GE20 0320 1_System_3_Guide_to_Order_Writing_Billing_Inventory_Accounts_Receivable_and_Sales_Analysis_Jun70 1 System 3 Guide To Order Writing Billing Inventory Accounts Receivable And Sales Analysis Jun70
GE20-0320-1_System_3_Guide_to_Order_Writing_Billing_Inventory_Accounts_Receivable_and_Sales_Analysis_Jun70 GE20-0320-1_System_3_Guide_to_Order_Writing_Billing_Inventory_Accounts_Receivable_and_Sales_Analysis_Jun70
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Guide to Order Writing, Billing, Inventory, Accounts Receivable, and Sales Analysis The purpose of this manual is to describe the basic approaches for handling order writing and billing, inventory accounting, accounts receivable, and sales analysis on the IBM System/3. Coding methods, pricing, documents, reports, record types, controls, and processing procedures are discussed in detail. Records, files, report forms, and flowcharts illustrate the text. Second Edition (Reprinted June 1970) Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM branch offices. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to IBM Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N. Y. 10601 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1969 Contents Introduction. . . . . . . Coding . . . . . . . . . Customer Numbers . Item Numbers . . . Order Writing and Billing The Invoice. . . . . . Invoice Control Totals. The Invoice Register . . . The Order Acknowledgment Customer Order Control List . Customer Charges . . Price of I tern Sold . Price Conversion. Special Charges .. . Taxes . . . . . . . . Other Invoice Calculations. Card Records . . . . . . Customer Master File . . Ship-to Master File . . . Item Transaction Record I tern Master Record . . . Invoice Summary Record Methods . . . . . . . . . . Order Entry . . . . . . . Customer Order File Assembly Card Punch Approach Tub File Approach Postbilling . . . . . . . . Back Orders . . . . . Miscellaneous Transactions . Pre billing . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Orders . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Transactions. . Inventory Accounting .. . Inventory Reports . . . . . . Stock Status Report. . . . Stock Transaction Register Inventory Costing Average Cost Last Cost . . . Standard Cost . Costing the Invoice Card Records. . . . . I tern Master File. . . I tern Transactions . . Stock Transactions Methods . . . . . Physical Inventory . . . 1 3 4 4 5 S 6 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 14 16 18 22 22 24 28 28 30 32 32 3S 35 35 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 40 43 Accounts Receivable . . . . . . .. Required Records .. . . . Customer Master Records Invoice Summaries .. Journal Entries . . . . . . . Cash Receipts Records . . Customer Balance-due Records Aged Period Date Record . . . Required Reports . . . . . . . . Accounts Receivable Transaction Register. Cash Receipts Register. Customer Statements Aged Trial Balance . Delinquency Notices Accounting Control Sales Analysis . . . . . . Report Options. . . . Current Analysis. Comparative Analysis . Percent Change in Sales Percent Change in Quantity Sold Determination of Gross Profit . Gross Profit Percentage . Records Used . . . . . . . Customer N arne Record . Salesman Name Record. I tern Transaction Record Sales Summary Record Typical Procedures . . . . . . Sort I tern Transactions . . Match-Merge Sales Summaries. Report Preparation . . . . . . . 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 50 50 53 54 55 59 59 59 59 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 64 64 64 64 INTRODUCTION In the design and implementation of any application for a data processing system, we find that information from one application can be used in another area, and vice versa. And, while applications like billing and accounts receivable can stand alone, it is more efficient and profitable to combine them wherever possible. In sales and distribution accounting, the four basic, interrelated applications are: • • • • Order writing and billing Inventory accounting Accounts receivable Sales analysis Figure 1 shows these basic applications and their interrelationship. Information on stock shipments can be used to maintain inventory records in inventory accounting; charges billed to customers can be posted directly to accounts receivable; detailed records of all sales made are essential to sales analysis; . use of an order writing and billing application sharply reduces the clerical functions otherwise required for processing in each of the other three areas. Because of this interrelationship these applications are combined in this publication. Basic approaches for the IBM System/3 to each application are described that can be adapted to an individual company's need. 1 Inventory Accounting Order Writing and Billing Stock receipts transfers Customer orders ~. Stock transactions Customer orders ~------~----~~ Invoice register Invoices ....... - - ... System/3 .. Item transactions System/3 Stock status register . Customer payments , '-\~ , ./ Invoice summaries / ........ - / Cash Item transactions ~____r_ec_e_iP_t_s____~. ~ System/3 Analysis by salesman ____ S_y_st_e_m_/_3__ Aged trial balance L. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~ Statements Accounts Receivable Figure 1. Sales and distribution accounting applications 2 Sales Analysis ....... - Item sales analysis Customer sales analysis CODING* In order to achieve success in any of these application areas, codes must be established not only as a means of identification (warehouse location, packaging, etc.) but also as an aid in computer operations that precede and include the preparation of desired reports. In sales and distribution accounting, codes are assigned to customers and customer classifications, products and product classifications, salesmen, sales territories, etc. After codes have been assigned they are applied throughout the system. Code construction should be preceded by a complete appraisal of the job to be done and the required results and by a consideration of all possible methods for its accomplishment. Customer Numbers When a data processing application is installed, it is advisable to examine current numbering systems and to make changes where appropriate. The customer master me is kept in sequence by customer number, not by customer name. To make looking up a customer's record easier, customer numbers should be assigned in customer-name sequence. This becomes particularly important in accounts receivable processing, since customers often make payments without supplying their customer number. Since new customer accounts are regularly opened in the course of business, customer numbers should be assigned by tens, as shown in Figure 2. This makes it possible to preserve reasonable alphabetic. sequence by assigning subsequent numbers between existing ones. Customer Number: Customer Name: 10010 Affiliated Supply Corp. 10020 J. C. Allen Associates 10030 Allied Brass, Inc. 10040 American and Northern Co. Figure 2. Method of assigning customer number *Refer to Coding Methods (F2Q-8093) for specific methods of coding and for the way in which various codes may be prepared and applied. 3 When a unit price determination system is used as described under "Price of Item Sold", an item's unit price code is indicated by the last digit of the customer number. In such a case, the plice-class digit is appended to each customer's number once the system has been set up. See Figure 3. Customer Number: Customer Name: 100103 Affiliated Supply Corp. 100201 J. C. Allen Associates 100302 Allied Brass, Inc. 100403 American and Northern Co. Figure 3. Customer number with price-class appended Item Numbers The system of item numbers in use should be critically reviewed. Many companies use an itemnumbering scheme that combines product codes, descriptive abbreviations, and similar data with a base item number. The method requires lengthy item numbers, often with a varying number of characters, and its necessity is questionable where a data processing system is used. Descriptive data, item class code, warehouse location, item size and weight, and vendor number are normally provided for separately in the item master records and need not be reflected in the item number itself. An item-numbering system that usually proves most workable is one using all-numeric item numbers, with all item numbers having the same number of digits. If items are to be renumbered, they may be grouped in some meaningful way. Many companies use a product-type grouping. If a grouping system is employed, item numbers should be assigned by fives or tens, leaving unused numbers for products that may be stocked in the future. 4 ORDER WRITING AND BILLING The mechanization of order writing and billing procedures provides an efficient method of handling customer orders from the time of receipt through the preparation of the invoices. In addition to providing invoices that are neat, legible, and accurate, the application provides control reports and registers as well as accurate records for the accounts receivable, inventory accounting, and sales analysis applications. The first part of this section describes the applications in general, followed by recommended procedures for the three common approaches to order writing and billing. The Invoice An invoice has a specific purpose: it is a report to the customer of the merchandise shipped and the prices charged. To serve its function it must be complete, legible, and accurate. Each company's invoice is distinctive. In many industries the invoice is the only document customers see, and part of the customer's impression of the firm's efficiency and business methods stems from the appearance of its invoices. The approach in this publication to order writing and billing permits this distinctiveness to be retained. An invoice has three sections: (1) the upper section is the heading and contains customer's name and address and other miscellaneous data; (2) in the invoice body are listed, in detail, the item transactions and the amounts charged; (3) below the body lines are the invoice totals and possibly some miscellaneous data such as a statement of the cash discount terms offered. A typical basic invoice is shown in Figure 4; variations are described on following page. I LAURENTIAN INDUSTRIES, INC. SOLD TO SHIP TO S. W. STAPLES 498 RIVERVIEW STREET SAN JOSE, CALIF. 94061 RODRIGUEZ DESIGN HOMES DIVISION OF S. W. STAPLES 8363 OLIVE STREET SUNNYVALE. CALIF. 95111 DATE 09/15/6 I QUANTITY ORDERED 40 350 200 115 60 115 INV. NO. 138265 QUANTITY SHIPPED 40 100 150 115 I ORDER NO. 111690 I SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS VI A SMITH TRANSPORT I 2% 15 DAYS NET 30 250 50 60 10 105 DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE B500 TWINLITE SOCKET B B506 SOCKET ADAPTER BRN C151C SILENT SWITCH IVORY A210 PULL CORD GOLD 1436 LAMP ENTRANCE A200 FIXTURE 5 LIGHT .60 .32 1.20 .42 .50 20.13 EXTENDED AMOUNT I 244.50 I TAX 12.23 I FREIGHT 18.95 I MISC. SPECIAL CHARGE 45.00 Figure 4. Sample invoice 5 I ! SALESMAN G. PEREZ DISCOUNT AMOUNT NET AMOUNT TAXABLE INV. NO. 430915 138265 S. W. STAPLES I COST IUNIT I I * * I 1.20 3.20 9.00 22.80 28.80 111.00 13.50 2113.65 211.31 1,902.28 I 18.95 45.00 I I CUST NO. I I I 24.00 32.00 180.00 13.50 FRE I GHT CHARGE PACKING CHARGE TAXABLE I 430815 STATED TERMS QUANTITY BIO I CUSTOMER NO. I EXTENDED COST SALES AMOUNT .35 .19 .19 .25 14.00 19.00 118.50 43.15 22.80 28.80 111.00 13.50 10.50 1,102.50 1,902.28 1,291.15 2,198.38 I I I INVOICE AMOUNT 2,214.56 I I I Apart from date and invoice number, computer-printed data in the invoice heading frequently includes: • • • • • • Customer number Customer "sold to" name and address Customer "ship to" name and address Customer purchase order number Sales information such as salesman's name, number, territory, district, etc. Shipping information such as shipping instructions, carrier, delivery dates, etc. The body of the invoice may include: • • • • • • • • • • I tern number Description of item Quantity ordered and quantity shipped Item unit price and list price, if different Discount amount allowed Special charges Item net sales amount Taxes charged on item I tern extended cost Indication, if appropriate, of out-of-stock or back-ordered items The totals section may include: • • • • Total net sales amount Total special charges Total net sales subject to cash discount Total taxes Other descriptive miscellaneous data, such as a statement of cash discount terms offered, may be included in the totals section. The dollar amount of cash discount is not usually standard in invoice calculation nor is cash discount usually reflected in the printed total amount due. The amount subject to cash discount, however, can be determined. In addition to the variations described above, many companies use invoice forms with detachable tear slips. Side tear slips customarily include the date, invoice number, and customer number, and frequently show customer name, salesman name or number, item net sales amounts and the total, item extended costs and the total, and the total invoice amount. Inasmuch as the side tear slip usually contains cost figures, it is removed before mailing to the customer. A detachable lower section may include customer name and·number, and the total amount invoiced. When the customer receives the invoice, he detaches and returns the lower section with his payment. The function of invoices designed in this manner is to ensure that customer payments are properly identified. INVOICE CONTROL TOTALS A number of invoices, representing a number of customer orders, are ordinarily run together as a batch. The form following the last invoice is usually used to print four control totals for the batch of invoices printed. These are: • • • • Total quantity of all items ordered Total quantity of all items shipped Total of all special charges made Total amount invoiced on all invoices Quantity and special-charge totals may be checked against comparable figures originally made up for incoming customer orders and printed as part of the customer order control listing. The total amount invoiced should match the corresponding figure shown in the subsequently printed invoice register. 6 The I nvoice Register The invoice register is a summary listing of all invoices that have been printed. The invoice register usually shows all invoices printed together in a single batch, but in some cases the invoice register may be printed only once a day and may show more than one batch. It is recommended that the invoice register be produced at least daily. The invoice register can list whatever invoice totals have been taken, as well as identifying data such as invoice number and customer number. The document provides a concise sales summary to management and' enables a check to be made of the total amount invoiced. Figure 5 illustrates a typical invoice register. INVOICE REGISTER DATE 09/15/-CUSTOMER NAt-IE CUST. NO. SPECIAL CHARGE DESCRI PT ION INVOICE INVOICE NO. DATE 138265 09/15/-- 430975 S.W. STAPLES FREIGHT CHARGE PACKING CHARGE 138266 09/15/-- 431030 SINCLAIR ELECTRIC FREIGHT CHARGE 138287 09/15/-- 432450 WINSTON APPLIANCE CO CREDIT IrWOICE 138288 09/15/--- 434960 YARNELL ELECTRICAL CO:"JTR PAGE 03 EXTENDED DISC. MIOUNT M~nUNT $2.423.15 $ 224.77 TAX AMOU~JT $ SPECIAL CHARGES TYPE M-InUNT 12.23 1 2 238.96 4.78 57.7()CR 2.03CR 64.17 $ 18.95 45.00 $ 2274.56 10.24 1 208.62 INVOICE AMOUNT 16.38 5.50 249.92 59.73CR 160.83 Figure 5. Invoice register The Order Acknowledgment The order acknowledgment form is optional in an order writing and billing procedure. It is most often used when a formal customer order must be printed for use by the shipping department. In some manufacturing industries, customer orders are for products that must be assembled prior to shipment, and the order acknowledgment serves as a confirmation to the customer that the order has been received and is being filled. The order acknowledgment is essentially identical to the invoice except that it includes no sales amount, discounts, taxes, or totals. Usually carbon copies of the invoice are printed and used as the order acknowledgment, as a picking slip subsequently returned to the data processing department marked to indicate which items were in stock and have been shipped, and as a packing slip. I terns may be listed in warehouse location sequence in order to simplify picking of the order. Figure 6 shows a typical order acknowledgment. Customer Order Control List The customer order control list (Figure 7) is printed during order entry and serves a clerical auditing function to ensure that all customer order data has been correctly transcribed on punched cards. 7 LAURENTIAN INDUSTRIES, INC. 111 W. ST. JOHN ST. SAN JOSE, CALIF. 95113 TELEPHONE 408-286-9100 CUST. NO. '~30975 S. W. STAPLES 498 RIVERVIEW STREET SAN JOSE, CALIF. 94067 SOLD TO SHIP TO RODRIGUEZ DESIGN HOMES DIVISION OF S. W. STAPLES 8363 OLIVE STREET SUNNYVALE, CALIF. 95117 SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS DELIVER BEFORE 3PM SHIP VIA SMITH TRANSPORT I CUSTOMER ORDER DATE 7/10/6 I CUSTn~ER ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT SALEsr1AN ORDER NO. S51320 NUMBER 103 ORDER DATE 7/10/6 NAME G. PEREZ I OUR SHIP DATE 7/18/6 LOCATION ITEM NUMBER DESCRI PTI ON UNIT PRICE OUANTITY ORDERED 2A 2A 2A 2E 2C 2F 2F 391468 411116 411121 411173 411280 411390 411520 OCTAGON BOX 4 INCH TI500 THINLITE SOCKET B B506 SnCKET ADAPTER BRN C151C SILENT SWITCH IVORY A210 PULL CORD GOLD 1436 LAMP ENTRA~CE A200 FIXTURE 5 LIGHT .23 .60 .32 1.20 .42 .50 20.13 96 40 350 200 175 60 175 154 156 302 101 120 160 180 I ORDER NO. 717690 BACK ORDER Figure 6. Order acknowledgment All, or most, customer data is shown. Quantities and special-charge amounts, for all orders, are totaled so that these figures can be tallied against the invoice control totals that will subsequently be taken. Use of the customer order control list is important to accuracy during order entry; the procedures are discussed in more detail under "Methods". DA TE CUSTOMER ORDER CONTROL LISTING CUSTOMER NUMBER 430975 430975 430975 430975 430975 430975 430975 430975 430975 430975 430975 ORDER INFORMATION ZIP RODRIGUEZ DESIGN HOMES DIVISION OF S. W. STAPLES 8363 OLIVE STREET SUNNYVALE, CALIF. 95117 DELIVER 3EFORE 3PM VIA SMITH TRANSPORT TI500 TWINLITE SOCKET B B506 SOCKET ADAPTER BRN C1Sle SILENT SWITCH IVORY A210 PULL CORD GOLD 1436 LAMP ENTRANCE A200 FIXTURE 5 LIGHT FREIGHT CHARGE PACKINr CHARGE TOTALS Figure 7. Customer order control list 8 ORDER NO. ITEM ft.JO. SPEC. PRICE QTY. .32 40 350 09/14/-- SPECIAL CHARGE OR CRED IT 717690 717690 717690 717690 717690 717690 717690 717690 717690 717690 717690 717690 411116 411121 411173 411280 411390 411520 200 175 60 175 18.95 45.00 1000 63.95 Customer Charges Amounts charged to customers appearing on the invoice fall into three general categories: (1) prices of items sold, (2) special charges for freight, handling, and other special services rendered, and (3) taxes. Pricing may be simple or somewhat involved, depending on whether each item has a set price that is always charged or whether item prices vary by customer. Special charges normally involve a flat amount and are straightforward. Taxes are ordinarily determined as a percentage of the price, although for certain excise taxes the sales amount may have no bearing on the amount of tax charged. PR ICE OF ITEM SOLD Each item transaction may involve three prices: (1) unit price,. (2) extended price, and (3) net sales amount. In the simplest case, each item has a single-unit price charged to all customers, and there is no discounting by customer or by item. The price is carried in the item record, and extended price (and net sales amount) is determined by a simple multiplication of price times quantity. The occasional price change is handled by changing the item record to reflect the new price. Competitive conditions, however, ordinarily demand a pricing method more flexible than this. F or example, an item either may have several unit price$ or it may have one unit price with several different discount percentages to be applied; then, too, either the extended amount of each iine item or the total billing amount can be discounted by a specific percentage. The class of customer determines the price or discount percentage to be applied. The last digit of the customer number can be used to indicate the class of customer. Two principles must be observed in any method of pricing or price discounting. First, the method should be uniform; where prices are based on customer (or item), then customers (or items) should be classified so that all customers in a particular class get a certain price or discount, all customers in a different class get a different price or discount, and so forth. Second, once the method is set up, changes should be held to a minimum. PRICE CONVERSION The unit price for an inventory item is recorded in the item record. This price is usually based on the customary ordering unit. In some cases, however, the unit price may be based on an inventory unit larger than the customary ordering unit. For example, typewriter ribbons might be listed as $100 per gross, although orders are taken only by the dozen. If this type of pricing is in use, a conversion factor should be included in the item record. This conversion factor will direct the computer to convert the unit price recorded to the actual price per ordering quantity before extending the line item amount. In the example above, the conversion factor would be 12. If conversion is required for one inventory item, it should be used for all items. For those that require no conversion, a factor of 1 is used. SPECIAL CHARGES An invoice frequently includes other charges beyond those for merchandise sold. Such charges may be for freight or shipping, special packaging or handling, and miscellaneous. These charges are not included in the line item records but require a special record for each type of charge for each invoice. All special charges can be totaled separately and included in the invoice total. 9 TAXES Provision should also be made to calculate and include applicable taxes in the invoice total. The most commonly used tax categories are excise, state sales, and local sales taxes. Customers, items, and special charges may be classified as taxable or nontaxable with respect to each tax. Where tax applies, the amount subject to tax should be totaled for each tax category and the tax calculated on the appropriate total. Taxes should also be determined on an item-by-item basis so that they may be shown on the invoice. To avoid rounding errors, however, line item tax figures should not be used for the tax totals. Each tax calculated by the computer should be determined as a simple percentage of the net sales amount total for the items subject to tax. Certain commodities, however, may be subject to excise tax based on some factor other than price. When this is the case, the unit tax amount in dollars and cents should be precalculated and carried in the item record for each item. The precalculated amounts can then be extended and totaled by the computer during invoice printing. OTHER INVOICE CALCULATIONS Two other calculations may be made when the invoice is printed. If cash discount is offered, the amount subject to cash discount can be totaled and printed as part of the statement of terms. Only item net sales amounts are included in the amount subject to cash discount; taxes and special charges should be omitted. If cash-discounting policy varies by item, a code in the item record will indicate whether the item is or is not subject to the discount. Cost of goods sold may also be determined, and this amount is usually printed on a side tear slip that is detached from the invoice before mailing. When cost is calculated, each item record must carry the cost per unit. Card Records Order writing and billing procedures use various punched card records containing information that falls into six categories: • Customer mailing addresses and other unvarying customer data • Customer shipping addresses (usually more than one per customer) • Miscellaneous data, such as shipping instructions, to appear on the order acknowledgment and the invoice • Item transaction information, including the name, number, and price of each item ordered • Special charges to be included in an invoice • Summary information on each invoice printed Data from the frrst five categories is used to print the invoice. This data is in several records that are assembled into a customer order me to be processed by the computer. A single invoice summary record is punched by the computer for each invoice printed, and the information in this record is subsequently listed in the invoice register. Invoice summary records are also used to update customer account balances, a function that is discussed under "Accounts Receivable". Physical handling of the records for order writing and billing is covered under the heading "Methods". 10 CUSTOMER MASTER FILE A customer master record (Figure 8) contains data that is generally not subject to change, such as: • Customer number, name, mailing address, zip code, and phone number • Codes indicating (where policy varies) whether the customer is liable for sales taxes, whether he receives discounts, and whether items may be back-ordered for him • Information of a miscellaneous nature, such as the name and number of the salesman serving him, his location, his line of business, and credit limits The customer number and mailing address information must be included in the master records for every customer, as must the codes required for processing. Miscellaneous information should be included if it is to be printed in the order acknowledgment or invoice or if it must otherwise be conveniently available to clerical personnel. When the customer master me is established, care must be taken to include only data that is expected to change infrequently or not at all. I a I iI!§I C: ~"E\R I ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 II OUST'' ' ' ' 91011 121314151611 1819202122232425262128293031 32 A ~ A ~ CUSTOMER ADDRESS LINE I C~6E: 2 2 ~ 11~llill~I''"~:;~'I;;I;;I~I~lil~lililll~lil'" ·". """ "I; 656661686910111213741516711819808182838485868188 8990919293949596 B I IB A A 8 4 8 4 2 ~ 2 8 9 1011 121314151611 18192021222324252621 28293031 32 ~ 3334353631383940414243444546474849505152 5354 555657585960616263 64 8 4 2 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 A 8 4 2 ~ A A A 8 8 4 4 2 1 2 65666768697071 12737475167118798081828384858681888990919293949596 Figure 8. Customer master record 11 1 b SHIP-TO MASTER FILE The ship-to master file (Figure 9) is essentially a second master customer file containing shipping addresses. Since some customers have more than one receiving address and since the customer master me has functions to which shipping addresses are not relevant, the ship-to master ftle is kept separate from the customer master fil.e. When a customer order is assembled, the appropriate ship-to records are taken from the master file for use in printing the order acknowledgment and invoice. Details and variations are discussed under "Order Entry" . SHIP- TO KAME SHIP- TO LINE I B I IB ~A A ~~ ~ ~2 2 ~iLI 2 34567 8 8 SHIP- TO LIKE I (SHIP-TO LIKE 3) ~ ~ i 1910111213141516171819 2021222324252627 2829303132 ~ 1 1 333435363738394041 42434445464748495051525354555657515960616263 64 II J~ I 65666768697011 72 73 74 757677 71 7910811283848586 8788 19 90 9192 9394 95 96 ~ Il Figure 9. Ship-to master record ITEM TRANSACTION RECORD The billing file contains an item transaction record (Figure 10) for each item in the customer order. The transaction record normally contains: • • • • Item number and a description Quantity ordered and shipped Unit selling price, unit list price, and unit weight Codes indicating discounts, back-order policy, sales tax, etc. All item data printed on the order acknowledgment and invoice or needed for item computation must be included in the item transaction record. If the item transaction records are also used for inventory accounting and sales analysis, requirements for those applications should be considered. ITEM MASTER RECORD The item master record contains the data required for the item transaction records. For example, if an item is a price-determination item, all pricesl percentages are included in the record; if tax class varies, tax codes are included; quantity conversion codes, size, commission codes (for sales analysis), etc., may also be necessary parts of the item master record. It is also necessary to include additional data on quantities, receipts, issues, vendor, minimum I maximum balances, etc., when the m.e is used in the inventory control application. The item master fIle, therefore, may include several item master records for each item. 12 ORDER NO. RI C CUST. NUMBER CLASS ITEM NUMBER TR S'MAN SELLING PRICE LIST PRICE ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM DESC. I W. H. LOC. QTY. SHIP WEIGHT TX ~BI ~A i ~ "" C~~10B~~R ~2 ~1 ~ B s ~ I 2 3 4 5 6 1 ITEM COST IB IIi N°~~i:R I QTY. ORDER N~1EB~R ~-- ~ 1 2 1 B A LIST SELLING PRICE PRICE : : ITEM DESCRIPTION : e 4 : 2 ~ 333435363731 3i 4041424344 45 46 41 414950515253541516'115159606162'63 64 A e : - 2 f- ~ A ~~~~. 91011 121314151611 11192021222324252621 21 29 30 31 32 A e 4 ~~ :tuRlE LOCATION ITEM ~ WEIGHT QUANTITY SHIPPED QUANTITY ORDERED A e COST ~ 1 65666161691011121314117611181910118213141586811119 90 9192 9394 9196 Figure 10. Item transaction record INVOICE SUMMARY RECORD As each invoice is printed, the system punches an invoice summary record (Figure 11). These invoice summary records are used to prepare the invoice register and as input to the accounts receivable applications. ~ RIC E CUST. NO. AIR INVOICE NO. INVOICE DATE SPEC, CHG. NET AMT. CUSTOMER NAME I CUST. NAME ~B ~ ~ ~§ C~~~OB~~R 1 2 34 ~ A e TAX AMT. 2 __ ~ B A INVOICE ~ ~NUV~m ;::2"" 4 -I I § A :!! TAX AMT. 1 DISC. AMT ~ :~ INVOICE AMT. 5 6 1 I DISCOUNT AMOUNT 1 : INDvm E AJt~NT: AMOUNT I _ 91011 1213141516111119202122232425262121293031 32 SPECIAL NET CHARGES AMOUNT : : : : cus,.. " .." I _ ~~~u~ronngn~nl1n~"~U~M~~~"~"~U~"~H Figure 11. Invoice summary record 13 ~ A B CUSTOMER NAME 333435363131394041424344 45 46 41 4849505152 53 54511651515960616263 64 fL 2 4 2 ~ Ii Methods There are three basic customer order-handling methods, as illustrated in Figure 12. In the method labeled A, the order is first routed to the data processing department where an order acknowledgment is printed by the computer. The customer's copy of the order acknowledgment may be mailed or included with the shipment, and the picking slip copy is sent to the warehouse. The warehouse packs and ships the order and returns a shipping notice (usually the picking slip marked to indicate which items were shipped) to the data processing department. An invoice is then printed on the computer and mailed to the customer. This method has proved highly successful for a large number of companies. In method B the customer order is routed directly to the shipping department, and the ordered items are packed and shipped. The customer's order, marked to indicate that shipment has been made, is then sent to the data processing department, where an invoice is printed on the computer and mailed to the customer. While this method eliminates some of the clerical handling of method A, it presents at least two possible problems. The first is that no formal document is available to accompany the shipment, and the second is that customer orders may lack uniformity and completeness (such as customer- and item-identifying data). The control procedures necessary to ensure ordering uniformity may offset the advantages of direct order handling. In method C, the customer order is routed to the data processing department and an invoice is printed on the computer before shipment is made. A copy of the invoice serves as the picking slip for the warehouse. The customer's copy of the invoice is usually included with the shipment and there is no need for the warehouse to return formal confirmation of shipment. In order to print the invoice before the order is picked, the computer must be able to determine stock availability. This automatic determination is performed through the use of item master record cards (one or more cards for each item stocked) that contain accurate inventory balances. The degree of warehouse inventory control required in this method is often not practical. Such practices as undershipping and overshipping will obviously invalidate computer-maintained inventory balances. While method C generally involves a greater time lag between receipt of the customer order and shipment, it offers the advantages of uninterrupted processing of the order by the data processing department and a definite notice to the warehouse of stock availability. In methods A and B the invoice is printed after the shipment has been made, and these two methods are called postbilling. They differ in that method A requires printing of an order acknowledgment and method B does not. In method C, the invoice is printed before goods have been picked and shipped. This is a pre billing system. Details of the work flow in the data processing department for both postand prebilling are discussed later in this section. 14 Customer's order Customer's order Order Acknowledgment Data processing department Goods Shipped Warehouse Shipping notice Picking slip Invoice Goods Shipped Warehouse Shipping notice Invoice Data processing department Data processing department Customer's order Invoice Data processing department Picking slip Goods Shipped Warehouse Figure 12. Basic order-handling methods 15 ORDER ENTRY The establishment of the general order-handling method is one of the two key decisions in setting up an order writing and billing system. The second decision involves order entry procedures within the data processing department. The customer order enters the data processing cycle in written form, on what is called a source document. How this source document is written and who writes it vary, of course, from company to company. In many cases, an order form, such as the one in Figure 13, is fuled out by the salesman and delivered directly. In other businesses, salesmen or customers may telephone orders, which are written down by an order clerk as they come in. Many distributors supply customers with preprinted order forms as shown in Figure 14, and these forms are then mailed or delivered by customers themselves. In addition to the obvious advantage that preprinted order forms permit the customer to review the entire product line when he places the order, they also ensure that all item numbers are transmitted accurately. A company usually has control over the source document that is used, and the source document should be designed so that it is convenient to handle and includes all necessary data. A well-designed source document will simplify the entire order-entry procedure. NATIONAL PRODUCTS GREENVILLE, MASS. ORDER SOLD INC. OFFICE USE ONLY CREDIT DEPT. OK TO~1 ·1=~'r!::7- e. 4;i~t;:~;I· SHIP TO Lv DATE TO BE SHIPPED VIA DATE ~ J-I- CUST. ORDER NO. oJ II SALESMAN;: PLEASE SHOW COMMODITY NUMBER COMMODITY DESCRIPTION NUMBER QUANTITY j~. ~~..:;-~ ,~. ~~.:r-v IZ.~ ,.t:;.......,v~~j/~ 18-J< ./. .J ,. )I~':U fl y-...-.,. ~ NO.A-INV. NO. _ _ PRICE 19'~1 1'''.1,/ F.-· .J 'I--t..s:. ~ ¥zt'fl "'loll 1.4. II-"t .J.k..;t- ,4...k. CUSTOMER'S AUTHORIZATION ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DELIVERIES WILL BE MADE FROM NEAREST BRANCH FigUre 16 13. Order form DZ - DOZEN GR - GROSS C -HUNDHD M - THOUSAND CS - CAS! CT - CARTON SALES OFFICES ARE LOCATED IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES 0 0 COMMODITY 4cl !> 17!>!>.~ 1855147 1955149 2055165 .155166 22155 67 2355171 2455173 251551'75 2855179 27155 8 28155181 29 55182 155...1.Jl3.. 155184 255187 3355189 34 55...1...2.3 35 55195 3855201 37 552 3 38155204 39'S 5207 0 0 0 Lu A ~~ -R.U ~ 118 4~ 4 SW 112 ( A 50 024 3BTHCA CA 72 50 L U 012 4BTHLU OJ:LA H 72 LU 72 R...E.G J..JL UlO !3ATHZE 024 48THZE 44 RE.G L.E. 50BATH 01 oI 50 50 ..D.i 72 REG 01 024 3 RGOi 2 R..E....G...JLA. 024 3 RGOI ...:L2 REG 01 024 3 R G 0-'. 50 8TH LI 50BATH L I 72 R t G l I 72 REG L I 50BATH PR 72 REG PR 12'" ...3. ..RJi....E...R 50 ...ll.Jl. 40 41 0 0 ICOST-CASE 0 0 0 PACK DESCRIPTION AND SIZE LOB. 0 0 \0 I 01 I 10 I A ... P ITEM CODE CH K CH CHW MEIN30_ 1c 126.::. CHU KNG CANT CHKN 4 3 • p 0 0 ITEM RETAIL 1 II 1 -. 2 9 II 0 0 . . STORE RECORD 2 0 t- 45 'I I---J. 0 0 ER , 0 ;~ 2 SUGGESTED RETAIL ORDER RIlCORDIlvOLUME POLIO - 0 0 0 0 it G P A LA 50 PA 50 P A 72 18 4 R G S W 48BATH S W 4 SW 012 115512~ 10155126 1155128 12155129 1355130 455131 555 35 &55136 0 DESCRIP'nON - PK .... SIZE CODE NO. 1551 ,~ .I!>!> 355113 455117 555119 &155122 755123 855124 0 0 0 0 C::: #:TY, } 1268 0 0 ORDER #3 CODE 1268 1 F- o , 0 'r--- I I QTY., ORDER #2 , ;;;v: I~DE I I 1t-268 , 1c 1265 99 1265 1269 CHU KN SOY SAUCE 50 1 c:: 1270 17 1270 1270 CHU KNG 1c 1271 89 1271 1271 1.= 1272 27 !~71 t-- 127'= 1272 1272 BEAN SPROUTS 30.3 24 1279 1275 1279 ,1279 3 ST CHKN CHP-SUEY 30.3 24 1281 29 1281 1281 /1281 ST - CANT MUSH CHU KNG NOODLES 2'kO ST NOODLES 30.3 12/ 29 c")4 1284 16 ST SAUCE 50 24 128.f:J 19 LA 30 24 1293 10 CHOY SAUCE If 3 7 .:3 1284 1284 1288 1288 129..:; 1293 269 ,1293 - jk 5 1312 345 S' 131 c::. 131c::. CHESTERFIELD REG 5 1314 345 1314 1314 FATIMA CORK KING .s 1316 355 FATIMA PLN KING 5 131 '/ 355 1320 345 1322 366 1323 345 1324 345 OLD GOLD REG .s .s .s .s 'PH MORRIS REG 5 1325 345 CAVALIER KING 5 1332 ":45 KOOLS REG L&M LUCKY FLT REG STRIKE REG " 31 131 {p r f c It- 1312 -(p j1 314 I-- ! e 1316 1i!2 16 I 1317 11317 1320 1320 1322 1322 1323 1323 1324 1324 1325 1325 1332 1332 c:;, c;> - 11284 CIGARETTES REG - - 7 I1288 I CAMEL Jj I 270 /Z?20 ~322 11323 f.. - Ie--::: 1,-324 /1325-.£- /1- 1r!-332 I 'L ~ _ -, Figure 14. Preprinted order fonn There are five basic steps in order entry, as illustrated in Figure 15: 1. Customer orders are received by a clerk who edits them for completeness, making sure that each order includes the customer's number, item numbers, item quantities, and any other information considered necessary. Where a customer has not supplied a purchase order number, an internal control number is assigned. The clerk assigns transaction-type codes such as the ones listed below, so that individual transactions can be handled appropriately during later computer processing. Code N C D R Transaction Type Normal order Cash sale Drop shipment Returned merchandise Depending o.n the order-handling method used, the coding clerk mayor may not assign a common batch number to all orders. In methods B and C, in which processing continues until the invoice has been printed, a batch number is assigned. In method A, customer orders usually do not remain together in the shipping department. Instead, the shipping notices are batched when they are returned from the warehouse, and a batch number is assigned at that time. 17 1 2. All item quantities in the batch are totaled on an adding machine, and the adding machine tape is clipped to the batch of customer orders. This total is later used (in step 5) as a check that all item transactions shown on the orders have been correctly entered into the data processing system. 3. The customer order f:t1.e is assembled (as described below). 4. After the customer order f:t1.e is assembled in punched card form, it is processed on the System/3 to print a control listing. 5. Item quantities are totaled during the control-listing run, and this total is checked against the adding machine tape prepared in step 1. If the figures match, processing continues normally. If the figures do not match, the error is found and corrected and the control listing reprinted if necessary. It is important that there be a definite checkpoint for all orders entering the data processing system. It is much easier to identify errors at the point of entry than to correct records later in the processing cycle. CUSTOMER ORDER FILE ASSEMBLY During step 3 in Figure 15, the customer order f:t1.e is assembled. Records for ship-to addresses are optional for any customer and may be omitted when the ship-to address is the same as the sold-to address. When they are omitted, the word SAME is printed in the ship-to area of the order acknowledgment and/or invoice. The customer ship-to records are ordinarily filed in sequence by customer number, with one pair of records for each different shipping address. The records are pulled from the file and duplicated. The customer's purchase order number is also punched into the duplicated records. The original ship-to master records are then refiled and used again when that customer reorders. The newly created ship-to records are used for only one customer order and are destroyed afterwards. Customer master records are not assembled at this point in the procedures as there may be several orders from the same customer. The miscellaneous data record is normally completed for each order. Where miscellaneous data is always the same for a customer (cash discount terms, for example), the miscellaneous data record may be prepared in advance and f:t1.ed with the ship-to records. If special charges apply to the customer order, one special-charge record is needed for each charge. In most businesses the same special charges occur repeatedly; it is often feasible to establish a prepunched special-charge f:t1.e, organized alphabetically by special-charge description. The appropriate charge record is pulled for each order, and customer number and order number are recorded into it. This method ensures accuracy in special-charge amounts and maintains uniformity in the wording of special-charge descriptions. Figure 16 illustrates the handling of the ship-to, miscellaneous data, and special-charge records. Most of the records in a customer order f:t1.e are item transaction records, one for each item on the order. Item transaction records are created through one of two basic approaches as illustrated in Figure 17. 18 o o Figure 15. Order-entry data flow 19 Ship-to master records Blanks Duplicate and punch order number Ship-to master records (original) Ship-to master records (new) Blanks Special charge records Punch miscellaneous data Punch customer no., order no. MisceHaneous data records Skeleton customer order file Figure 16 •. Ship-to, miscellaneous data, and special-charge record preparation 20 Specialcharge records Card punch approach Tub file approach Customer Customer Blanks Item transaction records Item transaction records Punch Item transaction records To customer order file for the order Figure 17. Order assembly (item transactions only) 21 To customer order file for the order Card Punch Approach I tem transaction records contain: • • • • • Customer number Order number Item number Quantity Transaction-type code This provides basic item transaction records for inclusion in the skeleton customer order fue. Additional data, such as item description and price, are reproduced into the item transaction records from item master records later in the order processing cycle. Tub File Approach The tub file approach involves mes of prepunched item transaction records. A reservoir of records is maintained for each item stocked. The records, containing item number, item description, price, and appropriate codes, are pulled manually from the fue-one for each item on the customer order. Item transaction records in the tub me are usually separated by divider cards to facilitate order pulling. Figure 18 illustrates the organization of transaction and divider cards in a tub file. Once item transaction records have been pulled from the tub file, they are completed by recording customer number, order number, quantity, and transaction-type code. This additional data can be included in the record that was pulled, or the pulled record can be used as a master. When the pulled record is used as a master, its data is dupli~ated into a blank item transaction record, the variable data is added, and the original record is returned to the tub me. The former method is usually preferable, if for no other reason than that several orders in a batch may include the same item. If item unit-price determination by the computer is not required, the use of tub files eliminates the need for a later computer run to reproduce the appropriate price from the item master records into the item transaction records. A variation of the tub file method is called the warehouse bin plan, and is often used successfully in situations where the customer order goes directly to the warehouse (method B, discussed earlier). In the warehouse bin plan, there are no tub files as such. Instead, prepunched item transaction records are kept in the warehouse, physically located with the items they represent. Shipping clerks pull item transaction records as they pick the items on the order. The transaction records then accompany the shipping notice when it is sent to the data processing department. If the tub file approach is used, groups of item transaction records can have various item quantities prepunched along with the other item data. Such a tub file is called a denominated tub file. The quantity denominations may be arbitrary or conform to customer ordering habits. The decision on the use of tub files versus prepunching is influenced by a number of factors: the number of different items kept in stock, the inventory activity that an average order batch represents, the number of order batches to be processed during the day or week, the allowable time lag between receipt of the customer order and shipment of goods, and the number of clerks available to pull records from the tub fue. Of these, inventory activity is probably the most important factor. The inventory activity of a batch is: the number of items in all customer orders in the batch the total number of items carried in stock 22 Divider ----.-.t~~1 110523 ( 110523 ( 110523 ( 110523 ( 110523 ( 110523 - ( 110523 Divider ----.-.t~~l { ( 110522 ( 110522 ( 110522 ----.....j.....1 110521 "'I - ~ 110522 ( 110522 ( 110522 Divider - 110522 - ( 110521 ( 110521 - - - - - ( 110521 ( 110521 - ( 110521 ( 110521 , 110521 - - Figure 18. Tub file organization After an order has been assembled in punched card form, no matter which method is used, it is placed in a batch fIle until all orders in the batch are ready for computer processing. How frequently batches are processed depends on the requirements of the business, the number of customers, the number of items kept in stock, and the processing methods used. A company carrying a relatively small number of items and using a postbilling system might process several batches a day. Another company, carrying a large, diversified inventory, but with a less urgent requirement for rapid handling of customer orders, might process only three batches a week. The following two sections discuss batch processing for the two basic order-handling methods (postbilliilg and prebilling) mentioned earlier. The steps are described in sequence as they occur. 23 POSTBILLING Figure 19 shows the first five steps of the procedure for a postbilling system (method A): 1. Customer orders are assembled in punched card form in a batch fIle. 2. The control list of orders is printed. During the printing of the control list, the computer separates the item transaction cards from the other order cards. The ship-to address, miscellaneous data, and special-charge cards are held aside for step 4. 3. This step is required if tub fIles are not used, or if item unit price is determined by the computer. During this step, all item transaction records are sorted into item-number sequence. They are then processed against the item master fIle, and the computer punches data from appropriate item master records into each item transaction record. All item data that will be needed for invoicing and later for sales analysis and inventory control is punched at this time. This data includes verbal description of the item, words or abbreviations for its quantity or weight units (box, crate, dozen, oz, lbs, for example), codes for warehouse location, product classification, taxability, applicability of discounts, unit price, cost, and weight. Item unit prices may be computer-determined during this step as described earlier. 4. The item transaction records are first sorted by warehouse location sequence, and then, together with the order data records are sorted into order number and customer number sequence. The sorted order records and the customer master records are processed to print order acknowledgments. Customer master records may be either pulled by hand or selected by computer during this step. In general, for small batches, pulling cards by hand is usually faster. Where a batch represents orders from a large percentage of customers, computer selection may be faster. A copy of the order acknowledgment (with item transactions listed in warehouse-location sequence) is used as a picking slip. The customer copy of the order acknowledgment and the picking slip are usually sent to the warehouse, where the goods are packed and the order acknowledgment included with the shipment. S. The customer order records themselves are placed in a holding fIle, and no further processing is done until shipment confirmation is received. Order-handling methods A and B differ only slightly in their processing workflow. In method B (in which customer orders are fITst handled by the shipping department and goods have been shipped by the time the orders enter the data processing cycle), no order acknowledgment is printed in step 4, and customer orders continue directly to invoicing instead of being placed in a holding fIle. 24 OW fIle ~, ( ~ 0 ( ~ ~ Item transaction records 0) { Item master records i- System/3 print customer order control list -- ~ '- 0) ..... ~ ~ ( Order data records " Customer order records W file Figure 19. Flowchart for order entry and order acknowledgment printing Customer master records ~ " ~, 8 ~ System/3 1) sort by whse. loc. 2) sort by cust. ord. no. and cust. no. 3) print ord. ack. ( 25 Control list ( " Item transaction records .... ~, ~, ( - ~, ... System/3 1) sort by item number 2) reproduce item data -... ..... ~ Customer order records ~ i- I ..... Order acknowledgments ........- - Figure 20 shows the processing sequence after orders have been shipped. 6. The picking slips are returned from the warehouse marked with quantities shipped. The appropriate customer order records are taken from the holding fue, and quantity shipped is punched for each item transaction. Miscellaneous data, such as total shipment weight and additional special charges, may be added. Invoices to be processed together are assigned a common batch number at this point. Order-handling method B omits this step since the original punching of the order includes quantities shipped. 7. The customer order records are then used to print the invoices. During this processing the invoice summary records, one for each invoice, are punched by the computer. During invoice printing, the net sales amount (extended price less any extended-price discount) is calculated for each item transaction and punched into each item transaction record. Item transaction records are again separated by the computer from the customer order me for later use as input to inventory accounting and then sales analysis. The customer data records may be filed or destroyed. 8. The invoice summary records are used to print the invoice register. Once the invoice register is printed, the invoice summary records are used for accounts receivable processing. All invoice summary data shown in the invoice register, and all customer charge data needed for accounts receivable, must be included in the invoice summary record when it is produced during billing. 26 Shipping confirmations Customer order records o~ Blanks Item transaction records System/3 print invoices Customer data records Invoices Invoice summary records System/3 print invoice register Invoice summary records To inventory accounting and sales analysis File or destroy Figure 20. Flowchart for invoice writing after shipment 27 To accounts receivable Invoice register Back Orders When insufficient stock is available to fill an order, the item may be placed on back order for the customer. If back-order processing is done, the computer punches a back-order record during invoice preparation for any item whose quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered. Back-order records are then manually fued, and held until stock has been received. This procedure is shown in Figure 21. The back-order me should be in item-number sequence. When the item is received in stock, all backorder records for the item are pulled manually from the fue. Customer number, purchase order number, etc., are determined from the back-order record itself, and a customer order fue for the customer back order is reassembled for entry to the data processing cycle in essentially the same manner as has been previously described. Preventing back-ordering is sometimes desirable. For example, a discontinued item should not be placed on back order. Back-ordering of an item may be prevented by an appropriate code in the item transaction record. Likewise, back-ordering may be prevented for any customer by a similar code in the customer master record. Miscellaneous Transactions Miscellaneous transactions that affect order writing and billing include cash sales, first orders for new customers, merchandise returned, and credit given where merchandise is not returned. Cash Sales Since sales made for cash are usually handled by counter clerks, they do not follow the normal orderhandling procedures. A cash-sale summary card (an invoice summary with a customer number of all 9's) is punched for the day's total cash transactions. The cash-sale summary record is inserted manually with the invoice summary cards produced during invoicing and then listed as part of the invoice register. If the computer performs inventory accounting or sales analysis that includes cash sales, individual item transaction records are required. The item transaction records are assembled in the same manner as for noncash customers; but the customer order me for a cash sale does not include shipping addresses, miscellaneous data, or special charges. Actual selling price (unit price) is punched for each cash-sale transaction. Cash-sale item transaction cards are included in the first three steps of the procedure for a postbilling system shown in Figure 19 and are then used as input to inventory accounting and sales analysis. New Customers When an account is opened for a new customer, customer master records must be punched. The master recordsare included with the customer's frrst order in the batch file and are listed on the customer order control listing so that all punched data can be verified during the batch audit. After the control listing has been printed, the new customer master records become part of the customer master file. If the mailing address and shipping address differ, two pairs of ship-to records must be punched for the frrst order for the new customer. One pair is manually filed in the ship-to master fue. The other pair, containing the purchase order number, is processed as part of the billing rue. Miscellaneous data, item transactions, and special-charge records for the frrst order are assembled in the same way as for other orders. 28 Notice of stock received Back-order item transaction records Back-order item transaction records Customer order records Figure 21. Back-order processing 29 Returned Items When merchandise has been returned for credit, a skeleton customer order file containing one miscellaneous data record and item transaction records for the returned items is assembled. The item transaction records are punched with negative amounts for quantity ordered and quantity shipped. If the actual unit selling price is known, this is also punched as a negative amount. The records are processed in the same way normal customer orders are, and an invoice ( credit memo) is printed showing credit for the returned items, less any discount originally given, plus credit for taxes originally charged. Credits Many companies give credits for merchandise damaged in shipment or for other situations that arise in the course of doing business. Credits are treated as negative special charges and are processed in the same way as normal customer orders. The printed invoice shows a credit amount. In some instances, particularly where a shipment has been partially damaged and replacement merchandise is to be sent, the exact credit amount cannot be conveniently determined. In such a case, the replacement merchandise is treated as if it had been ordered normally. The customer's number is noted at order entry, and his invoice is removed from the batch of invoices printed. At this point, the exact credit amount is known, and a journal entry record is punched as an adjustment to accounts receivable. PREBILUNG In a prebilling system the customer's invoice is printed before goods are picked and shipped. The method is workable only in a tightly controlled inventory environment, since the computer must maintain stock balances that reflect the actual warehouse inventory. Figure 22 illustrates the fIrst five steps in order handling for a prebilling system. 1. Customer orders are assembled in punched card form in a batch fIle. 2. The control list of orders is printed. As this list is printed, item transaction records are separated from the other records in the customer order fIle. The ship-to address, miscellaneous data, and specialcharge records are held aside for step 5. Item transactions go through steps 3 and 4, the sort/reproduce step and the inventory accounting step. Step 3 is required if tub files are not used or if item unit price is determined by the computer. 3. All item transaction records are sorted into item-number sequence. They are processed with the item master record fIle, and the computer punches data from appropriate item master records into each item transaction record. All item data that will be needed for invoicing, and for later sales analysis, is punched at this time. This data includes a verbal description of the item, words or abbreviations for its quantity or weight units (box, crate, dozen, oz, lbs, for example), codes for warehouse location, product classification, taxability, applicability of discounts,unit price, cost, and weight. Item unit price may be computer-determined during this step, as described earlier. 4. The computer determines, for each item transaction, whether enough stock is on hand and punches the quantity that will be shipped into the item transaction record. The item master rue's stock balances are updated at this time, and a stock status report may be printed, listing the inventory activity for the batch. (This procedure is described in greater detail under "Inventory Accou~ting" in this manual.) 5. The item transaction records are first sorted by warehouse location and then, along with the customer order data records, are sorted by order number and customer number in preparation for invoicing. 30 oy 1 file ( / Customer order records ,.... ~ 0 System/3 print customer order control list Control list ...... ......... - ( / ( / Item master records ..... 8 -. I- Item transaction records • / Customer order data records ~ ,.... System/3 1) sort by item no. 2) reproduce item data Inventory accounting u ( / ( Other transactions / Item master records Item transaction records • 8. ... .... ~ System/3 update inventory and print stock status report ... ~ . ... ~ 8 H ( / Item transaction records Stock status report - ~, System/3 sort by customer order no. and customer no. -..... ( / Figure 22. Preparation for invoicing before shipment 31 + Customer order records ~ Figure 23 shows the completion of the data processing cycle for billing. 6. This step is the order-acknowledgment option. An order acknowledgment can be printed, if required, from the customer order m.e. For most companies, carbon copies of the invoice serve as the picking slip, office copy, and salesman's copy. 7. Invoices are printed from the customer order fue, one for each invoice, are punched by the computer. A copy of the invoice, with item transactions listed in warehouse-location sequence, is the picking slip. The invoice customer's copy and picking slip are usually sent together to the warehouse, where goods are packed and the invoice included with the shipment. During invoice printing the net sales amount (extended price less any extended-price discount) is calculated for each item transaction and punched into each item transaction card. Item transaction records are automatically separated from the me for later input to sales analysis. 8. In this step the invoice register is printed. This is a listing of all invoice summary cards for the batch. Once the invoice register is printed, invoice summary cards are used for accounts receivable processing. All invoice summary data shown in the invoice register and all customer charge data needed for accounts receivable must be included in the invoice summary record when it is produced during invoicing. 9. During the printing of the invoice the system separates item transaction records and customer data cards. Item transaction records are used as input to sales analysis. The customer data records may be fued or destroyed. Back Orders When insufficient stock is available to fill an order, the item may be placed on back order for the customer. If back-order processing is done, the computer punches a back-order card, during the inventory accounting run, for any item whose quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered. The billing file for the order, containing the shipping address, miscellaneous data, and unshipped item transaction records is then reassembled and placed in a back-order fue (Figure 24). The back-order fue is periodically reprocessed as part of a daily batch of new orders, usually after a shipment has been received for an item that has been out of stock. Where back orders still cannot be filled, the items remain on back order for processing at a later date. Preventing back-ordering is sometimes desirable. For example, a discontinued item should not be placed on back order. Back-ordering of any item can be prevented by an appropriate code in the item record. Likewise, back-ordering can be prevented for any customer by a similar code in the customer master record. Miscellaneous Transactions Miscellaneous transactions that affect order writing and billing include cash sales, frrst orders for new customers, merchandise returned, and credit given where merchandise is not returned. Cash Sales An item transaction record that includes unit selling price is punched for each item sold over the counter. Cash-sale transactions are handled in essentially the same way as other customer orders, but the customer order fue for a cash sale does not include shipping addresses, miscellaneous data, or special charges. Cash sales are removed from processing at step 5 in Figure 22 and held for later input to sales analysis. Once each day, a cash-sale summary record (an invoice summary with a customer number of all 9's) is punched for the day's total cash transactions. The cash-sale summary record is inserted manually with the invoice summary records produced during invoicing and then listed as part of the invoice register. 32 L Customer order records ~ Optional Step ------------4-----------------_ " 1-----...:- Customer master records System/3 print order acknowledgments • 1-----1....... Order acknowledgments ~--------~~ L Customer order records L L Customer master records System/3 print invoices ~ ... Invoices Invoice summary records - \ Invoice register System/3 print invoice register \ L Item transaction records + To Sales Analysis Customer data records + File or Destroy Figure 23. Flowchart for invoicing before shipment 33 ........ Invoice summary records To Accounts Receivable - Notice of stock received Back-order item records Figure 24. Back-order processing New Customers When an account is opened for a new customer, customer master records must be punched. The master records are included with the customer's first order in the batch file and are listed on the customer order control listing so that all punched data can be checked during the batch audit. After the control listing has been printed, the new customer master records become part of the customer master m.e. If the mailing address and shipping address differ, two pairs of ship-to records must be punched for the fIrst order for the new customer. One pair is manually filed in the ship-to master fIle. The other pair, containing the purchase order number, is processed as part of the billing flle. Miscellan(!ous data, item transactions, and special-charge records for the fIrst order are assembled in the same way as for other orders. Returned Items When merchandise has been returned for credit, a skeleton customer order flle containing one miscellaneous data record and item transaction records for the returned items is assembled. The item transaction records are punched with negative amounts for quantity ordered and quantity shipped. If the actual unit selling price is known, this is also punched as a negative amount. The records are processed in the same way normal customer orders are, and an invoice (credit memo) is printed showing credit for the returned items, less any discount originally given, plus credit for taxes originally charged. Credits Many companies give credit for merchandise damaged in shipment or for other situations that arise in the course of doing business. Credits are treated as negative special charges and are processed in the same way as normal customer orders. The printed invoice shows a credit amount. In some instances, particularly where a shipment has been partially damaged and replacement merchandise is to be sent, the exact credit amount cannot be conveniently determined. In such a case, the replacement merchandise is treated as if it had been ordered normally. The customer's number is noted at order entry, and his invoice is removed from the batch of invoices printed. At this point, the exact credit amount is known, and a journal entry card is punched as an adjustment to accounts receivable. 34 INVENTORY ACCOUNTING Many businesses have a substantial portion of their assets represented in inventory, and accurate inventory accounting plays an important part in profitable operation. The most common inventory accounting application involves a computer-maintained item master fue that is updated to reflect all inventory activity. In addition to the item identification and quantity on hand, inventory records may also include such information as quantity currently on order, value of on-hand inventory, unit cost, dates of the most recent issue and receipt, total quantity issued to date, and minimum and maximum balances. This method is called balance-forward inventory accounting-one of the cards comprising the master record for each item is essentially a balance-forward record. Inventory accounting ties in closely with billing (it is an integral part of a pre billing system, in fact), and in most cases the applications are used together. I nventory Reports Two main reports are produced during inventory accounting: the stock status report and the stock transaction register. The stock status report provides management with information on all inventory activity and notes those items whose balances have fallen below the minimum acceptable level so that immediate action can be taken. When required, all items can be listed on the stock status report to give a complete statement of all merchandise the company handles. The stock transaction register is primarily a control listing of inventory transactions that do not involve sales to customers. It enables a check to be made that all receipts, purchase orders, adjustments, and transfers have been entered correctly so that they will be properly recorded. STOCK STATUS REPORT A stock status report, like the one shown in Figure 25, is printed whenever inventory is updated and gives detailed information on all active merchandise. Ordinarily, the fITst line for each item in the listing shows standard descriptive data on the item, including its number and an identifying description. The on-hand and on-order balances are also shown. Subsequent lines give the detail on current transactions involving the item: purchase orders sent to suppliers, receipts from suppliers, sales to customers, etc. The quantities remaining on hand and on order are shown on the line below the last transaction listed. Whenever shipments reduce stock below the item's predetermined minimum balance or receipts push the current balances above the predetermined maximum, the exception condition is noted on the report. Maximum and minimum balances can be carried in the item master fue for all items so that these checks can be made by computer whenever the inventory balance changes. Minimum levels can be set either for the item's normal reorder point or for the danger level-the point at which outstanding purchase orders must be expedited. The meaning of "minimum level" should be the same, however, for all items. Maximum balance points are usually reached less frequently. Companies can set a maximum balance figure to indicate that outstanding purchase orders should be canceled. The stock status report also has value as an aid to management review of inventory at the end of an accountjng period or when physical inventory is taken. At this time, it is printed to show the current status of all items (with no transactions). If date oflast issue or sale is maintained by computer, it is good practice to include this date as part of the item's descriptive information. The date is not so important during regular inventory accounting runs since only active items are shown, but when the complete inventory is listed the information tags slow-moving items so that appropriate action can be taken. Inventory value can also be printed and totaled on the stock status report. 35 STOCK TRANSACTION REGISTER The stock transaction register (Figure 26) is a control listing of all stock transactions (transactions other than issues and returns). Each transaction is listed, and totals are normally taken on quantities and cost amounts. These figures are checked against totals taken from the original stock-transaction documents to ensure that all transactions have been correctly punched. Details on the clerical handling of stock transactions are given under the heading "Methods". DATE 2114/-- STOCK STATUS REPORT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 411116 B500 TlHNLITE SOCKET BLUE ADJUSTMENT RECEIPT ISSUE QUANTI TY ON HAND QUANTITY ON ORDER 458 500 TRANSACTION QUANTITY 950* 411122 B506 SOCKET ADAPTER BROWN ISSUE ISSUE ISSUE C151C SILENT SWITCH IVORY RECEIPT 50 A210 PULL CORD GOLD ISSUE ISSUE 62 .35 .35 .37 .36 .36 160.30 14.70 185.00 18.00342.00 203810- .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 61.75 3.807.221.9048.83 150 1.16 1.20 1.19 58.00 180.00 238.00 16 30 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 139.50 36.00 67.50 36.00 75 BEG. INV. CHANGE NEW VALUE EXTENDED COST 42 500 50- 75 16" FINAL TOTALS AVERAGE UNIT COST 150 200* 411254 QUANTITY B/O 325 257* 411173 PAGE 17 LAST RECEIPT 2/11/-- 12119/-- 2/10/-- 111171-- LAST ISSUE MIN. BAL. MAX. BAL. 800 1600 300 800 2/14/-- 2/11/-- UNDER 100 200 80 165 2/03/-- 2/09/-- 48295.26 700.08 48995.34 Figure 25. Stock status report STOCK TRANSACTIO!'! REGISTER PAGE ()7125/-TRANSACTION DATE TRAN CODE I TEr~ NO COST DESCRIPTIrN QUANTI TV AI~OUNT VENDOR NC 3 P.O. NO RECE I VINr, NO 103764 07/23/-- R 413010 CH001'PR BOX 100A FLUSH 07/23/-- P 412146 CH148 BREAKER 15A 100 ')7/23/-- R 411116 1500 TWINLITE SOCKET B 500 175.00 103767 07/24/-- R 503029 MOTOR L/2 HP 60 CVC 2 18.50 103762 07/24/-- A 317802 TERM INAL CLI P 100CR 50.00CR 10 $ 720.00 10927 115902 07/24/-- R 326917 TERr·, H!AL BAR 100 75.25 103766 07/24/-- R 411121 1506 SOCKET ADAPTER BRmlN 400 76.00 103765 07/24/-- A 412997 CH173 BREAKER 30A 07/24/-- P 413088 C1l176 BREAKEr. 60A 07/24/-- R 411174 C151 SILENT SWITCH BRmlN 07/24/-- P 413090 CHOOS BR BOX 150A 07/24/-- R 718326 FC803 FUSE 15A Figure 26. Stock transaction register 36 60CR 159.00CR 40 200 10 200 27618 A5903 27618 15903 103763 158.00 103768 Inventory Costi ng Inventory cost figures are often maintained by computer to cost issues and to report the value of inventory on hand. The most frequently used inventory costing procedures are the average-cost method and the last-cost method. A third method-standard cost-proves workable for many companies, and although standard cost is not computer-maintained, it can be used without difficulty within the framework of the balance-forward inventory application. First in first out (FIFO) and last in first out (LIFO) methods are not usually incorporated within this method of inventory accounting and are not discussed in this publication. For reference to FIFO and LIFO procedures see IBM System/3 Guide to Inventory and Material Accounting (E20-0321). AVERAG E COST The average-cost method is normally used by distributors whose merchandise cost fluctuates, where temporary cost changes are not relevant to the company's long-range planning, and where a relatively high or low current item cost does not truly reflect the item's normal cost or the inventory value. The method is commonly used by companies dealing with raw materials or similar commodities. Manufacturers, produce distributors, and lumber dealers are typical users of the average-cost method. In addition to quantity on hand, item records must contain the average unit cost and the cost amount. The average unit cost is the cost amount divided by the on-hand quantity and is recalculated whenever a stock receipt is entered. Cost amount is the total value of the inventory on hand (cost of beginning inventory + cost of receipts - cost of issues). This is adjusted whenever the inventory balance changes. For example, 250 units on hand of an item with a current cost price of 70¢ would represent an item cost amount of $175. When an additional 1000 units are received at a total cost of $750 (75¢ each) the total cost amount becomes $925. The item's unit cost price is then carried at 74¢ -the average unit cost of 1250 units with a cost amount of $925. The average-cost method is best suited to situations where cost differs with each receipt of an item and where cost fluctuates both up and down. Over a period of time, the average-cost method ordinarily gives cost figures that in most cases approximate the FIFO method of costing-and with considerably less clerical effort. LAST COST Use of the last-cost method of inventory costing usually gives good results for inventories whose costs are relatively static, where there is no regular up-and-down fluctuation in supplier's prices. The cost carried for an item reflects current market conditions, and in this sense accurately represents the current replacement value of the merchandise on hand. For the last-cost method, the item master record contains the quantity on hand and the item unit cost price. When stock is received, the computer simply replaces the previous unit cost price in the item record with the new unit cost. The item's cost amount (quantity x cost price) may also be carried to show the item's current inventory value, but this is not a necessity for the unit cost to be maintained. If cost amount is included, it must be kept in mind that this figure may not represent the actual cash outlay for the inventory on hand; it represents the replacement value of goods at the current market price. 37 STANDARD COST Standard cost is used primarily by manufacturers whose inventory of fmished goods includes a valueadded cost in addition to the cost of raw materials. Each item's standard cost is determined by the company's accounting department, and ordinarily reflects wage rates, equipment usage, and other direct or indirect costs, as well as the cost of materials. An item's standard unit cost is punched when the item's master record is punched. When a cost is reevaluated and changed, the item record is repunched. Standard cost is often used in situations where neither average cost nor last cost reflects the inventory's true value. Costs should be subject to regular review, of course, but it should be kept in mind that cost changes will require the punching of new records, and so standard cost should be used only where management expects item costs to remain constant for substantial time periods. COSTING THE INVOICE If the card punch method is used for customer order entry during order writing and billing, the cost of goods sold can be shown on the invoice (usually on a tear slip detached before mailing). The figure used for an item's cost is the unit cost carried in the item's master record. If the tub fue method is used, the item cost per unit must be punched in each item transaction record in the tUb ft1.e in order for cost to be shown on the invoice. With the balance-forward inventory methods, tub fues, computer-maintained costs, and costing of the invoice are not compatible, and it is recommended that these three options not be used in combination. Cost of goods sold and other invoice calculations are discussed in the preceding section. Card Records Inventory accounting uses card records having three distinct functions: • Item master records contain descriptive information and balances for every item the company handles • Item transaction records represent sales of individual items (and merchandise returned) • Stock transaction records carry data on inventory changes not involving specific customers-receipts from suppliers, orders placed, and adjustments All of these records are used when inventory is updated and the stock status report is produced. The item master fue is also used in the order writing and billing procedure with the punch order entry method, or with the tub fue method when price determination is performed by the ~omputer. The same item transaction records needed for inventory accounting are used for billing and for sales analysis, and their functions in those areas are described elsewhere in this manual. 38 ITEM MASTER FILE The item master records contain descriptive data that is generally not subject to change and balance information that is revised regularly by the computer. The constant information usually includes: • The item's number, an identifying name or description, a code or abbreviation indicating its location i~ the warehouse, its product-line classification, its unit weight, and predetermined figures indicating maximum and minimum inventory levels • Unit price data-either a single unit price, a set of unit prices applicable to different customer classifications, or a list price with discounts applicable to different customer classifications • Codes indicating (where policy varies) whether the item is taxable, whether it is discounted when sold, whether it is subject to cash discount, and whether it may be back-ordered • Information of a miscellaneous nature, such as the number of the vendor supplying the item or the number of the department producing it, and a code indicating the sales commission associated with the item Much of the item master data-the price information and codes-is used for billing procedures. If the item master fue is not used for billing, the fue needs only the descriptive information that is to be printed in the stock status report, and any other data used in inventory accounting. The master fue also includes item balance data, such as: • The quantities on hand and on order and the total quantity issued to date • Unit cost and current inventory cost amount • The dates of the last issue a~d the last receipt of the item Quantity on hand is revised by the computer whenever a transaction changes the inventory balances. If quantity on order is to be maintained, purchase orders for merchandise are punched as stock transactions and the computer records them. When a shipment arrives, quantity on order is reduced and quantity on hand increased by the receipt quantity. If the number of issues to date is included in the item master records, this figure is kept up to date by computer for all items. ITEM TRANSACTIONS Item transaction records are used to record item sales to customers. For inventory accounting purposes, the record should carry an item number, the item quantity shipped, and a code indicating the type of transaction and whether on-hand inventory is increased, decreased, or unchanged. Suggested transaction-type codes are listed below. Code 0 0 0 Description Action Normal Order - Decrease Inventory Cash Sale - Decrease Inventory Filled Back Order - Decrease Inventory ~ Drop Shipment - No Change 0 Returned Merchandise - Increase Inventory 39 Where billing is done, the item transaction recordomust also include whatever item information is to be shown on the invoice. Sales analysis may also require certain additional information such as product class. STOCK TRANSACTIONS Stock transaction records are used to record receipts of stock from suppliers, purchase orders for stock, and inventory adjustments. The record carries the item number, the quantity involved, and a code indicating the type of transaction. The suggested stock-transaction codes are: Code 0 0 0 Description Action Stock Received - Increase Inventory Adjustment - Decrease or Increase Inventory Purchase Order -No Change r lethods Clerical procedures for inventory accounting are straightforward, as shown in Figure 27. Stock transactions enter the data processing cycle in written form: a bill of lading, a notice from the warehouse that a shipment has been received, or a copy of a purchase order sent to a vendor. Item transactions enter in punched card form from the billing procedure, either before the invoice is printed (pre billing) or after the invoice is printed and goods are shipped (postbilling). The frequency of posting stock transactions ordinarily depends on the company's methods of customer order handling. Where a postbilling system is in use, inventory transactions-both customer sales and stock receipts-are normally recorded only once a day and sometimes as infrequently as once or twice a week. Infrequent inventory processing is workable, as long as it is not necessary for inventory balances to be constantly up to date. For companies taking telephone orders (where it is often necessary to check the item m.e to see whether an order can be filled) or for companies depending on the regular minimum-balance checking that inventory accounting provides, daily inventory processing is recommended. In a prebilling situation, inventory accounting takes place and a stock status report is printed with every customer-order batch processed. For pre billing, absolutely current stock balances are a necessity, and stock transactions are held only briefly before they are recorded. Figure 27 is a flowchart of the inventory accounting procedure. In step one, the stock-transaction source documents are edited by a coding clerk who makes-sure that item numbers and quantities are correct and that any other necessary data has been included. The coding clerk dates each transaction and adds the appropriate transaction-type code. In step two, control totals are taken on all incoming transactions: the item quantities and the total cost of items received (ifrecorded for costing). The figures.taken at this point will be checked against the totals subsequently taken by computer as a safeguard that all transactions have been correctly recorded. 40 Purchase orders Stock receipts Stock transaction records Input from Billing Stock transaction register Print stock transaction register Item transaction records Stock transaction records Stock status report Update inventory; print stock status report Item master file Item transaction records Input to Billing or Sales Analysis Stock transaction records Input to Accounts Payable or General Ledger Figure 27. Flowchart for inventory processing 41 Stock transactions are recorded in step three, one card for each item received or ordered. Each card includes, at the minimum, the item number, the quantity received (ordered), and the transaction-type code. For receipts, the transaction date and the total cost are also recorded for each item if this data is needed for inventory accounting. Other informative data-such as vendor number and the number of the company's purchase order-may be included if it is to be shown in the stock transaction register or the stock status report. In step four, all stock transactions are sorted and listed by computer. Totals are ordinarily taken on item quantities and costs, and these totals are compared ( step five) with the adding machine totals taken previously, as illustrated in Figure 28. If the totals match, processing continues normally. If they do not match, the error is found and corrected and the stock transaction register is reprinted if necessary. The control-total audit at this early point in processing provides an opportunity for errors to be caught before they can be recorded in the master file. After the stock transaction register is printed, stock transactions are combined with the item transactions from the billing procedure and the complete set of transactions is processed against the item master file (step six) to update item balances, costs, and dates last active, and to print the stock status report. Processing in this step includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sorting item transactions into item number sequence Merging the item transactions and stock transactions Match-merging the combined transactions with the item master file Updating the active item master records by punching the new balance-forward information into blank cards as the transactions and master records are processed and the stock status report is printed 5. Merging the updated item master records back into the item master file After the inventory has been updated, stock transaction records may be separated by type. The orders may be filed for reference in the stockroom and the receipts may be held for use in accounts payable or general ledger applications. The item transaction records may be involved in further processing in the billing and sales analysis applications. Nur~BER ITEr1 VENDOR NUMBER TRANS. TYPE 40390 12520 28615 51375 36465 48360 42875 10850 19005 37410 37410 28600 28600 13625 13625 13625 P R TOTALS Figure 28. Balancing control totals 42 R P P R R R QUANTITY 500 7(10 2500 100 2000 550 1500 2000 COST EX TH~S I ON 910.00 925.00 Physical Inventory A regular physical count of the merchandise on hand is a necessity in any inventory accounting system. How often physical inventory is taken depends on company policy, the number of different items the company stocks, and the data processing methods it follows. Where pre billing is used for customer orders, the balances carried in the item master me must reflect the actual balance on hand in the warehouse, and a monthly physical inventory is recommended. By reproducing information from the item master me, the system can provide physical inventory records, showing the item number and quantity on hand, to be used by the employees who take inventory. Figure 29 shows the first part of the procedure. The entire item master file is processed by the stock status program, which prints a stock status report showing all items, and produces item balance records (Figure 30) to be handed out to the inventory staff. Blanks Item master file List all inventory items Item balance records Figure 29. Flowchart for producing cards for physical inventory 43 Stock I '= 231201351 CL~ssl STOCK NUMBER I 1,2-326 II U/H I I SCREWDR IVER, PHILLI PS, DESCRIPTION 3 LOCATION IN,MEDIUM SIZE B B ~A g8 I~ A STOCK NUMBER ~4 ~8 11 1 134561 :2 LOC~TION 8 QU~NTlrt 8910 11111314151611 181910111113141516111819303131 ITEM COUNT COUNTER 4 2 1 CHECKER Figure 30. Physical inventory record During physical inventory, the item balance records are used as inventory tickets. As each item is counted, its actual balance is written down on the balance card. The cards are then returned to the data processing department for the recording of any adjustments necessary. Figure 31 shows the recording of adjustments-essentially the same steps shown earlier (Figure 27) for entry of normal stock transactions. The coding clerk examines the balance cards, discarding those that show warehouse inventory to be the same as the current balance in the item master file. Where there is a difference, the coding clerk notes the amount of the difference on the balance card so that an adjustment can be made. When all cards are in, the adjustment quantities are totaled, and stock transaction records are punched for each item to be adjusted. The transaction register is then printed, the totals are checked, and inventory processing continues as it normally would for regular recording of stock transactions. The stock status report that is printed gives management an opportunity to review all inventory adjustments. The procedure described above can be followed to put the inventory accounting application in initial operation. When the item master me is converted, the item quantity on hand is left blank in all records. Item balance records are then punched by computer, physical inventory is taken, and the quantities are recorded. Where costing is done, the stock transactions are recorded as receipts (not as adjustments) so that the current inventory value may be included as part of the stock transaction. 44 Item balance Stock transaction records Print list of adjustments Transaction register Stock transaction records Stock Item master file Adjust inventory Figure 31. Flowchart for adjustments to inventory 45 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Accounts receivable is the amount of money owed to a company by its customers for merchandise sold or services rendered on a credit basis. The purpose of this section of the manual is to show how the IBM System/3 can be used to record, handle, and manage the data arising from accounts receivable operations. The importance of this function is underlined when one considers that almost 90% of the nation's business is done on credit and that to many companies the estimated income from accounts receivable is a prime budgetary consideration when planning their own expenditures. In general, the purpose of accounts receivable procedures, in addition to accounting for all receivable transactions, is to facilitate the collection of money owed, to minimize any losses from bad debts, and to maintain customer good will through prompt and accurate recordkeeping. All transactions, including charges for merchandise sold or services rendered, cash receipts, and journal entries are recorded in chronological sequence and then charged or credited to the proper customer accounts. There are two basic approaches to this function: open-item and balance-forward. The fundamental difference between the two is the way in which cash receipts are applied. Cash receipts, under the open-item method, are credited against specific invoices, while cash receipts under the balance-forward method are applied to the total outstanding balance of the account. The detailed discussion that follows will show examples of each approach. The choice of a particular method depends upon the requirements of individual companies. In either approach, howev~r, five basic reports are required for a comprehensive accounts receivable system. The five reports are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Accounts receivable transaction register Cash receipts register Customer statements Aged trial balance Delinquency notices Six types of input records are required to produce the five basic reports. The six are listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Customer master records Invoice summaries Journal entries Cash receipts records Customer balance-due records Aged period date record. Required Records CUSTOMER MASTER RECORDS Prior to application implementation, the customer master records are punched from the user's original customer name and address fIle. As new accounts are added to the system, customer master records must be punched for these accounts and manually inserted into the file. The customer master records contain such information as customer number, name and address, interest and late charge code (if applicable), statement code and credit limit amount (see Figure 8, under "Order Writing and Billing"). In the example to be used here, the customer master record will be mandatory input for three of the five basic reports: customer statements, the aged trial balance, and delinquency notices. 46 INVOICE SUMMARIES Invoice summaries are created in one of two ways. They are either a by-product of the billing application or they are punched from copies of the invoices. These records contain, among other fields of information, customer number, invoice number and date, invoice amount, terms, and account debit or credit information from credit memoranda (see Figure 11, under "Order Writing and Billing"). The invoice summaries will be used as input to two of the basic reports: the accounts receivable transaction register and the customer statements. JOURNAL ENTRIES Journal vouchers are prepared by the accounting department to adjust small differences, write off bad debts, and provide for other miscellaneous entries. Since the volume of these items is low, they are usually written up at the end of the month in the accounting department and forwarded to the data processing department, where one journal entry record is punched for each journal voucher entry. These records become input for two of the five reports: the accounts receivable transaction register and the customer statements. CASH RECEIPTS RECORDS After the mail is opened and separated, the customer remittances are sorted into the sequence maintained in the accounts receivable file, which, in this example, is by customer number. The amount received is marked either on the tear slip that was originally part of the invoice, on the customer's remittance statement, or on the envelope if no stub or statement was included with the payment. In the latter case, it may be necessary to make use of a cross-reference file of customer names, or to perform other research in order to identify the payment by customer number. The cash receipts records will be used as input for the accounts receivable transaction register, the cash receipts register, and the customer statements. Among other fields of information, they contain customer number, amount of payment, amount of credit received, invoice number (open-item method only), and date of payment. CUSTOMER BALANCE-DUE RECORDS These records are prepared by the computer during the statement printing operation. They are the updated records of accounts. They contain such information as customer number, statement date, total amount due, current amount due, and interest and late-charge amounts where applicable,and they may contain up to seven fields of aging. Using either the balance-forward or the open-item approach to accounts receivable, these records will be used as input to the aged trial balance report and to the delinquency notices. They will not be used as input to the open-item customer statement preparation because, by definition, an open-item statement is one that lists all open items regardless of date, thereby developing the customer balance due at statement time. However, since the balance-forward statement shows only current-month transactions, it must depend upon a previous balance-due record to develop the current customer balance due. Therefore, in the open-item method, the customer balance-due records are mandatory input to two reports, the aged trial balance and delinquency notices, whereas the balance-forward method requires these records for preparation of customer statements in addition to the other two reports. AGED PERIOD DATE RECORD This record is punched to be used as input to customer statement preparation. It contains the current period date and up to seven aged period dates. The dates are used by the computer to compare with invoice or balance dates for aging purposes. 47 Requ ired Reports ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TRANSACTION REGISTER This is a control listing of all entries to accounts receivable. These entries include invoice summaries, journal entries, and cash receipts. The register may be printed as often or as seldom as necessity dictates during the monthly accounting period. However, we shall assume, for the purposes of this example, that it will be run on a daily basis. This report is essentially a balance run although it also serves as an audit trail. In preparation for the running of the accounts receivable transaction register, a control clerk runs an adding machine tape, by type of all the daily receivable entries. The documents are then recorded and verified. The System/3 prepares the register, the totals of which are compared to the original adding machine tape. Any differences that exist must be resolved at this point and the register rerun until it is free of errors. Figure 32 is one example of an accounts receivable transaction register. Figure 33 is a flowchart illustrating the steps necessary to produce this register. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE T~A~SACTInN REGISTER PAGE 07/1116 DATE CUST NO CUSTOMER NMIE JOURNAL NO INVOICE NO CASH AMOUNT HJV(lICE MIOUNT 07/11/-- 759820 SOUND OF THE SEVENTIE 063 l t20 $ 46.23 07/11/-- 633870 OLDE VILLAGE SHOPPE 063421 89.70 07/11/-- 642990 PARACm! TV SALES 063422 20.30 063422 129.76 07/11/-- 122620 CANN I ZON I STUDIOS 07/11/-- 682030 RAY~10ND 07/11/-- 742950 SARATOGA VARIETY 29.72 07/11/-- 014280 BAKER BRADLEY & CO 43.50 07/11/-- 872060 UNIVERSITY ELECTRIC 07/11/-- 883290 VILLAGE 07/11/-- 006280 ALLSTONS r. TV TOTALS Figure 32. Accounts receivable transaction register 48 JOURNAL MIOUNT $ 63.80 S RAPID REPAIR ~IUSIC 01 97.75 n7-(;36 $18.23CR 07-037 10.70CR $234.77* $285.99* $28.93CR* Cash receipts Control totals -Control totals Journal vouchers Journal entries Invoice summaries Cash receipts Accounts receivable System/3 Journal~J1tries ----.,"~~~,1 In"oice summaries Casllreceipts To cash receipts reg. run '\1 Figure 33. Accounts receivable transaction register preparation 49 CASH RECEIPTS REGISTER Once it has been established that the accounts receivable transaction register is in balance with the established control totals, the cash receipts register can be prepared. This register not only serves as a permanent record of accounts receivable cash entries, but it also provides a ready means of reference and it becomes the basis for auditing cash entries to the accounts receivable f:tle. The cash receipts records, all of which were selected by the computer during the accounts receivable transaction register run, are sorted by customer number and the cash receipts register is listed. Figure 34 is one example of a cash receipts register. The total cash received must agree with the total cash amount from that day's accounts receivable transaction register. CASH RECEIPTS REGISTEP. PAGE 11/30/-- CUST NO CUSTor~ER NAME IrJVOICE NO DATE PAID CHECK N() 141220 11/29/-- 2310 01 CASH RECEIVED DISCOUNT TAKEN 90-5401 $1,213.24 $12.26 $1,225.50 BANK NO AIR CREDIT 104430 ANDREI,} A ANDERSON 105864 ANNADALE & MC COY 143780 11/29/-- 3228 90-3280 357.28 3.61 360.89 106900 BAKER HOME I'ECORATING CO 149261 11/29/-- 4267 90-4360 96.10 1.92 98.02 108005 CANADIAN AMERICAN IMPORTS 144231 11/28/-- 3650 90-8135 4,213.34 42.56 4,255.90 232561 FARRAGUT FINE FURNISHINGS 146524 11/30/-- 1218 90-3209 79.79 1.60 81.39 635860 PLANTATION HOME PRODUCTS 148296 11/28/-- 216 90-1261 5.80 827093 SILVERTHORNE &. STONE 143876 11/28/-- 403 90-3221 380.75 7.62 388.37 926300 HH.ORTON MILL &. GEAR 143280 11/30/-- 1616 90-1380 429.98 8.60 438.58 S. CO TOTALS 5.80 $6,776.28* $78.17* $6,854.45* Figure 34. Cash receipts register CUSTOMER STATEMENTS At the end of the month, statements can be written for all customers with open balances. Showing the customer the status of his account serves to speed collections by reminding him of amounts due, gives the customer proof of what he has paid, and provides a means of graphically pointing out overdue items. This is so whether the statement is open-item or balance-forward. The difference is in format only. Using the open-item approach, the accounts receivable me contains all the detail required to prepare statements accurately and promptly. The procedure is as follows: At statement time, the customer master record file is match-merged with the accounts receivable f:tle. That is, the customer master record for each account is collated in front of the previously unpaid invoice summaries, any cash receipts for the month, and all journal entries for the month. Customer master records for inactive accounts are selected and set aside. The cards are then processed on the System/3 computer to prepare customer statements (Figure 35). In addition, the computer punches customer balance-due recqrds, which will be used for the preparation of the trial balance report and for delinquency notices. 50 LAURENTIAN INDUSTRIES, INC. 250 HACIENDA AVE. SAN JOSE, CALIF. LAURENTIAN INDUSTRIES, INC. 250 HACIENDA AVE. SAN JOSE, CALIF. STATEMENT STATEMENT CUSTor~ER H. J. El,.LIOTT ELLIOTT TRANSFORMER CO 1418 E. FIRST AVE. CLINTON, CALIF. 95588 NO. H. J. ELLIOTT ELLIOTT TRANSFORMER CO 1418 E. FIRST AVE. CLINTON, CALIF. 95588 25368(1 ]'lATE 9/30/-- CUSTOMER NO. 253680 DATE 9/30/-- RETURN WITH REMITTANCE MO 8 9 9 9 9 DATE DY 31 09 12 23 25 YR -- -- ---- INVOICE NUMBER 663108 663214 663821 854217 663108 DES CRIP T I Of'~ INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE FREIGHT ADJUST. AMOU~,T $285.96 86.54 185.23 326.55 24.83CR $859.45 TOTAL DUE t40 8 9 9 9 9 DATE DY 31 39 12 23 25 YR -- ---- --- INVOICE NUMBER 663108 663214 663821 854217 663108 DESCRIPTION INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE FREIGHT ADJUST. AMOUNT $285.96 86.54 185.23 326.55 24.83CR $859.45 TOTAL DUE Figure 35. Open-item customer statement The total accounts receivable amount (accumulated by the system as statements are being prepared) is balanced to the control totals, and the original copies of the statements are mailed to the customers. The second copies are forwarded to the credit department for their use, and the third (if three copies are prepared) are bound in customer number sequence and held in the data processing department for reference purposes. After printing of the statements, the accounts receivable me, which has been separated from the customer master records and the customer balance-due records, is purged of closed items. That is, all open items for which full payment has been received are removed from the ftle, along with their respective cash receipts cards and journal entries. The removed records are held for reference and the remaining records become next month's accounts receivable ftle, to which will be added any transactions affecting accounts receivable as the cycle begins again. The customer master records and the customer balance-due records are ready for preparation of the aged trial balance report. Figure 36 is a flowchart of the procedure just described. 51 Journal entries Customer master records Cash receipts Invoice summaries System/3 Journal entries Cash receipts Customer master records Blanks System/3 Journal entries Cash receipts Invoice summaries I New balance due Cl,Jstomer master records Figure 36. Open-item customer statement preparation 52 Customer Balance-forward statements (Figure 37) are prepared in a similar manner but with the following differences: 1. The customer balance-due records from the previous month are required as additional input to the statement run. 2. No purge of the me is required. I I LAt!G cor·1I' AtIY I I I I I I STATE:·1Er:T C)STOMER 554386 MO 09 09 09 09 ~lO 11ITTON CORPORATIN: 138 MARSHALL DR. PO BOX 851 CALI F LONG POP.T DATE YR DY an 10 15 3Cl DATE 9/30/-- • --- HIVOICE R f\jut~llE REFEPEt.JCE t:UMFF.R 091531 -" CURREt:T Ar10UIJT 'i>l.693.91 I I 30 DAYS $[96. L,6 DESCRIPTION PRIOR BALANCE H;VOICE PAYt-H,t;T LC ADJUSTMENT LATE C:1ARGE S 185163 075126 -- 94134 I 60 I DAYS f. OVER AW")UtlT LANG 09 09 09 09 "'ALAr!C E DUE DATE YR DY 08 10 15 30 ---- HITTON CORPORATION 138 r1ARSHALL DR PO BOX 851 LONr; PORT CALIF ItlVOICE NUMBER NU~1BER 94134 DE scn I PT I Otl AMrurn ~2 PRIOR BALM-ICE INVOICE .565.46 1.685.91 1.856.0'lCR 1.3."OCR O.QO PAYr~ENT 091531 -- $1.693.91 9/30/-- REFEREt;CE 185163 075126 CURREtn AMOUt;T $2,39').37 ArJY nATE CUSTGrlER NO. 554386 r~o $;>,565.46 1,685.91 1.856.00CR 13.00CR 8.00 cor~P S T A TEr~ENT I 30 DAYS I I $696.46 r LC ADJUSTt1ENT LATE CHARGES 60 DAYS f. OVFR :gl',LANCE DUE $2.390.37 RETAItJ THIS PORTIDr-l FOR YOUR R[CORDS I Figure 37. Balance-forward statement AGED TRIAL BALANCE To list the aged trial balance, two input records are required: customer master me and customer balance-due records. The balance-due records are created from blank cards during the statement preparation run. The aged trial balance is printed showing cross-foot totals for each account, and totals for each aged column. These totals can be used to establish controls for accounts receivable. For example, they can be balanced against the control sheet or against other reports such as the delinquency notices. In this last instance, assume that a user desires all accounts with balances greater than 90 days to be dunned. The aged columns on the trial balance for amounts due over 90 days should balance with the delinquency-notice amounts. Figure 38 is a sample of an aged trial balance report. 53 LAURENTIAN INDUSTRIES INC PAGE 1 AGED TRIAL BALANCE CUST. NO. CUSTOMER NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER 108 165 178 189 247 252 ALLEN C. CO. ANDERSON AUTO SUPPLY ANDREWS AND SONS INC ARGONAUT ENGINEERING BERKLEY PAPER CO BEST DISTRIBUTION CO 415-378-1089 408-286-6741 408-262-2074 415-867-2506 408-251-4189 408-296-1667 - - - - DATE LAST PAY MO DA YR CREDIT LIMIT TOTAL OUTSTANDING CURRENT AMOUNT 16 28 05 27 21 06 $15,000 2,500 750 2,000 6,300 1,000 $ 7,296.35 1,665.49 146.64 3,125.41 5,289.00 765.44 $ 6,919.77 1,665.49 $35241.33* $21,085.31* 2 1 2 12 2 10 FINAL TOTALS 30 DAYS $ 7117/-- OVERDUE ACCOUNTS 60 DAYS 90 C. OVER 376.58 $ 2,111.30 1,185.50 3.25 611.54 2,652.45 146.64 312.13 1,400.05 -$5,601.57* $3,831.82* $ 90.44 51.00 762.19 $998.63* Figure 38. Aged trial balance DELINQUENCY NOTICES It is necessary to analyze accounts receivable records periodically in order to identify delinquent accounts and to provide for a follow-up procedure. This function is extremely important because experience has shown that the older an outstanding balance becomes, the more difficult it is to collect. In addition, a heavy load of past-due receivables ties up working capital, exercising a restricting effect on other functions of a business operation. The System/3 user, when he defines his aged periods in an age period date card, may defme any of his periods as overdue. Customers who have had unpaid balances for a period equal to or greater than the overdue period can then be dunned using the following procedure: The customer master record followed by the customer balance-due record for each account is entered into the computer and the aging fields of the balance-due record are analyzed. If the account, by definition from the age period date card, is overdue, a delinquency notice is printed. If not, the cards are simply passed through the system and the next account is analyzed. The delinquency notices, as does the aged trial balance, require the balance-due records as input. Therefore, they too must be printed after aging has occurred during the statement run. However, either the aged trial balance or the delinquency notices can be printed first, depending upon individual requirements. This, then, is a description of a basic accounts receivable application with the choice of open-item or balance-forward left to the individual user. There follows a brief discussion of procedural details. 54 Accounting Control Accounting controls are an important part of data processing, as they are of all good accounting procedures. In accounts receivable, these controls check the functioning of both the procedure and the personnel, and in many cases also provide the entries to be made to the general ledger. Essentially, a typical control procedure is as follows: As a group of accounts receivable records is created for each group of invoices, credit memos, or cash receipts, they are listed on the system to prepare control registers. These registers show the details of each transaction and the total of each group of transactions. The totals are checked with predetermined totals from the originating source for each type of transaction and are then recorded on the control sheet. The cards representing the transactions are filed in the accounts receivable me. At the end of the month, the items recorded on the control sheet are totaled and combined with the previous month's balance to obtain the current month's balance. The cards in the accounts receivable me are then listed on the system to prepare the trial balance. Since all entries were proved back to the preestablished controls, and since the trial balance total is obtained by reading and accumulating the information previously punched in the accounts receivable cards, the trial balance usually balances. However, if any discrepancies do occur, they can be located relatively easily, because the accounts receivable file can be automatically sorted into date sequence and the control totals reestablished to locate any discrepancies, and because sufficient data has been provided on the registers so that any transaction can be reconstructed. Figure 39 shows this concept in outline form and the following paragraphs describe it in more detail. The Control Sheet At the start of each accounting period, the accounts receivable balance from the previous accounting period is entered on the control sheet. Then each day, as debits and credits affect the accounts receivable balance, they are posted to the control sheet in summary form. The control sheet then represents the latest status of the accounts receivable. Let us consider the source of the entries to the illustrative control sheet shown in Figure 40. Invoices, Credit Memorandums and Journal Entries Each day, the accounts receivable debit records representing the day's billing are listed on the accounts receivable register. This register, then, is a completely detailed list of all invoice entries to the accounts receivable. The total billing figure (arrived at during the billing procedure) is balanced with the total receivables amount (from the accounts receivable register) and is posted to the accounts receivable control sheet. Thus, for example, on December 31 the total of the invoices billed, $7,764.44, is posted to the control sheet. In a similar manner summary figures are balanced and posted to the control sheet for credit memorandums and journal entries. 55 Sales, credit memorandum L Accounts receivable register ....... - ..... Journal entries, ./ Trial balance ......... misc. erries - ,~ Accounts receivable ..... ,~er Accounts receivable file 1 -------I;W Cash receipts register ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE CONTROL SHEET " INVOICES DATE INVOICES PAID BILLED DEBIT AIR CREDIT AIR CASH RECEIVED DISCOUNT ALLOWED DEBIT DEBIT BALANCE v ,~----------~~----------~/ ... T Figure 39. Control procedure 56 ~, " RETURNS ALLOWANCES DEBIT DEBIT MISCELLANEOUS EXP DR AIR CR AIR Cash Receipts Cash receipts can be entered into cards by anyone of several methods, to suit the needs of the business and to comply with either the open-item method or the balance-forward method. In either case, as soon as the cards have been prepared, they are detail-printed on the system, producing the cash receipts register. This register serves several purposes. Its immediate function is to prove that the accounts receivable records are in balance with actual cash receipts. It is also a permanent record of accounts receivable cash entries, and provides a means of ready reference. Furthermore, it is the basis for auditing credit entries to the accounts receivable ledger flle. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CONTROL SHEET o DATE INVOICES INVOICES CASH DISCOUNT BIL.LED PAID RECEIVED ALL.OWED ,;, I' DEBIT A/R BALANCE LAST MO. 1.2. I 2. 3 6 7 8 9 10 1.3 o III IS 16 17 .20 :21 :22. 9 091 14 S'I3i 3'1 , 6'1S .23 S 927 " 721'1 61 " 908 ~3 L I'S- I' 76¥.2. II 7 11'1 82 .9 ,o8 77 :J.f 7 9;.S :2.~ .30 .31 Z I/o~ ,,27 o 811K7 .27 9296 20 , #135 33 5 0" 140 .21 :1.1/ DEBIT RETURNS DEBIT AL.L.OWANCE. DEBIT DEBIT ,I)~ MISCELLANEOUS EXP DR A/R CR A/R 5'5 10 LIllI 06 " 9So '6 8 :1.11 .1 {'7.!. SlL 9 301 8'1 J S74 57 .1.3 CREDIT A/R MONTH OF '2 IS 7 76'1 lJl/ 11 S.2.1 60 , iIi 93 I 993 '1 3 '5# l:l :l. '113 '17 751 .If 2 71~ 15 , 877 39 // 89.1. 'III 282:1. 97 8 '80 8' 'I11f'7.3 19 61771/- Oi' I 'IiI 50 5S 1//71 l33 3/'- ('S "-hI 17 "t5 .2S 15.2S 7S 131,50 1(.3 '17 (,81/$ 308:1.8 /loll} 5'1M //1 /3 179 I('s .21371 7016 V .... \-ANCE Figure 41. Posting cash receipts 58 RETURN. rJE J95 42 D ••COUNT 0 ALLOWED DIr.IT : 0 492'17 36 1,6 5 490100 9 3 1,9 5 407,02 38 1,6 6 71 38 10 100 1 9,02 8,31 ~ : ~Ij i I 0 2 1110 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 10 3319 3 14616 1 6 50140 ..§.9 0 ~2 1 5 105 0 I, I I 70'86 ./ 0 SALES ANALYSIS Comprehensive sales analysis reports are of major importance to a distribution organization. Through accurate and up-to-date knowledge of sales activities, management can control present conditions and plan future policies. With this timely information management can direct the efforts of salesmen, check the effectiveness of advertising, regulate purchases, meet competition, and provide sales facilities and policies that promote the profitable conduct of the business. Sales analysis factors usually include what items are sold, who sold them, and to whom they were sold. The user of an IBM System/3 has a wide latitude in designing the types of sales analysis reports best suited to his own operation. This section of the manual discusses the requirements for producing five of the more commonly used types of reports: • • • • • Item sales analysis Item class sales analysis Item-within-customer sales analysis Item-class-within-customer sales analysis Customer-within-salesman sales analysis Figure 42 shows an example of each type of report. Report Options In the design of a sales analysis sytem, careful consideration should be given to the many options that can be incorporated into each type of report. Examples of these options, which can greatly increase a report's meaning and profitable use, are: • • • • • • Current year-to-date analysis Comparative year-to-date analysis Percent change in sales Percent change in quantity sold Determination of gross profit dollars Determination of gross profit percentage CURRENT ANALYSIS Sales analysis reports may be designed to reflect sales activity on a current year-to-date basis. A report of this type includes sales for the current month and sales year-to-date for the current year. One of the many uses for current analysis can be seen in a report in which customer sales are listed for each salesman. Management can evaluate the performance of the sales force and compare salesmen's results. If the report reflects item sales, fast-and slow-moving items are highlighted. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Sales analysis reports may also be designed to include comparative figures showing current month and current year-to-date compared with the same month and year-to-date of the preceding year. This kind of report highlights cyclic or seasonal trends in sales and sales performance. 59 A D C COMPANY CDr1PARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SALES "v ITEM PERIOD EnDING 10/31/6 ITEtl NO. CURRo PERIOD QUAN. nliS YR LAST YR DESCRIPTlI'N 624634 624832 624901 PAGE D20068 OVERHAUL GASKET 17DOOll tELT DYNAMIC FAN DMK6448 HUB ASSEM!lLY J2 11} 190 1- 14 150 5 PCT C!tG PCT CHr- YTD QUM1TITY TItIS YP LAST YR 2927 120- 9('1 1,820 18 840 98 1,905 18 A Il C COMPANY SALES !lY ITEtI CLASS MONTH ITEH CLASS E~;DINr- ('13/31/6 SOLD TH IS MONTH r-ROS S PROFIT ABRAS IVES 2,720.19 271.36 10 ACIDS AND CHEtllCALS 1,216.27 170.27 14 BRASS 6,221}.63 435.45 CLASS DESCRIPTION PRC'f IT SOLD Till S PERCEr:T YEAR GRnss PRflFIT PR"~ PERCH~T IT 907.60 10 3,139.68 408.07 13 16,341.47 1,143.87 A !l C CflI'PANY _SALES ANALYSI~ BY ITEt! FOR EACH CUSTOMER PERlnD FNDIt;(; 03/31/6 CUST NO. 10 ITEM CUSTOMER/ I TEt-I flAME 411116 411122 411173 CONTItlENTAL ELECTRIC cn 11500 Tl-IINLITE SOCKET 1\ 8506 SOCKET ADAPTER llROHN C151 S IUNT ~\o!JTCIl IVORY 0667 '--- SOLD Till S oEo IOD nUANTITY AMOUNT rlD. 320 1.000 25 CUSTmiER TOTALS 0955 A n PAGE PROFIT PRCNT 192 .45 320.05 30.'lO 1', 542.50 12 SOLD Ptl S YEAR ITY Al10UNT OUAI~T 1.2ro 5.240 865 12 pnOFI T PRCtiT 720.03 1.677.34 10"'38.23 14 9 12 3.435.60 12 C C"'MPANY '-COMPARA TlVE SALES fI:1AL YS I S BY ITEM CLASS FOP. :AC!I CUSTr)t.1rR MONTH ErilllNG 05/31/6 CUST NO ITEM CLASS CUST0I1Fr.1I TEtl CLASS r:AME TARDELL IIARDI"ARE !)UI LDER HARDt·fARE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES GIFTS AND SUNDRIES HOUSEl-JARES METAL ANil PIPE NAILS ArlD SCREWS PAINT AND SUPPLIES POI!ER AND HAND TOOLS SPORT H:r. GOODS YARD AllD GARDEN EOUI PMENT 3310 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PAf.E PRCNT MONTHLY SALES TillS YEAR LAST vEAR CHG YEAR TO DATE SALES THIS vEAR LAST YFAR 103.19 87.58 63.01 198.05 201.52 75.04 316.51 425.58 227.91 146.54 1.844.93 515.92 435.57 315.09 990.32 1.005.48 373.46 1.588.46 1.704.29 1.331.50 73Z.f.1 8.992.72 361<) 91.31 85.02 .00 150.23 25.40 40.89 250.62 385.12 209.2<) 55.65 1.293.53 13 2 32 704 88 26 10 ') 165 43 PRCt~T CHr- 2916 351220 41 729.43 375.29 490.36 1.123.19 840.66 264.91 1.248.72 1.392.32 850.45 61f, .18 7.<)31.71 27 22 57 19 13 ABC COMPANY COMPARATIVE ~ALES CUq(,~ER ANALYSI S IlY 3824 fflR EACH '--- SALE~~'AN PEP.IOD ENDING 07/31/6 SU.1N NO. CUST. NO. SALEsr1AN/CUSTOMER NAME 1426 2632 3217 A R HESTON HYDRO CYCLES INC RUPP AOUA CYCLES SEA PORT HEST CO 0301 1941 2601 H T llRAVEtiAN BOLLINGER ASSOCIATES MACK IfARDHARE CO RECREATIotlAL UNLIMITED 10 SALES'1AN TOTALS 12 ""- SALE SMAJ.: TOTALS FIlIAL TOTALS Figure 42. Typical sales analysis reports 60 THIS PERIOD THIS Y!'AR THI~ PERIOD LAST YFAR PAGE YEAR-TO-DATE THI S YEAR YEAR-Tr.-DATE LAST YEAR 4.312.06 2.3(11.<)8 421.06 10.010.28 20.922.60 900.00 <). ('00.92 11.020.16 593.10 10.920.28 7.035.10 31.732 .88 20.614.18 100.96 4.201.85 180.60 O.'lO 860.82 420.96 100.'l6 8.C29.22 0.00 1.866.22 1.200.00 4,483.41 1.281.78 22.052.86 3.('66.22 98.473.26 ')1.905.82 656.002.17 5<)8.771.49 3.210.26 7.800.02 90.00CR PERCENT CHANGE IN SALES This information can be reported in two ways: (1) percent of change for the current month versus the same month for the previous year, or (2) percent of change year-to-date this year versus year-to-date last year. The results are a reflection of the percentage of increase or decrease in the dollar amounts of gross sales. For example, if last year in July a firm had sales of $10,000.00 for item number 646223, and sales of $12,000.00 for the same item in July of the current year, the report would show the percent of increase in gross sales for that item: Item Number Sales This Period 646223 $12,000.00 Same Period Last Year $10,000.00 Percent Change 20 If, on the other hand, the figures in the example above were reversed, showing a decrease in gross sales, the percent change would show a negative number reflecting that decrease. Item Number Sales This Period 646223 $10,000.00 Same Period Last Year $12,000.00 Percent Change 16.7- The percent change tells at a glance whether sales for a particular item, item class, etc., have increased, decreased, or remained constant. PERCENT CHANGE IN QUANTITY SOLD Percent change in quantity sold can also be reported on a current month versus same month prior year basis, or on a current year-to-date versus prior year-to-date basis. The change, either increase or decrease, is expressed in percent of units sold. Item Number This Year Quantity Sold Sales Amount Last Year Quantity Sold 646223 10 18.75 5 Sales Amount 9.38 Percent Change 100 The percent of change in quantity sold is computed on the basis of the difference between the number sold this year and the number sold last year. Again~ if the above figures were reversed, the percent change figure would be a negative number. 61 DETERMINATION OF GROSS PROFIT The gross profit, in dollar amounts, is usually reported either for the current month only or for the current month and current year-to-date. This figure, expressed in dollar amounts, is computed on the basis of unit cost times quantity sold subtracted from sales amount. For example, a report for customer sales within salesman might look like this: Salesman Number 01 Salesman Name Customer Number Customer Name Sales Amount Gross Profit Jones Thomas Uvas Zeers 100.00 208.00 16.00 33.28 404.00 63.64 Adams 100 110 120 130 GROSS PROFIT PERCENTAGE Given the cost per unit and the selling price per unit, the system can compute the percent of gross profit. This option may also be reported either on a current month only basis or on a current month and current year-to-date basis. Records Used F our types of punched card records are required to produce the five typical sales analysis reports previously mentioned. The four records are: • • • • Customer name record Salesman name record Item transaction record Sales summary record CUSTOMER NAME RECORD The customer name record permits customer name to be printed on the item sales within customer and item class sales within customer reports. It contains (as a minimum) record identification code, customer number, and customer name. If the system is being used to perform order writing and billing, the customer master records from that application may be used to reproduce customer name records automatically. When master records are not available, the name records must be punched from present customer fIles. SALESMAN NAME RECORD The salesman name record permits salesman's name to be printed on the customer-within-salesman report. It contains (as a minimum) record identification code, salesman number, and salesman name. These records must be punched from current information. ITEM TRANSACTION RECORD Item transaction records that represent the current period's sales are required for each of the five sales analysis reports. The record contains (as a minimum) record identification code, customer number, item number, item class code, item description, unit cost if gross profit determination is required, quantity sold, and sales amount. 62 If the order writing and billing is performed on the system, item transaction records are available as an automatic by-product of that application (see Figure 43). Otherwise, they must be punched from sales invoices. RIC ORDER NO. CUST. NUMBER TR S'MAN ITEM NUMBER LIST PRICE ITEM DESCRIPTION W. H.LOC. WEICHT TX CLASS OTY. SHIP· OTY. ORDER ITEM DESC. SELLINC PRICE ITEM COST ~BI IB § A :: 8 ~ 4 ~8 ~ Z CUSTOMER NUMBER 2 eo~ B1 I 2 l 4 5 6 7 =8A I 9 10 " z ~ ~~ ORDER NUMBER g ~z v> ::l", 12 13 14 15 16 " ~d ~ ~ 1 : 3114 35 3i 31 3139 4041424344454647484950 51 WARE HOUSE LOCATION 8 ~ OUANTITY SHIPPED WEICHT 4 ___ LIST SELLINC PRICE PRICE : : ITEM DESCRIPTION 2 __ ~ A 8 ITEM DESC. II 19 2021 22 23 24 151617 11293031 32 ~ 4 :a:~ ITEM NUMBER ~ A 8 4 : 5354 5556'5751 59606162'63 64 ~~~ OUANTITY OROEREO 2 1 B 2 ~ ~ ~ I 1 65666761697071 727374757677 7879808182 8384851687!.189 90 9191939495 96 Figure 43. Item transaction record SALES SUMMARY RECORD A different sales summary record is required for each of the five sales analysis reports. The sales summary record contains year-to-date sales data that is summarized according to the requirements of a specific report (such as by item, by item class, etc.). Initially, sales summary records for both the current year and the prior year (if comparative reporting is desired) must be punched from existing sales records. Once the sales analysis application has been implemented on the system, new sales summary records are automatically generated during each period's reporting. The new updated records, which contain current year-to-date sales data, become input for the next period's reports. The current year-to-date sales summary records for each period can be retained and used the following year to provide prior year-to-date data for comparative reporting. Figure 44 shows a sales summary by item record. I I I I I DATE RICI I ITEM DESCRIPTION AMT. THIS PERIOD CR.PR. THIS PERIOD ~i I~ I i ~ I 2 DATE I I 3 4 I 5 67 OTY. Y. T. D. I ITEM NUMBER AMT. Y.T.O. OTY. THIS PERIOD I CR. PRo Y.T.O. I I .:\E'~R I Ii I 8 910" 121314 IS 16" 18191021122324252627 28 29 30 31 32 fEA ~8 SALES OTY. THIS PERIOD ITEM DESCRIPTION ~4 2 I B A 8 4 Ul4~W17~~w~ue«a%O~~M~~U""~D~~~~~~« CROSS PROFIT THIS PERIOD SALES OTY. YEAR-TO-DATE SALES AMT. YEAR-TO-DATE CROSS PROFIT YEAR-TO- DATE 2 1 B 8 4 2 65666168697071 727374757677 78 7980 81 82 83848586 87 !.I 89 90 919293949596 Figure 44. Sales summary by item record 63 8 4 A SALES AMOUNT THIS PERIOD 2 I ~ A I Typical Procedures Although the specific input records required vary with the five types of sales analysis reports, the general procedures for producing each report are essentially the same (see Figure 45). SORT ITEM TRANSACTIONS Regardless of the type of report to be produced, the first step is to sort the item transaction records. This sorting establishes a sequence based on the control fields required by an individual report. Specifically, the item transaction records are sorted by item number for item sales analysis, by item class code for item class analysis, etc. MATCH-MERGE SALES SUMMARIES If comparative year-to-date reporting is used, the current year's sales summary records must be matchmerged with the prior year's summary records. Control fields for the match-merge are the same as for the item transaction sort; the specific fields depend on the type of sales analysis report to be printed. This match-merge step is of course omitted when comparative sales summary figures are not required. The merged current and prior year summaries or current year only summaries are match-merged with the sorted item transaction records. Again, the control fields for the match-merge are determined by the type of report to be printed. REPORT PREPARATION Sales analysis reports that do not require the printing of customer's or salesman's names are prepared by processing the merged item transaction and sales summary records on the system. Prior to preparing item-within-customer, item-class-within-customer, or customer-within-salesman reports, the appropriate name records (customer or salesman) must frrst be match-merged with the item transaction and sales summary records. Any unmatched name records should be checked for appropriate action and then the merged sales records can be processed on the system. As each type of sales analysis report is being prepared from appropriate input records, blank cards are entered into the system. New current year sales summary data is automatically punched into the blank cards, thus creating updated sales summary records for use during the next reporting period. When all the required sales analysis reports have been completed, the new sales summary records are flIed and held for use in preparing the next period's reports; the old (previous period) sales summary records are filed for use the following year to provide comparative figures; the item transaction and prior year summary records may be history filed; and the name records are returned to their respective files. 64 -, "I I Item transaction records System/3 sort item transactions --=;l Sales summary records transaction records --~ Customer name records When required System/3 match and merge records System/3 print reports, punch new summary records When required ~-~ Salesman name records Sales analysis reports Customer and salesman name New sales Figure 45. Flowchart of general procedures 65
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-21:37:19 Create Date : 2015:08:07 15:27:34-08:00 Modify Date : 2015:08:07 14:46:44-07:00 Metadata Date : 2015:08:07 14:46:44-07:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:d37c9960-b422-724f-94c7-9440349a4127 Instance ID : uuid:be716322-92eb-a64e-872b-6c1cd2e77e62 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 71EXIF Metadata provided by