IPTC Core Schema For XMP CS Panels User Guide Iptc4xmp 1.0 Doc Cpanels 13
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IPTC Standards “IPTC Core” Schema for XMP Version 1.0 Supplemental documentation Custom Panels User Guide Document Revision 13 Author: David Riecks Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc Copyright © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council, All rights reserved IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Copyright © 2005 by IPTC, the International Press Telecommunications Council and David Riecks. All rights reserved. IPTC address: Postal mail: Royal Albert House, Sheet Street, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1BE, United Kingdom Web: www.iptc.org email: office@iptc.org This project intends to use materials that are either in the public domain or are available by the permission for their respective copyright holders. Permissions of copyright holder will be obtained prior to use of protected material. All materials of this IPTC standard covered by copyright shall be licensable at no charge. Document file name (+ Word file extension “.doc”): Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc Document URN: urn:iptc:std:Iptc4xmpCore:1.0:spec:CpanelsUserGuide:13 (More information on IPTC URNs in RFC 3937) Specification Versioning History Version Issue Date Approved by 1 2004-10-08 IPTC Standards Committee Remark Document Revision History Revision Issue Date Author (revised by) Remark 13 2005-03-16 David Riecks Final version for public release Acknowledgements This document was provided by David Riecks (www.riecks.com & www.controlledvocabulary.com) as he participated in the “IPTC Metadata for XMP” working group which developed the “IPTC Core” Schema for XMP. Additional information on copyright notices was provided by: - US: Victor Perlman (ASMP legal counsel) and Jeff Sedlik (APA past president) - Europe: Ole Bratz (epa – european pressphoto agency) - Japan: Naoki Onodera (Mainichi Shimbun) and Takahiro Fujiwara (EAST Co Ltd) Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 2 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Table of contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction..................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Brief Background of IPTC Metadata ...................................................................................5 1.2 Four panels for Four Key Sets of Properties........................................................................5 1.3 Backward Compatibility Issues ...........................................................................................6 IPTC Contact panel......................................................................................................................7 IPTC Content panel......................................................................................................................9 IPTC Image panel ......................................................................................................................10 IPTC Status panel.......................................................................................................................12 IPTC Core field samples for various types of photography.......................................................14 Appendix....................................................................................................................................18 7.1 Appendix section 1: Installing the panels ..........................................................................18 7.2 Appendix section 2: creating metadata templates..............................................................19 7.3 Appendix section 3, Mapping IPTC IIMv4 to IPTC Core.................................................19 Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 3 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] NOTE: If the IPTC Core panels have been installed in your version of Adobe Photoshop CS, they should appear as seen in the screen below or on the following pages (this user guide alternates between screen grabs for Mac and Windows operating systems). See appendix section 1 for detailed instructions on where to download and how to install the panels. Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 4 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] 1 Introduction This document is designed to introduce photographers to use of the IPTC Core metadata schema. For more in-depth information, including the complete schema, please visit http://www.iptc.org/iptc4xmp/. 1.1 Brief Background of IPTC Metadata The IPTC’s older standard for metadata, the Information Interchange Model (IIM), defined a large set of metadata properties. In the early nineties a subset of this IIM was adopted as the well known "IPTC Headers" supported in JPEG, TIFF and PSD files by Adobe Photoshop. The IPTC Core is the latest revision of the International Press Telecommunications Council IIM schema, designed to use the Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) developed by Adobe in 2001. XMP was first introduced in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Adobe Acrobat 5.0. With XMP, legacy IPTC IIM metadata, new and customized metadata and metadata from other standards (such as EXIF camera data) can be recorded using a common data format based on XML (Extensible Markup Language http://www.w3.org/XML/). This information can be stored inside JPEG, TIFF, and PSD files as well as other file types including PDF. Since its introduction a number of other software vendors have added XMP support in their products. 1.2 Four panels for Four Key Sets of Properties The new IPTC Core XMP schema uses properties from the older IIM standard in addition to new metadata properties, and it specifies XMP to store metadata in files. The IPTC Core custom panels provide a view of metadata that’s labeled and organized so it is easier for photographers to use the Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 5 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] IPTC Core schema. The IPTC Core panels concentrate all key sets of properties needed by photographers into four sections or panels. The first focuses on the Contact Information, the second on basic information about the Content of the photograph, the third with more abstract Image information relating to the photograph. The final section, Status information, relates to image management, workflow and copyright. If you do not see these panels in your version of Adobe Photoshop, see Appendix 1, for details on where to download, and steps on how to install into Windows or Mac versions of Adobe Photoshop. 1.3 Backward Compatibility Issues The same information can appear multiple times within Adobe Photoshop's Custom panels. The data is not duplicated. It is stored only once, and all the panels and schemas that read or write to that field use it as a “shared property.” Some IPTC Core properties already appear as part of Adobe’s Description, Origin and Categories in the File Info panels as well as the Adobe Photoshop File Browser’s Metadata panel. As an example, enter the name “John Doe” in the “Creator” field of the "IPTC Contact" panel, then switch to the Adobe Photoshop “Description” panel—notice that the name “John Doe” automatically appears in the "Author" field in that panel. Change that “Author” entry to “Jane Doe” and it will appear in the “Creator” field in the IPTC Contact panel using the new name. Both panels simply provide two different views of the same metadata. When image files are opened and saved by Adobe Photoshop (version 7.01 or higher), the “IPTC Headers” stored within those files are synchronized with the stored XMP metadata. To maintain compatibility with older versions of Adobe Photoshop, no pre-existing mappings have changed. Workflow interoperability is another reason why some metadata appears shared. For example, many types of documents need a “Title” (technical specifications, tax forms, blueprints), but only news items need an IPTC Subject Code. If another metadata standard has already defined a useful property, it is simply reused in the IPTC Core schema. In many cases (title and keywords are two examples) this mapping was already established by Adobe Photoshop’s mapping of binary IPTC metadata to XMP. Likewise, metadata entered using the IPTC Core panels will continue to appear in other locations. The IPTC Core custom panel fields that are shared are noted in the descriptions of each field that follow. Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 6 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Legend for this users guide: Adobe Photoshop CS IPTC Core interface label [IPTC Core XMP Schema property name] Description of field and how it should be used. Note(s): on where the data will be shared by other fields in the standard Adobe Photoshop “File Info” panel or other schemas. 2 IPTC Contact panel (use this panel to record the photographer’s contact information) Creator [Creator] This field should contain your name, or the name of the person who created the photograph. If it is not appropriate to add the name of the photographer (for example, if the identify of the photographer needs to be protected) the name of a company or organization can also be used. Once saved, this field should not be changed by anyone. This field does not support the use of commas or semi-colons as separator. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Author” field in the Description Panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Creator’s Job Title [CreatorJobtitle] This field should contain the job title of the photographer. Examples might include titles such as: Staff Photographer, Freelance Photographer, or Independent Commercial Photographer. Since this is a qualifier for the Creator field, the Creator field must also be filled out. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Author Title” field in the Description Panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field (only appears in versions of Adobe products later than CS). Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 7 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Address (Contact info) [CiAdrExtadr] The address field is a multi-line field. Enter your company name and all required information to locate the building or postbox to which mail should be sent. City (Contact info) Enter the name of the city in which your business is located. [CiAdrCity] State/ Province (Contact info) [CiAdrRegion] Enter the name of the State or Province in which your business is located. Since the abbreviation for a State or Province may be unknown to those viewing your metadata internationally, consider using the full spelling of the name. Postal Code (Contact info) Enter the local postal code (such as ZIP code) in which your business is located. Country (Contact info) Enter the name of the country in which your business is located. [CiAdrPcode] [CiAdrCtry] Phone(s) (Contact info) [CiTelWork] Enter your business or work telephone number here. Multiple numbers can be given, separate them with a comma. Be sure to include the complete international format of a phone number which is: +{countrycode} ({regional code}) {phone number} - {extension if required} e.g. +1 (212) 1234578 Email(s) (Contact info) [CiEmailWork] Enter your business or work email address. Multiple email addresses can be given, separate them with a comma. Website( s) (Contact info) [CiUrlWork] Enter the URL or web address for your business. Multiple addresses can be given, separate them with a comma. Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 8 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] 3 IPTC Content panel (use this panel to describe the visual content of the image) Headline [Headline] A headline is a brief publishable synopsis/summary of the contents of the photograph. The Headline term should not be confused with the Title term. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Headline” field in the Origin Panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Description [Description] The Description field, often referred to as a “caption” is used to describe the who, what and why of what is happening in the photograph. If there is a person or people in the image, this caption might include their names, and/or their role in the action that is taking place. If the image is of a location, then it should give information regarding the location. Don’t forget to also include this same “geographical” information in the Image panel (location, city, state/province, country) of the IPTC Core. The amount of detail you include will depend on the image and whether the image is documentary or conceptual. Typically, editorial images come with complete caption text, while advertising images may not. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Description” field in the Description panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 9 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Keywords [Keywords] Enter keywords and terms or phrases used to express the subject of the content seen in the photograph. Keywords may be free text (i.e. they are not required to be taken from a controlled vocabulary). Values from the controlled vocabulary IPTC Subject Codes must be placed into the “Subject Code” field. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Keyword” field in the Description panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. IPTC Subject Code [SubjectCode] This field can be used to specify and categorize the content of a photograph by using one or more subjects as listed in the IPTC “Subject NewsCode” taxonomy (available from http://www.newscodes.org/). Each subject is represented as an 8 digit numerical string in an unordered list. Only subjects from a controlled vocabulary should be used in this field, free-choice text should be entered into the Keyword field. Description writer [DescriptionWriter] Enter the name of the person involved in writing, editing or correcting the description of the photograph in this field. For individual photographers this will typically be your own name, as you are the person that is entering the image metadata. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Description Writer” field in the Description panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. 4 IPTC Image panel (use this panel for formal descriptive information about the image) Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 10 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Date Created [DateCreated] Use this field to record the date of when the photograph was taken, not the date when you scanned or edited the image. If you use a digital camera, you can look at the EXIF data for the date stamp. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Date Created” field in the Origin panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. You can use the Origin panel’s “Today button” to set IPTC Image panel’s Date Created. Intellectual Genre [IntellectualGenre] Use this field to describe the “type” of use that a photograph fulfills in terms of its intellectual or journalistic characteristics. For example, at a newspaper, Intellectual Genre labels might include terms like daybook, obituary, press release, or transcript. A magazine might use terms like actuality, interview, background, feature, summary, or wrap-up. For best results, organizations should use a set of terms from a controlled vocabulary that they have developed. A sample taxonomy of “Intellectual genre” terms developed by the IPTC is available from http://www.newscodes.org/. The PRISM working group of the IDEAlliance has also developed a set of terms that can be referenced at http://prismstandard.org/. IPTC Scene [Scene] This field is used to describe the scene of a photo using one or more terms from the IPTC "SceneNewsCodes" controlled vocabulary (available from http://www.newscodes.org/). The IPTC Scene is represented as a 6 digit numerical string in an unordered list. Location [Location] Enter the name of a location shown in the photograph. This location name could be the name of a specific area within a city (Manhattan) or the name of a well known location (Pyramids of Giza) or (natural) monument outside a city (Grand Canyon). Location is the most specific term, at the fourth level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. City [City] Enter the name of the city that is pictured in the photograph. If there is no city, you can use the location field alone to specify where the photograph was taken. City is at the third level of a topdown geographical hierarchy. Note: This field is “shared” with the “City” field in the Origin panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. State/Province [Province-State] Enter the name of the subregion of a country–usually referred to as either a State or Province – that is pictured in the image. Since the abbreviation for a State or Province may be unknown to those viewing your metadata internationally, consider using the full spelling of the name. Province/State is at the second level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. Note: This field is “shared” with the “State/Province” field in the Origin panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Country [Country] Enter the full name of the country pictured in the photograph. This field is at the first level of a topdown geographical hierarchy. The full name should be expressed as a verbal name and not as a code, the ISO country code should be placed in the field titled ISO CountryCode. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Country” field in the Origin panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 11 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] ISO Country Code [CountryCode] Enter the ISO Country Code of the country pictured in the photograph. This field is at the top/ first level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. Country codes should be displayed as upper-case letters (US not us), and may be either two- or three-letter codes as defined by the ISO 3166 standard. The two-letter code (3166-2) is freely available from the http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1.html site. The full name of a country should go to the “Country” field. 5 IPTC Status panel (use this panel to record workflow and copyright information) Title [Title] This field can be used as a shorthand reference for the image or “photograph” — primarily for identification. The title of an image may take several forms; for photographers this might be the filename of their original scan or digital camera file, for news organizations it might be the name of the story for which it’s to be used. The Title term should not be confused with the Headline term, which is a short synopsis of the content of the photograph. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Document Title” field in the Description panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 12 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Job Identifier [JobID] You can enter a number or identifier that was created or issued for the purpose of improving workflow handling and image tracking. This ID should be added by the creator or provider for transmission and routing purposes only and should have no significance for archiving. (please note that this same field was labelled as the “transmission reference” in previous versions of Adobe Photoshop). Note: This field is “shared” with the “Transmission Reference” field in the Origin panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Instructions [Instructions] The Instructions field is a simple text field that can be used to include any of a number of instructions from the provider or creator to the receiver of the photograph. Any of the following could be included: embargoes (News Magazines OUT) and other restrictions not covered by the “Rights Usage Terms” field; information regarding the original means of capture (scanning notes, colourspace info) or other specific text information that the user may need for accurate reproduction; additional permissions or credits required when publishing. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Instructions” field in the Origin panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Provider [Provider] Use the Provider field to identify who is providing the photograph. This doesn’t have to necessarily be the owner/ creator. If a photographer is working for a news agency such as Reuters or the Associated Press, these organizations could be listed here as they are “providing” the image for use by others. If the image is a stock photograph, then the group (agency) involved in supplying the image should be listed here. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Credit” field in the Origin panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Source [Source] The Source field should be used to identify the original owner or copyright holder of the photograph. The value of this field should never be changed after the information is entered following the image's creation. While not yet enforced by the custom panels, you should consider this to be a “write-once” field. The source could be an individual, an agency, or a member of an agency. To aid in later searches, it is suggested to separate any slashes “/” with a blank space. Use the form “photographer / agency” rather than “photographer/agency.” Source may also be different from Creator and from the names listed in the Copyright Notice. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Source” field in the Origin panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Copyright Notice [CopyrightNotice] The Copyright Notice should contain any necessary copyright notice for claiming the intellectual property, and should identify the current owner(s) of the copyright for the photograph. Usually, this would be the photographer, but if the image was done by an employee or as work-for-hire, then the agency or company should be listed. Use the form appropriate to your country. For the United States you would typically follow the form of ©name of copyright owner, as in “©2005 John Doe.” Note, the word "copyright" or the abbreviation "copr" may be used in place of the © symbol. In some foreign countries only the copyright symbol is recognized and the abbreviation does not work. Furthermore the copyright symbol must be a full Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 13 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] circle with a "c" inside; using something like (c) where the parentheses form a partial circle is not sufficient. For additional protection worldwide, use of the phrase, “all rights reserved” following the notice above is encouraged. In Europe you would use: Copyright {Year} {Copyright owner}, all rights reserved. In Japan, for maximum protection, the following three items should appear in the copyright field of the IPTC Core: (a) the word, Copyright; (b) year of the first publication; and (c) name of the author. You may also wish to include the phrase “all rights reserved.” Notes regarding usage rights should be provided in the “Rights Usage Terms" field. Note: This field is “shared” with the “Copyright Notice” field in the Description panel of the Adobe Photoshop File Info field. Rights Usage Terms [RightsUsageTerms] The Rights Usage Terms field should include text instructions on how this photograph can be legally used. For example, if you are only submitting the image(s) for consideration only, you can indicate that, and stipulate that no reproduction is allowed without permission being negotiated in advance. There are several groups working on terminology that can be used for rights management. It is strongly encouraged that you use a standardized set of terms or controlled vocabulary when populating this field. 6 IPTC Core field samples for various types of photography On the following pages are three examples showing how you might fill out the IPTC Core metadata fields depending on the type of photography you do, and whom you are working for or with. continued ÆÆÆ Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 14 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Example: Independent photographer Example photo provided by ©David Riecks -IPTC Contact Creator: Creator's Jobtitle: Address: City: State/Province: Postal Code: Country: Phone(s): Email(s): Website(s): John Doe Photographer John Doe Photography, 123 Maple Lane Champaign Illinois 61820 USA +1 (217) 1234567 john@doe.com www.doe.com -IPTC Content Headline: Caption/Description: Keywords: Subject Code: Caption/Description writer: Young boy yelling Three year old African American boy yells with joy on beach during vacation. boy, gender, human beings, humans, lad, male, people, 3-12 years old, age, child, youth, african american, african-american, black, ethnic, ethnicity, people of color, race, beach, nature, scenery, emotion, emotional, emotions, happiness, happy, joy, joyful, joyous 14024001 *1(see note on page 17) John Doe -IPTC Image Date Created: Intellectual genre: IPTC Scene: Location: City: State/Province: Country: ISO Country Code: August 19, 2004 Profile 012300 *2(see page 17) Lake Superior Marquette Michigan USA US -IPTC Status Title: Job ID: Instructions: Provider: Source: Copyright Notice: Rights Usage Terms: 20040819_pe_014578d.nef PO 34567 Original RAW capture Nikon D2X, Adobe RGB 1998. John Doe Photography John Doe Photography ©2004 John Doe, all rights reserved For consideration only, no reproduction without prior permission Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 15 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Example: Agency photographer Example photo provided by ©David Riecks -IPTC Contact Creator: Creator's Jobtitle: Address: City: State/Province: Postal Code: Country: Phone(s): Email(s): Website(s): Julie Doe Mugwum contract photographer Mugwum Press, 123 Broadway New York New York 00123 USA +1 (877) 9876543 j.doe@mugwum.com www.mugwum.com -IPTC Content Headline: Caption/Description: Keywords: Subject Code: Caption/Description writer: Shore Temple, Malibalipuram, India The Shore Temple of the Seven Pagodas was built under Narsimha II of the Pallava dynasty between 7th and 8th century AD and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It resembles the structure of the Dharmaraja rath, but its tower rises much higher (approx. five stories or ~ 60 ft. high) and its stupa spire is small and slender. land, monument, nature, scenery, architectural, architecture, building, place of worship, religious building, structures, temple, sacred place, sanctum, Asia, India, Malibalipuram, Tamil Nadu, night, moonlight, moon, skies, sky, blue 12000000, 01002000 *5 (see page 17) Jacques Brown -IPTC Image Date Created: Intellectual genre: IPTC Scene: Location: City: State/Province: Country: ISO Country Code: January 1, 2005 Feature 011400 *6 (see page 17) Shore Temple Malibalipuram Tamil Nadu India IN -IPTC Status Title: Job ID: Instructions: Provider: Source: Copyright Notice: Rights Usage Terms: ar21319 Sacred India Newsmagazines Out Mugwum Press Julie Doe / Mugwum Press ©2005 Julie Doe / Mugwum Press, all rights reserved Image to be used One-time only, non-exclusive use in English Language Edition Magazine as inside image, to be used no larger than a full page in color. Additional third party rights to be negotiated with Julie Doe / Mugwum Press in advance. All other rights are reserved except those specifically granted. Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 16 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] Example: Staff photographer Example photo provided by ©David Riecks -IPTC Contact Creator: Creator's Jobtitle: Address: City: State/Province: Postal Code: Country: Phone(s): Email(s): Website(s): John Doe Staff photographer Big Newspaper, 123 Main Street Boston Massachusetts 02134 USA +1 (800) 1234567 johndoe@bignewspaper.com www.bignewspaper.com -IPTC Content Headline: Caption/Description: Keywords: Subject Code: Caption/Description writer: Farmer planting onions After digging the furrows another ten yards with the tractor, Jim Moore hops off to hand-set more leeks and onions. agriculture, farm laborer, farmer, field hand, field worker, humans, occupation, people, agricultural, agronomy, crops, onions, vegetable crops, plants, vegetables, outdoors, outside, agricultural equipment, tractor, gender, male, men 04001000, 04001001 *3(see page 17) Susan Brown -IPTC Image Date Created: Intellectual genre: IPTC Scene: Location: City: State/Province: Country: ISO Country Code: April 3, 2003 Profile 011900 *4 (see page 17) Moore family farm Watseka Illinois USA US -IPTC Status Title: Job ID: Instructions: Provider: Source: Copyright Notice: Rights Usage Terms: 01661gdx CSA farms Newspapers Out, Original Artixscan 4000 of color negative file, 160 ISO (frame 35a) is 7.6 x 11.2 at 500ppi, in Colormatch RGB. Big Newspaper John Doe / Big Newspaper ©2003 Big Newspaper, all rights reserved For consideration only, no reproduction without prior permission Notes from above examples *1- (this is the IPTC Subject code for “children”) *2- (this is the IPTC Scene code for “off-beat”) *3- (these are the IPTC Subject codes for “agriculture” and “arable farming”) *4- (this is the IPTC Scene code for “action”) *5- (these are the IPTC Subject codes for “religion & beliefs” and “architecture”) *6- (this is the IPTC Scene code for “night scene”) Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 17 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] 7 Appendix 7.1 Appendix section 1: Installing the panels Installing and Using the Panels with Adobe Photoshop CS and other Adobe Creative Suite Applications If, for some reason, your current version of Adobe Photoshop doesn’t contain the IPTC Core panels, you can download them from http://www.iptc.org/iptc4xmp/ The information for the various custom panels are contained in the four text files labeled; IPTC_Contact, IPTC_Content, IPTC_Image, and IPTC_Status. The panels are installed either in a global, or user-specific directory. The following paths are correct for current operating systems and the Adobe Creative Suite of applications such as Adobe Photoshop CS. The items not in bold might be dependent upon the language of the installed operating system. On a Macintosh OSX system the custom panel files may be installed in either of the following locations: {Root Volume} /Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels {Home Directory}/Users/ /Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels On Windows XP the files are installed in either of the following locations (substitute the appropriate drive letter for the “C” drive if necessary): C:\Documents and Settings\ \Application Data\Adobe\ XMP\Custom File Info Panels C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels To use a custom panel, Select “File Info” from the “File” menu with a file open. Or, within the Adobe Photoshop File Browser, right-click (control+click on Macintosh) on a thumbnail image and select “File Info” from the contextual menu. When the File Info dialog opens, you can click on an IPTC Core panel name in the list of panel in the list at the left side of the dialog box. NOTE: The IPTC also provides a Windows-only installer program to move the panels to the correct location in your file system. Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 18 of 22 IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide [Production/PublicRelease] 7.2 Appendix section 2: creating metadata templates How to create metadata templates and batch apply them in Adobe Photoshop CS Creation 1. Start with a fresh new document in any CS app. 2. Go to File Info and enter the data for which you wish to create a template. 3. Save template - go to the upper right flyout (circle with arrow in it) and select save - name it whatever you want. 4. Cancel File Info 5. Discard new document Apply to Single Image 1. Open a file and select File Info 2. Select from the flyout menu the template you wish to append (control click to replace) Batch Apply 1. Select multiple files in the Adobe Photoshop file browser 2. Select Edit > Append Metadata or Edit > Replace Metadata Append vs. Replace Append will add values to properties that are empty and add properties & values if they are not present. Replace will add properties & values if they are not present and will replace values for those properties that exist. Append and Replace are also available from the Advanced panel of the File Info dialog. Delete Properties can be deleted via the Advanced Panel of the File Info dialog. (Presumably there also ways of editing template files to apply 'blank' or null values but you will need to experiment to get the results you need). 7.3 Appendix section 3, Mapping IPTC IIMv4 to IPTC Core continued (3 pages) ÆÆÆ Iptc4xmpCore_1.0-doc-CpanelsUserGuide_13.doc © 2005 International Press Telecommunications Council | www.iptc.org Page 19 of 22 Appendix Section 3 IPTC - IIMv4 & "IPTC Core" v1.0 Schema for XMP Fields mapped to Imaging Program Labels IIM Image Info Field *05 10 15 20 25 40 55 80 85 90 95 101 103 105 110 115 116 120 122 IPTC IIMv4 field name Object Name (Title) Urgency Category size § 64 1 3 Supplemental Categories 32 Keywords 64 Special Instructions 256 Date Created 8 By-line (Author) 32 By-line Title(Author position) 32 City 32 Province/State 32 Country/Primary Location Name 64 Original Transmission Reference 32 Headline 256 Credit 32 Source 32 Copyright Notice 128 Caption/Abstract 2000 Writer/Editor 32 IPTC Core (XMP) Label Title deprecated deprecated deprecated Keywords Instructions Date Created Creator Creator's Jobtitle City State/Province Country Job Identifier Headline Provider Source Copyright Notice Caption/Description Caption/Description Writer Photoshop CS Document title Urgency Categories Suppl. Categories Keywords Instructions Date Created Author (not seen in file info) City State/Province Country Transmission Reference Headline Credit Source Copyright Notice Description Description Writer Toolkit 1.5 ** Object Name Urgency Category Suppl. Categories Keywords Special Instructions Date Created By-line Author By-line Title City State Country Transmission Headline Credit Source Copyright Caption/Abstract Writer/Editor Creator's Contact Info:City Creator's Contact Info:Country Creator's Contact Info:Address Creator's Contact Info: Postal Code Creator's Contact Info:State/Province Creator's Contact Info:Email(s) Creator's Contact Info:Phone(s) Creator's Contact Info:WebURL(s) ISO Country Code Intellectual genre Location Rights Usage Terms Subject Code IPTC Scene 7 22 27 118 Edit Status Fixture Identifier Content Location Name Contact 32 32 64 128 Copyright Info URL Copyright Status magenta = fields slated for removal ("deprecated") from the IPTC Core Schema dark green = new fields introduced in the IPTC Core schema Fields in red will not be read in any programs except Photoshop, and/or other programs using the Adobe "File Info" data format Fields in blue are part of the IPTC IIMv4 schema, and used by iView, but not visible by any other programs except via plug-ins * Field number as denoted in the Information Interchange Module version 4 by IPTC § count for IIMv4 data includes characters, carriage-returns, linefeeds and spaces, do not exceed for maximum backwards compatibility ** handles IPTC in TIF and Jpeg files † handles IPTC in Jpeg files only latest version at: http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/imagedatabases/iptc_core_mapped.pdf 27.01.2005 ©2005 David Riecks, used by permission IIM Field *05 10 15 20 25 40 55 80 85 90 95 101 103 105 110 115 116 120 122 7 22 27 118 IPTC IIMv4 field name Object Name (Title) Urgency Category size § 64 1 3 Supplemental Categories 32 Keywords 64 Special Instructions 256 Date Created 8 By-line (Author) 32 By-line Title(Author position) 32 City 32 Province/State 32 Country/Primary Location Name 64 Original Transmission Reference 32 Headline 256 Credit 32 Source 32 Copyright Notice 128 Caption/Abstract 2000 Writer/Editor 32 Edit Status Fixture Identifier Content Location Name Contact Photoshop 7.01 Title Urgency Categories Suppl. Categories Keywords Instructions Date Created Author Authors Position City State/Province Country Photoshop 6 Object Name Urgency Categories Suppl. Categories Keywords Special Instructions Date Created Byline Byline Title City Province-State Country name Irfanview † Object Name Urgency Categories Suppl. Categories Keywords Special Instructions Date Created Byline Byline Title City Province-State Country Transmission Reference Original Transmission Ref. Original Transmission Ref. Headline Credit Source Copyright Notice Caption Caption Writer Headline Credit Source Copyright Notice Caption Caption Writer Headline Credit Source Copyright Caption Caption Writer 32 32 Job Name 64 128 Owner URL Copyright Status Image URL Mark as Copyrighted Fields in red will not be read in any programs except Photoshop, and/or other programs using the Adobe "File Info" data format Fields in blue are part of the IPTC IIMv4 schema, and used by iView, but not visible by any other programs except via plug-ins * Field number as denoted in the Information Interchange Module version 4 by IPTC § count for IIMv4 data includes characters, carriage-returns, linefeeds and spaces, do not exceed for maximum backwards compatibility ** handles IPTC in TIF and Jpeg files † handles IPTC in Jpeg files only IIM Field *05 10 15 20 25 40 55 80 85 90 95 101 103 105 110 115 116 120 122 7 22 27 118 IPTC IIMv4 field name Object Name (Title) Urgency Category size § 64 1 3 Supplemental Categories 32 Keywords 64 Special Instructions 256 Date Created 8 By-line (Author) 32 By-line Title(Author position) 32 City 32 Province/State 32 Country/Primary Location Name 64 Original Transmission Reference 32 Headline 256 Credit 32 Source 32 Copyright Notice 128 Caption/Abstract 2000 Writer/Editor 32 Product Color Label Genre Categories Keywords Instructions Event Date Author author title City State Country Transmission Title Credit Source Copyright Caption Writer Edit Status Fixture Identifier Content Location Name Contact Status Event Location People 32 32 64 128 iView Media Pro 2.6 Thumbsplus Object Name Urgency Suppl. Categories Categories Keywords Special Instructions Date Created Byline Title City Province-State Country Xmit ref Headline Credit Source Copyright Notice Caption Writer/editor Photoshop Elements 3 Document title Categories Suppl. Categories Keywords Author Copyright Notice Description Description Writer Copyright Info URL Copyright Status Fields in red will not be read in any programs except Photoshop, and/or other programs using the Adobe "File Info" data format Fields in blue are part of the IPTC IIMv4 schema, and used by iView, but not visible by any other programs except via plug-ins * Field number as denoted in the Information Interchange Module version 4 by IPTC § count for IIMv4 data includes characters, carriage-returns, linefeeds and spaces, do not exceed for maximum backwards compatibility ** handles IPTC in TIF and Jpeg files † handles IPTC in Jpeg files only
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 22 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-14, framework 1.6 About : uuid:e3c2b101-8f3c-412d-b69b-3cbcfa24ef30 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 6.0.1 (Windows) Change Date : 26.02.2003 Source Modified : D:20050316094035 Company : IPTC, International Press Telecommunications Council Headline : Create Date : 2005:03:16 10:41:17+01:00 Creator Tool : Acrobat PDFMaker 6.0 for Word Modify Date : 2005:03:17 07:56:39+01:00 Metadata Date : 2005:03:17 07:56:39+01:00 Document ID : uuid:dea0e13a-791a-41b3-8326-19cf0b454df3 Version ID : 54 Format : application/pdf Title : IPTC Core Schema for XMP - CS panels User Guide Creator : Michael W. Steidl Subject : Tagged PDF : No Author : Michael W. SteidlEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools