GCDkit Manual
User Manual:
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- .claslist
- about
- accessVar
- Add contours
- addResults
- addResultsIso
- ageEps
- Agrawal
- Ague
- appendSingle
- apSaturation
- assign1col
- assign1symb
- assignColLab
- assignColVar
- assignSymbGroup
- assignSymbLab
- assignSymbLett
- Batchelor
- binary
- binaryBoxplot
- Boolean conditions
- bpplot2
- calc
- calcCore
- Catanorm
- classify
- cluster
- contourGroups
- coplotByGroup
- coplotTri
- correlationCoefPlot
- Cox
- crosstab
- customScript
- cutMy
- Debon
- deleteSingle
- Edit labels
- Edit numeric data
- editLabFactor
- elemIso
- epsEps
- Export to Access
- Export to DBF
- Export to Excel
- Export to HTML tables
- FeMiddlemost
- figAdd
- figaro.identify
- figCol
- figEdit
- figGbo
- figLoad
- figMulti
- figOverplot
- figRedraw
- figSave
- figScale
- figUser
- figZoom
- filledContourFig
- Frost
- gcdOptions
- graphicsOff
- groupsByCluster
- groupsByDiagram
- groupsByLabel
- Harris
- Hastie
- ID
- info
- isochron
- isocon
- Jensen
- joinGroups
- Jung
- Laroche
- LaRocheCalc
- loadData
- Maniar
- mergeData
- Meschede
- Mesonorm
- Middlemost
- millications
- Misc
- Miyashiro
- Mode
- Molecular weights
- Mullen
- MullerK
- Multiple plots
- mzSaturation
- NaAlK
- Niggli
- OConnor
- oxide2oxide
- oxide2ppm
- pairsCorr
- pdfAll
- Pearce 1982
- Pearce and Cann
- Pearce and Norry
- Pearce et al. 1977
- Pearce Nb-Th-Yb
- Pearce Nb-Ti-Yb
- Pearce1996
- PearceGranite
- PeceTaylor
- peekDataset
- peterplot
- Plate
- Plate editing
- plateLabelSlots
- plotPlate
- plotWithCircles
- pokeDataset
- ppm2oxide
- prComp
- printSamples
- printSingle
- profiler
- psAll
- purgeDatasets
- quitGCDkit
- r2clipboard
- recast
- reciprocalIso
- Regular expressions
- rtSaturation
- saveData
- saveResults
- saveResultsIso
- sazava
- Schandl
- selectAll
- selectByDiagram
- selectByLabel
- selectColumnLabel
- selectColumnsLabels
- selectNorm
- selectPalette
- selectSubset
- setCex
- setShutUp
- setTransparency
- Shand
- Shervais
- showColours
- showLegend
- showSymbols
- spider
- spider2norm
- spiderBoxplot
- spiderByGroupFields
- spiderByGroupPatterns
- srnd
- statsByGroup
- statsByGroupPlot
- statsIso
- strip
- stripBoxplot
- Subset by range
- summaryAll
- summaryByGroup
- summarySingle
- summarySingleByGroup
- Sylvester
- TASMiddlemost
- ternary
- tetrad
- threeD
- tkSelectVariable
- tk_winDialog
- tk_winDialogString
- trendTicks
- Verma
- Villaseca
- Wedge
- Whalen
- WinFloyd1
- WinFloyd2
- Wood
- zrSaturation