General Instructions

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Logo based on work by Malte Uhl [CC-BY-SA-2.5 (http://creativecom], via Wikimedia Commons. Creation assis-
ted by Tuxpi Photo Editor and Irfanview.
General instructions
Submissions for this assignment will be graded automatically by the auto
grader “Graja” („Grader for java programs“). Graja works in three
1. First, Graja tries to compile your submission. If that fails, Graja won’t give hints about a
possibly wrong program behavior of your solution. You will receive a compiler error
message. Please take error and warning messages of the compiler seriously.
2. In the second phase Graja will look for the class and the methods, you should have
implemented according to the assignment’s instructions. If Graja cannot find classes
and/or methods, the grading will fail. Again, Graja will not give you any hints about
wrong program semantics. Usually you will receive a message stating that some class
or method cannot be found. Please name your classes, packages and methods exactly
as required by the assignment’s text.
3. When Graja has found the requested classes and methods, now the individual methods
are checked by Graja. You will receive partial points for different aspects of the solution.
Assignments will behave slightly differently. A specific “assignment grader” program
gives hints, where your submission does not behave as expected. E. g. you will receive
messages like “The method should return x when
called with parameters (y, z). Observed: w.”
For obvious reasons Graja cannot give you the detailed and competent feedback that a
human grader could provide. Sometimes Graja will behave very strict and will not reward any
points to your submission, simply because you missed a single dot or space in the program’s
output. But, in real world your customer might be as picky as well. So, consider the strictness
of Graja as a challenge that must be mastered by professionals as well.
Graja will restrict resources (memory, disc space, computation time) on the executing host,
where your program gets executed. Also your program will be granted limited permissions to
access sensitive resources like directories or network interfaces. When your program exceeds
any granted resources, Graja will give you feedback about that.

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