HEP_Operating_System HEP Operating System
HEP_Operating_System HEP_Operating_System
User Manual: HEP_Operating_System
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1: EP 0 P.,E R1\ T I "1 G SYST EM T~BLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1• EXECUTIVE .••.•....•••..••••...••.•......•.•.•...• -. •.•... 1 1.1 Rect . . • . . . . . . . • • . • • • • • . . . . • . . . . • • . . • • . . . . • . . . • . . . . . 1 1.1.1 Basic Services •......•..............•.•..... 1 1 • 1 .1. 1 1 • 1 . 1 .·2 Task Management ••..••••.••...••.... 2 Message Rcutine .•......••...•...... 2 Terminal Service .............•..... 4 I/O Interrupt Services ••.•...•.•... 5 ~iscellaneous Services •..•.•••..... 6 I 1.1.2 1.1.3 Executive Debugguer ..•.•••..•.•........••.•. 7 Switch In~erface .•..•....•.•....••....•..... 8 ~. 1.2 ernel Inbound T8sk (KT) ..•........ 9 ernel Outbound Task (KO) •.....•... 9 equest File Task (RF) ..•...•••..• 10 File Manager .•..•.•••.......•.•••...•..••..•.•...• 11 1•2 • 1 Dis k F 0 rrrl pt •••.•.•..••.•.•.••.....•...••.•• 11 i 1 e Form at ...••......•.•....•...• 1 1 irectory Format •...•••.••..••••.. 13 itmap & Reserved Section (: F 0 rrn at •....•...............•...• 1 R 1 .2. 1 • 1 ~ 1.2.2 Basic Fi~~ Management Rcutlnes ..•.......... 19 1 .2. 2 .3 1.2.3 ~ .•••....•••.•••..•....•....• 19 ~ •••••••••••••••••••• 19 ogon ............................. 19 . nter .............•....•...•.....• 19 btain ockup ••••••• ~ t'\ddufd .•..•...•...•••.•••..••..... 19 :Release ..•..•........•.••..•...... 1<) peletefile ............•••••....... 19 Re n·am e f i 1 e • . . . • . . . • • • . • • . . . • . .•... 20 Executiv',Interface .••.•....••....••..•••.•. 20 1.2.3. LI xecutive Open .•..•.•.•....•.•.... 22 xecutive Close .•..•..••••...•.••• 23 ~xecutive Rea~/Write •••••..•..•.•• 24 Executive Obtain .••.•.•••..•.••... 24 Executi ve Logen •..•..•.••...••.•... 21l ~ 1 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.3 1 .2.4 Rcsident Supervisor Intcrface •..•••........ 25 1.2.l~.1 The R~sident OPEN ................. 27 Resident CLO:::;E •.•.......•.....•...• 27 1 • 2 • It • 3 Resident READ/WRITE •.............. ?7 1 . 2 • 1t • 1~ Resident OBT'\T'~ ..•......•...•..... 27 Resident LOGO~ .........•.........• 27 1 .2.5 Operator Interface ............••.••........ 27 PASCAL Runtime Library ............•............... 29 1 •3• 1 1 • 3.2 1 3. 3 ft PASCAL Interface ••.....•.•••...•..........• 29 PASCAL Runtime Environment .•.•...•........ o32 Files and File Variables .................... 34 1.3.4 Miscellaneous Runtime Support Ro utines .................................. 38 1.3.1~.5 FIN.IT . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 LOGO~I .••..••••..•••...••.•....•..• 39 LINLEN •...•.••..•..•...••..•...... 39 SETID . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 GE·fTSK ..........•••....•.....•.... 39 1 .3.4.6 1 • 3 . J~ • 1 GE: T L 0 C • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 a SETLOC . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 1.3.4.LI 1.4 Non-Text Files •...•....•......... _14 Text Files •.•••••..•...•.•...•..•• 35 rile Varinbles ..••.....••....•...• i6 File Descriptcr Blcck •..•.•......• 3S ERB ............................... 39 & Tape Mi1nager ........................................ 41 1.4.1 1.1i.2 Overview .................................... 41 Tape Format •..........•..•.•••.........••.• ~1 t~ 0 de. . • . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • . . . . • 4 1 1•4 •2 • 1 R~ c c r d Dump Mode . . . . • • • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . • . . . • 41 1.1t.2.2.1 Word Files •••....•..... 42 UFO Dumps ••••••..•..... 42 End of Volume .........• 43 2 HEP OPERATING Tt\BLE OF 1.4.3 SYSTE~ COI~TENTS Ccmrnnnds ...•......•......................•.. l l3 1 . H. 3 . 1 1 • It • 1t 1 • 4 • ') 1•5 HE P D(~ b ug g e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 R 1 •5. 1 1.6 1.7 T() peP 0 sit i c n i n g .................. II 3 Writing n Tape .....•..•.....•. ~ ... 44 Reading a Tape •.....•.....••...... 4 5 1 • It • 3 • 4 1 n d ire c t Cc mrn Cl n d F i 1 e. • • • • • • • • • • • • H6 Terminating Command Processing ..........••.......•.. 46 Fun c tic n a 1 0 esc rip t ion . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . 4 5 Err cr' Me s sag e s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • It 7 C0 en en and Fer mat . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • . . . . . . . . . I, 8 Maintenance Process (Net Completed Yet) Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 1.7.1 1.7.2 Overview ...•....•.............•.•.......... 50 Comrnands •..••.•...••...•.•.••...•..•...•... 50 Log On/Off Commands .......•....... 51 1. 1 . 2 • 1. 1 File Utility Commands •........•... 51 Log On........... ..•... 5 1 Log Off ....••..•.•••... 51 Assistance •••.....•.... 51 List Directory ...•.... e51 Copy a Filc .....•...... S2Delete a File ..•....•• o52 List a File •.•..•...... 52 Rename a File •..•....• o52 Submit a Job •••••..••• o52 Edit Commands •...•.•.•.•••.•...•. 1 • 7 .2. 3. !l ~53 Edit a File •••......•.. 53 Copy Lines .•.••....•••• ')3 Move Lines .••......•.•. 53 Insert a Sequence of Lines .•...••...••. 53 Reolace a Text . S· t rlng •..•..•..•.••.. r.:J-11 Delete Lines ••...•••••. ')4 Direct Insert •..••.••.. 54 3 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM TABLE 0F COf.!TENTS Direct Dclete ......•... 5t1 Find a Text String •............... 54 List Lines ••.•...••...• 55 Renumber the File ................. 55 Save the Changed File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55"3 End the Edit Session .•............ ')6 Cancel the Edit ........ 56 1.7.3 1.1.4 1.8 Functional Description ..•...•.............. 56 Running a Job From the Editor .............. 51 Batct1 Monitor ••.....•••..••....•.••..•.••........ $58 1.S.1 1.8.2 ·:)vervie\..J .................................... 5<3 Commands .................................... 5'3 Job Related Commands ....•••....... 5S 1.R.2.1.2 System Related Cornmanris .......... 059 1.8.3 Set HEP Partition Sizes ..•.•........••• 59 Set Contrcl Card Processor ....•.•••..• 60 Display the Job Queue •• 60 Display the Jobs in Execution •••.•••..... 60 Quiesce the System ..... 61 R~sume Normal System Operaticn ..........•.• 61 Inter-Task Messages •••••....•.•.•••.•..•••. fi1 1• 8 •3 . 1 1.8.4 tJob to Top of Queue •..•••...••.. 5R Suspend Job Execution .. 59 Resume Job Execution ... 59 Cancel a Jeb ..•••.••... 59 ~ove HEP 1,1 e s sag e s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 1 Summary of Batch ~onitor Commands .................................. 63 4 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM T~BLE OF CONTENT~ 1.9 Reactor (Not Completed YP.t) 1.10 Writer (Not Completed Yet) 1.11 Dist< Builder ••....••••...••.•••.••.••.•••...•.•.... 66 1.11.1 1.11.2 1.11.3 1.11.4 1.11.5 1.11.6 1.11.7 1.11.8 1.11.9 1.11.10 FcrmClt Di s\< •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 65 Initialize Dis1< ••........•••...•...••....•. I)f) Create User File Directory •••.••....•...... 66 Logon • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 66 B u i 1 d. 80 0 t s t rap Se c to r s •...•...•••......•.. 66 Set Date . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~7 Set Tirne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Distribution Tape •••.••••••••.•..••... 6 7 Read Absolute S~ctor ..•....•..••.•..•....•. 67 Set Indirect File •.•.•••...••.•••...•...... 6~ 1 • 1 1 • 1 1 Shut Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 1.11.12 Disk Build Procedure •••••....•.••••.......• 68 Ma~e HEPOP ERA TI ~J G S YS TEr·, TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. RESIDENT SUPE RVISOR •...•....•.•......•....•............. 1 2.1 It Cl Cl.) Fi l(~ a File File 11 e n ·3m e cj F i 1 e Submit a Job Edit Commands 1.7.?.3.1 1 • '{ • ? . ] .' '3 1 • 7 . 2 • 1 . tl 1.7.?.1.S 1 • 't . ? . 3 . 7 1.7.?1.Q 1 • '( • 2 • 'L () 1.7.~.).10 Edit a Fil~ Copy Lin~s :~OVA Lines Insert 8 S~qu~~cc of Renln~~ 4 T~xt D~lp.te Lin~~~ Strin~ Dir0ct Insert f)ir('\ct D/110.t~ ~tn~ ~ T~xt Li3t Lines 3 ~trin1 Li~es H SPOP E R!\ T I q G SYST r:: t-1 T~BLE OF CONTE~TS Ren~mbcr t~e File Save th~ Chan~ed File 1.7.?.3.13 Eni the E1it Session 1.7.?.3.14 Canc21 the Edit 1.7.3 1.7.11 Description RU:1ning n .Job From th,~ Editor Fu~ctional 3Qtch Monitor Reader 1 • 1 0 ':.Jr it e r 1.11 9isk Builder 1.1 1.9 Format Dis,-< Initialize Disl< 1.11.3 Create User File Directory 1 • 1 1 • 1\ Logon 1.11.5 Build Bootstr~p Sectors 1.11.6 Set Dat~ 1.11.7 Set Time 1.11.8 ~ak~ Distribution Tape 1.11.0 R~ad Absolute Sector 1.11.10 Set Indirect File 1.11.11 Sh ut D(H~n 1 ., 1 1 • 1 2 Disk Bui11 Procedur~ 1.11.1 1.11.2 4 H SP () P ~ RAT 1 nG SYST E:-1 TABLE OF CONTSNTS 2. RESIDEnT SUPERVISOR 2.1 : If the u=VALUE" suffix is omitted, the specified item is printed, otherwise it is set to the entered value. Type 10 is a single character describing the item to be examined or modified. Valid types are shown below. TYPE RANGE MEANING Blank or omitted 0-177776 Computer Memory Address A 0-6 Memory Address Mapping Rp.gisters B 0-7 Breakpoint Locations c Count of Waiting Output Terminal Messages F Fla~ Showing Dispatching St ate p Examine on 1 y, Continues From Bre3kpoint Head of Input Message Queue Q R Genernl Purpose Registers 0-7 s Processor Status Word 7 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Range is entered as a single octal integer or pair of integers separated by a comma. For modify operati~ns only the first range value is used; fer examine operations, all locations between the two values are displayed. Task ID selects the task whose data 'is referred to. TasK 10 may be emitted when examining computer memcry, and absolute locations are when referred to. Only locations in the first 40K of real memory may be accessed this way, and only for examine. Tne Ex~cutive Debugger is also used to print messages generated by error traps from other Executive tasks. These messages include the trap type, task 10, PC and status word of the trapping task. Trap types are: RS IL 00 MM BP EM FP IO PF 1.1.3 - Privileged Instruction (usually HALT) Illegal Instruction ot Nonexistent Memory Odd Address Memory Management Violation Breakpoint Emulator Trap (not used by this system) Floating Point lOT Trap (not used by this system) Page Fault - Memory Management Error Switch Interface A major communications path between the HEP and Executive t~5ks is the 5wltch interface. Tnis interfnce appears to the HEP as a set of 16 memory locations, of which tnree are presently used. A HEP memory access is broken into two parts - a request and A responsa. Tn~ switch interface generate3 a Root interrupt when a request is received, but does not generate a response. Responses are generated under software control of the responsible Executive task. In ~rder to facilitate use of the switch interface, tnree small Executive .tasks are incorporated into the Root. These tasks are activated by Reot interrupt code when a switch request is received. They/read the contents of the switch request and send it to toe apprcprinte Executive task. These Root task3 are described on the next page. 8 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Kernel Inbound Task (KI) The Kernel Inbound Task is used by all Executive tasks wisnlng to send messages to the HE? Kernel. During HEP IPL, each PEM sends to KI the address of its communications area. This information is saved by KI. After saving its addres~, the ?EM then attempts to read a word from the switch interface. KI holds this request and issues no response. After receiving the read request, KI enters Message W~it state via Trap 2. When an Executive Task wishes to send a message to a HEP proces~or. it begins by sending a Seize with Reply message (Type 13) to KI. KI places the communications area address for that processor in the message and is~ues Trap 10 (Reply). This places KI in Reply Wait and activates the originnl sender. Tne sender writes data to the communications area and sends an Activate-W~th-Reply (message type 14) to KI via Trap 10. This causes KI to respond to the outstanding read from the PEM, using the contents of the message as the response data. The PEM process receiving the data uses it to control message processing. After precessing, the PEM issues another read request. This causes a Root interrupt wnlcn activates KI. KT generates anothp.r Reply message to the original sender and enters Reply Wait. This process continues until the transaction is completed. At this pvint, the sender generates a Release (message type 15) with no r'eply and sends it to KI via Trap 10. KI frees the message with Trap 4 and issues Trap 2 to get its next input message. Tne reply mechanism causes KI and a HE? Executive task to run as co-routines during HEP mes~age transmission, and provides an interlock allowing sharing of the switcn interface without conflict between multiple senders. 1. 1• 3 • 2 Kern e 1 Ou t b 0 u n d T~ s k (K 0 ) The Kernel Outboun~ Task handles unsolicited from the Kernel to the Batch Monitor Executive T3sk. During initialization, it enables interrupt~ on tne switcn location used for tni~ purpose. Wnen an interrupt is received" it assembles tne switch data int0 a message and forward~ it as a Switch Message with Reply (message ty~e 12) to the Bntcn Monitor. When the Batch Monitor completes messnge processing, it replies to KO, and KO genArates a swltcn response. frees the buffer and reenables interrupts for the next unsolicited me~sage. me~sages 9 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Request File T~sk (RF) The Request File Task is similar to the KO task (in fact, most of the code is common) except that a different switch location is used and me~sages are sent ta the File Manager rather than the Batch Monitor. The RF task is used for commu~ication8 between HEP supervisor tasks and the file system. 10 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 1.2 File Manager All di~k IIO in the HEP System (except during IPL) i~ performed by the File Manager. Oper~tions supported by the File Manager are: Logon - Validate User ID File Open - Locate an Old File or Create a New One Read a-Physical Record W:ite a Physical Record Obtain the Address of an Unused Physical Record File Close - Close, Delete In addition, operator commands exi~t or Rename a File to: Enter Debug Mode L~Clve Debug Mode Add a Use: ID Snut Down the File Manager reCld/\rlf'ite ()p~:atl()ns, the File Manager merely perform,~ control functions and data transfer on behalf of requesting Executive T~skg or HE? 3upervi~or processes. For other cperat~cng, the File Manager performs directory search/update functions and s~arch/update of the disk free section tRbles. Fo: disk 1.2.1 Disk Format Tne ~ystem di~k i~ J fixed s~ctored 300Mb movinR head disk wltn a 1.2 Mbyte/second transfer rate. Sectors are 512 bytes (6q HEP words) lon~. File Fermat Files in the HEP system Rre a doubly-linked list of physical records. ERCh record contains two HEP worrls uf linkar,e information, followed by 62 words of data. is part cf the record and i~ Tne link8ge info:mation 1I HEP OPERATING SYSTEM made available to and supplied by all softw:are interfacing to the File Manager. The format of a pnY3ical record is shown in Figure A. THIS THIS THIS NEXT SECTOR CYLINDER NEXT NEXT TRACK SEGTOR WORD 0 CYLINDER TRACK FILE RELATIVE LAST \~ORD LAST LAST USER SECTOR NO. NO. RECORD NO. 1· CYLINDER TRAaCK WITHIN IN FILE USER --: HORD 2-6 - DATA Figure A - DISK RECORD FORMAT Tn~ cylinder, track and sector information is u~ed to chain records together. Mainten~nce of this information is the responsibility of Executive and supervisor tasks calling the File Manager - it is n~t c n (~ c ked 0 t' mc d i fie d bY t ne F i 1 eM;) n il g ~ r~ ex cept d u 1'" i n g file accesses for internal File Manager purposes. Tne "next" fields of the last record in a file contain all zeroes; similarly, the "last" fields of the first record of a file contain all zeroes. The user number, file number and record number fields are used for file consistency checking and system debug. .They should be maintained by all Executive tnsks and HEP supervisors. Ine format I~f tne "this" "next" and "last" fields is referred to as a Itdiskaddres~tf and is the standard fvrmat for representine disk locations. Each diskaddres8 occupies 32 bits (1/2 HEP word). t 12 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Directory Format In the HEP system t files are accessed via a tree-structured directory system. At the- leaves of the tree are disk file headers. Each file header occupies one record, and contains complete information about a single file. The format of a file header is shown in Figure B. \-lORD o THIS ADR. PREV. ADR. USER FILE RECORD NO. NO. NO. NEXT ADR. 2 3 CKSUH LENI OCOUNT DATE .I 1 DATE AC DA TE 5 FREG LREC 6 UFD FHP 7 REGSIZE MOD.- I ACPRIV EOF\'1 I FLEN FILENAME Figure B - FILE HEADER FORMAT The format of wc)rd 0 and word 1 of a file header is standard. These words are used to link all file headers for a particular user into a file named 'HEADER'. Tois file is automatically maintained by the File Manager. By reading this file, a u,er p;ogram may obtain the n8m~ and ~ll pertinAnt ch~racteristics of 311 of its files. The remaining field~ in the flle oe a de r per t a i n t f) the s pee i fie f i 1 e ::j n dar e dis c u sse d beloH. HE? OPERATING SYSTEM LEN - Tne length of toe file name in bytes. CKS U!'1 - Toe exclusive OR of all in toe file name. OCOUNT to~ character pairs Tne number of users whc have this file open. If negative, one user has the file open, and additional opens are not allowed. MODDATE - A 48 bit field containing the date and time this file was last closed by a user with write access. The date is in standard system date format, described in Section 1.11 Disk Builder. CRDA TE - Date this format. file was created, in standard ACDA TE Date this file was last accessed. FREe The diskaddress of the first record in the file. All files have at least one record, which may contain no data. LREG - The diskaddress of toe last record of toe fi Ie. UFD - Toe diskaddress of the UFD record pointing to this file. UFO records are discussed on the next page. This pointer is used during file deletc/ren8me operations. FN? - Tne diskaddress of the file 'HEADER' for this user. Used for file delete/rename operations. REGSIZE The record size in HE? words of the records in this file. This informaton is not used by the File Manager, who neals in physical records only. HEP OPERATING SYSTEM ACPRIV - Access privileges for this file. The high byte of the field controls public access privileges, while the low byte controls the users own access privileges. Bits in each byte are defined as follows: • •••••• 1 Read Access • ••••• 1 • Write Access • •••• 1 •• Extend Access • ••• 1 ••• Exclusive Access • •• 1 •••• Semaphored Access (not used) • • 1 ••••• Delete/Rename Access • 1 •••••• Execute Access (not used) 1 ••••••• Access Change Access EOFW - End of file word. The word number of the first free ward in the l~st r~cord of the file. All files must be an integral number of words long. All file8 must contain at least one word; for an empty file. FREC ~ LREC and EOFW: O. If a file is an integl'al number of physical records long, an extra record ie pr~sent at the end of the file, and EOFW z O. FLEN - Tne record number of the last record 1n the file (zero relative). FILENAME - The 1 to 448 character name of the file. The filen~me is stored in a byte-swapped format within each word. Character~ are in the order ehown below: f 1 I 0 I 3 I. 2 I 5 I Tnis is Executive bytes. ~ 11 7 I 6 I way the consequence of the computer (a PDP_l1) addresses 15 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM In order to speed up searching the file directories, an indexing file, called the User File Directory, or UFD, is maintRined for each user. This file resides in the directory of the distinguished user whose ID is '000000000000'. The name of this file is UFD. XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is the ID of the user in question. The format of the records in th~ UFD file is snown in Figure C(a) and Figure C(h). HORD 0 THIS NEXT \O/ORD LAST COUNTS t-l OR D 2 LEN CKSUfv1 FHA \-/OR D 3 LEN CKSUH FHA · · · \IOR D 63 LEN CKSUM FHA Figure C(a) - UFD ENTRY FORMAT TRACK LEN CKS lJM CYLINDER SECTOR FHA Figure C(b) - UFD ENTRY FORMAT The LEN and CKSUM fields in a UFD entry are of tne corr~3ponding fi~ld3 in the file neader to Hnj.cn it refers. The FHA field is the diskaddress of tne fileheader for the file. When searching for a file, the File Mana~er need only read tne file ne~ders of files with corresponding length and check~um fields. Since 62 files mRY he'referred to per UF D r e c I) r d, a con 3 ide r A b I P. S a v i n r. i n 0 pen tim ere :3 U Its • Tne UFD is automatically maintained by the File Manager, and i~ net visible or accessible to th~ user. ~uplicatQs 16 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM In order to permit access to files from multiple users, the User File Direct6ries are pointed to by a higher level directory called the Master File Directory or MFD. This file is also held under the distinguished ID '000000000000'. Toe format of an MFD record and MFD entry is shown in Figure DCa) and Figure" DCb). WORD 0 THIS NEXT WORD LAST COUNTS HORD 2 USER UFDA ID WORD 3 · · · WORD 62 USER ID \-10 R D 63 UFDA Figure DCa) - MFD RECORD FORMAT USER IO I CYLINDER I TRACK UFDA I SECTOR Figure ·D(b) - MFD ENTRY FaRHAT The u~er 1D is a 12 cnaracter (padded with blanks) character string in byte-~wopp~d format ~s described for file na~e8. The diskaddress points to toe first dnta record cf the corrAsponding UFD. Eacn u~er in the system nas a sin~le MFD entry. 17 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM The UFO's and MFD are maintained as files by t~e File Manager. Access to their data is not made by normal file access mechanisms. Tne File Manager searches and updates these files using internal routines not available to other tasks~ The MFO, the UFO fer the distinguished user, and ether 'files are built by Disk Build during disk initialization. Bitmap and Reserved Sector Format Wnen additional sectors are required for a file on the disk, an unused secter is allocated using the disk bitmap. The bitmap is a file consisting of one record on each disk cylinder. Bits in the data portion of the record correspond to sectors on tne cylinder. Since there are 32 sectors on a track. and 19 tracks per cylinder, 19 two-word pairs are used to repregent the cylinder. Bits correspondiing to allocated sectors are zero. while unallocated sectors have l's in their bit pOSition. The bitmap record i8 cn a fixed track and sector on all cylinders. Its location is determined by Disk Build. For convenience, a standard file header is built for the bitmap. under the distinguished user TO '000000000000'. The name of the file is BITMAP. The File Manager maintains the bitmap record for cne cylinder in core at all times. All requests for records are allocated from this cylinder until it is full. At this point, the File Manager moves to the next highest cylinder (modulo the mnximum valid cylinder) until available sectors are found. Thus bitmap IIO is minimized, and all files being extended at the same time will go on the same cylinder if po~sib'le. This reduces di~k latency and improves performance. Cylinder 0, track 0, sectors 0 and 1 are unique in that tney are marked allocated in the bitm3p, but are net part of any file. Sector 0 i~ the hardware bootstrap, and ~s described in conjunction with toe Di~k Builder. Sector 1 is the File Manager and IPL p()inter ~ector. The THIS field of ~ectcr 1 point~ to the first record of the MFD. Toe LAST fip.ld of sector 1 p\)iny'~ to tne bitm;lp. Toe data portion of sector 1 cantain~ pOinters to IPL files and i , described with data Di'3k Build. 18 HE? OPERATING SYSTEM 1.2.2 Basic File Management Routines OBTAIN OBTAIN is used to get an unallocated sector in which to write data. The sector is marked allocated by OBTAIN. LOOKUP LOOKUP is used to search a user file directory for a specified file. If the lookup is successful, the file neader of the file is made available to the caller. LOGON LOGON is used to locate a specific user file directory. If the logon is successful, the diskaddress of the UFO is made available to the caller. ENTER ENTER is used to add a file header to a specified user file directory. An initial data record is allocated and initial values in the file header are supplied. No duplicate file checking is performed. AODUFD ADDUFD is used to create a UFD and enter it into the MFD. It is only activated under operator command. No duplicate UFO checking is performed. RELEASE RELEASEi8 the opposite of OBTAIN, and is used to free sectors in the bitmap wnen files are deleted. DELETEFILE DELETEFILE is used to remove a file header from a UFD, delete the file header record, and queue the file data records for rieletion. Since tois prcces~ may be lengthy, it is handled as a 'demon' du~ing otherw1~e idle File Manager time. 10 \ HEP OPERATING SYSTEM RENAMEFILE file header to RENAMEFILE updates a UFD and contain a new name. Note th~t only the name of a file can be cnanged, not its owning UFO. 1.2.3 Executive Interface Executive tasks communicate with the File Manager using the standard system message mechanism. Several message types are p!""ocessed: TYPE MEANING 6 File Open 7 File Close 8 Record Read 9 Record Write 10 Obtain a Sec tor 11 Ll')gon A common message format is used fer open, close, and write. Tnis format is shown in Figure E. 16 Bit \'10 rd 0 UIO 1 2 RQ TYPE 3 BUFAD 4 BASE 5 OPLEN 6 S TA TUS 7 ACCESS 8 OPTION 23 CHARACTERS Figure E - OPEN/CLOSE MESSAGE FORMAT HEP OPERATING SYSTEI1 Tn~3e fields are used as follows: UID - Diskaddress of user's close) • Supplied by caller. RQ TYPE - If 0, open for output. If 'nonzero, open for input (open, close). Supplied by caller. BUF AD UFD (open, Address in caller's space of disk record (open, close, read, write). Supplied by caller. BASE - Base of· user stack div 64, close, read, write). Supplied by caller. OPT LE N - Length of option cnaractArs (open). Supplied by caller. STATUS - Result of operation (open, close, read, write). Set by File MRnager. ACCESS - Requested access cedes (open, close) for tnls open - s~t by File M8nnger. Based on option string on o p(~ n • Supplied by caller on close. (open, OPTION CHARACTERS - ASCII characters specifying (open, close). Open or close options Valid options are: IH IR IA IT IN :: :: :- :: Hrite Access Read Ac c e s s plus (extend Append Acces!'3 positicjn tc~ end of file) Tempcriiry File ¥ (delet.(~ old Ne \-1 if File prese~t) 2 1 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Option precessing is provided as a service to. Executive Tasks. Not all option bits are used by the File Manager. P~sitioning to end of file (/A) and file del~tion en close (IT) are the responsibility of the caller. Bits are set in ACCESS to indicate these options were specified, but action in" these options must be taken by the caller. The low byte of ACCESS has the format described fer ACPRIV in the file header. The high byte is as follows: • •••••• 1 Temporary (IT) • ••••• 1 • Append • •••• 1 •• New (IN) (/A) All message communication with the File Manager uses the Root reply mechanism, and the File Manager responds to Executive requests via Trap 10 (Reply)~ Executive Open An Executive task opens a file by issuing message 6. The BUFAO field of the message pOints to a disk record. In this record, the FILENAME, LEN, and RECSIZE fields are supplied by the user (RECSTZE is only used if tne file is to be created). The FILENAME may contain a user TO in square brackets at the start, Rnd may contain access options in par~nthesis at the end. Access options are only u,ed if the file is to be created. The open routine USEROPEN strips the u,er TO and options. If the user TO was prescnt, tne File f1anager uses LOGON to locate the UFD, otherwise the UFO diskaddress in the open message is used. The access options are processed into tne ACPRIV field of the user is file header, and LOOKUP and ENTER are used to locate and/or create toe file. Access privileges resulting from the processing of the mes~age option string are stored in the me~Bage ACCESS field and coecked against ACPRIV in toe fil~ he~der. If valid privileges are requested tne actual disk file nender Is wr~tten to the callers disk record, and tne me8~age status is s~t to o. If not, the message status is non-zero and the file header is not supplied. Tne format of tne acce~s ccd~ strin~ following tn~ file name is; (PRWEXD, URWEXD) where the string beginning with 'PI d~nctes public access privileges and tne strin~ be~inning witn 'U t oenctes user access HEP OPERATING SYSTEM privileges. suppl ied : Any or all of the access characters may be R - Read Access H Hrite Access E - Extend x - Exclusive D - Delete/Rename Tnese characters determine the permanent access attributes of the file if it is created by open. Error returns from open are given in Table F. STA TUS ERROR -64 Nonexistent User ID -65 Bad Message Options -66 File Existence Conflict (duplicate file or nonexistent file) -69 Requested Access Denied -70 Exclusive -71 Disk I/O Error -68 Attempt to Create File ether Enter Failure. Acces~ File Already in Use in Another UFD or Tnble F - OPEN ERROR CODES Executive Close An Executive task closAs a file by issuing message 7. Tne format of tne message is as indicnted previously. The file neader painted to by BUFAD must contain t~e diskaddr~s~ of the file ne~der to be closed in tne 'THIS' field. If toe first character of the option field in tne message is '0' the file will be deleted •. If the first character is 'R'. tn~ file will .,., HEP OPERATING SYSTEM be renamed and the LEN and FILENAME portions of the file header mU8t contain the new name and its length. Error codes from CLOSE are given in Table G. STATUS ERROR -18 Delete or Ren~me Not Done Access Violation or File Open by Other Users (delete only) by Other Users (delete only). -19 New Name is Duplicate (rename only). -11 I/O Error Table G - CLOSE ERROR CODES 1.20'3.3 Executive Read/Write Executive task8 read and write records via mes8age 8 (read) and mes~age 9 (write). Only the BUFAD and BASE fields are u8ed in these messages. Data is read frcm or written to the diskaddress specified by the 'THIS' field of the record pointed to by BUFAD. No checking is done on the validity of the address or anything e18e. This is the responsibility of the calling task. Executive Obta'in while extending a fil~, an Executive task an additional disk record, it issues message '10. Tn e File Manager uses the OBT~IN routine to allocate a sector, and the diskaddress of the sector is returned to the call~r in the first 32 bit~ of the d~ta portion of tn~ message. If, requires Executive Logon Several File M~nager calls requirR the caller to specify the diskaddre8s of a UFO. Inis address is obtained via message 11. A calling tnsk places th~ twelve character user ID of a user in th~ first twelv~ byt~.9 of tne dat~ portion of th~ m~s.9~Be. The File M8nager u'es tne LOGON routine to reac~ the MFD for tne UFD addres,. If ~ucces9ful, the diskaddress of the UFD is returned in the first 32 bits of the messaga, "''' HEP OPERATING SYSTEM replacing the first 4 ch8racters of the user 10. Logon error codes are: STATUS MEANING -19 1.2.4 No Such User 10 Resident Supervisor Interface The File Manager provides I/O services to HE? processes in much the. same way as it does for Executive Tasks. For Executive tasks, IIO is performed directly into toe caller's buffer. Since HEP data memory is not part of the Executive computer's address space, HEP 1/0 is handled differently. HEP requests arrive via the Unibus-to-Switcn Interface and the File Manager's helper task RF. The message received by the File Manager is a switch message (messag~ 12) and contains one HEP word of data. The high 16 bits of the data word are a request code type with the following values: 0 - Logon Open 2 3 - 4 - Write Record 5 - Obtain Record Close Read Record Toe low 32 bits of the word point to a 66 word I/O block. Tne last 64 words of this block are a disk record in toe format previously di~cu3ged. Toe first two words contain IIO p3:Rmeters and options. Tnese words are dp.scribed below. CODE uro STAT , E 0 , I 64 WORD DISK RE80RO Figure H - HEP liD REQUEST FORMAT 25 I A HEP OPERATING SYSTEM CODE - Request code, as enumerated above STAT - Result status supplied by File Manager. Values as indicated for Executive Requests. UID A D - Diskaddress of user file directory (open, close). Requested access privileges, Table C (open, close). format as shown in - File. history (open,close). Possible values are: o - Use Old File if Present, Else Create New File 1 - Delete Old File if Present, Create New File 2 - Use Old File 3 - Create New File Fail if Old File is Present E - File Disposition (close). Possible values are: - Delete File 2 - Keep File 5 - Rename File The File Manager reads toe I/O block into a loc~l buffer using toe low speed bus (LSB) Interface to HEP data memory. The amount of data read depends on the request code in tne switch message. After performing the request, all or part of the I/O block is written back to datn memory with the L~B. Since the LSa is shared with other Executive tasks, the File Manager becomes uninterruptable during this transfer. 26 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM The Resident OPEN A HEP supervisor opening a file does so by building a dummy file header in the I/O block. For old files, the file name and name length are required. The file name must be stored in byte swapped fermat as previously described. For newly created files, the RECSIZE and ACPRIV fields must be supplied. Unlike Executive opens, no option processing is provided. The only optional function is the provision of a user ID in square brackets at the start of of the File name. If the open is successful, the File Manager copies the file header into the I/O block. Resident CLOSE Resident CLOSE is the same as Executive CLOSE except that the file disposition field is used to determine close action. Resident READ/WRITE Resident I/O is the same as Executive I/O. The 'THIS' field of the disk record in the 1/0 block is used to determine the diskaddress. Resident OBTAIN Resident OBTAIN uses the standard OBTAIN routine to allecate a disk record. The address of the record is returned in the 'NEXT' field of the disk record in the I/O block. Resident LOGON Resident LOGON obt~ins tne 12 character user ID from fir' s t 12 b Y t e 9 0 f t h 0. d i. s k r e c () r din t n e I 10 h 1 0 c k (word 2 and the hig~ half of word 3). The user ID must be byte swapped. The diskaddress of the UFO is returned in tne UrD field of the I/O bleck (second half of word 0). the 1.2.5 Operator Interface Tne operator may s~nd mess~ges to the File ManaRer from tne con~ole terminal. The ~upported m~8~age~ begin witn a single character, as sriown on tne next page: 27 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM D - Toggle the debug switch. Wnen debug is on, all received messages are listed on the console in octal. Z - Snut down. Tne bitmap is written to di8~ and the File Manager executes a halt. No files are closed, and the File Manager may be restarted with the Executive Debugger (XD). If a file is being deleted when Z is entered, the message 'BUSY' will result and the File Manager will not shut down. 28 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 1.3 PASCAL Runtime Library Tne PASCAL Runtime Library provides the interface between PASCAL READ, WRITE and associated IIO statements and the file manager. Components of the PASCAL runtime are linked into all Executive tasks. In addition to IIO, the PASCAL runtime provides the basic runtime environment and service subroutines for PASCAL tasks. 1.3.1 PASCAL Interface The PASCAL runtime 8upports a set of IIO cal18 similar to that provided by standard PASCAL. Certain unneeded capabilities are not suppcrted, and several extensions have been made. Supported text output procedures are: WRITE(CHAR:N) Write the character CHAR to the WRITE(F,CHAR:N) OUTPUT, followed by N-1 blanks. WRITE(I:N) \0/ R I T E ( F , I : N) WRITE(S:N) WRITE(F,S:N) HRITELN HRITELN(F) BREAK(F) file F or to string tc the Hrite integer I as a decimal file F or to OUTPUT, followed by blanks to a to tal width of N. If N is negative, write I a s an octal string. Write the character string S to F or to OUTPUT' followed by blank8 to a width of N characters. If N is less than the length of S, S is truncated. S may be a literal string. Terminate a line. Terminates a line but carriage to a new line. does not advance Multiple 1/0 items may be combined in a WRITE request. If WRITELN is used with output arguments, the line is terminated after the last item. Real 3nd boolean output 3re not supported. 29 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Supported text input procedures and functions are: READ(CHAR) READ(F,CHAR) Read one input input. READ(S) READ(F,S) Read a string of input characters into S from F or INPUT. If the current line is exhausted before filling Sf pad with blanks. EOLN(F) A boolean function whicn is true if the next character to be read 1s the end-of-line character. EOF(F) A boolean which is true when there are no more characters to be read. READLN READLN(F) Discard remaining characters in the current line (if any) and pOint to first character of next line. cnaracter into CHAR from F or Multiple 1/0 items may be combined in a READ request. If READLN is used with input arguments, the rest of the line is discarded after the items are filled. Integer, real and boolean input are not supported. The standard procedures GET and PUT may be used with text and non-text files. When used with a file connected to a cor-sole. GET exhibits non-standard behavior. Tne PASCAL ~tandard requires that the first cnaracter of input be present i mme d i ij t c 1. y aft e r a REA D LN. In to i s imp 1 em e n tat i (,) n, the fir s t cnarncter 1s not present until a GET or READ operation is performed. Toc first GET consumes a dummyblnnk character. This cnaracter is not provided by READ; character strings consumed by READ contain only actual input text. Wnen used with non-text files, the record definitions acceptnble to GET Rnd PUT are rAstrictcd. Tne followinR record s i z f'! ~ 8 Y' e ace e pte d : (::136 Byte3 248 Bytes 496 Bytes 30 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Other sizes would require present in toe runtime routines. data blccking facilities not The standard procedures RESET and REWRITE have been extended to allow opening specific disk files by name. The syntax of these prccedure3 is as follows: RESET(F,NAME,OPTIONS,V) REWRITE(F,NAME,OPTIONS,V) RESET is used to refer to a pre-existing file, while REWRITE causes toe creation of a new file. The parameters are: F Name of the PASCAL file variable controlling this file. NAME character arr~y or literal string containing the file name. If omitted on a RESET, the file presently open is rewound. If name is a character array, the file" name must be non-blank and padded to the right with blanks. OPTIONS A character array or literal string containing option characters. Each option is a slash followed by a single character. Availnble options are: A R Read Access Write Access A - Append Access T - Temporary File N - Force New File W - If OPTIONS is omitted, supplied. For RESET, IR REWRITE, IW and extend defaults. v default options are is the default. For permissions are the Integer variable. On entry, contains tne record length to be associated with the file if the file is created. Inis may differ from the record size of toe file variable. Tne file is processed based on the file variable if non-text, but the line length is is taken from V if the file is text. V is in HE? words (multiples of 8 bytes). On return frem RESET/REWRI1E, V cont~ins open stntus. If V ~Ot ~t i3 the record eize of tne file, in HE? words. 31 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Files may be PASCAL procedures. closed, renamed or deleted by calls to the CLOSE(F) RENAME(F,NAME,LEN) DELETE(F) CLOSE(F) is a standard procedure and may be used to close any file. RENAME and DELETE are nonstandard external procedures and mu~t be declared with external declarations of the form: PROCEDURE RE~AME(VAR F:TEXT;VAR NAME: ; LEN; INTEGER). EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE DELETE(VAR F:TEXT); EXTERNAL F may declaration deleted. be declared to be another type than TEXT, but the must agree with the file type to be renamed or Files will also be closed if a RESET or RE\IRITE is issued for tneir file variable specifying a new file name. 1.3.2 PASCAL Runtime Environment A PASCAL Exeoutive Task is loaded by the ROOT in a standard fasnion. Of the 8 memory pages, the first four are reserved for oode. Page 7 is mapped to IIO space. All PASCAL v~rinble3 and working sp~ce is located in pa~e 4. The first locnt!cns in this page, ~tartinR with location 100000 (octal) are u~ed fer control information. This information is shown in Figure 1.3.1. 32 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM ~1NEHONIC MEANING LOCATION $KORE:l00000 Top of Heap Space, Base cf Stack Space $FREE=100002 Start of Linked List of Free Blocks of Length $ NE\J1.. N . $RESR5xl00004 INITIAL R5, SAVED BY MAIN $RESR6,.100006 INITIAL R6 $NEHLN:l00010 Length of Dispose $FILBF=100012 Start of Linked List of Free File Buffers $FILTB=100014 Start of Linked List of Free File Variables $LOGCYxl00016 Users UFD Location (CYL) $LOGDA::100020 U3ers UFD Location (Track, Sector) $FILE=100022 File Variable Ad d re s s Address $SPAGE::: 10002 l , Dummy Blanks for Get Processing $ F t-1 T S K :::: 1 0 0 0 2 6 Task ID of File Manager $r1LEN::l00030 Length of Last Queue Message $SINP=100032 Standard Input File Variable $SOUTP=100034 Standard Output File Variable Address $HEAP:::I00036 Start of Heap Space Storage Fig u r e 1. 3. 1 - PAS CAL tv 0 RK Manipulated by New and Addre~s ARE A BAS E In a running PASCAL task, the register SP points to local variables. and register R5 pOints to the globAl variables. During initialization, file variables are allocated in the' locations following $HEAP. The number of file v~riables is a compile-time parameter. normally 6. $KORE is set to point immedlnt01y after toe file vAriables, And SP is set to point to location 120000, the tap of page 4. Tne file variable8 for 33 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM INPUT and OUTPUT are initialized, and the main program i~ started. Tne main program immediately calls the NEW procedure to get space for global variables. This causes R5 to be set to tne value of $KORE, and $KORE is incremented by tne size of the globals. Immediately after this call, a task which uses disk files or the NEW/DISPOSE mechanism must call the FINIT procedure. This procedure allocates space for the requested ~umber of file description blccks immediately above the global variables. Since FDB are more than 600 bytes long, only the number absolutely required should be requested. Tne other effect of FINIT is to define the block size used by NEW/DISPOSE. Thi3 size overrides the size specified in the NEW/DISPOSE calf to prevent storage fragmentaton. In operation, local variables of procedures use the stack, wnich grows dcwnward from location 120000. Calls to NEW use the Heap, wnich grows upwards from the top of the FOBs. If these two areas collide, unpredictable runtime errors will occur, and the program must be recoded to use less storage. 1.3.3 Files and File Variables supported by the Several types of files are runtime. Tnese are dividerl into text and non-text files. PASCAL Non-Text Files Non-text files are accessed via GET and PUT, and must reside en disk. Tnese files may be word 0: record files, as de~cribed below. For these files, the amount of rlata transferred by a GET or PUT is strictly d~termined by the file variable record size. The ru~time is only capable of hRndling spanned records if tn~ record size is less than 17 HEP \%rds, ·...(oien i3 why the record sizes are restricted. Record files consist of a sequence of fixed l"ength d s , e a c han i n t e g r a 1 n mb e r 0 f HE P \-10 r ci s Ion g. .h' 0 r d files nave no external record structure and are normally prace3sed a word nt a time. Tne PASCAL Runtime ignores word Gr recorrl structure for non-text files, treating them as record files with the r~cord length determined by the file variable. A permanent record length may be specified by REWRITE wnich need net agree witn tne flle variable size. !~ e C I) r u 34 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Text Files Text files are of three types: console or queue files, word files on disk and record files on disk. Con~ole files interact with the system queue mechanism and are used to pass data between tasks or to and from terminals. An input line in the queu~ can contain a maximum cf 118 characters of input. On output, data is broken into ~ultiple messages if the data content exceeds 118 characters. The files INPUT and OUTPUT are console files by default. Other files may be declared as console files by using the distinguished file name 'TI:'. Since there is only one input queue and one output queue, having multiple files as console files yields unu~ual results. Output characters will be merged on a character by character basis, while, input will appear at whichever file variable was most recently accessed. Word text files contain variable length ASCII text lines. All lines contain a multiple of 8 characters, and are padded with blanks if'necessary to become a multiple of 8. Since ASCII characters contain only 7 bits ot data, the sign bit of the first character of a line is used to delimit lines. Lines span physical record boundaries. Manipulation of the sign bit is an automatic function of toe runtime library, and data visible to tne using program never contains a set gign bit. Since the Executive computer p3ck~ bytes right to left, while tne HE? packs left to rignt, the runtime librRry performs a byte swapping operation on every physical record of word text f~le8. Tnis is done on both input and output 50 that disk data is always in HE? (left-tc-ri~ht) order. The runtime pads lines witn trailing blanks on read string operations, but does not strip trailing blanks on write string operations. There is no restriction on line lengths in word text files. Record tp.xt files ccntnin fixed lengtn ASr;rr text All lines contain th~ same number of characters t wn!ch must be a multiple of 8. Lines may sp3n physical record boundaries. All 2~6 possible charact~re may ~ccur in a record text file. R~cord lenBths may net exceed 488 bytes. Output to a record t~xt file will be truncated cr padded witn blanks as required to fit the r~cord size. Input will be padded with blRnks as truncHted en read ,f) t r i r: g ,) per ::J til') n 3 • ny t ~ 5 \-1 3 P pin g () n i n put 11 n rl ,) U t put. i s per f c to me d t (I for C P. d i ~ k 11 1 t () t () b ~ in H F. P f c rm ;:) t • lin~8. 35 HE? OPERATING SYSTEM BIT NAHE VALUE _i.9 CTAL ) . t-1 E ANIN G S. EOF 100000 File has reached EOF. S.EOLN 40000 Text file is at EOLN on input. S.LAST 20000 Disk file record. S.TXT 10000 File is a text file. S.ERR 4060 Error fi Ie. S.HAlT 2000 Queu~ S.END 1000 Output disk file has terminated a line, but not started a new line. is in encountered the last while physical precessing or console file requires physical read before supplying data. a Table 1.3.3 - FILE VARIABLE STATUS BITS Tne saved pointer field (V.SVP) is u~ed if V.?TR is pointing to a space at end of line in order to locate the next actual datn character. V.BUF points to the start of the current logical record for a non-text file, or to the stRrt of the buffer for a text file. If a logical record i~ spanned, V.AUF point~ to tne psueda-st3rt of the IORicnl recorrt preceding th8 rlctuAI I/O buffer. V. aUF is advanced by each PUT or GET operation. For console files, V.AUF points to the first cn~racter of data. V.LEN contnins the record length to be used for this of tne file. For text files, this number is -1. V·.LEN is rlet~rmined by tne size of tne record dAclared in tn~ u~erts PASCAL program. OPEN V.FDB points to tne file descriptor block for tnis file. For a console file, V.FDB is O. Tne I/O control block is de~cribAd in trie next gection. V.Eon points to tn~ end of valid dRta in t~e I/O control block. Normally, tnis is tne end of tne pnysicRl rAe I) r:-j, but I~ n t (} ~ 1 a ~ t !' e \; (j r ri 0 f t ne f lIe tV. E 0 B poi n t s t 0 tn~ end of tne data. For console file~t V.EOB points to trie end of toe message. 31 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM File Variables A file variable occupies 7 16 bit words in the Executive Computer. File variables are compiled into the runtime library. The number of file variables which may be simultaneously active is a compile time parameter in the runtime. An Executive task may have many files declared, but only a limited number of these may be simultaneously ~pen. The RESET/REWRITE procedure establishes a pOinter in the user's variables tn the actual file variable. The format of the file variable is shown in Figure 1.3.2. ADDRESS o V.PTR Pointer to Current Character or Record 2 V.STAT Statu~ 4 V.SVP Saved Pointer 6 IV":"BUF Start of I/O Record I Record Length Bits 10 l----l V. LE N 12 V.FDB Pointer to File Description (0 for Con$ole File) V. EOB Pointer to End of 14 -_...-....- FIRurA 1.3.2 (-1 if Text File) Fi~e I/O Buffer FILE VARIABLE V.PTR always points to the current charRct~r in a text or to a reserved location containing a blank, if the text file is at EOLN. For non-text files V.PTR points to tne start cf the record, either in the current I/O block, or to a work area used te collect spanned records. fIle, Tne lew byte of V.STAT contains the destination task number if the file is a queue or console fil~, and is unus~d otnerwise. Th~ hiBO bytp of V.STAT ccntRins statu, blts, defined in Tnble 1.3.3. 36 HEP OPERATING SYSTEH File Descriptor Bleck All disk files require a file descriptor block. A fixed pocl o( FOBs is created during PASCAL initialization, and disk file OPEN's in exces~ of the pool size cannot be accommodated. Tne format of an FOB is shown in Figure 1.4. WORD o PHYSICAL RECORD BUFFER 512. DISKADDRESS OF FILE HEADER 5 1 6. ACCESS PRIV EOF WORD IN LAST RECORD 518. 520.655. SPANNED RECORD HORK AREA Figure 1.3.4 - FILE DESCRIPTOR BLOCK 1.3.4 Mi~cellaneou~ Runtime Support Routines Several utility routines are included in the runtime These are described below. p3ck~ge. FINIT Declar~tion: PROCEDURE FINIT(NFDB,NEWSrZE:INTEGER) FINIT is called once by every main program to define the number of FDB~ and the 3ize ~f the area returned by NEW. 38 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM LOGON Declaration: FUNCTION LOGON(VAR UID:ARRAY[O •• 11] OF CHAR) LOGON invokes the file manager to logon as the user UID. If successful, the locations USERDA and USERCY in the runtime base are set up to point to the UFO. If logon is successful, LOGON returns TRUE. else FALSE. 1.'3.4.3 LINLEN Declnraticn: FUNCTION LINLEN:INTEGER LIN1.EN returns console input line. 1 • 3 • II • 4 the length of the last SET I D Declaration: PROCEDURE SETID(F:TEXT;TSK:INTEGER) SErIO sets file F to TSK. 1• 3 • 1l. 5 the destination of the con~ole G Err S K Declaration: PROCEDURE GETTSK(VAR N:INTEGER); GETTSK obtains the t~~k number of the task whose two-character ID is placed in N. Tne value is returned in N as two bytes. The low byte of N is the task number of the requestp.d tc-Jsk.' The nlgn byte is the ta~k number of the task c~lling GETTSK. D(~ ERR c 1 a r:3 tic n : FUNCTION ERR(F:FILE OF ••• ):BOOLEAN f i 1e ERR Cl n d ctne!'"wi~e the S.ERR ret u r~ n s TRI J Elf FALSE. te~t~ 39 II bit in V.STAT of tne n e r~ r ern a soc \; u red , ) HEP OPERATING SYSTEM GETLOC Declaration: PROCEDURE GETLOC(VAR F:TEXT;VAR L: ARRAY[O •• 4]OF INTEGER); GETLOC returns the p~esent file position in the file F. This information may be used in a subsequent call t~ SETLOC. SETLOC Declaration: PROCEDURE SETLOC(VAR F:TEXT;VAR L: ARRAY[O •• 4]OF INTEGER); SETLOC sets the file position of F to the information contained in L. SETLOC may only be used fer word files with read access only. The information in L must correspond to the file presently open as F. Alteration of the· information in L between the call to GETLOC and the call to SETLOC will probably result in system failure. 40 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 1.4 Tape Manager 1.4.1 Overview The Tape Manager runs as a task under the Executive and performs all tape handling funotions. The, task may be accessed only from the operator's oonsole. Commands to rewind, spaoe over files, and position to end of volume (end of the last file) are supported. Individual files may be cop!ed to or from tape, and entire UFOs may be dumped to or restored from tape. The Tape Manager reads and writes the tape unit directly by manipulating the appropriate IIO locations in th~ PDP-11 memory_ 1.4.2 Tape Format Two format modes are supported for data on tape: record mode and dump mode. Record Hode In record mode each physioal tape record contains one logical record as defined when the disk file was created. The file is terminated on tape by a file mark. Record mode format is created only when an explicit file name Is specified tn be copied and the file is defined to be of record type. Record mode fermat may be read only by explicitly specifying a file name, and results in the creation of a record type disk file whose logical reoord. size is defined to be the length of the tape record read. Therefor~ it is not necessary (or possible) to supply a record size in the command to the Tape Manager. Dump Mode Dump mode format is used for copying word type files fer. dumping and r'estoring UFOs. In dump mode 'each phy~ical tape record is 514 bytes long, except for the last record in a file, which is a short record. Dump mode fermat is created either by explicitly specifying a file wnich was created as a word file (logical record length ~ 0) or by requesting a UFD dump (dump all files ~n the specified User File Directory). and 41 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Hord Files In the C8se of copying a specific word file, each 514-byte tape record contains a physical disk record, including the 16-byte block header and followed by 2 bytes whose content is undefined. The la8~, short record contains the last physical disk record including header, truncated to 2 bytes past the end of the actual file data. Therefore the length of the short record is always 2 bytes more than a multiple of HEP words. In the case where the actual file data exactly fills a physical disk record, the short tape record following the last block will be 18 bytes long (16-byte header plus 2 trailing bytes). The file is terminated on tape by a file mark. UFO Dumps The first record of a UFO dump is an identifying record containing the ASCII UIO (User Identification) in the first 12 bytes. The high byte of the UID has its sign bit set to mark this file as a UFO dump. The remainder of the record is undefined. Following the UFO identifying record arc all the header records (from file HEADER for this UID) except the header record fer file HEADER. Tnese record~ are u~sd to identify tne files contained in the dump. Each header record i~ a pnysical disk record, including the 16-byte block header. followed by 2 undefined bytes. Following ~he last header record i~a short record, 18 bytes long, which indicates the end of hender records. The content of each file in the UFO follows, in the same order as the header records. Regardless of defined lc~ical record length, each file in the dump has the same format on tape as a word file. E~oh tape record cQntains a phYSical disk record, includinB the 16-byte bleck neader and followed by 2 bytes wnich in tnis C8,e contain the defined logical record length. Th~ last record in eRch file is a short record, indicating the end of the file. Tn~ last file in the dump is follcw~d by a file mark which indicates th~ en1 e f t h ,= d \.l rn p f () !" 42 t fl ~ S UF D• I f mu 1 tip 1 e UF D ' 8 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM were specified, mark. the next UID follows the file End of Volume Following the last file on a tape (either single file or UFD dump) is an additional file mark, resulting in two consecutive file marks. This indicates the end of data on the tape. The Tape Manager will not allow reading or positionihg past the double file marks. More files may be written to tape, resulting in .writing over the second file mark. The new last file is then terminated by two consecutive file marks. 1.4.3 Commands Tne Tape Manager is accessible only from the operator's console, directed by commands in the form of messages pref8ced by 'MT:' (the task IO for the Tape Man::lger). A command may specify tape positioning only, may direct that the tape be either read or written with a string of one or more file names or UIOs, or may direct the Tape Manager to read commands from a file. Tape Positioning Each tape ·positioning command is pref~ced by a slagn ('I') to distinguisn it from a file name. The command mnemonics and corresponding operation~ supported are as follows: '/RH' - Rewind; pOSitions tne tape at load , I AP' - Append; positions the tape at the second of the two consecutive file marks which indicate end of volume; at this point, more files may be written to the tape, overwriting the second file mark and resulting in rt new end of volume. point~ 'IFFn' - Forward file; positions tne tape immediately past the nth file mark forward from the tope's current position; if !I is not specified, 1 is assumed; if end of volume 1s encountered, the ccmmand ie termin~ted leaving the tape po 8 i t i (.) n P. d t n e s !1 me f1 ~ f 0 r~ 'I Apl. 43 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Multiple tape ·positioning directives may appear in a single command line; each leading slasn serves as a delimiter. Each directive is performed in order, left to right. Examples: 'MT:/AP' - Positions tne tape at end of volume. 'MT:/RW/FF2' - Positions the tape at the start of the third file or dump on the tape. ~riting a Tape Writing to tape is indicated in a command line by an equal sign (:) preceding the list of files or UIOs to be copied to tape. Tape positioning commands may precede the equal sign; tnese will be performed before writing the tape. A uro specification must be enclosed in square brackets ('[]'). A file specification may include its uro (in square brackets), otherwise the last uro appearing in a file specification (in the same or a previous command line) is assumed. Multiple file or UrD specifications in a command line mu~t be separated by commas. Tape positioning commands may be interspersed in t~e list of file or UrD sp~cifications and will be performed in the order encountered. When a tape positioning directive follows a file or uro specification. the slash may serve as the delimiter, so that the comma following tne file or uro specification may be omitted. Examples: 'MT:/AP=[300302]' Writes the UFD dump for 300302 at the end of existing data on the tape. 'MT:=[001001]HEPOS,CONTROL/RW' Copies 001001 tne tw~ named files from urn to tape, tnen rp.winds tn~ tape. 44 HE? OPERATING SYSTEM Reading a Tape Reading frem tape is indicated by an equal sign ('x') as the last character in the command line. Preceding the equal ~ign is a list of one or mere file or UrD ~pecifications, separated by ,commas. A UIO specification must be enclosed in square brackets ('[]'). A file specification may include its uro (in square brackets), otherwise the last UrD appearing in a file specification (in the same or previous command line) is assumed. Tape positioning commands may be interspersed in a list of file specifications and are performed in the order specified. In the case of restoring UFD dUmps, the specified UIOs are restored in the order in which they occur en the tape regardless of their order in the command line; therefore tape pOSitioning directives are not useful except at the end of the urn list. When a tape positioning directive follows a file or uro specification, the slash may serve as the delimitp.r, so tnat tne comma following the file or uro specification may be omitted. Examples: 'MT:/FF,[300302]ABC/FF2,XYZ:' - Copies the second and fifth files from tape into urD 300302. 'MT:[001001],[300300J,[300302]/RW~' - far urn, 001001, Restores the files then rewinds the 300300, and 300302, tape. 45 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Indirect Command File An indirect command file is a text file, each line (logical record) of wnich is a command line as described in the preceding sections on reading, writing, and positioning tape,s. The leading 'MT:' found irl console commands is ommitted from commands in an indirect command file. Tne Tape Manager is directed to process the commands in a command file by a message from the operator's console of the form: 'MT:@[UID]file name'. The'Tape Manager then opens the specified file and read3 and performs each command until end of file is reached. A command file may contain any legal Tape Manager command except '@ •.. '; that is, indirect command files may not be nested. Terminating Command Processing Wnen the' Tape Hanager is finished processing a command line or an indirect command file, the message 'MT:' is displayed on the operator's console. If the Tape fir) :1 age r encounter s an error wh i 1 e pro c e 8 sin g a command, an error message is displayed cn tne operator's console and proc~ssing of tne command line or indirect command file i3 terminated. If it i8 desirable to prematurely terminate the processing of a command line or indirect command file, tnis may be accomplished by sending any message to the Tape Manager. Processing of the current command or file of commands will halt and the new message will be precessed as a command. 1.4.4 Functional Description In record mode, disk file, arA read or written with 3tnndard calls to tne runtime I/O routines. In dump mode, nowever, since tape records are equivalent to physical disk records, tne overheRd of unblocking, rp.blocking, and moving datD is avoided by trRn~mitting eacn record between the I/O buffer and tne t~pe directly. This i~ accomplish~d by ~nanipulating the disk file variable (in a3s~mblY lRnguage) to point to tne end of th~ bleck ~fter cRch tape transfer, f 0 ~. c i n r~ t h n. n ext cal 1 t I) t n e a p p r r; p r i ;'1 t e T / a r () uti net 0 d (') a pny~ical r~ad or write of the ~i3k f~le. 46 HE? OPERATING SYSTEM 1.4.5 Error Messages MESSAGE MEANING Un k n ;? wn Ac c 0 U:1 t - U I D - Tn e U I Din a com man d, i s n Q t k n c wn to the system. Command Error Command not recognized. ? ;:) ram e t erE}' r Illegal 0 r Invalid parameter in command. Functio~ Bad Tape Format Tne tape format does not match tne command being processed. End of Volume on Tape - Premature end of volume reached while processing a command. Tape I/O Error:nnnnnn - Bad status after a tape operation; nnnn is the status. Tape on Write Lock Attempt to write on a tape which has no write ring in. urD Table Overflow Tne list of UI03 to be dumped or restored i~ longer than the p;ogram can accomcdate; remaining UIOs will not be processed. Bad Directory An error was encountered processing a file header. Command Tap0 J\borted Unit Not Ready in Tne current command line or indirect command file nas been prematurely termin~ted due to error or operator intervention. Tape unit 47 i~ off-line. HE? OPERATING SYSTEM For R, C, ? ri n d D 1" e que ~ t S t if:: i 8 8 pee i fie d , trie contents of the location specified by (Starting Address> are replaced by . < For all requests, trie processor tc be acceseed is specified by toe processor parameter. If this parameter is emitted, p~ocesscr 0 i8 assumed. In the event that the parameter is prcvided, tne HE? Debugger will send the input message back to the originating task when the operation is complete. This allows the Daten Monitor to determine when a dump is complete and the HE? resourpes may be freed. HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 1.5 HEP Debugger Tne Debugger is used to examine and modify HEP memory the PSW queue. It is normally used by the Batch Monitor fer taking user dumps, but can also be used from the operator's console. a~d HEP exa~ine All HEP Debugger functions use the KI task and cede in the HEP Kernel to obtain HE? related information. Thus the HEP Debugger cannot be used if the Kernel or the UNIBUS to switch interface is not working. In these cases, program and data memory may be examined u~ing the IML maintenance task (MP). 1 .5.1 Command Format The HEP Debugger responds to single line text commands with toe following syntax: [ J [,Ending Address)[.P J .:"[I.e: F i 1 en am e >]~) " r [: is omitted, and the leading ch~rRcter of tne starting address is numeric, datA memory is assumed. If is omitted, it defaults to . If the I ' qualifier and the :: qua 1 i fie r are ~ b sen t , for R, C , P, and D r e qu e ~ t types, all memory locations between and are displayed. For S requ~st types. is taken a8 ~ task number, and all PSW's witn tnat task number are displayed. If data is I is specified, the requested 'vlritten specifip.c1. Fer S in binary format to trie file requests to a file, all ?SW's~are dumped. 48 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 1.7 Editor" 1.7.1 Overview The HEP System Editor is a line-Qriented text editor whicn operates on sequence numbered word type or cn sequenced or non-sequenced record type files of text. The Editor also performs file utility functions such as listing, copying, renaming, or deleting files, listing tne user's directory. a~d submitting a file as a job. Options for terminating an edit session include canceling the edit (preserving the original file), saving the updated file under a new name (preserving the original file), and replacing the original file with the updated file. In the 18tter two cases, the updated file may be saved as a reccrd file, with or without sequence numbers, or as a sequence numbered word file. The Editor supports the inclusion of lines of text from an auxilliary input file, which may be the file being editted~ A separate Editor task" services each terminal or port in tne HEP system; all the Editor task~ share the same program code but each has its cwn data space. 1.7.2 Commands Tne Editor is the only task which communicates with terminals other thnn the operator console, therefore messages (ccmmnn~s) to a terminal Editor are not prefaced by any task identifier. However, the operator ccnsole is also serviced by an Editor task, and its identifier 'ED:' must preface Editor r:1 e e ~ ~I g e ~ . CC In man d s t c) t neE d l. tor f::\ 1 1 i n tot nr e e cat e g c r i e ~ : leg onleff commands, file utility commands, and edit commands. Any command which results in substantial output to the terminal may be prematurely terminat~d by typing a carriage r~turn. In tn~ following command descriptions the syntRx of each command is given. Capital letters in comm~nd mnemonics represent the minimum portion of the word to be supplied for command recogniticn. 50 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Log On/Off Commands Whp.n no user is logged en to an Editor task, that task monitors any signal on the line looking fer a carriage return at various line speeds to determine the speed at whicn tne terminal is operating. Therefore before legging en, it is necessary to type carriage return until the system responds with a greeting. 1 • 7 • 2. 1 • 1 La g On HellQ [uid] Tne user wnose identification number appears in the backets is logged onto the system. The Editor responds by displaying a greeting with the current date and time. 1 • 7 • 2. 1 • 2 Lo g Of f Bye The user is'legged eff the system. If an edit was in progress, it is aborted. The Editor responds by displaying the date and time. Assistance A user who is logged on may obtain a display of all the Editor commands and syntax by typing '?' File Utility Ccmmanris List Directory LD The name of each file in the legged-en u&er's fIle directory is displayed, including the logical record length. the file size in blocks, and the creation, last modification', and last access dates. 51 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Copy a File CF file specification, file name A file. named by the second parameter, is allocated in the u~er'8 UFD and the contents of the file represented by the first parameter (which may include a UID) are copied into it. The output file must not already exist. Delete a File DF file name The named file is deleted frem the user's UFO and the space allocated to the file is freed. List a File LF file specification Tne contents cf the file (which another UFO) are listed en the terminal. may be in Rename a file RF file name, file name The file in the user's UFO named by the first parRmeter is renamed to the second parameter. The second file name must not already exist. Submit a Job SUbmit file specification The EditQr builds and sends to the Reader task a message containing the UID and file ·name specified, to be submitted as a job stream. If the file specification does not contain a UID, the lo~ged on u3er's UrD is used. If the parameter is not prcvided, the updated version of the file being editted is submitted. 52 HE? OPERATING SYSTEM Edit Commands In the following syntax descriptions, parameters appearing in square brackets are optional. The letters N, M, L, and I represent numbers. Edit a File Edit file name The Editor initiates an edit session for the specified file. This includes copying the file to a word file if it is a record file and assigning sequence numbers if it is not sequenced. C~py Lines Copy N[-M)[/file specification),L[,I] The Editor copies line numbers N through M from the specified file, inserting them in the file being editted, starting at line number L and incrementing by I. If M is omitted, only line N is copied from toe file. If toe file specification is omitted, the lines are copied (replicated) from the file being editted. If I is omitted, the last increment specified in any command is u,ed. Move Lines He v e N [ -H ] , L [ , I] Lines N through M are inserted starting with line number L, incrementing by I, and the lines are deleted from their former position. If M is omitted, only line N is moved. If I is omitted, the last increment specified in a command is used. Insert a Sequence of Lines Sequence L[,I] Sequence insert mcde is est~blished, starting w!tn line number L ~nd incrementing by I. The user is prompted for eacn line of text by a display of toe next li~~ numb~r in sequence. The p;ccess is terminated by typing a cRrriage r0turn as toe only c n a r ;') c t e !' c n () 1":' n e, 0 r bye v e r 1 CI P pin g a n ex:!. ,'3 t .i fl ;S line number in tn~ f!le. 53 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Replace a Text String Replace /string l/string 2/(N[-M]] The first occurence of string 1 is replaced with string 2 in every line in the range. If M is omitted, the range is the entire file. The slash delimiter may be any char~cter. Delete Lines pe 1 e te N (-M ] Tne specified line or r~nge of lines is deleted. Direct Insert N text Line N is placed in the file, containing the text following the line number N. If line N already e xis t s, i t:3 con ten t s are rep lac e d b Y the new ·t ext, • Direct Delete N 1..i ne nu~nber N i 1'3 del eted from the fi I P.. Find a Text String Find /l'3tring/[N[-M]] The Editor searcnsl'3 the specified r~nge of lines for occurences of the string and displayl'3 on the terminal all lines containing the I'3tring. The sl;')sn delimiter may be any character. If '11 i8 c;mitt~d. only line N in ~e;Jrched; i f N is al~1) omitted, the entire file is senrcned. 54 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM List Lines List [N[-H]] All lines in the file in the specified range are displayed on the terminal. If M is omitted, ~nly line N is displayed; if N is also emitted, the entire file is displayed. Renumber the File Number N[-M],L[,I.] ~he Editor renumbers the specified range of lines, assigning new sequence numbers etarting with L and incrementing by I. If M is omitted, only line number N is renumbered. If I is omitted, the last increment specified in a command is used. If the renumbering of the range would cause the file to be out of sequence (i.e. lines following the range have lower numbers, or lines preceding the range have higher numbers), then no renumbering is done. Save the Changed File SAve [file name][,Rn][/S] or SAve [file name][,W] The updated version of the file bein~ editted is saved. If file name is specified, tne file is saved under that nnme, ann the original file is retained, otnerwise the updated file replaces the original file. If Rn is specified, the flIp is saved as a record file with a logical record length of n/8 HEP words; if IW is specified, the file is saved as a word file; oth~rwise the file is saved as the same file type as the originnl file. If IS is speci·fied <) n are COt' d f i Ie, t h 0 .CJ (! que n c e n Ll mb (~ r s are s ::t v e d a ~ p~rt of tne file and tne logicnl record length mu~t allow fer the 1-HEP-word sequence number per record. If IS is n~t specified, toen the sequencA numbers are saved o~ly if the crieinal filp was sequ~nced. The save command does not tak~ the user out of edit mode; updating may cor.tinue frem toe point of snving tne intermediRte file. 55 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM End the Edit Session Off The Editor terminates an edit and closes all fi I es • If the e d i t f i 1 e h a 8 bee n .m 0 d i fie d, a 8 a v e command must be performed before the eff command is accepted. Cancel the Edit ABort The current edit is terminated and the updated file is deleted. The original file is retained. 1.7.3 Functional Description The Editor applies updates .to a temporary copy of the file; the actual file is not affected until the user issues tne save command. It is always possible to cancel an edit session, leaving the file as it was before the edit started. During editting, an input and an output file are open. Tne input file is initinlly the original file unless the original file is a record file; the output file is a temporary file. None of the file being editted is kept in memory; the first time the input file is r~adt a table of disk addresses is built, evenly distributed over tne file. Tnen fer each command, the disk addrees from the table whose 3~quence number is nearest to but less than the line number referenced i~ u3ed to position the file. From that point the file is read sequentially to process the command. Updated line~ ~re kept in a table in memory and override the corr0~poncting lines in the file. Inserted lines are also kept in the table. When the table becomes full, a portion of the input file is written to the output file, incorporating the c h () rq:~ e:'3 in t h~ tab Ie, un til the c h i3 n get a b 1 e i 8 par t 1"a 11 y empty. From this point on, the output file is also accessed for input, nnd the corresponding portion of the input file is ignored. Tne renumber command, however, results in the entire updated file being written to output with the new ~equence number~. Anytime the la3t of the updated file is written 0ut. tn2 old input file is closed, th~ output fil~ becomes input, Dnd a new output file is allocated. All flIes allGcated by the Editor are allcc~ted as temporary files so tnat tn0y are deleted wnen clos~d. 56 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Wnen tne user saves an edit, the original file is deleted if necessary and the final output file is renamed to the desired name, making it a permanent rather than a tempcrary file. When a reccrd file is editted, it is initially copied to a temporary word file. Line numbers are assign~d unless the record file contains embedded sequence numbers at the end of each logical record. Embedded sequence numbers are identified by the high-order bit being on in th~ first byte of the 8-byte number. If present, the embedded sequence numbers are extrctcted and used as the line numbers as the file is copied to a ward file. The sequence numbers in the text are replaced by blanks in toe word file. 1.7.4 Ru~ning a Job From the Editor. Wnen the submit command is used to cause a file which is jcb stream to· be submitted as a job, the Editor builds and sends a command to the Reader task. The Editor uses the message buffer for terminal output and builds all fi~lds of the me3sage directly. Tne message text consists of a uro (either sup~lied in the ·submit command or taken from the user's log-en) and a file name. Ihe Editor does the trap to send tne message, then does a trap to obtain a new message buffer. This new message buffer becomes the terminal output buffer. a Wnen a jcb submitted by an Editor h8s completed execution, a completion message is received by th~ same Erlitor from the Batch Monitor task. Informative m~ssRRes of tni3 ~O!·t are distinguished frem user commnnds by the presence of ~ backslasn (line cancel character) as the first cn~racter of the message. Tnese messages are simply di~played en tne terminal. 57 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 1.8 Batch Monitor 1.8.1 Overview The Batch Monitor runs as a task under the Executive. It is responsible for job scheduling, resource management, and precessing status changes for jobs in execution. The Batch Monitor receives job descriptor messages from the Reader task and maintains a queu~ of jobs to be run. As resources are available, the Batch Monitor removes jobs from the queue and initiates execution; a queue of jobs in execution is also maintained. At job step termin8tion, the Batch Monitor initiates the dump function if requested. The Batch Monitor sen~s cc~pleted jobs to the Writer task for printing. Operator commands are available to examine the queues, r0.-order the' job queue, suspend or cancel jobs, and change HEP partition sizes. The operator can also instruct the Batch ~onitor to quiesce the system by shutting down the Reader task and not starting any new jobs. 1.~.2 Commands The Batch Monitor is accessible only from the operator's console, directed by commands in the form of mes~ages pre f n c e d b Y t [3 ivJ : ' (t h eta skI D for the Bat c h M0 nit 0 r). Th ere are two categories of commands: job-related and system-related. In the following command descriptions the syntax of each i~ given. Capital letters in commnnd mnemonics represent the minimum portion of the word to be supplied for command recognition. comman~ 1.R.2.1 Job-RelatAd Commands In the following syntax descriptions 'nnnn' represents a four-digit system-assigned job number which uniqu~l.y identifies the jeb. Move Job to Top of Queue Next nonn Job number nnnn is movc~ to the top of the job qu~ue so that it will be th~ next job started. HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Suspend Job Execution SUspend nnnn If job number nnnn is in execution, the Batch Monitor sends a suspend message to each task in the job Which is currently active. Resume Job Execution Resume nnnn If job number nnnn is in execution, the Batch Monitor sends a resume messag~ to each task which is currently paused. 1 • 8 • 2 • 1 • II Can c e 1 a Job CAncel nnnn If job nnnn is in execution, the Batch Monitor s~nds a cancel message to each task in the job. If job nnnn is in the job queue, it is removed so that it will not be executed. System-Related Commands 1.g.2.2.1 Set HEP Partition Sizes Partition p,m,s1,s2,s3 ... The Batch Monitor sends a message to the Kernel in PEM number p requesting that memory type m be partitioned Rccording to the sizes s1, 52, etc. The number of sizes specified must be less than or equal to the maximum number of partitions allowed in the memory type. The sum of all the sizes ~ust be less than or equnl to th~ physical nmcunt of th~ specificrl memory on the specified PE~. Partitions may be reconfigured while jobs are runninB as long ns the boundnric5 of the 8ctive partitions are not c.lff(~cterl. T.f th~ rcqucst~d p:1rtitionin~ cClnnct be performed b~cause of viclntion of nny of tha abov~ criteria, the partitions meS5~~e is mcrlificd to reflect the actuql current p8rtition sizes. In ~ny c~se, the meSSH~n is r':turnerj to t~(') B.1tch M',jn iter and is then displayed i~ tabular format. 59 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM If the operator simply wants to know what the current partition sizes are, an easy method is to type a set partitions command with a single size field which is larger than the total amount of memory of that type. Set Control Card Proce'ssor CC [uid]file name Control Card Processor is always The loaded from a file. If the user wish~s to specify some file other than the system default (i.e. to tryout a new Control Card Processor program), this command must be used to direct the Batch Monitor to use the desired file for loading th~ Control Card Proc~ssor task. The named file remains the Control Card Processor file until the Batch Monitor receives another CC command. Display the Job Queue Display Queue The Batch Monitor lists on the operator's console all jobs waiting to be run, showing the job number, name, memory requirements, and process count requirements. 1.~.2.2.4 Displny the Jobs in Execution Display I\ctiv(} The Batch ~onitor lists on the operator's console all jobs in execution, sho~ing the job number, name, data m'2ffiory partition number,. and the PEM numb~r, tnsk number, pnrtition numbers, process count, and task status for each task in the job. Tnsk status can be 'L' for loading, '1\' for active (running), 'P' for paused, or '0' for dormant (no code in this task). 60 HEP OPERATING SYSTE~ Quiesce the System STOp The Batch Monitor does not start any more jobs from the job queue, and sends a ~essage to the Reader to stop reading job streams. Other Batch Monitor activities proceed normally. Resume Normal System Operation STArt This command is the reverse of STOP; the Batch Monitor sends a message to th~ Reader to continue reading jobs, and the Batch Monitor resumes initiation of jobs from the job queue ... 1.8.3 Inter-task Messages In addition to commands from the operator's console, the 8atch Monitor receives (and sends) other types of messages. These messages support three basic Batch Monitor activities: sending and receiving HEP messages, sending and receiving jobs, und t~king dumps of jobs. HE? Messages When the HEP sends a status change message on behalf some job, the Batch Honitor receives a "switch mess;)ge" from the interface task. A switch message con;, 1 ~.) t ~j 0 ron (~ II E P ~v 0 r rl 0 r d a t a, f 0 1 1 0 vi (~ d b y 32 bit S 0 f control information. In this case, the HEP word contRins the d;)tn memory arldrcss of the HE? message h~;:}dcr. The 83tch ~onitor then rearis the HE? message hen~er via the low speed bus, sets good status in the header, and writes the header back to data memory via the low speed bus. The second word of the HE? message header contains the length Clnd stnrt address of the m0ssage dflta, if nny. If ther~ is d~ta, the Batch Monitor rearls it via th~ low speed bus, then releases the original switch message by sending it b~ck to th~ interface tnsk 8S a reply. of The Batch Monitor then processes th~ HEP message to its type. The types of mt~ss:tgns that mi.ght be r~ceived frem the HE? are pause, normal terrnin.:ltion, ~bncrmal t0rminntion, ~nd system crrcr. The mcss(l~e h e (l d :: r c c n t :) ins , i n ,J rj d i tic 11 t (; m~ s S ·1 P.; e t y p ~, t h·? PE'4 acccrdin~ 61 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM number and task number· from which it came. Except in the case of a system error message, the PEM and task number are used to identify the job associated with the message, by searching the execution queue. Since HEP mess~ges come frc~ the supervisor task, 8 is subtracted from the header task number to get the corresponding user task number. If there is any ~essage data it is displayed on the op~rator console and written to the job's log. file. If the message was a normal or abnormal termination, the Batch Monitor sends a canc~l to any other tasks in the job to force them to terminate. In the case of dlsplays the console and halts. ~onitor a system error message, the Batch message data on the operator's When the B~tch ~onitor wants to send a message to the HEP, it must first seize control of the interface. This is done by sending a a switch message to the appropriate interface task (KI) with the target PEM number in the first 16 bits of the data word. The int~rface task replies with the data memory address of the interface area in·the switch message data word. The third and fourth words of the interface area are where HEP~bound message henders are written. The Batch Monitor writes its message header into this area Rnd sends an ~ctivate type switch message. 62 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM OF BATCH MONITOR CONSOLE SU~MARY CO~MANDS Jcb Related Commands Next nnnn - Move job number nnnn to top of job queu~. SUspend nnnn If REsume nnnn If nnnn is suspended, resume execution of its tasks. CAncel IF System R'~ nnnn is in execution, the job. nnnn tasks. nn~~ is in suspe~d all tasks in execution, cancel all of its loted Command s Partition p,m,S1,S2,S3 ••. S7 Set partitions in processor p, memory type m to the value$ in 31 ••• S7. CC[uid]Filena~e - Set the name of the CONTROL CARD PROCESSOR load module equal to [uid] filename. Display - Display the contents waiting to be run). QU';U0 of the Job Queue (jobs Display Active - Display the status of all active jobs. STOp - Do net process any more new jobs. STArt - Reverse of STOP, allow Batch Monitor Reader to continue processing new jobs. Oth~r and Console Commands RD:[uid1FilenQme - Read the jobfile specified and execution. sub~it it for PR:[ui~l]Filename - Enter the file specifip.d in the print queue. PR:CI\nccl nnnn - Remove job nnnn from the print queue. P B : Cf\ n (~ r~ 1 - Step printin~ printed. PR:COntiY"JU0 only R0sum~ printing 0ff-line for some 63 0f (aft~r r~t1~0n). f1 l(~ currs-ntly b0.ing print~r h~s gene HEP OPERATING SYSTEM HE? DEBUGGER - HD: Examine/Modify Memory [ J [,Endaddr.][,Pn] ~1emtype = Pn :: Processor Number [/ ] [::Valuc] Default:: D R, C, P, D or S Default:: PO I :: Optional Output to ':: Value' TAPE MANAGER - :: Modify Word to Value Specified ~T: I H''''; - Rewind tape. lAP - Append. IFFn - Forward fil~, n file marks. 'n' default:: 1. :: <[uid]Filename> - Write <[uid]Filcname) to tape. Default [uid] :: lC1st [uid] encountered or [001001] • <[uid]Filename>:: Copy <[uid]Filename> from tape. Default [uid]:: last [uid] encountered or [001001J. = [uid] - Write UFD dump fer [uid] to tape. [uid] = - Copy UFD dump fre:n tape to [uid]. Tape M3na~er directives may appear in any order in a command line, except that only one '::' m~y appenr. This must be either at th~ frent of the ccmmand line (for writing to a tape) or at the end of the command lin~ (fer reading from a tapq). 64 HEP OPERATING SYSTE~ EDITOR - ED: Editor commands related to file manipulation and batch processing of jobs. Operator must be logged on to the Editor. BYE - Log off the Editor. CF F 1 ,F2 - Copy file Fl to file F2. OF Fl , - Delete files specified. More than one file may be named en a command line. BEL N 1 - Log on the Editor with userccde Nl. LD - List file directory 'for your usercode. LF F1 - List the contents of File Fl. RF F 1 ,F2 - Change the name of File Fl to F2. ~ ? trom it F1 - Submit the (Control Card) File Fl as a job. - Print complete summary of Editor commands. 65 . HEP OPERATING SY3TE~ NOTE: Cut out this '15' and tape it as a subscript on page 2 under HEP DE8UGGSR section, the line "f: Value' : Modify word t (, val u e x x s p e c i fie d rr \-111 ere the x x 's 3 r e . ALSO, drnw 3 bracket on the left hand side between ,Pn] and [/ ] in the third line ul1der HE? DEBUGGER and on the right hand side after [/ J. HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 1.11 DisK Builder The Disk Bui11p.r is a utility task used to initialize and reconfigure the disk file system. It is not normally part of an operational system system, but is always part·of the bootable system on 8 distributio~ tape. The Disk Builder is unique in that it accesses the disk directly, rather than through th~ File Manager. The Disk Builder contains no co~mand error checking of any description, and errors or misuse of its commands may destroy the file system. The File Man~ger in a system must be shut down while the Disk Builder is used. Disk Builder commands are described betcw. ~ll commands are single letters. 1.11.1 Format Disk The F command causes the disk to be formatted and verified. Sectors with read errors are flagged. 1.11.2 Initialize Disk The I command causes the disk allocation bitmap, the master file directory and the user file directory for user 000 000 000 000 to be built. This re~dies the disk for use by th0 Pi Ie ~'1:)nagcr 1.11.3 Crp.ate User File Directory The U command prompts for n user ID, and cr~ates a UFD fer this user. No check is made for duplicate UFD's. 1 • 1 1 • Lt Log 0 n Th~ L comm~nd prompts for R user ID, nnd for 811 subsequent file references. 1.11.5 us~s that 1D 8uild Bootstrap Sectors 8 ccm~nnd builrts the bootstrnp sectors (cylinrler 0, sectors 0 and 1). S~ctor 0 contains a hardware beotstr~p for t~2 ROOT, while sector 1 contains pointers to the MFD, th~ bitmap ~nd the disk ad1ress~s and boot p~r8~etcrs fer the scparatp.ly ccmpilerl Executivp. tasks. S0~tcr 1 is u3cd by Root initinliznticn to loarl th0 Executive tasks. Th ~ f3 (!ornrnnn~i cbtains the S·~ctor f) bcctstr()p frem the file "H',.JBO')T.TSK" in the curr~nt U$~r to. Th~ comrn:1nd prcmpts fer a s i~ r i I'} S 0 f t:) skI D's ;-) n d boo t p ·1 ram ~ t p r s. For e (J c h t n s '< , t :1': f clio win ~ b (; (; t P 3 r 8 met e r S m~ s t b .; SUP? 1 i ~~ d : Th0 track 0, 66 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Filename - na~e of an existing file in the current UFD or taskid, where taskid is a previously defined task. If taskid is entered, the bootstrap entry is flagged so th~t the code for taskid will be shared with this task and not loaded again. . Th~ A A Debug Mode - If debug mode is Y, the initial flags of the 'task will offset so that the task will not automatically start when the system is boated. If the· bootstrap sector already contains boot information, the user is prompted for each ~xisting entry to determine wh~ther to change that entry. After all existing entries are processed, new entries may be added. Note that since the boat sectors contain absolute disk addresses rather than file names, it is necessary to rebuild the boot sectors whenever an Executive task or the Root is changed. Set Date 1.11.6 The D command prints the current date (M~/DD/YY) fro~ the calend3r cleck and accA.pts a new date. Typing nn invalid rlnte will hang the task and require a reload. Set Time 1.11.7 T command displays the current time from the clack (HHMM:SS) and accepts n new time (HYMM). If an invalid time is is entered, th':? tClS\< wi 11 hang nnri thf! syst~m must be reloaded. Th~ c~lend~r 1.11.3 M~~c Distribution Tnpe The M command will write a magnetic tape consisting of the tape bootstrap contained in the file "MTBOOT.T3K", followed by a cere image of the curr~nt incore syste~. this t3p~ mClY be hardvJarp, booted. For th~ tnpe to be useful, the syst'=ln must be inactive vJhile the t3pe is being made, and the File M~nager must be shut dawn. 1.11.9 R~ad c c :n~n n n d 0 1 1. 0 'vi S t !1 ~ c per:) tor tor 0 a 1 dis 1< s ~ c t c r s • prompts for the cyl inder h0;)d, and secter to b~ !\ f t e r t h . .~ s ~ c tor is r.; r"j d, t h ~ com en () n rj prc:n p t s fer n n mcdc, starting d~t~ word and word count tc print. T!1 e Thp r c: :j ~j Absolute Sector R cc:nm<1nd • cu~put 67 HEP OPERATING Legal mcdes (Octal). o SYSTE~ are A (ASCII), D (DBcimal), H (Hexadecimal) and 1.11.10 Set Indirect File The G command prompts for a file name and obtains subsequent commands from that file until E()F or'error. 1.11.11 Shut Down The prep~r8tion Z command writes out the current for activation of the File Manager. bitmap in 1.11.12 Disk Build Procedure This section describes the sequence of operations required to build a disk from the distribution tape. a) Boot the distribution system from tape; b) Set the date and time; c) Format d) Initialize the disk; e) Define required UFD's, including f) Using the Executive Debugger, set the flags of the task FM and MT to zero, allowing them to run; g) Using th~ disk (if'required); the Tape 001001 from th~ 0010n1; Mannger, copy the contents of UFD distribution tnpe; h) Shut down the File Manager; i\ Logon as 001 001; j) Use k) Shut down thG Disk Builder; 1) Halt and reboot the system frcmdisk. the sectors; Boct command to initinlize th~ bootstrap HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 1.11 Di 3k Builder Tne DisK BuilJer is a utility task used to initialize and reconfigure the disk file syst~m. It is net normally part of an operational system system, but is always part' of the boctable sy~tem en a distribution tape. The Disk Builder is unique in that it accesses the disk directly, rather than through the File M~nager. The Disk Builder contains no command error checking of any description, and erro~s or misuse of its commands may destroy the file system. The File Manager in a system must be shut dcwn while tne Disk Builder is used. Disk Builder commands are described below. All commands are single letters. 1.11. t Format Disk formatted and causes the disk to be Tn e F command verified. Sectors with read errers ~re f1 ag ged • 1.11.2 I:1itialize Disk Tne I command causes, the disk allocation bitmap, the master file directory and the user file directory fer user 000 000 000 000 to be built. Tnis readies the disk for use by tne File Manager' 1.11. for 3 Gre~te User Fi Ie Direotory Tn~ U commc.lnd prompts for ;;:j user ID. r:lnd crei1te~ tnis user. No cncck is made for riuplicF!te UFO's. 1.11.4 r.l UFD Logon Tne L command prompts for a user lD, and uses th9t 10 for all subsequent file referenoes. 1.11.5 Build Bootstrap Sectors Tne A command builds tne bootstrap sectors (cylinder 0, track 0, sectors 0 and 1). Sector 0 oontains a hardwara bootstrap for th~ ROOT, while sector 1 contains pointers to tne MFD the bitmap and the disk addresses And boot parameters for the separately ~ompiled Executive ta~ks. Sector 1 is used by Root initialization to load the Executive ta,ks. Tne R command obt~ins the Sector 0 bGct,tr~p from the f~le "ln/BOOT. TSK" in t,ne current u~er 10. Tne C'cmmnnri prompts far n ~~ries of task IDt~ ~nd beot par~meter~. FQr A~cn task, tnn fallowing boot parameters must be supplied: t 58 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Filename - The name of an existing file in the current UFD or ta~kid, where taskid is a previously defined task. If taskid is entered, the bootstrap entry is flagged so that the code for taskid will be shared with this task and not leaded again. A A If debug mode is Y, the initial flags·of the task will offset so that the task will not automatically startwhen the system is booted. Debug Mode - If the· bootstrap sector already contains beat information, the user is prompted fer each existing entry to determine wnether to change that entry. After all existing entries are processed,new entries may be added. Note that since the boot ~ectors contain absolute disk addresses rather tha~ file names, it is necessary to rebuild the beot sectors whenever an Executive task or the Root is changed. 1.11.6 Set Date Toe D command prints the current date (MM/OD/YY) from clock and accepts a new date. Typing an invalid dnte will hang the task and require R reloRd. the calend~r 1.11.7 Set, Time Toe T command displays the current time from the calendar clock (HHMM:SS) and accepts a new time (HHMM). If an invnlirl time is is entered, tne t~sk will hanR and toe system must be relo~ded. 1.11.8 M(-)ke Oi strlbution T<.lpe Toe M command will write a magnetic tape consisting of tape bootstrap contained in the file "MTBOOT.TSK", follow~d by a core imag~ cf the current incore system. ·This t~p~ may be hardware b00tcd. For the tape to be useful, the system must be innctive wolle the tape is being made, and the File Manager mu~t be sout down. toe 1. 1 1. 9 Rea d l\ b 3.-; I ute Sec tor Tne R command allow, th~ ope~ntor to rend disk sectors. Tne command prompts for the cylinder head, nnd sector to be r e (J d • Aft p. !~ t n~ ,'3 e c t c. r i 3 !' ~ ::l d, toe C f) mmAn ct p r () mp t 43 for n n GU~put mode, 3tart!n~ d,t3 word and word count tc print. 59 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Legal modes o (Octal). are A (ASCII), 0 (Decimal), H (Hexadecimal) and 1.11.10 Set Indirect File Tne @ command prompts for a file name and obtains subsequent commands from that file until EOF or error. I • 1 1 • 1 1 S nut Dc wn The Z command writes out the current preparation for activaticn of the File Manager. 1.11.12 Di sk Build bitmap in Procedu~e Tnis section describes the sequence of operations required to build a disk from tne distribution tape. a) Beot tne distribution system from tape; b) Set the date and time; c) Format the disk (if required); d) Initialize the disk; c) Define required UFO's, including 001001; f) Using the Executive Debugger, set the flags of the task FM and MI to zero, allowing tnem to run; g) Using 001001 the Tape Manager, copy the contents of UFO from the distribution tape; n) Shut down tne File Manager; i) Logon as 001 001; j) U.'3e the sectors; k) Snut down tne Disk Builder; 1) I-! 3 1 t ;'1 !1 Beet command d reb c. (j t. t n e 8 60 to initialize tne bootst.rap y is t emf t" f) m dis k • HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 2. RESIDENT OPERATING SYSTEM Tne !IEP (;crnputer contains four different types of memcry: prcgram, register, constant, and data. Programs executing on the mac n i n e a r e all 0 cat e d a "t ask" i n wn i c n tor un. Ea c.h "t ask d e fin e s a contiguous region of eacn type of memory. The nardware ·restricts each user to his own region of memory, and restricts the type of access he m8Y make to eacn memory type. Program memory is execute-only; constant memory is read-only; and register and data memory are read/write. A task may contain one or several processes. which are executable code sequences. Several processes may be simultaneously executing in tne HEP, unlike conventional computers. Processes are implemented by a set of hardware registers, of which there is a fixed number; thus an error condition (create fault) exists when too many processes come into existence in tne processor. Since existing pr' cc e sse s processes must be can create new processes at will. allocated tasks and managed just as memory must be allocated and to ma!"laged. All of tne sixteen hardware implemented tasks in tne HEP are not equivalent. Tasks 0-7 are user tasks. In these tasks. privileged !nstructions are forbidden. In tasks 8-15, privileged instructions Fl r e a I 1 0 \01 e d . Tn e s e t a s 1< s , calle d " sup e r vis.., r s" , per fer m s y s t em ~ervice3 for tne user tasks. User tasks request these services with "3uperv:!.sor call" (SVC) inetructions. These instructions generate a " t rap" , c !' eat i n g a p r c c e s s i n a sup e r v :;. so r t ~ s k and sus pen din g execution of tne user. The hardware forces user trRps to a p~rticular ~upervisf)r tusk, for example, task 2 traps to ta,'3k 10. In generrtl, t~~k k(k<8) tr~p~ to task k+8. ~up~rvlsQrs may also generate trnp,. All traps from a sup~rvisor create a precess in task 8. A supervisor trap suspends the supervisor in tne same way a u~er trRp suspends the user. Note that a trap suspends ALL processes in a task, net just the process cau~ing the trap. Tn~ HEP computer is interfaced to I/O devices and the user via Executive computer. In hardware, the Executive can read and write HEP prcgra~ and data memory and certain centrol registers via a low 3peed (actually quite nign speed) bus (LSn) :;'nterface. Pr:!.vI1eged iD~truct~Gns on tn~ HEP can also manipulate certain of th~se regi~ter3. In addition, the Executive and the Re~ident OperatIng Sy~tem are interfaced vin tne passive InterfRce, wnich allow~ ~ u P (.: r 'I i ~ 0 !~ Y pre c ~ S 3 e 3 t f) i n t e r' ;) c t wit n t n ~ E x e cut i v e. 0 n ~ 0 f t n ~ rn a 1 n ~ ~ per v i ~ () r~ y f u !'"j C til) !'"j S G f the HE P 0 /~: i s t I) C () n t r f~ 1 t n e flo \01 0 f rl < I E :-1SG J CODE STI\TUS 1 ~ G F 2 THIS I\DR ~EXT l\OR 3 4 LEN • F I LE \J AME 5 D I UF01 c I I B PRFV f\DR I { MESS ~'\GE UID A UF02 HEAD~R , } 6 ( 7 8 ~ECSIZE 9 1 ') RECORD HEADER EOF WORD IFIlE ·F ILEN AME (BYTE SWA.PPED) l\CPRIV lENGT~ I D.I\ T 1\ BUFFER ~I) Figure C - OPEN/CLOSE FILE SYSTEM MESSAGE BLOCK o ~ord MESS(\GE HEf\DER STATUS 1 ~~~~~G~~~~F--~~~~~D~~~--~~--~~~ 2 ~_______'~rf~·IT.~.S~A~D~R~____~~____~~~~~~~~~ j ~_______~~'lE~:X~T~~~D~R~____~____~~__~____~~~-v 0 R~CORO HEADER J.l S DATI\ DI\TI\ nUFFER Figure 0 - READ/WRITE/OBTAIN FILE SYSTE~ MESSAGE BLOCK n ~ord 0l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§U~IgD~(~R~E~T~U~R~N~E:D:)~~~. J2 __________ USE!L-Ill 1? RYTES MESSAGE Ht::ADER RECORD HEADER 3 4 Fi ~ u r:~ F. - LOG 0 H F I L E S YST ~ '·1 !·1 c: SS r\ GE 22 HEP OPER~TING SYSTE~ CLOSELU - SVC 1 CLOSE SVC acquires an LU environment from the' LUTABLE. If the entry in the LUTABLE indicates that the file is not open error status will be returned to the user. ~fter it determines that the LU is open, CLOSE SVC will compare the options word which has been saved from the open with the options word sent in'the CLOSE SVC parameter block. Changes indicated will be copied into the close message. If the file has been opened with write access the current record will be written and the EOF pointer will be updated. If the rename bit in the ACCPRIV field is on, and a file name is provided, this name will be copied- (byte swapped for the PDP-11) into the message block. Finally a CLOSE message will be sent to the file manager .. The LU environment is then returned and the LUTABLE entry marked not open. Status returned by the file system is returned in the SVC parameter block. The user process is re-created and the local registers are returned by the supervisor. Figure C shows the format of the close message to the file manager. BUFFERIN - SVC 2/BUFFERQUT - SVC 3 BUFFERIN and BUFFEROUT perform the read and write operations respectively to disk files. Except for the direction of the 1/0 they are essentially identical. BUFFERIN/OUT ~cquires an LU environ~ent from the LUTABLE. If the LUTABLE indicates the LU is not open an error status is returned to the user. EOF condition is chp.cked for both operations, and if tru8, EOF st~tus is r~turncd, 0xcCpt where extend and write ncccss hns be~n gr~nted on the open of th~ file. Dato is copied to/from the LU Buff~r and user Dnta Memory, one worrl nt a time until the logical record length specifi~d has been consumed. When a 10gic81 record crosses the boundary of a physical record a physical 1/0 is performed. In the case of BUFFERIN this is just a read. In the case of BUFFEROUT, if the cur~ent physical record is not the last r~cord of the file the current record is written and the next record read into the buffer. If the current record is the last record in the file an OBT~IN ~essa~e is sent to the file system processor to acquir~ the address of the next record, and have it assigned to this file. This arldrQs~ is copied into th~ next address fielrl of the current rp.cord header, and the record is written. 23 HE? O?ER~TING SYSTE~ Upon completion of the 1/0 the LUTABLE entry is marked available, status is placed in the parameter block, the user process is recreated, and the superviso~ returns the local registers. Figure D shows the format of the Read, Write and Obtain messages to the file manager. BACKSP~CE - SVC 4/REWIND - SVC 5 BACKSPACE and REWIND each acquire an LU Buffer. As with BUFFERIN and BUFFEROUT, if the LUTABLE indicates the LU is not open error status is returned. BACKSPACE/REWIND must check the current access privileges. If write access is included,- the current record must be written, in case it has been modified. For BACKSPACE the current position pointer is decremented by the logical record length. If it is decremented beyond the beginning of the current logicRl record, as many reads in reverse direction as necessary are performed un~il the position pointer is in the current buffer. For REWIND the operation consists of simply reading the first record of .the file and setting the position pointer at the beginning. Error status could be returned if an 1/0 error were to occur of if an attempt is made to BACKSPACE beyond the beginning of the file. Status is returned in the SVC oarameter block. The Buffer is returned, the LU~A8LE entry marked available, the user process recre~ted nnd the supervisor local registers returned. LU ENDFILE - SVC 6 ENDFILE, in this implementation, has the effect of a call to CLOSELU with the default options specifi~d. STOP - SVC 7 STOP obtain a does not acquire an LU Buffer, it do~s not local regist~r environ~cnt and the user is not i~medi8t~ly r~-nctivatcd. When the 1/0 s1tpervisor i~ enterAd for a STOP SVC the user h~~ already b~en d0-activate~ as a result of issuing the SVC. The supervisor verifi~~ the address of the ~essage text in the parameter block. It iSSU3S n KILL follow~d by an 24 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM ACTivate instruction against the user task to ~ake certain that the user task has no outstanding SFU requests. It then issues a call to CLOSEALL, which closes all open LU's. Finally, the supervisor issues a STOP SVC to the Kernel with a pointer to th~ message passed by the User. The STOP SVC to the Kernel is not the same as a user STOP SVC, a supervisor STOP request is SVC O. PJ\USE - SVC 8 As with STOP, PAUSE does not acquire an LU Buffer, nor a local register environment, and the user is not re-activated. The user is already dormant, therefore PAUSE simply verifies the address of the text passed by the user in the para~eter block, and issues a PAUSE SVC to the Kernel with a pointer to the same text string. A supervisor PAUSE request is SVC 1. INQUIRE - SVC 9 INQUIRE acquires an LU Buffer. If it is found to be new buffer, i.e. the LU in question is not open, the supervisor returns a .non-zero status. If the buffer is ~ot a new buffer then the LU has already been opened, and the supervisor returns zero status, and the record length and options word in the pnr~meter block. The purpose of INQUIRE is to allow a user to ask the supervisor if an LU is open before attempting to do 110, open or close it. The LU ~ould have been opened by the Control Card Processor, or by C3nother tas\< \..rithin it!=; own job (in a multi-PE~ environment). a GSTENV - SVC 10 A GETENVIRONMENT call is executable only by the Control Cnrd Processor. For any other user an illegal SVC ABTERM will res~lt. GET ENV does not require a local register environment, and does not obtain an LU Buffer. The supervisor Simply decrements the user's D~ta Me~ory limit by the length of nn LU environment and rewrites its TS't! . LOGON - SVC 11 LOGOH acquirp.s an LUBUFFER nnd a sn.t of loc~l registers. Even though it is not n~soci3ted with an LU, LOG () N r e qui r ~ s 3 0 :] t ;) r·1 e m0 r y ''''/ 0 r k a r P.:'. Tnor rl e r to rn a in t ~J i nth 0 r p. - en t ron t 25 n;:) t u r C 0 f t h ~ I//) s u p\~ r v i so r i t HEP OPERATING SYSTEM must acquire this environment for the LUTABLE. For this reason there must be at least one LU environment available at the time a LOGON SVC is issued. The Control Cnrd Processor issuei a GETENV SVC (SVC 10) before it issues a LOGON. If a user finds it necessary to LOGON using a user ID other than the one us~d to open the jobfile, he must ensure that a buffer is available. LOGON copies the twelve character user ID specified in the SVC parameter block, and issues a LOGON message to the file manager. If the file manager accepts this ID it will return the UIC code. This code will be used for all successive opens from this task until a new user ID is supplied.- Files already opened under another UIC will remain under that urc. If the LOGON is rejActed by th~ file manager the error status will be copied into the SVC parameter block. The LU Buffer and local register environ~ent are returned, and the user re-created. Figure E shows the format for a LOGON message to the file manager. GETCORE - SVC 12 GETCORE does not require a local register environment or LU Buffer. It does not return status. If the pointer to the SVC parameter block contained in the user's indexed register one (R1:I) is not a valid address the supervisor will issue ·an ABTERM. Otherwise, the nddress of one greater than the last word of user Data ~~mory will be returned in the SVC parameter block. 26 HEP 2.4 Error OPERATI~G SY~TEM H~~dler Hardware-d~tected error conditions result in traps to a set of low-core addresses. All such errors in user tasks are processed by the User Error Handler, which is n Supervisor process running in the corresponding task (User Task Number +8). When the hardware detects an error condition the task is made dorllant. The first act of the supervisor is to issue a KILL instruction followed by an ACTivate on the user task. This will insure that all processes in the tas~ are t~rminated. Then the supervisor will call an 1/0 Supervisor CLOSEALL to insure tha~ all opened files are closed. The Supervisor then builds an abnormal termination (ABTER~) message which consists of three words containing: a) Trap PSW; b) User PSW at time of error; c) Instruction generating the trap. This message is sent to tbe Kernel, ann is normally printed on th~ System Console by the Batch Monitor. When a Cancel Task message is sent from the Host, the creates a process in th~ user task with all bits on except t~~ PS field. It is th~n treated as any other ABTER~. Ker~el When the Kernel r~ceives a Suspend Task messag0 from the Host, it cr~~tcs a process in the user tnsk at loc3tion zero, with all UTM bits on. This is a specinl case in which the Supervisor simply vectors the PSW which trapped to the quit 3t instruction zero, and issues a Pause request m~ssnge with no text to the Kernel. The User Error Handler shares the global supp.rvisor regi'5ters and data memory with the I/O Supervisor. It ~ust th~refore observe th~ sam~ s8maphori~g conventions on those rr:s()ur'ces in order to avoid conflicts. 27 HEP 3. SYSTE~ 3.1 OP~R~TTNG SYST~~ SOFTWARE Control Card Processor Overview HEP Control Card Processor eCC?) is a system program which processes certain records in the user job file. CCP is responsible for allocating and opening all disk files for the user Partition as a result of submitting a job. After processing the r e cor d s i n . the Job F i 1 e, CCPt e rm ina t e s, lea vi n gall f i 1 e s open, with th~ user load file assigned to LU zero. CCP encounters an error in the Job File, such as an com~and or not being able to open a file with the r~quested privileges, all open files will be closed, and the Job will be terminated. If illegal All CCP commands must begin in column one stated, must be followed by at least Commands recognized by CCP are:' oth~rwise JOB - Job Specification ASN D~P and unless one blank. R~cord File Allocation and Assignment Record - Conditional Dump Record R'J II - Run Re ~ 0 r d - Sp e c i fie s L 0 .1 d F i 1 e :) n d Fl n dEn rl 0 f ,J 0 b Step II t * t End of Job Record - Termin~tes - Any Record Treated as a Comment COlOm.~nt 1 All Beginning Job With Steps· an ,*, is HEP OPERATING SYSTEM 3.1.1 Control Card Processor Command Syntax following commands are accepted by CCP. Even though may b~ recognized by the READER, by the time receives access to the Job File they should be commented The oth~r CCP out. com~ands 3.1.1." Job Record Syntax JOB This record is copied into Logfile with no further processing required by CCP. The first record in a Jobfile must be a Job Record. Assign Command Syntax ASN LU,FILENAME[,Logical Reclen, Accpriv, Owners Accpriv, Public Accpriv, 1/0 Direction, File History, File Disposition, Buffer Count] [1 - Indicates optional order dependent. Example: Accpriv parameters, not 4SN 5,CARDFILE,REC:80,ER,F,OLD, KEEP:DgLETE - A single letter for each access privilege, may be specified in any order. Pr8fix 0 - Indicates Owners PrivileBes Prefix P - Indicates Public Privilgcs No Prefix - Privileges For This Open R - Read Acc~ss W - 'tlr i te Access x- Extend Access E - Exclusive Access s - S~mnphorQ~ D - Delet~/R~name Access (I'llpl0.mcntcd in H3FS 0:11y) 2 Access HEP OPERATING SYSTE~ If file is being newly created, 0 and P Accprivs become the permanent attributes of the file. If file alre~dy exists, 0 and P Accprivs are ignored. DEFAULT - (No Accpriv Specified) For this open - R - read access For owner if creating file - WXED Write, Extend, Exclusive, Delete/Rename For public if creating file - No privileges liD Directlon - A Single Letter F - Forward - Open at forw~rd beginning of file, do I/O in direction 8 - Backward - Open at end of file, do I/O in forward direction (implemented in HSFS only). A- - Open at end of file, do I/O in forward direction (X - Extend Access must be allowed for appending). ~ppend DEFAULT is F I/O. Forw~rrl File History IJ3E - Usc old file if pr~3~nt, cl~e ~r~8te n0W file if file. ~EW - Create new present. OLD - Use old file, fail if not present. CRS~TE - Create n0W fil~, delete olrl file, fail if old file prescnt. DEFAULT - (No history specified Rt all) is USE. 3 HEP OPERATING SYSTE~ File Disposition DELETE ~ Delete on any close. KEEP - ~eep on any close. DELETE:KEEP - Delete on norm~l (user) close Retain on abnormal (system) clos~. KEEP:DELETE - Keep on normal (user) close Delete on abnormal (system) close DEFAULT Logical - (No 0isposition specified) is: If old file used, KEEP on any close If newly created file, DELETE on any close. - R~clen REC:n or n Where n words. = Desired logical record lenqth in HEP If fil~ is being created, n becomes the default RECLEN for the file and if n = 0, or is not specified, a word file is assumert. If file already exists If n = 0 it is treated a~ 8 word file for this open. If n is not specified the default RECLEN for the file is used. 4 HE? OPERATING SYSTE~ Buffer Count of buffers allocated in HEP Data Memory for this open of this file (implemented in HSFS only). Nu~ber BUF:m Where m - Number of Buffers Desired. DEFAULT is 2 Buffers. (NOTE: In standard filp. system impl~mentations Bufe'er Count defnul ts to one, even if BUF is specified in a Control Card.) Conditional Dump Command Syntax D!1P [ AL HAY S ] [ U'1 Er-1 0 RY T YP:: S ) ] - Specifies dump after any termination. Default is dump after abnormal termination. (ME~ORY TYPES) - P - Program R - R~gister C - Constant D - Oat::} types to be dumped, enclosed in parenthesis. D~fault is (RO) Register and Dnta Memory dump. Memory type ch8ract~rs m8Y be in any or~er, and should not be separated by any other characters. M~~ory ExamplG: th) D14P Recorrl - No dump Hi 11 be taken. [) t·1 P !\ L~rJ '\ YS (P) - 1\ ftc rAn y t ~ r TTl i t1 rt t ion ~1emor y is dum perl . J Pro ~ r nrn Ot1 P (C RD) - After abterm, Constant, Regist~r and Data ~~mory are dumpad. D'1P - Aft~r ~1 t: Tn 0 5 ry ~btGrm, 3 r .? R~~ist~r d IJ 11 P ~ ct • Rnrl Datn H£P OPERATING SYSTEM Run Command Syntax RUH [OPTIONAL RUN PARAMETERS] - Name of user task to be run. [OPTIONAL RUN PARAMETERS1 - Copied as ASCII text, left justified into user Data Memory, beginning at word Q relative to user Data Memory base. If optional run parameters are included, the first ten words of user Data Memory will be initi~lized to zero. Then the text string will be copied, be~inning at byt~ 0, and running to the end of the input line. SX8:nple: and run run parameters. RU:I t·1YF ILE. TSK - Load RUiJ HEPT!\SK ABC D E F - ~Y~~LE.TSK, no Copy the string 'A ReD E r' into user Data ~cmory beRinning nt wor1 zero ~nd blank filled to the th~ end of the input lin-e. LOC1d Clnd run HEPTJ\SK. 3.1 . 1 .5 End. of Job Record Syntax II -or- En~ of File on Jobfil~. Caus~s clos~~rl. termination Comment Any 'string of 8 HEP job. Any open files are Recor~ with an bc~innin~ 6 ~stcrisk ('*') in colu~n . HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Tne HEP Centrel Card Processor eCC?) is implemented in such a way as tv make it very easy fer a user to add features to it, or if de,lred. wri~e a new one. Tne following describes the Runtime t. n vi!' I') n men t e x pee ted b y t n e CCP • 3. 1.2 Ru~time Environment CCP runs in tne User Partition just prior to the execution of a User Task. In the case cf a multi-task job, CCP is loaded in toe first partition large enough to hold it. CCP Ru~ Parameters In User Data Memory following information: beginning with word 0 is the User ID Code - 12 Bytes, ASCII Job Number - 2 Bytes, Binary Jobfile Record Number - 2 Bytes, Binary o REC #(0 indicates a dump has been taken. The following filenamin~ conventicns apply tl) CCP: Jnnnn.HEP : Jobfile Name Lnnnn.HEP : Logfile Name Dnnnn.HEP Dumpfile Name x Pnnnn.HE? : Dump Formatter Print Filename \/ n ere 'n n n:1' : Job Nu mb e r' f:!.ler.nrnes All cf toe abcve fnhricCited using tne J()b Num~t:r p::l~'3ed to run p:.ir::lml=t(~r. 7 can ~CP 0 ~ be n HE? OPERATING SYSTEM Jobfile Rec.crd Number (word 1, 4th quarter). is the number of tne last record of the Jobfile read by CCP fer the current job. IF REC #=0 tnen this is the first step of this job. Begin p~ocessing from the first record of Jobfile. IF REC #)0 then this is not the first step of this job. Begin precessing from REC # + 1 of Jobfile. IF REC #(0 i.e. the high bit of this field is set, tnen this is not the first step of this job, and furthermere, a dump nas been taken of the HEP memQry_ CCP must Open the Dumpfile at LU1, Open the Dump print file at LU2, and Open the Dump Formatter Lead l~ 0 d u I e (D ~~ F ~1 T • HL L) a t L U0 • Wnen CCP terminates normally, it passed a binary stop c~de via SVC 7 to th~ Batch Monitor, of the form; 0r-____~7~8_'____________~63 I Dr, I RF.:r, II I ~~HERE DC = Dump Cede - Dump No Applies only to this Job Step. Conditions - Cede Bits, 2, 0 Dump 3 0 0 16 Dump C) r. l\bterm 0 16 Dump on Ne rm a 1 Term 0 2 1 (- Dump J\l\-J~y~ ") .> 1 () 8 HEP OPER~TtNG ~emory SYSTE~ Type to be Dumped - Bits 4,5,6,7 Program Memory 1 0 0 0 3 16 Register 0 1 0 0 r~~mory 4 16 Constant 0 0 1 0 M~mory 2 16 Data Memory 0 0 0 1 1 16 Memory Dumped bits, e.g.: REC # will· be X'1F' - Dump all X'35' - Dump X' 00' - the inclusive Or of these me~ory on abterm. Register and Data Memory on any termination. No = Number dump. of jobfile record last proc~ssed. If en1 of file on the jobfile has b~en encountered the numb~r returned is a zero. 9 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM In processing LU assignment records following sequence of Supervisor Calls: 1) LOGON sve 11 - Log on the ecp must perform the using the user ID in Data Memory bytes 0 - 11. This must be done once at th~ .b~ginning of execution, before any files, including the Jobfile are opened. 2) INQUIRS sve 9 - Inquire regarding the status of an LU. If LU i.s already opened, SVC 9 will return its current default record length, and options. If t=ln LIJ is open an attempt to open it again, whether for the same file or not, will result in an error. 3) SETENV SVC 10 - Get an LU buffer environment. This must be done to opening a file. SVC 10 is allowed only to cePe Once gotten, an LIJ buffer will not be returned. If files are opened, and subsequently closed before another is opened, an extra SVC 10 is not required. The number of SVC 10's issued must be greater than or equal to the number of LU's opan at any time. SVC 10 will not return a status, if it fails, the next open will be unsuccessful. prior 4) 8PENLU SVC a If - Open a file at the specified logical unit. program to b~ run is a FORTR4N program, or an Assembly program which uses the FORTRAN 1/0 Formatter, it is necessary OPEN nnd any Input or Output be don~ via calls to the T/0 :-or:n~ltter, :1S it m8int8ins internal buff0rs for the opened Logical Units. R~fer to HEPFf1T documentation for a complet~ description of lID ~0rmntter routines. th~ Lq~guage th~t the 10 HEP OPERATING 3.2 H~P SYSTE~ Dump Formatter HEP Dump Formatter is a system program which runs in a user partition immediately following the execution of a job for w~ich a memory dump is taken. The purpose of the Dump Formatter is to translate the binary dump file into a printable and more legible format. The Dump Formatter is loaded by the Control Card Processor at the instruction of the Batch Monitor, immediately after th~ dump is taken. In the case of a multi-step job, if a dump is taken it will be formatted before the next step in the job is executed. T~e A typical dump will contain the UIC (User ID Code), job number, jobfi le record number, job na!Tle, processor and task numbers for each task in the user job, user and supervisor TSW's fer each task, system table entries, user and supervisor PSW's and the contents of the entire partition for each memory type specified. A us~r mAY request thnt a dump b~ taken ~ither after an Abnormal Ter!Tlin1tion (A9TER~)" or aftp.r any termination of his jeb. He may also specify which memory types arA to be dumped. This is accomplished by the DM? command in the jobfile. Depending on the information in the D~? command, the Batch Monitor initiates a dump upon receiving a jeb complet~ message from 'the K~rnel. This binary dump will be output to a newly created file with a n~m~ of 'Dnnnn.HEP', wh~re 'nnnn' is the job number. This is a r~cord file with a 10Bical record l~n~th of 120 words. It will ccnt~in one header record follow~d by one t~s~ record anrl one PSW record fer each task. Then will CO!Tle th~ memory dump records for the memory types specified, in the following order: Dnt~ MAmcry, then Register Memory, Constant Memory and Program Memory for the first task, followAd by the Register, Constant and Prograrn ~~emcry for the second tas!<, and so on. Figure A contains a dingram of the dump file record formats. 11 HEP OPERATING o SYSTE~ _ _ _ -YIC 1 2 ~-------------- 3 t..ford __~~~~~__________________~ HEADER RECORD 0 1 2 USER TS'N 3 l~ SUPERVISOR TSW 5 TASK RECORD ( 1 PER TASK) 6 1 8 9 TASK'S SYSTEM TABLE ENTRIES 10 11 UNUSED tAo rd 3 l t 10 a 1 USER . PSW RECORD PSW'S () II ( 1 PER TASK) ALL SUPERVISOR 65 . PS''']'S 1~3 37 ',1crd J P R 1 2 10 FAIRS D!\TA RF:CORDS 127 128 IJ l'IlJ~) F. D Figur0 A - DU~PFILE RECORD FOR~AT~ Lcgical R~ccrd Length = 129 Words 12 HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Th~ type. Figure A - DUMPFlLE RECORD FORMATS Logical R~cord Length = 129 Words follcwing describes the processing necessary for Header Record - Contains UlC, job number, number and job name. e~ch job'. file record record Task Records - (1 per task) - Contain processor number, task number, user TSW, supervisor TSW and system table entries. The system table entries give the starting address and length of the Data, Register, Constant and Program Memory partitions, and the maximum number of precesses allowed for the task. The user TSW contains the base and limit addresses for the user's memory p8rtitions. Using this information a table of supervisor base, user base, user limit and supervisor limit is set up for each memory type. This table will be referred to in processing th~ Data Records. P3W Records - (1 per tas~) - Contain all of the PSW's in the PEr~ at th·~ time of the riump. Th,~ first 64 are user PSW's; the last 64 are sup~rvisors. The Dump ,Formatter sc~ns through this record comparing the PT field with the PT specified in the Task Record. Those PSW's which belong to the task in question are output to the printfile. D8ta R0ccrds - Using the information in the first two words, the absolute address of er.lch word in the record is cnlculateo. This address is compared with th~ base and limit Table entries for the appropriate memory type to determine whether it is a sup'?rvisor or user, and wi t~in . the p:1rtition. If th'~ end of th~ memory p3rtition falls within a record buffer, the buffer is fill~d with JS m~ny worrls as nec~ssary beyonrt the end of th~ partition. In a D~ta R0cord the word immedi~tely proceedin~ n mcmcry is its re~ister descriptor. The following prcces~ing i~ ncc~ssnry for each memory typ~: (~ce 1'3 Fi~ure B) HEP OPERATING SYSTEM Register Empty/full bit and reserved bits are checker.i, and tE'/'F' and 'R' are printed,. The number representing dnta quality is printed, and parity is calculated. If the parity bit in the DQ is not correct an '*' is printed. Dnta Empty/full bit is checke1, and 'E'/'F' is prin~cd. The data quality number is printed and parity is checked. If parity is incorrect an ,*, is printed. Constant Parity 'is calculated. If the parity bit is incorrect an ,*, is printed. Program The Register Descriptor field is ignored for Progra~ Memory . Finally, the• address, memory type, supervisor/user's status, register descriptor field and memory contents are printed, four words to a line. If the supervisor/us~r's status or memory type is different from the previyus word, the current line is terminated, and several lines skipped to dilineate the change. If mere th~n two lines in a row would be identical except for the address, the message ,**** THROUGH ****' is printed, ~nd all but thA first and last lines are left unprinted. ) I PiE I R I , L-.--y-:- lJQ P = P:lrity Bit E = Empty R = Bit = 1 - Empty, = Reserved Bit 1 - =0 - Full Rcserveo DQ = Bits 61=63 Represent D8ta Quality Register Descriptor Word Forrnnt Figure B 14 HEP OPERATING 3.4.2 SYSTE~ HEP 1/0 Formatter The HEP 1/0 Formatter is a set of system subroutines which is included in the user Load ~odule. It provides an interfaoe between the FORTRAN program and the 1/0 Supervisor. The lID Formatter is responsible for perfor~ing formatted and unformatted I/O, opening and closing logical units, backsp3ce, rewind and endfile, and issuing STOP and P~USE requests. It is primarily record and logical unit oriented. If 3 user wishes to write an Assembly Language program which utilizes the 1/0 Formatter, it must be done in the same man~er as a FORTRAN program. The following describes the interface between the user program (FORTRAN or Assembler) and the 1/0 Formatter. OPEN and CLOSE are called using the standard HEP FORTRAN calling sequence, with para~eters as follows: CALL OPEN (LU #, Filena~e, Logical Record Length, Options Word) CALL CLOSE (LU N, filen3me, Logical Record Length, Options Word) Parameter blocks for all oth~r 1/0 Formatter routines have sp~cial formats (See Figure B). In all cases, as with any FORTRAN subroutine, indexed register zero (Rn:T) contains a point~r to the user's D~ta Memory Onse, injexed regi~ter one (R1:I), a pointer to the parameter block, and th~ low 32 bits of indBxed register two (R2:I) contain the rAt urn PC. The word immediately follo\tJing the parameter block must contain 3 -1. This is beeause OPEN and CLOSE ~ay be called with a variable number of parameters, and the end of a parameter block is designated by a -1. (. HEP OPERATING SYSTEM . " . .. I 'i' FOR\1/\T I U NU;·1B~R I PC END=RETUR~I pr; ERR=R~TURN n F~TOLST LENGTH 0 I -1 (ARRA.Y ELE~~ENTS )1 LU NI.Pv1BFR l' T 10 TTEl'v1 0 I "'%STOPI o LIJ NUMBER o o F%8SP~C/F%RWTND/F%WEn~ o I TE: il t I." Pnr~m~ter 2 ) HEP OPERATI~G ~YSTEM I/O Formatter Entry Points (R~fer to Figure B for parameter block formats.) OPEN/CLOSE OPEN acquires an LU Buffer, 'and i~sues an SVC 0, to open the file specified, at the LU specified. If a record length is not specified (i.e. the third parameter negative) th~ default record length for the file is used. If record length is zero the file is treated as a word file. Any other reco~d length supplied is considered the record length for this open. W~RNING: Attempts at formatted I/O on a word file may have unpredictable side effects. The I/O Formatter is record oriented. CLOSE frees the LU Buffer, and issues an SVC 1 to close the file specified. If a filename parameter is specified it will attempt to rename the file, and if record length or options word parameters are included, these will also b~ copied into th~ SVC parameter block. Ciose may be called with only an LU ~umber parameter if desired. . A user may open and/or allocat~ a file by na~e, close or delete or ren~me A file using th~ OPEN CLOSE subroutines in the I/O Formatter. These ~ctivities ar~ accomplished by means of the Options Word par~~eter. This word is copied directly into th~ SVC parameter block by the subroutin~. It is divided into sevcr81 one byte fields which have the following meanings: and and A- R~quested Access Privilegp.s For This Open B - Public Access Privileges C - Owners Access Privileges D - History E - Disposition F - IIO Direction G - Buffer Count 3 HE? OPERATING SYSTE~ Access Privileges - Fields A, B, and C If the file is being created (op~n) the privileges requested in these fields become part of the permanent attributes of the file. On a close, if the high bit of each field is set,'th~se become the n~w attributes of the file. Bit Definitions ••••••• 1 Read Access . •••••• 1. Write Access - Update Records . ••••• 1 •• Extend Access - Add Records . •••• 1 ••• Exclusive Access - No Other Concurrent Opens 'Allowed. * ... 1 •••• Semaphored Access - May Consume and Fill Records . . • 1. • • . • Rename/Delete I\CCp.ss • • 1 •••••• Undefined. 1 ••••••• Change Privileges. Semaphored access is standard file syste~. * unimplement~d in For field A, current access privil~ges, the privile~c is r~~~ access only. def~ult ~o ror fi~lci 13, public public 3ccess. aCCI~SS, the defnult is For field C, ow~er'5 3CC~SS, the rlcfnult is r0nd, write, ~xt~nd, nxclusiv" ~nd renn~e (00101111 ) ~cccss. 4 HEP OPERATING SYSTE~ File History - Field D Determine a new file. whether to use an old file or cre~te Values: O-Use old file if present, file - this is the default. else create new 1-Create new file, delete old file if present. 2-Use old file, fail if not present. 3-Cr~ate new file, fail if old file is present. File Disposition - Field E Specifies the disposition of the file upon close. Entries in"this field on open are kept until the close. If no entries are specifi~d on close those specified with the open will be usedo O-Keep old file, delete new file - default. 1-Delete file on closA. 2-R~tnin file on close. *3-Ret3in file on system close (i.e. ABTERM), delete on us~r closp. (normal termination). *4-Retain on user close, delete on system close. **~-R~tnin * These ** V~lid and ren8~e file. meaning only on open. for close only. h~ve t~e ~nse of a file open~d s~veral ti~es th~ disposition spccifi~d (open or clos~) in chrcno10~i~nl orier rl~termines th~ file ciisposition which will be us~1. In 18st 5 "HEP OPERATING SYSTE~ IIO Direction - Field F Controls th~ initial positioning of the file, anrt the direction for sequential acc~ss. This field is ignored by close. O-Forward - Op~n file positioned at the beginning of the first record, do 1/0 in forward direction - default. 1-Backward - Open file positioned at the beginning of the last logical record, do 1/0 in reverse direction - this is unimplemented in the standard file system. - Open file positionert at the en1 of the last logical record, do IIO in forward direction - (appending to a" file requires extend privilege). 2-~ppend Buffer Count - Field G Number of physical records to be held in 1/0 Cache at any time. this feature is unimplemented in the standard file system. All entries in this field will be ignored by the I/O supervisor. R~READ/F%WRTTE READ and WRITE seize the LU Buffer for the LU specified, and prepare it for 110, marking it busy, and setting up the ERR= and END= return address~s, and the format painter, if they arc specified. " F%10LST perfor~s whntever proces~i~g is for thA IIO Item (~c~lar or Arrny) spe~ificd. Wh0n t~~ buffer is full (in the case of WRITE) or empty (in th~ cnsa of RE~D) it issues the appropriat0 SVC. IOLISTITE~ necessary 5 HEP OPERATING ~YSTE~ F%ST0PI STOPIO finishes processin~ of statement if necessary, ~nd marks available for another I/O. the format the LU Buffer F%8U~IN/F%BUFOU BUFFER IN and BUFFEROUT combine the actions of READ/WRITE, IOLIST and STOPIO for unformatted lID to (from) a single IO item (Scalar or Array). They acquire an LU Buffer, marking it busy, issue the SVC's required for the IIO requested, and upon completion return the LU 3uffer and mark it available. Fl)STOP IF%PAUSE STOP and PAUSE issue the appropriate SVC (7 for Stop, 8 for Pause) with a po~~ter to the text supplied in the parameter block. F%BSPAC/F%RWIND/F%WEOF BACKSPACE, REWIND ~nd ENDFILE eRch acquire the LU 9uffer specified, and i5su~ the appropriate SVC (4, 5, or 5 respectively). A t y pic ell cal I seq II c n 0 s for c1 for m8 t ted R~ (1 d 0 r \01 r i t e would consist of 1) a enil to F%READ (/F%WRITE), followed by 2) one or more c8115 to F%IOLST, one call for a~ch T/O list it~~'n, ;]nrj tcrrninut0d with 3) a call to F1,~TOPI (sc·~ E x (3 mpIG 1). A. n u n for m.:l t ted I l O o p e r d t ion co u 1 d be accomplished in the same manner, omitting the format pointer in the para~eter block for the F%READ/F%WRITE call. A more efficient method however is to issue a single call to F~B~FIN or F%~UFnu (se~ Example 2). Th~se result in a single C~ll/R~turn sequence, instead of a ~inimum of three which would be r~quired if 1/0 is done as with for~atted I/O. 7 H~P Exnmpl~ 1: OPERATI~G SYSTEM The FORTRAN Stntements DIHENSION A(2), READ (6, woulrl generate the 1000, B( 10) END=2000, followin~ ERR=3(00) s~ries of A,8,C subrou~ine cRlls: A call to F%READ with a parameter block of 1) t Ll\8EL 1000 l' L.l\8EL 2000 l' o LA9SL 30()r) o A call to F%IOLST for the Array A. 2) tl\ o A sAcond call to F%IOLST for o the Array B. 6 0 :2 I 0 o o o A ;l 0 final call to F%IOLST for !\ 3) ~R c~ll th~ Sc~lar C• 'f\C to F%STOPI to finish the READ and mark the LU v ;) i 1 () b 1 e • o o o () ;:xnrnplc?: F'lRTRI\N Th~ St()t~ments DI '·1 E iJ S ION A( ~ ) f3UFPEHIN '.oJ i) U 1. d f):1 : : 1!Tl :"'! t 0 g e n 8 r ;) t e n r b 1 0 c l< ,) f : Ei-lD=2()()'), (I), <:) lJ b r ERR='3()().l) ,) uti nee :111 !\ 2()() 'J F 1, 8 UF' T'I 1>.) I" ('\ L i\ qt.:L 1\ .) I Ll\f1f.:t ?I)')') t; wit '1 ~
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