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MISP Project / TheHive Project - Joint Workshops & Trainings

Detect, Investigate & Respond
Using MISP, TheHive & Cortex
Tue Dec 4, 2018
Danni Co​, R
​ aphaël Vinot​ & ​Saâd Kadhi

Dear Workshop Attendees​,
During our journey together, we will cover the following topics:

Quick overview of the software stack: ​TheHive​, ​Cortex​ & ​MISP
Installation & Configuration
Case Study 1: Your Car is Waiting
Case Study 2: Feed me an Alert
Case Study 3: Knock, Knock, you’ve got an Event

For the duration of the workshop, we will give you access to:
- A Cortex server configured with several subscription-based and commercial
- A MISP instance that contains several hundreds of events.
The case studies require manipulating malicious files. ​You must use extra caution when
manipulating them​. You can upload password-protected ZIP files directly to TheHive
without having to decrypt them beforehand.
The instructors cannot be held liable in any way if you accidentally infect your computer.
If you don’t agree with these terms, do not copy the contents of the workshop USB keys
to your computer.

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MISP Project / TheHive Project - Joint Workshops & Trainings

Table of Contents
Copy the Files
Import the Training VM
Set up MISP
Step 1 – Connect to the MISP Web UI
Step 2 – Change the Base URL
Step 3 – Sync MISP
Set up TheHive & Cortex
Step 1 - Connect to TheHive’s Web UI
Step 2 - Connect to the Cortex Web UI
Step 3 (OPTIONAL) – Update Your Cortex Analyzers
Step 4 – Check the Local Cortex Connectivity
Step 5 – Import the Report Templates
Step 6 – Configure TheHive & MISP Integration
Step 7 – Configure an additional Cortex Instance
Case Studies
Case 1: Your Car is Waiting
Case 2: Feed me an Alert
Case 3: Knock, Knock, you’ve got an Event
Before you Leave

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Copy the Files
The files you will need for the workshop are on the USB keys distributed by the instructors.
Once you get a USB key, please copy all the contents to your laptop and pass it on to another
attendee or hand it back to the instructors.

Import the Training VM
While TheHive Project and MISP Project provide separate training VMs, one including only
TheHive and Cortex and another including only ​MISP, both projects have worked together in
order to provide a ​unified VM which contains all three applications for their regular joint
workshops and trainings such as this one.
The USB keys provided by the instructors contain the latest unified training VM, in the
Training VMs​ ​folder:
The unified training VM works on both VirtualBox and VMware Workstation/Fusion. ​Please
do not use VMware Player​ as problems might occur with that application.

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Important Note
The training VMs must not be used for production systems. Their only purpose is to help
you get acquainted with the applications.
Before importing the VM in your virtualization software, please check its SHA256 fingerprint
against the hash stored in:
Training VMs/packer_virtualbox-iso_virtualbox-iso_sha256.checksum
If fingerprints do not match, call the instructors. Otherwise, proceed and import the VM in
VirtualBox or VMware. ​Please allocate 6GB of RAM to it and at least 2 processor cores if
you can​. 4GB is a bare minimum.
To connect to the VM through SSH or the CLI, use the ​misp user account with password

Set up MISP
Step 1 – Connect to the MISP Web UI
When the VM finishes booting up, it will display the following banner:

Launch a browser on your host machine and connect to:
http://JOINT_VM_IP​ (VMware)
In the screenshot above, the URL is ​Use the one indicated in your
own banner​. Login as ​admin@admin.test​ ​with password a
​ dmin​.
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When the VM finishes booting up, it will display the following banner:

As indicated, port-forwarding is already configured and as such you can access MISP by
launching a browser on your host machine and connect to:
Login as​ ​admin@admin.test​ with password ​admin​.

Step 2 – Change the Base URL
This is very important.
Change the base URL of your MISP instance via ​Administration > Server Settings &
Maintenance > MISP Settings > MISPbaseurl to correspond to the URL you used to connect to

Step 3 – Sync MISP
Your instructors will share with you the URL of a MISP instance containing several hundred
of events. It is time to sync your training instance with it.
To do so, go to ​Sync Action > List Servers then click on ​New Server​. In the ​Base URL ​field,
In the I​ nstance Name​ field, type:

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Then copy the following key and paste it in the ​Authkey f​ ield:
Important Note
Do not type the authentication key’s value (the long string corresponding to the ​Authkey
field) by hand​. Please copy/paste it from the ​Training VMs/apikeys.txt file or from
this document (see the value above).
Check the ​pull ​box​ and click on ​Submit​:

To test your setup, click on the ​Run button next to the server name/IP. Then look at the
added server and ​click on the little ​down arrow located on the right side of the display to
pull all events​.

Wait a few minutes and click on ​Home on the top left side of the Web UI. You should see
some events.

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Set up TheHive & Cortex
Step 1 - Connect to TheHive’s Web UI
Look at the banner of your VM:

Launch a browser on your host machine and connect to:
http://JOINT_VM_IP:9000​ (VMware)
http://localhost:9000​ (VirtualBox)
In a real-world scenario, the first time you access TheHive, you’ll need to create the
associated database by clicking on the ​Update Database​ button as shown below:

Once this is done, you’ll be asked to create an admin account with an associated password.
For the workshop, the steps below have already been done in advance and does not require
actions from your side​:

Database creation
Admin account creation

To connect to TheHive’s Web UI, use the account ​admin with password ​thehive1234​. Now
open a session on TheHive using those credentials and ​explore the UI​. Take your time and
please ask questions to the instructors when something is unclear.
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Step 2 - Connect to the Cortex Web UI
On your host machine, connect to:
http://JOINT_VM_IP:9001​ (VMware)
http://localhost:9001 ​(VirtualBox)
While TheHive has only one administrator account level (either you have admin privileges or
you haven’t), Cortex supports RBAC or multi-tenancy and allows you to manage multiple
organizations within a single instance. Cortex has two administrator account levels:


Super administrators: ​superadmins ​can create, modify or remove organizations and
user accounts. They cannot see what’s happening within a specific organization nor
manage its responders and analyzers.
Organization administrators: ​orgadmins can manage users within their own
organizations, enable and configure analyzers, quotas and caching.

First, start by opening a session as a ​super administrator using the ​admin account with
thehive1234 as a password. ​Explore the UI​. Take your time and please ask questions to the
instructors when something is unclear.
Log out and log back in using an ​organization administrator account. The username is
thehive and the password is ​thehive1234​. ​Explore now the interface and see how
different it is from the previous display when you were connected using a super
administrator account. ​Take your time and please ask questions to the instructors when
something is unclear.

Step 3 (OPTIONAL) – Update Your Cortex Analyzers
This step is not required for the workshop as you already have the latest analyzers​.
To install the latest analyzers and fixes, open a shell on the training VM (hint: use SSH from
your host OS or CLI; login: ​misp ​& password: ​Password1234​) and run the following
$ cd /opt/Cortex-Analyzers
$ sudo git pull
$ for I in analyzers/*/requirements.txt; do sudo -H pip2 install -r
$I; done && \
for I in analyzers/*/requirements.txt; do sudo -H pip3 install -r $I
|| true; done
They might take some time to complete.
On The Cortex UI, log in as ​thehive with password ​thehive1234​. In the navigation bar, click
on ​Organization​, then ​Analyzers​:
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Finally, click on R
​ efresh Analyzers ​as shown below:

Step 4 – Check the Local Cortex Connectivity
This step needs to be performed on TheHive.
TheHive is already configured to leverage the Cortex instance that is included in the training
VM. To make sure that’s the case, check the Cortex logo at the lower bottom of TheHive’s
main page. It should have an outer circle in g
​ reen​ color :

If that’s not the case, please refresh the page and check again. If that still does not work,
open a shell on the VM using ​misp user account with ​Password1234 as a password then
$ sudo service thehive stop
$ sudo service thehive start
Go back to your host’s browser, open a session on TheHive and check again the color of the
outer circle surrounding the Cortex logo. It should be green now.

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Step 5 – Import the Report Templates
The Cortex instance is pre-configured with the following 6 analyzers:
- Abuse Finder
- CyberCrime-Tracker
- EmlParser
- Fortiguard URLCategory
- MaxMind GeoIP
- UnshortenLink
Have a look at TheHive’s report templates: go to ​Admin > Report templates menu. How many
templates do you see ?
Now connect as an ​orgadmin user on the Cortex UI (user: ​thehive​, password: ​thehive1234​)
and enable the FileInfo analyzer: ​Organization > Analyzers > FileInfo_5_0 > Enable. ​Set all
manalyze​ configuration to False​, keep ​Options​ as default and save.
Go back to TheHive’s report templates and refresh the page. Do you notice something
different? The available report templates should have been updated automatically to include
FileInfo_5_0​. If not, the report templates must be reinstalled in TheHive in order to fully
benefit from all the analyzers.
To do so:
1. In TheHive, go to ​Admin > Report templates​ menu.

2. Click

on the ​Import templates ​button and select the file ​Training
VMs/ ​you copied from the USB key. Alternatively, you can
also download it online from the following location:

Important Note
You will need the ​FileInfo_5_0 analyzer for the case studies. But due to a recent change in
a library it uses, it does not work out of the box. We will be fixing this issue shortly. In the
meantime, p
​ lease open a shell on your training VM and issue the following commands​:
​$ sudo -H pip3 uninstall extract-msg
[press y]
$ sudo -H pip2 uninstall extract-msg
[press y]
$ sudo -H pip2 install \
$ sudo -H pip3 install \

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Step 6 – Configure TheHive & MISP Integration
In TheHive’s Web UI, go to the ​Admin > Case template menu and ​create a case template that
will be used to import MISP events of interest as cases to investigate by default. Call it
Here is an example. Note that you can create t​ ask groups:

Connect to your MISP VM’s Web UI using ​admin@admin.test with password ​Password1234​.
Click on ​Admin on the right side of the top navigation bar. Copy the value of the ​Authkey

Important Note
In real-world situations, you must not use a MISP’s admin ​Authkey for TheHive. Instead,
you should create a Sync user account for TheHive in the MISP Web UI and use the
associated A
​ uthkey​ in TheHive’s configuration.
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Open a shell on your training VM and edit TheHive’s configuration file located at:
Edit the M
​ ISP s
​ ection of the configuration file to look like the following.
## Enable the MISP module (import and export)
play.modules.enabled += connectors.misp.MispConnector
misp {
# Interval between consecutive MISP event
# minutes (m).
interval = 1h





# # MISP connection configuration requires at least an url and a
key. The key must
# # be linked with a sync account on MISP.
url = "​http://localhost​" ​#​ ​Yes, localhost, not localhost:8080
key = "​Your Authkey goes here​"
# # Name of the case template in TheHive that shall be used to
# # MISP events as cases by default.
caseTemplate = "​MISP-EVENT​"
# # Optional tags to add to each observable imported from an
# # available on this instance.
tags = ["​misp-local​"]
# ## MISP event filters
# # MISP filters is used to exclude events from the import.
# # Filter criteria are:
# # The number of attribute
# max-attributes = 1000
# # The size of its JSON representation
# max-size = 1 MiB
# # The age of the last publish date
# max-age = 7 days
# # Organization and tags
# exclusion {
organisation = ["bad organisation", "other orga"]
tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
# }
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# ## HTTP client configuration (SSL and proxy)
# # Truststore to use to validate the X.509 certificate of the
# # instance if the default truststore is not sufficient.
# # Proxy can also be used
# ws {
ssl.trustManager.stores = [ {
path = /path/to/truststore.jks
proxy {
host =
port = 3128
# }
# # MISP purpose defines if this instance can be used to import
# # Default is ImportAndExport
# purpose = ImportAndExport
​}​ ## <-- Uncomment to complete the configuration
Save the file and restart TheHive:
$ sudo service thehive restart
Open a session on TheHive’s Web UI using a
​ dmin​ and password ​thehive1234​:
1. Check that you have now the MISP logo in the lower right corner of the main page
once you have authenticated to TheHive. If not, call us for help.

2. Notice how the value next to the ​Alerts ​navigation item is increasing. You can also
force the synchronization ​if needed ​by accessing the following URL:
http://JOINT_VM_IP:9000/api/connector/misp/_syncAlerts​ (VMware)
http://localhost:9000/api/connector/misp/_syncAlerts​ (VirtualBox)

Step 7 – Configure an additional Cortex Instance
It is time to add an additional Cortex instance to TheHive’s configuration. It will allow you to
test additional subscription-based and commercial analyzers and work more efficiently on
the case study.
Open a shell on TheHive’s training VM and edit TheHive’s configuration file located at:
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Look for the Cortex configuration section. It should look like:
# Cortex
# TheHive can connect to one or multiple Cortex instances.
# Cortex instance a name and specify the associated URL.
play.modules.enabled += connectors.cortex.CortexConnector
cortex {
# URL of the Cortex server.
url = ""
key ="some API key goes here"


Now configure TheHive to access an additional Cortex instance.

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Important Note
Do not type the authentication key’s value (​the long string corresponding to the ​key
variable) by hand​. You can find it in the ​Training VMs/apikeys.txt file you copied from
the USB key. Please open an SSH connection from your host OS to your guest OS and
copy/paste the key from the ​apikeys.txt file to the ​key​’s value shown below in
# Cortex
# TheHive can connect to one or multiple Cortex instances. Give
# Cortex instance a name and specify the associated URL.
play.modules.enabled += connectors.cortex.CortexConnector
cortex {
# URL of the Cortex server.
url = ""
key ="some API key goes here"
# URL of the Cortex server.
key ="​jDpWqnpJBgSHtD5mlP72BZV3gcfadLFH​"
Save the file and restart TheHive:
$ sudo service thehive restart
Connect to TheHive’s Web UI, click on your username on the right side of the top navigation
bar then on ​About TheHive​. You should see two Cortex instance names, along with their
version and their status.

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MISP Project / TheHive Project - Joint Workshops & Trainings

Case Studies
Case 1: Your Car is Waiting
You are the incident handler on duty for the HoneyLove company which is incorporated in
Luxembourg for obvious reasons. Joe Smith is your CEO’s assistant. Your CEO travels a lot
to sell the delicious honey produced by HoneyLove. So Joe is often planning your boss’ trips.
He purchases airplane tickets, books hotel rooms and cars etc. His life consists of dealing
with emails and phone calls mostly.
As he is going through tons of emails, he spots one in his mailbox that seems a bit weird.
The subject is the following:
[Avis Business Club] Booking Confirmation Email
It is true that HoneyLove works exclusively with Avis for car rental and as a very successful
company (honeybees are getting very rare so the price of honey has skyrocketed in the last
couple of years), HoneyLove is member of Avis Business Club. It is also true that Joe often
receives such emails but the sender and contents of the email are unusual this time.
Joe calls you and you asked him to drag/drop the email on his desktop. This created an EML
file. Then you asked him to send you the EML file which he did. The EML file is now on your
regular workstation in ​Case\ Studies/Case1-JoeSmith​.
It’s investigation time! Create a case in TheHive (​hint: prepare a case template for
suspicious email investigations), add the EML file as observable and fire the EML Parser
analyzer. Look at the results carefully. Add new observables from the report (sender,
recipient, subject, URL, domain…).
Notice that there is an attachment. It’s a password-protected ZIP file. You should extract it
from the EML file before adding it to your case. You can use the old ​vi/nano method ​or
install m
​ pack​​ on your training VM, copy the EML file there and extract the attachment:
Be careful once you have the attachment on your workstation. ​You can upload the
password-protected ZIP file directly to TheHive without having to decrypt it beforehand​. All
you need is the password. Look again at the EML Parser analyzer report.
Fire some additional analyzers. Think wisely​. Can you find additional IOCs in the analyzer
reports? What are your conclusions? Is it a true positive? Close the case once finished and, if
it is a true positive and you have identified some IOCs, use the ​Share button to push them to
your MISP instance then connect to the MISP Web UI and verify that the case has been
correctly exported. Note that the event is not published as it requires sanitization by the
threat intel team before publication (and sharing with peers and partners if applicable).

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Case 2: Feed me an Alert
You’ve been dealing with user notifications using the ​copy/paste/send method outlined in
case 1 for quite some time. It is tedious for your users. It is tedious for you and it is a waste
of time.
As a good (i.e. lazy) incident handler, you are looking into automating things. TheHive has
the ability to receive alerts from multiple sources using simple Python programs called Alert
HoneyLove uses Google for emails. You asked your I.T. department to add a button on the
mail clients to report suspicious emails to your team.
When a user spots a suspicious email, they highlight it and click on the button then click on
send after adding an optional comment. The email is packaged as an EML file and sent to a
mailbox monitored by an alert feeder.
In this case study, you will have to create a basic alert feeder that will extract key data from
EML files and feed it to TheHive as an alert.
Samantha Fox works in the procurement department of HoneyLove after a brief career in the
show business. She just received an email which subject is:
ACH Payment info
The email apparently comes from Enovos Luxembourg SA from which HoneyLove gets its
electricity but something is off.
Samantha clicks on the ‘report email’ button and the EML file lands in the mailbox monitored
by your alert feeder. Copy Case 2 data to your TheHive VM:
❯ ls -l Case\ Studies/Case2-AlertFeeder
total 368
-rw-r--r--@ 1 saad staff 181211 Oct 16 23:03 ACH Payment info.eml
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 saad staff
1994 Oct 16 23:26
On your TheHive VM, edit the EML file and look if there’s an attachment. If there’s one, you
may want to extract it using ​munpack​ as you might have done in case 1.
Edit e
​​ and customize it. You need an API key:
1. Go to TheHive’s Web UI
2. Click on ​Admin > Users
3. Create an account for your alert feeder (check the​ Allow alerts creation checkbox​)
4. Give it ​read rights (you don’t need to give alert feeders any right apart from alert
creation in production but for the workshop it is required)
5. Generate an API key for that account
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Make sure to populate your artifacts correctly, add tags, descriptions if needed etc. When
you are ready, execute the alert feeder. The alert should show up in TheHive. Preview it,
import it and start investigating. Use analyzers & so on. What is your conclusion? Is it
Spoiler Alert
If you are stuck, you can look at a working example that needs very little customization
If you end generating an incorrect alert, you can mark it as read (easy way). But you can also
delete it using the following command (complicated way) on the training VM:
curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/the_hive_14/alert/ID
To get the ​ID​, use your browser’s web console, preview the alert in the UI and catch the

Then grab the ID:

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If you want to remove permanently all the alerts from your instance​, use the following
command on the training VM:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/the_hive_14/_delete_by_query -d '{
"match": {"_type":"alert"}

Case 3: Knock, Knock, you’ve got an Event
Once you reached this point, please state so to the instructors.
One of your peer CSIRTs just published on their MISP instance an interesting event. You
force a pull on your MISP instance to get it. Start by exploring the event in MISP. You can use
expansion modules if you need to enrich the data.
Since you don’t want to wait for the 1h interval time to see it in TheHive, use the magic URL:
http://JOINT_VM_IP:9000/api/connector/misp/_syncAlerts​ (VMware)
http://localhost:9000/api/connector/misp/_syncAlerts​ (VirtualBox)
It’s investigation time again! Do you see something related to a previous case you dealt
Good luck and if you find some new IOCs, share them back on MISP!

Before you Leave
We always welcome feedback to help us improve MISP, TheHive, Cortex and their
integration. We also appreciate your feedback on our trainings & workshops to make them
better and more useful for future attendees. Last but not least, if you have questions or
comments, feel free to contact us:

By email: s
By joining our ​user forum​ (Google Group)
By chatting with us and our user community on G
​ itter

This is a community-led effort and your contributions (new analyzers, new responders, UX
improvements, feature requests, …) will help us all.
Thank you!

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