K8090 Protocol Manual

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K8090/VM8090 Protocol Manual
Technical Guide
Table of contents
Packet Composition.........................................................................................................................2
Serial IO...........................................................................................................................................3
Basic commands...................................................................................................................................4
Switch relay ON (11h).....................................................................................................................4
Switch relay OFF (12h)...................................................................................................................4
Toggle relay (14h)............................................................................................................................5
Set button mode (21h)......................................................................................................................6
Start relay timer (41h)......................................................................................................................7
Set relay timer delay (42h)...............................................................................................................7
Query commands..................................................................................................................................8
Query relay status (18h)...................................................................................................................8
Query timer delay (44h)...................................................................................................................9
Query button mode (22h)...............................................................................................................10
Event commands.................................................................................................................................11
Button status (50h).........................................................................................................................11
Relay status (51h)..........................................................................................................................11
System commands..............................................................................................................................12
Reset factory defaults (66h)...........................................................................................................12
Jumper status (70h)........................................................................................................................12
Firmware version (71h).................................................................................................................13
Command List....................................................................................................................................14
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This is a detailed guide of the K8090 protocol. This guide also applies to the VM8090 which is the
pre-built version of the K8090.
Packet Composition
Packets for the K8090 are 7 bytes in size. Each packet is delimited by the STX (04h) and ETX
(0Fh) bytes. Validity of the packet can be checked by verifying the checksum byte (CHK).
8 bits
STX (04h)
ETX (0Fh)
1. K8090 Packet Diagram
The function of each packet is decided by the command byte (CMD), for a list of possible values
refer to the chapter 'Command List'.
Each packet has a mask byte (MASK), and two parameter bytes (PARAM1 and PARAM2), however
their meaning differs for each command. The mask byte is usually a bit field indicating which relays
or buttons should be affected by a command, while the two parameter bytes are simply command
The K8090 uses the two's complement for its checksum. This means adding all bytes up to and
including param2, negating the result and adding 1.
-(STX + CMD + MASK + PARAM1 + PARAM2) + 1
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Serial IO
The K8090 board is an USB CDC device that communicates over a virtual serial port (COM), using
the Windows built-in driver 'usbser.sys'.
The following serial communication settings should be used when connecting to the K8090:
Baud rate 19200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
2. Serial Communication Settings
Packets may be sent to the board to request information and the board may respond with one or
more packets to transfer this information back to the client.
The board is event-driven, meaning that any change in the board's state is sent directly to the client
through status packets. Clients should be prepared to handle this information in an appropriate
manner. See the 'Event commands' chapter for more details. Polling is not necessary, although it
may be required to retrieve the initial state of the board once.
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Basic commands
Switch relay ON (11h)
Switch on one or more relays. Relay one and eight correspond with the least and most significant bit
of the mask parameter. Settings these bits will mark the corresponding relay(s) to be switched on.
cmd 11h
mask bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param1 Ignored
param2 Ignored
This command may trigger a 'Relay status (51h)' event command if the state of one or more relays
Switch relay OFF (12h)
Switch off one or more relays. Relay one and eight correspond with the least and most significant
bit of the mask parameter. Settings these bits will mark the corresponding relay(s) to be switched
off. If a timer is active on a relay that is switched off, that timer is also disabled.
cmd 12h
mask bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param1 Ignored
param2 Ignored
This command may trigger a 'Relay status (51h)' event command if the state of one or more relays
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Toggle relay (14h)
Toggle one or more relays. Relay one and eight correspond with the least and most significant bit of
the mask parameter. Settings these bits will mark the corresponding relay(s) to be toggled. If a timer
is active on a relay that is switched off, that timer is also disabled.
cmd 14h
mask bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param1 Ignored
param2 Ignored
This command may trigger a 'Relay status (51h)' event command if the state of one or more relays
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Set button mode (21h)
Configure the mode of each of the buttons. Available modes are momentary, toggle and timed. The
following table describes the actions taken for each different mode when a button is pressed. Note
that this behavior can be turned off by setting the 'Event' jumper.
Momentary The relay stays on as long as the button remains pressed.
Toggle Toggles the corresponding relay.
Timed The relay is switched on and the timer for the relay is started. If the
timer is already running, the timer is aborted and the relay is switched
cmd 21h
mask Enable momentary mode
bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param1 Enable toggle mode
bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param2 Enable timed mode
bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
In case of duplicate assignments, momentary mode has priority over toggle mode, and toggle mode
has priority over timed mode.
Mode settings are saved to EEPROM memory and thus remembered when the board loses power.
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Start relay timer (41h)
Start a timer for the selected relay(s). The relay(s) are switched on and their timer is started. The
relays will stay in the on state until the timer for the corresponding relay expires or until the user
actively switches the relay off. If a timer was already running for a relay, that timer is restarted.
cmd 41h
mask bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param1 High-byte of the timer delay (optional)
param2 Low-byte of the timer delay (optional)
If param1 and param2 are not zero, their value is used as a temporary timer delay, otherwise the
default timer delay is used. The default timer delay can be set using the 'Set relay timer delay (42h)'
Timer delay is a 16-bit integer, indicating the delay time in seconds, for which param1 is the high-
byte and param2 is the low-byte value.
This command may trigger a 'Relay status (51h)' event command if the state of one or more relays
Set relay timer delay (42h)
Set a timer delay for one or more relays. Timer length is a 16-bit integer, indicating the delay time
in seconds, for which param1 is the high-byte and param2 is the low-byte value. The timer can be
activated with the 'Start relay timer (41h)' command. When the timer expires, the relay will be
switched off.
cmd 42h
mask bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param1 High-byte of the timer delay
param2 Low-byte of the timer delay
Maximum timer delay is 18 hours (65535 seconds).
Timer delay values are saved to EEPROM memory and thus remembered when the board loses
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Query commands
Query relay status (18h)
Query the current status of all relays (on/off) and their timers (active/inactive).
Request parameters:
cmd 18h
mask Ignored
param1 Ignored
param2 Ignored
The board will respond with a 'Relay status (51h)' packet.
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Query timer delay (44h)
Query the current timer delay for one or more relays. The device will respond with one or more
packets depending on how many relays have been queried.
Request parameters:
cmd 44h
mask bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param1 bit 0: Retrieve total delay time
bit 1: Retrieve remaining delay time
bit 2-7: Ignored
param2 Ignored
Response parameters:
cmd 44h
mask bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param1 High-byte of the timer delay
param2 Low-byte of the timer delay
The timer delay field in the response is a 16-bit integer, indicating the requested delay time in
seconds, for which param1 is the high-byte and param2 is the low-byte value.
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Query button mode (22h)
Query the current mode of each button. Possible modes are momentary, toggle and timed. The mode
for each button can be set using the 'Set button mode (21h)' command.
Request parameters:
cmd 22h
mask Ignored
param1 Ignored
param2 Ignored
Response parameters:
cmd 22h
mask Button is in momentary mode
bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param1 Button is in toggle mode
bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
param2 Button is in timed mode
bit 0-7: Relay 1..8
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Event commands
Button status (50h)
This event is sent when a button is pressed or released. Intercept this command to create an event-
driven application that monitors the status of the buttons.
cmd 50h
mask bit 0-7: State of button 1..8. If the bit is set, the
corresponding button is pressed.
param1 bit 0-7: Button 1..8 has been pressed
param2 bit 0-7: Button 1..8 has been released
Relay status (51h)
This event is sent every time the status of one or more relays changes. Intercept this command to
create an event-driven application that monitors the status of the relays. The relay status can also be
queried manually by sending the 'Query relay status (18h)' command; both commands return the
same response.
cmd 51h
mask bit 0-7: Previous state of each relay
param1 bit 0-7: Current state of each relay
param2 bit 0-7: State of the relay timers (active/inactive)
By comparing the previous and current state, it can be determined which relays have just been
turned on or off.
Switched ON = (mask XOR param1) AND param1
Switched OFF = (mask XOR param1) AND mask
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System commands
Reset factory defaults (66h)
Reset the board to factory defaults.
cmd 66h
mask Ignored
param1 Ignored
param2 Ignored
All buttons are set to toggle mode and all timer delays are set to 5 seconds.
Jumper status (70h)
Checks the position of the 'Event' jumper. If the jumper is set, the buttons no longer interact with the
relays but button events are still sent to the computer.
Request parameters:
cmd 70h
mask Ignored
param1 Ignored
param2 Ignored
Response parameters:
cmd 70h
mask Reserved
param1 >1: The jumper is set
param2 Reserved
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Firmware version (71h)
Queries the firmware version of the board. The version number consists of the year and week
combination of the date the firmware was compiled.
Request parameters:
cmd 71h
mask Ignored
param1 Ignored
param2 Ignored
Response parameters:
cmd 71h
mask Reserved
param1 Year (10 = 2010)
param2 Week (1 = first week of Year)
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Command List
This is a list of all available commands sent or received by the K8090 board.
Command Value
Switch relay ON 11h
Switch relay OFF 12h
Toggle relay 14h
Query relay status 18h
Set button mode 21h
Query button mode 22h
Start relay timer 41h
Set relay timer delay 42h
Query timer delay 44h
Button status 50h
Relay status 51h
Reset factory defaults 66h
Jumper status 70h
Firmware version 71h
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