HP_Engineering_Graphics_System_for_HP_Pascal_and_HP UX_Operating_Systems_Technical_Data_Oct89 HP Engineering Graphics System For Pascal And UX Operating Systems Technical Data Oct89

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lIP Engineering Graphics
System for lIP Pascal and
HP-UX Operating Systems
Technical Data

The HP Engineering Graphics
System CHP EGS) is a customizable, two-dimensional graphics
software product for multidiscipline engineering design,
including electronic, mechanical,
and general engineering applications.

The modular product structure of
HP EGS allows users to dedicate
a workstation to a single application such as hybrid circuit design
or use a workstation as a multipurpose design system providing
several applications for a project.


Because all HP EGS modules
share a common data structure
and user interface, they are
automatically linked together.
HP EGS modules include schematic drawing, hybrid circuit
design, printed circuit board
layout, mechanical drafting, and
a general engineering module
that designers can use for applications ranging from floor plan
layouts to block diagrams and
artwork for technical manuals.
HP EGS provides several built-in
productivity tools including online help, customizable screen
and tablet menus, and user-definable macros, or "super commands." Users can even develop
entire custom modules for their
own applications.
Designers can plot two-dimensional artwork directly from
designs on HP EGS. A powerful
tool kit includes a rat's nest
generator, a connection lister, a
material lister, and a connection
list compare program. HP EGS
options include a photoplotter
and N/C drill post-processor,
documentation tools, and an
IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange
Specification) translator (Pascal
version only). Designers can also
move designs from HP EGS to
more automatic CAD systems.
Links are available between HP
EGS and HP Printed Circuit
Design System, HP Electronic
Design System, and HP
Mechanical Engineering Series
10 (Pascal version only). In
addition, links to industry-standard EDIF (Electronic Design
Interchange Format) and IGES

(Pascal version only) let designers move HP EGS artwork to
non-HP systems.
HP EGS was developed for
use on HP 9000 Series 300 workstations, first on the Pascal
Application Workstation (PAWS)
and now under the HP-UX operating system and X Window
environment. Running on the
HP-UX operating system in the
X Window environment, the user
can invoke several applications
and interact simultaneously with
HP EGS modules, run diskless
and network over Local Area
Network (LAN) and Wide Area
Network (WAN).

standalone system or in a networked en vironment. A network
improves productivity by letting
HP EGS users easily share data
such as drawings and library
parts. A network also dramatically reduces system costs by
allowing multiple workstations
to share disk drives, printers and

HP EGS running on a workstation can be used as a

Figure 1. HP EGSIUX in X Window environment


System Overview
HP EGS provides five specialized
work environments, or modules.
At the heart of each HP EGS
module is the graphics editor, a
command-driven tool used to
generate drawings on the screen.
Because these specialized modules are based on the same
graphics editor, data sharing
between the modules is
The Schematic Drawing Module
is the vehicle for initiating electronic designs in HP EGS. This
module includes a sample library
of common electronic schematic
symbols. Users can create additional parts, or modify existing
parts as needed.
The Hybrid Circuit Design
Module combines interactive
and automatic features for
designing thick-film hybrid circuits. Designers can easily move
from manual and other methods
of hybrid circuit layout to this
menu-driven CAD environment.
It fully employs a designer's
expertise while reducing errors
and speeding changes .
The Printed Circuit Board
Layout Module includes capabilities for creating board blanks, for
interactively placing a variety of
components including surfacemounted devices (SMDs), and
for laying out a grid or gridless
The Mechanical Drafting Module
lets engineers and drafters use
an isometric drawing capability
to easily create two-dimensional
representations of three-dim enstionalobj ects.

The Engineering Graphics
Module can be used for a multitude of applications: floor plans,
overhead slides, project scheduling diagrams, complex artwork
for technical manuals, and
many other general artwork

HP EGS automatically controls
all of these modules. When designers select a module from the
manager menu, HP EGS loads
all the specialized files and system commands. The specialized
files , which can be customized,
• Process-Defini tion of 1 to
255 layers. Includes color, line
type , and plotter pen number associated with each layer
• Macro-Collection of all defined macros for a particular
• Library Parts-Collection of
symbols which represent parts

• Text Font-Descriptions of
text fonts
• Note Font-Descriptions of
note fonts
• Screen Menu-Names ofmacros pickable from screen-displayed menu

• Tablet Menu-Drawings of a
tablet menu, including icons and
macro names in several tablet
• Start- Commands executed to
start a particular module


HP EGS allows users to plot
complete drawings, or plot only
selected layers and sections of
drawings . Designers can scale
and plot the drawings in a variety of sizes, from A- to E-size.
High quality, fast hardcopy is
available in several forms with
HP EGS . Many printers are
supported on HP EGS from the
inexpensive HP ThinkJet printer
to the HP LaserJet printer for
documentation quality output of
text and graphics.
In addition to the specialized
work environments, HP EGS
features a powerful tool kit that
includes a rat's nest generator, a
connection lister, a material
lister, and a connection list compare program. HP EGS options
include a Photoplotter and NIC
Drill post-processor, and an
IGES translator (Pascal version
HP EGS runs on either the
HP-UX or Pascal operating

The Graphics Editor
All ofthe HP EGS modules,
including the five specialized
work environments available
with HP EGS, and user-customized work environments, are
based on the graphics editor.
The graphics editor provides the
basic environment, artwork components, and commands for

The graphics editor offers the
ability to work in two viewports
at once. Each of the viewports
can independently display any
portion of the current drawing. A
common use ofthe two viewport
system is to use the small viewport as a global view ofthe entire
drawing, and the main viewport
as the work space where the
designer can zoom and pan to
display the portion being worked
on .
HP EGS provides an extremely
fine grid resolution for creating
very large, accurate drawings.
System resolution is determined
by the two billion system points
in both the X and Y direction.
Designers can use any ofthe
following units to specify the
amount of resolution for a
particular application:


Most applications do not use all
the available resolution. To
appreciate what can be done with
such accuracy, consider the
following example.

Printed circuit board designs
may require two traces between
the legs of a small outline integrated circuit chip. Designers
can easily handle this with HP
EGS by setting the grid to 10
mils, assuming pads of 58 mils
and 5 mil traces and spaces. In
fact, designers could set the grid
as fine as 0.00001 mil!
So that users do not have to be
precise when selecting a point on
the screen, HP EGS will "snap" to
a point as defined by the current
snapping mode. The system
supports five snapping modes:
grid, vertex, primitive, intersection, and raw (system) point. The
grid displayed on the screen can
be defined to have a grid point
displayed at every system point
or a specified set of system
points, such as a point displayed
at every 1000th system point.


The location ofa component on a
drawing can be specified by
giving X,Y coordinates from the
keyboard, by selecting X, Y coordinates with a stylus or mouse, or
by selecting a mode which adds
the component relative to other
components. For example, a
component can be added parallel
or perpendicular to a line, or at a
tangent to other components.
Components also can be hatched
and filled, and sizes changed
after being added to the screen.

HP EGS provides the following
basic artwork components that
can be combined to create
complex shapes:

oval (or ellipse)
instance (drawing or part
of a drawing)
• note (stock letter)
• text (block letter)

Designers can alter all ofthese
basic elements and more complex
shapes by selecting editing commands such as copy, delete,
modify, or stretch from the
menus. Designers can store
complex, frequently-used shapes
as library parts to be used in
other drawings. New drawings
can be created by modifying
existing ones.

HP EGS provides 255 layers for
each drawing. Layers can be
displayed or plotted one at a
time, or in any combination. For
example, a printed circuit board
designer may draw a board blank
on one layer, place components
on another layer, and route
traces on yet another layer. Then,
the entire board or some phase of
the design can be plotted as
By assigning a different line type
and color to each layer, designers
can display several layers at one
time, yet easily visualize each
layer. Eight line types are available: solid, dashed, dotted,
phantom, long dash , dot center,
dash center, and long dotted.
Either seven or fifteen colors are
available, depending upon the
hardware that HP EGS is
running on.
Designers can assign textual
information to label components
or drawings and then assign a
numerical tag value with the
textual information. These tag
values are useful to post-processors. For example, a particular
number can be used to identify
drill information for a printed
circuit board post-processor.
Over 65,000 different tag values
are possible.


Figure 2.
A display from
the Schematic
Drawing Module
showing the two
viewports and
easy-to-use HP

HP EGS allows users to create
new commands (called macros )
for the graphics editor. A command macro simply combines
commands and other macros,
much like shorthand notation
provides a simple way ofrepresenting words and phrases.
Macros can speed command
entry for commands that are
often entered together. And they
can reduce the number of commands a user needs to know. In
fact, most users create macros to
make commands and options
more intuitive, by simply
renaming commands and options
or adding prompts (screen

Schematic Drawing
The Schematic Drawing Module
has been tuned to improve the
productivity of schematic draw ing. Specialized tools address:
• schematic symbol representation (any size or shape)
• assigning attribute information to components
• material list generation
• connection list (netlist) generation
• connection list merge
• links to documentation packages
• customization for unique

A library file containing a
representative set of symbols for
schematic drawing includes over
50 symbols:

• active devices-transistors, diodes, and opamps
• passive devices-resistors, capacitors, and inductors
• digital devices-NANDINOR
gates, inverters, latches, flipflops, and buffers
• packaged chips-decoders,
four-bit decade counters, octal
bus, and buffers/drivers
• miscellaneous symbols-system ground, chassis ground, and


Hybrid Circuit Design
The Hybrid Circuit Design
Module tunes the extensive HP
EGS feature set to the needs of
hybrid circuit designers, offering
the following:
• automatic input of parts from
material lists
• links from the Schematic
Drawing Module ofHP EGS and
the HP Design Capture System
• design in English or metric
• automatic thick-film resistor
• online access to resistor-paste
curve data

Adding parts to a design is relatively automatic when using a
material list derived from a schematic. The material list can be
derived either automatically
from a schematic created with
the HP EGS Schematic Drawing
Module or entered from the
Using a material list, the system
displays reference designators
and component values for all
parts except resistors , and
prompts the designer to specify
an appropriate library part.
Each part is added to the drawing as it is selected. When all
parts have been specified, the

designer can use the Rat's Nest
Generator to add connectivity
information (airlines).
Resistor generation begins with
a library of resist or-paste curves
that are created and maintained
by entering a set of values based
on manufacturer-supplied data
or measurements unique to a
manufacturing process. The
system stores the information for
future access. From this point
designers may create resistors
either automatically or

• a parts library containing more
than 100 parts and subparts
including dual in-line packages,
flatpacks, chip carriers, chip
capacitors, transistors, diodes,
chips, and edge connectors
• chip and wire bond capability
• design aids for creating custom
• connection information (airlines) to aid interactive routing
• support of irregularly-shaped
• material usage estimator for
product costing
• access to photo plotter and N/C
drill post-processor
Figure 3. The full-screen X Window showing Hybrid Circuit Design Module
combines interactive and automatic features specifically tuned for the needs
of thick-film, hybrid circuit designers.


For automatic resistor design,
the Hybrid Circuit Design
Module uses the resistor value
and reference designators from
the Schematic Drawing Module.
The Hybrid Circuit Design
Module selects the optimum
paste from the resistor paste
curves, determines the required
active resistor surface size, generates the resistor, and places it
in the drawing. If schematic data
is not available from the material
list, designers can create the
resistors interactively by entering resistor information from
the keyboard. Once a designer
selects a resistor paste curve and
specifies the resistor value, the
module will make the necessary
calculations and generate an
appropriate resistor.
The easy-to-use, flexible editing
features ofHP EGS are used next
to place parts and route conductors. Designers can move, rotate,
stretch, and mirror one or several
parts at a time on a grid with
resolution to .00001 mil. Five
placement snapping modes
assure that components and
conductors are precisely placed.

Conductor width can vary along
individual conductors and from
conductor to conductor, and dielectric layers can be added with
a single menu selection. System
prompts help designers easily
route multi-layer conductors.
After the hybrid layout is complete, designers can generate a
connection list based on the
design. The Connection List
Compare program compares the
connection list to the one
obtained from the schematic to
verify that the two agree.
The Hybrid Circuit Design
Module can extract data to produce a manufacturing material
list including up to 20 fields for
information such as part numbers and prices. To help estimate
material usage, designers can
use an area-calculating utility
that measures the paste area on
each layer (resistive, conductive,
and insulating) and then generates information for calculating
how much ink will be needed.

Printed Circuit Board
Layout Module
The powerful interactive tools of
the Printed Circuit Board Layout
Module give designers direct
control over layout drawings,
and the ability to easily handle
engineering changes. Features
to help prepare PCB artwork
include :
• grid or gridless design
• rat's nest generation from a
schematic connection list
• handling of surface-mount deVIces
• material list generation
• connection list generation
• connection list compare to verify that physical design matches
schematic design
• link to photoplot-drill postprocessors
• links to the HP Design
Capture System
• customization for unique

Figure 4.
The HP EGS menu
as used for
printed circuit
board design

If part of a design (either sche- .
matic or printed circuit board) IS
done on another system , links
are necessary to move the design
between HP EGS and the other
system. Users who want to simula te schematics before laying out
a physical design may want to
use the HP Design Capture System (HP DCS), a design capture
a nd simulation system. HP DCS
will generate a netlist in HP EGS
format for users who want to use
HP EGS for physical design.
The Printed Circuit Board
Layout module supports a set of
macros that allow designers to
make and save new parts without leaving the layout being
worked on. If a new part is
needed while the designer is
editing the layout, the Make Part
mode is accessed simply by picki ng "Make Prt" from the menu
block. Then, after the part is
made the designer returns to the
Edit PCB mode by picking "Edit
PCB ." The new part will be in
memory, ready to be added to the
Another useful macro in the PCB
Layout module is the ROUTE

macro. ROUTE allows users to
select a point-to-point straight
line connection (airline ) between
two components and then route
it. In the process of routing the
line, users can change layers or
the trace width as necessary to
complete the connection.
A helpful command while routing

a trace is LOCK ANGLE. It
allows the designer to force the
system to accept traces only at a
specified angle or multiples of the
angle. For example, ifthe LOCK
ANGLE is set to 45 degrees, the
system will only accept traces at
45 , 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, or
360 degrees. Lock angle enforcement can easily be over-ridden
for those traces which cannot be
routed following the lock angle
rules .

The part library in the PCB
Layout module contains over 4~
representative PCB parts claSSIfied as follows:

primary pads
primitive pads
reference parts
inner layer parts
IC DIP patterns
edge connectors
analog parts


Mechanical Drafting
The library file for the
Mechanical Drafting module has
four sections. The first three are
based on ANSI-standard

• Drawing paper templates: A- to
E-size drawing paper that specifies standard border, title blocks,
and revisions blocks. Users may
place company name and logo
within the title block.
• Geometric tolerancing symbols:
eighteen symbols to indicate
such attributes as parallelism ,
symmetry, diameter specification, and concentricity
• Surface texture symbols: five
symbols to specify surface finish
• Macro instances: simple screws
and bolts as macro instances
Macro instances are a specialized
macro form that allows the user
to define a part in parametric
form. For example, a hexhead
bolt can be described by diameter, bolt length, and thread
length. Once such a macro is

defined, it is possible to design a
family of such parts merely by
specifying a different set of
parameter values for each
member ofthe family.
Other features ofthis module

polar step and repeat
matrix step and repeat
construction lines of infinite
isometric grids
three tolerance options (single,
plus/minus, and HILO )
material list on drawing
dimensioning in feet, inches
and fractional feet/inches

An isometric grid, obtained by
doing a spatial transformation of
X Y coordinates, makes it
p~ssible to draw isometric views
of three-dimensional objects.
This is especially helpful for
doing assembly drawings.

Engineering Graphics
The Engineering Graphics
Modul e is where many new users
begin to learn how to use HP
EGS, and where many sophisticated users create their own
applications. Because it has all
the power of the other modules,
the Engineering Graphics
Module lends its flexibility and
range of capabilities to a multitude of applications. The tutorial
manual and training files lead
users through several drawing
examples to familiarize them
with the step-through menu
structure ofHP EGS.


Tool Kit
Material Lister
HP EGS includes a powerful,
versatile Material List Generator. It enables the user to extract
part information from a drawing
a nd merge that information with
da ta in a user-defined parts file .
The resulting file can be formatted to fit specific requirements
a nd can be sent to a printer or
stored in a file . Stored files can
be placed on a drawing; for
example, in the material specification block on a mechanical

Connection Lister
Connection lists can be created
based on two types of connections : physical and logical. An
example of physical connections
would be the numbered pins on a
dual in-line package (DIP).
These same pins could be given
logical connection names such as
INl , OUT2, and GND .
A powerful system feature is the
ability to handle connection lists
for hierarchical designs . For
example, the individual transistors, resistors, and diodes , and
the connections between them for
making a NAND gate, may be on
one logical level. Two resulting
NAND gates packaged together
in one package may be the next
logical level, and the resultant
package connected to other
components in a schematic

drawing may be a third level. It
is possible to generate a connection (net) list at each of these
logic levels or to "smash " the
hierarchy and get a connection
list for the resultant flat file .
HP EGS also will merge connection lists. For example, if several
designers are working on the
same drawing, or if a single
designer wants to break up a
complex schematic to make it
more manageable, the system
can automatically merge the
individual connection lists.
The flexible connection lister can
also handle general applications
to provide, for example, a list of
terminals connected to a mainframe computer in an office
environment or a list of r egisters
connected to a boiler in a heating

Rat's Nest Generator
From a schematic connection
list, the Rat's Nest Generator
produces "airline" connections
between placed printed circuit
board components. The "gather"
feature allows the user to move
components to eliminate trace
congestion. As components are
moved , the connections remain
intact. Trace placement is
accomplished by picking an
"airline" and routing it to conform to the user's design rules.
In the placement press, a trace
can easily be moved from layer to
layer as necessary.


Optional Tools
Photoplotter and N/C Drill
Printed circuit board designers
often need to convert designs into
a format suitable for a photoplotter or an N /C drill machine. An
optional photoplotterldrill
post-processor converts boards
designed on HP EGS into Gerber
photoplotter or Excellon drill
format. The resulting ASCII
formatted files can be transferred to those machines in
compatible magnetic tape or
paper tape form . Standard data
communications (via terminal
emulators) can also be used to
move the files .

IGES Translator
Occasionally, users will want to
move mechanical designs
between CAD systems. The
Initial Graphics Exchange
Specification (IGES) is a worldwide standard which is used by
many systems for this purpose.
An optional bidirectional IGES
translator is available for the
Pascal version ofHP EGS.

Figure 5. X Window environment with HP EGS Manager Menu ins ide
Xll pull-down menus

Hardware Platform
Hewlett-Packard offers the
advantage of a single-vendor
solution, with a full line of computer equipment ranging from
high-performance computers to
industry-leading printers and

HP EGS Plotfile Capability
HP EGS plotfile (HPGL) capability allows HP EGS graphics to be
merged with a variety of automated publishing tools, such as
FrameMaker®, Interleaf, and

Users can order a bundled
system or build a system to suit
exact needs by choosing from the
complete line ofHP 9000 Model
300 workstations, plus a variety
of displays, disks, input devices,
printers and plotters. Because
Series 300 hardware is modular,
it can be upgraded easily.

Hewlett-Packard sales representatives are available to help
users configure the right system
for specific applications .

Operating System
HP EGS runs on top of the HP
Pascal Workstation (PAWS) or
the HP-UX operating system.
The HP EGS PAWS version is
shipped with a Pascal operating
system. It can serve as a complete, standalone dedicated
workstation or can be connected
via the HP Shared Resource
Manager (SRM) to networked
peripherals .


HP EGS on the HP-UX
operating system provides access
to a wide variety of engineering
a pplications, all from one workstation. HP EGS can be run
directly on the HP-UX operating
system or under the X Windows
environment. Both standalone
a nd X Windows environments
support diskless clusters and
powerful local area network
(LAN) and wide area network
(WAN ). Under X Windows the
user can invoke and interact
simultaneously with several
a pplications ofHP EGS. For
example, the X Windows
environment allows the user to
view and modify the schematic
a nd layout of a printed circuit
board simultaneously.

Whether users select HP 9000
Pascal or HP-UX system workstations, the computers can be
linked together by optional
network software. HP 9000
Pascal workstations can be
linked by SRM. HP-UXsystem
workstations can be linked by
Hew lett-Packard's standardsbased LAN.
Either network lets users share
peripherals such as disks,
plotters, and printers. More
importantly, networking allows
users to share files. With this

capability, one person in a design
group could have responsibility
for designing and maintaining
the parts library that will be used
by the other people in the group,
ensuring uniform , standardized

Documentation and
A m u lti-level support strategy is
available for HP EGS, including
manuals, training, and telephone
support. A set of manuals available for each core product. They
HP EGS Pascal:


Installing HP EGS
Learning HP EGS
Understanding HP EGS
Managing and Editing Files
withHP EGS
• HP EGS Syntax Reference

• Installing HP EGS / UX
• Learning HP EGS / UX
• Understanding HP EGS / UX
• HP EGS / UX Reference
• HP EGS / UX Master Index
As the name suggests, the
Learning HP EGS manuals are
tutorials which lead the firsttime user through the steps
required to complete several
drawing tasks. In the process,
the user is introduced to most of
the commands and the flow ofthe

design process. Using this
approach, a novice can begin
productive work in about two
The HP EGS Reference and the
HP EGS / UX Reference manuals
are handy for users who have
become reasonably familiar with
HP EGS, but occasionally need
help remembering the proper
syntax for a command. In addition, an online help file provides
a brief description of each
Training classes can help users
get maximum benefit from a
system, especially iftheir unique
situation requires customization.
Classes may be taught at a
Hewlett-Packard site or at the
customer's site, depending on
customer preference.
Occasionally, a customer finds it
helpful to talk to an HP systems
engineer. Several levels of
support are available, from
telephone support through a
Regional Response Center to
personal contact with an HP
systems engineer from a local
HP office.


Ordering Information
HP EGS can be ordered for use on an HP Pascal workstation or an HP-UX system workstation and X Window environment. The software security system requires the inclusion
of an HP 46084AHP-HIL ID module in the hardware set. A minimum of 10 Mbytes of
online mass storage is required for system installation and updates.

HP EGS on the HP-UX operating system:
• B1646A-HP Engineering Graphics System on HP-UX operating system
Option OAN-Single User License
Option 103-Adds Schematic, Printed Circuit Board Layout and
Mechanical Engineering Design Modules
Option 203-Adds Hybrid Circuit Design Module and related
Option 303-Adds HP EGS Photo plotter and N /C Drill Utilities
and related manual. Allows HP EGS to interface with
Gerber Photoplotters and Excellon Drill machines.
Option OBI-Adds manual set for HP EGS base product.
Includes Install , Learning, Understanding, Reference,
and Master Index manuals.
OptionAEQ-Software on 114" cartridge tape for use on
HP 9000 Series 300 HP-UX system workstations
HP EGS on the Pascal operating system:
• 74305A Standard, 74308A High-performance versions ofHP EGS: includes the
Graphics Editor, Engineering Graphics Module, Material Lister, and Connection Lister, as well as the manual set for the standard product.
Option 042-5 1/4-inch media (except high-performance version)
Option 044-3 112-inch media
Option 102-Schematic Drawing, 5 1I4-inch media (except
high-performance version)
Option 104-Schematic Drawing, 3 112-inch media
Option 202-Printed Circuit Board Layout, 5 1I4-inch media
(except high-performance version)
Option 204-Printed Circuit Board Layout, 3 112-inch media
• 74305R Standard, 74308R High-performance, and HP EGS Right-to-copy
Option lOl-Delete manuals
Option 100-Right-to-copy Schematic Drawing Module
Option 200-Right-to-copy Printed Circuit Board Layout Module
• 74307A Hybrid Circuit Design Module
Option 042-5 1I4-inch media
Option 044-3 112-inch media
• 74307R Right-to-copy Hybrid Circuit Design Module
• 98305A Bundled version of standard HP EGS
(Equivalent to 74305A Option 042 or 044, 102 or 104, 202 or 204)


• 98310A Photoplotter and N /C
• 98310R Photoplotter and N/C
Drill Right-to-copy
• 98311AIGES Translator
• 98311R IGES Translator

Training Courses
• Introduction to HP EGS
(HP 74300A)
• Printed Circuit Board Design
with HP EGS (HP 74301A)
• Customizing HP EGS
(HP 74302A)




- - - - - -0HP Sales and Support Offices

United States:
Hewlett-Packard Company
4 Choke Cherry Road
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 670-4300
Hewlett-Packard Company
5201 Tollview Dr.
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
(312) 255-9800
Hewlett-Packard Company
5161 Lankershim Blvd.
No. Hollywood, CA 91601
(818) 505-5600
Hewlett-Packard Company
2015 South Park Place
Atlanta, GA 30339
(404 ) 955-1500

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Field Training Man.u~
November 1989
For Internal Use Only



1.0 Introduction
1.1 One-minute Sale
Advantages ofHP EGS to sell to your customers
1.2 What's New with HP EGS? HP EGS on the
HP-UX Operating System!


2.0 Market
2.1 PCB Layout Overview
2.2 HP EGS Positioning and Customer Profile


3.0 Key HP EGS Features and Benefits
3.1 Product Structure
Engineering Graphics Drawing Module
Table 1: The Economic Buyer
Schematic Drawing Module
Printed Circuit Board Layout Module
Hybrid Circuit Design Module
Mechanical Engineering Drafting Module
3.2 Features and Benefits
Table 2: The Technical UserlBuyer
Table 3: Available Links from HP EGS
3.3 Comparison with HP DCS and HP PCDS
Table 4: Comparison ofHP EGS Customers with
HP DCS and HP PCDS Customers
3.4 Comparison with HP ME-10


4.0 Selling Against the Competition
4.1 AutoCAD
AutoCAD Product Focus
AutoCad Market Penetration and Sales


5.0 Sales Support
5.1 Sales Tools
5.2 System Requirements
5.3 Ordering Information
Training Courses
5.4 Software Support Services
HP TeamLine
HP ResponseLine
HP BasicLine Software


Appendix A: HP PCDS Overview




Sales Guide
1.0 Introduction
This sales guide will introduce
you to the HP Engineering
Graphics System (HP EGS), HP's
customizable, two-dimensional
graphics software product for
multi-discipline engineering
design, and the newest release of
the product on the HP-UX operating system-HP EGS/UX. The
product structure has been
revised and some product
enhancements added to extend
the competitiveness ofHP EGS
and HP EGS/UX. By reading
this guide you will be able to:

1.1 One-minute Sale
HP EGS is a customizable, two-dimensional graphics software
product for multi-discipline engineering design. HP EGS consists of a
family of artwork-based design modules for complete product design.
This includes schematic entry and printed circuit board (PCB ) layout,
hybrid circuit design, mechanical drafting, and general engineering
drawing. The open data structure, user-customizable macro commands, and screen and tablet menus provide the user the capability
to customize and adapt HP EGS design modules to meet current
design processes.

• understand the new HP EGS/
UX product structure

The market for HP EGS consists of customers doing entry-level EE,
ME or general engineering designs. The user-definable model capability makes the product a good fit for customers involved in state-ofthe-art or low-volume design activities which require the customization for individual needs that more automatic tools cannot support or
which cannot be justified economically. This includes hybrid circuit
design and design of very high frequency circuits.

• understand the links to other
HP DesignCenter products

Advantages ofHP EGS to sell to your customers:

• understand the features and
benefits ofHP EGS

• position HP EGS relative to
other HP DesignCenter products
• recognize customers who can
benefit from HP EGS

• Versatility and customizability. HP EGS is a versatile and
customizable graphics system that conforms to the customer's design
methods. The macro language and definable menus ofHP EGS allow
the user the freedom to customize a design module to fit the user's
• Easy-to-use interface. There is a common interface for all HP EGS
design modules-EE schematic, PCB layout, hybrid design, and ME
drafting. The menu structure ofHP EGS allows the user to arrange
the most important or most frequently used commands at the menu
level that is most convenient for a specific process.
• Ready-to-use application design modules. The modules do not
require configuration which reduces learning times and improves
• Connective and user-definable data structure. The data in HP EGS
is connected, or associated, which allows the use of semi-automatic
tools (such as connection listing and rat's nest generation). The data
structure is user-definable to allow the expansion and tailorability of
items such as manufacturing information in the design files.
• Flexible and easy-to-use graphics. The power of the HP-UX
operating system and HP workstations enhance the graphics capabilities ofHP EGS and provide access to a wide variety of additional
engineering applications, all from one workstation.


• Global HP sales and support. HP EGS is sold and supported
worldwide. HP EGS has been localized in German and Japanese,
making it available for use in primary design markets.

Additional advantages include:
• powerful graphics manipulation
• links to automatic tools
• runs on HP 9000 Series 300 workstations
• supports industry standards with the HP-UX operating systenl
and X Window system
• supports HP-UX system peripherals

1.2 What's New with HP EGS?
HP EGS on the HP-UX Operating System!
Thanks to your sales efforts, HP
EGS is a resounding success.
There are now over 6000 HP EGS
systems installed worldwide.
External customers number
3000; the remainder are internal
And now HP EGS is available on
the HP-UX operating system.
This combination provides the
flexibility and adaptability of
HP EGS with the power of the
HP-UX operating system. HP
EGS supports diskless clusters,
and can be run in full-screen
mode or under the X Window
environment. HP EGSIUX provides improved networking with
the addition oflocal area network
(LAN) and wide-area network
(WAN) capabilities. In fullscreen mode, the HP EGS program can be suspended and a
remote shell can be started to
take advantage of background

processes such as connection listing, plot spooling, or design post
processing. Under X Windows,
multiple HP EGS modules or
multiple applications ofHP EGS
or other X Window engineering
applications can be invoked and
interacted with simultaneously.
For example, parts may be created and used simultaneously in
designs in multiple windows.
The X Window environment
affords the use oflow-cost display
servers, and industry-standard
windowing systems with OSF
Motif. The HP EGSIUX release
also allows the user to:
• easily put the HP EGS
Manager menu selections into X
Window pop-up command menus
• organize HP EGS component
libraries around the HP-UX
system directory organization
• invoke and enter any module
from the HP-UX command line or
X Window environment
• invoke and enter each module
multiple times

Data migration from HP EGS/
Pascal to HP EGSIUX is easy. HP
EGSlPascal design files, macros,
menu files, and process files are
forward compatible with HP
EGSIUX. HP EGSIUX workstations can be networked as nodes
on the Pascal SRM, and design
data transferred using HP-UX
SRM utilities.

2.0 Market
2.1 PCB Layout
A 1988 market share survey by
Dataquest reveals HP EGS to be
a major player in the EE workstation market, especially the
PCB layout tools market. (HP
EGS is used for electrical engineering by 75% of external HP
EGS customers.) With HP EGS
and the more fully automated HP
Printed Circuit Design System
(HP PCDS), HP now ranks 6th in
the PCB layout market share
with 6.1 % of the market. (See
Figure 1, following page.)

Figure 1.
1988 Total PCB
layout revenue

1988 Total PCB Layout Revenue
($500 Million)
HP 6.1% _ _ _ _ _- ,



Prime Computer 6.7% _ __

_ _ _ _ Intergraph 6.1%

,.-_ _ _ _ Valid 4.2%




Racal-Redac 9.1%

Calay 4.0%



SUN 4.0%
Mentor Graphics 11.5%

Digital 4.0%

Daisy Systems 11.7%

Zuken 4.0%
'---_ _ Other 28.9%

Source: Dataquest 1988

The good news continues! Industry analysts agree that the PCB
CAD market is a growing market. The penetration (ratio of
CPUs per designer) has been
only 5% and is expected to grow.
With projected growth rate for
the PCB CAD market in 1990
at 33%, HP has a tremendous
opportunity. With the continuing
success ofHP EGS and HP
PCDS, as well as a growing list of
software suppliers, you have an
exciting combination of products
to provide solutions for your customers. (See Appendix A for an
overview ofHP PCDS.)

2.2 HP EGS Positioning
and Customer Profile
As stated in the One-minute
Sale, HP EGS is a customizable,
two-dimensional graphics software product for multi-discipline
engineering design. HP EGS consists of a family of artwork-based
design modules for complete
product design. This includes
schematic entry and printed
circuit board layout, hybrid
circuit design, mechancial
drafting and general engineering
drawing. The open data structure, user-cutomizable macro
commands, and screen and tablet
menus provide the user the
capability to customize and
adapt HP EGS design modules
to meet current design processes.
The market for HP EGS consists
of customers doing entry-level
EE, ME or general engineering
designs. The user-definable
model capability makes the
product a good fit for customers
involved in state-of-the-art or

low-volume design activities
which require the customization
for individual needs that more
automatic tools cannot support
or which cannot be justified
economically. This includes
hybrid circuit design and design
of very high-frequency circuits.
HP EGS fills the gap between
manual drafting methods and
fully automatic CAE/CAD
systems. More than a drafting
tool, HP EGS offers features such
• connection list generator
• rat's nest generator
• connection list compare
• links to Gerber Photo plotter
and Excellon N/C Drill machines
HP EGS is not a fully automatic
CAE/CAD system because it
• logic simulation or timing verification (found in the HP Design
Capture System)
• autoplacement, autopacking,
autorouting or design rule checking (found in the HP Printed
Circuit Design System)


HP EGS should be positioned as
an entry-level CAD tool with the
following benefits:
• workstation and HP-UX operating system power (most computer-aided drafting systems use
personal computers)
• lower cost than full-function
• extremely interactive

Ideal customers for HP EGS are:
• small companies or small
groups within large companies
• companies where design may
be done by separate groups such
as engineering services, R&D,
or drafting departments, or companies with a single group that
performs many engineering design functions

• companies designing a relatively small number oflow density printed circuit boards, and
having limited manufacturing
output needs
• companies that need a highlyinteractive CAD system to design
high-technology designs where
automatic tools cannot be used or
are not cost-effective

• companies looking for a highly
customizable system

• short learning curve
• links to full-function CAE/CAD
• versatile and customizable
Figure 2 illustrates HP EGS
positioning relative to other HP
DesignCenter products, as well
as other products.

• companies needing some ME or
general drafting capabilities in
addition to their EE needs
• companies that are price-sensitive and want to automate with
minimal disruption
• companies doing manual
artwork or hand-taping their
printed circuit boards

Full Design

3.0 Key HP EGS
Features and
3.1 Product Structure
In addition to a general drawing
module, HP EGS contains four
other drawing modules and
several post-processors for added
design functionality:

Engineering Graphics
Drawing Module (General
Drawing Module)

HP Electronic
Design System

• large and small viewports



• two billion system points


• unitless system


• five snap modes
• multiple ways to add most components

HP ME-10

• multiple ways to enter data


• customizable


Light Table
Drafting Table
Bishop Graphics

AutoCAD Is a trademark of AutoDESK

Figure 2.
Steps to


Schematic Drawing Module
• English or metric units
• 1,000+ gate design

Hybrid Circuit Design
• automatic input of parts from
material lists

Two separate products are available in addition to the primary
HP EGS modules:

• design in English or metric

• IGES Bidirectional Translator
(Pascal version only, not available with HP EGSIUX)

• material list generation

• automatic thick-film resistor

• Gerber photo plotter and ExcelIon N/C drill output

• link to General Drawing and
PCB Layout modules

• online access to resistor-paste
curve data

• EDIF translator

• material usage estimator for
product costing

• connection list (netlist) generation
• connection list merge

• customizable

Printed Circuit Board Layout

• access to photoplotter and N/C
drill post-processor

• EE parts file editor

Mechanical Engineering
Drafting Module

• EE material lister

• ME parts file editor

• PCB connection lister

• ME material lister

3.2 Features and
Table 1 below, which targets the
economic buyer, highlights some
ofthe features and benefits that
make HP EGS a strong contender in the CAD marketplace.
The features and benefits shown
in Table 2 on the following pagtarget the technical userlhuyer.

• connection list compare
• rat's nest generator

The Economic Buyer


HP EGS is a multi-purpose CAD tool: schematic drawing, printed
circuit board layout, and mechanical drawing.

The customer buys only one CAD system for complete product
design (EE and ME). Minimum investment required.

HPEGS has links tofull-function CAE and PCB CAD systems (HP
Design Capture System-HP DCS and HP Printed Circuit Design

Provides a growth path. As designs become more complex and as
the company grows, a change can be made to HP's full-funct ion
systems without loss of data.

HP EGS can be purchased as a modular product.

Customer can choose to buy and build a system to meet immediate
needs. As needs change, additional modules can be purchased.

HP EGS has a short learning curve (73% of our customers surveyed
say they learned the system in less than 2 months; 56% in less than 3

Users become productive fast. Customers realize a return on
investment much sooner.

HP EGS has complete drawing compatibility with its predecessors.
(HP EGS is now a 5th generation, II th revision product that has run
on three hardware sets. With ARCHIVE, drawings have been

Customers are assured that, as new revisions and new computers
become available, their costly investment in designs will be

Table 1.


The Technical UserlBuyer


HP EGS is customizable.

Customer can customize HP EGS to fit needs and mode of
operation. Doesn't have to force-fit a system to match unique

HP EGS has links to manufacturing outputs: Gerber photoplotter and
Excellon N/C drill machines.

Eliminates errors. Data is input electronically. No need to input
data manually.

HPEGS supports industry-standard IGES and EDIF interchange formats.

Customers can integrate HP EGS into existing CAD systems.
Customers can mix and match systems to fit their needs.

HP EGS supports the merging of text and drawings via FrameMaker.

Eliminates the need for technical professionals to manually "cut
and paste" pictures into memos and documents.

HPEGS has online help.

Eliminates fumbling through reference manuals. Users remain

User interacts with HP EGS through screen menus allowing "heads-up"
drawing. (The user can also customize tablet menus .)

Drawing speed increases. User keeps eyes on screen at all times
-no back and forth motion between the screen and the tablet.

HP EGS has a connection list compare feature which compares the
connection list of the schematic with that of the printed circuit board
and lists any discrepancies.

Ensures that the electrical design is implemented in the physical
design. Finds errors early. Saves costly repair.

When a library part in HP EGS is changed. it is automatically updated in
all drawings that use that part.

Eliminates the use of different versions of the same part. If a part
is changed by a manufacturer. all designs that contain that part
can be updated easily.

Table 2.

Other HP EGS graphics
productivity features that save
time and improve the accuracy of
design include:
• GATHER (with "rubber-banding" oflines)
• lock-angle enforcement

Available Links
EDIF2.0 Netlist View



Included in HPEGS and HPME-IO


HPP/N85 153

HP EGS-HP Microwave Design System

Included in HP Microwave Design System.

HP EGS-HP Design Capture System

HP P/N 742 lOA



• isometric drawing grid
• macro instance (family-of-parts
• free-hand draw
Table 3, at right, shows the available links from HP EGS to other
HP design tools.

Part Number

Table 3.


3.3 Comparison with
Table 4 below provides a comparison ofHP EGS customers
with those ofHP DCS and HP
Although HP EGS is primarily
an entry-level PCB CAD tool, in
certain applications its highly
interactive nature and flexibility
make it a good tool for sophisticated designs. For instance,
physical layout of one of the
complex printed circuit boards in
HPPA-RISC was accomplished
manually with HP EGS, because
circuit speeds of 40-50 MHz
prevented the use of automated

digital (ECL) or hybrid analogi
digital printed circuit boards, as
well as some microwave designs
and integrated circuits, can be
better designed on a flexible,
interactive system like HP EGS
than on a fully-automatic CAD
Customers who implement such
designs are innovators who
believe that the best CAD solutions come from experienced
engineers or designers who use
highly interactive drawing tools.
These customers will usually
have many different CAEICAD
systems, and thus will require
open systems. These innovators
are prime prospects for HP EGS
because it is versatile, highlyinteractive, and customizable.

Physical layout of some sophisticated designs such as high-speed

HP Design Capture System
HP Printed Circuit Design System customer

HPEngineering GraphicsSystem customer

Price-sensitive. (HP EGS 19" Color PCB/Schematic Drawing system
=$ 16,
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