HT 377 Great Heart Seed Guide 2014
User Manual: HT-377
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HT-212 Real solid performer with the super balance of top end and stress tolerance. Very good standability, the ability to follow corn, good heat and drought tolerance, a “no holes” disease package, heavy test weights… does about everything well. The type of hybrid that becomes a favorite. HT-7261 HT-7261 is a great looking yielder! Not only that but it has the ability to handle the lighter colored clays and perform well on down towards the Delta. Its health is strong and its test weight heavy. Plus its standability is stout. Nice package all around! HT-7243 HT-7243 carries a huge area of adaptation with its rugged plant. Its agronomic package has consistently demonstrated top yield capabilities with excellent standability. It has excellent stress tolerance. Its flexible ear-type doesn’t need over-planting. A complete hybrid. HT-333 Simply performs; anywhere. Some would classify it as a “racehorse” because it wins a lot of plots. Some would call it a “workhorse” because it performs so well under stress. Not highly rated for corn-on-corn but may be your favorite there. A hybrid that may stand out as the best choice for anywhere on the farm. HT-389 This hybrid offers great performance consistency in a high yielding package. It also has superior silage applications. It has demonstrated strong yields across the board from light soils to dark. Ear flexibility in both length and girth. With its durability this hybrid can perform under a wide range of conditions. Plus it’s a very good choice for no-till. Seed products with the LibertyLink® (LL) trait are resistant to the herbicide glufosinate ammonium, an alternative to glyphosate in corn, and combine high-yielding genetics with the powerful, nonselective, postemergent weed control of Ignite® herbicide for optimum yield and excellent weed control. Bayer CropScience LP, 2 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Ignite, LibertyLink and the Water Droplet Design are registered trademarks of Bayer. Ignite is not registered in all states. For additional product information call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1866-992-2937) or visit our website at HT-6930 HT-6930 is a hybrid that can handle about anything, which is rare for a 109 day. It has incredible yield punch, and protects it with a comprehensive disease package. It has good drought tolerance and outstanding standability. All this adds up to a hybrid that is used for many purposes with great results. HT-7240 HT-7240 is not bullet proof for anything but is good at everything. It is an easy choice for top yields on productive ground, but also for tougher drought-prone soils. Some will plant it for an optional hybrid for grain or silage as the need dictates. Perfect for variable soils. Perhaps the best go-anywhere performance hybrid. HT-7238 Here is an opportunity to get some gmo help for drought and maintain high yield potential if weather permits. This big plant keeps the ear up on light soil and has the root and stalk strength to give season-long standability. The ear flexes enough to allow multiple planting population options. HT-7778 HT-7778 is a big hybrid that works from the Midwest through the Delta and from coast to coast. It is a top choice for both grain and silage production. A profitbuilding hybrid for many soils and farming practices. HT-5917 Likely the most versatile hybrid in the entire lineup. Whether used as a high yielding grain hybrid, a big tonnage silage number, or even a super early hybrid in the south that avoids heat, expect top performance. A great consideration for continuous corn as well. HT-6007 HT-6007 makes a beautiful hybrid for grain and silage producers alike. The large plant with good staygreen and grain quality allows for a variety of uses. Out of the ground quick and on to making yield. HT-224 HT-224 is best used as a hybrid to push for high yields. It has strong enough roots and stalks to perform under high populations, but it needs the water and fertility to do it. It also carries the needed disease tolerance to work in that environment. HT-6341 HT-6341 is a true dual-purpose hybrid with tremendous top end yield punch. Its agronomic package makes it very versatile across many fertilities and populations. Even under stress this number is an obvious choice. HT-6881 A tough early hybrid that was developed in high yield environments but has shown its ability to handle stress. Certainly a good pick to plant first and harvest first, but it will stand late into the fall if it has to. Finally, a versatile early hybrid with a lot to offer. HT-950 Use this hybrid as a top yielder, but understand it has some solid agronomics at the same time. With its good dry down and high performance it’s tempting to label HT-950 as a race horse, but it’s consistency and fall appearance will correct that opinion. HT-7001 HT-7001 is such an easy hybrid to work with that offers top production. Whether you need some ruggedness for tough conditions, strong standability for potentially wet harvest soils, or top end punch for ideal conditions this hybrid is an obvious choice. And let’s face it, most fields have some combination of the conditions listed above. 5% non-B.t. corn 10% non-B.t. corn Included in the bag Included in the bag Included in the bag Included in the bag Included in the bag Included in the bag HT-7033 HT-7033 is a high yielder with very wide adaptability. Whether on high yielding soils or under heat and drought stress it is a good fit. It is dry enough to be the first corn you harvest but has the stalk and root strength to be the last hybrid standing on the farm. Superior versatility and performance. HT-120 Impressive yielder with tremendous adaptability. Good plant health, test weights, roots, stalks, drought tolerance, ear flex and emergence all describe HT120. A fantastic hybrid to build your corn selection around. HT-7150 This is the kind of hybrid that sets new yield records for the farm! So pick out those fields that have the potential, plant it thick enough, fertilize it, take a look at it during peak disease time and plan on a big harvest. HT-7255 HT-7255 works where many hybrids struggle. It will maintain standability under difficult conditions. Does have high yield capabilities. Plus it offers the benefit of extremely high test weights and the possibility of food grade premiums. HT-377 Pretty hybrid with outstanding grain quality. Very nice disease package that stands on an excellent root system. Consistently knocks out high yields on many soils. Tolerates cold soils at planting. Can even be used as a highly productive silage corn. HT-7741 A big southern yielder that also has silage applications. It’s full canopy lets you cover some droughty soils and wider rows. The disease package is complete for the area it fits, as well as the husk cover. But primarily HT-7741 is used to maximize grain and silage yields. HT-7745 The versatility of this high yielding, rugged hybrid is remarkable. It has enough health and yield punch to be the top performer under irrigation and enough plant size, canopy speed, and drought tolerance to be the best choice for dryland. In fact, this great standing hybrid is also a very good sileage choice. Conventional Trait Availability Chart HT-6930 HT-7238 HT-7778 HT-224 HT-7741 1. Roundup and Roundup Ready are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. 2. Genuity VT Double PRO is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. 3. Genuity Droughtgard Hybrids with VT Double PRO is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. 4. Genuity VT Triple PRO is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. 5. Genuity SmartStax is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. 6. Agrisure® and Agrisure Viptera® are trademarks of Syngenta Group Company. Return Policy: 50% of order may be returned or up to 100% of corn maybe exchanged for soybeans. All returns must be delivered to the plant. All returns must be made by June 15 when the warehouse is fumigated. Performance Charts HT-7243 112 2785 28-34M 8 7 8 7 8 7 Flex-Girth 8 8 MS M L-HP 6 7 HT-333 113 2860 26-32M 9 7 8 7 8 6 Flex-Girth 8 8 MS M L-HP 6 7 HT-389 113 2850 31-36M 7 7 7 6 9 7 Flex-Ear 8 9 M M L-HP 7 7 HT-212 112 2795 29-34M 7 7 8 7 8 7 Semi Determinate 8 7 MS M L-HP 8 8 HT-7261 112 2800 28-34M 6 7 8 7 8 7 Flex-Ear 8 8 M ML L-HP 9 7 HT-6930 109 2730 30-36M 7 7 8 7 9 7 Flex-Girth 9 6 M M L-HP 8 8 HT-7240 112 2790 28-36M 7 7 8 7 7 7 Semi-Flex 9 8 MT M L-HP 8 8 HT-7238 112 2800 29-34M 7 7 9 7 7 7 Semi Determinate 8 8 T H L-HP 6 8 HT-7778 117 2950 27-34M 7 8 8 8 8 4 Semi Determinate 8 7 T MH L-HP 7 9 HT-5917 99 2325 27-33M 8 8 8 8 7 8 Semi-Flex 7 8 MT M L-HP 8 9 HT-6007 100 2445 30-36M 8 8 7 7 7 8 Semi Determinate 9 6 T MH L-HP 8 6 HT-224 102 2460 29-33M 8 8 6 7 7 7 Semi Determinate 8 6 T ML M-HP 7 8 HT-6341 103 2475 29-34M 8 8 8 7 7 9 Flex-Ear 7 8 MT M L-HP 8 8 HT-6881 108 2690 30-36M 8 7 8 7 8 8 Determinate 9 7 M M L-HP 8 7 HT-950 109 2700 31-36M 7 7 7 7 6 8 Semi Determinate 9 6 M M M-HP 9 8 HT-7001 110 2735 32-36M 7 7 8 7 8 8 Semi Determinate 9 6 M M L-HP 8 8 HT-7033 110 2710 27-35M 8 9 8 7 8 9 Semi-Flex 8 8 MS M L-HP 7 8 HT-120 110 2750 28-34M 7 7 8 8 7 8 Semi-Flex 8 8 M M L-HP 8 7 HT-7150 111 2780 30-34M 7 7 7 7 7 7 Determinate 9 7 M M L-HP 7 6 HT-7255 112 2790 31-36M 7 7 7 6 9 7 Semi Determinate 9 6 M M L-HP 9 7 HT-377 113 2900 26-32M 8 9 8 8 7 6 Semi-Flex 6 9 T MH L-HP 9 8 HT-7741 117 2930 26-32M 7 7 7 7 6 7 Semi Determinate 7 8 T H L-HP 7 5 HT-7745 117 2950 25-33M 8 8 9 8 9 6 Flex-Ear 7 9 MT M L-HP 8 9 • Scale: 9=Best, 1=Poor • Plant Heights: T=Tall, MT=Medium Tall, M=Medium, MS=Medium Short, S=Short • Ear Heights: H=High, MH=Medium High, M=Medium, MS=Medium Low, L=Low • Preferred Soil Type: LP=Low Productivity, MP=Medium Productivity, HP=High Productivity *The ratings in this chart reflect the differences between our superior hybrids only. It is designed to help you place your Great Heart hybrids as accurately as possible. For ratings on our hybrids as compared to other companies please contact your representative. GHT-934: A variety that does all things well; especially yield. • A high yielder throughout all soft red winter wheat regions • Covers the bases on all major disease issues • Impressive winter hardiness • Very good choice for double-crop • Strong stalk strength • Consistently a top producer across varying soil types Recommended Population: 1,700,000/125# Recommended Nitrogen: Medium to very high (use split spring applications) Wheat GHT-914: GHT-940 Slam dunk variety! Top yields with a great defensive package. • The first ready to harvest • Medium-short height for no-till double-crop • Very good winter hardiness • Excellent standability • Heavy test weight • Siemer Milling approved Recommended Population: 1,700,000/125# Recommended Nitrogen: High to very high (use split spring applications) • Huge yield potential • Excellent standability • Excellent winter hardiness • Excellent test weights • Handles different soil types very well • Very good scab tolerance Very early double-crop wheat with complete agronomics. Recommended Population: 1.7 Million/125# Recommended Nitrogen: Medium to very high (use split spring applications) GHT-933 An all around impressive variety. GHT-955 A very versatile wheat with outstanding yield potential • Extremely high yield potential • Very versatile across a wide range of soils and populations • Very good winter hardiness • Very good double-crop choice • Excellent standability • Excellent tillering • Highest yield potential • Very good scab tolerance • Strong standability • Early enough to double crop • Handles wet feet better than most varieties • Large, non-bearded, flashy heads • Good straw production ht Ha Wint rdi er ne Lod ss gin g Lea fR ust Ste m R Po ust w Mil der dew y Sep tor ia S Tol cab era nce So i Mo l Bor sai n c Bar le Dwy Yell arf ow Str ipe Ru st eig Tes tW igh t d rde Recommended Population: 1.6 million/120# Recommended Nitrogen: High to very high (use split spring applications) Early No Med-Short GHT-933 Med-Early Yes Med-Short F VG EX VG G GHT-934 Med-Early Yes Medium G VG VG VG G GHT-940 Medium Yes Medium EX EX EX G GHT-955 Medium No Medium G VG VG G He GHT-914 Bea Variety Ma tur ity Recommended Population: 1.6 -1.8 million/120# - 135# Recommended Nitrogen: Medium to very high (use split spring applications) VG VG EX G NA VG G EX VG VG G G F G G VG VG G G G NA VG G G G G VG NA VG VG G VG G VG F VG VG P=Poor • F=Fair • G=Good • VG=Very Good • EX=Excellent USE RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITED LICENSE: THE ONLY PERMISSIBLE USE OF THE SEED CONTAINED IN THIS BAG IS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A SINGLE CROP FOR FOOD, FEED OR PROCESSING. ABSOLUTELY NO RESEARCH OR BREEDING MAY BE DONE WITH THIS MATERIAL. EXPORT OR TRANSFER OF THIS MATERIAL OR ITS PROGENY FROM THE COUNTRY OF PURCHASE FOR ANY USE OTHER THAN AS GRAIN FOR FOOD, FEED OR PROCESSING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. This product may be protected by Plant Variety Protection laws (PVP). Export of PVP protected seed is prohibited. This product may also be protected under the laws of other countries. If the tag, top of the bag and/or bill of sale indicates this product is protected under one or more U.S. patents, Purchaser agrees that it is granted a limited license thereunder only to produce a single crop for food, feed or processing. Resale of this seed or supply of saved seed to anyone, including Purchaser, for planting is strictly prohibited under this license. Use of this product in development or breeding also is strictly prohibited. If purchaser does not agree to these terms, please return the seed unopened. Bro wn Pop ula tio n Ste m Wh Rot ite Mo l Ch arc d oal Fro Rot gE ye Ste m Can ker Roo tK not Sal t Soybeans GT-222R2 GT-248CR2 GT-264CR2 GT-300CR2 GT-334CRR GT-346CR2 GT-358CR2 GT-361CR2 GT-362CR2 GT-370CRR GT-376CR2 GT-385CR2 GT-387CR2S GT-390CR2 GT-403CR2 GT-421CRR GT-427CR2 GT-435CR2 GT-469CR2S 2.2 2.4 2.6 3.0 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.6 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 9 8 7 8 9 9 8 7 7 7 GT-476CR2 GX-4798R2S GT-482CR2S GT-485CRS GT-500CR2S GT-516CR2 GT-543CRS GT-572CR2 GT-637CR2 GT-353CLS GT-375CLL GT-377CLL GT-404CLL GT-428CLL GT-467CLL GT-501CLS GT-541CLL GT-379C 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.3 3.5 3.7 3.7 4.0 4.2 4.6 5.0 5.4 3.7 7 8 8 8 9 8 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 GT-436C 4.3 9 8 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 M M MB M M MS M M MB MB M MB M MB M MB M MB 35” 37” 35” 38” 37” 38” 38” 37” 37” 37” 38” 39” 40” 39” 38” 36” 39” 42” 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 6 9 9 9 8 7 7 1K S 3A 1C 1C 1C 1C 1A 1C 1K 1C s 1C S 1C S 1C 1A 8 8 9 8 8 8 9 8 7 8 7 7 8 7 8 8 8 9 NA S NA NA NA NA NA NA Inc 8 R3, MR14 NA 8 NA NA NA NA Inc 6 MR3, MS14 MR NA NA NA NA NA Inc 7 R3, MR14 R NA NA NA NA NA Inc 8 R3, MR14 R 8 NA 7 NA NA Inc 8 R3, MR14 R NA NA NA NA NA Inc 7 R3, MR14 R NA NA NA NA NA Exc 7 MR3, MR14 NA NA 8 NA NA R Inc 7 R3, MR14 NA 7 NA NA NA NA Inc 7 R3, MR14 NA 8 NA 7 NA NA Inc 7 R3, MR14 MR 8 NA NA NA NA Exc 7 R3, R14 NA NA 6 5 MR NA Inc 8 R3, MR14 NA NA NA 8 MS NA Inc 8 R3, MR14 NA NA NA 5 NA NA Inc 8 R3, MR14 NA NA NA 8 R R Inc 7 R3, MR14 NA NA NA NA NA NA Inc 7 R3, MR14 NA NA NA 7 MS NA Inc 8 R3, MR14 NA NA NA 8 R S Inc Lt Lt G G T G G G G Lt G Lt G G G Lt G Lt P P P P P P P P P W P W P P W P P P L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 8 7 8 9 8 7 8 6 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 MB M M M MB MS S M S MB MB M B M B M MB M 42” 43” 40” 41” 41” 45” 46” 45” 45” 42” 36” 37” 39” 39” 39” 43” 41” 42” 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1C S S1C 1C 1C S 1C 1K S S 1K 1C 1K 1C 3A S 1K 1C 8 7 8 7 8 7 9 8 9 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 8 9 7 9 NA 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Tol Exc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Tol Inc Inc G Lt Lt Lt T Lt G T T T Lt Lt G Lt Lt G G G W P P P W W P W P W P W W W W W P P L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP L-HP ML M M M M MH M ML M M M M M M M M M M MB 38” 9 M 42” 9 9 1A 1C 8 7 8 7 R3, MR14 7 8 NA NA NA NA Inc R3, MR14 MR NA NA 8 MR NA Inc T T W L-HP M P L-HP M MR3 R3, MR14 S R3, MR14 R3, MR14 R3, MR14 R3, MR14 LR3, MR14 R3 R3, MR14 R3, MR14 R3, MR14 R3, MR14 R3, MR14 R3 R3, MR14 R3, MR14 R3, MR14 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA R NA NA 7 8 NA 8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8 6 7 6 NA NA 7 NA Treated Soybean Return Policy - There is no return of treated soybeans. • • • • • • • Scale: 9=Best, 1=Poor Canopy Type: B=Bushy, M=Medium Bush, S=Straight Line SCN Resistance: Shows races of cyst resistance, R=Resistance, MR=Moderate Resistance, LR=Low Resistance Flower Color: P=Purple, W=White Preferred Soil Type: LP= Low Productivity, MP=Medium Productivity, HP=High Productivity Phytophthora Resistance: Shows Specific Gene Resistance or S=Susceptible Pubescence Color: T=Tawny, G=Gray NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8 7 NA 9 NA 7 7 7 8 8 6 7 7 7 9 8 9 7 8 8 8 8 NA 7 8 8 R MR MS R MS MR MR R MR S NA MR MR MR NA MR R MR S NA NA MR S NA S NA R R NA NA 8 7 NA 3 R NA Soybeans GT-222R2 Early II - Here is a well-rounded, performance-oriented soybean. It demonstrates very good scores on phytophthora, emergence, standability and stress tolerance. This complete package enables GT-222RR to yield well in many environments. GT-248CR2 Mid II - This variety has the kind of bred-in performance to make it a first choice on many farms. With its large plant type, disease package and farm friendly agronomics it fits very well into many applications. Certainly a bean you can plant with confidence. GT-264CR2 Mid II - The mid-II to have. Huge yield advantage to other varieties in this maturity. Great stress tolerance due in part to its wide plant profile and quick canopy. Solid disease package keeps the yield potential on target. GT-300CR2 Early III - The dominant yielding early group III. Very complete disease package for its area of adaptation. Big, aggressive growing plant type with the standability to go with it. Works anywhere you would want a 3.0 to go. GT-334CRR Early III - A consistently strong performer. It packs plenty of yield punch for the best conditions and stress tolerant for the more challenging. The disease package covers all the important concerns including Brown Stem Rot resistance and very good scores on SDS and white mold. GT-346CR2 Early-Mid III - GT-346CR2 is selected primarily for high yield potential in the early-mid group III maturity. There really isn’t anything else that will run with it. It does well with many different soils and environments. It carries resistance to cyst, phytophthora and brown stem rot, with great SDS scores. GT-358CR2 Mid III - GT-358CR2 certainly has yield, but is known for its stress tolerance, versatility and defensive traits. It can give top yields on any soils, row widths, and even fertility levels. It also offers a strong health package and is an excluder for salt. A very well-rounded yielder. GT-361CR2 Mid III - GT-361CR2 offers unique genetics and characteristics while maintaining top yields. It gets out of the ground quick, stands well, and keeps its height even under drought stress. Consistently a bean at the top. GT-362CR2 Mid III - Tremendous yielding soybean on many soils! We have seen this one yield at the top in all corners of the Midwest that a mid-III would go. It carries impressive abilities on silt, clay or sand soils. What a performer! GT-370CRR Mid-Late III - A really well designed variety. It displays a solid disease package including frog eye, white mold and SDS. Excellent standability and branching allow it to perform at all row widths. GT-370CRR also has the yield potential to perform at the top in any of these environments. GT-376CR2 Mid-Late III - This will initially be looked at for yield potential due to its top notch performance throughout the Midwest. But you will also find value in its stress tolerance, cyst and phytophthora package, as well as its standability. GT-385CR2 Late III - Rapid out of the ground and quick to turn dark green and canopy over. Unique genetics among group III varieties. Outstanding yields on either dark soils or light. A big plant that expands well which helps to lower planting populations. GT-387CR2S Late III - Versatile yielder. Enough size for the rough ground, enough top end yield punch for the best ground, enough disease tolerance for the low ground. A great way to diversify the genetics on your farm. Simply a solid top-performer that will handle many different soils and management practices. GT-390CR2 Late II -GT-390CR2 has very high yield potential! Wide branching plus the ability to pod well on them, aid in establishing its yield punch. And carries excellent standability to get all that yield delivered to the elevator. GT-403CR2 Early IV - If you plant 4.0 maturity glyphosate resistant beans, you really need this one on your farm. There is so much yield potential here protected by an outstanding defensive package. The genetics are unique, and you will like it in the field from emergence through harvest. GT-421CRR Early IV - Is a very good standing, wide-body variety. Its quick to get out of the ground and canopy the rows, and does not shatter. The disease package is strong with the cyst nematode resistance and phytophthora tolerance to protect its yield potential. GT-427CR2 Early IV - This is an early group IV that works from Kansas to Maryland and from Illinois to the Delta. Not too many in this maturity can say that. GT-427CR2 is a well rounded variety that is going to perform well in many different soils and farming operations. GT-435CR2 Early-Mid IV - This is a rugged bean that maintains its height even under stress. It works well from the MidWest down into the Delta and on out to the East Coast, but use care when placing this big plant in environments that increase lodging. A lot of plant with a lot of yield! GT-469CR2S Mid IV - This variety is really designed to go on the Delta clays. It is a large, aggressive growing plant type with durability and some yield potential. An R2/STS stacked variety with a good disease and stress package. GT-476CR2 Mid-Late IV - Works very well on mixed soils from the Bootheel of Missouri on through the Delta. It offers good size and still carries some standability. It becomes a favorite on farms with varying soil types that need something that can handle it all. GX-4798R2 Mid-Late IV - A high yielding variety that is designed to work well in the south and east coast. It can handle some tough conditions as well. It is best suited for the mixed to clay soils of the region. Carries both Roundup and Synchrony tolerance. GT-482CR2S Late IV - Add some options to your herbicide program with this Roundup Ready/STS stacked line. At the same time add some dollars to your bottom line with its superior yield. This top variety works on multiple soil types across the Mid-West, Mid-South, Delta and East Coast. GT-485CRS Late IV - Great looking with height and branching. Consistently at the top concerning yields over a large area. It offers Round-Up and STS Tolerance along with a solid disease package. GT-500CR2S Early V - This variety has a great southern agronomic package. Strong enough offensively and defensively to handle all soil types; irrigated or not. A must have variety for its versatility and performance. GT-516CR2 Early V - This is a big indeterminate plant that stands well. It works on all Delta soil types and performs up into the East Coast. It has impressive SDS, frog eye, and phytophthora scores, and even shows light salt tolerance. GT-543CRS Early-Mid V - GT-543CRS has a great combination of agronomic tolerances and of course yield. Maximum phytopthora resistance, good against SDS and frogeye, excluder of salt, cyst resistant, STS tolerant and stem canker resistant. A top choice for great yields wherever you plant them. GT-572CR2 Mid-Late V - Beautiful, tall, red, determinate bean. Works down the east coast and Delta. Has consistently high yield performance. Very good disease package including root knot, cyst, frog eye and stem canker. GT-637CR2 Early-Mid VI - This is a very good standing variety with a wider canopy and moderate height. It begins covering the rows early with quick emergence, and carries protection against frog eye, cyst nematodes and root knot. Plus it’s an eye-appealing, tawny plant with an even top profile. GT-353CLS MId III - Allows you to go after the toughest glyphosate-resistant weeds with an array of herbicides. It offers top yield levels but still packs in strong defensive agronomics with a great disease package. A very consistent variety. GT-375CLL Mid-Late III - The most remarkable thing about the variety is its very high yield potential. In good years or tough that yield remains consistently high. Offers a complete disease package with strong emergence and standability. GT-377CLL Mid-Late III - A large, impressive plant like you would expect from a Liberty-Link bean plus that strong package and even more yield. A variety that you can confidently plant anywhere at any reasonable row width and population. GT-377CLL makes it easy to grow an alternative broad-spectrum herbicide tolerant bean. GT-404CLL Early IV - Loads of yield across a wide range of environments! It has you covered on all major disease issues concerning this maturity; even frog eye, root knot and stem canker. The plant has enough size to canopy stress soils and enough standability to handle rich soils. GT-428CLL Early IV - GT-428CLL is a high yielding liberty bean in an aggressive growing plant. Good sized canopy, and cyst resistant. Very good tolerance to SDS, and phytophthora resistant. Great choice for no-till plus strong standability. GT-467CLL Mid IV - GT-467CLL is a variety that gets it done year-in and year-out. It handles various soil types and planting populations. Its characteristics allow top performance in many areas including the mid-south and Missouri. GT-501CLS Early V - Talk about a bean that has the bases covered! This one is resistant to cyst, phytophthora, root knot, and stem canker. Its tolerant to frog eye, white mold, charcoal rot, SDS and iron chlorosis! On top of that, it yields! If it doesn’t work where you plant it, don’t plant beans there. GT-541CLL Early-MId V - A big indeterminate plant that has built-in stress protection and yield. Outstanding phytophthora resistance, high drought tolerance, very strong cyst nematode and SDS scores help ensure the big top end yield potential is achieved. A great choice from its rapid emergence all the way through late harvest standability. GT-379C Mid-Late III - A top yielder compared to any soybean. An agronomic package that allows it to go anywhere. And a large, great standing, great looking plant that is very appealing to anyone. GT-436C Early IV - Go anywhere and get it done conventional. What a disease package, with tolerance or resistance to about everything even including stem canker and aerial blight. All this flexibility and sound agronomics enhances a fantastic yield punch. Quite a variety! Versatility combined with top production make this variety the “Champion”. Whether baling or grazing; highly productive ground or less productive; pure alfalfa or in a mix; north, south, east, or west “Champion” is the right alfalfa to select. Performance Great Heart Champion shows impressive yield advantages over today’s top competitors. It builds high tonnage through quick early spring growth and season-long quick re-growth. Its persistence through winter hardiness and pest tolerance, in addition to it’s ability to withstand traffic compaction, ensures it’s a top performer year after year. Survivability Champion has very good winter hardiness and is a fall dormancy 4, which is the optimum maturity for our area. It is resistant to all major alfalfa diseases with high resistance ratings to Bacterial Wilt, Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt, Anthracnose, Phytophthora Root Rot, and Race 1 Aphanomyces and even high resistance to Pea Aphids. It also carries moderate resistance to Blue Aphids, and Race 2 Aphanomyces. Champion is designed to work throughout the United States wherever fall dormancy 4 is recommended. Champion is also bred for all soil types and management practices. Quality Champion is a highly digestible variety with improved forage quality. Its high leaf to stem ratio make it an excellent choice for superior quality. Champion’s high yield and quality production make it a valuable alfalfa for hay marketers and feeders alike. New Seed Benefits Convenience: Purchasing new seed insures access to the most elite germplasm and reliable seed supply in many maturities. Economics of new seed vs bin run: Average loss of cleanout is 10-15% at harvest for bin run, while planting rates for bin run are generally 15% higher than new certified seed. Limited warranty benefits: With new seed you get dealer agronomic support before and after the sale plus the risk management benefits of Roundup Rewards® (over $600M paid to growers since 1997). New Innovations: Royalties provide for research and development of new traits and higher yielding germplasm. New trait introductions require 7-9 years for commercialization at $50100M in total costs for a new biotech trait. Seed Piracy Policy / No saved seed: Seeds containing the Roundup Ready® trait and the Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® trait are protected under numerous U.S. patents. Seed containing patented traits, such as seed containing the Roundup Ready® and Roundup Ready 2 Yield® traits, can only be used to plant a single commercial crop. It is unlawful to save and replant Roundup Ready® soybeans and Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans. Additional information and limitations on these products are provided in the Monsanto Technology Stewardship Agreement and the Monsanto Technology Use Guide. The licensed U.S. patents for Monsanto technologies can be found at the following webpage: MONSANTO MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY REGARDING ANY PRODUCT NOT MANUFACTURED AND MARKETED BY MONSANTO WHICH IS USED IN ROUNDUP READY CROP(S) AND DISCLAIMS ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS OR DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF SUCH PRODUCTS. Return Policy: 50% of Non-treated order maybe returned. All returns must be delivered to the plant by June 15 when the warehouse is fumigated. No returns on bulk or mini-bulk units due to labeling laws. 1 Roundup, Roundup Ready, Roundup Ready 2 Yield, and Genuity are trademarks of Monsanto Company. 2 Liberty Link® is a registered trademark of Bayer® Company. Before opening a bag of seed, be sure to read and understand the stewardship requirements, including applicable refuge requirements for insect resistance management, for the biotechnology traits expressed in the seed set forth in the technology agreement that you sign. By opening and using a bag of seed, you are reaffirming your obligation to comply with those stewardship requirements. Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of BiotechnologyDerived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. Commercialized products have been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Biotechnology Industry Organization. B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your Monsanto representative for the registration status in your state. IMPORTANT IRM INFORMATION: Genuity® RIB Complete® corn blend products do not require the planting of a structured refuge except in the Cotton-Growing Area where corn earworm is a significant pest. See the IRM/Grower Guide for additional information. Always read and follow IRM requirements. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup®, SmartStax®, VT Double PRO® and VT Triple PRO® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. LibertyLink and the Water Droplet Design® is a registered trademark of Bayer. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Roundup Technology® includes Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide technologies. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron and Design®, Genuity Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, Processor Preferred and Design®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup PowerMAX®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Technology®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, VT Double PRO®, VT Triple PRO® and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. LibertyLink and the Water Droplet Design® is a registered trademark of Bayer. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Respect the Refuge and Corn Design® and Respect the Refuge® are registered trademarks of National Corn Growers Association. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Agrisure® and Agrisure Viptera® are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. For more information, visit LibertyLink Patent Statement Soybean seeds containing the LibertyLink® trait are protected under multiple United States patents and may be planted only to produce one (1) commercial crop and only after signing a Grower Trait License agreement. It is illegal to save or catch soybean seeds containing the LibertyLink trait for use as planting seed or for transfer to others for use as planting seed. The firsT family of single-bag refuge soluTions. auTomaTic compliance and ease of planTing in every bag. • The broadest choice in above and below ground insect protection • The truly simple refuge-in-a-bag solution for the Corn-Growing Area; just fill your planter and go. Contact your seed rep or go to Important: Genuity® RIB Complete® are blended seed corn products that require the planting of a structured refuge in the Cotton-Growing area. always read and follow IrM, grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these practices can be found in the trait stewardship responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. rIBCOM029721 rIB_spread_ad EvEry BushEl MattErs
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