F990 HELIA 29 PG 63
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HELIA. 21. Nr. 29. p.o. 63-72. t1998) UDC 632.4:633.854.78 Altcrnaria. DISEASE DEVELOPMDNT Llt\[DER TROPICAL COI\IDITIONS C. Dudienasl, M. R. G. Ungaro2 and S. A. Moraesl* 1 Centro 2 Centro de Fitossanidad,e, lnstttuto Agronômico, Secretaria d.a Agricultura Instttito Agronômico, Caixa Postat 28, 13OO 1-g7O, d,e Plantas Granlferas, Carnpinas, SP, Brazil Receiued: June 16, 1998 Accepted: December 3. 1998 SUMMARY A field experiment with 12 sowing dates, ranging from February 2, l9B9 to January 19, 1990, in monthly intervals, was carried out in a randomized block design, with four replications, with the objective to evaluate the development of Alternorid. disease in three sunflower genotlpes. The disease level was evaluated at lo-day interva.ls, up to physioiogical maturity. The interaction between sowing dates and genot,?es was statistically significant; furthermore, the genotype Conti 621 showed less disease severity than VNIIMK 8931 and IAC-Anhandy. August sowing date showed, on the average, the lower area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) and disease index (DI), which should be a consequence ofthe low rainfall during this period. Key words: d.lternaria" disease development, disease severity, Helianthus artrtutrs j sunllower INTRODUCTION Alternaria leaf spot, câused mainly by Alternaria helianthi (Hansford) Tubaki & Nishihara, is the main sunflower disease in Sâo Paulo State, Brazil. Lack of vertical resistance, low efficiency of fungicidal control, and possibility of occurrence in different plant development stages make the disease a potential problem for sunflower crops. The pathogen can cause leaf, stem, petiole, head and flower spots. The leaf spots are round, necrotic, dark brown with chlorotic halo. These spots enlarge up to 1.5 cm in diameter, and coalesce, causing leaf drying and defoliation in severely infected plants. The stem and petiole lesions are brown linear streaks, that coalesce to form large blackened lesions. In Brazil, the disease was first observed in 1969 in the States of Pernambuco (Aquino et aI., l97l), and Sâo Paulo (Ribeiro et al., 1974). According to Carson (1985), it can cause up to 600/o loss, which depend on the cultivar and the weather * With research grants from the National Research Council - CNPq 64 HELIA,21, Nr. 29, p.p. 63-72, (i998) conditions. In India, Balasubrahmanian & Kolte (1980) related grain losses up to 80% caused by Alternarta disease in 1995. In China, the yield reduction was 50% (Li & chi, 1996). Many factors influence the disease severity. According to Jeffrey et al. (1984) the cultural debris are a significant source of inoculum. The weather conditions have great influence in the disease development, specially total rainfall (Sentelhas et al., 1996). Islam and Marié, mentioned by Abbas et al. (1995), verified that the disease development was greatly favored by temperatures between 24 and 27oC. Aôlmovié (1979) determined the temperature between 25 and 3OoC as the best forA. heli"anthi infection. Allen et al. (1983) pointed out that the occurrence of epidemics of Alternaria in sunflower are much more frequent and severe in areas with long wet summer together with daily mean temperatures between 25 and 3OoC. Godoy & Gimenes Fernandes (1985) discussed the possibility of this disease to become a limiting factor to the sunflower culture expansion in Brazil, specially in the sowings from September to December since at this time the conditions for the fungus development can be ideal. High humidity is essential for the infection to take place. The conidia need free water for germination and infection (Frezzl et aL, 1979; Aéimovié, 1979). The infection degree is directly proportional to the water retention period on sunflower plants, increasing faster when the retention period increases from 12 to 48h (Aéimovié. 1979). The objective of this research was to evaluate the development of Alternaria disease in three sunflower genotypes over 12 sowing times' MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was carried out in a field experiment with 12 sowing dates ranging from February 2, 1989 to January 19, f990, in the Experimental Station of Monte Alegre do Sul (Latitude: 22o4O'S: Longitude:46o40'W). The genotypes used in the experiments were the varieties tAC-Anhandy and VNIIMK 8931, and the hybrid Contisol 621. tAc-Anhandy is an open pollinated variety developed in the Instituto Agronomico (IAC) from cv. Peredovick; VNIIMK 8931 is a Russian variety developed in Krasnodar. They were sown monthly in a randomized block design with four replications. Disease severity was recorded during the plant cycle, at lO-day intervals, up to physiological maturity. In the evaluations done with 10 plants per plot, the percentage of dried leaves and the foliar area affected by the fungus were studied using a diagrammatic scale proposed byAllen & Brown (1969). With these data a disease index was calculated for each evaluation and the disease amount in each cycle was obtained. The disease index was calculated using the following expression: HELIA,21, Nr.29, p.p. 63-72, (1998) 65 oI = [(Ar +Aù/2 + DLI /2 where, Ar : o/" of disease level on the first live bottom leaf A2 = "/" of disease level on the second live bottom leaf DL : number of dried leaves multiplied by lOOo/" With those indices, determined for each evaluation, an Alternaria leaf spot progress curve was constructed, and the disease amount calculated using the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), according to Moraes et at. (1988): AUCDP= X[(Yi+r +Yi)/2] {(4+r -Xi)1} where, Yi+ r : 7o of disease - infected area in the ith+ I observation Yi = o/o of disease - infected area in the i6 observation X i+r = number of days from sowing in the in * I observation Xi : number of days from sowing in the i6 observation All data acquired were transformed to DI and AUDPC and submitted to analysis of variance. The Duncan test at 5% was used for mean comparisons. Table l: Accumulated diseâse indexl for the three genotlpes, in twelve sowing dates, under natural field infection. Means of four renlications Genotype Sowing date 15112189 3o/1 o/892 05104189 07103189 03/1 0/89 01 /09/89 05/05/89 19/01/90 o2106189 02102189 05107189 1 1/08/89 Mean IAC-Anhandy a 228.81 a 204.36 b 228.29 a '193.20 bc 191 .21 bc 166.81 de 178.25 cd 157.84 e 131.53 f 161.44 de 133.83 f 183.s4 226.91 VNIIMK 8931 A 219.69 a Conti 621 A 222.77 a Mean 223.12 a A 214.74 ab A 210-87 a A 218.14 a A 198.37 bc AB 't81 .95 b B 194.89 b A 188.79 cd B 159.07 c A 190.39 cd A 185.23 b A A 186.95 cd A 177.28 b A 189.61 b '185.14 b AB 172.30 d A 149.87 c B 162.99 c A 186.91 cd A 121 .95 d B 162.37 c B 188.59 cd A 130.86 d c 159.10 c C 175.72 d A 151.27 c B 152.84 cd A 151 .29 e A 127.63 d B 146.79 d A 121.41 t '182.93 A 119.44 d A 124.90 e A tot.cz B A 192.05 b Cv(%) = 6.72 Means followed by the same letter in the column and the same capital letter in the line are not statistically different by Duncan at 5%. 1 Sum of individual evaluations of disease index. 2 Designated as November sowing because the emergency period occurred in November. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The statistical analysis indicated significant differences between the diseases index (DI) and the values of the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) for sowing dates and genotypes. Table I presents the sum of individual evaluations of HELIA,21, Nr. 29, p.p. 63-72, (1998) 66 DI for the three genotypes. The lowest DI was obtained in August sowing for all cultivars and also in February in the case of cv. IAC-Anhandy. The interaction between sowing dates and genotypes was statistically significant; furthermore, On the average, the genotype Conti 621 showed less disease severity in comparison with the other two. Comparing the DIs, November and December had similar disease levels. According to Figure l, the DI values of August sowing showed, until 54 days after emergence, the maximum of 13.15% for IAC-Anhandy and, at the end of this cycle, this index did not reach 31"/o. The low level of disease development presented in August sow'ing should be a consequence of the low rainfall in the period. In the first 22 days after emergency the total rainfall was 76 mm, which decreased after that, having no rain at all during the flowering period and 95.6 mm befween 73rd and B2ttd day after emergency. 80 70 x60 Èi ro Zqo a .< 30 (n À20 l0 0 22 JZ 43 54 72 92 DAYS AFTER EMERGENCY Fi.gure 1: Seasonal patterns oJ Dl in three su4flower genotApes sor,n in August According to Godoy & Gimenes Fernandes (1985), the disease can have a fast development under favorable conditions, leading to conspicuous differences each seven days. The same happened in the present research in which, that when the total rainfall between two evaluations showed a significative volume, there was a disease index increasing in the subsequent interval. The DI data were statistically equal in May, June and January (Table 1). For May (Figure 2) the DI almost did not change, staying between 7 and l5o/" until the middle of the flowering period; after that, it increased fast till physiological maturity. Between 88h and 99ù day after emergence (11 days) the DI doubled, reaching 3O% for'r'NIIMK 8931. Until 68 days after emergence the total rainfall was only 40.5 mm, and the disease was kept at very low levels; between the 69m and the BBU day after emergence the total rainfall was 98.7 mm which favored the disease development and showed that the DI of the following period was almost two times greater, for all cultivars. In the sowing of June, according to Figure 3, the DI stayed near HELIA, 21, Nr. 29, p.p. 63-72, (1998) 67 untll94h day after emergence; it jumped up to 30% in the next evaluation and stayed at this level until I15ft day after emergence for lAC-Anhandy and Conti-621. 2Oo/o 80 70 l**w*vNilMK 660 l--e--coNï tso o I I Z+o o fi30 o e,20 uJ 10 0 'r I 30 40 50 59 68 79 88 99 109 tzu DAYS AFTER EMERGENCY Figure 2: Seasonal patterns oJ Dl in three su4flotter genotApes sotun tn May 80 70 660 ôso o zao UI tt, fi30 U' -a 20 10 0 23 32 41 52 61 73 83 94 104 15 1 122 DAYS ÀFTER EMERGENCY Ftgure 3: Seasonal patterns oJ DI in three sunJTouer genotgpes sotun in June As the genotypes evaluated in the present research showed cycle interaction with sowing time, they sometimes presented different total cycles, and the number of observations were not the same in all growing seasons. According to Allen ef al. (1983), the susceptibility to A. heltanthi changes at different development stages of the sunflower plant. Sowings in May and June resulted in the larger life cycles of sunflower cropp. As VNIIMK 8931 enlarged its life cycle, compared with the other genoqæes, in June sowing (Figure 3), its DI almost reached 4oo/o al the end of the HELIA, 21, Nr. 29, p.p. 63-72, ( i998) 68 cycle, although the initial DIs were not high. The same happened for May sowing (Figure 2) but for all cultivars. 80 70 660 Ëuo o 2 ;40 (t, ff30 L o20 10 0 31 62 51 41 72 DAYS AFTER EMERGENCY Figure 4: Seasonal patterns oJ Dl in three su4flotuer genotApes sotun in October 80 70 660 tso o lqo ul o fi39 o c-20 10 34 44 58 DAYS AFTER EMERGENCY Figure 5: Seasonal patterns oJ DI in three su4flotuer genotApes sorun in Nouember During the first 30 days after emergence, the disease was maintained at low levll-13o/o) and in the subsequent 40 days it increased about four times in the sow'ing in October (Figure 4). November showed the DI near lO% only 24 days after the emergence and just before harvest it reached more than 7O"/" for Conti 621 (Figure 5). At the same periods, the sow'ing of December showed 25o/o in the 4th week after emergence and near 4Oo/o at physiological maturity (Figure 6). In relation els (DI: HELIA,21, Nr. 29, p.p. 63-72, (1998) 69 to disease index the sowing in February was classified between the lowest ones onlv for cv. IAC-Anhandy (Figure 7). 80 70 îuo ôso o 4rc ul (t, fi30 â20 U' 10 0 DAYS AFTER EMERGENCY Figure 6: seasonal patterns oJ DI in three su4flotoer genotapes sourn in December 80 70 ôou *uo e :40 u u, fi30 I .9 zo 10 0 3101735455473 DAYS AFTER EMERGENCY Figure 7: seasonal patterns oJ DI in three sunflou:er genotapes so:uln in Februarg Table 2 shows the AUDPC for all cultivars and sowing times. Mean AUDpc for July and January sowings was l5olo and 3s% higher, respectively, than August sowing; however, the AUDPC for Conti 621 was not statistically different in tiose three sowing dates. May and June presented intermediate data for AUDpc. The AUDpc for May was statistically equal to January sowing date, except for cont 621. November showed the highest AUDpc, followed by December (Table 2). Data of AUDPC for the sowing in March, April and october were intermediate. HELIA,2l, Nr. 29, p.p. 63-72, (1998) 70 Table 2: Area under the curve of disease progress (AUCDP) in three sunflower genotlpes evaluated in twelve sowing dates under natural field disease infection. Means of four replications Genotype date 30/1 0/89 15112189 03/1 0/89 021o2189 05/04/89 07103189 01 /09/89 02106189 05/0s/89 19/01/90 051o7189 1 1 /08/89 Mean IAC-Anhandy a abc 1856.06 bc 1522.42 eI 1758.27 cd 1978.36 ab 1647.65 de 1489.62 ef 1560.83 ef 1573.26 e 1410.30 f 1154.34 g 2024.47 1875.15 A A A B A A A B A A A A 1654.23 a 1836.95 abc 1842.93 abc 1943.17 a 1762.43 bcd 1693.60 cde 1608.90 de 1896.77 ab 1589.25 e 1642.22 de 1304.38 f 1050.61 g 1939.22 1678.37 Mean Conti 621 VNIIMK 8931 AB 1854.48 a B 1939.39 a A 1819.47 a A 1843.86 b A 1765.00 a A 1 A 1579.42 b B 1691 .67 c A 1542.54 b B B 1333.77 cd A 1465.29 bc A '1213.30 d A 821 .33 b 1687.75 c 1668.58 c B 1573.95 d 1355.26 cd B 1501 .78 de A 1068.18 e B 1427.88 e A 1008.20 e B 1240.96t A 1027.11 e A 1077.35 g 1s33.23 d 1419.34 CV(%) = 6.45 Means followed by the same letter in the column and the same capital statistically difierent by Duncan at 5%. in the line are not conti 621 showed, in all sowing times, lower or equa-l accumulation of DI and AUDPC than the other genotypes (Tables I and 2). This fact is probably related to the hybrid precocity since Sentelhas et al. (1996) related that Conti 621 susceptibilIty to Alternaria leaf spot was greater than in VNIIMK 8931' The level of disease incidence seems not to be strongly related to the primary inoculum; the disease evaluations were realized during the second year of trial, in area with great amount of initial inoculum since the disease appeared in the previous sowings and the debris stayed in the field. The variation in the disease level was (1996)' clearly related to climatic factors, already discussed by Sentelhas et al' Figures 5 and 6 exhibit the disease progress curves for November and December sowing dates, which presented the higher mean values for the AUDPC and corresponded to ttre periods of the greatest rainfall amount' reaching more than 600 mm for the whole culture cYcle. The difference between the genotypes susceptibility level in sunflower lines was discussed by carson (i985) and by Lipps & Herr (1986) fot 497 Helianthus annuus introductions. The climatological data of the studied cycles with great level of Alternaria incidence presentèd high humidity and temperature (Sentelhas et al.. 1996), which (1979) observed agree with Allen et al. (1983). Frezzi et aL (1979) and Aéimovié to germinate in order free water of hours two that the conidia need between one and HELIA, 21, Nr. 29, p.p. 63-72, (r998) 7L and to develop the infection. The infection rate increases fast when the water retention goes up to 48 hours (Aéimovié, 1979). In a greenhouse inoculation done by Moraes ef al. (1988), it was observed that young leaves had isolated necrotic spots while in the old leaves the spots tend to be coalescent, the leaves present increasing dried areas, and often fall down seven days after inoculation, leading to an early senescence. CONCLUSIONS The geno[rpes showed different levels of disease susceptibility. Conti 621 was less susceptible than the others genotlpes. Conti 621 showed the lowest DI in the sowings in January, June, July and August; \,T{IIMK 8931 was less affected by the disease in the sowing in August, and IAC-Anhandy, in the sowing in August and February. The level of disease incidence was not strongly related to primary inoculum. There was a clear relationship between disease level and climatic factors. REFERENCES Abbas, H.K., Egley, G.H. and PauI, R.N., 1995. Effect of conidia production temperarure on germination and infectivity of Alternaria hetianthi. phytopathol., 85 (6) : 6Z Z -6g2. Aéimovié, M., 1979. Effect of some ecologica-l factors on sporulation of Alternaria helionthi (Hansf.)Tub. & Nish. and on infection of sunflower. Zaïtita Bilja,30: b9-68. Allen,S.J.,Brown,J.F.andKochman,J.K., lg83.Productionofinoculumandfieldassessment of Alternaria helianthi on sunflower. Piant Dis., 67: 665-668. 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Effects of isolate virulence, plant age, and crop residues on seedling blight of sunflower caused by Alternarin heliànthi. Phytopathol., 74(9): lr07-lllO. Li, Y. and Chi, L., 1996. Study on black spot of sunflower. In: International Sunflower Conference, f 4, Beijing/Sheniang, I 996. Proceedings. p. 8 I O-8 I 5. Lipps, P.E. and Herr, L.J., f 986. Reaction of Heli.anthus (annuus and H. tuberosus plant introductions To Alternaria helianthi. Plant Dis., 7Ot9): 831-835. Moraes, S.4., Godoy, I.J., Gerin, M.A.N., Pedro Jr., M.J. and pereira, J.C.V.N.A.. 1988. Epidemiologr of Cercosporidium personatum em genôtipos de amendoim. Fitopatologia Brasileira, l3(3): 255-260. Moraes, s.4., ungaro, M.R.G. and Mendes, B.M.J., rg93. Alternarta helianthi, âgente causal de doença em girassol. Fundaçâo Cargill, Campinas. 2Op. 72 HELIA, 21, Nr. 29, p.p. 63-72, ( 1998) Ribeiro, I. J. A., Paradela F'., O.; Soave, J. and Cerveliini, G. S., 1974 OcorrênciadeAlternaria helianthi(Hartsf. ) Tubaki & Nishihara sobre girassol (Helianthus annuus L. ). Bragantia, 33: 8l-85, (nota n'17). sentelhas, P.c.,Pezzoparte, J.R.M., Ungaro, M.R.G., Moraes, S.A. and Dudienas, c., 1996. Aspectos climâtiôos relacionados à ocorrência da mancha de Alternaria em cultivares de girassol. Fitopatologia Brasileira, 2l(4) :464-469. DESARROLLO DE LA ENFERMEDAD ALTERNARIA EN CONDICIONES TROPICALES RESUMEN Un campo experimental fue sembrado mensualmente del febrero de 1989 al enero de 199O, con el objetivo de evaluar eI desarrollo de la enfermedad Alternaria en tres genotipos de girasol, siguiendo un diseflo de bloques aleatorios con cuatro repeticiones. El nivel de la enfermedad fue evaluado en un intervalo de lo dias hasta la madurez fisiolôgica. La interaccciôn entre las fechas de siembra y los genotipos eran estadistcamente significativas; ademâs, la severidad de Ia enfermedad era menor en el genotipo Conti 621 que en VNIIMK 893f e lAC-Anhandy. La fecha de siembra de agosto mostraba, en general, el nivel mâs bajo ârea bajo la curva del progreso de la enfermedad (AUCDP) y de indice de la enfermedad (DI), lo cual podria ser una consecuencia de la baja pluviosidad durante este periodo. DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA IT{ALI\DIE ALTERNARIA EN CONDITIONS TROPICALES RESUME Un champ expérimental a été planté mensuellement, de féwier 1989 à janvier 199O, avec pour objectif, l'évaluation du développement de la maladie Alternaria pour trois génotypes de tournesol, selon un dispositif de blocs aléa- toires avec quatre répétitions. Le niveau de Ia maladie a été évalué tous les lo jours jusqu'â la maturité physiologique. L'interaction entre dates de plantation et génot,?es est significativement différente; deplus, la sévérité de la maladie a été moins importante sur le génot]?e Conti 621 que sur VNIIMK 8931 et IACAnhandy. La date de plantation d'août a montré, en moyenne, la plus baisse aire en dessous de la courbe du progrès de la maladie (AUCDP) et le plus bas index de la maladie {DI), ceci pourrait être Ia conséquence de la faible pluviosité pendant cette Période.
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