GC34 0070 1_Series_1_Stand Alone_Utilities_Users_Guide_Sep77 1 Series Stand Alone Utilities Users Guide Sep77
GC34-0070-1_Series_1_Stand-Alone_Utilities_Users_Guide_Sep77 GC34-0070-1_Series_1_Stand-Alone_Utilities_Users_Guide_Sep77
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-------- ----------------'- --- - Series/1 GC34-0070-1 File No. S1-32 IBM Series/1 Stand-Alone Utilities User's Guide Program Number 5719-SC2 lEP?:cCllo o II 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"'" []J [J 1111111"1""111"11"""111111111"""""" [J [(] 1111111111111111111 Cl II]) , [J []) ~ _111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 w L V )I] -. Series/1 GC34-0070-1 File No. S1-32 IBM Series/1 Stand-Alone Utilities User's Guide Program Number 5719-SC2 Second Edition (September 1977) This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC34-0070-0. Significant technical changes are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change, except for Chapter 7, which is a new chapter. Significant changes or additions to the contents of this publication will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, send your comments to IBM Corporation, Systems Publications, Department 27T, P.O. Box 1328, Boca Raton, Florida 33432. Comments become the property of IBM. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1976, 1977 ii GC34-0070 Contents Preface v Chapter 1. Introduction 1-1 Hardware Overview 1-2 Using the Utility Programs 1-3 Making Corrections at the Operator Station Chapter 2. System Build and Verification 2-1 Automatic System Build (SB) 2-1 What This Program Does 2-1 How To Use It 2-1 The Output You Receive 2-2 How To Handle Errors 2-2 Example 2-2 3-1 Diskette IPL Bootstrap (JP) 3-1 What This Utility Does 3-1 How To Create A Diskette 3-1 How To Use It 3-1 How To Handle Errors 3-2 Example 3-2 Disk IPL Bootstrap/Loader (Ll, L2) 3-3 What This Utility Does 3-3 How To Use It 3-3 The Output You Receive 3-4 How To Handle Errors 3-4 Chapter 4. Initialization Programs 4-1 Diskette Initialization (RI) 4-1 What This Utility Does 4-1 How To Use It 4-3 The Output You Receive 4-4 How To Handle Errors 4-4 Example 4-4 Create Diskette HDRI (CH) 5-1 What This Utility Does 5-1 How To Use It 5-1 The Output You Receive 5-2 How To Handle Errors 5-4 Example 5-4 Delete Diskette HDRI (DH) 5-5 What This Utility Does 5-5 How To Use It 5-5 1-4 6-1 Diskette To Disk Copy (RF) 6-1 What This Utility Does 6-1 How To Use It 6-1 The Output You Receive 6-2 How To Handle Errors 6-2 Example 6-3 Disk To Diskette Copy (FR) 6-4 What This Utility Does 6-4 How To Use It 6-4 The Output You Receive 6-5 How To Handle Errors 6-5 Example 6-6 System Verification (SF) 2-3 What This Program Does 2-3 How To Use It 2-3 The Output You Receive 2-3 How To Handle Errors 2-3 Example 2-4 Chapter 3. Initial Program Load Programs Disk Initialization (FI) 4-5 What This Utility Does 4-5 How To Use It 4-5 The Output You Receive 4-6 How To Handle Errors 4-7 Examples 4-7 Chapter 5. Create and Delete Programs The Output You Receive 5-5 How To Handle Errors 5-6 Example 5-6 Chapter 6. Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 5-1 Diskette To Printer Dump (RD) What This Utility Does 6-7 How To Use It 6-7 The Output You Receive 6-7 How To Handle Errors 6-8 Example 6-8 6-7 Disk To Printer Dump (FD) 6-9 What This' Utility Does 6-9 How To Use It 6-9 The Output You Receive 6-9 How to Handle Errors 6-10 Example 6-10 Diskette Patch (fR) 6-11 What This Utility Does 6-11 How To Use It 6-11 The Output You Receive 6-12 How To Handle Errors 6-12 Example 6-13 Disk Patch (fF) 6-14 What This Utility Does 6-14 How To Use It 6-14 The Output You Receive 6-15 How To Handle Errors 6-15 Example 6-16 Storage To Diskette Dump (SI) 6-17 What This Utility Does 6-17 How To Create The Diskette 6-17 How To Use It 6-17 The Output You Receive 6-17 How To Handle Errors 6-18 Example 6-18 Storage To Printer Dump (PI) 6-19 What This Utility Does 6-19 How To Create The Diskette 6-19 How To Use It 6-19 The Output You Receive 6-20 How To Handle Errors 6-21 Example 6-21 Contents iii Chapter 7. Error Log (EL) 7-1 What This Program Does 7-1 How To Use It 7-2 Error Indicators 7-2 Error Log Control Block 7-3 EBCDIC Buffer 74 Binary Buffer 74 The Output You Receive 74 EBCDIC Buffer Output 7-5 Binary Buffer Output 7-8 How To Handle Errors 7-10 Appendix M. Messages M-l Common Messages M-2 Unrecoverable I/O and System Messages M4 CH-Create Diskette HDRI Messages M-9 DH-Delete Diskette HDRI Messages M-ll FD-Disk to Printer Dump Messages M-12 Fl-Disk Initialization Messages M-13 FR-Disk to Diskette Copy Messages M-16 IP-Bootstrap/Loader Disk Messages M-17 IP- Bootstrap/Loader Disk Wait Codes M-17 PI-Storage to Printer Dump Wait Codes M-18 RD-Diskette to Printer Dump Messages M-19 RF-Diskette to Disk Copy Messages M-20 RI-Diskette Initialization Messages M-21 SB-Automatic System Build M-23 SF-System Verification Messages M-24 Sl-Storage to Diskette Dump Wait Codes M-25 TF-Disk Patch Messages M-26 TR-Diskette Patch Messages M-28 Index iv X-I GC34-0070 Preface The IBM Series/1 It tells you: Stand-Alone Utilities Guide describes each of the utility programs. • • • • What the utility does How to use it The output you receive How to handle errors This publication is organized into seven chapters, each containing groups of related utility programs. Appendix M covers messages generated by each program and the appropriate action to be taken. To effectively use the stand-alone utility programs, you should be familiar with: • Basic data processing concepts • Assembler language coding • Modular programming concepts Prerequisite Publications none Preface v vi GC34-0070 Chapter 1. Introduction This manual explains how to use each of the utilities in detail. For each utility there is an example of a typical session of using the utility. This example shows your interaction with the utility-the prompts it issues and the responses you supply. It also covers errors that may occur during the interaction and how you handle them. The IBM-supplied names (module ID's) for these programs are shown in parentheses after the program name. The Utilities are: • Automatic System Build copies a portion of the complete system from a diskette to the system disk. • System Verification (SF) checks to find if all components of the system were copied to the system disk and also prints the location of the components on disk. • Diskette IPL Bootstrap (IP) loads a program 1 cylinder in length (from location: cylinder 1, head 0, sector 1) into the high end of storage. • Disk IPL Bootstrap/Loader (Ll, L2) loads programs from the disk into main storage. • Diskette Initialization (RJ) initializes the diskette, writing ID records and checking for defective cylinders, and assigns alternate cylinders. • Disk Initialization (FI) initializes the disk, verifying sector IDs and checking for defective sectors, and assigns alternate sectors. • Create Diskette HDRI (CH) creates a HDRI record for a diskette, using information that you specify. • Delete Diskette HDRI (DH) deletes the HDRI record for a specified diskette data me. • Diskette to Disk Copy (RF) copies data from a specified diskette data me to a specified disk data flle. • Disk to Diskette Copy (FR) copies data from a specified disk data file to a specified diskette data me. • Diskette to Printer Dump (RD) dumps the contents of a specified area on the diskette to the printer. • Disk to Printer Dump (FD) dumps the contents of a specified area on the disk to the printer. • Diskette Patch (TR) applies a patch (which you enter at the operator station) to a specified location on the diskette. • Disk Patch (TF) applies a patch (which you enter at the operator station) to a specified location on the disk. • Storage to Diskette Dump (Sl, S2) dumps the contents of main storage to the diskette. • Storage to Printer Dump (PI, P2) dumps the contents of main storage to the printer. Error Log Program (EL) formats system errors. I• Introduction 1-1 HARDWARE OVERVIEW The following is a list of hardware products referred to in this manual. The list includes the product name and the term used within this manual when referring to the product. Product Name Term Used Hereafter IBM 4955 or 4953 Processor processor disk IBM 4962 Disk Module diskette IBM 4964 Diskette Module printer IBM 4974 Printer operator station Any device that can be used as an operator station and is attached to the system through the ASCII teletypewriter adapter The minimum hardware configuration required to run a Series/1 program is: • 1 processor with 32KB of storage • 1 diskette unit • 1 disk • 1 printer • 1 operator station 1-2 GC34-0070 USING THE UTILITY PROGRAMS I All programs (except the Error Log Program, Automatic System Build, Storage to Diskette Dump, and Storage to Printer Dump) are IPLed from the disk. All programs are on disk in a storage-image format, preceded by a header record designating the load point, entry point, size of the program, and maintenance information. To invoke a program, set the IPL switch to primary (disk) and press the LOAD key on the system console. Once the loader is in main storage, it prints a message at the operator station requesting the name or starting sector address of the program to be loaded: IP100A EXEC= You can enter either the 2-character name for the IBM-supplied programs (for example, RI for diskette initialization) or the program's starting sector address. For any other programs, you must enter the program's starting sector address. Sector addresses must be specified in this format: ccchss where: ccc the cylinder number in decimal = the head number in decimal h ss = the sector number in decimal Mter the program is loaded, it issues prompts at the operator station requesting you to enter certain information needed by the program before it can begin processing. This information is covered in the chapters describing the individual utilities. The utility prints an error message at the operator station and reissues the prompt if (1) the information you enter is syntactically incorrect or (2) if the utility encounters a recoverable error. Each time a prompt or message is printed at the operator station, it ends with a carriage return. You must also end your entries with a carriage return. If you are typing a line that is longer than 72 characters, there is an automatic carriage return after you type the 72nd character. In the Series/1 programs, a contiguous, logically related collection of data on a single disk or diskette is called a data me. Through the operator station, you can refer to a data me by specifying its device address, starting sector address, and ending sector address. Enter the information in this format: ddd ,ccchss,ccchss where: ddd = the device address = the starting and ending sector addresses of the data me ccchss,ccchss The device address are fixed as follows: Device Type Device Address 000 operator station 001 printer 002 diskette 003 disk The ranges of the ccc, h, and ss values are: head (h) sector (ss) cylinder (ccc) 1-26 0-1 Diskette-double-sided 0-74 o 0-74 -single-Sided 1-26 Disk 0-1 0-59 0-302 Disk Note. Cylinder 0 of the disk is reserved for the Bootstrap and Loader; cylinder 1 is reserved for alternate sector assignments; cylinder 302 is reserved for customer engineer use. On the diskette, track 0 is reserved for system use; tracks 75 and 76 are reserved as alternate tracks to replace tracks that become defective. Introduction 1-3 Both the disk and diskette are supported in a cylinder mode. For example, the disk sector that follows sector address 005059 is 005100, and the disk sector that follows sector address 005159 is 006000. If a logically deleted record is encountered during any diskette operation other than the diskette to printer dump (RD), the message UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR will be written at the operator station. The error code included in the message denotes the presence of a control address marker at the diskette sector address specified, and the function terminates. For the diskette to printer dump utility, a deleted record on cylinder 0, head 0, sectors 8-26 and cylinder 0, head 1, sectors 1-26 will print out the message PHYSICAL RECORD HAS BEEN LOGICALLY DELETED. All other sectors will print out UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR. For more detailed information on the disk and diskette, refer to the IBM 4962 Disk Storage Unit Description, GA34-0024, and the IBM 4964 Diskette Input/Output Unit Description, GA34-0023. If a' program creates or moves data fIles, it prints a message at the operator station indicating the last sector written: id0991 LAST SECTOR WRITTEN = ccchss Messages are always printed on one device line. Some of the messages in this manual are shown on two lines because of the message length. Making Corrections at the Operator Station If you should make typing errors while entering data at the operator station, you can correct these errors in the foIlqwing manner. To correct one or more characters: You meant to type CO 10,50,100 But you typed CO 10,60 Now type +-+- 50,100 Type one left arrow (~) for each character you typed after the last correct character. Retype the characters correctly and continue typing. To correct an entire line: You meant to type CT 10,20,'ABC','DEF' But you typed CT 10,200,'ABC','DEF' Now type t Retype the line. An up arrow (t) caUses a carriage return and you can correctly reenter your line. Note. If you want to interrupt the printing process at the operator station, hold down the CTRL key, then press the A key. 1-4 GC34-0070 Chapter 2. System Build and Verification Automatic System Build (SB) WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES The Automatic System Build program copies to disk the diskette shipped from IBM. A copy of this program resides on the diskette. The layout of the diskette is shown below. DISKETTE ccchss 000001 IPL/Bootstrap 000003 Reserved 001001 Auto-System Build Disk IPL/Bootstrap Disk Loader System Verification Diskette IPL/Bootstrap Storage to Printer Dump (Phase A) Storage to Printer Dump (Phase B) Storage to Diskette Dump (Phase A) Storage to Diskette Dump (Phase B) Disk Initialization Diskette Initialization Create HDRI Delete HDRI Diskette to Printer Dump Disk to Printer Dump Diskette to Disk Copy Disk to Diskette Copy Diskette Patch Disk Patch Error Log The loader loads the contents of the diskette to a predefmed area of the disk. When the diskette has been copied, the system is built on disk. HOW TO USE IT (1) mount the diskette, as shipped from IBM, (2) set the console IPL switch to alternate, and _ (3) press the LOAD Key. The hardware loads the bootstrap, which in turn loads the Automatic System Build program. No further input is necessary. The program issues this message: SBOOOI AUTOMATIC SYSTEM BUILD STARTED System Build and Verification 2-1 Once the diskette is mounted, the program prints, from the VOL1 label, the volume identifier field in the following message: SBIOOI DISKETTE VOLID=nnnnnn where nnnnnn is the volume identifier for the diskette. It then copies, to a predefined location on the disk, the contents of the diskette. There is no operator input required to build the system. Upon completion the program issues this message: SBOOlI AUTOMATIC SYSTEM BUILD UTILITY COMPLETED THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE Output consists of a complete diskette copied onto the disk and the three preceding messages. If any errors occur while copying the diskette to disk, an appropriate I/O error message is printed at the operator station. HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If an I/O error occurs, the program terminates after issuing an error message to the operator station. See Appendix M for a complete discussion of possible error codes. EXAMPLE The following is an example of the automatic system build program. In this example, the diskette mounted has VOLID=PID002. 1. Mount the IBM diskette. 2. Set console IPL switch to alternate. 3. Press the LOAD Key. SBOOOI AUTOMATIC SYSTEM BUILD STARTED SBIOOI DISKETTE VOLID=PID002 COPIED SBOOlI AUTOMATIC SYSTEM BUILD UTILITY COMPLETED After the diskette is copied, your system will be built on disk. Now use the System Verification program to insure that the components have been correctly copied to the system disk. 2-2 GC34-0070 System Verification (SF) WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES Mter you load the program, it ensures that your system is built properly by cross-checking each module on your IPLed system disk against a table containing expected module names. If any modules are missing, a message is printed indicating which specific program is not on the disk system. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. After the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either SF or the starting sector address (ccchss) of the program. When it is loaded, no further input is required. The program performs the verification, using an internal table of module names expected to be on the disk. THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE If your IPLed system disk is an incomplete system, an error message is printed at the operator station indicating the name of the module that was not found. No further verification processing is possible. The system map name contains header record data for all modules encountered before the error occured. If your system is correct, a system map containing header record data for each load module is printed, and a message verifying that the system was correctly built is printed at the operator station. The system map is printed in the following format: Program Name ccchss Entry Point Load Point Module Length User Data yyyy aaaaa xx ccchss xxxx zzzz • • • where: xx ccchss xxxx yyyy zzzz aaaaaa = the 2-character component ID the address of header record on the disk = the entry point of the module in ccchss format = the load point of the module in ccchss format = the length of the module in hexadecimal = the description of the 2-character component ID HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the program encounters any of the following errors, it issues a message at the operator station: • Invalid header ID • Module missing on system disk • Module name missing in the system table • Incorrect header chain If an unrecoverable error occurs, the program abnormally terminates. To reinvoke the program, you must relPL. Unrecoverable errors are: • Operator Station I/O error • Disk I/O error System Build and Verification 2-3 EXAMPLE The following is an example of the System Verification program. Operator Station Printout 2-4 GC34-0070 Explanation IPIOOA EXEC= The loader issues a request for the address of the program to be loaded. SF You enter the name of the System Verification program. SFOOOI SYSTEM VERIFICATION STARTED The System Verification program has started. xx ccchsS' *xxxxx yyyyyy zzzzzz The system map is printed at the printer. SF200I SYSTEM CORRECTLY BUILT There has been a successful system verification. SFOOlI SYSTEM VERIFICATION COMPLETE The program is finished. Chapter 3. Initial Program Load Programs Diskette IPL Bootstrap (IP) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES When you press the LOAD key on the console, the hardware loads the bootstrap into main storage from the diskette. The bootstrap, in turn, loads the contents of cylinder 1, head 0, from the IPLed diskette. When the bootstrap is fmished, register 7 contains the device address of the diskette you IPLed from. The program is loaded into the high end of storage and control is given to the first logical address of the program. I Note. A standard linkage editor header is required on the diskette. HOW TO CREATE A DISKETTE You must create a special diskette for the diskette IPL bootstrap. See example below. Locate the ccchss of the program IP on the system verification listing. Using the disk to diskette copy program, copy the program IP to the diskette. You must start the copy 1 disk sector beyond the beginning of the program to remove the header record. IP must be placed on the diskette at cylinder 0, head 0, sectors 1 and 2. HOW TO USE IT You invoke this utility by setting the IPL switch to alternate (diskette) and then pressing the LOAD key. Note. The bootstrap must be on cylinder 0, head 0, sectors 1 and 2 of the diskette. Initial Program Load Programs 3-1 HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If a diskette I/O error occurs, the utility tries to recover, if it can; otherwise, it terminates. EXAMPLE The following is an example of placing the diskette bootstrap on a diskette. 3-2 GC34-0070 Operator Station Printout Explanation IPI00A EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. FR You enter the name of the Disk to Diskette Copy utility. FROOll DISK TO DISKETTE COPY STARTED The Disk to Diskette Copy utility has started. FRI00A FROM DATA AREA= The utility prompts for the source data file information. 003,002126,002126 You enter the device address and the starting sector address +1 of the program IP. This removes the header record from the diskette bootstrap. Only one disk sector is copied. FR200A TO DATA AREA= The utility issues this prompt for the destination data file information. 002,000001,000002 You enter the device address and the starting sector address where the bootstrap must reside on cylinder 0, head 0, sectors 1 and 2. FR099I LAST SECTOR WRITTEN IS 000002 The utility prints the address of the last sector written on the diskette. FROOlI DISK TO DISKETTE COPY COMPLETED The copy was successfully completed. FRI00A FROM DATA AREA= The utility prompts for a new source data file for the next copy operation. Disk IPL Bootstrap/Loader (Ll, L2) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES When you press the LOAD key on the console, the hardware loads the bootstrap into main storage from the disk. The bootstrap then loads and gives control to the loader. Once the loader is in main storage, it issues a prompt through the operator station requesting the two character IBM-supplied name or the ccchss location of the program you want loaded and given control on level O. The loader brings into storage the program you request and passes control to it. Note. When the requested program receives control, these conditions exist: • On levels 1, 2, and 3 the LSR, IAR, and all general-purpose registers contain zeros. • On level 0: - Register 3 contains the device addresses of the operator station in the first byte and the printer in the second byte. Register 4 contains the size of storage: 7FFFis32K BFFFis 48K FFFFis 64K. Register 5 contains the device address of the IPLed device in the low-order byte. Register 6 contains the value of the cylinder that contains the header record of the requested program. - Register 7 contains the values for the head and sector that contain the header record of the requested program. • In the LSR, the supervisor state bit for level 0 is on. The IPLed device and the operator station are unprepared and all interrupts are disabled. I· HOW TO USE IT You invoke this utility by pressing the LOAD key. Note. The bootstrap must be on cylinder 0, head 0, sector 0 of the disk. The loader resides on cylinder 0, head 0, sectors 1-13. Once the loader is in control, you can specify which program you want loaded for execution. The loader prints this prompt at the operator station: IP100A EXEC:::· . I All IBM-supplied programs can be loaded by name. All user programs are loaded by disk address. If you load a program by name, enter: I program name where: program name is a 2-character IBM-supplied name for the program. If you enter the program's location, it must be in this form: ccchss where: ccc = a 3-digit decimal cylinder number in the range 002-301 h the head number, either 0 or 1 ss a 2-digit decimal sector number in the range 00-59 Initial Program Load Programs 3-3 The loader assumes that the program you requested is on the same device you IPLed from. There is a restriction on how hig this program can be. The program's maximum size is the size of storage minus 2K bytes. The last 2K of storage is reserved for the loader, but may be used after control is passed to the program. If the information you enter is syntactically incorrect, an error message is printed at the operator station and the prompt is repeated. If the information you enter is syntactically correct, the loader checks your program's header record to determine: • If it is a valid header • The load point of the program • The entry point of the program • If the program can fit into the available storage If an invalid header is found, the prompt is reissued. If the information is correct, your program is given control. THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE The only output from this utility is the prompt IPt DDA EXEC= and possibly some error messages. HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the utility encounters a recoverable error, it prints an error message and reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Invalid sector address-address is out of range for the device, contains non-decimal digits, or is the incorrect length • Invalid header record • Invalid pro gram name • Program too large for storage If the utility encounters an unrecoverable error, it issues a LEX with a code in the operand of the instruction. To reinvoke the utility, you must reIPL. Unrecoverable errors are: • I/O error to the operator station • I/O error to disk 3-4 GC34-0070 Chapter 4. Initialization Programs Diskette Initialization (RI) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES This utility initializes either a single-side or double-sided diskette in a diskette drive. The initialization consists of three steps: • The utility formats each track into 128-byte sectors. • The utility analyzes each track. If it finds a defective sector, it considers that entire cylinder to be defective, and assigns an alternate cylinder. The next sequential cylinder is assigned as the alternate. If more than two cylinders are defective, the diskette is flagged as unusable. • On cylinder 0, head 0, the utility: Writes the VOLID (volume identification) on sector 7. Writes one HDRI (header 1) on sector 8. This HDRI describes the entire data area (cylinders 1-74) as one data set. Writes the remaining HDRI s (9-26) as deleted headers. Writes the ERRMAP on sector 5. This contains the address of defective cylinders up to a maximum of two in the format cch, where cc is the number of the defective cylinder and h is the head number. See the following pages for the format of the VOLI and HDRI field. If you try to initialize a diskette that has been previously initialized, you destroy all data on the diskette. Reinitialization rewrites the complete diskette surface. VOLI LABEL FORMAT Character Position Field Name Length Initialization Value 000 Label Identifier 3 'VOL' 003 Label Number 1 1 004 Volume Identifier 6 user id 010 Accessibility 1 space 011 Reserved 26 spaces 037 Owner ID 14 spaces .051 Reserved 20 spaces 071 Volume Surface Indicator 1 space (single-sided) 2 (double-sided) 074 Reserved 3 space 075 Physical Record Length 1 space 076 Physical Record Sequence Code 2 spaces 078 Reserved 1 space 079 Label-Standard Version 1 'W' Initialization Programs 4-1 HDR1 LABEL FORMAT Character Position Field Name 000 Label Identifier OQ3 Label Number 1 1 004 Reserved 1 space 005 FileID 17 8 char DSNs + 9 blanks 022 Block Length 5 00128 Length 3 Initialized Value 'HDR' 027 Record Attribute 1 space 028 Beginning of Extent 5 cchss 033 Physical Record Length 1 space 034 End of Extent 5 cchss 039 Record/Block Format 1 space 040 Bypass Indicator 1 space 041 File Security 1 space 042 Write Protect Indicator 1 space 043 Exchange Type Indicator 1 space 044 Multi-Volume File 1 space 045 Volume Sequence Indicator 2 space 047 Creation Date 6 space 053 Record Length 4 space 057 Offset To Next Record Space 5 space 062 Reserved 4 space 066 Expiration Date 6 space 072 Verify/Copy Indicator 1 space 073 File Organization 1 space 074 End of Data Address 5 cchss 079 Reserved 1 space The initialized diskette that this utility produces is formatted as a basic exchange diskette, with a VOLID that you specify. The portion of the diskette that is available for your use (cylinders 1-74) is a basic exchange EBCDIC data me. It is specified by the first HDR1 record (at cylinder 0, head 0, sector 8). The basic exchange data file has these characteristics: • • • • • • 4-2 GC34-0070 The data me is organized sequentially. A record is 128 bytes long. Records are in ftxed-length format and are unblocked and unspanned. The physical record length is 128 bytes. The data file identifier (HDR1) is a simple name, containing up to 8 characters. All character data is represented in EBCDIC. ASCII is not supported. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. Mter the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either RI or the starting sector address (ccchss) of the utility. When it is loaded, the utility responds with: I' RIOOOIDISKETIE INITIALIZATION STARTED The utility issues this prompt requesting the diskette device address: RI110A DEVICE ADDRESS= Enter the information in this form: where ddd is the device address, in decimal. This number must be in the range 0-127. If the diskette already has a VOLID, the utility responds with: RI125I CURRENT VOLID=cccccc where cccccc is the name of the current VOLID on the diskette. The utility issues a prompt asking whether or not to proceed with initializing this diskette: RI127A DO YOU WANT TO INITIALIZE THIS DISKETTE? RESPOND YES OR NO If you respond NO, the utility issues a cycle terminated message and recycles to the RII10A message. If you respond YES, the utility issues this prompt requesting the name of your volume: ,. R1120ANEW.VOLID= Enter the VOLID you want on your volume in this form: t cccccc I where cccccc is a I-to 6-character alphameric name. If the information you entered is correct the utility does the initialization. Initialization Programs 4-3 THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE This utility produces an initialized diskette in basic exchange format (one that is interchangeable with other systems). If any defective cylinders are encountered, the utility issues this message, one for each defective cylinder, in the following form: (·r~~~9~··.~~~·.·fYrJ.~~~·.··.·~b.··.····.··.1 I where cc is the number of the defective cylinder and h is the head number. The utility prints this message to indicate that it has finished: HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the utility encounters a recoverable error, it prints an error message and reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Device address not valid • Device at specified device address not diskette device • Invalid VOLID/header name • Cylinder 0 defective • Unable to initialize because there are too many defective cylinders (two cylinders is the maximum) I • Cylinder 0 unformatted If the utility encounters an unrecoverable I/O error, it abnormally terminates. To reinvoke the initialization utility, you must reIPL. EXAMPLE The following example shows a typical initialization, where the diskette device address is 002, the user's new VaLID is VOLDOl, and the old VaLID is VOL999. 4-4 GC34-0070 Operator Station Printout Explanation IPlOOA EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be loaded. RI You enter the name of the Diskette Initialization utility. FIOOOI DISKETTE INITIALIZATION STARTED The Diskette Initialization utility has started. RIllOA DEVICE ADDRESS= The utility issues a request for the device address of the Diskette. 002 The diskette is at device address 002. RI125I CURRENT VOLID = VOL999 The current name of your diskette is VOL999. RI127A DO YOU WANT TO INITIALIZE THIS DISKETTE? RESPOND YES OR NO This prompt asks you if you wish to continue to initialize this diskette. YES You respond YES to continue. RIl20A NEWVOLID= The utility issues a request for you to supply the newVOLID. VOLOOI The new name of your diskette is VOLOOl. RIl40I DEFECTIVE CYLINDER 110 These two cylinders have bad sectors. RI140I DEFECTIVE CYLINDER 270 This message is not printed if all cylinders are good. RIOOlI DISKETTE INITIALIZATION COMPLETED The diskette is initialized. Disk Initialization (FI) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES This utility has two initialization types-primary initialization and alternate sector assignmen t. Use primary initialization for complete initialization when the disk is installed or when complete reinitialization is desired. It first verifies and corrects sector IDs, and then analyzes the disk surface to fmd defective sectors. When it fmds a defective sector, it assigns an alternate sector on cylinder 1, then prints a message at the operator station. Alternate sector assignment lets you assign alternate sectors for those sectors found to be defective. It also tries to move data from the defective sector to the alternate. Note. Because there are only 120 alternate sectors available, and because once an alternate has been assigned, the defective sector cannot be recovered unless you specify that all sector IDs are to be rewritten during initialization. Therefore, use alternate sector assignment only when necessary. If you try to initialize a disk that has been previously initialized, you destroy all data on the disk. Reinitialization rewrites the complete disk surface. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. After the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either FI or the starting sector address (ccchss) of the utility. When it is loaded, the utility responds with: FIOOOI.DISK ·INITIALlZi\TION STARTED ... , The utility then issues this prompt requesting the device address of the disk to be initialized. FtilOA I>EVl.CEADDRESS=·· Enter the requested information in this form: ~ where ddd is the disk device address. This number must be in decimal, in the range 0-255. The utility then issues this prompt requesting the type of initialization you want to perform: Enter the requested information in this form: where tt is the initialization type. Enter PI for primary initialization, or AS for alternate sector assignment. The utility's next action depends on the initialization type you entered. If you entered PI, the utility issues this prompt requesting you to specify whether the defective sector flags are invalid: Initialization Programs 4-5 Enter either YES or NO. If you respond YES, the utility rewrites all sector IDs and reinitializes the flag byte, where possible. If you reply NO, the defective sector flag bit of each sector ID is retained. Note. You should respond YES only if you want to rewrite all the sector IDs. Rewriting the sector IDs causes the loss of the IBM assigned defective sector flags. If you entered AS, the utility issues this prompt requesting you to specify the defective sector address: . ·.·flOO4fALTERNATESECTORMODE· . Fli30ASEcioRAriDRESS~L .. ........... , , . .. . .. Enter the requested information in this form: I ccchss I where ccchss is the address of a sector that you have found to be defective. The utility assigns an alternate sector on cylinder 1 and then tries to move the data from the defective sector onto the alternate. THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE If you request primary initialization, the utility prints a message for each defective sector it nnds. The message looks like this: where ccchss is the address of the defective sector. A successful assignment of an alternate in AS mode prints the same message. When the utility has finished either type of initialization, it prints this message: 4-6 GC34-0070 I HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the utility encounters a recoverable error, while processing your input to the operator station, it prints an error message and reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Device address not valid (for example, defective character, out of range, not 3 characters) • Device at specified device address not a disk device • Invalid initialization type-must be either AS or PI • Invalid sector address (for example, out of disk range, invalid character, not 6 characters) • Invalid response to sector flag prompt The following error types cause a warning message, but allow for normal program completion without any response from you. • Unable to recover data in alternate sector mode o Unable to write sector ID • Defective sector on cylinder 1 If the utility encounters one of the following three unrecoverable errors, it abnormally terminates. To reinvoke the initialization utility, you must relPL. • Unable to assign an alternate sector because alternate cylinder is full • Unable to initialize because there are too many defective sectors (the maximum is 120 sectors) • Unrecoverable I/O error • Attempt to assign alternate for defective sector on cylinder 1 o Unexpected or invalid return codes from external system routines EXAMPLES The following example shows a typical primary initialization session for a disk at device address 075. Operator Station Printout Explanation IPI00A EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. FI You enter the name of the Disk Initialization utility. FIOOOI DISK INITIALIZATION STARTED The disk initialization utility started. FUI0A DEVICE ADDRESS= The utility issues a request for the device address of the disk to be initialized. 075 The disk is at device address 075. FI120A TYPE= The utility issues a request for the type of initialization you want. PI You request a primary initialization. FI003I PRIMARY INITIALIZATION MODE The utility enter primary mode. FI150A ARE DEFECTIVE SECTOR FLAGS INVALID The utility issues a request to find if the defective flags are invalid. NO You specify that the defective sector flags are valid. FU40I ALTERNATE SECTOR ASSIGNED FOR 240120 The utility assigned alternate sectors for defective sectors 240120 and 240140. FI140I ALTERNATE SECTOR ASSIGNED FOR 240140 FIOOlI DISK INITIALIZATION COMPLETED The utility is finished. Initialization Programs 4-7 The next example shows a typical alternate sector assignment session. Operator Station Printout Explanation IP! OOA EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. You enter the starting sector address of the Disk Initialization utility. The Disk Initialization has started. The utility requests the device address of the Disk to be initialized. The disk is at device address 003. The utility issues a request for the type of initialization you want. You request alternate sector assignment. The utility issues a message telling you that alternate sector assignment is ready. The utility issues a request for the sector you want an alternate assigned for. The defective sector is sector 100037. The utility issues a message that the sector assignment is successful. The utility is finished. ccchss FIOOOI DISK INITIALIZATION STARTED FI110A DEVICE ADDRESS= 003 FI120A TYPE= AS FI004I ALTERNATE SECTOR MODE FI130A SECTOR ADDRESS= 100037 FI140 ALTERNATE SECTOR ASSIGNED FIOOlI DISK INITIALIZATION COMPLETED 4-8 GC34-0070 Chapter 5. Create and Delete Programs Create Diskette HDRI (CH) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES Using information that you supply, this utility creates a basic exchange HDRI record for a diskette data fIle. If you want to create a HDRI of any other format, see the IBM General Information Manual, GA21-9182-1. If the diskette initialization utility initialized the diskette, the HDRI describing the extents of the entire diskette must be deleted before the utility can create any additional HDRls. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. Mter the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either CH or the starting sector address (ccchss) of the utility. Mter it is loaded, the utility issues this message: I CHOOOI CREATE HDRI UTILITY STARTED I The utility then issues this prompt requesting the diskette device address: ..CHllOA DEVICE ADDRESS: Enter the requested information in this form: [;] where ddd is the diskette device address, in decimal. This number must be in the range 0-127. The utility issues this prompt requesting the name of your data fIle described by the HDRI record. Enter the requested information in this form: I cccccccc I where cccccccc is a I-to 8-character alphameric name. The utility issues this prompt requesting the starting and ending sector addresses of the data flie to be defmed by this HDRI record. Create and Delete Programs 5-1 Enter the information in this form: ccchss,ccchss where ccchss,ccchss are the starting and ending sector addresses of the next data fIle. The utility issues this prompt requesting the address, within the data fIle, to write the last data item. Enter the information in this form: I ccchss I where ccchss is the address of the next sector in the data me available for data. If you enter the information correctly the utility creates the HDRI record. THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE This utility writes a HDRI record to the diskette. When the utility has finished successfully, it prints this message: I CHoon CREATE HDR! UTILITY COMPLETED When the utility completes unsuccessfully, an error message is printed along with the following message: II 5-2 GC34-0070 CH299T CREATE HDR! ABNORMAL CYCLE END I The utility then initiates another CREATE operation by reissuing the DEVICE ADDRESS= prompt. The utility continues in this mode until you terminate it by pressing the LOAD key. The following is a deSCription of the HDRI fields that will be initialized by this utility. Character Position Field Name 000 Label Identifier 3 'HDR' 003 Label Number 1 1 004 Reserved 1 space 005 Data File ID 17 8 char.*DSNs + 9 blanks 022 Block Length 5 00128 027 Record Attribute 1 space 028 Beginning of Extent 5 cchss* Length Initialized Value 033 Physical Record Length 1 space 034 End Of Extent 5 cchss* 039 Record/Block Format 1 space 040 Bypass Indicator 1 space 041 Da ta File Security 1 space 042 Write Protect Indicator 1 space 043 Exchange Type Indicator 1 space 044 Multi-Volume Data File 1 space 045 Volume Sequence Indicator 2 space 047 Creation Date 6 space 053 Record Length 4 space 057 Offset To Next Record Space 5 space 062 Reserved 4 space 066 Expiration Date 6 space 072 Verify/Copy Indicator 1 space 073 Data File Organization 1 space 074 End Of Data Address 5 cchss* 079 Reserved 1 space *-This is the data you entered Create and Delete Programs 5-3 HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the utility encounters a recoverable error, it prints an error message and reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Invalid ccchss • Wrong number of arguments • Device at specified device address not a diskette device • End of me address you specified not within the data extents • Data me extents in conflict with each other • Invalid data fIle name • Invalid device address • Extents not in basic exchange data area If the utility encounters an unrecoverable error, it abnormally terminates the CREATE operation with an abnormal cycle end message. The utility then recycles to the prompt for the device address. The unrecoverable errors are: • Data me overlaps an existing data fIle • No available HDRI s • Extent arrangement indicator incompatible with the data file extents requested • Name you entered duplicates one that already exists on the volume • Unrecoverable I/O error • VOLID is not compatible with the basic exchange data me • Invalid HDRI on diskette EXAMPLE The following example shows a typical create HDRI session: 5-4 GC34-o070 Operator Station Printout Explanation IPIOOA EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. CH You enter the name of the Create HDRI utility. CHOOOI CREATE HDRI UTILITY STARTED The Create HDRI utility has started. CHIIOA DEVICE ADDRESS= The utility issues a request for the device address of the diskette. 050 The Diskette is at device address 050. CH120A HEADER NAME= The utility issues a request for the name you want to give your HDRI record. VOLDATA2 You enter VOLDATA2. CH130A EXTENTS= The utility issues a request for where you want to locate your data file. 037015,038025 The data file extends from sector 037015 to sector 038025. CH140A END OF FILE= Enter the sector address of the last data item. 038001 The data ends at sector 038001. CHOOlI CREATE HDRI UTILITY COMPLETED The HDRI record is created. CHIIOA DEVICE ADDRESS= This prompt initiates another CREATE operation. Delete Diskette HDRI (DH) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES 'This utility deletes the HDRI record for a specified data file and rewrites it as unused. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD Key. Mter the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either DH or the starting sector address (ccchss) of the utility. When it is loaded, the utility issues this message: DHOOOl DELETE HDR! UTILITY STARTED The utility then issues this prompt requesting the diskette device address: DHllOA .DEVICE . ·ADDRESS;:; Enter the requested information in the following form: B where ddd is a 3-digit decimal number in the range 0-127. The utility enters this prompt requesting the name of the HDRI record you want to delete: J)H120A..·H:EAJ)ER.NAME~·· .• Enter the information in this form: I cccccccc I where cccccccc is a I-to 8-character alphameric name. If the information you enter is correct, and there are no other errors, the utility deletes the HDRI. THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE This utility rewrites the HDRI record as unused. When the utility has successfully fmished, it prints: or if the utility is unsuccessful, it prints: The utility then initiates another DELETE HDRI operation, and reissues the DEVICE ADDRESS= prompt. The utility will continue in this mode until you press the LOAD key. Create and Delete Programs 5-5 HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the utility encounters a recoverable error, it prints an error message and reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Invalid device address • Device at specified device address not a diskette device • Invalid data file name If the utility encounters an unrecoverable error, it abnormally terminates the delete cycle. The utility then recycles to the prompt for the device address. The unrecoverable errors are: • Extent arrangement indicator incompatible with the data me extents to be deleted • HDRI name not found • Unrecoverable I/O error • VOLID incompatible for basic exchange data sets • Invalid HDRlon diskette EXAMPLE The following example shows a typical delete HDRI session: Operator Station Printout Explanation IPlOOA EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. You enter the name of the Delete HDRI utility. DH DHOOOI DELETE UTILITY HDRl STARTED DHllOA DEVICE ADDRESS= 002 DH!20A HEADER NAME= VOLDATA2 DHOOl I DELETE HDR 1 UTILITY COMPLETED DHllOA DEVICE ADDRESS= 5-6 GC34-0070 The Delete HDR! utility has started. The utility requests the device address of the Diskette. The Diskette is at device address 002. The utility issues a request for the name of the HDRl record you want deleted. The name of the HDR! record is VOLDATA2. The HDR! record is deleted. The utility initiates another DELETE HDRl operation. Chapter 6. Copy, Dump and Patch Programs Diskette To Disk Copy (RF) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES After you load this utility, it copies a specified data me from a diskette to a disk. There are two diskette sectors per disk sector. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. After the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either RF or the starting sector address (ccchss) of this utility. When it is loaded, the utility responds with: RFOOOI DISKETTE ·TO ·DISK .COpy STARTED The utility issues this prompt for the source data file information: RFIOOA FROM DATA AREA= Enter the information in this form: ddd,ccchss,ccchss where: ddd ccchss,ccchss = the diskette device address in decimal the starting and ending sector addresses delimiting the location of the data me information to be copied from the diskette The utility issues this prompt for the destination data me information: RF200ATO DATA. AREA:: ., Enter the information in this form: ddd,ccchss,ccchss where: ddd ccchss,ccchss the disk device address in decimal = the starting and ending sector addresses delimiting the location on disk into which the data me information is to be copied Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-1 If there are no errors, the utility checks the size of the destination data me. If the destination data me is too small, the utility issues an error message and recycles; otherwise, it performs the copy as you requested. If you copy an odd number of diskette sectors, the utility pads (with zeros) the last 128 bytes of the last disk sector written. Once the copy is completed, a completion message is written at the operator station and followed by another prompt for source data me information. The utility will continue in this mode until you terminate it in some manner (for example, by pressing the LOAD key). THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE When this utility has fmished copying the information you requested, it prints this message at the operator station: where: ccchss = the last sector written on the disk. After that message, it prints: This indicates that the copy is completed. The utility then reissues the FROM DATA AREA= prompt. HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the utility encounters a recoverable error, it prints an error message and reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Response parameter too short or too long • Response does not have three parameters • Invalid device address (negative number, non-decimal digits, or greater than 255) • Device at specified device address not diskette device (for source) or disk device (for destination) • Invalid sector address (out of range, non-decimal digits, or wrong number of characters) • Starting sector address greater than ending sector address • Source data me larger than the destination data fIle If the utility encounters an unrecoverable I/O error to the disk or diskette, it abnormally terminates the cycle with an error message and reissues the FROM DATA AREA= prompt. If an unrecoverable error occurs at the operator station, the utility terminates. 6-2 GC34-0070 EXAMPLE The following is an example of the diskette to disk copy utility. The diskette device address is 002, with starting sector address 037015 and ending sector address 037125. The disk device address is 003, with starting sector address 240120 and ending sector address 240140. Operator Station Printout Explanation IP100A EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. You enter the name of the Diskette to Disk Copy utility. The Diskette to Disk Copy utility has started. The utility prompts for the source data file information. You enter the device address, starting sector address, and the ending sector address for the source data file information. The device type is incorrect. RF RFOOOI DISKETTE TO DISK COpy STARTED RF100A FROM DATA AREA= 003,037015,037125 RF007 A INCORRECT DEVICE TYPEMUST BE DISKETTE RF100A FROM DATA AREA= 002,037015,037125 RF200A TO DATA AREA= 003,240120,240140 RF099I LAST SECTOR WRITTEN IS 240138 RFOOll DISKETTE TO DISK COPY COMPLETED RF100A FROM DATA AREA= The utility reissues the prompt for the source data file information. You enter the correct device address, starting sector address, and ending sector address for the source data file information. The utility issues this prompt for the destination data file information. You enter the device address, starting sector address, and ending sector address for the destination data file. The address of the last sector written on the disk. The copy was successfully completed. The utility prompts for a new source data file for the next copy function. Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-3 Disk To Diskette Copy (FR) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES After you load this utility, it copies a specified data me from a disk to a diskette. There are two diskette sectors per disk sector. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. After the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either FR or the starting sector address (ccchss) of the utility. When it is loaded, the utility responds with: The utility issues this prompt for the source data me information: I·.•· ..• FRl00AF.ROMDATAJ\REA~1 Enter the information in this form: ddd,ccchss,ccchss where: ddd ccchss,ccchss = the disk device address in decimal = the starting and ending sector addresses delimiting. the location of the data me information to be copied from the disk The utility issues this prompt for the destination data me information: Enter the information in this form: ddd,ccchss,ccchss where: ddd ccchss,ccchss = the diskette device address in decimal the starting and ending sector addresses delimiting the location on the diskette into which the data me information is to be copied If there are no errors, the utility checks the size of the destination data me. If the destination data me is too small, the utility issues an error message and recycles. Otherwise, it performs the copy as you requested. Once the copy is completed, a completion message will be written at the operator station and followed by another prompt requesting source data file information. The utility will continue in this mode until you terminate it in some manner (for example, by pressing the LOAD key). 6-4 GC34-0070 THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE When this utility has finished copying the information you requested, it prints this message at the operator station: FR0991 LAST SECTOR WRITTEN ;;:;; ccchss where: ccchss = the last sector written on the diskette After that message, it prints: I' FROOlI· DISK TO· DISKETTE COpy CbMPLETED This indicates that the copy is completed. The utility then reissues the FROM DATA AREA= prompt. HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the utility encounters a recoverable error, it prints an error message and reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Response parameter too short or too long • Response does not have three parameters • Invalid device address (negative number, non-decimal digits, or greater than 2S S) • Device at the specified device address not a disk device (for source) or diskette device (for destination) • Invalid sector address (out of range, non-decimal digits or wrong number of characters) • Starting sector address greater than ending sector address • Source data flie larger than destination data me If the utility encounters an unrecoverable I/O error to the disk or diskette, it abnormally terminates the cycle with an error message and reissues the FROM DATA AREA= prompt. If an unrecoverable I/O error occurs at the operator station, the utility terminates. Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-5 EXAMPLE The following is an example of the disk to diskette copy utility. The disk device address is 003, with starting sector address 240120 and ending sector address 240140. The diskette device address is 002, with starting sector address 037015 and ending sector. address 039010. Operator Station Printout Explanation IPI00A EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. You enter the name of the Disk to Diskette Copy utility. The Disk to Diskette Copy utility has started. FR FROOOI DISK TO DISKEITE COpy STARTED FRI00A FROM DATA AREA= 003,240120,240140 FR200A TO DATA AREA= 002,039010,037015 FR016A END SECTOR LESS THAN START SECTOR FR200A TO DATA AREA= 002,037015,039010 FR0991 LAST SECTOR WRIITEN IS 038004 FROOI I DISK TO DISKETTE COPY COMPLETED FRI00A FROM DATA AREA= 6-6 GC34-0070 The utility prompts for the source data file information. You enter the device address, starting sector address, and the ending sector address for the source data file information. The utility issues this prompt for the destination data file information. You enter the device. address, starting sector address and the ending sector address for the destination data file information. The information entered is incorrect. The utility reissues the prompt for the destination data file information. You enter the correct device address, starting sector address, and ending sector address for the destination data file. The utility prints the address of the last sector written on the diskette. The copy was successfully completed. The utility prompts for a new source data file for the next copy operation. Diskette To Printer Dump (RD) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES This utility dumps the contents of a specified data me from the diskette on the printer. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. After the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either RD or the starting sector address (ccchss) of the utility. When it is loaded, the utility prints this message at the operator station: RDOOOI·. DISKETTE TO· PRINTER. DUMP. STARTED The utility prints this prompt for the location of the data me information to be dumped from the diskette: I· RDIOOADlSKAREA= Enter the requested information in this form: ddd,ccchss,ccchss where: ddd ccchss ,ccchss = the diskette device address in decimal = the starting and ending sector addresses delimiting the location of the data me information to be dumped from the diskette. If there are no errors, the utility dumps the requested data me information on the printer. You may stop the dump by causing an interrupt from the operator station. To do this, hold down the CTRL key, then press the A key. This causes the dump to stop at the end of a print line, print an abnormal recycle message, and reprompt for new input. Once the dump operation is finished, a completion message is written at the operator station and followed by a prompt for the next source data file information to be dumped. The utility continues in this mode until you terminate it in some manner (for example, by pressing the LOAD key). THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE This utility dumps the contents of a specified data me from the diskette on the printer. The dump is in hexadecimal with columns of EBCDIC translation to the right of the page and is formatted by sectors in the following manner: ccchss xxx x xxxx<- - - - 12 words - - - ->xxxx xxxx xxxx < - - - - 12 words - - - -> xxxx xxxx xxxx<- - - - 12 words - - - ->xxxx xxxx xxxx<- - - - 12 words - - - ->xxxx where: ccchss = xxxx = yyyy = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy the sector address of the data on the diskette the contents of the diskette sector in hexadecimal the contents of the diskette sector in EBCDIC Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-7 IIf the utility encounters a deleted header record on cylinder 0 sectors 8-26, head 0 or sectors 1-26, head 1, it prints the message PHYSICAL RECORD HAS BEEN LOGICALLY DELETED on the printer. The message is preceded by the ccchss address. When the dump is fInished, the utility issues ~message at the operator station: 1\ ·i!»(jliD.$K~1j~tpPRIijtE~t)UM~CqMPL~1'f;J)? · · ·.·1 It then reissues the DISK AREA= prompt. HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the utility encounters a recoverable error, it prints an error message and reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Response to prompt does not have three parameters • Invalid device address • Device at the specifIed device address not a diskette device • Invalid sector address • Starting sector address greater than ending sector address If the utility encounters an umecoverable diskette device I/O error, it abnormally terminates and reissues the DISK AREA= prompt. If the utility encounters an umecoverable operator station or printer I/O error, it terminates. EXAMPLE The following is an example of a dump from the diskette on the printer. The diskette device address is 002 with a starting sector address of 030015 and an ending sector address of 030016. Operator Station Printout Explanation IP100A EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. You enter the name of the Diskette to Printer Dump utility. The Diskette to Printer dump has started. RD RDOOOI DISKETTE TO PRINTER DUMP STARTED RD100A DISK AREA= F02,030015,030016 RD004A INV ALID DEVICE ADDRESSNON-DECIMAL DIGIT RD100A DISK AREA= 002,030015,030016 RD001 I DISKETTE TO PRINTER DUMP COMPLETED RD100A DISK AREA= 6-8 GC34-0070 The utility prompts for the disk sectors to be dumped. You enter the device address, starting sector address, and ending sector address for the dump. The device address is incorrect. The utility reissues a prompt for the disk sectors to be dumped. You enter the correct address for the disk. The dump was successfully completed. The utility prompts for the next data file to be dumped. Disk To Printer Dump (FD) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES This utility dumps the contents of a specified data me from the disk on the printer. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. After the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either FD or the starting sector address (ccchss) of the utility. When it is loaded, the utility prints this message at the operator station: FDOOO! DISK TO PRINTER DUMP STARTED The utility prints this prompt for the location of the data flie information to be dumped from the disk: FD100A DISK AREA= Enter the requested information in this form: ddd,ccchss,ccchss where: 'ddd ccchss,ccchss = the disk d~vice address in decimal = starting and ending sector addresses delimiting the location of the data me information to be dumped from the disk If there are no errors, the utility dumps the requested data file information on the printer. You may stop the dump by causing an interrupt from the operator station. To do this, hold down the CTRL key, then press the A key. This causes the dump to stop at the end of a print line, print an abnormal recycle message, and reprompt for new input. Once the dump operation is completed, a completion message is written at the operator station and followed by a prompt for the next source data fue information to be dumped. The utility continues in this mode until you terminate it in some manner (for example, by pressing the LOAD key). THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE This utility dumps the contents of a specified data me on the printer. The dump is in hexadecimal with columns of EBCDIC translation to the right of the page and is formatted by sectors in the following manner: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx 12 words ->xxxx 12 words ->xxxx 12 words ->xxxx 12 words ->xxxx 12 words ->xxxx 12 words ->xxxx 12 words ->xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-9 where: = the sector address of the data me on the disk ccchss the contents of the disk sector in hexadecimal xxxx = the contents of the disk sector in EBCDIC yyyy When the dump is finished, the utility issues this message at the operator station: It then reissues the DISK AREA= prompt. I HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS the If utility encounters a recoverable error, it prints an error message and reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Response to the prompt does not have three parameters • Invalid device address • Device at specified device address not disk device • Invalid sector address • Starting sector address greater than ending sector address If the utility encounters an unrecoverable disk I/O error, it abnormally terminates and reissues the DISK AREA= prompt. If the utility encounters an unrecoverable operation station or printer I/O error, it terminates. EXAMPLE The following is an example of a dump from the disk on the printer. The disk device address is 003, with a starting sector address of 200130 and an ending sector address of 200131. Operator Station Printout Explanation IPI00A EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. You enter the name of the Disk to Printer Dump utility. The Disk to Printer Dump utility has started. FD FDOOOI DISK TO PRINTER DUMP STARTED FDI00A DISK AREA= F03,200130,200 131 FD004A INVALID DEVICE ADDRESSNON DECIMAL DIGIT FDI00A DISK AREA= 003,200130,200131 FDOOI I DISK TO PRINTER DUMP COMPLETED FD100A DISK AREA= 6-10 GC34-0070 The utility prompts for the disk sectors to be dumped. You enter device address, starting sector address, and ending sector address for the dump. The device address is incorrect. The utility reissues a prompt for the disk sectors to be dumped. You enter the correct address for the disk. The dump was successfully completed. The utility prompts for the next data fIle to be dumped. Diskette Patch (TR) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES This utility applies a patch which you enter at the operator station to a specified area on the diskette. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. After the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either TR or the starting sector address (ccchss) of this utility. When it is loaded, the utility responds with: TROOOl DISKETTE PATCH STARTED I The utility issues this prompt for the location on the diskette you want to patch: TR200A PATCH AREA= Enter the requested information in the following form: ddd,ccchss,b b b,nnn where: ddd ccchss bbb = the diskette device address in decimal, in the range 0-127 = the sector address of the area to be patched the byte displacement in decimal, within the sector, where you want the patch to start = the number of bytes you want displayed for verification before the nnn patch is applied This number must not exceed 128. All bytes printed for verification must be within the boundaries of the sector you specified; that is, the sum ofbbb + nnn must be less than 129. If there are no errors, the utility prints the bytes that you requested for verification and then prints this prompt on the next line: I·· .TR201A R~PLACEMENT DATA~ If the bytes printed for verification do not begin with the bytes you want to patch, enter this response: The utility responds: It then reissues the PATCH AREA= prompt. Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-11 If the bytes printed for verification begin with the ones you want to patch, enter the patch in the following form: I hhhh hhhh hhhh .. ·1 where: hhhh hhhh hhhh . . . are groups of four hexadecimal characters, separated by blanks The length of the patch must be in the range of 1 to 128 bytes. The entire patch must be within the boundaries of the sector you specified. Note that the length of the patch does not have to equal the value you specified for nnn (the byte verification count). If there are no errors, the patch is applied. The utility responds with: I TROOlI DISKETTE PATCH COMPLETED The utility issues the completion message which is followed by the prompt for the next patch. The utility continues in this mode until you terminate it by pressing the LOAD key. THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE The output from this utility are prompt messages from the utility and the data for the requested patch to diskette. HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If a recoverable error occurs, the utility prints an appropriate error message and then reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Syntax error in your response to a prompt • Device at specified device address not a diskette • Sector address not a valid address for diskette • Displacement not within the boundaries of the sector you specified • Number of bytes to be displayed either exceeds 128 or less than or equal to zero If an unrecoverable diskette I/O error occurs, the utility abnormally terminates. A terminal error occurs when an I/O error prevents the utility from printing a message at the operator station. 6-12 GC34-0070 EXAMPLE The following example shows what happens when you apply a patch to the diskette. Operator Station Printout Explanation IPlOOA EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. TR You enter the name of the Diskette Patch utility. TROOOI DISKETTE PATCH STARTED The Diskette Patch utility has started. TR200APATCH ~REA= The utility issues a request for the address of the location to be patched. 02,003003,24,08 You enter the device address, sector address, byte displacement, and byte verification count. TR003A INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS3 DIGITS REQUIRED The device address is incorrect. TR200A PATCH AREA= The utility reissues the prompt for the address of the location to be patched. 002,003003,24,08 You enter the correct device address, sector address, byte displacement, and byte verification count. TRIOlA INVALID DISPLACEMENT3 DIGITS REQUIRED The byte displacement is incorrect. TR200A PATCH AREA= The utility reissues the prompt for the address of the location to be patched. 002,003003, 024, 08 You enter the device address, sector address, correct byte displacement, and byte verification count. TRlOSA INVALID BYTE VERIFICATION COUNT-3 DIGITS REQUIRED The byte verification count is incorrect. TR200A PATCH AREA= The utility reissues the prompt for the address of the location to be patched. 002,003003,024,008 You enter the device address, sector address, byte displacement, and the correct byte verification count. OOOA l23B 0101 AOOC These are the 8 bytes requested for verification. TR20lA REPLACEMENT DATA= The utility issues a request for you to enter a patch or cancel this particular patch operation. NONE No patch is to be applied. TROOlI DISKETTE PATCH COMPLETED The patch cycle was successfully completed. TR200A PATCH AREA= The utility prompts for the next patch cycle. Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-13 Disk Patch (TF) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES This utility applies a patch which you enter at the operator station to a specified area on the disk. HOW TO USE IT Press the LOAD key. Mter the EXEC= message is printed at the operator station, enter either TF or the starting sector address (ccchss) of this utility. When it is loaded, the utility issues this message: The utility issues this prompt for the location on the disk you want to patch: I·.···.·.•· ·•· . 'l'F200A~~TCH.AREA~\.) Enter the requested information in the following form: ddd,ccchss,bb b,nnn where: ddd = the disk device address in decimal in the range 0-255 ccchss bbb = the sector address of the area to be patched = the byte displacement in decimal, within the sector, where you want the patch to start = the number of bytes you want displayed for verification before the nnn patch is applied This number must not exceed 256. All bytes printed for verification must be within the boundaries of the sector you specified; that is, the sum ofbbb + nnn must be less than 257. If there are no errors, the utility prints the bytes that you requested for verification and then prints this prompt on the next line: If the bytes printed for verification do not begin with the bytes you want to patch, enter this response: The utility responds with: 6-14 GC34-0070 It then reissues the PATCH AREA= prompt. If the bytes printed for verification begin with the ones you want to patch, enter the patch in the following form: I hhhh hhhh hhhh .,. I where: hhhh hhhh hhhh . . .. are groups of four hexadecimal characters, separated by blanks The length of the patch must be in the range of 1 to 256 bytes. The entire patch must be within the boundaries of the sector you specified. Note that the length of the patch does not have to equal the value you specified for nnn (the byte verification count). If there are no errors, the patch is applied. The utility responds with: I TFOOll . DlSKPATCHCOMPLETED The utility issues the completion message which is followed by the prompt for the next patch. The utility continues in this mode until you terminate it by pressing the LOAD key. THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE The output from this utility are prompt messages from the utility and the data for the requested patch to diskette. HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If a recoverable error occurs, the utility prints an appropriate error message and then reissues the prompt. Recoverable errors are: • Syntax error in your response to a prompt • Device at specified device address not a disk • Sector address not a valid disk address • Displacement not within the boundaries of the sector you specified • Number of bytes to be displayed exceeds 256 If an unrecoverable disk I/O error occurs, the utility abnormally terminates. A terminal error occurs when an I/O error prevents the utility from printing a message at the operator station. Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-15 EXAMPLE The following example shows what happens when you apply a patch to the Operator Station Printout Explanation IP100 EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. You enter the name of the Disk Patch utility. TF TFOOOI DISK PATCH STARTED TF200A PATCH AREA= 03,003003,24,08 6-16 GC34-0070 disk~ The Disk Patch utility has started. The utility issues a request for the address of the location to be patched. You enter the device address, sector address, byte displacement, and the byte verification count. TF003A INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS3 DIGITS REQUIRED The device address is incorrect. TF200A PATCH AREA= The utility reissues the prompt for the address of the area to be patched. 003,003003,24,08 You enter the correct device address, sector address, byte displacement, and the byte verification count. TF101A INVALID DISPLACEMENT-3 DIGITS REQUIRED The byte displacement is incorrect. TF200A PATCH AREA= The utility reissues the prompt for the address of the area to be patched. 003,003003,024,08 You enter the device address, sector address, correct byte displacement, and the byte verification count. TF105A INVALID BYTE VERIFICATION COUNT-3 DIGITS REQUIRED The byte verification count is invalid. TF200A PATCH AREA= The utility reissues the prompt for the address of the area to be patched. 003,003003,024,008 You enter the device address, sector address, byte displacement, and the correct byte verification count. OOOA 123B 0101 AOOC These are the 8 bytes requested for verification. TF201A REPLACEMENT DATA= The utility issues a request for you to enter a patch or cancel this particular patch operation. NONE TFOOll DISK PATCH COMPLETED TF200A PATCH AREA= No patch is applied. The patch cycle was successfully completed. The utility prompts for the next patch cycle. Storage To Diskette Dump (SI) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES When you press the LOAD key on the console, the hardware loads this utility into main storage from a pre-built dedicated diskette. The utility then dumps the contents of storage to that same diskette. HOW TO CREATE THE DISKETTE You must create a special diskette for the storage to diskette dump. Locate the ccchss of the program S1 on the system verification listing. Using the disk to diskette copy program, copy the program SI to the dedicated diskette. You must start the copy 1 disk sector beyond the beginning of the program to remove the header record. SI must be placed on the diskette at cylinder 0, head 0, sectors 1 and 2. Next, copy the second phase of the program to the dedicated diskette. Locate the ccchss of the program S2 on the system verification listing. Using the disk to diskette copy program, copy the program S2 to cylinder 1, head 0, sectors 1 through 26 of the diskette. Once this is done, the diskette is ready for you to use. HOW TO USE IT Mount the special storage to diskette dump on the fixed address diskette device and set the switch to alternate. After you press the LOAD key, the dump starts at storage address 256 and continues until all storage has been dumped. The first 256 bytes are destroyed by the loading of the dump program. Also, on level 0, the IAR is altered by the dump. THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE I The output from this utility is the storage dump onto the diskette. The HDRI record looks like this: bytes 00-03 HDRI 05-21 data set identifier indicating that this is a dump data set ($SRISTED) 22-26 the block length, which is 128 28-32 the starting address of the dump, which is cylinder 2, head 0, sector 1 This area appears in cchss format and contains 02001. 33 the physical record length, which is 128 the ending address of the dump, which the utility provides in cchss 34-38 format 74-78 the end of data address, which is updated by the dump program This is the format of the dump. Beginning at cylinder 2, head 0, sector 1: IAR, general-purpose register, AKR and LSR for each level • The address in storage where the dump begins Beginning at cylinder 3, head 0, sector 1 is the storage dump. I• Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-17 HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If the utility encounters any recoverable errors during the dump, the utility tries to recover. However, if the error is unrecoverable, the processor stops. EXAMPLE The following is an example of building a diskette for the Storage to Diskette Dump utility. 6-18 GC34-0070 Operator Station Printout Explanation IPIOOA EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. ER You enter the name of the Disk to Diskette Copy utility. FROOll DISK TO DISKETTE COPY STARTED The Disk to Diskette Copy utility has started. FRI00A FROM DATA AREA= The utility prompts for the source data file information. 003,002143,002143 You enter the device address and the starting sector address +1 of the program Sl. This removes the header record from the diskette bootstrap. Only one disk sector is copied. FR200A TO DATA AREA= The utility issues this prompt for the destination data me information. 002,000001,000002 You enter the device address and the starting sector address where the bootstrap must reside on cylinder 0, head 0, sectors 1 and 2. FR099I LAST SECTOR WRITTEN IS 000002 The utility prints the address of the last sector written on the diskette. FROOll DISK TO DISKETTE COpy COMPLETED The copy was successfully completed. FRI00A FROM DATA AREA= The utility prompts for the source data file information. 003,002144,002152 You enter the device address and the starting sector address of the program S2. This copy must include the header and the program. FR200A TO DATA AREA= The utility issues this prompt for the destination data file information. 002,001001,001026 You enter the device address and the starting sector address where the Phase 2 of the program must reside on cylinder 1, head 0, sectors 1-26. FR099I LAST SECTOR WRITTEN IS 001026 The utility prints the address of the last sector written on the diskette. It may be something less than sector 26. FROOll DISK TO DISKETTE COpy COMPLETED The copy was successfully completed. FRIOOA FROM DATA AREA= The utility prompts for a new source data file for the next copy operation. Storage To Printer Dump (PI) WHAT THIS UTILITY DOES When you press the LOAD key on the console, the hardware loads this utility from a dedicated pre-built diskette. The utility then dumps the contents of storage on the printer. HOW TO CREATE THE DISKETTE You must create a special diskette for the storage to diskette dump. Locate the ccchss of the program PIon the system verification listing. Using the disk to diskette copy program, copy the program PI to the dedicated diskette. You must start the copy I disk sector beyond the beginning of the program to remove the header record. PI must be placed on the diskette at cylinder 0, head 0, sectors I and 2. Next, copy the second phase of the program to the dedicated diskette. Locate the ccchss of the program P2 on the system verification listing. Using the disk to diskette copy program, copy the program P2 to cylinder I, head 0, sectors I through 26 of the diskette. Once this is done, the diskette is ready for you to use. HOW TO USE IT Set the IPL switch to alternate (diskette) and mount the pre-built storage to printer dump on the fixed address diskette device. After you press the LOAD key, the level status blocks for all levels are printed. No messages are printed at the operator station. Note. If the full function console is available and the system is in the diagnostic mode, the program stops and allows you to enter in RI a hex starting address of XOIOO' or higher and to enter in R2 a hex ending address; otherwise, the dump starts at decimal location 256 and continues until the end of storage. On level 0, the IAR is altered by the dump. When the system is in the diagnostic mode and a selected area has been printed, the program stops allowing a new entry to be made in RI and R2. At any time an area is being printed, press the console INTERRUPT key to interrupt the program and select a new area to be dumped. The program will continue to wait for additional input until terminated by hitting the RESET button or IPL LOAD button. Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-19 THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE The output from this utility is the storage dump on the printer. The data is dumped on the printer in the following format: n iii i kkkk 1111 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx x xxxx xxxx xxxx aaaa hhhh hhhh (- - - - - - - - -12 words- - - - - - - - -) .hhhh hhhh eeee<24 char)eeee aaaa hhhh hhhh (- - '- - - - - - -12 words- - - - - - - - -) hhhh hhhh eeeeQ4 char)eeee where: aaaa eeee hhhh = the address of the leftmost byte of storage = the valid EBCDIC character or a period for an invalid character = the contents of storage the contents of the IAR = the contents of the AKR kkkk = the contents of the LSR llll n = the interrupt level number The number n and the line to the right of the n are printed four times-once for each level = the contents of the general-purpose rigisters xxxx The storage dump will always start on a doubleword boundary. liii Note. This program uses cylinder 3, head 0, sectors 1 thru 26 as a temporary work area on the IPLed diskette. 6-20 GC34-0070 HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS If it encounters any errors during the dump, the utility tries to recover. However, if the error is unrecoverable, the processor stops. EXAMPLE The following is an example of building a diskette for the Storage to Printer Dump utility. Operator Station Printout Explanation IP100A EXEC= The loader issues a request for the program that is to be executed. FR You enter the name of the Disk to Diskette Copy utility. FR001 I DISK TO DISKETTE COPY STARTED The Disk to Diskette Copy utility has started. FR100A FROM DATA AREA= The utility prompts for the source data file information. 003,002128,002128 You enter the device address and the starting sector address +1 of the program PI. This removes the header record from the diskette bootstrap. Only one disk sector is copied. FR200A TO DATA AREA= The utility issues this prompt fro the destination data file information. 002,000001,000002 You enter the device address and the starting sector address where the bootstrap must reside on cylinder 0, head 0, sectors 1 and 2. FR0991 LAST SECTOR WRITTEN IS 000002 The utility prints the address of the last sector written on the diskette. FROOll DISK TO DISKETTE COPY COMPLETED The copy was successfully completed. FR100A FROM DATA AREA= The utility prompts for the source data file information. 003,002129,002141 You enter the device address and the starting sector address of the program P2. This copy must include the header and the program. FR200A TO DATA AREA= The utility issues this prompt for the destination data file information. 002,001001,001026 You enter the device address and the starting sector address where the Phase 2 of the program must reside on cylinder 1, head 0, sectors 1-26. FR0991 LAST SECTOR WRITTEN IS 001026 The utility prints the address of the last sector written in the diskette. It may be something less than sector 26. FROOlI DISK TO DISKETTE COpy COMPLETED The copy was successfully completed. FR100A FROM DATA AREA= The utility prompts for a new source data file for the next copy operation. Copy, Dump and Patch Programs 6-21 6-22 GC34-0070 Chapter 7. Error Log (EL) WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES The purpose of the error log program is to record machine and program errors such as program checks, I/O errors, machine checks, soft-exception checks, and null interrupts. The error log program will: • Log the error in two buffers that you define. • Format the log entry so that you can, with your own routine, either list the record on a print device or write it to a disk or diskette. • Format the log entry into binary. Input to $ELERLOG Error Log Control Block EBCDIC Buffer $ELERLOG EBCDIC Buffer in printable hexadecimal Parameter List Address of Error Log Control Block Address of EBCDIC Buffer Address of Binary Buffer Error Indicator Output $ELERLOG Program and Binary Buffer in Binary User Routine Routine to write log to disk or print device Binary Buffer You must set up an error log control block, which will contain information regarding the error. Then define two buffers: one to hold the formatted log in hexadecimal EBCDIC characters; and, one to hold the formatted log in binary. The error indicator is required to specify the type of error being logged, and a parameter list must point to the locations of the first three items and must specify the error indicator. Error Log (EL) 7-1 HOW TO USE IT Do a branch and link instruction to $ELERLOG, storing your return address in register 7, after link-editing the error log program to your own program. (To locate the error log program, see "Automatic System Build (SB)" in Chapter 2.) Register 0 must point to a word-aligned parameter list with the· following information: c The address of the error log control block. o The address of the EBCDIC buffer, which will hold the formatted error. o The address of the binary buffer, which will hold the formatted error in binary. • The error indicator, which must specify the type of error encountered. Only one error can be logged in the message area at a time, so you must store the message on a disk or diskette or write it to a printer before calling the error log program again. Since the error log program must use some privileged instructions, it must run in supervisor state. Error Indicators The format of the error log control block and the completed buffers will vary, depending on the error type encountered. Use the following identifying letters to specify the error type to the error log program in the error log control block: DE TO MC PC SC NI 7-2 GC34-0070 specifies a device error specifies an I/O timeout = specifies a machine check specifies a program check specifies a soft-exception check = specifies a null interrupt Error Log Control Block You must set up the error log control block in the following three formats and make available the information for the items listed. DE or TO Error Indicators: Displacement Dec. Hex. Size in bytes Field name Contents 0 0 2 Interrupt Level The interrupt level that is assigned to the I/O device with program control. 2 2 2 Device ID Specifies the ID of the device on which the error occurred. 4 4 1 Retry Count Specifies the number of times the error has been tried. 5 5 1 Blank Space Necessary to start IDCB on even byte. 6 6 2 Address of IDCB Specifies the address in storage of the Immediate Device Control Block. 8 8 1 010 Condition Code Specifies the condition code following the command Operate I/O instruction, 9 9 1 Interrupt Condition Code Specifies the condition code when the interrupt was accepted. 10 A 1 ISB Specifies the Interrupt Status Byte. 11 B 1 Number of CSSW's Specifies the number of cycle steal status words for the device named in Device ID. 12 C 2 CSSWI 14 E 2 CSSW2 Second Cycle Steal Status Word. 16 10 2 CSSW3 Third Cycle Steal Status Word. 18 12 2 CSSW4 Fourth Cycle Steal Status Word. 20 14 2 CSSW5 Fifth Cycle Steal Status Word. Displacement Dec. Hex. Size in bytes Field name Contents 0 2 Interrupt Level The interrupt level that is assigned to the I/O device with program control. . First Cycle Steal Status Word. MC, PC, or SC Error Indicators: 0 2 2 2 Address of LSB The address of the Level Status Block. 4 4 2 PSW The Program Status Word. 6 6 2 Error Address The address when the error was encountered. 8 8 1 Active Address Key The address key in use when the error is encountered (4955 only). Error Log (EL) 7-3 NI Error Indicator: Displacement Dec. Hex. Size in bytes Field name Contents 0 0 2 Interrupt Level The interrupt level that is assigned to the I/O device with program control. 2 2 2 Interrupt ID Consists of an interrupt information byte and the device address. See IBM Series/1 Model 5 4955 Processor and Processor Features Description, GA34-0021 or IBM Series/1 Model 3 4953 Processor and Processor Features Description, GA34-0022 for extended discussions of the items to be specified above. EBCDIC Buffer The EBCDIC buffer will hold the formatted error when the error log program has completed processing. This buffer must be word aligned and must have enough space to contain the largest formatted error - 368 bytes. Binary Buffer The binary buffer will hold the formatted error in binary form. This buffer must be word aligned and must have enough space to contain the largest formatted error - 124 bytes. THE OUTPUT YOU RECEIVE The error log program will extract the data it required from the error log control block. It then formats the data into hexadecimal characters in one of the following forms so that, with a program you provide or with a utility, you can take the data from the EBCDIC buffer and list the records using a printer device, or you can write the records on a disk or diskette. 7-4 GC34-0070 EBCDIC Buffer Output DE or TO Error Indicators: Displacement in bytes Hex. Dec. Size in bytes Field name Contents 0 0 7 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 7 7 1 Blank Space - 8 8 1 Interrupt Level The interrupt level that is assigned to the I/o device with program control. 9 9 1 Blank Space - 10 A 4 AKR (Address Key Register) The contents of the Address Key Register (4955 only). 14 E 1 Blank Space - 15 F 4 Device ID Specifies the ID of the device on which the error occurred. 19 13 1 Blank Space - 20 14 3 Retry Count Specifies the number of times the error has been tried. 23 17 1 Blank Space - 24 18 8 IDCB Contains an I/O command that describes the specific nature of the I/O operation. 32 20 1 Blank Space - 33 21 1 010 Condition Code Specifies the condition code following the command Operate I/O instruction. 34 22 1 Interrupt Condition Code Specifies the condition code when the interrupt was accepted. 35 23 2 ISB Specifies the Interrupt Status Byte. 37 25 1 Blank Space - 38 26 2 'Number of CSSW's The number of Cycle Steal Status Words. 40 28 1 Blank Space - 41 29 4 CSSWI First Cycle Steal Status Word. 45 2D 1 Blank Space - 46 2E 4 CSSW2 Second Cycle Steal Status Word. 50 32 1 Blank Space - 51 33 4 CSSW3 Third Cycle Steal Status Word. 55 37 1 Blank Space - 56 38 4 CSSW4 Fourth Cycle Steal Status Word. 60 3C 1 Blank Space - 61 3D 4 CSSW5 Fifth Cycle Steal Status Word. Error Log (EL) 7-5 DE or TO Indicators Continued': Displacement in bytes Dec. Hex. ~ Repeated for each DCBto maximum of five DCBs, 0( '---- 7-6 GC34-0070 Size in bytes Field name Contents 65 41 1 Blank Space - 66 42 12 Descriptive Text "I/O Timeout" or "Device Error" 78 4E 4 DCB Word 1 Device-dependent control wordsee individual device pUblication for defmition. 82 52 1 Blank Space - 83 53 4 DCB Word 2 Device-dependent control wordsee individual device publication for definition. 87 57 1 Blank Space - 88 58 4 DCB Word 3 Device-dependent control wordsee individual device publication for definition. 92 5C 1 Blank Space - 93 5D 4 DCB Word 4 Device-dependent control wordsee individual device publication for definition. 97 61 1 Blank Space - 98 62 4 DCB Word 5 Device-dependent control wordsee individual device publication for definition. 102 66 1 Blank Space - 103 67 4 DCB Word 6 Device-dependent control wordsee individual device pUblication for definition. 107 6B 1 Blank Space - 108 6C 4 DCB Word 7 Device-dependent control wordsee individual device publication for definition. 112 70 1 Blank Space - 113 71 4 DCB Word 8 Device-dependent control wordsee individual device publication for definition. 117 75 1 Blank Space - 118 76 4 Descriptive Text "Device Error - DCB" MC, PC, or SC Error Indicators: Displacement in bytes Dec. Hex. Size in bytes 0 0 7 7 8 Field name Contents 7 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 1 Blank Space - 8 1 Interrupt Level The interrupt level that is assigned to the I/O device with program control. 9 9 1 Blank Space - 10 A 4 AKR (Address Key Register) The contents of the Address Key Register (4955 only). 14 E 1 Blank Space - 15 F 4 PSW The Program Status Word. 19 13 1 Blank Space - 20 14 4 Error Address The address when the error was encountered. 24 18 1 Blank Space - 25 19 1 Active Address The address key in use when the error is encountered (4955 only). 26 lA 1 Blank Space - 27 IB 4 IAR The 16-bit register that holds the main storage address used to fetch an instruction. 31 IF 1 Blank Space - 32 20 4 LSR The Level Status Register. 36 24 1 Blank Space - 37 25 20 Descriptive Text "Program Check", "Machine Check", or "Soft Exception Check". Displacement in bytes Dec. Hex. Size in bytes Field name Contents 0 0 7 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 7 7 1 Blank Space - 8 8 1 Interrupt Level The interrupt level that is assigned to the I/O device with program control. 9 9 1 Blank Space - 10 A 4 AKR (Address Key Register) The contents of the Address Key Register (4955 only). NI Error Indicator: 14 E 1 Blank Space - 15 F 2 ISB Specifies the Interrupt Status Byte. 17 11 1 Blank Space - 18 12 2 Device Address The I/O device address. 20 14 1 Blank Space - 21 15 14 Descriptive Text "Null Interrupt". See IBM Series/1 Model 5 4955 Processor and Processor Features Description, GA34-0021 or IBM Series/1 Model 3 4953 Processor and Processor Features Description, GA34-0022 for extended discussions of the items to be specified above. Error Log (EL) 7-7 Binary Buffer Output DE or TO Error Indicators: 7-8 GC34-0070 Displacement in bytes Dec. Hex. Size in bytes Field name Contents 0 0 6 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 6 6 2 AKR (Address Key Register) The contents of the Address Key Register (4955 only). 8 8 6 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 14 E 1 Interrupt Level The interrupt level that is assigned to the I/O device with program control. 15 F 2 Device ID Specifies the ID of the device on which the error occurred. 17 11 4 IDCB Contains an I/O command that describes the specific nature of the I/O operation. 21 15 1 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 22 16 1 Retry Count Specifies the number of times the error has been tried. 23 17 1 010 Condition Code Specifies the condition code following the command Operate I/O instruction. 24 18 1 Interrupt Condition Code Specifies the condition code when the interrupt was accepted. 25 19 1 ISB Specifies the Interrupt Status Byte. 26 lA 7 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 33 21 2 CSSWI First Cycle Steal Status Word. 35 23 2 CSSW2 Second Cycle Steal Status Word. 37 25 2 CSSW3 Third Cycle Steal Status Word. 39 27 2 CSSW4 Fourth Cycle Steal Status Word. 41 29 2 CSSW5 Fifth Cycle Steal Status Word. 43 2B 16 DCBl Up to five DCBs can be chained, this is the first one. 59 3B 16 DCB2 Up to five DCBs can be chained, this is the second. 75 4B 16 DCB3 Up to five DCBs can be chained, this is the third. 91 5B 16 DCB4 Up to five DCBs can be chained, this is the fourth. 107 6B 16 DCB5 Up to five DCBs can be chained, this is the fifth. MC, PC, or SC Error Indicators: Displacement in bytes Dec. Hex. Size in bytes Field name Contents 0 0 6 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 6 6 2 AKR (Address Key Register) The contents of the Address Key Register (4955 only). 8 8 6 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 14 E 1 Interrupt Level The interrupt level that is assigned to the I/O device with program control. 15 F 2 Error Address The address when the error was encountered. 17 11 2 IAR The 16-bit register that holds the main storage address used to fetch an instruction. 19 13 2 Active Address Key The address key in use when the error is encountered (4955 only). 21 15 2 LSR The Level Status Register. 23 17 2 Register 0 The contents of Register O. 25 19 2 Register 1 The contents of Register 1. 27 IB 2 Register 2 The contents of Register 2. 29 ID 2 Register 3 The contents of Register 3. 31 IF 2 Register 4 The contents of Register 4. 33 21 2 Register 5 The contents of Register 5. 35 23 2 Register 6 The contents of Register 6. 37 25 2 Register 7 The contents of Register 7. 39 27 2 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 41 29 2 PSW The Program Status Word. 43 2A 1 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. Displacement in bytes Dec. Hex. Size in bytes Field name Contents 0 0 6 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 6 6 2 AKR (Address Key Register) The contents of the Address Key Register (4955 only). 8 8 6 Reserved Zeros Non-significant zeros. 14 E 1 Interrupt Level The interrupt level that is assigned to the I/o device with program control. 15 F 2 Interrupt ID Consists of an interrupt information byte and the device address. NI Error Indicators: See IBM Series/l Model 5 4955 Processor and Processor Features Description, GA34-0021 or IBM Series/l Model 3 4953 Processor and Processor Features Description, GA34-0022 for extended discussions of the items to be specified above. Error Log (EL) 7-9 HOW TO HANDLE ERRORS After regammg control from the error log program, your program should check the contents of register O. If register 0 equals 0, the error log program executed correctly. If the register contains a minus 1, you specified an invalid error indicator in your error log control block input. To recover from an error, correct your input and call the error log program again. 7-10 GC34-0070 Appendix M. Messages This appendix contains in numeric order within each component the following: • Common messages relating to normal initiation/termination and messages caused by incorrect user responses to common prompts which require the following input: ddd ,ccchss ,ccchss where: ddd Device address Starting sector address ccchss ccchss Ending sector address • Unrecoverable I/O and system messages • Component prompt type messages and unique component messages • Wait code messages for the following utilities: IP-BOOTSTRAP/LOADER DISK SI-STORAGE TO DISKETTE DUMP PI-STORAGE TO PRINTER DUMP Note. You must have a full function console to see the wait code messages. These wait code messages appear at the end of the messages for each of the above utilities. All messages in this appendix are in the following format: idnnnc text 2-character ID of the component id 3-digit decimal number identifying the message nnn message type: c A - Action; operator response to printed message required W - Warning; minor error detected; successful operation possible I Informational; comment printed; no error E Error detected; current operation terminated but program continues S Severe Error condition; execution of program impossible T Terminal Error; program aborts ID Component CH DH FD FI FR IP PI RD RF RI SB SF SI TF Create Diskette HDRI Delete Diskette HDRI Disk to Printer Dump Disk Initialization Disk to Diskette Copy IPL Bootstrap/Loader Disk Storage to Printer Dump Diskette to Printer Dump Diskette to Disk Copy Diskette Initialization Automatic System Build System Verification Storage to Diskette Dump Disk Patch Diskette Patch TR Messages M-l COMMON MESSAGES idOOOI idOOlI id002E id003E id004E id005E id006E id007E id010E idOllE id012E id013E id014E M-2 Message and Explanation program name STAR TED This message is issued after the processing program has been loaded and processmg is started. program name COMPLETED This message is issued after the processing program has completed its processing. System Action Your Action None. None. Program terminates. None. INCORRE€T NUMBER OF PARMS - 3 REQUIRED The device address, starting sector Reprompts. address, and ending sector address must be given. INVALID DEVICE ADDRESS - 3 DIGITS REQUIRED Device address must be 3 digits. Reprompts. Reenter the response. Reenter the response. INV ALiD DEVICE ADDRESS - NON-DECIMAL DIGIT Reprompts. Device address must be decimal digits. Reenter the response. DEVICE ADDRESS OUT OF RANGE Device address must be within range of 0 to 255. Reenter the response. Reprompts. INCORRECT DEVICE TYPE - MUST BE DISK - AT DEVICE ddd Reprompts. Device used must be disk. Reenter the response. INCORRECT DEVICE TYPE - MUST BE DISKETTE - AT DEVICE ddd Reprompts. Device used must be diskette. Reenter the response. INV ALiD STARTING SECTOR ADDRESS - 6 DIGITS REQUIRED Starting sector address must be 6 Reprompts. digits. Reenter the response. INV ALiD STARTING SECTOR ADDRESS - NON-DECIMAL DIGIT Reprompts. Starting sector address must be decimal digits. Reenter the response. STARTING SECTOR ADDRESS OUT OF RANGE FOR DEVICE ddd Reprompts. Starting sector address range is as follows: Reenter the response. DEVICE CCC H SS DISKETTE 000-074 0-1 1-26 DISK 000-302 0-1 0-59 INV ALiD ENDING SECTOR ADDRESS - 6 DIGITS REQUIRED Reprompts. Ending sector address must be 6 digits. Reenter the response. INV ALiD ENDING SECTOR ADDRESS - NON-DECIMAL DIGIT Reprompts. Ending sector address must be decimal digits. Reenter the response. GC34-0070 id015E id016E id018A id019E id020E id021E id022E id030E id031A id032A Message and Explanation System Action ENDING SECTOR ADDRESS OUT OF RANGE FOR DEVICE ddd Reprompts. Ending sector address range is as follows: DEVICE CCC H SS DISKEITE 000-074 0-1 1-26 DISK 000-302 0-1 0-59 ENDING SECTOR OCCURS BEFORE STARTING SECTOR FOR DEVICE ddd Reprompts. Ending sector address on disk or diskette occurs before starting sector address. DEFAULT WORKSPACES (ccchss,ccchss) The text editor, assembler, and linkage editor require workspaces. The operator has the option of accepting the location and size of the default workspaces or specifying his own workspaces. INV ALID RESPONSE - MUST BE YES OR NO The response to the prompt must be either YES or NO. WORKSP ACES1 AND 2 OVERLAP WORKSPACES1 and 2 were allocated the same or a portion of the same workspaces. WORKSPACES1 AND 3 OVERLAP WORKSP ACES1 and 3 were allocated the same or a portion of the same workspaces. WORKSPACES2 AND 3 OVERLAP WORKSPACES2 and 3 were allocated the same or a portion of the same workspaces. DEVICE NOT AIT ACHED AT ADDRESS ddd The device at the specified device address is not attached to the system. An error in the response is assumed. DEVICE NOT READY AT ADDRESS ddd The device at the specified device address is not in the ready state. END OF FORMS ON PRINTER The printer is out of paper. Your Action Reenter the response. Reenter the response. None. Respond to this prompt with either YES or NO. YES designates that the default workspaces are to be used. NO designates that the operator will specify his own workspaces. If the response is NO, the processing program will prompt for required workspaces. Reprompts. Respond to the prompt with either YES or NO. Reprompts. Allocate separate workspaces for WORKSPACES1 and 2 and reenter the response. Reprompts. Allocate separate workspaces for WORKSPACES1 and 3 and reenter the response. Reprompts. Allocate separate workspaces for WORKSPACES2 and 3 and reenter the response. Reprompts. Reenter the response. Waits until the device has been readied. Ready the appropriate device and generate an interrupt (hit any key) at the operator console. Waits until the printer has been adjusted. Add paper to the printer and ready the device. Messages M-3 id033A id034A id035A id036A Message and Explanation PRINTER IN WAIT STATE The printer has been put in the wait state (hardware switch). System Action Your Action Waits until the printer has been readied. Ready the printer. DISKETTE REMOVED PRIOR TO I/O COMPLETION AT ADDRESS ddd Waits until the removed The diskette was removed while the diskette is returned. processing program was addressing it. INV ALID VOLl DISKETTE LABEL ON DEVICE ddd Waits until the VOLl has The VOLllabel (sector 000007) is invalid. been corrected. REPLY TO WHEN THE DEVICE IS READY This message is printed after the following action messages: M-4 LAST SECTOR WRITTEN = ccchss Each processing program that creates or moves data into a user data file identifies the sector address of the last sector written. GC34-Q070 Initialize the diskette or correct the VOLl according to the fields defined in The IBM Diskette for Standard Data Interchange, Order Number GA2l-9l82-Q. Waits for operator reply. Rebuild the system. If the problem still persists, submit a Authroized Program Analysis Report (APAR) as outlined in the Program Logic Manual. None. None. • id03lA • id032A • id033A • id034A • id035A and is reissued if GO is not entered properly. id099I Return the diskette to the drive. UNRECOVERABLE I/O AND SYSTEM MESSAGES id900T Message and Explanation System Action UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR: DEVICE = ddd ERROR CODE = nnnn 10 CC = n INT CC = n ISB = nnnn DEVICE ID =nnnn IDCB nnnn nnnn CSSW nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn DCB1 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn DCB2 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn SECTOR = ccchss An unrecoverable I/O error has Program abnormally occurred on the specified device. terminates. The error code describes the type of error which occurred last in the sequence of error recovery retries. Values for the error code: X'0412' - Device busy X'0413' - Control address marker present X'0414' - Parity error X'041S' - Intervention required X'0416' - Controller busy X'0417' - Invalid interrupt X'0418' - Printer error X'0419' - Printer error X'041A' - No record found X'041 B' - Track overflow X'041 C' - Invalid surface side specified X'041E' - Command reject X'041F' - Protect check X'0420' - Address specification error, DCB specified error X'0421' - Invalid storage address X'0422' - Invalid 10 command X'040F' - Unrecoverable error; check 10 CC, INT CC, ISB, and CSSW for error analysis The 10 CC is the 10 machine instruction code set by the last executed 10 instruction to the device. The IDCB field displays the operand of that I/O instruction. The INT CC is the condition code presented by the last interrupt from the device, and the ISB is the interrupt status byte associated with the interrupt. The DEVICE ID field identifies the device and must be considered when analyzing the ISB and IDCB field as described by the specified devices attachment hardware description. GA34-0023 IBM 4221 Diskette Unit Description GA34-0024 IBM 4211 Disk Storage Unit Description GA34-0025 IBM 0241 Printer Description GA34-0022 IBM 4011 Processor & Processor Feature Description GA34-0021 IBM 4021 Processor & Processor Feature Description Your Action Rebuild the system. If the problem still persists, submit a Authorized Program Analysis Report CAP AR) as outlined in the Program Logic Manual. Messages M-5 Message and Explanation The following is a brief procedure for error analysis: For cycle stealing devices, interrogate the information in the following steps: System Action Your Action • Check for 10 CC errors • If 10 CC indicates success then check for INT CC errors • If INT CC exception condition, then check ISB for errors • If cycle steal status is available (as indicated by the ISB), then error status bits are set by the CSSW (cycle steal status words). Note. For non-cycle steal status available errors, the IDCB points to DCBI which is the last DCB issued to the device. The contents of DCBI are related to the type of command field and modifier in the IDCB. DCB2 contains the READ/WRITE DCB last issued to the device. If the chain bit is on in DCBI, then DCB2 is chained to DCBt. For disk and diskette devices, SECTOR specifies the ccchss of the last sector attempted to be accessed if DCB2 contains a READ/WRITE command field. id90lT IOCS CALLER ERROR ERROR CODE = nnnn 10CB ADDRESS = nnnn 10CB nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn A system error has been detected. Same as id900T. Possible error codes: X'lOOI' - Invalid DDD pointer in 10CB X'1002' - Previously connected 10CB X'1003' - Un-CONNECTed 10CB (DCONNECT) X'2004' - CONNECT race detected X'200S' - Invalid 10CB-DDB physical record size X'2008' - Invalid internal CONNECT parameter X'2009' - Invalid DDB physical record size X'lOOA' - Invalid 10CB-DDB device ID X'HOI' - Invalid buffer address X'1102' - Un-CONNECTed 10CB (READ/WRITE) X'1103' - Invalid 10CB on DDB-IOCB chain X'1104' - Invalid 10CB self-pointer X'IIOS' - Invalid 10CB-DDB pointer on DDB-IOCB chain X'1106' - Invalid 10CB-DDB CONNECT status M-6 GC34-0070 If the device is a disk or diskette and the error is determined to be no record found, assign the area designated by SECTOR an alternate location using the Disk/Diskette Initialization utility. If the error condition persists, the hardware device should be serviced. Message and Explanation id902T id9SOI id9SlT id9S21 id9S3T id9S41 id9SS1 IOCB INVALID ERROR CODE = nnnn IOCB ADDRESS = nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn IOCB nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn An error code other than those listed in id900T and id90l Tis present. nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn UNDETERMINABLE CHECK IAR PSW SAR LSR xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx REG2 REGO REGl REG3 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx An exception has occurred but the cause cannot be determined. REG4 xxxx PROGRAM CHECK IAR PSW SAR LSR xxxx xxx x xxxx xxxx REG2 REGO REGl REG3 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx A program check has occurred at location of IAR. REG4 xxxx MACHINE CHECK PSW SAR IAR LSR xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx REGO REGl REG2 REG3 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx x A machine check has occurred. INVALID SVC PSW SAR IAR LSR xxx x xxxx xxxx xxxx REGO REGl REG2 REG3 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx A supervisor call has been made. No SVCS are supported. POWER THERMAL WARNING PSW SAR IAR LSR xxx x xxxx xxxx xxxx REGO REGl REG2 REG3 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx x Power and/or thermal warning has occurred. INV ALID TRACT REQ PSW SAR IAR LSR xxxx xxxx xxx~ xxxx REGO REGl Reg2 REG3 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx A trace request has been made. No trace requests are supported. REG4 xxxx REG4 xxxx REG4 xxx x REG4 xxxx System Action Your Action nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn Same as id900T. Same as id900T. REGS REG6 REG7 xxxx xxxx xxxx Continues processing. Same as id90l T. REGS REG6 xxxx xxxx Same as id900T. REG7 xxxx Same as id900T. REGS REG6 xxxx xxxx Same as id900T. REG7 xxxx REGS REG6 xxxx xxxx Same as id900T. REG7 xxxx REGS REG6 xxxx xxxx Same as id9S0I. REG7 xxxx REGS REG6 xxxx xxxx Same as id9S0I. REG7 xxxx . Same as id900T. Same as id900T. Same as id900T. Same as id90l T. Messages M-7 id9561 id990T Message and Explanation INV ALID CONSOLE INTR IAR PSW SAR LSR xxx x xxxx xxxx xxxx REG2 REG3 REGO REGl xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx A console interrupt has been made. The console interrupt function is not supported. EXECUTION HALTED This message is printed after the following messages: System Action REG4 xxxx REG6 REGS xxxx xxxx Same as id950I. Same as id900T. Your Action REG7 xxxx Same as id90l T. Enter GO (CR) when the requested action from the previous action message has been taken. • id95lT .id952T • id953T id9991 M-8 FUNCTION TERMINATED REGS xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx This message is printed by the Same as id900T. processing program upon detection of a terminal error and indicates abnormal termination. REGS displays the register contents at termination time. GC34-0070 If a full function console is present, do not depress CONSOLE INTERRUPT during processing. If a full function console is not present, same as id90 1T. CH-CREATE DISKETTE HDRI MESSAGES CHllOA CH120A CH130A CH140A CH146E CH200E CH215E CH230E CH240E CH250E CH260E Message and Explanation DEVICE ADDRESS= A prompt requesting the diskette device address. HEADER NAME= A prompt requesting the name of the data file described by the HDRI record. EXTENTS= A prompt requesting the starting and the ending sector addresses of the data file to be defined by this HDRI record. END OF DATA= A prompt requesting the address, within the data file, that contains the last data item. System Action Your Action Waits for input. Enter a 3-character device address in ddd format. Waits for input. Enter a 1- to 8-character alphameric name in cccccccc format. Waits for input. Enter the starting and ending sector addresses in ccchss,ccchss format. Waits for input. Enter the address in ccchss format. EXaIANGE DATA AREAS MUST LIE ON CYLINDERS 1 THRU 73 Reprompts. Cylinders 0 and 74 are reserved on basic exchange diskettes. END OF DATA NOT WITHIN EXTENTS The ccchss given for the end of file is greater than the end of extent ccchss or less than the beginning of extent ccchss. Reissues prompt for the end of file ccchss. EXTENTS NOT COMPARIBLE WITH EXISTING HDRI Reprompts. The proposed data set overlaps an existing data set and can not be built. ALL HDRl's IN USE - UNABLE TO CREATE All 19 HDRI 's on this diskette are in use. Reprompts. EXTENT ARRANGEMENT INDICATOR NOT COMPATIBLE Reprompts. The extent arrangement indicator in the VOLID was P a flag indicating that the extents must be adjacent and that all unallocated space must follow the last data set extent on the volume, and creation of this data set would cause either the data sets to not be in ccchss order or not all of the free space to be at the end. DUPLICATE NAME ON VOLUME Header name given matches the HDRI name already on the diskette. UNABLE TO READ HDRI Invalid extents (BOE or EOE) on the HDRI were read from the diskette or an unrecoverable I/O error on the HDRI was read. Reenter the exchange data areas on cylinders 1 thru 73. Reenter the valid end of file. Look at HDRl's on the diskette and pick the beginning and ending extents to avoid conflict. Delete a data set to recover a HDRI or get a diskette with free HDRI 'so Set up the beginning ccchss to follow directly after the last contiguous data set on the volume. Reprompts. Pick a new data set name and restart the program. Reprompts. Check the HDRI 'so If they are all valid, retry. If the message persists, copy to a new diskette and retry. Messages M-9 CH299T CH401E CH402E CH405E CH406E M-IO Message and Explanation System Action Your Action CREATE HDRI CYCLE ERROR END The program is recycled. The program terminates. None. Reprompts. Oleck for an extra field, wrong input type, misplaced comma or too many characters in the last field. Reenter the corrected data. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. INPUT MESSAGE TOO LONG All expected fields were found before the end of the input message. FIELD TOO LONG OR DELIMITER ERROR Too many characters were detected prior to a comma or blank field delimiter. INPUT NAME IS INVALID An illegal character or a null name was entered in the name field. INV ALID CHARACTER IN INPUT FIELD Conversion returned the invalid character code. A non-decimal digit was entered in the converted field. GC34-0070 DH-DELETE DISKETTE HDRl MESSAGES DHllOA DH120A DH240E DH250E DH260E I DH299T DH401E DH402E DH405E Message and Explanation DEVICE ADDRESS= A prompt requesting the diskette device address. HEADER NAME= A prompt requesting the name of the HDR1 record to be deleted. System Action Your Action Waits for input. Enter a 3-character device address in ddd format. Waits for input. Enter a 1- to 8-character alphameric name in cccccccc format. EXTENT ARRANGEMENT INDICATOR NOT COMPATIBLE Reprompts. Extent arrangement indicator (EAI) is P a flag indicating that the extents must be adjacent and that all unallocated space must follow the last da ta set extent on the volume, and the data set to be deleted is not the last physical HDR1 on the diskette. Only the last may be deleted. HDR1NAMENOTFOUND Data file name supplied is not on the diskette. UNABLE TO READ HDR1 Invalid extents (BOE or EOE) on the HDR1 were read from the diskette or an unrecoverable I/O error on the HDR1 was read. DELETE HDRI CYCLE ERROR END The program is recycled. INPUT MESSAGE TOO LONG All expected fields were found before the end of the input message. FIELD TOO LONG OR DELIMITER ERROR Too many characters were detected prior to a comma or blank field delimiter. Delete all following HDR1 's first. Reprompts. Get the correct data file name and restart the program. Reprompts. Check the HDR1 'so If they are all valid, retry. If the message persists, copy to a new diskette and retry. The program terminates. None. Reprompts. Check for an extra field, wrong input type, misplaced comma or too many characters in the last field. Reenter the corrected data. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. INPUT NAME IS INVALID An illegal character or a null name was entered in the name field. DH406E INV ALID CHARACTER IN INPUT FIELD Conversion returned the invalid character code. A non-decimal digit was entered in the converted field. Messages M-11 FD-DISK TO PRINTER DUMP MESSAGES FDlOOA FD202I M-12 Message and Explanation DISK AREA= A prompt requesting the location of the data file to be dumped. System Action Your Action None. Enter the location of the data fIle in ddd,ccchss,ccchss format. DISK TO PRINTER DUMP CYCLE ABNORMALLY TERMINATED Reprompts. The dump cycle has been terminated. GC34-0070 Reenter the response. FI-DISK INITIALIZATION MESSAGES FIO03I FIO04I FI110A FI120A FI121E FI130A I FI140I FI141T Message and Explanation PRIMARY INITIALIZATION MODE This mode was chosen and the given disk is to be reinitialized. System Action Your Action None. None. None. None. DEVICE ADDRESS= A prompt requesting the disk device address. Waits for the input. En ter a 3-character device address in ddd format. TYPE= A prompt requesting the type of initialization to be performed. Waits for the input. Enter either PI for primary initialization or AS for alternate sector assignment. INV ALID TYPE - MUST BE PI OR AS An incorrect initialization type has been entered in the response to TYPE= prompt. Reprompts for initialization type via the TYPE= prompt. Respond to the prompt with PI for primary initialization or AS to assign an alternate sector. Waits for input. Enter the sector address of the defective sector in ccchss format. ALTERNATE SECTOR MODE This mode was chosen and an alterna te is to be assigned to the specified sector. SECTOR ADDRESS= A prompt requesting the sector address of the defective sector for alternate assignment. ALTERNATE SECTOR ASSIGNED FOR ccchss An alternate sector is assigned None. for defective sector ccchss. ALTERNATE SECTOR ALREADY ASSIGNED An alternate sector has already Program terminates. been assigned. I FI142W FI143W FI150A None. UNABLE TO MARK DEFECTIVE ALTERNATE FOR CCCHSS = ccchss Alternate sector assignment is None. unable to mark the alternate for ccchss as defective, but a new alternate has been assigned. Program error. Retry with a rebuilt system. If error persists, then perform software maintenance. Avoid use of the sector ccchss because data loss may occur. DATA RECOVERY FAILED Data from the bad sector has not been recovered. None. Da ta from the sector reassigned is lost. ARE DEFECTIVE SECTOR FLAGS INVALID A prompt requesting whether the defective flags are invalid. Waits for input. Enter either YES or NO. YES allows a disk with invalid sector flags to be processed. Note. Reply YES only if the disk cannot be initialized; otherwise, enter NO unless the defective sector flags have been destroyed. FI151A REPLY TO DEFECTIVE FLAG PROMPT MUST BE YES OR NO Reply to the defective flag prompt Reprompts. must be YES or No. Any other response is invalid. Reenter the response to the invalid sector flag prompt as either YES or NO. Messages M-13 Message and Explanation FI200T FI210W FI220W FI230T FI240T FI401E M-14 System Action ALTERNATE SECTORS NOT ASSIGNED FOR CYLINDER 1 An attempt was made to assign an Program terminates. alternate to a sector on cylinder 1. Cylinder 1 is reserved to contain only alternate sectors. SECTOR ccchss ON CYLINDER 1 HAS BEEN MARKED DEFECTIVE The noted sector on the None. alternate cylinder has been marked as defective anq cannot be used in alternate sector assignment. UNABLE TO MARK SECTOR AT ccchss AS DEFECTIVE None. Disk Initialization has determined that ccchss is defective, but it has been unable to mark it as such. An alternate has been assigned. If the error on sector ccchss is intermittent, this could cause the original damaged sector to be referenced in subsequent I/O operations. ccchss is the cylinder, head, sector address of the sector referenced. UNABLE TO ASSIGN ALTERNATE SECTOR- ALTERNATE CYLINDER FULL Program terminates. Alternate sector assignment has been requested, but an alternate can not be assigned, because there are no free alternates to use. UNABLE TO INITIALIZE - TOO MANY BAD SECTORS Program terminates. Primary initialization has been attempted and more than 120 bad sectors have been found. INPUT MESSAGE TOO LONG All expected fields were found before the end of the input message. GC34-0070 Reprompts. Your Action If the intent is to assign an alternate to a bad alternate sector, the ccchss of the original bad sector should be used in requesting the alternate sector assignment. Any unassigned bad sector on cylinder 1 should be marked as defective and ignored. The number of such messages during an initialization should be logged. This number added to the number of alternates assigned tells the number of sectors used on Cyl 1. This keeps track of the available alternates. None. Since an alternate can not be assigned on the alternate cylinder, the user must either avoid the bad sector or program an error recovery for this case. The condition should be reported, because the normal error recovery route is now blocked and the disk can probably not be initialized. In which case the entire disk should be considered defective. The disk file is unusable. Check for an extra field, wrong input type, misplaced comma or too many characters in the last field. Reenter the corrected data. FI402E FI405E FI406E Message and Explanation FIELD TOO LONG OR DELIMITER ERROR Too many characters were detected prior to a comma or blank field delimiter. INPUT NAME IS INV ALID An illegal character or null name was entered in the name field. INV ALID CHARACTER IN INPUT FIELD Conversion returned the invalid character code. A non-decimal digit was entered in the converted field. System Action Your Action Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. Messages M-15 FR-DISK TO DISKETTE COpy MESSAGES FRIOOA FRI02E FR200A FR420E M-16 Message and Explanation FROM DATA AREA= A prompt requesting the source data file information. System Action Your Action None. Enter the source data file information in ddd,ccchss,ccchss format. DISK TO DISKE:rTE COpy CYCLE ABNORMALLY TERMINATED Reprompts. The copy cycle has been terminated without completion. TO DATA AREA= A prompt requesting the destination data file information. None. INV ALID DESTINATION DATA FILE - INSUFFICIENT SIZE The destination data file is too Reprompts. small to hold the copy of the source data file. GC34-0070 Reenter the response. Enter the destination data file information in ddd,ccchss,ccchss format. Reenter the response. IP-BOOTSTRAP/LOADER DISK MESSAGES IP100A IP200E IP210E IP220E IP230E Message and Explanation EXEC= The loader prompts for the name or the starting sector address of the program to be executed. System Action Your Action Waits for the input from the operator station. Enter a 2-character IBM supplied ID or the ccchss of the program. Reprompts for the next request. Request another program to be loaded. INY ALID PROGRAM HEADER The header at the location that the operator requested was invalid. Issues another prompt to the opera tor. Determine if the location on the disk for the program is correct and reen ter. PROGRAM NOT FOUND The requested program to be loaded was not on the disk. Reprompts for the next request. Request another program to be loaded. Reprompts. Determine the correct value and reenter. PROGRAM TOO LARGE FOR STORAGE $IPTLODR determined that the requested program to be loaded will not fit in the available storage. STARTING SECTOR ADDRESS INY ALID The ccchss value is either out of range for the device or a nonnumeric value is used. IP-BOOTSTRAP/LOADER DISK WAIT CODES X'610E' X'61OF' X'61CC X'61DD' X'61BB' X'61BC' X'61AA' X'61AB' X'61CD' X'6188' X'6120' X'61FF' X'6199' Wait Code and Explanation Machine check. Program check. I/O error preparing printer. I/O error preparing operator station. I/O error printer. I/O error operator station (write). I/O error operator station (read). I/O error disk, start. I/O error disk, end of track. No ISB (instruction status block) stored. No record found. Loader error. Unrecoverable I/O error. System Action Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Your Action None. None. None. None. Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. terminates. terminates. terminates. terminates. terminates. terminates. terminates. terminates. terminates. , Messages M-17 PI-STORAGE TO PRINTER DUMP WAIT CODES X'61EE' X'610F' X'610E' X'6106' X'61AB' X'6120' X'6199' X'6188' M-18 Wait Code and Explanation Too many alternate cylinders. Program check. Machine check. End of diskette. I/O error disk, start. No record found. Unrecoverable I/O error. No ISB (instruction status block) stored. GC34-0070 System Action Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Your Action None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. RD-DISKETTE TO PRINTER DUMP MESSAGES I RDIOOA RD202I Message and Explanation DISKETIE AREA= A prompt requesting the location of the data file to be dumped. System Action Your Action None. Enter the location of the data file in ddd,ccchss,ccchss format. DISKETIE TO PRINTER DUMP CYCLE ABNORMALLY TERMINATED The dump cyCle has been terminated. Reprompts. Reenter the response. Messages M-19 RF-DISKETTE TO DISK COpy MESSAGES RFIOOA RFI02E M-20 System Action Your A ction None. Enter the source data file information in ddd,ccchss,ccchss format. DISKETTE TO DISK COpy CYCLE ABNORMALLY TERMINATED The copy cycle has been terminated Reprompts. without completion. RF200A RF420E Message and Explanation FROM DATA AREA= A prompt requesting the source data fIle information. TO DATA AREA= A prompt requesting the destination data file information. None. INY ALID DESTINATION DATA FILE - INSUFFICIENT SIZE The destination data file is too Reprompts. small to hold the copy of the source data file. GC34-0070 Reenter the response. Enter the destination data file information in ddd,ccchss,ccchss format. Reenter the response. RI-DISKETTE INITIALIZATION MESSAGES RIl10A RIl20A RI12SI RI127A RIl29A RIl33I RIl3SI RI140I RI200T RI202T RI20SI I RI1371 Message and Explanation DEVICE ADDRESS= A prompt requesting the device address of the diskette to be initialized. System Action Your Action None. En ter a 3-character device address in ddd format. NEWVOLlD= A prompt requesting the VOLID to be written to the diskette. None. En ter a 1- to 6-character alphameric name in cccccc format. CURRENT VOLID = cccccc An informational message which supplies the CURRENT VOLIO. None. None. DO YOU WANT TO INITIALIZE THIS DISKETTE? RESPOND YES OR NO. None A prompt which is issued when the supplied NEW VOLID is different from the existing CURRENT VOLID on the diskette. INV ALID RESPONSE - MUST BE YES OR NO An invalid response has been entered for the prompt from message RIl2 7 A. Enter YES or NO. Reprompts. Enter YES or NO. INV ALID VOL1 LABEL The diskette has a VOL1labei which is either not standard or destroyed. None. None. VOLID IS BLANK The VOLID of the VOL1labei is blank. None. None. None. None. DEFECTIVE CYLINDER cch An informational message which is issued for each defective cylinder. cc is the decimal number of the defective cylinder and h is the decimal number of the head. UNABLE TO INITIALIZE - TOO MANY DEFECTIVE CYLINDERS Two cylinders on a diskette Program terminates. may be formatted as bad. If more exist, the diskette is considered defective. UNABLE TO INITIALIZE - DEFECTIVE DISKETTE Either cylinder 0 is bad or the Program terminates. utility is unable to format a cylinder as defective because the entire cylinder is bad. Get a new diskette. Old one is defective. Get a new diskette. Old one is defective. DISKETTE INITIALIZATION ABNORMALLY TERMINATED This message is issued when a Reprompts. reply of NO is entered for the message RIl27 A. Change the diskette or terminate the program. CYLINDER 0 IS UNFORMATTED Cylinder 0 has either never been formatted or has been destroyed. None. None. Messages M-21 RI401E RI402E RI405E RI406E M-22 Message and Explanation INPUT MESSAGE TOO LONG All expected fields were found before the end of the input message. FIELD TOO LONG OR DELIMITER ERROR Too many characters were detected prior to a comma or blank field delimiter. INPUT NAME IS INVALID An illegal character or null name is entered in the name field. INV ALID CHARACTER IN INPUT FIELD Conversion returned the invalid character code. A non-decimal digit is entered in the converted field. GC34-0070 System Action Your Action Reprompts. Check for an extra field, wrong input type or too many characters in the field. Reenter the corrected data. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. Reprompts. Correct and reenter the input. SB-AUTOMATIC SYSTEM BUILD SB200E SB210T SB220E SB240T SB300E SB400E System Action Your Action Program terminates. Check diskette HDRI's and make sure that the required files have HDRl's. Correct HDRI's and reload the diskette. INV ALID PROG HEADER There is an invalid header at the location read by the loader. Program terminates. Check the PID diskettes HDRls and ensure that the required files have valid headers. PROG NOT FOUND The Automatic System Build program is not found. Program terminates. Check the Automatic System Build program (ID=SB) which resides at diskette address ccchss=OO2001. Correct the program and rerun. Program terminates. Check the size field in the HDRI for ID=SB and ensure that it has not been modified. Correct the program and rerun. Program terminates. The diskette is not properly formatted. Correct the format and reload the diskette. Program terminates. An unrecoverable I/O error has occurred. The I/O should output the cause of the error. Correct the program and rerun. Message and Explanation HDRINOTFOUND The HDRI supplied is not on the diskette. PROG TOO LARGE FOR STORAGE $SBLOADR determined that the Automatic System Build program will not fit in storage. UNABLE TO READ VOLl AND/OR HDRI The Automatic System Build program is unable to read the VaLl and/or the HDRl. DISKETTE VOLID = nnnnnn NOT COPIED The diskette VaLID is not copied. Messages M-23 SF-SYSTEM VERIFICATION MESSAGES SF400E SF500E SF600E SF700E M-24 Message and Explanation INV ALID HEADER ON DISK The header was encountered with an invalid header ID. module name NOT ON DISK The module whose name appears in the message text was not found on the disk system. module name NOT IN SYSTEM TABLE The module whose name appears in the message text was not found in the system table. INV ALID HEADER CHAIN The header for the end of the PP modules was encountered before the header for the SCP modules on the disk. GC34-0070 System Action Your Action Program terminates. Check the header ID for the header record. Program terminates. Determine why the module was not located on the disk. None. Check the program name for the header record. Program terminates. Check the location of the headers for the end of the SCP modules and the end of the PP modules. Sl-STORAGE TO DISKETTE DUMP WAIT CODES X'61EE' X'610F' X'61OE' X'6106' X'61AB' X'6120' X'6199' X'6188' Wait Code and Explanation To many alternate cylinders. Program check. Machine check. End of diskette. I/O error disk, start. No record found. Unrecoverable I/O error. No ISB (instruction status block) stored. System Action Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Program terminates. Your Action None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. Messages M-25 TF-DISK PATCH MESSAGES Message and Explanation TFIOOE TFIOIE TFI02E TFI04E TFI05E TFI06E M-26 System Action INV ALID DISPLACEMENT - NON-DECIMAL DIGIT Reprompts. The byte displacement into the sector is not a decimal digit. The byte displacement is the 3rd parm used to describe the patch location in response to PATCH AREA=ddd,ccchss,bbb,nnn. The byte displacement (bbb) must be 3 decimal digits. INVALID DISPLACEMENT - 3 DIGITS REQUIRED The byte displacement into the Reprompts. sector is not 3 decimal digits. The byte displacement is the 3rd parm used to describe the patch location in response to PATCH AREA=ddd,ccchss,bbb,nnn. The byte displacement (bbb) must be 3 decimal digits. INCORRECT NUMBER OF PARAMETERS - 4 REQUIRED The expected number of parameters Reprompts. was not received. The response to the prompt message PATCH AREA= must be of the form ddd,ccchss,bbb,nnn. INV ALID BYTE COUNT - NON-DECIMAL DIGIT The number of bytes to display Reprompts. for verification is not a decimal digit. The byte verification count (nnn) must be 3 decimal digits. INV ALID BYTE COUNT - 3 DIGITS REQUIRED Reprompts. The number of bytes to display for verification is not 3 decimal digits. The byte verification count (nnn) must be 3 decimal digits greater than 0 but less than 257. PATCH EXCEEDS SECTOR BOUNDARY When either the number of bytes to display for verification or the actual patch data is added to the byte displacement, the result is greater than 256. The data would be beyond the extent in bytes of the sector within which the patch should be applied. GC34-0070 Reprompts. Your Action Reenter the patch data with the correct byte displacement. Reenter the patch data with the correct byte displacement. Reenter the patch data with the correct number of parameters. Reenter the patch data with the byte verification count in decimal. Reenter the patch data with 3 decimal digits. Reenter the patch data with the corrections. TFI07E TF200A TF201A TF202I Message and Explanation INV ALID HEX DATA The replacement data for the patch was not entered in the form hhhh hhhh •.. , where hhhh is a 2-byte hexadecimal group of data. System Action Your Action Reprompts. Reenter the patch data from the beginning of the patch session. PATCH AREA= A prompt requesting the location on the disk to be patched. None. Enter the requested information in ddd,ccchss,bbb,nnn format. REPLACEMENT DATA= A prompt requesting the replacement data to be patched. None. Enter either groups of four hexadecimal characters, separated by blanks in hhhh hhhh ... format, or if no patch is to be applied, enter NONE. DISK PATCH CYCLE ABNORMALLY TERMINATED Error cycle end message appearing Recycles and reprompts. after verify or replacement functions are abnormally terminated. Reenter the corrected response to the prompt. Messages M-27 TR-DISKETTE PATCH MESSAGES TRIOOE TRIOIE TRI02E TRI04E TRIOSE TRI06E TRI07E TR200A M-28 Message and Explanation INV ALID-NON-DECIMAL DIGIT The byte displacement into the sector is not a decimal digit. The byte displacement is the 3rd parm used to describe the patch location in response to PATCH AREA=ddd,ccchss,bbb,nnn. The byte displacement (bbb) must be 3 decimal digits. System Action Your Action Reprompts. Reenter the patch data with the correct byte displacement. INVALID DISPLACEMENT· 3 DIGITS REQUIRED The byte displacement into the Reprompts. sector is not 3 decimal digits. The byte displacement is the 3rd parm used to describe the patch location in response to PATCH AREA=ddd,ccchss,bbb,nnn. The byte displacement (bbb) must be 3 decimal digits. INCORRECT NUMBER OF PARAMETERS - 4 REQUIRED The expected number of parameters Reprompts. was not received. The response to the prompt message PATCH AREA= must be of the form ddd,ccchss,bbb,nnn. INV ALID BYTE COUNT· NON DECIMAL DIGIT Reprompts. The number of bytes to display for verification is not a decimal digit. The byte verification count (nnn) must be 3 decimal digits. INV ALID BYTE COUNT - 3 DIGITS REQUIRED Reprompts. The number of bytes to display for verification is not 3 decimal digits. The byte verification count (nnn) must be 3 decimal digits greater than 0 but less than 129. PATCH EXCEEDS SECTOR BOUNDARY When either the number of bytes to display for verification or the actual patch data is added to the byte displacement, the result is greater than 128. The data would be beyond the extent in bytes of the sector within which the patch should be applied. INVALID HEX DATA The replacement data for the patch was not input in the form hhhh hhhh •.. , where hhhh is a 2-byte hexadecimal group of data. PATCHAREA= A prompt requesting the location on the diskette to be patched. GC34-0070 Issue error message. Start the patch processing loop again with the prompt message PATCH AREA=. Reenter the patch data with the correct byte displacement. Issue error message. Start the patch processing loop again with the prompt message PATCH AREA=. Reenter the patch data with the correct number of parameters. Reenter the patch data with the byte verification count in decimal. Reenter the patch data with 3 decimal digits. Reprompts. Reenter the patch data with the corrections. Reprompts. Reenter the patch data. None. Enter the requested information in ddd,ccchss,bbb,nnn format. TR201A TR202I Message and Explanation REPLACEMENT DATA= A prompt requesting the replacement data to be patched. System Action Your Action None. Enter either groups of four hexadecimal characters, separated by blanks in hhhh hhhh ... format, or if no patch is to be applied, enter NONE. DISKETTE PATCH CYCLE ABNORMALLY TERMINATED Recycles and reprompts. Error cycle end message appearing after verify or replacement functions are abnormally terminated. Reenter the corrected response to the prompt. Messages M-29 M-30 GC34-0070 Index alternate sector assignment, disk automatic system build 2-1 hardware requirements for system HDRI (header 1) 4-1 HDRllabel format 4-2 4-5 1-2 basic exchange format 4-4 binary buffer 7-1,7-2,7-4,7-8 buffers binary 7-1,7-2,7-4,7-8 EBCDIC 7-1, 7-2, 7-4, 7-5 CH (create diskette HDR1) 5-1 configuration, minimum 1-2 copy, disk to diskette (FR) 6-4 copy, diskette to disk (RF) 6-1 correcting errors at operator station 1-4 create diskette HDRI (CH) 5-1 creating a diskette IPL bootstrap 3-1 stand-alone storage to diskette dump 6-17 stand-alone storage to printer dump 6-18 initial program load programs disk 3-2 diskette 3-1 initialization programs disk (FI) 4-5 diskette (RI) 4-1 IPL bootstrap, diskette 3-1 IPL bootstrap/loader, disk 3-2 data file, destination 6-1 delete diskette HDRI (DH) 5-5 destination data fIle 6-1 DH (delete diskette HDR1) 5-5 disk initialization (FI) alternate sector assignment 4-5 primary initialization 4-5 disk IPL bootstrap/loader 3-2 disk to diskette copy (FR) 6-4 disk to printer dump (FD) 6-9 diskette, create HDRI (CH) 5-1 diskette, delete HDRI (DH) 5-5 diskette initialization (RI) 4-1 diskette IPL bootstrap 3-1 diskette to disk copy (RF) 6-1 diskette to printer dump (RD) 6-7 diskette tracks, formatting 4-1 dump, disk to printer (FD) 6-9 dump, diskette to printer (RD) 6-7 dump, storage to diskette (S1) 6-17 dump, storage to printer (PI) 6-18 patch, disk (TF) 6-14 patch, diskette (TR) 6-11 primary initialization, disk 4-5 program loading 3-2 PI (storage to printer dump) 6-18 EBCDIC buffer 7-1,7-2,7-4,7-5 EL (error log) 7-1 ERRMAP (error map) 4-1 error correction at operator station error log program (EL) 7-1 control block 7-1 error indicator 7-1,7-3 error map (ERRMAP) 4-1 loading a program 3-2 operator station to disk patch (TF) 6-14 operator station to diskette patch (TR) 6-11 RD (diskette to printer dump) 6-7 RF (diskette to disk copy) 6-1 RI (diskette initialization) 4-1 SF (system verification) 2-3 storage to diskette dump (S 1) 6-17 storage to printer dump (Pl) 6-18 system build, automatic 2-1 system hardware requirements 1-2 system map 2-3, 2-4 system verification (SF) 2-3 SI (storage to diskette dump) 6-17 TF (disk patch) 6-14 TR(diskette patch) 6-11 1-4 utility programs, invoking 1-3 verification, system (SF) 2-3 VaLID (volume identification) 4-1 volume identifier, diskette 2-2 VOLllabel format 4-1 FD (disk to printer dump) 6-9 FI (disk initialization) 4-5 format log entry 7-1 formatting diskette tracks 4-1 FR (disk to diskette copy) 6-4 Index X-I X-2 GC34-0070 IBM Series/1 Stand-Alone Utilities User's Guide GC34-0070-1 READER'S COMMENT FORM YOUR COMMENTS, PLEASE ... 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