Insiders Guide To Tech Management

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Insider’s Guide to Technical Management at Company Company Confidential
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The “Insider’s Guide to Technical Management ” details some of the expectations we have of our
technical managers that might be different than other companies. Whether new to Company or
new to the manager role, the guidance that follows will help you understand what we value and
how to be effective.
Company Mission
What is company mission?
Company Leadership Principles
Add company leadership principals
Guidance for New Tech Managers
Technical Managers at Company wear many hats, which is to say they are granted significant
ownership over their technology area. Not only are they expected to drive their business like an
owner, deliver exceptional solutions, and guide the careers of their staff; they are also expected
to dive deep into their systems, be a voice for their customer, and focus on operational excellence.
Before we get into all of these expectations, one thing must be stated upfront.
The quality of your engineering team will make or break you at Company.
Management in any area starts with your people. As this is not a management 101 guide, we are
not going to get into how to manage people. There are plenty of books and training courses on
that subject (see a list of recommendations in the appendix). We will say that the best managers
at Company are deeply invested in their teams. They don’t just operate at high levels. They are
connected to the details and technically interested in what their team is doing.
Hire the best. Get to know your team, their interests and career goals. Challenge and motivate
them. Remove any obstacles that hinder their progress. Help your engineers become great.
Do this and embrace the expectations that follow and you will be a successful Technical Manager
at Company.
Work backwards, starting with the customer
Means we prioritize what is most important to the customer; eliminating as waste all activities
that the customer would not find value in or be willing to pay for. To help us do this, we work
backwardsthat is, we start with the customer and what they want and let that define and guide
our efforts.
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When deciding on a new product or system feature begin by writing a Press Release (PR). The goal
of the PR is to describe - in a simple way - what the feature does and why it exists. If we were to
announce to the press (and our customers) what would we say? What problem does it solve?
What benefit does it provide? The process of writing the PR forces you and your team to focus on
these questions. It is a mechanism that surfaces the most valuable customer requirements,
ensuring that before we build anything, that what we are planning to release is something that
really matters to our customers.
The next step in the Working Backwards process is to write a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
In this step, you clarify the customer experience as well as answer how will this feature or service
work?” The FAQ may include answers to questions:
You might expect your customers to ask
Internal teams (other service teams, business teams, finance, etc.) might ask
Naturally arise when using the feature for the first time
Are sent in response to the press release
With the press release and FAQ in place, now feature design and mock-ups can be constructed.
What will the feature actually look like? How will customers interact with it? How does the
feature impact the other aspects of the customer’s experience (e.g., site latency, convenience,
Prime membership, workflows, etc.)? What APIs are needed?
When all of the steps above are completed, development and testing can begin. The Working
Backwards process works very well with Scrum and other agile methods, as the goal is the same:
Deliver the most important features to the customer FIRST.
The primary benefit of the working backwards process is that once we get the deliverables
crisp then we can let development teams go and build unimpeded.
When a team doesn’t get the customer requirements clarified upfront they risk realizing well into
the development process that they haven’t defined a feature correctly (or worse, they are not
building what actually matters). It is often this misstep that forces teams to go back to earlier
stages and even restartboth of which are very frustrating.
Newcomers to the working backwards process often misperceive that iterating on the working
backwards docs before writing code delays the project. However, experience has taught us, that
we finish much more quickly and effectively when we get the working backwards docs right from
the get-go.
For more detail, see
Be an owner
Company Technical Managers are given a business or problem space to own and just like a small
business, they have a great deal of autonomy to make decisions and staff in any way they deem
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appropriate to deliver exceptional value for their customers. Your ownership includes, but is not
limited to:
Team Mission, Tenets and Deliverables
Product Definition/ Project Management
System Design and Architecture
Coding, Testing, Release and Deployment (Quality)
Operational Excellence (Support/Maintenance)
Availability and Latency
Customer Experience, Business Impact, and Financial Metrics
Infrastructure Scalability and Efficiency
Staffing: Recruiting and Retention
Employee Development, Performance Management, Promotions
You own your customer experience.
Even if you have a Product Manager (PM/PMT) or Technical Program Manager (TPM), Technical
Managers at Company are still expected to be a voice for their customers.
As Jeff Bezos says, “At every meeting and in the midst of every decision we make, one important
person is not present: our customer. We have to vigorously advocate for him/her and earn their
The best Company managers find a way to interact with their customers directly, even if they are
downstream of your services. You can’t delegate ownership of your customers. If you are building
tools and services used internally, go talk to your customers. If you’re building an external facing
product, attend some of the user studies yourself. Whatever you do, don’t be blind to the actual
end customer. Create metrics that measure your customer’s experience and then review them
daily to make sure your systems (and team) are delivering an excellent experience.
You also own what you don’t own.
Namely dependencies and escalations. If you depend on another team to deliver a feature,
complete a project, or to keep your business running, you own driving their delivery and, if
necessary, escalating appropriately in situations where your team is unable to get on their priority
list. A service owner owns their service all the way to the customer. If the situation warrants it,
you can work to remove them as a dependency. It’s your call. As the owner, you should be looking
around corners to foresee problems. At Company, excuses that another team is blocking you
never go over well.
Giving you strong ownership is how we retain the agility of a start-up. This type of ownership
might be more than you are used to if you came from a company where a product owner set your
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strategy, handed you a product design, which you then worked and then moved onto the next
when a feature was marked as complete.
At Company, this is your team to run. Think long term. Remember you are living with the design
and quality decisions made by former owners so do your best to leave a great legacy for the next
Focus on Operational Excellence
Prioritizing operational performance is tantamount to prioritizing the customer experience, which
should always be one of our highest priorities as leaders and Companyians. Keeping a continued
focus on operational excellence improves the quality of our technologies and, ultimately, reduces
disruption to our customers. This also ensures our engineers are able to spend more time
inventing and building new solutions which is key to developing their skills and improving their
Operational Excellence is making sure that your systems are running properly, your customers
are taken care of, your team measures latency as well as availability, and your team completes
and resolves the root cause of any defects in a timely manner. It is a consistent focus on “are we
up” and “are we running extremely fast”. It is continuously working to improve your systems for
the best customer experience. It is documenting, setting up monitoring, scaling for growth,
managing server efficiency, lease replacements, migrations, game day events, and more...
As a manager, you should:
Create operational metrics that determine whether your customers are having a good
experience and that show how well your systems are running.
Set Service Level Agreements (“SLAs”) on those metrics.
Review those measurements every week.
Meet as a team to review operational metrics and set the expectation that meeting SLAs
(which are the proxy for the customer experience) is a top priority.
Where Operational Excellence is concerned, a Technical Manager must walk this talk (which
means emphasizing the importance and taking concrete steps to construct and regularly review
these measurements) for your team to prioritize operational performance and their customer
experience appropriately.
With or without a support team, all engineering teams at Company face the same challenge:
How to balance the needs of a growing business with the requirement to maintain existing
Focus only on support and project delivery suffers (impacting customer delight and business
growth). Focus only on project delivery and system stability, quality and security are at risk -
consuming more and more engineer productivity and eventually impacting customer experience.
It’s so easy to de-prioritize operational work and “get to it later
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Unfortunately the work just piles up and the severity of problems deepenmaking them harder
to fix. Getting to problems later can actually end up costing you more as people lose familiarity
with the issue or when the engineers, that did have intimate knowledge of the issue, leave the
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each team needs to ensure they create well-architected,
well-written code, their customers have an excellent experience, that latency is low and
availability is high and that their SLAs measuring all of these are met. Just remember, as the
manager of the team, YOU have the ability to change your team’s operational support situation.
You just need to decide it matters and prioritize operational excellence activities.
Making sure your team is evaluating operational performance, defining acceptable system
performance before shipping, doing more rigorous QA and testing before releasing software,
trading off features for fixing chronic defects or staffing operational support, etc.
For more information see:
Invent simple solutions.
Company celebrates and rewards automation and simplification. Not only is the simple solution
usually the best for our customers it is almost always easier to maintain. As such, we are always
looking for opportunities to remove complexity in our systems. We admire Technical Managers
who work themselves and their teams out of a job using smart automation. (Don’t worrywe
have no shortage of hard problems for you to solve!)
As a Technical Manager, you are expected to judge new ideas from customers, stakeholders, and
even your team, on several axes including how complex the idea is to implement and sustain over
time. When evaluating changes to existing systems, be on guard against the “kitchen sink”
approach of adding all features regardless of the impact to the system. Beware of bolt-ons and
work-arounds as you seek to apply innovations to existing systems and services. Challenge your
teams to “keep it simple” in all they do.
Be wary of big-bang projects with long release times. Often the landscape changes before the
solution can be launched causing rework and lost effort. Better to parse a big system and
build/replace manageable pieces than to flip one giant switch.
Iterate, release in smaller chunks, release often.
At Company, engineering teams are staffed on long-term strategic bets. Rather than focusing on
a project, delivering it, and moving on to the next one. Instead, teams iterates continually
delivering value for their customers and to the business in an ongoing manner.
For almost all engineering teams, deployment is a lightweight process. The goal is to build in
smaller chunks and release well-tested versions often (ideally weekly or monthly).
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Whatever delivery schedule you choose, the operational performance of your systems and the
customer experience must be stellar. It is not acceptable to deploy features of inadequate quality
(or that break functionality) into production in the name of “release early and often”. It is also
NOT okay to launch with the idea that if something is wrong your customers will let you know.
Unless you are running a customer focus group, your customers are NOT your testers so plan your
launches accordingly.
The benefits of releasing early and often are:
Your customer gets incremental improvements on a regular basis and can provide
feedback on what you’ve done so far to improve the next version.
You build a documented track record of success for your team.
As a Technical Manager you will need to think agile and be agile. Don’t get too hung up on the
decision-making process. We value calculated risk-taking. Design, build, test, and launch. And do
it often. In the technology environment that we operate in, hesitation can mean missed
This expands on one of our leadership principles “Bias for Action, which in Technology translates
to delivering distinct improvements for your business often. Leaders are expected to use their
judgment to enable Company to operate at a fast pace in an effective manner. This doesn’t mean
making bad decisions, it means making good decisions faster.
Apply the Company flywheel process to your organization. Get some wins early. Build up
momentum and you will find your first year as an Company Technical Manager a success.
Data, data, data
We are a data-driven company. Data is the backbone of every decision we make. We don’t just
expect all of the smart people who work here to come up with really good ideas; we expect them
to back up proposals with data.
As a Technical Manager, you are expected to build and instrument your systems in such a way as
to allow your team to monitor and measure:
The customer experience
Business and financial impacts
Test coverage and success (e.g., pipeline metrics, service availability in test
environments, etc.)
Operational metrics (e.g., tickets, pages, errors, availability, latency, uptime, etc.)
Figure out the data you need to understand if your products are successful and how to make
them more useful. If necessary this can mean building the system that can produce these
Data doesn’t lie. Data is not personal.
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The best way to get something done at Company is to drive the right metric. Real data is one of
the most effective ways to get other teams and senior leaders onboard with your proposals.
Incorporating metrics into narratives ensures everyone at the decision table knows what is at
stake. Below are some of the ways we like to measure data:
We like to see baselines with relative metrics. It is always better to show the starting,
lowest or highest point when referencing a current metric. This gives context and shows
if we are trending in the right direction.
We prefer to see percentiles (tp50, tp90, tp99) rather than “the average” for measuring
central tendencies (i.e. median). This gives us a better general idea of the distribution of
the data.
We analyze metrics at four 9s (99.99%) and
five 9s (99.999%) because in the tail of a
metric is where some interesting problems, and potentially our greatest opportunities lie.
In addition to summary statistics, at times we find it useful to look at the whole
distribution to see the ways in which data might be misbehaving. Often it is this
misbehavior that will teach us something important about the business. For more on this,
watch the Principals of Company (POA) Talk: Monitoring Large Scale Services
We log everything. Sometimes, in an effort to understand a problem, it is important to
go all the way to the bottom of the source data the logs themselves. The best technical
managers at Company study the logs of their services.
Understand how we are frugal.
One of the Company core values is frugality. There are several good reasons for our frugality but
the most important is to make sure that, as a company, we are effectively prioritizing our
initiatives. Without a large budget, leaders at all levels are forced to choose which areas to invest
in. This is one of the reasons we like real data. It provides a solid justification for our investments.
Once a decision is made, managers need to be smart, creative and agile to deliver the features
that add the most value with their precious resources (engineers).
This is a real challenge. You will not have enough resources. No one does.
One of our peculiar ways in Technology is that we have a tendency to lose respect for managers
who say they don’t have enough resources to get something done. That is not to say that there
aren’t times where a team is not resourced correctly. There are and if you feel strongly you are
under-resourced, work with your management chain to resolve it. However be careful about using
this as an excuse because it shows that you are missing the point.
We want to run lean.
Running lean allows us to work on the big ideas long-term without building too large a fixed cost
structure. As a Technical Manager, you are expected to expertly prioritize so that the projects
your engineers are working on add the most value to the business. So if you find yourself in a
situation where someone is asking for something that is not on your roadmap, it is better to be
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open about how you are prioritizing. This allows your stakeholders to assess whether their request
should be higher or lower than what is currently on your list and together you can make the best
(Note: If you really want more headcount, then deliver exceptional solutions with what you have.
Delivering great results not only instills confidence in your leadership but it provokes the question
“If this person can do this with this many people, what can they with more?”)
Some other ways that our frugality impacts you as a Technical Manager:
Project Delivery: Carefully vet all projects to make sure you’re always working on the highest
priority items, be they strategic or tactical. Make sure your team is not over-building. Don’t build
the gold-plated version of a product that doesn’t need gold plating. Setup mechanisms to ensure
you are delivering the best customer experience.
For more on this watch this video of Jeff Bezos discussing “Why Good Intentions Don’t Work”
TCO/TPO: TCO (total cost of ownership) and TPO (total price of ownership) refer to hardware
costs. Be conscious of costs when designing new software projects. Be wary of costlier items
(databases) and look to use more cost-effective solutions (e.g., AWS products like EC2 or s3). Be
prepared to defend your team’s hardware decisions, especially if the alternative solution is man-
months of developer work or a less reliable or maintainable product.
Build vs. Buy: At Company we tend to build. Most off-the-shelf products provide 80% of what we
need, however it’s our experience that the other 20% are required features unique to Company.
Not having those features have the potential to severely hinder employee productivity or worse
bottleneck the business. So while you should always make sure you’re not having your team build
something that you could acquire (typically via Open Source or another Company team), be wary
of buy situations. Many seasoned, senior IT leaders hired from the outside have challenged this,
but most have found that they don’t scale for what we need. Very few packaged software
installations survive here.
Travel: Most teams have a limited travel budget. If you have engineers on other continents, you
will have to be strategic about how often to meet. Engineers in remote sites benefit greatly from
trips to Seattle. Not only do they get to meet folks here, but they also get a tangible sense of our
culture which they in turn bring back with them. It is also important for you as a Manager to go
to them and if they have team-mates in other regions to support face-to-face meetings whenever
possible. Ultimately it is your job as a manager to ensure teams located in remote sites behave in
an Companyian way and feel connected. A key goal of trips are to assess the culture at their site
and through your presence, let your team know that the company cares about them. Whenever
possible use video conferencing or Chime to get face to face time.
People: By far, your biggest asset as a manager is your team. The best way to be frugal is to make
sure your engineers are as efficient as possible. Use development/project management processes
that limit/reduce interruptions and task context switching. If an engineer needs a $150 piece of
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software to optimize their time or another gigabyte of RAM, buy it the time savings (and the
happier developer) will be well worth it. Lastly, while it seems like an easy place to cut back, don’t
forget to spend a bit on fun activities. They build team camaraderie and morale. Have a discussion
with your manager on how much you can spend on team events, etc. Take your team out to lunch
once in a while and arrange activities that are inclusive and fun for all.
Communicating the Company Way
This section lists out effective means of communication at Company, whether your audience is
the senior management team, your peers, or directs.
Written Communication
We communicate a lot in writing at Company, and we’re not just talking email. We have several
peculiar ways with regards to communication. The first of which is we use narratives (6 page
documents) rather than PowerPoint presentations for several reasons:
Written documentation forces you to organize your thoughts and this helps to avoid
We prefer the emphasis of substance over style.
Slide-based presentations are linear and flow at the presenter’s velocity; written
documents allow readers to read at their pace and in any order.
Questions that come after reading an entire written document are better informed than
those that arise part of the way through a slide-based presentation.
Written documents last. They outlive their author and the moment in time they
Important tips for writing papers at Company:
Be sure to reference who wrote the document, the date it was written.
AddCompany Confidential” and page numbers to the footer.
Spelling and grammar count. Use spell check. Ask a peer to be your “editor. Generally
take the time to make sure that the document has no errors. The last thing you want is
for the message to be obscured by typos.
Take the time to format the document properly. Look to see if the fonts, spacing and
paragraphs are consistent. This helps the reader focus on your content.
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Reduce wordiness. The best content is crisp, clear, and concise.
One-pagers are effective in communicating the high-level goals, tenets and design of a project.
Writing a one-pager is a great exercise as it forces the author to be very crisp about the value a
project will add. A well-written one-pager will allow your audience to quickly understand the
project, evaluate its benefits and risks, and make high-level decisions regarding it.
Also see:
The narrative is a written document specific to Company. A typical narrative consists of three
6-page narrative with tenets
1-2 page FAQ (accompanying the narrative)
A set of appendices supporting the narrative is optional
Every narrative must:
Be no more than 6 pages long
. The author can provide as much supporting data as needed in an
appendix, but there is no guarantee that anyone will read it. It is not recommended to move text
into the appendix that must be read for the narrative or tenets to make sense. The appendices
are there for reference only.
Be formatted and readable. There is (currently) no strict rule on font size and borders but the
author must ensure that this freedom is not abused. There are no extra points for fitting more
words in 6 pages.
(Ideally) Start with tenets.
Clearly state the objective in the first paragraph.
Make a recommendation or call out next steps at the end.
When followed, the above requirements are a highly effective mechanism that drives upfront
thinking, clarity and precision on outcomes, and alignment between the problem and the solution.
In regular reviews of an area, it is advised that the author maintain the same high level format for
the narrative. The predictable and consistent format makes it easier to read the narrative over
When writing a narrative, keep in mind that your audience may not have much prior context so
it’s important to edit these into a clear, crisp set of documents. Generally the first part of the
meeting will be spent reading the document, and then discussion and Q&A will follow.
Longer isn’t necessarily better. If you can get your point across in 3 pages, do it.
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Tenets are a few, carefully articulated guiding principles for a program or business area. They
simplify decision making and act as an effective guide for the team and senior leaders to align on
a vision. Narratives often refer back to tenets and use them as tie breakers when making tough
judgment calls. Teams are encouraged to improve their tenets, perfecting them over time, if a
narrative or learning from past decisions exposes an opportunity for improvement.
Lastly, in documents, tenets usually have the moniker of unless you know better ones”. This is
because they are always evolving. Tenets at their best are living, breathing principles. Leaders are
encouraged to welcome input from others to help refine and improve them.
COE (Correction of Errors)
The intent of the Correction of Errors (COE) process is to improve the overall customer experience
and operational performance of our services. COEs drive accountability and enable us all to learn
from problems experienced by others. As part of the resolution of most Severity One tickets (and
some Severity Twos), the owner is expected to fill out a COE document (ideally within 48 hours of
the incident). Owners may also be called upon to present their COE at operations reviews and/or
We expect managers to answer the “5 Whys” in their COE. The “5 Whys” is simply, ask “why did
this happen” 5 times (or more…) until you get to the root cause. (For more on the 5 Whys watch
this short video:
It is not enough to say that a problem is due to a “known issue”. As the owner, you should know
why it happened, what it would take to resolve the root cause, and, if you are not prioritizing that
resolution, why and what is taking precedence. We expect leaders to look inward and be
transparent about the issues that led to significant incidents. At their best, COEs educate us all
about areas for improvement. As a company, we should always be thinking about how we can
build our products and systems to have the best customer experience and be resilient to
components and dependencies failing.
Technical Promotion Documents
The objective is to present a balanced and factual account of the promotion candidate’s
accomplishments, capabilities, and leadership behaviors. Despite the overall goal to obtain the
promotion, you are also expected to articulate in writing why the candidate may not be ready.
360 degree feedback is a critical component of a promotion. Managers should not edit or cherry-
pick actual feedback. Solicit and include development areas for that employee, which includes
super powers and development areas.
A promotion justification that is too long (or too short) can be ineffective. Documents that are
too long can obscure a candidate's accomplishments. Too short and there isn't enough
information for reviewers to properly assess.
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Be honest, do not embellish, do not oversell. Let your employee’s accomplishments speak for
Provide Details. The majority of questions you are asked during a promotion review are either
based on our Leadership Principles, how expectations match the next level, and for more senior
roles, Principal Tenets Your goal is to answer those questions in the promotion justification so that
reviewers don’t need to ask them.
Provide context to help reviewers understand the employee’s work. Always focus on the
employee’s contributions first, and the background of the project second. A sentence or two on
each product, system or project describing what it is at a high level and why it is important is
generally sufficient.
Answer hard questions up front. For example, if the candidate has been in the current level for a
short or long period of time, answer the question ‘Why now? Why not wait until the next
promotion cycle?’ or Why has it taken so long for this candidate to get to the next level?’ Be
prepared to answer these questions.
Identify development areas. Everyone has areas they need to work on. As a promotion is a 360
review of the employee, the document should be clear what those areas are and how they are
working to address them.
Verbal Communication
Engineering teams at Company have an open communication style. We prefer communication
that is honest, direct, and crisp. We also like the effectiveness of hashing out decisions in-person.
It is not uncommon for managers and engineers to openly share their ideas in a meeting, even if
those ideas are contrary. We find it efficient to simply and quickly get to the point. For those
coming to Company from other company cultures, this can seem a bit intense. It’s important to
know that all involved are passionate and have the best interests in mind for our customers,
business and company. Your goal as a manager is to make sure discussions are inclusive, so all
voices and perspectives are heard.
Tips for Effective Meetings
Be prepared. The number one cause of a disastrous meeting is a lack of preparation. It is
counterproductive to “wing it”. If you are presenting, make sure the document is clear and to the
point. Take steps to make sure it has had a wide review from peers and select individuals in your
management chain prior to the meeting. Be prepared to answer deep questions in detail. Don’t
focus on trying to guess what you’ll be asked about; focus on knowing the facts and data in detail.
If you don’t know the details, ensure that the right people are invited to the meeting. Be prepared,
but don’t spend too much time practicing. Spend your time getting the right data and answers.
In the interests of keeping high-level meetings on track, it is often best to speak only about your
areas of responsibility (OR when asked to speak). If you chime in on other topics, do your best
not to derail the meeting. In meetings we usually cover a lot of ground and so it is important to
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keep things moving. Some folks take this too far… speaking only when “directly” spoken to and
the person has made eye contact with them and specifically asked them “what do you
think? (We don’t recommend this type of communication avoidance.)
When you do speak, be brief and concise. Give a crisp answer then stop. Do not go into excessive
Listen and answer the question. If you are asked a question answer the question asked. If you
don’t understand the question, ask for clarification. Then extrapolate if needed. If you don’t know
the answer, say “I don’t know. Don’t guess. Answer “who” questions with a name. Answer
“when” questions with a date.
Admit mistakes. One of the worst things you can do is try to minimize or hide a problem. It will
negatively impact the decisions we make on behalf of our customers and it will hurt the credibility
of your team. Just as we would expect you to own your successes, you need to own your
problems. Don’t make excuses and don’t guess. In situations where you are asked something and
do not know the answer, simply say “I will find out and get back to you.”
When you are in a hole, stop digging. In situations where someone expresses public frustration
with you, a natural reaction is to want to defend yourself. Before reacting, consider carefully what
they are saying. Are they right? If so, take ownership of the problem and any resolution. If
however you do not agree or you believe your team’s work is being unfairly characterized, then
of course speak up. In either situation, consider if the meeting itself is the best time to speak up
or if it would be more effective to discuss offline.
(Note for those new to management: If you are feeling defensive then the best advice is to avoid
raising the issue again during the meeting odds are you will say something you will regret.)
We expect resolution or a plan for resolution by the end of the day. In some meetings, issues
arise that are considered urgent and leaders in those cases will expect immediate action from the
owners of the problem. If you are the owner and the problem cannot be solved that day, commit
to submitting a resolution plan by the end of the day. If the end of day comes and you don’t have
a plan ready, send an update to the meeting attendees with your timeline for getting the plan.
Take criticism as a learning opportunity. If you are criticized in a meeting, don’t take it personally.
Their passion will sometimes make it feel personal. Generally, there will be good lessons in the
feedback provided. Listen to them. Take notes, and read them the next day, when you can
distance yourself from the meeting itself.
Stick to the facts and the data. The best arguments are data driven.
It’s never “somebody else’s problem”. Being blocked by another team is never a good excuse.
Saying “it’s not in my charter” isn’t either. Everything in your way is your problem. This is not a
license to be a maverick and storm a solution without communicating to the teams around you.
It’s always best to find simple solutions that benefit everyone but when you’re truly blocked, it is
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ultimately your responsibility to figure out a way to get around the problem and/or escalate --
Tips for Effective Emails
Email is how Company communicates. Whether via computer or smart phone, everyone reads
and responds to emails. There are thousands of mailing lists; and both your email and team's
email will be subscribed to many of them. The amount of email an engineer gets can be
overwhelming. It’s a personal choice whether to filter to a folder or manage them all in your inbox.
Whichever you choose, just stay on top of it all.
Always consider your audience. Our open communication style applies to emailup to a point.
How you write an emails can make the difference between someone reading them or not. It can
also impact their perception of you.
Answer in a timely manner. Almost everyone at Company expects a quick response to their email.
This can be challenging if the subject is complicated or requires troubleshooting. If you receive an
email directly sent to you or your team and you cannot respond within a day, do your best to reply
to the sender with some idea of when you will be able to respond. This simple act sends a message
that you are on top of things.
Be concise and to the point. Clear communication helps everybody. With email, the most effective
style is simple, direct, and crisp. Do not make an email longer than it needs to be. Assume folks
will not scroll. A great best practice is to get the most important part of your message across in
the first paragraph. Short paragraphs with blank lines between them are easier to digest. If
someone receives an email that looks like a dissertation, chances are they will not even attempt
to read it!
Avoid the personal and emotional. A bad mood often shows in writing. If you are frustrated about
something, write the email and then hold off on sending it for a while. Go to lunch; sleep on it.
Wait until the emotion has passed, then re-read it. Often you will see where your message was
overly negative and could be worded better. In some cases you may realize that you don’t want
to send it at all.
Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation. Improper spelling, grammar, or punctuation can
have an adverse effect of causing readers to downgrade or outright dismiss the content of the
email. Spell check is your friend, use it.
Read the email before you send it. It is a good idea to always read your email before hitting send.
Try to read it through the eyes of the recipient. This will help you send a more effective message
and avoid misunderstandings.
Do not overuse “Reply to All.” Only use Reply to All if you really need your message to be seen
by each person who received the original message. This is especially important when replying to
messages sent to majordomo lists. In those cases it’s important to keep in mind that if you reply
all you might be spamming hundreds of people.
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Don’t overuse the High Priority flag. Only flag an email as High Priority if it needs immediate
attention or is otherwise so important enough that it really needs to stand out in the recipient’s
inbox. Many people will set special rules for High Priority emails, including alerts on their mobile
Don't encourage/allow discussion on important announcement lists. Announcement lists carry
information that is critical for subscribers to do their jobs. Frequent, lengthy conversations on
these lists are bad, because people can't just choose unsubscribe if they aren't interested.
What it means to “Disagree and Commit”
At some point you will be placed in a situation where you don’t fully agree with the proposed
path. Think like an owner. The first step is to voice your concerns. If you are unable to affect the
decision, the next step is to meet with other stakeholders.
Ask questions. Be sure you understand the problem. Be open to the possibility that you may not
have all of the information that went into the decision (some data and strategic initiatives are
highly confidential). Listen to their point of view and share yours openly and respectfully.
After considering all of the inputs, if you still have concerns, the last step is escalation. Only
escalate if you truly feel the decision is not in the best interests of the company. Company is a
data-driven company so get the data and the facts you need to support your opinion before
escalating and have a proposal for an alternate plan of action.
Once a decision is made by the group, you are expected to support it wholeheartedly and
commit 100%.
Present the decision as a group decision to your team and stakeholders and then align your
resources with the decision. Facilitate an open discussion about other alternatives that were
considered and the reasoning that led to the final decision. Avoid statements like “I did not agree
with the decision and tried my best to convince folks otherwise” or “I was overruled and now we
unfortunately need to do this. You want your team aligned with the decision.
Encourage your team to speak up, even when they have contrarian opinions. Foster an
environment of open communication where team members can voice their opinions or concerns
freely. At the same time, reinforce the idea that the team can collectively evaluate the different
options and reach a collective decision. Once the decision has been made, the team needs to rally
behind the decision as a cohesive unit. Don’t allow disagreements to linger and slow the group
Disagree and Commit is strongly encouraged in all job families and at all levels. However this
becomes particularly important if you have just transitioned from an individual contributor to a
role as a Technical Manager. You are now responsible for effectively communicating and
streamlining information from your team to upper management and vice versa. As a result, you
need to be cognizant of how you communicate these decisions to your team; this includes
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communications that directly impact your people such as performance ratings or compensation
decisions. If you do not exhibit conviction in your communication, what you say will be interpreted
and/or executed poorly by your team and your credibility as a manager could erode.
Hiring the Company Way
Let’s face it: if you don’t have good people it doesn’t matter how good of a manager you are, your
team can’t deliver. Hiring is one of the most important things we do at Company and (like
everything else) we have our own peculiar ways of going about it. This section summarizes our
hiring process and provides some additional insight into areas that are particularly Companyian.
It’s all about making the right hire!
The Company hiring process is designed to ensure that we hire only the very best people. In order
to maintain our high standards, we tolerate a high rate of false negatives. This means that it is
expected that we will pass on marginal candidates and sometimes on candidates who could do a
great job but did not successfully demonstrate it in the interview process.
You and other interviewers must assess whether a candidate is someone you want to work with,
not someone you would merely tolerate. It’s not ok to hire just ok people. Be careful in times of
extreme needwhen your team is very understaffed, it’s tempting to let through a candidate
whom you otherwise wouldn’t. Don’t do it. Don’t compromise!
An engineer that performs below our bar has a higher potential of producing mediocre work. The
result of which may include a poor customer experience, slower development cycles, increased
operational issues due to poor code quality, time spent managing and dealing with a poor
performer and eventually time spent rehiring for the role. This is the fallout from a bad hiring
Your hiring decisions are your legacy.
At Company, when we talk about the “Bar” we are referring to the expected level of competency
for our employees. Company has a very high hiring bar and our goal as a company is for the bar
to increase continuously over time.
You are responsible for ensuring that every new employee is better than at least 50% of
employees currently in that role.
To help us in this effort, Company nominates and trains “Interviewer for the company s”.
Interviewer for the company s facilitate the process of hiring and keep us focused on making the
right hire, every single time. For more information, see:
The Process
The process for hiring an external employee is not rocket science. You open a position, find
candidates, interview them, and make an offer. But we like to put our own little twist on it. The
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time and success rates vary somewhat. It is not uncommon to do 30 phone screens to get one
candidate. As the hiring manager, you own the process and you need to be good at it. Even if you
don’t have any open positions, we recommend that all new technical managers seek out and
“shadow” both hiring manager and technical interviews so they are prepared.
The Work Available Must Match the Candidate’s Level
Hiring candidates at the right level to match the work that is available is critical for a Manager.
Under or over leveling the work you have can be an issue to attracting or retaining the right kind
of talent. This occurs more often in desiring a more senior contributor than the work you have to
give them. An example is requesting a SDE III when you really have SDE II work. Not only will this
be problematic in retaining the SDE III who is used to doing more senior work, the employee will
be judged in their contribution against other SDE III’s who are working at that level.
A best practice is to ask yourself what you really need to accomplish and what level employee do
you need. If you need an SDE III but would take an SDE II, consider the possibility that you just
need the lower level (or have under leveled the work).
There are no perfect answers to these questions nor is there a checklist to make a decision. When
in doubt, work with your HR Business Partner, Interviewer for the company , and your recruiter
to make the right decision.
Opening a Position
To open a position, you will need to be ready to submit a job description that will be posted both
on our internal and external sites. To attract candidates, make the descriptions as exciting and
specific as possible (without disclosing anything confidential like future products or services), but
do make sure that it remains realistic. Otherwise, you will be interviewing candidates who may
not want to accept the position once they’ve gone through the process. Remember to use
inclusive language. Some words and statements can turn off certain types of people.
In some organizations, there is an additional requirement that the job descriptions be approved
by Public Relations (we don’t want to inadvertently use job postings as a press release) - check
with your manager.
Identifying Candidates
Employee Referrals and Internal Transfers have proven to be the most effective way to hire the
best Companyians. Continuously encourage your team to talk to friends and previous colleagues
about opportunities. Proceed carefully when you are looking to attract internal candidates. If you
believe that you have a position that is a good fit for an engineer from another team, talk to their
manager before talking to the candidate. For all the rules of engagement around these processes,
see the following pages:
Some candidates may come in through candidate pipelines in our recruiting system. In this case,
it is up to the pipeline manager to determine how they are assigned (tagged) to positions. When
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it comes to tagging, you and the recruiter will tag candidates for your position. If a resume is
tagged, it must be dispositioned
Interacting with the Candidate
You are directly representing Company in all your conversations with candidates. Whether or not
you want to hire them, conduct yourself professionally. Treat them well and let them ask
questions. Every candidate is a potential Company customer and ambassador. They should have
a positive experience with the company irrespective of our hiring decision. We want them to keep
shopping at Company and keep using Company services. We also might want to hire one of their
Before conducting any interviews, make sure you:
Read and understand the Company PR guidelines
Take Making Great Hiring Decisions (training)
Talk to your manager about what you can and cannot speak about with potential
candidates (i.e. technology/product information that could compromise Company’s
strategic advantage)
With all interviews, you should review the candidate’s resume and prepare the questions you will
ask. It reflects poorly upon you and Company when you are unprepared for the interview.
Be honest with a candidate about what will be expected of them, and don’t make promises you
can’t keep. In Tech, it is a good idea to inform engineer candidates about:
Company Open Source Policy
Company External Communications Policy
Any operations or oncall expectations that require working outside of business hours
Additionally, if a candidate is from out of town, they may be on their own in an unknown city. Try
to suggest places for them to visit or things to see, or better yet, consider taking them out to
dinner. Ensure their experience with Company is positive.
Phone Screens
When you request a phone screen, you are committing the team/company resources to
interviewing the candidate and ensuring they have a good experience. Use these resources wisely.
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In Tech, a candidate will go through two technical phone screens to help us determine their
suitability for Company. As a manager, you may have to perform some of these screens, and there
is plenty of material about conducting and writing feedback about phone screens.
Pay attention to the interviewing effectiveness of your team members. Discuss this with recruiters
and Interviewer for the company s, and use their feedback to improve their effectiveness. For
more tips see:
Constructing an Interview Schedule (Loop)
As the Hiring Manager, you are responsible for selecting interviewers for a candidate’s interview
loop and assigning areas (competencies) for each interviewer to focus on. Consider the feedback
from the phone screens and the expected level of the candidate when constructing the loop.
The goal of the competency assignment is to make sure that the interview team collectively has
enough data to make a hiring decision.
In Tech, it is strongly encouraged that interviewers focus on core technical strengths as well as
Leadership Principles during in-house interviews. For an SDE role, for example, you may have
some interviewers focus on core technical skills (e.g., coding, design, algorithms, problem solving),
while also focusing on “Ownership”, “Bias for action”, or “Customer focus. These in particular
have proven to be particularly useful in identifying successful candidates for Company. Pick the
leadership principles that matter most for the role and assign competencies to the interviewers
in that fashion.
In-House Interview
As a manager, you will often be the “Hiring Manager” on the interview schedule, meaning that
your interview should assess whether or not you want to hire a candidate for your team and for
Company. Do not dismiss your Hiring Manager interview by giving the candidate a “free pass.
Use the time to determine whether they:
Understand the position and its expectations
Will raise the bar at Company
Are a good fit for your team.
Would be a good fit for Company (they won’t be on your team forever)
When you have to make a decision about a candidate, make sure you are able to make an
informed one. In other words, ask questions of the candidate that allow you to form an opinion
either positively or negatively rather than indifferently. It is your responsibility to enter feedback
into the recruiting system before the hiring debrief so that everyone can review it easily.
Your feedback should include your position on the candidate and supporting evidence. Write
enough so that any person reading it can understand why you came to the decision you did. Be
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honest and be clear when you editorialize. For example: “I asked the candidate how to tie a
shoelace. I expected them to show me one way, but they showed me three waysone of which
is completely brand new. This was an excellent answer and shows they know how to innovate.
In technical interviews, include code samples from the candidate to demonstrate their
coding/thinking style and skills. This is valuable, though it often requires comments from the
interviewer to identify mistakes and problems.
The Debrief
After the interviews, all the interviewers convene to discuss the results of the interview this is
called the “debrief. The Interviewer for the company conducts this meeting and holds ultimate
veto power, and the Hiring Manager decides whether to extend an offer to the candidate.
The Interviewer for the company is a person who participates on an interview loop as an
objective third party. Interviewer for the company s assure the best long term hires are made for
the company. In order for an offer to be extended, a Interviewer for the company and Hiring
Manager need to agree to hire the candidate as well as on the job level to extend. This provides
a balance of power in hiring decisions and a higher level of accountability to the High Hiring Bar.
You own closing your candidate. Do what it takes.
Some candidates respond well to “book bombs” (if your org uses them). A book bomb is where
the manager selects a few books for the candidate and sends them as a gift prior to their arrival.
Usually spending about $100, they send 1 or 2 technical and if they are relocating a fun local guide
like “The Pacific Northwest Trail Guide This is a great way to welcome someone to Company.
Many candidates want additional conversations about the role and the team before accepting
their offer. Reach out to them personally to help them make a decision. Call them and tell them
how they could be successful at Company, what the long-term opportunities might be, and why
they would be great on your team.
Working with Recruiters
It is critical to establish a good working relationship with your recruiters. Don’t make their jobs
more difficult than they already are. If you commit to an interview, do it or take it upon yourself
to find a replacement. Don’t cancel the day of the interview and leave the candidate and recruiter
hanging. Remember, hiring is one your top priorities.
Keep your engineers happy… and around!
As a manager you have a huge impact on whether your engineers choose to stay with your team.
We do hire the best and the best want to be challenged, to work on innovative solutions, to be
productive and ultimately to be recognized for good work.
It may sound cliché but if you don’t get the basic needs covered, you will not have a productive
team. Two of the most common reasons employees leave their jobs are due to poor managers
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and a lack of career development. Take care of your people and they will reward you with good
work. It is as simple as that!
Below are some guidelines on what you can do to foster a great team environment.
Ask and Listen
One of the most important things you can do as a manager is set up regular 1:1s with each of your
direct reports. While it is tempting to just focus on tactical projects, make sure to set aside time
to discuss what motivates them, what their career aspirations are and to have candid discussions
about their performance. Be prepared to listen to their feedback, whether it’s about your
management style or the work they are doing.
Regular 1:1s can provide you with tremendous insight into the pulse of your organization and clue
you in to your employees’ intentions. Waiting to talk about things that upset or de-motivate your
employees once they’ve made the decision to leave doesn’t help anybody. Stay connected.
Keep them motivated
There are many ways to motivate engineers. These are some of our best practices:
Give them the opportunity to innovate. We hire the best and the best want to invent. Encourage
new ways of looking at old problems.
Make sure they understand the benefit their work provides to customers and the business. If a
project moves the needle on key metrics, invite them to the leadership meeting (if appropriate)
where those metrics are discussed. Involve them in the business so they are bought into the
projects they are working on. Make sure they get recognition when their work moves a metric.
Take the time to understand what challenges your team. Engineers like to work on the things
that push their brains outside their comfort zone. Learn where each engineer needs to grow, as
well as what technologies and innovations in the industry interest them. Then make sure that
their work is enabling their growth.
Offer talented engineers the opportunity to lead or even own a project or part of a system. Help
them get visibility and support them as the owner by putting them in front of their customers and
Remove barriers. As a manager, your primary role is to support your team by removing any
obstacles that impact their productivity. Work to actively minimize the team’s operational load,
provide your oncall rotation with a wireless access card, and try to give the team quiet time to
code without interruption.
Have fun! Take the time to celebrate successes, recognize your employees for a job well done.
Arrange a team outing every now and then. This doesn’t have to cost anything. Be creative.
Sometimes just having lunch together is enough!
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Developing the best…how do you do it?
Company culture expects each of us to drive our own career growth. We figure out what we want
to do, when we want to do it, and then actively pursue the opportunities that are available to us.
This however cannot happen without a little help from the manager.
As a manager, you directly influence the most effective drivers of high performance: providing
fair and accurate feedback and clarifying expectations. So, in support of being that catalyst, make
sure to set clear goals with your employees that align appropriately to the business objective, and
provide ongoing feedback. Support employee development by encouraging them to attend talks
and conferences, recommending training, and providing stretch opportunities, etc. Development
doesn’t necessarily mean a promotion; it can be as simple as enhancing one’s current position or
realigning goals to better match aspirations.
At some point you may realize that you do not have the right opportunities for someone on your
team. This is often the case for Managers with engineers looking to achieve the Principal level. In
these situations, you are expected to support an internal transfer to another team that will
provide the engineer with the opportunities they need. While it is tempting to try to hold on to a
great engineer, it is more important that Company retain them.
Your engineer will appreciate efforts to help them identify opportunities, network and connect to
the right individuals. Help them early on in the process as opposed to once your employee has
announced they are unhappy and/or are leaving. This in turn will allow you to proactively manage
your own staff while demonstrating that you have your employees’ aspirations at heart.
Manager’s Guide to Company Development Tools
Over half of Company Technical Managers have developers on their teams. While managers
themselves are not expected to write and release software, it is valuable for you to understand
the tools they use on a regular basis. This section provides a high-level overview. The steps
documented should not dictate how your team develops software.
If you want to dive in a little deeper, check out: ““““/”“/EE
The following concepts are used throughout this document.
““the name of our deployment system.
““a collective name for the tools and services used to build and release software.
Developer Desktopthe Linux-based computer provided for all developers to use as
their primary development computer.
Environmentan environment maps a collection of software (configuration, scripts,
and executables) necessary for a service or website to a set of hosts.
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Packagethe logical grouping of software intended to be built and deployed
together. For example all the code that would go into a single JAR file or EXE.
Platforms in its simplest form a platform is the name given to a specific host
configuration (operating system, library and compiler versions) that packages can be
built on.
Version set an Company-invented term for a revision controlled dependency
closure, analogous to a branch in a revision control system.
Version filtera runtime view of a version set. Used in the deployment system to
ensure that you are deploying the versions of packages that were built and tested
Workspacea directory where a developer does their work.
Finding what code to work on
A lot of the work that your developers do involves making changes and enhancements to existing
code. Several tools exist to help developers figure out where to begin. If they know what package
they want to review they can use the ““ Package Directory to locate packages by name. This is
also the place you can look for packages that you own and are responsible for. The most efficient
way to find code is to use the Company code search tool.
Setting up your workspace
Developers typically start their work by setting up a workspace, or sandbox, where they edit
source files needing to be changed, deleted, or created. Workspaces are created and managed
using the command-line interface (CLI). The purpose of the command line tool is to hide the
details behind the scenes and allow developers to work with packages and workspaces directly.
Checking out code
There are several editors available and the choice of which one to use is religious for most
developers. In general most developers use one of two categories of editors: command-line
editors or integrated development environments (IDE).
The two most popular editors are vim and emacs. If your team is writing Java code, or wants to
develop on a machine other than their desktop, they should be using Eclipse since it includes
powerful refactoring and productivity tools and runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. However,
any editor can be used to modify and write code.
Compiling code
During the development process engineers will compile code on their desktop using the ““-build
command This command automatically executes the build tool that is appropriate for the
language being compiled (e.g., make for C or C++ code and Ant for Java code). In addition, this
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command will run any unit tests that have been included in the software package and report the
Code reviews
All teams inside Company must require software to go through a peer review prior to checking
in. CRUX (““““/”“/BuilderTools/Product/CodeBrowser/CRUX) is the tool provided by Company to
perform code reviews. Developers push their changes and then request a review from a peer on
their team. Comments are tracked along with any subsequent changes made to the code. Once
the team approves the code, the developer uses the repository-specific commands to check-in
the code.
Building code
Once code has been checked in a developer is able to build the official version of the code. This
is primarily done via ““code.”“. Developers navigate a wizard-like interface to define what
packages to build and the platforms for which they want the software built. They also choose
whether or not the built software should be imported into Company’s deployment system.
Deploying the software
Almost all software is deployed using ““ (““““/”“/”“ ). This system allows any developer to
deploy (install, configure, startup, shutdown, etc.) software they own to any server located on
the Company network around the world. It also maintains a history of any changes made to the
software and provides a means to quickly rollback a change in the event there is a problem with
the software.
Testing software
Ensuring that your developers are writing high quality code is important as a development
manager. How you go about doing that is up to you. Some teams follow a test-driven-
development process also called TDD. Other teams have a dedicated quality assurance team.
There are numerous testing tools available for use inside Company ranging from Junit or TestNG
for unit testing to Selenium for functional testing.
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