IEE163I MODE= {:D} IEE164I ILLEGAL LIGHT PEN - CURSOR DETECT IEE165I DEL UNCHANGED, NO TIMER IEE167E OUTPUT IN HOLD MODE IEE170E RETRYABLE ERROR. RECENT ACTION MAY NEED TO BE REPEATED. PRESS THE CANCEL KEY TO RESTORE THE SCREEN. x NONE o x x x IEE Operator Messages NOTE 4 NOTE 5 x NOTE 6 x NOTE 6 NONE IEE170E IEE171E IEE171E CONDITIONAL ERROR. RECENT ACTION MAY NEED TO BE REPEATED. PRESS CANCEL TO CONTINUE, OR SWITCH -CONSOLES. x IEE191I REQUIRED DD ENTRY MISSING FROM PROCEDURE x x IEE192I INVALID PROCEDURE PARM FIELD FORMAT XI IEE250I hh.mm.ss CONSOLES rid] CONSOLE/ALT COND AUTH console/alt H authl SYSLOG Console/alt th2 A[ ,P] N [,P] x x 1011 12 x x IEE298I rr cm INVALID CHARACTER x ID AREA ROUTED nn x,a l -a 2 rouced rouced x Routing and Descriptor Codes - 655" Figure S. lEE Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 678 9 x o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 4 of 9) # * IEE299I {SYSLOG~ REQ'D FOR HARDCOPY x x IEE300I ddd/aaa INVALID ALTCON x x IEE301I jjj CANCEL COMMAND ACCEPTED x x IEE302I dddy ONLINE x x IEE303I dddy OFFLINE x x IEE304I jjj JOB RESET x IEE30SI x IEE306I em INVALID NUMERICS x x IEE307I em DELIMITER ERROR x x IEE308I em TERM LENGTH ERROR x x IEE309I em UNIDENTIFIABLE KEYWORD x x IEE310I em KEYWORD MISSING x x IEE311I em PARAMETER MISSING x x IEE312I em PARAMETERS CONFLICT :x ddd 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 t 10 11 12 , em COMMAND INVALID NO CORE (blanks) CSCB USE MODE x x o IEE313I {utn } UNIT REF INVALID HARDCOPY 656 x IEE314I em UNIT NOT AVAILABLE x x IEE31SI em UNIT NOT SUPPORTED x x IEE316I jjj JOB NOT FOUND x x IEE317I jjj JOB SELECTED x x IEE318I QUEUE EMPTY x x IEE320I jjj ALL SYSOUT CANCELLED x x x IEE321I jjj SYSOUT CLASS x CANCELLED x x x IEE322I jjj JOB CANCELLED ·x x x IEE323I em CLASSNAME ERROR x x IEE324I xxxx NOT LOGGED ON x x IEE32ST xxx REJECTED - TSO NOT ACTIVE x x IEE327I USERS=nnnn id(regno) id(regno) x x IEE328T em COMMAND ABORTED x x IEE330I jjj JOB HELD x x x IEE331I jjj JOB RELEASED x x x IEE332I QUEUE HELD x x Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o o Figure 5. Descriptor Codes Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 5 of 9) lEE Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x IEE333I QUEUE RELEASED x :k x IEE3341 HALT EOD SUCCESSFUL x x x IEE335I VOL PARAMETER MISSING x x IEE338I ddd INACTIVE AS HARDCPY x x IEE339I ddd CHANGING STATUS x x IEE34lI ttt NOT ACTIVE. x x IEE342I cm REJECTED - TASK BUSY. x x IEE343A ser, dsn, NOT MOUNTED x IEE344A dsn, NOT FOUND ON ser, ddd x IEE345I cm AUTHORITY INVALID x IEE346I INPUT RDR JOBNAME OVER 8 CHARS x IEE348I ddd UNAVAILABLE CONSOLE. I x x I x x eEE349I IEE349I o HARDCOPY CONSOLE} CONSOLES CONSOLE/ALT COND {COnsole/alt} H SYSLOG console/alt x 10 11 12 x x x AUTH ID AREA ROUTCD authl nn x,al-a2 routcd routcd [MA[,P] lauth2 N[ ,P] N[,T] x IEE350I SMF SYSl.MAN{~}NOT DEFINED x x IEE35lI SMF SYSl.MAN RECORDING NOT BEING USED x x IEE352A SMF MEMBER MISSING - REPLY WITH SMF VALUES x x IEE353A I/O ERROR ON SMFDEFLT READ - REPLY WITH SMF VALUES OR RE-IPL x x IEE354I SMF PARAMETERS x x IEE355I IEE355I x x x SMF PARAMETER ERRORS {XXXX UNRECONGNIZABLE KEYWORD/FORMAT } keyword=value INVALID VALUE SPECIFIED x keyword - KEYWORD NOT SPECIF.IED I x IEE356A REPLY WITH SMF VALUES x x IEE357A REPLY WITH SMF VALUES OR U x x IEE358I SMF SYSl.MAN{;}NOT FOUND ON utn x x IEE359I INCOMPATIBLE SMF VALUES FOR OPT AND DSV. OPT=2 SUBSTITUTED. x Xl IEE360I SMF NOW RECORDING ON SYSl.MAN{;}ON utn o 0 0 0 TIME=hh.mm.ss o x IEE361I SMF DATA LOST -- SYSl.MANX/Y NOT AVAILABLE TIME=hh.mm.ss x Routing and Descriptor Codes 657 Figure 5. lEE Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x * # IEE362A SMF ENTER DUMP FOR SYS1.MANJXtON utn lY1 IEE3631 SMF {ser} utn 1 2. 3 4 5 678 9 x DEVICE CAPACITY TOO SMALL FOR BUFFER ,DEVICE NOT IN SYSTEM I INCORRECT DEVICE TYPE > NOT DIRECT ACCESS OFFLINE I I PRIVATE IS BUSY I x SMF I/O ERROR ON utn x IEE371I D M COMMAND IGNORED x x IEE3761 PATHdddy LAST PATH TO DEVICE x x IEE3771 PATHdddy TP - CANNOT BE VARIED x x IEE3781 PATHdddy DOES NOT EXIST x x IEE3791 PATHdddy NOT AVAILABLE x x IEE3801 ddd DEVICE TYPE INVALID x x IEE3811 ddd DEVICE UNALLOCATED. x x IEE3821 DDR CURRENTLY ACTIVE 'x x IEE3901 NO ALTERNATE CONSOLE x x IEE3911 ALTERNATE CONSOLE IS adr x IEE395W MASTER SCHEDULER INITIALIZATION FAI·LED RE-IPL x x IEE400I THESE MESSAGES CANCELLED- xx,xx,xx x IEE403I cm COMMAND ABORTED x x 0 IEE404I {~} x x IEE4l5I INVALID PROCEDURE ON START cm x x IEE450I hh.mm.ss UNIT STATUS rid] x IEE452I UNIT STATUS NUMBER OF UNITS REQUESTED EXCEEDS NUMBER AVAILABLE x 'x IEE453I UNIT STATUS, INVALID OPERAND. x x IEE454I UNIT STATUS, DEVICE DOES NOT EXIST x x IEE455I UNIT STATUS, NO DEVICES WITH REQUESTED ATTRIBUTES x IEE475I TASK j j j sss ABENDED. x IEE500E CHANNEL xy NOT OPERATIONAL x IEE502I CH xy ONLINE x x x x x x x 10 11 12 x j IEE3641 I o o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 6 of 9) 0 0 c x dd [rr] xx yyy z x x RE-ENTER COMPLETION CODE hhh o 658 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 5. Descriptor Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 o o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 7 of 9) r lEE Routing Codes Message Texts # 7 8 9 * 1 2! 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x IEE503I CH xy OFFLINE x x IEE504I CPU Y ONLINE [ : CHANNELS OFFLINE ARE x] x x IEE505I CPU Y OFFLINE x x IEE506E 2ND CPU DID NOT RE1?POND TO EXTERNAL START . x x IEE507E TIMER ON SECOND CPU NOT WORKING. COMMANDS MAY BE AFFECTED 'x x IEE508E BOTH PREFIX SWITCHES SET THE SAME x x IEE509I VARY REJECTED, CHANNEL ERROR x x IEE5l0I STORAGE LOCATIONS xxxxxx TO yyyyyy OFFLINE x x IEE5llE QUIESCE IS NOT POSSIBLE. ddd x x IEE5l2E ddd BUSY. x IEE5l5E STORAGE PHYSICALLY REMOVED FROM SYSTEM x x IEE5l7I INVALID ADDRESS SPECIFIED IN VARY STORAGE x x IEE5l81 VARY STORAGE OFFLINE OVERLAPS SUPERVISOR x. IEE5l9E STORAGE ONLINE HAS IMPERFECT OVERLAP x x IEE520I VARY STORAGE OFFLINE CANCELLED DUE TO SUBSEQUENT ONLINE x x IEE521I CH xy INVALID x x IEE522I CPU Y INVALID x x IEE5231 INVALID COMMAND IN ONE CPU SYSTEM x x IEE524I STORAGE LOCATIONS xxxxxx TO yyyyyy ONLINE x x IEE5251 LOGICAL STORAGE UNIT z IS NOW OFFLINE x x IEE5261 LOGICAL STORAGE UNIT z IS NOW ONLINE x x IEE527E VARY REJECTED, WOULD REMOVE ACCESS TO CONSOLE x x IEE54lE VARY REJECTED, VARYING OUT LAST PATH TO DEVICE ddd x x IEE600I REPLY TO xx IS text x x IEE699I REPLY xx IGNORED; NON-DECIMAL 1D x Xi IEE700I REPLY xx IGNORED; REPLY TOO LONG FOR REQUESTOR x, x. IEE701I REPLY xx IGNORED; NO REPLIES OUTSTANDING x x IEE702I REPLY xx IGNORED; IMPROPER USE OF DELIMITERS x x IEE703I REPLY xx NOT REQUESTED FROM THIS CONSOLE x Xi IEE704I REPLY xx NOT OUTSTANDING x x VARY BUSY DEVICES ARE: 11 12 x COMMAND IGNORED \ Routing and Descriptor Codes - 659~ Figure 5. lEE Descriptor Codes o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 8 of 9) Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # IEE7061 fSWITCH~ NOT SUCCESSFUL t HALT J x * IEE801D CHANGE PARTITIONS - REPLY YES/NO ( ,LIST) x IEE802A ENTER DEFINITION x x IEE803A CONTINUE DEFINITION x x IEE8041 Pn= {' j class, psize (jclass, psizeO HO, psizel (INACTIVE) x IEE8051 DEFINITION COMPLETED x IEE8061 TOTAL SIZE OF PARTITIONS IS x BYTES TOO LARGE FOR STORAGE x x IEE807A DEFINITION PARAMETER ERROR, REPLY AGAIN o x IEE808A P n NOT DEFINABLE - REPLY AGAIN x IEE809I SIZE DEFINITION OF Pxx OR LOWER EXCEEDS AVAILABLE SPACE x x IEE810A PROBLEM PROGRAM PARTITIONS EXCEED 15, RESPECIFY x x IEE811A CHANGED PARTITIONS NOT ADJACENT, RESPECIFY x IEE8121 P n HAS xxxx EXCESS BYTES ADDED IN Hy x x IEE8131 cm yyy - FAILED x x IEE8141 DEFINITION CANCELLED IEE815A DEFINITION DELIMITER ERROR, REPLY AGAIN x x IEE8161 CLASSES=jclass x x IEE8171 TMSL=xxxx x IEE818A TMSL SPECIFICATION NOT ACCEPTABLE, RESPECIFY x x IEE8191 TIME SLICING IS NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS SYSTEM x x IEE82OJ: TMSL VALUE LESS THAN MINIMUM; 20 MILLISEC DEFAULT USED x IEE8211 hh.mm.ss ACTIVE DISPLAY rid) PNO JOBNAME STEPNAME SUBT PNO JOBNAME xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx STEPNAME SUBT xxxxxxxx xx Ix IEE822A NO PARTITION SPECIFIED FOR EXCESS BYTES, RESPECIFY x ~ IEE823A xxxx IS NOT SUPPORTED - REPLY AGAIN x IEE8661 DEFINE COMMAND BEING PROCESSED x x x IX x x x x 12 x x l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x x HIl} N([)TE 4 0 (j NOTE 4 x NOTE 4 o 660 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 5. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Master Scheduler Messages (Part 9 of 9) Descriptor Codes lEE Routing Codes Message Texts 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 # * hh.rnm.ss NAME DISPLAY rid] QUEUE JOBNAME STAT JOBNAME STAT xxxx x xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx x-xxx JOBNAME STAT JOBNAME STAT xxxxxxxx x-xxx xxxxxxxx x-xxx x IEE901I xxx NOT VERIFIED x x IEE902I ddd ONLINE x x IEE903I ddd OFFLINE x x IEE904I ddd.LOADED. x IEE905I ddd REFERENCE ILLEGAL x IEE907I xxx ABEND - x IEE908I cm CMD LENGTH EXCEEDS MAX IEE920I NO MN A UPDATE AT hh.mm.ss IEE921I cm op REJECTED x x x x x Ix NO MOUNT. TI~R 12 x x e~ND} CMD ABORTED DISPLAY ALREADY EXISTS 10 11 x IEE870I x 1 2' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x I 'x x !NO NO DISPLAY AREA AVAILABLE o NO CRT CONSOLES NEEDS DISPLAY AREA DEVICE NOT SUPPORTED DISPLAY AREA BUSY x IEE922I IEE924I NONE K M,UTME=nnn INVALID AREA DEFINITION ISCREEN SIZE EXCEEDED AREA TOO SMALL DISPLAY IN OR ABOVE AREA x I I x o Routing and Descriptor Codes 661 - ~ IEF o Figure 6. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Job Scheduler Messages (Part 1 of 6) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x IEFIIOI Q MGR I/O ERR FOR jjj RETURN CODE x x IEF125I jjj LOGGED ON [TIME=hh.mm.ss] x IEF126I jjj LOGGED OFF [TIME=hh.mm. ss] x IEF161I ddd - READER CLOSED IEF165I cm x IEF166D REPLY YIN TO EXECUTE/SUPPRESS COMMAND x IEF182I jjj WILL RESTART IN Pn x IEF183E PY=(aaaK,bbbbK,x) AFTER (cccK,ddddK) NEEDED TO RESTART jjj x x IEF184E JOBCLASS x NEEDED IN Pn TO RESTART jjj x IEF185I COMMAND CANCELLED BY RESTART READER: START xxx IEF189E REDEFINE Pn WITHOUT HIERARCHY ZERO TO RESTART jjj x IEF190I COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - LIMIT MORE THAN 15 x x IEF191I COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - FORCE MORE THAN 15 x x IEF203I COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - TOO MANY OPERANDS x x IEF204I COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - TOO MANY CLASSES x x IEF205I COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - INVALID OPERAND x x IEF206I COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - NO CLASSES SPECIFIED x x IEF20 7I COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - STORAGE KEY UNAVAILABLE x IEF209I MAIN STORAGE UNAVAILABLE FOR jjj.sss.ppp IEF222I COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' - UNIQUE IDENT REQUIRED IEF225D SHOULD jjj.sss.ppp [checkid] RESTART x x x x x x x x x 10 11 12 x NO'l'E 1 NOTE 1 x x x x o x x x -- -- x IEF228I jjj RESTART CANCELLED - I/O ERROR SCHEDULER WORK AREA x IEF233A a b a b x IEF233A M ddd,ser, [labtyp], jjj jjj,sss jjj,sss,dsn jjj"dsn ddd,dsn IEF234E {~} ddd,ser[,SPACE=prm] [,jjj] o IEF235I jjj.sss.ddn WAITING FOR VOLUMES x x x 662 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) a b a b 0 x o o Figure 6. IEF Routing and Descriptor Codes of Job Scheduler Messages (Part 2 of 6) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 456 7 8 9 X IEF2361 ALLoe. FOR jjj sss [ppp] x x x IEF237I ddd ALLOCATED TO ddn x x IEF238A REPLY [DEVICE NAME] [, 'WAIT'] [, 'NOSEP'] OR 'CANCEL' x IEF2391 jjj sss ddn WAITING FOR ALLOCATION x IEF243E UNIT xxx UNLOADED. x IEF2441 jjj sss ddn UNABLE TO ALLOCATE x IEF2471 x x x {3~3 VOLUME HAS ANS LABEL 0 0 0 x x x x x ALLOCATION RECOVERY} ddd-list OFFLINE, x o 0 0 x x IEF2481 IEF2481 jjj sss ddn ERROR ALLOCATING RESERVED VOLUME ddd HAS RESERVED VOLUME ser x x x x x IEF2491 FOLLOWING P/R & RSV VOLUMES ARE MOUNTED ser ON ddd ccc-ccc x x IEF250I x x IEF250D FOLLOWING MAY BE MOUNTED . ser ON dddtyp REPLY DEVICE ADDRESSES OR GO IEF2511 IEF2511 JOB CANCELED (in SYSOUT) jjj JOB CANCELED (on console) x IEF2551 DIRECT ACCESS - PERMANENT I/O ERROR x IEF2681 ddd FOR ser ccc-ccc x IEF269A ddd ADDRESS INVALID OR OFFLINE. x IEF270D I/O ERROR IN PRESRES READ. IEF27lI VOLUME NOT CONSIDERED IN SYSTEM x IEF277I jjj.{SSS}.ddn ALLOC. FOR CONTROL VOLUME ppp x x IEF278I ddd NOT MOUNTED, I/O ERROR x 0 0 0 x IEF2791 ddd NOW MOUNTED [SL ] ,AL x 0 0 0 IEF280E IEF280I K ddd, ser ,j j j [, sss] [, SPACE=prm) [ ,dsn] ddd,dsn o o 0 0 x IEF2811 ddd NOW OFF-LINE x 0 0 0 x IEF282I ddd NOW UNLOADED o 0 0 0 x IEF2831 dsn NOT DELETED x VOL SER NOS= ser [z] ,ser [z] , ser [z] ,ser [z] , ser [z) VOL SER NOS= ser[z] ,ser[z] ,ser[z]. o 0 0 IEF2891 jjj ACCT/SYSTEM ERROR x x x x o x x x x x 10 11 12 x x x 0 0 0 x x REPEAT REPLY REPLY GO OR RE-IPL x x x x x x x x x o Routing and Descriptor Codes • 663 _ IEF Figure 6. Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 567 S x I RETAINED VOLUMES RELEASED FOR JOB jjj x IEF3001 ddd WTR CLOSED -- QMGR I/O ERROR x x IEF3011 ddd WTR CLOSED x x IEF3031 ddd WTR CLOSED -- OUTPUT ERROR x x IEF3041 IEF3041 jjj, DSNAME=dsn, DDNAME=ddn, VOLUME=SER-ser x x x I 10 11 12 x x IEF3071 ddd WTR CLOSED-OUTPUT DCB FAILED TO OPEN IEF3081 jjj - NOT ENOUGH CORE FOR PROCESSING IEF3121 INVALID BLKSIZE SPECIFIED FOR PROCEDURE LIBRARY x x x x x x x x x x x IEF317I TEMPORARY FAILURE OF OPEN FOR JOB jjj sss x x IEF3261 PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON BLDL LOCATE OF UCS/FCB IMAGE IN IMAGE LIBRARY x x x x x IEF3271 WTR ddd CLOSED. PERMANENT I/O ERROR WHILE LOADING UCS/FCB BUFFER x x x x x IEF328I WTR ddd CLOSED. PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON UCS/FCB IMAGE VERIFICATION. x x x x x IEF3301 INTERPRETER ABENDED DURING JOB jjj COMPLETION CODE hhh IEF3311 WTR ddd CLOSED. SETPRT NOP - UNCORRECTABLE OUTPUT ERROR ON PREVIOUS OPERATION x x x x x IEF3341 QUEUE DEVICE I/O ERROR PROCESSING FOR JOB jjj x x x IEF3351 INSUFFICIENT QUEUE SPACE FOR JOB jjj x x x IEF336I QUEUE FULL AND WAITING x IEF382A ddd WTR WAIT DUE TO PAUSE x IEF383A ddd WTR, CHANGE FORM TO nnn x x x x IEF3841 dsn NOT DELETED w VOL SER NOS= ser x,ser x,ser x,ser x,ser x. x IEF385I ddd DSO OPEN FAILURE OUTCLASS=s jjj x IEF386"I ddd DSO OUTPUT I/O ERROR OUTCLASS=s jjj IEF3881 jjj.sss.ddn WAITING FOR DEVICES x x IEF3891 jjj.sss.ddn SEP REQUEST IGNORED x 0 DSO, ddd DSO CLOSED x x IEF3921 ddd DSO JOBCLASS=jclass,OUTCLASS=s x x IEF3931 ddd DSO COMMAND OR PROCEDURE ERROR x IEF3941 ddd DSO PARTITION ERROR x IEF3951 ddd DSO JOBQ I/O ERROR MSGCLASS=s j j j IEF3961 READER PARTITION ERROR IEF3971 ddd DSO END OF OUTPUT RECORD NOT WRITTEN o 0 0 x 0 x 0 x IEF390I x x x 0 IEF3911 x x x x x x x x (s, j ,devtyp) NEEDED TO RESTART j j j x x x x I 1 2 3 4 567 8 9 x x IEF2921 x o Routing a-nd Descriptor Codes of Job Scheduler Messages (Part 3 of 6) [Pn] x x x x x o 664 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o IEF Figure 6. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Job Scheduler Messages (Part 4 of 6) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x IEF3981 ddd DSO OPEN UNSUCCESSFUL x x IEF3991 DSO ABEND EXIT PROCEDURES COMPLETED x IEF40lW I/O ERROR SCHEDULER WORK AREA x IEF4031 jjj STARTED [TIME=hh.mrn. ss] x IEF4041 jjj ENDED [TIME=hh.mrn.ss] x IEF4061 ddd - READER CANNOT BE OPENED x x IEF4071 ddd - PROCLIB CANNOT BE OPENED FOR READER x x IEF4081 ddd - jjj JOB NOT FOUND FOR READER x x IEF4091 jjj,CLASS=cc,PRTY=pp,POS=nn,qqqq x x IEF4l01 INCORRECT PARTITION FOR START COMMAND x x IEF4l21 SPOOL DEVICE I/O ERROR WRITING FOR JOB jjj x x IEF4131 QUEUE DEVICE I/O ERROR INTERPRETING JOB jjj x x IEF4141 QUEUE DEVICE I/O ERROR ENQUEUEING JOB jjj x IEF4lS1 x x o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x x x NOTE 7 x x x x x x x x x x x x I/O ERROR ON ddd PURGING JOB jjj x x x x IEF4l61 SPOOL FULL AND WAITING jjj x x x IEF4l71 PROCLIB DEVICE I/O ERROR READING FOR JOB jjj x x x IEF4181 SPOOL DEVICE I/O ERROR OPENING FOR JOB jjj x x IEF4l91 INPUT DEVICl;: I/O ERROR READING JOB jjj x x IEF4201 RDR=j j j x x IEF4211 INIT=jjj.sss.ppp (x) cond x IEF4221 ddd I/O ERROR DURING SYSTEM RESTART (c) x IEF423A SPECIFY JOB QUEUE PARAMETERS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IEF424A INVALID PARAMETER/FORMAT IEF42S1 jjj EXCEEDED SPECIFIED QUEUE SPACE x IEF4261 QUEUE CRITICAL x IEF4271 COMD REJECTED FOR INITIATOR 'ident' INSUFFICIENT QUEUE SPACE IEF4291 INITIATOR 'ident' WAITING FOR WORK IEF4301 RESTART STEP NOT FOUND jjj IEF431W SYSTEM RESTART I/O ERROR ON JOB QUEUE IEF4321 START INIT REJECTED x x x x x x x x o Routing and Descriptor Codes - 665" IEF o Figure 6. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Job Scheduler Messages (part 5 of 6) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 x X IEF4381 SUBTASK OF utn TERMINATED. CODE hhh x IEF4401 I/O ERROR IN THE SYS1.SYSJOBQE DATA SET FOR jjj sss nnn x x xi IEF44l1 SYSTEM RESTART ERROR ON , qqqq, {TTR=nnn} j FREELIST NN=nn } QUEUE ' [sense] ,mod x x SYSTEM COMPLETION t rTUSI x IEF4421 AUTO COMMANDS SUPPRESSED ON RESTART ERROR x IEF4431 WORK ON QUEUES: [HOLD], [OUTPUT=list], [RJE] , [INPUT=list] , [BRDRQ] x IEF4441 SYSTEM RESTART ERROR TERMINATING JOB jjj IEF4501 j j j . s s s. [ppp] ABEND {Shhh } Udddd Shhh Udddd x x [ASB] , x x x x x x TIME=hh .nun.,ss NOTE 7 x IEF4511 j j j • s s s. [ppp] ENDED BY CC dddd TIME=hh.mrn.ss NOTE 7 x IEF4521 xxx JOB NOT RUN - JCL ERROR [TIME=hh.nun.ss] NOTE 7 x IEF4531 jjj JOB FAILED - JCL ERROR as IEF4541 DOS VTOC CANNOT BY CONVERTED TO ~ IEF4601 WTP MESSAGE LIMIT EXCEEDED x :x IEF4611 I/O ERROR SYS1.SYSJOBQE, WTP PROCESSING jjj x ~ IEF4621 NO RECORDS AVAILABLE SYSl.SYSJOBQE, WTP PROCESSING jjj x x IEF5001 VOLUME NEEDED ON DIFFERENT UNIT o 0 ~ VTOC IEF5011 UNIT NEEDS DIFFERENT VOLUME o 0 0 0 x x IEF5021 DUPLICATE SERIAL o x IEF5031 WRONG DENSIT·Y OR INCORRECT LABEL o IEF504A M dvtyp,ser" x a b a b jjj jjj,sss I ~~~,sss,dsn JJJ, ,dsn :x :x x x ;)j IEF5051 I o UNIT REQUIRED IEF5071 IEF507D utn[ ,N] - SYSl.ACCT - text REPLY XXX OR XXX,N OR SKIP IEF510E VOLUME HAS AND LABEL. IEF533A M ddd,ser" I jjjj j j ,sss ~~~,sss,dsn G NOTE 7 x 0 x x x I x :)l JJJ, ,dsn ;)j IEF6561 16 EXTENTS EXCEEDED SPOOLING JOB [-jjj] IJl o 666 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 * 1 2 345 6 7 8 x IEF86l1 FOLLOWING RESERVED DATA SET NAMES UNAVAILABLE TO jjj x x IEF8621 FOLLOWING RESERVED DATA SET NAMES UNAVAILABLE TO jjj, IN Pnn x x IEF8631 DSNAME=dsn x x IEF864D REPLY , RETRY' OR 'CANCEL' x IEF865A Q FULL - REPLY 'WAIT' OR 'CANCEL' x [OR 'WAIT' ] - jjj. IEF867D CPO FULL -- REPLY 'WAIT' OR 'CANCEL' x IEF8691 hh.mm.ss QUEUE DISPLAY [id] QUEUE JOBS STAT QUEUE JOBS XXXX X XXXX XXXX XXXX X XXXX QUEUE JOBS STAT QUEUE JOBS xxxx x xxxx xxxx xxxx x xxxx 10 11 12 x x x jjj IEF8681 ddd WTR WAITING FOR WORK x 9 x IEF866E SCHEDULER ABEND COMPLETION CODE hhh x o IEF Figure 6. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Job Scheduler Messages (Part 6 of 6) x x STAT XXXX STAT xxxx x IEF87l1 SYSTEM ISSUED DISPLAY A x IEF8751 PROC FAILED, JCL ERROR x x IEF876I PROC FAILED, I/O ERROR x x IEF877I PROC FAILED, INSUFFICIENT Q-SPACE x x o Routing and Descriptor Codes 667 IEH Figure 7. Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x IEH220A jobname,stepname,'utility statement' , REPLY WITH {,PASWORDI '} 'PASWORD2' 'CPASWORD' x IEH807D cuu (or cuu/b) HAS UNEXPIRED DATA SETS, serial, jobname, stepname. IEH808I REPLY IN ERROR. stepname. x x o Routing and Descriptor Codes of System Utility Messages IEH809I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x x x REPLY WITH 'u' OR 'T' , jobname, x {~} cuu (or cuu/b), serial, jobname, stepname [ , NOW OFFL INE] x IEH84lD cuu (or cuu/b for a 2321 volume) CONFIRM REQUEST TO INITIALIZE LABEL x x IEH848D IS ANOTHER TAPE REQUIRED FOR THIS RESTORE JOB. REPLY Y OR N. x IIEK Figure 8. Routing and Descriptor Codes of FORTRAN IV H Messages Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 456 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IEK403I OPEN ERROR ON SYSPRINT x x IEK404I SYNCHRONOUS ERROR ON SYSPRINT x o 668 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 9. Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T IEM38541 COMPILER ERROR. PROGRAM INTERRUPT TYPE nn HAS OCCURRED IN PHASE AK. x x x T IEM38621 I/O ERROR ON SYSPRINT x x x T IEM38761 UNABLE TO OPEN SYSPRINT x x x T IEM38961 SYSPRINT BLOCKSIZE IS NOT OF FORM 4+N*125 x x X Figure 10. Descriptor Codes IEP Routing and Descriptor Codes of COBOL E Messages Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o IEM Routing and Descriptor Codes of PL/I Messages x IEPOOOA XXX ••• x x IEP8501 TABLE OF DEBUG REQUESTS OVERFLOWED. RUN TERMINATED. x x IEP8S41 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION NOT FOUND. RUN TERMINATED. x x IEPaS5I DEBUG EDIT RUN COMPLETE. INPUT FOR COBOL COMPILATION ON SYSUT4. x x IEP990D 'AWAITING REPLY' x 10 11 12 x x I) Routing and Descriptor Codes 669 IIER Figure 11. Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 670 o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Sort/Merge Messages (Part 1 of 3) 1 2 3 4 567 8 9 x IER001A - COL 1 OR 1-15 NOT BLANK x x IER002A - EXCESS CARDS x x IER003A - NO CONTIN CARD x x IER004A - INVALID OP DELIMITER x x IER005A - STMT DEFINER ERR x x IER006A - OP DEFINER ERR x x IER007A - SYNTAX ERR - xxx x x IER008A - FLD OR VALUE GT 8 CHAR - xxx x x IER009A - EXCESS INFO ON CARD - xxx x x IER010A - NO S/M CARD x x IER011A - TOO MANY S/M KEYWORDS x x IER012A - NO FLD DEFINER x x IER013A - INVALID S/M KEYWORD x x IER014A - DUPLICATE S/M KEYWORD x x IER015A - TOO MANY PARAMETERS x x IER016A - INVALID VALUES IN FLD x x IER017A - ERR IN DISP LENGTH VALUE x x IER018A - CTL FLD ERR x x IEROl9A - SIZE-SKIPREC ERR x x IER020A - INVALID REC KEYWORD x x IER021A - NO TYPE DEFINER x x IER022A - RCD FORMAT NOT F/V x x IER023A - NO LENGTH DEFINER x x IER024A - ERR IN LENGTH VALUE x x IER025A - RCD SIZE GT MAX x x IER026A - Ll NOT GIVEN x x IER027A - CF BEYOND RCD x x IER028A - TOO MANY EXITS x x IER029A - IMPROPER EXIT x x IER030A - MULTIPLY DEFINED EXIT x x IER031A - INVALID MODS OP CHAR x Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) 10 11 12 o o o Figure 11. Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 345 6 7 8 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x IER032A - EXIT E61 REQUIRED x x IER033A - CF SEQ INDIC E REQUIRED x x IER034A - PARAM ERR FOR MODS x x IER035A - DUPLICATE MOD RTN IN PHASE x x IER0361 - B = xxxxxx x x IER037I - G = xxxxxx x x IER0381 - NMAX x IER039A - INSUFFICIENT CORE x x IER040A - INSUFFICIENT WORK UNITS x x IER04lA - N GT NHAX x x IER042A - UNITS ASGN ERROR x x IER043A - DATA SET ATTRIBUTES NOT SPECIFIED x x IER0441 - EXIT Exx INVALID OPTION x x IER045I - END SORT PH x x IER046A - SORT CAPACITY EXCEEDED x x IER047A - RCD CN'l' OFF, IN xxxxxx, OUT xxx xxx x x IER0481 - NMAX EXCEEDED x x IER0491 - SKIP MERGE PH x x IEROSOI - END MERGE PH x x IEROSlA - UNENDING MERGE x x IER0521 - EOJ x x IER053A - OUT OF SEQ x x IER055I - INSERT xxxxxx, DELETE xxx xxx x x IER056A - SORTIN/SORTOUT NOT DEFINED x x IEROS7A - SaRTIN NOT SORTWKOI x x IEROS8A - SORTOUT A WORK UNIT x x IER059A - RCD LNG INVALID FOR DEVICE x x IER060A - DSCB NOT DEFINED x IER061A - I/O ERR, jobname,stepname,unit address,device x IER Routing and Descriptor Codes of Sort/Merge Messages (Part 2 of 3) Descriptor Codes = xxx xxx 10 11 12 x o 0 0 type,ddname,operation attempted,error description, last seek address or block count,access method (SYNADAF) x IER062A - L E ERR x o Routing and Descriptor Codes 671 IIER Figure 11. o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Sort/Merge Messages (Part 3 of 3) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x IER063A - OPEN ERR xxxxxxxx x x IER064A - DELETE ERR x x IER065A - PROBABLE DECK STRUCTURE ERROR x x IER066A - APROX RCD CNT xxxxxx x x IER067I - INVALID EXEC OR ATTACH PARAMETER x x IER068A - OUT OF SEQ SORTINxx x 10 11 12 G o 672 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 12. Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I x IEU9961 ASSEMBLY TERMINATED. I x IEU9971 x x o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x x OPEN FAILED FOR SYSPRINT, NOLIST OPTION USED x x IEU998I ASSEMBLY TERMINATED, OPEN FAILED FOR DATA SET (ddname) x x IEU9991 ASSEMBLY TERMINATED, jobname, stepname, unit address, device type, ddname, operation attempted, error description x x Figure 13. o lEU Routing and Descriptor Codes of Assembler F Messages Descriptor Codes Descriptor Codes INSUFFICIENT STORAGE 12 lEX Routing and Descriptor Codes of ALGOL Messages Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IEX2011 T nnnnn DD CARD FOR (ddname) INCORRECT OR MISSING. x x IEX210I T nnnnn UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR ON DATA SET (ddname) x Routing and Descriptor Codes - 673~ Figure 14. Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IEY0341 I/O ERROR [COMPILATION TERMINATED] xxx ... xxx x x IEY035I UNABLE TO OPEN ddname x IIFA Figure 15. Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 567 8 x x () Routing and Descriptor Codes for SMF DUMP Messages Descriptor Codes 674 o Routing and Descriptor Codes of FORTRAN IV G Messages IFAOO6A REQUEST MADE TO DUMP ACTIVE ACTIVE SMF DATA SET REPLY CANCEL IFAOO71 SMF DUMP CANCELLED Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x x o o Figure 16. Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 567 8 x IFBOO2I IFBF06W {CPU ERROR CHAN x ERROR IFBF07S {CPU ERROR CHAN x ERROR IFBF08S {CPU ERROR CHAN x ERROR IFBF 0 9 S {CPU ERROR CHAN x ERROR IFBFOAS { CPU ERROR CHAN x ERROR o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CHANNEL DETECTED ERROR ON ddd RECORDED,xxxx, op,stat,hh.mm.ss IFBFOSW {CPU ERROR CHAN x ERROR NONE IFB Routing and Descriptor Codes of Environment Recording Messages x } RELOAD OS/360,hh.mm.ss } RELOAD OS/360,hh.mm.ss } EXECUTE SEREP,hh.rrun.ss } EXECUTE SEREP,hh.rrun.ss } EXECUTE SEREP,hh.rrun.ss } EXECUTE SEREP x IFBFOBI CPU ERROR,hh.mm.ss x IFBFOCI {CPU ERROR CHAN x ERROR } ,LOGREC FULL,hh.mm.ss NONE IFBFODS {CPU ERROR CHAN x ERROR ,EXECUTE SEREP,hh.mm.ss x IFBFOEI {CPU ERROR CHAN x ERROR } } x IFBFOFI MACHINE ERROR. RECORD LOST,hh.mm.ss BFR SEG x DSBL 10 11 12 NOTE 1 x x NOTE 1 x x o Routing and Descriptor Codes - 675~ lIFe Figure 17. o Routing and Descriptor Codes of IFCDIPOO and IFCEREPO Messages Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x IFCOOII D=ddd N=x F=trck* L=trck* S=recd** DIP COMPLETE x x IFCOO21 INVALID INPUT x x IFCOO31 I/O ERRORS IN FORMATTING DISK x x IFCOO4I EN!? OF DATA SET BEFORE PROGRAM COMPLETE x x IFCOO5I I/O ERROR ON OUTPUT DEVICE x x IFCOO61 HEADER RECORD INCORRECT x x IFCOO71 END OF DATA SET BEFORE PROGRAM COMPLETE x x IFCOO81 READ DISK FAILURE x x IFCOO91 WRITE DISK FAILURE x x IFCOOAI PARAMETER FIELD ERROR x x IFCOOBI STAT RECORD KEY DIFFERS FROM THE EXPECTED -EXPCD xxx REC xxx x x IFCOOCI INPUT NOT ACCUMULATIVE DATA SET x x IFCOODI ACCUMULATION OUTPUT TERMINATED - ERROR x x IFCOOEI JOB TERMINATED DUE TO INPUT ERRORS x x IFCOOFI ddname DD STATEMENT INCORRECT STEP TERM x 10 11 ·12 c o 676 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 18. Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 () IFD Routing and Descriptor Codes of OLTEP Message (Part 1 of 4) Descriptor Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 X IFD100I message x x IFD101D message x x IFD102I OLTS RUNNING x IFD103I UCB NOT READY BIT ON - ddddddddd TESTS BYPASSED x x IFD104E TO FORCE COMMUNICATION WITH OLTEP EXECUTIVE, ENTER ANY CHARACTER x x IFD105D ENTER -- DEV/TEST/OPT/ x x IFD106I INPUT DATA DOES NOT CONTAIN 3 SLASHES x x IFD107I OPTIONS ARE xxx, •.. xxx x x IFD108I INVALID ENTRY IN DEV FLD xx x x IFD109I xxxxXXXX{OFFLINE'XUNALLOCATED}WILL NOT BE TESTED ONLINE, ALLOCATED x x IFDllOI TESTABLE DEVICES MAY NOT EXCEED 16 x x IFDlllI NO DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR TEST x x IFDl12I ILLEGAL ENTRY IN TEST FLD xx x x IFDl14I ALL GRAPHICS ON CONTROL UNIT NOT OFFLINE x x IFDl15I ILLEGAL ENTRY IN OPT FLD --xxxxxxxxxx x x IFD117I SECTION xxxxxyyy NOT FOUND x x IFDl18I UNREADABLE TAPE LABEL - dddddddd x x IFDl19I NONSTANDARD TAPE LABEL - dddddddd x x IFD120D CAN VOL DATA ON dddddddd BE DESTROYED REPLY, YES OR NO x x IFD121I xx MESSAGE CANCELLED BY OLTEP x x IFD122I VOL ON dddddddd {SECURITY PROTECTED} UNEXPIRED DATE x x IFD124I CE VOL NOT ON UNIT dddddddd x x IFD125I UNREADABLE LABEL ON ddd x' x IFD126I BIN 0 OF dddddddd DOES NOT INDICATE CE CELL x x x o Routing and Descriptor Codes 677 lIFO Figure 18. Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 45.6 7 8 678 o Routing and Descriptor Codes of OLTEP Message (Part 2 of 4) Descriptor Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IFD128I TEST BYPASSED CHANNEL DATA PROTECT NOT DONE x x IFD1291 FIRST ERROR COMMUNICATION xxxxxxxx yyyy UNIT dddddddd [aaaaaaaa] x x IFD130I INTERVENTION REQ dddddddd x x IFD131I SENSE TO dddddddd FAILED x x IFD132I CE BIT WILL NOT RESET - dddddddd x x IFD1331 TIMER NOT STEPPING, TIMING TEST BYPASSED x x IFD135D ARE TIME DEPENDENT DEVICES ACTIVE (TP, 1419), REPLY YES OR NO x x IFD1361 TIME DEPENDENT DEVICES ARE ACTIVE, TIMING TEST BYPASSED x x IFD137I CSW - XXyyyyyyyyyyyyyy SNS - sns x x IFD1381 DEV dddddddd NOT OPERATIONAL, CC=3 x x IFD139D REPLY x x IFD142D OLTS WAITING FOR CHANNEL x, REPLY PROCEED OR CANCEL x x IFD144D TIMEOUT, NO INTERRUPT - UNIT dddddddd. REPLY WAIT OR CANCEL x x IFD145D IS dddddddd OFFLINE IN ALL SHARING SYSTEMS, REPLY YES OR NO x x IFD1461 SEE SRL - ONLINE TEST EXECUTIVE PROGRAM x x x x x IFD1471 IFD1471 IFD1471 IFD1471 x x x x x x x IFD1471 IFD1471 IFD1471 EXAMPLES OF DEVICE FIELD TEST DEVICE 181 181/ TEST DEVICES 185, 186, AND 187 185-187/ 285-286,184,E/ TEST DEVICES 285, 286, 184 AND SYMBOLIC E TEST CHANNEL 2 .CH282/ NO DEVICE REQUIRED FOR TEST .NDR/ / (slash a1one)TEST PREVIOUSLY SELECTED DEVICES B TO BYPASS, R TO RETRY B TO BYPASS, R TO RETRY, P TO PROCEED\ B TO BYPASS, R TO RETRY, P TO PROCEED (MAY DESTROY DATA) R TO RETRY, P TO PROCEED Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) c x x x o o Figure 18. Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 456 7 8 I I I I o IFD Routing and Descriptor Codes of OLTEP Message (Part 3 of 4) * 1 2 345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ·x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IFD148I IFD148I IFD148I IFD148I IFD148I IFD148I IFD148I EXAMPLES OF TEST FIELD TAPE TESTS 2400/ 2400A/ SECTION A OF TAPE TEST 2400 RTN. 2, SEC. C, TEST 2400 2400C,2/ SEC. A,B,C,E, AND G OF TEST 2400 2400A-C,E,G/ SEC. AA OF READER TEST 1540 R2540AA/ / (slash alone)RUN PREVIOUSLY SELECTED TESTS x x x x x x x x x x x x x IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I x IFD149I x x x x x x IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I IFD149I TABLE OF OPTIONS TO OMIT BY TO REQUEST OPTION OPTION DEFAULT OPTION TESTING LOOP TL NTL NTL TL (VALUE) VAL=1-32767 ERROR LOOP EL NEL NEL EL (VALUE) VAL=1-32767 ERROR PRINT EP NEP EP CONTROL PRINT CP NCP CP PARALLEL PRINT NPP NPP PP REMOTE FE CONTROL RE NRE NRE PP (level) VAL=1-3 FIRST ERROR COMMUNICATION FE NFE FE MANUAL INTERNMI VENT ION MI NMI PRINT PR NPR PR REMOTE RE NRE NRE ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF OPTION FIELD OPT-SPECIFICATION OF OPTIONS PP, NMI, RE/ EP, TL(50) ,FE,EXT=A,B/ x x x x x x x IFD150I TEST BYPASSED. x x IFD15lI TEST BYPASSED, CHANNEL NOT A 2880 x x IFD152I TEST BYPASSED, CHANNEL CONNOT BE QUIESCED x x IFD153I TEST BYPASSED, CPU NOT SUPPORTED FOR CHANNEL TESTING x x IFD154E x IFDlS5I TEST SECTIONS MAY NOT EXCEED 26, WILL TEST xxx-xxx x x IFD156I DEVICE dddddddd STATUS CHANGED, BYPASS TESTS x x IFD157I CATASTROPHIC ERROR ON DEVICE dddddddd[name] x x IFD158I ww XXXXX{ ~Y~}UNIT dddddddd x x IFD159I MODULE x IFD160I INSUFFICIENT CORE x x IFD16lI FOR HELP ENTER PROMPT xxx x TO DEV/TEST/OPT/ MESSAGE x x IFD162I UNIT dddddddd,DSNAME=xxxxxxxx COULT NOT BE SCRATCHED x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxx ON dddddddd message , { xxxxxxxx } GOOOOddd aaaaaaaa NOT FOUND x x () Routing and Descriptor Codes 679 lIFO Figure 18. o Routing and Descriptor Codes of OLTEP Message (Part 4 of 4) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9110 1112 * x IFD163I RETAIN/370 READY x IFD164I CANNOT LINK TO RETAI~/370 x x IFD165I ENTRY IN DEV FLD NOT ALLOWABLE BY REMOTE x x IFD167I PERMANENT ERROR ON REI DEVICE x x IFD168E TO COMMUNICATE WITH REMOTE SPECIALIST ENTER MESSAGE x x IFD169I RETAIN/370 TERMINATED x x IFD173I REPLY xx NOT VERIFIED x x IFD174I UNABLE TO RESTORE LABEL ON DEVICE dddddddd x x IFD176I MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE OPTIONS HAVE BEEN SELECTED x x IFD212I CANNOT DATA PROTECT DEVICE dddddddd x x IFD255I message x x IFD505I TIME INTERVAL EXPIRED, NO LINE ACTIVITY x IIFF Figure 19. x Routing and Descriptor Codes of Graphic Programming Services Messages Descriptor Codes IFF Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IFFOOII utn - REQUEST IGNORED - LACK OF STORAGE x x x IFF0021 utn - REQUEST IGNORED - PERMANENT I/O ERROR x x x IFF003I utn - REQUEST IGNORED - NO 2250 BUFFER AVAILABLE x x x IFF0041 utn - REQUEST IGNORED - OPEN FAILURE ON SYSBFDMP x x x x IFFOO5I IFFOO5I jjj,sss,utn,dev,ddn,op, err, re1:acs trk,acs x x x x x x r* acs} c 680 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 20. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Machine-Check Handler and Dynamic Device Reconfiguration Messages (Part 1 of 3) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m [S] IGF002W [S] SUPVR MC CPU ID { ; } IGFOO3W [S] UNEX MCI IGF004W [S] PGM CHK CPU IGF006W [S] I/O ERR {CPU aaaaaa [CPU ID * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ,8 9 10 11 12 m] IGFOOIW NONE o IGF ID{;} IOg}} NOTE 1 cua IGFOI0W S NOT M/xx CPU ID{~} IGFOIIW S MCI-NIP CPU ID{~} IGF012W [S] MeI-CCH {:PU IGF013W [S] SHAN ERR { :PU IOm} IOm} x } IGF014{~ cua csw S cua csw x x IGF015{I UNEX ERR } ,hh.mm.ss W [S] UNEX ERR x x IGF0201 ABEND,hh.mm.ss x x IGF0211 nnnnnnnn x x IGF0221 RAM xx x x IGF0231 x IGF0241 m x x IGF0251 BLDL DLT,hh.mm.ss address {;} ,hh.mm.ss {MSTRSCHD} x x )s)s)s)s)s)s)s)s o x IGF0261 x IGF0271 x RDR WTR I/T SYTSK STC xx xx xx xx xx x x IGF0271 STORAGE DAMAGE aaaaaa-bbbbbb JOB ABEND (OS OPEN) jjj(dsn) (dsn) .•• ; j j j (dsn) ; •.• x x IGF0281 I/O ERR x x IGF0291 csw,hh.mm.ss x x IGF0321 aaaaaa,hh.mm.ss X" Routing and Descriptor Codes • 681_ Figure 20. IIGF Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 456 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IGF033E RUN EREP,hh.mm.ss x x IGF0401 TSO {~} {~~} x x IGF0411 STAT x IFD0421 HSM-ERR,hh.mm.ss x x IGF0431 {HIR} CNT,hh.mm.ss ECC x x IGF0441 ECe SUCCESSFUL x x IGF0451 o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Machine-Chack Handler and Dynamic Device Reconfiguration Messages (Part 2 of 3) x ERR,hh.~m.ss ~MULT BIT xl x 2 x3 10 11 12 x t ,hh.mm.ss x MULTIPLE BIT ERROR x IGF0461 n SEC xx,hh.mm.ss x x IGF0471 n BUFFER,hh.mm.ss x x IGF0481 HIR SUCCESSFUL,hh.mm.ss x x IGF0491 x IGF0491 x IGF0491 x IGF0491 x IGF0491 MODE STATUS MULT HIR - mode ECC - mode status THR-dddddddddd THR-dddddddddd BUFR CNT-dddddddddd CNT-dddddddddd status HIR, {~} ,aaaa/bbbb,cccc/dddd x 00-10 nnnnnnnnn x 11-21 nnnnnnnnnnn x 22-31 nnnnnnnnnn x ECC, BUF DEL=xxxx x c 1 IGF050W [S] TOD ERROR x IGF0511 HRT ERROR,hh.mm.ss x x IGF0521 xxxx BUFF PG DELETED,hh.mm.ss x IGF0531 IGF0531 MODE STATUS-ECC {QUIET } HIR {QUIET } RECORD RECORD COUNT-n THRESHOLD-n MODE STATUS {RECORD} COUNT-n THRESHOLD-n QUIET BUFFER {ENABLED } DISABLED x IGF054E SYSl.LOGREC FULL,hh.mm.ss x IGF0551 {QUIET MODE ECC} [,HIR] ,hh.mm. ss QUIET MODE x x IGF0561 I/O ERR IN RECORDER,hh.mm.ss x x IGF057E DISK FORMAT ERROR,hh.mm.ss x x IGF0611 MODE SWITCH COMPLETEQQ x x x x x IGF0631 SVC BLDL DLT x IGF5001 SWAP xxx TO yyy IGF500D {REPLY 'YES', DEVC, OR 'NO'} REPLY 'YES' OR 'NO' x NONE 682 SECTORS DELETED IGF501D SWAP SYSRES FROM xxx TO yyy Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) x x x, x x x o o 0 0 NOTE 1 o o Figure 20. Descriptor Codes Routing and Descriptor Codes of Machine-Check Handler and Dynamic Device Reconfiguration Messages (Part 30f 3) * x IGF503I ERROR ON yyy, SELECT NEW DEVICE x IGF504I AN ERP IS IN PROCESS FOR xxx x IGF505I SWAP FROM xxx TO yyy COMPLETE NONE IGF507A VOLUME ON DEVICE yyy UNIDENTIFIABLE, SWAP SYSRES TO zzz x IGF508I OPERATOR INITIATED SWAP CANCELLED BY SYSTEM IGF509I IGF509D SWAP xxx REPLY DEVC, OR 'NO' IGF510I SYSRES RESIDES ON xxx IGF51lA WRONG VOLUME MOUNTED ON yyy x IGF512I DDR TERMINATED x IGF513I yyy INVALID FOR SWAP x x x x Routing Codes Message Texts I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IGF I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x 10 11 12 x x. x x NOTE I x x x x x x x x xx x 0 0 o o Routing and Descriptor Codes 683 CI IIHe Figure 21. o Routing and Descriptor Codes of FORTRAN IV Object Program Messages Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x x .IHO IHCOOIA PAUSE xx IHCOO2I STOP x Figure 22. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x x Routing and Descriptor Codes of COBOL E Object Program Messages Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IHD9801 I/O ERROR, jobname,stepname,unit address, device type,ddname,operation attempted,error description,actual block and track address in hex (shown in BBCCHHR format) ,QISAM. x x IHD9811 I/O ERROR ,jobname,stepname,unit address, device type,ddname,operation attempted,error description,block and track address,BISAM. x x IHD9821 I/O ERROR ,jobname,stepname,unit address, device type,ddname,operation attempted,error description,block and track address, BSAM/QSAM. x x IHD9831 I/O ERROR ,jobname,stepname,unit address, device type,ddname,operation attempted, error description,block and track address, BDAM. x x IHD9841 AN ISAM FILE MAY NOT BE OPENED FOR OUTPUT MORE THAN ONCE. x o 684 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 23. Descriptor Codes Routing and Descriptor Codes of PL/I Object Program Messages (Part 1 of 6) Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 456 7 8 o IHE 1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11 12 x IHEOO3I SOURCE PROGRAM ERROR IN STATEMENT nnnnn x x IHEOO4I INTERRUPT IN ERROR HANDLER - PROGRAM TERMINATED x x IHEOO5I PSEUDO-REGISTER VECTOR TOO LONG - PROGRAM NOT EXECUTED x x IHEOO6I NO MAIN PROCEDURE. x x IHEOO9I IHEDUM* . NO PLIDUMP DD CARD. TERMINATED. x IHEOlOI TASK TERMINATED BY OS. RETURN CODE (a hexadecimal number). x IHEOllI KEY ERROR WHEN CLOSING FILE AT END OF TASK x x IHEOl8I FILE name - FILE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED x x IHE020I FILE name - ATTEMPT TO READ OUTPUT FILE x x IHE0211 FILE name - ATTEMPT TO WRITE INPUT FILE x x IHE022I GET/PUT STRING EXCEEDS STRING SIZE x x IHE023I FILE name - OUTPUT TRANSMIT ERROR NOT ACCEPTABLE x x IHE024I FILE name - PRINT OPTION/FORMAT ITEM FOR NONPRINT FILE x x IHE025I DISPLAY - MESSAGE OR REPLY AREA LENGTH ZERO x x IHE026I FILE name - DATA DIRECTED INPUT - INVALID ARRAY DATUM x x IHE027I GET STRING - UNRECOGNIZABLE DATA NAME x x IHE029I FILE name - UNSUPPORTED FILE OPERATION x x IHE0301 FILE name - REWRITE/DELETE NOT IMMEDIATELY PRECEDED BY READ x x IHE0311 FILE name - INEXPLICABLE I/O ERROR x x IHE032I FILE name - OUTSTANDING READ FOR UPDATE EXISTS x x IHE033I FILE name - NO COMPLETED READ EXISTS (INCORRECT NCP VALUE) x x IHE0341 FILE name - TOO MANY INCOMPLETE I/O OPERATIONS x x IHEO·35I FILE name - EVENT VARIABLE ALREADY IN USE x x IHE036I FILE name - IMPLICIT OPEN FAILURE, CANNOT PROCEED x x IHE037I FILE name - ATTEMPT TO REWRITE OUT OF SEQUENCE x x IHE038I FILE name - ENDFILE FOUND UNEXPECTEDLY IN MIDDLE OF DATA ITEM. x PROGRAM TERMINATED. EXECUTION = x hhh x o Routing and Descriptor Codes - 685~ Figure 23. IIHE o Routing and Descriptor Codes of PL/I Object Program Messages (Part 2 of 6) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 x IHE039I FILE name - ATTEMPT TO CLOSE FILE NOT OPENED IN CURRENT TASK x x IHEIOOI FILE name - UNRECOGNIZABLE DATA NAME x x IHEIIOI FILE name - RECORD CONDITION SIGNALED x x IHEIIII FILE name - RECORD VARIABLE SMALLER THAN RECORD SIZE x x IHEl12I FILE name - RECORD VARIABLE LARGER THAN RECORD SIZE x x IHEl13I ATTEMPT TO WRITE/LOCATE ZERO LENGTH RECORD x x IHEl14I FILE name - ZERO LENGTH RECORD READ x x IHE120I FILE name - PERMANENT INPUT ERROR x x IHE121I FILE name - PERMANENT OUTPUT ERROR. x x IHE122I FILE name - TRANSMIT CONDITION SIGNALED x x IHE130I FILE name - KEY CONDITION SIGNALED x x IHE131I FILE name - KEYED RECORD NOT FOUND x x IHE132I FILE name - ATTEMPT TO ADD DUPLICATE KEY x x IHE133I FILE name - KEY SEQUENCE ERROR x x IHE134I FILE name - KEY CONVERSION ERROR x x IHE13SI FILE name - KEY SPECIFICATION ERROR x x IHE136I FILE name - KEYED RELATIVE RECORD/TRACK OUTSIDE DATA SET LIMIT x x IHE137I FILE name - NO SPACE AVAILABLE TO ADD KEYED RECORD x x IHE140I FILE name - END OF FILE ENCOUNTERED x x IHE150I FILE name - CANNOT BE OPENED, NO DD CARD x x IHEIS2I FILE name - FILE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED x x IHEIS3I FILE name - BLOCKSIZE NOT SPECIFIED x x IHEIS4I FILE name - UNDEFINEDFILE CONDITION SIGNALED x x IHEISSI FILE name - ERROR INITIALIZING REGIONAL DATA SET x x IHE156I FILE name - CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE AND ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS x x IHEIS7I FILE name - CONFLICTING ENVIRONMENT AND/OR DD PARAMETERS x x IHEIS8I FILE name - KEYLENGTH NOT SPECIFIED x 12 c o 686 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 23. Routing and Descriptor Codes of PL/I Object Program Messages (Part 3 of 6) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Messages Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 () IHE * 1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11 x IHE159I FILE name - INCORRECT BLOCKSIZE AND/OR LOGICAL RECORD SIZE IN STATEMENT NUMBER xxx x x IHE160I FILE name - LINESIZE GREATER THAN IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED MAXIMUM LENGTH x x IHE161I FILE name - CONFLICTING ATTRIBUTE AND DD PARAMETERS x x IHE200I rtname - X LT 0 IN SQRT (X) x x IHE202I rtname - X LT 0 IN LOG (X) OR LOG2 (X) OR LOG10(X) x x IHE203I rtname - ABS(X) GE (Z**50)*K IN SIN(X) OR COS (X) (K=PI) OR SIND(X) OR COSD(X) (K=180) x x IHE204I rtname - ABS(X) GE (2**50)*K IN TAN (X) TAND(X) (K=180) x x IHE206I rtname - X=Y=O IN ATAN(Y,X) AND ATAND(Y,X) x x IHE208I rtname - ABS(X) GT 1 IN ATANH(X) x x IHE209I rtname - X=O, Y LE 0 IN X**y x x IHE210I rtname - X=O, Y NOT POSITIVE REAL IN X**Y x x IHE211I rtname - Z=+I OR -I IN ATAN(Z) OR Z=+l OR -1 IN ATANH (Z) x x IHE212I rtname - ABS(X) GE (2**18)*K IN SIN(X) OR COS (X) (K=PI) OR SIND(X) OR COSD(X) (K=180) x x IHE213I rtname - ABS(X) GE (2**18)*K IN TAN(X) TAND(X) (K=180) x x IHE300I OVERFLOW x x IHE310I SIZE x x IHE320I FIXEDOVERFLOW x x IHE3301 ZERODIVIDE x x IHE340I UNDERFLOW x x IHE350I STRINGRANGE x x IHE360I AREA CONDITION RAISED IN ALLOCATE STATEMENT x x IHE361I AREA CONDITION RAISED IN ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT x x IHE362I AREA SIGNALED x x IHE380I IHESTR - STRUCTURE OR ARRAY LENGTH GE 16**6 BYTES x x IHE381I IHESTR - VIRTUAL ORIGIN OF ARRAY GE 16**6 OR LE -16**6 x (K=PI) OR (K=PI) OR 12 o Routing and Descriptor Codes 687 Figure 23. IIHE Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11 12 x IHE4001 DELAY STATEMENT EXECUTED - NO TIMER FUNCTION IN SYSTEM x x IHE4011 TIME STATEMENT EXECUTED - NO TIMER FUNCTION IN SYSTEM x x IHE5001 SUBSCRIPTRANGE x x IHE5011 CONDITION x x IHE5501 ATTEMPT TO WAIT ON AN INACTIVE AND INCOMPLETE EVENT x x IHE5511 TASK VARIABLE ALREADY ACTIVE x x IHE552.1 EVENT ALREADY BEING WAITED ON x x IHE5531 WAIT ON MORE THAN 255 INCOMPLETE EVENTS x x IHE5541 ACTIVE EVENT VARIABLE AS ARGUMENT TO COMPLETION x x IHE5551 INVALID TASK VARIABLE AS ARGUMENT TO PRIORITY PSEUDO-VARIABLE x x IHE5561 EVENT VARIABLE ACTIVE IN ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT x x IHE5571 EVENT VARIABLE ALREADY ACTIVE x x IHE5581 ATTEMPT TO WAIT ON AN I/O EVENT IN WRONG TASK x x IHE5591 UNABLE TO CALL TASK DUE TO INSUFFICIENT MAIN STORAGE. UNABLE TO CALL TASK DUE TO MORE THAN 255 TASKS ACTIVE. x 688 o Routing and Descriptor Codes of PL/I Object Program Messages (Part 4 of 6) IHE5601 x x x IHE5711 TASK (name) TERMINATED. x IHE5721 TASK (name) TERMINATED. COMPLETION CODE = hhh. EVENT VARIABLE OVERWRITTEN OR DESTROYED. x x IHE5731 TASK (name) TERMINATED. COMPLETION CODE = hhh. TASK VARIABLE OVERWRITTEN OR DESTROYED. x x IHE5741 TASK (name) TERMINATED. COMPLETION CODE = hhh. INVALID FREE STATEMENT. x x IHE5751 TASK (name) TERMINATED. COMPLETION CODE = hhh. DISPLAY STATEMENT. REPLY NOT WAITED FOR. x x IHE5761 TASK (name) TERMINATED. COMPLETION CODE = hhh. TOO MUCH MAIN STORAGE REQUESTED. x x IHE5771 TASK (name) TERMINATED WHILE STILL ACTIVE -END OF BLOCK REACHED IN ATTACHING TASK. x x IHE5791 TASK (name) TERMINATED. COMPLETION CODE = hhh. ABNORMAL TERMINATION DURING PUT STATEMENT. x x IHE6001 CONVERSION CONDITION SIGNALED x x IHE6011 CONVERSION ERROR IN F-FORMAT INPUT x x IHE6021 CONVERSION ERROR IN E-FORMAT INPUT x x IHE6031 CONVERSION ERROR IN B-FORMAT INPUT x x IHE6041 ERROR IN CONVERSION FROM CHARACTER STRING TO ARITHMETIC x Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) COMPLETION CODE= hhh. c x o o Figure 23. Routing and Descriptor Codes of PL/I Object Program Messages (Part 5 of 6) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 456 7 8 o IHE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IHE605I ERROR IN CONVERSION FROM CHARACTER STRING TO BIT STRING x x IHE606I ERROR IN CONVERSION FROM CHARACTER STRING TO PICTURED CHARACTER STRING x x IHE607I CONVERSION ERROR IN P-FORMAT INPUT (DECIMAL) x x IHE608I CONVERSION ERROR IN P-FORMAT INPUT ( CHARACTER) x x IHE609I CONVERSION ERROR IN P-FORMAT INPUT (STERLING) x x IHE700I INCORRECT E{W,D,S) SPECIFICATION x x IHE701I F FORMAT W SPECIFICATION TOO SMALL x x IHE702I A FORMAT W UNSPECIFIED AND LIST ITEM NOT TYPE STRING x x IHE703I B FORMAT W UNSPECIFIED AND LIST ITEM NOT TYPE STRING x x IHE704I A FORMAT W UNSPECIFIED ON INPUT x x IHE705I B FORMAT W UNSPECIFIED ON INPUT x x IHE706I UNABLE TO ASSIGN TO PICTURED CHARACTER STRING x x IHE798I ONSOURCE OR ONCHAR PSEUDOVARIABLE USED OUT OF CONTEXT x x IHE799I RETURN ATTEMPTED FROM CONVERSION ON-UNIT BUT SOURCE FIELD NOT MODIFIED x x IHE800I INVALID OPERATION x x IHE801I PRIVILEGED OPERATION x x IHE802I EXECUTE INSTRUCTION EXECUTED x x IHE803I PROTECTION VIOLATION x x IHE804I ADDRESSING INTERRUPT x x IHE805I SPECIFICATION INTERRUPT x x IHE806I DATA INTERRUPT x x IHE810I PROTECTION EXCEPTION UNPROCESSED AFTER MULTIPLE-EXCEPTION IMPRECISE INTERRUPT x x IHE811I ADDRESSING EXCEPTION UNPROCESSED AFTER MULTIPLE-EXCEPTION IMPRECISE INTERRUPT x x IHE812I SPECIFICATION EXCEPTION UNPROCESSED AFTER x x IHE813I DATA EXCEPTION UNPROCESSED AFTER MULTIPLEEXCEPTION IMPRECISE INTERRUPT x x IHE814I ZERODIVIDE UNPROCESSED AFTER MULTIPLE-EXCEPTION IMPRECISE INTERRUPT x o Routing and Descriptor Codes - 689~ Figure 23. IIHE o Routing and Descriptor Codes of PL/I Object Program Messages (Part 6 of 6) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 456 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IHE81SI OVERFLOW UNPROCESSED AFTER MULTIPLE-EXCEPTION IMPRECISE INTERRUPT x x IHE900I TOO MANY ACTIVE ON-UNITS AND ENTRY PARAMETER PROCEDURES x x IHE-902I GOTO STATEMENT REFERENCES A LABEL IN AN INACTIVE BLOCK x o 690 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 24. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Maintenance Program Analyzer Messages (Part 1 of 2) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 112131415161718 NONE () IHG IHGOOII NO BLANK AFTER OP (image of control card) IHGOO21 OP CODE IN ERROR (image of control card) IHGOO31 OPERAND IN ERROR (image of control card) IHGOO41 NOT AN UAP CTL CARD (image of control card) IHGOO51 PRIOR CARD THIS TYPE (image of control card) IHGOO61 IS NOT CONT OF PREV (image of control card) IHGOO71 LAST CARD PROCESSED EXPECTED A CONTINUATION NONE ENTERED IHGOO81 LIB SEQ CARD MISSING OR CARD NUMBER DUPLICATED IHGOO91 ALIAS TABLE IS FULL (image of control card) IHGOIOI DATA TABLE IS FULL (image of control card) IHGOIII NO SPACE/BASE JOB CD IHG0121 LIB SEQ TABLE IS FULL (image of control card) IHG0131 IHGUAP PARM ERROR IHG014I CARD FORMAT ERROR IHG0151 DU/DP DATA MISSING IHG016I FELIB TABLE IS FULL (image of control card) IHG017I FEITEM TABLE IS FULL (image of control card) IHG0181 DUPLICATE ALIAS CARD (image of alias card) IHG0211 DISTN ERROR. CHANGE TYPE SHOULD BE M OR R OR D. IHG0221 DISTN ERROR. CT HDR CARD MISSING OR MISPUNCHED. IHG0231 BLDL PERM I/O ERROR. IHG024I DISTN ERROR. DISTN CTL CARD MISSING OR MISPUNCHED. IHG025I DISTN ERROR. SYSLIN DD CARD MISSING OR MISPUNCHED. IHG0261 DISTN ERROR. LE EXEC CARD MISSING OR MISPUNCHED. 1121314/516/7/819110/11/12 NOTE 8 IHG0271 DISTN ERROR. IHG0311 member HAS BEEN DELETED. CHANGE TYPE SHOULD BE A OR R. IHG0321 member WAS NOT IN DIRECTORY. IHG033I member I PERM I/O ERROR. IHG0401 NO CHANGE TO LIBRARY ON LIB SEQ CARD libname Routing and Descriptor Codes - 691_ Figure 24. IIHG Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 112131415161718 IHG041I changepds member name DIST CTL CD MEMBER OR LIBRARY NAME ERROR IHG042I TABLE AREA OVERFLOW IHG043I I/O ERROR IHG044I changepds NOT PROCESSED IHG050I UPDATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED 11213141516171819110111112 NOTE 8 NONE I IH I Figure 25. Routing and Descriptor Codes of ALGOL Object Program Messages Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IIHJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .10 11 12 x IHI032I SC=nnnnn DSN=nn. UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR x x IHI041I SC=nnnnn DSN=nn. DD CARD INCORRECT OR MISSING x Figure 26. Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x IHJOOOI CHKPT jjj [(ddn) ] NOT TAKEN (xx) x x x IHJOOlI jjj (ddn,utn,ser) INVLD checkid (xx) x x x IHJOO2I jjj (ddn, utn, ser) ERROR checkid x x x IHJOO4I jjj (ddn ,utn, ser) CHKPT checkid x x x IHJOO5I jjj (ddn, utn, ser) ENQS checkid x x IHJOO6I jjj RESTARTING AT x c Routing and Descriptor Codes of Checkpoint/Restart Messages Descriptor Codes 692 o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Maintenance Program Analyzer Messages (Part 2 of 2) {WWWWWW yyyyyy WWWWWW xxxxxx zzzzzz xxx xxx yyyyyy x IHJOO7I RESTART NOT SUCCESSFUL FOR jjj x IHJOO8I jjj RESTARTED Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) (xx,ddd) x zzzzzz} x x x x o I I HK Figure 27. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Remote Job Entry and Conversational Remote Job Entry Messages (Part 1 of 5) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 'I< IHKOOOI IHKOOlI x x UUUU kkk {OFF } OFF termid ON termid unitname NO USERS IN DIRECTORY x RJEND ACCEPTED termid IHKOO4I NO JOB{S) IN SYSTEM [jobname] x x IHKOOSI JOB(S) NOT COMPLETE jobname use rid x x IHKOO7I JOB DELETED jobname IHKOllI MSG PENDING STARTUP x x 10 11 12 x RJSTART ACCEPTED termid unitname IHKOO3I x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x r ONE termid termid NONE x l x IHKOl2I MSG QUEUED FOR DELIVERY {USerid } termid TERMINALS x x IHKOl3I MSG IGNORED {userid l x JOBS EXCEEDED jobname x term~d DISK ERROR x IHKOl4I MAX x IHK016I RJE CLOSED DOWN x IHKOl9I JOB WAITING DELIVERY jobname x x IHK025I START RJE REJECTED x IHK026I CENOUT jobname (class, ..•. ,class) x x IHK027I termid x r } x A unitname P unit uuu NO ACTIVE WORK STATIONS x IHK028I I jobname uuu {aaa} {COMP} INCP N/A NO DEFERRED OUTPUT uuu x {~ nnn} I x x IHK030I DELETED FROM USER DIRECTORY userid key x x IHK03lI ADDED TO USER DIRECTORY userid key x x IHK0321 USER DIRECTORY FULL userid key x x IHK033I MSGS DELETED FOR WORK STATION termid x x IHK034I MSG CANNOT BE ADDED {BRDCST } termid DELAYED x x IHK035I INVALID SLOT NUMBER BRDCST x e. Routing and Descriptor Codes 693 I· Figure 27. IIHK Routing and Descriptor Codes of Remote Job Entry and Conversational Remote Job Entry Messages (Part 2 of 5) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x * IHK0361 BRDCST {NONE} nn message IHK037I INFORM INACTIVE WORK STATION jobname userid termid {~} x IHK0381 INVALID LINENAME SHOW x x IHK0401 INVALID USERID operation x x IHK041I INVALID PROTECTION KEY userid x x IHK0421 INVALID TERMID operation x x IHK0471 REQD PARAMETER MISSING operation x x IHK0481 ILLEGAL DELIMITER operation x x IHK0491 ILLEGAL CONTINUATION operation x x IHK0501 UNDEFINED KEYWORD operation x x IHK051I MULTIPLE USE OF KEYWORD operation x x IHK0551 INCORRECT TEXT LENGTH operation x IHK0601 ABNORMAL CENTRAL CLOSEDOWN IHK061I OUT OF SPACE {SYSIN jobname x x x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x x x x } SYS1.SYSJOBQE EMITTER WORKAREA x IHK0631 ... (1) DISK ERRORrWRITING TABLE ENTRY (2) ROLLIN TABLES RJE ABORTED (3) BRDCST DIRECTORY BRDCST MSG (4) (5) DELAYED MSG DIRECTORY (6) DELAYED MSG (7) JED [jobname/PURGE SYSTEM] (8) Q MGR RJE ABORTED ) (9) < Q MGR (jobname) (volume serial jobname ddname) (10) IN CLOSEDOWN (11) addr,dev,ddname,op,err,trkaddr, (12) accmeth INITIALIZATION UNABLE TO OPEN ddname (13) INITIALIZATION I/O ERROR ON .. (14) ddname ... x x IHK0641 LINE xxx NOT OPERATIONAL x x IHK0651 UNABLE TO OPEN DDNAME=xxxxxxxx x x IHK0661 termid NOW RESPONDING TO POLLING x IHK0671 termid NOT RESPONDING TO POLLING x IHK0681 RJE SOBTASK ABENDED x x IHK0691 LINE xxx DEFINED INCORRECTLY x x IHK0701 SYSOUT VOLUME NOT FOUND ser jjj ddn x x IHK2001 LOGOFF userid x x IHK2011 ACTIVE CRJE USER userid 1ineaddress time x x x 694 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) x x o Figure 27. Descriptor Codes Routing and Descriptor Codes of Remote Job Entry and Conversational Remote Job Entry Messages (Part 3 of 5) Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X IHK202I USERID INVALID/NOT FOUND {SHOW } ICR userid MSG USERID x x IHK203I START OF CRJE MESSAGES x x IHK204I USERID PREVIOUSLY ASSIGNED use rid x x IHK205I INVALID PASSWORD password x x IHK206I TEXT MUST BE 1 TO 40 CHARACTERS LONG {BRDCST} MSG chars x x IHK207I DELETED FROM USER LIST-userid x x IHK208I ADDED TO USER LIST-userid x x IHK209I MSG NOT SAVED BRDCST chars x x IHK2l0I LINE ADDRESS INVALID/NOT FOUND lineaddress x x IHK211I JOB NOT IN SYSTEM jobname x IHK2l2I LOGON userid x x IHK2l3I END OF CRJE MESSAGES x x IHK2l4I CENOUT jobname x x IHK215I START CRJE REJECTED x IHK2l6I DISK ERROR {ACTIVE AREA} {START } CRJE.SYSLIB (dsname) x IHK2l7I CRJE BROADCAST MESSAGES START x x IHK218I CRJE BROADCAST MESSAGES END x x IHK219I OUT OF MAIN STORAGE [START] x IHK220I nnn LINE NOT OPERATIONAL IHK22lI LOGONS SUPPRESSED x IHK222I ABNORMAL CRJE CLOSEDOWN x x IHK223I CRJE NOW ACTIVE x x IHK225I CRJE BROADCAST MESSAGE(S) DELETED [nnnn] x x IHK226I OPERAND MISSING/INVALID command operand x x IHK227I NO JOBS IN SYSTEM x IHK228I UNABLE TO OPEN {ACTIVE} [RLN=xxxx] ddname IHK229I LOGONS RESUMED x x x x x IHK 10 11 12 x x x x x x x x x x x Routing and Descriptor Codes 695 .. W Figure 27. IIHK Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 123 4 567 8 'I x IHK231I JOB NOT COMPLETE jobname [userid] x x IHK2321 NO CRJE BROADCAST MESSAGES x x IHK2331 NO CRJE DELAYED MESSAGES [useridl x x IHK2341 ACTIVE AREA NOT ON SUPPORTED DEVICE x x IHK2351 DD CARD NOT IN PROCEDURE x x IHK2361 MAXIMUM NO. OF CRJE USER MESSAGES REACHED x IHK237I MAXIMUM BRDCST INDENTIFIER EXCEEDED - LAST=nnnn x x IHK2381 SPECIFIC SHOW SESS MAXIMUM EXCEEDED - userid x x IHK239I SHOW SESS NOT IN EFFECT [userid] x x IHK240I ACTIVE AREA OUT OF SPACE x IHK241I LIBRARY I/O ERROR ddname CRJE.LIB.userid x IHK2421 ACTIVE AREA I/O ERROR-ABNORMAL CRJE CLOSEDOWN x IHK2431 LINE BEING ACTIVATED lineaddress x x IHK2441 LINE DEACTIVATED lineaddress x x IHK2451 {~gn} x IHK2461 QUEUE MANAGER DISK ERROR [jobname] x IHK2471 NO CRJE USERS x x IHK248I INACTIVE CRJE USER userid x x IHK2491 SHOW SESS IN EFFECT [userid] x x IHK250I SHOW SESS RELEASED [useridl x x IHK251I LINE NOT ACTIVE lineaddress x x IHK252I USER LIST FULL [userid] x x IHK253I JOB WAITING DELIVERY jobname x x IHK254I ILLEGAL DELIMITER command operand x x IHK255I MESSAGES DELETED FOR userid x x IHK256I MSG QUEUED FOR DELIVERY userid x x IHK257I JOB COMPLETE jobname userid x x IHK258I MODIFY BEING PROCESSED lineaddress x x IHK259I INVALID BRDCST IDENTIFIER operand x ddname ACTIVE CRJE USERS Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) 10 11 12 x CRJE CLOSED DOWN x 696 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IHK2301 x c Routing and Descriptor Codes of Remote Job Entry and Conversational Remote Job Entry Messages (Part 4 of 5) x x x x x x x x x x c Figure 27. Descriptor Codes Routing and Descriptor Codes of Remote Job Entry and Conversational Remote Job Entry Messages (Part 5 of 5) Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 567 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x IHK260I CRJE,aaa,bb,cccccccc,dddddd, eeeeeeeeeeeeeee,ffffffffffffff, gggggg,hhh x x IHK26lI ACTIVE AREA CONTAINS MULTIPLE EXTENTS x x IHK263I REQUIRED PARAMETER MISSING {START} EXEC x x IHK265I LINE ALREADY ACTIVE lineaddress x IHK2671 MAXIMUM NO. OF CRJE BROADCAST MESSAGES REACHED x IHK268I CRJE BRDCST HESSAGE ADDED nnnn x x IHK2691 CRJE BRDCST MESSAGE REPLACED nnnn x IHK270I ACTIVE AREA I/O ERROR IHK2721 JOB DELETED jobname x IHK273I x IHK2741 x x x IHK 10 11 12 x x x x x OUT OF SPACE CRJE.SYSLIB (dsname) x x x CRJE SUBTASK ABEND xxx x x o • Routing and Descriptor Codes - 697~ Figure 28. IIHL Descriptor Codes Routing and Descriptor Codes for Generalized Trace Facility Messages (Part 1 of 2) Routing Code Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * ! 1 ! I 1 1!2 31415161718 9 10 11 x x IHLOO1A INVALID KEYWORD. REPLY U x IHLOO2A INVALID DELIMETER. REPLY U x IHLOO3A INVALID OPERAND. REPLY U x IHLOO4A KEYWORD(S) REPEATED. REPLY U x IHLOO5I NO TIMESTAMP -- TIMER NOT WORKING x x IHLOO6I GTF ACKNOWLEDGES STOP COMMAND x x' IHLOO7I GTF TERMINATING ON ERROR CONDITION x x IHL012I SYSPRINT DD STATEMENT NOT SUPPLIED x x x IHL013I GTF ACTIVE FROM A PREVIOUS START COMMAND. x x x IHL014I UNSUCCESSFUL OPEN SYSPRINT DATA SET x x X IHL015I STAE REQUEST UNSUCCESSFUL x x IHL016I GTF INITIALIZATION UNSUCCESSFUL x x IHL021I IEFRDER DD STATEMENT NOT SUPPLIED x x IHL022I OPEN FAILURE FOR TRACE DATA SET x x IHL023I INSUFFICIENT ALLOCATED BUFFER SIZE -- DEFAULT ASSIGNED x x IHL031I GTF INITIALIZATION COMPLETE x x IHL034I WARNING -- INSUFFICIENT CORE FOR ABEND x IHL100A SPECIFY TRACE OPTIONS I RESPECIFY PARAMETERS OR x RESPECIFY PARAMETERS OR x RESPECIFY PARAMETERS OR x RESPECIFY PARAMETERS OR I, I I x x I x IHL101A SPECIFY TRACE EVENT KEYWORDS -- keyword, ..• ,keyword x IHL102A CONTINUE TRACE DEFINITION OR REPLY END x IHL103I TRACE OPTIONS SELECTED -- value,value, •.• ,value x x IHL104A TRACE= KEYWORD NOT SPECIFIED x x IHL105A SYNTAX ERROR. x IHL106A NO OPTIONS SPECIFIED x x IHL107A SYNTAX ERROR. x x IHL108A INVALID OPTION SPECIFIED opt x .x IHL109A INVALID DEVICE SPECIFIED -- cuu x .x IHLllOA INVALID EVENT KEYWORD SPECIFIED x x IHLlllA UNBALANCED PARENTHESIS IN KEYWORD keywd x x I 698 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) IMPROPER DELIMITER MISSING COMMA -- 12 x x \ : x! x I o Figure 28. Descriptor Codes Routing and Descriptor Codes for Generalized Trace Facility Messages {Part 2 of 2} Message Texts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 () IHL Routing Code * 1 2 3 4 5 6h 8 9 x IHLl12A UNALLOWABLE KEYWORD FOR THE PROMPTING SEQUENCE -- Keywd x x IHLl13A LMT ERROR. EXCEEDED 50 DEVICES FOR 10= x IHLl14A LMT ERROR. EXCEEDED 50 DEVICES FOR SIO= x x' IHLl15A INVALID INTERRUPT CODE SPECIFIED x x IHLl16A INVALID SVC NUMBER SPECIFIED x x IHLl17A LMT ERROR. x IHLl181 ERROR IN IHLxxxx. x IHL1201 INVALID SYSTEM FOR GTF -- INITIALIZATION TERMINATED x xI IHL1211 SYS1.PARMLIB INPUT INDICATED x x IHL1221 MEMBER NOT SPECIFIED. PARMLIB IGNORED 'X x IHL1231 MEMBER ddn NOT FOUND. PARMLIB IGNORED x )( IHL1241 GTF PARMLIB INPUT ERROR x x IHL125A RESPECIFY TRACE OPTIONS OR REPLY U x x IHL126A ILLEGAL SPECIFICATION OF TRACE OPTIONS x x IHL1271 GTF PARMLIB I/O ERROR text x )( IHL1281 GTF MODULE mod NOT FOUND x )( IHL1301 INSUFFICIENT CORE FOR TRACE INITIALIZATION x x IHL1311 GTF PARMLIB ERROR DURING OPEN -- ccc x EXCEEDED 50 SVC NUMBERS yyy DISABLED. 1011 12 x TIME=hh.rnrn.ss x Routing and Descriptor Codes x 699 Figure 29. IIKA Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IKA001I utn - GWRITE REG 15 = dd x x IKA002I utn - GCNTRL ALM, REG 15 = dd x x IKA003I utn - GCNTRL STR, REG 15 = dd x x IKA004I utn - GCNTRL RMV, REG 15 = dd x x IKA005I utn - GREAD CUR, REG 15 x IKA006I utn - BUF SEG OVFL x x IKA007I utn - OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN x x IKA008I utn - CST ENTRY NOT ON FULLWORD BOUNDARY x x IKAOIII utn - Imd - OCTxxxxx ERR x IKA013I prm BAD KEY x IKA024I utn - EXTRACT RECORD, UNKNOWN KEY x x IKA029I utn - Imd - BAD POST CODE x x IKA032I utn PSTENTRY LNG INVALID x x IKA035I utn - Imd - CCTCCR VIOLATION x x IKA037I utn LOG ON x x IKA040I prm PARM LNG INVALID x x IKA041I MAKE prm {ALPHA x NUMERIC A THRU 0 = x dd x } x IKA042I prm INVALID x x IKA043I DONT USE MODIFY x IKA044I I/O ERR, GFX x IKA045E INFORM USER ON utn x IKA046I START GFX IGNORED x IKA047I j j j - SYSOUT FOR Y DELETED x x IKA0481 j j j SYSOUT ON Y x x IKA049I DEQ ERR, CODE=hh x x IKA050I utn LOG OFF x IKA051E GFX READY x x IKA053I MAKE MSGF UNIQUE x x IKA054I GFX STOPPED x IKA055I utn UNSUCCESSFUL SPAR dd x x x x x 700 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X x o Routing and Descriptor Codes of Graphic Job Processor and Satellite Graphic Job Processor Messages (Part 1 of 2) Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) x x x ~ 10' 11 12 o Figure 29. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Graphic Job Processor and Satellite Graphic Job Processor Messages (Part 2 of 2) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 () IKA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x lKA0561 utn OPEN dsn DCB UNSUCCESSFUL x x lKA057I utn INSUFF BUFFER x x lKA0581 utn ASGNBFR ERR dd x x IKA0591 utn INVALID UNIT ADDRESS IN CIB x x IKA0601 lmd GETMAIN UNSUCCESSFUL x x lKA0611 utn END OF DATA ON dsn x x lKA0621 utn I/O ERR READING dsn x lKA0631 utn - NO JOBCLASS Y, x lKA0641 utn - PARTITION SIZE TOO SMALL FOR Y, x lKA0651 utn - PARTITIONS FOR Y BUSY x lKA0661 utn QUEUED ON Pnn x lKA067I utn - NO PARTITION OF SCHEDULER SIZE FOR Y, x IKA0681 utn - I/O ERROR - xxxx x x lKA9991 utn Imd ddd x {n 10 11 12 x x {~} x {i} x x {!} x x o Routing and Descriptor Codes 701 Figure 30. IIKD c Routing and Descriptor Codes of Satellite Graphic Job Processor Messages Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 345 6 7 8 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x IKDOOID utn - INITIALIZATION FAILURE x x IKD002D utn - LINE ERROR x x IKD003D utn - SYNCHRONIZATION ERROR x IKD005I utn - DCB NOT OPENED x x Figure 31. IIKF 10 11 12 x x Routing and Descriptor Codes of American National Standard COBOL Messages Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts 1 2 345 6 7 8 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IKFOOOA- xxx x x x IKFIIII- EXCEPTIONAL I/O CONDITION SENSED PROCESSING ddname x x x IKF888I- 'UNSUCCESSFUL SORT FOR sort-file-name' x x IKF990D- 'AWAITING REPLY' x x x IKF999I- UNSUCCESSFUL OPEN FOR ddname. x x x IKFOOO3I-D message x x x 702 * Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Figure 32. Routing Codes Operator Messages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x IKJOOID START ERROR - REPLY, 'CANCEL' 'MEMBER NAME' , IKJOO2D START ERROR - REPLY, 'LIST' , 'u' , OR 'CANCEL' x IKJOO3D START ERROR - REPLY, OR 'CANCEL' 'FORM' , , FORM=ALL' , 'u' , x x IKJOO41 START REJECTED - OPEN FOR SYS.PARMLIB x x IKJOOSI MEMBER OF SYSl.PARMLIB NOT FOUND x x IKJ0061 START REJECTED - I/O ERROR READING SYSl.PARMLIB x x IKJOO7I START REJECTED - TIME SHARING IS IN PROCESS x x IKJOO81 BLDL FAILED FOR MODULE mod FOR TSO LINK PACK AREA x x IKJOO91 START REJECTED - BLDL FAILED FOR A TSO MODULE x x IKJOIOI START REJECTED - BLDL FAILED FOR A TSO DRIVER MODULE, mod x x IKJOIII START REJECTED - MODULE, mod, COULD NOT INITIALIZE x x IKJ0121 DRIVER=( PARAMETER DOES NOT HAVE A RIGHT PARENTHESIS x x IKJ0131 {LPA= } PARAMETER IS NOT ALLOWED ON THE START DUMP= COMMAND x x IKJ0141 START REJECTED - I/O ERROR SEARCHING x x IKJOlSI THE TIME SHARING SYSTEM CANNOT BE INITIALIZED x IKJ0161 REGNMAX=nn - REGIONS STARTED=xx x x IKJ0171 SMF NOT ACTIVE, SMF PARAMETER IGNORED x x IKJ0181 SMF OPI BIT IS SET - SMF PARAMETER IGNORED x x IKJ0191 TSO IS INITIALIZED x x IKJ0211 START REJECTED - INVALID CORE REQUEST FOR TSC REGION XI IKJ024D TSO STOP IN PROGRESS, REPLY IKJ02S1 TSO UNABLE TO TERMINATE DUE TO REGION FAILURE IKJ0261 HOLD AND REGSIZE SPECIFIED FOR SAME REGION=n x IKJ027D REPLY 'HOLD' , x IKJ0301 ddname,xxxxx,yyyyy SWAP DATA SET FORMAT IKJ0311 SWAP DATA SET(S) ARE FULL IKJ0331 ddname SWAP DATA SET OPEN FAILED IKJ034D FORMAT ddname SWAP DATA SET, REPLY 'YES' OR 'NO' x x x x x x 1011 12 X x x • 'u' ,OR x x 1 2 3 4 5 678 9 x cm userid x x * IKJOOOI x IKJ Routing and Descriptor Codes of TSO Messages (Part 1 of 5) Descriptor Codes x x 'u' OR 'FSTOP' 'REGSIZE', 'U', OR 'CANCEL' x x x }< x x Routing and Descriptor Codes 703 IIKJ Figure 32. Routing and Descriptor Codes of TSO Messages (Part 2 of 5) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Operator Messages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x IKJ0351 ddd INVALID SWAP DEVICE,ddname x x IKJ0361 SWAP DATA SET STRUCTURE INVALID x IKJ0371 I/O ERROR WHILE SWAPPING OUT TJID=xxxx IKJ040D RESPECIFY 'BACKGROUND=nn' OR 'CANCEL' x IKJ041I BACKGROUND PERCENTAGE INVALID x IKJ043D RQEL PARM NOT SUPPLIED FOR REGION nn SPECIFY OR CANCEL x x· IKJ0501 UNABLE TO START TS REGION nn - PROTECTION KEY UNAVAILABLE x x IKJ051I TIME SHARING REGION nn HAS TERMINATED x x x IKJ0521 TIME SHARING REGION nn HAS STARTED x x x IKJ0531 INSUFFICIENT MAIN STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR TS REGION nn x IKJ054D REPLY 'RETRY' OR 'CANCEL' x x IKJ0551 TIME SHARING REGION xx HAS FAILED - TSO CANNOT BE TERMINATED x x IKJ0601 START REJECTED - UNABLE TO ESTABLISH A STAE ENVIRONMENT x IKJ0611 THIS KEYWORD IS INVALID - cccccccc=nnnn IKJ0621 TSO REGION nn NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR LOGONS x IKJ0631 THIS KEYWORD IS MISSING - cccccccc x x. IKJ0641 THE VALUE OF THIS KEYWORD IS INVALID cccccccc=nnnn x IKJ066D REPLY 'keyword=value' , ['U'] or 'CANCEL' x x IKJ067I THE ABOVE KEYWORD AND ITS VALUE WILL BE IGNORED x x IKJ072I cccccccc=nnnn EXCEEDS MAXIMUM OF max x x IKJ073I REGION nn NOT ACTIVE, REGSIZE/HOLD IGNORED x x IKJ074I nn DOES NOT EXIST, REGSIZE INVALID x x IKJ0751 TSO/SMF OPTIONS CANNOT EXCEED aaaaa bbbbb x x IKJ0761 SUM OF REGSIZE AND LSQA EXCEEDS MAX - 16382 x x IKJ"0781 j j j sss TSO IS STOPPING x x IKJ0791 j j j sss TSO HAS BEEN MODIFl;ED x x x x x x x x x x x 704 * x x x x x IKJ0801 TSO MODIFY CANCELLED BY OPERATOR x IKJ085I TSO MODIFY/STOP SUBTASK TERMINATED x x IKJ086I REGION nn HAS FAILED, REGSIZE/HOLD IGNORED x Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) 10 11 12 () Figure 32. Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Operator Messages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TSO DUMP FUNCTION INOPERATIVE x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x IKJ091I TSO DUMP DATA SET ON INVALID DEVICE x x IKJ092I TSO DUMP INCOMPLETE - UNABLE TO DUMP ALL OF STORAGE x IKJ093I TSO MAIN STORAGE DUMP COMPLETE [SWAP UNITS RESERVED] IKJ094I TSO DUMP OF MAIN STORAGE BYPASSED IKJ095I ddd TSO UNIT, DUMP DATA SET FULL x IKJ4011 START TCAM BEFORE TSO x x IKJ402I TCAM PROCEDURE DOES NOT SUPPORT TSO x IKJ403I LINEGROUP FOR DD ddn NOT OPENED x x IKJ500I BRDR OPEN ERROR code x 'x IKJ5011 BRDR INVALID INPUT x x IKJ502I BRDR SYNAD synad x x IKJ503I BRDR REQUIRED DD MISSING FROM PROC x x IKJ504I BRDR R/I ERROR code x x IKJ505I BRDR PARAMETER MISSING x x IKJ506I BRDR MISSING VOL volser FOR JOB jjj x x IKJ507I BRDR INCONSISTENT VOLSER/DEVICE volser devtype x x IKJ508I BRDR DATA SET NOT FOUND ON VOL volser FOR JOB 'jjj' x x IKJ509I BRDR QUEUE READ ERROR x x IKJ510I BRDR QUEUE DELETE ERROR x- x IKJ511I BRDR QUEUE DEQUEUE ERROR x x IKJ512I BRDR QUEUE ENQUEUE ERROR x x x x x () * IKJ090I X IKJ Routing and Descriptor Codes of TSO Messages (Part 3 of 5) 10 11 12 x x x " - • x IKJ513I BRDR JOB jjj WAS CANCELLED x x IKJ514I BRDR INVALID VOLUME FOR JOB jjj x- x IKJ520I SUBMIT QUEUE FULL x x IKJ549I TIME SHARING JOB jjj CANCELLED x x IKJ5701 SEND NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS SYSTEM x x IKJ5711 INVALID USERID(S) userid, userid, ... x x IKJ572I USER(S) userid NOT LOGGED ON, MESSAGE CANCELLED x x IKJ573I SEND SYNTAX ERROR. x x IKJ574I NO SPACE IN BROADCAST DATA SET FOR ~ MAIL NOTICES COMMAND REJECTED f x Routing and Descriptor Codes - 705~ IIKJ Figure 32. Routing and, Descriptor Codes of TSO Messages (Part 4 of 5) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Operator Messages * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x IKJ575I DATA SETSYSl.BRODCAST NOT USABLE x IKJ576I NO BROADCAST MESSAGE(S) x x IKJ578I BROADCAST MSGNO=nn ,x IKJ579I CANNOT EXECUTE SEND x x IKJ580I MESSAGE TRUNCATED TO 115 CHARACTERS x IKJ600I TSOLOGON {I/O } OBTAIN 1011 12 x x x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 x 'x ERROR, OPEN DDNAME ddname, USER {uSerid } ,PROC {PROC } UNKNOWN UNKNOWN x IKJ601I TSOLOGON ABEND nnn, USER {userid } ,PROC {procname} UNKNOWN UNKNOWN x x x IKJ602I INCONSISTENT AUTHORIZATION DATA FOR userid x x x IKJ603I TSOLOGON TERMINATED, INSTALLATION EXIT {ABEND} nnn ERROR x x x IKJ605I TSOLOGON TERMINATED. USER {userid } UNKNOWN TOO MANY ATTEMPTS. x x x IKJ606I TSOLOGON REJECTED. USERID, userid, IN USE ~ x :x IKJ607I TSOLOGON REJECTED. USER userid nnnnK REGION NOT AVAILABLE. x IKJ608I TSOLOGON TERMINATED. ~ USER {USerid } UNKNOWN {srname } ERROR nnn. mac name PROC {procname} UNKNOWN 'x x ~ IKJ609I TSOLOGON REQUIRED DDNAME, ddname, MISSING x x IX IKJ610I TSOLOGON REGION NOT INITIALIZED x x IKJ650D TSO NOT ACTIVE. x IKJ651I x x ;x Pc Pc x NO VALUE SPECIFIED FOR TRACE WRITER TRPARM ,x x IKJ652I ZERO VALUE SPECIFIED FOR TRACE WRITER TRPARM x x IKJ653I TRACE WRITER ALREADY ACTIVE. x IKJ654D TSO STOPPED, TSTRACE WAITING. x x TSTRACE WAITING. 'x IKJ655I TRACE WRITER CANNOT ESTABLISH STAE ENVIRONMENT x x :x IKJ656I INSUFFICIENT SPACE AVAILABLE FOR TRACE WRITER BUFFER x x IKJ657I NO DD STATEMENT FOR TRACE DATA SET Pt x x IKJ658I I/O ERROR ON TRACE DATA SET x x x. IKJ659I TRACE DATA SET BLKSIZE LESS THAN MINIMUM ALLOWED x x x .- 706 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) x o Figure 32. Descriptor Codes IKJ Routing and Descriptor Codes of TSO MesSages (Part 5 of 5) Routing Codes Operator Messages * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 61':7 8 910 1.1 12 X IKJ6601 'TRACE WRITER TRPARM VALUE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ALLOWED x x IKJ6611 NON-NUMERIC CHARACTER IN TRACE WRITER TRPARM x x IKJ6621 TSTRACE TERMINATEP x x x IKJ6631 TSO ACTIVE, TSTRACE RECORDING x x x IKJ6811 I/O ERROR DURING TRACE PROCESSOR PROGRAM x x IKJ6821 UNABLE TO OPEN SYSPRINT DATA SET x x x () • Routing and Descriptor Codes 707 IIMx Figure 33. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Service Aids Messages (Part 1 of 3) Descriptor Codes Routing Codes Message Texts -l' .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x lMAOO21 DATA SET ASSOCIATED WITH THE //xxxx DD CARD CANNOT BE OPENED x lMA1011 SYSLIB I/O ERROR device, operation, error condition, access method x x lMA1021 SYSLIB DD SPECIFICATION ERROR x x lMA1031 CSECT ABSENT - ALL CSECTS FOLLOW x x I 10 11 12 x lMA1041 VERIFY REJECT - SET NO GO SWITCH x x lMA1051 INVALID CARD OR NO GO SWITCH SET x x lMA1061 PATCH OVERLAPS - CHECK DUMP x x lMA1071 DS AREA NOT INCLUDED IN TEXT x x lMA1091 ERROR - ODD NUMBER DIGITS - IGNORED x x lMA1101 NO DIRECTORY SSI - SETSSI IGNORED x x lMA1111 PREVIOUS ERROR - SETSSI IGNORED x x lMAl121 MEMBER NOT FOUND - SETSSI IGNORED x x lMAl141 PERMISSION TO UPDATE VTOC DENIED x x lMA1161 ENTER lMASPZAP CONTROL STATEMENT OR END x x lMAl17D REPLY Y OR N TO UPDATE UTOC xxxxxx yyy x zzzzzzzz SYSPRINT DD NOT IN INPUT x lMA1201 FULL IDR FOR MODULE name x lMA1211 CCHHRR UPDATE BY jobname ON ser,cchhr,dsn x x IMBOO11 SYSPRINT DD STATEMENT MISSING x x IMBOO21 SNAP DUMP DD STATEMENT MISSING x x x x x NONE x IMCOO1A SPECIFY SELECT phRAMETERS [OR END] x IMCOO2A COMMAND ERROR [- ENTER QDUMP PARAMETERS] x IMCOO3A QUEUE NOT FOUND ON SPECIFIED DEVICE ENTER QDUMP PARAMETERS IMCOO41 QDUMP COMPLETED x IMCOO61 THESE JOBS NOT FOUND jobname 1 jobname 2, etc. x x NONE 708 x lMAl181 x NOTE 1 V IMCOO7E K ddd, { SCRTCH ser IMCOO8A M ddd, {SCRTCH} / JQDUMP SLTAPE IMCOO9A ENTER TODAY'S DATE IN THE FOLLOWING FROM YYDDD IMCOIOI TAPE IS STANDARD LABELED, DSN=JQDUMP Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) x JQDUMP NOTE 1 (~ o Figure 33. Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 234 567 8 NONE IMC012E TAPE PROTECTED FROM USE IMC013A adr, INT REQ 1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11 12 NOTE 1 IMC014E TAPE HAS USACII LABELS IMC016I PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON ddname TERMINATED] IMC0171 FILE {OSJQDIN } CANNOT BE OPENED OSJQDOUT x IMD1501 FILE {PRINTER} CANNOT BE OPENED SYSUTI x x IMD1511 INSUFFICIENT MAIN STORAGE - EXECUTION TERMINATED x x IMD1521 SYSUTI IS DATA CELL - DEVICE NOT SUPPORTED x x IMD153I PERMANENT I/O ERROR ON ddname - EXECUTION TERMINATED x x IMD154D REPLY TITLE, x IMD155D REPLY WITH GO, DESIRED FUNCTION, OR END x x IMD1561 REPLY WITH STOP TO TERMINATE CURRENT FUNCTION x x IMD157A MOUNT NEW DUMP TAPE x x x IMD1581 I/O ERROR ON TAPE [ENTIRE TAPE WILL BE PRINTED} ONLY NUCLEUS AND SQA WILL BE PRINTED SELECT OPTION TO RETRY LINKPACK AREA MAP ABORTED QCB TRACE ABORTED x x IMD1591 IMDPRDMP PROGRAM CHECK x x IMD161I FORMAT ERROR x IMD1621 JOB jobname {NOT FOUND } ROLLED OUT x x IMD1631 GO FUNCTIONS TO BE PERFORMED [ongo operands] x x IMD1641 x x IMD1651 TAPE IS PRE-FORMATTED DUMP REMAINING PARAMETERS IGNORED ERROR ON PRECEDING CONTROL STATEMENT error descriptor x x () IMx Routing and Descriptor Codes of Service Aids Messages (Part 2 of 3) Descriptor Codes I x [EXECUTION x x 'SAME' OR 'END' ENTIRE TAPE WILL BE PRINTED ONLY NUCLEUS AND SQA WILL BE PRINTED SELECT OPTION TO RETRY ENTIRE TAPE WILL BE PRINTED ONLY NUCLEUS AND SQA WILL BE PRINTED SELECT OPTION TO RETRY LINKPACK AREA MAP ABORTED QCB TRACE ABORTED x IMD168I DUMP DATA SET EMPTY - DD xxxxxxxx x IMD1761 ddname DD NOT TAPE DEVICE - NO WORK FILE DD I x x x Routing and Descriptor Codes -- 709~ Figure 33. Descriptor Codes 1, 2 3 4 oj( 1 2 345 6 7 8 9 DELETE ERROR - mod IMD199D CONTINUE DEFINITION x IMD201I INVALID KEYWORD BEGINNING WITH xxx x x IMD202I INVALID PARENTHESES x x IMD203I INVALID PARM VALUE FOR KEYWORD keywd x x IMD204I LENGTH OF PARM INVALID FOR KEYWORD keywd x x IMD20SI DUPLICATE KEYWORD - keywd x' x IMD206I EXCESSIVE NO. PARM VALUES FOR KEYWORD keywd x x IMD207I INVALID DELIMITER FOR KEYWORD keywd x x IMD208I START VALUE EXCEEDS STOP VALUE IN STMTS ABOVE x x IMD209I INVALID USR EID OR RANGE x X IMD2llI EDIT OPTIONS IN EFFECT - option list x x IMD2l2I RCD ON PG nnnn-RET CODE retcde RCVD FR MODULE mod x x IMD2l3I PROCESSING CONTINUES - BYPASSING MODULE mod x x IMD2l4I CURRENT EDIT FUNCTION TERMINATED x x IMD21SI FURTHER RECS REQUIRING mod WILL BE DUMPED IN HEX x IMD2l6I RCD AND OTHER INFO ON PG nnnn. MODULE mod x IMD2l7I NO SYS DATA, JOB OR TCB SELECTION NOT ALLOWED IMD218D REPLY 'c' TO EDIT TO TERMINATE IMD2l9D EDIT DUMP - NO SELECT. TO TERMINATE IMD220I NO EDIT DD CARD - ddn x IMD22SI REG/PART nnnK TOO SMALL FOR EDIT BUFFERS x x x x x x 10 11 12 x IMD181I I x Routing Codes Message Texts .5 6 7 8 x I Routing and Descriptor Codes of Service Aids Messages (Part 3 of 3) wlo xI PGM CHECK IN JOB/TCB SELECTION, x 'S' REPLY DDNAME OR '0 ' x x Cl" 710 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Figure 34. Routing and Descriptor Codes of Unnumbered Messages Descriptor Codes Unnumbered Routing Codes Message Texts * 1 234 567 8 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COBOL E xxx •.. 10 11 12 x COBOL F xxx ... MAINTENANCE ANALYSIS LOG CHANGE ITEM BYPASSED - CHANGE LEVELS DO NOT CHECK. CHANGE ITEM BYPASSED - EXCEPT CARD. CHANGE ITEM BYPASSED - LOCAL-FIX FLAG ON. CHANGE ITEM BYPASSED - NOT IN SYSTEM. CHANGE ITEM BYPASSED - PTF FLAGS DO NOT CHECK. CHANGE ITEM EXPECTS PTF. PTF FLAG SET OFF. FORCE AND EXCEPT BOTH SPECIFIED. NONE o FORCE OVERRIDES. FORCED MODIFICATION TO A LFF. LFF FLAG RETAINED. FORCED MODIFICATION TO A PTF. PTF FLAG RETAINED. FORCED REPLACEMENT TO A LFF. LFF FLAG SET OFF. FORCED REPLACEMENT TO A PTF. PTF FLAG SET OFF. NOTE 8 LIBRARY BYPASSED - COULD NOT BE OPENED. NEW MEMBER TO BE ADDED TO SYSTEM. UPDATE ANALYSIS HAD COMPLETED. PL/I OBJECT PROGRAM x xxx ... x xxx ... o 0 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD COBOL e x Routing and Descriptor Codes x - 711~ c 712 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o Tobie I If the problem recurs, follow the problem determination aids specified by the associated message or code before calling IBM for support: 1. Make sure that MSGLEVEL =( 1,1) was specified in the JOB statement. 12. Execute the SEREP program, and save the resulting output. 2. Save the conso Ie sheet from the primary conso Ie. In systems with Multiple Console Support (MCS), save a copy of the hard copy log. 13. Save all the associated output. 14. 3. Save the job stream associated with the job. In the normal response to this message, the programmer/operator was requested to execute a specific program. Save all output from that program. 4. Save the system output (SYSOUT) associated with the job. 15. Save the program listing associated with the job. 5. Make sure that the failing job step includes a: 16. Save the dump. 17. Have the system generation (SYSGEN) output avai lable from a. b. c. SYSABEND DD statement. SYSUDUMP DD statement. PLl DUMP DD statement. a. Problem Determination 6. 18. Problem determination is the activity required to identify a failing hardware unit or program and determine who is responsible for maintenance. a. b. c. Problem determination is accomplished by using procedures specified by IBM. In some cases, these procedures may be initiated by a message or code which requires operator or programmer response. The response may include the requirement for additional problem-related data to be collected and wi II attempt, where possible, to indicate "probable" failure responsibility. o d. 7. Problem determination information is included for applicable messages and codes under the heading "Problem Determination." Standard problem determination actions are identified as items of Tables I and TI. Unique actions are identified following the list of standard actions to be taken. In any case, it is intended that the specified actions be taken before calling IBM for support. MAP LIST DIAG MSG=AP e. f. g. CORE, if applicable XREF DUMP Execute the L1STlDR function of the IMBLIST service aid program to obtain a list of all members with a PTF or local fix, and save the output. Execute the program against the: a. b. c. 8. SYS1.LlNKLIB data set. SYS1.SVCLlB data set. library containing the program that issued the message. Execute the IMCJQDMP or IMCOSJQD service aid program to obtain a formatted copy of the contents of the SYS I.SYSJOBQE data set. For IMCOSJQD, specify the select option: b. c. Stage ]I Execute the IFCEREPO service aid program, Save the resulting output. 19. Save the assembly listing associated with the job. 20. Save the control cards associated with the job. 21. Save the compiler output associated with the job. 22. Save the source input associated with the job. 23. Save the source program listing associated with the job. 24. Run OlTEP diagnostics for the problem device and save the output. 25. Execute the IEHLlST system utility program to obtain a list of the ALL. JOBNAME. QCR. Save the resulting output. b. c. d. Execute the IMBllST service aid program to obtain: a. b. an object module listing, specifying the LlSTOBJ function. a load module map and cross-reference listing, specifying the OUTPUT=BOTH option of the LlSTLOAD function. 10. Have a copy of the Message Control Program (MCP) available. 11. Execute the IMDSADMP service aid program, specifying the TYPE =HI option, to dump the contents of main storage on magnetic tape. After restarting the system, execute the IMDPRDMP service aid program, specifying the GO option, to prir:lt the dump tape produced by the IMDSADMP program. If a tape is not available, execute the IMDSADMP specifying the TYPE = LO option, to dump the contents of main storage directly to the printer. Save the resulting dump output. Jiili&iZiiliaA b. to dump the SYS 1. lOGREe data set. a. a. o Stage I Make sure that the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement specifies: 26. volume table of contents of the associated volume, specifying the FORMAT option. volume table of contents of the associated volume, specifying the DUMP option. directory of the associated data set. the system catalog. Execute the IE BPTPCH data set uti lity to a. b. c. d. print print print print the the the the directory of the applicable data set. applicable data set. applicable member. applicable procedure. 27. Have the linkage editor/loader map available. 28. Save the associated volume. 29. Contact IBM for programming support. 30. Contact IBM for hardware support. PART VI: PROBLEM DETERMINATION Tobie I Tab Ie If the problem recurs, follow the problem determination aids specified by the assoc iated message or code before ca Iii ng IBM for support: GTF FOR PROBLEM DETERMINATION Format 1: 1. Make sure that MSGLEVEL=( 1,1) was specified in the JOB statement. 12. Execute the SEREP program, and save the resulting output. 2. Save the console sheet from the primary console. In systems with Multiple Console Support (MCS), save a copy of the hard copy log. 13. Save a II the assoc iated output. 14. 3. Save the job stream associated with the job. In the normal response to this message, the programmer/operator was requested to execute a specific program. Save all output from that program. 4. Save the system output (SYSOUT) associated with the job. 5. Make sure that the failing job step includes a: a. b. c. 6. b. d. lich 7. b. c. 8. MAP LIST DIAG MSG=AP e. f. g. CORE, if applicable XREF DUMP Execute the L1STIDR function of the IMBLIST service aid program to obtain a list of all members with a PTF or local fix, and save the output. Execute the program aga i nst the: a. ing Save the program listing associated with the job. 16. Save the dump. 17. Have the system generation (SYSGEN) output available from a. c. 3M. 15. b. Stage SYS 1. L1NKLIB data set. SYS 1.SVCLlB data set. library containing the program that issued the message. Execute the IMCJQDMP or IMCOSJQD service aid program to obtain a formatted copy of the contents of the SYS1.SYSJOBQE data set. For IMCOSJQD, specify the select option: a. b. c. Execute the IFCEREPO service aid program, to dump the SYS 1. LOGREC data set. Save the resulting output. 19. Save the assembly listing associated with the job. 20. Save the control cards associated with the job. 21. Save the compiler output associated with the job. 22. Save the source input associated with the job. 23. Save the source program listing associated with the job. 24. Run 0 LTEP diagnostics for the problem device and save the output. 25. Execute the IEHLlST system utility program to obtain a list of the ALL. JOBNAME. QCR. Save the resulting output. b. c. d. an object module listing, specifying the LlSTOBJ function. a load module map and cross-reference listing, specifying the OUTPUT = BOTH option of the LlSTLOAD function. 10. Have a copy of the Message Control Program (MCP) available. 11. Execute the IMDSADMP service aid program, specifying the TYPE =HI option, to dump the contents of main storage on magnetic tape. After restarting the system, execute the IMDPRDMP service aid program, specifying the GO option, to print the dump tape produced by the IMDSADMP program. If a tape is not available, execute the IMDSADMP specifyi ng the TYPE == LO option, to dump the contents of main storage directly to the printer. 26. volume table of contents of the associated volume, specifying the FORMAT option. volume table of contents of the associated volume, specifying the DUMP option. directory of the associated data set. the system catalog. Tracing without prompting for event keywords. Before reproducing the problem, have the system operator issue a START GTF command specifying tape output, MODE=EXT and TIME=YES. In res~nse to message IHLlOOA, he should type TRACE =opt, where opt is the trace option keyword indicated for the particular message or code, within the text of his reply. When data for the problem has been recorded, run the IMDPRDMP service aid program using the EDIT statement to format the trace output, specifying DDNAME=(ddname of the trace data set). Format 2: Trac ing with prompting for event keywords. Before reproducing the problem, have the system operator issue a START GTF command' specifying tape output, MODE=EXT and TIME=YES. In response to the message IHLlOOA, he should specify the trace option keywords indicated for the associated message or code within the text of his reply. Then, in response to the message IHLl01A, he should specify the event keywords also indicated with the associated message or code. When data for the problem has been recorded, run the IMDPRDMP service aid program using the EDIT statement to format the trace output, specifying DDNAME=(ddname of the trace data set). Format 3: Execute the IMBLIST service aid program to obtain: a. b. n 18. a. 9. Stage I Make sure that the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement specifies: a. :e. SYSABEND DO statement. SYSUDUMP DO statement. PL 1DUMP DO statement. n Specialized tracing action. Before reproducing the problem, have the system operator issue a START GTF command specifying tape output, MODE=EXT and TIME=YES. In response to message IHLlOOA, he should type 'TRACE =SYS ,USR'. The DO statement for a data set in error should specify DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE. When data for the problem has been recorded, execute the EDIT function of IMDPRDMP specifying the options SYS and USR =FFF. Execute the IEBPTPCH data set utility to a. b. c. d. print print print print the the the the directory of the applicable data set. appl icable data set. applicable member. appl icable procedure. 27. Have the linkage editor/loader map available. 28. Save the associated volume. 29. Contact IBM for programm i ng support. 30. Contact IBM for hardware support. Save the resulting dump output. Figure 35. Problem Determination Problem Determination 713 PART VI: PROBLEM DETERMINATION o Problem Determ ination Problem determination is the activity required to identify a failing hardware unit or program and determine who is responsible for maintenance. Problem determination is accomplished by using procedures specified by IBM. In some cases, these procedures may be initiated by a message or code which requires operator or programmer response. The response may include the requirement for additional problem-related data to be collected and will attempt, where possible, to indicate "probable" failure responsibility. Problem determination information is included for applicable messages and codes under the heading "Problem Determination." Standard problem determination actions are identified as items of Tables 1 and n. Unique actions are identified following the list of standard actions to be taken. In any case, it is intended that the specified actions be taken before calling IBM for support. Figure 35. Problem Determination (Part 1 of 3) ;.' o Problem Determination 713 Table I If the problem recurs, follow the problem determination aids specified by the associated message or code before calling I BM for support: 1. Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(1,1) was specified in the JOB statement. 2. Save the console sheet from the primary console. In systems with Multiple Console Support (MCS), save a copy of the hard copy log. 3. Save the job stream associated with the job. 4. Save the system output (SYSOUT) associated with the job. 5. Make sure that the failing job step includes a: a. SYSABEND DO statement. b. SYSUDUMP DO statement. c. PL 1 DUMP DO statement. 6. Make sure that the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement specifies: e. COR E, if applicable a. MAP f. XREF b. LIST g. DUMP c. DIAG d. MSG=AP 7. Execute the LlSTIDR function of the IMBLIST service aid program to obtain a list of all members with a PTF or local fix, and save the output. Execute the program against the: a. SYS1.LlNKLIB data set. b. SYS1.SVCLlB data set. c. library containing the program that issued the message. 8. Execute the IMCJODMP or IMCOSJOD service aid program to obtain a formatted copy of the contents of the SYS1.SYSJOBOE data set. For IMCOSJOD, specify the select option: a. ALL. b. JOBNAME. c. OCR. Save the resu Iting output. 9. Execute the IMBLIST service aid program to obtain: a. an object module listing, specifying the LISTOBJ function. b. a load module map and cross-reference listing, specifying the OUTPUT=BOTH option of the LlSTLOAD function. 10. Have a copy of the Message Control Program (MCP) available. 11. Execute the IMDSADMP service aid program, specifying the TYPE=H I option, to dump the contents of main storage on magnetic tape. After restarting the system, execute the IMDPRDMP service aid program, specifying the GO option, to print the dump tape produced by the IMDSADMP program. (~, l,iIl .... -/ ~---.-,-./ 14. In the normal· response to this message, the programmer/operator was requested to execute a specific program. Save all output from that program. 15. Save the program listing associated with the job. 16. Save the dump. 17. Have the system generation (SYSG EN) output available from a. Stage I b. Stage n 18. Execute the I FCER EPO service aid program, to dump the SYS1.LOGREC data set. Save the resulting output. 19. Save the assembly listing associated with the job. 20. Save the control cards associated with the job. 21. Save the compiler output associated with the job. 22. Save the source input associated with the job. 23. Save the source program listing associated with the job. (Reference GC38-1001, OS/VS Message Library: VS1 System Messages, page IHB-241. 24. Run 0 LTEP diagnostics for the problem device and save the output. 25. Execute the I EH LIST system utility program to obtain a list of the a. volume table of contents of the associated volume, specifying the FORMAT option. b. volume table of contents of the associated volume, specifying the DUMP option. c. directory of the associated data set. d. the system catalog. 26. Execute the a. print the b. print the c. print the d. print the IEBPTPCH data set utility to directory of the applicable data set. applicable data set. applicable member. applicable procedure. 27. Have the linkage editor/loader map available. 28. Save the associated volume. 29. Contact I BM for programming support. (Reference GC38-1001, OS/VS Message Library: VS1 System Messages, page IH B-24) . 30. Contact I BM for hardware support. ''; If a tape is not available, execute the IMDSADMP specifying the TYPE=LO option, to dump the contents of main storage directly to the printer. Save the resulting dump output. 12. Execute the SEREP program, and save the resulting output. 13. Save all the associated output. (Reference GC38-1 001, OS/VS Message Library: VS1 System Messages, page I H B-24) . Figure 35. P~oblem Determination (Part 2 of 3) 713.0 Messages and.Codes (Release 21.7) c o Table n GTF FOR PROBLEM DETERMINATION Format 1: Tracing without prompting for event keywords. Before reproducing the problem, have the system operator issue a START GTF command specifying tape output, MODE=EXT and TIME=YES. In response to message IHL 100A, he should type TRACE=opt, where opt is the trace option keyword indicated for the particular message or code, within the text of his reply. When data for the problem has been recorded, run the IMDPRDMP service aid program using the EDIT statement to format the trace output, specifying DDNAME=(ddname of the trace data set). Format 2: , Tracing with prompting for event keywords. Before reproducing the problem, have the system operator issue a START GTF command specifying tape output, MODE=EXT and TIME=YES. In response to the message IHL 100A, he should specify the trace option keywords indicated for the associated message or code within the text of his reply. Then, in response to the message IHL 101A, he should specify the event keywords also indicated with the associated message or code. When data for the problem has been recorded, run the IMDPRDMP service aid program using the EDIT statement to format the trace output, specifying DDNAME=(ddname of the trace data set). Format 3: Specialized tracing action. Before reproducing the problem, have the system operator issue a START GTF command specifying tape output, MODE=EXT and TIME=YES. In response to message IHL100A, he should type 'TRACE=SYS,USR'. The DD statement for a data set in error should specify DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE. o When data for the problem has been recorded, execute the EDIT function of IMDPRDMP specifying the options SYS and USR=FFF. Figure 35. Problem Determination (Part 3 of 3) o Problem Determination 713.1 r-", "il-_-,-./ • , /'-~ I '-j' c 714 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) Index Indexes to systems reference library manuals are consolidated in the publication IBM systeml360 Operating System: System Reference Library Master Index, Order No. GC28-6644. For additiCinal infonnation about any subject listed below, refer to other publications listed for the same subject in the Master Index. ABEND code (see system completion codes) ABEND messages 92-94 Dynamic device reccnfiguraticn messages (IGF) 431-441 Emulator messages (IIx) 503 End-of-volurre nessages 159-169 Environment reccrding ness ages (IFB) 403-406 Error rressages f cr IBCDASDI (BASDI) and IBCDt{PRS (DUt{P/RESTORE.) 79-82 Error rressages for IBCRCVRP (RECOVER/REPLACE) 86-88 ~LGOL compiler messages (IE~) 397 object program messages ( IHI) ~~erican National Standard COBOL compiler messages (IKF) 533 unnumbered messages 617 Assembler F messages (lEU) 377 Bl'AM/QTAM messages O 477 195-198 Checkpoint/restart messages (IHJ) 479-483 Close messages 185-193 COBOL E compiler messages (IEP) 371 object program messages (IHO) 467 ."'--~, unnumbered messages 619 Completion codes 13-62 Conversational remote job entry (IHK) messages sent to the central operator 493-501 Data manage~ent messages (IEC) BTAM/QTAM 195-198 checkpoint/restart 193-194 close 185-193 direct access device space management (DADSM) 194 end-of-volume 159-169 open 169-185 password security 193 tape label creation 194-195 ~ata set utility messages (IEB) IEECOMPR 125-131 IEBCOPY 114-125 IEEDG 144-149 IEBEDIT 111-114 IEEGENER 131-137 IEEISAM 143-144 IEEPTPCE 137-141 IE.BTCRIN 155-158 IEBUPBAT 141-143 IEEUP£TE 149-154 Descriptor codes 633 Diagnostic messages for independent uti11ties 82-86 Direct access device space management (DABSM) messages 194 FORTRAN IV G nurrbered nessages (lEY) 399 unnurrbered rressages 621 FORTRAN IV H numbered rressages (IEK) 367 unnumbered rressages 623 FORTRA~ IV object ~rcgram ness ages (liIC) 465 FORTRAN syntax checker messages (IPD) 605-613 Graphic job ~rccessor messages (IRA) 513-529 Graphic programming services ness ages (IFF) 429 Generalized Trace Facility nessages (IHL) 503-510 Hard copy log 637 utility nessages 125-131 IEBCOPY utility rressages 114-125 IEBDG utility nessages 144-149 IEBEDI~ utility messages 111-114 IEBGENER utility messages 131-137 IEBISAM utility messages 143-144 IEBPTPCH utility messages 137-141 IEBTCRIN utility messages 155-158 IEBUPDAT utility messages 141-143 IEHATLAS utility messages 360-363 IEHDASDR utility messages 353-360 IEHINITT utility messages 350-352 IEHICSUP utility messages 352-353 IEHLIST utility messages 335-337 IEHMCVE utility messages 341-350 IEHPROGM utility messages 337-341 IFCDIPOO service aid messages 407-408 IFCEREPO service aid messages 408-411 IHLGTF service aid ~essages 503-510 IMAPTFLE service aid messages 575-578 I~ASPZAP service aid messages 578-581 IMBLIST service aid messages 584-587 IMBMD~AP service aid messages 581-584 IMBUPDTE utility messages 149-154 IMCJQDMP service aid roessages 587-589 IMDPRDMP service aid messages 590-603 IEBCO~FR Inoex 715 I~DSADMP service aid messages 589-590 Independent utility messages (IBC) diagnostic messages fcr independent utilities 82-86 error messages' for IBCDASDI and IECDMPRS 79-82 error messages for IBCRCVRP 86-88 Input/output supervisor messages 89-92 , 106-110 Introduction 11 OLTEP messages (IFD) 413- 428 Online test executive prograrr messages (IFD) 413-428 Open messages 169-185 Satellite graPhic jcb processor IRA messages 513-529 IRD messages 531-532 Service aid rressages IFCDIPOO 407-408 IFCEREPO 408-411 lMAPTFLE 575-578 lMASPZAP 578-581 I~BLIST 584-587 IMBMDMAP 581-584 IMCJQD~P 587-589 IMDPRD~P 590-603 IMDSADMP 589-590 SMF dump rressage (IFA) 401-402 Sort/merge rressages (IER) 373 Supervisor and data managerrer-t assembler macro expansion messages (lEE) 443-464 Supervisor rressages (lEA) ABEND 92-94 input/out~ut superviscr 89-92,106-110 nucleus initialization program (NIP) 94-105 rollout/rollin 105-106 supervisor 109 system completion codes 13-62 System generation nurrhered messages (lEI) 365-366 unnumbered messages 631 System utility messages (lEE) IEHATLAS 360-363 IEBDASDR 353-360 IEHINITT 350-352 IEHICSUP 352-353 IEHLIST 335-337 IEHMOVE 341-350 IEHPRCGM 337-341 Password Security messages 193-194 PL/I F compiler nessages (IEM) 369 object program messages (IBE) 469-470 object program unnu~bered messages 629 PL/I syntax checker messages (IRM) 563-574 Problem Determination 713 TCAM messages (see Teleccrrrrunicaticns Access Methcd) Telecommunications Access Method Messages (lED) 199-224 Time sharing option messages (IRJ) 535-561 TSO messages (see Time Sharir.g Option Messages) Remote job entry (IHK) messages sent to the central operator 485-493 Report program generator messages (IES) 375 Rollout/rollin rressages 105-106 Uncoded wait state 73-14 Unnurrhered rressages 615-632 Job scheduler messages (IEF) 271-333 Linkage editor messages (lEw) 379-395 Linkage editor module disposition messages 625 Loader messages (lEw) 391-395 L60ps 75 Machine-check handler messages (IGF') 431-441 Maintenance analysis log unnumbered messages 627 Maintenance program - ana.lyzer messages (lEG) 471-475 Master scheduler messages (lEE) 225-270 Nucleus initializaticn program (NIP) messages 94-105 Numbered messages 77-614 I Routing codes 635 RPG messages (IES) 375 wait state codes >-0 63-75 {'\ .r-~ J ......" 716 Messages and Codes (Release 21.7) o () GC28-6631-13 TIrnllil (!) International Business Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, New York 10604 (U.S.A. only) IBM World Trade Corporation 821 United Nations Plaza, New York, New York 10017 (International) I I I IBM System/360 Operating System: Messages and Codes I I GC28-6631-13 ~, . I v'- ~ I I I I I I I I I Your views about this publication may help improve its usefulness; this form will be sent to the author's department for appropriate action. Using this form to request system assistance or additional publications will delay response, however. For more direct handling of such requests, please contact your IBM representative or the IBM Branch Office serving your locality. Possible topics for comment are: Clarity Accuracy Completeness Organization Index Figures Examples Legibility I I I () So ~ ." o c: » 0" :3 (JQ r:;. 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