Heathkit HW 16 Instructions And User Manual Assembly
User Manual: HW-16-Assembly-Manual
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Page Count: 39

September 26, 1968
HW-16 Novice Transmitter
Bulletin No: HW-16-1
Side Tone
When using the HW-16 with a VFO sometimes a partial operation of the sidetone oscillator
takes place due to an increased loading on the bias voltage. This can be corrected by changing
R-69 from a 120K ohm resistor to a 220K ohm resistor [PN 1-29]. Also, the original schematic
shows R-16 as a 4700 ohm resistor which is incorrect. R-16 should be shown as a 5600 ohm
September 9, 1971
HW-16 Novice Transmitter
Bulletin No: HW-16-2
Resistor Failure
Due to repeat failure of a resistor in the field, the following change should be made in all units
being serviced:
CHANGE: R21 22K 1 Watt to 2 Watt [PN 1-11-2].
Pagina 1