HASH Manual V1.2
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HASH: A FORTRAN Program for Computing Earthquake FirstMotion Focal Mechanisms – v1.2 – January 31, 2008 Jeanne L. Hardebeck, US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, jhardebeck@usgs.gov. Peter M. Shearer, IGPP, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, shearer@igpp.ucsd.edu. INTRODUCTION: Focal mechanisms of small earthquakes are typically determined from P-wave firstmotion polarities. These fault plane solutions are notoriously sensitive to various sources of error, including imperfect knowledge of the seismic velocity structure. To address this problem, we have developed a new method (called HASH, for HArdebeck & SHearer) for producing more stable focal mechanisms. This method generates a set of acceptable mechanisms for each event given the various sources of uncertainty, and returns the most likely mechanism. Mechanism quality is assigned based on the solution stability with respect to model uncertainty, represented by the spread of the acceptable mechanisms. This technique has been shown to produce more accurate focal mechanisms than prior methods for cases in which we believe the correct mechanisms are known. For example, the mechanisms for clusters of events with similar seismic waveforms in the Northridge, California, aftershock sequence are more similar (Hardebeck & Shearer, 2002; Shearer et al., 2003), and the mechanisms of events along the San Andreas, Calaveras and Sergeant Faults in northern California are more consistent with the fault orientations delineated by earthquake locations (Kilb & Hardebeck, 2006). We have also expanded this technique to include S-wave to P-wave amplitude ratios. This manual is intended to help researchers run HASH on their own data sets. The source code may be obtained at: http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/research/software/#HASH. The methodology is discussed in more detail in our publications. Please cite these papers if you use our codes. Thank you! Hardebeck, Jeanne L. and Peter M. Shearer, A new method for determining firstmotion focal mechanisms, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92, 2264-2276, 2002. Hardebeck, Jeanne L. and Peter M. Shearer, Using S/P Amplitude Ratios to Constrain the Focal Mechanisms of Small Earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 93, 2434-2444, 2003. As described in our papers, this technique uses a grid-search to determine P-wave polarity first-motion (or P-polarity and S/P amplitude ratio) focal mechanisms. For each earthquake, a set of acceptable mechanisms is found. The spread of the acceptable mechanisms determines the uncertainty and the assigned solution quality. The set of acceptable mechanisms takes into account the uncertainty in polarity measurements, 1 event location, and takeoff angle (velocity model.) Therefore, you will need an estimate of the rate of polarity errors in your data, an estimate of the location uncertainty, and an estimate of the takeoff angle uncertainty (which can be represented as a set of possible 1D velocity models for your region.) We've tried to make the code as input-format independent as possible. The idea is to have a main driver code that does the I/O and gets the input data into the internal arrays, and subroutines that do the actual computation of the focal mechanisms and uncertainties and deal with the station locations and the seismic velocity models. To use for different networks and data formats, you should only have to edit the main driver code and the station subroutines. The code was developed while we were primarily using data from the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN – also sometimes called TriNet), obtained through the Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC). Therefore the example formats are similar to the standard distribution formats of SCEDC phase data, and we occasionally refer to the SCSN or the SCEDC. We also refer to FPFIT, which is currently the most widely used focal mechanism program, see Reasenberg & Oppenheimer (1985). The new example 4, added for the release of HASH 1.2, uses the current SCEDC phase and station formats as of January 2008, including 5-character station names. The programs are in FORTRAN 77, and have been tested by the authors on Sun workstations of various configurations, and a Mac G4 running OSX (FORTRAN 77 compiler available from FINK: http://fink.sourceforge.net/). Others have used the codes on Linux. Please contact the authors if any changes need to be made to run on other platforms. And of course please let us know if you discover any bugs. OVERVIEW: The following files should appear in the HASH directory. Source Code: hash_driver1.f \ hash_driver2.f - example main driver programs hash_driver3.f / hash_driver4.f - NEW EXAMPLE, updated SCEDC formats, 5 character stations hash_driver5.f - NEW EXAMPLE, SIMULPS format for 3D ray tracing fmamp_subs.f - subroutines for computing focal mechanisms, P and S/P fmech_subs.f - subroutines for computing focal mechanisms, P only pol_subs.f - polarity distribution/misfit routines station_subs.f - station location/polarity reversal routines station_subs_5char.f - NEW, 5 character station location/polarity routines uncert_subs.f - subroutines to compute mechanism uncertainty util_subs.f - utility subroutines vel_subs.f - subroutines for seismic velocity tables 2 Include Files: param.inc - some parameters to set array sizes rot.inc - determine the grid spacing for focal mechanism search vel.inc - velocity table parameters Makefile: Makefile Example Control Files (correspond to example driver programs): example1.inp: Example with P polarity data only, take-off angle uncertainties are specified in the input. example2.inp: Example with P polarity data only, take-off angle uncertainties are represented by a suite of 1D velocity models. example3.inp: Example with P polarity and S/P amplitude data, take-off angle uncertainties are represented by a suite of 1D velocity models. example4.inp: NEW EXAMPLE, like example2.inp, but with updated SCEDC formats, 5 character stations. example5.inp: NEW EXAMPLE, like example2.inp, but using azimuth and takeoff angles from a SIMULPS-like format file, for 3D ray-tracing Example Data Files: north1.phase - P polarity phase file, for example 1 north2.phase - P polarity phase file, for examples 2 & 3 north3.amp - P and S amplitude file, for example 3 north3.statcor - station S/P ratio correction, for example 3 north4.phase - NEW EXAMPLE, P polarity phase file in updated SCEDC format north5.simul - NEW EXAMPLE, azimuth and take-off angles from SIMULPS scsn.stations - station locations, for examples 2 & 3 scsn.stations_5char - NEW 5 character station locations, for example 4 scsn.reverse - station polarity reversals, all examples vz.socal, etc - 1D velocity models, for examples 2 & 3 Example Output Files: example1.out - preferred mechanisms, example 1 example1.out2 - set of acceptable mechanisms, example 1 example2.out - preferred mechanisms, example 2 example2.out2 - set of acceptable mechanisms, example 2 example3.out - preferred mechanisms, example 3 example4.out - NEW, preferred mechanisms, example 4 example4.out2 - NEW, set of acceptable mechanisms, example 4 example5.out - NEW, preferred mechanisms, example 5 example5.out2 - NEW, set of acceptable mechanisms, example 5 To Compile, type "make hash_driverX", where “X” is the example number, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. To Run, type "hash_driverX" and it runs interactively, or type "hash_driverX < exampleX.inp" to run using the given control file. If the codes have compiled and are running correctly, the generated output files should closely match the provided examples. NOTE: The generated output may not exactly match the samples output. The input for each Monte Carlo trial is selected randomly, so if there is a difference in random number generation, this can lead to a small difference in output. Because of this, sometimes the 3 solutions are slightly different by a few degrees (very small compared to the uncertainty), or the other nodal plane is listed, so the files aren't strictly identical. RUNNING THE CODE: Computing Focal Mechanisms: The driver, or main, program is primarily for input and output. The actual computation of the focal mechanism for each event is done in three subroutine calls from the main program. You should edit the main driver routines to most efficiently get your data formats into the arrays passed to these subroutines. 1. Computing the set of acceptable mechanisms. Separate but similar subroutines are used depending on whether or not you wish to use S/P amplitude ratios in addition to P-wave polarities. The inputs to both subroutines include the P-wave polarities (and S/P amplitude ratios) for the event at a set of stations, and the azimuth and takeoff angle to each station. An estimate of uncertainty in these inputs is also required, in order to test the stability of the focal mechanism solutions. The uncertainty in the azimuth and takeoff angle is represented by multiple sets of reasonable values of these angles. It’s assumed that these values come from repeated trials, for instance each trial for a different event depth and/or velocity model. For example, for trial number 5, the event location and velocity model are held fixed, and the resulting azimuth and takeoff angles for the 7th station are stored in p_azi_mc(7,5) and p_the_mc(7,5), for the 8th station are stored in p_azi_mc(8,5) and p_the_mc(8,5), etc. The polarity, pick quality, and S/P ratios are the same for each trial, and for the 7th station they are given in p_pol(7), p_qual(7), and sp_amp(7), etc. The number of trials is given by nmc, and the number of station observations is given by npsta. A set of acceptable mechanisms will be constructed for each trial, and these will be combined to make the set of acceptable mechanisms for this event. The uncertainty in the P-wave polarity picks is accounted for by specifying how many polarity errors are acceptable. The returned set of acceptable mechanisms will include mechanisms with up to this many misfit polarities. The number of allowed polarity misfits is defined as the number of misfit polarities for the best-fit solution plus an additional nextra. If this total number of allowed misfits is less than ntotal, then ntotal is used as the number of allowed misfits. We usually use a value of ntotal equal to the total number of polarity observations times the known rate of polarity errors for the network, therefore allowing for at least the expected number of polarity misfits. We usually use a nextra half of ntotal. Similarly, for the S/P amplitude ratios, the allowed log10(S/P) misfit is defined as the best-fit solution misfit plus qextra, or qtotal if this is greater. We usually used qtotal equal to the total number of S/P observations times the estimated average uncertainty, and qextra half of qtotal. 4 There are two additional control parameters: dang, which specifies the resolution of the focal mechanism grid search, and maxout, which gives the maximum desired number of acceptable focal mechanisms output. The total number of acceptable mechanisms found is given by nf (but a maximum of maxout are returned.) For each acceptable mechanism, the mechanism parameters and the normal vectors to the two nodal planes are returned. For P-wave polarity data only: subroutine FOCALMC(p_azi_mc,p_the_mc,p_pol,p_qual,npsta,nmc, dang,maxout,nextra,ntotal,nf,strike,dip,rake,faults,slips) Inputs: p_azi_mc(npsta,nmc) p_the_mc(npsta,nmc) p_pol(npsta) p_qual(npsta) npsta nmc dang maxout - azimuth to station from event (degrees E of N) - takeoff angle (degrees from vertical: up=0; <90 upgoing; >90 down-going) - first motion, 1=up, -1=down - quality, 0=impulsive, 1=emergent - number of first motion observations - number of trials, ie number of possible azimuth/ takeoff angle pairs given for each station - angle spacing for grid search (degrees) - maximum number of fault planes to return: if more are found, a random selection will be returned - number of additional misfits allowed - minimum number of total allowed misfits nextra ntotal Outputs: nf strike(min(maxout,nf)) dip(min(maxout,nf)) rake(min(maxout,nf)) faults(3,min(maxout,nf)) slips(3,min(maxout,nf)) - number of focal mechanisms found - strike (the choice of the “fault” and - dip “auxiliary” plane is arbitrary.) - rake - fault normal vector - slip vector For P-wave polarity and S/P amplitude ratio data: subroutine FOCALAMP_MC(p_azi_mc,p_the_mc,sp_amp,p_pol,npsta,nmc, dang,maxout,nextra,ntotal,qextra,qtotal,nf,strike,dip,rake, faults,slips) Inputs: p_azi_mc(npsta,nmc) p_the_mc(npsta,nmc) sp_amp(npsta) p_pol(npsta) npsta nmc dang - azimuth to station from event (degrees E of N) - takeoff angle (degrees from vertical: up=0; <90 upgoing; >90 down-going) - amplitude ratios, log10(S/P) - first motion, 1=up, -1=down - number of observations - number of trials, ie number of possible azimuth/ takeoff angle pairs given for each station - angle spacing for grid search 5 maxout - maximum number of fault planes to return: if more are found, a random selection will be returned - number of additional polarity misfits allowed - minimum number of total allowed polarity misfits - additional amplitude misfit allowed - minimum allowed total amplitude misfit nextra ntotal qextra qtotal Outputs: nf strike(min(maxout,nf)) dip(min(maxout,nf)) rake(min(maxout,nf)) faults(3,min(maxout,nf)) slips(3,min(maxout,nf)) - number of fault planes found - strike (the choice of the “fault” and - dip “auxiliary” plane is arbitrary.) - rake - fault normal vector - slip vector/ normal to auxiliary plane 2. Computing the preferred, or most probable, mechanism. After the set of acceptable mechanisms is computed, they are used to determine the preferred mechanism and some estimates of the quality of the solution. The preferred solution, or the most probable solution, is the average of the acceptable fault plane solutions after outliers have been removed. Two types of uncertainty are computed, the RMS difference of the acceptable nodal planes from the preferred planes, and the probability that the real mechanism is “close” to the preferred mechanism, with a userspecified angle defining “close.” If there are clustered outliers, alternative solutions (or “multiples”) are found based on those outliers. You can set the minimum probability for the multiples (ie ignore multiples with a low probability.) subroutine MECH_PROB(nf,norm1in,norm2in,cangle,str_avg, dip_avg,rak_avg,prob,rms_diff) Inputs: nf - number of fault planes norm1(3,nf) - normal to fault plane norm2(3,nf) - slip vector/ normal to auxiliary plane cangle - mechanisms are “close” if less than this angle apart (degrees) prob_max - cut-off probability for multiples Output: nstln - number of solutions (multiples) returned str_avg(nstln) - strike of each solution dip_avg(nstln) - dip of each solution rak_avg(nstln) - rake of each solution prob(nstln) - percent of mechanisms “close” to average mechanism rms_diff(2,nstln) - RMS angular difference (degrees) of all planes to average plane (1=fault plane, 2=auxiliary plane) 3. Computing the data misfit for the preferred mechanism. The final step is to find the data misfit for the preferred mechanism. Separate but similar subroutines are used depending on whether S/P ratios are used along with P-polarity data. 6 The input is the set of polarity (and amplitude ratio) observations for the stations, the azimuth and takeoff angle to each station (only one set of angles this time, use the preferred values), and the preferred mechanism. The outputs are mfrac, the weighted fraction of misfit polarities (like the weighted misfit returned by FPFIT); and stdr, the station distribution ratio (also like the station distribution ratio of FPFIT.) If S/P amplitude ratios are used, the average log10(S/P) misfit, mavg, is also computed. For P-wave polarity data only: subroutine GET_MISF(npol,p_azi_mc,p_the_mc,p_pol,p_qual, str_avg,dip_avg,rak_avg,mfrac,stdr) Inputs: npol p_azi_mc(npol) p_the_mc(npol) p_pol(npol) p_qual(npol) str_avg,dip_avg,rak_avg Outputs: mfrac stdr - number of polarity observations - azimuths - takeoff angles - polarity observations - polarity quality - preferred mechanism - weighted fraction misfit polarities - station distribution ratio For P-wave polarity and S/P amplitude ratio data: subroutine GET_MISF_AMP(npol,p_azi_mc,p_the_mc,sp_ratio,p_pol, str_avg,dip_avg,rak_avg,mfrac,mavg,stdr) Inputs: npol p_azi_mc(npol) p_the_mc(npol) sp_ratio(npol) p_pol(npol) str_avg,dip_avg,rak_avg Outputs: mfrac mavg stdr - number of observations - azimuths - takeoff angles - S/P ratios - polarity observations - preferred mechanism - weighted fraction misfit polarities - average log10(S/P) misfit - station distribution ratio Input and Data Preparation: As mentioned earlier, we recommend loading your data into the input arrays in the most efficient manner possible, given your file formats, etc. We have included some example driver programs illustrating how one might do this. These examples use data from one of the Northridge, California, similar event clusters discussed by Hardebeck & Shearer (2002), Shearer et al. (2003), and Hardebeck & Shearer (2003). In example 1, we assume that we have already computed the azimuth and takeoff angle to each station, and have estimated the uncertainty of both of these angles. The input format (file: north1.phase) is a modified version of the standard FPFIT input format, expanded to 7 include the azimuth and takeoff angle uncertainties. In this case much of the data can be read directly into the input arrays. The azimuth and takeoff angle for each trial are computed by randomly selecting values from normal distributions with the given average value and standard deviation. Because there are known to be periods of time in which some stations have reversed polarity (up appears as down, and vice-versa), the subroutine CHECK_POL is called to check each station for a polarity reversal at the time of the earthquake. The polarity reversal file format (file: scsn.reverse) is exactly the same as for FPFIT. A few control parameters are read in. The parameters dang, nmc, maxout, and cangle are passed directly to the focal mechanism subroutines, and are described above. The parameter badfrac is the user’s estimate of the error rate for (impulsive) polarities in the data set, and is used to compute nextra and ntotal, as described above. The additional parameters are used to select what data is included in the input arrays. The parameter delmax is the maximum source-station distance. The minimum required number of polarity data is given by npolmin, and the maximum acceptable data gaps in the azimuth and takeoff angle directions are given by max_agap and max_pgap. Focal mechanisms are not found for events not meeting these last two criteria. In example 2, we assume that we don’t have a good idea of the uncertainty in the azimuth and takeoff angles. A 1D ray-tracing routine is used to compute the takeoff angles for plausible velocity models (the azimuth to a station is the same for any 1D model.) Each trial uses a different combination of (gradient) velocity model and perturbed source depth to compute a set of takeoff angles. The polarity input is given in another format similar to FPFIT (file: north2.phase.) Because the azimuth and takeoff angle to each station is being computed, a file with station names and locations is needed (file: scsn.stations.) The subroutine GETSTAT_TRI is used to look up the station locations. The velocity models are read in (files: vz.socal, etc), and a set of take-off angle tables are generated, by a call to the subroutine MK_TABLE. The takeoff angles for a given sourcestation range and event depth are found by a call to the subroutine GET_TTS. The first argument to this subroutine indicates which of the 1D velocity models to use. In example 3, S/P amplitude ratios are also used. An additional input file with the P and S amplitudes, as well as the noise levels prior to the arrival of the P and S waves, is included (file: north3.amp.) We apply a station correction of a constant shift in log10(S/P) (Hardebeck & Shearer, 2003), and therefore need to input a file with these corrections (file: north3.statcor.) Two additional control parameters are also needed. We limit the S/P observations to those waveforms with signal to noise ratio of at least ratmin. In order to estimate the allowed log10(S/P) misfit (qextra and qtotal, above), an estimate of the log10(S/P) 8 uncertainty is given by qbadfrac. For this example, it is very important that each event have a unique ID number, as the ID is used to match the P-polarity and S/P amplitudes from different files. NEW: Example 4 is an update to the most recent SCEDC formats, which include 5character stations names. NEW: Example 5 uses output from the program SIMULPS (Evans et al., 1994) to get the azimuth and take-off angles. This is useful for computing focal mechanisms with raytracing in a 3D velocity model. You can edit these examples to match your data format. You will probably need to change the file format for the location/polarity input files (these formats are indicated with comments.) You will probably also need to alter the station subroutines GETSTAT_TRI and CHECK_POL (file: station_subs.f) to match the format of your station lists. The idea of these subroutines is to have two look-up tables, one to get the location of a given station, and the other to check for known polarity reversals. Storing the stations in alphabetical order allows for quicker searching. Include Files: param.inc – sets maximum size of input/output arrays npick0 - maximum number of picks per event nmc0 - maximum number of trials of location/take-off angles nmax0 - maximum number of acceptable mechanisms output rot.inc – sets the minimum grid angle size, and the corresponding maximum number of grid points and possible stored mechanisms (need to be changed together) dang0 - minimum grid spacing (degrees) ncoor - number of test mechanisms vel.inc – parameters for the 1D ray tracer (if used) nx0 - maximum number of rows in table (range direction) nd0 - maximum number of columns in table (depth direction) nindex - maximum number of 1D models/ tables dep1 - minimum event depth (km) dep2 - maximum event depth (km) dep3 - depth step for table (km), ((dep2-dep1)/dep3)+1 ≤ nd0 del1 - minimum source-station range (km) del2 - maximum source-station range (km) del3 - depth step for range (km), ((del2-del1)/del3)+1 ≤ nx0 pmin - minimum ray parameter nump - number of rays traced Output: 9 The output format is something that you can alter to fit your needs. Our examples typically generate two output files, one with a single line per earthquake giving the preferred mechanism, and a second file with a list of all of the acceptable mechanisms for each event. We have developed the following mechanism quality criteria, you may wish to develop your own. Initial tests (Kilb & Hardebeck, 2005) show that the best singleparameter indicator of mechanism quality is the average RMS fault plane uncertainty, 0.5*(rms_diff(1)+rms_diff(2)), with values ≤ 35° indicating the best mechanisms. quality average misfit RMS fault plane station distribution mechanism (qual) (mfrac) uncertainty ratio (stdr) probability (prob) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A ≤ 0.15 ≤ 25° ≥ 0.5 ≥ 0.8 B ≤ 0.20 ≤ 35° ≥ 0.4 ≥ 0.6 C ≤ 0.30 ≤ 45° ≥ 0.3 ≥ 0.7 D maximum azimuthal gap ≤ 90°, maximum takeoff angle gap ≤ 60° E maximum azimuthal gap > 90°, maximum takeoff angle gap > 60° F fewer than 8 polarities FILE FORMATS: These are the input and output file formats as used in the examples. If your data is in a different format, we suggest editing the driver code to be consistent with your format, instead of writing format conversion routines. Input Files: P-polarity Files: Example 1: north1.phase, Similar to FPFIT input file: Event line: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-10 5i2 origin time, year, month, day, hour, minute 11-14 f4.2 origin time, seconds 15-16 i2 latitude, degrees 17 a1 latitude, 'S'=south 18-21 f4.2 latitude, minutes 22-24 i3 longitude, degrees 25 a1 longitude, 'E'=east 26-29 f4.2 longitude, minutes 30-34 f5.2 depth, km 35-36 f2.1 magnitude 81-88 2f4.2 horizontal and vertical uncertainty, km 10 123-138 a16 event ID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Polarity lines: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-4 a4 station name 7 a1 polarity : U, u, +, D, d, or 8 i1 quality: 0=good quality, 1=lower quality, etc 59-62 f4.1 source-station distance (km) 66-68 i3 takeoff angle 79-81 i3 azimuth 83-85 i3 takeoff angle uncertainty ** NOT in standard FPFIT files 87-89 i3 azimuth uncertainty ** NOT in standard FPFIT files -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example 2: north2.phase, Similar to old SCEDC phase format: Event line: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-4 i4 origin time, year 5-12 4i2 origin time, month, day, hour, minute 13-17 f5.2 origin time, seconds 18-19 i2 latitude, degrees 20 a1 latitude, 'S'=south 21-25 f5.2 latitude, minutes 26-28 i3 longitude, degrees 29 a1 longitude, 'E'=east 30-34 f5.2 longitude, minutes 35-39 f5.2 depth, km 89-93 f5.2 horizontal location uncertainty, km 95-99 f5.2 vertical location uncertainty, km 140-143 f4.2 magnitude 150-165 a16 event ID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Polarity lines: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-4 a4 station name 6-7 a2 station network 10-12 a3 station component 14 a1 P onset, I or E 16 a1 P polarity : U, u, +, D, d, or - 11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example 4: north4.phase, Similar to NEW SCEDC phase format: Event line: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-4 i4 origin time, year 5-12 4i2 origin time, month, day, hour, minute 13-16 f4.2 origin time, seconds 17-18 i2 latitude, degrees 19 a1 latitude, 'S'=south 20-23 f4.2 latitude, minutes 24-26 i3 longitude, degrees 27 a1 longitude, 'E'=east 28-31 f4.2 longitude, minutes 32-36 f5.2 depth, km 131-146 a16 event ID 148-150 f3.2 magnitude -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Polarity lines: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-5 a5 station name 6-7 a2 station network 10-12 a3 station component 14 a1 P onset, i, I, e or E 16 a1 P polarity : U, u, +, D, d, or -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------S/P Amplitude Files: Example 3: north3.amp: Event line: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------free format: event_ID number_of_observations -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amplitude lines: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-4 a4 station name 6-8 a3 station network 12 10-11 a2 station component 29-38 f10.3 noise level before P arrival 40-49 f10.3 P amplitude (arbitrary units) 51-60 f10.3 noise level before S arrival 62-71 f10.3 S amplitude (same units as P) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------SIMULPS 3D ray-tracing Files: Example 5: north5.simulps: Event line: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-7 3i2 origin time, year, month, day 9-12 2i2 origin time, hour, minute 14-18 f5.2 origin time, seconds 20-21 i2 latitude, degrees 22 a1 latitude, 'S'=south 23-27 f5.2 latitude, minutes 29-31 i3 longitude, degrees 32 a1 longitude, 'E'=east 33-37 f5.2 longitude, minutes 39-44 f6.2 depth, km 48-51 f4.2 magnitude 56-63 a8 event ID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Station lines: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-5 a4 station name 7-11 f5.1 range 12-15 i4 azimuth 16-19 i4 take-off angle 66-69 f4.0 azimuth uncertainty ** NOT in standard SIMULPS files 70-73 f4.0 take-off uncertainty ** NOT in standard SIMULPS files -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Velocity Model Files: Velocity files, free format: depth(km) P_velocity(km/s) Station Files: 13 Station location files – must be alphabetical by station name Old SCEDC format (examples 1-3, 5; station_subs.f; scsn.stations) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-4 a4 station name 6-8 a3 station component 42-50 f9.5 station latitude (degrees, signed) 52-61 f10.5 station longitude (degrees, signed) 63-67 i5 station elevation (meters) 91-92 a2 network code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW SCEDC format (example 4; station_subs_5char.f; scsn.stations_5char) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-2 a2 network code 5-9 a5 station name 11-13 a3 station component 61-69 f9.5 station latitude (degrees, signed) 71-80 f10.5 station longitude (degrees, signed) 82-86 i5 station elevation (meters) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Polarity reversal file (same format as FPFIT) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-4(5) a4(5) station name 6-9 i4 beginning of reversal: year 10-11 i2 month 12-13 i2 day 15-18 i4 end of reversal: year 19-20 i2 month 21-22 i2 day -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Output Files: Output File 1: preferred mechanisms (1 line per event) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-16 a16 event name (e.g. cuspid for SCEC events) 18-21 i4 origin time, year 23-24 i2 origin time, month 26-27 i2 origin time, day 29-30 i2 origin time, hour 32-33 i2 origin time, minute 35-40 f6.3 origin time, second 42 a1 event type (L-local, R-regional, T-teleseism Q-quarry, D-dubious or duplicate event) 44-48 f5.3 magnitude 50 a1 magnitude type: e energy magnitude w moment magnitude b body-wave magnitude s surface-wave magnitude l local (Wood-Anderson) c coda amplitude magnitude h heliocorder magnitude d coda duration magnitude 52-60 f9.5 hypocenter latitude (decimal degrees) 62-71 f10.5 hypocenter longitude (decimal degrees) 73-79 f7.3 hypocenter depth (km) 81 a1 location quality (SCEC qualities) A rms< 0.15, erh< 1 km erz< 2 km B rms< 0.30, erh< 2.5 km erz< 5 km C rms< 0.50, erh< 5 km --D greater than above E erh> 90 km or < 3 stations 83-89 f7.3 RMS from SCEC or L-2 norm type locations 91-97 f7.3 horizontal error (km) 99-105 f7.3 depth error (km) 107-113 f7.3 origin time error (sec) 117-120 i4 number of picks used in the location 122-125 i4 number of P picks 127-130 i4 number of S picks 132-135 i4 focal mechanism strike (degrees) 137-139 i3 focal mechanism dip (degrees) 141-144 i4 focal mechanism rake (degrees) 148-149 i2 fault plane uncertainty (degrees) 151-152 i2 auxiliary plane uncertainty (degrees) 154-156 i3 number of P first motion polarities 158-159 i2 weighted percent misfit of first motions 161 a1 focal mechanism quality: A-F 163-165 i3 probability mechanism close to solution 167-168 i2 100*(station distribution ratio) 15 170-172 i3 number of S/P ratios 174-176 i3 100*(average log10(S/P) misfit) 178 a1 multiple flag (* if there are multiples for this event) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Output File 2: set of acceptable mechanisms (multiple lines per event) Event line: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-4 i4 origin time, year 6-7 i2 origin time, month 9-10 i2 origin time, day 12-13 i2 origin time, hour 15-16 i2 origin time, minute 18-23 f6.3 origin time, second 26-28 f3.1 magnitude 30-38 f9.4 hypocenter latitude (decimal degrees) 40-49 f10.4 hypocenter longitude (decimal degrees) 51-56 f6.2 hypocenter depth (km) 58-65 f8.4 horizontal error (km) 67-74 f8.4 depth error (km) 76-80 i5 number of P first motion polarities 82-86 i5 number of acceptable mechanisms output 88-103 a16 event name 105-111 f7.1 focal mechanism strike (degrees) 113-118 f6.1 focal mechanism dip (degrees) 120-126 f7.1 focal mechanism rake (degrees) 128-133 f6.1 fault plane uncertainty (degrees) 135-140 f6.1 auxiliary plane uncertainty (degrees) 142-148 f7.3 weighted fraction misfit of first motions 151 a1 focal mechanism quality: A-F 153-159 f7.3 probability mechanism close to solution 161-164 f4.2 station distribution ratio -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mechanism lines: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------columns format value -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-14 f9.2 focal mechanism strike (degrees) 15-23 f9.2 focal mechanism dip (degrees) 24-32 f9.2 focal mechanism rake (degrees) 33-41 f9.4 normal vector to fault plane, x (N) component 42-50 f9.4 normal vector to fault plane, y (E) component 16 51-59 f9.4 normal vector to fault plane, z (D) component 60-68 f9.4 normal vector to auxiliary plane, x (N) component 69-77 f9.4 normal vector to auxiliary plane, y (E) component 78-86 f9.4 normal vector to auxiliary plane, z (D) component -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCES: Evans, J. R., D. Eberhart-Phillips, C. H. Thurber, User's manual for SIMULPS12 for imaging Vp and Vp/Vs; a derivative of the "Thurber" tomographic inversion SIMUL3 for local earthquakes and explosions, U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report: OF 94-0431, 101 pp, 1994. Hardebeck, J. L. and P. M. Shearer, A new method for determining first-motion focal mechanisms, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 92, 2264-2276, 2002. Hardebeck, J. L. and P. M. Shearer, Using S/P Amplitude Ratios to Constrain the Focal Mechanisms of Small Earthquakes, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 93, 2434-2444, 2003. Kilb, D. and J. L. Hardebeck, Fault Parameter Constraints Using Relocated Earthquakes: Validation of First Motion Focal Mechanism Data, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 96, 11401158, 2006. Reasenberg, P., and D. Oppenheimer, FPFIT, FPPLOT, and FPPAGE: FORTRAN computer programs for calculating and displaying earthquake fault-plane solutions, U.S. Geol. Surv. Open File Rep. 85-739, 109 pp, 1985. Shearer, P. M., J. L. Hardebeck, L. Astiz, and K. B. Richards-Dinger, Analysis of similar event clusters in aftershocks of the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 108, B1, DOI:10.1029/2001JB000685, 2003. 17
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Page Count : 17 Title : Microsoft Word - HASH_manual_v1.2.doc Author : Jeanne Hardebeck Producer : Mac OS X 10.10.5 Quartz PDFContext Creator : Word Create Date : 2018:12:04 23:54:43Z Modify Date : 2018:12:04 23:54:43ZEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools