ISMS Information Security Management System (ISMS) Manual


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Information Security Manual
Version: 1.0 Date: December 13, 2017

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EPATHUSA Information Security Manual:
Copyright © 2018 EPATHUSA. All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY in
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Information Security Manual


Revision History

Revision Date

Revision Description

Approved By

Effective Date


December 13, 2017

Baseline document


December 13, 2017

Document Distribution


Designation / Role

Management / Chief Information
Security Officer (CISO)

ISMS: Information Security Manual
Version 1.0

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Information Security Manual



INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 SCOPE OF CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................. 7
1.4 INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY.......................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT .............................................................................................................................. 7

2 ESTABLISHING AND MAINTENANCE OF ISMS ................................................................................................... 7
2.1 ASSET IDENTIFICATION & CLASSIFICATION .......................................................................................................... 7
2.2 RISK MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 STATEMENT OF APPLICABILITY ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 SECURITY ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................. 10
2.4.1 Management Review Forum ............................................................................................................. 11
2.4.2 Information Security Forum ............................................................................................................. 11
2.4.3 Information Security Officer ............................................................................................................. 11
2.4.4 Information asset owner ................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.5 Information asset users ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Implementation Norms......................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Document & Data Control .................................................................................................................. 12
2.7 Internal Audits ..................................................................................................................................... 12
2.8 Management Review ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.9 Training ............................................................................................................................................... 13
2.10 Continual Improvement ..................................................................................................................... 13
3 INFORMATION SECURITY POLICIES .................................................................................................................. 14
3.1 ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY ................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.1.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.1.3 Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Acceptable Use .............................................................................................................................. 14 Unacceptable Use .......................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Password Policy .................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.3 Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 16 General .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Guidelines for Construction of Passwords .................................................................................... 16 Password Protection Standards..................................................................................................... 17
3.3 EXTRANET POLICY.............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.3.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.3.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 17
3.3.3 Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Third Party Connection Request.................................................................................................................. 17 Third Party Connection Agreement ............................................................................................................. 17 Point of Contact ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Modifying or Changing Connectivity and Access ....................................................................................... 17 Terminating Access ..................................................................................................................................... 18

3.4 ROUTER SECURITY POLICY ................................................................................................................................. 18
3.4.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 18
3.4.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.4.3 Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.5 NETWORK AND VPN POLICY .............................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.3 Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.6 CLEAR DESK/CLEAR SCREEN POLICY ................................................................................................................. 19
3.6.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 19
3.6.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.6.3 Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 19
3.7 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY .................................................................................................................................. 19
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3.7.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 19
3.7.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.7.3 Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 19
3.8 ELECTRONIC MAIL POLICY ................................................................................................................................. 20
3.8.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 20
3.8.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 20
3.8.3 Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 20 E-mail usage ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Remote access to e-mail account ................................................................................................................. 20 Usage of internet-based mail accounts ........................................................................................................ 20 Encryption of mails ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Monitoring................................................................................................................................................... 20 Disclaimer information................................................................................................................................ 20 Unacceptable Email and Communications Activities .................................................................................. 20

3.9 ACCEPTABLE ENCRYPTION POLICY .................................................................................................................... 21
3.9.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 21
3.9.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 21
3.9.3 Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 21
3.10 MOBILE COMPUTING/TELE-WORKING/LAPTOP POLICY ................................................................................... 21
3.10.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 21
3.10.2 Scope............................................................................................................................................... 21
3.10.3 Policy .............................................................................................................................................. 21 General ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 Requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 22

4 INFORMATION SECURITY PROCEDURES.......................................................................................................... 22
4.1 General Admin Department ................................................................................................................. 22
4.1.1 Physical Security .............................................................................................................................. 22 Security Arrangements ................................................................................................................................ 22 Employee Access ........................................................................................................................................ 23 Visitors/Guests/Prospective Employees Access .......................................................................................... 23 Third Party/Vendors access ......................................................................................................................... 23 Inward/Outward Movement of Equipment .................................................................................................. 24 Equipment Sitting and Protection ................................................................................................................ 24 Power Supplies and Cabling Security.......................................................................................................... 24 Equipment Maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 24 Security of Equipment off premises ............................................................................................................ 25 Secure disposal or re-use of equipment ..................................................................................................... 25 Safeguarding of organizational records ..................................................................................................... 25

4.1.2 Information Assets Inventory & Management .................................................................................. 25
4.2 HR Department .................................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.1 Personnel screening and referencing ............................................................................................... 25
4.2.2 Employee appraisal .......................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.3 Terms and condition of employment ................................................................................................. 26
4.2.4 Training Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.5 Disciplinary Process ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.6 Segregation of duties ........................................................................................................................ 26
4.2.7 Data protection and privacy of personal information ...................................................................... 26
4.3 NETWORKING DEPARTMENT ............................................................................................................................... 27
4.3.1 Specialist Information Security Advice ............................................................................................. 27
4.3.2 Cooperation with information service providers and telecommunications operators ...................... 27
4.3.3 Acquisition of Information Assets/Outsourcing ................................................................................ 27
4.3.4 Third Party Access ............................................................................................................................ 27 Contracts ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 Access to internal resources ........................................................................................................................ 27 Monitoring mechanisms .............................................................................................................................. 27

4.3.5 Reporting Software/Hardware Malfunctions .................................................................................... 27
4.3.6 Incident Management and Learning from Incidents ......................................................................... 28
4.3.7 Secure Disposal or re-use of equipment ........................................................................................... 28
4.3.8 Removal of Property ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.3.9 Operational Change Controls .......................................................................................................... 28
4.3.10 Separation of development and operational facilities .................................................................... 28
4.3.11 External IT System .......................................................................................................................... 29
4.3.12 Capacity Planning .......................................................................................................................... 29
4.3.13 Controls Against Malicious software ............................................................................................. 29
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4.3.14 Information Back-up ....................................................................................................................... 29
4.3.15 Operator Logs................................................................................................................................. 29
4.3.16 Network Controls ............................................................................................................................ 29 Network Documentation ........................................................................................................................... 29 Network security ....................................................................................................................................... 30

4.3.17 Management of Removable Computer Media ................................................................................. 30
4.3.18 Disposal of Media ........................................................................................................................... 30
4.3.19 Security of media in Transit ............................................................................................................ 30
4.3.20 Information Handling Procedures .................................................................................................. 30
4.3.21 Security of System Documentation ................................................................................................. 31
4.3.22 Information and Software Exchange Agreements ........................................................................... 31
4.3.23 Security of Electronic Office Systems ............................................................................................. 31
4.3.24 Publicly Available Systems ............................................................................................................. 31
4.3.25 other forms of Information Exchange ............................................................................................. 31
4.3.26 User Registration and Privilege Management................................................................................ 31
4.3.27 User Password Management & Password Use .............................................................................. 32
4.3.28 Review of user access rights ........................................................................................................... 32
4.3.29 Unattended User Equipment ........................................................................................................... 32
4.3.30 Enforced Path ................................................................................................................................. 32
4.3.31 User authentication for external connections ................................................................................. 32
4.3.32 Node authentication ........................................................................................................................ 32
4.3.33 Remote diagnostic port protection .................................................................................................. 32
4.3.34 Segregation in networks ................................................................................................................. 32
4.3.35 Network connection control ............................................................................................................ 33
4.3.36 Network Routing Control ................................................................................................................ 33
4.3.37 Security of network services ........................................................................................................... 33
4.3.38 Automatic Terminal Identification .................................................................................................. 33
4.3.39 Terminal Log-on procedures .......................................................................................................... 33
4.3.40 User Identification and authentication ........................................................................................... 33
4.3.41 Password Management System ....................................................................................................... 33
4.3.42 Use of System Utilities .................................................................................................................... 33
4.3.43 Terminal time-out ........................................................................................................................... 33
4.3.44 Information Access restriction ........................................................................................................ 33
4.3.45 Sensitive System Isolation ............................................................................................................... 33
4.3.46 Event Logging ................................................................................................................................. 33
4.3.47 Monitoring System Use ................................................................................................................... 33
4.3.48 Clock Synchronization .................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.49 Mobile Computing & Teleworking/Laptop ..................................................................................... 34
4.3.50 Systems Development and Maintenance ......................................................................................... 34
4.3.51 Encryption ...................................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.52 Non-repudiation service ................................................................................................................. 35
4.3.53 Control of operational software ..................................................................................................... 35
4.3.54 Protection of system test data ......................................................................................................... 35
4.3.55 Access control to program source library ...................................................................................... 35
4.3.56 Security in Development and Support Processes ............................................................................ 35
4.3.57 Business Continuity Management ................................................................................................... 35
4.3.58 Compliance with Legal Requirements ............................................................................................ 36
4.3.59 Reviews of security policy and technical compliance ..................................................................... 36
4.3.60 System Audit considerations ........................................................................................................... 36
4.3.61 Documented Operating procedures ................................................................................................ 36

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Information Security Manual


1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document describes EPATHUSA Information Security Management System (ISMS). Although
information security is not a core competency of most organizations, it has become a key business
enabler, not just an IT option. Without adequately protected enterprise network and other security
procedures, the ability of the enterprise to carry out its business is not assured. Any vulnerability could
cripple the enterprise preventing it from carrying out its normal business for days and weeks impacting
its earnings and profitability. The security threats to business assets are becoming increasingly more
sophisticated. Advanced attacks use multiple methods to discover / exploit / propagate network
vulnerabilities. It has become a business requirement that a stringent information security management
system be put in place.
EPATHUSA deals with protecting its business assets against possible malicious actions targeted on its
business assets to negatively impact the business to ensure business continuity.
EPATHUSAISMS concerns with preserving the following three properties of its information base:

Ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access


Safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information


Ensuring that authorized users have access to information when required

EPATHUSA considers ISMS as a key component in its business operations and growth.
The followings are the main executive goals of EPATHUSA ISMS:

To define and implement processes and policies that protect its business assets including
implementing security solutions that support robust and secure network infrastructures to
protect the assets and to ensure efficient business operations and business continuity


To track and keep pace with changing requirements of business and changing threat scenarios.


To meet statutory & regulatory requirements (compliance, logging, audit, tracing etc.…)


To implement security solutions that are cost-effective and that afford ease-of-use (easy
administration and management) for meeting the above-mentioned goals

1.2 Scope of Certification
ISO 27001 Certification Scope
ISMS manages information security services to internal users of EPATHUSA in accordance with the ISMS
Statement of Applicability
The ISMS covers all the business processes and resources associated with the information systems used to
provide Software Development, Maintenance and Product Content Services, office located at:
This includes the operation of communications to support the LAN and up to where the “client” links

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1.3 Abbreviations, Acronyms and Definitions



Management Review Forum


Information security Management
Business Unit


Annual Maintenance Contract

1.4 Information Security Policy
We at EPATHUSA, are committed to the operation & continuous improvement of an Information
Security Management System relevant to the security risks of the organization to

Ensure Business Continuity.


Protect Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of our information assets.


Meet Contractual obligations on information security.


Meet Regulatory and legislation requirements.


Make employees alert and responsive to information security issues


Undertake proactive actions and implement relevant information security policies to prevent
security breaches

1.5 Management Commitment
The Management of EPATHUSA is committed to the implementation of ISMS to achieve its information
security goals. Management shall define the information security goals in conjunction with the business
The Management is keen on promoting security of information assets and shall give due importance to
the development and enforcement of a corporate culture, which promotes security. Active participation
of the user community and staff members is a must for any security initiative to succeed. The senior
management shall endeavour to provide constant support to the staff members and the Information
Security Forum to ensure that the security consciousness permeates across all levels of the organization.
Management shall provide all resources required for the definition and effective implementation of ISMS.
The management shall participate in the Management Review Meetings and review the effectiveness and
suitability of ISMS implementation and take necessary corrective & preventive actions where required.

2 Establishing and Maintenance of ISMS
2.1 Asset Identification & Classification
EPATHUSA information assets can be broadly classified as follows:
Information Assets

Software Assets
Hardware & Infrastructure Assets

Databases, System Documentation, training material, procedures,
plans, Information Security records, Contracts, Guidelines,
Company Documentation
Application software, System Software, development tools and
Computer equipment, Media, buildings, furniture
Air –conditioning, power, ISP

EPATHUSA information base is classified as Category 1, Category 2, Category 3 based on the asset value.
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Asset Categorization
Category 3 If the asset value is 1, 2, or 3
Category 2 If the asset value is 4, 5, or 6
Category 1 If the asset value is 7, 8 or 9
The asset value is computed using the asset rating matrix given below:
Asset Type
For all asset

No Impact (0)
Low (1)

Medium (2)

High (3)

Low (1)

Medium (2)

High (3)


ISMS: Information Security Manual
Version 1.0


Security Parameter


Not Applicable (0)
Not Applicable (0)
Not Applicable (0)
Disclosure outside
Lack of availability could
organization would modification could cause delay in execution of
be inappropriate and cause inconvenience business activities, but no
inconvenient (1)
and additional effort
external impact (1)
to re-establish
integrity (1)
Disclosure inside or unauthorized
Lack of availability could
outside would cause modification
could cause significant delay in
significant harm to have monetary impact execution
the interest of the on the business and activities
organization (2)
significant impact (2)
additional effort reestablish integrity (2)
Disclosure inside or unauthorized
Non-availability could lead
outside would cause modification
could to failure in meeting
serious damage to the have
significant contractual requirements or
the monetary impact on monetary loss (3)
organization (3)
the business and loss
of reputation and
future business (3)
Unauthorized use or unauthorized changes Lack of availability could
violations of license to software asset and cause delay in execution of
with / or its configuration business activities, but no
minimal impact (1) impacting its usage external impact (1)
additional effort to reestablish integrity (1)
Unauthorized use or unauthorized changes Lack of availability could
violations of license to software asset and cause significant delay in
with / or its configuration execution
moderate impact (2) affecting its usage, activities
and require significant impact (2)
additional effort reestablish integrity (2)
Unauthorized use or unauthorized changes Non-availability could lead
violations of license to software asset and to failure in meeting
with / or its configuration contractual requirements or
significant impact (3) affecting its usage, monetary loss (3)
with monetary impact
on the business and
additional effort reestablish integrity (3)

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Information Security Manual

Asset Type

Low (1)

Hardware &
Medium (2)

Hardware &
High (3)

Hardware &
Low (1)



Security Parameter
Damage to the asset Lack of availability could
physical access with and / or its
cause delay in execution of
minimal impact on
business activities, with
business (1)
impacting its usage
minimal impact on business
and requiring
additional effort and
investment to restore
integrity (1)
Damage to the asset or Lack of availability could
physical access, with partial / total loss of cause significant delay in
moderate impact on the asset, impacting execution of business
business (2)
its usage and
activities with moderate
requiring significant impact on business (2)
additional effort and
investment to restore
integrity (2)
Damage to the asset or Non-availability could lead
physical access, with partial / total loss of to failure in meeting
significant impact on the
with contractual requirements or
business (3)
monetary impact on monetary loss (3)
the business requiring
significant additional
effort and investment
to restore integrity (3)
Unauthorized access Misuse or deficiency Lack of availability could
with of service resulting in cause delay in execution of
minimal impact on inconvenience
and business activities, with
business (1)
business minimal impact on business
impact (1)

Medium (2)

Unauthorized access Misuse or deficiency Lack of availability could
with of service resulting in cause significant delay in
moderate impact on moderate
business execution
business (2)
impact (2)
activities with moderate
impact on business (2)

High (3)

Unauthorized access Misuse or deficiency Non-availability could lead
with of service resulting in to failure in meeting
significant impact on significant
business contractual requirements or
business (3)
impact (3)
monetary loss (3)



The guidelines for classifying an information asset based on confidentiality are as follows:

ISMS: Information Security Manual
Version 1.0

Disclosure/ inside or outside organization
would not cause any damage or inconvenience
Disclosure inside or outside organization
would be inappropriate and inconvenient
Disclosure inside or outside would cause
significant harm to the interest of the

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All assets will have suitable identification EPATHUSA based on the confidentiality level
Asset Classification
Hard Copy
Soft Copy
Physical Assets
If the information is in the Footer
the None
form of a booklet/binding document
then stamp on the cover contain the asset
“Proprietary classification
If the information is in the Information”
form of individual sheets
then stamp on all pages “Proprietary Information”
If the information is in the Footer
the The asset label
form of a booklet/binding document
to shall contain the
then stamp on the cover contain the asset Asset
“Confidential classification
If the information is in the Information”
form of individual sheets
then stamp on all pages “Confidential
It is recommended that all Highly Confidential information contain a statement indicating only “Persons
in the distribution are authorized to access it. If found by anyone other than the ones on the distribution
list, it must be returned at once to the owner” It should also contain the distribution list.
It will be the responsibility of the owner of Confidential/Highly Confidential information to ensure that
the information is communicated only to the authorized persons on the distribution list.
All practices/functions are required to identify and classify their assets. The inventory of assets is
reviewed periodically the Information Security forum along with respective practice/function
The current list of assets / classification is maintained by the Information Security Officer

2.2 Risk Management Guidelines
The controls applicable at EPATHUSA are based on the current list of assets and the risks identified for
the same. Risk identification and mitigation is done according to the EPATHUSA Risk Assessment
Process. Reference Document: EPATHUSA Risk Assessment Process

2.3 Statement of applicability
A statement of applicability indicating the applicability of controls indicated in the ISO 27001 part II
standard and any other additional controls chosen is prepared by the Information Security Forum. The
statement of applicability is reviewed and updated as and when the Risk Plan is reviewed and modified.
Referred Documents:


2.4 Security Organization and Responsibilities
A security organization shall be formed to define and guide the implementation of security policies and
procedures. The various positions in this group are:

Management Review Forum (MRF)


Information Security Forum


Information Security Officer and


Information asset owner

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2.4.1 Management Review Forum
MR shall head the MRF, which consists of all Project Managers/Leaders. The following shall be the broad
based duties and responsibilities of the MRF:

Review and approve the security policy and have overall responsibility for its definition and


Approve major information security initiatives.


Review emerging threats arising out of new technologies and business practices and assess its
impact on the organization.


Mandate periodic audits to review the security of Information assets in the organization.

2.4.2 Information Security Forum
An Information Security Forum consisting of Information Security Officer, Representatives/Project
managers from each practice/function shall have the overall responsibility for managing the ISMS. This
team shall report to the CEO. The following shall be the broad based duties and responsibilities of the
Information Security Forum:

Review and approve the Asset Lists and Risk Management Plan of all practices/functions


Define/Maintain, facilitate and monitor the implementation of the organization’s ISMS.


Ensuring that specialized advice and Training on information security is available to Employees,
Customers and Third party service providers.


Approval of new Information Assets


Responding to security incidents in a calibrated manner

2.4.3 Information Security Officer
The overall responsibility for Information security in the organization shall be allocated to a single officer.
This is designed to increase ownership and co-ordination of security management activities. This officer,
designated as the Information Security Officer, shall report to CEO. The following shall be the broad
based duties and responsibilities of the Information Security Officer:

Setting up and publication of standards, advice and guidance


Monitoring of compliance and co-ordination activities necessary to attain the organization’s
security objectives.


Informing the CEO of any security incident or threat that could affect the Information Assets and
business processes.


Advising the CEO on outstanding security implementation issues and their associated costs, risks
and benefits.


Responding to security incidents in a calibrated manner.


Recommending updates to the security policy and procedures (including legislative inputs on
information security) to the Management Review Committee.

2.4.4 Information asset owner
All the IT assets in the organization will have an assigned owner. The owner shall be the prime controller
for maintaining the assets under his control. Information assets shall remain the exclusive property of the
organization. The role of the owner shall be to correctly classify the assets as per the classification norms
and to exercise reasonable control over its usage. The following shall be the broad based duties and
responsibilities of the Information asset owner:

Specifying the measures necessary for protecting the Information assets in consultation with the
Information Security Forum and the head of practice/function.


Ensuring good security practices are maintained within their area of responsibility and that
policy and procedures laid down to maintain information security is followed.


Ensuring all staff is made aware of what is expected of them in order to maintain the security of
Information assets.

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2.4.5 Information asset users
All employees in the organization are responsible for using the organizations information assets in
accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy in ISMS. All employees are required to be aware of the
policies and procedures in ISMS. All employees are required to notify their supervisor or Information
Security officer of any security breaches/incidents.

2.5 Implementation Norms
All practices/functions are required to implement the ISMS policies and procedures. In cases where the
business activities require deviations to the ISMS policies and procedures, a request indicating the need
for deviation is forwarded by the Practice/Function Head to Information Security Officer. Information
Security Officer in consultation with Information Security forum shall review the risks and any additional
controls required and approve the same. Information Security officer shall keep track of all such
deviations issued.
In cases where the customer has security requirements, which require different/additional controls from
those, indicated in ISMS, the requirements are forwarded to the Information Security Officer. ISO in
consultation with the Practice head and Information Security forum assists the project team to develop an
Information security plan specific to the project/practice.

2.6 Document & Data Control
The ISMS comprises of the following documents:

Information Security Manual


Asset List / Risk Management Plan


Statement of Applicability





All ISMS documents and records are defined, maintained and controlled in accordance with the defined
processes and guidelines

2.7 Internal Audits
Internal audits to verify the compliance of information security practices to ISMS and ISO 27001
requirements are conducted every quarter. Trained internal auditors conduct the audits. Internal
Auditors independent of the practice/function being audited are deputed for conducting the audit. The
planning and execution of audits are in accordance with the Internal Audit procedures of
In addition to these audits, management has decided to be certified for compliance to ISO 27001
requirements. The chosen auditing agency shall depute certified and experienced auditors to evaluate the
suitability of the Information Security Policy, ISMS and its implementation vis-à-vis the business
requirements/ISO 27001 requirements. Such audits shall provide management with an independent
review of information security
Related and support documentation
Information Security Audits Procedure

2.8 Management Review
Management Reviews are conducted once every quarter to review the continuing suitability, adequacy
and effectiveness of ISMS. This review shall include assessing opportunities for improvement and the
need for changes to the ISMS.
Management Reviews are coordinated by the Information Security Officer and chaired by the CEO. All
Practice heads/Function Heads and Information Security Forum members are part of the Management
Review Meetings.
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The agenda for the Management Review Meetings shall include:
a) Results of ISMS audit and reviews;
b) Feedback form interested parties;

Techniques, products or procedures, which cloud be used in the organization to improve the ISMS
performance and effectiveness’;


Status of preventive and corrective actions;

e) Vulnerabilities or threats not adequately addressed in the previous risk assessment;

Follow-up actions form previous management review;

g) Any changes that could affect the ISMS; Recommendations for improvement.
The output from the management review shall include any decisions and actions related to the following:
1. Improvement of the effectiveness of the ISMS.
2. Modification of procedures that effect information security, as necessary, to respond to internal or
external events that may impact on the ISMS, including changes to:

Business requirements;


Security requirements;


Business processes effecting the existing business requirements;

d. Regulatory or legal environments;

Levels of risk and / or levels of risk acceptance.


Resource needs.

The minutes of the meetings are circulated to all the Management Review participants. The Information
Security Officer tracks the actions points to closure.

2.9 Training
Employees shall receive appropriate training on the security policy and procedures including security
requirements, business controls and disciplinary action, which may result out of non-compliance. The
trainings will cover appropriate use of IT facilities, security policy, etc. Employees shall be kept aware of
any changes to the security policies and procedures of the organization.
Information Security Training requirements are identified by the practice/function head and
ISO/Information Security Forum and communicated to the Training Manager. Planning and execution of
the training programs is in accordance with EPATHUSA ISMS.

2.10 Continual Improvement
The organization shall continually improve the effectiveness of the ISMS through the use of the
information security policy, security objectives, audit results, analysis of monitored events, corrective and
preventive actions and management review.
Continuous improvement is achieved through the following means:

Identification of root causes for non-conformities of the implementation/operation of ISMS and
taking appropriate corrective and preventive actions


Identification of potential non-conformities their causes and implementing appropriate
preventive actions


Defining quantitative security goals and improve the ISMS to achieve the same.

Information Security Officer shall keep track of all corrective and preventive actions, their status and data
pertinent to security goals. This data shall be analysed to verify whether satisfactory improvement of
ISMS effectiveness is being achieved. The improvement of the effectiveness of ISMS is reviewed during
the Management Reviews.

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Security Goals
Incident Call Resolution Duration

Service level Objectives



2 hrs



8 hrs



24 hrs

Incident Call Response Duration


.5 hrs



4 hrs
8 hrs

Sl. No

Security Metric
No of Non-Conformance during ISMS Audit per
projects or functions

Security Incident Type

Significant – S2

Minor –S3


Unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or
destruction of information or interference with system
operations leading to substantial revenue/capital loss, third
party liability, loss of reputation
Unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or
destruction of information or interference with system
operations leading to moderate revenue/capital loss, third
party liability, loss of reputation
Unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or
destruction of information or interference with system
operations leading to insignificant revenue/capital loss, third
party liability, loss of reputation

3.1 Acceptable use policy
3.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable use of computer equipment at EPATHUSA. These
rules are in place to protect the employee and EPATHUSA Inappropriate use exposes EPATHUSA to
risks including virus attacks, compromise of network systems and services, and legal issues.
3.1.2 Scope
This policy applies to employees, contractors, consultants, temporaries, and other workers at
EPATHUSA, including all personnel affiliated with third parties. This policy applies to all equipment that
is owned or leased by EPATHUSA.
3.1.3 Policy Acceptable Use

While EPATHUSA the IT Group desires to provide a reasonable level of privacy, users should be
aware that the data they create on the corporate systems remains the property of EPATHUSA.
Because of the need to protect EPATHUSA network, management cannot guarantee the
Confidentiality of information stored on any network device belonging to EPATHUSA.


Employees are responsible for excising good judgment regarding the reasonableness of personal
use. Individual functions are responsible for creating guidelines concerning personal use of
Internet / Intranet / Extranet systems. In the absence of such policies, employees should be

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guided by functional policies on personal use, and if there is any uncertainty, employees should
consult their reporting manager.

EPATHUSA recommends that any information that users consider sensitive or vulnerable be
Password Protected/Encrypted.


For security and network maintenance purposes, authorized individuals within EPATHUSA may
monitor equipment, systems and network traffic at any time


EPATHUSA reserves the right to audit networks and systems on a periodic basis to ensure
compliance with this policy.


Information Asset owners should identify and implement controls in accordance with ISMS to
protect Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of this information.


Keep passwords secure and do not share accounts. Authorized users are responsible for the
security of their passwords and accounts.


All users are bound by the Policies and Procedures defined in the ISMS while
operating/handling information assets in EPATHUSA Unacceptable Use
The following activities are, in general prohibited. Under no circumstance is an employee of EPATHUSA
authorized to engage in any activity that is illegal under local, state, federal or international law while
utilizing EPATHUSA- owned resources. The lists below are by no means exhaustive, but attempt to
provide a framework for activities, which fall into the category of unacceptable use.
The following activities are strictly prohibited, with no exceptions

Violations of the rights of any person or company protected by copyright, trade secret, patent or
other intellectual property, or similar laws or regulations, including but not limited to, the installation
or distribution of “pirated” or other software products that are not appropriately licensed for use by


Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material including but not limited to, digitization and
distribution of photographs from magazines, books or other copyrighted sources, copyrighted music,
and the installation of any copyrighted software for which EPATHUSA or the end user does not have
an active license is strictly prohibited.


Exporting software, technical information, encryption software or technology, in violation of
international or regional exports control laws, is illegal.


Introduction of malicious programs into the network or server
(Ex: Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, e-mail bombs, etc).


Revealing your account password to others or allowing use of your account by others. This includes
family and other household members when work is being done at home.


Using a EPATHUSA computing asset to actively engage in procuring or transmitting material that is
in violation of sexual harassment or hostile work place laws in the user’s local jurisdiction.


Making fraudulent offers of products, items, or services originating from any EPATHUSA account.


Making statements about warranty, expressly or implied, unless it is a part of normal job duties.


Effecting security breaches or disruptions of network communication. Security breaches include, but
are not limited to, accessing data of which the employee is not an intended recipient or logging into a
server or account that the employee is not expressly authorized to access, unless these duties are
within the scope of regular duties. For purposes of this section, “disruption “includes, but is not
limited to, network sniffing, pinged floods, packet spoofing, denial of service, and forged routing
information for malicious purposes.

10. Executing any form of network monitoring which will intercept data not intended for the employee’s
host, unless this activity is a part of the employee’s normal job / duty.
11. Circumventing user authentication or security of any host, network or account.
12. Interfering with or denying service to any other user

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13. Providing information about, or lists of, EPATHUSA employees to parties outside EPATHUSA.

3.2 Password Policy
3.2.1 Purpose
Passwords are an important aspect of computer security. They are front line of protection for user
accounts. A poorly chosen password may result in the compromise of EPATHUSA entire corporate
network. As such all EPATHUSA employees (including contractors and vendors with access to
EPATHUSA systems) are responsible for taking the appropriate steps, as outlined below, to select and
secure their Passwords.
The purpose of this policy is to establish a standard for creation of strong passwords, the protection of
those passwords, and the frequency of change.
3.2.2 Scope
The scope of this policy includes all personnel who have or are responsible for an account (or any form of
access that supports or requires a password) on any system that resides at any EPATHUSA Admin, has
access to the EPATHUSA network, or stores any non- public EPATHUSA information.
3.2.3 Policy General

All system – level passwords (e.g., root, enable, NT admin, application administration accounts,
etc.) must be changed on at least every 90 days.


All user-level passwords (e.g., email, web, desktop computer, etc.) must be changed at least every
90 days.


All user–level and system–level passwords must conform to the guidelines described below. And
password complexity option is enabled.


Password Option on all servers shall require passwords to have a minimum of 8 characters and
password complexity option is enabled Guidelines for Construction of Passwords
Strong passwords have the following characteristics:

Contain both upper and lower case characters (e.g. a - z, A - Z)


Have digits and punctuation characters as well as letters (e.g. 0-9, @#$ %^&*() _+/ ~-=\’ {}
:”;’<>? /)


Are at least eight alphanumeric characters long


Are not words in any language, slang, dialect, jargon, etc?


Are not based on personal information, names of family, etc.

Poor, weak passwords have the following characteristics:

The password contains less than eight characters


The password is a word found in a dictionary (English or foreign)


The password is a common usage words such as:


Names of family, pets, friends, co-workers, fantasy characters, etc


Computer terms and names, commands, sites, companies, hardware, software


The words “EPATHUSA”, “EPATHUSA”, “OZONE”, or any derivation


Birthdays and other personal information such as addresses and phone numbers


Words or number patterns like aaabbb, qwetry, zyxwvuts, 123321, etc.


Any of the above spelled backwards.


Any of the above preceded or followed by a digit (e. g., secret 1, secret)

NOTE: Do not use either these examples as passwords!

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ISM-01 Password Protection Standards
All passwords are to be treated sensitive, confidential EPATHUSA information.
precautions to be taken to protect the passwords

The following


Don’ t reveal a password over the phone, in front of others or in an e-mail message/chat to


Don’t hint at the format of a password (e. g., “ my family name”)


Don’t share a password with family members


Don’t reveal a password to co-workers while on vacation


Don’t use the “Remember Password” feature of applications (e.g. Outlook, Netscape messenger).


Don’t write passwords down and store them anywhere in your office. Do not store passwords in
a file on ANY computer system (including Palm Pilots or similar devices) without any

3.3 Extranet Policy
3.3.1 Purpose
This document describes that policy under which third party organizations connect to EPATHUSA
networks for the purpose of transacting business related to EPATHUSA.
3.3.2 Scope
Connections between third parties that require access to non-public EPATHUSA resources fall under this
policy, regardless of technology used for the connection. Connectivity to third parties such as the Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) that provide Internet access for EPATHUSA or to the Public Switched Telephone
Network does not fall under this policy.
3.3.3 Policy Third Party Connection Request
Sponsoring Organizations within EPATHUSA that wish to establish connectivity to a third party are
required to give a request accompanied by a valid business justification in writing approved by
Practice/Function Head. The sponsoring Organization must provide full and complete information as to
the nature of the proposed access and the expected duration of the connection to the Networking team, as
All connectivity established must be based on the least- access principle, in accordance with the approved
business requirements and the security review. In no case will EPATHUSA rely upon the third party to
protect EPATHUSA network or resources
All new extranet connectivity will go through a security review with the Information Security Officer as
well as the Networking Department’s head. The reviews are to ensure that all access matches the business
requirements in the best possible way, and that the principle of least access is followed. Third Party Connection Agreement
All new connection requests between third parties and EPATHUSA require that the third party and
EPATHUSA representatives agree to and sign the Third Party Agreement. This agreement must be
signed by the authorized executive of the sponsoring organization as well as a representative from third
party who is legally empowered to sign on behalf of the third party. The signed document is to be kept
on file with the Networking Department. Point of Contact
The sponsoring Organization must designate a person to be Point of Contact (POC) for the extranet
connection. The POC acts on behalf of the Sponsoring Organization, and is responsible for those portions
of this policy and the Third Party Agreements that pertain to it. Should the POC change; the relevant
extranet organization must be informed promptly. Modifying or Changing Connectivity and Access
All changes in access must be accompanied by a valid business justification and are subject to security
review by the Support Head as well as the Information Security Officer. Changes are to be implemented
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via corporate change management process. The sponsoring organization is responsible for notifying the
IT Group and Information Security Officer when there is material change in the originally provided
information so that security and connectivity evolve accordingly. Terminating Access
When access is no longer required, the sponsoring organization within EPATHUSA must notify the
Support Department, which will then terminate the access. This may mean a modification of existing
permissions up to terminating the circuit, as appropriate.

3.4 Router Security Policy
3.4.1 Purpose
This document describes a required minimal security configuration for all routers and Switches
connecting to a production network or used in a production capacity at or on behalf of EPATHUSA.
3.4.2 Scope
All routers and switches connected to EPATHUSA production networks or used in a production capacity
at or on behalf of EPATHUSA are covered under this policy.
3.4.3 Policy
Every router must meet the following configurations standards:

No local user accounts are configured on the router. Routers must use TACACS+ for all user


The enable password on the router must be kept in a secure encrypted form. The router must have
the enable password set to the current production router password from the router’s support


Disallow the following:
a) IP directed broadcasts
b) Incoming packets at the router sourced with invalid addresses such as RFC 1918 address

TCP small services

d) UDP small routing All source routing
e) All web services running on router

Use corporate standardized SNMP community strings


Access rules are to be added as business needs arise.


The router must be included in the corporate organization network with a designated point of

3.5 Network and VPN Policy
3.5.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for Network access, Remote Access IPSec or L2TP
Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections to the EPATHUSA corporate network.
3.5.2 Scope
This policy applies to all EPATHUSA employees, contractors, consultants, temporaries, and other
workers including all personnel affiliated with third parties utilizing LAN, VPNs to access the
EPATHUSA network. This policy applies to implementation of VPN that are directed through a
EPATHUSA managed IPSec Concentrator.
3.5.3 Policy
Approved EPATHUSA employees and authorized third parties (customers, vendors, etc.) may utilize the
benefits of LAN/VPNs, which are a “user managed” service. Additionally,

It is the responsibility of employees with LAN/VPN privileges to ensure that unauthorized users are
not allowed access to EPATHUSA internal networks.


VPN use is to be controlled using a symmetric Key system with a strong pass phrase that is provided
by EPATHUSA for site to site VPN.

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VPN gateways will be set up and managed by EPATHUSA Support Department.


All computers connected to EPATHUSA internal networks via VPN or any other technology must
use the most up-to–date anti–virus software that is the corporate standard.


The VPN concentrator is limited to an absolute connection time of 24 hours.


Users of computer that are not EPATHUSA- owned equipment must configure the equipment to
comply with EPATHUSAVPN and LAN policies.


Only IT Group– approved VPN clients may be used.

3.6 Clear Desk/Clear Screen Policy
3.6.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines ensuring that information assets are not made
accessible inadvertently to non-authorized resources.
3.6.2 Scope
This policy applies to all EPATHUSA employees, contractors and consultants utilizing EPATHUSA
information assets. Information assets include Correspondence, Corporate papers, computer media,
manuals, drawings etc
3.6.3 Policy
• All information, other than “Sensitive”, shall be locked in cabinets or fireproof cabinets when not in
use. This is to ensure that confidential or restricted information is not accidentally left unsupervised in
publicly accessible areas such as desks, printers etc.
• Documents should not be left unattended at Printers, Xerox, and Fax Machines and should be collected
• Users should use the facilities provided by the IT Group to protect unattended screens by use of a
power on passwords and password-protected screensavers
• Staff should ensure their desks are clear every evening before leaving

3.7 Access Control Policy
3.7.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines ensuring that access rights are provided on a need
basis with minimum possible levels of access.
3.7.2 Scope
This policy applies to all EPATHUSA employees, contractors, and consultants utilizing EPATHUSA
information assets / Networking facilities.
3.7.3 Policy

Information Security Forum and Network administrator shall be responsible for creating and
implementing access control procedure as per the configuration management plan.


Terminals will be identified through unique IP addresses/System name.


Practice / Function Heads approval is required to authorize issuance of user IDs and resources


Only authorized users shall be allowed access to the information systems of the organization.


Access rights for users shall be granted based on the following aspects:
a) Sensitivity level of information;
b) Information dissemination and entitlement policies e.g. “need-to-know” and “need-todo” principles, segregation of duties, etc


Access privileges will be individually defined for the different information systems (e.g.
operating systems, databases, application systems etc) used in the organization. The access
privilege will be based on the organizational needs and the security requirements specific to that
information system.


The Network Administrator shall periodically review the Access control system

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Configuration plan defines the access requirements for individual departments to perform the
business functions.


User should be able to login to their desktop only.

3.8 Electronic Mail Policy
3.8.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the employees use e-mail in a secure manner and the
information transmitted through the mail network is secure and its use does not expose the
organization to any risks.
3.8.2 Scope
This policy applies to all EPATHUSA employees, contractors and consultants utilizing EPATHUSA
e-mail accounts.
3.8.3 Policy E-mail usage
• Email ID naming convention and signature will be followed as per the following standards decided
by Information Security Forum.
The name of the Employee will form the basis for his email ID. The E-mail Id creation process is
initiated. The Project manager triggers the process by filling in the New Employee Infrastructure
Request Form and sending it to the HR who in turn will request the IT Department to create an EMail Id.
E-mail Id is created as: first name followed by period and the last name
• No employee shall be permitted to use any other email account for official communication.
• The users will exercise extreme caution while sending e-mails through the public networks.
Guidelines will be issued to educate users on the secure and acceptable use of the corporate e-mail
account. http-SSH layer over RPC over http Remote access to e-mail account
Users shall be able to access s their e-mail account from outside the corporate network only after
passing through a designated authentication mechanism. Usage of internet-based mail accounts
• Employees should not use any e-mail account other than the corporate account for official
communications with external users.
• All exceptions shall need specific authorization by the department head/CEO. Encryption of mails
• Users should not send any confidential information through e-mail unless it is encrypted or the
attached document is protected from unauthorized access by means of a password. Monitoring
• The organization may, for reasons of security, intercept or otherwise monitor the mails sent
through its mailing system.
• CEO shall have the authority to approve monitoring of corporate mail of employees. Disclaimer information
All e-mail sent from the organization’s mail system shall have a standard “disclaimer statement”
attached to it. Unacceptable Email and Communications Activities

Sending unsolicited email messages, including the sending of “junk mail” or other advertising
material to individuals who did not specifically request such material (email Spam).


Any form of harassment via email, telephone or paging, whether through language, frequency, or
size of messages.

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Unauthorized use, or forging, of email header information.


Solicitation of email for any other email address, other than that of the poster’s account, with the
intent to harass or to collect replies.


Creating or forwarding “chain letters”, “Ponzi or other “pyramid “schemes of any type.


Use of unsolicited email originating from within EPATHUSA networks of other Internet / Intranet
Extranet service providers on behalf of, or to advertise, any service hosted by EPATHUSA or
connoted via EPATHUSA network.


Posting the same or similar non-business – related messages to large numbers of Usenet groups
(newsgroup Spam).

3.9 Acceptable Encryption Policy
3.9.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance that limits the use of encryption to those EPATHUSA
algorithms that have received substantial public review and have been proven to work effectively.
3.9.2 Scope
This policy applies to all EPATHUSA employees and affiliates.
3.9.3 Policy
Encryption shall be mandatory for site-to-site network traffic on VPN. Encryption of data on FTP servers,
E-Mail shall be optional depending on contractual requirements
Proven, standard a EPATHUSA Algorithms 3DES, RSA, DES, SHA should be used as the basis for
encryption technologies. These EPATHUSA Algorithms represent the actual cipher used for an approved
application. Encryption mechanisms which use a minimum of 56 bit encryption shall be adopted.

3.10 Mobile Computing/Tele-Working/Laptop Policy
3.10.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to define standards for connecting to EPATHUSA network from any host.
These standards are designed to minimize the potential exposure to EPATHUSA from damages, which
may result from unauthorized use of EPATHUSA resources. Damages include the loss of sensitive or
company confidential data, intellectual property, damage to critical EPATHUSA internal systems, etc.
Also, Laptop computers, together with their data, are becoming an increasingly common target for
thieves and EPATHUSA is keen to protect all its assets and the information these assets might hold.
Apart from the financial impact arising from cost of replacement laptops, there are “hidden” costs
associated with the following:
• lost productivity
• procurement
• laptop set-up
• data replacement
3.10.2 Scope
This policy applies to all EPATHUSA employees, contractors, vendors and agents with EPATHUSA–
owned or personally – owned computer or workstation/Laptops used to connect to the EPATHUSA
network. This policy applies to remote access connections used to work on behalf of EPATHUSA,
including reading or sending email, and viewing intranet web resources and using Laptops.
Remote access implementation that are covered by this policy include, but are not limited to, dial–in–
modems, frame relay, ISDN, DSL, VPN, SSH, and cable modems, etc.
3.10.3 Policy General
• It is the responsibility of EPATHUSA employees, contractors, vendors and agents with remote access
privileges to EPATHUSA corporate network to ensure that their remote access connection is given the
same consideration as the users-on–site connection to EPATHUSA.

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• General access to the Internet for recreational use by immediate household members through the
EPATHUSA Network on personal computers is permitted for employees that have flat-rate services. The
EPATHUSA employee is responsible to ensure the family member does not violate any EPATHUSA
policies, does nor perform any illegal activities, and does not use the access for outside business interests.
The EPATHUSA employee bears responsibility for the consequences should the access is misused.
• ISMS policies provide details of protecting information when accessing the corporate network via
remote access methods, and acceptable use of EPATHUSA network Requirements

Secure remote access must be strictly controlled. Control will be enforced via one-time password
authentication with strong pass-phrases. For information on creating a strong pass-phrase see the
password policy.


At no time, should any EPATHUSA employee provide their login or email password to anyone, not
even family members.


EPATHUSA employees and contractors with remote access privileges must ensure that their
EPATHUSA-owned or personal computer or workstation, which is remotely connected to
EPATHUSA corporate network, is not connected to any other network at the same time, with the
exception of personal networks that are under the complete control of the user.


EPATHUSA employees and contractors with remote access privileges to EPATHUSA corporate
network must not use non – EPATHUSA email accounts (i.e., Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL), or other
external resources to conduct EPATHUSA business, thereby ensuring that official business is never
confused with personal business.


Routers for dedicated ISDN line configured for access to the EPATHUSA network are only on a caseby-case basis and must meet minimum authentication requirements of CHAP.


Reconfiguration of a home user’s equipment for the purpose of spilt-tunneling or dual homing is not
permitted at any time.


Non-standard hardware configurations must be approved by the Support Department, and the IT
Group must approve security configurations for access to hardware.


All hosts that are connected to EPATHUSA internal networks via remote access technologies must
use the most up – to date anti-virus software, this includes personal computers. Third party
connections must comply with requirements as stated in the Third-Party Agreement.


Personal equipment that is used to connect EPATHUSA networks must meet the requirements of
EPATHUSA-owned equipment for remote access.


Organizations or individuals who wish to implement non–standard Remote Access solutions to the
EPATHUSA production network must obtain prior approval from the Network administrator as well
as the Information Security Officer.


Applying technology controls (for example authenticated login, password aging and virus checking)
to protect access to information on laptops.


Restricting access so that software cannot be installed by users


Requiring staff to sign a "Laptop / Mobile Device Loan Form/NDA” to confirm that they will abide
by this policy and the guidelines.

4.1 General Admin


4.1.1 Physical Security Security Arrangements
• The security perimeter for the organization is identified and documented
• Areas which require additional physical security (e.g. Server rooms or where sensitive equipment is
located) controls are identified and documented
• Security guards shall be posted at all entry points and manned round the clock

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• The Head-Admin will enter into a contract with a Security Agency, which has been evaluated for their
• Head-Admin will maintain an approved list of personnel from this agency after scrutinizing profiles
(and police records if possible) of these personnel.
• Head-Admin will ensure that these agencies send only those personnel who are on the approved list
for guard duty
• Access to secure perimeter and additional secure areas shall be through an access control system Employee Access
• Admin Group shall provide employee access card to all employees.
• All employees are required to use their Cyber Lock codes to access the suites.
• HR shall intimate the Admin Group regarding the new employees who have joined service and the
office/area to which access is required

Admin Group shall arrange for a photo access card and get the access control system activated
for the new card


On separation of an employee from the organization, HR shall intimate Admin the last working
date of the employee


Admin Group shall collect the access card and store it in a secure location until the access card is
disabled on the access control system


Access Control System shall be updated immediately to disable cards of employees who left the
organization Visitors/Guests/Prospective Employees Access

All visitors/guests are to report at the security/reception area


Details of visitors/guests shall be entered into the “Visitors Register” with the front desk


Front Desk person shall call up the employee for whom the Visitor/Guest had come to confirm
the appointment/availability


The guest/visitor shall be seated in the reception area until the respective employee authorizes
the entry into working area


The front desk person shall take back the visitor access card and note down the out timing when
the visitor leaves the premises


Employees are expected to accompany visitors/guests to ensure that they are permitted to visit
only authorized areas and do not cause damage to organizations equipment or pose security
threat Third Party/Vendors access

Third Parties/Vendors may need to have access to the secure perimeter to deliver


All such personnel are to report at the security/reception area


Details of Third Parties/Vendors personnel shall be entered into the “Visitors Register” with the
Security Guard


riskSecurity guard shall call up the relevant department head for whom the Material/Service is
being provided to confirm the appointment/availability


A visitor access card shall be provided and shall be worn until these personnel leave the premises


The Third Parties/Vendors personnel shall be seated in the reception area until the respective
employee authorizes the entry into working area


A list of people who are authorized to take Third Parties/Vendors personnel into the working
areas is identified and provided to the security guard by Head-Administration


The security guard shall take back the visitor access card and note down the out timing when
these personnel leaves the premises


Employees are expected to accompany Third Parties/Vendors personnel to ensure that they are
permitted to visit only authorized areas and do not cause damage to organizations equipment or
pose security threat

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Third Parties/Vendors who need to have access to organizations information assets for a longer
term are required to sign a Non Disclosure agreement and have their employees deputed to the
organization screened as per the requirements specified in “Personnel Screening and
Referencing” procedure in this document. Inward/Outward Movement of Equipment

All equipment/material to be delivered to the organization is received at the security/reception


The Security Guard will maintain a Material inward/outward register to log items being brought
into the secure perimeter and being taken out


Security Guard shall inform the relevant employee for whom the material is received


The employee shall receive the material and authorize the same to be brought into the work area
for use/storage


For moving equipment, gate passes shall be issued at the sending point and checked at the
receiving point.


A list of employees who are authorized to sign the gate passes and their specimen signature shall
be approved by the CEO and provided to the Security Guard


Head-Admin shall track the return of equipment which have been moved out on returnable basis


Equipment, which is under customs bonding, shall not be moved out of the bonded premises
without appropriate permissions from the STPI/Central Excise authorities


Equipment/Media being transferred between different premises within the security perimeter
shall be suitably packed and transferred along with one of the organizations employee. Equipment Sitting and Protection

Head-Admin shall ensure that equipment which have high value/high risk value (e.g. Servers,
Costly hardware, Software) are located at segregated work areas/sites with additional security or
stored under lock and key


The precautions to be taken for such equipment shall include controls which protect from
theft/vandalism, unauthorized access and environmental threats/hazards


Unattended Equipment such as Printers/Fax/Xerox machines/Systems in common places will
be suitably protected by mechanisms such as passwords/access key Power Supplies and Cabling Security

Head – Admin shall ensure that all cabling (Power, Communication, Network related) is done in
a secure manner meeting the equipment manufacturers specifications and is protected from
tapping, tampering, accidental damage and environmental hazards


Head – Admin shall ensure that all power switches, power mains are protected from tampering,
accidental damage and environmental hazards


Proper earthling should be provided to all power supplies/racks/work areas where equipment is


All critical equipment are connected to UPS to support continuous running/orderly close down


A backup generator is installed for supplying power when the power fails for longer periods
than which UPS can support.


Lightning protection filters should be fitted to all external communication lines Equipment Maintenance

All new/critical equipment under the control of General Administration will be tracked for their
warranty/Annual Maintenance Contract using an AMC Tracker


Equipment which require preventive maintenance/periodic checks (e.g. Generator, UPS, Airconditioners, Fire Extinguishers etc.) shall be identified and tracked


Details of Preventive maintenance/periodic checks are tracked using the Preventive Maintenance

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ISM-01 Security of Equipment off premises

Equipment containing data, media should not be taken off premises (excludes transfers between
different premises within the defined security perimeter) without written approval from the CEO


Equipment/Media taken out of premises should not be left unattended in public places without
suitable protection measures such as passwords, physical barriers or security guards


Equipment/Media should be packed and sealed suitably to ensure that they are not
damaged/tampered/misused Secure disposal or re-use of equipment

Equipment before being disposed/reallocated shall be reviewed by Head-IT and Head-Admin
departments to assess the risk and take steps to remove data/licensed software


Equipment being disposed shall be recorded using Equipment disposal register


Media shall be disposed







prevent Safeguarding of organizational records

Organization records of value shall be identified and stored using appropriate security
mechanism. Suitable backups will be taken and maintained (including storing of backups offsite)


All organizational records shall be kept in accordance with the configuration and data
management process


A configuration management plan identifying all the records and access rights to
data/applications is available in the Project Management Plan (PMP).

4.1.2 Information Assets Inventory & Management

A detailed inventory of EPATHUSA assets will be maintained. The inventory is to contain
security classification and Customs bonding status of items.


Head-Admin maintains the inventory of all computer systems / printers / computer media /
licensed software/UPS/Communication equipment related to networking


Head-Admin maintains the inventory of all other capital equipment/material in the organization


All assets are identified with a unique asset id. Asset id is inscribed on the asset for identification
and traceability


The asset list id documented using the Asset Register

4.2 HR Department
4.2.1 Personnel screening and referencing

Appropriate measures shall be instituted to verify the history of the applicants and any background
information that may be useful for decision-making


The references given by a candidate shall be used for thorough screening of the individual before
recruiting them.


Suitable investigations shall be carried out if there are triggers or potential misrepresentation.


At least one background reference check shall be required before recruitment of the person.


Similar screening procedures shall need to be carried out for the vendors/contractors and temporary
staffs that need to have access to critical information assets.


Firms providing contract employees would be required to provide written agreements stating that
appropriate personnel and business references have been obtained and verified.


Temporary staff will only be allowed limited access to the organization’s systems and their activities
will be monitored on an on-going basis.

4.2.2 Employee appraisal

Adherence to the Information security policy shall form an integral part of the employee performance

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HR/Reporting Manager shall refer to disciplinary actions taken against the employee as one of the
evaluation parameter during appraisal


The ability of the employee to conform to organizations ISMS policies shall be the basis for
confirmation, promotion and assignment of critical duties.

4.2.3 Terms and condition of employment

Adherence to security policy and participation in security initiatives shall be included in the terms
and conditions of employment for all employees.


In particular, all information system users of the organization will sign-off on a commitment to
adhere to the Information security Policies as defined by the organization.


All employees, temporary staff and consultants shall be required to sign confidentiality and/or
nondisclosure agreement binding them not to disclose any information about the organization
without prior written permission.


All employee information will be kept strictly confidential and will be shared only on need basis with
specific approval from CEO


Recruitment Process

4.2.4 Training Procedure

Role based training is provided to an individual before the assignment to that role.


Induction training is mandatory for all newly joined employees, and is organized by the HR
Department. Induction training includes ISMS awareness as part of the curriculum.


Respective department head and Information Security officer shall identify training requirements for
information security education/ISMS implementation awareness


Executive - HR consolidates the training requests received and prepares a training calendar. This is
reviewed periodically and updated to ensure that the requirements received subsequently are


The training requirements are addressed in accordance with the Training Procedure of EPATHUSA

4.2.5 Disciplinary Process

A disciplinary committee is constituted by the CEO to examine disciplinary issues related to
information security practices.


The disciplinary committee is headed by the CEO and includes ISO, Head-HR and the specific
department head.


The disciplinary committee collects and examines necessary evidence through System Logs, Log
trails, e-mails and any other suitable mechanism. Evidence collected shall confirm to permissible
evidence requirements of law of the land


The disciplinary committee is convened whenever a security incident warrants disciplinary action as
part of the corrective and preventive measures.

4.2.6 Segregation of duties

All sensitive duties shall be segregated so as to guard against negligent or deliberate misuse of data
systems or services.


As a good practice, it will be ensured that the following responsibilities are allocated to different
a) Audit function for the same department/project
b) Systems Administration and Resource Allocation/Network Configuration Approval

Systems Administration and Operator log verification

4.2.7 Data protection and privacy of personal information

Personal records shall be identified and stored using appropriate security mechanism. Suitable
backups will be taken and maintained (including storing of backups offsite)

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All personal records shall be kept in accordance with the configuration and data management process


A configuration management plan shall be prepared identifying all the records and access rights to

4.3 Networking Department
4.3.1 Specialist Information Security Advice

ISO/Head-Admin identifies areas which require specialist security advices


A list of security advisors and the areas on which they could provide advice shall be documented and
maintained by the ISO


The specialist security advisors can be part of the organization or external consultants/vendors.

4.3.2 Cooperation with information service providers and telecommunications operators

Head-Admin maintains a list of critical service providers and their contact details


Where required service levels are negotiated and documented as part of the service contracts


Head Networking also takes membership or becomes part of security groups/industry forums to
obtain advice in the event of a security incident.

4.3.3 Acquisition of Information Assets/Outsourcing

Security and control features shall form part of every Information Assets (Hardware/Software)
acquisition process.


The indenter for the Information Asset shall be responsible for the effective planning and monitoring
of inclusion of security requirements as one of the key requirements in the acquisition process.


The indenter shall identify the security requirements by discussing the same with the Network
Administrator and the Information Security Forum.


These requirements shall be specified in the purchase order.


Sr. Management shall approve material request as well as the purchase order before the purchase is


Information Assets will be accepted only if they meet the criteria specified in the purchase order.

4.3.4 Third Party Access Contracts

The organization shall enter into legally binding contracts with all third party service providers.


Maintaining the security of the organization’s information assets will be a part of the contractual
commitments. Access to internal resources

Third parties’ access to the organization’s IT facilities would be determined based on the business
objectives of the services provided.


CEO shall approve all requests for access to third parties


A risk analysis would be carried out to assess the security implications of giving access to internal IT


Appropriate controls shall be identified and implemented to ensure that the risks identified are
sufficiently mitigated


The details of third party access provided and controls implemented are recorded using the Third
Party Access register Monitoring mechanisms
Information Security Officer shall be responsible for monitoring implementation of the identified
4.3.5 Reporting Software/Hardware Malfunctions

All users of the computing infrastructure shall report software/hardware malfunctions to the HeadAdmin/Project manager or the on duty systems administrator

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All software/hardware malfunctions are recorded and tracked using the Service Request Log


The allocated systems administrator shall resolve all such issues as per the agreed service levels and
intimate the user


Head-Admin shall analyse the reported software/hardware malfunctions for identifying
vulnerabilities/weakness which can compromise the information security and implement necessary

4.3.6 Incident Management and Learning from Incidents

All users of information systems in the organization shall be trained to identify and report security
incidents and security weaknesses

Security incident means the attempted or successful unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
modification, or destruction of information or interference with system operations in an
information system


Security weakness means the unidentified vulnerabilities and threats that could lead to
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction of information or
interference with system operations in an information system


A mail id @EPATHUSA shall be created where all users are required to report security incidents


Contact numbers of Information Security Forum members are available in organization contact sheet


MR/ISO shall receive the copy of incidents reported to the above mail id


MR/ISO shall log all security incidents into the Incident Tracker. MR/ISO in consultation with the
Asset Owner and Management shall identify immediate actions and Corrective/Preventive actions to
be implemented


The action points, responsibility and the planned completion schedule shall be logged in the Incident


MR/ISO tracks all the action points to satisfactory closure


Causal Analysis of security incidents are done on a monthly basis by the MR/ISO and appropriate
controls are identified and implemented to prevent recurrence of such incidents or mitigate the
impact of such incidents


Causal Analysis findings and action taken are disseminated to all Information Security Forum
Members and discussed during the Management Review meetings

4.3.7 Secure Disposal or re-use of equipment

As described in Section

4.3.8 Removal of Property

As described in Section

4.3.9 Operational Change Controls

Changes to Network/Hardware/OS/Application Software configurations shall be initiated based on
the business requirements by the respective department head and approved by the CEO


The approved changes shall be communicated to the Head-Admin for implementation


All such service requests shall be logged and tracked using the Service Request Tracker


All changes to Network/Hardware OS/Application Software configurations shall be evaluated for
impact/new security risks and appropriate actions taken

4.3.10 Separation of development and operational facilities

Development and operational servers for internal applications shall be configured on different
systems. Where such segregation is not feasible the development and operational areas may be
segregated using appropriate access control mechanisms


Source Code, Documents, Test Data and any other work products shall be protected from
unwarranted changes using appropriate access control mechanisms/configuration management tools
such as VSS.


The access control mechanism and the access rights for such work products are defined in the
Configuration Management Plan.

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4.3.11 External IT System

As described in Section 4.3.4 and

4.3.12 Capacity Planning

Computer and network capacity requirements shall be regularly monitored to ensure that the
business does not run the risk of failure due to inadequate capacity.


Capacity planning shall also be conducted for all new systems being acquired. The performance of
systems shall be periodically monitored to ensure that they meet the business expectations of service
Information Security.


Management shall identify annually the facilities required for future business functions.

4.3.13 Controls Against Malicious software

Antivirus software shall be deployed at 3 levels [Gateway, All Servers and Desktop.]


Inbound and outbound data traffic through Gateway shall be scanned for Virus before its


The Antivirus software deployed shall be reassessed every half year for its effectiveness.


Information on incidence of virus shall be shared with the Information Security Forum members.


Freeware and unsolicited software shall not be used without prior permission of the
Practice/Function Head.


CD’s and floppies shall not be used / accessed in a networked PC without prior approval of
Practice/Function Head.


The IT Group shall ensure that all servers and workstations have anti-virus software installed on


The anti-virus software will be periodically updated with the latest patch released by the vendors.

4.3.14 Information Back-up

The IT Group is responsible for the backup of data and periodic recovery testing as per Back up
Recovery policy which includes plan for the same.


The IT Group takes backup in accordance with the backup plan and maintains records of backup


Data that is no longer required on the file servers (e.g. after completion of project, obsolete data) is


A request for archival is sent to The IT Group in writing by the Project Manager/Function Head
indicating the location of the data, names of folders/files to be archived and the duration for which
the data needs to be retained.


The IT Group will archive the data using suitable media and handover the same to the
Practice/Function Head.


Media used for backup will be suitably labeled. The date from which the media is being used and the
expiry date beyond which the media can’t be used will be tracked.

4.3.15 Operator Logs

All Systems administration activities (including but not limited to User registration, access rights
management, Hardware/Software/Network installation, configuration and trouble shooting) shall
be performed only after due authorization and logging the service requests in the Service Request
Register. Evidence of approvals, where required is maintained.


In addition event logs activated on all key systems/applications shall provide evidence of Systems
Administration activities in addition to the business activities performed. Refer to Section 4.3.43

4.3.16 Network Controls Network Documentation

The Logical and Physical network diagram along with data and electrical cable layouts of all offices
shall be documented.

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These diagrams shall clearly indicate the logical connections and physical locations of the equipments
on the network including hosts, hubs, routers, bridges, servers


A clear description of the security attributes of all network services used by the organization shall be
provided. The documentation shall also highlight various network links between EPATHUSA its
clients, Internet, group companies, etc.


Authorized personnel are only allowed access to these documents. Network security

Controls shall be implemented to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of data passing over
public networks, and to protect the connected systems.


Information Security Officer shall be responsibility for monitoring the security of the local and wide
area network including access to third party and/or public networks across the organization.


Periodic testing and reviews shall be conducted to assure the management of the security of the
corporate network. Computer and network management activities shall be closely coordinated to
ensure that security measures are consistently applied across the Networking & IT infrastructure.


Network may be segregated into sub-networks based on business requirements and clients security

4.3.17 Management of Removable Computer Media

Only authorized staff shall have access to the removable storage media (DAT, DLT etc.).


All data storage media will be stored in a safe, secure environment. All storage media will follow a
uniform labeling scheme to ensure that the correct unit is easily identifiable when needed.


All movement of storage media outside of its original location must be duly authorized as explained


The media movement will be logged to maintain an audit trail.


Storage media such as DAT/DLT etc should be tested for readability at regular intervals.


All computer media/equipment’s shall be disposed off safely and securely when no longer required.
The IT Group/Facilities Group shall review equipment to be disposed off at least once every quarter.


IT Group will disable all removable storage media like floppy drives, cd drives, and USB ports from
desktops/laptops/peripherals. Based on need basis access would be provided.


Infrared / Bluetooth ports shall be disabled from desktops/laptops/peripherals. Based on need basis
access would be provided.

4.3.18 Disposal of Media

Media before being disposed/reallocated shall be reviewed by Head-Admin and Head-Admin
departments to assess the risk and take steps to remove data/licensed software


Media being disposed shall be recorded using Computer-Media Removable Disposal Form.


Media shall be disposed by using appropriate shredding mechanisms to prevent reuse/restoration.

4.3.19 Security of media in Transit

Any media such as DVD/CD/Hard Disks or any other removable media and systems containing
data shall be packed and sealed using appropriate mechanism before being shipped any where
outside the secure perimeter


NDA with vendors who will be required to handle/service/transport such media shall be obtained


Encryption /Password protection options may be used where required

4.3.20 Information Handling Procedures

Information assets of the departments and their classification is identified and documented using the
Asset Register


Storage location, access rights and handling procedures if any (other than the document and data
control procedure) shall be defined in the Configuration Management Plan


All information assets shall be labelled as per the asset labelling guideline

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4.3.21 Security of System Documentation

Documentation pertaining to application systems, operating systems and any application software
used by the organization shall be identified and listed e.g. User and Installation Manuals, Design
documents etc.


Storage location, access rights and handling procedures if any (other than the document and data
control procedure) shall be defined in the Configuration Management Plan of the respective
department holding such documents

4.3.22 Information and Software Exchange Agreements

In cases where exchange/delivery of information/software to the clients is stipulated contractually
the same are documented in the contract/agreement with the client


The projects/departments procedures/plans (e.g. Configuration Management Plan) shall identify the
exchange/delivery mechanism and any specific security requirements during the transfer


The respective project/department head shall be responsible for compliance with the contractual

4.3.23 Security of Electronic Office Systems

Electronic office systems such as Fax, VOIP, Phone lines shall be secured. Fax machine shall be
located in a locked cabin with supervision


VOIP lines and Phone lines with direct dialling facilities are provided on a need only basis.


Mail/Courier being received /sent is registered using the Mail register and forwarded to the
addressee. Acknowledgement of receipt is obtained


Users of electronic office systems shall be sensitised to the risks associated with these systems while
transmitting confidential data to enable them take suitable precautions

4.3.24 Publicly Available Systems

Publicly available systems such as company’s web site, FTP and mail servers shall be protected from
unauthorized modifications/hacking


Content to be placed on such servers and access to the content is provided on need only basis. Access
rights for such systems are defined in the Configuration Management Plan of the respective


Where such systems are maintained by third party service providers controls mentioned under Third
Party Access shall be applicable

4.3.25 other forms of Information Exchange

As per section 4.3.23

4.3.26 User Registration and Privilege Management

New employees joining the organization shall be provided with user id/mail accounts based on their


HR shall intimate the respective department, Networking and Admin Groups of new employees
joining details. Details of whether the new joiner is a direct employee of EPATHUSA or a contract
employee shall be communicated by the HR explicitly.


IT Group in consultation with the respective department head shall identify the access rights to the
various servers/application systems (includes but not limited to operating system, data base
management system and each application) and provide the same. In case of contract employees, the
department head shall identify the differential access rights that need to be provided and
communicate the same to IT Group


Subsequent modifications to access rights are made based on written requests sent by the respective
department head. Where common user id’s have to be used for business purposes appropriate
controls such as transaction logging/monitoring shall be enabled.


Where fixed user id’s are provided to application systems or servers due to business reasons, access
rights are reviewed and passwords modified before they are reallocated to another employee.

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Whenever an employee leaves the organization, his/her user id and mail account shall be
disabled/deleted/reallocated with immediate effect upon receiving intimation from the Department
Head. Network administrator shall take over the resources after getting a clearance from the
respective Department Head and shall take a backup of the data as instructed.
All requests for user registration/modification/removal shall be logged and tracked using the
Service Request Register

4.3.27 User Password Management & Password Use

Passwords shall be defined and used in accordance with the Password Policy


Password policies on servers, application systems shall be in accordance with the Password Policy
defined in the ISMS

4.3.28 Review of user access rights

User access rights to various servers, systems and applications are in accordance with the
Configuration Management Plan.


Actual User access rights vis-à-vis the definition in the Configuration Management Plan are reviewed
during the ISMS internal audits conducted periodically


Any deviations are recorded as Non-Conformances and appropriate corrective and preventive
actions are taken

4.3.29 Unattended User Equipment

Unattended user equipment (including equipment installed and not allocated to anyone) shall be
secured using one or more of the following controls
a) Hardware Level/OS Level password access

Lock and Key


Disabling the system

d) Removal of Network/Power connections

Head-Admin shall verify the physical condition of such equipment periodically to identify any
tampering/physical loss of such equipment

4.3.30 Enforced Path

All local network connectivity/access are routed through Linux Server (Samba server). Linux Server
authenticates and authorizes the use of network resources as per the defined access rights.


All WAN connections are routed through the gateway. Gateway authenticates and authorizes the
network traffic as per the defined access rights on the firewall.

4.3.31 User authentication for external connections

All external users of the organizations network shall be routed through the VPN and authenticated
by the Firewall and Linux Server (Samba Server) before being provided access to the internal network


Requests for external connections shall be approved by the CEO and forwarded to Head-Admin. All
such requests are logged and tracked using the Service Request Register.


All such access rights provided will be recorded in the Access Register.

4.3.32 Node authentication

As per Section 4.3.30 / 4.3.31

4.3.33 Remote diagnostic port protection

All ports including remote diagnostic ports shall be scanned for periodically using suitable tool


Ports which are not required to be open are disabled


USB, Parallel and Serial ports not required to be operational on systems/servers shall also be

4.3.34 Segregation in networks
This is not applicable as Domain Controller is not used at EPATHUSA.
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4.3.35 Network connection control

As per Section 4.3.30/ 4.3.31

4.3.36 Network Routing Control

As per Section 4.3.31

4.3.37 Security of network services

As per Section

4.3.38 Automatic Terminal Identification

All terminals are identified with a unique IP address. /system name

4.3.39 Terminal Log-on procedures

All servers/systems/applications shall be accessible only after an appropriate logon and
authentication has been performed.

4.3.40 User Identification and authentication

As per Section 4.3.26

4.3.41 Password Management System

Passwords for Servers and Applications/Software Utilities shall be implemented and controlled in
accordance with the Password policy


Passwords which are system generated may sometimes not comply with the requirements of
EPATHUSA Password policy (applications given by client, procured before implementation of ISO
27001, proprietary software). In such instances IT group shall ensure that passwords are immediately
changed to comply with the requirements of the password policy. Where the application doesn’t
support enforcement of EPATHUSA password policy the owner of the application shall define the
specific password policy in the Configuration management plan.

4.3.42 Use of System Utilities

Only authorized users shall be given access to system utilities that allow “super user” or
“administrative’ functions like backup, network monitoring etc.


The activities of all such power users and system utilities shall be closely monitored and extensively

4.3.43 Terminal time-out
Not applicable
4.3.44 Information Access restriction

As per Section 4.3.26 and 4.3.28

4.3.45 Sensitive System Isolation

Sensitive systems/hardware such as Servers, Routers and Switches are segregated and kept in Server


Server rooms shall have additional secure perimeter and access is restricted through lock and
key/access control mechanisms

4.3.46 Event Logging

The log files for all critical servers/equipment (Operating Systems) and applications systems shall be
enabled to track the activities /transactions performed on the system


The systems for which logs shall be maintained, the retention period and the review
frequency/responsibility shall be defined in the System Logs Tracker

4.3.47 Monitoring System Use

As per section 4.3.46

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4.3.48 Clock Synchronization

All systems clocks will be synchronized with a central system to enable reflection of accurate time &


Windows Times Service on Domain Controller shall be used to synchronize all the desktops clocks
with the server clock


The Domain controller clock shall be synchronized with one of the Internet Time Service

4.3.49 Mobile Computing & Teleworking/Laptop

As per Mobile Computing & Teleworking Policy as per 3.10

4.3.50 Systems Development and Maintenance

Security and control features shall form part of every systems acquisition process.


A business sponsor shall be identified for all new systems developments. He/she shall be responsible
for the effective planning and monitoring of inclusion of security requirements as one of the key
issues in the systems development process.


The business sponsor is to understand the security requirements before the development of any
system shall carry out user requirement analysis.


The Information Security Forum shall review the security requirements identified before they are


The business sponsor shall identify agree, and sign-off on specific security functionalities and
security requirements of the system before commencement of the development process.


Business Sponsor shall designate resources for testing at relevant EPATHUSA during the systems
development and shall include security testing of the system.


Rules for the migration of software form development to operational status shall be defined and
documented (Acceptance Criteria).


Application developers must ensure their design/programs contain the following security
precautions where applicable.
a) Should support authentication of individual users, not groups.
b) Should not store passwords in clear text or in any easily reversible form.

Should provide for some sort of role management, such that one user can take over the
functions of another without having to know the other’s password

d) Application shall provide the appropriate level of data integrity checking, both at input
EPATHUSA and also when data are processed
e) Where data is entered manually the application should reject incorrect values such as
out of range, invalid characters and incomplete data

Where appropriate message authentication is performed


In case the application system proposed to be acquired does not satisfy the requirements of effective
security and controls, mitigating controls shall be built in the application itself or in the business
processes governing its use


A formal change control procedure shall be followed to facilitate changes proposed to the finalized


An appropriate authority should authorize all change requests.


Adequate testing will be conducted before implementing any change on the ‘live’ system and test
data will be protected against corruption and deletion. All relevant systems documentation will be
updated to reflect changes made to the systems.


The Network Administrator & Information Security Officer will ensure that all systems acquired are
implemented along with the required controls identified.

4.3.51 Encryption

The SSL encryption technology shall be used for encrypting messages exchanged thru email.

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4.3.52 Non-repudiation service

Clock Synchronization, Server Logs, Application software logs shall provide evidence of

4.3.53 Control of operational software

The IT Group tracks the patches being released to the various operating systems and application
software used by the organization. The updates for the same are obtained either through automatic
mechanisms or manually as deemed appropriate. Where installation of such patches can have
adverse impact on the business activity the same are tested before installation.


The patch update activities are recorded in the Service request register

4.3.54 Protection of system test data

As described in Section 4.3.10

4.3.55 Access control to program source library

As described in Section 4.3.10

4.3.56 Security in Development and Support Processes

Change Management will be carried after review and authorization.


Access control policy defined as per 3.7.


Software applications used for conducting the business operations are evaluated for undesirable
code. If software is not evaluated the same may contain undesirable code/results for production

4.3.57 Business Continuity Management

The organization shall ensure that the BCP be derived with active involvement of Management
Review Committee to ensure its wide acceptance.


The criticality of a computer application or business systems in use to support business process and
services should be used to determine the necessity and priority for recovery of an application system.


Information Security Officer shall ensure that plans are developed which allow the recovery of
business process within a defined timeframe.


The plans shall have to address the following issues:
a) Identification and prioritisation of critical business processes
b) The potential impact of various types of disaster on business processes

Accommodation and communications arrangements

d) Responsibility and authority for invocation and
e) User awareness.

The organization shall ensure that the documents of continuity and recovery plans and backups of all
critical applications and data are available to the staff responsible for implementation of BCP during
a business disruption or a disaster.


The ‘offsite’ for such BCP documents will be set up at a location, which can be easily accessed during
any emergency.


A copy of the most critical software, application programs, data, documentation, and other
contingency/disaster records should also be kept off site.


Copies of the continuity/recovery plans, critical documents, records and manuals should be kept
offsite in printed form by the personnel responsible for invocation of continuity plan during a


The contract or service level agreement with the third party service providers will include
requirements of business continuity and disaster recovery of the organization’s data where feasible.
Refer to Business Continuity Planning

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4.3.58 Compliance with Legal Requirements

The Information Security Forum in consultation with the Practice/Function Heads shall identify the
legislative as well as the regulatory requirements to be met by the organization


These shall include requirements pertaining to Intellectual rights, copyrights also.


Information Security Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that the organization complies with all
legal and statutory requirements pertaining to information security as and when they are in force.


A list of applicable legislative and regulatory requirements are maintained by the Information
Security Officer


The IT Group maintains a track of software licenses acquired by the organization and their


All departments shall identify the applicable legislative, regulatory and contractual requirements and
the interfaces with which organizations personnel should interact. This shall be communicated to the
Head – Administration & Finance. Head – Administration & Finance shall keep a list of all such
contact details and publish them to be accessible to ISF members & ISO

4.3.59 Reviews of security policy and technical compliance

Asset owners/Department heads are responsible for ensuring compliance to the technical controls
identified in the ISMS


Technical compliance shall be verified during the periodic Internal/External Audits. Nonconformances shall be addressed immediately with appropriate corrective and preventive actions by
the Asset Owners/Department Heads


In addition Technical compliance /vulnerability checks shall be done for identified critical systems
through the use of external security experts.

4.3.60 System Audit considerations

Internal Audits, Process Implementation Verifications shall be conducted as per the defined audit


Audits shall be conducted by qualified internal auditors who are also bound by the Non-Disclosure


Information provided to auditors is collected back on completion of the audit


Temporary access provided to systems as part of the Audit Checks shall be removed on completion
of the audit


Tools, Systems used for conducting Audits shall be protected from unauthorized access

4.3.61 Documented Operating procedures

All IT Department activities specified in sec 4.3.1 to 4.3.60 shall be performed in accordance with the
Project Management Process


In addition IT Department shall develop and use additional plans, guidelines and checklists and
procedures for individual activities as required and shall be referred from the Project Management

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