OpenIMIS User Manual IMIS
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openIMIS user manual openIMIS team May 03, 2019 User documentation 1 Web application user manual 1.1 Users and logins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 Login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.2 Forgotten password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.3 Password change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Administration of registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Insurance Products Administration . . . . . 1.2.2 Health Facilities Administration . . . . . . . 1.2.3 Medical Services Administration . . . . . . 1.2.4 Medical Items Administration . . . . . . . . 1.2.5 Medical Service Price Lists Administration . 1.2.6 Medical Item Price Lists Administration . . 1.2.7 Users administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.8 User roles/profiles administration . . . . . . 1.2.9 Enrolment Officers Administration . . . . . 1.2.10 Claim Administrators Administration . . . . 1.2.11 Payers Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.12 Locations Administration . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Group/family, Insurees and Policies . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Insuree Enquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Family/Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Insuree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.4 Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.5 Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.6 Deleting a Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Heath Facility Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Review claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.3 Batch Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.1 Upload / Download selected registers . . . . 1.5.2 Policy Renewals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.3 Feedback Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.4 IMIS Extracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.5 Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.6 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.7 Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.8 Email Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Offline mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 2 4 7 7 24 30 36 41 47 53 59 69 76 82 88 92 92 93 107 114 121 129 129 130 139 152 157 157 166 169 174 187 205 208 211 212 212 i 1.6.2 OFFLINE FACILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 2 Analytic and reporting user manual Concept of AR-IMIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 2.2 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 2.3 2.4 ii 223 2.1 Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 2.3.1 Facts on Enrolment and policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 2.3.2 Facts on collected revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 2.3.3 Facts on claims 2.3.4 Facts on utilization of health care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 2.3.5 Facts on expenditures for health care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 2.3.6 Facts on feedbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 How access data from the Data Warehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 openIMIS user manual Welcome to the openIMIS user manual. User documentation 1 CHAPTER 1 Web application user manual v1.3.0 The open Insurance Management Information System ( openIMIS ) is a web based software to manage health insurance schemes. It includes functionality for setup of the software to requirements of health insurance schemes, administration of policies and policy holders and for claim processing. This manual is a guide on the use and functionality of the software rather than in-depth technical reference. The Contents section, provide a reference to the page of each major chapter and the sub chapters within. By clicking on the content title (online version), the reader is re-directed to the position of the content title. 1.1 Users and logins 1.1.1 Login To access the software, Users, must have a valid User Name and Password, provided by the “IMIS Administrator”. In the browser address bar type URL of the openIMIS and request the start page. Login page will appear (Image 1 ). Use the provided Login Name and Password, and click on the button Login. If successful, the system will re-direct to the Home Page (Image 2 ). The full menu is displayed; Clicking on the menu headers will display a sub-menu providing further navigation options. Menus with a blue fore-colour are accessible, while menus with a grey fore-colour are disabled; either due to access rights of a user or unavailable functionality. Below the main menu at the top left-hand corner there is information about the current login user: Login Name, a list of roles acquired by the user and the districts to which the user Users Administation page , Users Roles Adminstration Page[ < !ELEMENT DiagnosisCode (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT DiagnosisName (#CDATA)> ]> B. Upload of the register of locations ❼ Browse Select from a file in the XML format serving as a source for uploading of the register of locations. Mandatory. ❼ Strategy Select a desired strategy for uploading of the register of locations. The following options are available: ❼ Insert Only Uploads only locations that are not yet included in the register of locations ❼ Update Only Updates only locations that are already included in the register of locations ❼ Insert and Update Uploads locations that are not yet included in the register of locations and updates locations that are already included in the register of locations ❼ Dry Run If checked only diagnostics is provided without real uploading. ❼ Upload By clicking on the Upload button, a prompt popup message will appear, require a user to agree or disagree (Upload Locations ). If user agrees the selected file containing locations will be uploaded. Fig. 168: Upload Locations A statistics on the number of inserted/updated locations appears (Upload Locations statistics ) If there are errors an error protocol appears (Upload Locations error ) 1.5. Tools 161 openIMIS user manual Fig. 169: 162 Upload Locations statistics Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 170: Upload Locations error DTD definition of the XML file for uploading/downloading of locations: [ < !ELEMENT RegionCode (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT RegionName (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT RegionCode (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT DistrictCode (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT DistrictName (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT DistrictCode (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT MunicipalityCode (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT MunicipalityName (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT MunicipalityCode (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT VillageCode (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT VillageName (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT MalePopulation (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT FemalePopulation (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT OtherPopulation (#CDATA)> < !ELEMENT Families (#CDATA)> ]> C. Upload of the register of health facilities ❼ Browse 1.5. Tools 163 openIMIS user manual Select from a file in the XML format serving as a source for uploading of the register of health facilities. Mandatory. ❼ Strategy Select a desired strategy for uploading of the register of health facilities. The following options are available: ❼ Insert Only Uploads only health facilities that are not yet included in the register of health facilities ❼ Update Only Updates only health facilities that are already included in the register of health facilities ❼ Insert and Update Uploads health facilities that are not yet included in the register of health facilities and updates health facilities that are already included in the register of health facilities ❼ Dry Run If checked only diagnostics is provided without real uploading. ❼ Upload By clicking on the Upload button, a prompt popup message will appear, require a user to agree or disagree: (Upload Health Facilities ) If user agrees the selected file containing locations will be uploaded. Fig. 171: Upload Health Facilities A statistics on the number of inserted/updated health facilities appears. If there are errors an error protocol appears. 164 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual DTD definition of the XML file for uploading/downloading of health facilities: [ ]> D. Download of the list diagnoses ❼ Download By clicking on the Download button, a prompt popup message will appear, require a user to specify whether the XML file with downloaded list of diagnoses should be opened or saved or canceled: (Download Diagnoses ) Fig. 172: Download Diagnoses E. Download of the register of locations ❼ Download By clicking on the Download button, a prompt popup message will appear, require a user to specify whether the XML file with downloaded register of locations should be opened or saved or canceled (Download locations ) F. Download of the register of health facilities ❼ Download By clicking on the Download button, a prompt popup message will appear, require a user to specify whether the XML file with downloaded canceled (Download facilities ) 1.5. Tools 165 openIMIS user manual Fig. 173: Download locations Fig. 174: Download facilities G. Buttons ❼ Cancel By clicking on Cancel button, user will be re-directed to the Home page. H. Information Panel The Information Panel is used to display messages back to the user. 1.5.2 Policy Renewals Access to management of policy renewals is restricted to the users with the role of Clerk. Navigation All functionality for use with the administration of policy renewals can be found under the main menu Tools, sub menu Fig. 175: Clicking on the sub menu Policy Renewals Image 169 - Navigation Policy Renewals Policy Renewals re=directs the current user to the Policy Renewal Page . Policy Renewal Page By having access to this page, it is possible preview the report on policy renewals, preview the journal on policy renewals and update the status of a policy. The journal will contain information on actual prompts being generated by the system. These prompt could already have been sent to the mobile phones of enrolment 166 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 176: 1.5. Tools Image 170 - Policy Renewal Page 167 openIMIS user manual officers. The report on policy renewals will contain information on the expiration of policies for any given period. The page is divided into two panels (Image 170 ). 1. Select Criteria Panel The Select Criteria Panel or the filter panel allows a user to select specific criteria to minimise the report on policy renewals. Two tasks are carried out by this form. 1) Preview the report on policy renewal and 2) Preview the journal on policy renewal. Depending on the selected option, filter will be changed accordingly. If Preview option is selected then a user has the following filters. ❼ Policy Status Select the policy status from the drop down list by clicking on the right arrow. By selecting any of the options a user can filter the report on particular status of the policy. This filter is not mandatory. User can leave it blank to preview the report on any status. ❼ Region Select the Region; from the list of regions by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to select policies from a specific region. Note: The list will only be filled with the regions assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the region will be automatically selected. ❼ District Select the district; from the list of districts by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to select policies from a specific district. Note: The list will only be filled with the districts belonging to the selected region and assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the district will be automatically selected. ❼ Municipality Select the Municipality; from the list of municipalities by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to preview report from a specific district. Note: The list will only be filled with the municipalities that belong to the selected district. If this is only one then the municipality will be automatically selected. ❼ Village Select the village; from the list of villages by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to preview report from a specific village. Note: The list will only be filled with the villages that belong to the selected municipality. ❼ Enrolment Officer Select the Enrolment Officer; from the list of enrolment officers by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to preview the report for the specific officer. Note: The list will only be filled with the enrolment officers belonging to the districts assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the enrolment officer will be automatically selected. ❼ Date From By clicking on the button next to the Date From data field a calendar will pop up. Click on his desired date and the textbox will be filled with the selected date. This is a mandatory field. Only the policies for renewal date greater than or equal to the Date From will be previewed. ❼ Date To By clicking on the button next to the Date To data field a calendar will pop up. Click on his desired date and the textbox will be filled with the selected date. This 168 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual is a mandatory field. Only the policies for renewal date less than or equal to the Date To will be previewed. When previewing the journal; the Policy Status filter will be replaced with SMS Status and there will be one more additional filter, Journal On. ❼ SMS Status Select the SMS status from the drop down list by clicking on the right arrow. By selecting any of the options the user can filter the journal on a particular SMS status. This filter is not mandatory. By leaving it blank all journals will be displayed. ❼ Journal On Select the journal On from the drop down list by clicking on the right arrow, to filter the journal either on prompt or on expiry of the prompt. 2. Button Panel Cancel: Re-directs to the Home Page Preview: Click on the preview button to display the report based on the filters. Update: Click on this button to manually update the status of the policy on the current day. Although this task is carried out by the IMIS Policy Renewal Service running on the server at specific intervals of time, this button enables the task to be run manually. 3. Information Panel The Information Panel is used to display messages back to the user. Messages will occur once a user has updated the policy status or if there was an error at any time during the process of these actions. Preview Report on Renewals After selecting specific criteria; preview the report (Image 172 ) by clicking on the preview button. Preview Journal on Renewals Just like preview of the policy renewals the journal report can also be previewed. The difference between the Policy Renewal report and the Journal is; one forecasts the renewal while the other gives a report on the status of the renewal. Below is an example of a Journal Report. 1.5.3 Feedback Prompts Access to administration of feedback prompts is restricted to the users with the role of Medical Officer. Navigation All functionality for use with the administration of feedback prompt can be found under the main menu Tools, sub menu Feedback Prompts Clicking on the sub menu Feedback Prompts re-directs the current user to the Feedback Prompt Page (Image 174 ). The Feedback Prompt Page is divided into three panels (Image 175 ). 1.5. Tools 169 openIMIS user manual Fig. 177: 170 Image 172 - Preview Report on Renewals Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual 1.5. Tools Fig. 178: Image 173 - Preview Journal on Renewals Fig. 179: Image 174 - Navigation Feedback Prompts 171 openIMIS user manual Fig. 180: 172 Image 175 - Feedback Prompts Page Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual 1. Select Criteria Panel The Select Criteria Panel or the filter panel allows a user to select specific criteria for feedback. ❼ SMS Status Select SMS Status from the list ❼ Region Select the Region; from the list of regions by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to select a specific region for feedbacks. Note: The list will only be filled with the regions assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the region will be automatically selected. ❼ District Select the district from the list of districts by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to select district for feedbacks. Note: The list will only be filled with the districts belonging to the selected region and assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the District will be automatically selected. ❼ Municipality Select the Municipality from the list of municipalities you wish to prompt for feedbacks. Note: The list will only be filled with the municipalities that belong to the selected district. If this is only one then the municipality will be automatically selected. ❼ Village Select the village; from the list of villages you wish to prompt for feedbacks. Note: The list will only be filled with the villages that belong to the selected municipality. ❼ Enrolment Officer Select the Enrolment Officer; from the list of enrolment officers by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to preview the report for the specific officer. Note: The list will only be filled with the enrolment officers belonging to the districts assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the enrolment officer will be automatically selected. ❼ Start Date Type in a date; or use the Date Selector Button, to enter the Start Date for feedbacks. Mandatory. *Note. To clear the date entry box; use the mouse to highlight the full date and then press the space key. ❼ End Date Type in a date; or use the Date Selector Button, to enter the End Date for feedbacks. Mandatory. Note. To clear the date entry box; use the mouse to highlight the full date and then press the space key. ❼ Send SMS By Clicking Send SMS button, user actually sends an SMS. When an SMS is sent successfully as message will be given. If failed to be sent, a failure message will appear. 2. Buttons Panel ❼ Preview By clicking on the Preview button, a report (journal) of feedbacks prompted will get generated and displayed (Image 176 ). 1.5. Tools 173 openIMIS user manual ❼ Cancel By clicking on Cancel button, user will be re-directed to Home Fig. 181: 3. Page . Image 176 - Feedback Prompt Journal Information Panel The Information Panel is used to display messages back to the user. Messages will occur if there was an error at any time during the processing of the reports. 1.5.4 IMIS Extracts Access to the openIMIS Extracts page is restricted to users with the role of Scheme Administrator (IMIS Central online) or HF Administrator (offline installations). This page will contain all functionality for data synchronization between openIMIS Central and openIMIS offline installations as well as the generation of extract files for the mobile phones (Android). Depending on the type of installation, the interface will enable and disable certain functions. Pre-conditions The extract functionality is covering extracts for the mobile phone applications and the openIMIS ‘offline’ installations. Offline extracts are only to be generated in case a district has so called ‘off-line’ installations in areas where no Internet connectivity is available. Extracts are to be downloaded to the local PC that is initiating the creation of the extract. Standard procedures should be formulated to stipulate the time interval between Extract creations and the management of transporting and installing/transferring these extracts into the target environment: mobile phones or offline openIMIS clients. 174 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Navigation All functionality related to openIMIS extracts can be found under the main menu Tools, sub menu IMIS Extracts Fig. 182: Image 177 - Navigation openIMIS Extracts Clicking on the sub menu IMIS Extracts re-directs the current user to the IMIS Extracts Page. This page opens in two different modes depending on the type of openIMIS installation: openIMIS Central (live server) or openIMIS offline (installed on local network in a health facility or an office of the scheme administration). IMIS Extracts (online mode) The Extracts Page is divided into eight sections (Image A - Download Master Data section 6.23) . The Master Data section is used for generation of the data needed for off-line operation of IMIS (Policies) application run on Android platforms. The following data files can be downloaded: (Download Master Data) ❼ Prompts for renewal of policies (Download Renewals) ❼ Prompts for acquiring of feedbacks (Download Feedbacks) ❼ Enrolment Officers Code: Enter the code of an enrolment officer for whom the master ❼ Master data for running IMIS (Policies) application data and prompts should be generated. B - Create Phone Extract section The Phone extract panel is used for the generation of so called SQLite database files for the mobile phone applications. Each district will have its own phone extract file that needs to be distributed to the mobile phones within the district. To generate a phone extract file, the operator has to select a region and a district from the list of available districts. In case the user is having access to its own district only, the district will be automatically selected and shown on the display. By clicking the Create button in panel the section, a phone extract will be created. This process might take a while. As long as the hour glass (as a cursor) is shown, openIMIS is still processing the file. The file size depends on the amount of photographs included in the extract. The file size could range into hundreds of MBs. To alleviate this problem two options are available: ❼ With Insurees Checking this box means that a complete phone extract (including photos) will be generated. Leaving it unchecked a shortened phone extract without photos will be generated. 1.5. Tools 175 openIMIS user manual Fig. 183: 176 Image 178 - openIMIS Extracts Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual ❼ In background Checking this box means that the phone extract will be created in background and the user will be notified by e-mail (provided his/her e-mail is entered in the register of users). In case the extract is created in the background, the following dialog box appears: Fig. 184: Image 179 If the extract is not created in background the user is notified about successful creation by the following message as shown below. Fig. 185: Image 180 The extract will be downloaded to your local computer by clicking the Download link that will appear after the creation of the extract, as shown below. Fig. 186: Image 181 IMISDATA.DB3 The extract file is called and needs first to be copied (downloaded) to the local machine. After clicking the Download button, the operator is able to select the destination folder (locally) for the file to download as shown below. The extract is now ready to be transferred/copied to the mobile phones. This process is performed manually by connecting the mobile phone to the computer with the provided USB cable. The user needs to copy, manually, the file from the local machine into the ‘IMIS’ Folder on the mobile phone. C - Offline Extract section 1.5. Tools 177 openIMIS user manual Fig. 187: Image 182 The offline extract section is used to generate the openIMIS ‘offline’ extract files for the health facilities or offices of the scheme administration that run openIMIS offline. To generate an offline extract file, the operator has to select a region and a district from the list of available districts. In case the user is having access to its own district only, the district will be automatically selected and shown on the display. When an operator belongs to one specific district, the district box is already selected with the district of the user. To create a new extract, the operator needs to click the Create button. Three types of extracts could be generated: ❼ Differential Extract (Download D) Differential extracts will only contain the differences in data compared with the previous extract. The first differential extract (sequence 000001) will contain all data as it will be the first extract. Thereafter, this type of the extract, will only contain any differences after the previous extract. This will result in smaller files sent to the health facilities in off-line mode. When we click the create button, the differential extract is always generated and will be assigned the next sequence number. A separate Photo extract will be created containing only photographs linked to changes compared with the previous extract. Differential extracts with insure and policy data are only generated in case the With Insuree checkbox is checked as shown below. Fig. 188: Image 183 ❼ Full extract (Download F) The Full extract will always contain all information in the database. These extracts are only generated in case the Full extract and the With Insuree checkbox are checked as shown below. Fig. 189: Image 184 By clicking the Create button, in case of Full extract is checked, two extracts will be generated, one differential extract and one full extract. Both extracts will have the same sequence number. This implies that full extracts are not always needed/generated. A separate photo extract will be created containing all photographs. ❼ Empty Extract (Download E) Empty extracts will only contain the data from registers and no data on insurees and their policies/photos. If a full set of register data should be included in the extract, the checkbox Full extract has to be checked as shown below. After clicking the Create button, the system will create the extract file and will on completion display the following message: The message is only shown to provide some details on how much information is exported to the extract file. 178 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual 1.5. Tools Fig. 190: Image 185 Fig. 191: Image 186 179 openIMIS user manual Depending on the Full extract option, we will be re-directed to the extract page and will see the newly generated extract sequence in the list or will get a new message as shown below: Fig. 192: Image 187 After clicking OK the statistics of the full extract will be shown: We are now ready to download the extract to our computer. The combo box next to the district selector contains information on all generated extracts with the sequence number and date. (e.g. Sequence 000007 – Date 06-09-2012). If the extract selector does not show any entries (blank) it means that no previous extracts were created. At least one full extract needs to be generated. This is needed to initialise a new offline openIMIS installation. To download the actual extracts, the operator needs to select the desired extract sequence from the list of available extracts. Four different types of extracts could be downloaded by clicking one of the following buttons: ❼ Download D (Differential extract) – Will download the selected differential extract with the following filename Filename: OE_D_ _ .RAR (e.g. OE_D_1_8.RAR) ❼ Download F (Full extract) – Will download the latest full extract with the following filename Filename: OE_F_ _ .RAR (e.g. OE_F_1_8.RAR) ❼ Download E (Empty extract) – Will download the latest full extract with the following filename Filename: OE_E_ _ .RAR (e.g. OE_F_1_8.RAR) ❼ Download Photos D (Differential Photo extract) – Will download the selected differential photo extract with filename: Filename: OE_D_ _ .RAR OE_D_1_8_Photos.RAR) (e.g. ❼ Download Photos F (Full Photo extract) – Will download the latest FULL photo extract with the following filename Filename: OE_D_ _ .RAR OE_F_1_8_Photos.RAR) (e.g. After clicking the desired extract download button, the file download dialog box appears to select the destination folder for the extract file as shown below: In case the extract file is not available (anymore) on the server, the following dialog box might appear: 180 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual 1.5. Tools Fig. 193: Image 188 Fig. 194: Image 189 181 openIMIS user manual Fig. 195: Image 190 The reason for this box to appear could be that the file to be downloaded has been removed from the server or that you have attempted the download a full extract but no full extract was generated (only the differential extracts exist). It is also possible that you have attempted to download a photo extract but no photos were added since the last extract. Checking the checkbox In background means that the off-line extract will be created in background and the user will be notified by e-mail (provided his/her e-mail is entered in the register of users) as shown below: Fig. 196: Image 191 In case the extract is created in the background, the following dialog box appears: Fig. 197: Image 192 D - Upload Claims section ❼ Browse Browse for the file from the IMIS-Offline or IMIS (Claims ) application containing claims to be uploaded. ❼ Upload Upload claims contained in the selected file. E - Upload Enrolment section 182 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual ❼ Browse Browse for the file from the IMIS-Offline or IMIS (Policies )application containing newly enrolled or renewed policies to be uploaded. ❼ Upload Upload policies contained in the selected file. F - Upload Feedback section ❼ Browse Browse for the file from the IMIS-Offline or IMIS (Policies )application containing feedbacks to be uploaded. ❼ Upload Upload feedbacks contained in the selected file. G - Button section The Cancel button brings the operator back to the Home Page . H - Information panel The Information Panel is used to display messages back to the user. Messages will occur once an action has completed or if there was an error at any time during the process of these actions. IMIS Extracts (OFFLINE MODE) Offline HF Fig. 198: Image 193 A - Import Extract 1.5. Tools 183 openIMIS user manual Used to extract photos obtained from online IMIS B - Import Photos Used to upload photos obtained from online IMIS C - Download Claim XMLs Used to download claims made in the offline health facility prior to be sent to online IMIS Offline Insurer Fig. 199: Image 194 A - Import Extract Used to upload extract obtained from online IMIS B - Import Photos Used to upload photos obtained from online IMIS C - Import Extract The Choose file section should be clicked to select an extract file to upload/import. The following file selector appears for Internet explorer (the appearance might differ for different internet browsers): Fig. 200: Image 195 184 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual On clicking the Choose File button, the file selector dialog appears as shown below: Fig. 201: Image 196 With the import/upload of an extract it is important to understand that each extract has its sequence number. This sequence number is found in the filename of the extract. We would in case of differential imports/uploads have to follow the sequence. In the example screen above, it shows in the status bar, that the last import was number 6. Therefore we should select in this case the differential extract number 7 as highlighted in the file selection dialog. Alternatively the operator could select any full extract with a sequence number higher than 6. In case a wrong extract is selected, warning messages will appear as shown below: Fig. 202: Image 197 In case you are missing extract sequences, additional extracts are needed to be uploaded before the extract selected. The extract selected, in this case, does not directly follow the last sequence as indicated in the status bar of the screen. The additional extracts are to be provided by NSHIP district office. In case the extract file selected is valid, the system will import the data. New data will be added and existing data might be modified. After a successful import of an extract (Differential and FULL), a form is displayed with the statistics of the import as shown below: The above statistics are provided to give some quick overview of how many records were inserted or updated during the import process. In case we would for example update the phone number of an enrolment officer, it would result in one update and one insert as we 1.5. Tools 185 openIMIS user manual 186 Fig. 203: Image 198 Fig. 204: Image 199 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual always keep historical records. The photos inserts and updates are related to information on the photos, but are not the actual photographs. The actual photographs (\*.jpg) are uploaded separately. D - Import Photos The import of photos is optional and will have no further checking on sequence numbers. NSHIP should provide (if available) with each extract the photo extract as well. E.g. (for Differential extract) Fig. 205: Image 200 OR (for FULL extract) Fig. 206: Image 201 The photo extract will contain all photographs associated with the actual extract in a zipped format. The Upload procedure will simply unzip the extract and copy the image files to the photo folder of IMIS. After successful upload of the photographs the following message appears: Fig. 207: Image 202 E - Button panel The ‘Cancel’ button brings the operator back to the main page of IMIS. F - Information panel The Information Panel is used to display messages back to the user. Messages will occur once an action has completed or if there was an error at any time during the process of these actions. If the user opens the openIMIS extracts page (in offline mode only), the status bar will show the last sequence number uploaded. 1.5.5 Reports Access to the reports is generally restricted to the users with the role of Manager, Accountant, Scheme Administrator and openIMIS Administrator. By having access to the Reports Page, it is possible to generate several operational reports. Each report can be generated 1.5. Tools 187 openIMIS user manual by users with a specific role (Manager, Accountant, Scheme Administrator and openIMIS Administrator) only. Pre-Conditions Navigation All functionality for use with the administration of Reports can be found under the main menu Tools, sub menu Reports. Fig. 208: Image 203 - Navigation Reports Clicking on the sub menu Reports re-directs the current user to the Reports Page (Image 204 ). The Reports Page is divided into four panels (Image 1. Select Criteria 204 ). The Select Criteria panel or the filter panel allows a user to select specific criteria determining the scope of data included in the report. The criteria (Image 205 – Image 222 ) will change depending on the selected type of the report. ❼ Primary Operational Indicators - Policies Report. ❼ Primary Operational Indicators - Claims Report. ❼ Derived Operational Indicators Report. ❼ Contribution Collection Report. ❼ Product Sales Report. ❼ Contribution Distribution Report. ❼ User Activity Report. ❼ Enrolment Performance Indicator Report. ❼ Status of Registers Report. ❼ Insurees without Photos Report. ❼ Payment Category Overview Report. ❼ Matching Funds Report. ❼ Claim Overview Report. ❼ Percentage of Referrals Report. ❼ Families and Insurees Overview Report. ❼ Pending Insurees Report. 188 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 209: Image 205 - Primary Operational Indicators - Policies Report Criteria Fig. 210: Fig. 211: Image 206 - Primary Operational Indicators - Claims Report Criteria Fig. 212: Image 207 - Derived Operational Indicators Report Criteria Fig. 213: 1.5. Tools Image 204 - Reports Page Image 208 - Contribution Collection Report Criteria 189 openIMIS user manual Image 209 - Product Sales Report Criteria Fig. 214: Fig. 215: Image 210 - Contribution Distribution Report Criteria Fig. 216: Fig. 217: Image 212 - Enrolment Performance Indicators Report Criteria Fig. 218: Fig. 219: Fig. 220: 190 Image 211 - User Activity Report Criteria Image 213 - Status of Registers Report Criteria Image 214 - Insurees without photos Report Criteria Image 215 - Payment Category Overview Report Criteria Fig. 221: Image 216 - Matching funds Report Criteria Fig. 222: Image 217 - Claim Overview Report Criteria Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 223: Image 218 - Percentage of Referrals Report Criteria Fig. 224: Image 219 - Families and Insurees Overview Report Criteria ❼ Renewals Report. ❼ Capitation Payment Report The general meaning of selection criteria for creating of a report is as follows: ❼ Date From Type in a date; or use the Date Selector Button, to enter the beginning of a period, in which policies have their enrolment, effective, expire or renewal days, contributions were paid or in claimed health care was provided. If used with a report, it is mandatory. Note. To clear the date entry box; use the mouse to highlight the full date and then press the space key. ❼ Date To Type in a date; or use the Date Selector Button, to enter the end of a period, in which policies have their enrolment, effective, expire or renewal days or in which claimed health care was provided. If used with a report, it is mandatory. Note. To clear the date entry box; use the mouse to highlight the full date and then press the space key. ❼ Payment Type Select the Payment Type from the drop down list by clicking on the right arrow. By selecting any of the options a user can filter the report on a particular type of the payment. This filter is not mandatory, leave it blank to preview the report on all the payment modes. ❼ Region Select the Region; from the list of regions by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to select a region, data of which should be included for the report. Note: The list will only be filled with the regions assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the region will be automatically selected. ❼ District Select the District; from the list of districts by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to select a district, data of which should be included for the report. Note: The list will only be filled with the districts belonging to the Fig. 225: Image 220 - Pending Insurees Report Criteria 1.5. Tools 191 openIMIS user manual Fig. 226: Image 221 Renewals Report Criteria Fig. 227: Image 222 Capitation Payment Report Criteria selected region and assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the district will be automatically selected. ❼ Product Select the Product; from the list of products by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to include in the report data for the specific product. Note: The list will only be filled with the products belong to the districts assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the product will be automatically selected. ❼ Month Select the Month from the list of months by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to include in the report data relating to that month selected. ❼ Year Select the year from the list of years by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to include in the report data relating to that year selected. ❼ Quarter Select the quarter from the list of quarters by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to include in the report data relating to that quarter selected. ❼ HF Code Select the HF Code; from the list of heath facility codes by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to create the report for the specific health facility. Note: The list will only be filled with health facility codes of health facilities belonging to the districts assigned to the current logged in user. If this is only one then the health facility code will be automatically selected. ❼ Enrolment Officer Select the enrolment officer; from the list of enrolment officers by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector to select enrolment officer data of whom should be included in the report. Note: The list will only be filled with the enrolment officers assigned to the current selected district. If this is no district selected the enrolment officers list will be filled by all districts’ enrolment officers ❼ Payer Select the payer from the drop down list by clicking on the right arrow. By selecting any of the options a user can filter the report on a particular payer. This filter is not mandatory; leave it blank to preview the report on all the payers. ❼ Claim Status 192 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Select the claim status from the drop down list by clicking on the right arrow. By selecting any of the options a user can filter the report on a particular claim status. This filter is not mandatory, leave it blank to preview the report on all the claim statuses. ❼ Sorting Select the way of sorting of records in the report from the list of available ways of sorting (Renewal Date, Receipt Number, Enrolment Officer). ❼ Previous Select the previous reports from the drop down list by clicking on the right arrow. By selecting any of the options a user can fetch a report which was produced before. Note: This filter is available only for Matching Funds Report. ❼ Date Selector Button Clicking on the Date Selector Button will pop-up an easy to use, calendar selector (Image 223 ) by default the calendar will show the current month, or the month of the currently selected date, with the current day highlighted. – At anytime during the use of the pop-up, the user can see the date of today. – Clicking on today will close the pop-up and display the today’s date in the corresponding date entry box. – Clicking on any day of the month will close the pop-up and display the date selected in the corresponding date entry box. – Clicking on the arrow to the left displays the previous month. – Clicking on the arrow on the right will displays the following month. – Clicking on the month will display all the months for the year. – Clicking on the year will display a year selector. Image 223 - Calendar Selector - Search Panel 1. Report Type Selector This panel contains a list of available report types. A user can select to create a desired report by clicking on the report type list item (Image 224 ) and narrow the report using the criteria being shown on the panel above, and then click the preview button to create the report. Available report types are: ❼ Primary Operational Indicators Report. ❼ Derived Operational Indicators Report. ❼ Contribution Collection Report. ❼ Product Sales Report. ❼ Contribution Distribution. ❼ User Activity Report. 1.5. Tools 193 openIMIS user manual ❼ Enrolment Performance Indicators ❼ Status of Registers ❼ Insures without Photos. ❼ Matching Funds. ❼ Claim Overview. ❼ Payment Category Overview. ❼ Families and Insurees Overview. ❼ Pending Insurees. ❼ Percentage of Referrals. ❼ Capitation Payment Fig. 228: 2. Image 224 - Report Type Selector Button Panel ❼ Preview button By clicking on this button, the system will process the selected report type basic on the corresponding criteria submitted and re-direct current user to Report Page , for previewing the processed report. At any time the user clicks on the preview button, the current criteria will be saved in the session and can be reused later in the same session and for other report types where the same criteria are found. ❼ Cancel button By clicking on this button, the current user will be re-directed to the Home 3. Page . Information Panel The Information Panel is used to display messages back to the user. Messages will occur if there was an error at any time during the processing of the reports. Report Preview The report viewer offers the facility to navigate through the report either by using the arrows or by typing in a page number at the top of the report. Another feature of the report viewer is to export the report in different formats. Currently system supports three formats; Word, Excel and PDF. Select the desired format from the list by clicking on the Export link. Use the Go Back to Selector link to go back to the previous selection page. Below are the types of reports as they can be seen in the report page. 1. 194 primary operational indicators - policies report Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual The report provides aggregate data relating to policies and insurees according to insurance products. The report can be run by users with the role Manager. The table below will provide an overview on primary indicators of the report. Table 3: Table Overview of Policies indicators Code Primary indicators 1.5. Dimension Description The number of policies of given insurance product on the last day of a respective period (Status of the policy is Active, the last day of period is within ) The number of new policies of given insurance product during a respective period (Enrolment date is within the respective period, there is no preceding policy with the same (or before converted) insurance product forgiven policy) The number of policies for given insurance product that were suspended during a respective period (Status of the policy is Suspended, suspension took place within the respective period) The number of policies for given insurance product that expired during a respective period (Status of the policy is Expired,expiration took place within the respective period) The number of policies that were renewed forgiven insurance product (or a converte done) during a respective period ( Enrolment date is within the respective period, there is a preceding policy with the same (or before converted) product forgiven The number of insurees covered by policies of given insurance product on the last day of a respective period (An insuree belongs to a family with an active coverage on the last day of the respective period-see P1 ) The number of insurees covered by new policies of given insurance product during a respective period (An insuree belongs to a family with newly acquired policy during the respective period-see P2 ) Amount of acquired Contributions (for policies of given insurance product) during a respective period ( Date of payment of a Contribution is within the respective period) P1 Number of policies Time, Insurance product P2 Number of new policies Time, Insurance product P3 Number of suspended policies Time, Insurance product P4 Number of expired policies Time, Insurance product P5 Number of renewals Time, Insurance product P6 Number of insurees Time, Insurance product P7 Number of newly insured insurees Time, Insurance product P8 Newly collected Contributions Time, Insurance product Tools Continued on next page 195 openIMIS user manual Table 3 – continued from previous page Code Primary indicators P9 Available Contributions Dimension Description Time, Insurance product Amount of Contributions that should be allocated for policies of given insurance product for a respective period provided a uniform distribution throughout the insurance period takes place. (If the respective period overlaps with of a policy then a proportional part of corresponding Contributions relating to the respective period is included in available Contributions) Below is an example of the report: Fig. 229: Image 225 - Preview – Primary Operational Indicators - Policies Report 2. primary operational indicators - claims report The report provides aggregate data relating to policies and insurees according to insurance products. The report can be run by users with the role Manager. The table below will provide an overview on primary indicators of the report. Table 4: Table Overview of operational indicators Code Primary indicators P10 Number of claims Dimension Description Time, Health facility, Insurance product The number of claims for given insurance product that emerged during a respective period (Start dateof a claim is within the respective period) Continued on next page 196 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Table 4 – continued from previous page Code Primary indicators Dimension Description Amount remuneratedfor claims for given insurance product that emerged during a respective period (Start dateof a claim is within the respective period) The number of claims for given insurance product that emerged during a respective period and were rejected (Start dateof a claim is within the respective period and the Status approval ofthe claim is Rejected) P11 Amount remunerated Time, Health facility, Insurance product P12 Number of rejected claims Time, Health facility, Insurance product Below is an example of the report: 3. derived operational indicators report The report provides operational indicators derived from primary operational indicators. The report can be run by users with the role Manager. The table below will provide an overview on the actual derived indicators provided by the report. Table 5: Table Overview of derived operational indicators Code Derived D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 Incurred claims ratio Renewal ratio Growth ratio Promptness of claims settlement Claims settlement ratio Number of claims per insuree Average cost per claim Satisfaction level Feedback response ratio Dimension Description Time, Insurance product Time, Insurance product Time, Insurance product It is the ratio P5/P4 Time, Insurance product Time, Health facility, Insurance product Time, Insurance product Time, Health facility, Insurance product TimeDistrict, Health facility Time, District, Health facility It is the ratio P11/P9 It is the ratio P2/P1-for immediately preceding period It is the average (date of sending to paymentDate of submission of the claim) for all claims relating to given insurance product and emerging in a respective period Date of sending of payment is not in the structure of Claim, it has to be retrieved from a journalcan be?) It is the ratio (P10-P12)/P10 It is the ratio P10/P6 It is the ratio P11/P10 The average mark from feedbacks received in a respective period The ratio of number of feedbacks received (up to time of creation of the report) and number of feedbacks asked for in a respective period Below is an example of the report: 4. Contribution collection report The report lists all actual payments of contributions according to insurance products in the defined period. The report can be used as input to an accounting system. The 1.5. Tools 197 openIMIS user manual Fig. 230: Image 226 - Preview – Primary Operational Indicators - Claims Report Fig. 231: 198 Image 227 - Preview – Derived Operational Indicators Report Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Payments are assigned to the specified period according to the actual date of payment. Below is an example of the report: Fig. 232: Image 228 - Preview – Contribution Collection Report 5. product sales report The report provides overview of selling of policies according to insurance products in terms of calculated contributions (not necessarily actually paid). The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Policies are assigned to the specified period according to their effective days. Below is an example of the report: Fig. 233: Image 229 - Preview – Product Sales Report 6. Contribution distribution report The report provides proportional amount of actually paid contributions allocated by openIMIS to specific months according to insurance products. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. This report shows the information about the Total collection, Allocated amount and Not allocated amount for contributions in the specified period. 1.5. Tools 199 openIMIS user manual Allocated amount is the proportionally calculated amounts of contributions paid covering the month. Not Allocated amount is the amount collected for contributions that have a start date in the future (after the month in question). Below is an example of the report: Fig. 234: Image 230 - Preview – Contribution Distribution Report 7. user activity report The report shows activities of users according to types of activities and types of entities to which the activities relate. The report can be run by users with the role openIMIS Administrator. Below is an example of the report: 8. enrolment performance indicator report The report provides overview of activity of enrolment officers. The report can be run by users with the role Manager. Below is an example of the report: 9. status of registers report The report provides an overview of the number of items in registers according to districts. The report can be run by users with the role Scheme Administrator. Below is an example of the report: 10. insurees without photos The report lists all insurees according to enrolment officers that have not assigned a photo. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Below is an example of the report: 11. matching funds The report lists all families/groups according to insurance products and (institutional) payers that paid contributions in the specified period. This report is useful for claiming of subsidies for running of health insurance schemes. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Below is an example of the report: 12. claim overview The report provides detailed data about results of processing of claims in openIMIS according to insurance products and health facilities. The report can be used as a tool for communication between a health insurance scheme and its contractual health facilities. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Claims are assigned 200 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 235: Fig. 236: 1.5. Tools Image 231 - Preview – User Activity Report Image 232 - Preview – Enrolment Performance Indicator Report 201 openIMIS user manual Fig. 237: Image 233 - Preview – Status of Registers Report Fig. 238: Image 234 - Preview – Insurees without photos Fig. 239: 202 Image 235 - Preview –Matching Funds Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual to the specified period according to date of provision of health care (in case of in-patient care according to the date of discharge). Below is an example of the report: Fig. 240: Image 236 Preview – Claim Overview 13. payment category overview The report provides split of total contributions according to their categories. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Contributions are assigned to the specified period according to actual payment date. Below is an example of the report: Fig. 241: Image 237 - Preview – Payment Category Overview 14. Families and Insurees Overview report The report provides an overview of enrolled families/groups and their members in specified location within the specified period. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Below is an example of the report: 15. Percentage of Referrals report The report lists all primary health care facilities (the category is Dispensary and Health Centre) in the selected district and for each such health facilities provides the following indicators: 1.5. Tools 203 openIMIS user manual Fig. 242: Image 238 - Preview – Families and Insurees Overview Report a) The number of visits (claims) of the primary health care facility in the selected period. b) The number of out-patient visits that have Visit Type equal to Referral in all other health facilities (irrespective of the district) for insurees with the First Service Point in the respective primary health care facility. c) The number of in-patient stays that have Visit Type equal to Referral in all health facilities-hospitals (irrespective of the district) for insurees with the First Service Point in the respective primary health care facility. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Below is an example of the report: Fig. 243: Image 239 - Preview – Percentage of Referrals Overview Report 16. Pending Insurees report The report lists all insurees whose photos have been sent to openIMIS but who has no record in openIMIS yet. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Below is an example of the report: 17. Renewals report 204 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 244: Image 240 - Preview – Pending Insurees Report The report lists all renewed policies in given period for given insurance product and optionally for given enrolment officer. The families that have at least one payment of contributions in given period of time are included in the report. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Below is an example of the report: Fig. 245: 18. Image 241 - Preview – Renewals Report Capitation Payment Report The report lists capitation payments for all health facilities specified in the formula capitation for specified month and for given insurance product. The report can be run by users with the role Accountant. Below is an example of the report: 1.5.6 Utilities Access to the The Utilities Utilities is restricted to the users with the role of openIMIS Administrator. is the place for database administration. By having access to this page, it is possible to backup and restore the openIMIS operational database and also to execute SQL Scripts (patches provided for maintenance or update of the database). At the top of the page, the current “Backend” version is displayed for reference. Navigation All functionality for use with the administration of utilities can be found under the main menu Tools, sub menu Utilities Clicking on the sub menu 1.5. Tools Utilities re-directs the current user to the Utilities Page. 205 openIMIS user manual Fig. 246: Image 242 - Preview –Capitation Payment Report Fig. 247: 206 Image 243 - Navigation Utilities Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 248: 1.5. Tools Image 244 - Utilities Page 207 openIMIS user manual Backup Backup utility can be found in the top panel of the Utilities Page . By default the path of the backup folder will be populated from the default table. User can change the path according to the requirement. Next to the textbox user can see one heck box called Save Path. If user wants to update the backup folder in default table then this check box should be in checked state. Otherwise system will take the backup on the folder assigned by the user but it will not be updated in database. So next time when user comes on the Utilities Page , the textbox will be populated with the original path. After the path has been entered user can just click on the Backup button to start the process and a progress bar will be appeared on the screen. Users are requested to be patient while the system performs the task. Fig. 249: Image 245 - Backup is in progress Restore Restore utility can be found in the second panel of the Utilities Page . User will have to put the path of the backup file to be restored. click on the Restore After the path has been entered user can just button to start the process and a progress bar will be appeared on the screen. Users are requested to be patient while the system performs the task. Fig. 250: Image 246 - Backup is in progress Execute script Execute script can be found in the third panel of the Utilities Page . User will have to choose the script by clicking on the browse button. User will have to select the file only with the “.isf ” extension. After the file has been chosen, user can just click on the Execute button to run the script. Users are requested to be patient while the system is executing the script. After the script is executed successfully, backed version will be updated to the latest version. If user will try to run the lower or the equal version’s script then system will prompt the user with the appropriate message. 1.5.7 Funding Access to the 208 Funding is restricted to the users with the role of Accountant. Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual The Funding is the place where funding from external authorities (payers) can be for entered. openIMIS creates internally one fictive family/group (the insurance number of the head of the fictive family/group is 999999999, the name is Funding and the other name is Funding as well) for the district for which a funding is done. Each entering of a fund results in creation of a fictive policy for the corresponding fictive family/group with paid contribution in the amount of the funding. The fictive policy is active since the date of payment of the corresponding fund. These fictive policies are overpaid as these funds are usually much higher than the contribution rate for a single family/member of the group but it doesn’t matter. External funding corresponds to payment of contributions for many families/members of the group in some period. openIMIS can regard funds as standard contributions and its standard functionality can be used for handling of funds. One distinctive feature of payment of funds by means of the fictive policies is that the payments of funds don’t appear in the reports on matching funds generated for funding authorities. So, there is no danger that offices of the scheme administration would acquire new funds based on funding already acquired. Navigation The functionality for entering of funds can be found under the main menu Tools, sub menu Funding Fig. 251: Image 247 - Navigation Funding Clicking on the sub menu Funding re-directs the current user to the Funding Page. Funding Page 1. Data Entry ❼ Region Select the region from the list of regions for which the funding is designated by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector. Note: The list will only be filled with the regions assigned to the current logged in user. ❼ District Select the district from the list of districts for which the funding is designated. by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector. Note: The list will only be filled with the districts belonging to the selected region and assigned to the current logged in user. ❼ Product Select an insurance product from the list of insurance products purchased in the selected district (including national insurance products) for which the funding is designated. ❼ Payer Select from the list of institutional payers the funding authority/agency. 1.5. Tools 209 openIMIS user manual Fig. 252: 210 Image 248 - Funding Page Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual ❼ Payment Date Enter the date of receiving of the funding. ❼ Contribution Paid Enter the amount of the funding. ❼ Receipt Number 2. Saving Enter an identification of the document accompanying the funding. Once all mandatory data is entered, clicking on the Save button will save the record. A message confirming that the new password has been saved will appear. The user will be re-directed back to the Home Page . 3. Mandatory data If mandatory data is not entered at the time the user clicks the Save button, a message will appear in the Information Panel, and the data field will take the focus (by an asterisk on the right side of the corresponding field). The user will be re-directed to the Home Page . 4. Cancel By clicking on the Cancel button, the user will be re-directed to the Home Page . 1.5.8 Email Settings Access to the Email Settigns is restricted to the users with the role of Accountant. The Email Settigns is the page where the setting of the outbound email server are entered. Navigation The functionality for entering of funds can be found under the main menu Tools, sub menu Email Settigns Fig. 253: Image 276 - Navigation Email Settings Clicking on the sub menu Email Settigns re-directs the current user to the Email settings Page. Email settings page 1. 1.5. Data Entry Tools 211 openIMIS user manual Fig. 254: Image 277 - Email settings Page ❼ Email SMTP Login to be used on the email server in order to send email ❼ Password SMTP password to be used on the email server in order to send email. ❼ SMTP Host SMTP email server address or IP ❼ Port SMTP email server IP port, standard port are – 25 when no encryption is used – 465 when implicit encryption is used(depreciated) – 587 when explicit encryption is used, see Enable SSL ❼ Enable SSL Check to box if the SMTP mail server require encryption 1.6 Offline mode 1.6.1 Introduction IMIS system can be used in offline mode, which makes it possible for usage by health facilities (HF) and scheme administration offices with low/no internet connectivity. 1.6.2 OFFLINE FACILITIES Facilities available while offline and online in IMIS, are similar with some few differences. The following are the feature wise differences found while using openIMIS in offline mode. 1. Login If a user who is logging in is having user role HF Administrator or offline Scheme Administrator and if Heath Facility ID/Scheme Office ID is not set yet, just after clicking login button on the login screen/page, the user will be prompted to enter Health Facility/Scheme Office ID (Image 251 ), (Image 252 ), only once for that very first time of logging in. 2. Information bar 212 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 255: Fig. 256: Image 251 - Enter HF ID - HF Administrator Login, openIMIS offline Image 252 - Enter Scheme Office ID - offline Scheme Administrator Login, openIMIS offline 1.6. Offline mode 213 openIMIS user manual Throughout the application, an information bar at the bottom of each page will have a different background colour to that of online openIMIS and on the its right end, there will be shown heath facility code and health facility name / Scheme Office ID submitted (Image 253 ), (Image 254 ). Fig. 257: Image 253 - Information Bar – Scheme Office, openIMIS offline Fig. 258: Image 254 - Information Bar - Health Facility, openIMIS offline 3. Menu Access For all users with roles other than HF Administrator and Offline Scheme Administrator , will have the menus available to them as per normal roles’ rights in online openIMIS version. Menu access in the offline version is different in following scenarios: User with roles HF Administrator and Offline Scheme Administrator can access only Users, IMIS Extracts and Utilities menus, while all other users with different roles can access menus just as they would do in the online openIMIS version. ❼ Extracts Extracts Menu leads an offline user to Extracts control panel. Using this panel, an offline user with rights to this panel can import data from online openIMIS to the local offline IMIS, and can also download claims and enrolments prior to upload them to the online IMIS. This panel is divided into five sections (Image 255 ), (Image 256 ) If an offline user is HF Administrator, section C will contain facility to Download Claims. If an offline user is Offline Scheme Administrator, section C will contain facility to Download Enrolments ❼ section a - import extract This section has a facility to enable synchronization of online openIMIS data with that offline openIMIS data. When online data in a zipped file is obtained (downloaded extraction) from online openIMIS to user local computer, user will use this section to put that data into offline IMIS. User has to select a file from a local computer by clicking the ‘select file’ button on the left side of the section, and in the popup window which appears (Image 256 ) user can navigate to the required file and select the file. After clicking the upload button on the very end of right hand side in this section, data in the file will be imported to the offline openIMIS and confirmation will be given as popup messages (Image 257 ), (Image 258 ). User cannot import an extract whose sequence number is same as last one imported; if done so, a popup message (Image 260 ) will be shown. ❼ section b - import photos Just as the section name implies, this is a section with facility to enable a user synchronize insurees’ photos in online IMIS, with insurees’ photos in offline IMIS. When online insurees’ photos in a zipped file is obtained from online openIMIS to user local computer, user will use this section to put those photos into offline IMIS. User has to select a file from a local computer by clicking the ‘select file’ button on the left side of the section, and in the popup window which appears (Image 261 ), user can navigate to the required file and select the file. 214 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 259: Fig. 260: Image 255 - Extracts Control Page, HF Administrator, openIMIS offline Image 256 - Extracts Control Page, Offline Scheme Administrator, openIMIS offline 1.6. Offline mode 215 openIMIS user manual Fig. 261: Image 257 - Select File Popup Window, Import Extracts, openIMIS offline After clicking the upload button on the very end of right hand side in this section, data in the file will be imported to the offline openIMIS and confirmation will be given as popup messages (Image 261 ). If importation of photo is not done due to some reason, the above popup message will not be shown, instead system will issue proper popup message to notify a user what went wrong and what is to be done. ❼ section c - download claim xmls This section has facility to enable offline HF Administrator download to a zipped file all offline claims. By clicking the download button on the right hand side, the user initiate download process and all offline claims will be downloaded to a default downloads folder in user’s local computer or a prompt of ‘where to save file’ will be displayed by browser’. User can navigate through folder in his/her local computer to find the file downloaded. If no new claims found, a message will be displayed. ❼ download enrolment xmls This section has facility to enable Offline Scheme Administrator download to a zipped file all offline enrollments of families, insurees, policies and contributions. By clicking the download button on the right hand side, the user initiate download process. If no enrolment found, a popup message box (Image 262 ) will appear, notifying the user. Otherwise enrollments will be downloaded in a zipped file and a confirmation popup message (Image 264 ) will appear ❼ section d - buttons This section has a cancel button, which when clicked will take the current user to the Home page. ❼ section e - information bar Information bar at the bottom will show different notification messages in blue color depending on the actions of the user. Such actions and messages may be: a) No Previous Extract Found This message is seen at the first time when using the system and no any extract has been imported into the offline IMIS 216 Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 262: Image 258 - Popup Window, Import Extracts, HF Administrator, openIMIS offline 1.6. Offline mode 217 openIMIS user manual Fig. 263: 218 Image 259 - Popup Window, Import Extracts, Offline Scheme Administrator, openIMIS offline Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual Fig. 264: Image 260 - Popup Window, Wrong sequence of an extract file, openIMIS offline Fig. 265: Image 261 - Select File Popup Window, Import Photos, openIMIS offline Fig. 266: 1.6. Offline mode Image 262 - Popup Window, Import Photos, openIMIS offline 219 openIMIS user manual Fig. 267: Fig. 268: Fig. 269: 220 Image 263 - Popup Window, Download Enrolments, openIMIS offline Image 264 - Popup Window, Download Enrolments, openIMIS offline Image 265 - openIMIS Extracts, Information Bar, openIMIS offline Chapter 1. Web application user manual openIMIS user manual b) Last Extract Sequence: This message is seen, after a single / series of extract importation have been made to the offline openIMIS and that much times will be shown as a sequence number at the end of the message. This enables proper tracking of right extracts to import and use. Fig. 270: Image 266 - openIMIS Extracts, Information Bar, openIMIS offline c) No claims Found When HF offline openIMIS user is downloading offline claims and no new offline claims is found, this message is displayed. Fig. 271: 4. Image 267 - openIMIS Extracts, Information Bar, openIMIS offline User Users with role HF Administrator, can create only users with roles: Recep). User and HF Administrator ( with role ‘offline NSHIP Administrator’, can create only user with role: Clerk ( ). Image 268 tionist, Claim Administrator Image 269 Fig. 272: 5. Image 268 - Users Page - HF Administrator, openIMIS offline data access ❼ Search / Find In all pages in Insurees and Policies menus with search / find acility, ) to enable search for offline there will be an extra search criteria ( data only. This feature is available if a user is in Offline IMIS. image 270 ❼ Create / Edit Only families, insurees, policies and contributions created/edited while offline, will be available for further manipulation. An online data is available for viewing purposes. For an offline user with a right to open Insurees and Policies menus, he/she can access all data but can manipulate only that data which was created offline. The rest of the data will be available in read-only mode 1.6. Offline mode 221 openIMIS user manual Fig. 273: Image 269 - Users Page - Offline Scheme Administrator, openIMIS offline Fig. 274: 222 Image 270 - Search Criteria - offline only data, openIMIS offline Chapter 1. Web application user manual CHAPTER 2 Analytic and reporting user manual The Analytic and Reporting component of the Insurance Management Information System (AR-IMIS) provides managerial data for management of health insurance schemes supported by IMIS, allows easy and speedy analysis of these data with the objective to reveal causes of different phenomena encountered in supported health insurance schemes. Provided data allow also monitoring of developments within supported health insurance schemes and identification of potential errors in operational data. 2.1 Concept of AR-IMIS The concept of AR-IMIS is based on populating of the Data Warehouse with aggregate data from the operational database of IMIS. This populating is done automatically and regularly (usually once a week) from the operational database by Extract, Transformation and Loading process (ETL). Within this process data from the operational database are aggregated and stored in the Data Warehouse in conformance with multidimensional data model (Image 271 - Concept of AR-IMIS ). This model is suitable for analysis of data. Questions like “What is the number of newly covered insurees by an insurance product at during a calendar period and who were of an age, a gender, lived in a location and were cared for by a Enrolment officer? Data in the multidimensional Data Warehouse are presented by a suitable front-end tool. Currently ARIMIS uses MS Excel as the front-end presentation tool. An Excel file is remotely connected to the Data Warehouse and data are stored in the Excel file in the form of so called pivot tables. The multidimensional model is based on the notion of facts and dimensions. The facts (indicators) are what we are interested in. For example, a fact may number of insured persons, number of active policies, number of submitted claims etc. Facts can be looked at from different angles-for example from the point of view of age and gender of insured persons, from the point of view of time period etc. These angles (points of view) are captured by the notion of dimensions that are used for qualification of facts (Image 272 - Facts and dimensions ). A dimension is composed from points that represent specific values in the dimension for which we want to look at facts-for example November 2015 may be one point in the Time dimension. Points of a dimension may be organized in hierarchies. Higher levels of hierarchies represent more aggregate views. Going to the lower levels by so called drill down operation we can analyze facts in more detail-for example we may drill down from calendar years to quarters of corresponding calendar years and further to months. We can go in an opposite direction 223 openIMIS user manual 224 Fig. 1: Image 271 - Concept of AR-IMIS Fig. 2: Image 272 - Facts and dimensions Chapter 2. Analytic and reporting user manual openIMIS user manual and look at facts from more aggregate points of view (drill up ).For example from looking at the amount of collected contributions in calendar months we can look at the same indicator according to quarters of a year or according to calendar years. Facts with related meaning and the identical set of qualifying dimension are represented in the multidimensional model of the Data Warehouse as so called cubes. We can do other operations on cubes as for example slicing when we select one or several points in one dimension and look at the rest of cube or dicing when we select on or several points in two or more dimensions. All such operations allow analysis of data in the Data Warehouse in an easy and comprehensive way. 2.2 Dimensions Dimensions represent our point of view on facts. Each dimension has several values (points). The points are used for qualification of our view on the facts. AR-IMIS provides values of facts corresponding to specified points across one or more dimensions. The points may be organized in hierarchies. Lower levels of a hierarchy allow looking at a fact according to more specific points. For example, the most important Time dimension has at the lowest level calendar months. The calendar months are grouped into quarters and quarters into calendar years. So, we can get a value of a fact corresponding to a specific month. Going one level up in the dimension Time, we can get can get a value of the fact corresponding to a specific quarter and going even up we can get a value of the fact corresponding to a specific calendar year. If we don’t specify any point in a dimension, it means we are interested in a value of a fact for all points together in the given dimension. AR-IMIS defines several dimensions. Their meaning is dependent on the context of a fact for which they are used. For example, for the fact Number of submitted claims the Time dimension means in AR-IMIS a period in which claimed health care was provided. It could have also other interpretations, for example, it may be a period in which claims were submitted. Exact interpretation of each dimension is indicated with description of each fact provided below. The points of a dimension are either fixed, e.g. the points Sex are Male / Female / Undefined for the dimension, or are obtained from registers in the operational part of IMIS. For example, the points for the dimension Services are obtained from the current status of the register of services in IMIS. The following table shows dimensions used across AR-IMIS. For each dimension its name, names of attributes used for referencing of their points, source for their points, and their meaning. Table 1: Table 9.1 Overview of dimensions Name Names of hierarchy / attributes Time * Month * Quarter * Year Source of data Points generated by openIMIS Hierarchy: Years >Quarters ->Months below1, 80+ ... Male Unknown Age Age Range generated by openIMIS Gender Gender Name generated by openIMIS - Continued on next page 2.2. Dimensions 225 openIMIS user manual Name Regions Products Payers Officers Services Items Diseases Providers Table 1 – continued from previous page Names of hierarchy / Source of data attributes * Region * District * Ward * Village * Region * District * Product Name * Product Code Payer Name * Region * District * Last Name * Other name * Assistant Code * Service Code * Service Name * Service Category * Item Code * Item Name * Item Category * Disease Code * Disease Name * Disease Category * Provider Code * Provider Name * Provider Category Care Cate- Category Care gory Care Type Care Type Points register of locations Hierarchy: Regions>Districts ->Wards ->Villages register of insurance products Hierarchy: Regions >Districts ->Products register of payers Families Payers (the list of) Hierarchy: Regions >Districts ->Enrolment Officers register of enrolment officers register of medical services Hierarchy: (Curative Preventive) ->Services register of medical items Hierarchy: (Drugs Prostheses) >Items list of diagnoses register of health facilities generated by openIMIS generated by openIMIS Hierarchy: Regions ->Districts >(Dispensary Health Centre Hospital) ->Health facility Emergency Other Referral Unknown In-patient Out-patient Unknown Continued on next page 226 Chapter 2. Analytic and reporting user manual openIMIS user manual Table 1 – continued from previous page Name Names of hierarchy / Source of data Points generated by openIMIS Care Ren- dered Drug attributes Questions Question Prescribed Drug Re- ceived Pay- ment Aske Unknown 2.3 Facts Facts provided by AR-IMIS can be structured into the areas according to (Image 273 - Areas of facts ). Within each area several facts packed into one or several cubes are provided. Facts are packed into the same cube if they have an associated meaning and are provided with the same set of dimension. The following articles lists available cubes according to the areas, for each cube indicates available facts with description of their meaning and Fig. 3: Image 273 - Areas of facts underlying set of qualifying dimensions. If meaning of a dimension is not straightforward, its description is provided. It relates especially to the Time dimension where it is important which datum related with a fact is taken as the governing date for association with given point (period) in the Time dimension. 2.3.1 Facts on Enrolment and policies This group of facts relates to acquisition of insures and development of coverage by health insurance schemes. Facts available are listed in Table 9.2 2.3. Facts 227 openIMIS user manual Table 2: Cube Table 9.2 Facts on Enrolment and policies Fact Meaning Population Population Number of inhabitants Number of families / groups Number of families / groups Number of households according to a census Current and new insurees Current insurees Insurees covered by at least one policy active at the end of a time period New acquired insurees Insurees newly insured during a time period Dimension Gender Region Time Region Time Age Age at the end of a time period Gender Enrolment An enrolment officer Officers responsible for corresponding policy Region Place of living of a household Products Time All types of policies Current policies Expired policies Renewed policies Sold policies Number of active policies at the end of a time period Number of policies that expired during a time period Number of policies that were renewed during a time period Number of policies that were sold during a time period Age Gender 228 Share of insured population Current insures / Population at the end of a time period An insurance product covering an insuree Period of enrolment of insurees for new insurees Period of effective day and later of their policies for current insurees Age of the head of a household at the end of a time period Gender of the head of a household Enrolment An enrolment officer Officers responsible for corresponding policy Region Place of living of a household Products Time Share of insured population Comment Gender An insurance product of a policy Period of enrolment date for sold policies Period of expiry date for expired policies Period of renewal date(when renewing was done) for renewed policies Period of effective day and later for current policies Continued on next page Chapter 2. Analytic and reporting user manual openIMIS user manual Table 2 – continued from previous page Cube Fact Share of insured families / groups Number of insured families / groups Share of insured families / groups Meaning Dimension Region Products Time Number of households Region that are covered by at least one active policy at the end of a time period Time =Number of insured Region households / Number of households at the end of a time period Time Comment Place of living of a household An insurance product covering an insuree Place of living of a household Place of living of a household 2.3.2 Facts on collected revenue This group of facts relates to revenue of health insurance schemes. Facts available are listed in Table 9.3. Table 3: Cube Contribution collection Contribution allocation Fact Table 9.3 Facts on contributions Meaning Dimension Comment Contribution contributions collected Enrolment Collection of contribucollected in given time period Officers tions from policies of an enrolment officer Payers Collection of contributions from an institution al payer or from families itself Products Collection of contributions within an insurance product Time Period of payment date of contributions Contribution Amount of collected Products Allocation of contribuallocated contributions allocated tions within an insurproportionally for using ance product in a time period Time Period of allocation of contributions 2.3.3 Facts on claims This group of facts relates to claims forwarded by health care providers to administrators of health insurance schemes. Facts available are listed in . Table 9.4 2.3. Facts 229 openIMIS user manual Table 4: Table 9.4 Facts on claims Cube Claim de- tails Fact Meaning Dimension Comment Amount Total amount in nom- Providers Providers that entered claimed inal prices that submitted care by was and health providers or submitted claims for health care provided in given period Amount Total rejected was on totally rejected amount that sion of health care that claims was invoiced in claims Entered Number of claims en- claims tered Submitted Number of claims sub- claims mitted Rejected Number of claims to- claims tally rejected Average =Amount amount Submitted claims claimed Time Time period of provi- / claimed Average =Amount amount Rejected claims rejected / rejected Claim de- Amount Amount adjusted after tails prod- adjusted processing ucts in Providers nominal Providers that submitted claims prices Amount Amount actually to be paid paid to health facilities Products Products health care claimed was by which taking into account in- covered dexes of relative pricing Processed Number of claims sent claims for valuation Paid Number of claims actu- claims ally valuated Average =Amount amount Pr ocessed claims Time Time period of provision of health care that was invoiced in claims adjusted / adjusted Average =Amount paid/ Valu- amount ated claims paid 2.3.4 Facts on utilization of health care This group of facts relates to utilization of health care by insures according to submitted and not rejected claims. Facts available are listed in Table 9.5 Table 5: Table 9.5 Facts on of utilization health care Cube Fact Admissions Number and hospital ad- visits and hospital of Meaning Dimension Comment Number of hospital admis- Age Age at the time of provi- sions sion health care missions days Gender Disease Continued on next page 230 Chapter 2. Analytic and reporting user manual openIMIS user manual Table 5 – continued from previous page Cube Fact Meaning Dimension Number Care of gory hospital Comment cate- days Average length = Number of hospital days of stay Products In case two or more in- / Number of hospital ad- surance products covered a missions hospital admission / visit, it is accounted to each of them Number of Providers out-patient Providers which claimed health care visits Time Hospital admissions are associated with time periods according to dates of discharge. Time period of provision of health care Utilization of services Services Age Age at the time of provi- Number of utilized utilized sion health care services according to submitted claims. If a service was provided during one visit / hospital stay, the service is counted according to the number of its provision Gender Disease Care cate- gory Care type Products Providers Providers which claimed health care Services Time Hospital admissions are associated with time periods according to dates of discharge. Time period of provision of health care Utilization of medical items Items lized uti- Age Number of utilized Age at the time of provision health care medical items according to submitted claims If a medical item was provided during one visit / hospital stay, the medical item is counted according to the number of its provision Gender Disease Continued on next page 2.3. Facts 231 openIMIS user manual Table 5 – continued from previous page Cube Fact Meaning Dimension Care Comment cate- gory Care type Products Providers Providers which claimed health care Items Time Hospital admissions are associated with time periods according to dates of discharge. Time period of provision of health care Average utilization of services per insuree Average = Services utilized / Cur- utilization rent insurees of Age Age at the time of provision health care services per insuree Gender Disease Products Services Time Hospital admissions are associated with time periods according to dates of discharge. Time period of provision of health care Average utilization of medical items per insuree Average = Items utilized / Current utilization insurees of Age medical items per insuree Gender Disease Products Items Time 2.3.5 Facts on expenditures for health care This group of facts relates to expenditures for health care actually paid to health care providers. Facts available are listed in Table 9.6 Table 6: Table 9.6 Facts on expenditures for health care Cube expenditures for services Fact Meaning Service Expenditures expendi- vices actually remuner- tures ated to health facilities for ser- Dimension Comment Age Age at the time of provision health care Gender Disease Care category Care type Products Continued on next page 232 Chapter 2. Analytic and reporting user manual openIMIS user manual Table 6 – continued from previous page Cube Fact Meaning Dimension Comment Providers Providers which claimed health care Services Time Hospital are admissions associated with time periods according to dates of discharge. Time period of provision of health care expenditures for medical items Item expenditures for medi- expendi- cal items actually remu- tures nerated to health facili- Age Age at the time of provision health care ties Gender Disease Care category Care type Products Providers Providers which claimed health care Items Time Hospital are admissions associated with time periods according to dates of discharge. Time period of provision of health care Average expenditures for services per insuree Average = Service expendi- expen- tures/ Current insurees Age Age at the time of provision health care ditures for ser- vices per insuree Gender Disease Products Services Time Hospital are admissions associated with time periods according to dates of discharge. Time period of provision of health care Average expenditures for medical items per insuree Average = expendi- Number of inhabitants tures Item expenditures/ Age Age at the time of provision health care for medical items per insuree Gender Disease Products Items Continued on next page 2.3. Facts 233 openIMIS user manual Table 6 – continued from previous page Cube Average expenditures for health care per insuree Fact Meaning Dimension Average expenditures per insuree = Average expenditures Age of services per insuree + Average expenditures for medical items per insuree Gender Disease Products Time Time Comment Hospital admissions are associated with time periods according to dates of discharge. Time period of provision of health care Age at the time of provision health care Hospital admissions are associated with time periods according to dates of discharge. Time period of provision of health care 2.3.6 Facts on feedbacks This group of facts relates to evaluation of request for feedbacks on provided health care that are issued by medical officers during processing of claims. Facts available are listed in Table 9.7 Table 7: Cube Feedback details Feedback answers Fact Table 9.7 Facts on feedbacks Meaning Feedbacks Number of requests for sent feedbacks sent in a time period Feedbacks Number of feedbacks responded received in a time period Overall Sum of all assessment assessoverall assessment ment marks in responded feedbacks Feedback = Feedbacks rereturn sponded/ Feedbacks share sent Average = Overall assessment/ overall as- Feedbacks responded sessment Answers Count of all Yes anYes swers Dimension Products Comment Insurance products that covered claims initiating requests for feedbacks Providers Providers that submitted claims initiating requests for feedbacks Time Period of sending / rec eiving feedbacks Products Insurance products that covered claims initiating requests for feedbacks Share of = Answers Yes/ Feed- Providers Providers that submitAnswers backs responded ted claims initiating reYes quests for feedbacks Continued on next page 234 Chapter 2. Analytic and reporting user manual openIMIS user manual Table 7 – continued from previous page Cube Fact Meaning Dimension Questions Time Comment Period of sending / receiving feedbacks 2.4 How access data from the Data Warehouse Data from the Data Warehouse can be accessed by means of an Excel file. As access to the Data Warehouse is protected, a user has to get from an administrator of AR-MIS URL of the Data Warehouse for remote access, a userid and a password. A userid may allow access to all data in the Data Warehouse or only to a subset of data corresponding to a specific region, to selected regions, to a specific district or to selected districts. The procedure of accessing of data is as follows (Image 274 - Accessing the Data Warehouse ) Fig. 4: Image 274 - Accessing the Data Warehouse 1. Open an Excel file Data 3. Click on the sub-menu From Other Sources 4. Click on the sub-menu From Analysis Services 2. Click on the menu item 5. A dialog box appears for specification of logon data: Server Name b. Select the option Use the following user name and password c. Enter your userid into the field User Name d. Enter your password into the field Password e. Click on Finish a. Enter URL of the Data Warehouse into the field 2.4. How access data from the Data Warehouse 235 openIMIS user manual Select Database and Tables) with the list of available cubes. Select Finish A box appears (Save Data Connection File and Finish).Check the box Save passport in file and click on Finish. A box appears (Import Data). Select whether cube should be accessed by a pivot table and / or chart and specify a placement of the pivot table. Click on OK. An area for the pivot table appears in the sheet with the Pivot Table Field area on the 6. A box appears ( one and click on 7. 8. 9. right (Image 274 - Accessing the Data Warehouse ). Click on facts to be displayed and click or drag dimensions to appropriate sectors of the pivot table in the Field area. Pivot Table Fig. 5: Image 275 - Pivot Table in Excel 236 Chapter 2. Analytic and reporting user manual
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