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Journal of the
Association of Lunar &
Planetary Observers
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, Number 1, Winter 2010
Now in Portable Document Format (PDF) for
Macintosh and PC-compatible computers
Online and in COLOR at http://www.alpo-astronomy.org
Inside this issue . . .
• TWO lunar book reviews!
• Volcanism on the Moon –
is there still?
• Discovery of a previously
unknown Imbrium radial ridge
• Apparition report: Saturn in 2006-
. . . plus reports about your ALPO
section activities and much, much
Planetary Imaging, Then and Now. A striking comparison of just how far amateur astronomy has advanced to
equal (or even surpass) what was attained after painstaking hours using equipment most amateurs did not have
access to not that many years ago. (Top) A series of four film-based images of Mars taken at the Lowell
Observatory in 1971. (Bottom) Three digital images of Mars taken by ALPO’s Larry Owens in 2005 using a 14-in.
(35.5 cm) catadioptric telescope and the Celestron NextImage Solar System Imager. Note that north is at the top in
the Lowell images, north is at bottom in the Owens images.
Lowell Observatory Sequence, 1971
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The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 1
Journal of the
Association of Lunar &
Planetary Observers
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1, Winter 2010
This issue published in December 2010 for distribution in both porta-
ble document format (pdf) and also hardcopy format.
This publication is the official journal of the Association of Lunar &
Planetary Observers (ALPO).
The purpose of this journal is to share observation reports, opinions,
and other news from ALPO members with other members and the
professional astronomical community.
© 2010, Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO). The
ALPO hereby grants permission to educators, academic libraries and
the professional astronomical community to photocopy material for
educational or research purposes as required. There is no charge for
these uses provided that credit is given to The Strolling Astronomer,
the “JALPO” or the ALPO itself, as appropriate. All others must
request permission from the ALPO.
For membership or general information about the ALPO, contact:
Matthew Will
ALPO Membership Secretary/Treasurer
P.O. Box 13456
Springfield, Illinois 62791-3456
E-mail to: matt.will@alpo-astronomy.org
Visit the ALPO online at:
In This Issue:
Inside the ALPO
Point of View ALPO 2009 ...........................................3
News of General Interest ...........................................5
Staff appointment announced .................................5
ALPO Interest Section Reports ..................................5
ALPO Observing Section Reports ..............................5
Feature Stories
Books of the Moon ...................................................14
Volcanism on the Moon ............................................15
Discovery of a Previously Unknown
Imbrium Radial Ridge .............................................18
ALPO Observations of Saturn During the
2006 - 2007 Apparition ...........................................20
ALPO Resources
Board of Directors ....................................................51
Publications Staff .....................................................51
Interest Sections ......................................................51
Observing Sections ..................................................51
ALPO Publications ...................................................52
The Monograph Series .........................................52
ALPO Staff E-mail Directory ..................................53
ALPO Observing Section Publications ..................54
Other ALPO Publications ......................................55
Ordering Back Issues of The Strolling Astronomer 55
Our Advertisers
Anacortes Telescope & Wild Bird...... Inside front cover
Orion Telescopes and Binoculars ...............................2
Announcing the ALPO Lapel Pin ................................5
Catseye Collimation System .....................................10
Galileo Telescopes............................Inside back cover
Sky & Telescope ........................... Outside back cover
Page 2 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
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The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 3
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
Point of View
ALPO 2009
By Robert A. Garfinkle, FRAS,
I have heard it mentioned on
numerous occasions and in various
astronomy-related events that people
are no longer interested in the Moon
and to a lesser degree the rest of our
solar system companions. After all
with regards to the Moon, ‘we’ve been
there and done that’, but I disagree. A
case in point is the turnout at NASA
Ames in Mt. View, California for the
campout on the parade grounds the
night/morning of the LCROSS impact
on the Moon on October 9, 2009.
There were over 500 people there on a chilly overcast morning
waiting the see if we could observe the impact. NASA had set-up
a two-story tall movie screen and we first watched three movies,
then at about 3 a.m., they started showing the live NASA TV
feed from a building very close to us. People of all ages,
including school-age kids out on a learning experience on a
school night were there with many of them staying awake the
whole time until the 4:31am PDT impact.
My home astronomy club gets to host a star party one weekend
during the summer at Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park (in
central California). I enjoy watching the smiles and enthusiasm
on the park visitors faces as they look through my telescope
(and those of my fellow astronomers) and see the Moon or a
planet or maybe even the Andromeda Galaxy live and personal
for the first time.
I also see the commercial interest in our Solar System in the
never-ending flow of books from publishers like Cambridge
University Press or Springer. As your JALPO Book Review
Editor, I receive a lot of books that we just cannot fit into the
Journal. Some of these that you might be interested in have
enticing titles, such as: Carl Sagan: A Biography, One Giant
Leap: Neil Armstrong’s Stellar American Journey, Unmasking
Europa: The Search for Life on Jupiter’s Ocean Moon. For those
interested in what may or may not be alive on other worlds there
are such titles as: The Cosmic Connection: How Astronomical
Events Impact Life on Earth, Planets and Life: The Emerging
Science of Astrobiology, Planetary Systems and the Origins of
Life, and Origins of Life in the Universe. For the optical
instrument history buff, take a look at: Astronomical
Spectrographs and their History, and The Telescope: Its History,
Association of Lunar &
Planetary Observers (ALPO)
Board of Directors
Executive Director (Chair); Richard W. Schmude, Jr.
Associate Director; Julius L. Benton, Jr.
Member of the Board; Sanjay Limaye
Member of the Board; Donald C. Parker
Member of the Board; Ken Poshedly
Member of the Board; Michael D. Reynolds
Member of the Board; John E. Westfall
Member of the Board & Secretary/Treasurer;
Matthew Will
Founder/Director Emeritus; Walter H. Haas
Editor & Publisher, Ken Poshedly
Primary Observing Section &
Interest Section Staff
(See full listing in ALPO Resources)
Lunar& Planetary Training Section:
Timothy J. Robertson
Solar Section: Kim Hay
Mercury Section: Frank Melillo
Venus Section: Julius L. Benton, Jr.
Mercury/Venus Transit Section: John E. Westfall
Lunar Section:
Lunar Transient Phenomena; Anthony Cook
Lunar Meteoritic Impact Search; Brian Cudnik
Lunar Topographical Studies &
Selected Areas Program; Wayne Bailey
Lunar Dome Survey; Marvin W. Huddleston
Mars Section: Roger Venable
Minor Planets Section: Frederick Pilcher
Jupiter Section: Richard W. Schmude, Jr.
Saturn Section: Julius L. Benton, Jr.
Remote Planets Section: Richard W. Schmude, Jr.
Comets Section: Gary Kronk
Meteors Section: Robert D. Lunsford
Meteorites Section: Dolores Hill
Computing Section: Larry Owens
Youth Section: Timothy J. Robertson
Historical Section: Richard Baum
Eclipse Section: Michael D. Reynolds
ALPO Website: Larry Owens
Continued on page 13
Page 4 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
Galilean Nights: Global Astronomy Event Invites the World
to Discover Our Universe
Call for Submissions to the IYA2009/Mani Bhaumik Prize for Excellence in Astronomy Education and Public Outreach
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 is soliciting nominations and submissions for the IYA2009/Mani Bhaumik Prize for
Excellence in Astronomy Education and Public Outreach. Read the press release: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/pressre-
She is an Astronomer exhibition to open in Bonn
On Sunday 13 December, Dr. Helen Walker (Co-Chair of IYA2009 Cornerstone project She is an Astronomer), Ulrike Tscherner-
Bertoldi (exhibition organiser) and Marianne Pitzen (museum director) will be opening a new exhibition at the Frauemuseum in
Bonn. It is called Women in Astronomy - Reaching for the Stars ("Astronominnen - Frauen die nach den Sternen greifen"). There
will be a light-show with the astronomer Dr. Nadya Ben Bekhti, a performance, and celestial-themed food! The exhibition itself will
run until April 2010. http://www.sheisanastronomer.org/index.php/events
Tour of the Universe by Children of the World: a call for entries
Did you host or participate in an event involving children during IYA2009? Tour of the Universe by Children of the World, a beauti-
ful and inspirational multimedia video project, is seeking contributions in the following categories: astrophotography and nightscape
photography by children, children's artwork of or inspired by the cosmos, photographs of children sharing and enjoying astronomy,
and video clips related to children and astronomy. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/667/
30 Years at the Top - In celebration of the CFHT's 30th anniversary
After viewing a creative and humorous Illustrated Essay made by David Gillette for the PBS affiliate Twin Cities Public Television
following his visit to CFHT in Waimea and to Mauna Kea, CFHT decided to commission David for an illustrated essay describing
CFHT's story over the past 30 years. Once established the main ideas CFHT wanted to communicate to the audience, David was
given free rein to produce the final version, entitled "30 Years at the Top". http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/en/gallery/30YearsAtTheTop/hd.php
United States of America - IYA2009 update
Journey through the Universe
Journey through the Universe is a national science education initiative that engages entire communities-students, teachers, families, and the public-using education pro-
grammes in the Earth and space sciences and space exploration to inspire and educate. The initiative engages communities in sustained science, maths, and technology edu-
cation, and is a celebration of exploration and the joys of learning. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/657/
Close your IYA2009 celebrations with a lunar eclipse
IYA2009 will be coming to an end within a few weeks, and many supporters are searching for a fitting way to see off this most special of years. The Universe itself will pro-
vide an opportunity, as a partial lunar eclipse will be occurring on New Year's Eve. Visible from a large portion of the Earth, combined with a public star party it could be a
dramatic end to IYA2009! http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/656/
•Galilean Nights website: www.galileannights.org
•IYA2009 website: www.astronomy2009.org
•European Planetary Science Congress website: http://meetings.copernicus.org/epsc2009/
The vision of the IYA2009 is to help the citizens of the world rediscover their place in the Universe through the day and night-time skies the impact of astronomy and basic
sciences on our daily lives, and understand better how scientific knowledge can contribute to a more equitable and peaceful society.
The aim of the IYA2009 is to stimulate worldwide interest, especially among young people, in astronomy and science under the central theme‚"The Universe, Yours to Dis-
cover”. IYA2009 events and activities will promote a greater appreciation of the inspirational aspects of astronomy that embody an invaluable shared resource for all coun-
The IYA 2009 United States node home page is at www.astronomy2009.us/
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 5
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
Staff appointment announced
Bruce Wingate has been named acting
assistant membeship secretary to ALPO
membership secretary/treasurer Matt Will
by ALPO Executive Director Richard
Schmude. As such, Bruce will handle
special projects as assigned by Matt.
An ALPO member since 2004, Bruce lives
in Las Vegas, Nevada, is retired from the
fire service after 26 years, but is now
working for a fire alarm company.
As for astronomy, he is a co-founding
member of the Antique Telescope Society
and was the editor of its Journal in the
first year of publication.
“I have been involved with astronomy for
over 40 years. I own five telescopes, two
of them are antiques. One is a 6-inch
Clark (100% complete) and a 5-inch
Petitdidier.” He has had several articles
published and is working on about a
dozen others; he has also authored a book
currently in the process of being
published. His current interests are the
Sun and Moon and he has also done
work on the Sun through the AAVSO.
Join/ renew your ALPO
membership online
Save yourself the postage and either join
or renew your ALPO membership at
either of two online locations:
Telescopes by Galileo
The Astronomical League, (online readers
click here); hard copy readers, go to http:/
/www.astroleague.org, then left-click on
“Login for AL Store” in the left panel,
then left-click on ALPO in the list of
categories page, then left-click on the
ALPO membership choice.
The ALPO thanks both Telescopes by
Galileo and The Astronomical League for
providing this valuable online service.
Web Services
Larry Owens,
acting section coordinator
Visit the ALPO home page online at
Computing Section
Larry Owens,
acting section coordinator,
Important links:
To subscribe to the ALPOCS yahoo
e-mail list, http://groups.yahoo.com/
To post messages (either on the site or
via your e-mail program),
To unsubscribe to the ALPOCS
yahoo e-mail list, alpocs-
Visit the ALPO Computing Section
online at www.alpo-astronomy.org/
Lunar & Planetary
Training Program
Tim Robertson,
section coordinator
For information on the ALPO Lunar &
Planetary Training Program, go to
www.cometman.net/alpo/; regular postal
mail to Tim Robertson, 195 Tierra Rejada
Rd. #148, Simi Valley CA, 93065; e-mail
to cometman@cometman.net
Eclipse Section
Mike Reynolds, section coordinator
News of General Interest
ALPO Interest Section
ALPO Observing
Section Reports
the ALPO Lapel Pin
Now you can display your affiliation with our fine organi-
zation proudly with the new, colorful ALPO Lapel Pin.
With bright raised gold lettering against a recessed gold
sandblast finish, each pin features the pupil of the ALPO
“eye” in fluorescent aqua blue. A “pinch” clasp at the rear
secures the pin in place. Pin dimensions are 1 1/8 in. by
9/16 in.
Free for those who hold or purchase ALPO Sponsor level
Only $3.50 for those who hold or purchase Sustaining
level memberships
Only $8.50 for all other ALPO members.
Not available to non-ALPO members.
Price includes shipping and handling.
Send orders to: ALPO, PO Box 13456, Springfield, IL
62791-3456. E-mail to: matt.will@alpo-astronomy.org
Page 6 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
Please visit the ALPO Eclipse Section
online at www.alpo-astronomy.org/eclipse.
Comets Section
Gary Kronk,
acting section coordinator
Visit the ALPO Comets Section online at
Meteors Section
Report by Bob Lundsford,
section coordinator
Visit the ALPO Meteors Section online at
Meteorites Section
Dolores Hill, section coordinator
Visit the ALPO Meteorite Section online at
Solar Section
Kim Hay, section coordinator,
For information on solar observing –
including the various observing forms and
information on completing them – go to
Mercury Section
Report by Frank J. Melillo,
section coordinator
I would like to thank John Boudreau of
Massachusetts and Stuart Parker of New
Zealand for their outstanding lectures on
Mercury at the ALPO / ALCON 2009
meeting in New York. It was such a thrill
to see Stuart from half-way around the
world to be at the ALPO conference. On
the first day of the meeting, the entire
morning was dedicated just to Mercury
presentations. We have covered lectures
like apparition reports, CCD imaging and
the MESSENGER flybys. It was amazing
that no other planet had so much
attention at the meeting.
The MESSENGER flew by Mercury for
the final time on September 29, 2009.
After that flyby, scientists were sure that
we are on course for MESSENGER’s
insertion into orbit around Mercury in
March 2011.
John Boudreau was in the spotlight once
more for his outstanding images of
Mercury during the planet’s morning
apparition. John’s pix show details that
were captured by the MESSENGER just
four days after the closest approach.
Never before has there been seen such
incredible images of Mercury done by an
amateur. Boudreau’s techniques had
improved every year and his images can
be compared easily with the
MESSENGER’s. Also, Ed Lomeli of
California, has his own fair share of
showing incredible images of Mercury,
Reminder: Address
Unlike regular mail, electronic mail
is not forwarded when you change
e-mail addresses unless you make
special arrangements.
More and more, e-mail notifications
to members are bounced back
because we are not notified of
address changes. Efforts to locate
errant members via online search
tools have not been successful.
So once again, if you move or
change Internet Service Providers
and are assigned a new e-mail
address, please notify Matt Will at
matt.will@alpo-astronomy.org as
soon as possible.
Three images of Mercury showing comparisons between MESSENGER spacecraft
images and Earth-based images. Top left image taken during third flyby of MESSENGER
on September 29; bottom center image taken by John Boudreau using a C11 at fl 6200
mm; top right image MESSENGER image processed to match the resolution of an ama-
teur telescope, in this case, the Boudreau image.
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 7
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
and again, his techniques have improved
over the years.
Visit the ALPO Mercury Section online at
Venus Section
Report by Julius Benton,
section coordinator
Venus remains visible in the Eastern sky
before sunrise, but rapidly approaching
superior conjunction, so attempts to
observe the planet will diminish
substantially as 2009 draws to a close.
During the current 2009-10 Western
(Morning) Apparition, the planet is
passing through its waxing phases (a
progression from crescent through
gibbous phases). At the time of this report
(late Novmber), the gibbous disk of Venus
is about 10.2” across and 97.6%
illuminated. Venus reached Greatest
Illuminated Extent (greatest brilliancy) on
May 2 at visual magnitude -4.7, attained
Greatest Elongation West on June 5, and
theoretical dichotomy (half phase) on
June 6. During the 2009-10 Western
(Morning) Apparition observers are seeing
the trailing hemisphere of Venus at the
time of sunrise on Earth.
A table of Geocentric Phenomena in
Universal Time (UT) is presented here for
the convenience of observers; included
are data for the forthcoming 2010 Eastern
(Evening) Apparition for planning
Venus observers have contributed several
hundred visual drawings, descriptive
reports, and images of the planet at
various wavelengths (many in the UV and
near-IR). Analysis of all submitted
observations will begin soon after closure
of the current observing season, followed
by a detailed apparition report at a future
date in this Journal. Observers are also
reminded that high quality digital images
of the planet taken in the near-UV and
near-IR, as well as other wavelengths
through polarizing filters, are still needed
by the Venus Express (VEX) mission,
which started systematically monitoring
Venus at UV, visible (IL) and IR
wavelengths back in late May 2006. This
organized Professional-Amateur (Pro-Am)
effort continues, and observers should
submit images in JPEG format to the
ALPO Venus Section as well as to the
VEX website at:
Routine observations of Venus are still
needed throughout the period that VEX is
observing the planet, which continues in
2010. Since Venus has a high surface
brightness, it is potentially observable
anytime it is far enough from the Sun to
be safely observed.
Key observational endeavors:
Visual observations and drawings in
dark, twilight, and daylight skies to
look for atmospheric phenomena
including dusky shadings and features
associated with the cusps of Venus
Visual photometry and colorimetry of
atmospheric features and phenomena
Monitoring the dark hemisphere for
Ashen Light
Observation of terminator geometry
(monitoring any irregularities)
Studies of Schröter's phase
phenomenon near date of predicted
dichotomy (A curious difference
A recent digital image of Venus on Octo-
ber 10, 2009 at 21:18 UT by Tomio
Akutsu of Cebu, Philippines, using a
35.6 cm (14.0 in.) SCT, UV and IR block-
ing filters, showing dusky features
roughly resembling a “spoke” pattern so
typical of many UV images. S = 5, Tr = 3.
Apparent diameter of Venus is 10.9”,
phase (k) 0.922 or 92.2% illuminated,
and visual magnitude -3.9. South is at
top of image.
Geocentric Phenomena of the 2009-10 Western (Morning) Apparition
of Venus in Universal Time (UT)
Inferior Conjunction 2009 Mar 27 (angular diameter = 59.7 arc-seconds)
Greatest Brilliancy 2009 May 2 (mv = – 4.7)
Greatest Elongation West 2009 Jun 05 (46º west of the Sun)
Predicted Dichotomy 2009 Jun 06.61 (exactly half-phase)
Superior Conjunction 2010 Jan 11 (angular diameter = 9.8 arc-seconds)
Predicted Dichotomy 2010 Aug 17.64 (exactly half-phase)
Greatest Elongation East 2010 Aug 20 (46º east of the Sun)
Greatest Brilliancy 2010 Sept 24 (mv = – 4.7)
Inferior Conjunction 2010 Oct 11 (angular diameter = 58.3 arc-seconds)
Page 8 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
between the observed percentage of
illumination and the actual geometric
percentage when the planet is near
greatest elongation from the Sun.)
Routine digital imaging of Venus at
visual, UV, and IR wavelengths
Special efforts to accomplish
simultaneous observations (observers
are always encouraged to try to view
and image Venus simultaneously; that
is, as close to the same time and date
as circumstances allow, which
improves confidence in results and
reduces subjectivity.
Contribution of observation data and
images to the Venus Express mission
is encouraged
The ALPO Venus Section encourages
interested readers worldwide to join us in
our projects and challenges ahead.
Individuals interested in participating in
the programs of the ALPO Venus Section
are encouraged to visit the ALPO Venus
Section online at www.alpo-
Lunar Section:
Lunar Topographical Studies /
Selected Areas Program
Report by Wayne Bailey,
acting program coordinator
The October 9, 2009 impact of LCROSS
on the Moon was one center of interest in
this period. Neither of the two amateur
observers that I've heard about detected
the debris plume. NASA has reported that
the impact crater, debris plume, and water
in the plume have been seen. More
information will become available as
detailed analyses continue.
Focus On features in The Lunar Observer
continued with articles on Menelaus and
Deslandres. Future subjects include Atlas-
Hercules, Snellius-Furnerius, and Ray
(Table courtesy of William Dembowski)
Lunar Calendar, January thru March 2010 (all times U.T.)
Jan. 01 20:37 Moon at Perigee (358,682 km - 222,875 miles)
Jan. 03 06:00 Moon 6.3 degrees SSW of Mars
Jan. 06 13:00 Moon 7.4 degrees SSW of Saturn
Jan. 07 10:41 Last Quarter
Jan. 12 08:30 Extreme South Declination
Jan. 13 19:00 Moon 4.6 degrees SSE of Mercury
Jan. 15 07:00 Moon 1.5 degrees NW of Venus
Jan. 15 07:12 New Moon (Start of Lunation 1077)
Jan. 17 01:41 Moon at Apogee (406,433km - 252,546 miles)
Jan. 17 21:00 Moon 3.4 degrees NNW of Neptune
Jan. 18 04:00 Moon 4.3 degrees NNW of Jupiter
Jan. 20 04:00 Moon 5.5 degrees NNW of Uranus
Jan. 23 10:53 First Quarter
Jan. 26 21:06 Extreme North Declination
Jan. 30 03:00 Moon 6.2 degrees SSW of Mars
Jan. 30 06:18 Full Moon
Jan. 30 09:04 Moon at Perigee (356,592 km - 221,576 miles)
Feb. 02 21:00 Moon 7.5 degrees SSW of Saturn
Feb. 05 23:50 Last Quarter
Feb. 08 14:30 Extreme South Declination
Feb. 12 03:00 Moon 2.3 degrees NW of Mercury
Feb. 13 02:07 Moon at Apogee (406,541 km - 252,613 miles)
Feb. 14 02:52 New Moon (Start of Lunation 1078)
Feb. 14 03:00 Moon 3.5 degrees NW of Neptune
Feb. 14 21:00 Moon 5.0 degrees NNW of Venus
Feb. 15 01:00 Moon 4.6 degrees NNW of Jupiter
Feb. 16 15:00 Moon 5.4 degrees NNW of Uranus
Feb. 22 00:42 First Quarter
Feb. 23 06:00 Extreme North Declination
Feb. 26 02:00 Moon 5.1 degrees SSW of Mars
Feb. 27 21:41 Moon at Perigee (357,831 km - 222,346 miles)
Feb. 28 16:37 Full Moon
Mar. 02 04:00 Moon 7.4 degrees SSW of Saturn
Mar. 07 15:43 Last Quarter
Mar. 07 21:24 Extreme South Declination
Mar. 12 10:08 Moon at Apogee (406,009 km - 252,282 miles)
Mar. 13 13:00 Moon 3.5 degrees NNW of Neptune
Mar. 14 22:00 Moon 5.1 degrees NNW of Jupiter
Mar. 15 21:02 New Moon (Start of Lunation 1079)
Mar. 15 23:00 Moon 5.4 degrees NNW of Uranus
Mar. 15 24:00 Moon 6.0 degrees NNW of Mercury
Mar. 17 05:00 Moon 6.1 degrees NNW of Venus
Mar. 22 12:18 Extreme North Declination
Mar. 23 10:59 First Quarter
Mar. 25 11:00 Moon 4.3 degrees SSW of Mars
Mar. 28 04:57 Moon at Perigee (361,876 km – 224,859 miles)
Mar. 29 12:00 Moon 7.4 degrees SSW of Saturn
Mar. 30 02:25 Full Moon
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 9
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
In addition to individual observations and
the continuing Feature of the Month note
by Robert Hays, five articles on high sun
observing, the effect of changing
illumination, and the Ritter-Sabine rilles
by Bill Dembowski, Fred Corno and Phil
Morgan were published.
Visit the following online web sites for
more info:
The Moon-Wiki:
ALPO Lunar Topographical Studies
ALPO Lunar Selected Areas Program
ALPO Lunar Topographical Studies
Smart-Impact WebPage
The Lunar Observer (current issue)
The Lunar Observer (back issues)
Banded Craters Program
Lunar Domes Survey
Marvin Huddleston, FRAS,
program coordinator
Visit the ALPO Lunar Domes Survey on
the World Wide Web at
Lunar Transient Phenomena
Dr Anthony Cook,
program coordinator
Please visit the ALPO Lunar Meteoritic
Impact Search site online at www.alpo-
Mars Section
Report by Roger Venable,
section coordinator
Mars is in the midst of an aphelic
apparition, so that it appears smaller than
it has in recent apparitions. Nevertheless,
many observers are eagerly imaging it,
some of them nearly every night! The
North Polar Hood will be gone by the
This image of Mars was made by George Tarsoudis of Alexandroupolis, Greece, on Nov. 22, 2009, at 03:21 UT. Mars was 9.2 seconds of arc
in apparent diameter at the time. South is at the top. The two images are identical, except for the labels. The familiar dark albedo features of
this aspect of the planet are well seen, including Sinus Meridiani, Margaritifer Sinus, Niliacus Lacus, Mare Acidalium, and Mare Boreum. Also
well seen are the subtle dark features called Ismenius Lacus, Deuteronilus, and Oxia Palus. This image is an unusually good depiction of the
still subtler dusky features between Sinus Meridiani and Deuteronilus. These are labeled with numbers: (1) Gehon Lacus, (2) Oxus I, and (3)
Siloe Fretum. Have you ever spotted these? Other details: CM 351°, Ls 13°, De 19°, Ds 5°. 10-inch Newtonian telescope, DMK21AF04 cam-
Page 10 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
time you read this, and Mars will be
approaching opposition, visible in the sky
nearly all night. We are monitoring the
size of the North Polar Cap as it
sublimates in the Northern Spring.
Observers continue to post their webcam
images and drawings in the Yahoo
“Photos” folder of the Mars observers
group. Join us at http://
marsobservers . We want to hear from
Visit the ALPO Mars Section online at
Minor Planets Section
Report by Frederick Pilcher,
section coordinator
The Minor Planet Bulletin continues to
grow in size as ever increasing numbers of
observations of minor planets are being
submitted. Minor Planet Bulletin Volume
36, No. 4, 2009, Oct. - Dec., has a new
size record 62 pages.
While this shows that minor planet
research has prospered, it is placing a
strain on the all volunteer staff who
prepare the Bulletin. Consequently the
decision has been made that starting in
2011 January-March, the Minor Planet
Bulletin will become available in printed
form (hardcopy) only to institutional
subscribers and libraries who maintain
long-term archives. Individuals will still be
able to download and print the electronic
versions for their personal, professional,
or educational use from http://
Adrian Galad, Leonard Kornos, and
Marek Husarik of Modra Observatory
have determined for 1807 Slovakia a very
long sidereal rotation period 311.75 +/-
0.09 hours and amplitude up to 1.1
magnitudes with retrograde rotation.
Their own observations in 2001 and 2003
at Modra obtained a preliminary value.
To these data they have added
approximate magnitudes from the
astrometric images at the U. S. Naval
Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ, and a few
from Steward Observatory and LINEAR,
at all oppositions from 1998 to 2009 to
obtain a definitive result.
Gerard Faure and Lawrence Garrett have
published their fourth in an ongoing series
of reports of Suggested Revised H Values
of Selected Asteroids.
Experienced amateur observers of
asteroids, both visual and CCD, continue
to report magnitudes which differ
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 11
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
significantly from those predicted from the
absolute magnitudes in the Minor Planet
Center’s Orbital Database. These are
useful in improving the absolute
magnitudes in that data base. The new
listing includes only asteroids for which
consistent results at three or more
oppositions show discrepancies of 0.3
magnitudes or more. Asteroids listed are
658, 870, 1002, 1122, 1194, 1365, 1403,
1909, 3198, 3873, 3913, 4790, 5222,
5231, 5518, 5917, 6000, 6838, and
In addition to the preceding highlights
from Minor Planet Bulletin Volume 36,
No. 4, 2009, Oct. - Dec., new lightcurves
have been published for asteroids 8, 13,
14, 25, 40, 48, 54, 74, 118, 122, 169,
191, 193, 198, 226, 239, 362, 364, 427,
470, 511, 521, 677, 780, 875, 901, 929,
946, 1019, 1025, 1051, 1055, 1122,
1146, 1160, 1167, 1446, 1449, 1506,
1574, 1590, 1622, 1676, 1836, 1845,
1909, 1919, 2074, 2294, 2303, 2345,
2577, 2666, 2679, 2986, 3043, 3062,
3162, 3259, 3266, 3353, 3376, 3453,
3527, 3560, 3576, 3614, 3713, 3873,
3895, 4142, 4164, 4171, 4182, 4285,
4332, 4483, 4490, 4542, 4795, 4797,
4976, 5070, 5132, 5236, 5489, 5598,
5604, 5619, 5752, 5875, 6000, 6071,
6179, 6250, 6400, 6493, 6510, 6821,
6867, 6976, 7087, 7569, 7949, 8359,
8388, 9780, 11789, 11976, 12815,
13578, 14901, 15914, 16182, 16717,
17770, 18434, 20231, 24039, 27204,
27851, 34036, 34155, 44217, 48073,
93768, 99812, 101549, 136849, 143651,
1998 OR2, 1999 AQ10, 2006 SZ217,
2008 SV11, 2008 TC3, 2008 UE7, 2009
FH, 2009 HM82, 2009 KW2, 2009 KL8.
Some of these provide secure period
determinations, some only tentative ones.
Some are of asteroids with no previous
lightcurve photometry, others are of
asteroids with previous determinations
and may be consistent or inconsistent with
the earlier values.
We remind all users and inquirers that the
Minor Planet Bulletin is a refereed
publication and that it is available on line
at www.minorplanetobserver.com/mpb/
In addition, please visit the ALPO Minor
Planets Section online at http://www.alpo-
Jupiter Section
Report by Richard W. Schmude, Jr.,
section coordinator
Jupiter is well-placed for evening
observation during December and early
January 2010. Afterwards it will sink into
the western sky and reach conjunction
with the Sun in February.
This writer is planning to write up the
2007, 2008 and 2009-10 Jupiter
apparition reports during the first half of
2010. Two recent developments on
Jupiter have been the comet/asteroid
impact first imaged on July 19, 2009, and
the color change of the Great Red Spot
noted by Christophe Pellier. This writer
also notes that Jupiter is a few percent
brighter than expected, possibly due to
the Equatorial Zone becoming whiter
since last year.
If you have observations that you would
like included in the upcoming apparition
reports then send them to me. Please also
be aware that we have two excellent
websites where images/drawings can be
posted. These are the Japan ALPO latest
site (http://alpo-j.asahikawa-med.ac.jp/
Latest/index.html) and the site at the Petit
Jean Observatory (http://
Visit the ALPO Jupiter Section online at
Support the ALPO with an Orion Purchase
Those planning to purchase any item via the Orion website can at the same time have
their purchase result in a small contribution to the ALPO. Simply visit our website at
www.alpo-astonomy.org and click on any of the Orion-sponsored banners shown here
before completing your purchase (within 30 days).
We ask all who are considering an online purchase of Orion astronomical mer-
chandise to do so via this online method to support the ALPO.
Page 12 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
Galilean Satellite
Eclipse Timing Program
John Westfall,
assistant Jupiter section coordinator
New and potential observers are invited
to participate in this worthwhile ALPO
observing program.
Contact John Westfall via regular mail at
P.O. Box 2447, Antioch, CA 94531-2447
USA or e-mail to johnwestfall@
comcast.net to obtain an observer’s
Saturn Section
Report by Julius Benton,
section coordinator
Last apparition, Saturn’s rings passed through
edgewise orientation to our line of sight on
September 4, but with conjunction with the
Sun occurring on September 17, the planet
was too close to the Sun for observations of
the actual edgewise ring event. As of this
writing (late November), over 600
observations and images were received for the
2008-09 observing season, which are now
being analyzed in preparation of a future
apparition report to appear in this Journal.
For 2008-09, a substantial number of
observers imaged small white spots in the
SEBZ and EZn, dusky features along the SEB,
as well as transits of Saturn’s brighter satellites
that lie close to the ring plane.
Saturn is now visible in the East before sunrise,
situated in the constellation of Leo at apparent
visual magnitude +1.1. Already observers are
getting up before sunrise, drawing and imaging
the planet and submitting their observations.
Prior to the September 4 edgewise
presentation of the rings, the southern
hemisphere and south face of the rings were
inclined toward Earth, but starting with the
2009-10 apparition and since the Earth has
now passed through the ring plane to the
north, the northern hemisphere and north face
of the rings are becoming increasingly visible
for the next decade. Right now the rings are
inclined about +4.0° toward Earth.
A table of Geocentric Phenomena for 2009-10
is provided here for planning upcoming
For the 2009-10 apparition, as was the case
during the immediately preceding observing
season, small inclinations of rings will allow
observers to continue to witness transits,
shadow transits, occultations, and eclipses of
bright satellites lying very near Saturn's
equatorial plane and also close enough to the
planet. Apertures under about 20.3 cm (8.0
in.) are usually unable to produce the best
views of these events, except perhaps in the
case of Titan. Those who can image and
obtain precise timings (UT) to the nearest
second of ingress, CM passage, and egress of a
satellite or its shadow across the globe of the
planet at or near edgewise presentations of the
rings should send their data to the ALPO
Saturn Section as quickly as possible. Notes
should be made of the belt or zone on the
planet crossed by the shadow or satellite, and
visual numerical relative intensity estimates of
the satellite, its shadow, and the belt or zone it
is in front of is important, as well as drawings
of the immediate area at a given time during
the event.
The following are important activities for
ALPO Saturn observers and include Pro-Am
opportunities in support of the ongoing Cassini
Visual numerical relative intensity
estimates of belts, zones, and ring
Full-disc drawings of the globe and rings
using standard ALPO observing forms.
Central meridian (CM) transit timings of
details in belts and zones on Saturn's
Latitude estimates or filar micrometer
measurements of belts and zones on
Colorimetry and absolute color estimates
of globe and ring features.
Observation of “intensity minima” in the
rings plus studies of Cassini's, Encke's,
and Keeler's divisions.
Systematic color filter observations of the
bicolored aspect of the rings and
azimuthal brightness asymmetries around
the circumference of Ring A.
Observations of stellar occultations by
Saturn's globe and rings.
Image of Saturn taken on October 18, 2009 at 20:55UT by Tomio Akutsu of Cebu, Philip-
pines, at visual wavelengths using a 35.6 cm (14.0 in.) SCT in poor seeing. S is at the top
of the image. Ring tilt is +1.4º. CMI = 47.5°, CMII = 265.6°, CMIII = 203.9°. Seeing = 3,
Transparency = 3.
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 13
Inside the ALPO
Member, section and activity news
Visual observations and magnitude
estimates of Saturn's satellites.
Multi-color photometry and spectroscopy
of Titan at 940 nm - 1,000 nm.
Imaging Saturn using a 890 nm narrow
band methane (CH4) filter with apertures
of 31.8 cm (12.5 in.) or larger to alert the
Cassini team of interesting large-scale
targets and suspected changes in belt and
zone reflectivity.
Regular digital imaging of Saturn and its
satellites at various wavelengths.
Observers are urged to carry out digital
imaging of Saturn at the same time that others
are imaging or visually watching Saturn (i.e.,
simultaneous observations). All observers
should compare what can be seen visually with
what is apparent on their images, without
overlooking opportunities to make visual
numerical intensity estimates using techniques
as described in the author's new book, Saturn
and How to Observe It (available from
Springer, Amazon.com, etc.). Although regular
imaging of Saturn is extremely important and
encouraged, far too many experienced
observers have neglected making intensity
estimates, which are badly needed for a
continuing comparative analysis of belt, zone,
and ring component brightness variations over
time, so this type of visual work is strongly
encouraged before or after imaging the planet.
The ALPO Saturn Section appreciates the
work of so many dedicated observers. The
ALPO Saturn Section is grateful for the hard
work of so many dedicated observers who
faithfully submit observations and images,
prompting more and more professional
astronomers to request drawings, digital
images, and supporting data from amateur
observers around the globe.
Information on ALPO Saturn programs,
including observing forms and instructions,
can be found on the Saturn pages on the
official ALPO Website at www.alpo-
All are invited to also subscribe to the Saturn e-
mail discussion group at Saturn-
Remote Planets Section
Report by Richard W. Schmude, Jr.,
section coordinator
The planets Uranus and Neptune will be visible
during the late evening in both December and
January. Uranus will reach conjunction in
March 2010 while Neptune will reach
conjunction in February. Pluto is very close to
the Sun during December and January.
I have submitted the 2008 remote planets
apparition report to the editor of this Journal;
look for its publication in JALPO52-2 (Spring
2010). If you have observations for the 2009-
2010 apparitions, then please send them to
me. I will start working on the 2009-2010
remote planets apparition report possibly in
June 2010.
The biggest development related to the remote
planets is that Uranus appears to be a bit
brighter in 2009 than in the previous two
My book, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and
How to Observe Them is now available from
Springer at www.springer.com/astronomy/
0 or elsewhere (such as www.amazon.ca/
0387766014) to order a copy.
Visit the ALPO Remote Planets Section online
at http://www.alpo-astronomy.org/
Technology and Future. In this
issue are my two book reviews.
Take a look at Richard Stroud’s
lunar reference book The Book of
the Moon and from the UK, John
Moore has skillfully created a very
user friendly Moon Atlas in 20
Maps, which can be purchased in
the telescopic version to match the
view of the Moon you see in your
If you are interested in acquiring a
home library or a book on your
favorite solar system object, there
are any number of on-line sources,
besides Amazon. My favorite site is
ABEbooks.com. They are a vast
collection of booksellers from
around the world and offer just
about any book that is for sale.
Another great site is
BookFinder.com. Also take a look
at Astromart and cloudynights.com/
classifieds. These last two are
books and astronomical things
being sold or traded by amateurs.
From the standpoint of looking at
the number of solar-system-related
books, the number and enthusiasm
of the kids at NASA on LCROSS
night, and the size of our
organization, I would say that the
“demise” of interest in our branch of
astronomy is unfounded.
Robert A. Garfinkle, FRAS is an
independent scholar of the history
of astronomy and author of Star-
Hopping: Your Visa to Viewing the
Universe, and your JALPO Book
Review Editor.
Point of View
Continued from page 3
Geocentric Phenomena for the 2009-2010 Apparition of Saturn
in Universal Time (UT)
Conjunction 2009 Sep 17d
Opposition 2010 Mar 21d
Conjunction 2010 Oct 01d
Opposition Data:
Equatorial Diameter Globe 15.7 arc-seconds
Polar Diameter Globe 14.0 arc-seconds
Major Axis of Rings 35.6 arc-seconds
Minor Axis of Rings 4.2 arc-seconds
Visual Magnitude (mv)0.9 mv (in Leo)
B = º
Page 14 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Both reviews by Robert A. Garfinkle,
ALPO Book Review Editor
Moon Atlas: A Detailed View of the
Nearside in 20 Maps by John Moore,
2009; no ISBN; 103 pages, spiral-bound
with index & illustrations; Euro 42.00
(includes postage & handling); order
directly from the author at
(major credit cards accepted, use currency
converter on author’s web page for final
This fabulous lunar atlas is the work of UK
author/illustrator John Moore. The
photographic atlas comes in three
varieties and you will need to order what
type fits your observing equipment.
Moore has produced an atlas for “Natural
View” (or “Normal” view, with lunar north
at top and IAU east at right), “Inverted
Mirror View” (or “Simple Inversion” view,
with south at top and west at right), and
another for “Mirror View” (or “Inversion
with lateral reversal” view, with south at
top and east at right). The text is the same
in all three books, only the maps of the
Moon and the hi-resolution images are
different in order to show how the Moon
appears in your type of instrument. In an
e-mail correspondence with the author, he
informed me that a lot of effort went into
creating the three different versions in that
all of the text on the maps and illustrations
had to be individually done three times.
The text includes information on the lunar
coordinate system, the geologic units and
their ages, along with a brief overview of
the geological history of the Moon.
The maps are a little glossy when used at
the telescope, but having a lunar map to
match the view in my Schmidt-Cassegrain
was very helpful. One problem is that the
author used a variety of colors to identify
features and he used red to give the
diameters of the craters. Red print
virtually disappears when you use a red-
lighted flashlight. Of course if you are only
going to observe the Moon and no deep-
sky observers are nearby, and being dark-
adapted is not a problem, then you can
use a white-light flashlight and all is well
with the maps.
The index includes all of the named lunar
features, including all of the satellite
named features as well. The layout of the
book was well thought out and it is a
breeze to go from the edge of one map to
the adjoining map, because the author
added the adjoining map numbers along
edges of all of the maps.
Order your atlas directly from the author's
website. He also has for sale a large (33 x
23 inches) fact-filled poster of the Moon
and a CD from which you can printout
gores to make a moon globe. I highly
recommend this atlas to all lunar
Book Review
Books of the Moon
The Book of the Moon by Rick Stroud, 2009, published by Walker & Company, with index and
illustrations. ISBN-13-978-0-8027-1734-4; 360 pages, hardcover; list price $27, though $18.47 at
This nonfiction work by UK author Rick Stroud is not a lunar observers’ handbook, but instead a
reference work for lunar observers. The author covers an array of lunar-related subjects, such as the
Moon’s influence on gardening (when to plant or reap crops based on lunar phases), how the Moon
affects the Earth’s weather, the history of mapping the Moon, Moon mythology, werewolves and
other strange things believed to be caused by the Moon. I myself liked the section on Moon gods and
their stories. Stroud gives brief coverage to the lore of the Moon from around the world and from
many long gone cultures and ages. He even devotes a page to listing pagan lunar festivals.
One really annoying thing about this book, however, is that an author of a book devoted to telling
his readers all about the Earth’s closest celestial neighbor should know that the proper name of the
object is the (proper noun) “Moon” and not the (generic noun) “moon”. Though the book is loaded
with interesting facts, figures and illustrations, the author too often only skims the particular subject at
hand and misses important details. In one instance, he starts his section on photographic lunar
atlases in 1910, thereby leaving out the first such work, The Moon: A Summary of the Existing
Knowledge of Our Satellite, With a Complete Photographic Atlas, published in 1903 by William
Henry Pickering.
Stroud compounds the error by even stating in a table that the “Atlas Photographique de la Lune by
Loewy and Puiseux is the “First photographic atlas of the moon.” I also found numerous factual
errors in other areas of the book, which in my opinion, drastically reduce the book’s overall value as
a reference work.
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 15
By William M. Dembowski, FRAS,
Asst. Program Coordinator,
Lunar Topographical Studies/
Selected Areas Programs
As recently as the 1950’s there were
still heated debates as to the origin of
lunar craters; were they impact or
volcanic in nature? Volcanism was
highly favored by many scientists
largely because impact craters were
virtually unknown on the Earth. It was
not until the Apollo missions returned
samples of the lunar surface for direct
examination and analysis that the
impact origin of craters was widely
Lava Flows
Although we now recognize that
virtually all lunar craters are the result
of impacts, there are still many signs of
other volcanic activity on the Moon.
The largest volcanic features are the
maria — lava-filled impact basins
which cover about 30% of the Earth-
facing side of the Moon. Interestingly,
mare lavas cover only 2% of the far
side (see Figure 1). Although closely
associated with impact basins, the
lava flows did not necessarily occur as
a direct and immediate result of the
impact itself. For example, the
Imbrium basin was formed 3.9 billion
years ago but the lavas that fill it, as
sampled by the Apollo 15 mission, are
about 3.3 billion years old.
Lunar petrologists have described 21
different types of lunar lavas, but most
of their differences are minor and all
can be grouped into three major
High titanium (widespread on the
lunar surface)
Low titanium (northern maria)
Very low titanium (eastern maria).
One property which they all share is
their low viscosity; it is much closer to
that of motor oil than the high
viscosity Earth lavas with which we
are more familiar. It is this fluidity
which allowed the lunar lavas to travel
great distances in a relatively short
period of time and cover vast areas
before they cooled and solidified.
Evidence of lava flows can be
detected best in southwestern Mare
Imbrium, where lava fronts can be
traced for hundreds of kilometers (see
Figure 2). At the eyepiece, care should
be taken not to confuse these
formations with wrinkle ridges which
are tectonic structures caused by the
subsidence and contraction of the
Sinuous Rilles
Arcuate (curved) and straight rilles are
graben-like tectonic structures; that is,
they are the result of faulting and
subsidence where mare lavas collapsed
into the underlying impact basin. On the
other hand, sinuous rilles are volcanic in
nature and are found along the margins of
nearly all the mare filled basins. Sinuous
rilles are meandering channels that
commonly begin at crater or crater-like
formations and end by fading downslope
Online Features
Left-click your mouse on the author’s e-mail addresses in blue text to contact
the author of this article.
Feature Story:
Volcanism on the Moon
Figure 1. Maria on near side and far sides of Moon (Source: NASA - Clementine)
Note that all images have lunar
north at the top and lunar east (per
IAU) at the right
Page 16 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
into the mare surface. They are analogous
to the lava channels and lave tubes found
in Hawaii. The most striking difference
between these lunar and terrestrial
features is one of scale, with the lunar
rilles being larger by a factor of 30-50.
This disparity in size can be attributed to
the Moon’s weaker gravity, and the higher
temperatures and lower viscosity of its
The largest concentrations of sinuous rilles
are found on the Aristarchus Plateau (see
Figure 3) and near the Marius Hills. They
range in size from a few tens of meters to
3 km in width, from a few kilometers to
300 km in length, and about 100 meters
Domes are low profile swellings of the
mare surface, many with small central
pits. With diameters between 5-15
kilometers and just a few hundred meters
high, they can be difficult features to
observe even under the best of
conditions. There is a major concentration
of domes to the west and south of
Copernicus, particularly around the
craters Milichius and Hortensius (see
Figure 4).
Domes are clearly not impact features and
there are two major schools of thought as
to their origin. Some scientists believe
them to be small shield volcanoes like
those found in Iceland. Shield volcanoes
are caused by the quiet eruption of lava
from a central crater, which would
account for the central pits. Others argue
that they are laccoliths, localized swellings
of the mare surface as lava uplifted, but
failed to break through, the overlying
layers. The similarity between the domes
and surrounding mare in both texture and
albedo would seem to favor the latter
Cinder Cones
Unlike shield volcanoes, cinder cones are
constructed by the explosive ejection of
blobs or sprays of molten rock which are
then deposited around the vent. On the
Earth, cinder cones tend to be very steep
sided but the Moon’s lower gravity allows
the ejected materials to travel much
farther from their source. The resulting
lunar cones are not as steep as their
terrestrial counterparts measuring less
than 100 meters high with diameters of
approximately 2-3 km at the base. Lunar
cones can be found in groups or as
isolated forms; lines of cones associated
with rilles are generally interpreted as
fissure vents.
Cinder cones found on mare or mare-like
surfaces tend to have albedos that are
lower than their surroundings whereas
those found on the rough volcanic floors
of craters, such as Copernicus, have
relatively higher albedos than their
regional settings.
Dark-haloed Craters
As the name implies, dark-haloed craters
are those which are surrounded by dark
deposits rather than the bright ones of the
more numerous bright-rayed craters.
Dark-haloed craters can be grouped into
two types; (1) those created when an
Figure 2. Lava flows in Mare Imbrium (Source: NASA - Lunar Orbiter V-161M)
Figure 3. Sinuous rille (Schroter’s Valley) on Aristarchus Plateau (Source: NASA/LPI -
Consolidated Lunar Atlas)
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 17
impactor penetrates a thin veneer of
surface material into a darker underlying
deposit and produces low-albedo ejecta,
and (2) those which are truly volcanic in
origin, much like cinder cones except with
a lower profile.
The floors of Alphonsus (see Figure 5)
and Atlas contain fine examples of dark-
haloed craters which spectral analysis has
shown to be composed of volcanic glass
and lava fragments. As with many other
lunar volcanic features, dark-haloed
craters are closely associated with rilles.
Having shown that the Moon was once
volcanically active, the question becomes:
“Is it still active and, if not, how long has it
been inactive?”
Apollo data indicate that basaltic lavas on
the Moon are between 4.3 and 3.2 billion
years old, but the more recent Japanese
Kaguya mission has detected flows in
Oceanus Procellarum and the far side of
the Moon that date back 2 to 2.5 billion
years. None more recent have been
Discovered by Apollo 15 and confirmed by
the Clementine spacecraft, the lunar feature
Ina in Lacus Felicitatis appears to be a non-
impact formation less than 10 million years
old. Apparently formed by the sudden
release of volcanic gases, indications are
that the gas had been trapped beneath the
surface for billions of years and just
recently” released by geologic rather than
volcanic activity. The same may be said for
the highly controversial detection of
outgassing recorded by Nikolai Kozyrev near
the central peak of Alphonsus in 1958.
Although the Moon may no longer be
volcanically active, the evidence of past
volcanic activity and possible current
geologic activity still provides important
areas of lunar study. For more information,
interested observers should contact any of
the folowing:
• Marvin W. Huddleston (ALPO Lunar
Dome Survey) at kc5lei@sbcglobal.net
• Dr. Anthony Cook (ALPO LTP Program)
at tony.cook@alpo-astronomy.org
• Wayne Bailey (ALPO Lunar Topographi-
cal Studies) at wayne.bailey@alpo-
Heiken, Grant; Vaniman, David; French,
Bevan; “Lunar Sourcebook”, Cambridge
Univ. Press, 1991
Mutch, Thomas A., “Geology of the Moon,
A Stratigraphic View”, Princeton University
Press, 1970
Phillips, Tony, Is The Moon Still Alive, Sci-
ence@NASA, 2006
Schultz, Peter H., “Moon Morphology,
Interpretations based on lunar orbiter pho-
tography”, University of Texas Press, 1976
Wood, Charles A., “The Modern Moon: A
Personal View”, Sky Publishing Corp.,
Figure 4. Lunar domes near Milichius and Horensius (Source: NASA/LPI - Consolidated
Lunar Atlas)
Figure 5. Dark-haloed craters in Alphonsus (Source: NASA/LPI - Consolidated Lunar
Page 18 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
By Maurice Colins,
With the recent release of the Kaguya
topographical lunar dataset and a 3D
Moon globe visualization tool, http://
it is now possible for amateurs to look at
the Moon from new perspectives that
have not previously been available.
Shortly after installing the Kaguya 3D
globe and selecting the LALT (Laser
Altimeter) overlay centered on Mare
Imbrium, I noticed a radial area of high
topography extending away from the
Imbrium basin in a straight line toward the
horizon (Figure 1). It was also radial to the
center of Imbrium’s inner ring, as was the
Alpine Valley. I had never seen this before
and it looked very unusual (Figure 2).
I constructed a graphic to illustrate this
ridge and sent it out to various amateur
lunar organizations for confirmation. I
also checked the Lunar Orbiter images
and constructed a mosaic of the region in
order to see whether it could be seen in
this too. The ridge can indeed be traced
along its length in the Lunar Orbiter
mosaic (Figure 3) but would have
otherwise gone unnoticed because it gives
the impression of an unrelated series of
peaks and crater rims. The ridge was
confirmed by Chuck Wood as a
previously unrecognized feature and
appeared as “Lunar Photo of the Day” on
Nov 16, 2009, at
Looking at the overall topography with
the Kaguya Laser Altimeter data, it seems
to be an area of high terrain that
diminishes in thickness further away from
The linear mountain ridge extends for an
approximate distance of 940 km (584
miles) from near Promontorium Agassiz,
ending to the east, just short of Cepheus.
It starts approximately at 42.1° N, 1.8° E
and ends around 40.3° N, 44.7° E. The
height of the ridge is approximately 430 m
(1,300 ft) above the surrounding terrain,
or about 2,300 m (7,546 ft) below the
lunar reference datum average radius of
1,738 km (1,080 miles) as is most of the
nearside of the Moon.
I realized also that if the Montes Caucasus
were offset approximately 185 km (115
miles) to the west along this fault/ridge,
the mountains would form a continuous
arc of the Imbrium basin rim joining the
Montes Alps. Could this be evidence for
some limited localized plate tectonics
occurring on the early Moon?
It is interesting to note that there is another
linear ridge-like feature along the same
radial direction as the Alpine valley, but
further out, in the form of wrinkle ridges.
There are other radial features in the region
between these features that show up in low
illumination angles near the terminator. This
newly discovered radial Imbrium feature
may not have been noticed before in Earth-
based or spacecraft-based imagery because
it requires an illumination angle almost
perpendicular to the terminator in order to
cast a shadow at low sun grazing angles
sufficient to cause it to be visible as a
continuous raised ridge. This ridge,
however, is visible in telescopic imagery as a
line of connected relief once one knows
exactly where to look. It can be seen in
images of the 6- to 10-day old Moon.
It is hoped that this discovery will
encourage other amateur astronomers to
study the newly available spacecraft datasets
to supplement their traditional Earth-based
telescopic studies of the Moon. It is the
beginning of an exciting new era in lunar
The writer wishes to thank ALPO Lunar
Transient Phenomena Studies Coordinator
Dr. Anthony Cook for suggestions in
preparing this article.
Online Features
Left-click your mouse on the author’s e-mail addresses in blue text to contact
the author of this article.
Feature Story:
Discovery of a Previously Unknown Imbrium Radial Ridge
Figure 1. Topography cross-section of ridge from Kaguya 3D globe. Lunar north at left, east
at top. (All images supplied by author.)
Note that all images have lunar
north at the top and lunar east (per
IAU) at the right unless otherwise
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 19
Figure 2. Radial nature of ridge and Alpine Valley to
Imbrium basin.
Figure 3. Lunar Orbiter mosaic.
Figure 4. Profile of elevations along ridge.
Page 20 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
By Julius L. Benton, Jr.,
Coordinator, ALPO Saturn Section
E-mail: jlbaina@msn.com &
The ALPO Saturn Section received 395
visual observations and digital images
during the 2006-2007 observing season
(from 2006 SEP 08 through 2007 JUL 13)
which were contributed by 54 observers in
the United States, Canada, France, Ger-
many, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, The
Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain,
The United Kingdom, and Thailand. Instru-
ments used to carry out the observations
ranged from 12.0 cm (4.5 in.) up to 152.4
cm (60.0 in.) in aperture. Recurring short-
lived dark features were observed or
imaged throughout much of the observing
season in the South Equatorial Belt (SEB),
sometimes extending as dusky festoons
into the EZs, with perhaps an isolated
detection of a dark spot in the South Polar
Region (SPR). Observers imaged the
repeated presence of small white spots in
the South Tropical Zone (STrZ) and South
Equatorial Belt Zone (SEBZ) during 2006-
2007, and less frequently, similar white
features were observed or imaged in the
South Temperate Zone (STeZ) and
Equatorial Zone (EZs). A few recurring
central meridian (CM) transit timings were
submitted for a few of these features. The
inclination of Saturn’s Ring System toward
Earth, B, attained a maximum numeric
value of –15°.41 on 2007 APR 18. Despite
the reduced tilt of the Globe and Rings
toward Earth in 2006-2007, observers
could still see and image reasonable por-
This paper includes a gallery of Saturn
images submitted by a number of
Please note that when a visual observer
records or suspects a specific feature on
Saturn, it is important to secure future
observations quickly if we wish to obtain
the period of rotation. For this purpose
we encourage observers to use these
facts: In System I (EZ plus NEB or
SEB), 7 rotations are accomplished in
close to 3 Earth-days, while in Sysyem
II ( rest of planet), 9 rotations require
close to 4 such days.
A complete set of Saturn Observing
Forms are available for downloading at
publications/ALPO Section Publications/
SaturnReportForms - All.pdf
See the ALPO Resources Section, ALPO
Observing Section Publications of this
Journal for hardcopy availability.
Feature Story:
ALPO Observations of Saturn
During the 2006 - 2007 Apparition
Table Geocentric Phenomena in Universal Time (UT) for Saturn
During the 2006-2007 Apparition
Conjunction 2006 Aug 07d12h UT
Opposition 2007 Feb 10d19h
Conjunction 2007 Aug 21d23h
Opposition Data
Visual Magnitude 0.00
Constellation Leo
Declination 15.53°
B’ 13.81°
Globe Equatorial Diameter 20.27”
Polar Diameter 18.39”
Rings Major Axis 45.99”
Minor Axis 11.07
All Readers
Your comments, questions, etc.,
about this report are appreciated.
Please send them to:
for publication in the next Journal.
Online Features
Left-click your mouse on:
The author’s e-mail address in blue
text to contact the author of this
The references in blue text to jump
to source material or information
about that source material (Internet
connection must be ON).
Observing Scales
Standard ALPO Scale of Intensity:
0.0 = Completely black
10.0 = Very brightest features
Intermediate values are assigned
along the scale to account for
observed intensity of features
Ring B has been adopted (for most
apparitions) as the standard on the
numerical sequence. The outer
third is the brightest part of Ring B,
and it has been assigned a
constant intensity of 8.0 in
integrated light (no filter). All other
features on the globe and in the
rings are estimated using this
standard of reference.
ALPO Scale of Seeing Conditions:
0 = Worst
10 = Perfect
Scale of Transparency Conditions:
Magnitude of the faintest star
visible near Saturn when allowing
for daylight and twilight
IAU directions are used in all
instances (so that Saturn rotates
from west to east).
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 21
Table 2: 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn: Contributing Observers
Observer Location Number of
Observations Telescopes Used
1. Acquarone, Fabio Genova, Italy 123.5-cm (9.25-in) SCT
2. Adelaar, Jan Arnhem, Netherlands 5 23.5-cm (9.25-in) SCT
3. Allen, Ethan Sebastopol, CA 330.5-cm (12.0-in) NEW
4. Arditti, David Middlesex, UK 9
13 25.4-cm (10.0-in) DAL
28.0-cm (11.0-in) SCT
5. Bee, Ron San Diego, CA 112.7-cm (5.0-in) REF
6. Bell, Charles Vicksburg, MS 1 30.5-cm (12.0-in) NEW
7. Benton, Julius L. Wilmington Island, GA 40 15.2-cm (6.0-in) REF
8. Bosman, Richard Enschede, Netherlands 3 28.0-cm (11.0-in) SCT
9. Casquinha, Paolo Palmela, Portugal 12 25.4-cm (10.0-in) NEW
10. Chavez, Rolando Powder Springs, GA 3 31.8-cm (12.5-in) NEW
11. Chester, Geoff Alexandria, VA 3
20.3-cm (8.0-in) SCT
30.5-cm (12.0-in) REF
66.0-cm (26.0-in) REF
12. Cudnik, Brian Houston, TX 4
20.3-cm (8.0-in) CAS
31.8-cm (12.5-in) NEW
35.6-cm (14.0-in) CAS
13. Delcroix, Marc Tournefeuille, France 22 25.4-cm (10.0-in) SCT
14. Einaga, Hideo Kasai, Japan 1 25.4-cm (10.0-in) NEW
15. Fattinnanzi, Cristian Macerata, Italy 325.4-cm (10.0-in) NEW
16. Gasparri, Daniele Perugia, Italy 2 23.5-cm (9.25-in) SCT
17. Go, Christopher Cebu City, Phillipines 16 28.0-cm (11.0-in) SCT
18. Grafton, Ed Houston, TX 1 35.6-cm (14.0-in) SCT
19. Haberman, Bob San Francisco, CA 125.4-cm (10.0-in) SCT
20. Hatton, Jason P. Noordwijk, Netherlands 1 23.5-cm (9.25-in) SCT
21. Heard, Kieron Suffolk, UK 120.3-cm (8.0-in) SCT
22. Hernandez, Carlos Miami, FL 1 22.9-cm (9.0-in) MAK
23. Hill, Rik Tucson, AZ 7
135.6-cm (14.0-in) SCT
152.4-cm (60.0-in) NEW
24. Ikemura, Toshihiko Osaka, Japan 6
931.0-cm (12.2-in) NEW
38.0-cm (15.0-in) SCT
25. Kazemoto, Akira Kumiyama, Japan 130.8-cm (12.1-in) NEW
26. Lawrence, Pete Selsey, UK 7 35.6-cm (14.0-in) SCT
27. Lazzarotti, Paolo Massa, Italy 331.5-cm (12.4-in) NEW
28. Lomeli, Ed Sacramento, CA 8 23.5-cm (9.25-in) SCT
29. Maxson, Paul Phoenix, AZ 24 25.4-cm (10.0-in) CAS
30. Melillo, Frank J. Holtsville, NY 7 25.4-cm (10.0-in) SCT
31. Melka, Jim St. Louis, MO 830.5-cm (12.0-in) SCT
32. Mobberley, Martin Suffolk, UK 5 25.4-cm (10.0-in) NEW
33. Niechoy, Detlev ttingen, Germany 45 20.3-cm (8.0-in) SCT
34. Olivetti, Tiziano Bangkok, Thailand 1 27.5-cm (10.8-in) NEW
35. Owens, Larry Alpharetta, GA 335.6-cm (14.0-in) SCT
Page 22 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
tions of Saturn’s Southern Hemisphere
and South ring face, with increasing areas
of the Northern Hemisphere of the planet
coming into view. Visual observations and
digital images of Saturn contributed during
2006-2007 are summarized, including the
results of continuing efforts to image the
bicolored aspect and azimuthal brightness
asymmetries of the Rings. Accompanying
the report are references, drawings, digital
images, graphs, and tables.
This report was prepared following an
analysis of 395 visual observations,
descriptive notes, and digital images
dispatched to the ALPO Saturn Section
by 54 observers from 2006 SEP 08
through 2007 JUL 13, defined as the
2006-2007 “observing season.” The
actual apparition of Saturn, defined as the
period between successive solar
conjunctions, was between 2006 AUG 07
and 2007 AUG 21. Several drawings and
images are included with this summary,
integrated as much as feasible with topics
discussed in the text, with times and dates
all given in Universal Time (UT).
Ta b l e 1 provides geocentric data in
Universal Time (UT) for the 2006-2007
Apparition. During the observing season,
the numerical value of B, or the
Saturnicentric latitude of the Earth
36. Parker, Donald C. Coral Gables, FL 1
125.4-cm (10.0-in) DAL
40.6-cm (16.0-in) NEW
37. Peach, Damian Norfolk, UK 1
15.2-cm (6.0-in) REF
23.5-cm (9.25-in) SCT
35.6-cm (14.0-in) SCT
38. Pellier, Christophe Bruz, France 12 25.4-cm (10.0-in) CAS
39. Pettenpaul, Oliver Littfeld, Germany 124.5-cm (9.6-in) NEW
40. Phillips, Jacob Swift Creek, NC 1 20.3-cm (8.0-in) SCT
41. Phillips, Jim Charleston, SC 622.9-cm (9.0-in) REF
42. Phillips, Mike Swift Creek, NC 1 20.3-cm (8.0-in) SCT
43. Plante, Phil Braceville, OH 1
15.2-cm (6.0-in) NEW
20.3-cm (8.0-in) SCT
20.3-cm (8.0-in) REF
31.8-cm (12.5-in) NEW
44. Robbins, Sol Fair Lawn, NJ 3
315.2-cm (6.0-in) REF
24.8-cm (9.75-in) NEW
45. Roussell, Carl Hamilton, ON, Canada 12 15.2-cm (6.0-in) REF
46. Sanchez, Jesus Cordoba, Spain 2
125.4-cm (10.0-in) SCT
28.0-cm (11.0-in) SCT
47. Santacana, Guido San Juan, PR 1
212.0-cm (4.7-in) REF
15.0-cm (5.9-in) MAK
48. Sharp, Ian West Sussex, UK 2 28.0-cm (11.0-in) SCT
49. Sherrod, Clay Little Rock, AR 1
220.3-cm (8.0-in) REF
50.0-cm (19.7-in) RC
50. Tasselli, Andrea Florence, Italy 3
220.3-cm (8.0-in) SCT
24.5-cm (9.6-in) NEW
51. Tyler, David High Wycombe, Bucks, UK 1
315.2-cm (6.0-in) REF
35.6-cm (14.0-in) SCT
52. Vandebergh, Ralf Maastricht, Netherlands 14 24.5-cm (9.6-in) NEW
53. Viladrich, Christian Paris, France 1 20.3-cm (8.0-in) MAK
54. Walker, Sean Chester, NH 1 31.8-cm (12.5-in) NEW
Instrumentation Abbreviations:
CAS = Cassegrain, DAL = Dall-Kirkham, MAK= Maksutov-Cassegrain, NEW = Newtonian, SCT = Schmidt-Cassegrain,
REF = Refractor, RC = Richey-Chretien
Table 2: 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn: Contributing Observers (Continued)
Observer Location Number of
Observations Telescopes Used
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 23
referred to the ring plane (negative when
south), ranged between the extremes of
12.27° (2006 DEC 06) and 15.41° (2007
APR 18). The value of B', the
saturnicentric latitude of the Sun, varied
from 15.96° (2006 SEP 08) to 11.61°
(2007 JUL 13).
Ta b l e 2 lists the 54 individuals who
collectively submitted 395 reports to the
ALPO Saturn Section this apparition,
along with their observing sites, number
of observations, telescope aperture, and
type of instrument. Graph 1 is a histogram
showing the distribution of observations
by month, where it is can be seen that
45.82 percent were made prior to
opposition, 0.51 percent at opposition
(2007 FEB 10), and 53.67 percent
thereafter. There is a continuing natural
tendency for observers to view Saturn
around the date of opposition when the
planet is well-placed high in the evening
sky (85.06 percent of all observations
occurred from November 2006 through
April 2007), but to improve overall
coverage, observers are encouraged to
begin drawing and imaging Saturn as
soon as it becomes visible in the eastern
sky before sunrise right after conjunction.
Our goal is to carry out regular
observational surveillance of the planet
for as much of its mean synodic period of
378 days as possible (this is the period of
time elapsed from one conjunction of
Saturn with the Sun to the next, which is
slightly longer than a terrestrial year).
Graph 2 and Graph 3 show the ALPO
Saturn Section observing base and the
international distribution of all
observations contributed during the
apparition. The United States accounted
for somewhat less than half of the
participating observers (44.44 percent)
and a little more than a third of the
submitted observations (38.48 percent).
With 55.56 percent of all observers
residing in Canada, France, Germany,
Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, The
Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain,
The United Kingdom, and Thailand,
whose total contributions represented
61.52 percent of the observations,
international cooperation remained very
strong this observing season.
Graph 4 plots the number of observations
this apparition by instrument type. About
half (47.59 percent) of all observations
were made with telescopes of classical
design (refractors, Newtonians, and
Cassegrains). Classical designs with great
optics and excellent collimation frequently
produce high-resolution images with
superb contrast, presumably the reason
they have often been the instruments of
choice for visual studies of the Moon and
Diagram 1. Nomenclature for Saturnian globe and ring features.
Distribution of Observations by Month
The 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
0 102030405060708090100
2007 Jan
2006 Sep
Month of Observation
Number of Observations
395 Total Observations and 54 Observers for 2006 Sep 08 - 2007 Jul 13
Figure 1
Page 24 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
planets. In recent apparitions, however,
since a variety of adapters are readily
available to attach digital imagers to them,
the utilization of comparatively compact
and portable Schmidt-Cassegrains and
Maksutov-Cassegrains has been growing.
It has been demonstrated that such
instruments outfitted with high-quality
well-collimated optics can produce really
fine images of Saturn.
Telescopes with apertures of 15.2 cm (6.0
in.) or larger accounted for 98.99 percent
of the observations contributed this
apparition. Even so, there are numerous
historical instances where considerably
smaller instruments of good quality
ranging from 10.2 cm (4.0 in.) to 12.7 cm
(5.0 in.) have been quite useful for many
aspects of our Saturn observing programs.
The ALPO Saturn Section is extremely
grateful for all the data, descriptive
reports, digital images, and visual
drawings faithfully submitted by the
observers listed in Ta b l e 2 for the 2006-
2007 Apparition, without which this
report would not have been possible.
Anyone who desires to participate in
regular observational studies of Saturn
employing visual methods (i.e., drawings,
intensity and latitude estimates, and CM
transit timings), film photography, or more
contemporary digital imaging techniques
is encouraged to do so in forthcoming
observing seasons as we continue our
quest for maintaining international
cooperative studies of Saturn. All methods
of recording observations are considered
crucial to the success of our programs,
whether there is a preference for sketching
Saturn at the eyepiece or simply writing
descriptive reports, making visual
numerical relative intensity or latitude
estimates, or pursuing film photography
or digital imaging. Unfortunately, in recent
years too few experienced observers are
making routine visual numerical relative
intensity estimates, which are badly
needed for a continued comparative
analysis of belt, zone, and ring component
brightness fluctuations over many
apparitions. Consider this an urgent
appeal to observers to set aside a few
moments while at the telescope and carry
out intensity estimates (visual
photometry) in integrated light and with
standard color filters. As a reminder, the
ALPO Saturn Section is always happy to
receive observations from novices, and
the author will be pleased to offer
assistance as one becomes acquainted
with our programs.
The Globe of Saturn
The 395 observations submitted to the
ALPO Saturn Section during 2006-2007
were used in preparing this summary of
the observing season. Except in captions
accompanying illustrations or in instances
where the identity of individuals is
relevant to the discussion, names have
been omitted for the sake of brevity.
Drawings, digital images, tables, and
graphs are included herewith so that
readers may refer to them as they study
the text. Features on the Globe of Saturn
are described here in south-to-north order
and can be identified by referring to the
nomenclature diagram shown in the
accompanying Diagram. If no reference is
made to a global feature in our south-to-
north discussion, the area was not
reported by observers during the 2006-
2007 Apparition. It has been customary in
Diagram 2. These images of Saturn taken by Christopher Go of the UK using a 28 cm
(11.0 in.) SCT and a DMK digital imager in integrated light show how the position of the
shadow of the globe on the rings (Sh G on R) changes before and after opposition. S is at
the top and E is at left (IAU).
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 25
past Saturn apparition reports to compare
the morphology and brightness of
atmospheric features between observing
seasons, and this process continues in this
report so readers are aware of very subtle,
but nonetheless recognizable, variations
that may be occurring seasonally on the
Small intensity fluctuations of Saturn's
atmospheric features (see Ta b l e 3 ) may be
simply a consequence of the varying
inclination of the planet's rotational axis
relative to the Earth and Sun, together
with its phase angle, although
photometric work in the past has shown
that tiny oscillations of roughly +0.10
visual magnitude of Saturn over nearly a
decade likely occur. Transient and longer-
lasting atmospheric features seen or
imaged in various belts and zones on the
Globe may also play a role in subtle
apparent brightness fluctuations. Regular
photoelectric photometry of Saturn, in
conjunction with carefully-executed visual
numerical relative intensity estimates, is
The intensity scale routinely employed by
Saturn observers is the standard ALPO
Standard Numerical Relative Intensity
Scale, such that 0.0 denotes a total black
condition (e.g., complete shadow) and
10.0 is the maximum brightness of a
feature or phenomenon (e.g., an
unusually bright EZ or dazzling white
spot). This numerical scale is normalized
by setting the outer third of Ring B at a
“standard” intensity of 8.0. The arithmetic
sign of an intensity change is determined
by subtracting a feature's 2005-06
intensity from its 2006-2007 value.
Suspected differences of *0.10 mean
intensity points are usually considered
insignificant, while reported changes in
intensity less than roughly three times the
standard error are probably not
It is always meaningful to evaluate digital
images of Saturn contributed by ALPO
observers who use different apertures and
filter techniques. The goal is to
understand the level of detail seen and
how it compares with visual impressions
of the Globe and Rings, including any
correlation with spacecraft imaging and
results from professional observatories.
So, in addition to routine visual studies,
such as drawings and visual numerical
relative intensity estimates, Saturn
observers should systematically image the
planet every possible clear night to
attempt to document individual features
on the Globe and in the Rings, their
motion and morphology (including
Observations By Nationality
The 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Puerto Rico
United Kingdom
United States
Number of Observations
Figure 3
Observers By Nationality
The 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Puerto Rico
United Kingdom
United States
Participating Observers
Figure 2
Page 26 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
changes in intensity and hue), to serve as
input for combination with images taken
by professional ground-based
observatories and spacecraft monitoring
Saturn at close range. Furthermore,
comparing images taken over several
apparitions for a given hemisphere of
Saturn's Globe provides information on
seasonal changes long suspected by
observers making visual numerical
relative intensity estimates. Images and
systematic visual observations by
amateurs are being used as initial alerts of
interesting large-scale features on Saturn
that professionals may not already know
about but can subsequently examine
further with larger specialized
Particles in Saturn's atmosphere reflect
different wavelengths of light in very
distinct ways, which cause some belts and
zones to appear especially prominent,
while others look very dark, so imaging
the planet with a series of color filters may
help shed light on the dynamics, structure,
and composition of its atmosphere. In the
UV (ultraviolet) and IR (infrared) regions
of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is
possible to determine additional
properties as well as the sizes of aerosols
present in different atmospheric layers not
observable at visual wavelengths, as well
as useful data about the cloud-covered
satellite Titan. UV wavelengths shorter
than 320 nm are effectively blocked by
the Earth's stratospheric ozone (O3), while
H2O-vapor and CO2 molecules absorb in
portions of the IR region beyond 727 nm,
and the human eye is insensitive to UV
light shorter than 390 nm and can detect
only about 1.0 percent at 690 nm and
0.01 percent at 750 nm in the IR (beyond
750 nm visual sensitivity is essentially nil).
Although most of the reflected light from
Saturn reaching terrestrial observers is in
the form of visible light, some UV and IR
wavelengths that lie on either side and in
close proximity to the visual region
penetrate to the Earth's surface, and
imaging Saturn in these near-IR and near-
UV bands has in the past provided some
remarkable results. The effects of
absorption and scattering of light by the
planet's atmospheric gases and clouds at
various heights and with different
thicknesses are often noticeable. Indeed,
such images periodically show differential
light absorption by particles with
dissimilar hues intermixed with Saturn's
white NH3 clouds.
Estimates of Latitude of Global
Features. Observers should try to utilize
the handy visual method developed by
Haas over 60 years ago to perform
estimates of Saturnian global latitudes
every apparition. It is easy to employ.
Observers simply estimate the fraction of
the polar semidiameter of the Saturn's
Globe subtended on the central meridian
(CM) between the limb and the feature
whose latitude is desired. As a control on
the accuracy of this method, observers
should include in their estimates the
position on the CM of the projected ring
edges and the shadow of the Rings. The
actual latitudes can then be calculated
from the known values of B and B’ and
the dimensions of the Rings, although this
test cannot be effectively applied when B
and B’ are near their maximum positive
or negative numerical values.
Experienced observers have used this
visual technique for many years with very
reliable results, especially since filar
micrometers are hard to find and tend to
be very expensive, not to mention
sometimes tedious to use. Few observers
submitted estimates of Saturnian latitudes
during 2006-2007, and it would be very
good if more observers would employ this
simple and convenient method in future
apparitions. A detailed description of the
technique can be found in the author's
book entitled Saturn and How To Observe
It, published by Springer and widely
Southern Regions of the Globe.
During the 2006-2007 Apparition, B
attained a maximum negative value of
15.41, so observers could see Saturn's
Southern Hemisphere to good advantage.
Although much of the Northern
Hemisphere was still hidden by the Rings
as they crossed in front of the planet's
Globe, limited views were possible of a
few features North of the Rings. After
reducing visual numerical relative
intensity estimates received this
apparition, the mean brightness of the
Southern Hemisphere features of Saturn
showed no significant change since 2005-
06. Some visual observers strongly
suspected that several belts and zones in
the Southern Hemisphere exhibited an
extremely subtle, progressive decline in
overall brightness over the last five
observing seasons. It will be interesting to
see if this alleged trend continues as the
tilt of Saturn's equator and ring plane
Distribution of Observations by
Optical Design of Telescope
The 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
0 50 100 150
Figure 4
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 27
toward our line of sight gets smaller with
the approaching edgewise ring orientation
in 2009.
Starting in mid-November 2006 through
late April 2007 quite a number of
observers sketched or imaged small white
spots in the SEBZ, and white-spot activity
was also reported visually or imaged in
the STrZ from early February through
mid-May 2007, as well as in the STeZ
from mid- to late-April 2007. The STeZ
features, however, were questionable and
may have only been noise in the images
submitted. Numerous dusky features
within the SEBn and SEBs were drawn or
imaged from late October 2006 through
late May 2007, and in mid-April 2007, a
dark spot was imaged at the edge of the
SPR. All of these phenomena are
discussed in the following paragraphs
dealing separately with each region of
Saturn's Globe. The EZs, SEBZ, STrZ, and
STeZ white spots, normally caused by
upward convection of NH4 (ammonia) in
Saturn's atmosphere, displayed small but
recognizable morphological changes with
time. The structure of zonal wind profiles
in these latitudes seem to contribute to the
emergence and behavior of these discrete
features. High-resolution imaging
documented several white spots and dark
features in these regions for a few
rotations of Saturn, but re-identification
and subsequent tracking of the same
features proved difficult, thus no CM
transit timings were provided to allow the
derivation of drift rates of these transient
Ever since Saturn reached perihelion,
with a solar distance 5.4 percent less than
its mean value, on 2003 JUL 26, which
occurs every 29.5 Earth years (one
Saturnian year), some speculate that
presumed subtle increases in atmospheric
activity on Saturn are a consequence of
the planet's seasonal insolation cycle.
However, measurements in the past only
suggest a slow thermal response to solar
heating at Saturn's perihelion distance of
~9.0 astronomical units from the Sun. So,
as time elapses with succeeding
apparitions following Saturn's perihelion
passage, observers should keep a careful
eye on the planet's Southern Hemisphere,
since a lag in the planet's atmospheric
thermal response could roughly mimic
what we experience on Earth; that is, the
warmest days do not arrive on the first
Table 3 Visual Numerical Relative Intensity Estimates and Colors
for the 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
Feature Number of
2006-07 Mean
Intensity &
Standard Error
Mean Derived Color
SPC 14.00 ± ----- -0.13 Dark Gray
SPR 18 4.03 ± 0.17 -0.37 Dark Gray
STeZ 19 5.75 ± 0.19 0.30 Dull Yellowish-White
6.11 ± 0.09
4.84 ± 0.08
Dull Yellowish-White
Dull Yellowish-Gray
EZs 20 7.26 ± 0.12 -0.22 Bright Yellowish-White
EZn 6 6.50 ± 0.00 ----- Yellowish-White
NNTeZ 15.00 ± ----- ----- Dull Yellowish-Gray
NPR 9 4.72 ± 0.18 ----- Dull Gray
Globe N of Rings 12 4.79 ± 0.11 ----- Dull Gray
STeB 24.40 ± 0.28 -0.85 Dull Grayish-Brown
SEB (entire) 12 4.33 ± 0.11 -0.24 Dull Grayish-Brown
SEBs 12 4.17 ± 0.08 -0.24 Dark Grayish-Brown
SEBn 11 3.99 ± 0.06 +0.03 Dark Grayish-Brown
NTeB 15.00 ± ----- ----- Light Grayish-Brown
NNTeB 1 4.50 ± ----- ----- Dull Gray
A (entire) 21 6.79 ± 0.09 -0.06 Yellowish-White
A (outer portion) 25.75 ± 0.18 ----- Dull Yellowish-White
A (inner portion) 2 6.75 ± 0.18 ----- Yellowish-White
A5 81.00 ± 0.35 -0.10 Very Dark Gray
A0 or B10 11 0.00 ± 0.00 0.05 Grayish-Black
B (outer 1/3) 24 8.00 ± 0.00 STD 0.00 Brilliant White
B (inner 2/3) 22 7.04 ± 0.05 +0.02 Bright Yellowish-White
C (ansae) 20 1.11 ± 0.10 +0.03 Very Dark Gray
Crape Band 16 2.66 ± 0.32 -0.34 Dark Gray
Sh G on R 12 0.00 ± 0.00 -0.00 Black shadow
Sh R on G 12 0.00 ± 0.00 -0.41 Black shadow
Terby White Spot
29.50 ± 0.35 ----- Brilliant white
For nomenclature see text and Diagram. A letter with a digit (e.g. A0 or B10) refers to a
location in the Ring specified in terms of units of tenths of the distance from the inner edge
to the outer edge. Visual numerical relative intensity estimates (visual surface photometry)
are based upon the ALPO Intensity Scale, where 0.0 denotes complete black (shadow) and
10.0 refers to the most brilliant condition (very brightest Solar System objects). The
adopted scale for Saturn uses a reference standard of 8.0 for the outer third of Ring B,
which appears to remain stable in intensity for most ring inclinations. All other features on
the Globe or in the Rings are compared systematically using this scale, described in the
Saturn Handbook, which is issued by the ALPO Saturn Section. The “Intensity Change
Since 2005-06” is in the same sense of the 2005-06 value subtracted from the 2006-07
value, “+” denoting an increase (brightening) and “” indicating a decrease (darkening).
When the apparent change is less than about 3 times the standard error, it is probably not
statistically significant.
Page 28 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
day of summer but occur up to a month
or two later. Any similar effect on Saturn
would be extremely subtle, however, and
probably not noticed for quite a number
of years.
South Polar Region (SPR). Based on
visual numerical relative intensity
estimates submitted during the 2006-
2007 Apparition, the dark gray SPR may
have been slightly duller in appearance
than in 2005-06 (by an unimpressive
mean visual intensity value of only -0.37).
Despite the suspicion of a slight
brightening of this region in 2004-05, the
weak darkening trend believed to be
underway every apparition since the
2001-02 observing season may have
continued in 2006-2007. The small, dark
gray South Polar Cap (SPC) was basically
at the same mean numerical relative
intensity in 2006-2007 as in 2005-06 in
integrated light, reported only once this
observing season by visual observers as
barely discernible from the surrounding
SPR. Based on digital images submitted
this observing season at visual
wavelengths, the dark gray SPC was very
slightly darker than the encompassing
dark gray SPR [see Figure 1].
Alternatively, most images taken in red
light showed the SPC as somewhat
brighter than the SPR [see Figure 2].
As far as activity in the SPR during 2006-
2007, other than a few suspected small,
ill-defined, irregular patterns of white
patches or dusky features within the SPR
in a few digital images taken in April
2007, there was no recurring discrete
activity in the SPR. No drawings by visual
observers of SPR white or dark spots were
submitted during 2006-2007. The South
Polar Belt (SPB) encircling the SPR was
not reported by visual observers during
the apparition, although this feature was
apparent in at least a few of the digital
images received [see Figure 3].
South South Temperate Zone
(SSTeZ). The normally yellowish-white
SSTeZ was not described by visual
observers during this observing season,
but several digital images in 2006-2007
showed a narrow SSTeZ without any
recognizable activity.
South South Temperate Belt
(SSTeB). There were no visual reports of
the SSTeB during this observing season,
but this narrow light grayish-brown belt
was fairly obvious on many of high-
resolution digital images.
South Temperate Zone (STeZ). The
dull yellowish-white STeZ was frequently
Table 4: White-Spot Activity in the STeZ during the 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
Date and
Time (UT)
CM Start CM End Observer
(cm) S Tr NOTES
2007 APR 15
20:44-21:08 222.4 179.6 143.9 236.5 193.1 157.4 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- Small white spot in
STeZ or merely noise?
2007 APR 22
21:26-21:42 036.6 126.8 082.6 046.0 135.8 091.6 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- STeZ white spot or
Notes for Tales 4-8: Central Meridians (CM) are given in the three longitude systems I, II, and III; instrument apertures are
followed by optical type; Seeing (S) is in the ALPO 0-10 Scale; Transparency (Tr) is the limiting naked-eye magnitude.
Table 5: White-Spot Activity in the STrZ during the 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
Date and
Time (UT)
CM Start CM End Observer
(cm) STr NOTES
2007 FEB 07
00:18 174.7 163.4 209.5 --- --- --- Lawrence
UK 35.6
SCT 5.0 7.0 Small STrZ white spot W
of CM (more obvious in R
2007 FEB 07
00:20-01:02 175.9 164.5 210.7 200.5 188.2 234.
Italy 25.4
NEW 6.5 2.0 Small STrZ white spot
near CM (more obvious in
R light)
2007 MAR 15
21:36-21:46 000.6 237.8 239.5 006.4 243.5 245.
Netherlands 25.4
NEW STrZ white spot near CM
2007 APR 07
21:38 340.2 194.5 168.4 --- --- --- Delcroix
France 25.4
SCT 5.0 3.0 STrZ white spot imaged or
just noise?
2007 MAY 13
02:05-02:25 164.2 322.1 253.6 175.9 333.4 264.
USA 20.3
REF 6.5 4.0 STrZ white spot near E
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 29
Table 6: White-Spot Activity in the SEBZ during the 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
Date and
Time (UT)
CM Start CM End Observer
(cm) S Tr NOTES
2006 NOV 16
04:24-04:46 075.1 219.
3005.4 088.0 231.7 017.7 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 3.0 White spot at CM in
SEBZ (poor seeing)?
2006 NOV 23
05:46 273.6 189.
9327.4 --- --- --- Grafton
USA 35.6
SCT -- -- SEBZ white spots near
2006 DEC 12
19:01 222.8 227.
5341.5 --- --- --- Go
Philippines 28.0
SCT 8.0 5.0 SEBZ white spot is W of
2007 JAN 15
17:33 080.6 069.
0142.0 --- --- --- Go
Philippines 28.0
SCT 6.0 4.0 Small SEBZ white spot
E of CM?
2007 JAN 20
02:07-02:13 159.6 007.
3075.0 163.1 010.7 078.4 Casquinha
Portugal 25.4
NEW -- -- Small SEBZ white spot
W of CM
2007 JAN 24
09:44-09:56 205.2 273.
4335.9 212.2 280.1 342.7 Allen
USA 30.5
NEW 5.0 4.0 Small SEBZ white spot
just W of CM
2007 JAN 31
02:42-02:56 108.5 320.
0014.5 116.7 327.9 022.4 Arditti
UK 28.0
SCT 6.0 4.0 Small SEBZ white spot
just W of CM
2007 FEB 04
02:15-02:31 230.2 313.
1002.8 239.6 322.2 011.8 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW --
SEBZ white spot E of
2007 FEB 04
02:15 230.2 313.
1002.8 --- --- --- Casquinha
Portugal 25.4
NEW -- --
SEBZ white spot E of
2007 FEB 18
14:41-15:14 248.9 222.
9255.0 268.2 241.5 273.6 Ikemura
Japan 31.0
NEW -- -- SEBZ white spot E of
2007 FEB 22
14:14 010.5 215.
9243.2 --- --- --- Go
Philippines 28.0
SCT 8.0 5.0 SEBZ white Spot E of
2007 MAR 06
21:02-21:05 301.8 110.5 123.0 303.5 112.2 124.7 Peach
UK 23.5
SCT -- -- Elongated SEBZ white
spot W of CM
2007 MAR 10
13:36 177.6 227.
1235.2 --- --- --- Go
Philippines 28.0
SCT 9.0 4.0 Diffuse SEBZ white
area E of CM
2007 MAR 10
21:06-21:28 081.4 120.
8128.5 094.3 133.2 140.9 Casquinha
Portugal 25.4
NEW -- -- SEBZ white spot E of
2007 MAR 13
21:10 096.7 039.
1043.2 --- --- --- Peach
UK 23.5
SCT -- -- SEBZ white spot W of
CM; very subtle
2007 MAR 13
22:34 146.0 086.
5090.5 --- --- --- Bosman
Netherlands 28.0
SCT -- -- SEBZ white spot near
CM; very subtle
2007 MAR 14
20:00 180.0 091.
7094.6 --- --- --- Peach
UK 23.5
SCT -- -- SEBZ white spot E of
2007 MAR 16
22:10-23:19 144.8 349.
0349.4 185.5 027.9 028.3 Acquarone
Italy 23.5
SCT 7.0 3.0 SEBZ white spot W of
CM; very subtle
2007 MAR 17
21:17 238.1 051.
1050.4 --- --- --- Casquinha
Portugal 25.4
NEW -- -- SEBZ white spot slightly
W of CM
2007 MAR 20
01:23-01:37 270.9 013.
8010.5 279.1 021.7 018.4 Phillips
USA 22.9
REF -- -- SEBZ white spot W of
2007 APR 05
20:02 016.0 297.
9274.3 --- --- --- Peach
UK 23.5
SCT -- -- SEBZ white spot E of
2007 APR 07
21:38 340.2 194.
5168.4 --- --- -- Delcroix
France 25.4
SCT 5.0 3.0 SEBZ white spot
imaged or is it just
Page 30 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
reported by visual observers in 2006-
2007, as well as being apparent on most
submitted digital images of Saturn.
Compared with the previous observing
season, the STeZ seemed slightly dimmer
in overall intensity this apparition (mean
factor of -0.30), and ranked third behind
the EZs and STrZ in mean brightness. The
STeZ appeared uniform in intensity during
this observing season as it crossed the
Globe of Saturn, but Ralf Vandebergh of
The Netherlands imaged what he
described as a very small white spot using
a 25.4-cm (10.0 in.) Newtonian in mid-to-
late April 2007, particularly obvious in red
wavelengths (see Ta b l e 4 ) [see Figure 4].
No other observers submitted confirming
images of these ill-defined, apparently
ephemeral STeZ white spots.
No white-spot activity in the STeZ was
reported by visual observers during the
2006-2007 Apparition.
South Temperate Belt (STeB). The
dull grayish-brown STeB was reported
only twice by visual observers during this
apparition, but high-resolution digital
images depicted this dusky feature in
2006-2007. There was no apparent
activity within the STeB when it was seen
visually or imaged. Limited mean
intensity data suggested the STeB may
have dropped slightly in mean intensity
by -0.85 since the immediately preceding
apparition, and it was the lightest of the
belts in the Southern Hemisphere of
Saturn based on mean intensity data.
South Tropical Zone (STrZ). Visual
observers reported the dull yellowish-
white STrZ fairly frequently during the
2006-2007 Apparition. The STrZ did not
change substantially in mean intensity this
observing season compared with 2005-06
(a minor change of +0.21), ranking third
in order of brightness behind the Ezs and
the EZn. Visual impressions of this feature
suggested no variations in morphology
during the apparition, but there were
several images and one drawing
submitted from early February through
mid-May 2007 showing extremely small
and poorly-defined STrZ white spots. The
STrZ white spots imaged in early February
appeared more obvious in red
wavelengths (see Ta b l e 5 ), and these small
features showed very little change in
appearance or development over time.
[see figures 5 - 8].
South Equatorial Belt (SEB). The dull
grayish-brown SEB was routinely
reported by visual observers in 2006-
2007. It was frequently subdivided into
SEBn and SEBs components (where n
refers to the North Component and s to
the South Component), with the SEBZ
lying in between them during good seeing
conditions and with larger apertures.
Taken as a whole, the SEB was the
darkest belt on Saturn's Globe during this
apparition, seeming to visual observers to
be marginally darker in 2006-2007
compared with 2005-06 (a visual mean
intensity change of a mere -0.24 points).
When the SEBn and SEBs were both
reported visually, the dark grayish-brown
SEBn was usually slightly duller in
appearance than its dark grayish-brown
SEBs counterpart, but mean numerical
relative intensity data showed the SEBn
only darker than the SEBs by an
insignificant factor of -0.18. The SEBn
was the darkest belt of all on Saturn this
observing season, basically unchanged
between 2006-2007 and 2005-06 in
mean intensity. The SEBs may have
dimmed ever so slightly by -0.24 visual
numerical relative intensity points since
2005-06. The dull yellowish-gray South
Equatorial Belt Zone (SEBZ) showed very
little change in overall intensity since
2005-06 (a trivial difference of -0.16
mean intensity points). Most digital
images of Saturn submitted during 2006-
2007 generally supported the
aforementioned visual impressions of the
SEB as a whole, as well as showing the
SEB as a very prominent belt and virtually
always subdivided into a darker SEBn
and a lighter SEBs with the SEBZ lying in
between [see Figure 9]. The SEBn
appeared considerably wider than the
SEBs in images as well as visually.
From mid-November 2006 through late
April 2007 observers imaged one or more
small, diffuse white spots within the SEBZ
that appeared to elongate somewhat with
time; however, these features tended not
to evolve as much in morphology during
the 2006-2007 Apparition as did those
described in 2005-06. [see figures 10-15].
Visual observers suspected white spots in
the SEBZ as well during 2006-2007, but it
is questionable if any of the small white
spots imaged in this region during the
observing season could be detected
visually [see figures 16 and 17].
Simultaneous visual observations
concurrent with imaging will help
determine the threshold of visibility of
2007 APR 08
20:07 051.1 235.
1207.9 --- --- --- Peach
UK 23.5
SCT -- -- SEBZ white spot W of
CM (near W limb)
2007 APR 12
20:44 209.7 263.
8231.7 --- --- --- Peach
UK 23.5
SCT -- -- SEBZ white spot just W
of CM
2007 APR 19
21:20-21:41 020.4 207.
6167.1 032.8 219.5 178.9 Delcroix
France 25.4
SCT 5.0 3.0 SEBZ white spot in R
2007 APR 21
02:40-03:01 332.3 120.
0078.0 344.6 131.8 089.8 Robbins
USA 24.8
REF 7.0 --
Possible white spot W
of CM in SEBZ?
2007 APR 27
20:59-21:59 281.9 211.1 161.0 317.0 245.0 194.7 Delcroix
France 25.4
SCT 4.0 3.0 Small SEBZ white spot?
Table 6: White-Spot Activity in the SEBZ during the 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn (Continued)
Date and
Time (UT)
CM Start CM End Observer
(cm) S Tr NOTES
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 31
Table 7: Dark-Spot Activity in the SEB during the 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
Date and Time
CM Start CM End Observer and
(cm) STr NOTES
2006 OCT 31
04:39-04:51 254.6 195.3 000.6 261.6 202.1 007.4 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT -- -- Suspected dusky
features along S edge
2006 OCT 31
09:33-09:57 067.0 001.1 166.2 081.0 014.6 179.7 Robbins
USA 15.2
REF 7.0 -- Dusky features along
the S edge of SEB
projecting into EZs
2006 NOV 07
05:10-05:46 063.0 136.9 293.8 084.0 157.2 314.1 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- Dusky festoon along N
edge SEBs extending
into SEBZ?
2006 NOV 22
04:39 110.0 060.1 198.9 --- --- --- Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 3.0 3.0 Details in SEB and
2006 NOV 23
05:46 273.6 189.9 327.4 --- --- --- Grafton
USA 35.6
SCT -- -- Dusky features along
the N edge of SEBs?
2006 NOV 26
07:41-07:59 354.1 170.9 304.7 004.7 181.1 314.9 Robbins
USA 24.8
NEW 8.0 -- Dark features in the
2006 NOV 28
04:41-05:07 137.3 253.5 025.1 152.6 268.2 039.7 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Details in SEB and
2007 JAN 02
00:04-00:28 008.3 080.2 169.7 022.4 093.7 183.2 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Festoons emanating
from N edge SEBn into
2007 JAN 11
03:05-03:17 154.1 291.1 009.7 161.1 297.9 016.4 Roussell
Canada 15.2 6.0 4.0 Dark knots along N
edge SEBn
2007 JAN 14
04:00 199.5 238.4 313.3 --- --- --- Hernandez
USA 22.9
MAK 5.0 3.0 Dusky features along
N edge SEBn
2007 JAN 18
03:10-03:34 307.8 218.6 288.7 321.8 232.1 302.2 Robbins
USA 15.2
REF 7.0 -- Several dark areas
along N edge SEBn
2007 JAN 21
01:02-02:27 245.9 062.7 129.3 295.8 110.6 177.2 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 JAN 21
04:23-04:35 003.8 176.1 242.5 010.8 182.8 249.3 Roussell
Canada 15.2
REF 5.5 3.5 Dark features along N
edge SEBn protruding
into SEBZ
2007 JAN 22
21:43-22:07 018.0 134.7 199.0 032.1 148.2 212.5 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 JAN 24
20:34-20:43 226.3 279.9 341.9 231.6 285.0 347.0 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 JAN 25
21:12-22:47 013.0 033.5 094.2 068.7 087.0 147.7 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 FEB 16
19:03-19:19 153.8 186.5 220.8 163.1 195.5 229.8 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 FEB 17
21:46-23:15 013.7 010.5 043.5 065.9 060.7 093.6 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 MAR 01
02:58-03:17 124.5 119.0 138.5 135.7 129.7 149.2 Robbins
USA 24.8
REF 7.0 -- Dusky features along
the S edge SEBn
protruding into SEBZ
Page 32 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
2007 MAR 01
17:37 279.9 254.7 273.4 --- --- --- Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 MAR 05
20:08-20:40 145.8 348.0 001.8 164.6 006.0 019.8 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 MAR 07
20:17-21:20 039.7 177.1 188.5 076.7 212.7 224.0 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 MAR 14
20:00 180.0 091.7 094.6 --- --- --- Peach
UK 23.5
SCT -- -- SEBZ dusky elongat-
ion is W of the CM and
SEBZ white spot
2007 MAR 18
21:23-22:08 005.9 146.5 144.5 032.3 171.9 169.9 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 MAR 19
19:41 070.4 181.0 177.9 --- --- --- Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 MAR 27
19:23-19:54 334.1 186.7 174.0 352.3 204.2 191.5 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 MAR 28
19:30-19:45 102.5 282.7 268.7 111.3 291.1 277.2 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 APR 02
19:29 003.2 022.0 002.0 --- --- --- Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 APR 05
20:04-20:42 036.5 317.6 294.0 058.5 339.0 315.4 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 APR 13
20:29-20:57 325.2 347.3 314.0 341.6 003.1 329.8 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 APR 15
18:44-20:14 152.1 111.9 076.3 204.8 162.7 127.0 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 APR 17
20:54-21:03 116.7 009.1 331.0 122.0 014.2 336.1 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- Dusky features in SEB
or simply noise?
2007 APR 19
19:42-19:58 323.0 152.4 111.9 332.4 161.4 120.9 Niechoy
Germany 20.3
SCT 2.5 2.5 Dusky features
emanating from SEBn
extending into EZs
2007 APR 21
02:40-03:01 332.3 120.0 078.0 344.6 131.8 089.8 Robbins
USA 24.8
REF 7.0 -- Dark undulations in
2007 APR 27
20:54-21:03 278.9 208.3 158.1 284.2 213.4 163.2 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- Dark features in SEB
or noise?
2007 MAY 05
02:52-03:13 278.2 333.5 274.6 290.5 345.3 286.4 Roussell
Canada 15.2
REF 5.5 3.5 Dark features in SEBs
and SEBn
2007 MAY 05
20:44-20:49 186.7 217.9 158.1 189.6 220.7 160.9 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- Dark features in SEB
or noise?
2007 MAY 23
20:34 256.0 066.1 344.6 --- --- --- Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- Dark spots along N
edge SEBs projecting
into SEBZ
Table 7: Dark-Spot Activity in the SEB during the 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn (Continued)
Date and Time
CM Start CM End Observer and
(cm) STr NOTES
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 33
such features in future apparitions. Ta b l e 6
gives a complete listing, with supporting
data and short comments, of the small
white spots imaged in the SEBZ during
2006-2007, along with two instances
when SEBZ white spots were suspected
visually. It was not clear whether the SEBZ
white spots originated from a single
feature that had already evolved and split
apart by the time they were detected, or
whether dual white features in the SEBZ
already existed from the beginning of the
observing season, perhaps remaining
from the immediately preceding
Recurring visual accounts of suspected
dusky markings and festoon activity
within the SEB were received from late
October 2006 through late May 2007,
including a few digital images supporting
at least some of the visual impressions
during this period. Most of these reports
described dusky markings or festoons
along the northern edge of the SEBs
extending into the SEBZ, similar dark
features protruding from the SEBn into
the EZs, or simply dark knots or
disturbances within either the SEBs or
SEBn in varying seeing conditions. Ta b l e
7 lists all of the reports of dark-spot
activity associated with the SEB and
SEBZ during 2006-2007 [see figures 15
and 18-22].
Equatorial Zone (EZ). The southern
half of the bright yellowish-white
Equatorial Zone (EZs) was the region of
the EZ mostly visible and imaged between
where the Rings cross the Globe of Saturn
and the SEBn in 2006-2007. Observers
also began reporting and imaging
portions of the EZn during the apparition
due to the diminished tilt of the Rings to
our line of sight. Based on visual
observations and accompanying
numerical relative intensity estimates, the
EZs was the brightest zone on Saturn's
Globe during 2006-2007, showing only a
Table 8: White-Spot Activity in the EZ during the 2006-07 Apparition of Saturn
Date and
Time (UT)
CM Start CM End Observer
2006 NOV 07
05:10-05:46 063.0 136.9 293.8 084.0 157.2 314.1 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- White mottlings in EZs
may just be noise in
2007 APR 07
21:38 340.2 194.5 168.4 --- --- --- Delcroix
France 25.4
SCT 5.0 3.0 EZ white spot imaged
2007 APR 10
22:08-22:20 010.5 127.3 097.5 017.5 134.0 104.3 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- White mottlings in EZs
may just be noise in
2007 APR 11
22:58-23:15 164.0 247.4 216.4 174.0 257.0 226.0 Arditti
UK 25.4
DAL -- -- Small white spot may
be near the CM in the
EZn north of the EB
2007 APR 18
19:54-21:49 205.8 067.2 027.9 273.2 132.1 092.7 Arditti
UK 25.4
DAL -- -- Mottlings in EZ near
CM (more obvious in R
2007 APR 20
21:13-21:20 140.6 295.6 253.9 144.7 299.6 257.8 Vandebergh
Netherlands 25.4
NEW -- -- Possible white EZn
spot in R light crossing
the CM or is it noise?
Table 9: Visual Observations of the Bicolored Aspect of Saturn's Rings During the 2006-07 Apparition
Observer UT Date and Time Telescope Mag. S Tr Bl IL Rd
Roussell 2006 NOV 02 09:50 -10:00 REF 15.2 cm (6.0 in.) 300 5.0 4.5 E = =
Cudnik 2006 DEC 27 12:21-12:42 CAS 20.3 cm (8.0 in.) 338 9.0 6.0 = = W
Telescope types are as in Table 2. Mag. is magnification, Seeing (S) is the 0-10 ALPO Scale, and Transparency (Tr)y is the limiting visual
magnitude in the vicinity of Saturn. Under “Filter,” lB refers to the blue W47 or W80A filters, IL to integrated light (no filter), and Rd to the
red W25 or W23A filters. E means the east ansa was brighter than the w, W that the west ansa was the brighter, and = means that the
two ansae were equally bright. East and west directions are as noted in the text.
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The Strolling Astronomer
rather trivial drop in brightness of -0.22
mean intensity points since 2005-06.
Although visual observers did not report
white-spot activity in the EZs during 2006-
2007, small white mottlings that were
marginally apparent on some images in
early November 2006 and April 2007 (see
Ta b l e 8 ) suggest minor spot activity could
have been present in the EZs and EZn
during the apparition [see figures 8 and
The typically narrow light-gray Equatorial
Band (EB) was not reported by visual
observers during the apparition, but it was
often captured using digital imagers
during the observing season [see figures
24 and 25].
Northern Portions of the Globe. With
Saturn tipped at 13.93º to our line of sight
at opposition during 2006-2007, regions
of the extreme Northern Hemisphere of
the planet could be viewed or imaged,
particularly the NPR. Studies of Saturn's
Northern Hemisphere will become more
favorable in forthcoming apparitions as
geometric circumstances for observing
these regions offer improved views. The
few features seen or imaged in the
Northern Hemisphere of the planet [see
Figure 26] could not be compared with
their appearance in the immediately
preceding apparition because visual
numerical relative intensity estimates of it
were not submitted in 2005-06.
North Temperate Belt (NTeB). The
light grayish-brown NTeB was viewed
only once during the 2006-2007
Apparition, but high-resolution digital
images showed this feature from time to
time. If a single visual intensity estimate is
of any real consequence, the NTeB was
lighter by an intensity factor of +0.60
than the STeB in the South. There was no
activity noted within the NTeB either
visually or when imaged.
North Temperate Zone (NTeZ). This
feature was not reported during 2006-
North North Temperate Belt
(NNTeB). Described on one occasion
during the 2006-2007 Apparition, the
dull-gray NNTeB was apparent on at least
a few of the higher-resolution digital
images in good seeing conditions. There
was no activity detected along this narrow
belt [see Figure 27].
North North Temperate Zone
(NNTeZ). During 2006-2007, although
the dull yellowish-gray NNTeZ was
reported only one time visually, it was
been occasionally evident in the best
images submitted during the observing
season [see Figure 27]. There was no
activity sighted or imaged within this
North Polar Region (NPR). Visual
numerical relative intensity estimates
received during the 2006-2007 Apparition
hinted that the dull-gray NPR was
somewhat lighter (by a mean factor of
+0.69) in visual numerical relative
intensity than the dark gray SPR. Digital
images routinely showed what appeared
to be the dusky Southernmost edge of the
NPR just inside the north limb of Saturn.
Shadow of the Globe on the Rings
(Sh G on R). The Sh G on R was visible
to observers as a geometrically regular
black shadow on either side of opposition
during 2006-2007. Any presumed
variation of this shadow from a totally
black intensity (0.0) is a merely a
consequence of bad seeing conditions or
the presence of extraneous light. Digital
images revealed this feature as completely
black. Readers are reminded that, in an
inverting telescope with south on top, the
Globe of Saturn casts a shadow on the
Ring System to the left (IAU East) prior to
opposition, to the right (IAU West) after
opposition, and on neither side precisely
at opposition (no shadow) as illustrated in
Diagram 2.
Saturn's Ring System
The discussion in this section is based on
visual studies of Saturn's Ring System
Figure 1. 2007 APR, 10 20:17 UT. Damian Peach. 23.5-cm (9.25-in.) SCT, with an ATK -
1HS digital imager, IL. S and Tr not specified. CMI = 305.4, CMII = 064.7, CMIII = 035.0,
B = –15.4, B´ = 13.0. The dark-gray SPC was very slightly darker than the
encompassing dark-gray SPR.
General Caption Note for Figures 1-35. B = saturnicentric latitude of the Earth;
B’ = saturnicentric latitude of the Sun; CMI, CMII and CMIII = central meridians
in longitude systems I, II and III; IL = integrated light; S = Seeing on the
Standard ALPO Scale (from 0 = worst to 10 = perfect); Tr = Transparency (the
limiting naked-eye stellar magnitude). Telescope types as in Table 2; feature
abbreviations are as in Diagram 1. In all figures, south is at the top and IAU east
is to the left.
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 35
with the traditional comparison of mean
intensity data between apparitions, along
with impressions from digital images. The
southern face of the Rings was still readily
apparent during 2006-2007 as the
inclination of the Rings (B) toward
observers on Earth reached as much as
15.41º, but it has increasingly become
more difficult to trace divisions and
intensity minima around the
circumference of the Rings as their tilt
toward us diminishes.
Ring A. The majority of visual observers
agreed that the yellowish-white Ring A,
taken as a whole, had essentially the same
intensity in 2006-2007 as in 2005-06.
Most digital images of Saturn made
during the 2006-2007 Apparition
revealed inner and outer halves of Ring A,
with the inner half brighter in the images
than the outer half, but only very slightly
so. Limited visual numerical relative
intensity estimates of Saturn produced the
same result, with the inner half of Ring A
+1.0 mean intensity points brighter than
the outer half. Visual observers usually
described the brightness of Ring A as a
whole, not as being differentiated into
inner and outer halves. The very dark
gray Encke's division (A5), described at
times as an intensity “complex” halfway
out in Ring A at the ansae, had a mean
visual numerical relative intensity not
much different from that of Ring C in
2006-2007. It was imaged often during
the observing season, and several digital
images captured in good seeing revealed
Keeler's Division (A8), but it was not
reported by visual observers this
apparition [see Figure 28].
Ring B. The outer third of Ring B is the
long-established standard of reference for
the ALPO Saturn Visual Numerical
Relative Intensity Scale, with an assigned
value of 8.0. To visual observers during
2006-2007 the outer third of Ring B
appeared brilliant white with no
fluctuation in intensity, and compared
with other ring components and
atmospheric phenomena of Saturn's
Globe, it was always the brightest intrinsic
feature. The inner two-thirds of Ring B
during this apparition, which was
described as bright yellowish-white and
uniform in intensity, displayed primarily
the same mean intensity as in the
immediately preceding observing season.
Digital images confirmed most visual
impressions during 2006-2007. Dusky,
vague spoke-like features were weakly
suspected at times within the inner
portion of Ring B near the E and W ansae
during the apparition, but none were
confirmed by other simultaneous visual
observations. Digital images periodically
captured faint intensity minima at
positions B1, B2, B5 and perhaps B8
within Ring B, but visual observers did not
describe occurrences of such features
during the observing season [see figures
29 and 30].
Cassini's Division (A0 or B10).
Cassini's Division (A0 or B10) was
frequently reported by visual observers
during the 2006-2007 Apparition, and
described as a grayish-black gap at both
ansae traceable all the way around the
circumference of Saturn's Ring System. In
Figure 2. 2006 NOV 04, 06:10 UT. Damian Peach. 23.5-cm (9.25-in.) SCT, with an ATK–
1HS digital imager, IL + red filter. S and Tr not specified. CMI = 085.2, CMII = 254.7,
CMIII = 055.1, B = –12.6, B´ = 15.2. Images taken in red light often showed the SPC as
somewhat brighter than the SPR.
Figure 3. 2007 APR 12, 19:12 UT. Cristian Fattinnanzi. 25.4-cm (10.0-in.) NEW, with a
Philips Vesta Pro digital imager, IL + IR blocker. S = 6.0 (Tr not specified). CMI = 155.8,
CMII = 211.9, CMIII = 179.9, B = –15.4, B´ = 13.0. The SPB encircling the SPR is
apparent in this digital image, taken in good seeing.
Page 36 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
a few high-resolution images, it was quite
easy to see the Globe of Saturn through
Cassini's Division [see Figure 31]. Any
variation from a totally black intensity for
Cassini's Division is caused by factors
such as bad seeing, scattered light, or
insufficient aperture. A black Cassini's
Division was usually very apparent on all
digital images received during the 2006-
2007 observing season. The typical
visibility of major ring divisions and other
intensity minima across the breadth of the
south face of the Rings was less favorable
this apparition as the numerical value of B
continued shrinking toward 0° as Saturn
approaches the next edgewise orientation
toward our line of sight in 2009.
Ring C. The very dark gray Ring C was
often visible at the ansae in 2006-2007,
appearing virtually unchanged in visual
numerical relative intensity since 2005-05.
The Crape Band (merely Ring C in front
of the Globe of Saturn) appeared dark
gray in color and uniform in intensity,
looking possibly a little duller than in the
immediately preceding apparition by a
rather insignificant mean intensity
variance of -0.34. Ring C was captured on
most digital images [see Figure 32], by
and large confirming many of the visual
impressions of this ring component during
Opposition Effect. During 2006-2007,
a few observers called attention to the
opposition effect” (also referred to as the
Seeliger effect), which is a noticeable
brightening of Saturn's Ring System
during a very short interval on either side
of opposition, typically when the phase
angle (i.e., the angle at Saturn between
the Sun and Earth) is less than about 0.3°.
This ring brightening occurs because of
coherent back-scattering of sunlight by
their constituent micron-sized icy particles,
and they do so far more effectively than
the particles of Saturn's atmosphere. This
phenomenon was supposed to peak
around opposition, 19:00 UT on 2007
FEB 10, with a phase angle of 0.14°, but
observers who called attention to the
brightening were of the opinion that the
effect was much less pronounced this
apparition than in the immediately
preceding one, when the phase angle at
opposition was only 0.07°.
Shadow of the Rings on the Globe
(Sh R on G). This shadow in 2006-2007
was always described as a completely
black feature where the Rings crossed
Saturn's Globe. Any reported departure
from an overall black (0.0) intensity
occurs for the same reason as previously
noted in our discussion regarding the Sh
G on R. When B and B’ are both
negative, and the value of B is
numerically less than that of B’, the ring
shadow is to the north of the projected
Rings, which happened prior to 2007 FEB
09 [see Figure 33]. When B and B’ are
both negative, and the value of B
numerically exceeds that of B’, the
shadow of the Rings on the Globe is cast
to their south, circumstances that occurred
during 2007 FEB 09 - AUG 18 (however,
the final observation received for the
apparition was n 2007 JUL 13); the
Crape Band then is seen south of the
projected Rings A and B [see Figure 34].
At times when the shadows of Ring A,
Ring B, and Ring C projection are
superimposed, it is often very challenging
to distinguish between them with ordinary
apertures and seeing conditions, and the
shadow of Ring C is a further
Figure 4. 2007 APR 15, 20:44-21:08 UT. Ralf Vandebergh. 24.5-cm (9.6-in.) NEW, with an
ATK –1HS digital imager, R610-nm red filter. S and Tr not specified. CMI = 222.4-236.5°,
CMII = 179.6-193°.1, CMIII = 143.9-157.4°, B = –15.4, B´ = 12.9. A very small, ill-
defined white spot is marginally visible in the STeZ.
Figure 5. 2007 FEB 07, 00:18 UT. Pete Lawrence. 35.6-cm (14.0-in.) SCT, using a
Luminera SKYnyx digital imager, red filter. S = 7.0, Tr = 6.0. CMI = 174.7, CMII = 163.4
CMIII = 209.5, B = –13.8, B´ = 13.9. An extremely small white spot is barely discernible
in red light just W of the CM in STrZ. See the nearly simultaneous observation of Andrea
Tasselli on the same date (Figure 6).
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 37
Terby White Spot (TWS). The TWS is
an apparent brightening of the Rings
immediately adjacent to the Sh G on R.
There were two instances when this
feature was reported by visual observers
during 2006-2007. It is purely an artificial
contrast effect, not a real feature of
Saturn's Rings, but it is worthwhile to
attempt to find any correlation that could
exist between the visual numerical relative
intensity of the TWS and the varying tilt of
the Rings, including its brightness and
visibility using variable-density polarizers,
color filters, photographs, and digital
Bicolored Aspect of the Rings and
Azimuthal Brightness Asymmetries.
The bicolored aspect of the Rings refers to
an observed variance in coloration
between the east and west ansae (IAU
direction system) when systematically
compared with alternating blue filters,
such as the W47 (where W denotes the
Wratten filter series), W38, or W80A, and
red filters such as the W25 or W23A. The
circumstances of visual observations are
listed in Ta b l e 8 when the bicolored aspect
of the ring ansae was thought to be
present in 2006-2007. As in the rest of this
report, directions in Ta b l e 9 refer to
Saturnian or IAU directions, where west is
to the right in a normally-inverted
telescope image (observer located in
middle northern latitudes of the Earth)
which has south at the top.
During this apparition and previous
observing seasons, observers have been
systematically attempting to capture the
bicolored aspect of the Rings using digital
imagers, but results have so far been
largely inconclusive. During 2006-2007
there were no images submitted showing
clear evidence of this phenomenon, but
now that imaging of Saturn is occurring
routinely, the chances of success improve
substantially. Combining simultaneous
visual observations of Saturn with
imaging of the planet on any given night
by a well-coordinated team of observers is
extremely useful in searching for and
attempting to confirm the bicolored aspect
of the Rings. Likewise, observers are
urged to see if they can capture slight
azimuthal brightness asymmetries
(“spokes”) in Ring A as in the past and
when they are reported simultaneously by
visual observers. Documenting these
phenomena, particularly when they occur
independently of similar effects on the
Globe of Saturn (which would be
expected if atmospheric dispersion was a
contributing factor), is of great value.
Professional astronomers are well-
acquainted with Earth-based sightings of
azimuthal variations in the Rings (initially
confirmed by Voyager spacecraft) that
apparently occur when light is scattered
by denser-than-average clumps of
particles orbiting in Ring A, so any images
obtained by ALPO Saturn observers are
very important.
The Satellites of Saturn
Many of Saturn's satellites show tiny
fluctuations in visual magnitude as a result
of their varying orbital positions relative to
the planet and due to asymmetries in
distribution of surface markings on a few,
while the pronounced brightness changes
of Iapetus have been long recognized.
Despite close proximity sensing by
spacecraft, the true nature and extent of
all of the observed satellite brightness
Figure 6. 2007 FEB 07, 00:20 UT. Andrea Tasselli. 24.5-cm (9.6-in.) NEW, with a Luminera
75M digital imager, red filter + IR blocker. S = 6.5, Tr = 2.0. CMI = 175.9, CMII = 164.5,
CMIII = 210.7, B = –13.8, B´ = 13.9. A very tiny white spot is imaged just W of the CM
in the STrZ in red wavelengths. See the nearly simultaneous observation with Pete
Lawrence on the same date (Figure 5).
Figure 7. 2007 MAR 15, 21:36 UT. Ralf Vandebergh. 24.5-cm (9.6-in.) NEW, with an ATK –
1HS, R610-nm red filter. S and Tr not specified. CMI = 000.6, CMII = 237.8, CMIII =
239.5, B = –15.0, B´ = 13.4. A very small STrZ white spot is near the CM; the inset has
been enhanced to bring out detail of the STrZ white spot.
Page 38 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
variations is not completely understood
and merits further investigation.
ALPO Saturn Section observers in 2006-
2007 submitted no systematic visual
estimates of Saturn's satellites employing
systematic techniques, as suggested by the
ALPO Saturn Section. Even though
photoelectric and CCD photometry has
largely replaced visual magnitude
estimates of Saturn's moons, visual
observers should still try to establish the
comparative brightnesses of satellites
relative to reference stars of calibrated
brightness when the planet passes through
a field of stars that have precisely known
magnitudes. To do this, observers need to
employ a good star atlas that goes faint
enough and an accompanying star
catalogue that lists reliable magnitude
values. A number of excellent computer
star atlases exist that facilitate precise plots
of Saturn's path against background stars
for comparative magnitude estimates.
Visual satellite photometry begins by first
selecting at least two stars with well-
established magnitudes, and which have
about the same color and brightness as
the satellite. One of the stars chosen
should be slightly fainter and the other a
little brighter than the satellite so that the
difference in brightness between the stars
is about 1.0 magnitude. This makes it
easy to divide the brightness difference
between the two comparison stars into
equal magnitude steps of 0.1. Then, to
estimate the visual magnitude of the
satellite, simply place it along the scale
between the fainter and brighter
comparison stars. In the absence of
suitable reference stars, a last resort
alternative is to use Saturn's brightest
satellite, Titan, assuming visual magnitude
8.4 at mean opposition (magnitude
estimates of course need to be normalized
to the standard Earth-Saturn and Sun-
Saturn distances). Titan is known to
exhibit only subtle brightness fluctuations
over time compared with the other bright
satellites of Saturn that have measured
amplitudes. Some observers are
beginning to employ digital imagers with
adequate sensitivity to capture the
satellites of Saturn, along with any nearby
comparison stars, as a permanent record
to accompany visual magnitude estimates
as described above. Images of the
positions of satellites relative to Saturn on
a given date and time are tremendously
worthwhile for cross-checking against
ephemeris predictions of their locations
for correct identification. It is important to
realize, however, that the brightness of
satellites and comparison stars on digital
images will not necessarily correspond to
visual impressions because the peak
wavelength response of the CCD chip is
different than that of the eye. Observers
who have photoelectric photometers may
also contribute measurements of Saturn's
satellites, but they are notoriously difficult
to so measure owing to their faintness
compared with the planet itself. Rather
sophisticated techniques are required to
correct for scattered light surrounding
Saturn and its Rings.
Since 1999 observers were asked to
attempt spectroscopy of Titan whenever
possible as part of a newly-introduced
cooperative professional-amateur project.
Figure 8. 2007 APR 07, 21:38 UT. Marc Delcroix. 25.4-cm (10.0-in.) SCT, with a Luminera
SKYnyx digital imager, IL + IR blocking filter. S = 5.0 Tr = 3.0. CMI = 340.2, CMII = 194.5,
CMIII = 168.4, B = –15.4, B´ = 13.0. An ill-defined STrZ white spot is on the CM and a
slightly more obvious small EZ white spot is also apparent in the image E of the CM; the
inset has been enhanced to bring out these delicate features.
Figure 9. 2006 DEC 16, 10:36 UT. Larry Owens. 35.6-cm (14.0-in.) SCT, with Lumenera
Lu075 digital imager, RGB filters. S = 6.0 (Tr not specified). CMI = 064.2, CMII = 311.0,
CMIII = 060.6, B = –12.4, B´ = 14.6. The SEB is subdivided into a darker SEBn and a
lighter SEBs with the SEBZ in between (the SEBn is somewhat wider than the SEBs).
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 39
There is no question that Titan has been
studied by the Hubble Space Telescope
(HST), very large Earth-based
instruments, and at close range by the
ongoing Cassini-Huygens mission, but
opportunities continue for amateurs to
contribute systematic observations using
appropriate instrumentation. As the
Cassini-Huygens mission revealed
beginning in 2004, with new discoveries
still occurring as of the writing of this
report, Titan is a very dynamic world with
transient and long-term variations. From
wavelengths of 300 nm to 600 nm, Titan's
hue is dominated by a reddish methane
(CH4) atmospheric haze, and beyond 600
nm, deeper CH4 absorption bands appear
in its spectrum. Between these CH4
wavelengths are “portals” to Titan's lower
atmosphere and surface, so regular
monitoring in these regions with
photometers or spectrophotometers is a
useful complement to professional work
that remains underway during the
mission. Long-term studies of Titan's
brightness from one apparition to the next
help shed light on Titan's known seasonal
variations. Observers with suitable
equipment are asked to participate in
these professional-amateur projects, and
further details can be found on the Saturn
page of the ALPO website at http://
www.alpo-astronomy.org/saturn as well as
directly from the ALPO Saturn Section.
Simultaneous observations, or studies of
Saturn by individuals working
independently of one another at the same
time and on the same date, offer
unparalleled chances for firm verification
of ill-defined or traditionally controversial
phenomena. The ALPO Saturn Section
has organized a simultaneous observing
team so that several individuals in
reasonable proximity to each another can
maximize the opportunities for viewing
and imaging Saturn at the same time
using similar equipment and
methodology. Joint efforts like this
significantly reinforce the level of
confidence in the data submitted for each
apparition. Several simultaneous, or near-
simultaneous, observations of Saturn
were submitted during 2006-2007 [for
example, see Figures 5 and 6], but as in
previous observing seasons, such
observations occur rather fortuitously.
Experienced observers usually are the
more common participants in such an
endeavor, but newcomers are encouraged
to get involved as well. Readers are
invited to inquire about our simultaneous
observing efforts.
Pro-Am Opportunities
Our cooperative involvement in
professional-amateur (Pro-Am) projects
continued this apparition. Readers of this
Journal may recall the appeal last
apparition from NASA's Radio and
Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) team for
amateur astronomers to monitor Saturn's
Southern Hemisphere for bright clouds
following a sudden occurrence of radio
Figure 10. 2006 NOV 23, 05:46 UT. Ed Grafton. 35.6-cm (14.0-in.) SCT, with a ST402
digital imager, IL + RGB filters. S and Tr not specified. CMI = 273.6, CMII = 189.9, CMIII
= 327.4 B = –12.3, B´ = –14.9. Several SEBZ white spots and mottlings appear on and
E of the CM in this image.
Figure 11. 2007 JAN 15, 17:33 UT. Christopher Go. 28.0-cm (11.0-in.) SCT, using a DMK
digital imager, IL. S = 6.0, Tr = 4.0. CMI = 080.6, CMII = 069.0, CMIII = 142.0, B =
–13.0, B´ = 14.2. A small SEBZ white spot is marginally visible in this image E of the
Page 40 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
noise caused by a dynamic storm in the
STrZ in January 2006. Sure enough, on
2006 JAN 25, ALPO observers imaged a
small white spot in this zone, which
apparently corresponded with the
outburst of radio noise detected by the
Cassini spacecraft. Throughout the rest of
the 2005-06 Apparition, the STrZ white
spot and its subsequent evolution was
carefully and systematically imaged by
ALPO observers. Equivalent
observational work continued during
2006-2007, and the results were made
available to the professional community
for subsequent cross-reference with
Cassini data. This was not the first Pro-Am
activity in recent years, however.
Cassini-Huygens arrived at Saturn on
2004 Jul 01, followed by the Titan Probe
Entry and Orbiter flyby on 2004 Nov 27.
Digital images at wavelengths ranging
from 400 nm – 1m under good seeing
conditions were solicited by the Cassini
mission from amateurs. This Amateur-
Professional Cassini Observing Patrol
coincided with the time Cassini started
observing Saturn at close range, and this
Pro-Am effort has continued ever since.
To participate, observers need to utilize
classical broadband filters (e.g., Johnson
system: B, V, R and I) with telescopes of
31.8-cm (12.5-in.) aperture or greater,
imaging through a 890-nm narrow band
CH4 (methane) filter as well [see Figure
The Cassini Team requests observers to
systematically patrol the planet every clear
night for individual features, watching
their motions and morphology, to provide
input of interesting large-scale targets for
Cassini's imaging system to begin close-up
surveillance. Accounts of suspected
variations in belt and zone reflectivities
(i.e., intensity) and color are also very
useful, so visual observers can continue to
play a very meaningful role by making
routine visual numerical relative intensity
estimates. The Cassini team combines
ALPO Saturn Section images with data
from the Hubble Space Telescope and
from other professional ground-based
observatories for immediate and future
study. As a means of facilitating regular
amateur-professional observational
cooperation, readers are urged to contact
the ALPO Saturn Section for instructions
on how they can share their observational
reports, drawings, and images of Saturn
and its satellites with the professional
community. The author is always
delighted to offer guidance to novices, as
well as more experienced observers. A
very meaningful resource for learning how
to observe and record data on Saturn is
the ALPO Training Program, and it is
recommended that beginners take
advantage of this valuable educational
Based on mean visual numerical relative
intensity estimates during 2006-2007,
including comparing the results with the
immediately preceding apparition, a few
very subtle fluctuations in belt and zone
intensities were suspected. It is difficult,
however, to surmise that atmospheric
activity on Saturn's Globe truly increased
over the last several apparitions.
However, using standard visual observing
methods and digital imaging, limited
atmospheric activity was apparent in the
form of small white spots in the SPR,
STrZ, STeZ, SEBZ, and the Ezs in 2006-
2007. The white spots recorded in the
STrZ and SEBZ did not appear to go
through a similar evolution in morphology
as they did in 2005-06. Dark spots and
Figure 12. 2007 JAN 20, 02:13 UT. Paolo Casquinha. 25.4-cm (10.0-in.) NEW, with a
Luminera SKYnyx digital imager, IL + IR blocking filter. S and Tr not specified. CMI =
163.2, CMII = 010.7, CMIII = 078.4, B = –13.2, B´ = 14.1. A small SEBZ white spot W
of the CM is barely visible on this image.
Figure 13. 2007 FEB 18, 14:41 UT. Toshihiko Ikemura. 31.0-cm (12.2-in.) SCT, with an
ATK-2C digital imager, IL. S and Tr not specified. CMI = 248.9, CMII = 222.9, CMIII =
255.0, B = –14.2, B´ = 13.7. A SEBZ white spot has just passed to the E across the
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 41
other dusky features were also suspected
or imaged within the SPR and SEB. With
the possible exception of diffuse SEBZ
white spots and dark festoons or
disturbances associated with the SEBs
and SEBn, most of the 2006-2007
atmospheric features were poorly defined
and usually short-lived.
With respect to the Ring System, apart
from routine visual observations and
digital images showing Cassini's (A0 or
B10), Encke's (A5), and Keeler's (A8)
Divisions, several less conspicuous
intensity minima at different locations
within Ring B were recorded with digital
imagers. A few visual observers suspected
and sketched dusky ring spokes within
Ring B during 2006-2007, but there were
no digital images submitted this observing
season that showed such features in Ring
A or B. There were only two separate
reports of a possible bicolored aspect of
the ring ansae during the apparition, and
no submitted digital images revealed this
phenomenon in 2006-2007.
Digital imaging, which now regularly
occurs along with visual studies of Saturn,
frequently shows discrete detail on the
Globe and in the Rings well below the
normal visual threshold. Of course, the
combination of both methods greatly
improves the opportunities for detecting
changes on Saturn during any given
apparition. Also, an initial recording of
different regions of Saturn with digital
imagers may signal outbursts of activity
that visual observers may eventually be
able to see and monitor with their
telescopes, as well as help establish the
limits of visibility of such features.
The author appreciates the dedicated
efforts of all the individuals mentioned in
this report who contributed drawings,
digital images, descriptive reports, and
visual numerical relative intensity
estimates during the 2006-2007
Apparition. Such systematic observational
work makes our programs a success and
helps amateur and professional
astronomers alike to obtain a better
understanding of Saturn and its dynamic
Rings. Observers everywhere are
encouraged to participate in our programs
in future apparitions.
Alexander, A.F. O'D. (1962). The Planet
Saturn. London: Faber and Faber.
Benton, J.L., Jr. (2005). Saturn and How
to Observe It. London: Springer-Verlag.
________ (1996). Visual Observations
of the Planet Saturn: Theory and
Methods (The Saturn Handbook).
Savannah, GA: Review Publishing
Company, 1996 (8th Revised Edition -
now available also in pdf format).
________ (1999a). The 1995-96
Apparition of Saturn and Edgewise
Presentation of the Rings: Visual and
Other Observations, Journal of the Assn
of Lunar & Planetary Observers, 41, 1:
________ (1999b). Observations of
Saturn During the 1996-97 Apparition,
Journal of the Assn of Lunar & Planetary
Observers, 42, 1: 28-40.
________ (2000). Observations of
Saturn During the 1997-98 Apparition,
Journal of the Assn of Lunar & Planetary
Observers, 42, 3: 106-117.
Figure 14. 2007 FEB 22, 14:14 UT. Christopher Go. 28.0-cm (11.0-in.) SCT, with a DMK
digital imager, IL. S = 9.0, Tr = 4.0. CMI = 010.5, CMII = 215.9, CMIII = 243.2, B =
–14.4, B´ = 13.7. A small SEBZ white spot is slightly elongated, situated E of the CM.
Figure 15. 2007 MAR 14, 20:00 UT. Damian Peach. 23.5-cm (9.25-in.) SCT, with an ATK -
1HS digital imager, in green light. S and Tr not specified. CMI = 180.0, CMII = 091.7,
CMIII = 094.6, B = –15.0, B´ = 13.4. A SEBZ white spot is E of the CM and noticeably
more elongated than earlier in the apparition; a dusky elongated feature is also possibly
present W of the CM along the N edge of the SEBs.
Page 42 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
________ (2001).”Observations of
Saturn During the 1998-99 Apparition,
Journal of the Assn of Lunar & Planetary
Observers, 43, 4: 31-43.
________ (2002).”Observations of
Saturn During the 1999-2000
Apparition, Journal of the Assn of Lunar
& Planetary Observers, 44, 1: 15-27.
________ (2003). ALPO Observations
of Saturn During the 2000-2001
Apparition, Journal of the Assn of Lunar
& Planetary Observers, 45, 1: 64-76.
________ (2004). ALPO Observations
of Saturn During the 2001-2002
Apparition, Journal of the Assn of Lunar
& Planetary Observers, 46, 1: 24-39.
________ (2006). ALPO Observations
of Saturn During the 2002-2003,
Apparition, Journal of the Assn of Lunar
& Planetary Observers, 48, 2: 24-40.
________ (2007). ALPO Observations
of Saturn During the 2003-2004
Apparition, Journal of the Assn of Lunar
& Planetary Observers, 49, 2: 32-55.
________ (2008a). ALPO Observations
of Saturn During the 2004-2005
Apparition, Journal of the Assn of Lunar
& Planetary Observers, 50, 1: 30-54.
________ (2008b). “ALPO
Observations of Saturn During the
2005-2006 Apparition,” JALPO, 51, 1:
Gehrels, T. and Matthews, M.S. (1984).
Saturn. Tucson: University of Arizona
Kozyrev, N.A. (1974). “East-West
Asymmetry of Saturn’s Ring,”
Astrophysics and Space Science, 27, 1:
Lukkari, J. and Piironen, J.O. (1981).
The East-West Asymmetry of Saturn’s
Rings: New Measurements?,” The
Moon and Planets, 25, 133-136.
Morrison, D. (1982). Voyages to Saturn
(NASA SP-451). Washington: U.S.
Government Printing Office.
Figure 16. 2006 NOV 16, 04:24 UT. Detlev Niechoy. 20.3-cm (8.0-in.) SCT. Drawing at
225X, IL. S = 5.0, Tr = 2.0. CMI = 075.1, CMII = 219.3, C CMIII = 005.4 B = –12.2, B´ =
15.0. A small white spot is suspected E of the CM in this rough sketch.
Figure 17. 2007 APR 21, 02:40-03:01 UT. Sol Robbins. 24.8-cm (9.75-in.) NEW. Drawing
at 397X, IL. S = 7.0, Tr not specified. CMI = 332.3-344.6°, CMII = 120.0-131.8°, CMIII =
078.0-089.9°, B = –15.4, B´ = 12.8. A small white spot is suspected W of the CM in the
SEBZ in this very nice drawing; note dusky undulations along the SEBn.
Figure 18. 2006 OCT 31, 09:33-09:57 UT. Sol Robbins. 24.8-cm (9.75-in.) NEW. Drawing
at 397X, IL. S = 7.0, Tr not specified. CMI = 067.0-081.0°, CMII = 001.1-014.6°, CMIII =
166.2-179.7°, B = –12.7, B´ = 15.2. Several dusky festoons are apparent along the
SEBn extending slightly into the EZs.
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 43
Smith, B. A., et al. (1981). “Encounter
with Saturn: Voyager 1 Imaging Science
Results,” Science, 212, 163-191.
Spilker, Linda J., Editor. (1997).
Passage to A Ringed World: The
Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn and
Titan (NASA SP-533). Washington: U.S.
Government Printing Office.
United States Naval Observatory. The
Astronomical Almanac. Washington:
U.S. Government Printing Office.
(Annual Publication; the 2006 and 2007
editions, which were published in 2005
and 2006, respectively, were used for
this report).
Figure 19. 2006 NOV 07 05:46 UT. Ralf
Vandebergh. 24.5-cm (9.6-in.) NEW, with
an ATK –1HS digital imager, R610-nm red
filter. S and Tr not specified. CMI = 084.1,
CMII = 157.2, CMIII I = 314.1, B = –12.5,
B´ = 15.1. Small dark features are
apparent along the North edge of the SEBs
and extending into the SEBZ; the inset has
been enhanced to bring out detail.
Figure 20. 2006 NOV 28, 04:41 UT. Detlev
Niechoy. 20.3-cm (8.0-in.) SCT. Drawing at
225X, IL. S = 4.0, Tr = 2.0. CMI = 137.3,
CMII = 253.5, CMIII = 025.1, B = –12.3,
B´ = 14.9. A dusky elongation is
suspected, protruding from the SEBn into a
portion of the EZs W of the CM.
Figure 21. 2007 JAN 14, 04:00 UT. Carlos
Hernandez. 22.9-cm (9.0-in.) MAK.
Drawing at 273X, IL. S = 5.0, Tr = 3.6. CMI
= 199.5, CMII = 238.4, CMIII = 313.3, B
= –13.0, B´ = 14.2. Dark elongations
appear E and W of the CM in this colorful
Page 44 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Figure 22. 2007 MAR 01, 02:58 – 03:17 UT.
Sol Robbins. 24.8-cm (9.75-in.) NEW.
Drawing at 390X, W56 green filter, IL. S =
8.0, Tr not specified. CMI = 124.5-135.7°,
CMII = 119.0-129.7°, CMIII = 138.5-
149.2°, B = –14.6, B´ = 13.6. A host of
dusky spots and wispy features exist along
the SEBn extending S into the adjacent
Figure 23. 2007 APR 11, 22:58 UT. David
Arditti. 25.4-cm (10.0-in.) DAL, with a
Philips ToUcam digital imager + IR blocker.
CMI = 164.0, CMII = 247.4, CMIII =
216.4, B = –15.4, B´ = 13.0. An oval EZ
white spot is situated on the CM. The lower
monochrome image inset, made in red
light, shows the EZ white spot more
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 45
Figure 24. 2006 DEC 01, 12:46 UT. Paul
Maxson. 25.4-cm (10.0-in.) CAS, with a
Luminera SKYnyx digital imager, IL +
RGB filters. S and Tr not specified. CMI =
074.8, CMII = 083.2, CMIII = 210.8, B =
–12.3, B´ = 14.8. The narrow EB is
easily visible within the EZ running across
the Globe of Saturn.
Figure 25. 2006 DEC 07, 13:11 UT. Ron
Bee. 12.7-cm (5.0-in) REF, with a Philips
ToUcam digital imager + IR blocker. S = 4.0
(interpolated), Tr not specified. CMI =
115.7, CMII = 289.7, CMIII = 050.0, B = -
12.3, B´ = 14.7. The narrow EB is quite
apparent as it extends across the Globe
within the EZs.
Page 46 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Figure 26. 2007 APR 12, 21:44 UT.
Damian Peach. 23.5-cm (9.25-in.) SCT,
with an ATK -1HS digital imager, IL. S and
Tr not specified. CMI = 244.9, CMII =
297.6, CMIII = 265.5, B = –15.4, B´ =
13.0. As the tilt of the Rings of Saturn
toward Earth diminishes, more of the
Northern Hemisphere of the Globe comes
into view, as evidenced in this excellent
Figure 27. 2006 NOV 22, 20:09 UT.
Christopher Go. 28.0-cm (11.0-in.) SCT,
with a DMK digital imager, IL. S = 8.0, Tr =
5.0. CMI = 295.3, CMII = 224.5, CMIII =
002.5, B = –12.3, B´ = 14.9. The NNTeZ
and NNTeB are both marginally apparent in
this image.
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 47
Figure 28. 2006 DEC 21, 20:15 UT.
Christopher Go. 28.0-cm (11.0-in.) SCT,
with a DMK digital imager, IL. S = 7.0, Tr =
5.0. CMI = 305.7, CMII = 018.0, CMIII =
121.0, B = –12.4, B´ = 14.5. The
broader structure of Encke’s Complex (A5)
and the narrow Keeler’s Gap (A8) are both
visible at both ansae in this superb image.
Figure 29. 2006 NOV 26, 10:12 UT.
Rolando Chavez. 31.8-cm (12.5-in.) NEW,
with a Philips ToUcam digital imager + IR
blocker. S = 6.0, Tr = 6.0. CMI = 082.7,
CMII = 256.1, CMIII = 029.8, B = –12.3,
B´ = 14.9. A few intensity minima can be
detected at the B2, B5, and B8 positions at
the ansae within the broad Ring B.
Page 48 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Figure 30. 2007 APR 08, 20:48 UT.
Christophe Pellier. 25.4-cm (10.0-in.) CAS,
with a Luminera SKYnyx digital imager, Red
630nm filter. S = 6.0, Tr = 6.0. CMI = 075.1,
CMII = 258.3°, CMIII = 231.0°, B = -15.4°, B´
= -13.0°. Intensity minima at B2, B5, B8 at
both ansae are revealed in this image taken
at 630-nm (red) wavelength.
Figure 31. 2007 MAR 29, 02:10 UT. Larry
Owens. 35.6-cm (14.0-in.) SCT, with a
Lumenera Lu075 digital imager, R (612-670
nm) + RGB filters. S = 6.0 (Tr not specified).
CMI = 337.0°, CMII = 148.2°, CMIII = 134.0°,
B = -15.2°, B´ = -13.2°. Cassini's Division (A0
or B10) is visible around the circumference
of the Rings (except the portion hidden by
the Globe) in this very sharp image. The
Northern Hemisphere of the Globe can be
seen through the gap.
Figure 32. 2007 APR 09, 20:33 UT. Paolo
Lazzarotti. 31.5-cm (12.4-in.) NEW, with a
Lumenera Infinity 2-1M digital imager, IL. S
= 6.0, Tr = 6.0. CMI = 190.5°, CMII = 341.8°,
CMIII = 313.3°, B = -15.4°, B´ = -13.0°. Ring
C is very easy to see at the ansae in this
image, along with the Crape Band where
Ring C crosses the Globe.
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 49
Figure 33. 2006 NOV 29, 03:35 UT. Pete
Lawrence. 35.6-cm (14.0-in.) SCT using a
Luminera SKYnyx digital imager, IL + LRGB
filters. S = 7.0, Tr = 6.0. CMI = 223.0°, CMII
= 308.4°, CMIII = 078.8°, B = 12.3°, B´ = -
14.8°. The Shadow of the Rings on the
Globe (Sh R on G) is cast to the North of the
Ring System in this image (see text for a
discussion of the circumstances governing
the location of this feature with time).
Figure 34. 2007 APR 18, 19:57 UT. Damian Peach. 35.6-
cm (14.0-in.) SCT, with an ATK -1HS digital imager, IL. S
and Tr not specified. CMI = 207.6°, CMII = 068.9°, CMIII =
029.6°, B = -15.4°, B´ = -12.. The Shadow of the Rings on
the Globe (Sh R on G) is cast to the South of the Ring
System (and visible through the wider Crape Band) in this
exquisite, detailed image (see text for a discussion of the
circumstances governing the location of this feature with
Page 50 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
Figure 35. 2007 MAR 29, 02:10 UT. Larry
Owens. 35.6-cm (14.0-in.) SCT, with a
Lumenera Lu075 digital imager, R (612-670
nm) + RGB filters. S = 6.0 (Tr not
specified). CMI = 337.0°, CMII = 148.2°,
CMIII = 134.0°, B = -15.2°, B´ = -13.2°.
This image is an example of the utilization,
for participation in various Pro-Am projects,
of different filters with moderate to larger
apertures to image Saturn at different
wavelengths, including a 890-nm narrow
band pass CH4 (methane) filter (see text).
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 51
ALPO Resources
People, publications, etc., to help our members
Board of Directors
Executive Director; Richard W.
Schmude, Jr., 109 Tyus St., Barnesville,
GA 30204
Associate Director; Julius L. Benton, Jr.,
Associates in Astronomy, P.O. Box
30545, Wilmington Island, Savannah,
GA 31410
Member of the Board; Sanjay Limaye,
University of Wisconsin, Space Science
and Engineering Center, Atmospheric
Oceanic and Space Science Bldg. 1017,
1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
Member of the Board; Donald C. Parker,
12911 Lerida Street, Coral Gables, FL
Member of the Board; Ken Poshedly,
1741 Bruckner Ct., Snellville, GA
Member of the Board; Michael D. Reyn-
olds, dean, Math & Science, Florida
Community College, 3939 Roosevelt
Blvd, E-345, Jacksonville, FL 32205
Member of the Board; John E. Westfall,
P.O. Box 2447, Antioch, CA 94531-2447
Member of the Board, Secretary/Trea-
surer; Matthew Will, P.O. Box 13456,
Springfield, IL 62791-3456
Founder/Director Emeritus; Walter H.
Haas, 2225 Thomas Drive, Las Cruces,
NM 88001
Acting Assistant Membership Secretary;
Wingate, Bruce, 5517 Coyote Falls Ct,
Las Vegas, NV 89131-2066
Publications Staff
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Ken Poshedly (all papers, submissions,
etc); 1741 Bruckner Ct., Snellville, GA
Science / Peer Reviewers
Klaus R. Brasch; 10915 Sage Rd, Flag-
staff, AZ, 86004
Richard Jakiel; 5186 Big A Rd, Douglas-
ville, GA 30135-5356
Richard K. Ulrich, Professor, Dept. of
Chemical Engineering, 3202 Bell Engi-
neering Center, University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Roger J. Venable, MD, P.O. Box 117,
Chester, GA 31012
John E. Westfall, P.O. Box 2447, Anti-
och, CA 94531-2447
Book Review Editor
Robert A. Garfinkle, F.R.A.S., 32924
Monrovia St., Union City, CA 94587-
Spanish Language Submissions; Guido
E. Santacana, San Juan 1678, Venus
Gardens, Rio Piedras, PR 00926
John Sanford, 41869 Balch Park Rd.,
Springville, CA. 93265
Interest Sections
Computing Section
Acting Coordinator; Larry Owens, 4225
Park Brooke Trace, Alpharetta, GA
Historical Section
Coordinator; Richard Baum, 25
Whitchurch Rd., Chester, CH3 5QA,
United Kingdom
Assistant Coordinator; Thomas A. Dob-
bins, 1937 Hillcrest Dr, Coshocton, OH
Lunar & Planetary Training
Coordinator; Timothy J. Robertson, 195
Tierra Rejada Rd., #148, Simi Valley,
CA 93065
Webmaster; Larry Owens, 4225 Park
Brooke Trace, Alpharetta, GA 30022
Assistant Webmaster; Jonathan D. Sla-
ton, P. O. Box 496, Mansfield, MO.
Youth Section
Coordinator; Timothy J. Robertson,195
Tierra Rejada Rd., #148, Simi Valley,
CA 93065
Observing Sections
Solar Section
Coordinator (including all submissions,
photo, sketches, filtergrams); Kim Hay,
76 Colebrook Rd, RR #1,Yarker, ON,
K0K 3N0 Canada
Assistant Coordinator; Brad Timerson
(e-mail contact only; see listing in ALPO
Staff E-mail Directory on page 53)
Assistant Coordinator & Archivist;
Jamey Jenkins, 308 West First Street,
Homer, Illinois 61849
Scientific Advisor; Richard Hill, Lunar
and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
Mercury Section
Coordinator; Frank J. Melillo, 14 Glen-
Hollow Dr., E-#16, Holtsville, NY 11742
Venus Section
• Coordinator; Julius L. Benton, Jr., Asso-
ciates in Astronomy, P.O. Box 30545,
Wilmington Island, Savannah, GA
Mercury/Venus Transit Section
Coordinator; John E. Westfall, P.O. Box
2447, Antioch, CA 94531-2447
Lunar Section
Lunar Topographical Studies
Smart-Impact Webpage
The Lunar Observer
Page 52 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
ALPO Resources
People, publications, etc., to help our members
Lunar Selected Areas Program
Banded Craters Program
Coordinator; Wayne Bailey, 17 Autumn
Lane, Sewell, NJ 08080
Assistant Coordinator; William Dem-
bowski, 219 Old Bedford Pike, Windber,
PA 15963
Lunar Meteoritic Impacts Search
Coordinator; Brian Cudnik, 11851 Leaf
Oak Drive, Houston, TX 77065
Lunar Transient Phenomena
LTP.html; also http://www.LTPresearch.org
Coordinator; Dr. Anthony Charles Cook,
Institute of Mathematical and Physical
Sciences, University of Aberystwyth,
Penglais, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion.
SY23 3BZ, United Kingdom
Assistant Coordinator; David O. Darling,
416 West Wilson St., Sun Prairie, WI
Lunar Dome Survey Program
Coordinator; Marvin W. Huddleston,
2621 Spiceberry Lane, Mesquite, TX
Mars Section
Coordinator; Roger J. Venable, MD,
3405 Woodstone Pl., Augusta, GA
Assistant Coordinator & Mars section
editor; Daniel Joyce, 2008 Barrymore
CT, Hanover Pk., IL 60133-5103
Assistant Coordinator (CCD/Video
imaging and specific correspondence
with CCD/Video imaging); Donald C.
Parker, 12911 Lerida Street, Coral
Gables, FL 33156
Assistant Coordinator (photometry and
polarimetry); Richard W. Schmude, Jr.,
109 Tyus St., Barnesville, GA 30204
Assistant Coordinator; Jim Melka,
14176 Trailtop Dr., Chesterfield, MO
Advisor; Daniel M. Troiani, P.O. Box
1134 Melrose Park, IL 60161-1134
Assistant Coordinator & Archivist (gen-
eral correspondence/drawings, visual
observations, Intl. Mars Patrol alert
notices, ALPO Mars Observing kit);
Deborah Hines, P.O. Box 1134 Melrose
Park, IL 60161-1134
Minor Planets Section
Coordinator; Frederick Pilcher, 4438
Organ Mesa Loop, Las Cruces, NM
Assistant Coordinator; Lawrence S.
Garrett, 206 River Road, Fairfax, VT
Scientific Advisor; Steve Larson, Lunar
& Planetary Lab, University of Arizona,
Tuscon, AZ 85721
Jupiter Section
Coordinator (Section); Richard W.
Schmude Jr., 109 Tyus St., Barnesville,
GA 30204
Assistant Coordinator (Section); Ed
Grafton, 15411 Greenleaf Lane, Hous-
ton, TX 77062
Assistant Coordinator & Scientific Advi-
sor; Sanjay Limaye, University of Wis-
consin, Space Science and Engineering
Center, Atmospheric Oceanic and
Space Science Bldg. 1017, 1225 W.
Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
Assistant Coordinator, Transit Timings;
John McAnally, 2124 Wooded Acres,
Waco, TX 76710
Assistant Coordinator, Newsletter; Craig
MacDougal, 821 Settlers Road, Tampa,
FL 33613
Assistant Coordinator, Eclipses of Gali-
lean Satellites; John E. Westfall, P.O.
Box 2447, Antioch, CA 94531-2447
Scientific Advisor; Prof. A. Sanchez-
Lavega, Dpto. Fisica Aplicada I, E.T.S.
Ingenieros, Alda. Urquijo
s/n, 48013, Bilbao, Spain wupsa-
Saturn Section
• Coordinator; Julius L. Benton, Jr., Asso-
ciates in Astronomy, P.O. Box 30545,
Wilmington Island, Savannah, GA
Remote Planets Section
Coordinator; Richard W. Schmude, Jr.,
109 Tyus St., Barnesville, GA 30204
Comets Section
Coordinator; Gary Kronk, 132 Jessica
Dr, St. Jacob, IL 62281-1246
Meteors Section
Coordinator; Robert D. Lunsford, 1828
Cobblecreek St., Chula Vista, CA
Assistant Coordinator; Robin Gray, P.O.
Box 547, Winnemuca, NV 89446
Meteorites Section
Coordinator; Dolores Hill, Lunar and
Planetary Laboratory, University of Ari-
zona, Tucson, AZ 85721
Eclipse Section
Coordinator; Michael D. Reynolds,
dean, Math & Science, Florida Commu-
nity College, 3939 Roosevelt Blvd, E-
345, Jacksonville, FL 32205
ALPO Publications
The Monograph Series
Monographs page.html
ALPO monographs are publications that
we believe will appeal to our members,
but which are too lengthy for publication
in The Strolling Astronomer. All are
available online as a pdf files and NONE
are available any longer in hard copy
There is NO CHARGE for any of the
ALPO monographs.
Monograph No. 1. Proceedings of the
43rd Convention of the Association of
Lunar and Planetary Observers. Las
Cruces, New Mexico, August 4-7, 1993.
77 pages. File size approx. 5.2 mega-
Monograph No. 2. Proceedings of the
44th Convention of the Association of
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 53
ALPO Resources
People, publications, etc., to help our members
Bailey, W ....................wayne.bailey@alpo-astronomy.org
Benton, J.L. ...........................................jlbaina@msn.com
Benton, J.L...........................................jlbaina@gmail.com
Brasch, K.R. ............................... m_brasch@earthlink.net
Baum, R...........................richardbaum@julianbaum.co.uk
Cook, A. ...........................tony.cook@alpo-astronomy.org
Cudnik, B........................................cudnik@sbcglobal.net
Darling, D.O...................................DOD121252@aol.com
Dembowski, W. ........................ dembowski@zone-vx.com
Dobbins, Tom..................................r&d@organictech.com
Garfinkle, R.A. ...................................ragarf@earthlink.net
Garrett, L.S......................................atticaowl@yahoo.com
Grafton, E. .............................................ed@egrafton.com
Gray, R. .............................. sevenvalleysent@yahoo.com
Haas, W.H. ......................... haasw@haasw@agavue.com
Hay, K. ...........................................kim@starlightcascade.ca
Hill, D...............................................dhill@lpl.arizona.edu
Hill, R................................................rhill@lpl.arizona.edu
Hines, D....................................cmpterdevil@comcast.net
Huddleston, M.W. ............................. kc5lei@sbcglobal.net
Jakiel, R.............................................rjakiel@earthlink.net
Jenkins, J.......................................... jenkinsjl@yahoo.com
Joyce, D................................................ djoyce@triton.edu
Kronk, G................................. kronk@cometography.com
Larson, S......................................slarson@lpl.arizona.edu
Limaye, S. .....................................sanjayl@ssec.wisc.edu
Lunsford, R.D. ............................... lunro.imo.usa@cox.net
MacDougal, C................................. macdouc@verizon.net
McAnally, J. .....................................CPAJohnM@aol.com
Melillo, F...............................................frankj12@aol.com
Melka, J. ........................................... jtmelka@yahoo.com
Owens, L....................... larry.owens@alpo-astronomy.org
Parker, D.C..................................park3232@bellsouth.net
Pilcher, F. ................................................... pilcher@ic.edu
Poshedly, K................. ken.poshedly@alpo-astronomy.org
Reynolds, M. ........................director@alpo-astronomy.org
Robertson, T.J. .........................cometman@cometman.net
Sanchez-Lavega, A................. wupsalaa@bicc00.bi.ehu.es
Sanford, J. ...................starhome@springvillewireless.com
Santacana, G.E. ..........................................laffitte@prtc.net
Schmude, R.W. ....................................schmude@gdn.edu
Slaton, J.D...............................................jd@justfurfun.org
Timerson, B..............................btimerson@rochester.rr.com
Troiani, D.M.........................................dtroiani@triton.edu
Ulrich, R.K............................................. rulrich@uark.edu
Venable, R.J. .........................................rjvmd@hughes.net
Westfall, J.E.............................. johnwestfall@comcast.net
Will, M................................matt.will@alpo-astronomy.org
Wingate, B..............................astrorock2010@yahoo.com
ALPO Staff E-mail Directory
Lunar and Planetary Observers. Green-
ville, South Carolina, June 15-18, 1994.
52 pages. File size approx. 6.0 mega-
Monograph No. 3. H.P. Wilkins 300-
inch Moon Map. 3rd Edition (1951).
Available as one comprehensive file
(approx. 48 megabytes) or five section
files (Part 1, 11.6 megabytes; Part 2,
11.7 megabytes; Part 3, 10.2 mega-
bytes; Part 4, 7.8 megabytes; Part 5, 6.5
Monograph No. 4. Proceedings of the
45th Convention of the Association of
Lunar and Planetary Observers. Wich-
ita, Kansas, August 1-5, 1995.127
pages. Hard copy $17 for the United
States, Canada, and Mexico; $26 else-
where. File size approx. 2.6 megabytes.
Monograph No. 5. Astronomical and
Physical Observations of the Axis of
Rotation and the Topography of the
Planet Mars. First Memoir; 1877-1878.
By Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, trans-
lated by William Sheehan. 59 pages.
Hard copy $10 for the United States,
Canada, and Mexico; $15 elsewhere.
File size approx. 2.6 megabytes.
Monograph No. 6. Proceedings of the
47th Convention of the Association of
Lunar and Planetary Observers, Tuc-
son, Arizona, October 19-21, 1996.20
pages. Hard copy $3 for the United
States, Canada, and Mexico; $4 else-
where.File size approx. 2.6 megabytes.
Monograph No. 7. Proceedings of the
48th Convention of the Association of
Lunar and Planetary Observers. Las
Cruces, New Mexico, June 25-29,
1997.76 pages. Hard copy $12 for the
United States, Canada, and Mexico; $16
elsewhere.File size approx. 2.6 mega-
Online Readers
Items in blue text in the ALPO Staff E-mail Directory above are links to e-mail addresses. Left-click your
mouse on the names in blue text to open your own e-mail program with a blank e-mail preaddressed to
the person you chose. NOTE: Your Internet connection MUST be ON for this feature to work.
Page 54 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
ALPO Resources
People, publications, etc., to help our members
Monograph No. 8. Proceedings of the
49th Convention of the Association of
Lunar and Planetary Observers. Atlanta,
Georgia, July 9-11,1998.122 pages.
Hard copy $17 for the United States,
Canada, and Mexico; $26 else-
where.File size approx. 2.6 megabytes.
Monograph Number 9. Does Anything
Ever Happen on the Moon? By Walter
H. Haas. Reprint of 1942 article. 54
pages.Hard copy $6 for the United
States, Canada, and Mexico; $8 else-
where.File size approx. 2.6 megabytes.
Monograph Number 10. Observing
and Understanding Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto. By Richard W. Schmude, Jr.
31 pages. File size approx. 2.6 mega-
Monograph No. 11. The Charte des
Gebirge des Mondes (Chart of the
Mountains of the Moon) by J. F. Julius
Schmidt, this monograph edited by John
Westfall. Nine files including an accom-
panying guidebook in German. Note
files sizes: Schmidt0001.pdf, approx.
20.1 mb; Schmidt0204.pdf, approx. 32.6
mb; Schmidt0507.pdf, approx. 32.1 mb;
Schmidt0810.pdf, approx. 31.1 mb;
Schmidt1113.pdf, approx. 22.7 mb;
Schmidt1416.pdf, approx. 28.2 mb;
Schmidt1719.pdf, approx. 22.2 mb;
Schmidt2022.pdf, approx. 21.1 mb;
Schmidt2325.pdf, approx. 22.9 mb;
SchmidtGuide.pdf, approx. 10.2 mb
ALPO Observing Section
Order the following directly from the
appropriate ALPO section coordinators;
use the address in the listings pages
which appeared earlier in this booklet
unless another address is given.
Solar: Totally revised Guidelines for the
Observation and Reporting of Solar
Phenomena, $10 USD; includes CD
with 100 page-manual in pdf with up-to-
date techniques, images, and links to
many solar references. Produced by
ALPO Solar Section Assistant Coordi-
nator and Archivist Jamey Jenkins, this
publication replaces Observe and
Understand the Sun and its predeces-
sor, The Association of Lunar& Plane-
tary Observer's Solar Section Handbook
for the White Light Observation of Solar
Phenomena, both by the ALPO’s own
Rik Hill. To order, send check or US
money order made payable to Jamey
Jenkins, 308 West First Street, Homer,
Illinois 61849; e-mail to
Lunar & Planetary Training Section:
The Novice Observers Handbook $15.
An introductory text to the training pro-
gram. Includes directions for recording
lunar and planetary observations, useful
exercises for determining observational
parameters, and observing forms. Avail-
able as pdf file via e-mail or send check
or money order payable to Timothy J.
Robertson, 2010 Hillgate Way #L, Simi
Valley, CA 93065; e-mail comet-
Lunar (Bailey): (1) The ALPO Lunar
Selected Areas Program ($17.50).
Includes full set of observing forms for
the assigned or chosen lunar area or
feature, along with a copy of the Lunar
Selected Areas Program Manual. (2)
observing forms, free at http://
www.zone-vx.com/alpo-topo.html, or
$10 for a packet of forms by regular
mail. Specify Lunar Forms. NOTE:
Observers who wish to make copies of
the observing forms may instead send a
SASE for a copy of forms available for
each program. Authorization to dupli-
cate forms is given only for the purpose
of recording and submitting observa-
tions to the ALPO lunar SAP section.
Observers should make copies using
high-quality paper.
Lunar: The Lunar Observer, official
newsletter of the ALPO Lunar Section,
published monthly. Free at http://
or $1.25 per hard copy: send SASE with
payment (check or money order) to:
Wayne Bailey, 17 Autumn Lane, Sewell,
NJ 08080.
Lunar (Jamieson): Lunar Observer's
Tool Kit, price $50, is a computer pro-
gram designed to aid lunar observers at
all levels to plan, make, and record their
observations. This popular program was
first written in 1985 for the Commodore
64 and ported to DOS around 1990.
Those familiar with the old DOS version
will find most of the same tools in this
new Windows version, plus many new
ones. A complete list of these tools
includes Dome Table View and Mainte-
nance, Dome Observation Scheduling,
Archiving Your Dome Observations,
Lunar Feature Table View and Mainte-
nance, Schedule General Lunar Obser-
vations, Lunar Heights and Depths,
Solar Altitude and Azimuth, Lunar
Ephemeris, Lunar Longitude and Lati-
tude to Xi and Eta, Lunar Xi and Eta to
Longitude and Latitude, Lunar Atlas
Referencing, JALPO and Selenology
Bibliography, Minimum System Require-
ments, Lunar and Planetary Links, and
Lunar Observer's ToolKit Help and
Library. Some of the program's options
include predicting when a lunar feature
will be illuminated in a certain way, what
features from a collection of features will
be under a given range of illumination,
physical ephemeris information, moun-
tain height computation, coordinate con-
version, and browsing of the software's
included database of over 6,000 lunar
features. Contact
Venus (Benton): Introductory informa-
tion for observing Venus, including
observing forms, can be downloaded for
free as pdf files at http://www.alpo-
astronomy.org/venus. The ALPO
Venus Handbook with observing forms
included is available as the ALPO
Venus Kit for $17.50 U.S., and may be
obtained by sending a check or money
order made payable to “Julius L. Ben-
ton” for delivery in approximately 7 to 10
days for U.S. mailings. The ALPO
Venus Handbook may also be obtained
for $10 as a pdf file by contacting the
ALPO Venus Section. All foreign orders
should include $5 additional for postage
and handling; p/h is included in price for
domestic orders. NOTE: Observers who
wish to make copies of the observing
forms may instead send a SASE for a
copy of forms available for each pro-
gram. Authorization to duplicate forms is
given only for the purpose of recording
and submitting observations to the
ALPO Venus section. Observers should
make copies using high-quality paper.
Mars: (1) ALPO Mars Observers Hand-
book, send check or money order for
$15 per book (postage and handling
included) to Astronomical League
Sales, 9201 Ward Parkway, Suite 100,
Kansas City, MO 64114; phone 816-
The Strolling Astronomer
Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010 Page 55
ALPO Resources
People, publications, etc., to help our members
DEEP-SKY (816-333-7759); e-mail
leaguesales@astroleague.org. (2)
Observing Forms; send SASE to obtain
one form for you to copy; otherwise
send $3.60 to obtain 25 copies (send
and make checks payable to “Deborah
Hines”, see address under “Mars Sec-
Jupiter: (1) Jupiter Observer’s Hand-
book, $15 from the Astronomical
League Sales, 9201 Ward Parkway,
Suite 100, Kansas City, MO 64114;
phone 816-DEEP-SKY (816-333-7759);
e-mail leaguesales@astroleague.org.
(2) Jupiter, the ALPO section newsletter,
available online only via the ALPO web-
site at http://mysite.verizon.net/mac-
douc/alpo/jovenews.htm; (3) J-Net, the
ALPO Jupiter Section e-mail network;
send an e-mail message to Craig Mac-
Dougal. (4) Timing the Eclipses of Jupi-
ter’s Galilean Satellites free at http://
str.pdf, report form online at http://
Form.pdf; send SASE to John Westfall
for observing kit and report form via reg-
ular mail. (5) Jupiter Observer’s Startup
Kit, $3 from Richard Schmude, Jupiter
Section coordinator.
Saturn (Benton): Introductory informa-
tion for observing Saturn, including
observing forms and ephemerides, can
be downloaded for free as pdf files at
urn; or if printed material is preferred,
the ALPO Saturn Kit (introductory bro-
chure and a set of observing forms) is
available for $10 U.S. by sending a
check or money order made payable to
“Julius L. Benton” for delivery in approx-
imately 7 to 10 days for U.S. mailings.
The former ALPO Saturn Handbook
was replaced in 2006 by Saturn and
How to Observe It (by J. Benton), and it
can be obtained from book sellers such
as Amazon.com. NOTE: Observers
who wish to make copies of the observ-
ing forms may instead send a SASE for
a copy of forms available for each pro-
gram. Authorization to duplicate forms is
given only for the purpose of recording
and submitting observations to the
ALPO Saturn Section.
Meteors: (1) The ALPO Guide to
Watching Meteors (pamphlet). $4 per
copy (includes postage & handling);
send check or money order to Astro-
nomical League Sales, 9201 Ward
Parkway, Suite 100, Kansas City, MO
64114; phone 816-DEEP-SKY (816-
333-7759); e-mail leaguesales@
astroleague.org. (2) The ALPO Meteors
Section Newsletter, free (except post-
age), published quarterly (March, June,
September, and December). Send
check or money order for first class
postage to cover desired number of
issues to Robert D. Lunsford, 1828 Cob-
blecreek St., Chula Vista, CA 91913-
Minor Planets (Derald D. Nye): The
Minor Planet Bulletin. Published quar-
terly; free at http://www.minorplanetob-
server.com/mpb/default.htm or $24 per
year via regular mail in the U.S., Mexico
and Canada, $34 per year elsewhere
(air mail only). Send check or money
order payable to “Minor Planet Bulletin”
to Derald D. Nye, 10385 East Observa-
tory Dr., Corona de Tucson, AZ 8564I-
Other ALPO Publications
Checks must be in U.S. funds, payable
to an American bank with bank routing
An Introductory Bibliography for
Solar System Observers. No charge.
Four-page list of books and magazines
about Solar System objects and how to
observe them. The current edition was
updated in October 1998. Send self-
addressed stamped envelope with
request to current ALPO Membership
Secretary (Matt Will).
ALPO Membership Directory. Pro-
vided only to ALPO board and staff
members. Contact current ALPO mem-
bership secretary/treasurer (Matt Will).
Ordering Back Issues of
The Strolling Astronomer
Download JALPO43-1 thru present
issue in pdf from the ALPO website at
(no charge; most recent issues are
password-protected, contact ALPO
membership secretary Matt Will for
password info).
Many of the hard copy back issues
listed below are almost out of stock, and
it is impossible to guarantee that they
will remain available. Issues will be sold
on a first-come, first-served basis. Back
issues are $4 each, and $5 for the cur-
rent issue. We can arrange discounts on
orders of more than $30. Order directly
from and make payment to “Walter H.
Haas” (see address under “Board of
$4 each:
Vol. 7 (1953), No.10
Vol. 8 (1954), Nos. 7-8
Vol. 11 (1957), Nos. 11-12
Vol. 21 (1968-69), Nos. 3-4 and 7-8
Vol. 23 (1971-72), Nos. 7-8 and 9-10
Vol. 25 (1974-76), Nos. 1-2, 3-4, and 11-12
Vol. 26 (1976-77), Nos. 3-4 and 11-12
Vol. 27 (1977-79), Nos. 3-4 and 7-8
Vol. 31 (1985-86), Nos. 9-10
Vol. 32 (1987-88), Nos. 11-12
Vol. 33 (1989), Nos. 7-9
Vol. 34 (1990), No. 2
Vol. 37 (1993-94), No. 1
Vol. 38 (1994-96), Nos. 1 and 3
Vol. 39 (1996-97), No. 1
Vol. 42 (2000-01), Nos. 1, 3 and 4
Vol. 43 (2001-02), Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Vol. 44 (2002), Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Vol. 45 (2003), Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (no issue 4)
Vol. 46 (2004), Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Vol. 47 (2005), Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Vol. 48 (2006), Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Vol. 49 (2007), Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Vol. 50 (2008), Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Vol. 51 (2009), Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4
$5 each:
Vol. 52 (2010), No. 1 (current issue)
Page 56 Volume 52, No. 1 Winter 2010
The Strolling Astronomer
ALPO Resources
People, publications, etc., to help our members
The Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers (ALPO) was founded by Walter H. Haas in 1947, and incorporated in
1990, as a medium for advancing and conducting astronomical work by both professional and amateur astronomers who
share an interest in Solar System observations. We welcome and provide services for all individuals interested in lunar and
planetary astronomy. For the novice observer, the ALPO is a place to learn and to enhance observational techniques. For
the advanced amateur astronomer, it is a place where one's work will count and be used for future research purposes. For
the professional astronomer, it is a resource where group studies or systematic observing patrols add to the advancement of
Our Association is an international group of students that study the Sun, Moon, planets, asteroids, meteors, meteorites and
comets. Our goals are to stimulate, coordinate, and generally promote the study of these bodies using methods and instru-
ments that are available within the communities of both amateur and professional astronomers. We hold a conference each
summer, usually in conjunction with other astronomical groups.
We have “sections” for the observation of all the types of bodies found in our Solar System. Section coordinators collect
and study submitted observations, correspond with observers, encourage beginners, and contribute reports to our quarterly
Journal at appropriate intervals. Each section coordinator can supply observing forms and other instructional material to
assist in your telescopic work. You are encouraged to correspond with the coordinators in whose projects you are interested.
Coordinators can be contacted either via e-mail (available on our website) or at their postal mail addresses listed in our
Journal. Members and all interested persons are encouraged to visit our website at http://www.alpo-astronomy.org. Our
activities are on a volunteer basis, and each member can do as much or as little as he or she wishes. Of course, the ALPO
gains in stature and in importance in proportion to how much and also how well each member contributes through his or
her participation.
Our work is coordinated by means of our periodical, The Strolling Astronomer, also called the Journal of the Assn. of
Lunar & Planetary Observers, which is published seasonally. Membership dues include a subscription to our Journal. Two
versions of our ALPO are distributed — a hardcopy (paper) version and an online (digital) version in “portable document
format” (pdf) at considerably reduced cost.
Subscription rates and terms are listed below (effective January 1, 2009).
We heartily invite you to join the ALPO and look forward to hearing from you.
• $US120 – Sponsoring Member level, 4 issues of the digital and paper Journal, all countries
• $US60 – Sustaining Member level, 4 issues of the digital and paper Journal, all countries
• $US54 – 8 issues of the paper Journal only, US, Mexico and Canada
• $US30 – 4 issues of the paper Journal only, US, Mexico and Canada
• $US68 – 8 issues of the paper Journal only, all other countries
• $US37 – 4 issues of the paper Journal only, all other countries
• $US20 – 8 issues of the digital Journal only, all countries, e-mail address required
• $US12 – 4 issues of the digital Journal only, all countries, e-mail address required
For your convenience, you may join online via the via the Internet or by completing the form at the bottom of this page.
To join or renew online, go to the ALPO membership web page hosted by Telescopes by Galileo at http://www.
galileosplace.com/ALPO/ Afterwards, e-mail the ALPO membership secretary at will008@attglobal.net with your name,
address, the type of membership and amount paid.
If using the form below, please make payment by check or money order, payable (through a U.S. bank and encoded with
U.S. standard banking numbers) to “ALPO” There is a 20-percent surcharge on all memberships obtained through subscrip-
tion agencies or which require an invoice. Send to: ALPO Membership Secretary, P.O. Box 13456, Springfield, Illinois
62791-3456 USA.
Please Print:
Street Address________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP _______________________________________________________________________________
E-mail Address________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number________________________________________________________________________________
Please share your observing interests with the ALPO by entering the appropriate codes on the blank line below.
Interest Abbreviations
0 = Sun 1 = Mercury 2 = Venus 3 = Moon 4 = Mars 5 = Jupiter 6 = Saturn 7 = Uranus 8 = Neptune 9 = Pluto A = Asteroids C
= Comets D = CCD Imaging E = Eclipses & Transits H = History I = Instruments M = Meteors & Meteorites P = Photography R =
Radio Astronomy S = Computing & Astronomical Software T = Tutoring & Training Program (including Youth)
July 2009
January 2009
June 2009
December 2008
May 2009
November 2008
April 2009
October 2008
March 2009
September 2008
February 2009
August 2008
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