(anonymous) IPC Install Guide QNX
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IPC Install Guide QNX 1
IPC Install Guide QNX
Inter/Intra Processor Communication (IPC) is a product designed to enable communication between processors in a
multi-processor environment. Features of IPC include message passing, multi-processor gates, shared memory
primitives, and more.
IPC is designed for use with processors running SYS/BIOS applications. This is typically an ARM or DSP. IPC
includes support for High Level Operating Systems (HLOS) like Linux, as well as the SYS/BIOS RTOS. The
breadth of IPC features supported in an HLOS environment is reduced in an effort to simplify the product.
IPC is often distributed and installed within a larger SDK. In those cases, no installation is required.
Outside of an SDK, IPC can be downloaded here [1], and is released as a zip file. To install, simply extract the file.
buildhost$ unzip ipc_<version>.zip
This will extract the IPC product in a directory with its product name and version information (e.g.
€ This document assumes the IPC install path to be the user's home directory on a Linux host machine
(/home/<user>) or the user's main drive on a Windows host machine (C:\). The variable IPC_INSTALL_DIR
will be used throughout the document. If IPC was installed at a different location, make appropriate changes to
€€ Some customers find value in archiving the released sources in a configuration management system. This can
help in identifying any changes made to the original sources - often useful when updating to newer releases.
The IPC product often comes with prebuilt SYS/BIOS-side libraries, so rebuilding them isn't necessary. The
QNX-side libraries/binaries may also be provided prebuilt by SDK programs, but the standalone IPC release does
not currently pre-build them.
IPC provides GNU makefile(s) to rebuild all its libraries at the base of the product, details are below.
GNU make version 3.81 or greater is required. The XDC tools (provided with most SDKs and CCS distributions)
includes a pre-compiled version of GNU make 3.81 in $(XDC_INSTALL_DIR)/gmake.
IPC Install Guide QNX 2
IPC contains a products.mak file at the root of the product that specifies the necessary paths and options to build
IPC for the various OS support.
Edit products.mak and set the following variables:
€€ Variables used by both QNX and BIOS
€PLATFORM - Device to build for
€€ QNX started using this variable in IPC 3.20. Prior releases required setting "DEVICE" for QNX and
"PLATFORM" for BIOS. The two variables were consolidated in IPC 3.20.
€ BIOS started leveraging this variable in IPC 3.10. Prior releases built BIOS-side executables for all
supported platforms based on that targets/toolchains set above (which can take a while!)
€€ QNX
€QNX_INSTALL_DIR - Path to your QNX installation directory.
€DESTDIR - Path to which target binaries will be exported when running the 'make install' goal.
€DEVICE - (only required for releases prior to IPC 3.20) Device to build for
€XDC_INSTALL_DIR - Path to TI's XDCTools installation
€BIOS_INSTALL_DIR - Path to TI's SYS/BIOS installation
€ti.targets.<device target and file format> - Path to TI toolchain for the device.
€€ Set only the variables to the targets your device supports to minimize build time.
€gnu.targets.arm.<device target and file format> - Path to GNU toolchain for the device.
€€ Set only the variables to the targets your device supports to minimize build time.
The versions used during validation can be found in the IPC Release Notes provided in the product.
The QNX-side build is performed using QNX makefiles. To build using the components paths set in the
products.mak file, issue the following command:
<buildhost> make -f ipc-qnx.mak all
The SYS/BIOS-side IPC is built with a GNU makefile. After editing products.mak, issue the following command:
<buildhost> make -f ipc-bios.mak all
Based on the number of targets you're building for, this may take some time.
Note for Windows users: If you are building with a Windows host machine and it has the QNX tools installed, you
will instead need to run the following in a separate command prompt window (cmd.exe) to build the SYS/BIOS side
outside of the QNX build environment:
<buildhost> set PATH=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem
<buildhost> <XDC_INSTALL_DIR>\gmake -f ipc-bios.mak all
where <XDC_INSTALL_DIR> should be replaced with the installation directory of your XDC tools, same as the
path you have used in products.mak.
IPC Install Guide QNX 3
The IPC product provides a way to install (copy) the necessary IPC executables and libraries onto the device's target
file-system to simplify the execution of the applications. The details can vary across OS's, so this description has
been separated into OS-specific sections.
Configuring the BSP
Some of the provided IPC tests that use a utility called SharedMemoryAllocator require a carveout to be created in
the QNX-owned memory. To reserve this memory, you must make the following change in the file <QNX BSP
installation directory>\src\hardware\startup\boards\<board name>\build in the QNX BSP. E.g.
startup-omap5432uevm -r 0xBA300000,0x5A00000 -vvvvv -P2 -W
Save the file, then rebuild the QNX OS image (ifs-*.bin) and replace your existing one with the new one.
Installing Tests in QNX
To assemble the IPC resource manager, shared libraries and test executables into a directory structure suitable for
running on the device's file-system, issue the following command in the IPC_INSTALL_DIR directory:
buildhost$ make -f ipc-qnx.mak install
This will install the binaries into the directory specified by DESTDIR in products.mak. It this assumed that
DESTDIR is a directory visible to the target filesystem. If not, you should copy its contents to such a location (e.g.
onto an SD card that can be accessed by the EVM).
When building in Windows, some users might get build messages that report a version mismatch in cygwin:
C:/QNX650/host/win32/x86/usr/bin/make -j 1 -Cle.v7 -fMakefile install
1 [main] ? (5984) C:\QNX650\host\win32\x86\usr\photon\bin\find.exe: *** fa
tal error - system shared memory version mismatch detected - 0x8A88009C/0x2D1E009C.
This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility
and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should*
reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have
installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you
are unable to find another cygwin DLL.
Based on what we observed the binaries are still exported correctly despite the messages. If you do want to eliminate
them, you should replace the file cygwin1.dll in <QNX_INSTALL_DIR>\host\win32\x86\usr\photon\bin with the
newest cygwin1.dll you can find on your host machine (do a search on your PC's filesystem in Windows).
Some of the tests rely on corresponding remote core applications to be run on the slave processor(s). The remote
processor's applications are loaded when launching the resource manager. See section #IPC_resource_manager for
details on launching the resource manager.
The location of the remote core applications within the IPC product varies based on device.
IPC Install Guide QNX 4
Installing remote core applications
Remote core applications can be found in <IPC_INSTALL_DIR>/packages/ti/ipc/tests/bin/ti_platform_<your
platform name>_* directories.
For example, you can copy the messageq_single.xem4 for OMAP54xx uEVM's IPU onto the device's target
filesystem into the bin directory as follows:
buildhost$ copy <IPC_INSTALL_DIR>/packages/ti/ipc/tests/bin/ti_platform_omap54xx_ipu/messageq_single.xem4 <DESTDIR>/armle-v7/bin
'ti_platform_omap54xx_ipu' indicates the platform is 'omap54xx' and the remote core name is 'IPU'. You only need
to copy the binaries relevant to your platform.
IPC resource manager
Much of the functionality of IPC is provided by the resource manager. It can be launched as follows:
target# cd <target directory corresponding to DESTDIR>/armle-v7/bin
target# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<target directory corresponding to DESTDIR>/armle-v7/usr/lib
target# ipc <CORE1> <remote executable 1> <CORE2> <remote executable 2> ...
<CORE> should correspond to the name of the remote core on which you want the remote executable to be loaded.
As a rule of thumb, it is the capitalized version of the core name specified by the name of the directory from which
the executable was copied in the #Installing remote core applications section. For example, if the executable is
copied from "ti_platform_omap54xx_ipu/test_omx_ipu_omap5.xem4", then you should load it as follows:
target# ipc IPU test_omx_ipu_omap5.xem4
The resource manager will register devices in the pathname space for communicating with the IPC. Communication
with the IPC is only possible once the needed devices are registered. The following devices are registered by default
when the IPC resource manager is launched:
Device Description
/dev/tiipc Provides the "ti-ipc" protocol. Needed by MessageQ APIs.
/dev/ipc Provides the HWSpinLock functionality. Needed by GateMP APIs.
Additionally, more devices may be registered by the remote core firmware if using the "rpmsg-rpc" protocol. In that
case, the name that appears in the pathname space is specified by the remote core firmware.
Later, when you are done running applications that use IPC and no longer need the resource manager, it can be
terminated as follows:
target# cd <target directory corresponding to DESTDIR>/armle-v7/bin
target# slay ipc
IPC Install Guide QNX 5
Running Test Applications
The QNX-side of the test applications are already on the target's filesystem in <target directory corresponding to
DESTDIR>/armle-v7/bin and <target directory corresponding to DESTDIR>/armle-v7/bin/tests, assuming the
#Installing Tests in QNX and #IPC resource manager sections have been followed and that the resource manager has
loaded the remote core(s) with the executable corresponding to the test you'd like to run.
To find out the syntax to use for running the test (say MessageQApp), run
target# cd <target directory corresponding to DESTDIR>/armle-v7/bin/tests
target# use MessageQApp
To run a test application, execute it on the target's filesystem:
target# cd <target directory corresponding to DESTDIR>/armle-v7/bin/tests
target# ./MessageQApp 10
Here is a list of the main tests that are available in the IPC product:
€€ MessageQApp: Test that creates a single thread that sends messages from host to remote core using MessageQ
€€ messageq_single.x* need to be loaded by the resource manager
€€ MessageQMulti: Test that creates multiple threads which send messages from host to remote core using
€€ messageq_multi.x* need to be loaded by the resource manager
€€ mmrpc_test: Test that exercises MMRPC
€ test_omx_ipu_<platform>.x* need to be loaded by the resource manager
€€ Aside from the IPC resource manager, this test also needs the shmemallocator resource manager to be
launched beforehand:
target# cd <target directory corresponding to DESTDIR>/armle-v7/bin
target# shmemallocator
target# cd tests
target# mmrpc_test 1
Expected output
To give you an idea, the expected output for MessageQApp on the QNX-side should look similar to this:
Using numLoops: 10; procId : 1
Entered MessageQApp_execute
Local MessageQId: 0x1
Remote queueId [0x10000]
Exchanging 10 messages with remote processor IPU...
MessageQ_get #0 Msg = 0x11c9f0
Exchanged 1 messages with remote processor IPU
MessageQ_get #1 Msg = 0x11c9f0
Exchanged 2 messages with remote processor IPU
MessageQ_get #2 Msg = 0x11c9f0
Exchanged 9 messages with remote processor IPU
MessageQ_get #9 Msg = 0x11c9f0
Exchanged 10 messages with remote processor IPU
IPC Install Guide QNX 6
Sample application successfully completed!
Leaving MessageQApp_execute
The output on the remote processor can be obtained by running the following on the target filesystem:
target# cat /dev/ipc-trace/IPU
The expected output on the remote processor should look similar to this:
[0][ 0.000] 16 Resource entries at 0x3000
[0][ 0.000] messageq_single.c:main: MultiProc id = 1
[0][ 0.000] [t=0x006c565d] ti.ipc.transports.TransportVirtioSetup: TransportVirtio
Setup_attach: remoteProcId: 0
[0][ 0.000] registering rpmsg-proto:rpmsg-proto service on 61 with HOST
[0][ 0.000] [t=0x0072625b] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_create: endPt c
reated: 61
[0][ 0.000] [t=0x0073e8d9] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: callback_availBufReady: virt
Queue_toHost kicked
[0][ 0.000] [t=0x00753771] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: callback_availBufReady: virt
Queue_fromHost kicked
[0][ 0.000] [t=0x0076cb49] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_swiFxn:
[0][ 0.000] Received msg: from: 0x5a, to: 0x35, dataLen: 72
[0][ 0.000] [t=0x007872e9] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_send: no object
for endpoint: 53
[0][ 0.000] tsk1Fxn: created MessageQ: SLAVE_CORE0; QueueID: 0x10000
[0][ 0.000] Awaiting sync message from host...
[0][ 51.992] [t=0x0c475268] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: callback_availBufReady: virt
Queue_fromHost kicked
[0][ 51.992] [t=0x0c48eb28] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_swiFxn:
[0][ 51.993] Received msg: from: 0x400, to: 0x3d, dataLen: 176
[0][ 51.993] [t=0x0c4ad220] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_send: calling c
allback with data len: 176, from: 1024
[0][ 51.993]
[0][ 52.995] [t=0x0c873ded] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: callback_availBufReady: virt
Queue_fromHost kicked
[0][ 52.996] [t=0x0c88b029] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_swiFxn:
[0][ 52.996] Received msg: from: 0x406, to: 0x3d, dataLen: 40
[0][ 52.996] [t=0x0c8a8a87] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_send: calling c
allback with data len: 40, from: 1030
[0][ 52.996]
[0][ 52.996] Received msg from (procId:remoteQueueId): 0x0:0x1
[0][ 52.996] payload: 8 bytes; loops: 10 with printing.
[0][ 52.997] [t=0x0c8eab7e] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: callback_availBufReady: virt
Queue_fromHost kicked
[0][ 52.997] [t=0x0c9031bc] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_swiFxn:
[0][ 52.997] Received msg: from: 0x406, to: 0x3d, dataLen: 40
[0][ 52.997] [t=0x0c9208fa] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_send: calling c
allback with data len: 40, from: 1030
[0][ 52.997]
IPC Install Guide QNX 7
[0][ 52.997] Got msg #0 (40 bytes) from procId 0
[0][ 52.997] Sending msg Id #0 to procId 0
[0][ 52.998] [t=0x0c959f33] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: callback_availBufReady: virt
Queue_fromHost kicked
[0][ 52.998] [t=0x0c971df7] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_swiFxn:
[0][ 52.998] Received msg: from: 0x406, to: 0x3d, dataLen: 40
[0][ 52.998] [t=0x0c98f3e7] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_send: calling c
allback with data len: 40, from: 1030
[0][ 52.998]
[0][ 52.999] Got msg #1 (40 bytes) from procId 0
[0][ 52.999] Sending msg Id #1 to procId 0
[0][ 52.999] [t=0x0c9c7a00] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: callback_availBufReady: virt
Queue_fromHost kicked
[0][ 52.999] [t=0x0c9df7fc] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_swiFxn:
[0][ 52.999] Received msg: from: 0x406, to: 0x3d, dataLen: 40
[0][ 52.999] [t=0x0c9fce5a] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_send: calling c
allback with data len: 40, from: 1030
[0][ 52.999]
[0][ 53.000] Got msg #2 (40 bytes) from procId 0
[0][ 53.000] Sending msg Id #2 to procId 0
[0][ 53.000] [t=0x0ca36e79] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: callback_availBufReady: virt
Queue_fromHost kicked
[0][ 53.000] [t=0x0ca4ea95] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_swiFxn:
[0][ 53.000] Received msg: from: 0x406, to: 0x3d, dataLen: 40
[0][ 53.001] [t=0x0ca6c975] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_send: calling c
allback with data len: 40, from: 1030
[0][ 53.001]
[0][ 53.001] Got msg #3 (40 bytes) from procId 0
[0][ 53.001] Sending msg Id #3 to procId 0
[0][ 53.007] Got msg #8 (40 bytes) from procId 0
[0][ 53.007] Sending msg Id #8 to procId 0
[0][ 53.007] [t=0x0cccd3d7] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: callback_availBufReady: virt
Queue_fromHost kicked
[0][ 53.007] [t=0x0cce50ed] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_swiFxn:
[0][ 53.007] Received msg: from: 0x406, to: 0x3d, dataLen: 40
[0][ 53.007] [t=0x0cd027bd] ti.ipc.rpmsg.MessageQCopy: MessageQCopy_send: calling c
allback with data len: 40, from: 1030
[0][ 53.007]
[0][ 53.008] Got msg #9 (40 bytes) from procId 0
[0][ 53.008] Sending msg Id #9 to procId 0
[0][ 53.008] Awaiting sync message from host...
IPC Install Guide QNX 8
Running standalone examples
On some platforms, there are standalone examples provided to illustrate how to use specific features in IPC. These
standalone examples are designed to be easily rebuilt outside of the IPC product, and represent a good starting point
for development. If available, the examples are located in <IPC_INSTALL_DIR>\examples\archive\<platform of
your choice>.
To use the examples, unzip the example you want in a working directory of your choice. Update the products.mak
file in the example's directory with the installation locations of the various dependent components. Then build it.
buildhost$ unzip ex02_messageq.zip
buildhost$ cd ex02_messageq
buildhost$ make clean
buildhost$ make
buildhost$ make install
This would produce the host and remote core binaries in an 'install' subdirectory. Tip: Alternatively, for
convenience, you can also extract and rebuild all examples available for your platform at once with this series of
buildhost$ cd <IPC_INSTALL_DIR>/examples
buildhost$ make extract
buildhost$ make
buildhost$ make install
Next step is to copy the content of the 'install' subdirectory into a location accessible by your target board (e.g. SD
card). Run the example on the target using IPC by loading the remote cores like you would with the test applications,
then run the example. E.g.:
target# ipc IPU ex02_messageq/debug/server_ipu.xem4 DSP ex02_messageq/debug/server_dsp.xe64T
target# cd ex02_messageq/debug/
target# app_host IPU
Advanced topics
Load and unload individual cores while IPC is running (IPC 3.23.01 and above)
In some applications, there may be a need to load or unload cores after the IPC resource manager is already up and
running -- e.g. change the DSP executable while keeping the IPU running.
In order to load and start a core with an executable, you can do the following after having launched the resource
target# echo <slave executable file path> > /dev/ipc-file/<core name>
target# echo 1 > /dev/ipc-state/<core name>
The first command sets the filename of an executable to be loaded, and the second command loads and starts the
core with that executable.
To stop and unload a core, use the following command:
target# echo 0 > /dev/ipc-state/<core name>
Keep in mind that this simply puts the core into reset. If there is any on-going communication between the given
core and the others, it is the responsibility of the user application to clean up and terminate IPC on the slave before
IPC Install Guide QNX 9
unloading a core, thus to avoid causing any memory leaks or communication errors.
Inspect the state of a slave core (IPC 3.23.01 and above)
To find out the state of a slave core (whether it is running or in reset), issue the following command:
target# cat /dev/ipc-state/<core name>
When an issue arises, sometimes it is useful to see the output of internal traces from IPC. This section talks about
how to view IPC trace from both the host and the slave cores on the QNX command prompt.
Trace from IPC user libraries (IPC 3.35 and above)
Trace output from the IPC user libraries is controlled using the environment variable IPC_DEBUG, when launching
an application that uses IPC. E.g.:
target# IPC_DEBUG=<level> app_host
where <level> can be set to a value between 1 and 3, with 3 being the most verbose.
Trace from IPC resource manager (IPC 3.35 and above)
To show the trace output of the IPC resource manager in the QNX system log, run the following command:
target# sloginfo -m42
The verbosity of the trace can be controlled using the environment variable IPC_DEBUG_SLOG_LEVEL when
launching the IPC resource manager. E.g.:
target# IPC_DEBUG_SLOG_LEVEL=<level> ipc DSP1 ex02_messageq/debug/server_dsp1.xe66
where <level> can be set to a value between 0 and 7, with 7 being the most verbose. The default level is 2.
Slave-side trace output
To show all trace output (including IPC's) on a given slave core, simply run the following
target# cat /dev/ipc-trace/<core name>
where <core name> corresponds to the name of the slave core which trace output you are interested in (e.g. DSP1,
IPU1 or IPU2 for DRA7xx)
Note that older versions of IPC may use a slightly different path that is based on the MultiProc id of the core of
interest: /dev/ipc-trace<id>.
Building the IPC resource manager in debug mode (IPC 3.35 and above)
When debugging an issue, the user may wish to have the ability to step through the source code in the IPC resource
manager. For this to happen, the IPC resource manager needs to be built in debug mode with debug symbols. Adding
IPC_DEBUG=1 to the file <IPC_INSTALL_DIR>/qnx/Makefile and rebuilding IPC would do the trick:
ipc3x_dev: utils
@cd src/ipc3x_dev; \
target# make -f ipc-qnx.mak clean
target# make -f ipc-qnx.mak all
Article Sources and Contributors 11
Article Sources and Contributors
IPC Install Guide QNX •Source: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php?oldid=218208 •Contributors: A0792201, Asteg, ChrisRing, PagePusher