How To Guide Red Hat Open Shift & Container Zone Preliminary Release 20180912

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Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners
Getting Started Guide - Red Hat OpenShift & Container
Prepared for: Product Managers and Technical Staff
Draft Version: 20180912 (preliminary release)
 
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Register for RHC4TP & Request Technology Partnership 4
Request Zone Access 6
Add a Product 7
Add a New User to the RHC4TP Account 8
Request Software Access 9
Access granted software entitlements 10
Create a Certification Project 10
Primed & Container Certification 11
Primed 11
Container Certification Checklist 13
Red Hat Partner Logo 13
Build Service 16
Manually Upload Your Image 18
Image Scan 19
Image Results 19
Export Compliance Questionnaire 20
Maintaining Certified Images 21
Top FAQs 23
Online Resources 23
 
Welcome to Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners. This guide provides instructions on
how to register for the Red Hat Connect for Technology Partner program.
This document will also guide you through the process of obtaining a “Red Hat Certified”
designation for an application that you have made deployable via a Linux container using
Red Hat technology.
The process involves preparing your containerized application so that it meets certain criteria
as specified in the Red Hat Certification Policy Guide, submitting it to Red Hat for review and
certification, and publishing it so that the containerized application is available for
It should be noted that the ability to maintain the certification requires a commitment to
maintaining the trustworthiness of the container, i.e., updating it as needed for security or
other reasons.
 
Register for RHC4TP & Request Technology Partnership
Go to and click LOG IN
at the upper right of the page.
 
Check to see if you have an existing account by searching your Red Hat account login
If you do not have an existing User Account, check if your Company has an existing account by
NOTE: If you find your company in the search field, please email to
find out who the Org Admin is for your company, so they can add you to the existing
If your company does not have an existing account, click CAN’T FIND YOUR COMPANY
and then
Fill in all required fields and SUBMIT
A confirmation Email will be sent (example email)
Once your Email has been confirmed, log in to your RHC4TP account at
You will be redirected to the Getting Started
NOTE: If you are not redirected, please click MANAGE COMPANY
and then click BECOME A
You will now be required to complete the following sections (clicking Next
after filling in the
required information):
Company Details
Connect Details
My Profile
Once the Profile section is complete, you will need to review and accept the Technology
Partner Program Agreement..
Request Zone Access
When you’re ready to certify your product on Red Hat Software, you will need to request Zone
access and then create a Certification Project.
Go to and click LOG IN
at the upper right of the page.
Complete all mandatory fields marked with an * and then click SUBMIT
at the end of the page
Click on ZONES
at the top of the page.
Scroll down to Join a Zone section.
You will be notified via Email upon approval of your Zone Request.
Add a Product
Log in to your RHC4TP account at
Select the Human
icon at the top right of the screen and select Company Dashboard
from the
dropdown menu.
Scroll down to Products
Fill in all required information,
including adding your LOGO
and click SUBMIT
If your Product requires more than one container, add the container names separately under
Product Version. Example:
Note: The product information you enter will be used to feed the certified product catalog
after certification is complete and approved by Red Hat, therefore verify all information is
Add a New User to the RHC4TP Account
Login to your RHC4TP account at
Click on the Human
icon at the top right of the page and select Company Dashboard
from the
drop-down menu
Scroll down to Users
and click MANAGE USERS
Fill in required information, then click SAVE
NOTE: For a User to access software and certification tools, you must check the Organization
Administrator (Org Admin) box. Multiple users can be Organization Administrators.
Request Software Access
Log in to your RHC4TP account at
Scroll down to the As a program member you receive section
and click LEARN MORE
Software access.
On the Red Hat Software Access Page, scroll down to PLATFORMS
and click REQUEST
under the software you need
You will receive an email once software access has been granted.
Access granted software entitlements
Go to
under Quick links at the bottom of the page
Choose the product family
Then follow the instructions to download
Create a Certification Project
Log in to your RHC4TP account at
Select ZONES
at the top of the page.
Scroll down to the Zone you wish to create the Project under and click CREATE A PROJECT
Complete the required fields and click SUBMIT
Primed & Container Certification
To find the Checklist for Primed and Container Certification go to your Project Page and select
Certification Checklist located on the left menu under Actions.
Primed is a technical readiness designation for applications that interoperate with OpenShift.
Through Primed, partners indicate that they have verified their product’s functionality on
OpenShift, taking the first step towards the ongoing commitment of container certification.
Primed is also the suggested path for products that integrate with OpenShift but are not
packaged as containers.
To achieve the Primed designation, complete the Primed section of the Container Checklist
Primed Listing
To find the Checklist for Primed Listing go to your Project Page and select Certification
Checklist located on the left menu under Actions.
Submitting Primed Evidence
Evidence must be submitted for review. To submit your evidence click on the START
button for
the item located on the Checklist.
This will now take you to the Settings Page of your Project. Fill out all mandatory fields.
Scroll all the way to the section: Supporting Documentation for Primed and add all evidence
at the end of the page.
Now you will have completed that item on the checklist. The check marked box only indicates
that the evidence has been submitted, NOT approved. Once the evidence is submitted, you will
need to click GET LISTED
button on the Certification Checklist Page.
Fill out the Contact form for your evidence to be reviewed. Make sure to include evidence and
copy the URL of your project.
Your evidence will reviewed and if your application successfully demonstrates running on the
latest release of OpenShift, it will be listed in in the OpenShift Primed page found here.
NOTE: It will take around 2 weeks after approval for you Company Listing to show.
Container Certification Checklist
Certified containers are applications that meet Red Hat’s best practices for packaging,
distribution and maintenance. Certified containers imply a commitment from partners to
maintain their images up to date and represent the highest level of trust and supportability for
Red Hat customers container-capable platforms, including OpenShift
For Container Certification, complete the Certified
section of the checklist and publish the
image. The certified container will be published in the Red Hat Container Catalog (RHCC)
Example of Container Checklist in progress:
Container Checklist
The certified container will be published in the Red Hat Container Catalog (RHCC) along with
containers published by Red Hat and those published by other software companies. The RHCC
is the public-facing website that showcases the containerized applications suitable for
enterprise consumption. RHCC pages will allow for publishing information about the partner
company, and company’s products, as well as technical information about the containerized
application. There will also be a way to link in assets from the partner company (by URL) that
provide additional information about the product, for example a datasheet, a solution brief, a
pre-recorded webinar, a case study, etc. The data populating the RHCC is sourced from the
Connect site. Therefore, it is important to review the company and product entries on Connect
prior to publishing the container to RHCC.
Before your image gets published you must complete the Certification Checklist. Once all items
are completed and your image has passed the scan, you will be able to publish to the Red Hat
Container Catalog.
Each item on the Checklist has more information, you can select the drop down arrow located
to the left of each item to Learn More.
Certification Checklist Section Descriptions
Update your company profile
This page is to ensure that your company profile is up to date. Edit if necessary.
Update your product profile
This page relates to the product’s profile such as product type, description,
repository URL, version, contact distribution list, etc.
Accept the OpenStack Appendix
Site Agreement to the Container Terms.
Update project profile
This section relates more to the image/container settings such as Auto Publish
feature, registry namespace, release category, supported platforms.
Package and test your application as a container
Follow the instructions on this page to configure the build service. The build
service will be dependent on the complete of the previous steps.
Upload documentation and marketing materials
This will bring you to the product page. Scroll to the bottom and click on Add
new Collateral
to upload your product information.
NOTE: A minimum of 3 materials are required, with 1 being a mandatory “document” type.
This is where you add your product information to your product page.
Provide a container registry namespace
This is the same as the project page profile page.
Provide sales contact information
Again, this information is the same as the company profile.
Obtain distribution approval from Red Hat
Red Hat will take care of this step.
Configure Automated Build Service
The build service is where Red Hat will automatically build your container/image
by utilizing the Dockerfile provided in your repository. The advantage of setting
up the automated build service is that your image will update whenever the
underlying base image/OS is updated, to ensure up-to-date security. Part of the
agreement of using Red Hat’s services requires that your container meets a high
security standard. See section “Build Service” to get started with this.
Red Hat Partner Logo
To download the Red Hat Technology Partner logo
, please go to
If you have a product certified on Red Hat Technology, please contact us at so that we can send you the Certified Product
Please contact for any questions or concerns. 
Dockerfile Requirements
You can use this link as a reference to how the Dockerfile needs to be configured to have your
image build and pass the scan successfully. Depending on your zone, navigate to the
appropriate directory. Here’s an example of a Dockerfile for a service you may want to build on
RHEL 7.
Note: Although labels and licenses are not required to successfully build a running container,
they are required for the Red Hat build service and scanner.
1. Base image must be Red Hat. Any images using Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc as a base
will not pass the scanner.
2. You must configure the required labels (name, maintainer, vendor, version, release,
3. Software license(s) must be included within the image.
4. You must configure a user other than root.
Below is a snippet of a Dockerfile which includes the aforementioned requirements:
Dockerfile Example:
The Build Service
What does it do?
This service automates the rebuilding of your image whenever an updated Red Hat package is
available. It also scans your image (after a successful build) for any security vulnerabilities that
may be present prior to publishing your image to the Container Catalog.
How does it work?
The build service clones your Github/Gitlab repository onto a build server, and uses the
Dockerfile to build your image.
Why is this recommended?
It is a requirement from Red Hat to properly maintain your image by keeping up to date with
the latest security updates. By not using the automated build service, you are opting into
manually maintaining and rebuilding your image every time an update is released.
Configuration is very easy and straightforward. Follow the steps below:
In the left hand box, click on Build Service
Click on the Configure Build Service
Fill in the git repo and the Dockerfile name if it has a name other than “Dockerfile”.
If your repository is public, then all that is needed is the git source URL (HTTPS link). If your
repository is private,
then you must configure the build service with the SSH link and a private
ssh key. The git repository needs the public ssh key associated with the private key in order to
successfully clone. It is recommended to create a new public and private ssh key just for the
project. Never use your own personal private key.
Click Submit
at the end of the page.
Click Start New Build
button at the top of the page.
Enter a tag number (the version number of the plugin) and click SUBMIT
to begin the build and
scan process. 
NOTE: The Build Service must first be completed before it can begin the scanning process for
certification. If your Build Service fails or does not complete, make sure the details you
entered under the Configure Build Service tab is correct and confirm that your Dockerfile
conforms to the examples provided in this link.
Once the image has completed the scan in Red Hat Connect repository, the image will show the
results of the scan. Scans normally take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
The “View” button will expand on the scan results. The “Publish” button will publish the image
to the Red Hat Container Catalog. It will change to “Unpublish” once and image has been
published. The “Remove” button allows you to remove an image that you do not want to use or
need anymore.
NOTE: The Build Service must first be completed before it can begin the scanning process for
certification. If your Build Service fails or does not complete, make sure the details you
entered under the Configure Build Service tab is correct
Manually Upload Your Image
This information can be located in the UPLOAD YOUR IMAGE tab on the Projects page.
Cut and paste the following line to your terminal.
# docker login -u unused -e none
When prompted for the password copy and paste the Registry Key
located on the Upload Your
tab in the project. This Registry Key is unique per project, please make sure you are
using the correct password for the project you are working on.
Image Scan
After the image has completed being uploaded, the image will display “Scan In-Progress” in the
“Status” column.
NOTE: It may be necessary to refresh the browser page to see the current status.
Once the image has completed the scan in Red Hat Connect repository, the image will show the
results of the scan. Scans normally take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
The “View” button will expand on the scan results. The “Publish” button will publish the image
to the Red Hat Container Catalog. It will change to “Unpublish” once and image has been
published. The “Remove” button allows you to remove an image that you do not want to use or
need anymore.
Image Results
If the image returns a “Failed” scan status, the results will automatically be displayed. Click on
the name of the failed item (in this example, “has_licenses”) for reference to the policy guide.
*NOTE: If you receive an “Access Denied” link when accessing the Policy Guide, please reach
out to
Export Compliance Questionnaire
Red Hat Export Questionnaire and Resource Links
This section references a set of questions provided by the Red Hat legal team for evaluation of
export compliance by third party software vendors.
The resource links and questions should be reviewed and answered by a legal representative of
the partner.
Completion and returning this document does not guarantee export compliance approval, but
begins the evaluation process by Red Hat.
Depending on the answers provided, a set of follow-up questions may be necessary.
In the event that you have insufficient information to complete the questionnaire, some
additional resources are provided in Part 2 below.
The evaluation process is outlined below:
Step 1: Red Hat provides questionnaire to partner to complete
Step 2: Partner engages their legal team to review and respond to questionnaire
Step 3: Partner returns completed questionnaire to Red Hat
Step 4: Within approximately 5 business days, Red Hat legal evaluates responses and
a. Approves partner
b. Defers decision
c. Requests more information
d. Declines partner
Part I: Red Hat Questionnaire
Please access and complete this export questionnaire.
At this time, Red Hat is NOT able to accept applications that are authorized for export as
encryption items under License Exception ENC §740.17(b)(2) and/or License Exception ENC
§740.17(a) of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations.
Part II: Resources
In the event that your company has not previously gone through the process of obtaining an
export classification, or if you have not gone through this process for the product that you
intend to publish in the Red Hat Container Catalog, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau
of Industry and Security provides these resources.
Unfortunately Red Hat cannot provide any guidance or help with our partners’ export control
Guidance for determining
whether your item is
subject to the EAR.
Encryption items not
subject to the EAR
Flowchart 1
Item designed to use
encryption NOT controlled
under Category 5, Part 2
Flowchart 2
Item classified under an
ECCN in Category 5, Part
License Exception
ENC §740.17/ Mass
Market Chart
Chambers & Global -
US Export Control
Red Hat Export
Control Product
Matrix (for example
Maintaining Certified Images
Image Maintenance Requirements
As software package vulnerabilities are discovered it is important to rebuild container images
to keep them up-to-date. Without automation this process quickly becomes onerous and
reflects poorly on the catalog listing. Organizations frequently run vulnerable software but few
want to download vulnerable software. It is a requirement of Red Hat Connect Partner Program
that the partner maintain the image certification. Red Hat publishes a “Container Health Index”
(or CHI) as described here to inform partners about those situations where an image might
need to be updated.
If a container image falls below an "A" grade, a periodic email from will be
sent out to the partner contact list.
In order to keep the image up to date, it is recommended that the partner use the Red Hat
Connect Build Service located in the Project section of Red Hat Connect. The option
Auto-Rebuild will automatically rebuild your container and automatically publish it.
The only requirement to use this service is that the image bits be accessible via github/gitlab. If
the github is internal, ssh access to the bits is required. This service automates the rebuilding of
the image whenever an updated Red Hat package is available.
Top FAQs
1. Who can upload images through the Portal?
A. The administrator account created for your organization may upload images.
However, this account may grant permissions to other user accounts so that those
accounts may also upload images.
2. Can I change the Product Version after I created a Project?
A. No you cannot; therefore make sure you set it up correctly before starting any
project with that product version. Keep in mind that the product version should be
considered as the name of the image, the version can be specified later on when you
Tag your image during the project.
3. Can a container be built on another version of Linux other than Red Hat?
A. No, the Red Hat certification is a validation that the container, which is a
combination of application software and Linux, is made of genuine Red Hat parts.
Currently, Red Hat has just a little over one million paying customers today. Our
customers do not use other versions of Linux and pay us for the services and
support we provide to them. Therefore, your container needs to be built on a version
of Red Hat Linux.
4. Will the catalog support an ISO or virtual machine image as the container image?
A. No, this certification process is specifically for containers. Therefore, your image
needs to be in Dockerfile format. You can find an example provided by Red Hat
Engineering: Dockerfile Examples
5. What path should my licenses be on?
A. Should be on / (the root or home directory of where the application resides). You
can find an example provided by RH Engineer:Dockerfile Example
6. How do I change the namespace and repository name of my project?
A. First, unpublish all containers. Then change the namespace/repo in the project
settings. Finally, re-publish your containers.
For a full list of FAQs please visit:
Online Resources
Learn Kubernetes by Example
OpenShift Interactive Learning Portal
Partner Openshift Onboarding Guide
OpenShift Documentation
Red Hat Atomic Recommended Practices for
Container Development
Continuous integration Examples
Examples of scan ready Dockerfiles
Docker tagging

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