Install Manual

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Page Count: 30

LpzRobots and GoRobotos
An installation manual
Frank Hesse, Christoph Rauterberg, Poramate Manoonpong
September 29, 2015
This installation manual shall first provide some general knowledge about
the gorobots-Project and the architecture we use. Then this guide will
explain step-by-step how to set up your Eclipse, so that you can work with
the LpzRobots-Simulation and the gorobots-Project.
In the future, we would like to complete this installation manual in a way,
that it will also include manuals for setting up the software needed for
AMOSII (Hexapod) and other robots.
1 Introduction 4
2 Setting up Eclipse and LpzRobots 6
2.1 Running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.1 Forking a repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 SettingupEclipse .............................. 6
2.2.1 Installing Tool-Kits within Eclipse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.2 Importing the Repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.3 Code-Style withing Eclispe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Troubleshooting................................ 7
3 Project Structure 8
4 Working with GIT 10
4.1 Overview of GIT-commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2 Setting up your own branch with GIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 ForkingaRepository............................. 13
4.4 Merging .................................... 13
4.5 How to update your Master Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5 Installing LpzRobots by Hand 16
6 Using the Google Test Framework for Unit Testing 17
6.1 Installing the framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.2 Creatingtestcases .............................. 18
7 Additional (real) Hardware: Camera and Laserscanner 20
7.1 Step by step to install: Camera, LpzRobots and Eclipse, Laser scanner . 20
7.2 Starting Laser scanner demo with simulated and real robots . . . . . . . 23
8 ROS installation 24
8.1 Stepbystep.................................. 24
9 FAQs 26
9.1 Installation errors in general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
9.1.1 Symbol lookup error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
9.2 Problem of displaying plots from Guilogger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
9.3 Cannot complie Lpzrobots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
9.4 Errors using . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
9.4.1 Fail to run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
9.4.2 Error with git clone ......................... 27
9.5 ProblemswithGIT.............................. 27
9.5.1 Setting up Repositories in Eclipse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9.5.2 No Connection to GIT Server: The remote end hung up unex-
pectedly................................. 27
9.6 CompileErrors ................................ 28
9.6.1 OpenCV highgui missing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
9.6.2 C++11unknown........................... 28
9.6.3 osg::Geometry::BIND PER PRIMITIVE unknown . . . . . . . . 28
9.6.4 cannot find -ltinyxml2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
9.7 Errors when starting the simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
9.8 UsingLpzrobots ............................... 29
9.9 UsingEPuckMonitor ............................ 29
9.9.1 When trying to run qmake, I obtain “unknown QT: widgets” . . 29
9.10Serialinterface ................................ 30
9.11 Public key to push to assembla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1 Introduction
The LpzRobots-Simulation is a robot simulation programmed at the university of
Leipzig. Its main features include the ode robots, which is a 3D robot simulator, that
is physically correct, and the so called selforg, that is a framework for controller im-
The important parts of the software architecture are shown in Figure: 1:
Figure 1: Software Architecture for LpzRobots and GoRobotos
ThisSim will, during a simulation, integrate all elements of this very simulation, which
means controlling the environment, the robot, as well as setting initial parameters and
plotting or logging data.
Agent will integrate all elements of an agent by using the shown classes, one can for
example add sensory preprocessing using a child class of AbstractWiring.
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 4 of 30
Simulated Environment: main.cpp
Simulated Robot: amonsII.cpp\h
Real Environment: main.cpp
Real Robot: AMOSII serial.cpp\h
Figure 2: Need name for this picture
For working with the LpzRobots-Simulation, you will need a couple of things:
1. A (preferably up-to-date) UNIX-based Operating System (state of the art: Ubuntu
11.10 or Debian 6.0)
2. The Eclipse-Software combined with the following packages:
The EGit-Tool-Kit
3. Access to the Assembla-Repository (contact your supervisor for access)
4. The file (contact your supervisor for the file)
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2 Setting up Eclipse and LpzRobots
2.1 Running
From your supervisor, you will receive the .zip-File - or you can
find it at gorobots/docs/install script/. To begin with, you need to extract the files
and the script within. This script will:
1. Install the required packages on your computer
2. Include important settings to your .bashrc
3. Fetch the repositories LpzRobots and GoRobots
4. Import the project settings file
5. Compile the files
After extracting, you can run the script, by typing ./ in the cor-
responding directory. However, you might have to change permission ”chmod u+x” if you cannot execute.
2.1.1 Forking a repository
The script will ask you for the URL of your forked repository. Please read about how
to fork a network with Assembla in Section 4.3.
2.2 Setting up Eclipse
2.2.1 Installing Tool-Kits within Eclipse
Before importing the repositories, you need two tool-kits for your Eclipse:
1. To install a tool-kit, go to HelpInstall Software
2. The first tool-kit you need is the C++ Development Kit. Work with the following
and install the so called CDT-Tool-kits.
3. The second tool-kit is EGIT for accessing GIT within Eclipse. You can download
it working with this link: Whilst doing so, you have to
check the box for Eclipse Git Team Provider and uncheck the box for EGit
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2.2.2 Importing the Repositories
Once you have finished running the script and have installed the tool-kits, you are
ready to import the repositories into your Eclipse.
To do so, first switch into the Git Repositories - View within Eclipse. You can do
this by clicking: WindowShow ViewOtherGitGit-Repositories and hit OK.
In this view, you can choose Add an existing local GIT repository. The script will
have placed the files at /home/yourlogin/workspace.
2.2.3 Code-Style withing Eclispe
To adapt the Code-Style, go WindowPreferencesC/C++
Code-StyleImport. Now you choose the file:
workspace/lpzrobots/codeStyleEclipse.xml and hit apply.
2.3 Troubleshooting
If you encounter any problems while using the script, please contact Frank or me
( and send us error output, solutions you found, etc. if possible.
Find the install-by-hand-instructions at the end of this manual.
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3 Project Structure
We use, as already mentioned, two GIT repositories, LpzRobots and GoRobots.
Later, the controllers for each robot will be implemented within GoRobots, accessing
the robots, which are located in LpzRobots. The folder DEMO will later contain demos
of the different robots. Another visualisation of the two repositories and where which
file belongs is given in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Structure of the two repositories, LpzRobots and GoRobots
You will later work with your own copy of the two repositories.
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archive (stand alone, inactive)
demos amosii
utils ann-framework
controllers amosIIcontrol.cpp, .h
.ccp, .h
dennis amosii adaptive_climbing_control_ii include
new finished works (name of developer)
controllers (common components)
amosiicontrol.cpp, .h
BackboneJointControl.cpp, .h
delayline.cpp, .h
new.cpp, .h
existing.cpp, .h
new.cpp, .h
new.cpp, .h
projects (active, named by function)
modular_neural_control sim
reinforcement_learning_control_rbf one goal
multiple goals
reinforcement_learning_control_rbf one goal
multiple goals
ploe balancing 2d (ICO learning)
utils (general use)
real_robots sensors
examples (AI tools, robots)
ann_controller (amos walking with anns)
backpropagation (batch XOR training
using ann-framework)
evolutionary_algorithms ga
actor_critic pole_balancing_numerical_sim
practices (AI classes, student homework)
xnor (online learning)
pole balancing 2d
docs (manual) install_manual
Gorobots.mmap - 12/7/2013 -
Figure 4: Structure of GoRobots. Green parts belong to GoRobotsEdu
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4 Working with GIT
4.1 Overview of GIT-commands
The following picture will give a good overview over the workflow and the commands
in GIT:
The main advantage in GIT is, that every host has got his own local repository, which
Figure 5: An Overview over GIT commands
in itself is an external repository to another host.
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I will give an example, in which I will try, to use most of the commands GIT gives
You create a new file in your workspace in your own branch, that was not under
version control before
Now you first have to add it to the index, which for GIT is just a list of files,
that it has to monitor. You can do this using add
The next step is adding the actual file to the local repository. You can do this
via commit
Now the file is under version control. You can now could get the file from the
repository using checkout HEAD
If you also want to add the file to the remote repository, you can use push
Now another person can get your whole work using pull, which will provide him
with everything, that is currently listed in your remote repository
Please note: Be careful whilst merging, Eclipse will offer you to “overwrite”, which
is not a good idea, as it does exactly what it promisses instead of merging. We will
support this warning with a screenshot if possible! To provide a full overview over the
commands, I will list all the commands, that Eduard did show us in his presentation:
git add: adds file changes in your workspace to your index
git commit: Commits all the changes listed in the index to the local repository
git push: Pushes local branch to the remote repository
git fetch: Fetches all files from the remote repository, that are not in the local
git merge: Merges one or more branches into your current branch
git pull: Fetches files from remote repository and merges them with local files
(equal to git fetch; git merge)
git rm: Removes a file from your repository
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4.2 Setting up your own branch with GIT
Within your repository, you should still create branches for each feature you develop.
To create a new branch you simple do:
1. In Eclipse, right-click on name of your fork
2. Select TeamSwitch toNew Branch
3. As shown in the picture bellow, select the source:
refs/remotes/origin/goettingen master1
4. Choose a name following the scheme yourname yourfeature
5. Activate the checkbox for checking out the new branch
6. Work away
Figure 6: How to create a new branch within Eclipse
1By choosing this, you make sure, that you have the latest online version
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4.3 Forking a Repository
To create a fork of a repository, you need access to the assembla-website. Once you
have logged in, you can choose a repository and then click on the button fork network.
One click on the button fork will then create a fork of the repository for you, as shown
in Figure 7. You will furthermore be asked for a name of this copy of the repository,
remember this name, as you will need it for the setup!
Figure 7: How to fork a repository at the Assembla website
4.4 Merging
Please check with your supervisor, before merging back into master.
If you want to merge a branch of yours, you will have to send a merge request via the
assembla-webpage. A supervisor will then have a look at your code. BUT he is only
able to do so, if you have given him or her the rights to read your code. You can do so
by, on the assembla-webpage in your forked repository, select team and then, on the
right, select Invite people from other teams. No you can choose which one you want
to invite, and then you can choose which rights you want to give him or her.
4.5 How to update your Master Branch
Make sure that you are in your master branch by typing:
˜/ workspace /YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k $ g i t branch
The output should be something like this:
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gop l u s
feature branch 1
feature branch 2
feature branch 3
The star indicates, in which branch you are working right now. If you are not working
in the master-branch, switch to the branch by typing:
˜/ workspace /YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k $ g i t c hec kou t ma ster
You can use git branch again, to check of you are in the right branch now.
If you are in the master branch type
˜/ workspace /YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k $ g i t r emo te v
The output should be something like this (if you did not add a remote before):
o r i g i n h t tps : / /YOURLOGIN@git. assembla . com/YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k . g i t ( f e t c h )
o r i g i n h t tps : / /YOURLOGIN@git. assembla . com/YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k . g i t ( push )
Now you have to add a stable repository as additional remote type:
g i t remote add s t a b l e h ttps : //YOURLOGIN@git . assembla . com/ g orob ots . g i t
git remote -v should now show something like:
˜/ workspace /YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k $ g i t remote v
o r i g i n h t tps : / /YOURLOGIN@git. assembla . com/YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k . g i t ( f e t c h )
o r i g i n h t tps : / /YOURLOGIN@git. assembla . com/YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k . g i t ( push )
s t a b l e ht tps : //YOURLOGIN@git . assembla . com/ g orob ots . g i t ( f e t c h )
s t a b l e ht tps : //YOURLOGIN@git . assembla . com/ g orob ots . g i t ( push )
This means you are able to connect to the stable repository (referred to as stable) from
your local repository.
Now update your local repositories information about the stable repository by typing:
˜/ workspace /YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k $ g i t f e t c h s t a b l e
After typing your password you see an output like the following:
From h t tps : / / g i t . asse mb la . com/ g o r ob ot s
[ new branch ] master >s t a b l e / master
Your local repository knows now what branches are available in the stable repository.
Now merge the changes of the stable master in your workspace (which currently con-
tains your local master branch) by typing:
˜/ workspace /YOURLOGINgorobotsf o r k $ g i t merge s t a b l e / maste r
If there were now changes, the Output would be something like:
Already uptodate .
An example of an output including changes would look like:
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Updating 1054 d9a . . 3 3 0 d652
docs /README |6 ++++++
docs / i n s t a l l m a n u a l /README |5 +++++
docs / i n s t a l l s c r i p t /README |6 ++++++
3 f i l e s changed , 17 i n s e r t i o n s (+) , 0 d e l e t i o n s ()
c r e a t e mode 100644 do cs /README
c r e a t e mode 100644 docs / i n s t a l l m a n u a l /README
c r e a t e mode 100644 docs / i n s t a l l s c r i p t /README
Now you can use git commit, to commit changes to your local repository, and git push,
to commit changes to the remote repository.
Now your master branch is up to date with our stable version and you can continue
with the next section.
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5 Installing LpzRobots by Hand
Before you install LpzRobots, you first need to install a couple of additional packages.
You can do this using the following commands:
sudo apt-get install\
g++ make automake libtool xutils-dev m4 libreadline-dev libgsl0-dev\
libglu-dev libgl1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev libopenscenegraph-dev\
libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl libqt4-opengl-dev qt4-qmake libqt4-qt3support gnuplot2
Also, you will need this package:
sudo apt-get install binutils-gold3
Furthermore, you will need to add some lines to your .bashrc:
# definitions for lpzrobots
export CPATH=”$HOME/include”
export LIBRARY PATH=”$HOME/lib”
export LD LIBRARY PATH=${LD LIBRARY PATH}:$HOME/lib:/usr/lib/osgPlugins2.8.1
export PATH=${PATH}:$HOME/bin
Now you are ready to install the LpzRobot-Simulation.
As Eclipse has now synchronized its workspace with the GIT-Repository, you can find the
setup-files in your workspace.
To install LpzRobots, go to workspacelpzrobots and run make (all).
Install it to /home/YOURLOGIN and choose install as developer,
which is the shortcut d
2You can also find this list of dependencies in the repository lpzrobots
3You may need this only for newer Ubuntu-Versions (>= 11.10), as the linker does not link anymore
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6 Using the Google Test Framework for Unit Testing
We are trying to maintain our code with the help of a unit testing framework, namely
6.1 Installing the framework
To be able to use this feature and develop new test cases, you first have to install the googletest
framework. Here are the necessary steps:
Start by downloading the source code of the most recent googletest version. It is available
under Decompress the archive and
enter it in a terminal:
$ cd g t e s t 1 .7.0
Inside the decompressed folder, create a new directory called “build” and enter it:
$ mkdir b u i l d
$ cd b u i l d
Use cmake to create a Makefile and use this Makefile to build googletest:
$ cmake . .
$ make
You’ll find a libgtest.a and libgtest main.a file inside the build directory. Copy these files to
some path that is registered in the LD LIBRARY PATH environment variable. Typically,
during the installation of lpzrobots, you add the lib folder in your home directory to the
LD LIBRARY PATH. To copy the files there, type:
$ cp l i b g t e s t . a l i b g t e s t m a i n . a ˜/ l i b
Furthermore, you have to copy the folder gtest inside the include directory located in the
googletest root folder to some path that you include into the search path while compiling
gorobots simulations. You can use the include folder created during the lpzrobots installation
(typically in your home folder). Starting in the build directory, type the following:
$ cd . . / i n c l u d e
$ cp r g t e s t ˜/ i n c l u d e /
This finishes the installation of the googletest framework. You may now enter the gorobots
folder and build the test cases:
$ cd ˜/ workspace / g o robots
$ make t e s t
You should also try to run the tests:
$ . / bu il d / r u n t e s t
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6.2 Creating test cases
There is a nice tutorial about the basic ideas and concepts of the googletest framework at
the webpage of the project. You should definitely read it before going on: https://code.
Within the gorobots project, we want to use the googletest framework for real unit testing
as well as for something that is more like integration testing. Unit testing refers to the testing
of as small as possible subunits of code. For instance, there is a test for the ann-framework
that checks whether the activity property of the Neuron class works as expected:
TEST( NeuronTest , a c t i v i t y ) {
Neuron neuron ;
neuron . s e t A c t i v i t y ( 1 . 2 ) ;
ASSERT EQ( 1 . 2 , neuron . g e t A c t i v i t y ( ) ) ;
This is as primitive as it can get. Observe that “NeuronTest” is the name of the test case
and “activity” the name of the actual test. You should make sure your test case names are
unique within gorobots.
For creating a test for a given unit of code, create a new file in the “tests” folder within
the gorobots repository. The path of the file within the tests folder should resemble the path
of the tested unit in the gorobots repository. Furthermore, the name of the test file should
be the name of the unit plus “ test”. If, for instance, the files containing the actual code are
u t i l s / ann framework/ neuron . h
u t i l s / ann framework/ neuron . cpp
the correct path and name of the corresponding test file is
t e s t s / u t i l s / ann framework / n e u r o n t e s t . cpp
Within your new test file, you have to include the header of the googletest framework and
the headers necessary to perform your tests. For instance:
#i n c l ud e g t e s t / g t e s t . h
#i n c l u d e u t i l s /annfr ame wor k / ne uron . h
Afterwards, just start to define your tests.
When it comes to testing of projects, thins get a little more trickier. This is due to our
standard of defining the simulation class within the main.cpp. Unfortunately, every main.cpp
typically also contains one main method and we cant’t link multiple objects that contain
methods with the same name. The solution for this is a little hackish: Before including the
main.cpp, which is necessary here, add two define statements to override the name of the
main method and the ThisSim class. The latter is neccessary to avoid identically named
classes in different object files. The results might look like this:
#i n c l ud e g t e s t / g t e s t . h
// mask names of o b j e c t s i n g l o b a l sc op e
#d e f i n e main p r o j e c t s n e j i h e b i e x a m p l e m a i n
#d e f i n e ThisSim ProjectNeji hebiExampleM ainSim
#i n c l ud e p r o j e c t s / n e j i h e b i / example /sim /main . cpp
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Within the actual test of your project, you should run your simulation for an as short as
possible time interval and check afterwards whether the relevant parameters of the robot have
the expected values. This might require too add some additional methods to the ThisSim
class. Check out the test of the Nejihebi example project to get an idea how this might look
t e s t s / p r o j e c t s / n e j i h e b i e x a m p l e t e s t . cpp
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7 Additional (real) Hardware: Camera and Laserscanner
7.1 Step by step to install: Camera, LpzRobots and Eclipse, Laser
1) Linux: Install Linux e.g., Ubuntu 12.04
2) Camera: Install OpenCV and AprilTag for Camera (see How to Use Camera.pdf) OR
follow the steps below
1. Use Synaptic Package Manager to install (OpenCV): libopencv-dev
2. Install necessary packages of AprilTag:
Se e h tt p : / / a p r i l . e e c s . umich . edu / w i k i / i n de x . php/ D o w n l o a d a n d I n s t a l l a t i o n
sudo aptg e t i n s t a l l emacs g i t c o r e ant s u b v e r s i o n gt kdoctools
libglib2.0dev l i b u s b 1.00dev gv l i b n c u r s e s dev openjdk 6jdk
autopoint libgl1mesadev
3. Install LCM of AprilTag:
cd $HOME
svn c he c ko u t h t tp : / / lcm . g o o g l e c o d e . com/ s vn / t r un k lcm
cd lcm
./ bootstrap . sh
. / c o n f i g u r e
sudo make i n s t a l l
4. Install libdc1394of AprilTag:
cd $HOME
svn c o h t t ps : / / l i b d c 1 3 9 4 . s vn . s o u r c e f o r g e . net / s v nro o t / l i b d c 1 3 9 4 / t ru nk / l i b d c 1 3 9 4 /
cd l i b d c 1 3 9 4
autoreconf is
. / c o n f i g u r e
sudo make i n s t a l l
Note t h at I met wi th a pr obl em when I i n s t a l l l i b d c 1 3 9 4 .
So , a noth er way to do t h i s i s :
At t e r m i n a l : a p t i t u d e s e a r c h l i b d c 1 3 9 4
th en you can s e e s e v e r a l f i l e s t h e r e .
Choose l i b dc1394 22 and l i b dc1394 22dev t o i n s t a l l , l i k e :
sudo a p t i t u d e i n s t a l l l i b d c 1 39 4 22
sudo a p t i t u d e i n s t a l l l i b d c 1 39 4 22dev
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 20 of 30
5. Set up environment variables of AprilTag by adding the following lines to .bashrc
expor t CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH: / usr / share / java / gluegen r t . j a r : / u sr /
l o c a l / share / java / lcm . j a r :$HOME/ a p r i l / j a va / a p r i l . j a r : . /
expor t LD LIBRARY PATH=$LD LIBRARY PATH:$HOME/ a p r i l / l i b
a l i a s java =’ jav a ea server ’
6. Then reload your bash settings (you won’t need to do this the next time you log in):
s o u r c e ˜ / . b a s hr c
7. Install April Toolkit:
cd $HOME
g i t c lon e g i t : // a p r i l . e ec s . umich . edu /home/ g i t / a p r i l . g i t
cd a p r i l / java
8. Test AprilTag >You can test the 3D visualization environment with:
java a p r i l . v i s . Vis Tes t
Or t r y out t he camera a c q u i s i t i o n s oft w are with :
java a p r i l . jcam . JCamView
Or t r y to run camera t e s t program at :
Make s u r e t h a t cvCaptureFromCAM( 1) o r cvCaptureFromCAM ( 0 ) ”
i n t e s t c l i e n t . cpp
Terminal 1:
java j s e r v e r t e s t
Terminal 2:
make c l e a n
. / t e s t c l i e n t
3) Lpzrobots and Eclipse (see Setting up Eclipse and LpzRobots section)
I f you want t o u s e L a se r s c a nn e r t he n make s u r e t h a t i n
. / setUpGoRobots . sh
These ones a r e not i n s t a l l e d :
#ec ho ” sudo aptget i n s t a l l b i n u t i l s g old ”
#sudo aptget i n s t a l l b i n u t i l s g o l d
>After f i n i s h t h i s :
>S t a r t : E c l i p s e s >>S e l e c t : Help>I n s t a l l S oftw a re
1 . Work with : http : // download . e c l i p s e . org / t o o l s / cdt / r e l e a s e s / i nd i g o
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 21 of 30
S e l e c t : C/C++ Development T ools
2 . Work with : http : // download . e c l i p s e . o rg / e g i t / upda tes
S e l e c t : Ec l i ps e EGIT
Due to Ubuntu 1 2 . 0 4 , you ne ed t o ty pe sudo make a l l
then you might g et the e r r o r mes sages :
make [ 2 ] : Leaving d i r e c t o r y /home/ poramate / workspace /pmanoonponglpzrobotsfork ’
sudo make i n s t a l l o d e r o b o t s
[ sudo ] password f o r poramate :
>. / s t a r t
>. / s t a r t : e r r o r w h i l e l o a d i n g s h ared l i b r a r i e s : l i b od e \d b l . s o . 1 :
cannot open s ha re d o b j e ct f i l e : No such f i l e or d i r e c t o r y
The s o l u t i o n was :
When i n s t a l l i n g L pzrobots make su r e t hat you i n s t a l l i t in
/home/ your l o g i n , e . g . , /home/ poramate
I f you made t h i s mistake , you c ou ld change t h i s by :
From t er m i na l , go t o y ou r l p z r o b o t s ,
e . g . poramate@ubuntu : ˜ / w orksp ace /pmanoonponglpzrobotsfork$
make c l e a n
make c le a n a l l
make c o n f
Then : s et new i n s t a l l i n g path : /home/ yourlogin , e . g . , /home/ poramate
make a l l
4) Laser scanner
u t i l i t i e s / urg
1) sudo aptget i n s t a l l l i b s d l n et1 . 2
2) sudo aptget i n s t a l l l i b s d l net 1 .2 dev
3) sudo aptget i n s t a l l l i b s d l 1 .2dev
4) sudo sh c o n f i g u r e
5) sudo make
6) sudo make i n s t a l l
poramate@ubuntu :˜ / Documents/ u t i l i t i e s / urg
Go to example :
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 22 of 30
poramate@ubuntu :˜ / Documents/ u t i l i t i e s / urg / samples /cpp
Running program :
UrgDevice : : conn ec t : / dev/ttyACM0 : No such f i l e or d i r e c t o r y
poramate@ubuntu :˜ / Documents/ u t i l i t i e s / urg / samples /cpp : sudo . / mdScan
UrgDevice : : conn ec t : / dev/ttyACM0 : No such f i l e or d i r e c t o r y
poramate@ubuntu :˜ / Documents/ u t i l i t i e s / urg / samples /cpp :
7.2 Starting Laser scanner demo with simulated and real robots
1) Check out p r e v i e w l a s e r s c a n n e r branch from L pz ro bots r e p o s i t o r y
2) i n the Lpzrobot d i r e c t o r y : e . g . , ˜/ wor skspace / yournamelpzrobotsf o r k s : make conf ,
s e l e c t o p ti o n = 1 f o r u sing l a s e r s c a n n e r ,
s e l e c t o p ti o n = 0 f o r no t u s ing l a s e r s c a n n e r ,
3) then make a l l
4) go to ˜/ wor sks pac e / yournamelpzrobotsf o r k s / o derobot s /
s i m u l a ti o n s / t e m p l a t e l a s e r s c a n n e r
5) type make and then . / s t a r t
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 23 of 30
8 ROS installation
8.1 Step by step
ROS i s r e q ui re d i f you want to read the EEG s i g n a l from s i n g l e dry e l e c t r o d e
( s e e Stoya master t h e s i s , SDU) t o the L pzrob ots
For example , s e e >> projects>> amosi>> e e g b a s e d c o n t r o l
Step1 : check htt p : // w i k i . r os . org / i nd i go / I n s t a l l a t i o n /Ubuntu
Step2 : C onfigur e your Ubuntu r e p o s i t o r i e s
Config u r e your Ubuntu r e p o s i t o r i e s t o allow r e s t r i c t e d , ” ” u n i v e r s e , ” and ” m ul t i ve r s e .
You can f o ll o w the Ubuntu guid e f o r i n s t r u c t i o n s on doi ng t h i s .
( se e , h ttps : / / help . ubuntu . com/community/ R e p o s i t o r i e s /Ubuntu )
Step3 : sudo sh c ec ho ” deb h tt p : / / p ack ag es . r o s . o rg / r o s /
ubuntu $ ( l s b r e l e a s e sc ) main >/ e t c / apt / s o u r c e s . l i s t . d/ r os l a t e s t . l i s t
St ep 4 : wget h t t p s : / / raw . g i t h u b u s e r c o n t e n t . com/ r o s /
r o s d i s t r o / master / r o s . key O− | sudo aptkey add
Step5 : sudo aptget update
Step6 : sudo aptget i n s t a l l r osindigodesktopfull
Step7 : sudo r o sdep i n i t
Step8 : rosd ep update
St ep9 : ec ho s o u r c e / opt / r o s / i n d i g o / s et u p . bash ” >> ˜ / . ba s hr c
St ep 10 : s o u r c e ˜ / . b a s hr c
Step11 : sudo aptget i n s t a l l pythonrosinstall
>> S t a r t ROS by ty pe >roscore
>> Adding ROS i n t o L pz rob ot s
s e e Ma ke Fil e . c o n f i n >> projects>> amosi>> eeg based control>>sim
pkgconfig c f l a g s rosc pp
>> Then add t h i s i n to your makeFile . conf
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 24 of 30
I / o pt / r o s / i n d i g o / i n c l u d e
#ROS >Run : pkgconfig c f l a g s ros cpp
# This w i l l g i v e you t he INC path , e . g . , I / o pt / r o s / i n d i g o / i n c l u d e
s e e p r o j e c t s >amosi>eeg based control>filtering classification>MakeFile . c o nf
Add t h i s i n t he MakeFile . conf
s e e Ma ke Fil e . c o n f i n >> projects>> amosi>> eeg based control>>sim
s e e Ma ke Fil e . c o n f i n >> projects>>amosi>>eeg based control>> filtering classification
INC += I / op t / r o s / i n d i g o / i n c l u d e
#ROS >Run : pkgconfig l i b s r oscp p
# This w i l l g i v e you t he LIBS path
Add t h i s i n t he MakeFile . conf ,
s e e Ma ke Fil e . c o n f i n >> projects>> amosi>> eeg based control>>sim
s e e Ma ke Fil e . c o n f i n >> projects>>amosi>>eeg based control>> filtering classification
LIBS += L/ opt / r o s / i n d i g o / l i b lroscpp lpthread
l : / u sr / l i b / x86 64linuxgnu/ l i b b o o s t s i g n a l s . so l :
/ usr / l i b / x86 64linuxgnu/ l i b b o o s t f i l e s y s t e m . so
lrosconsole lrosconsole log4cxx
lrosconsole backend interface l : / u sr / l i b / l i b l o g 4 c x x . so
l : / u sr / l i b / x86 64linuxgnu/ l i b b o o s t r e g e x . so
lxmlrpcpp lroscpp serialization l r o s t i m e
l : / u sr / l i b / x86 64linuxgnu/ l i b b o o s t d a t e t i m e . so lcpp common
l : / u sr / l i b / x86 64linuxgnu / l i b b o o s t s y s t e m . s o
l : / u sr / l i b / x86 64linuxgnu/ l i b b o o s t t h r e a d . so
l : / u sr / l i b / x86 64linuxgnu / l i b p t h r e a d . so
l : / u sr / l i b / x86 64linuxgnu/libconsole bridge .so
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 25 of 30
9 FAQs
9.1 Installation errors in general
9.1.1 Symbol lookup error
After installing the ”binutils-gold” package, I get the following error after recompiling my
source code: ”./test: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol:
ZTIN3qrk10CoordinateE” (Note: liburg is a library for the Hokuyo laser scanners from here
or via packet manager).
As ”binutils-gold” contains a different linker for C++ files, which is optimized for speed,
it is likely that this new linker does not link the laser scanner libraries correctly (probably
due to ”bad” programming within the drivers). However, this new linker is not necessary for
compiling and running lpzrobots, it just speeds up the compilation time. So the solution to
the problem is simple: Uninstall ”binutils-gold” and everything works.
9.2 Problem of displaying plots from Guilogger
If you cannot display any plots from Guilogger:
You need to i n s t a l l gnu plotx11
” sudo aptget i n s t a l l gnuplot x11
9.3 Cannot complie Lpzrobots
I f you c ann ot c o m pl i e L pz ro bo ts , you may c he ck i n . b as h r c \\
You shou ld have e xp ort PATH = /home/YOUR USER NAME/ bin : $PATH
e . g . , you s h ou l d have a l l t h e s e i n y ou r . b as h rc
# d e f i n i t i o n s f o r l p z r ob o ts
e x p or t CPATH= ‘$HOME/ i n c l u d e
e xp ort LIBRARY PATH= ‘$HOME/ l i b
expor t LD LIBRARY PATH=${LD LIBRARY PATH}:$HOME/ l i b : / u s r / l i b / o s g P l u g i n s 3 . 0 . 1
expor t PATH=${PATH}:$HOME/ bin
expor t PATH = /home/poma/ bin :$PATH
9.4 Errors using
9.4.1 Fail to run
You mi ght ha ve t o cha nge p e r m i s s i o n chmod u+x setUpGoRobots . sh
i f you cannot e x e c ute .
You shou ld a l s o t ry t o update your system .
>> sudo aptget update
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 26 of 30
I f you f a i l t o c l o n e u s i n g the s c r i p t , you c oul d
c l o n e d i r e c t l y a s be lo w ( o t h erw i s e , s k i p t h i s )
>>/w ork sp ace $ g i t c l o n e h t t ps : / / yo ur u s e r name@git . as se mb la . com/
yo ur u s e r namegorobotsf o r k . g i t b master
>>/w ork sp ace $ g i t c l o n e h t t ps : / / yo ur u s e r name@git . as se mb la . com/
yo ur u s e r namelpzrobotsf o r k . g i t b lpzrobots
9.4.2 Error with git clone
Whilst cloning the repositories, I encountered the following error:
g i t c l o n e h t t p s : / / c r a u t e r b @ g i t . a ss e mb la . com/ l p z r o b o t s . g i t b master
Clo ni ng i n t o c rau t er b lpzrobotsf o r k . . .
Password :
remote : Counting o b j e c t s : 25478 , done .
remote : Compressing o b j e c t s : 100% (6030/ 6030) , done .
remote : Tot al 25478 ( d e l t a 1 9211) , r e us e d 25478 ( d e l t a 1 92 11 )
Receiving o b j e c t s : 100% (25478/ 25478) , 1 9. 97 MiB |527 KiB/ s , done .
Resolving d e l t a s : 100% ( 19 211/ 19211 ) , done .
warning : Remote b ranch m aster no t found i n upstream o r i g i n , u s ing HEAD i n s t e a d
wa rn ing : rem ot e HEAD r e f e r s t o n o n e x i s t e n t r e f , u nab le t o c h ec ko ut .
the repository Lpzrobots when there was no branch master, and for some reason, it was
not added later and did not appear anywear. The solution was simple: Delete the forked
version and create a new one - if possible. Worked for me.
9.5 Problems with GIT
9.5.1 Setting up Repositories in Eclipse
In some cases, the instructions on how to set up the GIT-repositories within Eclipse did not
Here is a different approach, that worked for me:
1. Import the repositories into the GIT-view of Eclipse, just as described before
2. Instead of importing over the GIT-View, you now go onto File Import General
Existing Projects into Workspace and you then choose the two repositories
3. After Eclipse has imported the files, you can right-click on the Project, and then select
Team Share
4. Now, just select GIT and the two GIT-repository-adresses should appear
5. Apply
9.5.2 No Connection to GIT Server: The remote end hung up unexpectedly.
If you defined stable as usual (check withgit remote -v):
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 27 of 30
but when typing git fetch origin you get the following error message:
Password for ’’:
error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 401
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
and also defining the origin with http only:
does not help, try to use the git protocol:
9.6 Compile Errors
9.6.1 OpenCV highgui missing
You are using gorobots as a library build (“new makefile system”) and you are experiencing
the following error while trying to compile, you are missing the highgui library development
files of the opencv package:
u t i l s / r e a l r o b o t s / s en so r s / camera / CamTagPositionSensor . h : 1 1 : 3 9 :
f a t a l e r r o r : opencv2 / h i ghgui / h ighgui . hpp : No such f i l e or d i r e c t o r y
Install the missing package by typing:
$ sudo aptg e t i n s t a l l libop e n c v highguidev
9.6.2 C++11 unknown
If you are trying to compile and obtain errors related to the flag
it means that you finally will have to upgrade your machine as your version of gcc does not
support the C++11 flag.
9.6.3 osg::Geometry::BIND PER PRIMITIVE unknown
If your version of Open Scene Graph it too recent, you may observe the following error while
trying to compile lpzrobots:
osg / o s g p r i m i t i v e . cpp : 6 6 8 : 3 2 : e r r o r :
BIND PER PRIMITIVE ’ i s no t a member o f o sg : : Geometry
One quick fix for this is to just comment out line 668 in osgosgprimitive.cpp. Updating to a
more recent version of lpzrobots would resolve the problem as well.
9.6.4 cannot find -ltinyxml2
With the recent version of gorobots where unit test is embedded, you might have this problem
after “make” in gorobots:
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 28 of 30
/ u sr / b in / l d : cannot f i n d ltinyxml2
c o l l e c t 2 : e r ro r : l d returned 1 e x i t s t a t u s
make : ∗∗∗ [ l i b g o r o b o t s . so ] Err or 1
You need to install -ltinyxml2. For installation, you could use synaptics and search for
tinyxml2 and then select ”libtinyxml2-dev and litinyxml2-0.0.0”.
9.7 Errors when starting the simulation
The error messages was:
>. / s t a r t
>. / s t a r t : e r r o r w h i l e l o a d i n g s h ared l i b r a r i e s : l i b od e \d b l . s o . 1 :
cannot open s ha re d o b j e ct f i l e : No such f i l e or d i r e c t o r y
B a s i c a l l y when you comp il e l pz ro bo t to some l o c a l d i r e c t o r y .
The p r o j e c t s cannot s t a r t a s they cannot l o c a t e l i b o d e d b l . so . 1
A qui ck f i x i nv o l v e s making a symbo lic l i n k ( with r oot p r i v i l e d g e )
t ha t p o i n t s to t he f i l e i n y ou r s ys te ms / l i b / l i b r a r y .
The solution was:
>s o u r c e ˜ / . b a s hr c
Another s o l u t i o n was :
” sud o l n s f home/ username / l p z r o b o t s
/ opende/ode / s r c / . l i b s / l i b o d e d b l . so . 1 / l i b / l i b o d e d b l . so . 1 ”
i f you u se Ubuntu v e r s i o n 1 2 . 4 LTS , you migh t s e e t h i s pro bl em :
>. / s t a r t
>. / s t a r t : symbol loo kup e r r o r : / u sr / l i b / l i b g s l . so . 0 : un defin ed symbol : c blas d nrm2
The solution was:
>sudo aptg et remove b i n u t i l s g old
9.8 Using Lpzrobots
>a f t e r s t a r t s i m u l a t i o n , p r e s s 1 t o f i x e d camera v ie w
>C t r l r = r e c o r d movie
>.\s t a r t f = r e c o r d l o g f i l e
>.\s t a r t = s t a r t program
>.\s t a r t g 1 = d i s p l a y GUI
9.9 Using EPuck Monitor
9.9.1 When trying to run qmake, I obtain “unknown QT: widgets”
EPuck monitor is optimized for Qt5. If you obtain the “unknown QT: widgets” warning you
are most likely using Qt4 by default on your system. Find out how to enable Qt5 by default
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 29 of 30
on your system. If you are working with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, the following terminal commands
are what you are looking for. They will install Qt5 and enable it as default:
$ sudo aptaddr e p o s i t o r y ppa : ubuntusdkteam/ppa
$ sudo aptget update
$ sudo aptg et i n s t a l l q t d e c l a r a t i v e 5 dev qt5d e f a u l t
9.10 Serial interface
>sudo usermod aG d i a l o u t username
>Then r e s t a r t your PC
9.11 Public key to push to assembla
For the f i r s t time to push from your PC t o assembla , you need to
1) Generate and upload your SSH key
sshkeygen t r s a C ” your e mai l ”
2) Copy p u bl i c key ( i d r s a . pub ) i n t o your Assembla P r o f i l e :
https : //www. assembla . com/ user / e d i t / e d i t g i t s e t t i n g s
P l e a s e a l s o che ck i n s t r u c t i o n s on assem bla :
h t t p s : / /www. a ss e mb la . com/ s p a c e s / d sh aik hgorobotsf or k / g i t / i n s t r u c t i o n s
LpzRobots and GoRobotos Installation Manual Page 30 of 30

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