Royal 600sc Cash Register Alpha Manual Instruction Alpha600sc ENGLISH

User Manual: Royal Alpha 600sc Cash Register Manual Troubleshoot Royal Alpha 600sc Cash Register |

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1 Welcome
Before Starting..................................................................................................................................................... 1
What is in the Box? ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Important Phone Numbers ............................................................................................................................. 2
2 Getting Started
Plugging in and Putting in the Batteries .................................................................................................... 3
Installing the Paper Roll.................................................................................................................................... 5
Installing the Barcode Reader ..................................................................................................................... 6
PC-Based Software ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Setting the Date And Time.............................................................................................................................. 7
Programming the Sales Tax ............................................................................................................................ 8
Programming Department Keys ................................................................................................................... 9
3 Getting To Know the Cash Register
About the Displays ...........................................................................................................................................10
Opening and Closing the Customer Display........................................................................................10
About the Numeric Display........................................................................................................................12
Using the Mode Key Area ..............................................................................................................................12
Using the Keyboard .........................................................................................................................................14
Using the Cash Drawer ...................................................................................................................................15
ii Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Using the Accessory Drawer ........................................................................................................................ 16
Using the Counterfeit Detector Feature.................................................................................................. 16
About Paper Money ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Detecting Suspicious Money .................................................................................................................... 17
4 Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics
Using the Displays ........................................................................................................................................... 19
The Clerk Display........................................................................................................................................... 20
Setting Alphanumeric Descriptions .......................................................................................................... 20
Alphanumeric Code Chart ......................................................................................................................... 21
Using Single Width Characters................................................................................................................. 23
About Programming Numbers in Logo Messages............................................................................ 23
Using Double Wide Characters ................................................................................................................ 23
Programming a Store Logo or a Commercial Message................................................................... 24
Setting the Commercial Message in the Footer................................................................................. 27
Setting Clerk Numbers and Names ........................................................................................................... 28
Using the Clerk System ............................................................................................................................... 30
Setting the Machine Number ...................................................................................................................... 30
Setting X and Manager Passwords ............................................................................................................ 31
Printing the Quick Start Program Confirmation Report..................................................................... 32
Before Going to Register Mode................................................................................................................... 33
Error Codes ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Clearing an Error............................................................................................................................................ 34
5 Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
Programming Department Keys................................................................................................................. 37
Setting Standard and Gallonage Mode................................................................................................. 39
Programming Multiple and Single Items ............................................................................................. 39
Programming High Digit Lock-out (HDLO)..........................................................................................39
Programming Tax Status............................................................................................................................ 40
Programming Department Preset Price ............................................................................................... 41
Assigning Department Number Keys .................................................................................................... 41
Programming Department Names......................................................................................................... 42
Programming Scrolling Messages ............................................................................................................. 45
Programming Scrolling Message Display Times................................................................................... 46
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide iii
Setting the Off Message ..............................................................................................................................46
Setting the Mode Message.........................................................................................................................47
Setting the Sales Message Start and Stop Times................................................................................47
Setting the Idle Messages...........................................................................................................................48
Setting the Amount of Time Letters Appear in the Display ...........................................................49
Programming the Credit Keys......................................................................................................................49
Programming PLU Descriptions..................................................................................................................51
Programming PLUs without a Barcode Reader ..................................................................................51
Programming PLUs with the Barcode Reader.....................................................................................52
Setting the Decimal Points............................................................................................................................53
Setting the Rounding Rates ..........................................................................................................................54
Programming Discounts ................................................................................................................................54
Programming Minus Percentage Discounts........................................................................................54
Programming Coupon Discounts............................................................................................................55
Programming Plus Percentage Add-ons...............................................................................................58
Programming Flag Options...........................................................................................................................59
6 Ringing up Sales and Using Training Mode
Ringing up Sales................................................................................................................................................65
Ringing up Sales with the Barcode Reader...........................................................................................67
Using Training Mode.......................................................................................................................................67
7 Programming Complex Tax Rates
Setting the Tax Rates.......................................................................................................................................70
8 Running Reports
Running the Program Confirmation Report ...........................................................................................73
Running the Department Confirmation Report ....................................................................................75
Running the PLU Confirmation Report.....................................................................................................75
Running the Department Sales Report.....................................................................................................76
Running Management Reports ...................................................................................................................76
About X Readings ..........................................................................................................................................77
About Z Readings ..........................................................................................................................................77
About Management Reports.....................................................................................................................78
Running a Cash-In-Drawer Report...........................................................................................................78
Running a Clerk Report................................................................................................................................79
iv Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Running a Financial Report ....................................................................................................................... 79
Financial Report Example........................................................................................................................... 80
Running an Hourly Report ......................................................................................................................... 82
Running PLU Reports................................................................................................................................... 83
9 Maintenance and Options
Installing a New Paper Roll ........................................................................................................................... 85
Using the Battery System.............................................................................................................................. 86
About the Serial Port....................................................................................................................................... 87
Ordering Supplies and Accessories........................................................................................................... 89
10 Troubleshooting
Error Codes ......................................................................................................................................................... 90
I Hear an Error Beep...................................................................................................................................... 90
Sec code error appears in PRG, X OR Z modes ................................................................................... 91
If Clerk E12 Displays In REG 1 or REG 2 Modes.................................................................................... 91
PE Printer Error.................................................................................................................................................. 91
The Register Does Not Work at All............................................................................................................. 92
Opening the Drawer When There is no Power...................................................................................... 92
Half System Clear ............................................................................................................................................. 93
Full System Clear .............................................................................................................................................. 93
If Nothing Helps................................................................................................................................................ 93
11 Examples
Sample Receipt .............................................................................................................................................. 96
Transaction Codes ........................................................................................................................................... 97
Adding Tax to a Non-Taxable Department............................................................................................. 98
Cash Sale With Tendering Change ............................................................................................................ 98
Cash Sale Without Tendering Change...................................................................................................... 99
Charge Sale......................................................................................................................................................... 99
Coupon Discount Sale..................................................................................................................................100
Credit Return....................................................................................................................................................101
Credit Sale.........................................................................................................................................................101
Dept Shift Key..................................................................................................................................................101
Exempting Tax On An Item.........................................................................................................................102
Exempting Tax on the Entire Sale ............................................................................................................102
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide v
Gallonage Sales Transaction...................................................................................................................... 103
Minus Percentage Discount Sale.............................................................................................................. 103
Multiplication of a Department Unit Price............................................................................................ 104
Multiplication Sale......................................................................................................................................... 104
Multiplying By A Fraction............................................................................................................................ 105
No-Sale Function............................................................................................................................................ 105
Overriding a PLU Sale................................................................................................................................... 106
Paid-Out Sale................................................................................................................................................... 106
PLU Sale............................................................................................................................................................. 106
PLU Sale With PLU Description................................................................................................................. 107
Plus Percentage Sale..................................................................................................................................... 107
Received-On-Account Sale......................................................................................................................... 108
Registering A Department Unit Price ..................................................................................................... 108
Registering A Reference Number ............................................................................................................ 108
Return Sale ....................................................................................................................................................... 109
Split Tendering Sale ...................................................................................................................................... 109
Temporarily Overriding a PLU Price........................................................................................................ 110
Use the Error-Correct /Void Key................................................................................................................ 110
Voiding A Coupon Sale................................................................................................................................ 111
Voiding a Department Preset Price......................................................................................................... 111
Voiding a Department Preset with a Coupon Discount .................................................................. 112
Voiding a Department Preset with a Minus Percentage Discount .............................................. 112
Voiding A Minus Percentage Discount Sale......................................................................................... 113
Voiding a Multiplication of a Department Preset Price.................................................................... 113
Voiding A Multiplication Sale.................................................................................................................... 114
Voiding a PLU Multiplication Sale............................................................................................................ 114
Voiding a PLU Sale......................................................................................................................................... 115
Voiding a PLU Sale with a Coupon Discount....................................................................................... 115
Voiding a Plu Sale with a Minus Percentage Discount..................................................................... 116
Voiding a PLU Sale with a Plus Percentage Rate ................................................................................ 116
Voiding a Plus Percentage Sale................................................................................................................. 117
Voiding A Sale ................................................................................................................................................. 117
vi Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
A Calculating State Tax Table Codes ...............................................................118
Calculating Your Tax .....................................................................................................................................118
Example Tax Chart ......................................................................................................................................122
The Worksheet .............................................................................................................................................123
Programming the State Tax .......................................................................................................................124
B GST/PST System for Canada..........................................................................125
Canadian Tax Programming Example....................................................................................................125
C Product Information ......................................................................................128
Specifications and Safety ............................................................................................................................128
Safety Notice....................................................................................................................................................129
Limited Warranty............................................................................................................................................130
Description Tables .........................................................................................................................................131
Index ....................................................................................................................134
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Congratulations on purchasing your new Royal cash register! This register
is designed to be easy to use, helping you to focus on running your
Before Starting
Before you start using this manual to set up and customize your cash
register, you should know the following.
When you need to press a key, you see a picture of the key you need to
press and the name of the key is in another font. For example:
1If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
If you need to type something in the round Number keys area, what you
need to type is shown in a special font. For example:
2Using the round Number keys, press 444444 and then press the
Amount Tend Total key.
Chapter 1: Welcome
2 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
What is in the Box?
Look for and unwrap the following:
Cash Register
1 starter roll of standard thermal paper, Royal Reorder Number 013127
Journal Spindle, installed in the printer compartment
Barcode reader located in a small box
• RegisterLinkTM software
1 set of keys, consisting of:
2 Cash Drawer keys (515).
2 PRG Program keys (427-023).
2 REG Register keys (427-024).
2 Z keys (427-012).
Important Phone Numbers
If you need help or want to order additional supplies, use the following
contact information.
To order items, see Ordering Supplies and Accessories on page 89.
Customer Service: 1-800-272-6229 (USA)
1-888-266-9380 (Canada)
Ordering Supplies: 1-888-261-4555
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Getting Started
Setting up your cash register consists of the following steps:
Plugging in and Putting in the Batteries
Installing the Paper Roll
Setting the Date And Time
Programming the Sales Tax
Setting at least 2 Department Keys
Do all the steps to make sure you have your cash register set up correctly.
When you are done with this chapter, see the chapter called Getting To
Know the Cash Register, starting on page 10 and the chapter called
Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics, starting on page 19 for more
information about your cash register.
Plugging in and Putting in the Batteries
Your cash register needs 3 AA 1.5 volt batteries for the memory backup
system. These batteries did not come with your cash register and you must
purchase them additionally. You should purchase these batteries before
you start this section or as soon as possible after setting up the cash
Chapter 2: Getting Started
4 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Make sure that you plug the cash register into the electrical outlet before
you put in the batteries.
To get the cash register ready to use
1Remove the cash register and the parts from the box. Store the box and
packing material in a safe, dry place. If you need to move the register in
the future, you can put it back in the box.
2Remove the tape holding the parts of the cash register in place. For
example, there may be tape on the Journal Compartment Cover. Make
sure you remove the tape on the black Journal Tape spindle inside the
printer compartment of the cash register.
3Put the register on a hard, level surface, away from rain and spilled
drinks. A hard level surface makes it easier for the cash drawer to go in
and out smoothly.
Do not put the register on a porous surface. Depending on the surface or
any cleaning solution used on the surface, the rubber feet may leave
marks on the surface. Do not place the register on any valuable surface,
such as antique or fine wood tables, desks, and so on.
4Plug the cash register into a standard three-hole electrical wall outlet.
(115-120 volt, 60 hertz). Make sure the electrical cord is not going to get
tripped over or accidentally pulled from the electrical outlet.
Put the cash register on an electrical circuit with no other electrical
device or appliance. Other appliances can overload the circuit or cause
electrical interference with the cash register. It is best that you use a
circuit without other appliances already on it.
5Install the memory backup batteries.
Open the Journal Compartment cover. Remove
the cover and put it aside.
Move the paper roller bar up and out of the way.
Grab the small handle on the right of the print
roller bar. Push the little handle towards the
back of the cash register and raise the paper
roller bar up. You see a slope down to the paper
compartment. The battery cover is located under the print roller bar,
on the slope.
Remove the battery cover. Press the edge at the top of the cover and
push to the back. The cover pops off.
If you put the batteries in first, they can damage the cash register.
Do not use this cash register outdoors in the rain or near any source of
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 5
Installing the Paper Roll
Put the batteries in the slots. Make
sure that the positive and negative
ends are in the right place. The
batteries have a little plus (positive)
and minus (negative) sign on each end
to help you.
Replace the battery cover. Slide the
bottom tabs into the long slit in the
bottom position and it snap the cover
into place. Do not put the tabs in the 2
holes in the bottom of the
compartment. The cover will not close and you will break the tabs.
6Now you are ready to put the paper in the cash register and set the time
and the date. See the next section for more information.
Installing the Paper Roll
Your cash register has a thermal printer that prints receipts for the
customer or a journal tape. Use 2¼ inch (57.5 mm) wide standard thermal
register paper.
To install the paper roll
1Insert the PRG key and turn it to either REG1 or REG2.
If you need a customer receipt, turn the Mode key to the REG1
If you do not need a customer receipt, turn the mode key to the REG2
2Unlock and open the Journal Compartment Cover. Grip the left side of
the cover and gently pull upward. Remove the Journal Compartment
Cover and set aside.
3Remove the Journal
Takeup spindle. Place
the paper roll in the
little round area at the
bottom of the
compartment. Make
sure the paper feeds
out from the bottom
of the roll, towards
the front of the cash
Chapter 2: Getting Started
6 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
4Grab the small handle on the right
of the print roller. Push the little
handle towards the back of the cash
register and raise the roller bar up.
5Lay the end of the paper across the
printer as shown. Move the print
roller down onto the paper and
snap into place. Make sure both
sides are snapped down.
Press the Feed key until the paper
catches and moves through the printer.
6Do one of the following:
If you do not need to print receipts:
Place the black plastic Journal Takeup
spindle on its grooves above the Battery
compartment. The spindle sits above the
paper roll. Press the Feed key to move
the paper through the printer about
10-12 inches. Push the paper through
one of the narrow openings in the center
of the Journal Takeup spindle. Press the
Feed key until the paper catches and
begins to wind securely around the
Journal Takeup spindle. Replace the Journal Compartment Cover.
If you want to print receipts:
Lay the customer receipt paper over the receipt slot and close the
Journal Compartment Cover.
Installing the Barcode Reader
Your cash register comes with a barcode reader. It allows you to scan
items with a UPC symbols, instead of using the keyboard to type the PLU
The barcode reader plugs into the port on the lower right side of the cash
register. Use the directions below to install it.
To install and program the barcode reader
1Unpack the reader from the box.
2Turn the Mode key to OFF.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 7
PC-Based Software
3Locate the port for the scanner on the lower
right side of the cash register. Plug the reader
into the port.
4Now you can program the barcode reader so
that you can scan UPC symbols to ring up
items. For specifics, see Programming PLUs with the Barcode Reader on
page 52.
PC-Based Software
Your cash register includes:
RegisterLink PC-based software. This software allows you to connect the
cash register to your PC to download your sales information and transfer
it to QuickBooks® 2002 or Peachtree® accounting software. For
instructions about using the software, see the RegisterLink manual.
Using the RegisterLink software requires connecting your computer to the
cash register, using the serial port. To connect your computer to the serial
port, you need a null-modem serial cable that is not included. You can
purchase this cable at any computer supply store. For technical details
about the serial connection, see About the Serial Port on page 87.
Setting the Date And Time
The date changes every day and prints in the month-day-year format. You
can prevent the date from printing on the transaction receipts. The date
format can also be changed to print day-month-year. For more
information, see Programming Flag Options on page 59.
You can set the cash register so that it does not print the time on receipts.
For more information, see Programming Flag Options on page 59.
The time can print in either the 12 or 24 hour (military time) format. The
default setting is to print in the 12 hour format, which is normally used. To
change to the 24 hour format, see Programming Flag Options on page 59.
When you set the time, you need to type the time in a 24 hour format. To
convert the current time to a 24 hour format, add the number 12 to every
hour after 12 noon. For example: 1:15 P.M. programs as 1315. 8:20 A.M.
programs as 0820.
To set the date
Example 1: To program June 30, 2002
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
Chapter 2: Getting Started
8 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
2In the round Number keys area, press 063002 and then press the
#/ST/NS key.
To set the time
Example 2: To program 9:45 P.M.
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2In the round Number keys area, press 2145 and then press the Qty/Date
Programming the Sales Tax
Now you need to program the sales tax for your area. If you do not know
your sales tax rate, contact your local government office.
You must press at least 4 digits in step 4.
If you make a mistake or you hear an error beep, press Clear and start over
with Step 3.
Example 3: To program a sales tax rate of 6%
1Find your sales tax rate. You may need to contact your local government
2Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
3In the round Number keys area, press 1 and then press the Tax 1 key.
4Press 6000 and press the Amount Tend Total key. Your sales tax is
To program other tax rates, in Step 4, press the following:
For more advanced tax rate programming, see Programming Complex
Tax Rates on page 69.
Table 1 Additional tax rate programming
For this tax rate... Press these keys...
7.75% 7750
5.5% 5500
10.5% 10500
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 9
Programming Department Keys
Programming Department Keys
You are done with the basic programming of your cash register. After you
program at least 2 department keys, you are ready to use the cash register,
if you do not want to use any of the other features.
For more information about the other features of your cash register, see
Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics on page 19 and Setting Up
Your Cash Register - Advanced on page 36.
To program Department 1 as taxable with no preset price and no description
1Using the round Number keys, press 00001 and press the
Subtotal/w/Tax key.
2Using the round Number keys, press 0 and press the Dept 1 key.
3Press the Amount Tend/Total key. The department information is saved
in the cash register.
To program Department 2 as non-taxable with no preset price and no
1Using the round Number keys, press 00000 and press the
Subtotal/w/Tax key.
2Using the round Number keys, press 0 and press the Dept 2 key.
3Press the Amount Tend/Total key. The department information is saved
in the cash register.
For more information about programming department keys, see
Programming Department Keys on page 37.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Getting To Know the Cash Register
This chapter shows you the basics of using your cash register after you set
it up. If you have not yet set up your cash register, see the Quick Start
sheet that came in the box with your cash register or Getting Started on
page 3.
About the Displays
Your cash register has 2 displays.
Customer Display
You can lift, tilt, and rotate the customer display so customers can see
what is happening. When you move the register or store it, close the
display so it doesn’t get damaged.
Your cash register has a 1 line customer display
1 line that shows letters and numbers (alphanumeric)
The alphanumeric display shows 10 digits for descriptions, scrolling text
messages, and sales dollar amounts.
Opening and Closing the Customer Display
You can open and close the customer display so that customers can easily
see what is happening.
To open and close the customer display
1To open the rear customer display, pull up, tilt, and rotate to view from
any direction.
2To close, turn the display to face the rear of the machine and press down.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 11
About the Displays
Operator Display
Your cash register also has a 2 line display for the operator. Both lines
shows letters and numbers (alphanumeric). The following codes can
appear in the display:
Table 2 Codes and words that can appear in the display
This code... Appears when...
:the -%/RA key registers a percent discount amount. Also appears
in the Customer Display.
= the Charge, Check, Amount Tend Total keys are pressed. Also
appears in the Customer Display.
ADD ON the +%/PO key registers a plus percentage amount. *
CASH the Amount Tend Total key finalizes a cash sale. *
CHANGE or Cchange is due. *
CHARGE the Charge key finalizes a sale. *
CHECK the Check key finalizes a sale. *
clerk numbers have been programmed and the clerk system is
active. When this appears, the clerk number must be entered.
COUPON the -/CPN key is pressed. *
DISCOUNT the -%/RA key registers a percent discount amount. *
ERROR an incorrect key is pressed. Press the Clear key to clear.
NO SALE the #/ST/NS key is pressed. *
NON TAX the Non Tax key is pressed.
Pyou are in the middle of a programming step. Also appears in the
Customer Display.
PE if an error is detected in the printer.
P-O the +%/PO key is used for a paid out function. *
R-A the -%/RA key is used for a received on account function. *
REFUND the Return key is pressed. *
SEC CODE a manager password is programmed. When this appears, you
must enter the password.
SUBTTL the Subtotal w/Tax or #ST/NS key is pressed. *
TAX 1/TAX 2 the TAX 1 or TAX 2 key is pressed.
VOID/CORR the Void key is operated. *
* also prints on the receipt or journal tape.
Chapter 3: Getting To Know the Cash Register
12 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
When ringing up sales, the department number or PLU number can also
appear. If a description or name has been programmed, this description
also appears.
About the Numeric Display
The following codes can appear in the Numeric Display:
Using the Mode Key Area
The Mode key area allows you to do the following.
Table 3 Codes that can appear in the Numeric Display
This code... Appears when...
PE an error is detected in the printer.
Pyou are in the middle of a programming step. Also
appears in the Customer Display.
Cr the Charge key is pressed. Also appears in the
Customer Display.
CH the Check key is pressed. Also appears in the Customer
CA the Amt Tend/Total key is pressed. Also appears in the
Customer Display.
Cchange is due. Also appears in the Customer Display.
Table 4 Mode key settings
This setting... Does this...
PRG Programs the cash register and sets the cash register to
Training mode. Use the key marked PRG.
OFF Turns the cash register off. It also electronically locks
the cash drawer. All keys do this.
REG1 Prints just receipts, does not print a journal tape in the
cash register. All keys do this.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 13
Using the Mode Key Area
If you need to keep the register plugged in when you are not using it, turn
the Mode key to the OFF position. The keyboard will not work and the
cash drawer is electronically locked. A small amount of power maintains
the program and transaction data totals.
For more information about programming the cash register, see Setting
Up Your Cash Register - the Basics on page 19 and Setting Up Your
Cash Register - Advanced on page 36.
For more information about using the cash register to ring up sales, see
Ringing up Sales and Using Training Mode on page 65.
For more information about running reports, see Running Reports on
page 73.
REG2 Prints just a journal tape in the cash register, does not
print a receipt. All keys do this.
X Lets you read all transaction totals without clearing any
totals. This is useful for mid day reports. Use the key
marked Z.
Z Lets you read all transaction totals and clears all
transaction totals to zero, except the end of day, or close
of day, totals. Use the key marked Z.
Table 4 Mode key settings
This setting... Does this...
Chapter 3: Getting To Know the Cash Register
14 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Using the Keyboard
The keyboard on your cash register looks like the following:
To use the keyboard, do the following:
To use the cash register, put the key marked
REG in the Mode key hole and turn to Reg1 or
Reg 2. Now you can press the round Number
keys and Department keys to ring up a sale. For
more information about ringing up sales, see
Ringing up Sales and Using Training Mode on
page 65.
To program the cash register, put the key
marked PRG in the Mode key slot and turn to
PRG. For more information about programming
the cash register, see Setting Up Your Cash
Register - the Basics on page 19 and Setting Up Your Cash Register -
Advanced on page 36.
Round number keys
Mode key area
Total key
opens cash drawer
Department keys and
letters for programming
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 15
Using the Cash Drawer
Using the Cash Drawer
The cash drawer is where you put the money after you ring up a sale. The
cash drawer has slots for putting paper bills and a tray for coins. You can
store paper items such as checks and charge slips under the removable
coin tray.
When you ring up a sale, the cash drawer automatically opens so you can
make change and put money away. You can also open the cash drawer
without making a sale. This is handy if you need to make change for
someone or forgot to put something away.
The cash drawer locks in 2 different ways. Locking the cash drawer is a
good idea if you need to leave the cash register.
The cash drawer automatically locks electronically when you move the
register key to the Off position. Remember to take the register key out if
you are leaving the register. The emergency open lever will still open the
cash drawer when it is electronically locked.
You can also use the 515 key to mechanically lock the cash drawer. If
you lock the cash drawer this way, you must have the key to open it
again. Even the emergency open lever will not open the cash drawer.
when it is locked with the key.
If the cash drawer will not open, see if the lock on the cash drawer is turned
to the right. If it is, the drawer is locked with the 515 key. You need the key to
unlock the cash drawer. If the key is lost or locked in the cash drawer,
contact Royal.
To open the cash drawer after a sale
1When you are done ringing up a sale, press the Amount Tend Total key
at the bottom right of the keyboard. The cash drawer opens. You can
make change and put the money in the drawer.
2When you are done, push the cash drawer closed.
To open the cash drawer without making a sale
1Press the #/ST/NS key at the bottom right of the keyboard. The cash
drawer opens and a No Sale receipt prints.
2When you are done, push the cash drawer closed.
To lock and unlock the cash drawer using the key
1Using the small key labeled 515, put the key in the lock in the front of
the cash drawer.
Chapter 3: Getting To Know the Cash Register
16 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
2To lock the cash drawer, turn the key to the right and remove the key
from the lock.
3To unlock the cash drawer, turn the key to the left and remove the key
from the lock.
To open the cash drawer using the emergency lever
1With your hands on the cash drawer, carefully tip the front of the
register up. Underneath the cash register, toward the back of the register,
you see a small lever.
2Push the lever in the only direction it will move. The cash drawer opens.
If the cash drawer will not open, make sure it is not locked with the 515
Drawer key.
Using the Accessory Drawer
Your cash register has a small drawer above the cash drawer. The
Accessory drawer can be opened at any time by anyone. It is a good place
to put things like pens, pencils, and note pads.
Because anyone can open the drawer, it is not a good idea to put checks or
charge slips in it. You should put those in the cash drawer, under the coin
Make sure that you never put anything valuable in the Accessory drawer.
Using the Counterfeit Detector Feature
Your cash register comes with a handy Counterfeit detector feature that
helps you decide if the money is possibly counterfeit or fradulant.
All new style American paper money, except for the $1 bill, have a strip
that glows under ultra-violet (UV) light. The Counterfeit detector feature
lets you see that strip before you accept the paper money.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 17
Using the Counterfeit Detector Feature
About Paper Money
Just because the Counterfeit detector feature shows a glowing strip does
not always mean the paper money is real. A clever forger may include this
strip in a fake bill. Always use multiple methods to decide if you want to
accept a bill as valid.
Each bill amount has a strip that glows a different color. The location of
the UV markings in US and Canadian currency is shown below:
Canadian Paper Currency: UV sensitive dots are placed in a random
pattern throughout the bill. These dots glow blue.
Detecting Suspicious Money
Always use multiple counterfeit detection methods to guard against
fraudulent paper currency. Some of the more common methods are:
Look for blue and red threads in the fabric.
Hold the bill up to a light source and check for the watermark - which
should be the face of the same President pictured on the front of that
denomination bill.
Hold the bill up to a normal light source (not a UV light) and look for the
UV sensitive strip, the characters USA and the numeric denomination of
the bill (either in numeric form or spelled out)
Mark the bill using a Universal Counterfeit Detector Pen, which uses
special ink that reacts to counterfeit paper currency
Table 5 US paper currency UV mark locations
US $ bill... Has this color... Located here...
$ 5 Blue Left edge of bill
$ 10 Orange Right of Hamilton's head
$ 20 Green Left edge of bill
$ 50 Yellow Right of Grant's head
$100 Red Left of Franklin's head
Chapter 3: Getting To Know the Cash Register
18 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
To use the counterfeit detector feature
1Put the paper money in the slot in the front of the cash register.
2Press the UV light button. The UV light turns on.
3Look thru the small window on the front of the cash register. If the bill
has the strip, you see a strip that glows as a color. See the table above for
the correct color. If the bill is Canadian, you see blue dots.
4When you are done, remove the bill from the slot. Press the UV button
again. The UV light turns off.
Things to Remember
The counterfeit detector feature in the cash register uses ultra-violet light
(UV light) technology and only works on new style US paper currency.
This currency has the large portrait of a US president, off-center on the
front of the bill. Old style U.S. bills, printed before 1996 and all $1 bills do
not have any fluorescent markings. These bills do not react to UV light and
the counterfeit detector in cash register does not show any fluorescent
markings on these bills, even though they may be valid US bills and not
Keep in mind that any one method of counterfeit detection, including the
UV light mechanism built-in to the cash register, is not fool-proof and only
suggests suspicious paper currency.
Using this counterfeit detection feature is open to user interpretation of the
reading of the currency under the UV-light. If no fluorescent markings are
seen on a US bill, then consider the bill suspicious. This may not mean that
the bill is definitely counterfeit. Use other counterfeit detection methods to
further examine the suspicious bill. If the US dollar bill fails multiple
counterfeit detection methods, then the bill may be counterfeit and you
must decide whether to accept the bill or not.
The opposite may also apply, when a US dollar bill may show fluorescent
markings under UV-light, but there is still a slight chance that the bill is a
very sophisticated counterfeit bill. There are no absolute guarantees to the
authenticity of a US dollar bill without the use of very high-end,
sophisticated testing methods and devices.
2 UV light button
1 Insert paper bill
3 Look in window
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Setting Up Your Cash Register - the
This chapter includes explanations for setting:
Messages on the display and on receipts
Setting clerk numbers
Setting machine numbers
Setting clerk and manager passwords
Clearing error codes
Using the Displays
Your cash register includes two displays: 1 for the clerk and 1 for the
customer. The displays feature large, easy to read fluorescent digits for
easy viewing.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics
20 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
The Clerk Display
When ringing up sales, you see the department number or PLU number
on the clerk display. If a description or name is programmed, this
description appears.
For information about all the messages that can appear on the display and
how to open and close the display, see Opening and Closing the
Customer Display on page 10.
Setting Alphanumeric Descriptions
You can program a custom logo and message, clerk names, departments,
and item descriptions. These text messages and descriptions appear on the
receipt and on the display.
When you are programming the alpha
descriptions for Departments, PLUs, Clerks,
the Store Name/Logo Message, use the
Alpha Keyboard.
Only capital letters of the alphabet are on the
Alpha Keyboard. You can use lower case
letters. See Alphanumeric Code Chart on
page 21.
The department keys are clearly labeled
with all the letters needed to program these
descriptions. When you are programming
alpha descriptions, use the department keys
to spell out the words you want.
To use the letters in the white part of the Department keys, simply press
the Department key.
To use the letters in the lower green area of the keys, press the Dept Shift
key and then press the key with the letter you want.
You might need certain symbols or lower case characters that are not
found on the Alpha Keyboard. For example, if you require a space
between words, or if you need the / symbol, or the - symbol, see the
Alphanumeric Code Chart shown in the next section.
If you enter the wrong character, press the Void key to backspace and
delete that character. Now you can continue.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 21
Setting Alphanumeric Descriptions
Alphanumeric Code Chart
Other characters are also available. Use the tables in this section to help
you find the ones you need.
Use this table for lower case letters and numbers.
Table 6 Letters and numbers
Number Character
Space 00 s20
Wide Character 01 t21
a02 u22
b03 v23
c04 w24
d05 x25
e06 y26
f07 z27
h09 Numbers
i10 030
j11 131
k12 232
l13 333
m14 434
n15 534
o16 636
p17 737
q18 838
r19 939
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics
22 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Use this table for punctuation and foreign characters.
Table 7 Special Characters and Punctuation
Number Character
¡80 ?28
¿81 !29
á82 @40
é83 /67
í84 :68
ó85 #69
ú86 &70
Ä93 %71
Ü94 $72
Ö95 ,
Ï96 (74
ü97 )75
Ñ98 *76
ñ99 +77
(semi colon)
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 23
Setting Alphanumeric Descriptions
Using Single Width Characters
The following describes the maximum number of characters that can be
programmed for each item description in single width.
To make a space to separate words, press the round Number 0 key twice or
press the round Number 00 key one time.
For double wide characters, see Using Double Wide Characters.
For programming department keys, see Programming Department Keys
on page 37.
For programming PLUs, see Programming PLU Descriptions on
page 51.
For programming Clerk names and numbers, see Setting Clerk Numbers
and Names on page 28.
About Programming Numbers in Logo Messages
If you need to print numbers, you must enter the numbers using the
Alphanumeric Code Chart. For example, for the telephone number
999-555-1212, the number 9 is programmed using the character code
39, the number 5 is programmed using the code 35, and so on.
Using Double Wide Characters
For extra emphasis, you can program double wide characters for a specific
character or a line of characters.
Department 12 Characters
PLU 12 Characters
Clerk Name 24 Characters
Store Logo/message 5 Lines (24 characters each)
Normal Size Double Wide
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics
24 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
If you use double wide characters, the maximum number of characters
you can use is cut in half.
To make a character print extra wide, you must use the double width code
01 before each character as you type in the description.
Programming a Store Logo or a Commercial Message
You can specify a store header to print on customer receipts. The header
can be a maximum of 5 lines. Each line can have 24 characters in single
width or 12 characters in double width.
is the default printout for the header
Make a copy of the blank Store Logo Worksheet below for future changes
or revisions to your logo.
Store Logo Worksheet
Use this worksheet to make your logo and message. Make a copy of the
blank worksheet before you start, in case you make a mistake or change
your mind.
If you enter the wrong character, press the Void key to backspace and
delete that character and then continue.
Department 6 characters
PLU 6 characters
Clerk Name 12 characters
Store Logo/Message 5 lines, 12 characters each
Commercial (Footer)
5 lines, 12 characters each
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 25
Setting Alphanumeric Descriptions
Before programming your logo or message
1Write out your store name and the logo message you want to program.
2After writing out your message, count the number of characters on each
line. The following example shows a message and the letter count,
including spaces.
3Complete the chart, filling in extra unused characters with blank spaces.
In the example, blank spaces are added at the beginning and end of each
line so the message is centered.
Remember, you can make the characters double width but you can only
use half the total number of characters if you do this. For example, if you
want Coffee to be double wide, you need 12 spaces. For more
information about double wide characters, see Using Double Wide
Characters on page 23.
You can also use characters other than those on the Department keys,
such as numbers, punctuation, and international letters. See the
Alphanumeric Code Chart on page 21.
This is an example of a programmed Store Logo:
To make a space to separate words, press the 0 key twice or press the 00
key one time.
999-555-1212 12
Line 2 999-555-1212
Line 4 OPEN 7AM TO 6PM
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics
26 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
If you enter the wrong character, press the Void key to backspace and
delete that character and then continue.
To program your logo
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3For the 1st line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 31.
Press the Return key. The Logo line 1 appears on the display.
Enter the 1st line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
4If you want a 2nd line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 32.
Press the Return key. Logo line 2 appears on the display.
Enter the 2nd line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
5If you want a 3rd line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 33.
Press the Return key. Logo line 3 appears on the display.
Enter the 3rd line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
6If you want a 4th line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 34.
Press the Return key. Logo line 4 appears on the display.
Enter the 4th line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
7If you want a 5th line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 35.
Press the Return key. Logo line 5 appears on the display.
Enter the 5th line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
8When you are done, turn the Mode key to Off.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 27
Setting Alphanumeric Descriptions
Setting the Commercial Message in the Footer
You can also program a message that automatically prints at the bottom of
the receipt. For example, you can list your hours of operation or a special
promotion at the bottom of every receipt.
The Commercial message can have up to 5 lines. Each line can have 24
characters in single width or 12 characters in double width. For more
information about double-width messages, see Using Double Wide
Characters on page 23.
For example, the message at the bottom of the receipt can say:
Use the worksheet on page 24 to plan your message before you start.
If you enter the wrong character, press the Void key to backspace and delete
that character and then continue.
To program your commercial message
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3For the 1st line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 71.
•Press the Return key. The Footer line 1 appears on the display.
Enter the 1st line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
4If you want a 2nd line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 72.
•Press the Return key. Footer line 2 appears on the display.
Enter the 2nd line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
5If you want a 3rd line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 73.
•Press the Return key. Footer line 3 appears on the display.
Enter the 3rd line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics
28 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
6If you want a 4th line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 74.
Press the Return key. Footer line 4 appears on the display.
Enter the 4th line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
7If you want a 5th line, do the following:
Using the round Number keys area, press 75.
Press the Return key. Footer line 5 appears on the display.
Enter the 5th line of the logo, up to 24 characters and then press the
Check key.
8When you are done, turn the Mode key to Off.
Setting Clerk Numbers and Names
You can program and assign up to 26 Clerk Numbers so you can monitor
sales by individual employees. Each clerk number can also be assigned a
24 character name.
The Clerk Numbers are used in the register modes REG1 and REG2 only.
To see the sales totals for each clerk, a Clerk Report is available in both
the X and Z modes.
You can spell names by using department keys. For more information, see
Setting Alphanumeric Descriptions on page 20.
When entering the clerk passwords, they appear as asterisks **** on the
displays for extra security.
After you specify Clerk Number and Names, you must set a flag option so
that clerks must enter their clerk number before every transaction. For
more information, see Programming Flag Options on page 59. If you do
not set the flag option to turn on Clerk Numbers, all transactions listed on
reports and receipts will appear under Clerk 1.
After you are done programming clerk numbers, you can check your
results. See Printing the Quick Start Program Confirmation Report on
page 32.
If you make a mistake while you are programming the Clerk Numbers, press
the Clear key and begin again with Step 3.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 29
Setting Clerk Numbers and Names
To set clerk numbers
Example 4: For Clerk #1, Security number is 234
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 444444 and then press the
Amount Tend Total key. The letter C appears in the Customer Display
and Clerk Pass appears in the clerk display until Step 6 is complete.
4Using the round Number keys, press 1 for Clerk #1 and then press 234
for the Security number and press the Clerk key.
5Repeat Step 4 for adding Clerks 2 through 26.
6When you are done programming Clerk Numbers, press the Clear key.
7Before you can use Clerk Numbers, you must activate the Clerk System
by selecting Option #1 on Flag 12. Do the following:
Press 121 and then press the Void key.
To program a clerk name
Example 5: For Clerk #1, program name as Sally Smith
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 1 for Clerk #1 and then press the
Return key.
4To program a name, press the Department keys or the Alphanumeric
Code Chart, as needed. For an explanation of how to use the
Department keys to spell words, see Setting Alphanumeric Descriptions
on page 20. Remember, the Department Shift key lets you use the letters
in the lower green section on the Department keys. To make a space to
separate words, press the 0 key twice or press the 00 key one time.
5Press the Check key when you are done.
To use clerk numbers
Example 6: Clerk #1 has a passcode of 234
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to either the REG1 or
REG2 position.
2Using the round Number keys, press 1, then press the Clerk key. Press
234 and then press the Check key.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics
30 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
3The first 2 digits of the display show the Clerk Number when entered
and the display shows the Clerk Name. The cash register is now ready
for operation.
Using the Clerk System
If you see the message CLERK E12, RE-CLERK#, or CLERK ERR in the
display and you hear the error beep, clerk numbers are programmed and
the clerk system is active.
To use the Clerk System
1Press the Clear key to clear the error condition and then enter a clerk
number and press Clerk.
2If you programmed a clerk security code, enter the clerk number and
then press the Clerk key. Using the round Number keys, press the three
digit security code and then press the Check key.
Setting the Machine Number
You can assign your cash register its own number. This is useful if you
have several cash registers and want to track which one creates which
receipts and transactions.
The machine number prints on all receipts/journal records, and
management reports. The machine number can be up to 4 digits long.
After you are done programming the machine number, you can check
your results. See Printing the Quick Start Program Confirmation Report
on page 32.
To set the machine number
Example 7: Program the cash register number to 1234
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 1234 and then press the +%/PO
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 31
Setting X and Manager Passwords
Setting X and Manager Passwords
Two Manager Passwords are available for added security:
one password to go to the PRG and Z modes
one password to go to the X mode.
After you program a password, you must use it every time you go to the
program mode or before every X or Z readings, depending on which you
set the password for.
When you enter a password, it appears as asterisks **** on the displays for
extra security.
To set manager passwords
Example 8: To set the X password as 1212
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2Using the round Number keys, press 222222, and then press the
Amount Tend Total key. The X PASS prompt and the letter P appears
until you complete step 3.
3Using the round Number keys, press 1212 and then press the Non Tax
Example 9: If the PRG/Z password is 1313
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2Using the round Number keys, press 111111 and press the Amount
Tend Total key. The PASS prompt and the letter P appears until you
complete step 3.
3Using the round Number keys, press 1313 and press the Non Tax key.
To use manager passwords
Example 10: Go to the X mode, using the Manager Password 1212
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X position.
The Manager Password cannot be 0000 (zeros). The cash register will not
accept this password.
Write your passwords down in a safe place. If you forget the passwords,
you must do a Full System Clear procedure. A Full System Clear erases all
transaction information and programming. For details on the Full System
Clear, see Full System Clear on page 93.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics
32 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
2Using the round Number keys, press 1212 and then press the Check
3You are now ready to run an X Report.
Example 11: Go to the PRG or Z modes, using the Manager Password 1313
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG or Z
2Using the round Number keys, press 1313 and then press the Check
3You are now ready to program or take any reports based on your
selection in the first step.
Printing the Quick Start Program Confirmation Report
Now that basic programming is complete, check your results with a Quick
Start Program Confirmation Report.
If you made a mistake during programming, repeat only the step in
question. For example, if only the tax rate is incorrect, just re-program the
tax—you do not need to re-set the time, date, and so on.
To print the Quick Start Program Confirmation Report
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2Using the round Number keys, press 999999 and then press the
Amount Tend Total key.
3After the Program Confirmation Report prints, press the Feed key to
advance the complete report out of the cash register.
See the next page for an example of this report.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 33
Before Going to Register Mode
Your tape looks similar to the example Program Confirmation Report
shown below.
The Date, Time, Tax Rate and Department Status shows the information
based upon your input.
For more details of the symbols printed in the Program Confirmation
Report, see Running Reports on page 73.
Before Going to Register Mode
Your cash register offers many other features not covered in this chapter.
Other options are covered in the chapter called Setting Up Your Cash
Register - Advanced, starting on page 36.
We also provide examples to help you learn how to use your cash register.
For information about the examples, see Examples on page 94.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics
34 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Error Codes
Your cash register makes beeps as well as shows you messages in the
display. Some beeps and messages let you know everything is working
and others let you know you need to do something.
Clearing an Error
The Clear key stops an alarm beep that happened because a key was
pressed that was not correct for that operation.
The Clear key does not erase a transaction that was registered by an
operating key and printed on the register tape.
To erase an entry after you press a key that printed the entry on the tape,
use the Void key to correct the error.
If the cash register makes a loud error beep, press the Clear key to stop it.
Table 8 Common errors
This error... Means this...
Register Beep The cash register makes a short beep each
time a key is pressed. This is normal and not a
cause for concern.
Entry Error Beep When using your cash register, you must
perform all operations in the correct order. If
you press the wrong key at the wrong time, an
alarm beep sounds and you see a message on
the display. The keyboard also locks. Press the
Clear key to continue.
When a transaction is started in the REG1 or
REG2 position, you must complete the sale
before moving the Mode key to another
position. When an operation is started but not
finished in the REG1 or REG2 positions,
turning the Mode key to another position
makes an alarm beep and you see an error
message on the display. Press the Clear key to
Printer Error If a PE appears in the display, check if you are
out of paper. Check for a paper jam. For more
information about other solutions, see PE
Printer Error on page 91.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 35
Error Codes
If your cash register will not stop making a beeping sound after you press
the Clear key, you can do two more things.
Half System Clear
If you pressed the Clear key and the error beep does not stop, you can do
a Half System Clear. For more information about a Half System Clear, see
Half System Clear on page 93.
Full System Clear
If you did a Half System Clear and the error beep still does not stop, as a
last resort, you can do a Full System Clear. For more information about
the Full System Clear, see Full System Clear on page 93.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Setting Up Your Cash Register -
This chapter shows you more advanced programming for your cash
register. This chapter covers:
Programming Department Keys
Programming PLU Descriptions
Setting the Decimal Points
Setting the Rounding Rates
Programming Discounts
Programming Flag Options
When you are done programming your cash register, you can run the
Programming Report to see your results. See Running the Program
Confirmation Report on page 73.
While you are programming, the letter P often appears in the display.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 37
Programming Department Keys
Programming Department Keys
Departments are a category of merchandise. For example, Department 1
can be Housewares, Department 2 can be Food, Department 3 can be
Womens Clothing, and so on. This helps you track what you are selling.
Each department can be programmed as taxable or non-taxable, so that if
an item needs to be taxed, it is added automatically when you ring up an
item in a taxable department.
You can have as many as 99 departments on your cash register. If you
have many departments, you may want to make a list so other people who
use the cash register can properly use the department keys.
Programming departments includes up to 6 steps. Not all steps listed
below may apply to your specific needs, but you must specify a value for
each, even if you do not plan to use that feature.
1Setting Standard and Gallonage Mode
2Programming Multiple and Single Items
3Programming High Digit Lock-out (HDLO)
4Programming Tax Status
5Programming Department Preset Price
6Programming Department Names
For specific information about each of the items above, see the next
After you are done, you can check your results. See Running the
Department Sales Report on page 76.
To program department keys
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Press the following, in this order:
Press this... To specify this... See this page...
0 or 1Standard or gallonage 39
0 or 1Multiple or single items 39
0 to 6HDLO 39
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
38 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
4To add another department, do step 3 again.
To program Department 1 as taxable with no preset price and no
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 00001 and then press the
Subtotal/w/Tax key.
4Using the round Number keys, press 0 and then press the Dept 1 key.
5Press the Amount Tend/Total key. Skip this step if you are going to enter
a description. The department information is saved in the cash register.
To program Department 2 as non-taxable with no preset price and no
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
00 to 15
and then
Tax status 40
0 or up to a 7 digit
Department preset value 41
A department key The department key for
this department
If you do not want to program a
department name, press the Amount
Tend/Total key.
Skip the next steps. You are done with this
The alphanumeric
keys to spell the
department name.
The department name 42
The information is saved in the cash register
Press this... To specify this... See this page...
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 39
Programming Department Keys
3Using the round Number keys, press 00000 and then press the
Subtotal/w/Tax key.
4Using the round Number keys, press 0 and then press the Dept 2 key.
5Press the Amount Tend/Total key. Skip this step if you are going to enter
a description. The department information is saved in the cash register.
Setting Standard and Gallonage Mode
A department can be set for either Standard Mode or Gallonage Mode.
Gallonage Mode allows entering a price with 3 decimal places,
representing the cost per gallon, pound, kilogram, yard, meter, or other
unit of measurement. For example, $1.499 per gallon.
Standard Mode enters the price using the normal 2 decimal place setting.
Programming Multiple and Single Items
Multiple Item Entry allows you to ring up two or more items into a
department. For example, if you want to ring up 5 of the same items, you
can tell the cash register to multiply the one price by the number of items.
Single Item Entry allows you to ring up only one item in a department.
For example, if you want to ring up 5 of the same items, you must ring
each one up individually.
Programming High Digit Lock-out (HDLO)
You can specify the most number of digits that can be rung up in an entry.
This feature helps to prevent against large over-rings. If too many digits
Table 9 Standard/Gallonage Mode
This number... Means this...
0 Standard Mode
1 Gallonage Mode
Table 10 Multiple / single item
This number... Means this...
0 Multiple Item Sale
1 Single Item Sale
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
40 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
are entered, the error beep sounds and the keypad locks up. For example,
to limit ring ups of more than $99.99, set the HDLO to 4.
Programming Tax Status
Some items must have tax collected by law. You can program your cash
register to automatically assign the right amount of tax, based on the
department the item is assigned to.
You can link no tax, a single tax rate (Tax 1), or multiple tax rates (Tax 2,
3 or 4) to a department key.
Table 11 High digit lock out (HDLO) values
This number... From this... to this...
0 $ .01 $ 99,999.99 (Standard setting)
3 .01 9.99
5 .01 999.99
6 .01 9,999.99
Table 12 Tax status settings
This tax status
number... Means this...
00 Non-Taxable (use this if you do not want to charge tax)
01 Taxable by TAX 1 Rate
02 Taxable by TAX 2 Rate
03 Taxable by TAX 3 Rate
04 Taxable by TAX 4 Rate
05 Taxable by TAX 1 and TAX 2 Rates
06 Taxable by TAX 1 and TAX 3 Rates
07 Taxable by TAX 1 and TAX 4 Rates
08 Taxable by TAX 2 and TAX 3 Rates
09 Taxable by TAX 2 and TAX 4 Rates
10 Taxable by TAX 3 and TAX 4 Rates
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 41
Programming Department Keys
Programming Department Preset Price
If you do not want to preset a price, a price of 0 must be assigned to that
department key. Department Preset Price programs a price in a
department to save time when ringing up an entry. Even if a price has
been pre-programmed, you can override the price at the time of sale.
The price automatically rings up each time the department key is pressed.
If you do not need a preset price, enter 0 as the price.
Assigning Department Number Keys
You must assign a department number. After you assign a department
number, you can press the Amount Tend/Total key to finish programming
if you do not want a department description.
The Department number keys from 1 to 20 are easy to use: You just press
the Department number key you want. For example, to use Dept 2, press
the Dept 2 key.
The Department keys from 21 to 40 are also easy to use. Just press the
Dept Shift key and then press the Department number key you want. For
example, to use Dept 23, press the Dept 23 key.
To use the Department keys from 41 to 99, do the following:
•Press the Dept Shift key.
Using the round Number keys, type the Department number from 41 to
99 that you want to use. For example, for Department 63, press the 6
key and then press the 3 key.
•Press the Dept Shift key again.
11 Taxable by TAX 1, TAX 2 and TAX 3 Rates
12 Taxable by TAX 1, TAX 2 and TAX 4 Rates
13 Taxable by TAX 1, TAX 3 and TAX 4 Rates
14 Taxable by TAX 2, TAX 3 and TAX 4 Rates
15 Taxable by TAX 1, TAX 2, TAX 3 and TAX 4 Rates
Table 12 Tax status settings (Continued)
This tax status
number... Means this...
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
42 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Programming Department Names
A name or description can be assigned to each department key. This
name appears on the clerk display and prints when ringing up sales.
For example, Clothing can print on the receipt in place of Dept 1,
Shoes can print on the receipt in place of Dept 2, Sportswear can
print on the receipt in place of Department 3, and so on.
When you are programming the descriptions for Departments, use the
Alphanumeric Keyboard.
When you are done programming the department description, press the
Check key to save your programming. The information is saved in the cash
register and you can program the next item.
Only capital letters of the alphabet are on the
Alphanumeric Keyboard. You can also use lower
case letters and numbers, certain symbols, and
international characters. See Alphanumeric Code
Chart on page 43.
The department keys are clearly labeled with
all the letters you need to program these
descriptions. When you are programming
alphanumeric descriptions, use the department
keys to spell out the words you want.
You can use the letters in the lower green area
of the keys by pressing the Dept Shift key and
then pressing the key with the letter you want.
You might need certain symbols, numbers, international characters or
lower case characters that are not found on the Alphanumeric Keyboard.
For example, if you require a space between words, or if you need the /
symbol, or -, you use the round Number keys to type the correct
alphanumeric code. See the Alphanumeric Code Chart shown in the next
If you enter the wrong character, press the Void key to backspace and
delete that character. Now you can continue.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 43
Programming Department Keys
Alphanumeric Code Chart
Many characters are also available. Use the tables in this section to help
you find the ones you need.
Use the following table for lower case letters and numbers. If you want to
use double width characters, press 01 before each character.
For example, to program Y E S, type 01 Department Shift key Y
01 E 01 S. For more information, see Using Double Wide Characters
on page 23.
Table 13 Letters and numbers
Number Character
Space 00 s20
Wide Character 01 t21
a02 u22
b03 v23
c04 w24
d05 x25
e06 y26
f07 z27
h09 Numbers
i10 030
j11 131
k12 232
l13 333
m14 434
n15 534
o16 636
p17 737
q18 838
r19 939
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
44 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Use this table for punctuation and foreign characters.
Table 14 Special Characters and Punctuation
Number Character
¡80 ?28
¿81 !29
á82 @40
é83 /67
í84 :68
ó85 #69
ú86 &70
Ä93 %71
Ü94 $72
Ö95 ,
Ï96 (74
ü97 )75
Ñ98 *76
ñ99 +77
(semi colon)
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 45
Programming Scrolling Messages
Programming Scrolling Messages
Your cash register shows messages that move when you are not using it.
You can use the default messages or you can program your own. You can
change one or more messages at any time. For example, if you have a new
promotion, you can change the Idle 1 message to say something about the
The scrolling messages that can be programmed are the following:
You can program up to 42 characters for each scroll message. Messages 4
and 5 (IDLE messages) can be combined for a maximum of 84 characters.
The following messages display automatically. You can change these
default messages, using the following instructions.
Here are some samples of messages that can be programmed:
Table 15 Scrolling messages
Number Message Type This message shows...
1OFF message In the OFF position
2MODE message During the idle state in PRG, X, Z
3SALES message After the sales transaction
4IDLE message 1 In the idle state in REG modes during
the morning hours *
5IDLE message 2 In the idle state in REG modes during
the afternoon hours *
* IDLE messages 1 and 2 can be combined for 1 longer message
that runs all day.
Mode Message PLEASE WAIT
Idle Message 1 GOOD MORNING
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
46 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
To program a message
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 6, press the number of the message
you want to change, and press the Return key.
For example, to change the message that shows when you move the
Mode key to the Off position, press 6 1 Return.
4Type your message, using either the Alphanumeric keys or the special
codes. For more information about using the Alphanumeric keys to type
letters, see Setting Alphanumeric Descriptions on page 20.
If you enter the wrong character, press the Void key to backspace and
delete that character. Now you can continue.
5When you are done, press the Check key. You can program another
message by starting with step 3.
Programming Scrolling Message Display Times
After you have programed your scrolling message, you can set the length
of time you want the message to run.
After you are done, you can check your results. See Running the Program
Confirmation Report on page 73.
Setting the Off Message
To program the Off message time setting
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 1, press the number of seconds you
want to delay as 2 digits, and press the Charge key.
OFF message Number of seconds after the register is
turned off before the message starts.
To stop the message after it starts,
press the Feed key.
Settings in
seconds: 00–99
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 47
Programming Scrolling Message Display Times
Setting the Mode Message
To program the Mode message time setting
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 2, press the number of seconds you
want to delay as 2 digits, and press the Charge key.
Setting the Sales Message Start and Stop Times
To program the Sales message start time setting
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 3, press the number of seconds you
want to delay as 2 digits, and press the Charge key.
MODE message Number of seconds before the
register turns into idle mode in
PRG, X, Z modes and the
message starts.
This message does not display in
REG modes.
Settings in
seconds: 00–99
SALES message
Number of seconds after a sale is
complete before the message
The register must be set in REG
Settings in
seconds: 00 – 99
SALES message
Number of seconds the Sales
message runs before the Idle
message starts.
The register must be set in REG
Settings in
seconds: 00 – 99
00 = No Sales
message appears
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
48 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
To program the Sales message stop time setting
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 4, press the number of seconds
you want to delay as 2 digits, and press the Charge key.
Setting the Idle Messages
To program the Idle message display after the time appears
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 50, press the number of seconds
you want to delay as 1 digit, and press the Charge key.
To program the Idle message pattern
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 60, press 0 or 1 for your message
display choice, and press the Charge key.
Idle message
display after the
time appears
Number of seconds for the Time
to appear before the Idle
message appears again.
When the Time changes while an
Idle message is running, the time
appears for a few seconds. After
the specified time, the Idle
message appears again.
Settings in
seconds: 0 – 9
0 does not show
the time at all.
Idle message
Setting the Idle message to 0
runs Idle message 1 in the AM
and Idle message 2 in the PM.
Setting the Idle message to 1
combines both Idle messages
and runs them all day.
Settings: 0 – 1
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 49
Programming the Credit Keys
Setting the Amount of Time Letters Appear in the Display
You can specify the amount of time letters appear in the display. The
shorter amount of time, the faster the message scrolls across the display.
To program the amount of time letters appears
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 70. Press one digit number from
the chart below, representing the number of seconds you want to delay,
and press the Charge key.
Programming the Credit Keys
You can use 2 department keys as credit card-only keys. You can use one
or both keys if you want. For example, you can set Department 19 to be a
Visa® card and Department 20 to be a MasterCard®. You can also
program the cash register to print the name of the credit card on the
receipt or journal tape.
When you ring up a sale, you can use Department 19 or Department 20 to
finalize the credit card sale, open the cash drawer, and print the receipt or
journal tape.
You must set Flag 16 Option Number 1, 2, or 3 to use this feature. For
more information about setting Flags, see Programming Flag Options on
page 59.
Press this number... To specify...
00.2 seconds Fast
20.4 - Default
81.0 Slow
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
50 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
If you want to use Departments 19 and 20 as credit card keys, they no longer
work as department keys until you set Flag 16 back to 0.
To program a credit key
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3To program a card name that prints on the receipt or journal tape, press
51 for Department key 20 or press 52 for Department key 19 and then
press the Return key. If you do not program a card name, it prints as
4Type the name of the credit card just as you did when you programmed
Department names. You can type up to 12 characters and spaces.
For example, to type VISA, press the following keys:
For more information about using the Department keys to type letters,
see Programming Department Keys on page 37.
If you enter the wrong character, press the Void key to backspace and
delete that character. Now you can continue.
5When you are done, press the Check key.
Press this key... To get this letter...
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 51
Programming PLU Descriptions
Programming PLU Descriptions
The Price-Look Up system allows for fast, accurate entry of an item and
automatically records the number of items sold. If you want to use the
barcode reader, you can scan UPC codes to ring up items.
A total of 1000 Price Look Up codes (PLUs) are available. Each PLU must
be programmed with up to a 12 character description that appears on the
display and prints on the tape.
Programming PLUs consists of the following:
1Assign a PLU number between 1 and 1000 to each sales item or scan the
UPC barcode.
2Assign a price.
3Link the PLU to a department key with the appropriate Tax Status for
that PLU.
4Enter a description for the PLU. You must enter a description, even if it
is as simple as PLU4.
For example, if PLU #1 is a taxable item, you can link it to a Department
key which is set up for tax. If PLU #2 is not a taxable item, you can link it
to a Department key which is programmed for no tax.
You do not need to press the decimal point key when entering a price.
After you are done, you can check your results. See Running the PLU
Confirmation Report on page 75.
Programming PLUs without a Barcode Reader
You can program PLUS without using a barcode reader. Use the following
To program PLUs without a barcode reader
Example 12: Set PLU #1 with a $2.99 price, linked to Department 1,
description of APPLE
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Press the Qty/Date key to begin programming the PLUs. The PLU
prompt appears on the display.
4Using the round Number keys, press 1 and press the PLU key.
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
52 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
5Using the round Number keys, press 299 and then press the
Department 1 key. For more information about using the department
keys, see Assigning Department Number Keys on page 41.
6Press the keys to spell APPLE, using the Alphanumeric keys or the
Alphanumeric Code Chart, if needed. For an explanation of how to use
the Department keys to spell words, see Setting Alphanumeric
Descriptions on page 20. The Department Shift key lets you use the
letters in the lower green area on the Department keys.
To make a space to separate words, press the round Number 0 key twice
or press the round Number 00 key one time.
You must enter a description, even if it is as simple as PLU4.
If you enter the wrong character, press the Void key to backspace and
delete that character and then continue.
7Press the Check key. The PLU information is saved in the cash register.
If you want to program more PLUs, repeat steps 4 through 7.
8When you are done programming PLUs, press the Qty/Date key.
Programming PLUs with the Barcode Reader
You can use the barcode reader to scan items and automatically ring them
up. Using the barcode reader reduces errors caused by people ringing up
items incorrectly. The barcode reader must be held about ½ inch or closer
above the UPC symbol on the product to read the UPC symbol properly.
To program PLUs using the barcode reader
Example 13: Set a UPC symbol to a $2.99 price, linked to Department 1,
description of BOOK
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Press the Qty/Date key to begin programming the PLUs.
4Using the barcode reader, scan the UPC you want for this PLU. Hold
the barcode reader less than ½ inch from the UPC you want to scan.
Press the button on the bottom of the reader to read the UPC. The
barcode reader beeps.
5Using the round Number keys, press 299 and then press the
Department 1 key. The PLU name appears on the display. For more
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 53
Setting the Decimal Points
information about using the department keys, see Assigning Department
Number Keys on page 41.
6Press the keys to spell BOOK, using the Department keys or the
Alphanumeric Code Chart, if needed. For an explanation of how to use
the Department keys to spell words, see Setting Alphanumeric
Descriptions on page 20. The Department Shift key lets you use the
letters in the lower green area on the Department keys.
To make a space to separate words, press the 0 key twice or press the 00
key one time.
You must enter a description, even if it is as simple as PLU4.
If you enter the wrong character, press the Void key to backspace and delete
that character and then continue.
7Press the Check key. The PLU information is saved in the cash register.
8Repeat steps 4 through 7 to program more PLUs.
9When you are done programming PLUs, press the Qty/Date key.
Setting the Decimal Points
The decimal point is set by selecting from the following 4 options:
After you program the decimal point, you do not need to specify a decimal
when you ring up sales. If you try to use a decimal point, you hear an error
After you are done, you can check your results. See Running the Program
Confirmation Report on page 73.
To program the decimal points
Example 14: Program the Decimal Point For Option $X.XX, 2 decimal places,
normally used in the United States
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
This decimal point... Looks like...
zero decimal point 0 = $ X
one decimal point 1 = $ X.X
two decimal point 2 = $ X.XX (U.S. Standard)
three decimal point 3 = $ X.XXX
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
54 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 2 and then press the -%/RA key.
Setting the Rounding Rates
You may want to sell 2 items for an odd number price. If someone wants
to purchase that item, they cannot pay you a half cent, so you need the
cash register to round the half cent to the next nearest penny.
You can select from the following options to set the rounding.
After you are done, you can check your results. See Running the Program
Confirmation Report on page 73.
To set the rounding
Example 15: Program rounding to 50, normally used in the United States
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 50 and then press the Charge key.
Programming Discounts
Sometimes you want to have discounts assigned automatically. For
example, when you have a sale, you may want to be able to apply a 10%
discount to certain items.
Programming Minus Percentage Discounts
You may want to deduct a percentage rate from the usual rate of an item,
such as an employee discount. The Minus Percentage Discount [-%/RA]
subtracts a percentage rate from an individual item. You can program the
rate or you can enter it by hand each time. Regardless of how you specify
Table 16 Rounding
This number... Rounds to this...
00 Numbers from .1 - .9 to 0
50 Numbers from .5 - .9 to 1 (U.S. Standard)
99 Numbers from .1 - .9 to 1
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 55
Programming Discounts
a discount, the discount you enter must always be 4 digits. For example,
you enter a 25% discount as 2500.
You can also set it so that the Minus Percentage Discount amount is not
subtracted from the department totals on the Management Reports. For
more information, see Flag 23 on page 63.
After you are done, you can check your results. See Running the Program
Confirmation Report on page 73.
To program a Minus Percentage Discount [-%/ra]
Example 16: Program the Percentage Discount rate of 10%
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 1000 0 and then press the -%/RA
You must always enter the percentage rate as a 4-digit number without
the decimal point, representing 00.00 through 99.99.
See Minus Percentage Discount Sale on page 103 to ring up a Minus
Percentage Discount sale.
Programming Coupon Discounts
You can use the Coupon Discount (CPN) key to subtract a specific amount
from an individual item. You can enter a coupon in the middle of a
transaction or by itself in a transaction.
After you are done, you can check your results. See Running the Program
Confirmation Report on page 73.
Programming the Coupon Discount key includes 2 steps:
1Setting a High Digit Lock Out (HDLO) number
The High Digit Lock Out (HDLO) number limits the number of digits
that can be rung up in a coupon discount. This prevents you from
accidentally subtracting a large amount.
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
56 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
If large number of digits is entered, you hear an error beep and the
keypad locks up. For example: To make sure no one can ring up more
than $99.99 on the Coupon Discount key, set the HDLO to 4.
2Setting the Tax Status.
The tax status determines how you want the tax rate to be charged when
using the Coupon Discount key. Contact your local tax authorities to learn
your local tax requirements.
The options are:
To charge tax on the original amount of an item (the amount before
the coupon is deducted).
To charge tax on the discounted amount of an item (the amount after
the coupon discount is deducted).
If you have no tax rate programmed in the cash register, use 00 from the Tax
Status Numbers table.
The following Tax Status numbers are used to link the Tax Status to the
Coupon Discount key.
Table 17 High digit lockout number (HDLO)
This number... From this... to this...
0 $ .01 $ 99,999.99 (Standard setting)
1.01 .09
2.01 .99
3 .01 9.99
4.01 99.99
5 .01 999.99
6 .01 9,999.99
Table 18 Tax Status Numbers
Number Taxable by... To charge the...
00 Non-Taxable If no tax is programmed in the cash register, or
If you want to charge tax on the original
amount of an item (the amount before the
coupon is deducted).
01 TAX 1 TAX 1 rate on the discounted amount of an
item. *
02 TAX 2 TAX 2 rate on the discounted amount of an
item. *
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 57
Programming Discounts
To program the Coupon key
The following examples show the most commonly used options in
programming the Coupon Discount key.
Method 1
You can select if no tax is programmed in the cash register or if you want
to charge the tax rate on the original amount of an item (the amount
before the coupon is deducted).
Example 17: If HDLO is set to 0, and the Tax Status Number is set to 0
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
03 TAX 3 TAX 3 rate on the discounted amount of an
item. *
04 TAX 4 TAX 4 rate on the discounted amount of an
item. *
05 TAX 1 and
TAX 1 and TAX 2 rates on the discounted
amount of an item. *
06 TAX 1 and
TAX 1 and TAX 3 rates on the discounted
amount of an item. *
07 TAX 1 and
TAX 1 and TAX 4 rates on the discounted
amount of an item. *
08 TAX 2 and
TAX 2 and TAX 3 rates on the discounted
amount of an item. *
09 TAX 2 and
TAX 2 and TAX 4 rates on the discounted
amount of an item. *
10 TAX 3 and
TAX 3 and TAX 4 rates on the discounted
amount of an item. *
11 TAX 1, TAX 2
and TAX 3
TAX 1, TAX 2 and TAX 3 rates on the
discounted amount of an item. *
12 TAX 1, TAX 2
and TAX 4
TAX 1, TAX 2 and TAX 4 rates on the
discounted amount of an item. *
13 TAX 1, TAX 3
and TAX 4
TAX 1, TAX 3 and TAX 4 rates on the
discounted amount of an item. *
14TAX 2, TAX 3
and TAX 4
TAX 2, TAX 3 and TAX 4 rates on the
discounted amount of an item. *
15 TAX 1, TAX
2, TAX 3,
TAX 1, TAX 2, TAX 3 and TAX 4 rates on the
discounted amount of an item. *
* the amount after the coupon is deducted
Table 18 Tax Status Numbers (Continued)
Number Taxable by... To charge the...
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
58 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 000 and then press the Cpn key.
See page 100 to ring up a coupon sale programmed with Method 1.
Method 2
You can select if you want the tax rate to be charged on the discounted
amount of an item (the amount after the coupon is deducted).
Example 18: If HDLO is selected for 0, and the Tax Status is selected for 1
(taxable by TAX 1):
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 001 and then press the Cpn key.
See page 100 to ring up a coupon sale programmed with Method 2.
Programming Plus Percentage Add-ons
You may want to add an automatic amount to the total, such as a fixed tip
or other service charge. Plus Percentage adds a fixed rate additional
charge to an individual item. You can program the rate or you can enter it
by hand each time. Regardless of how you specify the Plus Percentage,
the amount you enter must always be 4 digits. For example, you enter a
25% Plus Percentage as 2500.
When you use the Plus Percentage/Add-On key, the words Add-on
appear on the display and print on the receipt.
You can also set the cash register so that the Plus Percentage amount is
not added to the department totals on the Management Reports. For more
information, see Flag 23 on page 63.
After you are done, you can check your results. See Running the Program
Confirmation Report on page 73.
To program the Plus Percentage [+%/PO] key
Example 19: Program a 10% add-on
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 59
Programming Flag Options
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 1000 0 and then press the +%/PO
You must always enter the percentage rate as a 4-digit number without
the decimal point, representing 00.00 through 99.99.
See Plus Percentage Sale on page 107 to ring up a Plus Percentage sale.
Programming Flag Options
Flag options are actions you can set for the cash register. These actions
include how the date appears, if the tax rate prints on receipts, if clerk
numbers are used, and so on.
34 Flags are available on your cash register. The Flags are preset by the
factory to meet the most commonly used actions. Each Flag setting can be
changed or updated at any time, if needed.
All Flag action are factory preset at 0, except for Flags 15, 18, 27, 28, 30, 33,
and 34 which have a default setting of 1. Flag actions only need to be
changed if you want to change any action from the default setting.
If you change the language after programming is complete, descriptions
like logo, department and PLU names revert to their default descriptions
and you must reprogram them. The numeric amounts that you
programmed do not change.
If you program custom messages or department descriptions, changing
languages does not translate those messages. Instead, they are deleted and
reset to the factory default for the message or description. Before you
program your messages, select the language you want the cash register to
be in.
After a Full System Clear, all settings go back to the default settings.
To program flag options
Example 20: Select 1 for Flag 3 (Tendering of change is required)
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
60 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 31 and then press the Void key.
Flag #3 is now set with Action 1.
The following table shows all Flags and the actions. Bold numbers are the
Table 19 Flag options
This Flag
number... Sets these actions...
1 The Grand Total does not reset after a Z reading. 0
The Grand Total resets after a Z reading. 1
2 Subtotal prints on sales receipts when #/ST/NS key
is pressed.
Subtotal does not print on sales receipts when
#/ST/NS key is pressed.
3 Tendering of change is not required. 0
Tendering of change is required. 1
4 The Date prints as Month-Day-Year. 0
The Date prints as Day-Month-Year. 1
5 Z1 and Z2 Counter Numbers does not reset after a
Z1 or Z2 reading.
Z1 and Z2 Counter Numbers reset after a Z1 or Z2
6 Tax Rate Amount prints on sales receipts. 0
Tax Rate Amount does not print on sales receipts. 1
7 Skips amounts equaling zero on financial reports. 0
Does not skip amounts equaling zero on financial
8 The Date prints on sales receipts and management
The Date does not print on sales receipts and
management reports.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 61
Programming Flag Options
9 The Time prints on sales receipts and management
The Time does not print on sales receipts and
management reports.
10 The Consecutive Number prints on the receipt. 0
The Consecutive Number does not print on the
11 The Clerk Name prints on sales receipts. 0
The Clerk Name does not print on sales receipts. 1
12 Clerk System inactive. 0
Clerk System active. 1
13 USA Tax System. 0
Canadian Tax System. 1
VAT Tax System. 2
14 Z1/Z2 Counter prints. 0
Z1/Z2 Counter does not print. 1
15 Tax amount prints after the sales total on the sales
Tax amount prints before the total amount on the
sales receipt.
16 Standard Department layout. 0
Department 20 is Credit 1. 1
Department 19 is Credit 2. 2
Department 20 is Credit 1 and Department 19 is
Credit 2.
17 Sets the non-Taxable Limit without GST tax for
Canadian tax mode.
Sets the non-Taxable Limit with GST tax for
Canadian tax mode.
Table 19 Flag options (Continued)
This Flag
number... Sets these actions...
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
62 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
18 Time appears on the display and prints in 24 hour
Time appears on the display and prints in 12 hour
(am/pm) mode.
19 Sets the language for the cash register. The options
English 0
Spanish 1
French 2
German 3
20 A Clerk Number is not required before each
A Clerk Number is required before each
21 Do not use Canadian tax system of tax on tax. 0
Use Canadian tax system of tax on tax. 1
22 Pertains only to the Canadian tax system. Must be
used with Flag 21 set to 1.
Include GST in
Include GST in
Include GST in
yes yes yes 0
no yes yes 1
yes no yes 2
no no yes 3
yes yes no 4
no yes no 5
yes no no 6
no no no 7
Table 19 Flag options (Continued)
This Flag
number... Sets these actions...
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 63
Programming Flag Options
23 -% is subtracted and +% is added to department
totals on X/Z readings.
-% is not subtracted and +% is not added to
department totals on X/Z readings.
24 TAX amounts print separately on sales receipts. 0
TAX amounts print as one figure on sales receipts.
The letters “TX” print next to the total of tax.
25 Duplicate Z report prints. 0
Duplicate Z report does not print. 1
26 Consecutive receipt number resets after Z1 Report. 0
Consecutive receipt number not reset after Z1
27 0 price registration is allowed. 0
0 price registration is not allowed. 1
Euro convert function is allowed. 0
Euro convert function is not allowed. 1
29 Tax rate does not print on financial report in VAT
Tax rate prints on financial report in VAT mode. 1
Print converted total at convert tender. 0
Print converted total always tender. 1
Local base currency. 0
Euro base currency. 1
32 Allow Clerk numbers without security code. 0
Clerk must also enter the 3 digit security code. 1
Table 19 Flag options (Continued)
This Flag
number... Sets these actions...
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced
64 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Flags 28, 30 and 31 do not apply to the U.S. market.
33 The Commercial message does not print. 0
The Commercial logo message prints. 1
34 Second receipt cannot be issued. 0
Second receipt can be issued. 1
Table 19 Flag options (Continued)
This Flag
number... Sets these actions...
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Ringing up Sales and Using
Training Mode
After you set up your cash register, ringing up sales is easy. For
information about ringing up complicated sales, see Examples on page 94.
If you want to learn about using the cash register without affecting the
daily total, you can use the Training mode. You or someone else can learn
how to use the cash register without creating real sales that show up on
reports. For example, you can train a new person about using the
department keys and completing sales.
Training mode lets someone use the cash register without actually
recording the sales in the sales history. When you stop Training mode, the
training sales information is deleted.
Ringing up Sales
After you have the basics programmed in your cash register, you are ready
to ring up sales. For more information about setting up the basics on your
cash register, see Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics on page 19.
You do not need to press the Decimal Point key when ringing up a price.
Chapter 6: Ringing up Sales and Using Training Mode
66 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
To ring up straight sales without a PLU number
1Put the REG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the REG1 or REG2
position. You are ready to ring up a sale.
2Using the round Number keys area, type the price of the first item.
3Press the Department key for that item.
To use the Department keys above 40, do the following:
Press the Dept Shift key.
Using the round Number keys, type the Department number from 41
to 99 that you want to use. For example, for Department 63, press the
6 key and then press the 3 key.
Press the Dept Shift key again.
4Repeat for the rest of the items.
5When you are done ringing up items, press the Amount Tend Total key.
The cash drawer opens and the receipt or journal prints.
6Make any change needed and place the money you are given in the cash
7Close the cash drawer.
8Give the customer the receipt, if the cash register is set to print receipts.
You are ready to ring up another sale.
To ring up straight sales with a PLU number and not using the barcode
1Put the REG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the REG1 or REG2
position. You are ready to ring up a sale.
2Using the round Number keys area, type the PLU number of the first
3Press the PLU key.
4Repeat for the rest of the items.
5When you are done ringing up items, press the Amount Tend Total key.
The cash drawer opens and the receipt or journal prints.
6Make any change needed and place the money you are given in the cash
7Close the cash drawer.
8Give the customer the receipt, if the cash register is set to print receipts.
You are ready to ring up another sale.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 67
Using Training Mode
Ringing up Sales with the Barcode Reader
You can also ring up sales using the barcode reader. Before you can ring
up sales with the barcode reader, the UPC symbol must be programmed
into the cash register with the barcode reader. For more information, see
Programming PLUs with the Barcode Reader on page 52.
To ring up sales with the barcode reader
1Put the REG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the REG1 or REG2
position. You are ready to ring up a sale.
2Put the barcode reader light over the UPC symbol, about ½ inch or
closer above the UPC symbol on the product to read the UPC symbol
3Press the button under the scanner. The barcode scanner makes a beep
sound and the item appears on the display.
4Continue using the barcode scanner to scan UPC symbols until you are
5When you are done, press the Amount Tend Total key. The cash drawer
opens and the receipt or journal prints.
6Make any change needed and place the money you are given in the cash
7Close the cash drawer.
8Give the customer the receipt, if you set the cash register to print
receipts. You are ready to ring up another sale.
Using Training Mode
We provide examples to help learn how to use this cash register. For
information about the examples, see Examples on page 94. Using the
examples can help you learn to use the cash register and the available
You can start Training mode at any time because it does not record
activity in the machine totals.
When you are using the cash register in Training mode, you cannot use
any of the operations in the PRG, X, or Z modes. The transaction numbers
and amounts do not count in the Register mode until you stop Training
When the cash register is in Training mode, asterisks **** print instead of
transaction numbers. When you stop Training mode, the transaction
Chapter 6: Ringing up Sales and Using Training Mode
68 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
numbers continue from the last number printed before you entered
Training mode.
When the cash register is in Training mode, a small light appears in the
left digit of the Clerk display. Some transactions may also print DEMO on
the receipt.
To start Training mode
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 666666 and then press the
Amount Tend Total key.
4Now you can move the Mode key to the REG1 or REG2 position so
training can start.
To stop Training mode
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 555555 and then press the
Amount Tend Total key.
4Now you can move the Mode key to the REG1 or REG2 position and
use the cash register.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Programming Complex Tax Rates
Your cash register can manage complex tax rates and assignments. This
chapter explains how to do this.
Many people do not need the information in this chapter. If this
information does not relate to your business needs, you can skip it. If some
information is related to your specific needs, then skip any sections which
you do not need to set up your cash register.
If you do not know your sales tax rate and base amount, contact your local
government office and ask for your local tax chart. The base tax amount is
the maximum point where no tax is charged. Your cash registers defaults
to a base tax amount of 10 cents. If your base tax amount is other than 10
cents, see Calculating State Tax Table Codes on page 118.
When you set up your cash register, you programmed the cash register to
use a simple sales tax, appropriate for your area. Chapter 2 explains how
to program a simple sales tax. Chapter 5 explains how to set up sales tax
related to departments or PLUs.
If you hear an error tone while you are programming, press the CLEAR key
and continue by repeating the step.
You do not need to reprogram all options if you want to update or change
one thing. Save this manual in a safe place so you have it for future
programming. After you are done programming, you can print
Confirmation Reports to check your results. For more information, see
Running Reports on page 73.
Chapter 7: Programming Complex Tax Rates
70 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Setting the Tax Rates
You can program 4 different tax rates on your cash register. Each tax rate
can be linked directly to a department key (see Programming Tax Status
on page 40), or by pressing the Tax 1 or Tax 2 keys before ringing up an
You can set the cash register to not print the tax rate on receipts. For more
information, see Programming Flag Options on page 59.
You can program each Tax Rate as follows:
As an ADD-ON RATE (used in the USA) - means the tax amount prints
separately on the receipt. Add-on Tax is most common in the United
States. Add-on Tax can be programmed as either a fixed-rate which
charges tax based on a percentage, or using the tax table codes, which is
a calculation based on an approved tax chart issued by your local or
state government.
Canadian Tax System - allows you to program the GST/PST tax system
required in Canada.
VAT (Value Added Tax) - means that the tax amount is included in the
price of the item.
See the Royal website for the tax table codes for your particular state.
After you have the tax table codes for your state, see Calculating State
Tax Table Codes on page 118 for help or contact your local state
government office for the current tax rates.
To program a basic tax rate, see Programming the Sales Tax on page 8.
To program a second fixed tax rate
Example 21: To set Tax 2 for 7%
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys area, press 2, then press the Tax 1 key.
4Using the round Number keys area, press 7000, then press the Amount
Tend Total key.
To program add-on tax table rate
Example 22: The tax code for Arizona's tax rate of 4% is:
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 71
Setting the Tax Rates
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys area, press 1 and press the Tax 1 key.
4Using the round Number keys area, press 121 and press the Tax 2 key.
5Using the round Number keys area, press 240096 and press the Tax 2
6Continue typing any State Tax Table Codes you need. Press the Tax 2
key after each code until you are done.
If you make a mistake during programming the State Tax Table Codes, press
the Clear key and begin again with Step 3.
To program a second add-on tax rate
Example 23: Tax code for Arizona's tax rate of 5% is:
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys area, press 2 and press the Tax 1 key.
4Using the round Number keys area, press 101 and press the Tax 2 key.
5Using the round Number keys area, press 190095 and press the Tax 2
6Continue typing any State Tax Table Codes mentioned and press the
Tax 2 key after each code until finished.
Confirmation Report
To check your results, see Running the Program Confirmation Report on
page 73.
To program a VAT tax rate (commonly used in Europe)
You must program Flag 13, as follows:
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys area, press 132 and press the Void
Chapter 7: Programming Complex Tax Rates
72 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
To program a First VAT tax rate
Example 24: 10% Tax Programming
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys area, press 1, press the Tax 1 key, press
10000, then press the Tax 2 key.
To program a Second VAT tax rate
Example 25: 5%
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys area, press 2, press the Tax 1 key, press
5000, and then press the Tax 2 key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Running Reports
Your cash register includes many reports. In this chapter, we explain:
Programming confirmation
The assigned Department keys
The assigned PLUs
The tax status of departments and PLUs
Management reports, such as sales totals
Running the Program Confirmation Report
The Program Confirmation Report allows you to check your
programming results. For more information about programming the cash
register, see Chapter 5 Setting Up Your Cash Register - Advanced on
page 36.
To run a program confirmation report
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 999999 and then press the
Amount Tend Total key.
Chapter 8: Running Reports
74 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
An example Program Confirmation Report is show below. The figures
shown in this example are randomly selected. Your report shows you
the specific information about the programming for your cash register.
Flags 28, 30 and 31 do not apply to the U.S. market.
Table 20
This code... Means this...
T1 Taxable status programmed with a single tax rate.
T2 Taxable status programmed with a second tax rate.
T3 Taxable status programmed with Tax 3 rate.
T4 Taxable status programmed with Tax 4 rate.
TX Taxable status programmed with more than 1 tax rate.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 75
Running the Department Confirmation Report
Running the Department Confirmation Report
You can print a report that shows the programmed information for a range
of departments. This is helpful if you want to see the programmed names
of some of the departments, but do not need to see all other programming
You can also print a report that shows department information and sales.
For more information, see Running the Department Sales Report on
page 76.
To run a department confirmation report
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press 88.
4Using the round Number keys, press the number of the first department
you want to see. For example, 01.
5Using the round Number keys, press the number of the last department
you want to see. For example, 15.
6Press the Amount Tend Total key.
Running the PLU Confirmation Report
The PLU Confirmation Report allows you to check all PLUs programmed.
For more information about programming PLUs, see Programming PLU
Descriptions on page 51.
To run the PLU confirmation report
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Press the PLU key.
Chapter 8: Running Reports
76 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
An example PLU Confirmation Report is show below. Your report
shows you the specific information about your programming.
Running the Department Sales Report
The Department Sales Report allows you to check the current sales
information for specified departments.
To run a Department sales report
1Put the Z key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X or Z position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Using the round Number keys, press the number of the first department
you want to see. For example, 01.
4Using the round Number keys, press the number of the last department
you want to see. For example, 15.
5Press the Amount Tend Total key. The Department Sales report prints.
Running Management Reports
The cash register maintains totals of all transaction information. This
information is saved in the memory of the cash register as long as the
register is plugged in to an electrical outlet or, if the cash register is
unplugged, the batteries are charged.
Management reports show you information about how sales are
progressing. You can run most reports with the Mode key in either the X
position or the Z position. See Running a Financial Report on page 79 for
instructions to run X and Z reports.
X reports are run during the day to check transactions. These reports do
not clear the transaction memory in the cash register. You can run all
reports in the X position.
Z reports are run at end of day, end of the week, or end of the month.
These reports do clear the transaction memory in the cash register.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 77
Running Management Reports
When you are done printing these reports, the information only exists on
the cash register tape. You can run almost all reports in the Z position.
To prevent someone from accidently printing these reports, a manager
password can be set. After the password is set, these reports do not print
until the password is entered. For information about setting manager
passwords, see Setting X and Manager Passwords on page 31.
Besides passwords, the keys that came with your cash register are also a
form of security. We recommend giving clerks the REG keys and giving
managers the Z and PRG keys.
For additional security, only the Z and PRG keys can run Z reports. The
REG key cannot run Z reports. This means that people with REG keys
cannot run or clear the transaction history.
About X Readings
There are two kinds of readings that can be taken in the X position: an X1
reading and an X2 reading.
X1 Reading - Commonly known as a mid-day reading. Use this position
to print periodic readings of transaction totals during the course of the
day. This reading position does not reset to zero.
X2 Reading - Commonly known as a mid-week or mid-month reading. Use
this position to print periodic readings of transaction totals during the
course of several days. This reading position does not reset to zero.
About Z Readings
There are two types of readings that can be taken in the Z position: a Z1
reading and a Z2 reading.
Z1 reading — Commonly known as a end-of-day/daily-closeout reading.
This reading prints all transaction data and sets all totals to zero, except
the Running Grand Total.
You can also print a duplicate Z1 Report. This is useful if the register
runs out of paper or if there is a power outage while the Z1 Report is
printing. This feature can also be turned off by Flag setting 25. For more
information about Flags, see Programming Flag Options on page 59.
Z2 reading — Commonly known as a weekly or monthly reading. This
reading prints transaction totals either on a weekly or monthly basis (not
both) and resets all transaction totals to zero except the Running Grand
Chapter 8: Running Reports
78 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
About Management Reports
The following management reports are available:
Cash-in-Drawer Report - Only available in the X position. Tells you how
much cash is in the drawer at the time of the report.
Clerk Report - Prints total sales amounts of each Clerk Number.
Financial Report - Includes totals of departments, tax, net sales, voids,
returns, coupons, refunds, minus percentage, plus percentage,
receipts-on-account, paid out, cash, check, charge. The running grand
total appears only on Z Reports.
Hourly Report - Provides total sales amounts rung up each hour.
All PLU Report - Lists quantity and cost of each PLU number rung up.
Department Range Report - Shows the sales information for the
specified departments.
The different management reports available in the X and Z positions:
Running a Cash-In-Drawer Report
This report shows how much cash is in the cash drawer.
To run a Cash-In-Drawer report
1Put the Z key or the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Press the Qty/Date key. The Cash in Drawer report prints.
This key
Prints this
symbol... This report is available...
This report is
also known as...
X X1 Financial, PLU,
Department Range, Clerk,
Hourly, Cash-In-Drawer
X X2 Financial Mid-Week or
Z Z1 Financial, PLU, Clerk,
End-Of-Day or
Z Z2 Financial Weekly or
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 79
Running Management Reports
Running a Clerk Report
The Clerk report shows sales by clerk number. For more information
about setting clerk numbers, see Setting Clerk Numbers and Names on
page 28.
A Clerk report in the X position shows sales up to the current hour.
A Clerk report in the Z position shows sales for the entire day. A Clerk
report must be closed out in the Z position.
If you are not using clerk numbers, then you cannot run a Clerk report. You
hear an error beep when you press the Clerk key.
To run a Clerk report
1Put the Z key or the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X or
Z position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Press the Clerk key. The Clerk report prints.
Running a Financial Report
The Financial report shows totals of departments, tax, net sales, voids,
returns, coupons, refunds, minus percentage, plus percentage,
receipts-on-account, paid out, cash, check, and charge. The running grand
total appears only on Z reports.
You can run a copy of the Financial report in the Z position. If other keys
are pressed after the first Z reading, the duplicate Z Report will not print.
To turn off the duplicate Z Report printing feature, you must change Flag
25. For more information about Flags, see Programming Flag Options on
page 59.
A Financial Reading must be closed out in the Z position.
For an example Financial report, see Financial Report Example on
page 80.
To print a Financial report
1Put the Z key or the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X or
Z position.
Chapter 8: Running Reports
80 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
If you use the Z position, the history is reset in the cash register after the
report is printed.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Press the Amount Tend Total key.
To run a duplicate Z report
1Put the Z key or the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the Z
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Press the #/ST/NS key and the Amount Tend Total key. The duplicate Z
report prints.
To take a weekly or monthly financial report (Z2 or X2)
1Put the Z key or the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X
or Z position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3In the round Number keys area, press 99 and the Amount Tend Total
key. The report prints.
Financial Report Example
Totals are calculated for the Management Reports in the following way.
NET SALES TOTAL (NET) - Shows the true sales for the day. The Net
sales total includes department total (DEPTTL), tax total (T1, T2, T3,
T4), and less the coupon discount (COUPON) and less the percentage
Minus percentage discount (DISCOUNT), voids (VOID/CORR) and
returns/refunds (REFUND) are all deducted from the department totals and
the plus percentage (ADD ON) is added to the department totals. If you do
not want the percentage discount and plus percentage reflected in the
department totals, see Flag 23 on page 63.
GROSS SALES TOTAL (GROSS) - Shows the total of all sales
registered. The Gross Sales Total includes net sales total (NET), coupon
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 81
Running Management Reports
discount (COUPON), minus percentage discount (DISCOUNT),
return/refund (REFUND), and void (VOID/CORR).
The Percentage Discount [-%] must be done after each item, not on the
subtotal amount, for the formula given above to balance as shown.
The Financial report looks like the following. Your specific report looks
different, because of your unique cash register activity.
To reset the Z1 counter
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3In the round Number keys area, press 1 and then press the Z1 Counter
starting number as 4 digits (for example 0001) and then press the Return
Chapter 8: Running Reports
82 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
To reset the Z2 counter
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3In the round Number keys area, press 2, then press the Z2 Counter
starting number as 4 digits (for example 0001) and press the Return key.
To reset the grand total
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3In the round Number keys area, press 777777 and press the Amount
Tend Total key. Enter the new amount (up to 12 digits) and press the
Non Tax key.
To print a Department Range report
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3In the round Number keys area, press the Starting Department
number as 2 digits (for example 01). Press the Ending Department
number as 2 digits and then press the Amount Tend Total key.
Running an Hourly Report
The report shows the number of sales and the total sales amount for each
hour. All hours print, even if no sales were made in an hour. Times print
using a 24 hour format.
An hourly reading must be closed out in the Z position.
To take an hourly report
1Put the Z key or the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X
or Z position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3In the round Number keys area, press 11 and the Amount Tend Total
key. The Hourly report prints.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 83
Running Management Reports
Running PLU Reports
The PLU report shows the quantity and cost of each PLU Number rung up.
Only PLUs that had sales will print.
A PLU Reading must be closed out in the Z position.
To print a PLU report
1Put the Z or PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X or Z
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3Press the PLU key.
To print a PLU sales report, according to an assigned Department number
1Put the Z key or the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3In the round Number keys area, specify the Starting Dept Number. It
must be 2 digits; for example 01.
4Enter the Ending Dept Number as 2 digits.
5Press the PLU key. The sales history for the PLUs assigned to the
departments in the specified range prints.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Maintenance and Options
Follow these steps to make sure your cash register works well.
Your register must remain uncovered when turned on. This allows the
electronic components to properly cool.
Use a dust cover when the register is not in operation and the control
lock key is turned to the OFF position to protect mechanical components
from dust.
Keep beverages and other liquids away from the machine to avoid spills
which can damage electronic components. Use the optional protective
keytop cover to prevent damage to the cash register.
Keep the cash register away from dust, dampness, or extreme hot or cold
To clean your cash register, use a soft dry cloth. Do not use harsh
solutions containing alcohol or ammonia.
After storing your cash register in extreme temperatures (below 32
degrees Fahrenheit or above 104 degrees Fahrenheit), allow the
temperature inside the machine enough time to reach room temperature
before turning it on.
If you need electronic service, take the cash register to a Royal
authorized service center. For more information, see Limited Warranty
on page 130.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 85
Installing a New Paper Roll
Installing a New Paper Roll
As you use the cash register, you will need to replace the paper roll.Your
cash register has a thermal printer that prints receipts for the customer or a
journal tape. Use 2¼ inch (57.5 mm) wide standard thermal register paper.
To install the paper roll
1Insert the PRG key and turn it to either REG1 or REG2.
If you need a customer receipt, turn the Mode key to the REG1
If you do not need a customer receipt, turn the mode key to the REG2
2Unlock and open the Journal Compartment Cover. Grip the left side of
the cover and gently pull upward. Remove the Journal Compartment
Cover and set aside.
3Remove the Journal
Takeup spindle.
Place the paper roll
in the little round
area at the bottom of
the compartment.
Make sure the paper
feeds out from the
bottom of the roll,
towards the front of
the cash register.
4Grab the small
handle on the right of the print
roller. Push the little handle towards
the back of the cash register and
raise the roller bar up.
5Lay the end of the paper across the
printer as shown. Move the print
roller down onto the paper and
snap into place. Make sure both
sides are snapped down.
•Press the Feed key until the paper catches and moves through the
6Do one of the following:
Chapter 9: Maintenance and Options
86 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
If you do not need to print receipts:
Place the black plastic Journal Takeup
spindle on its grooves above the Battery
compartment. The spindle sits above the
paper roll. Press the Feed key to move
the paper through the printer about
10-12 inches. Push the paper through
one of the narrow openings in the center
of the Journal Takeup spindle. Press the
Feed key until the paper catches and
begins to wind securely around the
Journal Takeup spindle. Replace the Journal Compartment Cover.
If you want to print receipts:
Lay the customer receipt paper over the receipt slot and close the
Journal Compartment Cover.
Using the Battery System
Your cash register has a memory where information about your
programming and transactions are stored. This memory stores the
information that lets you print reports, such as the total sales for the day,
week, or month. The cash register memory also stores information about
any special programming you have done.
If your cash register is unplugged or if there is a power outage, the
batteries keep the information in the memory until you plug the cash
register into a power source or the power is restored.
To make sure the battery back-up protection is working, replace the
batteries at least once a year. To help you remember, consider replacing
the batteries on New Years Day. The cash register can be off or unplugged
for as long as 700 hours (about 28 days) and the information in the
memory is still there when you are ready to use the register again.
If there was a power outage, replace the batteries as soon as there is power
again. DO NOT remove or replace the batteries until you plug the cash
register into a power source and you see messages on the display.
If you will not use the cash register for an extended period of time, you
can remove the batteries to prolong their life. However, all information in
the cash register will be erased if you do this.
You must plug the cash register in before installing or replacing the back-up
batteries. All data is erased when you remove the batteries if the cash
register is not plugged in before you remove the batteries.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 87
About the Serial Port
To install or replace the batteries
1Before you start, make sure you have 3 new AA batteries.
2Open the Journal Compartment cover. Remove the cover and put it
3Move the paper roller up and out of the way. Grab the small handle on
the right of the print roller. Push the little handle towards the back of the
cash register and raise the roller bar up. You see a slope down to the
paper compartment. The battery cover is located under the print roller
bar, on the slope.
4Remove the battery cover. Press the edge at the
top of the cover and push to the back. The cover
pops off.
5Put the batteries in the slots. Make sure that the
positive and negative ends are in the right place.
The batteries have a little plus (positive) and minus
(negative) sign on each end to help you.
6Replace the battery cover. Slide the bottom tabs into the long slit in the
bottom position and it snap the cover into place. Do not put the tabs in
the 2 holes in the bottom of the compartment. The cover will not close
and you will break the tabs.
About the Serial Port
Your cash register includes a serial
port on on the right side of the cash
register. You can connect items to the
cash register using this serial port. You
can only connect one device to the
serial port at a time.
To use the barcode reader, you must connect it to the serial port. You can
also connect a computer to the serial port to use the RegisterLink software.
To connect your computer to the serial port, you need a null-modem serial
cable that is not included. You can purchase this cable at any computer
supply store.
Chapter 9: Maintenance and Options
88 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
The pin description for the serial port on the cash register is shown below.
Pin number
Pin No. I/O Signal Name Abbreviation
2 IN Receive Data RXD
3 OUT Transmit Data TXD
5 N/A Signal Grand SG
7 OUT (Request to send) RTS
8 IN (Clear to send) CTS
9 OUT(+5V) Power supply for BCR +5V
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 89
Ordering Supplies and Accessories
Ordering Supplies and Accessories
For Prices and Availability
Call 1-888-261-4555 Monday - Friday 8:30 - 5:00 p.m. (E.S.T.) or visit our
web site at
Prices and Availability Subject to Change Without Notice
Table 21 Accessories
Item Part Number
Protective Keytop Cover TBD
Replacement 4 Slot Bill Tray & Drawer
(Coin Tray not included)
Replacement 5 Coin Tray CD500002
Duplicate Cash Drawer
1 set of 2 keys
Duplicate Control Lock Key Set
6 keys: PRG-427-023, REG-427-024 & Z-427-012,
2 each
Replacement Journal Paper Roll Spindle TBD
Replacement UV light bulb for Counterfeit
Thermal Register Tape (3-roll package)
2¼” (57mm) wide, 2” (50mm) diameter, 85’ (26m)
Owner's Manual A600SCIM1002A
Replacement Model PS700 Barcode Reader 16881W
RegisterLink PC-based software TBD
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Select and follow the procedure which best describes what is happening.
Error Codes
You may see these errors on the display. This table explains what they are
and how to fix them.
I Hear an Error Beep
Some error beeps are normal. See Error Codes on page 34 for more
information about error codes.
1Press the Clear key.
2Turn the Mode key to the PRG, REG, X or Z position you were in
before you got the error.
Table 22
The error message... Do this...
P R I N T E R Paper jam or printer failure
E R R O R Misoperation
C L E R K # Enter clerk number
E R R O R Communication error
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 91
PE Printer Error
For example, if the last position you were in was REG, turn the key to
the REG position and press the Clear key and then press the Amount
Tend Total, Check, or Charge key to complete a sale. If your last
position was PRG, turn the key to the PRG position and press the Clear
If the last thing you were doing was programming PLUs in the PRG
mode, return the PRG key to the PRG position. Press Clear and then
press Qty/Date to leave PLU programming mode.
3Repeat the procedure you are trying to perform.
If error still persists, perform a Half System Clear procedure. See Half
System Clear on page 93.
As a last resort, perform a Full System Clear procedure. See Full
System Clear on page 93.
Sec code error appears in PRG, X OR Z modes
This prompt means a Manager Password is programmed.
Enter the password number and press Check.
If Clerk E12 Displays In REG 1 or REG 2 Modes
This prompt means clerk numbers are programmed.
1Enter the clerk number and press Clerk.
2Enter the password and press Charge.
PE Printer Error
This prompt means there is a paper problem.
1Check if you are out of paper.
2Check for a paper jam. If so, carefully remove any paper obstructing the
3Check and make sure the paper was aligned properly in the printer and
that the printer bar is snapped into place.
Do not manually pull the paper. Always use the Feed key to remove or
advance the paper. Do not use sharp or pointed instruments in the printer
area. This can seriously damage the printer.
4After the paper jam is successfully removed, if PE still appears, turn the
Mode key to the OFF position. Unplug the cash register, wait 10 seconds,
and plug it back in.
Chapter 10: Troubleshooting
92 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
5If there is a FUNCTION error and an E appears on the display, press the
Clear key.
6If an FUNCTION error continues to appear, turn the Mode key to the
last position (PRG, REG, X or Z) you were in before the error appeared.
If the last position you were in was REG, turn the Mode key to the REG
position and press the Clear key, then press the Amount Tend Total,
Check, or Charge key to complete a pending sale.
If your last position was PRG, turn the Mode key to the PRG position
and press the Clear key.
7As a last resort, follow the directions for a Full System Clear. See Full
System Clear on page 93.
The Register Does Not Work at All
1Be sure the cash register is plugged into a working electrical outlet and
no other electrical device is using the same power source. Another
electrical motor on the same circuit can keep the cash register from
working properly.
If error still persists, perform a Half System Clear procedure. See Half
System Clear on page 93.
As a last resort, perform a Full System Clear procedure. See Full
System Clear on page 93.
2If needed, contact the Royal Customer Support hotline at
1-800-272-6229 for additional assistance.
Opening the Drawer When There is no Power
If there is no power and you need to open the drawer, make sure the
drawer is unlocked by using the 515 Drawer key.
1With your hands on
the cash drawer,
carefully tip the
front of the register
up. Underneath the
cash register, toward
the back of the
register, you see a
small lever.
2Push the lever in the
only direction it will
move. The cash
drawer opens.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 93
Half System Clear
Half System Clear
If you cannot get the cash register to respond, try a half system clear.
To do a half system clear
1Turn the Mode key to the OFF position.
2Unplug the cash register from the power source.
3Wait 30 seconds.
4Plug the cash register in again.
5Continue with normal operations.
Full System Clear
If nothing else works, perform the following procedure.
To do a full system clear
1Turn the Mode key to the OFF
2Remove one back-up battery.
3Unplug the cash register from the
power source and wait 5 minutes.
4Plug in the cash register.
5Replace the battery.
6Reprogram the cash register.
7Continue with normal operations.
If Nothing Helps
If a problem still persists, call our Customer Service Support Line toll-free
at 1-800-272-6229.
This procedure resets the cash register to the factory settings. You lose all
your transaction information and programming information.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
The examples in this section show how to ring up different types of
transactions. A maximum of 7 digits may be used to enter a price.
If Clerk Numbers are programmed, be sure to type the CLERK #, then press
the CLERK key, the password and the CHECK key, if programmed, before
ringing up a sale.
To ring up a sale
Put the REG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the REG1 position.
You are ready to ring up sales.
You do not need to press the Decimal Point when ringing up a price.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 95
The following examples are in this chapter.
Adding Tax to a Non-Taxable Department
Cash Sale With Tendering Change
Cash Sale Without Tendering Change
Charge Sale
Coupon Discount Sale
Credit Return
Credit Sale
Dept Shift Key
Exempting Tax On An Item
Exempting Tax on the Entire Sale
Gallonage Sales Transaction
Minus Percentage Discount Sale
Multiplication of a Department Unit Price
Multiplication Sale
Multiplying By A Fraction
No-Sale Function
Overriding a PLU Sale
Paid-Out Sale
•PLU Sale
PLU Sale With PLU Description
Plus Percentage Sale
Received-On-Account Sale
Registering A Department Unit Price
Registering A Reference Number
Return Sale
Split Tendering Sale
Temporarily Overriding a PLU Price
Use the Error-Correct /Void Key
Voiding A Coupon Sale
Voiding a Department Preset Price
Voiding a Department Preset with a Coupon Discount
Voiding a Department Preset with a Minus Percentage Discount
Voiding A Minus Percentage Discount Sale
Voiding a Multiplication of a Department Preset Price
Voiding A Multiplication Sale
Chapter 11: Examples
96 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Sample Receipt
The example below shows the general transaction information you see
printed on a receipt.
Voiding a PLU Multiplication Sale
Voiding a PLU Sale
Voiding a PLU Sale with a Coupon Discount
Voiding a Plu Sale with a Minus Percentage Discount
Voiding a PLU Sale with a Plus Percentage Rate
Voiding a Plus Percentage Sale
Voiding A Sale
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 97
Transaction Codes
Transaction Codes
The following codes appear on transaction receipts:
Table 23 Transaction Codes
The code... Means this...
#Reference Number
@Amount Being Multiplied
1 AMOUNT Amount of Cash Tendered
ADD ON Plus Percent
CASH Cash Transaction Total
CHARGE Charge Transaction Total
CHECK Check Transaction Total
Clerk #1 to
Clerk #26
Clerk number 1 to number 26
CREDIT Credit card transaction
DEBIT Debit card transaction
DISCOUNT Minus Percent Discount
After a transaction, you can print a duplicate receipt
by pressing the Subtotal w/Tax key immediately after
the original receipt has finished printing and before
another transaction is started
NO SALE No-Sale Function or Open Cash Drawer
PRICE* Overriding of a PLU Price
RECD ACCT Received on Account
REFUND Return (Refund)
SUBTTL Subtotal (Excludes Tax)
T1 Tax 1 Rate Applied to a Sale
T2 Tax 2 Rate Applied to a Sale
T3 Tax 3 Rate Applied to a Sale
Chapter 11: Examples
98 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
The rest of this chapter shows you example transactions.
Put the REG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the REG1 position. You
are ready to ring up sales.
Adding Tax to a Non-Taxable Department
Example 26: Assume the Department 2 key is programmed for no tax and
the TAX 1 rate is programmed for 6%. Ring up a $1.00 item in Department 2,
charging the 6% tax rate.
To add tax to a non-taxable department
1Press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
3Press the key.
Cash Sale With Tendering Change
Example 27: Ring up a $1.00 item in Department 1 and compute change
from $5.00 cash tendered.
To ring up a sale with tendering change
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
T4 Tax 4 Rate Applied to a Sale
TOTAL Total of Sale
TX Represents Tax Total if Option 1 is selected on Flag
24. For more information, see Programming Flag
Options on page 59
XNumber of Items Being Multiplied
Table 23 Transaction Codes (Continued)
The code... Means this...
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 99
Cash Sale Without Tendering Change
You do not need to press the Subtotal key if you do not want the subtotal
of a sale to print.
3Press the key
4In the Number keys area, press 500, and then press the key.
Cash Sale Without Tendering Change
Example 28: Ring up a $1.00 item in Department 1.
To ring up a sale without tendering change
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
You do not need to press the Subtotal key if you do not want the subtotal
of a sale to print.
3Press the key.
4Press the key.
Charge Sale Example 29: Ring up a $1.00 item in Department 1 and finalize the sale with
the charge key.
To ring a charge sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
You do not have to enter any amounts before pressing the key.
Chapter 11: Examples
100 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Coupon Discount Sale
Example 30: There are various versions of ringing up a Coupon Discount
sale. Based on the option selected for the Tax Status Number, select the
example below that best serves your needs.
Version 1a
In the following example, the tax status number for the Coupon key is
programmed for the option 00. If no tax is programmed in your cash
register, ring up $1.00 item in Department 2 and then deduct the 20¢
To ring a coupon discount sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100 and then press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 20 and then press the key.
3Press the key.
Version 1b
If you want to charge the tax rate on the original amount of an item,
before the coupon is deducted, ring up a $1.00 item in Department 1 and
then deduct the 20¢ coupon.
To ring a coupon discount sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100 and then press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 20 and then press the key.
3Press the key.
Version 2
In the following example, the TAX STATUS NUMBER for the Coupon
key is programmed for the option 01.
To ring a coupon discount sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100 and then press the key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 101
Credit Return
2In the Number keys area, press 20 and then press the key.
3Press the key.
Credit Return
Example 31: Refund $1.00 in Department 1 and credit to a credit card.
To ring a credit return
1Press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
3Press the key.
Credit Sale Example 32: Ring up a $1.00 item in Department 1 and $2.00 in Department
2 and finalize the sale with the CREDIT key.
To ring a credit sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 200, and then press the key.
3Press the key.
It is not necessary to enter any amount before pressing the Credit key.
Dept Shift Key
Example 33: Ring up a $1.00 item in Department 1 (taxable), $2.00 in
Department 21 (non-taxable) and $3.00 in Department 1 and compute change
from $10.00 cash tendered.
To ring a sale using the Dept Shift key
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
Chapter 11: Examples
102 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
2In the Number keys area, press 200, then press the key, and then
press the key.
3In the Number keys area, press 300, and then PRESS the key.
4Press the key.
5In the Number keys area, press 1000, and then press the
The register returns to the Non-Shift Mode after each department entry.
Exempting Tax On An Item
Example 34: Assume the Department 1 key is programmed as a taxable
department. Ring up a $1.00 item in Department 1 without charging tax.
To ring an item without charging tax
1Press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
3Press the key.
Exempting Tax on the Entire Sale
Example 35: Assume the Department 1 key is programmed as a taxable
department. Ring up a $1.00 item and a $1.50 item in Department 1 without
charging tax.
To ring an entire sale without charging tax
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
1In the Number keys area press 150, and then press the key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 103
Gallonage Sales Transaction
2Press the key.
3Press the key.
Gallonage Sales Transaction
Example 36: In this example, Department 4 is programmed for Gallonage
Mode and is non-taxable. Ring 10.759 gallons at $1.149 per gallon.
To ring a gallonage sales transaction
1In the Number keys area, press 10.579, and then press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 1149, then press the key.
3Press the key.
Minus Percentage Discount Sale
Example 37: The following are two versions of Minus Percentage Discount
Version 1
If no tax is programmed in your cash register, ring up a $1.00 item in
Department 2 and apply a pre-programmed discount rate of 10%.
To ring a minus percentage discount sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
If the Minus Percentage Discount Rate is NOT programmed, type in the
discount rate before pressing the key.
3Press the key.
Chapter 11: Examples
104 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Version 2
When ringing a taxable item with a percentage discount, tax will
automatically be charged on the discounted amount, the amount after the
percentage discount is deducted.
To ring a minus percentage discount sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
If the Minus Percentage Discount Rate is NOT programmed, type in the
discount rate before pressing the key.
3Press the key.
Multiplication of a Department Unit Price
Example 38: Assume the Department 1 key is pre-programmed for $1.00.
Ring up this price three times.
To multiply a department unit price
1In the Number keys area, press 3, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
3Press the key.
You can up to 32 prices by using the 32 Department keys for quick ring-ups.
Multiplication Sale
Example 39: Ring up three $1.00 items in Department 1.
To ring a multiplication sale
1In the Number keys area, press 3, and then press the key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 105
Multiplying By A Fraction
2In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
3Press the key.
You can use from .01 to 999.99 when ringing up the quantity of an item.
Multiplying By A Fraction
Example 40: Multiply the quantity of 1.25, as in 1¼ yards of fabric at $1.00 per
yard in Department 1.
When multiplying by a fraction, you must use the decimal point in the
fraction but not in the dollar amount.
To multiply an item by a fraction
1In the Number keys area, press 1.25, and then press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
3Press the key.
You can use from .01 to 999.99 when ringing up the quantity of an item.
No-Sale Function
Example 41: Used to open the drawer without ringing up a sale. For example,
to give change.
To use the No Sale function
Press the key. The cash register drawer opens.
The number of times the No-Sale key is used appears on the Management
Reports. For more information about these reports, see Running
Management Reports on page 76.
Chapter 11: Examples
106 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Overriding a PLU Sale
Example 42: If you need to enter a different price than what is programmed
into a PLU #: Enter the price 100, press the PLU ALT key, enter the PLU #, then
press the PLU key. The word *PRICE* appears above the PLU description or PLU
To override a PLU sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, press the key.
2In the Number keys area, enter the PLU number, and then press the
3Press the key.
The word *PRICE* appears above the description or PLU #.
Paid-Out Sale
Example 43: Indicates money taken out of the cash drawer. Ring up $10.00
to show money paid out of the cash drawer.
To record monies paid out
In the Number keys area, press 1000, then press the key.
PLU Sale Example 44: Assume the PLU # is preset for the price of $1.99 in Department
1. Ring up the PLU #1.
To ring a PLU sale
1In the Number keys area, press 1, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
PLUs follow the same procedure for ringing up Coupons, Refunds, Minus
Percentage Discounts, Plus Percentages, and so on.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 107
PLU Sale With PLU Description
PLU Sale With PLU Description
Example 45: PLU #1 has been programmed with the description “APPLE”.
To ring a PLU sale with a PLU description
1In the Number keys area, press 1, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
Plus Percentage Sale
Example 46: The following are two versions of the Plus Percentage Sale.
Version 1
If no tax is programmed in your cash register, ring up a $1.00 item in
Department 2 and apply a pre-programmed Plus Percentage Rate of 10%.
To ring a PLU percentage sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
If the Plus Percentage Rate is NOT pre-programmed, type in the PLUs
percentage rate before pressing the key.
3Press the key.
Version 2
When ringing a taxable item with a Plus Percentage the tax will
automatically be charged on the amount after the PLUs percentage is
To ring a PLUs percentage sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
Chapter 11: Examples
108 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
2Press the key.
If the Plus Percentage Rate is not pre-programmed, type in the Plus
Percentage Rate before pressing the key.
3Press the key.
Received-On-Account Sale
Example 47: Indicates money put in the cash drawer. Ring up $50.00 to show
the beginning cash-in-drawer amount for the day.
To receive monies on account
In the Number keys area, press 5000, and then press the key.
Registering A Department Unit Price
Example 48: Assume Department 1 is pre-programmed for $1.00. Ring up
this price.
To register a department unit price
1Press the key.
2Press the key.
You can up to 32 prices by using the total of the 32 Department keys for
quick ring-ups.
Registering A Reference Number
Example 49: Used to print a number, up to 10 digits, to identify an invoice
number, credit card number or any other number on receipts. Ring up the
number 1234567 in a standard sale.
Using the reference number is not recorded in any activity counter or sales
totals on the Management Reports.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 109
Return Sale
To register a reference number
1In the Number keys area, enter the Reference Number up to 10 digits,
and then press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
3Press the key.
Return Sale Example 50: Refund a $1.00 item in Department 1 and refund a $1.50 item
three times in Department 1.
To ring a return sale
1Press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
3Press the key.
4In the Number keys area, press 3, and then press the key.
5In the Number keys area, press 150, and then press the key.
6Press the key.
The Return function can be performed in the middle of any sales
transactions or by itself in a separate transaction
Split Tendering Sale
Example 51: Ring up a $15.00 item in Department 1, split the total of the sale
between $5.00 in cash payment and $10.90 in charge payment.
To ring up a Split Tendering sale
1In the Number keys area, press 1500, and then press the key.
Chapter 11: Examples
110 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
2Press the key.
3In the Number keys area, press 500,and then press the key.
4Press the key.
When using the Split Tendering function, the amount in cash must always
be entered first. The sale can also be finalized with the Check key. Substitute
the key in Step 4 of the example above.
Temporarily Overriding a PLU Price
Example 52: If you want to enter a different price than what is programmed
into a PLU number.
To override a PLU price
1In the Number keys area, type the price you want, press the key.
2In the Number keys area, type the PLU number and then press the
The word *PRICE* appears above the PLU description to indicate the
overriding of a PLU price.
Use the Error-Correct /Void Key
Example 53: Corrects the last entry run up during a sale. Ring up a $1.00 item
in Department 1, then use the [VOID] key to cancel this entry and ring up a
$10.00 in Department 1 to register a new entry.
To use the error-correct/void key
1In the Number keys area, press 100, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
1In the Number keys area, press 1000, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 111
Voiding A Coupon Sale
Voiding A Coupon Sale
Example 54: Void a $1.00 item in Department 1, void a 20¢ coupon.
To void a coupon sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, press the key, and then press
the key.
1In the Number keys area, press 20, press the key, and then press
the key.
2Press the key.
Voiding a Department Preset Price
Example 55: Assume Department 1 is programmed for the price of $1.00 and
Department 2 is programmed for the price of $2.00. Ring up Department 1 and
Department 2 prices, then void the Department 1 entry.
To void a department preset price
1Press the key.
2Press the key.
3Press the key.
4Press the key and then press the ke.y
5Press the key.
Chapter 11: Examples
112 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Voiding a Department Preset with a Coupon Discount
Example 56: Assume Department 1 is programmed for $1.00 and
Department 2 is programmed for $2.00. Ring up Department 1 and deduct 20¢,
ring up Department 2 and deduct 20¢, then void the Department 1 entry with
the 20¢ coupon discount.
To void a department preset with a coupon discount
1Press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 20, and then press the key.
3Press the key.
4In the Number keys area, press 20, and then press the key.
5Press the key.
6Press the key and then press the key.
7In the Number keys area, press 20, press the key, and then press
the key.
8Press the key.
Voiding a Department Preset with a Minus Percentage
Discount Example 57: Assume Department 1 is programmed for $1.00, Department 2
is programmed for $2.00, and the [-%/RA] key is pre-programmed for 10%. Ring
up Department 1 and deduct 10%, ring up Department 2 and deduct 10%, then
void the Department 1 entry with the 10% discount.
To void a department preset with a minus percentage discount
1Press the key and then press the key.
2Press the key and then press the key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 113
Voiding A Minus Percentage Discount Sale
3Press the key.
4Press the key, press the key, and then press the
If the Minus Percentage Discount Rate is not pre-programmed, type in the
discount rate before pressing the key.
Voiding A Minus Percentage Discount Sale
Example 58: Void a $1.00 item in Department 1 and void a pre-programmed
Minus Percentage Discount Rate of 10%.
To void a minus percentage discount sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, press the key, and then press
the key.
2Press the key.
If the Minus Percentage Discount Rate is NOT pre-programmed, type in the
discount rate before pressing the [-%/RA] key.
3Press the key.
Voiding a Multiplication of a Department Preset Price
Example 59: Assume Department 1 is programmed for the price of $1.00 and
Department 2 is programmed for the price of $2.00. Ring up Department 1 three
times and Department 2 two times, then void the Department 1 entry rung up
three times.
To void a multiplication of a department preset price
1In the Number keys area, press 3, and then press the key.
2Press the key.
Chapter 11: Examples
114 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
3In the Number keys area, press 2, and then press the key.
4Press the key.
5Press the key.
6Press the key.
7In the Number keys area, press 3, and then press the key.
8Press the key.
9Press the key.
Voiding A Multiplication Sale
Example 60: Void a $1.00 item in Department 1 three times.
To void a multiplication sale
1In the Number keys area, press 3 and then press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 100, press the key, and then press
the key.
Voiding a PLU Multiplication Sale
Example 61: Assume PLU #1 is preset for the price of $1.00 in Department 1.
Void PLU #1 three times.
To void a PLU multiplication sale
1In the Number keys area, press 3, press the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 1, press the key, and then press
the key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 115
Voiding a PLU Sale
3Press the key.
Voiding a PLU Sale
Example 62: Assume PLU #1 is preset for the price of $1.00 in Department 1.
Void PLU #1.
To void a PLU sale
1In the Number keys area, press 1, press the key, and then press
the key.
2Press the key.
Voiding a PLU Sale with a Coupon Discount
Example 63: Assume PLU #1 is preset for the price of $1.00 in Department 1
and deduct a 20¢ coupon. Void this entry.
To void a PLU sale with a coupon discount
1In the Number keys area, press 1, press the key, and then press
the key.
2In the Number keys area, press 20, press the key, and then press
the key.
3Press the key.
Chapter 11: Examples
116 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Voiding a Plu Sale with a Minus Percentage Discount
Example 64: Assume PLU #1 is preset for the price of $1.00 in Department 1
and the key is pre-programmed for 10%. Ring up PLU #1, deduct 10%,
then void this entry.
To void a PLU sale with a minus percentage discount
1In the Number keys area, press 1, press the key, and then press
the key, and the key.
2Press the key.
If the Minus Percentage Discount is not pre-programmed, type the
discount rate before pressing the key.
3Press the key.
Voiding a PLU Sale with a Plus Percentage Rate
Example 65: Assume PLU #1 is preset for the price of $1.00 in Department 1
and the [+%/PO] key is pre-programmed for 10%. Ring up PLU #1, add 10%,
then void this entry.
To void a PLU sale with a PLUs percentage rate
1In the Number keys area, press 1, press the key, and then press
the key, and the key.
2Press the key.
If the Plus Percentage Rate is not pre-programmed, type in the discount
rate before pressing the key.
3Press the key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 117
Voiding a Plus Percentage Sale
Voiding a Plus Percentage Sale
Example 66: Void a $1.00 item in Department 1 and void a pre-programmed
Plus Percentage Rate of 10%.
To void a PLUs percentage sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, press the key, and then press
the key.
2Press the key.
If the Plus Percentage rate is NOT pre-programmed, type in the Plus
Percentage Rate before pressing the +%/PO key.
3Press the key.
Voiding A Sale
Example 67: Void a $1.00 item in Department 1.
To void a sale
1In the Number keys area, press 100, press the key and then press
the key.
2Press the key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Calculating State Tax Table Codes
This appendix shows you how to program your cash register for state tax.
Check the Royal website at for the established state tax
table rates.
The State Tax Code represents a series of codes which are derived from
your State's Retail Tax Chart to give you the highest level of accuracy in
charging sales and other taxes.
Calculating Your Tax
This section gives you instructions for figuring your own tax code if your
specific state's tax code is not listed in the appendix. Take the time to
follow the Example Tax Chart on page 122. Familiarize yourself with the
method of determining the tax code.
Then, using The Worksheet on page 123, duplicate the method of
calculating your state tax code by the steps described in this section. To do
this you need to get a copy of your state's Retail Tax Chart from your local
Tax Office. After you are done, write down the tax code and save the
information for future reference.
Every tax table consists of tax brackets. Each consecutive tax bracket is
assigned a tax which is exactly one cent higher than that assigned to the
previous tax bracket. For examples, see Example Tax Chart on page 122.
In our Example Tax Chart, a sale from .00 to .12 is not taxed. The next tax
bracket a sale from .13 to .31 is taxed one cent. The next tax bracket a sale
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 119
Calculating Your Tax
from .32 to .54 is taxed two cents. The tax table progresses in a similar
To calculate your tax rate
1Using The Worksheet on page 123, complete Step A with the
appropriate amounts from your state's Retail Tax Chart.
2For the following, see the Example Tax Chart, Step B:
The difference between the starting amounts of each consecutive tax
bracket is called a breakpoint. Every tax table consists of a particular
sequence of breakpoints.
In our Example Tax Chart, the difference between .00 and .13 is .13
cents. This 13 is the first breakpoint. The difference between .13 and .32
is .19 cents, which means 19 is the second breakpoint.
The breakpoints continue in a particular sequence through the entire tax
table. It is this particular sequence of breakpoints that is used to
determine the programming code.
Using The Worksheet, complete Step B by calculating the breakpoints
based on your state's Retail Tax Chart.
The sequence of breakpoints is divided into Regular and Irregular
patterns. All tax tables repeat a pattern of irregular breakpoints that
lead into a pattern of regular breakpoints.
To determine the breakpoint pattern, continue calculating the
breakpoints in Part B until you have found the Regular repeat
breakpoint pattern.
From our example:
Breakpoints 13, 19, 23, 27, 27, 29 are the Irregular breakpoint pattern.
Breakpoints 25, 25, 25, 25 are the Regular repeat breakpoint pattern.
The Regular repeat breakpoint pattern is a point where you first see a
repetition of one or more numbers, which must then add up evenly to
100, 200, 300, and so on. In our programming example, the Regular
breakpoint pattern (25, 25, 25, and 25) adds up to 100.
Using The Worksheet, determine the Regular breakpoint pattern based
on your state's Retail Tax Chart.
3For the following, see the Example Tax Chart, Step C:
The first number to be programmed consists of the Base Tax followed by
the number 1. In PRG position, type your Base Tax number, followed by
the number 1, then press the Tax 2 key.
The Base Tax - A base tax is defined by local or state government and
refers to the minimum point where no tax is charged. If no tax is
charged from .0 cents to .12 cents, then .12 cents is your base tax.
Appendix A: Calculating State Tax Table Codes
120 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
The Number 1 - The programming mode for a tax table is 1. When
programming any tax table code this number does not change.
For example: If the base tax is .12 cents: Type 121, then press Tax 2.
The display shows 1.21.
Using The Worksheet, complete Step A.
4For the following, see the Example Tax Chart, Step D:
The second number to be programmed is a six digit number. Follow the
instructions and examples below to determine your six digit number. In
PRG position, type the six digit number and then press the Tax 2 key.
Example: 4% State Tax Table:
(1) First determine the multiplier1. The multiplier is the number which
when multiplied by the percentage rate equals a whole number as
close as possible to the number 100 and still remaining a 2 digit
number. In the example above, the multiplier is 24. The number 4 (the
percentage rate) is multiplied by 24 to determine the number 96 which
is the last two digits of the 6 digit number to be programmed: (24 x 4 =
(2) The first four digits of the 6 digit number (2400) are determined by
multiplying the number 24 by 100 (24 x 100 = 2400). The final
resulting 6 digit number to be programmed is 240096.
Using The Worksheet, complete Step D.
5For the following, see the Example Tax Chart, Step E:
In PRG position, type the individual breakpoints of the Irregular
breakpoint pattern and press the Tax 2 key after each breakpoint. Place
the number 10 before the last breakpoint entry.
(2) 100 (1) 4 4% Tax Table Rate
x 24 x 24 Multiplier
2400 96 Result: The six digit number to be
programmed is 240096
1. The easiest way to determine the multiplier is to divide the number 100 by the
percentage rate until the result is a whole number as close to 100 as possible and still
remaining a 2 digit number.
Table 24 Example: Irregular breakpoint sequence: 13, 19, 23, 27, 27, 1029
Type... Press... Appears as...
13 Tax 2 0.13
19 Tax 2 0.19
23 Tax 2 0.23
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 121
Calculating Your Tax
Using The Worksheet, complete Step E.
6For the following, see the Example Tax Chart, Step F:
In PRG position, type the individual breakpoints of the Regular
breakpoint pattern and press the Tax 2 key after each breakpoint. Place
the number 10 before the last breakpoint entry.
Using The Worksheet, complete Step F.
7For the following, see the Example Tax Chart, Step G:
To summarize the steps taken in calculating and programming the State
Tax Table Code, combine Steps A through F and maintain for future
Programming the State Tax Table Code is done with the Mode key in the
PRG position.
121, Tax 2, 240096, Tax 2, 13, Tax 2, 19, Tax 2, 23, Tax 2, 23, Tax 2,
27, Tax 2, 27, Tax 2, 1029, Tax 2, 25, Tax 2, 25, Tax 2, 25, Tax 2, 1025,
Tax 2.
Using The Worksheet, complete Step G by using the method described.
27 Tax 2 0.27
27 Tax 2 0.27
1029 Tax 2 10.29
Table 25 Example: Regular breakpoint sequence 25, 25, 25, 1025
Type... Press... Appears as...
25 Tax 2 0.25
25 Tax 2 0.25
25 Tax 2 0.25
1025 Tax 2 10.25
Table 24 Example: Irregular breakpoint sequence: 13, 19, 23, 27, 27, 1029 (Continued)
Type... Press... Appears as...
Appendix A: Calculating State Tax Table Codes
122 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Example Tax Chart
The following is an example of how a tax chart can look.
A total of 63 breakpoints can be programmed on this cash register.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 123
Calculating Your Tax
The Worksheet
Write down your results as you go.
Appendix A: Calculating State Tax Table Codes
124 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Programming the State Tax
You need to get a copy of your state's Retail Tax Chart so you can know
the base tax amount. The base tax amount is the maximum price where
no tax is charged. For example, if no tax is charged from 0 cents to 10
cents, then 10 cents is the base tax amount.
After you find out your state’s tax rate, you can program it into your cash
If you make a mistake or you hear an error beep while you are programming
the sales tax, press Clear and start over with Step 3.
To program a single fixed tax rate using a base tax amount
Example 68: If the Base Tax Amount is 10 cents and the Tax Rate is 6%:
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3In the round Number keys area, press 1 and then press the Tax 1 key.
4Press 104 and then press the Tax 2 key.
5Press 6000 and press the Tax 2 key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
GST/PST System for Canada
This appendix explains programming GST or PST for taxation in Canada.
Before you can use GST or PST, you must first program Flag 13. For more
information about programming flags, see Programming Flag Options on
page 59.
To program Flag 13
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3In the round Number keys area, press 131 and then press the Void key.
Canadian Tax Programming Example
The non-taxable limit is used in certain areas where tax is exempted below
a certain amount. For example, any amount below $4.00 is exempted from
tax. If there is no non-taxable limit, simply skip the step in brackets in the
Example 69: GST Tax: 7%, PST Tax: 8%, GST/PST, Tax: Both 7% and 8%
calculated on net amount
1Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
Appendix B: GST/PST System for Canada
126 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Where you see an asterisk (*) in the following steps, enter a preset price or
press 0.
3Program Tax 1 as 7%:
Press 1 + Tax 1 + 7000 + Tax 2
4Program Tax 2 as 8%:
Press 2 + Tax 1 + 8000 + Tax 2
5Link Tax 1 (7% GST) to a Department key:
Press 00001 + Subtotal/w/TAX + 0* + Dept Key
6Type the name of the Department, using the Department keys. For more
information about using the Department keys to type letters, see Setting
Alphanumeric Descriptions on page 20. When you are done, press the
Check key.
7Link Tax 2 (8% PST) to specified Department key above:
Press 00002 + ST/W/TAX + 0* + Dept Key
8Type the name of the Department, using the Department keys. For more
information about using the Department keys to type letters, see Setting
Alphanumeric Descriptions on page 20. When you are done, press the
Check key.
9Link both Tax 1 (GST) and Tax 2 (PST) to a Department key:
Press 00005 + ST/W/TAX + 0* + Dept Key
Example 70: GST Tax: 7%, PST Tax: 8%, GST/PST, Tax: Both 7% and 8% as tax
on tax-piggyback calculation
Where you see an asterisk (*) in the following steps, enter a preset price or
press 0.
1Program Tax 1 as 7%:
Press 1 + Tax 1 + 7000 + Tax 2
2Program Tax 2 as 8%:
Press 2 + Tax 1 + 8000 + Tax 2
3Program Tax 3 as 8%:
Press 3 + Tax 1 + 8000 + Tax 2
4Link Tax 1 (7% GST) to a Department key:
Press 00001 + ST/W/TAX + 0* + Dept Key
5Type the name of the Department, using the Department keys. For more
information about using the Department keys to type letters, see Setting
Alphanumeric Descriptions on page 20. When you are done, press the
Check key.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 127
Canadian Tax Programming Example
6Link Tax 3 (8% PST) to a Department key:
Press 00003 + ST/W/TAX + 0* + Dept Key
7Type the name of the Department, using the Department keys. For more
information about using the Department keys to type letters, see Setting
Alphanumeric Descriptions on page 20. When you are done, press the
Check key.
8Link both Tax 1 (7% GST) and Tax 2 (8% PST) to the desired
Department key:
Press + 00005 + ST/W/TAX + 0* + Dept Key
9Type the name of the Department, using the Department keys. For more
information about using the Department keys to type letters, see Setting
Alphanumeric Descriptions on page 20. When you are done, press the
Check key.
10 Program for piggyback (tax on tax) calculation for Canada:
Press 21 + 1 + Void
Press 22 + 2 + Void
For help in Canada, call 888-266-9380.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Product Information
Specifications and Safety
Table 26 Specifications And Safety
Feature Description
Type Electronic cash register
Displays Two line alphanumeric operator display
One line alphanumeric customer display
Capacity 7 digit input and 10 digit readout
Printer ECR exclusive alpha numeric printer.
Ink Source Thermal alphanumeric printer - no ribbon needed
Paper Supply Standard thermal paper Royal Reorder # 013127
Memory Battery
Roughly 28 days after power interruption
Technology CMOS RAM
Standby - 28W, Operating - 47W
0-40 Degrees Centigrade (32-104 Degrees
Dimensions 10¼” x 16½” x 13¾”
Weight 20.0 lbs.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 129
Safety Notice
Safety Notice
The power outlet for this cash register must be located near the unit and
be easily accessible.
Do not use this cash register outdoors in the rain or near any source of
liquid, such as a pool.
The back-up power system: When you are not using your cash register,
you keep it plugged in with the control lock key in the OFF position.
Back-up power is provided through the batteries, but this should not be
used for long periods of time.
FCC Warning
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual,
may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device
pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to
provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated
in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at
his own expense will be required to correct the interference.
Appendix C: Product Information
130 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Limited Warranty
Royal Consumer Information Products, Inc. at 379 Campus Drive, Somerset, New Jersey
08875 warrants that your new Royal Cash Management System is free of defects of
workmanship and materials. If there is a defect or malfunction of this cash register, Royal
will repair the cash register free of charge as follows:
New or comparable rebuilt parts in exchange for defective parts for ONE YEAR from
the date of purchase.
All labor charges incurred for 90 DAYS are covered from the date of purchase. After 90
days there will be a labor charge for repair of assemblies such as the keyboard, display,
logic board, power supply and printer at the Authorized Service Center’s then prevailing
rates. The cash register must be taken or sent postage prepaid and insured to a Royal
Authorized Service Center. Royal will pay return postage during labor warranty period
This warranty does not apply to persons who purchase this product second-hand or used.
This warranty does not include adjustments, parts, or repairs required by circumstances
beyond the control of Royal, including but not limited to fire or other casualty, accident,
neglect, abuse, abnormal use, or battery leakage damages. THERE ARE NO OTHER
Royal shall NOT be liable for CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES resulting from any
failure, defect, or malfunction of this cash register. Some states do not allow limitations
on how long an implied warranty lasts and some states do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions
may not apply to you.
To obtain service under the terms of this warranty
Your warranty starts with the date of original purchase. This warranty gives you specific
legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from State to State.
This warranty is valid only on cash registers purchased, delivered and used in the United
For Authorized Service Centers within your local area, please call 1 (888) 261-3888 or
Keep proof of purchase to establish date of original purchase.
Pack your cash register in the original carton or equivalent.
Enclose a copy of the bill of sale or other documentation showing original purchase
Enclose a card or note describing the difficulty you have had with the cash register.
Be sure to include your complete name and address.
Mail the above prepaid and insured to the nearest authorized service location. The
Service Center cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage in transit.
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 131
Description Tables
Description Tables
The following table shows the various text your cash register prints in the
languages programmed in your cash register.
Table 27 Language Descriptions
Appendix C: Product Information
132 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
Table 27 Language Descriptions (Continued)
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 133
Description Tables
Table 27 Language Descriptions (Continued)
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
management reports 78
numeric display 12
serial port 87
X readings 77
Z readings 77
ordering 89
alphanumeric code chart 21, 43
amount of time messages appear
barcode reader
installing 6
programming 6
programming PLUs 52
ringing up sales 67
setting up PLUs 52
locating 3
putting in 3
replacing 86
before going to register mode 33
tax rates 125–127
Canadian tax system 70
cash drawer
closing 15
opening 15
changing tax rates 70
character chart, programming 21
chart, alphanumeric codes 43
clearing errors 34
clerk names
setting 28
clerk numbers
setting 28
using 29
clerk system 28
using 29
cash drawer 15
code chart, alphanumeric 21, 43
codes, transaction 97
commercial messages
programming 24
setting 27
complex tax rates 70
confirming your settings 32
contacting Royal 2
counterfeit detector feature 16
coupon discounts
programming 55
credit keys
programming 49
custom messages
programming 24
customer display
closing 10
opening 10
customer service, contacting 2
department keys
programming 37
department names
programming 42
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 135
department number keys
using 41
department preset price
programming 41
description tables 131
languages 131
programming 54
operator 11
display messages
programming 45
programming display time 46
double wide characters
programming 23
receipts 23
error codes 34
error sounds 34
clearing 34
fixing 34
adding tax to a non taxable
department 98
cash sale with tendering
change 98
cash sale without tendering
change 99
charge sale 99
coupon discount sale 100
credit return 101
credit sale 101
debit purchase 101
dept shift key 101
exempting tax on an item 102
exempting tax on the entire
sale 102
gallonage sales transaction 103
minus percentage discount sale
modify tip 104
multiplication of a department
unit price 104
multiplication sale 104
multiplying by a fraction 105
no-sale function 105
overriding a PLU sale 106
paid-out sale 106
PLU sale 106
PLU sale with PLU description
PLUs percentage sale 107
received-on-account sale 108
registering a department unit
price 108
registering a reference number
return sale 109
split tendering sale 109
using error-correct (void) key
voiding a coupon sale 111
voiding a department preset
price 111
voiding a department preset
with a coupon discount 112
voiding a department preset
with a minus percentage
discount 112
voiding a minus percentage
discount sale 113
voiding a multiplication of a
department preset price 113
voiding a multiplication sale
voiding a PLU multiplication
sale 114
voiding a PLU sale 115
voiding a PLU sale with a
coupon discount 115
voiding a PLU sale with a
minus percentage discount
voiding a PLU sale with a PLUs
percentage rate 116
voiding a PLUs percentage sale
voiding a sale 117
example tax chart 122
financial reports 79
flag options
programming 59
footer messages, setting 27
full report example 80
full system clear, about 35
getting help 2
GST tax rates 125–127
half system clear, about 35
programming 39
barcode reader 6
paper roll 5
register tape 5
using 14
description tables 131
selecting 62
location of keys 14
making messages scroll fast or
slow 49
manager passwords 31
manager passwords, setting 31
memory backup batteries 3
messages, setting commercial 27
136 Alpha 600sc User’s Guide
minus percentage discounts
programming 54
Mode key area, using 12
cash drawer 15
operator display 11
accessories 89
supplies 2
paper money, verifying 16
paper roll
installing 5
parts, ordering 89
clerk, setting 28
manager 31
setting manager 31
setting X 31
PLU description
programming 51
programming the barcode
scanner 52
barcode reader 6
clerk numbers 28
commercial messages 24
coupon discounts 55
credit keys 49
custom messages 24
department keys 37
department names 42
department preset price 41
discounts 54
double wide characters 23
flag options 59
High Digit Lock-out (HDLO)
logo messages 23
manager password 31
message in the display 45, 46
minus percentage discounts 54
multiple and single items 39
numbers in logo messages 23
PLU description 51
plus percentage add ons 58
PLUs with the barcode scanner
scrolling messages 45, 46
single wide characters 23
store logos 24
tax rates 70
tax status 40
tax rates 125–127
quick start program confirmation
report, printing 32
receipt messages, setting 24, 27
register mode, before going to 33
register tape
installing 5
replacing batteries 86
about 78
cash-in-drawer 78
clerk reports 79
confirmation 75
department confirmation 76
example 80
financial 79
full 79
hourly 82
management 76
PLU 83
program confirmation 73
quick start program
confirmation 32
X 76
Z 76
ringing up sales 65
barcode reader 67
contacting 2
cash-in-drawer reports 78
clerk reports 79
department confirmation
reports 76
financial reports 79
full reports 79
hourly reports 82
management reports 76
PLU confirmation reports 75
PLU reports 83
program confirmation reports
scanning items 67
scrolling message
setting display time 46
scrolling messages
amount of time messages
appear 49
faster or slower 49
programming 45, 46
serial port
about 87
connectors 87
alphanumeric descriptions 20
amount of time messages
appear on the display 49
clerk names 28
clerk numbers 28
commercial messages 27
decimal points 53
languages 62
machine numbers 30
manager passwords 31
rounding rates 54
scrolling messages 46
Alpha 600sc User’s Guide 137
standard or gallonage mode 39
tax rates 70
X passwords 31
setting up
barcode scanner 52
confirming 32
single wide characters
programming 23
receipts 23
specifying tax rates 70
store logos
double wide characters 23
programming 24
single wide characters 23
worksheet 24
store messages
programming 24
supplies, ordering 2
tables, description 131
tax chart, example 122
tax rates
Canadian 70, 125–127
GST 125–127
PST 125–127
setting 70
VAT 70
tax status
programming 40
tax worksheet 123
technical information
serial port 87
Training mode, using 67
transaction codes 97
troubleshooting 90
Clerk E12 91
error beeps 90
error codes 90
full system clear 93
half system clear 93
register does not work 92
Sec error 91
cash drawer 15
clerk system 29, 30
department number keys 41
displays 19
double wide characters 23
keyboard 14
Mode key area 12
single wide characters 23
Training mode 67
VAT tax system 70
verifying paper money 16
warranty 130
store logo 24
tax 123
X passwords, setting 31
X reports 76
Z reports 76

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