Initial LDA Instructions

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Initial LDA Instructions
A step-by-step guide
This guide will provide an overview of the strategies employed in the Learner Profile Dashboard
Qualitative Grouping Code as well as step-by-step instructions on how to use it. The code can be
found here.
General Idea and Strategy
In order to make the adaptive engine that powers HPL more robust, we can use Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) to process students’ qualitative answers (eg essay questions) and use them as
additional data. The LDA model we create can then be used to assign the probability of a particular
student belonging to an interest group based on their answers.
To reduce the amount of time spent on data wrangling, it would be ideal if the data used in this
process is formatted to resemble the following:
Multiple Choice 1
Essay 1
Essay 2
Multiple Choice 2
Student A
Option c
Back when I was
a kid...
What inspires
me most
Option d
Student B
Option b
I used to think
I find that I like
to address...
Option d
That is, each row should represent one student’s answers to every question in the LPD.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This is as specific as possible. However, with each iteration of the course, things will obviously change.
refer to the code
as you read.
1. The code in github is in a Jupyter Notebook. This is an “Integrated Development
Environment” (IDE) for Python. The easiest way to install the Jupyter platform on your
computer is to install Anaconda - this is a data science platform that will install Python,
Jupyter, and a host of other applications.
Run the code
1. Read in the data and create a subset that only includes qualitative answers (ie non-multiple
2. Clean student answers by using the cleaning functions.
3. Create a tfidf matrix and fit an untrained LDA model to it.
4. Print out the generated topics:
a. Check for any words that appear too much in each topic.
i. Add those words to the stop word list, re-run step 3.
b. Check for interpretability of topics:
i. If they are difficult to interpret, re-fit the model and print topics until they
are interpretable.
5. Once you have interpretable topics, save the model using the joblib.dump function.

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