GY28 6638 1_Fort G_Pgm Log Man 1 Fort G Pgm
GY28-6638-1_FortG_PgmLogMan GY28-6638-1_FortG_PgmLogMan
User Manual: GY28-6638-1_FortG_PgmLogMan
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File No. S360-25(OS) Order No. GY28-6638-1 Program Logic IBM System/3S0 Operating System FORTRAN IV (G) Compiler Program Logic Manual Program Number 3S0S-FO-520 This publication describes the internal logic of the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler. Program Logic Manuals are intended for use by IBM customer engineers involved in program maintenance, and by systems programmers involved in altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use: therefore, distribution of this manual is limited to persons with program maintenance or modification responsibilities. The FORTRAN IV (G) compiler is a processing program of the IBM Systeml360 operating system. It translates one or more source modules written in the FORTRAN language into an object module that can be processed into an executable load module by the linkage editor. order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 This publication provides customer engineers and other technical personnel with information describing the internal organization and operation of the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler. It is part of an inte~ grated library of IBU System/360 operating System Program Logic Manuals. Other publications required for an understanding of the FORTRAN IV CG) compiler are: Concepts and Facilitie~, supervisor and Data Management Instructions, Form C28-6647 Linkage Editor, Form Y28=6'610 Macro- Proq.!:!!!L_y>gic_~!!!!!!!, This publication sections: IBM §yst~m~J~Q~2~~!~!ng-2Y~tem: Form C28-6535 consists of two Principles of operation, Form A22-6821 Introduction to Control Program Loqic, Program Logic Manual, Form Y28-6605 Any reference to a Programmer's Guide in this publication applies to FORTRAN IY-l§_!n~Jil_Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6817. The fORTRAN IV (G) Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6639, (to which references may exist in this publication) has been replaced by the combined G and H Programmer's Guide. Although not required, the following publications are rE~lated to this publication and should be consulted: IBM System/360 Operation system: §.~g~nt ia!_~££~!!_J1~ihod~L-f!:Qg!.!.m M!~!!, Form Y28-6604 Logic section 1 is an introduction that describes the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler as a whole, including its relationship to the operating" system. The major components of the compiler and relationships among them are also described in this section. Section 2 consists of a discussion of compiler operation. Each component of the compiler is described in sufficient detail to enable the reader to understand its operation, and to provide a frame of reference for the comments and coding supplied in the program listing. Common data such as tables, blocks, and work areas is discussed only to the extent required to understand the logic of each component. Flowcharts are included at the end of this section. Following Section 2, are appendixes that contain reference material. If more detailed information is required, the reader should see the comments, remarks, and coding in the FORTRAN IV (G) program listing. Second Edition (May 1968) This i~ a major revision of', and makes obsolet.e, the previous edition, Form Y28-6638-0, and Technical Newsletters Y2B-6384, Y28-6386, Y28-6388, and Y28-6820. Changes to the text, and small illustrations, are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol • to t.he left of the caption. I The specifications containe·d in this publication, as amended by TNL Y28-6829, dated July 23, 1969, correspond to Release 18 and as further amended by TNL GY28-6841, dated January 15, 1911, correspond to Release 20 of the IBM Systeml360 Operating System. changes are periodically made to the specifications herein; any such changes will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. Requests for coples of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or t.O the IBM branch office serving your locality. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to IBM corporation, Programming Publications, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N. Y. 10020. " copyright International :Business Machines corporation 196B, 1910 Technical Newsletter File Number S360-25 Re: Order No. GY28-6638-1 This Newsletter No. Date GY28-6826 November 15, 1968 Previous Newsletter Nos. None IBM System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV (G) Compiler Program Logic Manual This Technical Newsletter, a part of Release 17 of the IBM System/360 Operating System, provides replacement pages for IBM S stem/360 0 eratin System: FORTRAN IV (G) Compiler programLOt~C Manua , Form Y T ese rep acement pages rema~n in ef ect for subsequent releases unless specifically altered. Pages to be replaced and/or added are listed below. Pages Cover, preface 19-20 27-32 35-38.1 39-40 45-46 '53-54 67-68 (67.1 added) 69-70.1 71-72 77-78 145-146.1 153-154.1 157-158 177-178 185-186 191-192 221-224.1 225-226 (225.1 added) 229-230.1 253-254 Changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations, are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol • to the left of the caption. Summary of Amendments New information about innermost DO loops with a possible extended range has been added. The information includes descriptions of two new routines, XTEND LABEL and EXTND TARGET LABEL, and changes to existing routines and flowcharts involved in phase 1 processing. There is also additional information about theONAMELIST table entries and the GET POLISH routine, and a description of the improvements made by the FORTRAN object.-time library in the pro.cessing of BACKSPACE statements. File this cover letter at the back of 1:he publication to provide a record of changes. IBM Corporation, Programming Publications, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020 PRINTED IN U. S. A. Technical Newsletter File Number Re: Order No. This Newsletter No. Date Previous Newsletter Nos. IBM System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV (G) Compiler Program Logic Manual This Technical Newsletter, a part of Release 18 of the IBM System/~60 Operating System, provides replacement pages for IBM System/360 Operating System: FORTRAN IV (G) Compiler ProgramLo~ic Manual, Form Y28-6638-1. These replacement pages rema1n in effect for subsequent releases unless specifically altered. Pages to be replaced and/or added are listed below. Pages Cover, preface 7,8 13,14 17,18 35-36.1 43-44.1 45,46 49-52 55-58 75-76 113-114 167-1.70 175-176.1 209,210 255-257 Changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations, are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol • to the left of the caption. Summary of Amendments A description of the compiler statistics messages and the phases and subroutines which generate them is added. Illustrations of the formats of the messages are included. File this cover letter at the back of the publication to provide a record of changes. IBM Corporation, Programming Publications, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020 PRINTED IN U. S. A. 8360-25 GY28-6638-1 GY28·6829 July 23, 1969 GY28-6826 GY28-6847 Technical Newsletter File No. S360-25(OS) Re: Order No. GY2 8-6 638-1 This Newsletter No. Date: GY 28 - 6847 January 15, 1971 Previous Newsletter Nos. GY28-6826 GY28-6829 IBM System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV (G) Compiler Program Logic Manual e International Business Machines Corporation replacement pages for the publication S stem: FORTRAN IV (G) Com iler er No. GY28-6638- • The specifications contained in this publication correspond to Release 20 of the IBM System/360 Operating System. Pages to be replaced are listed below: Page(s) Cover-2 Summary of Amendment(s) Release notice updated 7,8 List of 211-258 "Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms" has been replaced in its entirety; new information has been added, obsolete information deleted, and existing information expanded and clarified (replacement" pages are 211-258.10) 263-272 Index updated illustration~ updated Changes to the text and small changes to illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol • to the left of the caption. File this cover letter at the back of the publication to provide a record of changes. IBM Corporlll;"', Progra';'ming Publicalions, 1271 Av,nu, of Ih, Am'Nclls, New York, N.Y. 10020 PIIINTED IN U. S. A. CONTENTS SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPILER Purpose of the Compiler Machine Configuration Compiler and System/360 Operating System • • • • • • • • • • • Compiler Design • • • • • • Limitations of the Compiler Compiler Implementation '. • • • • • • • POP Language • • • • • • • • • Compiler Organization • • Control Phase: Invocation (IEYFORT) Phase 1: Parse (IEYPAR) ••• Phase 2: Allocate (IEYALL) Phase 3: Unify (IEYUNF) •• Phase 4: Gen (IEYGEN) Phase 5: Exit (IEYEXT) • • Roll (IEYROL) ••••• • • Compiler Storage Configuration •• Compiler Output • • • • • • Object Module • • • • • • • • • Components of the Object Module object Module General Register Usage • • • • • • • Source Module Listing object Module Listing Storage Maps • • • • • • • • • • • Error Messages • • • • Common Error Messages • • • • • Compiler Data Structures • • • • • • • • Rolls ~nd Roll Controls ROLL ADR Table • • • • • BASE, BOTTOM, and TOP Tables • • Special Rolls • • • • • • Central Items, Groups, and Group Stats • • • • • Other Variables Answer Box • .. • • Multiple Precision Arithmetic Scan Control Flags • • • • • Quotes • • • • Messages • • • • • • Compiler Arrangement and General Register Usage • • • Pointers • • • • • • • Drivers • • • • • • • Operation Drivers Control Drivers • • • • 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 15 15 17 17 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 23 24 24 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 30 30 31 SECTION 2: COMPILER OPERATION 33 Invocation Phase (IEYFORT) • 33 IEYFORT, Chart 00 33 IEYPRNT, Chart 00A4 • • • • 33 PRNTHEAD, Chart 01A2 • • • • • 34 IEYREAD, Chart 01A4 • 34 34 IEYPCH, Chart 02A3 • PRNTMSG, Chart 03A1 34 IEYMOR, Chart 01D1 • 34 IEYNOCR 34 IEYRETN, Chart 03A2 35 OPTSCAN, Chart AA • • 35 35 DDNAMES, Chart AB HEADOPT, Chart AC • • • • • TIMEDAT, Chart AD • • • • Output from IEYFORT • • • • • Phase 1 of the Compiler: Parse (IEYPAR) Flow of Phase 1, Chart 04 • • • • PRINT and READ SOURCE, Chart BA STA INIT, Chart BB • • LBL FIELD XLATE, Chart BC • STA XLATE, Chart BD STA FINAL, Chart BE • ACTIVE END STA XLATE, Chart BF • PROCESS POLISH, Chart BG • Output from Phase 1 •• • • • • • • • • Polish Notation • Source Listing • • • • • • • Phase 2 of the Compiler: Allocate (IEYALL) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Flow of Phase 2, Chart 05 • • • • ALPHA LBL AND L SPROGS, Chart CA • • ALPHA SCALAR ARRAY AND SPROG, Chart CA • • • • • • PREP EQUIV AND PRINT ERRORS, Chart CB • • • • • BLOCK DATA PROG ALLOCATION, Chart CC • • • • • • • • PREP DMY DIM AND PRINT ERRORS, Chart CD • • • • • • • • • • • • PROCESS DO LOOPS, Chart CE • • • PROCESS LBL AND LOCAL SPROGS, Chart CF • • • • • • • • • • • • BUILD PROGRAM ESD, Chart CG • ENTRY,NAME ALLOCATION, Chart CH • • COMMON ALLOCATION AND OUTPUT, Chart CI • • • • • • • • • EQUIV ALLOCATION PRINT ERRORS, Chart CK • • • • • • • • • • • BASE AND BRANCH TABLE ALLOC, Chart CL • • • • • • • • • • • • • SCALAR ALLOCATE, Chart CM • ARRAY ALLOCATE, Chart CN • • PASS 1 GLOBAL SPROG ALLOCATE, Chart CO • • • • • • • • • • • • SPROG ARG ALLOCATION, Chart CP • • • PREP NAMELIST, Chart CQ • LITERAL CONST ALLOCATION, Chart CR • FORMAT ALLOCATION, Chart CS • EQUIV MAP, Chart CT • • • • • • • • GLOBAL SPROG ALLOCATE, Chart CU • • BUILD NAMELIST TABLE, Chart CV • • • BUILD ADDITIONAL BASES, Chart cw • . DEBUG ALLOCATE, Chart CX • • • Output From Phase 2 • • • • • • • • • Error Messages Produced by Allocate Unclosed DO Loops • • • • • • Storage Maps Produced by Allocate • Subprogram List • • • • • • • • • • Cards Produced by Allocate • • • • • Phase 3 of the Compiler: Unify (IEYUNF) Flow of Phase 3, Chart 07 • • • • • • ARRAY REF ROLL ALLOTMENT, Chart DA • CONVERT TO ADR CONST, Chart DB • • • CONVERT TO INST FORMAT, Chart DC • • 35 35 35 36 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 42 44 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 50 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 DO NEST UNIFY, Chart DD IEYROL MorjlJle • • • • • Phase 4 of the Compiler: Gen (IEYGEN) • • • • • • • • • • • • Flow of Phase 4, Chart 08 ENTRY CODE GEN, Chart EA • • PROLOGUE GEN, Chart EB • EPILOGUE GEN, Chart EC • • • • • GET POLISH, Chart ED • • • • • • LBL PROCESS, Chart EF STA GEN, Chart EG STA GEN FINISH, Chart EH • • Phase 5 of the Compiler: Exit (IEYEXTl • Flow of Phase 5, Chart 09 • • • • PUNCH TEMP AND CONST ROLL, Chart FA PUNCH ADR CONST ROLL, Chart FB • • • PUNCH CODE ROLL, Chart FC PUNCH BASE ROLL, Chart FD PUNCH BRANCH ROLL, Chart FE PUNCH SPROG ARG ROLL, Chart FF • PUNCH GLOBAL SPROG ROLL, Chart FG • PUNCH USED LIBRARY ROLL, Chart FH • PUNCH ADCON ROLL, Chart FI • • ORDER AND PUNCH RLD ROLL, Chart FJ • PUNCH END CARD, Chart FK PUNCH NAMELIST MPY DATA, Chart FL • output From Phase 5 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 •• 127 APPENDIX A: THE POP LANGUAGE POP Instructions. • • • • • • .127 Transmissive Instructions • • 127 Arithmetic and Logical Instructions .130 Decision Making Instructions. • .131 Jump Instructions • • • • • • • .133 Roll Control Instructions • • • • • • 133 Code Producing Instructions •• 134 Address Computation Instructions • • • 134 Indirect Addressing Instruction • • • 135 Labels. • • • • • • • • • • 135 Global Labels • • • • • • .135 Local Labels. • • • • • .136 Assembly and Operation. • .136 POP Interpreter .136 Assembler Language References to POP Subroutines • • • • • • • • • • • 137 Global Jump Instructions • • • • • • • 137 Local Jump Instructions • • • • • • • 138 APPENDIX RollO: Roll 1: Roll 2: Roll 2: Roll 3: Roll 4: Roll 4: RollS: Roll 7: Roll 8: Roll 9: Roll 10: ~oll 11: Roll 12: Roll 13: Roll 13: Roll 14: Roll 15: Roll 15: B: ROLLS USED IN THE COMPILER .140 LIB Roll • • 140 SOURCE Roll. • .140 IND VAR Roll • • • • • .141 NONSTD SCRIPT Roll • • 141 NEST SCRIPT Roll • • 141 POLISH Roll. • • • • .141 LOOP SCRIPT Roll • • • • • • • 142 LITERAL CONST Roll • • 142 GLOBAL SPROG Roll. • .142 FX CONST Roll. • .143 FL CONST Roll • • 143 DP CONST Roll •• 143 COMPLEX CONST Roll • • 143 DP COMPLEX CONST Roll • • • • • 143 TEMP NAME Roll • • • • 143 STD SCRIPT Roll. • • .144 TEMP Roll. • • • • • .144 DO LOOPS OPEN Roll • • 144 LOOPS OPEN Roll. • • .144 Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll 1&: 16: 17: 17: 18: 18: 19: 20: 20: 21: 22: 23: 23: 24: 25: 26: 26: 27: 28: 29 : 30: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 36: 37: 37: 38: 39: 39 : 40: 40 : 41: 42: 42: 43: 44: 44: 45: 46: 47: 47: 48: 48: 49: 50: 51: 52: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: 60: 62: 62: ERROR MESSAGE Roll TEMP AND CONST Roll. ERROR CHAR Roll. • • • ADCON Roll • • • INIT Roll. • • • • DATA SAVE Roll • • • • EQUIVALENCE TEMP (EQUIV .144 .144 • .145 • .145 • • • • 145 • .145 TEMP) .145 EQUIVALENCE HOLD (EQUIV HOLD) .145 .146 REG Roll • • • • .146 BASE TABLE Roll • • • • • .146 ARRAY Roll • • • • • .147 DMY DIMENSION Roll .147 SPROG ARG Roll • • • • • .147 ENTRY NAMES Roll • • • • .148 GLOBAL DMY Roll • • • • • ERROR Roll • • • • • • • 148 .148 ERROR LBL Roll .148 LOCAL DMY Ro11 • • • • • .149 LOCAL SPROG Roll • • • • EXPLICIT Roll • • • • • • • • • 149 .149 CALL LBL Roll • • • .149 ERROR SYMBOL Roll • • .149 NAMELIST NAMES Roll • .150 NAMELIST ITEMS Roll • .150 ARRAY DIMENSION Roll .150 BRANCH TABLE Roll • • .150 TEMP DATA NAME Roll • .151 TEMP POLISH Roll .151 FX AC Roll • • • • .151 EQUIVALENCE Roll • • • • .151 BYTE SCALAR Roll • • • • .152 USED LIB FUNCTION Roll .152 COMMON DATA Roll .152 HALF WORD SCALAR Roll .152 COMMON NAME Roll • • • • .153 TEMP PNTR Roll .153 IMPLICIT Roll • • • • .153 EQUIVALENCE OFFSET Roll • .153 FL AC Roll • • • • • .153 LBL Roll • • • • • • • • .154 SCALAR Roll • • • • .154 HEX CONST Roll • • • • • .154 DATA VAR Roll • LITERAL TEMP (TEMP LITERAL) • • • • • 155 .155 COMMON DATA TEMP Roll • • .155 FULL WORD SCALAR Roll .155 COMMON AREA Roll • • • • .155 NAMELIST ALLOCATION Roll .156 COMMON NAME TEMP Roll • • .156 EQUIV ALLOCATION Roll • • RLD Roll • • • • • • • • • • • 156 .156 COMMON ALLOCATION Roll .156 LOOP CONTROL Roll • FORMAT Roll • • • • • • 157 .157 SCRIPT Roll • • • .157 LOOP DATA Roll PROGRAM SCRIPT Roll • .158 .158 ARRAY PLEX Roll • • .159 ARRAY REF Roll ADR CONST Roll • • • • • • • • 159 .159 AT Roll • • • • • • • • • .160 SUBCHK Roll • • • NAMELIST MPY DATA Roll .160 .160 GENERAL ALLOCATION Roll • CODE Roll • • • • • _ • • .160 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Roll 60: NAMELIST MPY DATA Roll • Roll 62: GENERAL ALLOCATION Roll • • • Roll 62: CODE Roll • • • • Roll 63: AFTER POLISH Roll • • • • • • Work and Exit Rolls • • • WORK Roll • EXIT Roll .160 .160 .160 • 161 .161 .161 .161 APPENDIX C: POLISH NOTATION FORMATS • • 163 General Form. • • • • • .163 Labeled Statements. • • .163 Array References • • • • • • • • 163 ENTRY Statement .164 ASSIGN Statement. • • • 164 Assigned GO TO Statement • • • • • • • • 164 Logical IF Statement. • • • • • • • 164 RETURN Statement. • • • .164 Arithmetic and Logical Assignment Statement • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 164 Unconditional GO TO Statement .165 computed GO TO Statement • • • • • • • • 165 Arithmetic IF Statement • • • 165 DO Statement. • • • • • • .165 CONTINUE Statement. • • • • .166 PAUSE and STOP Statements • • 166 END Statement • • • • • • • • • • .166 BLOCK DATA Statement. • • • • • .166 DATA Statement and DATA in Explicit Specification Statements • • • • • • • .166 I/O List • • • • .167 Input Statements • • • 167 FORMATTED READ • • .167 NAMELIST READ .168 UNFORMATTED READ • • • • • • 168 READ Standard Unit • .168 Output Statements .168 FORMATTED WRITE • .168 NAMELIST WRITE. , • • .169 UNFORMATTED WRITE • .169 PRINT • • • • • • • .169 PUNCH • • • • • • • .169 Direct Access Statements • • • • • • • • 169 READ, Direct Access • .169 WRITE, Direct Access • • • • • • • • • 170 FIND • • • • • • • • • • .170 DEFINE FILE .170 END FILE Statement • • .170 REWIND Statement • • .171 BACKSPACE Statement • • • • • • .171 Statement Function • • • • • • 171 FUNCTION Statement • • • • • • • • 171 Function (Statement or Subprogram) Reference • • • • • • • .171 Subroutine Statement • • .171 .172 CALL Statement • • • • .172 Debug Facility Statements AT • • • • • .172 TRACE ON • • .172 TRACE OFF • • • • • • .172 DISPLAY • • • • • .173 APPENDIX D: OBJECT CODE PRODUCED BY THE COMPILER. • • • • • • • • .175 Branches. • • ••• • • • • • 175 Computed GO TO Statement. • .175 DO Statement. • • • • • • • • • 175 Statement Functions • • 176 Subroutine and Function Subprograms • • 176 Input/Output Operations • • • • • • • • 177 Formatted Read and Write Statements .177 Second List Item, Formatted • • • • • 177 Second List Array, Formatted • • • • • 178 Final List Entry, Formatted • • • • • 178 Unformatted Read and Write Statements 178 Second List Item, Unformatted • • • • 178 Second List Array, Unformatted • • • • 178 Final List Entry, Unformatted • • • • 178 Backspace, Rewind, and Write Tapemark 178 STOP and PAUSE Statements • • 179 NAMELIST READ and WRITE • • • • • • • 179 DEFINE FILE Statement • • 179 FIND Statement. • • .179 Direct Access READ and WRITE Statements • • • • • .179 FORMAT Statements • .180 FORMAT Beginning and Ending Parentheses .180 Slashes • • • • • .180 Internal Parentheses • .180 Repetition of Individual FORMAT specifications • • • • • • • • • • • 180 I,F,E, and D FORMAT Codes • • 180 A FORMAT Code • • • • • • 180 Literal Data. • • • • • • • .180 X FORMAT Code • • • 181 T FORMAT Code • • • • • • • • • • .181 Scale Factor-P • • • • • • • • • • • 181 G FORMAT Code • • • • • .181 L FORMAT code • • • • • .181 Z FORMAT Code • • • • • .181 Debug Facility. • • • • • • • • • 181 DEBUG Statement • • • • • • • • .181 Beginning of Input/Output .181 End of Input/Output • • • • • • 181 UNIT Option • • • • • • • 181 TRACE Option. • • • .182 SUBTRACE Option • • • • • • • 182 INIT Option • • • • • .182 SUBCHK Option • • 183 AT Statement. • • • • • • • • • 183 TRACE ON Statement. .183 TRACE OFF Statement • • 183 DISPLAY Statement • • 183 r. . APPENDIX E: MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCE DATA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .185 Parse Label List. • • • • • • • • .185 Supplementary Parse Label List. • .185 Allocate Label List • • • • • • • • • • 193 Supplementary Allocate Label List • • • 193 Unify Label List • • • • • e • • • .196 Supplementary Unify Label List. • .196 Gen Label List. • • • • • • • • .198 Supplementary Gen Label List. • • .198 Exit Label List • • • • • • • • • 208 Supplementary Exit Label List • • 208 APPENDIX F: OBJECT-TIME LIBRARY SUBPROGRAMS • • • • • Library Functions • • • • • • Composition of the Library • • System Generation Options • Module summaries • • • • • • Library Interrelationships • Initialization • • • • • • • • • • Input/Output operations • • • • • .212 .212 .212 .212 .213 .214 .215 .216 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Define File • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • 218 Sequential Read/Write Without Format .218 Initial Call • • • • • • • • • • • • 218 Second Call • • • • • • • 219 Additional List Item Calls .219 Final Call. • • • • .219 System Block Modification and Reference • • • • • • • .219 Error Conditions. • • • • • • .220 Sequential READ/WRITE With Format • • 221 Processing the Format Specification 221 Direct Access READ/WRITE Without Format • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 224 initialization Branch • • • • • • • 224 Successive Entries for List Items .225 Final Branch • • • • • • • • • • • • 225 Error Conditions • • • • • • • • • • 226 Direct Access READ/WRITE With Format .226 FIND. • • .226 READ And WRITE Using NAMELIST .226 Read. • • • • • • • • • .226 Write • • • • • • • • • • • • .227 Error Conditions. • • • • • • .227 Stop and Pause (Write-to-Operator) • • 227 stop. • • • • • .227 Pause • • • • • • • • • • • • 227 Backspace • • • • • • • 227 Rewind. • • • • • • • • • 228 End-File. • • • • .228 Error Handling .228 Compiler-Directed Errors: IHCIBERH •• 228 Program Interrupts • • ~ • • .229 Action for Interrupts 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15 • • • • • .. • • .229 Action for Interrupt 6 • • .229 Library-Detected Errors •• 230 Without Extended Error Handling • • 230 With Extended Error Handling • ' • • • 231 Abnormal Termination Processing .231 Codes 4 and 12 • • • ~ • • • • • • • 231 Codes 0 and 8 • • • ~ • • • • .231 Extended Error Handling Facility • • • 232 Option Table--IHCUOPT • • • • • • • 232 Altering the Option Table--IHCFOPT .232 Error Monitor--IHCERRM • • • .233 Extended Error Handling Trackback--IHCETRCH • • 233 Conversion. • • • • • • • • • • • • 234 Mathematical and Service Routines • • • 234 Mathematical Routines . . . . . . . . . 234 Service Subroutines • ~ • • • • .234 IHCFDVCH (Entry Name DVCHK) • • 234 IHCFOVER (Entry Name OVERFL) • • • • 235 IHCFSLIT (Entry Names SLITE, SLITET) • • • • • • • • • • .235 IHCFEXIT (Entry Name EXIT) • .235 IHCFDUMP (Entry Names DUMP and PDUMP) • • .235 I HCDaUG • .236 Termination • .239 GLOSSARY • INDEX . .... • • 259 .263 Order No. GY28-6638-1. page revised 1/15/11 by TNL GY28-6847 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES Figure 1. Overall Operation of the Compiler • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 2. Compiler Organization Chart • • • • • • • Figure 3. Compiler storage Configuration • • • • • • Figure 4. Compiler output Figure 5. Object Module Configuration • • • • Figure 6. Example of Use of Save Area •••••••••• Figure 1. Roll Containing K Bytes of Information •••• Figure 8. Roll Containing L Bytes of Reserved Information and K Bytes of New Information •••• Figure 9. Roll With a Group Size of Twelve • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 10. Roll with Variable Group Size •••••••••• Figure 11. First Group Stats Table • Figure 12. Second Group Stats Table ••• • Figure 13. Scan Control Variables 0 • • • • 11 14 15 16 11 18 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 Figure 14. Quotes Used in the Compiler. 27 Figure 15. Compiler Arrangement with Registers 28 Figure 16. Calling Paths for Library Routines 215 Figure 17. Control Flow for Input/output Operations • 217 Figure 18. IHCUATBL: The Data Set Assignment • . • 239 Figure 19. DSRN Default Value Field of IHCUATBL Entry 240 Figure 20. Format of a Unit Block for a Sequential Access Data Set • 240 Figure 21. Format of a Unit Block for a Direct Access Data Set 242 Figure 22. General Form of the Option Table (IHCUOPT) . 242.1 Figure 23. Preface of the Option Table (IHCUOPT). • • . • 242.2 Figure 24. Composition of an Option Table Entry •. 242.2 Figure 25. Original Values of Option Table Entries • 242.3 TABLES Table 1. Internal configuration of Operation Drivers • • • • • • • • 31 Table 2. Internal configuration of" control Drivers (Part 1 of 2). 32 ~dble 3. Rolls Used by Parse • • • 36 fable 4. Rolls Used by Allocate 44 T~ble 5. Rolls Used by Unify 52 Table 6. Rolls Used by Gen • 53 Table 7. Rolls Used by Exit 55 Table 8. POP Instruction Cross-Reference List • • • • • • • • 139 Table 9. Routines Affected by Extended Error Handling Option 212 Table 10. Format Code Translations and Their Meanings • • . • • •• 222 Table 11. IHCFCVTH Subroutine Directory .•...• •• . 234 Table 12. IHCDBUG Transfer Table. 236 Table 13. DCB Default Values • 240 Table 14. IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH Transfer and Subroutine Table • 242.3 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 CHARTS Chart 00. IEYFORT (Part 1 of 4) Chart 01. IEYFORT (Part 2 of 4) Chart 02. IEYFORT (Part 3 of 4) Chart 03. IEYFORT (Part 4 of 4) Chart AA. OPTSCAN ••• • • • • Chart AB. DDNAMES......... Chart AC. HE:ADOPT....... Chart AD. TIMEDAT.. • • Chart 04.1. PHASE 1 - PARSE (Part 1 of 2) ••••• • • • • Chart 04.2. PHASE 1 - PARSE (Part 2 of 2) ••••• • • • • • • • Chart BA. WRITE LISTING AND READ SOURCE • • • • • • • • • • • Chart BB. INITIALIZE FOR PROCESSING STATEMENT • • • • Chart BC1. PROCESS LABEL FIELD (Part 1 of 2) • • • • • • • • • • • Chart BC2. PROCESS LABEL FIELD (Part 2 of 2) • • • • • • • • • Chart BD. PROCESS STATEMENT • • • • Chart BE. COMPLETE STATEMENT AND MOVE POLISH • • • • • • • • • Chart BF. PROCESS END STATEMENT • • Chart BG. PROCESS POLISH • • Chart 05. PHASE 2 - ALLOCATE (Part 1 of 2) • • • • • • • chart 06. PHASE 2 - ALLOCATE (Part 2 of 2) • • • • • • • Chart CA. MOVE BLD NAMES TO DATA VAR ROLL • • • • • • • • • • • • Chart CB. PREPARE EQUIVALENCE DATA chart CC. ALLOCATE BLOC~ DATA • • • Chart CD. PREPROCESS DUMMY DIMENSIONS • • • • • • • • • • Chart CEo CHECK FOR UNCLOSED DO LOOPS • • • • • • • • • • • Chart CF. CONSTRUCT BRANCH TABLE ROLL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chart CG. ALLOCATE HEADING AND PUNCH ESD CARDS • • • • • • • Chart CH. CHECK ASSIGNMENT OF FUNCTION VALUE • • • • • • • • • chart CI. COMMON ALLOCATION • • • • Chart CK. EQUIVALENCE DATA ALLOCATION • • • • • • • • • • • chart CL. SAVE AREA, BASE AND BRANCH TABLE ALLOCATION chart CM. ALLOCATE SCALARS Chart CN. ALLOCATE ARRAYS • Chart CO. ADD BASES FOR SUBPROGRAM ADDRESSES • • • • chart CPo ALLOCATE SUBPROGRAM ARGUMENT LI STS • • ., • • • • • • Chart CQ. PREPARE NAMELIST TABLES • chart CR. ALLOCATE LITERAL CONSTANTS • .. • • .. • • • • • • • Chart CS. ALLOCATE FORMATS Chart CT. MAP EQUIVALENCE • • • Chart CU. ALLOCATE SUBPROGRAM ADDRESSES ... • • " • • • • • 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 68 69 10 10 71 12 13 74 15 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Chart CV. BUILD AND PUNCH NAMELIST TABLES • • • • • • • 97 Chart CWo BUILD BASES • • • • • 98 Chart CX. DEBUG ALLOCATE • • 99 Chart 07. PHASE 3 - UNIFY. • .100 Chart DA. BUILD ARRAY REF ROLL •• 101 Chart DB. MAKE ADDRESS CONSTANTS .102 Chart DC. CONSTRUCT INSTRUCTIONS .103 Chart DD. PROCESS NESTED LOOPS .104 Chart 08. PHASE 4 - GEN • • • • • • 105 Chart EA. GENERATE ENTRY CODE • • • 106 Chart EB. PROLOGUE CODE GENERATION 107 Chart EC. EPILOGUE CODE GENERATION 108 Chart ED. MOVE POLISH NOTATION •• 109 Chart EF. PROCESS LABELS •• 110 Chart EG. GENERATE STMT CODE • • • 111 Chart EH. COMPLETE OBJECT CODE •• 112 Chart 09. PHASE 5 - IEYEXT •• 113 Chart FA. PUNCH CONSTANTS AND TEMP STORAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • 114 Chart FB. PUNCH ADR CONST ROLL •• 115 Chart FC. PUNCH OBJECT CODE • • • • 116 Chart FD. PUNCH BASE TABLE •• 117 Chart FE. PUNCH BRANCH TABLE • • • 118 Chart FF. PUNCH SUBPROGRAM ARGUMENT LISTS • • • • • • • • • • • 119 Chart FG. PUNCH SUBPROGRAM ADDRESSES • • • • • • • • • • 120 Chart FH. COMPLETE ADDRESSES FROM LIBRARY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 121 Chart Fl. PUNCH ADDRESS CONSTANTS .122 Chart FJ. PUNCH RLD CARDS • • • • • 123 Chart FR. PUNCH END CARDS • • • • • 124 Chart FL. PUNCH NAMELIST TABLE POINTERS. • • • • • • • • • • 125 Chart GO. IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (Part 1 of 4) • • • • • • • • • • • 243 Chart GO. IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (Part 2 of 4) • • • • • • • • • • 243.1 Chart GO. IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (Part 3 of 4) • • • • • • • • • • 243.2 Chart GO. IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (Part 4 of 4) • • • • • • • • • • 243.3 Chart G1. IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS (Part 1 of 2) • • • • • • • • • • • 244 Chart G1. IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS (Part 2 of 2) • • • • • • • • • • 244.1 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS (Part 1 of 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS (Part 2 of 5) • • • • • • • • • • 245.1 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS (Part 3 of 5) • • • • • • • • • • 245.2 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS (Part 4 of 5) • • • • • • • • • • 245.3 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS (Part 5 of 5) • • • • • • • • • .246 Chart G3. IHCNAMEL • • • • • • • • 247 Chart G4. IHCFINTH/IHCEFNTH (Part 1 of 3) • • • • • • • • .248 Chart G4. IHCFINTH/IHCEFNTH (Part 2 of 3) • • • • • • • • • • 248.1 D Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 ....····. ·· ·· ·· ·· Chart G4. IHCFINTH/IHCEFNTH (Part 3 of 3) Chart G5. IHCADJST • Chart G6. IHCIBERH • Chart G7. IHCSTAE (Part 1 of Chart G7. IHCSTAE (Part 2 of Chart G8. IHCERRM (Part 1 of Chart G8. IHCERRM (Part 2 of IHCFOPT (Part 1 of Chart G9. Chart G9. IHCFOPT (Part 2 of • 248.2 • 249 • 250 2) • 251 2) • 252 2) • 253 2) .254 3) .255 3) .256 Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart G9. G10. Gll. G12. G13. G14. G15 • G16. G16. G16. G16. · •• 257 258 ·• 258.1 · . . · · · . . · • 258.2 IHCFOPT (Part 3 of IHCTRCH/IHCERTCH IHCFDUMP • IHCFEXIT IHCFSLIT • IHCFOVER • IHCFDVCH • IHCDBUG (Part 1 of IHCDBUG (Part 2 of IHCDBUG (Part 3 of IHCDBUG (Part 4 of · ··· ··· ·· · · 3) · · 4) · 4) 4) 4) • 258.3 • 258.4 • 258.5 • 258.6 .258.7 • 258.8 • 258.9 This section contains general information describing the purpose of the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler, the minimum machine configuration required, the relationship of the compiler to the operating system, compiler design and implementation, and compiler output. The various rolls, 1 variables, registers, pointers, and drivers used by the compiler are also discussed. PURPOSE OF THE COMPILER The IBM System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV (G) compiler is designed to accept programs written in the FORTRAN IV language as defined in the publication IBM System/360: FORTRAN IV Language, Form C28-6515. The compiler produces error messages for invalid statements, and, optionally, a listing of the source module, storage maps, and an object module acceptable to the System/360 Operating System linkage editor. operating System. As a processing program, the compiler communicates with the control program for input/output and other services. A general description of the control program is given in the publication IBM System/360 operati~g system: Introduction to Control Program Logic, Prog~~ Logic Manual. A compilation, or a batch of compilations, is requested using the job statement (JOB), the execute statement (EXEC), and data definition statements (DO). Alternatively, cataloged procedures may be used. A discussion of FORTRAN IV compilation and the available cataloged procedures is given in the publication IBM~~.§.L.oper~ting System: FORTRAN IV (G) Programmer's Guide. The compiler receives control initially from the calling program (e. g., job sche-' duler or another program that CALLs, LINKs to, or ATTACHes the compiler). Once the compiler receives control, it uses the QSAM access method for all of its input/output operations. After compilation is completed, control is returned to the calling program. MACHINE CONFIGURATION COMPILER DESIGN The minimum system configuration required for the use of the IBM System/360 Operating System with the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler is as follows: • An IBM System/360 Model 40 computer with a storage capacity of 128K bytes and a standard and floating-point instruction set. • A device for operator communication, such as an IBM 1052 Keyboard Printer. • At least one direct-access device vided for system residence. The compiler will operate within a total of 80K bytes of main storage. This figure includes space for the compiler code, data management access routines, and sufficient working space to meet other storage requirements stated throughout this publication. Any additional storage available is used as additional roll storage. pro- COMPILER AND SYSTEM/360 OPERATING SYSTEM The FORTRAN IV (G) compiler is a processing program of the IBM System/360 1Most of the tables used by the compiler are called rolls. (Further explanation of rolls is given in "Rolls and Roll Controls.") LIMITAT~2-QF THE COMPILER The System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV (G) compiler and the object module it produces can be executed on all System/360 models from Model 40 and above, under control of the operating system control program. All input information must be written in either BCD or EBCDIC representation. The compiler is designed to process all properly written programs so that the object code produced by the compiler is compatible with the existing mathematical library subroutines. section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 9 If ten source read errors occur during the compilation, or if it is not possible to use SYSPRINT~ the operation of the compiler is terminated. The operation of the compiler is also limited by the availability of main storage space. The compilation is terminated if: The compiler is also designed so that reloading of the compiler is unnecessary in order to accomplish multiple compilations. • The roll storage area is exceeded • Any single roll exceeds 64K thereby making it unaddressable • The WORK or EXIT allocated storage roll bytes, exceeds its Note: If any of these conditions occur during the first phase of the compilation, the statement currently being processed may be discarded; in this case, the compilation continues with the next statement. The primary control and processing routines (hereafter referred to as "POP routines" or "compiler routines") of the compiler are primarily written in machineindependent pseudo instructions called POP instructions. Interpretation of the pseudo instructions is accomplished by routines written in the System/360 Operating System assembler language. These routines (hereafter referred to as "POP subroutines") are an integral part of the compiler and perform the operations specified by the POP instructions, e.g., saving of backup information, maintaining data indicators, and general housekeeping. Control of the compiler operation is greatly affected by source language syntax rules during the first phase of the compiler, Parse. During this phase, identifiers and explicit declarations encountered in parsing are placed in tables and a Polish ~ion fo"rm of the program is produced:(For further information on Polish notation, see Appendix C, "Polish Notation Formats.") 10 The compiler quite frequently uses the method of recursion in parsing, analysis, and optimization. All optimizing and code generating routines, which appear in later phases, operate directly on the tables and Polish notation produced by Parse. POP LANGUAGE The FORTRAN IV (G) compiler is written in a combination of two languages: the System/360 Operating System assembler language, which is used where it is most efficient, and the POP language. The POP language is a mnemonic macro programming language whose instructions include functions that are frequently performed by a compiler. POP instructions are written for assembly by the System/360 Operating System assembler, with the POP instructions defined as macros. Each POP instruction is assembled as a pair of address constants which together indicate an instruction code and an operand. A statement or instruction written in the POP language is called a POP. The POP instructions are described in Appendix A. COMPILER ORGANIZATION The system/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV (G) compiler is composed of a control phase, Invocation, and five processing phases (see Figure 1): Parse, Allocate, Unify, Gen, and Exit. The operating system names for these phases are, respectively, IEYFORT, IEYPAR, IEYALL, IEYUNF, IEYGEN, and IEYEXT. (The first level control and second level processing compiler routines used in each phase are shown in Figure 2.) In addition, Move is a pre-assembled work area, IEYROL. IEYFORT SYSIN----------->r---;~~~~~----1----->r---~~~~~~1---1----->r--i~;~~;~i~~-l-----> ~ Module Il _____________ Program Il _____________ Phase lI _____________ JI JI JI <9. I I IEYPAR V r-------------, r-------------, r--->ISource Module I listing 1I lI _____________ JI I I Parse ~-----------~ I (Phase 1) I I l------T------ J I r-------------, I l--->ISource Module I diagnostics JI I lI _____________ V IEYALL r-------------, I Allocate I SYSPRINT r------------ -, r--->IStorage Maps JI I l _____________ I (Phase 2) ~-----------~ l------T------ J I I l--->IESD and TXT I IEYUNF ICards V l _____________ JI r-------------, SYSPRINT SYSPRINT SYSPUNCH/SYSLIN r-------------, I Unify I I (Phase 3) I l------T------ J I V IEYGEN r-------------, I Gen I (Phase 4) I I l------T------ J I r-------------, r--->IObject Module I listing I lI _____________ JI V IEYEXT I r-------------, r-------------, I IObject Module I Exit cards I I (Phase 5) I~-----------+--->ITXT I l _____________ J l------T------ J I I V IEYFORT r-------------, I I I I r-------------, I IESD, RLD, andl l--->IEND cards l _____________ JI SYSPRINT SYSPUNCH/SYSLIN SYSPUNCH/SYSLIN Invocation I Phase I l------I------ J V . *. . * *. . * . *Multiple* . *. NO r-------------, *. Compilations • *--------------> I Control I * • *.* . . *.* • * I Program I l _____________ J * V Figure 1. YES C9 Overall Operation of the Compiler Section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 11 Control Phase: Invocation (IEYFORT) The Invocation phase (IEYFORT) is loaded upon invocation of the compiler and remains in core storage throughout compilation. It is entered initially from the calling program, from each module at the end of its processing, and from Exit after compilation is complete. At the initial entry, the Invocation phase initializes bits in IEYFORT1 from the options specified by the programmer for the compilation, opens data sets, and fetches the modules IEYPAR, I EYALL, IEYUNF, IEYGEN, and IEYEXT via a series of LOAD macro instructions. These modules remain in core storage for a series of main program and subprogram compilations unless it is determined that additional space required for tables is not available. When this occurs, modules that precede the active one are deleted, and compilation is resumed. If more space is required, modules that follow the currently active one are deleted. When a module completes processing, it returns to IEYFORT, which ensures the presence of the next module and transfers to it. During initialization for a subprogram, IEYFORT ensures that all modules are loaded. The last entry is made from the Exit phase at the completion of a compilation. When the entry is made from Exit, the Invocation phase checks for multiple compilations. If another compilation is required, the compiler is reinitialized and the main storage space allocated for the expansion of rolls is assigned to the next compilation~ otherwise, control is returned to the calling program. Parse accepts FORTRAN statements in card format from SYSIN and scans these to produce error messages on the SYSPRINT data set, a source module listing (optional), and Polish notation for the program. The Polish notation is maintained on internal tables for use by subsequent phases. In addition, Parse produces the roll entries defining the symbols used in the source module. Phase 2: The ESD cards for the object module itself, COMMON blocks and subprograms, and TXT cards for NAMELIST tables, literal constants and FORMAT statements are produced by Allocate on the SYSPUNCH and/or SYSLIN data sets. Error messages for COMMON and EQUIVALENCE statements, unclosed DO loops and undefined labels are produced on SYSPRINT; on the MAP option, maps of data storage are also produced. The Unify phase optimizes the usage of general registers within DO loops by operating on roll data which describes array references. The optimization applies to references which include subscripts of the form ax+b, where a and b are positive constants and x is an active induction variable (that is, x is a DO-controlled variable and the reference occurs within the DO loop controlling it), and where the array does not have any adjustable dimensions. The addressing portion of the object ~struction for each such array reference is constructed to minimize the number of registers used for the reference and the number of registers which must be changed as each induction variable changes. Phase 4: Gen (IEYGEN) Gen uses the Polish notation produced by Parse and the memory allocation information produced by Allocate. From this information, Gen produces the code, prologues, and epilogues required for the object module. In order to produce the object code, Gen resolves labeled statement references (i.e., a branch target label) and subprogram entry references. Allocate CIEYALL) Allocate, which operates immediately after Parse, uses the roll entries produced 12 by Parse to perform the storage allocation for the variables defined in the source module. The addressing information thus produced is then left in main storage to be used by the next phase. The final output from Gen is a complete form of the machine language code which is internally maintained for writing by the Exit phase. Phase 5: Exit (IEYEXT) Exit, which is the last processing phase of the compiler, produces the TXT cards for the remaining portion of the object module, the RLD cards (which contain the relocatable information), and the END card. This output is placed optionally on the SYSLIN data set for linkage editor processing and/or SYSPUNCH if a card deck has been requested. Additionally, a listing of the generated code may be written on the SYS- PRINT data set in a format similar to produced by an assembly program. that Roll contains static rolls and roll information always required for compiler operations. These are described under the heading "Rolls and Roll Controls" later in this section. Section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 13 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 r---------·-----·-----------------------------------------------------------------------, r---PRINT AND READ SOURCE I I I r---START COMPILER I PARSE----I I I I I I I I I I STA INIT LBL FIELD XLATE STA XLA TE STA FINAL REGISTER IBCOM PROCESS POLISH L---STA'rEMENT PROCESS-----I ACTIVE END STA XLATE L---STA FINAL END r---PREP EQUIV AND PRINT ERRORS BLOCK DATA PROG ALLOCATION PREP DMY DIN AND PRINT ERRORS PROCESS DO LOOPS PROCESS LBL AND LOCAL SPROGS BUILD PROGRAM ESD ENTRY NAME ALLOCATION COMMON ALLOCATION AND OUTPUT BASE AND BRANCH TABLE ALLOC EQUIV ALLOCATION PRINT ERRORS FORMAT ALLOCATION SCALAR ALLOCATE ARRAY ALLOCATE 1ALLOCATE-----START ALLOCATE--------I PASS 1 GLOBAL SPROG ALLOCATE SPROG ARG ALLOCATION PREP NAMELIST LITERAL CONST ALLOCATION EQUIV MAP GLOBAL SPROG ALLOCATE BUILD NAMELIST TABLE ALPHA LBL AND L SPROG BUILD ADDITIONAL BASES ALPHA SCALAR ARRAY AND SPROG LITERAL CONST ALLOCATION CALCULATE BASE AND DISP ---DEBUG ALLOCATE r---ARRAY REF ROLL ALLOTMENT UNIFY--------STAltT UNIFY----------i DO NEST UNIFY 1-I CONVERT TO ADR CONST I L---CONVERT TO INST FORMAT 1 1 I I I r----STAHT GEN I I r---MOVE ZEROS TO T AND C ENTRY CODE GEN PROLOGUE GEN L---EPILOGUE GEN I I IGEN-----, I I r--- GET POLISH I L----GEN PROCESS----------i LBL PROCESS I I STA GEN I L---STA GEN FINISH I r---PUNCH TEMP AND CONST ROLL I I PUNCH ADR CONST ROLL I I PUNCH CODE ROLL I I PUNCH BASE ROLL I J PUNCH BRANCH ROLL I I PUNCH SPROG ARG ROLL I EXIT----------EXIT PASS-------------I PUNCH GLOBAL SPROG ROLL I I PUNCH USED LIBRARY ROLL I I PUNCH ADCON ROLL I I ORDER AND PUNCH RLD ROLL I I PUNCH END CARD I I PRINT HEADING I I PRINT A LINE _ I IL-_________•___________________________________________________________________________ L---PRINT COMPILER STA~ISTICS -Figure 14 2. Compiler Organization Chart r-------T----------T------------------, I Load I I I IModule I IContent or I I Name I Components I Function I ~-------+----------+------------------~ Invocation and Low IEYFORT IEYFORT Core control IEYFORTl Option bits IEYFORT2 Loads and deletes other modules IEYROL Roll statistics (bases, tops, bottoms) Group statistics (displacement group sizes) WORK roll EXIT roll COMPILER STORAGE CONFIGURATION Figure tions, but component they exist parts of tion 2. 3 illustrates the relative posinot the relative sizes of the parts of the FORTRAN compiler as in main storage. The component each phase are described in Sec- COMPILER OUTPUT The source module(s) to be compiled appear as input to the compiler on the SYSIN data set. The SYSLIN, SYSPRINT, and SYSPUNCH data sets are used (depending on the options specified by the user) to contain the output of the compilation. Roll address table IEYINT POP Jump Table POP machine language subroutines Roll Storage is Allocated from this The output of the compiler is represented in EBCDIC form and consists of any or all of the following: Object Module (linkage editor input) Source Module listing Object Module listing IEYPAR IEYPAR Parse phase Quotes and messages Storage maps Error messages (always produced) I EYALL I EYALL Allocate phase IEYUNF IEYUNF Unify phase IEYGEN IEYGEN Generate phase Relocatable card images for punching High CorelIEYEXT IEYEXT Exit phase L _______ __________ __________________ J ~ Figure 3. ~ Compiler Storage Configuration The overall data flow and the data sets used for compilation are illustrated in Figure 4. The type of output is determined by compile time parameters. Section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 15 r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, r----------------, Error and I I r---- For all-------------->I I compilations I Warning I SYSPRINT Messages I Il ________________ (if any) JI I I I I I r----------------, I Object I Option---------->I Module I SYSPRINT lI ________________ JI listing ~----LIST I I I SYSIN I r---------, I I l----T----J I I SourcE~ I Module I I ~----DECK Option---------->I (ESD, TXT, RLD I SYSPUNCH lEND) Card Images JI l ________________ ~ I , V r-------·--, I FORTRAN, 'IV (G) r----------------, IObject Module I I I , , r----------------, ~->~ 'Compiler' l ________ J I ,, ,,I ,, IObject Module I Option---------->I (ESD, TXT, RLD, I SYSLIN Card Images JI llEND) ________________ ~----LOAD ~----MAP r----------------, Storage I Option----------->I , , , , SYSPRINT Il ________________ Map JI r----------------, , Source I l----SOURCE Option-------->I Module I SYSPRINT I ________________ L Listing JI Figure 16 4. Compiler Output Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 OBJECT MODULE The configuration of the object module produced by the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler is shown in Figure 5. Entry point---> r---------------------,I I Heading ~---------------------~ ISave area I ~---------------------~ IBase table I ~---------------------~ IBranch table I ~---------------------~ ISubprogram argument I Ilists I ~---------------------~ ISubprogram addresses I .---------------------~ IEQUIVALENCE variables I ~---------------------~ IScalar variables I ~---------------------~ I Arrays I ~---------------------~ INAMELIST tables I ~---------------------~ ILiteral constants I (except those used lin DATA and PAUSE I statements) I I I I .---------------------~ IFORMAT statements I .---------------------~ ITemporary storage land constants I I .---------------------~ L _____________________ J IProgram text • Figure 5. I object Module Configuration Components of the Object Module The following paragraphs describe the components of the object module produced by the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler. HEADING: The object module heading inclUdes all initializing instructions required prior to the execution of the body of the object module. Among ot'he:r functions, these instructions set general register 13 (see "Object Module General Register Usage") and perform various operations, depending on whether the program is a main program or a subprogram and on whether it calls subprograms. (See "Code Produced for SUBROUTINE and FUNCTION Subprograms.") SAVE AREA: The save area, at maximum 72 bytes-long, is reserved for information saved by called subprograms. Figure 6 shows an example of the use of this area in program Y, which is called by program X, and which calls program z. The first byte of the fifth word in the save area (Save Area of Y + 16) is set to all ones by program Z before it returns to program Y. Before the return is made, all general registers are restored to their program Y values. BAS~_TA~LE: The base table is a list of addresses from which the object module loads a general register prior to accessing data; the general register is then used as a base in the data referencing instruction. Because an interval of 4096 bytes of storage can be referenced by means of the mach.ine instruction D field, consecutive values representing a single control section in this table differ from each other by at least 4096 bytes. Only one base table entry is constructed for an array which exceeds 4096 bytes in length; hence, there is a possibility that an interval of more than 4096 bytes exists between consecutive values for a single control section in the table. The addresses compiled into this table are all relative, and are modified by the linkage editor prior to object module execution. Those entries constructed for references to COMMON are modified by the beginning address of the appropriate COMMON block; those entries constructed for references to variables and constants within the object module itself are modified by the beginning address of the appropriate object module. Section 1: Introduction to the compiler 17 Form Y28-6638-l Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 r------------------------------·--------------------------------------------------------, <---4 bytes----> r----------------, I Subprogram I <---Stored by initial entry code. I I I Save Area of Ylepilogue address I .----------------~ -+4 I Program X save I <---Stored by program y. larea address I ~----------------~ -+8 I Program Z save J <---Stored by program Z, if it calls subroutines· larea address I .----------------~ +12 IRegister 14 I .----------------iI +16 JRegister 15 .----------------~ I +20 IRegister 0 •----------------iI I I I Values on leaving program Y, stored by program Z• I I .----------------~ +72 LIRegister 12 ________________ JI _________________ .______________________________________________________________________ J Figure 6. Example of Use of Save Area BRANCH TABL~: This table contains one full word entry for each Q~ch tarqe~la~! (a label referred to in a branch statement) and statement function in the source module. In addition, one entry occurs for each label produced by the compiler in generating the object module. These labels refer to return points in DO loops and to the statement following complete Logical IF statements, and are called made labels. In the object module code, any branch is performed by loading general register 14 (see "Object Module General Register Usage") from this table, and using a BCR instruction. The values placed in this table by the compiler are relative addresses. Each value is modified by the base address of the object module by the linkage editor. SUBPROGRAM ARGUMENT LISTS: This portion of the object module contains the addresses of the arguments for all subprograms called. In calling a subprogram, the object module uses general register 1 to transmit a location in this table. The subprogram then acquires the addresses of its arguments from that location and from as many subsequent locations as there are arguments. The sign bit of the word containing the address of the last argument for each subprogram is set to one. 18 SUBPROGRAM ADDRESSES: This list contains o;e--entry--for-each FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE subprogram referenced by the object module. The entry will hold the address of that subprogram when it is supplied by the linkage editor. The compiler reserves the correct amount of space for the list, based on the number of subprograms referred to by the source module. EQUIVALENCE VARIABLES: This area of the object module contains unsubscripted variables and arrays, listed in EQUIVALENCE sets which do not refer to COMMON. 2CALAB-_-Y~I~~~~2: All non-subscripted variables which are not in COMMON and are not members of EQUIVALENCE sets appear in this area of the object module. ARRAYS: All arrays which are not in COMMON, and are not members of EQUIVALENCE sets appear in this area of the object module. NAMELIST TABLES: For each NAMELIST name and DISPLAY-statement in the source module, a NAMELIST table is constructed by the compiler and placed in this area of the object module. Each table consists of one entry for each scalar variable or array listed following the NAMELIST name or in the DISPLAY statement, and begins with four words of the following form: Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 ---------T-------------------------------, I I I 1 I I I I name field I I I I I I 2 J I ~-------------------------------~ I 3 , I I I not used I 4 I _______________________________ JI Il _________ I I I I I I l I 1 ~ where the name field contains the NAMELIST name, right justified. For the DISPLAY statement, the name is DBGnn#, where nn is the number of the DISPLAY statement within the source program or subprogram. Table entries for scalar the following form: I ~riables have j ---------T-------------------------------, By tel I 1 , I I I 2 I I , I name field , , ~-------------------------------~ 3 4 5 , 6 I ] I 1 7 I I I address field I ~-------T-------T-------T-------~ I I 'no. I I Jtype 1mode ldimens. ,length I ~-------+-------i-------i-------~ lindica-Ifirst dimension factor I Itor Ifield I ~-------t-----------------------~ Inot Isecond dimension factorl lused Ifield I ~-------+-----------------------~ Inot Ithird dimension factor I lused L _______ i Ifield _______________________ I ~ I I I , _________________________________________ etc. etc. L J, where: ~-------------------------------~ I address field I 3 2 I , I I I I I I name field 1 J 1word I 1 2 3 4 I ~--------- -------------------------------~ , ---------T----------------------~--------, Byte I I !Word I 1 2 3 4 I ~--------- -------------------------------~ I By tel J I Word I 1 2 3 4 J ~-------- -------------------------------~ name field contains the name of the array, justified. I ~-----~-------T-·---------~-----~ IL _________ 4 I _____ type 4I _______ mode'4 ________________ not used JI ~~ right address field contains the relative address of the beginning of the array within the object module. where: name field contains the name of the scalar variable, right justified. mode field contains the mode of the array elements, coded as for scalar variables, above. address field contains the relative address of the variable within the object module. type field contains zero variable. to mode field contains the mode coded as follows: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A indicate a scalar no. i dimens. contains the number of dimensions in the array; this value maybe 1-7. leng1:h field contains the length of the array ment in bytes. of the ele- variable, Logical, 1 byte Logical, fullword Integer, halfword Integer, fullword Real, double precision Real, single precision complex, double precision Complex, single precision Literal (not currently compiler-generated) NAMELIST table entries for arrays have the following form: indicator field is set to zero if the array has been defined to have variable dimensions; otherwise, it is set to nonzero. first dimension factor field contains the total size of the array in bytes. second dimension factor field contains the address of the second multiplier for the array (n1*L, where n1 is the size of the first dimension in elements, and L is the number of bytes per element). section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 19 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 third dimension factor field contains the address of the third multiplier for the array (nl*n2*L, where nl is the size of the first dimension in elements, n2 is the size of the second dimension, and L is the number of bytes per element). A final entry for each NAMELIST table is added after the last variable or array name to signify the end of that particular list. This entry is a fullword in length and contains all zeros. LITERAL CONSTANTS: This area contains a Iist--of--the-iiteral constants used in the source module., except for those specified in DATA and PAUSE statements. KOR~! __ ~!~!EM~!:!~~~: The FORMAT statements specified in the source module are contained in this area of the object module. The statements are in an encoded form in the order of their appearance in the source module. (See "Appendix 0: Code Produced by the Compiler.") The information contains all specifications of the statement but not the word FORMAT. TEMPORARY STORAG~ AND CONSTANTS: This area always begins on a double precision boundary and contains, in no specific order, the constants required by the object module code and the space for the storage of -temporary results during computations. Not all of the source module constants necessarily appear in this area, since as many constants as possible are used as immediate data in the code produced. Some constants may appear which are not present in the source module, but which have been produced by the compiler. ERO§E~ __ !~~!: If the object module contains statE!ment functions, the code for these statements begins the program text and is preceded by an instruction that branches around them to the first executable statement of the program. (See "Statement Funct.ions" in Appendix 0 for fUrther explanation of this code.) Following the code for the statement fUnctions is the code for the executable statements of the source modulE!. The object module produced by the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler uses the System/360 general registers in the following way: Register 0: Register 2: Used as an accumulator. Register 3: Used as an accumulator. Registers 4 through 7: contain index values as required for references to array variables, where the subscripts are linear functions of DO variables and the array does not have variable dimensions. Registers 8 and 9: Contain in1ex values as required for references to array variables, where the subscripts are of the form x+c, where x is a non DOcontrolled variable and c is a constant. Register 9: contains index values as required for references to array variables where the subscripts are nonlinear of the form I*J~ where I and J are the variables. Registers 10 through 12: Contain base addresses loaded from the base table. Register 13: Contains the beginning address of the object module save area; this value is loaded at the beginning of program execution. Register 13 is also used for access to the base table, since the base table follows the save area in main storage. Register 14: Contains the return address for subprograms and holds the address of branch target instructions during the execution of branch instructions. Register 1~: Contains the entry point address for subprograms as they are called by the object module. SOURCE MODULE LISTING The optional source module listing is a symbolic listing of the source module; it contains indications of errors encountered in the program during compilation. The error message resulting from an erroneous statement does not necessarily cause termination of compiler processing nor tqe discarding of tpe statement. Recognizable portions of declaration statements are retained, and diagnosis always proceeds until the end of the program. Used as an accumulator. OBJECT MODULE LISTING Register 1: Used as an accumulator and to hold the beginning address of the argument list in branches to subprograms. 20 The optional object module listing uses the standard Systern/360 Operating System assembler mnemonic operation codes and, where possible, refers to the symbolic variable names contained in the source module. Labels used in the source module are indicated at the appropriate places in the object code listinq. STORAGE MAPS The optional storage map consists of six independent listings of storage information. Each listing specifies the names and locations of a particular class of variable. The listings are: • The WORK roll exceeds the fixed storage space assigned to it. • The EXIT roll exceeds the fixed storage space assigned to it. • Any other roll, with the exception of the AFTER POLISH roll and the CODE roll, exceeds 64K bytes of storage. In this case, the capacity of the ADDRESS field of a pointer to the roll is exceeded and, therefore, the information on the roll is unaddressable. The AFTER POLISH and CODE rolls are excepted, since pointers to these rolls are not required. The compilation terminates following the printing of either of these messages. • COMMON variables • EQUIVALENCE variables • Scalar variables • Array variables • NAMELIST tables • FORMAT statements A list of the subprograms called is also produced. ERROR MESSAGES Errors are indicated by listing the statement in its original form with the erroneous phrases or characters undermarked by the dollar sign character, followed by comments indicating the type of the error. This method is described in more detail in "Phase 1 of the Compiler: Parse (IEYPAR)." Common Error Messages The message NO CORE AVAILABLE is produced (through IEYFORT) by all phases of the compiler when the program being compiled exhausts the main storage space available to the compiler. This message is produced only when the PRESS MEMORY routine cannot provide unused main storage space on request from the compiler. The message ROLL SIZE EXCEEDED is produced (through the Invocation phase, IEYFORT) by all phases of the compiler when the size of any single roll or rolls is greater than permitted. The following circumstances cause this message to be produced: COMPILER DATA STRUCTURES The POP language is designed to manipulate certain well-defined data structures. Rolls, which are the tables primarily used by the compiler, are automatically handled by the POP instructions; that is, when information is moved to and from rolls, controls indicating the status of the rolls are automatically updated. Items (variables) with fixed structures are used to maintain control values for rolls, to hold input characters being processed, and to record Polish notation, etc. These item structures are also handled automatically by the POP instructions. The arrangement of the parts of the compiler is significant because of the extensive use of relative addressing in the compiler. General registers are used to hold base addresses, to control some rolls, and to assist in the interpretation of the POP instructions. ROLLS AND ROLL CONTROLS Most of the tables employed by the compiler are called rolls. This term describes a table which at any point in time occupies only as much storage as is required for the maximum amount of information it has held during the present compilation (exceptions to this rule are noted later). Another distinctive feature of a roll is that it is used so that the last information placed on it is the first information retrieved it uses a "push up' logic. Section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 21 with the exception of the WORK and EXIT rolls, the rolls of the compiler are maintained in an area called the £QJ-I storage area. The rolls in this area are both and numbered. While the references to rolls in this document and in the compiler comments are primarily by name, the names are converted to corresponding numbers at assembly time and the rolls are arranged in storage an~ referred to by nUITlber. named If the roll storage area is considered to be one block of continuous storage, the rolls are placed in this area in ascending sequence by roll number; that is, roll 0 hegins at the base address of the roll storage area; rolls 1, 2, 3, etc., follow roll zero in sequence, with the roll whose number is largest terminating the roll storage area. Initially, all rolls except roll 0 are empty and occupy no space; this is accomplished by having the beginning and end of all rolls located at the same place. (Roll 0, the LIB roll, is a fixed-length roll which contains all of its data initially.) When information is to be placed on a roll and no space is available due to a conflict with the next roll, rolls greater in number than the roll in question are moved down (to higher addresses) to make the space available. This is accomplished by physically moving the information on the rolls a fixed number of storage locations and altering the controls to indicate the change. Thus, roll 0 never changes in size, location, or contents; all other rolls expand to higher addresses as required. When information is removed from a roll, the space which had been occupied by that information is left vacant; therefore, it is not necessary to move rolls for each addition of information. with the exception of the area occupied by rollO, the roll storage area actually consists of any number of non-contiguous blocks of 4096 bytes of storage. The space required for roll 0 is not part of one of these blockso Additional blocks of storage are acquired by the compiler whenever current roll storage is exceeded. If the system is unable to fulfill a request for roll storage, the PRESS MEMORY routine is entered to find roll space that is no longer in use. If 32 or more bytes are found, the compilation continues. If fewer than 32 bytes are found, the compilation of the current program is terminated, the message NO CORE AVAILABLE is printed, and space is freed. If there are multiple programs, the next one is compiled. The following paragraphs describe the controls and statistics maintained by the compiler in order to control the storage 22 allocation for rolls and the functioning of the "push up" logic. ROLL ADR Table The ROLL ADR table is a 1000-byte table maintained in IEYROL. Each entry in this table holds the beginning address of a block of storage which has been assigned to the roll storage area. The first address in the table is always the beginning address of roll O. The second address is that of the first 4K-byte block of storage and, therefore, the beginning address of roll 1. Initially, the last address recorded on the table is the beginning address of a block which holds the CODE and AF'l'ER POLISH rolls, with the CO~ roll begInning--at the first location in the block. As information is recorded on rolls during the operation of the compiler, additional storage space may eventually be required. Whenever storage is needed for a roll which precedes the CODE roll, an additional 4K block is requested from the system and its address is inserted into the ROLL ADR table immediately before the entry describing the CODE roll base. This insertion requires that any entries describing the CODE and AFTER POLISH rolls be moved down in the ROLL ADR table. The information on all rolls following (greater in number than) the roll requiring the space is then moved down a fixed number of words. The roll which immediately precedes the CODE roll moves into the new block of storage. This movement of the rolls creates the desired space for the roll requiring it. The movement of rolls does not respect roll boundaries; that is, it is entirely possible that any roll or rolls may bridge two blocks of storage. When additional storage space is required for the AFTER POLISH roll, a block is requested from the system and its beginning address is added to the bottom of the ROLL ADR table. When the CODE roll requires more space, a new block is added in the same manner, the AFTER POLISH roll is moved down into the new block, and the vacated space is available to the CODE roll. The CODE and AFTER POLISH rolls are handled separately because the amount of information which can be expected to reside on them makes it impractical to move them frequently in order to satisfy storage requirements for all other rolls. The CODE roll is also somewhat unique in that it is assigned a large amount of space before it is used; that is, the AFTER POLISH roll does not begin at the same location as does the CODE roll. BASE 4 bytes (n) l_> r---------------l<-----unused TOP (n») I ~===============~) ~---------------~ ~---------------~ BASE, BOTTOM, and TOP Tables I In order to permit dynamic allocation as well as to permit the use of the "push up" logic, tables containing the variables BASE, BOTTOM, and TOP are maintained to record the current status of each of the rolls. These variables indicate addresses of rolls. Information stored on rolls is in units of fullwords; hence, these addresses are always multiples of four. The length of each of the tables is determined by the number of rolls, and the roll number is an index to the appropriate word in each table for the roll. Each of the variables occupies a fullword and has the following configuration: 1 1 o 1 2 1 2 9 0 3 1 r-------------T------------T--------------, IEntry number I I I I I lI _____________ linto the I Displacement I I ROLL ADR I (12 bits) I I ____________ Table I ______________ JI ~ I • I l-------~-------J) K bytes BOTTOM(n)---->1l _______________ JI Figure 7. Roll containing Information K Bytes of When information is to be added to a roll, it is stored at the address pointed to by BOTTOM, plus four, and BOTTOM is increased by four. When a word is to be retrieved from a roll, it is read from the address specified by BOTTOM, and, under most circumstances, BOTTOM is reduced by four, thus indicating that the ~ord is no longer occupied by the roll. This alteration of the value of BOTTOM is terwed E~~~~~g. If the information retrieved from a roll is to remain on the roll as well as at the destination, BOTTOM is not changed. This operation is indicated by the use of the word "keep" in the POP instructions that perform it. ~ The entry number points to an entry in the ROLL ADR table and, hence, to the beginning address of a block of roll storage. The displacement is a byte count from the beginning of the indicated storage block to the location to which the variable (BASE, BOTTOM, or TOP) refers. It is significant to note that the displacement field in these variables occupies twelve bits. If the displacement field is increased beyond its maximum value (4095), the overflow increases the entry number into the ROLL ADR table; this is the desired result, since it simply causes the variable to point to the next entry in the table and effectively indicate the next location in the roll storage area, the beginning of the next block. The first status variable for each roll, BASE, indicates the beginning address of that roll, minus four. The second variable, BOTTOM, indicates the address of the most recently entered word on the roll. If the roll is completely empty, its BOTTOM is equal to its BASE; otherwise, BOTTOM always exceeds BASE by a multiple of four. Figure 7 illustrates a roll which contains information. The current length (in bytes) of a roll is determined by subtracting its BASE from its BOTTOM. Note that this is true even though the entry number field appears in these variables, since each increase in entry number indicates 4096 bytes occupied by the roll. Thus, there is no limitation on the size of a roll from this source. For each roll, an additional status variable, called TOP, is maintained. TOP enables the program to protect a portion of the roll from destruction, while allowing the use of the roll as though it were empty. Protecting a roll in this way is called reserving the roll. The contents of TOP (always greater than or equal to the contents of BASE) indicate a false BASE for the roll. The area between BASE and TOP, when TOP does not equal BASE, cannot be altered or removed from the roll. Ascending locations from TOP constitute the new, empty roll. Like BASE, TOP points to the word imwediately preceding the first word into which information can be stored. A value is automatically stored in this unused word when the roll is reserved; the value is the previous value of TOP, minus the value of BASE and is called the reserve mark. Storage of this value permits-more than-one segment of the roll to be reserved. Section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 23 A single roll (roll n), then, containing K bytes of information, (where K is always a multiple of four) and having no reserved status, has the following settings for its status variables: BOTTOM = BASE + K = TOP + K Figure 7 also illustrates this roll. If the same roll contains L bytes reserved and K additional bytes of information, the settings of its status variables are as follows: BOTTOM = TOP + K = BASE + L + K + 4 This roll is shown in Figure 8. Note that the relationships given above are valid because of the structure of the BASE, BOTTOM, and TOP variables. 4 bytes r---------------, BASE (n)----->I in the sense that they employ the same push up logic which is used for the other rolls; however, they are not numbered, and their controls are, therefore, not maintained in the tables used for the other rolls. The WORK roll is used as a temporary storage area during the operations of the compiler. Because information is moved to and from the roll frequently it is handled separately from other rolls. The EXIT roll warrants special treatment because it is used frequently in maintaining exit and entrance addresses for compiler routines. The bottom of the WORK roll is recorded in general register 4, WRKADR; general register 5, EXTADR, holds the address of the bottom of the EXIT roll. These values are absolute addresses rather than in the format of the BOTTOM variable recorded for other rolls. 1 <---unused For a more detailed explanation of the WORK and EXIT rolls, see Appendix B "Rolls Used by the Compiler.n r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll ~---------------~ 1 • 1 1 • I, r-------~--- ----j) L bytes ~---------------~ 1 1 ~---------------i TOP (n)------>I 1 <---previous ~--------------- I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I TOP-BASE ~---------------i ~---------------i K bytes ~---------------i ~---------------i ~---------------i BOTTOM (n)--->IL ____• __________ _ I Figure 8. Roll Containing L Bytes of Reserved Information and K Bytes of New Information Special Rolls The WORK roll and the EXIT roll are special rolls in that they are not maintained in the roll storage area, but rather appear in IEYROL with a fixed amount of storage allocated to each. They are rolls 24 CENTRAL ITEMS: The items SYMBOL 1, SYMBOL 2, SYMBOL 3, DATA 0, DATA 1, DATA 2, DATA 3 and DATA 4, two bytes each in length, and DATA 5, eight bytes in length, contain variable names and constants. These items are called central due to the nature and frequency of their use. They occupy storage in the order listed, with DATA 1 aligned to a doubleword boundary. In general, SYMBOL 1, 2, and 3 hold variable names; DATA 1 and 2 are used to hold real constants, DATA 3 and 4 to hold integer constants, DATA 1, 2, 3 and 4 to hold double precision and complex constants, and DATA 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5 to hold double-precision complex constants. GROUPS: While the basic unit of inforwation stored on rolls is a fullword, many rolls contain logically connected information which requires more than a singleword of storage. Such a collection of inforwation is called a group and always occupies a multiple of four bytes. A word of a group of more than one word is someti~es called a rung of the group. Regardless of the size of the group on a given roll, the item BOTTOM for the roll always points to the last word on the roll. Figure 9 shows a roll with a group size of twelve. 4 bytes r---------------,, I 1st group \' r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 • GROUP STATS: Since the size of the group varies from roll to roll, this characteristic of each roll must be tabulated in order to provide proper manipulation of the roll. In addition, the groups on a roll are frequently searched against the values held in the central items (SYMBOL 1, 2, 3, etc.,). Additional characteristics of the roll must be tabulated in order to provide for this function. Four variables tabulated in the group stats tables are required to maintain this information. (See Section 2 "IEYROL Module.") <__ {BASE (n) ,TOP (n) I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ~---------------~ I 2nd g rou p I ~---------------~ I 3rd I l' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 group ~---------------~ Il _______________ JI <-- BOTTOM (n) Figure 9. Roll With Twelve a Group Size of For some rolls, the size of the group is not fixed. In these cases a construct called a "plex" is used. The first word of each plex holds the number of words in the plex, exclusive of itself; the remainder holds the information needed in the group.~-------------~ TOP (n)J ~-------------~ 3 I ~-------------~, I t-------------11 t-------------1\ ~-------------~ 4 I group information , I ~-------------~ I I I , ~-------------~ plex The first group stats table contains a i-word entry for each roll. The entry is divided into two halfword values. The first of these is the displacement in bytes from SYMBOL 1 for a group search; that is, the number of bytes to the right of the beginning of SYMBOL 1 from which a comparative search with the group on the roll should begin. This value is zero for rolls which contain variable names 1 81 0 I ~-----------~------------~ ) 1 I I I I ~-----------T------------~ 0I 0I ~-----------~------------~ ARRAY roll---> 1 I 1 I I I I Most of the arithmetic performed in the compiler is fullword arithmetic. When double-precision arithmetic is required, the variables MPAC 1 and MPAC 2, four bytes each in length, are used as a doubleprecision register. These variables are maintained in main storage. Scan Control L ___________ ____________ J t-----------T------------~ ~ Figure 11. First Group Stats Table 4 bytes r-----------T------------, ~-----------+------------~ t-----------i------------~ 1 1 I I I I ~-----------T------------~ DP CaNST roll--->1 81 81 ~-----------~------------~ 1 1 I 1 l I ~-----------T------------~ ARRAY roll--->I 61 1 I I L ___________ ____________ J ~-----------T------------~ ~ Figure 12. 26 Second Group Stats Table The variable CRRNT CHAR holds the source statement character which is currently being inspected; the variable is four bytes long. The position (scan arrow) of the current character within the input statement (its column number, where a continuous column count is maintained over each statement) is held in the low-order bit positions of the fullword variable CRRNT CHAR CNT. 20) ~-----------~------------~ I I I Several variables are used in the character scanning performed by the first processing phase of the compiler, Parse. Their names, and terms associated with their values, are frequently used in describing the POP instructions. Non-blank characters are called "active except when literal or IBM card code information is being scanned. The variable LAST CHAR CNT, which occupies one word of storage, holds the column number of the active character previous to the one in CRRNT CHAR. ch~racters," Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 1 Column number: tions which refer to quotes are assembled with address fields which are relative to this location. 1234567890 DO 50 I = 1, 4 A(I) = B(I)**2 DO 50 J=l, 5 50 C(J+l) = A(n Figure 14 shows sOme of the quotes used by the compiler and how they "are arranged in storage. 4 bytes r------------------------------, 02N D I QUOTE BASE I 00 ~------------------------------i I 00 08 I M I t------------------------------i lEN S I I t------------------------------i ION b b I In the processing of the source module which contains the above statements, statement 50 is currently being parsed. The current character from the input buffer is J. The settings of the scan control variables are shown in Figure 13. ~------------------------------i 1 00 07 M P I .-------------~----------------i I L I C I I t------------------------------i r-----------------------------------------, I T b b b I .---------------~--------------i I 00 07 L 0 I CRRNT CHAR I~------------------------------i G I C A I IL _________________________________________ (EBCDIC) J JI t-------~----------------------i r-----------------------------------------, I 9 I I CRRNT CHAR CNT (scan arrow) r-----------------------------------------, I IL______________________________ JI I I Figure 14. Quotes are sequences of characters preceded by a halfword character count; they are compared with the input data to determine a statement type during the Parse phase. These constants are grouped together at the end of phase 1. The location labeled QUOTE BASE is the beginning location of the first quote; ins truc- b t------------------------------i I I Scan Control Variables QUotes b ~------------------------------i I R MAT I LAST CHAR CNT Several flags are used in the compiler. These i-word variables have two possible values: on, represented by nonzero, and off, represented by zero. The name of the flag indicates the significance of the "on" setting in all cases. b I I I I .----------------~-------------i I 00 06 F 0 I IL_________________________________________ 1 8 JI Figure 13. L .------------------------------i I I L _________________________________________ J Quotes Used in the Compiler Messages The messages used in the compiler, which are also grouped together at the end of Phase 1, are the error messages required by Parse for the source module listing. The first byte of each message holds the condition code for the error described by the message. The second byte of the message is the number of bytes in the remainder of the message. The message follows this halfword of information. The location labeled MESSAGE BASE is the beginning location of the first message; instructions which refer to messages are assembled with address fields relative to this location. Section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 27 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 COMPILER ARRANGEMENT AND GENERAL REGISTER USAGE Figure 15 shows the arrangement of the compiler in main storage with the Parse phase shown in d'etail. General registers that hold base locations within the compiler are shown pointing to the locations they indicate. Note that the labels CBASE and PROGRAM BASE 2 appear in each phase of the compiler; the general registers CONSTR and PGB2 contain the locations of those labels in the operating phase. General register 2, PGB2, holds the beginning address of the g!Qba~IDE_£~bl~, a table containing the addresses of compiler routines which are the targets of jump instructions. (See Appendix A for further discussion of this table and the way in which it is used.) The global jump table appears in each phase of the compiler and is labeled PROGRAM BASE 2; thus, the value held in general register 2 is changed at the beginning of each phase of the compiler. r------------T------------------T--------------------------------------------, Register , Label I Contents I I ~------------~------------------~--------------------------------------------~ I Invocation Phase I ~------------T----·--------------T--------------------------------------------~ 1 POPPGB---> I pOP TABLE I POP Jump Table I I I ~--------------------------------------------~ I 1 POP SETUP I POP Machine Language Subroutines I I I ~--------------------------------------------~ I I I Data for POP Subroutines I ~------------+----.--------------+--------------------------------------------~ I ROLLBR--->I ROLL BASE I Roll Statistics (Bases, Tops, Bottoms) I I I ~--------------------------------------------~ I I I Group Stats (Displacements, Group Sizes) I I I ~--------------------------------------------~ I I I WORK Roll I I I ~--------------------------------------------~ I , I EXIT Roll I I I ~--------------------------------------------~ I I I ROLL ADR Table I I I ~--------------------------------------------~ I I I Roll Storage I low storage I I I Roll Storage* I ~------------+------------------+--------------------------------------------~ I CONSTR--->I CBASE I Parse Data Items I I I .--~-----------------------------------------~ I I I Parse Routines I I I ~--------------------------------------------~ I PGB2----->I PROGRAM BASE 2 I Parse Global Jump Table I I J I I I I I I.--------------------------------------------~ Parse Routines containing assembler J I language branch targets I 1I I J I I I QUOTE BASE MESSAGE BASE ~--------------------------------------------~ Quotes I .----------------~---------------------------~ I Messages I I ~------------L----.--------------L-------------------- I ________________________ ~ PHASE 2: Allocate I ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I PHASE 3: Unify I .----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I PHASE 4: Gen I .----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I PHASE 5: Exit I ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I*Roll storage is allocated in 4K-byte blocks, beginning from the higher end] I of storage contiguous with Parse. Additional blocks are obtained, asl I needed, from preceding (lower) 4K-byte blocks of storage. I L ________.__________ •___________________________________________________________ J • Figure 15. 28 Compiler Arrangement with Registers high storage Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 Compiler routines which contain assembler language instructions and are either branched to by other assembler language instructions or which themselves perform internal branches, follow the global jump table. General register 2 is used as a base register for references to both the global jump table and these routines. Figure 15 shows this register in Parse. General register 3, called POPADR in the compiler code, is used in the sequencing of the POP operations. It holds the address of the current POP, and is incremented by 2 as each POP is interpreted. POINTERS Information defining a source module variable (its name, dimensions, etc.) is recorded by the compiler when the name of the variable appears in an Explicit specification or DIMENSION statementD For variables which are not explicitly defined, this information is recorded when the first use of the variable is encountered. All constants are recorded when they are first used in the source module. General register 4, called WRKADR, holds the address of the current bottom of the WORK roll. All references to a given variable or constant are indicated by a pointer'to the location at which the information defining that variable or constant is stored. ~he use of the pointer eliminates redundancy and saves compiler space. General register 5, called EXTADR, holds the address of the current bottom of the EXIT roll. ,The pointer is following format: General register 6, called POPXIT, holds the return location for POP subroutines. When POPs are being interpreted by POP SETUP, the return is to POP SETUP; when machine language instructions branch to the POPs, it is to the next instruction. a I byte I byte i-word value in the 2 bytes r---------T----------~--------------------, L _________ TAG ~ __________ OPERATOR ~ ____________________ ADDRESS J I I I I where: General register 7, called ADDR, holds the address portion of the current POP instruction (eight bits); it is also used in the deFoding of the operation code portion of POP instructions. General register 8~ called POPPGB, holds the beginning address of the machine language code for the POP instructions and the POP jump table. Figure 15 shows this register, which is used as a base for references/to these areas. General register 9, called CONSTR, holds the beginning address of the data referred to by the compiler routines. This area precedes the routines themselves, and is labeled CBASE, as indicated in Figure 15. This register is, therefore, used as a base register for references to data as well as for references to the routines in the compiler; its value is changed at the • beginning of each phase. General register 10, ROLLBR, holds the beginning address of the roll area; that is, the beginning address of the base table (see Figure 15). The value in this register remains constant throughout the operation of the compiler. General register 11, RETURN, holds return addresses for the POP subroutines. The remaining general registers are used temporarily for various purposes in the compiler. TAG is a l-byte item whose value is represented in two parts: MODE, occupying the upper four bits, indicates whether the variable or constant is integer" real, complex or logical; SIZE, indica ted in the lower four bits" s pecifies the length of the variable or constant (in bytes) minus one. (See Figure 15.1). r-------T-------------T-------T-----------, I MODE I Value I SIZE I I Value t-------t-------------t-------t-----------~ 0 I Integer I 0 I 1 byte I ) 1 I Real I 1 I 2 bytes I 2 I complex I 3 I 4 bytes I I 3 I Logical I 7 I 8 bytes I I ] 4 I Literal/ I F I 16 bytes I I I I I Hexadecimal I I L _______ ~-------------~-------~-----------J Figure 15.1 TAG Field MODE and SIZE Values OPERATOR is a l-byte item which contains the roll number of the roll on which the group defining the constant or variable is stored. ADDRESS is a 2-byte item which holds the relative address (in bytes) of the group which contains the information for the constant or variable; the address is relative to the rop of the roll. Section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 29 The pointer contains all the information required to detennine an absolute location in the roll storage area. The roll number (from the OPERATOR field) is first used as an index into the TOP table. The ADDRESS field of the pointer is then added to the TOP, and the result is handled as follows: 1. 2. Its entry number field (bits 12 through 19) is used as an index into the ROLL ADR table. field (bits 20 Its displacement through 31) is added to the base address found in the ROLL ADR table. The result of step 2 is the address indicat.ed by the pointer. Using a pointer whose OPERATOR field cont:ains the value 2 and whose ADDRESS field contains the value 4, and the following tables: ~ple: TOP r----T----"T------, ROLL ADR o I I I I r---f----f------i o 1 1 I 2 I I I 2 I I 20 I I ~---~----~-----~ I I I I I , I , r---------------,I I ~---------------~ I 2 I I 1000 I ~---------------i I I I I I 1 I I the location 1024 is determined. Note that for larger values in the pointer and in TOP, the entry number field of TOP can be mo~ified by the addition of ADDRESS. In th1s case the result of the addition holds 2 and 24 in the entry number and displacement fields, respectively. . Since re~ati!e addresses are recorded in po;nters, 1t 1S not necessary to alter a pOl.nter when the roll pOinted to is moved. No~e also that the relative address in the pOl.nt 7r ~ay exceed 4096 bytes with no compll.~a~10n.of the addressing scheme. The only on the size of a roll comes a?out because of the size of the ADDRESS f1eld of the pointer: 16 bits permit values less than 64K bytes to be represented. 30 For the purposes of object code generation, the mode and size of the constant or variable is available to influence the type of operations which can be employed, e.g., integer or floating, fullword, or doubleword. DRIVERS In the generation of Polish notation from the source language statements, "drivers" are also used. These "drivers" are values that are one word long and have the same format as the pointer. The two types of drivers used by the compiler are discussed in the following paragraphs. Operation Drivers One type of driver is the operation driver, which indicates arithmetic or logicar-operations to be performed. The fields of the driver are: TAG is a 1-byte item whose value is represented in two parts: MODE, occupying the upper four bits, indicates the mode of the operation, e.g., integer, floating-point, complex or logical; SIZE, indicated in the lower four bits, specifies the length of the result of the operation (in bytes) minus one. OPERATOR is a 1-byte item containing a value which indicates the operation to be performed, e.g. 6 addition, subtraction, etc. The values for OPERATOR are larger than the number of any roll, and hence, also serve to distinguish a driver from a pointer • ADDRESS is a 2-byte item which indicates the of the operation driver; its values ten. containing a value "forcing strength" specified by the range from zero to The forcing strengths associated with the operation drivers are given in Table 1. Table 1. Internal Configuration of Operation Drivers r--------------T----T--------T------------, I I I AD!2RE §2 J I I 1 I 1 (Forcing ~ !~~:t I QE~gATQg I Stren'gth) J I Dr!.y~!: I .--------------+----+--------+------------~ ISprog2 I 00 I 40 I 00 00 ] ~--------------+----+--------+------------~ 1Power I 00 I 42 J 00 01 I •lUnary --------------+----+--------+------------1 Minus I 00 43 I 00 02 I Control Drivers The other type of driver used in the generation of Polish notation is called the control driver. It is used to indicate the type-ol-the-statement for which code is to be written. The control driver may also designate some other control function such as an I/O list, an array reference, or an error linkage • J ~--------------+----+--------+------------~ I Multiply I 00 I 44 I 00 03 ] .--------------+----+--------t------------~ I Divide I 00 I 45 I 00 03 I ~--------------+----+--------+------------~ I Add I 00 I 46 I 00 04 1 .--------------+----+--------+------------~ I Subtract I 00 I 41 I 00 04 ~ ~--------------+----+--------+------------~ I GT I 00 I 48 I 00 05 1 .--------------+----+--------+------------~ IGE I 00 I 49 I 00 05 I t--------------+----+--------+------------~ I LT 1 00 I 4A I 00 05 I .--------------+----+--------+------------~ I LE I 00 I 4B I 00 05 J ~--------------+----+--------+------------~ I EQ ! 00 I 4C I 00 05 1 .--------------+----+--------+------------~ lNE I 00 I 4D I 00 05 I ~--------------+----+--------+------------~ I NOT I 00 I 4E I 00 06 J ~--------------+----+--------+------------i lAND I 00 I 4F I 00 01 I ~--------------+----+--------+------------~ lOR I 00 I 50 I 00 08 I .--------------+----+--------+------------~ IPlus and Belowl I I I lPhony3 1 00] 3F I 00 09 J .--------------+----+--------+------------~ I EOE4 I 00 I 3F I 00 OA I ~--------------L----~--------~------------i I:tThe MODE and SIZE settings are placed inl I the driver when it is used. I 12 Indicates a function reference. J 13 Used to designate the beginning of ani J expression. I ~4Means "end of expression" and is usedl JI 1L_________________________________________ for that purpose. The fields of the control driver differ from those of the operation driver in that zero is contained in the TAG field, 255 in the OPERATOR field (thedisting~ishing mark for control drivers), and a unique value in the ADDRESS field. The value in the ADDRESS field is an entry number into a table of branches to routines that process each statement type or control function; it is used in this way during the operations of Gen. The formats of the operation drivers and control drivers are given in Appendix E. Table 1 lists the operation drivers and the values contained in each field. The control drivers are given in Table 2. The ADDRESS field is the only field given because the TAG and OPERATOR fields are constant. All values are represented in hexadecimal. section 1: Introduction to the Compiler 31 Form Y28-6638-1 Paqe Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 -Table 2. Internal Configuration of Control Drivers (Part 1 of 2) r----------------------------T------------, I I I I I QE!Y~E I I ~QQ~~~~ I I ~----------------------------+------------~ AFDS I 8 I ~----------------------------+------------~ I ARRAY I 23C I ~----------------------------+------------~ I ASSIGN I 20 I ~----------------------------+------------i I ASSIGNED GOTO I lC I ~----------------------------+------------i I ASSIGNMENT I 4 ~ r----------------------------+------------~ I AT I 68 I ~----------------------------+------------1 I BSREF I 34 I ~----------------------------+------------~ I CALL I 2C I ~----------------------------+------------i I CGOTO I 18 I ~----------------~-----------+------------~ I CONTINUE I 28 I ~----------------------------+------------i I DATA I 3C I I .----------------------------+------------i I DEFINE FILE I 44 I .----------------------------+------------1 I DIRECT 10 I 200 I .----------------------------+------------~ I DISPLAY ID I 74 I .----------------------------+------------1 J DO l 10 ] .----------------------------+------------~ I DUMMY I 68 I .----------------------------+------------~ I END I C I r----------------------------+------------~ I END= I 20C I ~----------------------------+------------4 I ERROR LINK 1 I 54 1 r----------------------------+------------~ I ERROR LINK 2 I 58 I .----------------------------+..,..-----------~ I I I ERROR LINK 3 5C L _____________________________ .1. ____________ J 32 -Table 2. Internal Configuration of trol Drivers (Part 2 of 2) Con- r----------------------------T------------, I I I I I QE!yer I I ~Qg~§§ I I .----------------------------+------------~ I ERR= I 210 I .----------------------------f------------~ I EXP and ARG I 480 I .----------------------------+-------~----~ I FIND I 4C I t----------------------------f------------~ I FORl'flAT I 208 I ~----------------------------+------------~ I FORMAT STA I 30 I r----------------------------+------------~ I 14 I I GOTO t----------------------------+------------~ I IF I 24 I t----------------------------+------------~ I 218 I I IOL DO CLOSE r----------------------------+------------~ I IOL DO DATA I 21C I r----------------------------f------------i I 10 LIST I 214 I t----------------------------+------------~ I 60 I 1 LOGICAL IF r----------------------------f------------i I NAMELIST I 204 I r----------------------------+------------~ I PAUSE I 38 I t----------------------------+------------~ I READ WRITE I 48 I r-------~--------------------t------------~ I RETURN I 50 I t----------------------------+------------~ I STANDARD PRINT UNIT I 234 I r----------------------------+------------~ I STANDARD PUNCH UNIT I 238 I r----------------------------t------------i I STANDARD READ UNIT I 230 I ~----------------------------+------------~ , STOP I 64 I r----------------------------f------------i I SUBPROGRAM I 40 I .----------------------------t------------~ I TRACE OFF I 70 I ~----------------------------f------------i I ____________________________ TRACE ON I ____________ 6C L .1. JI SECTION 2: This section describes in detail the Invocation phase and the five processing phases of the compiler and their operation. The I~YROL module is also described. INVOCATION PHASE (IEYFORT) The Invocation phase is the compiler control phase and is the first and last phase of the compiler. (The logic of the phase is illustrated in Chart 00.) If the compiler is invoked in an EXEC statement, control is received from the operating system control program. However, control may be received from other programs through use of one of the system macro instructions: ~AL~, LINK, or ATTACH. IEYFORT performs compiler initialization, expansion of roll storage assignment, input/output request processing, and compiler termination. The following paragraphs describe these operations in greater detail. IEYFORT, CHART 00 IEYFORT is the basic control routine of the Invocation phase. Its operation is invoked by the operating system or by another program through either the CALL, LINK, or ATTACH macro instructions. The execution of IEYFORT includes scanning the specified compiler options, setting the ddnames for designated data sets, initializing heading information, and acquiring time and date information from the system. IEYFORT sets pointers and indicators to the options" data sets, and heading information specified for use by the compiler. The options are given 1n 40 or fewer characters, and are preceded in storage by a binary count of the option information. This character count immediately precedes the first location which contains the option data. The options themselves are represented in EBCDIC. On entry to IEYFORT, general register 1 contains the address of a group of three or fewer pointers. Pointer 1 of the group holds the beginning address of an area in storage that contains the execute options specified by the programmer (set in the OPTSCAN routine). COMPILER OPERATION Pointer 2 contains the address of the list of DD names to be used by the compiler (set in the DDNAMES routine). Pointer 3 contains the address of the heading information. Heading data may designate such information as the continuation of pages, and the titles of pages. If the FORTRAN compiler is invoked by the control program (i.e., called by the system), pointers 2 and 3 are not used. However, if the compiler is invoked by some other source, all pointers may be used. The latter condition is determined through an interrogation of the high order bit of a pointer. If this bit is set, the remaining pointers are nonexistent. Nevertheless, pointers 1 and 3 may exist while pointer 2 is nonexistent; in this case, pointer 2 contains all zeros. During the operation of IEYF0RT, the SYSIN and SYSPRINT data sets are always opened through use of the OPEN macro instruction. The SYSLIN and SYSPUNCH data sets are also opened depending upon the specification of the LOAD and DECK options. The block sizes of these data sets are set to 80, 120, 80 and 80, respectively. These data sets may be blocked or unblocked (RECFM=F, FB, or FBA) depending upon the DCB specification in the DD statements. IEYFORT concludes the compiler initialization process with a branch to the first processing phase of the compiler, Parse (IEYPAR) • From this point in the operation of the compiler, each processing phase calls the next phase to be executed. However, the Invocation phase is re-entered periodically when the compiler performs such input/ output operations as printing, punching, or reading. The last entry to the Invocation phase is at the completion of the compiler operation. IEYPRNT is the routine that is called by the compiler when any request for printing is issued. The routine sets and checks the print controls such as setting the line count, advancing the line count, checking the lines used, and controlling the spacing before and after the printing of each line. These control items are set, checked, and inserted into the SYSPRINT control format, Section 2: Compiler Operation 33 and the parameter information and print addresses are initialized for SYSPRINT. If there is an error during the printing operation, EREXITPR sets the error code resulting from the print error. Any error occurring during an input/output operation results in a termination of compiler operation. PRNTHEAD is called by IEYPRNT after it has been determined that the next print operation begins on a new page. The program name and the new page number placed into the heading format and any parameter information and origin addr'esses are inserted int.o the SYSPRINT format. If an optional heading is specified by the programmer, it is inserted into the print line format. A PUT macro instruction is issued to print the designated line, and all print controls are advanced for the next print operation. IEYREAD, Chart 01A4 IEYREAD is called by the compiler at the time that a read operation is indicated. It reads input in card format from SYSIN using the GET macro instruction. IEYREAD can handle concatenated data sets. If an error occurs during the read operation, the routine EREXITIN is called. This routine checks the error code generated and prints the appropriate error message. PRNTMSG, Chart 03Al PRNTMSG is called when any type of message is to be printed. The print area is initialized with blanks and the origin and displacement controls are set. The message is printed in two segments; each segment is inserted into the print area after the complete message length is determined and the length and origin of each segment has been calculated. Once the entire message has been inserted, the carriage control for printing is set and control is transferred to the system to print the message. IEYMOR, Chart 01Dl IEYMOR is called when additional roll storage area is needed for compiler operation. This routine may be entered from any of the processing phases of the compiler. The GETMAIN maCro instruction is issued by this routine and transfers control to the system for the allocation of one 4K-byte block of contiguous storage. The system returns to IEYMOR with the absolute address of the beginning of the storage block in general register 1. Once the requested storage space has been obtained, IEYMOR returns to the invoking phase. If the system is unable to allocate the requested storage, inactive modules of the compiler are deleted. Those preceding the currently active module are deleted first; then those following it are deleted, if necessar}p. Should additional space be needed after all inactive modules are deleted, compiler operations are terminated. When IEYMOR returns to the invoking phase with the absolute address of the storage block in general register 1, the invoking phase then stores the contents of register 1 in the ROLL ADR table. The ROLL ADR table is used by the compiler to record the addresses of the different blocks of storage that have been allocated for additional roll capacity. The contents of the table are later used in IEYRETN for releasing of the same storage blocks. When a punch output operation is requested by the compiler, control is transferred to the IEYPCH routine. The LOAD and DECK options are checked to determine what output to perform. IEYNOCR Any errors' detected during output result in a transfer of control to the EREXITPC, for SYSPUNCH, or EREXITLN, for SYSLIN, routine. The routine sets a flag so that no further output is placed on the affected file. IEYNOCR is called by PRESS MEMORY (IEYPAR) whenever it is unable to obtain at least 32 bytes of unused storage. IEYNOCR prints the message NO CORE AVAILABLE, branches to a subroutine that checks to see if there are any source language cards to be disregarded, and then exits to IEYRETN. 34 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 IEYR~TN,-fh~~1-Ql~~ The compiler termination routine (IEYRETN) is invoked by Exit (IEYEXT) or by one of the input/output routines after the detection of an error. The routine first obtains the error condition code returned by the compiler and tests this value against any previous value received during the compilation. The compiler communications area for the ·error code is set to the highest code received and a program name of "Main" is set in the event of multiple compilations. The routine then checks general register 1 for the address of the ROLL ADR table. Each entry of the ROLL ADR table indicates the beginning of a 4K-byte block of roll storage that must be released. A FREEMAIN macro instruction is issued for each block of storag~ indicated in the table until a zero entry is encountered (this denotes the end of the ROLL ADR table). The presence of more than one source module in the input stream is checked by interrogating the end-of-file indication and the first card following this notation. If another compilation is indicated, the line, card, and page count control items are reinitialized and all save registers used by the Invocation phase are restored. The number of diagnostic messages generated for the compilation is added to a total count for the multiple compilation and the diagnostic error count is reset to zero. The first processing phase of the compiler, Parse (IEYPAR), is called and the operation of the compiler proceeds as described in the previous paragraphs and those pertaining to the processing phases. If another compilation is not indicated, a check is made to determine if there was a multiple compilation. If there was a multiple compilation, an indication of the total number of diagnostic messages generated for all of the compilations is printed. Also, routine IEYFINAL closes the data set files used by the compiler (by means of the CLOSE macro instruction). The terminal error condition code is obtained and set for the return to the invoking program, and all saved registers are restored before the return is made. Routine IEYFINAL also receives control from other compiler routines when an input/ output error is detected. OPTSCAN determines the existence of the parameters specifying the compiler options. If options are specified, the validity of each option is checked against the parameter table and the pointer to these options is set once the options have been validated. The program name is noted depending upon the presence or absence of the NAME parameter. However, if these options are not specified, the first pointer of the group of three supplied to the compiler by the system contains zero. DDNAMES scans the entries made for the names of the data sets to be used by the compiler. The entries corre~ponding to SYSN, SYSIN, SYSPRINT, and SYSPUNCH are checked; if an alternate name has been provided, it is inserted into the DCB area. HEADOPT determines the existence of the op,tional heading information. If such information exists, its length is determined, it is centered for printing, and then is inserted into the Printmsg Table, with pointer 3 being set. TIMEDAT serves only to obtain the time and date information from the system and to insert the data into the heading line. OUTPUT FROM IEYFORT The following paragraphs describe the error messages produced during the operation of the Invocation phase. These messages denote the progress of the compilation, and denote the condition which results in the termination of the compiler. IEY028I NO CORE AVAILABLE TERMINATED COMPILATION The system was unable to provide a 4K-byte block of additional roll storage and PRESS MEMORY was entered. It, too, was unable to obtain space. The condition code is 16. Section 2: Compiler Operation 35 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 Multiple Compilations IEY0291 DECK OUTPUT DELETED following message appears at the end of a multiple compilation to indicate the total number of errors that occurred. The message will not appear if the compiler is terminated because of an error condition or if the compilation consisted of only one main or one subprogram. Th~ The DECK option has been specified, and an error 6ccurred during the process of punching the designated output. No error condition code is generated for this error. IEY0301 LINK EDI'l' OUTPUT DELETED *STATISTICS* STEP The LOAD 'option has been specified, and an error occurred during the process of generating the load module. The condition code is 16. NO DIAGNOSTICS THIS or *STATISTICS* STEP nnn DIAGNOSTICS THIS IEY0311 ROLL SIZE EXCEEDED where: This message is produced when: (1) The: WORK or EXIT roll has exceeded the storage capacity assigned; or ( 2) Anot.her roll used by the compiler has exceeded 64K bytes of storage, thus making it unaddressable. (This condition applies to all rolls except the AFTER POLISH and CODE rolls.) The condition code is 16. IEY032I NULL PROGRAM This message is produced when an end-of-data set is encountered on the input data set prior to any valid source statement. The condition code is o. IEY0341 I/O ERROR (COMPILATION xxx ••• xxx TERMINATED] This message is produced when an input/output error is detected during compilation. If the error occurred on SYSPUNCH, compilation is continued and the COMPILATION TERMINATED portion of the message is not printed. The condition code is 8. If the error occurred on SYSIN, SYSPRINT, or SYSLIN, compilation is terminated. The condition code is 16. xxx ••• xxx is the character string formatted by the SYNADAF macro instruction. For an interpretation of this information, see the publication IBM System/3~Q ~ratin9 System: Supervisor and Dat.a Management Macro- Instructio!!§, Form C28-6647. IEY035I UNABLE TO OPEN ddnam~ Thi.s message is produced when the required ddname data definition card is missing or the ddname is misspelled. 36 nnn is the total number of diagnostic messages for the multiple compilation expressed as a decimal integer. PHASE 1 OF Ttl,E COMPIL~g_:_E[!RSL.L!.~~I~~g!. The first processing phase of the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler, Parse, accepts FORTRAN statements in card format as input and translates them. Specification statements are translated to entries on rolls Which define the symbols of the program. Active statements are translated to Polish notation. The Polish notation and roll entries produced by Parse are its Er~m~r~ QutP~t. In addition, Parse writes out all erroneous statements and the associated error messages. Parse produces a full source module listing when the SOURCE option is specified. The following descript~on of Parse consists of two parts. The first part, "Flow of Phase 1," describes the overall logic of the phase by means of both narrative and flowcharts. The second part, "Output from Phase 1," describes the Polish notation produced by Parse. The construction of this output, from which subsequent phases produce object code, is the primary function performed by Parse. See Appendix C for the Polish format for each statement type. The source listing format and the error messages produced by Parse are also discussed. The rolls manipulated by Parse are listed in Table 3 and are mentioned in the following description of the phase. At the first mention of a roll, its nature is briefly described. See Appendix B for a complete description of a format of a roll. Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y2B-6829 Table 3. Rolls Used by Parse r-------------------T---------------------, Roll Roll No. o No. Roll Name Lib---- Source Ind Var 4 Polish 5 Literal Const Hex Const 6 7 Global B Fx Const 9 FI Const 10 Dp Const 11 Complex Const 12 Dp Complex Const 13 Temp Name 14 Temp 14 Error Temp 15 DO Loops Open 16 Error Message 17 Error Char 1B Init 19 Xtend Lbl 20 Xtend Target Lbl 22 Array 24 Entry Names 25 Global Dmy 26 Error L ___________________ 27 Local Dmy -28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 1 2 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 53 54 55 56 59 60 63 ~ Roll Name Local-sprog Explicit Call Lbl Namelist Names Namelist Items Array Dimension Temp Data Name Temp Polish Equivalence Used Lib Function Common Data Cornmon Name Implicit Equivalence Offset Lbl Scalar Data Var Literal Temp Format Script Loop Data Program Script AT Subchk After Polish ____________________ _ Section 2: Compiler Operation 36.1 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 FLOW OF PHASE 1, CHART 04 START COMPILER initializes the operation of Parse, setting flags from the user options, reading and writing out (on option) any initial comment cards in the source module, and leaving the first card of the first statement in an input area. This routine concludes with the transfer of control to STATEMENT PROCESS. STATEMENT PROCESS (G0631) controls the operation of Parse. The first routine called by STATEMENT PROCESS is PRINT AND READ SOURCE. On return from that routine, the previous source statement and its error messages have been written out (as defined by user options), and the statement to be processed (including any comment cards) plus the first card of the next statement will be on the SOURCE roll. (This roll holds the source statements, one character per byte.) STATEMENT PROCE:SS then calls STA INIT to initialize for the processing of the statement and LBL FIELD XLATE to process the label field of the statement. On return from LBL FIELD XLATE, if an error has been detected in the label field or in column 6, STATEMENT PROCESS restarts. Otherwise, STA XLATE and STA FINAL are called to complete the translation of the source statement. On return from STA FINAL, if the last statement of'the source module has not been scanned, STATEMENT PROCESS restarts. When the last card of a source module has been scanned, STATEMENT PROCESS determines whether it was an END card; if not, it writes a message. The routine then sets a flag to indicate that no further card images should be read, and calls PRINT AND READ SOURCE to write out the last statement for the source listing (depending on whether the SOURCE option was specified or was indicated as the default condition at system generation time). When no END card appears, two tests are made: (1) If the last statement was an Arithmetic IF statement, the Polish notation must be moved to the AFTER POLISH roll; (2) If the last statement-Was-ofia type which does not continue in sequence to the next statement (e.g." GO TO, RETURN), no code is required to terminate the object module, and the Polish notation for an END statement is constructed. on the POLISH roll. If the NEXT STA LBL FLAG is-off; indicating that the last statement was not of this type, the Polish notation for a STOP or RETURN statement is constructed on the POLISH roll, depending on whether the source module is a main program or a subprogram. After the Polish notation for the STOP or RETURN has been constructed on the POLISH roll, the Polish notation for the END statement is then constructed. Parse keeps track of all inner DO loops that may possibly have an extended range. Parse tags the LABEL roll entries for those labels within the DO loops that are possible re-entry points from an extended range. These tags indicate the points at which general registers 4 through 7 must be restored. The appropriate LOOP DATA roll groups are also tagged to indicate to the Gen phase which of the inner DO loops may possibly have an extended range. Gen then produces object code to save registers 4 through 7. After processing the last statement of the source module, a pointer to the LOOP DATA roll is placed on the SCRIPT roll, -the IND"VAR:-roll is released;---and;---r¥ the source--module was a main program, the routine REGISTER IBCOM (G0707) is called to record IBCOM as a required subprogram. For all source modules, the information required for Allocate is then moved to the appropriate area, and the Parse phase is terminated. PRINT and READ SOURCE, Chart BA PRINT AND READ three functions: SOURCE CG0837) serves 1. It writes out the previous source statement and its error messages as indicated by user options. 2. It reads the new source statement to be processed, including any comment cards, as well as the first card of the statement following the one to be processed. 3. It performs an initial classification of the statement to be processed. The statement to be written out is found on the SOURCE roll. One line at a time is removed from this roll and placed in a 120-byte output area from which it is written out. The new statement being read into the SOURCE roll is placed in an 80-byte input area and replaces the statement being written out as space on the SOURCE roll becomes available. Any blank card images in the source module are eliminated before they reach the SOURCE roll. Comment cards are placed on the SOURCE roll exactly as they appear in the source module. The last card image placed on the SOURCE roll is the first card of the source statement following tne one about to be Section 2: Compiler Operation 37 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 processed; therefore, any comment cards that appear between two statements are processed with the statement which precedes them. When an END card has been read, no further reading is performed. The initial classification of the statement that occurs during the operation of this routine determines, at most, two characteristics about the statement to be processed: (1) If it is a statement of the assignment type, i.e., either an arithmetic or logical assignment statement or a statement function, or (2) If it is a Logical IF statement, whether the statement "S"(the consequence of the Logical IF) is an assignment statement. Two flags are set to indicate the results of this ciassification for later routines. At the conclusion of this routine, all of the previous source statements and their errors have been removed from the SOURCE roll and are written out. In addition, all of the statements to be processed (up to and including the first card of the statement following it) have been placed on the SOURCE roll~ .STA INIT, Chart BB STA INIT (G0632) initializes for the Parse processing of a source statement. It sets the CRRNT CHAR CNT and the LAST CHAR CNT to 1, and places the character from column 1 of the source card in the variable CRRNT CHAR. It then determines, from a count made during input of the statement, the number of card images in the statement; multiplying this value by 80, STA INIT sets up a variable (LAST SOURCE CHAR) to indicate the character number of the last character in the statement. The routine finally releases the TEMP NAME roll and sets several flags variables to constant initial values before returning to STATEMENT PROCESS. -and LBL FIELD XLATE (G0635) first saves the address of the current WORK and EXIT roll bottoms. It then inspects the first six colUmns of the first card of a statement. It determines whether a label appears, and records the label if it does. If any errors are detected in the label field ur in column 6 of 1:he source card, LBL FIELD XLATE records these errors for later print38 STATEMENT PROCESS ing and returns to (through SYNTAX FAIL) with the ANSWER BOX set to false. Pointers to all labels within DO loops are placed on the XT~~Q_~~~_foll~ Labels that are jump targets (other than jumps within the DO loop) are tagged to indicate to Gen at which points to restore general registers 4 through 7. If the statement being processed is the statement following an Arithmetic IF statement, LBL FIELD XLATE moves the Polish notation for the Arithmetic IF statement to the AFTER POLISH roll after adding a pointer to the label of the present statement to it. Under the control of STA XLATE (G0636) the source module statement on the SOURCE roll is processed and the Polish n9tation for that statement is produced on the POLISH roll, which holds Polish notation for source statements, one statement at a time. Errors occurring in the statement are recorded for writing on the source module listing. The addresses of the bottoms of the WORK and EXIT rolls are saved. Then, if the statement is of the assignment type (the first flag set by PRINT AND READ SOURCE is on), STA XLATE ensures that a BLOCK DATA subprogram is not being compiled and falls through to ASSIGNMENT STA XLATE (G0637). If a BLOCK DATA subprogram is being compiled, STA XLATE returns after recording an invalid statement error message. If the statement is not of the assignment type, a branch is made to LITERAL TEST (G0640), which determines the nature of the statement from its first word(s), and branches to the appropriate routine for p~ocessing the statement. The names of ·the statement processing routines indicate their functions; for example, DO statements are translated by DO STA XLATE, while Computed GO TO statements are translated by CGOTO STA XLATE. With the exception of LOGICAL IF STA XLATE, the statement processing routines terminate their operation through STA XLA'l'E EXIT. LOGICAL IF STA XLATE moves the second flag set by PRINT AND READ SOURCE (which indicates whether the statement "S" is an assignment statement) into the first flag, and calls STA XLATE as a subroutine Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 for the translation of the statement "S." When all of the Logical IF statement, including "S," has been translated, LOGICAL IF STA XLATE also terminates through STA XLATE EXIT. STA XLATE EXIT (G0723) determines whether errors in the statement are of a severity level which warrants discarding the statement. If such errors exist, and the statement is active (as opposed to a specification statement), the Polish notation produced for the statement is removed and replaced by an invalid statement driver before a return is made to STATEMENT PROCESS. otherwise, the Polish notation is left intact, and a return is made to STATEMENT PROCESS. section 2: Compiler Operation 38.1 Form Y28 ... 6638-1 Page Rev~sed 11/15/68 by TNL Y28~6826 §'IL£:ll!ALL_£;~~ STA FINAL (G0633) inGreases the statement number by one for the state@ent just processed. It then dete+~ines whethe~ any Polish notation has been produced on' the POLISH roll; if no Polisn notation is present, STA FINAL returns to STATE~ENT PROCESS. If the statement produced Polien notation of a type which may not close a DO loop, STA FINAL bypasses the check for the close of a DO loop. Otherwise, STA FINAL determines whether the label (if there is one) of the statement corresponds to the label of the terminal statement of a DO loop. If so, the label pointer (or pointers" if the statement terminat~$ seve:t;al DO loops) is removed from the ~~QQ~2-Q£lH roll, which holds pointers to DO loop t:erminal statements until the terminal statements are found. When the statement is the target at a DO loop, extended range checking is continued. DO loops which have no transfers out 9£ the loop are eliminated as extended range candidates. In addition, the nest level count is reduced by one and the' informat.ion concerning the array references in the closed loop is moved from the SCRIP1 roll to the PROGRAM SCRIPT roll. STA FINAL then places the label pOinter (if it is required) on the Polish notation for the statement, and, at STA FINA~ END, adds the statement number to the Polish. Except when the statement just processed was an Arithmetic IF statement, STA FINAL END terminates its operation by moving the Polish notation for the statement to the AFTER POLISH roll. In the case of the Arithmetic IF, the Polish notation is not moved until the label of the next statement has been processed by LaL fIELD XLATE. When the polish notation has been moved, STA FINAL returns to STATEMENT PROCESS. ACTIVE END STA XLATE (G0642) is invoked by STATEMENT PROCESS when the END card nas been omitted.anq the last statement in the source module has been read. If toe last statement was not a branch, toe :r;Qutine determines whetheJ;!' a subpragra,m oX"· a main program is being terminated. If it is a subprogram, the Polish notation for a RETU~N is Gonstructed; if it i$ a main program, the Polish notat3ron fo~a STOP statement is constructed. I~ th~ l~st statement was a branch, thi16 rQ'U~ine returns without doing anything. PROCESS POLISH (G0844) moves a count of the number of words in the Polish notation for a statement, and the Polish .notation · for that statement, to the AFrER POLISH rolL. OUTPUT FROM PHASE 1 The output from Parse is the Polish notation and roll entries produced for source module active statements, the roll entries produced for source module specification statements, and the source module listing (on option SOURCE) and error messages. The following paragraphs describe the Polish notation and the source and error listings. See Appendix B for descriptions of roll formats. Polish Notation The primary output from Phase 1 of the compiler is the Polish notation for the source module active statements. This representation of the statements is produced one statement at a time on the POLISH roll~At the end of the processing of each · statement, the Polish notation is transferred to the AFTER POLISH roll, where it is held until it is required by later phases of the compiler. The format of the Polish notation differs from one type of statement to another. The following paragraphs describe the general rules for the construction ot Polish nota'tion for expressions. The specific formats of the Polish notation produced for the various FORTRAN statements are given in Appendix C. Polish notation is a method Qf writing arithmetic expressions whereby the tradi· tional sequence of "operand 1 " "operation" "operand 2 " is altered toa functional notation of "operation" "operand 2 " "operand1 . " Use of this notation has the advantage of eliminating the need for brackets of various levels to indicate the order of operations, since any "operand" may itself be a sequence of the form "operation" "operand" "operand," to any level of nesting. Assuming expressions' which do not include any terms enclosed in parentheses, the following procedure is used to construct the Polish notation for an expression: Section 2: Compiler Operation 39 1. At the beginning of the expression, an artificial driver is placed on the WORK roll; this driver is the Plus and Below Phony driver, and has a lower forcing strength than any arithmetic or logical operator. (Forcing strengths are given in Table 1.) 2. As each variable name or constant in the expression is encountered, a pointer to the defining group is placed on the POLISH roll. 3. When an operator is encountered, the corresponding driver is constructed and it is compared with the last driver on the WORK roll: a. b. If the current driver has a higher forcing strength than the driver on the bottom of the WORK roll (the "previous" driver, for the purposes of this discussion)" the current driver is added to the WORK roll and the analysis of the expression continues. If the current driver has a forcing strength which is lower than or equal to the forcing strength of the previous driver, then: (1) If the previous driver is the Plus and Below Phony driver, the current driver replaces the previous driver on the WORK roll (this situation can only occur when the current driver is an EOE driver, indicating the end of the expression) and the analysis of the expression is terminated. (2) If the previous driver is not the Plus and Below Phony driver~ the previous driver is removed from the WORK roll and placed on the POLISH roll, an~ the comparison of the current driver against the previous driver is repeated (that is, using the same current driver, this procedure is repeated from 3). The sequence of operations which occurs when the analysis of an expression is terminated removes the EOE driver from the WORK roll. EX~Ele-±: The expression A the Polish notation + B produces where: A represents a pointer to the defining group for the variable A + represents the Add driver. This notation is produced from the top down; when it is read from the bottom up, the sequence described above for Polish notation is satisfied. operations this Polish Explanation: The following occur in the production of notation: driver is 1. The Plus and Below Phony placed on the WORK roll. 2. A pointer to A is placed on the POLISH roll. 3. An Add driver is constructed and compared with the Plus and Below Phony driver on the bottom of the WORK roll; the Add driver has a higher forcing strength and is therefore added to the WORK roll (according to rule 3a " above) • 4. A pointer to B is placed on the POLISH roll. 5. An EOE (end of expression) driver is constructed and compared with the Add driver on the bottom of the WORK roll; the EOE driver has a lower forcing strength, and the Add driver is therefore removed from the WORK roll and added to the POLISH roll (rule 3b2). 6. The EOE driver is compared with the Plus and Below Phony driver on the bottom of the WORK roll; the EOE driver has a lower forcing strength, and therefore (according to rule 3bl) replaces the Plus and Below Phony driver on the WORK rollo 1. The analysis of the expression is terminated and the EOE driver is removed from the WORK roll. The Polish notation for the expression is on the POLISH roll. The expression ExamEle 2: produces the Polish notation A + B / C A B C / + A B + 40 which, read from the bottom up, is + / C A. B Explanation: occur in the notation: The following operations production of this Polish 1. The Plus and Below Phony driver is placed on the WORK roll. 2. A pointer to A is placed on the POLISH roll. 3. An Add driver is constructed and compared with the Plus and Below Phony driver; the Add driver has the higher forcing strength and is placed on the WORK roll. 4. A pointer to B is placed on the POLISH roll. 5. A Divide driver is constructed and compared with the Add driver; the Divide driver has the higher forcing strength and is placed on the WORK roll. 6. A pointer to C is placed on the POLISH roll. 7. An EOE driver is constructed and compared with the Divide driver; since the EOE driver has the lower forcing strength, the Divide driver is moved to the POLISH roll. 8. The EOE driver is compared with the Add driver; since the EOE driver has the lower forcing strength, the Add driver is moved to the POLISH roll. 9. The EOE driver is compared with the Plus and Below Phony driver; since the EOE driver has the lower forcing strength, it replaces the Plus and Below Phony driver on the WORK roll, and the analysis of the expression terminates with the removal of one group from the WORK roll. Example 3: The expression produces the Polish notation A / B - C A B which, read from the bottom up, is - C / B A. 1. A pointer to A is placed on the POLISH roll. 3. A Divide driver is constructed and compared with the Plus and Below Phony driver; the Divide driver has the higher forcing strength and is added to the WORK roll. 4. A pointer to B is placed on the POLISH roll. 5. A Subtract driver is constructed and compared with the Divide driver; the Subtract driver has a lower forcing strength, therefore the Divide driver is moved to the POLISH roll. 6. The Subtract driver is compared with the Plus and Below Phony driver; the Subtract driver has the higher forcing strength and is added to the WORK roll. 7. A pointer to C is placed on the roll. 8. An EOE driver is constructed and compared with the Subtract driver; since the EOE driver has a lower forcing strength, the Subtract driver is moved to the POLISH roll. 9. The EOE driver is compared with the Plus and Below Phony driver; the EOE driver replaces the Plus and Below Phony driver on the WORK roll and the analysis of the expression is terminated. POL~SH Recursion is used in the translation of an expression when a left parenthesis is found; therefore, the term enclosed in the parentheses is handled as a separate expression. The following three examples illustrate the resulting Polish notation when more complicated expressions are transformed: EXE!:£22!2!! 1. A-B*(C+D) 2. (A-B)/(C*D) 3. X/Z/(X-C)+C**X Polish Notation ~BA---- /*DC-BA +**Xc/-cx/zx The following should be noted with spect to the exponentiation operation: / C Explanation: occur in the notation: 2. The following operations production of this Polish The Plus and Below Phony driver is placed on the WORK roll. re- • Exponentiations on the same level are scanned right to left. Thus, the expression A**B**C**D is equivalent to the expression A**(B**(C**D». • Two groups are added to the POLISH roll to indicate each exponentiation operation. The first of these is the Power driver; the second is a pointer to the group on the global subprogram roll (GLOBAL SPROG roll) which defines the Section 2: Compiler Operation 41 required exponentiation routine. Thus, the expression A ** B produces the following Polish notation: Pointer to A Pointer to B Power driver Pointer to exponentiation routine The concept of Polish no·tation is extended in the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler to include not only the representation of arithmetic expressions, but also the representation of all parts of the active statements of the FORTRAN language. The particular notation produced for each type of statement is described in Appendix C. Once an entire source statement has been produced on the POLISH roll, phase 1 copies this roll to the AFTER POLISH roll and the processing of the next statement begins with the POLISH roll empty. is catastrophic, at least to part of the statement being scanned. The second technique is a jump to an error recording routine, such as ALLOCATION FAIL or SUBSCRIPTS FAIL, which records the error and jumps to FAIL. The third technique is the use of one of the instructions, such as IEYCSF or IEYQSF, which automatically jump to SYNTAX FAIL if the required condition is not met. SYNTAX FAIL also exits through FAIL. If the statement being processed is active and errors have been detected in it, FAIL removes any Polish notation which has been produced for the statement from the POLISH roll, replacing it wit.h an error indicator. FAIL then restores WORK and EXIT roll controls to their condition at the last time they were saved and returns accordingly. Source Listin'J The secondary output from Parse is the source module listing. If a source listing is requested by the user (by means of the option SOURCE), source module cards are listed exactly as they appear on the input data set with error messages added on separate lines of the listing. If no source module listing is requested, Parse writes only erroneous statements and their error messages. Some translation routines modify the action of the FAIL routine through the use of the IEYJPE instruction so that FAIL returns immediately to the location following the IEYJPE instruction. The translation routine can then resume the processing of the statement from that point. The follo'lllring paragraphs describe the error recording methods used in phase 1, the format of the source listing and the error messages generated. FORMAT OF THE SOURCE MODULE LISTING: Error information for a source module card containing errors appears on the listing lines immediately following that card. For each error encountered, a $ sign is printed beneath the active character preceding the one which was being inspected when the error was detected. The only exception would be in the case of a SYNTAX error. In such a case, the $ sign undermarks the character being inspected when the error is detected. The listing line which follows the printed card contains only the $ sign markers. ERROR RECORDING: As a rule, Parse attempts to continue processing source statements in which errors are fou.nd. However, certain errors are catastrophic and cause Parse to terminate processing at the point in the statement where the error occurred. Statements which cannot be compiled properly are replaced by a call to the FORTRAN error routine IHCIBERH. Throughout Parse, three techniques of error recording are used. The first of these is used when the error is not catastrophic. This method records the character position in the statement at which the error was detected (by means of IEYLCE, IEYLCT, or IEYLCF instructions> and the number of the error type on the ERROR roll; after recording this information, Parse continues to scan the statement. The second and third techniques of error recording are used 'when the error detected 42 The next line of the listing describes the marked errors. The errors are numbered within the card (counting from one for the first error marked); the number is followed by a right parenthesis, the error number, and the type of the error. Three errors are described on each line, for as many lines as are required to list all the marked errors on the source card. The following is an illustration of the printed output from phase 1: DIMENSION.ARY(200), BRY(200) CRY(5,10,10) $ 1) IEY004I COMMA IF (AA + BB) 15, 20, 250000 $ 1) IEY010I SIZE ARY(J) = BRY $ $ 1) IEY002I LABEL 2) IEY012I'SUBSCRIPT GTO 30 $ 1) IEY0131 SYNTAX ERROR TYPES: The types of errors detected and reported by Parse are described in the following paragraphs. For each error type, the entire message which appears on the source output is given; the condition code and a description of the causes of this error follows the message. IEY0011 ILLEGAL TYPE: ~his message is associated with the source module statement when the type of a variable is not correct for its usage. Examples of situations in which this message would be given are: (1) ~he variable in an Assigned GO TO statement is not an integer variable; (2) In an assignment statement, the variable on the left of the equal sign is of logical type and the expression on the right side is not. The condition code is 8. !§~QQ7.!_!Q_£Q~f~!£!: The name of a variable or subprogram is used improperly, in . the sense that a previous statement or a previous portion of the present statement has established a type for the name, and the present usage is in conflict with that type. Examples of such situations are: (1) The name listed in a CALL statement is the name of a variable, not a subprogram; (2) A single name appears more than once in the dummy list of a statement function; (3) A name listed in an EXTERNAL statement has already been defined in another context. The condition code is 8. !~~QQ~! __ ~~~Q£~!!Q~: Storage assignments specified by a source module statement cannot be performed due to an inconsistency between the present usage of a variable name and some prior usage of that name, or due to an improper usage of a name when it first occurs in the source module. Examples of the situations causing the error are: (1) A name listed in a COMMON block has been listed in another COMMON block: 2) A variable listed in an EQUIVALENCE statement is followed by more than seven subscripts. The condition code is 8. IEY009I ORDER: The statements of a source module are used in an improper sequence. This message is produced, for example, when: (1) An IMPLICIT statement appears as anything other than the first or second statement of the source module: (2) An ENTRY statement appears within a DO loop. The condition code is 8. able;-CO~MON-block;-NAMELIS~, IEY0101 SIZE: A number used in the source module does not conform to the legal values for its use. Examples are: (1) The size specification in an Explicit specification statement is not one of the acceptable values: (2) A label which is used in a statement exceeds the legal sIze for a statement label: (3) An integer constant is too large. The condition code is 8. 4. IEYOll1 UNDIMENSIONED: A variable name Indicates-an-arraY-7I;e., subscripts follow the name), and the variable has not been dimensioned. The condition code is 8. IEY0021 LABEL: This message appears with a statement which should be labeled and is not. Examples of such statements are: (1) A FOR~mT statement; (2) The statement following a GO TO statement. The condition code for the error is o. IEY0031 NAME LENGTH: The name of a varior subprogram exceeds six characters in length. If two variable names appear in an expression without a separating operation symbol, this message is produced. The condition code is IEY004I COMMA: A comma is supposed to appear in a statement and it does not. The condition code is O. IEY005I ILLEGAL LABEL: The usage of a label is invalid for example, if an attempt is made to branch to the label of a FORMAT statement, ILLEGAL LABEL is produced. The condition code is 8. IEY006I DUPLICATE LABEL: A la.bel appearing in the label field of a statement is already defined (has appeared in the label field of a previous statement). The condition code is 8. IEY012I SUBSCRIPT: The number of subscrIpts--used--In- an array reference is either too large or too small for the array. The condition code is 8. IEY013I SYNTAX: The statement or part of a statement to which it refers does not conform to FORTRAN IV syntax. If a statement cannot be identified, this error message is used. Other cases in which it appears are: (1) A non-digit appears in the label field; (2) Fewer than three labels follow the expression in an Arithmetic IF statement. The condition code is 8. Section 2: Co~piler Operation 43 Form Y28-6630-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 IEY014I CONVERT: In a DATA statement or in an Explicit specification statement containing data values, the mode of the constant is different from the mode of the variable with which it is associated. The compiler converts the constant to the correct mode~ Therefore, this message is simply a notification to the programmer that the conversion is performed. The condition code is o. The source module IEY0151 NO END ~ARD: The does not contain an END statement. condition code is o. IEY0161 ILLEGAL STA.: The statement to which it is attached is invalid in the context in which it has been used. Examples of situations in whi~h this message appears are: (1) The statement S in a Logical IF statement (the result of the true condition) is a specification statement, a DO stabement, etc.; 2) An ENTRY statement appears in the source module and the source module is not a subprogram. The condition code is 8. IEY0171 ILL:EGAL STA. WRN A RETURN I statement appears in any source module other than a SUBROUTINE subprogram. The condition code is o. IEYOl8I NUMBER ARG: A reference to a library subprogram appears with the incorrect number of arguments specified. The condition code is 4. IEY0271 CONTINUATION CARDS DELETED: More than 19 continuation lines were read for 1 statement. All subsequent lines are skipped until the beginning of the next statement is encountered. The condition code is 8. IEY0331 COMMENTS DELETED: More than 30 comment lines were read between the initial lines of 2 consecutive statements. The 31st comment line and all subsequent comment lines are skipped until the beginning of the next statement is encountered. (There is no restriction en the number of comment lines preceding the first statement.) The condition code is o. IEY036I ILLEGAL LABEL WRN: The label on thIS-nonexecutable-statement has no valid use beyond visual identification, and may produce errors in the object module if the same label is the target of a branch-type statement. (Only branches to executable statements are valid.) This message is produced, for example, when an END statement is labeled. The message is issued as a warning only. The condition code is 4. 44 IEY037I PREVIOUSLY DIMENSIONED WRN.: The array--flagged--has-~een-prevIously dimen- sioned. The dimensions that were given first are used. Examples of this error are (1) a DIMENSION statement defining an array with a subsequent COMMON statement defining the same array with new dimensions, or (2) array dimensions specified in a Type statement and also. in a subsequent DIMENSION and/or COMMON statement. The condition code is 4. IEY038I SIZE WRN.: A variable has data initializing values that exceed the size of the scalar, the array, or the array element. Examples of this error are (1) the specification REAL A/'ABCDE'/ where A has not been previously dimensioned (i.e., A is a scalar), or (2) the specification DATA A(l)/7H ABCDEFG/ where A has been previously dimensioned. The condition code is 4. PHASE 2 OF THE COMPILER: ALLOCATE (IEYALL) Phase 2 of the compiler performs the assignment of storage for the variables defined in the source module. The results of the allocatiQn operations are entered on tables which are left in storage for the next phase. In addition, Allocate writes (on option) the object module ESD cards, the TXT cards for NAMELIST tables, literal constants, and FORMAT statements, and produces error messages and storage maps (optionally) on the SYSPRINT data set. The following paragraphs describe the operations of Allocate in two parts. The first part, "Flow of Phase 2," describes the overall logic of the phase by ffieans of narrative and floweharts~ The second part, "Output from Phase 2," describes the error messages and memory maps which are produced on the source module listing during the operation of the phase, as well as the ESO and TXT cards produced. It also describes the types of error detection performed during Allocate. Rolls manipulated by Allocate are listed in Table 4, and are briefly described in context. Detailed descriptions of roll structures are given in Appendix B. Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 Table 4. Rolls Used by Allocate r-------------------T--------------------, IRoil IRoIl INo. Roll Name INo. Roll Name Source 1 39 Halfword I 5 Literal Const I Scalar I 7 Global Sprog I 40 Common Name I 14 Temp 1 41 Implicit I 15 Do Loops Open I 42 Equivalence Offset 1 18 Init t I 19 Equiv Temp I 43 Lbl I 20 Equiv Hold I 44 Scalar I 21 Base Table I 45 Data Var I 22 Array I 47 Common Data 'Iemp I 23 Dmy Dimension I I 24 Entry Names I 48 Namelist Allocation 1 25 Global Dmy I I 26 Error Lbl 1 48 Common Area I 27 Local Dmy 49 Common Name Temp J 28 Local Sprog 50 Equiv I 29 Explicit Allocation I 30 Error Symbol 52 Common I 31 Namelist Names Allocation I 32 Namelist Items 53 Format I 34 Branch Table 60 Subchk I 37 Equivalence 68 General I 31 Byte Scalar Allocation I 38 Used Lib I Function I _______________ 39 Common Data ____ ____________________ J1 L 1 1 ~ ~ section 2: Compiler Operation 44.1 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6S29 FLOW OF PHASE 2, CHART 05 START ALLOCATION (G0359) controls the operation of the Allocate phase. The primary function of this routine is to call the subordinate routines which actually perform the operations of the phase. The operation of Allocate is divided into three parts: the first part performs initialization; the second part (called pass 1) makes an estimate of the number of base table entries required to accommodate the data in the object module; the third part actually assigns storage locations for the object module components, leaving indications of the assignment in main storage for use by subsequent phases. The first part of Allocate's operation is performed by calling the routines ALPHA LBL AND L SPROG, PREP EQUIV AND PRINT ERRORS, BLOCK DATA PROG ALLOCATION, PREP DMY DIM AND PRINT ERRORS, PROCESS DO LOOPS, PROCESS IBL AND LOCAL SPROGS, BUILD PROGRAM ESD, ENTRY NAME ALLOCA~ION, COMMON ALLOCATION AND OUTPUT, and EQUIV ALLOCATION FRINT ERRORS. After return from EQUIV ALLOCATION PRINT ERRORS, START ALLOCATION initializes for and begins pass 1. The variable PROGRAM BREAK, which is used to maintain the relative address being assigned to an object module component, is restored after being destroyed during the allocation of COMMON and EQUIVALENCE.. The groups in the BASE ~ABL~-f0ll . PRINT PAGE .' • PAGE HEADING o. • • ••••••••••••••••. •••• t • I • NO .J... • E4 • . . . . . .. • ADVANCE • :LINE COUNT ONE : ·. . ·. T......·. o. o· F4 .. .. ." *. MAX ... .0 .. .... ' . LINES USED :.~~.: :.:~. :-> 1 :~~;~;::::;;;~: :.. ::~;::::::...: • SCAN : REP~~~~NTS IEYF22 •• IEYF25 : •••• E4 ••••••••• : NO • •••••••••••• ... ....... :.::.: :.::. :->1 SYSTEM OPEN FOR SYSPUNCH • •• •••• .' • *. .'. •••• t. i' " : : : ······F3· . ········· •• +. •• DDNAMES ' . NO '. SPECIFIED • YES • • : : .::': ' . DECK OPTIONS *0 . .* • •• *. *0 ... .." SAVE LINE COUNT ORIGIN . *-> IEYF05 • • • .. '" • • : ··:::···1······· . .:~~:~~!~.-.-~~~: ····E2·········· • '---1 04 ... E3 *oo : •••• C4 ••••••••• : *. .* SYSTEM OPEN FOR SYSLIN ·......T....·. ... .INITIALIZE SAVE' : REGISTERS : . . . . . . . r...... 1 .... ······03·.·.·.····· *0 'INITIALIZE BASE. : REGISTERS : F2 . . . ·. T....·. YES SCAN COMPILER OPTIONS : : •••• B4 ••••••••• : .'. • ' . LOAD OPTION • : ...... 02 ••••••••• : • • • C3 IEYPRNT .......1'...... · SYSTEM OPEN • FOR SYSIN AND • SYSPRINT • . * .' • ENABLE • • INTBRRUPTS BY • · : .·····83··········· : •••• B2 ••••••••• : I • •••• A4 •••••••••• • INITIALIZE • • TIME AND DATE • • INFORMATION • : • INITIALI ZE • AND SET SAVE : REGISTERS IEYPRNT IEYFOl IEYFORT 'f".. .... G4 .. .. ..... YES. ... •• ---->* 05 • .'. •• ... .. ... : •••• Gs ••••••••• : . NO . ' CARRIAGE •• YES • ADVANCE • ---*. CONTROL=O •• -------->.LINE COUNT ONE • 0* ... '" '.;::...............::::::::i........ H4 . '. *0 •• •' MAX ' . YES' • ' . LINES USED •• ---->. 05 • ·0 *. .... ... 0" •• • ••• • NO ::::::---->1 : •••• J4 ••••••••• : • STORE LINE • • COUNT INTO • : SYSPRT FORMAT : ......·T·. . . ·····K"·········· • SET. • ••• KS ••••••••• • PARAMETERS AND • • RETURN • • PRINT ADDRESSES.-------->. TO COMPILER • :.. ~::~.::::::..: ................. Section 2: Compiler Operation 59 IEYFORT (Part 2 of 4) Chart 01. ERLXITPR · ..... "'. AI+- .................. .. EREXITPR . PRNTHEAD IEYREAD ·· • •••• A2 •••••••••• • . . PRNTr!£AD • .... ** V ·····81·········· ... SET • EHrlOR CODE .KESULTI NG FROM : PRINT ERROR • ... ... : ••••••••••• ** •••• L>:~i; . ·... . IEYMOk ·····el·········. : IEYNOR : ••••••• * ••••••• : •••• D1 ••••••••• : • ISSUE GET~~IN • .FOR 4K 3YTE:C; OF.<-• STORAGE • ................. j . · .,.,. ... ... . E1 ---+. SUCCESSFUL . • j + • • DELETE • • INACTIVE-MODULE· + • ·.................. j .· ...... .." . ·..................... ........ 1 • rtETURN WITH • • POSITIVE • • CONDITION CODE • ... ·····Jl······· ... .................. • ... • • · · . 1 : •••• C2 •••• ++ ••• : : •• +*C3 ••••••••• : • ACNA"lCE .. :LINE COUNT TWO : CONVERT • PAGE COUNT TO • DECIMAL : 1 ·++···D2·········· . · . ·.................. .... PRHLJ05 : •••• D3 •••• * •••• : • • • : •••• E2 ••••••••• : · + 'SET PARMETER" • AtlO ADDRESSES INTO SYSPRT • • • • • .'" ..j •••••••••••••• *** • • : ····F4 .... • .. ••••• RETURN • TO COMPILER : • ••• *** •••••• ** ·· ...--1 · . · . *.** .. ····G4····· ...... •• .. SAVE CARD .. • ORIGIN OR ~OF • • NOTATION • ... •••••••• *** ••.•••• ··1... .+ •• • "'. .. .. .. .. I n, ·····J2······· . ··•• • OBTAIN • OFFSET AND • CONTROL BLOCK • : INFORMATION : ................. .....1. 1:<3 •• .... *E4···· .. • .. ••• • RESTORE .. .SAVE REGISTERS * .... : ... ..... • E4 .. • **. . • ..... c5 . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . ·T. . ·. •••••• D5 ........ + .... . SYSTEM GET ROUTINE, • OBTAINS EOF • ***.****.*** • ****.******.*.*** .. G4 •• •• NO • • ... OPTIONAL •• ---->. 03 • ... HEADING •• •• : · . ·:"::":->1 .. · . ·. .. •• ** LINE COUNT TO • TWO • c5 ... OBTJI.IN CARD • OIHGIN AND .. RESET FLAG. j ·.............. .. RETURN .. : •••• D4 .......... : • • • ••• +.F3.** ••••••• .. : '1;" j •••••• *.* •••• * ••• SET . ••••••••••••••• ++ 1 ·····F2······+··· · . · 1 ... •• ·.... . .... :--1 • *** .. · · · · E 3 · · · · · · · · .... • SLT .. • CARRIAGE • CON'!',WL TO .. • SKIPP1NG LINE • SET PROGRAM • • NAi1E INTO • :HEADING FOR..'lAT : •••••••••••••••• + . 112 • j 1 • • ................. • • • • • • • • • • • ++++ •• • • SET LINe COUNT AI-JD ORIGIN .. . C4 j.. . •• •• NO .SET PARAMJ:;TERS •• FIRST CARD •• -------->. AND ADDRESSES •• READ.. .. FOR SYSIN '. •• • FORMAT R"DO"" :·::·:->1 .SET PAGt: COUNT • ... • INTO HEADING • FORMAT . .. ••• .. B4·· .... •••••• .. SET BASE • AND SAVE • • REGISTERS • • •• + •• + •••• + ••• +++ • • : -----------t • RETURN • wITH • NON-POSITIVE .CONDITION CODE PRINT ClEADING .+*.+ •• + •• * •• "' •••••••••••• * •• *. ..:+ ······Hl···· . ·· .... ·.......................... 60 .. COU:~T 1'0 ... • ···*·G2*·***··*·+ <;1 •• WER~ *. YES +. A~Y DELETED •• --.... ADVANCE PRINT PAGE NO ........ Fl· .................. .. . • j 83 : : •••• 82 ••••••••• : ........................... "' ...... j YES j : .. ····A4· .. ••••• .. • IEYREAD • ••• ++ ••••••• +++ E5 ...j •• --.. 1 ..... : .::.: 1. .• ~o .• *. ". CONCATENATED ." ".DATA SE.1S •• *. . . . .. YES ... ···F5*···· .. • ... •• .. SET SWITCh B • • FOR • .. • CONCATENATE!) • DATA SETS=O .. ********** ••• * ••• .....1. : ..*. C5 : IEYFORT (part 3 of 4) chart 02. * **** :1 *... : A4 IEYPCH EREXITIN ·................. · ****A3*******·· ...... ·At.· .. • .. •••• • EREXITIN • IEYPCH vI . e* •• **A4*·**·*.**.* · · ••••• e 1 • V ••• ***.*.****** . OBTAIN SYSIN ERROR COUNT * **** ••••• *** ••• ** . •* .. • •• *.C2*********- *. •• *..* * •• * .* ..• ..• YES SET .*------->.TERMINAL ERROR. .. CODE .. •* .* .. j"0 I V C3 ... *. *. *. o, •• ':OAD OPT! O~ •• *. *.*.*.*.**** ••••• v SET FLAG TO TURN OFF SYSPCH •e* •••••••• ** •••••* I .* *, * NO v * * o,o,.o, .. I RETURN TO COMP I LER e •• _ •• e*_ •••••• I * •• * • YES ······CS··**_···_·.. V V ****C4****.*ee • .. SET ERROR CODE VALUE * _••• ***. * ..... . .. .... . •••••••••••• ** ••• .. .*.**02 ••• ******- . . .SET UP BAD CARD. .AND ABORT COMPo, • MESSAGES • V ••••• E 1****.*** •• • PRNTMSG 03A 1. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* PRINT ERROR :•••• :~~~~:~ ••• *: I .* I V *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* PRINT MESSAGES . •• * •••••••••••••• .....I *. *. .....Fl·········· * • * • ·03 • .. *A~. i I ..... .... C;* . v * .* *****05·····*····• *• o,.•• 1YES SET FLAG TO .. .. TURN OFF LOAD * LINKAGE * * .* *.** •••••• * ••••••• v (::) I ·.*.·ES·········· .. . v *··.*E3***··****· V o,SET • PARAMETERS ** * AND ADDRESSES • * FOR SYSPCH * .. SET ERROR * • CODE FOR LINK. : EDIT OUTPUT .. ...-.... ..........I _ _ • ••• *.*.*.**.**** I V ** * V ******F3·**·*·***** SYSTEM PUT ROUTINE INSERTS PARAMETER SET *TERMINAL ERROR * * CODE • ........•..••.... • * Io. * •• * v V V *• NO •· ••• E2*········· .PRNTMSG 03A1 • • 03 LOAD •• FILE •• TERMINATED • •••••• **** •••••• II I .* • ***.* G3 • v SETUP B A D . CARD IMAGE MESSAGE ·01 • I EREXINOS ••••• 01 •••• ** •• ** · *._ .. __ .......... *.* .. v *. •• •• ERROR CODE 0 *. I V **.**85·** ** •• *e. * .. :SAVE REGISTERS: *** •• **** •• ***.*. I ••• V .. ** ... *84"" .*e* **.* * •* * RESTORE INITIALIZE • BASE AND SAVE • REG I STERS • v Cl IEYF70 • · EREX I TPC •• e . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • I V • • ··.·AS···· .. ···· :. :: . :->1 *****83***·*****- * * •• ** ••• *.* ••• I *** EREXITPC SYSTEM • PUT ROUTINE. INSERT FILE • PARAMETERS 1 I .* ••••• * B4 * - .. ..:~~~;~~;~o,. ·· ... I ***. * G3 o,-> **** V IEYF60 •* .* .*. G3 *• *• *. NO ". DECK OPTION . * 1 *. *. * •• * - .* .* v YES **_o, .. * .. .*** " I v .o,. •* H3 DECK * A4 ................... .. * • * * section 2: compiler Operation 61 Chart 03. IEYFOR'r (Part 4 of 4) " A3 ".. " * ..... " .. PRNTMESG * I EYRTN **"·AI"''''''·*-'''·· PRNTMSG .. -*-*_ ... ** ..... * ** " IEYRETN " " INITIALIZE PRINT BUFFER WI TH BLANKS : ... ** * INITIALIZE BASE AND SAVE REGISTERS " B3 .". ". *. * •• * v " " " " SET UP PRINT BUFFER ORIGIN AND DISPLACEMENT " " OBTAIN " " COMPILER " "COMMUNICATIONS" .. ORIGIN .. " ***************** ****-************ I I I V *****01********** " .. ****"'********"'_'J ... " " " GET MESSAGE LENGTH AND ORIGIN *****El********** "" ** PLACE *IST MSG SEGMENT" " IN PRINT " BUFFER * * .... ** ............. **.**** I I I V ***"'*F 1 *** ... **.* .. * " " " GET * LENGTH AND " ORIGIN OF 2ND" MSG SEGMENT " * ••• ** ••• *** ......... "" " : " •• * •••••••••••••• I v :****Hl •••• * ••• " " " :.".*E2*********: "TEST LAST ERROR" " CODE VS " PREVIOUS " SETTING " " " SET " • FINAL ERROR " "COOE TO HIGHEST" .VALUE RETURNED " " " " ···. ··Jl····. ·. ···· ·····G2·* . . ·· . . " " " " " INSERT 'MAIN' FOR PROGRAM NAME OF NEXT PGM •.... ....... *-_........... .. " : H2 : , •••• .". H2 ••••• *** ...... .. .~.* . E4 : • * ANOTHER "'. *. NO *.COMPILATION.* ' ' ' , *. * •• * .v i'" :-: ": ..................... I J ... 4·"··ES··******* RETURN .. I v _ ••• : H2 : ...... :** •• G4* ••v ***."": *. ". "ISSUE FREEMAIN • "FOR RELEASE OF " STORAGE : NO .* * i'" (:::: * •• * .* ••••••••• ** •••• v ISSUE CLOSE FOR SYSPUNCH :~~:;~~~;-.-~~::: FREE STORAGE USED BY " ... ·· . . ·K2··········. ····KJ" .••••.•. .. ......•........ IEYPAR " " .. .* H4 ....vI *. " .. A4 . .. " .. .. " NO .... .. I v F4 .. .. H5 .." I *• *. •• ... ... " ..... " :.**.HS ••v * •••••• : ." ENO OF ". YES ". STORAGE TO • "--, It. RELEASE ." I "-->,, * •• *~!~~~~~~.* ••• " .. "" ..... *J3.········· :------->: " NO I *. I " RESTORE"" :SAVE REGISTERS ". .,,'''--1 V V " " *. .OBT A I N ADORESS " OF BLOCK TO " " RELEA5E .".................." V u I ... ....... H3·········· "" I I I ........ if .. .. F4 * - ) v ." ". I I OECK *. I I H5 : : ........ F4 .. ** ........ : v .". G3 ." *. " RE-INITIALIZE " "LINE, CARD AND" " PAGE COUNT " RETURN .......... ". ".SPECIFIED." OPTION ''', v IE'(R60 SYSTEM PUT ROUTINE WRITE " MESSAGE " . ····K 1***··**··.. G3 : ... .. I :->1 ..... ** ... *. * •• * .. VE5 v •••• : • ••••••••• ** ...... V *..* G3 IEYFNL05 " ", " " v : ...... J2 ••• * ••••• : I 62 ··**" J •••• : RELEASE STORAGE *. I * •• * .. YES E4 .. "*""" V v •• "ISSUE FREEMAIN .. .. FOR OATA S[T " • STORAGE. v " " ..*****.****.-••• * •••• **** •••••••• I E4 : , ." *. PRINT DATA SET STATUS ME SSAGE : I V ····*05**···*·**.. .. 03A5" :":~~,,;!~~~!~!,,,,: NO I I I I I I FREE STORAGE "--, USED BY SYSIN" I : .. .. TO. " .***.** •••• *** ..... *-*-*-*_*_*_4_*_* " " v . ............ F3....................... V COMPUTE "SIZE OF AREA " BE FREED I .* ". "" V IEYR50.". *. V **·**(5**··****** " **.* *. I v "FREEf'OOL I ***··F2*······*** " SET CARRIAGE CONTROL .* *. I I I : *: ." E3 I ..**.04 .... ******. 03A5" " LOAD DATA SET BUFFER AODRE.SS ..** ••• _•••••••••• ".~:SLlN lJUTP~!'''1 ** •• *** .. ***** .. *** V PLACE 2ND " SEGMENT I N " PRINT BUFFER : *.... v .". .. ISSUE CLOSE " FOR SYSIN AND" SYSPRINT " " " I I I V ·****Gl*********· "" :"""*~!;~!~""""": I v *·**·B5·****~**·* .. ****C4*****· .. ·** FREE STORAGE USED BY I I : **** .. ****.*** I .****. I IEYFNLIO *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-4 " " C4 FREEPOOL *""",," :,,::,,:->1 I *FREEPOOL GET CONDITION .. CODE RETURNED " BY COMPILER " I : G3: *****03."."'...... .. V I v v V : PRINT DATA SET STATUS MESSAGE ""*" • *** .............. *****02*********· " " .* ISSUE CLOSE FOR SYSL I N .. ·***AS********· .. " .... *** .. B4 ** ....... * ** ...... V *****C2********** FREE POOL *. NO v ... I I *····C3*···*4 •• **.. " I I ... I YES I V ." .*. DECK I " *****Cl********** A4 * ••• ~~6~~~D . *' *--1 it. .' I * •• * v .. YES •••• ." LOAD ". NO ". OPTION ."--, ".SPECIFIED." I ****.*** ••• ** ...... *. I ... I *****82*****"*"'*· ** * .* 1 v V " V ** ..... ****** ......... . I V "" " "*--, " Iv .. ··**A3* ....... •• .. • .. • I I A4 " " RE-INITIALIZE " BASE ANO • " "SAVE REGISTERS" " FOR COMPILER " * TERMINATION " .**** .... *** .. * ..... *****81********** I IEYFINAL ****A2+******** ***. ".. • SET ERROR • "COOE FOR RETURN" .. TO CALLER " I v .. ................. " .." ".". " H2 " " I I ······Js·········. V RETUilN OPTS CAN Chart AA. I PRS20 .. ****A2********* OPTSCAN V *****A3********** * * * * * * SET INDICATOR * *IN POINTER FOR * COMPILER * *************** * ***************** I I v PRS22 V 83 *****82********** * * .. GET .. *PARAMETER LIST * * LENGTH * .* *. . , *. * * **** .. E3 ANY *. ** .. •• *. .* 02 .* v .*. *. *. * •• * -. * * * : E3 **** OPTSIO *CENERATED NAME * OR PGM NAME * * .. ***************** I V *****F3********** .* .* *. *• * ************.*.** * v .*** .. .. * 03 .. **** *. * .*.v *. PARAM ... IN TABLE * •• * ... * .. .. A3 .. v *.. ... *. YES.* , .* ..J2 I I .* ." .*. WAS OPTS20 *. *. YES **** ... NAME OPTION .*------->* *. GIVEN .* * ••• * * NO ****G4********* RETURN *************** I C3 * ... * I V *****H3***'******* * * * INSERT SYSTEM * NAME * ** * * **** '* ** .. ***** .... ** I I I PREPARE + CONVERT LINECNT ....I ... ************.*.*. *****Jl********** it TABLE .* G3 *..* v NO L I NECNT ". NO .. PARAME TERS * SPECIFIED ... ------->*SPECIFIED WITH * PRS30 * I *. -*--*H2--.-"'-._.... COMPARE ... I I V J :->1 v *. * •• * I v I * .. * YES II I V *****E3********** * OBTAIN * * SYSTEM * ~ *..* * •• * I I •* • PARAM I * * * ************.**** ... ... I I * **** .. * ... .* * I ***************** NO •* PROGRAM *. YES *. NAME .*, *.SPECIFIED.* *. II < I •" *. NO V v HI .*.'. *. *. I *******:j"""""""* *. ... ***************** * ADVANCE * *PARAMETER SCAN * POINTER * .* * SET FLAG I SAVE NAME FOR * MULTIPLE .. COMPILATIONS G2 * ... * RESET SCAN CONTROL FLAGS ..* *.- 8 PROS SOT .* • * - - - -___ > it "'****03********** *. I :....".1.......: .* *..* *****85* ** ** ** * **. YES * •• * ** ..... * ***************** I II *. I :*::* :-> I I :* I GNORE O~~~ ~OC~~~~ : ANY OVER* 1 .... LINECNT= *. QUOTE it AREA PRSOUT I :....".1.......: * .-. .* ***************** I*.~~MMA PRESE~!.* II .*------>*. V * * •• * ... YES I .* YES PRS25 OPTIONS .* *.SPECIFIED.* v *..* .* 84 .* NO :*~: . :-> I ~::::~~~i:i~::~"~ I •* NAME= OUOTE *. * •• YES * I NO.* *. .. **"*.. v .*. *• PRS23 .... .* *. ****4************ C2 .-. I v *. .* ... . * *** .. J 3*" ** * ** .. * flETURN * NO v .. **** * 03 * * * * Section 2: Compiler Operation 63 Chart AB. DDNAMES .--:.::.:l " ·· . ·A2·***····· DDNAMES * v .. INSERT "ENTRY INTO DCB : FOR SYSIN • ... *******.****. I I v 1 I ... ****.********** POINTER TO SIXTH ENTRY I I . v *if*"*C2********** .* " DB TA IN .. "LENGTH OF DATA. .. SET NAMES *. * 1·* . . . . . ***. ... *. ". ... ... .. - II DOES .... ... " NO -,,-*---------..1' . .. YES . ADVANCE LIST POINTER TO F uiST ENTRY " . I 1 V • ... ···E4***** ... **** I I .·I···E]····. •·· . " RETURN" I V ..*MOVE " POINTER TO" SEVENTH ENTRY : : "............. ***** ••••" I •* I I *. I ... I I *. .. " : :.... "::* :->1 •• H2·· .. ••• .. ••• ...·'· .. .. MOVE POINTER TO FIFTH ENTRY V • ·**.H4·· •• ................... : .. I _. - ,,_ DOES ... EX 1ST *. NO .4 It. .* * •• " YES ....I .. V A4 ... .. RETURN " .. : ··.** . • •••••••• ***.** v 64 YES DDNMOUT .. • " - - > , , H4 .. " .... ... .. .. ..... ... *************** I " ..... I .* NO . * - - > * H4 " INSERT "ENTRY INTO DCB : FOR SYSPCH V ".. *. .* V .. ................. *. .. .*. I INSERT "ENTRY INTO DCB : FOR SYSLIN ENTRY *. DOES •". . .··.G4· ••• ••· ... "• ··***G2**······** "" .. _ ." " v .* I. V F4 ENTRY EXIST I •* YES "ENTRY INTO DCB .. " FOR SYSPRT " I J2 " "..**···04."******** .... INSERT I .. .. .... I ...... E2*.** ....... ** .. .. . " - - > * H4 I I ! . *. NO .* V .... *. ••.• ':IST EXIST *. ... ENTRY EXIST " -" -*. 02 it. DOES v ~. I .... v C4 1 ... ··*.*·. 1 ••• "• •• **B4" MOVE I .. .** ...... .. " : - •• **.************ I I .. .. ···**A4******"··'" .. : Chart AC. HEADOPT ****A2********* * HEADOPT ** ************·It** I I V *****B2********** ** OBTAIN LENGTH ** * * OF HEADING * OPTION * ***************** I v .*. *. C2 ****C3********* .* *. NO * * *.HEADING LIST .*-------->* RETURN * *. EXIST .* * * *..* *************** *. .* * YES I I V *****02********** ** SET UP * CENTERING OF * PAGE HEADING ** * * ****************** I I V *****E2********** * *FORCE 119 CHAR ** LIMIT FOR * OPTIO"lAL HEADING ***************** I I V *****F2********** * SET * *HEADING ORIGIN * *AND LENGTH INTO* *PRINT MSG TABLE* * * ***************** I II I V ****G2********* * ** RETURN *************** Section 2: Compiler Operation 65 Chart AD. TlMEDAT **iI'*A2********* * * TIMEDAT * * * *************** * I V *****82********** * SET UP * * UNIT * * SPECIFICATION * *FOR TIME OF DAY* * * ***************** V *****C2********** * GET * * TIME AND DATE * * FROM SYSTEM * * SUPERVISOR * * * ***************** I V ****~D2********** ** INSERT * TIME INTO * HEADING LINE ** * * * * ***************** V *****E2********** ** INSERT ** *DATE INTO LINE * * * * * ***************** I V ****F2********* * * RETURN * * * *************** * 66 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 • Chart 04.1. PHASE t - PARSE (Part 1 of 2) G0630 ·.··A2········* ** IEYPAR ** • **.* •••• ***.*** * ** •• * B4 * • ••• ** 1 START COMPILER ***·*B4·*·******* .STA FINAL- BEA2. *-*-*-*- *-.-*-*-* *COMPLT POLISH. * *CLOSE DO LOOPS.* • MOVE POLISH. • .***************. . * • •• ****.**.*.***** 1 ·*****C2*.··*.****· READ ONE CARD INTO • INPUT AREA • THIS IS THE FIRST CARD OF THE FIRST STATEMENT. INITIAL COMMENTS ARE WRITTEN OUT IN THIS OPERATION. * •••• ****.*** * -*-*-*-*-*,-*-*. PRINT OLD STMT * AND ERRORS * READ NEW * •• ** •• ****** 1 GO'" * ** ··F2*· *. *. *.* * * STA INIT-BBA2 * *-* -*-*-* -* -. -.-* * INITIALIZE • • FOI\ NEW ** • STATE~£NT ************.**** Gom 1 * * * **G2 * ** * * * * *** *LBL XLATE BCA2* • -.-*-*-.-*-*-.-* * PROCESS LABEL * * * FIELD AND COL 6 * * * *. ** ** ••• *.*.* * * j .*. H2 •. • * LABEL *. YES. * OR *.• * COL 6 •• ERRORS •• -_.. ! .. .. • •• *. -_.. ! *.*.* * E2 * *.. * v . *. *. YES . *. ...r*.. .. .. •. )* *• F4 ** .**. AT COMPLETION OF PRINT AND READ ~~U~~~6E~§~6 I~ ON SOURCE ROLL. .* .1 NO C5 *. .• . * LAST * . *. NO *.STMT AN ARITH.*--•• IF •• •. •.. *. * [* •. .*** * .. *. * * YES j GO"" *****DS******.··* .PROC POL BGA2* .-._.-.-.-.-.-.-. • COPY POLISH • • ROLL TO AFTER • • POLISH ROLL • ••••• ****.**** ••• .* NO 1<---------- ****·E4····**·*** *• RECORD ** • 'NO END CARD' * • ERROR MESSAGE * * • *::::··*1******·*· ** F4 **-> ***** * ·***·F4*.*******· •• * SET INDICATOR ** FOR READ * • COMPLETE * ·········1········. ···**G4··**···.** .PRT/RD SRC-BAA2* • -*-*-.-*-.-.-*- • *PRINT OLD STMT • • AND ERRORS. • * READ NEW STMT • ·*......1*······· .... • • • •• •BS ••• • * .. * ****.. * E2 * .. D4 *. LAST *. •• --*. STMT FLAG = • * • (END CARD). • 1 ";~;;~5*;~~!~~;** 1 . * . *. YES.. . * *• E2 .-> * ***.* * G0631 1 :*::*: C4 •• LAST •. NO.. STMT OF •• SOURCE MODULE .• *. PROCESSED.· * 1 STATEMEN'l' PROCESS BS •• YES.. WAS •• --* • THERE AN END •• *. CARD •* * .*** * * •• * ·D2 **.* ** ***. * TURN ON FLAGS * * INDICATING * *FIRST STMT AND * • PREVIOUS PRINT * COMPLETE * • **.** ••••• ****.** **** • B5 • ! G0633 ··**·B2······*·** •* PROGRAM •* ·INITIALIZATION * · ··.... ...... .. ...! .. · . 1* NO --.. .... .... 1 *..• :.:;.: 1. # 063003 ••• ES *. YES.. LAST •• STATEMENT A •• •. BRANCH .• .... * NO • G0642 **··*FS*········* .ACT END ST BFA2. .-*-.-*-.-.-.-.-. * BUILD • .RETURN OR STOP • • POLISH • **** ••••• ** •••• *. 1 00"" *·*·*G5·····*·*·* .STA FN END BED~ • .-.-*-*-.-*-.-.-. .COMPLETE POLISH. * WITH STMT CNT • AND MOVE * • ;::::;::1*·····*·* ·..... · · . . # 063004 ..···HS.*****.··· * PLACE * • END DRIVER ON * * POLISH • Go.::······1········ * G0636 .-.-.-*-.-.-.-.-. •• ··*JS.······.·* .STA FN END BED5. • COMPLETE POLISH. * WITH STMT CNT • • AND MOVE • * •• * ••• * ••••••••• *··**J2··***··*** *STA XLATE- BDA1* *-.-*-*-*-*-*-*-. * PROCESS * ENTIRE • • STATEMENT * * * ••• * •• *.*.****** ! *• 1 •• *** .oli.2. **** B4 ** • B2· • * ***** * • section 2: Compiler operation 67 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 • Chart 04.2. PHASE 1 - PARSE (Part 2 of 2) ••••• • •••• • • B3 • ••••• • ·01102· • B2. ••• .. J... .. .. .. .. .. B2 11 . . .................. 631U ••• B3.t ••••••• •• XTEND •• YES • CLEAR RESli:RVE • •• LBL ROLL ••-------->.MARK FROM XTEND • • • RESERVED •• • LBL ROLL • : . ; : . :->1. NO ~ ••••• • 063118 .·.··C2· •• ••••••• • REMOVE • • GROUP FROM .XTEND LBL ROLL • • • .<---------------••••••••••••••••••• 1 #063188 • •••• 011 •••••••••• • SET LOOP • •• XTEND •• YES • DATE POINTER • •• LBL ROLL •• -------------------------------··-->.ON SCRIPT ROLL,. •• EMPTY • • • RELEASE • •• •• • IND VAR ROLL • •• 02 ••• •• •• '0 0:0 ········1········ 1 .... .. .. E2 ••• •• ~063119 .. . . --1 .... .. .. .. .... E3 ••• •• Ell •• END •• YES •• TEMP •• YES •• OF DO LOOP •• -------->.. ROLL EMPTY •• •. ..... Fl.......... • ! • • GR~~O~~OM WORK ROLL .• .* or F2 .. • •• GROUP •• • •• POINT. • :<• ______~~.:.• • RE-ENTRY ~~~~iEL~S . : . •• '01··~ES ·······:1::······ ! C2.: . •••• *. # 063180 ..... G2.......... *. *..* •• *. .* i NO .....F3.......... • TAG GROUP AS • :EXT~gB~BBkfNGE : • CANDIDATE ON • .LOOP DATA ROLL • • •• •• PGM A •• YES SUBPROGRAM •• -------> . . . * .• or :::::: PII .. •• •• •:• gk~K •: •• PROGRAM •• •••• .!~~____ > ········t········· ··l··~o . .•.. G3.......... . •... GII •.....•...• • • • TAG T H O S E . . .SET SYMBOL AND • PUT • • LABELS ON LBL • .ROLL WHICH MAY • .MODE FOR IBCOM • GROUP ON TEMP • • ROLL. • BE RE-ENTRY • • ROUTINE CALL • • POINTS·. • • • • • ........ j . ······::I:::····· ········1········· ........ • C2 • . . ..... H3.......... . .... HII ........•. •••• •• •• • • MOVE I BCOM • CLEAR TEMP ROLL. • POINTER TO • • • AFTER POLISH • • ROLL • ......··1········ •• •••• B3 •• . ••••. •• • • • .......·1· :~~~~~~~--------. #063001 ·.JII ..••· .... ·• •... • INITIALIZE • • FOR OPERATION • • OF ALLOCATE • ••••••••••••••••••• 1 •••• 1<11 ••••••••• • I EYALL • • •••••••••••••••••• Section 2: Compiler Operation 67.1 Chart BA. WRITE LISTING AND READ SOURCE G0837 ****A2********* " PRINT " "AND READ SOURCE" " ***.Jt********"'** ~ " : I v :***'''62 it ...... *** ... " " " I v "'*****64*********** **: TURN OFF NO PRINT FLAG INITIALIZE " FOR NEW STMT. " READ ONE CARD " AND PRES CAN " STMT " " ******** ...... ** ... ****" .----J v •* .:~~ C2 V *083703 ". *. .* .* *. ell. ." • *. *• *. .* NO ".MORE TO READ ." *. ':::i::;:+'lYES * •• * .* j'" •* .". * • 02 *83703 *. * •• * V ******04*********** *. " ." SOURCE ". YESV ". L"(STING ." ".REQUESTED." .* WAIT FOR LAST " READ COMPLETE *AND READ ONE " ****~!~~***** ,--_J i" V *****E2********** "" ON TURN I~O PRINT FLAG " ****** ... ********* "... I' v :****F2*********: 183707 " " " INITIALIZE STATEMENT CD COUNT " " " "****** .. **********" l·m,,:l. .* PRINT A CARD G2 *. *. .""" *****G3********** ... * ." PRINT ". YES " MOVE 1 CD TO " ". OF STMT ."------->"SOURCE ROLL AND" ".COMPLETE ." " SET CONTROL " ***************** v ******H2*********** .*. j" PRINT ONE " CARD AND ITS ERROR MSGS " ************* ,__J ... * *..* *. .* " ! •" •* H3 *• END *• ". YES *. ".".S~~6~~~~T·"·"I< * •• * .* " I " " NO v **** " 84 " ...... 11083704 V """***J4*******"'** " " " " " TURN OFF FLAGS INDICATING NO MORE READ AND NO MORE PRINT " " " " " ***************** v ... ****K4********* * RETURN 68 INIT READ A CARD ****'********* I .". " 64 : **** READ A CARD Chart BB. INITIALIZE FOR PROCESSING STATEMENT G0632 ****A2********* ** STA INIT ** * *************** * I V *****82********** ** INITIALIZE ** CHARACTER * * * COUNTS * * * ***************** V *****C2********** * *SET CRRNT CHAR ** *TO FIRST SOURCE* * CHARACTER * * * ***************** I V *****02********** * SET * *COUNT OF SOURCE* *STMT CHARACTERS* *TO NO. CARDS X * * 80 * ***************** V *****E2********** * * ** CLEAR FLAGS ** * * * * ***************** V ****F2********* ** RETURN ** * *************** * Section 2: compiler Operation 69 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 • chart BC1. PROCESS LABEL FIELD (Part 1 of 2) G0635 •••• A2.· ••••••• •• LBL • . ····1...... STATUS CONTROL • FIELD XLATE. • ••••• B2·· •••••••• • SAVE ADDRESS • • OF CURRENT • • BOTTOM OF WORK • • ROLL AND EXIT • • ROLL • ········1········ ••••• C2.· •••••••• • SET STMT LABEL • • POINTER TO 0 • • AND SKIP TO • • FIRST NON-BLANK. • CHARACTER • ········1········ .. ,.. .. ., ,. 1"$ 02 *063503 •• •• CHAR •• NO ••• C;0~::INL~SS •••• ---•• •, DIGIT. CONVERSION .... .". 03 ••• •• ..... •• MUST THIS •• NO ST~IB~tVE , . ' .-------~ ---->.'., ,. . , ,. ·BC2· rES ..~l· ..... £2.......... . .... E3 ......... . • INITIALIZE.• •• LABEL MISSING •• • FOR DIGIT. CONVERSION. • •• • MESSAGE TO • • •• ERROR ROLL •• ;:;;:;::1········· ········1········ ••••• • •.BC2· •••• *063501 ,. ,.., . ... ,. . .---·-.,.------------1 F2 ,., • C2. •• ., ., NO .,~~R A DIGI:., , , • YES 1 CONVERT ONE DIGIT •••••G2.......... • CONVERT. • ONE DIGIT TO • • BINARY, SKIP TO. .NEXT NON-BLANK • CHARACTER. • (SYNTAX FAIL) • •••• G3 •••••••••• • SYNTAX • • MESSAGE TO • • ERROR ROLL. • • RESTORE WORK • .AND EXIT ROLLS • ·······:1:······· ········1········· ,H2. ..,, .·.·H3 ..••..... • RETURN ... ... ,. '.---1 ·............... ,• CHAR •• YES • , .,COUNT THANLESS 6 ,. , NO • • (EXIT FALSE) •• :.;;.: •••••• 1 ·····J2••• ······· REGISTER LABEL :ToM£~ ~EfLAND: : • ttE2kT10f~ER : POINTER • ········1········ K2 , ., ., ., ,. ·'l';ES ••••• :BH: ••• 70 •••• ·K3 •••••••••• . Ii!Wr~!f~~N .------->: EiRR~R.'1gLro •• , . LABEL •••• NO . ' •• UNDEFINED ,*' : .: : ········1········ •:B~~: •••• ••• Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 • Chart BC2. PROCESS LABEL FIELD (Part 2 of 2) •••••• A2. •• • BC2 • • ! •.···.A2··· •••• •••• 11063502 • ..... MARK • • LABEL AS • DEFINED • • ••••••• BC2······· • r • BC2· • C2· ••• • .*. • . •. B2 •• •••• •• IN A •• YES • DO LOOP •• •• •• .... '. .. B3 '. . ' INNER •• DO •• NO CLOS20 FLAG •• -------.. ON •• • • •• -------->.. • NO .... ... ' • YES ------------------>l<------------~-----------I 1 ... II 063501t .'. C2 •• •• •• NO •• LAST •• ---'.STMT AN ARITH.. •• IF •• •••• C3 . - •.. ' i YES ••••• D2.......... • PUT POINTER TO • PROCESS POLISH !MO~I~o~~~LTO ! ......: • AFTER POLISH '. AS •• 0 •• .' • ·.ROLL . ' '0 .' .1.Y'" • •••• 03.......... • TAG GROUP ON • : 'RE-ENTRY POINT' <__.. _!XT~D~~I~£~L • ---~:::::~~llt NON-ACTIVE END FLAG INDICATES PREVIOUS STMT ALWA YS BRANCHES WHEN IT IS ON. USED IN TEXT FOR GENERATION OF CODE FOR END STMT. Cit .' NO . ' LAB L ON <-----..--•. XTEN TARG •• LBL •.. ' rYES .········1········. >. 1063581.'. •• . ' IS '. LABEL • • PR2VIOUS •• •• TARGET . ' •••• NO . ' <--'. • •••• BIt •••••••••• • • • PUT LABEL • ON • • XT2ND LBL ROLL • :...............: Olt '. . ' GROUP',. . : ' ~~~~¥gL~ .:.!~ '.RE-ENTRY '.!?j1.;' o' • •••• 05 •••••••••• • TAG GROUP ON • _____ >:XTf~Dp5:~I~~L : 'RE-ENTRY POINT' :...............: 11063505 ". ••••• E2.......... • •••• EIt •••••••••• .SET NON-ACTIVE • • • 'END FLAG TO NXT' • REMOVE GROUP • :A~~AC~kRF~~T : - - - - - - - - - -..-----..--------··-----:XTEND n~~ LBL :<---------------:.•••.~~~•••••• : •.: :.~I~.~~~.f~~: 1.. .... F2 •• •• .. ...rEO COUNT •• 6 •• ' G2 0 '. CHAR ' . NO o· • •• -------->. ....F3···.·····• RETURN (EXIT TRUE) • •••••••••••••• • 0'. .... '. .. .-------->..····G3·.·.·..··. .' • . '. CHAR A ZERO •• YES 0 • R2TURN (EXIT TRUE) • • ••••••••••••••• •••• ' .. ' • NO 1 • ........ 1'.......:• (SYNTAX FAIL' ·····H2·········· • SYNTAX MSG TO • • ERROR. ROLL. • :A~S~~ ~8~fs ·····J2·········· • ........ 1"......• • • • • SCAN TO NEXT NON-BLANK CHARACTER • • • • : ···.K2······.·· : (EX~T~SE) •••••••••••••••• • Section 2: Compiler Operation 70.1 Chart BD. PROCESS STATEMENT G0636 * * * ·***AI"**"***·* * STA XLATE *************** *****A2********** ..* ... ... ... .* A3 .*. *. *. SAVE * .* ASSIGN- *. NO *------->* LOCATIONS OF *------->*. MENT TYPE . * 1 * * WORK AND EXIT * *.STATEMENT.* *.. .. ..... * i ***************** .*. YES V *****B2********** *****61*********. * * RETURN *************** : * <-------* * * ... ~~E~~~L STATEMENT MESSAGE : 83 YES •• -* vr---o C2 .*. *. *-.. _----'i j"0 I V : CONSTRUCT * POLISH FOR * VARIABLE EXPRESSION: ***************** I STA XLATE EXIT SCAN STMT : LI TERAL TEST * TO DETERMINE * TYPE ... ***************** I NO V V *****02********** V *****84********** *..* * •• * ... *****C4********** * ****Cl********* .* *. *ASSIGNMENT STA * .* *. YES * XLATE *------->*.STMT F U N C T I O N . * , * * *..* **************~ *_ ... _ .... _* * : *<-------*. BLOCK DATA .* * *. ROUTINE .* ***************** G0637 .... IN ARITH FUNC DEF STA XLATE THIS OPERATION IS PERFORMED BY THE STA XL.ATE ROUTINES UPDATE ROLLS * *. i *..... . .** .* ... ****E4********* RETURN ... * EXIT * * EXIT *************** YES .*. * • V F3 .* *. • * ACTIVE *. *. *. STATEMENT **. .** •• .* NO * • * - - - >* ... ****F4********* RETURN *************** ... * YES I I V "'****G3********** ** REMOVE POLISH * * * AND REPLACE * :WITH ERROR LINK: ***************** I V *****H3********** * RETURN * * *************** * EXIT Section 2: Compiler Operation 71 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 COMPLETE STATEMENT AND MOVE POLISH -Chart BE. GOb33 **·*A1******"'** ··...... ** STA FINAL ** * *************** * • B4 • ••• * · t . · . 1 1\ 063302 *****B1******"'*** I NCREMENl' •* *STATEMENT COUNT* ** ·····B4*···*····· • MOVE GROUP • • BACK TO DO • .LOOPS OPEN ROLL. . · * •••••••• *••• *••••• ...1 .. .. ...r" *. Cl .* .• •• ANY •. •. .. .* .• ---::::::::1········ •. .. .. .. .... .. .... 1\ 063303 ••• C4 •• •• THIS •• NO •• STMT LABELED •• ----------------> ·**·C2··***·*·· * RETURN • • ** •••• * •• * ••••• • *. *. POLISH .* •• Dl NO· •• -------->. THIS FLAG ON INDICATES ONE OF THE STATEMENTS WHICH MAY NOT TERMINATE 00 LOOPS •. •• .. *. . * .• ••• "'* * .. .. .•• El •. .• DATA ON •. NO • • THE DO LOOPS . *-------------------------------~-----------------------*.OPEN ROLL •• *. .. .. .* r~ • • • PUT POINl'ER • LABEL ON POLISH. TO .... .... · . ••••••••••••••••••• i 1<:::---- YES #063~~~ •• H2 •••••••• *. ..*.*H3*** •••• * •• • REMOVE·· • • GROUP OEFINING • • CLEAR • • DO VARIABLE • • XTENO TARGET • • FROM INO VAR • • LBL ROLL • • ROLL • • • ................. 1 ••••• J2 ••••••• *.. .RESERVE PROGRAM. : S~~~~Ts~~1*: R~~~i~E~~t~E : ••••••••••••••••• : 1 ·····K2·······.·· .MOVE NEXT GROUP. • FROM SCRIPT • • ROLL TO LOOP • :O~I~ iUiRco~~: ................. l ...... ...... ->. E1 • 72 PUT STM'l' NUMBER ON POLISH • • • ...____________________J 1 NOTE THE TEST COMPARES STA LBL PNTR .WITH THE GROUP FROM THE ROLL • • . •• E4 .. . •• Y E S . ····E5········· • •• . THIS STMT •• AN ARITHMETIC •• -------->. RETURN • •• IF.· • ............. . • ••• • *. ••• 1\063377 Gl •• G2 *. G3 *. *****G4****** ••• * .••• .*.. .• *. • * •• THIS *. YES •• INNER •• NO •• ANY *. NO * CLEAR * •• STMT TARGE'I' • *------.-->*. DO CLOSED •• --.------>* • TRANSFERS OUT •• -------->*XTEND LBL ROLL * •. OF LOOP •• •• FLAG •• •• OF LOOP •• • • •• •• •• ON .* • . . • • • SEE •. .• •. .• * .. * ••••••••••••••••• NOTE : B4 : *... . G0634 • •••• 05 •••••••••• . ·····F4·········· .MOVE POLISH F O R . . • STMT TO AFTER .------->. • POLISH ROLL • • . .I: STA FINAL END 1'0 • ····Fl·······'**· * MOVE ONE • * * • G~OUP OFF THE • * ROLL • ••• * •• * •••••••• *. · YES •. ... *............• •. ...............•. :.::.:->1. NO 1\ Ob330l · 1· . . .-------->. • ••• *04.......... YES * . JUMP FLAG ON •• ------ ----------------------.----------------------------> *. •·BE ••••• ·D5 • •• • ................. 1 .063378 • •••• J3 ••••••• _____ • • :C~E~N~HGogN· • <_______________ _ : *••••••••••••• • • ····F5········· • RETURN • ••••••••••••••• • Chart BF. PROCESS END STATEMENT G0642 ****A2********* * * ACTIVE END STA XLATE *************** I I I V •* B2 .*. * • *. .* LAST *. YES * *. STATEMENT A .*-------->* *. BRANCH *. *. .* * I .* .* ****B3********* RETURN * * *************** NO v .* .*. *. C2 *****C3********** *. * .*SUBPROGRAM *. NO * *. BEING • *--------> * *.COMPILED .* * *. I * •• * .* YES BUILD STOP POLISH * * * * ******************* I *****02********** v * * ****03********* * PLACE * * * * RETURN DRIVER *-------->* RETURN * ON POLISH * * *************** ***************** Section 2: Compiler Operation 73 Chart BG. PROCESS POLISH G0844 i·***A2********* PROCESS ** * POLISH * *************** * II V *****B2********** ** ** GET NUMBER * OF WORDS ON * * POLISH ROLL * * ***************** I, V *****C2********** ** PLACE ** *COUNT ON AFTER * * POLISH ROLL * ****************** I I V *****02********** ** COPY POLISH ** * ROLL TO AFTER * * POLISH ROLL * * * ***************** I V *****E2********** * * **RELEASE POLISH ** * ROLL * * ***************** I v ****F2********* ** RETURN ** * ~************** * 74 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNl Y28-6829 • Chart 05. PHASE 2 - ALLOCATE (Part 1 of 2) G0359 THE ROUTINES CALLED IN PASS 1 DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF BASE TABLE ENTRIES ~RUUID OBJECT MODULE ~U',JSPER- FORMING SOME INITIAL ALLOCATION Section 2: Compiler Operation 75 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 1/23/6~~ by TNL Y28-6829 • Chart 06. PHASE 2 - ALLOCATE (Part 2 of 2) ----------t ·····BII •••••••••• :REL~~~A~gLLS, : DOUBLE~ORD • • • • • • . · . ·T··. ·. BOUNDARY FOR BASES ••••• CII.··· •••• • • • CALCULATE BASE • • AND DISPLACEMNT. • FOR TEMP AND • • CONST ROLLS • • • ...::......1"...... .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ........1........ ••• ··011 •••••••••• • BLD AD BS-C~A2 • BUILD 3 BASES. FOR TEMP AND • • CONST AREA • • • •••• ·EII •••••••••• • • PREPARE FOR • UNIFY PRASE • •• • • •• ........ 1"...... ·••••••••••••••••.• • • •• FII ••••••••• • 76 IEYUNF • RELEASE ROLLS Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 • Chart CA. MOVE BLD NAMES TO DATA VAR ROLL GOSII3 • • • ....A3··.······ ••• ·A1····.· ••• ALPHA • LBL AND L • SPROGS • . . . 1··. . • ALPHA • SCALAR ARRAY • AND SPROG .......1'...... ••••• Bl •••••••••• • RELEASE DATA • : g~Rp~~k~ERS~ : • NEW GROUP ON • ........1'....... • •••• C3 ••• • •••••• ••••• C1·· •• • •• • •• • • • • • :• TO LBL ~~IN¥kR : ROLL. • ;:~::;~:l········· ••••• • ••• •• •• D1 •• •• ENTIRE •• ~S ALPHA L SPROG • •••• 02 •••••••••• • SAVE DATA VAR • .ROLL POINTER AS. •· •. H~C~~~~D .• '·-------->:• •• •• .•... E1.......... • • Pg~~U!k~ FUNCTIONS :• ········1········ '"1"=0 • • • ••••• D3 •••••••••• .A/D VAR RL-CAFII. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. • MOVE • • SCALAR NAMES TO. .DATA VAR ROLLS • ········1········ .•....E3····.··...• • • • ········1········ • • ········1········ ········1········ ••••• • •••• •• •Gil ••••• •• ••••• • SET UP POINTER TO SCALAR ROLL . .... E2 ......... . •• •• •• • MOVE NEXT LABEL. • SET UP • T.O • • POINTER ROLL • DATA VAR ROLL • • • 01 • •• ·. ·. ·1. ·. . • • ••••• • • • ·r· • BII • ••••• B3 •••••••••• • SAVE • • DATA VAR ROLL • • • POINTER AS • POINTER TO • • SCALARS • :.~~,t.¥I'.lSit;: • SAVE POINTER • TO LABELS. • • • ·.·.·BII···· •••••• .A/D VAR RL-CAFII. .MOVE SUBPROGRAM. • NAMES TO • • DATA VAR ROLL • .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ········l········ • ••• ·CII·· •••••••• • SAVE DATA VAR • .ROLL POINTER AS. • POINTER TO • • USED LIBRARY • • NAMES • ········1········ ·····DII •••••••••• .SET UP POINTER • • TO USED LIB • • FUNCTION ROLL • • ••••••••••••••••••• ! •• •••• • Gil • ••••• • • SAVE DATA VAR • .ROLL POINTER TO. ARRAYS • • F3··········• •. ....SET UP • PO:::NTER TO • ARRAY ROLL • • • ········1········ • • • • • •• ·FII.· ••••••• • ALPHA TO • • DATA VAR ROLL • ::~~:;::'I....... • • ••••• • .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ••••• G3 •••••••••• • A/O VAR RL-CAFII. •• ARRAYMOVE NAMES TO •• • DATA VAR ROLL • ........1'....... •.•.·J3.·•.•.••..• • • SET UP POINTER • TO GLOBAL • • • SPROG ROLL • V .... .... r ········1········ ••••• H3· ••••••••• • SAVE DATA VAR • • ROLL POINTER AS. • POINTER TO • • GLOBAL • • • SUBPROGRAM ... Gil •• •••• • •••G5 •••••••• • •• ENTIRE •• Y E S . • •• ROLL •• -------->. RETURN • ..PROCESSED.· • • ............... • ••• ·HII •••••••••• • MOVE NEXT NAME • • (8 BYTES) • •• DATA TO VAR ROLL •• ········1········• • •• •••• •• ••G4 ••• • • • ········1········ •• •••• • BII • ••••• • Section 2: Compiler Operation 77 Chart CB. PREPARE EQUIVALENCE DATA G0362 .*.... * .. *~~~~ *~~~;~*** ... * * AND PRINT ERRORS *************...... A2 .*. *. * ..... ... ****A3****ir ... *** ... NO * - - - - > ... EQUIVA LENCE . " - - - > * * *. DATA .* * **. .* •• * *YES ... ****. : RETURN *************** I :->1 82 **** v *****82********** • CALCULATE ... OFFSET FOR * EQUIVALENCE ... VARIABLE AND * ... ... ... :****~~~~~~*****: I .". *. *. V .* C2 *****C3********** ... ... •* BAD *. Y E S " ... DEFINITION .*--->*RECORD NAME AS ... *. .* ... ERROR ... *..* ... .... • * ***************** *. I .. NO I I 1<-----------'- .*. * • V •* .... •* *. 02 ALL *• DATA PROCESSED *. .* * •• * I ... .*-1 *. .* NO : YES ... v **** ... B2 : V :****E2*********: ... * SET UP HEADING FOR ERROR LIST ... ***************** I V ******F2*********** PRINT LIST OF .. EQUIVALENCE ... ... DEF ERRORS .. ************* I V ... * 78 ****G2********* RETURN * * PRINT ERROR SYMBOL Chart CC. ALLOCATE BLOCK DATA G0361 ..... Al.......... .·***A2*·******** :~~_:~~!~~!:~!:~: • BLOCK DATA .------->. ALLOC ALL COM • • PROG ALLOCATION. .STRG.PRNT ERRS •• ••••••••••••••• .MAPS PNCH ESDS * .............. * ••• I V *·****82*····*····* PUNCH REMAINING • ESDS IF ANY • * ••• ***.*.*** I V ****·C2********** :~~~~~:-:~~-~~:~: .ALLOC SCALARS. • • ADD REQUIRED • BASES • • *******.********* I V ····*02*···*****· .ARRAY ALL CNA2* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* .ALLOCATE ARRAYS. • AND • • REQ. BASES • ···*···*i·**·***· I **···E2····· . * v ·**** FLIP EQUIVALENCE ROLL ******.*** ••• **** • •:->\I : F2 •• *. v '36102 ••• • *F~NFO *. *. :****F3*.* ••• ***: .* GROUP ON *. YES • RECORD * •• EQUIVALENCE .*------->. NAME + ERROR *. ROLL.. • TYPE ...__ it • • • __ * __ "'_._._... •• **. .** * NO ...I I . . V .*** V *36101 •* • * G2 BECAUSE ALL EQUIV DATA MUST BE IN COMMON •• : F2 : *• *. YES'" .. *.DATA ON ,ROLL .*-->* F2 * *. .* ...... *. MORE .* * •• * • NO I V ····**J2****·····** PRINT BLOCK DATA ERRORS * •••• * •••• *** I V *****• ·06 .. 84. • • • RELEASE ROLLS Section 2: Compiler Operation 79 Chart CD. PREPROCESS DUMMY DIMENSIONS G0.365 • • " ··."'A2**"****** PREP DMY 0 1 M . AND PRINT " ERRORS • •••• ** .... **** ••• I I 1 V ** .... *82 ... ••• ... *** ... • " INITIALIZE POINTER TO APPRO ROLL *.. I I • *.**. : CHECK DIMENSION DMY :->1 .... ** v ... *. ••• ... C2 G0367 .... ALL ARRAYS *. *. ... " YES .... .*---->*. ... ANY GLOBAL ... *. 02 NEXT • I : •• ... *. DUMMY "D!~ENSIO~;." -. ... ... 03 NO .*--, I ." ". OF •* •• •* E2 *. ARRAY *. *.INCOMMON *..* . . " I ANY" " PNTR TO ARRAY" ON ERROR ROLL * I AS " " " " 03 " •• E4 ..• " PREPARE " .TO PROCESS NEXT" ARRAY .. ... **-***_.** ••• ***" I .... I v " "- C2 ." - " -* -**- " ._.* " ""*. #36704 .* ..... " 03 " ... .. *-> I • I A I I v E4 .". *. ANY .-MORE #36705 *. ARRAYS-. ".WITH DMY *. IN THIS •• LIST .* ... •• * " YES I .* E5 .". YES *• MORE "NXT ARRAY-MUST" *aE DMY I N SAME " "LIST OR IN COM-" :.:~~.~~~*~~~~~*: I I v " " E4."" *• - • DUMMY." LISTS *..* * •• * " NO *"L,,* V *** •• F4*-**"**".. • CHECK DMY DIM" " NO .* ."---->". *. .* DIM **** V *** ••• .. * ITEMS ROLL ,,*L,,* "'·*·"G2**·*·***** 80 IF U4** •• RECORD MARKER ON NAMEL J S r *->1 "I *36602 It DMY .. ** •• * .. *******,*... *.** ••• **** •••• ** I * I it ... * NO RECORD ARRAY NAME ERROR G2 " WITH DMY DIM I n " ."--->".. .* YES " ********.• ******** I .. **** .. I NO CLASSIFY NXT *. .. ---->" : I I .. v it • • • • •• • ..... E3* ....... ·... *** "****F2**********" " " *. YES * •• * ...... * •• * ~ #36703 *. V A DUMMY OR " *. END A DUMMY •••• LIST •••• .. G2 .. .". RETURN ** ..... *-* _. .*... \I .". 03 v YES ****C5********* . " ---" ->" YES :-> I ... - . ' . •• ERRORS "j *36702 ."ARRAY HAVE PR I NT Io..* ... •• - NO V . .... NO .... - - - - > *. OUMMIES .* * •* " ·*****C4**********. ... . . . . . .. ".. I I G0418 ••• C3 ... •• PROCESSED.. .... C4 " C2 #036601 .. -- " .. C4 " * .* Chart CE. CHECK FOR UNCLOSED DO LOOPS G0371 "****A2********* PROCESS * DO LOOPS *************** I I I V *****B2********** ** ** FLIP THE * DO LOOPS OPEN * ROLL * * ***************** **** : C2 I :->1 * **** * V #037101 .*. #037102 C2 *. *****C3********** .* DATA *. * * .* ON THE *. NO *SET UP HEADING * *.DO LOOPS OPEN.*-------->* FOR DO LOOPS *. ROLL.* * ERROR LIST * *. . * * * * ***************** YES I I V I V *****D2********** ******D3*********** ** MOVE BAD ** *LABEL TO ERROR * * * LBL ROLL PRINT * DO ERROR LIST * ****************** v .*. I E2 *. .* UNDE- *. .*FINED MARK *. YES *. ON LBL ROLL . * 1 *. * •• * * I .* PRINT ERROR LBL ROLL ************* I II *. * V ****E3********* RETURN ** * *************** * ** .* v NO **** ** * I C2 ** * V *****F2********** ** SET UNCLOSED * * *DO MARK IN LBL * ROLL GROUP * * * * ***************** I v ** * C2 ** * Section 2: Compiler Operation 81 Chart CF. CONSTRUCT BRANCH TABLE ROLL G0372 .... **A2 ..... ·.. • ...... • .. • "PROCESS LBL AND' : LOCAL SPROG " .. ***** ... ** ... * ....... .. **** " I .. 84 ... I V " " FLIP THE LBL ROLL .. C2 **..... "* •• *.* .. *.******** J I :->1 •• .... I v 1037201 .* V .". C2 ". DATA •• ON THE LBL • "SET UP HEADING" .. FOR UNDEFINED" " LABELS .. *----, I .... • * .. ·····C4····*····· " " *. NO ".".ROLL . " . " v YES ....... "" Bil .." " **** " I I V V ** ........ 02 ... **** .. ***u " " •• ** •·.. 04·· .... ** *.*.* .. MOVE LABEL TO WORK ROLL * .. .. .. "***********.*****.. " " V .* ". •• .". *. LABEL DEFINED *..* *****E3**.*"*.*** .. .. YES " SET FIRST 1/2 * .*------->".. GROUP BYTE OF LABEL" TO ZERO ... ... .. ************-**** ". .... *. •• " . _037202 *. NO V " "THE " FLIP LOCAL ROLL " I "I "->1 " ...... " IV I " V Fil *037207 .". *. *..* I I .. **** " " " .* G3 .". •• *. *. * •• * .. H3 I " ,,->II *037203 V "" .. .* .* .. ."1 NO .. : " .*** .. K3 .. .. I V "MAKE NEW BRANCH" .. TABLE ROLL .. " ENTRY AND RETURN PTR " TO IT " ••• * ... ** •••• *.**** *****.****** .... ** I I I I V V ·····J4······· .. ··" .. .... • .... J3 .... • .... • .. •• .. • REPLACE " .. LABEL GROUP " 'W I TH PO I NTER TO. " BRANCH TABLE " .. PUT POINTER " "ON COMMON DATA" .. TEMP ROLL .. ·............. __.........." .. 4 •••••• V I .. .. **** ....... MOVE " " :: GROU~O~~ TEMP : , .... *• ................ **" vI : 82 **** •••• ** I ....... .. " :*::":-> I - C2 : I V ···*GS·****··*· *".*"*"*"""""*" **·**H4*****·**** * ..• .. I I I * "MAKE NEW BRANCH" .. TABLE ROLL ENTRY AND RETURN PTR " TO IT " *037205 V ••• ... ·K3* .. I1 ****.... MOVE N E X T " " • GROUP TO "RETURN" "... ·****H3***** .......... ,,-"" I 1 1 CENTRAL AREA v YES .. .. ROLL • ****.*** ••••• **** II *. COpy THE "COMMON DATA ."------->""THE TEMP ROLL TO " LOCAL SPROG" YES V • • • • • G4 • • • • •" JUMP ". ".TARGET LABEL THE TAG FIELD OF THE POINTER STILL INDICATES THE TYPE OF LABEL .. NO * •• * " .. *****FS***** •• *** ." ON THE ". ". LOCAL SPROG ROLL.* :~~:~:*~~~*~~~~*: K3 *03720B F4 *. .* DATA *. CLEAR it FIRST BYTE OF it LABEL .. GROUP-MOVE TO .. " " SPROG" .. " * ...... * •••• **** •• ""'***F2********** " " " " PRINT ERROR LBL ROLL I I I ····*E4**······· .." I E2 PRI NT UNDEFINED LABEL LIST **.********** I II •* .. COpy TEMP ROLL TO LBL ROLL " " " : V *****84**·******* .. *.************** .. **...... I *037206 .• *****82*"*******'» " " " F4 .. " Chart CG. ALLOCATE HEADING AND PUNCH ESD CARDS G0374 * ·***A2···****** BUILD * PROGRAM ESD : ••••••••••••• ** * : * 84 : **** I V V *****84*********- ·****B2********** * * * * SET * UP FOR LD ESD : • : INITIALIZE * * ***************** * ***.*.*********** 1 V ******C4*********** • PUNCH PROGRAM NAME AS LD ESD ************* •* 02 v .*. *. *****03*********. DATA * . . * SET UP * • * ON ENTRY *. NO * PROGRAMMER * *. NAMES .*------->*SPECIFIED NAME * *. ROLL.* * IN CENTRAL * *..* * •• * * YES 11037401 ... .. I *************.*** **~*** I V *****E2********** *.FL I P THE ENTRY * * *NAMES ROLL AND * *MOVE ONE GROUP * * • OFF ***************** * * G2 * ... · .*.**ES********** .. .. ***************** 1 V ******FS*****~·***4 * PUNCH ANY REMAINING ESD CARDS • ************* I 1 I . ** * * *037406 *. ***************** I V *****G4********** * ADD • BLANKS TO * • • NAME. ADD ENTRY. • CODE TO PROG * * BREAK * V * ·***GS********* RETURN • * ***************** 1 V ******H4*********** 1 V *****H2********** PUT PROGRAM NAME IN PUNCH BUFFER .*. *. v E4 ... COpy .. .* DATA LEFT *. NO • COMMON NAME •• ON ENTRY .*------->* TEMP ROLL TO * *. NAMES .* *ENTRY NAME ROLL* .* V ***************** * **** *037405 * MOVE GROUP TO * CENTRAL AND COMMON NAME TEMP ROLL * PUT J SYMBOL * *IN FIRST BLANK * : OF NAME : * I :->1 i'" *****G2********** ** E4 *****F4********** ***************** V : * •• * • SAVE * .GROUP ON COMMON* *NAME TEMP ROLL.* ADD BLANKS TO NAME * (::::-,1 :*****~~;:~*****: .***** *..* 1 V *****F2********** 1037402 1 V *****04*********- • ADD • • LENGTH OF • INITIAL PRDG • .CODE TO PROGRAM* PUNCH ESD ***************** * PUT ESD IN BUFFER-PUNCH IF COMPLETE ****~~~~***** * I V • 1 V ******J2*********** * PUNCH PROGRAM NAME * * * **** E4 * * * PUNCH REMAINING ESD ************* I V * **** • * B4 * * * Section 2: Compiler Operation 83 chart CH. CHECK ASSIGNMENT OF FUNCTION VALUE GO 376 " • ... ·A2***··**·· FNTRY NAME **:;;~;:!!~~ ••. .... " I I I I v .* 82 ... *. ." ".A .*. ." ... SOURCE ". SUBPROGRAM ...... " ... *.A ~037603 .* C2 ... ". NO " ... ."---->".. •* • ... ·33 ..·• ...... •• ... • RETURN .... YES" ... .*---->.... ." ··.·C3· V 1 ••••••• .. " " .****.** •• * ••••• * I I V I • 'SET UP HEAD I NG " FOR FUNCTION .. ERROR LIST 4- ,,->1 I " IV E2 V ··***·E4**· .. •·.. ·**** ". -It • .. " DA TA ON ... NO ".. THE' E>lTRY • "----. "NAMES ROLL." *. ... ... . ... * PRINT FUNCTION ERROR LIST YES I I I I "" " 84 .. "" I ..... F2··········* * I V V " "MOVE NEXT GROUP" * TO THE COMMON .. "NAME TEMP ROLL .. ......................" " .. " G3 ••• *F4·*·****** RETURN *.. .. I G2: .". *. I #037602 :I. ... ... V • • • • • G3 • • • • •' ....... ... .. • " SCALAR ". ". WITH SAME ". NAME." YES .* .. " S E T MOOE OF SCALAR IN .. POINTER .*------>" .." ................ . " I NO I I I I V ··*·····.. • ••• ·H2· .. .. REGISTER NAME • OF ENTRY FOR .. ERROR LIST " * • ......... ......... " I ·····H3· . ••······ V * PUT POINTER *ON COMMON NAME TEMP ROLL " I I V .. ADO .. " SCALAR ROLL " *GROUP FOR ENTRY' " NAME - DEF I NE * " ................. .... * G3 .. * * ••• * .. " .. .. II II ·····J2·········· *" .." *.* *.* ........... . I I 84 " " • •• **** •••• **** ..." .". •* * I *037601 .* ··*· • •• ·*D4**·.,.** .. .... *.** ••• * ••••" E2 SYMBOL ON EOU I VALENCE ROLL V ~OLL ~... ** •• *C4 **.* *. *** .. * * " PUT A MARKER " " .. RETURN FLIP .. ENTRY NAMES" ,."." I V I *. I ·····02· . *~·*··*· " *~ * I NO .. "rHL .. * • : •• ~:~;;*~~;;.**: StJl:3ROUTINE .... * 1:34 ··.··04*·······** * COpy THE * * COMMON * "NAME TEMP ROLL * * TO THE ENTRY • YES ." .*. .... V •• •• ·J3 •••• **· ••• * * ADD SCALAR " *TO EQUIVALENCE" * ROLL .. .... ******.**.** •• I ...... V • .. * ~2 * ... * ALL TO ENTRY NAMES A FUNCTION ARE EQUIVALENCED PRINT ERROR SYMBOL ROLL chart CI. COMMON ALLOCATION G0377 " ****A2********* COMMON " ALLOCATION ***:~~*~~!~~!**** "" " I I v " .". .* C2 *. : ....... *~~;i~ ** .. **: I V #037709 .. CLEAR I v "" MOVE NEXT "NAME TO COMMON " AREA ROLL " " " .*********** ••• ** :"::":-J .* •* " v [2 *. END OF £'3 .* *. YES "I V .* .... E3 *. MORE *. .* * •• * ... ...... * •• * .. NO ALREADY ON COMMON ALLOCATION ROLL INDICATES THIS .* *. •* F2 I I *. *. NEXT .* *. NO IN ". ANOTHER ." ".BLOCK." .*--, I I F3 ... NEXT LAST ".::LOCAT~~." I I I 1 V ···**G2*.****.*** 1 I " I I 1<----' I RECORD "NAME AS COMMON " " ERROR " I #037703 V *****H2***."·*.·*" " ALLOCATE " STORAGE FOR " VARIABLE, RE" CORD ON GEN'L " NAME AND DATA " " TO TEMP ROLL " " " .*.****.*****.*** I . " " " ::~;~~:!! ~~ ~~;;: .. .. " E2 " " .. V ".. " E3 " " .. .... *. *G3*" ** ...... ** "" COPY BLOCK "" ***. I " " .. **** E2 .*. *. ... ......J.:::..... I III PRINT HEADING FuR v I V I *037702 .. .*---, .. NO E4 *. *. ...... : *• NAME .... * "" B4 ." NAME SAME ". YES -.AS I *·*·~ES "" : " ....v ." . VARIABLE I v *.*. .. YES .* *. NO ". ,,~AP OPT ION." . " , *. NO ". ". DA~~O~~R ." • ,,---->". ,,~Lg~K Rci~~E~ ... " , *. *** *. PUNCH [50 CARD fOR * BLDCK :---, ***. *037705 *. V .. *****04**"" ·JHI .." RETURN : "I I #037711 V ****0.J********* "" " " * " * ••• ************* I I **** *02 .*.***.* ** .". " ALLOCATE ALL " EQUIVALENCE *DATA REFERRING " TO COMMON * BLOCK .. ***************** I **.. *****(4*********· *****C3********** *. * •• * " YES .. " ALL BLGCK " "NAMES AND DATA " "BACK FROM TEMP " ." ANY *. NO " CONTROLS AND ". BLOCK I~AMES ."---->" ROLLS FOR ". ON ROLL ." " ALLOCATION *..* .. OF COMMON #037701 V *****a4.********- " "COpy "" INITIALIZE FOR COMMON ALLOCATION "" " I *037706 .... ** *82 ** **.* ** ...... B4 "... " ":::"~:,,:~:::,, * I I I I I 1<-----' I V *****G4 •••• ***** • * COPY GEN'L " " ALLOCATION " "ROLL TO COMMON * " ALLOCATION " * ROLL ********** ••• *.** I V .... * ....... H4" * ...... " .......... P~INT MAP ••••• ***.***. I I I V ******J4** •••••• • •• PRI NT ERRORS FOR BLOCK I 1 I ····K4 ••• **···· V " COMMON " "ALLOCATION AND * " OUTPUT " •••••••••• * •••• Section 2: RETURN TO PROCESS NEXT COMMON BLOCK Compiler operation 85 Chart CK. EQUIVALENCE DATA ALLOCATION G0381 *****A3**·*·****· ****A2******... ., .. ... EQUIV." ALLOCATION PRINT ERROR " **********.**** CLEAR * ... OBJECT MODULE LOCATION ,,---->*., .. ... COUNTER ****************. .. .. 84 .. .. _** " : " <___________--' :1 132 .. *** G0382 EQUIV ALLOCATION .* '. .* v B2 .". *. DATA ON * •• * ... *. NO ." " : I .*** C5 ": " : .-. .. * v INTEGRATE .* .". .* 02 *. *. DATA " . NO ".10 PROCESS ON.*--, ."'_* ._ •• ROLL , * •• * .. YES v * .... I it PRESENCE ON GENL ALLOC ROLL INDICATES THIS .. .*. *. .4 •" *. ENTRY". .*. *. I ! II YES .*"."'FJ*· •• ****** •••• * ••• *.*.* ••• * "I ****** ••• ****.*.* :pm .. 1< **: I NCREMENT if TgRg~~ NEXT: ••• ,.** •• **......... I V " " " ***. I :** •• G3*** ••• ***: *38902 V PRUNE :ENTRY FROM " WORK: .. . .. if " INCREMENT .. ifPRnJECT MOOULE .. : PROGRAM BREAK : *************.*.* I I I I .. ALLOCATE"" " "RECORD" " ABSOLUTE ADDR .. .. RECORD ON GEN " "NAME FOR ERROR .. " ALLOC R O L L : : LIST 86 I I *****F2****·***·· ** •• ** ........ * ••• * I V * ...... F4 .. **** .. **** .. ""COPY .. " INFO GENL if ALLOC ROLL TO .. SOURCE ROLL .. **********.**.*.* I I I V **·*·G4****"'*· *.* " MAKE FINAL " "ALLOC AND MOVE " .. INFO TO EQUIV • "ALLOC ROLL FROM" " GEN ALL DC " .................. I I V . .. 02 .. ." " I " NO ."1 *..* * •• * I V I I I I ·*·**E4********** ~~~SEN!., i I .. NO :**~*G2 ••• I PRINT EaUIV ERRORS V ". .* CONFLICT *..* * •• * I' * .. ****05·" _.*** .. **. v I .*_. YES .,,---->".:!HI V \ I I I II I " E3 ". " . A;~~~~~ED.* #038503 I I it .. 84 ... V E2 ******** .. **** .. ***" I D2 *038501 ..... *cs* * .. *. ** **. .. SAVE LOCATION .. .. CNTR AS FIRST .. .. ADDRESS AFTER" " EaUIV DATA " I I " "I :->1 **** V " " 02 .. ..: .. V I " ***********.* ..... " C~ " I I I I V FL I P EQUI VALENCE ROLL AND INITIALIZE " "" I *****C2********"* " .... * :.*!*~~~;*!~~~**: I v YES V " ALLOCATE ALL " * SETS WITH " "NAMES LISTED ON" *GEN ALLOC.ROLL " EQUIVALENCE . " - - , ". ROLL." I ". I *····84*****····· G03B4 *. ".. " .. *** " 82 : V ".. " *·**ES**·"** ** ** RETURN **** *** ** ** **** .. Chart CL. SAVE AREA, BASE AND BRANCH TABLE ALLOCATION G0437 •• **A2····****- " BASE AND .. BRANCH TABLE " ALLOCATION " .............. ** **···62··· . . ·****· V "SAVE BASE TBL. .. " PTR AND " " 0 I SPL AC EMENT .. FOR START OF .. SAVE AREA •••••••••• **** ••• I :*•••C2***.*.*.*: V " INCREASE " PROGRAM BREAK * BY SAVE AREA SIZE * " .. * * THIS VARIABLE IS USED TO HOLD OBJECT MODULE ADDRESSES BEING ALLOC. .. **** ••••••• ***** I V ····*02*******··· * SAVE BASE TBL * *PTR AND DISPLA-* * CEMENT FOR * * START OF BASE * TABLE * * ••••••• *** ..... *** I V : • • • • E2 ••• "* •••• : * INCREASE * * PROGRAM BREAK * .. BY BASE TABLE .. * SIZE * •••••••• * ••• ****. I V : ..... F2 • • • • • • • • • : * CONSTRUCT * * REQUIRED BASE" * TABLE ENTRIES * * * ................. BUILD ADDITIONAL BASES I ·**··G2·········· V * SAVE BASE TBL *PTR 0 I SPLACEMT " FOR START OF : BRANCH TABLE * * * * ........... *** ••• * I ·.···H2*········· V *INCREASE PROG. * BREAK BY * SIZE BRANCH "TABLE AND MAKE * LABEL ENTRIES " * * * * ••• * ••••••••••••• I V : ....... 2 • • • • • • • • • : * CONSTRUCT * * REQUIRED BASE * .. TABLE ENTRIES * * * ................. BUILD ADDITIONAL BASES I V • • • • • K2 • • • • • • • • • • * RETURN * Section 2: compiler Operation 87 Chart CM. ALLOCATE SCALARS .. .. ... A3 *j.... "... .. : ! G039:"."AI................ ... : . . . . . A2 • • " ........... : ..... :SCALAR ALLOCATE:---->: .*. '039701 ••• ."A3 ". ". ... .* • .. A4 *. NO ALL .* : - - - > " . ".P~g~~~~~D ..... - - - - > ... ~~NNY INITIALIZE ................. *. ..................... • .. A5 *. ..... . * •• * YES I "SEE NOTE 2 if .. .. 02 : : •••• c •• **** ..... : •••• C3 ........... : NAM:,,'* .. t * .. .. .... : ..... . BY I I *039706 " . if. *. NO .* SCALA~ ... " - - - - > ... ~~LL YES A .. I :<-, .*. .....* * •• * ... *. .. 411*YES J2 .. ........ .. I *: NO I " **** .. 02 * .. SEE NOTE :****cs******-**: * ALLOCATE FULL" * ALLOCATE HALF" .. ALLOCATE * " WORD SCALARS- * - - - - - > i f WORD SCALARS- i f - - - - > * BYTE SCALARS- " :RECORD AND MAP : :RECORD AND MAP : :RECORD AND NAP : .. " ... 02 .. " " I I ······02*·········. 11039707 • .. " V V " SET MODE OF NEXT SCALAR I I V *. E2 .* ." ".COMPLEX ". i .* F2 I *039704 SEE NOTE • •• **E3* •• *** •••• *. .. .. " . YES .. MODE •• - - - - > " ALLOCATE STORAGE AND .. RECORD. PRINT .. MAP ... **. .** •• ." *. NOTE 2IF DURING PASS I . NO NAP IS PRINTED AND ALLOCATION 15 NOT RECORDED FOR COMMON AND EQUIVALENCE SCALARS. INFO 15 PICKED UP FROM OTHER ROLLS 2 A" I" I ••••••••••••••••• I NO .~SEE NOTE *• I J "... ....I .. " " V K2 .. • " DOUBLE " . YES ". PRECISION ."-". MODE ." *. ........ .* • NO I V G2 •* • " •• ~~ORT .". *. 1039703 • •••• C3 •••••••••• *. .. ... . .. " . YES " MOVE GROUP TO " INTEG:~ •• - - - - > : S~:t~RW~~~L : , *... * •• * I I ••••••••••••••••• v ~ ::"~ NO .. v .... 11039702 .i t .*.. *. it. ... ... *. •• H2 ..• •••• . "I *. ••••••••••••••••• v H3 •••••••••• •• " . YES if MOVE GROUP ".SHORT LOGICAL."-------> .. TO BYTE SCALAR · ...... *, .... ROLL NO V .. "'OVE GROUP TO .. FULL WORD SCALAR ROLL . .. " • '. . I :.::.:->1 ,039705 v ~····K2···*······ u " PREPARE .. uTD PROCESS "'EXT" D SCALAR " U D ~ ............... . II .. ...... V " : 88 A3 : .. ... " . : : ....... .J2 1039708 .. it ...-> ·····J2·········· " ..• RETURN .... **********It* ."SEE NOTE NOTE 1THESE QUEST IONS SEPARATE BAND 16 BYTE VARIABLES ****05··****** * ...... .. .. 2 Chart CN. ALLOCATE ARRAYS G0401 • ••• *A2*· ... ••• ... •• ARRAY ALLOCATE • *.*.*.*.* •••• ** I · · . . V * ••• *82*********· INITIALIZE •• *** •• *.*.****** :"::" :-> I *.*. V lI040101 .* *. ••• .* C2 *. ALL ARRAYS *. YES •• PROCESSED.· *. i * •• * ·*.···C3*··"****···" " ---->: #40104 *. .*----> .* .. PRINT ANY PARTIAL LINE ..·*C4 .. ·····*** " RETURN *.* .. *.******** .. NO V .". * • 02 NEXT • " ARRAY IN ". YES ". COMMON EQU I v •• " - - , ".~~ DUMM!".. •* *• I * •• * .. NO "" I " v * .. *. H2 "" " V *****E2********** " " ALLOCATE " STORAGE AND " "RECORD LOCATION" " *** •••• *.*.***" ••• I V *****F2*··******* " • " " · ENTER • INFO IN ARRAY • MAP. PRINT " COMPLETE LINE. ••• ***********.*." 1 .... " *G2*·········" V " CALCULATE AND " "RECORD BASE PTR" "AND DISPLMT IN • .. CENTRAL " ***.* •••••••••••• :,,::" :->I *.*. V '040102 ••• •* •* ". *. H2 *• PASS 1 *. *• .* * •• * .. NO *. YES .* . " , v ••• * " " .. I K2 ".. " ····.*J2····**·**· V "" REPLACE GROUP ""• ON ROLL .. " " •••••••••••• ** •••" ::::::->1 .... " ·K2*·········" *040103 v " PREPARE " "TO PROCESS NEXT", " ARRAY • "** •• * ••••••• **... .... " " " v : C2 : Section 2: compiler Operation 89 Chart co. ADD BASES FOR SUBPROGRAM ADDRESSES G0402 ****A2********* * PASS 1 GLOBAL * *SPROG ALLOCATE * * *************** * I II V *****B2********** ** * ALIGN TO FULL WORD BOUNDARY ** * * * * ***************** I V *****C2********** *DETERMINE BASE * * * PTR AND * DISPLACEMENT * *FOR PRESENT LOC* ******************* I I V *****02********** * COMPUTE * * LENGTH OF * * OBJECT MODULE * *SUBPROGRAM ADR * * * ***************** I V *****E2********** *COMPUTE LENGTH * OF OBJECT * MODULE * * * SUBPROGRAM * ADDR * * ***************** I V ****F2********* * RETURN ** *************** 90 BUILD ADDITIONAL BASES chart CP. ALLOCATE SUBPROGRAM ARGUMENT LISTS GO~~2 * * ****A2********* SPROG ARG. * ALLOCATION * * *************** * v .*. B2 *• •* *. ****B3********* .* ZERO *. YES * * *. ARGUMENTS • *---------> * RETURN * *. *..* .* * •• * * * *************** * NO I V *****C2********** ** ** ALIGN TO A * FULL WORD * BOUNDARY * * ******************* V *****02********** * DETERMINE AND * * SAVE BASE PTR * * AND DISPLACE- * *MENT FOR START * * OF ARGUMENTS * ***************** V *****E2********** * INCREASE * * PROGRAM BREAK * * BY SIZE OF * *ARGUMENT LISTS * * * ***************** V *****F2********** ** CONSTRUCT ** * REQUIRED BASE * * TABLE ENTRIES * ******************* V ****G2********* ** ** RETURN * *************** * Section 2: Compiler Operation 91 chart CQ. PREPARE NAMELIST TABLES G0443 ·.·.·A2*········. .. .. PREP " NAMELIST ••••••••• * ...... • I I I ·.•·.·82···. ······ V " .* • FLIP NAMELIST .. • NAMES AND • • NAMEL I ST t TEMS .. •• : •••• *~~~i~ ••••• : C2 •••• *. B4 • B4 ...vI •• *. * •• * .... 1044307 *. • •••• C3 • • • • • • • • .... ..... " COpy THE ." DATA •• NO "COMMON DATA -• • ON THE NAMES • " - - - > , , TEMP ROLL TO ". ROLL.. "NAMELIST NAMES ** . . ** •• " " .. .. ... ROLL • ••••••••••••••••• C4 .". .". ···02···. ······. ALLIGN TO FULL WORD BOUNDARY I . V ···*OJ···· .. *·** .. .. RETURN " : * I V " .. • .. ................... I "I :->1 v 41044306 *. • ••• *H3 . . . . . . . . . . .. .... ... NO MOVE MARKER "SYMBOL TO NAMELIST " ALLOCATION .. ."---->" :****.~~~;* •• *. * •• *.* " J2 .~ .... YES I ****·J3···*·····*"* V " • DEFINED ". ... ... .. " YES ." . " , •• " INCREASE if .. PROGRA,.. BREAK .. BY ENTRY SIZE" I v NO ....... .. , .. I "" I 84 ·.···K2·········· ".. .. .. " " REGISTER" .. VARIABLE AS A *--, " SCALAR ••••••• * •••••• : •••• ~~*:~~~ •••• : .. V "I *.... ._.v " .. " 92 **.: I • * ALREADY "'. *. • • **** NO **.**04 ... ** ...... *** I ENTRY ************ ...... *** V :.*.!;~~.~~~; ••• : " INCREASE " PROGRAM BREAK "BY 16 PUT ZERO " ON WORK ... " *.** .. V "OETERMINE BASE " POINTER AND "DISPLACEMENT " FOR PRESENT • •• *"'cs********·* * •• * ~** ...... ** ........ " MOVE if "NAMEL I ST NAMES .. • ROLL GROUP TO " " " COMMON DATA H2 05 : 11044304 *. v I ·····E2·········· : : I iII· • • • • • __ . . . . . . . . . ... .. v ... * ........ *..* * · YES ." *. " DETERMINE " •• ". YES .. NUMBER OF " ". AN ARRAY •• ------->*DIMENSIONS FOR * *. ." " SIZE OF TABLE" I .. YES + '.1 *. .* v v C2 .* I :->1 *044301 *. A SCALAR ... NO ........ I : .... " B4 ".. " (2 " ..* **** " H2 : chart CR. ALLOCATE LITERAL CONSTANTS G0444 ****A2********* *L I TERAL CONS T. ALLOCA TI ON : * : * **** • *************** : I I · I . V V ******84***.******· *·***82*********· * INITIALIZE • .PTRS TO LITERAL. * CONST ROLL * MOVE LITERAL .TO OUTPUT AREA • PUNCH I F CARD * CORRE.CT * ***************** .**.********* I .**.** : C2 **** #044401 THE PRESENT POINTER IS COMPARED TO A POINTER TO A NEW GROUP 84 : •* ". :->1v C2 I .*. •• .* V ..• *** *C4 ** ** ** *** .. PUT BASE PTR • *. * ALL *. YES CONSTANTS .*, * .PROCESSED. * *. i ... • * . .. AND • .DISPLACEMENT ON* • LITERAL CONST * :* •• **~~;;.****.: v NO I (::": V * V : .* .... *D2 * ... *** **** * • * * COMPUTE AND SAVE PTR FOR NEXT GROUP ON * * I * • • .* I **** * •• * V THROW AWAY OLD POINTERS ...... *..* **** :** •• E4***** ••• *: lI044404 PAUSE •• •• OR DATA •• YES. * •• STMT LITERAL •• - - > * C2 • * E4 * .*. * • *. : * * V E2 • C2 • :*.***~~;;******: •* .... ** •••••• **** ••••••• NO I ...I V V *. *. *. Y E S " .* .* .. *. PASS 1 • *------->* RETURN *. .* .. *..* •••••••••• ****. * ••• :****F2 ••• ******: F4 • INCREASE * * PROGRAM BREAK * *BY NO. BYTES IN. : •••••:;;! •••••• : ··**FS*··.····· j"0 I V ·····GZ···*······ • DETERMINE BASE • PTR AND * DISPLACEMENT * FOR PRESENT * LOCATION V ·*·*·*G4 ••••••• * ••• * PUNCI-t ANY PART IAL CARD * PUNCH REMAINING TXT CARD *.*.***********.* ...I I V •* • .* H2 PASS ..... *. *. 1 .... V *. .*.*. * *--, I * •• * .. YES I I lI044402 ····H4·***··.· . * * NO RETURN . • ••••••••••••• ** v •••• : * • B4 : V ·····J2·········· .THROW * PTR AND • • THIS AWAY BASE01 SPLMT • PTRS TO LITERAL ·................. I .... V . . * • * C2 • Section 2: Compiler Operation 93 chart cs. ALLOCATE FORMATS G0445 . **"'«A2*******"· FORMAT ALLOCATION . ........... ***** .... I I v 144502 ... ** *84"""""""'" * .. * ** NOTE :****82****.****: SET POINTER TO FORMAT ROLL BUILD FORMATS ,-->* ADO I T I ONAL :BASES REQUIRED *.* ..... * .. * •••• *** ************4**** I """*",, : C2 H446~;"" •* :->1 .~. C2 ". *. .* .-. C3". II I ~ *• V ••• **C4 . . . . . . . . . . . . •" DATA ". NO .* PASS ". YES ". TO PROCESS ... ------->*. 1 OPEHATION .* *. *..* .* *. * •• * " I *..* * •• * .. """" ,,-> " I YES " .. .. 1044501 ·**** ..... *. .. ************* .. *** 03 *. *. -,., YES .- ' ' ' , •• v Til OUTPUT AREA PUNCH XF CARD COMPLETE .... .ft**_ •• " •• _ .CALCULATE BASE .. .. AND • DISPLACEMENT * FOR FORMAT "••• ** ........ ** •••••.. I I :** •• G3.** ......... : V .. REBUILD .. FORMAT ROLL :WITH BASE PNTR I V .. *.... * .. C2 " " V ·····*H3····· .. ••··• .. PRINT FORMAT MAP. IF OPTION SPECIFIED .............. .. .. .. 94 .. : •••••• * •••••••••• I " PUNCH ANY DATA LEFT ON .. tXT CARD • .. ***.05* ** .**'* * * '*. PRINT MAP LINE. REMAINING -------> I I I V .. ************* V **** MOVE ·*<;2 ******** ... FORMAT " .*-------> * ••• "'F3********** i~ : : : .44602 • .. NO ......................" I ... .... **· .... ·04 .. **** .. • ........ ". • OBTAIN .. .. NUMBER OF WORDS" • FOR FORMAT .. V 1 H044503 I II V :***!~*:~~~:!.**: •* .. V :****E3*********: INCREASE " IPROGRAM .. BREAK BY " "NUMBER OF BYTES" .* *. 4..PASS . I I .. ". V .*. •• • .. - •• * .. YES V *****E2** ******** .". *. !="2 ...... *** .... *....... NO .* FORMAT *. TO PROCESS .. .. .* RETURN 03 " ... ** * V • ... • ... *02 ..... • ... .. COMPUTE AND " SAVE POINTER .. TO NEXT FORMAT .. GROUP .. : ....I .. .... V 03 .. * * ****E5********* RETURN • Chart CT. MAP EQUIVALENCE G0441 ... ****A2*.******* .. " EOUIV MAP " * •••• ***** ..... ** I V .* •* 82 .". * • ANY *. ". EOUIVALENCE *. .... *. DATA.* * •• * ... NO'" ."------->"... ****83********* ... RETURN " ..*******.*.*** " YES I V ******C2*********** PRINT HEADING FOR EOUIV MAP I V ... ····02****·· ... ••• "DETERMINE DELTA" "FOR EOUI VALENCE" " ADDRESSES DCB .. " TO BASE TABLE .. " SIZE .. ••• ****.*****.-.* I V .. .. ·*·**E2**·****··· FLIP THE .. EOUIV .. :ALLDCATION POLL: **.************** " .:->1I : F2 *.** *044101 v .... '044102 • COpy • COMMON NAME • TEMP ROLL TO • EOUIV ALLO• CATION ROLL ." EQUIV ". NO ". ALLOCATION ." *. *. ROLL * •• * .* .* • • • • • ••••••••• ** •••••• .. YES I . I V V DATA 1 HOLDS THE ADDRESS OF THE VARIABLE V ···**F3***······· F2 •• • -DATA ON--. ··.·*G2·········· .. .. .. .·····G3·········· ................. .*** ••••• *** ••••• .. .. .. MOVE NEXT GROUP TO CENTRAL. INCREASE ADDRESS .UPDATE PROGRAM. : BREAK : .. I I V V ·····*H3····***···· : •• **H2*** ••• ***: .. ENTER INFO IN • • MAP. PRINT IF • : LINE COMPLETE : .. •••••• * •• * ••••• ** I ····*J2·········· V · PRINT PARTIAL LINE OF MAP ............. I V ····J3*········ .DETERM INE BASE • • POINTER AND • DISPLACEMENT • : FOR VARIABLE : ................. RETURN . •••••••••••• * •• I V ·····K2*········· .. PUT GROUP .. FOR VARIABLE ON COMMON • NAMES • TEMP ROLL • • ., • • ................. . ... V .. ••F2** • • **** section 2: compiler Operation 95 Chart cu. ALLOCATE SUBPROGRAM ADDRESSES G040:S "• U·· . A2··· . . •• . •• . GLOBAL SPROG .. u • • :;;~;~!~ •••• .. I I . ·.··82·**······· V it .. • • • · FL I P THE GLOBAL SPROG ROLL • . • •••••• ******** ...... •..... " I : C2 ..'..... *040301 .* :-> I v C2 .". *. *040303 **.**C3*......... *. .. COPY COMMON **.··C4**·******* ..... .. ," DATA ON *. NO "DATA TEMP" "FLIP . , THE GLOBAL • ,,---->.. ROLL TO . - - - - > . THE USED LIB it. SPROG ." .. GLOBAL SPROG " "ROLL •• ROLL .* ... ROLL ... * •• * .. I ..................... ***************_ ... I YES :...... ** :->1 it I " 04 v *11.**02*.* ... * .. * .. 4 ••• 04 • • MOVE NEXT "CROUP OFF ROLL • TO CENTRAL v lI040304 ." i V V ••• , it. .... ." *. .... *. *****E3*"'*·****** *. ... DUMMY .... -... " I .* .. .. YES'" ... . " - - - - > " I N S E R T ZERO TAG" .. VALUE ... .* *. E4 *. I it " " " SPROG ALLOCATE AND OUTPUT : •• *~~~;~ .~;~*.*: I I V .... .* .*****1:5*********** .. • NO '''/ I *****F4********** " I I I I I MARK GROUP FOR INLINE FUNCTION if PUNCH PARTI AL ESD CARD ************* I ..... I V " I j3 : V .*.*.********** if H3 V ·····H3 . * if II V ·** .... • ... • ..• ALLOCATE " STO~AGE FOR if " ifAODRlSS RECORD." " P~INT LIST if : ... *~~~;~*;;~ •• *: ... *.*..,,->1 I I " • J3 I I if ·····J3 ...... ··· ..... V ..• puT GROU~ ..if "ON COMMON DA T A .. • TEMP ROLL if if .. if 96 " RETURN if " I V ***·**FS*********** if ... • " .. ****GS********* I I I C2 H3 ••• *** ••• * .. ***.*. : **** ••••••••••••• • .. .... PUT GROUP • .ON COMMON DA T A • • TEMP ROLL • if **** .... V ······G2··*··**···. .... • •• ********** v YES I V · .. PRINT PARTIAL if LINE OF SPROG .. LIST IF .. REQUESTED .* 1 I 1< I I I *. * •• * ! " ALLOCATE " STORAGE FOR "ADDRESS RECORD • (PRINT LIST) ***************** YES I NL I NE FUNCTION .. ·•·· . F2*···· . ···• *040302 • .. If. NO I I V *040308 • ... ***05********** ". * •• * I it. #040307 * COPY COMMON .. .* DATA ON *. NO "DATA TEMP •• THE USED LIB • * - - - - > * ROLL TO •• ROLL." • USED LIB ".." .. FUNCTION ROLL .. if • " I E2 *. ....... .... 04 if • " SPROG ALLOCA TE AND OUTPUT . Chart cv. BUILD AND PUNCH NAMELIST TABLES G0405 .* ..... A2 ** -_ ••• _.. * BUILD NAMEL I ST * *****!:~;~***** ** * I II *. *. l::J2 #40506 -. DATA ON *. *. NAMELIST NAMES -.ROLL .* ...... * .* • NO" ****EJ3********- *-------> * .. __ ititititit • • MOVE FIRST 4 WORDS OF I TEM ENTRY TO CODE ROLL AND PUNCH " *._."'_ * " * FL I P *NAMELIST NAMES * AND NAMELIST * ALLOCATION ROLLS * * * ... THE LATTER HOLDS THE ITEMS FROM THE NAMEL I ST LIST .. .... -- -* .............. * *- * v PRINT HEADING FOR NAMFLIST MAP IF .J. :*****~~;~* ** **.: I * I v #040501 .* .* *. ... I *->1 E2 * ** * *04 **** *** *** • * MOVE ALL * DIMENSION * "FACTORS TO CODE* * **~;~~~;!;~** * £2 • *. * #040505 ... L>ATA LEFT ON NAMEL 1ST NAMES •• ROLL ... * ... I ... I I v -* **** ***** •• _it •• v .*. *. .* VARIABLE AN *..*---, NO *. ARRAY.* I ... .* I * •• * v .. YES ***'* I * * I * J2 • I * * I * C4 ")I.. I *02 • I V *-- * ")1.** ** ** ** ** ** *** * I -_ ... **C2"" -- _. *--* ** V ~****B4********** ... RETURN YES .. ** * I • *. .* 84 I v .* *.*. *. .* : -*-*-E3---** •• _-" * *. NO * • *------->* .* * .. COpy COMMON DATA TEMP ROLL TO NAMELIST NAMES ROLL v **** * J2 : H4 *'* * * -*-_ . _-.*. __ . _._- YES I I I v V ............ *F 2"''''''''''''''''''''''''' ENTER NAME + ******F3*********** * LOC IN MAP LINE PRINT IF LINE COMPLETE * --*---------- _. *-*-*------ I I I I I I v *_ .... ** ** .... .......... *G2 * PUT BASE AND * DISPLACEMENT * OF NAMELIST * TABLE ON COM* MON DATA TEMP PUNCH A NO PR I NT REMAINING INFO IF REQUESTED V * * * ****G3********* RETURN * --_ •• *.******** * _._--*-*-----_._.* *'* * I I **** I V V *****H2********** ·****H4********** * * * * * MOVE NAMEL 1ST NAME AND 2 WORDS OF 0 TO CODE ROLL AND : ........... ~~!~~! .. *.-. * * * * * * • •.UPDATE -*._ . . : .*** v • **** * V #040502 : J2 ... • -DATA ON-. •• NAMELIST NO *. ALLOCATION .*--, ROLL •• I THE NO ANSWFR INDICATES EITHER NO DATA OR A MARKER *. *. *. ... I .itv __ * •• .. * YES I v -_it• * ... * 84 * * II I II .*. * * * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *-> J2 * PRGGRAM BREAK * * • H4 **** E2 : **** * * * ... * section 2: Compiler Operation 97 Chart cw. BUILD BASES G0438 * * * ****A2********* BUILD * ADDITIONAL * BASES * *************** **** I * * * B2 *->\ * **** * V *****B2********** ** OBTAIN ** *PRESENT PROGRAM* * LOCATION * * * ***************** I v .*. * • C2 •* *. ****C3********* .* MAX FOR *. YES * RETURN * *. LAST BASE • * - - - - > * * *. .* ... * *. .* *************** *. • * * NO I V *****02********** ** INCREMENT ** *BASE ALLOCATION* * * * * ***************** V *****E2********** * * REGISTER NEW BASE * ALLOCATION * ***************** I v **** ** B2 ** * **** * 98 Chart cx. DEBUG ALLOCATE G0545 ****A2********* " DEBUG ALLOCATE " " " "I :->, : 82 **** •* •" ".ON *. 82 .v". *. *****63*****."'.* • ... ... *. DATA ". NO "INVERT " INIT ROLL ."------->*THE SUBCHK ROLL" *. * •• * .'" " .* ... ... * ... ***************** YES I "to"""" I : C3 **** V *****C2********** " MOVE * VARIABLE NAME *OFF OF ROLL TO " CENTRAL AREA * * " * .* *. " " *****.*********** •* *. :-> I C3 v .". *• " .... ' . .** " I .". 02 V I ***************** I I I :****E2*~*******: I V INIT •" ~gLl~ ~~EL •* E3 .". * • MATCHING *• ". NO "G~~g~y O~o~tO~!L " , 1 :.....~:!~:.....: I I I *. * •• *.* * YES I I II V .* .*. *. F2 V ARRAY ·.ROLL * •• * * I *****F3********** *. ." MATCHING ". GROUP ON *. " SET " "THE SUBCHK BIT " " IN TH~ GLOBAL * :DMY ROLL GROUP: ". NO .*-, .* .- YES "**"" **" 1 V * " SET THE INIT BIT IN THE ARRAY ROLL GROUP •* * *. G3 *.ROLL .* .- NO .", I I v * : **** " C3 : V *****H3******·*** *. .* MATCHING *. NO "GROUP ON GLDBAL", ".DMY ROLL ." "' •• * *. ". .. YES V .". *. .".v * • ARRAY 1<-----' I *. 1 * •• * I H2 i:-" -"-"-"-"-"_. ." MATCHING ". GROUP ON ***************** .* I I *****G2********** "* *************** YES " MOVE " " VARIABLE NAME" *OFF OF ROLL TO " : CENTRAL AREA " * •• * * YES SET THE ... *****03*********- *• .* -.ROLL * RETURN 1 *. • " MATCHING ". NO ". GROUP ON .*-, *. SCALAR.* : ****C4********* I V .* *. DATA *. NO * ON SUBCHK • ,,-------> * ROLL.* ft- .* ... YES I I I v **** "* : B2 ""SET THE SUBCHK "* * BIT IN THE * " ARRAY ROLL * :*****~~~~~*** •• : II : V ***. " V *****J2********** : * C3 : " SET " "TH~ INIT BIT IN" "THE GLOBAL DMY " ROLL GROUP " " ***************** I V "" " **** B2 "" " section 2: Compiler Operation 99 Chart 07. PHASE 3 - UNIFY * .. **** A4 GOIII • t-lELEASE .PROGRAM SCR I PT ROLL " I I .·.·.82········ . · I .. ** .. *84 * .. ** .... *** .. " :~~~.~~~*~~::~~!~: SET UP " POINTER TO :ARRAY REF ROLL " ALLOCATE " "GROUPS FOR ROLL" .. ***** •••••••••" .... ..... C2 : .. Coli **** • •••• C3· . . . . . . • ...... DATA ON It. PROGRAM ". SCR I PT ".ROLL * •• * j .* .COPY AREA FROM • ". YES " RESERVE START" . " - - - > * T O SCRIPT ROLL" ." • RESERVED AREA " .* ". .. *. ... ! :->1 C4 V **** " RESERVE "PROGRAM SCR I PT ROLL " " i " CZ " ... ... V *****04********** * = ..• *SET REG RUNG *4 AND INCREASE : POINTER • " " I II GO liZ V V *****E4********** :~~~!~~~~~!=~~!~: MOVE NEXT GROUP FROM SCRIPT ROLL .. CONSTRUCT INSTRUCTION " .. FORM. FOR REGZ .................... .*. *. I I V *****F4********** *• * "• •* END *. YES *.OF ROLL DATA . " - - , *. *. * •• * * * " ***************** 1 V F2 " : *.*.******.***.* • ······E2····· . ·•··" .* .. * •• * :*::":->1 " ****C5********* .* NO " ..................... ."".. GOtt3 *. *..* .** ..... .". ···02······ ."v .*. ." PO INTER ". YES "CONVERT TO ".OUTSIDE ROLL . " - - - - - > " ADDR CONST ................. . NO , 111106 I .. **** .. ." " : .... *** .. ** •••• ** ... ** 1 v " *. ." " " • " V V :*::":-> I V · UNIFY ....... * •• ** •••• GOl4S " •• .. ··A4····****** ****A2***··**** START " .. " I .,,'" • •• *.***.*** .... *.**" v "" : "**" " 1'10 I * I NCREASE REG RUNG BY 4 I I A4 : GOltZ V V * •• * *G4*'* **.* •• * ... ···· * . . G2·**·······* "CNVT/FORMT-DCAZ* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* * REPLACE " "GROUP ON SCR IPT" * ROLL * *CONSTRUCT INST * " FORMAT FOR * REGISTER Z • *.* •• ** ** ** ** *.* .... I I I GOIIS V V .. U·.H2··· .. ····** " *-#-*-*-*-*-*-*-* " PROCESS NEST OP LOOPS " * • • IJ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 V •* J2 .*. *. *. • •••• J3 •••••••••• .. .. • * LOOP TEMP *. NO " SET REO LOOP " *.CNTS REO LOOP."------->*TEMP CNT = LOOP" *.TEMP CNT ." * TEMP CNT * *. .... * .* .. YES .... .... I : 100 E2 ....I *.*. V V * * : " : C4 : *00 NEST UN.DDAZ* * *.** *" * EZ " " * OBA2 *****.** ... **-**. " Chart DA. BUILD ARRAY REF ROLL G0145 • • •••• A2 ••••• • •• • ARRAY REF ROLL ALLOTMENT *******.******* X *****B2*****····* • GET * BEGINNING * ADDRESS OF * *ARRAY REF ROLL. X ·.*··C2·*·**·**** ** GET ADDRESS * OF PARSE SAVE AREA * X ** * • .". D3 *. .*NO. OF it. ***"04"******** * .* ENTRIES *. YES * * * ••••.••• X*. EQUAL ZERO .* •••••••• X* RETURN ... *. .* * ... *..* *************** * .. * * NO *****02********** " GET NUMBER " OF ARRAY REF * ROLL ENTRIES "" E2 *... * . * * . x••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1fl45~i** X *"**"E2"**"*"""** ** "* LOAD GROUP *INDICATED WITH" "INITIAL ZEROS " ** .. *************** x ".*"*F2"""**"**.* F3 .*. *. ALL *. * ••• F4 •• ** ••• ** INDEX TO •• ENTRIES •• YES • NEXT ENTRY * •••••••• X*. PROCESSED .* •••••••• x. RETURN * • POI~T ON ROLL. •• .• •* *..* *********** •••• . . * * E2 * * Section 2z compiler Operation 101 Chart DB. MAKE ADDRESS CONSTANTS " .. " A4 ... I " * ... ** A2** ** ** ** .. CONVERT TO ADR CONST ""FOR " IN DA TA " 34 " • *GRP UP POINTER" FOR LOOP " CONTROL ROLL ". ROLL *. " .. I .* ... • * " . F4 .. V "****C3********** ... .. ... FOR GEN ... .* *****C4.*·"-·****** ""SET "• " " POINTER TO NEW GROUP ON CONS T RGLL * ADR * ................. -....* " I NO I *****02*********· INCREASE POINTER IEYGEN " I " · *****04****·*·**· V .****03*********. " " I I V " " " PLACE BASE AS • "NEW GRP ON ADR " CONST ROLL • " " ***************** I I I I V *****E2********** "··**E4**·*···**· I V "INCREAS[ PTt-! ilV. " TEMP LOC FOR " .LOCPS BY 4 ANu .. • PUT ON ADR * " " " MOVE "BASE INFO TO " WO~ " " .. " • •* .". ". #11304 *• " • " : I i .... * YES ."---- REGISTER i~. • "i'~O * II I I j I .... * NO J: ORD ". *. I lI011302 " I " *.** .... Alt PRUNE WO . .. NO v : V :***.J3** ............ : EQUAL TO *. Y E S " OR LARGER • ,,---->* *. THAN 0 .* .. ... .'" . : *.. • I " ..* 'I. .* ." •• C2 >1 .•H'·:·.... *. I .iI .* *. YES ".TAG FIELD = 0 . " - - - - - - - > V .". ···** .. v_... *.. * I • * ·;}GENERAL •••• .* V REPLACE t3ASE WITH TEMP PTR ON LOOP ceNTROL ROLL I V " : •• *. C2 • • " " ........ -........... . II G2-*-.. *. *-> I • I I NO 1 ". "I .****F4.** •• • " REFER TO ". YES ". TEMP AND ."----------. ". CONST ." ".ROLL ." " ~ I F4 • v F2 CON~T .** •• * •• **** •• ~** I 102 .. " : • v **** ." I •" POINTER ". YES "SET UP OATA " ".OUTSIDE ROLL . " - - - - > " A N D INITIALIZE" " NO I ... * .. * v lIo 1130 1 .". C2 *. .* .... *. I I ." II "I *. YES .*---, •• .... * ,,->\ " ... "".ATCHES •• •• ON ADR CCNST " .**************** C2 3 ... ." . ... V *****82*********· """*",, " " • • *********.*.***** I I " " dASE ([VEN CODE 01 SPLACEMENT) " I ""SET V *****A4******···* " * ... ** ... ***** ....... * " " I lI011103 G0113 THE WORD DOES NOT CONTAIN AN AREA CODE AND DISPLACEMENT INDICATING A NEED FOR A TEMPORARY LOCATION Chart DC. CONSTRUCT INSTRUCTIONS GO 112 * * ****A2 ******** * CONVERT TO * INST FORMAT * * *************** * I V *****82********** * GET * * REG RUN OFF * *ARRAY REF ROLL * * FROM POINTER * * * ***************** I V .*. * • C2 •* *. ****C3********* .* GENERAL *. NO * * *. REG. NOTED • *--------> * RETURN * *. .* * * *..* *************** *. * • YES * I V *****02********** ** MASK ** *REG. RUNG VALUE* * * ****************** I V *****E2********** * PLACE * * VALUE IN R2 * * POSITION FOR * * INSERTION ON * * ROLL * ***************** I V •* .*. * • F2 •* *.*. *. RI g~ * •• * *• *. R2 .*.*~ •* *11 RI i v : *::*: * **** * V *****G2********** ** SHIFT ** * VALUE TO RI * * POSITION * ******************* **** I : H2 :->1 * **** * V *****H2********** **INSERT VALUE IN** * ZERO RUNG OF * *ARRAY REF ROLL * ******************* I V ****J2********* ** RETURN ** * *************** * Section 2: Compiler Operation 103 Chart DD. PROCESS NESTED LOOPS .. .. ... . .. A3 .. 1 I GO 115 V ........ A3·.. ·••• ***4.* ·.. .................. *"'.*A2**·*·4 ••• .. • 1 1 1 1 .. • * 1 1 1 1 * *->1 • 1 BZ * RESERVE NEST SCRIPT ROLL DO NEST UNIFY" I 1 . ····83· . **.* ••••.. V V . ·····82··········* * ".. "INITIALIZE LOOP* .. TEMP CNT AND • NEXT LEVEL " COpy SCRIPT .. 'ROLL ONTO NE~T • SCPIPT ROLL .. .. • .......... ******.* 0 ••••••••••••• ** •• 1 1 ! I V ...... fI *c 2"""" .......... .. • .. C3 * PLACE IND. ·VAfI. CO[FF. OF * NEST IN WO ."1(' * •• * .......... ......... .• *. ! CONVERT ARRAY OFFSETS • .* .. ALLOCAT!ON • * "COEFF. ON NEST" * SCR r PT • VAR. .. ! I I1 V ··· .... 03·····**· .... .. PLACE INITIAL' "HEG. COUNT AND • IND. .. *** ... ** .... **** ....... NO ** • * .... *.* ••• *. * ...... .. V · ***··04· .. •• .. ••• .. RE TUI~N • ............... ** .. . I I1 I1 ....V -II. ·....." 1 ·····E2······ . ·*** V * * * * .. *..* *SET OUTER l.OOP YES ·It CONTROLS AND • "---->" DETERMINE .. SCRIPT *. 1 1 1 1 1 V · .. .. ·**C4**·****·.· ". .. ·····02·········· * ... =1 LEVEL * •• * I •* • *. NEST • COMPARF • NEST LEVEL OF .. LOOP WiTH .. PREVIOUS NEST. LEVEL * U2 w- .................. I " • F2 *->1 * 1 • * V1 #011502 .* •* F2 .*. •-I. .. *• IS *. NL2 •• l.ESS ... ... ... ... NO NL 1 * .. .*-->* · .. HZ .. ** ••• • •• fI ... THAN **----. F4 * • * • .... 1 1 V . F4····. *·· ... ** PUT POINTER TO ARRAY. OFFSET IN WO * •••••••• ** .•• *.* ••* YES 1 1 !1 ... ••• G2 *. ... • ' NL2 '. NOT EQUAL •• TO NL 1 *. ... ... • * * ... ........ G3* ..' ........... .. ... ... ' . YES • PLACE IND VAR • . " - - - - > * O F INNER NESTED. • LOOP IN wo 0 .. * ....... * ........... . NO 0->1 .. •••• .. 1 · V . .... *li2······ ..... #011503 SET NEST l.EVEl. INDICATOR ! v PLACE NEST .. LEVEL ON ·PROGRAM SCRIPT • * "····H4·····*···* * SET * AVAILABLE *REGISTER COUNT * FOR SCRIPT * EXPRESSION ·····J2··········* • PLACE NEST • l.EVEL ON .. .PROGRAM SCRIPT. : •• * •• ~~;; •••••• : .. .... V ·"··*J3·········· * * • PUT IND "VAR COEFFICIENT" " IN WI * ! .... F4 .. • ................... I I .. V J4 .* • *. ... . • •••• JS* • • • ** •••• .. .* MORE *. YES *SET NEST LEVEL .. *.NESTED LOOPS . * - - - - > * T O PROCESS NEXT" -. *. .. * .-.* I •• - LOOP I NO .** • *.. * * F2 .. • .. ................. ** •• V V •.. .. • 1 1 1 .. 104 " I 1 A3 V " 1 .. • •• ** •••••••••••• 1 1 .. ••• .. H3·· . . . . . . . . . I . DETERMINE SCR I PT ALLOCATION 1 1 V I .... V I ! : .... **~~~'; •••••• : 1 v ·····G4····.·.·· " ... !1 1 1 0 HZ ... I #011504 V •* * * .. * .... * F2 .. .. * Chart 08. PHASE 4 - GEN · . • * * ···*A2*···***** : IEYGEN * • : I I v *** ... *82"" ** .... **** ******.*.*****.*. · I * G0515 " * I I G0496 I 1< STA GEN-EGA2 " CODE IS PRODUCED ON THE CODE ROLL I V *****04********** :~~~.~;~::~-;~:~: :~~~;~~-~:~:;~!:: * " GEN CODE FOR "DO CLOSE RESET TEMP PNTRS • * * • " :*~~~;~~~~*~~~~*: ***************** I **** I v . " • F2 • " **** " v *****E2********** .EPILOG GEN-ECA2* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* PRODUCE REQUIRED • • .*.**********.*.* ***************** V * * V "GEN OBJECT CODE" "FOR STMT IF END. " 5TMT TERM PHS " ... ** **02 ****** ** ** PRODUCE ALL REQUI RED * *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* • I G050B * I *****C4********** *** ...... ** ........ ** **** * . . . .*****85*********-... * V G0504 * ** ...... " * C4 *---, FOR HEADING AND ALL ENTR. * V .. ** .... *C2 ***** .. **** ::~~*:~-~:~:;~:~: - PRODUCE CODE * * • *MOVE NEXT GROUP. * INDICATE • "FROM POLISH *------->* STATEMENT * ROLL TO WORK .NUMBER ON CODE ROLL • ROLL • ........ ** .. ** **** ** ** G0499 REMOVE AND PROCESS LABEL *****84********** - INITIALIZE V --*_ ... _-*_._---I I * I STAfn GEN * *****A4··******** :~~~.~~~L;-;~:~: ***********.*** · • I G0493 G0491 A4 **** • * :*;~!;~~~;*;~~;*: * * * I I * I -->1 F2 * G0712 V .. ** ... *F 2 * ............. **.* POLISH NOTATION IS ON AFTER POLISH ROLL :~;~*~~~!:~-;~:~: GEN PROCESS MOVE POL ISH FOR STMT TO POLISH ROLL - • ... ** .. ** .... * ** ** ** .... I I v *** **G2**'" ***.* ... - • MOVE • STMT NUMBER • • • FROM POLISH TO • STORAGE • • ***** **.* **** *. ** I I · . V *****H2***·***··· *MOVE NEXT GROUP. • FROM POLISH • • ROLL TO WORK : ••••• ~~~;.*.***: I •* •* .•• J2 .•.v * • *• *. NO *.LABEL POINTER'*I *. * •• * .. • .. YES I ··...... v • A4 .* . . v *.* .. : C4 : * Section 2: Compiler Operation 105 Chart EA. GENERATE ENTRY CODE G0499 " ****A2 *** ...... *** ... ENTRY CODE GEN * ••• .*.* ... *** .. ****** " 1 I I 1 •* 82 : ....v *. V *.***83*'11-.******- .... ... .. ." SOURCE ". NO " P U T MAIN .. SUBPROGRAM ."-------->*PROGRAM HEADING" ". ." * ON CODe ROLL .. *..* * •• * V SET UP I SET UP SAVE AREA LOCATION AT CURRENT LOC .. .... 02 *. -. .. ..... " 1 *****E2*~******** " BUILD A LABEL " " " RECORD INIT. " PGM LOC BUILD" " CODE TO EXIT " .. FOR LABEL .. 1 I I 1 1< #049902 " "I 04 *->1 " ......... * V1 " I ··**··· " .049903 " .* *. ." • .* D4 *. ALL GROUPS *. *. YES * • *-------> * *.PROCESSED.· .....* ...... * • I1 I · V *** ... *E4"'''''''''''''* **** .. • REDUCE .COUNT OF GROUPS. .. TO PROCESS * I V "* INSERT "PROGRAM NAME .. CODE " " IN" .. .. ...... ********** ....... " ., :***;~~;*~~~; ... *: I " PUT CODE .. FOR ENTRY ON CODE ROLL " .. .......... * ......... ** I I1 • ..... ·*H2*** ..... •• .. • ... " GE!IIERATE ADDRESS " CONSTANT .. FOR PROLOGUE .. +EPILOGUE " .. ...... ** ••• ** ... ** .... I V .. ...... ·*J2*··***··· .. BUILO SAVE .. .. AREA AD CON .. : CODE FOR EXIT: ........'.*** ••• ***** I .. " .... ...... ****.*** ••• I *.·"*H4*****"··** .. BUILD INITIAL .. PROGRAM ENTRY • AD CON CODE . .. B4 ., .. .. .. I V ....**.*J4 ............ • .. "• .. GENERATE PROLOGUE +EPILOGUE ADCO"lS • " ........ *** ........ ** I . ..... .. V V ., .* .. * ., 106 ..**··*G4····**····.. V V . I 1 PUT CODE FOR INITIAL SUBPROGRAM ENTRY ON .. *.*.****.******** V V GENERATE · I I *****G2*******··· " . V *** ...'F4" ••• *4 * ....... • INSERT * .. ENTRY NAME IN • CODE * " .. .. .. 04 .. .. ****D5***·*"'*·~ RETURN *******.******* NO 1 I *·"***F2********** .. NO ********j******** I .. .. I I i NO I I RETURN ..... * ••• ******* " REDuCE .. "COUNT OF GROUPS" .. TO PROCESS .. I *. * •• *.* ****85********- ...*.**(4*****.***·.. ****03· ... RETURN *. Y E S " *..* V " *. *****.*********** 1 I ."NO. GROUPS *. YES ". ON ENTRY • "--, ".NAMES = I." 1 .... ALL I • * .. ************** V .". V V *****C3*********· .. " .. INITIALIZE A " "POINTER TO THE" ., ENTRY NAMES " .. ROLL " 84 GROUPS • *-------> * ".PROCESSED." .. **************.*. 1 YES *****C2********** I .". .* ". .* ... I #049901 : 1 1 ~.A " " 84 * Chart EB. PROLOGUE CODE GENERATION GOS04 .. ****A2********* .. : PROLOGUE GEN " * .... *** ••• ****** "" " I v V *****B4*********· " PUT LOCATION " OF CLOSE OF " PROLOGUE IN ENTRY NAMES " :***.B2*********: " INITIALIZE POINTER TO ENTRY NAMES ***~~ .. ;*~~~~~***: :*****~~ii***.**: I I *OS402 v :****C4.********: V *****C2*********· "INITIALIZE CNT " "OF GROUPS TO BE" " PROCESSED ON " ENTRY NAMES " " :*::":->1 **** OS0401 .". *. I v " " D2 " *. .... *GR~b~s "' .... YES ". *._.***._ .. *._.** ....- v 02 :****C5*********: UPDATE" "CLEAR" POINTER TO "------->,, BASE REGISTER • ENTRY NAMES " "TABLE" •• ****~~~;***.*.* ******~~ .. ;******* * " " 134 " PROCESSED *..* .* .. ****03********* ... ... " RETURN • ,,---->" * •• * " *************** " NO 1 V *****E2********** *****E3********** .. ".. BUILD A " "LABEL" .. REDUCE COUNT " "OF GROUPS TO BE"---->"INSTRUCTION FOR" " PROCESSEO" "PROLOGUE" " ***************** :,,::,,:, " 1 v *****F2********** "CONSTRUCT CODE " " FOR LOADING " .. ARGUMENTS. IF " ANY .. " "*****************" .". v .* F3 *. *• •" DEBUG ". NO "UNIT SPECIFIED."--, ". *- ••.• a- ." I I I " YES I 1 V *****G2********** .. CONTRUCT CODE " "FOR COMPUTATION" OF DUMMY " .. "DIMENSIONS. IF " ANY " .. ***************** I I *****G3*~******** ... BUILD DEBUG " .. LINKAGE. UNIT" " CODE AND UNIT" " NO. IN CODE " :·····:~l~······: I II I v V *****H2********** " CONSTRUCT " CODE FOR CLOSE OF PROLOGUE I lIS0414 .". .* H3 ". *• • " SUbTRAC~ ". NO ". SPECIFIED *. *. * •• * .* .* .. ."-->"... " F2 .. ' .. " YES I v "" " **** B4 "" " 1 V *****J3********** " BUILD .. " DEBUG LINKAGE " " AND SUI3TRACE " " START CODE ON .. CODE ROLL " .. ******** •••• ** ••• I v **** "" F2 "" " ***. " Section 2: Compiler Operation 101 Chart EC. EPILOGUE CODE GENERATION GOS08 · ****AZ··· •• • ·*.* . EPILOGUE GEN *. 82 • *S~BPROGRA~· •• YES '. #050803 • •••• 83 ........... . : OBTAIN NO. ENTERING TO .* •••••••• X* OF GROUPS TO ' . PROCESS .* PROCESS .... • .NO ... ·· .. .... . .*. ... • C3 •• X. *** •• X C2.···.· ...... " SE T .. • LABEL " *INSTRUCTION FOR. • MAIN PROGRAM .. ENTRY • ..............•.. X ······02.···.·· .. · .BUI LD CODE FGR .." .. CLOSE OF • EPILOGUE OF • MA I ~j PROG ................. X .· ... E2····.···.· * • BUILD • • MAIN PROLOGUE' • CODE • X •• •• F2··· ....... . RETURN H050eOl *. C3 .... • •••• C4 . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... . .. • NO X ·.··.·03········ ..." X •• ... 04.·· ..... ** .SET BASE TABLE" .AS REQUIRED FOR* EP I LOGUE • • RETURN x ...... E 3 •••••••••• "BUILD INSTRUCT" • FOR DUMMY • "ARGUMENT VALUE • .. TRANSFER " F3 .". •• *050802 • ••• *F4 . . . . . . . . . . . •• ENTRY.. • DEFINED ". NO • PRUNE " " • '. AS SCALAR •••••••••• X.LAST ENTRY FROM ••••• X. Gl .. '. • .. • WORK RO LL * • * *• .. G 1 • *. *. .. .. ALL ". YES .. PRUNE • GROUPS .* ......•. X.LAST ENTRY FROM. *.PROCESSED.' • WORK ROLL • .* ... .... .. .. YES ·.. ..... .. " X fi 50804 Gl .. . ' ·SUBTRACE·· •• NO • SPECIFIED ••, •••• X. • INSTRUCTION AND CL EAR ACCUMULA TOR "* ... x .. ····G4* •••••••• * :BUILD CODE FOR: CLOSE OF .. EP I LOGUE OF : ••• *~~~~~~~** •• : ·····Hl···X .. ··, .. · BUILD DEBUG LINKAGE A~W. ~~ST~~§~S • : .•.. x: IRETURN) • •..••.....•.....• 108 • (;4 ·····G3·········· BUILlJ LOAD G4 *05084;* •••• • G4 : • Gl • " " X ••••• H4*** ••••• •• .. .. .*** "DECREASE NUMBER• • • OF GROUPS TO . . . . . X. C3 • • PROCESS • • • • ... * Chart ED. MOVE POLISH NOTATION G0712 ** ****A2********* GET POLISH ** * *************** * I V *****62********** * *SET UP POINTER ** *TO AFTER POLISH* * ROLL * ****************** V *****C2********** * COPY.POLISH FOR STMT TO POLISH ROLL ** * * ***************** I I V *****02********** * *UPOATE * * * CONTROLS* FOR AFTER * POLISH ROLL * * * ***************** I V * ****E2 *******·11* RETURN * *************** Section 2: Compiler Operation 109 Chart EF. PROCESS LABELS G0493 .. ****A2********* .. " LBL PROCESS ****** ... **** ... *.* " I .. " I 83 , "4- .. V V *****82*********· ··***83*****···*· "" "MAKE LABEL FOR "DEBUG CODE-PUT "BRANCH ON CODE ROLL • " STORE POINTER " "TO LABEL IN STA* " LBL BOX " " " " " "......... ** •• ******** ".. I II I I .* ". .* *. *. ... *. ." NO • "--, II "f" *. TABLE I ... ... *. SPECIFIED ...... I *..* ... ,,----> *. NO • YES ........ **D4 .. • ** ****.* " PUT DEt:luG * * LI~KAGE FOR * .. TRACE ON CODE * * ROLL • . .......... * ......... .. I I V *PUT POINTER TO .. * MADE LABEL ON * .. AT ROLL-WORD * 3 OF GROUP * * .*. TRACE I ****·E3.*****"*** II' C4 .* I .. .. .. " * ***************** I ~.::~:;;:;;;::"~ " .* V V .. MAKE LABEL "FOR NEXT INST* RUCTION - PUT " LABEL CODE ON CODE ROLL " * * ·*··"'03****"***"· JlUMP TARGET ". il49305 I I v .. I V .". *. .. V "PUT POINTER TO .. " MADE LABEL ON " " " AT ROLL-WORD 2 OF GROUP it .. 02 C4 " *****C3********"* I ***. .. V ... •• .. E4** .... ••• .. • .. PUT BINARY LABEL ON CODE ROLL •• *****.********* I I 1< I I v t04930 1 "* PUT LABEL * CODE ON CODE .. ROLL ..* CLEAR WORD 1 .. OF AT ROLL GROUP " " •• ** ........ ** .... . I I I v . . . . <11 "... J2 * " • «.** .. I I v H2 • *. • + •* ". *. *• ... DATA ROLL ON AT to. * •• * I .. .*..... ... .. J2 *-> .. **.* * V .". t49302 .... .* J2 *STMT. *. *. NO v ***. YES *. AT ... .... *... C4 * .. .. 4- FIRST W0RD OF AT RCLL CROUP IS COMPARCD WITH STA L8L BOX NO FOR T H I S . " , LABEL .* ... ... .. .* v .*.* .. " : C4 : "" ..... . 83 v .*** YES I 110 '*, *. •• .4- " 4- I v .... - .. *F 3*"'.*" *** ** ** ***F 2 ** ..... ** *** * V " ••• .. F4· .. ••••••• RETURN * ·***cs·******·· 4- * ... RETURN ** .. ** ....... *.**** Chart EG. GENERATE STMT CODE G0544 G0515 ****A2********* * * STA GEN * * * * ****A4********* TERMINATE * PHASE * *************** * *************** * I I I v .*. V B2 *. .* STMT *. .* FUNCTION *. YES *. MADE LABEL .*---. *. PTR = 0 .* *. .* *****84********** ** ** PREPARE *FOR EXIT PHASE * * * * * * ***************** *. .* II NO I V ***** v .*. C2 *• *09 * * A2* * * • * STMT * • • * FUNCTION *. YESV *. DRIVER ON .* *. WORK .* *. .* TO PHASE 5EXIT *. .* j"" V *****D2********** * BUILD * * CODE FOR * * STATEMENT * * FUNCTION MADE * * LABEL * ***************** <_____...J #051502 V * * * * GENERATE CODE FOR STATEMENT *****E2********** * * * * * * ***************** THE JUMP TO APPROPRIATE CODE GENERATION THE CONTROL DRIVER IN WO AND THE STA RUN TABLE. V ****F2********* * * RETURN * * * *************** * Section 2: Compiler Operation 111 Chart EH. COMPLETE OBJECT CODE G0496 .. .... **A2** .. *** ...... STA GEN .. FI NI SH * it .... ********* ..... I 1 I * * 1 .. B2 *->1 .. * 1 ........ v # 049603 .... 82 ... ... DATA *• •* ON DO ... NO •• LOOPS OPEN .*---. *. ROLL.* it. .... .... * I • ... v YES ........ 1 * ...* I Iv E3 ..* .. C2 .... • ............ .. ............. .... .. MOVE . "GROUP OFF ROLL .. .. .****** •• 02 ********* II ....v ... • it #049601 • ........ 03 ............ *. * .... .. it ... POINTER = ... N O . .. ".LABEL OF THIS •• --------> .. REPLACE OROUP .. ... STMT." .. ON ROLL .. ..**4.*.*********** .... * • . * .... .. YES I ....... II :.. v # 049602 I ......... E2.................... E3 ........ 1 I :-> II .. 1 V ... .. ........ E3 .................. .. * * ._*************** ***** ••• ********* ... .. CONSTRUCT" "00 CLOSING CODE" .. ON CODE ROLL I1 .. RESET TEMP .. POINTERS AND .. ACCUMULATORS I 1 I .. ... v • .. II B2 • V ........ F3 .............. * .. .. ... _•• *** ... * ...._..... * .. 112 RETURN . Form Y28-o638-1 Page kevised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 • Chart 09. PHASE 5 - IEYEXT G0381 ··................. ~~;;;------! .-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-. • •••• BSE A3 •• •••••••• .PCH RL-FOA2 • • ···A2········· • EXIT PASS ·••• 1 • • PCB OBJ MOD • :BAS~L6A¥~~b REC: G.,~~······l········ . .••• ·····B2·········· • INITIALIZE -----------! •• • •• BR B3 •••• ••••••• .PCH RL-FEA2 .PCB OBJ MODULE • -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. • :REC~~DT~~E1NFO: ••••••••••••••••• ········1········ .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. . G"02 1 • LISTS RECORD RLD INFO • G"" .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. G•• : : · · · · . . • • r······· .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ·····F3.·.······· .PCB LIB RL-FBA2 • .. .. ........ • COMPL SUBPRGR • • ADDRESSES AND • • RECORD RLO • G.,::······I········ .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. •••• ·G3·········· .PC8 ADCON-FIA2 • •• ····G2··········· • PRINT HEADING • • FOR LISTING • • PCS ADR CONST • .ANO RECORD RLO • • INFO • ••••••••••••• G•• .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ••••• 82··.······· • PC8 CD RL-.... • ~:····"r······· . :~""·T""" ·····S3 ••••• ••••• .PCS RLD RL-FJA2 • .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.• • • • • PC8 ALL OBJECT. :pggDI ~g ~S : • PUNCS OBJECT .MOD RLD CARDS ......1'21' ....... G• • ........t:::::____ •pli . .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-• F2 •• •• OBJECT •• • • LISTING •• NO •• REQUESTED •• --- ·····J2·········· • RECORD STORAGE • •• 0 RE~RBD FOR •• NO OLE COMiILil • • • STATISTICS 1<---------- • PCB SUBPRGR • ADDR AND RCD RLO INFO • ········i········ 1<---------- • ••••• E3.········· .PCB GBL SP-FGA2 • • PCB RLD CARDS • • FOR TEMP AND • • • CONST AREA ..... . •••••••••••••••••• ••••• E2·········· • PCB ADCON-FBA2 • r~ ····C4········· CHART 03 • A2: ............... .··.·03 ••••• .PCH SP•••••• ARG-FFA2 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. .•. • : .-.-.-.-.-.-.-..PCB SUBPRGR ARG. • PCB TEMP STGE • • AND CONSTANT • • AREA • G.,::······l········ • TO INVOCATION PHASE • YES ·····02·.········ • PCH TMP/CN-FAA2. .RELEASE ROLLS •• •• SUBPROGRAM •• NO •• ARGUMENT •• _-- G.,::······l········ ·.•.......1".......• .•.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .... C3 ••••• C2.········· • PCB NMLMPY-FLA2. .PCH NMLIST TBL • : wo~g¥N~~~~G, : •••• • •• B4 •••••• •••••• .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. •••••J3 ••••••• • •• .PC8 END CD-FKA2 • • PORCS OBJECT • .NODOLE END CARD. ••••••••••••••••••• L_______,____ _ Section 2: Compiler Operation 113 Chart FA. PUNCH CONSTANTS AND TEMP STORAGE G0382 ***fIA2********* * PUNCH TEMP * *AND CONST ROLL * * ***n**********~* * V ****nB2********** ** INITIALIZE ** * LOCATION * *COUNTER AND TXT* CARD * * ********.* ••••• ** V ·.*··C2*·******** ** INITIALIZE ** *POINTER TO TEMP* *ANO CONST ROLL * * TOP * *.**-*.*.******** :·::*:->1 • •• *,* * '038201 .. 02 V ••• *. -. ··* •• *03*·*········ •• ROLL *. YES *. IPROCESSEO •• *. .* .. ... j"a ----> * * * ••• v *····E2····*····· * •• INCREMENT * POINTER •* ••••••• * •••••• *.* •• •• V • •••• F2·········· .MOVE NEXT GROUP. • FROM ROLL TO • • BUFFER. PUNCH • IF CARD • • • COMPLETE • ••••••••••••••••• I v • •••• • 02 • •• •••• • 114 PUNCH * ANY PARTIAL CARD • ..*....... *•• V ** • *···E3.* •• •• ••• RETURN •• * •••••••••••• •* it PUNCH PARTIAL TXT CARD Chart FB. PUNCH ADR CONST ROLL G0383 ** * ****A2********* ** PUNCH ADR CONST ROLL * *************** V *****B2********** * DETERMINE BE- * *GINNING ADR OF * * TEMPORARY STG * AND CONST * * AREA * * ***************** :*::*:->1 * **** * V *038301 C2 *• •* *. ****C3********* .* DATA *. NO * * *.ON ADR CONST .*-------->* RETURN * .*. *. i *..* .* *. . * * *************** * YES V *****02********** * INITIALIZE * * LOCATION * * COUNTER FROM * * POINTER AND * * BEGINNING ADR * ***************** V *****E2********** * PLACE AREA * CODE FROM * * * ADR CONST * * ROLL ON * RLD ROLL * ***************** V *****F2********** ** SET LOC CTR ** *INTO RUNG 1 OF * RLD ROLL * * * * ***************** V *****G2********** * PUT LOCATION * * FROM ADR CONST ROLL IN OUTPUT * AREA * ***************** WO TO TXT CARD V ******H2*********** * PUNCH PARTIAL * CARD PUNCH PART I AL TXT CARD * ************* I v **** ** C2 ** * **** * Section 2: Compiler Operation 115 Chart FC. PUNCH OBJECT CODE ****A2********* " " * PUNCH CODE ROLL **.*****I *.***** " " "... I I I " I **··.82····*····· INITIALIZE LOCATION COUNTER + CODE ROLL POINTER " 84 I ... ." .*. ... C2 **· .. ··C3· . •••·•• . PUNCH ANY ."oATA STILL ". NO " TO BE .*----> REMAINING ·.PROCESSED."PART I AL CARD ... ... " • .. .-1.*** .. * ... YES I I I C4 ." " *.* • *. .****cs********** I * •• * ·*·"oJ*****···· RETURN ,,*~"* """"*"D4"~***"""""" " " : MOVE I NSTR TO " OUTPUT AREA "PUNCH IF FULL" ******** ... **** I I I ... *. -.*. " " v v ... A " C2 " • •••• E3* ......·***** •• YES" " " .. •• ". S~~~~~~NT." • "---->:STORE ~;';MIN S T A : , *. * •• * .. ... .. .. I ......................... v NO •• .. if. " " C2 " F2 .* " ... *. ". *. A -.PROGRAM ... ... ... . .. *. • " *** .·F4*****· ... *** ...·• ..... F3.· ..... • .. •·.... YES .. I:::IREAK.*----> .* PUNCH ANY REMAINING "PART I AL CARD "REINITIALIZE " "LOCATION COUNTR* ---->" TO 1 ST FULL "---, " I * ." ." . .. ...... . " •" ". A CONSTANT ... " " I I . ". YES "MOVE TO OUTPUT" • ,,------> AR[A PUNCH IF ... ·CARD COMPLETE- I NO v .... * " : " C2 : \ v H2 ." . ... *.****H3********.* • • " ". MOVE DATA TO AN ". YES "OUTPUT AREA *. INSTRUCTION •• - - - - > PUNCH IF ".." COMPLETE ." ". ... "...NO." I I " : I v .*.* " C2 : v ... .. ... J2 ." .*. ... **···*J3tt .... ** ....... .... YES -.LIST FLAG ON . * - - - - > ...... " I v " " .. 116 84 v "" I v G2 I :W~Rgo~~iE~R~~MP: *********.******* " NO ." .. LIST CODE I v NO "... .. "• " **.* 84 ".. " .. * " " " ***************** NO I I V NEXT INSTRUCTION E2 J ... ***.****.******** A ". " DEFINE LABEL .* LABEL ". YES " O N BRANCH ". INSTRUCTION . " - - - - - - - > " TABLE ROLL 1= ". ." " NECESSARY PUT ".." " IN LIST AREA I V .* ... " v .* • ** " ****.02**"··****GET ... ... LNO *->1 *. ... *..* * •• * * " Iv *. *****85********** ." CONSTANT *. YES " STORE ". DEFINITION • *----->" LOCATION ". ." "COUNTER I .. ....... " .". *. .·ADDRESS·. " *** ••••• ** •••• *** .. C2 .*.*I ".. " v V " 84 **** " C2 " " " C2 : Chart FD. PUNCH BASE TABLE G0399 ****A2********* PUNCH * BASE ROLL *************** I II I V *****B2********** ** INITIALIZE BASE TABLE LOCATION COUNTER **~************** I I V *****C2********** ** INITIALIZE ** *POINTER TO BASE* * TABLE ROLL * * * ***************** I I V *****02********** SWEEP BASE aRANCH ROLL * INITIALIZE ** *TXT CARD OUFFER* * ****************** I I **** ** * * E2 *-> * G0400 •* I I v .*. E2 *• ******E3*********** *• •* ALL *. YES * *. ROLL .*--------> *.PROCESSEO.* .... PUNCH ANY PARTIAL CARD .... .... .* * NO I I I V *****F2********** * INCREMENT * *POINTER TO ROLL* * * ************* * * * ***************** . I V ****F 3********'1- * * RETURN * * .************** * I I I V *****G2********** ** RECORD ESO •* * + LOC COUNTER * ON RLO ROLL * * ***************** I I I V "****H2********** ** MOVE GROUP TO ** *BUFFER PUNCH IF* * CARD COMPLETE * * * ***************** I I v ** * **** E2 ** * Section 2: Compiler Operation 117 chart FE. PUNCH BRANCH TABLE G0400 ****A2********· PUNCH * BRANCH ROLL • ********** •••• * I I I I V *·.·*S2********** ** INITIALIZE * BRANCH TABLE * LOC COUNTER ** * * ********.*.*.*.** I V ·****C2********** * INITIALIZE ** POINTER TO * • BRANCH TABLE * •_ •••••• ROLL * *********. I I V **·**D2··*****·** iI SWEEP BASE BRANCH ROLL • INITIALIZE * ilTXT CARD SUFFER* iI •* * * ***************** **** : E2 * ***. #040001 I :->1 * E2 .*.V ******E3*********** .* ALL *. YES * *. ROLL .*--------> *.PROCESSED.. *. • * * NO ************* II I I I I II V *****F2********** ** INCREMENT ** *POINTER TO ROLL* ***************** I I V *****G2********** * ** RECORD ESD *AND LOC COUNTER* * ON RLD ROLL * * * **-************** V *****H2********** * MOVE * * GROUP TO * * BUFFER, PUNCH * IF CARD * * * COMPLETE * ***************** I v *** ... ** E2 ** * **** * 118 PUNCH ANY PARTIAL CARD V * ****F3********* RETURN *************** * * Chart FF. PUNCH SUBPROGRAM ARGUMENT LISTS G0402 ****A2********* " " PUNCH SPROG ARG ROLL " *************** I v **.- ** ...... *62 ** ** .... "INITIALIZE LOC." " COUNTER. TXT " CARD OUTPUT " AREA AND *****~~!~!~~***** I "*""",, : C2 **** :->\ #40201 .* ". .* C2 v .*. ". ******C3*********** *. ALL *. ROLL • ".PRDCESSED." *. * •• * " I YES ,,----> ... • ... PUNCH ANY REMAINING "PART I AL CARD PUNCH PARTIAL TXT CARD " ************* NO I I V *****02*********- " V " .****03*********. " INCREMENT " :POINTER TO ROLL: " RETURN I v E2 .". *. *****E3********** ." ". ." ". ". ". GROUP=O .* . " YES "---->: *.." " * •• * MOVE GROUP TO TXT O~0~~~ ~~EA " :, ": I * I v CARD COMPLETE" **********.****** .. NO **** " C2 : V 40203 .... F2 ." • *_._ :****F3*********: ." TEMP ". ". AND CONST • ". POINTER ." *. ..... * " 1040204 YES " COMPUTE APPROPRIATE "LOCATION ,,----> " .* " ***************** NO I I V : ...... **G 2"'" ** ** ** *: COMPUTE APPROPRIATE LOCATION **** *** *. ** *.*.** I 1<------1 V *****H2********** " " :RECORD RLD "" INFO: " ***.*.*********** I V : ..... **J2 ** ... *** ***: INSURE 'MINUS' TAG MARK I V :****K2**** ••• **: " MOVE "DATA TO OUTPUT " ,,-, I .. *._.-.• -._--... ... ARE A ... " : v **** " C2 : Section 2: compiler Operation 119 Chart FG. PUNCH SUBPROGRAM ADDRESSES GOilO] .... **A2· ... ••• .... PUNCH GLOBAL SPRQG • ·* ..... *.~~~~*.*.*.* I I I I I ".. .. " I I •• .. **1-32·** .. ··**·· I .*·*·*rl4··*·*·*··"" 1040302 FLIP TH, GLOBAL SPROG ROLL " " " 84 " V " .* •• V " STORE "LOCATION ON .. " RLD. ROLL .. "••• * .............. . I I . ". C2 .* if. ... ON *. ... ... V *** ..··C4· ............. . *. *---->* .. ." ... DATA THF ROLL " I #040304 ". NO • .. ··C3* .. ••••• .. • • RETURN " " MOVE TO OUTPUT "AREA. PUNCH IF " CARD COMPLETE " ° " . _ ..... if . . . . . . . . YES I I v V TURN OFF .* .. MOVE NUMBER LSD TO RLD ~~ * ... • * I~OLL ! ! II YES I __"________J V ···.·F2*·········" " " " ................ *.* ........" G2 •* • ... !I.SUUPROG. ... ... YlS FLAG.*--, ON ". I I ." ... " I v NO I I .. " V . ...... *H2· .. • . . . . . . . . .. S TORL LOCATION IN LOC. COllNH"R "................................. I I II :* .... I V J2 • • • • • • • • • : INITIALIZE OUTPUT ARlA. TlIRN ON : .~;I~~~~~ ;.~~:~ .. : ! ...... V ".. " 84 " " " It RETURN " ... PUNCH PARTIAL CARD " .. 1{. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DETERMINC LOCATION OF "5UI3PGM ADORE <;5 ANY .·It ****ES*****"*** " " .. " 120 NO V ·"···[2···*······ " " " .. " *** **·05*** * .. ** ** ..... *. I #040301 " " " *. • .. .. I 1 < - - - - - - - - - " - - "" . *. DATA *. I *". ." . II. ................... I ... .* D4 *. ON THE nOLL .*-------> SUBPROGRAM "FLAG. MOVE WORD" .. OFF .. " .. *** .. .." I I I ·····02··*······· " " .. • " " " 84 . . .. * chart FH. COMPLETE ADDRESSES FROM LIBRARY G0404 * ****A2********* PUNCH USED LIBRARY * * ***.**~~~;*.****. • **** * * * I B4 **** * * I V V *****82****** **** ** FLIP * THE USED LIB * ROLL *****84*********- * * ** * STORE * *LOCATION ON RLD* : ROLL : ***************** .* •* *. C2 .*. *. I V *. *. N O " *. DATA ON THE .*------->" ROLL.* .. *..* ..... * ****C3********* RETURN ..* ** .. *C4MOVE ** ** ******* • 0 TO OUTPUT • "AREA. PUNCH IF * * CARD COMPLETE * .. *****.********* I ** * I v * E2 **** .* **->1 • 1 *. *. ROLL ....* I I *->1 * 1 * ... ... ... ... ... . *. *. ... .. ..*****E3*********. * MOVE NEXT .* ESD *. YES *.= 0 (IGNORE) .*------->. • *. .* .* ****** 05* * * **** *** ... .* .. WORD OFF + DESTROY * **** E2 I **** ** * I1 V ... ****E5********* ... RETURN *--, * PUNCH ANY PARTIAL CARD YES V V E2 .*. *. V D4 .* *. NO ... *. DATA ON THE .*-------> 1 ... I 04 #40404 ** .. **02"" *** .. **** * TURN OFF * " SUBPROGRAM " "FLAG. MOVE WORD* * OFF ROLL * .****. * * ***************** * YES 1 1 v NO I1 * * * 1 04 * * * 1 #40402 V * .... **F 2.* ** * •••• * * • MOVE * * • ESD NUMBER TO * • RLD ROU * .* ••••• ** •• ****** 1 1 I I V ........ *G2"''''''''''' ** .... * * DETERMINE LOCATION OF FUNCTION ADDRESS * • ......... ***** •••• 1 1 1 I .' .*. H2 V ... .. . •* *. YES *.SUBPROGR FLAG.*--, '. ON .' 1 '. .' 1 .... * v • NO • I .. 04 * I * .. * V *****J2********** * • * STORE " *LOCATION IN LOC' * COUNTER * I I ***··K2·········· • INITIALlzr • V • OUTPUT AREA. • TURN ON *----, :SUBPROGRA,.. FLAG: v I .. ... **............ * **** • .. * 84 .. ...... .. • Section 2: Compiler Operation 121 Chart FI. PUNCH ADDRESS CONSTANTS G0405 ****A2********* ** * * PUNCH ADCON ROLL * *************** 1 ** * **** I1 * B2 *->1 * .* •* v1 B2 .*. *• *. *. NO * *.DATA ON ROLL .*-------->* j"S V *****C2********** ** SET AREA *CODE FROM LAST * * * WORD ON ROLL ** * ******.****.***** I V *****02********** * SET ADDRESS * WHERE CONST * * *IS TO BE LOADED* *FROM NEXT WORD * ON ROLL * * ***************** I I 1 V * •• ***E2********~** MOVE INFO TO OUTPUT AREA AND PUNCH* ************* II V *****F2********** SET UP RLO ROLL ENTRY ** * * ***************** ! v **** * * * B2 * * **** * 122 RETURN *************** *. .* * ****~3**·****** ... * Chart FJ. PUNCH RLD CARDS G0565 * * --·*A1--**····· ORDER AND * *****A2********** *********.***** ... ********** •• ***** PUNCH RLD ROLL .. * SORT *------->* RLD CARDS ON * * ROLL .. THE SORT PUTS ENTRIES WITH LIKE ESD NUMBERS TOGETHER, ADR. CONST AND TEMP AND CONST ROLLS ARE USED AS TEMP STORAGE *.. * I #41615 .* ON * ** ****C5*** ****** .... 1 *. ** *. *. .... * .* * YES .- .*. I I *PLACE PREVIOUS * * VALUE IN CARD * * MARKED FOR NO * * CONTINUATION * PUNCH REMAINING DATA .* .. YES .*.* •• : L->: E4 E4 V *• .- V *** .. *05*"" ** .... * ... : .... :~~ .. ~~~!!; ...... : ESD NO = *. NO *. TO PREVIOUS ' * , * •• * J I II I #41b04 *03*" ** .. ***** .. ! v .*. E2 *. , I I \ <________ ROLL *. 1 I *.*.***.*.**. .*. NO .. *.MORE DATA ON . * - - - - - - > *. 1 1 PUNCH A'I RLD * CARD v .* .*---, ....... * NO I I *. *. YES V *****C2*********- 02 ... .* ".... V .- *. CARD *. I * SET * * LAST LOAD C2 *-->* ADDRESS FROM * * RLD GROUP •* ... .* • tiS •• ROOM ***************** I .*. -**I ** * I #41603 *SET ESD NUMBER * PUNCH RLD * * *FROM AREA CODE * ROLL * B2 *-->* AND PUT IN * * * * RLD CARD * IMAGE * * * * 85 V V *****B2*********- #41601 .*** : .. v - .. *85 : **** .. ** -·-*E3--·_·---* RETURN .- .*. ->*.ROOM ON CARD --._ r *--- * I * : .I * •• * E4 : ..... *. ..~. *. .* YES .*--, _•. - NO I V ******F4*****·****** * PUNCH AN RLD CARD ******i****** -·w. I I I V I **** 1* * I: I **-- E5 *. ROOM * •• * .. ..-- NO II H2 : **** , I V I I :*****F5**********. I I I t .. SAVE NEW ESD .. NO. * ******.*~**.** ••• 1< _ _ _ 1 I 1 \ I .41602 *. YES .*FOR NEw LSD-. r--*' NO. ON CARD .* I V V *****C4********** *PLACE PREVIOUS * ******GS**.***'***. .. VALUE IN CARD .. .. MARKEu FOR * .. CONTINUATION :**:~~*~~~:!;**** * PUNCH A'I RLD CARL> I 1 I I .*.* V V * C2 *• .. * • Section 2: .. .. • .*.* . * C2 .. Compiler Operation 123 Chart FK. PUNCH END CARDS G0424 ****A2********* * PUNCH END CARD I II I I v *****82********** * * *SET UP END CARD* * * * ***************** I I I I v ******C2*********** * PUNCH END CARD * -II ****** ...... **** I II I I I V ****D2********* * RETURN * *************** * 124 Chart FL. PUNCH NAMELIST TABLE POINTERS G0564 ****A2********* " PUNCH " NAMELIST MPY " DATA .************** " " " "" B4 "" " **** " I 1 v .". " . B2 V *·****84*******·*** _.-·OATA ON*-"_ NO ".NAMELIST MPY ".DATA ROLL." .****83*********. .*------->" " *..* * •• * RETURN " *************.* j'" PUNCH THE TXT CARD " *********.*** I v V :****cz.********: :****C4*********: "CALCULATE NEXT " ADORESS IN TEMPORARY " " STORAGE AREA INCREASE " TEMPORARY " "STORAGE POINTER" " " " " "***.*.***********" *****.*********** I ::::::-,1 "" " v #056401 *****02*********- " MOVE LOCATION" " Of' POINTER " " FROM NAMELIST " MPY DATA " " *~** " " 02 " :*****~~~'*******: I v E2 .* ". .". Jo • .- *. *. ****E3********* NO'" ANYTHING • ,,-------> " ". MOVED ." " *..* .... * RETURN ... *************** " YES I v :****F2*********: "INITIALIZE TXT" " CARD TO LOAD " " LOCATION :***!~~!;!!~~***: I v *****G2********** " SET " " UP RLD ENTRY " FOR WORD IN " :NAMEL I ST TABLE : .*.**.*******.*** 1 v :****H2******.**: "MOVE MULTIPLIER" " TO TEMP AND " CONST ROLL : **** •••• ** ••••••• I ···**J2**···· .••." " V " MOVE " "POINTER TO TXT" : CARD IMAGE : *.*** •• *.** ••• *** I V "" " ** ... " " B4 " Section 2: compiler Operation 125 APPENDIX A: This appendix deals with the POp· language, the language in which the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler is written. The parts of the appendix describe this language in the following way: THE POP LANGUAGE The mnemonic codes for the POP instructions are of the form IEYxxx. In the following discussion, the characters lEY are omitted from the mnemonics in the interest of ease of reading, and only the xxx portion of the code appears. • The fi£st part describes the POP instructions, which are grouped according to their functions. TRANSMISSIVE INSTRUCTIONS • The second part describes the labels used in the routines of the compiler. • The third part discusses the assembly and operation of the compiler, as it is affected by th~ use of the POP language. This part ends with a crossreference list giving the mnemonic for each instruction, the hexadecimal code which represents it, and the instruction group in which it is described. The instructions described in. this section are primarily involved in moving information from place to place in storage. APH G: Assign and Prune Half The upper halfword of (WO) --> the lower halfword of G, where G is a storage address; the upper halfword of G remains unaltered; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four, thus pruning WOe POP INSTRUCTIONS ARK G: For the purpose of describing their operation, the POP instructions have been divided into groups according to the primary function which they perform. Where a particular POP instruction pertains to more than one group, it is described in the group which discusses its most important functions. (WO) --> P + (G), where P is the address defined by the pointer in Wi and G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four, thus pruning the value assigned and keeping the pointer. ARP G: 2. 3. Parentheses are used to indicate "the contents of;" thus (G) stands for the contents of storage address G, where all addresses are fullword addresses. The arrow is used to indicate transmission in the direction of the arrow; (G) + 1 --> G reads: the contents of storage address G, plus one, are transmitted to storage address G. ASK G: Assign to Storage and Keep (WO) --> G, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged. ASP G: Assign to Storage and Prune CWO) --> G, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four, thus pruning the current WOe Wn (n=1,2,3, ••• ) refers to the BOTTOM, BOTTOM-l, ••• etc., words on the WORK roll. It should be noted that in many cases the address field, G, of the instruction contains a value other than a storage address (for instance, a roll name). In most of these cases, the symbolic reference which is used is defined in the program by means of an EQU card. Assign Relative to Pointer (WO) --> P + (G), where P is the address defined by the pointer in Wi and G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by eight, thus pruning the current WO and Wi. In the descriptions of the instructions, the following notational conventions are employed: 1. Assign Relative to Pointer and Keep BOP G: Build on Polish The control driver G is built on the POLISH roll, where the G field of the instruction is the lower eight bits of the ADDRESS portion Appendix A: The POP Language 127 of the desired driver. (The TAG field of the pointer contains zero, and the OPERATOR field contains 255.) CAR G: EAW G: ECW G: EOP G: ETA G: Copy Plex On plex pointed to by the pointer G is -the number of the target roll, except for the first word of the plex (which holds the number of words in 'the plex, excl usi ve of itself). The BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four, thus pruning the pointer. The BOTTOM of roll G is increased by four for each word moved; the BOTTOM of the original roll is unchanged. FET G: in Wo is copied to roll G, where FLP G: FRK G: Fetch Flip Fetch Relative to Pointer and Keep FRP G: Fetch Relative to Pointer (P + (G» --> wa, where P is the address defined by the pointer in wa and G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged; thus, the pointer is destroyed. Fetch Half Extract Address The ADDRESS portion of (G) --> WO, where G is a storage address; the 128 Extract Tag (P + (G» --> wa, where P is the address defined by the pointer in wa and G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four; thus, the pointer remains in Wi. FTH G: EAD G: Extract Operator Invert the order of roll G, where G is a roll number, word for word. Copy Relative to Pointer Copy roll S to roll G, where G is a roll number, beginning with the group indicated by the pointer in WO, to the BOTTOM of the roll. The roll number S is also provided by the pointe:r:' in WO. The BOTTOM of roll S is decreased by the number of bytes moved. The BOTTOM of roll G is increased by the number of bytes moved. The BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged: thus, the pointer remains. Effective Constant Address to Work (G) --> wa, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four. The CRP G: Effective Address to Work TAG portion of (G) --> TAG portion of wa, where G is a storage address: the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four. The number of words on roll G --> WO, where G is a roll number: the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four. CPO G: is The OPERATOR portion of (G) --> WO (right adjusted), where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four. Clear and Add Count roll G --> WO, where G is a storage address which refers to a constant under a constant base. The BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four. Clear WO: (G) --> WO, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged. CNT G: WORK G --> WO, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four. Copy and Release copy roll G, where G is a roll number, to roll T, and release roll G (i.e., restore it to its condition before the last reserve): the number T is found in WO: the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four. If roll G is in the reserved state when this instruction is executed, the instruction sets its BOTTOM to (TOP) minus four: if the roll is not reserved, BOTTOM is set to (BASE)., CLA G: BOTTOM of the increased by four. The lower halfword of (G) --> upper halfword of wa, where G is a storage address; the lower half- word of WO is set to zero; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four. lAD G: The count of errors of the associated with the message 1S increased by one, and the MAX STA ERROR NUMBER is updated as required. If (ANSWER BOX) = false, the instruction does nothing. severi~y Insert Address The ADDRESS portion of (G) --> the ADDRESS portion of the pointer in WO, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged. lOP G: error. LGP G: Loads the group specified by the pointer in WO into SYMBOL 1, 2, and 3, DATA 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The number G is the number of bytes to be loaded; if G=O, the entire group is loaded. The BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged; hence, the pOinter remains in WOe Insert Operator G --> OPERATOR portion of the pointer in WO, where the G field of the instruction is the desired OPERATOR value; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged. ITA G: Insert Tag TAG portion of (G) --> TAG portion of the pointer in WO, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged. ITM G: LSS G: MOC G: Last Character Error Last Character Error if False If (ANSWER BOX) = false, the last character count and the address G --> ERROR roll, where G is the address of the message for the error. The count of errors of the severity associated with the message is increased by one, and the MAX STA ERROR NUMBER is updated as required. If (ANSWER BOX) = true, the instruction does nothing. MON G: Move on (WO) --> roll G, where G is the roll number; the BOTTOM of roll G is increased by four; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is decreased by four. NOG G: Number of Groups The number of groups on roll G --> WO, where G is the roll number; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four. LCT G: Last Character Error if True If (ANSWER BOX) = true, the last character count and the address G --> ERROR roll, where G is the address of the message for the Move on Code G halfwords, where G is an even number, are to be moved from the WORK roll to the CODE roll. A word containing a special value in the first two bytes and the number of words transferred in the last two bytes are first placed on the CODE roll. G/2 words of infoIwation are then moved from the WORK roll to the CODE roll; the BOTTOM of the CODE roll is increased by four for each word placed on the roll; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four for each word moved from the roll. A location counter is increased by the number of bytes of object code placed on the roll. The last character count and the address G --> ERROR roll, where G is the address of the message for the error. The count of errors of the severity associated with the message is increased by one, and the MAX STA ERROR NUMBER (which indicates the highest severity level of errors for the present statement) is updated as required. LeF G: Load Symbol from Storage Loads the (G and G+4), where G is a storage address, into SYMBOL 1, 2, and 3, and DATA O. Insert Tag Mode Mode portion of the TAG field of (G) --> mode portion of the TAG field of the pointer in WO, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged. LeE G: Load Group from Pointer NOZ G: Nonzero A nonzero value --> G, where G is a storage address. Appendix A: The POP Language 129 PGO G: ZER G: Zero Place Group On A group from SYMBOL 1, 2, and 3 and DATA 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 --> roll G, where' G is the roll number, by group status; the BOTTOM of roll G is increased by group size. PGP G: Place Group from Pointer The group in SYMBOL 1, 2, 3, DATA 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 is placed on a roll according to the pointer in WOe The number G is the number of bytes to be moved; if G=O, an entire g:coup is moved; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged. PLD G: o --> G, address. ADD G: 2, Add Add Four to Storage (G) + 4 --> G, where G is a storage address. Pointer to New Group AND G: DIM G: DIV G: Divide (WO) / (G) --> G, where G is a storage address; the remainder, if any, from the division is lost; a true answer is returned if there is no remainder; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged; hence, the initial contents of WO are destroyed. lOR G: Inclusive Or The inclusive OR of (WO) and (G), where G is a storage location, is formed, and the result is placed in WOe The BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged; hence, the initial contents of WO are destroyed. (MPAC 1 and MPAC 2) --> G and G+4, where G is a storage address. This instruction performs a doubleword store. Interchanges CWO) and (G), where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged. Diminish (G) - 1 --> G, where G is a storage address. Precision Store Switch And (G) AND (WO) --> WO; that is, a logical product is formed between (G) and (WO), and the result is placed in WOe The BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged; hence, the initial contents of Wo are destroyed. Place on Code The data located at storage address G+4 and following is to be moved to the CODE roll. The number of halfwords to be moved is stored in loca'tion G and is an even number. A word containing a special value in the first two bytes and the number of words of data in the last two bytes'iS first placed on the CODE roll. The indicated data is then moved to the CODE roll, and the BOTTOM of the CODE roll is increased by four for each word placed on the roll. A location counter is increased by the number of bytes of object code placed on the roll. 130 storage (G) + (WO) --> WO, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged; hence, the initial contents of Wo are destroyed. Builds a pointer to the first byte of t,he next group to be added to roll G, where G is the roll number, and places the pointer in WO; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is increased by four. SWT G: a The following instructions are primarily designed to perform arithmetic and logical manipulations. ~> PST G: is ARITHMETIC AND LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS AFS G: POC G: G Precision Load (G and G+Ll) --> MPAC 1 and MPAC where G i c· a storage address. PNG G: where LLS G: Logical Left Shift CWO) are shifted left G places; the result is left in WO; bits shifted out at the left are lost, and vacated bit positions on the right are filled with zeros. LRS G: (WO) are shifted right G places; the result is left in WO; bits shifted out at the right are lost, and vacated bit positions on the left are filled with zeros. MPY G: MOA G: QSA G: Subtract (WO) - (G) --> WO, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged; hence, the initial contents of WO are destroyed. TLY G: SAD G: SBP G: These instructions inspect certain conditions and return either a true or false answer in the ANSWER BOX. Some of the instructions also transmit stored information from place to place. character Scan with Answer If G = (CRRNT CHAR), the scan arrow is advanced and a true answer is returned; otherwise, the scan arrow is not advanced and a false answer is returned. LGA G: Load Group with Answer The group from the BOTTOM of roll G, where G is the roll number and roll G has been flipped, is loaded into SYMBOL 1, 2, 3, DATA 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (as many words as necessary); if the roll is empty or if the group is a marker symbol, a Search by Stats from Pointer Search the roll specified by the pointer in WO, beginning with the group following the one specified by the pointer for a group which is equal to the group in the central items SYMBOL 1, 2, 3, etc., according to the group stats values stored at locations G+4 and G+8 (these values are in the same order as those in the group stats tables). The roll number multiplied by four is stored at location G. If a match is found, return a true answer, replace the pointer in WO with a pointer to the matching group, and continue in sequence. If no match is found, return a false answer, prune the pointer in WO, and continue in sequence. This instruction is used to continue a search of a roll accordin9 to group stats values other than those normally used for the roll. DECISION MAKING INSTRUCTIONS CSA G: Set on Address If G ADDRESS portion of the pOinter in WO, return a true answer; otherwise, return a false answer. Tally (G) + 1 --> G, where G is a storage address. Quote Scan with Answer If the quotation mark (s,equence of characters) beginning a·t storage address G (the first byte in the quotation mark is the number of bytes 1n the quotation mark) is equal to the quotation mark starting at the scan arrow, advance the scan arrow to the next active character following the quotation mark, and return a true answer; otherwise, do not advance the scan arrow and return a false answer. Product Sign and Prune The exclusive OR of (WO) and (G), where G is a storage location, replace the contents of G; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four, thus pruning WOe SUB G: Move off with Answer If roll G, where G is the roll number, is empty, a false answer is returned. Otherwise, the BOTTOM of roll G is reduced by four, pruning the word moved; the BOT'rOM of the WORK roll is increased by four; a true answer is returned. Multiply (G) * (WO) --> WO, where G is a storage address; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is unchanged; hence, the initial contents of WOare destroyed. PSP G: false answer is returned; otherwise, a true answer is returned; the BOTTOM of roll G is reduced by group size. Logical Right Shift SBS G: search by Stats If the roll, whose number multiplied by four is in storage at location G, is empty, return a Appendix A: The POP Language 131 false ans'wer. Otherwise, search that roll against the central items SYMBOL 1, 2, and 3 and DATA 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, as defined by the group stats values stored at locations G+4 and G+8 (these values are in the same order as those in the group stats tables); if a match is found, place a pointer to the matching group in WO, increase the BOTTOM of the WORK roll, and return a true answer; if no match is found, return a false answer. This instruction is used to search a roll according to group stats values other than those normally used for that roll. SCE G: * SNZ G: SOP G: SPM G: If the mode portion of the TAG field of the (G) = the mode portion of the TAG field of the pointer in Pl, where G is a storage addess, return a true answer; otherwise, return a false answer. SPT G: Set on Polish Tag If the TAG field of the (G) the TAG field of the pointer in Pl, where G is a storage address, return a true answer; otherwise, return a false answer. Search If roll G, where G is the roll number, is empty, return a false answer; otherwise, search roll G against the central items SYMBOL 1, 2, and 3 and DATA 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, as defined by the roll statistics; if a match is found, place a pointer to the matching group in WO, increase the BOTTOM of the WORK roll, and return a true answer; if no match is found, return a false answer. SRD G: Set if Remaining Data If roll G, where G is the roll number, is not empty, return a true answer: otherwise, return a false answer. Set if Less or Equal STA G: If (WO) S (G), where G is a storage address, a t:rue answer is returned; otherwise, a false answer is returned. The comparison made considers the two values to be signed quantities. 132 Set on Polish Mode Search from Pointer Search the roll specified by the pointer in WO, beginning with the group following the one specified by the pointer in WO, for a group which is equal to the group in SYMBOl. 1, 2, 3, DATA 0, 1 ••• , etc., by roll statistics. If a match is found, ret:urn a true answer, replace the pointer in WO with a pointer to the matching group, and jump to G, where G must be a local address. If no match is found, return a false answer, prune the pointer in Wo (reduce the BOTTOM of the WORK roll by four), and continue in sequence. SLE G: Set on Operator If G OPERATOR portion of the pointer in WO, return a true answer; otherwise, return a false answer. SRA G: SFP G: Set if Nonzero If (G) * 0, where G is a storage address, return a true answer; otherwise, return a false answer. Set on Character Key If (CRRNT CHAR) displays any of the character keys of G, where G is a character code whose bit settings describe a group of characters, return a true answer; otherwise, a false answer is returned; in neither case is the scan arrow advanced. Set if Not Equal If (WO) (G), where G is a storage address, a true answer is returned; otherwise, a false answer is returned. Set i.f Character Equal If G = .(CRRNT CHAR), return a true answer; otherwise, return a false answer; in neither case is the scan arrow advanced. SCK G: SNE G: Set on Tag If the TAG portion of (G) = the TAG portion of the pointer in WO, where G is a storage address, return a true answer; otherwise, return a false answer. STM G: The JPE FLAG is set to nonzero, and a jump is taken to G, which may only be a local address. set on Tag Mode If the mode portion of the TAG field of the (G) = the mode portion of the TAG field of the pointer in WO, where G is a storage address, return a true answer; otherwise, return a false answer. JRD G: This instruction manipulates a pOinter in WOe If the ADDRESS field of that pointer is equal to 0 (pointing to the word preceding the beginning of a reserved area), the ADDRESS field is increased to four. If the ADDRESS field of the pointer is equal to any legitimate value within the roll, it is increased by group size. If the ADDRESS field of the pointer indicates a location beyond the BOTTOM of the roll, the pointer is pruned (the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four), and a jump is made to the location G, which must be a global address. JUMP INSTRUCTIONS The following instructions cause the normal sequential operation of the POP instructions to be altered, either unconditionally or conditionally. See the sections WLabels W and wAssembly and operation n in this Appendix for further discussion of jump instructions. CSF G: Character Scan or Fail JSB G: (CRRNT CHAR), advance the scan arrow to the next active character; otherwise, jump to SYNTAX FAIL. I~ JAF G: Jump if Answer False Return information is placed on the EXIT roll; jump to G, which is a global address. JUN G: Quote Scan or Fail Jump if Answer True If the quotation mark (sequence of characters) beginning at storage address G (the value of the first byte in the quotation mark is the number of bytes in the quotation mark) is equal to the quotation mark starting at the scan arrow, advance the scan arrow to the first active character beyond the quotation mark; otherwise, jump to SYNTAX FAIL. If (ANSWER BOX) = true, jump to G, where G is either a global or a local address; otherwise, continue in sequence. One of two operation codes is produced for this instruction depending on whether G is a global or a local label. Jump on Work If (WO) = 0, decrease the BOTTOM of the WORK roll by four and jump to G, where G is either a global or a local address; otherwise, reduce word 0 by one, --> WO, and continue in sequence. One of two operation codes is produced for this instruction, depending on whether G is a global or a local label. JPE G: Jump Unconditional Jump to G, which is either a global One of two or a local address. operation codes is produced for depending on this instruction, whether G is a global or a local label. QSF G: JOW G: Jump to Subroutine G If (ANSWER BOX) = false, jump to G, where G is either a global or a local address; otherwise, continue in sequence. One of two operation codes is produced for this instruction depending on whether G is a global or local label. JAT G: Jump Roll Down XIT Exit Exit from the interpreter; the code which follows is written in assembler language. Jump and Prepare for Error ROLL CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS The following values are saved in storage: the location of the next instruction, the last character count, the BOTTOM of the EXIT roll, and the BOTTOM of the WORK roll. These instructions are concerned with the control of the rolls used in the compiler. Appendix A: The POP Language 133 POW G: Prune off Work BIM G: Reduce the BOTTOM of the WORK Koll by four times G, where G is an integer, thus pruning G words off the WORK roll. REL G: The instruction indicated by G, where G is an instruction number which indicates the class of the instruction only. For---example, LOAD INSTR as opposed to LE INSTR is built on the CODE roll, where WO contains a pointer to the second operand. A pointer to the accumulator which holds the fiTst operand is contained in the variable CRRNT ACC. The instruction mode is determined by inspecting the TAG fields of the pointers; the BOTTOM of the CODE roll is increased by eight; the BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four, thus pruning the pointer. A location counter is lncreased by one for each byte of the generated instruction. Release Restore roll G, where G is the roll number, to the condition preceding the last reserve; this sets BOTTOM to (TOP) reduced by four if the roll is reserved, or to (BASE) if the roll is not reserved; TOP is set to the value it had before the reserve. RSV G: Reserve Reserve roll G, where G is the roll number, by storing (TOP) (BASE) on the roll, increasing BOTTOM by four, and setting TOP to (BOTTOM); this protects the area between BASE and TOP, and allows ascending addresses from TOP to be used as a new, empty roll. CODE PRODUCING INSTRUCTIONS These POP instructions construct object module code on the CODE roll. Each object module instruction constructed results in the placing of a 2-word group on the CODE roll. The instruction generated, in binary, is left justified in this group. In the case of halfword instructions, the remainder of the first word is filled with zero. The second word contains a pointer to the instruction operand, except in the case of 6-byte instructions when the last two bytes of the group contain the value zero. BID G: Build Instruction Double The instruction indicated by G, where G is an instruction number which indicates the exact instruction to be generated, is built on the CODE roll, where WO contains a pointer to the first operand and WI contains a pointer to the second operand. The BOTTOM of the CODE roll is increased by eight. The BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by eight; thus, both pointers are pruned. A location counter is increased by one for each byte of the instruction. 134 Build Instruction by Mode BIN G: Build Instruction The instruction indicated by G, where G is an instruction number which indicates the exact instruction to be built, is constructed on the CODE roll. The WORK roll holds from zero to three words of information required for producing the instruction. For instructions requiring no operands, nothing appears on the WORK roll. For instructions requiring one operand, a pointer to that operand appears in WOe For two operand instructions, a pointer to the first operand appears 1n WO and a pointer to the second operand is in Wi. For input/output instructions, Wi holds a constant whic~ becomes part of the instruction. For storageto-storage move instructions, W2 holds the length. The BOT'rOM of the CODE roll is increased by eight to reflect the addition of the group. The BOTTOM of the WORK roll is reduced by four for each word of information found on that roll; thus, all the information is pruned. A location counter is increased by one for each byte of the instruction. ADDRESS COMPUTATION INSTRUCTIONS The POP instructions whose G fields require storage addresses may be used to refer to WORK roll groups, provided the storage address of the desired group is first computed. This computation must be performed at execution time, since the location of WO, for example, varies as the program is operated. The instructions in this category perform these computations and jump to the appropriate POP, which then operates using the computed address. WOP G: W1P G: WO POP LABELS compute the address of the current WO and jump to the POP indicated by G, where G is a POP instruction which normally accepts a storage address in its G field. In the POP language, storage locations containing instructions or data may be named with two types of labels, global labels and local labels. Global labels are unique within each phase of the compiler (but not from one phase to another); these labels may be referred to from any point in the phase. Local labels are also unique within each phase (but not between phases); however, these labels may be referred to only within the global area (that is, the area between two consecutive global labels) in which they are defined. Wi POP compute the address of the current Wi and jump to the POP indicated by G, where G is a POP instruction which normally accepts a storage address in its G field. GLOBAL LABELS W2P G: W2 POP compute the address of the current W2 and jump to the POP indicated by G, where G is a POP instruction which normally accepts a storage address in its G field. W3P G: W3 POP compute the address of the current W3 and jump to the POP indicated by G, where G is a POP instruction which normally accepts a storage address in its G field. W4P G: W4 POP compute the address of the current W4 and jump to the POP indicated by G, where G is a POP instruction which normally accepts a storage address in its G field. The global labels which appear on a System/360 assembler listing of the compiler are distinguished from local labels in that the global labels do not begin with a pound sign. Most of the global labels are of the form Gdddd, where each d is a decimal digit and the 4-digit value dddd is unique for the global label. Labels of this form are generally assigned in ascending sequence to the compiler routines. All remaining global labels are limited to a length of seven characters. In contrast, the routine and data names used throughout this publication are limited only to a length of 30 characters. A comment card containing the long name used here precedes the card on which each global label is defined. In addition, the longer name appears as a comment on any card containing a POP instruction which refers to the global label. Example: G0336 STA GEN FINISH G0336 IEYMOA G0494 MOA DO LOOPS OPEN ROLL INDIRECT ADDRESSING INSTRUCTION Indirect addressing is provided for POP instructions whose address fields normally require storage addresses by means of the following instruction. IND G: Indirect The address contained in the storage address INDIRECT BOX is transmitted to the POP indicated by G, where G is a POP instruction which requires a storage address in its G field, and a jump is made to that POP. The POP "G" operates in its normal fashion, using the transmitted address. Explanation: The second card shown defines the global label G0336. The first card, a comment card, indicates the longer name of the routine, STA GEN FINISH. The second card, contains a reference to the label G0494; the longer form of this label is DO LOOPS OPEN ROLL, as indicated by the comment. Occasionally, several comment cards with identical address fields appear in sequence on the listing. This occurs when more than one long label has been applied to a single instruction or data value. The long labels are indicated in the comments fields of the cards. Appendix A: The POP Language 135 Example: • • ACTEST AC TEST ACTEST TESTAC ACTEST IEYSOP G0504 SOP FL AC OP MARK Explanation,: The three cards shown define the global label ACTEST. One long form of this label is AC TEST, as indicated by the comment on the first card. The second card indicates that the name TESTAC has also been applied to this location, and that it also corresponds to ACTEST. LOCAL LABELS All local labels consist of a pound sign followed by six decimal digits. If the preceding global label is of the form Gdddd, the first four digits are identical to those in the global name. The remaining two digits of the local label do not follow any particular sequence; they are, however, unique in the global area. The local label is defined by its appearance in the name field of a card containing a POP or assembler language instruction. Example: • G0268 G0268 PROCESS SCALAR ROLL IEYSRD G0432 SRD SCALAR ROLL #026811 IEYJOW #026821 #026802 IEYITA G0359 ITA CED TAG MARK Explanation: The global label G0268 is defined by the second card in the sequence shown. The next two cards define, respectively, the local labels #026811 and #026802. III addition, the third card in the sequence contains a reference to the local label #026821, which is presumably defined elsewhere within the global area shown here. ASSEMBLY AND OPERATION The compi.ler is assembled with each POP instruction defined as a macro. Unless "Quick Link" output has been designated to the macro by means of the assembler instruction SETC 'QLK', the resulting code 136 consists of two i-byte address constants per POP instruction. This 16-bit value represents an 8-bit numeric operation code and an 8-bit operand or relative address. The definition of the 8-bit operand or relative address varies according to the POP instruction used. Roll numbers appear in this field for instructions requiring them. For instructions which refer to storage locations relative to CBASE (see "Compiler Arrangement and General Register Usage") or to other base addresses, the word number relative to the appropriate base is used. The format for jump instructions is discussed in the following paragraphs. When Quick Link is specified, machine language instructions are generated for the following POP instruction. (See "Assembler Language References to POP Subroutines.") POP INTERPRETER The assembled POP code is interpreted by a short machine language routine, POP SETUP, which appears with the POP subroutines at the beginning of the compiler. POP SETUP inspects each pair of address constants in sequence, and, using the 8-bit operation code as an index into the POP jump table, a table which correlates operation codes for the POPs with the addresses of the POP subroutines, transfers control to the appropriate POP subroutine. Thus, on encountering the hexadecimal value 081A, POP SETUP indexes into the POP jump table (labeled POPTABLE) at the eighth byte, counting from zero. The value found at this location is 0158 (hexadecimal); this is the address, relative to the base of the POP jump table, of the POP subroutine for the POP numbered 08 (IEYSUB). When this value is added to the beginning address of the POP jump table, the absolute address of IEYSUB is produced, and POP SETUP performs a branch to that location. IEYSUB then operates, using the relative address lA (which it finds in general register 7, ADDR), and returns via POPXIT, register 6; in this case the return is to POP SETUP, which then continues with the next POP in sequence. The register POPADR is used to keep track of the location of the POP being executed. This sequential operation can be interrupted by means of POP jump (branch) instructions, which cause an instruction other than the next in sequence to be operated next. The XIT POP insr~'~~iop also alters the sequence by causing the interpreter to release control, performing a branch to the assembler language instruction following the XIT. This device is employed to introduce assembler language coding into the compiler routines when this is more efficient than the use of POPs. Assembler language sequences sometimes terminate with a branch to POP SETUP, so that it may resume the execution of POP instructions. Thus, the instruction IEYJUN G0192J is assembled as 5002, for example, where the global jump table begins: r--------, G0075J I G0111J I G0192J I ADDR, ONE-CBASE (0, 0) POPXIT,FETQ function of the B02 I ~--------~ I I I In some of the routines of the compiler, the operation of POP SETUP is bypassed ry assembler language instructions which make direct reference to the POP subroutines. In these sequences, a pair of machine language instructions performs the function of a single POP instruction. For example, the instructions accomplish the instruction 752 I ~--------~ ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE REFERENCES TO POP SUBROUTINES LA BAL 5AO I ~--------~ POP I I I On encountering this instruction, POP SETUP loads its address field (02), multiplied by fOUI: (08), into the register ADDR. It then jumps to the POP subroutine for IEYJUN. The IEYJUN subroutine uses ADDR as an index into JUMP TABLE, finding the value B02. This value is placed in the register TMP and a branch is made to the location defined by the sum of the contents of TMP and the contents of CONSTR, which holds the location CBASE. Thus, if the location CBASE is lOBO, the location branched to is 1BB2, the location of the routine labeled G0192, and the instruction at that location is operated next. IEYFET ONE but bypass the operation of POP SETUP. The IEYFET routine, (referred to by its label FETQ) returns, via POPXIT, to the next instruction. Note that the first instruction of the pair sets ADDR to the correct value for the operand of the IEYFET operation; this would be done by POP SETUP if it interpreted IEYFET ONE. I since the POP subroutines for global jumps branch directly to the target location, the instruction at that location must be a machine language instruction rather than a POP. Moreover, all jump target rout.ines which contain local jumps must reset POPADR to reflect the new location. Thus, routines which are jump targets and which are written in POPs begin with the instruction BALR POPADR, POPPGB GLOBAL JUMP INSTRUCTIONS The labels referred to in POP global jump instructions, jump instructions which branch to global labels, always end with the character J. These global labels refer to the global jump table, a table whose fullword entries contain the relative addresses of global labels which are the targets of branches. Each phase of the compiler has a global jump table. The table is labeled JUMP TABLE. which sets POPADR to the location of the first POP instruction in the routine and branches to POP BASE, the address of which is held in POPPGB. At POP BASE, the contents of POPADR are saved in LOCAL JUMP BASE, POPXIT is set to the beginning location of POP SETUP, and POP SETUP begins operating. For the sake of brevity, this instruction is coded as BALR A,B in some routines. References in POP global jump instructions to the global jump table are assembled as relative word addresses in that table. Each entry in the table contains the address, relative in bytes to CBASE, of the label whose spelling is identical to that of the global jump table entry except that it does not include the terminal J. Routines in which the POP instructions have been replaced by pairs of assembler language instructions and which contain local jumps begin with the instruction BALR or BALR. A,O POPADR, 0 Appendix A: The POP Language 131 instead of the instruction given above, since the branch to POP SETUP is not desired. Because global jump targets begin with this machine language code, it is not possible for POP instructions to continue in sequence into new global routines. When this operation is intended, an IEYXIT or an IEYJUN instruction terminates the first routine. I LOCAL JUMP INSTRUCTIONS POP local jump instructions, jump instructions which transfer control out of the normal sequence to local labels~ must occur in the same global area as the one in which the local label referred to is defined. The address portions of POP local jump instructions are assembled to contain the distance in halfwords from the beginning of the global area plus two to the indicated local label. This value is a relative halfword address for the target, where the base used is the location of the first POP instruction in the global area. Decimal Location Label 100 G0245 102 120 140 138 Explanation: The local jump instruction illustrated at location 140 is assembled so that its address field contains the location of the label #024503 (120), relative in halfwords to the beginning location of the global area plus two (102). Thus, the address field of the IEYJUN instruction contains the value 09. Symbolic Instruction BALR A,B IEYCLA G0566 #024503 IEYLGA G0338 IEYJUN #024503 Hexadecimal Instruction 062A When the POP local jump instruction is interpreted, the contents of the location LOCAL JUMP BASE are added to the address field of the POP instruction to produce the absolute address of the jump target. LOCAL JUMP BASE is set to the beginning address of the global area plus two as a result of the BALR instruction which begins the global routine; this function is performed at POP BASE, as described in "Global Jump Instructions." When local jumps are performed directly in machine language, the relative addressing described above is also used; in this case, however, the base address is in the register POPADR as a result of the BALR instruction heading the routine. 9A12 5809 POP instruction mnemonics are listed Table 8. in Table 8. POP Instruction Cross-Reference List r-------------------------------------------T-----'--------------------------------------, Instruction Group Hex Instruction GrouE Hex Mne:,monic ~e!!!2ni£ Arithmetic/Logical Arithmetic/Logical Arithmetic/Logical Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Code Producing Code Producing Code Producing Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Decision Making Jump Arithmetic/Logical Arithmetic/Logical Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Indirect Addressing Transmissive Arithmetic/Logical Transmissive Transmissive Jump (global) Jump (local) JAT Jump (global) Jump (local) JOW Jump (global) Jump (local) JPE Jump JRD Jump JSB Jump JUN Jump (global) Jump (local) LCE Transmissive LCF AA Transmissive LCT ___________________________________________ A8 Transmissive i ADD AFS AND APR ARK ARP ASK ASP BID BIM BIN BOP CAR CLA CNT CPO CRP CSA CSF DIM DIV EAD EAW ECW EOP ETA FET FLP FRK FRP FTH lAD IND lOP lOR ITA ITM JAF 04 BC B4 A4 86 OE 12 14 7E 7C 7A 60 1A 06 1C B2 62 24 26 8E B8 2E 18 18 30 32 34 46 84 10 AE 36 D2 38 8A 3A AO 4A 56 48 54 4E SA 52 82 50 4C 58 00 LGA LGP I.LS LRS LSS MOA MOC MON MPY NOG NOZ PGO PGP PLD PNG POC POW PSP PST QSA QSF REL RSV SAD SBP SBS SCE SCK SFP SLE SNE SNZ SOP SPM SPT SRA SRD STA STM SUB SWT TLY wop W1P W2P W3P W4P XIT ZER 9A 80 98 B6 BO 5C 9E 5E OA 1E 3E 22 9C 90 20 94 16 92 8C 2A 2C 64 66 6A BA 96 28 6E A6 70 74 72 6C A2 AC 76 78 68 3C 08 OC 42 C8 CA CC CE DO 44 40 Decision Making Transmissive Arithmetic/Logical Arithmetic/Logical Transmissive Decision Making Transmissive Transmissive Arithmetic/Logical Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Transmissive Roll Control Arithmetic/Logical Transmissive Decision Making Jump Roll Control Roll Control Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Decision Making Arithmetic/Logical Transmissive Arithmetic/Logical Address Computation Address Computation Address Computation Address Computation Address Computation Jump Transmissive ___________________________________________ Appendix A: The POP Language 139 APPENDIX B '. ROLLS USED IN THE COMPILER This appendix describes each of the rolls used in the compiler, giving the group size, the structure and content of the information in the group, and the roll number. Each roll is described as it appears in each of the phases of the compiler. This information is useful in observing the actions taken by the various phases, since a significant portion of the work performed by the compiler is the construction and manipulation of information on rolls. 10) indicates either in-line (including which generation routine must be used) or that a call is to be generated (when the flag is equal to zero). This roll is used and then destroyed by Allocate. ROLL The rolls are ordered in this appendix as they are in storage, by roll number. In some cases, a single, number is assigned to several rolls. In these cases, the rolls with identical numbers are presented chronologically, and the overlay of one roll on another indicates that the previous roll is no longer required when the new roll is used. The group stats values for rolls with the same number are always identical. The roll number is the entry number in the roll statistics tables for the appropriate set of statistics; that is, the roll number multiplied by four is the relative address of the correct entry in the group stats, BASE, BOTTOM, and TOP tables. 1: SOURCE ROLL This roll holds source module statements while they are being processed during the operations of Parse. The roll is not used by any later phase of the compiler. Source statements appear on this roll one card column per byte. Thus, each card of a source statement occupies 20 groups on the roll. The group size is four bytes. The sta tement A(I,J)=B(I,J)*2+C(I,J).*2 would as: therefore appear on the SOURCE roll 4 bytes ROLL 0: r---------T----------T----------T---------, I bib I bib I LIB ROLl! ~---------t----------t----------t---------~ This roll contains one group for every name by which a library subprogram can be referred to in the source module. The roll is contained in IEYROL and remains unchanged in size and in content throughout compilation. The group size for the LIB roll twelve bytes. Each group has the form: is r-----------·------·-----------------------, I <---------------subprogram--------------- I ~-------------------T----------T---------i I ~--------T-----------t----------.L--------- i TAG I ____________ flag I ____________________ no. arguments lI _________ J.. J.. JI TAG I 0 The TAG appearinq in the'seventh byte of the group provides the mode and size of the FUNCTION value, if the subpro<;ram is a FUNCTION. The TAG in byte 9 indicates the mode and size of the arguments to the subprogram. For FUNCTIONs, the flag (byte 140 bib I I I A I J I ( I I) I ~---------t----------t----------t---------i I , ~---------t----------t----------t---------i I I B I ( I I I, I I I I J I ) I * I + I C I ( I ~---------t----------t----------t---------i ~---------t----------t----------t---------i 2 ~---------t----------t----------t---------i I 4 bytes I-------name---------> I I I I , I J I) I ~---------t----------t----------t---------i I· I * I 2 I b I ~---------t----------f----------t---------i I bib I bib I ~---------.L----------~---------~--------i I I I I I I ~---------T----------T----------T---------i Il_________ bi .L__________ b I ~ _________ bib I .L _________ J where b stands for the character blank, and a total of 20 words is occupied by the statement. ROLL 2: IND VAR ROLL This roll holds a pointer to the induction variable (the DO variable) used in each DO loop. The pointer specifies the appropriate group on the SCALAR roll. Each pointer is placed on the roll by Parse as the DO loop is encountered in the source module. When the loop is closed, the pointer is deleted. The roll is not used in subsequent phases of the compiler. The group size for the IND VAR roll is four bytes. ROLL 2: NONSTD SCRIPT ROLL This roll exists only in Unify; the information held on it is taken from the SCRIPT roll. The group size for the NONSTD SCRIPT roll is variable, with a minimum of 20 bytes. Each group on the roll describes an array reference. constant subscripts. The remaining words hold the induction variable coefficient used in this reference for each loop in the nest, beginning with nest level one (the outermost loop) and ending with the highest nest level at this array reference. ROLL 3: NEST SCRIPT ROLL • ~lis roll contains 'information concerning array references in nested DO loops. The information for this roll is taken from the SCRIPT roll as each nest of loops is encountered, one nest at a time. The roll exists only in Unify. The group size of the NEST SCRIP'l' roll is variable with a ~n~mum of 20 bytes. The format of the NEST SCRIPT roll is as follows: 4 bytes r---·-----T--------------------------------, I traits I frequency I pointer to ARRAY REF roll The format group is: of the NONSTD SCRIPT roll I ~---------------------------------------~ Ipointer to the ARRAY roll I ~-----------------------------------------1 I offset I 4 bytes r--------T--------------------------------, Itraits I frequency I ~-------~--------------------------------~ Ipointer to ARRAY REF roll I ~-----------------------------------------~ Ipointer to the ARRAY roll I ~-----------------------------------------~ I offset I ~-----------------------------------------~ linduction variable coefficient I ~----------------------------------------~ I I I I ~--------~-------------------------------1 I I I ~-----------------------------------------~ L_________________________________________ JI linduction variable coefficient where the first byte of the first word contains the trait, which indicates either joined or not joined; the value of this item is always zero (not joined) for this roll. The joined value indicates that the subscript described must appear in a general register at the time of the reference. The remaining three bytes of the first word indicate the number of times this subscript expression is used. The next two words contain pointers to rolls holding information on the array and the array reference to which this group refers. The fourth word holds the array offset; this value accounts for element size and includes all modification due to ~------------------------------------------~ linduction variable coefficient I ~-----------------------------------------~ I I I I I I ~-----------------------------------------1 L-________________________________________ JI linduction variable coefficient where the first byte of the first word indicates joined or not jOined. The remaining three bytes of the first word indicate the number of times that this subscript expression is used. The next two words of the group contain pointers to rolls which hold information on the array and the array reference to which this entry refe:rs. The fourth word holds the actual adjusted offset for this array reference. The last words of the group contain the coefficients of induction variables used in the array reference, beginning with the nest level one variable and ending with the highest nest level. ROLL 4: POLISH ROLL This roll is used to hold the Polish notation generated by Parse, one statement at a time. (The Polish notation is moved to the AFTER POLISH roll at the end of each statement.) Therefore, the roll contains Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 141 pointers, drivers, and an occasional constant. The terms PO and Pi are used to refer to the bottom and next-to-bottom groups on the POLISH roll, respectively. In Gen, the Polish notation is moved back onto the POLISH roll from the AFTER POLISH roll, one statement at a time. It is used in the production of object code. The group size for the POLISH roll is four bytes. The format of the Polish notation which appears on this roll is described completely in Appendix C. The POLISH roll is not used in the other phases of the compiler and no information is left on it through these phases. This roll contains information on array references encountered in the source module. The group size for the LOOP SCRIPT roll is variable; the minimum is 20 bytes. Its format is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I n I ~-----------------------------------------~ I I k ~----------T---------T---------T----------1 I C1 I C2 I C3 I c I ~----------~--------~--------~----------~ I I I I I I ~----------T---------T---------T----------1 c LI __________ I ~ ________ , ~ _________ I __________ JI ~ where n is the number of words in the plex, exclusive of the word which holds n, k is the number of bytes in the literal constant, and c (the k character) may fall in any byte of the last word of the plex. If the literal constant appeared in a source module DATA or PAUSE statement, the high order bit of the second word of the plex (k) is set to one; otherwise, it is zero. Entries are made on the LITERAL CONST roll only during Parse. It is used to hold the literal constants throughout the compiler; its format, therefore, does not vary. 4 bytes r--------T--------------------------------, Itraits I frequency I ~--------~--------------------------------~ Ipointer to the ARRAY REF roll I ~-----------------------------------------~ Ipointer to the ARRAY roll ~-----------------------------------------~ loffset I ~-----------------------------------------~ linduction variable coefficient I ~-----------------------------------------~ I I I ROLL 7: GLOBAL SPROG ROLL I I I I ~-----------------------------------------~ linduction variable coefficient L __________________________________________ JI All items are the same as described for the NEST SCRIPT roll (roll 3). The LOOP SCRIPT roll exists only in Unify. It is used by this phase to further separate subscripts into two categories: standard, those which must appear in general registers at the time of reference, and nonstandard .. In Parse this roll holds the names of all SUBROUTINEs and non-library FUNCTIONs referred to in the source module. It also holds the names of all subprograms listed in EXTERNAL statements in the source module, including library subprograms. In addition, the compiler itself generates calls to the library exponentiation routines; the names of these routines are entered on the GLOBAL SPROG roll. The group size for the GLOBAL SPROG roll is eight bytes. All groups placed on the GLOBAL SPROG roll by Parse have the following format: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I <--------------subprogram----------------I ~--------------------T----------T---------~ I-------name-------->I TAG I _________ 0 L ____________________ _________ JI ~ ROLL 5: LITERAL CONST ROLL This roll holds literal constants, which are stored as plexes. The group size for the LITERAL CONST roll is variable. Each plex has the form: 142 ~ The TAG appearing in the seventh byte of the group indicates the mode and size of the FUNCTION value for FUNCTIONs; it has no meaning for SUBROUTINEs. In Allocate, the information on the roll is altered to: 4 bytes r--------------------T--------------------, I ESD number I displacement I ~--------------------~--------------------~ Il _________________________________________ base table pointer JI The ESD number is the one assigned to the sUbprogram. The displacement and the base table pointer, taken together, indicate the location assigned by Allocate to hold the address of the subprogram. The specified BASE TABLE roll group holds an address; the displacement is the distance in bytes from that address to the location at which the address of the subprogram will be stored in the object module. ROLL 10: This roll holds the double-precision (a-byte) real constants used in the source module or defined by the compiler. The constants are recorded in binary (dolmle-precision floating point format), one constant per group. The group size for the OP CONST roll is eight bytes. The OP CONST roll is present in this format through all phases of the compiler. ROLL 11: In Gen, the GLOBAL SPROG roll is used in the construction of object code, but it is not altered. In Exit, the roll is used in the production of RLD cards, but is not altered. ROLL 8: FX CONST ROLL This roll holds the fullword integer constants which are used in the source module or generated by the compiler. The constants are held on the roll in binary, one constant per group. The group size for the FX CONST roll is four bytes. The format of the FX CONST roll is identical for all phases of the compiler. The roll remains in the roll area for all phases, even though it is not actually used in Allocate and Unify. ROLL 9: FL CONST ROLL This roll holds the single-precision real (floating point) constants used in the source module or generated by the compiler. constants are recorded on the roll in binary (floating point format), each constant occupying one group. The group size for the FL CONST roll is four bytes. The FL CONST roll remains in the roll area for all phases of the compiler, although it is not actually used in Allocate or Unify. The format of this roll is identical for all phases. OP CONST ROLL COMPLEX CONST ROLL This roll holds the complex constants of standard siz·e (eight bytes) used in the source module or generated by the compiler. Each complex constant is stored on the roll as a pair of 4-byte binary floating-point numbers, the first represents the real part of the constant and the second represents the imaginary part. The COMPLEX CONST roll exists in the format described above for all phases of the compiler. The group size is eight bytes. ROLL 12: OP COMPLEX CONST ROLL This roll holds the complex constants of optional size (16 bytes) which are used in the source module or generated by the compiler. Each constant is stored as a pair of double-precision binary floating pOint values. The first value represents the real part of the constant; the second value represents the imaginary part. The group size for the OP COMPLEX CONST roll is 16 bytes. The OP COMPLEX CONST roll exists in this format for all phases of the compiler. ROLL 13: TEMP NAME ROLL This roll is used as temporary storage for names which are to be placed on the ARRAY or EQUIVALENCE roll. The group size for the TEMP NAME roll is eight bytes. The format of the group is: Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 143 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<-----------------name-------------------I This roll is not used after Allocate. The group size for the DO LOOPS OPEN roll is f our bytes. l----------·------·-----T----------T---------~ 1--------------------> 1______ TAG .___ J.1_________ 0 L _________ .___________ .L JI ROLL 15: The TAG appearing in the seventh byte of the group indicates, in the format of the TAG field of a pointer, the mode and size of the variable. The TEMP NAME roll is used only during Parse and Allocate; it does not appear in any later phase of the compiler. ROLL 13: STD SCRIPI' ROLL The information on this roll pertains to array references for which the subscript expression must appear in a general register ( joined) • LOOPS OPEN ROLL This roll contains the increment and terminal values of the induction variable used in a DO loop and transfer data for the reiteration of the loop. Gen creates the roll by establishing an entry each time a DO loop is encountered. The information is used in generating the object code. As a loop is closed, the bottom group from the LOOPS OPEN roll is pruned. The group size is four bytes. Four groups are placed in the roll at one time. The configuration of a LOOPS OPEN roll group is as follows: 4 bytes The roll exists only in Unify and the information contained therein is taken from the SCRIP']? roll. Its structure and contents are identical to those of the NONSTD SCRIPI' roll (roll 2) with the exception that the traits on this roll always indicate jOined. The group size is variable with a minimum of 20 bytes. ROLL 14: r------------------------------·----------, I pointer to n3 (increment) I pointer to n 2 (terminal value) I LOOP DATA pointer I ~----------------------------------------~ IL_________________________________________ pointer to return point made label JI TEMP ROLL This roll is used as temporary storage in Parse and is not used in any later phase of the compiler. The group size for the TEMP roll is four bytes. This roll is used as temporary storage for error information in Parse and is not used in the other phases of the compiler. The group size for the ERROR TEMP roll is four bytes. ERROR MESSAGE ROLL This roll is used only in Parse. It is used during the printing of the error messages for a single card of the source module. Each group holds the beginning address of an error message required for the card. It is used in conjunction with the ERROR CHAR roll, whose corresponding group holds the column number in the card with which the error is associated. The group size for the ERROR MESSAGE roll is four bytes. DO LOOPS OPEN ROLL ROLL 16: In Parse, as DO statements ,are encountered. pointers to the target labels of the DO statements are placed on this roll. When the target statement itself is encountered, the pointez' is removed. In Allocate, the roll may contain some pointers left from Parse; if any are present, they indicate unclosed DO loops; the roll is checked by Allocate and any information on it is removed. 144 I .-----------------------------------------~ ROLL 16: ROLL 15: I ~----------------------------------------~ TEMP AND CONST ROLL This roll is produced in Gen and is used in Gen and Exit. It holds all constants required for the object module and zeros for all temporary storage locations required in the object module. Binary constants are moved to this roll by Gen from the various CONST rolls. This roll becomes the object module's temporary Form) Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 storage and constant area. The group size for the TEMP AND CONST roll is four bytes. ROLL 18: ROLL 17: This roll is used only in Gen, where it holds the Polish notation for portions of DATA statements or Explicit specification statements which refer to control sections different from the control section presently in process. The roll is a temporary storage location for this inform~tion, since data values are written out for one control section at a time. The group size is four bytes. ERROR CHAR ROLL This roll is used only during Parse, and is not used in any subsequent phase of the compiler. While a single source module card and its error messages are being prepared for output, this roll holds the colUmn number with which an error message is to be associated. The address of the error message is held in the corresponding group on the ERROR MESSAGE roll. The group size for the ERROR CHAR roll is four bytes. DATA SAVE ROLL ROLL 19: XTEND LABEL (XTEND LBL) ROLL This roll is used only by Parse. It holds the pointers to the LABEL roll for all labels defined within the-innermost DO loops that are possible extended range candidates. The group size of the ~~~~Q ~1 roll is four bytes. Each group holds a pointer to the LABEL roll. The format of the group on the roll is: 1 byte 3 bytes r--------T--------------------------------, I TAG ILABEL roll pointer I This roll is used only in Exit, and is not used in previous phases of the compiler. It holds address constants, the locations at which they are to be stored, and relocation information. The group size is 16 bytes. The first word of the group holds an area code, indicating the control section in which the constant exists. The second word of the group holds the address into which the constant is to be placed; the third holds the constant. The last word of the group indicates the relocation factor (ESD number) to be used for the constant. L ________ ~ ________________________________ J If the label is a possible re-entry point from the extended range of a DO loop, the TAG byte contains a X·05'. otherwise, the TAG byte contains a X'OO'. ROLL 19: ROLL EQUIVALENCE TEMP (EQUIV TEMP) This roll is used to hold EQUIVALENCE roll data temporarily in Allocate, and is not used in any other phase of the compiler. The group size for the EQUIVALENCE TEMP or EQUIV TEMP roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group on the roll is: 4 bytes The group size for the INIT roll is eight bytes. The roll is initialized in Parse, and used and destroyed in Allocate. Each group on the roll holds the name of a scalar variable or array listed in the INIT option of a DEBUG statement in the source module. The format of the group is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<------------variable name---------------J ~--------------------T--------------------~ L ____________________ L ____________________ JJ ,--------~---------->J 0 r-----------------------------------------, I<~--------------variable-----------------I r--------------------T--------------------~ I-------name-------->I 0 I .--------------------~--------------------~ JI IL_________________________________________ offset The offset is the relative address of the beginning of the variable within the EQUIVALENCE group (set) of which it is a member. This roll holds this information during the allocation of storage for EQUIVALENCE variables. Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 145 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 ROLL 20: XTEND TARGET LABEL (XTEND TARG LBL) ROLL This roll is 'Used only by Parse. The group size of -the XTEND TARGET LABEL roll is four bytes. Each group holds a pointer to the LABEL roll for each label that appears in any transfer statement (e.g., GO TO, Arithmetic IF statements) within a DO loop. These groups indicate transfers out of an innermost DO loop and a possible extended range. The format of the group is the same. as Roll 19, XTEND LABEL roll. 1 byte 3 bytes r--------T--------------------------------, I TAG I LABEL roll pointer I L ________ .L _________________________________ J If the TJ~G by1:e contains a x' 40", this indicates that the target label also appears in a transfer statement outside the DO loop and may be a possible re-entry point (if the label is defined within the loop). otherwise, the TAG byte contains a 4 bytes Ir-----------T-----------------------------, traits I frequency I I~-----------~-----------------------------~ ARRAY REF pointer I f---------------------------,--------------i JI IL ________________________________________ LOOP CONTROL pointer The frequency indicates how many times within a loop the register is used. The registers are symbolic registers that are converted to real registers and/or temporary storage locations. The pointer to the ARRAY REF roll is actually a thread which indicates each place that this register is required in the loop. The last word, the pointer to the LOOP CONrROL roll, designates where the register in question was initialized. (The particular information is contained in the second word of the entry on the LOOP CONTROL roll.) X'OO'. ROLL 21: EOL!:! 20 LJ.2UIVAI,ENCE HOLD (EQOIV HOLD) Eill::!!:! This roll is constructed by Allocate" and remains in the roll area for all remaining phases of the compiler. The BASE TABLE roll becomes the object module base table" which holds the base addresses used in referring to data in the object module. This roll is used to hold EQUIVALENCE roll data temporarily in Allocate, and is not used in any other phase of the compiler. The group size for the EQUIVALENCE HOLD roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group on the roll is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I <---------------variable-----------------I ~--------------------T--------------------1 I-------name-------->I 0 I ~--------------------L--------------------i IL __________ ,_______________________________ offset JI The offset is the relative address of the beginning of the variable within the EQUIVALENCE group (set) of which it is a member. This roll holds this information during the allocation of storage for EQUIVALENCE variables. The group size for this roll is eight bytes. One group at a time is added to this roll by Allocate. The first word holds the area code which indicates the relocation factor by which the base table entry must be modified at object time; each unique area code also defines an object module control section. The second word holds a relative address within the control section defined by the area code; this is the value which is in the corresponding base table entry prior to modification by the linkage editor. The entire BASE TABLE structed by Allocate. ROLL 22: ROLL 20: REG ROL~ This roll contains information concerning general registers required in the execution of DO loops in the object module. The group size of the REG roll is twelve bytes. The roll is used only in Unify. Each group has thE~ following format: 146 BASE TABLE ROL!! roll is con- ARRAY ROLL This roll is used thrOUghout the compiler to hold the required information describing arrays defined in the source module. In Parse, the name and dimension information is added to the roll for each array definition encountered. The group size for the ARRAY roll is 20 bytes. The format of the group is: Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 bv TNL Y28-6826 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, name----------------I .-------------------T----------T----------1 1------------------>1 TAG 1 0 I ~<--------------array ~-------------------~----------~----------i ARRAY DIMENSION pointer I ~-----------------------------------------~ 1 number of elements I I .-----------------------------------------i I array offset I L_________________________________________ J The TAG appearing in the seventh byte of the group indicates, in the format of the TAG field of a pointer, the mode and size of the array variable. The pOinter in the third word of the group points to the beginning of the plex on the ARRAY DIMENSION roll, which describes the dimensions of the array. The number of elements in the array is a constant, unless the array has dummy dimensions; in the latter case, Parse puts a dummy pointer to a temporary location in this word of the group. The array offset is the summation of the multipliers for the array subscripts. If the array dimensions are nl, n2, ••• n7, then the multipliers are 1, nl, nl*n2" nl*n2 *n3, ••• nl*n2*n3*n4*n5*n6, where the size of the element of the array is not considered. This value, after it is multiplied by the element size~ is used as a subtractive offset for array references. The offset is placed on the roll as a constant unless the array has dummy dimensions; in the latter case, a dummy pointer to a temporary location is placed in the last word of the group. In Allocate, the first two words of the ARRAY roll group are replaced with the following: 4 bytes r---------T----------T--------------------, t TAG IDBG/CEAD 1 displacement I ~---------~----------~--------------------~ IL_________________________________________ base table pointer JI The TAG is unchanged, except in location, from Parse. The DBG/CEAD flag is logically ~ppendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 146.1 split into two hexadecimal values. The first of these indicates debug references to the variable; its value is 1 for INIT, 2 for SUBCHK, 0 for neither, and 3 for both. The second hexadecimal value is nonzero if the array is in COMMON, a member of an EQUIVALENCE set, used as an argument to a subprogram, or a dummy; it is zero otherwise. The displacement and the base table pointer, taken together, indicate the beginning address of the array. The base table pointer specifies the BASE TABLE roll group to be used in references to the array; the displacement is the distance in bytes from the address held in that group to the location at which the array begins. If the array is a dummy, the base table pointer is replaced by a pointer to the GLOBAL DMY roll group defining the array, and the displacement is zero. roll is constructed by Gen and holds pointers to the arguments to subprograms in the order in which they are presented in the subprogram reference. These pointers may, therefore, point to the SCALAR, ARRAY, GLOBAL SPROG, or TEMP AND CONST rolls (the last roll holds arguments which are expressions or constants). The value zero is placed on this roll for arguments whose addresses are computed and stored in the object module argument list area. The TAG fields of the pointers on this roll contain the value zero except for the TAG field of the last pointer for a single subprogram reference; this field contains the value 80. The contents of the SPROG ARG roll are punched by Exit. The group size for the SPROG ARG roll is four bytes. The third, fourth, and fifth words of the ARRAY roll group are not modified by Allocate. ROLL 24: The ARRAY roll remains in storage throughout the compiler, and it is consuIted, but not modified, by the phases following Allocate. ROLL 23: DMY DIMENSION ROLL This roll is used first in Allocate, where it holds pointers to the array definition and the entry statement with which dummy array dimensions are associated. The group size of the DMY DIMENSION roll is four bytes. Two groups are added to the roll at a time to accommodate this information: the format is: ENTRY NAMES ROLL In Parse, this roll holds all ENTRY names defined in the source subprogram, and pointers to the locations on the GLOBAL DMY roll at which the definitions of the dummy arguments corresponding to the ENTRY begin. The group size for the ENTRY NAMES roll is 16 bytes. The format of the group is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<--------------ENTRY name----------------I ~--------------------T--------------------~ 0 I 1--------------------> 1 ~--------------------~-------------------~ dummy pOinter I 1 ~------------------------------------------~ 1L_________________________________________ 0 JI 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I ARRAY pointer I ~----------------------------------------~ I _________________________________________ ENTRY NAMES pointer L J1 The dummy arguments corresponding to the ENTRY are listed on the GLOBAL DMY roll in the order in which they are presented in the ENTRY statement. In Gen, the DMY DIMENSION roll is used in the generation of temporary locations for the dummy dimensions. This operation is performed when code is being produced for the prologue with which the dummy dimension is associated. In Allocate, the ENTRY NAMES roll is used in the check to determine that scalars with the same names as all ENTRYs have been set. A pointer to the scalar is placed in the fourth word of the group by this phase. The DMY DIMENSION roll is not later phases of the compiler. ROLL 23: used by SPROG ARG ROLL This roll becomes the subprogram argument list area of the object module. The In Gen, during the production of the initialization code (the object module heading), the first word of the group is replaced by a pointer to the ADCON roll indicating the location of the prologue, and the second word is replaced by a pOinter to the ADCON roll indicating the location of the epilogue. During the production of code for the prologue, the first pointer (the first word of the group) is replaced by a pointer to the ADCON roll Appendix B: Rolls Used in the compiler 147 which indicates ENTRY. the entry point for the This roll is not required after the phase. The GLOBAL DMY roll is used but fied in Gen and Exit. Gen ROLL 26: ROLL 25: unmodi- ERROR ROLL GLOBAL DMY ROLL In Parse, each group on the roll contains the name of a dummy listed in a dummy argument list for the principle entry or for an ENTRY statement in a source subprogram. A flag also appears in each group which indicates whether the dummy is a "call by name" or a "call by value" dummy. The group size is eight bytes. The format of the group in Parse is: ·4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<--------------durnrny name----------------I ~-------~-------------T--------------------., 1------------------->1 l __________ . __________ 1 flag _L ____________________ J This roll is used only in Parse and holds the location within the statement of an error, and the address of the error message for all errors encountered within a single statement. As the statement is written on the source listing, the information in the ERROR roll groups is removed, leaving the roll empty for the proceSSing of the next statement. The group size is four bytes. Two groups are added to this roll at a time: (1) the column number of the error, counting from one at the beginning of the source statement and increasing by one for every card column in the statement, and (2) the address of the message associated with the particular error encountered. where the dummy name occupies the first six bytes of the group. ROLL 26: ERROR LBL ROLL Label dun~ies, indicated by asterisks in the source module, are not listed on this roll. With this exception, however, the dummy lists from t.he source subprogram are entered on this roll as they appear in the source statements. The end of each dummy list is signaled by a marker symbol on the roll. Since each of the dummy lists is represented on the roll, the name of a single dummy may appear more than once. This roll is used only in Allocat~, where it holds labels which are referred to in the source module, but which are undefined. These labels are held on this roll prior to being written out as undefined labels or unclosed DO loops. The group size for the ERROR LBL roll is four bytes. In Alloca"te, the information group is replaced by: ROLL 27: in each LOCAL DMY ROLL 4 bytes r--------T----------T--------------------, 1 TAG 1 DBG/flag 1 displacement 1 ~---------L-_------.---L--------------------., 1l _________________________________________ base table pointer J1 where the base table pointer indicates the group on the BASE TABLE roll to be used for references to the dummy, and the displacement (in the third and fourth bytes) indicates the distance in bytes from the address stored in that BASE TABLE roll group to the location of the dummy. The "flag" occupies the second hexadecimal character of the second byte and is unchanged from Parse, indicating call by name if it is on. The first hexadecimal value in that byte indicates debug references to the variable; its value is 1 for INIT, 2 for SUBCHR, 0 for neither, and 3 for both. The TAG indicates the mode and size of the dummy. 148 This roll holds the names of the dummy arguments to a statement function while the statement function is being processed by Parse. The group size is eight bytes. The format of the group is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<--------------dummy name----------------I ~--------------------T--------------------., L-___________________ -L- ___________________ J1 1------------------->1 0 The information is removed from the roll when the processing of the statement function is complete. This roll does not appear in any subsequent phase of the compiler; however, pointers to it appear in the Polish notation produced by Parse and these pOinters are, therefore, processed by Gen. ROLL 28: LOCAL SPROG ROLL In Parse, the roll holds the names of all statement functions as they are encountered in the source module. The group size for the LOCAL SPROG roll is eight bytes. The format of the group is: a group. Pointers are added to the roll when the labels are found as arguments in CALL statements. The group size for the CALL LBL is eight bytes. gOLL 30: ERROR SYMBOL ROLL 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, 1<------------stmt. function--------------I ~-------------------T----------T----------~ I-------name------->I TAG 0 l ___________________ i __________ i1__________ JI The TAG appearing in the seventh byte of the group indicates, in the format of the TAG field of a pointer, the mode and size of the function value. This roll is used only in Allocate, where it holds any symbol which is in error, in preparation for printing. The group size for the ERROR SYMBOL roll is eight bytes. The symbol 1 TAG 0 l ___________________ i __________ i1__________ JI where the TAG (seventh byte) indicates the mode and size of the variable. Groups are entered on this roll by Parse; the roll is consulted by Allocate, but not altered. ROLL 30: CALL LBL ROLL This roll is used only in Parse, where it holds pointers to the LBL roll groups defining labels which are passed as arguments in source module CALL statements. The pOinters are held on this roll only temporarily, and are packed two pointers to NAMELIST NAMES ROLL 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<---------------NAMELIST-----------------I ~--------------------T--------------------~ I-------name-------->I 0 I ~--------~-----------~-------------------~ 1l _________________________________________ pointer to NAMELIST items J1 where the pointer indicates the first variable in the list associated with the NAMELIST name. In Allocate, the content of the group on the NAMELIST NAMES roll is changed to reflect the placement of the corresponding NAMELIST table in the object module. The format of the first two words of the modified group is: 4 bytes r--------------------T--------------------, I 0 1 displacement I ~--------------------~-------------------~ 1l _________________________________________ base table pointer JI where the base table pointer indicates the group on the BASE TABLE roll to be used for references to the NAMELIST table, and the displacement (bytes 3 and 4) indicates the distance in bytes from the address in that BASE TABLE roll group to the location of the beginning of the NAMELIST table. This roll is used, but not modified, in Gen and Exit. Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 149 ROLL 32: NAMELIST ITEMS ROLL This roll holds the variable names listed in the narnelists defined by the source module. 'rhe group size for the NAMELIST ITEMS roll is eight bytes. Information is placed on the roll by Parse in the following form: IJ pointer to the dummy dimension variable on the SCALAR roll, and all affected mUltipliers are pointers to temporary locations (on the TEMP AND CONST roll)~ The mUltipliers for an array with dimensions n1, n2, n3, ••• , n7 are 1, n1, n1*n2, ••• , n1*n2*n3*n4*n5*n6. The ARRAY DIMENSION roll is present, but not modified in Unify, Gen, and Exit. bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<---------------variable-----------------I ~--------------------T--------------------i I-------narne---------> 0 L____________________ I ____________________ JI ROLL 34: A marker symbol separates namelists on roll. This roll becomes the object module branch table. During Allocate, where the roll is first used, the size of the roll is determined, and some groups are actually placed on it. These groups contain the value zero, and each group refers to a source module label. ~ The roll is used in this Allocate and is destroyed. It appear in later phases. ROLL 33: the format by does not ARRAY 'DIMENSION ROLL This roll is used to hold dimension information for the arrays defined in the source module. The group size for the ARRAY DIMENSION roll is variable. The information is placed on the roll by Parse in the form of a plex, as follows: 4 bytes n I ~-----------------------------------------i I dimension I ~-----------------------------------------i I multiplier I ~-------------------------·-----------------i I dimension I ~-----------------------------------------i I multiplier I ~-----------------------------------------i I I I I I I ~-----------------------------------------i I dimension I ~----------------------------------------i I _________________________________________ multiplier L JI where n is the number of words in the plex, exclusive of itself. As many dimensions and corresponding multipliers appear as there are dimensions declared for the array. Unless the array is a dummy and has dummy dimensions, each dimension and multiplier is a constant. When dummy dimensions do appear in the array definition, the corresponding dimension on this roll is a 150 In Gen, the information for the BRANCH TABLE roll groups is supplied as each labeled statement is processed. The group size for the BRANCH TABLE roll is eight bytes. The format of the group is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I area code I ~-----------------------------------------i I relative address L _________________________________________ JI r-------------------------------------------, I BRANCH TABLE ROLL where the area code provides the reference for linkage editor modification of the corresponding branch table word, and the relative address is the relative location of the label in the control section (area) in which it appears. Branch table (and, hence, BRANCH TABLE roll) entries are provided for all branch target labels, statement functions, and made labels (labels constructed by the compiler to refer to return points in DO loops and to the statements following Logical IF statements) • The roll is retained in the Gen format until it is written out by Exit. ROLL 35: TEMP DATA NAME ROLL This roll is used only in Parse, where it holds pointers and size information for variables listed in DATA statements or in Explicit specification statements which specify initial values. Information is held on this roll while the statement is being processed. The group size for the TEMP DATA NAME roll is four bytes. Four groups are added to the TEMP DATA NAME roll for each variable listed in the statement being scanned. They are in the following sequence: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I element size (bytes) I ~-----------------------------------------~ I pointer to variable I ~-----------------------------------------~ I number elements set I ~-----------------------------------------~ Il _________________________________________ element number JI The third group specifies the number of elements of the variable being set by the DATA statement or the Explicit specification statement. If a full array is set, this is the number of elements in the array; if a specific array element is set, this word contains the value one. The fourth group indicates the first element number being set. If a full array is being set, this word holds the value zero; otherwise, it holds the element number. ROLL 36: tains a pOinter to the value which is held in the corresponding general register at the present pOint in the object module; as the contents of the general registers are changed, the pointers are changed. The pointers are used primarily to indicate that the general register is in use and the mode of the value in it. They are used for optimizing only in the case of the general registers which are loaded from the base table and the general registers used for indexing. If the general register corresponding to a specific group is not in use, the group holds the value zero. ROLL 37: EQUIVALENCE ROLL In Parse, this roll holds the names of all variables listed in source module EQUIVALENCE statements. One group is used for each variable name listed in the source statement, and EQUIVALENCE sets are separated from each other by a marker symbol. The group size for the EQUIVALENCE roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group is: TEMP POLISH ROLL 4 bytes This roll is used only in Parse, where it holds the Polish notation for a single DATA group during the scanning of that group. In an Explicit specification statement, a DATA group is defined to be a single variable and the associated constants; in a DATA statement, a DATA group is the set of variables listed between a pair of slash characters and the constants associated with that set. This roll is used because any error encountered in a DATA group will cause the Polish notation for the entire group to be canceled. In an Explicit specification statement, the type information on the variable is retained when the data is bad; if, however, the type information is bad, the data is also lost. The group size is four bytes. ROLL 36: r-----------------------------------------, I <---------------variable-----------------I ~--------------------T--------------------~ I---name------------>I 0 I ~.--------------------'---------------------~ lI _________________________________________ JI EQUIVALENCE OFFSET pointer The pointer to the EQUIVALENCE OFFSET roll points to the first word of a plex on that roll which holds the subscript information supplied in the EQUIVALENCE statement. If no subscript was used on the variable in the EQUIVALENCE statement, the value zero appears in the third word of the group on the EQUIVALENCE roll. The roll is used and destroyed in Allocate, during the assignment of storage for EQUIVALENCE variables. FX AC ROLL ROLL 37: This roll is used in Gen only and is a fixed length roll of 16 groups. The groups refer to the 16 general registers in order. The group size for the FX AC roll is four bytes. Each group on the roll con- BYTE SCALAR ROLL This roll is used only in Allocate, where it holds (temporarily) the names of 1-byte scalar variables. The group size for the BYTE SCALAR roll is eight bytes. The format of the group is: Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 151 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<-------------scalar name----------------I ~--------------------T----------T---------~ 1------------------->1 TAG 1 0 J1 L__.__________________ . L__________. L _________ where the TAG field indicates the mode size of the variable. ROLL 38: USED LIB FUNCTION and ROL~ ROLL 39: COMMON DATA ROLL This roll holds the names of all COMMON variables as defined in source module COMMON statements. A marker symbol separates COMMON blocks on this roll. All information is placed on this roll in Parse. The group size is eight bytes. The first six bytes of each group hold the nameof the COMMON variable; the remaining two bytes are set to zero, as follows: 4 bytes In Parse, the roll holds the names and other information for all library FUNCTIONs which are actually referenced in the source module. The group size for the USED LIB FUNCTION roll is twelve bytes. The information is placed on the roll in the following format: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, 1<----------------FUNCTION-------·--------- 1 ~-------------------T----------T----------~ I-------name--------> I TAG 1 0 1 ~---------T---------+----------..L----------~ 1TAG 1 flag I no. arguments J1 L_________ . L_________ . L _____________________ The TAG appearing in byte 7 indicates the mode and size of the function value. The TAG appearin 1 0 In Allocate, the information on this roll 1S used and destroyed. The roll is not used in later phases. ROLL 39: HALF WORD SCALAR ROLL The roll is used only in Allocate, where it holds (temporarily) the names of halfword scalar variables defined in the source module. The group size for the HALF WORD SCALAR roll is eight bytes. The format of the group is: 4 bytes r----------------------------------------, I<-------------scalar name----------------I ~-------------------T----------T----------~ 1------------------>1 TAG 0 L ___________________i -_________ i 1__________ J1 where the TAG indicates the mode and size of the variable. 4 bytes r---------T----------T--------------------, 1 TAG 1 0 1 displacement 1 ~-----_---..L----------..L--------------------~ 1 L_________________________________________ base table pointer J1 where the base table pointer indicates the group on the BASE TABLE roll to be used in referring to the address of the subprogram. The displacement is the distance in bytes from the contents of the base table entry to the location at which the address of the subprogram will be stored. The TAG byte is unchanged, except in location, from Parse. The USED LIB FUNCTION roll is consulted by Gen in the cons"truction of object code, but it is not modified. It is also present, but not modified, in Exit. 152 ROLL 40: COMMON NAME ROLL In Parse, this roll holds the name of each COMMON block, and a pointer to the location on the COMMON DATA roll at which the specification of the variables in that block begins. The group size for the COMMON NAME roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<--------------block name----------------I ~--------------------T--------------------~ 1------------------->1 0 1 ~--------------------i--------------------~ J1 1L_________________________________________ COMMON DATA pointer \ The pointer points to the first variable in the list of names which follows the block name in the COMMON statement~ since a single COMMON block may be mentioned more than once in source module COMMON statements, the same COMMON name may appear more than once on this roll. The information is placed on this roll as COMMON statements are processed by Parse. In Allocate, the roll is rearranged and the last word of each group is replaced by the size of the COMMON block in bytes, after duplicate COMMON names have been eliminated. The size is written out by Allocate and the roll is destroyed. ROLL 40: TEMP PNTR ROLL The group size for the TEMP PNTR roll is four bytes. This roll is used only in Gen, and holds pointers to those groups on the TEMP AND CONST roll that represent object module temporary storage locations. The information recorded on this roll is maintained so that temporary storage created for one statement can be reused by subsequent statements. ROLL 41: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I n I I---.--------------------------------------~ I subscript 1 I I subscript 2 I I------------------------------------------i I-------.-----------------------------------~ I I I i------------------------------------------iI I L _________________________________________ J subscript n where n is the number of words in the plex excl usi ve of itself and" therefore" also the number of subscripts. Each subscript is recorded as an integer constant. The connection between a plex on this roll and the corresponding EQUIVALENCE variable is made by a pointer which appears on the EQUIVALENCE roll and points to the first word of the appropriate plex on this roll. In Allocate, the EQUIVALENCE OFFSET roll is used .in the allocation of storage for EQUIVALENCE variables. It is destroyed this phase" and does not appear in the later phases of the compiler. IMPLICIT ROLL ROLL 42: This roll is used only in Parse and Allocate, where it holds the information supplied by the source module IMPLICIT statement. The group size for the IMPLICIT !roll is four bytes. Its format is: 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte r----------T---------T---------T----------, I letter I 0 I TAG I 0 JI L __________ _________ _________ __________ ~ ~ ~ This information is placed on the roll by Parse. The TAG field in the third byte of the group indicates, in the format of the TAG field of a pointer, the mode and siz~ assigned to the letter by means of the IMPLICIT statement. The IMPLICIT roll is used and destroyed. by FL AC ROLL This roll is used in Gen only, and is a fixed length roll of four groups. The groups refer to the four floating-point registers, in order. The group size for the FL AC roll is four bytes. Each group on the roll contains a pointer to the value which is held in the register at the present point in the object program~ as the contents of the registers change; the pointers are changed. These pointers are used primarily to indicate that the register is in use and the mode of the value in it. If the register is not in use, the corresponding group on this roll contains zero. Allocate, ROLL 43: ROLL 42: I I I EQUIVALENCE OFFSET ROLL This roll is constructed during the operation of Parse and holds the subscripts from EQUIVALENCE variables in the form of plexes. The group size for the EQUIVAL~NCE OFFSET roll is variable. Each plex has the form: LBL ROLL This roll holds all labels used and/or defined in the source module. Each label is entered on the roll by Parse when it is first encountered, whether in the label field or within a statement. The group size for the LBL roll is four bytes. In Parse, the format of the LBL roll group is: Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 153 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 1 byte 3 bytes r---------T-------------------------------, I TAG I binary label I L ________ --'-_. ______________________________ J where the first byte is treated as the TAG field of a pointer, and the remaining three bytes contai.n the label, converted to a binary integer. In the TAG field, the mode portion (the first four bits) is used to indicate whether the label has been defined; the remainder of the TAG field is used to indicate whether the label is the target of a jump, the label of a FORMAT, or neither. The leftmost four bits of the are used as follows: 8 Label i.s defined o Label i.s undefined TAG byte The rightmost four bits of the TAG byte indicate the· following: In Parse, the names of all unsubscripted variables which are not dummy arguments to statement functions are listed on the roll in the order of their appearance in active (non-specification) statements in the source module. Variables which are defined in specification statements, but which are never used in the source module, are not entered on the roll. The group size for the SCALAR roll is eight bytes. The format of the group is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<-------------scalar name----------------I ~--------------------T----------T---------~ L____________________ __________ J1 1------------------->1 TAG I_________ 0 ~ ~ The TAG field appearing in the seventh byte of the group indicates the mode and size of the variable in the format of the TAG field of a pointer. 1 This is the label of the target of a jump (GO TO) statement. In Allocate, the information left on the SCALAR roll by Parse is replaced by information indicating the storage assigned for the variable. The resulting format of the group is: 3 This is the statement. label of a FORMAT r---------T----------T--------------------, I TAG IDBG/CEAD I displacement I 5 This label is a possible reentry point within an innermost DO loop that may have a possible extended range. (Parse inserts the hexadecimal 5 to indicate to Gen that the label is a possible re-entry point; the Gen phase then restores those registers that were saved before the extended range was entered.> JI JL _________________________________________ base table pointer 4 bytes o = None of the above conditions. In Allocate, the lower three bytes of each LBL roll group defining a jump target label are replaced by the lower three bytes of a pointer to the BRANCH TABLE roll group, which will hold the location of the label at object time. Each group defining a FORMAT statement label is replaced (lower three bytes only) with a pointer to the FORMAT roll group which holds the base pointer and displacement for the FORMAT. Groups defining the targets of unclosed DO loops are cleared to zero. In Gen, the LBL roll is used to find the pOinters to the BRANCH TABLE and FORMAT rolls, but it is not altered. 154 ~---------~----------~--------------------~ The TAG field appearing in the first byte is unchanged, except in location, from the TAG field held in the SCALAR roll group during Parse. The DBG/CEAD flag (in the second byte) is logically split into two hexadecimal values. The first of these indicates debug references to the variable; the value is 1 for a scalar referred to in the INIT option; otherwise, the value is zero. The second hexadecimal value is nonzero if the variable is in COMMON, a member of an EQUIVALENCE set, or an argument to a subprogram or a global dummy; otherwise, it is zero. The displacement in bytes 3 and 4, and the base table pointer in the second word, function together to indicate the location assigned for the variable. The base table pointer specifies a BASE TABLE roll group; the displacement is the distance in bytes from the location contained in that group to the location of the scalar variable. If the scalar is a call by name dummy, the base table pointer is replaced by a pointer to the GLOBAL DMY roll group defining it, and the displacement is zero. Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 The SCALAR roll is checked, but fied, during Unify, Gen, and Exit. This roll stants used statements. modi- occupy fewer than 16 characters are rightadjusted in the group with leading zeros. holds the hexadecimal conin source module DATA In Parse, this roll holds the names of variables listed in DATA statements and variables for which data values are provided in Explicit specification statements. The names are entered on the roll when they a~e found in these statements. rhe group size for this roll is eight bytes. The groups have the following form: The format of the roll is identical for all phases of the compiler. The group size is 16 bytes. Two hexadecimal characters are packed to a byte, and constants which Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 154.1 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, \<------------variable name---------------\ ~-------------------T--------------------~ 1------------------->1 0 L ____________________ ____________________ J\ ~ This information is used to ensure that no data values are provided in the source module for dummy variables. The information is left on the roll throughout Parse, but is cleared before Allocate operates. In Allocate, binary labels and the names of statement functions, scalar variables, arrays, global subprograms, and used library functions are placed on the roll in order. The group size for this roll is four bytes. Each label entered on the roll occupies one word; the names occupy two words each and are left-justified, leaving the last two bytes of each name group unused. The encoded information is placed on this roll by Allocate as its operations modify the rolls on which the information was originally recorded by Parse. Thus, all the labels appear first, in the order of their appearance on the LBL roll, etc. The information is used by the Exit phase in producing the object module listing (if the LIST option is specified by the us~r). ROLL 47: FULL WORD SCALAR ROLL This roll is used only in Allocate, where it holds the names of all fullword scalar variables defined by the source module. The group size is eight bytes. The format of the group on the roll is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<-------------scalar name----------------I ~--------------------T----------T---------~ 1------------------->1 TAG 1_________ 0 L ____________________ _________ J1 ~ ~ where the TAG indicates the mode and size of the variable. This information is held on this roll only temporarily during the assignment of storage for scalar variables. ROLL 48: COMMON AREA ROLL This roll is used only in Allocate, where it holds COMMON block names and sizes temporarily during the allocation of COMMON storage. The group size for the COMMON AREA roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group on the roll is: 4 bytes ROLL 46: LITERAL TEMP (TEMP LITERAL) ROLL r-----------------------------------------, I<--------------block name----------------I ~--·------------------T--------------------i 1------------------->1 This roll is used only in Parse, where it holds literal constants temporarily while they are being scanned. The group size for the LITERAL TEMP or TEMP LITERAL roll is four bytes. Literal constants are placed on the roll one character per byte, or four characters per group. ROLL 47: COMMON DATA TEMP ROLL This roll holds the information from the COMMON DATA roll temporarily during the operation of Allocate, which is the only phase in which this roll is used. The qroup size for the COMMON DATA TEMP roll is eight bytes. The format of the group is identical to that of the COMMON DATA roll, namely: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<--------------variable------------------\ ~-------------------T--------------------~ I-------name-------->\ 0 L ____________________ ____________________ J1 ~ 0 ~--.------------------.:l-.----------------- 1 --i 1L-________________________________________ block size (bytes) J1 ROLL 48: NAMELIST ALLOCATION ROLL This roll is used only in Allocate, where it holds information regarding NAMELIST items temporarily during the allocation of storage for the NAMELIST tables. The group size for this roll is twelve The format of the group is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<------------variable name---------------I r-·------------------T--------------------i 1--·-----------------> 1 0 1 ~--.------------------~-------------------~ 1L__________________________________________ pointer JI where the pointer indicates the group defining the variable on either the SCALAR or ARRAY roll. Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 155 ROLL 49: 4 bytes COMMON NAME TEMP ROLL r------------------------------T----------, I area code 1 ESD # 1 This roll is used only in Allocate, where it holds the information from the COMMON NAME roll temporarily. The group size for the COMMON NAME TEMP roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group is therefore identical to that of the COMMON NAME roll: 4 bytes r----------·-------------------------------, I<--------------block name----------------I ~--------------------T--------------------~ 1------------------->1 0 1 I----------------.----~--------------------~ 1 COMMON DATA pointer 1 l ______________ ._________________________ J ~------------------------------~---------i address lI _________________________________________ JI where the area code indicates the control section in which the variable or constant is contained. The ESD number governs the modification of the location by the linkage editor, and the address is the location requiring modification. Information is placed on this roll by both Allocate and Exit, and the RLD cards are written from the information by Exit. The entries made on the RLD roll by Allocate concern the NAMELIST tables; all remaining entries are made by Exit. where the COMMON DATA pointer pOints to the list of variables in the COMMON block. ROLL 52: ROLL 50: COMMON ALLOCATION ROLL EQUIV AI.LOCATION ROLL This roll is used only during Allocate, and is not. used in any other phase of the compiler. When the allocation of storage for EQUIVALENCE variables has been completed, the information which has been produced on the GENERAL ALLOCATION roll is moved to this roll. The group size for the EQUIV ALLOCA'TION roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group is, therefore, identical to tha·t on the GENERAL ALLOCATION roll: 4 bytes .-----------------------------------------, I<---------------variable-----------------I I-----------------------T------------------ --~ I-------name--------> I displacement I This roll is used only in Allocate and is not used in any other phase of the compiler. When the allocation of COMMON storage has been completed, the information which has been produced on the GENERAL ALLOCATION roll is moved to this roll. The group size for the COMMON ALLOCATION roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group is, therefore, identical to that on the GENERAL ALLOCATION roll: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I<---------------variable-----------------I ~--------------------T--------------------i I-------name-------->I displacement I ~--------------------~-------------------i I base table pointer lI _________________________________________ J ~--------------------~-------------------~ I _________________________________________ base table pointer L JI where the base table pointer indicates the group on the BASE TABLE roll which will be used for references to the variable. The displacement is the distance in bytes from the location indicated in the BASE TABLE roll group to the location of the variable. where the base table pointer indicates the group on the BASE TABLE roll which will be used for references to the variable. The displacement is the distance in bytes from the location indicated in the BASE TABLE roll group to the location of the variable. ROLL 52: ROLL 51: This roll is used only in Allocate and Exit; it is not used in Parse. In both Allocate and Exit, the roll holds the information requir·ed for the production of RLD cards. The group size for the RLD roll is eight bytes. The group format is: 156 LOOP CONTROL ROLL RLD ROLL This roll is created by Unify and is used by Gen. The information contained on the roll indicates the control of a loop. The group size for the LOOP CONTROL roll is twelve bytes. The format of the LOOP CONTROL roll group in Unify and Gen is: Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 4 bytes r-----------T-----------------------------, I traits I coefficient ] t-----------L-----------------------------~ I register (this loop) I t-----------------------------------------~ JI 1L _________________________________________ base or register (outer loop) where the first byte of the first word (traits) indicates whether the coefficient is initiated by a direct load. The remaining three bytes is the coefficient, which is the multiplier for the induction variable. The second four bytes is the register where the coefficient is required. The base is the source of initialization of the register; it can be either a constant, register, or an address. This roll is first used in Parse, where the FORMAT statements are placed on it. See Appendix D for the description of the encoding of the FORMAT statement. Each group of the FORMAT roll is in the form of a plex (the group size is given in word 0). The configuration of a FORMAT group in Parse is: which, taken together, indicate the beginning location of the FORMAT statement. These groups are packed to the BASE of the roll; that is, this information for the first FORMAT appears in the first two words on the roll, the information for the second FORMAT appears in words 3 and 4, etc. The LBL roll group which defines the label of the FORMAT statement holds a pointer to the displacement recorded for the statement on this roll. The FORMAT roll is retained in this form for the remainder of the compilation. This roll is created by Parse as each appropriate array reference is encountered. The array reference indicated includes subscripts (one or more) which use the ~nstruction variable in a linear fashion. Unify uses the contents of the roll. The group size of the SCRIPT roll is 16 bytes, plus an additional 4 bytes for each DO loop that is open at the point of the array reference represented by the entry. The group format of the SCRIPT roll in Parse and Unify is as described for the NONSTD SCRIPT roll. 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, ] size of the group I ~-----------------------------------------~ I pointer to the LBL roll ] ~-----------------------------------------~ J number of bytes in the FORMAT I t-----------------------------------------~ J I I I L I_________________________________________ J1 Word Q contains a value which indicates the number of words in the group on the roll. The pointer to the LBL roll points to the label of the corresponding FORMAT statement. 'I'he next word gives the number of bytes of storage occupied by this particular FORMAT statement. The ellipses denote that the encoded FORMAT follows this control informatiDn. In Allocate, the FORMATs are replaced by the following: 4 bytes r--------------------T--------------------, 0 I displacement I I t--------------------L--------------------~ J~ ~L _________________________________________ base table pointer RO~L 55: LOOP DATA ROLL This roll contains the initializing and terminating data, and indicates the induction variable and the nesting level of the particular loop from which this entry was created. The roll is created in Parse at the time that the loop is epcountered. rhe group size of the LOOP DATA roll is 20 bytes. The group format of the roll in Parse is: 4 bytes r---------T-------------------------------, i TAG I nest level I ~-_-------i-------------------------------~ 1 pointer to induction variable I tLt-----------------------------------------~ pointer to n 1 (initial value> __________________________________________ JI where the TAG byte contains a X'80' when an inner DO loop contains a possible extended range. The X'80' is placed there by Parse and tested by Gen. The Gen phase then produces object code to save general registers 4 through 7 at the beginning of this DO loop so that the registers are not Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 157 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 altered in the extended range. The next three bytes indicate the nest level of the loop. The second word is a pointer to the SCALAR roll group which describes the induction variable. The third word of the group points to the initializing value for the inductio:n variable, which may be represented on ·the FX CONST roll or the SCALAR roll. During the operation of the Unify phase., the roll is completed with pointers to the LOOP CONTRO:L roll. During Unify, the LOOP CONTROL roll is also created; therefore, insertion of the pointers is done while the loop control data is being established. 4 bytes r----------T-----------------------·------, I traits I frequency I I.----------~-----------------------~------~ ARRAY REF pointer I .----------------------------------~------i J ARRAY pointer I .-----------------------------------------i I ARRAY offset pointer .-----------------------------------------i I induction variable coefficient I ~ .-----------------------------------------~ J induction variable coefficient I (nest level = 2) I .-----------------------------------------~ J I I I I I .-----------------------------------------i i induction variable coefficient I JI IL_________________________________________ (nest level = n) J The following illustration shows the configuration of the LOOP DATA roll as it is used in Unify: See the NONSTD description. SCRIPT roll for further 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I nest level I t----------------·------------------------iI 1 SCALAR pointer (induction variable) .-----------------------------------------i ] FX CONST pointer or SCALAR pointer J ~-----------------------------------------i ] LOOP CONTROL pointer (start init.) I t-----------------------------------------i JI JL _________________________________________ LOOP CONTROL pointer (end init.) This roll is used only in Gen, where it handles subscripts (array references) which are not handled by Unify. The group size for the ARRAY PLEX roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group on the roll is: 4 bytes The last two words (eight bytes) of the group are inserted by unify. These pointers point to the first and last LOOP CONTROL roll groups concerned with this loop. This roll is a duplicate of the SCRIPT roll. The contents of the SCRIPT roll are transferred to the PROGRAM SCRIPT roll in Parse as each loop is closed. Each loop is represented by a reserved block on the roll. The group size of the PROGRAM SCRIPT roll is 16 bytes, plus an additional 4 bytes for each nest level up to and including the one containing the reference represented by the entry. The format of the PROGRAM SCRIPT roll group in Parse and Unify is as follows: 158 Ir-----------------------------------------, pointer to array I ~-----------------------------------------~ J pointer to index I .-----------------------------------------i I displacement t L_________________________________________ J The pointer in the first word of the group points to the ARRAY REF roll when the ~ubscript used contains DO dependent linear subscripts (which are handled by Unify) and non-linear variables. Otherwise, the pointer refers to the ARRAY roll. The second word of the group holds a pointer to the index value to be used in the subscripted array reference. This pointer points to general register 9 on the FX AC roll if the index value has been loaded into that register, if the index value has been stored in a temporary location, the pointer indicates the proper location on the TEMP AND CONST roll1 if the index value is a fixed constant, the pointer indicates the proper group on the FX CONST roll. When the information in this word has been used to construct the proper instruction for the array reference, the word is cleared to zero. The displacement, in the third word of the group, appears only when the first word of the group holds a pointer to the ARRAY roll. otherwise, the displacement is on the ARRAY REF roll in the group indicated by the pointer in the first word, and this word contains the value zero. This value is the displacement value to be used in the instruction generated for the array reference. o 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 6 1 2 9 0 3 1 r---------------T----T----T---------------, lop code IR1 IR2 I offset I ~---------------~---~---~--------------~ I 0 or TEMP 1\.ND CONST roll I I pointer I ~-----------------------------------------i I 0 or TEMP ~,ND CONST roll I I pointer I .-----------------------------------------~ I lIARRAY _________________________________________ J pointer ROLL 57: ROLL 58: ARRAY REF ROLL Pointers to this roll are inserted into the Polish notation by Parse. At the time that these pointers are established, the ARRAY REF roll is empty. The pointer is inserted into the Polish notation when an array reference includes linear loopcontrolled subscripts. The roll is initially created by Unify and completed by Gen. The group size of the ARRAY REF roll is 16 bytes. The format of the ARRAY REF roll group as it appears in Unify is as follows: o 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 6 1 2 9 0 3 1 r---------------T----T----T---------------, I IR1 IR~ I offset I ~--------------~----~----~---------------~ I pOinter to register (R 1 ) or to the I I TEMP AND CONST roll I ~----------------------------------------~ I pointer to register (R~) or to the I I TEMP AND CONST roll I ~----------------------------------------~ pOinter to the ARRAY roll lI _________________________________________ JI This roll contains relocatable tion that is to be used by Exit. informa- Unify creates the roll which contains a pointer to the TEMP AND CONST roll and an area code and. displacement. The pointer indicates an entry on the TEMP AND CONST roll which must be relocated according to the area code. The displacement is the value to be placed in that temporary storage and 'constant area location. The group size of the ADR CONST roll is eight bytes. The format of the ADR CONST roll group in Unify is: 4 bytes r--------------------T--------------------, I area code I displacement I .--------------------~-------------------i I ________________________________________ TEMP AND CONST pointer l_. JI These groups are constructed by Unify to provide additional base table values for indexing. ROLL 59: The first word of the group contains thf low 20 bits of an instruction which i~ being formatted by the compiler. R1 and R2 are the two register fields to be filled with the numbers of the registers to be used for the array reference. Word 2 of the group contains the pointer indicating the register to be assigned for R1 • Word 3 of the group indicates the register R2 • When R1 and R~ have been assigned, the second and third words are set to zero. ADR CONST ROLL AT ROLL This roll is constructed in Parse and used in Gen. It is not used in the remaining phases. The group size for this roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, AT label pointer I I ~---------------------------------------i I debug label pointer I .------------------------------------------~ Gen completes the entry by adding the operation code to the instruction that is being built. The format of an ARRAY REF roll group in Gen is: return label pointer lI __________________________________________ JI All three of the pointers in the group point to the LBL roll. The first points to the label indicated in the source module AT Appendix B: Rolls Used in the Compiler 159 statement. The second points to the made label supplied by the compiler for the code it has written to perform the debugging operations. The third label pointer indicates the made label supplied for the point in the code to which the debug code returns; that is, the code which follows the branch to the debugging code. ROLL 62: GENERAL ALLOCATION ROLL This ~oll is used only during Allocate, and is not used in any other phase of the compiler. During the various allocation operations performed by this phase, the roll holds the information which ultimately resides on the remaining ALLOCATION rolls. The group size for the GENERAL ALLOCATION roll is twelve bytes. The format of the group is: 4 bytes ROLL 60: SUBCHK ROLL This roll is initialized in Parse and used in Allocate. It does not appear in later phases. The group size for this roll is eight bytes._ The format of the group is: t~ bytes r------------------------------------------, I <-------------variable name--------------I ~---------------------T-------------------~ 1--------------------> L ____________________ I ____________________ 0 JI ~ Each group holds the name of an array listed in the SUBCHK option of a source module DEBUG statement. ROLL 60: NAMELIST MPY DATA ROLL This roll is set up during the construction of the NAMELIST tables in Allocate. In Exit, the roll is used to complete the information in the NAMELIST tables. The roll is not used in the other phases of the compiler. The group size for the NAMELIST MPY DATA roll is eight bytes. The format of the group on this roll is: r-----------------------------------------, I<---------------variable-----------------I ~-------------------T---------------------~ I-------name------->I displacement I ~-------------------i---------------------1 I_________________________________________ base table pointer L JI where the base table pointer indicates the group on the BASE TABLE roll which will be used for references to the variable. The displacement is the distance in bytes from the location indicated in the BASE TABLE roll group to the location of the variable. During the allocation of COMMON, the third word of each group holds a relative address until all of a COMMON block has been allocated, when the relative address is replaced by the pointer as indicated above. During the allocation of EQUIVALENCE variables, relative addresses within the EQUIVALENCE variables are used and then replaced by pointers as for COMMON. ROLL 62: CODE ROLL This roll holds the object code generated by the compiler, in binary. This roll is first used in Gen, where the object code for the entire source module is built up on the roll. 4 bytes r-----------·------·-----------------------, I multiplier constant I ~-----------------------------------------~ JI IL_________________________________________ address The multiplier constant refers to an array dimension for an array mentioned in a NAMELIST list. The address is the location in a NAMELIST table at which a pointer to the multiplier constant must appear. In Exit, the constant is placed in the temporary storage and constant area of the object module, and a TXT card is punched to load its address into the location specified in the second word of the group. 160 The group size for the CODE roll is eight bytes. Two types of groups are placed on the roll during the operations of Gen. The first type of group is added to the roll by the instructions IEYBIN, IEYBIM and IEYBID. In this type of group, the binary instruction is left-justified in the eight bytes. When the instruction occupiesonly two bytes, the first word is completed with zeros. When the instruction occupies two or four bytes, the second word of the group holds a pointer to the defining group for the operand of the instruction. When the instruction is a 6-byte instruction, the last two bytes of the group contain zero, and no pointer to the operand appears. A unique value is placed on the CODE roll by these instructions to indicate the beginning of a new control section. The second type of group entered on the CODE roll appears as a result of the operation of one of the instructions IEYPOC and IEYMOC. These groups do not observe the a-byte group size of the roll, but rather begin with a word containing a special value in the upper two bytes; this value indicates an unusual group. The lower two bytes of this word contain the number of words in the following information. This word is followed by the binary instructions. The object module code is written out from this roll by the Exit phase of the compiler. WORK ROLL The WORK roll is often used to hold intermediate values. The group size for this roll is four bytes. The name WO is applied to the bottom of the WORK roll (the last meaningful word), W1 refers to the next-to-bottom group on the WORK roll, etc. In the POP instructions these names are used liberally, and must be interpreted with care. Loading a value into Wo is storage into the next available word, (WRKADR) + 4, lIDless specifically otherwise indicated, while storage from WO to another location involves access to the contents of the last word on the roll, (WRKADR). WRKADR is normally incremented following a load operation and decremented following a store. EXIT ROLL ROLL 63: AFTER POLISH ROLL This roll is constructed in Parse, remains untouched until Gen, and is destrayed in that phase. The AFTER POLISH roll holds the Polish notation produced by Parse. The Polish for one statement is moved off of the POLISH roll and added to this roll when it is completed; thus, at the end of Parse, the Polish notation for the entire source module is on this roll. In Gen, the Polish notation is returned to the POLISH roll from the AFTER POLISH roll for the production of object code. At the conclusion of the Gen phase, the roll is empty and is no longer required by the compiler. The group size for this roll is four bytes. WORK AND EXIT ROLLS Because of the nature and frequency of their use, the WORK roll and the EXIT roll are assigned permanent storage locations in IEYROL, which is distinct from the storage area reserved for all other rolls. As a result, these rolls may never be reserved and are manipulated differently by the POP instructions. The group stats and the items BASE and TOP are not maintained for these rolls. The only control item maintained for these rolls corresponds to the item BOTTOM, and is carried in the general register WRKADR (register 4) for the WORK roll and EXTADR (register 5) for the EXIT roll. The EXIT roll holds exit addresses for subroutines and, thereby, provides for the recursion used throughout the compiler. The ANSWER BOX is also recorded on the EXIT roll. The group size for the EXIT roll is twelve bytes. The first byte is the ANSWER BOX.. The remaining information on the roll is recorded when a subroutine jump is performed in the compiler code; it is used to return to 1:he instruction following the jump when the subroutine has completed its operation. The values placed on the EXIT roll differ, depending on the way in which the subroutine jwnp is performed. As a result of ,the interpretation of the IEY.JSB POP ins'truction, 1:he last three bytes of the first word contain the location of the IEYJSB plus two (the location of the POP instruction following the IEYJSB, the return point); the second word of the group holds an address within the IEYJSB subroutine; the third word contains the location of the global label for the routine from which the subroutine jump was made plus two (the value of LOCAL JUMP BASE in that routine). As an example of how a subroutine jump is accomplished by means of machine language instructions, the following instructions are used: L TMP,G0052J BAL ADDR,JSB STORE IN EXIT to replace the POP instruction IEYJSB Appendix B: G0052J Rolls Used in the Compiler 161 In this case, no value is placed in the last three bytes of the first word; the second word holds the address of the instruction following the BAL; the third word holds the location of the global label immediately preceding the BAL plus two (the value of POPADR when the jump is taken, which is also the value of LOCAL JUMP BASE, 162 the base address to be used for local jumps in the routine from which the subroutine jump was made>. On return from a subroutine, these values are used to restore POPADR and LOCAL JUMP BASE and they are pruned from the EXIT roll. APPENDIX C: This appendix shows the format of the Polish notation which is generated by the compiler for each type of statement in the FORTRAN IV (G) language. GENERAL FORM The format of the Polish notation depends on the statement type, but always terminates with the control driver which indicates the type of statement: ~------------------------------~ r------------------------------'\ • I Polish • • ARRAY REFERENCES The Polish notation for an array reference whose subscripts are all linear functions of DO variables consists simply of a pointer to the appropriate group on the ARRAY REF roll. The Polish notation generated for all other references to an array element is: 4 bytes r-----------------------------,I larray driver ~-----------------------------~ 4 bytes I I I POLISH NOTATION FORMATS for I statement I ~~~~~~=~~~~~=============~!POliSh I • I subscript 1 I • I I ~-----------------------------~ ~-----------------------------~ I multiplier I ~------------------------------~ ~-.----------------------------~ ~------------------------------~ ~------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ ~I Icontrol driver Istatement number L ______________________________ JI The statement number is an integer whose value is increased by one for each statement processed. This value is used only within the compiler. for largument driver I r==============~=:============1{=~~~~i~~r2 ~-----------------------------i~ ~-----------------------------~ I multiplier I ~-.----------------------------~ LABELED STATEMENTS largument driver I ~-·---------------------------i For labeled statements, a pointer to the label is inserted between the control driver and the statement number: 4 bytes r------------------------------'\ • I ~------------------------------~ I I • I • I Polish for I statement ~-----------------------------~ ~-----------------------------~ .. Icontrol driver I ~------------------------------~ I label I ~------------------------------~ Ipointer to statement label I ~------------------------------~ I number lIstatement ______________________________ J The label information is not included in the following descriptions of the Polish notation for individual statement types. I I I I t:::::::::::::~::::::::::::::j!:~;!~~i~~r7 ~----------------------------~. I multiplier I ~-----------------------------~ largument driver I ~-----------------------------i lIdummy _____________________________ array pointer JI The pointer to the array may indicate either (1) the ARRAY roll, when none of the subscripts used in the array reference are linear functions of DO variables, or (2) the ARRAY REF roll, when some, but not all, of the subscripts are linear functions of DO variables. The subscripts for which Polish notation appears are those which are Appendix C: Polish Notation Formats 163 not linear functions of DO variables. Only the required number of subscripts appear. LOGICAL IF STATEMENT The multiplier following each subscript is the multiplier for the corresponding array dimension. This value is an integer unless the array is a dummy including dummy dimensions which affect this array dimension; in this case, the multiplier is represented by a pointer to the TEMP AND CONST roll. The Polish statement is: notation generated for this 4 bytes r------------------------------'~ ~------------------------------~ I • I Polish for I • , logical ~~------------:---------------J\expression t==============================~!~' ENTRY STATEMENT I The Polish notation ENTRY statement is: generated for the • I Polish for l--------------:---------------J ~------------------------------i I Ilogical IF driver If· bytes r-----------------------------------------, Ipointer to ENTRY name , ~~~tement ~------------------------------~ Istatement number L______________________________ JI ~-----------------------------------------~ IENTRY driver , ~----------------------------------------~ Istatement number L _________________________________________ J, RETURN STATEMENT The pointer points to roll .. the ENTRY NAMES The following Polish notation duced for the RETURN statement: is pro- 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------,, ,pointer to I ASSIGN STATEMENT The Polish notation ASSIGN statement is: generated for the ~-----------------------------------------~ IRETURN driver I ~-----------------------------------------~ Istatement number L _________________________________________ JI 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------,, Ipointer to label ~----------------------------------------i Ipointer to variable The pointer to I does not appear if the statement is of the form RETURN. I ~-----------------------------------------~ IASSIGN driver , ~-----------------------------------------~ ARITHMETIC AND LOGICAL ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT Istatement number L _________________________________________ JI The Polish notation statement is: ASSIGNED GO TO STATEMENT The Polish notation generated statement is: for this 4 bytes r------------------------------, lpointer to variable to be set I for this 4 bytes r----------------------------------------,I Ipointer to variable ~----------------------------------------i lassigned GO TO driver I ~-----------------------------------------i ,statement number L __________________________________________ JI 164 produced ~--------------------------~---+ t--------------~---------------1i Polish for I • I~' right side I • I ~------------------------------i ~-----------------------------i ,assignment driver I ~------------------------------i Istatement number L______________________________ JI The Polish notation for the right side of the assignment statement is in the proper form for an expression, and includes array references where they appear in the source statement. The variable to be set may also be an array element; in this case, the pointer to the variable to be set is replaced by the Polish notation for an array reference. notation The following Polish duced for this statement: notation is pro- 4 bytes r------------------------------, , t--------------~---------------1JpOliSh for I . I~expression I · 1\ ~------------------------------~ ~------------------------------i ~~~~:=:-~~-~:-----------------~lbranch lpointer to x2 I points UNCONDITIONAL GO TO STATEMENT The Polish statement is: ARITHMETIC IF STATEMENT produced for this ~------------------------------~ I lpointer to x3 ~------------------------------~. Ipointer to label next stmt. I ~------------------------------~ 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------,I Ipointer to label ~----------------------------------------~ IGO TO driver I ~-----------------------------------------~ Istatement number L _________________________________________ JI I IIF driver r------------------------------~ I Istatement number L ______________________________ J The label of the next statement is inserted following the IF driver because the next statement may be one of the branch points referenced; if it is, code will be generated to fall through to that statement in the appropriate case(s). COMPUTED GO TO STATEMENT DO STATEMENT The following Polish notation duced for this statement: is proThe following is the Polish notation produced for the statement DO x i = ml, m2, m3: 4 bytes r------------------------------,I Ipointer to xl 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------,I lpointer to M2 (test value) ~-----------------------------i Ipointer to x2 I ~-----------------------------i I I branch I I points Ipointer to LOOP DATA roll I ~------------------------------------------i I ~------------------------------~ lpointer to xn I ~------------------------------~ Inumber of branch points I ~------------------------------i Ipointer to variable I ~-----------------------------~ Icomputed GO TO driver I ~------------------------------i LIstatement ______________________________ JI ,number r-----------------------------------------iI Ipointer to M3 (increment) ~-----------------------------------------i I I lpointer to LBL roll ~-----------------------------------------i I IDO driver ~-----------------------------------------~ I Istatement number L--_______________________________________ J The pointer to m3 appears, even increment value is implied. Appendix C: if the Polish Notation Formats 165 DATA STATEMENT AND DATA IN EXPLICIT SPECIFICATION STATEMENTS CONTINUE STATEMENT The Polish statement is: notation produced for this 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------,I ICONTINUE driver ~----------.-------------------------------~ ,statement number L _________________________________________ JI For each statement (DATA or Explicit specification) in which data values for variables are specified, a Polish record is produced. This record ends with a DATA driver and a statement number. For each variable initialized by the statement, the following appears: PAUSE AND STOP STATEMENTS 4 bytes The Polish notation produced statements is: for these r-----------------------------------------,I lpointer to variable ~-----------------------------------------~ IL________________________________________ offset JI 4 bytes r---------------·--------------------------, I ,pointer to constant ~----------------------------------------~ IPAUSE or STOP driver I ~-----------------.------------------------~ Istatement number I The offset is the element number at which initialization begins; if it does not apply, this word contains the value zero. L _________________________________________ J For both the PAUSE statement and the STOP statement, the constant appears on the LITERAL CONST roll, regardless of its nature in the source statement. If no constant appears in the statement, the pointer to the constant points to the literal constant zero. This information is followed by the pair of groups END STATEMENT r---------------------------------·--------, 4 bytes Irepetition count The Polish notation END statement is: iJ generated for the bytes r----------------------------------------,I lEND driver I ~----------------------------------------~ Ipointer to constant L _________________________________________ JI or, when the constant is literal, the three groups ~-----------------------------------------~ ,statement number L ____________ ._____________________________ JI 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, Irepetition count I ~-----------------------------------------~ Ipointer to constant I ~-----------------------------------------~ Inumber of elements L-________________________________________ JI BLOCK DATA STATEMENT The Polish notation BLOCK DATA statement is: generated for the 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, 'BLOCK DATA driver I ~----------------------------------------~ Istatement number L-________________________________________ JI 166 where the last group indicates the number of elements of an array to be filled by the literal constant. For array initialization, one or more of the "constant" groups may appear. Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 1/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 I/O LIST 4 bytes r------------------------------,I Ipointer to a (data set) The Polish notation for an I/O List contains pointers to the variableS in the list, Polish notation for array references where they appear, and pointers and drivers to indicate implied DO loops. .------------------------------~ I IFORMAT driver .------------------------------~ Ipointer to FORMAT I .------------------------------~ I IEND= driver The I/O list «C(I),I=1,10),A,B) for example, results Polish notation: in the following 4 bytes ,----------------------------------------, Ipointer to Ha (test value) I r----------------------------------------i Jpointer to H3 (increment) I .-----------------------------------------i Ipointer to LOOP DATA roll I .-----------------------------------------i limplied DO driver I r----------------------------------------i Jpointer to'C I .-----------------------------------------i 11 (number of subscripts) J r------~--------------------------------~I Ipointer to I (subscript) r----------------------------------------iI .-----------------------------------------i larray driver I .-----------------------------------------i IIOL DO Close driver I .-----------------------------------------i lpointer to A I largument driver r----------------------------------------~ L ________________________________________ JI lpointer to B The area between, and including, the implied DO driver and the array driver is an array reference, as it would appear wherever C(I) was referred to in source module statements. INPUT STATEMENTS The following paragraphs discuss the Polish notation produced for all forms of the READ statement except direct access. FORMATTED READ For the form READ (a,b) list, the formatted READ, the Polish notation generated is: .------------------------------i Ipointer to END label I .------------------------------i IERR= driver I .------------------------------i Ipointer to ERR label I .------------------------------i t~~:~~~=~~::::~:::::::::::::::~lpOlish L-------------~---------------J t------------------------------i for I/O list Icode word , I , .------------------------------i IIBCOH entry, formatted READ , t------------------------------i ,pointer to IBCOH I .------------------------------i IREAD/WRITE flag. zero= WRITE, , nonzero= READ .------------------------------i IREAD WRITE driver I .------------------------------i L _____________________________ lstatement number I J The pointer to the FORMAT points either to the label of the FORMAT statement or to the array in which the FORMAT is stored. The END= and ERR= drivers and the pointers following them appear only if the END and ERR options are used in the statement; either one or both may appear, and in any order with respect to each other. If no I/O list appears in the statement, the Polish for the I/O list is omitted, but the IOL driver appears nonetheless. The code word contains zero in its high-order three bytes, and, in its loworder byte, a unique code specifying the operation and unit for the input/output statement. This code word distinguishes among the various READ statements and is inserted in the code produced for them. Input/output operations are performed by the RUNTIME routines. IBCOM is a transfer routine in RUNTIME through which all input/ output except NAMELIST is performed. The IBCOH entry for formatted READ indicates an entry point to this routine. (See Appendix D for further discussion of IBCOM.) The pointer to ISCOM points to the routine on the GLOBAL SPROG roll. Appendix C: Polish Notation Formats 161 Form Y2B-663B-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 NAMELIST READ 4 bytes r------------------------------, Ipointer to a (data set) I For the' form READ (a, x), the NAMELIST READ, the following changes are made to the Polish notation given above: ~------------------------------i IFORMAT driver I ~------------------------------~ Ipointer to FORMAT I 1. The FORMAT driver NAMELIST driver. a ~------------------------------i IEND= driver I 2. The pointer to the FORMAT 1s replaced by a pointer to the NAMELIST. 3. The code word value is changed. 1pointer to END label I ~------------------------------i IERR= driver I ~------------------------------~ Ipointer to ERR label I 4. The IBCOM entry is replaoed by the value zero, since NAMELIST input/ output is not handled through IBCOM. is replaced by 5. The pointer to IBCOM is replaced by a pointer to the NAMELIST READ routine. 6. No I/O list may appear. UNFORMATTED READ ~------------------------------~ ~------------------------------i IIOL driver t II r::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::: ~~~i~~s! or .------------------------------i~ .------------------------------~ Icode word I .------------------------------~ JIBCOM entry, formatted WRITE For the form READ (a) list, the unforIt'atted READ I' the following changes are made to the Polish notation given above: 1. The FORMAT driver is removed. 2. The 3. The IBCOM ent.ry, formatted READ, is replaced by the IBCOM entry, unformatted READ. pointer to the FORMAT is removed. READ STANDARD UNIT For the form READ b, list, the standard unit READ statement, the following changes are made to the Polish notation given above: 1. No END: or ERR= drivers may appear, nor may the corresponding pointers to labels. 2. The code word value is changed. OUTPUT STATEMENTS The fcllowing paragraphs discuss the Polish notation produced for all forms of the WRITE statement except direct access, and for the PRINT and PUNCH statements. PORMATTED WRITE For the form WRtTE formatted WRITE, the generated is: 168 (a,b) list, the Polish notation I .------------------------------i Ipointer to IBCOM I .------------------------------~ IREAD/WRITE flag, zero= WRITE, I I nonzero= READ I .------------------------------i IREAD WRITE driver I .------------------------------i L _____________________________ Jstatement number I J The pointer to the FORMAT points either to the label of the FORMAT statement or to the array in which the, FORMAT is stored. The END= and the ERR= drivers and the pointers following them appear only if the END and ERR options are used in the statement; either one or both may appear, and in any order relative to each other. If no I/O list appears in the statement, the Polish for the I/O list is omitted, but the IOL driver appears nonetheless. The code word contains zero in its high-order three bytes, and, in its loworder byte, a unique code specifying the operation and unit for the input/output statement. This code word distinguishes among the various output statements and is inserted in the code produced for them. Input/output operations are performed by the RUNTIME routines. IBCOM is the initial entry of a transfer vector in IHCFCOMH through which all input/output except NAMELIST is performed. (IBCFCOMH is further discussed in Appendix F.) The pointer to Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 IBCOM points SPROG roll. to the routine on the GLOBAL NAMELIST WRITE 1. No END= or ERR= drivers may appear, nor may the corresponding pOinters to labels. 2. The code word value is changed. For the form WRITE (a, x), the NAMELIST WRITE, the following changes are made to the Polish notation given above: 1. The FORMAT 4river NAMELIST driver. is replaced by a 2. The pointer to the FORMAT is replaced by a pointer to the NAMELIST. 3. The code word value is changed. 4. The IBCOM entry is replaced by the value zero, since NAMELIST input/ output is not handled through IBCOM. 5. The pointer to IBCOM is replaced by a pointer to the NAMELIST WRITE routine. 6. No I/O list may appear. UNFORMATTED WRITE For the form WRITE (a) list, the unformatted WRITE, the following changes are made to the Polish notation given above: 1. The FORMAT driver is removed. 2. The 3. The IBCOM entry, formatted WRITE, is replaced by the IBCCM entry, unformatted WRITE. The following paragraphs discuss the Polish notation produced for the direct access input/output statements. READ, DIRECT ACCESS For the forms READ (a'b,b) list and READ (a'r) list, the following Polish notation is generated: 4 bytes r------------------------------, lpointer to a (data set) I .------------------------------~ Idirect 10 driver I ~------------------------------~, r--------------~---------------I(~Olish I------------------------------~~ .------------------------------~ lexpression driver pointer to the FORMAT is removed. PRINT The Polish notation generated for the form PRINT b, list is identical to that given for the formatted WRITE statement, with the following changes: 1. 2. No END= or ERR= drivers may appear, nor may the corresponding pointers to labels. The code word value is changed. PUNCH The Polish notation for the statement PUNCH b, list is as given for the formatted WRITE with the following changes: for I ~------------------------------~ Ipointer to b I .------------------------------~ I .------------------------------~ lpointer to ERR label I IERR= driver .------------------------------~ ~~~:~~~~~~::::~:::::::::::::::~!POliSh for I I/O list I .------------------------------~ .------------------------------~ Icode word I I • 1 • r------------------------------~ I .------------------------------~ Ipointer to IBCOM I ~------------------------------~ JREAD/WRITE flag, zero= WRITE, I I nonzero= READ I .------------------------------~ IREAD WRITE driver I IIBCOM entry, READ .------------------------------~ L ______________________________ JI Istatement number Appendix C: Polish Notation Formats 169 The END= and ERR= drivers and the pointers following them appear only if the END and ERR options are used in the source statement~ either one or both may appear, and in any order with respect to each other. If b does not appear in the source statement (the second form), the corresponding pointer does not appear in the Polish not:ation., If the I/O list does not appear in the source statement, the Polish notation for the I/O list is omitted from the Polish, but the IOL driver appears nonetheless. The code word contains zero in its high-order three bytes, and, in its loworder byte, a unique code specifying the operation and unit for the input/output statement. This code word distinguishes the direct access statements from other input/output statements and is inserted in the code produced for them. 4 bytes r---------------------------, Ipointer to a1 I .---------------------------~ Ipointer to m1 I .---------------------------~ Ipointer to 11 I .---------------------------i IE, L, or U I .---------------------------i Ipointer to v1 I .---------------------------i lpointer to a2 I .---------------------------i I I I I I I I I I Ipointer to an I I I I file 1 data file 2 data .---------------------------i Ipointer to v2 I .---------------------------i . I I .---------------------------~ .---------------------------i I I WRITE, DIRECT ACCESS The Polish notation produced for the forms WRITE (a'r,b) list and WRITE (a'r) list is identical to that produced for the corresponding forms of the READ, direct access s'tatement with the following exceptions: 1. The IBCOM e:ntry, READ is replaced by the appropriate IBCOM entry, WRITE. 2. The value of the code word is changed. file n data I I .---------------------------~ Ipointer to vn I .---------------------------i IDEFINE FILE driver I .---------------------------i Istatement number I l ___________________________ ~ where the fourth word of each set of file data holds the BCD character E, L, or U in the high-order byte and zeros in the remaining bytes. FIND The Polish notation produced for this statement is identical to that for an unformatted direct access READ statement given above, with the exception that the code word is changed to indicate the FIND statement. The Polish FILE is: notation produced for END 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, Ipointer to a (data set) I .-----------------------------------------i IIBCOM entry for END FILE I .-----------------------------------------i Ipointer to IBCOM I DEFINE FILE The form of this statement is: .-----------------------------------------~ I BSREF driver I DEFINE FILE a1 (ml,11,f1,v1),a2 Cm2,12,f2,v2), ••• ,an(mn,1n,fn,vn) .-----------------------------------------i Istatement number I L_________________________________________ J The Polish notation produced for it 170 is: 4 bytes REWIND STATEMENT r------------------------------, \ subprogram driver , The Polish notation produced for the REWIND statement is identical to that for the END FILE statement with the exception that the IBCOM entry for END FILE is replaced by the IBCOM entry for REWIND. ~------------------------------~ Ipointer to function name , ~------------------------------~ Inumber of arguments I ~------------------------------~ ,expression driver , ~------------------------------~ \ , BACKSPACE STATEMENT ~------------------------------~ The Polish notation produced for the BACKSPACE statement is identical to that for the END FILE statement, except that the IBCOM entry for END FILE is replaced by the IBCOM entry for BACKSPACE. 1 , Polish for , , , \ argument 1 ~------------------------------~ lexpression driver , ~------------------------------~ , I ~------------------------------~ I I Polish for \ I argument 2 , The Polish notation statement function is: generated for a ~------------------------------~ 4 bytes I I , r------------------------------,I Ipointer to function name ~------------------------------~ I I I ~------------------------------~ I \ , I I , Polish for \ right side I , , ~------------------------------~ , I t------------------------------~ Jexpression driver I , ~------------------------------~ \ \ ~------------------------------~ Istatement function driver , ~------------------------------~ number lIstatement ______________________________ J\ I ~------------------------------~ , Polish for I argument n I ~------------------------------~ \expression driver I' ~------------------------------~ Ipointer to function name l ______________________________ J, This Polish notation is part of the Polish notation for the expression in which the function reference occurs. FUNCTION STATEMENT The Polish notation FUNCTION statement is: produced for the 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------,I Ipointer to ENTRY name ~-----------------------------------------~ \FUNCTION driver I ~-----------------------------------------~ ,statement number l _________________________________________ JI SUBROUTINE STATEMENT The Polish notation SUBROUTINE statement is: generated for the 4 bytes where the pOinter points to the ENTRY NAMES roll. r-----------------------------------------,, ,pointer to ENTRY name ~-----------------------------------------~ I ISUBROUTINE driver .-----------------------------------------i Istatement number , FUNCTION (STATEMENT OR SUBPROGRAM) g~FEB~NC~------------------------- The Polish notation generated reference to a function is: l - ________________________________________ J for a where the pointer points to the ENTRY NAMES roll. Appendix C: Polish Notation Formats 171 CALL STATEMENT The Polish notation for the CALL ment is: state- 4 r------------------------------, 'subprogram: driver , ~-----------------------------~ Ipointer to subprogram name , ~-----------------------------~ 'number of arguments , ~----------------------------.-~ 'expression driver , ~-----------------------------~ , , representation of them appears in the polish notation for the arguments. All label arguments are grouped together at the bottom of the Polish as indicated. If no label argUments, the section from the "pointer to xl" to and including the "computed GO TO driver" does not appear. DEBUG FACILITY STATEMENTS The following paragraphs describe the Polish notation produced for the statements of the debug facility. ~----------·--------------------1 , , , Polish for , argument 1 , ~-----------------------------1 'expression driver , AT ~---------·--------------------1 The Polish notation generated for the AT statement is: ~---------------~--------------~ , , Polish for , , argument 2 r-----------------------------------------, , painter to AT group , , , , , 4 bytes ~------------------------------------------i I ~------------------------------~ , 'expression driver ~-----------------------------------------i ,, , , , ,,, , ~--------------------------------1 ~----------------·-------------1 ~-----------·------·-------------1 , , , I statement number L __________________________________________ J The painter paints to the AT roll group which contains the information relating to the AT statement rE!presented by the Polish notation. , Polish for I argument n , ~-----------·------·-------------1 lexpression driver , ~-----------------------------~ ,pointer to subprogram name , ~----------------·-------------1 Ipointer to xl I ~------------------------------~ ,pointer to x2 I ~------------------------------i , , label , I arguments , , AT driver i TRACE ON The Polish notation TRACE ON statement is: generated for the 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, , TRACE ON driver , ~-----------------------------------------i ,L_________________________________________ statement number J, ~-----------·-------------------i ,pointer to xn I ~-----------------------------~ 'number of label arguments I ~-----------------------------_f 'computed GO TO driver , TRACE OFF ~----------"------·-------------1 The Polish nota"tion TRACE OFF statement is: 'CALL driver , generated for the ~-----------------·-------------i ,statement number L ______________________________ J, 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, TRACE OFF driver , , Label arquments are not counted in the "number of arguments" which appears as the third word of the Polish notation, and no 172 ~-----------------------------------------i , _________________________________________ statement number L J, DISPLAY The Polish notation DISPLAY statement is: generated for the 4 bytes r-----------------------------------------, I painter to NAMELIST WRITE I ~-----------------------------------------~ I 0 I where the pointer to NAMELIST WRITE points to this routine on the GLOBAL SPRaG roll; the value zero is placed on the roll for conformity with other NAMELIST input/output statements; the NAMELIST pointer points to a group constructed for the DISPLAY statement on the NA~iliLIST NAMES roll. ~-----------------------------------------~ I NAMELIST pointer I ~-----------------------------------------~ I DISPLAY driver I ~-----------------------------------------~ I _________________________________________ statement number L JI Appendix C: Polish Notation Formats 173 •• ....................... ~.i"""""""""""." """"""~I"""""""""""""""""""I"""""" This appendix describes the code produced by the FORTRAN IV (G) compiler for various types of source module statements. The use of a DO loop in a FORTRAN program can be described by the follOWing example: BRANCHES DO 5 I = ml,m2,m3 All branch instructions in the object module consist of a load from the branch table, followed by a BCR instructio~, either conditional or unconditional, which uses the branch table value as its target. The production of this code depends on the operation of Allocate, which replaces all jump target labels on the LBL roll with pointers to entries in the object module branch table. Using this information, Gen can write the load and branch instructions even though the address of the target may not yet be known. 5 CONTINUE When the DO statement is processed during phase 4, the following takes place: 1. The code When Gen encounters a labeled statement which is a jump target, it sets the appropriate entry in the branch table to the address of the first instruction it produces for that statement. A L ST RO,ml RO, I is generated, where constructed by Gen. 2. the label A is The address of the instruction labeled A is placed in the branch table. The following code is generated for the Computed Go To statement: BH L 15,variable 15,2 14,0 15,15 4n+22(0,14) 1 .. 4n(0, 0) 15,1 4n+22(0,14) 1,18(15,14) BR 1 L SLL BALR LTR BNH LA CR 3. An entry is made on the DO LOOPS OPEN roll which contains pointers to m2, m3, the label A, I, and the label 5. On receiving the Polish notation for the CONTINUE statement in the example, phase 4 produces the following code: L L L L n address constants BXLE where variable is the Computed Go To variable, n is the number of branch points, and 4n 1S the length of the list of n address constants. RO,I Rl, branch table R2,m3 R3,m2 RO,R2,0(Rl) where the load from the branch table sets R1 to the address of the created label A. When this code has been completed, phase 4 removes the bottom entry from the DO LOOPS OPEN roll. Appendix D: Object Code Produced by the compiler 175 F'orm Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y2S-6829 STATEMEN'l' li'UNCTIQ~§ The following code is generated at the beginning of each statement function: STM STM LR LR LR B 2,3,18(15) 6,12,26(15) 7,14 9,1 6,15 54 (0,15) nine-word buffer The buff,er is followed by the code for the statement function itself, including the code to load the return value. The following code closes the statement function: LR LM LM BR 14,7 2,3,18(6) 6,12,26(6) 14 X(0,15) ALl (length of Ident) CLn(Ident) 14,12,12(13) 2,3,32(1S) 15,28(0,15) 20(0,15) (ADDRESS MAIN ENTRY) (ADDRESS PROLOGUE' (ADDRESS EPILOGUE) B DC DC STM LM L B DC DC DC The save code for the ENTRYs to the subprogram is follolNed by a PROLOGUE, which transfers arguments to the subprogram, and an EPILOGUE, which returns arguments to the calling routine for the main entry to the subprogram and for each ENTRY to the subprogram. The following code is produced RETURN statement: SR L ER for the 15,15 14,0(0,13) 14 which branches to the appropriate EPILOGUE. The following code is produced for the RETURN I statement: 15,I 15,2 14,0(0,13) 14 L SLL SUBROUTINE AND FUNCTION SUBPROGRAMS L BR The following code is generated to save required information at the main entry to each SUBROUTINE and FUNCTICN subprogram: B DC DC STM LM LR L ST STM BR DC DC DC X(0,15) AL1(length of Ident) CLn(Ident) 14,12,12(13) 2,3,40(15) 4,13 13,36(0,15) 1.3,8(0,4) 3,4,0(13) which also EPILOGUE. branches to the appropriate The PROLOGUE code generated for each entry point to the subprogram moves arguments as required and branches to the entry. The followinq code is generated to move each call by name argumen't: L ST 2,n(0,1) 2,global dmy 2 where n is the argument number (the arguments for each entry point are numbered from one) multiplied by four. (ADDRESS SAVE AREA) (ADDRESSPRCLOGUE) (ADDRESS EPILOGUE) The following code is generated to move each call by value argument: . This code is followed by the following code for saving required info~ation for each of the ENTRYs to the subprogram (the sequence of code appears once for each ENTRY, in the order of the ENTRYs): L MVC 2,n(0,1) global dmy(x),0(2) where n is the argument number multiplied by four, and x is the size of the dummy. Code to calculate dummy dimensions follows the code to move arguments. 176 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 The following code is generated close of all PROLOGUEs: BALR L BR DC at 2,0 3,6(0,2) the The EPILOGUE code generated for each entry point to a sUbprogram moves arguments back to the calling routine and returns to it, as dictated by the RETURN or RETURN I statement. 3 (ADDRESS OF CODE ENTRY POINT) Appendix DI Object Code Produced by the Compiler 176.1 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 The are: first instructions in each EPILOGUE FORMATTED READ AND WRITE STATEMENTS The 1,4(0,13) 1,.24 (0,1) L L CNOP L The following code is generated return each call by value argument: to BAL DC DC DC DC where n is the argument number multiplied by four and x is the size of the dummy. where: L MVC 2,n(0,1) 0(x,2),global dmy For FUNCTION subprograms, the instruction is generated: Lx following O,entry name where x is the instruction mode. If the FUNCTION is complex, two load instp.lctions are required. The following code is generated for the closing of each EPILOGUE: L L LM MVI BR code produced for these statements is: 13,4(0,13) 14,12(0,13) 2,12,28(13) 12(13),255 14 0,,4 15,=V(IBCOM#) 14,N(15) XLO.4'PI',XLO.4'UI',AL3(UNIT) AL1(FI),AL3(FORMAT) AL4(EOFADD) "optional" AL4(ERRADD) "optional" PI = 0 if neither EOF nor ERR specified = 1 if EOF only is specified 2 if ERR only is specified EOF and ERR 3 if both specified is are UI o if unit is an integer constant 1 if unit is a variable name 4 if unit is the standard system unit FI X'OO' if FORMAT is a statement label X'Ol' if FORMAT is an array name N o for READ 4 for WRITE UI = 4 is used for debug and for READ h, list, PRINT b, list and PUNCH b, list. SECOND LIST ITEM, FORMATTED The following paragraphs describe the code produced for the FORTRAN input/output statements. The generated instructions set up necessary parameters and branch into the IBCOM# transfer table. This table has the following format: IBCOM# +4 +8 +12 +16 +20 +24 +28 +32 +36 +40 +44 +48 +52 +56 +60 +64 +68 Main entry, formatted READ Main entry, formatted WRITE Second list item, formatted Second list array, formatted Final entry, end of I/O list Main entry, unformatted READ Main entry, unformatted WRITE Second list item, unformatted Second list array., unformatted Final entry~ end of I/O list Backspace tape Rewind tape Write tapemark STOP PAUSE IBERR execution error monitor IBFINT interruption processor IBEXIT job termination The code produced is: L BAL DC 15,=V(IBCOM#) 14,8(15) XL1'L',LXO.4'T'.XLO.4'X' XLO.4~B',XL1.4·D· where: L = the size in bytes of the item T = 2 for a logical 1-byte item = 3 fora logical fullword item 4 for a halfword integer item = 5 for a fullword integer item = 6 for a double-precision real item = 7 for a single-precision real item complex 8 for a double-precision item 9 for a single-precision complex item A for a literal item (not currently compiler-generated) Anpendix D: Object Code Produced by the compiler 177 X, B, and D are, respectively, the index, base, and displacement which specify the item address. SECOND LIST ITEM, UNFORMATTED The code produced is: 15,=VCIBCOM#) 14,28(15) L BAL DC SECOND LIST ARRAY, FORMATTED XL1'L·fXLO.4·0',XLO.4~X', XLO.4'B',XL1.4'D' where: The code produced is: L BAL DC DC 15,=V(IBCOM#) 14,12(15) LX1'SPAN',AL3(ADDRESS) XL1'L',XLO.4'T',XL2.4'ELEMENTS' L = the size in bytes of the item X, Band D are, respectively, the index, base, and displacement which specify ~he address of the item. where: SPAN (not used) ADDRESS = the beginning location array the size element L in bytes of of the the array T = the values given for items ELEMENTS = the number of elements in array the SECOND LIST ARRAY, UNFORMATTED The code produced is: L BAL DC DC 15,=VCIBCOM#) 14,32(L) XL1'SPAN',AL3(ADDRESS) XL1'L',A:L3{ELEMENTS) where SPAN, ADDRESS, L, and ELEMENTS have the meanings described in second list array, formatted. FINAL LIST ENTRY. FORMATTED FINAL LIST ENTRY, UNFORMATTED The code produced is: L BAL 15,=V(IBCOM#) 14,16(15) The code produced is: L BAL 15,=V(IBCOM#) 14,36(15) UNFORMATTED READ .AND WRITE STATEMENTS BACKSPACE, REWIND, AND WRITE TAPEMARK The code produced for these statements is: The code produced is: CNOP L BAL DC DC DC 0,4 15,=V(IBCOM#) 14,N(15) XLO.4'PI',XLO.4'UI,AL3(UNIT) AL4(EOFADD) "optional" AL4 (ERRADD) "optional" CNOP L BAL DC 0,4 15,=V(IBCOM#) 14,N(15) XL1' FLAG II , .AL3 (UNIT) where: where: FLAG PI, UI, UNIT, EOFADD and ERR ADD have the same values as those given in the formatted READ/WRI'rE definition. N N 178 20 for READ 24 for WRI'rE o if unit is an integer any other bit pattern if unit is a variablE? 40 for BACKSPACE 44 for RE~UND 48 for write tapemark The following generated: STOP AND PAUSE STATEMENTS The code produced for these statements is: 15,=V(IBCOM#) 14,N(15) ALl (LENGTH) C'TEXT' L BAL DC DC where: LENGTH is the number 'TEXT' message of bytes in DC DC DC X'a 1 ',AL3(m1) c' f 1. • ,AL3 (r 1.) x·OO',AL3(v1.) DC DC DC X'an',AL3(mn) C'f n ' ,AL3 (rn) X'SO',AL3(vn ) list is also the TEXT is an alphameric number or message (TEXT 'Q0404040FO' if the STOP or PAUSE message is blank). N parameter The third DC in the group is changed to DC X'01',AL3(vi) if the associated variable is a halfword variable. In the last group, it becomes X'Sl',AL3(vn) in this case. 52 for STOP 56 for PAUSE NAMELIST READ AND WRITE The code produced is:* FIND STATEMENT 0,4 15, =V (FWRNL#) 14,0 (15) XLO.4'PI',XLO.4'UI',AL3(UNIT) AL4 (NAMELIST) AL4 (EOFADD) AL4 (ERRADD) CNOP L BAL DC DC DC DC The code produced is: CNOP 0,4 15, =V(IBCOM#} 14,20 (15) XLO.4'PI',XLO.4'UI',AL3(UNIT) XL1' VI' , AL3 (r) L BAI. DC DC where: PI, UI, and UNIT are as described for formatted READ and WRITE * The "L 15,:V(FWRNL#}" shown is write; the code produced for read "L l5,+V(FRDNL#}." for is PI C UI o if the unit is a constant 1 if the unit is a variable name VI 00 if the record number constant 01 if the record number is a able name DEFINE FILE STATEMENT The form of the parameters specified the statement is: in The following code is generated in the object module prologue: R1 ,LIST L,=V(DIOCS#) R2 ,L LA L BALR L 15 14 vari- DIRECT ACCESS READ AND WRITE STATEMENTS The code produced for these statements is: L 1 a Note that 20 is the IBCOM entry point for an unformatted READ. CNOP where: is BAL DC DC DC DC 0.4 15,=V(IBCOM#) 14, N(15) XLO.4'PI',XLO.4'UI'AL3CUNIT) AL1(FI),AL3CFORMAT) ALl (VI) ,AL3 (r) AL4(ERRADD) "may only appear for READ" Appendix D: Object code Produced by the Compiler 179 Internal where: PI UI FI 8 if ERR is not specified A if ERR is specified, which is only possible for READ integer an o if the unit is constant 1 if the unit is a variable name 00 if the FORMAT is a statement labE~l 01 if the FORMAT is an array name VI 00 if r (1:he record number) constant 01 if r is a variable name is Parentheses used to enclose groups of FORMAT specifications within the FORMAT statement are represented by the codes 04 and 1C for the lef1: and right parenthesis, respectively. The code for the left parenthesis is always f()llowed by the 1-byte val ue of the repE~ti tion count which preceded the parenthesi.s in the source module statement. A val \le of one is inserted if no repetition count appeared. a Repetition of Indivi.dual FORMAT Specifications The entry points which may appear (N) are 0, 4, 20, or 24. If 20 or 24 appears (indicating an unformatted operation), the second DC does not appear. FORMAT STATEMENTS FORMAT statements are stored after eral constants in the object module. Parenthese=~ Whenever the source module FORMAT statement contains a field specification of the form aIw, aFw.d, aEw.d, aDw.d, or aAw, where the repetition count fta W is present, the hexadecimal code 06 is produced to indicate the field repetition. This code is followed by the 1-byte value of fta ft • lit- The FORMAT specifications are recoded from their source module form so that each unit of information in the FORMAT statement occupies one byte of storage. Each integer which appears in the FORMAT statement (i.e., a scale factor, field width, number of fractional digits, repetition count) is converted to a 1-byte binary value. Decimal points used to separate field width from the number of fractional digits in the source module FORMAT statement are dropped; all other characters appearing in the source module stabement are represented by 1-byte hexadecimal codes. The following sections describe the encoding scheme which is used. I,F,E, and D FORMAT Codes The I and F FORMA'T codes are represented by the hexadecimal values 10 and OA, respectively. The I code is followed by the 1-byte field width value; the F code is followed by two bytes, the first containing the field width (w) and the second containing the number of fractional digits (d). E and D FORMAT codes are represented by the hexadecimal values OC and OE , respectively. This value is always followed by two bytes which represent the field width and the number of fractional digits, respectively. A FORMAT Code FORMAT Beginning and Ending Parentheses The beginning and ending parentheses of the FORMAT statement are represented by the hexadecimal codes 02 and 22, respectively. The A FORMAT COdE~ is represented by the hexadecimal value 14. This representation is always followed by the i-byte value of w, the number of characters of data. Literal Data Slashes The slashes appearing in ,the FORMAT statement are represented by the hexadecimal code 1E. 180 The H FORMAT code and the quotation marks used to enclose literal data are both represented by the hexadecimal value lA. This code is followed by the character count (w in the case of the H specifica- tion, the number of characters enclosed in quotation marks in the case of the use of quotation marks). The literal data follows the character count. The specification wX results in the production of the hexadecimal code 18 for the Xi this is followed by the i-byte value of w. The T FORMAT code is represented by the value 12. The print position, w, is represented by a i-byte binary value. DEBUG FACILITY The following paragraphs describe the code produced for the FORTRAN Debug Facility statements. The generated instructions set up parameters and branch into the DEBUG# transfer table. The object-time routines which support the Debug Facility are described in Appendix E. DEBUG STATEMENT When the source module includes a DEBUG statement, debug calls are generated before and after each sequence of calls to IBCOM for source module input/output statements. Additional debug calls are generated to satisfy the options listed in the DEBUG statement. Beginning of Input/Output The P scale factor in the source module FORMAT statement is represented by the hexadecimal value 08. This code is followed by the value of the scale factor, if it was positiv~. If the scale factor was negative, 128~ 1S added to it before it is stored following the P representation. The following code appears before the first call to IBCOM for an input or outp~t operation: CNOP BAL 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,44(0,15) End of Input/Outp~~ L G FORMAT Code The G FORMAT Code is represented by the hexadecimal value 20. This value is always followed by two bytes which represent the field width and the number of significant digits, respectively. The following code appears after the last call to IBCOM for an input or output operation: L CNOP BAL L 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,48(0,15) FORMAT Code UNIT Option The L FORMAT code is represented by the hexadecimal value 16. This value is followed by the i-byte field width. Z FORMAT Code When the DEBUG statement does not include the UNIT option, the object-time debug routine automatically writes debug output on SYSOUT. When UNIT is specified, the following code is generated at the beginning of the object module: I. The Z FORMAT code is represented by the hexadecimal value 24. This value is followed by the i-byte field width. CNOP BAL DC 15,=VCDEBUG#) 0,4 14,12(0,15) F'DSRN' Appendix D: Object Code Produced by the Compiler 181 where DSRN is the data set reference number to be used for all subsequent debug output. subprogram call. Three calls may occur, depending on the type of variable (scalar or array) and the me'thod of assignment. TRACE option INIT SCALAR VARIABLE: The following code is produced after each assignment of value to a scalar variable covered by the INIT option: When the TRACE option is specified in the source module DEBUG statement, the TRACE call is inserted immediately before the code for every labeled statement. The code is: CNOP L CNOP BAL DC 15,=VCDEBUG#) 0,4 14,0(0,15) F'LABEL' where LABEL is the label of statement. L BAL DC DC 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,16(0,15) CL6' NAME ' , CL2 il XL1'L' ;XLO.4'~r' ,XLO.4'X' iXLO.4'B', XL1. 4' D' where: the NAME is the name of the was set. following L is the bytes. SUBTRACE BAL 15,=VCDEBUG#) 0,4 14,4(0,15) At the time of the call, register 13 contains the address of the SAVE AREA, the fifth word of which contains the address of the subprogram identification. Bytes 6 through 11 of the subprogram identification are the subprogram name. immediately The call is: L CNOP BAL 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,8(0,15) variable in X, B, and D are, respectively, the index, base, and displacement which locate the item. INIT ARRAY ITEM: The following code is produced after each assignment of value to an array element: L The debug call is made before the RETURN statement. SUBTgAC~ RE!~RN: the 2 for a logical 1-byte item 3 for a logical fullword item 4 for a half~,ord integer item 5 for a full~,ord integer item 6 for a double-precision real item 7 for a single-precision real item 8 for a double-precision complex item 9 for a single-precision complex item A for a literal item (not currently compiler generated) SUBTRACE EN'I'RY: 'l'he debug call is made at the begInning-of the object module. The call is: CNOP of which T is the type code for the variable: When the SUBTRACE option is listed in the source DEBUG statement, two sequences of code are produced: one at the entry to the object module, and one prior to each RETURN. L length va,r iable CNOP BAL DC DC DC 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,20(0,15) CL6' NAME' ; CL2' XL1'L',XLO.4'T',XLO.4'X',XLO.4'B', XL1.4'D' XL1'TAG',AL3(ADDRESS) where: ADDRESS IS THE LOCATION OF THE FIRST array element if TAG = 0, or ADDRESS is a pointer to the location of the first array element if TAG =t- 0. When the INIT option is given in the source module DEBUG statement, a debug call is produced for ,every assignment to a variable, or to a listed variable if a list is provided. The call immediately follows each assignment, including those which occur as a result of a READ statement or a 182 NAME, L, T, X, B, and D are as described for a scalar variable. INIT FULL ARRAY: The following code is produced when a full array is set by means of an input statement specifying the array name or when the array name appears as an argument to a subprogram: L CNOP BAL DC DC DC DC 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,24(0,15) CL6'NAME',CL2' A (ADDRESS) XL1'L',XLO.4'T',XL2.4'00000' A (ELEMENTS) where: ADDRESS is the array e;t.ement. location of the first ELEMENTS is a pointer to a word containing the number of elements in the array. immediately preceded by the operation of the statements following the AT. As a result of the AT statement, an unconditional branch to the location of the first statement following the AT is inserted before the first instruction generated for the statement labeled L. This branch precedes any TRACE or SUBTRACE calls which may be written for statement L. The branch, like all branches performed in the object module, consists of a load from the branch table, followed by a BCR instruction. The branch table entry referred to is one constructed for a label which the compiler provides for the statement following the AT. NAME, L, and T are as described for a scalar variable. TRACE ON STATEMENT The debug call produced for the TRACE ON statement appears at the location of the TRACE ON statement itself; the call is: A debug call is produced for each reference to an array element when the SUBCHK option appears without a list of array names; when the list is given, only references to the listed arrays produce debug calls. The debug call appears before the reference to the array, and is: L CNOP BAL DC DC DC 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,28(0,15) CL6' NAME' , CL2' XL1'TAG',AL3(ADDRESS) AL4(ELEMENTS) L CNOP BAL 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,32(0,15) TRACE OFF STATEMENT The debug call produced for the TRACE OFF statement appears at the location of the TRACE OFF statement itself; the call is: L where: CNOP BAL 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,36(0,15) NAME is the array name. ADDRESS is the location of the first array element if TAG = 0, or ADDRESS is a pointer to the location of the first array element if TAG 0. DISPLAY STATEMENT ELEMENTS is a pointer to a word containing the number of elements in the array. L * The code for the DISPLAY statement is: CNOP BAL DC DC 15,=V(DEBUG#) 0,4 14,40 (0, 15) A (NAMELIST) A (FWRNL#) AT STATEMENT The AT statement specifies the label, L, of a statement whose operation should be where NAMELIST is the address of the NAMELIST table generated from the DISPLAY list by the compiler. This code appears at the location of the DISPLAY statement itself. Appendix D: Object Code Produced by the Compiler 183 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 APPENDIX E: The information provided in this appendix has its primary use in connection with a listing of the compiler. The label lists indicate the chart on which a specific label can be found, or, for routines which are not flowcharted, they provide a description of the routine. MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCE Routine Label t!am~ __ G0639 ASSIGNMENT VAR CHECK DAT~ Comments Checks--the mode of assignment variable and the expression for conflict in type specification. PARSE LABEL LIST G0640 LITERAL TEST Determines the statement type and transfers to the indicated statement processing routine. G0641 END STA XLATE Determines the nature of the statement and transfers to the appropriate translation routine for non-END; translates END. G0643 DO STA XLATE Constructs the Polish notation for the DO statement. Locates the innermost DO statement in a nest of DO's, and sets up extended range checking. G0644 DO STA CONTROL XLATE Interprets the loop control specification in the DO statement and constructs the Polish notation for these controls. G0645 DIMENSION STA XLATE Determines the validity of the specifications in the DIMENSION statement and constructs roll entries. G0646 GOTO STA XLATE Determines the type of GO TO statement, and constructs the Polish notation for a GO TO statement. G0647 CGOTO STA Constructs the Polish notation for a Computed GO TO statement. The labels enumerated in the following list are used in the flowcharts provided for the illustration of the major routines used in Parse. Label G0630 G0631 G0837 Gp632 G0635 G0636 G0633 G0642 G0844 Chart ID ~ 04 BA BB BC BD BE BF BG Routine Name START-COMPILER STATEMENT PROCESS PRINT AND READ SOURCE STA INIT LBL FIELD XLATE STA XLATE STA FINAL ACTIVE END STA XLATE PROCESS POLISH SUPPLEMENTARY PARSE LABEL LIST The routines described in this section are listed by G number labels which are presented in ascending order. These routines are those used in the operation of Parse which are not shown in the section of flowcharts for the phase. Routine ~b~! t!~ __ G0287 REASSIGN MEMORY Comments Obtains additional core storage, if possible, for a specific roll by pushing up the rolls that precede the requesting roll in the block of storage. If this is not possible, it requests more core storage and, if none is available, enters PRESS MEMORY. G0637 ASSIGNMENT STA XLATE Constructs the Polish notation for an assignment statement. G06.48 ASSIGNED GOTO STA XLATE PolisIi Constructs the As~ notation for an signed GO TO statement. G0638 ARITH FUN DEF STA XLATE Polish Constructs the notation for an arithmetic function definition statement. G0649 ASSIGN STA XLATE the construcControls of the Polish tions notation for an ASSIGN statement. Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 185 Routine Label !::i~~~ __ _ (;0650 IF STA. £Q!!!m~I!!::.§' Constructs the notation for statement. ?olish an IF G0651 LOGICAL IF STA XLATE Constructs the notation for a IF statement. Polish logical G0652 IMPLICIT STA XLATE Checks the IMPLICIT statement and controls the construction of the roll entries for the statement. G0653 REGIS'I'ER RANGE Controls character entries for an IMPLICIT statement. G0654 REGISTER IMPLICIT CHAR Places the characters in the IMPLICIT statement on the IMPLICIT roll. G0655 SCAN FOR TYPE Q'r AND SIZE XLATE Routine Label Name Comments 80664 PACKHCODE Interprets the specification for the H format code. G0665 PACK FO~~AT Controls the registering QUOTE of the contents of a literal quote specified in a FORMAT statement. G0666 REWIND STA XLATE Constructs the notation for a :statement. G0667 BACKSPACE STA XLATE Constructs the Polish notation for a BACKSPACE statement. G0668 END FILE STA XLATE Polish Constructs the notation for an END l~ILE statement. Determines the mode and size of the variables in specifica~ion statements. G0669 END FILE END Completes the notation for output control ments. G0656 CONTINUE STA XLATE Constructs the Polish notation for a continue statement. G0670 BLOCK DATA STA XLA'I'E Validates the use of the BLOCK DATA statement. GO 6 57 Constructs the Polish notation for a CALL statement. G0671 STOP STA XLATE Sets up the Polish notation for the STOP 8tatement. G0672 STOP CODE ENTRY Sets G0673 PAUSE STA XLATE Validates the use of the FORMAT statement and controls the construction of the Polish notation for the statement. Controls the tion of statement. G0674 PAUSE STOP COMMON Builds the FORMAT roll from the information obtained from the processing of the statement. Checks the form of the specified statement and controls the construction of the Polish notation for the statement. G0675 PAUSE STOP END Registers the constructed Polish notation on the POLISH roll. G0661 FORMAT LIST SCAN Checks the form of the literal content of the FORMAT statement. G0676 INIT LITERAL FOR STOP PAUSE Controls the interpretation of the message specified in the PAUSE statement. G0662 FORMAT BASIC SCAN Interprets the FORMAT list and constructs the Polish notation for the list. G0677 NAMELIST STA XLATE Constructs the roll entries for the NAro"...ELIST statement. G0663 ISCAN TEST Checks the size of the inteter constant or variable specified. G0678 COMMON STA XLATE Constructs the roll entries for the COMMON specification. CALL S~rA XLATE G0658 EXTERNAL STA XLATE G0659 FORMAT STA XLATE G0660 FORMAT STA END 186 validates the use of the EXTERNAL statement and constructs roll entries. Polish REWIND Polish input/ state- up the Polish notafor the STOP statement. t~ion interpretathe PAUSE Routine Label Name G0679 TEST ID ARRAY OR SCALAR Comments Validates the identification of the array or scalar used in COMMON. G0680 DOUBLE PRE STA XLATE Checks the use of the DOUBLE PRECISION statement and controls the interpretation of the statement. G0681 TYPE STA XLATE Interprets and constructs the roll entries for the type specification statement. G0682 SCAN FOR SIZE Checks the size specification for the variables in type statements. G0683 TYPE Checks the identification SEARCH TEST of the variables in the AND REG type specification in statement for previous definition and defines if correct. Routine Label Name G0692 TEST ORDER Comments Checks the order in which the SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION statement appears in the source module. G0693 DMY SEQ SCAN Checks the designation of the dummy variables for call by name or call by value. G0694 GLOBAL DMY SCAN AND TEST Checks the identification of the global dummy for a possible conflict in definition. G0695 DEFINE FILE STA XLATE Constructs the Polish notation for the DEFINE FILE statement. G0696 DATA STA XLATE Constructs the Polish roll notation and entries for the DATA statement. G0697 DATA CONST XLATE Interprets the specified in statement. constants the DATA sets up elements the DATA G0684 ENTRY STA XLATE Constructs Polish the notation and roll entries for an ENTRY statement. G0698 INIT DATA VAR GROUP Determines and the number of specified in statement. G0685 FUNCTION STA XLATE G0686 TYPED FUNCTION STA XLATE G0687 FUNCTION ENTRY STA XLATE XLATE These routines control the construction of the polish notation for a FUNCTION subprogram by invoking the routines which interpret the contents of the statement. G0699 DATA CONST ANALYSIS Validates the specification of the constants used in the DATA statement. G0700 DATA VAR TEST AND SIZE G0688 SUBROUTINE STA XLATE G0689 SUBROUTINE ENTRY STA XLATE These routines control the construction of the Polish notation for a SUBROUTINE subprogram by invoking the routine which interprets the contents of the statement. Checks the definition of the variables specified in the DATA statement for usage conflict, and registers the variables if no conflict is found. G0690 SUBPROGRAM END Common closing routine for ENTRY, FUNCTION, and SUBROUTINE statements. G0691 SPROG NAME SCAN AND REG Checks the identification of the SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION subprogram for conflicts in definition. G0701 MOVE TO Moves information for TEMP DATA statement to TEMP POLISH ROLL POLISH roll from WORK roll. G0702 READ STA XLATE Checks the type of READ statement and controls the interpretation of the statement. G0704 READ WRITE STA XLATE Interprets the elements of the READ or WRITE statement and constructs the Polish notation for the statement. G0705 END QT XLATE Constructs notation quote. the Polish for the END= Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 187 Routine Label Name __ G0706 ERR QT XLATE Conunents Constructs the Polish notation for the ERR = quote in the READ statement. G0707 REGISTER I BCOM Inserts a roll entry a call to IBCOM. G0708 REGISTER ERROR LINK Sets the roll entry for the generation of error linkage. G0709 READ B STA XLATE G0710 PUNCH STA XLATE G0711 PRINT STA XLATE Initialize for the construction of the Polish notation for the indicated statement. G0712 F2 10 XLATE Constructs the Polish notation for the indicated input/output statement and interprets FORMAT designations associated with the input/output statement. Routine Label Name G0723 STA XLATE EXIT Comments ieplaces the Polish notation for a statement with error linkage if indicated. for G0713 IOL LIST XLATE Interprets and constructs the Polish notation for the list associated with the indicated input/output statement. G0714 FIND STA XLATE Constructs the Polish notation for the FIND statement. G0715 RETURN STA XLATE Constructs the Polish notation for the RETURN statement. G0716 EQUIVALENCE Constructs the roll enSTA XIATE tries for the EQUIVALENCE statement G0724 ILLEGAL These routines set up STA FAIL diagnostic messages for G0725 ORDER FAIL the type of error indiG0726 ALLOCATION cated by the routine name. FAIL G0727 ILLEGAL NUMBER FAIL G0728 SUBSCRIPT FAIL G0729 10 CONFLICT FAIL G0730 TYPE CONFLICT FAIL G0731 VAR SCAN Checks definition of variables in the source module; defines as scalar if undefined. G0732 ARRAY SCAN Constructs the Polish notation and roll entries for array references. G0733 SUBSCRIPT ANALYSIS Determines the nature of an array reference for purposes of subscript optimization. G0734 SCRIPT ITEM Determines whether a ANALYSIS subscript expression is a linear function of a DO variable, and sets ANSWER BOX. G0717 DIMENSION SEQ XLATE Constructs the roll entries for the dimensions designated for an array. G0735 NOTE LINEAR Registers a linear subSCRIPT script expression on SCRIPT roll. G0718 TEMP MAKER Increments temporary used for sions. G0736 RESTORE NONLINEAR SCRIPT Builds the Polish notation for a nonlinear subscript expression on Polish roll. G0719 SPECIFICATION STA EXIT G0720 JUMP END G0721 ACTIVE END G0722 HEAD STA EXIT Set flags and return. G0737 MOVE ON EXIT FALSE Moves one group from WORK roll to POLISH roll, sets ANSWER BOX to false, and returns. G0738 SCRIPT SCALAR ANALYSIS De'termines whether a :scalar used in a subscript is a DO variable and sets ANSWER BOX. 188 pointer for locations dummy dimen- Routine Label Name G0739 SCRIPT CONST ANALYSIS Comments Separates constant used in a subscript expression as either induction variable coefficient additive or constant. Routine Label Name Comments G0752 OP CHECK The current and previous AND DEPOSIT operations are set up according to a preceand a Polish dence, connotation is structed. G0740 DEFINE SCRIPT GROUP Creates new group containing zeros on the SCRIPT roll. G0753 GEN AND REG Determines the nature of an exponentiation, and EXPON SPROG records the required subprogram on the GLOBAL SPROG roll. G0741 REGISTER SCRIPT GROUP Defines a subscript expression on the SCRIPT roll by setting the traits, displacement, and array reference. G0744 TERM SCAN Initializes the constructionof Polish notation for a new term in an expression. G0745 ELEMENT OP SEQ SCAN Constructs the Polish notation for a term in an arithmetic expression. G0754 REG COMPLEX Determines the nature of an operation involving SPROG complex variables· and registers the appropriate routine on the GLOBAL SPROG roll. G0755 A MODE PICK Checks and sets mode of AND CHECK operator by inspecting the first of a pair of operands. G0756 MODE PICK Actually places field in driver. mode G0746 UNAPPENDED SPROG ARG Exits from expression scanning on finding an array or subprogram name not followed by a left parenthesis; ensures reference is correct. G0757 B MODE PICK With second operand and AND CHECK driver set by A MODE PICK AND CHECK, resets driver mode; if complex raised to a power, ensures power is integer. G0747 FUNCTION ELEMENT Determines whether a function call in an expression is to a statement function, a library function, or a global subprogram; calls SPROG ARG SEQ SCAN to scan arguments. G0758 MODE CHECK G0748 CONST ELEMENT Scanning expression, if compiler finds nonletter, non-left parenthesis, it goes here; determines if really a constant. Determines whether modes of operands are valid in relational and logical operations. G0759 NUMERIC EXP Determines that an operaCHECK tion or an expression is numeric, as opposed to logical, for compatibility. G0760 NUMERIC EXP Uses NUMERIC EXP CHECK, SHECK AND then prunes bottom of PRUNE POLISH roll. G0749 SCALAR ELEMENT Ensures that registered. is G0761 SPROG ARG SEQ SCAN Constructs the Polish notation for the argument list designated for a subprogram. G0750 ELEMENT MOVE Moves pOinter to POLISH roll for any element in expression. G0762 ARG TEST AND PRUNE G0751 OP SCAN CHECK DEPOSIT Determines the operation indicated in an expression, sets up the appropriate driver, and falls through to OP CHECK AND DEPOSIT. Tests the number and type of arguments to library routine; moves label arguments to CALL LBL roll. G0763 TEST FOR ALTERABLE Determines whether a scalar has been passed as a subprogram argument. scalar Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 189 Routine Label !:!am~ __ G0764 10 SCAN NO USE Conunents Sets---a- flag tested in MODE SET so that loworder bits of roll are not altered when variable is defined; statement does not use variable. G0765 10 CLASSI~l Goes to 10 CLASSIFY after NO USE setting flag to indicate variable has not been used and mode should not be set. G0766 10 SCAN compiles name from source in central area and goes to 10 CLASSIFY. G0767 10 CLASSIFY Determines the classification of a name scalar, array, subprogram, etc., and leaves pointer in WO; exits false if name not defined. G0768 REGISTER SCALAR Records new SCALAR roll. G0769 REGISTER GLOBAL SPROG REGIS'rER RUNTIME GS Determines if name is already a defined subprogram; if not reon GLOBAL cords it SPROG roll. G0770 REGISTER GLOBAL SPROG ROLL Records name SPROG roll. G0771 MODE SET Determines the mode of the indicated variable, logical, integer, complex, etc., and inserts code in pointer in WOo name on on comments Records new integer constant if not previosuly defined. G0777 CONST ANALYSIS Determines the type of a constant and jumps to proper conversion routine. G0778 CPLX CONST ANALYSIS converts constant. complex a G0779 CHECK CONST Checks for unary minus SIGN sign on constant. G0780 SCAN CONST SIGN Scans first character of a constant for a sign; sets up driver if unary minus. G0782 HEXADECIMAL Converts a CONST SCAN constant. hexadecimal G0783 REGISTER HEX CONST Records new constant on HEX CONST roll if not previously defined. G0784 LBL ARG SCAN Checks validity of a label argument to a subprogram and records label as jump target. G0785 SCAN HOLLERITH ARGUMENT Scans an IBM card code argument to a subprogram, and records as literal constant. G0786 LITERAL CONST SCAN Distinguishes literal constants from logical: converts and records. G0787 LITERAL CONST SCAN PAUSE Palcks a literal constant. G0788 REGISTER LITERAL CONST R€!cords literal constant on LITERAL CONST roll if not previously defined. G0789 INIT PACK LITERAL Initializes sion of constant. G0790 PACK LITERAL COMPLETE Moves literal constant 'Onto TEMP LITERAL roll .if packed. G0791 PACK LITERAL CONST Converts a literal con:stant from source :input. G0792 LOOK FOR ONE QUOTE Ch.~cks GLOBAL G0772 CONST SCAN Controls the translation and recording of constants. G0773 REGISTER COMPLEX CONST Records complex and double-precision complex constants not previously defined on appropriate roll. G0774 REGISTER FL CONST Records singleand double-precision real constants on appropriate roll when not previously defined. G0775 REGISTER WORK CONST Records constant in Wo as new integer constant if not defined. 190 Routine Label NaI.!!!LG0776 REGISTER FX CONST for a converliteral for a quotation mark not followed by a second quotation mark; sets ANSWER BOX. Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 Routine Label Name G0793 PACK TWO FROM WORK G0794 PACK ONE FROM WORK Comments Packs low-order byte from last one or two groups on WORK roll onto LITERAL TEMP roll. G0795 PACK CRRNT CHAR Packs current character onto LITERAL TEl'-1P roll. G0796 PACK CHAR General routine to actually place a byte in a word which" when complete, is placed on the LITERAL TEMP roll. G0797 SYMBOL SCAN Assembles identifier from input in SYMBOL 1, 2, and 3, and returr.s. Routine Label Name G0806 NEXT--CLOSING SLASH Comments scans-source input until second of the next pair of slashes not enclosed in parentheses. G0807 NEXT ZERO Scans source input until next comma or slash not COMMA SLASH enclosed in parentheses OR CRP or a closing right parenthesis. G0808 NEXT ZERO R PAREN Scans source input until next zero level right parenth'esis. G0809 COMMA TEST Advances scan arrow and returns ANSWER BOX true if next active character is a comma; if it is a letter, sets up missing comma message, does not advance, and returns true; if it is neither~ returns false. G0798 LOGICAL CONST SCAN Scans logical constants from source input and records as integers. G0799 JUMP LBL SCAN AND MOVE Scans label, defines it as jump target and pointer on POLISH roll. Locates transfers from innermost DO loops that are possible extended range candidates. Also checks for possible re-entry points into innermost DO loops, and tags such points. G0810 INTEGER TERM SCAN AND MOVE Scans integer constant or variable, defines on appropriate roll, puts pointer on POLISH roll. G0811 INTEGER CONST SCAN AND MOVE Scans integer constant; defines on FX CONST roll if required; puts pOinter on POLISH roll. G0800 FORMAT LBL SCAN Scans a label, registers it if necessary, and ensures that it is a FORMAT label if already defined. G0812 INTEGER VAR Scans integer variable; SCAN AND defines on roll if reMOVE quired; puts pointer on POLISH roll. G0801 FORMAT LBL TEST Tests that pointer in wO indicates format label (vs. jump target label); if not, there is an error. G0813 INTEGER TEST Determines whether a pointed to variable or constant is an integer. G0802 LBL SCAN Scans referenced label, defines on LBL roll if required" produces error messages, leaves pointer in WO. G0814 SIGNED INTEGER SCAN Scans and converts signed integer constant; defines on FX CONST roll if required. G0803 REGISTER LBL Records label on LBL roll if not previously defined; leaves pointer in WOe G0815 INTEGER SCAN Scans and converts an unsigned integer constant and register on FX CONST roll if required. G0816 DP CONST MAKER Builds a double-precision constant from source input. G08l7 DP ADJUST CONST Used in converting floating point numbers; adjusts for E or D field. G0804 NEXT ZERO Scans source input to LEVEL COMMA next comma not in NEXT ZERO parentheses or to close COMMA off a pair of parenOR R PAREN theses. G0805 NEXT ZERO COMMA OR CS Scans source input until next comma or slash not in parentheses. Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 191 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 11/15/68 by TNL Y28-6826 Routine Label NamL_ G0818 CONVERT TO FLOA..T Comments Converts integer constant to floating pOint. Routine Label Name GOS39 TEST-POR ERROR MESSAGE G0820 CLEAR TWO AND EXIT TRUE G0821 CLEAR ONE AND EXIT TRUE Remove the specified number of groups from the WORK roll, set ANSWER BOX to true, and return. G0840 PRINT MESSAGES Prints line messages. of G0841 TEST AND ZERO PRINT BUFFER Clears output printer. area G0823 EXIT TRUE EXIT TRUE ML Sets ANSWER BOX and returns. G0842 INIT READ A CARD G0824 CLEAR ONE AND EXIT FALSE Removes one group from WORK roll, sets ANSWER true, and BOX to returns. Scans source input for assignment statement (flag 1) or Logical IF with assignment for consequence (flag 2). G0843 READ A CARD Puts card onto SOURCE roll and re-enters INIT READ A CARD at proper point. G0845 SKIP TO NEXT CHAR MASK Scans input to next source character not of a class of characters specified as input to routine. COmm~!!~~ Determines whether error messages are to be printed; if so, prints dollar sign markers. error for to true G0825 EXIT FALSE Sets ANSWER BOX to false and returns. G0826 CLEAR TWO AND EXIT G0827 CLEAR ONE AND EXIT Remove specified number of groups from WORK roll and return. GOB29 EXIT Returns. EXIT ML EXIT ON ROLL G0846 REENTRY Entry point used to conSKIP TO NEXT tinue masking operation CHAR MASK on a new card. G0832 SYNTAX FAIL Records syntax error message and goes to FAIL. ML ILLEGAL SYNTAX FAIL SYNTAX FAIL G0847 NEXT CHAR NEXT CHARACTER G0848 NEXT CHAR Advance scan next active arrow to character. ML G0833 FAIL If JPE flag off, restores WORK and EXIT roll addresses from last status control, housekeeps Polish notation through STA XLATE EXIT, and returns with ANSWER BOX set to false; if the flag is on, values are restored for JPE and exit is to the location following last JPE POP instruction. G0834 STATUS CONTROL Saves and G0835 DIGIT CONV SCAN Converts integer from decimal to binary, and leaves in DATA area. G0836 CONV ONE DIGIT Converts decimal digit to binary, and leaves in DATA area. G0838 PRINT A CARD Controls printing listing source error messages. 192 NEXT CHARACTER ML G0849 BCD TO EBCDIC Converts CRRNT CHAR BCD to EBCDIC. G0850 DIGIT CONV INITIAL Initializes for the conversion of a number from decimal to binary (resets digit counts, clears DATA area, etc.) G0851 MAPTl TO TMPl Converts value in format of TOP or BOTTOM, a virtual address, to a true address. Gl034 BUILD LOOP DATA GROUP Constructs group DATA roll. Gl035 DATA TERM ANALYSIS Checks for and sets ~lag if it finds unary m1nus in DATA statement. Gl037 CONST REGISTER EXIT Common exit routine for constant recording routines; leaves pointer to constant in WOe addresses of WORK EXIT roll bottoms. ofand from on LOOP Routine Label Name G1038 T AND F CONST SCAN Chart Comments Scans for logical stants T and F in statements. conDATA G1039 EXIT ANSWER General routine used by set all EXITs which ANSWER BOX to store value in ANSWER BOX and return. Gl040 DEBUG STA XLATE Translates mente G1041 AT STA XLATE Constructs AT roll entry from AT statement. G1042 TRACE STA XLATE Constructs Polish notation for TRACE statemente DEBUG Gl044 IEYSKP SKIP TO NEXT PROGRAM Calls IEYFORT to skip to end of present source module when roll storage is exhausted. Gl070 PRESS MEMORY Called by REASSIGN MEMORY to obtain additional core storage from roll space that is no longer in use. If it obtains 32 or more bytes, exit is back to REASSIGN MEMORY. Otherwise, exit is to IEYNOCR in IEYFORT to print NO CORE AVAILABLE message. The labels enumerated in the following list are used in the flowcharts provided for the illustration of the major routines used by Allocate. Chart ID "05CA CA G0362 CB G0361 G0365 cc G0371 G0372 CE CF G0374 CG CD _!!L_ G0381 CK G043? CL G0397 G0401 G0402 CM CN CO G0442 G0443 G0444 G0445 G0441 G0403 G0405 G0438 G0545 CP CQ CR CS CT CU CV CW CX CH CI state- G1043 DISPLAY STA Constructs Polish notaXLATE tion and roll entries for DISPLAY statement. Label G0359 G0451 Label G0376 G037? Routine Name START ALLOCATION ALPHA LBL AND L SPROGS ALPHA SCALAR ARRAY AND SPROG PREP EQUIV AND PRINT ERRORS BLOCK DATA PROG ALLOCATION PREP DMY DIM AND PRINT ERRORS PROCESS DO LOOPS PROCESS LBL AND LOCAL SPROGS BUILD PROGRAM ESD Routine Name ENTRY~AME~LLOCATION COMMON ALLOCATION AND OUTPUT PRINT EQUIV ALLOCATION ERRORS BRANCH TABLE BASE AND ALLOC SCALAR ALLOCATE ARRA Y ALLOCATE GLOBAL SPROG PASS 1 ALLOCATE SPROG ARG ALLOCATION PREP NAMELIST LITERAL CONST ALLOCATION FORMAT ALLOCATION EQUIV MAP GLOBAL SPROG ALLOCATE BUILD NAMELIST TABLE BUILD ADDITIONAL BASES DEBUG ALLOCATE SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCATE LABEL LIST The routines described in this section are listed by G number labels which are presented in ascending order. These routines are those used in the operation of Allocate which are not shown in the section of flowcharts for the phase. Routine Label Name G0363 PREPROCESS EQUIV I G0364 REGISTER ERRORS SYMBOL Comments Checks the data contained on the EQUIVALENCE roll and computes the required addresses. Checks the ERROR SYMBOL roll for the presence of error just the All duplidetected. cate entries are pruned from the roll and all new entries placed on the roll. G0366 CHECK DMY DIMENSION The dummy dimension is checked for definition as a global dummy variable, or in COMMON. G036? GLOBAL DMY TEST Sets a pointer to the dummy array on the ENTRY roll; a pointer to the ARRAY roll 1S also set for each dummy array. G0368 DMY DIM TEST AND REG The DMY DIMENSION roll is rebuilt with the information obtained from the COMMON DATA TEMP, TEMP, and GLOBAL DMY rolls. Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 193 Routine Label Name_ G0369 DMY DIM TEST G0370 DMY CLASSIFY Comments The dimension data is checked for having been previously defined on the NAMELIST ITEMS and COMMON DATA rolls. Classifies a dummy, defining it as scalar if undefined: if it is an array sets call by name tag. G0373 REGISTER BRANCH TABLE Places work containing zero on the BRANCH TABLE roll. G0375 PUNCH REMAINING ESD BUFFER PUNCH REMAINING CARD Punches a card. G0378 SEARCH ROLL BY MAGNITUDE GENERAL ALLOCATION The roll is searched to check if the largest equivalenced area has been allocated. G0379 PRINT COMMON ERRORS Sets up for, and prints, COMMON allocation errors. G0380 PRINT COMMON HEADING COMMON storage map heading is printed. G0382 EQUIV ALLOCATION Builds the EQUIV ALLOCATION roll from the boundary calculated: records the absolute address assigned to the variables. G0383 FLP AND PROCESS EQUIV Inverts the contents of the EQUIVALENCE roll. G0384 PROCESS EQUIV Constructs complete EQUIVALENCE sets on the the GENERAL ALLOCATION roll using information on the EQUIVALENCE roll. G0385 INTEGRATE 194 Assigns locations relative to the first variable listed for all variables in an EQUIVALENCE set if not already allocated. Routine Label Name __ G0386 TEST FOR BOUNDARY Comments fjets and checks the smallest equivalenced area and highest boundary required for allocation of the variables indicated: resets program break according to requirement. G0387 CSECT EQUIV controls the allocation of EQUIVALENCE sets ALLOCATION equal to or greater than 3K bytes into a new control section. G0388 PRINT CSECT Sets up and formats the printing of the storage EQUIV MAP map for EQUIVALENCE sets equal to or greater than 3K bytes. G0389 BUILD COMMON ALL ROLL Calculates the base and displacement for EQUIVALENCE sets equal to or greater than 3K bytes and registers these sets on the COMMON ALLOCATION roll. G0391 SEARCH FOR LARGE ARRAYS Determines the size of arrays not defined as EQUIVALENCE or COMMON. Obtains the arrays that are equal to or greater than 3K bytes. G0392 BUILD A NEW CSECT SE~ts G0393 PRINT A ARRAY CSECT MAP SE!ts the information for the printing of the map for arrays equal to or greater than 3K bytes. G0394 CONV TEMP3 TO HEX Converts the contents of the temporary register to hexadecimal. G0395 GLOBAL DMY ALLOCATE Assigns storage for global dummy variables: expands the contents of the BASE TABLE roll, as required. G0396 TEST FOR CALL BY De'termines whether indicated variable called by name called by value. NAME the program name and obtains a new control section for the allocation of arrays and EQUIVALENCE sets. the was or Routine Label Name _ G0398 ALLOCATE SCALAR BOUNDARY Sets up allocation of scalars according to the size of the variable. G0399 ALLOCATE SCALAR Formats the allocation of scalars not defined as global dummies in COMMON or in EQUIVALENCE sets. Initializes for the printing of the scalar map and calculates the base and displacement. G0400 CED SEARCH G0404 ALLOCATE SPROG Determines if the variable is defined as a global dummy, in COMMON or in an EQUIVALENCE set. If it is, it sets the ANSWER BOX = true. Sets the type of the ESD cards that are to be punched and initializes for the allocation of subprogram addresses. G0406 ADJUST AND Sets the format for the OUTPUT NAME punching of the NAMELIS~ name, and adjusts for storage. G0407 PUNCH NAME LIST AND FIELD Sets the format for the punching of the address allocated for each NAMELIST according to storage required. G0408 OUTPUT MODE Sets the format for the WORD punching of the mode of the NAMELIST variable. G0409 ADVANCE PROG BREAK AND PUNCH Increases the item PROGRAM BREAK according to the storage allocation required for the variables indicated. G04i0 PUNCH LITERAL Obtains the number of bytes and the address of the roll indicated for punching of literal constants. G04ii MOVE TO PUNCH BUFF Moves the indicated data to the appropriate punch buffer. G04i2 PUNCH TXT CARD Punches the indicated TXT card after setting up the address and buffer information. Routine Label Name G04i3 PUNCH REMAINING TXT CARD G04i4 PUNCH ESD G0415 PUNCH LD ESD Comments Punches the remaining card indicated, after the area from which data was being taken has been punched. Punches the indicated ESD cards for the program area indicated. G0416 PRINT ERROR Prints the contents of LBL ROLL this roll which contains the errors noted during operation. G0417 CONVERT LBL Converts the label of an erroneous statement to BCD for printing. G0418 PRINT ERROR Prints the contents of SYMBOL the ERROR SYMBOL roll. G0420 PRINT SCALAR OR ARRAY MAP Prints the indicated map. G042i PRINT INIT MAP G0422 TEST AND PRINT MAP Checks the existence of processing of a storage map. Initiates the printing of the indicated map if one is not already being printed. G0423 PRINT MAP HEADING Prints the heading of the indicated storage map for the variables designated. G0424 PRINT FORMAT MAP Prints map statements. G0425 PRINT HEADING MESSAGE Prints the dicated messages. G0426 PRINT MAP PRINT MAP Prints the variables associated with the storage map heading from the rolls indicated. ML of FORMAT heading infor error Print the remaining inG0431 PRINT REMAINING formation in the print BUFFER buffer after the data G0432 PRINT ERROR has been obtained from REMAINING the indicated storage BUFFER area. G0433 ALLOCATE FULL WORD MEMORY Initializes for allocation of a word of storage. G0434 ALLOCATE MEMORY GOLn5 ALLOCATE BY TYPE Allocate storage according to the type of the variable indicated; full word, halfword, or byte. Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data the full 195 Routine Label ~~me __ GO 4 36 CALCUL.ATE SIZE AND BOUNDARY G0439 CALCULATE BASE AND DISP Comments Determines the size and the boundary required for the variable indicated. Determines the base table entry and displacement for variable being allocated, constructing a new base table entry if necessary. G0440 REGISTER BASE Constructs a new TABLE roll group. G0446 BUILD FORMATS The base and displacement for FORMAT statements are calculated and the PROGRAM BREAK increased as required. G0447 INCREMENT PNTR Routine Label Nalli!LG0460 CLEAR TWO AND EXIT FALSE £Qjmments Prunes two groups from ·the WORK roll, and exits with a false answer in ANSWER BOX. G0461 CLEAR ONE AND EXIT FALSE Prlllnes one group from the WORK roll, and exits with a false answer in l\NSWER BOX. G0462 EXIT FALSE Se1:s ANSWER BOX to false, and exits. G0464 CLEAR FOUR AND EXIT Prunes four WORK 1:he exits. groups from roll, and G0465 CLEAR THREE Prunes three t:he WORK AND EXIT E~xi ts. groups from and roll, BASE Increases the address field of the pointer to the indicated roll so that the pointer pOints to the next group on the roll. G0448 ID CLASSIFY Variables are checked for a previous classification as a global dummy, a scalar, an array, global sprog, used library function, or a local sprog. G0466 CLEAR TWO AND EXIT Prunes two groups from t.he WORK roll, and exits. G0467 CLEAR ONE AND EXIT Prunes one group from the WORK roll, and exits. G0468 EXIT obtains return address from the EXIT roll, and that transfers to address. UNIFY LABEL LIST G0449 REGISTER SCALAR Builds new group onto the SCALAR roll. The labels enumera'ted in the following list are used in the flowcharts provided for the illustration lOf the major routines used by Unify. G0450 MODE SET Sets the mode of the variable to fixed or floating, explicit or implicit, or not used. G0455 CLEAR THREE Prunes three groups from AND EXrr the WORK roll, and TRUE exits with a true answer in ANSWER BOX. G0456 CLEAR T~-10 AND EXr[' TRUE Prunes two groups from the WORK roll, and a exits with true answer in ANSWER BOX. G0457 CLEAR ONE AND EXIT TRUE Prunes one group from the WORK roll, and exits with a true answer in ANSWER BOX. G0458 EXIT TRUE EXIT TRUE ML Set ANSWER and exit. Chart Label GOlll 07 Routine Name STARTlrnIFY G0145 DA ARRAY GOl13 DB CONVERT TO ADR CONST GOll2 DC CONVERT TO INST FORMAT GOl15 DD DO --.!!L- REF ROLL ALLOTMENT N:r~ST UNIFY SUPPLEMENTARY UNIFY LJl,BEL LIST 196 BOX to true The routines described in this section are listed by G numbe'r labels which are presented in ascending order. These routines are those used in the operation of Unify which are not shown in the section of flowcharts for the phase. Routine Labe! Name GOl14 CALL GEN Comments Transfers to phase of the the Gen compiler. Routine Label Name G0126 STANDARD EXPS UNIFY Comments Processes STD SCRIPT roll when NONSTD roll entries have all been processed or have never existed. Moves entries to next outermost loop. GOl16 NOTE ARRAY ALLOCATION DATA Processes SCRIPT roll block to reflect storage allocation. GOl17 LEVEL ONE UNIFY Sets variables for the processing of a single loop or the outer loop of a nest of loops. G0127 CONVERT NONSTD SCRIPT TO STD Picks a NONSTD roll entry with a m1n1murn displacement and processes it as if it were a standard script. Controls the processing of script data associated with current innermost loop. G0128 SIGN ALLOC DISPLACEMENT Utility routine to spread the sign of negative displacements. G0129 DELTA GE 4087 UNIFY Processes paired STD or NONSTD roll entries with DELTA greater than 4087 bytes. Generates second register and LOOP CONTROL entries. G0130 DELTA LE 4087 UNIFY Processes paired STD or NONSTD roll entries with DELTA less than 4087 bytes. DELTA is placed in each ARRAY REF entry in the chain. G0131 ESTABLISH REG STRUCTURE controls formation of LOOP CONTROL and REG roll groups for SCRIPT pointer in WO. G0132 EST. REG GROUP Forms REG roll entry for SCRIPT pointer in WOe G0133 ESTABLISH LOOP CONTROL Entry to establish loop control which sets up stamps for impending LOOP CONTROL group. G0134 EST. LOOP CONTROL Forms LOOP CONTROL group for SCRIPT entry in Wl. G0135 FORM OUTER SCRIPT Processes paired STD or NONSTD roll entries with best match in inner coefficients. Forms SCRIPT entry for next outermost loop with coefficient differences in coefficient slots. GOl19 SWEEP SCRIPT EXP NOTE Compares the area code and the outer coefficient of all other entries on the NEST SCRIPT roll to the bottom entry on the roll. G0120 ZERO COEF UNIFY SWeeps the script entries for the innermost loop, determining whether the outer coefficient is zero and that the inner coefficients are also the same. Depending upon the condition, the loops are re-registered on the LOOP SCRIPT roll. G0121 NOTE SCRIPT Establishes the nature of EXP the script entries as standard or nonstandard. G0122 ESTABLISH STD SCRIPT EXP Forms the LOOP CONTROL and REG roll entries for each STD SCRIPT pointer found in WO, also registering the STD SCRIPT LOOP CONTROL rung. G0123 NOTE HI FREQ STD Checks the frequency used fora particular standard script expression, and sets the frequency count. G0124 SCRIPI' EXP UNIFY Controls the processing of innermost LOOP SCRIPT roll entries with matching area code and outer coefficients; also links each NONSTD roll entry with each STD roll entry, comparing the induction coefficients. G0136 NOTE SECOND Runs the ARRAY REF REG THREAD thread, removing. each link to provide for the second register. Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 197 Routine Label Name _ G0137 UPDATE FREQS G0138 REG SCRIPT EXP Comments Sums the frequencies of the STD or NONSTD pair to indicate increased usage. Registers the STD or NONSTD in WO on the STD or NONSTD roll. G0139 PRUNE SCRIPT REL TO PNTR Utility routine to remove SCRIPT groups. G0140 NOTE ARRAY REF DELTA Adjusts the information indicated from the SCRIPT allocation according to the displacement to the associated ARRAY REF roll entries. G0141 REALIZE REGISTERS SWEEP G0142 NOTE HI FREQ REG G0143 ASSIGN TEMPS FOR REGS Sweeps the REG roll, ass1gning available registers to the registers and temps, according to the frequency of use of the registers in the REG roll. Utility routine which notes the REG roll group indicating the highest frequency of use. Places next temp into the ARRAY REF run and adjusts the LOOP CONTROL stamps to reflect temp usage. chart ID Routine Name ST.1\RT GEN Label <;0491 -os G0499 EA ENTRY CODE GEN G0504 EB PROLOGUE GEN G0508 EC EPILOGUE GEN G0712 ED GE'r POLISH G0493 EF LBI. PROCESS G0515 EG ST1\ GEN G0496 EH STA GEN FINISH SUPPLEMENTARY GEN LlillEL LIST The routines described in this section are listed by G number labels which are presented in ascending order. These routines are those used in the operation of Gen but not shown in the section pertaining to the phase. Routine Label Name _ G0494 CLINCH Comments Clears the base table. register G0497 ZERO THE ACS Clears the accumulators to be used. G0498 MOVE ZEROS TO T AND C Fills the indicated number of groups on the TEMP AND CONST roll with zeros. G0500 INSERT PROG Puts name of source NAME IN module on CODE roll. CODE GOSOl MAIN PROGRAM ENTRY Builds instructions for ·the entry into the main program. G0144 CONVERT REG Performs the actual rO USAGE transfer of REG or TEMP roll entries into the ARRAY REF threads. GOS02 PRO AND EPI De1termines the address ADCON GEN constant for prologues and epilogues for the instruction that is created. GEN LABEL LIST G0503 ADCON MAKER Builds ADtON roll group GEN and places adcon instruction on CODE roll. The labels contained in the following list are illustrated in the flowcharts provided with the description of the Gen phase of the compiler. 198 G0505 LOAD DMYS GEN Builds the code to load 1:he dummy arguments specified in a subprogram .. Routine Label Name G0506 BUILD DMY ARRAY DIM G0507 CALCULATE DMY DIM Comments Determines the dummy array dimensions spec1fied in the arguments for the subprogram. Calculates the dummy array dimensions specified as arguments to a subprogram, and builds the appropriate instructions. G0509 RESTORE DMY Restores the dummy arguGEN ments for value transfer at the end of a subprogram. G0510 TEST CALL BY NAME Determines whether the arguments to a subprogram were designated as call by name values. G0511 BUILD A MOVE DMY GROUP G0512 BUILD A STORE DMY ADD G0513 INCREMENT DMY PNTR G0514 BUILD A LOAD TWO These routines build the instructions that transmit the indicated values transferred by the dummy azguments to subprogram. G0516 ASSIGNMENT STA GEN Controls the construction of the code for an assignment statement. G0517 AFDS s'rA GEN Controls and constructs the instructions for an arithmetic fUnction definition statement. G0518 AFDS INIT Initializes the construction of the code for an arithmetic function definition statement by constructing the label and jump instructions. G0519 ASSIGN STA GEN Constructs the code for an statement. G0520 IF STA GEN Constructs the object code for an IF statement. G0521 LOGICAL IF STA GEN object ASSIGN the object Constructs code for a Logical IF statement. Routine Label Name G0522 BUILD JUMP INST G0523 GO TO STA GEN G0524 ASSIGN GO TO STA GEN G0525 GO TO JUMP GEN Comments Constructs a branch instruction, with input indicating type and branch point. These routines control and construct the object code required to execute the indicated type of GO TO statement. These routines construct G0526 CGOTO STA the object code for a GEN G0527 CGOTO FOR GO TO statement that is CALL RETURN the subprogram return. GEN G0528 CONTINUE STA GEN Returns. G0529 BLOCK DATA GEN Sets up the rolls and data used in the construction of the object code for the BLOCK DATA statement. G0530 STA INIT Stores the statement number and leaves statement drives in WOe G0531 DATA STA GEN Determines the use mode of the variables and structs the object based on information. G0532 ALIGN DATA Adjusts the data for instruction format. G0533 INIT FOR VAR Obtains the base, size, displacement, and area code of the indicated variable and adjusts the instruction format for the variable according to the information obtained. G0534 MOVE DATA Sets up the beginning of the data for card format. G0535 MOVE TO CARD IMAGE Obtains the location of the indicated data for transfer to instruction format. Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data and data concode this 199 Routine Label Name _ Comments G0536 MOVE TO Controls the insertion of CARD REPEAT the data into the card format and the punching of the appropriate TXT card. Routine Label Name __ G0556 10 STA GEN ConUllents Determines the type of input/output statement that is indicated and transfers to the routines that process that particular type of statement. G0537 PUNCH A TXT Write a TXT card from CARD data whose location is G0538 PUNCH A TXT provided. CARD ML G0539 PUNCH TXT ENTRY 2 G0557 INIT 10 LINK GEN Initiates and sets data for the generation of the input/output linkage. G0542 CALCU:LATE VAR SIZE G0558 UNIT 10 ARG Determines the logical unit number of the input/output device. G0559 DIRECT 10 ARG Sets up controls for the construction of the object code for directaccess input/output statements. G0560 FORMAT 10 ARG Sets up data pertaining to the FORMAT for the construction of the object code of an input/output statement under format control. G0561 10 INITIAL ENTRY GEN Sets up code for the call to IBCOM to control execution of the indicated input/output statement. G0562 BUILD UNIT ARG Constructs argument passed for unit number in input/output linkages. G0563 BUILD A LINK ARG Constructs the object code for the arguments designated in the input/output statements. G0564 BUILD FORMAT ARG Constructs the object code for the designated format control of an input/output statement. G0565 GRNTEE 10 LINK ADD Constructs code for linkage. G0566 IOL DO CLOSE GEN Ge'nerates object code for closing of implied DO in I/O list. G0567 10 LIST GEN RUN Determines whether I/O list is DO implied. Determines size of a variable from TAG field of pointer in WOe G0543 END STA GEN Builds code for AT if required and branches to TERMINATE PHASE. G0547 BSREF STA GEN controls the construction of the object code for a BACKSPACE, REWIND, or END FILE statement. G0548 STOP PAUSE STA GEN Constructs the object code for a STOP or PAUSE statement. G0549 LOAD IBCOM Builds an instruction for a call to the IBCOM routine. G0550 RETURN STA GEN Builds the object code for a RETURN statement. G0551 ENTRY STA GEN SPROG STA GEN Constructs the label instruction for an ENTRY statement or the entry into a subprogram. G0552 DEFINE FILE Constructs the object STA GEN code instructions for the DEFINE FILE statement. G0553 GRNTEE A TEMP G0554 ILLEGAL AFDS STA GEN Ensures that the constant from DEFINE FILE is registered on the TEMP AND CONST roll. Generates an error link for a statement function which was invalid. G0555 ILLEGAL STA Constructs a no-operation GEN ENTRY instruction and an error link for the statement in error. 200 the object input/output Routine Label Name G0568 IOL DO OPEN GEN Comments Sets up the data for the generation of instructions for input/output DO loop. Routine Label Name G0581 LOOPS OPEN GEN Comments Obtains the DO control data and controls the construction of the appropriate instructions. G0569 IOL ARRAY GEN Generates linkage for secondary array entry to IBCOM. G0582 INIZ LOOP GEN G0570 10 LIST PNTR GEN IOL PNTR GEN Determines the type of the I/O list, and controls the construction of the object code for the list. Determines the nature of the indicated DO loop after determining whether a loop exists. G0583 INIZ GIVEN COEFF GEN G0571 10 LIST ARRAY PNTR GEN Sets up the data and determines the type of array list. Constructs the object code for the initialization of the indicated induction variable coefficient. G0584 DO CLOSE SBR G0572 BUILD ELEMENTS ARG Builds an argument for input/output linkage for a single element in an I/O list. Constructs the object code for the close of a DO loop after setting up controls for the increment and terminal values of the loop iteration. G0585 FIND COEFF INSTANCE Determines the existence of the indicated nature of a loop through comparison of the designated traits and coefficient. G0586 NOTE TEMP REQ G0573 10 LIST DMY Builds the object code ARRAY for a dummy array I/O list. G0574 GLOBAL DMY TEST Determines whether the variable in question has been defined in usage as a global dummy. G0575 10 STA END 10 STA END GEN Generates call for end of I/O list. Determines whether a register has been assigned for the script expression in question or whether a temporary storage is required. G0576 BUILD 10 LINK Controls construction of the object code to terminate an input/output operation. the load of G0587 INITIALIZE Generates BY LOAD GEN registers to be used throughout a DO loop. G0577 LOAD ADDRESS I BCOM Inserts the absolute call to the system input/ output routine, IBCOM. G0588 GRNTEE TEMP Builds a store instrucSTORED GEN tion for the temporary storage used by the script expression. G0578 INIT IBCOM PNTR AND ENTRY Initializes for processing of input/output statements by storing code word and IBCOM pointer from POLISH roll. G0589 GRNTEE SOURCE REG LOADED GO 579 CALCULATE LENGTH AND TYPE Determines the length and type of variables designated in input/ output statements. Determines the area and location for the register to be used by the script expression, and generates the load instruction for the indicated temporary storage. G0590 INCR GIVEN COEFF GEN Determines the nature and use of the loop increment and builds the appropriate instructions for the execution of the increment. G0580 DO STA GEN Determines the nature of the DO statement, sets up the data for the code of the statement. Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 201 Routine Label Name __ G060? CALL STA GEN Comments Calls the routines which build the object code for the CALL statement. G0608 FLP AND PREP VAR Flips POLISH roll and moves first variable to WORK roll. G0609 EXP GEN BY MODE Controls the determining the of the mode of indicated expression. Routine Label Name G0623 DRIVER GEN comments If an array driver, goes to SCRIPT PREP; if not, exits false indicating end of an expression. G0624 AND GEN Generates code for an AND operation. G0625 AND FINISH GEN l~ctually builds an AND operation on CODE roll. G0626 OR GEN G0610 EXP GEN AND Generates code for expression on bottom of GRNTEE AC POLISH roll and ensures that result is in a register. Generates code for an OR operation. G062? OR FINISH GEN }~ctually G0611 GRNTEE EXP Guarantees that the mode of the expression is positive. G0628 PREPARE FOR S:ets up the data, for the LOGICAL GEN statement containing a logical operation. G0612 EXP GEN Obtains the expression for GEN processing. G061) GEN RUN Determines the operation mode of the entity in question. builds an OR operation on CODE roll. G0629 EQ GEN Generates code for an EQ relational operation. G0630 NE GEN Generate~ G0631 LT GEN Generates code for an LT relational operation. G0614 NOT GEN Inverts sign indicator UNARY MINUS for variable on bottom GEN of WORK roll. G0632 GT GEN Generates code for a GT relational operation. G0615 DIV GEN Controls production of object code for divide operation. G0633 GE GEN G1enerates code for a GE relational operation. G0634 LE GEN G0616 INTEGER DIV GEN Generates code for ger divide. inte- Generates code for an LE relationa~ operation. G061? SUB GEN Generates code for tract operation. sub- G0635 RELATIONAL GEN G0618 ADD GEN Generates code operation. Builds the object code instructions based on the relational condition specified in the logical operation. G0619 MPY GEN Controls production of object code for multiply operation. for add code for an NE relational operation. G0636 P}{EPARE FOR Converts and adjusts data RELATIONAL for construction of the object code of a relational comparison. G0620 INTEGER MPY Generates code for inteGEN ger multiply. G0621 INTEGER MPY Common end for multiply DIV END and divide generation routines; records register usage. G0637 POWER GEN G0622 SUM OR PROD Guarantees that one of GRNTEE the two elements on WORK roll is in a register and that mode of operator is correct. G0638 POWER AND Sets up the data for COMPLEX MPY operations involving DIV GEN multiplication or division of exponentiated or complex variables. 202 Builds linkage roll. exponentiation on the CODE Routine Label Name G0639 INTEGER POWER GEN G0640 SPROG GEN G0641 SPROG GEN SUB comments Builds the appropriate load and mUltiply instructions for exponentiation depending on the mode of the operation. Determines the nature of the operand of a CALL statement or of a subprogram. Generates the code for a subprogram call including argument calculations. G0642 SPROG END GEN Constructs the object code for the return or close of a subprogram. G0643 SPROG ARG SEQ GEN controls the interpretation of the sequence of arguments designated to a subprogram. G0644 REG SPROG ARG Controls the register assignment to subprogram arguments as they are encountered in sequence. G0645 GRNTEE ADR GEN G0646 TEST CONST ARG G0641 TEST AND STORE REGS GUarantees that the subprogram arguments are assigned and builds the indicated load and store instructions. Determines mode of a constant subprogram argument. Tests to determine if any register used as an accumulator contains data; if so, generates code to store the contents in a temporary location. G0648 GRNTEE AC GEN Stores the contents of WO in an accumulator if not already designated. G0649 GRNTEE NEW AC GEN G0650 PICK A NEW AC G0651 PICK FL AC G0652 PICK A COMPLEX AC These routines determine the accumulator to be used in an indicated operation depending upon the mode of the variable in question. Routine Label Name G'O'653 CLEAR A PAIR G0654 PICK A PAIR G0655 PICK A PAIR END Comments These routines determine and clear a pair of fixed or floating accumulators depending on the type of the register in WOe These routines are used in integer, multiply, divide, and complex operations. G0656 TEST FOR BEST PAIR Determines the two optimal accumulators to be used for the operation indicated. G0651 GRNTEE POSITIVE GEN of the Sets the mode accumulator indicates not to positive if set, and already generates appropriate code. G0658 COMP FX CONST G0659 COMP FL CONST G0660 COMP DP CONST Set the mode of the indicated constant. G0661 COMP COMPLEX CONST Sets the mode of the indicated constant. G0662 CORRECT FOR complements the value SIGN DATA 1 DATAl. in G0663 INCLINE FUNCTION GEN Sets up table for the generation of code for in-line functions. G0664 CONVERSION FUNCTION GEN Generates code to perform an in-line mode conversion. G0665 ABS These routines generate FUNCTION the object code instructions for the inGEN G0666 MOD line function indicated FUNCTION by the name of the rouGEN tine. G0661 INT FUNCTION GEN G0668 AIMAG FUNCTION GEN G0669 CMPLEX FUNCTION GEN G0610 TWO ARG INLINE COMMON G0611 CONJG FUNCTION GEN Appenqix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 203 Routine Label Name _ G0672 SIGN FUNCT GEN G0673 DIM FUNCT GEN G0674 GRNI'EE BOTH MODES £Q!!!ments (see Label G0665) Sets the mode of the data in Wo and Wi to positive if not already set. Routine Label Name G'O"6'82 TEST DP CONST Conunents Exits false if pointer in Wo is not to a doubleprecision constant; otherwise, loads constant into central area and exits true. G0683 COMPLEX CONVERSION Determines the mode of the variable in Wi and transfers to the appropriate conversion routine depending on the mode of WOe Determines the mode and nature of the two components of the complex variable or constant. G0684 DP COMPLEX CONVERSION Determines the mode and registers the indicated double-precision complex variable or constant. G0676 LOGICAIr CONVERSION Places the logical variable contained in Wo into an accumulator. G068S COMPLEX AC TEST Sets up FL AC roll for proper pointers to a value converted to complex. G0677 FX CONVERSION Places the variables contained in WO and Wi in an accumulator if the mode is 1*2; otherwise, a conversion to floating point is made. G0686 AC END AND Used during conversion, CONV RETEST to set up AC roll, and to determine whether conversion is complete. G0678 FL CONVERSION Tests the contents of Wo and Wi for floating variables or constants. If the contents are not floating variables or constants, i t determines the nature of the data, registers the variable or constant, and assigns an accumulator for the operation,) G067S GRNTEE MODE Wl G0679 CONVERT TO COMPLEX END Generates code to clear the imaginary register and loads the real register in real to complex conversion. G0680 TEST A FL CONST l~xi ts G0681 DP CONVERSION 204 false if pointer in WO is not to a floating constant: otherwise, it loads the constant into central area and exits true. Determines the nature of the double-precision variable or constant indicated, converts into the indicated format, assigns an accumulator, depending on the mode of the variable. G0687 CONVERT RETEST Sets up WORK roll so that Wi GRNTEE MODE can determine whether a conversion is complete. G0688 REGISTER WORK CONST Records constant in Wo as an integer constant. G0689 REGISTER FX Register the constant from DATA area on the CONST G0690 REGISTER FL indicated roll if not CONST already defined; constant is compiler genG069i REGISTER DP CONST erated. G0692 REGISTER COMPLEX CONST G0693 REGISTER DO COMPLEX CONST G0695 FLOAT A FX Converts a floating constant or generates code to convert a floating variable to fixed mode. G0696 FIX A FL Converts a fixed mode constant or generates code to convert a fixed variable to floating mode. G0697 FLOAT AND FIX COMMON Common exit for routines which write code to float or fix variables. G0708 TEST AC AC TEST Determines whether the mode of the indicated accumulator is fixed or floating. Routine Label Name G0709 AC END Comments Determines whether one or two accumulators are being used. G0710 GRNTEE AC ZERO Assures that the accumulator being used in the operation is register zero. G0711 SPOIL STO REG Clears appropriate entry on AC roll for a register which has been stored. G0713 CLEAR THREE Remove indicated number AND EXIT of groups from WORK TRUE roll, set ANSWER BOX to G0714 CLEAR TWO true, and return. AND EXIT TRUE G0715 CLEAR ONE AND EXIT TRUE G0716 EXIT TRUE EXIT TRUE Sets ANSWER BOX and returns. G0718 CLEAR THREE Remove indicated number AND EXIT of groups from WORK FALSE roll, set ANSWER BOX to G0719 CLEAR TWO false, and return. AND EXIT FALSE G0720 CLEAR ONE AND EXIT FALSE Bui~ADCON roll and returns a pointer to the start of a group on the roll. G0731 CHECK JUMP LBL Determines whether pointer in Wo refers to a jump target label. G0732 MADE LBL MAKER Creates entry on BRANCH TABLE roll for made label, and returns pointer to group created. G0733 SCRIPT PREP Sets up the data for calculation of indicated script pression. the the ex- G0734 CALCULATE SCRIPT Determines the mode and operation of the variables contained in the script expression. G0735 TEST END SCRIPT Determines the end of the script expression. G0736 CALCULATE OFFSET AND SIZE Determines the size of each element contained within an expression, and the displacement pertaining to each array. G0737 GRNTEE REG Place the index values for arrays in register 9 if not already set. Sets ANSWER BOX to false and returns. 9 G0738 TEST AND STORE REG 9 G0739 BUILD A SHIFT 9 Builds a shift register 9 instruction for subscripting; shift length is determined by array element size. G0744 BID INIT G0745 BIM INIT G0746 BIM BID INIT G0747 Initializes data for the contsruction of the instruction designated by the BID, BIN, or BIM POP instructions. G0748 EXIT FULL Used on entry to BIN when BIN fills the EXIT roll. ML G0723 CLEAR THREE Remove indicated number EXIT of groups from WORK CLEAR THREE roll and return. AND EXIT G0724 CLEAR TWO EXIT CLEAR TWO AND EXIT G0725 CLEAR ONE EXIT CLEAR ONE AND EXIT G0727 EXIT EXIT ML Comments to true ML G0721 EXIT FALSE EXIT FALSE Routine Label Na~ G0730 ADCON MADE LBL MAKER Returns. G0728 EXIT ANSWER Sets ANSWER BOX and exits ML for EXIT routines which set ANSWER BOX. BID BIDPOP This is the assembler language routine which constructs the instruction designated by the BIDPOP instruction. Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 205 Routine Label Name_ G0750 BIN BINPQP G0751 NOTE A CSECT Comments This is the assembler language routine which constructs the instruction designated by the BINPOP instruction. This routine obtains the Control section in which the current instruction being generated is to be placed. G0752 BIM BIMPOP This is the assembler language routine which constructs the instruction designated by the BIMPOP instruction. G0753 RX FORMAT General routine used to build all RX type instructions. G0754 RR FORMAT This routine implements the RR format designation for the instruction being generated. G0755 ADDRESS MAKER Used to build all base, displacement, and index type addresses. G0756 BUILD A BASE REG Determines the base location within a particular control section at which the object code instructions begin. G0757 SCALAR OPERAND ARRAY OPERAND GLOBAl. SPROG OPERAND USED F'UNCTION LIB OPERAND NAMEs LIST OPERAND FORlJ'AT LBL OPERAND GLOBAL DMY OPERAND Builds address for the specified type of operand. G0758 DMY LBL COMMON Generates address FOMAT references. Oments Builds address for reference to subprogram argument list. G0761 BRANCH TABLE OPERAND Builds address for references to made labels. G0762 BRANCH TABLE COMMON Used by LBL and BRANCH TABLE OPERAND routines to contstruct address. G0763 BRANCH SPROG COMMON Used by LBL, BRANCH TABLE and SPROG ARG OPERAND to construct address. G0764 T AND C OPERAND Constructs address for references to temporary storage or constants. G0765 T AND C COMMON Used for T AND C OPERAND and pointers to constant rolls. G0766 T AND C B COMMON exit for all Common temporary branch and constant operand and routines. G0767 LOCAL DMY OPERAND Determines the base location for the indicated operand and builds the code data from this information. G0768 FX CONST OPERAND Determines the size of the fixed constant operand and constructs the instruction depending upon this information. single-precision G0769 FX FL CONST Moves constant pointed to SEARCH AND TEMP AND CONST roll if REG FL CONST not already on roll. OPERAND G0770 FX FL CONST Performs part of move of COMMON constant to TEMP AND CONST roll. for G0759 LBL OPERAND Builds address for referLOCAL SPROG ences to labels and OPERAND statement functions. 206 Routine Label !!~!!!~ __ G0760 SPROG ARG OPERAND G0771 SEARCH AND REG SP CONST SEARCH AND REG FX CONST SEARCH AND REG FL CONST Searches TEMP AND CONST roll, registers constant if not already there, and returns pointer to TEMP AND CaNST roll group. Routine Label Name G0772 REGSP CONST Comments Registers single-precision constant on TEMP AND CONST roll. G0773 DP FL CONST Construct address for OPERAND references to doubleCOMPLEX precision real and CONST single-precision comOPERAND plex constants. G0774 SEARCH AND Ensures that a doubleREG DP CONST precision real or SEARCH AND single-precision comREG COMPLEX plex constant is on the CONST TEMP AND XONST roll and returns a pointer to it. G0775 REG DP CONST Registers a new doubleprecision constant on the TEMP AND CONST roll. G0776 DP COMPLEX CONST OPERAND Constructs address for reference to a doubleprecision complex constant. G0777 SEARCH AND REG DP COMPLEX CONST G0778 REG DP COMPLEX CONST Ensures that a doubleprecision complex constant is on the TEMP AND CONST roll and returns a pointer to it. Registers a new doubleprecision complex constant on the TEMP AND CONST roll. G0779 TEST DOUBLE Determines if the address WORD designated to the variBOUNDARY able or constant in Wo begins on a doubleword boundary. G0780 ARRAY REF OPERAND G0781 LOAD REG FROM TEMP G0782 ARRAY PLEX OPERAND Handles array reference pointers to obtain scripted arrays addresses. Generates a load of a base register from a temporary storage location. Handles building addresses when array plex is the indicated operand. G0783 SRCH AND ST Stores register 9 in a X9 FROM temporary register if ARRAY PLEX needed for generation of array plex addresses. Routine Label Name G0784 STORE IN TEMP Comments Generates code to store that register in a temporary location if Wo is a pointer to a register. G0785 STORE AND RETURN TEMP Uses a temporary location in checking temporary pointers for the indicated constants. G0786 SEARCH TEMP ROLL Beginning with a pointer to the TEMP PNTR roll in WO, searches for an available temporary already defined. Returns true, with pointer to TEMP AND CaNST roll if found; otherwise, returns false. G0787 OPERAND RUN Selects processing routine for present operand from pointer. G0930 SPOIL STO Determines whether pointVAR ed to variable is being SPOIL STORE used in subscript which VAR is now contained in register 8 or 9; if so, spoils that register. G0931 SPOIL STORE Determines whether a VAR NON stored variable which READ 10 has not appeared in a READ should be stored. G0932 CLEAR ONE AND SPOIL CEAD Determines if pointed to variable is COMMON, EQUIVALENCE, alterable, or .dummy; if so, spoils any register containing a subscript which uses any CEAD variable; and prunes one group from WORK. G0933 SPOIL CEAD Same as CLEAR ONE AND SPOIL CEAD except it does not prune WORK roll. G0934 TEST A CEAD Tests to determine if variable pOinted to by wo is COMMON, EQUIVALENCE, alterable, or dummy. G0935 NO ARG SPROG END GEN Entry point for generating a subprogram call without arguments. Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 207 Routine Labe! Name _ Comments G0937 SIMPLE BuildS---ARRAY PLEX roll SCRIPT PREP for subscripts handled in registers 8 and 9. Routine Label Names G0953 BIN VARIABLE G0938 CLEAR 3 EXIT BIN G0939 CLEAR 1 EXIT BIN Exits from BIN, BIM and BID POP subroutines which remove the indicated number of groups from WORK. G0954 RETURN SCALAR OR ARRAY PNTR Returns pointer to a SCALAR or ARRAY roll group from less direct reference .. G0940 EXIT BIN Exits from BIN, BIM, and BID POP subroutines. G0955 DEBUG INIT GEN Generates DEBUG linkage for INIT variables. G0941 SUBCHK GEN Builds code for SUBCHK entry if required. G0942 SIMPLE SCRIPT OPERAND Generates the code to compute a subscript value to be held in register 8 or 9. G0943 TEST FOR HIT Determines whether register 8 or 9 already contains the present subscript. Comments Puts name of CODE roll. variable on NAME G0956 DEBUG SHORT Generates DEBUG linkage LIST INIT for INIT of a full arGEN ray. G0957 DEBUG DMY INIT GEN Generates DEBUG linkage for INIT of a dummy variable. G0958 DISPLAY STA Generates DEBUG GEN for a statement .. G0959 DEBUG INIT ARG GEN linkage DISPLAY Generates DEBUG calls after a CALL statement. G0944 LOAD SIMPLE X REG Generates code to set up register 8 or 9. G0945 PICK A NEW SIMPLE X REG Determines whether register 8 or 9 will be used for subscript which must be loaded. The labels enumerated in the following list are used in the flowcharts provided for the illustration of the major routines used by Exit. G0946 CALC ELEM SIZE AND SHIFT Calculates array element size and the length of shift necessary to multiply by that value. G0947 AT STA GEN Generates the object code for an AT statement. G0948 TRACE ON STA GEN Generates DEBUG linkage for a TRACE ON statement. G0949 TRACE OFF STA GEN Generates DEBUG linkage for a TRACE OFF statement. Label G0381 G0382 G0383 G0384 G0399 G0400 G0402 G0403 G0404 G0405 G0416 G0424 G0564 EXIT LABEL LIST G0950 DEBUG Generates initial linkage INITIAL to DEBUG. LINKAGE GEN G0951 DEBUG VAR ADR GEN Generates address for INIT or SUBCHK variable. G0952 DEBUG ELEMENTS GEN Generates number of elements for DEBUG linkage. 208 Chart ID -09 FA FB FC FD FE FF FG FH FI FJ FK FL Routine Name EXIT PASS PUNCH TEMP AND CONST ROLL PUNCH ADR CONST ROLL PUNCH CODE ROLL PUNCH BASE ROLL PUNCH BRANCH ROLL PUNCH SPROG ARG RO~L PUNCH GLOBAL SPROG ROLL PUNCH USED LIBRARY ROLL PUNCH ADCON ROLL PUNCH RLD ROLL PUNCH END CARD PUNCH NAMELIST MPY DATA SUPPLEMENTARY EXIT LABEL LIST The routines described in this section are listed by G number labels which are presented in ascending order. These routines are those used in the operation of Exit which are not shown in the section of flowcharts for the phase. Routine Label Na~ __ G0385 SWEEP CODE ROLL SWEEP CODE ROLL ML Comments DetermInes the nature of a word on the CODE roll and processes it according to type. G0386 PUNCH INST PUNCH INST ML Determines the type of instruction to be punched (one, two, or three halfwords). G0388 PUNCH TWO HALFWORDS Sets up a two halfword instruction format. G0389 PUNCH ONE HALFWORD Sets up a one halfword instruction format. G0390 PUNCH THREE HALFWORDS sets up a three halfword instruction format. G0391 PUNCH CODE Punches the indicated instruction in the indicated format. Routine comments ~~!!!~ __ _ Transfers the indicated <;0409 MOVE CODE code to the output area TO TX'l' CARD to be punched. Label format G0410 INITIALIZE Initializes the for the punching of the TXT CARD G0411 INITIALIZE TX'l' cards. TXT CARD ML G0412 PUNCH PARTIAL TEXT CARD Punches any part of a 'IX'l' card. G0413 PUNCH A CARD ML Punches card. G0414 PUNCH AN ESD CARD Sets the format punching of card. G0417 DEPOSIT LAST ESD NO. ON RLD CARD Obtains and deposits the last ESD number on the indicated RLD card for punching. G01418 DB SECOND RLD WORD WITH CONT Sets the format of a card with a continuation to a second card. a complete TXT for the an ESD G0392 ABS PUNCH Sets up for the punching of object module absolute constants. G0393 RELOC CONST PUNCH Sets the format for the punching of a relocatable absolute constant. G0419 DB SECOND RLD WORD WITH NO CONT Turns off the continuation indicator for the punching of the RLD card. G0394 ABS CONST PUNCH ABS CONST PUNCH ML Punches the indicated absolute constants in the object module. G0420 DB SECOND RLD WORD Places the second word into the RLD format in the output area. G0396 DEFINE LBL Defines indicated label on BRANCH TABLE roll. G0421 DEPOSIT WORD ON RLD CARD G0397 ADCON PUNCH Punches the address constant indicated in Wo. Places the indicated word into the appropriate location in the RLD format. G0398 POC DAT~ PUNCH Sets up the information needed for the listing and punching of code contained on the CODE roll. G0422 PUNCH AN RLD CARD Punches the indicated RLD card. G0423 TERMINATE RLD PUNCHING Determines whether the RLD card is full and sets controls accordingly. G0425 LIST CODE Sets up the format for the object module listing, and determines the instruction format for each indicated instruction to be printed. G0426 RS OR SI FORMAT Determines whether the indicated instruction is RS or SI format. G0401 SWEEP BASE BRANCH ROLL Initializes for the punching of the groups contained on the BASE and BRANCH TABLE rolls. G0406 HALF WORD WO TO TXT CARD A G0407 WO TO TXT CARD WO TO TXT CARD ML Transfers the contents of WO to the outpu~ area to be punched. halfword instruction format is set up for the contents of WOe Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data 209 Form Y28-6638-1 Page Revised 7/23/69 by TNL Y28-6829 Routine Label ~~~ __ _ G0427 RS FORMAT G0428 SI FORMAT G0429 RX FORMAT G0430 RR FORMAT Routine Label ~~!!!~-- (;0443 PRINT HEADING PRINT HEADING ML Comments SetS-up-the RS format for the indicated instruction. Sets up the SI format for the indicated instruction. sets up the RX format for the indicated instruction. sets up the RR format for the indicated instruction. I G0444 PRINT COMPILER STATISTICS Comments Prints-- the indicated heading that is to appear on the object module listing_ Sets up the indicated message in the print output area. G0445 PRINT CSECT Sets up the indicated MEMORY message in the print REQMTS output area. MESS G0446 PRINT CSECT TOTAL MESSAGE ML Sets up the indicated message in the print output area. G0447 PRINT CSECT MESSAGE Sets up the indicated message in the print output area. Sets up the format tDC format) for the address constants in the object module that are to be listed. (';0448 CONV AND PRINT D2(B2) ML Converts the indicated general register designation for the RX, RS, and RR formats. G0433 DC LIST ]:,ists G0449 CONV AND PRINT D1Bl ML G0434 PRINT ADCON LBL Sets controls for the printing of the indicated address constant. Converts the indicated address and general register designation for the SI and SS formats. G0435 PRINT }\ MADE LBL Sets controls for the printing of the indicated label that has been created by the compiler. G0431 SS FORMAT G0432 ADCON LIST Sets up the SS format for the indicated instruction. DC constants. G0436 MADE LBL ADCON LBL COMMON Inserts the indicated label into the print output area. G0437 PRINT A LBL Prints the indicated label on the object module listing. G0438 PRINT BCD OPERAND G0439 PRINT A LINE PRINT A LINE PLUS ONE ML G0440 PRINT A LINE ML 210 Inserts the indicated operand into the appropriate position of the object listing in the output area. Print the indicated line once a full line has been set up in the output area. G0450 CONV AND Converts the indicated PRINT 02 ML address and general CONV AND register designations PRINT Dl ML to instruction format. G0452 CONV AND converts the indicated PRINT Bl ML address and general CONV AND register designations PRINT B2 ML to instruction format. G0453 CONV AND converts the indicated PRINT R2 ML address and general CONV AND register designations PRINT X2 ML to instruction format. G0454 CONV AND converts the indicated PRINT 12 ML address and general register designations to instruction format. G0455 CONV AND Converts the indicated PRINT Rl ML address and general CONV AND register designations PRINT Ll ML to instruction format. G0456 CONV WO AND Converts the contents of PRINT WO to decimal and inCONVERT WO serts into print output AND PRINT area. Routine ~Name gomment~ GOQ58 CONV AND PRINT PLUS ONE ML Converts a number to decimal and places in print buffer. GOQ59 PRINT A COMMA ML Places a comma into print output area. GOQ60 PRINT A LEFl' PAREN Places a left parenthesis output into the print area. ML G0461 PRINT A Places right parenRIGHT PAREN thesis into the print output area. ML G0462 PRINT A CHAR ML Places the indicated the character into print output area .. G0464 CLEAR ONE EXIT CLEAR ONE AND EXIT Prunes one word from the WORK roll and exits. Routine Label Name GOQ65 EXIT EXIT ML EXIT ANSWER ML Comments obtains the last entry on the EXIT roll and transfers to the indicated location. G0566 RLD ALIGN SWEEP TE Sorts RLD entries so that all RLDs in one CSECT appear together. G0561 RLD ALIGN TEST SWEEP TEST Determines whether present RLD is in the CSECT now being constructed. G0569 GET ADR FROM PNTR Gets location on DATA roll from pointer WOe ML Appendix E: Miscellaneous Reference Data VAR in 211 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/11 by TNL GY28-6841 This appendix describes the logic of the FORTRAN IV library subprograms. As the compiler examines the user's FORTRAN source statements and translates them into an object module, it recognizes the need for certain operations the library is designed to perform. At the corresponding points in the object module, the compiler inserts ca~~s to the appropriate library subprograms. At linkage edit time, copies of these library subprograms are made part of the load module. Then, at execution time, the library subprograms perform their various functions. The nature of the user's program determines which and how many library subprograms are included in his load module. SYSTEM GENERATION OPTIONS At system generation time, the user makes several choices which determine the exact makeup of his FORTRAN IV library. These concern: BOUNDARY ALIGNMENT OPTION: If this option is selected, the IHCADJST routine is . included (as a member of the link library). When specification interrupts occur, this routine is loaded to attempt correction of object program data misalignment. EXTENDED ERROR HANDLING OPTION: If this option is selected, expanded versions of some library routines are included. These provide: The library performs a variety of functions, which are of five general types: • load module initialization and termination activities • input/output operations • error handling • data conversion • mathematical and s~rvice functions It is an important library responsibility to form an interface between the load module and the operating system: library subprograms interface with the data management access methods, provide exit routines for the system interrupt handler and abnormal termination processor, and call the supervisor for various services. The precise composition and size of a user's version of the FORTRAN IV library will depend on what options he chose at system generation time. The actual location of his permanent library copy (the partitioned data set SYS1.FORTLIB) is also dependent on his installation choice. A few subprograms, commonly thought of as FORTRAN IV library members, and discussed in this appendix, are not actually members of SYS1.FORTLIB. Instead, they reside in the link library, to be loaded if needed by true library routines at execution time. 212 • more precise error messages • in some cases, more extensive library corrective action and continued execution • the ability for the user to choose his own or the library's corrective .action The library modules affected by this option are listed in Table 9. A user's library will include either one set of modules or the other. Table 9. Routines Affected by Error Handling Option Extended r--------------------T--------------------, Without I With I I I I Extended I Extended I Error Handling I Error Handling 1 .--------------------+--------------------~ 1 IHCFCOMH I I HCECOMH I I IHCUOPT* I I HCUOPT* 1 I IHCDIOSE I IHCEDIOS I I IHCFIOSH I I HCEFIOS ·1 I IHCFINTH I I HCEFNTH 1 I IHCTRCH** I I HCETRCH 1 I I IHCERRM*** I I 1 IHCFOPT 1 .--------------------~--------------------~ I *The size differs, although not thel I name. 1 1 **With Extended Error Handling, ICHTRCHI I becomes an entry pOint in IHCETRCH. 1 1***Without Extended Error Handling, 1 IL_________________________________________ IHCERRM is an entry pOint in IHCTRCH. J1 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 One other module is affected by system generation choice. IHCUATBL, the data set reference table, has both its length and some contents determined at this time. MODULE SUMMARIES I HCFCOMHIIHCECOMH This module (with its CSECT extension IHCCOMH2) handles the load module initialization and termination activi~i~s, ~~! 3~quential and direct access inputloutput operations. It also contains switches, addresses, and save areas (at constant displacements from its entry pOint IBCOM#) that are used by other library routines. I HCNAMEL This module directs NAMELIST read/ write operations (entry point FRDNL# for reads, entry point FWRNL# for writes) • IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS This module interfaces with the basic sequential access methods to do all sequential input/output for the load module. It is called (at entry point FIOCS#) by IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH and IaCNAMEL to perform user-requested read/write and device manipulation operations, and by other library routines (such as IHCERRM, IHCFDUMP, and IHCDBUG) to write error mesages, tracebask maps, user-requested dumps, debug information, etc. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS This module interfaces with the basic direct access methods to do all direct access input/output for the load module. It is called by the compilergenerated code (at entry point DIOCS#) for DEFINE FILE statements, and by IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (at entry point I BCENTRY) for READ, WRITE, and FIND. I HCFCVTH This module does data conversion required by other library routines. It is called (at entry point ADCON#) for formatted and namelist input I output, and for other library operations (such as traceback) that require EBCDIC output. IHCIBERH This module is called by the compilergenerated code (at entry point IBERH#) to terminate load module execution due to source statement error. IHCTRCH This module (entry point IHCERRM) is the library error handling routine when extended error handling has not been specified. It is called by other library routines to direct message printing and produce traceback maps. IHCETRCH This module produces traceback maps when the extended error handling facility is present. It can be called by the error monitor IHCERRM (at entry point IHCTRCH), or by the compilergenerated code (at entry point ERRTRA) at user request. IHCERRM This module is the error monitor when extended error handling has been specified (otherwise, it is an entry point in IHCTRCH). It can be called by other library routines detecting errors (at CSECT name IHCERRM), by IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH for termination error summary (entry point IHCERRE), and by the compiler-generated code at user request (entry point ERRMON) for handling of user-detected errors. IHCERRM directs its error handling activities according to the entries in the option table, IHCUOPT. IHCUOPT This module is the option table. In addition to a preface, it contains one entry for each library-defined and user-defined error condition. These entries are used by the error monitor IHCERRM to direct its handling of errors. IHCFOPT This module satisfies user requests to examine and modify the option table IHCUOPT. It is called at entry points ERRSAV, ERRSTR, and ERRSET by the compiler-generated code. IHCFINTH/IHCEFNTH This module handles certain program interrupts. It is called by the system interrupt handler at entry point ARITH#. IHCADJST This module, which is included in the link library only if the user requested boundary alignment at system generation time, is loaded by IHCFINTHlIHCEFNTH to attempt correction of data misalignment that has caused a specification interrupt. Appendix F: Object-Time Library subprograms 213 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 I HCSTAE This modul·e, which resides in the link library, is the STAE abnormal termination processor. When IHCFCOMH/ IHCECOMH receives control (at entry pOint EXI'!'RTN1) from the system because the load module has been scheduled for abnormal termination, it loads IHCSTAE to attempt completion of outstanding input/output requests before execution ends. IHCUATBL This module is the unit assignment table. It contains information about the user's data set references, and is used by the library input/output routines in their operations; I HCFDVCH This module is called by the compilergenerated code (entry point DVCHK) at user request to determine if a divide check interrupt occurred. IHCFOVER This module is called by the compilergenerated code (entry point OVERFL) at user request to determine whether or not overflow or underflow interrupts occurred. I HCFSLIT This module is called by the compilergenerated code (entry points, SLITE, SLITET) at user request to set or test private switches ("pseudo-sense lights") • IHCFEXIT This module is called by the compilergenerated code (entry point EXIT) at user request to terminate load module execution. 214 IHCFDUMP This module is called by the compilergenerated code (entry points DUMP, PDUMP) at user request to produce a dump of specified areas of main storage. IHCDBUG This module is called by the compilergenerated code (entry point DEBUG#) to direct the production of userrequested debugging information. __ -EQY!i~§: Information on these library modules can be found in the publication IBM Systeml360 Operating System: FORTRAN IV Library--Mathematical and Service Subprograms, Order No. GC28-6818. ~-!HE~!!£~~ LIBRARY INTERRELATIONSHIPS It is helpful to recognize that there is not always a one-to-one relationship between library functions and library modules. Some functions require the execution of several modules, and, conversely, some modules are involved with more than one function. certain library modules are calledprimarily by the compiler-generated code,' but a large number are called only by other library modules or by the system. This relationship is illustrated in Figure 16. In interfacing with each other, with the system and with the compiler-generated code, library modules use n2n§~~~ calling and register-saving procedures. Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Library routines entered initip1ly from compil er~ generated code C o M P I L E R G E N E R Library routines entered only from other library routines or the system: ----- ----- IHCoBUG I HCAoJST IHCFDUMP IHCFoVCH IHCFCVTH IHCFEXIT IHCFINTHI IHCEFNTH IHCFOPT IHCFOVER IHCFSLIT IHCIBERH IHCNAMEL A IHCFIOSHI IHCEFIOS o I HCSTAE E IHCTRCH A IHCUATBL T P R I N IHCUOPT T E G o s y S o B J E T E M C T C o o E Library routines that fall Into both categories, being entered sometimes from the compiler-generated code, and sometimes from other library routines or the operating syltem: ~------- - -- ------- I HCFCOMH/I HCECOMH I HColOSE/1 HCE 0105 IHCETRCH IHCERRM Mathematical routines Figure 16. Calling Paths for Library Routines The library is responsible for the load module's initialization activities. Every compiler-generated main program begins with a branch to the IBFINT section of IHCFCOMH/ IHCECOMH. This library routine performs the following initialization procedure: • Saves the load module entry point in its location MAINEP, and the main program's save area pointer in its location REG13. • Issues a SPIE macro instruction specifying library control for program interrupts 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, and, if boundary alignment was selected at system generation time, 6. • Issues a STAE macro instruction specifying library control if the system schedules the load module for abnormal termination. • Calls IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS object error unit. Appendix F: to open the Object-Time Library subprograms 215 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Control is then returned to the main gram, which begins its processing. pro- INPUT/OUTPUT OPERATIONS Processing FORTRAN input/output requests is mainly the responsibility of the library. For each request, the compiler sets up a call(s) to the appropriate entry point in' the appropriate library routine. For NAMELIST READ/WRITE, the call is to IHCNAMEL, which then calls IHCFIOSH/ For DEFINE FILE, IHCEFIOS and IHCFCVTH. the call is to IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS. For all other operations, the call is to IHCFCOMH/ IHCECOMH. If the operation is sequential READ/WRITE, the IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH routine 216 calls IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS (and also IHCFCVTH if format control is present). If the operation is REWIND, BACKSPACE, or ENDFILE, the IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH routine calls IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS. If the operation is direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND, routine IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH calls IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS (and IHCFCVTH if format control is present). If the operation is STOP with message, or PAUSE, routine IHCFCOMH/ IHCECOMH calls the supervisor. This flow is outlined in Figure 17. For each direct access or sequential read/write request, the compiler-generated code issues multiple calls to IHCFCOMHtIHCECOMH: an initial call, one call for each item (either variable or array) in the I/O list, and a final call. Thus, the FORTRAN statement READ (23,100)Z,Y,X results in five consecutive calls to IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH. Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-68~7 COMPILER-GENERATED OBJECT CODE DEFINE FILE NAME LIST READ/WRITE all other I/O requests IHCFCVTH converts and moves user's I/O data IHCFCOMHI IHCECOMH interprets request sequential READ, WRITE. BACKSPACE, REWIND. ENDFILE access READ, WRITE, FIND IHCDIOSE/ IHCEDIOS saves DEFINE FILE data; submits I/O request to data management IHCNAMEL interprets request write to operator (STOP and PAUSE) IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS submits request to data management I I ,I ,... __ II \ I ""--- ..... ----- ---------- -- load module - - - - ** --, I \ I --II- I I operating system I I I Basic Direct Access Methods Figure 17. Supervisor control Flow for Input/Output operations Appendix Fa Basic Sequential Access Methods *If Format is present "For pre-formatting new data sets before writing user's data Object-Time Library Subpro;rams 217 Order' No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/11 by TNL GY28-6847 DEFINE FILE The compiler-generated code branches directly to IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS at entry point DIOCS#. This section takes the address of the parameter list containing the data set characteristics supplied by the user and places it in the appropriate unit assignment table (IHCUATBL) entry. There may be more than one data set defined per DEFINE FILE statement, in which case DIOCS# loops through the definitions, plac1ng the parameter list addresses into the tab.le. If a data set has been previously defined, the new definition is ignored. If the data set requested is sequential rather than direct, IHCERRM is called with error condition 235 indicated. If the data set is the object error unit, IHCERRM is called with error 234 indicated. DIOCS# also places the address of the section IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS that handles actual reads and writes--IBCENTRY--into a fixed location in IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH, in order to establish addressability for later branching. If the user fails to place his DEFINE FILE statement ahead of his associated READ or WRITE statement, this address will not be available, and an error condition will occur. DIOCS# returns to the compiler-generated code. SEQUENTIAL READ/WRITE WITHOUT FORMAT Initial C~11 The initial call is to IHCFCOMH/ IHCECOMH, which saves END= and ERR= addresses, if they are present, in its locations ENDFILE and IOERROR, respectively, and then branches to IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS, passing along the data set reference number. IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS uses this data set reference number to consult the corresponding entry in' the table IHCUATBL. (This table is explained in Figures 18 and 19.) The initialization action taken by IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS depends on the nature of the previous operation performed on this data set. The previous operation possibilities are: • no previous operation • previous operation was read or write 218 • previous operation was backspace • previous operation file was write end of • previous operation was rewind NO PREVIOUS OPERATION: IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS must create a unit block, which will contain the DCB, DECBS, and other library information to be used in cdntrolling operations. Space for the unit block is acquired with:a GETMAIN, and a pointer to it is stoted in the IHCUATBL entry. (The contents of the unit block are outlined in Figure 20.) IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS inserts certain standard values. into the DCB in the unit block. It does this by mov,ing in a copy of a nonfupctioning skeleton DCB, which specifiesOSORG asPS,MACRF as (R,W), 'DDNAME as FTmlF001, and gives addresses in :IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS for SYNAn and EODAD~ and for EXLST, which specifies the OPEN exit routine. IHCEFIOSH/IHCEFIOS puts the data set reference number into the nn field of the DDNAME. This establishes for the system the connection between this DeB and the user's DD card, which must have' ,the same name on it. IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS now issues an OPEN macro instruction, which merges ~he user's DO information, and label infprmation if the data set already exists. Wheri'its open exit routine (IHCDCBXE) gains control, IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS examines th~ DCB. t£ fields are zero, indicating the user has omitted corresponding DD parameters, : IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS inserts library: default: values. (These default values are· stored· in the IHCUATBL entry.) After completion of the OPEN macro,' IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS places' the buffer address(es) in the housekeeping 'section of the unit block, and also in the DECB(s). It also puts the DCB address ,into the DECB(s). If this is a read op~ration, it sets the first byte of th~ type of input/ output request field i~ the DECB(s) to X'SO', indicating the reads shol,lld be of blocksize; if this is a write operation, it sets this byte to x'OO', indicating the writes should be of logical record length. If the initialization is for a read operation, IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS no~ issues a READ macro, with a CHECK, filling .the buffer. If double buffering is in effect, it also issues a seconp READ macro, ,to begin filling the second: buffer~"" (This READ is not checked until IHCFlbSH/lHCEFlOS is entered the next time for this data set. ) Control is return'ed, to IHCFCOMH/ THCECOMH, along with address and length of the data that was read • If the initializatton' is fot::"'a write operation, ',IHCFTOSH/IHCEFIOS simply: i,t'eturns to IHCFCOMH:lIHCECOMHl'" pa,ssing the;"a'd6ress and' length' of 'the' • buffet .';{The' actual write' operation' will' not take!' plab'e: until IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH fills'the' buff'er,~ ) ~ { , , in'tb:, thEfbuffer. >FOr an: "array;:! 'IHCFCbMH/' :tHcECOMHi;repeat's :theprocess:, emptying the a'tray~ el!ement "'by'.'elemerit~\" After adjusting ii!!j" ,bu'fferr'po±nt'er' :SO it pOints to either thEfl tri~xt :,data'itemor thehexteinpty space, IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH returns to the' compilergenerated code. " PREVIOUS OPERATION--READ OR WRITE: In'this the unit block in existence. The DECB is set to indicate the proFer action (either"'te'tid or write). If 'this 'is a, write'req-uest, control is :re'turned" to ' IHCFCOJ!ll'H/IHCECOMH with buffer address ana "length. If;iJt is a read" request, the' READ' inacrb is 'i~su:ed to fill the buffer, and the address'andlength of the data'that was read'is passed 'back to IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH. case;~he-data-set-Is-already-open and PREVIOUSOPERATION"'-B~~KSPA'C~': tibn' is The procedure is the same:; as for the first list item, with these exceptions. When IHCFct>MfLI'IHCECOMH is) 'a "read req,uesl:.'· a:J!fd!fiirid'B lit has'~mI1t.ied~ the buff~ er, it calls IHCFIOSH/lHCEFliOS ,'to it'sue another READ ma,cro and refill it. If do\Jble 'bUff'ering" \ ;t's~'i-n:: eflecti\'! IHCFt06KY I,HCEFIOS: ipass~s ''tl1e 1~ ,'address'! of the other btlff.r(afte:r" iCh~c){inqthe. R'EAD:\,<-:macro for that buffe'tl,~::a:nd"'then: i'sSUes ai'READ macro instruction for the buffer just emptied, always: :keepln9 ohe; READ ' aheaa~ , ':, >The' 'Oper'li- slme' ~~~ 'fdt,,~pr~vious Operatio'n-~Rea'd or wti te"' deScribe8' above, except that priming of buffer(s) may be needed. ~,Ithe I ' PREVIOUS "OPERATION--END FILE:' IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS must first 'close the' existing datia' set, and, process a new one. 'To proce's's a" new data set, IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS' increments' the sequence'humber of the DONAME field in~ the old DCB: for examp'le; FT14FOOl is' changed to FT14FO 02" 'The OP'EN procedure described' above under' "No'" Previous opera;;..' tion" is then, followed .. , (The librarty assumes the user has a FTnnF002'DD card fo'r this new data set.) The' usual read or' write procedure is used. PREVIOUS OPERATION--REWIND: The data set has-been-closed;-and-mn6tlbe reopened. The procedur~ is the same as' that described,': under "NO Previous Operation," beginrtihg' after th~' creating of the unit block~ In'allof the above cases, IHCFIOSHI IHCEFIOS returns to IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH~'which saveS" the buffer pointer and 'length, and' then returns 'to the co~piler~generated code. ' '", . .'d second Call .; ", , .. j ~;. _ 1 I I' , ~ ',:,':'. I j .;; I ,. " i , ~~, ," ," ..~ :1 Fina'i I" Call I) P ,f ~ ,~ .• r • .~ :,' . .. , ! , : Ft)r a' 'it'ead operat.ion; the' pro~ratfl i passes control't.o 'IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH' which passes control on to IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS. If IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS finds that, for this data set, physical records are larger than logical records, it simply returns to IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH, which returns' '''to "the> compiler-generated object code. If physical records are shorter than logical records;) ;'IHCFIOSR/IHCEFIOS 'issu~li; 'READ 'Ina,erOS until: "it reaches' the"'~end:bf')theIGgica'l:: record. : ThHf posit.ions :the; ;devit:!e, at;: the, beginning of tlie" next logical"record,'r.iti preparation: 'for sUbsequent "'F()~TAAN 'R~Al>: re9u:ests' fot this-unit.;'" I.', " .: i ~. i· : :: F'()r~', a': w'ri t'e' i ,.~~.{ , 'When' :'" I HCFCOMR"'lHCECOMH' ,; is "processing a write request and finds itih~~1G~illed the buffer, it calls IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS to issue the ,: ac,t.ual 'WRITE macro';; "Ifi'dbuble i)'uff e'rJ. ing is in effect, IHCFIOSH'IIH: . ; ':"i': ". . r. .....1 12n column reset (n=.l-byte I contrql J I . . .. ;"'i:1 I , . r :.';. :, .;.. .': . 1 I Save!! for use by' F.~,· ·anci... b ~oqyers}pns~.t I · . '.. ,. , "" .. 1 1Reset current pesi tion within r,ecord . ,-.;. I!!.th column qr byte. l, ". 1 1 . : 1 ~".I . "; '.' .I IValUe) 'skip or blank J cOJ'}trol 1Skip !! chaz;acter.s of an. input rec~rd. or.' , 1(n=l-byte , linsert!! blanks in an output record. I 1value) ' I " 1 1 .' . ' 1 Ili teral data 'control 'Move ~ characters ~rom~n input. rec9',r~: 1;0.1 I , l i t h e F()RMAT, statement, o~! chaz:~c~ers ,'fJ"~ 1 I , I 1th~ FORMAT statement;. to an output . x:ecord~ 1 ~------.L----_------.L--------------;L.--_-------.L--------- I~: I 1 , " l . ,." ~.: ... ;' ...... ; ';1 s,cali~g factor cbntrql 18n 1Save location for possibleJ;epeti tion of 1 1the format codes; clear counters. 1 1 .. '. : . , . " '.' , ':. '" ,save!! a-nd location ofleft'parenthesi's 1 (n=J.-byte 1 I for possible repetition of the format value: ot . I IGodes; .i;n the, group. . " repeat count; I ,' .. ,'. " set 1(0 1 if no 1 .: ":'; repeat c o u n t ) , ;.' . 08* I • text' lAw lor nH I . .,. _________________ -___________ ._;;..:__ ~ * is a 1-byte value of!!. if !! was positive; if negative,it is th~,va~9~ piusl 128Cdecimal). :. .1 w = 1-byte value of field width. 1 d = 1-byte va lue of number of digits after the decimal pOint.. ," ' ; I L _____________________ - _______________________________ ___ ~~--~-~--_~-~---~~---~-~~~~~~~~~ 222 orderNo.'GY2S-663S-1) page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6S47 Table ,10. F6rmatcode Translations :andTheirMeclning9 : (Part 2 of '2) .. 'r-~-:-~-I~~d~""~f~;~:~T-~~~~~-:~~~,-"'r:-'~-'~~~---1 ~J~..i~,-~~~:~~;-----'---"'----~----------------, I I Compiler or, ', l ; ' -, I I I I IHCFCOMH/ , I I' I I Source' IHCECOMH I I t ' '" I FORMAT I Translation I. ',," ,l , I' " , : ,', I Code 't '(in hex) ID~s'cription ' : 'tType"'" I corresp<>ndtngAction by IHCFCOMH/IHCECOM-H I ~------+-----------+--------------+----------+------------------------------------------~ IFw.dIOA w.dIF~convers~onlc~nversionIIHcFCOMH/IHC~COMli passes the values of w, I l oc 'w.d,IE.;.con,:,ers:dJi "lc~rlV'ers~onl~ !a~d'~ -'-p~us 'in'formation':about: 'the list I low.d--I,OE w.d ID-conv'~rs7,on ,,'l!tem':art;d 'the'-bu'ffe:t-- to the ci'ppropriate ' I Irw '110 w 1I-coJlve'rs~o~, conver~~on I section of "IHCFCVTH' for c'onversion. I lAw 114 w I'A-conve,rs~on I,'c:o~vers~on I I IGw. d ,120 w. d IG-conver~!)l.on '-I'c'onver'sl.on I ' , I ' I Lw '116 w I L-convet"'sion 'I-c'on:version I : , :, I I Zw 1 24 w 'I Z-,convers ion f conY:er:s ion I ' I I t t"l' :,) I': , , , I I) 1C I group -end ,Icontrol ITest" r No. GY2~-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 If the user passes any other number, IHCFDUMP chooses 0 (hexadecimal) default format. The procedure is identical for PDUMP, except for two things: as a DUMP and • if DUMP finds an input/output corrective action routine is in process, it functions normally~ PDUMP, however, instead of processing, goes to section ERR904 in IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH to print prror messaqe 904 and to terminate load module ex~cution. (An input/output corrective action routine in process is indicated by the first byte of SAVE in IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH set to anything other than X'FF'.) • after normal processing, DUMP goes to the IBEXIT section of IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH to terminate load module execution: PDUMP, however, returns to the caller for continued execution. IHCFDUMP uses IHCFCVTH and IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS to assist in its operations. After getting the address of IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS from IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH, IHCFDUMP branches to initialize for printing. It next moves a section to be dumped into the IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS buffer, and determines the format type requested.* It passes this information to the FCVZO part of IHCFCVTH ('Z' output), for conversion. Lastly, it branches to IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS to print out the line. IHCFDUMP loops in this manner until it exhausts the calling list. If, during the printing, IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS indicaies it has encountered an input/output error, IHCFDUMP skips the remainder of its work. \- IHCDBUG has a single entry point-DEBUG#--which is the head of a branch table. This table is outlined in Table 12. Table 12. 1 Iplace-I to I Iment ISection I 236 I Function of Routine o TRACE Pass label of statement I to be traced I 4 SUB'IREN Pass subprogram entry 8 SUBTREX Pass 'RETURN' on subprogram exit 12 UNIT Initialize reference output 16 INlTSCLR Pass data for initialized variable 20 INITARIT Pass data for initialized artay element 24 INITARAY Pass data for initialized array 1 name data number on I set for SUBCHK Pass data on array element 32 TRACEON Turn on trace switch 36 . TRACEOFF Turn off trace switch 40 DISPLAY Display referenced items 44 STARTlO Begin input/output operation 28 L ______ *IHCFDUMP I"xpects tl.e format type requested to correspond to the format of the data in main storage. Therefore, asking it to print out an INTEGER variable in REAL format, for example, will result in a garbled dump. I ~------+--------+-------------------------~ 48 IHCDBUG is called by the compilergenerated object code to implement most user DEBUG requests. Generally, IHCDBUG assembles debug information and uses IHCFlOSH/IHCEFIOS to write it out. lHCDBUG may also have occasion to use IHCFCVTH (for data conversion), IHCNAMEL (to produce DISPLAY requests), IHCUATBL (to obtain the default object error unit number), and IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (in which to store user reqisters). IHCDBUG Transfer Table r------T--------T-------------------------, IDisIBranchesl referenced I IENDlO lEnd input/output I ________ I opera tion ____ - __________________ _ ~ ~ In addition to the 13 routines listed in the branch table, IHCDBUG uses the following subroutines: • OUTITEM, which puts a data item into DBUFFER • OUTNAME, which puts the name of an array or variable into DBUFFER • OUTINT, which converts an integer to EBCDIC • OUTFLOAT, which puts a floating-point number into DBUFFER • OUTBUFFER, which controls the output operation for DBUFFER • ALLOCHAR, which moves a character to a save area • FREECHAR, which extracts a character from a save area • OUTPUT, which transfers DBUFFER to IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS for printing Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by 1NL GY28-bf47 The following items in IHCDBUG are initialized to zero at load module execution time: • DSRN, the data set reference number • TRACFLAG, the trace flag • IOFLAG, the input/output in progress flag • DATATYPE, the variable type bits Whenever information is assembled for output, it is placed in a 77-byte area called DBUFFER. The first character of this area is permanently set to blank to specify single spacing. The next seven characters are the string--DEBUG--to prov1de a labeL tor the output. The functions sections are: of the various IHCDBUG TRACE If TRACFLAG is off, control is returned immediately to the caller. Otherwise, the characters 'TRACE' are moved to DBUFFER, the section OUTINT converts the statement number to EBCDIC and places it in DBUFFER, and control is passed to OUTBUFFR. SUBTREN The characters 'SUBTRACE' and the name of the program or subprogram are moved to DBUFFER and a branch is made to OUTBUFFR. SUBTREX The characters 'SUBTRACE *RETURN*' are moved to DBUFFER and a branch is made to OUTBUFFR. and places a left parenthesis, the element number (converted to EE,CDIC by subroutine OUTINT), and a right parenthesis in DBUFFER following the array name. A branch is then made to OUTITEM. INITARAY If IOFLAG is on, the character X'FF' is placed in DBUFFER, followed by the address of the argument list, and a branch is made to OUTBUFFR. Otherwise, a call to INITARIT is constructed, and the routine loops through that call until all elements of the array have been processed. SU13CHK The location of the array element is computed. If it falls within the array boundaries, control is returned to the caller. If it is outside the array boundaries, SUBCHK places the characters 'SUBCHK' into DBUFFER, and computes the element number. OUTINT converts this number into EBCDIC and moves it into DBUFFER. OUTNAME moves the array name into DBUFFER. Finally, OUTBUFFR is called. TRACEON TRACFLAG is turned on (set to nonzero), and control returned to caller. TRACEOFi<' TRACFLAG is turned off (set to zero), and control returned to caller. DISPLAY If IOFLAG is on, the characters UNIT 'DISPLAY DURING I/O SKIPPED' The unit number argument is placed in DSRN and the routine returns to its caller. are moved to OUTBUFFR. Otherwise, a calling sequence for the NAMELIST write routine (IHCNAMEL) is constructed. If DSRN is equal to zero, the unit number for SYSOUT (in IHCUATBL+6) is used as the unit passed to the NAMELIST write routine. On return from the NAMELIST write, this routine exits. INITSCLR The data type is saved, the location of the scalar is computed, subroutine OUTNAME places the name of the scalar in DBUFFER, and a branch is made to OUT ITEM. INITARIT This routine saves the data type, computes the location of the array element, and (via the subroutine OUTNAME) places the name of the array in DBUFFER. It then computes the element number as follows: XXX=( (YYY-ZZZ) /AAA) +1 where: XXX YYY ZZZ AAA is is is is element number element location first array location element size STARTIO BYTECNT is set to 251 to indicate that the current area is full, the IOFLAG is set to X'SO' to indicate that input/outp~t is in progress, the CURBYTLC 1S set to the adoress of the SAVESTRl (where the location of the first main block will be), and the routine exits. (See the discussion of ALLOCHAR. ) ENDIO Appendix F: The IOFLAG is saved in TEMPFLAG and IOFLAG is reset to zero so that this section may make debug calls that Object-Time Library Subprograms. 237 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 result in output to a device. If no information was saved during the input/output, this routine exits. If information was saved, section FREECHAR is used to extract the data from the save area and move it to DBUFFER. FREECHAR does this one character at a time until it finds a X'lS', indicating the end of the line. It then calls OUTPUT to have DBUFFER written out. If FREECHAR finds a X'FF', indicating a full array, it calls INITARAY to move the array data to DBUFFER. If no main storage or insufficient main storage was available for saving information during the input/output, the characters 'SOME DEBUG OUTPUT MISSING' are placed in DBUFFER after all saved information (if any) has been written out. The subroutine OUTPUT is then used to write out the message, and this routine returns to the caller. OUTITEM First, the characters ' = , are moved to DBUFFER. Four bytes of data are then moved to a work area on a doubleword boundary to avoid any boundary alignment errors when registers are loaded for logical or integer conversion. A branch on type then takes place. For fixed-point values, the routine OUTINT converts ·the value to EBCDIC and places'it in DBUFFER. A branch to OUTBUFFR then takes place. For floating-point values, subroutine OUTFLOAT places the value in DBUFFER. A branch to OUTBUFFR then takes place. For complex values, two calls to OU'lFLOAT are made -- first with the real part, then with the imaginary part. A left parenthesis is placed in DBUFFER before the fi.rst call, a comma after the first call, and a right parenthesis after the second call. A branch to OUTBUFFR then takes place. For logical values, a T is placed in DBUFFER if the value was nonzero; otherwise, an F is placed in the DBUFFER. A branch to OUTBUFFR then takes place. OUTNAME Up to six characters of the name are moved to DBUFFER. OUT NAME returns to its caller upon encountering a blank. OUTINT This is a closed subroutine. 238 If the value (passed in R2) is equal to zero, the character '0' is placed in DBUFFER and the routine exits. If it is less than zero, a minus sign is placed in DBUFFER. The value is then converted to EBCDIC and placed in DBUFFER witr. leading zeros suppressed. The routine then exits. OUTFLOAT This subroutine calls the library module IaCFCVTH to put the floatingpoint number out under G conversion with a format of G14.7 for single precision and G23.16 for double precision. OUTBUFFR If the IOFLAG in IHCDBUG is set, indicating the library input/output routines are busy handling some other user input/output request, IHCOBUG must wait until the routines are free. This means it must accumulate and store its output data for the time being. To do this, OUTBUFFR calls ALLOCHAR--once for each character in DBUFFER, and one final time with X'lS' to indicate the end of the line. OUTBUFFER checks the IOFLAG. If it is set, it then checks the input/ output corrective action switch in IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH. If this switch indicates an input/output corrective action is in process, OUTBUFFER calls the ERR904 section of IHCFCOMH/ IHCECOMH to terminate execution. If there is no input/output corrective action in process, OUTBUFFR calls OUTPUT for normal output processing. UQ~ ALLOCHAR ALLOCHAR saves the data passed to it in 2S6-byte blocks of storage obtained by GETMAIN macro instructions. When BYTECNT is equal to 251, indicating the current block is full, a new GETMAIN is issued. If no storage was available, an X'07', indicating the end of core storage, is placed in the last available byte position, I OF LAG is set to full, and the routine exits. Otherwise, the address of the new block is placed in the last four bytes of the previous block, preceded by X'37' indicating end of block with new block to follow. CURBYTLC is then set to the address of the new block and BYTECNT is set to zero. The character passed as an argument is then placed in the byte pointed to by CURBYTLC, one i.s added to both CURBYTLC and BYTECNT, and the routine exits. FREECHAR This is a closed subroutine. current character extracted is If the X' 37' , Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/11 by TNL GY28-6841 indicating a new block follows the current block, the next four bytes are placed in CURBYTLC and the current block is freed. If the current character is X'07', indicating the end of core storage, the block is freed and a branch is made to the end input/output exit. otherwise, the current character is passed to the calling routine and CURBYTLC is incremented by one. OUTPUT If DSRN is zero, the SYSOUT unit number is obtained from IHCUATBL +6. A call ~3 then made to the initialization section of IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS. Upon return, OUTPUT transfers DBUFFER to the IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS buffer, and calls the write section of IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS. If IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS indicates an input/output error, IHCDBUG ignores the rest of the current DEBUG request. Every compiler-generated program ends with a branch to the FSTOP section of I HCFCOMH/IHCECOMH. This section is a termination procedure that: • puts the return code passed it into register 15. • if extended error handling has been specified, calls IHCERRM to have the error summary produced. • calls IHCFIOSRlIHCEFIOS to close sequential files (IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS in turn calls IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS to close any direct access files). • deletes IHCADJST, if it has been loaded. • cancels the SPIE, restoring the old PICA if there was one. • either b. r----------------------T----------T-------, I I 1Unit number (DSRN) I Ibeing used for current I 1operation I I I n 1 x 16 14 bytes I .--------T-------T-----~-T--------+-------i 1 ERRMSG I READ I PRINT I PUNCH 1 DSRN3 I DSRN~ I DSRN5 I DSRN2 I I 14 bytes I ~--------~-------~-------~--------t-------i IUBLOCKOl field 6 14 bytes I ~---------------------------------t-------~ IDSRN01 default values 7 18 bytes I .---------------------------------t-------i ILISTOl fieldS 14 bytes I ~---------------------------------t-------~ I I I 1 I I I I I .---------------------------------t-------i IUBLOCKn field 14 bytes I 6 ~---------------------------------t-------~ 1DSRNn default values 7 18 bytes I .---------------------------------t-------i ILISTn fieldS 14 bytes I TERMINATION a. when control is sometimes returned directly to ,the supervisor, bypassing the above procedure. cancels the STAE and returns to the supervisor if IHCSTAE has not been loaded (i.e., no abnormal termination has been scheduled) cancels the STAE and issues an ABEND macro instruction if entry is from IHCST:,E The above termination procedure is used both for the normal end of load module execution and for most instances of library-initiated premature termination. The only exceptions occur in IHCSTAE, ~---------------------------------~-------i 11n is the maximum number of units that 1 can be referred to by the FORTRAN LOAD J MODULE. The size of the unit table is equal to (8 + n x 16) bytes. 2Unit number (DSRN) of error output device. 3Unit number (DSRN) of input device for a read of the form: READ b,list. ~Unit number (DSRN) of output. device for a print operation of the form: PRINT b,list. 5un~number (DSRN) of output device for a punch operation of the form: PUNCH b,list. 6Th-e---UBLOCK field contains either a pointer to the unit block constructed for unit number n if the unit is being used at object time, or a value of 1 if the unit is not being used. 7This field contains DCB default values, which are inserted into the DCB if the user does not supply them. They are detailed in Figure 19. Only IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS gets its default values froml this field. I sIf the unit is defined as a direct 1 access data set, the LIST field contains I a pointer to the parameter list that I defines the direct access data set. I Otherwise, this field contains a value I L_________________________________________ JI of 1. Figure 18. Appendix 1~: IHCUATBL: The Data Set Assignment Table Object-Time Library subprograms 239 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Table 13. DCB Default Values r------------T-----------------------------------------T--------------------------------, I I Sequential Data Sets I Direct Access uata Sets I ~--------T--------T---------T-----T-------+-------T--~-------------T-------~ I I I I I I I I I LRECL or I I I ddname I RECFM1 I LRECL2 I BLKSIZE I DEN , BUFNO I RECFM I BLKSIZE I BUFNO , ~------------+--------+--------+---------+-----+-------+-------+----------------+-------~ I FT03Fxxx I I 800 , 2 , 2 , FA IThe value ,2 I , , I I " , ,specified as the, , 'FT05Fxxx , F , 80 I 80 I I 2 I F ,maximum size of, 2 I I I I , I' I la record in the, I I FT06Fxxx , UA I 132 , 133, ,2 I F ,DEFINE FILE ,2, u, , , 'FT07Fxxx , I , , all ot:hers, , F , , 80 , I , ,2, -- " I ,statement. I F , , , , 2 I ' I, 'F I I 2 , ~------------~--------~--------~---------~-----~-------~-------~----------------~-------~ 1 I U I , 'I 80, 800 2 , 2 1 For records not under FORMAT control, the default is vs. . ,2For records not under FORMAT control, the default is 4 less than shown. l _____________. _______________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ______ 1 , -----JI 1 <----- 2 bytes -----> <----- 2 bytes -----> <- byte -> <- byte -> <----. 2 bytes - ______ > r--------------------T---------------------T----------T----------T----------------------, I BLKSIZE ,RECFM, BUFNO, LRECL , I not used l ____________________ Figure 19. ~ _____________________ ~ __________ ~----------~ ______________________ J DSRN Default Value Field of IHCUATBL Entry r------------~---------T---------------T------------T------------, I ABYTE , BBYTE' CBYTE , DBYTE I ~------------.L----_:----~---------------~--------.----+ 4 bytes I ____________ ~ I Address of Buffer 1 I 4 bytes I ~---------------------------------------------------+------------~ I Address of Buffer 2 I 4 bytes I r--------------------------------------------------+------------~ Current buffer pointer (Note) I 4 bytes I I ~------------.---------------------------------------+------------~ I Record displacement (RECPTR) (Note) I 4 bytes i Housekeeping Section ~---------------------------------------------------+------------~ I Address of last DECB I 4 bytes I ~---------------------------------------------------+------------~ I Mask for alternating buffers I 4 bytes I ~---------------------------------------------------+------------~ I DECB1 skeleton section I 20 bytes I ~-------------------------T------------T------------t------------~ I Logical record length I Not used I LIVECNT1 I 4 bytes I r------------------------~------------~------------+------------~ I DECB2 skeleton section I Work space I 20 bytes I ~-------------------------T------------T------------t------------~ I Not used I LIVECNT2 I 4 bytes I r------------------------~------------~------------+------------~ I I I l ___________________________________________________ i ____________ DCB skeleton section 88 bytes J Figure 20. 240 Format of a Unit Block for a sequential Access Data set Note: Used only for varIable-length and/or blocked records Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 • ~BYTE. This field, containing the data set type passed to subprogram IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS by IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH, is set to one of the following: • FO -- Input data set which is to be processed under format control. FF -- Output data set which is to be processed under format control. Q~X~~. This field contains bits that are set and examined by IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS during the processing of an input/output operation involving a backspace request. The bits and their meanings, when on, are as follows: o a physical backspace has occurred 1 previous operation was BACKSPACE 2 not used 00 -- Input data set which is to be processed without format control. 3 end-of-file routine should buffers OF -- Output data set which is to be processed without format control. 4-5 • BBYTE.This field contains bits that are set and examined by IHCFIOSH/ IHCEFIOS during its processing. The bits and their meanings, when on, are as follows: a -- exit to subroutine IHCFCOMH/ IHCECOMH on input/output error 1 input/output error 2 current buffer indicator 3 not used 4 end-of-current buffer indicator 5 blocked data set indicator 6 variable record format switch 7 not used occurr~d retain not used 6 END FILE followed by BACKSPACE 7 not used • Address of Buffer 1 and Address of Buffer 2. These fields contain pointers to the two input/output buffers obtained during the opening of the data control block for this data set. • Current Buffer Pointer. This field contains a pointer to the input/output buffer currently being used. • Record Offset (RECPTR). This field contains a pointer to the current logical record within the current buffer. • Address of Last DECB. Tnis field contains a pointer to the DECB last used. • ~as~ __ fof __~li~f~ii~g_~~ff~rs. This field contains the bits which enable an exclusive OR operation to alternate the current buffer pointer. DECB SKELETON SECTIONS (DECB1 AND DECB2): The--DECB-(data-even~controI-block)-skele- • £BYTE. This field also contains bits that are set and examined by subroutine IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS. The bits and their meanings, when on, are as follows: a data control block opened 1 data control block not T-c1osed 2 data control opened 3 buffer pool attached 4 data set not previously rewound 5 not used 6 concatenation block not previously occurring; ton sections are blocks of main storage within the unit block. They have the same format as the DECB constructed by the control program for an L format of an S-type READ or WRITE macro instruction (see t:he publication !~t1 __ §y:stem/360 Operating 2Y:~i~~~ Supervisor and Data Management Macro Instructions, Order No. Gc28-6647). The various fields of the DECB skeleton are filled in by subprogram IHCFIOSH; the completed block is referred to when IHCFIOSH issues a read/write request to BSAM. The read/write field is filled in when the OPEN macro is being executed. !&.gical_Re£Q!~_~~gth: reissue This is the LRECL of the current data set. It is inserted by IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS during its open exit routine. READ These fields input/output 7 -- data set is DUMMY Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 241 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 operation performed for the data set is unchecked. (A value of 1 indicates that a previous read or write has not been checked; a value of 0 indicates that the previous read or write operation on that DECB has been checked.) • Work Space. This field is used to align the logical record length of a variable record segment on a fullword boundary. Bit 1 Meaning error occurred 2 two buffers are being used 3 data control block for data set is open for BDAM 4-5 10 01 The fields of this skeleton for DCB f=illed in partly by IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS, and partly by the system as a result of an OPEN macro instl."uction by IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS. 11 DCB: ~rp r-------T-------T------T------T-----------, I I I not I not , , IIOTYPE ISTATUSUI used I used I 6-7 I RECNUM I 4 bytes , ~-------~---------------------+-----------~ ISTATUSAI CURBUF I 4 bytes I ~-------~---------------------+-----------~ I BLKREFA , 4 bytes I ~-------T---------------------+-----------~ I STATUSB I NXTBUF I 4 bytes' ~-------~---------------------+-----------~ I BLKREFB I 4 byte s I ~-----------------------------+-----------~ , DECBA , 28 bytes , ~-----------------------------+-----------~ , DEcnB , 28 bytes , ~-----------------------------+-----------~ , DCB , 104 bytes , Note: Subprogram bits 1, 2, and 3. STATUSA: This field specifies the status of the buffer currently being used. The bits and their meanings when on are: Bit --0- Format of a Unit Block for a Direct Access Data Set The meanings of the various fields are outlined below. unit block IOTYPE: This field, containing the data set type passed to subprogram IHCDIOSE by the IHCFCOMH subprogram, can be set to one of the following~ format FO input data set requiring a FF output data set requiring a format 00 input data set format OF -- output data format not set not requiring o requiring ·a 242 Meaning data control block for data set is open for BSAM Meaning READ macro instruction has been issued WRITE macro instruction has been issued 2 3-7 CHECK macro instruction has been issued not used CURBUF: This field contains the address of the DECB skeleton currently being used. It is initialized to contain the address of the DECBA skeleton by the file initialization section of IHCDIOSE after the data control block for the data set is opened. a STATUSU: This field specifies the status of the associated unit number. The bits and their meanings when on ~re: Bit IHCDIOSE refers only to RECNUM: This field contains t'he number of records in the data set as specified in the parameter list for the data set in a DEFINE FILE statement. It is filled in by the file initialization section after the data control block for the data set is opened. l ____ ~----------_-------------~-----------J 210 not used 4 bytes I ~-------~-------~------~------+-----------~ Figure U format specified in DEFINE FILE statement E format specified in DEFINE FILE statement L format specidied in DEFINE FILE statement BLKREFA: This field contains an integer tnir-rndicates either the relative position within the data set of the record to be read, or the relative position within the data set at which the record is to be written. It is filled in by either the read or write section of subprogram IHCDIOSE prior to any reading or writing. In addition, the address of this field is inserted into the DECBA skeleton by the file initialization section of IHCDIOSE after the data control block for the data set is opened. Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 STATUSB: This field specifies the status of the next buffer to be used if two buffers are obtained for this data set during data control block opening. The bits and their meanings are the same as described for the STATUSA field. However, if only one buffer is obtained during data control block opening, this field is not used. NXTBUF: This field contains Ule address of the -nECB skeleton to be used next if two buffers are obtained during data control block opening. It is initialized to contain the address of the DECBB skeleton by the file initialization section of subprogram IHCDIOSE after the data control block for the data set is opened. However, if only one buffer is obtained during data control block opening, this field is not used. BLKREFB: The contents of this field are the -same as described for the BLKREFA field. It is filled in either by the read or the write section of sUbprogram IHCDIOSE prior to any reading or writing. In addition, the address of this field is inserted into the DECBB skeleton by the file initialization section of IHCDIOSE after the data control block for the data set is opened. However, if. only one buffer is obtained during data control block opening, this field is not used. DECBA SKELETON: This field contains the DECB (data event control block) skeleton to be used when reading into or writing from the current buffer. It is the same form as the DECB constructed ,by the control program for an L form of an S-type READ or WRITE macro instruction under BDAM (see the publication IBM System/360 Operating system: Supervisor and Data Management Macro Instructions, Order No. GC2B-6647). The various fields of the DECBA skeleton are filled in by the file initialization section of subprogram IHCDIOSE after the data control block for the data set is opened. The completed DECB is referred to when IHCDIOSE issues a read or a write request to SDAM. For each input/output operation, IHCDIOSE supplies IHCFCOMH with the address of and the size of the buffer to be used for the operation. DECBB SKELETON: The DECSS skeleton is used when reading into or writing from the next buffer. Its contents are the same as described for the DECBA skeleton. The DEeBB skeleton is completed in the same manner as described for the DECBA skeleton. However, if only one buffer is obtained during data control block opening, this field is not used. DCB SKELETON: This field contains the DCB (data control block) skeleton for the associated data set. It is of the same format as the DCB constructed by the control program for a DCB macro instruction under BDAM ~see the publication I~~~~mLl~Q oper~t!~9-_§Y2te~l_~2peryisQf_ and Q~~~ ~~~~g~~~nt_~~£!Q_!~2t!~t!Q~)· <----------------B bytes------------------> r-----------------------------------------, I PREFACE I .-----------------------------------------~ IEntry for library error condition 207 I ~-----------------------------------------~ IEntry for library error condition 208 I .-----------------------------------------i IEntry for library error condition 209 I ~-----------------------------------------~ I I I I I , .-----------------------------------------~ IEnt~ry for library error condition 300 I ~-----------------------------------------~ IEntry for library error conditio~ 301 I .-----------------------------------------~ IOptional entry for user error condition 3.02 I , I ~-----------------------------------------~ loptional entry for user error condition I 303 , , r---------------------:-------------------, I I I I ~-----------------------------------------~ IOptional entry for user error condition I I n-l I .-----------------------------------------~ IOptional entry for user error condition I I n (Note) I .-----------------------------------------~ INote: The user can specify from none tol I 598 of his own error conditions;, I_________________________________________ thus ~ can be a maximum of 899. L JI Figure 22. Appendix F: General Form of Table (IHCUOPT) the option Object-Time Library Subprograms 242.1 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 1 1 1 1 <---------------- 4 bytes ----------------> <- byte -> <- byte -> <- byte -> <-- byte __ > r------------------------------------------T----------T----------T----------T-----------, I Field One I Field I Field I Field I Field I IL-_________________________________________ iI __________ Two Three Four I ___________ Five iI- - - - - - - - _ iI __________ JI ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field contents The numb"er of entries in the option table. user-supplied error conditions. one:- This is 95 plus the total number of Two: Bit one indicates whether boundary alignment was selected. o and 2-7 are reserved for future use.) Three: Indicates whether extended error handling was selected. Four: contains a decimal 10. This is the number of times the boundary alignment error message will be printed when extended error handling has n2i been specified. Five: Reserved for future use. l=yesi O=no. (Bits X'FF'=noi X'OO'=yes. -----------------------------------------------~-------------------------~-------~~--~--- Figure 23. 1 Preface of the Option Table (IHCUOPT) 1 1 1 <- byte -> <- byte -> <- byte -> <- byte -> <---------------- 4 bytes ------------~--- __ > r---------T----------T----------T----------T--------------------------------------------, I Field I Field I Field I Field I Field Five I lOne Two Three iI __________ Four L _________ i I __________ i I __________ i I __________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _____________________ JI Field One: contents The number of times the library should allow this error to occur before terminating load module execution. A value of zero means unlimited occurrence. (Trying -to set the field to greater than 255 results in its being set to zero.) Two: The number of times the corresponding error message is to be printed before message printing is suppressed. A value 6f zero means no message is to be printed. Three: The number of times this error has already occurred in execution of the present load module. Four: 0-- Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Five: !:!eaninq If control character is supplied for overflow lines, set to 1. If control character is not supplied for overflow lines, set to O. If this table entry can be user-modified, set to 1. If this table entry cannot be user-modified, set to O. If more than 255 errors of this type have occurred so that 255 should added to Field Three, set to 1. If less than 255 errors of this type have occurred, set to O. If buffer contents is not to be printed with error messages, set to 1. If buffer contents is not to be printed, set to O. Reserved for future use. If error message is to be printed for every occurrence, set to 1. If error message is not to be printed, set to O. If traceback map is to be printed, set to 1. If traceback map is not to be printed, set to O. Reserved for future use. be The address of the user's exit routine. If one is not supplied (in other words, if library is to take its own standard corrections), the final bit is set to 1. ----------~------------------------------------------------------------------------~--~-- Figure 24. 242.2 composition of an Option Table Entry Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 1 1 1 1 <- byte -> <- byte -> <- byte -> <- byte -> <---------------- 4 bytes __________________ > f--;i~ld--T---;i~ld--T---;i~ld--T---;i~ld--T----·--------------;i~id-;i~~----------------1 lOne I Two I Three I Four I I ~--------~----------~----------~----------~------------------------------------ ________ J Fi;ld---c~~t;~t;------------------------------------------------------------------------- one:- Set to 10, except for errors 208, 210, and 215, which are set to 0 (unlimited), and for errors 217 and 230, which are set to 1. Two: set to 5, except for error 210, which is set to 10, and for errors 217 and which are set to 1. Three: Set to O. Four: Bit -01 2 3 4 Setting o 1, except for errors 230 and 240 o o o 5 o 6 1 7 o Five: Set to 1. ~: These system entries. Figure 25. Table 14. 230, generation values are also inserted initially into any user error Original Values of Option Table Entries IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH Transfer and Subroutine Table r---------------T---------------T---------------'----------------------------------------,! I Displacement I Branches to I I from IBCOM* J ~ Section I Function of Routine I ~---------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------------~ o FRDWF Opening section, formatted READ I 4 FWRWF Opening section, formatted WRITE I 8 FIOLF 1/0 list section, formatted list variable I 12 FIOAF 1/0 list section, formatted list array I 16 FENDF Closing section, formatted READ or WRITE I 20 FRDNF Opening section, nonformatted READ I 24 FWRNF Opening section, nonformatted WRITE I 28 FIOLN 1/0 list section, nonformatted list variable ! 32 FIOAN 1/0 list section, nonformatted list array I 36 FENDN Closing section, nonformatted READ or WRITE I 40 FBKSP Implements the BACKSPACE source statement ! 44 FRWND Implements the REWIND source statement I 48 FEOFM Implements the ENDFILE source statement 52 FSTOP Write-To-operator, terminate job 56 FPAUS Write-To-Operator, resume execution 64 IBFINT Load module initialization 68 IBEXIT Load module termination _______________ _______________ __________________________________________________ -----J ~ ~ Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 242.3 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart GO. IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (Part 1 of 4) ·.... A4.......... FRDWF : •• "AI ••••••••• : FRDNF • SET IOSWF FOR • : ~'aRMATTED INPUT: ·................. · ..•• +B1······ +•.• ·····B"·······... I • • • " o. DIRECT., • " 0 " " " ACCESS DATA SET ,. •, , • r '.. ..' 0 ., .. .. , •••• • C2 •••••••••• .DIOCS~ • 'lES .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. +-------->. OPEN IlF • • NEEDED) AND • READ • • , . CII ., ., :~;~~~~ . . . . . . . . . : ,. DIRECT 0, YE.S 0-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-. ., ACCESS DATA, .-------->0 OPEN IlF • SET NeEDED) AN!) • ., , • • RI:.AD/WRIl'l:: • ................. • 0 .................. o. l" • ••• ·D4 •••••••••• +-+-.-.-.-.-.-.-.° 'FIOCS" • +-1-+-+-+-+-1-1-+ • OPEN (IF • NEEDED) AND • • • READ • • FIOCS. ................. • • • I,------------- - ------- OPEN (IF NEEDED) AND READ/WRITE ° 1, -----------------------..... Eq······ ..... · .... I:::s········· : •••• El ••••••••• : SAVE BUFFER INFORMATION . • ifc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• SAVE END: ,l\ND •0 • ERR= ADDRESSES • .... ·Dl·········· ................. • : .. ·. . . . r. . . ·. ·.................. I •••••••••• • • • • 1,------------------------1 •• SAVE END= AND + • :ERR= ADDRESSES : Cl , A.~ SET IOSWF rOR • NON- FORMA TTSD • OUTPUT • • •••• •••• •••• •••• j ..... FWRNF • • SET IOSWF FOR • NON- FORMATTED • INPUT. • : • ·................. SAVE BUFFl:.k • 0 kETUkN TO Mhlll • .-------->. PROGRA~; • .·................ INFORr~ATION • • 0 ······f]·········I.. ·................. FWRWF • <- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - ------- ------ -----------. • Gl , • •: " , • • • • • G2 I. • , I. .... ;,. • • • :< __ .......T......' " ,,·SPECIFICATIONS • .. • • 1 ..... Hl.......... ·.................. I •••••••••• SCAN FORMAT • • 'OB~6~~:pME': .~~------>:SkCr~~~6~~~OL ., SET ICJSWf FOR • rOHMATTl::O • OUTPUT • • H2 .'. I. • TRANSLATE. FORMAT .----INFORMATION • " ,. '0 .. . FIRST " CONVERSION ., CODE ,. '.... '.. ..' 110 0.--- 1'' ·J2·········. ................... 'RETURN TO MAIN • • PROG • Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 243 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart GO. IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (Part 2 of 4) ••••• 11.2 ••••••.•••. ·······11.1··········. .. . . . .. ·· " "......I:: ::::::---------:::::::r. . . FEN OF FENDN 'SET 1/0 SWITCH • ·· B1 . '. ' . 'SET 1/0 SWITCH' '. .' B2 .-. ' . '. .····83·······.· ................ .' ' . READ .' '. ' i E S ' • '. READ OR WRITE •• --------> •• DIRECT ACCESS •• -------->.RETURN TO MAIN' '. '. . t • • ' I . '. ' . . .' . .' ' •• ' , omE A NO *-.-. - 1-' _.,----------------······C2·········· ·.................. • FlOCS. • - *- • ,.01 ," *- CLEA.N-UP • • :;~~~, . . . . . . . . . : •.• , 'ro. . . . . ........ j .. . .' ' . 'iES .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ' . DIRECT ACCESS, .-------->. PUT OUT FINAL • '. " • BUFFER • '. . ..... El*········· • •••• E2 ••••••••• •'FIOCSM -t-t-.-.-t-._._t. • ................. • PUT OUT FINA.L o--------).RETURN TO MA.IN • : BUFFER: ••••••••••••••••• FIOLN : •••• Fl' •••••••• : . . · · :SET I/O SWITCH : ·..... F2··········. FlOA.N SET ARRA'i SWITCH • ·................. 1, _______________________ 1 G1···.. G2···.. G)···.. • •••• GII •••••••••• • • '. •••• .' '. °DIOCSI • •• ' . REAr; .' ' . YES .' ' . YES .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. '. READ OR WRIT!:: •• --------> •• BUFFER EMPT'i •• --------> •. DIRECT ACCESS, .-------->0 •• •• '. .' '. •• • FRf.SH READ '. • • ' . . • "l"~HITI:: ' . . • ··.·~O .: tH" :. •••• Hi' '. '. •• ., • 'BUFFER FULL'. YES '. YET •• ----•• •• ••••• H3.......... • j ....Kl......... ....... .... .... • ••••••••••••••••• ·.................. HII • 1) • • • • If! ." ......... j • It • • • • • • • J2 •. • •••• J) •••••••••• •••• .DIOCS. • •••• JII ••••••••• •• ' . YES .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.. • --> •• ~~RECT ACCE~~,'--------): WM~f~UT :RETURN TO MAIN: ·. I .... ·K2·········· .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ' ... .' . NO . • 'FIOCS. • • MOVE CORRECT • .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ~AMOUNT OF DATA' .--------).FROM BUFFER TO • FRESH READ' '. LIST ADDRESS • • • ••••• J l . . . . . . . . . . • • 'MOVE LIS'l' ITEM' : INTO BUFFER: · t)l :::1'· ~o '. ::~:: .:::: ... ........ j . :.... :-> "4 •••••••••• I) "1"~0 .FIOCSM ................... ............... l .... ->: .... Jl : • ............ ..... .. L>:'....::': 'RETURN TO MAIN • • • • • WRITE OUT BUFFER • • Appendix F~ Object-Time Library Subprograms 2-43.1 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (Part 3 of 4) GO. FSTOP 101 .'. '. •• FPAUS • •••• 102 •••••••••• I. • • • • LOAD MODULE'. N O ' • ' . IN FOREGROUND •• -------->.ISSUE WTO MACRO' e. .' • • *. I •• ' .' • • ••••••••••••••••• .'. '. ' .. ' ..................... .' .' • • 1<------------------------ MESSAGE TO TERMINAL • • ·····c,,·········· , . ·····C1·········· . ·. ·. r·. ·. · ····01········· ·.... .......... .. :KI:;TURN TO MAIN: 'ISEXIT • ._._._._._._ I - I - . · • • • • TERMINATE EXECUTION RETURN TO SUPERVISOR • . 0 • 'WAIT FOR REPLY • • , ... 10q········· , ............... • • ·..... F2........... ...... Fl··········. ·........1""....... .................. FIOLF FIOAF • SET U P ' 'PARAMETEkS FOR • CONVERSION' .<--------,• bt.:T ARRAY SWITCH ON , , .... ·G2···· ..... . • I HCFCVTH • t_t_t_,_t_t_t_t_t ·...... .. ......... CONVERT AND MOVE DATA • • ]' H2' '. L-------------------------1 I. • •••• . ' 'FORMAT •••• N O : .: REPETITION • • .' • .'. . ..' H).......... : ........ .... ....... ,-------->, Itt.:SUME SCAN NO H .' . t, •• " NEXT '", CCJNVI::RSION " " COOt. , • .-------->., • .. ' '.. . .1::::---------------------------. -..-.. --------__ ..J' '" •••• J2 •• • ••••• • 'RETURN TO MAIN' • PROGRAM • ·................ 243.2 00 , ·······1······· • • ISSUE WTOR MACRO . ........I::::::::----------------· • • . • •••• AS •••••• ,•••• r" ·····S,,·········· · . ······Sl·...·...... ··.................. MESSAGE TO TERMINAL A" '. '. r~ • • . .... • • LOAD MODULE'. NO • ' . IN FOREGROliNO.o-------->. • • Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 chart GO. IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH (Part 4 of 4) . IBFINT : ........ A4" ............... : ·.................................. r:;SUE t;PIE 1 .. ........ fL~""""""""" .. :1{!::TLlfn Tu MAIN: .............................. · • fiTAF .............................. . .. j ........ ·C4 .................. .. • FIOCSM • .°-.-.-.-.-.- ..... -.° ·................................. • -.-.-.- ..... -.-.- . ·............................. .. ·A~· °IHCERRM OPEN O&T!::(,T f:RfWR UNIT .. • .. 1 .......... a~·"""""··"" • ............... T(, Mil I il CLl)S!:: FI LE.S • 0 : .. . . . . . 011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I :•... c, ......... : oDELET!:: HIC.'IDJST • : IF LOIIDt.D • · (I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ........ i °• . • FIUcsn • +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-. I "1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ....... p4+ .............. .. •O"E1lJfW • ERROR SUMMARY : : j j : ........ 84 .................. : I~;SUE ....... ............. . IBEX IT Ol'ANl'~.L ::1'11-. AN". ·............................. .. • :.'ll1r: • .. j •••• '·;'1 ••••••••• ·................. .. kl·.TIIRN I'll :.1 II' I-t< V (:: .• 1{ Appendix F: • 0 Object-Time Library subprograms 243.3 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart IHCFIOSH/IHCEFIOS (Part 1 of 2) Gl. ·····A11I········· ................:-------------_> --OETERMiNE-oPERii:rioN-TYPEiNiTiii:LiZii:TiON------jFiNiTREAD WRITE DEVICE MMIPULATION FINAL CALL FlOCS. ..... NOTE: THIS MODULE IS CALLED BY I HCFCOMHI IHCECOMH FOR USER-REgUESTED SEillENTIAL 1/0, ~~~ ~tssIM~Rwk!nNG: ROUTINES FI '..0 '. '. .' j • . . NO : •••• Hl ••••••••• : • • • B~U;gKu~n' NECESSARY I I • • • • • •• • • • • • 0 0 0 • • ........11 ••••••••••• • OPE;N DATA" • CONTROL BLOCK • 'FOO{ DATA SET IF' 'NOT PREVIOUSLY " • OPENED" ................. I . . ·'. 1(1 '. '. • 'DCB OPENED ' . YES '. PROPERLY •• ----I. *0 .' ' .. ' • NO .....i . 002 • '.H1' 244 .' . • I HC 2 )11 . • : •• ". '. • .' NO 0 0----- ................. RETURN • ... ··. ............... H) .'. : Gil • I. '. '. •• .' I. • •• .' .' .--------> •. '.. . .' j • NO • •••• H5 ••••••• ,••• 'IHCERRM' '---1 :.'-'-'-'-'-0-'-+-'. YES ERR~Ik~~¥I\GE :--- 1:~: :-::r ::~;: [~~~~~~~~~~~~ CR2 ••••• J ) . . . . . . . . . . : READ A BLOCK FIO~~r •• JII.......... :H~M~Tlc~~~~~Io{ : R~~gk50~~~~~" : : : ••..•.•.•.••.•. : : .•• r~. ~~~~~~ .•. : ::::: :->1 1 0" 0.... ............... INVERT • ••• OK) ••••••• 'INVERT BUFFERS • • • AND DECBS IF • • :O~T~u~iiR~UBLE: : 0" ·········1·· . .·····. ··.... .. .... Gil • I • I. NO .'. HII '. •••• . ' 1/0 ERROR ' . o. IN lOS . " WRITE '. f'AO • '. ' . SPECIFIED •• •••• .... '. •• G!l o:'H~~E~NR~2~ ·:.!~~----->.:~~E ,&~~t;~~::.!~~ .' : : Gil :~~~:: .::" :->1 1 OPENRW '. Dl'TEIU'IINZ • I .• IS •• IERROR HANDLING :IS NOT PRESENT. : IHCERRM ENOS I EXECUT I ON . r • '. '. -->.;' 0~~I3:H6N ';'!~~1 l-,(:;': r-i;-;;;;~;~--- '. . .' ' .. ' ts t • '. G) ••• t ••••••••••••• I . *. ' . • ····F~··· TO ADDRESS • • SPECIFIED IN .<-'END: PARAMt.Tf;R • ...... l->:·....· -------->.,-'-'-0-0-'-'-'-' ERHOR MESS~GE • 05 ---------->[ ->:.••••• "" : ................. • •••• G2 •••• • ••••• 0IHCERRM' . . NO . ' '. ---'. LAST DSItN . ' • ••• ES.·· ••• ••• 'CHECK kl::SULT OF. • Wo{lTI:. HWM • : OTHEI< BUFFEk • Kl : • o. Gl '. •0.. DSRN FOR ' . YES DIRECT ACCESS •• '. •• 05¥~~~N~~~G : • INPUT OR OUTPU'l'. ··................,. : • • • • E) • • • • • • • • • : 'CHECK RESULT oro .OHEAD INTO OTHEI<' : BUFFt.:I< : L__ ~~:~:~~~ ___ _ -->: '. '. : •••• F2 ••••••••• : : IF EXTENDED I ERROR HANDLING : IS NOT PRESENT, : IHCERRM ENDS ······C5········ ... ·. . . . r. . ·.. FCLOS Cl : 'WRITE CONTENTS • 'OF THIS BUFFER' • SWITCh BUFFER • : POINTERS : i"0 i'"' NO V • ' .0 '. •••••• . '. ' . . ' --1 . . . . ·................. ins :'::': .....1. .... '. .' OUTPUT '. ' . .' YES ·· FCTRL ·····CII· •••• •••· •• .'. C3 .0--- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t· .' 01 . ' DSRN FRITE : II' EXTENDED I IHClRRM ENOS !~:R:.r~~~=, L__ ~~~:~~_,__ _ (::)--1 ••• ............... 'K5'" •••••••• KII •••• • RETURN: 0 RETURN TO • :CALL8~I'~iTERROR:<-- Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart IHCFIOSHlIHCEFIOS (Part 2 of 2) Gl. ·····A2·········· • ····A3········· • ISSUE ERROR • + RETURN ABORT • • MESSAGE IHC218I.-------->.CODf. TO IBCOMn • + + • TO CONSOLE. ·.................. ·...... . .. ·02 • • B1 ............... I ·.. , * " .--! . B1 •• • •••• B2 ••••••••• •• CURRENT.. IF EXTENDED • •• UNIT THE -. YES -ERROR HANDLING • •• ~~JE8~I~RRO~ ••• -------->:PR~~E~6f>p~~§s SW: •• •• • ERROR SUMMARY • .·....*--! ·02 • B4 EOFM : •••• B3 ••••••••• : CTLRTN o.B4 0 .0 RWND : •••• 85 ••••••••• : *0.0 ·.................. ' '.. . .' ... ··Cl·········· .....J........ .....J.::::... ·....... ........... .f................ ................ . ................. '. .' I" •• . . •••• j D1 1/0 '. ERROR •• NO COR~~~TED '. .' •• • +-----------------1 '. • .'YES .... l->: ISSUE CLOSE WITH REIU.AD OPTION • + • I j • •••• 0).. •••••••• • •• ··04 •••••••••• t • FREE 1/0 • RUFFERS t'OR t THIS DATA ~;ET t ADJU"T THE • tHECPTR TO POIN1 • • TO PHECEDIN(, t ·LOGICAL HF.COkLJ • • t ·.................. 1................... *----- t I ----------> ·01 • .. .. . • • ISSUE. • ••• C~ ••••••••• • • APPROPIHATJ:: • • • • • NUMBER OF' BSP • • RETURN * • • (Ph'fSICAL.. • • • BACKSPACE I • • •••••••••••• '•• 1 •• ................... WRITE LAST. EOF •• DETERMINE .0 RfW • RECORD .<--------.0 OPERATION 0 +-------->* • •• 1 'fPE 0* * • • ISSU!:; CLOSE • (T'fPr;=TI WITH • LEAVE OPTION • • DATA MANAGEMENT. • RETRY • APPROPRIATE • • • NUMBER OF TIMES. .•. • • • Jij •• ..... E2·········· +-+-+-.-.-.-.-.-. ·............... ... • IHCERRM . .............. . • • •• ·E3·.·.·.··· RETURN TO • • ERROR MESSAGE .-------->.CALLJ::R AT ElHWH· IHC21RI. • OFn;ET • • L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·... ·Eq········· . : ............... RETURN I IF EXTENDED I ERROR HANDLING rI~H~~~~~' L __ ~~~~~~ ___ _ .... ...... ..0 HJ '. .·.··HII.····· .... ..... J3.......... ..... ·02 • • H3 .--~ "r . . . .1'. . .. • • CURRENT. 0 t IF EXTENDUJ • •• UNIT THE •• YES .ERROR HANDLING • • o~~E~~1 ~RRO~. 0·- ----- -- >:PR~~E~~"p~tL~W: • 0 o. • J::RROH 5UMMAk'f • •••. ~~~~~.;~.... ............... :!~:~~~.-.-.-.-: . :CALL~~F:iTERROR:<--------: ERR?ftc~~~¥~GE : : IF EXTENDED ":'.:=. Fx~ : IHCBRRM ENDS L__ JII ••• ••••••• ISSUE ERROR . .:ME~gAg5N!~tP 9I:. [~~~~~~~~~~~~ I : ~~~~~____ Appendix F: ········1····· .... ··~~;~~~. ~~~~; ..· :CODE TO IBCOMN : ••••••••••••••• Object-Time Library Subprograms 244.1 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDICS (Part 1 of 5) CI\LLS FOR DEFINE FILE • • • ... *l\.3····.·.·. ............... COMPI LERGENERATED OBJECT CODE • • • j ..... B3····.·· ... °GETUAT • • -t-t-t-t-._t_t_. ................. 'GET UNlT NlJMBER.<-------- _______ _ W5RNI : : j .... ·C3*········· • INSERT UNIT • NUMl1ER'S 0 • • PI\RM~ETER LI5T • IN UNlT' • A5~;IGN TilL • 'I\DDIU:5~; ......... ~;~:::::j ·..... ,', 0] t. • • • • • 0" • • • • • • • • • " LAST " • (;[:'1' Nl-:XT UNIT • ,'UNIT NUMBER', NO • NUMBER t ,l!;f{NI • " IN PAfUlMETER ,o-------->n'iwM PARII:>It:n;H • t. '. • .' . LI~;1' . • • YE~; ................... • LI!iT • j ·. . . 1. . ·. ••••• E , •••••••••• • t.:;TIIBLI:iH • 'I\DDHF:;:iAflILITY • • • 1 N 1 Hl'H'OMII/ • • 1 HCECO",H FOR LATE!< CI\LL:; • • • •••• F \ ••••••••• UlMI'lLI-:H• (;FNf HIITUJ • • •• ~J~~ ~;~"~'. ~.~~~ • • • CONTINU~: NORMAL PIH)CF!i!1l NG A.ppendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 245 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS (Part 2 of 5) ···.1.1·....•... • --DETERMINE-OPERATION-TYPE-j -iNiTiiLiiATioN--IDASINT-READ DASREAD ...............• ! ·•·····C1 ••.·..·....• ·......·T.......· .... ·........ . .. .. .. ...... •• .-------------_> DIOCSII • DASREAD • • • GET DSRN c2 ••• .. . . .................. •• • •••• C3 •••••••••• •• IS RECORD •• NO .OBTAIN ADDRESS • •• IN BUFFER • ·-------->·OF INPUT BUFFER.----------·------- i 02 ., ••••• 03. •••••••• • ..... 04 •••••••••• •• •• • • • INSERT RELATIVE. , . IS THIS A ., Y E S . • .RECORO NO, INTO • ..FIND REQUEST •• ----• READ A RECORD BLKaEFA OR • •• ,. • • • BLJ(REFB FIELD • .................. . ................... .... .. .. .... .<--------. i~ ·......--1 ·02 • • E3 . . · ·····E2· •• ••••••• • CHECK FOR I/O • • COMPLETION • · ····..··c······ DASEND ••••• E3.......... • GET ASSOCIATED • • VARIABLE' S . ADDRESS AND 1\ .CURRENT RECORD • • NUMBER. , Gil :lWi~ttA= ... •• .. .. .. ...... •• t. .: ~IHc¥s~cts;: .~~-- :(s~c'r?LI=~~ :____ _ ................. • • 8UrNO VALUE INTO DCB • • :......'1'......: : r---------------Ir ~BD IBItROR IWIDLlNG lI~H~-:=r' ---~~~---- • J3 •• •• NEW DAT~ ., YES SET TO BE •• --•• CREATED.· • NO H4 ••• ••••• :0~1: ., FIND •• READ OR •• --- •• FINO REQUEST •• i .£AO r--------------- • •••• J4 •••••••••• ---------1 :~~~~~!!.-.-.-.-: : ERR~~C~~~AGE : s:== IF EX'J'ENDBD I~~ I IHCBRJIM BN08 ' :•••••••••••••.• : L__~~~~~___ _ ·····K4·········· • L>:~i:·.. ..... ·03 • El • :!'~~~._._._._: ..... ... • EXAMINE • -->.JFCBIN02 FIELD • IN JrcB • • CHNOT ->. ••••• 1t1 •••••••••• --------- ERR~cHrfAGE ••••• J2· •• • •• •••• • ~ JOB FILE. · . ·........1"....... ... .. .. .0 .......... .. l . . .... CKOISP ·····03·········· ~~~"T""'" r : ¥:p: • • NO :0~2: i •• I). ••••• GETUB ·····H2··.······· • CONSTRUCT UNIT • • BLOCJI:. INSERT • • ADDR or UNIT • ..................-------->. .. ... .. ---1 .. ...... 1 ... .. .. .. .. .... .... •~ •• YES ---->·.WRITE REQUEST •• ... NO ........ j . ·····F4 .. ·.···.·. , . PREVIOUS ., YES -->.. OPERATION •• • ........ o • UPDATE. • ••• FS ••••••••• • ASSOCIATED. • RETURN TO • • VARIABLE SO CALLER • .THAT IT POINTS • • • .TO NEXT RECORD • • •••••••••••••• ., .. .. .. .. ··r .-------->., ·.................. .... .. .... ---1 G2 ,., E4 ., ••••• ES •••••••••• •• ., • UPDATE ASSOC • •• IS THIS A ., YES • VARIABLE SO • FIND REQUEST •• -------->.THAT IT POINTS. ., •• • TO RCD JUST • ••• • • READ • ......... -->. • •• ··F2 ••••••• ••• • PLACE BUFFER • • POINTER AND • • BUFrER SIZE IN .----• REGISTERS • J1 l. .•.<:::--------------------1 .······01·········· -. -.-. -.-.-. -.-.. ·.................. ·GETIJAT DASWRITE .--~ • C2 • GET ADDRESS OF • • DSRN • THIS MODULE IS CALLED BY IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH TO IMPLEMENT ~I~Ct:~ij~¥~, READ, WRITE AND CLOSE DASTERM --------------------------- • 02 • DASINT WRITE NOTE: ·.................. ................. ..-------->. • • .SET FIND SWITCH. -->. OFF ···.KS·····.··· RETURN TO • CALLER • • 04 • • JS • Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms .245.1 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS (Part 3 of 5) .... .... .--1 003 0 o Bl • 0 BSAMOPEN ······B3···........ .··................. v OASWRITE. : ..... Bl* .......... : • OPEN DCB FOR • NEW DATil SET o • • • ·................... ,,~m 1..··.·· •·····Cl··,~ LKI:.A'l'l:: AND • oFORMT NEW DATA- ·................... :SE~fu¥~I~c~~AM: .. \ 1 : ••• +D1 ••••••••• : ...... ........... .. • CLOSE DCB FOR • : • DATA SET :~I:·...->1 ·...·····1-.:1 ....•••••• 'WRITE A RECORD • SECONDARY ENTRY j ·····C3···· .....:. __ ·····C2·.· •••.••• • INSERT ADOR OF • • IlLKREFB INTO • -->.DECBB SKELETON. • IN UNIT BLOCK • • IF TWO BUFFERS. • ................. i:~>'l .. . D2 .. '. ' . ................. ·····03·1........ . .. 'INSERT I ..C2 .. j ·02· ..... EJ·········· • OPf.N DCb Fut< • • DATA SET FOt< • • DIRECT I\CCF~;S • • PLACE IlUFFER • POINTER AND • SUt'FEI< SIZE; IN : REGIS'llI,S ................. : PROCEf;SlU(, I .... eFt.··.···.·· • ••••••• 0 •••••••• 0 • I ... F] t • • ·ENTEI :O~I~~~ g~Fn~b • • • ... 'Gl'··'····· RETURN TO I He FCOMHI IHCI:.COMH .............. , • • • Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/11 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS 1 ·····03·.....·... • • • • FREE MAIN STORAGE OCCUPIED BY UNIT BLOCKS • • • • ·........1"....... · . ·........1'........ ·····El·········· • CLOSE DCBS FOR • • DIRECT ACCESS • • DATA SETS • ····Fl········· ·................ • • RETURN TO CALLER • • ·................ • •••• G3 •••••••••• • GETUAT • 1 : •••• H3 ••••••••• : + ··.................. .,j .. ....... SAVE DSRN IN • DSRNPTR • • , J3 ., .• e. ,. DSRN •• YES •• NEGATIVE OR •• ----•• Too LARGE •• • : ····K2··.···.·· r ·····K3.·· ..···.· • • • GET UNIT • • ...............:<,.-------:................... RETURN T~~G~~f:i:ER : •• G4 . .. ••• , : •••• Gs ••••••••• : 'f" . . . .'1"....... •.... H".......... ..... H5.......... • .CALLED FROM.. NO ~ GET PARAMETER • DEFINE FILE •• -------->" FOR ERROR • •• ,. ~MESSAGE IHe220l. --> •. .. ... ... .-+-+-.-.-.-.-.-. • • ·PRCHNTFC • • GET PARAMETER. • FOR ERROR. .LINK SAVE AREAS. .MESSAGE IHC220I. .AND SET UP FOR. • • • ERROR HSG • ........]. . . . . i;i:~ :::]......... .... ••••• J". ••••• •••• • •••• J5 •••••••••• ·COHltn'FC • • .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. • INDICATE NO • SET UP FOR. • RECORD PASSED • ERROR MESSAGE • • · • • • • .. . . ...... [i;i:~: ........ 1········· .... ····K5········· • RETURN TO • .CALLER AT ERROR. OFFSET • • ............... Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 245.3 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G2. IHCDIOSE/IHCEDIOS (Part 5 of 5) ····..A3·.·······.. .......1'...... • PRCMNTI'C • ····.·.B3...•••.··... • LINK UP SAVE • AREAS • • · • : .................• ~l~ 1 ·.··..Cl·········· . • • SET UP :P~T~sI8~ . ......·T....·.. :. . . 1. . . : ••••• D3 •••••••••• :!~c;!~~._._._._: • PROCESS ERROR • • MESSAGE· El········· ··.... ................. • 246 RETURN • r---------------- ---------1 IF BX'1'DlDaD HANDLING laRROIt I IS NOT 'DSDIT, I IHCQJtN DlDS t---~~~___ _ Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G3. IHCNAMEL ··..····Al·······.· .....1"....... ... .0 .0 ..··. ······A1····· .......1"...... .. . • FRDNLII B1 • • •• oo' .' DURING'oo 0.110 110 ERROR FIXUP .0 .0 ..' !'' I ... ' ··........1"....... GIVE ERROR IHC904 I '.. too NO o. 0.--- r ..' .. ' ·······Cl··········.. ........1'....... : •••• Cl ••••••••• : • • • Bl ' .. NO •• 1/0 ERROR •• ---.. FIXUP IN •• •• PROCESS.· '.. FWRNLII • • • • ... GIVE ERROR IHC904I • • -------------~ ·.... 01········· . ·................ • TERMI NATE JOB • .• 02 •• 'oo . NO •• NAME MORE •• --- •• THAN 8 CHARS •• '.. '.. .. ..' too .. ' 1' ' · . . ·. . . ·1. . . · ·· - -: : : :1"""· •••• 'El •••••••••• -->: .INITIALIZE FILE. VIA FIOCS.. • READ RECORD j ... . .0 ' : Gl .• .. •• NAME 'oo '.. . FOUND '.. ..' .. .. .0•• NO i''' . Hi ... ·..... E3··········.:<-·........1"....... ·..... F2'·········. ,·..... ···1········.. .:....Kl :. · . ·.·................. • GIVE ERROR • .MESSAGE I HC 2 2 JI. ...................... too • • • • • H2.··· •••••• .. •• NAME IN •• NO • GIVE ERROR • •• NAMELIST DICT •• -------->.MESSAGE IHC222I. .. '.. '.. '.. ..' .. '.. .. I'" .INITIALIZE FILE. • VIA FIOCSII ••••• F3" •••••••• .WRITE NAMELIST • • NAME • 1 ·.... ·G)*········· . ·........1"........ • IMPLEMENT WRITE. .USING NAMELIST • --~ ... • TERMINATE JOB • ·..... E2*·········. • GI VE ERROR • .MESSAGE IHC22lI. ·..... Fl'·········.. ·.................. ······03········· .................. ··................. • •• 'H)*' ••••••• • RETURN • ······Jl········ ... · . ;:~ ~:;::1::::::::----------------····Kl·········.. ··............... • IMPLEMENT READ • • USING NAMELIST • • RETURN • Appendix F: Object-Time Library sUQprograms 247 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G4. IHCFINTH/IHCEFNTH (Part 1 of 3) ······1.3········· ................. • MITHII • 1 ..... ······B3·.·.· . ·.................. • OBTAIN • 'UITERRUPT CODE • j .' . ' • C3 --------------------., '..'.' NO, • IS '. " n.n;~~~¥~ . I •• ' .' .• ' '---1 YES ..... . 003 • • • F~' 1 DETERMINE INTERRUPT TYPE -SPEC i rlcATIoN ----------SPEC ---DATA FX-PT. OVERFL. FX-PT. DIVIDE FL-PT. SIGI'!. DEC. OVEkFL. DEC. DIVIDE EXP. OVERFL. EXP. UNDEHFL. FL-PT. DIVIDE SPEC . . RETURN ALEItT FXOVC ALERT A LF. R'l" DVCHJ( FPOVF FPUNF DVCHK t'XiJVC .'. Ft '" '. .. . '. .' YES • • ' IS IHCADJST'. YES '. LOADED •• --- '. .,. -----------------0. j · . ·.................. : LOAD IHCI'.DJST : 1<---------- .. ··'Hi'········· ·.................. V • SET UP ERROR • 'MESSAGE IHC210I' o FOR BOUNDARY • ALIGN ERROR • • j . ·.................. ·... ·'..11*········· • SET UP • 'PMAMETERS FOR • IUCADJST • • • o. F~ '. '. ' .. l G4 .. EXTENUEUo. ERR HANDLINc, . ' o. PItF.:SENT . 0 '. • NO : •••• Gl ••••••••• : . . 0 I~ '. .' NO · 1 . ••••• G).......... · DVCHK .0. I. '. 1)0 • • , '101 • FIX ::..... G\ . '--1 . .••••••••j.......... .. • • • • GS ••••• C1 •••• • SET UP ERROIt • . ' FLOATING o. YES 0 DETERMINE • oMESSAGE IHC 20~10------ -->'. POItfl' DIVID!:. •• ------ .• -> o INTERRUPT TYPE • o. CHECK •• 0 • • • . ••••••••••••••••• . ' .'t'.~:~;" I. ->:....0.' ·····H!)·········· • PICK UP DATA IN' • ERROR FROM • ··. ·..·T·....... : F1.oATl~gs pol NT : J!). '. .. .. .. .... '---1 ' ... .' ARE "'. • .INTJ:;RRUPTS •• •• TO BE IGNORED. .... l->. . • NO rES . ••••• ..... . '02· .02 • • 13' C) • • • 1······ ···1(1···' ··................ .. 'GO TO IHCiU)JST • 248 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G4. IHCFINTH/IHCEFNTH (Part 2 of 3) .... .--! ·.....C) .. • 02 • ··....C2........... • C3 ALERT ••• .. '. :M~fiAg~ ffi~~rOI:<---..:-!:~.: ~R~X~~8~~NG·:. . . ···1. ·. · • • • •• • 'f' PRESENT •• I.. • •••• ·02· •• ••••••• • •••• 03 •••••••••• • IHCERRM • .FIOCS. • • • .-.- '-t-' -. -. -. -, WRITE ERROR MESSAGE ................. O .0 • • - '-1 -. -. - *-.- *_. WRI TE ERROR • IHCdOI. ................ •. :~~: 00->1 .... o 0 SKIPIT E3 ••• •• . UNDERFLOW ' ' . NU _ ________________ >0. uVERf'LOW OR -..0 __ . • 0 '. ' .. ' . o. DIVIDE CK.o : •••• Fl' •••••••• : PICI< lJP rHW DATA .................. 0 n:!; .0 0<--------0. • . .DID F2 . '. . '. . i''' . F3 . '. •• '. . USE I{ o. YES. 0 EXTENDED •• FIX UP DATA .0< ________ o.ERR HANDLING .0 '. ' '.. .' . • • '. ' '.. .' . PH.E!-iENT . ' L"'___________ ;;;;; _____ i > NO •••• 'G J •••••••••• o • • GIVE STANDARD • FIXUP • • ·· .. ·······1······· ... 'H)'····· . ·· ·...... .......... _____________________ ---- - - ------ - ------- >.• RETURN TO SUPERVISOR •• <-- Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 248.1 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G4. IHCFINTH/IHCEFNTH (Part 3 of 3) .. POV" .' B3 .'. '. ! '. ... ...... ... . '0] • : Fl. '--1 •••• · IMPR (to .• .'. F] 0 ••• • MESSAGE I HC 21 0 I' YES . ' EXTENDED '. • FOR IMPRECISE .<--------o.ERR HANDLING.' • INT ° 0. PRESENT. 0 . ... . ........ I:: ::::::_______________ ::r;o ... ··G]·········· oDETERMINE WHICH. :S~DE!I¥~ ~g~fi:N: · ° . ON • ·······1·..···· ······Hl·········.. ° DETERMINE INTERRUPT TYPECSI ·.................. l .:0;" ..... • • ->. 248.2 ---'~ERR ... :OAs: YES :M~~gAg~ Y~~~71: •• : l NO ••••• ·······cl............ ····.. ···[:~~i~::. :.;~F3;.~~~~~ .'• 811 .. . ' .' l' :~i;: o. ..EXTHHDij . '0o· FPUNF '. NO . ' EXTENDED ' . ---'.ERR HANDLING.' ' . PRESENT.' C3 • '0 P '. D SE ' o. NG '. ' ... .' • YES 1 ····.Cll•••.•• •••• • :dfi...81 ~ .. .··............... ... . l ...... 'ft~~S8I: ->.'01 G~ • • Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/11 by TNL GY28-6841 Chart GS. IHCADJST ··.......--1 ·····Al·····.·..· ........1"...... NOTE: THIS MODULE IS LOADED AND CALLED BY IHCFI I'l'IH/1.HCEFNTH • Al ....••.... ··.····A4 ............... • ISSUE SPIE TO • • TAKE CARE OF • • INTERRUPTS THAT. • OCCUR IN MOVING. • DATA • • '.. ··..... ........... . • CHECK ADDR OF • .INSTR FOLLOWING. • THE ONE WHICH • .CAUSED BOUNDARY. • MISALIGNMENT • • SAVE PREVIOUS • • PICA ADDRESS • · ................. . , ·····Cl·.· ••••••• • MOVE DATA TO • DOUBLE WORD BOUNDARY C4 ·......... ......... ................... j ....... ......... . •• •• VIOLATION HANDLED.· •• E3 • • • : •I '1 j .' . . F2 WAS i'' : •••• Gl ••••••••• : ' '.. .'. t. j .... Hi···.·.·.. • RET TO ARITH' • • TO PROCESS NEW • • INTERRUPT. i'' ...... ......... G) .' H3 I .' i ... NO . .• > I' NO . .G ••• rq •••••••••• ., . . • I • MODIFY INSTI< • ADDRESS TO oPOINT TO INSTR • WHICH CAlJ!;l:.D o IN'lERRUPT • • • 0 • • 0 ••••••••••••••• j '. . NO •• IS MESSAGE •• o • TO BE WRITTEN •• .................. r : .::. : • '. 1 ·... ·Gq·········· •• . • . --. RETURN ...1 '. ••••• H2···· •••••• • •I '. I'" . -.- - -.- - - I .' YES •• ERI< HANDLING •• --•• INCLUDED, • 1<---------- 1 . ····J2········· ··............... . j .' . •• YlS •• INSTRUCTION., LENGTH CODE=2 •• • • •• I' • I •• •• I::XTI::NIJED • MOVE NEW • .CONDITION CODE • • TO PIE • • ISSUE SPIE TO • • RESTORE • • ORIGINAL PICA. . ............... ·.................. ................... . : •••• G2 ••••••••• : . I' . E4 •••• 05 ••••••••• • RI::TURN TO • .SUPERVISOR FOR. • ABEND • • MOVE OP CODE • .GET INSTRUCTION • • AND Rl OF INSTR. • LENGTH • .TO A Tl:.MP AREA • • • ·.................. ................... • ISSUE SPIE TO • • RESTORE. • ORIGINAL PICA • ---1---.' NO ·..... Fl.......... . '. •• NO •• CONDITION •• 1m ,.-------->., CODE AFFECTED, .--•• ,. ,. NEW •• •, INTERRUPT ·,OCCURRED •• '. .' • 1 .'. .. '••. • .IS BI.lUNDARY •• '. ·...... ••••• : .<---- .... ·El·········· *. 1. . . · • ISSUE A SPIE • MACRO TO STOP • SPECIAL INTERRUPT • HANDLING • : •••• g~;~~~ • IIISTRUCTION • WHICH CAUSED • .SPEC INTERRUPT • : •••• D3 ••••••••• : • MOVE INSTR TO • • WORK AREA • • • • • • ·.................. .' ••••• C5 •••••••••• 'l~O t .. ·· ... ··01······ . '. •• Fl ., YES • ,.-------->. • ........ ... ...... • REEXECUTE INST • WHICH CAUSED • ORIGINAL : INTERRUPT 1 ., , . NEXT., , . INSTRUCTION., ., ON WRONG •• BOUNDARY , . •• •• • • : • ISSUE SPIE FOR APPROPRIATE • • I NTERRU PT • HANDLING • j ·····B4.......... ·····Bl·······.·. j IHCADJST '. • I I' . j. YES •• • •• ··H4 •••••••• • • • RESET PSW • .ADDRESS IN PIE. oTO INSTR WHICH .----• CAUSED • INTERRUP1 • • ................. ••••• J ) • • • • • • • • • • • DECREMENT • MESSAGE COUNT • AND PLACE NEW • COUNT IN • IHCUOPT • • • • • ........r::::::--· . ·................. .. .... . l .... ·····Kl·········· • CALL IHCFINTHI • • IHCEFNTH TO • • WRITE MESSAGE • ->.o Al • • Appendix .[4': Object-Time Library Subprograms 249 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart Gb. IHCIBERH ······A3····..·.... ·.................. 1 ······B3·········· . ·......... .......... • COMPILER• • GENERATED CODE. • OBTAIN INTERNAL • • SEQUENCE NUMBER. • (ItiN) • j ······C3··········. ·.. ....... ......... • CONVERT ISN TO • • DECIMAL FORMAT • j ... ··D3···· . ·· . ·. • • BRANCH TO IHCEkRM TO HANDLE THE WRITING OF ERRUR MSG • .................. • • • • 250 • I •••• E)+· .... ••••• IBEXIT RTN OF • IHCFCOMHI • ........ ...... . IHCECOMH • Order No. GY28-b638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 ('11':1 T t IIWf,'T'!\ F, NOT 1': , {(l,l t t of 2) THIS MODULE IS LOADED AND clILLED BY THE STI'.F: EXIT ROUTINE SECTION OF' Ille F('OMI1/IHC1':cOMH ······A3······· .... . . . 1·. . · • IHCSTAE • ·····B3·········. • SAVE IBCOMM • • PARAMETER LIST. • POINTER AND .-.---. 'ADDRESS OF SAVE. , AREA • ................. ·.. ···C1··········. R1':~TORI:: • INSERT 1/0 • .STlITUS IN ERROR" : MSG : ;:;;:;::·1······· . ... . V : •••• '.'1 .......... : o<;FT POIN'T'ER TO • .. S'T'A.E' .... ':I\Vr M1FA • : .... t .............. . · j . ••••• F.l •••••••••• • "FT POINTER To o ·:TAF. C()NTR('J. • RL()C~ 0 0 ........................... .. j · . ·;:::: ~~:j.......... ·..... EXITRTN2 ·····C2·········· • GET SYSTI!:M/USER. • "BEND CODE AND 0 • PROGRAM PSW • SYSTEM/USER.0 ·AREND CODE liND • PRIJc;RTIM PSW : • ......................... .. j .... -.-.- .. .-.-.-. ........ ·Gl- .. •• .......... .. oClILLCNVT • o rClNVERT CODE •o MHl PSW • .......................... j ........ HI ............... . o • • ';ET !,DOR OF' • • ''''TflY p.n""HIE • , INSERT I/O • .STATUS IN ERROR' • MSG • "' - >. OJ ···.··CIi..·...·· .•. ·········r········. WTP :~nN5Y~b5~/~~6R: • • .... -.-.-.-.-.-.-. ........................ .. ..... ·02· ............ .. ·CALLCNVT • . PROGRA.M psw • .......... o • o 02-*- • CONVERT ABEND 0 • CODE AND PSW • • FOR MES1;lIGE • j ·····E2·········· • ISSUE TWO WTO • .MACROS TO WkITf' • • ERROR MES::;IV;F • IHC2t1(lI • • ·...................... 1 . ., .. .. .. . , . .......... 1-'1 .... •• ......... .. •.GI::T ······C,···..··.... ·..............••••..... 1. . .... NOlO ---,-------> F2 ., .: tIS:..~~~~/N" \.', RoUTINI:: " .~:~ " • Nf' 1 ·.... ·G2·········· . ·...·....1:·:: .:.:_-. • RESTORE STAE • • SUPERVI SOR SAVEo • • liREI'. POI NTI::f( ..... H2·········· ·.................... ................... · 1 .. 1 . •••• ',11' ••• •••••• • • • REGTORE REGISTERS 0 • • • •••• J2 ••••••••• 0 ·.................. . --_::::::::r ........ • ~ET RETURN' • ":()lW-I~ (RFTRY) .-----\ • o • • SET RETURN (:ODE=O (NO RETRY) • • • ····1(2········· ·........ ........ • • RETURN TO SUPERVISOR • • Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 251 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G7. IHCSTAE (Part 2 of 2) ·....Al········· . : ............... RETRY ........ ······A3·· ................ ---T----··---~----- : ,! ~:~V~:O~ROH ~---- ... --------- • • I 1 ~ · . ·................. · ... ·····B3·······... ·····B1········· ... • SET UP • .PARAMETERS FOR. • CONVERSION • • ROUTINE • • SAVE CONTROL ... • BLOCK POINTER .. ·................. I 1 ° -. -0-0-._._._. ·····C3·········· .-. ·····et·········· * • ISSUE STAE MACRO TO • • SPECIFY A NEW o EXIT RTN ADDR CALLCNVT .. • .. .' FCVZO ··..····T····..·.. • .CONVERT SYSTEM • .ABEND CODE ANO • • PSW TO HEX • ........1"...... ·······01··········.'. ..... ...... ...... ..·. ······03······ ................ • GET ADDR OF .' • PA.RMS IN IBCOH •• • RETURN • 1 ': :' ... El········ • GET ADDR OF .. • STAE CONTROL .' : BLOCJ( POINTER :: .................. . °. ' n ...1 o• '. 1/0 TO BE o. o. '. RESTORED '. '. .' .' m ..' NO • ---- 1 •••• 'Gi' . . . . . . . . .. o o : .' RESTORE 1/0 :.' ..... .......... ,. ° .. 1<---------•••• 'Hi' ••••••••• oISSUE SPIE FOR • • • " • °"ADDRESSING PROTECTION AND • SPECI FlCATION ° INTERRUPTS ~) " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 41 1 ..... ·····..11······ oSEARCH THROUGH .. o CHAINED SAVE • AREAS, .. ° .................: :B~~~~~o~lIH j J(1 o. CAN o. •• TRACEBACJ( o. NO o. MAP BE . 0 __ _ ".COMPLETE •• .° L _______.____ _ 252 . 0 " '. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . . .,J. . . . - ----,-- - - - - - - . . . . r. . ·. °IHCERRM • ,'- 0-0-0- 0_._ . - . - 0 -->: ERR~~cf.iij¥"GE : • • o. '. '.. .' ..' o YES .... H2·········· "ADD INDICATION • TO MESSAGE • ---->,' • ····K2········· ................ '.CALL IBEXIT TO • • TERMINATE JOB • " lI ERROR IF EXTBHDED IlANDLING lxs NOT PRESENT, l IHCEIUIM ENDS L_~~~~ ___ _ Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Ga. Chart ........ .... IHCERRM (Part 1 of 2) ........ .... • Al • IHCERRE ·····Al·.·· ••• • •• ---- .. -------------------• • I CALLED BY IBCPCOMH/ :IN~~A~~'Y: IIHCECOMH FOR ERROR • • I SUMMARY DURING LOAD I.c:. ·l·. . : L~_~~~:~~__ :· ·. ·l·····: L~__________ •••• ·B1····· ••••• •.SAVE • ----f"---------------- REGISTERS. : AND k~SAVE : II CALLED BY LIBRARY ROUTINE I DBTBC'l'lNG · · · . r·. . · ·····C1·········· • MAKE INITIAL • :CAH;ri°B~~~1I : • ADDRESS I • •• .. ... .. .. .. .. .. D1 ! ! ••••• Al.......... • PRINT • • •••• A5 •••••••••• • • :T~~C~£lg~T~UE: • :GfIs~O~~~i ~~: ENTRY MESSAGE. • l~~~~::r·····: ••••• • •••• Bs •••••••••• • • • GET NUMBER OF • : ENTRIES : ••••• Cl.......... .IHCETRCB • :-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-: .GIVE TRACEBACK • • •••• cs •••••••••• • • :······r··..·: ~:~~:;:T·····: :E~R~U~~RT~rS: • ENTRY • •• ..···..T..····· 03.•.. .. . . ...... 011.......... . . . .05... .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . • • ENTRY FOR •• YES. • •• SUMMARY •• ---->. 1.5 • •• FREE BUFFER •• Y E S . • •• AREA •• -------->.ISSUE PREEMAIN • •• ANY ERRORS •• NO •• OF THIS TYPE •• --- c' .... ·}~-------------;;;;;~;!:::::::::<______ .:: ......::c..... .. • • : G~MB~OR : n···.. as •. • Bl....... ••• • • • PRINT MESSAGE • :FOR THIS ERROR: ·······1·..···· · ·. ··r·. · · TABLE :······l·····: •• .... .. .... •• • A5 • ····El.·.····.· • • : PRINT BEADING •••• . . .. . . ............... . . : T~r:r~nr?OB : .. ~.:~~~ ~~~m5.:. ········[:=:~-------------:r.. :~~~~l;~.;~;~: ..l···.. .................. .baoi/~2 YES • AREA F O R . •••• • ••• YES : . ' OR ERROR ~06 .-------->.MESSAGE MUST BE.-------->.. ERR. 218 •• -------->. • ..R E E D . •• •• • ' •• OR 226 •• . ··.·.FS··"..······ : N~~E~R~g~ : .ERROR COUNT IN • • MESSAGE • .. . . ...... .. . .'.I::------------~::::::::: :::::::- - - - - - ---::!:~------------- _::::::::i········ .......·1········ • G1···... .::: •••• D~MiOTE::: .~~_>: : •••• G5 ••••••••• : ~ '. '1 · . . ..... 1+.......... : S=ITCI"U~ : STORE ENTRY ~D ......1. . . · HS ••••••••• : • • • • .J1··... : •••• J2 ••••••••• : ERROR • • NO • PRINT MESSAGE • ~ER IN : .-------->.TBAT ERROR NO. • •• ' . TABLE ••• :18 NOT IN TABLE: ·········l··;ii::· ->: NUMBER ..... •• . •• :.::.: ··1··~0 .....Xs.......... .... • •••• • :~~ iMr:d~Y: • •••• YES •• r---··MORE ENTRIES.· •• •• • .' • G2.. ..····n··········. ·········1········. : • • •• J5 •• •' ···l··~S PRINT LINE ::....D:i~¥.,:g:RIO :......T......: • ~ . . ·. ·F:::::--- Al : ~ • GET E X I T : ADDRESS I F . SPECIFIED. : • RETURN : • •••••••••••••• • 02 • • Al· Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms ~53 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY2S-6847 Chart. GS. .... ·......--L., IHCERRM (Part 2 of 2) ·02 • • Al . o. · , Al ., ~~IT G~e~~ES~. *. '. 0 YES t ________ .' . • , >: • . SET SPECIAL EXIT SWITCH • : ................ l ....... • • ->: .~~.: • NO 1., +. Bl . ••••• A2" ••••••••• '. 1/0 ERROR t, ·0 • •••• B2 •••••••••• ,. t, tPRltlT EXECUTION. , . CONTINUE ., NO .TERMINATING om:. t, (BAfED ON , t ________ >tTO ERROR COUNT t t, COUNTS t ,t • MESSAGE • . . '. *. .' . i • t ••• t : l->::~t·. YES :->[ Cl • ••• ,. IlJ •• v Cl . ••••••••••••••••• , +. •• "'e2* ••••••••• • ••• -C3' ••••••••• , . PRINT., • • NO , . MESSAGE " YES .GET ADDRESS AND. ___ t, (BASt'O ON ,.-.,------;.. LENGTH OF : MESSAGE: • , t ~OUNTS ~ . ' • ' t PRINT MES~AGE • SET ME~;bAGE. PRlIlTED • INDICATlCiN : .-------->..AND .................................. ... ' : ,.,v--- ----. ------ --- --- ------ ----- -- .-------- -- -_____ .J ,.-,------->. ------->. '. .' . . . 'f~-:::::r....... .V1 •••• : •••• 02 ••••••••• : , • hUNT ., •, llUFFER .,l'lJNTENTS , . YES : •••• 0) ••••••••• : "GET ArlDRFSS A N D . " LEllr,TH O~' •. PRINT .CURRENT DUFFER. • B\J~'fER • _ _ - ------.:::::::::.:.:::. _--_--:: \1 ••• ··.: .C'. • .~.l •••• : •••• 1:.2 ••••••••• : :~~~.~¥~t~· , . l'RACE:BACI< ., YES tRl::~OVE UNf: SAvr. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. RE<,;IJE:;n;n ,.-,·------>.AREA FROM ('HAIII.--------~. • •• , • • • • CALL 1 RAl r,; • .. . .' '. :':.;. :->I . ... •••• · . . . .................. .................. t. '. '. .' 4' .. .. :.~~. RI::TlIRN CODl::. TO 1 • ................. G2 • II '. 1 ·.................. .•••.• t->: ... . II~,FH , : '. H2 ., • • • '. t. '. '. .' . • . • NO ······J2····I ....... ·................... · j ••• 'K2' •••••• .' • •• 0 • ................... .' . G4 ~'R~:l::MAIN· ,. TAKE ., n;:: • REt.I!'TI:.R!' AND • •• SPl::CIAL I::XIT ,"-------->.TURN U~'~' l::NTfl,( • !iWl1'CH • j ••• tJ J ••••••••• • EXIT 1'0 • :SPECIFIW POINT: ............... .. t_ .-.> .' • '. I •• 1 H4 . ••••••••••••• III. . : . . '!. t. NO t. •••• Yt.~ : ...1 ., ••••• • H~ • • • • • • • • • • .................. .. ., ,. . • (;2 : 0 • • , . USER EX IT., '( E~ • PRI NT MESHAGE • •• TAKEN , •• -----, -".INDICATING USER.' ., •• • FIXUP • , . j l->: ·G~... NO ...... : · . ·............... . · .. . l ...... • •••• J" •••••••••• • PRINT MESSA\;t; • • INDICATING • .:;TANDARO FlXUP • o III' : PH I NTEU , " t-. - >. RETURN n 0 M.!::!;SA(jl:. • • ft •• t •. : 1 • (;4 • • • . . . . . . t •••••••••• • RI:.~,T(JHt:; U!,FH!j • t. I RI::lNITlALIZl:: FlOC!;" : . . . . . .; j • • • • • • • • • : • .TURN OFt' ~:NTHY • : :';WITCII • 254 (~q . . . '. Co-_____ ___ ::::::::r....... • • t.XIT : (i4 ., . , ,-t_._t_t_t_t :"ALI. • ••••••••••• t •••• • : ,.FREE 8UF~'ER., Y E S . •• AREA •• -------->.I~SUI:. : •••• ill ••••••••• : I-t· • • • : CHAlN .~'luCSN ------>. ·02 • : •••• (;1 ••••••••• : • : .... t',,··········..... . . ..-.-.-.-.-.-.>: ................. . · .... F2 •••••••••• .St;T RETURN CODE' TO 0 •••• YE~; I 'S~:T .. .'---1 . ................... .... ·· .. '--t.. .. • •••• '. •• lJSl::1! EXIT " NI) Rl::f,;UE!>TEO ,.- .. -->.. ~" N() v fo'l ·..... ........... Rk:['TOHl:: ONE >.• SAVE ARl::A TO • G2 • Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-b847 Chart G9. ···..11.......4 ... IHCFOPT (Part 1 of 3) .......... .•. ·01 • • 11.2 .--~ ········11.1·.·•••••••.. ................. ERRSET • SAVE REGISTERS • 11.2 •• • .NO. OF •• • •••• 11.3 •••••••••• • • : • MESSAGES • .:.~~y~~G~~ OO.:.~~ ______ >: SE~RI~tR~oTO •• •• I. +... ' • · 1 . ·.................. .;~. :_>[ ·:.... . .-.-. -. -.-. -. -. -. ................. .' • • ••••••••••••••••• YES t . ·····A4......... • STORE NO. Of' • MEsSAGES TO .PRINT IN TABLE • ENTRY ·........1"....... ····.B1········ •• .' • GET ERROR • • NUMBER AND SAVE. • IT • .. • • • • • • • I~~------------.-:::::]. . . . ·····CII···.······. ·GETENTRY .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~ • · 1'........ ........ .. • GET TRACEBACK • INDICATIUN • • ·02 • IGNORITM D2 ••• •• •• •• •• FIRST •• • ·TABLE ENTRY.. NO •• TIME •• YES •• MODIFIABLE •• -------->.. THROUGH •• •• •• •• (SWITCH.· .. .. .j '" •• •• ··.::r-l YES ' •• •• •• •• ERROR •• CONDITION 212 •• •• •• .. .. ON) • •• H5 • •• :~E'~~~~Lt-._._: 03' --------> •. ).:: ·····E1·········. . I ... .. • i r---.' .. .. .. ..... ·l .... . .. . . ................. .. .I.. .. .. .. .. .. .... ' E3 • •• '.. •••• PARAM!;TEHS •• • ..~UPPLIED • ." • • .... '. .. r . +" '.. ..' . ' . . '.. . • •••• E~ •••••••••• '. = • •• -------->. •• • GT . ' ---'. CODE 2 •• I NDICATi:. TRACEBAl:K HEQUESTk-D • ...............: : i" .02 • - >. B1 • Fl·. •• EU YES •·02 E2.• .. · . ·'. '.. ' .. '.. ...... •• :;;1 X 04 .. YE.S •• CODE LT OR •• ---.. EQ TO 0 •• on NO •••• • GET NO. OF •• ·ERRORS ALLOWED · . .·................ • •••• F4 •••• •• •••• YES •• PARAMETER •• --- •• LT OR EO TO 0 •• INDICATE NO TRACEFIACK i"0 -----. ----'1 ·... ··Gl· .......... • : <----------- -- ---- ------- •••• +<.;4 •••••••••• 'GETEtiTRY • +-+-+-+-+-.-+-+-+ • GET m;EI< • . . . ·1. . . ·. • STORE NO. 0.' • 'ERRORS ALLOWED • • IN TABLE ENTRY • ·.................. · • .I .. ADDReSS • ·... .--1 ·..... '01 • • H'> • • H1 •••• :;::;.~~~~~.~~~~;: • .NO. ALLOWED.. YES • TO ALLOW TO • ••• ?T O~,>~O T?' .-------->:ZE.ROE~~5lfs~ ALL: . . -- - --::i~~~- -- - - - - -: ::::::i........ .. Yt:S . ' ---'. .GETENTRY H4 •• ZERU '. '.. . ..' '. ' . . •• .' • ····H'>· ••••••••• .UPDATE ERR lle • • • BY ONE (TUI . r ...' - -:: : : r. . . · • STORE ADDRESS • 'IN TABLE ENTRY' ......·T....·. • GET NUMBER OF • • MESSAGES TO • • PRINT • K4 •• .. • •• NO. •• • ••• • .MESSAGES TO •• YES. • •• PRINT LT OR •• ---->. 1.2 • ••• ~Q TO ....1 ··.... ...... +, . ·' . FIilS'! TIm: ·' . • 'THROU\.i1l SWl Tell • • ON) • ••••• J . . . . . . . . . . . . • ?'. .. · ·····J1·········· .-.-.-.-.-..-.-. J'> ... •• •• ERROR •• •• NUMBER GT •• NO t. MAXIMUM Tv bE•• -,--] •• .. .. CHANGElJ •• •• •• YlS Ii •••• l ....... .... · • .. .. .02 •• Cl • ->. E2· • t. t, .; .FI~~~ofil;~E '; .~~ ___ J ..SWITCH uN.' •••••• +, ... +... ' • YES .J.. ·.. NO Ali • •••• 85 •••••••••• +. c------------------------------------------------:: I • •• .. • I. 01···.. .. . ·.. +. • GET ADDRESS OF • • ENTRY FOR THIS • • ERROR NO. • Kl BU •• NUMBER G'l •• n;s • INDICATE Pt. ALL ~IESSAGE.S • NEXT · · · · · C l · · · · · · · · •• • FINDENTR • •• • • • • '02 • • 11.1· • Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 255 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 chart IHCFOPT (Part 2 of 3) G9. .... .--t ·..... ·02 • • Ai ••• Ai •• •••• •• •• YES •• ERROR 212 •• •• •• •• l'i::'::1·' ~o .... ..... B1.......... ........1"...... • GETENTRY • • -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. • GET UPPER RANGE. • " • ········1········· ········1········· ·····A"·········· .• • ··........ . · 1"...... .....B2.......... ..... B3 .•........ .......:r....... ....·..T. . ·. ·····B"···.··· ...• • ERRSAV • •••• A2.......... • •••• A3 •••••••••• ·GETENTRY.. • .-0-.-.-._._._._.. 0.-------->0 . GET CONTROL • .SAVE REGISTERS • CHARACTER·· • INDICATION·· • • • • INDICATE NO • • • CONTROL. • GET ERROR .CHARACTER TO BE. •• NUMBER .....n _ T0 BE • • SUPPLIED.. CHANGED·· • • ••••• C1.......... • TURN ON SWITCH • • INDICATING. • FIRST TIME. THROUGH • ·..... ............ 1 ·····01·········· • • STORE UPPER RANGE AS • MAX IMUM TO BE • CHANGED • • • • ·................. .... . l. ->.·01H5 • • .. .0 C2 •••• •• -. NO •• EQUALS CODE-1 •• --• • •• '. '1;" .' : . . . ~~~~~~;~ . . . . : • CONTROL. -CHARACTER TO BE. : SUPPLIED: ........... ...... ~oi; :-->1 .... • • • • • ••••• Cl •••••••••• .FINDENTR- ERRSTR .SAVE REGISTERS • • GET ERROR NUMBER • •• ........1"...... ·.···C,,··· .. ····· • FlNDENTR • .. . . . 1"....... ·......·T....·.. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. .GET ADDRESS OF • • TABLE ENTRY • : . . . . 03 . . . . . . . . . : .GET ADDRESS OF • WHERE TO SAVE • : ENTRY : ................. 1 . - . - . - . - 0 •• - . - ••• :GE+A~JRl~R~F .. Oil 0·. •• .' .. .. I. •• ENTRY •• MODIFIABLE I. .' : .0•• NO---->.• . . . ·1. . ·. . . . . . . . . .. ··................. ······F"··········. ··.................. . . .<--------. . . · • • TURN O F r . SWITCHES ····F2········· • RETURN • . • •••• E) • • • • • • • • • • • MOVE TABLE ENTRY .GET ADDRE-SS or WHERE TO • • RESTORE TABLE • ENTRY FROM • • • • • RESTORE TABLt: • • ENTRY • ··........! .. • E2 • • ••• • E2 • •••• I •• ' r" ·····E"·········· ·. . . ·T....·.. · FINISHED ••••• E2.......... 256 • ••• Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by Chart G9. ,., Al ., , . ERROR ., YES , . NO. LT OR ., EO TO FIRST •• ., TABLE , . • , ENTRY,. ... • -->. 1 ., • NO .• B1 , ., ·• .• • ·······T····· ..• .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ·................. . .... l .... • • ····.A2 •••• •• •••• _.--., ! .. .. :°12: *. ,.ERR NO, GT ., YES ., NO, OF TABLE ,.----., ENTRIES,· .. .. .. .. {"O SET UP FOR • ERROR NO. 902 • ····.B2 ••••••••• • • WRITE • : WRITE9~¥SSAGE : ·02 • E2 • ->* ·... ··C1··········. ··.................. 1 01 ., ., ,.-------->. " . • •••••••••••••• r ,., ., e. .. ...... .---1 · :~i;: ••• 1 ·····B3 ..••••....• • NO .UPDATE TO NEXT • PARAfolETER • • •• •• ·······1····..· ·····Cl.······· ..• • : ,HJm'IR : . ········r....·· , .. .. A3 •• ,. LAST ., YES •• ., PARAfolETER GOTTEN , • , • ,. ., ····02····.· •• • ,.TABLE ENTRY., Y E S . • ., MODIFIABLE RETURN .• .• GETENTRY · .GET TABLE ENTRY. • ADOR • *. *. GY28-6847 IHCFOPT (Part 3 of 3) FINOENTR ••••• ~NL It ··.····01········. ................ • RETURN • . ., .. . , El ., .. ,. ., YES ., IS IT ERRSAV ,.----- .. *. .• r * ..• ······Fl·········· • NO, 901 .• ·.................. • SET UP FOR ERR • WRITE 1 ,., , . G1 .'., : •••• G2 ••••••••• : , • FIOCSI ., MAXE • • , • ~N IT IALIZE? • ' ·-------->:~ll£I~~I i~~~~ NO ... ... ..•.................: J ' . ' YES 1<------------------------ ······H1··········. ·.................. • PI1l' ERROR NO, • I NTO MESSAGE • • 1 ·······Jl·········· . . · 1"...... ........ • WRI TE MESSAGE • • VIA FIOCSI • ······)(1········· ................. • RETURN • Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 257 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G10. IHCTRCH/IHCETRCH ····A3·· . ·····. NOTE: IHCETRCH IS CALLED BY IHCERRM. IHCTRCH (ENTRY POINT IHCERRM) IS CALLED BY LIBRARY ROUTINES DETECTING ERRORS. ·................ • • ·····B2··.· .. ,~... • SE:T SWITCH TO • • INDICATE ENTRY • • f'ROM ERROR MONITOR. IHCTRCHI IHCETRCH 1 B3 .. • t. •• •• YES •• EXTENDED •• ERR HANDLING •• •• PRESENT •• ··t .<--------•. ·......T....·.. • • • ···..CI......I ..• I... • IHCERRM C3 • t. •• •• PRE•• YES •• CEDING USE •• OF IHCTRCH •• DONE •• o. ---.0 '. * ... ' :->1. ·:.:;. .....·.. . D) .. •• SPECIFIED.· '.. • PRI NT NAME OF • .CALLING ROUTINE. NO •• ERROR •• NO •• CONDITION 217 •• --•• OR 218 •• '. 1 ······CII.••.•.•••• . ·.................. '.. • ..'YES 1.. . •• .: .. .TR~gE~r~CK.: .~~~ _____ '. '.. 1 '. (0 .. . .. >:. .·······1······· ........ ....... Fli .. •• .. ' TABLE '. •• SIZE •• NO •• EXCEEDED OR •• --•• LOOP •• •• FOUND. • i F5 .. •• . . . .• •• ·'G], •• •••••• RETURN TO ItsEXIT WITH ABORT CODE .0 '. .' .......... ..... .<-- • .... : •••• G~ ••••••••• : • ···.................. • • .. .-------------------,]f...j ...... · · ••• "J ······K3··········. ·.................. ! .... ··.... .. • CONVERT REG • • CONTENTS TO HEX. • 258 . "J'" ••••••••• . :~~~~~~~---------~~ ~~~~~~ j........ ....i ell • • j • • . .... .. • PRINT HEADER • • FOR TRACEBACK • • • TURN ERROR :MONITO~F~WlTCH : ·.····H5·.···.··· ............... : •••• Hl ••••••••• : PRINT ERROR ME:;SAGE NO ·.. ................ ................... .PHINT TEHMINA'IE. : MESSAGE: L>: .::.: -->.• i '. .' .. "s :::::: : •••• G4 ••••••••• : • 0.··--1 •• EXTENDED •• •• ERR HANDLlNG •• PRESENt •• "s • • • ~JH:i i1ai~T '. '. •••• Fle •••••••• .RETURN TO EXIT • : ADDRESS : .: .. • •••• E5 •••••••••• .". • POINT TO NEXT. • HIGHEST LEVEL .CALLING ROUTINE. .<-- RETURN fO CALLER • • Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 ··•........A2 ...--1 ••••• Al····.·.... ••••• A2 •••••••••• ·......·T....... · .................. Chart G11. IHCFDUMP ··...........--1 ······A"..·........ ··. ·. ·T......·.. .. .... • Ali DUMP • SET SWITCH ON • • FOR MONITOR • ·EXIT (EXITSW = • • X'FF'). ••• B1 •• •• •• YES •• IS TIns A •• ---.. DUMP CALL •• •• •• .. ' . .' .. • SET CARRIAGE • CONTROL FOR .EJECT (CHAR IS • C'l') r .. ··01·f' ....... . .•. ' .. ' .' ' ·................ • BRANCH TO IBCOM. • FOR MSG IHC90"I. PDUMP • •••• B2 •••••••••• .SET SWITCH OFF • • FOR MONITOR • EXIT • • (EXITSW=X' 00') • • SET SWITCH TO • -->.INDICATE 1/0 IN. : PROGRESS : ........1'....... ·..... Fl*·········. • OBTAIN ADDRESS • • • OF ARGUMENT LIST • • ·.................. I ·••• ·'Gi'··· ••••••. ·........["....... • SELECT SYSTEM • • Ol1l'PUT DEVICE • · . ·.................. 1 ······J1·········· . ·····Hl·········· •.INITIALIZATION MAKE •• • CALL TO FIOCS_ • ·......·T....·.. • SKIP A LINE VIA. • FIOCS_ • ·····K1·········· ·................. .. .... . l->. • SAVE START OF • • RECORD AND .COMPUTE END OF •• RECORD • ...... A2 • Bli ................... ·····C2··········• ··................... ·:·~;·:->I ..... ..... . ·····D2···· · . ·.................. 0 .' E2 ·1 .. .~ .RESET ARGUM~NT • • POINTER. '. •• . '. ' .. ' . .' YES •• ----- . ••• B5 •••••••••• .. . ..-. C~ I· 02 • : •••• 0] ••••••••• : .......... .......... ··...J..... •• .. *... .... .. l->..·........·. .SET FOIt END OF • --->. ARGUMENTS • r. . . ·. NO •• IS THIS A •• ---.. DUMP ENTRY •• • YF.S ...······ ····D~ IBEXIT • ............... • --- - ----- --- ---t • TEkMINATJ:: J03 • • J2 • •• •• ONLY ONE •• ARGUMENT *. . . ........ ··....c"........... ··•.................• GETARG • • •• .. ..1.. :.. INITIALIZE • • ARGUMENT SWITCHO<-- • ASSUME FIRST • LIMIT IS LOW , • • •• ARE •• YES .RESET I/O ENDED. •• ARGUMENTS •• -------->. SWITCH • •• EXHAUSTED. • • • •• : •••• E1 ••••••••• : • • DUMP DESIRED LOCATION(SI • <--------. Cl •• • • IS THIS •• NO •• A PDUMP •• <-- •• DURING AN 1/0 •• •• FIXUP •• I. • • • __ _ • ... ....... . ·E~· ·................ • -->. kETURN 10 CALLER • • ·1"" .. F2 •• • •••• F) •••••••••• •• BYTES •• • • NO •• TO BE •• YES • GET BYTES • --- ..... R~~~N •••• -------->:BETWEEN LIMITS : •• LIMIT.· • • ' ... ' ................ . ·······G2···· ........ ·. . ·. T....·.. • RESET FOR • SECOND LIMIT • .<---------------- .. · H2 •• •• ••• H3 •• •••••••• .' *. • • •• IS FORMAT •• NO .SET UP FOR HEX • •• CODE LEGAL •• -------->. FORMAT '. '. ' .. ' .' .' i,:::---------------------1 ·.. ----------> J2 ................... •• .. . • •••• J3 •••••• • ••• .' '. • • YES • ALLOW FOR COMPLEX •• -------->.IMAGINARY PART '. .' •• •• . • • '......K2.......... '.i: :-------------:.....: :1t:3...].······· . . .: • GET BUFFER. .rcvzo • • POSITION AND • .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. • ADDRESS OF .-------->. HEXADECIMAL • • CONVERSION • • CURRENT DUMP • • LOCATION·· • ................. ................ . ... . . . l ...... ->. All • Appendix F: object-Time Library Subprograms 258.1 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G12. IHCFEXIT ······A3········· ................. • EXIT • ······B3...1·.·····. • GET ADDR OF • ·.................. • • IHCFCOMIV IBCECOMH 1 .···C3········· • • ·................ • • 258.2 BRANCH TO IBEXIT • • Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G13. IHCFSLIT ·· •• •• 11.3 ••••••••• • .. . ·..·1··.... SLITE ·• .· • .• . ·····B3 •••••••••• .... • •• ••• c2.... •••••• .-.-.-.-.-e-.-*-..<--------.. • • CONVERT BAD • OATA FOR ERROR. • MSG· ................. 1 ,..-------------------------.....02.......... IF EXTENDED ERROR HANDLING I IS NOT PRESENT, I IHCERRM ENDS • I HCERRM I ! :-~R~;;~-~~S~G~-: • IHC2l61. YES.' 1\ C3 •• • • •• E2 • ' .. ' -_::~.:. • I. •• . • • •• .... .' •• •• .. • C3 • •••• I"' .:. •• • ••• . ' . •• •" . '. .... .... t::::::::---------------~t:' •• I LT 0 E3 NO •• USER FIXED •• UP DATA •• .<--------.. '. 03 .. •• •• •••• • GI VE A STANDARD. FIX-UP r '. •• • • •••• j ••••• El.......... I GT " •• : ••••••••••••••• : l ___ ~~____ • • • ;:;;:;::j......... .... ... :.!~:.: ·FCVIO GET I • •••• E" •••••••••• .... .' "1·' ~o 1=0 0 ~ ... •• • . t. ······1· ....... . •• YES -------->$ GET NUMBER OF • SENSE LIGHTS • ..... F].......... ..... Fit ....•••..• ..... ....... ..... ................. • TURN ON SENSE • • • • LIGHT. - .TURN ALL LIGHTS. • CORRESPONDING • • OFF • • TO THE VALUE O F . . • • I • • • l_ --------------------- --,1 ··................. • • •••• G'- •••••••••• ·................ ····G2·· ••• •••• SLITET • · 1 . ·.................. • H3 ··.·.H2 ••••• ••• •• • GET I AND THE • • AnOR OF J • 1 .....<----.. .' ·.. '. ·....." ' . .... .' .. ' J2 • • c2 • YES.· ' •• . ' YES ---., •• •• I GT " X2 r ·.. . •• --> •. '. ' .. ' • • •••• H" •••••••••• •• IS •• • ,.SENSE LIGHT., N O . CORRESPONOING •• ·.TOION,· • -------->. '1;" • • • • . . . . 1"....... . .' SET J=2 .....J"......•.... ·.....J3........... . .-------->. ·.................. .. .........1'......... • SET J=l • .TURN OFr SENSE • LIGHT • •• I LE 0 '. '. •• ... RETURN • ••• 1(" ••••••••• " ., NO •• ----.' .' • • • Appendix F: ...............•• RETURN • object-Time Library subprograms 258.3 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G14. IHCFOVER ······A)·········.. ·. ·. T...... • . ...................... SET J=2 • .. . .83.... . <--------.. .. .. .... .. ... .. .. s ... . ... 82... .. ..<--------.. .... ····.81·····~···. • OVERFL NO.. •• UNDERFLOW •• NO.. r .. .. OVERFLOW •• •• l~ .•..• C2.......... . .... C) ......... .. · .. ·· .. SET J - ) . • SET J:l ... • ········1......·.. :::::]:::::::: · . ---.. --------------------.------------------>. ·.. ..... ...... .... • TURN OVERFLOW/ • UNDERFLOW • • INDICATOR OFF • I . ······E)········· ................ • 258.4 RETURN • Order No. GY28-6638-1, page r~vised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 chart G15. IHCFDVCH ··.·A3··....... ··.......1"....... 83... .. • ·.·.·82.......... ...................:<--------•. • • : • • DVCHK YES •• SET J=l • •• DIVIDE •• CHECK •• ... ... . . l~f~~t~f) O~., • r ·······Cl··········.. ......·T·...... • SET J=2 • ······03... ·.····.. ·.................. • TURN DIVIDE • ---------------->.CHECK INDICATOR. • OFF (X'OO) • j ·····E3.......... ·................ • RETURN • Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 258.5 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G16. IHCDBUG (Part 1 of 4) ······1'.3•••••••••.. • . . ·. r. . . DEBUG. o· 83 .'. .' ' . SELECT .. I. • '.'. " OPTION.' . ' .. ' .' .' 1 ----------oHiOii----------aouTim:--wcATioN TRicE-------------------- TRACE--- GF01F1 SUBTRACi-ON-------------- sUBTaiN- --GFoiF2 5UBTRACZ-OFF------------- SUBTiEi- --GFoiFl ------------------------UNIT UNIT INITSCLR -------------------------------INIT ARRAY ELEMENT INITARIT --G'FOiFS INITARAY --GF02Ai --(;F02A3 iNIT-viiIABLE-----------iifiT-ARiAi-FUi:i:---------SUBCH.K TRAci-oN----------------- TRACE Fl " . .' " NO ',TRACEFUt.G OFF, .--- '. '. . ' .. m ' .' -----_ ... _----------------DISPLAY DISPLAY GF02AS BEGIN 1/0 STARTIO --GF01Ai FINISH 1/0 ENOIO • AND NAME OF • PROGRAM INTO • DBUFFER ·................. .... . '011 • 1 : ...... ..... .... RETURN : ······81··········. ··................... · 1 . • MOVE 'TRACE' • INTO D8UFFER • .<-- ·····Jl····~····· ·----OUTINT-----· • CONVERT LABEL • • TO EBCD1C • ·................. . .... l ...... -02 • ->. 258.6 • • • l->:....B'.' ·····Gl········· . All • GF02AII --GF020ii TRACEOFF :~~~~F~;~;~;;.~~ ~: It. GF02A1 TRACE OFF SUBTREN ,', .' SUBCUK TRACEON GF01FII ······Fl··········. ·................ .. ... . l ...... SUBTREX 'MOVE 'SUBTRACE" • RETURN" INTO • • DBUFFER • ->.'011811 • • GF03A2 · . · .. ·................. UNIT ·····FII.···.·.··· . • PLACE UNIT • 'NUMBER IN DSRN • ··· ..·..................- INITSCLR .·~··FS.·······.· 'SAVE DATA TYPE • 1 · . ··................. • . ....·T....·.• 1 ····GII •• ••••••• • RETURN • • ••• 'GS-- •••• 0 • • • • • • COMPUTE LOCATION OF VARIABLE • • • .•····us.··········• .•............... .... .• .----OUTNAME----· 'PLACE VARIABLE' • NAME I N BUFFER • l->....... .02 • 1'.1 • Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G16. IHCDBUG (Part 2 of 4) .... ·......--1 .....• • ······Al···.·· • ·.... ·..T......·.• ·02 • INITARIT .SAVE DATA TYPE • ····"'·81········ ... ·.................. • COMPUTE • • LOCATION OF • • ARRAY ELEMENT • 1 ·····C1·········· ·................. ·----OUTNAME----· • PLACE NAME OF • • ARRAY IN • DBUFFER • • 1 ·····01·······.·. · . ................ . •••• • COMPUTE ELEMENT. • NUMBER AND MOVE. : TO OBUFFER : t .. .... .--1 .······A4 .... .........• ·• .• ·........1"....... +02 • • All • Ai INITARAY A2 ,.. ' ., ,., ., ,. t. . , YES IOFLAG ON '. +. .' .' r ,.--- .·····B2·········· -.-.-.-.-.- .-.-. ·.................. ·INITARIT -->. • • PROCESS ARRAY • ELEMl::NT • NO . ' 1 . ,·0 . C2 ., '. ' . o. .' ---., END OF ARRAY '. ·0 ' .. ' ······A3···........ SUBCRK ., o. ·........1'........ • COMPUTE • • LOCATION OF • • ARRAY ELEMENT • , ., B3 ., , • ELEMENT· , ,.LOCATION LE •• NO •, MAX ARRAY •• --• , LOCATION.· .. ' .. ' .. : ............... RETURN : ·04 • ->. B1 • .. ··'E2+········· • TURN IOFLAG OFF. • AND INSERT • • AODRES!; OF .<-• ARGUMENT LIST • ·................ . •••• t->: .. .. ·04 • B4 •• .SET TRACE FLAG. • ON • •····Sll ••••...•• • • ...............• • RETURN • l'" . ··.····C3········· ............... • RETURN ·.................. • MOVE' SUBCHK' • INTO DBUFFEk • .<-- · 1 . ·................. j ..... F)'········· · . ··.................. .COMPUT" ELEMENT. • NUM!;Ek • · 1 . ··········l··;~~::·. AS ••• .0 •• IOFLAG ON *. .' r .0 .' o. ·····SS·········· • CONSTRUCT • • NAMELIST • • CALLING • : SEQUENCE : ........1"...... .. ·...... ·T. ·. .. .GET UNIT NUMBER. • FOR OUTPUT • ·.... ·0"··········. oTURN TRACE FLAG. •o OFF •• ·.................. ••••• EJ" •••••••• • - - - -OUTNAME- - - -. • PLAc!:. AkRAY • .NAM!:. IN DI;UFFER. ---., •* .. .... YES •• ·····CS·········· THACEOFF : • • • • D) • • • • • • • • • : DISPLAY ·· • r~ •••• +D2····· ••••• TRACEON o : 1 .... E"········· • ••• 'D5' ••••••••• o ---NAMELIST----. : OUTPUT • 0 o 0 : ............... tlETlIRN · . .·................ ... 1 ... ·E~······ ............... tlETURN 0 : .... .·............... . ... . l ...... ·F~·········· • MOVE MESSAGE • . ' DISPLAY DURlllGt -->0110 SKIPPED' Tv. • D8UFFER • ·011 • BII • ->. • • • • • <..;) • • • • • • • • • • • - - - -CUTI NT- - - - -. • CONVEHT LABEL • • TO J:;BCDIC • .... ->: B4 •• Appendix F: Object-Time Library Subprograms 258.7 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 Chart G16. IHCDBUG (Part 3 of 4) ······Al··········.. STARTIO .................. SET CURRENT AREA FULL • • I v : •••• 81 ••••••••• : • SET IOFLAG TO • • INDICATE I/O IN. ,. PROGRESS • ·.................. I ·····el·········· .SET CURBYTLC TO. o ADDRESS OF • • LOCATION OF • • FIRST MAIN • ..... ........ ... . • BLOCK • • SAVE IOFLAG INFORMATION I ....... ....... . : • • ······B2...1·......· ·........... ..... • SET IOF :,AG TO • • ENABLE FUTURE • • DEBUG C.\LLS • " "' 1 . ". C2 •• • •••• Cl •••••••••• •••• ·----OUTPUT---- • • "ENOllGH MAIN •• NO • WRITE MESSAGE • •• STORAGE TO • *--------)" 'SOME DEBUG • ". SAVE INFO.. .OUTPUT MISSING'. . '. ' .. ' . • ·····01········· . RETURN ·· .................. .. • i~FORMATI~N •• NO •• IN OLD IOFLAG •• ' ... ' . ••••• 03 •••••••••• RETURN .. • ::::>i '" :•... E2···· ..... : .--- FREECHAR-- - -. EXTRACT • : CIIARACTER : -->. ................. 1 F2···.. • •••• Fl ••••••• • •• ..... · . '. '.. . ..' '. ..' ( .•. .. ' G2 ..... : ' ••• Gl •••••••• ': •• •• NO .HOVE CHARACTER 0 •• END OF LINE. >.-------->0 TO OI:lUFFER '. .. .. .... ..' • YES 0 •• 1 .... ·H2·········'" ·................. 1 • " ••••• J2 ••••••••• 0 o ---.UPDATE POINTER • 0 °0 ................. • • 258.8 .................... l->:.· .... 0 E2 : • >.>" ·----OUTPUT---.WRITE OUT LINE" o ····F. ········· . . ................. .. ............... .. . • .FULL ARRAY o. YES .HOVE FULL A R R A Y . . •• OUTPUT . 0 ________ >0 TO DBUFFER .--------)0 0 0 RETuRN • • Order No. GY28-6638-1, Chart GJ.6. IHCDBUG (Part 4 of 4) .... ·......--1 · . .•................• j .•. .... ··....B1..--1 ······B1·······.·.. ·011 • ·04 • • B4 OUTITEM OUTBUFFR ·····B4 •••••••••• ··......T· . · .. • MOVE EQUAL SIGN. • INTO DBUFFER • • SAVE RETURN • .POINT AND BASE • REGISTER • • ·····Cl···· ...... .' • PREVENT • • ALIGNMENT • • ERRORS FOR • ·INTEGER/LOGICAL· ·....·.. T....·... ... •• '. . .•. 01 •• .... (. DATA TYPE .' I. 04 '. '. BRANCH TO I ······E3··········. ·..... ···1········. ··.... . ..... ·----OUTINT---- • • CONVEI . PRINT A LINE • 1 ······G4.········. . ·.................. .RESTORE RETURN • .POINT AND BASE • REGISTER • .<-- ·---ALLOCHM----· • PUT CHARACTER • • IN SAVE AHEA • GS •• .' t. •• •• NO •• END OF LINE •• -~- '. '. . ..' r ' .. ' ······H!)··········. ··................ BII • • SET CHARACTER • .1'0 INDICATE END. • OF LINE • I ····.JS·········· ·.................. ·---ALLOCHAR----· • PUT NEXT IN <________________ •• CHARACTER -->:UPDATE POINTER: o 0 o . 1'" .... ",r~ . ····Eij········· . · .. . • : • • RETURN TO I B C O M . . • • GET CHARACTER • • FOR ERROR MSG • I 1... ·1. . . · YES •• •• -----.. IOFLAG FULL •• ' : •••• Jl ••••••••• : 0000 • • • • ..<-- • •••• CS •••••••••• • ................ . o . ...... .... LOGICAL---jOUTLOG-- -j GF04Fi---- YES. "r '. NO •• I/O DURING •• --_.. 1/0 FIXUP •• OUTFIXED Gl •• o •• I C4 •• •• YES • SET IOFLAG TO • •• IOFLAG ON •• -------_>.INDICATE DEBUG •• •• • OUTPUT • '. '. DATA TYPE - page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GY28-6847 • 0 •• 0 • SAVE AREA • 0 ··... ..... .... ..... : •• "1<.4' •••••••• • Appendix F: RETURN • Object-Time Library Subprograms 25.8.9 GLOSSARY active character: A significant character in the interpretation of a source statement. Always non-blank except during parsing of literal or IBM card code information. ADDR: contains the address portion of current POP instruction. the ADDRESS (field): A 2-byte item that is part of the pointer (indicating an address on a roll) and a driver (indicating the forcing strength of an operation). ANSWER BOX: An item used to hold a true or false answer for those POP instructions which use or return an answer in their execution. BASE: A status variable maintained for each roll used by the compiler which contains the beginning address of that roll minus 4. Base Table: A list of absolute addresses from which the object module loads a general register prior to accessing data. BOTTOM: A status variable maintained for each roll which holds the address of the last word on the roll containing information. Branch Table: A list address of each branch statement function used module. containing the target label and in the source branch target label: A label which is the target of a branch instruction or statement. central Items: and DATA 0-5. control driver: A driver in Polish notation to indicate types of statements and other control functions. CRRNT CHAR: Contains the character (from the input statement) that is currently being inspected. CRRNT CHAR CNT: Contains the column number of the contents of CRRNT CHAR; also called the 'scan arrow'. DATA 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Halfword variables (except DATA 5, which is two words long) used to hold constants used in the source module and other data. error listing: The display of messages indicating error conditions detected in the processing of the source module. EXIT roll: A special roll used by the compiler for maintaining exit addresses from compiler routines when a POP subroutine jump instruction is executed. EXTADR: Contains the address of rent "bottom" of the EXIT roll. the cur- forcing strength: A value contained in the driver which indicates the order of the indicated operation (e.g., multiplication and division operations precede addition and subtraction). global dummy variable: A dummy argument to a SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION subprogram. global label: A label used to define a program block. These labels may be referred to from any point in the program. Another name for SYMBOL 1-3 compiler phase: A program consisting of several routines written 1n machine language and/or POP language; each phase performs a well-defined function in the transformation of the source module to the object module. compiler routines: The routines that comprise each phase of the compiler and which may be written in machine language and/or POP language. CONSTR: contains the beginning address of the data referred to by the compiler routines. group: The logical collection of information maintained on rolls; an entry on a roll. group size: The number of bytes of in format:ion constituting the group on a roll. Group Stats: Information maintained for each roll used by the compiler; pertains to comparative search operations. heading: Initializing instructions required prior to the execution of the body of the object module. IEYALL: The system name for the compiler phase Allocate. Glossary 259 IEYEXT: The system name for phase Exit. the compiler OPERATOR (field): A 1-byte item that is part of the pointer and driver indicating the roll used (pointer) or type of operation to be performed (driver). IEYFORT: The system name for the compiler Invocation phase. IEYGEN: The system name for phase -Gen. IEYPAR: The phase Parse. the compiler system name for the compiler IEYROL: The system name for that area of the compiler which holds the WORK and EXIT rolls and the roll controls and group stats. IEYUNF: The phase Unify. system name for the compiler indirect addressing: A method of obtaining information held at one location by referring to another location which contains the address of the value in question. INDIRECT BOX: Used to contain the address needed in the indirect addressing operation performed by the POP instructions. INSTR: contains the "operation code" tion of the current POP instruction. item: Synonymous with variable. jump: Synonymous with branch. A dummy argument address of plex: A variable lengtn group on a roll; the first word holds the number of words exclusive of itself. pointer: This item is one element of Polish notation used to indicate references to variables or constants; indicates location of additional information on a roll. Polish notation: An intermediate language into which the source module is translated during processing and generation of the object module. POPADR: Holds the address of the instruction presently being executed. POP POP instruction: A component part of the POP language defined as a macro. POP interpreter: A program written in machine language for the purpose of executing the POP subroutines; labeled POP SETUP. LAST CHAR CNT: This item contains the colUmn number of the last active character, i.e., the active character preceding the one currently being inspected. locaLg!!~yariable: PGB2: Contains the beginning the global jump table. por- keep: Indicates the moving of information contained on a roll to another storage location and retaining the original information on the roll. a statement function. optimization: The reduction and reorganization of object code for the increased efficiency of the object module. to POP jump table: A table used by the POP interpreter in transferring control to the POP subroutines. Holds addresses of these routines. POPPGB: Contains the beginning address of the machine language code for the POP instructions and the POP jump table. POPs, POP language: A macro language which most of the compiler is written. in local label: A label defined within a program block which may be referred to only within that block. POP subroutines: The subroutines used by the POP interpreter to perform the operations of each POP instruction. MPAC 1, MPAC 2: Two fullword items used by the compiler in double-precision arithmetic operations. program text: The object code produced for the object module. NAMELIST Table: A table which holds the name, address, etc., for each variable listed in a single NAMELIST list in the source module. operation d~iver: A 1-word variable which is an element of Polish notation and indicates arithmetic and logical operations designated in source module statements. 260 prune, pruni!!9:: A method of removing information from a roll, thereby making it inaccessible in subsequent operations. quote: A sequence of characters preceded by a character count; used for comparisons with the input data. QUOTE BASE: The initial first quote (Parse). address of the A method of call and recall employed by the routines and subroutines of the compiler whereby routine X may call routine Y which, in turn, calls routine X. ~~sion: scan arrow: An item which refers to the position of the source statement character currently being scanned. source module listing: The display of the statements constituting the source module. releasing rolls: The method of making information reserved on a roll available for use by the compiler. reserve_mark: The i-word value placed on a roll as a result of a reserve operation. reserving rolls: A method of roll manipulation whereby information contained on a roll remains unaltered regardless of other operations involving the roll. RETURN: Contains the return addresses the POP subroutines. for roll: A type of table used by the compiler whose location and size are changed dynamically. ROLLBR: Contains the beginning address the base table. assigned to each for the purpose of roll status items: Those variables maintained for each roll which contain the statistics needed in roll manipulation. area of the compiler in main storage that is allocated to the rolls. roll_storaq~area: rung: roll. A word of stora~map: The logical organization of a program or module and its components as they are maintained in main storage. (This map may also be displayed on an output device.) SYMBOL 1,2,3: Halfword variables used to hold variable names used in the source module and other data. TAG the the ing (field): A i-byte item that is par,t of pointer (indicating mode and size of object pointed to) and driver (indicatmode of operation). of roll control: A term applied collectively to those items used in roll maintenance and manipulation. roll number: A number roll in the compiler internal reference. storage allocation: The assignment of main storage to variables used in the source module. An temporary stor~~: An area of main storage used by the compiler to temporarily maintain information for subsequent use. terminal errors: Errors internal to the compiler causing termination of compilation of the source module. TOP: A status variable maintained for each roll which indicates the new BASE of the roll when reserved information is contained on the roll. traits: The TAG field (uppermost byte) a-word on a roll. of translation: The conversion from one type of language to another. a multiword group on a RUNTIME operations: Several routines which support object code produced by the compiler. WORK roll: A special roll used by the compiler for maintaining values temporarily during processing. Save Area: An area of the object module used in linking to and from subprograms. WRKADR: The address maintained for the WORK roll that indicates the last word into which information has been stored; the "bottom" of the roll. scalar ab1es. WO,Wl,W2, •••• : Acronyms used to refer to the last groups of the WORK roll. variables: Nonsubscripted vari- Glossary 261 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GN28-6847 (Where more than one page reference is given, the major reference appears first.) active characters definition 259 description 26 ACTIVE END STA XLATE routine 14,39 activestatements 36,39 ADCON roll 57,145 ADDR register definition 259 description 29 address computation instructions 134,135 cross-reference list 139 address constants 17,20,52,56,57 ADDRESS field definition 258 description 29-30 addressing indirect 136,259 relative 29,138 ADR CONST roll description 159 in Exit 56 in Unify 52 AFTER POLISH roll description 23,161 in Gen 53,54 in Parse 37-40,42 Allocate label lists 193-196 Allocate phase (IEYALL) cards produced 51 definition 258 detailed descrip~ion 44-51 general description 12 location in storage 17 rolls used by 44 subprogram list 51 allocation of main storage 28 ALTER OPTION TABLE routine 232 ALLOCATION FAIL routine 42 ALPHA LBL AND L SPROG routine 14,45 ALPHA SCALAR ARRAY AND SPROG routine 14,45 ANSWER BOX variable definition 258 description 26 in Parse 38 AREA CODE variable 45,55,51,146 arithmetic and logical instructions 130,131,139 arr;a,y description 18 dwruny 41,48 in Allocate 48,49 listing of 21 position in object module 11 roll 26,47,146 ARRAY ALLOCATE routine 14,45,41 ARRAY DIMENSION roll 150 ARRAY PLEX roll 158 ARRAY REF roll 52,159 ARRAY REF ROLL ALLOTMENT 14,52 ARAY REF ROLL ALLOTMENT routine ARRAY roll assigning storage for 47 description 146 group stats for 25 artificial drivers 40 ASSIGNMENT STA GEN routine 54 AT roll 54,159 52 base addresses 28 BASE AND BRANCH TABLE ALLOC routine 14,45,41 BASE, BOTTOM, and TOP tables 23,28 base table assigning storage for 41 definition 259 description 17 position in object module 11 use in Allocate 48 use in Exit 51 BASE TABLE roll description 146 in Allocate 45-48 in Exit 56 BASE variable 23 definition 259 BCD roll 45 BLOCK DATA PROG ALLOCATION routine 14,46 BLOCK DATA subprogram allocation for 46 Parse processing of 39 BOTTOM variable 23 definition 259 branch table assigning storage for 47 description 18 position in object module 17 use in Allocate 47 use in Exit 56 BRANCH TABLE roll description 150 in Allocate 47 in Exit 56 branch target label 12,18 BUILD ADDITIONAL BASES routine 14,45,49 BUILD NAMELIST TABLE routine 14,45,48 BUILD PROGRAM ESD routine 14,45,46 BYTE SCALAR roll 47,151 Index 263 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GN28-6847 CALCULATE BASE AND DISP routine 14,45 CALL LBL roll 149 central items DATA 24,192,259 definition 259 description 24 SYMBOL 24,191,259 CGOTO STA XLATE routine 38 character scanning 26-27 code producing instructions 134 CODE roll description 160 in Exit 56 in Gen 53,54 location 22 CUMMUN ALLOCATION AND OUTPUT routine 14,45,47 COMMON ALLOCATION roll 41,156 COMMON AREA roll 155 COMMON data 12 COMMON DATA roll 152 COMMON DATA TEMP roll 155 COMMON NAME roll 152 COMMON NAME TEMP roll 156 COMMON statements allocation for 45 COMMON variables allocation of storage for 45 listing of 21 compiler arrangement 28-29 assembly and operation of 136 code produced by 175-183 data structures 22 design of 9 flags used 21 general register usage 28 initialization of 33 limitations of 9, machine configuration for 9 messages 21 organization of 10,14 output from 16 purpose of 9 receiving control 33 relationship to system 19 rolls used in 140-162 storage configuration 15 termination of 33,35 COMPLEX CONST roll 143 CONSTR register definition 259 description 28 control block area (CTLBLK) 221 control driver definition 259 description 31 formats of 185-211 CONVERT TO ADR CONST routine 14,52 CONVERT TO INST FORMAT routine 14,52 CRRNT CHAR CNT variable definition 259 description 26 in Parse 38 CRRNT CHAR variable definition 259 description 26 in Parse 38 264 data items 24,192,259 DATA SAVE roll 145 data sets SYSIN 15,33 SYSLIN 15,33 SYSPRINT 15,33 SYSPUNCH 15,33 DATA statements allocation for 45 DATA VAR roll 56,154 DDNAMES routine 35 DEBUG ALLOCATE routine 14,45,49 decision making instructions 131,132 DECK option 51 DIMENSION statement allocation for 46 variables specified on 29 DISPLAY statement NAMELIST table for 18,19 DMY DIMENSION roll 14,46,147 DO loops in Allocate 46 in Parse 39 in Gen 55 in Unify 12,51,52,53 DO LOOPS OPEN roll description 144 in Allocation 46 in Parse 39 DO LOOP UNIFY routine 53 DO NEST UNIFY 14,53 DO STA XLATE routine 38 DP COMPLEX CONST roll 143 DP CONST roll description 143 general 25 drivers ADDRESS field 30 a.rtificial 40 control 31,185-211,259 definition of 30 EOE 40,41 formats of 185-211 operation 30,260 OPERATOR field 30 plus and below phony 40,41 TAG field 30 dummy array 46,41 dummy dimension 46 END card 13 omission of 39 produced by Exit 51 END STA GEN routine 54,55 ENTRY CODE GEN routine 14,53,54 ENTRY NAME ALLOCATION routine 14,45,46 ENTRY NAMES roll 54,141 ENTRY roll 46 EOE driver 40,41 EPILOGUE GEN routine 14,53,54 ~pilogues 12,53,54 EQUIV ALLOCATION PRINT ERRORS routine 14,45,41 EQUIV MAP routine 14,45,48 EQUIVALENCE (EQUIV) ALLOCATION roll Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GN28-6847 47,48,156 EQUIVALENCE (EQUIV) HOLD roll 145 EQUIVALENCE (EQUIV) roll 46,47,151 EQUIVALENCE (EQUIV) TEMP roll 145 EQUIVALENCE OFFSET roll 45,152 EQUIVALENCE statements 12,45 EQUIVALENCE variables allocation of storage for 45 description 18 listing of 21 map of 48 position in object module 17 EREXITPR routine 34 ERROR CHAR roll 144 ERROR LBL roll 148 ERROR MESSAGE roll 144 error messages 21 error recording 42 ERROR roll 42,148 errors detection of 42 recording of 21,42 ERROR SYMBOL roll 149 ERROR TEMP roll 144 ESD cards general 12 produced by allocate 44,1.0,51 Exit label list 208-211 EXIT PASS routine 14,55 Exit phase (IEYEXT) definition 259 detailed description 55-58 general description 13 location in storage 15 rolls used by 55 exit roll definition 259 description 24,161 general 10 in IEYROL 53 in Parse 38 location in storage 15 EXPLICIT roll 149 EXTADR register definition 259 description 29 extended error handling facility 232,212 FL AC roll 153 FL CONST roll 143 flags 27 forcing strength definition 259 description 30,31 in Parse 40 table 31 FORMAT ALLOCATION routine 14,45,48 FORMAT roll 48,157 FORMAT statements description 20 in Allocate 12,44,48 'listing of 21 position in object module 17 FORTRAN error routine (IHCIBERH) 42,228 FULL WORD SCALAR roll 47,155 FUNCTION subprogram 46,49 FX AC roll 151 FX CONST roll 143 Gen label list 198-208 Gen phase (IEYGEN) definition 259 detailed description 53-55 general description 12 location in storage 15 rolls used by 53 GEN PROCESS routine 14,53 GENERAL ALLOCATION roll 160 general register usage used by compiler 28-29 used by Object module 20 GET POLISH routine 14,53,54 global area 136 GLOBAL DMY roll 47,49,148 global jump table 28,137,138 global jumps 137,138 global label 136,131,259 GLOBAL SPROG ALLOCATE routine 14,45,48 GLOBAL SPROG roll description 142 general 42 in Allocate 48 in Exit 56 GO TO STA GEN routine 55 GO TO statements, processing of 54,55 group definition 259 description 24,25 group stats definition 25,259 description 26 location in storage 15 sizes 25 group stats table 26 HALF WORD SCALAR roll 47,152 heading position in object module 17 HEADOPT routine 35 HEX CONST roll 154 IBEXIT routine 239 IBFINT routine 215 IEYALL (see Allocate phase) IEYEXT (see Exit phase) IEYFINAL routine 35 IEYFORT (see Invocation phase) IEYGEN (see Gen phase) IEYJUN subroutine 138 IEYMOR routine 34 Index 265 Order NOd GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GN28-6847 IEYPAR (see Parse phase) IEYPCH routine 34 IEYPRNT routine 33 IEYREAD routine 34 IEYRETN routine 35 IEYROL (see roll module) IEYUNF (see Unify phase) IF statement 37,38,39 IHCADJST 229-230,249 IHCDBUG 236-239,258.6 IHCDIOSE 224-226,245 IHCECOMH (see IHCFCOMHlIHCECOMH) IHCEDIOS 224-226,245 IHCEFIOS 218-224,244 IHCEFNTH 229-230,248 IHCERRM 233,253 IHCETRCH 233,258 IHCFCOMH/IHCECOMH flowchart 243 initialization operations 215 input/output operations 218-226,227-228 termination operations 239 transfer and subroutine table 242.3 IHCFCVTH 234 IHCFDUMP 235-236,258.1 IHCFDVCH 234,258.5 IHCFEXIT 235,258.2 IHCFINTH 229~230,248 'IHCFIOSH 218-224,244 IHCFOPT 232-233,255 IHCFOVER 235,258.4 IHCFSLIT 235,258.3 IHCIBERH 228-229,250 IHCNAMEL 226-227,247 IHCSTAE 231,251 IHCTRCH 230-231,258 IHCUATBL 239 IHCUOPT 242.1-242.3 IMPLICIT roll 153 indirect addressing 135,260 indirect addressing instruction 135 IND VAR roll description 141 in parse 37 INIT roll 49,145 Invocation phase (IEYFORT) definition 260 detailed description 33-36 general description 12 location in storage 15 jump instructions 132,133 keep definition 260 general 23 label lists Allocate 266 193-196 Exit 208-211 Gen 198-208 Parse 185-193 Unify 196-198 labeled statement references 12 labels branch target 12,18 detailed description 135,136 global 135,136 local 135,136 mode 17,54 LAST CHAR CNT variable definition 259 description 26 in Parse 38 LAST SOURCE CHAR variable 38 LBL FIELD XLATE routine 14,37,38 LBL process routine 14,53,54 LBL roll 45,46,54,153 LEVEL ONE UNIFY routine 53 LIB roll 140 LITERAL CONST ALLOCATION routine 14,45,47 literal constants description 20 in Allocate 12,44,45 position in object module 17 LITERAL CONST roll 143 LITERAL TEMP (TEMP LITERAL) roll 155 LOAD and DECK options 33 LOCAL DMY roll 148 local label 136,137,259 LOCAL SPROG roll 45,46,149 LOGICAL IF STA XLATE routine 38 LOOP CONTROL roll 52,156 LOOP DATA roll description 157 in Parse 38 in Unify 53 LOOP SCRIPT roll 142 made labels 17,54 map of scalars 47 storage 21,44,50,260 MAP option 51 messages description 27 location in storage 15 printing of (IEYPRNT) 33 produced by Allocate 48,49 produced by Invocation 35,36 produced by Parse 43,44 minimum system configuration 9 MOVE ZEROS TO T AND C routine 14 MPAC1 and MPAC2 variables definition 259 description 26 multiple precision arithmetic 26 NAMELIST ALLOCATION roll 48,49.1~5 NAMELIST ITEMS roll 149,150 Order No. GY28-6638-1, page revised 1/15/71 by TNL GN28-6847 NAMELIST MPY DATA roll 57,160 NAMELIST name roll 48 table for 19 NAMELIST NAMES roll 48,149 NAME LIST tables definition 259 description 19 in Allocate 12,44,47 in Exit 57 listing of 20;48 position in object module 20 NEST SCRIPT roll description 141 in Unify 53 NONSTD SCRIPT roll 141 object module configuration of 17 description of 17 general register usage 20 listing of 20,21,54,57 writing of 49 object-time library sUbprograms 212-258.10 operation driver def.inition 259 o~s"¢'ription 30 . of 185- 211 opjS:liA.;T·OR fie I d
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