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Installation guide for k_aug - prepared by Michael Short
k_aug is a package for calculating Karush-Kuhn-Tucker matrix sensitivity and reduced hessian
computation. It was developed by David M. Thierry at Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with
Prof Lorenz T. Biegler at the Center for Advanced Process Decision-making (CAPD). k_aug is compatible
with Pyomo and AMPL via ASL and its main functionality can be accessed through suffixes. k_aug assumes
that the user is using the Ipopt (interior point optimizer) solver (Waechter and Biegler, 2006), which is
used for large-scale nonlinear programming. Ipopt is available for free from:
In order to use k_aug, Ipopt needs to be installed and added to the system’s path. A detailed installation
guide for Ipopt is available at the previous link as well.
This guide is intended to assist users installing k_aug on Linux and Windows systems. Unfortunately k_aug
is not currently available for MacOS.
For Linux:
Download k_aug from In a terminal navigate to the folder where
k_aug is unpacked and then enter the asl folder before running the get script:
cd k_aug/thirdparty/asl
Check that script correctly terminated and that there are no errors. If an error occurred then it is important
to check that all of the dependencies have been installed. A full list of dependencies is found under the
Windows install instructions.
After the ASL script is successfully compiled it is then necessary to install the other packages in the
following order using these commands:
cd ../openblas
Check that the script was successfully run as above then:
cd ../metis
Check and move onto the next script:
cd ../scotch
Check install and then:
cd ../mumps
Following the correct installation of all of these packages, the HSL solver mc19 needs to be obtained from
the following website:
Once you provide an email address, you will be sent a download link. To use the script in k_aug, make
sure that the tar.gz is downloaded and placed in k_aug\thirdparty\hsl\mc19.
cd hsl/mc19
Finally, return to the root and then finish compiling k_aug:
cd ../../..
cmake CMakeLists.txt
Once this is successfully compiled it is just necessary to check that the k_aug.exe is now in the k_aug/bin
folder and that this folder is added to the Linux Path. This can be done using:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/home/k_aug/bin
Or wherever you have placed the k_aug folder on your computer.
For Windows:
1. Install Cygwin
First, download Cygwin from Cygwin is a environment that mimics a UNIX-like
system and allows the user to recompile and run programs on Windows without having to modify the
source code. When installing Cygwin, during the package download section, ensure that the following list
of requirements are included:
This can be done by searching for them in the package search bar. If a package is forgotten or not found
then one can use wget to install apt-cyg, which can be used similarly to pip or apt-get in Linux to install
packages. Install apt-cyg using wget in the Cygwin command line:
lynx -source > apt-cyg
install apt-cyg /bin
To install a package using apt-cyg:
apt-cyg install git
After installing Cygwin with the relevant packages we can begin installing k_aug.
2. Install k_aug
First, download the .zip from under “Clone or download”. Place this
folder into the Cygwin home folder, C:\cygwin64\home\YOURUSERNAME\ and unzip.
Next, launch the Cygwin command line and navigate to the appropriate folder using:
cd k_aug-master
Then enter the thirdparty folder and in order install:
cd thirdparty/asl
Make sure that the script ran successfully. You should have some message that confirms successful
installation. If there is an error, make sure that Cygwin has all the necessary packages mentioned above.
If something was missing either re-install Cygwin including all of the packages and sub-packages
mentioned in the list above, or try using apt-cyg to get the relevant packages.
cd ../openblas
Check that the script was successfully run as above then:
cd ../metis
Check and move onto the next script:
cd ../scotch
Check install and then:
cd ../mumps
The MUMPS linear solver package can potentially take a while to install. Once this has been successfully
installed it is then necessary to install the mc19 linear solvers. These solvers are not redistributable, but
are freely available from the HSL software library:
You will just need to provide an email and then will be sent a download link. To use the script in k_aug,
make sure that the tar.gz is downloaded and placed in k_aug\thirdparty\hsl\mc19.
Use Cygwin to enter this folder and then run the script:
cd hsl/mc19
Finally, return to the root and then finish compiling k_aug:
cd ../../..
cmake CMakeLists.txt
Check that the bin directory contains k_aug.exe. This confirms that the installation was successful. The
last steps are to add the following to the path. This is done by right-clicking on “This PC”, selecting
“Properties”, then under “Advanced system settings” go to the “Environment Variables…button at the
bottom. Under “User variables” or “System variables” select Path and click “Edit…”. Now select New and
add the following two folders:
And now we are ready to use k_aug!

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