GC33 4010 5_OS_VS_DOS_VSE_VM_370_Assembler_Language_Dec81 5 OS VS DOS VSE VM 370 Assembler Language Dec81
GC33-4010-5_OS_VS_DOS_VSE_VM_370_Assembler_Language_Dec81 GC33-4010-5_OS_VS_DOS_VSE_VM_370_Assembler_Language_Dec81
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GC33-4010-5 File No. 5370-21 o " Systems OS/VS - DOS/VSE - VM/370 Assembler Language o o ---- ----_.- ----- ---- .- ------ Page of GC33-40 10-5 As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20-9372 Sixth Edition (March 1979) This edition, as amended by technical newsletter GN20-9372, applies to Release 4 of OS/VS1, Release 3 of OS/VS2, Release 2 of VM/370, DOS/VSE, and to any subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/370 and 4300 Processors Bibliography, GC20-000 1, for the editions that are applicable and current. It is possible that this material may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, progr'1mming, or services in your country. Publications are not stocked at the address given below; requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, P.O. Box 50020, Programming Publishing, San Jose, California, U.S.A. 95150. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the information you supply. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1972, 1979 o:~ Read This First This manual describes the OS/VS - DOS/VSE - VMj370 assembler language. The OS/VS - VM/370 assembler languag~ offers the following improvements over the 08/360 assembler language as processed by the F assembler: 1. New instructions and functions 2. Relaxation of language restrictions on character string lengths, attribute usage, SET symbol dimensions, and on the number of entries allowed in the External Symbol Dictionary 3. New system variable symbols 4. New options: for example, for the printing of statements in the program listings or for the alignment of constants and areas. The figure on the following pages lists in detail these assembler language improvements and indicates the sections in the manual where the instructions and functions incorporating these improvements are described. If you are already familiar with the OS/360 assembler language as processed by the F assembler, you need only read those sections. Also included in the figure on the following pages are the improvements of the DOS/VS assembler language over the OOS/360 assembler language as processed by the D assembler. NOTE: Sections I through L, describing the macro facility and the conditional assembly language, have been expanded to include more examples and detailed descriptions. Note for VM/370 Users The services provided by the OS Linkage Editor and Loader programs are paralleled in VM/370 by those provided by the eMS Loader. Therefore, for any reference in this publication to those OS programs, you may assume that the eMS Loader performs the same function. Certain shaded notes in this publication refer to ·OS only· information. Where you see these notes you may assume the information also applies for VM/370 users. Note for DOS/VSE Users All references to DOS and DOS/VS are also applicable to DOS/VSE. iii o COMPARISON OF ASSEMBLERS Assemblers Language Fe~ur~ OOS/360 (0) OS/360 (F) Described in 1. No of continuation lines allowed in one statement 1 2 2 2 B1B 2. Location Counter value printed for EQU, USING, ORG (in ADDR2 field) 3 bytes 3 bytes 3 bytes 4 bytes (up to 3 leading zeros suppressed) C4B 3. Self·Defining Terms maximum value: 224.1 224.1 224.1 231 ., C4E 32 10 number of digits binary: decimal: hexadecimal: character: 24 24 24 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 3 3 3 4 no truncated to 24 bits yes truncated to 24 bits no truncated to 24 bits yes 31 bits number of operators: levels of parentheses: 15 5 15 15 5 5 19 6 5. Alignment of Constants (with no length modifier) when NOALIGN option specified: ALIGN/ NOALIGN option not allowed constants notaJigned constants aligned constants not aligned 6. Extended Branching Mnemonics for R R format instructions: no yes no yes COpy Instruction nesting depth allowed: macro definitions copied: none no 3 yes none no 5 yes no no no yes El no yes no no E2C 4. 7. 8. Relocatable and Absolute Expressions unary operators allowed: value carried: C6B 02 D1H E1A END Instruction generated or copied END instructions: I OOS/VSE OS/VS VM/370 9. All control sections initiated by a CSECT start at location 0 in listing and object deck 10. External Symbol Dictionary Entries maximum allowed: 255 511 255 399 (including entry symbols identified by ENTRY) 11. DSECT Instruction blank name entry: no yes, no yes E3C 12. DROP Instruction blank operand entry: not allowed signifies all current base registers dropped not allowed signifies all Cl'rrent base registers dropped F1B 13. EQU Instruction second operand as length attribute: third operand as type attribute: no no no no no. no yes yes one multiple multiple mUltiple 14. DC/OS Instruction; number of operands: E2G G2A 1v G3B COMPARISON OF ASSEMBLERS b Assemblers Language Feature DOS/360 (D) 15. Bit-length specification allowed: 16. Literal Constants multiterm expression for duplication factor: length, scale, and exponent modifier: Q. or S-type address constant: yes OSNS- Described in VM./370 yes G3B G3C I no yes no no yes no no no yes yes Binary and Hexadecimal Constants number of nominal values: one one one multiple G3D G3F 18. Q.type address constant allowed: no no yes yes G3M 19. ORG Instruction name entry allowed: sequence symbol or blank sequence symbol or blank sequence symbol or blank any symbol or blank H1A 20. Literal cross-reference: no yes no yes H1B 21. CNOP Instruction symbol as name entry: sequence symbol or blank sequence symbol or blank only sequence symbol or blank any symbol or blank H1C 22_ PRINT Instruction inside macro definition: no yes no yes H3A 23_ no H3B TITLE Instruction number of characters in name (if not a sequence symbol): 4 4 4 8 24. OPSYN Instruction: no no yes yes 25. PUSH and POP Instructions for saving PRINT and USING status: no no no yes Symbolic Parameters and Macro Instruction Operands maximum number: 100 200 200 no fixed maximum J2C K1B all positional parameters or operands must come first all positional parameters or operands must come first all positional parameters or operands must come first keyword parameters or operands can be interspersed among positional param eters or operands J3C K3C Generated op-codes START, CSECT, DSECT, COM allowed no yes no yes Generated Remarks due to generated blanks in operand field: no no no yes MNOTE Instruction in open code: no no no yes System Variable Symbols &SYSPARM: &SYSDATE: &SYSTIME: yes no no yes no no no no no yes yes yes Maximum number of characters in macro instruction operand: 127 255 255 255 no no no yes no no no ves 26. mixing positional and keyword: 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. o yes no OS/360 (F) yes 17. () DOSNSE 32. Type and Count Attribute of SET symbols: &SYSPARM, &SYSNDX, &SYSECT. &SYSDATE, &SYSTIME: H5A H6 J4B J4B J5D J7 K5 L1B v COMPARISON OF ASSEMBLERS Assemblers Language Feature ! 00S/360 (0) 33. 34. 35. 36. SET Symbol Declaration global and local mixed: OOS/VSE Described in .... ,--- OS/360 (F) OS/VS - L2 no, global must precede local no, global must precede local no, global must precede local yes global and local must immediately follow prototype statement, if in macro definition: yes yes yes no must immediately follow any source macro definitions, if in open code: yes yes yes no 255 4095 2500 32,767 no no no yes a 255 a 255 Subscripted SET Symbols maximum dimension: SETC Instruction duplication factor in operand: maximum number of characters assigned Arithmetic Expressions in conditional assembly unary operators allowed: number of terms: levels of parentheses: 37. ACTR Instruction allowed anywhere in open code and inside macro definitions: 3a. Options for Assembler Program ALIGN ALOGIC MCALL EDECK MLOGIC L1BMAC L2 L3B L4A no 16 yes 16 5 no 16 no, only immediately after global and local SET symbol declarations yes no, only immediately after global and local SET symbol declarations yes no no no no yes no no yes yes no no no yes yes yes no no no no no no no yes yes 5 vi 5 yes up to 25 up to 11 L6C 02 La JaB Order No. GC33-4024 La JaA Page of GC33-40 10-5 As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20-9372 Preface This is a reference manual for the OS/VS - DOS/VSE - VM/370 assembler language. It will enable you to answer specific questions about language functions and specifications. In many cases it also provides information about the purpose of the instruction you refer to, as well as examples of its use. The manual is not intended as a text for learning the assembler language. Who This Manual Is For This manual is for programmers coding in the OS/VS - VM/370 or DOS/VSE assembler language. Major Topics This manual is divided into four main parts (aside from the nlntroduction W and the Appendixes) : o PART I (Sections B and C) describes the coding rules for, and the structure of, the assembler language. PART II (Section D) describes the machine instruction types and their formats. PART III (Sections E through H) describes the assembler instructions. PART IV (Sections I through L) describes the macro facility and the conditional assembly language. How To Use This Manual Since this is a reference manual, you should use the Index or the Table of Contents to find the subject you are interested in. Complete specifications are given for each instruction or feature of the assembler language ~xcept for the machine instructions, which are documented in Principles of Operation -- see "References You May Need") . In many cases, a "Purpose" section suggests why you might use the feature; a "Specifications" section explains use of a complex feature; and one or more figures give examples of coding an instruction. If you are a present user of the OS Assembler F or the DOS Assembler D, you need only read those sections listed in the table preceding this "Preface" which indicates those language features that are different from the DOS or OS Systern/360 languages. o vii Page of CC3 3-40 1o-S As updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20-9372 TABS: Tabs mark the beginning of the specifications portion of the language descriptions. Use the tabs for quick referencing. - USING Tab . OS-DOS DIFFERENCES: Wherever the OS/VS and DOS/VS assembler languages differ, the specifications that apply only to one assembler or the other are so marked. The 'OS only' markings also apply for the VM/37Q assembler. KEYS: The majority of figures are placed to the right of the text that describes them. Numbered keys within a figure are duplicated to the left of the text describing the figure. Use the numbered keys to tie the underlined passages in the text to specific parts of the figure. Key- • GLOSSARY: The glossary at the back of the manual contains terms that apply to assembler programming specifically and to allied terms in data processing in general. You can use the Glossary for terms that are unfamiliar to you. IBM is grateful to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for permission to reprint its definitions from the American National Standard Vocabulary for Information Processing, which was prepared by Subcommittee X3.S on Terminology and Glossary of American National Standards Commdttee X3. References You May Need You may want to refer to 11311 System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000, or 18H 4300 Processors principles of Operation for ECPS:VSE Mode, GA22-7070, the definitive publications for machine instructions, and to OS/VS - VM/370 Assembler Programmer's Guide, GC33-4021 for detailed information about the OS/VS - VM/370 Assembler. Guide to the DOS/VSE Assembler, GC33-4024 for detailed information about the DOS!VSE Assembler. viii o Contents 56 57 58 59 60 9 10 PART II: FUNCTIONS AND CODING OF MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • • • 61 10 10 10 SECTION D: MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS • 1 WHAT THE ASSEMELER DOES • • •• -- THE ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE • • • •• Machine Instructions • • • Asse~bler Instructions • • • •• Macro Instructions • • .. • • •• THE ASSEMBLER PROGRAM • • • • •• A2A -- Assembler processing Sequence Machine Instruction Processing. Assembler Instruction processing Macro Instruction Processing •• -- RELATIONSHIP OF ASSEMBLER TO OPERATING SYSTEM • • • • • • •• Services Provided by the Operating System • • • • • -- CODING AIDS • • • • • • • • • • • Symbolic Representation of Program Elements • • • • • • • • Variety of Data Representation • Controlling Address Assignment • Relocatability . . . . . . . . . . . . Segmenting a Program . . . . . . . Linkage Between Source Modules. Program Listings • • • • • • • • 1 2 2. 3 3 A1 A2 A3 A4 -0 Symbol Length Attribute Reference • • • • • • • C4D Other Attribute References. C4E -- Self-Defining Terms • • • • • C5 -- LITERALS • • • • • • • • • • •• C6 -- EXPRESSIONS • • • • • • • • • • • C6A -- Purpose • • • • • • • • • • • C6B -- Specifications • • • • • Absolute and Relocatable Expressions • • • • • • • • •• Absolute Expressions • • • • • • Relocatable Expressions • • •• Rules for Coding Expressions • • Evaluation of Expressions • SECTION A: INTRODUCTION • • • • • • •• PART I: CODING AND STRUCTURE • • • •• C4C 3 4 5 5 8 9 11 11 11 13 SECTION B: CODING CONVENTIONS • • • .. • 15 Standard Assembler Coding Form • 15 B1 CODING SPECIFICATIONS • • • • B1A -- Field Boundaries • • • • The Statement Field • • • • • • The Identification-Sequence Field •• • • • • • • • • The Continuation Indicator Field •• • • • • • • • • • Field Positions • • • • • Bla -- Continuation Lines • • • • • alC -- Comments Statement Format •• B1D -- Instruction Statement Format Fixed Format • • • • • • • • • • Free Format • • • • • • • • • • Formatting Specifications • • • 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 20 20 20 21 SECTION C: ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE STRUCTURE 25 o Cl -- THE SOURCE MOCULE • • • • • • • • C2 -- INSTRUCTION STATEMENTS • • • •• C2A -- Machine Instructions • • •• C2B -- Assembler Instructions • •• Ordinary Assembler Instructions Conditional Assembly Instructions • • • • • • • • • • C2C -- Macro Instructions • • • •• C3 -- CHARACTER SET • • C4 -- TERMS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C4A -- Symbols '. • • • • • • • • • • Symbol ,Definition • • • • • •• Restrictio~s on Symbols • •• C4E -- Location Counter Reference. • 63 D1 -- FUNCTIONS • • • • • • • • • • D1A -- Fixed-Point Arithmetic • •• Operations Performed • • • • • • Data Constants Used • .. • .. •• D1B -- Decimal Arithmetic • • • •• Operations Performed • • • •• Data Constants Used • • • • •• D1C -- Floating-point Arithmetic • • Operations Performed • • • • • • Data Constants Used • • • • •• D1D -- Logical Operations • • • •• Operations Performed • • D1E -- Branching • • • • • • • • • • Operations Performed • • • • • • D1F -- Status Switching • • • • •• Operations Performed • • • • • • D1G -- Input/Output • • • • • • •• Operations Performed • • • • • • D1H -- Branching with Extended Mnemonic Codes • • • • • •• • • D1I -- Relocation Handling • ALIGNMENT • • • • • • • • • • • • D2 STATEMENT FORMATS • • • • • • • • D3 MNEMONIC OPERATION CODES • • •• D4 OPERAND ENTRIES • • • • D5 General Specifications for Coding Operand Entries • D5A -- Registers • • • • • • Purpose and Usage • • • • • •• Specifications • • • • • • • • • -D5B -- Addresses • • • • • • • • • • purpose and Definition • • • • • Relocatability of Addresses •• Specifications • • Implicit Address • ~ • Explicit Address • • • • • • • • D5C -- Lengths • • • • ~ • • • • • • D5D -. Immediate Data • • • • • EXAMPLES OF COCEC MACHINE 06 INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • RR Format RX Format •• 11 26 26 29 30 30 32 33 34 36 36 38 40 41 ix 44 46 46 50 53 53 55 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 67 68 68 69 69 71 71 72 74 75 78 79 80 80 82 82 82 84 84 85 86 87 87 88 90 92 92 93 RS Format • • • • • SI Format • • • • • S Format • • • • • • SS Format • • • • • • • • • • • 9q • • • • •• 95 • • • • • • 96 • • • 97 PART III: FUNCTIONS OF ASSEMBLER INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • SECTION E: PROGRAM SECTIONING • F2 99 101 SECTION G: SYMBOL AND DATA DEFINITION E1 -- THE SOURCE MODULE • • • • • 102 The Beginning of a Source Module • • • • • • • • • • 102 The End of a Source Module 102 E1A -- The COpy Instruction • • • • 103 E1B -- The END Instruction. • • • 105 E2 -- GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT CONTROL SECTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • 107 E2A -- At Cifferent processing Times • • • • • • • • • • • 108 E2B -- Types • • • • • • • • • • • 110 Executable Control Sections • • 110 110 Reference Control Sections • • Location Counter Setting • • 111 E2C 113 E2D - T First Control Section • • • The Unnamed Control Section 115 E2E Literal pools in Control E2F Sections • • • • • • • • • • 115 E2G External Symbol Dictionary Entries. • • • • • • • • • 116 E3 -- DEFINING A CONTROL SECTION • • • 117 E3A The START Instruction. 117 E3B -- The CSECT Instruction. 119 E3C -- The DSECT Instruction • 121 How to Use a Dummy Control Section • • • • • • • • • • • • 121 Specifications • • • • • • • • 122 E3D -- The COM Instruction • • • • 12q How to Use a Common Control Section • • • • • • • • • • • • 124 Specifications • • • • • • • • 125 E4 -- EXTERNAL DUMMY SECTIONS • • • • 127 Generating an External Dummy Section • • • • • • • • • • • • 127 How to Use External Dummy Sections • • • • • • • • • 128 E5 DEFINING AN EXTERNAL DUMMY SECTION ••••••• 130 E5A -- The DXD Instruction • 130 E5B -- The CXD Instruction • 131 SECTION F: F1B -- The DROP Instruction • • 1qq ADDRESSING BETWEEN SOURCE MODULES: SYMBOLIC LINKAGE • • • • • • lq7 How to Establish Symbolic Linkage • • • • • • • • • • • • lq7 F2A The ENTRY Instruction • • • 150 F2B The EXTRN Instruction • • • 151 F2C -- The WXTRN Instruction • • • 152 153 Gl -- ESTABLISHING SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION • • • • • • • • 153 Assigning Values • • • • • • • 15q Defining and Naming Data • • • 154 DEFINING SYMBOLS • • • • • • • • 155 G2 G2A -- The EQU Instruction • • • • 155 G3 -- DEFINING DATA • • • • • • • • • 161 G3A -- The DC Instruction • • • • • 162 G3B -- General Specifications for Constants • • • • • • • • • 163 Rules for the DC Operand • • • 164 Information about Constants • • 165 padding and Truncation of Values • • • • • • • • • • • 167 Subfield 1: Duplication Factor 168 Subfield 2: Type. • • • • • • 169 Subfield 3: Modifiers • • • • • 170 Subfield q: Nominal Value • • • 179 Literal Constants • • • • • 180 G3C Binary Constant (B) • • • • 181 G3D Character Constant (C) • • • 182 G3E Hexadecimal Constant (X) • • 184 G3F Fixed-Point Constants G3G (H and F) • • • • • • • • • 186 Decimal Constants (P and Z) 188 G3H Floating-Point Constants G3I (E, D and L) • • • • • • • • 190 The A-Type and Y-Type Address G3J Constants • • • • • • • • • 194 The S-Type Address Constant 196 G3I< The V-Type Address Constant 198 G3L G3M The Q-Type Address Constant 200 G3N The DS Instruction • • • • • 201 How to Use the rs Instruction • 201 Specifications • • • • • • • • 206 G30 -- The CCW Instruction • • • • 209 SECTION H: CONTROLLING THE ASSEMBLER PRO~RAM • • • • • • • • • • • ADDRESSING. • • • • • • • 133 Hl -- STRUCTURING A PROGRAM • • H1A -- The ORG Instruction • H1B -- The LTORG Instruction • The Literal Pool • • • • • , Addressing Considerations • • • Duplicate Literals • • • • • • Specifications • • • • • • • • H1C -- The CNOP Instruction • • H2 -- DETERMINING STATEMENT FORMAT AND SEQUENCE • • • • • • • • • • H2A -- The ICTL Instruction • • H2B -- The ISEQ Instruction • • H3 -- LISTING FORMAT AND OUTPUT • • • H3A -- The PRINT Instruction • • • F1 -- ADDRESSING WITHIN SOURCE MODULES: ESTABLISHING ADDRESSABILITY • • 133 How to Establish Addressability 134 F1A -- The USING Instruction • • • 134 The Range of a USING Instruction. • • • • 135 The Domain of a USING Instruction • • • • • 135 How to Use the USING Instruction. • • • • 137 Specifications for the USING Instruction • • • • • • • • • • 141 211 211 212 214 215 216 217 217 218 219 219 221 222 222 0, I". '.Y x ".' Page of GC33-4010-5 As Updated 28 o D~\.· By TNl GN20-9372 H3B -- The TITLE Instruction • H3C -- The EJECT Instruction • H3D -- The SPACE Instruction • H4 -- PUNCHING OUTPUT CARDS • • • H4A -- The PUNCH Instruction • H4B -- The REPRO Instruction • H5 -- REDEFINING SYMBOLIC OPERATION CODES • • • • • • • • • • • • • H5A -- The OPSYN Instruction • • • H6 -- SAVING AND RESTORING PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENTS • • • • • • • • • • H6A The PUSH Instruction • • • • H6B -- The POP Instruction • • • • H6C -- Combining PUSH and POP • • • 234 234 234 235 PART IV: THE MACRO FACILITY • • • • • 237 SECTION I: 224 227 228 228 228 231 232 232 INTRODUCING MACROS • • • • 239 Using Macros • • • • • • • • • 240 The Easic Macro Concept • • • • 243 Defining a Macro • • • • • • • 245 Calling a Macro • • • • • • • • 246 The Contents of a Macro Definition • • • • • • • • 248 The Conditional Assembly Language • • • • • 250 SECTION J: THE MACRO DEFINITION • 251 J1 -- USING A MACRO rEFINITION • • 251 J 1A -- Purpose • • • • • • • • • • 251 J1E -- Specifications • 252 Where to Define a Macro in a Source Module • • • • 252 Open Code • • • • • • • • 252 The Format of a Macro Definition. • • • • • • • • • 253 PARTS OF A MACRO DEFINITION • • 254 J2 J2A The Macro Definition Header 254 J2B The Macro Definition Trailer 254 J2C The Macro Prototype Statement: Coding • • • • • • • • • • • 255 Alternate Ways of Coding the Prototype Statement • • • • • • 256 J2D -- The Macro Prototype Statement: Entries • • • • • • • • • • 256 The Name Entry • • • • • • • • 256 The Operation Entry • • • 257 The Operand Entry • • • • • • • 258 J2E -- The Body of a Macro Definition • • • • • • • • • 259 SYMBOLIC PARAMETERS • • • • • • 260 J3 General Specifications • • • • 260 Subscripted Symbolic Parameters 261 J3A positional Parameters • • • 262 J3B -- Keyword Parameters • • • • • 263 J3C -- Combining positional • 265 and Keyword Parameters 266 J4 -- MODEL STATEMENTS • • • • • J4A -- Purpose • • • • • • • • • • 266 J4B -- Specifications • • • • • • • 266 266 Format of Model Statements Variable Symbols as Points of Substitution • • • • • • • • • 267 Rules for Concatenation • • • • 268 Rules for Model Statement Fields • • • • • • • • • • • • 269 o J5 -- PROCESSING STATEMENTS • • J5A Conditional Assembly Instructions • • • • • • • • J5B Inner Macro Instructions • • J5C -- The COPY Instruction • • • • J5D -- The MNOTE Instruction • J5E -- The MEXIT Instruction • J6 -- COMMENTS STATEMENTS • • • • J6A -- Internal Macro Comments Sta tements • • • • • • • • • • J6B -- Ordinary Comments Statements J7 -- SYSTEM VARIABLE SYMBOLS • • • • J7A &SYSDATE • • • • • • • • • • J7B &SYSECT.......... J7C &SYSLIST • • • • • • • • • • J7D &SYSNDX.......... J7E &SYSPARM.......... J7F &SYSTIME • • • • • • • • • • J8 -- LISTING OPTIONS • • • • • • • • J8A -- LIBMAC • • • • • • • • • • • J8B -- MCALL • • • • • • • • • • • 272 272 272 272 273 276 277 277 277 278 279 280 281 284 284 287 287 287 288 SECTION K: THE MACRO INSTRUCTION • • • 289 K1 -- USING A MACRO INSTRUCTION • • • 289 K1A -- Purpose • • • • • • • • • • 289 K1B -- Specifications • • • • • • • 290 Where the Macro Instructions can Appear • • • • • • • • • • 290 Macro Instruction Format • • • 290 Alternate Ways of Coding a Macro Instruction • • • • • • • • • • 291 K2 E N T R I E S . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 K2A -- The Name Entry • • • • • • • 292 K2B -- The Operation Entry • • • • 293 K2C -- The Operand Entry • • • • • 293 K3 -- OPERANDS • • • • • • • • • • • • 294 K3A positional Operands • • • • 294 K3B -- Keyword Operands • • • • 296 K3C -- Combining positional and Keyword Operands • • 299 K4 -- SUBLISTS IN OPERANDS • • • • • • 300 K5 -- VALUES IN OPERANDS • • • • 302 K6 -- NESTING IN MACRO DEFINITIONS • • 307 K6A -- Purpose • • • • • • 307 Inner and Outer Macro Instructions • • • • • • • • • 307 Levels of Nesting • • • • • • • 308 Recursion • • • • • • • • • • • 310 K6B -- Specifications • • • • • • • 311 General Rules and Restrictions 311 passing Values through Nesting Levels • • • • • • • • • • • • 312 System Variable Symbols in Nested Macros • • • • • • • • • 314 SECTION L: LANGUAGE • THE CONDITIONAL ASSEMBLY • • • 317 ••• L1 -- ELEMENTS AND FUNCTIONS L1A -- SET Symbols • • • • • • The Scope of SET Symbols • Specifications • • • • • • Subscripted SET Symbols Specifications • • • • L1B -- Data Attributes • • • • What Attributes Are. • • • L1C -- Sequence Symbols • • • • • • xi 317 318 319 320 322 323 323 334 198! Page of GC33-4010-5 As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20-9372 L2 -- DECLARING SET SYMBOLS • • • • • L2A The LCLA, LCLB, and LCLC Instructions • • • • • • • • L2B -- The GBLA, GELS, and GBLC Instructions • • • • • • • • L3 -- ASSIGNING VALUES TO SET SYMBOLS L3A -- The SETA Instruction • • • • L3B -- The SETC Instruction • • • • L3C -- The SETB Instruction • • • • L4 -- USING EXPRESSIONS • • • • • • • L4A Arithmetic (SETA) Expressions • • • • • • • • L4B -- Character (SETC) Expressions L4C -- Logical (SETS) Expressions • L5 -- SELECTING CHARACTERS FROM A STRING • • • • • • • • • L5A -- Substring Notation • • • • • L6 -- BRANCHING • • • • • • • • • • • L6A The AIF Instruction • • • • L6B -- The AGO Instruction • • • • L6C -- The ACTR Instruction • • L6D -- The ANOP Instruction • • • • L7 -- IN OPEN CODE • • • • • • • • • • L 7A -- Purpose • • • • • • • • • • L7B -- Specifications • • • • • • • L8 -- LISTING OPTIONS • • • • • • • • 336 APPENDIX I: 336 APPENDIX II: CHARACTER CODES • • .377 HEXADEClMAL-DECI~.AL CONVERSION TABLE 340 343 343 345 347 349 349 355 359 364 364 367 367 369 370 373 374 374 374 376 APPENDIX III: ~ACHINE FOR~AT IAPPENDIX IV: 383 INSTRUCTION • • DELETED • 389 391-406 APPENDIX V: ASSE~BLER APPENDIX VI: SUMMARY OF CONSTANTS • • 411 INSTRUCTIONS • 407 APPENDIX VII: SUMMARY OF MACRO FACILITY • • • • • • 413 GLOSSARY • • • • • • • • 421 INDEX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 437 "" C xii , I I' I." o Section A: Introduction What the Assembler Does A computer can understand and interpret only machine language. Machine language is in binary form and, thus, very difficult to write. The assembler language is a symbolic prograa~ing language that ypu can use to code instructions instead of coding in machine language. Because the assembler language allows you symbols made up of alphabetic and numeric of just the binary digits 0 and 1 used in language, you can ~ake your coding easier understand, and change. to use meaningful characters instead the machine to read, The assembler must translate the symbolic assembler language into machine language tefore the computer can execute ycur program, as shown in the figure below. CODING SHEETS SOURCE MODULE Assembler Language Input or TERMINAL ASSEMBLER OBJECT MODULE Machine Language Output LOAD MODULE o Main Storage of COMPUTER Section A: Introduction 1 Assume that your program, written in the assembler language, has been punched into a deck of cards called the scun:e deck. This dec'k, also known as a source module, is the input to the assembler. (You can also enter a source module as input to the assembler through a terminal.) The assembler' processes your source module and produces an object module in rrachine language (called object cede). Assume that the assembler punches this object module into a deck of cards called the object deck. The object deck or object module can be used as input to be processed by another processing program, called the linkage editor. lhe linkage editor produces a load module that can be loaded later into the main storage of the computer, which then executes the program. Your source module and the object code produced is printed, alcng with other information on a program listing. Al - The Assembler Language The assembler language is the symbolic prograrrroing language that lies closest to the machine language in form and content. You will, therefore, find the asserrbler language useful when: • ¥ou need to control your program closely, down to the byte and even bit level or • you must write subrcutines for functions that are not provided by other symbolic programroing languages such as: ALGOL, COBOL, FORTRAN, or PI/I. The assembler language is made up of statements that represent instructions or comments. The instructicn statements are the working part of the language and are divided into the following three groups: 1. Machine instructions 2. Assembler instructions 3. Macro instructions. Machine Instructions A machine instruction is the symbolic representation of a machine language instruction of the IBM Systerr/370 instruction set. It is called a machine instruction because the assembler translates it into the machine language cede which the computer can execute. Machine instructions are described in FART IIi SECTION t of this manual. 2 o Assembler Instructions An assembler instruction is a request to the asserrbler program to ~erform certain operations during the assembly of a source module, for example, defining data constants, defining the end of the source module, and reserving storage areas. Except for the instructions that define consta nts, the assembler does not translate assemtler instructions into object code. !he assembler instructions are described in PART Ill; SECTIONS E, F, G, and H and PAR~ IV; SECTIONS J, K, and L of this manua 1. Macro Instructions A macro instruction is a request to the assembler program to process a predefined sequence of code called a nacro definition. From this definition, the assembler generates machine and assembler instructions which it then ~rocesses as if they were part of the original input in the source module. IBM supplies macro definitions for input/output, data management, and supervisor operations that you can call for processing by coding the required macro instructi~n. ('I'hese IBM-supplied macro instructions are not described in this manua 1. ) You can also prepare your own macro definitions and call them by coding the corresponding macro instructions. This macro facility is introduced in PART IV; SECTION I. A complete description of the macro facility, including the macro definition, the macro instruction and the conditional assembly language, is given in PART IV; SECTIONS J, K, and L. A2 - The Assembler Program c The assembler ~rogram, also referred to as the -assembler-, processes the maqpine, assembler, and macro instructi~ns you have coded in theassemtler language and produces an object module in mac_hiqe _language. Section A: Introduction 3 A2A - ASSEMBLER PROCESSING SEQUENCE The assembler processes the three types of assembler language instructions at different times during its processing sequence. You should be aware of the assembler's processing sequence in order to code your program correctly. The figure below relates the assembler processing sequence to the other times at which your program is processed and executed. TIMES PROGRAMMER Coding Time Pre-Assembly TitTle ASSEMBLER Assembly Time Linkage Edit Time Program Fetch Time Execution Time • 4 LOADER can combine linkage editing and loading operations OS only CPU of COMPUTER The assembler processes most instructions on two occasions; first at ere-assembly time and later at assembly time. • HOwever, 1t does some processing, for example, macro processing, only at pre-assembly time. • • • • • LINKAGE EDITOR I The assembler also produces information for other processors. The linkage editor uses such information at linkage-edit time to combine object modules into load modules. The loader loads your program (combined load modules) into virtual storage (see GLOSSARY) at program fetch time. Finally, at execution time, the computer executes the object code produced by the assembler at assembly t i n e . ' • o Machine Instruction Processing The assembler processes all machine instructions and translates them into oeject code at assemely tine, as shewn in the figure below. TIMES Machine Instructions Coded Assembled into object code Linkage Edit Program Fetch Executed Execution Assembler Instruction Processing Assembler instructions are divided into two «ain o ty~es: 1. Ordinary assembler instructions 2. Conditional assembly inst.r.octions anCt the macro processing instructions ~ACRO, MENr, MEXl~ and MN01a • Section A: Introduction 5 ~ The assembler processes ordinary assemtler instructions at asserrbly time, as shown in the figure below • TIMES • Ordinary Assembler Instructions and assembly time expressions • ENTRY EXTRN WX?RN DC DS CCW Address constants PUNCH REPRO .' Coding ...•.•........•. 'e; ...... Pre-Assembly .'< Assembly FuHy pr~, .. G Linkage Edit Provide link. information V C8nprov~ link. oommarldJ. ........... Program Fetch PrtWid6· hotd acfdr~·••.. . . . . Execution 'Dat.• .,.. A~" AreasU$td used in . in execU- executlQn o'f\ tionef machine instructiOfij: maet\inEI inst: NO'IES: • ~ 6 1. The assembler eva lua tes absol ute and relocatable expressions at assembly time; they are sometimes called asserocly tirre expressions. 2. Some instructions produce output for processing after asserrcly tirre. o • The assembler processes conditional asserotly instructicns and macro processing instructions at pre-assembly time, as shown in the figure telow. TIMES • Conditional Assembly (and macro processing) instructions and conditi?nal assembly ex pressl~on1ifs~Y7:?Y;Y;;] MNOTE Coding Pre-Assembly Fully processed Assembly • statements Linkage Edit Program Fetch Execution NOTES: o • • 1. The asserobler evaluates the conditional assembly expressions (arithmetic, logical, and character) at asserobly tirre. ~re 2. The assembler processes the machine and asserrbler instructions generated from pre-assembly processing at assembly time. Section A: Introduction 7 ~acro • Instruction Processing The assembler· processes macro instructions at pre-assembly time, as shown in the figure below. Macro Instructions TIMES Macro Definitions Coding Pre-Assembly Fully Processed Assembly Generated Statements Linkage Edit Program Fetch Execution • NOTE: The assembler processes the machine and ordinary assembler instructions genera ted from a macro definition called by a macro instruction at assembly t~rre. The assembler prints in a program listing all the information it produces at the various processing tiues described in the above figures. 8 c) A3 - Relationship of Assembler to Operating System The assembler is a programming component of the OSjVS, VM/370, or DOS/VS. These system control programs provide the assembler with the services: • For assembling a source module and • For running the assembled otject module as a progxa~. In writing a source module you must include instructions that request the desired service functions from the operating system. Services Provided by the Operating System OS/VS and DOSjVS provide the following services: 1. For assembling the source module: a. A control program b. Libraries to contain source code and macro definitions c. '(",: ,/ Utilities 2. For preparing for the execution of the assembler program as represented by the otject module: a. A centrol program b. Storage allocation c. Input and output facilities d. A linkage editor e. A loader. VM/370 provides the following services: 1. For assembling the source module: a. An interactive control program b. Files to contain source code and macro definitions c. Utilities. 2. For preparing for the execution of the assembler programs as represented by the object modules: 0 '; a. An interactive control program b. Storage allocation c. Input and output facilities d. The eMS Loader. '" Section A: Introduction 9 A4 - Coding Aida It can be very difficult to write an assembler language program using only machine instructions. The assembler provides additional functions that make this task easier. They are surrmarized belew. Symbolic Re~resentation of Program Elements Symbols greatly reduce programming effort and errcrs. You can define symbols to represent storage addresses, displacements, constants, registers, and almost any elerrent that makes up the assembler language. These elements include o~erands, operand subfields, terms, and expressions. Symbols are easier to remember and code than numbers; moreover, they are listed in a symbol cross-reference table which is printed in the program listings. Thus, you can easily find a symbol when searching for an error in your code. Variety of rata Representation You can use decimal, binary, hexadecimal or character representation which the assembler will convert fer you into the binary values required by the machine language. Controlling Address Assignment If you code the a~pro~riate assembler instruction, the assembler will compute the displacement from a base address of any symbolic addresses you specify in a machine instruction. It will insert this displace~ent, along with the base register assigned by the assembler instruction, into the object code of the machine instruction. At execution time, the object code of address references must be in the base-displacement form. The computer obtains the required address by adding the displacement to the base address contained in the base register. 10 o Relocatability The assembler produces an object module that can be relocated fro~ an originally assigned storage area to any other suitable virtual storage area without affecting program execution. This is made easier because most addresses are assembled in their base-displacement forn. Segmenting a program You can divide a source module into one or more control sections. After assembly, you can include or delete individual central sections from the resulting object module before you load it for execution. Control secticns can be loaded separately into storage areas that are not contiguous. Linkage Between Source Modules You can create symbolic linkages tetween separately assembled scurce modules. lhis allows you to refer symbolically from one source module to data defined in another seurce module. You can also use symbolic addresses to branch between modules. o Program Listings The assembler produces a listing of your source rocdule, including any generated statements, and the object code assembled from the source module. You can control the form and content of the listing to a certain extent. 1he assembler also prints messages atout actual errors and warnings abcut potential errors in your source module. o Section A: Introduction 11 o j o Part I: Coding and Structure o SECTION B: CODING CONVENTIONS SECTION C: ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE STRUCTURE o 13 o ·' Section B: Coding Conventions This section describes the coding conventions that you must follow in writing assembler language programs. Assembler language statements are usually written on a coding form before they are punched onto cards, or entered as source statements through other forms of input (for example, through terminals or directly onto tape). Standard Asserrbler Ceding Form You can write asserobler language statements on the standard ooding form (Order No. GX28-6509) shown celow. ,he cclunns on this fern corres~cnd to the columns on a punched card or positions on a source statement entered through a terninal. ~he form has sface for program identification and instructions to keypunch o~eratcrs. IBM GX28-6S09-5 U/M 050 IBM Sy,'"m 360 ,. ...mbl.r CodIng Form o 25 • 30 a",,"'.ble A ,,.,,dMd c.rd form. IBM .'.etTa 6509. is fOT punching lOur~ ,FlItement. from this form. Inrr",ct;onf for u,ing thi, form 8ft! in .ny IBM Svsrem1360 Auembler Reference M.tlual. A~SI comments concerning this form to IBM NfNdic L"bor.to,'1. Public.tiOIJI Derelopmenr. 80.962 $. '8' 09 Liding<' 9. $_""". o Section B: Coding Conventions 15 Bl - Coding Specifications B1A - FIELD BOUNDARIES Assembler language statement usually occupy one SO-column line on the standard form ~or statements occupying more than SO columns, see B1B below). Note that any printable character punched into any column of a card, or otherwise entered as a position in a source statement, is reproduced in the listing printed by the assembler. All characters are placed in the line by the assembler. Whether they are printed or not depends on the printer. Each line of the coding form is divided into three main fields: ~ The Statement field, ~ The Identification -Seguence field, and ~ The Continuation Indicator field. Stmnt Field The Statement Field •• • The instructions and comments statements must be written in the statement field. The statement field starts in the "begin" column and ends in the "end" column. Any continuation lines needed must start in the "continue" column and end in the "end· column. The assembler assumes the following standard values for these columns: • The "begin" column is column 1 • The "end" column is column 71, and • The "continueR column is column 16. These standard values can be changed by using the ICTL instruction. However, all references to the "begin", "end", and ·continue" columns in this manual refer to the standard value described above. IBM ,,---.'-=1 --------------r- . .. -~- " A!i i-:"" I ! \ " i I ! i ! ! : i \ 16 .. ,. • oo -... ,0 " T I O!N LI I ! I i I I I I I I j I ! I I i t I ! i :i ; I I ! I, I i i; 1 I ,A :,rintediA~ I ll--:-:--Hc--+I-1--+--+I-f---+I-+--+c~T,oNuM'" V .s 5S I i i :'"":;'0.. I I I' COLUMN 16i ! ! ! I! I I I i I r! I 'MUS , ! ;i I NIElS I R E MA R Kls 5T ART liN I i! I .. " I I I I : I i : I '. OP coo OPER AN OS c ojN T I NUA I /'..i: I I I GX28-6SQ9.S U/M 050 IBM System 360 Assembler CodIng Form ',OO'AM t-"-OO-'A_-'-' I ! ! I I I I I I I I I I i . i i: I I I ! ! I i I ! i I I i ! '0 i ! i I I 5I'uu1!f1C1r " i I ! b< I I i i l' i I I Ii " --:~- loJor"l,,·,.t,on. '~'----~\ ....O , , I ~ II o The Identification - Sequence Field The identification-sequence field can contain identification characters or sequence numbers or both. If the ISEQ instruction has been specified to check this field, the assembler will verify whether or not the source statements are in the correct sequence. NOTE: The field the assembler normally checks lies in columns 73 through 80. However, if the ICTL instruction has been used to change the begin and end columns, the boundaries for the identification-sequence field can be affected. The Continuation Indicator Field The continuation indicator field occupies the column after the end column. Therefore, the standard position for this field is column 12. A non-blank character in this column indicates that the current statement is continued on the next line. This column must be blank if a statement is completed on the same line; otherwise the assembler will treat the statement that follows on the next line as a continuation line of the current statement. Field Positions The statement field always lies between the begin and the end columns. The continuation indicator field always lies in the column after the end column. The identificationsequence field usually lies in the field after the continuation indicator field. However, the ICTL instruction, by changing the standar1 begin, end, and continue columns can create a field before the begin column. This field can then contain the identification-sequence field. o Section B: Coding Conventions 11 B1B - CONTINUATION LINES Continuation • • To continue a statement on another line, the following applies: 1. Enter a non-blank character in the continuation indicator field (column 72). This non-blank character must not be part of the statement coding. When more than one continuation line is needed, a non-blank character must be entered in column 72 of each line that is to be continued. 2. Continue the statement on the next line, starting in the continue column ~olumn 16). Columns to the left of the continue column must be blank. Comments may be continued after column 16. Note tha t if a n ope rand is con tin ued af ter col umn 16 it is taken to be a comment. Also if the continuation indicator field is filled in on one line and the user tries to start a totally new statement after column 16 on the next line, this statement will be taken as a comment belonging to the previous statement. Only two continuation lines are allowed for a single assembler language statement. However, macro instruction statements and the prototype statement of macro definitions can have as many continuation lines as needed. IBM GX28-S509-5 UiM 050 IBM System 360 Assembler Coding Form PUNCHlNO I P.OO ......... tNSTAUCTI~S 10.TE Printed in U S.A. I ......'e I I I I I PUNCH IPAO. I OF I " STATeMeNT No- 0_.. _" B I i , I , ! ( I • IA ,,- IllniJ:" I Nlr NIE X[T lL h"n"f,~t,on· ,. O";;~ 2. PU !NciH , I " 5' Als IEi3 :P Com_" l~iJ:" I~ 5tQ ... tI(. 6. I... 13 ,0 NIT ,I,N I' !liN i , , , I 1 ' 1+ 11+ ',+ 1L+ L+ !11+ '1 1+ 11,+ 11 ,+ !11+ i+ I 1+ 2 II 3 ~ I +1 + E : , 1. :' L:. IBIA .... IR 1114 alp 1110 II'IIR 115 3. ...-... lOA,. I GIl_ 'NOT"""'- n.,..... 31 I . * - •. . .if....... II ~ NA ME I·... I I I 1..- .. .. .. : IS,E . GX2&fI508.5 U/M 060 Printed in U.s.,,- IBM Sy.tom 360 A...mbler Coding , _ .~ """"- .~ ,.t IE N TIR Y IEIN IrlR Y 10M IT TIEIO ~ ~,T;,O 11"15 Elc T OP IE R ANIO I~ InlR G np '1= It. R .6. N:n N TRY N niT, 'R Ela!lI liB IE n OM J it" Elo i i I ! I •• •o i An a-character name field starting in ccluan 1. AS-character cferaticn field starting in cclurrn 10. An oferand field that begins in column 16. Note that with this fixed format onE tlank sefarates each field. Free Format It is not necessary to code the naae, cferaticn, and c~erand entries acccrding to the fixed fields on the standard coding form. Instead, these entries can ce written in any fcsiticn, subject to the formatting specifications below. 20 C.,' Formatting Specifications I,," Whether using fixed or free format, the following general rules apply to the coding of an instruction statement: 1. The entries must be written in the following order: name, operation, operand, and remarks. 2. The entries must be contained in the begin column (1) through the end column (71) of the first line and, if needed, in the continue column (16) through the end cclurr-n (71) of any continuaticn lines. The entries must be se{4rated from each other by one O or3. more blanks. 4It 4. If used, the name entry must start in the begin column. 5. The name and operation entries, each followed by at 4It anleast one blank, must be contained in the first line cf instruction statement • • 6. Th: operation entry must start at least one the r1ght of the begin column. IBM I 11M 5YII_ 3&0 AIAmbll. Coding Form ---NOGA_ ,. -...... ,. BA L R r- r--:I NA ME l- .: -- f- DAn STATa.....T ,. ,. tI 1 4 15 3. ,. ~.: .. tc GXze....., U/M OlIO "'nt..t In U SA T 1 . - RE MA RKS -- KS - 1_... ............- I ........ r .. f-I-"~ NA:M Elt'" BA L R:/1 4 1 5 I'R EM AR • colu~n I II 1 1 1 I - .. F I XIElo Fa RM AT F R EE 1 Flo RM AT 1 .. " ~ I ,i X 1-r-8! ISA L R 1 4 1 5 15 f OP ER!A N;C ! i ,ON L Y AlMO EN TRY OM IT T E,O ; j I, i) ~ AL lO MEO ! ~ I ~A ME REM AR KJS EN TRV i I I I. .1 i i I I ; I II I -- .1 ! i j I 1;1 HE RE 71 i i I .. eNID IUCTI'IO IIIIw.1" : 14 ... ... 1-- L- . - i i I THE NAME ENTRY: The name entry identifies an instruction statement. The following applies to the name entry: 1. It is usually optional. 2. It must be a valid symbol at assembly time (after substitution for variable symbols, if specified); for an exception see the TITLE instruction (H3E). o Section B: Coding Conventions 21 ;I"'" THE OPERATION ENTRY: The operation entry provides the symbolic operation code that specifies the machine, assembler, or macro instruction to te processed~ The following applies to the operation entry: ~~ ) 1. It is mandatory. 2. For machine and assembler instructions it must be a valid symbol at assembly time (after substitution for variable symbols, if specified). The standard syrrbolic operation codes are five characters or less (see Appendixes IV and V) • 3. For macro instructions it can be any valid symbol that is not identical to the operation codes described in 2 above. THE OPERAND ENTRY: The operand entry has one or more operands that identify and describe the data used by an instruction. The following applies to operands: 1. One or more operands are usually required, depending on the instruction. 2. Operands must be sefarated by commas. No blanks are allowed between the operands and the commas that separate them. 3. Operands must not contain embedded blanks, because a blank normally indicates the end of the operand entry. However, blanks are allowed if they are included in character strings enclosed in apostrophes (for example, C'J N') or in logical expressions (see L4C). ' C -~ 22 o 'IH! REMARKS ENTRY: The renarks entry is used tc descrit:e the current instructicn. The following applies to the remarks entry: 1. It is c~ticnal. 2. It can ccntain any of the 256 characters (or punch combinations) of the IBM Systen/370 character set, including blanks and s~ecial characters. ~ 3. It can follow any operand entry. 4. If an c~ticnal c~erand entry is orritted, renarks are allcwed if the absence of the operand entry is indicated ~ by a comma, preceded and followed ty one cr «cre tlanks. IBM Sy.'om 360 A...mbl.r Coding Form --- II l~ AYS o """,,"''''' INIT .. -'-" . .. lJCTtOfrd -, --~. ,. 11 ,. 10 8 lR 10 9 SR PU NCH r l AeEL n DATI .. •0 OP CO DE OP ITAllMlfrillT .. I GR.......IC I """'" • iNo I~ 0 1 :-e 5E CT I ~o ~O2 lEN 0 Co ... I 'AG' I CA"OU.ICT"ON~" RE MA R KiS' , :i Ii RE MAR K'S j I I 1 I i I ' i Ii I I , i I EN CiE OF OP NO . ! I i A~BS i I" '0 I i I " I CO MMA 'I N 01 CiAIT E.5 I.. . _- ........ " I [~ I I AR EM AR KJ5 MU 5T BE 5 IE. PA RA TED FR olM AN OP EIR AND EN TR V jev ONE o RI MO RE OP R 2 ~ BL AN K51. R1 5T ART I I 1 OM IT GX28-650!H. U/M 050 Printed in U.S.A. , Section B: ' I ' ! i 1 : : Ii I I I I Coding Conventions ; 23 o Section C: Assembler Language Structure This section describes the structure of the assembler language, that is, the various statements which are allowed in the language and the elements that make up those statements. ·" C I o Section C: Assembler Language Structure 25 CI -- The Source Module A source module "is a sequence of assembler language statements that constitute the input to the assemtler. The figure on the o~~osite ~age shows an overall picture of the structure of the assembler language. C2 Instruction Statements The instruction statements of a source module are comFcsed of one to four entries that are contained in the statement field. Other entries outside the statement field are discussed in B1A. Ihe four statement entries are: 1. A name entry (usually optional) 2. An operation entry (mandatory) 3. An operand entry (usually required) 4. A remarks entry (optional). NOTES: 1. The figures in this sUbsection show the overail structure of the statements that represent the assembler language instructions and are not specifications for these instructions. The individual instructions, their purposes, and their specifications are described in other sections of this manual (as cross-referenced in the figures). ~odel statements, used to generate assembler language statements, are described in J4. 2. The remarks entry is not processed by the assembler, but only copied into the listings of the program. It is therefore not shown except in the overview opposite. 26 o Source Module made up of Source Statements EITHER INSTRUCTION STATEMENTS COMMENTS STATEMENTS o NAME REMARKS OPERATION CHARACTER STRINGS o IBM SYSTEM/370 CHARACTER SET Section C: Assembler Language Structure 27 ~ (_:y •. o C2A -- MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS The machine instruction statements are described in the figure below. The instructions themselves are discussed in Part II cf this manual and summarized in Appendix IV. NAME Entry OPERATION Entry OPERAND Entry A Symbol (or blank) A symbolic Operation Code One or more operands composed of or Exp (Exp) or Exp(Exp,Exp) or Exp (,Exp) or o or Arithmetic combination of terms Exp = Expression any of the following A Location Counter Reference e.g. -Ie Symbol Length Attribute Reference e.g. L'HERE Which can be any of the following o Decimal Hexadecimal Binary Cha'racter e.g. 9 e.g. X'D9' e.g. B '1001' e.g. C 'JAN' Section C: Assembler Language Structure 29 C2B -- ASSEMBLER INSTRUCTIONS The assembler instruction statements can be divided into two main groups:' ordinary assembler instructions and conditional assembly instructions. Ordinary Assembler Instructions Ordinary asse~bler instruction statements are described in the figure on the opposite page. These instructions are discussed in Part III of this manual and summarized in Appendix v. o 30 NAME Entry OPERATION Entry A Symbol (or blank) A symbolic Operation Code OPERAND Entry One or more operands Operands can be composed of Operands can be composed of one to four subfields Duplication factor Type Modifiers or e.g.*+4 Character String e.g. 'TO BE PUNCHED' Symbolic Option e.g. NOGEN One or more constants of the format below e.g. 'Decimal number' o El~~hefcllowing . . . in~tr?8t:i.°~.~ :.;.:E~H( . 9R(~J . . . Cl~f1 . . p.p..!.~~~ . >O~l'l~~b~i·!~J.:'<, "aJ:~... P~~·~~~',,~~~;,,·1:~:~~~~j;:.II . .~~~<·~);)Q~~~n$f,~.~~ • You can control the setting of the location counter in a particular control section by using the START or ORG instructions. Assembly Listings in Hexadecimal Representation LOC OBJECT CODE ADDR 1 ADDR2 000000 1 000000 FFFFFE STMT , -••,1. 58506004 00008 42 A START 0 • 2 ORG ;~+x I FFFFFE I L 3 (Locatioh coun 000004 SOURCE STATEMENT 5,4(,6) r overflow) 4 B BR 15 5 C DC A(B) 6 o EQU C 0) \~,..:" ~. Specifications Loc. Ctr Ref lccaticr. counter reference is specified by an asterisk (*). 'Ihe asterisk can be s~ecified as a relocatacle term according to the follcwing rules: ~he 1. It can only be specified in the cperands cf: a. Machine instructions c. The Ie 2. It can alsc be s~ecified in literal constants (see CS). value of the location ccunter reference (*) is the current value cf the lccaticn ccunter cf the control section in which the asterisk ~) is s~ecified as a terrr. 'Ihe asterisk has the sarr.e value as the address cf the first byte of the instruction in which it a~pears (for the value cf the asterisk in address constants with du~licaticn factcrs, see G3J). ~e • Address Value of. Source Statements ,/ 000104' HERE 000108 • I B B HERE *+8 } same HERE+8 effect DC L A(*) • 3, =A (*) and IS instructions c. 'Ihe EQU, ORG, and USING instructions. • Location in Hex 'OOOllC~ONSTANT ,OOO120KHERE I I CONSTANT THERE ( o 5ection'C: AssemD1er Language Structure 43 C4C -- SYMBOL LENGTH ATTRIBUTE REFERENCE Purpose When you specify a symbol length attribute reference, you obtain the length of the instruction or data referred to by a symbol. You can use this reference as a term in instruction operands to: 1. Specify unknown storage area lengths 2. Cause the assembler to compute length specifications for you 3. Build expressions to be evaluated by the assembler. Specifications The symbol length attribute reference must be specified according to the following rules: 1. The format must be L' immediately followed by a valid symbol or the location counter reference C.). 2. The symbol must be defined in the same source modUle in which the symbol length attribute reference is specified. 3. The symbol length attribute reference can be used in the operand of any instruction that requires an absolute term. However, it cannot be used in the form L·. in any instruction or expression that requires a previously defined symbol. o 44 o The value of the length attribute is normally the length in bytes of the storage area required by an instruction, constant, or field represented by a symbol. The assembler stores the value of the length attribute in the symbol table along with the address value assigned to the syrrbcl. When the assembler encounters a symbol length attribute reference, it substitutes the value of the attribute from the symbol table entry for the symbol specified. The assembler assigns the length attribute values to symbols in the name field of instructions as follows: • • • ;'d_ . F?r machine instructions, it assigns 2, 4, or 6, depending on the format of the instruction. e~ther ~or th~ DC a~d DS instructions « MVC L LR TO,FROM 3,ADCON 3,4 L'MACHA L'MACHB L'MACHC TO FROM ADCON CHAR DUPL OS OS DC DC DC CL80 CL240 A (OTHER) C'YUKON' 3F" 200' L'TO L'FROM L'ADCON L'CHAR L'DUPL RELOCl RELOC2 ABSOLl ABSOL2 EQU EQU EQU EQU self-defining terns SOT 1 SDT2 SDT3 EQU EQU EQU L'SDTI L'SDT2 L'SDT3 lccaticn ccunter reference ASTERISK EQU L'ASTERISK 8 1 ~ LOCTREF EQU L I LOCTREF LENGTH 1 DC A(L'* ) '* L {4 L I LENGTHI. 4 For the E~U instruction, it assigns the length attribute value of the leftmost cr only term of the first expression in the first operand, unless a specific length attribute is supplied in a second o~erand. OrilyoneOt;:~randisall()wedinthe £QUj.nstr'Uction. ". ~. •. ~. Value of Symbol Length Attribute (at assembly time) Source Module MACHA MACHB MACHC ass~gns e~ther the implicit or explicitly specified length. The length attribute is not affected ~ a duplication factcr. ~t Note the ler:gth attribute values of the following terrrs in an EQU instructicn: • Length A ttr. ~he length attribute of the location counter reference (L' .) is equal to the ler:gth attribute of the instruction in which the L'. a~pears. • LENGTH2 MVC TO (L '* ) , FROM LENGTH3 MVC TO (L' TO-20) ,FRO L ' RELOC1 L'RELOC2 L'ABSOLI L'ABSOL2 80 80 240 240 -n 0 L'* LITO 1 6 80 For the rerraining assenbler instructions, see the specificaticns for the individual instructions. o section C: Assembler Language Structure 45 C4D -- OTHER ATTRIBUTE REFERENCES o There are other attributes which describe the characteristics and structure of the data you define in a program. For exarople, the kind of constant you specify or the number of characters you need to represent a value. These other attributes are the type (T'), scaling (S'), integer (I'), count (R'), and number (N') attributes. NOTE: You can refer to these attributes only in conditional assembly instructions and expressions; for full details, see L1B. C4E -- SELF-DEFINING TERMS Purpose A self-defining term allows you to specify a value explicitly. with self-defining terms, you can specify decimal, binary, hexadecimal, or character data. ~hese terms have absolute values and can te used as absclute terms in expressions to represent bit configurations, absolute addresses, displacements, length or other modifiers, or duplication factors. .'0',·" . , ~ 46 C:J Specificaticns Self-Defining GENEFAL RULES: · Refresent O values Self-defining terrrs: Self-Defining Term rrachine language binary • Are acsclute terrrsi their values do not change upon prcgrarr re1ccaticn. 15 241 B'11111 B ' 11110001 1 B ' 100000001 1 X'F ' X'F1' X' 101' C ' 1' CiA' C'AB' 'CI • Binary Value Decimal Value !he assemc1er carries the values represented cy self-defining terrr:s to 4 tytes cr 32-titsi the higbcrder bit is the sign bit. Valuesar.,carried,to3bytEs or 241:1ts. • 1111 11110001 1111 11110001 100000001 1111 11110001 100000001 11110001 11000001 1100000111000010 15 241 15 241 257 15 241 257 241 193 49 , 602 4 bytes (32 bits) r 24 16 L. I 8 I J value bits 31 30 • Isign bit lI 0 Ivalue bits I I 1"'Negative Value ():=Positive Value ~ECl~AL: ~ decirral self-defining term is an unsigned decimal number. 1he assemt1er allows: O. High-crder zercs •• A maximum of 10 decirra1 digits • • .:Q2 • '2147483647' • A range of values from 0 througt. 2,147,483,647. = 2 31 -18 -; 'A,aa.xlaUlr,of Bdecimaldigits. "',,,;ltlta;n<.Je of, ~,~,17712J5 • values from o through o S'ect1on C: Assembler Language Structure 47 EINA~Y: A tinary self-defining terrr Rust ~e ceded in the fermat shown in the figure to the right. ~he asserr~ler: . ~. Assemtles each tinary digit as it is sJ;ecified _____________ a1stroPhes must enclose digits B ',110011 ••••• 101' \. \ 1 to 32 binary digits blnarYtMlIM • • Allows a maximum of 32 tinary digits • Examples Allows a range of values frerr • ",.t: ~ Allowact rRJxl.itNi]iiC~2lfbiha:t:j·· digits. e" Al·10WS·.·.·......·• ·.• • o· througb ih ~i~~~:.~f. . ~al.ue$ ·1'~771t~·1S'.· . fro.' B' NOTE: When used as an absolute term in expressions, a tinary selfdefining tern has a negative value . if the high-order tit is 1. e 101011~t--O kll0~ B'11101010111' High-order ~nbit B "11111 ••• 111' = I .~, 32 d;9;ts. <¥f. B ',10 0 0 0 • • • 0 0.,9 , • 48 Binary Value -2,147,483,648 thrcugh 2,147,483,641. 32 digits 111010101111 o ~r0ph" most enclose digit " X' FF ••• F56 ' \' hexadecimal 1 to 8 hexadecimal digits 111111.111;: Conversion Table: 4-bit Hexadecimal Decimal Binary Digit Equivalent Representation BEXAtECIMAL: A hexadecimal selfdefining tern must be ccded as sho~n in the figure to the right. ~he assentler: • • Assembles each hexadecimal digit intc its 4-tit binary equivalent (listed in the f1gure to the r1ght) • • Allows a naxinun cf 8 hexadecimal digits • • Allows a range cf values from -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647. ....4~"' ...:;o· .':,_.x~m ~f . 6 •hexadecimal 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 A B C D E F Examples: 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Binary Value ,'~,<... ..,~"""" ..:/_ ........J''"lf'.. : of va 1 uesfrom ~~<>P!I~L •.,:I:~.~1r7 ~2t5.• NOlE: When used as an absolute term in an expression, a hexadecinal self-defining tern has a negative • · value if the high-order tit is 1. X'A' IOOOOllOH)f X'FFA' 1111 illll111 0 1 01 8di9iU8 X'7FFFFFFF' X'80000000' • o Section C: Assembler Language Structure 49 Page of GC33-4010-4 Revised Feb. 25, 1975 By TNL: GN33-8193 '. CHABACTE~: A character self-defining tera aust te coded as shown in the figure to the right. ~he asseatler: c - l' I,. ,LarstrOph81 must enclose characters .... )·.{ C~ • Allows any of the 256 punch combinations when using punched cards as input. ~his includes the printable characters, that is, blanks and special characters. O \ 1 to 4 characters character.!;;_ Example.: Character self-defining Characten Assembled term • Assembles each character into its a-bit binary equivalent. (A table of characters and their tinary equivalents can be found in Appendix • • •• 1100000~ ~ X'Cl' e'l', 1 X'F1' X'40' X, 7B' X'7C' 11110001 01000000 01111011 01111100 X'50' X'7D' X'D37DC1' X'7D7D' 01010000 01111101 (blank) C' C'II' /- e'@' Allows a maximum of 4 characters. Binary Value C'A' I) • • Requires that twc aIl1persands or apostrophes be specified in the character sequence fer each ampersand or apostrophe required in the assemEled term. Hexadecimal Value e'&&' C'" , C'L' 'A' C" f'" ---- C'FOUR' • II @ /e & , L'A II FOUR 0 X'C6D6E4D9' CS - Literals Purpose You can use literals as operands in order to introduce data into your program. However, you cannot use a literal as a term in an expression. The literal represents data rather than a reference to data. This is convenient, tecause L L MVe 1,=F'200' 2,=A(SUBRTN) MESSAGE(16},=C'THIS IS AN ERROR' 1. The data yeu enter as numbers for computation, addresses, or messages to be printed is visitle in the instruction in which the literal appears, and 2. You avoid defining constants elsewhere in your source module and then using their symbolic names in machine instruction operands. o 50 o· The, assembler assembles the data specified in a literal into a -literal pool- (fully described in H1B). It then assembles the address of this literal data in the pool into the object code of the instruction that contains the literal specification. Thus the assembler saves you a programming step by storing your literal data for you. The assembler also organizes literal pools efficiently so that the literal data is aligned on the proper boundary alignment and occupies the minimum amount of space. LITERALS, CONSTANTS, AND SELFDEFINING TERMS: Do not confuse literals with constants or selfdefining terms. They differ in three important ways: 1. In where you can specify them in machine instructicns, that is, Whether they represent data or an address of data. 2. In whether they have relocatatle or atsolute values. 3. In what is assembled into the object code of the machine instruction in which theyaj;:pear. The figure to the right illustrates the first two points. •• A Compare: Ii teral represents data. • A constant is rej;:resented ty • its relocatable address. Note t.1J.a t a symbol with an atsolute value does not rej;:resent the address of • a constant, but represents immediate data (see D5D) or an absolute · address. • • A self-defining term represents data and has an absclute va lue. • • A literal with a relocatable address L 31Fe DC F'33' 3,=F'33' } same effect L F33 A Literal with a self-defining term and a symbol with an absolute value :~ ~~t4.~mee~~ FLAG ZERO DS X EQU X'OO' • A symbol having an absolute address value with a self.defining term • ~ : o . :' lUill'RE I, }same effect • . LOCORE EQU 1000 ITection C: Assemoler Language Structure 51 Object Code in Hex Source Statements Loe nHex The figure to the right illustrates the thi rd point. • • The address of the literal, rather than the literal data itself is asserobled into the abject code. • • The address of a const ant is asserobled into the object code. Note that when a symbol with an • absolute va lue reJ;:resents immedia te data, it is the absolute value that is assembled into the object code. The absolute value of a self·defining term is assembled into O· the obj ect code. LITERAL L RELCON L ABSCON TM SELFDT TM FLAGCON EQU X'B8' 248 F200 DC F'200' 24C BYTE DS X LTORG 250 1000000c8I F'200' r~1 Pool c 52 o Specifications o Literals A literal must be ceded as shown in the figure to the right. The literal is specified in the same way as the operand of a DC instruction (for restrictions see Literal Specification '=I'IxB' F3 " G3C) • ::'~~:~ , . ".. ,) GENERAL RULES FOR LITERAL USAGE: A literal is not a term and can be specified only as a complete operand in a machine instruction. In instructions with the RX format they must not be specified in operands in which an index register is also specified. ~: nominal value o Because literals provide -read-onlydata, they rrust not be used: 1. In operands that re~resent the receiving field of an instruction that rroodifies storage 2. In any shift or 1/0 instructions. o C6 - Expressions C6A -- o PURPOSE You can use an expression to specify: An address explicit length • An • A modifier • A duplication factor • A complete c~erand You can write an expression with a simple term or as an arithmetic combination of terms. The assembler reduces multi term expressions to single values. Thus, you do not have to ccm~ute these values yourself. A EQU B MVC C DS , -i, X-_-Y-+-1-3-_-P-I-Q ""'1 , ,TO+L'TO-L'FROM ,(L'FROM) ,FROM 0/ • <,X-Y,> XL (rIQ-IO) .. o S~ction C: Assembler Language Structure 53 Expressions have absolute or relocatable values. Whether an expression is absolute or relocatable depends on the value of the terms it contains. You can use the absolute or relocatable expression described in this subsection in a machine instruction or any assembler instruction cther than a conditional assembly instruction. The assembler evaluates relocatable and absolute expressions at asserrbly time. Throughout this manual, the word -expression- refers to these types of expression. NOTE: There are three types of expression that you can use only in conditional assembly instructions: arithmetic, logical, and character expressions. They are evaluated at pre-asserr.bly time. In this manual they will always be referred to by their full names; they are described in detail in L4. o 54 o C68 -- SPECIFICATIONS Expressions The figure below defines both absolute and relocatable expressions. ~NOTE: • The relocatable values that are paired must have the opposite sign after the resolution of all unary operators. Absolute Expression o Relocatable Expression Operators Allowed Unary: + Positive - Negative Binary: + Addition - Subtraction Multiplication I Division * Abs. Exp = Absolute Expression Rei. Exp = Relocatable Expression o Section C; .Assembler Language Structure 55 Absol~te and Relocatable Expressions Source Module An expression i~ absolute if its value is not changed ty program relocation~ it is relocatable if its value is changed upon program relocation. A descri~tion of the factors that determine whether an expression is absolute or relocatable follows. PAIRED RELOCATABLE TERMS: An expression can be absolute even though it contains relocatable terms, provided that all the relocatable terms are taired. The pairing of relocatable terms cancels the effect of relocation. The assembler reduces paired terms. to single absolute terms in the intermediate stages of evaluation. The assembler considers relocatable terms as paired under the following conditions: paired terms must be defined .in The the saree control section of a O source module is, have the same relocatabili ty attribute) • • • • ~hat • The paired terms must have opposi te signs after all unary operators are resolved. In an expression, the paired terms do not have to be contiguous, that is, other terms can come between the paired terms. Can be paired e{ ~O{ paired CSECT A B C LOCTREF ABSA ABSB ABSC D·S OS DS EQU EQU EQU EQU SECOND CSECT D E F OS OS OS END · ·· F F F * X'F' 300 CiA' x X X Examples: Paired Relocatable Terms • B-A ~ C-A ~ +B-+C' > B-C -A--B ~ -A+B LOCTREF-C O-E F-O Absolute Expressions 8 O-E+ABSC F-D+B-C '----' Unpaired Relocatable Terms • The value represented ty the paired terms is absolute. " 1 A+ABSA-B paired t....--.¥ paired Relocatable Expressions Unpaired B C LOCTREF o 56 FIRST I+ABSA g+X'FF' .-5* (B-C). paired o Abs. Exp. Source Module A .DC. F'2' B DC F'3' C DC F'4' ABSA EQU 100 ABSB EQU X'FF' ABSC EQU B-A CSECT FIRST Absolute Expressions ~ Paired o The assembler reduces an absolute expression to a single absolute value if the ex~ression: 1. Is composed of a symbol with an absolute value, a self-defining term, or a symbol length attritute reference, or any arithmetic .combination of absolute terms. 8 2. If it contains relocatable terms, alone or in combination with atsolute terms, and if all these relocatable • · terms are paired. '*-A EQU ABSD END Absolute Expressions .{i~SA L'A • . {ABSA+ABSC-ABSC*15 ~ J-. ~ ABSA+15-B+C-ABSD/(C-A+ABSA) e{N o Section C: AssemblE::=r J ·ang\1age Structure 57 Deloca~able Expressions Reloc. Exp. A relocatable e~pression is one Whose value changes, for example, ty a 1000, if the cbject module into Which it is assembled is relocated 1000 bytes away from its originally assigned storage area. The assembler reduces a reloca table expression to a single relocatable value if the expression: 1. Is composed of a single relocatable term, or 2. Contains relocatable terms, alone or in combination with absolute terms, and: • • a. All the relocatable terms but one are paired. Note that the unpaired term gives the expression a relocatable value; the paired relccatable terms and other absolute terms constitute increroents or decrements to the value of the unpaired term. b. The relocatability attribute of the whole expression is that of the unpaired term. c. The sign preceding the unpaired relocatable term must be positive, after all unary operators have been resolved. COMPLEX RELOCATABLE EXPRESSIONS: Oomple~ relocatable expressions, unlike relocatable expressions, can contain: a. Two or more unpaired relocatable terms or b. An unpaired relocatable term preceded by a negative sign. Complex relocatable expressions can be used only in A-type and Ytype address constants (see G3J) • 58 Source Module . FIRST CSECT A DC H'2' B DC H'~' C DC H'4' ABSA EQU 10 ABSB EQU ABSC EQU . END Relocatable Expresssions: (Belong to control section named FIRST and have same relocatable attribute as A, B and C) .--- 'a+ABSA+I0 B-+A+c;:-10*ABSC O~. B-A+'+lOO*ABSA+ABSA/(C-A) ~o~ Rules for Coding Expressions Operators The rules for coding an absolute or relocatable expression are: 1. Both unary on one value) and binary (operating on two values) operators are allowed in expressions. o • (o~eratin9 2. An ex~ression can have one or more latA operators J?receding any term n e expression or at the beginning of the eXJ?ression. • 3. An expression must not begin with a binary oEerator, nor can it contain two binary operators in successicn. • 4. An expr~ssion mus~ not contain two terms 1n succeSS1cn. 5. No blanks are allowed between an operator and a term nor between two successive operators. 6. An expression can contain up to 19 unary and binary operators and up to 6 levels of parentheses. Note that parentheses that are part of an operand specification do not count toward this limit. 7. A single relocatable term is not allowed in a roul tiply o.r divide operation. Note that paired relocatable terms have absolute values and can be multiplied and divided if they are ,enclosed in parentheses. Unary +, - Binary +,-.*.1 ~.. - - ABS ~j.: .. I ---.... -====~. REL+ "ABS Unary • '--B-ina-ry--'I ~~J~ Context determines whether + or - is unary or binary operator -==-~.~ ABSC;~ABSD+15 REL~ 4ABS -ABS - REL-ABS -====I.~ A+B ABSC ----.. REL-ABS I ABSO+15 ~----t»--------------~ I I 8 Multiply ,*3 *+3 INVALID VALID --,Locatlon counterl I Reference J 8 ~ , A* I B -ABsA + ~ I -----------, Context determines whether an asterisk (*) is the binary INVALID operator for multiplication VALID or the location counter INVALID reference L-________________- J Leftmost operator betwee two terms is binary - X' FF' (10:!< A) -.--- 'e--- ~ ~ INVALID > 15B'101' INVALID 8. A literal is not a valid term and is therefore not allowed in an expression. o Section c: Assembler Lan~uage Structure 59 Evaluation of Expressions Value of Expression Absolute Expressions The assembler reduces a multiterm expression to a' single value as follows: 1. It evaluates each term. A=5 A*-- X'A' ~ •e • b. It performs the binary operations of mUltiflication and division befere the binary operations of addition and subtract ion. 3. In division, it gives an integer • . result; any fractional portion is dropped. rivision by zero gives o. • e 4. In parenthesized ex~ressions, the assembler evaluates the inner most expressions first and then considers them as ~ in the ~ outer level of eXfressions. It • continues this process until the outermost expression is evaluated. 5. A term or expression's intermediate value and computed result must lie in the range of -2 31 through +231-1. It is assurred that the assembler evaluates paired relecatable terrrs at each level of expression nesting. NO~E: 60 §: +50 } 15 ~. 2. It performs arithmetic operations from left te right. Hewever: a. It performs unar~ operations before binary o~erat1ons, arid 5* + 10 A=10 {A+10/B " ~ 10+10/2 B=2 (A+I0) /B ~ (10+10) /292 0/2 c:; A=10 A/2 A=ll A/2 A=l { A/2 }e 10*A/2 ~ 10 lU ) 5 ~ 5 ) 0 * 1/2 ~ 10/2;;;:; 5 c o Part II: Functions and Coding of Machine Instructions SECTION 0: MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS 61- o ;.Y' o Section D: Machine Instructions This section introduces the main functions of the machine instructions and ~rovides general rules for coding them in their symbolic assembler language format. For the complete specifications of machine instructions, their object code format, their coding specifications, and their use of registers and virtual storage (see GLOSSARY) areas see the Principles of Operation manuals: • IEM System/360 Principles of Operation, Order No. GA226821 • IB~ System/370 principles of Operation, Order No. GA227000 D1 - Functions At assembly time, the assembler converts the symbolic assembler language representation of the machine instructions to the corresponding object code. It is this object code that the computer processes at execution time. Thus, the functions described in this section can be called execution time functions. Also at assemtly time, the assembler creates the object code of the data constants and reserves storage for the areas you specify in your DC and [S assemtler instructions ~ee G3). At execution time, the machine instructions can refer to these constants and areas, rut the constants themselves are not executed. o section D: Machine InstructJol1d 63 D1A -- FIXED-POINT ARITHMETIC purpose You use fixed-point instructions when you wish to perfcrm arithmetic operations on data represented in binary form. These instructions treat all numbers as integers. If they are to o~erate upon data representing mixed numbers (such as 3.14 and 0.235) you must keep track of the decimal paint yourself. For your constants you must provide the necessary number of binary positions to represent the fractional portion of the number specified by using the scale mcdifier (see Fixed - Point Operations Mnemonic Operation Codes Add AR, A, AH, ALR, AL Subtract SR,S,SH,SLR,SL Multiply MR,M,MH Divide DR,D Arithmetic Compare (taking sign into account) CR,C,CH Load into registers LR,L,LH,LTR,LCR,LPR,LNR,LM Store into areas ST, STH, STM SLA,SRA,SLDA,SRDA Fixed-point instructicns allow you to perform the operations listed in the figure to the right. Arithmetic Shift of binary contents of registers to left or right (retaining sign) CVB Data Constants Used Convert (packed) decimal data to binary G3B) • Operations Performed In fixed-point instructions, you can refer to the constants listed in the figure to the right • • Convert binary data to (packed) decimal data NOTE: Except for the conversion ooerations, fixed-point arithmetic is performed on signed binary values. Constants Used • CVD Type # 64 Fixed-Point Hand F Binary B Hexadecimal X Character C Decimal (packed) P Address Y, A, S, V and Q .(....• \ . : I . .:.-.Y o C1 E -- tECI~AL ARITEME1IC Furpose You use the decinal instructions ~hen you wish to perform arith~etic~ cperaticns cn data that has the binary equivalent of decimal representatien, either in packed or zoned form. These instructions treat all nunbers as integers. for example, 3.14, 31.4, and 314 are all processed as 314. You rr,ust keep track cf the decirral peint yourself. Operaticns ( P~rfer!ed Becirral instructiens allo~ you to perform the operations listed in the figure te the right. o Decimal Operations Mnemonic Operation Codes Add AP Subtract SP Multiply MP Divide DP Arithmetic Compare (taking sign into account) CP Move decimal data with a 4-bit offset MVO Shift decimal data in fields to left or right SRP Set 8 field to zero and add contents of another field ZAP Convert zoned to packed decimal data PACK rata Constants Used In decimal instructions yeu can refer tc the censtants listed in the figure to the right. • NOTE: ExceEt fer the ccnversicn operations, decimal arithnetic is performed on signed packed decinal values. Convert packed to zoned decimal data • Constants Used Decimal (packed) (zoned) UNPK Type P Z o Section D: Machine Instructions 65 t1C -- FICA~ING-POINT ARI~HMETIC Furpose You use floating-point instructicns when yeu wish tc ferfcrn arithmetic operations on binary data that represents rcth integers and fractions. Thus, you do net have to keep track ef the deci~al point in ycur ccnfutaticns. Flcatingpoint instructions also allow yeu to perfcrn arith~etic cferations on both very large numters and very small nurrbers, with greater precision than with fixed-point instructions. floating - Point Operations Add Subtract j • SDR, SO, SER, SE, SWR, SW, SUR, SU, SXR MDR, MD, MER, ME, MXR, MXDR,MXD Divide DDR,DD,DER,DE Halve (division by 2) HDR, HER Arithmetic Compare (taking sign into account) CDR, CD, CER, CE Floating-fcint instructicns allow you to perform the operations listed in the figure tc the right. Load into floating· point registers LDR,LD,LER,LE,LTDR, LTER, LCDR, LeER, LPDR, LPER,LNDR,LDER,LRDR, LRER tata Constants Used Store into areas STD, STE In floating-point instructions, you can refer tc the ccnstants listed in the figure to the right. Constants Used Type Floating· Point Flcating-fcint arithmetic is performed on signed values that rrust have a sfecial floating-point forrrat. ~he fracticnal pcrtion Of floating-point numters, when used in additicn and subtractien, can have a normalized (no leading zercs) cr unncrrr.alized format. ~OTE: 66 ADR, AD, AER, AE, AWR AW, AUR, AU, AXR Multiply Operaticns Perfcrned e Mnemonic Operation Codes E, 0, and L () 0 ";'· , \ ',I ' Logical Operations Move Mnemonic Operation Codes MVI, MVC, MVN, MVZ, MVCL Logical Compare (unsigned binary values) CLR, CL, CLI, CLC, CLCL, CLM AND (logical multiplication) NR, N, NI, NC OR (logical addition) OR,O,OI,OC Exclusive 0 R (either ........ or, but not both) XR ,X, XI, XC Testing binary bit patterns TM Inserting characters into registers IC,ICM Store characters into areas STC, STCM Load address into register LA Logical Shift of unsigned binary contents of registers to left or right SLL, SRL, SLDL, SRDL Replace argument values by corresponding function values from table (translate) TR, TRT Edit (packed and zoned decimal data) values in preparation for printing ED, EDMK D1D -- LOGICAL OPERATIONS Purpose o You can use the logical instructions to introduce data, mcve data, or inspect and change data. Operations Performed The logical instructions allow you to perform the operations listed in the figure to the right. o Section D: Machine Instructions 67 Branching Operations Mnemonic Operation ~~~dingl SCR, BC on the results of the preceding operation (that sets the condition code) Codes a C1E -- BRANCHING Purpose You can use several tYfes of branching instructions, comcined with the logical instructions listed in 010, to code and control loops, subroutine linkages, and the sequence of processing. Branch to a subroutine with a return link to current code BALR, BAL .§!:!!l£.!:! according BCTR,BCT toa~con- tained in a register (count is decremented by one before determining course of action) ~by Operations Performed The branching instructions allow you to perform the operations listed in the figure to the right. o 68 NOTE: Additional mnemonics for branching on conditicn are described in section ~1H below. comparing value to fixed comparand, (index incremented or decremented before determining course of action) ~ Temporary Branch in orderto~a specific machine instruction BXH, BXlE EX o Status Switching Operations Mnemonic Operation Codes Load program status information P LPSW .I.J;w! sequence of control registers P LCTL Set bit patterns for condition code and interrupts for program SPM Set bit patterns for channel usage by system P SSM §!l protection ~ for a block of P SSK P SCK P 15K storage e1F -- STATUS SWITCHING Set time-of-day clock Insert protection into a register m for storage purpose Store time-of-day clock o You can use the status switching instructions to communicate between your prograrr and the system control program. However, some of these instructions are privileged instructions and you can use them only when the CPU is in the supervisor state, but not when it is in the problem state. The privileged instructions are marked with a .p. in the figure to the right. STCK Store identification of channel or CPU (save) sequence of £Q!!!!:Q! registers ~ P STI DC, STIDP P STCTL Call supervisor for system interrupt SVC Call monitor for interrupts depending on contents of control register MC !!!! bit which is subsequently TS set to 1 Operations Performed The status switching instructions allow you to perform the operations listed in the figure to the right. WRD, ROD Write or Read directly to or from other CPU's P Set Clock Comparator P Store Clock Comparator P Set CPU Ti mer P SPT Store CPU Timer P STPT Store Then AN 0 System Mask P STNSM Store Then OR System Mask P STOSM ,SCKC ,~~KC ,-. o Section D: Machine Instructions 69 c:; 01G -- INPUt/OUTPUt Purpose You can use the input/output instructions, instead of the IB~ supplied system macro instructions, • when you wish to control your input and output operations aore closely. Operations Ferformed The input or output instructions allow you to identify the channel, or the device on which the input or output operation is to be performed. The operations performed are listed in the figure to the right. However, these are privileged instructions, and you can only use them when the CPU is in the supervisor state, but not when it is in the problem state. Input or Output Operation. Mnemonic Operation §W11/0 SIO, SIOF !:i!!ll/O HIO !!!! state of channel TIO,TCH Cod•• or device being used Halt Device HOV '0 o Section D: Machine Instructions 71 Page of GC33-40tO-O Re,·jsed September 29,1972 By TNL GN33-8148 D1H -- BRANCHING WITH EXTENDED MNEMONIC CODES Purpose The branching instructions described below allow you to specify a mnemonic code for the condition on which a branch is to occur. Thus, you avoid having to specify the mask value required by the EC and ECR branching instructions. The assembler translates the mnemonic code that represents the condition into the mask value, which is then asserrbled in the object code of the machine instruction. Specifications The extended mnemonic codes are given in the figure on the opposite page. They can be used as operation codes for branching ~ instructions, replacing the Be and BeR machine instruction. codes. Note that the first operand of the Be and BeR instructions must not be present in the operand field of • the extended mnemonic branching instructions. ~NOTE: The addresses represented are explicit addresses; however, implicit addresses can also be used in this type of instruction. 72 o 0 \ Meaning Extended Code •• \02 (X; ,B2) B BR R2 NOP D2(X2,B2) NOPR R2 } } Unconditional Branch Format RX RR No Operation RX RR (Symbolic) Machine Instruction Equivalent •• BC BCR BC BCR IS,D2(X2,B2) IS,R2 O,D2(X2,B2) O,R2 BC BCR BC BCR BC BCR BC BCR BC 2,D2(X2,B2) 2,R2 4 ,D2 (X2 ,B2) 4,R2 8,D2(X2,B2) 8,R2 13,D2(X2,B2) 13,R2 ll,D2(X2,B2) ll,R2 7,D2(X2,B2) 7,R2 Used After Compare Instructions BH BHR BL BLR BE BER BNH BNHR BNL BNLR BNE BNER D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2} R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 } } Branch on High RX RR Branch on Low RX } } Branch on Not RX RR Branch on Equal } Branch on } Branch on High RR RX RR Not Low RX RR Not Equal RX Be RR BCR RX BC BCR BC BCR BC BCR BC BCR BC BCR Be OCR BC BCR BC BCR Used After Arithmetic Instructions CI BO BOR BP BPR BM BMR BNP BNPR BNM BNMR BNZ BNZR BZ BZR BNO BNOR D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 } } } Branch on Overflow } } } Branch on Not Plus RR Branch on Plus Branch on Minus RX RR RX RR RX RR Branch on Not Minus RX Branch on Not Zero RX RR RR } Branch on Zero RX } Branch on No Overflow RR RX RR BCR. I,D2(X2,B2) I,R2 2,D2(X2,B2) 2,R2 4,D2(X2,B2) 4,R2 13,D2(X2,B2) 13,R2 II,D2(X2,B2) ll,R2 7,D2{X2,B2) 7,R2 8,D2(X2,B2) 8,R2 14,D2(X2,B2) 14#R2 BC BCR BC BCR BC BCR BC BCR BC BCR BC BCR I,D2(X2,B2) I,R2 4,D2(X2,B2) 4,R2 8,D2(X2,B2) 8,R2 14,D2(X2,B2) 14,R2 ll,D2(X2,B2) Il,R2 7,D2(X2,B2) 7,R2 Used After Test Under Mask Instructions BO BOR BM BMR BZ BZR BNO BNOR BNM BNMR BNZ BNZR 0 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2} R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2 (X2, B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 D2(X2,B2) R2 } } } } Branch if Ones RX Branch if Mixed RR RX RR Branch if Zeros RX Branch if Not Ones RX RR RR } } Branch Branch if Not Mixed RX RR if Not Zeros RX RR D2=displacement,X2=index register,B2=base register,R2=register containing branch address Section D: Machine Instructions 73 011 -- RELOCATION HANtLING Purpose You use the relocation instructions in connnection with the relocate feature of IBM System/370. Operations Performed The relocation instructions allow you to perforll' the ct:erations listed in the figure to the right. However, these instructions are privileged instructions, and you can use them only when the CPU is in the supervisor state, but not when it is in the problem state. 74 Relocation Operations Mnemonic Operation Code Load Real Address LRA Purge Translation Lookaside Buffer PTLB Reset Reference Bit RRB Set Clock Comparator SCKC Store Clock Comparator STCKC Set CPU Timer SPT Store CPU Timer STPT Store and AN 0 System Mask STNSM Store and 0 R System Mask STOSM 0\ D2 - Alignment Alignment Purpose The assemtler automatically aligns the object code of all machine instructions on halfword toundaries. For executicn of the IBM Systerr./370 machines, the constants and areas do not have to lie on specific boundaries to be addressed by the machine instructions. ~ However, if the assembler option ALIGN is set, you can cause the assembler to align constants and areas; for example, on fullword boundaries. This allows faster execution of the fullwcrd machine instructions. If the NOALIGN option is set, you do not need to align constants and areas. They will te assemtled at the next available byte, which allows you to save space ~o bytes are skipped for alignment). o o Section D: Machine Instructions 75 10 Specifications • Source Statements Object Code \\__/ MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS: When the assembler aligns machine instructions on halfword boundaries, it sets any bytes skipped to zero. CONSTANTS AND AREAS: One of the assembler options that can be set in the job control language (that initiates execution of the assembler program) concerns the alignment of constants and areas; it can be specified as ALIGN or NOALIGN. L 3 / AREA",- A 3,CONS~ CONST If ALIGN is specified, the following applies: • • • The assembler aligns constants and areas on the boundaries implicit in their type, if no length specification is sup~lied. • The assembler checks all expressions that represent storage addresses to ensure that they are aligned on the boundaries required by the instructions. If they are not, the assembler issues a warning message. Full Word Boundary AREA DS F xxxxxxxx CONST DC F' 200' 000000C8 (,-,\ If NCALIGN is specified, the following applies: • The assell'bler does not align • , constants and areas on special boundaries, even if the length specification is emitted. Note that the CCW instruction, however, always causes the alignment of the channel command word on a doubleword boundary. • • The assembler does not check storage addresses fer boundary alignment. I,.y L 3.AREA> A 3,CONST CONST NOTE 1: The asserrbler always forces alignment if a duplication factor of 0 is specified in a constant or area without a length modifier (for an example, see G3N). Alignment occurs when either ALIGN or NOALIGN is set. AREA DS xxxxxxxx DS CONST DC DC F'200') 000000C8 FL4' 200' Equiv. rI",', .) l}J.1 , 76 Mnemonic Operation Codes for Privileged Operations NOTE 2: When NOALIGN is s~ecified, the CNOP assembler instruction can be used to ensure the ccrrect alignment of data referred to ty the privileged instructions that require specific boundary alignment. The mnemonic operaticn codes for these instructions are listed in the figure to the right. Meaning LPSW Load program status word. 1SK Insert Storage Key. SSK Set Storage Key. LCTL Load Control registers. SCK Set Clock. ST10P Store CPU Identification STCTL Store Control registers. (Diagnose - not handled by assembler) o o Section 0: Machine Instructions 77 D3 -- Statement Formats Length of Object Code Reguired for the Assembled Instruction in Bytes Format Machine instructions are assembled into object code according to one of the six formats given in the figure to the right. When you code machine instructions you use symbolic formats that correspond to the actual rrachine language formats. within each tasic format, you can also cede variations of the symbolic representation (Examples of coded rrachine instructions, divided into groups according to the six basic formats, are illustrated in [6 below). • • • • • 78 I The assembler converts only the operation code and the operand entries of the assembler language statement into object code. The ass emtl er ass igns tc the symbol you code as a name entry the value of the address of the leftmost byte of the assembled instruction. When you use this sarre symbol in the operand of an assembler language statement, the asserrbler uses this address value in converting the symboli<: operand intc its object code form. The length attribute assigned to the syrrbcl de~ends on the basic machine language format of the instruction in which the symbol appears as a name entry (for details on the length attribute see C4C) • A remarks entry is net converted into object code. RR 2 RX 4 RS 4 SI 4 s 4 SS 6 • (L'LABEL=4) Example: Assembler Language Statement • LABEL 4,256(5,10) L • RX Format Operation Register Code Operand 1------ 4 bytes Object Code (machine language) ot Assembled Instruction in Hex Storage Operand ------1 ( ) ~ - Mnemonic Operation Codes Furpose You Rust s~ecify an c~eraticn code for each machine instruction stateRent. 'the Il'nell'cnic cperaticn code indicates the type of e~eraticn to te perfcrll'ed; fer exam~le, -Aindicates the -addition- cperaticn. Appendix IV ccntains a coa.plete list of mnemonic operation codes and the fcrnats of the corres~onding machine instructions. Specificaticns o 'the general format of the machine instructicn c~eraticn ccde is sho_n in the figure to the right. 'the vert nust always be present. It usually consists of one or two characters and s~ecifies the operation to te perforroed. 'the other iteRs in the c~eration code are not always present. 'they include: e. the 'Ihe modifier which further defines c~eraticn • • The type qualifier, which indicates the type of data used ty the instructicn in its operation, and • • 'the fcrnat qualifier, :R cr I, which indicates that an :R:R or 51 nachine instructicn fcrll'.a t is assemtled. VERB [MODIFIER] [DATA TYPE] [MACHINE FORMAT] Examples: o{ e{ ih Ir--Io-gj-ca-I'""I _~B~~(~·~~~~:i~1~• •"~/ I I binary ·.~.ij'>··..; • I "·,t.:.,,·:·:, character I E>< ........ . . ;/;rr';!'irr;;;i.ll.llll'lllil'\);: ...-.------'"-------, 8R • o section D: Machine Instructions 79 os - o Operand Entries Furpose You rrust s~ecify cne cr mcre o~erands in each machine instructicn staterrent to ~rcvide the data cr the location of the data upon which the machine operaticn is to be ~erfcrtted. The operand entries consist of cne or a.ore fields cr sUbfields de~ending on the format of the instruction teing ccded. They can s~ecify a register, an address, a length, and irrreediate data. You can code an operand entry either with synbcls cr ~ith self-defining terms. You can omit length fields or sutfields, which the assembler will compute for you from the otter operand entzies. General Specifications for Coding Operand Entries 'Ihe rules for coding are as fcllc~s: • A o~erand entzies comma must separate operands. ~Farentheses nust enclcse subfields. e A conna nust seearate subfields enclosed in parentheses. If a sutfield is cnitted because it is in implicit in a syrntolic address, the farentheses that ~ould ~have enclosed the sutfield ~ te cnitted. 80 L! LM 4, 8, SA'{E5 MVI 4 (12),C'F' 'e ,,/ • MVC TO (80), FROM MVC 0(80"'),240(8) MVI ~ II 4 (12), C 'F' MVI KEY, C'F' / Implicit Address See D5B C-"\ ~ If twc sutfields are enclcsed in parentheses and separated ty conrras, the fcllcwir.g a~~lieE: e • • • • "\ ---- If both sub fields are orr-itted tecause they are in'~licit in a synbclic entry, the separating comna and the farentheses that ~culd have been needed must also te omitted. L 2,48(4,5) L 2,FIELD If tbe first subfield is the ~ that separates the seccnd subfield nust as well as the enclosing L 2,48(4,5) L I 2,48(,5) MVC 32 ( MVC 32(8,10) ,40(10) MVC 32(16,6) ,48(6) MVC TO(l 6),_F-R-O-M------__ emitted, it frorr be ~ritten parentheses. If the seccnd subfield is omitted, the comma that separates it frcrr the first subfield rrust be omitted, however, the enclosing parentheses nust te written. ~OTE: flanks must not appear within the c~erand field, except as part of a character self-defining terrr or in the s~ecif1caticn cf a character literal. " MVC I Implicit Address See D5B Index Register is omitted '- ,/0') ,4 0 (10) Length Specification is omitted ~ L Base Register implicit in symbolic address TO 32(C· ··S).=CL64'A/B' I • • o Section D: Machine Instructions 81 (~ \~;L,.;i) t5A -- REGISTERS Purpose and Usage You can specify a register in an operand for use as an arithmetic accumulator, a base register, an index register, and as a general depository for data to which you wish to refer over and over. You must be careful when specifying a register whose contents have been affected by the execution of another machine instruction, the control program, or an IEM-supplied system macro instruction. For some machine instructions you are limited in which registers you can specify in an operand. Registers Specifications ~he expressions used to specify registers must have absolute values; in general, registers 0 through 15 can be specified for machine instructions. However, the following restrictions on register usage apply: 1. The floating-point registers (0, 2, 4, or 6) must be specified ~ for floating-point instructions: 2. The even numbered registers (0, 2, 4,6, 8, 10, 12, 14) must be specified for the following groups of instructions: •• o • a. The double-shift instructions b. The fullword multiply and divide instructions c. The move long and compare logical long instructicns. 3. The floating-point registers o and 4 must be specified for the instructions that use extended floating-point data: AXR, SXR, LRDR, MXR, MXDR, MXt. NOTE: The assembler checks the registers specified in the instruction statements of the above groups. If the specified register does not comply with the stated restrictions, the asseRbler issues a diagnostic message and does not assemtle the instruction. 82 Operation Code L Examples: ;~tAREA LE- liFLTAREA • .{ o{ • SLDA ifjl SRDA ji:!2 SLDL SRDL M D MVCL CLCL AXR Both register operands must be even-numbered o REGISTER USAGE BY HACEINE INSTRUCTIONS: Registers that are not explicitly coded in the symbolic assembler language representation of machine instructions, but are nevertheless used by the assembled machine instructions, are divided into two categories: base registers that are implicit in the symbolic addresses specified. These implicit addresses are described in detail in DSB • The registers can be identified by examining the object cede of the assembled machine instruction or the USING instruction(s) that assigns base registers for the source module. 1. • • Source Module START BALR 0' a. For the double shift and fullword multiply and divide instructions, the odd-numbered register whose number is one greater than the even-numbered register specified as the first operand. USING o 12,0 For the Branch on Index High (BXffl and the Branch on Index Low or Equal (EXLE) instructions~ if the register specified for the second operand is an evennumbered register, the ~ higher odd-numbered register is used to contain the value to be used for coreparison. * ,12 • • L 3,FIELD IS81310lclxxxi M 4,TWO Isc 14 10 IC Ixxx I ... MVCL b. For the Move Long and Compare Logical Long instructions, the odd-numbered registers whose number is one greater than the even numbered registers specified in the two operands. c. • • • 0 ~he 2. The registers that are used by machine instructions in their operations, but do not appear even in the asserrbled object code. They are as follows: • • Object Code in Hex 4,6 Register 5 and 7 are also used BXH TRT 3,4,ADRESS 18613141clxxxi ARGUMENT(10),TABLE d. For the Translate and Test (TRT) instruction ,registers 1 and 2 are also used. e. For the Load Multiple ~) and Store Multiple (STM) instructions, the registers that lie between the registers specified in the first two operands. LM 19813171clxxxi REGISTER USAGE BY SYSTEM: The control program of the IEM System/310 uses registers 0, 1, 13, 14, and 15. Section D:Machine Instructions 83 D5B -- ADDRESSES purpose and Definition You can code a symbol in the name field of a machine instruction statement to represent the address of that instruction. You can then refer to the symbol in the operands of other machine instruction statements. The object code for the IBM System/370 requires that all addresses be assembled in a numeric tase-displacement format. This format allows you to specify addresses that are relocatable or absolute. You must not confuse the concept of relocatability with the actual addresses that are coded as relocatable, nor with the format of the addresses that are assembled. DEFINING SY~BOLIC ADDRESSES: You define symbols to represent either relocatable or absolute addresses. You can define relocatable addresses in two ways: • • • By equa ~ing a symbol to a relocatatle express~on. You can define absolute addresses (or values) by equating a symbol to an absolute expression. REFERRING TC ADDRESSES: You can refer to relocatable and absolute addresses in the operands of machine instruction statements. Such address references are also called addresses in this manual. The two ways of coding addresses are: ~ Implicitly: that into form into _ Symbolic Addresses (Defined) us ing a symbol as the label in the name field of an assembler language statement er By that is, in a form the assembler must first convert an explicit base-displacement before it can be assembled object cede. •• • • Address References DC 3F'37Q' EQU II• • L L 4,hll• • L 4,~/_.~Sj B ~.~ Relocatable Addresses EQU LA Explici tly: that is, in a form that can be directly assembled into object code. 5,_5,11:.]1" 5 ,.illl.'-::' LA 84 3,_jt Absolute Addresses Relocatability of Addresses o Source Module Addresses in the base-displacement form are relocatable, because: I • • Each relocatable address is assembled as a displacement from a base address and a base register. in Hex 0 llo it) (.) X • If the otject module assembled from your source module is relocated, only the contents of the base register need reflect this relocation. This means that the location in virtual storage of your base has changed and that your base register must contain this new base address. ~ NOTE: Absolute addresses are also assembled in the base-displacement form, but always indicate a fixed location in virtual storage. This means that the contents of the base · register must always be a fixed absolute address value regardless of relocation. START BALR USING Base • The base register contains the tase address. • Your addresses have been assem~led as relative to the base address; therefore, the sum of the displacement and the contents of the base register will ~oint to the correct address after relocation. Object Code ...c:: II ~ Q. 5 ...c:: Q) E B (U C. ~ i5 I Displacement I TO DS FROM DS CLBO CL240 Register 0 as a base register is always considered to contain the absolute address location 0 LA END O o Section D: Machine Instructions' B5 Page of GC33-4010-4 Revised July 31, 1976 By TNL: GN33-82il7 Specifications Addresses o OR OBJECT CO~E FORMAT: All addresses asserrbled into the object cede of the IBM System/370 machine instructions have the format given in the figure telow. ~ACHINE Format Coded or Symbolic Representation of Explicit Addresses Object Code Representation of Addresses I 12 bits 4 bits 4 bits 4 bits 12 bits 8 bits 4 bits Operation Base Displacement Base Displacement RegCode Register ister R5 02(B2) 'op ccio-e: . R; -:- R3 .... _------'. _.- B2 5I 01(Bl) OP CODE: . -- i£ -- -I 55 01 (,Bl) ,02 (B2) ~~ ~Q~~C -. ~ ~ ~ _. ~ ~ RX 02(X2,B2) 5 ____ e . ____ • • __ Bl I 01 ~"i 02 01 (Bl1 Rl and R3 represent registers 12 represents an immediate value L represents a length value The addresses represented have a value which is the sum of: O· A displacement and •• The contents of a base register. NOTE: In RX instructions, the address represented has a value which is the sum of a displacement, the ccntents ~of a base register, and the contents of an index register. 86 V o Implicit Address I • Source Module Object Code in Hex An implicit address is specified by coding one expression. The expression can be relocatable or absolute. The assembler converts all implicit addresses into their tase-displacement form before it assembles them into object code. The assembler converts im~licit addresses into explicit addresses only if a USING instruction"has been specified. The USING instruction assigns both a base address, from which the assembler computes displacements, and a base register, to contain the base address. The base register must be loaded with the correct base address at execution time. For details on how the USING instruction is used when establishing addressability, thus allowing implicit references, see F1. AREA o START BALR USING 12,0 *,12 L ""Ee! 3,AREA OS F LA 4,1000 ~"" :~;;,:,:::;>:). 158 I 3 I 0 Ic I xxx I ~ /\ ~.... Base Register/ • DisPlacement} 14114101013E81 r---",,--I-.."\ Always used as base register for absolute address between 0 and END ~ Displacement 4095 Explicit Address An explicit address is specified by coding two absolute expressions as follows: o • • The first is an absolute expression for the displacement, whose value must lie in the range 0 through 4095 (4095 is the maximum value that can be represented by the 12 binary bits available for the displacement in the object code). o I NOTES (for implicit and explicit addresses) : 1. An explicit base register designation must not acconpany an implicit address. 2. However, in RX instructions an index register can be coded with an implicit address as well as with an explicit address. 3. When two addresses are required, one address can be coded as an explicit address and the ether as an implicit address. Object Code in Hex LA The second (enclosed in parentheses) is an absol ute expression for the base register, whose value must lie in the range 0 through 15. If the base register contains a value that changes when the program is relocated, the assembled address is relocatatle. If the base register contains a fixed absolute value that is unaffected by program relocation, the assembled address is a1:solute. • Source Statement • 4,X'400' (,10) L vc ~~ 0(80,10},FIELD "~ 1~~}poolC I x';';1 ..'.. Section 0: Machine ~<:( Instructio~s 87 D5C -- LENGTHS Purpose You can specify the length field in an SS~type instruction. This allows you to indicate explicitly the number of bytes of data at a virtual storage location that is to be used by the instruction. However, you can omit the length specification, because the assembler computes the numter of bytes of data to be used from the expression that represents the address of the data. Specifications IMPLICIT LENGTH: When a length subfield is omitted from an Ss-type machine instruction an implicit length is assembled into the object code of the instruction. The implicit length is either of the following: • 1. For an iroplicit address (see D5B above), it is the length attribute of the first or only term in the expression representing the implicit address. • 2. For an explicit address (see D5B above), it is the length attribute of the first or only term in the expression that represents the displacement. For details on the length attribute of symbols and other terms see C4C. EXPLICIT LENGTH: When a length subfield is specified in an SS-type rea chine instruction, the explicit length thus defined always overrides the implicit length. . • NOTES: 1. An implicit or explicit length is the effective length. length value assembled is always one less than the O The effective length. If an assembled length value of 0 is I • desired, an explicit length of 0 or 1 can be specified. 2. In the allowable In the SS allowable 88 SS instructicns requiring one length value, the range for explicit lengths is 0 through 256. instructions requiring two length values, the range for explicit lengths is 0 through 16. /~ " ~"J~/\ o Lengths Assembler Language Statement Length Attribute of term (symbols) Object Code in Hex L- Length Value , MVe L'TO TO,FROM Add .... TO L Implicit Lengths = FROM I D214F Ixxxx IxXXX'] 80 0 L o = 80 MVC TO+SO,FROM L'TO AP A.REA,TWO L'AREA = 8 L'TWO = L1 L2 IFAI7131 xxxxi xxxxi L e: MVC ,. \ 0 MVC ID214F)xxxxlxxxxl 0 ( ,lO) , SO (10) ;1 I D21 00 I AOOO IA0501 L L FROM-TO(,lO) ,SO(10) L'FROM =240 I Explicit Lengths MVC o TO (160) , FROM MVC o(8.0 , 1 0) CLC I 0(1,10) ,256 (10) CLC 0(b,10) ,256(10) TO FROM AREA TWO DS DS DS DC , S0 (1 0 ) • • • • L'TO = SO ID21 EF IAO AO IA050J ~ Address TO FROM I D219F I xxx x Ixxx'il L 1 I D214FIAOOOIA0501 1 ID5100lAOOOIAlOOI 1 I D5100lAOOOIAlOOI + ... CLSO CL240 PLS PL4'2' section D: Machine Instructions S9 DSD -- I~MEDIATE CATA Purpose In addition to addresses, registers, and lengths, some machine instruction operands require immediate data. Such data is assembled directly into the object code of the machine instructions. You use immediate data to specify the bit patterns for masks or other absolute values you need. You should be careful to specify immediate data only where it is required. Co not confuse it with address references to constants and areas cr with any literals you specify as the operands of machine instruction (for a compariscn between constants, literals, and immediate data, see C5). Specifications o 90 Immediate data must be specified ~s absolute expressions whose range of values depends on the machine instructicn for which the data is required. The immediate data is assembled into its 4 -bi t or ~ tinary representaticn • according to the figure on the opposite page. o Immed. Data Machine Instructions in which immediate data is required (Op codes in Appendix IV) SRP (SS) Range of Values allowed for immediate data othrough 9 Object Code in Hex Examples SRP A'B'~ IFOl7131xxxxlxxxxi Z ~--;;:--e /lenQth oj Field A o All BCR All BC (RR) (RX) o through othrough 15 15 BCR ~. BC 11,AAA 1471BI Olxxxxi " 107 18 13 1 ,- I ICM STCM CLM o (RS) othrough 15 Addresses A AA Address 10 · --- STCM 3,~BBB IBEI31Flxxxxi BBB Address NI CLI XI MVI OI TM ROD WRO (SI) SVC (RR) othrough 255 CLI TM • -. SLOT,C'A' KEY,"?F' Address - SLOT 195 1C11 xxxx I ---- 19l17Flxxxxi Address KEY othrough 255 SVC 3;28 • 1OAI80 I Section D: Machine Instructions 91 D6 - Examples of Coded Machine Instructions The examples in this sutsection are grou~ed according to rrachine instruction format. They illustrate the various ways in which you can code the operands of machine instructions. Both syrrbolic and numeric representation of fields and subfields are shown in the examples. You must therefore assurre that all syrebcls used are defined elsewhere in the same source module. !he otject code assembled from at least one coded statement per group is also included. A ccmplete summary of machine instruction formats with the ceded assembler language variants can be found in Appendix I I I and IV. RR Format You use the instructions with the RR format mainly to move data tetween registers. !he oFerand fields must th us designate registers, with the following exceptions: o In BCF branching instructions when a 4-tit branching rrask reFlaces the first register specification • In SVC instructions, where an immediate value (between 0 and 255) replaces both registers • • instruct~ons Name Operation ALPHAI LR 1,2 ALPHA2 LR INDEX,REG2 GAMMA 1 BCR DELTA 1 SVC 200. DELTA2 SVC TEli Operand Cl ¥ 0 8 ,12 Syrrbols used in RR are assumed to be equated tc absolute values tetween o and 15. NO'IE: Assembly Examples: Assembler Language Statement ALPHAI , Object Code of Machine Instruction in Hex LR RR Format 2 bytes 92 0'\ 1 RX Format Name Operation Operand .,r ALPHA1 L 1,200(4,10) ALPHA2 L REG1,200(INDEX,BASE) BETA1 L 2,200(,10) BETA2 L GAMMA 1 L GAMMA2 L In Be branching instructicns a 4- DELTA1 L tit tranching roask, with a value between 0 and 15, replaces the first register specification. LAMDA1 BC LAMDA2 BC You use the instructions with the RX format mainly to move data bet~een a register and virtual storage. By adjusting the contents of the index register in the RX-instructions you can change the location in virtual storage being addressed. The operand fields must therefore designate registers, including index registers, and virtual storage addresses, with the following exception: "'.~ Literal Specification • NOTES: • 1. Symbols used tc represent registers are assumed to be equated to atsolute values between 0 and Assembly Examples: 4, See C5 • '. . •.,. ADDRESS 15. • o 2. Symbols used to rel=resent implicit addresses can be either re10catatle or atsolute. 3. Symbols used to represent ~ displacements in explicit addresses are assumed to be equated to abso1ute values between 0 and 4095. Assembler Language Statement ALPHA1 ~. Object Code of Machine Instructio in Hex 1'fOO(4,10' 5 o 8 Operation RX Format Code 15 81 Registers R1 2 I~ I C 8 Displacement Base from Base 1 Ixlx 4 X X I GAMMA 1 o Section D: Machine Instructions 93 RS Format Name You use the instructions with the RS format mainly to move data between one or more registers and virtual storage or to compare data in one or more registers (see the BXH and BXLE operations in Appendix IV). O In the Insert Characters under Mask (ICM) and the Store Characters Under f.'!ask (STCM) instructions, when a 4-hit mask, with a value between o and 15, replaces the second register specification. Operation (C! Operand ALPHAl LM 4,6,20(12) ALPHA2 LM REG4,REG6,20(BASE) BETA1 STM 4,6,AREA. BETA2 STM 4,6,DISPL(BASE) GAMMA 1 SLL 2,15 GAMMA 2 SLL 2,O(1S} DELTA1 ICM 3, DELTA2 ICM REG3 ,MASK, IMPLICIT. ~.~ • NOTES: 1. Symbols used to • re~resent registers are assumed to be equated to atsolute values between 0 and 0 15 • • 2. Symbols used to re~resent imElicit addresses can be either relocatatle or absolute. • 3. Symbols used to represent displacements in explicit addresses are assumed to be equated to absolute values between 0 and 4095. 1024(10} Assembly Examples: Assembler Language Statement Object Code of Machine Instruction In Hex ALPHA1 1 RS Format DELTAl 94 4 Displacement from Base o Page of GC33-4010-O Revised September 29, 1972 By TNL GN33-8148 o SI Format o You use the instructions with the SI format mainly to move immediate data into virtual stcrage. The operand fields must therefore designate inmediate data and virtual storage addresses, with the following exception: An immediate field is not needed in the statements whose o~eration codes are: LPSW, SSM, TS, TeE, and TIO. Operation Name ALPHAl CLI ALPHA 2 CLI BETAl CLI BETA2 CLI Operand 40(9) ,X'40' 8 DISPL40 (NINE) ' • •;. ."'"'-IMPLICIT , , . . . . . - . ~EY,C'E' o [GAMMAI LPSW o (9) GAMMA 2 LPSW NEWSTATE ......... NOTES: • • 8 1. Symbols used to re~resent immediate data are assumed to be equated to absolute values between o and 255. Assembly Examples: 2. Symbols used to represent implicit addresses can be either relocatable or absolute. Assembler Language Statement 3. Symbols used to reFresent displacements in explicit addresses are assumed to be equated to absolute values between 0 and 4095. ALPHAl Object Code of Machine Instruction In Hex o SI Format o Section 0: Machine Instructions 95 Page of GC33-4010-O Revlsed September 29, 1972 By TNt GN33-8148 ,0,· (4..:_c;J Mnemonic Operation Codes Description Assembled Operation Code in Hex SIO 9COO Start I/O SIOF OC01 Start I/O fast release HIO 9EOO Halt I/O HOV 9EOl Halt Device STIOP B202 Store CPU 10 You use the instructions with the S format to perform I/O and other system operations and not to move data in virtual storage. STIOC 8203 Store Channel SCK B204 Set Clock The operation codes for these instructions are given in the figure to the right. They are assembled into two bytes. STCK 8205 Store Clock SCKC B206 Set Clock Comparator STCKC B207 Store Clock Comparator SPT B208 Set CPU Timer STPT B209 Store CPU Timer PTLB B200 Purge Translation Lookaside Buffer RR8 8213 Reset Reference Bit S Format 10 /'~~\ 96 ~:l o 55 Fonnat You use the instructions with the 55 format mainly to move data between two virtual storage locations. The operand fields and subfields must therefore designate virtual storage addresses and the ex~licit data lengths you wish to include. However, note the following exception: O In the Shift and Round r;ecimal (SRP) instruction a 4-bit irrmediate data field, with a value between 0 and 9, is specified as a third operand. NOTES: 1. Symbols used to represent base registers in explicit addresses are assumed to be equated to absolute values between 0 and 15. • 2. Symbols used to represent explicit lengths are assumed to be equated to absolute values between 0 and 256 for SS instructions with one length specification and between o and 16 for S5 instructicns with two length specifications. • 4:) Name Operation ALPHAI AP 40(9,8) ,30(6,7) ALPHA2 AP 40(NINE,BASE8),30(SIX,BASE7) ALPHA3 AP FIELDl,FIELD2 ALPHA4 AP AREA ( 9) , AREA2 ( 6 ) ALPHA5 AP DISP40(,8) ,DISP30(,7) ".:> :i/. .... ......,, .::::~~!£~1~~t~?i as~ig~<3' to ·~,e·.· . . p~~~~d!n9+<;:on~Q+··· sect ioit~, ' , ", ;,1"'_···"';'1 '~ 112 o E2D -- FIRST CONTROL SECTION - SPECIFICATIONS Any Machine Instruction The Following Assembler Instructions: The specifications below apply to the first executable centrol section, and not to a reference control section. - • INSTRUCTIONS THAT ESTAELISH THE FIRST CONTROL SECTION: Any instruction that affects the location counter or uses its current value estatlishes the beginning of the first executable control section. The instructions that establish the first control section are listed in the figure to the right. The statements copied into a source by a COpy instruction, if O module specified, determine whether or not it will initiate the first control section. fi+ ;':0$ f,lnty NO'IE: The [SECT, COM, andJ:XD instructions initiate reference control sections and de net establish the first executable control section. CCW CNOP (COPY) CSECT CXD DC DROP DS END EQU LTORG ORG START USING \ / These instructions are always considered a part of the control section in which they appear. o First Contrl Sect. Source Module ICTL WHAT MUST COME EEFORE THE FIRST CONTROL SEC'IION: The following instructions or groups of instructions, if s~ecified, must appear before the first control section, as shown in the figure to the right. • The ICTL instructien, which, if specified, must be the first statement in a source module O .(seeAnyJ1 B)source macro OPSYN MACRO MACl MEND These instructions or macro definitions belong to a Source Module, but must appear before the first control section. MACRO MAC 2 MEND definitions • The COpy instructien, if the code to be copied contains only OPSYN instructions or com~lete macro definitions. MACRO MAC 3 MEND o Section E: Program Sectioning 113 wHA~ CAN CF~ICNALLY CO~E EEFORE THE FIRST CON~ROL SEC~ION: ~he instructions or groups of instructions that can c~tionally be specified before the first control section are shown in the figure to the right • • • Source Module Any instructions copied by a COpy instruction or generated by the process ing of a macro instruction before the first control section must belong exclusively to one of the groups of instructions shown in the figure to the right. NOTES: 1. The EJECT, ISEQ, PRINT, SPACE, or TI~LE instructions and comments • statements must follow the ICTL instruction, if specified. However, they can precede or appear between • · source macro definitions. The OPSYN instruction must (1) follow the ICTL instruction, if specified, and (2) precede any source macro definition specified. 2. All the other instructions of the assembler language must follow any source macro definitions specified. • 3. All the instructions or groups of instructions listed in the figure to the right can also appear as part of a control section. COpy DXD EJECT ENTRY EXTRN ,ISEQ PRINT PUNCH REPRO SPACE TITLE WXTRN Comments Statements These instructions or groups of instructions belong to a Source Module, but are not considered as part of an executable control I I Dummy Control Sections I Common Control Sections External Dummy Control Sections I Any Conditional Assembly Instruct.§ii] &E c 114 o E2E -- THE UNNAMED CONTROL SECTION The unnamed control section is an executable control section that can be initiated in one of the following two ways: o 1. By coding a START or CSECT instruction without a name entry 2. By coding any instruction, O Type Code Assigned for External Symbol Dictionary PC Notes I/START 1/ othe~ than the START or CSECT instruction, that initiates the first executable control section. The unnamed control section is sometimes referred te as private code. Unnamed Control Sections in separate Source Modules G.." END Unnecessary unless dictated by specific programming purpose ~ PC "- CSECT . All control sections ought to be provided with names so that they can be referred to symbolically: END 1. Within a source module 2. In EXTRN and WXTRN instructions and linkage editor centrol statements for linkage between source modules. NOTE: Unnamed common control sections or dummy control sections can be defined if the name entry is omitted from a COM or DSECT instruction. o ~~ ~ BALR PC 12,0 USING *, 12 . END ) Inadvertent and inadvisable initiation of first control section: instead, precede with a named START instruction PC signifies "private code" COannon control sections COM instruction) ••••••td.····.a-opy ·controlsections theD$EC'l'···instruction) E2F -- LITERAL POOLS IN CONTROL SECTIONS Location in hex o Source Modultt SECT! START Literals, collected into pools by the assembler, are asse~bled as pa rt of the e xecutabl e control section to which the pools belong. If a LTORG instruction is specified at the end of each control sectien, the literals specified for that section will be assembled into the OpoOI starting at the LTORG instruction. If no LTORG instruction is specified, a literal pool containing all the literals used in the entire source module is assembled at the end of the first control section. This literal pool appears in the listings after the • END instruction. 0 O o =A (ADR) NOTE: If any control section is divided into segments, a LTORG instruction should be specified at the end of each segrrent to create a separate literal pool for that segment. (For a complete discussion of the literal pool see H1B.) END Section E: Program Sectioning 115 E2G -- EXTERNAL SYMBOL DICTIONARY ENTRIES ,~ ',,:...:p' Name Instruction Entry The assembler keeps a record of each control section and prints the following information about it in an External Symbol tictionary. optional 1. Its symbolic name, if cne is specified • • optional DQ$, The figure to the right lists: .bl~j:i:,~ 1. The assembler instructions that def ine control sections and dummy control sections or identify entry • and external symbols, optional 2. The type code that the assembler assigns to the control sections or dummy control sections and to the entry and external symbols. NOTE: The total number of entries identifying separate control sections, dummy control sections, entry symbols, and external symbols in the external symbol dictionary must not exceed 399. External symbols identified in a Q-type address constant and specified as the name entry of a DSECT instruction are counted twice in determining this total. SD} CSECT START SO Any instruction that initiates the unnamed control section 3. Its individual identification 4. Its starting address. START CSECT 2. Its type code o TVpe code entered into external symbol dictionary 'COM if nam.e entry IS present PC } if name entry is PC omitted PC CM OSECT none ENTRY LD EXTRN ER DOS ~Wi • DC(V-type adER dress constant) WXTRN 0 WX DOS The' maxim_·~~~t>f·:external s~l~~; dictionary entl::'ie~(cont~l, . sections r~j dunu:ay .contr()l S.Ct.t~1 .an4 ext....+.;' ;~r :r:~!:~.a~!=;·~:::;~i:~0~~·'· .•. ,.;;1 identifie4bythe.'UTRt' ins~cttCJ .ts20i .•; ···;b(;;~\f;.,> () ...... 116 ~ o E3 - Defining a Control Section You must use the instructions described telow to indicate to the asse~bler: • Where a control section begins and • Which type of centrel section is being defined. E3A -- THE START INSTRUCTION Purpose The START instruction can be used only to initiate the first or only executable control section of a source ncdule. You should use the S~AR! instruction for this purpose, because it allows you: 1. To determine exactly where the first control secticn is to begin; you thereby avoid the accidental initiation of the first control section by some other instruction. o 2. To give a symbolic name to the first control section, which can then be distinguished from the other contrel sections listed in the external symtol dictionary. 3. To specify the initial setting of the location counter for the first or only control section. Specifications The START instruction rrust be the first instruction of the first executable control section of a source module. It must not be preceded by any instruction that affects the location counter and thereby causes the first control section to be initiated. The format of the START instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. START Name Operation Any Symbol or blank START Operand A self-defining term, or blank o Section E: Program Sectioning 117 Source Module Location In Hex 000000 FIRST START o 000000 • • • •• 118 The symbol in the name field, if specified, identifies the first control section. It must be used in the name field of any CSECT instruction that indicates the continuation of the first control section. This symbol represents the address of the first byte of the·control section and has a length attribute value of 1. The assembler uses the value of the self-defining term in the operand field, if specified, to set the location counter to an initial value for the source module. All control sections are aligned on a doubleword boundary. Therefore, if the value specified in the operand is not divisible by eight, the assembler sets the initial value of the location counter to the next higher doubleword boundary. If the operand entry is omitted, the assembler sets the initial value to O. 000004 000004 /~ . "" ~-I END Further Examples: • •• 001000 001000 000020 A B C START START START 000000 0 START X'1000' 4096 30 0'" Source Module " FIRST • • e o o START The source statements that follow the START instruction are assembled into the first control section. If a CSECT instruction indicates the continuation of the first control sect ion, the source statements tha t follow this CSECT instruction ar,e also assembled into the first control section. Any instruction that defines a ne~ or continued control section marks the end of the preceding control section or portion of a control section. The END instruction marks the end of the control section in effect. E3B -- THE CSECT INSTRUCTION END Purpose The CSECT instruction allows you to initiate an executable control section or indicate the continuation of an executable control section. Specifications The CSECT instruction can be used anywhere in a source module after any source macro definitions that are specified. If it is used to initiate the first executable control section, it must not be preceded ty any instructicn that affects the location counter and thereby causes the first control section to be initiated. The format of the CSEC~ instruction statement is shown in the figure to the right. o CSECT Name Operation Any Symbol or blank CSECT Section E: Operand Not required Program Sectioning 119 Page of GC33-4010-0 Redscd September 29, 1972 By n~L GN33-8148 Source Module FIRST o • • o START o The symbol in the name field, if specified, identifies the control section. If several CSECt instructions within a source module have the same symbol in the name field, the first occurrence initiates the control section and the rest indicate the continuation of the control section. If the first control section is initiated by a START instruction, the symbol in the name field must be used to indicate any continuation of the first control section. NOtE: A CSECT instruction with a blank name field either initiates or indicates the continuation of the unnamed control section (see E2E) • The symbol in the name field represents the address of the first byte of the control section and has a length attribute value of END (~, I 1. • • • The beg inning of a control section is aligned on a doubleword boundary. However, the continuation of a control section begins at the ~ available location in that control section. The source statements that follow a CSECT instruction that either initiates or indicates the continuation of a control section are assembled into the object code of the control section identified by that CSECT instruction. Locin Hex • 000 Source ~. ~odule FIRST START 0 NOTES: 1. The end of a control section or portion of a control section is marked by: a. Any instruction that defines a new or continued control section or b. The END instruction. 00& 2'~>.~1'i~:t' ··.,t ~er()~a,clJ ...... , ·•. ,'. en~()'"'J1~~II'~'SS····,. •. ,·. ,. ,·.·•.,. ~~;.~~~~~~ fl9UJ:'e()ft~.> .·ri,~~~,t~~~'Wa,~.t< .... , location . c()Qnt.eJ:'setting~ wben:"lls' the· OS/VS· asselfltil.er.)' 120 ' ~-f END Object Module o E3C -- THE DSECT INSTRUCTION Purpose You can use the DSECT instruction to initiate a dummy control section or to indicate its continuation. A dummy control sectien is a reference control section that allows you to describe the layout of data in a storage area without actually reserving any virtual storage. How to Use a Dummy Control Section Loc The figure to the right illustrates a dummy control sectien. Source Module Dec FIRST A dummy control section (dummy o O • • section) allows you to write a sequence of assembler language statements to describe the layout of unformatted data located elsewhere in your program. The assembler produces no object code for statements in a dummy control section and it reserves no storage for the dummy section. Rather, the dummy section provides a symbolic format that is empty of data. However, the assembler assigns location values to the symbols you define in a dummy section, relative to the beginning of that dummy section. Therefore, to use a dummy section you must: • • Reserve a storage area for the unformatted data Object Modu Ie in • o fl o o I 4 24 44 54 62 68 o START . LA { US:N CLI I 0 IO,BUFFER UMMY,10 KEY,C'X' Bt1FF,R DS DUMMY DSECT KEY OS C // CODE OS CL3 / / NAME OS C~c( ADDR OS /,/-CL20 WAGES D§.-/ CLIO HRS /' -I1s CL8 DEDu.e'f OS CL6 p~1 OS CL12 END • Ensure that this data is loaded into the area at execution time • Ensure that the locations of the symbols in the dumIrY section actually correspond to the locations of the data being described • • Establish the addressability of the dummy section in combination with the storage area (see F1A) • o You can then refer to the unformatted • , data symbolicall¥ by using the symbols defined 1n the durrmy section. Section E: Program Sectioning 121 o specifications The DSECT instruction identifies the beginning or continuation of a dummy control section (dummy section). One or more dummy sections can be defined in a source module. The DSECT instruction can be used anywhere in a source module after the ICTL instruction, or after any source macro definitions that may be specified. The format of the tSECT instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. • • The symbol in the name field, if specified, identifies the dummy section. If several tSECT instructions within a source module have the same symbol in the name field, the first occurrence ini tia tes the dummy section and the rest indicate the continuation of the dummy section. DSECT Name Any Symbol or blank Operation Operand Not required DSECT Location in Source Module Hex FIRST START NOTE: A DSECT instruction with a blank name field either initiates or indicates the continuation of the unnamed dummy section. The symbol in the name field represents the first location in the dummy section and has a length attribute value of 1. • • The location counter fer a dummy section is always set to an initial value of O. However, the continuation of a dummy section begins at the next available location in that dummy section. END 122 0 o FIRST START o USING DUMMY1,lO or USING A,lO DS DS OS • The source statements that follow a DSECT instruction belong to the dummy section identified by that DSECT instruction. • e .,: . • CL30 NOTES: 1. The assembler language statements that appear in a dummy control section are not assembled into object code. o • e SECOND CSECT ADCON DC ~ A (FROM-TO 2. When establishing the addressabili ty of a dummy section, the symbol in the name field of the DSECT instruction or any symbol defined in the dummy section can be specified in a USING instruction. 3. A symbol defined in a dummy section can be specified in an address constant only if the Shbol • · is paired with another symbol rom the same durrmy section, and if the symbols have the opposite sign. END o Section E: Program Sectioning 123 E3D THE COM INSTRUCTION purpose You can use the COM instruction to initiate a common control section or to indicate its continuation. , A common control section is a reference control sectien that allows you to reserve a storage area that can be used by twe or more source modules. How to Use a COffmon Centrol Section Lac The figure to the right illustrates a common control sectien. • • in Source Modules O • 8{ The assembler assigns locations to the symbols you define in a common section relative to the beginning of that ceremen section. This allows you to refer symbolically to the data that will be loaded at execution time. Note that you must establish the addressability of a common control sectien in every source module in which it is specified (see F1A). If you code identical common sections in two or more source modules, yeu can communicate data symbolically cetween these modules through this common section. L 10,=A(AREA) USING AREA,lO ST When the separately assembled object modules are linked as ene program, the required storage space is reserved tor the corr~en control section. Thus, two or more modules share the common area. NOTE: You can alse cede a common control section in a source module written in the FORTRAN language. This allows you to communicate tetween assembler language modules and FCRTRAN modules. 124 START 0 A A common control section (cornmon section) allows you to describe a common storage area in one or more source modules. Only the storage area is provided; the assembler does not assemble the source statements that rrake up a common control section into object code. You must previde the data for the common area at execution time. • Object Modules Dec • 3,SUM START 0 B 8{ 8,=A(AREA) USING AREA,8 L L • 3,SUM 60 END ~··"~· O '"""" \ Page of GC33-4010..l) Revised September 29, 1972 By TNL GN33-8148 o L Specifications The COM instruction identifies the beginning or continuation of a common control section (common section) • One or m¢re common sections can be defined in a source module. The COM instruction can be used anywhere in a source module after the ICTL instruction, or after any source macro definitions that may be specified. Name Operation Any Symbol or blank The format of the COM instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. Not required COM Source Modules Location in Decimal () Operand '''''~'''''' . ''''.__~'''' 'field. if common .Q~ttc~e START A CON ''I[11111'J,'.:a 0 Reserved Storage for common control section XYZ when modules A and B IICdUle NOTE: A COM instruction with a blank name field either initiates or indicates the continuation of the unnamed common section. The symbol in the name field represents the address of the first byte in the common section and has a length attribute value of 1. • o The location counter for a common section is always set to an initial value of O. However, the continuation of a co~mon sectien begins at the next available location in that comroon sectien. If a common section with the same name ~r unnamed) is specifieu in two or more source modules, the ~amount of storage reserved for this common section is equal te that required by the longest common section specified. END • 0 0 80 B XY TO FROM START 0 COM DS OS CL80 CL240 Section E: 1200 bytes • Program Sectioning 125 • The source statements that follow a CO~ instruction belong to the common section identified by that COM instruction. NOTES: FIRST START USING 1. The assembler language statements that appear in a common control section are not assembled into ob ject code. • 2. When establishing the addressability of a common section, the symbol in the name field of the COM instructicn or any symbol defined in the common section can be specified in a USING instruction. o Source Module • or USING A,ll A B C DOS Because the name entry of the COM ins,tru"ction must be blank, a symbol . , defined in tbe,common section must be used as the base address in'a USING instruction. D E F END ,.,rr-~ " \ "V ,. (",'~J , 126 \ 6 t14. -Iztem.al·Du.mzny sectiON ;;\;0$ ;i~1Y Purpose An external dummy section is a reference control section that allows you to describe storage areas for one or ncre source mod~les, to be used as: 1. Work areas for each source module or 2. Communication areas between two or more source modules. When the assembled object modules are linked and loaded, you can dynamically allocate the storage required for all your external dummy sections at one time froR one source module (for example, by using the GETMAIN macro instruction). This is not only convenient but you save space and prevent fragmentation of virtual storage. To generate and use external dummy sections, you need to specify a combination of the following: 1. The DXD or DSECT instruction 2. The Q-type address constant Source Module 3. The CXD instruction. o FIRST START 0 .{ ~IAB=====D=XD====3D==~. DXD 2FL4 Area allocated to contain external dummy sections • offset to A Generating an External rummy Section I • 8 You use the Q-type address constant to reserve storage for the offset to the external du~my section whose name is specified in the operand. This offset is the distance in bytes from the beginning of the area allocated for all the external dummy .sections to the beginning of the external durrmy section specified. You can use this offset value to address the external dummy section. The Q-type address constant is described in G3M. o E2 E3 E4 SECT DS 3C DS lC DS 10H DS 20F QA QB QEXT DC DC DC EXT external dummy section is generated when you specify a ~ instruction or a ~ instruction in combination with a Q-type address constant that contains the ~ of the DSECT instruction. An EI e{ L~ttOB offset to EXT Q(A) Q(B) Q(EXT) • DUMMY DSECT D1 DS F D2 DS 2D Not an external dummy section END Section E: Prcgram Sectioning 127 How to Use External Cu~ay Sections use an external dumroy section, you rrust do the fcllcwir.9 (as illustrated in the figure telow) : ~o ~IdentifY and define the external dURmy section. asseabler w111 ccm~ute ~he the length and alignrrent required. ~provide a Q-type ccnstant fcr each external du~~y section defined. • Use the exc instruction to reserve a full~ord area into which the linkage editor or loader will insert the tctal length of all the external dURny sectiens that are specified in the source modules of your program. ~he linkage editer computes this length frcm the lengths of the individual external dun-my sections supplied ty the assentler. ~Allocate a sterage area using the cemputed total length. ~Ioad the address of the allocated area into a register (for this exalTple, register 11). Ncte that register 11 ~ust contain this address throughout the whole pregralT. .j' ~Add, to the address in register 11, the cffset into the allocated area of the desired external dUlTlTY secticn. The linkage editor inserts this offset into the fullword area reserved by the appropriate Q-type address ccnstar.t. ~Estatlish the addressatility of the external dUlT~y section in conbination with the portion of the allocated area reserved for the external dURa.y section. ~yoU can now refer s~bolically to the locations iT. the external dUlTlTY sect1cn. that the source statements in an external dUlTlTY secticn are not asseatled into object code. ~hus, at execution time you a.ust insert the data descrited into the area reserved for the external duaa.y sections. ~ote ,. 128 t. o Area to contain external dummy . Boundary -/ B ITEM NO SUM DSECT DS DS DS F F F TWO START 0 ~/ II i'l :,;:1 °1 1 I O{~R 0 • • BOFFS USING I 1 100 bytes 200 bytes 3,BOFFS 3,11 B,3,.._/ ; I DC Q(B)O ST 9,SUM • o Section Z: Prog~am Sectioning 129 £8 -Defining an Extem.l· Dum-:!' OSf: ~* E5A THE DXD INSTRUCTION Purpose The DXD instruction allows you to identify and define an external dummy section. Specifications The DXD instruction defines an external durrmy sectien. ~he DXD instruction can be used anywhere in a source module, after the. ICTL instruction or after any source macro definitions that may be specified. ./' NOTE: The DSECT instruction also defines an external dummy section, but only if the symbol in the name field appears in a Q-type address constant in the same source module. Otherwise, a DSECT instruction defines a dummy section. The format of the tXt instruction is given in the figure to the right. • The symbol in the name field must appear in the operand of a Q-type address constant. This symtol represents the address of the first byte of the external dummy section defined and has a length attribute value of 1 • • The subfields in the oFerand field are specified in the same way as in the DS instruction. The assembler computes the amount of storage and the alignment required for an external dummy section from the area specified in the operand field. The linkage editor or loader uses the information provided by the assembler to compute the total length of storage required for all external dummy sections specified in a program. NOTE: If twC or more external dummy sections for different source modules have the same name, the linkage editor uses the most restrictive alignment and the largest section to compute the total length. 130 Name Operation Operand A symbol DXD Same format as the operand of a OS instruction Example: A l DXD , AOFFSET DC .. 10FL3 Q(Ar c o ESB -- THE CXD INSTRUCTION Purpose The CXD instruction allows you to reserve a fullword area in storage. The linkage editor or loader will insert into this area the total length of all external dummy sections specified in the source modules that are assembled and linked together into one ~rcgram. () Specifications The CXD instruction reserves a fullword area in storage, a.nd it can appear in one or more of the source modules assembl~d and combined by the linkage editor into one program. Name Operation Operand A symbol or blank CXD Not required The format of the eXt instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. • • The symbol in the name field, if specified, represents the address ~f a fullword area aligned on a fullword boundary. This symbol has a length attribute value of 4. The linkage editor or loader inserts into this area the total length of storage required for all the external dummy sections specified in a program. Object Code in Hex Example: LENGTH o Section E: Program Sectioning 131 . C 1 ;;/ This page left blank intentionally. -J' r"'\ I~; ,. o 'Section F: Addressing This section describes the techniques and instructions that allow you to use symbolic addresses when referring to data. You can address data that is defined within the same-source module or data that is defined in another source module. Symbolic addresses ar~ more ~eaningful and easier to use than the corresponding object code addresses required for machine instructions. Also, the assemtler can convert the symbolic addresses you specify into their object code form. Fl - Addressing Within Source Modules: Establishing Addre88ability o • 4It By establishing the address ability of a control section. yeu can refer to the symbolic addresses defined in it in t be operands of ma chine instructions. This is much easier than coding the addresses in the base-displacement ferm required by the System/370. The symbolic addresses you code in the instruction operands are called implicit addresses, and the addresses in the base-displacement form are called explicit addresses, both of which are fully described in Xl'O" I LA The assembler will convert these implicit addresses fer you into the explicit addresses required for the assembled object code of the machine instruction. However, you must supply the assembler with: 1. A base address from which it • can compute displacements to the addresses wi thin a control section and • 2. A base register to hold this 1411 A 10 iC()401 • I Equivalent ~ :eSB. • 10,ADDRESb \ • 40 ~DDRESS DC C'SAMPLE' END tase address. o , Sect.i..OIl F: Addrcssin c; 133 Bow to Estatlish Addressability To establish the addressability of a control section, you must, at coding time: O.the specif a base address assemEler can com~ute from which displacements • • Assign a base register to contain this base address • • write the instruction that loads the base register with the base address. • At assembly time, the implicit addresses you code are converted into their eXFlicit case-displacement ~; then, they are assenhled intc the object code of the machine instructions in which they have been coded • • At execution tin.e, the case address is loaded into the case register and should renain there thrcughout the execution of your ~rogram. o FIRST 2 2 BEGIN o START 0 BALR USING BE~IN, DC F'221 jOiSPlacement 22 CONADR END FIA - THE USING INSTRUCTION Purpose The USING instruction allows you to specify a base address and assign one or more base registers. If you also load the base register with the base address, you have established addressability in a control section. To use the USING instruction correctly you should: 1. Know which locations in a control section are made addressable by the USING instruction 2. Know where in a source module you can use these estaclished addresses as implicit addresses in instruction operands. 134 Object Code in Hex Source Module Location in Hex • Page of G(,33-40 10-5 As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20-3 The Range of a USING Instruction Source Module · O The range of a USING instruction (called the USING range) is the 4,096 bytes beginning at the ~ • address specified in the USING instruction. Addresses that lie within the USING range can ce ~ converted frorr their implicit to their explicit form; those outside • the USING range cannot be converted. FIRST , ' " START USING BASADR,BASREG ~ The USING range does not depend upon the position of , the USING instruction in the source module; rather, it depends upon the location of the base address specified in the USING instruction. NOTE: The USING range is the range of addresses in a control section that is associated with the base • · register specified in the USING instruction. If tha USING instruction assigns reore than one base register, the composite USING range is the sum of the USING ranges that would apply if the base registers were specified in separate USING instructions. If register 0 is specified as the base register, the USING range will-se-location 0 through 4095 regardless of the base address specified. l • 5,INSIDE L USING domain • ,. BASADR • L 5,INSIDE L 5,OUTSIDE DS F DS F O The Domain of a USING Instruction BASADR+4095 • The domain of a USING instruction (called the USING domain) begins where the USING instruction appears in a source module and continues to the end of the source module. (Exceptions are discussed later in this subsection, under NOTES ABOUT THE USING DOMAIN.) The assembler converts implicit address references into their explicit form: 1. If the address reference appears in the domain of a USING instruction and ST • OUTSIDE DS END 2. If the addresses referred to lie within the range of the same USING instruction. ~ The assembler does not convert address references that are outside the USING domain. The USING domain depends on the position of the USING instruction in the source module , after conditional asserrbly, if any, has been performed. O Section F: Addressing 135 This page left blank intentionally.' ~ 0) 136 o How to Use the USING Instruction I You should specify your USING instructions so that: 1. All the addresses in each control section lie within a USING range and 2. All the ~eferences for these addresses lie within the corresponding USING domain. You should therefore place all USING instructions at the beginning of the source module and specify a base address in each USING instruction that lies at the beginning of each control section. • • o FOR EXECUTABLE CONTROL SECTIONS: The figure to the right illustrates a way of establishing the addressability of an executable control section (defined by a START or CSECT instruction). You specify a base address and assign a base register in the USING instruction • At execution time the base register is loaded with the correct base address. Note that for this particular combination of the BALR and USING instructions, you should code them exactly as shown in the figure to the right. Source Module Location in Decimal o o FIRST 2 BEGIN 6 10 A B C USING rmge START BALR USING 0 12,0 * 12 t !1,;th1~""t-~-d;-r:-ss-"'" II; DS F DS DS F;' F as BEGIN 4097 END o Section F: Addressing 137 If a control $ection is longer than 4096 bytes, you must assign more than one base register. This allows you to establish the addressability of the entire control section with one USING instruction as shown in the figure on the opposite page. O The assembler assumes that the base registers that you assign contain the correct base addresses. The address of HERE is loaded into the first base register. 'Ihe addresses HERE+4096 and HERE+8192 are loaded into the second and third base registers respectively. 41tNote that you must define the address, EASES, within the first part of the total USING range, that ~s, the addresses covered by base register 9. This is because the explicit ~address converted from the implicit address reference, is assembled into the LM instruction. At execution time, the assembled address must have a case register which already contains a base address at this point; the only ~ base register loaded with its base address is register . 9. . •• The addressability of addresses in the USING range covered the second and third base re isters is not completely esta l~shed until after the LM instruction •. NOTE: Addresses specified in address constants (exce~t the S-type) are not ccnverted to their base-displacement form. ,. o 138 Page of GC33·40 I O·S As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20·9372 o Source Module LONG - r8 HERE aBASES BEGIN START BALR USING LM B DC DS ° 9,0 HERE,9,10,11 10,11,_S. BEGIN A (HERE+4:$'6, HERE+819 2 ) ~H II USING HERE+4095 J I HERE+4096 J I I I l I- 10 range ,,---" D USING domain J l- =- o I HERE+8192 I i_ II I'-- I ioo.- ~ I HERE+12287 J END o Section F: Addressing 139 FOR REFERENCE CONTROL SECTIONS: o • • • • The figure to the right illustrates how to estatlish the addressability of a dummy section. A durrmy section is a reference control section defined by the DSEC~ instructions. Examples of establishing address ability for the ether reference control sections are given in E3C and E4. As the tase address, yeu sheuld specify the address of the first tyte of the durrrry seetien, Be that all its addresses lie within the ~ertinent USIl\G range. Source Module FIRST 0 12,0 :::,12 11, INPUT :. DS XL200 L 3,F-O ~SING ~INDATAlll • The address you load into the base register must be the address of the storage area being formatted by the dummy section. Note that the assembler assumes that you are referring to the symbolic addresses of the dummy section, and it computes displacements accordingly. However, at execution time, the assembled addresses refer to the location of real data in the storage area. START BALR USING LA INPUT INDATA A DSECT DS F DS • USING range 8 F o END o 140 Specifications for the USING Instruction USING The USING instruction must te coded as shown in the figure to the right. The operand, EASE, specifies a base address, which can be a relocatable or ~bsolute expression. 1he value of the expr:ession must lie between _22~ and 22~-1. J The rem~ining operands specify from 1 to 16 base registers. ~he operands must be absolute expressions whose values lie in the range 0 through Name Operation Sequence symbol or blank USING Operand BASE,BASREGl~BASEREG~ •• Example: BASE,9,lO,11 USING 15. Logical Equivalent O • The assembler assumes tha.t the first base register (EASREG1) contains the base address BASE at executicn time. If present, the subsequent operands, BASREG2, BASREG3, ••• , represent registers that the assembler assumes will contain the address values, EASE+4096, BASE+8192, ••• , respectively. BASE,9 BASE+4096,lO BASE+8l92,11 USING USING USING BREAK o START o USING BASEl First and second • DS . DROP USING NOTES ABOUT THE USING DOMAIN: The domain of a USING instruction continues until the end of a source module except when: range BASE 2 O.specifies A subsequent tROP instruction the same base register or registers assigned by the preceding USING instruction. Third USING DS USING range • • A subsequent USING instruction specifies the same register or registers assigned by the preceding -USING instruction. eUSING o END Section F: Addressing 141 Source Module CONFLICT START 0 USING DS A first USING domain o • • • NOTES ABOUt tEE USING RANGE: t~c USI~G ranges coincide when the same tase address is Sfecified in t~c different USING instructions, even though the tase registers used are different. When two USIN~ ranges coincide, tte assentler uses the higher numbered register for asserrtling the addresses ~ithin the ccmncn USING range. In the example, this aff1ies cnly tc the implici t addresses that appear after the second USING instruction. In effect, the first USING domain is terminated after the seccnd USING instructicn. common USING range • DS B USING ,;/' second USING (A+4095) L END ,. 142 • • () ' , .',',1 Source Module OVERLAP START OS o ' OS USING ranges overlap when the tase address of cne USING instructicn lies .ithin the range of another USING instructicn. When twc ranges overlap, the assembler computes displacements frcn the base address that gives the smallest displacement; it uses the cerres~ending ~ re~ister .hen it assembles the ad resses within the range everla~ • ~his applies only to imilicit addresses ttat a~pear a ter the seccnd USING instruction. ~wo • • • •· OS second USING range L (RANGE2 +4095) END EASE lOR }'ESO~U1E }.bselute/addresses used in a source mcdule Rust alse be ~ade addressable. }.bsolute addresses require a base register cther than the base register assigned to relocatable addresses (as described above) • REGIS~E~S AD~~ESSES: However, the asserrbler does net need a USING instruction to convert • absolute irrElicit addresses in the range 0 thrcugh 4,095 to their . . explicit forre. ~he assen:tler uses ~register 0 as a base register • ~isplacements are ceR~uted freR • the base address 0, because the asseretler assumes that a base cr inde~ of 0 implies that a zero quantity' is te be used in fcrning the address, regardless of the contents ef register O. 1he USING , domain for this automatic base---register assignRent is the ~hcle of a source medule. O o Source Module ABS Object Code in Hex START USING range LA 0-4095 • END Section F: Addressing 143 ;£'h \~,;i Source Module ABS START Object Code in Hex o For acsolute implicit addresses greater than 4095, a USING instruction must be specified according tc the fcllc~ing: ~. with a base address representing an atsolute expressicn, and USING range 4096-8191 ~. with a base register that has not been assigned by a USING instructien ir; which a relecatable base address is specified • • LA This tase register Il'ust be leaded with the base address specified. END FIB - THE DROP INSTRUCTION purpose You can use the DROP instruction to indicate to the assembler that one or more registers are no longer available as base registers. This allows you: 1. To free case registers for other programming purposes 2. To ensure that the assembler uses the base register you wish in a particular coding situation, for example, when two USING ranges overlap or coincide (as described above in F1A, Notes about the USING range) • 144 1024 Specifications· DROP The CROP instruction must be coded as shown in the figure to the right. Up to 16 operands can be specified. They must be absolute expressions whose values represent the general registers 0 through 15. A tROP instructioh with a blank cperand field causes all currently active base registers assigned by USING instructions to be dropped. Name Operation BASREGI DROP Sequence symbol or blank Operand [BASREG~ ..• or blank Source Module DROPS BASE o • After a DROP instruction, the assembler will not use the registers specified in a DROP instruction as base registers. ~ register made unavailable as a base register by a DROP instruction can be reassigned as a base register by a subsequent USING instruction. USING range START o USING BASE,10 DS DROP 10 Register 10 unavailable as a base register restored USING domain END o Section F: Addressing 145 Source Module CHANGE A START o USING A,9 OS first USING range ~ [ROP instructien is net needed: • If the base address is being cy a new USING instructien, and the same base register is assigned. Hcwever, the new case address must be loaded into the • tase register. Nete that the ~ implicit address "E" lies within the first USING denain, and that ~ the base address to which it refers lies within tr.e first USING range. ~ changed • 9,8-·· .· • B,9 second USING range At the end of a source module. END () ~\ 146 o F2 - Addressing Between Source Modules: Symbolic Linkage This section describes symbolic linkage, that is, using symtols to communicate between different source modules that are separately assembled and then linked together by the linkage editor. J How to Establish Symbolic Linkage You must establish symbolic linkage between source modules so that you can refer or tranch to sy~bolic locations defined in the control sections of external source modules. ~o establish symbolic linkdge with an external source module you must do the following: o • • 1. In the current source module, you must identify the symbols that are not defined in that source module, if you wish to use them in instruction operands. These symbols are called external symbols, because they are defined in another (external) source module. You identify external symbols in the EXTRN or WXTRN instruction or the V-type address constant. 2. In the external source modules, you must identify the symbols that are defined in those source modules and to which you ref~r from the current source module. These symbols are called entry symbols because they provide points of entry to a control section in a source module. You identify entry symbols wltb the ENTRY instruction. 3. You must provide the A-ty~e or y-type address constants needed by the assembler to reserve storage for the addresses represented by the external symbols. Current Source Module Linked Object Modules A START ...-Bl • A 'Cl Other (External) Source Modules B START /BI IIi;,....'- - - - - ' 8---- • / 1--------1 , '- CI _ The assembler places information about entry and external symbols in the External Symbol tictionary. The linkage editor uses this information to resolve the linkage • addresses identified by the entry and external symbols. o Section F: Addressing 147 Source Modules Linked Object Modules CURRENT START EXTRN e{LUSINGlO,ADBUFF DATA,lO CURRENT DC • • • 10 REFER 1C EXTERNAL tAT!: You should use the EX1RN instructicn to identify the external symtol that represents data in an external source module, if you wish to refer to this data symtclically. For example, you can identify the address of a data area as an external symtol and load the address constant specifying this symbol into a tase register. 1hen, ycu use this tase register when establishing the addressat:ility of a dUlnry sect10n that formats this external data. You can now refer synt:clically tc the data that the external area contains. DA..TA KEY"" CODE "" NAME ADDR WAGES HRS DEDUCT PAY D.SECT DS C DS CL3 bs CL20 DS' CL20 DS ""CLIO DS cbs-J' DS CL6 "" DS CL12 "END OTHER • you reust also identify, in the source module that contains the data area, the address cf the data • · as an entry symbol. ENTRY BUFFER END ,. 148 A (BUFFER) " c 10 BRANCH 1C AN EXTERNAL AttRESS: You should use the V-ty~e address ~constant to identify the external symtol that represents the address in an external source module to which you wish tc tranch. Fcr the specifications of the v-type address constant, see G3L • • • For exampl:e, you can lead into a J register the V-tyte address constant that identifies t e external synbcl. Using this register, you can then tranch to the external address represented by the symtol. Source Modules CURRENT START 0 .... L 3,EXTADR • 8B.R 3 EXTADR o DC V(OTHER) END •· • C' If the syrrtol is tbe nane entry of a STARt or CSEC1 instruction in the other source ncdule, and thus names an executatle control section, it is autcnatically identified as an entry symbol. If the syrrtol re~resents an address in the middle of a control section, you !rust, hcwever, identify ita s an entry syrobol for the external source nodule. You can also use a comtination of an EXiRN instructicn tc identify and an A-ty~e address constant to contain the external tranch address. However, the v-type address constant is more convenient tecause: GOTHER START 0 ENTRY SUBRTN8 SUBRTN PS OH END 1. You do net have to use an EXiRN instruction. 2. The syrr.bcl identified js not considered as definep in the source module and can te uSed as the nane entry for any other statement in the same source ncdule. o Section F: Addressing 149 F2A - THE E~TBY o INSTRUCTICN Purpose The entry instruction allows you to identify symtcls defined in a source module so that they can te referred to in anether seurce nedule. These symbols are entry symtols. ENTRY Specifications The forrr,at ef the ENTRY instructicn is shewn in the figure to the right. • • • ENTRY A sequence symbol or blank ENTRY SYMECIS: The fellewing applies to the entry syncels identified in the operand field: Operand Operation Name One or more relocatable symbols separated by commas They must te valid syntols. j' • They must be defined in an executable control section. • They must not be defined in a durr,my contrel sectien, a cernren contrel section, or an external contrel section. • The length attribute value ef entry symtols is the sane as the length attribute/value of the symtol at its peint ef definition. • • A syrrcol used as the name entry of a START cr eSECT instructien is also autematically considered an entry syncol and dces not have to be identified by an ENTRY instruction. The assembler lists each entry symtol of a scurce ncdule in an External Syrrbol r:ictionary along w1th entr1es for external syrrccls, corrmen centrol sections, and external contrel sections. The maximum number of External Syrrtcl Dictionary entries for each source module is 399. Source Module • FIRST 0SUBRTN ,. • DUMMY Symbol START 0 · · • 150 NOTE: A syrrce," identified in an ENTRY instruction counts towards ~rraxinuIr, even theugh it roay not be used in the name field of a statement in the scurce module nor constitute a valid entry point. FIRST ENTRY SUBRTN,INVALID SUBRTN INVALID DS · OH DSECT · · INVALID DS i.$ Entry in External. Symbol Dictionary END • DUMMY F INVALID Type Code SD LD LD none - o F2B - THE EXTRN INSTRUCTICN Purpose The EXTRN instruction allows you to identify symtcls referred tc in-a source module tut defined in another scurce ncdule. These syrrbc;s are external symbols. Specificaticns EXTRN The format cf the ~XTRN instructicn staterrent is shown in the figure to the right. Name Operation Sequence symbol or blank EXTRN Operand One or more relocatable symbols separated by commas EXTERNAL SY~EOLS: The follcwing applies to the external symtols identified in the c~erand field: •• They must be valid syml:ols. Source Modules • They must not be used as the name entry cf a scurce staterrent in ~he sourc~ module in which they are identified. o • They have a length attritute value of 1. CURRENT START 0 The asserrtler lists each external symbcl identified in a source module in the External Syrrtcl ~icticnar~ along with entries for entry sym ols, COIlimcn control secticns, and external contrcl secticns. The maximum numl:er of External Syrrl:cl Dicticnary entries for each source module is • · L BR 3,EXTAD 3 L BR 4,ADSUBRT 4 EXTAD DC ADSUBRT DC v (SUBRTN) · · · ihe Jtaximum number of external - }~yml:ol dictionat;y entries (contrcl ;;~ctions andel[ternal.symtols) allowed is 1'11. The maxiltult ..11owable number of entry.symbol,s identified l:y the EN'!RY.instruetion is 200~ NOTE: o • The syrrbcl s~ecified in a address constant is implicitly identified as an external s~rrbcl and ccunts tOwards this max~mum. OTHER Type Code CURRENT SD OTHER ER SUBRTN ER START 0 OTHER SD ENTRY SUBRTN SUBRTN LD · SUBRTN Symbol A(OTHER) END 399 • .DO$ • • • EXTRN OTHER • Tohey Iliust te used a lcne and cannct be Eaired when used. in an expression (fer ~air~:n9 cf texlIS see C6) • ~ • Entry in External. Symbol Dictionary DS · OH v-ty~e END Section F: Addressing 151 p2C - THE wXTRN INSTRUCTICN Purpose The ~XTRN instruction allows you to identify symtcls refer%ed tc in a source module but defined in another scurce Rcdule. The ~XTR~ instruction differs from the EXTRN instructicn as follc~s: The EXTRN instruction causes the linkage editor to rrake an autoRatic search of libraries to find the module that ccntains the external symbcls that you identify in its operand field. If tr.e rrodule is found, linkage addresses are resolved; then the rrcdule is linked to your module, which contains the EXTRN instruction. The ~XTRN instructicn su~~resses this autcmatic search cf litraries. The linkage editor will only resolve the linkage addresses if the external syrobcls that you identify in the WXTRN o~erand field are defined: 1. In a module that is linked and loaded along with the cbject rrcdule asserrbled fro~ your source module or 2. In a module brought in from a library due tc the ~resence cf an EXTRN instruction in another module linked and lcaded with ycurs. WXTRN Specifications • • EXTERNAL SYMEOLS: The external symbcls identif ied 1:y a wXTRN instruction have the saIr.e ~rc~erties as the external symbcls identified ty the EXTRN instructicn. However, the type code assigned to these external syn1:cls differs. NOTE: If a symbol, specified in 8 a V-type address constant, is also identified by a wXTRN instruction in the saRe scurce rr-cdule, it is assigned the same type code as the symtol in the WXTRN instructicn. If an externaL symbol is identified ty toth an EX7RN and WXTRN instruction in the same source module, tbe first declaration takes • , arecedence, and subsequent eclarations are flagged with warning messages. 152 Operand Operation Name The format cf the ~XTRN instructicn staterr-ent is shown in the figure to the right. Sequence symbol or blank One or more relocatable symbols separated by commas WXTRN Source Module. Entry in External Symbol Dictionary Symbol FIRST START 0 EX : RN OUT,A__ • ,. e eWXTRN WOUT,A •• WARNING •• ~ VCON . DC END • v (WOUT) , ' Type Code FIRST SD OUT ER .. ~ ii -ER WOUT WX WOUT WX o Section G: Symbol and Data Definition This section describes the assembly time facilities which you can use to: 1. Assign values to symbols 2. Define constants and storage area~ 3. Define channel command words. assigning an absolute value to a symbol and then using that symbol to represent, for example, a register or Q length, you can code machine instructions entirely in symbolic form. By Gl - Establishing Symbolic Representation You define symbols tc be used as elements in your programs. This ~ symbolic representaticn is superior ~ to numeric representation 'because: • You can give meaningful names to the element~: • You can debug a program more easily, because the symbols are cross-referenced to where they are defined and used in your program. The cross-referenced statement numbers containing the symbols are printed in your assembly listing. /.- •• • o • You can maintain a program more easily, because you can change a symbolic value in one place and its value will be changed throughout a program. Some symbols represent absolute values, while others represent relocatable address values. The relocatable addresses are of: instructions • constants • storage areas. e.. You can use these defined symbols in the operand fields of instruction statements to refer to the instructions, constants, or areas represented by the symbol. Source Module FIRST START • DATAREG EIGHTY TW040 BASREG RELOC •• EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU · 10 80 240 12 •• • BALR 12,0 USING *,BASREG · B • •• INSTR DATACON TO FROM INSTR • ...... U r~ MVC L TO,FROM DATAREG,DATACON DC DS DS F_' 3' • · - CL{EIGHTY) CL (TW040) • END Section G: Symbol and Data Definition 153 Assign1ng Values You can create symbols and assign" them absolute or relecatable values anywhere in a source module with an EQU instruction (see G2A). You c~n use these symbols instead of the numeric value they represent in the operand of an instruction. Defining and Naming Data DATA CONSTANTS: You can define a data constant at asserebly time that will be used by the machine instructions in their operations at execution time. The three steps for creating a data constant and introducing it into your program in syrebolic form are: Source Code 5,LABEL Equi valent {: define the data •• prov ide a labe 1 f or the data •• refer to the data by its label. IOOOOOOCAI 5,=F'202' 0 oj" O. .LABEL The symbol used as a label represents address of the ccnstant; it O the is not to be confused with the I • •---- Object Code in Hex DC ---0 F'202' • '\;;; -IOOOOOOOCA , .. assembled oJ: ject code of the actual constant. • • Defining data constants is discussed in G3. LITERALS: You can also define data at its point of reference in the operand of a reachine instruction ~ by specifying a literal. Literal constants are discussed in G3C. STORAGE" AREAS: You ~ust usually reserve space in virtual storage at assembly time fer insertion and manipulation of data at execution time. The three steps for reserving virtual storage and using it in your program are: o. define the space •• provide a label fer the space •• refer to the space by its label. ST .SPACE Defining storage areas is discussed in G3N. 154 DS • 5,SPACE o F CHANNEL COl'H~ANP WORDS; When you define a channel command word at assembly time you create a command for an input or out~ut operation to be performed at execution time. You should; o • define the channel command word • provide a label fcr the word. Channel corrrrand words are discussed in subsection G3C. J G2 - Defining Symbols G2A -- IJ:HE E~U INSIJ:FUCIJ:'ION INSTR Purpose ~he E~U instruction allows you to assign atsolute or relecatable values to symbols. You can use it for the following ~ur~eses; o • 1. To assign single al:solute values to syrrl:ols 8 2. 1]:0 assign the values of previously defined syrr.tols or ex~ressiens te new symbols, thus allowing you to use different mnerrenics fer different _-_-ABS HEXA2 BALR 12,0 EQU X'A2' o EQU ABS BEGIN } INSTR • pur~oses. ~3. To comfute eXfres~icnS~bcse values are unknown a~ coding time or difficult to calculate. IJ:he value of the expression is then • . assigned to a syrrl:cl. 8 EXPR EQU \ • A-(B+C)/33-D, o Section G: Symbol and Data Definition 155 Specifications The EQU instruction can be used anywhere in a source module after the ICTL instruction, o~after any source macro definitions, that may be specified. -Note, however, that the FQU instruc·tion can initiate an unnamed control section (private code) if it is specified before the first control section (initiated by a START or CSECT instruction) • The format of the EQU instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. DOC lJ 3 .• • i.i J" 12 0-3 ALIGNMENT First operand can end on any byte boundary o TOTAL 115-1S\ Bytes . SCALE MODIFIER: The .cale modifier specifies the amount cf internal scaling that is desired: Scale Binary digits for fixed-point (H,F) constants He~adecimal digits fer fleatingpoint (E,D,l) constants o • - Allowable Range for Scale Modifier it can only be used with the above types of constant. DC The scale modifier is written as $n, where n is either: DC HS3~ DC FS(A+B-C*3} '2.3' HS-132'5.55' A decimal self-defining term or absolute expression enclosed 1n parentheses. DC ES12'19.3" DC LS22'3.414' .p'-~"y' Both types of specification can be preceded by a sign; if no sign is Fresent, a plus sign is assumed. Fixed-point Constants (H,F) - 187 through +346 Floating-point Constants ~n ~'~ . l;~ o Examples: I (E,D) o through 14 (L) o through 28 Section G: Symbol and Data Definition 175 Object Code o Binary digits OOOOOOOofOOOOO~ DC H'2' OOOOOO°of°OOlO~ol • • • SCALE MODIFIER FOR FIXEP-POINT CONStANTS: The scale modifier for fixed-point constants s~ecifies the power of two by which the fixedpoint constant must be multiplied after its nominal value has been converted to its binary representation, but before it is assemcled in its final "scaled" form. Scaling causes the binary point to move from its assumed f1xed position at the right of the rightmost bit position. OOOOOOO+OOOl~ OOOOOOOofOOOlO.Oll -J' o 176 Object Code Source Code Converted to Binar~ Representation Btnary digits Binary point DC Converted to Binary representation ~O'IES: 4It • o 1. When the scale ncdifier has a value, it indicates the number of binary positions to te occu~ied ty tEe fractienal ~crticn of the binary number. ~ositive 2. When the scale nedifier bas a negative value, it indicates the number of binary lositions to te deleted fron the nteger Eorticn of the binary numcer. 3. When ~esitions are lest tecause of scaling (or lack of scaling) , ~ rounding occurs in the leftmosttit of the lest ~crticn. the rounding is reflected in the rightnost pcsiticn saved. Converted to Binary representation Binary point 4It .I----+-------f , . • 000001111 Converted to Binary representation Binary point DC 1 o section G: Symbol and Data Definition 177 SCALE MODIFIER ~:OR FLOA'IING-POINT CONSTANTS: The scale modifier for floating-point constants roust have a posi ti ve value. It speci fies the number of hexadecimal positions that the fractional portion of the binary representation of a floatingpoint constant is to be shifted ~to the right. The hexadecimal point is assumed to be fixed at the left of the leftroost position in the fractional field. When scaling is specified, it causes an unnormalized hexadecimal fraction to be assembled (unnormalized is when the leftmost positions of the fraction contain hexadecimal zeros). The magnitude of the constant is retained tecause the eXfonent in • the characteristic portlon of the constant is adjusted u~ward accordingly. When hexadecimal poSitions are lost, rounding occurs in the leftmost hexadecimal position of the lost portion. The rounding is reflected in the rightmost • position saved. O O ("~., Object Code in Hex Source Code I~",,)j DC E'4' •• • I .L DC ES2'4' 1"4 31010@ 000 I I Unnormalized Fraction DC E'3.3' ROUND DC ES2'3.3' (,...-.. _.-.....\ \,--, I o EXPONENT MODIFIER: The exponent modifier specifies the power of 10 by which the nominal value of a constant is to be multiplied before it is converted to its internal binary representation. It can only be used with the fixedpoint (H,F) and floating-point (E,D,L) constants. The exponent modifier is written as En, where n can be either of the following: A decimal self-defining term. . . An absolute expression enclosed V in parentheses. symbols used in the ~xpression most be" previously defined. DOS Any • 178 The decimal self-defining term or the express ion can be ~receded by a sign: if no sign is present, a plus sign is assumed. The range for the expon~nt modifier is -85 through +75. Exponent Source Code • • • DC H'4' DC HE2'4' ....- Binary digits 4 I0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o~ 00001001 400 1000000011100100001 DC FE (A-B::'3) '4 - DC HE-2'400' 4 , Object Code Decimal Value before conversion to binary form : 100000000100 000100\ ! o NOTES: • • • • • o • 1. 'the exponent ~odifier is not to be confused with the expcnent that can be specified in the nominal value subfield of fixed-~oint and floating-point constants ~ee sections G3G and G3I). 'l'he exponent modifier affects each nominal value specified in the J operand, whereas the ex~onent written as part of the nominal value subfield only affects the ncroinal value it follows. If both types of exponent specification are ~resent in a DC operand, their values are algel::raically added together before the nominal value is converted to binary form. However, this sum must lie within the permissible range -85 thrcugh + 75 • DC • Values Assembled in decimal ~~'2.25'~ 225,2.25,2.25 DC EE+2'2.25,2.25,225' 225,225,22500 DC 225 2. The value of the constant, after any exponents have been applied, must be contained in the implicitly or explicitly specified length of the constant to be assembled. o DC FE-20'2.25E+80' 2.25xl0 60 o Nom. Value Formats of Nominal Value Subfields Subfield q: Noroinal Value Constant Type The nominal value sub field must always be specified. It defines the value of the ccnstant (or constants) described and affected by the sul::fields that ~recede it. It is this value that is assend:led into the internal binary representation of the constant. ~he formats for s~ecifying nominal values are described in the figure to the right. C o Multiple Nominal Values 'Value' Not allowed 'Value' ' / ' value,.....•val ue: B' X H F p Imultiple values must Z E 0 LI,OSOnly one nominal value is allowed . 1nbinary(S) and bexadecimal.·""lX) constants. How nominal values are specified and interprete1 by the asserebler is explained in the subsections that descril::e each individual constant, begiDlling at G3:c., - - Single Nominal Values .1 I -\ L.. A} e Y be separated by commas Address Const.nts (Value) (V~. v.lue........valuei section G: Symbol and Data Definition 179 Page of GC33-4()1D-4 Revised Feb. 25, 1975 By TNL: GN33-8193 o G3C -- LITERAL CONSTANTS Purpose Literal constants allow you to define and refer to data directly in machine instruction operands. You do not need to define a constant separately in another part of your source module. The difference between a literal, a data constant, and a self-defining term is described in CS. Specifications A literal constant is specified in the same way as the operand of a DC instruction. The general rules for the operand subfields of a DC instruction (as described in G3E abov~ also apply to the subfield of a literal constant. Moreover, the rules that apply to the individual types of constants, as described in G3D through G3M, apply to literal constants. HOwever, literal constants differ from CC operands in the following ways: must • Literals O equal sign. be preceded by an • • Multiple operands are not allowed • • o 3,=F'32' L • 'I"he duplication factor must not be zero. MVC • FIELD(24},=6CL4'CANT' ,. o 180 o Data Constants G3C -- EINARY CONS~AN~ (B) Furl=cse The-tinary ccnstant allcws ycu tc s~ecify the I=recise tit I=attern ycu :want assemtled into storage. Specifications The ccnstants of the sutfields defining a binary constant are described in the figure telow. Each tinary ccnstant is assenbled into the integral O NOTE: number of bytes required to contain the tits sl=ecified. Binary Constants a Constant Type Subfield Binary (B) 1. Du lication Factor o Yes 2. Modifiers As needed Implicit Length: (Length Modifier not present) B Alignment: (Length Modifier not present) DC B'10101111' C DC B'101' L'B L'C Byte Range for Lengtrn f Range for Scale: Not allowed Range for Exponent: Not allowed 4. Nominal Value Binary digits (0 or 1) Represented by: o Enclosed by: Apostrophes Exponent allowed: No Number of Values per Operand: Multiple Padding: With zeros at left Truncation of Assembled Value: At left Section G: Symbol and Data Definition 181 o G3E -- CHARAC!ER CONS!AN! (C) Fur~ose The cr.aracter constant allo~s yeu tc s~ecify character strings such as error messages, identifiers, or ether text, that the asseabler ~ill convert into their cinary (EECrIC) representation. Specificaticns !he centents of the sucfields defining a character are descriced in the figure en the c~pesite ~age. cc~stant ~ Each character s~ecified in the neainal value subfield is assembled into one cyte. Multi~le noainal values are is s~ecified in the nominal • • net allc~ed, because if a comma value sutfield, the asseatler considers the comma a valid character and therefore ';/ asseacles it intc its cinary (EBCDIC) re~resentatie~. . NOTE: When apostrophes or ampersands are to be included in the asseabled ccnstant, doutle a~ostrephes or dcutle ampersands aust ce s~ecified. !hey are asseabled as single apostro~hes and am~ersands. ( ~""' U 182 \ o Character Constants Subfield 3. Constant Type Character (C) 1. Duplication Factor Yes 2.~ As needed Implicit Length: (Length Modifier not present) C DC C'LENGTH' Alignment: (Length Modifier not present) Byte ''W • L'C 6 Range for length: o Range for Scale: Not allowed Range for Exponent: Not allowed 4. Nominal Value Represented by: Enclosed by: Characters (All 256 &bit combinations) DC C'A' 'B' A'B Assembled A&B DC C'A&&B' Object Code (hex). Apost rophes Exponent aUowed: Number of values per Operand: One DC C'A,B' Assembled A ICI16BI c21 With blanks at right Padding: (X'40') Truncation of Assembled value: At right o s~ction G: Symbol and Data Definition 183 G3F -- HEX~tECIM~L CCNS!~~T ~. (X) \,,-p! Furt:0 se You can use hexadecirral ccnstants to generate large tit ~atterns rr.ore conveniently than ~ith binary constants. ~lso, the hexadecimal values you specify in a source ncdule allow you tc cOlq:are theIr.. directly "ith the hexadecimal values generated for the object code and address locaticns printed in the ~rograrr listing. Specificaticns !he contents of the sutfields defining a hexadecinal constant are descrited in the figure on the o~posite fage. ~ Each hexadecimal digit specified in the noninal value • • sutfield is assent led intc four 1:i ts (their binary ~a. tter9S can be found in C4E) • The implicit length in tytes cf a . hexadecimal ccnstant is then half the nurrber of hexadecimal digits specified (assuming that a hexadecinal zerc is added to an odd nurrter cf digits) • ,. 184 o Hexadecimal Constents Subfield 3. Constant Type Hexadecimal (X) 1.Duplication Factor allowed 2.Modlfiers Implicit Length: (Length Modifier not present) Alignment: (Length Modifier not Range for Length: o Ves As needed X DC X'FFOOA2' Y DC X'FOOA2' L'X L'Y Byte .1 through .2048 (bit length Range for Scale: Not allowed Range for Exponent: Not allowed 4. Nominal Value Represented by: Hexadecimal digits (0 through 9 and A through Enclosed by: Apostrophes F) Obiect Code (hex) 10001111111 DC X'lF' DC X'91F' Exponent allowed: Number of Values per Operand: Multiple Padding: With zeros at left Truncation of Assembled value: At left . Onty... ~ o . .' . Sect.ion G: Symboi '''and Oata Definition 185 G3G -- FIXE[-FeINT CCNSTANTS (E AN[ F) l'i-~\ 1~""J» Purpose Fixed-point constants allow you to introduce data that is in a fcra suitable fer the eperatiens of the fixed-point rr-achine instructions of the standard instruction set. The ccnstants you define can alse be autematically aligned to the prcper fullword or halfword toundary for tte instructicns that refer te addresses on these boundaries (unless the NCALGN option has teen specified; see (2) • You can perform algetraic functicns using this type of constant because they can have positive or negative values. Specifications The contents cf the subfields defining fixed-point constants are described in the figure on the opposite page. ~ 1he nominal value can be a silned (plus is Assumed if the/ • number is unsigned) integer, raction, or aixed number. follo~ed by an exponent (positive or negative). the exponent must lie within the perrr.issible range. If an · exponent rr.odifier (see G3E) is alsc specified, the algebraic ~ ef the exponent and the exponent mOdifier aust lie • within the perrr-issible range. O ( ...;''\ " 186 .,"'--.. o H or F Fixed·Point Constants 3. Constant T~ee Subfield : Fuliword(F) Halfword (H) J 1. Duelication Factor Allowed Yes Yes 2. Modifiers 4 bytes Alignment: (Length Modifer not present) Full word Half word Range for Length: 1 through 8 (byte length) .1 through .64 (bit length) 1 through 8 (byte length) .1 through .64 (bit length) Range for Scale: - 187 through Range for Exponent: - 85 through 4. Nominal Value Represented by: Decimal digits (O through 9) Decimal digits (0 through 9) . o 2 bytes Implicit Length: (Length Modifier not present) + 346 + 75 DC F'-200' DC FS4'2.25' Enclosed by: Exponent allowed: Apostrophes Yes DC/F'2E6' Number of Values per Operand: Multiple Padding: With zeros at left Truncation of Assembled value: Not allowed • - 187 through - 85 through I • + 346 + 75 DC HE+90'2E-88' value = 2xlO 2 DC H'+200' DC HS4' .25' Apostrophes Yes DC H '2E-6' Multiple With zeros at left Not allowed (error mes:age issued) o Section G: Symbol and Data Definition 187 • Some examples of the range of values that can be assembled into fixedpoint constants are given in the figure to the right. Length The range of values depends on the imPliCitl~ or-,explicitly specified length (1 scaling is disregarded) • If the value specified for a particular constant does not lie within the allowable range for a given length, the constant is not assembled but flagged as an error. 8 A fixed-~cint constant is asse«bled as 0 Range of Valu6~ that can be Assembled 4 _2 63 through 2 63 _1 _2 31 2 31 _1 " 2 _2 15 " 215 _1 1. _2 7 " 27_1 - fcllo~s: 1. ~he s~ecified num~er, multiplied ty any exponents, is converted to a tinary numter. 2. Scaling (see G3E) is ~erfcrRed, if s~ecified. If a scale modifier is not provided the fracticnal portion cf the number is lost. 3. The tinary value is rcunded, if necessary. ~he resulting number ~ill not differ from the exact nURter specified ty Rore than cne in the least significant 'bit ~osition at the right. 4. A negative nUR~er S. Cu~lication is asseRt:led. G3H -- CECIMAL CONS~AN~S is carried in 2's a~~lied cOR~lement forrr. after the constant has been (P AND Z) Furpcse The decimal ccnstants allc~ ycu tc intrcduce data that is in a forre suitable for the operations of the decinal feature machine instructicns. ~he ~acked decimal constants (P-ty~e) are used for processing ty the deciRal instructicn se~. The zcned decirral ccnstants (Z-ty~e) are in the form ~BCCIC representation) that you can use as a print inage (exce~t the digits in the rightmost tyte). Specifications The contents cf the sutfields defining decimal constants are described in the figure on the opposite page. • • ~he nominal value can t:e a signed (~lus is assumed if the nun:ber is unsigned) decimal number. A dec7!r'.al ~oint can be written any~here in the numter, tut it does net affect the assembly of the constant in any way. ~he specified digits are assurred tc ccnstitute an integer. Decimal constants are assemt:led as followS: FAC:KEt CECI~AI CCNSTAN~S: Each digit is ccnverted into. its 4-bit binary equivalent. The sign indicator is asserrbled intc the rightmost four tits of the ccnstant. ZONEC D~CIMAL CONS~AN~S: Each digit is converted intc • sign indicatcr ~its lo~-crder byte of the its 8-bit EECtIC representation. The O· replaces the first fcur cf the constant. 188 o Page of GC33-40 10-5 As Updated 28 Dec 1981 o By TNL GN20-9372 P or Z Decimal Constants 3. Constant Ty~e Subfield Packed (P) 1. Duelication Factor Yes Allowed Zonec1 (Z) Yes 2. Modifiers Implicit Length: (Length Modifier not present) As needed As needed P DC P'+593' L'P = 2 Z DC Z'-593' L'Z = 3 Alignment: (Length Modifer not present Byte o Byte Range for Length: 1 through 16 (byte length) .1 through .128 (bit length) 1 through 16 (byte length) .1 through. 128 (bit length) Range for Scale: Not allowed Not allowed Range for Exponent: Not allowed Not allowed 4. Nominal Value Decimal digits (0 through 9) Decimal digits (0 through 9) DC P'+555' DC Z'-555' Represented by: I 8 Is(sl;'ce ~~IDISI • Enclosed by: Apostrophes Apostrophes Exponent allowed: No No Number of Values per Operand: Multiple Multiple With Binary zeros at left With E BCDle zeros Padding: DC P' 5.5' lol5151 c 8 DC P 1 55' (XIFO') at left Truncation of Assembled value: At left At left o - Section G: Symbol and Data Definition 189 the range of values that can be assemcled into a decireal constant is shown in the figure to the right. Type of Decimal Constant Range of Values that can be Specified PACKED 10 31 _1 through _10 31 ZONED 10 16 _1 through _10 16 G3I -- FLOAtING-POINt CONStANtS (E, 0, and 1) constants allow you to introduce data ttat is in a forn suitacle fcr the c~erations ef the floating~oint feature instruction set. These censtants have tte following advantages ever fixed-Feint censtants. Floating-~oint 1. You do not have to consider the fractional perticn ef a value yeu sFecify, ncr ~orry atcut the ~esitien ef tte deei~al ~eint when algecraie o~erations are to be ~erferroed. 2. Yeu can specify coth much larger and nuch smaller values. 3. You retain greater Frocessing Frecision, that is, yeur values are carried in more significant figures. Specificaticns the ccntents of the sucfields defining floating-~eint constants are descrired in the figure cn the o~~osite Fage. ~ the neminal value can be a si ned (plus is assuned if the 1 numl:er is uns igned) integer, racticn, cr nixed number. folle~ed by an exponent (~ositive or negative). the ~exponent must lie within the permi$sitle range. If ar. exponent rrodifier (see G3B under ~cdifiers) is also specified, the algebraic sum of the exponent and the exponent mOdifier must lie within the pe~rrissil:le range. 190 o Of E or L Floating Point Constants Subfield 3. Constant T~l!e : .. SHORT (E) LONG (D) EXTENDED (L) Yes Yes Yes 4 Bytes 8 Bytes 16 Bytes Full Word Double Word Double Word Range for Length: 1 through 8 (byte length) .1 through .64 (bit length) 1 through 8 (byte length) .1 through .64 (bit length) 1 through 16 (byte length) .1 through .128 (bit length) Range for Scale: o through 14 o through 14 o through 28 Range for Exponent: - 85 through + 75 - 85 through 4. Nominal Value Decimal Digits . _ _ (Othroug~ Decimal Digits ( 0 through 9) Represented by: DC E'+S25''''' DC E'5.25' Enclosed by: Apostrophes Exponent Allowed: 1. Duelication Factor Allowed 2. Modifiers I mplicit Length: (Length Modifier Not Precent) Alignment: (Length Modifier Not Present) o + 75 - 85 through + 75 • • DC D'1.525' DC D'+.OOl' • Decimal Digits ( 0 through 9) DC L'525' DC L'3.414'_. . . . Apostrophes Apostrophes Yes Yes DC E' lE+60' 8 Yes DC D'-2.SEIO'8 DC L'3.7l2E-3' Number of Values per Operand: Multiple Multiple Multiple Padding: With hexadecimal zeros at right With hexadecimal zeros at right With hexadecimal zeros at right Truncation of Assembled Value: Not applicable (Values are rounded) Not Applicable (Values are Rounded) ~~ Not applicable (Values are Rounded) o section G: Symbol and Data Definition 191 The range of values that can be assembled into floating-point constants is given in the figure to the right. O J. ' Type of Constant If the value specified for a particular constant does not lie within these ranges, the constant is not assembled but flagged as an error. Range of Magnitude (M) of Values (Positive and Negative) E 16- 65 SM S (1-16- 6 ) x 16 63 D 16- 65 SM S (1-16- 14 ) x 16 63 L 16- 65 s'M S.(1-16- 28 ) x 16 63 - (For all ThreeJ Approximately 5.4 x 10-79~MS7.2 x 10 75 .J FORMAT: The format of the f1oatingpoint constants is described below. The value of the constant is represented by two parts: Type Called E Short FloatingPoint Number Format - 31 78 Bits 0 1 ~ 1. An exponent portion, followed by • 2. • A o D A fractional portien. sign bit indicates whether a positive or negative number has been specified. The number specified must first be converted into a hexadecimal fraction, befcre it can be assembled into the proper internal format. The quantity. expressed is the product of the fraction and the number 16 raised. to a power. L Long FloatingPoint Number Extended FloatingPoint . Number 7-bit + Characteristic 56-bit Fraction t $I: . 63 78 Bits 0 1 High-order half of 112-bit Fraction 7-bit + Characteristic t l 78 Bits 01 7-bit 63 Lo~-order half of 112-bit Fraction ,. where a,b,c .•.. are hexadecimal d.igits, and E is an exponent that has a positive or negative value indicated by the characteristic 192 .J ,+' o 'BINARY REPRESENTATION: The assembler assembles a floating-point constant into its binary representation as follows: o • • O The specified number, multiplied by any exponents, is converted to the required two-part format. The value is translated into: Source Code 1. A fractional portion representedJ hexadeciIl1al digits and the sign indicator. The fraction is then entered into the leftmost part of the fraction field of the constant (after rounding) • DC D'-9.75' Object Code in Hex by 2. An exponent portion reFresented by the excess 64 binary notation, which is then entered into the characteristic field of the constant. The excess 64 binary notation is When the value of the characteristic between +127 and +64 represents the exponents of 16 between +63 and 0 (by subtracting 64) and the value of the characteristic between +63 and 0 represents the exponents of 16 between -1 and -64. c Binary Representation NOTES: 1. The L-type floating-paint:. constant resembles two contiguous D-type constants. The sign of the second doubleword is assurr.ed to be the same as the sign of the first. The charact.eristic· for the second doubleword is equal to the characteristic of the first doubleword minus 14 (the number of hexadecimal digits in the fractional portion of the first doubleword) • Hexadeci" 7F 7f; . 800 65 40 &( -64. foo 3F 63 3E 62 - 2 00 o -64 Values Expressed in Characteristic -1 Exponent of 16 expressed by Characteristic Excess 64 Binary Notation 2. If scaling has been specified, hexadecimal zeros are added to the left of the normalized fraction ~ausing it to become unnormalized) and the exponent in the characteristic field is adjusted accordingly. (For further details on scaling see G3E under Modifiers). 3. Rounding of the fraction is performed according to the implicit or explicit length of the constant. The reSUlting number will not differ from the exact number specified by more than one in the last place. o 4. Negative fractions are carried in true representation, not in the 2's complement form. S. Duplication is applied after the constant has been assembled. Section G: Symbol and Data Definitiun 193 -- THE ~3J A-~YPE ANt Y-~YPE AtDRESS CC~S~AN~S ~his subsection and the three following sutsections describe how the different ty~es of address constants are asserrbled from expressions that usually represent storage addresses, and hew the constants are used for addressing wittin ar.d tetween scurce «cdules. Furpese In the A-ty~e and Y-ty~e address ccnstant, yeu can specify any of the three types of assemtly-time expressiens (see C6), whose value the asserrbler then corr~utes and asserrbles into ebject code. You use this expressien cerrputaticr. as fellows: 1. Relocatable expressions for addressing 2. Absolute expressions for addressing and value computation. 3. CCRplex relocatable expressions to relate addresses in different source ncdules. / Specificaticns ~he centents cf the subfields defining t~e A-ty~e and ytype address constants are described in the figure on the opposite page. NOTES: ~ 1. Nc bit-length specification is allowed when a relccatatle • or corrplex relocatatle eXJ:ression is s~ecified. ~he only explicit lengths that can be specified with these addresses are: a. 3 er 4 bytes for A-type constants b. 2 bytes for y-type constants. 2. The value of the lccatien ceunter reference (*) when specified in an address constant varies frem constant tc constant, if any cf the fcllewing cr a ccrrbination of the follo~ing are specified: a. ~ultiple cperands ~ b. Multiple nerrinal values • c. A duplication factor. lccation counter is incremented with the length cf the previeusly.asserrtled constant. ~he 3. ~hen the location counter reference eccurs in a literal address constant, the value of the locatien counter is the address of the first tyte of the instruction. 194 o Address Constants A or Y Address Constants (A and V) Subfield 3. Constant Ty~ 1. Duelication Factor allowed o A - Type V-Type Yes Yes Object Code in Hex _ 4 bytes 2 bytes Full word Half word • A DC 5AL1(*-A} 0001020304 2. Modifiers Implicit Length: (Length Modifer not present) Alignment: (Length Modifier not present) Range for Length: 1 through 4 (byte length) • .1 through .32 (bit length) Range for Scale: Not allowed Not allowed Range for Exponent: Not allowed Not allowed .t- 1 through 2 (byte length) I .1 through .16 (bit length) 4. Nominal Value Absolute...locatable. or ~ Abtolute ...locatable. or Represented by: complex relocatable expressions complex relocatable expressions DC A (ABSOL+ 10 ) DC Y (RELOC+32) Enclosed by: Parentheses Parentheses Exponent allowed: No No Number of Values per Operand: Multiple Multiple With zeros at left With zeros at left At left At left • A DC Y (* -A 1*.+4) o .5ti values Padding: o Truncation of Assembled value: section G: Symbol and Data Definition 195 CAUaIQN: S~ecificatien of y-ty~e address constants with relocatable expressions should be avoided in ~rograms that are to be executed en ~achines having «-ore than 32,767 tytes of sterage ea~aeity. In any case, Y-type relocatal:le address constants should not te used in ~rograrrs tc te executed under IEM Systerr/370 ccntrel. o 1he A-ty~e and Y-type address constants are processed as follows: If the ne~inal value is an al:solute ex~ressicn, it is com~uted to its 32-tit value and then truncated cn the left to fit the implicit or explicit length of tte constant. If the ncrrinal value is a relccatable cr ccrroplex relocatable expression, it is not completely evaluated until linkage edit time when the cbject mcdules are transformed into load modules. ~he 24-tit (er srraller) relocated address values are then placed in the fields set aside fcr them at assemtly tirre by the A-ty~e and ytype constants. G3K -- ~HE S-1YPE AttRESS CONS1ANT Furpese You can use the S-ty~e address censtant te assemble an explicit address (that is, an address in tase-dis~laeener.t form). You can specify the explicit address yourself cr allo~ the assembler to compute it from an implicit address, using the current l:ase register and address in its computatien (for details cn ill'~licit and explicit addresses, see I:5B) • Specificaticns The contents cf the sutfields defining the S-ty~e address constants are descrited in the figure en tbe o~~esite ~age. The ncminal values can be 4Dt 1. an • • s~ecified in t~e ~ays: As one al:so1ute or relocatat1e expressicn re~resenting im~1icit address 2. As two absolute eXEressions, the first of which represents the displacement and the secend, the tase. register. -- , ,. 196 o o Address Constants (8) 8ubfield 3. Constant T~l!e §-Type 1. Duplication Factor Allowed Yes 2. Modifiers 0 Implicit length: (length Modifier not present) 2 bytes Alignment: (length Modifier not present) Half word Range for length: (in bytes) 2 only (no bit length) Range for Scale: Not allowed Range for Exponent: Not allowed 4. Nominal Value Absolute or relocatable expression Represented by: Two absolute expressions Enclosed by: Parentheses Exponeot altowed: No Number of Values per operand ; Multiple Padding: Not app1icable Truncation of Assembled value: Not applicable 0 }8 DC S(RELOC) DC S(10~~ DC S(512(12» o Section G: Symbol and Data Definition 197 G3L -- THE V-TYPE ArrRESS CONSTANT Pur~cse The V-ty~e address constant allows you to reserve stcrage for tte address cf a lccaticn in a contrcl section that lies in another source module. You should use the V-ty~e address ccnstant cnly tc tranch tc the external address specified. This use is contrasted with another nethcd, that is: of specifying an external syrrtcl, identified by an EXTRN instruction, in an A-type address ccnstant (for a conparison, see F2). • • Because you specify a symbol in a V-type address constant, the assembler assumes that it is an external symbol. A value of zero is assembled into the space reserved for the V-type constant; the correct relocated value of the address is inserted into this s~ace by the linkage editor before your object program is loaded. Source Module Object Module in Hex Load Module in Hex A START 0 DC V(OUTSIDE) END B OUTSIDE Specificaticns The contents cf the sutfields defining the V-ty~e address constants are descr~ted in the figure on the o~~csite ~age • • The symtcl specified in the ncninal value subfield does not ccnst1tute a def1nition of the symtol for the scurce module in wtich the V-ty~e address constant a~pears. The symbol specified in a V-type constant nust nct external data in an cverlay ~rcgran. re~resent ,. • 198 o 0'." 1-' Address Constants (V) Subfield 3. Constant Type V-Type 1. Duplication Factor allowed Yes 2.~ 0 Implicit l.ength: (Length Modifier not present) Alignment: (Length Modifier not present) Range for Length: ._ (inb~t Full word 4 or 3 only (no bit length) Range for Scale: Not allowed Range for Exponent: Not allowed 4. Nominal Value Represented by: 0 4 bytes A single relocatable symbol Enclosed by: Parentheses Exponent allowed: No Number of values per Operand: Multiple Padding: With zeros at left Truncation of assembled value: Not applicable -. DC v (MODA) DC v (EXTADR) Section G: Symbol and Data Definition 199 Page of CC33-4CIO-J Rev iscd S-:-ptember 29, 1972 iSy TNL GN33-8148 QS G3M - ... Tl!i Q-'lYPE QlJIy ADHI,,:CO,stA'. ~\ \-L,j ." FurI=cse You use this constant tc reserve sterage fer the cffset into a storage area of an external durrrry section. '!he offset is en~ered intc this sface ty the linkage editcr. ~hen the offset is added to the address of an overall tleck of storage set aside fer external durrmy sections, it allows you to address the desired section. (FOr a descrifticr. of the use cf the Q-tYfe address ccnstant in combination ~ith an external dummy section, see E4.) Specificaticns The contents cf the sutfields defining the ~-ty~e address constant are descrited in the figure telow. L. ~'lhe symtol specified in the norrinal value subfield must be I=reviously defined as the latel of a [X[ or [SEC'! stateu:ent. Address Constants (a) Subfield 3. Constant Type a-Type 1. Duplication Factor allowed Yes 2. Modifiers 4 bytes Implicit Length: (Length Modifier not present) Alignment: (Length Modifier not present) Fullword Range for Length: (in bytes) 1·4 bytes (no bit length) Range for Scale: Not allowed Range for Exponent: Not allowed 4. Nominal Value 200 Represented by A single relocatable symbol Enclosed by: Parentheses Exponent allowed: No Number of Values per Operand: Multiple Padding: With zeros at left Truncation of Assembled Value At left DC Q(DUMM~EXT10 DC Q(DXDEXT} o G3N -- 'IB! tS INS'I~UC'IICN Purt=0se The tS instruction allows you to: 1. Reserve areas cf stcrage 2. Previde :latels fcr these areas 3. Use these areas by referring to the symtols defined as latels. The tS instruction causes no data tc be assenbled. Unlike the tC instruction (see G3E), you do net have te s~ecify the nominal value (fcurth subfield) of a DS instructien operand. 'Iherefore, the [5 instruction is tte test way of sy~bolically defining storage for werk areas, input/outt=ut buffers, etc. Named (Mnemonic) Areas Aligned on Areas for FixedBoundary Point Instructions • o Length Attribute of Symbols Naming Areas same as Implicit Length of Areas ~F-A~R-E~A--D~S~F~~--F-U~II~w-o-rd----~-----------~--4---4 How to Use the DS Instruction • • TO RESERVE STORAGE: If yeu wish to take advantage of automatic toundary alignment (if the ALIGN option is specified)/and implicit lenBjh calculation, yeu should not supp y a length modifier in your operand specifications. You should specify a type subfield that corresponds to the type of area you need for your instructions (S ee individual tyt=es in sections G3D through G3~ • HAREA DS H Half word 2 AAREA OS A Full word 4 cull word L'DUPF=4 .)uplication has no effect on implicit length 10 full words of storage reserved \ Named Areas for Floating-Point Instructions EAREA OS 3E Full word DEAREAS D S 9 {) Double word 8 LAREA D S L Double word 16 ~!~ o Section G: S~bo1 and Data Definition 201 Using a length modifier can give you the advantage of explicitly specifying the length attribute value assigned to the label naming the area reserved. However, your areas will not be aligned automatically_ acco.rding to their • type. If you.omit the nominal value in the operand, you should use a length modifier for the binary (S), character (C), hexadecimal (X), and decimal (P and Z) type areas; otherwise their labels will be given , • a length attribute value of 1. • • Area Specified • OS CLIO TEN TW056 OS XL256 Length Attribute 10 256 t 256 F3 07 OS FL3 OS OL7 3 7 7 A2 OS AL2 2 2 C1 C2 C3 OS OS OS 16 16 Xl X2 OS • ~ CLl6 X3 Duplication factor has no effect on length attribute 202 Area Reserved in in ~ytes 16 1 3 IE] /'7.'. 200 ,f"'\ I,' I I,.lL .•,/ o • • ~ When you need tc reserve large areas ycu can use a duplication factor. However, you can only refer tc tt.e first area ty the .latel in this case. Ycu can also use the character (e) and hexadecimal (X) field ty~es tc s~ecify large areas using the length Kcdifier. Area Specified Reserved in Bytes Automatic Boundary Alignment Length Attribute of symbol used as Label 3 4 o Duplication has no effect LARGEC DS 1000C C2 1000 DS NONE 1 NONE 1000 .- LARGERX DS 2XL200 4000 NONE 2000 NONE 2000 o Section G: Symbol and Data Definition 203 Length Atribute or computed implicit length Area of area Reserved (duplication in bytes disregarded) Area Specified Although the nominal value is optional for a OS instruction, you can put it to good use by letting ~ the assembler comEute the len~th for areas of the E, C, X, and decimal You achieve (P or Z) type areas. this by specifying the general • format of the 'nominal value that will be placed in the area at execution time. 0 16 16 2 2 60 2 3 3 P2 OS 15 3 Zl OS 5 5 CI OS Xl OS X X2 OS PI OS P .J' TO FORCE ALIGNMENT: You can use the DS instruction to force alignment to a boundary that otherwise would not be provided. You do this by ~ using a duplication factor of zero. No space is reserved for such an instruct ion, yet the da ta tha t • follows is aligned on the desired • toundary. NOTE: Alignment is forced when either the ALIGN or NOALIGN assembler option is set (see C2). 0 OS 00 AREA OS CL128 0 OS OF DC KEY ADCON DC HERE OS C'A' AL3{SOMWHERE) 0OH 3,SUM 3,CONST 3,RESULT HERE addresses same location as following instruction (LH) 204 • •• • Double word AREA J jCJ Full word C A • Address of SOMWHERE Half word LH AH STH 0 - -, o • a • • TO NAME FIELDS OF AN AREA: Using a du~lication factor of zero in a [S instruction also allows you to Frcvide a lakel for an area cf stcrage without actually reserving the area. You can use [5 or [C instructions to reserve storage for and assign labels tc fields within the area. ~hese fields can then be addressed symtolically. (Ancther way of acccn~lishing this is described in E3C.) The whcle area is addressable by its lakel. In addition~ tt.e syntclic label will have the length attritute value of the whcle area. Within the area each field is addressable by its label. ~he [ATE field has the same address as the sutfield [AY. However, DA~E addresses 6 bytes, while DAY addresses only 2 bytes. Format of 80 Character Record Symbol Length Attribute 0 a 80 •• RECAREA os os CL4 6 20 86 2 2 PAYNO NAME DATE DAY MONTH 2 YEAR 8 8 GROSS TAXES OS OS OS OCL6 OS CL2} .I- DS OS OS OS OS OS CL2 CL2 CLIO CL8 CL8 CL18 Area not Aligned DATE DAY MONTH YEAR ~2 byte~1 • 80 bytes long o Sectio~ G: Symbol and Data Definition 205 Name Operation Operand Any Symbol DS One or more Specificaticns_ !he forroat of the rs instruction stateRent is given in the figure to the right • • or blank The forroat cf the c~erand of a DS instruction 1S 1dent1cal to that of the tC o~erand (see G3B). The two differences in the specification of subfields are: The nominal value subfield is • optional in a tS operand, but it is mandatory in a tC cEerand. If ~ a no~inal value is specified in a tS operand, it Rust be valid • • The rraximum length that can be specified in a [S operand for the character (C) and hexadecimal (X) type areas is 65,535 bytes, rather than 256 bytes for the same [C operands. OPTIONl OPTION2 AMUST DS DS DC 3FL3 o...-..A 3FL3 ............ LONGC LONGX DS DS CL655358 XL65535 LIMITEDC DC LIMITEDX DC 3FL31 CL256'A' XL256'00' ,. o 206 o !he label used in the name entry of a tS instructien, like the label fer a CC instructien (see G3E) : ~ 1. Has an address value of the lefta-ost byte of the area reserved, after any tcundary alignment is perforJred 8 2. Bas a len~th attribute value, de~ending on the implicit or ex~liclt ength of the type of area reserved. • If· the CS instructien is specified ~ith ~ere than one operand or:~ore than one nominal va)ue in the o~erand, the label addresses the area reserved for the field tt.at corresponds te the first nOIr:inal value cf the first o~erand. 1he length attribute value is equal to the length ex~licitly specified or implicit in the first eperand. 8 Boundary Alignment Only if Length Modifier is not specified 0 Duplication has no effect. • 1 C DS 3C 1\ Symbol Length Attribute 2 H DS 2H F 4 D 8 A DS 3A 4 F DS D DS I l 1 I Explicit Length I EXPL DS FL3 I None I• DS 3DL5 , DS XL7000 I n $CJc:::Jc::J \( 3 None 5 None 7000 I I OPRNDS DS 3F'3C~ I I DS FL3,2HL5 VALUES DS A(P,Q,R) I U I n I ] Full word • 4 II None n Full word 4 Half word 2 I 3 I MORE DS H'7.8;1 I I o St::t,;tion G: Symbol and Data Definition 207 o NOTE: Unlike the DC instruction, bytes skipped for alignment are not set to zero. Also, nothing ~iS assembled into the storage area reserved by a DS instruction. No assumption should be made as to the contents of the reserved area. _-----I End of Last Data Entry • ...---8 bytes--J The size of a storage area that can te reserved by a DS instruction is limited only by the size of virtual storage or by the maxin.um value of the location counter, whichever is smaller. .,1 ,. 208 o (;30 -- TB:E CC" INS'IRUC'IION Purpcse You can use the COW instruction to define and generate an eight-tyte channel ccnnand ~crd for input/output operations. Doubleword Boundary Byte bits 0 "1 Command Code bits 1 8 31 Address of data to operate upon o The channel command word is an eight-byte field aligned at a doubleword toundary, and contains the information described in the figure to the right. 32 bits Must be Specified as Zeros 5 Set to Zeros by Assembler 6 47 I 48 bits ./' 2-4 37 3839 40 bits I 63 Byte Count Dr Length of Oa.. I 7-8 Specifications Name The format of the CCW instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. Any symbol or blank Operation ccw Operand Four operands separated . by commas o Section G; SyrlU?ol and Data Definition 209 • L'WRITE=8 WRITE CCW 1,DATADR,X'48',X'50' Values are right justified in fields Assembled into fcur operands must te sEecified in the order descrited in t e figure O All to the right. The generated channel command word is aligned on a 4It 'skipped doubleword boundary. ~ny bytes are set tc zerc. • ~he symbol in the name field, if ~resent, is assigned the value of the address of the leftmost tyte of the channel ccaaand word generated. The length attritute value of the symbcl is 8. Double Word Boundary bits Must be Specified as Zeros Treated as as 3-byte A-Type address constant o 210 o Section H: Controlling the Assembler Program This section describes the assembler instructions that request the assembler to perform certain functions that it would otherwise perform in a standard predetermined way. You pan use these instructions to: 1. Change the standard coding format for writing your source statements 2. Control the final structure of your assembled program 3. Alter the format of the source module and object code printed on the assembler listing 4. Produce punched card deck out~ut in addition to the object 5. Substitute your own mnemonic operation codes for the standard codes of the assembler language 6. Save and restore ~rograrnming environments, such as the status of the PRINT options and the USING base register assignment. o HI -- Structuring a Program instructions described in this subsection affect the location counter and thereby the structure of a control section. You can use them to interrupt the normal flew of assembly and redefine portions of a control section or to reserve space to receive literal constants. Alse, you can use them to align data on any desired boundary • ~he .1- o '. Section H: Ccntro11ing the AsssmLler Program 211 o H1A -- THE ORG INSTRUCTION Purpose You use the ORG instruction to alter the setting of the location counter and thus control the structure of the current control section. This allows you to redefine portions of a control section. o • • • • Source Module For example, if you wish to build a translate table (to convert EBCtIC character code into soree other internal code) : FIRST START 0 TABLE DC ORG DC DC XL256'00' TABLE+O C'O'. C'l' ORG • -,1 TABLE+13 DC DC C'D' C'E' ORG DC DC TABLE+C'D' +196 AL1(13) OD AL1(14) OE ORG DC DC TABLE+C'O' +240 AL1(O) 00 AL1(1) 01 1. You define the table as being 0 Object Code TABLE (in Hex) +0 FO Fl filled with zeros. 2. You use the ORG instruction to alter the location counter so that its counter value indicates a desired location within the table. • 3. You redefine the data to be assembled into that location • 4. After :epeating the first three steps unt1l your translate table is complete, you use an ORG instruction with a blank operand field to alter the location counter so that the counter value indicates the next available location in the current control section (after the end of the translate table). Both the assembled object code for the whole table filled with zeros and the object code for the portions of the table you redefined are printed in the program listings. However, the data defined later is loaded over the previously defined zeros and becomes part of your object prograw, instead of the zeros. In other words, the ORG instruction can cause the location counter to point to any part of a control section, even the middle of an instruct~on, into which you can assembleaesired data. It can also cause the location counter to point to the next available location so that your program can continue to be assembled ~n a sequential fashion. +13 C4 C5 ('~ ( I ~p' +255 GOON INPUT ORG DS OH TR INPUT, TABLE DS CL20 END , o 212 Page of GC33-40tO-O Revised September 29, 1972 By TNL GN33-8148 Name Specifications Operand Operation OS Any symbol or blank The format :of the ORG instruction is shown in the figure to the right~ A relocatable expression or blank ORG Sourc;e Module n Hex OC08 • OCOC The symbols in the ex~ression in the operand field must be previously defined. The unpaired relocatable term of the expression (see C6E) must be defined in the sarre control section in which the ORG statement appears • C • • The location counter is set to the value of the expression in the operand. If the operand is omitted, the location counter is set to the ~ next available locatiQn for the current control section. 0080 100801 SECTA START HERE L MVC • 3,ADDR TO,FROM • ORG • LA ST 4,AREA 4,TWO 4,SUM END o The expression in the operand of an ORG instruction must not specify a location cefore the beginning of the control section in which - it appears. In the example to the • right, the CRG instruction is invalid if it appears between the beginning of the current control section and 500 cytes fro~ the beginning of the same control section. This is because the expression specified • is then negative and will set the location counter to a value larger than the assembler can process. The location counter will ·wrap around· (the location counter is discussed in detail in section C4B) • • Source Module o FIRST Section Negative START .ORG *-500 END H: Controlling the ASFemble!:' Prog:.ram 213 NOTE: using the ORG instruction to insert data assembled later at the same location as earlier data will not always work. • • • O ADDR In the example to :the right, it appears as if·the character constant will be loaded over the address constant. However, after the charact.er constant is loaded into the same location as the address constant, the relocation factor required for the address constant is added to the value of the constant. This sum then constitutes the object code that resides in the four bytes with the address ADDR. CHAR • DC A(LOC} ORG '!'<-4 DC C'BETA' • 0 Processing Sequence ~ Assembled Loaded ADDR ADORe 1 IX X X XI 1 IC2CSE3Cli ··-4 Relocation facjor added to value of constant CHAR ADDR UL (ADDR) 1 BETA IC2CSE3Cli H1B -- THE LTORG INSTRUCTION Purpose You use the LTORG statement so that the assembler can collect and assemble literals into a literal pool. A literal peel ccntains the literals you specify in a source module either: • After the preceding LTORG instruction or • After the beginning of the. source module. Source Module START 0 =lit1 The assembler ignores the borders between control sections when it collects literals into pools. Therefore, you must be careful to include the literal pools in the control sections to which they belong (for details see Addressing Considerations belcw). =lit5 The creation of a literal pool gives the following advantages: ,. 1. Automatic organization of the literal data into sections that are properly aligned and arranged so that no space is wasted 2. Assembling.of duplicate data into the same· area 3. Because all literals are crossreferenced, you can find the literal constant in the pool into which it has been assembled. 214 o The Literal Pool Source Module A literal pool is created immediately after a LTORG instruction or, if no LTCRG instruction is specified, at the end of the first control section. Each Ii teral pool has four segments into which the literals are stored (1) in the order that the literals are specified and (2) according to their assembled lengths, which, for each literal, is the total explicit or implicit length, as described below. • o J The second seQIl'ent contains those whose assembled lengths are a multiple of four, but not of eight. • The third segment contains those whose assembled lengths are even, but not a multiple of four. • The fourth segment contains all the remaining literal constants Whose assembled lengths are odd. START 0 MVC TO,=3F'9' AD 2,=0'7' IC 2,=XLl'8' Assembled into Segment ,=~L3'JAN' The first segment contains all literal constants whose assembled lengths are a multiple of eight. • FIRST Literal Pool Start • ,=2F'l,2' ,=1}'33' ,=~(ADOR) ,=XL8'OS' •• •• •• •• • The beginning of each literal pool is aligned on a doubleword boundary. Therefore, the literals in the first segment are always aligned on a doubleword boundary, those in the second segment on a f~llword • • boundary, and those i-n the third • segment on a halfword boundary. • section H: Controlling the Assembler Progr.am iis Addressing Considerations Source Module If you specify'literals in source modules with multi~le control sections, you-should: • • • 1. write a LTORG instruction at the end of each control section, so that all the literals specified in the section are assembled into the one literal pool for that section.' If a contrel section is divided and interspersed among other control sections, yeu should write a LTCRG instruction at the end of each segment of the interspersed control section. ONE START 0 USING ONE,BASREGI USING range ONE 2. When establishing the addressability of each control section, make sure (a) that the entire literal pool for that section is also addressable, by including it within a USING range, and (b) that the literal specifications are within the corresponding USING domain. The USING range and domain are described in FlA. NOTE: All the literals specified after the last LTORG instruction, or, if no L'IORG instruction is specified, all the literals in a source module are assembled into a literal peol at the end of the first control section. You must then make this literal pool addressable along with the addresses in the first control section. This literal pool is printed in the program listing after the END instruction. USING range TWO ,. o 216 Cuplicate Literals Source Module • • • If you specify duplicate literals within the part of the source module that is controlled by a LTORG instruction, only one literal constant is assembled into the pertinent literal peel. This also applies to literals assembled into the literal pool at 'the end of the first or only control section of a source module that contains no LTORG instructions. Literals are duplicates only if their specifications are identical, not if the object code assembled happens to be identical. BEGIN START Action 0 first is stored J Literal pool 1 both are stored, each into a separate literal pool SECOND When two literals specifying identical A-type (or y-type) address • , constants contain a reference to the value of the loeation counter (*), both literals are assembled into the literal pool. This is recause the value of the location counter is different in the two literals. Literal pool 2 o END Specifications .r- format of the LTORG instruction is given in the figure to the right. ~he If an ordinary symbol is specified in the name field, it represents the first byte of the literal poo1~ this symbol is aligned on a do'ub1eword t:oundary and has a length attribute value of one. If bytes are skipped after the end of a literal pool to achieve alignment for the next instructien, constant, or area, the bytes are not filled with zeros. LTORG Name Any symbol or blank Operation LTORG Operand Not required o Section H: Controlling the Assembler Program 217 H1C -- THE CNOP INSTRUCTION Register 2 Assume location Purpose You can use the CNOP instruction to align any instructicn cr other • da ta on a specific halfword l:oundary. The CNOP instruction ensures an unbroken flow of executable instructicns by generating ~ ~operation instructions to fill the bytes ski~~ed to ~erforrn the alignment that you specified. For exam~le, when ycu code the 1inkage to a subroutine, you may • wish to pass parameters to the subroutine in fields irrrr-ediately following the branch and link ~instruction. These parameters, for instance, channel command words (see G30) , can require alignment on a specific boundary. • The subroutine can then address the parameters you pass through the register with the return address. LINK BALR Contents Return address (LINKt2) Address of sub- . routine o 2,10 CCW lONE CCW I TWO CCW I THREE I Layout of Object Code double word r CR 8 BCR BCR LINK BALR CCW CCW CCW 0,0 half double word .j' BCR BALR CCW ONE CCW TWO CCW THREE o Specificaticns !he CNOP instruction forces the a1ignrrent of the 1ccation counter to a halfword, ful1word, or doub1eword l:cundary. It does not affect the location counter if the counter is already ~ro~erly aligned. If the specified alignment requires the location counter tc be incremented, one to three nooperation instructions ~CR 0,0 occupying two bytes each) are generated to fill the skipped l:ytes. Any single byte ski~~ed to achieve alignment to the first no-operation instructicn is filled ~ith zeros. 218 ,. o Page of GC33-401Q-4 Revised Feb. 25, 1975 By TNL: GN33-8193 o The format of the CNOP instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. • • CNOP The operands must be absolute expressions, and any symbols must have been previously defined. The first oEerand, b, s~ecifies at.which even-numbered byte in a fullword or doubleword the location counter is set. The second operand: w , specifies whether the byte is in a fullword (w=4) or a doubleword (w=8). Valid pairs of b and ware as indicated in the figure to the right. NO'IE: Both 0,4 and 2,4 specify two locations in a doubleword. Name os Operation Any symbol or blank Operand b,w CNOP •• , I \ >.~,~ 'GOIorJ)t.. .. 2,4 04 1 ~ ./. 2,4 o,~ ~ FULLWORD FULLWORD HALFWORD HALFWORD HALFWORD HALFWORD Byte I Byte Byte I 0~8 2/ I Byte Byte I Byte DOUBLEWORD ! 4,8 Byte I Byte I 6·8 , H2 - Determining Statement Format and Sequence o You can change the standard coding conventions for the assembler language statements or check the sequence of source statements by using the fcllowing instructions. H2A -- THE ICTL INSTRUCTION purpose The ICTL instruction allows you to change the begin, end, and continue columns that establish the coding forrr.at cf the assembler language source statements. For example, with the ICTL instruction, you can increase the number of columns to be used for the identificaticn or sequence checking of your source statements. By changing the begin column, you can even create a field before the begin column to contain identification or sequence numbers. o Section H: Controlling the Assembler Program 219 r\ ~ I Standard values for Columns I BEGIN CONTINUE END ~~----...I---~ '-------'-:1 p...----r-'--t You can use the ICTL instruction only once, at the very beginning of a source module. If you do not use it, the assembler recognizes the standard values for th~ begin, end, and continue columns. 1 16 Columns ICTl I Format Specifications Operation Name ICTL Blank The ICTL instructicn, if specified, must be the first statement in a source module. Operands •8 • NOTE: The ICTt instruction does not affect the format of statements trought in by· a COpy instruction or generated from a library macro definition. The asserobler processes these stateme~ts according to the standard begin, end, and continue columns described in Section B1A. 220 • b,e,c The operand entry must be one to three decimal self-defining terms. There are only three Fessible ways of specifying the operand entry. The operand b must always be ~ specified. The operand e, when not specified, is assumed to be 71. • If the operand c is not specified, or if e is specified as 80, the assembler assumes that continuation lines are not allowed. The values specified for the three operands depend on each other. • b or b,e or The format of the ICTL instruction statement is shown in the figure to the right. • Operand e ,. I Specifies Allowable range b Begin column 1 through 40 e End column 41 through 80 c Continue column 2 through 40 • Rules for interactibn of b, e an~ c The position of the End column must not be less than the position of the Begin column + 5, but must be greater than the position of the Continue column The position of the Continue column must be greater than that of the Begin column e ?!b+5 e >c c>b o o R2B -- THE ISEQ INSTRUCTION 8 • J You can use the ISEQ instruction to cause the assembler to check if the statements in a source module are in sequential order. In the !SEQ instruction you specify the columns between which the assembler is to check for sequence nu~bers. 1 , ) assembler begins sequence checking with the first statement line following the IS!Q instruction. The assembler also checks continuation lines. ~he • • • o 80 73 PUrpose • Comp@res made 1 ONE ONE with TWO I TWO TWO with THREE I THREE THREE with FOUR 1 FOUR FOUR with FIVE ttION CARD [~ FIVE ~ and so on Sequence numbers on adjacent statements or lines are compared according to the a-bit internal EBCDIC collating sequence. When the sequence numb~r on one line is not greater than the sequence number on the preceding line, a sequence error is flagged, and a warning message is issued, but the assembly is not terminated. 1 NOTE: If the sequence field in the preceding line is blank, the assembler uses the last preceding line with a non-blank sequence field to make its comparison. ISEQ Specifications The ISE~ instruction initiates or terminates the checking of the sequence of statements in a source module. Operand Operation Name ISEQ Blank I, r 8} or blank I format of the ISEQ instruction is shown in the figure to the right. ~he Specifies Column • • • • o The first option in the operand entry must be two decimal selfdefining terms. This format of the ISEQ instruction initiates §equence checking, beginning at the statement or line following the ISEQ instruction. Checking begins at the column re~resented by land ends at the column represented by r . The secohd option of the ISEQ format terminates the sequence checking operation. • • I~ leftmost column of field to be checked Rules for interaction ISr I must not be greater than r r~1 r must not be less than I I'--..... I and r not allowed to lie between begin and end columns r~ ~ rightmost column of field to be checked Section H: Controlling the Assembler Program 221 NOTE: The assembler checks only those statements that are specified in the coding of a source module. This includes "any COpy instruction statement or roacro instruction. o Source Module FIRST START 0 ISEQ 73,80 However, the assembler does not check: T checking occurs 1. Statements inserted by a COpy instruction 2. Statements generated from model statements inside macro definitions or from model statements in open code (state~ent generation is discussed in detail in Section J) - + ISEQ T checking does not occur ISEQ 73,80 3. Statements in library macro definitions. + T checking resumed END ! H3 .. Listing Format and Output The instructions described in this section request the assembler to produce listings and identify output cards in the object deck according to your special needs. They allow you to determine printing and page formatting options other than the ones the assembler program assumes by default. Among other things, you can introduce your own page headings; control line spacing, and suppress unwanted detail. H3A -- THE PRINT INSTRUCTION Hierarchy Purpose 1 The FRINT instruction allows you to control the amount of detail you wish printed in the listing of your programs. The three options that you can set are given in the figure to the right. They are listed in hierarchic order~ if OFF is specified, GEN and rATA will not apply. If NOGEN is specified, rATA will not apply to constants that are generated. The standard options inherent in the assembler program are ON, GEN, and NO DATA. " 222 2 Description A !lUi.!:l.9. is printed ON No listinais printed OFF All statements generated by the processing of a macro instruction are. A.ti.D.Wl. GEN Statements generated by the processing of a macro instruCfion are .!lSU. p-rinted (Note: The MNOTE instruction always causes a message to be printed) ~ 3 PR I NT options NOGEN Constants are printed.i!:Lfiill in the listing DATA Only the leftmost eigtnRY.!!! of constants are printed in the listing NODATA o Specifications PRINT format of the PRINT instruction statement is shown in the figure to the righ t. ~he o Name At least one of the operands must be specified, and at most one of the options from each group. The PRINT instruction can be specified any number of times in a source module, but only those print options actually specified in the instruction change the current print status. Operation Asequenee symbol or blank PRINT Operand GEN ] [ NODATAl {r'. ONOFF] LNOGEN ,DATA I PRINT options can be generated by macro processing, at pre-assembly time. However, at assembly time, all options are in force until the assembler encounters a new and opposite option in a PRINT instruction. • only o -rbe PUSH and pOp instructions~' described in B6, also influence the PRI NT options by saving' and ,z;estoring tbe PltlNT.fJ~tulI.. NO~E: The option specified in a PRINT instruction takes effect after the FRINT instruction. If PRINT OFF is specified, the PRINT instruction itself is printed, but not the statements that follow it. If the NOLIST asse~bler option is specified in the job control language, the entire listing for the assembly is suppressed. o Section H~ Controlling the Assembler Program 223 Page ofGC33-4010-S As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20-9372 o TITLE 'THIS IS A HEADING' Program Listing H3B -- THE TITLE INSTRUCTION o THIS IS A HEADING Purpose The TITLE instruction allcws you to: ~ • • 1. Provide headin~s for each fage of the assembly l~sting of your source modules. 2. Identify the assembly output cards of your ocject roodules. You can specify up to 8 identification characters that the assembler will punch into all the output cards, ceginning at column 73. • PROG TITLE ' heading' DOS Up to q identification char.lm:;er.S':,; ar e allowed .. O () PROG 0003 ~he assembler punches sequence numbers into the columns that are left, up to column 80. PROG 0002 73 , Object Deck 80 PROG 0001 NOTE: The name field of the TITLE instruction is generated throughout the assembly listing, preceding the generation of the operand data from any TITLE instruction. •• J' -- Specifications The format of the 7ITLE instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. TITLE - Any of the five options can ce specified in the name field. ~ 224 "'- -- ---- Name Operation Operand A string of alphameric characters A variable symbol A combination of 1 and 2 A sequence symbol blank TITLE A character string up to 100 characters, enclosed in apostrophes ..Qfl tion The first three options for the name field have a s~ecial significance only for the first TITLE instruction in which they are specified. For subsequent TITLE instructions, the first three opticns do not apply •.- e{; 4 5 - o For the first TITLE instruction of a source module that has a nonblank name entry that is not a sequence symbol, the following applies: Object Deck • to eight alphameric characters can be specified in any combination in the name field. Up Examples of TITLE instructions in separate source modules: • • o These characters are Funched as identification, beginning at column 73, into all the outFut cards from the assembly, except those produced by the PUNCH and REPRO instructions • The assembler substitutes the current value into a variable symbol and uses the generated result as identification characters • If a valid. ordinary symbol is specified, its appearance in the name field does not constitute a definition of that symbol for the source module. It can therefore be used in the name field of any other staterrent in the same source module. Source Statement Value of variable symbol Punched into cards beginning at col. 73 &ID~~T_I_T_L_E__~__M __ OD__ 9_9A____+-___M_O_D_9_9_A____~ PGM&N1 TITLE 1234 TITLE • SYMBOL TITLE 200 PGM200 1234 SYMBOL o Section H: Controliling the Assembler Program 225 • The character string intheopera:nd field is printed as a heading at the top ofeacb page of the assembly listing. The heading is printed beginning on ~he page in the listing following the. page on which the TITLE instruction is specified. A new heading is printed when a subsequent TITLE instruction appears in the source module. Each TITLE statement causes the listing to be advanced to a new page (before the heading is printed) except when PRINT NOGER is in use. Any printable character specified will appear in the heading, including blanks. Variable symbols are allowed. However, the following rules apply to ampersands and apostrophes: single ampersand initiates an attempt to identify a variable symbol and to substitute its current value. • • TITLE 'HEADING ONE' Examples of headings: .---~--------~------------~----~------------~ Source Statement • TITLE 'HEADING aN' A TITLE • HEADING &~ • • • Double ampersands or apostrophes TITLE' HEADING FOU.,' FIVE' specIfIed, print as single ampersands or apostrophes in the headingA single apostro~he followed by one or more blan s simply terminates the heading prematurely. If a non-blank character follows a single apostrophe, the assembler issues an error message and prints no heading. •• TITLE 'HEADING FOUR'REMARKS "ERROR'" Only the characters printed in the heading count toward the maximum of 100 characters allowed_ NOTE: The TITLE statement itself is not printed in an assembly listing_ ,. 226 Value Printed Heading of Variable Symbol TWO HEADING TWO HEADING 81 ' HEADING FOU 4:) H3C -- THE EJECT INSTRUCTION Purpose The EJECT instruction allows you to ~top the printing of the assembly listing on :the current page and continue the printing cn the next J page. EJECT Specifications Name The format of the EJECT instruction statement is shown in the figure to the right. O • o Operand Not required Asequenee symbol or blank The EJECT instruction causes the next line of the assembly listing to be printed at the top of a new page. If the line before the MECT instruction appears at the bottom of a page, the EJECT instruction has no effect. An EJECT instruction immediately following another EJECT instruction causes a blank page in the listing_ NOTE: The EJECT instruction statement itself is not printed in the listing. Operation EJECT Source Module Listing Page Boundary Page Boundary _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Page Boundary o o Section H: Controlling the Assembler Program 227 o H3e -- THE SPACE INSTRUCTION Purpose You can use the SPACE instruction to insert one or more blank lines in the listing of a source module. This allows you to separate sections of code on the listing ~age. SPACE Specifications The format of the SPACE instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. Name Operation Operand A sequence symbol or blank SPACE A decimal self-defining term or blank The operand entry s~ecifies the number of lines to be left blank. A blank operand entry causes one blank line to be inserted. If the operand specified has a value greater than the number of lines rerraining on the listing page, the instruction will have the same effect as an EJECT statement. NOTE: The SPACE instruction itself is not listed. H4 - Punching Output Cards The instructions described in this section produce punched cards as output from the assembly in addition to those produced for the object module (object deck) • H4A -- THE FUNCH INSTRUCTION Purpose The PUNCH instruction allows you to punch source or other statements into a single card. With this f~ature you can: 1. Code PUNCH statements in a source module to produce control statements for the linkage editor. The linkage editor uses tbese control statements to process the otject module. 2. Code PUNCH-statements in macro definitions to ~roduce, for example, ·source statements in other computer languages or for other processing phases. The card that is punched has a physical position irrmediately after the PUNCH instruction and before any other TXT cards of the object decks that are to follow. 228 o Specifications Object Module (Card Deck) Source Module The PUNCH instruction causes the data in its operand to be punched into a card. One PUNCH instruction produces one punched card, but as many PUNCH instructions as necessary can be used. • • • • MACRO MACDEFl MACRO MACDEF2 ihe PUNCH itistruction statement can appear anywhere in a source module except before and tetween source macro definitions. If a PUNCH instruction occurs tefore the first control section, the resultant card punched will precede all other cards in the object deck. MEND • PUNCH FIRST START The cards punched as a result of a PUNCH instruction are not a logical part of the object deck, even though they can be physically interspersed in the object deck. 0 PUNCH PUNCH END o PUNCH The format of the PUNCH instruction statement is shown in the figure to the right. All 256 punch combinations of the IBM System/370 charact,r set are allowed in the charac~er string of the operand field. Variatle symbols are also allowed. Name Operation Operand A sequence symbol or blank PUNCH A character string of up to 80 characters, enclosed in apostrophes o Section H: Controlling the Assembler Program 229 PUNCH '~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The position of each character specified in the PUNCH statement ~corresponds to a column in the card to be punched. However, the following rules apply to ampersands and apostror;:hes: • o Position 1. A single amoersand initiates an attempt to identify a variable ~SYmbOl and to substitute its current value. 21 ~ This position is always .. column 1 ampers~nds 3. A single aEostrophe followed by one or more blanks simply terminates the string cf characters punched. If a non-blank character follows a single apostrophe, an error message is issued and nothing is punched. 13 15 Only the characters punched, including blanks, count toward the maximum of 80 allowed. Examples: NOTES: Source Statement 1. No sequence number cr identification is punched into the card produced. 2. If the NC~ECK option is specified in the EXEC statement of the job control language for the assemtler program, no cards are punched: neither for the PUNCE or REPRO instructions, nor for the object deck of the assembly. 13 15 PUNCH 2. Double or apostrophes punched as s1ngle ampersands 8 orare apostrophes • • 123 4 56 7 PUNCH 'CHARS PUNCH 'CHARS •• &VAR' /\ && II, PUNCH 'CHARS A' B' ~ • 21 Column Value of Characters Variable Punched Symbol ABC CHARS ABC CHARS &' CHARS A PUNCH 'CHARS A'REMARKS * * )',: ERROR * ** PUNCH 'CHARS At REMARKS 230 CHARS A o H4B -- THE REPRO INSTRUCTION Source Module Purpose REPRO instruction causes the data specified in the statement that follows to be punched into a card. Unlike the PUNCH instruction, the REPRO instruction does not allow values to be substituted into variable symbols before the card is punched. ~he Repro appears before start of first control section; punched card will precede object deck o data 2 data 3 Specifications o ~e REPRO instruction on the statement line it to be punched into corresponding columns One REPRO instruction punched card. • REPRO REPRO END causes data that follo'Ws the of a card. produces one The REPRO instruction can appear anywhere in a source module exceEt before and between source macro • definitions. The Eunched cards are not part of the object deck, even though they can be physically interspersed in the object deck. OBJECT DECK REPRO The format of the REPRO instruction statement is shown in the figure to the right. Name The line to be reproduced can contain any of the 256 punch characters, including blanks, ampersands, and apostrophes. No substitution is performed for variable symbols. A sequence symbol or blank Operation REPRO Operand Not required NOTES: 1. No sequence numbers or identification is punched in the card. o 2. If the NODECK option is specified in the job control language for the assembleL program, no cards are punched: neither for the PUNCa or REPRO instru~tions, nor for the object deck of the assembly. Section H: ControlLing the Assembler Program 231 H5A -- THE OPSYN INSTRUCTION Purpose The OPSYN instruction allows you to define your own set of symbols to represent operation codes for: 1. Machine and extended mnemonic tranch instructions. 2. Assembler instructions including conditional assembly instructions. You can also prevent the assembler from recognizing a symbol that represents a current operation code. -/ OPSYN Specifications Name The OPSYN instruction aust be written after the ICTL instruction and can be preceded only by the LJECT, ISEQ, PRINT, SPACE, and TITLE instructions. The CFSYN instruction must precede any source macro definitions that may be specified. o An operation code The operation code specified in the name field or the operand field • must represent either: The OPSYN instruction assigns the • properties of the operation code specified in the operand field to the symbol in the name field. A ~ t1ank in the operand field causes the operation code in the name field to lose its properties as an operation code. An operation COde. OPSYN blank • 1. The operation code of cne of the machine or assembler instructions as described in PARTS II, III, and PART IV of this manual, or 2. The operation code defined by a previous CFSYN instruction. OPSYN Operand or The OPSYN instruction has two basic formats as shown in the figure to the right. • Any symbol or operation code Operation NEW OPSYN ,. MVC OPSYN MVC • No longer recognized by the assembler as a valid operation code in current source module ff-.".""\ '\.Y 232 o • • • • NOTE: The symbol in the name field can represent a valId o~eration code. It loses its current properties as if it had been defined in an OPSYN instruction with a blank operand field. Further, when the same symbol appears in the ..n.!m!t field of two OPSXN instructions the latest definition takes precedence. Both now possess the properties of the LR mechine instruction operation code ST 8TH • Now represents STH machine operation o '3ec'i.:iol1 H: Cont.l:·olling Lhe As~embler Program 233 /~ ~•.) The instructions described in this sUbsection can save and restore the status of PRINT options and the base register assLgnment of your' program. H6A -- THE FUSH INSTRUCTION Purpose The PUSH instruction allows you to save the current PRINT or USING status in "push-down" storage on a last-in, firstout basis. You can restore this PRINT and USING status later, also on a last-in, first-out basis, by using a corresponding POP instruction. PUSH Specifications The format of the PUSH instruction statement is shown in the figure to the righ t. One of the four options for the operand entry must be specified. The PUSH instruction does not change the status of the current PRINT or USING instructions; the status is only saved. Name Operation Operand Options A sequence symbol or blank :JPUSH PRINT USING PRINT,USING USING,PRINT 1 2 3 4 NOTE: When the PUSH instruction is used in co~bination with the POP instruction, a maximum of four nests of PUSH PRINT - POP PRINT or PUSH USING - POP USING are allowed. H6B -- THE FOP INSTRUCTION Purpose The POP instruction allows you to restore the PRINT or USING status saved by the most recent PUSH instruction. Specifications The format of the POP instruction is given in the figure to the right. Name One of the four options for the operand entry must be s~ecified. The FCP instruction causes the status of the current PRINT or USING instruction to be overridden by the PRINT or USING status saved by the last PUSH instruction. A sequence symbol or blank NOTE: When the POP instruction is used in combination with the PUSH instruction, a maximum of four nests of PUSH PRINT - POP PRINT or PUSH USING - POP USING are allowed. 234 Operation Operand Options POP PRINT USING :PRINT,U$ING USING,PRINT 1 2 3 4 Page of GC33-4010-4 Revised Feb. 25, 1975 By TNL: GN33-8193 o Source Module MACRO NEW PUSH USING USING BASENEW,l2 POP USING Storage Stack for saved USING status MEND FIRST START USING • • I o BASE,l2 In the opposite example, you can • see how the USING environment is saved and restored by a combination of PUSH and PCP instructions. lJ NOTE: The PUSH instruction does not change the current USING status; you must do this yourself. BASENEW,l2 o Section H: Controlling the Assembler.- Program 235 o o ,. o 236 o Part IV: The Macro Facility SECTION I: INTRODUCING MACROS SECTION J: THE MACRO DEFINITION o SECTION K: THE MACRO INSTRUCTION SECTION L: THE CONDITIONAL ASSEMBL V LANGUAGE o 237 This page left blank intentionally. ,. ' \ -".' 0·, o Section I: Introducing Macros This section introduces the basic macro concepti what you can use the macro facility for, how you can prepare ycur own macro definitions, and how you call.these macro def~nitions for processing by the assemtler. Read this section straight through ~fore referring to the detailed descriptions identified by the cross-reference arrows. NOTE: IBM supplies macro definitions in system libraries for input/output and other control program services, such as the dynamic allocation of main storage areas. ~o ~rccess these macro definitions ycu only have to write the macro instruction that calls the definition • .f' o Section I: Introducing Macros ,J, 1'v· C 239· Page of GC33-401G-4 Revised Feb. 25, 1975 By TNL: GN33-8193 Using Macros FOR TEXT INSERTION: The main use of macros is to insert assembler language statements into a source program. Pre-assembly or macro processing time Source Module Macro Definition Source Module AFTER BEFORE Name=TEXTIN o E o F G J H K I L K L call a named sequence of statements (the macro definition) by using a macro instruction, or macro call. The assembler replaces the macro call by the statements from the macro definition and inserts them into the source module at the point of call. The process of inserting the text of the macro definition is called macro generation or macro expansion. The assembler expands a macro at ~re ass embly t iJl'le: YOU • I 'Ihe expanded stream of code then l:ecomes the input for processing at assembly time, that is, the time at which the assembler translates the machine instructions intc object code. 240 o You may want to modify the statements in a macro definition before they are generated. lOR TEXT MODIFICATION: I You can do this by su~plying character string values as operands in a macro call. These values replace parameters in the statement to be generated. This means that you can change the content of the generated statements each time you call the macro definition. Source Module ~C Macro Definition ~.ISeeK3> 8' SeeJ3 > Generated Result . --. D E Name = MODIFY F 10 H I K --• '0'(" I ,,' I,~ Section I: Introducirg ~'1acj..·op 211 FOR TEXT MANIFULATION: You can also select and reorder the statements to be generated from a macro definition by using the conditional assembly language described later in this section. . Source Macro Generated Module Definition Result p Q :1jlil R S Name =SELECT Parameter: X If X=O, then generate first sequence; If X=1, then generate second sequence A B C ~. F _____ o +_~ ~The conditional assembly language allows you to manipulate text generation, for exam~le, by branching upon the result of a condition test. You can choose exactly which • statements will or will not be generated by varying the values you specify in the macro call. • I See SECTION L ) ,. () 242 o The Basic Macro ConceEt To use the complete macro facility provided by the assembler you must: • prepare a macro definition.and •. Call definition using a macro instruction. t~is J Prototype • -Th-e-se-s-ta'-te-m-en-ts-establish limits of a macro definition Body Of a macro definition ~~_M,A_C_N_AME _ _ _ _" f ' J Sequence of Statements l------ o MEND Macro Instruction [8 MACNAME ,t: You can create a macro definition ty enclosing any sequence of assembler language statements between the MACRO and ~MEND statements, and by writing a prototype staten-ent in which you give your definition a name. This name is then • the operation code that you must use in the macro instruction to call the definiti-on. ~ I SeeJ2C > eISeeK2S) o Section I: Introducing Macros 243 ~When you write a macro instruction in your source rrodu1e, you tell the assembler to process a particular maC~ ~definition. The assembler produces assembler language statements from this macro definition for each macro instruction that calls the definition. Source Module Definition Generation of assembler language statements I MANY I using the macro facility you reduce programming effort, because: By 1. You write and test the code a macro definition contains once. You and other programmers can then use the same code as often as you like by calling the definition~ which means that you do not have to reconstruct the coding logic each time you use the code. 2. You need write only one macro instruction to call for the generation of many assembler language statements fro~ the macro definition. When you are designing and writing large assembler language programs, the above features allow you to: • Prepare macro definitions, containing di~ficult code, for your· less experienced colleagues. They can then call your definitions to generate the appropriate statements, without having to learn the code in the definition. • Change the code in one place when updating or making corrections, that is, in the macro definition. Each call gets the lates~ version automatically, thus providing standard coding conventions and interfaces. • Describe the functions of a complete macro definition rather than the function of each individual statement it contains, thus providing more comprehensible documentation for your source module. 244 o ~\ > 1 See SECTION k > .1 See SECTION J U o Defining a Macro Defining a macro means preparing the statements that oonstitute a macro definition. To define a macro you must: 1. Give it a name 2. -Oeclare:any parameters to be used J 3. Write the stateroents it contains. 4. Establish its boundaries .... Prototype 10 MACRO MACIO &PARAMl,&PARAM2 ... \ • • • • " I Body of Macro ~MEND o Macro Instruction MACIO OPERAN01,OPERAN02 ~The MACRO and MEN~ instructions establish the boundaries of a macro definition • ..r- I use the prototype statement to name the macro and to declare its parameters. In the operand field of the macro · instruction, you can assign values to the parameters declared for the called macro definition. • YOU The bod of a macro definition contains the staten.ents that wi 1 be generated when you call the macro. These statements are called model statements; they are usually interspersed with conditional assembly statements or ether processing statements. t •• •• SaeJ2D SeaJ3 See K2C SeeJ2E > > > > o Section I: Introducing Macros 245 • WHERE YOU CAN PLACE A MACRO DEFINITION: You can include a macro definition at the beginning of a source module. This type of def ini tion is called a source macro definition. 0 you can also insert a macro definition in a systeR or user library (located, for example, on disk) by using the appropriate utility program. This type of definition is ~ called a library macro definition. The IBM-supplied macro definitions mentioned earlier are examples of library «aero definitions. Generated Result Source Module Macro Library I:: I MACRO ... LIB2 LIB2 LIB2 Source Module II SoulCe Module III Source Module I Calling a Macro ~YOu can call a source macro definition only from the source module in which it is included. You can call a library • • macro definition from any source module. 246 1 See J 1 B :> o • WHERE YOU CAN CALL A MACRO tFFINITION: You can call a macro definition by specifying a macro i.nstruction anywhere in a source module, except before or between any source macro defin~tions that may be specified. 0 I See K1 B > oil Source Module Macro Definitions MACRO Generated Result MACRO o .t. • You can also call a macro definition from within another macro definition. This type of call is an inner macro £!!1; it is said to be nested in the macro definition. 8' SeeK6A > o Section I: Introducing Macros 247 The Contents of a Macro pefinition The body of a macro definition can contain a combination of model statements, processing statements, and comments st atements. • Generated Statements Model Statements A A • X==A Y==B z=c • I 100 QD ml 110DEL STA'IE~ENTS: You can write assemtler language statements as model statements. The assemtler copies them exactly as they are written when it expands the macro. You can also use variable symbols as points of sutstitution in a model statement. The assembler will enter values in place of these points of substitution each time the macro is called. .1,-~_J_4_-v~) _ ~. ,. o 248 o The three types of variable symbol in the assembler language are 1. Symbolic parameters, declared in the prototype statement 2. System variable symbols (see J7) 3. SET symbols, which are part of the conditional assembly language (see L1A). The assembler processes the generated statements, with or without value substitution, at assembly time. PROCESSING STATEMEN~S: processing statements perform functions at pre-assembly time when macros are expanded, but they are not themselves generated for further processing at assembly time. The processing statements are: 1. Conditional assembly instructions 2. Inner macro calls 3. The MNOTE instruction 4. The MEXIT instruction. Pre-Assembly Time Assembly Time Macro Definition Message printed in program listings ~ The MNOTE instruction allows you to generate an error message with an error condition code attached, or to generate comments in which you can display the results of pre-assembly computation • • o • The MEXIT instruction tells the assembler to stop processing a macro definition. The MEXIT instruction therefore provides an exit from the middle of a macro definition. The MEND instruction not only delimits the contents of a macro definition but also provides an exit from the aefinition. oI 8-1 SeeJ5D SeeJ5E > > Section I: Introducing Macros 249 o COMMENTS STATEMENTS: One type of comments statement describes pre-assembly operations and is not generated. The other type describes assembly-time operations and is therefore generated (for details see J6). The Conditional Assembly Language The conditional assembly language is a programming language with most of the features that characterize such a language. For example, it provides: 1. Variables 2. Data attributes 3. Expression computation 4. Assignment instructions 5. Labels for branching -.1 6. Branching instructions 1. Sul:string operators that select characters from a string. You can use the conditional assembly language in a macro definition to receive input from a calling macro instruction. You can produce output from the conditional assembly language by using the MNOTE instruction. You can use language to their order that affect the functions of the conditional assembly select statements for generation, to determine of generation, and to perform computations the content of the generated statements. o The conditional assembly language is fully described in Section L. ,. o 250 o Section J: The Macro Definition This section describes macro definitions: where they can be placed in order to be available to call, how they are sp~cified, and what they can contain. Jl -- Using a Macro Definition J1A -- PURPCSE A macro definition is a named sequence of statements which you can call with a macro instruction. When it is called, the assembler processes and usually generates assembler language statements from the definition into the source module. The statements generated can ce: 1. Copied directly from the definition, 2. Modified by parameter values before generation, or o 0 3. Manipulated by internal macro processing to change the sequence in which they are generated. You can define your own macro definitions in which any combination of these three processes can occur. Some ~acro definitions do nct generate assembler language statements, but perform only internal processing, like some of the macro definitions used for system generation. 1' J,I. Section J: The Macro Definition 251 f"\ J1B -- SPECIFICATIONS '~ ..) Where to Define a Macro In a Source Module A macro definition within a source module must be specified at the beginning of that source roodule. This type of macro definition is called a source roacro definition. A macro definition can also reside in a system library; this type of macro is called a library macro definition. Either type can be called from the source module by the appropriate macro instruction. NOTE: A source macro definition can be entered into a library and thereby become a library macro definition. A library macro definition can be inctuded at the beginning of a source module and thereby become a source macro definition. Some control and comments statements can appear at the beginning ·of a source module along with the source macro definitions. They can be used: Open Code Source Module Conunents 4It Eefore all macro definitions • • Between macro definitions • • After macro definitions and before open code Conunents All other statements of the assemcler language must appear after any source macro definitions that are specified. Open Code o Open code is that part of a source module that lies outside of and after any source macro definition. Open code is initiated by any statement of the assembler language that appears outside of a macro definition, except the ICTL, OPSYN, ISEQ, EJECT, PRINT, SPACE, or TITLE instruction, or a comments statement. • c 252 At coding time, it is important to distinguish between source statements that lie in open code and those that lie inside macro definitions. NOTES: 1.· The ISEQ, EJECT, PRINT, SPACE, and TITLE!instructions, and one or more comments statements, can appear between source macro definitions and the start of open code. However, in this position, the above instructions must not contain any variable symbols. 2. After the start of open code, variable symbols are allowed in any statement. Macro Defn 3. A macro definition must not be specified after the start of open code. The Format of a Macro Definition The general format of a macro definition is shown in the figure to the right. MACRO (Header Statement) ANYNAME (Prototype Statement) Body of Macro The four parts are described in detail below. MEND (Trailer Statement) o Section J: The Macro Definition 253 (r' 'Vi 12 - Part. of a Macro Definition J2A -- THE ~ACRO DEFINITION HEADER Purpose The macro definition header instruction indicates the beginning of a macro definition. Header Specifications The MACRO instruction is the macro definition header; it must be the first statement of every macro definition. Its format is given in the figure to the right. Name Not used, must not be present Operation MACRO Operand Not required :,/ J2B -- THE MACRO DEFINITION TRAILER purpose The macro definition trailer instruction indicates the end of a macro definition. It also provides an exit when it is processed during macro expansion. Trailer specifications The MEND instruction statement is the macro definition trailer; it must be the last stateRent of every macro definition. Its format is given in the figure to the right. 254 Name A sequence symbol, or not used Operation MEND Operand Not required o J2 C -- THE MACRO PROTOTYPE STATEMENT: CODI NG Purpose The prototype statement in a macro definitio~ serves as a model . ~rototype) of the macro instructi~n you use to call the macro definition. Specifications The prototype statement must be the second statement in every macro definition. It comes immediately after the ~ACRO instruction. The format of the prctoty~e statement statement is given in the figure to the right. o -rile maximum number of symbolic parameters allowed in the operand field is not fixed.~ It depends on the amount of virtual storage available to the program. Prototype Name A name field parameter or blank Operation Operand Zero or more symbolic parameters _parated by commas If no parameters are specified in the operand field, remarks are allowed, if the absence of the operand entry is indicated by a comma preceded and ;pllowed by one or more blanks. ~ o Section J: The Macro Definition 255 Standard value for column after End column ;s72 The prototype statement can be specified in one of the following three ways: • The normal way, with all the syml:olic parameters preceding any remarks. 16 A • combination of the first two ways. MOVE • • ,&PARAM,~ Comma required after each parameter except last NOTES: • 7172 MOVEjO,&FROM,&LENGTH, •.••• ARAM2,&PARAM3, •••••••••• &PAR . { · ~ 1 , ••••• ,PARAM15 REMARKS- ~ An alternate way, allowing remarks for each parameter. • o Prototype Statements Alternate Ways of Coding the prototype statement 1. Any number of continuation lines is allowed. However, each continuation line must be indicated by a nonblank character in the column after the end column on the preceding card. • 2. For each continuation line, the operand field entries (symbolic parameters) must begin in the continue column otherwise the whole line and any lines that follow will be considered to contain remarks. T FIELD TO FROM, FLO. FROM WHICH LENGTH, MOVE LENGTH :;1 • f INDEXl INDEX2 ARAM15 REMARKS CONTINUED ON NEXT LINE, AND THE NEXT Column 16 One or more blanks required \ • MOVE Comma required after each parameter except last TO, ATA MOVED TO ROM, DATA MOVED FROM LENGTH, NO OF BYTES PARAMl,&PARAM2,&PARAM3, ••••••. ARAM15 REMARKS CONTINUED N LAST LINE • J2D -- THE MACRO PROTOTYPE STATEMENT: ENTRIES 'Ihe Name Entry ,. Purpose You can write a name-field parameter similar to the sy~bclic parameter, as the name entry of a macro prototype statement. You can then assign a value to this parameter from the name entry in the calling macro instruction. 256 o o Specifications I If used, the name entry must be a variable symbol. If this parameter also appears in the body of a macro, it will be given the value assigned to the parameter in the name field of-the corresponding nacre instruction. Note that the value J .assigned to the name field parameter has special restrictions that are listed in K2A. • Source Module .-~'7"'-------I MOVE &NAM The Operation Entry MVC Purpose operation entry is a symbol that identifies the macro definition. When you specify it in the operation field of a macro instruction, the appropria te macro def ini tiOD. is called and processed by the assembler. ~he o ~ HERE MEND START • 0 MOVE FIELDA,FIELDB ~ HERE Specifications • &TO,&FROM The symbol in the operation field of the prototype statement establishes the name by which a macro definition must be called • This name becomes the' operation code required in any macro instruction that calls the macro. MVC FIELDA,FIELDB END <;?pe.ratiollcode8 have m~;:;:W.'Ai.t! 'J:J':~OPS~ , the operation code specified in the prototype statement must not be the same as that specified in: 1. A machine instruction. 2. An assemrler instruction. 3. The prototype statement of another source (or library) macro definition. o Section J: The Macro Definition 257 The Cperand Entry Purpose The operand entry in a prototype statement allows you to specify positional or keyword parameters. These parameters represent the values you can pass from the calling macro instruction to the statements within the body of a macro definition. Specifications The operands of the macro prototype statement must be symbolic parameters separated by commas. They can be positional parameters or keyword parameters or both (see J3) • NOTE: The operands must be symbolic parameters; parameters in sublists are not allowed. For a discussion of sublis~, in macro instruction operands, see R4. . ,. 258 o J2E -- THE BODY OF A MACRO PEFINITION Purpose The body of a macro definition contains t~e sequence of statements that constitutes the working part '" of a macro. You can specify: 1. Model statements to be generated. 2. Processing staterr.ents that, for example, can alter the content and sequence of the statements generated or issue error messages. 3. Comments statements, some of Which are generated and others which are not. ". Conditional assembly instructions to compute results tc be dis~layed in the message created by the MNOT~ instruction~ without causing any assembler language statements to be generated. Result of Macro Expansion Specifications The statements in the body of a macro definition must appear between the macro prototype statement and the MEND statement of the aefinition. The three main types)Of statements allowed in the body 6f a macro are: 4Dt • Model statements (see J4) , • • processing statements (see J5) , and • • Comments statements (see J6) • NOTE: The cody of a macro definition can be empty, that is, contain no st at ements. Conditional Assembly Instructions Macro (Inner) Instructions MNOTE Instruction MEXIT Instruction o Internsl Ordinary $ection J: The Macro Definition 259 ir"'\ J3 - Symbolic Parameters ~.) Source Module Purpose Symbolic parameters allow you to pass values into the body of a macro O definition from the calling macro MVe instruction. You declare these parameters in the macro prototype statement. They can serve as points • of substitution in the body of the macro definition and are replaced • · by the values assiqned to them by the calling macro instruction. • MEND OPEN START I By using symbolic parameters with meaningful names you can indicate the purpose for which the parameters ~r substituted values) are used. Generated Result END General Specifications ,.----Ampersand .Alphabetic character .-0 0 to 6 alphameric character Ar / o • • 260 Symbolic parameters must be valid variable symbols, as shown in the figure to the right. They have a local scoFe: that is, the value they are assigned only applies to the macro definition in which they have been declared. The value of the parameter remains constant throughout the processing of the containing macro definition for every call on that definition. NOTE: Symbolic parameters must not be multiply defined or identical to any other variable symbols within the given local scope. This applies to the system variable symbols described in J1, and local and global SET symbols described in L1A. 1&lplA RAMI prototype MEND o SOurce Module It Macro Definition . JI DEFINED Prototype The two kinds of symbolic parameters are: I • • Positional parameters • • Reyword parameters. • • Each positional or keyword parameter used in the body of a macro definition must be declared in the prototype statement. I Macro Instruction 0- MACRO • • &TO,&FROM= &Td . MVC MEND START I 0 J DEFINED FIELDA,FROM=FIELDB \ MVC FIELDA,FIELDB END Source Module Subscripted Symbolic Parameters Subscripted symbolic~arameters must be coded in the~format shown in the figure to the right. • • • 'Ihe subscript can be any arithmetic expression allowed in the operand field of a SETA instruction (arithmetic expressions are discussed in L4A). The arithmetic expression can contain subscri~ted variable symbols. Subscripts can be nested up to 5 levels of nesting. The value of the subscript must be greater than or equal to one • 'Ihe subscript indicates the position of the entry in the sublist that is specified as the value of the subscripted parameter (sublists as values in macro instruction operands are fully described in Format: MACRO SUBLISTS &POS,&KEY= MVC &POS(3)'&KEY(3~ MEND • ~ • START o SUBLISTS (A,B,C,D),KEY=(E,F,G,H) R4) • MVC o C,G END Seetien J: The Macro Definition 2Gi o J3A -- POSITIONAL PARAMETERS Purpose You should use a positional parameter in a macro definition if you wish to change the value of the parameter each time you call the macro definition. This is because it is easier to supply the value for a positional parameter than for a keyword parameter. You only have to write the value you wish the parameter to have in the proper position in the operand of the calling macro instruction. For keyword (described below) parameters, you must write the entire keyword and the equal sign that precedes the value to be passed. However, if you need a large number of parameters, you should use keyword parameters. The keywords make it easier to keep track of the individual values you must specify at each call, by reminding you which parameters are being given values. .-/ Pos. Paramo Specifications • • The general specifications for symbolic parameters described in J3 also apply to positional parameters. Note that the specification for each positional parameter declared in the prototype statement definition must be a valid var iable symbol. Va lues a re assigned to the positional parameters by the corresponding positional operands specified in the macro instruction that calls the definition. o Source Module MACRO Macro O~O:O~__ Definition J--_:_:_:_AR ___ -t START Macro Instruction POSPAR .. END ONE, TWO, THREE • o 262 o J3B -- REYWORD PARAMETERs Purpose You should ~se a keyword parameter in a macro definition for a value that changes infrequently. By specifying a standard default value to be assigned to the keyword parameter, you can owit the corresponding keyword operand in the calling macro instruction. Reyword parameters are also convenient tecause: 1. you can specify the corresponding keyword operands in any order in the calling macro instruction. Key. Paramo 2. The keyword, re~eated in the operand, reminds you which parameter is being given a value and for which purpose the parameters is being used. / ~ Equal Sign /._L Ste,ndard Value / Specifications a_---'--, !he general specifications for symbolic para.weters described in J3 also apply to keyword parameters. Each keyword parameter must· be in the format show.n ill" the figure to the right. • The actual parameter must be a valid variable symbol. • value is assigned to a keyword parameter by the corresponding keyword operand through the name of the keyword as follows: qKEYWORDI= DEFAULT Keyword Parameter Specification • Keyword Operand Specification IKEYWORDJ= VALUE Example: A ~1. If the corresponding keyword operand is omitted, the standard .value specified in the prototype statement becomes the value of the ·parameter for that call (for full details on values passed see R5). Varillble Symbol Source Module MACRO Prototype KEYS &KEYWORD=ABC,&KEY2=(A,B,C) MEND START o Standard value of KEYWORD 2. If the corresponding keyword operand is specified, the value after the equal sign overrides the standard value in the prototype and becomes the value of the • • parameter for that call (see K5) • 8 Section J~ The MaGro Definttion 263 • • NO'I'E: A null character string can be specified as the standard value of a keyword parameter, and will be generated if the corresponding keyword opera~.j is omitted. Source Module Null character string MACRO FXDPT L&TYPE ®,AREA A&TYPE ®,CONST ST&TYPE ®,SUM MEND OPEN START 0 LH AH STH Null character string 3,AREA 3,CONST 3,SUM END o 264 o J3C -- COMBINING POSITIONAL AND MEYWORD PARAMFTERS Purpose By using positional and keyword parameters in a prototype statement, you combine :the benefits of both. You can use positional parameters in a macro definition for passing values that change frequently and keyword parameters for passing values that do not change often. Specifications Positional and keyword parameters can be mixed freely in the nacro • prototype statement. The same applies to the positional and keyword • operands of the macro instruction (s ee K3q. Note, however, tha t the order in which the positional • 'parameters appear deterreines the order in which the positional operands must appear. Interspersed • • keyword parameters or operands do not affect this order. MEND START • MIX END O , ' f;' Section J: The Macro Definiti..on 265 14 - Model Statements J4A -- PURPCSE Model statements are statements from which assembler language statements are generated at pre-assembly time. They allow you to determine the form of the statements to be generated. By specifying variable symbols as pcints of substitution in a model statement, you can vary the content of the statements generated from that model statement. You can also use model statements into which you substitute values in open code. J48 -- SPECIFICATIONS The following specifications also apply to model staterrents in open code. Exceptions are noted where applicable. ,/ i Model Stmnt Format of Model Statements Columns: A model statement consists of one or more fields separated by one or more blanks. Each field or subfield can consist of: o _________ Model Statement ~1 I~I-II II I Fields: Name Operation Remarks Operand ordinary character string • An • A variable symbol as a point of substitution • Any combina tion of ordinary character strings and variable symbols to form a concatenated string. The statements generated at preassembly time from model statements must be valid machine or assembler instructions, but must not be conditional assembly instructions. They must obey the coding rules described in Section E or they will be flagged as an error at assembly time. Examples: LABEL L 3,AREA ,. LABEL L 3,20(4,5) &LABEL i 3, &AREA FIELD&A L 3,AREA&C ·';-~·" C, : 266 ) Page of GC33-4010-4 Revised Feb. 25, 1975 By TNL: GN33-8193 O~" ~~~n Alphabetic Character Variable SyU'bols as Points of Substitution " Format: Values can be substituted for variable symbols that appear in the name, operation, and operand fields of model statements; thus, variable symbols represent points of substitution. The three main types of variable symbol are: • ~ 0'0 6 Alphameric Characters & 9 'ARIABL' . Symbols symbolic parameters (described in J3 above). ~system variable symbols (described in J7 below) , and • SET symbols (described in Global SETA SETS SETC L 1A) • NOTES: 1. Symbolic parameters, SF!' symbols, and the system variable symbol, 'SYSLIST, can all be subscripted. The remaining system variable symbols 'SYSNCX, &SYSECT, &SYSPARM, &SYSDATE, and 'SYSTIME cannot be subscripted. Local SETA SETS SErC used in open code Examples of Subscripted Variable Symbols: &PARAM(3) o Name generated fron> a model statement appear in the listings in the same. • oolumns as in the model statement. ~ However, when values are substituted for variable symbols the generated fieldS can be displaced to the • right. &SETA (10) &SYSLIST(2) &SETC(lS) Operation Operand 10 16 trEL MVC AREAl,AREA2 model +LABEL MVC AREAl,AREA2 generate ~NAAE &Op &TO, &FROM model 0 2. The fields in a statement &SYSLIST(l,3) (LABEL) (MVC) +LABEL (AREAl) (AREA2) values AREAl, AREA2 MVC ., I rAt least one blank between fields &A: o I model B &C,&D (AREAl) , ~ (LABEL) +LABEL FC generated (AREA2) -I f-REAl , AREA 2 }8 values to be substituted generated Section J: The Macro Definition 267 Bules for Concatenation When variable symbols are concatenated to ordinary character strings, the following rules apply to the use of -~he concatenation character (a period): The concatenation character is mandatory when: • •· &FIELDoAG &FIELDA • • • &DISP. (&BASE). • An alphameric character is to follow a variable symbol. • A left parenthesis that does not enclose a subscript is to follow a variable symbol. S . •• • • 268 The concatenation character is not necessary when: DC D' &INT. &FRACT' Value &FIELD &FIELDA AREA SUM AREAA SUM &DISP &BASE 100 10 lOO{10l I ~,-.y1 99 88 DC 0 1 9 . 8 ' DC D'9988' ./ DC D'9988' optional • An ordinary character string precedes a variable symbol. The concatenation character must not be used between a variable syrr~ol and its subscript; otherwise, the characters will be considered a concatenated string and not a subscripted variable symbol. !(~\ Generated Result Variable symbol DC D'&INT.,:.:..&FRACT &INT &FRACT DC D ' &INT&FRACT ' • A variable symbol follows another variable symbol. Substitutet: I Concatenation character is not generated .1 A period (.) is to be generated. Two periods must be specified in the concatenated string following a variable symbol. • A special character, except left parenthesis or period, is to follow a variable symbol. Vai~esto~ Concatenated String 1Concatenation character is not generated ] • j • • • FIELD&A B 3 O &A,V /. - &A &A &B A A B &A&B 10 &SYM (& SUBSCR)} &SUBSCR &SYM(lO) ENTRY r FIELDA B *3-0 AB {ENTRY / \ -'- ". ~-f o Rules for Model Statement Fields The fields that can be specified in model statements are the same fields that can be specified in an ordinary assembler language statement. They are the name, operation, operand and re~arks fields. It is also possible to specify a continuation - indicator J field, an identification - sequence field, and a field before the begin column, if the appropriate ICTL instruction has been specified. Character strings in the last three fields (in the standard format only oolumns 72 through 80) are generated exactly as they appear in the model statement, and no values are substituted for variable symbols. Model statements must have an entry in the operation field, and, in most cases, an entry in the operand field in order to generate valid assembler language instructions. Name Field Allowed In~ THE NAME FIELP: The entries allowed in the name field of a model statement are given in the figure to the right, including the allowable results of generation. O Variacle syubols must not be used to generate comments statement indicators. NOTE: Restrictions on the name entry are further specified where each individual assembler language instruction is descrfbed in this manual. • • • • • Statements (before generation) In Generated Statements Not Allowed blank ordinary symbol sequence symbol variable symbol any combination of variable symbols and other character strings concatenated together • blank • valid ordinary symbol :*l8 (generated results) o Section J: The Macro Definition 269 THE OPERATION FIELP: The entries allowed in the operation field of a model statement are given in the figure to the right, including the allowable results of generation. ~ The operation codes ICTL and OPSYN • (Before Generation) are not allowed inside a macro definition. The MACRO and MEN!: operation codes are not allowed in model statements; they are used only for delirr:iting macro definitions. represents the operatlon code for: - any machine instructio... - a macro instruction - the following Assembler instructions: • • - Any machine instruction, or • - The assembler instructions listed. • NOTE: The MNOTE and MEXIT statements are not model statements; they are described in J5C and J5E respectively. The generated operation code must not be an operation code for the following (or their OPSYN equivalents) : • - A macro instruction, ~- A conditional assembly instruction, or 41»- 270 The assembler instructions listed. .. The asse'1lbler _ operation codes: ICTL 8{.oPSYN CCW EJECT II1II COpy CSECT EQU EXTRN ISEQ LTORG START TITLE USING WXTRN g~~PE~~~Y • ~~i~~ DC If the REPRO operation code is specified in a model statement, no substitution is perforn;ed for the variable symbols in the statement line following the REPRO statement. Variable symbols can be used alone or as part of a concatenated string to generate operation codes for: ~~OP:'~.i DSECT :Dim • o • blank • An ordinarv...§Y.!.!l.b.gl that C8! • .. Not AflOWed Allowed MACRO {ME1'lD • • :~~ii} PRINT PUNCH • A variable symbol • A combination of variable symbols and other charact8l1Strings concatenated together n Generated • An ordinary_symbol that • _ _m_e_n_ts represents the operation Generated code for: Results) - any machine instruction - the following assembler instructions: CCW CNOP COM CSECT .... EJECT ~ ENTRY EQU EXTRN LTORG ORG ~.. DC DROP OS DSECT -~; ' • blank • a macro instruction operation code • a conditional assembly operation code: SPACE TITLE USING WXTRN .• • '- • PRINT PUNCH (MNOTE) ACTR AGO AGOB AIF AIFB ANOP the following operation codes: COpy ICTL ISEQ MACRO MEND 0 o Operand Field Allowed .. In~ §tatement~ (Before Generation) THE OPERAND FIELD: The entries allowed in the operand field of a model statement are given in the figure to the right, including the allowable results of generation. • . ~ An ordinarY_sv.mbol ~ A character string. combining alphameric and special characters (but not variable symbols) ~ A variable sv.mbol ~ A combination of variable symbols and other character strings concatenated together ~ blank (if valid) NOTE: Variable symbols must not be used in the operand field of a COPY, ICTL, ISEQ, or OPSYN instruction. In Generated ~(if.y~lid) Not Allowed ~ operand field of a: COPY, ICTL, ISEQ or OPSYN ~1@ments .. Character Slring_ that represents a valid assembler or machine instruction operand field (Generated Results) o Remarks Field Model statement • '"' ~ &NAME+&OPlr &TO,&F~REMARKS Generated ./: • LABEL !oWe FIELDA,FIELDB THE REMARRS FIELP: Any combination Example I: LCLC of characters can be specified in the remarks field of a mod.el statement. No values axe substituted &ADDR SETC into variable symbols in this field. NOTE: One or more blanks must be used in a model statement to separate . t h e name, operation, operand, and remarks fields from each other. Blanks cannot be generated between fields in order to create a complete assembler language statement. Model LA Generated LA &ADDR BASE' Model o • LCLC &A &C SETA SETC 100 '&A LA 3,&C LOOK HERE ,Ai., Generated Conditional Assembly } Statements Jne or more blanks must be generated Example II: LeLA &A &C REMARKS ABOUT &TO LA 3 &A NOW IN REGISTER' ';'\)~~iOnlJ .·remarks ,i;j~e.~ .............. . 'iB6i'oONOW IN "RE'2;I STER'£~~;~ Section J: The Macro Definition 271 c J6 -- Processing Statements Conditional Assembly Instruction Function Performed J5A -- CONDITIONAL ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS GBLA,GBLB,GBLC LCLA,LCLB,LCLC Declaration of initial values of variable S'/mbois (global and local SET symbols) SETA,SETB,SETC Assignment of values to variable symbols (SET symbols) Conditional assembly instructions allow you to deterreine at preassembly time the content of the generated statements and the sequence in which they are generated. The instructions and their functions are given in the figure to the right. Conditional assembly instructions can be used both inside macro definitions and in open code. They are fully described in Section L. Branching AIF - Conditional (based on logical test) AGO - Unconditional ANOP - To next Sequential instruction (No operation) f~CTR Setting..b2,Qp Counter j' J5B -- INNER MACRO INS'IBUCTIONS Macro instructions can be nested inSide macro definitions, allowing you to call other macros from within your own definitions. Nesting of rracro instructions is fully described in 1<6. J5C -- THE COpy INS!RUC!ION purpose The COpy instruction, inside macro definitions, allows yo~ to copy into the macro definition any sequence of statements allowed in the body of a macro definition. ~hese statements become part of the body of the macro before macro processing takes place. You can also use the COpy instruction to copy complete macro definitions into the beginning of a source module. The specifications for the COpy instruction, which can also be used in open code, are described i~ E1A. 272 - o J5D -- THE MNOTE INSTRUCTION Purpose You can use the MNOTE instruction to generate your own error messages or .display intermediate values of variable symbols computed at preassemtly time. Specifications The MNOTE instruction can be used lin.slidlea:~c~~s d~~~!~f~~Sc~~I~~~ created by substitution. The MNOTE instruction causes the generation of a message which is given a statement number in the printed listing. ~he format of the MNOtE instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. o • • • The n stands for a severity code. The rules for specifying the contents of the severity code subfield are as follows: 1.. The severity code can be specified as any arithmetic expression allowed 1n the operand field of a SETA instruction. The expression must have a value in the r~nge 0 through 255 • 2. If the severity code is omitted, hut the comma separating it from the message is present, the assembler assigns a default value of 1 as the severity code. ~ 3. An asterisk in the severity code subfield causes the message and the asterisk to be generated as a comments statement. • . 4. If the entire severity code subfield is omitted, including the comma separating it from the message, the assembler generates the message as a comments statement. MNOTE Name Operation Operand A sequence symbol or blank MNOTE One of four options allowed: n, 'message' } error , 'message' message • *. 'message' } comments 'message' Examples: Source Statements • • • Generated Result MNOTE 2, 'ERROR IN SYNTAX' 2,ERROR IN SYNTAX MNOTE ,'ERROR, SEV l' MNOTE *,' NO ERROR' MNOTE8. NO ERROR I ,ERROR, SEV 1 .;~,NO ERROR NO ERROR o Section J: The Macro Definition 273 NOTES: 1. An MNOTE instruction causes a message to be printed, if the current PRINT option is ON, even if the PRINT NOGEN option is specified. () 2. The statement number of the message generated from an MNOTE instruction with a severity code is listed among any other error messages for the current source module. However, the message is printed only if the severity code specified is greater than or equal to the severity code -nnn- in the assembler option, FLAG (nnn) , contained in the EXEC statement that invokes the assembler. 3. The statement number of the comments generated froK an MNOTE instruction without a severity code is not listed among other error messages. Any combination of up to 256 characters enclosed in apostrophes can be specified in the message subfield. The rules that apply to this character string are as follows: Y e. Variable symbols are allowed (NOTE: variable symbols can have a value that includes even the enclosing apostrophes) • 4It to~ generate Double ampersands and double apostrophes are needed ~ one ampersand or one apostrophe. If variable SymbolS have ampersands or apostrophes as values, the • . values must have double ampersands or apostrophes. /'--~'\ '",.,,,/ NOTE: Any remarks for the MNOTE instruction statement must be separated from the apostrophe that ends the message by one or more blanks. f ,. o 274 ISeverity Code I / Value of Variable Symbol MNOTE Operand 3~'THIS o IS A MESSAGE' , Generated Result , 3,THIS IS A MESSAGE &PARAM=ERROR 3,ERROR &A=10 3,VALUE OF &A IS 10 &AREA=FIELD1 3,L'FIELD1 3, 'DOUBLE &S' &S' 3,DOUBLE & 3,'DOUBLE L&APOS&AREA' &APOS=" &AREA=FIELD1 3,DOUBLE L'FIELD1 3, ' MES SAGE STOP'm:" . ....c .. ,.,0(, .~ Invalid remarks, must be separated from operand by one or more blanks 3'MESSAGE S:~OF 3,MESSAGE STOP RMRKS Valid Remarks entry o Section J: The Macro Definition 275 J5E -- THE MEXIT INSTRUCTION MEXIT Purpose Name Operation Sequence The MEXIT instruction allows you to provide an exit for the assembler from any point in the body of a macro definition. The MEND instruction provides an exit only from the end of a macro definition (see J2B) • MEXIT symbol or blank o Operand Not reOlJirec. MACRO EXITS Specifications A B C The MEXIT instruction statement can be used only inside macro definitions. It has the format given in the figure to the right. • MEXIT /' The MEXIT instruction causes the assembler to exit from a macro definit ion to the next seguential instruction after the macro instruction that calls the definition. (This also applies to nested macro instructions, which are described in K6.) F MEND START ,. 276 D E 0 ('"JI i o J6 - Comments Statements J6A -- INTERNAL MACRO COMMENTS STATEMENTS Purpose You write internal macro comments inJthe body of a macro definition, to describe the operations performed at preassembly time when the macro is processed. Begin column (standard value) Specifications Columns (1) (2) (3) Period. Internal macro comments statements can be used only inside macro definitions. An example of their correct use is given in the figure to the right. c No values are substituted for any ~ariable symbols that are specified 1n macro corements statements. WILL NOT BE. * * J6B -- ORDINARY COMMENTS STATEMENTS Purpose Ordinary co~ments staterr.ents (described in B1C) allow you to make descriptive remarks about the generated output from a macro definit ion. Specifications Ordinary comments statements can be used in macro definitions and in open code. An example of their correct use is shown in the figure to the right. o Even though this type of statement is generated along with the model statements of a macro definition, values ar~ not .. sub~ti tuted for any variable ~ymbols specified~ Begin column (standard Columns , value) (1) (2) 11/ Asterisk } Format ~AnY Character String * ~NT WILL HE GENERATED Section J: The Macro Definition 277 Page of GC33-401Q-4 Revised July 31, 1976 By TNL: GN33-8207 J7 -- System Variable Symbols purpose System variable symbols are variable symbols whose values are set by the assembler according to specific rules. You can use these symbcls as points of substitution in model statements and conditional assemtly instructions. General Specifications for System Variable Symbols The s stem variable symbols: 4St~J;>A'11 &SYSPARM, and can be used as points of substitution both inside macro definitions and in open code. The remaining system variable symbols: &SYSECT, &SYSLIST, and &SYSNDX, can te used only inside macro definitions. All system variable symbols are subject to the same rules of concatenation ~ and substitution as other variable symbols (see J4B) • System variable symbols must not be used as symbolic parameters in the macro prototype statement. Also, they must not be declared as SET symbols (see L2). The assembler assigns read-only values to system variable symbols; they cannot be changed by using the SETA, SE!B, or SETC instructions (see L3). ,. 278 o Syst. Var. Sym. Source Module MACRO MACl MEND MACRO MAC 2 Ie I O . • THE SCOPE OF SYSTEM VARIAELE SYMBOLS: The system variable symbols: ~:~:~~io~~iS!~:~. an~h~:~:' KENO OPEN START G L that they are assigned a read-only value for an entire source module; a value that is the same throughout open code and inside any rr.acro definitions called. The system variable symbols: &SYSEC!, &SYSLIST, and &SYSNDX, have a local scope. They are assigned a read-only value each time a macro is called, and have that value only within the expansion of the called macro. NOTE: &SYSECT &SYSLIST &SYSNDX are only allowed inside macro definitions J"j·A'""-&SYSDATE ,II: Purpose &SYSDATE You can use &SYSDATE to obtain the date on which your source module is assembled. Specifications 8 - Character String Format: Where: mm gives the month dd gives the day yy gives the year Example: 11/25/72 4 - - Corresponds to date printed in the page heading of listings, remains constant for each assembly The global system variable symbol &SYSDATE is assigned a read-only value of the format given in the figure to the right. o NOTE: The value of the type attribute of &SYSDATE (T'&SYStATE) is always U and the value of the count attribute (K'&SYSDATE) is always eight. (Attributes are fully described in L1B.) ~m/dd/YYI Section J: The Macro Definition 279 Page of GC33-4010·5 As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20·9372 i~ \~,-~ J7B -- &SYSECT Purpose You can use &SYSECT in a rracro definition to generate the name of the current contrel section. The current control section is the control section in which the macro instruction that calls the definition appears. &SYSECT Source Module MACRO MACRO OUTER &NAME &NAME CSECT DC Specifications INNER The local system variable symbol &SYSECT is assigned a read-only value each time a macro definition is called • • 4It • • • The value assigned is the symbol that represents the name of the current control section from which the macro definition is called. Note that it is the centrel section in effect when the macro is called. A control section that has been ini tiated or continued by substitution does net affect the value of &SYSECT for the expansion of the current macro. However, it does affect &SYSECT for a subseguent macro call. Nested macros cause the asserrbler to assign a value to &SYSECT that depends on the control sectien in force inside the outer macro when the inner macro is called (see K6). NOTES: 1. The control section whose name is assigned to &S.YSECT can be defined by a START, CSECT, tSECT, or COM instruction. 2. The value of the ty~e attribute of &SYSECT, T'gSYSECT, is alwa u, and the value of the os' attribute .(1' 'SYSIe!) 1. only .the: . n~r,.o( .>a v.luet:O chara<1~~' u,yS~l:: ttr are fully described in L1E.) ?-80 END DC A (&SYSECT) A(&SYSECT) MEND o J7C -- 'SYSLIST Purpose You can use 'SYSLIST instead of a positional parameter inside a macro definition, for example, as a point of!substi tution. Ey varying J the subscripts attached to 'SYSLIST, you can refer to any positional operand or sublist entry in a macro call. 'SYSLIST allows you to refer to positional operands for which no corresponding positional parameter is specified in the macro prototy~e statement. Specifications The local system variable symbol &SYSLIST is assigned a read-only value each time a macro definition is called. &SYSLIST refers to the complete list of positional operands specified in a macro instruction. &SYSLIST does not refer to keyword operands. 10 However, &SYSLIST cannot be specified as &SYSLIST alone. One of the two forms given in the figure to the right must be used as a point of substitution: • 1. To refer to a pos1"tional operand • 2. To refer to a sublist entry of a positional operand (sublists are fully described in K4 below). • • &SYSLIST Macro Instruction I &SYSLIST I / CLST 'P1,P2,P3, ~ Point of substitution in macro definition Macro Instruction CSUB The subscript n indicates the position of the operand referred to. The subscript m, if specified, indicates the position of an entry in the sublist specified in the operand whose position is indicated ~ the first subscri~t n. Point of substitution in macro definition } o Sect:ion J: The Macro Definition 281 o The subscripts nand m can be any arithmetic expression allowed in the operand of a SET~ instruction (see L3A). The subscript n must be greater than or equal to O. The subscript m must be greater than or equal to 1. Macro Instruction: NAME The figure to the right shows examples of the values assigned to &SYSLIST according tc the value of its subscript, m and n. &SYSLIST(2) &SYSLIST(3,2) TWO 4 Null &SYSLIST(9) Null &SYSLIST(3,3) Null :!' &SYSLIST{3,5) Null &SYSLIST(2,l) &SYSLIST(2,2) TWO Null 0 If the va. lue of subscript NOTE: , n is zero, then &SYSLIS~(n) is assigned the value specified in the name field of the macro instruction, except when it is a sequence symbol. - &SYSLIST(4) &SYSLIST(O) &SYSLIST(3) ,. 282 Value Substituted • • • • 8 ONE,TWO,(3,4"6),,EIGH~ Point of substitution in macro definition 0 If the position indicated by n • refers to an omitted operand or refers past the end of the list • of positional operands specified, the null character string is substituted for &SYSLIST(n). If the position (in a sublist) indicated by the second subscript, m, refers to an omitted entry or refers past . the end of the list of entries specified in the sublist referred to by the first subscript, n, the null character string is substituted for &SYSLIS~(n,m). Further, if the nth positional operand is not a sublist, &SYSLIST (n, 1) refers • to the operand but &SYSLIST(n,m), where m is greater than 1, will cause the null character string to be substituted. • MACALL NAME (3,4,,6) C""·' Attribute references can be made to the previously described forms of 'SYSLIST. The' attributes will be the attributes inherent in the positional operands or sublist entries to which you refer. (Attributes are fully described in L1B.) However, the number attribute of &SYSLIST, N"SYSLIST, is -different from the number attribute described in L1B. One J of the two forms given in the figure to the right can be used for the number attribute: ,I • Macro Instruction MACLST • • To indicate the number of Sublist entries that have been specified in a positional operand indicated by the subscript. NOTES: MACLST MACLST MACLST • • o ON'&SYSLIST • To indicate the number of positional operands specified in a call • 1. For N'&SYSLIST, positicnal operands are counted if specifically omitted by specifying the comma that would normally have followed the operand. 2. For N' &SYSLIST (n) , sublist entries are counted if specifically omitted by specifying the comma that would normally have followed the entry. 3. If the operand indicated by n • is not a sublist, N'&SYSLIST~) is 1. If it is omitted, __. N' &SYSLIST (n) is zero. /'. 1 Value of N'&SYSLIST 1,2,3,4 A,B, ,D,E ,A,B,C,D (A,B,C), (D,E,F) MACLST MACLST MACLST KEYI=A,KEY2=B A,B,KEY1=C eN' MACSUB MAC SUB MAC SUB ~}. 2l I Counts sublists as one operand 0 • ~ lKeyword operands 2 are not counted Value of N'&SYSLIST (2) (n=2) A, (1,2,3,4,5),B A,(1,,3,,5),B A, (,2,3,4,5),B A,B,C 1 A\,C 0 A,.kl!;Y= (A, B, C) 0 0 • ~ I &SYSLIST (n) Macro I.nstruction MAC SUB MACSUB MAC SUB MAC SUB 4 5 ~}. ,I o Keyword sublists are not counted Section J: The Macro Definition J 283 J1D -- &SYSNDX purpose You can attach &SYSNDX to the end of a symbol inside a macro definitlon to generate a unique suffix for that symbol each time you call the definition. Although the same symbol is generated by two or more calls to the same definition, the suffix provided by iSYSNDX produces two or more unique symbols. ~hus you avoid an error being flagged for multiply defined symbols. &SYSNDX Source Module Specifications The local system variable symbol &SYSNDX is assigned a read-only value each time a macro definition is called from a source module. • • The value assigned to &SYSNI:X is a q-digit number, starting at 0001 for the first macro called by a program. It is incremented by one for each subsequent macro call (including nested macro calls, described in K6) • &Pl&SYSNDX • MACRO CONST &Pl,&P2 DC F'&P2 ' AREA&SYSNDX F Assume &SYSNDX··O()()9'1 MEND OPEN START NOTES: 1. &SYSNDX does not generate a valid symbol, and it must: • • a. Follow the symbol to which it is concatenated b. Be concatenated to a symbol containing four characters or ~. 2. The value of the type attribute of &SYSNDX (T'&SYSNDX) is always N, and the value of the count attribute (K'&SYSNCX) is always four. ~ttributes AREAOOIO DS NOTE: F TWO 00 10 and TWO 0011 are two different symbols and thus not multiply defined \--~~TWOOOll are fully described DC AREAOOll DS F'200' F THREE 30 in L lB.) ,THREE0012,DC F'300' J1E -- &SYSPARM F Purpose You can use &SYSPARM to communicate with an assembler source module through the job control language. Through &SYSPARM, you pass a character string into the source module to be~assembled from a job control language statement or from a program that dynamically invokes the assembler. Thus, you can set a character value from outside a source module and then examine it as part of the source module at pre-assembly time, during conditional assembly processing. 284 () Specifications &SYSPARM O The global system variable symbol '&SYSFARM is assigned a read-only value in a job contrel statement or in a field set up by a program that dynamically invokes the assembler. It is treated as a global SETC symbol in a source module, except that its value cannot be changed. The largest value that &SYSPARM can hold when you code your own procedure is 91 characters, which can be specified by an invoking program. However, if the PAffi.1 field of the EXEC statement is used to specify its value, the PARM field restrictions reduce its maximum possible length. EXlmple: //STEP Job Control Statement EXEC ASMFC,PARM=(SYSPARM(DEBUG» .----.~.~ Source Module OPEN START AIF (. &SYSPARM' NE • DEBUG'). SKIP. M$FllBLE ~U"act~'1need not .~.•~.f1.. ,d~qt)~' 'amper$ands forCMS - i ' : . 2. Double apostrophes are needed to represent single a~ostro~hes because the entire PARM field specification is enclcsed in apostrophes • . • SinceCMSdoesnot stripsill91e apostrophes from the variable $ymbol, you need. not specify [t!I<)Uble apostrophes fQr CMS .. o Secti.on· J: Tl,1e Macro D'ef ini tion 285 3. If SYSPARM is net s~ecified in a job control statement outside the source roodule, &SYSPARM is assigned a default value of the null character string. c~ o 5. CMs·~arse•.• tll.· . ~~; lin." breakingtl1e ,. in,,~';.ln~(r ei Page of GC33-40 10-5 As Updated 28 Dc.: 1981 By TNL GN20-9372 Specifications Any keyword operand specified in a macro instruction must correspond to a keyword parameter in the macro definition called. However, keyword operands do not have to be specified in any particular order. Key Opnd IKEYWORDI=VALUE fL." .;~'': '~~jW· o .:. . ;..., Identifying "Keyword" symbol has up to 7 charcters without ampersand A keyword operand must be coded in the format shown in the figure to the right. If a keyword operand ~iS specified, its value overrides the default value specified for • the keyword parameter. The standard default value obeys the same rules as the value specified in the keyword operand (see KS) • "'"'-_ _ _--J • Keyword Operand Value can be up to 255 characters long =DEFAULT Examples Of KeywQrd Onerands : MACKEY Corresponding Keyword Parameter Sublist described in K4 MACKEY KEYl=1,KEY2=2,KEY3=3 MACKEY KEY3=2000,KEYl=O,KEYWORD=HALLO Section K: The Macro Instruction 297 The following examples describe the relationship between keyword operands and keyword parameters and the values that the assembler assigns to these parameters under different concitions. .,~N~U~II~ch~a~ra~c~te~r~.,~ .................................... • string is default value Source Module MACRQ MACCORR &KEY1=DEFAULT,&KEY2=,&KEY3=123 SHOW DC C'&KEY1&KEY2&KEY3' MEND OPEN START 0 o 0 0 MACCORR KEY1=OVERRIDE,KEY2=O,KEY3=4:i6 SHOW DC O • • The keyword of the operand corresponds to a keyword parameter. The value in the operand overrides the default value of the parameter. MACCORR o The keyword operand is not specified. The default value of the parameter is used • The keyword of the operand does not correspond to any keyword parameter. The assembler issues an error message, but the macro is generated using the default values of the· other parameters. The defaul t valu~ specified for a keyword parameter can be the null character string. The null character string is a character string with a length of zero; it is not a blank, because a blank occupies one character position. NOtIE: • 298 Null default value of KEY 2 END Page of GC33-4010-0 Revised September 29, 1972 By TNL GN33-8148 o ~3C -- COMBINING POSITIONAL AN~ KEYWORD OPERANDS Purpose You can use positional and keyword operands in the saRe macro instruction: use a positional operand for a value that you change often and a keyword operand for a value that you cbange infrequently. MACRO 2 3 4 5 • MIXED &Pl,&P2,&P3,&P4,&P5,&KEYl=lO,&KEY2=A Specifications Positional and keyword operands can be mixed in the macro instruction operand field. However, the ~ positional operands must be in the same order as the corresponding positional parameters in the macro • prototype statement. MEND START MIXED , It.,~#a~C>:~:t:ands .must precede •. .()"Ji'.~ jiif . $pecified .. 1 2 3 4 5 END o &KEYI AREA2 DC lOFLS'2024' END o NOTE: The system variable symbol ~ &SYSLIST (n) refers only to the positional operands in a macro • instruction. I Section K: The Macro Instruction 299 K4 -- Sublists in Opera..'1.ds Purpose You can use ~ sublist in a positional or keyword operand to specify several values. A sublist is one or more entries separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. Each entry is a value to which you can refer in a macro definition by coding: Sublist Source Module 1. The corresponding symbolic parameter with an appropriate subscript or 2. The system variable symbol &SYSLIST with appropriate subscripts, the first to refer to the positional operand and the second to refer to the sublist entry in the operand. &KEY(l) &Pl(l} value in keyword operand DC DC MEND:;! &SYSLIST can refer only to sublists in positional operands. OPEN START 0 Specifications (H20 I H, 200) I (A, a,C) The value specified in a positional or keyword operand can be a sublist. • •• A symbolic parameter can refer to the entire sublist or to an individual entry of the sublist. To refer to an individual entry, the symbolic parameter must have a subscript whose value indicates the position of the entry in the sublist. The subscript must have a value greater than or equal to one. DC F'O' H20 DC H'200' DC A(A/B/C) END ,. 300 FO v., ~.~ .. Format: The format of a sublist is given in the figure to the right. A sublist, including the enclosing parentheses, must not contain more than 255 characters. Examples: Valid sublist with the null character string as the only entry Sub list specified in corresponding operand (or as default value of keyword parameter) Parameter The figure to the right shows the relationship between subscripted parameters and sublist entries if: &PAR(3) 8(1,2,,4) Null character string &PAR{S) 8{1,2,3,4) Null character string &PAR &PAR{l) • A sublist entry is omitted, • The subscri~t refers past the end of the subl~st, • The value of the operand is not a sublist, &PAR(2) The parameter is not subscripted. &PAR o NOTE: The system variable symbol, &SYSLIST(n,m) , can also refer to sublist entries, but only if the sublist is specified in a positional operand. &PAR(2) &PAR &PAR (1) A -'fA ·I~ • • A Null character string (A)'" (A) (A) (A) ~ Considered as Sublists () I A Null character string () () Null character string &PAR(3) ()~ Null character string &PAR(2) (A~ &PAR(l) I ,e,D) This blanl(indicates end of operand field &PAR(l) o Value generated (or used in computation) ( ') I Nothing } local local local global global global Page of GC33-401G-4 Revised Feb. 25, 1975 By TNL: GN33·8193 o Source Module NAME START 0 LCLC &LIST,&LABEL SETC SETC • O Y, '~.TRINC; , •....... <:;, NOTE: . SET symbols can be used in • .!!!!!!!.. and operand field of macro O the instructions. However, the value , X, MAC CALL &LIST\,' '.',; thus passed through a symbolrcparameter Into a macro definition iS considered as.a character string and is generated as such. Macro Instruction MACRO MAC CALL DC :E:ND Macro Definition Called MEND STRING Q DC A(X,Y,Z} Can only refer to whole string Generated result o Sectipn L: The,Conditional Assembly Language 321 Subscripted SET Symbols Specifications A subscripted SET symbol must be specified as shown in the figure to the right. The subscript can be any arithmetic expression allowed in the operand field of a SETA instruction (see L4A) • A subscripted SET symbol can be used anywhere an unsubscripted SFT symbol is allowed. However, subscripted SET symbols must be declared as subscripted by a previous local or global declaration instruction. o &SETSYM( Format: Arithmetic Expression whose value must not be 0 or negative Example ,. LeLA &ARRAY(20) • &ARRAY (10) ARRAY 5 4It many The subscript refers to one of the positions in an of values arra~ • • identified by the SET sym 1. The value of the subscript must not exceed the dimension declared for the array in the corresponding LCLA, teLB, LCLC, GBLA, GELE, or GELC instruction. NOTE: The subscript can be a ~subscripted SET s¥mbcl. Five levels of sUbscript nest1ng are allowed. &ARRAY(S)=2 quivalent 322 { • &ARRAY(&ARRAY(10})=2 o o L1B - DATA ATTRIBUTES What Attributes Are The data, such as instructions, constants, and areas, which you define in a source modu~e can ce described in terns of: 1. Type, which distinguishes one form of data fron ancther: for example, fixed-point constants from floating-foint constants, or machine instructions from macro instructions. 2. Length, which gives the number of bytes occupied by the object code of the data. 3. Scaling, which indicates the number of positions occufied by the fractional portion of fixed-point and decimal constants in their object code form. 4. Integer, which indicates the number of positions occupied by the integer portion of fixed-point and decimal constants in their object code form. 5. Count, which gives the number of characters that wculd required to represent the data, such as a macro instruction operand, as a character string. be 6. Number, which gives the number of sublist entries in a macro instruction operand. o These six characteristics are called the attributes of the data. The assembler assigns attribute values to the ordinary symbols and variable symbols that represent the data. o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 323 Attribute ' Main Uses Purpose Type Gives a letter that identifies type of data represented · In tests to distinguish between different data types • For value substitution · In macros to discover missing operands Length Gives number of bytes that data occupies in storage • For substitution into length fields · For computation of storage requirements Scaling Refers to the position of the decimal point in decimal, fixed-point and floating-point constants • For testing and regulating the position of decimal points Integer Is a function of the length and scaling attributes of decimal, fixedpoint, and floatingpoint constants - To keep track of significant digits (integers) Count Gives the number of characters required to represent data • For scanning and decomposing of character strings • As indexes in substring notation Gives the number of sublist entries in a macro instruction operand sublist . For scanning sublists - As counter to test for end of sublist Purpose Specifying attributes in conditional assembly instructions allows you to control conditional assembly logic, which in turn can control the sequence and contents of the statements generated from model statements. The specific purpose for which you use an attribute depends on the kind of attribute being considered. The attributes and their main uses are shown in the figure to the right. • NOTE: The number attribute of gSYSLIST (m) and &SYSLIST (m,n) is described in J1C. • Number • For substitution into a scale modifier Specifications FORMA'!": The format for an attribute reference is shown in the figure to the right • • • • The attribute notation indicates the attribute whose value is desired. The ordinary or variable symbol represents the data which possesses the attribute. The assembler substitutes the value of the attribute for the attribute reference. WHERE ALLOWED: An attribute reference to the type, scaling, integer, count, and number attritutes can be used only in a conditional assembly instruction. The length attribute reference can be used both in a conditional assembly instruction and in a machine or assembler instruction (for details on this use see C4C) • ,324 Attributes Apostrophe ,/ Format: Attribute Notation • '------• Ordinary or Variable Symbol Attribute Reference Examples: T'SYMBOL L'&VAR K'&PARAM • o COMBINATION WITH SYMBOLS: The figure below shows the six kinds of attributes and the type of symbol with which the attributes cari be combined. NOTE: Whether or not an attribute reference is allowed in open code, in macro definitions, or in toth, depends on the type of symbol specified. ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED I IN OPEN CODE 1 Symbols Specified Type T' Length L' Scaling S' Integer I' Count Ordinary Symbols YES YES YES YES YES YES SET Symbols YES NO NO NO YES NO System Variable Symbols: YES NO NO NO YES NO Ordinary Symbols YES YES YES YES NO NO SET Symbols YES NO NO NO YES NO Symbolic Parameters YES YES YES YES YES YES System Variable Symbols. YES YES YES YES YES YES K' Numbe N' &SYSPARM,&SYSDATE, &SYSTIME 0 &SYSLIST &SYSNDX,&SYSPARM, &SYSDAT~ &SYSECT, &SYSTIME NO NO NO o Sectivn L: "rhe Conditicnal Assembly Language 325 • ORIGIN OF VALUES: The value of an attribute for an ordinary symbol specified in an attribute reference comes from the data represented by the symbol, as shown in the figure to the right. The symbol must appear in the name field of an assembler or ~achine instruction, or in the operand field - of an EXTRN or WXTRN instruction. 'the instruction in which the symbol is specified: I I Attribute Notation I I I I Statement Label Ordinary Symbol I I I. I Operand of EXTRN or WXTRN Instruction TI LI S' II 1. Must appear in open code 2. Must not contain any variable symbols, and 3. Must not be a generated instruction. o 326 o o 1he value of an attrioute for d variable symbol specified in cin attribute reference comes from the value substitutea for the varidble symbol as follo~s ~ee also the figure to the right) : 1~'For'SETs;ytribols'and ",t;JS !1only. .tliesys1;em variable sYtnbols&Sl'S;eCT ,&SYSNDX, HYSPARM.,&SYSDATE,·· .'·aM&SYSTlME, • :~r:~~r~~~!ev!i!:e~fc~:S!r~;:!s. • 2. r'or symbolic oararneters and thE" system variable symLJol, &SYSLIS'l', the vctlues of the count and number attriDutes come from the operands of macro instruction~. Symbolic I parameter or &SYSLIST The values of the type, length, scaling, and integer attributes, however, come from the values repre~ented by the reacro instruction operands, as follows: • o • • K' N' Symbolic ....-----'-----.. Macro I nstruction Operand parameter as inner ...------------4 N '&SYSLIST N '&SYSLIST (n) macro instruction operand a. If the operand is a sublist, the sublist as a whole has attributes; all the individual entries and the whole sublist have the same attributes as those of the first suboperand in the sublist (except for 'count', which can be different, and 'number', which is relevant only for the whole sublist). o. If the first character or characters of the operand (or sUblist entry) constitute an ordinary symbol, and this symbol is followed by either an arithmetic operator (+,-,*, or /) , a left parenthesis, a cornmd, or a blank, then the values of the attributes for the operand are the same as for the ordinary symbol. • o Ordinary Symbol Character string not beginning with a symbol TI . . - - - ' - - - - . L I Statement SI Label II EXTRN or WXTRN Operand c. If the operand (or sublist is a character string other than a sublist or the character string described in b. above, the type attribute is undefinel (0) and the length, scaling, and integer attributes are invalid. entr~ o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 327 Page of GC33-40 10-5 As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNt GN20-9372 VALUES: Because attribute references are allowe~ only in conditional assembly instructions, their values are available only at fre-assembly time, except for the length attribute, which can be referred to outside conditional assembly instructions and is therefore also available at assembly time (see C4C). NOTE: The system variable symbol, &SYSLIST, can be used in an attribute reference to refer to a macro instruction operand, and, in turn, to an ordinary symbol. Thus, any of the attribute values for macro instruction operands and ordinary symbols listed below can also be substituted for an attribute reference containing &SYSLIST. THE TYPE ATTRIBUTE (T'): The type attribute has a value of a single alphabetic character that indicates the type of data represented by: O. An ordinary symbol outside a macro cannot be used as the operand of T' inside a macro in DOS assembler. ~. The type attribute of a sublist is set to the same value as the type attribute of the first element of the sublist. only • Type Attribute B o E F G H K L V X A SET symbol. ~ The type attribute reference can be used only in the c~erand field of the SETe instruction or as one of the values used for comparison in the operand field of a SETE or AIF instruction. Z ~ o For ordinary symbols and outer macro instructions that are symbols ... .~ C S - A-type constant, implicit length, aligned (alsoCXO instruction label) Binary Constant Character Constant Long floating-point constant, implicit length, aligned Short floating-point constant, impliCit length, aligned Full-word fixed-point constant, implicit length, aligned Fixed-point constant, explicit length Half-word fixed-point constant, implicit length, aligned Floating-point constant, explicit length Extended floating-point constant, implicit length, aligned Packed decimal constant A , ·...·0 ortlY. R -- Data Characterized : Defined as labels for DC and OS instructions Y A macro instruction operand NOTE: os ~---- Qt.. P An ordinary symbol DOS NOTE: o~y T' .... Q:iypl~~;~t:irn.,.icit .tngtKaJfglttd A-, So, Q-, V- or V-type address constant, explicit length S-type address constant, implicit length, aligned V-type address constant, implicit length, aligned Hexadecimal constant V-type address constant, implicit length, aligned Zoned decimal constant ._--------+------------------------------------------a c).! : Defined as labels for assembler language statements M W Machine instruction Macro Instruction CCW instruction J : Identified as control section name T : Identified as external symbol by EXTRN or WXTRN instruction $ A macro Instruction Operand that is: A self-defining term Omitted (has a value of a null character string) NOTE: Ordinary symbcls used in the name field of an EQU instruction have the type attribute value nun. os However, the third operand of an only EQU instruction can be used explicitly to assign a type attribute value to the symbol in the name field. 0) 328 Page of GC33-401 0-5 As Updated 28 Del' 1981 By TNL GN20-9372 The Type Attribute Value=U is assigned to the following: Ordinary symbols that are used as labels: When a symbol or macro instruction operand cannot be assigned any of the type attribute values listed in the preceding figure, the data represented is considered to be undefined and its type attribute is U. Specific cases of where U is assigned as a type attribute value are given in the figure to the right. • • o • • • • I• • for the EaU instruction without a third operand that are defined more than once The type attribute will be set to U when the same ordinary symbol is used to define a label in more than one place, even though only one label will be generated by conditional assembly statements. THE LENGTH ATTRIEUTE (L'): The length attribute has a nurr.eric value equal to the number of bytes occupied by the data that is re~resented by the symbol specified in the attritute reference. If the length attribute value is desired for pre-assembly ~rccessing, the symbol specified in the attribute reference must ultimately represent the name entry of a statement in open code. In such a statement, the length modifier (for rc and DS instructions) or the length field (for a machine instruction) , if specified, must be a self-defining term. The length modifier or length field must not be coded as a multi term expression, because the assemtler does not evaluate this expression until assembly time. • 0 for DC and OS statements that contain variable symbols Example: Ul DC &X'l' DOS only for DC and OS statements that contain expressions as duplication factors Example: DC (AA BB}F'15' The SETC variable symbol OSonW. .... .. ... .... .. . ' .. Tn. Sy.... varUtie tymbots: IiSVSPARM, Ic$VSDATE, lndaSYSTtME .. Macro instnl~ion operands that specify titerals. Inner ImICro instruction operands that are ordinary symbols, : Source Module MACRO LENGTHS &Pl,&P2 AIF (L'&Pl LE 8) .MOVE . MOVE ANOP MVC &P2,&Pl MEND The length attribute can also be specified outside conditional assemtly instructions. Then, the length attribute value is not available for conditional assembly processing, but is used as a value • · at asseml::ly time. At pre-assembly time, an ordinary symbol used in the name field of an EQU instruction has a length attribute value of 1. At assembly time, the symbol has the same length attribute value as the first symbol of the expression in the first operand of the EQU instruction. o for the LTORG instruction •• OPEN START DATA DC FL7'7E+9' AREA DS XL (L 'DA'rA) LENGTHS DATA ,AREA MVC AREA ,DATA os However ,the second (,)perad alan IQU J)nIv instruction can be used. t~assign a length attribute value to the <8YmDOl in the name field. Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 329 NOTES: 1. The length attribute reference, when used in conditional assembly processing, can be specified only in arithmetic expressions (see L4) • 2. A length attribute reference to a symbol with the type attribute value of M, N, 0, T, U, or $ will be . flagged. The length attribute for the symbol will be given the default value of 1. THE SCALING ATTRIBUTE (5'): The scaling attribute can be used only when referring to fixed-point, floating-point, or decimal, constants. It has a numeric value that is assigned as shown in the figure to the right. Constant Types Allowed Type Attributes Allowed Value of Scaling Attribute Assigned Fixed-Point H,F, and G Equal to the value of the scale modifier (-187 through +346 FloatingPoint D,E,L,and K Equal to the value of the scale modifer (0 through 14· D,E) (0 through 28· L) Decimal Pand Z Equal to the number of decimal digits specified to the right of the decimal point (0 through 31 - P) (0 through 16 - Z) NOTES: 1. The scaling attribute reference can be used only in arithmetic expressions (see L4). 2. When no scaling attribute value can be determined, the reference is flagged and the scaling attribute is given the value of 1. Examples: PACKED ZONED DC DC P'+l2.345' Z'+12.345' S'PACKED=3 S'ZONED=3 C.,'",) , . 330 I ' . o O THE INTEGER ATTRIBUTE (I'): The integer attribute has a numeric value that is a function of (depends on) the length and scaling attribute values of the data being referred to by the attribute reference. The formulas relating the integer attribute to the length and scaling attributes are given in the figure below. NOTE: The integer attribute reference can be use.d only in arithmetic expressions (see L4) • Constant Type Allowed (attribute value) 0 Formula Relating the Integer to the Length and Scaling Attributes • Fixed-point (H,F, and G) I'=8*L'-S'-1 nt (D,E,L, and K) I'=2*(L'-1)-S' Examples HALFCON DC HS6'-2S.93' 8*2-6-1 ONECON DC FS8'100.3E-2' 8*4-8-1 Values Of the Integer } 9 23 4 9 Only for L-Type >8 I'=2*(L'-11-S'-2 when L' EXTEND DC· LS10'S.3l?' 2*(16-1} -10 -2 18 Decimal equal to the number of decimal digits to the left of the assumed decimal point after the number is assembled Packed (P) I'=2*L'-S'-1 PACK DC P'+3.Sl3' 2*3-3-1 2 Zoned (Z) I'=L'-S' ZONE DC Z1 3.Sl3' 4-3 1 Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 331 --0 Macro Instruction. Operands THE COUNT ATTRIBUTE iKe): The count attribute applies on y to macro instruction operands, to SET symbols, and to the system variable symbols. It has a numeric value that is equal to the number of characters: • • That constitute the macro instruction operand, or NOTES: 1. The count attribute reference SET S~mbols • Delimiting apostrophes .not included &C &C &C SETC SETC SETC 'ALPHA' , &B &B SETB SETB 1 0 &A &A SETA SETA 399 &A SETA • I I can be used only in arithmetic expressions (see L4). 2. The count attribute of an omitted macro instruction operand has a default value of O. System Variable Symbols &SYSNDX= 332 0912 " Value of Count . Attribute All characters of operand are included ALPHA (SUB,LIST,ALL) 2(10,12) ,'A', 'B' blank ,, null character string omitted 0 rand) K' 5 14 8 6 3 2 0 o Macro Instruction .Operand Sublist • THE NUY.BER ATTRIBUTE (N'): The number attribute applies only to the operands of macro instructions • It has a numeric value that is equal to the number of sublist entries in the operand. 1 + number of commas separating the entries (A,B,C,D,E) NOTES: • 5 6 1. The number attribute reference can be used only in arithmetic expressions (see L4) • 2. N'&SYSLIST refers to the number of positional operands in a macro instruction, and N'&SYSLIST(m) refers to t~e number of sublist entries in the m-th c~erand (for further details on the number attribute of &SYSLIST, see J7C) • Value of Number Attnbute 4 1 (A) A When operand is not a sublist (No operands) 1 o o o section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 333 Pale ofOC33-401()'! As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL ON2()'9312 0, I __ L1C - SEQUENCE SYMBOLS 'i purpose You can use a sequence symbol in the name field of a statement to branch to that statement at pre-assembly time, thus altering the sequence in which the assembler processes your conditional assembly and macro instructions. You can thereby select the model statements from whict the assembler generates assembler language statements for processing at assembly time. Seq. Sym. period (or dod Format: Specifications Sequence symbols must be specified as shown in the figure to the right. ~alPhabetic character ~o to 6 alphameric characters ·S'EQUENC Examples: • SEQ • A1234 • #924 Statements in which sequence symbols must not be used as name entries The following assembler instructions: COpy EQU Sequence symbols can be specified in the name field of asserr-bler language statements and model statements, except as noted in the figure to the right. GBLA GBLB GBLC ICTL ISEQ LCLA LCLB LCLC MACRO OPSYN J.I!JIIJJii:• •fli The Macro prototype instruction Any instruction that already contains an ordinary symbol or vlrllbl, symbol 334 0) 0 Source Module ",1 ,I' .. r MACRO MAC ONE ~ERAT .GENERAT ANOP &NAME o e' • o '. Sequence symbols can be specified in the operand field of an AlE or AGO instruction to branch to a statement with the same sequence symbol as a label. DS OH MEND MACRO MAC TWO sequence symbol has a local scope. Thus, if a sequence symbol is used in an AIF or AGO instruction, the sequence symbol must be defined as a label in the same part of the program in which the AIF or AGO instruction appears; that is, in the same macro definition or in open code. A :D .GENERA~ AGO NOTE: A sequence symbol in the name field of a macro instruction is not substituted for the parameter, if specified, in the name field of the corresponding prototype statement (for specifications about the name entry of macro instructions see K2A) • • GENE RAT MEND ;. START :,:, ~' AGO • THERE .. pen. ode DS OH END o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 335 L2 - Declaring Set Symbols You must declare a SET symbol before you can use it. In the declaration, you specify whether it is to have a global or local scope. The assembler assigns an initial value to a SET symbol at its pOint of declaration. L2A -- THE LCLA, LCLB, AND LCLC INSTRUCTIONS purpose You use the LCLA, LCLB, and LCLC instructions to declare the local SETA, SETB, and SETC symbols you need. Specifications The format of the LCLA, LCLB, and LCLC instruction statements is given in the figure to the right. These instructions can be used anywhere in the body of a macro definition or in the open code portion of a source module. 336 Name Blank Operation Operand LCLA, One or more variable symbols separated by commas LCLB,or LCLC o MACRO &A2 cannot be used here, outside its de clared scope MEND MACRO &A2 cannot be used • • Any variable symbols declared in the operand field have a local scope. They can be used as SET symbols anywhere after the pertinent LeLA, LCLB, or LCLC instructions, but only within the declared local scope. o o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 337 The assembler assigns initial values to these SET symbols as shown in the figure to the right. Instruction Initial Value assigned to SET variable symbols in operand fields LCLA LCLB LCLC 0 0 Null character string LOCAL VARIABLE SYMBOLS MUST NOT BE MULTIPLY DEFINEC: A local SET variatle symbol declared by the LeLA, LCLB, or LCLC instruction must not be identical to any other variable symbol used within the same local scope. The following rules apply to a local SET variable symbol: o 1. within a macro definition, it must not be the same as any symbolic parameter declared in the prototype statement. • 2. It must not be the same as any global variable symbol (see L2E) declared within the same local scope. • 3. The same variable symbol must not be declared or used as two different types of SET symbols, for example, as a SETA and a SETB syrrhol, within the same local scope. NOTE 1: A local SET symbol should not begin with the four characters &SYS, which are reserved for system variable symbols (see J1). DOS NOTE. 2tTb~91ob,al. declarati()~$ • must precedetheloq.~ de~ ara1;i~~~~ Correct definition of SETC symbol (no symbolic parameters allowed in open code) 338 0 ," I 'I., o SUBSCRIPTED LOCAL SET SYMBOLS: A local subscripted SFT symbol is declared by the LCLA, LCLB, or LCLC instruction. This declaration must be specified as shown in the figure to the right. • Format: LCLA } LCLB, or LCr.C The max imum dimension allowed is 32,767. Format: • • The dimension indicates the number of SET variables associated with the subscripted SET sfmbol. The assembler assigns an ~nitial value to every variable in the array thus declared. NOTE: A subscripted local SET -symbol can be used only if the declaration has a subscript, which represents a dimension; a nonsubscripted local SE1' symbol can be used only if the declaration had no subscript. Instruction LCLA LCLB LCLC Array Defined Same initial values as for non-subscripted SET symbols • Example: LCLB &B ( 10 ) II I I I II 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 339 L2B -- THEGBLA, GELP, ANt GELC INSTRUCTIONS Furpose You use the GELA, GELE, and GBLC instructions to declare the global SETA, SETB, and SETC symbols you need. Name Blank GBLA, GBLB, or GBLC One or more variable symbols separated by commas Specifications The format of the GBLA, GELE, and GBLC instruction staterrents is given in the figure to the right. These instructions can be used anywhere in the body of a macro definition or in the open code portion of a source module. Source Module &Bcannot be used here, before its Any variable symbols declared in the operand field have a global scope. They can be used as SET symbols anywhere after the pertinent GBLA, GBLS, or GBLC instructions. However, they can be used only within those parts of a program in which they have been declared as global SET symbols, that is in any macro definition and in open. code. • • NOTE: Values can be ~assed between: • • The macro definitions, MAC1, and MAC2, only by using the variable symbols &B and &C • • • The macro definition, MAC2, and open code, only by using the variatle symbol &C • • 340 I • The macro definition, MAC1, and open code, only by using the variatle syIriboi &C. o The assembler assigns initial values to these SET symbols as shown in the figure to the right. Instruction Initial Value assigned to SET variable symbols in operand field GBLA GBLB GBLC GBLA The assembler assigns this initial value to the SET symbol only when it processes the first GBLA, GBLB, or GBLe instruction in which the symbol appears. Subsequent GBLA, GBLB, or GBLe instructions do not reassign an initial value to the SET symbol. O • 0 0 Null character string &A o -.&A=O MEND OPEN START o lI:>T1t "I'be" ··;.,.·.,,·.·. ·In.traetloi • • •t.prec~etheS.,ARTlna~~l~ .. Processing Sequence o value of &A can be changed in expansion of macro FIRST BLA &A= assigned value END Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 341 () GLOBAL VARIABLE SYMEOLS MUST NOT BE MULTIPLY DEFINED: A global SET variable symbol declared by the GBLA, GBLB, or GELC instruction must not be identical to any other variable symbol used in open code or within the same macro definition. The following rules apply to a global SET variable symbol: Source Module MACRO MULTGLOB LCLA LCLB LCLC 4It 1. within a macro definition, it must not be the same as any symbolic parameter declared in the prototype statement. • 2. It must not be the same as any local variable symbol (see L2A) declared within the same local scope. MEND • 3. The same variable symbol must not be declared or used as two different types of global SET symbol, for example, as a SETA or SETB symbol. NOTE 1: A global SET symbol should not begin with the fcur characters &SYS, which are reserved for system variable symbols (see J7) • LCLA DOS NOTE 2:. The qlobal declarations • mst preceqe the local. deciarations. &GA GBLA 8&G' GBLB { GBLC &QC1,&GC2 These variable symbols communicate values between the macro MULTGLOB and LCLC G~LA l 8 GBLB GBLC START ~ ( ~I &&:1: •.~.J.t:~~,~i:; END GBLA} GBLB GBLC SUBSCRIPTED GLOBAL SET SYMBOLS: A global subscripted SET symbol is declared by the GELA, GBLB, or GBLe instruction. This declaration must be specified as shown in the figure to the right. 4It The maximum dimension 32,767. • ; SET S YM(I di menSionJ) Format: Instruction Array Defined Same initial values as for non-subscripted SET symbols allowed is GBLA GBLB GBLC • • 342 The dimension indicates the number of SET variables associated with the subscripted SET sfmbol. The assembler assigns an ~ni tial value to every variable in the array thus declared. Global arrays are assigned initial values only by the first global declaration processed, in which a global subscripted SET symbol appears i Source Module MACRO MACl NOTES: ~ 1. A subscripted ~lobal SET symbol can be used only 1f the declaration bas a subscript, which represents a dimension; a nonsubscriited global SET symbol can be used on y if the declaration had no subscript. # 8 2. Wherever a particular global :JiL1 SET symbol is declared with a GBLA &Al'&A2(4~4Et GBLB &SWITCH (50) GBLC &CHAR(lO) ,&C /8SETA P2{Z2) dimension as a subscript, the ~dimension must be the same in each SETC &C declaration. · 0 -'" OPEN Open o 'tlCBAR(6) ' MEND MACRO f)C)sNO .. ~E: ·The.-GBLB ... ';.'SI~iB(50l·.· ·1nstructionmust prec ·e· tbeftART . instruction. . . . . . . . . . . : Code - /0 /0 • MAC 2 GBLB &SWITCH (50) MEND START 0 . GBLB 4Et &SWITCH (50) END L3 -- Assigning Values to Set Symbols L3A -- THE SETA INSTRUCTION Purpose The SETA instruction allows you to assign an arithroetic value t.o a SETA symbol. You can specify a single value or an arithmetic expression from which the assembler will compute the value to assign. you can change the values assigned to an arithmetic or This allows you to use SETA symbols as counters, indexes, or for other repeated computations that require varying values. SETA symbol. Section L~ The Conditional Assembly Language 343 o Specifications SETA The ·format of the SETA instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. o The variable symbol in the name field must have been previously declared as a SETA symEol in a GBLA or LCLA instruction. • The assembler evaluates the arithmetic expression in the operand field as a signed 32-bit arithmetic value and assigns this value to the SETA symbol in the name field. An arithmetic expression is descrited in L4A. 'Ihe SETA can be the same SETA symbol has been previously declared in a GBLA or LCLA instruction with an allowable dimension. SUBSCRI~TED • O Operation A variable SETA Operand Symbol. SYM~OLS: SETA symbol 1n the name f1eld O subscripted, but only if • Name LCLA &Al,&A2 LCLA &SUBSCRA(lOO) • • 2000 &SUBSCRA(20) SETA .. ...: Must be an arithmetic expression allowed in operand of SETA instruction The assembler assigns the value of the expression in the operand field to the position in the declared array given by the value of the SU5SCript. The subscript expression must not be 0, or have a negative value, or exceed the dimension actually specified in the declaration. &SUBSCRA Array 1-1--1-1---1.\_.&.--_..::.1' \2000 I· .. ? 0 f &SUBSCRA (200) t t W 2 SETA 2000 t 100 *ERROR* NO VALUE ASSIGNE Value assigned &Al 344 SETA &SUBSCRA(20) &Al=2000 c:; L3B -- THE SETC INSTRUCTION Purpose The SETC instruction allows you to assign a character string value to a SETC symbol. You can assign Whole character strings or concatenate several smaller strings together. The assembler will assign the composite string to your SETC symbol. You can also assign parts of a character string to a SETC symbol by using the substring notation (see L5) • You can change the character value assigned to a SETC symbol. This allows you to use the same SETC symbol with different values for character comparisons in several places or for substituting different values into the same model statement. SETC Specifications I o ormat: The format of the SETC instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. Operation Name A variable symbols The variable symbol in the name field must have been previously declared as a SETC symbol in a GBLC or LCLC instruction. Operand SETC One of four options, exemplified below SETC T'&DATA Value Examples: &CI or T'SYMBOL Must appear alone and must not be enclosed in apostrophes The four opticns that can be specified in the operand field are: A type attribute reference BC &C2 SETC BC &C3 SETC A character expression (see L4B) A substring notation (see LS) A concatenation of substring notations, or character expressions, or both. ~The assembler assigns the character string value represented in the operand field to the SETC symbol in the name field. The string length must be in the range 0 (null character string) through 255 characters. Up to 255 characters enclosed in apostrophes BCDEF &C4 , I ABC' • 'DEF' SETC • or 'ABC'.'ABCDEF'(4,3) o Section L: The CondH~ional. Assembly Language 345 Character Value Assigned Value of &A1 to SETC symbols Examples: o • NOTE: When a SETA or SETB symbol is specified in a character expression, the unsigned decimal value of the symbol (with leading zeros removed) is the character ~ given to the symbol. ICl IC2 IC3 SETC SETC SETC 'IAl' 'IAl' 'IAl' IC4 ICS SETC SETC '-200' 'IAl' IC6 SETC IC7 SETC SETC Ica 200 00200 -200 ~ 200 200 200 -200 o o 00200 'IAl+1' '1-IA1' 30+1 1-30 30 -30 Format: (~\ Value Assigned to SETC symbol Must be in the range 1 through 255 ICl 346 o IC2 SETC (3) 'ABC' IC3 SETC (31 'ABCDE' (1, 31 • • IC4A SETC (31 'ABC' • 'DEF I IC4B SETC ' ABC' • (31 'ABCDEF' (4, 3 • .-',~J) o •• SUBSCRIPTED SETC SYMBOLS: The SETC symbol in the name field can be subScripted, but only if the same SETC symbol has been previously declared in a GBLC or LCLC instruction with an allowable dimension. LCLC LCLC The assembler assigns the character value represented in the operand field to the position in the declared • array given by the value of the subscript. The subscript expression must not· be 0, or have a nega ti ve • · value, or exceed the dimension actually specified in the declaration. • &SUBSC~C(l~) &SUBSCRC r. I IABCDEI ~ ~ SETC Array: Must be an arithmetic expression allowed in the operand of a SET A instruction t t 2 'ABCDE' I t '---~t 10 20 &SUBSCRC (25) SETC 'ABCDEF' **ERROR::=* No ~ Value Assigned Value assigned &Cl SETC '&SUBSCRC (10) , &Cl=ABCDE L3C -- THE SETB INSTRUCIION o Purpose The SETB instruction allows you to assign a tinary bit value to a SETB symbol. You can assign the bit values, o or 1, to a SETE symbol directly and use it as a switch. If you specify a logical expression (see L4C) in the operand field, the assembler evaluates this expression to determine Whether it is true or false and then assigns the values 1 or 0 respectively to the SETB symbol. You can use this computed value in condition tests or for substitution. 10· ' , " Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 347 ,,0 Specifications \~"')/ The format of the SETB instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. The variable symbol in the name field must have been ~reviously declared as a SETE symbol in a GELB or LCLB instruction. 'os The SETS Format: Name variibl.e',$~olisassigtte,> , only a t1~e attr~.J;)~'t_.!a~ue, of N~ A variable symbol The three options that can be specified in the operand field are: • 1. A binary value • 2. A binary value enclosed in parentheses OSNOTJh An arithmetic value en<:1$ea i • •• Values ASSigned &Bl SETB 0 &B2 SETB (1) &B3A SETB &B3B SETB (~'Ir· 0 1 0 1 (2 . L'+' 3) true IL~;s thanl , 3. A logical expression enclosed in parentheses (see L4C) • SUBSCRIPTED SETB SYMEOLS: The ~ symbol in the name field can be subscripted, but only if the same SETB symbol has been previously declared in a GBLB or LCLE instruction with an allowable dimension. The assembler assigns the binary value explicitly specified or implicit in the logical expression present in the operand field to • the position in the declared array given by the value of the subscript. The subscript expression must not be 0, or have a negative value, Oor exceed the dimension actually specified in the declaration. ' 348 One of three options, exemplified below 1 The assembler evaluates the logical expression, if specified, to determine if it is true or false. If it is true, it is given a value of 1; if it is false, a value of o. 'Ihe assembler assigns the O, explicitly specified binary value (0 or 1) or the computed logical value (0 or 1) to the SETB symbol in the name field. • .- Operand Examples: (0 or 1) onlY in .• paxenth~~~~.J.$ .allowed.. .' T~~", .,.i '>, val~eca~~~,r~~resent~d by an.""'i<,,:,i unsigned(}~c~mal self-defining .te~~i'; a .SETA. symJj0:l.! '. or. anattribu~e":' of 0 to the symbol in' the name field. Ifthevalue1s~otO •.:t-be assemble~ass~9nsavalueof1.:' <;;; 8 Operation SETB LCLB LCLB • &SUBSCRB(lO) SETB 1 Array: &SUBSCRB Must be an arithmetic expression allowed in operand of a SETA instruction &SUBSCRB(72) " ----'I !--~_ _~~~ {_ _ t 2 SETB t 10 50 1 ** ERROR** No VALUE ASSIGNED Value assigned &Bl SETB &SUBSCRB(lO} &BI=l 6 L4 - Using Expressions There are three types of expressions that you can use only in conditional assembly instructions: arithmetic, character, and logical. The assembler evaluates these conditional assembly expressions at pre-assembly time. Do not confuse the conditional assembly expressions with the absolute or relocatable expressions used in other assembler language instructions and described in C6. 1he assembler evaluates absolute and r~locatable expressions at assembly time. L4A -- ARITHMETIC (SETA) EXPRESSIONS Purpose You can use an arithmetic expression for assi9ning an arithmetic value to a SETA symbol, or for computin9 a value used during conditional assembly processing_ An arithmetic expression can contain one or more SET symbols, which allows you to use arithmetic expressions wherever you wish to specify varying values, for exam~le as: c 1. Subscripts for SET symbols, symbolic parameters, and 'SYSLIST, and in substring notation. You can then control loops, vary the results of computations, and produce different values for substitution into the same model statement. Section L: Th.e Conditional As~~mbly Language 349 Specifications Arithmetic expressions can be used as shown in the figure to the right. 4Dt • 350 NOTE: When an arithmetic expression is used in the operand field of a SETC instruction, the assembler assigns the character value representing the arithmetic expression to the SETe symbol, after substituting values into any variable symbols. It does not evaluate the arithmetic expression. can be U~ In Used As SETA instruction operand &Al SETA &Al+2 AI F instruction or SETS instruction comparand in arithmetic relation AIF (&A*lO GT 30).A Subscripted SET symbols subscript &SETSYM(&A+IO-&C) Substring notation (See L6) Sublist notation subscript subscript Example '&STRING' (&A*2,&A-l) sublist (A, B ,C , D ) when &A=1 &PARAM(&A+l) =B &SYSLIST subscript &SYSLIST(&M+l,&N-2) &SYSLIST(N'&SYSLIST) SETC instruction character string in operand &C SETC '5-10*&A' if &A=lO ~ then &C=5-10*1 • o b 'the figure below defines an arithmetic expression cselfdefining terms are described in C4E). Arith. Exp. I Arithmetic Expression Operators Allowed Unary: + positive - negative Scaling Integer Count or Number Binary: +addition - subtraction * multiplication I division Arith. Exp = Arithmetic Expression o section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 351 . Restrictions Variable Symbol SETA none SETB none SETC } &SYSPARM The variable symbols that are allowed as terms in an arith~etic expression are given in the figure to the right. value must be an unsigned decimal self-defining term in the range 0 through Example Value &C 123 &SYSPARM 2000 &PARAM X'Al' &SUBLIST(3) C'Z' &SYSLIST(3) 24 2,147,483,647 .Y:t;i_ _ Symbolic Parameters &SYSLIST (n) value must be a self-defining term ~corresPOnding operand or subiist &SYSLIST (n ,m) &SYSNDX 352 entry must be a self-defining term none &SYSLIST(3,2) B'lOl' o b Operators Unary Binary +, -, *,/ RULES FOR COOING ARITHMETIC EXPRESSIONS: The following is a summary of coding rules for arithmetic expressions: Examples 1. Both unary (operating on one value) and binary ~perating on two values) operators are allowed in arithmetic expressions. • • _ • o +,- t::::=:> - &A • • &A &A JI &A &B c::=::> &A-&B 2. An arithw.etic expression can have one or more unary operators preceding any term in the expression or at the beginning of the expression. Context determines whether a + or - is a Unary or Binary operator 3. An arithmetic expression !!!Y.§.i not begin with a binary operator, and it must not contain two binary operators in succession. 100 4. An arithmetic expression must not contain two terms in succession. S. An arithmetic expression must not contain blanks between an operator and a term nor between two successive operators. 6. An arithmetic expression can contain up to 24 unary and binary operators and up to 11 levels of parentheses. &A-&B ~ &C-&D c:::=> &C * (-&D) &A/&B+IOO INVALID ·C:A _ INVALID INVALID INVALID &C*I&D &C + *&D ! '" r---------,I '" NOte that the parentheses required for sublist notation, substring notation, and subscript notation count toward this limit. c=> c:::.:::> X'FF' (lO*&x) Leftmost operator between two terms is Binary INVALID Jr /' \ "I5"B '101' INVALID o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language ·353 . EVALUATION OF ARITHMETIC EXPRESSIONS: The assembler evaluates arithmetic expressions at pre-assembly time as follows: o a. It performs unary operations before binary oferations, and •• • h. It performs the binary operations of multiplication and division before the binary operations of addition and sul:tract ion. 3. In division, it gives an integer result; any fractional portion is dropped. Division by zero gives a 0 result. -- - Value of Arithmetic Expression 8:A~ &A*--X ' A' ' ===(> 5.f~+10 +50 .I' 1. It evaluates each arithmetic term. 2. It performs arithmetic operations from left to right. However: - Examples of Arithmetic Expressions &A=10,&B=2 ==I> 1O~:e21 (&A+10) /&B =t> 20/2 tA+10/&B ==¢ -===:> 15 10 &A=lO &A/2 ===e> 10/2 5 &A=ll &A/2 :::::::t> 11/2 &A/2 ===t> 1/2 • 5 &A=1 Q &A=l 10~~&A/2 &A + • • =t> 10/2 1.L (X'FF"2+&B-(~~+'~1 4. In parenthesized arithmetic expressions, the assembler evaluates the innermost expressions first and then considers them as arithmetic terms in the next cuter level of • expressions. It continues this process until the outermost expression is evaluated. 5. The computed result, including intermediate values, must lie in the range -2 31 through +2 31 -1. Final evaluation 354 5 1 J 0 1 L4B -- CHARAC'l'ER (SETC) ~PRESSIONS Purpose The main purpose of a character expression is to assign a character value to a SETC symbol. You can then use the SETC symbol to substitute the character string into a model statement. You can also use a character expression as a value for comparison in condition tests and logical expressions (see L4C). In addition, a character expression provides the string from which characters can be selected by the substring notation (see LS). Substitution of one or more chaxacter values into a character expression allows you to use the character expression wherever you need to vary values for substitution or to control loops. Char, Exp, Specifications can 'be Used in Used As Example SETC instruction operand AIF instruction or SETS instruction character string in character relation Substring notation (See L5) first part of notatiol1 Character (SETC) expressions can be used only in conditional assembly instructions as shown in the figure to the right. &C SETC 'STRINGO' AIF (' &C' EO 'STRINGl') .B '~0\~.~T' (2,5)=ELECT t I character ,\ expression '0 Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 355 character expression consists of any combination of characters enclosed in apostrophes. Variable symbols are allowed. The assembler substitutes the representation of their values as character strings into the character expression before evaluating the expression. A • Up to 255 characters are allowed in a character expression. NOTE: Attribute references are not allowed in character expr ess ions'. Must not contain more than 255 characters (including blanks) Variable Restrictions Example &A 356 SETA -0201 SETC I &A I sign and leading zeros are suppressed sta'nd alone zero is used &C SETB none SETC none &B SETB &Cl SETC 1 'ABC' &C2 SETC '&C1 1 SETA &ZERO &C • Value Substituted Symbol 201 SETA 0 SETC '&ZERO' 0 1 ABC Symbolic Parameters none &PARAM=(ABC) &C1 SETC '&PARAM' (ABC} System Variable symbols none &NUM SETC '&SYSNDX' 0201 if &SYSNDX= 201 (rf!'r\ \~~ o Examples Concatenation operator is a period (.) Value of Variable Symbols Value of Character Expression Used 0 • • • o • 'ABC' EVALUATION OF CHARACTER EXPRESSIONS: The value of a character expressioq is the character string within the enclosing apostrophes, after the assembler performs any substitution for variatle symbols. '&PARAM' A double apostrophe must be used to generate a single apostrophe as part of the value of a character expression. A double ampersand will generate a double ampersand as part of the value of a character expression. To generate a single ampersand in a character expression, use the substring notation, for example, • SYMBOL SYMBOL A+B-C*D 'A+B-C*D' Character strings, including variatle symbols, can be concatenated to each other wi thin a character expression. The resultant string is the value of the expression used in conditional assembly operations: for example, the value assigned to a SETC symtol. (. &&' ABC '&A+lO' 10 '&A&A' 15 10+10 (Not 20) 1515 mandatory I • '&C.ABC' optional I '&C.&C' DEF OEFABCI DEF DEFDEF '&C.+IO*&A' 'ABC&C' &A=200 &C=AREA &C=. '&C' null null character string 'ABC&C.DEF' &C=null ABCDEF .'LIISYMBOL' } AREA • + 10*200 ABC . L'SYMBOL (1,1) ) • NOTE: To generate a period, two periods must be specified after-a var1able symbol, or the variable symbol must have a period as part of its value. '&C'505' 2 2.505 '&C.505' 2. 2.505 Resultant Value must be in the range 0 through 255 characters " o SectionL: The Conditional Assembly Language 357 o o Page of CC33-4010-O Revised Septernber 29, 1972 By TNL CN33-8148 Concatenated String Value of Variable Symbol CONCATENATION OF CHARACTER STRING VALUES: Character ex~ressions can be concatenated to each other or to substring notations in any order: This concatenated string can then be used in the operand field of a SETC instruction or as a value for comparison in a logical express ion • • • ABCDEF ABCDEF , &C' Ifhe resultant value is a character string composed of the concatenated parts • Resultant Character String Value (4 , 3) • 'DEF ' ttiO..ll NOTE: The concatenation character (a period) is needed to separate the apostrophe that ends one character expressicn from the apostrophe that begins the next. , &C' (1, 3) • ' &C' (4, 3 ) , ABC t • '&C ' (4, 3) 'GHl f , ABC' • ' &C ' . 'GHI' 'ABC' • ' , • 'GHI' HI ABCGHI Value must be in the range 0 through 255 characters null character string L4C -- LOGICAL (SETE) EXPRESSIONS Purpose You can use a logical (Boolean) expression to assign the binary value 1 or 0 to a SETB syrrhcl. You can also use a logical expression to represent the condition test in an AIF instruction. This use allows you to code a logical expression whose value (0 or 1) will vary according to the values substituted into the expression and thereby determine whether or not a branch is to be taken. Specifications Logical Exp. Can be used in Used As Example operand &Bl condition test part of operand AIF SETB '0, \' Logical (SETB) expressions can be used only in conditional assembly instructions as shown in the figure. to the right. instruction AIF instruction SETB (&B2 OR 8 GT 3) (NOT &Bl OR 8 EQ 3~A Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 359 The figure on the expression. o~~osite ~age defines a logical NOTE: An arithmetic relation is two arithmetic ex~ressions separated by a relational operator. A character relation is two character strings (for example, a character expression and a type attribute reference) separated ty a relational operator. The relational operators are: 360 EQ (equal) NE (not equal) LE (less than or equal) LT (less than) GE (greater than or equal) GT (greater than) Page of GC33-4010-0 Revised September 29, 1972 By TNL GN33-8148 o Logical Operators Allowed Outermost Expression must be enclosed in parentheses in SETB and AIF instructions addition multiplication negation Logical ----r-----------------.;.-.------t Expression ... ~---I Optional parentheses around terms and expressions at this level Items optionally enclosed in parentheses Relational Operators Allowed equal not equal less than or equal less than greater than or equal greater than o Must be in the range 0 through 255 characters Comparand or or Arithmetic Expression (defined in L4A) Substring Notation (defined in L5A) Type Attribute Must stand alone and not be enclosed in apostrophes o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 361 RULES FOR CODING LOGIC~L Examples of Logical Expressions EXPRESSIONS: The following is a sum~ary of coding rules for logical expressions: (&A GT 100 OR '&C' EQ F) 1. A logical expression must not contain two logical terms in success ion. NOT &8 • 2. A logical expression can begin with the logical operator NOT. • 3. A logical expression can contain two logical operators in succession; however, the only corobina tions allowed are: OR NOT or ANt NOT. The two operators must be separated from each other by one or more blanks. o 4. Any logical term, relation, or inner logical expression can be optionally enclosed in parentheses. • 5. The relational and logical operators must be iw.mediately preceded and followed by at least one blank or other sFecial character. 6. A logical expression can contain up to 18 logical operators and up to 17 levels of parentheses. &B (NOT 0 ('&C' ~ OR &A GE 10 AND &A LE 0) 'ALLOC') ~ ( , &C ' EQ ' ALLOC ' ) Note that the relational and other operators used by the arithmetic and character expressicns in relations do not count toward this total. (&A NE 10) blank mandatory o 362 EVALUATION OF LOGICAL EXPRESSIONS: The assembler evaluates logical expressions as follows: Examples of Logical Expressions • • • • • • ('ABC' LT 'ABCD') a. The arithmetic or character expression specified as values for comparison in these relations, and then b. The arithmetic or character relation, and finally c. The logical terrr., which is the result of the relation. If the relation is true, the logical term it represents is given a value of 1. if the relation is false, the term is given a value of O. (&B AND NOT • (5 Always true (given a value of 1) GT 3» (&B AND (NOT (5 GT 3») (&B OR &A AND ('&C' EO 'B'» NOiE: If two comparands in a character relation have character values of unequal length, the assembler always takes the shorter character value to be less than the longer one. • (&B OR (&A AND ('&C' EO 'BI») 3. The assembler performs logical operations from left to right. However: o • «&A NE 100) OR T'&AREA EO '&PARAM' (3,4» 2. If the logical term is an arithmetic or character relation, the assembler evaluates: • • c:.~ }t\ 1. It evaluates each logical term, which is given a binary value of o or 1. ~------------,.------------~ a. It performs logical NOTs before logical ANDs and ORs, and b. It performs logical ANDs before logical ORs. (NOT (&Bl OR Q. In parenthesized logical expressions, the assembler evaluates the innermost expressions first and then considers theIr as lOgiCal. terms in the next outer level of expressions. It continues this process until the outermost expression is evaluated. o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 363 LS .. Selectiitg Characters from a String L5A -- SUBSTRING NOTATION Purpose The substring notation allows you to refer to one or nere characters within a character string. You can therefore either select characters from the string and use them fer substitution or testing, or scan through a complete string, inspecting each character. By concatenating substrings with other substrings or character strings, you can rearrange and build your own strings. Specifications The substring notation can be used only in conditional assembly instructions as shown in the figure below. 364 Can be Used in Used as Example SETC instruction operand operand &Cl SETC I ABC I (1,3) ABC part of operand &C2 SETC I &Cl ' (1,2) • I DEF I ABDEF SETB or AIF instruction operand (logical expression) Character value in comparand of character relation AIF &B SETB Value Assigned to SETC symbol ( I &STRING I (1,4) EQ 'AREA') .SEQ ('&STRING ' (1,4) .19 1 EO I FULL9 I ) Subs tt mg • • • • The substring notation must be specified as shoWn in the figure to the right. !he character string is a character expression from which the substring is to be extracted. The first subscript indicates the first character that is to be extracted from the'character string. The second subsdript indicates the number of characters to be extracted from the character string, starting with the character indicated by the first subscript. Thus the second subscript specifies the length of the resulting substring. EXlll'lpl.. Valul of V.-iIbII Symbol a..cter Value of SubstrIng I ABCDE I (1, 5 ) ABC DE I ABCDE I (2, 3 ) BCD t ac I (3,.3) 'aPARAM' (3,3) ABCDE CDE ,( (A+3)*lO) At3 o :0 Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 365 The character string must be a valid character expression with a length, N, in the range 1 through 255 characters. 0, The length of the resulting substring must be within the range 0-255. The subscripts, el, an1 e2, must be arithmetic expressions. The substring notation is replaced by a value that depends on the three elements: N, el, and e2, as summarized below: Examples: • • • O N 'ABCDEF' (7,1> N=e: *WARNING* e2=O , • • , ABCDEF 'j., 0) null null tif.IV;"'a-'u-e-of-e-l-d-is-rega-rd-ed-1 e O N+ 1 ''ABCDEF' (3,5) 'ABCDEF' (3,4) ~' N=6 *WARNING* CDEF CDEF (,) :0 L6 - Branching L6A -- The AIF INSTRUCTION Purpose The AIF instruction allows you to branch according to the result of a condition test. You can thus alter the sequence in which your assembler language statements are processed. The AIF instruction also provides loop control for conditional assembly processing, which allows you to control the sequence of statements to be generated. It also allows you to check for error conditions and thereby to branch to the appropriate MNOTE instruction to issue an error message. o Specifications The AIF instruction statement must be specified as shown in the figure to the right. Name Operation A sequence Symbol or Blank AIF Operand Sequence symbol described in L1C allowed between right parenthesis and sequence symbol o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 367 to .CONTINO ANOP • • • processing continues herw The assembler evaluates the logical expression in the operand field at pre-assembly time. If the logical expression is true (logical value=1) , the next statement processed by the assembler is the statement named b: the sequence symbol. If it is f lse (logical value =0), the next. sequential statement is processed. ' AIF • ERROR ( ANOP processing continues here .OUT 368 Tbesequence symbol in the operand field is a conditional assembly label that represents an address at pre-assembly time. It is the address of the statement to which a branch is taken if the logical expression preceding the sequence symbol is true. Source Module AIF (I IC I EO IF I) .FORWARD statement identified by the sequence syrebol referred to in the AIF instruction can appear before or after the AIF instruction. However, the statement must appear within the local scope of the sequence symbol. ThUS, the statement identified ty the sequence symbol must appear: AIF (IA GT 5).BACK ~e • ANOP MEND 4Et.AIF Inins0tenruct10n code, if the corresponding does or O.in which In the same macro definition the corresponding AIF START 0 instruction appears. open '. Ie· '.\ The sequence symbols .EACK and .FORWARD are not multiply defined. No branch can be taken from open code into a macro definition or between macro definitions, regardless of nested calls to other macro definitions. AIF (10 NE 200).FORWARD AIF ('ICHAR' NE ')').BACK code ANOP END NOTE: For compatibility, the assemblers described in this manual will process the AIFB instruction ~OS/360) in the same way they process the AIF instruction. L6B -- THE AGO INSTRUC~ION purpose The AGO instruction allows you to cranch unconditionally. You can thus alter the sequence in which your assembler language statements are processed. This provides yeu with final exits from conditional assembly loops. o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 369 specifications The AGO instruction statement must be specified as shown in the figure to the right. Name Operation A sequence AGO symbol or blank Source Module o The statement identified by a sequence symbol referred to in the AGO instruction can appear before or after the AGO instruction. However, the statement must appear within the local scope of the sequence syrilboi. Thus, the statement identified by the sequence symbol must appear • • In open code, if the corresponding AGO instruction does or AGO • FORWARD ANOP AGO • BACK ,,A"-'''\ ~-:II/ ANOP • • In the same macro definition in which the corresponding AGO instruction appears. NOTE: For compatibility, the assemblers described in this manual will process the AGOB instruction ~OS/360) in the same way they process the AGO instruction. Open code START o AGO • FORWARD ANOP END L6C -- THE ACTR INSTRUCTION Purpose The ACTR instruction allows you to set a conditional assembly loop counter either within a macro definition or in open code. Each time the assembler processes an AIF or AGO branching instruction in a macro definition or in open code, the loop counter for that part of the program is decremented by one. When the number of conditional assembly branches taken reaches the value assigned by the ACTR instructicn to the loop counter, the assembler exits from the macro definition or stops processing statements in open code. 370 By using the ACTR instruction, you avoid excessive looping during conditional assembly processing at pre-assembly time. Specifications ACTR The format of the ACTR instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. Name Operation Sequence symbol or blank ACTR MACRO OUTER The ACTR instruction can appear anywhere in open code or within a macro definition. Operand MACRO INNER o ACTR A conditional assembly loop counter is set (or reset) to the value of ~the arithmetic expression in the operand field. The loop counter has a local scope; its value is • decremented only by AGO and AIF instructions and reassigned only by ACTR instructions that appear wi thin the same scope. Thus, the nesting of macros has no effect on the setting of individual loop counters. ACTR The assembler sets its own internal loop counter both for open code and for each macro definition, if neither contains an ACTR instruction. The assembler assigns a standard value of 4096 to each of these internal loop counters. ACTR • Loop Counter for Macro Open Code ACTR END Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 371 LOOP COUNTER OPERATIONS: within the local scope of a ~articular loop counter (including the internal counters run by the assembler) , the following occurs; 1. Each time an AGO or AIF (also AGOB or AIFB) branch is executed, the assembler checks the loop counter . for zero or a negative value. 2. If the count is not zero or negative, it is decremented by one. MACRO OUTER MACRO INNER INNER AIF (&A EO 5) .OUT AGO .OUT ~ 3. If the count is zero, before decrementing, the assembler will take one of two actions: MEND a. If it is processing instructions in open code, the assembler will process the remainder of the instructIons in the source module as comments. Errors discovered in these instructions during previous passes are flagged. • • • b. If it is processing instructions inside a macro defini tion, the asse'l1bler terminates the expansicn of that macro definition and processes the next sequential instruction after the call1ng macro instruction. If the macro definition is called by an inner macro instruction, the assembler processes the next sequential instruction after this inner call, that is, continues processing at the next outer level of nested macros (for levels of nesting see K6A). NOTE: The assembler halves the ACTR counter value when it encounters serious syntax errors in conditional assembly instructions. 372 MEND o ~ L6D -- THE ANOP INSTRUCTION Purpose You can specify a sequence symbol in the name field of an ANOP instruction, and use the symbol as a label for branching purposes. The ANOP instruction performs no operation itself, but you can use it to branch to instructions that already have symbols in their name fields. For example, if you wanted to branch to a SETA, SETB, or SETC assignment instruction, which requires a variable symbol in the name field, you could insert a labeled ANOP instruction immediately before the assignment instruction. By branching to the ANOP instruction with an AIF or AGO instruction, you would, in effect, be branching to the assignment instruction. Specifications o The format of the ANOP instruction statement is given in the figure to the right. •• ANOP Name Operation Operand A sequence symbol or blank ANOP Not requirtKi Example No operation is performed by an ANOP instruction. Instead, if a branch is taken to the ANOP instruction, the asseIl'bler processes the next sequential instruction. AGO ~SEQ &A .SEQ. ANOP SETA 10 o Section L: The Conditional Assembly Language 373 L7 -- In Open Code L1A -- PURPOSE conditional assembly instructions in open code allow yeu: 1. To select at pre-assembly time statements or groups of statements from the open code portion of a source rredule according to a pre-determined set of conditions. 'lhe assembler further processes the selected statements at assembly time. 2. To pass local variable information from open code through parameters into macro definitions. 3. To control the comFutation in and generation of If,acre definitions using global SE~ symbols. 4. To substitute values into the model statements in the open code of a source module and control the sequence of their generation. Source Module L1B -- SPECIFICATIONS All the conditional assembly elements and instructions can be specified in open code • • • Conditional assembly instructions can appear anywhere in open code, but they must appear after any source macro definitions that are specified. The global andloe.l deelaratio,w: instructions (see L2llllUst app ... ·, fir$t in open code; that i$, tit must follow any so.uJ:c~ macx:<> .. . . ...,> definitions. specified. andprecea.}; the beginning of the first c<>ntJ' ? Question Mark Hole Pattem Zone Punches I Digit Punches 12 -9 - 4 0-8-4 11 - 9 12 -0 - 1 12 - 11 - 0 -9 - 8 - 1 I I I Appendix I~ Character Codes 381 o This page left blank intentionally. Q Appendix II: Hexadecimal-Decimal Conversion Table The table in this appendix provides for direct conversion of decimal and hexadecimal numbers in these ranges: r-------------~---------------1 I Hexadecimal I Decimal I ~--------------+---------------i IL ______________ 000 to FFF LI ______________ 0000 to 4095 JI Decimal numbers (0000-4095) are given within the 5-part table. The first two characters (high-order) of hexadecimal numbers (OOO-FFF) are given in the lefthand column of the table; the third character (x) is arranged across the top of each part of the table. To find the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number OC9, look for OC in the left colum, and across that row under the column for x = 9. The decimal number is 0201. To convert from decimal to hexadecimal, look up the decimal number within the table and read the hexadecimal number by a combination of the hex characters in the left column, and the value ~or x at the top of the column containing the decimal number. For example, the decimal number 123 has the hexadecimal equivalent of 07B; the decimal number 1478 has the hexadecimal equivalent of 5C6. For numbers outside the range of the table, add the following values to the table r--------------T-----------, I Hexadecimal I Decimal I ~--------------+-----------~ 1000 4096 2000 8192 3000 12288 4000 16384 5000 20480 6000 24576 7000 28672 8000 32768 9000 36864 AOOO 40960 BOOO 45056 COOO 49152 0000 53248 EOOO 57344 ______________ ___________ J FOOO 61440 ~ Appendix II: Hexadecimal-Decimal Conversion Table 383 x = 0 1 2 3 OOx 01x 02x 03x 0000 0016 0032 00"8 0001 0017 0033 00169 0002 0018 003f1 0050 0003 0019 0035 0051 Ollx 05x 06x 07x 0064 0080 0096 0112 0065 0081 0097 0113 0066 0082 0098 011' 08x 09x OAx OBx 0128 0144 0160 0176 0129 0145 0161 0177 OCx ODx OEx OFx 0192 0208 022" 0240 lOx llx 12x 13x 5 6 7 8 9 A a C D E F 0020 0036 0052 0005 0021 0037 0053 0006 0022 0038 005. 0007 0023 0039 0055 0008 002" 00110 0056 0009 0025 00111 0057 0010 0026 00112 0058 0011 0027 00"3 0059 0012 0028 00"" 0060 0013 0029 00115 0061 00116 0030 00"6 0062 001 !:I 0031 00«17 000: 0067 0083 0099 0115 0068 008" 0100 0116 0069 0085 0101 0117 0070 0086 0102 0118 0071 0087 0103 0119 0072 0088 010' 0120 0073 0089 0105 0121 007. 0090 0106 0122 0075 0091 0107 0123 0076 0092 0108 012" 0077 0093 0109 0125 0078 .00911 0110 0126 007'1 0130 0146 0162 0178 0131 0147 0163 0179 0132 0148 0161t 0180 0133 011J9 0165 0181 01311 0150 0166 0182 0135 0151 0167 0183 0136 0152 0168 018" 0137 0153 0169 0185 0138 01511 0170 0186 0139 0155 0171 0187 0140 0156 0172 0188 0141 0157 0173 0189 0142 0158 017" 0190 0143 01S} 0175 0191 0193 0209 0225 02'" 019. 0210 0226 0242 0195 0211 0227 0243 0196 0212 0228 02"" 0197 0213 0229 02"5 0198 02111 0230 0246 0199 0215 0231 0247 0200 0216 0232 0248 0201 0217 0233 02169 0202 0218 023" 0250 0203 0219 0235 0251 02011 0220 0236 0252 0205 0221 0237 0253 0206 0222 0238 025" 0207 0223 0239 0255 0256 0272 0288 03011 0257 0273 0289 0305 0258 027" 0290 0306 0259 0275 0291 0307 0260 0276 0292 0308 0261 0277 0293 0309 0262 0278 0294 0310 0263 0279 0295 0311 026" 0280 0296 0312 0265 0281 0297 0313 0266 0282 0298 0314 0267 0283 0299 0315 0268 0284 0300 0316 0269 0285 0301 0317 0210 0286 0302 0318 0271 0287 0303 0319 14x 15x 16x 17x 0320 0336 0352 0368 0321 0337 0353 0369 0322 0338 035" 0370 0323 0339 0355 0371 032. 0340 0356 0312 0325 03111 0357 0373 0326 03"2 0358 0374 0327 0343 0359 0375 0328 03"4 0360 0376 0329 03ft5 0361 0377 0330 03"6 0362 0378 0331 0347 0363 0379 0332 03118 0364 0380 0333 03"9 0365 0381 0334 0350 0366 0382 0335 0351 0367 0383 18x 19x lAx lax 038" 0400 0"'6 0 .. 32 0385 0401 0"17 0433 0386 0402 0"'8 043. 0387 0403 01l1!' 01t35 0388 040" 0420 01t36 0389 0405 0421 0437 0390 0406 0422 0438 0391 0.07 01123 01139 0392 0408 011211 0.... 0 0393 0409 01125 01141 03911 0410 01t26 0442 0395 0411 0427 01643 0396 0412 0428 044" 0397 0413 0"29 01t45 0398 0414 0430 0"46 0399 04'5 01131 0447 lCx lDx lEx lFx 0""8 0"611 01680 0496 0449 0465 0481 0497 0450 0466 0482 0498 0451 0467 0"83 01699 01152 0"68 0484 0500 0453 0469 0485 0501 0454 0"70 0486 0502 0.55 01171 0487 0503 0456 " .. 72 0488 0504 0457 0"51 047. 0"90 0506 0459 0475 0"91 0507 0"60 0476 0492 0508 0461 0477 0493 0509 0"62 0478 0494 0510 046~ 047~ 04~5 " 000" 01113 0489 0505 . 009~ 0111 0127 0511 !'.. ~. I ' \ ~f 20x 21x 22x 23x 0512 0528 05 .... 0560 0513 0529 05115 0561 051. 0530 0546 0562 0515 0531 05117 0563 0516 0532 05.8 05" 0517 0533 05119 0565 0518 053. 0550 0566 0519 0535 0551 0567 0520 0536 0552 0568 0521 0537 0553 0569 0522 0538 0554 0570 0523 0539 0555 0571 0524 05110 0556 0572 0525 05111 0557 0573 0526 0542 05!:18 0514 0527 0543 0559 0575 211x 25x 26x 27x 0576 0592 0608 06211 0577 0593 0609 0625 0578 059_ 0610 0626 0579 0595 0611 0627 0580 0596 0612 0628 0581 0597 0613 0629 0582 0598 0614 0630 0583 0599 0615 0631 05811 0600 0616 0632 0585 0601 0617 0633 0586 0602 0618 063_ 0587 0603 0619 0635 0588 060. 0620 0636 0589 0605 0621 0637 0590 0606 0622 0638 0591 0607 0623 0639 28x 29x 2Ax 2ax OUO 0656 0672 0688 OUl 0657 0673 0689 06412 0658 067. 0690 06U 0659 0675 0691 06 .... 0660 0676 0692 06415 0661 0677 0693 06116 0662 0678 069" 06.., 0663 0679 0695 0648 06611 0680 Oi96 06'" 0665 0681 0697 0650 0666 0682 0698 0651 0667 0683 0699 0652 0668 06811 0700 0653 0669 0685 0701 06S11 0670 0686 0702 0655 0671 0681 0703 2Cx 2Dx 2Ex 2Px 070. 0720 0736 0752 0705 0721 0737 0753 0706 0722 0731 075. 0707 0723 0139 0755 0108 072. 07110 0756 0709 0725 07111 0757 0710 0726 07"2 0758 0711 0721 07"3 0159 0712 0728 07"0760 0713 0729 07fl5 0761 07111 0730 01116 0762 0715 0731 07.., 0763 0716 0732 07118 07641 0717 0133 07119 0765 0718 0734 0750 0766 0719 0735 0751 0767 30x 31x 32x 33x 0768 07811 0800 0816 0769 0785 0801 0811 0770 0786 0802 0818 0711 0787 0803 0819 0772 0788 080" 0820 0773 0789 0805 0821 077. 0790 0806 0822 0715 0791 0807 0823 0776 0792 0808 082' 0777 0793 0809 0825 0778 0"4 0810 0826 0719 0795 0811 0827 0780 0796 0812 0828 0181 0791 0813 0829 0782 0798 0814 0830 0783 0199 0815 0831 311x 35x 36x 37x 0832 08118 08641 0880 0833 08119 086S 0881 083_ 0850 0866 0882 0835 0851 0867 0883 0836 0852 0868 08811 0837 0853 0869 0885 0831 08511 0870 0886 0839 0855 0871 0887 08'0 0856 0812 0888 0 ... , 0857 0873 0889 08"2 0858 087. 0890 08113 0859 0875 0891 08 .... 0860 0876 0892 0845 0861 0877 0893 081+6 0862 0878 089. 08117 0863 0879 0895 38x 39x 3Ax 3ax 0896 0'12 0928 09 .. 0891 0913 0929 09115 0898 0"11 0930 09116 0899 0915 0931 09.., 0900 0916 0932 09.. 0901 0917 0933 09119 0902 0918 09311 0950 0903 0919 0935 0951 0'0' 0'20 0'36 0'52 0905 0921 0931 0953 0906 0922 0938 09S' 0907 0923 0939 0955 0908 092" 09"0 0956 0909 0925 0941 0957 0910 0926 09112 0958 0911 0921 09113 0959 3ex 3Dx 3zx 3Px 0960 on6 0992 1008 0961 0977 0993 1009 0962 0"1 09" 1010 0963 0979 0995 1011 09611 0980 0996 1012 0965 0981 0997 1013 0966 0982 0991 10n 0967 0983 0999 1015 0"8 0'" 1000 1016 09" 0985 1001 1017 0970 0986 1002 1011 0911 0987 1003 1019 0972 0988 100" 1020 0973 0989 1005 1021 09711 0990 1006 1022 0975 0991 1007 1023 384 o 0 1 2 3 • 'Ox 41x 42x 43x 102' 10.0 1056 1012 1025 1Oil 1 1057 1013 1026 10112 1058 101. 1021 10U 1059 1075 1028 10. . 1060 1016 '"x 45x 46x "x 1088 110.. 1120 1136 1089 1105 1121 1137 1090 1106 1122 1138 1091 1101 1123 1139 1092 1108 112" 11.0 Ux 1153 1169 1185 1201 115. 1170 4.x 1152 1168 ,,.11 1200 1202 1155 1171 1187 1203 4ex laDx 4ax 'f'x 1216 1232 12la8 126.. 1211 1233 12., 1265 1218 123 .. 1250 1266 SOx 51x 52x 53x 1280 1296 1312 1328 1281 1291 1313 1329 5lax 55x 56x '57x 13.. 1360 1316 1392 58x ,, 5.x ,.08 ,.2" ' .. 0 1U6 sex 5Dx 5. . 5rx ,.,3 x • 6 1 8 9 A B C 0 E F 1031 10U 1063 1079 1032 10 ... 1oill 1080 1033 10., 1065 1081 103. 1050 1066 1082 1035 1051 1067 1083 1036 1052 1068 10111 1037 1053 1069 10.,5 1038 10511 1070 10.,6 1039 1055 1071 1087 1096 1112 1128 114_ 1097 1113 1129 lUS 1098 11 ". 1130 111lt 1099 1115 1131 11117 1100 1116 1132 11_8 1101 1117 1133 111lt 1102 1118 113 .. 1150 1103 1119 1135 1151 1161 1177 1193 1209 1162 1178 119" 1210 1163 1179 1195 1211 116 .. 1180 1196 1212 1165 1181 1191 1213 1166 1182 1198 12". 1167 1183 1199 1215 1029 1030 1061 1017 1062 1018 1093 1109 1125 10,. 1110 1126 11.2 1095 1111 1121 1156 1172 1188 120 .. 1151 1173 1189 1205 1158 117 .. 1190 1206 , .. 59 1175 ,,,, 1201 1160 1176 1192 1208 1219 1235 1251 1267 1220 1236 1252 1268 1221 1237 1253 1269 1222 1238 125. 1210 1223 1239 1255 1211 12211 12110 1256 1212 1225 12111 1257 127.3 1226 12112 1258 121. 1227 1243 1259 1215 1228 12.... 1260 1216 1229 12115 1261 1211 1230 12166 1262 1218 1231 12167 1263 1219 1282 1298 131 .. 1330 1283 1299 1315 1331 12'1300 1316 1332 1285 1301 1311 1333 1286 1302 1318 133. 1281 1303 1319 1335 1288 13011 1320 1336 1289 1305 1321 1337 1290 1306 1322 1338 1291 1301 1323 1339 1292 1308 132" 13 .. 0 1293 1309 1325 13., ,29" 1310 1326 13112 1295 1311 1321 13163 13la5 1361 1311 1393 13116 1362 1378 1391a 13U 1363 1379 1395 131lS 1361a 1380 1396 13., 1365 1381 1397 1350 1366 1382 1398 1351 1361 1383 1399 1352 1368 13811 1400 1353 1369 1385 1401 13511 1370 1386 1402 1355 1311 1387 llt03 1356 1372 1388 "0" 1351 1373 1389 11105 1358 137 .. 1390' 11106 1359 1375 1391 , .. 07 "09 ,..25 ,..,0 '''26 '''2 ,.58 ,.,1 11127 1l1li3 1U9 ,.,2 ,.28 ,.,3 ,..29 ,..5 11161 11"5 "31 ,.U ,.63 1416 11132 lU8 146 .. ,..,7 1UO , ... 6 '''2 11133 1ft., '''5 ,..18 1113 .. ,.50 ,.66 ,.19 , .. 35 ,.51 11161 11120 , .. 36 1452 '''8 11121 1ft37 11653 1ft 69 '''22 11638 , .. 5.. ,.70 '''23 , .. 39 '''55 , .. 71 1'72 1'18 1501a 1520 1505 1521 11.90 1506 1522 "" '''" lla15 1507 1523 ,.,6 ,.92 1508 152' ,.,3 1509 1525 ,.78 14" 1510 1526 1479 ,.,5 1511 1521 lUO ,.,6 1512 1528 1U1 ,.,7 1513 1529 1482 lU8 15111 1530 11183 ,.,9 1515 1531 1UII 1500 1516 1532 1U5 1501 1517 1533 1U6 1502 1518 15311 1487 1503 1519 1535 60x 61x 62x 63x 1536 1552 1568 15811 1537 1553 1569 1585 1538 1.55 .. 1570 1586 1539 1555 1571 1587 15160 1556 1572 1588 15.. , 1557 1513 1589 15112 1558 15711 1590 15.. 3 1559 1515 1591 15.... 1560 1576 1592 15.. 5 1561 1517 1593 15166 1562 1578 159 .. 15.. 7 1563 1579 1595 1548 1564 1580 1596 1549 1565 1581 1597 1550 1566 1582 1598 1 ~~1 1561 1583 1599 611x 65x 66x 67x 1600 1616 1632 1648 1601 1617 1633 16119 1602 1618 1634 1650 1603 1619 1635 1651 1604 1620 1636 1652 1605 1621 1631 1653 1606 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18113 179 6 1812 1828 184 .. 1797 1813 1829 18 .. 5 1798 18111 1830 18 .. 6 1799 1815 1831 1847 1800 1816 1832 1848 1801 1817 1833 18 .. 9 1802 1818 183 .. 1850 1803 1819 1835 1851 1804 1820 1836 1852 1805 1821 1837 1853 1806 1822 1838 1854 1807 1823 1839 Hl55 7"x 75x 76x 77x 1856 1812 1888 190 .. 1851 1873 1889 1905 1858 187 .. 1890 1906 1859 1815 1891 1907 1860 1876 1892 1908 1861 1877 1893 1909 1862 1878 18911 1910 1863 1879 1895 1911 18611 1880 1896 1912 1865 1881 1897 1913 1866 1882 1898 191 .. 1861 1883 1899 1915 1868 1881l 1900 1916 1869 1885 1901 1911 1870 18t16 1902 1918 1871 1887 1903 1919 78x 19x 7Bx 1920 1936 1952 1968 1921 1937 1953 1969 1t22 1938 195.. 1970 1923 1939 1955 1971 19211 " .. 0 1956 1972 1925 19.. , 1957 1913 1926 "'2 1958 197 .. 1927 " .. 3 "59 1975 1928 19 .... 1960 1916 1929 19.. 5 1961 1917 1930 19.. 6 1962 1918 1931 " .. 7 1963 1979 1932 19.. 8 1964 1980 1933 19 .. 9 1965 1981 1934 1950 1966 1982 1935 1951 1967 1983 7Cx 10x 7Ex 7Fx 198 .. 2000 2016 2032 1985 2001 2011 2033 1986 2002 2018 203" 1981 2003 2019 2035 1988 20011 2020 2036 1989 2005 2021 2037 1990 2006 2022 2038 199T 2007 2023 2039 1992 2008 2024 20 .. 0 1993 2009 2025 2041 199" 2010 2026 20.. 2 1995 2011 2027 20"3 1996 2012 2028 20.... 1997 2013 2029 20 .. 5 1998 2014 2030 2046 1999 2015 2031 20167 "X IlAx 5" SAx o 5 lAx .. ,.51 1186 ,." ,..... '''0 lOllS "., ,." lOU ,..,. 11 III '0 Appendix II: Hexadecimal-Decimal Conversion Table 385~ 4 1 2 3 9 A B C lOx 81x 82x 83x 2048 2064 2080 2096 20119 2065 2081 2097 2050 2066 2082 2098 2051 2067 2083 2099 2052 2068 2084 2100 2053 2069 2085 2101 2054 2070 2086 2102 2055 2071 2087 2103 2056 2072 2088 2104 2057 2073 2089 2105 2058 20711 2090 2106 2059 2075 2091 2107 2060 2076 2092 2108 2061 2077 2093 2109 2062 2078 2094 2110 2063 2079 2095 2111 84x 85x 86x 87x 2112 2128 2144 2160 2113 2129 2145 2161 2114 2130 2146 2162 2115 2131 2147 2163 2116 2132 2148 2164 2117 2133 2149 2165 2118 2134 2150 2166 2119 2135 2151 2167 2120 2136 2152 2168 2121 2137 2153 2169 2122 2138 2154 2170 2123 2139 2155 2171 2124 2140 2156 2172 2125 2141 2157 2173 2126 2142 2158 2174 2127 2143 2159 2175 88x 89x 8Ax 88x 2176 2192 2208 2224 2177 2193 2209 2225 2178 2194 2210 2226 2179 2195 2211 2227 2180 2196 2212 2228 2181 2197 2213 2229 2182 2198 2214 2230 2183 2199 2215 2231 2184 2200 2216 2232 2185 2201 2217 2233 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2996 29'" 2965 2981 2997 2950 2966 2982 2998 2951 2967 2983 2999 2952 2968 2984 3000 2953 2969 2985 3001 2954 2970 2986 3002 2955 2971 2987 3003 2956 2912 2988 3004 2957 2973 2989 3005 2958 29711 2990 3006 2959 2975 2991 3007 8Cx 8Dx BEx 8Fx 3008 3024 3040 3056 3009 3025 30111 3057 3010 3026 30112 3058 3011 3027 30U 3059 3012 3028 3044 3060 3013 3029 30"5 3061 3014 3030 3046 3062 3015 3016 3031 • 3032 3047 3048 3063 306. 3017 3033 3049 3065 3018 303et 3050 3066 3019 3035 3051 3067 3020 3036 3052 3068 3021 3037 3053 3069 302~ 3038 3054 3070 3023 3039 3055 3071 x • i) 5 6 7 I , 0 E F C}j -~ \', 386 \ x ... o 0 1 2 3 II 5 6 7 8 9 A 8 C D E F COx Clx C2x C3x 3072 3088 31011 3120 3073 3089 3105 3121 30711 3090 3106 3122 3075 3091 3107 3123 3076 3092 3108 31211 J077 3093 3109 3125 3078 30911 3110 3126 3079 3095 3111 3127 3080 3081 3097 3113 3129 3082 3098 31111 3130 3083 3099 3115 3131 3084 3100 3116 3132 ,)110;) 3112 3128 3101 3117 3133 J086 3102 3118 31311 3087 3103 3119 3135 Cllx C5x C6x C7x 3136 'U52 3168 31811 3137 3153 3169 3185 3138 31511 3170 3186 3139 3155 3171 3187 31160 3156 3172 3188 31161 3157 3173 3189 31112 3158 3174 3190 31113 3159 3175 3191 311111 3160 3176 3192 31115 3161 3177 3193 31116 3162 3178 31911 31117 3163 3179 3195 3148 31611 3180 3196 31119 3165 3181 3197 3150 3166 3182 3198 3151 3167 3183 3199 C8x C9x CAx CBx 3200 3216 3232 3248 3201 3217 3233 3249 3202 3218 32311 3250 3203 3219 3235 3251 32011 3220 3236 3252 3205 3221 3237 3253 3206 3238 32511 3207 3223 3239 3255 3208 32211 3240 3256 3209 3225 32111 3257 3210 3226 32112 3258 3211 3227 3243 3259 3212 3228 32411 3260 3213 3229 3245 3261 32111 3230 32116 3262 3215 3231 3247 3263 CCx CDx CEx CFx 32611 3280 3296 3312 3265 3281 3297 3313 3266 3282 3298 3314 3267 3283 3299 3315 3268 3284 3300 3316 3269 3285 3301 3317 3270 3286 3302 3318 3271 3287 3303 3319 3272 3288 3320 3213 3289 3305 3321 32711 3290 3306 3322 3275 3291 3307 3323 3276 3292 3308 33211 3277 3293 3309 3325 3278 3294 3310 3326 3279 3295 3311 3327 DOx Dlx D2x D3x 332 8 3344 3360 3376 3329 3345 3361 3377 3330 33116 3362 3378 3331 3347 3363 3379 3332 33118 33611 3380 3333 33119 3365 3381 33311 3350 3366 3382 3335 3351 3367 3383 3336 3352 3368 33811 3337 3353 3369 3385 3338 33511 3370 3386 3339 3355 3371 3387 3340 3356 3372 3388 3341 3357 3373 3389 33112 3358 3374 3390 33113 3359 3375 3391 Dllx D5x D6x D7x 3392 3408 34110 3393 31109 31125 31141 33911 31110 31126 311112 3395 31111 3427 311113 3396 31112 31128 3111111 3397 31113 3U9 3U5 3398 3111 It 31130 316116 3399 3lt15 3lt31 316167 31600 3lt16 31132 3U8 31101 31117 31133 311qg 31102 31118 311311 31150 31603 3lt19 31135 31651 31104 3420 31t36 31652 3405 31t21 3437 31153 31106 31122 31138 311511 31107 31123 31139 3455 D8x D9x DAx DBx 3456 31672 31188 35011 31157 3413 3489 3505 31158 3474 31190 3506 31159 31675 3491 3507 3lt60 3lt76 3492 3508 31161 3477 31193 3509 3462 3.78 311911 3510 31163 3lt79 31195 3511 3lt611 31680 31196 3512 31165 31181 31t97 3513 31t66 31182 31198 35111 3U7 31t83 31199 3515 31t68 31184 3500 3516 3469 3485 3501 3517 3470 31186 3502 3518 3471 31187 3503 3519 DCx DDx DEx DFx 3520 3536 3552 3568 3521 3537 3553 3569 3522 3538 3554 3570 3523 3539 3555 3571 35211 35110 3556 3572 3525 35., 3557 3573 3526 35112 3558 35711 3527 35113 3559 3575 3528 351111 3560 3576 3529 35115 3561 3577 3530 35U 3562 3578 3531 351t1 3563 3579 3532 35118 35611 3580 3533 35qg 3565 3581 35311 3550 3566 35112 3535 3551 3567 3583 EOx Elx E2x E3x 3584 3600 3616 3632 3585 3601 3617 3633 3586 3602 3618 3634 3587 3603 3619 3635 3588 3604 3620 3636 3589 3605 3621 3637 3590 3606 3622 3638 3591 3607 3623 3639 3592 3608 36211 36110 3593 3609 3625 3641 35911 3610 3626 36112 3595 3611 3627 36113 3596 3612 3628 361111 3597 3613 3629 3645 3598 3614 3630 3646 3599 3615 3631 3647 Ellx E5x E6x E7x 36118 36611 3680 3696 36119 3665 3681 3697 3650 3666 3682 3698 31)51 3667 3683 3699 3652 3668 36811 3700 3653 3669 3685 3701 36511 3670 3686 3702 3655 3671 3687 3703 3656 3672 3688 3704 3657 3673 3689 3705 3658 36711 3690 3706 3659 3675 3691 3707 3660 3676 3692 3708 3661 3677 3693 370Q 3662 3678 3694 1710 3663 3679 3695 3711 18x 19x EAx IBx 3712 3728 37114 3760 3713 3729 3745 3761 37111 3730 3746 3762 3715 3731 37117 3763 3716 3732 3748 3764 3717 3733 3749 3765 3718 3734 3750 3766 3719 3735 3751 3767 3720 3736 3752 3768 3721 3737 3753 3769 3722 3738 3754 3770 3723 3739 3755 3171 3724 37110 3756 3772 3725 3741 3757 3773 31:." 3742 3758 37711 3727 3743 3759 3775 ECx EDx Elx EFx 3776 3792 3808 3824 3777 3793 3809 3825 3778 37911 3810 3826 3779 3795 3811 3827 3780 3796 3812 3828 3781 3797 3813 3829 3782 3798 3814 3830 3783 3799 3815 3831 3784 3800 3816 3832 3785 3801 3817 3833 3786 3802 3818 3834 3787 3803 3819 3835 3788 3804 3820 3836 3789 3805 3821 3837 3790 3806 3822 3838 3191 3b07 3823 3b39 FOx F1x F2x F3x 38110 3856 3872 3888 38111 3857 3873 3889 3842 3858 3874 3890 38113 3859 3815 3891 3844 3860 3876 3892 3845 3861 3877 3893 3846 3862 3878 38911 38117 3863 3879 3895 3848 3864 3880 3896 3849 3865 3881 3697 3850 3866 3882 3898 3851 3861 3883 3899 3852 3868 3884 3900 3853 3869 3885 3901 3854 3870 38116 3902 3855 3b11 3li87 3903 Fllx r5x F6x F7x 3904 3920 3936 3952 3905 3921 3937 3953 3906 3922 3938 3951t 3907 3923 3939 3955 3908 3924 3940 3956 3909 3925 3941 3957 3910 3926 3942 3958 39" n27 3943 3959 3912 3928 39411 3960 3913 3929 39115 3961 39111 3930 3946 3962 3915 3931 39117 3963 3916 3932 3948 3964 3917 3933 3949 3965 3918 3934 3950 3966 3919 3935 3951 3967 F8x F9x FAx FBx 3968 3984 4000 4016 3969 3985 1t00l 4017 3970 3986 4002 11018 3971 3987 1t003 4019 3972 3988 40011 4020 3973 3989 11005 4021 3974 3990 11006 11022 3975 3991 11007 '023 3976 3992 4008 110211 3977 3993 16009 11025 3978 3994 11010 11026 3979 3995 11011 11027 3980 3996 4012 4028 3981 3997 11013 11029 39b2 3998 40111 11030 3983 3999 4015 4031 FCx FDx FEx Frx 11032 11048 11064 4080 4033 11049 '065 4081 40311 4050 4066 11082 4035 11051 11067 4083 4036 11052 4068 4084 1t037 4053 1t069 4085 11038 11054 11070 11086 11039 11055 11071 4087 4040 11056 It 072 11088 110111 11057 /f073 /f089 11042 4058 4074 11090 11043 '059 11075 11091 40411 '060 4076 11092 4045 4061 11077 11093 4046 4062 4078 4094 4047 4063 4079 4095 311~1I 3222~ 3096 33~1I o Appendix II: Hexadecimal-Decimal Conversion Table 387 o This page left blank intentionally. o b Appendix III: Machine Instruction Format BASIC MACHINE FORMAT 4 8 Operation Rl Code ASSEMBLER OPERAND FIELD FORMAT Rl,R2 4 APPLICABLE INSTRUCTIONS All RR inst"ructions except BCR,SPM, and SVC # R2 RR 4 8 Operation Ml Code 4 RX BCR Rl SPM I (See Notes 1,6,8, and 9) SVC R2 4 8 Operation Rl Code 8 Operation Code Ml,R2 8 I 4 4 12 Rl,D2(X2,B2) X2 B2 02 Rl,S2(X2) Rl,S2 All RX instructions except BC 4 4 12 X2 B2 02 Ml,D2(X2,B2) Ml,D2 (,B2) Ml,S2(X2) Ml,S2 (See Notes 1,6,8, and 9) BC 4 4 12 R3 B2 D2 Rl,R3,D2(B2) Rl,R3',S2 BXH,BXLE,CDS,CS,LM,SIGP, STM,LCTL,STCTL 4 8 Operation Rl Code 4 4 12 02 Rl,D2(B2) Rl,S2 All shift instructions B2 4 8 Operation Rl Code 4 4 12 ICM, STCM,CLM M3 B2 02 Rl,M3,D2(B2) Rl,M3,S2 (See Notes 1-3,7, 8,and 9) 4 8 Operation Code Rl 4 8 Operation Code Ml 4 8 Operation Rl Code Rl,D~(,B2) RS Appendix III: Machine Instruction Format 389 BASIC MACHINE FORMAT 8 8 Operation Code 12 4 B1 01 8 Operation Code 4 12 B1 ASSEMBLER OPERAND FIELD FORMAT APPLICABLE INSTRUCTIONS D1(B1J,I2 Sl,I2 All SI instructions except those listed for the other SI format. 12 SI S 16 Two-byte Operation Code 8 4 4 4 Operation Ll L2 B1 Code LPSW,SSM,TIO,TCH,TS 01 01(B1) Sl (See Notes 2,3,6, 7,8 and 10) 4 12 01(B1) Sl B1 01 SCK,STCK,STIDP,SIOF,STIDC, SIO,HIO,HOV SCKC,STCKC,SPT,STPT,PTLB, RRB CLRIO,IPK,SPKA,SPX,STAP, STPX 12 4 (See Notes 2, 3, and 7) 12 01 B2 02 01(L1,Bl) ,D2(L2,B2) Sl(Ll),S2(L2) PACK,UNPK,MVO,AP, CP,DP,MP,SP,ZAP D1(L,Bl),02(B2) NC,OC,XC,CLC,MVC,MVN, MVZ,TR,TRT,ED,EOMK SS 8 Operation Code 8 4 L B1 01 12 4 4 4 12 8 Operation Code Ll 13 Bl 01 12 4 Sl(L),S2 B2 D2 4 12 B2 02 01(Ll,B1),02(B2),I3 Sl(Ll),S2,I3 Sl,S2,I3 (See Notes 2,3,5,6, 7 and 10) SRP Notes for Appendix III: 1. Rl, R2, and R3 are absolute expressions that specify general or floating-point registers. The general register numbers are 0 through 15; floating-point register numbers are 0, 2, 4, and 6. 2. 01 and 02 are absolute expressions that specify displacements. may be specified. 3. B1 and B2 are absolute expressions that specify base registers. o - 15. 4. X2 is an absolute expression that specifies an index register. o - 15. 5. L, L1, and L2 are absolute expressions that specify field lengths. An L expression 16 • can specify a value of 1 - 256. Ll and L2 expressions can specify a value of 1 In all cases, the assembled value will be one less than the specified value. 6. I, 12, and 13 are absolute expressions that prov1de immediate data. and 12 may be 0 - 255. The value of 13 may be 0 - 9. 7. Sl and S2 are absolute or re10catable expressions that specify an address. 8. RR, RS, and SI instruction fields that are blank under BASIC MACHINE FORMAT are not examined during instruction execution. The fields are not written in the symbolic operand, but are assembled as binary zeros. 9. Ml and M3 specify a 4-bit mask. A value of 0 - 4095 Register numbers are Register numbers are -° The value of I 10. In IBM System/370 the SIO, HIO, HOV and SIOF operation codes occupy one byte and the low order bit of the second byte. In all other systems the HIO and SIO operation codes occupy only the first byte of the instruction. 390 Page of GC33-40 10-5 As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20-9372 o Appendix IV, pages 391-406, has been removed. The following manuals are the definitive publications for machine instructions: IBM System/370 Principles of Operation IBM 4300 Processors Principles of Operation for ECPS:VSE Mode o o 391-406 o Appendix IV: Machine Instruction Mnemonic Codes This appendix contains two tables of the mnemonic operation codes for all machine instructions that can be represented in assembler language, including extended mnemonic operation codes. The first table is in alphabetic order by instruction. order by operation code. The second table is in numeric In the first table is indicated: both the mnemonic and machine operation codes, explicit and implicit operand formats, program interruptions possible, and condition code set. The column headings in the fir.st table and the information each colwnn provides follow: Instruction: This column contains the name of the instruction associated with the mnemonic operation code. Mnemonic Operation Code: This column contains the mnemonic operation code for the instruction. This is written in the operation field when coding the instruction. Machine Operation Code: This column contains the hexadecimal equivalent of the actual machine operation code. The operation code will apppear in this form in most storage dumps and when displayed on the system control panel. For extended mnemonics, this column also contains the mnemonic code of the instruction from which the extended mnemonic is derived. o Operand Format: This column shows the symbolic format of the operand field in both explicit and implicit form. For both forms, R1, R2, and R3 indicate general registers in operand one, two, and three respectively. X2 indicates a general register used as an index register in the second operand. Instructions which require an index register (X2) but are not to be indexed are sho1ll.'D with a 0 replacing X2. L, L1, and L2 indicate lengths for either operand, operand one, or operand two respectively. M1 and M3 indicate a 4-bit mask in operands one and three respectively. I, 12, and 13 indicate immediate data eight bits long (I and 12) or four bits long ~3). FOr the explicit format, D1 and D2 indicate a displacement and B1 and B2 indicate a base register for operands one and two. FOr the implicit format, D1, B1, and D2, B2 are replaced by S1, and S2 which indicate a storage address in operands one and two. Type of Instruction: This column gives the basic machine format of the instruction (RR, RX, SI, or SS). If an instruction is included in a special feature or is an extended mnemonic, this is also indicated. Program Interruptions possible: This column indicates the possible program interruptions for this instruction. The abreviations used are: A - Addressing, S - Specification, Ov OVerflow, P - Protection, Op - Operation (if feature is not installed), and Other - other interruptions which are listed. The type of overflow is indicated by: D - DeCimal, E Exponent, or F - Fixed Point. Condition code set: The condition codes set as a result of this instruction are indicated in this column. (See legend following the table.) o Appendix IV: Machine Instruction Mnemonic Operation Codes 391 Instruction Machine Operation Code Operand Format Implicit Explicit RI, S2(X2) or RI, S2 36 6A 2A 7A 3A RI, 02(X2, B2) ar RI, 02(, B2) RI,R2 01 (Ll, BI), 02(L2,B2) RI, 02(X2, B2)or R1,02(, B2) RI, 02(X2, B2)or R1,02(, B2) RI,R2 RI,R2 RI, 02(X2, B2)or R1,02(, B2) RI,R2 RI, 02(X2, B2)or R1,02(, B2) RI,R2 AW AWR AU AUR 6E 2E 7E 3E RI, 02(X2, B2)or R1,02(, B2) RI,R2 RI, 02(X2, B2)or R1,02(, B2) RI,R2 RI, S2(X2)or RI, S2 N NC NR NI 54 D4 14 94 RI, 02(X2, B2)or RI, 02(, B2) 01 (L, BI), 02(B2) RI,R2 01(BI),12 BAl BAlR BAS BASR 45 05 40 CD RI,02(X2,B2)or RI,02(,B2) RI,R2 RI,02(X2,B2)or RI,02(,B2) RI,R2 RI,S2(X2)or RI,S2 BC BCR BCT BCTR BE BER 47 07 46 06 47(8C 8) 07(8CR 8) MI,02(X2, B2)or MI ,02(, B2) MI,R2 RI,02(X2,B2)or RI,02(,B2) RI,R2 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 MI,S2(X2)or MI,S2 BH BHR BXH BXLE BL BLR BM BMR 47(8C 2) 07(BCR 2) 86 87 47(BC 4) 07(8CR 4) 47(8C 4) 07(8CR 4) 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 RI, R3, 02(82) RI, R3, 02(82) 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 Branch on Minus Branch on Minus Branch on Not Equal Branch on Not Equal Branch on Not High Branch on Not High Branch on Not Low Branch on Not Low Branch if Not Mixed Branch if Not Mixed Branch on Not Minus Branch on Not Minus BM BMR BNE BNER BNH BNHR BNL BNlR BNM BNMR BNM BNMR 47(8C 4) 07(8CR 4) 47(BC 7) 07(BCR 7) 47(8C 13) 07(BCR 13) 47(BC 11) 07(8CR 11) 47(BC 111 07(BCR 11) 47(8C II) 07(8CR 11) 02(X2,B2)or 02(,B2) R2 02(X2,B2)or 02(,B2) R2 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 02(X2,B2) or 02(,B2) R2 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 Branch if Not Ones Branch if Not Ones Branch on No Overflow Branch on No Overflow Branch on Not Plus Branch on Not Plus Branch if Not Zeros Branch if Not Zeros Branch on Not Zero Branch on Not Zero Branch if Ones Branch if Ones Branch on Overflow Branch on Overflow BNO BNOR BNO BNOR BNP BNPR BNZ BNZR BNZ BNZR BO BOR BO BOR 47(8C 14) 07(BCR 14) 47(BC 141 07(BCR 141 47(8C 13) 07(BCR 13) 47(BC 7) 07(BCR 7) 47(BC 7) 07(BCR 7) 47(8C 1) 07(BCR I) 47(8C I) 07(8CR 1) 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 02(X2,B21 or 02(,B2) R2 02(X2,B2)or 02(,B2) R2 02(X2,B21 or 02(,B2) R2 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) R2 Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Bran"Ch Branch BP BPR BZ BZR BZ BZR B BR 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) 47(8C 2) R2 07(8CR 2) 02(X2, B2) or 02(, B2) 47(BC 8) R2 07(8CR 8) 02(X2, B2) or 02(,B2) 47(BC 8) R2 07(BCR 8) 02(X2,B2)or 02(,B2) 47(BC 15) 07(BCR 15) R2 Add Add Add Decimal Add Ha Ifword Add Logical -Add logicol Add Normalized, Extended Add Normal ized, Long Add Normalized, Long Add Normalized, Short Add Normalized, Short A AR AP AH AL ALR AXR AO ADR AE AER 5A IA FA 4A 5E IE Add Add Add Add Unnormalized,Long Unnormalized, long Unnormalized,Short Unnormalized, Shart And And And And Logical Logical Logical Logical Immediate Branch and Branch and Branch and Branch and link link Save Save Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch on on on on on on Condition Condition Count Count Equal Eq ual Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch on High on High on IndeX High on Index Low or Equal on Low on Low if Mixed if Mixed on Plus on Plus if Zeros if Zeros on Zera on Zera Unconditional Unconditional Clear I/O Clear Stiw. ~~. Compare Algebraic Compare Algebraic Compare and Swap Compore Decimal Compare Double and Swap Compare Halfword Compare Logical Compare Logical 392 Mnemonic Operation Code SI(Ll),S2(L2)or SI,S2 RI, S2(X2)or RI, S2 RI, S2(X2)or RI, S2 RI,S2(X2)or RI,S2 RI, S2(X2)or RI, S2 RI,S2(X2)or RI,S2 RI,S2(X2)or RI,S2 SI(L),S2 or SI,S2 SI,I2 Rl,S2(X2)or RI,S2 RI,S2(X2)or RI,52 S2(X2) or 52 S2(X2) or S2 RI,R3,52 RI,R3,S2 S2(X2) or S2 S2(X2) or 52 S2(X2) or 52 52(X2) or 52 S2(X2) or S2 S2(X2) or 52 52(X21 or 52 52(X2) or 52 S2(X2) or S2 52(X2) or 52 S2(X2) or S2 52(X2) or 52 S2(X2) or S2 52(X2) or S2 S2(X2) or S2 52(X2) or 52 , 52(X2) or S2 S2(X2) or S2 S2(X2) or S2 CLRIO 9001 02(B2) C CR C5 CP CDS CH CL 59 19 SA F9 BB 49 55 RI, 02(X2, B2)or RI, 02(, B2) RI,R2 Rl, R3, 02, (B2) 01 (L I, BI), 02(L2, 82) RI, R3, 02(B2) RI, 02(X2, B2)or R1,02(,82) RI, 02(X2, B2)or RI, 02(,B2) Rl,R3,S2 S1(Ll),S2(L2)or SI,S2 Rl,R3, S2 RI,S2(X2)or RI,S2 RI,S2(X2)or RI,S2 CLC 05 01 (L, BI), 02(B2) 51(L),S2 or 51,S2 CUQtl·' BiJS 02{"2}~ "~>. ,.•, · i < ~. ,. ....... ..'j;;':,}»)'" . RI,S2(X2 or RI,S2 Type of Instruction Instruction Instruction Add Add Add Add Add Add I.~·.~ o A S lad Decimal Halfword Logical Logical RX RR SS,Decimol RX RX RR x x F F x o x x F x x Add Add Add Add Add Normalized, Extended Normalized, Long Normol ized, Long Normalized, Short Normolized, 910rt RR,Floating Pt. RX,Floating Pt. RR,Floating Pt. RX, Floating Pt. RR, Floating Pt. x x x x x x Add Add Add Add Unnormalized, Long Unnarmalized, Long Unnormalized, Short Unnormalized,Short RX, Floating Pt. RR, Floating Pt. RX,Floating Pt. RR, Floating PI. x x x x x x And And And And Logical Logical Logical Logical Immediate RX SS RR SI x x x x x x Branch and Branch and Branch and Branch and c) Progrcm Interruption Possible Link Link Save Save ~ E E E E x E E E E E RX RR RX RR Op x Condition Code Set Othe 00 10 11 5um~0(8) Sum < 0 Sum < 0 Sum O Sum >0 Sum>O Sum >0 Sum= 0(D Sum= oCD Overflow Overflow Overflow Overflow Sum 0 Sum 0 SiJm=O Sum=O Dote Sum=O Sum=O Sum=O@ 01 CD CD x x x x x B,C B,C B,C B,C B,C R R R R R L L L L L M M M M M x x x x C C C C R R R R L L L L M M M M J J J J K K K K N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N x x Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch or. on on on on on RX RR RX RR RX,Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemonic N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch on High RX, Ext.Mnemonic: on High RR, Ext .Mnemonic on Index High RS on Index Low or Equal RS on Low RX, Ext.Mnemonic on Low RR, Ext. Mnemonic if Mixed RX, Ext.Mnemonic if Mixed RR, Ext. Mnemonic N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch on Minus on Minus on Not Equal on Not Equal on Not High on Not High on Not Low on Not Low if Not Mixed if Not Mixed on Not Minus on Not Minus RX, Ext .Mnemonic RR, Ext.Mnemonic RX, Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemonic RX, Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemon ic RX, Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemonic RX,Ext.MnemoniC RR,Ext.Mnemonic RX, Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemon ic N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch if Not Ones if Not Ones on No OverflOW on No OverflOW on Not Plus on Not Plus if Not Zeros if Not Zeros on Not Zeros on Not Zeros if Ones if Ones· on Overflow on Overflow RX, Ext. Mnemonic RR, Ext.Mnemonic RX.Ext.Mnemonic RR.Ext.Mnemonic RX, Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemonic RX,Ext.Mnemonic RR,Ext.Mnemonic RX, Ext. Mnemonic RR, Ext . Mnemonic RX, Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext.Mnemonic RX, Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemonic N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Condition Condition Count Count Equal Equal Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext . Mnemonic RX, Ext.Mnemonic RR. Ext .Mnemonic RX, Ext. Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemonic RX, Ext .Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemonic Clear~ S Compare Logi col N N N N N N N ~, Branch on Plus Branch on Plus Branch if Zeros Branch if Zeros Branch on Zera Branch on Zera Branch Unconditional Branch Unconditional Clear Qge Poge Compare Algebraic Compare Algebraic Compare and Swap Compare Decimal Compare Double and Swap Compare Ha Ifword Compare Logical N N N S N N N N ~ jK RX RR RS SS,Decimal RS RX RX SS N N N Ix x Ix x x x x x x x x x x IX IK x x x x A iAAx A,G8 Z Z Z Dota Z Z Z N N N N N N N N N N CC N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N EE KK N N N N N N N N N , N AA' AA AAW AA AAW BB B8 AA BB Z AA 88 BB Z AA BB Appendix IV: Machine Instruction Mnemonic Operation Codes 393 ~\ Operand Format 1Ntruction :\L~;/ Implicit Compare Logical 100IJ\IeE Compare Logical Characters under W.ask Compare Logical Immediate Compare Logical Long Compare, Long Compare, Long Compare, Short ,Short ,. RI,M3,S2 CLI CLCL CO CDR CE CER CD: CV8 CVD I:: Pot!t raoei Divide Divide Decimal Divide, Long Divide, Long Divide, Short Divide, Short Edit Edit and Marie Exclusive Or Exclusive Or Exclusive Or Exclusive Or Immediate Execute Halve, Long Ha Ive, 5hort Halt Device Halt I/O 100fUV$I I,OOSM8 1- 394 tn"rf~ J , 02(X2, 82)or R1,02(,82) 1,P,2 J, 02(X2, 82)or RI, 02(, 82) I,R2 4F 4E 1, 02(X2, 82)or R1, 02(,82) I , 02(X2, 82)or RI, 02(,82) • 02(821' RI,S2(X2)or RI,S2 RI,S2(X2)or RI,S2 :i' DIP Pet'; 0 DR OP DO OOR DE OER ED EOMK X XC XR XI EX HOR HER HOV ,R2 I, (L 1,81), D2(L2, 82) I, D2(X2, 82), or RI, 02(,82) I,R2 I, 02(X2, 82)or R1,02(,82) I,R2 1(L, 81),02(82) (L,81),02(82) , D2(X2, 82) or RI, 02(,82) (L, 81),02(82) ,R2 1(81),12 I, D2()(2, 82) or RI, 02(,82) I,R2 I,R2 ,81 (81) HIO 'PI: Insert Character Insert Characten under Mask Insert PSW Key Insert Storage Key Load Load Load Address Load and Test Load and Test, Long Load and Test, Short IC ICM IPK ISK L LR LA LTR LTDR LTER Load Complement Load Complement, Long Load Complement, 5hort Load Control LCR LCDR LCER LCTL LOQdFi'OftMIl~ SI,12 95 OF 69 29 79 39 1St' Load Ha Ifword Load, Long Load, Long Load Multiple Load Negative Load Negative, Long Load Negative, Short LH LO LOR LM LNR LNOR LNER Load Positive Load Positive, Long Load Positive, Short Load P~ Loacl It... 'A.dcfmt Load Rounded, Extended to Long Load Rounded, Long to Short Load, Short Load, Short LPR LPDR LPER LPSW I.M LRDR LRER SI(LI), 52(L2)or SI, S2 RI,S2(X2) or RI,S2 RI,S2(X2) or RI,S2 5l(L), S2 51(L),52 RI, S2(X2) 51(L),52 or 51,52 or 51,52 or RI,52 or SI,S2 51,12 RI,S2(X2) RI,52 SI I See Note I at end af this appendix fUtSl< 43 8F 820B 09 58 18 41 12 22 32 RI,S2(X2) RI,M3, S2 I,R2 I, D2(X2, 82) or RI, 02(,82) I,R2 I, 02(X2, 82) ar RI, 02(,82) I,R2 ,R2 I,R2 RI,S2(X2) or RI,52 RI,S2(X2) or RI,52 R1,S2(X2) or RI,52 or RI,52 I,R2 I,R2 I,R2 I R3, 02{~~) ;02." I, 02(X2, 82) or RI, 02(,82) I, D2(X2, 82) or RI, 02(,82) RI,R2 RI ,R3, 02(82) Rl,R2 RI,R2 I,R2 RI,R3,S2 0 RR RS Program Interruptions I Op Other 5 x x x x 51 RR x x x Type of Instruction Instruction Compare Logical Compore Logical Characters under Mask Compare Logical Immediote Compore Logical Long Compare, Long Compare, Long Compare, Short Compare, Short I'~ fC:~~ tr=:: I\D061/VUOftty /0 Convert to Binary Convert to Decimal i)tt,Otifltute .•, . .t>tICOl'lM~ ...... ~: 15 ..... ;~~Q¢. .~.~ x x x )( x x x )( E x E )( x E )( E x x x )( )( x x: )( x x x G x x x )( x A A x Load Complement Laod Complement, Long Load Complement, 910rt Load Control RR RR, Floating Pt. RR, Floating Pt. RS as RX RX, Floating Pt. RR, Flooting Pt. RS RR RR, Floating Pt. RR, Flaoting Pt. x x x )( x A A x x F x x x )( )( )( x x RR RR, Flooting Pt. RR, Floati ng Pt. SI x AA XX yy ZZ Z AA BB Z AA BB Z Z Z Z M("" AA AA AA AA 8B 'XJi:. • ···' N N N N N N N N N N N AM" . N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N T U S S T U K J K J K J J K (Moy be set by this instruction) N N N N N N AAM CC AAL DO CC GG SS N N N N N N J R R N N N N N N M M M A I( A N At, L L L JiGtt N N N N N N N N N x x x R R x x x J R R QQ L L QQ lAi.sQG' rA,O(: :?~~~.~~.~ x M N MO N N J A A M M L L L N L L L )( x TT P R R x x x x x '~ \;:M~~. SI Z N N N N N KK 'A x x .!~;JIi!i:'~""' •.'."'. . :.•. ;l!.;•. \'~i.·\.·, "toacf'RouMed, Extended u"" RR, Floating Pt. to Long Load Rounded, Long to Short Load, snort Load, Short Move Choracters Move Immediate It F F D,Oota B,E a,E B,E a,E Dato Data )( x )( ~ ~,Ge; Ooto, F Condition Code Set 01 10 )( RX RR RX RR RR, Floating Pt. RR, Flooting Pt. Positive Positive, Long Positive, Short PSN )( x Load Load Load Address Load ond Test Load and Test, Long Load ond Test, Short Load Load Load Load )( ~, RX Insert Character Insert ChoNcters under Mask RS Insert PSWKey S RR Insert Storage Key Load Holfword Load, long Load, long Load Multiple Load Negative Laod Negotive, Long, Load Negative, Short x x x '}: .) RX RR 55, Decimol RX,Flaoting Pt. RR, Floating Pt. RX,Flaoting Pt. RR, Floating Pt. SS, Decimol SS, Decimal RX SS RR SI RX RR, Flooting Pt. RR, Flooting Pt. S S I. . . . ;..... ·~. lnUx I RX,Floating Pt. x x RR,Floating Pt. x x RX, Floating Pt. x )( x RR,Floating Pt. ....;.,<:; .• 15 RX RX ,;$ S Divide Divide Divide Decimol Divide, Long Divide, Long Divide, Short Divide, Short Edit Edit ond Mork Exclusive Or Exclusive Or Exclusive Or Exclusive Or Immediate Execute Halve, Long Holve, Short Halt Device Holt I/O . ..,.;t. x 00 MV 'l.MV~,',~ N N N N N N i~.< '.8K N N N N N N 0 ... N N N N N N M 0 M M QQ .jNMP , QQ """"0 N N N N N N 'MJ '-AJl N N .- Appendix IV: Machine Instruction Mnemonic Operation Codes 395 Instruction MVCl MVN MVO Of 01 F: Move Zones Multiply MUltiply Multiply Oecimol Multiply Extended Multiply Halfword MVZ M MR MP MXR MH 03 5C lC FC 26 Multiply, Long Multiply, Long Multipl>j Long to Extende Multiply, Long to Extended Multiply, Short Multiply, Short No Operation No Operation Or logical Or logical Or logical Or Logical Immediate Pack MO MOR MXO 2C 67 RI,02(X2,82)or Rl, 02(, 82) Rl,R2 Rl,02(X2,82)or Rl,02(,82) MXOR 27 Rl,R2 OO8IVSE 0,., 8uf er Translation Looka.lde Read Drrect Reset Reference 8it R.trl~e :s.t PqOtl StatU. Ciltd Po,,Btt. Set Clock Set Clock Comparator Set CPU Timer Set PreAx Set Program Mask Set PSW Key from Acldre.. Set Storage Key Set System Mask Shift and Round Decimal Shift Left Double Algebraic Sh ift Left Double Logical Shift Left Single Algebraic Shift Left Single Lazical Shift Right Double Igebraic Shift Right Double Logical Shift Right Single Algebraic Shift Right Single logical Signal ProcellOf' Start I/O Start I/O Fast Release Store S~ copocrty c~.., Store Channel 10 Store Character 396 ME MER NOP NOPR 0 OC OR 01 PACK 4C 6C 7C 3C 47(8C 0) 07(8C 0) 56 D6 16 96 F2 Implicit P.l,R2 o1(l, 81), 02(82) Sl(l), S2 or S1S2 S1(LJ),S2(L2} or 51,S2 01 (L,81 ),02(82) RI,02(X2,82}or Rl,02(,82) Rl,R2 01 (L I, 81), 02(L2, 82) Rl,R2 Rl,02(X2, 82) or Rl, 02(,82) S1(L), S2 or SI,S2 Rl,S2(X2) or Rl,S2 01(11, 81), 02(L2, 82) RI,02(X2,82)or Rl,D2(,82) Rl,R2 D2(X2,82) or 02(,82) R2 Rl, D2(X2, 82~or Rl, D2(, 82) Dl(L,81),D2 2) Rl,R2 Dl~1),12 DI Ll,81},D2(L2,82) Sl(LI),S2(L2) or SI,S2 Rl,S2(X2) or Rl,S2 Rl,S2(X2) or Rl,S2 Rl,S2(X2) or Rl,S2 Rl,S2(X2) or Rl,S2 S2(X2) SI,12 S1(Ll),S2(L2) or SI,S2 PTL8 820D - - 85 8213 01(81~,'2 51,12 S,. SCK SCKC SPT SPX SPM SPKA SSK SSM SRP SLOA SLOL SLA SLL SROA SRDL SRA SRL 85 8204 8206 8208 8210 04 SIG, B2QA 08 80 FO 8F 8D 88 89 8E 8C SA 88 AE SIO SIOF 9C01 1 ST 50 STiDC STC 8203 42 9C001 STCA,"l 12f:F« 01(81 01 (, 81), 02(82) or 01 (81), 02(82) Rl,02(a2) SI SI,52 01(81~ SI SI SI S2 01m l 01 1 D2(82) Rl 0, (8,) Rl,R2 01(81) C?1 (L 1,81), D2(82), 13 Rl,02(82) Ri,02(82) Rl,02m 2) Rl,02 2) Rl,02m 2) Rl,02 2) Rl,02m2~ Rl,02 2 Rl, R3, D2(82) 01(81) 01(81) or S2 Rl,S2(X2) or Rl,S2 S1(L), S2 or SI, S2 ROO RRB RSP 08 o Operand Format Explicit Move long Move Numerics Move with Offset Pur~e I Not OOSIVSI Mnemonic. MachiJ:le Operation Operation Code Code ,_. Rl,S2 51 SI S1(LJ),S2,13 or SI ,S2, 13 Rl,S2 Rl,S2 Rl,S2 Rl,S2 Rl,S2 Rl,S2 Rl,S2 Rl,S2 Rl, R3, S2 SI SI Rl,02(X2,82)or Rl,02(,82) t:~.;~?t~~lt;· r~Iff<;< Rl,S2(X2) or Rl, S2 Rl,02(X2,82)ar Rl,02(,82) Rl,02(X2) orRl,S2 '. ~<0;tS:L;'[';F:SF;~" Store Characters under Mask Store Clock Store Clock Comparator Store Control Store CPU addre.. Store CPU 10 Store CPU Timer Store Halfword Store Long Store Multiple Store PreAx Store Short STCM 8E Rl ,M3, 02(82) Rl,M3,S2 STCK STCKC STCTl STAP STIOP STPT STH STO STM STPX STE 8205 8207 86 8212 8202 8209 40 60 90 8211 70 01(81) 01(81) Rl,R3,02(82) 02(82) 01(81} 01(81) Rl,02(X2,82)or Rl,02(,82) Rl,02(X2,82) , Rl,R2,02(82) 02(82) Rl,02(X2,82)or Rl,02(,82) SI SI Rl,Rl,S2 S2 SI SI Rl,S2(X2) orRl,S2 Rl,S2(X2) orRl,S2 Rl,R2,S2 S2 Rl,S2(X2} or Rl, S2 Store Then AND System Mask Store Then OR System Mask Subtract STNSM STOSM S AC AD 58 01(81),12 SI,12 SI,12 Rl,S2(X2) orRl,S2 Subtract Subtract Decimal Subtract Halfword Subtract logical Subtract Logical SR SP SH SL SLR 18 F8 48 Sf IF Rl,R2 01(Ll,81),02(L2 82) Rl,02~2,B2~or Rl,02(,82} Rl,02 2,B2 or Rl,02(,82) Rl,R2 01(8l)~2 Rl,02 2) "itt):f S1(L1)~2(L2)or S1 S2 Rl,S2 2) or Rl, S2 Rl,S2 2) or Rl,S2 I See Note 2 at end of this appendix o 1=== r== '0 Program Interruptions Possible A ~ 0, p Op Oth.r Type of Instruction Instruction Move long Move Numerics Move with Offset RR SS SS Move Zones Multiply Multiply . Multiply Decimal Multiply Extended Multiply Halfword SS RX RR SS, Decimal RR, Floating Pt. RX x x x x x x E x x Multiply, long Multiply, long Multiply, lonG! Extended Multiply, lon9" Extended Multiply, Short Multiply, Short No Operation No Operation Or Logical Or logical Or logical Or logical Immediate Pack RX,Floating Pt. RR,Floating Pt. RX,Floating Pt. RX,Floating Pt. RR,Floating Pt. RX,Ext.Mnemonic RR, Ext .Mnemanic RX SS RR SI SS ~fr.r Translation look~~~C!. S--'.- ReQd Direct Reset Reference Bit RetrIeve. Status and Page Set Page Bits Set cTOcT- Set Clock Comparator Set CPU Timer Set Prefix Set Program Mask Set PSW Key from Address Set Storage Key Set System Mask Shift left Double Algebraic Shift and Round Decimal x x x x x x x x 51 RX Store Character S RX Store Characters under Mask Store Clock Store Clock Comparatar Store Control Store CPU Address Store CPU 10 Store CPU Timer Store Ho Ifword Store Long Store Multiple Store Prefix Store Short N N N x E x B N N N N x x E x x B B N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N x E x x x x x x x x N x x x l( N N N N N x x A A N MQ N AAR N N- AAS MT ABN x x x x )( x x AAR AM N N N N RR RR N N Data J J N N l N N M M N N 0 0 x x x x x x x x x pc Pc pc Pc x x Ix x x x x x x x x x x Ix pc Ix Ix Ix Ix Ix F A MM [A AAH"' A x Ix Ix pc pc pc Pc A J N MY MM N x x x x x A A A A A A A A F p Ix Ix Ix F Ix Ix x x N N RR x x x x J~. ~;B1 jf ~1 RR x x M5 A A A F RS RX RR AIM AAQ ME N N N J N J N S S RS S S S RX RX,Floating Pt. RS S RX,Floating Pt. ~Decimal A A A A A A x x x N N x x F 0 K K K A x x , K x x x x x x x x x x x J J J J x x RR N N N N N N N N N x Store Then AND System Mask SI Store Then OR System Mask SI Subtract RX N N N N N N N N N RR t!~~,... N N N N N N N N N x RS RS RS S S N N N N N N Bot B B RS S S S Shift Right Single Algebraic Shift Right Single logical Signal Processor Start I/O Start I/O Fast Release AAD N N x x x x x RS RS RS RS RS MC N N x x E x E x x E S S RR SI RS SS 11 MB N N Data B 5S S 10 AM. N N 01 x x x RR,Floating Pt. Shift left Double Logical Shift Left Single Algebraic Shift Left Single l0,tcal Shift Right Double Igebraic. Shift Right Double logical Subtract Subtract Decimal Subtract Ho Ifword Subtract Logical Subtract Logical x x Condition Cod. Set 00 Data L N l l N N M N M N l N AAZ CC CC M N EE EE EE N HH N N MI N N N ·?:;~~'f~'It.\ I""" "" N 0 N N KK KK N CC N N N N N AAJ N N AAK N N AAN N N MG N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N V N N X N N Y N N V V V X X X Y Y Y V,I V,I N N N N N W,H W,H' KK 0 0 0 0 W,. W,' o Appendix IV: Machine Instruction Mnemonic Operation Codes 397 Instruction Subtract Normalized, Extended Subtract Normalized, long Subtract Normalized, long Subtract Normalized, Short Subtract Normalized, Short Subtract Unnormalized, long 398 Mnemonic Machine. Openltion Operation Code Cocte SXR 37 Rl,R2 SD SDR SE SER SW 6B 28 7B 38 61 Subtract Unnormalized, long Subtract Unnormalized, Short Subtract Unnormolized, Short Supervisor Coli Test and Set SWR SU SUR SVC TS 2F 7F 3F OA 93 Test Channel Test I/O Test Under Mask Translate Translate and Test TCH TlO TM TR TRT 9F Unpack Write Direct Zero and Add Decimal UNPK WRD ZAP " Operand Format Explicit Rl ,D2(X2, 82) or Rl, D2(,82) Rl ,R2 ~ Rl ,D'2(X2, 82) or Rl, D2(,82) Rl,R2 Rl,D2(X2,82)or Rl,02(,82) Rl,R2 Rl ,D2(X2, 82)or Rl, 02(,82) Rl,R2 Implicit Rl,S2(X2) or Rl,S2 Rl,S2(X2) or Rl, S2 Rl,S2(X2) or Rl,S2 Rl,S2(X2) or Rl,S2 I Dl(81) SI 9D 91 DC DD Dl(81) Dl(81) Dl(81),12 Dl(L,Bl),D2(82) D1(L, B1), D2(82) SI SI SI,12 F3 8" F8 Dl (L 1,81), D2(L2,B2) Dl(81),12 Dl (L 1,81), D2(L2,82) 51 (ll), 52(L2) or SI,S2 51,12 S1(ll), S2(L2)or 51,52 51~l),52 51 l),52 or 51,S2 or 51,52 0 Program Interruption Possible Type of Instruction Inltru ctl on A Subtract Normalized, Extended Subtract Normalized, Long Subtract Normalized, Long Subtract Normalized, Short Subtract Normalized, Short Subtract Unnormallezd, Long Subtract Unnormallezd, Long Subtract Unnormalized, Short Subtract Unnormalized, Short Supervisor Call RR,Floatlng Pt. RX, Floating Pt. RR, Floating Pt. RX, Floating Pt. RR, Floating Pt. RX, Floating Pt. RR, Floating Pt. RX, Floating Pt. RR, Floating Pt. RR Test and Set Test Channel Test I/O Test under Mask Translate Translate ond Telt Sl SI SI SI SS SS x x x Unpack Write Direct Zero and Add Decimal SS SI SS,Decimal x x x x x x x S Ov P Op Other x x x x x x x x x E E E E E x x x x x x x x x ! E. E E x a,c a,c a,c a,c a,c C C C C x A A x x x x x 0 A Data Condition Code Set 00 01 10 11 R R R R R R R R R N L L L L L L L L L N M M M M M M M M M N Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q N SS JJ LL UU N PP TT FF EE HH KK N N J II CC W WW N NN 00 N N N L N N M N N N 0 Program Interruptionl Possible Under Ov: Under Other: 0= Decimal E = Exponent F Fixed Point = A a C D Privileged Operation Exponent Underflow Significance Decimal Divide E F G GA Floating Point Divide Fixed Point Divide Execute Monitoring Condition Code Set "C , \ No carry Carry Result = 0 Result is not equal to zero RelUlt i. less than zero Result i. greater than zero Not changed 0 Overflow Result exponent underflows P Q Result exponent overflows R Result fraction = 0 Result field equals to zero S Result field is less than zero T U Result field is greater than zero V Difference = 0 W Difference is not euqal to zero X Difference is less than zero Y Difference is greater than zero Z First operand equals second operand AA First operand is less than second operand First operand Is greater than second operand BB CC CSW stored DO Channel and subchannel not working Channel or subchonnel busy EE Channel operating in burst mode FF GB Page state GC Page transision GG Burst operation terminated HH Channel not operational Interruption pending on channel II Channel available JJ Not operational KK Available LL MM I/O operation initiated and chonnel proceeding with its execution H I J K L M N Nonzero function byte found before MS the first operand field i, exhausted MT MU 00 Lalt function bytes are zero MV PP All function bytes are zero QQ Set according to bits 34 and 3S of the MW new PSW loaded RR Set according to bits 2 and 3 of the MX regilter specified by Rl Leftmost bit of byte specified 0 SS MY Leftmost bit of byte specified = 1 TT UU Selected bits are a" zeros; rnotk i. all zeros MZ ABA Selected bits are mixed (zeros and ones) W WW Selected bits are all ones ABB XX Selected bytes are equal, or mask in zero yy Selected field of first operand is low ABC ZZ Selected field of first operand is high ABO AM First operand and second operand counts ABE are equal ABF Flr.t operand count I. lower M8 ABG First operand count is higher MC MD No mavement because of destructive overlap ABH Clock value set ME ABI MF Clock value secure ABJ MG Clock not operational ABK MH Channel ID correctly stored ABL MI Chonnel activity prohibited during I D ABM Clock value Is valid MJ ABN MK Clock value not necessarily valid ML Chonnel warklng with another device MM Subchannel busy or Interruption pending MN C lock in error state MO Segment- or page-table length violation MP Page-table entry invalid (I-bit one) MQ Reference bit zero, change bit zero MR Reference bit zero, chonge bit one NN = Reference bit one, change bit zero Reference bit one, chan;e bit one Segment table entry invalid (I-bit one) Translation available First and second hand operands equal, second operand replaced by the third operand No operation il in progress for the addressed dev ICe Order code accepted StatuI stored Successful, block wal dllcon'lected, index returned Poge was already disconnected, index returned Not successful, index returned Page was connected Page was already disconnected Index returned, poge is addressoble Index returned, Doge is connected Index not returned, poge is disconnected Index not returned, address is invalid Page was already addressable Page was addressable Page was already connected Save valid Save invalid Appendix IV: Machine Instruction Mnemonic Operation Codes 399 b RR Format Operation Code Name Mnemonic Set Program Mask Branch and Link Branch on Count Branch on Condition Set Storage Key Insert Storage Key Supervisor Call SPM BALR BCTR BCR SSK ISK SVC Move Long Compare Logical Long Load Positive Load Negative Load and Test Load Complement AND Compare Logical OR Exclusive OR Load Compare Add Subtract Multiply Divide Add Logical Subtract Logical Load Positive (Long) Load Negative (Long) Load and Test (Long) Load Complement (Long) Halve (Long) Load Rounded (Extended to Long) Multiply (Extended) Multiply (Long to Extended) Load (Long) Compare (Long) Add Normalized (Long) Subtract Normalized Multiply (Long) Divide (Long) Add Unnorrnalized (Long) Subtract Unnormalized (Long) Load Positive (Short) Load Negative (Short) Load and Test (Short) Load Complement (Short) Salve (Short) Load Rounded (Long or Short) Add Normalized (Extended) Subtract Normalized (Extended) Load (Short) MVCL CLCL LPR LNR LTR LCR NR CLR OR Remarks 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OE OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 o 18 19 lA 1B .1C 10 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 20 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 o 34 35 36 37 38 Apl?e_nclix.·,IV;M.a9!.lln~,.. XR LR CR AR SR MR DR ALR SLR LPDR LNDR LTDR LCOR HDR LRDR MXR MXDR LDR CDR ADR SDR MDR DDR AWR SWR LPER LNER LTER LCER HER LRER AXR SXR LER Ins.J:ruction Mneitlonic Operation Codes 401 -0 RR Format Operation Code Name Mnemonic 39 3A Compare (Short) Add Normalized (Short) Subtract Normalized (Short) Multiply (Short) Divide (Short) Add Unnormalized (Short) Subtract Unnormalized (Short) CER AER SER MER DER AUR SUR Store Halfword Load Address Store Character Insert Character Execute Branch and Link Branch on Count Branch on Condition Load Halfword Compare Halfword Add Halfword Subtract Halfword Multiply ijalfword STH LA STC IC EX BAL BCT BC LH CH AH SH MH Convert to Decimal Convert to Binary Store CVD CVB ST AND Compare Logical OR Exclusive OR Load Compare Add Subtract Multiply Divide Add Logical Subtract Logical Store (Long) N 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F RX Format 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 SA 5B 5C 50 5E SF 60 61 CL o X L C A S M o AL SL STD 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 60 6E 6F 402 Multiply (Long to Extended) Load (Long) Compare (Long) Add Normalized (Long) Subtract Normalized (Long) Multiply (Long) Divide (Long) Add Unnormalized (Long) Subtract Unnormalized (Long) MXD LD CD AD SO MO DO AW SW Remarks o RX Format Operation Code Name Mnemonic 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Store (Short) STE Load (Short) Compare (Short) Add Normalized (Short) Subtract Normalized (Short) Multiply (Short) Divide (Short) Add Unnormalized (Short) Subtract Unnormalized (Short) LE CE AE SE 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F Remarks ME DE AU SU RS,SI, and S Format 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D Set System Mask SSM Load PSW -Diagnose l Wr'ite Direct Read Direct Branch on Index High Branch on Index Low or Equal Shift Right Single Logical Shift Left Single Logical Shift Right Single Shift Left Single Shift Right Double Logical Shift Left Double Logical Shift Right Double Shift Left Double Store Multiple Test under Mask Move (Immediate) Test and Set AND (Immediate) Compare Logical (Immediate) OR (Immediate) Exclusive OR (Immediate) Load Multiple LPSW Start I/O, Start I/O Fast Release Test I/O Halt I/O, Halt Device Test Channel 9E 9F AO A1 WRD ROD BXH BXLE SRL SLL SRA SLA SROL SLDL SRDA SLDA STM TM MVI TS NI CLI 01 XI LM SIO,SIOF TIO HIO,HDV TCH See Note 2 See Note 1 A2 A3 A4 AS A_6__________ 4C) ___ ~ ____________._.________________________________________________________ Appendix IV: M.llchine Instructlon Mnemonic Operation Codes ~ 403 RS,SI, and S Format Operation Mnemonic Name Remarks Code A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF BO Bl B2 B3 B4 BS B6 B7 B8 B9 STNSM STOSM Store Then AND System Mask Store Then OR System Mask CTP Connect Page LRA Load Real Address (First byte of two-byte operation codes) Insert Page Bits Set Page Bits Store Control Load Control Load Frame Index IPB SPB STCTL LCTL LFI Compare Logical Characters under Mask Store Characters under Mask Insert Characters under Mask CLM STCM ICM Move Numerics Move (Characters) Move Zones AND (Characters) Compare Logical (Characters) OR (Characters) Exclusive OR (Characters) Retrieve Status and Page MVN MVC MVZ NC CLC OC XC RSP BA BB BC BD BE BF SS Format CO Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF DO Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 07 08 , 09 DA DB DC 404 Translate TR ~.',". ~/' ;I SS FO'rmat Operation Code Name Mnemonic DO DE OF EO El E2 E3 E4 ES E6 E7 W8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF FO Fl F·2 F3 F4 FS F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB Fe FD FE FF Translate and Test Edit Edit and Mark TRT ED EDMK Remarks ~ Shift and Round Decimal Move with Offset Pack Unpack SRP MVO PACK UNPK Zero and Add Decimal Compare Decimal Add Decimal Subtract Decimal Multiply Decimal Divide Decimal ZAP CP AP SP MP DP NOTES 1. Under the System/370 architecture, the machine operations for Halt Device and Halt I/O ar,e as follows: 11001 1110 XXXX xxxoJ Halt I/O HIO ~OOl 1110 xxx x XXXll Halt Device HDV (X denotes an ignored bit position) \0 Appendix IV: Machine Inr;tructioh Mnemonic Operation Cudes 405 2. Under the Systemv370 architecture, the machine operations for Start 1/0 and Start 1/0 Fast Release are as follows: 1001 1100 XXXX XXXO Start 1/0 510 1001 1100 XXXX XXXl Start I/O Fast Release SIOF o (X denotes an ignored bit position) Operation Code Name Mnemonic AE Signal Processor Compare and Swap Compare Double and Swap Clear I/O Store CPU 10 Store Channel 10 Set Clock Store Clock Set Clock Comparator Store Clock Comparator Set CPU Timer Store CPU Timer Set PSW Rey from Address Insert PSW I ls, separated by commas 2 LCLB ~ust LCLC Pust net be present One or more variable symbols that are to be used as SEl symbols, separated by commas 2 LTORG Any symbol or blank Opt~ration I not be present One or more variable symbels that are to be used as SET symbols, separated by co~mas2 Not required Must not be present Not required MNO'lE A sequence symbol or blank Not required A sequence symbol or blank Not req:uired A sequence symbol or blank A severity code followed by a comma (this much is optional) followed by any combination of characters enclosed in a pos trophe s lean be used only as part of a macro definition. 2SET symbols can be defined as subscripted SET symbols. 408 Page of GC33-4010-4 Revised Feb. 25, 1975 By TNL: GN33-8193 o ,~v .i_chine·instng4()rt'~~le . QOQe, anextended .....iIQ~(:~·;~ode, :,.cro 0Pf!ratio~,.~,eatbler; <,;p~r~tJ.onf ..n()~l:'~t~~~ . ~4. '(lefined bya pre'ri.9Us,,(),sm " 1A8truetl()n.~ q:r;biank Blank A. aaacbine instruc- ·tio~l.mpemoniccode, an .extended·nmemon'.' .J.c:::(l()(}~~a;n assembl~r:Qperation, .an ~per~tl~n ~ode define~ ·by.a.prevlous s~ ORG instrtlCtion, os Any symbol or only DOS only A relocatable expression or blank A sequence symbol or blank blank A relocatable expression or blank symbol One or more operands, separated bY,a comma PRINT A sequence symbol or blank One to three operands PUNCH A sequence symbol or blank One to eighty characters, enclosed in apostrophes A sequence symbol or blank One or more operands, separated A sequence symbol Not required REPRO by a comma or blank SETA A SETA symbol An arithmetic expression SETB A SETB symbol A 0 or a 1, a SETB symbol, ora logical SETC A SErC symbol A type attribute, a character expression, a substring notation, or a concatenation of character expressions ~dsu})~.tr irl~.n~ta tions •...' . expression enclosed in parentheses ..'.i '~~""P~;~~~~~··',ae~r . • ·•··•. ~S~!' .• . ., ~~Ir~~~~~n •. •·e~cl~~~. ·. in·~~~th!ses) i;eanprecedethe~abOve. If''desl;red. ',. ;::;. :. o .: ." . . .,:." "... :' .......: .. :: ... "." ... :.... . ':..,:. ,., .: . . ....... ,..... :. . ....... : ..~ .. ..... ,. .. SPACE A sequence symbol or blank A decimal self-defining te rm or blank START Any symbol or blank A self-defining term or blank TITLE A string of alphameric characters. A variable symbol. A combination of the above. A sequence symbol. A blank One to 100 characters, enclosed in apostrophes Appendix V: AssE::mbler Instr,tJCtions 409 operation Name Entry Operand Entry USING A sequence sYHbol or blank An absolute or relocatable expression followed by 1 to 16 absolute expressions, separated by commas wXTRN A sequence syrobol or blank One or more relocatable symbols, separated by commas Instruction Name Entry Operand Entry Model Statements 3 Any combination of characters (including variable symbols) prototype Statement2 A symbolic parameter or blank Zero or more oper.ands that are symbolic parameters, separated by commas Macro-Instruction statement 2 An ordinary symbol, a variable symbol, a sequence symbol, a combination of variable symbols and other characters that is equivalent to a symbol, 2 or blank Zero or more positional operands and/or zero or more keyword operands separated by commas 2 Assembler Language statement 3 An ordinary symbol, a variable symbol, a sequence symbol, a combination of variable symbols and other characters that is equivalent to a symbol, or blank Any combination of characters (including variable symbols) 1 2 3 410 An ordinary symbol, . a variable symbol, a sequence symbol, a combination of variable symbols and other characters that is equivalent to a symbol, or blank Can only be used as part of a macro definition. Variable symbols appearing in a macro instruction are replaced by their values before the macro instru~ion is processed. Restrictions on the in statement fields for each individual for Model Statement use of variable symbols are included in the descriptions statement and in WRules Fields· ~ee J4~ • Appendix VI: Summary of Constants r------T---------T--------T--------T--------------T---------T---------~-------~--------, I I I I I TYPE I I I I I I I LENGTH I I IMPLICIT I I MODI- I I LENGTH I ALIGN- I FIER I SPECIFIED I (BYTES) I MENT I RANGE I · BY I I I I I NUMBER OF CONSTANTS PER OPERAND I I I RANGE I FOR EXI PONENTS I I I RANGE I FOR I SCALE I I I TRUN- I I CATION/ I I PADDING I I SIDE I .------+---------+--------+--------+--------------+---------+---------+--------+---------i I C I as I byte 1. 1 to I characters lone I I I right I I 256 (1) I I I I I I I I needed I ~------+---------+--------+--------+--------------+---------+---------+--------+---------1 I X I as I byte 1·1 to I hexadecimal I multi- I I I left I I I needed I I 256 (1) I digits I pIe I I I I .------+---------+--------+--------+--------------+---------+---------+--------+---------i I B I as I byte 1·1 to I binary I multiI I I left I I I needed I I 256 I digits I pIe I I I I ~------+---------+--------+--------+--------------+---------+---------+--------+---------~ I F I 4 I word 1.1 to I decimal I multi- I -85 to I -187 tol left (3) I I I I I 8 I digits I pIe I +15 I +346 I I .------+---------+--------+--------+--------------+---------+---------f--------+---------i I H I 2 I half 1.1 to I decimal I multi- I -85 to I -187 I left (3) I I I I word I 8 I digits I pIe I +75 I +346 I I .------+---------+~-------f--------+--------------+---------+---------f--------+---------i I E I 4 I word 1. 1 to I decimal I roulti- I -85 to I I right (3) I I I I I 8 I digits I pIe I +75 I 0-14 I I .------+---------+--------+--------f--------------+---------+---------+--------+---------i I 0 I 8 I double I .1 to I decimal I multi- I -85 to I I right (3) I I I I word I I digits 8 I pIe I +75 I 0-14 I I t------t---------t--------+--------t--------------t---------t---------f--------t---------i I L I 16 I double I .1 to I decimal I mUlti- I -85 to I 0-28 I right (3) I I I I word I 16 I digits I pIe I +75 I I I ~------+--------+_-------t_------_+------------4--------_+---------i-------i--------, I P I as I byte 1·1 to I decimal I multiI I I left I I I needed I I 16 I digits I pIe I I I I .------+---------+--------f--------t--------------f---------+---------+--------+---------i I Z I as I byte 1·1 to I decimal I multi- I I I left I I I needed I I 16 I digits I pIe I I I I I I I I I pIe I I I I I I I I I symbol I pIe I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I word I I I I I I I I I I I I or relocatab-I pIe I le expression I I or two absol-I I ute express- I I ions: I I exp (exp) I I I .------+---------+--------+--------+--------------f---------+---------+--------+---------i I A I 4 I word 1·1 to I I multi- I I I left I 4 (2) .------+---------+--------+--------+--------------f---------+---------+--------+---------i I S I 2 I half I 2 only lone absolute I multi- I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I .------+---------f--------+--------+--------------f---------+---------f--------+---------i I Y I 2 I half 1. 1 to I any I multi- I I I left I I 2 (2) I expression I pIe I I I I I I word .------~---------~--------~--------~--------------~---------~---------~-------~--------~ I (1) In a D~ assembler instruction C and X type constants can have length specification I I to 65535. I I (2) Bit length specification permitted with absolute expressions only. Relocatable A- I type constants, 3 or 4 bytes only; relocatable Y-type constants, 2 bytes only. I I I (3) Errors will be flagged if significant bits are truncated or if the value specified I I cannot be contained in the implicit length of the constant. I I o L____________________________________________________________________ J Appendix VI: Summary of Constants 411 This page left blank intentionally. /\ \ I ~-1 Appendix VII: Summary of Macro Facility The four charts in this Appendix summarize the macro facility described in Part IV of this publication. Chart 1 indicates which macro language elements can be used in the name and operand entries of each statement. Chart 2 is a summary of the expressions that can be used in macro instruction statements. Chart 3 is a summary of the attributes that may be used in each expression. Chart 4 is a summary of the variable symbols that can be used in each expression. o Appendix VII: Summary of Macro Facility 413 01:00 Vatiabl. SyMiIols I-' 01:00 Global SET Symbols Statement Symbolic Porometer SETA SETB SETC S~.... LOCGI SET SymIIoll SETA SETB SETC &SYSNDX &SYSECT Attributes V... iable S,........II &SYSUST &SYSPARM &SYSDATE &SYSTIME Type length Scaling Integer Count Number Sequence Symbol MACRO Pn>totype Stat_t Nome Open>nd GILA OpeRHld GBlB Operand GBLC Operand LCLA Operand LCU Operand Ope",nd LCLC Model Statement Na_ Na_ Ope",tion Operation Operand Operand SETA Ope",n; Opera"" SETC Opeftlnd Opera~ Name Operand 3 Ope",ncP Nome Operand Operand6 Operand8 Name Operand Operand7 Operand6 Name Name Operation Operotion Operation Operation Operand Operand Operand Operond Nome Ope",nd SETB AIF Name Operand Operand 9 Operand 6 Name Operand Operand6 Open>nd 7 Operand 6 Operand 3 Name Operand Operation Operotion Operand Operand Operation Operand Operand9 Operand Operan; 9 Operand 6 Operand Operan'/> Operand6 Operand 4 Operand 6 Operand8 Name Operand Operand Operand Operand Name Name Operation Nome Name Na_ Name Operation Operand Operand 6 Operond 6 Operand Operand 4 Operand6 Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand4 Operand Operand 6 Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand5 Operand 5 Operand 5 Operand5 Operand 5 Operand5 Operand5 Operand5 Operand 5 Operand 5 Operand Operand 4 Name Operand AGO ACTR Name Operand Operan~ Operand O~rand3 Operand2 Operand Operand3 Operan~ Operan~ Operand Operand 2 Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand ANOP Name MEXIT Name MNOTE Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Operand Outer Macra Inner Macra Assembler language Stot6fllellt Name Name MEND Nome Operand Nome Ope",nd Name Operand Name Operand Name Operand Name Operand Name Operand Nome Ope",nd Name Operand Name Operond Name Operand Name Operand Name Operand Name Operation Ope",nd Nome Name Name Name Operation Operation Operation Operation Operand Operand Operand Operand Name Operand Name Operand Nome Operand Name Nome Operand Operand Operand Nome Operand Operand Operand Nome Name Nome Operation Operand I. Variable symbols in macra-instructians .... replaced by their volues before processing. 2. Only if value is self-defining term. 3. Converted to arithmetic +1 or -to. 4. Only in character relations. 5. Only in arithmetic relations. 6. Only in arithmetic or character relations. 7. Converted to unsigned number. 8. Converted to charocter I or o. y'';'::k\/:';:;i,.,'"·'·"/ . ",,,·,,>,,:<:.,,.+/,· ".''' ..' . i.',:i'·'''')C:.'·'{'\ 9. Only if one ta ten decimal digits l!i"~;:"J"'~.l'Q~r;:\ ~•••• '.•" I ".~ '~ -~/: () f~ l; ) Page of GC33-40tO-O Revised September 29,1972 B}' TNT. GN33-8148 b Chart 2. xpression Conditional ASsembly Expressions Arithmetic Expressions an contain • Self-defining terms • Length, scaling, integer, count, and number attributes Character Expressions Logical Expressions • Any combination of characters enclosed in apostrophes • A 0 or a 1 • SETS symbols • SET A and SETB symbols 1 • Any variable symbol enclosed in apostrophes • SETC symbols whose values are a decimal self-defining term~ • A concatenation of • Character variable symbols and relations 2 other characters enclosed in apostrophes • Arithmetic relations' • 'SYSPARM if its value is a decimal self-defining term • Symbolic parameters if the corresponding operand is a decimal self-defining term • o • A type attribute reference 'SYSLIST~) if the corresponding operand is a decimal self-defining term • 'SYSLIST ~,m) if the corresponding operand is a decimal selfdefining term • 'SYSNDX Values must be: 1$.,cfrOlltiOj3llrQu!tb 2, ·117j;ISii;ij:I',); PQs. fr:9m . 0 ···tbrou9b99,'~9,,~9j A character relation consists of two character expressions related by the operator GT, LT, EQ, NE, GE, or LE. Type attribute notation and Substring notation may also be used in character relations. The maximum size of the character expressions that can be compared is 255 characters. If the two character expressions are of unequal size, the the smaller one will always compare less than the larger. Ie Appendix VII: Summar:y of ~~cro Facility 415 Page or GC33-40tO-O Revised September 29, 1972 By TKL CN33-8148 Expression Arithmetic Expressions Character Expressions Logical Expressions Operations are +, - (unary and binary), *, and I; parentheses permitted Concatenation, with a period (.) AND, OR, and NOT parentheses permitted o through 255 characters o • SETA operands • SETC operands • • Arithmetic relations • Character relations 2 • AlP operands Range of values May be used in o (false) or 1 (true) SETS operands • Subscripted SET symbols • gSYSLIST subscript (s) • Substring notation • Sublist notation 1 2 An arithmetic relation consists of two ~rithmetic expressions related by the operators Gr, LT, EQ, NE, GE, or LE. A character relation consists of two character expressions related by the operator GT, LT, EQ, NE, GE, or LE. Type attribute notation and Substring notation may also be used in character relations. The maximum size of the character expressions that can be compared is 255 characters. If the two character expressions are of unequal size, the the smaller one will always compare less than the larger. a e L) .!l 416 o "0 Chart 3. Attribute Attributes Notation Can be used with: Can be used only if type attribute is: Can be used in always be 1. SETC operand fields 2. Character relations T' Ordinary Symbols defined in open code; symbolic parameters insije macro definitions; 'SYSLI~T(m) I 'SYSLIST ngth L' Ordinary Symbols defined in open code; symbolic parameters inside macro definitions; 'SYSLIST (In) I and 'SYSLIST(m,n) inside macro definitions Any letter except M, N, 0, T and U Arithmetic expressions Scaling S' Ordinary Symbols defined in open code; symbolic parameters insije macro definitions; 'SYSLIST (m) I and iSYSLIST (m,n) inside macro definitions H,F,G,D,E,L,X,P, and Z Arithmetic expressions Integer I' Ordinary Symbols defined in open code; symbolic parameters insije macro definitions; 'SYSLIST (m) I and iSYSLlST (m,n) inside macro definitions H,F,G,D,E,L,X,P, and Z Arithmetic expressions nt X, Symbolic parameters, iSYSL 1ST (m) and iSYSL 1ST (m,n) inside definitions Any letter Arithmetic expressions N' Symbolic parameters, iSYSLIST and 'SYSLIST(m) inside macro definitions Any letter Arithmetic expressions r ~ay used~ NOTE: There are definite restrictions in the use of these attributes ( see L1~ • ' o Appendix VII: Summary of Macro Facility 417 Chart 4. Variable Symbols (Part 1 of 2) Variable Symbol Declared by: Initialized, or set to: Symbolic' parameter prototype statement Corresponding ~onstant macro instruc- throughout tion operand definition) Value changed by: May be used in: • Arithmetic expressions if operand is decimal self-defining term • Character express ions SETA LCLA or GBLA instruction o SETA instructi:>n • Arithmetic expressions • Character expressions SETB LCLB or GELS instruction o SETB instructi:>n • Ari throe tic expressions • Character expressions • Logical expr es s ions SETC LCLC or GELC instruction String of length 0 (null) SETC instructi:> n • Arithmetic expressions if value is decimal se1fdefining term • Character expressions &SYSNDX' The assembler Macro instruction index (Constant throughout defini tion; unique for each macro instruct io n) • Arithmetic expressions (Constant throughout definition; set by CSECT, DSECT, START, and COM) • Character expressions • Character expr es s ions &SYSECT' The assembler Control section in which macro instruct ion appears &SYSLIST' The assembler Not applicable Not applicable • N'&SYSLIST in ari thmetic expressions &SYSLIST The assembler Corresponding (Constant macro instruc- throughout tion operand definition) • Arithmetic expressions if operand is decimal self-defining term (n) " &SYSLIST (n ,m) , • Character expressions 'Can be used only in macro definitions. 418 o o Chart 4. Variable Symbols cont. (Part 2 of 2) Variable Declared by: lnitializ ed, Value changed Symbol or set to: by: &SY'SPARM PARM field User defined or null Constant throughout assembly . May be used in: • Arithmetic expression if value is decimal selfdefining term • Character expression &SYSTIME The assembler System time Constant throughout assembly • Character expression &SYSDATE The' assembler System date Constant throughout assembly • Character expression 1Can be used only in macro definitions. o Appendix VII: Summary of Macro Facility 419 This page left blank intentionally. Glossary This glossary has three rr.ain types of definitions that aI=I=ly: • To the assembler language in I=articular (usually distinguished by reference to the words -assemtler-, - assemtly -, etc.) • To programming in general • To data processing as a whole If you do not understand the meaning of a data processing term used in any of the definitions below, refer to the ~ Oata Processing Glossary, Order No. GC20-1699. IBM is grateful to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for permission to reI=rint its definitions from the American National Standard Vocabulary for Information Processing, which was prepared by Subcommittee X3l<5 on Terminology and Glossary of Anerican National Standards Cammi ttee X3. ANSI definitions are preceded by an asterisk ~). o Glossary 421 ~. *absolute address: A pattern of characters that identifies a unique storage location without further modification. acsolute expression: An asseubly-time expression whose value is not affected by progzam relocation. An absolute expression can represent an absolute address. acsqlute term: A term whose value is not affected cy relocation. *address: 1. An identification, as reFresented by a name, label, or number, for a register, location in storage, or any cther data source or destination such as the location of a station in a communication network. 2. Loosely, any part of an instruction that specifies t.he locaticn of an operand for the instruction. Synonymous with address reference. 3. See acsolute address, base address, explicit address, implicit address, symbolic address. address constant: A value, or an expression representing a value, used in the calculation of storage addresses. address reference: Same as address (2). alignment: The positioning of the beginning of a machine instruction, data constant, or area on a proper boundary in virtua 1 storage. alphabetic character: In assembler programming, the letters A through Z and $, " Q. *alphameric: same as alphanumeric. *alphanumeric: Pertaining to a character set that contains letters, digits, and usually, other characters, such as punctuation marks. Synonymous with alphameric. *AND: A logic operator having the property that if P is a statement, Q is a statement, R is a statement, ••• , then the AND of P, Q, R,... is true if all statements are true, false if any statement is false. arithmetic expression: A conditicnal assembly expression that is a combination of arithmetic terms, arithmetic cFerators, and paired parentheses. arithmetic operator: 1. In assembler programming, an cperator that can be used in an absolute or relocatable expression, or in an arithmetic expression to indicate the 422 2. actions to be performed on the terms in the expression. ~he arithmetic operators allowed are: +, -, . , / . See binary operator, unary operator. arithmetic relation: Two arithmetic &ipressions separated by a relational operator. *arithmetic shift: 1. A shift that does not affect the sign position. 2. A shift that is equivalent to the multiplication of a number Cy a positive or negative integral power of the radix. arithmetic term: A term that can be used only in arithmeitc expression. an array: In assembler programming, a series of one or more values represented by a SET symbol. *assemble: To prepare a machine language program from a symbolic language program by substituting absolute operation codes for symbolic operation codes and absolute or relocatable addresses for symbolic addresses. *assembler: assembles. A computer program that assembler instruction: 1. An assembler language statement that causes the assembler to perform a specific operation. Unlike the machine instructions, the assembler instructions are not translated into machine language. 2. See also conditional assembly instruction, macro processing instruction. assembler language: A source language that includes symbolic machine language statements in which there is a one-to-one correspondence with the instruction formats and data formats of the computer. The assembler language also includes statements that represent assembler instructIons and macro instructions. assembly time: The time at which the assembler translates the symbolic machine language statements into their object code form ~achine instructions). The assemtler also processes the assembler instructions at this time, with the exception of the conditional assembly and macro processing instructions, which it processes at pre-assembly time. \~,~.>{ b attribute: A characteristic of the data defined in a source module. The assembler assigns the value of an attribute to the symbol or macro instruction operand that represents the data. Synonymous with data attritute. * branch: Loosely, a conditional jump. buffer: An area of storage that is temporarily reserved for use in performing an input/output operation, and into which data is read or from which data is written. *!2..!!9:: *base: -'-.--A number that is multiplied by itsel~ as many times as indicated by an exponent. 2. See floating-point base. *base address: A given address fron which an absolute address is derived by conbination with a relative address. NOTE: In assembler programming, the relative address is synonymous with displacement. base register: A register that contains the base address. *binary: Pertaining to the number representation system with a radix of two. *binary digit: In binary notation, either of the characters, 0 or 1. binary operator: An arithmetic operator having two terms. The binary operators that can be used in absolute or relocatable expressions and arithmetic expressions are: addition (+), subtraction (-), mul tiplica tion (*), and division (/). Contrast with unary operator. *bit: A binary digit. bit-length modifier: A subfield in the DC assembler instruction that determines the length in bits of the area into which the defined data constant is to be assembled. bit string: A string of binary digits in which the position of each binary digit is considered as an independent unit. blank: In assembler programming, the same as space character. *blank character: Same as space character. o boundary: In assembler progran:rring, a location in storage that marks the beginning of an area into which data is assembled. For example, a fu1lword boundary is a location in storage whose address is divisible by four. The other boundaries are: doubleword (location divisible by eight), halfword (location divisible by two), and b¥te (location can be any number). See alsu· alignment. A mistake or malfunction. byte: ,. A sequence of adjacent binary digits operated upon as a unit and usually shorter than a computer word. 2. The representation of a character; eight binary digits (bits) in System/370. call; .-'-.-To transfer control to a specified closed subroutine. 2. See also macro call. * character : ,. A letter, digit, or other symbol that is used as part of the organization, control, or representation of data. A character is often in the form of. a spatial arrangement of adjacent or connected strokes. 2. See blank character, character set, special character. character exp!~ssion: A chaxacter string enclosed by apostrophes. It can te used only in conditional assembly instructions. ~he enclosing apostrophes are not part of the value represented. Contrast with quoted string. character relation: Two character strings separated by a relational operator. character set: *,. A set of unique representations called characters, for example, the 26 letters of the English alphabet, 0 and , of the Boolean alphabet, the set of signals in the Morse code alphabet, the '28 characters of the ASCII alphabet. 2. In assembler programming, the alphabetic characters A through Z and $, I, Q; the digits, 0 through 9; and the speci al characters + - * / , ( ) = • • , and the blank character. *character string: A string consisting solely of characters. closed subroutine: A subroutine tha t can be stored at one place and can be linked to one or more calling routines. Contrast with open subroutine. Glossary 423 *code: -l-.--A set of unambigous rules specifying the way in which data tray be repres ented, for example, the set . of correspondences in the standard code for information interchange. 2. In data processing, to represent data or a computer program in a symbolic form that can be accepted by a data -proce ssor. 3. To write a routine. 4. See condition code, object code, operation code. *coding: See symbolic COding. collating sequence: An ordering assigned to a set of items, such that any twc sets in that assigned order can be collated. *column: A vertical arrangerrent of characters or other expressions. comments statement: A statement used to include information that may be helpful in running a job or reviewing an cut~ut listing. *complement: 1. A number that can be derived from a specified number by subtracting it from a second specified number. For example, in radix notaticn, the second specified number may be given power of the radix or one less than the given power of the radix. The negative of the number is often represented by its complement. 2. See radix complement, twos complement. complex relocatable expression: A relocatable expression that contains two or more unpaired relocatable terms or an unpaired relocatacle term preceded by a minus sign, after all unary operators have been resolved. A complex relccatable expression is not fully evaluated until program fetch time. condition code: A code that reflects the result of a previous input/output, arithmetic, or logical operation. conditional assembll: An assembler facility for altering at pre-assembly time the content and sequence of source statements that are to be assembled. conditional assembll expression: An expression that the assembler evaluates at pre-assembly time. conditional assembly instruction: An assembler instruction that performs a conditional assembly operation. Conditional assembly instructions are processed at pre-assembly time. They include: the LCLA, LCLB, LCLC, GBLA, GBLB, a nd the GBLC declaration instructions; the SETA, SETB, and SETC assignment instructions; the AlP, AGO, ANOP, and ACT.R branching instructions. * condi tional j!!!!!E: A jump tha t occurs if specified criteria are met. * .£Q!!§~: See figurative constant. continuation line: A line of a source statement into which characters are entered when the source statement cannot ce contained on the preceding line or lines. control progf~~: A program that is designed to schedule and supervise the performance of data processing work by a computing system. control secti2!!= That part of a ~rogram specified by the programmer to be a relocatable unit, all elements of which are to be loaded into adjoining virtual storage locations. Abbreviated CSECT. control statement: See linkage editor control statement. £2l2l: To reproduce data in a new location *computer program: A series of instructions or statements, in a form acceptable to a computer, prepared in order to achieve a certain result. or other destination, leaving the source data unchanged, although the physical form of the result nay differ from that of the source. For example, to copy a deck of cards onto a magnetic tape. *computer word: A sequence of bits or characters treated as a unit and capable of being stored in one computer location. count attribute (gl): An attribute that gives the number of characters that would be required to represent the data as a character string. concatenation character: The period (.) that is used to separate character strings that are to be joined tcgether in conditional assembly processing. * counter: ~-device 2. 424 such as a register or storage location used to represent the numter of occurrences of an event. See instruction counter, location counter. o CPU: Central processing unit. CSECT: See control section. dummy section: Same as dummy control section. data attribute: Same as attribute. data constant: See figurative constant. *drbug: To detect, locate, and remove m1stakes from a routine or malfunctions from a compute~. *decimal: pertaining to the nurrber representation systero with a radix of ten. declare: To identifY the variable symbols to be used by the asserrbler at pre-assembly time. .dynamic storage allocation: A storage allocation technique in which the location of computer programs and data is determined by criteria applied at the moment of need. EBCDIC: Extended binary coded decimal interchange code. *device: See storage device. entry name: A name within a control section that defines an entry point and can be referred to by any control section. dimension: The maximum number of values that can be assigned to a SET symbol representing an array. dimensioned SET symbol: A SET syrobcl, representing an array, followed by a decimal number enclosed in parentheses. A dimensioned SET symbol must be declared in a global (GBLA, GBLB, or GBLC) or local ~CLA, LCLB, LCLC) declaration instruction. displ acement : Same as relative address. 2. In assembler programming, the difference in bytes between a symbolic address and a specified base address. .1. doubleword: A contiguous sequence cf bits or characters which coreprises two com~uter words and is capable of being addressed as a unit. NOTE: In assembler programming, the doubleword has a length of eight bytes and can be aligned on a doubleword boundary (a location whose address is divisible by eight). Contrast with fullword, halfword. .dummy: Pertaining to the characteristic of having the appearance of a specified thing but not having the capacity to function as such. For example, a dummy control section. o duplication factor: In assembler programming, a value that indica tes the number of times that the data specified immediately following the duplication factor is to be generated. For example, the first subfield of a DC or DS instruction is a duplication factor. *delimiter: A flag that separates and organizes items of data. .dictionary: See external syrobcl dictionary. o area of storage without producing any object code. Synonymous with dummy section. dummy control section: A control section that the assembler can use to format an .entry point: In a routine, any place to which control can be passed. entry symbol: 1. An ordinary symbol that represents an entry name (identified by the ENTRY assembler instruction) or control section name (defined by the CSECT or START assembler instruction) • 2. See also external symbol. ~: (equal to) See relational operator. .error message: An indication that an error has been detected. Contrast with warning message. ~: External symbol dictionary. excess sixty-four binary notation: In assembler prograrrming, a binary notation in which each exponent of a floating-point number E is represented by the binary equivalent of E plus sixty-four. execution time: ihe time at which the machine instructions in object code form are processed by the central processing unit of the computer. explicit address: An address reference which is specified as two absolute expressions. One expression supplies the value of a base register and the other supplies the value of a displacement. The assembler assembles both values into the object code of a machine instruction. Glossary '125 exponent: In a floating-point representation, the numeral, of a pair of numerals representing a number, that indicates the power to which the base is raised. 2. See also excess sixty-four binary notation. .1. exponent modifier: A subfield in the operqnd of the DC assembler instruction that indicates the power of ten by which a number is to be multiplied before being assembled as a data constant. expr es s ion: 1. One or more operations represented by a combination of terms, and paired parentheses. 2. See absolute expression, arithmetic expression, complex relocatable expression, relocatable expression. 3. See also character expression. extended binary coded decimal interchange code: A set of 256 characters, each represented by eight bits. external name: A name that can be referred to by any control section or separately assembled module: that is, a contrel section name or an entry name in another module. external reference: A reference to a symbol that is defined as an external name in another module. external symbol: 1. An ordinary symbol that represents an external reference. An external symbol is identified in a source module by the EXTRN or WXTRN assembler instruction, or by the V-type address constant. 2. Loosely, a symbol contained in the external symbol dictionary. 3. See also entry symbol. external symbol dictionary: Contrel information associated with an object or load module which identifies the external symbols in the module. Abbreviated ESD. ~: External reference. fetch: *~o locate and load a quantity of data 2. 426 from storage. In the Operating System ~S), to obtain load modules from auxiliary storage and load them into virtual storage. See also loader (1). 3. 4. 5. In the risk Operating System (OOS), to bring a program phase into virtual storage from the core image litrary fer immediate execution. A control program routine that accomplishes (1), (2), or (3). See alse loader (2). The name of the system macro instruction (FElCH) used to accomplish (1), (2), or (3). * figurati ve constant: ~ preassigned, fixed, character string with a preassigned, fixed, data name in a particular programming language. NCiE: In assembler programming, the two types of figurative constant are: a. data and address constants defined by the DC assembler instruction. b. symbols assigned values Cy the EQU assembler instruction. flag: *1. Any of various types of indicators used for identification. For example, in assembler programming, the paired apostrophes that enclose a character expression of a quoted string. 2. In assembler programming, to indicate the occurrence of an error. * floating-point base: In floating-point representation, the fixed positive integer that is the base of the power. NOTE: In assembler programming, this base is 16. fullword: A contiguous sequence of bits or characters which comprises a computer word and is capable of being addressed as a unit. NCiE: In assembler programming, the fullword has a length of four bytes and can be aligned on a fullword toundary (a location whose address is divisible by fou~. Contrast with doubleword, halfword. GE: ~reater than or equal to) See relational operator. generate: *1. To produce a program by selection of ,subsets from a set of skeletal coding under the control of parameters. 2. In assembler programming, to produce assembler language statements from the model statements of a macro definition when the definition is called by a macro instruction. global scope: Pertaining to that part of an assembler program that includes the tody of any macro definition called from a source o mod ule and the open code portion of the source module. Contrast with local scope. global variatle symbol: 1. A variable symbol that can be used to communicate values between macro definitions and tetween a macro defini tion and open code. 2. Contrast'with local variable symbol. GT: (greater than) See relational operator. 2. See assembler instruction, conditional assembly instruction, rrachine instruction, macro instruction. * instruction counter: }. counter that indicates the location of the next computer instruction to be interpreted. instruction statement: See instruction (1). An attribute that indicates the number of digit positions occupied by the integer portion of fixed-point, decimal, and floating-point constants in their object code form. integ~r attriQ~~: *halfword: A contiguous sequence of bits or characters which comprises half a com~uter word and is capable of being addressed as a * interruE!:: To stop a process in such a lIiCly unit. it can be resumed. NOTE: In assembler programming, the halfword has a length of two bytes and can *.!LQ: An abbreviation for input/output. be aligned on a halfword boundary (a location whose address is divisible by twO). Contrast with doubleword, fullword. * jQt con~rol~ta:!:~~:!:: A statement in a job hexadecimal: Pertaining to a number system that is used in identifying the job or with a radix of sixteen; valid digits range describing its requirements to the from 0 through F, where F represents the operating system. highest units position (15). * jump: 1. iromediate data: Data specified in an SI type machine instruction that represents a value to be assembled into the object code of the machine instruction. implicit address: An address reference which is specified as one absclute or relocatable expression. An implicit address must be converted into its ex~licit base-displacement fonn before it can be assemtled into the object code of a machine instruction. index register: * 1. A regi ster whose content nay be added to or subtracted from the operand address prior to or during the execution of a computer instruction. 2. In assembler programmdng, a register whose content is added to the cperand or absolute address derived frcm a combination of a base address with a displacement. inner macro instruction: A macro instruction that is specified, that is, nested inside a macro definition. Contrast with outer macro instruction. *instruction: 1. A statement that specifies an c~eration and the values or locations of its operands. 2. A departure from the normal sequence of executing instructions in a computer. See conditional jump. keyw9rd: In assewbler programming, an ordinary symbol containing up to seven characters. ~ keyword is used to identify a parameter, called a keyword paxameter, in a macro prototype statement and the corresponding roacro instruction operand. keyword operand; An operand in a macro instruction that assigns a value to the corresponding keyword parameter declared in the prototype statement of the called macro definition. Keyword operands can be specified in any order, because they identify the corresponding parameter ty keyword and not by their position. NOTE: In assembler programming, the specification of a keyword operand has the format: a keyword followed by an equal sign which, in turn, is followed by the value to be assigned to the keyword parameter. keyword_p!!~m~:!:~!: A symbolic parameter in which the symbol fcllowing the ampersand represents a keyword. NOTE: In assembler programming, the declaration of ~eyword parameter has the format: a keyword parameter followed ty an equal sign which, in turn, is followed by a standard - (default) value. Glossary 427 * label: *~ne 2. or more characters used to identify a statement or an item of data in a computer program. In assembler progran.ming, the entry in the name field of an assembler language sta tement. The three main types of name entry are: a. the ordinary symbol which represents a label at assembly time. b. the sequence symbol which represents a label at ~re-assembly time and is used as a conditional assembly branching destination. c. the variable symbol that represents a pre-assembly time label for conditional assembly processing and from which ordinary symbols can be generated to create assembly-time labels. * language: 1. A set of representations, conventions, and rules used to convey infcrwation. 2. See machine language, object language, source language. LE: (less than or equal to) See relational operator. *l~ngth: See word length. length attribute eL'): An attribute that 9i ve s the number of bytes to be cccu~ied by the object code for the data represented, such as machine instructions, constants, or areas. length field: The operand entry cr subentry in machine instructions that specifies the number of bytes at a specific address that are affected by the execution of the instruction. length modifier: A subfield in the o~erand of the DS or DC assembler instruction that determines the length in bytes of the area to be reserved or of the area into which the data defined is to be assembled. *level: The degree of subordination in a hierarchy. library macro definition: A macro definition stored in a program library. The IBM-supplied supervisor and data management macro definitions (such as those called by GET or PUT) are examples of library macro definitions. A library macro definition can be included at the beginning of a source module: it then becomes a source macro definition. 428 In programming, coding that connects two separately ceded routines. link!9:~: . IC··~·~.1 u link~ge edito!: A processing program that prepares the output of language translators for execution. It combines separately produced object or load mcdules; resolves symbolic cross references among them; replaces, deletes, and adds control sections, and generates overlay structures on request; and produces executatle code (a load module) that is ready to be fetched into virtual storage. linkage editor control statement: An instruction for the linkage editor. literal: A symbol or a quantity in a source program that is itself data, rather than a reference to data. Contrast with figurative constant. literal pool: An area in storage into which the assembler assembles the values of the literals specified in a source module. * load: In programming, to enter data into storage or working registers. The output of the linkage editor; a program in a format suitable for loading into virtual storage for execution. ~~gule: loader: 1. Under the Operating System (OS), a processing program that combines the basic editing and loading functions of the linkage editor and program fetch in one job step. It accepts object modules and load modules created by the linkage editor and generates executable code directly in virtual storage. The loader does not produce load modules for program libraries. 2. Under the Disk Operating System (tOS), a supervisor routine that retrieves program phases from the core image library and loads the~ into virtual storage. local scoee: Fertaining to that part of an assembler program that is either the tody of any macro definition called from a source module or the open code portion of the source module. Contrast with global scope. local variable symbol: 1. A variable symbol that can be used to communicate values inside a macro definition or in the open code portion of a source module. x' -"\ '\l.._. v'! o 2. Contrast with global variable symbol. *machine language: A language that is used directly by a machine. *location: Any place in which data rray be stored. location counter: A counter whose value indicates the address of data assembled from a machine instruction or a ccnstant, or the address of an area of reserved storage, re1a ti ve to the beginning of a control section. # *logic shift: A shift that affects all positions. logical expression: A conditional assembly expression that is combination of logical terms, logical operators, and paired parentheses. logical operator: In assembler programming, an operator or pair of operators that can be used in a logical expression tc indicate the action to be performed on the terms in the expression. The logical operatcrs allowed are: AND, OR, NOT, ANt NOT, and OR NOT. () logical relation: 1. A logical term in which two expressions are separated by a relational operator. The relational operators allowed are: EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, and NE. 2. See arithmetic relation, character relation. logical term: A term that can be used only in a logical expression. loop: * 1. A sequence of instructions that is executed repeatedly until a terminal condition prevails. 2. See loop counter. macro call: Same as macro instruction. macro definition: A set of assembler language statements that defines the name of, format of, and conditions for generating a sequence of assembler language statements from a single source statement. .macro expansion: Same as macro genera tion. macro generation: An operation in which the assembler produces a sequence of assemtler language statements by processing a macro definition called by a macro instruction. Macro generation takes place at pre-assembly time. Synonymous with macro expansion. macro instruction: 1. An instruction in a source language that is equivalent to a specified sequence of machine instructions. 2. In assembler programming, an assemtler language statement that causes the assembler to process a predefined set· of statements (called a macro definition) • The staterrents normally produced from the macro definition replace the macro instruction in the source program. Synonymous with macro call. loop counter: In assembler prograrrrring, a counter to prevent excessive looping during conditional assembly processing. macro instruction operand: An operand that supplies a value to be assigned to the qorresponding symbolic parameter of the macro definition called by the macro instruction. This value is passed into the macro definition to be used in its processing. LT: (less than) See relational operator. macro *machine code: An operation code that a machine is designed to recognize. o macro: ;:--roose1y, a macro definition. 2. See also macro definition, macro generation, rracro instruction, macro prototype statement. machine instruction: • ,. An instruction that a machine can recognize and execute. 2. In assembler programming, (locsel~ the symbolic machine language statements which the assembler translates into machine language instructions. libra~: See program library. macro processing instruction: An assembler instruction that is used inside macro definitions and processed at pre-assemtly time. These instructions are: MACRO, MRlt, MEXIT, and MNOTE. macro prototype: Same as macro prototype statement • macro prototype statement: An assemtler language statement that is used to give a name to a macro definition and to provide a model (prototype) for the macro instruction that is to call the macro definition. Glossary 429 main stor age: The general purpose storage cf a computer. Usually, main storage can be accessed directly by the operating registers. 2. See-also real storage, virtual storage. value from the entry in the name field of the macro instruction that corresponds to the macro prototype statenent. * 1. * mask:- A pattern of characters that is used to control the retention or elimination of portions of another pattern of characters. NE: * mnemonic operation code: An operation code consisting of mnemonic symbols that indicate the nature of the operation to be performed, the type of data used, or the format of the instruction perforning the operation. mnemonic symbol: A sym1:ol chosen to assist the human memory, for example, an abbreviation such as WmpyW for -multiply-. 2. See also mnemonic operation cede. * 1. model statement: A statement in the body of a macro definition or in open code from which an assem1:ler language statereent can be generated at pre-assembly time. Values can be substituted at one or more points in a model statement; one or more identical or different statements can be generated from the same model statement under the control of a conditional assembly loop. 2. A program unit that is discrete and identifiable with respect to compiling, oom1:ining with other units, and loading, for example, the infut to, or output from, an assembler, ccnpi1er, linkage editor, or executive routine. See lOad module, object nodule, source module. * no OP: An instruction that specifically instructs the computer to do nothing, except to proceed to the next instruction in sequence. * NO!: A logic operator having the property that if P is a statement, then the NOT of P is true if P is false, false if P is true. * * stri~: Same as null string. null strin~: 1. 'The notion of a string depleted of its entities, or the notion of a string prior to establishing its entities. 2. In assembler programming, synonymous with the null character string. numbe~rib!!te (N'): An at-tribute of a symbolic parameter that gives the number of sutlist entries in the corresponding macro instruction operand. 2., An attribute that gives the number of positional operands in a macro instruction (specified as N"SYSLIST) or an attribute that gives the numter of sublist entries in a specific positional operand (specified as N' gSYSLIST en) ) • 1. name entry: Usually syncnymous with label (2). However, the name entry of a model statement can be any string ef characters at pre-asseml::ly tine. 430 null character: A control character that serves to accomplish ~edia fill or time fill, for example, in ASCII the all zeros character (not numeric zero). Null characters may be inserted into or removed from a sequence of characters without affecting the meaning of the sequence, l:ut control of equipment or the format may 1:e affected. Abbreviated NUL. Contrast with space character. null character name: -1-.--A 1- to a-character alphameric term that identifies a data set, a control statement, an instruction statement, a program, or a cataloged procedure. The first character of the name nust be alphabetic. 2. See entry name, external name. 3. See also name entry, label. name field parameter: A symbolic parameter that is declared in the name field of a macro prototype stateIrent. It is assigned a nest: To imbed subroutines or data in other su1:routines or data at a different hierarchical level such that the different levels of routines or data can be executed or accessed recursively. nesting level: In assembler programming, the level at which a term (or subexpression) appears in an expression, or the level at which a macro definition containing an inner macro instruction is processed by the assembler. * module: 1. (not equal to) See relational operator. * obje.st code: Output from an assembler which is itself executable machine code or is a . . ~;1 suitable for processing to produce executable machine code. * the assembler language. Ordinary symbols are also used to represent operation codes for assembler language instructions. An ordinary symbol has one alphabetic character followed by zero to seven alphameric characters. object language: The language to which a statement is translated. The machine language for the IBM System/370 is an object language. outer macro instruction: A macro instruction that is specified in open code. Contrast with inner macro instruction. * object module: A module that is the output of an'assembler or compiler and is input to a linkage editor. • object program: A fully compiled cr assembled program that is ready tc be loaded into the computer. Contrast with source program. * overflow: That portion of the result of an operation that exceeds the capacity of the intended unit of storage. * overlay: The technique of repeatedly using the same blocks of internal storage during different stages of a progzam. When one routine is no longer needed in storage, another routine can replace all part of it. * padding: A technique used to fill a block with dummy data. open code: That portion of a source module that lies outside of and after any source macro definitions that may be specified. oEen subroutine: A subroutine that is inserted into a routine at each place it is used. Contrast with closed subroutine. NOTE: In assembler programming, a macro definition is an open subroutine, because the statements generated from the definition are inserted into the source module at the point of call. paired parentheses: A left parenthesis and a right parenthesis that belong to the sarre level of nesting in an expression; the left parenthesis must appear before its matching right parenthesis. If parentheses are nested within paired parentheses, the, nested parentheses must be paired. • operand: 1. That which is operated upon. 2. See keyword operand, positional operand. paired relocatable terms: 1wo relocatatle terms in an expression with the same relocatability attribute that have different signs after all unary operations have teen performed. Paired relocatable terms have an absolute value. • oFerating system: Software which controls the executi"on of computer programs and which may provide scheduling, debugging, input/output control, accounting, compilation. storage assignrr:ent, data management, and related services. * oEeration code: A code that represents specific operations. • oEerator: 1. In the description of a process, that which indicates the action to be performed on the operands. NOTE: In assembler prograrrrring, operands are referred to as terms. 2. See arithmetic operator, binary operator, logical operator, unary operator. 3. See also concatenation character. * OR: A logic operat-or having the property that if P is a stateroent, Q is a statement, R is a statement, ••• , then the OR of P, Q, R••• is true if at least one staterrent is true, false if all statements are false. o ordinary symbol: A symbol that represents an assembly-time value when used in the name or operand field of an instruction in • parameter: 1. A variable that is given a constant value for a specific purpose or process. 2. See keyword parameter, name field parameter, positional I4rameter, symbolic parameter. point of substitution: Any place in an assembler language statement, particularly a model statement, into which values can be substituted at pre-assembly time. Variatle symbols represent points of substitution. positio~ope~~nd: An operand in a macro instruction that assigns a value to the corresponding positional parameter declared in the prototype statement of the called macro definition. positiQnal par~~: A symbolic parameter that occupies a fixed position relative to the other positional parameters declared in the same macro prototype statement. Glossary 431 pre-assemtly time: The time at which the assembler process macro definitions and performs conditional assembly o~erations. required. For exam~le, tens complement in decimal notation, twos corrplement in binary notation. private code: An unnamed control section. read-only: A type of access to data that allows it to read but not modified. * program: 1. 2. 3. 4. S. real storage: The storage of a IB~ Systemj370 computer from which the central processing unit can directly- obtain instructions and data and to which it can directly return results. Real storage can occupy all or part of main storage. Contrast with virtual storage. A series of actions propcsed in order to achieve a certain result. Loosely, a routine. To design, write, and test a program as in (1). Loosely, to write a routine. See ·computer program, object ~rogram, source program. recursive: Fertaining to a process in which each step makes use of the results of earlier steps. NOTE: In assembler prograrrming, the inner macro instruction that calls the macro definition within which it is nested . performs a recursive call. program fetch time: 1. The time at which a program (in the form of load modules or phase~ is loaded into virtual storage for execution. 2. See also fetch (2), fetch (3). * Eroqram library: A collection of available computer programs and routines. programmer macro definition: Locsely, a source macro definition. prototype statement: Sarre as rr.acrc protatype statement. * pushdown list: A list that is constructed and maintained so that the next item to be retrieved and removed is the most recently stored item in the list, that is, last in, first out. Synonymous with pushdown stack. pushdown stack: Sarr'e as pushdown list. quoted string: A character string enclosed by apostrophes that is used in a «-acro instruction operand to represent a value that can include blanks. The enclcsing apostrophes are part of the value represented. Contrast with character expression. * radix: In positional ret:resentaticn, that integer, if it exists, by which the significance of the digit place must be multiplied to give the significance of the next higher digit place. For example, in decimal notation, the radix of each place is ten. * radix complement: A complement obtained by subtracting each digit from cne less than its radix, then adding one to the least significant digit, executing all carries 432 * register: . 1. A device capable of storing a specified amount of data such as one word. 2. See base register, index register. relation: The comparison of two expressions to see if the value cf one is equal te, less than, or greater than the value of the other. relational operator: An operator that can be used in an arithmetic or character relation to indicate the comparison to be performed between the terms in the relation. The relational cperators are: EQ (equal) , GE (greater than or equal to), GT (greater than) , LE (less to or equal to), LT (less than), NE (not equal to). * relative addr~~~: The nuwber that specifies the difference between the absolute address and the base address. Synonymous with displacement. relocatability attribute: An attribute that identifies the control section to which a relocatable expression belongs. Two relocatable expressions have the same relocatability attribute if the unpaired term in each of them belongs to the same control section. reiocatable expression: An assembly-time expression whose value is affected by program reloc~tion. A relocatable expression can represent a relocatable address. relocatable term: A term whose value is affected by program relocation. o * relocate: In computer proqramming, to move a routine from one portion of storage to another and to adjust the necessary address references so that the routine, in its new location, can te executed. relocation: The modification cf address constants to compensate for a change in origin of a module, proqram, or control section. * rounding: * sign position: A position, normally located a t one end of a numeral, that contains an indication of the algebraic Sign of the number. * Same as roundoff. roundoff: To delete the least significant digit or digits of a numeral and to adjust the part retained in accordance with some rule. * 2. An ordered set of instructions that may have some general or frequent use. See sul:routine. scale modifier: A subfield in the cperand of the DC assembler instruction that indicates the number of digits in the object code to be occupied by the fractional portion of a fixed-~oint or floating-point constant. scaling attribute: An attribute that indicates the number of digit positions occupied ty the fractional portion of fixed-point, decimal, and floating-point constants in their object code for~. scope: 1. In assembler programming, that part of a source prograR in which a variable symbo~ can communicate its value. 2. See global scope, local scope. SFT symbol: A variable symbol used to communicate values dur ing conditional assembly processing. It must be declared to have either a global or local sco~e. o severity code: A code assigned by the assemtler to an error detected in a source module. A severity code can also be specified and assigned to an error message generated by th~ MNOTE instruction. ~~ languag~: The language from which a statement is translated. source module: A sequence of statements in the assembler language that constitutes the input to a single execution of the assembler. * source program: A computer program written in a source language. program. Contrast with object * space £!,!aracte~: A normally nonprinting graphic character used to sepazate words. Synonymous with blank character. Contrast with null character. * speCial character: A graphic character that is neither a letter, nor a digit, nor a space character. * statement: rIn-cOmputer programming, a meaningf ul expression or generalized instruction in a source language. 2. See job control statement, linkage editor control statement, comments statement, model statement. * storage: 1. Fertaining to a device into which data can be entered, in which they can be held, and from which they can te retrieved at a later time. 2. Loosely, any device that can store data. 3. See main storage, real storage, virtual storage. * storage allocation: 1; The assignment of blocks of data to specified blocks of storage. 2. See dynamic storage allocation. self-defining term: An absolute term whose value is implicit in the specification of the term itself. sequence symbol: A symbol used as a branching l.tel for conditional assembly instructions. It consists of a period followed by one to seven alphameric characters, the first of which must be alphatetic. Significant digit: A digit that is needed for a certain purpose, particularly one that must be kept to preserve a specific accuracy or precision. source macro definition: A macro definition included in a source lIDdule. A source macro definition can be entered into a program library; it then becomes a library macro definition. * routine: 1. sign ~~: A binary digit occupying the sign posit1on. . Glossary 433 * storage protection: An arrangement for preventing access to storage for either reading, or writing, or both. substring: storage stack: Loosely, a pushdown list. 2. * string: 1. 2. A linear sequence of entities such as characters or physical elements. See bit string, character string, null string. A macro instruction operand that contains one or more entries separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. ~st: * subroutine: 1. 2. A routine that can be part of another routine. See closed subroutine, o~en subroutine. subscript: One or more elements, enclosed in parentheses, that appear immediately after a variatle sylt'bol or character expression. The value of a subscript indicates a position in the array or string of values represented by the variable symbol or character expressicn. subscripted &SYSLIST: The system variable symbol iSYSLIST immediately followed by either one sutscript or two subscripts separated by oommas, and enclosed in parentheses. The value of the first subscript indicates the position cf a positional operand in a macro instruction and the value of the second subscript indicates the position of the entry in the sublist of the positional operand indicated by the first sutscript. subscripted SET symbol: A SET symbol that is immediately followed by a subscript. A subscripted SET symbol must be declared with an allowable dimensicn before it can be used. The value of the subscript indicates the position of the value given to the subscripted symbcl in the array represented by the SET symbol. 2. See also dimensioned SET symbcl. 1. subscripted symbolic parameter: A syrrbolic parameter that is irrmediately followed by a subscript. The value of the subscript indicates the position of the entry in the sublist in the macro instruction c~erand referred to by the symbolic parameter. substitution: The action taken by the assembler when it replaces a variable symbol with a value, for example, during the expansion of a rracro definition. 1. (f~ . .", A character string that has teen extracted from a character expression. See also substring notation. sutstrinq notation: ~ character expression immediately followed by two sutscripts, separated by a cOIt'.ma, and enclosed in parentheses. It can be used only in conditional assembly instructions. The value of the first subscript indicates the position of the character within the character expression that begins the substring. The value of the second subscript represents the numter of characters to be extracted from the character expression. * switch: A device or ~rogramming technique ~making a selection, for example, a conditional jump. * symbol: 1. 2. A representation of something ty reason of relationship, association, or convention. See mnemonic symbol, crdinary symbol, sequence symbol, SET symbol, variatle symbol. * symbolic address: ~n address expressed in symbols convenient to the computer programmer. * symbolic coding: Coding that uses machine instructions~with symbolic addresses. NCTE: In assembler programming, any instruction can contain symbolic addresses. In addition, any other portion of an instruction may be represented with symbols, for example, labels, registers, lengths and immediate data. symbolic-E~!!~~!: 1. 2. A vari abl e symbo I dec la red in the prototype statement of a macro definition. A symbolic parameter is usually assigned a value from the corresponding cperand in the macro instruction that calls the macro definition. See also keyword parameter, name field parameter, positional parameter. system loader: See loader (2). system~£Q_Qefinition: Loosely, a library macro definition supplied by IB~. ~ys~~!2~ln~!B£.E&!!: Loosely, a macro 1nstruction tnat calls for the processing of an IBM-supplied library macro definition, fer example, the ATTACH macro. system variable symbol: A variable symbol that always begins with the characters 434 ~-.,;. &SYS. The system variable symbols do not have to be declared, because the assembler assigns them read-only values autc~atica11y according to specific rules. term: -1-.--The smallest part of an expression that can be assigned a value. 2. See absolute term, arithmetic term, logical term, relocatab1e ter~. *translate: To transform statements from one language to another without significantly changing the meaning. *truncate: To terminate a computaticnal process in accordance with so~e rule, for example, to end ~e evaluation of a power series at a specified term. NOTE: In assembler programming, the object code for data constants can be truncated by the assembler. . *twos complement: The radix complement in binary notation. iI'" ~ tYFe attribute crt): An attribute that distinguishes one form of data from another, for example, fixed-pcint ccnstants from floating-point constants or machine instructions from macro instructicns. unary operator: An arith~etic operator having only one term. The unary operators that can be used in absolute cr relecatable, and arithmetic expressions are: positive (+) and negative (-). unnamed control section: A control section that is initiated in one of the following three ways: 1. By an unnamed STAR-r instructicn. 2. By an unnamed CSECT instruction, if no unnamed START instruction appears bef ore the CSEC'I instruction. 3. By any instruction that affects the setting of the location ccunter. * variable: A quantity that can assume any of a given set of values. variable symbol: In assembler programming, a symto1, used in macro and conditional assembly processing, that can assume any of a given set of values. It consists of an ampersand (&) followed by one to seven alphameric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. NOTE: All variable symbols must be declared except the system variable symbols. Address space appearing to the user as real storage from which instructions and data are mapped into real storage locations. -rhe size of virtual storage is limited only by the addressing scheme of the computing system rather than by the actual number of real storage locations. Contrast with real storage. virtual~;!9~: warning message: An indication that a possible e~ror has been detected. The assembler does not assign a severity code to this type of error. Contrast with error message. word: * ~A character string or bit string considered as an entity. * 2. See computer word. 3. See doubleword, fullword, halfword. * word length: A measure of the size of a word, usually specified in units such as characters or binary digits. NOTE: In assembler programming, the word, or fu1lword, contains 32 bits (binary digit~ or 4 bytes. wrap-around: Loosely, the overflow of the location counter when the value assigned to it exceeds 224_1 o Glos~xy 435 ((~ ~J' ••• This page left blank intentionally. Indez (see period) (see plus sign) & (see ampersand) &SYSDATE (system variable symbol) 279 attributes of 279,325 global scope of 279 &SYSECT (system variable symbol) 280 attributes of 280,325 local scope of 279 in nested macros 316 &SYSLIST (system variable symbol) 281 attributes of 283,325 local scope of 279 in nested macros 314 notation allowed 281 number attribute of 283 subscripts for 281,282 &SYSNDX (system variable symbol) 284 attributes of 284,325 local scope of 279 in nested macros 315 &SYSPARM (system variable symbol) 284 attributes of 285,325 global scope of 279 specified in job control language 285 under CMS 285-286 &SYSTIME (system variable symbol) 286 attributes of 287,325 global scope of 279 $ (see dollar sign) * (see asterisk) (see minus sign) / (see slash) , (see comma) t (see number sign) Ql (see at sign) (see apostrophe) = (see equal sign) + o absolute address 84 absolute expression 57,56 A-con (see address constant, A-type) ACTR instruction 370 address absolute 84 base 85,133 base displacement format of defini tion 84 explicit 87 implicit 87 reference 84 re10catable 84 re10catabi1ity of 85 address constant 86 A-type 194 location counter reference in 194 defined by DC instruction 162 External Symbol Dictionary entry for 116 location counter reference in Q-type 200 for external dummy section S-type 196 V-type 198 Y-type 194 location counter reference in 194 address reference 84 (see also explicit address; implicit address; symbolic address) addressing between source modules 147 within source modules 133 AGO instruction 369 AIF instruction 367 alignment 75 ALIGN option 75 boundary 76,166 of constants and areas 166,76 forcing of 204,76 of machine instructions 75 ALIGN option 75,204 ALOGIC option 376 alphabetic character of character set 34 in symbols 37,35 alphameric (see character) alternate statement format for macro instruction sta tement 291 for macro prototype statement 256 number of continuation lines allowed 18 ampersand (&) 35 (see also double ampersand) as variable symbol indicator AND operator 361 ANOP instruction 373 apostrophe (') (see also double apostrophe) in attribute notation 324 to delimit character strings 35 to delimit quoted strings 304 area (see data area) arithmetic expression 349 arithmetic operator binary operator addition (+) 55,351 division V) 55,351 multiplication (*) 55,351 sUbtraction (-) 55,351 unary operator negative (-) 55,351 positive (+) 55,351 Index 437 arithmetic relation 361 arithmetic term attribute reference 55,351 self-defining 46 SET symbol 318,351 symbolic parameter 260,351 system variable symbol 278,351 array dimensioned SET symbol 322 assembler instruction 30 conditional assembly 32,317 macro processing 32 ordinary 30 addressing 133 controlling the assembler program 211 program sectioning 101 symbol and data definition 153 assembler language 2 character set 34 comments statement 19 expressions 53 (see also expression) assembly time 54,6 conditional assembly 349 instruction statement 20 assembler instructions 99,407 machine instructions 63 macro instructions 244,289 literals 50 option ALIGN 75 ALOGIC 376 FLAG 214 LIBMAC 286 MCALL 287 MLOGIC 376 program 3 source module 26,102 statement coding 15 structure 25 terms 36 assembler processing sequence 4 assembly time 6 pre-assembly time 7,8 assembly time assembly into object code 5,108 expression 54,6 absolute 57 complex relocatable 58 instructions processed during 5,6 assignment instructions arithmetic 343 character 345 logical 347 asterisk (*) (see also binary opera tor) as comments statement indicator 19 as location counter reference indicator 43 as multiplication operator 55,351 with period, as internal macro comments statement indicator 277 at sign (al) as alphabetic character 34 attribute (see also relocatability attribute) 438 count (K') 332 integer (I') 331 length (L') 329 notation 324 number (N') 333 reference 324 scaling (5') 330 symbol length 44 type (T') 328 in character relation 361 in SETC operand 345 attribute notation 324 attribute reference (see attribute) assembler processing sequence 4 assembler instructions 6,7 machine instructions 5 macro instructions 8 B-con (see data constant, binary) base address 85 assigned by USING 134 base-displacement form 84 allowing relocatability of addresses 85 assembled into machine instruction 86 converted from implicit address 81,134 base register assigned by USING 134 loading 134 begin column 16 binary constant (B) 181 binary operator (+,-,*,/) in absolute and relocatable expressions 55 in arithmetic expressions 351,353 bit string in binary self-defining term 48 bit-length modifier 8,112 blank character 35 in operands 22 opposed to null character string 298 in self-defining term 50 as special character 34 Bool~an expression (see logical expression) operator (see logical operator) boundary (see also alignmen~ 166 boundary alignment (see alignment) branching conditional assembly 367 extended mnemonic for 72 machine instruction for 68 buffer area formatted by a dummy section 121 o O li' ]. C-con (see data constant, character) call (see macro instruction) card (see punched card) card deck (see deck) CCW instruction 209 central processing unit 4 channel command word 209 character alphameric (alphanumeric) 34 digit 34 expression 355 letter 34 relation 360 set 34 special 34 string, null 298,303 character constant (e) 182 character expression 355 concatenation operator 281 between 357,359 in SETC operand 345 in substring notation 365 character relation in logical expression 361,363 character set 34,35 character string (see also null character string) character constant (C-type) 182 in character relations 360,361 character self-defining term 50 concatenation of character strings 359,268 in macro instruction operands 302 in MNOTE instruction 274 in PUNCH instruction 229 SETC operand 345 in TITLE instruction 226 type attribute 327 CNOP instruction 218 code condition 391 machine 1 mnemonic 79 object 2 open 252 operation 22,79 source 2 coding conventions 15 form 15 time 4-8,108 column begin 16 continuation-indicator 16 continue 16 end 16 COM instruction 124 to continue common section 124 to initiate common section 124 comma (,) 35 in character constants 182 to indicate omitted operand field 80 subfield 81 between nominal values in constants 179 between operands 35 command (see channel command word) comments statement 19,27 format 19,27 in macro definitions 277 common control section COM instruction for 124 definition of 124 establishing addressability of 124 complex relocatable expression 58 only in A-type and y-type address constants 194,58 concatenation character (.) between character expressions 359 in model statements 268 concatenation operator (see concatenation character) condition code 391 conditional assembly branching instructions ACTR 370 AGO 369 AIF 367 ANOP 373 elements 317 data attributes 323 sequence symbol 334 SET symbols 318 expression 349 arithmetic 349 character 355 logical 359 functions of 318 instructions ACTR 370 AGO 369 AIF 367 ANOP 373 GBLA, GBLB, GBLC 340 LCLA, LCLB, LCLC 336 SETA 343 SETB 347 SETC 345 loop counter 370,372 in open code 374 pre-assembly time 374,7 processing 7 substring notation in 364 constant address 194-200 data 154,161 defined by DC instruction 161 duplication factor sUbfield 168,163 literal 180 modifier sUbfield 163,170 nominal value sUbfield 163,179 padding of value 167 truncation of value 168 type subfield 163,169 continue column 16 Index 439 continuation indicator field 11 line 9,18 control program 101 control section 101 common 124 dummy 121 executable, defined by CSECT 110,119 START 110,111 external symbol dictionary entries for 116 first 113 literal pools in 115 location counter setting 111 processing times 108 reference, defined by COM 110,124 DSECT 110,121 DXD 110,130 unnamed 115 COpy instruction 103 input to source module 102 inside macro definitions 212 counter instruction 41 location 41,111 (see also location counter) loop ACTR instruction 310 count attribute (R') 332 CPU (see central processing unit) CSECT instruction 119 to continue control section 119,120 external symbol dictionary entry for 116 to initiate executable control section 119,120 CXD instruction 131 cumulative length of external dummy sections 131,128 "for linkage editor 131,128 m D-con (see floating point constant, long) data area 154,201 attribute 323 constant 154,162 data attribute (see attribute) data constant binary (B) 181 character~) 182 decimal ~,Z) 188 defined by DC instruction 162 fixed-point (H,F) 186 floating-point (E,D ,L) 190 hexadecimal (X) 184 data definition 154,161 DC instruction defining data 162 operand 163 440 subfields in operand 163 arithmetic 65 constants (P and Z) 188 instructions 65 self-defining term 41 decimal constant integer attribute of 331 packed (P) 188 scaling attribute of 330 zoned (Z) 188 decimal point (.) for decimal arithmetic 65 in decimal (P,Z) constants 188 for fixed-point arithmetic 64 in fixed-point (H,F) constants 181,116 for floating-point arithmetic 66 in floatinq-point (E,D,L) constants 191,118 deck object 1 source 1 declaration instructions global 340 local 336 dictionary, external symbol 116,150 dimensioned SET symbol declaration of 339,342 displacement assembled into machine instruction 86 computed from base address 81,133 dollar sign ($) as alphabetical character 34 double ampersand in character expression 351 in MNOTE instruction 214 in PUNCH instruction 230 in TITLE instruction 226 double apostrophe in character expression 351 in MNOTE instruction 214 in PUNCH instruction 230 in TITLE instruction 226 doubleword boundary 166 data constants 166,191 DROP instruction 144 for freeing base registers 144 not needed 146 with USING 145,146 DS instruction 201 defining areas 201 operand 206 subfields in operand 206 w~th 0 duplication factor 204,16 DSECT instruction 121 to continue dummy section 121 external symbol dictionary entry for 116 to generate external dummy section 121 to initiate dummy section 121 name in Q-type address constant 121,200 with USING 140 dummy control section definition of 121 DSECT instruction for 121 r1\, ~) .:1 0 ·" :'.',1 )/ . DXD instruction for 130 establishing addressability of opposed to external dummy section 130 duplication factor in SETC operand 346 subfield of DC/DS operand 168 nXD instruction 130 external symbol dictionary entry for 116 to generate external dummy section 127 name in Q-type address constant 200 121,140 II EBCDIC (see extended binary coded decimal interchange code) 377 E-con (see floating-point constant, short) EJECT instruction 227 end column 16 END instruction 105 to end source module 102 multiple 103 entry symbol identified by ENTRY 150 entry (see instruction statement i(~\ entry; external symbol / dictionary, entries) ENTRY instruction 150 external symbol dictionary entry for 150,116 identifying entry symbol 150 for symbolic linkage 147 EQ -- equal to 360 (see also relational opera tor) I EQU instruction 156 equal sign (=) to indicate literal 53,180 in macro instruction operand 306 ESD (see external symbol dictionary) establishing addressability 133 of common section 124 of dummy section 121,140 of executable control section 120,137 of external dummy section 128 of large control section 138 of reference control section 140 excess-64 binary notation for exponent in floating-point constant 193 executable control section 110 establishing addressability of 137 initiated by CSECT 119 initiated by START 117 execution time 4-8,108 explicit address (see also base~displacement form) converted from implicit address 87,134 in machine instruction 87 , o exponent in excess-64 binary notation 193 modifier 170,178 in nominal value of constant 179 portion of floating-point constant 192 expression (see also assembly time expression; conditional assembly expression) absolute 57 arithmetic 349 Boolean (see expression, logical) character 355 complex relocatable 58 logical 359 arithmetic relation in 361 character relation in 361 operators arithmetic 55,351 concatenation 357 logical 361 relocatable 58 terms in arithmetic 351 logical 361 extended floating-point constant 190 extended mnemonic branching instruction 72,73 external dummy control section allocation of storage for 127 CXD instruction for 131 DSECT instruction for 127 DXD instruction for 130 establishing addressability of 128 generation of 127 offset to 127 external symbol identified by EXTRN 151 identified in v-type address constant 149,198 identified by WXTRN 152 external symbol dictionary 116 entries for 150,151 EXTRN instruction 151 for data reference 148 external symbol dictionary entry for 151 identifying external symbol 151 opposed to V-type addres's constant 149 opposed to WXTRN instruction 152 for symbolic linkage 147 .. F-con (see fixed-point constant, fullword) fetch (see program fetch time) first control section initiated by 113 literal pool in 115,216 statements allowed before 114 Index 441 fixed-point arithmetic 64 constant 186 instruction 64 fixed-point constant exponent modifier 178 fullword (F) 186 halfword (H) 186 integer attribute of 331 scale modifier 176 scaling attribute of 330 FLAG option 274 floating-point arithmetic 66 constant 190 instruction 66 floating-point constant base for exponent excess-64 binary notation for 193 modifier 178 in nominal value 179 extended precision~) 190 fractional portion 192 integer attribute of 331 long (D) 190 scale modifier 178 scaling attribute of 330 short (E) 190 format machine language 78,92 source statement 20 formatting COM instruction for 124 data area using dummy section 121 DSECT instruction for 121 fraction in fixed-point constants 186 in floating-paint constants 192 scale modifier to provide digits for 175-178 scaling attribute to indicate 330 number of digits occupied by fraction bar V -- see slash) fractional portion of floating-point constants 192 fullword boundary (see boundary) constant 186 GBLA instruction 340 GBLB instruction 340 GBLC instruction 340 GE -- greater than or equal to 360 (see also relational operator) generation (see macro generation) global (see also global scope, global variable symbol) declaration '340 global scope of SET symbol 319 of system variable symbols 442 &SYSDA TE &SYSPARM &SYSTIME 279' 284 287 global variable symbol SET symbol 319 system variable symbols &SYSDATE 279 &SYSPARM 284 &SYSTIME 287 GT greater than 360 (see also relational opera tor) m H-con (see fixed-point constant, halfword) halfword boundary (see boundary) constant 186 instructions hexadecimal constant (X) 184 digit 49 notation in floating-point constants 193 self-defining term 49 D (see integer attribute) 219 identification-sequence field 17 immediate data 90 implicit address converted to explicit address 87,134 in machine instruction 87 in USING domain 125 index register in address reference 86 in machine instruction operand 87 I inner macro instruction 307 input to assembler program 2,102 buffer 121 to linkage editor 2,108 to source module 102 input/output instructions 70 inEjtruction assembler 3,30 conditional assembly 32,317 entry 21 format (see machine instruction format) machine 2,29 macro 33,289 statement 16 statement format 20 instruction counter 41 instruction entry (see instruction statement entry) instruction statement 2,26 II ICTL instruction o instruction statement entry name 21 operand 22 operation 22 remarks 23 instruction statement format integer attribute (I') 331 formula for 331 I/O (see input/output) ISEQ instruction 221 20 K' (see count attribute) keyword operand 296 cOmbining with positional parameters 299 keyword parameter 263 combining with positional parameters 265 II o L' (see length attribute) label ordinary symbol as 38 sequence symbol as 335 variable symbol as 344,345,348 language (see assembler language) LCLA instruction 336 LCLB instruction 336 LCLC instruction 336 L-con (see floating-point constant, extended precision) LE -- less than or equal to 360 (see also relational opera tor) length attribute 329 explicit 88 implicit 88 I modifier 159 length attribute (L') 329 in arithmetic expression 351 in assembler language statement 45 assembly time 158,159 pre-assembly time 158,159 value length field in machine instructions 88 length modifier 170 letter 34 level (see nesting level) LIBMAC option 286 library macro definition 252 for statement to be copied 103 library macro definition IBM supplied 239 opposed to source macro definition 252 printing of (option LIBMAC) 287 linkage (see linkage edit processing) linkage edit processing control sections 108 ESO entries for 116 external dummy section CXO instruction 131 Q-type address constant 200 load module 1,108 object module 1,108 symbolic linkage information ENTRY 150 EXTRN 151 V-type address constant 198 WXTRN 152 linkage-edit time 4-8,108 linkage editor address constants for A-type 194 Q-type 200 V-type 198 y-type 194 control statement created by PUNCH 228 created by REPRO 231 external symbol dictionary 116 instruction for CXO 131 listing control instructions EJECT 227 PRINT 222 SPACE 228 TITLE 224 listing options ALOGIC 376 LIBMAC 286 MCALL 287 MLOGIC 376 literal 50 compared to data constants and self-defining terms 51 constant 180 duplicate 217 pool 51,215 specification 53 subfields 53 literal pool 215 in control section 115 initiated by LTORG 215 load instruction fixed-point arithmetic 64 floating-point arithmetic 66 logical operations 67 module 2,108 time (see program fetch time) load module combined from object modules 2,108 loaded by loader 4 loaded at program fetch time 4,108 produced by linkage editor 2,108 load time (see program fetch time) loader 4 local (see also local scope, local variable symbol) declaration 336 Index 443 local of of of of of scope ACTR instruction 371 sequence symbol 325 SET symbol' 319 symbolic parameter 260,319 system variable symbols &SYSECT 319 &SYSL1ST 319 &SYSNDX 319 local variable symbol SET symbol 318 declaration of 336 symbolic parameter 260 system variable symbols &SYSECT 280 &SYSLIST 281 &SYSNDX 284 location counter 41 printed values 42 setting for control sections 111 location counter reference (*) 41 in address constants (A and Y-type) 194 in expressions 55 in literals 43 in. ORG operand 213 logical expression 359 in AIF operand 367 coding rules for 362 definition of 361 evaluation of 363 operators for 361 in SETB operand 340 terms in 361 logical operator AND, NOT, OR 361 in logical expression 361 logical relation (see also arithmetic relation, character relation) in logical expression 360 operators for 360 (see also relational operator) logical term in logical expression 361 loop conditional assembly 370 counter 370 loop counter 370 ACTR instruction for 370 LT -- less than 360 (see also relational operator) LTORG instruction 214 for literal pool 215 II machine instruction address in 84 explicit 87,133 implicit 87,133 alignment of 75 coding examples 92 format of 78 immediate data in 90 444 mnemonic operation code for 79 object code from 78,92-97 operand entry 80 processing 5 register usage in 83 statement format 29,78 types 64-74 machine instruction format RR 92 RS 94 RX 93 S 96 S1 95 SS 97 machine language 1 macro (see macro definition, macro instruction) MACRO assembler instruction 254 (see also macro definition, header) macro call (see macro instruction) macro definition 245,251 body of 248,259 format 253 header (MACRO) 254 internal comments for 277 library macro definition 246,252 printing of (L1BMAC) 287 as opposed to open code 252 prototype statement of 243,255 source macro definition 246,252 statements in comments statements 248,277 model statements 248,266 processing statements 249,272 symbolic parameters in 260 trailer (MEND) 254 where to specify 246,252 macro expansion 240 (see also macro generation) macro generation 240 of comments 277 controlled by conditional assembly language 242,317 message produced by MNOTE 274,275 model statement for 248,266 of operation codes 270 output from macro definition 240-242 at pre-assembly time macro instruction 33,289 alternate statement format 291 call to a macro definition 240 entry name 292 operand 293 operation 293 format of 290 inner 307 nesting of 247,307 levels 308 operand 294 &SYSLIST 281,301 keyword 296 positional 294 sublist 300 outer 307 printing of nested (MCALL) 288 0. 0·. ·,".' ,,, processing 8 recursive call 310 statement format 290 values in operands 302 where to specify 247,290 macro instruction operand combining keyword and positional 299 keyword 296 positional 294 sublist as value 300 value of 302 macro library 246,252 macro definition in 246 macro prototype statement 255 alternate format 256 entry name 256 operand 258 operation 257 format of 255 name field parameter in 257 symbolic parameters in 258,260 keyword 263 positional 262 mask for branching 90 as immediate data 92,94 MCALL option 287 MEND instruction 254 (see also macro definition, trailer) as exit from macro definitions 249 MEXIT instruction 276 minus sign (-) (see also binary operator, unary operator) as subtraction operator 355,351 MLOGIC option 376 mnemonic operation code changing of (OPSYN) 232 creating of, for macros 257 generation of 270 for machine instructions 79 naming a macro definition 243,257 structure of 79 used in macro instruction to call a macro definition 243 MNOTE instruction 273 model statement 266 concatenation in 268 fields in 267 format of 266 points of substitution in 267 rules for field contents 269 variable symbols in 267 modifier exponent 178 bit-length 172 length 170 scale 175 subfield in DC/OS operand 170 module (see load module, abject module, source mo~ule) m N' (see number attribute) name entry in assembler language instruction 21 in conditional assembly instruction 32 in EQU instruct jon 156,160 in machine instruction 29 in macro instruction 292 in macro prototype statement 256 in model statement 269 in OPSYN instruction 232 in TITLE instruction 224 name field parameter assigning a value to 292 of macro prototype statement 256 opposed to symbolic parameter 256,257 NE -- not equal to (see relational operator) nested macro instruction 247,307 nesting level for COpy instructions 104 for macro instructions 308 no op (see no operation instruction) no operation instruction extended mnemonic for 73 generated by CNOP instruction 218 NOALIGN (opposite of ALIGN) 6 NOALOGIC (opposite of ALOGIC) NOLIBMAC (opposite of LIBMAC) NOMCALL (opposite of MCALL) nominal value subfield in DC/OS operand 179 NOMLOGIC (opposite of MLOGIC) NOT operator 361 notation (see attribute notation, excess-64 binary notation, substring notation) null character string as default value of keyword parameter 264,298 generation of 298,303 in model statement 298,303 opPosed to blank 298 as sublist entry 301 as value in macro instruction operand 303 number attribute (N') 333 of &SYSLIST 283 in arithmetic expression 351 number representation for decimal constants 188 for floating-point constants 192 number sign (#) as alphabetic character 34 o Index 445 m object code of addresses 86 of channel command words «CC~ 210 of data constants (DC) padding 167 truncation 168 entered into common control section 124 external dummy control section 128 formats for machine instructions 78 of lengths effective 88 explicit 88 implicit 88 of machine instructions 92-97 alignment 75 registers assembled into 83 registers not apparent in 83 representation of decimal constants 188 representation of floatingpoint constants 193 (see also excess-64 binary notation) fraction 193 exponent 193 object language (see object code) object module area reserved in, by DS 201 assembled from source module 2,108 automatic call for (EXTRN) 152 combined into load module 2,108 common control section in 124 constant assembled into, from DC instruction 161 as opposed to source module 101 open code conditional assembly in 374 opposed to code inside macro definitions 252 operand (see also operand entry, term) alternate format for 256,291 combined with remarks in model statement 271 combining keyword and positional 299 in DC/OS instruction 163,206 entry in assembler language instruction 22 field 20 format of 22,80 keyword 296 of macro definition 258 of macro instruction 294 positional 294 subfield in DC/DS instruction 163,206 symbolic parameter as 258,260 operand entry 22 address 84 in assembler instruction 31 combined with remarks in model statement 271 446 in conditional assembly instruction 32 immediate data 90 length 88 in machine instruction 29 in macro instruction 33,293 in macro prototype instruction 258 in model statement 271 register 82 operation code (see mnemonic operation code) operation entry 22 in assembler instruction 21 in conditional assembly instruction 32 in machine instruction 29 in macro instruction 293 in macro prototype statement 257 in model statement 270 operator arithmetic binary 55,351 unary 55,351 concatenation (see concatenation character) logical 361 relational 360 OPSYN instruction 232 option (see assembler, option) OR operator 361 ordinary symbol 37 as operation code for macro prototype statement 257 opposed to sequence symbol, variable symbol 37,38 ORG instruction 212 outer macro instruction 307 output from assembler program 2,108 buffer 121 from linkage editor 2,108 from source module 2,108 overflow of location counter 42 padding of constants 167 paired relocatable terms 56 in absolute and relocatable , expressions 57,58 from dummy section, allowed in address constants 123 parameter name field 256 symbolic 260 P-con (see decimal constant, packed) period (.) (see also concatention character, decimal point) with asterisk as internal macro comments statement indicator 19,277 as bit-length indicator 172 0: .. J Page of GC33-4010·5 As Updated 28 Dec 1981 By TNL GN20-9372 in macro instruction operand value 307 as sequence symbol indicator 38,334 plus sign (+) (see also binary operator, unary operator) as addition operator 55,351 point of substitution in model statement 269-271 variable symbol as 261 POP instruction 234 position of character in line after REPRO 231 of character in PUNCH operand 230 corresponding to coding sheet column 15 positional operand 294 combining with keyword operands 299 in macro instruction 294 positional parameter 262 combining with keyword parameters 265 pre-assembly time 4-8 expression arithmetic 349 character 355 logical 359 i instructions processed during 7 operation precision extended, floating-point constant (L-con) 190 PRINT instruction 222 private code 115 (see also unnamed control section) processing sequence (see processing time) processing statements in macro definitions 272 conditional assembly instructions 272-317 COpy instruction 272 inner macro instruction 272-307 MEXIT 276 MNOTE 273 processing time (see also assembler processing sequence) assembly 4-8,108 coding 4-8,108 execution 4-8,108 linkage edit 4-8,108 pre-assembly 4-8 program fetch 4-8,108 program (see also object program, source program) execution 108 linkage 101,108 sectioning 101 program fetch time 4,108 program library (see library) C· 0\ program relocation effect on absolute terms 36 effect on address references 85 effect on relocatable terms 36,58 programmer macro (see source macro definition) prototype statement (see macro ~ prototype statement) PUNCH instruction 228 punched card containing assembler language statements 1,15 as input to assembler 102 PUSH instruction 234 pushdown list 234 (see als 0 in GLOSSARY) I Q-con (see address constant, Q-type) quoted string 304 iii read-only storage (see literal pool) read-only value of literals 53 of symbolic parameters 260 of system variable symbols 270 recursion of nested macro calls 310 reference control section 110 common section 124 dUITmy section 121 establishing addressability of 140 external dummy secti.on 127 initiated by COM 124 initiated by DSECT 21 initiated by DXD 130 register 82 base 85,133 index 86 as operand in machine instruction 82 usage in machine instruction operations 83 relation (see arithmetic relation, character relation, logical relation) relational operator (EQ, GE, GT, LE, and NF) 360 between arithmetic expressions 361 between character strings 361 relative address (see displacement) re locat abil it Y of addresses 85 attribute 58 Index 447 relocatable address 84 relocatable expression 58,56 complex relocatable expression 58 processed at assembly time 6 relocatable term 36 relocate (see also program relocation) instructions 74 REPRO instruction 231 rounding of fixed-point constants 177 of floating-point constants 178 RR format 92 RS format 94 RX format 93 S format 96 S' (see scaling attribute) SI format 95 SS format 97 scale modifier for fixed-point constants 176 for floating-point constants 178 scaling attribute ~') 330 in formula for integer attribute 331 S-con (see address constant, S-type) scope (see global scope, local scope) self-defining term 46 in assembly-time expressions 55 binary 48 character 50 in conditional assembly expressions 351,361 decimal 47 in EQU operands 156-160 hexadecimal 49 sequence symbol 38 as conditional assembly label 334 format of 334 local scope of 35 SET symbol 318 in arithmetic expression 349 assigning value to 349 in character expression 356 declaration of 336 in logical expression 361 scope of 319 as subscript 318 subscripted 322 SETA instruction 343 SETB instruction 347 SE'l'C instruction 345 severity code in MNOTE operand 273 sign (see also sign bit) for decimal numbers 188 for fixed-point numbers 186 for floating-point numbers 190 448 sign bit in fixed-point constants 186 in floating-point constants 192 in self-defining terms 47-49 slash V) (see also binary opera tor) as division operator 55,351 source language (see assembler language) source macro definition opposed to library macro definition 252 where to specify in source module 246,252 source module 26,102 addressing within (USING) 133 assembled into object module 101 beginning of 102 control sections in 101 copying statements into ~OPY) 103 end of (END) 102 input to assembler program 102 literals in 214 . number of external symbol dictionary entries allowed in 116 open code of 252 as opposed to object module 101 size of 101 source macro definition in 246,252 statements in comments 27,19 instruction 26,20 structure of 26 symbolic linkage between 147 source program 101 SPACE instruction 228 special character 34 before attribute notation 305 between operator and term 362 START instruction 117 external symbol dictionary entry for 116 to initiate first (executable) control section 113 statements allowed before 113,114 statement assembler language 2,15 comments 19 field 16 format fixed 20 free 20 instruction 20 macro prototype 255 model 266,8 status switching instructions 69 storage (see virtual storage, pushdown list) storage allocation for external dummy sections 128 store not ~llowed with literal 53 operation string (see bit string, character string) sublist in macro instruction operand 300 in nested macros 312,313 o o { referred to by subscripted iSYSLIST 300,281 subscripted parameter 300,261 subscript in iSYSLIST notation 281 to indicate sublist entry 261,281 nesting of 322 for parameter 261 for SET symbol 322 in substring notation 365 for variable 267 subscripted iSYSLIST in nested macros 31q reference to positional operand 281,282 reference to sUblist entry 281,282 subscripts for 282 subscripted character expression (see substri ng notation) subscripted parameter 261 in nested macros 312,313 reference to sublist entry 261 subscript for 261 subscripted SET symbol 318,322 nesting of subscripts 322 for SETA symbols 3q4 for SETB symbols 348 for SETC symbols 347 subscripted variable symbol 267 (see also subscripted &SYSLIST, subscripted character expression, subscripted parameter, subscripted SET symbol) substitution point of 267 at pre-assembly time 7,8 substring notation 364 character expression in 366 concatenated to character expression 359 in SETC operand 345 subscripts for 366 sUppression (see zero suppression) symbol definition of 38 entry 150 external 151 dictionary (ESD) 116 length attribute reference 44 ordinary 37 previously defined 40 sequence 38,334 system variable symbol 278 table 37 variable 38 SET 318 symbolic parameter 260 symbol definition in assembler language instruction 38 mnemonic operation code by OPSYN 232 using EQU instr~ction 155 symbol length attribute reference 44 (see also attribute) symbolic address reference 84 symbolic linkage 147 symbolic parameter 260 attributes of 325,327 in body of macro definition 260,267 as macro instruction operand value 311,312 . in macro prototype statement operand 255,200 in model statement 266,267 in nested macro instruction 311-313 opposed to name field parameter 256,292 symbolic representation 36,153 system macro (see library macro definition) system variable symbo1278 iSYSDATE 279 &SYSECT 280 iSYSLIST 281 iSYSNDX 284 iSYSPARM 284 &SYSTIME 287 a T' (see type attribute) term (sometimes called operand) absolute 36 ordinary symbol 37 self-defining 46 symbol length attribute reference 44 arithmetic attribute reference 46,351 self-defining 46,351 variable symbol 38,352 logical 361 relocatable location counter reference 41 ordinary symbol 27 terminal to enter statements 1 input to the assembler 102 TITLE instruction 224 translation (see assembly) truncation of constants 168 type attribute (T') 328 in logical expression 361 in SETC operand 345 value 328 type subfield in DC/DS operand 169 twos complement representation for negative numbers 188 unary operator (+,-) in absolute and relocatable expressions 55 in arithmetic expressions J51,353 Index 449 unnamed control section 115 external symbol dictionary entry for 116 initiation of 115 USING domain address reference within 135 corresponding USING range 135 definition of 135 rules for 141 USING instruction 134-144 for assigning base address 134 for assigning base registers 134 domain of 135 for establishing addressability 134,137 range of 135 USING range address within 135 corresponding USING domain 135 definition of 135 overlapping of 143 rules for 142 /1 variable symbol 38 (see also global variable symbol, local variable symbol) as point of substitution 267 SET symbol 318 symbolic parameter 260 system variable symbol 278 &SYSDATE 279 &SYSECT 280 &SYSLIST 281 &SYSNDX 284 &SYSPARM 284 &SYSTIME 287 V-con (see V-type address constant) virtual storage (see also in GLOSSARy) allocation of program loaded into 108 , VM/370 service provided by 9 V-type address constant 198 for branching to external control section 198,149 external symbol dictionary entry for 116 identifying external symbol 198 opposed to EXTRN instruction 149 for symbolic linkage 147 warning messa~e 76 word (see also full word) alignment 166,75 boundary 166 length wrap-around (see also overflow) of location counter 42 WXTRN instruction 152 external symbol dictionary entry for 116 identifying external symbol 147,152 opposed to EXTRN instruction 152 for symbolic linkage 147 X-con (see data constant, hexadecima 1) Y-con (see address constant, Y-type) Z-con (see decimal constant, zoned) zero suppression in address values in listing. in SETA symbol values 346 42 ":. ,./ 450 This page left blank intentionally. '() o GC33-401()'5 -s' "'T1 z ? en w ..... 9 .... ~ ==-= =~. - ---- -- -- -------_.- -- § : :::§~~ / Technical Newsletter o This Newsletter No. Date Base Publication No. File No. Prerequisite Newsletters GN20-9372 28 December 1981 GC33-4010-5 S370-21 None OSjVS-DOSjVSE-VMj370 Assembler Language © IBM Corp. 1972, 1979 This technical newsletter, a part of Release 4 of OS/VS1, Release 3 of OS/VS2, Release 2 of VM/370, and DOS/VSE, provides replacement pages for the subject publication. These replacement pages remain in effect for any subsequent releases unless specifically altered. Pages to be inserted and/or removed are: /' cover, ii ./ vii, viii .; xi, xii /135 A39,140/ ""-167-170 /189,190/ ./223,224/ /279,280/ ,/285,28~ /291,292/ /297,29g/ /305,306/ ./327-330/ --'333,334/ /391-408/ /447,448.-' A change to the text or to an illustration is indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. Summary of Amendments This technical newsletter contains maintenance changes. Note: Please file this cover letter at the back of the manual to provide a record of changes. IBM Corporation, P.O. Box 50020, Programming Publishing;.San Jose, CaHfornia 95150 ~riilted in U.S.A. Ci"
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