Informatica 10.2 Developer Tool Guide (English) IN 102 En

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Developer Tool Guide

Informatica Developer Tool Guide
September 2017
© Copyright Informatica LLC 2009, 2017

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Publication Date: 2017-09-07

Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Informatica Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Informatica Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Informatica Knowledge Base. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Informatica Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Informatica Product Availability Matrixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Informatica Velocity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Informatica Marketplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Informatica Global Customer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Chapter 1: Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Informatica Developer Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Informatica Data Quality and Profiling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Informatica Data Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Start Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Starting the Developer Tool on a Local Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Starting the Developer Tool on a Remote Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Informatica Developer Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Informatica Developer Views. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Informatica Developer Welcome Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Cheat Sheets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Informatica Developer Online Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Informatica Preferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Informatica Marketplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Setting Up Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Step 1. Add a Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Step 2. Add a Model Repository. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Step 3. Select a Default Data Integration Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Domains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Creating a Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Filter Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Project Permissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Permissions for External Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Permissions for Dependent Object Instances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Parent Object Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Assigning Permissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Folders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Creating a Folder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Copy Object Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


Table of Contents

Copying an Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Saving a Copy of an Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Tags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Creating a Tag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Assigning a Tag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Viewing Tags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 2: The Model Repository. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Model Repository Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Objects in Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Object Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Repository Object Locks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Lock Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Rules and Guidelines for Lock Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Team-based Development with Versioned Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Versioned Object Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Historical Versions of Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Checked Out Objects View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Version History View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Troubleshooting Team-based Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Connecting to a Model Repository. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Model Repository Service Refresh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Chapter 3: Searches in Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Searches in Informatica Developer Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Model Repository Search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Searching for Objects and Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Business Glossary Search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Business Glossary Desktop Lookup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Looking Up a Business Term. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Customizing Hotkeys to Look Up a Business Term. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Editor Search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Chapter 4: Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Connections Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Connection Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Connection Explorer View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Connection Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Creating a Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Editing a Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Copying a Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Deleting a Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Refreshing the Connections List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Table of Contents


Connection Switching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Before You Switch a Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Switching a Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
After You Switch a Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Third-Party JDBC Drivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Physical Data Objects Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Physical Data Object Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Relational Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Importing a Relational Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Key Relationships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Customized Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Key Relationships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Customized Data Object Write Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Creating a Customized Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Adding Relational Resources to a Customized Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Adding Relational Data Objects to a Customized Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Creating Keys in a Customized Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Creating Relationships within a Customized Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Create or Replace Target Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Rules and Guidelines to Create or Replace Target Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Generating and Executing DDL at Design-Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Generating and Executing DDL at Runtime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
DDL Generation Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Custom Queries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Custom Query Optimization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Default Query. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Hints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Select Distinct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Sorted Ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
User-Defined Joins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Outer Join Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Informatica Join Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Pre- and Post-Mapping SQL Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Creating a Custom Query. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Nonrelational Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Importing Nonrelational Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Creating a Read, Write, or Lookup Transformation from Nonrelational Data Operations. . . . . . 80
WSDL Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
WSDL Data Object Overview View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
WSDL Data Object Advanced View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82


Table of Contents

Importing a WSDL Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
WSDL Synchronization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Certificate Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Synchronization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Synchronizing a Flat File Data Object in Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Synchronizing a Relational Data Object in Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Troubleshooting Physical Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Flat File Data Objects Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Generate the Source File Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Flat File Data Object Overview Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Flat File Data Object Advanced Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Format Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Column Format: Delimited Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Column Format: Fixed-width Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Run-time: Read Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Run-time: Write Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Control File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Update Columns at Run Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Generate Run-time Column Names Automatically. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Generate Run-time Column Names From Data File Header. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Generate Column Metadata from Control Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Control File Formats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Parameterization of Run-time Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Run-time Processing of Control Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Rules and Guidelines for Control Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Copying from Excel to a Flat File Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Editing Flat File Data Objects in Excel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Copying Metadata to a Flat File Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Example, Editing Data Object in Excel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Create a Flat File Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Creating an Empty Flat File Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Creating a Flat File Data Object from an Existing Flat File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Creating a Flat File Data Object from a Control File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Chapter 7: Logical View of Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Logical View of Data Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Logical Data Object Model Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Developing a Logical View of Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Logical Data Object Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Creating a Logical Data Object Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Importing a Logical Data Object Model from a Modeling Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Table of Contents


Logical Data Object Model Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
CA ERwin Data Modeler Import Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Reporting - Framework Manager Import Properties. . . . . . 112
SAP BusinessObjects Designer Import Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
SAP PowerDesigner CDM Import Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
SAP PowerDesigner OOM 9.x to 15.x Import Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
SAP PowerDesigner PDM Import Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
XSD Import Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Logical Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Logical Data Object Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Attribute Relationships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Creating a Logical Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Logical Data Object Mappings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Logical Data Object Read Mappings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Logical Data Object Write Mappings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Creating a Logical Data Object Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

Chapter 8: Viewing Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Viewing Data Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Configuration Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Data Viewer Configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Mapping Configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Web Service Configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Updating the Default Configuration Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Troubleshooting Configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Exporting Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Object Dependencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
View Object Dependencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Viewing Object Dependencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Filtering Object Dependencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Log File Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Validation Preferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Grouping Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Limiting Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Monitoring Jobs from the Developer Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Chapter 9: Application Deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Application Deployment Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Application Creation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Application Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Application Deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140


Table of Contents

Object Deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Deployment to an Application Archive File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Deployment with Resource Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Application Redeployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Application State Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
How to Create, Deploy, and Update an Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Creating an Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Deploying an Application to a Data Integration Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Deploying an Object to a Data Integration Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Deploying an Object to an Archive File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Deploying an Application to an Archive File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Importing Application Archives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Updating an Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Redeploying an Application to a Data Integration Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Chapter 10: Object Import and Export. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Object Import and Export Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Import and Export Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Object Export. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Exporting Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Object Import. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Importing Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Importing Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Importing Objects from a Previous Informatica Release. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

Appendix A: Data Type Reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Data Type Reference Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Integer Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Binary Data Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Date/Time Data Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Decimal and Double Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
String Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Complex Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Complex File and Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Avro and Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
JSON and Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Parquet and Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Flat File and Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
DB2 for LUW and Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
DB2 for i5/OS, DB2 for z/OS, and Transformation Datatypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Unsupported DB2 for i5/OS and DB2 for z/OS Datatypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
JDBC and Transformation Datatypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Table of Contents


Microsoft SQL Server and Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Uniqueidentifier Data Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Nonrelational and Transformation Datatypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
ODBC and Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Oracle and Transformation Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Number(P,S) Data Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Char, Varchar, Clob Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Unsupported Oracle Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
SAP HANA and Transformation Datatypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
XML and Transformation Datatypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Converting Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Port-to-Port Data Conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Keyboard Shortcuts for Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Keyboard Shortcuts for Ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Keyboard Shortcuts for the Transformation Palette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Keyboard Shortcuts for the Workbench. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

Appendix C: Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Connection Properties Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Adabas Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Amazon Redshift Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Amazon S3 Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
DataSift Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Facebook Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Greenplum Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Hadoop Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
HBase Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
HDFS Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
HBase Connection Properties for MapR-DB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Hive Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
HTTP Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
IBM DB2 Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
IBM DB2 for i5/OS Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
IBM DB2 for z/OS Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
IMS Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
JDBC Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
LDAP Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
LinkedIn Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238


Table of Contents

MS SQL Server Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Netezza Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
OData Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
ODBC Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Oracle Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Salesforce Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
SAP Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Sequential Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Teradata Parallel Transporter Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Tableau Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Twitter Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Twitter Streaming Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
VSAM Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Web Content-Kapow Katalyst Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Web Services Connection Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Identifier Properties in Database Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Regular Identifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Delimited Identifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Identifier Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Table of Contents


The Informatica Developer Tool Guide is written for big data, data services, and data quality developers. This
guide describes common functionality in the Developer tool. This guide assumes that you have an
understanding of flat file and relational database concepts, and the database engines in your environment.

Informatica Resources
Informatica Network
Informatica Network hosts Informatica Global Customer Support, the Informatica Knowledge Base, and other
product resources. To access Informatica Network, visit
As a member, you can:

Access all of your Informatica resources in one place.


Search the Knowledge Base for product resources, including documentation, FAQs, and best practices.


View product availability information.


Review your support cases.


Find your local Informatica User Group Network and collaborate with your peers.

Informatica Knowledge Base
Use the Informatica Knowledge Base to search Informatica Network for product resources such as
documentation, how-to articles, best practices, and PAMs.
To access the Knowledge Base, visit If you have questions, comments, or ideas
about the Knowledge Base, contact the Informatica Knowledge Base team at

Informatica Documentation
To get the latest documentation for your product, browse the Informatica Knowledge Base at
If you have questions, comments, or ideas about this documentation, contact the Informatica Documentation
team through email at


Informatica Product Availability Matrixes
Product Availability Matrixes (PAMs) indicate the versions of operating systems, databases, and other types
of data sources and targets that a product release supports. If you are an Informatica Network member, you
can access PAMs at

Informatica Velocity
Informatica Velocity is a collection of tips and best practices developed by Informatica Professional
Services. Developed from the real-world experience of hundreds of data management projects, Informatica
Velocity represents the collective knowledge of our consultants who have worked with organizations from
around the world to plan, develop, deploy, and maintain successful data management solutions.
If you are an Informatica Network member, you can access Informatica Velocity resources at
If you have questions, comments, or ideas about Informatica Velocity, contact Informatica Professional
Services at

Informatica Marketplace
The Informatica Marketplace is a forum where you can find solutions that augment, extend, or enhance your
Informatica implementations. By leveraging any of the hundreds of solutions from Informatica developers
and partners, you can improve your productivity and speed up time to implementation on your projects. You
can access Informatica Marketplace at

Informatica Global Customer Support
You can contact a Global Support Center by telephone or through Online Support on Informatica Network.
To find your local Informatica Global Customer Support telephone number, visit the Informatica website at
the following link:
If you are an Informatica Network member, you can use Online Support at



Chapter 1

Informatica Developer
This chapter includes the following topics:

Informatica Developer Overview, 14


Start Informatica Developer, 16


Informatica Developer Interface, 17


Setting Up Informatica Developer, 20


Domains, 21


Projects, 22


Project Permissions, 23


Folders, 26


Copy Object Operations, 26


Tags, 27

Informatica Developer Overview
The Developer tool is an application that you use to design and implement data integration, data quality, data
profiling, data services, and big data solutions.
You can use the Developer tool to import metadata, create connections, and create data objects. You can
also use the Developer tool to create and run profiles, mappings, and workflows.

Informatica Data Quality and Profiling
Use the data quality capabilities in the Developer tool to analyze the content and structure of your data and
enhance the data in ways that meet your business needs.
Use the Developer tool to design and run processes to complete the following tasks:



Profile data. Profiling reveals the content and structure of data. Profiling is a key step in any data project
as it can identify strengths and weaknesses in data and help you define a project plan.


Create scorecards to review data quality. A scorecard is a graphical representation of the quality
measurements in a profile.


Standardize data values. Standardize data to remove errors and inconsistencies that you find when you
run a profile. You can standardize variations in punctuation, formatting, and spelling. For example, you can
ensure that the city, state, and ZIP code values are consistent.


Parse data. Parsing reads a field composed of multiple values and creates a field for each value
according to the type of information it contains. Parsing can also add information to records. For
example, you can define a parsing operation to add units of measurement to product data.


Validate postal addresses. Address validation evaluates and enhances the accuracy and deliverability of
postal address data. Address validation corrects errors in addresses and completes partial addresses by
comparing address records against address reference data from national postal carriers. Address
validation can also add postal information that speeds mail delivery and reduces mail costs.


Find duplicate records. Duplicate analysis calculates the degrees of similarity between records by
comparing data from one or more fields in each record. You select the fields to be analyzed, and you
select the comparison strategies to apply to the data. The Developer tool enables two types of duplicate
analysis: field matching, which identifies similar or duplicate records, and identity matching, which
identifies similar or duplicate identities in record data.


Manage exceptions. An exception is a record that contains data quality issues that you correct by hand.
You can run a mapping to capture any exception record that remains in a data set after you run other data
quality processes. You review and edit exception records in the Analyst tool.


Create reference data tables. Informatica provides reference data that can enhance several types of data
quality process, including standardization and parsing. You can create reference tables using data from
profile results.


Create and run data quality rules. Informatica provides rules that you can run or edit to meet your project
objectives. You can create mapplets and validate them as rules in the Developer tool.


Collaborate with Informatica users. The Model repository stores reference data and rules, and this
repository is available to users of the Developer tool and Analyst tool. Users can collaborate on projects,
and different users can take ownership of objects at different stages of a project.


Export mappings to PowerCenter®. You can export and run mappings in PowerCenter. You can export
mappings to PowerCenter to reuse the metadata for physical data integration or to create web services.

Informatica Data Services
Data services are a collection of reusable operations that you can run to access and transform data.
Use the data services capabilities in the Developer tool to complete the following tasks:

Define logical views of data. A logical view of data describes the structure and use of data in an
enterprise. You can create a logical data object model that shows the types of data your enterprise uses
and how that data is structured.


Map logical models to data sources or targets. Create a mapping that links objects in a logical model to
data sources or targets. You can link data from multiple, disparate sources to create a single view of the
data. You can also load data that conforms to a model to multiple, disparate targets.


Create virtual views of data. You can deploy a virtual federated database to a Data Integration Service.
End users can run SQL queries against the virtual data without affecting the actual source data.


Provide access to data integration functionality through a web service interface. You can deploy a web
service to a Data Integration Service. End users send requests to the web service and receive responses
through SOAP messages.


Export mappings to PowerCenter®. You can export mappings to PowerCenter to reuse the metadata for
physical data integration or to create web services.


Create and deploy mappings that domain users can run from the command line.


Profile data. If you use the Profiling option, profile data to reveal the content and structure of data.
Profiling is a key step in any data project, as it can identify strengths and weaknesses in data and help you
define a project plan.

Informatica Developer Overview


Start Informatica Developer
If the Developer tool is installed on a local machine, use the Windows Start menu to start the tool. If the
Developer tool is installed on a remote machine, use the command line to start the tool.

Starting the Developer Tool on a Local Machine
Use the Windows Start menu to start the Developer tool installed on a local machine.

From the Windows Start menu, click All Programs > Informatica [Version] > Client > Developer Client >
Launch Informatica Developer.
The first time you run the Developer tool, the Welcome page displays multiple icons. The Welcome page
does not appear when you run the Developer tool again.


Click Workbench.
The first time you start the Developer tool, you must add a domain and a Model repository. If the domain
includes more than one Data Integration Service, you must also select a default service.

Starting the Developer Tool on a Remote Machine
Use the command line to start the Developer tool installed on a remote machine.
When the Developer tool is installed on a remote machine, you might not have write access to the installation
directory. You must specify a workspace directory on your local machine where the Developer tool can write
temporary files. An administrator can configure the default local workspace directory for all users. You can
override the default directory when you start the Developer tool.
If the configured local workspace directory does not exist, the Developer tool creates the directory when it
writes temporary files.

Open a command prompt.


Enter the command to start the Developer tool. You can use the default local workspace directory or
override the default directory.

To use the default local workspace directory, enter the following command:
For example:


To override the default local workspace directory, enter the following command:
\\\developer.exe -data 
For example:
\\MyRemoteMachine\Informatica\9.5.1\clients\DeveloperClient\developer.exe -data C:
Folder names in the local workspace directory cannot contain the number sign (#) character. If folder
names in the local workspace directory contain spaces, enclose the full directory in double quotes.

The first time you run the Developer tool, the Welcome page displays multiple icons. The Welcome page
does not appear when you run the Developer tool again.

Click Workbench.
The first time you start the Developer tool, you must add a domain and a Model repository. If the domain
contains more than one Data Integration Service, you must also select a default Data Integration Service.


Chapter 1: Informatica Developer

Informatica Developer Interface
The Developer tool lets you design and implement data quality and data services solutions.
You can work on multiple tasks in the Developer tool at the same time. You can also work in multiple folders
and projects at the same time. To work in the Developer tool, you access the Developer tool workbench.
The following figure shows the Developer tool workbench:

1. Object Explorer view
2. Outline view
3. Properties view
4. Data Viewer view
5. Tags view
6. Object Dependencies view
7. Alerts view
8. Connection Explorer view
9. Editor

Informatica Developer Views
The Developer tool workbench includes an editor and views. You edit objects, such as mappings, in the
editor. The Developer tool displays views based on which object is selected in the editor.
You can select additional views, hide views, and move views to another location in the Developer tool
To select the views you want to display, click Window > Show View.

Default Views
The Developer tool displays the following views by default:
Object Explorer view
Displays projects, folders, and the objects within the projects and folders.

Informatica Developer Interface


Outline view
Displays objects that are dependent on an object selected in the Object Explorer view.
Help view
Displays context-sensitive online help.
Connection Explorer view
Displays connections to relational databases.
Properties view
Displays the properties for an object that is selected in the editor.
Data Viewer view
Displays source data, profile results, and previews the output of a transformation.
Tags view
Displays tags that define an object in the Model repository based on business usage.
Checked Out Objects view
Displays all objects that you have checked out.
Notifications view
Displays options to notify users or groups when all work in the Human task is complete.
Search view
Displays the search results. You can also launch the search options dialog box.

Additional Views
The Developer tool workbench also displays the following views:
Alerts view
Displays connection status alerts.
Data Processor Events view
Displays information about initialization, execution, and summary events that occur when you run a Data
Processor transformation in the Developer tool.
Data Processor Hex Source view
Displays an input document in hexadecimal format.
Object Dependencies view
Displays object dependencies when you view, modify, or delete an object.
Validation Log view
Displays object validation errors.
Version History view
Displays the version history of selected objects. You can read check-in comments and view user
information about object check-ins.
Cheat Sheets view
Displays the cheat sheet that you open. To open a cheat sheet, click Help > Cheat Sheets and select a
cheat sheet.


Chapter 1: Informatica Developer

Progress view
Displays the progress of operations in the Developer tool, such as a mapping run.

Informatica Developer Welcome Page
The first time you open the Developer tool, the Welcome page appears. Use the Welcome page to learn more
about the Developer tool, set up the Developer tool, and to start working in the Developer tool.
The Welcome page displays the following options:

Overview. Click the Overview button to get an overview of data quality and data services solutions.


First Steps. Click the First Steps button to learn more about setting up the Developer tool and accessing
Informatica Data Quality and Informatica Data Services lessons.


Tutorials. Click the Tutorials button to see cheat sheets for the Developer tool and for data quality and
data services solutions.


Web Resources. Click the Web Resources button for a link to the Informatica Knowledge Base. You can
access the Informatica How-To Library. The Informatica How-To Library contains articles about
Informatica Data Quality, Informatica Data Services, and other Informatica products.


Workbench. Click the Workbench button to start working in the Developer tool.

Click Help > Welcome to access the welcome page after you close it.

Cheat Sheets
The Developer tool includes cheat sheets as part of the online help. A cheat sheet is a step-by-step guide that
helps you complete one or more tasks in the Developer tool.
When you follow a cheat sheet, you complete the tasks and see the results. For example, you can complete a
cheat sheet to import and preview a physical data object.
To access cheat sheets, click Help > Cheat Sheets.

Informatica Developer Online Help
The Informatica Developer online help system contains information that can help you get the most from the
Developer tool. Use the Contents, Search, and Index options to learn about the Developer tool features and
capabilities. Add bookmarks to pages that you find useful. Use the Related Topics option to find pages that
contain similar information.

Informatica Preferences
The Preferences dialog box contains settings for the Developer tool and for the Eclipse platform.
Use the Informatica preferences to manage settings in the Developer tool. For example, use Informatica
preferences to manage configurations, connections, transformation settings, tags, or available Data
Integration Services.
The Developer tool is built on the Eclipse platform. The Preferences dialog box also includes preferences to
manage settings for the Eclipse platform. Informatica supports only the Informatica preferences.
To access Informatica preferences, click Window > Preferences. In the Preferences dialog box, select

Informatica Developer Interface


Informatica Marketplace
The Informatica Marketplace provides prebuilt solutions to augment, extend, or enhance your data integration
To access Informatica Marketplace, click Marketplace on the toolbar. The Marketplace view appears in the
Developer tool.
You must register as a user before you can log in to the Marketplace for the first time.
After you log in, you can view links to prebuilt solutions in the editor. You can search for a solution in the
Marketplace search box and view the search results to find the solution. A solution might contain mappings,
mapping objects, profiles, or workflows that you can import into the Model repository for use in the Developer
To import a Marketplace solution, click the Import button next to a Marketplace solution and follow the steps
to import the solution into the Model repository. You must be connected to the Model repository to import a
solution. You must select a folder during the import process to copy the related source files and
documentation for the solution.
After you import the solution into the Model repository, you can run the mapping or you can edit it before you
run it.
You can also post a solution to help other users in the Marketplace community.

Setting Up Informatica Developer
Set up Informatica Developer to access Model repository objects. Select a Data Integration Service to
preview data and run profiles, mappings, and workflows.
To set up the Developer tool, complete the following tasks:

Add a domain.


Add a Model repository.


If the domain includes more than one Data Integration Service, select a default service.

After you set up the Developer tool, you can create projects and folders to store your work.

Step 1. Add a Domain
Add a domain in the Developer tool to access services that run on the domain.
Before you add a domain, verify that you have a domain name, host name, and port number to connect to a
domain. You can get this information from an administrator.

Click Window > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears.


Select Informatica > Domains.


Click Add.
The New Domain dialog box appears.



Enter the domain name, host name, and port number.


Click Finish.


Click OK.

Chapter 1: Informatica Developer

Step 2. Add a Model Repository
Add a Model repository to access projects and folders.
Before you add a Model repository, verify the following prerequisites:

An administrator has configured a Model Repository Service in the Administrator tool.


You have a user name and password to access the Model Repository Service. You can get this
information from an administrator.


Click File > Connect to Repository.
The Connect to Repository dialog box appears.


Click Browse to select a Model Repository Service.


Click OK.


Click Next.


Enter your user name and password.


Click Next.
The Open Project dialog box appears.


To filter the list of projects that appear in the Object Explorer view, clear the projects that you do not
want to open.


Click Finish.
The Model Repository appears in the Object Explorer view and displays the projects that you chose to

Step 3. Select a Default Data Integration Service
The Data Integration Service performs data integration tasks in the Developer tool. If the domain includes
more than one Data Integration Service, select a default service. You can override the default Data Integration
Service when you run a mapping or preview data.
Note: If the domain contains only one Data Integration Service, this step is optional.
Add a domain before you select a Data Integration Service.

Click Window > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears.


Select Informatica > Data Integration Services.


Expand the domain.


Select a Data Integration Service.


Click Set as Default.


Click OK.

The Informatica domain is a collection of nodes and services that define the Informatica environment.
You add a domain in the Developer tool. You can also edit the domain information or remove a domain. You
manage domain information in the Developer tool preferences.



A project is the top-level container that you use to store folders and objects in the Developer tool.
Use projects to organize and manage the objects that you want to use for data services and data quality
You manage and view projects in the Object Explorer view. When you create a project, the Developer tool
stores the project in the Model repository.
Each project that you create also appears in the Analyst tool.
The following table describes the tasks that you can perform on a project:


Manage projects

Manage project contents. You can create, duplicate, rename, and delete a project. You can view
project contents.

Filter projects

Filter the list of projects that appear in the Object Explorer view.

Manage folders

Organize project contents in folders. You can create, duplicate, rename, and move folders
within projects.

Manage objects

View object contents, duplicate, rename, move, and delete objects in a project or in a folder
within a project.

Search projects

Search for folders or objects in projects. You can view search results and select an object from
the results to view its contents.

Assign permissions

Select the users and groups that can view and edit objects in the project. Specify which users
and groups can assign permissions to other users and groups.

Creating a Project
Create a project to store objects and folders.

Select a Model Repository Service in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > New > Project.
The New Project dialog box appears.


Enter a name for the project.


Click Next.
The Project Permissions page of the New Project dialog box appears.


Optionally, select a user or group and assign permissions.


Click Finish.
The project appears under the Model Repository Service in the Object Explorer view.

Filter Projects
You can filter the list of projects that appear in the Object Explorer view. You might want to filter projects if
you have access to a large number of projects but need to manage only some of them.
The Developer tool retains the list of projects that you filter the next time that you connect to the repository.


Chapter 1: Informatica Developer

You can filter projects at the following times:
Before you connect to the repository
When you filter projects before you connect to the repository, you can decrease the amount of time that
the Developer tool takes to connect to the repository.
Select File > Connect to Repository. After you select the repository and enter your user name and
password, click Next. The Open Project dialog box displays all projects to which you have access. Select
the projects that you want to open in the repository and then click Finish.
After you connect to the repository
If you are connected to the repository, click File > Close Projects to filter projects out of the Object
Explorer view. The Close Project dialog box displays all projects that are currently open in the Object
Explorer view. Select the projects that you want to filter out and then click Finish.
To open projects that you filtered, click File > Open Projects.

Project Permissions
Assign project permissions to users or groups. Project permissions determine whether a user or group can
view objects, edit objects, or assign permissions to others.
You can assign the following permissions:
The user or group can open, preview, export, validate, and deploy all objects in the project. The user or
group can also view project details.
The user or group has read permission on all objects in the project. Additionally, the user or group can
edit all objects in the project, edit project details, delete all objects in the project, and delete the project.
The user or group has read permission on all objects in the project. Additionally, the user or group can
assign permissions to other users or groups.
Users assigned the Administrator role for a Model Repository Service inherit all permissions on all projects in
the Model Repository Service. Users assigned to a group inherit the group permissions.

Permissions for External Objects
Permissions apply to objects within a project. The Developer tool does not extend permissions to dependent
objects when the dependent objects exist in other projects.
Dependent objects are objects that are used by other objects. For example, you create a mapplet that
contains a non-reusable Expression transformation. The mapplet is the parent object. The Expression
transformation is a dependent object of the mapplet.
The Developer tool creates instances of objects when you use reusable objects within a parent object. For
example, you create a mapping with a reusable Lookup transformation. The mapping is the parent object. It
contains an instance of the Lookup transformation.
An object can contain instances of dependent objects that exist in other projects. To view dependent object
instances from other projects, you must have read permission on the other projects. To edit dependent object

Project Permissions


instances from other projects, you must have write permission on the parent object project and read
permission on the other projects.

Permissions for Dependent Object Instances
You might need to access an object that contains dependent object instances from another project. If you do
not have read permission on the other project, the Developer tool gives you different options based on how
you access the parent object.
When you try to access a parent object that contains dependent object instances that you cannot view, the
Developer tool displays a warning message. If you continue the operation, the Developer tool produces
results that vary by operation type.
The following table lists the results of the operations that you can perform on the parent object:


Open the parent object.

The Developer tool prompts you to determine how to open the parent object:
- Open a Copy. The Developer tool creates a copy of the parent object. The copy
does not contain the dependent object instances that you cannot view.
- Open. The Developer tool opens the object, but it removes the dependent object
instances that you cannot view. If you save the parent object, the Developer tool
removes the dependent object instances from the parent object. The Developer
tool does not remove the dependent objects from the repository.
- Cancel. The Developer tool does not open the parent object.

Export the parent object to an
XML file for use in the
Developer tool.

The Developer tool creates the export file without the dependent object instances.

Export the parent object to

You cannot export the parent object.

Validate the parent object.

The Developer tool validates the parent object as if the dependent objects were not
part of the parent object.

Deploy the parent object.

You cannot deploy the parent object.

Copy and paste the parent

The Developer tool creates the new object without the dependent object instances.

Security Details
When you access an object that contains dependent object instances that you cannot view, the Developer
tool displays a warning message. The warning message allows you to view details about the dependent
To view details about the dependent objects, click the Details button in the warning message. If you have the
Show Security Details Model Repository Service privilege, the Developer tool lists the projects that contain
the objects that you cannot view. If you do not have the Show Security Details privilege, the Developer tool
indicates that you that you do not have sufficient privileges to view the project names.


Chapter 1: Informatica Developer

Parent Object Access
If you create parent objects that use dependent object instances from other projects, users might not be able
to edit the parent objects. If you want users to be able to edit the parent object and preserve the parent object
functionality, you can create instances of the dependent objects in a mapplet.
For example, you create a mapping that contains a reusable Lookup transformation from another project. You
want the users of your project to be able to edit the mapping, but not the Lookup transformation.
If you place the Lookup transformation in the mapping, users that do not have read permission on the other
project get a warning message when they open the mapping. They can open a copy of the mapping or open
the mapping, but the Developer tool removes the Lookup transformation instance.
To allow users to edit the mapping, perform the following tasks:

Create a mapplet in your project. Add an Input transformation, the reusable Lookup transformation, and
an Output transformation to the mapplet.


Edit the mapping, and replace the Lookup transformation with the mapplet.


Save the mapping.

When users of your project open the mapping, they see the mapplet instead of the Lookup transformation.
The users can edit any part of the mapping except the mapplet.
If users export the mapping, the Developer tool does not include the Lookup transformation in the export file.

Assigning Permissions
You can add users and groups to a project and assign permissions for the users and groups. Assign
permissions to determine the tasks that users can complete on objects in the project.

Select a project in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > Properties.
The Properties window appears.


Select Permissions.


Click Add to add a user and assign permissions for the user.
The Domain Users and Groups dialog box appears.


To filter the list of users and groups, enter a name or string.
Optionally, use the wildcard characters in the filter.


To filter by security domain, click the Filter by Security Domains button.


Select Native to show users and groups in the native security domain. Or, select All to show all users and


Select a user or group, and click OK.
The user or group appears in the Project Permissions page of the New Project dialog box.


Select read, write, or grant permission for the user or group.
Click OK.

Project Permissions


Use folders to organize objects in a project. Create folders to group objects based on business needs. For
example, you can create a folder to group objects for a particular task in a project. You can create a folder in
a project or in another folder.
Folders appear within projects in the Object Explorer view. A folder can contain other folders, data objects,
and object types.
You can perform the following tasks on a folder:

Create a folder.


View a folder.


Rename a folder.


Duplicate a folder.


Move a folder.


Delete a folder.

Creating a Folder
Create a folder to store related objects in a project. You must create the folder in a project or another folder.

In the Object Explorer view, select the project or folder where you want to create a folder.


Click File > New > Folder.
The New Folder dialog box appears.


Enter a name for the folder.


Click Finish.
The folder appears under the project or parent folder.

Copy Object Operations
You can copy objects within a project or to a different project. You can also copy objects to folders in the
same project or to folders in a different project.
You can save a copy of an object with a different name. You can also copy an object as a link to view the
object in the Analyst tool or to provide a link to the object in another medium, such as an email message:
You can copy the following objects to another project or folder, save copies of the objects with different
names, or copy the objects as links:





Data service


Logical data object model






Physical data object



Chapter 1: Informatica Developer


Reference table


Reusable transformation






Virtual stored procedure



Use the following guidelines when you copy objects:

You can copy segments of mappings, mapplets, rules, and virtual stored procedures.


You can copy a folder to another project.


You can copy a logical data object as a link.


You can paste an object multiple times after you copy it.


If the project or folder contains an object with the same name, you can rename or replace the object.

Copying an Object
Copy an object to make it available in another project or folder.

Select an object in a project or folder.


Click Edit > Copy.


Select the project or folder that you want to copy the object to.


Click Edit > Paste.

Saving a Copy of an Object
Save a copy of an object to save the object with a different name.
When you save a copy of a reference data object that specifies reference data values in a location outside
the Model repository, the Model repository marks the object as not valid. To create a copy, select the object
in the Object Explorer view, click Edit > Copy, and then paste the object to the location you want.

Open an object in the editor.


Click File > Save a Copy As.


Enter a name for the copy of the object.


Click Browse to select the project or folder that you want to copy the object to.


Click Finish.

A tag is metadata that defines an object in the Model repository based on business usage. Create tags to
group objects according to their business usage.
After you create a tag, you can associate the tag with one or more objects. You can remove the association
between a tag and an object. You can use a tag to search for objects associated with the tag in the Model
repository. The Developer tool displays a glossary of all tags.



For example, you create a tag named XYZCorp_CustomerOrders and assign it to tables that contain
information for the customer orders from the XYZ Corporation. Users can search by the
XYZCorp_CustomerOrders tag to identify the tables associated with the tag.
Note: Tags associated with an object in the Developer tool appear as tags for the same objects in the Analyst

Creating a Tag
Create a tag to add metadata that defines an object based on business usage.

Use one of the following methods to create a tag:

Click Window > Preferences. In the Preferences dialog box, select Informatica > Tags. Select a Model
Repository Service and click Add.


Open an object in the editor. In the Tags view, click Edit. In the Assign Tags for Object dialog box,
click New.


Enter a name for the tag.


Optionally, enter a description.


Click OK.

Assigning a Tag
Assign a tag to an object to associate the object with the metadata definition.

Open an object in the editor.


In the Tags view, click Edit.
The Assign Tags for Object dialog box appears. The Available Tags area displays all tags defined in the
repository. You can search for a tag by name or description. The Assign Tags area displays the opened
object and any tags assigned to the object.


In the Available Tags area, select a tag.


In the Assign Tags area, select the object.


Click Assign.


To remove a tag from an object, select the tag in the Available Tags area and the object in the Assign
Tags area, and then click Remove.

Viewing Tags
You can view all tags assigned to an object, or you can view all tags defined in the Model repository.

To view tags assigned to an object, open the object in the editor.


Select the Tags view.
The Tags view displays all tags assigned to the object.


To view all the tags defined in the Model repository, click Window > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears.


Select Informatica > Tags.
The Tags area displays all tags defined in the Model repository. You can search for a tag by name or


Chapter 1: Informatica Developer

Chapter 2

The Model Repository
This chapter includes the following topics:

Model Repository Overview, 29


Objects in Informatica Developer, 30


Repository Object Locks, 33


Team-based Development with Versioned Objects, 34


Connecting to a Model Repository, 38


Model Repository Service Refresh, 39

Model Repository Overview
The Model repository is a relational database that stores the metadata for projects and folders.
Connect to the Model repository to create and edit physical data objects, mapping, profiles, and other
objects. Include objects in an application, and then deploy the application to make the objects available for
access by end users and third-party tools.
The following image shows an open Model repository named mrs1 in the Object Explorer view:


The Model Repository Service manages the Model repository. All client applications and application services
that access the Model repository connect through the Model Repository Service. Client applications include
the Developer tool and the Analyst tool. Informatica services that access the Model repository include the
Model Repository Service, the Analyst Service, and the Data Integration Service.
When you set up the Developer tool, you must add a Model repository. Each time you open the Developer tool,
you connect to the Model repository to access projects and folders.
When you edit an object, the Model repository locks the object for your exclusive editing. You can also
integrate the Model repository with a third-party version control system. With version control system
integration, you can check objects out and in, undo the checkout of objects, and view and retrieve historical
versions of objects.

Objects in Informatica Developer
You can create, manage, or view certain objects in the Object Explorer view in the Developer tool.
You can create the following Model repository objects in the Developer tool:
A deployable object that can contain data objects, mappings, SQL data services, web services, and
workflows. You can create, edit, and delete applications.
Data service
A collection of reusable operations that you can run to access and transform data. A data service
provides a unified model of data that you can access through a web service or run an SQL query against.
You can create, edit, and delete data services.


Chapter 2: The Model Repository

Data object operation
Repository object that contains properties required to perform certain run-time operations on sources or
targets. Required for some PowerExchange adapter data sources.
A container for objects in the Model repository. Use folders to organize objects in a project and create
folders to group objects based on business needs. You can create, edit, and delete folders.
Logical data object
An object in a logical data object model that describes a logical entity in an enterprise. It has attributes
and keys, and it describes relationships between attributes. You can create, edit, and delete logical data
objects in a logical data object model.
Logical data object mapping
A mapping that links a logical data object to one or more physical data objects. It can include
transformation logic. You can create, edit, and delete logical data object mappings for a logical data
Logical data object model
A data model that contains logical data objects and defines relationships between them. You can create,
edit, and delete logical data object models.
A set of inputs and outputs linked by transformation objects that define the rules for data
transformation. You can create, edit, and delete mappings.
A reusable object that contains a set of transformations that you can use in multiple mappings or
validate as a rule. You can create, edit, and delete mapplets.
Operation mapping
A mapping that performs the web service operation for the web service client. An operation mapping can
contain an Input transformation, an Output transformation, and multiple Fault transformations. You can
create, edit, and delete operation mappings in a web service.
Physical data object
A physical representation of data that is used to read from, look up, or write to resources. You can
create, edit, and delete physical data objects.
An object that contains rules to discover patterns in source data. Run a profile to evaluate the data
structure and verify that data columns contain the type of information that you expect. You can create,
edit, and delete profiles.
Reference table
Contains the standard versions of a set of data values and any alternative version of the values that you
may want to find. You can view and delete reference tables.
Business logic that defines conditions applied to source data when you run a profile. It is a midstream
mapplet that you use in a profile. You can create, edit, and delete rules.

Objects in Informatica Developer


Rule Specification
A reusable object that contains the logic of one or more business rules. An Analyst tool user builds a rule
specification and saves the rule specification to the Model repository. You can select the rule
specification in the Object Explorer view and drag the rule specification into a mapping.
A rule specification is a read-only object in the Developer tool. To view or edit the rule specification logic,
right-click the rule specification and select the option to open the Analyst tool.
Note: An Analyst tool user can also generate a mapplet from a rule specification. The rule specification
and the corresponding mapplet are independent objects in the Model repository. You can edit the
mapplet in the Developer tool.
A graphical representation of valid values for a source column or output of a rule in profile results. You
can create, edit, and delete scorecards.
A repository object in a mapping that generates, modifies, or passes data. Each transformation performs
a different function. A transformation can be reusable or non-reusable. You can create, edit, and delete
Type definition library
A repository object that stores complex data type definitions for a big data mapping that runs on the
Spark engine. Complex data type definitions represent the schema of struct data. You can view the type
definition library and the complex data type definitions for a mapping or a mapplet in the Outline view
and in the mapping editor.
Virtual schema
A schema in a virtual database that defines the database structure. You can create, edit, and delete
virtual schemas in an SQL data service.
Virtual stored procedure
A set of procedural or data flow instructions in an SQL data service. You can create, edit, and delete
virtual stored procedures in a virtual schema.
Virtual table
A table in a virtual database. You can create, edit, and delete virtual tables in a virtual schema.
Virtual table mapping
A mapping that contains a virtual table as a target. You can create, edit, and delete virtual table
mappings for a virtual table.
A graphical representation of a set of events, tasks, and decisions that define a business process. You
can create, edit, and delete workflows.

Object Properties
You can view the properties of a project, folder, or any other object in the Model repository.
The General tab in the Properties view shows the object properties. Object properties include the name,
description, and location of the object in the repository. Object properties also include the user who created
and last updated the object and the time the event occurred.
To access the object properties, select the object in the Object Explorer view and click File > Properties.


Chapter 2: The Model Repository

Repository Object Locks
When you begin to edit an object, the Model repository locks the object so that other users cannot save
changes to it. When you save the object, you retain the lock. When you close the object, the repository
releases the lock.

Lock Management
The Model repository retains object locks if the Developer tool stops unexpectedly. When you connect to the
Model repository again, you can view the objects that you have locked. You can continue to edit the objects,
or you can unlock the objects.
You might want to unlock objects if the developer who locked the object is unavailable and another developer
is assigned to develop the object. You view and unlock locked objects through the Locked Objects dialog
To view the Locked Objects dialog box, click File > Locked Objects.
The following image shows the Locked Objects dialog box:

You can unlock one or more objects in the Locked Objects dialog box. Select objects to unlock by performing
one of the following actions:

Use the check box to select one or more objects.


Select one or more rows and click Check Selection to enable the check box for each object that you

Then you can click Unlock to unlock all the selected objects.
Tip: If your work is interrupted, you can view the objects that you have locked to identify the objects you were
working on.

Rules and Guidelines for Lock Management
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you manage object locks:

The Model repository does not lock the object when you open it. The Model repository locks the object
only after you begin to edit it. For example, the Model repository locks a mapping when you insert a cursor
in an editable field or connect mapping objects.


You can use more than one client tool to develop an object. For example, you can edit an object on one
machine and then open the object on another machine and continue to edit it. When you return to the first
machine, you must close the object editor and reopen it to regain the lock. The same principle applies
when a user with administrative privileges unlocks an object that you had open.

Repository Object Locks



If the Model Repository Service restarts while you have an object open for editing, you lose the lock on the
object. Until you regain a lock on the object, another user can open and edit it. To regain a lock on the
object, save changes to the object and close it, then reopen the object for editing.


When you delete a folder that contains objects, and you are not allowed to delete any one of the objects,
then you cannot delete the folder. For example, if you cannot delete an object because you do not own the
lock on the object, the object and the folder remain.


More than one developer can open and edit the contents of an SQL data service object at the same time.
For example, UserA can open and begin to edit an SQL data service, and then UserB can open and begin to
edit the same object. If UserB saves and closes the object before UserA, the Model repository does not
tell UserA of the potential conflict until UserA saves the object. In this case, UserA can save changes by
saving the SQL data service with another name.


An administrator can revoke your write permission on an object you have locked, or reassign the lock to
another user. In this case, you cannot edit or save the object. You can save the object with another name.

Team-based Development with Versioned Objects
Team-based development is the integration of the Model repository with a third-party version control system.
The version control system saves multiple versions of objects and assigns each version a version number.
You manage object versions through the Developer tool. You can perform actions such as checking objects
out and in, viewing and retrieving historical versions of objects, and undoing a checkout.
The Model repository protects objects from being overwritten by other members of the development team. If
you open an object that another user has checked out, you receive a notification that identifies the user who
checked it out. You can open a checked out object in read-only mode, or you can save it with a different
When the connection to the version control system is active, the Model repository has the latest version of
each object.
The Model repository maintains the state of checked-out objects if it loses the connection to the version
control system. While the connection with the version control system is down, you can continue to open, edit,
save, and close objects. The Model repository tracks and maintains object states.
When the connection is restored, you can resume version control system-related actions, such as checking in
or undoing the checkout of objects. If you opened and edited an object during the time when the connection
was down, the Model repository checks out the object to you.
Note: SQL data service objects are not included in version control.

Versioned Object Management
When the Model repository is integrated with a version control system, you can manage versions of objects.
For example, you can check out and check in objects, undo checkouts, and view objects that you have
checked out.
You can perform the following actions:
Check out an object.
When you check out an object, it maintains a checked-out state until you check it in or undo the
checkout. You can view objects that you have checked out in the Checked Out Objects view. To check
out an object, you can begin to edit it, or you can right-click the object in the Object Explorer and select
Check Out.


Chapter 2: The Model Repository

Undo a checkout of an object.
When you undo a checkout, you check in the object without changes and without incrementing the
version number or version history. All changes that you made to the object after you checked it out are
lost. To undo a checkout, you can use the Checked Out Objects view or the object right-click menu. For
example, you might want to undo a checkout to delete changes to an object.
Note: If a user moved an object while it was checked out and you undo the checkout, the object remains
in its current location, and its version history restarts. Undoing the checkout does not restore it to its precheckout location.
Check in an object.
When you check in an object, the version control system updates the version history and increments the
version number. You can add check-in comments up to a 4 KB limit. To check in an object, you can use
the Checked Out Objects view or the object right-click menu.
Note: The Perforce and SVN version control systems limit file path lengths due to a Windows restriction
that restricts path lengths to 260 bytes. If you attempt to check in a file with a path that exceeds the
limitation, Perforce returns an error. A 260 byte path length results in varying path lengths depending on
the character set of your system.
Delete an object.
A versioned object must be checked out before you can delete it. If it is not checked out when you
perform the delete action, the Model repository checks the object out to you and marks it for delete. To
complete the delete action, you must check in the object.
When you delete a versioned object, the version control system deletes all versions.
To delete an object, you can use the Checked Out Objects view or the object right-click menu.

Check In Dialog Box
The Check In dialog box displays all objects you have checked out.
Use the Check In dialog box to check in objects. You can also use it to delete objects that you marked for

Team-based Development with Versioned Objects


The following image shows the Check In dialog box:

The Action Type column shows the action that the Model Repository Service performs on each item when
you check it in. The Model Repository Service performs one of the following action types:



The object is new and has never been checked in. When you select it and click Check In, the Model
Repository Service checks it in to the version control system and assigns it a version number of 1.


The object is marked for delete. When you select it and click Check In, the Model Repository Service
deletes the object.


The object is marked for edit. When you select it and click Check In, the Model Repository Service
replaces the version in the version control system with the new version.


After you checked out the object, you moved it from one Model repository project or folder to another.
When you select it and click Check In, the Model Repository Service checks it in to the version control
system in the new location.

The Location column shows the current location of the object. If you moved the object, the Action Type is
Tip: You can see previous locations of a moved object in the Version History view.
The New Version column shows the version number of the object after you complete the checkin.
You can check in one or more objects in the Check In dialog box. Select objects to check in by performing
one of the following actions:



Use the check box to select one or more objects.


Select one or more rows and click Check Selection to enable the check box for each object that you

Chapter 2: The Model Repository

Optionally, you can add a description in the Check-In Description text pane. Then you can click Check In to
check in all the selected objects.

Deleting a Versioned Object
When you want to delete a versioned object, you mark it for deletion, and then check it in.

Right-click an object in the Object Explorer or the Checked Out Objects view, and select Delete.
The Action attribute changes from Edit to Delete.


Select the object and select Check In.
The Model repository deletes the object.

Historical Versions of Objects
The version control system saves a copy of an object every time you check it in.
The version control system saves a version of the object and assigns a version number to it. The highest
number designates the latest version.
Use the Version History view to view the version history of objects, open historical versions in read-only view,
and restore historical versions of objects. You might want to restore a historical version of an object to
restore previous functionality.
When you restore a historical version of an object, that version becomes the latest version. The Model
repository replaces the current version of the object with the historical version and checks the object out to
you. If the object is open in an editor, the Developer tool refreshes the object to the restored version.

Restoring a Historical Version of an Object
You can view or get a historical version of an object from the version control system.

Right-click an object in the Object Explorer and select View Version History.
The Revision History view opens.


To view a historical version, right-click one of the versions listed in the Revision History view and select
View Version.
The Developer tool opens a read-only version of the object. The Developer tool lists the version number
in the title bar of the editor window.


To restore a historical version, right-click one of the versions listed in the Revision History view and
select Restore Version.
The object opens in the editor. You can edit the object, or check it in without editing it.


Check in the object.
The restored version of the object becomes the latest version in the Model repository and the version
control system.

Checked Out Objects View
The Checked Out Objects view lists all the objects that you have checked out.
You can perform the following actions in the Checked Out Objects view:

Undo a checkout of an object


Check in an object

Team-based Development with Versioned Objects


To perform one of these actions, right-click the object and select the action.
To delete an object that is marked for delete in the Action Type column, right-click the object and select
Check In.

Version History View
The Version History view displays the version history of selected objects. You can read check-in comments
and view user information about object check-ins.
The view displays the following information:

Version. Integer showing the order in which versions were saved. The version control system assigns the
highest number to the most recent checked-in version.


Name. Name of the object.


Location. Path to the object in the Model repository.


Action type. The action that the user took when checking in the object. You can add, edit, or delete and
object when you check it in.


User. User ID of the team member who checked in the object.


Version date. Date and time that a user checked in the object.


Version description. Check-in comments for the selected version.

To view version history, right-click an object in the Object Explorer and select View Version History.

Troubleshooting Team-based Development
Consider the following troubleshooting tips when you use features related to team-based development:

The Perforce version control system fails to check in some objects, with an error about
excessively long object path names.
Due to Windows OS limitations on the number of characters in a file path, Model repository objects with long
path and file names fail when you try to check them in. The Perforce error message reads "Submit aborted"
and says the file path exceeds the internal length limit.
To work around this problem, limit the length of project, folder, and object names in the Model repository.
Shorter names in all instances help limit the total number of characters in the object path name.

Connecting to a Model Repository
Each time you open the Developer tool, you connect to a Model repository to access projects and folders.
When you connect to a Model repository, you enter connection information to access the domain that
includes the Model Repository Service that manages the Model repository.

In the Object Explorer view, right-click a Model repository and click Connect.
The Connect to Repository dialog box appears.



Enter the domain user name and password.


Select a namespace.

Chapter 2: The Model Repository


Click OK.
The Developer tool connects to the Model repository. The Developer tool displays the projects in the

Model Repository Service Refresh
You can refresh the Model Repository Service to see new and updated objects in the Model repository.
To refresh the Model Repository Service, right-click the Model Repository Service in the Object Explorer view
and select Refresh.

Model Repository Service Refresh


Chapter 3

Searches in Informatica
This chapter includes the following topics:

Searches in Informatica Developer Overview, 40


Model Repository Search, 40


Business Glossary Search, 42


Editor Search, 43

Searches in Informatica Developer Overview
You can perform searches in Informatica Developer to search for objects and look up business terms.
You can search the Model repository to find the latest versions of saved objects and object properties. You
can access the Business Glossary Desktop from the Developer tool to look up a Developer tool object name
as a business term. You can also find objects, ports, groups, expressions, and attributes in an editor.

Model Repository Search
You can search for objects and object properties in the Model repository.
You can create a search query and then filter the search results. You can view search results and select an
object from the results to view its contents. Search results appear on the Search view. The search cannot
display results if it finds more than 2048 objects. If search fails because the results contain more than 2048
objects, change the search options so that fewer objects match the search criteria.


The following table lists the search options that you can use to search for objects:
Search Option


Containing text

Object or property that you want to search for. Enter an exact string or use a wildcard. Not case


One or more objects that contain the name. Enter an exact string or use a wildcard. Not case


One or more objects that use a tag. Enter an exact string or use a wildcard. Not case sensitive.

Search for

One or more object types to search for.


Search the workspace or an object that you selected.

The Model repository search returns ports and dynamic ports but does not return generated ports.
Note: When you search for a mapping, mapplets with a name that is similar to the search pattern appear in
the search results.
The Model Repository Service uses a search engine to index the metadata in the Model repository. To
correctly index the metadata, the search engine uses a search analyzer appropriate for the language of the
metadata that you are indexing. The Developer tool uses the search engine to perform searches on Model
repository objects. You must save an object before you can search on it.
You can search in different languages. To search in a different language, an administrator must change the
search analyzer and configure the Model repository to use the search analyzer.
Note: When you refresh Model repository, the search results in Search view will no longer appear. User has to
perform search again to get the results on refreshed Model repository.

Searching for Objects and Properties
Search for objects and properties in the Model repository.

Click Search > Object Search.
The Search dialog box appears.


Enter the object or property you want to search for. Optionally, include wildcard characters.


If you want to search for a property in an object, optionally enter one or more names or tags separated
by a comma.


Optionally, choose the object types that you want to search for.


Choose to search the workspace or the object that you selected.


Click Search.
The search results appear in the Search view.


In the Search view, double-click an object to open it in the editor.

Model Repository Search


Business Glossary Search
Look up the meaning of a Developer tool object name as a business term in the Business Glossary Desktop
to understand its business requirement and current implementation.
A business glossary is a set of terms that use business language to define concepts for business users. A
business term provides the business definition and usage of a concept. The Business Glossary Desktop is a
client that connects to the Metadata Manager Service, which hosts the business glossary. Use the Business
Glossary Desktop to look up business terms in a business glossary.
If Business Glossary Desktop is installed on your machine, you can select an object in the Developer tool and
use hotkeys or the Search menu to look up the name of the object in the business glossary. You can look up
names of objects in Developer tool views, such as the Object Explorer view, or names of columns, profiles,
and transformation ports in the editor.
For example, a developer wants to find a business term in a business glossary that corresponds to the
Sales_Audit data object in the Developer tool. The developer wants to view the business term details to
understand the business requirements and the current implementation of the Sales_Audit object in the
Developer tool. This can help the developer understand what the data object means and what changes may
need to be implemented on the object.

Business Glossary Desktop Lookup
The Business Glossary Desktop can look up object names in the business glossary and return business terms
that match the object name.
The Business Glossary Desktop splits object names into two if the names are separated by a hyphen,
underscore, or upper case.
For example, if a developer looks up a data object named Sales_Audit, the Business Glossary Desktop
displays Sales_Audit in the search box but splits the name into Sales and Audit and looks up both business

Looking Up a Business Term
Look up a Developer tool object name in the Business Glossary Desktop as a business term to understand its
business requirement and current implementation.
You must have the Business Glossary Desktop installed on your machine.

Select an object.


Choose to use hotkeys or the Search menu to open the Business Glossary Desktop.

To use hotkeys, use the following hotkey combination:


To use the Search menu, click Search > Business Glossary.

The Business Glossary Desktop appears and displays business terms that match the object name.

Customizing Hotkeys to Look Up a Business Term
Customize hotkeys to change the combination of keys that open the Business Glossary Desktop.


From the Developer tool menu, click Window > Preferences > General > Keys.

Chapter 3: Searches in Informatica Developer


To find or search Search Business Glossary in the list of commands, select one of the following choices:

To search for the keys, enter Search Business Glossary in the search box.


To scroll for the keys, scroll to find the Search Business Glossary command under the Command


Click the Search Business Glossary Command.


Click Unbind Command.


In the Binding field, enter a key combination.


Click Apply and then click OK.

Editor Search
You can find objects, ports, groups, expressions, and attributes that are open in the editor. The Developer tool
highlights the objects within the open editor. The objects do not need to be in the Model repository.
To display the find fields below the editor, select Edit > Find/Replace. To find an object, enter a search string
and the types of objects to find. The object types that you can find varies by editor. If you do not specify any
type of object, the Developer tool finds the search string in transformations.
When you search for ports, columns, or attributes, you can also select the data type. For example, you can
find integer or bigint ports with names that contain the string "_ID."
The following table lists the types of objects that you can find in each editor:

Object types


Mapping objects, expressions, groups, and ports


Mapplet objects, expressions, groups, and ports

Logical data object model

Logical data objects and attributes

Physical data object read or write mapping

Mapping objects and columns

SQL data service

Virtual tables and attributes

Virtual stored procedure

Transformations, expressions, groups, and ports

Virtual table mapping

Virtual table mapping objects, expressions, groups, and ports

Web service operation mapping

Web service operation mapping objects, expressions, groups, and ports


Workflow objects

Note: The Model repository does not store the names of generated ports, and you cannot search for them in the editor.
When the Developer tool finds the search string, it displays the object locations. It also highlights the object
in which the search string occurs. If the search string occurs in an iconized transformation in the mapping
editor, the Developer tool highlights the iconized transformation.

Editor Search


You can select the following options to navigate the results of a find:



Next Match. Finds the next occurrence of the search string.


Previous Match. Finds the previous occurrence of the search string.


Highlight All. Highlights all occurrences of the search string.


Expand Iconized Transformations. Expands all iconized transformations in which the search string

Chapter 3: Searches in Informatica Developer

Chapter 4

This chapter includes the following topics:

Connections Overview, 45


Connection Explorer View, 48


Connection Management, 48


Connection Switching, 51


Third-Party JDBC Drivers, 54

Connections Overview
A connection is a repository object that defines a connection in the domain configuration repository.
Create a connection to import data objects, preview data, profile data, and run mappings. The Developer tool
uses the connection when you import a data object. The Data Integration Service uses a connection when
you preview data, run mappings, or consume web services.
Note: The Developer tool does not use connections to import flat file data objects or preview, read, or write
flat file data.
The Developer tool stores connections in the domain configuration repository. Any connection that you
create in the Developer tool is available in the Analyst tool and the Administrator tool.
Create and manage connections in the Preferences dialog box or the Connection Explorer view.


Create Connection


Show Connections


Create Connection - Connection Explorer view


After you create a connection, you can perform the following actions on the connection:
Edit the connection.
You can change the connection name and the description. You can also edit connection details such as
the user name, password, and connection strings.
The Data Integration Service identifies connections by the connection ID. Therefore, you can change the
connection name. When you rename a connection, the Developer tool updates the objects that use the
Deployed applications and parameter files identify a connection by name, not by connection ID.
Therefore, when you rename a connection, you must redeploy all applications that use the connection.
You must also update all parameter files that use the connection parameter.
Copy the connection.
Copy a connection to create a connection that is similar to another connection. For example, you might
create two Oracle connections that differ only in user name and password.
Delete the connection.
When you delete a connection, objects that use the connection are no longer valid. If you accidentally
delete a connection, you can re-create it by creating another connection with the same connection ID as
the deleted connection.
Refresh the connections list.
You can refresh the connections list to see the latest list of connections for the domain. Refresh the
connections list after a user adds, deletes, or renames a connection in the Administrator tool or the
Analyst tool.

Connection Types
Connections enable you to read from and write data to data sources.
You can create and manage connections for the following types of data sources:







Amazon Redshift




DB2 for i5/OS


DB2 for z/OS


Greenplum Loader











Chapter 4: Connections


SQL Server


Teradata PT

Enterprise Applications

Azure Data Lake


Azure DW


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne




Microsoft Dynamics CRM





File Systems

Amazon S3




Hadoop File System








MapR Streams



Social Media









Twitter Streaming


WebContent-Kapow Katalyst



For information about supported versions of any data source, see the Informatica Product Availability Matrix.

Connections Overview


Connection Explorer View
Use the Connection Explorer view to view relational or nonrelational database connections and to create
relational or nonrelational data objects.
The following figure shows the Connection Explorer view in the Developer tool:

You can complete the following tasks in the Connection Explorer view:

Add a connection to the view. Click the Select Connection button to choose one or more connections to
add to the Connection Explorer view.


Connect to a relational or nonrelational database. Right-click the database and click Connect.


Disconnect from a relational or nonrelational database. Right-click the database and click Disconnect.


Create a relational data object. After you connect to a relational database, expand the database to view
tables. Right-click a table, and click Add to Project to open the New Relational Data Object dialog box.


Create a nonrelational data object. After you connect to a nonrelational database, expand the database to
view data maps. Right-click a data map, and click Add to Project to open the New Non-relational Data
Object dialog box.


Refresh a connection. Right-click a connection and click Refresh.


Show only the default schema. Right-click a connection and click Show Default Schema Only. Default is


Delete a connection from the Connection Explorer view. The connection remains in the Model repository.
Right-click a connection and click Delete.

Connection Management
Create and manage connections in the Preferences dialog box or the Connection Explorer view.

Creating a Connection
Create a connection to access a Hadoop cluster, database, enterprise application, file system, nonrelational
database, NoSQL database, social media application, or web service. Create the connection before you
import physical data objects, preview data, profile data, or run mappings.



Click Window > Preferences.


Select the type of connection that you want to create:

Chapter 4: Connections


To select a non-web services connection, select Informatica > Connections.


To select a web services connection, select Informatica > Web Services > Connections.


Expand the domain in the Available Connections list.


Select a connection type in the Available Connections list, and click Add.
The New  Connection dialog box appears.


Enter the following information:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. It
cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change
this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


Optional description for the connection.


Domain in which the connection exists.


Specific connection type, such as Oracle, Twitter, or Web Services.


Click Next.


Configure the connection properties.


Click Test Connection to verify that you entered the connection properties correctly and that you can
connect to the database, application, file system, or URI.


Click Finish.

After you create a connection, you can add it to the Connection Explorer view.

Editing a Connection
You can edit the connection name, description, and connection properties.

Click Window > Preferences.


Select the type of connection that you want to edit.

To select a non-web services connection, select Informatica > Connections.


To select a web services connection, select Informatica > Web Services > Connections.


Expand the domain in the Available Connections list.


Select the connection in Available Connections, and click Edit.
The Edit Connection dialog box appears.


Optionally, edit the connection name and description.
Note: If you change a connection name, you must redeploy all applications that use the connection. You
must also update all parameter files that use the connection parameter.


Click Next.


Optionally, edit the connection properties.

Connection Management



Click Test Connection to verify that you entered the connection properties correctly and that you can
connect to the database.


Click OK to close the Edit Connection dialog box.


Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.

Copying a Connection
You can copy a connection within a domain or into another domain.

Click Window > Preferences.


Select the type of connection that you want to copy.

To select a non-web services connection, select Informatica > Connections.


To select a web services connection, select Informatica > Web Services > Connections.


Expand the domain in the Available Connections list.


Select the connection in Available Connections, and click Copy.
The Copy Connection dialog box appears.


Enter the connection name and ID, and select the domain.
The name and ID must be unique in the domain.
Note: Before you copy a Hadoop, HDFS, HBase or Hive connection to another domain, create a cluster
configuration in the domain with a name that matches the cluster configuration associated with the
connection. For example, if the connection is associated with a cluster configuration named XYZ, create
a cluster configuration named XYZ in the target domain.


Click OK to close the Copy Connection dialog box.


Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.

Deleting a Connection
When you delete a connection through the Preferences dialog box, the Developer tool removes the
connection from the Model repository.

Click Window > Preferences.


Select the type of connection that you want to delete.

To select a non-web services connection, select Informatica > Connections.


To select a web services connection, select Informatica > Web Services > Connections.


Expand the domain in the Available Connections list.


Select the connection in Available Connections, and click Remove.


Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.

Refreshing the Connections List
Refresh the connections list to see the latest list of connections in the domain.

Click Window > Preferences.


Select the type of connection that you want to refresh.


To select a non-web services connection, select Informatica > Connections.

Chapter 4: Connections


To select a web services connection, select Informatica > Web Services > Connections.


Select the domain in the Available Connections list.


Click Refresh.


Expand the domain in the Available Connections list to see the latest list of connections.


Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.

Connection Switching
You can switch the connection of a relational data object or customized data object to use a different
relational database connection. You can also simultaneously switch the connections for multiple data
objects. Switching the connection saves time and effort because you do not have to update each mapping to
use the new connection.
After you switch the connection, the Developer tool updates the connection details for the data object in all
Read, Write, and Lookup transformations that are based on the data object. The Developer tool also updates
the database type for the data object based on the database that the new connection points to.
You can switch a connection to one of the following connection types:



Microsoft SQL Server





When the Developer tool switches a connection, it does not validate the metadata compatibility. Therefore,
before you switch the connection, you must ensure that the database that the new connection points to
contains a table with the same columns and metadata as the data object for which you are switching the
connection. Otherwise, data loss or inconsistencies can occur.

You have created an Oracle relational data object in the Developer tool and added it as a Write transformation
in multiple mappings.
You migrate the Oracle database to an IBM DB2 database. You want to update the existing mappings in the
Developer tool to write data to the IBM DB2 database.
Instead of replacing the data object that the Write transformation is based on in each mapping, you can
switch the connection of the Oracle data object to an IBM DB2 connection. The new connection points to the
IBM DB2 database to which you want to write data. When you run mappings that contain the Oracle relational
data object, the Data Integration Service uses the new IBM DB2 connection to run the mappings.

Before You Switch a Connection
Before you switch a connection, verify that the following requirements are met:

You have write permissions on the data object for which you want to switch the connection.


The database that the new connection points to contains a table with the same columns and metadata as
the data object for which you want to switch the connection. If the precision and scale of columns in the
table are lower than that of the data object, data loss or inconsistencies can occur.

Connection Switching



The data object for which you want to switch the connection does not contain unsaved changes. If it
contains unsaved changes, the Developer tool does not switch the connection.


The customized data object for which you want to switch the connection does not contain relational data
objects of different database types. If it does, the Developer tool does not display an error when you
switch the connection. However, when you run a mapping with the customized data object, the mapping


The table names that the original connection and new connection point to match exactly, including the
case. If the connection supports quoted identifiers and mixed-case table names, the Developer tool treats
the table names as case sensitive.


The data object for which you want to switch the connection is checked out if the object is stored in a
versioned repository.

Switching a Connection
You can switch the connection for a relational data object or customized data object to use a different
relational database connection and simultaneously update the existing mappings to use the new connection.

In the Object Explorer view, right-click the data object for which you want to switch the connection.
You can select multiple data objects under different folders of a project or across projects.
You can also select a connection and simultaneously switch the connection for all relational data
objects and customized data objects that use the connection.


Click Switch Connection.
The Switch Connection dialog box appears and displays the selected data objects.


Click Add to update the list of data objects for which you want to switch the connection.
To remove an object, select the object and click Remove.


Click Browse next to the New Connection field.
The Developer tool displays the connections that you can use for the data object.



Select the new connection that you want to use for the data object and click OK.


Click Switch Connection.

Chapter 4: Connections

A message appears prompting you to ensure that the database that the new connection points to
contains a table with the same columns and metadata as the data object for which you are switching the

Click OK to switch the connection for the data object.
A message appears stating that the connection was switched successfully. The Developer tool updates
the connection details and the database type for the data object in all Developer tool objects associated
with the data object. When you run mappings that contain the data object, the Data Integration Service
uses the new connection.

After You Switch a Connection
After you switch a connection, verify the data object properties and manually edit the properties, if required.
Perform the following tasks after you switch a connection:

Verify the data type mapping.


Verify the table owner name.


Verify Lookup transformations.


Reconfigure hints.


Synchronize data objects.

Verify the Data Type Mapping
When you switch a connection, the Developer tool identifies the best data type match between the databases
that the original connection and the new connection point to. It sets the data types for the data object and the
transformations in the mapping that are based on the data object accordingly. Before you run a mapping,
verify the data types and manually update them, if required.
For example, you switch a connection from Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server. For data types with a fixed
precision, by default, the Developer tool sets the precision based on the precision of the Microsoft SQL Server
database. However, for data types with a variable precision, the Developer tool sets the precision and scale
based on the Oracle database. For data types such as Timestamp with Time Zone, the Developer tool sets
the data type as Varchar (0,0) or an equivalent data type that the Microsoft SQL Server database supports for

Verify the Table Owner Name
When you switch a connection, the Developer tool retains the table owner name of the data object. You can
manually edit the table owner name in the data object properties, if required.
If you set the table owner name to blank and switch the connection, you can successfully preview the data
only if the table exists in the default schema or public schema of the database that the new connection
points to. Otherwise, the data preview fails. You must manually update the table owner name in the run-time
properties of the data object to successfully preview the data.

Verify Lookup Transformations
After you switch a connection, rebuild the lookup cache and verify the lookup conditions for Lookup
transformations based on the data object, if required.
Perform the following tasks:

Connection Switching


Rebuild the lookup cache
If you configure the Data Integration Service to persist the lookup cache and switch the connection for
the associated data object, you must update the Lookup transformation to rebuild the lookup cache
based on the new connection. Otherwise, when you run the mapping, an error occurs stating that the
cache file was created with a different database connection.
Verify the lookup conditions
When you switch a connection, the Developer tool identifies the best data type match between the
databases that the original connection and the new connection point to, and sets the data types
accordingly. After you switch a connection, the lookup conditions might not be valid because of the data
type change. You must verify the lookup conditions and manually update them.
For example, you create a mapping that contains an IBM DB2 source table, lookup table, and target table.
You configure the lookup condition on an Integer column of the source table and lookup table. If you
switch the connection of the lookup table from IBM DB2 to Oracle, the transformation data type of the
Integer column in the lookup table changes to Decimal. The lookup condition is not valid because you
cannot compare an Integer column with a Decimal column.

Reconfigure Hints
When you switch the connection of a customized data object, the Developer tool does not retain the hints
that you had configured for the customized data object. You must manually reconfigure the hints.

Synchronize Data Objects
After you switch the connection, the Developer tool retains only the active reference key constraints.
When you switch the connection for multiple data objects simultaneously, you must synchronize the data
objects to ensure that the key relationships are accurate.
If the data objects contain multiple tables with cyclic reference key constraints between them and you switch
the connection for a subset of tables to a different database type, the Developer table switches the
connection without displaying any error. However, when you view the key relationships for the data objects,
the Developer tool displays the key relationships with reference to the original database. To update the key
relationships and point them to the new database, you must synchronize the data objects.

Third-Party JDBC Drivers
If you want to connect to sources and targets through JDBC, install and configure a JDBC Type 4 driver from
a third-party vendor.
To import metadata in the Developer tool, copy the third-party JDBC driver jar file to the following location:
To run data previews, profiles, or mappings, copy the JDBC driver jar file to the following location:
Update the CLASSPATH environment variable to include the fully qualified path to the JDBC driver.


Chapter 4: Connections

Chapter 5

Physical Data Objects
This chapter includes the following topics:

Physical Data Objects Overview, 55


Physical Data Object Types, 56


Relational Data Objects, 56


Customized Data Objects, 59


Create or Replace Target Tables, 65


Custom Queries, 67


Nonrelational Data Objects, 79


WSDL Data Object, 81


Synchronization, 84


Troubleshooting Physical Data Objects, 87

Physical Data Objects Overview
A physical data object is the physical representation of data that is used to read from, look up, or write to
data sources. If the data object source changes, you can synchronize the physical data object. When you
synchronize a physical data object, the Developer tool reimports the object metadata.
You can create any physical data object in a project or folder. Physical data objects in projects and folders
are reusable objects. You can use them in any type of mapping, mapplet, or profile, but you cannot change
the data object within the mapping, mapplet, or profile. To update the physical data object, you must edit the
object within the project or folder.
You can include a physical data object in a mapping, mapplet, or profile. You can add a physical data object
to a mapping or mapplet as a read, write, or lookup transformation. You can add a physical data object to a
logical data object mapping to map logical data objects.
You can also include a physical data object in a virtual table mapping when you define an SQL data service.
You can include a physical data object in an operation mapping when you define a web service.


Physical Data Object Types
You can create different types of physical data objects based on the type of data source that you want to
read data from or write data to.
Physical data objects include the following types:
Relational data object
A physical data object that uses a relational table, view, or synonym as a source. For example, you can
create a relational data object from an Oracle view.
Depending on the object type, you can add a relational data object to a mapping or mapplet as a source,
a target, or a Lookup transformation.
Customized data object
A physical data object that uses one or multiple related relational resources or relational data objects as
sources. Relational resources include tables, views, and synonyms. For example, you can create a
customized data object from two Microsoft SQL Server tables that have a primary key-foreign key
Create a customized data object if you want to perform operations such as joining data, filtering rows,
sorting ports, or running custom queries in a reusable data object.
Nonrelational data object
A physical data object that uses a nonrelational database resource as a source. For example, you can
create a nonrelational data object from a VSAM source.
Flat file data object
A physical data object that uses a flat file as a source. You can create a flat file data object from a
delimited or fixed-width flat file.
WSDL data object
A physical data object that uses a WSDL file as a source.
Informatica PowerExchange® adapters also provide access to many data sources that you can use to create
physical data objects, such as SAP, Salesforce, and Netezza.

Relational Data Objects
A relational data object is a physical data object that has a relational table, view, or synonym as a source. You
can include a relational data object in a mapping, mapplet, or profile.
The relational data object describes a resource in a database. When you add a relational data object to the
repository, you import it from a source database. You can change the relational data object definition after
you import it to the repository. You can add and remove ports, define primary keys, and configure
relationships between multiple relational data objects in the repository. You can change or parameterize the
default connection, the database owner, and the resource name.
When you add the relational data object to a mapping, mapplet, or profile, you indicate whether the you want
to create a read or a write object. You can configure different run-time properties based on whether the
object is a source, a target, or a lookup table.


Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

The following figure shows a sample relational data object in the editor:

You can create primary key-foreign key relationships between relational data objects whether or not the
relationships exist in the source database.
You can add multiple relational data objects to a mapping or mapplet as sources. When you add multiple
relational data objects at the same time, the Developer tool prompts you to add the objects in either of the
following ways:

As related data objects. The Developer tool creates one read transformation with multiple relational
resources. The read transformation has the same capabilities as a customized data object.


As independent data objects. The Developer tool creates one read transformation for each relational data
object. The read transformations have the same capabilities as relational data objects.

You can import the following types of relational data objects:

DB2 for i5/OS


DB2 for z/OS








Microsoft SQL Server









Relational Data Objects


Importing a Relational Data Object
Import a relational data object to add to a mapping, mapplet, or profile.
Before you import a relational data object, you must configure a connection to the database.

Select a project or folder in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > New > Data Object.
The New dialog box appears.


Select Relational Data Object and click Next.
The New Relational Data Object dialog box appears.


Click Browse next to the Connection option and select a connection to the database.


Click Create data object from existing resource.


Click Browse next to the Resource option.
The Select a Resource dialog box appears.


Select the table, view, or synonym that you want to import.


To filter data objects, enter a name in the Filter section and click Search.
Enclose the name in double quotes ("") to search for case-sensitive object names.


Enter a name for the physical data object.


Click Browse next to the Location option and select the project where you want to import the relational
data object.


Click Finish.
The data object appears under Physical Data Objects in the project or folder in the Object Explorer view.

Key Relationships
You can create key relationships between relational data objects. Key relationships allow you to join
relational data objects when you use them as sources in a customized data object or as read transformations
in a mapping or mapplet.
When you import relational data objects, the Developer tool retains the primary key information defined in the
database. When you import related relational data objects at the same time, the Developer tool also retains
foreign keys and key relationships. However, if you import related relational data objects separately, you
must re-create the key relationships after you import the objects.
To create key relationships between relational data objects, first create a primary key in the referenced
object. Then create the relationship in the relational data object that contains the foreign key.
The key relationships that you create exist in the relational data object metadata. You do not need to alter the
source relational resources.

Creating Keys in a Relational Data Object
Create key columns to identify each row in a relational data object. You can create one primary key in each
relational data object.



Open the relational data object.


Select the Keys view.

Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

The following figure shows the Keys view for a sample relational data object that is open in the editor:


Click Add.
The New Key dialog box appears.


Enter a key name.


If the key is a primary key, select Primary Key.


Select the key columns.


Click OK.


Save the relational data object.

Creating Relationships between Relational Data Objects
You can create key relationships between relational data objects. You cannot create key relationships
between a relational data object and a customized data object.
The relational data object that you reference must have a primary key.

Open the relational data object where you want to create a foreign key.


Select the Relationships view.


Click Add.
The New Relationship dialog box appears.


Enter a name for the foreign key.


Select a primary key from the referenced relational data object.


Click OK.


In the Relationships properties, select the foreign key columns.


Save the relational data object.

Customized Data Objects
Customized data objects are physical data objects with one or more relational resources. Create a
customized data object if you want to perform operations such as joining data, filtering rows, sorting ports, or

Customized Data Objects


running custom queries when the Data Integration Service reads source data. You can reuse a customized
data object in a mapping, mapplet, or profile.
You can create customized data objects in projects and folders. You cannot change the customized data
object from within a mapping, mapplet, or profile. If you change a customized data object in a project or
folder, the Developer tool updates the object in all mappings, mapplets, and profiles that use the object.
The following figure shows a sample customized data object that is open in the editor:

Create a customized data object to perform the following tasks:



Create a custom query to replace the default query that the Data Integration Service runs to read the
source data. The default query is a SELECT statement that references each column that the Data
Integration Service reads from the source.


Define parameters for the data object. You can define and assign parameters in a customized data object
to represent connections. You can define parameters for the connection name, table owner, and table
name. When you run a mapping that uses the customized data object, you can define different values for
the connection parameters at runtime.


Join source data that originates from the same source database. You can join multiple tables with primary
key-foreign key relationships whether or not the relationships exist in the database.


Retain key relationships when you synchronize the object with the sources. If you create a customized
data object that contains multiple tables, and you define key relationships that do not exist in the
database, you can retain the relationships when you synchronize the data object.


Select distinct values from the source. If you choose Select Distinct, the Data Integration Service adds a
SELECT DISTINCT statement to the default SQL query.


Filter rows when the Data Integration Service reads source data. If you include a filter condition, the Data
Integration Service adds a WHERE clause to the default query.


Specify sorted ports. If you specify a number for sorted ports, the Data Integration Service adds an ORDER
BY clause to the default SQL query.


Specify an outer join instead of the default inner join. If you include a user-defined join, the Data
Integration Service replaces the join information specified by the metadata in the SQL query.

Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects


Add pre- and post-mapping SQL commands. The Data Integration Service runs pre-mapping SQL
commands against the source database before it reads the source. It runs post-mapping SQL commands
against the source database after it writes to the target.

You can create customized data objects from the following types of connections and objects:

DB2 i5/OS connections


DB2 z/OS connections


IBM DB2 connections


JDBC connections


Microsoft SQL Server connections


ODBC connections


Oracle connections


Relational data objects

You can also add sources to a customized data object through a custom SQL query.

Key Relationships
You can create key relationships between sources in a customized data object when the sources are
relational resources. Key relationships allow you to join the sources within the customized data object.
Note: If a customized data object uses relational data objects as sources, you cannot create key
relationships within the customized data object. You must create key relationships between the relational
data objects instead.
When you import relational resources into a customized data object, the Developer tool retains the primary
key information defined in the database. When you import related relational resources into a customized data
object at the same time, the Developer tool also retains key relationship information. However, if you import
related relational resources separately, you must re-create the key relationships after you import the objects
into the customized data object.
When key relationships exist between sources in a customized data object, the Data Integration Service joins
the sources based on the related keys in each source. The default join is an inner equijoin that uses the
following syntax in the WHERE clause:
Source1.column_name = Source2.column_name
You can override the default join by entering a user-defined join or by creating a custom query.
To create key relationships in a customized data object, first create a primary key in the referenced source
transformation. Then create the relationship in the source transformation that contains the foreign key.
The key relationships that you create exist in the customized data object metadata. You do not need to alter
the source relational resources.

Customized Data Objects


Customized Data Object Write Properties
The Data Integration Service uses write properties when it writes data to relational resources. To edit write
properties, select the Input transformation in the Write view, and then select the Advanced properties.
The following table describes the write properties that you configure for customized data objects:


Truncate Hive Target

Overwrites the partition in the Hive target in which the data is being inserted. To enable
this option, you must also select the option to truncate target tables.
Default is disabled.

Load type

Type of target loading. Select Normal or Bulk.
If you select Normal, the Data Integration Service loads targets normally. You can
choose Bulk when you load to DB2, Sybase, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server. If you
specify Bulk for other database types, the Data Integration Service reverts to a normal
load. Bulk loading can increase mapping performance, but it limits the ability to recover
because no database logging occurs.
Choose Normal mode if the mapping contains an Update Strategy transformation. If you
choose Normal and the Microsoft SQL Server target name includes spaces, configure
the following environment SQL in the connection object:

Update override

Overrides the default UPDATE statement for the target.
Deletes all rows flagged for delete.
Default is enabled.


Inserts all rows flagged for insert.
Default is enabled.

Create or replace table at
run time
Truncate target table

The Data Integration Service drops the target table at run time and replaces it with a
table based on a target table that you identify.
Truncates the target before it loads data.
Default is disabled.

Update strategy

Update strategy for existing rows. You can select one of the following strategies:

- Update as update. The Data Integration Service updates all rows flagged for update.
- Update as insert. The Data Integration Service inserts all rows flagged for update.

You must also select the Insert target option.

- Update else insert. The Data Integration Service updates rows flagged for update if

they exist in the target and then inserts any remaining rows marked for insert. You
must also select the Insert target option.



SQL command the Data Integration Service runs against the target database before it
reads the source. The Developer tool does not validate the SQL.


SQL command the Data Integration Service runs against the target database after it
writes to the target. The Developer tool does not validate the SQL.

Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

Creating a Customized Data Object
Create a customized data object to add to a mapping, mapplet, or profile. After you create a customized data
object, add sources to it.

Select a project or folder in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > New > Data Object.
The New dialog box appears.


Select Relational Data Object and click Next.
The New Relational Data Object dialog box appears.


Click Browse next to the Connection option and select a connection to the database.


Click Create customized data object.


Enter a name for the customized data object.


Click Browse next to the Location option and select the project where you want to create the customized
data object.


Click Finish.
The customized data object appears under Physical Data Objects in the project or folder in the Object
Explorer view.

Add sources to the customized data object. You can add relational resources or relational data objects as
sources. You can also use a custom SQL query to add sources.

Adding Relational Resources to a Customized Data Object
After you create a customized data object, add sources to it. You can use relational resources as sources.
Before you add relational resources to a customized data object, you must configure a connection to the

In the Connection Explorer view, select one or more relational resources in the same relational


Right-click in the Connection Explorer view and select Add to project.
The Add to Project dialog box appears.


Select Add as related resource(s) to existing customized data object and click OK.
The Add to Data Object dialog box appears.


Select the customized data object and click OK.


If you add multiple resources to the customized data object, the Developer tool prompts you to select
the resource to write to. Select the resource and click OK.
If you use the customized data object in a mapping as a write transformation, the Developer tool writes
data to this resource.

The Developer tool adds the resources to the customized data object.

Adding Relational Data Objects to a Customized Data Object
After you create a customized data object, add sources to it. You can use relational data objects as sources.

Open the customized data object.


Select the Read view.

Customized Data Objects



In the Object Explorer view, select one or more relational data objects in the same relational connection.


Drag the objects from the Object Explorer view to the customized data object Read view.


If you add multiple relational data objects to the customized data object, the Developer tool prompts you
to select the object to write to. Select the object and click OK.
If you use the customized data object in a mapping as a write transformation, the Developer tool writes
data to this relational data object.

The Developer tool adds the relational data objects to the customized data object.

Creating Keys in a Customized Data Object
Create key columns to identify each row in a source transformation. You can create one primary key in each
source transformation.

Open the customized data object.


Select the Read view.


Select the source transformation where you want to create a key.
The source must be a relational resource, not a relational data object. If the source is a relational data
object, you must create keys in the relational data object.


Select the Keys properties.


Click Add.
The New Key dialog box appears.


Enter a key name.


If the key is a primary key, select Primary Key.


Select the key columns.


Click OK.


Save the customized data object.

Creating Relationships within a Customized Data Object
You can create key relationships between sources in a customized data object.
The source transformation that you reference must have a primary key.

Open the customized data object.


Select the Read view.


Select the source transformation where you want to create a foreign key.
The source must be a relational resource, not a relational data object. If the source is a relational data
object, you must create relationships in the relational data object.


Select the Relationships properties.


Click Add.
The New Relationship dialog box appears.



Enter a name for the foreign key.


Select a primary key from the referenced source transformation.


Click OK.


In the Relationships properties, select the foreign key columns.

Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects


Save the customized data object.

Create or Replace Target Tables
In the Developer tool, you can generate a DDL script for one or more relational data objects in the Model
repository, and run the DDL script to create or replace tables in the target database. If a target already exists
in that database, you can drop the target and re-create it.
You can create or replace target table at design-time or at runtime. To create or replace tables at design-time,
you must create and execute the DDL script before you run a mapping. You can configure the write
transformation in a mapping to create or replace a relational target at run time.
The Developer tool generates a database-specific version of the DDL script for all supported connection
types. If you select a JDBC or ODBC target, the Developer tool generates the ANSI SQL-92 generic data type
format. You can generate DDL scripts for the following database types:









Microsoft SQL Server









Note: You cannot generate a DDL script if you use an OLE DB SQL Server connection.

Rules and Guidelines to Create or Replace Target Tables
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you generate and execute a DDL script:

Avoid selecting multiple objects with the same source table name. When you select multiple objects with
the same source table name, the DDL code fails. If you select the Drop Table and the Create Table options
for three objects with the same source table name, the DDL code succeeds for the first Drop Table and
Create Table commands, and fails for the subsequent commands.


Before you run a mapping, verify the data types and manually update them, if required. The char and byte
semantics in Oracle are ignored when you generate the DDL script. When you create a table that contains
char and varchar2 columns in an Oracle database, you can define the storage for char and byte
semantics. When you import the metadata for the Oracle table into the Developer tool, the char and byte
semantics are ignored. If you generate the DDL script for the Oracle table, the Developer tool defines the
data type as Char.


If you generate DDL for ODBC connections, the Developer tool creates the DDL script in ANSI SQL-92
generic data type format. The ANSI SQL-92 format might not run on all databases as the target database
might not support the data type or data length.


If you create a DDL script to migrate database tables from Greenplum to Netezza, you can incorporate
only 16000 characters in the NVARCHAR column because the NVARCHAR data type supports only up to
16000 characters in a Netezza database.

Create or Replace Target Tables



When you generate the DDL script, the Developer tool identifies the best data type match between the
databases that the original connection and the new connection point to. The precision and scale for data
types vary between databases. In an Oracle database, the default precision and scale for the Timestamp
data type is (29, 9). When you generate the DDL script from Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server, the precision
and scale for the Timestamp data type reduce to (26, 6). When you generate the DDL script from Oracle to
DB2, the precision and scale for the Timestamp data type reduce to (27, 7).

Generating and Executing DDL at Design-Time
Before you generate and run the DDL script, ensure that the user has the appropriate read and write
permissions to access the target database.

In the Object Explorer view of the Developer tool, select the relational data object for which you want to
create a table in the target database. If you want to create multiple tables, hold down the Shift and Ctrl
keys to select multiple data objects.


Right-click a selected data object and select Generate and Execute DDL.
The Generate and Execute DDL dialog box appears.



In the Object Selection area, select the Target Database Type for which you want to generate DDL.

Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects



In the DDL Generation area, you can select the following options:

Drop Table. Drop a table in the database before you create it. Select this option to replace a table.


Create Table. Creates a table on the target database.


Primary Key. Creates primary keys based on the selected data objects.


Foreign Key. Creates foreign keys based on the selected data objects.


Copy to Clipboard. Copies the DDL script to the clipboard.


Save As. Saves the DDL script to a file.

In the DDL Generation area, click Generate DDL.
The DDL generated for the selected data objects appears in the DDL Generation area.
Warning: If you edit the DDL script generated in the DDL Generation area, you might encounter errors
when you run the DDL script.


In the DDL Execution area, click Browse and choose a target database connection.
The Choose Connection dialog box lists the target database connections based on the target database
type that you choose in the Object Selection area. For example, if you choose Oracle as the target
database type, the Developer tool displays Oracle connections.


Click Execute DDL.


Click Close.

Generating and Executing DDL at Runtime
You can configure the Write transformation in a mapping to create or replace a relational target at run time.
The Data Integration Service generates and executes the DDL script at run time. For more information, see
the Informatica Developer Mapping Guide.

DDL Generation Errors
When you generate and run a DDL script, you might encounter an error. The error can occur due to one of the
following reasons:

If the target database does not support the data type that you selected.


If you select a physical data object that contains a cyclic dependency.


If you select a physical data object that has no columns.

Custom Queries
A custom SQL query is a SELECT statement that overrides the default SQL query in a customized data object.
A custom query overrides the default SQL query that the Data Integration Service uses to read data from a
relational source. The custom query also overrides the simple query settings that you define when you enter
a source filter, use sorted ports, enter a user-defined join, or select distinct ports.
You can create a custom query to perform SQL operations that are valid in the database language but not
available in the transformation language. When you define a custom query in a customized data object, you
can reuse the object in multiple mappings or profiles.

Custom Queries


Use the following guidelines when you create a custom query in a customized data object:

In the SELECT statement, list the column names in the order in which they appear in the source


Enclose all database reserved words in quotes.


Add an escape character before a dollar sign ($). If the $ has preceding forward slash (\) characters, add
an escape character (\) to both the forward slash and dollar sign characters, for example, enter $ as \$
and \$ as \\\$.

If you use a customized data object to perform a self-join, you must enter a custom SQL query that includes
the self-join. You can use a customized data object with a custom query as a source in a mapping. The
source database executes the query before it passes data to the Data Integration Service. You can create a
custom query to add sources to an empty customized data object. You can also use a custom query to
override the default SQL query.

Custom Query Optimization
The Data Integration Service can push a custom query to run in a relational data object for increased
performance. Choose to push a custom query if the query forms a valid subquery for the database.
When you use a custom query to read data in a relational data object, the Data Integration Service can
optimize the query by pushing the query to run in the database. The Data Integration Service can push the
custom query if the query forms a valid subquery for the database. If the SQL syntax for the custom query is
not valid in a subquery for the database, the resulting query fails to run.
If you push a custom query to a relational database other than IBM DB2, you must specify an alias for each
expression in the select list that is not a column reference. The aliases allow the Data Integration Service to
refer to the expressions in the select list.
See the database documentation for information about valid SQL syntax for aliases and subqueries.

Default Query
The Data Integration Service generates a default SQL query that it uses to read data from relational sources.
You can override the default query in a customized data object or an instance of a relational data object.
You can override the default query through the simple or advanced query. Use the simple query to select
distinct values, enter a source filter, sort ports, or enter a user-defined join. Use the advanced query to create
a custom SQL query for reading data from the sources. The custom query overrides the default and simple
If any table name or column name contains a database reserved word, you can create and maintain a
reserved words file, reswords.txt. Create the reswords.txt file on any machine the Data Integration Service
can access.
When the Data Integration Service runs a mapping, it searches for the reswords.txt file. If the file exists, the
Data Integration Service places quotes around matching reserved words when it executes SQL against the
database. If you override the default query, you must enclose any database reserved words in quotes.
When the Data Integration Service generates the default query, it delimits table and field names containing
the following characters with double quotes:
/ + - = ~ ` ! % ^ & * ( ) [ ] { } ' ; ? , < > \ | 


Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

Creating a Reserved Words File
Create a reserved words file if any table name or column name in the customized data object contains a
database reserved word.
You must have administrator privileges to configure the Data Integration Service to use the reserved words

Create a file called "reswords.txt."


Create a section for each database by entering the database name within square brackets, for example,


Add the reserved words to the file below the database name.
For example:
[SQL Server]
Entries are not case sensitive.


Save the reswords.txt file.


In Informatica Administrator, select the Data Integration Service.


Edit the custom properties.


Add the following custom property:




Reserved Words File


Restart the Data Integration Service.

You can add hints to the source SQL query to pass instructions to a database optimizer. The optimizer uses
the hints to choose a query run plan to access the source.
The Hints field appears in the Query view of a relational data object instance or a customized data object.
The source database must be Oracle, Sybase, IBM DB2, or Microsoft SQL Server. The Hints field does not
appear for other database types.
When the Data Integration Service generates the source query, it adds the SQL hints to the query exactly as
you enter them in the Developer tool. The Data Integration Service does not parse the hints. When you run the
mapping that contains the source, the mapping log shows the query with the hints in the query.
The Data Integration Service inserts the SQL hints in a position in the query depending on the database type.
Refer to your database documentation for information about the syntax for hints.

The Data Integration Service add hints directly after the SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE keyword.
SELECT /*+  */ FROM …
The '+' indicates the start of hints.

Custom Queries


The hints are contained in a comment (/* ... */ or --... until end of line)

The Data Integration Service adds hints after the query. Configure a plan name in the hint.
select avg(price) from titles plan "(scalar_agg (i_scan type_price_ix titles )"

You can enter the optimize-for clause as a hint. The Data Integration Service adds the clause at the end of the
The optimize-for clause tells the database optimizer how many rows the query might process. The clause
does not limit the number of rows. If the database processes more than  rows, then performance might

Microsoft SQL Server
The Data Integration Service adds hints at the end of the query as part of an OPTION clause.

Hints Rules and Guidelines
Use the following rules and guidelines when you configure hints for SQL queries:

If you enable pushdown optimization or if you use a semi-join in a relational data object, then the original
source query changes. The Data Integration Service does not apply hints to the modified query.


You can combine hints with join and filter overrides, but if you configure a SQL override, the SQL override
takes precedence and the Data Integration Service does not apply the other overrides.


The Query view shows a simple view or an advanced view. If you enter a hint with a filter, sort, or join
override on the simple view, and you the Developer tool shows the full query override on the advanced

Creating Hints
Create hints to send instructions to the database optimizer to determine a query plan.

Open the customized data object or the relational data object instance.


Select the Read view.


Select the Output transformation.


Select the Query properties.


Select the simple query.


Click Edit next to the Hints field.
The Hints dialog box appears.


Enter the hint in the SQL Query field.
The Developer tool does not validate the hint.



Click OK.


Save the data object.

Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

Select Distinct
You can select unique values from sources in a customized data object or a relational data object instance
with the select distinct option. When you enable select distinct, the Data Integration Service adds a SELECT
DISTINCT statement to the default SQL query.
Use the select distinct option to filter source data. For example, you might use the select distinct option to
extract unique customer IDs from a table that lists total sales. When you use the relational data object in a
mapping, the Data Integration Service filters data earlier in the data flow, which can increase performance.

Using Select Distinct
Select unique values from a relational source with the Select Distinct property.

Open the customized data object or relational data object instance.


Select the Read view.


Select the Output transformation.


Select the Query properties.


Select the simple query.


Enable the Select Distinct option.


Save the customized data object.

You can enter a filter value in a custom query. The filter becomes the WHERE clause in the query SELECT
statement. Use a filter to reduce the number of rows that the Data Integration Service reads from the source

Entering a Source Filter
Enter a source filter to reduce the number of rows the Data Integration Service reads from the relational

Open the customized data object or the relational data object instance.


Select the Read view.


Select the Output transformation.


Select the Query properties.


Select the simple query.


Click Edit next to the Filter field.
The SQL Query dialog box appears.


Enter the filter condition in the SQL Query field.
You can select column names from the Columns list.


Click OK.


Click Validate to validate the filter condition.


Save the data object.

Custom Queries


Sorted Ports
You can sort rows in the default query for a customized data object or a relational data object instance.
Select the ports to sort by. The Data Integration Service adds the ports to the ORDER BY clause in the default
You might sort the source rows to increase performance when you include the following transformations in a

Aggregator. When you configure an Aggregator transformation for sorted input, you can send sorted data
by using sorted ports. The group by ports in the Aggregator transformation must match the order of the
sorted ports in the customized data object.


Joiner. When you configure a Joiner transformation for sorted input, you can send sorted data by using
sorted ports. Configure the order of the sorted ports the same in each customized data object.

Note: You can also use the Sorter transformation to sort relational and flat file data before Aggregator and
Joiner transformations.

Sorting Column Data
Use sorted ports to sort column data in a customized data object or relational data object instance. When
you use the data object as a read transformation in a mapping or mapplet, you can pass the sorted data to
transformations downstream from the read transformation.

Open the customized data object or relational data object instance.


Select the Read view.
The following figure shows the Read view of a customized data object that is open in the editor:


Select the Output transformation.


Select the Query properties.


Select the simple query.


Click Edit next to the Sort field.
The Sort dialog box appears.


To specify a column as a sorted port, click the New button.


Select the column and sort type, either ascending or descending.


Repeat steps 7 and 8 to select other columns to sort.
The Developer tool sorts the columns in the order in which they appear in the Sort dialog box.


Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects


Click OK.
In the Query properties, the Developer tool displays the sort columns in the Sort field.


Click Validate to validate the sort syntax.


Save the data object.

User-Defined Joins
You can configure a user-defined join in a customized data object or relational data object instance. A userdefined join defines the condition to join data from multiple sources in the same data object.
When you add a user-defined join to a customized data object or a relational data object instance, you can
use the data object as a read transformation in a mapping. The source database performs the join before it
passes data to the Data Integration Service. Mapping performance increases when the source tables are
Creat a user-defined join to join data from related sources. The user-defined join overrides the default inner
join that the Data Integration creates based on the related keys in each source. When you enter a userdefined join, enter the contents of the WHERE clause that specifies the join condition. If the user-defined join
performs an outer join, the Data Integration Service might insert the join syntax in the WHERE clause or the
FROM clause, based on the database syntax.
You might need to enter a user-defined join in the following circumstances:

Columns do not have a primary key-foreign key relationship.


The datatypes of columns used for the join do not match.


You want to specify a different type of join, such as an outer join.

Use the following guidelines when you enter a user-defined join in a customized data object or relational data
object instance:

Do not include the WHERE keyword in the user-defined join.


Enclose all database reserved words in quotes.


If you use Informatica join syntax, and Enable quotes in SQL is enabled for the connection, you must enter
quotes around the table names and the column names if you enter them manually. If you select tables and
columns when you enter the user-defined join, the Developer tool places quotes around the table names
and the column names.

User-defined joins join data from related resources in a database. To join heterogeneous sources, use a
Joiner transformation in a mapping that reads data from the sources. To perform a self-join, you must enter a
custom SQL query that includes the self-join.

Entering a User-Defined Join
Configure a user-defined join in a customized data object or relational data object to define the join condition
for the data object sources.

Open the customized data object or relational data object instance.


Select the Read view.


Select the Output transformation.


Select the Query properties.


Select the simple query.


Click Edit next to the Join field.

Custom Queries


The SQL Query dialog box appears.

Enter the user-defined join in the SQL Query field.
You can select column names from the Columns list.


Click OK.


Click Validate to validate the user-defined join.


Save the data object.

Outer Join Support
You can use a customized data object to perform an outer join of two sources in the same database. When
the Data Integration Service performs an outer join, it returns all rows from one source resource and rows
from the second source resource that match the join condition.
Use an outer join when you want to join two resources and return all rows from one of the resources. For
example, you might perform an outer join when you want to join a table of registered customers with a
monthly purchases table to determine registered customer activity. You can join the registered customer
table with the monthly purchases table and return all rows in the registered customer table, including
customers who did not make purchases in the last month. If you perform a normal join, the Data Integration
Service returns only registered customers who made purchases during the month, and only purchases made
by registered customers.
With an outer join, you can generate the same results as a master outer or detail outer join in the Joiner
transformation. However, when you use an outer join, you reduce the number of rows in the data flow which
can increase performance.
You can enter two kinds of outer joins:

Left. The Data Integration Service returns all rows for the resource to the left of the join syntax and the
rows from both resources that meet the join condition.


Right. The Data Integration Service returns all rows for the resource to the right of the join syntax and the
rows from both resources that meet the join condition.

Note: Use outer joins in nested query statements when you override the default query.
You can enter an outer join in a user-defined join or in a custom SQL query.

Informatica Join Syntax
When you enter join syntax, use the Informatica or database-specific join syntax. When you use the
Informatica join syntax, the Data Integration Service translates the syntax and passes it to the source
database during a mapping run.
Note: Always use database-specific syntax for join conditions.
When you use Informatica join syntax, enclose the entire join statement in braces ({Informatica syntax}).
When you use database syntax, enter syntax supported by the source database without braces.
When you use Informatica join syntax, use table names to prefix column names. For example, if you have a
column named FIRST_NAME in the REG_CUSTOMER table, enter “REG_CUSTOMER.FIRST_NAME” in the join
syntax. Also, when you use an alias for a table name, use the alias within the Informatica join syntax to
ensure the Data Integration Service recognizes the alias.
You can combine left outer or right outer joins with normal joins in a single data object. You cannot combine
left and right outer joins. Use multiple normal joins and multiple left outer joins. Some databases limit you to
using one right outer join.


Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

When you combine joins, enter the normal joins first.

Normal Join Syntax
You can create a normal join using the join condition in a customized data object or relational data object
When you create an outer join, you must override the default join. As a result, you must include the normal
join in the join override. When you include a normal join in the join override, list the normal join before outer
joins. You can enter multiple normal joins in the join override.
To create a normal join, use the following syntax:
{ source1 INNER JOIN source2 on join_condition }
The following table displays the syntax for normal joins in a join override:



Source resource name. The Data Integration Service returns rows from this resource that match the
join condition.


Source resource name. The Data Integration Service returns rows from this resource that match the
join condition.


Condition for the join. Use syntax supported by the source database. You can combine multiple join
conditions with the AND operator.

For example, you have a REG_CUSTOMER table with data for registered customers:















The PURCHASES table, refreshed monthly, contains the following data:
































Custom Queries


To return rows displaying customer names for each transaction in the month of June, use the following
The Data Integration Service returns the following data:






























The Data Integration Service returns rows with matching customer IDs. It does not include customers who
made no purchases in June. It also does not include purchases made by non-registered customers.

Left Outer Join Syntax
You can create a left outer join with a join override. You can enter multiple left outer joins in a single join
override. When using left outer joins with other joins, list all left outer joins together, after any normal joins in
the statement.
To create a left outer join, use the following syntax:
{ source1 LEFT OUTER JOIN source2 on join_condition }
The following tables displays syntax for left outer joins in a join override:



Source resource name. With a left outer join, the Data Integration Service returns all rows in
this resource.


Source resource name. The Data Integration Service returns rows from this resource that
match the join condition.


Condition for the join. Use syntax supported by the source database. You can combine multiple
join conditions with the AND operator.

For example, using the same REG_CUSTOMER and PURCHASES tables described in “Normal Join Syntax” on
page 75, you can determine how many customers bought something in June with the following join override:
The Data Integration Service returns the following data:






















Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects





















The Data Integration Service returns all registered customers in the REG_CUSTOMERS table, using null values
for the customer who made no purchases in June. It does not include purchases made by non-registered
Use multiple join conditions to determine how many registered customers spent more than $100.00 in a
single purchase in June:
The Data Integration Service returns the following data:

























You might use multiple left outer joins if you want to incorporate information about returns during the same
time period. For example, the RETURNS table contains the following data:









To determine how many customers made purchases and returns for the month of June, use two left outer
The Data Integration Service returns the following data:

















































Custom Queries























The Data Integration Service uses NULLs for missing values.

Right Outer Join Syntax
You can create a right outer join with a join override. The right outer join returns the same results as a left
outer join if you reverse the order of the resources in the join syntax. Use only one right outer join in a join
override. If you want to create more than one right outer join, try reversing the order of the source resources
and changing the join types to left outer joins.
When you use a right outer join with other joins, enter the right outer join at the end of the join override.
To create a right outer join, use the following syntax:
{ source1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN source2 on join_condition }
The following table displays syntax for a right outer join in a join override:



Source resource name. The Data Integration Service returns rows from this resource that match the
join condition.


Source resource name. With a right outer join, the Data Integration Service returns all rows in this


Condition for the join. Use syntax supported by the source database. You can combine multiple join
conditions with the AND operator.

Pre- and Post-Mapping SQL Commands
You can create SQL commands in a customized data object or relational data object instance. The Data
Integration Service runs the SQL commands against the source relational resource.
When you run the mapping, the Data Integration Service runs pre-mapping SQL commands against the source
database before it reads the source. It runs post-mapping SQL commands against the source database after
it writes to the target.
Use the following guidelines when you configure pre- and post-mapping SQL commands:



Use any command that is valid for the database type. The Data Integration Service does not allow nested
comments, even though the database might allow them.


Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple statements. The Data Integration Service issues a commit after
each statement.


The Data Integration Service ignores semicolons within /* ... */.


If you need to use a semicolon outside comments, you can escape it with a backslash (\). When you
escape the semicolon, the Data Integration Service ignores the backslash, and it does not use the
semicolon as a statement separator.


The Developer tool does not validate the SQL in a pre- and post-mapping SQL commands..

Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

Adding Pre- and Post-Mapping SQL Commands
You can add pre- and post-mapping SQL commands to a customized data object or relational data object
instance. The Data Integration Service runs the SQL commands when you use the data object in a mapping.

Open the customized data object.


Select the Read view.


Select the Output transformation


Select the Advanced properties.


Enter a pre-mapping SQL command in the PreSQL field.


Enter a post-mapping SQL command in the PostSQL field.


Save the customized data object.

Creating a Custom Query
Create a custom query to issue a special SELECT statement for reading data from the sources. The custom
query overrides the default query that the Data Integration Service issues to read source data.

Open the customized data object or the relational data object instance.


Select the Read view.


Select the Output transformation.


Select the Query properties.


Select the advanced query.


Select Use custom query.
The Data Integration Service displays the query it issues to read source data.


Change the query or replace it with a custom query.


If you want to push the custom query to the relational data source, select Push custom query to
The Data Integration Service does not the push custom query to the database by default. Choose to push
the custom query if the query forms a valid subquery for the database.


Save the data object.

Nonrelational Data Objects
Import a nonrelational data object to use in a mapping, mapplet, or profile. A nonrelational data object is a
physical data object that uses a nonrelational data source.
You can import nonrelational data objects for the following connection types:








When you import a nonrelational data object, the Developer tool reads the metadata for the object from its
PowerExchange data map. A data map associates nonrelational records with relational tables so that the

Nonrelational Data Objects


product can use the SQL language to access the data. To create a data map, use the PowerExchange
After you import the object, you can include its nonrelational operations as read, write, or lookup
transformations in mappings and mapplets. Each nonrelational operation corresponds to a relational table
that the data map defines. To view the mapping of fields in one or more nonrelational records to columns in
the relational table, double-click the nonrelational operation in the Object Explorer view.
For more information about data maps, see the PowerExchange Navigator Guide.

Before you work with nonrelational data objects that were created with Informatica 9.0.1, you must
upgrade them. To upgrade nonrelational data objects, issue the infacmd pwx UpgradeModels command.


When you run a mapping that includes an Update Strategy transformation and writes data to a
nonrelational target, the mapping might fail with an error message. The message indicates that the target
table has no keys, even though the data map for the target has keys defined.

Importing Nonrelational Data Objects
Import one or more nonrelational data objects to use in a mapping, mapplet, or profile.
Before you import a nonrelational data object, you need to configure a connection to the database or data
set. You also need to create a data map for the object.

Select a project or folder in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > New > Data Object.


Select Non-relational Data Object and click Next.
The New Non-relational Data Object dialog box appears.


Optionally, enter a name for the physical data object.


Click Browse next to the Connection option and select a connection.


Click Browse next to the Data Map option.
The Select a Data Map dialog box appears.


Optionally, enter filter criteria.


In the Resources area, expand the connection and schemas as needed and select the desired data


Click OK to close the Select a Data Map dialog box, and then click Finish.
The nonrelational data objects and corresponding nonrelational operations appear under the connection
name under Physical Data Objects in the project or folder in the Object Explorer view.

Note: You can also import nonrelational data objects by using the Connection Explorer view.

Creating a Read, Write, or Lookup Transformation from
Nonrelational Data Operations
You can add a nonrelational data operation to a mapping or mapplet as a read, write, or lookup



Open the mapping or mapplet in which you want to create a read, write, or lookup transformation.


In the Object Explorer view, select one or more nonrelational data operations.


Drag the nonrelational data operations into the mapping editor.

Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

The Add to Mapping dialog box appears.

Select the Read, Write, or Lookup option.
As independent data object(s) is automatically selected.


Click OK.
The Developer tool creates a read, write, or lookup transformation for each nonrelational data operation.

WSDL Data Object
A WSDL data object is a physical data object that uses a WSDL file as a source. You can use a WSDL data
object to create a web service or a Web Service Consumer transformation. Import a WSDL file to create a
WSDL data object.
After you import a WSDL data object, you can edit general and advanced properties in the Overview and
Advanced views. The WSDL view displays the WSDL file content.
Consider the following guidelines when you import a WSDL:

The WSDL file must be WSDL 1.1 compliant.


The WSDL file must be valid.


Operations that you want to include in a web service or a Web Service Consumer transformation must use
Document/Literal encoding. The WSDL import fails if all operations in the WSDL file use an encoding type
other than Document/Literal.


The Developer tool must be able to access any schema that the WSDL file references.


If a WSDL file contains a schema or has an external schema, the Developer tool creates an embedded
schema within the WSDL data object.


If a WSDL file imports another WSDL file, the Developer tool combines both WSDLs to create the WSDL
data object.


If a WSDL file defines multiple operations, the Developer tool includes all operations in the WSDL data
object. When you create a web service from a WSDL data object, you can choose to include one or more

WSDL Data Object Overview View
The WSDL data object Overview view displays general information about the WSDL and operations in the
The following table describes the general properties that you configure for a WSDL data object:



Name of the WSDL data object.


Description of the WSDL data object.

WSDL Data Object


The following table describes the columns for operations defined in the WSDL data object:



The location where the WSDL defines the message format and protocol for the operation.


The WSDL message name associated with the operation input.


The WSDL message name associated with the operation output.


The WSDL message name associated with the operation fault.

WSDL Data Object Advanced View
The WSDL data object Advanced view displays advanced properties for a WSDL data object.
The following table describes the advanced properties for a WSDL data object:



Default web service connection for a Web Service Consumer transformation.

File Location

Location where the WSDL file exists.

Importing a WSDL Data Object
To create a web service from a WSDL or to create a Web Service Consumer transformation, import a WSDL
data object. You can import a WSDL data object from a WSDL file or a URI that points to the WSDL location.
You can import a WSDL data object from a WSDL file that contains either a SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 binding
operation or both.

Click File > New > Data Object.


Select WSDL data object and click Next.
The New WSDL Data Object dialog box appears.


Click Browse next to the WSDL option and enter the location of the WSDL. Then, click OK.
When you enter the location of the WSDL, you can browse to the WSDL file or you can enter the URI to
the WSDL.
Note: If the URI contains non-English characters, the import might fail. Copy the URI to the address bar in
any browser. Copy the location back from the browser. The Developer tool accepts the encoded URI from
the browser.


Enter a name for the WSDL.


Click Browse next to the Location option to select the project or folder location where you want to import
the WSDL data object.


Click Next to view the operations in the WSDL.


Click Finish.
The data object appears under Physical Data Object in the project or folder in the Object Explorer view.


Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

WSDL Synchronization
You can synchronize a WSDL data object when the WSDL files change. When you synchronize a WSDL data
object, the Developer tool reimports the object metadata from the WSDL files.
You can use a WSDL data object to create a web service or a Web Service Consumer transformation. When
you update a WSDL data object, the Developer tool updates the objects that reference the WSDL and marks
them as changed when you open them. When the Developer tool compares the new WSDL with the old WSDL,
it identifies WSDL components through the name attributes.
If no name attribute changes, the Developer tool updates the objects that reference the WSDL components.
For example, you edit a WSDL file and change the type for simple element "CustID" from xs:string to
xs:integer. When you synchronize the WSDL data object, the Developer tool updates the element type in all
web services and Web Service Consumer transformations that reference the CustID element.
If a name attribute changes, the Developer tool marks the objects that reference the WSDL component as
changed when you open them. For example, you edit a WSDL and change the name of an element from
"Resp" to "RespMsg." You then synchronize the WSDL. When you open a web service that references the
element, the Developer tool marks the web service name in the editor with an asterisk to indicate that the
web service contains changes. The Developer tool updates the element name in the web service, but it
cannot determine how the new element maps to a port. If the Resp element was mapped to a port in the Input
transformation or the Output transformation, you must map the RespMsg element to the appropriate port.
The Developer tool validates the WSDL files before it updates the WSDL data object. If the WSDL files contain
errors, the Developer tool does not import the files.

Synchronizing a WSDL Data Object
Synchronize a WSDL data object when the WSDL files change.

Right-click the WSDL data object in the Object Explorer view, and select Synchronize.
The Synchronize WSDL Data Object dialog box appears.


Click Browse next to the WSDL field, and enter the location of the WSDL. Then, click OK.
When you enter the location of the WSDL, you can browse to the WSDL file or you can enter the URI to
the WSDL.
Note: If the URI contains non-English characters, the import might fail. Copy the URI to the address bar in
any browser. Copy the location back from the browser. The Developer tool accepts the encoded URI from
the browser.


Verify the WSDL name and location.


Click Next to view the operations in the WSDL.


Click Finish.
The Developer tool updates the objects that reference the WSDL and marks them as changed when you
open them.

Certificate Management
The Developer tool must use a certificate to import WSDL data objects and schema objects from a URL that
requires client authentication.
By default, the Developer tool imports objects from URLs that require client authentication when the server
that hosts the URL uses a trusted certificate. When the server that hosts the URL uses an untrusted
certificate, add the untrusted certificate to the Developer tool. If you do not add the untrusted certificate to
the Developer tool, the Developer tool cannot import the object. Request the certificate file and password
from the server administrator for the URL that you want import objects from.

WSDL Data Object


The certificates that you add to the Developer tool apply to imports that you perform on the Developer tool
machine. The Developer tool does not store certificates in the Model repository.

Informatica Developer Certificate Properties
Add certificates to the Developer tool when you want to import objects from a URL that requires client
authentication with an untrusted certificate.
The following table describes the certificate properties:


Host Name

Name of the server that hosts the URL.

Port Number

Port number of the URL.

Certificate File Path

Location of the client certificate file.


Password for the client certificate file.

Adding Certificates to Informatica Developer
When you add a certificate, you configure the certificate properties that the Developer tool uses when you
import objects from a URL that requires client authentication with an untrusted certificate.

Click Window > Preferences.


Select Informatica > Web Services > Certificates.


Click Add.


Configure the certificate properties.


Click OK.

You can synchronize physical data objects when their sources change. When you synchronize a physical data
object, the Developer tool reimports the object metadata from the source you select.
You can synchronize all physical data objects. When you synchronize relational data objects or customized
data objects, you can retain or overwrite the key relationships you define in the Developer tool.
You can configure a customized data object to be synchronized when its sources change. For example, a
customized data object uses a relational data object as a source, and you add a column to the relational data
object. The Developer tool adds the column to the customized data object. To synchronize a customized data
object when its sources change, select the Synchronize input and output option in the Overview properties of
the customized data object.
To synchronize any physical data object, right-click the object in the Object Explorer view, and select


Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

Synchronizing a Flat File Data Object in Informatica Developer
You can synchronize the changes to an external flat file data source with its data object in Informatica
Developer. Use the Synchronize Flat File wizard to synchronize the data objects.

In the Object Explorer view, select a flat file data object.


Right-click and select Synchronize.
The following image shows the Synchronize option for a data object:

The Synchronize Flat File Data Object wizard appears.

In the Synchronize Flat File Data Object wizard, verify the flat file path in the Select existing flat file
The following image shows the Synchronize Flat File Data Object wizard:




Click Next.


Optionally, select the code page, format, delimited format properties, and column properties.


Click Finish, and then click OK.

Synchronizing a Relational Data Object in Informatica Developer
You can synchronize external data source changes of a relational data source with its data object in
Informatica Developer. External data source changes include adding, changing, and removing columns, and
changes to rules.

In the Object Explorer view, select a relational data object.


Right-click and select Synchronize.
A message prompts you to confirm the action.


To complete the synchronization process, click OK.
A synchronization process status message appears.


When you see a Synchronization complete message, click OK.
The message displays a summary of the metadata changes made to the data object.


Chapter 5: Physical Data Objects

Troubleshooting Physical Data Objects
I am trying to preview a relational data object or a customized data object source transformation
and the preview fails.
Verify that the resource owner name is correct.
When you import a relational resource, the Developer tool imports the owner name when the user name and
schema from which the table is imported do not match. If the user name and schema from which the table is
imported match, but the database default schema has a different name, preview fails because the Data
Integration Service executes the preview query against the database default schema, where the table does
not exist.
Update the relational data object or the source transformation and enter the correct resource owner name.
The owner name appears in the relational data object or the source transformation Advanced properties.

Troubleshooting Physical Data Objects


Chapter 6

Flat File Data Objects
This chapter includes the following topics:

Flat File Data Objects Overview, 88


Generate the Source File Name, 89


Flat File Data Object Overview Properties, 89


Flat File Data Object Advanced Properties, 90


Control File, 97


Update Columns at Run Time, 98


Generate Column Metadata from Control Files, 99


Copying from Excel to a Flat File Data Object, 102


Create a Flat File Data Object, 103

Flat File Data Objects Overview
Create a flat file physical data object to include in a mapping, mapplet, or profile. You can add flat file data
objects to mappings and mapplets as Read, Write, and Lookup transformations. You can create and run a
profile on flat file data objects.
A flat file data object can be delimited or fixed-width. You can create flat file data objects from fixed-width
and delimited flat files that do not contain binary data.
You can configure a flat file data object to handle the changes in the flat file data source at run time. You can
also generate column names for the flat file data object by using the information from the flat file or from the
control file. The control file contains information on the column name, precision, scale, and the number of
bytes to process.
After you create a flat file data object, use the following views to configure flat file properties:
Overview view
Configure the flat file data object name and description and update column properties.
Parameters view
Create parameters for the flat file data object.
Advanced view
Configure the format and run-time properties that the Data Integration Service uses when it reads data
from and writes data to the flat file.


When you add flat file data objects to mappings as Read or Write transformations, you can view the format
and run-time properties for the flat file data object in the Properties view. You cannot edit the flat file
properties within a mapping.

Generate the Source File Name
You can add a file name column to the flat file data object. The file name column helps you identify the
source file that contains a particular record of data. This is useful when the data comes from multiple
You can configure the file name column in the Overview view of a flat file data object. The file name column
is an optional column in the flat file data object. You can configure the mapping to write the source file name
to each source row with the File Name Column port in the flat file data object. The file name column contains
the fully qualified path and the file name.
The File Name Column port appears as the last column of the source data object. You can add only one File
Name Column port in the source data object. When the port has the name as FileName and if you try to
create a File Name Column port, the File Name Column port is named as FileName1.
For example, a mapping uses a source file that contains a list of files. The file names in the file list refers to
the department names across the organization. For instance, the SYSA_Finance.txt file contains data from
the Finance department. In the mapping, you can use string functions to extract the department name from
the output of the file name column. You can use the extracted department name to process data differently
for each department.

Flat File Data Object Overview Properties
The Data Integration Service uses overview properties when it reads data from or writes data to a flat file.
Overview properties include general properties, which apply to the flat file data object. They also include
column properties, which apply to the columns in the flat file data object. The Developer tool displays
overview properties for flat files in the Overview view.
The following table describes the general properties that you configure for flat files:



Name of the flat file data object.


Description of the flat file data object.

The following table describes the column properties that you configure for flat files:



Name of the column or the file name column port.

Native type

Native datatype of the column.

Generate the Source File Name




Bytes to process (fixedwidth flat files)

Number of bytes that the Data Integration Service reads or writes for the column.


Maximum number of significant digits for numeric datatypes, or maximum number of
characters for string datatypes. For numeric datatypes, precision includes scale.


Maximum number of digits after the decimal point for numeric values.


Column format for numeric and datetime datatypes.
For numeric datatypes, the format defines the thousand separator and decimal
separator. Default is no thousand separator and a period (.) for the decimal separator.
For datetime datatypes, the format defines the display format for year, month, day, and
time. It also defines the field width. Default is "A 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS."


Determines whether the Data Integration Service can read data from or write data to the
For example, when the visibility is Read, the Data Integration Service can read data from
the column. It cannot write data to the column.
For flat file data objects, this property is read-only. The visibility is always Read and


Description of the column.

Flat File Data Object Advanced Properties
The Data Integration Service uses advanced properties when it reads data from or writes data to a flat file.
Advanced properties include format and run-time properties. The Developer tool displays advanced
properties for flat files in the Advanced view.
The Advanced view contains property sections that you can collapse and expand. The column format
sections that display depend on whether you configure a delimited or fixed-width column format.


Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects

The following image shows the property sections in the Advanced view:

Format Properties
The Developer tool displays format properties for flat file data objects in the Format section in the Advanced
The following table describes the format properties that you configure for flat file data objects:


Code page

Code page of the flat file data object.
For source files, use a source code page that is a subset of the target code page. For
lookup files, use a code page that is a superset of the source code page and a subset
of the target code page. For target files, use a code page that is a superset of the
source code page
Default is "MS Windows Latin 1 (ANSI), superset of Latin 1."

Datetime format

Defines the display format and the field width for datetime values.
Default is "A 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS."

Thousand separator

Thousand separator for numeric values.
Default is None.

Decimal separator

Decimal separator for numeric values.
Default is a period (.).

Column Format

Format for the flat file, either delimited or fixed-width.

Flat File Data Object Advanced Properties


Column Format: Delimited Properties
When the flat file is delimited, the Developer tool displays delimited properties in the Column Format:
Delimited section in the Advanced view.
The following table describes the delimited properties that you configure for flat file data objects:



Character used to separate columns of data.
Click the Delimiters field to select a character or to assign a parameter to the property.
Delimiters must be printable characters and must be different from the text qualifier
and the escape character if selected.
Default is Comma.

Text qualifier

Quote character that defines the boundaries of text strings. If you select a quote
character, the Developer tool ignores delimiters within a pair of quotes.
Default is No Quotes.

Start import at line

Row at which the Data Integration Service starts importing data. Use this option to skip
header rows.
Default is 1.

Row delimiter

Octal code for the character that separates rows of data. Default is line feed, \012 LF
Note: The row delimiter applies to reading source data. When the Data Integration
Service writes to a target file, it always uses the default delimiter, \n.

Escape character

Retain escape character in
Treat consecutive
delimiters as one

Character used to escape a delimiter character in an unquoted string if the delimiter is
the next character after the escape character. If you specify an escape character, the
Data Integration Service reads the delimiter character as a regular character embedded
in the string.
Note: You can improve mapping performance slightly if the source file does not contain
quotes or escape characters.
Includes the escape character in the output string.
Default is disabled.
Causes the Data Integration Service to treat one or more consecutive column delimiters
as one. Otherwise, the Data Integration Service reads two consecutive delimiters as a
null value.
Default is disabled.


Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects

Column Format: Fixed-width Properties
When the flat file is fixed-width, the Developer tool displays fixed-width properties in the Column Format:
Fixed-width section in the Advanced view.
The following table describes the fixed-width properties that you configure for flat file data objects:


Null character type

Null character type, either text or binary.

Null character value

Character used to represent a null value. The null character can be any valid character
in the file code page or any binary value from 0 to 255.

Repeat null character

For source files, causes the Data Integration Service to read repeat null characters in a
single field as one null value.
For target files, causes the Data Integration Service to write as many null characters as
possible into the target field. If you do not enable this option, the Data Integration
Service enters one null character at the beginning of the field to represent a null value.
Default is disabled.

Start import at line

Row at which the Data Integration Service starts importing data. Use this option to skip
header rows.
Default is 1.

Number of bytes to skip
between records

Number of bytes between the last column of one row and the first column of the next.
The Data Integration Service skips the entered number of bytes at the end of each row
to avoid reading carriage return characters or line feed characters.
Enter 1 for UNIX files and 2 for DOS files.
Default is 2.

Line sequential

Causes the Data Integration Service to read a line feed character or carriage return
character in the last column as the end of the column. Select this option if the file uses
line feeds or carriage returns to shorten the last column of each row.
Default is disabled.

Strip trailing blanks

Strips trailing blanks from string values.
Default is disabled.

User defined shift state

Allows you to select the shift state for source columns in the Columns properties.
Select this option when the source file contains both multibyte and single-byte data, but
does not contain shift-in and shift-out keys. If a multibyte file source does not contain
shift keys, you must select a shift key for each column in the flat file data object. Select
the shift key for each column to enable the Data Integration Service to read each
character correctly.
Default is disabled.

Flat File Data Object Advanced Properties


Run-time: Read Properties
The Developer tool displays run-time properties for flat file sources in the Run-time: Read section in the
Advanced view. The Data Integration Service uses this information when it reads data from a flat file.
The following table describes the read properties that you configure for flat file data objects:


Input type

Type of source input. You can choose the following types of source input:
- File. For flat file sources.
- Command. For source data or a file list generated by a shell command.

Source type

Indicates source type of files with the same file properties. You can choose one of the
following source types:
- Direct. A source file that contains the source data.
- Indirect. A source file that contains a list of files. The Data Integration Service reads
the file list and reads the files in sequential order.
- Directory. Source files that are in a directory. You must specify the directory location
in the source file directory property. The Data Integration Service reads the files in
ascending alphabetic order. The Data Integration Service does not read files in the

Source file name

File name of the flat file source.

Source file directory

Directory where the flat file sources exist. The machine that hosts Informatica services
must be able to access this directory.
Default is the SourceDir system parameter.

Concurrent Read

Order in which multiple partitions read input rows from a source file. If the Data
Integration Service does not create partitions for the mapping, it ignores this value.
Select one of the following options:

- Optimize throughput. The Data Integration Service does not preserve input row order.
- Keep relative order. The Data Integration Service preserves the input row order for

the rows read by each partition.

- Keep absolute order. The Data Integration Service preserves the input row order for

all rows read by all partitions.

Connection Type

The type of connection. Select from the following options:

- None. The source file does not require a connection.
- Hadoop File System. The source file resides in HDFS.

Default is None.

Command used to generate the source file data. Use a command to generate or
transform flat file data and send the standard output of the command to the flat file
reader when the mapping runs. The flat file reader reads the standard output as the flat
file source data. Generating source data with a command eliminates the need to stage
a flat file source.
Use a command or script to send source data directly to the Data Integration Service
instead of using a pre-mapping command to generate a flat file source. You can also
use a command to generate a file list.
For example, to use a directory listing as a file list, use the following command:
cd MySourceFiles; ls sales-records-Sep-*-2005.dat


Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects



Truncate string null

Strips the first null character and all characters after the first null character from string
Enable this option for delimited flat files that contain null characters in strings. If you
do not enable this option, the Data Integration Service generates a row error for any
row that contains null characters in a string.
Default is disabled.

Line sequential buffer

Number of bytes that the Data Integration Service reads for each line.
This property, together with the total row size, determines whether the Data Integration
Service drops a row. If the row exceeds the larger of the line sequential buffer length or
the total row size, the Data Integration Service drops the row and writes it to the
mapping log file. To determine the total row size, add the column precision and the
delimiters, and then multiply the total by the maximum bytes for each character.
Default is 1024.

Generate Run-time Column

Determines how to generate the column metadata at run time.
Select one of the following options:

- Automatically (Field1, Field 2…). The Data Integration Service includes column

metadata based on the position of the column in the data. The column metadata for
the flat file is constructed at run time from the row that the user specifies in the start
from import line attribute in the format properties of the flat file data object.
- From data file header (first line). The first row of the flat file contains a header row
that the Data Integration Service uses to determine the column metadata.
- From control file. The Data Integration Service constructs column metadata based on
the data in a control file, such as column name, precision, data type, scale, and
number of bytes to process.

Control file name

Name of the control file. Required if you generate run-time column names from control

Control file directory

Directory where the control file exist. Required if you generate run-time column names
from control file.

Default Field Type

Data type of the additional ports generated at run time.

Default Precision

Precision of the additional ports generated at run time.

Default Scale

Scale of the additional ports generated at run time.


Conditional expression that the values on a data row must satisfy. Use the Expression
editor to enter an expression that evaluates to TRUE. When the Data Integration Service
reads constraints, it drops the rows that do not evaluate to TRUE.
For example, a source flat file has an AGE column. You can set a constraint with AGE <
70 on the flat file data object. The Data Integration Service reads rows from the source
flat file with the constraint AGE < 70. If the Data Integration Service reads rows with
AGE >= 70, it drops those rows.

Flat File Data Object Advanced Properties


Run-time: Write Properties
The Developer tool displays run-time properties for flat file targets in the Run-time: Write section in the
Advanced view. The Data Integration Service uses this information when it writes data to a flat file.
The following table describes the write properties that you configure for flat file data objects:


Append if exists

Appends the output data to the target files and reject files.
If you do not select this option, the Data Integration Service truncates the target file
and reject file before writing data to them. If the files do not exist, the Data Integration
Service creates them.
Default is disabled.

Create directory if not
Header options

Creates the target directory if it does not exist.
Default is disabled.
Creates a header row in the file target. You can choose the following options:

- No header. Does not create a header row in the flat file target.
- Output field names. Creates a header row in the file target with the output port

names .

- Use header command output. Uses the command in the Header Command field to

generate a header row. For example, you can use a command to add the date to a
header row for the file target.

Default is no header.
Header command

Command used to generate the header row in the file target.

Footer command

Command used to generate the footer row in the file target.

Output type

Type of target for the mapping. Select File to write the target data to a flat file. Select
Command to output data to a command.


Command used to process the target data.
On UNIX, use any valid UNIX command or shell script. For example, use the following
command to generate a compressed file from the target data on UNIX:
compress -c - > MyTargetFiles/MyCompressedFile.Z
On Windows, use any valid DOS command or batch file. The flat file writer sends the
data to the command instead of a flat file target. For example, use cmd as the target
command on Windows to avoid staging data in the file system and to avoid any security
You can improve mapping performance by pushing transformation tasks to the
command instead of the Data Integration Service. You can also use a command to sort
or to compress target data.

Merge command

Merge command used to process merge data for all target partitions. The Data
Integration Service must use a concurrent merge type for a command to process merge
data. The command might not maintain the order of the target data.

Output file directory

Output directory for the flat file target. The machine that hosts Informatica services
must be able to access this directory.
Enter multiple directories separated by semicolons to increase performance when
multiple partitions write to the flat file target.
Default is the TargetDir system parameter.


Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects

Output file name

File name of the flat file target.
If multiple partitions write to the flat file target and you choose not to merge target
data, each partition writes to a separate output file named

Merge type

Type of merge that the Data Integration Service performs on the data for partitioned
targets. If the Data Integration Service does not create partitions for the target, it
ignores this value.
Select one of the following options:

- No merge. The Data Integration Service concurrently writes the target output to a

separate file for each partition.

- Sequential. The Data Integration Service creates an output file for each partition and

then merges them into a single merge file at the end of the mapping.

- File list. The Data Integration Service creates a target file for each partition and

creates a file list that contains the paths of the individual files.

- Concurrent. The Data Integration Service concurrently writes the data for all target

partitions to the merge file. Because the Data Integration Service writes to the merge
file concurrently for all partitions, the sort order of the data in the merge file might
not be sequential.

Merge file directory

Directory for the merge file for all target partitions. The machine that hosts Informatica
services must be able to access this directory.
Default is the TargetDir system parameter.

Merge file name
Connection type

Name of the merge file for all target partitions. Default is the output file name.
The type of connection. Select from the following options:

- None. The target file does not require a connection. The target file location is

specified by the output file directory.

- Hadoop File System. The target file is in HDFS.

Default is None.

Control File
The Data Integration Service can update the column metadata for the flat file based on a control file.
A control file is a simple text file with a field name, data type, precision, and scale. Each line in the control file
contains one column of data.
To generate column names from a control file at run-time, select From control file for the Generate Run-time
Column Names property in the Advanced properties of the flat file data object. You must also configure the
Read transformation to get the column metadata at run time.
You can specify any of the following data types in the control file:










Control File








You can use a control file to generate run-time column names for a Read transformation based on a flat file
data object or to create a flat file data object. The Data Integration Service constructs the column metadata
for the flat file by using the information present in the control file. The column name, precision, data type, and
scale attributes are comma delimited. The newline character delimits information across columns.

Update Columns at Run Time
You can configure a flat file data object to accommodate changes to source metadata at run time. The Data
Integration Service can read data from a flat file where the number or order of the columns is different from
that of the columns in the flat file physical data object.
For example, you have a mapping whose source is provided by another department. The department that
provides the source cannot guarantee the order of columns in the source file. Sometimes, the department
might change the columns in the file or contain additional columns. You can configure the flat file data object
to accept changes in the source metadata at run time.
You can generate the run-time column names automatically from any row in the source, from the flat file
header, or from the control file.
You can use input rules to project the run-time columns from the Read transformation based on the flat file
data object to the next transformation in the mapping.
You can configure the Read transformation data object property to select At runtime, get data object
columns from the data source on the Data Object tab. After you configure the property, the options in the flat
file data object determine how the Data Integration Service processes the data.

Generate Run-time Column Names Automatically
The Data Integration Service can update the column metadata for the flat file automatically based on the
column position.
The Data Integration Service dynamically updates the column metadata for the flat file based on the row that
you specify to start the import in the format properties of the flat file. The default data type, precision, and
scale is used for the column metadata for the run-time columns without changing the column position.
To generate column names automatically at run time, select Automatically (Field1, Field 2...) for the
Generate Run-time Column Names property in the Advanced properties of the flat file data object. You must
also configure the Read transformation to get the column metadata at run time.
For example, you want to configure a flat file data object to accept changes at run time. The data in the flat
file determines the column metadata based on the column position. You have defined a flat file data object
with the columns Dept, Name, Place. You want the Data Integration Service to dynamically construct the
column metadata for the flat file at run time.
The input file contains the following information:
In the Format properties, you configured the flat file data object to start the import of data from line 1. Since
there are five columns in the first row, the Data Integration Service processes the flat file data object with five


Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects

columns. The Data Integration Service creates additional run-time columns in the flat file data object with
unique names based on position, Field4 and Field5. The Data Integration Service does not process the
additional columns in the second row.
When you add a flat file data object to a mapping, configure the Read transformation to get column metadata
at run time. At run time, the Data Integration Service constructs the flat file data object and process the rows
in the flat file with the following values:





Generate Run-time Column Names From Data File Header
The Data Integration Service can use a header row to determine the column metadata. The first row of the
flat file is the header.
The default data type, precision, and scale is used for the column metadata for the run-time columns and you
can change the column position at run time.
To generate column names from a data file header at run-time, select From data file header (first line) for the
Generate Run-time Column Names property in the Advanced properties of the flat file data object. You must
also configure the Read transformation to get the column metadata at run time.
For example, you want to configure a flat file data object to accept changes at run time. The data in the flat
file determines the column metadata based on the data file header.
You have defined a flat file data object with the columns Name,Age,Dept. You can configure the flat file data
object advanced property to generate column names at run time from a data file header.
The data flat file contains the following information:
Finance Mary





When you add a flat file data object to a mapping, configure the Read transformation to get column metadata
at run time. During run time, the Data Integration Service generates the flat file data object with the following
columns: Dept, Name, Place, Country and Phone_No. Since Age column is not present in the flat file header
row, the flat file data object constructed at run time does not have the Age column.
The Data Integration Service propagates the run-time columns, such as Country and Phone Number to the
downstream transformation based on the mapping rules.

Generate Column Metadata from Control Files
Control files are simple text files based on which you can create flat file data objects. You can also use
control files to update columns at run time for a Read transformation based on a flat file data object.
When the Data Integration Service generates columns at run time, it uses the decimal and thousands
separators specified in the flat file data object properties. You must specify only the name of the column in
the control file if the column exists in the flat file data object.
When you specify the source type as indirect in the run-time properties in the Advanced view of the flat file
source, you can generate column names at run time with the control file.
You can create a control file for a delimited or for a fixed-width flat file.

Generate Column Metadata from Control Files


You can parameterize the control file name and the control file directory in the run-time properties of the flat
file data object.
The Data Integration Service processes a control file based on the column metadata that you specify in the
control file and the input data.
When you generate column names from a control file at run time and the source data object contains the file
name column, the Data Integration Service logs a validation error with the duplicate file names.

Control File Formats
Delimited and fixed-width flat files have different control file formats. You can use control files to generate
column metadata at run time or to create a flat file data object.
Use one of the following formats to create a control file:
Delimited control file
Each line in a delimited control file has the following format:
[column name],,,
The following example shows a delimited flat file control file:
Phone number,string,30
Fixed-width control file
Each line in a fixed-width control file has the following format:
[column name],,,,
The following example shows a delimited flat file control file:
Phone number,string,30
For a fixed-width source, the control file contains an additional column for the number of bytes to
process. If you do not specify the number of bytes to process, the Data Integration Service uses the
value specified for the precision as the number of bytes to process.

Parameterization of Run-time Properties
You can parameterize or specify values for the default scale, precision, and data type of the additional
columns from the control file in the run-time properties of the flat file data object. You can parameterize the
control file name and the control file directory in the run-time properties of the flat file data object. Configure
the parameters on the Advanced tab of the physical data object properties. When you create the
transformation from the physical data object, you can use mapping parameters to override the parameter
default values.


Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects

Run-time Processing of Control Files
When you develop a mapping, you define data object read properties that determine how data is read from a
flat file. The Data Integration Service can process the columns of the flat file data object that is based on a
control file.
When the Data Integration Service constructs the column metadata based on the control file, it applies the
following criteria for processing data:
The Data Integration Service applies default values for the column properties that you do not specify for the flat file
data object
The Data Integration Service applies the default run-time properties of the flat file data object when you
do not specify the run-time column properties in the control file. When you have additional columns in
the control file without a data type, precision, or scale, the Data Integration Service uses the default data
type, precision, and scale.
The Data Integration Service processes data as NULL for columns that do not appear in the control file but are present in
the flat file data object
When the column in the flat file data object does not exist in the control file, the Data Integration Service
processes the data as NULL during data preview. During run time, the Data Integration Service cannot
process the column as that column does not exist in the control file.
The Data Integration Service fails mapping when the source metadata mismatches with a control file
The Data Integration Service fails to process the data when the source metadata based on the control
file does not match the input data. For example, the Data Integration Service fails the mapping when the
source contains a data type in the control file that is not compatible with the data type in the source.

Rules and Guidelines for Control Files
Consider the following guidelines when you use a control file:

The control file must be accessible to the machine where the Data Integration Service runs.


After you import a control file as a flat file data object, you cannot change the data type, precision, and
scale of the columns in the data object. You can change the column position and column metadata for the
additional columns from the control file.


When you generate column names at run time based on the control file, the lookup cache reflects the
metadata in the control file. If you update the same control file with additional columns after you run the
mapping once, you must select the Recache from Lookup source property from the Runtime properties of
the Lookup transformation.


You cannot specify date format columns in the control file. The Data Integration Service uses the flat file
date format from the flat file data object advanced properties in the Advanced view. If the flat file source
contains multiple date formats, the Data Integration Service will use only the one date format specified in
the Advanced view for all the dates.


You cannot specify a binary data type in the control file. If the control file contains a TimestampwithTZ
data type, ensure that the data type has the precision set to 36 and the scale set to 9 in the control file.

Generate Column Metadata from Control Files


Copying from Excel to a Flat File Data Object
You can configure flat file properties in Excel and copy them into a flat file data object in the Developer tool.
Flat file properties include the column name, native type, precision, and scale. You might want to do this
when you need to develop or edit a flat file data object with many columns.
Note: You must confirm that the values in each cell are valid before copying the values to a flat file data
object. For example, a string type cannot have a scale value other than "0." Precision values cannot be words
and type values cannot be numbers. If your information is incorrect, you will receive an error message.

Editing Flat File Data Objects in Excel
To edit a large portion of a flat file data object, you do not need to change every value in the Developer tool.
Instead, you can copy the flat file columns to Excel, change all the values simultaneously using Auto Fill, and
then Paste (Replace) the flat file back into the Developer tool.

To copy the metadata from the Developer tool, right-click within the flat file data object and click Select


Copy the metadata to an Excel spreadsheet.


Make changes within the Excel spreadsheet.


Copy the metadata from Excel.


To update the flat file data object with the changes, right-click within the flat file columns and click Paste

Copying Metadata to a Flat File Data Object
You can create metadata in Excel and then copy it to a flat file data object in the Developer tool.

Create a mapping that includes a flat file data object.


Define metadata for a flat file data object in Excel.


Copy the metadata from Excel.


To move the metadata to the flat file data object, right-click within columns and click Paste (Replace).
The following image shows a sample Excel table and the resulting flat file data object after you copy the
metadata to the Developer tool:

You can still make changes to the flat file data object after you copy the metadata to the Developer tool.

Example, Editing Data Object in Excel
You are developing a flat file data object and you need to change all the precision values to 10. Instead of
changing each field individually, you make global changes through Excel.


Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects

You copy the metadata from the Developer tool into Excel, make changes to it, and copy it back to the flat file
columns in the Developer tool. By using Excel, you avoid having to change each field individually.
The following image shows the process of moving a flat file to Excel, using Auto Fill to change certain values,
and then copying the metadata back to the flat file data object in the Developer tool:

Create a Flat File Data Object
You can create a flat file data object as an empty data object, from an existing flat file, or from a control file.
You can create a delimited or fixed-width flat file data object using any method.
When you create a flat file data object, you can create the data object in the following ways:
As an empty data object
Create an empty flat file data object when you want to define the data object columns and rows in the
Developer tool.
From an existing flat file
Create a flat file data object from an existing flat file when you have a flat file that defines the metadata
you want to include in the data object.
From a control file
Create a flat file data object from a control file when you want to define the data object columns and
rows based on a control file.

Creating an Empty Flat File Data Object
Create an empty flat file data object when you want to define the data object columns and rows in the
Developer tool.

Select a project or folder in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > New > Data Object.


Select Physical Data Objects > Flat File Data Object and click Next.
The New Flat File Data Object dialog box appears.


Select Create as empty.


Enter a name for the data object.


Optionally, click Browse to select a project or folder for the data object.


Click Next.


Select a code page that matches the code page of the data that you want to process.

Create a Flat File Data Object



Select Delimited or Fixed-width.


If you selected Fixed-width, click Finish. If you selected Delimited, click Next.


Configure the following delimited format properties:





Character used to separate columns of data. If you enter a delimiter that is the same as the
escape character or the text qualifier, you might receive unexpected results.

Text Qualifier

Quote character that defines the boundaries of text strings. If you select a quote character, the
Developer tool ignores delimiters within a pair of quotes.

Click Finish.
The empty data object opens in the editor. Define the columns for the data object in the Overview view.

Creating a Flat File Data Object from an Existing Flat File
Create a flat file data object from an existing flat file when you have a flat file that defines the metadata you
want to include in the data object.

Select a project or folder in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > New > Data Object.


Select Physical Data Objects > Flat File Data Object and click Next.
The New Flat File Data Object dialog box appears.


Select Create from an existing flat file.


Click Browse and navigate to the directory that contains the file.


Click Open.
The wizard names the data object the same name as the file you selected.



Optionally, edit the data object name.


Optionally, click Browse to select a project or folder for the data object.


Click Next.


Select a code page that matches the code page of the data that you want to process.


Select Delimited or Fixed-width.


Optionally, edit the maximum number of rows to preview.


Click Next.


Configure the format properties, based on whether the flat file is delimited or fixed-width.

Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects


For a delimited flat file, configure the following properties:



Character used to separate columns of data. If you enter a delimiter that is the same
as the escape character or the text qualifier, you might receive unexpected results.

Text Qualifier

Quote character that defines the boundaries of text strings. If you select a quote
character, the Developer tool ignores delimiters within pairs of quotes.

Import Column
Names From First

If selected, the Developer tool uses data in the first row for column names. Select this
option if column names appear in the first row. The Developer tool prefixes "FIELD_" to
field names that are not valid.

Row Delimiter

Specify a line break character. Select from the list or enter a character. Preface an
octal code with a backslash (\). To use a single character, enter the character.
The Data Integration Service uses only the first character when the entry is not
preceded by a backslash. The character must be a single-byte character, and no other
character in the code page can contain that byte. Default is line-feed, \012 LF (\n).


Escape Character

Character immediately preceding a column delimiter character embedded in an
unquoted string, or immediately preceding the quote character in a quoted string.
When you specify an escape character, the Data Integration Service reads the delimiter
character as a regular character.

Start Import at Line

Row number at which the Data Integration Service starts reading when it imports the
file. For example, if you specify to start at the second row, the Developer tool skips the
first row before reading.

Treat Consecutive
Delimiters as One

If selected, the Data Integration Service reads one or more consecutive column
delimiters as one. Otherwise, the Data Integration Service reads two consecutive
delimiters as a null value.

Retain Escape
Character in Data

Includes the escape character in the output string.

For a fixed-width flat file, configure the following properties:


Import Column Names From First Line

If selected, the Developer tool uses data in the first row for
column names. Select this option if column names appear in the
first row.

Start Import at Line

Row number at which the Data Integration Service starts reading
when it imports the file. For example, if you specify to start at the
second row, the Developer tool skips the first row before reading.

Column breaks

Configures the column breaks in the fixed-width file. Click Edit
Breaks to edit column breaks. Or, follow the directions in the
wizard to manipulate the column breaks in the file preview
window. You can move column breaks by dragging them. Or,
double-click a column break to delete it.


Click Next to preview the flat file data object.


Click Finish.
The data object opens in the editor.

Create a Flat File Data Object


Creating a Flat File Data Object from a Control File
Create a flat file data object from a control file when you want to define the data object columns and rows
based on a control file.

Select a project or folder in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > New > Data Object.


Select Physical Data Objects > Flat File Data Object and click Next.
The New Flat File Data Object dialog box appears.


Select Create from a control file.


Click Browse and navigate to the directory that contains the control file.


Click Open.
The wizard names the data object the same name as the control file you selected.


Optionally, edit the data object name.


Optionally, click Browse to select a project or folder for the data object.


Click Next.


Select a code page that matches the code page of the data that you want to process.


Select Delimited or Fixed-width.


If you selected Fixed-width, click Finish. If you selected Delimited, click Next.


Configure the following delimited format properties:





Character used to separate columns of data. If you enter a delimiter that is the same as the
escape character or the text qualifier, you might receive unexpected results.

Text Qualifier

Quote character that defines the boundaries of text strings. If you select a quote character, the
Developer tool ignores delimiters within a pair of quotes.

Click Finish.
The data object opens in the editor.


Chapter 6: Flat File Data Objects

Chapter 7

Logical View of Data
This chapter includes the following topics:

Logical View of Data Overview, 107


Developing a Logical View of Data, 108


Logical Data Object Models, 109


Logical Data Object Model Properties, 110


Logical Data Objects, 117


Logical Data Object Mappings, 121

Logical View of Data Overview
A logical view of data is a representation of data that resides in an enterprise. A logical view of data includes
a logical data model, logical data objects, and logical data object mappings.
With a logical view of data, you can achieve the following goals:

Use common data models across an enterprise so that you do not have to redefine data to meet different
business needs. It also means if there is a change in data attributes, you can apply this change one time
and use one mapping to make this change to all databases that use this data.


Find relevant sources of data and present the data in a single view. Data resides in various places in an
enterprise, such as relational databases and flat files. You can access all data sources and present the
data in one view.


Expose logical data as relational tables to promote reuse.


The following figure shows a sample of related logical data objects:

Logical Data Object Model Example
Create a logical data object model to describe the representation of logical entities in an enterprise. For
example, create a logical data object model to present account data from disparate sources in a single view.
American Bank acquires California Bank. After the acquisition, American Bank has the following goals:

Present data from both banks in a business intelligence report, such as a report on the top 10 customers.


Consolidate data from both banks into a central data warehouse.

Traditionally, American Bank would consolidate the data into a central data warehouse in a development
environment, verify the data, and move the data warehouse to a production environment. This process might
take several months or longer. The bank could then run business intelligence reports on the data warehouse
in the production environment.
A developer at American Bank can use the Developer tool to create a model of customer, account, branch,
and other data in the enterprise. The developer can link the relational sources of American Bank and
California bank to a single view of the customer. The developer can then make the data available for
business intelligence reports before creating a central data warehouse.

Developing a Logical View of Data
Develop a logical view of data to represent how an enterprise accesses data and uses data.
After you develop a logical view of data, you can add it to a data service to make virtual data available for end
Before you develop a logical view of data, you can define the physical data objects that you want to use in a
logical data object mapping. You can also profile the physical data sources to analyze data quality.



Create or import a logical data model.


Optionally, add logical data objects to the logical data object model and define relationships between

Chapter 7: Logical View of Data


Create a logical data object mapping to read data from a logical data object or write data to a logical
data object. A logical data object mapping can contain transformation logic to transform the data. The
transformations can include data quality transformations to validate and cleanse the data.


View the output of the logical data object mapping.

Logical Data Object Models
A logical data object model describes the structure and use of data in an enterprise. The model contains
logical data objects and defines relationships between them.
Define a logical data object model to create a unified model of data in an enterprise. The data in an
enterprise might reside in multiple disparate source systems such as relational databases and flat files. A
logical data object model represents the data from the perspective of the business regardless of the source
systems. Create a logical data object model to study data, describe data attributes, and define the
relationships among attributes.
For example, customer account data from American Bank resides in an Oracle database, and customer
account data from California Banks resides in an IBM DB2 database. You want to create a unified model of
customer accounts that defines the relationship between customers and accounts. Create a logical data
object model to define the relationship.
You can import a logical data object model from a modeling tool. You can also import a logical data object
model from an XSD file that you created in a modeling tool. Or, you can manually create a logical data object
model in the Developer tool.
You add a logical data object model to a project or folder and store it in the Model repository.
To allow end users to run SQL queries against a logical data object, include it in an SQL data service. Make
the logical data object the source for a virtual table. To allow end users to access a logical data object over
the Web, include it in a web service. Make the logical data object the source for an operation.

Creating a Logical Data Object Model
Create a logical data object model to define the structure and use of data in an enterprise. When you create a
logical data object model, you can add logical data objects. You associate a physical data object with each
logical data object. The Developer tool creates a logical data object read mapping for each logical data
object in the model.

Select a project or folder in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > New > Logical Data Object Model.
The New dialog box appears.


Select Logical Data Object Model and click Next.
The New Logical Data Object Model dialog box appears.


Enter a name for the logical data object model.


To create logical data objects, click Next. To create an empty logical data object model, click Finish.
If you click Next, the Developer tool prompts you to add logical data objects to the model.


To create a logical data object, click the New button.
The Developer tool adds a logical data object to the list.

Logical Data Object Models



Enter a name in the Name column.


Optionally, click the Open button in the Data Object column to associate a physical data object with the
logical data object.
The Select a Data Object dialog box appears.


Select a physical data object and click OK.


Repeat steps 6 through 9 to add logical data objects.


Click Finish.
The logical data object model opens in the editor.

Importing a Logical Data Object Model from a Modeling Tool
You can import a logical data object model from a modeling tool or an XSD file. Import a logical data object
model to use an existing model of the structure and data in an enterprise.

Select the project or folder to which you want to import the logical data object model.


Click File > New > Logical Data Object Model.
The New Logical Data Object Model dialog box appears.


Select Logical Data Object Model from Data Model.


Click Next.


In the Model Type field, select the modeling tool from which you want to import the logical data object


Enter a name for the logical data object model.


Click Browse to select the location of the logical data object model.


Click Next.


Browse to the file that you want to import, select the file, and click Open.


Configure the import properties.


Click Next.


Add logical data objects to the logical data object model.


Click Finish.
The logical data objects appear in the editor.

Logical Data Object Model Properties
When you import a logical data object model from a modeling tool, provide the properties associated with the


Chapter 7: Logical View of Data

CA ERwin Data Modeler Import Properties
Configure the import properties when you import a logical data object model from CA ERwin Data Modeler.
The following table describes the properties to configure when you import a model from CA ERwin Data


Import UDPs

Specifies how to import user-defined properties.
Select one of the following options:

- As metadata. Import an explicit value as the property value object. Explicit

values are not exported.

- As metadata, migrate default values. Import explicit and implicit values as

property value objects.

- In description, migrate default values. Append the property name and value,

even if implicit, to the object description property.

- Both, migrate default values. Import the UDP value, even if implicit, both as

metadata and in the object's description.

Default is As metadata.
Import relationship name

Specifies how to import the relationship names from ERwin.
Select one of the following options:

- From relationship name
- From relationship description

Default is From relationship name.
Import IDs
Import subject areas

Specifies whether to set the unique ID of the object as the NativeId property.
Specifies how to import the subject areas from ERwin.
Select one of the following options:
- As diagrams
- As packages and diagrams
- As packages and diagrams, assuming one subject area for each entity
- Do not import subject areas
Default is As diagrams.

Import column order form

Specifies how to import the position of columns in tables.
Select one of the following options:
- Column order. Order of the columns displayed in the ERwin physical view.
- Physical order. Order of the columns in the database, as generated in the
Default is Physical order.

Import owner schemas

Specifies whether to import owner schemas.

Logical Data Object Model Properties


IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Reporting - Framework Manager
Import Properties
Configure the import properties when you import a logical data object model from IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence Reporting - Framework Manager.
The following table describes the properties to configure when you import a model from IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence Reporting - Framework Manager:


Folder Representation

Specifies how to represent folders from the Framework Manager.
Select one of the following options:

- Ignore. Ignore folders.
- Flat. Represent folders as diagrams but do not preserve hierarchy.
- Hierarchial. Represent folders as diagrams and preserve hierarchy.

Default is Ignore.
Package Representation

Specifies how to represent packages from Cognos Framework Manager.
Select one of the following options:
- Ignore. Ignore subject areas.
- Subject Areas. Represent packages as subject areas.
- Model. Represent the package as the model.
Default is Ignore.

Reverse engineer relationships

Specifes whether the Developer tool computes the relationship between two
dbQueries as referential integrity constraints.

Tables design level

Specifies how to control the design level of the imported tables:
Select one of the following options:

- Logical and physical. The tables appear in both the logical view and in the

physical view of the model.

- Physical. The tables appear only in the physical view of the model.

Default is Physical.
Ignore usage property


Chapter 7: Logical View of Data

Specify whether the usage property of a queryItem should be used.

SAP BusinessObjects Designer Import Properties
Configure the import properties when you import a logical data object model from SAP BusinessObjects
The following table describes the properties to configure when you import a model from SAP
BusinessObjects Designer:



Name of the BusinessObjects repository.
For BusinessObjects versions 11.x and 12.x (XI), enter the name of the
Central Management Server. For BusinessObjects version 5.x and 6.x, enter
name of the repository defined by the Supervisor application

Authentication mode

Login authentication mode.
This parameter is applicable to SAP BusinessObjects Designer 11.0 and
Select one of the following authentication modes:
- Enterprise. Business Objects Enterprise login
- LDAP. LDAP server authentication
- Windows AD. Windows Active Directory server authentication
- Windows NT. Windows NT domain server authentication
- Standalone. Standalone authentication
Default is Enterprise.

User name

User name in the BusinessObjects server. For version 11.x and 12.x (XI), you
need to be a member of BusinessObjects groups.


Password for the BusinessObjects server.

Silent execution

Specifies whether to execute in interactive or silent mode.
Default is Silent.

Close after execution

Table design level

Specify whether to close BusinessObjects after the Developer Tool
completes the model import.
Specifies the design level of the imported tables.
Select one of the following options:
- Logical and physical. The tables appear both in the logical view and in the
physical view of the model.
- Physical. The tables appear both in the physical view of the model.
Default is Physical.

Transform Joins to Foreign Keys

Transforms simple SQL joins in the model into foreign key relationships.
Select the parameter if you want to export the model to a tool that only
supports structural relational metadata, such as a database design tool.

Logical Data Object Model Properties




Class representation

Specifies how to import the tree structure of classes and sub-classes. The
Developer Tool imports each class as a dimension as defined by the CWM
OLAP standard. The Developer Tool also imports classes and sub-classes as
a tree of packages as defined by the CWM and UML standards.
Select one of the following options:

- As a flat structure. The Developer tool does not create package.
- As a simplified tree structure. The Developer tool creates package for

each class with sub-classes.

- As a full tree structure. The Developer tool creates a package for each


Default is As a flat structure.
Include List of Values

Controls how the Developer tool imports the list of values associated with

Dimensional properties

Specifies how to transfer the dimension name, description, and role to the
underlying table and the attribute name, description, and datatype to the
underlying column.
Select one of the following options:

- Disabled. No property transfer occurs.
- Enabled. Property transfer occurs where there are direct matches between

the dimensional objects and the relational objects. The Developer tool
migrates the dimension names to the relational names.
- Enabled (preserve names). Property transfer occurs where there are direct
matches between the dimensional objects and the relational objects. The
Developer tool preserves the relational names.

Default is Disabled.

SAP PowerDesigner CDM Import Properties
Configure the import properties when you import a logical data object model from SAP PowerDesigner CDM.
The following table describes the properties to configure when you import a model from SAP PowerDesigner
Import UDPs

Specifies how to import user-defined properties.
Select one of the following options:
- As metadata. Import an explicit value as the property value object. Explicit
values are not exported.
- As metadata, migrate default values. Import explicit and implicit values as
property value objects.
- In description, migrate default values. Append the property name and
value, even if implicit, to the object description property.
- Both, migrate default values. Import the UDP value, even if implicit, both as
metadata and in the object's description.
Default is As metadata.


Import Association Classes

Specifies whether the Developer tool should import association classes.

Import IDs

Specifies whether to set the unique ID of the object as the NativeId property.

Chapter 7: Logical View of Data



Append volumetric information to the
description field

Import and append the number of occurrences information to the description

Remove text formatting

Specifies whether to remove or keep rich text formatting.
Select this option if the model was generated by PowerDesigner 7.0 or 7.5
Clear this option if the model was generated by PowerDesigner 8.0 or

SAP PowerDesigner OOM 9.x to 15.x Import Properties
Configure the import properties when you import a logical data object model from SAP PowerDesigner OOM
9.x to 15.x.
When you import a logical data object model from SAP PowerDesigner OOM, the Developer tool imports the
classes and attributes but leaves out other entities. To import a logical data object model, export the model
from SAP PowerDesigner in the UML 1.3 - XMI 1.0 XML format.
The following table describes the properties to configure when you import a model from SAP PowerDesigner


Target Tool

Specifies which tool generated the model you want to import.
Select one of the following options:
Auto Detect. The Developer tool detects which tool generated the file.
OMG XMI. The file conforms to the OMG XMI 1.0 standard DTDs.
Argo/UML 0.7. The file was generated by Argo/UML 0.7.0 or earlier.
Argo/UML 0.8. The file was generated by Argo/UML 0.7.1 or later.
XMI Toolkit. The file was generated by IBM XMI Toolkit.
XMI Interchange. The file was generated by Unisys Rose XMI Interchange.
Rose UML. The file was generated by Unisys Rose UML.
Visio UML. The file was generated by Microsoft Visio Professional 2002 and
Visio for Enterprise Architects using UML to XMI Export.
- PowerDesigner UML. The file was generated by Sybase PowerDesigner using
XMI Export.
- Component Modeler. The file was generated by CA AllFusion Component
Modeler using XMI Export.
- Netbeans XMI Writer. The file was generated by one of applications using
Netbeans XMI Writer such as Poseidon.
- Embarcadero Describe. The file was generated by Embarcadero Describe.


Default is Auto Detect.
Auto Correct

Fix and import an incomplete or incorrect model in the XML file.

Model Filter

Model to import if the XML file contains more than one model. Use a comma to
separate multiple models.

Top Package

The top-level package in the model.

Import UUIDs

Import UUIDs as NativeId.

Logical Data Object Model Properties


SAP PowerDesigner PDM Import Properties
Configure the import properties when you import a logical data object model from SAP PowerDesigner PDM.
The following table describes the properties to configure when you import a model from SAP PowerDesigner


Import UDPs

Specifies how to import user-defined properties.
Select one of the following options:

- As metadata. Import an explicit value as the property value object. Explicit

values are not exported.

- As metadata, migrate default values. Import explicit and implicit values as

property value objects.

- In description, migrate default values. Append the property name and

value, even if implicit, to the object description property.

- Both, migrate default values. Import the UDP value, even if implicit, both as

metadata and in the object's description.

Default is As metadata.
Import IDs

Specifies whether to set the unique id of the object as the NativeId property.

Append volumetric information to the
description field

Import and append the number of occurrences information to the description

Remove text formatting

Specifies whether to remove or keep rich text formatting.
Select this option if the model was generated by PowerDesigner 7.0 or 7.5
Clear this option if the model was generated by PowerDesigner 8.0 or

XSD Import Properties
You can import logical data object models from an XSD file exported by a modeling tool.
The following table describes the properties to configure when you import a model from an XSD file:
Elements content name

Attribute to hold the textual content like #PCDATA in the XSD file.
Default is As metadata.

Collapse Level

Specifies when to collapse a class. The value you select determines whether
the Developer tool imports all or some of the elements and attributes in the
XSD file.
Select one of the following options:

- None. Every XSD element becomes a class and every XSD attribute

becomes an attribute.

- Empty. Only empty classes collapse into the parent classes.
- Single Attribute. Only XSD elements with a single attribute and no children

collapse into the parent class.

- No Children. Any XSD element that has no child element collapse into the

parent class.

- All. All collapsible XSD elements collapse into the parent class.

Default is All.


Chapter 7: Logical View of Data



Collapse Star

Specifies whether the Developer tool should collapase XML elements with an
incoming xlink into the parent class.

Class Type

Specifies whether the Developer tool should create a class type an element
collapses into the parent element.


Specifies whether to create a class or entity for the 'xs:any' pseudo-element.

Generate IDs

Specifies whether to generate additional attributes to create primary and
foreign keys. By default, the Developer tool does not generate additional

Import substitutionGroup as

Specifies how to represent inheritance.
Select one of the following options:
- Generalization. Represents inheritance as generalization.
- Roll down. Duplicate inherited attributes in the subclass.
Default is Roll down.

Include Path

Path to the directory that contains the included schema files, if any.

UDP namespace

Namespace that contains attributes to be imported as user-defined

Logical Data Objects
A logical data object is an object in a logical data object model that describes a logical entity in an enterprise.
It has attributes, keys, and it describes relationships between attributes.
You include logical data objects that relate to each other in a data object model. For example, the logical data
objects Customer and Account appear in a logical data object model for a national bank. The logical data
object model describes the relationship between customers and accounts.
In the model, the logical data object Account includes the attribute Account_Number. Account_Number is a
primary key, because it uniquely identifies an account. Account has a relationship with the logical data object
Customer, because the Customer data object needs to reference the account for each customer.
You can drag a physical data object into the logical data object model editor to create a logical data object.
Or, you can create a logical data object and define the attributes and keys.

Logical Data Object Properties
A logical data object contains properties that define the data object and its relationship to other logical data
objects in a logical data object model.
The logical data object properties are in the editor and on editor tabs. The following figure shows the logical
data object editor:

Logical Data Objects


The following table describes information that appears in the logical data object editor:
Tab Name



The General area includes the object name, description, and read and write mapping if applicable, of
the logical data object.
The Attributes area displays the structure of data in a logical data object.


One or more attributes in a logical data object can be primary keys or unique keys.


Associations between logical data objects.


Type of access for a logical data object and each attribute of the data object.

Read Mapping

Logical data object read mapping associated with a logical data object. If the logical data object
contains no read mapping, the Read Mapping tab is not visible.

Write Mapping

Logical data object write mapping associated with a logical data object. If the logical data object
contains no write mapping,the Write Mapping tab is not visible.

Attribute Relationships
A relationship is an association between primary or foreign key attributes of one or more logical data objects.
You can define the following types of relationship between attributes:
A relationship between two attributes where an attribute is identified through its association with
another attribute.
For example, the relationship between the Branch_ID attribute of the logical data object Branch and the
Branch_Location attribute of the logical data object Customer is identifying. This is because a branch ID
is unique to a branch location.


Chapter 7: Logical View of Data

A relationship between two attributes that identifies an attribute independently of the other attribute.
For example, the relationship between the Account_Type attribute of the Account logical data object and
the Account_Number attribute of the Customer logical data object is non-identifying. This is because you
can identify an account type without having to associate it with an account number.
When you define relationships, the logical data object model indicates an identifying relationship as a solid
line between attributes. It indicates a non-identifying relationship as a dotted line between attributes.

Creating a Logical Data Object
You can create a logical data object in a logical data object model to define a logical entity in an enterprise.

Click File > New > Logical Data Object.


Enter a logical data object name.


Select the logical data object model for the logical data object and click Finish.
The logical data object appears in the logical data object model editor.


Select the logical data object and click the Properties view.


On the Overview tab in the General area, you can optionally edit the logical data object name and


On the Overview tab in the Attributes area, you can create attributes and specify their datatype and

Logical Data Objects




On the Keys tab, optionally specify primary and unique keys for the data object.


On the Relationships tab, optionally create relationships between logical data objects.


On the Access tab, optionally edit the type of access for the logical data object and each attribute in the
data object.

Chapter 7: Logical View of Data

Default is read only.


On the Read Mapping tab, optionally create a logical data object read mapping.


On the Write Mapping tab, optionally create a logical data object write mapping.


Save the logical data object.

Logical Data Object Mappings
A logical data object mapping is a mapping that links a logical data object to one or more physical data
objects. It can include transformation logic.
A logical data object mapping can be of the following types:




You can associate each logical data object with one logical data object read mapping or one logical data
object write mapping.

Logical Data Object Mappings


Logical Data Object Read Mappings
A logical data object read mapping contains one or more physical data objects as input and one logical data
object as output. The mapping can contain transformation logic to transform the data.
It provides a way to access data without accessing the underlying data source. It also provides a way to have
a single view of data coming from more than one source.
For example, American Bank has a logical data object model for customer accounts. The logical data object
model contains a Customers logical data object.
American Bank wants to view customer data from two relational databases in the Customers logical data
object. You can use a logical data object read mapping to perform this task and view the output in the Data
Viewer view.

Logical Data Object Write Mappings
A logical data object write mapping contains a logical data object as input. It provides a way to write to
targets from a logical data object.
The mapping can contain transformation logic to transform the data. The mapping runs without accessing
the underlying data target. It provides a single view of the transformed data without writing to the target.

Creating a Logical Data Object Mapping
You can create a logical data object mapping to link data from a physical data object to a logical data object
and transform the data.

In the Object Explorer view, double-click the logical data object that you want to add the mapping to.
The logical data object editor opens.


On the Overview tab in the General area, click Add to add a read mapping or a write mapping.
The following image shows the Add button:



Enter a name for the mapping, and then click Finish.

Chapter 7: Logical View of Data

The editor displays the logical data object as the mapping input or output, based on whether the
mapping is a read or write mapping.

Link data from a physical data object to the logical data object.

Click the Read Mapping or Write Mapping tab to edit the mapping.
The mapping editor palette opens.


In the Object Explorer view, browse to the physical data object you want to link, and drag the
physical data object into the mapping editor palette.
The Add to Mapping dialog box opens.


Choose to create a read mapping, write mapping, or lookup mapping.


If you chose to create a read mapping, designate the object access of the read mapping as a related
data object or as an independent data object.


Click OK.

The following image shows the result after a user drags the customer flat file data object to the mapping
editor palette and designates it a read mapping.


Optionally, add a reusable object to the mapping.
You can add a logical data object or other Model repository object.



Right-click in the mapping editor and select Add Reusable Object.


Select one of the objects from the Model repository, and click OK.


Choose to designate the reusable object a Read mapping, Write mapping, or Lookup mapping.


If you chose to designate the reusable object a Read mapping, designate the object access of the
Read mapping as a related data object or as an independent data object.


Click OK.

Optionally, add additional objects and transformations to the mapping, and create links between
mapping objects, then click the Data Viewer view and run the mapping.
Results appear in the Output section.

Logical Data Object Mappings


Chapter 8

Viewing Data
This chapter includes the following topics:

Viewing Data Overview, 124


Configurations, 125


Exporting Data, 132


Object Dependencies, 133


Logs, 134


Validation Preferences, 135


Monitoring Jobs from the Developer Tool, 136

Viewing Data Overview
You can run a mapping, view profile results, view source data, preview data for a transformation, run an SQL
query, preview web service messages, or view dependencies on an object.
Run a mapping to move output from sources to targets and transform data. You can run a mapping from the
command line or from the Run dialog box. View profile results in the editor.
You view source data, preview data for a transformation, run an SQL query, or preview web service messages
in the Data Viewer view.
Note: The maximum number of rows you can preview in the Data Viewer is 100,000.
Before you can view data, you must select a default Data Integration Service if the domain includes more
than one service. You can also add other Data Integration Services to use when you view data. You can
create configurations to control settings that the Developer tool applies when you view data.
When you view data in the Data Viewer view, you can export the data to a file. You can also access logs that
show log events.
You can also view object dependencies when you view, modify, or delete Model repository objects. You can
view object dependencies in the Object Dependencies view.


A configuration is a group of settings that the Developer tool applies when you run a mapping, preview data,
run an SQL query, or preview web service messages.
A configuration controls settings such as the default Data Integration Service, number of rows to read from a
source, default date/time format, and optimizer level. The configurations that you create apply to your
installation of the Developer tool.
You can create the following configurations:

Data viewer configurations. Control the settings the Developer tool applies when you preview output in the
Data Viewer view.


Mapping configurations. Control the settings the Developer tool applies when you run mappings through
the Run Configurations dialog box or from the command line.


Web service configurations. Controls the settings that the Developer tool applies when you preview the
output of a web service in the Data Viewer view.

Configuration Properties
The Developer tool applies configuration properties when you preview output or you run mappings. Set
configuration properties for the Data Viewer view or mappings in the Run dialog box.

Data Integration Service Properties
The Developer tool displays the Data Integration Service tab for data viewer, mapping, and web service
The following table displays the properties that you configure for the Data Integration Service:


Use default Data
Integration Service

Default is enabled.

Uses the default Data Integration Service to run the mapping.

Data Integration Service

Specifies the Data Integration Service that runs the mapping if you do not use the
default Data Integration Service.

Available OS profiles

Specifies the operating system profile to run the mapping when the Data Integration
Service is enabled to use operating system profiles.
The Developer tool displays this property only if the administrator assigned at least one
operating system profile to the user. The Data Integration Service runs the mapping
with the default operating system profile assigned to the user. You can change the
operating system profile from the list of available operating system profiles.



Source Properties
The Developer tool displays the Source tab for data viewer, mapping, and web service configurations.
The following table displays the properties that you configure for sources:


Read all rows

Reads all rows from the source.
Default is enabled.

Read up to how many rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows to read from the source if you do not read all
Note: If you enable the this option for a mapping that writes to a customized data
object, the Data Integration Service does not truncate the target table before it writes to
the target.
Default is 1000.

Read all characters

Reads all characters in a column.
Default is disabled.

Read up to how many

Specifies the maximum number of characters to read in each column if you do not read
all characters. The Data Integration Service ignores this property for SAP sources.
Default is 4000.

Results Properties
The Developer tool displays the Results tab for data viewer and web service configurations.
The following table displays the properties that you configure for results in the Data Viewer view:
Show all rows

Displays all rows in the Data Viewer view.
Default is disabled.

Show up to how many rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows to display if you do not display all rows.
Default is 1000.

Show all characters

Displays all characters in a column.
Default is disabled.

Show up to how many

Specifies the maximum number of characters to display in each column if you do not
display all characters.
Default is 4000.


Chapter 8: Viewing Data

Messages Properties
The Developer tool displays the Messages tab for web service configurations.
The following table displays the properties that you configure for messages:


Read up to how many characters for request

Specifies the maximum number of characters to process in the
input message.

Show up to how many characters for response

Specifies the maximum number of characters to display in the
output message.

Advanced Properties
The Developer tool displays the Advanced tab for data viewer, mapping, and web service configurations.
The following table displays the advanced properties:


Default date time format

Date/time format the Data Integration Services uses when the mapping converts strings
to dates.
Default is MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.

Override tracing level

Overrides the tracing level for each transformation in the mapping. The tracing level
determines the amount of information that the Data Integration Service sends to the
mapping log files.
Choose one of the following tracing levels:
- None. The Data Integration Service uses the tracing levels set in the mapping.
- Terse. The Data Integration Service logs initialization information, error messages,

and notification of rejected data.

- Normal. The Data Integration Service logs initialization and status information, errors

encountered, and skipped rows due to transformation row errors. Summarizes
mapping results, but not at the level of individual rows.
- Verbose initialization. In addition to normal tracing, the Data Integration Service logs
additional initialization details, names of index and data files used, and detailed
transformation statistics.
- Verbose data. In addition to verbose initialization tracing, the Data Integration
Service logs each row that passes into the mapping. Also notes where the Data
Integration Service truncates string data to fit the precision of a column and provides
detailed transformation statistics.
Default is None.
Sort order

Order in which the Data Integration Service sorts character data in the mapping.
Default is Binary.





Optimizer level

Controls the optimization methods that the Data Integration Service applies to a
mapping as follows:
The Data Integration Service does not apply any optimization.
The Data Integration Service applies the early projection optimization method.
The Data Integration Service applies the early projection, early selection, branch
pruning, push-into, global predicate optimization, and predicate optimization
methods. Normal is the default optimization level.
The Data Integration Service applies the cost-based, early projection, early selection,
branch pruning, predicate, push-into, semi-join, and dataship-join optimization
Default is Normal.

High precision

Runs the mapping with high precision.
High precision data values have greater accuracy. Enable high precision if the mapping
produces large numeric values, for example, values with precision of more than 15
digits, and you require accurate values. Enabling high precision prevents precision loss
in large numeric values.
Default is enabled.

Send log to client

Allows you to view log files in the Developer tool. If you disable this option, you must
view log files through the Administrator tool.
Default is enabled.

Data Viewer Configurations
Data viewer configurations control the settings that the Developer tool applies when you preview output in
the Data Viewer view.
You can select a data viewer configuration when you preview output for the following objects:



Custom data objects


Logical data objects


Logical data object read mappings


Physical data objects


Sources and transformations within mappings


Virtual stored procedures


Virtual tables


Virtual table mappings

Chapter 8: Viewing Data

Creating a Data Viewer Configuration
Create a data viewer configuration to control the settings the Developer tool applies when you preview output
in the Data Viewer view.

Click Run > Open Run Dialog.
The Run Configurations dialog box appears.


Click Data Viewer Configuration.
Click the New button(




The right panel of the Run Configurations dialog box displays the data viewer configuration properties.


Enter a name for the data viewer configuration.


Configure the data viewer configuration properties.


Click Apply.


Click Close.
The Developer tool creates the data viewer configuration.

Mapping Configurations
Mapping configurations control the mapping deployment properties that the Developer tool uses when you
run a mapping through the Run Configurations dialog box or from the command line.
To apply a mapping configuration to a mapping that you run through the Developer tool, you must run the
mapping through the Run Configurations dialog box. If you run the mapping through the Run menu or
mapping editor, the Developer tool runs the mapping with the default mapping deployment properties.
To apply mapping deployment properties to a mapping that you run from the command line, select the
mapping configuration when you add the mapping to an application. The mapping configuration that you
select applies to all mappings in the application.
You can change the mapping deployment properties when you edit the application. An administrator can also
change the mapping deployment properties through the Administrator tool. You must redeploy the
application for the changes to take effect.


Chapter 8: Viewing Data

Creating a Mapping Configuration
Create a mapping configuration to control the mapping deployment properties that the Developer tool uses
when you run mappings through the Run dialog box or from the command line.

Click Run > Open Run Dialog.
The Run Configurations dialog box appears.


Click Mapping Configuration.


Click the New button.
The right panel of the Run Configurations dialog box displays the mapping configuration properties.


Enter a name for the mapping configuration.


Configure the mapping configuration properties.


Click Apply.


Click Close.
The Developer tool creates the mapping configuration.

Web Service Configurations
Web Service configurations control the settings that the Developer tool applies when you preview the output
of a web service in the Data Viewer view.
Create a web service configuration to control the setting that you want to use for specific web services. You
can select a web service configuration when you preview the output of an operation mapping or
transformations in an operation mapping.
Note: To create a web service configuration that applies to all web services that you preview, use the
Preferences dialog box to update the default web service configuration.

Creating a Web Service Configuration
Create a web service configuration to control the settings the Developer tool applies when you preview the
output of a web service in the Data Viewer view.

Click Run > Open Run Dialog.
The Run dialog box appears.


Click Web Service Configuration.


Click New.


Enter a name for the web service configuration.


Configure the web service configuration properties.


Click Apply.


Click Close.

Updating the Default Configuration Properties
You can update the default data viewer, mapping, and web service configuration properties.

Click Window > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears.




Click Informatica > Run Configurations.


Select the Data Viewer, Mapping, or Web Service configuration.


Configure the default data viewer, mapping, or web service configuration properties.


Click OK.
The Developer tool updates the default configuration properties.

Troubleshooting Configurations
I created two configurations with the same name but with different cases. When I close and
reopen the Developer tool, one configuration is missing.
Data viewer and mapping configuration names are not case sensitive. If you create multiple configurations
with the same name but different cases, the Developer tool deletes one of the configurations when you exit.
The Developer tool does not consider the configuration names unique.

I tried to create a configuration with a long name, but the Developer tool displays an error
message that says it cannot not write the file.
The Developer tool stores data viewer and mapping configurations in files on the machine that runs the
Developer tool. If you create a configuration with a long name, for example, more than 100 characters, the
Developer tool might not be able to save the file to the hard drive.
To work around this issue, shorten the configuration name.

My preview data failed for a customized data object.
The Developer tool cannot display data in the Data Viewer view if the customized data object performs a data
type conversion and pushdown optimization is not set to source.
To work around this issue, configure pushdown optimization to push processing to the source.

Exporting Data
You can export the data that appears in the Data Viewer view to a tab-delimited flat file, such as a TXT or CSV
file. Export data when you want to create a local copy of the data.



In the Data Viewer view, right-click the results and select Export Data.


Enter a file name and extension.


Select the location where you want to save the file.


Click OK.

Chapter 8: Viewing Data

Object Dependencies
Before you change or delete an object, you can view object dependencies for all objects in the Model
repository that the object has an impact on. You can view object dependencies for all objects that are
dependent on the object and objects that this object depends on.
For example, you want to delete a data object that is deployed in multiple applications. However, you do not
know if deleting this data object has an impact on the deployed applications. You can view object
dependencies to determine if this data object has an impact on the deployed applications. After you delete
the data object, you can redeploy the applications.
You can see object dependencies in the Object Dependencies view. If a dependent object is in a project that
you do not have permission to read, the Developer tool does not display the object in the Object
Dependencies view. The Developer tool displays a message that states the Developer tool cannot access the

View Object Dependencies
You can view object dependencies for an object in the Object Dependencies view. You can view
dependencies for objects that you select from the Object Explorer view or for connections that you select
from the Connection Explorer view.
You can perform the following tasks to view object dependencies:
View circular dependencies.
A circular dependency occurs when two objects depend on each other. For example object A depends on
object B, which depends on object A. When the Developer tool encounters the second instance of the
object in the object dependency tree, it does not display further instances of the object. Instead, the
Developer tool adds a circle icon against the object to indicate that a circular dependency occurred.
View downstream or upstream dependencies.
View downstream dependencies to view the objects that depend on the selected object. The Developer
tool displays downstream dependencies by default.
View upstream dependencies to view objects that the selected object is dependent on.
Filter object dependencies.
Filter object dependencies to narrow the list of dependent objects. You can choose to filter by types of
objects or by projects. For example, you might want to see workflows that a particular object has an
impact on. You can filter by object type and select workflows.
View object dependencies history.
View history for the last 10 object dependencies.

Viewing Object Dependencies
When you view dependencies, you can apply filters, clear history, or choose more information about particular

In the Object Explorer view or Connection Explorer view, right-click an object or connection and click
Find Dependencies.
The Object Dependencies view displays a list of object dependencies for the selected object or
connection in an object dependency tree.


Select an object or connection in the object dependency tree to view the object or connection properties.

Object Dependencies



Optionally, to filter dependencies, click the Filters icon and choose to filter by types of objects or


You can view the following types of dependencies:



Circular. The Developer tool adds a circle icon against the object to indicate that a circular
dependency occurred.


Upstream. Click the Upstream Dependencies icon to view the upstream dependencies.


Downstream. Click the Downstream Dependencies icon to view the downstream dependencies.

Optionally, to view dependency history, click the History icon to view the history of object dependencies.
Optionally, click Clear History to clear the history.

Filtering Object Dependencies
You can filter the object dependency tree by Types and Projects. In the filtered results, some objects may not
be direct dependents of the parent object. These objects appear with a plus (+) icon that hides the full path to
the parent object in the object dependency tree. You can choose to expand the path to insert all object levels
till the parent object.

In the Object Dependencies view, click the Filters icon.
The Filters dialog box opens.


Accept the default selections on the Types tab to filter by object type.


Optionally, click the Projects tab and choose to filter by all projects in the Model repository or by each




To filter by all projects in the Model repository, select the option to include all projects.


To filter by each project, select the option to include opened projects.

Choose to select an object type or project, select all object types or projects, or clear the selected object
types and projects.

To select an object type or project, select each object type or project.


To select all object types or projects, click Select All.


To remove all selected object types and projects, click Select None.

Click OK.
The filtered object dependency tree appears in the Object Dependencies view.


Optionally, if a plus (+) icon appears against an object name, right-click the object and click Expand Path
to insert all object levels till the parent object.

The Data Integration Service generates log events when you run a mapping, run a profile, preview data, or run
an SQL query. Log events include information about the tasks performed by the Data Integration Service,
errors, and load summary and transformation statistics.
You can view the logs generated from the Developer tool and save them to a local directory.
You can view log events from the Show Log button in the Data Viewer view.


Chapter 8: Viewing Data

When you run a mapping from Run > Run Mapping, you can view the log events from the Progress view. To
open the log events in the Developer tool, click the link for the mapping run and select Go to Log.
When you run a profile, you can view the log events from the Monitoring tool.
To save the log to a file, click File > Save a Copy As and choose a directory. By default the log files are stored
in the following directory: c:\[TEMP]\AppData\Local\Temp.

Log File Format
The information in the log file depends on the sequence of events during the run. The amount of information
that is sent to the logs depends on the tracing level.
The Data Integration Service updates log files with the following information when you run a mapping, run a
profile, preview data, or run an SQL query:
Logical DTM messages
Contain information about preparing to compile, to optimize, and to translate the mapping. The log
events and the amount of information depends on the configuration properties set.
Data Transformation Manager (DTM) messages
Contain information about establishing a connection to the source, reading the data, transforming the
data, and loading the data to the target.
Load summary and transformation statistics messages
Contain information about the number of rows read from the source, number of rows output to the
target, number of rows rejected, and the time to execute.

Validation Preferences
You can limit the number of error messages that appear in the Validation Log view. You can also group error
messages by object or object type in the Validation Log view.

Grouping Error Messages
Group error messages in the Validation Log view to organize messages by object or object type. Otherwise,
messages appear alphabetically.
To group error messages in the Validation Log view, select Menu > Group By and then select Object or Object
To remove error message groups, select Menu > Group By > None. Error messages appear ungrouped, listed
alphabetically in the Validation Log view.

Validation Preferences


Limiting Error Messages
You can limit the number of error messages that appear in the Validation Log view. The limit determines how
many messages appear in a group or the total number of messages that appear in the Validation Log view.
Error messages are listed alphabetically and get deleted from bottom to top when a limit is applied.

Click Window > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears.


Select Informatica > Validation.


Optionally, set the error limit and configure the number of items that appear.
Default is 100.


To restore the default values, click Restore Defaults.


Click Apply.


Click OK.

Monitoring Jobs from the Developer Tool
You can access the Monitoring tool from the Developer tool to monitor the status of applications and jobs.
As an administrator, you can also monitor applications and jobs in the Administrator tool.
Monitor applications and jobs to view properties, run-time statistics, and run-time reports about the objects.
When you monitor a job, you can view summary statistics or execution statistics for the job. The Summary
Statistics view displays a graphical overview of the status of jobs in the domain.
The Execution Statistics view displays general properties and status information for the jobs. For example,
you can see who initiated the job and how long it took the job to complete. If you monitor a mapping job, you
can also view throughput and resource usage statistics for the job run.
To monitor applications and jobs from the Developer tool, open the Progress view and click View Menu >
Monitor Jobs. Select the Data Integration Service that runs the applications and jobs and click OK. The
Monitoring tool opens.


Chapter 8: Viewing Data

Chapter 9

Application Deployment
This chapter includes the following topics:

Application Deployment Overview, 137


Application Creation, 138


Application Properties, 138


Application Deployment, 140


Object Deployment, 140


Deployment to an Application Archive File, 141


Deployment with Resource Parameters, 142


Application Redeployment, 143


How to Create, Deploy, and Update an Application, 144

Application Deployment Overview
An application is a deployable object that can contain physical data objects, logical data objects, data
services, mappings, mapplets, transformations, web services, workflows.
To make application objects accessible outside of the Developer tool, deploy an application that contains
them. You can create an application from scratch, or create it as you deploy an object.
When you deploy an object, you isolate the object from changes in data structures. You can deploy objects to
a Data Integration Service or a network file system.
When you deploy an application to a Data Integration Service, the application runs and end users can connect
to the application. Depending on the types of objects in the application, end users with appropriate
permissions can run queries against the objects, access web services, or run mappings or workflows from
the command line. You can also deploy objects to allow users to query the objects through a third-party client
When you deploy an object to a network file system, the Developer tool creates an application archive file.
Deploy an object to an archive file if you want to archive the object in a version control system. If your
organization requires that administrators deploy objects to a Data Integration Service, an administrator can
deploy application archive files through the Administrator tool. You can also import objects from an
application archive into projects or folders in the Model repository.
If you make changes to an object, you must redeploy the application that contains the object for the changes
to take effect.


You create one mapping that runs a search function, and another mapping that puts selected search results
in a shopping cart. You can create an application to contain the two mappings, and then deploy the
application to a Data Integration Service. After testing the output of the application objects, you make
changes to the objects and redeploy the application. You also deploy the application to an application archive
file, and an administrator checks the archive file into a version control system.

Application Creation
You create an application and then deploy it to run the mappings and other objects that the application
You can create an application from scratch, or you can create it as you deploy an object. When you create an
application from scratch, you select objects to include in the application. You can add objects such as
mappings and physical data objects.
You cannot add a logical data object directly to an application. However, you can create applications for web
services and SQL data services that contain logical data objects.
You can validate an application. Whether or not an application is valid depends on the validity of the objects it
contains. For example, the configuration of links between objects in a mapping must be valid for the
application that contains the mapping to be valid. When an application is not valid, errors appear in the
Validation Log view or in an error dialog box.

Application Properties
After you create an application, you can edit properties in the Application editor.

General Application Properties
The following table describes general application properties that you can set on the Overview tab:





Name of the application.


Optional. Description of the application.

Chapter 9: Application Deployment

Mapping Deployment Properties
The following table describes the mapping deployment properties that you can set on the Advanced tab when
the application contains a mapping:


Default date time format

Date/time format that the Data Integration Service uses when the mapping converts
strings to dates.
Default is MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.

Override tracing level

Overrides the tracing level for each transformation in the mapping. The tracing level
determines the amount of information that the Data Integration Service sends to the
mapping log files.
Choose one of the following tracing levels:
- None. The Data Integration Service does not override the tracing level that you set for
each transformation.
- Terse. The Data Integration Service logs information about initialization, error
messages, and notification of rejected data.
- Normal. The Data Integration Service logs information about initialization and status,
errors encountered, and skipped rows due to transformation row errors. The Data
Integration Service summarizes mapping results, but not at the level of individual
- Verbose Initialization. In addition to normal tracing, the Data Integration Service logs
additional initialization details, names of index and data files used, and detailed
transformation statistics.
- Verbose Data. In addition to verbose initialization tracing, the Data Integration
Service logs each row that passes into the mapping. The log notes where the Data
Integration Service truncates string data to fit the precision of a column. The log
contains detailed transformation statistics. The Data Integration Service writes row
data for all rows in a block when it processes a transformation.
Default is None.

Sort order

Order in which the Data Integration Service sorts character data in the mapping.
Default is Binary.

Optimizer level

Controls the optimization methods that the Data Integration Service applies to a
mapping as follows:
- None. The Data Integration Service does not apply any optimization.
- Minimal. The Data Integration Service applies the early projection optimization


- Normal. The Data Integration Service applies the early projection, early selection,

branch pruning, push-into, pushdown, and predicate optimization methods. Normal is
the default optimization level.
- Full. The Data Integration Service applies the cost-based, early projection, early
selection, branch pruning, predicate, push-into, pushdown, and semi-join optimization
Default is Normal.
High precision

Runs the mapping with high precision.
High precision data values have greater accuracy. Enable high precision if the mapping
produces large numeric values, for example, values with precision of more than 15
digits, and you require accurate values. Enabling high precision prevents precision loss
in large numeric values.
Default is enabled.

Application Properties


Application Deployment
Deploy an application to a Data Integration Service to allow users to access the mappings, workflows, and
other objects that the application contains.
When you deploy an application, the Data Integration Service runs application objects.
You can add parameter sets to applications that you deploy. A parameter set is an object in the Model
repository that contains parameters and parameter values to use with mappings and workflows. Deploy a
parameter set with the workflow or mapping to use the parameter values when the Data Integration Service
runs the workflow or mapping. You can add multiple parameter sets to an application and then use different
parameter sets for mapping or workflow runs.
When you deploy a full application of the same name to the same Data Integration Service, the Data
Integration Service overwrites the deployed application and all of the objects in the application.

Object Deployment
You can deploy an object as an application or as a data service that is part of an application.
You can deploy some objects as a web service or as an SQL data service. First, you create the application
and add the objects. Then, when you deploy the application, the Developer tool prompts you to create a
service based on the object. The Developer tool adds the service to the application.
You can also deploy objects to allow users to query the objects through a third-party client tool.
The Developer tool prompts you to create an application when you deploy the following objects:




Deploy Objects as a Web Service
You can deploy the following objects as a web service:



Transformations except the Web Service Consumer transformation


Flat file data objects


Relational data objects


Logical data objects

When you deploy an object as a web service, the Developer tool prompts you to create a web service based
on the object, and then prompts you to create an application to contain the web service.
When you deploy an object as a web service, you enter the following information:





Name of the web service.


Model repository project folder where you want to put the application.

Chapter 9: Application Deployment




URL where you want users to access the web service. The Data Integration Service
overrides the URL defined in the WSDL file.


The prefix of the target namespace.

Deploy Objects as an SQL Data Service
You can deploy the following data objects as an SQL data service:

Physical data objects


Logical data objects

When you deploy a data object as an SQL data service, the Developer tool prompts you to create an SQL data
service based on the object, and then prompts you to create an application to contain the service.
When you deploy an object as an SQL data service, you enter the following information:



Name of the web service.


Model repository project folder where you want to put the application.

Deployment to an Application Archive File
An application archive file contains the objects and metadata of an application in an XML format.
When you deploy an application to this format, you save all the information about the application to an XML
file. The file has an .iar extension.
You might want to create an application archive file for any of the following reasons:

Deploy the application. If your organization restricts the ability to deploy applications to a Data Integration
Service to administrators, an administrator can deploy an application from an archive file to a Data
Integration Service. The administrator can use the Administrator tool, or infacmd dis deployapplication.


Import the application to a Model repository. An administrator can import an application from an archive
file to a Model repository using infacmd oie importobjects.
If you import an application archive that contains objects that are already in the Model repository, the
Developer tool creates a new project folder.
Note: The version of the Model repository where you import the application must be compatible with the
version from which you exported the application to an archive file.


Archive the application archive file in another system. For example, if the Model repository is not
integrated with a version control system, an administrator can check the archive file into a version control

Deployment to an Application Archive File


Deployment with Resource Parameters
When you deploy a mapping that has resource parameters in the source, the lookup, or the target
transformation, you can view a list of the data objects that the application requires to run the mapping.
You can check the data objects in the resource parameter values when you create an application or when you
deploy a mapping. To view the data objects, click the Depends link in the Create Application dialog box or in
the Deploy dialog box. When you view the data objects, you can choose to exclude a data object from the
application. You change the value of the resource parameter to a different data object at run time.
To exclude a data object from the application, clear the Include/Exclude checkbox.
A mapping can include multiple mapplets and a mapplet can include other mapplets. The dependencies list
does not show a resource parameter value if another parameter overrides it in the parameter hierarchy.
The following image shows the Depends link in the Deploy dialog box:

When you click the Depends link, the Additional Dependency dialog box appears. The Developer tool shows a
list of the data objects that the application requires to run the mapping.


Chapter 9: Application Deployment

The following image shows the Additional Dependency dialog box:

Application Redeployment
After you change the contents of an application, you must redeploy it to apply the changes.
You can update an application by editing, adding, or deleting application objects.
When you deploy an updated application, you choose to retain or discard application state information. State
information refers to mapping properties, mapping outputs, and the properties of run-time objects.
If you want to update a running target application, you must choose to stop the target application. If you do
not want to abort running objects, you can rename the application or deploy the application to a different
When you update an application and export it to a network file system, you can replace the application
archive file or cancel the deployment. If you replace the application archive file, the Developer tool replaces
the objects in the application and resets the object properties.

Application State Information
When you redeploy an application, you can choose to retain the state information for a deployed application
or to discard it.
State information refers to mapping properties and the properties of run-time objects such as mapping
outputs or the Sequence Generator transformation. When you retain state information, you retain these
settings and properties in the deployed application. When you discard state information, you discard the
state of these settings and properties in the deployed application.

Example: Retaining or discarding configurable properties
An application includes a mapping with configurable run-time properties. You set the High Precision property
to True. After you deploy the application, you edit the mapping and change the High Precision property to
False. When you redeploy the application and check Retain state information, the Data Integration Service
retains state information in the deployed application and does not recognize changes to the run-time
properties. You must uncheck Retain state information for the change to the property to take effect.

Example: Retaining or discarding sequences
A mapping includes a Sequence Generator transformation that generates unique keys for rows in a target
table. After you deploy the application that contains the mapping, the mapping runs and the Sequence

Application Redeployment


Generator transformation generates keys for rows 1-2000. The next time the mapping runs, the Sequence
Generator transformation would generate keys beginning with 2001, but you decide you want the sequence to
start at 10000. Edit the Sequence Generator transformation to specify the new start value. When you redeploy
the application and check Retain state information, the Data Integration Service retains state information in
the deployed application and does not recognize changes to the setting. When the mapping runs again, the
sequence resumes at 2001. You must uncheck Retain state information for the change to the setting to take
Note: Your choice to retain or discard application state has no effect on the Reset property of a Sequence
Generator transformation.

How to Create, Deploy, and Update an Application
Create and edit mappings and other objects and deploy them in an application to make them accessible to
end users.
The following image shows the process of developing and deploying an application:


Create mappings, workflows, transformations, and other objects to access and transform data.


Create an application and add objects to it.


Choose to deploy the application to a Data Integration Service or to an application archive file:



Deploy the application to a Data Integration Service to allow the Data Integration Service to run


Deploy the application to an application archive file to allow an administrator to archive the file,
deploy the application from the archive file, or import the application from the application archive file
to a Model repository.

If objects need further development to meet requirements, you can edit objects and update the
application, and then redeploy the application to the Data Integration Service.

An administrator can deploy an application and perform other administrative tasks from the command line or
from the Administrator tool. For information about these tasks, see the Informatica Application Service Guide.


Chapter 9: Application Deployment

Creating an Application
When you create an application, you select the objects to include in the application. Create an application
when you want to deploy one or more objects so end users can access the data through third-party tools.

Select a project or folder in the Object Explorer view.


Click File > New > Application.
The New Application dialog box appears.


Enter a name for the application.
The application name is part of the session log file name when you deploy the application. Depending on
the application, the session log file name might include the application name, feature name, connection
ID, and the date and time.
The session log file name is included with the log directory path in the log file path. On Windows
operating systems, the log file path has a limit of 259 characters. Consider the length limitation when
you name the application.


Click Browse to select the application location.
You must create the application in a project or a folder.


Click the Add button to add objects to the application.
The Add Objects dialog box appears.


Select one or more objects and click OK.
The Developer tool lists the objects you select in the New Application dialog box.


Select the Parameter Sets view to add parameter sets to the application. Click Finish to skip adding
parameter sets.
If you choose to add a parameter set, the Add Parameter Sets dialog box appears. If you click Finish, the
Developer tool adds the application to the project or folder.

How to Create, Deploy, and Update an Application



To add parameter sets to the application, click the Add button.
The Add Parameter Sets dialog box appears.


Select the parameter sets to add to the application and click OK.
Click Finish to create the application.

After you create an application, you deploy it to a Data Integration Service immediately, or deploy it to an
application archive file to run later.

Deploying an Application to a Data Integration Service
After you create an application, you can deploy it to a Data Integration Service to run application objects.

Right-click an application in the Object Explorer view and select Deploy.
The Deploy dialog box appears.


Select Deploy to Service.


Click Browse to select the domain.



In the Choose Domain dialog box, select a domain and click OK.


Select the Data Integration Services to which you want to deploy the application.

Click Finish.

The Developer tool deploys the application to the Data Integration Service. The Data Integration Service runs
the application and the objects that it contains.


Chapter 9: Application Deployment

You can test the output of application objects and validate the output against requirements. If necessary, you
can update the application and redeploy it.

Deploying an Object to a Data Integration Service
If you want to deploy an object to a Data Integration Service so you can run it, the Developer tool prompts you
to include it in an application. Then you can deploy the application to a Data Integration Service to run
application objects.
Create an application, based on business and functional requirements, when you want to deploy one or more
objects. You can also create an application when you want to update a deployed application.

Choose to deploy an executable object or a flat file data source.

To deploy a mapping, workflow, or other executable object, right-click the object and select Deploy.


To deploy a flat file data source, right-click the object and choose Deploy as a web service or Deploy
as a SQL Data service.

The Developer tool prompts you to create an application.

Enter an application name.


To add objects to the application, click the Add button and select objects.


To deploy the application with parameter sets, click Next.

Click the Add button to select the parameter sets to include in the application.


Select each parameter set to include from the list. You can select all the parameter sets.


Click Next.


Select a Data Integration Service to deploy the application to.


If the Developer tool contains the connection information for multiple domains, click Browse to select
the domain, and complete the following steps:

In the Choose Domain dialog box, select a domain and click OK.
The Developer tool lists the Data Integration Services associated with the domain in the Available
Services section of the Deploy dialog box.



Select the Data Integration Services to which you want to deploy the application.


Click Next.

To deploy the object to a web service, complete the following steps:

Configure properties for the web service.


To add operations to the web service, click Next.
By default, the Developer tool creates an operation for each object that you deploy as a web service.



Select each operation, operation input, and operation output to display and configure the properties.


Click Finish.

To deploy the object to an SQL data service, complete the following steps:

Enter a name for the SQL data service.


Accept the default location, or click Browse to select a Model repository and a project folder
location for the SQL data service.


Click Next.
The Add Virtual Tables to SQL Data Service dialog box appears.


Click the Add button.

How to Create, Deploy, and Update an Application



Enter a name for the virtual table.


Click the Open button in the Data Object column.
The Select a Data Object dialog box appears.



Select a physical data object and click OK.


Enter the virtual schema name in the Virtual Schema column.


Select Read in the Data Access column to link the virtual table with the data object. Select None if
you do not want to link the virtual table with the data object.

Click Finish.

The Developer tool deploys the application to the Data Integration Service. The Data Integration Service runs
the application and the objects that it contains.
You can test the output of application objects and validate the output against requirements. If necessary, you
can update the application and redeploy it.

Deploying an Object to an Archive File
You can export an object to an application archive file. You can store the file, or make it available to an
administrator to deploy to a Data Integration Service.
If you want to export an object to a file, you must create a valid application and add the object to it. Then you
can export the application to an application archive file.
Note: The application must be valid before it can be exported to an application archive file. To export an
application that is not valid, right-click an object and select Export, and then choose an export format.

Choose to export an executable object or a flat file data source.

To export a mapping, workflow, or other executable object, right-click the object and select Deploy.


To export a flat file data source, right-click the object and choose Deploy as a web service or Deploy
as a SQL Data service.

The Developer tool prompts you to create an application.

Enter an application name.


To choose a location for the application, accept the default location, or click Browse and select another


To add objects to the application, click the Add button and select objects.


To deploy the application with parameter sets, complete the following steps:

Click the Add button to select the parameter sets to include in the application.


Select each parameter set to include from the list. You can select all the parameter sets.


Click Next.


Select Export as an application archive file.


Click Browse to select the directory to save the file to.
The Choose a Directory dialog box appears.



Select the directory and click OK.
To configure details for an SQL data service, complete the following steps.

To choose a location for an SQL data service, accept the default location, or click Browse and select
another location.


To add virtual tables to the SQL data service, click Next.

Chapter 9: Application Deployment



Click the Add button to configure additional virtual tables for the SQL data service.

To configure details for a web service, complete the following steps.

Enter a name for the web service.


Accept the default Model repository location, or click Browse and select another location.


Enter a namespace.


Enter a prefix.


To add operations to the web service, click Next.


Click the Add button to create a new operation.


Configure input and output for each operation.

Click Finish.

The Developer Tool validates the application and then exports it to an application archive file.
Note: If the application is not valid, the deployment process fails.
You can store the application archive file in another system. For example, you can archive it in a version
control system. An administrator can deploy the application in the file to a Data Integration Service from the
infacmd dis DeployApplication command. You can also import the application in the file to a Model

Deploying an Application to an Archive File
Deploy an application to an application archive file if you do not want to deploy it directly to a Data
Integration Service. You can store the file, make it available to an administrator for import to another system,
or deploy the application from the file to a Data Integration Service.

Right-click an application in the Object Explorer and select Deploy.


Select Deploy to File System.


Click the Browse button to select the directory where you want to save the file.
The Choose a Directory dialog box appears.


Select the directory and click OK.


Click Finish.

The Developer tool validates the application and then exports it to an application archive file.
You can store the application archive file in another system. For example, you can archive it in a version
control system. An administrator can deploy the application in the file to a Data Integration Service using
infacmd dis DeployApplication.

Importing Application Archives
You can import an application that was deployed to an application archive file. You import the application
and dependent objects into the Model repository. You might want to do this if the archive file has been
archived from a different Model repository or retrieved from a version control system.

Click File > Import.
The Import wizard appears.


Select Informatica > Application Archive.


Click Next.

How to Create, Deploy, and Update an Application



Click Browse to select the application archive file.
The Developer tool lists the application archive file contents.


Select the Model repository into which you want to import the application.


Click Finish.

The Developer tool imports the application into the repository.

Updating an Application
If you update any object in an application, you must update the application and redeploy it to make the
changes accessible to end users. When you update the application, you can also add or delete objects and
edit properties.
Before you update and redeploy an application, stop the application on the Data Integration Service.

To edit an application object, open the object from the Object Explorer.


Right-click the application in the Object Explorer and select Open.
The Application Editor opens.


Click the Add button to add objects to the application.
The Add Objects dialog box appears.


Select one or more objects and click OK.


Select one or more objects to delete and click the Delete button.


Save the application.

After you update the application, redeploy it to the Data Integration Service.

Redeploying an Application to a Data Integration Service
After you update the objects that an application contains, redeploy the application to a Data Integration

Right-click an application in the Object Explorer view and click Deploy.
The Deploy dialog box appears.


Select Deploy to Service.


If no default Data Integration Service is set, click Browse to select the domain.
The Choose Domain dialog box appears.


Select a domain and click OK, and then select a Data Integration Service.
The Target Name column displays the application with the same name by default. For example, the
following image shows the deployment of the application ApplicationDemo:


Chapter 9: Application Deployment


Click the Target Name column to choose a different target application on the Data Integration Service.


To retain the state of run-time objects that are part of the application, select Retain state information.


To replace deployed objects, select Force target application to stop, aborting running objects.


Click Finish.

After you redeploy the application, you can validate it against requirements.

How to Create, Deploy, and Update an Application


Chapter 10

Object Import and Export
This chapter includes the following topics:

Object Import and Export Overview, 152


Import and Export Objects, 153


Object Export, 154


Object Import, 155

Object Import and Export Overview
You can export multiple objects from a project to an ..xml file. When you import objects, you can choose
individual objects in the ..xml file or all the objects in the ..xml file.
You can export objects to an .xml file and then import objects from the .xml file. When you export objects, the
Developer tool creates an .xml file that contains the metadata of the exported objects. Use the .xml file to
import the objects into a project or folder. You can also import and export objects through infacmd
Export and import objects to accomplish the following tasks:
Deploy metadata into production
After you test a mapping in a development repository, you can export it to an .xml file and then import it
from the .xml file into a production repository.
Archive metadata
You can export objects to an .xml file that you no longer need before you remove them from the
Share metadata
You can share metadata with a third party. For example, you can send a mapping to someone else for
testing or analysis.
Copy metadata between repositories
You can copy objects between repositories that you cannot connect to from the same client. Export the
object and transfer the .xml file to the target machine. Then import the object from the .xml file into the
target repository. You can export and import objects between repositories with the same version. If the
objects contain tags, the Developer tool automatically imports into the repository.
You can use infacmd to generate a readable .xml file from an export file. You can also edit the object names
in the readable .xml file, and then update the export .xml file before you import the objects into a repository.


You can upgrade objects exported to an .xml file from a previous Informatica release to the current metadata
format, and then import the updated objects into the current release. Use the mrs UpgradeExportedObjects
command to upgrade the exported objects to the current metadata format before you import the objects.

Import and Export Objects
You can import and export projects and objects in a project. You can also import and export application
archive files in a repository.
When you export an object, the Developer tool also exports the dependent objects. A dependent object is an
object that is used by another object. For example, a physical data object used as a mapping input is a
dependent object of that mapping. When you import an object, the Developer tool imports all the dependent
When you export or import objects in a project or folder, the Model Repository Service preserves the object
The following table lists objects and dependent objects that you can export:



- SQL data services, mappings, or workflows and their dependent objects


- Projects contain other objects, but they do not have dependent objects


- Folders contain other objects, but they do not have dependent objects

Reference table

- Reference tables do not have dependent objects

Content set

- Content sets do not have dependent objects

Physical data object (except for
customized data object)

- Physical data objects do not have dependent objects

Customized data object

- Physical data objects

Logical data object model

- Logical data objects
- Physical data objects
- Reusable transformations and their dependent objects
- Mapplets and their dependent objects


- Physical data objects
- Reference tables
- Content sets


- Logical data objects
- Physical data objects
- Reusable transformations and their dependent objects
- Mapplets and their dependent objects

Import and Export Objects





- Logical data objects
- Physical data objects
- Reusable transformations and their dependent objects
- Mapplets and their dependent objects

SQL data service

- Logical data objects
- Physical data objects
- Reusable transformations and their dependent objects
- Mapplets and their dependent objects


- Logical data objects
- Physical data objects


- Profiles and their dependent objects

Web service

- Operation mappings


- Mappings and their dependent objects

Object Export
When you export an object, the Developer tool creates an XML file that contains the metadata of the objects.
You can choose the objects to export. You must also choose to export all dependent objects. The Developer
tool exports the objects and the dependent objects. The Developer tool exports the last saved version of the
object. The Developer tool includes Cyclic Redundancy Checking Value (CRCVALUE) codes in the elements in
the XML file. If you modify attributes in an element that contains a CRCVALUE code, you cannot import the
object. If you want to modify the attributes use the infacmd xrf command.
You can also export objects with the infacmd oie ExportObjects command.

Exporting Objects
To use Model repository objects in another repository, you can export the objects as an XML metadata file.

Click File > Export.
The Export wizard opens.


Select Informatica > Export Object Metadata File.
Click Next.


Click Browse. Select the repository project that contains the objects to export.
Click Next.



Select one or more objects to export. If you highlighted a repository object before you started the export
process, the wizard selects the object for you.


Enter a file name and a location for the XML metadata file. The Developer tool exports all the objects
that you select to a single file.

Chapter 10: Object Import and Export

Click Next.

The wizard displays any dependent object that the metadata objects use.
Click Next to accept the dependent objects.



If the objects that you select include reference data objects, select the Export content option and verify
the export settings:

Verify the name and location for the reference data files that you export. The Developer tool Service
exports the reference data files to a single ZIP file. By default, the wizard exports the ZIP file and the
XML metadata file to the same directory.


Verify the code page that the reference data uses. The default code page is UTF-8. If you export
reference table data, accept the default code page.


Verify the probabilistic model data to export. By default, the wizard exports all model data. If the
objects that you select do not include a probabilistic model, the export process ignores the option.

Click Finish to export the selected objects.
The Developer tool exports the object metadata to an XML file and exports any dependent reference data
files to a ZIP file.

Object Import
You can import a project or objects within a project from an export file. You can import the objects and any
dependent objects into a project or folder.
You can import a project or individual objects. Import a project when you want to reuse all objects in the
project. Import individual objects when you want to reuse objects across projects.
When you import an object, the Developer tool lists all the dependent objects. You must add each dependent
object to the target before you can import the object.
When you import objects, an object in the export file might have the same name as an object in the target
project or folder. You can choose how you want to resolve naming conflicts.
You can also import objects with the infacmd oie ImportObjects command.
You cannot import objects from an export file that you created in a previous version.

Importing Projects
You can import a project from an XML file into the target repository. You can also import the contents of the
project into a project in the target repository.

Click File > Import.


Select Informatica > Import Object Metadata File (Basic).


Click Next.


Click Browse and select the export file that you want to import.


Click Next.


Select the project or select " Project Content" in the Source pane.

If you select the project in the Source pane, select the Model Repository Service in the Target pane
where you want to import the project.

Object Import




If you select the project content in the Source pane, select the project to which you want to import the
project contents in the Target pane.

Click Add to Target to add the project to the target.
Tip: You can also drag the project from the Source pane into the repository in the Target pane. Or, you
can drag the project content in the Source pane into a project in the Target pane.


Click Resolution to specify how to handle duplicate objects.
You can rename the imported object, replace the existing object with the imported object, or reuse the
existing object. The Developer tool renames all the duplicate objects by default.


Click Next.
The Developer tool lists any reference table data that you are importing. Specify the additional reference
table settings.


Click Next.
The Developer tool summarizes the objects to be imported. Click Link Source and Target Objects to link
the objects in the Source and Target display panes when you select one of the objects. For example, if
you select this option and then select an object in the Source pane, the Developer tool selects the same
object in the Target pane.


Map the connections from the import file to the target domain connections in the Additional Import
Settings pane. You can also select whether to overwrite existing tags on the objects.


Click Finish.

If you chose to rename the duplicate project, the Model Repository Service appends a number to the object
name. You can rename the project after you import it.


Chapter 10: Object Import and Export

Importing Objects
You can import objects from an XML file or application archive file. You import the objects and any
dependent objects into a project.

Click File > Import.


Select Informatica > Import Object Metadata File (Advanced).


Click Next.


Click Browse to select the export file that you want to import.


Click Next.


Select the object in the Source pane that you want to import.


Select the project in the Target pane to which you want to import the object.


Click Add to Target to add the object to the target.

If you click Auto Match to Target, the Developer tool tries to match the descendants of the current
source selection individually by name, type, and parent hierarchy in the target selection and adds the
objects that match.
If you want to import all the objects under a folder or a project, select the target folder or project and
click Add Content to Target.
Tip: You can also drag the object from the Source pane into the required project in the Target pane.
Press the control key while you drag to maintain the object hierarchy in source and target.

Click to specify how to handle duplicate objects.
You can rename the imported object, replace the existing object with the imported object, or reuse the
existing object. The Developer tool renames all the duplicate objects by default.


Click Next.

Object Import


The Developer tool lists any dependent objects in the import file.

Add dependent objects to a target folder or project.


Click Next.
The Developer tool lists any reference table data that you are importing. Specify the additional reference
table settings.


Click Next.
The Developer tool summarizes the objects to be imported. Click Link Source and Target Objects to link
the objects in the Source and Target display panes when you select one of the objects. For example, if
you select this option and then select an object in the Source pane, the Developer tool selects the same
object in the Target pane.


Map the connections from the import file to the target domain connections in the Additional Import
Settings pane. You can also select whether to overwrite existing tags on the objects.


Click Finish.

If you choose to rename the duplicate project, the Import wizard names the imported project as "_." You can rename the project after you import it.

Importing Objects from a Previous Informatica Release
You can upgrade objects exported from a previous Informatica release to the current metadata format, and
then import the upgraded objects into the current Informatica release. You must upgrade the exported
objects to the current metadata format before you import the objects into the current release.
You might import objects from a previous Informatica release into the current Informatica release in an
enterprise with multiple Informatica releases installed. For example, you might export objects from a
previous Informatica release development domain, and then import the objects into a current Informatica
release test domain.
You export objects from an Informatica 10.1 or 10.1.1 Model repository to an .xml file that contains the
object metadata. You use the mrs UpgradeExportedObjects command to upgrade the exported objects to the
current metadata format. You must specify the path and file name of the .xml file that contains the exported
objects when you run the command.
Do not modify the .xml file before you run the mrs UpgradeExportedObjects command. If you modify the file
before you run the command, the objects in the file might not upgrade successfully.
The mrs UpgradeExportedObjects command upgrades the objects, and then generates an .xml file containing
the upgraded objects. You must specify the file name and path for the .xml file. You can import the .xml file
into a current Informatica release repository.
The mrs UpgradeExportedObjects command requires access to an Informatica 10.2 Model Repository
Service. You must supply the service name of an Informatica 10.2 Model Repository Service running within
the domain when you run the command.
For more information about the mrs UpgradeExportedObjects command, see the Informatica Command


Chapter 10: Object Import and Export

Appendix A

Data Type Reference
This appendix includes the following topics:

Data Type Reference Overview, 159


Transformation Data Types, 160


Complex File and Transformation Data Types, 171


Flat File and Transformation Data Types, 174


DB2 for LUW and Transformation Data Types, 175


DB2 for i5/OS, DB2 for z/OS, and Transformation Datatypes, 176


JDBC and Transformation Datatypes, 177


Microsoft SQL Server and Transformation Data Types, 179


Nonrelational and Transformation Datatypes, 181


ODBC and Transformation Data Types, 183


Oracle and Transformation Data Types, 185


SAP HANA and Transformation Datatypes, 188


XML and Transformation Datatypes, 189


Converting Data, 191

Data Type Reference Overview
When you create a mapping, you create a set of instructions for the Data Integration Service to read data
from a source, transform it, and write it to a target. The Data Integration Service transforms data based on
dataflow in the mapping, starting at the first transformation in the mapping, and the data type assigned to
each port in a mapping.
The Developer tool displays two types of data types:
Native data types
Native data types are specific to the relational table or flat file used as a physical data object. Native
data types appear in the physical data object column properties.
Transformation data types
Transformation data types are set of data types that appear in the transformations. They are internal
data types based on ANSI SQL-92 generic data types, which the Data Integration Service uses to move
data across platforms. Transformation data types appear in all transformations in a mapping.


Transformation data types include the following data types:

Primitive data type. Represents a single data value in a single column position.


Complex data type. Represents multiple data values in a single column position. Use complex data
types in mappings that run on the Spark engine to process hierarchical data in complex files.

When the Data Integration Service reads source data, it converts the native data types to the comparable
transformation data types before transforming the data. When the Data Integration Service writes to a target,
it converts the transformation data types to the comparable native data types.
When you specify a multibyte character set, the data types allocate additional space in the database to store
characters of up to three bytes.

Transformation Data Types
The following table describes the transformation data types:

Size in Bytes


Unlimited number of characters.

Complex data type.


You can use arrays with complex sources and targets.

8 bytes

-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
Precision of 19, scale of 0
Integer value.



1 to 104,857,600 bytes
You cannot use binary data for flat file sources.


16 bytes

Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
Precision of 29, scale of 9
(precision to the nanosecond)
Combined date/time value.


8 bytes (if high precision is off or
precision is greater than 38)

Decimal value with declared precision and scale. Scale
must be less than or equal to precision.

16 bytes (if precision <= 18 and high
precision is on)

For transformations that support precision up to 38
digits, the precision is 1 to 38 digits, and the scale is 0
to 38.

20 bytes (if precision > 18 and <= 28)
24 bytes (if precision > 28 and <= 38)

For transformations that support precision up to 28
digits, the precision is 1 to 28 digits, and the scale is 0
to 28.
If you specify the precision greater than the maximum
number of digits, the Data Integration Service converts
decimal values to double in high precision mode.


8 bytes

Double-precision floating-point numeric value.
You can edit the precision and scale. The scale must be
less than or equal to the precision.


Appendix A: Data Type Reference


Size in Bytes



4 bytes

-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision of 10, scale of 0
Integer value.


Unlimited number of characters.

Complex data type.
You can use maps with complex sources and targets.



Unicode mode: (precision + 1) * 2

1 to 104,857,600 characters

ASCII mode: precision + 1

Fixed-length or varying-length string.

Unlimited number of characters.

Complex data type
You can use structs with complex sources and targets.



Unicode mode: (precision + 1) * 2

1 to 104,857,600 characters

ASCII mode: precision + 1

Fixed-length or varying-length string.

40 bytes

Aug. 1, 1947 A.D to Dec. 31, 2040 A.D.
-12:00 to +14:00
Precision of 36 and scale of 9.
(precision to the nanosecond)
Timestamp with Time Zone data type does not support
the following time zone regions:


Integer Data Types
You can pass integer data from sources to targets and perform transformations on integer data. The
transformation language supports Bigint and Integer data types.
The transformation integer data types represent exact values.

Integer Values in Calculations
When you use integer values in calculations, the Data Integration Service sometimes converts integer values
to floating-point numbers before it performs the calculation. For example, to evaluate MOD( 12.00, 5 ), the
Data Integration Service converts the integer value “5” to a floating-point number before it performs the
division operation. The Data Integration Service converts integer values to double or decimal values
depending on whether you enable high precision.

Transformation Data Types


The Data Integration Service converts integer values in the following arithmetic operations:
Arithmetic Operation

High Precision Disabled

Functions and calculations that cannot introduce
decimal points.

No conversion


High Precision Enabled

For example, integer addition, subtraction, and
multiplication, and functions such as CUME,
Non-scientific functions and calculations that can
introduce decimal points.





For example, integer division, and functions such as
All scientific functions and the EXP, LN, LOG,
POWER, and SQRT functions.

1. If the calculation produces a result that is out of range, the Integration Service writes a row error.
The transformation Double data type supports precision of up to 15 digits, while the Bigint data type supports
precision of up to 19 digits. Therefore, precision loss can occur in calculations that produce Bigint values
with precision of more than 15 digits.
For example, an expression transformation contains the following calculation:
Before it performs the calculation, the Data Integration Service converts the inputs to the POWER function to
double values. If the BIGINTVAL port contains the Bigint value 9223372036854775807, the Data Integration
Service converts this value to 9.22337203685478e+18, losing the last 4 digits of precision. If the EXPVAL
port contains the value 1.0 and the result port is a Bigint, this calculation produces a row error since the
result, 9223372036854780000, exceeds the maximum bigint value.
When you use an Integer data type in a calculation that can produce decimal values and you enable high
precision, the Data Integration Service converts the integer values to decimal values.
For transformations that support the Decimal data type with precision up to 28 digits, precision loss does not
occur in a calculation unless the result produces a value with precision greater than 28 digits in high
precision mode. In this case, the Data Integration Service stores the result as a double. If the port precision is
less than or equal to 28 digits and the result produces a value greater than 28 digits in high precision mode,
the Data Integration Service rejects the row.
For transformations that support the Decimal data type with precision up to 38 digits, precision loss does not
occur in a calculation unless the result produces a value with precision greater than 38 digits in high
precision mode. In this case, the Data Integration Service stores the result as a double. If the port precision is
less than or equal to 38 digits and the result produces a value greater than 38 digits in high precision mode,
the Data Integration Service rejects the row.

Integer Constants in Expressions
The Integration Service interprets constants in an expression as floating-point values, even if the calculation
produces an integer result. For example, in the expression INTVALUE + 1000, the Integration Service converts
the integer value “1000” to a double value if high precision is not enabled. It converts the value 1000 to a
decimal value if high precision is enabled. To process the value 1000 as an integer value, create a variable
port with an Integer data type to hold the constant and modify the expression to add the two ports.


Appendix A: Data Type Reference

NaN Values
NaN (Not a Number) is a value that is usually returned as the result of an operation on invalid input operands,
especially in floating-point calculations. For example, when an operation attempts to divide zero by zero, it
returns a NaN result.
Operating systems and programming languages may represent NaN differently. For example the following
list shows valid string representations of NaN:
The Integration Service converts QNAN values to 1.#QNAN on Win64EMT platforms. 1.#QNAN is a valid
representation of NaN.

Write Integer Values to Flat Files
When writing integer values to a fixed-width flat file, the file writer does not verify that the data is within
range. For example, the file writer writes the result 3,000,000,000 to a target Integer column if the field width
of the target column is at least 13. The file writer does not reject the row because the result is outside the
valid range for Integer values.

Binary Data Type
If a mapping includes binary data, set the precision for the transformation binary data type so that the
Integration Service can allocate enough memory to move the data from source to target.
You cannot use binary data types for flat file sources.

Date/Time Data Type
The Date/Time data type handles years from 1 A.D. to 9999 A.D. in the Gregorian calendar system. Years
beyond 9999 A.D. cause an error.
The Date/Time data type supports dates with precision to the nanosecond. The data type has a precision of
29 and a scale of 9. Some native data types have a smaller precision. When you import a source that
contains datetime values, the import process imports the correct precision from the source column. For
example, the Microsoft SQL Server Datetime data type has a precision of 23 and a scale of 3. When you
import a Microsoft SQL Server source that contains Datetime values, the Datetime columns in the mapping
source have a precision of 23 and a scale of 3.
The Integration Service reads datetime values from the source to the precision specified in the mapping
source. When the Integration Service transforms the datetime values, it supports precision up to 29 digits.
For example, if you import a datetime value with precision to the millisecond, you can use the ADD_TO_DATE
function in an Expression transformation to add nanoseconds to the date.
If you write a Date/Time value to a target column that supports a smaller precision, the Integration Service
truncates the value to the precision of the target column. If you write a Date/Time value to a target column
that supports a larger precision, the Integration Service inserts zeroes in the unsupported portion of the
datetime value.

Transformation Data Types


Timestamp with Time Zone
Timestamp with Time Zone is a variant of the Timestamp data type that includes a time zone offset, TIME
ZONE_HOUR: TIME ZONE_MINUTE, with or without daylight savings or time zone region name. The time zone
offset is the difference, in hours and minutes, between the local time zone and UTC (Coordinated Universal
For example, '16-JUN-08 PM -06:00'. In the example, -06:00 is the time zone offset.
Another example is, '05-JUN-2008 07:01:25.376000 PM America/Los_Angeles'. In the example, America/
Los_Angeles is the time zone region name.
When you import the Timestamp with Time Zone data type into the Developer tool, the associated
transformation data type is timestampWithTZ.
timestampWithTZ has a precision of 36 and a scale of 9. Timestamp with Time Zone displacement value
range is from -12:00 < UTC < +14:00.
The Data Integration Service can process Timestamp with Time Zone data type in Oracle and flat file data
objects. Timestamp with Time Zone data type is applicable only for the data within the range of Aug 1947 to
Dec 2040.
Timestamp with Time Zone data type does not support the following time zone regions in the Developer tool:








Timestamp with Time Zone data type uses the IANA standard for the Time Zone Database version 2015b. To
avoid data corruption when using the Timestamp with Time Zone data type, ensure that the Oracle DST patch
24 is present on the Oracle server and client. When you enable data object caching, ensure that the Oracle
DST patch 24 is present on the database server used for data object caching.
If the patch is not present, download the Oracle DST patch 24 from the Oracle website. To verify that the
Oracle server uses the Oracle DST patch 24, run the following command in the command prompt at the
Oracle server:
SELECT VERSION FROM v$timezone_file;
You can verify that the version appears as 24. You can also verify the version when you run the following
command at the Oracle server:
SELECT TZ_VERSION FROM registry$database;
You can verify that the TZ_VERSION appears as 24.

Timestamp with Local Time Zone
Timestamp with Local Time Zone is a variant of the Timestamp data type where the timestamp data is
normalized to the database time zone. The time zone displacement is not part of the column data. When the
Data Integration Service reads the data, Oracle returns the data in the time zone of the Data Integration
When you import the Timestamp with Local Time Zone data type into the Developer tool, the associated
transformation data type is date/time.
For example, '04-APR-10 10.27.451 AM'
Timestamp (9) with Local Time Zone has a precision of 29 and a scale of 9. It is mapped to the date/time
(29,9) transformation data type.


Appendix A: Data Type Reference

To set the default session time zone when the Data Integration Service reads or writes the Timestamp with
Local Time Zone data, specify the ORA_SDTZ environment variable. You can set the ORA_SDTZ environment
variable to any of the following values:

Operating system local time zone ('OS_TZ')


Database time zone ('DB_TZ')


Absolute offset from UTC (for example, '-05:00')


Time zone region name (for example, 'America/Los_Angeles')

Supported Time Zones for Oracle
In the following install location, you can see that the time zones file contains the list of all supported time
zones for Oracle except the four time zones of AFRICA_CAIRO, AFRICA_MONROVIA, EGYPT, and
If you want to add time zones later based on Oracle support for additional time zones, you can place a new
file in the same install location that includes the new Time Zones.

Decimal and Double Data Types
You can pass decimal and double data from sources to targets and perform transformations on decimal and
double data.
The transformation language supports the following data types:
For transformations that support precision up to 38 digits, the precision is 1 to 38 digits, and the scale is
0 to 38. For transformations that support precision up to 28 digits, the precision is 1 to 28 digits, and the
scale is 0 to 28. You cannot use decimal values with a scale greater than the precision or with a negative
precision. Transformations display any range that you assign to the Decimal data type, but the Data
Integration Service supports precision only up to 38 digits or 28 digits depending on the transformation.
When you enable high precision and the port precision is greater than 38 digits or 28 digits, depending
on the transformation, the Data Integration Service stores the result as a double.
Double-precision floating-point numeric value.
You can edit the precision and scale. The scale must be less than or equal to the precision.

Decimal and Double Values in Calculations
Precision loss can occur with Decimal and Double data types in a calculation when the result produces a
value with a precision greater than the maximum.
If you disable high precision, the Data Integration Service converts decimal values to double. Precision loss
occurs if the decimal value has a precision greater than 15 digits. For example, you have a mapping with
Decimal (20,0) that passes the number 40012030304957666903. If you disable high precision, the Data
Integration Service converts the decimal value to double and passes 4.00120303049577 x 1019.
Additional precision loss can occur if you use expressions in transformations that have intermediate
calculations. If you disable high precision, the Data Integration Service converts the intermediate result to
double and uses the intermediate result with lower precision to perform the following calculation in the
expression. As a result, the Data Integration Service might produce a different output for expressions based

Transformation Data Types


on the order of the arguments. For example, when you disable high precision, the output for tan(90*$pi /180)
is different from tan(90/180*$pi). The Data Integration Service performs the intermediate calculations in
these expressions as follows:
tan(90*$pi/180) = tan(1.5707963267950003) = -9.649380295141232E12
tan(90/180*$pi) = tan(1.570796326795) = -9.670099380792184E12
For transformations that support Decimal data type of precision up to 38 digits, use the Decimal data type
and enable high precision to ensure precision of up to 38 digits.
For transformations that support Decimal data type of precision up to 28 digits, use the Decimal data type
and enable high precision to ensure precision of up to 28 digits.
Precision loss does not occur in a calculation unless the result produces a value with precision greater than
the maximum allowed digits. In this case, the Data Integration Service stores the result as a double.
Do not use the Double data type for data that you use in an equality condition, such as a lookup or join
The following table lists how the Data Integration Service handles decimal values based on high precision
Port Data Type


High Precision Off

High Precision On


0 to 15




15 to 38 for
transformations that
support the Decimal
data type with
precision up to 38





15 to 28 for
transformations that
support the Decimal
data type with
precision up to 28

Over 38 for
transformations that
support the Decimal
data type with
precision up to 38
Over 28 for
transformations that
support the Decimal
data type with
precision up to 28

When you enable high precision, the Data Integration Service converts numeric constants in any expression
function to Decimal. If you do not enable high precision, the Data Integration Service converts numeric
constants to Double.
You can ensure the maximum precision for numeric values greater than 28 or 38 digits depending on the
transformation. Before you perform any calculations or transformations with the transformation functions,
truncate or round any large numbers.


Appendix A: Data Type Reference

Rounding Methods for Double Values
Due to differences in system run-time libraries and the computer system where the database processes
double datatype calculations, the results may not be as expected. The double datatype conforms to the IEEE
794 standard. Changes to database client library, different versions of a database or changes to a system
run-time library affect the binary representation of mathematically equivalent values. Also, many system runtime libraries implement the round-to-even or the symmetric arithmetic method. The round-to-even method
states that if a number falls midway between the next higher or lower number it round to the nearest value
with an even least significant bit. For example, with the round-to-even method, 0.125 is rounded to 0.12. The
symmetric arithmetic method rounds the number to next higher digit when the last digit is 5 or greater. For
example, with the symmetric arithmetic method 0.125 is rounded to 0.13 and 0.124 is rounded to 0.12.
To provide calculation results that are less susceptible to platform differences, the Integration Service stores
the 15 significant digits of double datatype values. For example, if a calculation on Windows returns the
number 1234567890.1234567890, and the same calculation on UNIX returns 1234567890.1234569999, the
Integration Service converts this number to 1234567890.1234600000.

String Data Types
The transformation data types include the following string data types:




Although the String and Text data types support the same precision up to 104,857,600 characters, the
Integration Service uses String to move string data from source to target and Text to move text data from
source to target. Because some databases store text data differently than string data, the Integration Service
needs to distinguish between the two types of character data. In general, the smaller string data types, such
as Char and Varchar, display as String in transformations, while the larger text data types, such as Text, Long,
and Long Varchar, display as Text.
Use String and Text interchangeably within transformations. However, in Lookup transformations, the target
data types must match. The database drivers need to match the string data types with the transformation
data types, so that the data passes accurately. For example, Varchar in a lookup table must match String in
the Lookup transformation.

Complex Data Types
Use complex data types to represent multiple data values in a single row or column position in a
transformation. You use complex data types to enable mappings that run on the Spark engine to directly read,
process, and write hierarchical data.
You assign complex data types to complex ports in a mapping to process hierarchical data. You call ports
that process hierarchical data complex ports. You specify the complex data type to use to process data from
a complex port in the port type configuration in the Developer tool.
You can use the following complex data types in transformations in mappings that run on the Spark engine:
An array is an ordered collection of elements. The elements can be primitive data types such as integers
or strings, or complex data types such as arrays, structs, or maps. All elements in the array must be of
the same data type.
A map contains an unordered collection of key-value pairs. The value part can be a primitive data type, or
a complex data type. The value can only be of a single data type.

Transformation Data Types


A struct is a collection of elements of different data types. A struct data type is conceptually similar to a
table row. The data type contains a fixed number of named fields, each with a predefined data type.
Complex data types can contain primitive data types or complex data types. There are no restrictions on the
number of characters contained within a complex data type.
You can use a nested data type in a complex port. A nested data type is a complex data type that contains
other complex data types. For example, you can create an array of structs, or a struct containing an array of
other structs. A nested data type can contain up to 10 levels of nesting.

Array Data Type
An array data type represents an ordered collection of elements. To pass, generate, or process array data,
assign array data type to ports.
An array is a zero-based indexed list. An array index indicates the position of the array element. For example,
the array index 0 indicates the first element in an array. The transformation language includes operators to
access array elements and functions to generate and process array data.
An array can be one-dimensional or multidimensional. A one-dimensional array is a linear array. A
multidimensional array is an array of arrays. Array transformation data types can have up to five dimensions.

array  []
The following table describes the arguments for this data type:



Name of the array column or port.


Data type of the elements in an array.
The elements can be primitive data types or complex data types. All elements in the array must be of
the same data type.


Dimension of the array represented as subscript.
A single subscript [] represents a one-dimensional array. Two subscripts [][] represent a twodimensional array.
Elements in each dimension are of the same data type.

The elements of an array do not have names. The number of elements in an array can be different for each

Array Examples
One-dimensional array
The following array column represents a one-dimensional array of string elements that contains
customer phone numbers:
custphone string[]


Appendix A: Data Type Reference

The following example shows data values for the custphone column:
Two-dimensional array
The following array column represents a two-dimensional array of string elements that contains
customer work and personal email addresses.
email_work_pers string[][]
The following example shows data values for the email_work_pers column:

Map Data Type
A map data type represents an unordered collection of key-value pair elements. To pass map data through
transformations, assign map data type to ports.
A map element is a key and value pair that maps one thing to another. The Spark engine can read and write
map data in complex files, and pass through map data in a mapping.

The following table describes the arguments for this data type:



Name of the map column or port.


Data type of the key in a map element.
The key must be of a primitive data type.


Data type of the value in a map element.
The value can be of a primitive or complex data type.

Map Example
The following map column represents map data with an integer key and a string value to map customer ids
with customer names:

Transformation Data Types


The following example shows data values for the custid_name column:
<26745,'John Baer'>
<56743,'Bobbi Apperley'>
<32879,'Linda Bender'>

Struct Data Type
A struct data type represents a collection of elements of different data types. A struct data type has an
associated schema that defines the structure of the data. To pass, generate, or process struct data, assign
struct data type to ports.
The schema for the struct data type determines the element names and the number of elements in the struct
data. The schema also determines the order of elements in the struct data. Informatica uses complex data
type definitions to represent the schema of struct data.
The transformation language includes operators to access struct elements. It also includes functions to
generate and process struct data and to modify the schema of the data.

struct {element_name1:value1 [, element_name2:value2, ...]}
Schema for the struct is of the following format:
schema {element_name1:data_type1 [, element_name2:data_type2, ...]}
The following table describes the arguments for this data type:



Name of the struct column or port.


A definition of the structure of data.
Schema is a name-type pair that determines the name and data type of the struct elements.


Name of the struct element.


Value of the struct element.


Data type of the element value.
The element values can be of a primitive or complex data type. Each element in the struct can have
a different data type.

Struct Example
The following schema is for struct data to store customer addresses:


Appendix A: Data Type Reference

The following example shows struct data values for the cust_address column:
{st_number:154,st_name:Addison Ave,city:Redwood City,state:CA,zip:94065}
{st_number:204,st_name:Ellis St,city:Mountain View,state:CA,zip:94043}
{st_number:357,st_name:First St,city:Sunnyvale,state:CA,zip:94085}

Complex File and Transformation Data Types
You can use complex data types in mappings to process hierarchical data in complex files.
You can use complex data types in the following complex files in mappings that run on the Spark engine:



JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)



Avro and Transformation Data Types
Apache Avro data types map to transformation data types that the Data Integration Service uses to move
data across platforms.
The following table compares Avro data types and transformation data types:





Unlimited number of characters.



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision of 10, scale of 0



1 to 104,857,600 bytes



Precision of 15 digits



1 to 104,857,600 bytes



Precision of 15 digits



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision of 10, scale of 0



-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
Precision of 19, scale of 0



Unlimited number of characters.

Complex File and Transformation Data Types







Unlimited number of characters.



1 to 104,857,600 characters


Corresponding data type in a union of ["primitive_type|
complex_type", "null"] or ["null", "primitive_type|

Dependent on primitive or complex data

Avro Union Data Type
A union indicates that a field might have more than one data type. For example, a union might indicate that a
field can be a string or a null. A union is represented as a JSON array containing the data types.
The Developer tool only interprets a union of ["primitive_type|complex_type", "null"] or ["null", "primitive_type|
complex_type"]. The Avro data type converts to the corresponding transformation data type. The Developer
tool ignores the null.

Unsupported Avro Data Types
The Developer tool does not support the following Avro data types:




JSON and Transformation Data Types
JavaScript Object Notation data types map to transformation data types that the Data Integration Service
uses to move data across platforms.
The following table compares JSON data types and transformation data types:





Unlimited number of characters.



Precision of 15 digits



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision of 10, scale of 0



Unlimited number of characters.



1 to 104,857,600 characters

Unsupported JSON Data Types
The Developer tool does not support the following JSON data types:






Appendix A: Data Type Reference



Parquet and Transformation Data Types
Apache Parquet data types map to transformation data types that the Data Integration Service uses to move
data across platforms.
The following table compares Parquet data types and transformation data types:





1 to 104,857,600 bytes

Binary (UTF8)


1 to 104,857,600 characters



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision of 10, scale of 0



Precision of 15 digits

Fixed Length
Byte Array


Decimal value with declared precision and
scale. Scale must be less than or equal to
For transformations that support precision
up to 38 digits, the precision is 1 to 38
digits, and the scale is 0 to 38.
For transformations that support precision
up to 28 digits, the precision is 1 to 28
digits, and the scale is 0 to 28.
If you specify the precision greater than the
maximum number of digits, the Data
Integration Service converts decimal
values to double in high precision mode.



Precision of 15 digits

group (LIST)


Unlimited number of characters.



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision of 10, scale of 0



-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
Precision of 19, scale of 0



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
Precision of 29, scale of 9
(precision to the nanosecond)
Combined date/time value.



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
Precision of 29, scale of 9
(precision to the nanosecond)
Combined date/time value.

Complex File and Transformation Data Types







Unlimited number of characters.



Unlimited number of characters.


Corresponding primitive data type in a union of
["primitive_type", "null"] or ["null", "primitive_type"].

Dependent on primitive data type.

Parquet Union Data Type
A union indicates that a field might have more than one data type. For example, a union might indicate that a
field can be a string or a null. A union is represented as a JSON array containing the data types.
The Developer tool only interprets a union of ["primitive_type", "null"] or ["null", "primitive_type"]. The Parquet
data type converts to the corresponding transformation data type. The Developer tool ignores the null.

Unsupported Parquet Data Types
The Developer tool does not support the following Parquet data types:


Flat File and Transformation Data Types
Flat file data types map to transformation data types that the Data Integration Service uses to move data
across platforms.
The following table compares flat file data types to transformation data types:
Flat File





Precision of 19 digits, scale of 0



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D. (precision to the nanosecond)



Precision of 15 digits



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



1 to 104,857,600 characters



For transformations that support precision up to 38 digits, the
precision is 1 to 38 digits, and the scale is 0 to 38.
If you specify the precision greater than the maximum number of
digits, the Data Integration Service converts decimal values to
double in high precision mode.




Appendix A: Data Type Reference

1 to 104,857,600 characters

When the Data Integration Service reads non-numeric data in a numeric column from a flat file, it drops the
row and writes a message in the log. Also, when the Data Integration Service reads non-datetime data in a
datetime column from a flat file, it drops the row and writes a message in the log.

DB2 for LUW and Transformation Data Types
DB2 for LUW data types map to transformation data types that the Data Integration Service uses to move
data across platforms.
The following table compares DB2 for LUW data types and transformation data types:
Data Type





-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to


-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
Precision 19, scale 0


1 to 2,147,483,647 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


1 to 254 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters

Char for bit data

1 to 254 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


1 to 2,447,483,647 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 characters

0001 to 9999 A.D.


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999


Precision 19; scale 0 (precision
to the day)

(precision to the nanosecond)


1 to 1073741823 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


Precision 1 to 31, scale 0 to 31


Precision 1 to 31, scale 0 to 31


Precision 1 to 15


Precision 15


1 to 127 bytes


1 to 127 bytes


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0

Long Varchar

32700 bytes

Long Varchar

32700 bytes

Long Vargraphic

163350 bytes

Long Vargraphic

163350 bytes


Precision 1 to 31, scale 0 to 31


Precision 1 to 28, scale 0 to 28


-32,768 to 32,767


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0


24-hour time period
Precision 19, scale 0
(precision to the second)


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999
(precision to the nanosecond)

DB2 for LUW and Transformation Data Types


Data Type





26 bytes


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999

Precision 26, scale 6

(precision to the nanosecond)

(precision to the microsecond)

Up to 4,000 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters

Varchar for bit data

Up to 4,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


1 to 16336 bytes


1 to 16336 bytes

1. When the Data Integration Service converts the DB2 Time data type to the transformation Date/Time data type, the
date value is added to the time value.

DB2 for i5/OS, DB2 for z/OS, and Transformation
DB2 for i5/OS and DB2 for z/OS datatypes map to transformation datatypes in the same way that IBM DB2
datatypes map to transformation datatypes. The Data Integration Service uses transformation datatypes to
move data across platforms.
The following table compares DB2 for i5/OS and DB2 for z/OS datatypes with transformation datatypes:





-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to


-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
Precision 19, scale 0


1 to 254 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters

Char for bit data

1 to 254 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes

0001 to 9999 A.D.



Precision 19; scale 0 (precision to
the day)

Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the nanosecond)


Precision 1 to 31, scale 0 to 31


Precision 1 to 31, scale 0 to 31.


Precision 1 to 15


Precision 15


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0


-32,768 to 32,767


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0


Appendix A: Data Type Reference




24-hour time period


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.

Precision 19, scale 0

(precision to the nanosecond)

(precision to the second)

26 bytes


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.

Precision 26, scale 6

(precision to the nanosecond)

(precision to the microsecond)

Up to 4,000 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters

Varchar for bit

Up to 4,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes

1. When the Data Integration Service converts the DB2 Time data type to the transformation Date/Time data type, the
date value is added to the time value.
2. DB2 for z/OS Version 10 extended-precision timestamps map to transformation datatypes as follows:
- If scale=6, then precision=26 and transformation datatype=date/time
- If scale=0, then precision=19 and transformation datatype=string
- If scale=1-5 or 7-12, then precision=20+scale and transformation datatype=string

Unsupported DB2 for i5/OS and DB2 for z/OS Datatypes
The Developer tool does not support certain DB2 for i5/OS and DB2 for z/OS datatypes.
The Developer tool does not support DB2 for i5/OS and DB2 for z/OS large object (LOB) datatypes. LOB
columns appear as unsupported in the relational table object, with a native type of varchar and a precision
and scale of 0. The columns are not projected to customized data objects or outputs in a mapping.

JDBC and Transformation Datatypes
When the Data Integration Service reads data from a JDBC source, it converts the native datatypes into the
corresponding JDBC datatypes and then to the transformation datatypes. It uses the transformation
datatypes to move data across platforms.
The following table compares the JDBC datatypes to the transformation datatypes:
JDBC Datatype





-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Precision 19, scale 0





1 to 104,857,600 bytes
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0



1 to 104,857,600 bytes

JDBC and Transformation Datatypes


JDBC Datatype




-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the nanosecond)



Precision 1 to 28, scale 0 to 28



Precision 15



Precision 15



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0

Long VarBinary*


1 to 104,857,600 bytes

Long Varchar*


1 to 104,857,600 characters



Precision 1 to 28, scale 0 to 28



Precision 15



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the nanosecond)



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the nanosecond)



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 bytes

*If the size of data in a port is greater than 100 MB, the Developer tool sets the port precision to 4000 by default. To
process data with a larger size, increase the port precision.


Appendix A: Data Type Reference

Microsoft SQL Server and Transformation Data
Microsoft SQL Server data types map to transformation data types that the Data Integration Service uses to
move data across platforms.
The following table compares Microsoft SQL Server data types and transformation data types:
Microsoft SQL





1 to 8,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


- 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to


-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
Precision 19, scale 0


1 bit


1 to 104,857,600 characters


1 to 8,000 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters

Jan 1, 1753 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999


Precision 23, scale 3

(precision to the nanosecond)

(precision to 3.33 milliseconds)

Jan 1, 0001 A.D. 00:00:00


Precision 22 to 27


For transformations that support
precision up to 38 digits, the
precision is 1 to 38 digits, and the
scale is 0 to 38.

Dec 31, 9999 A.D. 23:59:59.9999999

Precision 1 to 38, scale 0 to 38

If you specify the precision greater
than the maximum number of
digits, the Data Integration Service
converts decimal values to double
in high precision mode.

-1.79E+308 to 1.79E+308


Precision 15


1 to 2,147,483,647 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0


-922,337,203,685,477.5807 to


Precision 1 to 28, scale 0 to 28


1 to 4000 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters


1 to 1,073,741,823 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 characters

Microsoft SQL Server and Transformation Data Types


Microsoft SQL





Precision 1 to 38, scale 0 to 38


For transformations that support
precision up to 38 digits, the
precision is 1 to 38 digits, and the
scale is 0 to 38.
For transformations that support
precision up to 28 digits, the
precision is 1 to 28 digits, and the
scale is 0 to 28.
If you specify the precision greater
than the maximum number of
digits, the Data Integration Service
converts decimal values to double
in high precision mode.


1 to 4000 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters


-3.40E+38 to 3.40E+38


Precision 15


Jan 1, 1900, to June 6, 2079


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999
A.D. (precision to the


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

Precision 19, scale 0
(precision to the minute)

-32,768 to 32,768

Precision 10, scale 0

-214,748.3648 to 214,748.3647


Precision 1 to 28, scale 0 to 28


1 to 128 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters


1 to 2,147,483,647 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters


8 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


0 to 255


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0


Precision 38, scale 0


To successfully move or change
Uniqueidentifier data, ensure that
the data is in the following format:
where x is a hexadecimal digit in
the range 0-9 or a-f.



1 to 8,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


1 to 8,000 characters


1 to 104,857,600 characters

Appendix A: Data Type Reference

Uniqueidentifier Data Type
Uniqueidentifier is a Microsoft SQL Server data type that is used to store Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs).
It can store 16 bytes of data.
The Developer tool treats the Uniqueidentifier data type as String. To move or change Uniqueidentifier data,
connect the Uniqueidentifier column to a String column. To successfully move or change Uniqueidentifier
data, ensure that the data is in the following format:
where x is a hexadecimal digit in the range 0-9 or a-f.
For example, 6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF is a valid Uniqueidentifier value.
The Developer tool can store 16 bytes of Uniqueidentifier data in 36 characters. However, since
Uniqueidentifier data can be represented within two curly brackets, the Developer tool assigns two additional
characters to the precision to accommodate the curly brackets. When you connect a Uniqueidentifier column
to a String column, set the precision of the String column to 38 to successfully move or change
Uniqueidentifier data.

Nonrelational and Transformation Datatypes
Nonrelational datatypes map to transformation datatypes that the Data Integration Service uses to move
data across platforms.
Nonrelational datatypes apply to the following types of connections:








The following table compares nonrelational datatypes and transformation datatypes:







1 to 104,857,600 bytes




1 to 104,857,600 characters
Fixed-length or varying-length string.




Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
Combined date/time value, with precision to the




Precision of 15 digits
Double-precision floating-point numeric value.




Precision of 15 digits
Double-precision floating-point numeric value.

Nonrelational and Transformation Datatypes








Precision of 10 and scale of 0
Integer value.




Precision of 10 and scale of 0
Integer value.




Precision of 10 and scale of 0
Integer value.




Precision of 10 and scale of 0
Integer value.




Precision of 10 and scale of 0
Integer value.




Precision of 15 digits
Double-precision floating-point numeric value.




Precision 1 to 28 digits, scale 0 to 28
Decimal value with declared precision and scale. Scale
must be less than or equal to precision. If you pass a value
with negative scale or declared precision greater than 28,
the Data Integration Service converts it to a double.




Precision 1 to 28 digits, scale 0 to 28
Decimal value with declared precision and scale. Scale
must be less than or equal to precision. If you pass a value
with negative scale or declared precision greater than 28,
the Data Integration Service converts it to a double.




1 to 104,857,600 characters
Fixed-length or varying-length string.




Precision 1 to 28 digits, scale 0 to 28
Decimal value with declared precision and scale. Scale
must be less than or equal to precision. If you pass a value
with negative scale or declared precision greater than 28,
the Data Integration Service converts it to a double.




Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
Combined date/time value, with precision to the




Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
Combined date/time value, with precision to the




Precision 1 to 28 digits, scale 0 to 28
Decimal value with declared precision and scale. Scale
must be less than or equal to precision. If you pass a value
with negative scale or declared precision greater than 28,
the Data Integration Service converts it to a double.


Appendix A: Data Type Reference







Precision 1 to 28 digits, scale 0 to 28
Decimal value with declared precision and scale. Scale
must be less than or equal to precision. If you pass a value
with negative scale or declared precision greater than 28,
the Data Integration Service converts it to a double.




1 to 104,857,600 bytes




1 to 104,857,600 characters
Fixed-length or varying-length string.




Precision 1 to 28 digits, scale 0 to 28
Decimal value with declared precision and scale. Scale
must be less than or equal to precision. If you pass a value
with negative scale or declared precision greater than 28,
the Data Integration Service converts it to a double.

ODBC and Transformation Data Types
ODBC data types map to transformation data types that the Data Integration Service uses to move data
across platforms.
The following table compares ODBC data types, such as Microsoft Access or Excel, to transformation data
Data Type





-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Precision 19, scale 0



1 to 104,857,600 bytes



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the nanosecond)



For transformations that support precision up to 38 digits,
the precision is 1 to 38 digits, and the scale is 0 to 38.
If you specify the precision greater than the maximum
number of digits, the Data Integration Service converts
decimal values to double in high precision mode.



Precision 15



Precision 15

ODBC and Transformation Data Types


Data Type




-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0

Long Varbinary


1 to 104,857,600 bytes



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



For transformations that support precision up to 38 digits,
the precision is 1 to 38 digits, and the scale is 0 to 38.
If you specify the precision greater than the maximum
number of digits, the Data Integration Service converts
decimal values to double in high precision mode.



Precision 15



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0





1 to 104,857,600 characters
Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the nanosecond)



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the nanosecond)



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0




1 to 104,857,600 bytes



1 to 104,857,600 characters

Appendix A: Data Type Reference

Oracle and Transformation Data Types
Oracle data types map to transformation data types that the Data Integration Service uses to move data
across platforms.
The following table compares Oracle data types and transformation data types:





Up to 4 GB


1 to 104,857,600


1 to 2,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600


Up to 4 GB


1 to 104,857,600


Jan. 1, 4712 B.C. to Dec. 31,
4712 A.D.


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to
Dec 31, 9999 A.D.

Precision 19, scale 0

(precision to the


Precision of 1 to 15, scale 0


Precision of 15, scale


Up to 2 GB


1 to 104,857,600
If you include Long
data in a mapping,
the Integration
Service converts it to
the transformation
String data type, and
truncates it to

Long Raw

Up to 2 GB


1 to 104,857,600


1 to 2,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600


Up to 4 GB


1 to 104,857,600


Precision of 1 to 38


Precision of 15

Oracle and Transformation Data Types






Precision of 1 to 38,


For transformations
that support precision
up to 38 digits, the
precision is 1 to 38
digits, and the scale
is 0 to 38.

scale of 0 to 38

If you specify the
precision greater than
the maximum number
of digits, the Data
Integration Service
converts decimal
values to double in
high precision mode.

1 to 4,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600


1 to 2,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600


Jan. 1, 4712 B.C. to Dec. 31,
9999 A.D.


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to
Dec 31, 9999 A.D.

Precision 19 to 29, scale 0
to 9

(precision to the

(precision to the
Timestamp with
Time Zone

Jan. 1, 4712 B.C. to Dec. 31,
9999 A.D.


Aug. 1, 1947 A.D to
Dec. 31, 2040 A.D.

-12:00 to +14:00

-12:00 to +14:00

Precision of 26 to 36, scale
0 to 9.

Precision of 36 and
scale of 9.

(precision to the

(precision to the
Timestamp with Time
Zone data type does
not support the
following time zone




Timestamp with
Local Time Zone

Jan. 1, 4712 B.C. to Dec. 31,
9999 A.D.
Precision 19 to 29, scale 0
to 9
(precision to the


Appendix A: Data Type Reference


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to
Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the






1 to 4,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600


1 to 4,000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600


Up to 4 GB


1 to 104,857,600

Number(P,S) Data Type
The Developer tool supports Oracle Number(P,S) values with negative scale.
However, it does not support Number(P,S) values with scale greater than precision 38 or a negative precision.
If you import a table with an Oracle Number with a negative scale, the Developer tool displays it as a Decimal
data type. However, the Data Integration Service converts it to a double.

Char, Varchar, Clob Data Types
When the Data Integration Service uses the Unicode data movement mode, it reads the precision of Char,
Varchar, and Clob columns based on the length semantics that you set for columns in the Oracle database.
If you use the byte semantics to determine column length, the Data Integration Service reads the precision as
the number of bytes. If you use the char semantics, the Data Integration Service reads the precision as the
number of characters.

Unsupported Oracle Data Types
The Developer tool does not support certain Oracle data types.
The Developer tool does not support the following Oracle data types:



Interval Day to Second


Interval Year to Month




Raw Mslabel



Oracle and Transformation Data Types


SAP HANA and Transformation Datatypes
SAP HANA datatypes map to transformation datatypes that the Data Integration Service uses to move data
across platforms.
The following table compares SAP HANA datatypes and transformation datatypes:





Precision 1 to 127


1 to 104,857,600 characters


-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to


-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
Precision 19, scale 0


Used to store bytes of binary data


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


Up to 2 GB


1 to 104,857,600 bytes


Up to 2 GB


1 to 104,857,600 characters


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999


Precision 10, scale 0
scale) or Dec
(p, s)

Precision 1 to 34

Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the nanosecond)


For transformations that support
precision up to 38 digits, the precision
is 1 to 38 digits, and the scale is 0 to
For transformations that support
precision up to 28 digits, the precision
is 1 to 28 digits, and the scale is 0 to
If you specify the precision greater than
the maximum number of digits, the Data
Integration Service converts decimal
values to double in high precision


Specifies a single-precision 64-bit
floating-point number


Precision 15


Precision 1 to 53


Precision 15


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Precision 10, scale 0



Up to 2 GB


1 to 104,857,600 characters


Precision 1 to 5000


1 to 104,857,600 characters


Specifies a single-precision 32-bit
floating-point number


Precision 7, scale 0

Appendix A: Data Type Reference






0001-01-01 00:00:01 to 9999-12-31


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.


Specifies a variable-length
character string, which supports
text search and string search


1 to 104,857,600 characters


Precision 1 to 16


Precision 1 to 28, scale 0 to 28


-32,768 to 32,767

Small Integer

Precision 5, scale 0


Specifies a variable-length
character string, which supports
text search features


1 to 104,857,600 characters


24-hour time period


(precision to the nanosecond)

Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.
(precision to the nanosecond)


0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 to
9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999


Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D.


0 to 255

Small Integer

Precision 5, scale 0


Precision 1 to 5000


1 to 104,857,600 characters


1 to 5000 bytes


1 to 104,857,600 bytes

(precision to the nanosecond)

XML and Transformation Datatypes
XML datatypes map to transformation datatypes that the Data Integration Service uses to move data across
The Data Integration Service supports all XML datatypes specified in the W3C May 2, 2001 Recommendation.
However, the Data Integration Service may not support the entire XML value range. For more information
about XML datatypes, see the W3C specifications for XML datatypes at the following location:
The following table compares XML datatypes to transformation datatypes:





1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 bytes



1 to 104,857,600 characters

XML and Transformation Datatypes








-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D. (precision to the nanosecond)



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D. (precision to the nanosecond)



Precision 1 to 28, scale 0 to 28



Precision of 15 digits



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



Precision of 15 digits



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 bytes



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



1 to 104,857,600 characters



-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters

Appendix A: Data Type Reference






-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



1 to 104,857,600 characters



1 to 104,857,600 characters



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



1 to 104,857,600 characters



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



1 to 104,857,600 characters



Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D. (precision to the nanosecond)



1 to 104,857,600 characters



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807



-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

Converting Data
You can convert data from one data type to another.
To convert data from one data type to another, use one the following methods:

Pass data between ports (port-to-port data conversion).


Use transformation functions to convert data.


Use transformation arithmetic operators to convert data.

Port-to-Port Data Conversion
The Data Integration Service converts data based on the data type of the port. Each time data passes through
a port, the Data Integration Service identifies the data type assigned to the port and converts the data based
on the supported data type if required.

Pass Data Between Ports of the Same Data Type
You can create a mapping to pass data between ports of the same data type. When you pass data between
ports of the same data type, the Data Integration Service passes data without changing the data or data type.

Converting Data


When you pass data between ports of the same numeric data type and the data is transferred between
transformations, the Data Integration Service does not always convert the data to the precision and scale of
the port that the data is passed to.
You can transfer Decimal data between ports of different precision, scale, and precision modes in the
following ways:
Pass Decimal data in low-precision mode
If you pass data to a Decimal port in low-precision mode, the Data Integration Service converts all
Decimal ports to Double with a precision of 15 and a scale of 0. For example, you pass a value from
Decimal (14, 3) to Decimal (9, 5) in low-precision mode. The Data Integration Service stores the value
internally and does not truncate the data in low-precision mode.
Pass Decimal data with reduced scale in high-precision mode
If you pass data to a Decimal port in high-precision mode and with reduced scale between the Decimal
ports, scale truncation occurs. For example, you pass a value from Decimal (18, 5) to Decimal (18, 2).
When you pass 18.01234, the Data Integration Service truncates the scale of the data and the output
data is 18.01.
Pass Decimal data with reduced precision in high-precision mode
You can pass data to a Decimal port in high-precision mode with reduced precision. For example, you
pass a value from Decimal (19, 5) to a Decimal (17, 2) in high-precision mode. When the output field
contains a value that exceeds 17 digits, the Data Integration Service rejects the row.

Pass Data Between Ports of Different Data Types
When you pass data between ports of different data types, the Data Integration Service uses the conversion
functions in the transformation language to convert the data from one data type to another.
For example, you connect a String port to an Integer port. When the Data Integration Service runs the
mapping, it uses the TO_INTEGER function to convert the input data from a string to an integer data type.
When the Data Integration Service performs port-to-port conversions, the data that you pass must be valid for
the conversion data type. Any value that the Data Integration Service cannot convert results in a
transformation row error. For example, you connect a String port that contains the value
"9,000,000,000,000,000,000.777" to a Bigint port. The Data Integration Service cannot convert the String to a
Bigint value and returns an error.
The Data Integration Service performs port-to-port conversions between transformations and between the
last transformation in a pipeline and a target.
The following table describes the port-to-port conversions that the Data Integration Service performs:


Data Type








Timestamp with
Time Zone





































String, Text


















Appendix A: Data Type Reference

Data Type








Timestamp with
Time Zone










Timestamp with
Time Zone









Converting Data


Appendix B

Keyboard Shortcuts
This appendix includes the following topics:

Keyboard Shortcuts for Objects, 194


Keyboard Shortcuts for Ports, 195


Keyboard Shortcuts for the Transformation Palette, 196


Keyboard Shortcuts for the Workbench, 196

Keyboard Shortcuts for Objects
You can use keyboard shortcuts to work with objects that are in the editor.
When you select an object in the editor, you can change the appearance of the object and move the object.
When an object is selected, a green border appears around the object. A dotted line also appears around a
selected object indicating that the object is in focus. You can focus on an object while allowing other objects
to be selected. Move the focus from a selected object to another object when you want to select multiple
objects in the editor.
Note: The navigation order of objects in the editor is from top to bottom and left to right.
You can perform the following tasks with keyboard shortcuts:
Select an object.
When the editor is selected, press Tab. The object is also in focus. Press Tab again to select the next
Select the previous object.
Press Shift+Tab.
Find a particular object.
Press Ctrl+O.
Focus on the next object.
When an object is in focus, press Ctrl+Tab to move the focus to the next object. The previous object
remains selected. Press Ctrl+Tab again to focus on the next object.
Select multiple objects individually.
When an object is in focus, press Ctrl+Tab to move the focus to the next object that you want to select.
Then press Ctrl+Spacebar to select the focused object. Repeat these steps to select multiple objects


Iconize selected objects.
Press Ctrl+I.
Restore selected objects.
Press Ctrl+R.
Resize selected objects.
Press and hold Ctrl+Shift, and then use the Up, Down, Left, and Right arrow keys.
Move selected objects.
Use the arrow keys to move one or more objects one pixel at a time in any direction.
Go from an object to the editor.
When one or multiple objects are selected or in focus, press Esc.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Ports
You can use keyboard shortcuts to work with ports.
When you select a port, you can edit the port and link the port to other ports. When a port is selected, the
entire port appears green. A dotted line also appears around one port value of the selected port indicating
that the port is in focus. You can focus on a port while allowing other ports to be selected. Move the focus
from one port to another port when you want to select multiple ports individually.
You can perform the following tasks with keyboard shortcuts:
Select a port.
When an object is selected and in focus, press Ctrl+G. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select a
different port.
Select multiple ports.
Press Shift+Up or Shift+Down.
Select multiple ports individually.
Press and hold the Ctrl key, and then use the Up and Down arrow keys to focus on the port that you want
to select. Then press Ctrl+Spacebar to select the port. Repeat these steps to select multiple ports
Focus on and edit the next port value.
Press Tab.
Focus on and edit the previous port value.
Press Shift+Tab.
Go from a port to the object.
Press Esc.
Link ports in two objects.
Select the ports that you want to link in the first object, and then press Ctrl+L. The selected ports
become highlighted. Navigate to the second object and select the ports that you want to link. Press Ctrl
+L to link the ports.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Ports


End linking mode.
Press Ctrl+Alt+L to clear the ports that you selected in the first object.
Select a link.
Press Ctrl+G from the selected port to select the outgoing link from that port.
Select the next link.
Press Tab.
Select the previous link.
Press Shift+Tab.

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Transformation Palette
You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate the Transformation palette.
You can perform the following tasks with keyboard shortcuts:
Go from the editor to the Transformation palette.
When an editor is selected, press Ctrl+Shift+P.
Navigate the Transformation palette.
Press Tab, or use the Up and Down arrow keys.
Go from the Transformation palette to the editor.
Press Esc.

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Workbench
You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate editors and views in the workbench.
When you select an editor, you can navigate within the editor. A green border appears around an editor when
it is selected.
You can focus on editors and views. A blue border appears around an editor or view when it is in focus. A
dotted line appears around the tab of a view that is in focus. When a view is in focus, you can select the view
or you can focus on another view.
You can perform the following tasks with keyboard shortcuts:
Focus on a view.
When an editor is selected, press Shift+Tab. Then use the Left and Right arrow keys to focus on another
view within the same editor. Alternatively, press Shift+Tab until another view in the workbench is in
Select the first area in a view.
When a view is in focus in an editor, press Ctrl+Tab. Press the Tab button three times to select the next


Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts

Select the previous area in a view.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
In the mapping Properties view, select and read a description.
Press Ctrl+A.
Minimize an editor.
When a view is in focus, press Shift+Tab to select the Minimize control, and then press the spacebar.
Maximize an editor.
When a view is in focus, press Shift+Tab to select the Minimize control. Use the Right arrow key to
select the Maximize control, and then press the spacebar.
Select an area of the workbench.
When an editor is selected, press Ctrl+Tab to select another area of the workbench, such as a view.
Press the Ctrl+Tab again to select the next area.
Select the previous area of the workbench.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
Jump to the error message in a dialog box.
Press Ctrl+M.

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Workbench


Appendix C

Connection Properties
This appendix includes the following topics:



Connection Properties Overview, 199


Adabas Connection Properties, 199


Amazon Redshift Connection Properties, 201


Amazon S3 Connection Properties, 203


DataSift Connection Properties, 204


Facebook Connection Properties, 205


Greenplum Connection Properties, 206


Hadoop Connection Properties, 207


HBase Connection Properties, 211


HDFS Connection Properties, 211


HBase Connection Properties for MapR-DB, 213


Hive Connection Properties, 214


HTTP Connection Properties, 218


IBM DB2 Connection Properties, 220


IBM DB2 for i5/OS Connection Properties, 223


IBM DB2 for z/OS Connection Properties, 226


IMS Connection Properties, 229


JDBC Connection Properties, 231


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Connection Properties, 234


LDAP Connection Properties, 236


LinkedIn Connection Properties, 237


Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Connection Properties, 237


Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Connection Properties, 238


MS SQL Server Connection Properties, 239


Netezza Connection Properties, 243


OData Connection Properties, 244


ODBC Connection Properties, 245


Oracle Connection Properties, 246


Salesforce Connection Properties, 249


SAP Connection Properties, 250


Sequential Connection Properties, 252


Teradata Parallel Transporter Connection Properties, 254


Tableau Connection Properties, 257


Twitter Connection Properties, 257


Twitter Streaming Connection Properties, 258


VSAM Connection Properties, 259


Web Content-Kapow Katalyst Connection Properties, 261


Web Services Connection Properties, 262


Identifier Properties in Database Connections, 264

Connection Properties Overview
Connection properties enable the Informatica client to connect to data sources.
This chapter contains connection properties for each of the connections you can create and manage through
Informatica clients.

Adabas Connection Properties
Use an Adabas connection to access an Adabas database. The Adabas connection is a mainframe database
type connection. You create an Adabas connection in the Developer tool. You can manage an Adabas
connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
The following table describes Adabas connection properties:



Node name for the location of the PowerExchange Listener that connects to Adabas. The
node name is defined in the first parameter of the NODE statement in the PowerExchange
dbmover.cfg configuration file.

User Name

Database user name.
For a database on a supported Linux or UNIX system, if you have enabled PowerExchange
LDAP user authentication, the user name is the enterprise user name. For more information,
see the PowerExchange Reference Manual.

Connection Properties Overview





Password for the database user name or a valid PowerExchange passphrase.
A PowerExchange passphrase can be from 9 to 128 characters in length and can contain the
following characters:
- Uppercase and lowercase letters
- The numbers 0 to 9
- Spaces
- The following special characters:

’ - ; # \ , . / ! % & * ( ) _ + { } : @ | < > ?
Note: The first character is an apostrophe.
Passphrases cannot include single quotation marks (‘), double quotation marks (“), or
currency symbols.
To use passphrases, ensure that the PowerExchange Listener runs with a security setting of
SECURITY=(1,N) or higher in the DBMOVER member. For more information, see "SECURITY
Statement" in the PowerExchange Reference Manual.
The allowable characters in the IBM IRRPHREX exit do not affect the allowable characters in
PowerExchange passphrases.
Note: A valid RACF passphrase can be up to 100 characters in length. PowerExchange
truncates passphrases longer than 100 characters when passing them to RACF for validation.
Code Page

Required. Name of the code page to use for reading from or writing to the data source.
Usually, this value is an ISO code page name, such as ISO-8859-6.

security enabled

Enables pass-through security for the connection. When you enable pass-through security for
a connection, the domain uses the client user name and password to log into the
corresponding database, instead of the credentials defined in the connection object.

Encryption Type

The type of encryption that the Data Integration Service uses. Select one of the following
- None
Default is None.
Note: Informatica recommends that you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication
instead of configuring the Encryption Type and Level connection properties. SSL
authentication provides stricter security and is used by several Informatica products.
For more information about implementing SSL authentication in a PowerExchange network,
see the PowerExchange Reference Manual.

[Encryption] Level

If you select AES for Encryption Type, select one of the following options to indicate the
encryption level that the Data Integration Service uses:
- 1. Use a 128-bit encryption key.
- 2. Use a 192-bit encryption key.
- 3. Use a 256-bit encryption key.
If you do not select AES for Encryption Type, this option is ignored.
Default is 1.

Pacing size

Optional. Amount of data that the source system can pass to the PowerExchange Listener.
Set the pacing size if an external application, database, or the Data Integration Service node
is a bottleneck. User lower values for faster performance.
The minimum value and default value is 0. A value of 0 provides the best performance.

Interpret as rows


Optional. Select this option to express the pacing size as a number of rows. Clear this option
to express the pacing size in kilobytes. By default, this option is not selected and the pacing
size is in kilobytes.

Appendix C: Connection Properties




Optional. Select this option to enable source data compression. By compressing data, you
can decrease the amount of data that Informatica applications send over the network. By
default, this option is not selected and compression is disabled.

Offload processing

Optional. Controls whether to offload some bulk data processing from the source machine to
the Data Integration Service machine. Select one of the following options:
- AUTO. The Data Integration Service determines whether to use offload processing.
- Yes. Use offload processing.
- No. Do not use offload processing.
Default is AUTO.

Worker threads

Optional. Number of threads that the Data Integration Service uses to process bulk data when
offload processing is enabled. For optimal performance, this value should not exceed the
number of available processors on the Data Integration Service machine. Valid values are 1
through 64. Default is 0, which disables multithreading.

Array size

Optional. The number of records in the storage array for the worker threads. This option is
applicable when you set the Worker Threads option to a value greater than 0. Valid values are
1 to 5000. Default is 25.

Write mode

Optional. Mode in which Data Integration Service sends data to the PowerExchange Listener.
Select one of the following write modes:
- CONFIRMWRITEON. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener and waits for a response
before sending more data. Select this option when error recovery is a priority. However, this
option might degrade performance.
- CONFIRMWRITEOFF. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without waiting for a
response. Use this option if you can reload the target table when an error occurs.
- ASYNCHRONOUSWITHFAULTTOLERANCE. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener
without waiting for a response. This option also enables error detection. This option
combines the speed of CONFIRMWRITEOFF and the data integrity of CONFIRMWRITEON.

Amazon Redshift Connection Properties
When you set up an Amazon Redshift connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the Amazon Redshift connection properties:



The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. You
can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed 128 characters,
contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive. It
must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property
after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.

Amazon Redshift Connection Properties





The domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select Amazon Redshift in the Database.

The Details tab contains the connection attributes of the Amazon Redshift connection. The following table
describes the connection attributes:



User name of the Amazon Redshift account.


Password for the Amazon Redshift account.


Optional. Amazon Redshift schema name. Do not specify the schema name if you want to
use multiple schema. The Data Object wizard displays all the user-defined schemas available
for the Amazon Redshift objects.
Default is public.

AWS Access Key ID

Amazon S3 bucket access key ID.

AWS Secret Access

Amazon S3 bucket secret access key ID.

Master Symmetric

Optional. Provide a 256-bit AES encryption key in the Base64 format when you enable clientside encryption. You can generate a key using a third-party tool.
If you specify a value, ensure that you specify the encryption type as client side encryption in
the advanced target properties.

Cluster Node Type

Node type of the Amazon Redshift cluster.
You can select the following options:
- ds1.xlarge
- ds1.8xlarge
- dc1.large
- dc1.8xlarge
- ds2.xlarge
- ds2.8xlarge
For more information about nodes in the cluster, see the Amazon Redshift documentation.

Number of Nodes in

For more information about nodes in the cluster, see the Amazon Redshift documentation.

Number of nodes in the Amazon Redshift cluster.


Amazon Redshift connection URL.

Note: If you upgrade the mappings created in earlier versions, you must select the relevant schema in the
connection property. Else, the mappings fail when you run them on current version.


Appendix C: Connection Properties

Amazon S3 Connection Properties
When you set up an Amazon S3 connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the Amazon S3 connection properties:



The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
You can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed 128
characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] |


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive.
It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this
property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


Optional. The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.


The domain where you want to create the connection.


The Amazon S3 connection type.

Access Key

The access key ID for access to Amazon account resources. Required if you do not use AWS Identity
and Access Management (IAM) authentication.

Secret Key

The secret access key for access to Amazon account resources. The secret key is associated with
the access key and uniquely identifies the account. Required if you do not use AWS Identity and
Access Management (IAM) authentication.

Folder Path

The complete path to Amazon S3 objects. The path must include the bucket name and any folder
Do not use a slash at the end of the folder path. For example, /.

Amazon S3 Connection Properties




Symmetric Key

Optional. Provide a 256-bit AES encryption key in the Base64 format when you enable client-side
encryption. You can generate a key using a third-party tool.
Note: You can enable Client Side Encryption as the encryption type in the advanced properties of the
data object write operation.

Region Name

Select the AWS region in which the bucket you want to access resides. Select one of the following
- Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
- Asia Pacific (Seoul)
- Asia Pacific (Singapore)
- Asia Pacific (Sudney)
- Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
- Canada (Central)
- China (Beijing)
- EU (Ireland)
- EU (Frankfurt)
- EU (London)
- South America (Sao Paulo)
- US East (Ohio)
- US East (N. Virginia)
- US West (N. California)
- US West (Oregon)
Default is US East (N. Virginia).

DataSift Connection Properties
Use a DataSift connection to extract data from the DataSift streams. A DataSift connection is a social media
connection. You can create and manage a DataSift connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes DataSift connection properties:





Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The
name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive. It
must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property
after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


The domain where you want to create the connection.

Appendix C: Connection Properties




The connection type. Select DataSift.


User name for the DataSift account.


API key. The Developer API key that appears in the Dashboard or Settings page in the DataSift account.

Facebook Connection Properties
Use a Facebook connection to access data from the Facebook web site. A Facebook connection is a social
media connection. You can create and manage a Facebook connection in the Administrator tool or the
Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes Facebook connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot
change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


The domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select Facebook.

Do you have
OAuth details?

Indicates whether you want to configure OAuth. Select one of the following values:

- Yes. Indicates that you have the access token.
- No. Launches the OAuth Utility.

Consumer Key

The App ID that you get when you create the application in Facebook. Facebook uses the key to
identify the application.

Consumer Secret

The App Secret that you get when you create the application in Facebook. Facebook uses the
secret to establish ownership of the consumer key.

Access Token

Access token that the OAuth Utility returns. Facebook uses this token instead of the user
credentials to access the protected resources.

Access Secret

Access secret is not required for Facebook connection.


Permissions for the application. Enter the permissions you used to configure OAuth.

Facebook Connection Properties


Greenplum Connection Properties
Use a Greenplum connection to connect to a Greenplum database. The Greenplum connection is a relational
type connection. You can create and manage a Greenplum connection in the Administrator tool or the
Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
When you create a Greenplum connection, you enter information for metadata and data access.
The following table describes Greenplum connection properties:



Name of the Greenplum relational connection.


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive. It
must be 255 characters or fewer and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property
after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


Domain on which you want to create the connection.


Type of connection.

The user name, password, driver name, and connection string are required to import the metadata. The
following table describes the properties for metadata access:


User Name

User name with permissions to access the Greenplum database.


Password to connect to the Greenplum database.

Driver Name

The name of the Greenplum JDBC driver.
For example: com.pivotal.jdbc.GreenplumDriver
For more information about the driver, see the Greenplum documentation.

Connection String

Use the following connection URL:
For more information about the connection URL, see the Greenplum documentation.

PowerExchange for Greenplum uses the host name, port number, and database name to create a control file
to provide load specifications to the Greenplum gpload bulk loading utility. It uses the Enable SSL option and
the certificate path to establish secure communication to the Greenplum server over SSL.


Appendix C: Connection Properties

The following table describes the connection properties for data access:


Host Name

Host name or IP address of the Greenplum server.

Port Number

Greenplum server port number. If you enter 0, the gpload utility reads from the environment variable
$PGPORT. Default is 5432.

Database Name

Name of the database.

Enable SSL

Select this option to establish secure communication between the gpload utility and the Greenplum
server over SSL.

Certificate Path

Path where the SSL certificates for the Greenplum server are stored.
For information about the files that need to be present in the certificates path, see the gpload

Hadoop Connection Properties
Use the Hadoop connection to configure mappings to run on a Hadoop cluster. A Hadoop connection is a
cluster type connection. You can create and manage a Hadoop connection in the Administrator tool or the
Developer tool. You can use infacmd to create a Hadoop connection. Hadoop connection properties are case
sensitive unless otherwise noted.

Hadoop Cluster Properties
The following table describes the general connection properties for the Hadoop connection:



The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the
domain. You can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed
128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change
this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. Enter a string that you can use to identify the connection. The
description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.


The name of the cluster configuration associated with the Hadoop environment.

Hadoop Connection Properties


Common Properties
The following table describes the common connection properties that you configure for the Hadoop


Impersonation User

Required if the Hadoop cluster uses Kerberos authentication. Hadoop impersonation user. The
user name that the Data Integration Service impersonates to run mappings in the Hadoop
The Data Integration Service runs mappings based on the user that is configured. Refer the
following order to determine which user the Data Integration Services uses to run mappings:
1. Operating system profile user. The mapping runs with the operating system profile user if
the profile user is configured. If there is no operating system profile user, the mapping runs
with the Hadoop impersonation user.
2. Hadoop impersonation user. The mapping runs with the Hadoop impersonation user if the
operating system profile user is not configured. If the Hadoop impersonation user is not
configured, the Data Integration Service runs mappings with the Data Integration Service
3. Informatica services user. The mapping runs with the operating user that starts the
Informatica daemon if the operating system profile user and the Hadoop impersonation
user are not configured.

Temporary Table
Compression Codec

Hadoop compression library for a compression codec class name.

Codec Class Name

Codec class name that enables data compression and improves performance on temporary
staging tables.

Hive Staging
Database Name

Namespace for Hive staging tables. Use the name default for tables that do not have a
specified database name.

Hadoop Engine
Custom Properties

Custom properties that are unique to the Hadoop connection.
You can specify multiple properties.
Use the following format:
To specify multiple properties use &: as the property separator.
If more than one Hadoop connection is associated with the same cluster configuration, you
can override configuration set property values.
Use Informatica custom properties only at the request of Informatica Global Customer

Reject Directory Properties
The following table describes the connection properties that you configure to the Hadoop Reject Directory.


Write Reject Files
to Hadoop

If you use the Blaze engine to run mappings, select the check box to specify a location to move
reject files. If checked, the Data Integration Service moves the reject files to the HDFS location
listed in the property, Reject File Directory.
By default, the Data Integration Service stores the reject files based on the RejectDir system

Reject File


The directory for Hadoop mapping files on HDFS when you run mappings.

Appendix C: Connection Properties

Hive Pushdown Configuration
The following table describes the connection properties that you configure to push mapping logic to the
Hadoop cluster:



SQL commands to set the Hadoop environment. The Data Integration Service executes the
environment SQL at the beginning of each Hive script generated in a Hive execution plan.
The following rules and guidelines apply to the usage of environment SQL:
- Use the environment SQL to specify Hive queries.
- Use the environment SQL to set the classpath for Hive user-defined functions and then use
environment SQL or PreSQL to specify the Hive user-defined functions. You cannot use PreSQL in
the data object properties to specify the classpath. The path must be the fully qualified path to the
JAR files used for user-defined functions. Set the parameter hive.aux.jars.path with all the entries
in infapdo.aux.jars.path and the path to the JAR files for user-defined functions.
- You can use environment SQL to define Hadoop or Hive parameters that you want to use in the
PreSQL commands or in custom queries.
- If you use multiple values for the environment SQL, ensure that there is no space between the


Optional. The absolute HDFS file path of the default database for the warehouse that is local to the
If you do not configure the Hive warehouse directory, the Hive engine first tries to write to the
directory specified in the cluster configuration property hive.metastore.warehouse.dir. If the
cluster configuration does not have the property, the Hive engine writes to the default directory /

Hive Configuration
The following table describes the connection properties that you configure for the Hive engine:


Engine Type

The engine that the Hadoop environment uses to run a mapping on the Hadoop cluster. You can choose
MRv2 or Tez. You can select Tez if it is configured for the Hadoop cluster. Default is MRv2.

Blaze Configuration
The following table describes the connection properties that you configure for the Blaze engine:


Blaze Staging

The HDFS file path of the directory that the Blaze engine uses to store temporary files. Verify that
the directory exists. The YARN user, Blaze engine user, and mapping impersonation user must
have write permission on this directory.
Default is /blaze/workdir. If you clear this property, the staging files are written to the Hadoop
staging directory /tmp/blaze_.

Blaze User Name

The owner of the Blaze service and Blaze service logs.
When the Hadoop cluster uses Kerberos authentication, the default user is the Data Integration
Service SPN user. When the Hadoop cluster does not use Kerberos authentication and the Blaze
user is not configured, the default user is the Data Integration Service user.

Minimum Port

The minimum value for the port number range for the Blaze engine. Default is 12300.

Hadoop Connection Properties




Maximum Port

The maximum value for the port number range for the Blaze engine. Default is 12600.

YARN Queue

The YARN scheduler queue name used by the Blaze engine that specifies available resources on a

Blaze Job
Monitor Address

The host name and port number for the Blaze Job Monitor.
Use the following format:
-  is the host name or IP address of the Blaze Job Monitor server.
-  is the port on which the Blaze Job Monitor listens for remote procedure calls (RPC).
For example, enter: myhostname:9080

Blaze Service

Custom properties that are unique to the Blaze engine.
To enter multiple properties, separate each name-value pair with the following text: &:.
Use Informatica custom properties only at the request of Informatica Global Customer Support.

Spark Configuration
The following table describes the connection properties that you configure for the Spark engine:


Spark Staging

The HDFS file path of the directory that the Spark engine uses to store temporary files for
running jobs. The YARN user, Data Integration Service user, and mapping impersonation user
must have write permission on this directory.
By default, the temporary files are written to the Hadoop staging directory /tmp/spark_.

Spark Event Log

Optional. The HDFS file path of the directory that the Spark engine uses to log events.

YARN Queue

The YARN scheduler queue name used by the Spark engine that specifies available resources on
a cluster. The name is case sensitive.

Spark Execution

An optional list of configuration parameters to apply to the Spark engine. You can change the
default Spark configuration properties values, such as spark.executor.memory or
Use the following format:
To enter multiple properties, separate each name-value pair with the following text: &:


Appendix C: Connection Properties

HBase Connection Properties
Use an HBase connection to access HBase. The HBase connection is a NoSQL connection. You can create
and manage an HBase connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool. HBase connection
properties are case sensitive unless otherwise noted.
The following table describes HBase connection properties:



The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique
within the domain. You can change this property after you create the connection.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following
special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is
not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the
domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default
value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000


The domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select HBase.

Database Type

Type of database that you want to connect to.
Select HBase to create a connection for an HBase table.

Cluster Configuration

The name of the cluster configuration associated with the Hadoop environment.

HDFS Connection Properties
Use a Hadoop File System (HDFS) connection to access data in the Hadoop cluster. The HDFS connection is
a file system type connection. You can create and manage an HDFS connection in the Administrator tool,
Analyst tool, or the Developer tool. HDFS connection properties are case sensitive unless otherwise noted.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.

HBase Connection Properties


The following table describes HDFS connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot
change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


The domain where you want to create the connection. Not valid for the Analyst tool.


The connection type. Default is Hadoop File System.

User Name

User name to access HDFS.

NameNode URI

The URI to access the storage system.
You can find the value for fs.defaultFS in the core-site.xml configuration set of the
cluster configuration.


The name of the cluster configuration associated with the Hadoop environment.

Accessing Multiple Storage Types
Use the NameNode URI property in the connection parameters to connect to various storage types. The
following table lists the storage type and the NameNode URI format for the storage type:

NameNode URI Format


-  is the host name or IP address of the NameNode.
-  is the port that the NameNode listens for remote procedure calls (RPC).
hdfs:// in case of NameNode high availability.




Appendix C: Connection Properties


NameNode URI Format


-  identifies a specific Azure Storage Blob container.
Note:  is optional.

-  identifies the Azure Storage Blob object.




When you create a cluster configuration from an Azure HDInsight cluster, the cluster configuration uses
either ADLS or WASB as the primary storage. You can edit the NameNode URI property in the HDFS
connection to connect to a local HDFS location.

HBase Connection Properties for MapR-DB
Use an HBase connection to connect to a MapR-DB table. The HBase connection is a NoSQL connection. You
can create and manage an HBase connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool. HBase
connection properties are case sensitive unless otherwise noted.
The following table describes the HBase connection properties for MapR-DB:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique
within the domain. You can change this property after you create the connection.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following
special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is
not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the
domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default
value is the connection name.


Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.


Domain where you want to create the connection.


Connection type. Select HBase.

Database Type

Type of database that you want to connect to.
Select MapR-DB to create a connection for a MapR-DB table.

HBase Connection Properties for MapR-DB




Cluster Configuration

The name of the cluster configuration associated with the Hadoop environment.

MapR-DB Database Path

Database path that contains the MapR-DB table that you want to connect to. Enter
a valid MapR cluster path.
When you create an HBase data object for MapR-DB, you can browse only tables
that exist in the MapR-DB path that you specify in the Database Path field. You
cannot access tables that are available in sub-directories in the specified path.
For example, if you specify the path as /user/customers/, you can access the
tables in the customers directory. However, if the customers directory contains
a sub-directory named regions, you cannot access the tables in the following

Hive Connection Properties
Use the Hive connection to access Hive data. A Hive connection is a database type connection. You can
create and manage a Hive connection in the Administrator tool, Analyst tool, or the Developer tool. Hive
connection properties are case sensitive unless otherwise noted.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes Hive connection properties:





The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique
within the domain. You can change this property after you create the connection.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following
special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is
not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the
domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default
value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4000


The domain where you want to create the connection. Not valid for the Analyst


The connection type. Select Hive.

Connection Modes

Hive connection mode. Select Access Hive as a source or target to use Hive as a
source or a target.
Note: The Use Hive to run mappings on a Hadoop cluster mode is deprecated. To
use the Hive driver to run mappings in the Hadoop cluster, use a Hadoop

Appendix C: Connection Properties



User Name

User name of the user that the Data Integration Service impersonates to run
mappings on a Hadoop cluster. The user name depends on the JDBC connection
string that you specify in the Metadata Connection String or Data Access
Connection String for the native environment.
If the Hadoop cluster runs Hortonworks HDP, you must provide a user name. If
you use Tez to run mappings, you must provide the user account for the Data
Integration Service. If you do not use Tez to run mappings, you can use an
impersonation user account.
If the Hadoop cluster uses Kerberos authentication, the principal name for the
JDBC connection string and the user name must be the same. Otherwise, the user
name depends on the behavior of the JDBC driver. With Hive JDBC driver, you can
specify a user name in many ways and the user name can become a part of the
If the Hadoop cluster does not use Kerberos authentication, the user name
depends on the behavior of the JDBC driver.
If you do not specify a user name, the Hadoop cluster authenticates jobs based on
the following criteria:
- The Hadoop cluster does not use Kerberos authentication. It authenticates jobs
based on the operating system profile user name of the machine that runs the
Data Integration Service.
- The Hadoop cluster uses Kerberos authentication. It authenticates jobs based
on the SPN of the Data Integration Service. User Name will be ignored.


Password for the user name.

Environment SQL

SQL commands to set the Hadoop environment. In native environment type, the
Data Integration Service executes the environment SQL each time it creates a
connection to a Hive metastore. If you use the Hive connection to run profiles on
a Hadoop cluster, the Data Integration Service executes the environment SQL at
the beginning of each Hive session.
The following rules and guidelines apply to the usage of environment SQL in both
connection modes:
- Use the environment SQL to specify Hive queries.
- Use the environment SQL to set the classpath for Hive user-defined functions
and then use environment SQL or PreSQL to specify the Hive user-defined
functions. You cannot use PreSQL in the data object properties to specify the
classpath. The path must be the fully qualified path to the JAR files used for
user-defined functions. Set the parameter hive.aux.jars.path with all the entries
in infapdo.aux.jars.path and the path to the JAR files for user-defined
- You can use environment SQL to define Hadoop or Hive parameters that you
want to use in the PreSQL commands or in custom queries.
- If you use multiple values for the Environment SQL property, ensure that there is
no space between the values.
If you use the Hive connection to run profiles on a Hadoop cluster, the Data
Integration service executes only the environment SQL of the Hive connection. If
the Hive sources and targets are on different clusters, the Data Integration Service
does not execute the different environment SQL commands for the connections of
the Hive source or target.

SQL Identifier Character

The type of character used to identify special characters and reserved SQL
keywords, such as WHERE. The Data Integration Service places the selected
character around special characters and reserved SQL keywords. The Data
Integration Service also uses this character for the Support mixed-case
identifiers property.

Cluster Configuration

The name of the cluster configuration associated with the Hadoop environment.

Hive Connection Properties


Properties to Access Hive as Source or Target
The following table describes the connection properties that you configure to access Hive as a source or


JDBC Driver
Class Name

Name of the Hive JDBC driver class. By default, the Apache Hive JDBC driver shipped with the
distribution is considered. You can override the Apache Hive JDBC driver with a third-party Hive
JDBC driver by specifying the driver class name.

Connection String

The JDBC connection URI used to access the metadata from the Hadoop server.
You can use PowerExchange for Hive to communicate with a HiveServer service or HiveServer2
To connect to HiveServer, specify the connection string in the following format:
-  is name or IP address of the machine on which HiveServer2 runs.
-  is the port number on which HiveServer2 listens.
-  is the database name to which you want to connect. If you do not provide the database
name, the Data Integration Service uses the default database details.
To connect to HiveServer 2, use the connection string format that Apache Hive implements for
that specific Hadoop Distribution. For more information about Apache Hive connection string
formats, see the Apache Hive documentation.
For user impersonation, you must add hive.server2.proxy.user= to the JDBC
connection URI. If you do not configure user impersonation, the current user's credentials are
used connect to the HiveServer2.
If the Hadoop cluster uses SSL or TLS authentication, you must add ssl=true to the JDBC
connection URI. For example: jdbc:hive2://:/;ssl=true
If you use self-signed certificate for SSL or TLS authentication, ensure that the certificate file is
available on the client machine and the Data Integration Service machine. For more information,
see the Informatica Big Data Management Hadoop Integration Guide.

Bypass Hive
JDBC Server

JDBC driver mode. Select the check box to use the embedded JDBC driver mode.
To use the JDBC embedded mode, perform the following tasks:

- Verify that Hive client and Informatica services are installed on the same machine.
- Configure the Hive connection properties to run mappings on a Hadoop cluster.

If you choose the non-embedded mode, you must configure the Data Access Connection String.
Informatica recommends that you use the JDBC embedded mode.


Appendix C: Connection Properties



Observe Fine
Grained SQL

When you select the option to observe fine-grained SQL authentication in a Hive source, the
mapping observes row and column-level restrictions on data access. If you do not select the
option, the Blaze run-time engine ignores the restrictions, and results include restricted data.
Applicable to Hadoop clusters where Sentry or Ranger security modes are enabled.

Data Access
Connection String

The connection string to access data from the Hadoop data store.
To connect to HiveServer, specify the non-embedded JDBC mode connection string in the
following format:
-  is name or IP address of the machine on which HiveServer2 runs.
-  is the port number on which HiveServer2 listens.
-  is the database to which you want to connect. If you do not provide the database name,
the Data Integration Service uses the default database details.
To connect to HiveServer 2, use the connection string format that Apache Hive implements for
the specific Hadoop Distribution. For more information about Apache Hive connection string
formats, see the Apache Hive documentation.
For user impersonation, you must add hive.server2.proxy.user= to the JDBC
connection URI. If you do not configure user impersonation, the current user's credentials are
used connect to the HiveServer2.
If the Hadoop cluster uses SSL or TLS authentication, you must add ssl=true to the JDBC
connection URI. For example: jdbc:hive2://:/;ssl=true
If you use self-signed certificate for SSL or TLS authentication, ensure that the certificate file is
available on the client machine and the Data Integration Service machine. For more information,
see the Informatica Big Data Management Hadoop Integration Guide.

Hive Connection Properties


Properties to Run Mappings on a Hadoop Cluster
The following table describes the Hive connection properties that you configure when you want to use the
Hive connection to run Informatica mappings on a Hadoop cluster:


Database Name

Namespace for tables. Use the name default for tables that do not have a
specified database name.

Advanced Hive/Hadoop

Configures or overrides Hive or Hadoop cluster properties in the hive-site.xml
configuration set on the machine on which the Data Integration Service runs. You
can specify multiple properties.
Select Edit to specify the name and value for the property. The property appears in
the following format:
When you specify multiple properties, &: appears as the property separator.
The maximum length for the format is 1 MB.
If you enter a required property for a Hive connection, it overrides the property that
you configure in the Advanced Hive/Hadoop Properties.
The Data Integration Service adds or sets these properties for each map-reduce
job. You can verify these properties in the JobConf of each mapper and reducer
job. Access the JobConf of each job from the Jobtracker URL under each mapreduce job.
The Data Integration Service writes messages for these properties to the Data
Integration Service logs. The Data Integration Service must have the log tracing
level set to log each row or have the log tracing level set to verbose initialization
For example, specify the following properties to control and limit the number of
reducers to run a mapping job:

Temporary Table Compression

Hadoop compression library for a compression codec class name.
You can choose None, Zlib, Gzip, Snappy, Bz2, LZO, or Custom.
Default is None.

Codec Class Name

Codec class name that enables data compression and improves performance on
temporary staging tables.

HTTP Connection Properties
Use an HTTP connection to connect a REST Web Service Consumer transformation to a web service. The
HTTP connection is a web type connection. You create an HTTP connection in the Developer tool. You can
manage an HTTP connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.


Appendix C: Connection Properties

The following table describes HTTP connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot
change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


User name to connect to the web service. Enter a user name if you enable HTTP authentication
or WS-Security.
If the Web Service Consumer transformation includes WS-Security ports, the transformation
receives a dynamic user name through an input port. The Data Integration Service overrides the
user name defined in the connection.


Password for the user name. Enter a password if you enable HTTP authentication or WSSecurity.
If the Web Service Consumer transformation includes WS-Security ports, the transformation
receives a dynamic password through an input port. The Data Integration Service overrides the
password defined in the connection.

End Point URL

URL for the web service that you want to access. The Data Integration Service overrides the URL
defined in the WSDL file.
If the Web Service Consumer transformation includes an endpoint URL port, the transformation
dynamically receives the URL through an input port. The Data Integration Service overrides the
URL defined in the connection.


Number of seconds that the Data Integration Service waits for a response from the web service
provider before it closes the connection. Specify a timeout value between 1 and 10,000 seconds.


Type of user authentication over HTTP. Select one of the following values:
- None. No authentication.
- Automatic. The Data Integration Service chooses the authentication type of the web service
- Basic. Requires you to provide a user name and password for the domain of the web service
provider. The Data Integration Service sends the user name and the password to the web
service provider for authentication.
- Digest. Requires you to provide a user name and password for the domain of the web service
provider. The Data Integration Service generates an encrypted message digest from the user
name and password and sends it to the web service provider. The provider generates a
temporary value for the user name and password and stores it in the Active Directory on the
Domain Controller. It compares the value with the message digest. If they match, the web
service provider authenticates you.
- NTLM. Requires you to provide a domain name, server name, or default user name and
password. The web service provider authenticates you based on the domain you are
connected to. It gets the user name and password from the Windows Domain Controller and
compares it with the user name and password that you provide. If they match, the web service
provider authenticates you. NTLM authentication does not store encrypted passwords in the
Active Directory on the Domain Controller.

Trust Certificates

File containing the bundle of trusted certificates that the Data Integration Service uses when
authenticating the SSL certificate of the web service. Enter the file name and full directory path.
Default is /services/shared/bin/cabundle.crt.

HTTP Connection Properties




Client Certificate
File Name

Client certificate that a web service uses when authenticating a client. Specify the client
certificate file if the web service needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.

Client Certificate

Password for the client certificate. Specify the client certificate password if the web service
needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.

Client Certificate

Format of the client certificate file. Select one of the following values:

- PEM. Files with the .pem extension.
- DER. Files with the .cer or .der extension.

Specify the client certificate type if the web service needs to authenticate the Data Integration
Private Key File

Private key file for the client certificate. Specify the private key file if the web service needs to
authenticate the Data Integration Service.

Private Key

Password for the private key of the client certificate. Specify the private key password if the web
service needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.

Private Key Type

Type of the private key. PEM is the supported type.

IBM DB2 Connection Properties
Use an IBM DB2 connection to access IBM DB2. An IBM DB2 connection is a relational database connection.
You can create and manage an IBM DB2 connection in the Administrator tool, the Developer tool, or the
Analyst tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes DB2 connection properties:




Database Type

The database type.


Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the
domain. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the
following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not
case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain.
You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the
connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.

User Name

The database user name.


The password for the database user name.

Appendix C: Connection Properties



Pass-through security

Enables pass-through security for the connection. When you enable pass-through
security for a connection, the domain uses the client user name and password to log
into the corresponding database, instead of the credentials defined in the connection

Connection String for data

The DB2 connection URL used to access metadata from the database.
Where dbname is the alias configured in the DB2 client.

Metadata Access
Properties: Connection

Use the following metadata connection string URL:
When you import a table, by default, all tables are displayed under the default schema
name. To view tables under a specific schema instead of the default schema, you can
specify the schema name from which you want to import the table. Include the
ischemaname parameter in the URL to specify the schema name. For example, use the
following syntax to import a table from a specific schema:
To search for a table in multiple schemas and import it, you can specify multiple
schema names in the ischemaname parameter. The schema name is case sensitive.
You cannot use special characters when you specify multiple schema names. Use the
pipe (|) character to separate multiple schema names. For example, use the following
syntax to search for a table in three schemas and import it:
When you specify multiple schema names, you must clear the Show Default Schema
Only option to view the tables under the specified schema names.

IBM DB2 Connection Properties





Database parameters for metadata access to a secure database. Informatica treats the
value of the AdvancedJDBCSecurityOptions field as sensitive data and stores the
parameter string encrypted.
To connect to a secure database, include the following parameters:
- EncryptionMethod. Required. Indicates whether data is encrypted when transmitted

over the network. This parameter must be set to SSL.

- ValidateServerCertificate. Optional. Indicates whether Informatica validates the

certificate that is sent by the database server.

If this parameter is set to True, Informatica validates the certificate that is sent by
the database server. If you specify the HostNameInCertificate parameter,
Informatica also validates the host name in the certificate.
If this parameter is set to false, Informatica does not validate the certificate that is
sent by the database server. Informatica ignores any truststore information that you
- HostNameInCertificate. Optional. Host name of the machine that hosts the secure

database. If you specify a host name, Informatica validates the host name included
in the connection string against the host name in the SSL certificate.

- cryptoProtocolVersion. Optional. If you enable TLS for the IBM DB2 instance, set the

cryptoProtocolVersion parameter as follows:

For example, cryptoProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2
Note: The version number must be the same as the TLS version you configured for
the server.
- TrustStore. Required. Path and file name of the truststore file.

Note: If you configure SSL or TLS and specify only the file name, you must copy the
truststore file to the Informatica installation directory. To test the connection and
import metadata, copy the truststore file to the following directory:
To run the mapping, copy the truststore file to the following directory:
- TrustStorePassword. Required. Password for the truststore file for the secure

Note: Informatica appends the secure JDBC parameters to the connection string. If you
include the secure JDBC parameters directly to the connection string, do not enter any
parameters in the AdvancedJDBCSecurityOptions field.


Data Access Properties:
Connection String

The connection string used to access data from the database.

Code Page

The code page used to read from a source database or to write to a target database or

Environment SQL

SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service runs the connection environment SQL each time it
connects to the database.

Transaction SQL

SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service runs the transaction environment SQL at the beginning of
each transaction.

Retry Period

This property is reserved for future use.

Appendix C: Connection Properties

For IBM DB2 this is 




The tablespace name of the database.

SQL Identifier Character

Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL
queries. The available characters depend on the database type.
Select (None) if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration
Service generates SQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters around
any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration
Service generates SQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this

Support Mixed-case

Enable if the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. When enabled, the Data
Integration Service encloses all identifiers within the character selected for the SQL
Identifier Character property.
When the SQL Identifier Character property is set to none, the Support Mixed-case
Identifiers property is disabled.

ODBC Provider

ODBC. The type of database to which ODBC connects. For pushdown optimization,
specify the database type to enable the Data Integration Service to generate native
database SQL. The options are:
- Other
- Sybase
- Microsoft_SQL_Server
Default is Other.

IBM DB2 for i5/OS Connection Properties
Use an IBM DB2 for i5/OS connection to access tables in IBM DB2 for i5/OS. An IBM DB2 for i5/OS
connection is a relational database connection. You can create and manage an IBM DB2 for i5/OS connection
in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes DB2 for i5/OS connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change
this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 255 characters.


The connection type (DB2I).

IBM DB2 for i5/OS Connection Properties





A database user name.


A password for the specified user name or a valid PowerExchange passphrase.
A PowerExchange passphrase can be from 9 to 31 characters in length and can contain the
following characters:
- Uppercase and lowercase letters
- The numbers 0 to 9
- Spaces
- The following special characters:

’ - ; # \ , . / ! % & * ( ) _ + { } : @ | < > ?
Note: The first character is an apostrophe.
Passphrases cannot include single quotation marks (‘), double quotation marks (“), or currency
To use passphrases, ensure that the PowerExchange Listener runs with a security setting of
SECURITY=(1,N) or higher in the DBMOVER member. For more information, see "SECURITY
Statement" in the PowerExchange Reference Manual.

Enables pass-through security for the connection.

Database name

The database instance name.


Node name for the location of the PowerExchange Listener that connects to DB2. The node name is
defined in the first parameter of the NODE statement in the PowerExchange dbmover.cfg
configuration file.


SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database. The Data
Integration Service executes the connection environment SQL each time it connects to the

Database file

Specifies the i5/OS database file override in the following format:
- from_file is the file to be overridden.
- to_library is the new library to use.
- to_file is the file in the new library to use.
- to_member is optional and is the member in the new library and file to use. *FIRST is used if

nothing is specified.

You can specify up to eight unique file overrides on a single connection. A single override applies
to a single source or target. When you specify more than one file override, enclose the string of file
overrides in double quotes (") and include a space between each file override.
Note: If you specify both Library List and Database File Overrides and a table exists in both, the
Database File Overrides value takes precedence.
Library list

List of libraries that PowerExchange searches to qualify the table name for Select, Insert, Delete, or
Update statements. PowerExchange searches the list if the table name is unqualified.
Separate libraries with commas.
Note: If you specify both Library List and Database File Overrides and a table exists in both, the
Database File Overrides value takes precedence.


Appendix C: Connection Properties



Code Page

The code page used to read from a source database or write to a target database or file.

SQL Identifier
character to

Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL queries. The
available characters depend on the database type.
Select (None) if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration Service generates
SQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters around any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration Service
generates SQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this character.

Support mixed
case identifiers

Enable if the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. When enabled, the Data Integration Service
encloses all identifiers within the character selected for the SQL Identifier Character property.
When the SQL Identifier Character property is set to none, the Support Mixed-case Identifiers
property is disabled.

Isolation level

Commit scope of the transaction. Select one of the following options:
- None
- CS. Cursor stability.
- RR. Repeatable Read.
- CHG. Change.

Default is CS.
Encryption type

Optional. The type of encryption that the Data Integration Service uses. Select one of the following
- None
Default is None.
Note: Informatica recommends that you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication instead of
configuring the Encryption type and Encryption level connection properties. SSL authentication
provides stricter security and is used by several Informatica products.
For more information about implementing SSL authentication in a PowerExchange network, see the
PowerExchange Reference Manual.

Encryption level

If you select AES for Encryption Type, select one of the following options to indicate the encryption
level that the Data Integration Service uses:
- 1. Use a128-bit encryption key.
- 2. Use a 192-bit encryption key.
- 3. Use a 256-bit encryption key.
If you do not select AES for Encryption Type, this option is ignored.
Default is 1.

Pacing size

Optional. Amount of data that the source system can pass to the PowerExchange Listener. Set the
pacing size if an external application, database, or the Data Integration Service node is a
bottleneck. User lower values for faster performance.
The minimum value and default value is 0. A value of 0 provides the best performance.

Interpret as

Optional. Select this option to express the pacing size as a number of rows. Clear this option to
express the pacing size in kilobytes. By default, this option is not selected and the pacing size is in


Optional. Select this option to enable source data compression. By compressing data, you can
decrease the amount of data that Informatica applications send over the network. By default, this
option is not selected and compression is disabled.

IBM DB2 for i5/OS Connection Properties




Array size

Optional. The number of records in the storage array for the worker threads. This option is
applicable when you set the Worker Threads option to a value greater than 0. Valid values are 25 to
5000. Default is 25.

Write mode

Optional. Mode in which the Data Integration Service sends data to the PowerExchange Listener.
Select one of the following write modes:
- CONFIRMWRITEON. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener and waits for a response before
sending more data. Select this option when error recovery is a priority. However, this option
might degrade performance.
- CONFIRMWRITEOFF. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without waiting for a response.
Use this option if you can reload the target table when an error occurs.
- ASYNCHRONOUSWITHFAULTTOLERANCE. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without
waiting for a response. This option also enables error detection. This option combines the speed
of CONFIRMWRITEOFF and the data integrity of CONFIRMWRITEON.

Reject file

Overrides the default prefix of PWXR for the reject file. PowerExchange creates the reject file on
the target machine when the write mode is ASYNCHRONOUSWITHFAULTTOLERANCE. Enter
PWXDISABLE to prevent the creation of the reject files.

IBM DB2 for z/OS Connection Properties
Use an IBM DB2 for z/OS connection to access tables in IBM DB2 for z/OS. An IBM DB2 for z/OS connection
is a relational database connection. You can create and manage an IBM DB2 for z/OS connection in the
Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes DB2 for z/OS connection properties:





Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change
this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 255 characters.


Connection type (DB2Z).


Database user name.

Appendix C: Connection Properties


Password for the specified user name or a valid PowerExchange passphrase.
A PowerExchange passphrase can be from 9 to 128 characters in length and can contain the
following characters:
- Uppercase and lowercase letters
- The numbers 0 to 9
- Spaces
- The following special characters:

’ - ; # \ , . / ! % & * ( ) _ + { } : @ | < > ?
Note: The first character is an apostrophe.
Passphrases cannot include single quotation marks (‘), double quotation marks (“), or currency
To use passphrases, ensure that the PowerExchange Listener runs with a security setting of
SECURITY=(1,N) or higher in the DBMOVER member. For more information, see "SECURITY
Statement" in the PowerExchange Reference Manual.
The allowable characters in the IBM IRRPHREX exit do not affect the allowable characters in
PowerExchange passphrases.
Note: A valid RACF passphrase can be up to 100 characters in length. PowerExchange truncates
passphrases longer than 100 characters when passing them to RACF for validation.

Enables pass-through security for the connection.

DB2 Subsystem

Name of the DB2 subsystem.


Node name for the location of the PowerExchange Listener that connects to DB2. The node name is
defined in the first parameter of the NODE statement in the PowerExchange dbmover.cfg
configuration file.


SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database. The Data
Integration Service executes the connection environment SQL each time it connects to the

Correlation ID

Value to be concatenated to prefix PWX to form the DB2 correlation ID for DB2 requests.

Code Page

Code page used to read from a source database or write to a target database or file.

SQL identifier
character to

Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL queries. The
available characters depend on the database type.
Select (None) if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration Service generates
SQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters around any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration Service
generates SQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this character.

Support mixed
case identifiers

Enable if the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. When enabled, the Data Integration Service
encloses all identifiers within the character selected for the SQL Identifier Character property.
When the SQL Identifier Character property is set to none, the Support Mixed-case Identifiers
property is disabled.

IBM DB2 for z/OS Connection Properties




Encryption type

Optional. The type of encryption that the Data Integration Service uses. Select one of the following
- None
Default is None.
Note: Informatica recommends that you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication instead of
configuring the Encryption Type and Level connection properties. SSL authentication provides
stricter security and is used by several Informatica products.
For more information about implementing SSL authentication in a PowerExchange network, see the
PowerExchange Reference Manual.

Encryption level

If you select AES for Encryption Type, select one of the following options to indicate the encryption
level that the Data Integration Service uses:
- 1. Use a128-bit encryption key.
- 2. Use a 192-bit encryption key.
- 3. Use a 256-bit encryption key.
If you do not select AES for Encryption Type, this option is ignored.
Default is 1.

Pacing size

Optional. Amount of data that the source system can pass to the PowerExchange Listener. Set the
pacing size if an external application, database, or the Data Integration Service node is a
bottleneck. User lower values for faster performance.
The minimum value and default value is 0. A value of 0 provides the best performance.

Interpret as

Optional. Select this option to express the pacing size as a number of rows. Clear this option to
express the pacing size in kilobytes. By default, this option is not selected and the pacing size is in


Optional. Select this option to enable source data compression. By compressing data, you can
decrease the amount of data that Informatica applications send over the network. By default, this
option is not selected and compression is disabled.


Optional. Controls whether to offload some bulk data processing from the source machine to the
Data Integration Service machine. Select one of the following options:
- AUTO. The Data Integration Service determines whether to use offload processing.
- Yes. Use offload processing.
- No. Do not use offload processing.
Default is No.


Worker threads

Optional. Number of threads that the Data Integration Service uses to process bulk data when
offload processing is enabled. For optimal performance, this value should not exceed the number
of available processors on the Data Integration Service machine. Valid values are 1 through 64.
Default is 0, which disables multithreading.

Array size

Optional. The number of records in the storage array for the worker threads. This option is
applicable when you set the Worker Threads option to a value greater than 0. Valid values are 1 to
5000. Default is 25.

Appendix C: Connection Properties



Write mode

Mode in which the Data Integration Service sends data to the PowerExchange Listener. Configure
one of the following write modes:
- CONFIRMWRITEON. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener and waits for a response before
sending more data. Select if error recovery is a priority. This option might decrease
- CONFIRMWRITEOFF. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without waiting for a response.
Use this option when you can reload the target table if an error occurs.
- ASYNCHRONOUSWITHFAULTTOLERANCE. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without
waiting for a response. This option also provides the ability to detect errors. This provides the
speed of Confirm Write Off with the data integrity of Confirm Write On.

Reject file

Overrides the default prefix of PWXR for the reject file. PowerExchange creates the reject file on
the target machine when the write mode is ASYNCHRONOUSWITHFAULTTOLERANCE. Enter
PWXDISABLE to prevent the creation of reject files.

IMS Connection Properties
Use an IMS connection to access an IMS database. The IMS connection is a non-relational mainframe
database type connection. The Data Integration Service connects to IMS through PowerExchange. You create
an IMS connection in the Developer tool. You can manage an IMS connection in the Administrator tool or the
Developer tool.
The following table describes IMS connection properties:



Node name for the location of the PowerExchange Listener that connects to IMS. The node
name is defined in the first parameter of the NODE statement in the PowerExchange
dbmover.cfg configuration file.

User name

Database user name.

IMS Connection Properties





Password for the specified database user name or a valid PowerExchange passphrase.
A PowerExchange passphrase can be from 9 to 128 characters in length and can contain the
following characters:
- Uppercase and lowercase letters
- The numbers 0 to 9
- Spaces
- The following special characters:

’ - ; # \ , . / ! % & * ( ) _ + { } : @ | < > ?
Note: The first character is an apostrophe.
Passphrases cannot include single quotation marks (‘), double quotation marks (“), or
currency symbols.
The allowable characters in the IBM IRRPHREX exit do not affect the allowable characters in
PowerExchange passphrases.
Note: A valid RACF passphrase can be up to 100 characters in length. PowerExchange
truncates passphrases longer than 100 characters when passing them to RACF for validation.
To use passphrases for IMS connections, ensure that the following requirements are met:
- The PowerExchange Listener must run with a security setting of SECURITY=(1,N) or higher
in the DBMOVER member. For more information, see "SECURITY Statement" in the
PowerExchange Reference Manual.
- You must configure ODBA access to IMS as described in the PowerExchange Navigator User
- You must use IMS data maps that specify IMS ODBA as the access method. Do not use
data maps that specify the DL/1 BATCH access method because this access method
requires the use of netport jobs, which do not support passphrases.
- The IMS database must be online in the IMS control region to use ODBA access to IMS.
Code page

Required. Name of the code page to use for reading from or writing to the data source.
Usually, this value is an ISO code page name, such as ISO-8859-6.

security enabled

Enables pass-through security for the connection.

Encryption type

The type of encryption that the Data Integration Service uses. Select one of the following
- None
Default is None.
Note: Informatica recommends that you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication
instead of configuring the Encryption Type and Level connection properties. SSL
authentication provides stricter security and is used by several Informatica products.
For more information about implementing SSL authentication in a PowerExchange network,
see the PowerExchange Reference Manual.

[Encryption] Level

If you select AES for Encryption Type, select one of the following options to indicate the
encryption level that the Data Integration Service uses:
- 1. Use a128-bit encryption key.
- 2. Use a 192-bit encryption key.
- 3. Use a 256-bit encryption key.
If you do not select AES for Encryption Type, this option is ignored.
Default is 1.


Appendix C: Connection Properties



Pacing size

Optional. Amount of data that the source system can pass to the PowerExchange Listener.
Set the pacing size if an external application, database, or the Data Integration Service node
is a bottleneck. User lower values for faster performance.
The minimum value and default value is 0. A value of 0 provides the best performance.

Interpret as rows

Optional. Select this option to express the pacing size as a number of rows. Clear this option
to express the pacing size in kilobytes. By default, this option is not selected and the pacing
size is in kilobytes.


Optional. Select this option to enable source data compression. By compressing data, you
can decrease the amount of data that Informatica applications send over the network. By
default, this option is not selected and compression is disabled.

Offload processing

Optional. Controls whether to offload some bulk data processing from the source machine to
the Data Integration Service machine. Select one of the following options:
- AUTO. The Data Integration Service determines whether to use offload processing.
- Yes. Use offload processing.
- No. Do not use offload processing.
Default is AUTO.

Worker threads

Optional. Number of threads that the Data Integration Service uses to process bulk data when
offload processing is enabled. For optimal performance, this value should not exceed the
number of available processors on the Data Integration Service machine. Valid values are 1
through 64. Default is 0, which disables multithreading.

Array size

Optional. The number of records in the storage array for the worker threads. This option is
applicable when you set the Worker Threads option to a value greater than 0. Valid values are
1 to 5000. Default is 25.

Write mode

Optional. Mode in which Data Integration Service sends data to the PowerExchange Listener.
Select one of the following write modes:
- CONFIRMWRITEON. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener and waits for a response
before sending more data. Select this option when error recovery is a priority. However, this
option might degrade performance.
- CONFIRMWRITEOFF. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without waiting for a
response. Use this option if you can reload the target table when an error occurs.
- ASYNCHRONOUSWITHFAULTTOLERANCE. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener
without waiting for a response. This option also enables error detection. This option
combines the speed of CONFIRMWRITEOFF and the data integrity of CONFIRMWRITEON.

JDBC Connection Properties
You can use a JDBC connection to access tables in a database. You can create and manage a JDBC
connection in the Administrator tool, the Developer tool, or the Analyst tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.

JDBC Connection Properties


The following table describes JDBC connection properties:



The database type.


Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The
name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive.
It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property
after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.

User Name

The database user name.
If you configure Sqoop, Sqoop uses the user name that you configure in this field. If you configure
the --username argument in a JDBC connection or mapping, Sqoop ignores the argument.


The password for the database user name.
If you configure Sqoop, Sqoop uses the password that you configure in this field. If you configure the
--password argument in a JDBC connection or mapping, Sqoop ignores the argument.

JDBC Driver
Class Name

Name of the JDBC driver class.
The following list provides the driver class name that you can enter for the applicable database type:
- DataDirect JDBC driver class name for Oracle:
- DataDirect JDBC driver class name for IBM DB2:
- DataDirect JDBC driver class name for Microsoft SQL Server:
- DataDirect JDBC driver class name for Sybase ASE:
- DataDirect JDBC driver class name for Informix:
- DataDirect JDBC driver class name for MySQL:
For more information about which driver class to use with specific databases, see the vendor


Appendix C: Connection Properties




Connection string to connect to the database. Use the following connection string:
The following list provides sample connection strings that you can enter for the applicable database
- Connection string for DataDirect Oracle JDBC driver:
- Connection string for Oracle JDBC driver:
- Connection string for DataDirect IBM DB2 JDBC driver:
- Connection string for IBM DB2 JDBC driver:
- Connection string for DataDirect Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver:
- Connection string for Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver:
- Connection string for Netezza JDBC driver:
- Connection string for Pivotal Greenplum driver:
- Connection string for Postgres Greenplum driver:
- Connection string for Teradata JDBC driver:
For more information about the connection string to use with specific drivers, see the vendor


Optional. Enter SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service executes the connection environment SQL each time it connects to the
Note: If you enable Sqoop, Sqoop ignores this property.


Optional. Enter SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service executes the transaction environment SQL at the beginning of each
Note: If you enable Sqoop, Sqoop ignores this property.

SQL Identifier

Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL queries. The
available characters depend on the database type.
Select (None) if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration Service generates
SQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters around any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration Service
generates SQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this character.
Note: If you enable Sqoop, Sqoop ignores this property.


Enable if the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. When enabled, the Data Integration Service
encloses all identifiers within the character selected for the SQL Identifier Character property.
When the SQL Identifier Character property is set to none, the Support Mixed-case Identifiers
property is disabled.
Note: If you enable Sqoop, Sqoop honors this property when you generate and execute a DDL script to
create or replace a target at run time. In all other scenarios, Sqoop ignores this property.

JDBC Connection Properties




Use Sqoop

Enables Sqoop connectivity for the data object that uses the JDBC connection. The Data Integration
Service runs the mapping in the Hadoop run-time environment through Sqoop.
You can configure Sqoop connectivity for relational data objects, customized data objects, and
logical data objects that are based on a JDBC-compliant database.
Select Sqoop v1.x to enable Sqoop connectivity.
Default is None.


Enter the arguments that Sqoop must use to connect to the database. Separate multiple arguments
with a space.
If you want to use Teradata Connector for Hadoop (TDCH) specialized connectors for Sqoop and run
the mapping on the Blaze engine, define the TDCH connection factory class in the Sqoop arguments.
The connection factory class varies based on the TDCH Sqoop Connector that you want to use.
- To use the Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata, configure the following Sqoop argument:
- To use the Hortonworks Connector for Teradata (powered by the Teradata Connector for Hadoop),
configure the following Sqoop argument:
Note: You do not need to define the TDCH connection factory class in the Sqoop arguments if you
run the mapping on the Spark engine.
If you do not enter Sqoop arguments, the Data Integration Service constructs the Sqoop command
based on the JDBC connection properties.
On the Hive engine, to run a column profile on a relational data object that uses Sqoop, set the Sqoop
argument m to 1. Use the following syntax:
-m 1

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Connection Properties
Use a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne connection to connect to a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne object.
The following table describes the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne connection properties:





The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique
within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain
the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


The string that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The
ID is not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in
the domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection.
Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765

Appendix C: Connection Properties




The Informatica domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Host Name

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server host name.

Enterprise Port

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server port number. Default is 6016.

User Name

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database user name.


The password for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database user.


Name of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment you want to connect to.


Role of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user. Default is *ALL.

User Name

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database user name.


Password for the database user.

Driver Class Name

The following list provides the driver class name that you can enter for the
applicable database type:
- DataDirect JDBC driver class name for Oracle:

- DataDirect JDBC driver class name for IBM DB2:


- DataDirect JDBC driver class name for Microsoft SQL Server:

For more information about which driver class to use with specific databases,
see the vendor documentation.
Connection String

The connection string to connect to the database. Use the following connection
The JDBC connection string uses the following syntax:

- For Oracle: jdbc:informatica:oracle://:,ServiceName=

- For DB2: jdbc:informatica:db2://:;databaseName=

- For Microsoft SQL: jdbc:informatica:sqlserver://:;databaseName=

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Connection Properties


LDAP Connection Properties
Use an LDAP connection to connect to an LDAP object.
The following table describes the LDAP connection properties:



The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique
within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain
the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


The string that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The
ID is not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in
the domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection.
Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765


The Informatica domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select LDAP.

Host Name

LDAP directory server host name. Default is localhost.


LDAP directory server port number. Default is 389.

Anonymous Connection

Establishes an anonymous connection with the LDAP directory server. Select
anonymous connection to access a directory server as an anonymous user
without authentication.
Note: You cannot establish an anonymous connection with Active Directory.

User Name

The LDAP user name to connect to the LDAP directory server.


The password to connect to the LDAP directory server.

Secure Connection

Establishes a secure connection with the LDAP directory server through the TLS

TrustStore File Name

The file name of the truststore that contains the TLS certificate to establish a
secure connection with the LDAP directory server.
Default is infa_truststore.jks.
Required if you select Secure Connection. Contact the LDAP Administrator for
the truststore file name and password.

TrustStore Password

The password for the truststore file that contains the SSL certificate.

KeyStore File Name

The file name of the keystore that contains the keys and certificates required to
establish a secure communication with the LDAP directory server.
Required if you select Secure Connection. Contact the LDAP Administrator for
the keystore file name and password.

KeyStore Password


Appendix C: Connection Properties

The password for the keystore file required for secure communication.

LinkedIn Connection Properties
Use a LinkedIn connection to extract data from the LinkedIn web site. A LinkedIn connection is a social
media type connection. You can create and manage a LinkedIn connection in the Administrator tool or the
Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes LinkedIn connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot
change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


The domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select LinkedIn.

Do you have
OAuth details?

Indicates whether you want to configure OAuth. Select one of the following values:

- Yes. Indicates that you have the access token and secret.
- No. Launches the OAuth Utility.

Consumer Key

The API key that you get when you create the application in LinkedIn. LinkedIn uses the key to
identify the application.

Consumer Secret

The Secret key that you get when you create the application in LinkedIn. LinkedIn uses the secret
to establish ownership of the consumer key.

Access Token

Access token that the OAuth Utility returns. The LinkedIn application uses this token instead of
the user credentials to access the protected resources.

Access Secret

Access secret that the OAuth Utility returns. The secret establishes ownership of a token.


Optional. Permissions for the application. Enter the permissions that you used to configure

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Connection Properties
When you set up a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage connection, you must configure the connection properties.

LinkedIn Connection Properties


The following table describes the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage connection properties:



Name of the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage connection.


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not
case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain.
You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the
connection name.


Description of the connection.


The domain where you want to create the connection.


Type of connection. Select AzureBlob.

The Connection Details tab contains the connection attributes of the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
connection. The following table describes the connection attributes:


Account Name

Name of the Microsoft Azure Storage account.

Account Key

Microsoft Azure Storage access key.

Container Name

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage container name.
Note: PowerExchange for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage does not support subcontainers.

Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Connection
When you set up a Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse connection, you must configure the connection
The following table describes the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse connection properties:





The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. You
can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed 128 characters,
contain spaces, or contain the following special characters: ~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive. It
must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property
after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.

Appendix C: Connection Properties




The domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

The following table describes the properties for metadata access:



Microsoft Azure Data Warehouse JDBC connection string. For example, you can enter the
following connection string: jdbc:sqlserver://
1433;database=. The Administrator can download the URL from Microsoft
Azure portal.


User name to connect to the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse account. You must have
permission to read, write, and truncate data in Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse.


Password to connect to the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse account.

Azure DW Schema

Name of the schema in Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

Azure Blob Account

Name of the Microsoft Azure Storage account to stage the files.

Azure Blob Account Key

The key that authenticates the access to the Blob storage account.

MS SQL Server Connection Properties
Use a Microsoft SQL Server connection to access Microsoft SQL Server. A Microsoft SQL Server connection
is a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server relational database. You can create and manage a Microsoft SQL
Server connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes MS SQL Server connection properties:


Database Type

The database type.


Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the
domain. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the
following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /

MS SQL Server Connection Properties





String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not
case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain.
You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the
connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.

Use trusted connection

Enables the application service to use Windows authentication to access the database.
The user name that starts the application service must be a valid Windows user with
access to the database. By default, this option is cleared.

User Name

The database user name. Required if Microsoft SQL Server uses NTLMv1 or NTLMv2


The password for the database user name. Required if Microsoft SQL Server uses
NTLMv1 or NTLMv2 authentication.

Pass-through security

Enables pass-through security for the connection. When you enable pass-through
security for a connection, the domain uses the client user name and password to log
into the corresponding database, instead of the credentials defined in the connection

Metadata Access
Properties: Connection

Connection string used to access metadata from the database.
Use the following connection string:
To test the connection with NTLM authentication, include the following parameters in
the connection string:
- AuthenticationMethod. The NTLM authentication version to use.
Note: UNIX supports NTLMv1 and NTLMv2 but not NTLM.

- Domain. The domain that the SQL server belongs to.

The following example shows the connection string for a SQL server that uses NTLMv2
authentication in a NT domain named
If you connect with NTLM authentication, you can enable the Use trusted connection
option in the MS SQL Server connection properties. If you connect with NTLMv1 or
NTLMv2 authentication, you must provide the user name and password in the
connection properties.


Appendix C: Connection Properties




Database parameters for metadata access to a secure database. Informatica treats the
value of the AdvancedJDBCSecurityOptions field as sensitive data and stores the
parameter string encrypted.
To connect to a secure database, include the following parameters:
- EncryptionMethod. Required. Indicates whether data is encrypted when transmitted

over the network. This parameter must be set to SSL.

- ValidateServerCertificate. Optional. Indicates whether Informatica validates the

certificate that is sent by the database server.

If this parameter is set to True, Informatica validates the certificate that is sent by
the database server. If you specify the HostNameInCertificate parameter,
Informatica also validates the host name in the certificate.
If this parameter is set to false, Informatica does not validate the certificate that is
sent by the database server. Informatica ignores any truststore information that you
- HostNameInCertificate. Optional. Host name of the machine that hosts the secure

database. If you specify a host name, Informatica validates the host name included
in the connection string against the host name in the SSL certificate.

- cryptoProtocolVersion. Optional. If you enable TLS for the Microsoft SQL Server

instance, set the cryptoProtocolVersion parameter as follows:

For example, cryptoProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2
Note: The version number must be the same as the TLS version you configured for
the server.
- TrustStore. Required. Path and file name of the truststore file.

Note: If you configure SSL or TLS and specify only the file name, you must copy the
truststore file to the Informatica installation directory. To test the connection and
import metadata, copy the truststore file to the following directory:
To run the mapping, copy the truststore file to the following directory:
- TrustStorePassword. Required. Password for the truststore file for the secure


Not applicable for ODBC.
Note: Informatica appends the secure JDBC parameters to the connection string. If you
include the secure JDBC parameters directly to the connection string, do not enter any
parameters in the AdvancedJDBCSecurityOptions field.
Data Access Properties:
Provider Type

The connection provider that you want to use to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server
You can select the following provider types:

- Oldeb(Deprecated)

Default is ODBC.
OLEDB is a deprecated provider type. Support for the OLEDB provider type will be
dropped in a future release.

MS SQL Server Connection Properties





Enables the Data Integration Service to use the Data Source Name for the connection.
If you select the Use DSN option, the Data Integration Service retrieves the database
and server names from the DSN.
If you do not select the Use DSN option, you must provide the database and server

Connection String

Use the following connection string if you do not enable DSN mode:
If you enable DSN mode, use the following connection strings:

Code Page

The code page used to read from a source database or to write to a target database or

Domain Name

The name of the domain.

Packet Size

The packet size used to transmit data. Used to optimize the native drivers for
Microsoft SQL Server.

Owner Name

The name of the owner of the schema.
Note: When you generate a table DDL through a dynamic mapping or through the
Generate and Execute DDL option, the DDL metadata does not include schema name
and owner name properties.

Schema Name

The name of the schema in the database. You must specify the schema name for the
Profiling Warehouse if the schema name is different from the database user name. You
must specify the schema name for the data object cache database if the schema name
is different from the database user name and if you configure user-managed cache
Note: When you generate a table DDL through a dynamic mapping or through the
Generate and Execute DDL option, the DDL metadata does not include schema name
and owner name properties.

Environment SQL

SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service runs the connection environment SQL each time it
connects to the database.

Transaction SQL

SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service runs the transaction environment SQL at the beginning of
each transaction.

Retry Period

This property is reserved for future use.

SQL Identifier Character

Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL
queries. The available characters depend on the database type.
Select (None) if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration
Service generates SQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters around
any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration
Service generates SQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this


Appendix C: Connection Properties



Support Mixed-case

Enable if the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. When enabled, the Data
Integration Service encloses all identifiers within the character selected for the SQL
Identifier Character property.
When the SQL Identifier Character property is set to none, the Support Mixed-case
Identifiers property is disabled.

ODBC Provider

ODBC. The type of database to which ODBC connects. For pushdown optimization,
specify the database type to enable the Data Integration Service to generate native
database SQL. The options are:
- Other
- Sybase
- Microsoft_SQL_Server
Default is Other.

Netezza Connection Properties
Use a Netezza connection to access a Netezza database. The Netezza connection is a database connection.
You can create and manage a Netezza connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes the Netezza connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change
this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


Domain where you want to create the connection.


Connection type. Select Netezza.

User name

User name with the appropriate permissions to access the Netezza database.


Password for the database user name.


JDBC URL that the Developer tool must use when it connects to the Netezza database.
Use the following format:

Netezza Connection Properties





Name of the ODBC data source that you want to use to connect to the Netezza database.


Number of seconds that the Developer tool waits for a response from the Netezza database before
it closes the connection.

OData Connection Properties
Use an OData connection to access an OData URL. The OData connection is a Web connection. You can
create and manage an OData connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes the OData connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change
this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.


Domain where you want to create the connection.


Connection type. Select OData.

User name

Optional. User name with the appropriate permissions to read data from the OData resource.


Optional. Password for the OData URL user name.


OData service root URL that exposes the data that you want to read.

Security Type

Optional. Security protocol that the Developer tool must use to establish a secure connection with
the OData server.
Select one of the following values:
- None
Default is None.

TrustStore File

Required if you select a security type.
Name of the truststore file that contains the public certificate for the OData server.
Default is infa_truststore.jks.


Appendix C: Connection Properties


Required if you select a security type.
Password for the truststore file that contains the public certificate for the OData server.

KeyStore File

Required if you select a security type.
Name of the keystore file that contains the private key for the OData server.
Default is infa_truststore.jks.


Required if you select a security type.
Password for the keystore file that contains the private key for the OData server.

ODBC Connection Properties
Use an ODBC connection to access ODBC data. An ODBC connection is a relational database connection. You
can create and manage an ODBC connection in the Administrator tool, the Developer tool, or the Analyst tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes ODBC connection properties:


Database Type

The database type.


Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the
domain. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the
following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not
case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain.
You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the
connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.

User Name

The database user name.


The password for the database user name.

Pass-through security

Enables pass-through security for the connection. When you enable pass-through
security for a connection, the domain uses the client user name and password to log
into the corresponding database, instead of the credentials defined in the connection

Data Access Properties:
Connection String

The ODBC connection URL used to access metadata from the database.

Code Page

The code page used to read from a source database or to write to a target database or

ODBC Connection Properties




Environment SQL

SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service runs the connection environment SQL each time it
connects to the database.

Transaction SQL

SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service runs the transaction environment SQL at the beginning of
each transaction.

Retry Period

This property is reserved for future use.

SQL Identifier Character

Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL
queries. The available characters depend on the database type.
Select (None) if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration
Service generates SQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters around
any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration
Service generates SQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this

Support Mixed-case

Enable if the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. When enabled, the Data
Integration Service encloses all identifiers within the character selected for the SQL
Identifier Character property.
When the SQL Identifier Character property is set to none, the Support Mixed-case
Identifiers property is disabled.

ODBC Provider

The type of database to which ODBC connects. For pushdown optimization, specify the
database type to enable the Data Integration Service to generate native database SQL.
The options are:
- Other
- Sybase
- Microsoft_SQL_Server
Default is Other.

Note: Use an ODBC connection to connect to Microsoft SQL Server when the Data Integration Service runs on
UNIX or Linux. Use a native connection to Microsoft SQL Server when the Data Integration Service runs on

Oracle Connection Properties
Use an Oracle connection to connect to an Oracle database. The Oracle connection is a relational connection
type. You can create and manage an Oracle connection in the Administrator tool, the Developer tool, or the
Analyst tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.


Appendix C: Connection Properties

The following table describes Oracle connection properties:


Database Type

The database type.


Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the
domain. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the
following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not
case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain.
You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the
connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.

User Name

The database user name.


The password for the database user name.

Pass-through security

Enables pass-through security for the connection. When you enable pass-through
security for a connection, the domain uses the client user name and password to log
into the corresponding database, instead of the credentials defined in the connection

Metadata Access
Properties: Connection

Connection string used to access metadata from the database.
Use the following connection string:

Oracle Connection Properties





Database parameters for metadata access to a secure database. Informatica treats the
value of the AdvancedJDBCSecurityOptions field as sensitive data and stores the
parameter string encrypted.
To connect to a secure database, include the following parameters:
- EncryptionMethod. Required. Indicates whether data is encrypted when transmitted

over the network. This parameter must be set to SSL.

- ValidateServerCertificate. Optional. Indicates whether Informatica validates the

certificate that is sent by the database server.

If this parameter is set to True, Informatica validates the certificate that is sent by
the database server. If you specify the HostNameInCertificate parameter,
Informatica also validates the host name in the certificate.
If this parameter is set to false, Informatica does not validate the certificate that is
sent by the database server. Informatica ignores any truststore information that you
- HostNameInCertificate. Optional. Host name of the machine that hosts the secure

database. If you specify a host name, Informatica validates the host name included
in the connection string against the host name in the SSL certificate.

- cryptoProtocolVersion. Optional. If you enable TLS for the Oracle instance, set the

cryptoProtocolVersion parameter as follows:

For example, cryptoProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2
Note: The version number must be the same as the TLS version you configured for
the server.
- TrustStore. Required. Path and file name of the truststore file.

Note: If you configure SSL or TLS and specify only the file name, you must copy the
truststore file to the Informatica installation directory. To test the connection and
import metadata, copy the truststore file to the following directory:
To run the mapping, copy the truststore file to the following directory:
- TrustStorePassword. Required. Password for the truststore file for the secure


- KeyStore. Required. Path and file name of the keystore file.
- KeyStorePassword. Required. Password for the keystore file for the secure

Note: Informatica appends the secure JDBC parameters to the connection string. If you
include the secure JDBC parameters directly to the connection string, do not enter any
parameters in the AdvancedJDBCSecurityOptions field.

Data Access Properties:
Connection String


Use the following connection string:

Code Page

The code page used to read from a source database or to write to a target database or

Environment SQL

SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service runs the connection environment SQL each time it
connects to the database.

Appendix C: Connection Properties



Transaction SQL

SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database.
The Data Integration Service runs the transaction environment SQL at the beginning of
each transaction.

Retry Period

This property is reserved for future use.

Enable Parallel Mode

Enables parallel processing when loading data into a table in bulk mode. By default,
this option is cleared.

SQL Identifier Character

Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL
queries. The available characters depend on the database type.
Select (None) if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration
Service generates SQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters around
any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration
Service generates SQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this

Support Mixed-case

Enable if the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. When enabled, the Data
Integration Service encloses all identifiers within the character selected for the SQL
Identifier Character property.
When the SQL Identifier Character property is set to none, the Support Mixed-case
Identifiers property is disabled.

Salesforce Connection Properties
Use a Salesforce connection to connect to a Salesforce object. The Salesforce connection is an application
connection type. You can create and manage a Salesforce connection in the Administrator tool or the
Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes Salesforce connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique
within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain
the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is
not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the
domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection.
Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765


The Informatica domain where you want to create the connection.

Salesforce Connection Properties





The connection type. Select Salesforce.

User Name

Salesforce user name.

User Password

Password for the Salesforce user name.
To access Salesforce outside the trusted network of your organization, you must
append a security token to your password to log in to the API or a desktop
To receive or reset your security token, log in to Salesforce and click Setup > My
Personal Information > Reset My Security Token.
Password is case sensitive.

Service URL

URL of the Salesforce service you want to access. In a test or development
environment, you might want to access the Salesforce Sandbox testing
environment. For more information about the Salesforce Sandbox, see the
Salesforce documentation.

SAP Connection Properties
Use an SAP connection to access an SAP table or an SAP BW object. The SAP connection is an enterprise
application connection. You can create and manage an SAP connection in the Administrator console or the
Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes the SAP connection properties:



Required. User name for the SAP source system that you want to access.


Required. Password for the user name.

Connection type

Required. Type of connection that you want to create.
Select one of the following values:
- Application. Create an application connection when you want to connect to a specific SAP
application server.
- Load balancing. Create a load balancing connection when you want to use SAP load balancing.
Default is Application.
Based on the connection type you select, the corresponding connection property fields become
available in the Connection Details dialog box. The Developer tool greys out the connection
property fields that are not applicable for a particular connection type.

Host name

Required when you create an SAP application connection.
Host name or IP address of the SAP server that you want to connect to.

System number

Required when you create an SAP application connection.
SAP system number.


Appendix C: Connection Properties



Message host

Host name of the SAP message server.

R3 name/SysID

Required when you create an SAP load balancing connection.

Required when you create an SAP load balancing connection.
Name of the SAP system.


Required when you create an SAP load balancing connection.
Group name of the SAP application server.


Required. SAP client number.
Optional. Language that you want to use for mappings and workflows.
Must be compatible with the Developer tool code page.
If you leave this option blank, the Developer tool uses the default language of the SAP system.


Optional. Use this option to track the JCo calls that the SAP system makes. SAP stores the
information about the JCo calls in a trace file.
Specify one of the following values:
- 0. Off
- 1. Full
Default is 0.
You can access the trace files from the following directories:
- /tomcat/bin directory on the machine where
you installed the Informatica services
- /clients/DeveloperClient directory on the
machine where you installed the Developer tool


Optional. Enter any other connection parameter that you want to use.
Use the following format:

Staging directory

Path in the SAP system where the stage file will be created.

Source directory

Path that contains the source file. The path must be accessible to the Data Integration Service.


Enables FTP access to SAP.

FTP user

Required when you use FTP.
User name to connect to the FTP server.

FTP password

Required when you use FTP.
Password for the FTP user.

FTP host

Required when you use FTP.
Host name or IP address of the FTP server.
Optionally, you can specify a port number from 1 through 65535, inclusive. Default for FTP is 21.
Use one of the following syntax to specify the host name:
- hostname:port_number
- IP address:port_number
When you specify a port number, enable that port number for FTP on the host machine.
If you enable SFTP, specify a host name or port number for an SFTP server. Default for SFTP is 22.

SAP Connection Properties




Retry period

Number of seconds that the Data Integration Service attempts to reconnect to the FTP host if the
connection fails.
If the Data Integration Service cannot reconnect to the FTP host in the retry period, the mapping or
workflow fails.
Default is 0. A value of 0 indicates an infinite retry period.


Enables SFTP access to SAP.

Public key file

Required when you enable SFTP and the SFTP server uses public key authentication.

Private key file

Required when you enable SFTP and the SFTP server uses public key authentication.

Private key file
name password

Required when you enable SFTP, and the SFTP server uses public key authentication and the
private key is encrypted.
Password to decrypt the private key file.

Port range for

HTTP port range that the Data Integration Service must use to read data from the SAP server in
streaming mode.

Public key file path and file name.

Private key file path and file name.

Enter the minimum and maximum port numbers with a hyphen as the separator. The minimum and
maximum port number can range between 10000 and 65535. You can also specify the port range
according to your organization.
Default is 10000-65535.

Sequential Connection Properties
Use a Sequential connection to access sequential data sources. You create a Sequential connection in the
Developer tool. You can manage a Sequential connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
A sequential data source is a data source that PowerExchange can access by using a data map defined with
an access method of SEQ. The Data Integration Service connects to the data source through PowerExchange.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes Sequential connection properties:





Node name for the location of the PowerExchange Listener that connects to the sequential
data set. The node name is defined in the first parameter of the NODE statement in the
PowerExchange dbmover.cfg configuration file.

User name

A user name that has the authority to access the sequential data set.

Appendix C: Connection Properties


Password for the specified user name or a valid PowerExchange passphrase.
A PowerExchange passphrase can be from 9 to 128 characters in length and can contain
the following characters:
- Uppercase and lowercase letters
- The numbers 0 to 9
- Spaces
- The following special characters:

’ - ; # \ , . / ! % & * ( ) _ + { } : @ | < > ?
Note: The first character is an apostrophe.
Passphrases cannot include single quotation marks (‘), double quotation marks (“), or
currency symbols.
To use passphrases, ensure that the PowerExchange Listener runs with a security setting
of SECURITY=(1,N) or higher in the DBMOVER member. For more information, see
"SECURITY Statement" in the PowerExchange Reference Manual.
The allowable characters in the IBM IRRPHREX exit do not affect the allowable characters
in PowerExchange passphrases.
Note: A valid RACF passphrase can be up to 100 characters in length. PowerExchange
truncates passphrases longer than 100 characters when passing them to RACF for
Code page

Required. Name of the code page to use for reading from or writing to the sequential data
set. Usually, this value is an ISO code page name, such as ISO-8859-6.

Pass-through security

Enables pass-through security for the connection.

Encryption type

Optional. The type of encryption that the Data Integration Service uses. Select one of the
following options:
- None
Default is None.
Note: Informatica recommends that you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication
instead of configuring the Encryption Type and Level connection properties. SSL
authentication provides stricter security and is used by several Informatica products.
For more information about implementing SSL authentication in a PowerExchange network,
see the PowerExchange Reference Manual.

[Encryption] Level

If you select AES for Encryption Type, select one of the following options to indicate the
encryption level that the Data Integration Service uses:
- 1. Use a128-bit encryption key.
- 2. Use a 192-bit encryption key.
- 3. Use a 256-bit encryption key.
If you do not select AES for Encryption Type, this option is ignored.
Default is 1.

Pacing size

Optional. Amount of data that the source system can pass to the PowerExchange Listener.
Set the pacing size if an external application, database, or the Data Integration Service
node is a bottleneck. User lower values for faster performance.
Minimum value and default value is 0. A value of 0 provides the best performance.

Interpret as rows

Optional Select this option to express the pacing size as a number of rows. Clear this
option to express the pacing size in kilobytes. By default, this option is not selected and
the pacing size is in kilobytes.

Sequential Connection Properties





Optional. Select this option to enable source data compression. By compressing data, you
can decrease the amount of data that Informatica applications send over the network. By
default, this option is not selected and compression is disabled.

Offload processing

Optional. Controls whether to offload some bulk data processing from the source machine
to the Data Integration Service machine. Select one of the following options:
- AUTO. The Data Integration Service determines whether to use offload processing.
- Yes. Use offload processing.
- No. Do not use offload processing.
Default is AUTO.

Worker threads

Optional. Number of threads that the Data Integration Service uses to process bulk data
when offload processing is enabled. For optimal performance, this value should not
exceed the number of available processors on the Data Integration Service machine. Valid
values are 1 through 64. Default is 0, which disables multithreading.

Array size

Optional The number of records in the storage array for the worker threads. This option is
applicable when you set the Worker Threads option to a value greater than 0. Valid values
are 25 to 5000. Default is 25.

Write mode

Optional. Mode in which the Data Integration Service sends data to the PowerExchange
Listener. Select one of the following write modes:
- CONFIRMWRITEON. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener and waits for a response
before sending more data. Select this option when error recovery is a priority. However,
this option might degrade performance.
- CONFIRMWRITEOFF. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without waiting for a
response. Use this option if you can reload the target table when an error occurs.
- ASYNCHRONOUSWITHFAULTTOLERANCE. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener
without waiting for a response. This option also enables error detection. This option
combines the speed of CONFIRMWRITEOFF and the data integrity of CONFIRMWRITEON.

Teradata Parallel Transporter Connection Properties
Use a Teradata PT connection to access Teradata tables. The Teradata PT connection is a database type
connection. You can create and manage a Teradata PT connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.


Appendix C: Connection Properties

The following table describes Teradata PT connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The
name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive.
It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this
property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


Domain where you want to create the connection.


Connection type. Select Teradata PT.

User Name

Teradata database user name with the appropriate read and write permissions to access the


Password for the Teradata database user name.

Driver Name

Name of the Teradata JDBC driver.


Connection string used to access metadata from the database.
Use the following connection string:

The following table describes the properties for data access:



Name or IP address of the Teradata database machine.

Database Name

Teradata database name.
If you do not enter a database name, Teradata PT API uses the default login database name.

Data Code Page

Code page associated with the database.
When you run a mapping that writes data to a Teradata target, the code page of the Teradata PT
connection must be the same as the code page of the Teradata target.
Default is UTF-8.


Number of hours that Teradata PT API continues trying to log on when the maximum number of
operations run on the Teradata database.
Must be a positive, non-zero integer. Default is 4.

Max Sessions

Maximum number of sessions that Teradata PT API establishes with the Teradata database.
Must be a positive, non-zero integer. Default is 4.

Min Sessions

Minimum number of Teradata PT API sessions required for the Teradata PT API job to continue.
Must be a positive integer between 1 and the Max Sessions value. Default is 1.

Teradata Parallel Transporter Connection Properties





Number of minutes that Teradata PT API pauses before it retries to log on when the maximum
number of operations run on the Teradata database.
Must be a positive, non-zero integer. Default is 6.

Use Metadata

Indicates that the Teradata Connector for Hadoop (TDCH) must use the JDBC URL that you
specified in the connection string under the metadata access properties.
Default is selected.
Clear this option to enter a different JDBC URL that TDCH must use when it runs the mapping.


Enter the JDBC URL that TDCH must use when it runs a Teradata mapping. Use the following
This field is available only when you clear the Use Metadata JDBC URL for TDCH option.

Data Encryption

Enables full security encryption of SQL requests, responses, and data on Windows.
Default is disabled.

Additional Sqoop

This property is applicable if you use a Hortonworks or Cloudera cluster, and run a Teradata
mapping on the Blaze engine through Sqoop.
Enter the arguments that Sqoop must use to process the data. For example, enter --method Separate multiple arguments with a space.
See the Hortonworks for Teradata Connector and Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata
documentation for a list of arguments that you can specify.
Note: If you use Hortonworks for Teradata Connector, the --split-by argument is required if you
add two or more source tables in the read operation. If you use Cloudera Connector Powered by
Teradata, the --split-by argument is required in the source connection if the source table does
not have a primary key defined.


Method to authenticate the user.
Select one of the following authentication types:
- Native. Authenticates your user name and password against the Teradata database specified
in the connection.
- LDAP. Authenticates user credentials against the external LDAP directory service.
Default is Native.


Appendix C: Connection Properties

Tableau Connection Properties
Use a Tableau connection to connect to Tableau. When you create a Tableau connection, you enter
information to access Tableau.
The following table describes the Tableau connection properties:



Name of the Tableau connection.


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive. It
must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property
after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


The Informatica domain where you want to create the connection.


Type of connection. Select Tableau.

The following table describes the properties to connect to Tableau:


Tableau Product

The name of the Tableau product to which you want to connect.
You can choose one of the following Tableau products to publish the TDE or TWBX file:
- Tableau Desktop. Creates a TDE file in the Data Integration Service machine. You can then
manually import the TDE file to Tableau Desktop.
- Tableau Server. Publishes the generated TDE or TWBX file to Tableau Server.
- Tableau Online. Publishes the generated TDE or TWBX file to Tableau Online.

Connection URL

URL of Tableau Server or Tableau Online to which you want to publish the TDE or TWBX file. The
URL has the following format: http://:

User Name

User name of the Tableau Server or Tableau Online account.


Password for the Tableau Server or Tableau Online account.

Content URL

The name of the site on Tableau Server or Tableau Online where you want to publish the TDE or
TWBX file.
Contact the Tableau administrator to provide the site name.

Twitter Connection Properties
Use a Twitter connection to extract data from the Twitter web site. The Twitter connection is a connection to
social media. You can create and manage a Twitter connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.

Tableau Connection Properties


The following table describes Twitter connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case
sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot
change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


The domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select Twitter.

Do you have
OAuth details?

Indicates whether you want to configure OAuth. Select one of the following values:

- Yes. Indicates that you have the access token and secret.
- No. Launches the OAuth Utility.

Consumer Key

The consumer key that you get when you create the application in Twitter. Twitter uses the key to
identify the application.

Consumer Secret

The consumer secret that you get when you create the Twitter application. Twitter uses the
secret to establish ownership of the consumer key.

Access Token

Access token that the OAuth Utility returns. Twitter uses this token instead of the user
credentials to access the protected resources.

Access Secret

Access secret that the OAuth Utility returns. The secret establishes ownership of a token.

Twitter Streaming Connection Properties
Use a Twitter Streaming connection to access near-real time data from the Twitter web site. The Twitter
Streaming connection is a connection to the social media company's streaming API. You can create and
manage a Twitter Streaming connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes the general properties for a Twitter Streaming connection:





Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The
name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive. It
must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property
after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.

Appendix C: Connection Properties




The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.


The domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select Twitter Streaming.

The following table describes the properties for hose type and OAuth authentication:


Hose Type

Streaming API methods. You can specify one of the following methods:
- Filter. The Twitter statuses/filter method returns public statuses that match the search
- Sample. The Twitter statuses/sample method returns a random sample of all public

Consumer Key

The consumer key that you get when you create the application in Twitter. Twitter uses the key
to identify the application.

Consumer Secret

The consumer secret that you get when you create the Twitter application. Twitter uses the
secret to establish ownership of the consumer key.

Do you have OAuth

Indicates whether you want to configure OAuth. Select one of the following values:

- Yes. Indicates that you have the access token and secret.
- No. Launches the OAuth Utility.

Access Token

Access token that the OAuth Utility returns. Twitter uses the token instead of the user
credentials to access the protected resources.

Access Secret

Access secret that the OAuth Utility returns. The secret establishes ownership of a token.

VSAM Connection Properties
Use a VSAM connection to access VSAM data tables. The VSAM connection is a flat file connection type. You
create a VSAM connection in the Developer tool. You can manage a VSAM connection in the Administrator
tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes VSAM connection properties:



Node name for the location of the PowerExchange Listener that connects to the VSAM
data set. The node name is defined in the first parameter of the NODE statement in the
PowerExchange dbmover.cfg configuration file.

User name

A user name that has the authority to connect to the VSAM data set.

VSAM Connection Properties



A password for the specified user or a valid PowerExchange passphrase.
A PowerExchange passphrase can be from 9 to 128 characters in length and can contain
the following characters:
- Uppercase and lowercase letters
- The numbers 0 to 9
- Spaces
- The following special characters:

’ - ; # \ , . / ! % & * ( ) _ + { } : @ | < > ?
Note: The first character is an apostrophe.
Passphrases cannot include single quotation marks (‘), double quotation marks (“), or
currency symbols.
To use passphrases, ensure that the PowerExchange Listener runs with a security setting
of SECURITY=(1,N) or higher in the DBMOVER member. For more information, see
"SECURITY Statement" in the PowerExchange Reference Manual.
The allowable characters in the IBM IRRPHREX exit do not affect the allowable characters
in PowerExchange passphrases.
Note: A valid RACF passphrase can be up to 100 characters in length. PowerExchange
truncates passphrases longer than 100 characters when passing them to RACF for
Code page

Required. Name of the code page to use for reading from or writing to the VSAM data set.
Usually, this value is an ISO code page name, such as ISO-8859-6.

Pass-through security

Enables pass-through security for the connection.

Encryption type

Optional. The type of encryption that the Data Integration Service uses. Select one of the
following options:
- None
Default is None.
Note: Informatica recommends that you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication
instead of configuring the Encryption Type and Level connection properties. SSL
authentication provides stricter security and is used by several Informatica products.
For more information about implementing SSL authentication in a PowerExchange network,
see the PowerExchange Reference Manual.

[Encryption] Level

If you select AES for Encryption Type, select one of the following options to indicate the
encryption level that the Data Integration Service uses:
- 1. Use a128-bit encryption key.
- 2. Use a 192-bit encryption key.
- 3. Use a 256-bit encryption key.
If you do not select AES for Encryption Type, this option is ignored.
Default is 1.

Pacing size

Optional. Amount of data that the source system can pass to the PowerExchange Listener.
Set the pacing size if an external application, database, or the Data Integration Service
node is a bottleneck. User lower values for faster performance.
Minimum value and default value is 0. A value of 0 provides the best performance.

Interpret as rows


Appendix C: Connection Properties

Optional. Select this option to express the pacing size as a number of rows. Clear this
option to express the pacing size in kilobytes. By default, this option is not selected and
the pacing size is in kilobytes.




Optional. Select this option to enable source data compression. By compressing data, you
can decrease the amount of data that Informatica applications send over the network. By
default, this option is not selected and compression is disabled.

Offload processing

Optional. Controls whether to offload some bulk data processing from the source machine
to the Data Integration Service machine. Select one of the following options:
- AUTO. The Data Integration Service determines whether to use offload processing.
- Yes. Use offload processing.
- No. Do not use offload processing.
Default is AUTO.

Worker threads

Optional. Number of threads that the Data Integration Service uses to process bulk data
when offload processing is enabled. For optimal performance, this value should not
exceed the number of available processors on the Data Integration Service machine. Valid
values are 1 through 64. Default is 0, which disables multithreading.

Array size

Optional. The number of records in the storage array for the worker threads. This option is
applicable when you set the Worker Threads option to a value greater than 0. Valid values
are 25 to 5000. Default is 25.

Write mode

Optional. Mode in which Data Integration Service sends data to the PowerExchange
Listener. Select one of the following write modes:
- CONFIRMWRITEON. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener and waits for a response
before sending more data. Select this option when error recovery is a priority. However,
this option might degrade performance.
- CONFIRMWRITEOFF. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without waiting for a
response. Use this option if you can reload the target table when an error occurs.
- ASYNCHRONOUSWITHFAULTTOLERANCE. Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener
without waiting for a response. This option also enables error detection. This option
combines the speed of CONFIRMWRITEOFF and the data integrity of CONFIRMWRITEON.

Web Content-Kapow Katalyst Connection Properties
Use a Web Content-Kapow Katalyst connection to access robots in Kapow Katalyst. This is a social media
type connection. You can create and manage a Web Content-Kapow Katalyst connection in the Administrator
tool or the Developer tool.
Note: The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.

Web Content-Kapow Katalyst Connection Properties


The following table describes Web Content-Kapow Katalyst connection properties:



Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique
within the domain. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces,
or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /


String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The
ID is not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be
unique in the domain. You cannot change this property after you create the
connection. Default value is the connection name.


The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 765


The Informatica domain where you want to create the connection.


The connection type. Select Web Content-Kapow Katalyst.

Management Console URL

URL of the Management Console where the robot is uploaded.
The URL must start with http or https. For example, http://localhost:50080.

RQL Service Port

The port number where the socket service listens for the RQL service.
Enter a value from 1 through 65535. Default is 50000.


User name required to access the Local Management Console.


Password to access the Local Management Console.

Web Services Connection Properties
Use a web services connection to connect a Web Service Consumer transformation to a web service.
The following table describes the web services connection properties:



User name to connect to the web service. Enter a user name if you enable HTTP authentication
or WS-Security.
If the Web Service Consumer transformation includes WS-Security ports, the transformation
receives a dynamic user name through an input port. The Data Integration Service overrides the
user name defined in the connection.


Password for the user name. Enter a password if you enable HTTP authentication or WSSecurity.
If the Web Service Consumer transformation includes WS-Security ports, the transformation
receives a dynamic password through an input port. The Data Integration Service overrides the
password defined in the connection.


Appendix C: Connection Properties



End Point URL

URL for the web service that you want to access. The Data Integration Service overrides the URL
defined in the WSDL file.
If the Web Service Consumer transformation includes an endpoint URL port, the transformation
dynamically receives the URL through an input port. The Data Integration Service overrides the
URL defined in the connection.


Number of seconds that the Data Integration Service waits for a response from the web service
provider before it closes the connection. Specify a timeout value between 1 and 10,000 seconds.


Type of user authentication over HTTP. Select one of the following values:
- None. No authentication.
- Automatic. The Data Integration Service chooses the authentication type of the web service
- Basic. Requires you to provide a user name and password for the domain of the web service
provider. The Data Integration Service sends the user name and the password to the web
service provider for authentication.
- Digest. Requires you to provide a user name and password for the domain of the web service
provider. The Data Integration Service generates an encrypted message digest from the user
name and password and sends it to the web service provider. The provider generates a
temporary value for the user name and password and stores it in the Active Directory on the
Domain Controller. It compares the value with the message digest. If they match, the web
service provider authenticates you.
- NTLM. Requires you to provide a domain name, server name, or default user name and
password. The web service provider authenticates you based on the domain you are
connected to. It gets the user name and password from the Windows Domain Controller and
compares it with the user name and password that you provide. If they match, the web service
provider authenticates you. NTLM authentication does not store encrypted passwords in the
Active Directory on the Domain Controller.

WS Security Type

Type of WS-Security that you want to use. Select one of the following values:
- None. The Data Integration Service does not add a web service security header to the
generated SOAP request.
- PasswordText. The Data Integration Service adds a web service security header to the
generated SOAP request. The password is stored in the clear text format.
- PasswordDigest. The Data Integration Service adds a web service security header to the
generated SOAP request. The password is stored in a digest form which provides effective
protection against replay attacks over the network. The Data Integration Service combines the
password with a nonce and a time stamp. The Data Integration Service applies a SHA hash on
the password, encodes it in base64 encoding, and uses the encoded password in the SOAP

Trust Certificates

File containing the bundle of trusted certificates that the Data Integration Service uses when
authenticating the SSL certificate of the web service. Enter the file name and full directory path.
Default is /services/shared/bin/cabundle.crt.

Client Certificate
File Name

Client certificate that a web service uses when authenticating a client. Specify the client
certificate file if the web service needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.

Client Certificate

Password for the client certificate. Specify the client certificate password if the web service
needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.

Client Certificate

Format of the client certificate file. Select one of the following values:

- PEM. Files with the .pem extension.
- DER. Files with the .cer or .der extension.

Specify the client certificate type if the web service needs to authenticate the Data Integration

Web Services Connection Properties




Private Key File

Private key file for the client certificate. Specify the private key file if the web service needs to
authenticate the Data Integration Service.

Private Key

Password for the private key of the client certificate. Specify the private key password if the web
service needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.

Private Key Type

Type of the private key. PEM is the supported type.

Identifier Properties in Database Connections
When you create most relational database connections, you must configure database identifier properties.
The identifier properties determine whether the Data Integration Service encloses identifiers within delimited
characters when the service generates SQL queries to access the database.
A database identifier is a database object name. Tables, views, columns, indexes, triggers, procedures,
constraints, and rules can have identifiers. You use the identifier to reference the object in SQL queries. A
database can have regular identifiers or delimited identifiers that must be enclosed within delimited

Regular Identifiers
Regular identifiers comply with the format rules for identifiers. Regular identifiers do not require delimited
characters when they are used in SQL queries.
For example, the following SQL statement uses the regular identifiers MYTABLE and MYCOLUMN:

Delimited Identifiers
Delimited identifiers must be enclosed within delimited characters because they do not comply with the
format rules for identifiers.
Databases can use the following types of delimited identifiers:
Identifiers that use reserved keywords
If an identifier uses a reserved keyword, you must enclose the identifier within delimited characters in an
SQL query. For example, the following SQL statement accesses a table named ORDER:
Identifiers that use special characters
If an identifier uses special characters, you must enclose the identifier within delimited characters in an
SQL query. For example, the following SQL statement accesses a table named MYTABLE$@:


Appendix C: Connection Properties

Case-sensitive identifiers
By default, identifiers in IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle databases are not case sensitive.
Database object names are stored in uppercase, but SQL queries can use any case to refer to them. For
example, the following SQL statements access the table named MYTABLE:
SELECT * FROM mytable
To use case-sensitive identifiers, you must enclose the identifier within delimited characters in an SQL
query. For example, the following SQL statement accesses a table named MyTable:

Identifier Properties
When you create most database connections, you must configure database identifier properties. The
identifier properties that you configure depend on whether the database uses regular identifiers, uses
keywords or special characters in identifiers, or uses case-sensitive identifiers.
Configure the following identifier properties in a database connection:
SQL Identifier Character
Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL queries. The available
characters depend on the database type.
Select (None) if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration Service generates SQL
queries, the service does not place delimited characters around any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration Service
generates SQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this character.
Support Mixed-case Identifiers
Enable if the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. When enabled, the Data Integration Service
encloses all identifiers within the character selected for the SQL Identifier Character property.
In the Informatica client tools, you must refer to the identifiers with the correct case. For example, when
you create the database connection, you must enter the database user name with the correct case.
When the SQL Identifier Character property is set to none, the Support Mixed-case Identifiers property
is disabled.

Example: Database Uses Regular Identifiers
In this example, the database uses regular identifiers. No identifiers contain a reserved keyword or a special
character. The database uses identifiers that are not case sensitive.
In the database connection, set the SQL Identifier Character property to (None). When SQL Identifier
Character is set to none, the Support Mixed-case Identifiers property is disabled.
When the Data Integration Service generates SQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters
around any identifiers.

Identifier Properties in Database Connections


Example: Database Uses Keywords or Special Characters in Identifiers
In this example, the database uses keywords or special characters in some identifiers. The database uses
identifiers that are not case sensitive.
In the database connection, configure the identifier properties as follows:

Set the SQL Identifier Character property to the character that the database uses for delimited
This example sets the property to "" (quotes).


Clear the Support Mixed-case Identifiers property.

When the Data Integration Service generates SQL queries, the service places the selected character around
identifiers that use a reserved keyword or that use a special character. For example, the Data Integration
Service generates the following query:
/* identifier with special characters enclosed within
character */
/* regular identifier not enclosed within delimited character */

Example: Database Uses Case-Sensitive Identifiers
In this example, the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. The database might use keywords or special
characters in some identifiers, or it might not.
In the database connection, configure the identifier properties as follows:

Set the SQL Identifier Character property to the character that the database uses for delimited
This example sets the property to "" (quotes).


Select the Support Mixed-case Identifiers property.

When the Data Integration Service generates SQL queries, the service places the selected character around
all identifiers. For example, the Data Integration Service generates the following query:
character */


Appendix C: Connection Properties

/* case-sensitive identifier enclosed within delimited
/* regular identifier enclosed within delimited character */


Adabas connections
properties 199
Amazon Redshift connection
properties 201
Amazon S3 connection
properties 203
application archive file 141
creating 145
creating an application 138
creation 138
deploying to a Data Integration Service 140
deploying to a file 141
exporting to a file 141
how to create, deploy, and update 144
mapping deployment properties 138
overview 137
properties 138
redeploying 150
replacing 143
updating 143, 150
validating an application 138
complex data type 168
dimension 168
example 168
format 168
index 168
multi-dimensional 168
one-dimensional 168
relationships 118

constants in expressions 162
high precision handling 161
using in calculations 161
writing to flat files 163
binary datatypes
overview 163
Blaze engine
connection properties 207
business terms
customizing hotkeys 42
looking up 42

adding untrusted certificates 84

certificates (continued)
certificate properties 84
managing certificates 83
untrusted certificates 83
cheat sheets
description 19
check in/check out objects 37
checking objects out and in 37
complex data types
array 168
map 169
overview 167
struct 170
complex file formats
Avro 171
JSON 172
overview 171
Parquet 173
troubleshooting 132
connection switching
configuring 52
data types mapping 53
description 51
lookup behavior 53
postrequisites 53
prerequisites 51
properties 207
Connection Explorer view 48
creating 48
database identifier properties 264
deleting 45
editing 45
overview 45
renaming 45
switching 45
web services properties 262
description 26
objects 27
custom queries
Informatica join syntax 74
left outer join syntax 76
normal join syntax 75
outer join support 74
right outer join syntax 78
custom SQL queries
creating 79
customized data objects 67
customized data objects
adding pre- and post-mapping SQL commands 79
adding relational data objects 63
adding relational resources 63
advanced query 68
creating 63


customized data objects (continued)
creating a custom query 79
creating key relationships 64
creating keys 64
custom SQL queries 67
default query 68
description 60
entering source filters 71
entering user-defined joins 73
key relationships 61
pre- and post-mapping SQL commands 78
reserved words file 68
select distinct 71
simple query 68
sorted ports 72
troubleshooting 87
user-defined joins 73
using select distinct 71
using sorted ports 72
write properties 62

Data Integration Service
selecting 21
data types
complex files 171
decimal 165
double 165
flat file 174
IBM DB2 175
Microsoft SQL Server 179
ODBC 183
Oracle 185
overview 159
transformation 160
data viewer
configuration properties 125
configurations 125, 128
creating configurations 129
troubleshooting configurations 132
database connections
identifier properties 264
database hints
entering in Developer tool 70
DataSift connections
properties 204
DB2 for i5/OS 176
Bigint 161
binary 163
Date/Time 163
DB2 for z/OS 176
implicit conversion 191
Integer 161
JDBC 177
nonrelational 181
port-to-port data conversion 191
string 167
XML 189
Date/Time datatypes
overview 163
DDL Generation
DDL Generation Errors 67
Generate and Execute DDL 65



high precision handling 161, 165
data type conversion 191
decimal data types
overview 165
default SQL query
viewing 79
delimited identifiers
database connections 264
delimited properties
flat file data objects 92
mapping properties 138
overview 137
replacing applications 143
to a Data Integration Service 146, 147
to a file 148
to an application archive file 146, 147
updating applications 143
Developer tool
workspace directory 16
adding 20
description 21
high precision handling 165
double data types
overview 165

error messages
grouping 135
limiting 136
array 168
map 169
struct 170
configuring flat files 102
copying to a flat file 102
editing a flat file data object 102
dependent objects 153
objects 154
overview 152
to a file 148
to an application archive file 146, 147
XML file 154

Facebook connections
properties 205
filtering object dependencies
object dependencies 134
fixed-width properties
flat file data objects 93
flat file data objects
configuring metadata in Excel 102
copying metadata 102
advanced properties 90
column properties 89
creating as empty 103
creating from control file 106

flat file data objects (continued)
creating from existing flat file 104
delimited properties 92
description 88
editing in Excel 102
fixed-width properties 93
format properties 91
general properties 89
run-time read properties 94
run-time write properties 96
creating 26
description 26
format properties
flat file data objects 91

Greenplum connections
properties 206

HBase connections
MapR-DB properties 213
properties 211
HDFS connections
properties 211
high precision
Bigint data type 161
Decimal data type 161
Query view 70
Hive connections
properties 214
Hive pushdown
connection properties 207
how to
create, deploy, and update an application 144
HTTP connections
properties 218

IBM DB2 connections
properties 220
IBM DB2 for i5/OS connections
properties 223
IBM DB2 for z/OS connections
properties 226
delimited 264
regular 264
identifying relationships
description 118
application archives 149
dependent objects 153
objects 157
overview 152
XML file 154
IMS connections
properties 229
Informatica Data Services
overview 15

Informatica Developer
overview 14
searches 40
setting up 20
starting 16
Informatica Marketplace
description 20
constants in expressions 162
using in calculations 161
writing to flat files 163

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne connection
properties 234
JDBC connections
properties 231
Sqoop configuration 231
join syntax
customized data objects 74
Informatica syntax 74
left outer join syntax 76
normal join syntax 75
right outer join syntax 78

key relationships
creating between relational data objects 59
creating in customized data objects 64
customized data objects 61
relational data objects 58

LDAP connection
properties 236
LinkedIn connections
properties 237
local workspace directory
configuring 16
logical data object mappings
creating 122
read mappings 122
types 121
write mappings 122
logical data object models
creating 109
description 109
example 108
importing 110
logical data objects
attribute relationships 118
creating 119
description 117
example 108
properties 117
logical view of data
developing 108
overview 107
description 134
look up
Business Glossary Desktop 42





complex data type 169
example 169
format 169
key-value pair 169
configuration properties 125
configurations 125, 130
creating configurations 131
deployment properties 138
troubleshooting configurations 132
Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse connection
properties 238
Model repository
adding 21
checking objects out and in 37
connecting 38
description 29
non-versioned 34
objects 30
search 40
searching for objects and properties 41
team-based development 34
versioned 34
versioned objects 34
Model Repository Service
refreshing 39
description 136
MS SQL Server connections
properties 239

performance tuning
creating data viewer configurations 129
creating mapping configurations 131
data viewer configurations 128
mapping configurations 130
web service configurations 131
physical data objects
customized data objects 60
description 55
flat file data objects 88
nonrelational data objects 79
relational data objects 56
synchronization 84
troubleshooting 87
pre- and post-mapping SQL commands
adding to relational data objects 79
customized data objects 78
primary keys
creating in customized data objects 64
creating in relational data objects 58
project permissions
allowing parent object access 25
assigning 25
dependent object instances 24
external object permissions 23
grant permission 23
read permission 23
showing security details 24
write permission 23
assigning permissions 25
creating 22
description 22
filtering 22
permissions 23
sharing 22

described 163
Netezza connections
properties 243
non-identifying relationships
description 118
nonrelational data objects
description 79
importing 80
nonrelational data operations
creating read, write, and lookup transformations 80

object dependencies
view object dependencies 133
Object Dependencies view
viewing data 133
copying 27
locked objects 33
version history 38
OData connections
properties 244
ODBC connections
properties 245
Oracle connections
properties 246
outer join support
customized data objects 74



converting to 1.#QNAN 163
Query view
configuring hints 70

regular identifiers
database connections 264
relational connections
adding to customized data objects 63
relational data objects
adding to customized data objects 63
creating key relationships 59
creating keys 58
description 56
importing 58
key relationships 58
troubleshooting 87
reserved words file
creating 69
customized data objects 68
resource parameters
deploying in a mapping 142

run-time read properties
flat file data objects 94
run-time write properties
flat file data objects 96

Twitter connections
properties 257
Twitter Streaming connections
properties 258



SAP connections
properties 250
overview 40
business glossary 42
editor 43
Model repository 40
select distinct
customized data objects 71
using in customized data objects 71
custom SQL queries 67
Sequential connections
properties 252
sorted ports
customized data objects 72
using in customized data objects 72
source filters
entering 71
Spark deploy mode
Hadoop connection properties 207
Spark engine
connection properties 207
Spark Event Log directory
Hadoop connection properties 207
Spark execution parameters
Hadoop connection properties 207
Spark HDFS staging directory
Hadoop connection properties 207
SQL hints
entering in Developer tool 70
string datatypes
overview 167
complex data type 170
example 170
format 170
name-type pair 170
schema 170
customized data objects 84
physical data objects 84

user-defined joins
customized data objects 73
entering 73
Informatica syntax 74
left outer join syntax 76
normal join syntax 75
outer join support 74
right outer join syntax 78

team-based development
troubleshooting 38
Teradata Parallel Transporter connections
properties 254
transformation data types
list of 160
versioning 38

configuring preferences 135
grouping error messages 135
limiting error messages 136
troubleshooting 38
view object dependencies
filtering object dependencies 134
object dependencies 133
Connection Explorer view 48
description 17
VSAM connections
properties 259

web connections
properties 218
Web content-Kapow Katalyst connections
properties 261
web service
configuration properties 125
configurations 131
creating configurations 131
Welcome page
description 19
description 17
workspace directory
configuring 16
WSDL data objects
advanced view 82
creating 82
importing 81
overview view 81
schema view 81
synchronization 83




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