Kaypro_Software_Directory_1984 Kaypro Software Directory 1984
Kaypro_Software_Directory_1984 Kaypro_Software_Directory_1984
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A GUIDE TO APPLICATION PROGRAMS FOR KAVPRO MICROCOMPUTERS The Kaypro Software Directory Copyright © 1984 By Kaypro Corporation First Printing DISCLAIMER Information in the directory about each software Vendor/Developer and the products they offer has been taken from material which they have submitted to Kaypro Corporation. Kaypro Corporation has not verified any of the information the reader relies upon the same at his or her sole risk. and KAYPRO CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, TO THE CLAIMS OR CONTENTS OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR LOSSES OR DAMAGE ARISING FROM THE READERS USE OF THIS DIRECTORY. \ The Kaypro Software Directory Table of Contents Introduction How To Use This Directory Section 1 Applications Software Index by Topic Accounting Page * 1 * Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable General Ledger General/Integrated Inventory Order Entry Payroll Point of Sale Purchasing Tax Preparation 23 Banking/Finance * Financial Control Planning General Investment Management Loans Mortgages Trusts Business Management * 31 General Inventory Job Costing Quality Control Security Systems Computer Management Aids Graphics Languages Program Generators Systems Security Systems Support/Utilities Technical Training Aids 41 ~- Table of Contents (continued) Data Communications * 58 * 62 * Data Security Telecommunications Database Management General Mailing 67 Education Administration Artificial Intelligence Computer Aided Instruction Libraries Marketing * Personal 75 76 * 85 * 102 * Financial General Health & Diet Hobbies Security Systems Sports Professional Architecture CPA Chiropractic Dental General Insurance Legal Medical Pharmaceutical Veterinary Medicine Recreation Games Hobbies Music Sports -l{. Table of Contents (continued) Sciences * 108 * 117 Computer Science Electronics Environmental General Mathematics/Statistics Medicine Operations Research Physics Political Science Social Science Specific Industries * Agriculture Architecture Automotive Banking Contractors/Construction Distribution/Wholesale Electrical Engineering Food/Restaraunts General Beauty Salons Cable TV Conventions Clubs Churches/Not-For-Profit Organizations Food CO-OP Funeral Homes Quick Print Shops Miscellaneous Health Hotel/Motel Insurance Manufacturing Publishing Real Estate Repair Retail Utilities Word Processing General Spelling Correctors Text Formatters ~~ 151 * Table of Contents (continued) Section 2 Applications Index Alphabetically Section 3 Software Vendor/Developer Product Summary The Kaypro Software Directory Introduction The Kaypro Software Directory is published by Kaypro Corporation to keep Kaypro Dealers and End Users informed of application software products currently available to run on Kaypro II, 4, and 10 CP/M based portable microcomputers. The directory is divided into three sections. The first two sections are actually indexes referencing the third section or "body" of the directory. The first section is an index of applications arranged by The second section is an index arranged by program name. topic. The third section, or body, of the directory is a summary of Software Vendors/Developers and the applications software products they offer. It is arranged by vendor name. How To Use This Directory 1) Locating Applications by Topic Select your topic of interest from Section 1 in the table of contents. Page numbers for subtopics are not listed but subtopics follow alphabetically through each topic section. Next turn to the corresponding page number in Section 1 Applications Software Index by Topic. Here you will find a list of applications and their summary location in Section 3 (the body). For example, to locate farm management applications look for Agriculture under Specific Industries in the table of contents. Specific Industry applications begin on page 117 of the topic index. It will look like this: SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Agriculture PAGE COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR ----------------------------------------------------------------ACCOUNTSTAR Northhouse Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTSTAR Vertisoft Kaypro 11,4,10 405 595 i AG-PAYROLL Countryside Data, Kaypro 11,4,10 Inc. 160 * 117 * ACCOUNTSTAR is an Agricultural Application that will run on a Kaypro II, 4, or 10. It is sold by Northouse Industries, Inc. and is described on page 405 of Section 3: ***************************************************************** Company: Northouse Industries, Inc. 7110 W. Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee WI 55414 Anne Jackson Phone: 414-438-0610 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Manuals Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C ACCOUNTSTAR Complete agriculture (farm) accounting system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 AccountStar is a complete set of agricultural accounting programs. It gives you the kind of precise control that means high productivity and higher profits for your farm. It is an easy-to-use fully integrated package with no prior knowledge of computers needed to operate. AccountStar includes general ledger, accounts payable, payroll, and accounts receivable all in simple menu driven. packages. All programs are linked so it is only necessary to enter data once. This one time data entry obviously reduces the chance for errors. You enter data as single-entry and AccountStar automatically converts to double-entry reports and data files. Source: Fortran. Manual included. ii Warranty/Terms 1 YEAR LEASING AVAILABLE--$495 PER MODULE Date released: 11/ 1/83 405 ================================================================= Company contact and support information is followed by its product line summary. Northouse Industries offers a selection of support at no charge (N/C). ACCOUNTSTAR is an Agricultural Accounting System which retails for $495.00 and runs on a Kaypro II, 4, or 10. A one year warranty is offered and the system may be leased. The program was released in November of 1983. Occasionally applications require additional software in order to run (i.e. some dBase II applications require the dBase II Runtime module). These instances are noted by the phrase "Required SW:". If applications are supplied on 8" standard CP/M floppy disks the notation (8") will appear to the right of compatible systems. These products will have to be downloaded onto Kaypro 5 1/4" diskettes. 2) Locating Applications by Product Name Section 2 - Applications Index Alphabetically is a listing of Application Software Products by name. If you know a specific product by name use this index to locate its summary page and vendor in Section 3. iii The Kaypro Software Directory Section 1 Applications Software Index By Topic ACCOUNTING Accounts Payable APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ACCOUNTING PLUS PAYABLES Kaypro 10 Provides cash disbursements control ARBA Retail Systems Corporation ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accounts payable module from SBSG SBSG, Inc. PAGE 20 Kaypro 11,4,10 474 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Seven reports and 23 system functions Computer Professionals, Inc. 135 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 10 Aging of payables and cash requirements statements Contract Research Software Corp. 153 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows up to 400 invoices and 300 vendors Ironwood 315 ~ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated or stand alone accounts payable PSI Software 416 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE A/P by Star Software Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 497 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Keeps payables up-to-date WEKTAR Computer Services Kaypro 4,10 597 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANAGEMENT Kaypro 10 Automatically maintains a company's payables Univair Incorporated 582 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/PURCHASE ORDER Kaypro 11,4,10 Generates purchase orders & posts items to A/P Taranto & Associates, Inc. 556 Kaypro 4,10 ADS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE A complete cash requirement management system ADS Software, Inc. 1 8 ACCOUNTING Accounts Payable APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS AP Accounts payable Micro Architect, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 COBOL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE COBOL accounts payable system Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 356 550 COMPAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 10 A part of Compal's integrated accounting system Compal Computer Systems 108 CONTRACTORS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") A contractor's A/P system with job/cost distribution Micro Data Business Forms & Systems DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE An accounts payable system Rocky Mountain Software 368 Kaypro 11,4,10 469 GOLD SERIES II ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 193 GOLD-24 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 4,10 Stand alone or integrated with Gold system Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 197 HAI*LINE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Provides balance forward or open item A/P Holland Automation USA, Inc. 288 MAS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM V3.7 Kaypro 4,10 Controls the expenses of a business. American Integrity Systems 54 MCC ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 4,10 An accounts payable software package Midwest Computer Center Co. 388 MICRO LEDGER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 4,10 Keeps track of money owed creditors and suppliers Tiny Systems, Inc. 575 * 2 * ACCOUNTING Accounts Payable APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PEERLESS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 Cross industry accounts payable system Davidson Software Systems REALWORLD ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accrual accounts payable system MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 TCS TOTAL PAY ABLES Accounts payable TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 172 340 554 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM A/P Kaypro 10 Accounts payable cash management and expense control Open Systems, Inc. 411 Accounts Receivable ACCOUNTING PLUS RECEIVABLES Open A/R with customer master file ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 21 ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 A/R Kaypro 11,4,10 Accounts receivable module from SBSG SBSG, Inc. 473 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Seven reports and 22 systems functions Computer Professionals, Inc. 136 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 10 Module will interact w~th the general ledger Contract Research Software Corp. 153 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows up to 400 invoices and 300 customers Ironwood 316 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 4,10 (8") A balance forward accounts receivable system Micro Data Busine~s Forms & Systems 368 * 3 * ACCOUNTING Accounts Receivable . COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 10 Bytesmith Software's Accounts Receivable National Datatec Corporation 398 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro II,4,10 Full blown accounts receivable with invoicing PSI Software 416 Kaypro II,4,10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE A/R by Star Software Softeam 497 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 4,10 Keeps track of open and closed item reporting WEKTAR Computer Services 598 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BALANCE FORWARD Kaypro II,4,10 For credit cards, retail stores, country clubs Taranto & Associates, Inc. 557 Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT A complete receivables system Univair Incorporated 583 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/INVOICING Kaypro II,4,10 Sales analysis--an on-line interactive system Taranto & Associates, Inc. ADS A/R WITH INVOICING For the small/medium size business ADS Software, Inc. 557 Kaypro 4,10 Kaypro 4,10 ADS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE High volume,' yet easy to use Debit/Credit posting ADS Software, Inc. 8 9 AR Kaypro 11,4,10 Accounts Receivable--instant customer account info. Micro Architect, Inc. 356 CLIENT BILLING Kaypro 10 Four independent/interactive sub-modules Contract Research Software Corp. 155 * 4 * ACCOUNTING Accounts Receivable APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE COMPAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SYSTEM Kaypro 10 A part of Compal's integrated accounting system Compal Computer Systems 109 DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT A/R An Accounts Receivable package Rocky Mountain Software 469 Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD SERIES II ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 194 GOLD-24 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 4,10 Stand alone or integrated with the GOLD system Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 198 HAI*LINE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Provides balance forward or open item A/R Holland Automation USA, Inc. 288 INVOICING WITH A/R AND INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 ADS invoicing with accounts receivable and inventory ADS Software, Inc. 13 MAS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SYSTEM V3.7 Business income control system American Integrity Systems 55 Kaypro 4,10 MCC ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 4,10 An accounts receivable software package Midwest Computer Center Co. 389 MICRO LEDGER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 4,10 Keeps track of money due to you by your customers Tiny Systems, Inc. 575 PEERLESS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 4,10 Cross industry accounts receivable and billing system Davidson Software Systems 173 REALWORLD ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Accounts Receivable system MBSI-RealWorld Corporation 340 * Kaypro 4,10 5 * ACCOUNTING Accounts Receivable APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE -------------~-------~-------------------------------------~----- TCS TOTAL RECEIVABLES Accounts receivable TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 555 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM A/R Kaypro 11,4,10 Accounts receivable cash flow control Open Systems, Inc. 412 General Ledger ACCOUNTING PLUS GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 10 Financial statements: trial balance, final balance etc. ARBA Retail Systems Corporation ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 GENERAL LEDGER General Ledger module from SBSG SBSG, Inc. 19 Kaypro 11,4,10 474 BOOKS! THE ELECTRIC LEDGER Kaypro 11,4,10 A flexible ledger for small business and accountants Systems Plus 546 COMPAL GENERAL LEDGER SYSTEM A complete general ledger system Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 4,10 110 DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT GENERAL LEDGER A General Ledger package Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 469 G & G GL Kaypro 11,4,10 A general ledger or client write-up package G & G Software, Inc. GENERAL LEDGRR Kaypro 4,10 General ledger posting and financial statements ADS Software, Inc. GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 11,4,10 Complete G/L: ten reports and 25 system functions Co~puter Professionals, Inc. * 6 * 278 12 137 ACCOUNTING General Ledger COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 10 Offered in formats to suit needs of the firm ContrRct Research Software Corp. 157 GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 4,10 (8") A double entry type bookkeeping system Micro Data Business Forms & Systems 369 GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 11,4,10 CPA and single name versions from Bytesmith National Datatec Corporation 399 GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 11,4,10 Stand alone or integrated general ledger PSI Software 417 Kaypro 11,4,10 GENERAL LEDGER G/L by Star Software Softeam 501 GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 11,4,10 Account numbers are user defined and controlled Taranto & Associates, Inc. 558 GENERAL LEDGER Detailed G/L accounting WEKTAR Computer Services 598 Kaypro 4,10 GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTING Kaypro 10 Maintains accurate up to date records Univair Incorporated 584 GENERAL LEDGER FOR PROFESSIONALS Kaypro 11,4,10 General ledger for professionals integrated Micro Craft, Inc. 364 GL Kaypro II,4,10 General Ledger-provides immediate financial information Micro Architect, Inc. 357 GOLD SERIES II GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 11,4,10 Center of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 195 * 7 * ACCOUNTING General Ledger APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE GOLD-24 GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 11,4,10 Center of the integrated Gold accounting system Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 199 HAI*LINE GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 11,4,10 General ledger providing up to 13 periods per year Holland Automation USA, Inc. 289 MAS GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 4,10 Analyzes the financial details of a company American Integrity Systems 55 MCC GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 4,10 Flexible, master accounting program Midwest Computer Center Co. 390 MICRO LEDGER GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 4,10 Records and saves accounting transactions Tiny Systems, Inc. 576 PEERLESS GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTING Kaypro 4,10 Funeral Homes: General ledger system Davidson Software Systems 173 REALWORLD GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 4,10 General ledger for small businesses. MBSI-RealWorld Corporation 341 SUPER LEDGER CLIENT WRITE UP Kaypro 10 Enhanced General Ledger and Accounting system Univair Incorporated 587 TCS CLIENT LEDGER SYSTEM Client write-up TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 552 TCS TOTAL LEDGER General ledger TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 THE RELIABLE BUSINESS SERIES General Ledger business system Reliable Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 554 * 8 451 * ACCOUNTING General Ledger APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM G/L Kaypro 10 General Ledger: Balanced and timely accounting data Open Systems, Inc. PAGE 412 General/Integrated ACCOUNTING ONE An integrated accounting system Computer System Connection Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTING PLUS An integrated accounting package ASK Micro, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 140 23 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/INVOICING Kaypro 11,4,10 Sales analysis--an on-line interactive system Taranto & Associates, Inc. ADS RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL SERVICES Kaypro 4,10 Accounting for businesses that contract services. AD$ Software, Inc. 557 11 AUDIT Kaypro 11,4,10 Micro computer tools for the auditor E.F. Haskell & Associates 237 BOOKS! THE ELECTRIC LEDGER Kaypro 11,4,10 A flexible ledger for small business and accountants Systems Plus 546 BPI GENERAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 A basic integrated bookkeeping system BPI Systems, Inc. BUSINESS MANAGER Kaypro 10 Feature-rich general accounting package Computer Evaluation Center BUSINESS MASTER PLUS General accounting software Business Master, Inc. * 74 128 Kaypro 11,4,10 89 9 * ACCOUNTING General/Integrated APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE CHAMPION BUSINESS ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 A complete accounting package written in dBase II Champion Software Corporation 101 CLIENT PROGRAMMED ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11.4,10 Client write-up and after the fact payroll Dimis Micro Systems 193 COMPAL GENERAL LEDGER SYSTEM A complete general ledger system Compal Computer Systems 110 Kaypro 4,10 CPA CLIENT ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 A complete and flexible client accounting system American Bus. & Prof. Computers 50 DEPRECIATION (INCL ACRS) Kaypro 11,4,10 A depreciation scheduling for accounting Taxware Systems, Inc. 563 DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT Kaypro 11,4,10 Offers integrated accounting (A/P, A/R, G/L, P/R) Rocky Mountain Software 468 FAA A fixed asset accounting system E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 238 FIRM I Accounting package American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 51 FIVE STAR ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 General Accounting for small business Pericomp Corporation 425 FULL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated Alp, G/L, AIR, and Payroll by Star Software Softeam 501 FUNCTIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 General business applications package Soft Logic, Inc. 494 * 10 * ACCOUNTING General/Integrated COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (VER 1.0) Kaypro 4,10 (8") An accounting system for fund oriented agencies School Management Systems 485 FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (VER 2.0) Kaypro 4,10 (8") Fund oriented agencies accounting system School Management Systems 485 GARAGEKEEPER (SYSTEM II) Kaypro 10 An inventory control & invoicing system for automotives Computer Assistance, Inc. 119 HAI*LINE INVOICING An integrated invoicing package Holland Automation USA, Inc. 290 Kaypro 11,4,10 INVOICING WITH A/R AND INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 ADS invoicing with accounts receivable and inventory ADS Software, Inc. 13 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING SERIES Kaypro 10 Five integrated accounting system modules American Integrity Systems 54 MEMBERSHIP BILLING Kaypro 4,10 (8") Handles the unique billing requirements of clubs Micro Data Business Forms & Systems 370 MUNIS-MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Kaypro 10 Budgetary accounting system for towns & cities Computer Evaluation Center 129 PADA/C Kaypro 11,4,10 The accountants small business accounting package Padmede Computer Services 418 PADMEDE BUSINESS CONTROL SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 An integrated business application software system Padmede Computer Services 418 PERSONNEL-83 Kaypro 4,10 Modeling agencies: integrated accounting system Vertical Software Group 593 * 11 * ACCOUNTING General/Integrated COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE POURNELLE ACCOUNTING PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 Home or small business accounting package Workman & Associates 609 PRO BOOKKEEPER/QUICK CHECK Kaypro 11,4,10 Small business and personal finance management Chuck Atkinson Programs 102 REALWORLD CORPORATION Kaypro 4,10 Integrated or stand alone general accounting packages MBSI-RealWorld Corporation 341 S.N.I.P. Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated accounting package Benchmark Com~uter Systems Limited SBS 80-- SPACEFILE BUSINESS SYSTEM A Small Business Accounting System Spacefile, Ltd. 80 Kaypro 10 528 SMALL BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Kaypro 10 For accountants with many small clients ADS Software, Inc. 14 SUPER LEDGER CLIENT WRITE UP Kaypro 10 Enhanced General Ledger and Accounting system Univair Incorporated 587 TAX-WARE Kaypro 4,10 17 programs for complete tax preparation and accounting Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. 32 THE ACCOUNTING PARTNER Kaypro 11,4,10 General Business Accounting package Star Software Systems 531 THE CONCURRENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM A complete accounting system Computer Center of Maukato, Inc. 121 Kaypro 10 THE HOME ACCOUNTANT Kaypro II Home and small business financial program Continental Software * 12 * 152 ACCOUNTING General/Integrated COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE THE MAGICIAN Kaypro 11,4,10 An integrated inventory and accounting pa~kage Greentree Computers 282 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM Kaypro 10 Eight interactive financial management applications Open Systems, Inc. 411 TIME AND DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTING Maintains client and matter files Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 VANDATA BUSINESS PACKAGE A four-module accounting system Vandata Kaypro 11,4,10 158 592 Inventory ACCOUNTING PLUS INVENTORY CONTROL Maintains an inventory master file ARBA Retail Systems Corporation ! , ,-<, " bS . . ~, :1 ~. ~. [1 u 1. : , ~~ \ T (', Kaypro 10 20 Kdypro 11,4,10 fro m S BS G rn 0 d u 1 e , lac. 475 ADS INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 A complete analysis of inventory stock levels ADS Software, Inc. 10 ARBA POINT OF SALE SYSTEM Kaypro 10 A retail point of sale and inventory control system ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 22 COMPAL INVENTORY SYSTEM A full function inventory system Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 10 DESKTOP INVENTORY MANAGER Inventory management system Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 * 110 470 13 * ACCOUNTING Inventory COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE GOLD SERIES II INVENTORY CONTROL Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the GOLD Series II account~ng applications Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 195 GOLD-24 INVENTORY CONTROL Kaypro 4,10 Stand alone or integrated with Gold accounting Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 199 HAI*LINE INVENTORY Kaypro 11,4,10 An inventory package for components and finished goods Holland Automation USA, Inc. 290 INV-X Inventory control Micro Architect, Inc. KayproII,4,10 INVENTORY Allows up to 1,000 parts Ironwood Kaypro 11,4,10 358 316 INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 System of inventory and material requirements WEKTAR Computer Services 599 INVENTORY CONTROL Kaypro 11,4,10 An interactive, on-line, stock control system Taranto & Associates, Inc. 558 INVOICING WITH A/R AND INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 ADS invoicing with accounts receivable and inventory ADS Software, Inc. 13 MAS INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEM V3.7 Business inventory control system American Integrity Systems 56 Kaypro 4,10 MCC INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 Improves customer service and internal control Midwest Computer Center Co. 391 POINT OF SALE INVENTORY Kaypro 11,4,10 Sales/inventory mangement including QUICK REGISTER Chuck Atkinson Programs 102 * 14 * ACCOUNTING Inventory APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS REALWORLD INVENTORY CONTROL Inventory control system MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 PAGE 342 STOCK-TRACK Kaypro 11,4,10 Point-of-sale inventory control/Franchise Accounting JANCO Systems, Inc. 319 TCS TOTAL INVENTORY Inventory TCS Software, Inc. 553 Kaypro 11,4,10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM INV. Kaypro 10 Inventory: Market response and stock control Open Systems, Inc. 413 Order Entry ACCOUNTING PLUS SALES ORDER ENTRY Kaypro 10 Enters sales orders, controls backlog, and inventory ARBA Retail Systems Corporation ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 ORDER ENTRY Order Entry module from SBSG SBSG, Inc. 22 Kaypro 11,4,10 475 COMPAL ORDER ENTRY Kaypro 10 Performs invoicing and sales analyis Compal Computer Systems 111 GOLD SERIES II ORDER ENTRY/INVOICE Kaypro 11,4,10 Order entry and invoicing/integrated or stand alone Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 196 Kaypro 4,10 GOLD-24 ORDER ENTRY/INVOICING Integrated or stand alone system Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 201 HAI*LINE SALES ORDER PROCESSING Kaypro 4,10 A flexible sales order processing package Holland Automation USA, Inc. * 15 * 292 ACCOUNTING Order Entry COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE --------------------~---------------------------~---------------- MAS SALES ORDER ENTRY SYSTEM (V3.7) A complete order entry system American Integrity Systems Kaypro 4,10 REALWORLD ORDER ENTRY Order entry system MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 TCS TOTAL SALES Sales order entry TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 56 342 555 Payroll ACCOUNTING PLUS PAYROLL Complete payroll system ARBA Retail Sy~tems Corporation Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 PAYROLL Payroll module from SBSG SBSG, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ADS PAYROLL Writes the check payroll system ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 AFTER THE FACT PAYROLL A payroll accounting enhancement Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 21 476 10 562 COMPAL PAYROLL SYSTEM Kaypro 4 t 10 A part of Compal's integrated accounting system Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT PAYROLL A Payroll system Rocky Mountain Software 470 GOLD SERIES II PAYROLL Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Douthett Enterprises, Inc. * III 16 197 ACCOUNTING Payroll COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE GOLD-24 PAYROLL Kaypro 4,10 Stand alone or integrated with the Gold system Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 202 MCC PAYROLL Kaypro 4,10 Complete payroll with labor distribution Midwest Computer Center Co. 392 MICRO LEDGER PAYROLL Kaypro 4,10 Accomodates mix of hourly and salaried employees Tiny Systems, Inc. 577 PAY-WARE A complete payroll system Computer Products International Kaypro 11,4,10 134 PAYRIGHT PAYROLL SYSTEM United Kingdom payroll Mike Lewis Consultants, Ltd. Kaypro 11,4,10 393 PAYROLL Kaypro Eight reports and 23 system funtions Computer Professionals, Inc. II,4~10 137 PAYROLL Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculates payroll for every type employee Micro Architect, Inc. 359 PAYROLL Bytesmith Software's Payroll National Datatec Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 400 PAYROLL Integrated or stand alone payroll PSI Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYROLL By Star Software Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYROLL CHECK WRITE Payroll management program Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 417 503 566 17 * ACCOUNTING Payroll APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAYROLL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Enhanced Payroll Management System Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 PAYROLL PROCESSING SYSTEM General payroll processing system Compusol, Inc. Kaypro 10 PAGE 586 117 PAYROLL/JOB COSTING Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes regular, overtime, and piecework pay Taranto & Associates, Inc. 559 Kaypro 4,10 PEERLESS PAYROLL SYSTEM Cross industry payroll system Davidson Software Systems 173 REALWORLD PAYROLL Kaypro 4,10 An hourly and salary payroll system MBSI-RealWorld Corporation 343 TCS TOTAL PAYROLL Payroll TCS Software, Inc. 555 Kaypro 11,4,10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM PA. Kaypro 10 Payroll: paycheck and expense control Open Systems, Inc. 414 Point Of Sale ARBA POINT OF SALE SYSTEM Kaypro 10 A retail point of sale and inventory control system ARBA Retail Systems 'Corporation 22 POINT OF SALE INVENTORY Kaypro 11,4,10 Sales/inventory mangement including QUICK REGISTER Chuck Atkinson Programs 102 SALES ACCOUNTING Kaypro 10 Maintains an open item sales ledger Tay~or Micro Systems 569 * 18 * ACCOUNTING Point Of Sale APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE SALES ORDER Kaypro 10 Maintains a scheduled sales order book Taylor Micro Systems 569 STOCK-TRACK Kaypro 11,4,10 Point-of-sale inventory control/Franchise Accounting JANCO Systems, Inc. 319 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM S.O.P. Kaypro 10 Sales Order Processing complete order control Open Systems, Inc. 414 Purchasing ACCOUNTING PLUS PURCHASE ORDER Kaypro 10 Enters purchase orders updates inventory control files ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 21 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/PURCHASE ORDER Kaypro 11,4,10 Generates purchase orders & posts items to A/P Taranto & Associates, Inc. 556 PURCHASE ORDER PROCESSING Kaypro 10 Creates and maintains a purchase order book Taylor Micro Systems 568 Tax Preparation CORPORATE TAX RETURN PREPARATION A corporate tax planning tool Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 563 DEPRECIATION (INCL ACRS) Kaypro 11,4,10 A depreciation scheduling for accounting Taxware Systems, Inc. * 19 * 563 ACCOUNTING Tax Preparation COHPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ------------------------------~------~---------------- ----------- DEPRECIATION COMPARISON Kaypro 11,4,10 Com par est hem e tho d s 0 f de pre cia tin g. fix e d ass e t s Resource Software International 463 DEPRECIATION TABLES Generates depreciation tables Contract Research Software Corp. 155 Kaypro 10 ESTATE TAX PLANNER Kaypro 11,4,10 Plans Federal Estate tax and statutory attorney fees Taxware Systems, Inc. 564 F1120 Kaypro 4,10 Prepares Federal Tax Form 1120 Computer Technical Services of N.J. 142 FAA A fixed asset accounting system E.F. Haskell & Associates 238 Kaypro 11,4,10 FED. & STATE INCOME TAX PLANNING Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows Federal & State reports for mUltiple years Taxware Systems, Inc. 564 G & G 1040 Kaypro 11,4,10 A tax preparation program for the professional G & G Software, In~. 277 Kaypro 4,10 HOMETAX (TM) A complete tax service Learning Source, Inc. 335 INCOME TAX PLANNING Kaypro 4,10 Integrates federal and state into one input sequence Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. INDIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Individual tax preparation management Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 INDIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION Taxware's federal and selected state returns Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. 20 31 565 31 ACCOUNTING Tax Preparation APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE LEASE-BUY ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes and prints tax factors under consideration Resource Software International 465 MASTER TAX BASIC PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 1983 Tax forms in "Perfect Calc" format Mastermind Computing 350 MASTER TAX LONG FORM PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 1983 Tax forms in "Perfect Calc" format Mastermind Computing 350 MASTERTAX SUPPLEMENTAL FORMS Kaypro 11,4,10 1983 Tax forms in "Perfect Calc" format Mastermind Computing 351 MICRO-TAX LEVEL I Kaypro 11,4,10 For individuals doing their own taxes Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. 361 MICRO-TAX LEVEL II Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax preparation for the professional individual or CPA Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. 361 MICRO-TAX LEVEL III Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax preparation for corporation /partnerships Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. 361 MICRO-TAX LEVEL IV Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax preparation overseas for expatriates Micro Computer Tax System~, Inc. 361 MICRO-TAX STATES Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated tax preparation for any of 25 states Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. 362 MODEL 1040 Professional tax planning software Success Management Consultants 536 Kaypro 11,4 PARTNERSHIP TAX RETURN PREPARATION Kaypro 11,4,10 Federal and California tax preparation for partnerships Taxware Systems, Inc. 21 * 566 ACCOUNTING Tax Preparation COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE PLANMODE Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal federal income tax planner Sawhney Software 482 RETURN ON INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Analyzes the internal return on investment Resource Software International 466 SERIES 1040 An income tax preparation system Calcu-Tax Computer Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 94 SUPERTAX Kaypro 11,4,10 Income tax planning and preparation Rockware Data Corporation 467 SUPERTAX FOR PARTNERSHIPS Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculate, print, and reconcile form 1065 k-l's Rockware Data Corporation 467 TAX-83/CPA Kaypro 4,10 Prepares all important Federal Tax Forms (some State) Computer Technical Services of N.J. 142 TAX-WARE Kaypro 4,10 17 programs for complete tax preparation and accounting Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. 32 TAXCALC Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax planning & estate planning software Taxcalc, Inc. 561 TAXMODE Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal federal income tax planner Sawhney Software 482 * 22 * BANKING/FINANCE Financial Control Planning APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ADV1$OR/ANALY$T Kaypro 11,4,10 Portfolio analysis and management system K-Wave Services CHECKS AND BALANCES Full screen checking and finance CDE Software PAGE 324 Kaypro 11,4,10 93 DRAFTING WILLS AND TRUST AGREEMENTS Kaypro 11,4,10 A checklist system for preparing wills and trusts R.P.W. Publishing Corp. ESTATE PLANNING AND CALCULATIONS Kaypro 4,10 Taxware calculates all estate taxes and credits Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. FINANCIAL CALCULATIONS An investment management aid Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL DECISIONS A Business Management Series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Financial analysis package Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS Business Management Series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 442 30 565 99 216 99 ITEMIZER Kaypro 11,4,10 Lets you categorize your financial dealings People Literate Software 423 LINEAR PROGRAMMING Business Management Series Century Software 100 * Kaypro 11,4,10 23 * BANKING/FINANCE Financial Control Planning APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS LOAN AMORTIZATION ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Illustrates the breakdown of principal and interest ACS Publishing Co. PAGE 2 MCC FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Kaypro 4,10 Manages and controls your financial information Midwest Computer Center Co. 390 MICRO BOOKKEEPER Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal or small business financial tracking system D.B.S. 166 Kaypro 11,4,10 MONEY MANAGER A year round budgeting program People Literate Software 424 PASS Kaypro 11,4,10 Pension proposal and administrative software American Micro Dynamics, Inc. PLAN 80 For financial modeling Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 PLAN 80 A financial modeling package Executive Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 58 181 267 PLANFIN Kaypro 4,10 Business-forecasting and budgeting system Business Software Pty.Ltd. 91 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares and analyzes various insurance policies ACS Publishing Co. 3 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR + Kaypro 11,4,10 Plus: cash value life insurance policy analysis ACS Publishing Co. 4 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR ++ Kaypro 11,4,10 Super Plus: life insurance policy comparisons ACS Publishing Co. 4 * 24 * BANKING/FINANCE Financial Control Planning APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PROF IN Business-financial analysis Business Software Pty.Ltd. Kaypro 4,10 PAGE 92 PROPOSAL SOFTWARE Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated financial planning package Insurance Sales Systems SHELTERED INCOME ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculate any single investment at any rate of interest ACS Publishing Co. 310 5 TAXCALC Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax planning & estate planning software Taxcalc, Inc. 561 TERM DIFFERENCE ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 A life insurance policy comparison program ACS Publishing Co. 5 THE FINANCIAL PLANNER Kaypro II,4,10 Finance planning package by Ashton-Tate Softeam 506 THE FINANCIAL PLANNER DEMO Kaypro 11,4,10 Softeam 506 General FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (VER 2.0) Kaypro 4,10 (8") Fund oriented agencies accounting system School Management Systems 485 HOW TO USE SUPERCALC Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Book and disk with sample spread sheets Dilithium Press 192 HR-I0PROPOSAL (KEOGH) Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax deductible retirement plan proposal Insurance Sales Systems 308 * 25 BANKING/FINANCE General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS LEASE VS. PURCHASE ANALYSIS Business management series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 99 PADMEDE BUSINESS CONTROL SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 An integrated business application software system Padmede Computer Services 418 THE BOTTOM LINE STRATEGIST By Ashton-Tate Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 506 THE WEDGE An electronic spreadsheet Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 549 Investment Management ACQUISITION & DISPOSITON ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the real estate management system Berge Software 81 BOND VALUE Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculates the present value of available bonds Resource Software International 461 BUYSEL Kaypro 11,4,10 Stock and commodities options management Dynacomp, Inc. 209 Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMERCIAL FINANCE Part of the real estate asset management system Berge Software 81 DEPRECIATION COMPARISON Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares the methods of depreciating fixed assets Resource Software International 463 Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL CALCULATIONS An investment management aid Taxware Systems, Inc. * 565 26 * BANKING/FINANCE Investment Management APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS FINANCIAL DECISIONS A Business Management Series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 99 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculates the internal rate of return investments Resource Software International 464 INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the Real Estate management system Berge Software 82 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Kaypro 11,4,10 Assists the investor in managing investments Microcomputer Investors Association 382 LAND & LEASE ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the real estate management system Berge Software 82 MICROCOMPUTER BOND PROGRAM Helps evaluate bonds Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROCOMPUTER STOCK PROGRAM Helps analyze stock prices Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 223 224 MICROTRUST Kaypro 10 Trust accounting management including portfolio American Micro Dynamics, Inc. OPTIONS ANALYSIS Stock investment management Dynacomp, Inc. 58 Kaypro 11,4,10 226 PASS Kaypro 11,4,10 Pension propo~al and administrative software American Micro Dynamics, Inc. 58 PLANEASE Kaypro 11,4,10 For cash flow projections of income-producing property Analytic Associates 63 27 * BANKING/FINANCE Investment Management APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Stock portfolio management aid Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 228 RESIDENTIAL FINANCE Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the real estate management system Berge Software 83 RETURN ON INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Analyzes the internal return on investment Resource Software International 466 Kaypro 11,4,10 THE INVESTMENT RETURN ILLUSTRATOR Prepares presentation documents for investment earnings ACS Publishing Co. 6 Kaypro 11,4,10 TIME VALUE OF MONEY (TMV) Investment analysis program People Literate Software 424 W$L:WALL-$TREET-LINK Kaypro 11,4,10 Dial and use the Dow Jones Information Network Cawthon Scientific Group 98 Loans AMORTIZATION TABLES Generates amortization tables Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 FINANCIAL DECISIONS A Business Management Series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 154 99 INSTALLMENT LOAN PAYMENT Kaypro 11,4,10 Produces principal and interest data by installments Resource Software International 464 INTEREST RATE CALCULATION Kaypro 11,4,10 In compliance with Reg. Z of Truth in Lending Act Resource Software International 464 * 28 * BANKING/FINANCE Loans COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE LOAN AMORTIZATION AND DEPRECIATION Kaypro 11,4,10 Produces a loan amortization ledger Insurance Sales Systems 308 LOAN-PAK Kaypro 11,4,10 Loan amortization calculation and schedule printing Crownsoft Applications, Inc. 162 PROPOSAL SOFTWARE Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated financial planning package Insurance Sales Systems 310 QUIKCALC LOAN ANALYZER Kaypro 11,4,10 Financial analysis of loans or mortgages Simple Soft, Inc. 491 THE LOAN ARRANGER Loan management program by DAGAR Software Development Corporation 510 Kaypro 10 Mortgages MORTGAGE ACCELERATION Compares mortgage payment schedule Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 309 PROPOSAL SOFTWARE Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated financial planning package Insurance Sales Systems 310 Kaypro 11,4,10 TIME VALUE OF MONEY (TMV) Investment analysis program People Literate Software 424 Trust DRAFTING WILLS AND TRUST AGREEMENTS Kaypro 11,4,10 A checklist system for preparing wills and trusts R.P.W. Publishing Corp. * 29 * 442 BANKING/FINANCE Trust COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ESCROW ACCOUNT (OR TRUST) Kaypro 11,4,10 For those clients with funds temporarily held in trust Contract Research Software Corp. 157 APPLICATION/VENDOR MICROTRUST Kaypro 10 Trust accounting management including portfolio American Micro Dynamics, Inc. * 30 * 58 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT General COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ATI MULTIPLAN Kaypro 11,4,10 Learn commands for worksheet manipulation American Training International 60 ATI PERFECT CALC Set up and manipulate worksheets American Training International Kaypro 11,4,10 60 BGRAPHIC+ Business graphics Amcad Kaypro 10 49 BILLKEEPER Kaypro 11,4,10 Produces itemized, ready-to-mail bills and reports Micro Craft, Inc. 363 BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculates important breakeven points for profit Resource Software International 462 CANDIDATE AUTOMATED RETRIEVAL Kaypro 11,4,10 A comprehensive applicant data management system Computer Dev. Specialists of L.I. 125 CHIR080 Chiropractic office management Basis, Inc. Kaypro 10 77 CUSTOMER PROFILE Kaypro 11,4,10 Keeps track of current and prospective customers Dynacomp, Inc. 211 DATA SMOOTHER Smooths data points Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 212 DECISION-ANALYST Decisionftaking software Executive Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DENTAL80 Dental office management Basis, Inc. Kaypro 10 267 77 * 31 * BUSINESS MANAGEMENT General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ECONOMETRICS Business Management Series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 98 FINANCIAL RATIO CALCULATIONS Kaypro 11,4,10 Quickly calculates key financial ratios Resource Software International FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS Business Management Series Century Software 463 Kaypro 11,4,10 99 FORMS Kaypro 11,4,10 For filling in/out preprinted forms Elliam Associates 255 INVOICING Kaypro 4,10 Integrated with accounts receivable WEKTAR Computer Services 599 LEASE VS. PURCHASE ANALYSIS Business management series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 LINEAR PROGRAMMING Business Management Series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 99 100 MASTERTEMP TEMPLATES Kaypro 11,4,10 A Perfect Writer and Perfect Calc Aid Mastermind Computing 351 MCC TRAMS Kaypro 4,10 A time recording and management system Midwest Computer Center Co. 392 MEDIC80 Medical office management Basis, Inc. Kaypro 10 MICRO LEDGER SALES ANALYSIS "TRACK" Sales analysis program Tiny Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 * 78 32 * 577 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT General COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE MICROGRAPH Kaypro 11,4,10 Business Graphics for Plotter Output Cosmos Software Company 160 MILESTONE For project management Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 179 MINI-MAX Solves linear programming problems Agricultural Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 45 MMC Kaypro 10 Maintenance management control Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 299 OFFICE MATE Office Automation Micrometrics 386 Kaypro 11,4,10 OPTIMIZER Kaypro 11,4,10 Business application programming aid by Supersoft Softeam 503 PACE Kaypro 11,4,10 A professional production control package E.F. Haskell & Associates 239 PADMEDE BUSINESS CONTROL SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 An integrated business application software system Padmede Computer Services 418 PATHFINDER Kaypro 11,4,10 A system for project planning and scheduling Shapler Associates, Inc. 490 PERFECT CONVERSIONS Perfect Calc utility package Computer System Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 140 PLAN 80 A financial modeling package Executive Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 * 267 33 * BUSINESS MANAGEMENT General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE PMS-II Kaypro 4,10 A critical path project management system North America MICA, Inc. 404 PRO BOOKKEEPER/QUICK CHECK Small business and personal Chuck Atkinson Programs 102 fin~nce Kaypro 11,4,10 management PROFFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 Office management aid by Frontier Software Softeam 503 Kaypro 4,10 REALWORLD SALES ANALYSIS Sales analysis system MBSI-RealWorld Corporation 343 SALES PLOT Kaypro 11,4,10 Plots gross sales for a company by month Resource Software International 466 SCRATCH PAD Kaypro 11,4,10 Electronic spreadsheet written in C by Supersoft Softeam 505 Kaypro 11,4,10 SCRATCHPAD A Spreadsheet SuperSoft Inc. 543 Kaypro 11,4,10 SPELLBINDER Word processing and office management system Lexisoft, Inc. 336 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Business Management Series Century Software 100 Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPERVISOR CONTROL SYSTEM (SCS) Kaypro II Business management (especially for Shaklee supervisors) Little Bita Software, Inc. 337 T/MAKER III Kaypro 11,4,10 Word processor, spreadsheet, list processing, graphics T/Maker Company 551 * 34 * BUSINESS MANAGEMENT General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS TAX-WARE Kaypro 4,10 17 programs for complete tax preparation and accounting Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. PAGE 32 THE FORTY-NINER Kaypro 11,4,10 Sales prospecting management system Excalibur Systems, Inc. 264 THE RELIABLE BUSINESS SERIES General Ledger business system Reliable Software, Inc. 451 Kaypro 11,4,10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM Kaypro 10 Eight interactive financial management applications Open Systems, Inc. 411 THE WEDGE An electronic spreadsheet Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 549 THE WORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Operations resource management LWFW, Inc., Group Kaypro 10 331 TIME Kaypro 11,4,10 Electronic calendar, rolodex, telephone calls D.B.S. 169 TIME ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 Bytesmith Software's time accounting package National Datatec Corporation 400 Kaypro 11,4,10 TIME TRACKER Small human service organization management system Computer Craft 124 * 35 * BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Inventory APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ACCOUNTING PLUS INVENTORY CONTROL Maintains an inventory master file ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 PAGE 20 ADS INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 A complete analysis of inventory stock levels ADS Software, Inc. 10 ARBA POINT OF SALE SYSTEM Kaypro 10 A retail point of sale and inventory control system ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 22 COMPAL INVENTORY SYSTEM A full function inventory system Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 10 110 FIVE STAR MANUFACTURING INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 An inventory control for small manufacturers Pericomp Corporation 426 GOLD SERIES II INVENTORY CONTROL Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 195 Kaypro 4,10 GOLD-24 INVENTORY CONTROL Stand alone or integrated with Gold accounting Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 199 IN-TALLY Kaypro 11,4,10 Inventory management w/customer mail list NBS Computer Systems 397 INV-X Inventory control Micro Architect, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 INVENTORY Allows up to 1,000 parts Ironwood Kaypro 11,4,10 358 316 Kaypro 4,10 INVENTORY System of inventory and material requirements WEKTAR Computer Services * 36 * 599 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Inventory APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE INVENTORY CONTROL Kaypro 11,4,10 An interactive, on-line, stock control system Taranto & Associates, Inc. 558 MANUFACTURING INVENTORY CNTRL/BOMP Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH bill of materials processor module. ELTECH Associates 244 MANUFACTURING INVENTORY CNTRL/MICS Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH manufacturing inventory control module ELTECH Associates 244 MANUFACTURING RESOURCE PLANNING Kaypro 11,4,10 MRP is a comprehensive manufacturing production aid Integral Computer Systems 312 MCC INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 Improves customer service and internal control Midwest Computer Center Co. 391 PLC Kaypro 10 Parts location control Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 300 POINT OF SALE INVENTORY Kaypro 11,4,10 Sales/inventory management including QUICK REGISTER Chuck Atkinson Programs 102 PRICE-IT Feed pricing and inventory program Agricultural Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 REALWORLD INVENTORY CONTROL Inventory control system MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 47 342 STOCK-TRACK Kaypro 11,4,10 Point-of-sale inventory control/Franchise Accounting JANCO Systems, Inc. 319 Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS TOTAL INVENTORY Inventory TCS Software, Inc. 553 * 37 * BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Inventory APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM INV. Kaypro 10 Inventory: Market response and stock control Open Systems, Inc. 413 TLC Kaypro 10 Tool location control Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 300 Job Costing COMPU-DATA-SCAN Kaypro 10 Bar code reader/microcomputer interface Compusol, Inc. DAIRY CATTLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Formulates least-cost ration for any type dairy animal Agricultural Software Consultants 116 45 GOLD SERIES II JOB COSTING Kaypro 11,4,10 May be integrated with GOLD Series II accounting Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 196 GOLD-24 JOB COSTING Kaypro 4,10 Stand alone or use with Gold accounting system Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 200 Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI*LINE MANUFACTURING Manufacturing management system Holland Automation USA, Inc. 291 JET Kaypro 11,4,10 Job estimating and tracking Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 298 JOB COSTING Kaypro 4,10 Analysis of estimated vs. actual expenses Micro Data Business Forms & Systems 370 JOB COSTING Bytesmith Software's Job Costing National Datatec Corporation 399 * 38 Kaypro 10 * BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Job Costing COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------- JOB COSTING Maintains records of jobs Taylor Micro Systems Kaypro 10 LINEAR PROGRAMMING Business Management Series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 568 100 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS JCST Kaypro 11,4,10 ELETCH manufacturing job cost module ELTECH Associates 241 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS LABP Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH labor reporting / performance system ELTECH Associates 242 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS MRP Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH material requirements planning control module ELTECH Associates 242 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS PURCH Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH purchase order control module ELTECH Associates 243 Kaypro 11,4,10 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS SHOC ELTECH shop order control ELTECH Associates 243 Kaypro 4,10 MCC BOMP MCC software's bill of materials processor Midwest Computer Center Co. 389 MCC BUDGETING/ESTIMATING Kaypro 4,10 Monitors actual vs. estimated job costs Midwest Computer Center Co. 390 MCC JOB COSTING Kaypro 4,10 Accumulates all incomes and costs through G/L journals Midwest Computer Center Co. 391 MONITOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Job cost accounting and project mangagement system Clements Company, The 103 * 39 * BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Job Costing APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE PAYROLL/JOB COSTING Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes regular, overtime, and piecework pay Taranto & Associates, Inc. 559 PLANTRAC Kaypro 4,10 Comprehensive and flexible project management system Computerline Limited 146 PLANTRAC 1 Kaypro 4,10 Flexible project management software system Computerline Limited 146 PLANTRAC 1+ Kaypro 4,10 Flexible project management software system Computerline Limited 147 PLANTRAC-CS Kaypro 4,10 Control system for a work breakdown structure Computerline Limited 147 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM J.C. Job Cost: production cost control Open Systems, Inc. 413 Kaypro 10 TLC Kaypro 10 Tool location control Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 300 Quality Control MMC Kaypro 10 Maintenance management control Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 299 Security Systems ALARM SUBSCRIBER INFO. RETRIEVAL Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows recall of information on alarm subscribers Elrod Computers * 40 * 259 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Graphics COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCUCHART Menu driven hard copy graphics generator Big Trees Software Corporation PAGE 85 Kaypro 10 BGRAPHIC+ Business graphics Amcad 49 Kaypro 11,4,10 DATA PLOTTER Publication quality graphs on dot matrix printers Lark Software 333 DGRAPH Kaypro 11,4,10 Creates professional quality business graphics Fox & Geller, Inc. 272 DR ACCESS 10 Graphics terminal emulator Digital Research, Inc. 188 Kaypro 4,10 (8") DR KERNEL Kaypro 4,10 (8") Graphics development tool for programmers Digital Research, Inc. 189 DR PLOT Kaypro 4,10 (8") Higher level programmer tool for data rep. graphics Digital Research, Inc. 189 MICROGRAPH Kaypro 11,4,10 Business Graphics for Plotter Output Cosmos Software Company 160 QCAL Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Device-independent graphics subroutine package Tesseract Associates 573 Languages ACTIVE TRACE Kaypro 11,4,10 Debugging and learning tool for Microsoft basic AWARECO * 41 * 24 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Languages APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ADA Kaypro 11,4,10 Compiler by Supersoft Softeam PAGE 497 Kaypro 11,4,10 ADA A language compiler SuperSoft Inc. 538 ALCOR 'c' LANGUAGE SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4 A complete program development package Alcor Systems 48 ALCOR MULTI-BASIC LANGUAGE SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4 A complete program development package Alcor Systems 48 ALCOR PASCAL LANGUAGE SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4 A complete program development package Alcor Systems 49 ATI MBASIC Kaypro 11,4,10 Write programs and learn programming logic techniques American Training International 60 AZTEC C C()~lP r LEKS Kaypro 11,4,10 Used for C language program developement Manx Software Systems 348 BASTOC Basic-to-C language translator JMI Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 320 BDsec 0 i'1 P I L E R Kaypro 11,4,10 A subset of the full C Language Workman & Associates 608 C COHPILER Kaypro 11,4,10 By Supersoft Softeam 498 C COMPILER A language compiler SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 540 * 42 * COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Languages APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE C' (C-PRIME) Kaypro 11,4,10 A powerful general-purpose programming language Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 366 CB80 A direct enhancement of CBASIC Digital Research, Inc. 186 Kaypro 11,4,10 CB80 Kaypro 11,4,10 A true compiler for CBasic 2 by Digital Research Softeam 498 CB80 LANGUAGE UTILITIES Kay~ro 11,4,10 Designed to aid program development using CB80 Elite Software Development, Inc. 249 CBASIC Kaypro 11,4,10 Programming language for microcomputers Digital Research, Inc. 186 CIS COBOL Kaypro 10 Implements ANSI: X3.23 1974/COBOL by Micro Focus Softeam 498 COBOL 80 Kaypro 11,4,10 Language by Microsoft Softeam 498 COMMON PILOT Kaypro 11,4,10 An implementation of Pilot CAl language Micropi 387 CRYSTAL BASIC A basic interpreter Crystal Research, Ltd. Kaypro 11,4,10 163 DYNAFORTH An 8080 assembly language Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 EBASIC WITH STARBASE 3.2 A Basic programming language Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 * 214 215 43 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Languages APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS FORTH (Z80) By Supersoft Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 500 FORTH-79 Kaypro 11,4,10 Implementation of the FORTH compiler language Micro Motion 375 FORTRAN By Supersoft Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 500 FORTRAN A language compiler SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FORTRAN 80 A language by microsoft Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 542 501 HAI*BAS BASIC COMPILER Kaypro 11,4,10 A commercial BASIC programming language and utilities Holland Automation USA, Inc. 287 HASM Hawkeye "fast" Z80 assembler Hawkeye Grafix 286 Kaypro 11,4,10 Kaypro 11,4,10 ISIM A continuous system simulation program Simulation Systems, Ltd. 493 ITOZ/ZTOI Kaypro 11,4,10 A pair of independent source pTogram translators RD Software 443 JANUS/ADA Kaypro 11,4,10 Partial implementation of the Ada Language R. R. Software, Inc. 441 JRT MODULA-2 Kaypro 11,4,10 New programming language which evolved from Pascal JRT Systems 321 * 44 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Languages COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE JRT PASCAL FORMAT PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 A text reformatter which beautifies any Pascal program JRT Systems 322 JRT PASCAL VERSION 3.0 Kaypro 11,4,10 An inexpensive but complete implementation of Pascal JRT Systems 322 JRT PASCAL VERSION 4.0 Kaypro 11,4,10 An inexpensive but complete implementation of Pascal JRT Systems 323 LEVEL II COBOL-86 Microcomputer programming language Digital Research, Inc. 189 APPLICATION/VENDOR Kaypro 11,4,10 MAC Kaypro 11,4,10 Macro assembler by Digital Research Softeam 501 MACRO 1 Macro assembler by Supersoft Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 501 MACRO 80 Macro assembler by Microsoft Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 501 MAGIC/L Kaypro 11,4,10 Interactive language and development environment Loki Engineering, Inc. 338 MATHPAK Kaypro 11,4,10 Float 4 long capabilities for C/80 3.0 Software Toolworks 519 MICRO BT FOR CBASIC 2 Key file accessing by Faircom Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 502 MICRO BT FOR MBASIC Key file accessing by Faircom Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 * 45 502 * COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Languages APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS MICRONET Kaypro 11,4,10 A powerful network simulation system Pritsker & Associates, Inc. PAGE 434 MULISP/MUSTAR Language by Microsoft Softeam MUP-FORTH PROGRAMMER'S KIT Forth computer language Mountain View Press PAS CAL 8 0 CP / 1'1 Pascal compiler New Classics Software PASCAL MT WITH SPP VERSION 5.5 By Digital Research Softeam PASCAL/MT+ Language Digitat Research, Inc. PASCAL/Z COMPILER A Pascal compiler Ithaca Intersystems, Inc. PL/I-BO Language Digital Research, Inc. PLMX COMPILER A flexible cross-compiler Syscon Corporation Q/C COMPILER Compiler for C language Code Works, The RATFOR Kaypro 11,4,10 FORTRAN language enhancement by Supersoft Softeam * 46 504 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Languages APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS RATFOR Structured Fortran Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 520 RM/COBOL Kaypro II,4,10 Full development system by Ryan McFarland Softeam 505 RM/COBOL (COMPILER/RUNTIME) Kaypro II,4,10 For developing professional COBOL business applications Ryan-McFarland Corporation 473 Kaypro II,4,10 RM/COBOL RUNTIME Runtime only by Ryan McFarland Softeam 505 SL-MICRO Kaypro II,4,10 A statistical language for microcomputers Questionnaire Service Co. 440 TINY PASCAL By Supersoft Softeam Kaypro II,4,10 507 TOOLWORKS C/80 2.0 C/80 compiler Software Toolworks Kaypro II,4,10 TOOLWORKS LISP/80 Artificial intelligence language Software Toolworks Kaypro II,4,10 522 522 UNIFORTH Kaypro II,4,10 A version of the FORTH programming language Unified Software Systems UVMAC Macro assemblers Software Toolworks Kaypro II,4,10 2-8000 Cross assembler by Supersoft Softeam Kaypro II,4,10 581 523 * 507 47 * COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Languages APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE Z80 FORTH Kaypro 11,4,10 Compiler/Interpreter for Z80 microcomputers Laboratory Microsystems, Inc. 332 ZAS Z8000 software development package Western Wares Kaypro 11,4,10 605 ZDM/ZDMZ Z-80 debuggers and monitors RD Software Kaypro 11,4,10 443 Program Generators AUTOCODE I dBase II program generator Axel-Johnson, Corp. Kaypro 11,4,10 73 CUSTOM SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Kaypro 11,4,10 A Custom Software Development Service Computer Systems Engineering, Inc. 141 FORMS 2 Kaypro 10 A COBOL source code generator by Micro Focus Softeam 500 QUICKCODE Kaypro 11,4,10 dBase II program generator for business applications Fox & Geller, Inc. 273 QUICKSCREEN FOR CBASIC Kaypro 11,4,10 Screen builder-program generator by Fox & Geller Assoc. Softeam 504 QUICKSCREEN FOR MBASIC Kaypro 11,4,10 Screen builder-program generator by Fox & Geller Assoc. Softeam 504 QUIKPRO+II An automatic program writer ICR Futuresoft 296 * Kaypro 11,4,10 48 * COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Program Generators APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS SYSTEM-80/2 COBOL program generator Phoenix Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 427 Systems Security CIPHER An encryption program by DAGAR Software Development Corporation Kaypro 10 DATALOCK Password protection of data files Southern Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DEDICATE/32 Public key encryption program Merritt Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") ENCODE/DECODE II By Supersoft Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 509 527 353 500 PACK AND CRYPT Kaypro 11,4,10 Saves room on disks; protects sensitive files Software Toolworks 520 QCRYPT Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") CP/M file Encipher/Decipher command Tesseract Associates 574 SOFTGUARD Kaypro 11,4,10 Prevents software piracy Advanced Computer Security Concepts 28 Systems Support/Utilities ACCESS MANAGER Kaypro 11,4,10 B-Tree structured file retrieval system Digital Research, Inc. 49 * 185 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Systems Support/Utilities APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS AUTODIFF File difference detector Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 518 AUTOSORT-C/CR OR AUTOSORT-M/MR Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") A high speed sort/merge/select module Computer Control Systems, Inc. 122 BACKREST Kaypro 10 Intelligent hard disk to floppy backup/restore Stok Software, Inc. 534 BASIC-K MAGAZINE A magazine on diskette Basic-K Magazine Kaypro 11,4 BT-80 Record retrieval system Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 76 186 BT80 Kaypro 11,4,10 Record retrieval system by Digital Research Softeam 497 C-PACK Disk full of useful utilities Western Wares Kaypro 11,4,10 602 CIS COBOL/CIS COBOL-86 Microcomputer programming language Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 187 CO-SORT Kaypro 11,4,10 General purpose in-line sort/merge routine Information Resources CP/M Microcomputer operating system Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CP/M PLUS (3.0) Microcomputer operating system Dig~tal Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 * / 50 304 187 187 * COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Systems Support/Utilities COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR CPL:COMPUTER-PHONE-LINK Kaypro 11,4,10 Asynchronous communications for up/downloading Cawthon Scientific Group PAGE 96 Kaypro 11,4,10 DESPOOL Programming utility Digital Research, Inc. 188 DESPOOL Kaypro 11,4,10 Backround print utility by Digital Research Softeam 499 DIAGNOSTIC II HARDWARE CHECKER By Supersoft Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 499 DIAGNOSTICS II A System Diagnostics SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro II 540 DISK DOCTOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Recovers crashed diskettes automatically SuperSoft Inc. 541 DISK DRIVE ANALYZER Kaypro 11,4,10 Checks alignment and adjustments of floppy disk drives J & M Systems, Ltd. 318 Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK EDIT Physical disk editor by Supersoft Softeam 499 DISK FIX Kaypro 11,4,10 Disk editor and recovery utility (floppies/hard disk) Software Store, The 515 DISK UTILITY PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 DDUMP, DTEST, DDUP, DUSER, UNERA and DUMPA Elektrokonsult A/S, Inc. 247 DISK-EDIT Kaypro 11,4,10 A screen-oriented disk editor & powerful debugging tool SuperSoft Inc. 541 * 51 * COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Systems Support/Utilities APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS DISKETTE FORMAT CONVERSION Kaypro II Diskette downloading service from over 60 formats Port-A-Soft EUREKA! A menu driven disk cataloger Mendocino Software Company, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FABS-II Fast access B-Tree structure Computer Control Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") FILEFIX A disk file utility Digital Marketing Kaypro II,4,10 FIVE STAR SUPERFILE BACKUP SYSTEM System for backing-up files Pericomp Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 429 353 123 177 426 HAI*BAS RUN TIME Kaypro II,4,10 The HAl operating system, interpreter and utilities Holland Automation USA, Inc. 287 HAI*LINE FILEKEEPER ! Kaypro 11,4,10 A report generator and file manager Holland Automation USA, Inc. 289 HDIS 8080 Program disassembler Elliam Associates 256 Kaypro II,4,10 INFO-80 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Kaypro 4,10 Development and implementation system for applications Software Store, The 515 MAC Programming utility Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 190 MENU CP/M file utility for beginners Computing Kaypro II,4,10 * 52 150 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Systems Support/Utilities APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE MENUMAKER Kaypro 11,4,10 Allow system tasks to be accomplished with a key stroke Systems Plus 548 MICRONET Kaypro 11,4,10 A powerful network simulation system Pritsker & Associates, Inc. 434 ORGANIZER II Universal operator interface Information People, The 302 Kaypro 11,4,10 P-FILE Kaypro 11,4,10 Printer output to disk file utility Elite Software Development, Inc. 252 P-SPOOL (PRINT SPOOLER) Kaypro 11,4,10 Print a file and use another program Simultaneously Elite Software Development, Inc. 252 PACK AND CRYPT Kaypro 11,4,10 Saves room on disks; protects sensitive files Software Toolworks 520 PDIR Paging directory utility program Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 256 PERFECT CONVERSIONS Perfect Calc utility package Computer System Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 POWER A CP/M utility program Computing Kaypro 11 1 4,10 PROGRAM MAP BASIC Cross reference utility for MBASIC Software Store, The Kaypro 11,4,10 140 151 PUBLIC DO~AIN SOFTWARE Kaypro 11,4,10 An economic means for acquiring software Elliam Associates * 53 * 515 256 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Systems Support/Utilities APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS RAP System reliability analysis tool Micrometries Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 386 RECOVER Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Recovers accidentally :ERAsed" files Southern Computer Systems, Inc. 528 RHESUS-ERASED-FILE RECOVERY SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Recovers accidentally or mistakenly erased files Olsen Software 410 SAM Kaypro 11,4,10 A utility for splitting and merging CP/M files Border Business Systems, Ltd. 86 SCREEN MASTER Kaypro 11,4,10 A powerful general purpose, interactive I/O manager Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. 367 SUPER ZAP Kaypro 11,4,10 Full screen interactive disk patcher Software Toolworks 521 SYNOPSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 For CP/M file indexing--using a word processor Digital Marketing 183 THE PERFECT ENHANCEMENT Kaypro 11,4,10 A PW control key to keyboard function key enhancement A+B+Computus Company THE TRANSPORTER Kaypro 11,4,10 Sends files between different CP/M machines Workman & Associates UNE/CON For recovering erased files Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 UNI-LINK Master hard disk control menu Univ~ir Incorporated Kaypro 10 1 610 257 54 588 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Systems Support/Utilities APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS USER GROUP DTSKS CP/M and SIGIM software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 258 Eiliam Associates UTILITIES I Kaypro 11,4,10 General purpose program by Supersoft Softeam 507 UTILITIES II Kaypro 11,4,10 General purpose program by Supersoft Softeam 507 VIEW CP/M disk block editor Western \vares Kaypro 11,4,10 604 WASH Directory utility Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 258 ZEN 3 Kaypro 11,4,10 Utility for word processing and program development Zenrad Controls Company 612 ZSID Kaypro 11,4,10 Programming utility - Symbolic debugger Digital Research, Inc. 191 ZSID Kaypro 11,4,10 Sysbolic debugger for Z/80 by Digital Research Softeam 507 T@Ehnieftl Training Aids ACTIVE TRACE Kaypro 11,4,10 Debugging and learning tool for Microsoft basic AWARECO 24 ALCOR 'c' LANGUAGE SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4 A complete program development package Alcor Systems 48 * 55 * COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Technical Training Aids COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ALCOR MULTI-BASIC LANGUAGE SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4 A complete program development package Alcor Systems 48 ALCOR PASCAL LANGUAGE SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4 A complete program development package Alcor Systems 49 Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI CP/M Introduction to CP/M's commands American Training International 59 ATI MBASIC Kaypro 11,4,10 Write programs and learn programming logic techniques American Training International 60 ATI MULTIPLAN Kaypro 11,4,10 Learn commands for worksheet manipulation American Training International 60 ATI PERFECT CALC Set up and manipulate worksheets American Training International 60 Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI PERFECT WRITER Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches document creation, editing, and printing American Training International 61 ATI WORDSTAR VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches WORDSTAR MENU and document formatting commands American Training International 61 ATI dBASE II VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 Kaypro 11,4,10 Introduction to dBASE II including files and programs American Training International 62 Kaypro 11,4,10 BASICS OF BASIC Basic programming tutorial Microfun 383 Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMON PILOT An implementation of Pilot CAl language Mlcropi * 56 * 387 COMPUTER MANAGEMENT AIDS Technical Training Aids APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS DR KERNEL Kaypro 4,10 (8") Graphics development tool for programmers Digital Research, Inc. PAGE 189 Kaypro 11,4,10 EVERYMAN'S DATABASE PRIMER Book by Ashton-Tate Softeam 500 FLYPCHART Kaypro 11,4,10 A self-paced teaching or help file on flip-chart Systems Plus 547 MASTERTEMP TEMPLATES Kaypro 11,4,10 A Perfect Writer and Perfect Calc Aid Mastermind Computing 351 Kaypro 11,4,10 PROTRAN A translator writing system Solvfield, Ltd. 525 SOFTWARE ANTHOLOGY SERIES Kaypro 11,4,10 Series of four CP/M user group utility disks Workman & Associates * 57 610 DATA COMMUNICATIONS Data Security APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE DATATALKER 1 Kaypro 11,4,10 Communications: intelligent front end processor Winterhalter, Inc. 606 ENCODE/DECODE II By Supersoft Softeam 500 TELEX-A-SYSTEM Telex, mailgram, D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 Kaypro 11,4,10 telegram, cablegram software 168 Telecommunications BSTAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Micro to mainframe communication by Byrom software Softeam 497 CLEO-3780 Kaypro II Bisynchronous communications software Phone 1, Inc. 428 COMM 78 Kaypro 11,4,10 Data transfer between microcomputers Latham Computer Center, Inc. 334 COMM 79 Kaypro 11,4,10 Data transfer between Kaypro and data general computers Latham Computer Center, Inc. 334 ~OMMUNICATIONS Kaypro II A smart terminal and file transfer program Woolf Software Systems COMMX Communications exchange program Hawkeye Grafix Kaypro 11,4,10 283 COMMX-FORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Mainframe link to micro without error Hawkeye Grafix * 58 607 * 284 DATA COMMUNICATIONS Telecommunications APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS COMMX-PAC Communications exchange package Hawkeye Grafix Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 284 CONSOLX Kaypro 11,4,10 Enables remote operation of your computer Hawkeye Grafix 285 Kaypro 11,4,10 COPYLINK Communications software U.S. Digital Corporation 580 CPL:COMPUTER-PHONE-LINK Kaypro 11,4,10 Asynchronous communications for up/downloading Cawthon Scientific Group 96 CSA BULLETIN BOARD Kaypro 11,4,10 Configurable bulletin board program Computer System Associates, Inc. 139 CTL: COMPUTER-TELEX-LINK Kaypro 11,4,10 Kaypro link to a variety of Telex services Cawthon Scientific Group 97 EMM Kaypro 11,4,10 Electronic mail manager option for COMMX-PAC Hawkeye Grafix 286 FILE MOVER Kaypro 11,4,10 Transfers files between computers via serial link Elektrokonsult A/S, Inc. 247 MICRO-TOPICS Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated micro-mainframe processing system INTRAK, INC. 297 MIST Integrated communications system New Era Technologies, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 Kaypro 11,4,10 MITE A data communication/file transfer program Mycroft Labs, Inc. 59 402 396 DATA COMMUNICATIONS Telecommunications APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE MOVE-IT Kaypro 11,4,10 Micro to micro communication by Woolf Software Systems Softeam 502 Kaypro 11,4,10 R.T.D. Communications program ADI 7 SOFTCOM Kaypro 11,4,10 Telecommunications utility (intelligent terminal also) Software Store, The 516 TELCOMM A modem program Key Communications Service, Inc. 328 Kaypro 11,4 TERM II Kaypro 11,4,10 Communications micro to micro and mainframe/Supersoft Softeam 506 Kaypro 11,4,10 TERM II An interactive communications program SuperSoft Inc. 545 TERMINAL Kaypro 11,4,10 Program for ASCII file uploading and downloading E1ektrokonsu1t A/S, Inc. 248 TERMINAL EMULATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Uses Kaypros for smart terminal emulation Banana Computer Showroom, Inc. 75 THE BENCHMARK TELECOMMUNICATIONS Kaypro 11,4,10 CP/M file transfer between machines Metasoft Corporation 355 THE MICRO LINK II For telecommunications Digital Marketing 183 Kaypro 11,4,10 THE TRANSPORTER Kaypro 11,4,10 Sends files between different CP/M machines Workman & Associates * 60 * 610 DATA COMMUNICATIONS Telecommunications COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE TODAY'S FUTURE MAIL Kaypro 11,4,10 Set of programs that assemble ECOM transmission files Today's Future 578 TTY Kaypro 11,4,10 Terminal emulation and file transfer MVA Systematica 346 TXL:TELEX-LINK Kaypro 11,4,10 Interfaces Kaypro to the Western Union Telex II network Cawthon Scientific Group VIDTEX 3.0 An intelligent terminal emulation CompuServe 97 Kaypro II 115 W$L:WALL-$TREET-LINK Kaypro 11,4,10 Dial and use the Dow Jones Information Network Cawthon Scientific Group 98 YAP Kaypro 11,4,10 YAM, KERMIT, and K-MODEM communications software Kinch Computer Company 329 * 61 * DATABASE MANAGEMENT General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ALIST A low cost database manager Honor System Software Kaypro 11,4 PAGE 293 ALIST+ Kaypro 11,4 Low cost database manager, adds arithmetic functions Honor System Software 294 ATI dBASE II VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 Kaypro 11,4,10 Introduction to dBASE II including files and programs American Training International 62 AUTOCODE I dBase II program generator Axel-Johnson, Corp. Kaypro 11,4,10 73 BYTEC DATABASE MANAGEMENT PROCESSOR File maintenance BYTEC Kaypro 4,10 75 CARDBOX-PLUS Kaypro 11,4,10 Interactive data storage and retrieval system Business Simulations Limited CIA RELATIONAL DBMS VERSION A A database management system Computer Investment Advice 90 Kaypro 11,4,10 132 CIA RELATIONAL DBMS VERSION B Kaypro 11,4,10 An enhancement of CIA DBMS Version A Computer Investment Advice 132 CIA RELATIONAL DBMS VERSION C Kaypro 11,4,10 A DBMS plus data manipulation language Computer Investment Advice 133 CLIENT Kaypro 10 Database management for various professionals American Micro Dynamics, Inc. DATA BASE 3 Kaypro 11,4,10 A general file maintenance database program Hol,liday Software * 62 * 57 293 DATABASE MANAGEMENT General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE DATA RETRIEVAL SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Stores and retrieves information using key words Dynacomp, Inc. 211 DATAFLOW Kaypro 11,4,10 Database and information processing system Great Northern Computer Services 280 DAY ONE A flexible DBMS software package Day One Software, Inc. 174 Kaypro 11,4,10 DBASE II Kaypro 11,4,10 Complete database manager by Ashton-Tate Softeam 499 DBPLUS Kaypro 11,4,10 DBASE II add on product (Utility Program) HumanSoft 295 DMS-III Kaypro 4,10 A Relational Data Base Management System Microline, Inc. 384 DOCUMENT INDEX Kaypro 10 Stores and retrieves various documents, letters, etc. Contract Research Software Corp. 156 DUTIL Utility for dBASE II Fox & Geller, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 273 FMS-80 Relational database Computerworks, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 149 HAI*LINE FILEKEEPER Kaypro 11,4,10 A report ,generator and file manager Holland "Automation USA, Inc. 289 IDM-X Data base manager Micro Architect, Inc. 357 Kaypro 11,4,10 63 DATABASE MANAGEMENT General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS INFO-MANAGE Data base management program, Trahair Info - Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 579 INFORMAX XX Kaypro 10 Multi-user & processing/networking/business database Abacus Data, Inc. 25 MASTERFILE Kaypro 11,4,10 List & label program that merges with word processing Insurance Sales Systems 309 MDBS III A database management system Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 366 MINIMUM DATABASE Small database management Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 NOTEBOOK The free-form data base system Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 609 180 OPTIMUM DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 Data base manager and application host Uveon Computer Systems, Inc. PERSONAL PEARL Database management system California Business Systems 590 Kaypro 11,4,10 95 PERSONAL PEARL Kaypro 11,4,10 A relational database management system for novices Pearlsoft 422 PRO/SEARCH Kaypro 10 High speed selective search match program North Bay Systems, Inc. 404 QUESTEXT III Kaypro II Store, retrieve, communicate information by menu Information Reduction Research 303 * 64 DATABASE MANAGEMENT General COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 QUICKCODE dBase II program generator for business applications Fox & Geller, Inc. 273 RADAR-II Kaypro 11,4,10 A data entry system providing key to disk capability Southern Computer Systems, Inc. 527 SDAM II Kaypro 11,4,10 Symbolic Dynamic Access Method-Version II (SDAM) Computer Dev. Specialists of L.I. 126 SUPER Database management system ISA 297 Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPER LIST MANAGER Kaypro 11,4,10 Manages information easily and effectively D.B.S. 168 SUPERFILE SYSTEM Database manager Southdata, Ltd. Kaypro 11,4,10 526 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM T.M.T. The Team Manager data base manager Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 415 UNI-FILE Kaypro 11,4,10 Database management system with report generator Univair Incorporated 588 UNI-SORT Special sorting interface Univair Incorporated 589 Kaypro 11,4,10 Mailing D-UTIL Utility for DBASE II by Fox Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 & Geller 498 65 DATABASE MANAGEMENT Mailing APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS MAIL-X An advanced mailing list system Micro Architect, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MAIL80 Mailing list management Basis, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 PAGE 358 78 MAILING LIST SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 Allows the user to keep a mailing list Compal Computer Systems 112 MASTERFILE Kaypro 11,4,10 List & label program that merges with word processing Insurance Sales Systems 309 MCC NAMS Name and address management system Midwest Computer Center Co. 392 Kaypro 4,10 MEDIT Kaypro 11,4,10 Mailing list and form letter editor Western Wares 604 MICROMAILER Kaypro 11,4,10 A complete mailing list management system D.B.S. 167 NAMOR Mailing list program Shape, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 489 QUICK CODE Kaypro II,4~lO Program generator for DBASE II by Fox & Geller Softeam TCS Q/LABEL Label generation TCS Software, Inc. 504 Kaypro 11,4,10 552 THE BENCHMARK MAIL LIST Kaypro 11,4,10 Merges to the Benchmark Word Processor Metasoft Corporation * 66 * 354 EDUCATION Administration APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 4,10 (8") Accounts payable for fund oriented agencies School Management Systems PAGE 483 Kaypro 4,10 (8") ATTENDANCE SYSTEM School attendance management School Management Systems 484 CAPPS Kaypro 10 Computerized school administration accounting system Integral Computer Systems 311 CLUB ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 (8") A club/class/student body accounting system School Management Systems 484 DOUBLE ENTRY FUND ACCOUNTING Kaypro 4,10 (8") Double entry accounting for fund oriented agencies School Management Systems 484 DPC FUND ACCOUNTING Kaypro 4 Accounting system for school and public agencies D P Consultants, Inc. 165 FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (VER 1.0) Kaypro4,10 (8") An accounting system for fund oriented agencies School Management Systems 485 SALCALC Kaypro 4,10 (8") Salary schedule calculator for teachers School Management Systems 486 SCHOOL PAYROLL SYSTEM School payroll management School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") SCHOOLMASTER School administration software Data Management Sales, Inc. Kaypro 10 487 67 170 * EDUCATION Administration APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS SERVICE BILLING For any service firm American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 52 SIMSYS Kaypro 11,4,10 Powell system's school information management system Powell Systems, Inc. 429 STUDENT BILLING SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 (8") Balance forward hilling system for students School Management Systems 488 STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) Kaypro 10 Student scheduling, grade reporting, and attendance Integral Computer Systems 312 STUDENT RECORD SYSTEM Student record management School Management Systems 488 Kaypro 4,10 (8") WISCR-80 Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets Wechsler intelligence scale for children Precision People, Inc. 432 Artificial Intelligence ANALIZA II Kaypro 11,4,10 An interactive psychiatrist/patient type program SuperSoft Inc. 539 ELIZA Kaypro 11,4,10 An artificial intelligence demonstration program Artificial Intelligence Research 66 ELIZA Kaypro 11,4,10 Recreation of the original artificial intelligence pgm. Software Toolworks ELIZA II Artificial intelligence program Dynacomp, Inc. 68 518 Kaypro 11,4,10 215 EDUCATION Artificial Intelligence APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS TOOLWORKS LISP/80 Artificial intelligence language Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 522 Computer Aided Instruction 020 LET'S HAVE FUN COUNTING Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 022 LET'S HAVE FUN COMPARING Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 025 SIMPLE ADDITION Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Resource Software International Kaypro II t 4,10 026 LET'S HAVE FUN SUBTRACTING Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 027 MULTIPLYING SINGLE DIGITS Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 028 SIMPLE DIVISION Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 451 452 452 453 453 453 032 ADDING TWO DIGIT NUMBERS WIO Kaypro 11,4,10 Without carrying - drill and practice for grades 3-5 Resource Software International 454 033 ADDING TWO DIGIT NUMBERS WITH Kaypro 11,4,10 With carrying - drill and practice for grades 3-5 Resource Software International 454 035 SUBTRACTION I Drill and practice for grades 3-5 Resource Software International 454 * 69 Kaypro 11,4,10 EDUCATION Computer Aided Instruction APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS 036 SUBTRACTING II Drill and practice for grades 3-5 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 050 LEARNING & PRACTICING - MONEY Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 052 LEARNING & PRACTICING-FRACTIONS Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 054 LEARNING EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 056 LEARNING PERCENTAGES Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 057 LEARNING DECIMALS Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Resource Software International Kaypr"o 11,4,10 058 LEARNING DISCOUNTS Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 070 VOCABULARY BUILDING I Drill and practice for grades 4-7 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 071 VOCABULARY BUILDING II Drill and practice for grades 4-7 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 072 VOCABULARY BUILDING III Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 455 455 456 456 457 457 457 458 458 080 VERBS I Kaypro 11,4,10 Drill and practice on past tense/participle--grades 6-8 Resource Software International 70 PAGE 458 459 EDUCATION Computer Aided Instruction APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE 081 VERBS II Kaypro 11,4,10 Drill and practice on linking verbs for grades 7-8 Resource Software International 459 088 SENTENCES I Kaypro 11,4,10 Drills and practice in combining sent. for grades 5-8 Resource Software International 460 089 SENTENCES II Kaypro 11,4,10 Drill and practice in classifying sent. for grades 6-8 Resource Software International 460 092 MEASUREMENTS Kaypro 11,4,10 Students learn to solve measurement conversion problems Resource Software International 460 095 LETTER WRITING Drills and practice for grades 6-8 Resource Software International 461 Kaypro 11,4,10 ACTIVE TRACE Kaypro 11,4,10 Debugging and learning tool for Microsoft Basic AWARECO 24 ATI CP/M Introduction to CP/M's commands American Training International 59 Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI MBASIC Kaypro 11,4,10 Write programs and learn programming logic techniques American Training International 60 ATI MULTIPLAN Kaypro 11,4,10 Learn commands for worksheet manipulation American Training International 60 Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI PERFECT CALC Set up and manipulate worksheets American Training International 60 ATI PERFECT WRITER Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches document creation, editing, and printing American Training International * 71 * 61 EDUCATION Computer Aided Instruction APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ATI WORDSTAR VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches WORDSTAR MENU and document formatting commands American Training International 61 Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI dBASE II VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 Introduction to dBASE II including files and programs American Training International 62 BASICS OF BASIC Basic programming tutorial Microfun Kaypro 11,4,10 383 BRAINSTORMER Kaypro II Generates potential solutions to complex problems Soft Path Systems 495 COMMON PILOT Kaypro 11,4,10 An implementation of Pilot CAl language Micropi 387 CRYPTO Kaypro 11,4,10 A comprehensive cryptography program Dynacomp, Inc. 210 ECO-PARADISE Kaypro 11,4,10 Educational quiz-game on environmental issues Public Interest Software 438 Kaypro 11,4,10 FLYPCHART A self-paced teaching or help file on flip-chart Systems Plus 547 HYPER TYPER Typing tutor Summit Software Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 537 HYPERTYPER The personal typing teacher Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 MANAGEMENT SIMULATOR Management simulation game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 179 223 72 EDUCATION Computer Aided Instruction COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE MASTER DRILL Kaypro 11,4,10 Set up mUltiple choice drills on any subject Dynacomp, Inc. 223 MEASUREMENTS Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches students how to do measurement conversion Resource Software International 465 MICROFUN LEARNING SERIES 12 educational programs and games Microfun Kaypro 11,4,10 383 NUTRI-BYTES Teaches the basics of nutrition Public Interest Software Kaypro 11,4,10 439 RANDOM HOUSE ELECTRONIC THESAURUS Kaypro 11,4,10 Computerized thesaurus by Dictronics Softeam 504 TEACHER'S AIDE Mathematics drill for grades 1-6 Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 233 TESTGEN Teachers aid utility School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") 488 TORRICELLI EDITOR Kaypro 11,4,10 A full function courseware authoring program Answer In Computers, The 64 TORRICELLI SCHOOL Kay pro I I , 4 , 1 O' A full function course presentation program Answer In Computers, The 65 TORRICELLI SCRIBE Kaypro 11,4,10 A courseware authoring utility program Answer In Computers, The 65 TORRICELLI SERIES Kaypro 11,4,10 Education-Courseware development aids Answer In Computers, The 65 73 EDUCATION Libraries APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS LIBRARY UTILITIES Computerized library management School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") MICRO LIBRARIAN Personal library management D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 MLS MICRO-CIRC Microcomputer circulation control Micro Library Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 486 167 372 MLS MICRO-PAC Kaypro 10 Microcomputer public access catalog Micro Library Software 74 * 372 MARKETING COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kaypro 4,10 COMPUTER MARKETING A complete computer marketing program Computer Center of Maukato, Inc. 120 CUSTOMER PROFILE Kaypro II,4,10 Keeps track of current and prospective customers Dynacomp, Inc. 211 HAI*LINE SALES ANALYSIS Generates sales analysis files Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 291 MICRO LEDGER SALES ANALYSIS "TRACK" Sales analysis program Tiny Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 577 PROSPECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Kaypro II,4,10 Professional sales client management Koch Industries, Inc. 330 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY Kaypro II,4,10 Tabulates public opinion surveys Stolzberg Research Associates, Inc. 535 REP MANAGER Kaypro 10 Managemnt system for manufacturers' representatives Zenerex Corporation 612 SALES PROSPECTING SYSTEM Kaypro 10 Sales prospect and competitor tracking system Compusol, Inc. 117 THE FORTY-NINER Kaypro II,4,10 Sales prospecting management system Excalibur Systems, Inc. 264 THE PROSPECTOR Sales ~anagement database Executive Data Systems, Inc. 266 75 Kaypro II,4,10 PERSONAL Financial APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS CHECKS AND BALANCES Full screen checking and finance CDE Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 93 CPA II Kaypro 11,4,10 Computerized personal accounting for use in the home Reichert Digital Systems 450 EXECUTIVE'S TIME VALUE Kaypro 11,4,10 A self-analysis of priorities and computed costs Resource Software International 463 Fl120 Kaypro 4,10 Prepares Federal Tax Form 1120 Computer Technical Services of N.J. 142 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Financial analysis package Dynacomp, Inc. 216 Kaypro 11,4,10 FUND-IT Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal educational fund planning package Sawhney Software 481 HOMERECORD (TM) Kaypro 4,10 A self-teaching way to keep track of personal finances Learning Source, Inc. 335 Kaypro 4,10 HOMETAX (TM) A complete tax service Learning Source, Inc. 335 HOW TO USE SUPERCALC Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Book and disk with sample spread sheets Dilithium Press 192 HR-10PROPOSAL (KEOGH) Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax deductible retirement plan proposal Insurance Sales Systems 308 Kaypro 11,4,10 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN Calculates the internal rate of return investments Resource Software International 464 76 * PERSONAL Financial COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Assist the investor in making and managing investments Microcomputer Investors Association 382 ITEMIZER Kaypro 11,4,10 Lets you categorize your financial dealings People Literate Software 423 APPLICATION/VENDOR LEASE VS. PURCHASE ANALYSIS Business management series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 99 LOAN AMORTIZATION AND DEPRECIATION Kaypro 11,4,10 Produces a loan amortization ledger Insurance Sales Systems LOAN AMORTIZATION ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Illustrates the breakdown of principal and interest ACS Publishing Co. 308 2 MASTER TAX BASIC PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 1983 Tax forms in "Perfect Calc" format Mastermind Computing 350 MASTER TAX LONG FORM PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 1983 Tax forms in "Perfect Calc" format Mastermind Computing 350 Kaypro 11,4,10 MASTERTAX SUPPLEMENTAL FORMS 1983 Tax forms in "Perfect Calc" format Mastermind Computing 351 MASTERTEMP TEMPLATES Kaypro 11,4,10 A Perfect Writer and Perfect Calc Aid Mastermind Computing 351 MICRO BOOKKEEPER Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal or small business financial tracking system D.B.S. 166 MICRO FINANCIER Kaypro II A personal and small business finance program Woolf Software Systems 607 * 77 * PERSONAL Financ~ial APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS MICROCOMPUTER BOND PROGRAM Helps evaluate bonds Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROCOMPUTER STOCK PROGRAM Helps analyze stock prices Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro I 1,4,10 MONEY MAESTRO Home banking system Inno Sys Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 MONEY MANAGER A year round budgeting program People Literate Software Kaypro 11,4,10 MORTGAGE ACCELERATION Compares mortgage payment schedule Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 223 224 306 424 309 PERSONAL ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 A complete personal financial management system Taranto & Associates, Inc. 560 Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL BALANCE SHEET Personal finance aid Dynacomp, Inc. 226 PERSONAL FINANCE SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Complete financial management package Dynacomp, Inc. 227 PLANMODE Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal federal income tax planner Sawhney Software 482 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares and analyzes various insurance policies ACS Publishing Co. 3 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Stock portfolio management aid DynaGomp, Inc. 78 Kaypro 11,4,10 228 * PERSONAL Financial COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 POURNELLE ACCOUNTING PACKAGE Home or small business accounting package Workman & Associates 609 PRO BOOKKEEPER/QUICK CHECK Kaypro 11,4,10 Small business and personal finance management Chuck Atkinson Programs 102 PROPOSAL SOFTWARE Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated financial planning package Insurance Sales Systems 310 Kaypro 11,4,10 RETURN ON INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Analyzes the internal return on investment Resource Software International 466 SCRATCH PAD Kaypro 11,4,10 Electronic spreadsheet written in C by Supersoft Softeam 505 SCRATCHPAD A Spreadsheet SuperSoft Inc. 543 Kaypro 11,4,10 SHELTERED INCOME ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculate any single investment at any rate of interest ACS Publishing Co. TAX OPTIMIZER Evaluates various tax alternatives Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TAX-83/CPA Kaypro 4,10 Prepares all important Federal Tax Forms (some State) Computer Technical Services of N.J. TAX-WARE Kaypro 4,10 17 programs for complete tax preparation and accounting Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. TAXMODE Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal federal income tax planner Sawhney Software * 79 * 5 233 142 32 482 PERSONAL Financial COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR Kaypro II,4,10 TERM DIFFERENCE ILLUSTRATOR A life insurance policy comparison program ACS Publishing Co. THE BOTTOM LINE STRATEGIST By Ashton-Tate Softeam PAGE 5 Kaypro II,4,10 506 Kaypro II THE HOME ACCOUNTANT Home and small business financial program Continental Software THE INVESTMENT RETURN ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro II,4,10 Prepares presentation documents for investment earnings ACS Publishing Co. 152 6 THE LANDLORD Kaypro II,4,10 A property and financial manager for rental property Systems Plus 549 TIME VALUE OF MONEY (TMV) Investment analysis program People Literate Software 424 Kaypro II,4,10 General Kaypro II,4 BASIC-K MAGAZINE A magazine on diskette Basic-K Magazine 76 Kaypro II,4,10 BIBLIOFILE Personal bibliographic database management system Power Tools 430 BRAINSTORMER Kaypro II Generates potential solutions to complex problems Soft Path Systems 495 DAILY REMINDER Kaypro II,4,10 A year-round computerized notebook and scheduler International Computer Products 314 80 PERSONAL General COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------- DATEBOOK Personal datebook program Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 212 DATEBOOK II Kaypro 11,4,10 Professional appointment scheduling Digital Marketing 176 DECISION-ANALYST Decision making software Executive Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 267 FAMILY TIES A genealogy program Computer Services Kaypro 11,4,10 138 MAILING LIST SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 Allows the user to keep a mailing list Compal Computer Systems 112 MICRO LIBRARIAN Personal library management D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 167 PERSONAL DATEBOOK Personal appointment scheduling Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 181 PERSONAL PEARL Kaypro 11,4,10 A relational database management system for novices Pearlsoft 422 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares any two level premium life insurance policies ACS Publishing Co. 2 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR + Kaypro 11,4,10 Plus - life insurance policy comparison ACS Publishing Co. 2 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR ++ Kaypro 11,4,10 Super Plus - compares life insurance policy values ACS Publishing Co. 3 * 81 * PERSONAL General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE PREMARITAL INVENTORY TABULATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 questionnaire Tabulates Responses to Pre-marriage Parilink Corporation 422 ROOTS/M Kaypro 11,4,10 Software to organize your family tree Commsoft, Inc. 107 SILVERSOFT Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal productivity aid-set of 4 applications Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 202 SUPERPROGRAM II Astrology calculation package AGS Software T/MAKER III Word processor, spreadsheet, T/Maker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 18 Kaypro 11,4,10 list processing, graphics 551 THE WORD PROCESSOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Bible study aid - computerized version of the bible Bible Research Systems TIME Electronic calendar, D.B.S. 84 Kaypro 11,4,10 telephone calls rolodex, 169 Health & Diet COMPUTER CHEF Automated recipe file Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 NUTRI-BYTES Teaches the basics of nutrition Public Interest Software Kaypro 11,4,10 518 82 439 PERSONAL Hobbies APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ASTRO STAR I Astrology calculation package AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 15 COMPOSITE ASTRO-REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 16 CONTACT ASTRO-REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 16 DELUXE ASTRO-SCOPE Kaypro 11,4,10 Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 16 HORSE AND STABLE Horse and stable management D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 166 MONTHLY ASTRO-REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 17 PERSONAL NUMEROLOGY Kaypro 11,4,10 Numerology calculations and interpretation AGS Software 17 SEX-O-SCOPE Kaypro 11,4,10 Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 18 ~@eurity Systems ALARM SUBSCRIBER INFO. RETRIEVAL Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows recall of information on alarm subscribers Elrod Computers 83 259 PERSONAL Sports APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE BASEBALL MANAGER Maintains statistics on baseball teams Co-Op Computer Sales 104 GOLF HANDICAP SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Golf Pro's: use USGA formulas for calculating Kelco Electronics 328 HANDICAPPER Kaypro 11,4,10 Handicapping scheme for thoroughbred races Dynacomp, Inc. 219 PONY-PICK Kaypro 11,4,10 The ultimate Thoroughbred handicapping program Co-Op Computer Sales 105 SULKY Kaypro 11,4,10 Predicts the outcome in a horse race Co-Op Computer Sales 105 * 84 * PROFESSIONAL Architecture APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS COMPAL BILLING SYSTEM 1 Billing system for professionals Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 4,10 PAGE 109 CRITICAL PATH METHOD PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Project management for a network up to 500 activities Elite Software Development, Inc. 250 JOB COST ACCOUNTING PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Engineering/architectural job-costing program Elite Software Development, Inc. 251 PHASCOST Life cycle project costing program Elite Software Development, Inc. 253 Kaypro 11,4,10 U-FACTOR CALCULATION PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Generates "U-FACTORS" for roof and wall sections Elite Software Development, Inc. 254 CPA ACCOUNTANTS CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Does complete general ledger and reports MCG Software 344 ADVI$OR/ANALY$T Kaypro 11,4,10 Portfolio analysis and management system K-Wave Services 324 AFTER THE FACT PAYROLL Kaypro 4,10 Taxware's client payroll management Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. AFTER THE FACT PAYROLL A payroll accounting enhancement Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ARCHIVE FOR HARD DISK Kaypro 10 Keeps a list of inactive clients and matters Contract Research Software Corp. 85 29 562 154 PROFESSIONAL CPA APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE AUDIT . Kaypro II,4,10 Micro computer tools for the auditbr E.F. Haskell & Associates 237 BILLFLOW Kaypro II,4,10 A professional client billing system Great Northern Comptiter Services 280 BILLKEEPER Kaypro II,4,10 Produces itemized, ready-to-mail bills and reports Micro Craft, Inc. 363 CLIENT ACCOUNTING Kaypr~ II,4,10 A client accounting system for CPA's Taxware Systems, Inc. 562 CLIENT MANAGER An automation df all G/L functions Systems Plus 547 Kaypro II,4,10 CLIENT PROGRAMMED ACCOUNTING Kaypro I1,4,10 Client write-up and after the fact payroll Dimis Micro Systems CLIENT WRITE UP Taxware's general ledger system Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CLIENT WRITE-UP Stand alone client write-up system E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 4,10 CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM General Ledger Accounting Evergreen Research, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 193 29 238 261 CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM (ALL-WAYS) Kaypro 4,10 GIL Accounting for clients of public accounting firms Evergreen Research, Inc. 262 COMPAL BILLING SYSTEM 1 Billing system for professionals Compal Computer Systems 109 86 Kaypro 4,10 PROFESSIONAL CPA APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS CORPORATE TAX RETURN PREPARATION A corporate tax planning tool Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 563 CPA CLIENT ACCOUNTING· Kaypro 11,4,10 A complete and flexible client accounting system American Bus. & Prof. Computers 50 CUTE Kaypro 4,10 Client write-up system for accountants/CPA's User Friendly Software 590 DEPRECIATION (INCL ACRS) Kaypro 11,4,10 A depreciation scheduling for accounting Taxware Systems, Inc. 563 DEPRECIATION AND ACRS SCHEDULES Kaypro 4,10 Taxware's depreciation and ACRS schedules Advanced Computer Sy~tems, Inc. 30 ESTATE PLANNING AND CALCULATIONS Kaypro 4,10 Taxware calculates all estate taxes and credits Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. 30 ESTATE TAX PLANNER Kaypro 11,4,10 Plans Federal Estate tax and statutory attorney fees Taxware Systems, Inc. 564 Fl120 Kaypro 4,10 Prepares Federal Tax Form 1120 Computer Technical Services of N.J. 142 FED. & STATE INCOME TAX PLANNING Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows Federal & State reports for multiple years Taxware Systems, Inc. 564 FINANCIAL CALCULATIONS An investment management aid Taxware Systems, Inc. 565 Kaypro 11,4,10 GENERAL LEDGER FOR PROFESSIONALS Kaypro 11,4,10 General ledger for professionals integrated Micro Craft, Inc. * 87 * 364 PROFESSIONAL CPA APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE I.R.A.P. Kaypro 11,4,10 Incomplete records accounting Benchmark Computer Systems Limited 79 INCOME TAX PLANNING Kaypro 4,10 Integrates federal and state into one input sequence Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. 31 INDIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Individual tax preparation management Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 INVIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION Taxware's federal and selected state returns Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. JOB COST Kaypro 11,4,10 Comprehensive cost accounting system E.F. Haskell & Associates 565 31 239 Kaypro 11,4,10 LEDGERMASTER Client write-up package Executive Data Systems, Inc. 265 LOAN AMORTIZATION ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Illustrates the breakdown of principal and interest ACS Publishing Co. 2 LOAN-PAK Kaypro 11,4,10 Loan amortization calculation and schedule printing Crownsoft Applications, Inc. 162 MCC FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Kaypro 4,10 Manages and controls your financial information Midwest Computer Center Co. 390 MICRO-TAX LEVEL I Kaypro 11,4,10 For the individual doing their own taxes Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. 361 MICRO-TAX LEVEL II Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax preparation for the professional individual or CPA Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. 361 * 88 * PROFESSIONAL CPA APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE MICRO-TAX LEVEL III Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax preparation for corporation /partnerships Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. 361 MICRO-TAX LEVEL IV Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax preparation overseas for expatriates Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. 361 MICRO-TAX STATES Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated tax preparation for any of 25 states Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. 362 MODEL 1040 Professional tax planning software Success Management Consultants 536 Kaypro 11,4 PACE Kaypro 11,4,10 A professional production control package E.F. Haskell & Associates 239 PADA/C Kaypro 11,4,10 The accountants small business accounting package Padmede Computer Services 418 PARTNERSHIP TAX RETURN PREPARATION. Kaypro 11,4,10 Federal and California tax preparation for partnerships Taxware Systems, Inc. 566 Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYROLL CHECK WRITE Payroll management program Taxware Systems, Inc. 566 PAYROLL CHECK WRITING Kaypro 4,10 Taxware's client payroll production system Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. 32 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares and analyzes various insurance policies ACS Publishing Co. 3 PROFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed for use by various professionals Univair Incorporated 586 * 89 * PROFESSIONAL CPA APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS SERIES 1040 An income tax preparation system Calcu-Tax Computer Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 SHELTERED INCOME ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculate any single investment at any rate of interest ACS Publishing Co. PAGE 94 5 SMALL BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Kaypro 10 For accountants with many small clients ADS Software, Inc. 14 T.I.M.E. Kaypro 11,4,10 Time recording package Benchmark Computer Systems Limited 80 TAX-83/CPA Kaypro 4,10 Prepares all important Federal Tax Forms (some State) Computer Technical Services of N.J. TAX-WARE Kaypro 4,10 17 programs for complete tax preparation and accounting Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. 142 32 TAXCALC Kaypro 11,4,10 Tax planning & estate planning software Taxcalc, Inc. 561 TERM DIFFERENCE ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 A life insurance policy comparison program ACS Publishing Co. 5 Kaypro 11,4,10 THE BOTTOM LINE A time and billing program for accountants and CPA'S American Compusoft THE INVESTMENT RETURN ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Prepares presentation documents for investment earnings ACS Publishing Co. TIMEKEEP Kaypro 4,10 Keeps track of time devoted to client's by firm Computer Technical Services of N.J. * 90 * 53 6 143 PROFESSIONAL CPA APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS TKR III Stand-alone billing system E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 240 Chiropractic CHIR080 Chiropractic office management Basis, Inc. Kaypro 10 77 Dental DENTAL MANAGEMENT Kaypro 10 Dental system for small to medium clinic practice Univair Incorporated 583 DENTAL PRACTICE MANAGEMENT For accounting and analysis Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 176 DENTAL80 Dental office management Basis, Inc. Kaypro 10 77 MEDICAL Kaypro 4,10 Office management for doctors and dentists WEKTAR Computer Services PAS-3 DENTAL Dental patient accounting system Artificial Intelligence, Inc. Kaypro 10 SAJAN DDS Dental office manager Sajan Business Computer Systems Kaypro 10 91 600 67 477 PROFESSIONAL General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 10 Aging of payables and cash requirements statements Contract Research Software Corp. 153 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 10 Module will interact with the general ledger Contract Research Software Corp. 153 AMORTIZATION TABLES Generates amortization tables Contract Research Software Corp. 154 Kaypro 10 ARCHIVE FOR HARD DISK Kaypro 10 Keeps a list of inactive clients and matters Contract Research Software Corp. 154 AUDIT Kaypro 11,4,10 Produces daily posting registers of each client account Micro Craft, Inc. 362 BILLFLOW Kaypro 11,4,10 A professional client billing system Great Northern Computer Services 280 BILLKEEPER Produces itemized, Micro Craft, Inc. 363 Kaypro 11,4,10 ready-to-mail bills and reports CLIENT Kaypro 10 Database management for various professionals American Micro Dynamics, Inc. 57 CLIENT BILLING Kaypro 10 Four independent/interactive sub-modules Contract Research Software Corp. 155 CLIENT BILLING 2 Kaypro 10 Format reflecting the clients and attorney's needs Contract Research Software Corp. 155 CLIENT MANAGER An automation of all G/L functions Systems Plus * 92 * Kaypro I~,4,10 547 PROFESSIONAL General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE DATEBOOK II Kaypro 11,4,10 Professional appointment scheduling Digital Marketing 176 DEPRECIATION TABLES Generates depreciation tables Contract Research Software Corp. 155 Kaypro 10 DOCKET CONTROL Kaypro 10 Keeps useful tracking of important dates Contract Research Software Corp. 156 DOCUMENT INDEX Kaypro 10 Stores and retrieves various documents, letters, etc. Contract Research Software Corp. 156 ESCROW ACCOUNT (OR TRUST) Kaypro 11,4,10 For those clients with funds temporarily held in trust Contract Research Software Corp. 157 GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 10 Offered in formats to suit needs of the firm Contract Research Software Corp. 157 GENERAL LEDGER FOR PROFESSIONALS Kaypro 11,4,10 General ledger for professionals integrated Micro Craft, Inc. 364 INCOME Integrated company management Microcomputer Consultants 381 Kaypro 10 INTERFACE TO WORD/DATA PROCESSING Kaypro 10 Edits and prints bills with word processors Contract Research Software Corp. 157 MANAGEMENT REPORTS Kaypro 10 Produces five seperate management reports Contract Research Software Corp. 158 Kaypro 11,4,10 MEDICAL MANAGER Office management software Systems Plus * 548 93 * PROFESSIONAL General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE PASS Kaypro 11,4,10 Pension proposal and administrative software American Micro Dynamics, Inc. 58 PROFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed for use by various professionals Univair Incorporated 586 PROFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 Office management aid by Frontier Software Softeam 503 T/MAKER III Kaypro 11,4,10 Word processor, spreadsheet, list processing, graphics T/Maker Company 551 THE PROFESSIONAL Kaypro 11,4,10 A time & billing program for professionals American Compusoft 53 Kaypro 10 TIME AND DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTING Maintains client and matter files Contract Research Software Corp. 158 TIMEKEEP Kaypro 4,10 Keeps track of time devoted to client's by firm Computer Technical Services of N.J. 143 UNI-DATE Kaypro 11,4,10 Date book with appointment calendar Univair Incorporated 587 WRITE TRACK Manuscript tracking system Gradan Consulting Company 279 Kaypro 11,4,10 Insurance AGENCY AUTOMATION Kaypro 11,4,10 Life insurance agency automation tools FIPSCO * 94 * 269 PROFESSIONAL Insurance APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS AUTO RATING Proposal software for insurance Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 307 CAPITAL NEEDS ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 A current and projected capital needs analysis Dakota Computer Professional 169 CLIENT Kaypro 10 Database management for various professionals American Micro Dynamics, Inc. 57 ESTATE PLANNING AND CALCULATIONS Kaypro 4,10 Taxware calculates all estate taxes and credits Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. 30 HOMEOWNERS Kaypro 11,4,10 Database management for the insurance industry Insurance Sales Systems 308 INSURANCE AGENCY MANAGEMENT Insurance agency management system Univair Incorporated 584 Kaypro 10 PIF POLICY INFORMATION FILES Kaypro 11,4,10 Database management program for insurance agents Insurance Sales Systems 310 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares any two level premium life insurance policies ACS Publishing Co. 2 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR + Kaypro 11,4,10 Plus - life insurance policy comparison ACS Publishing Co. 2 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR ++ Kaypro 11,4,10 Super P1Qs - compares life insurance policy values ACS Publishing Co. 3 POLICY RECORDS SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 A client control system for insurance agents Computer Center, The 122 * 95 * PROFESSIONAL Insurance APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR + Kaypro 11,4,10 Plus: cash value life insurance policy analysis ACS Publishing Co. 4 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR ++ Kaypro 11,4,10 Super Plus: life insurance policy comparisons ACS Publishing Co. 4 PROSPECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Professional sales client management Koch Industries, Inc. 330 SYSTEM 100 Kaypro 10 An insurance agency management system American Micro Dynamics, Inc. TAS (THE AGENCY SYSTEM) An Insurance Agency system Mini-Micro Business Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE EDGE Life insurance illustration system FIPSCO Kaypro 11,4,10 TOTAL NEEDS ANALYSIS Life insurance sales aid Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro II,4,10 58 394 269 310 Legal ALERT Kaypro 4,10 A legal calendar and docket control system Information Solutions, Inc. 305 ANALYZER Kaypro 4,10 Performs the financial calculations related to law Information Solutions, Inc. 305 ARCHIVE FOR HARD DISK Kaypro 10 Keeps a list of inactive clients and matters Contract Research Software Corp. 154 * 96 * PROFESSIONAL Legal COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR Kaypro 11,4,10 AUDIT Produces daily posting registers of each client account Micro Craft, Inc. CLASS Case management and tracking system for attorneys American Micro Dynamics, Inc. CLIENT WRITE-UP Stand alone client write-up system E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 4,10 COMPAL BILLING SYSTEM 1 Billing system for professionals Compa1 Computer Systems Kaypro 4,10 CORPORATE TAX RETURN PREPARATION A corporate tax planning tool Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 362 57 238 109 563 DEPRECIATION (INCL ACRS) Kaypro 11,4,10 A depreciation scheduling for accounting Taxware Systems, Inc. 563 Kaypro 11,4,10 DOCKET Docket is a calendaring system for attorneys Micro Craft, Inc. 363 DOCKET CONTROL Kaypro 10 Keeps useful tracking of important dates Contract Research Software Corp. 156 DRAFTING WILLS AND TRUST AGREEMENTS Kaypro 11,4,10 A checklist system for preparing wills and trusts R.P.W. Publishing Corp. 442 ESTATE PLANNING AND CALCULATIONS Kaypro 4,10 Taxware calculates all estate taxes and credits Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. ESTATE TAX PLANNER Kaypro 11,4,10 Plans Federal Estate tax and statutory attorney fees Taxware Systems, Inc. * 97 * 30 564 PROFESSIONAL Legal APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS FINANCIAL CALCULATIONS An investment management aid Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 565 INDIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Individual tax preparation management Taxware Systems, Inc. 565 LAW OFFICE ORGANIZER Kaypro 11,4,10 A low cost data base for the law office Softworks, The 524 LEGAL TENDER Kaypro 11,4,10 A time and billing program for legal offices American Compusoft 52 LEGAL TIME ACCOUNTING Designed for use by attorneys Univair Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 585 LITIGATOR Kaypro 4,10 Organizes an attorney's case for trials Micro Craft, Inc. 365 LOAN-PAK Kaypro 11,4,10 Loan amortization calculation and schedule printing Crownsoft Applications, Inc. 162 MAGICBIND Kaypro 11,4,10 File merging program with advanced features Computer EdiType Systems 126 PACE Kaypro 11,4,10 A professional production control package E.F. Haskell & Associates 239 PARTNERSHIP TAX RETURN PREPARATION Kaypro 11,4,10 Federal and California tax preparation for partnerships Taxware Systems, Inc. 566 QUIKCALC REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Real estate financial analysis Simple Soft, Inc. 492 * 98 Kaypro 11,4,10 * PROFESSIONAL Legal APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE THE FIRM SOLUTIONS Kaypro 4,10 A comprehensive law office management system. Information Solutions, Inc. 305 TIMEKEEP Kaypro 4,10 Keeps track of time devoted to client's by firm Computer Technical Services of N.J. 143 TKR III Stand-alone billing system E.F. Haskell & Associates 240 Kaypro 11,4,10 VERDICT Kaypro 11,4,10 A legal billing and timekeeper system Micro Craft, Inc. 365 Medical BIBLIOFILE Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal bibliographic database management system Power Tools 430 GOLD-24 MEDICAL BILLING Kaypro 11,4,10 Patient billing and record keeping system Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 201 MD-REBS Kaypro 10 Complete medical office management package by DAGAR Software Development Corporation 509 MEDIC80 Medical office management Basis, Inc. Kaypro 10 78 MEDICAL Kaypro 4,10 Office management for doctors and dentists WEKTAR Computer Services 600 MEDICAL AND DENTAL MANAGEMENT Kaypro 10 Patient billing and receiving plus customized reports Computer Planning Organization 134 * 99 * PROFESSIONAL Medical APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE MEDICAL BILLING Kaypro 10 Accounts receivable and insurance billing Management Systems Engineering 347 MEDICAL MANAGEMENT Kaypro 10 Medical system for small to medium size clinic practice Univair Incorporated 585 MEDICAL MANAGER Office management software Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 548 NUTRI-BYTES Teaches the basics of nutrition Public Interest Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAS-3 MEDICAL Medical patient accounting system Artificial Intelligence, Inc. Kaypro 10 439 67 PHYSICIANS OFFICE COMPUTER Kaypro 10 Medical office billing and clinical data system Professional Systems Corporation 434 RXWRITER Kaypro 11,4,10 A system of programs for writing medical prescriptions Hall Design, Inc. 282 THE SPECIALIST Medical billing and analysis Digital Marketing 184 Kaypro 11,4,10 WAISR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets the Wechsler adult intelligence scale Precision People, Inc. 431 WISCR-80 Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets Wechsler intelligence scale for children Precision People, Inc. 432 WISCR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets the Wechsler intelligence scale for children Precision People, Inc. 432 * 100 * PROFESSIONAL Pharmaceutical COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ECONOMY PHARMACY SOFTWARE Kaypro 10 Scaled to the needs of small or rural pharmacies Software Development Corporation 509 UNIVERSAL PHARMACY SOFTWARE Kaypro 10 Complete pharmacy management package by DAGAR Software Development Corporation 510 Veterinary Medicine ADS VETERINARIANS Kaypro 10 Integrated accounting and general office management ADS Software, Inc. 12 COMPTROL PAC Kaypro 10 A clinical control system for Veterinarians American Veterinary Products 62 EMWOCS Kaypro 4,10 Provides scheduling, inventory, work order prep. & cost Sterling Data Applications, Inc. 532 VETERINARY INFORMATION SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 Automated veterinary recordkeeping & practice system Sterling Data Applications, Inc. 533 VETMED-83 Kaypro 4,10 A veterinary office management system Vertical Software Group 594 * 101 * RECREATION Games APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ADVENTURE Original Adventure Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 ADVENTURE An exploration game Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 AIRPORT Video game Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 ANYTOWN, USA A text adventure game MicroDec Computer Center Kaypro 11,4,10 BACKGAMMON 2.0 Computerized backgammon game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BATTLEFIELD Eight disk war games Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 517 608 517 377 204 206 BLACK JACK COACH Kaypro 11,4,10 Offers coaching for blackjack skills Dynacomp, Inc. 207 BRIDGE MASTER A comprehensive bridge program Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 208 BRIDGE SCORER Designed for rapid Bridge scoring Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 209 BUILD AN ADVENTURE Kaypro 11,4,10 Aid to creating your own adventure game Workman & Associates 608 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Kaypro 11,4,10 A game of ups & downs on a corporate ladder Microfun 383 RECREATION Games APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS CHESS MASTER Computerized chess game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CRANSTON MANOR ADVENTURE An adventure game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CRYPTO A comprehensive porgram Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 209 210 210 Kaypro 11,4,10 ECO-PARADISE Educational qUiz-game on environmental issues Public Interest Software 438 ENCHANTER Explore an abandoned castle Infocom, Inc. 301 Kaypro II FLIGHT SIMULATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Take-off, fly, navigate, and land an airplane Dynacomp, Inc. 217 GAMES PACK 1 Kaypro 11,4,10 Cross-section of traditional computer games Dynacomp, Inc. 218 Kaypro 11,4,10 GAMES PACK II Cross-section of traditional computer games Dynacomp, Inc. 218 GO FISH Kaypro 11,4,10 Adapted from the classic childrens' card game Dynacomp, Inc. 218 GUMBALL RALLY ADVENTURE An adventure game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 IRONCLADS Simulation of naval strategy Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 219 220 RECREATION Games APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE M-MASTER Kaypro 11,4,10 High strategy computerized card game Dynacomp, Inc. 222 MANAGEMENT SIMULATOR Management simulation game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 223 MICROFUN LEARNING SERIES 12 educational programs and games Microfun Kaypro 11,4,10 383 MONARCH Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows you to rule your own country Dynacomp, Inc. 225 MYCHESS Kaypro 11,4,10 Micro chess program with full graphics Software Toolworks 519 NEMESIS Kaypro 11,4,10 A fantasy role-playing game for CP/M SuperSoft Inc. 542 ORBQUEST A fantasy adventure Digital Marketing 180 Kaypro 11,4,10 POKER PARTY Kaypro 11,4,10 A tool for learning the subtleties of draw poker Dynacomp, Inc. 227 SNAKE Video game Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 521 SPACE EVACUATION Space simulation game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 229 RECREATION Games APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE SPACE LANES Kaypro 11,4,10 Simulates the space transportation industry Dynacomp, Inc. 230 SPECULATION Stock market simulation game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 230 STAR CON A computer board game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STAR JUMP Interstellar conflict game SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STARBASE 3.2 Space simulation game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 231 544 231 TELENGARD Kaypro II A 50 level dungeon exploration game Avalon Hill Microcomputer Games THE CAVE An exploration game Co-Op Computer Sales Kaypro 11,4,10 UNCLE HARRY'S WILL An adventure game Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 72 106 234 VALDEZ Kaypro 11,4,10 Simulation of supertanker nav\gation Dynacomp, Inc. 235 General ANALIZA II Kaypro 11,4,10 An interactive psychiatrist/patient type program SuperSoft Inc. * 105 * 539 RECREATION General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS BASIC-K MAGAZINE A magazine on diskette Basic-K Magazine Kaypro 11,4 PAGE 76 MATCHINGKaypro 4,10 Matches players with others of similar skills Computer Technical Services of N.J. 142 Hobbies ASTRO STAR I Astrology calculation package AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 15 Kaypro 11,4,10 COMPOSITE ASTRO-REPORT Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 16 CONTACT ASTRa-REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 16 Kaypro 11,4,10 DELUXE ASTRO-SCOPE Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 16 MONTHLY ASTRa-REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 17 PERSONAL NUMEROLOGY Kaypro 11,4,10 Numerology calculations and in.erpretation AGS Software 17 SEX-O-SCOPE Kaypro 11,4,10 Astrology calculation and interpretation program AGS Software 18 RECREATION Music APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS AFMWARE Kaypro 11,4,10 Office system for American Federation of Musicians Kayware PAGE 327 Sports BASEBALL MANAGER Kaypro 11,4,10 Maintains statistics on baseball teams Co-Op Computer Sales 104 GOLF HANDICAP SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Golf Pro's: use USGA formulas for calculating Kelco Electronics 328 HANDICAPPER Kaypro 11,4,10 Handicapping scheme for thoroughbred races Dynacomp, Inc. 219 MATCHING Kaypro 4,10 Matches players with others of similar skills Computer Technical Services of N.J. 142 PONY-PICK Kaypro 11,4,10 The ultimate Thoroughbred handicapping program Co-Op Computer Sales 105 SULKY Kaypro 11,4,10 Predicts the outcome in a horse race Co-Op Computer Sales 105 SCIENCES Computer Science APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ICX Kaypro 11,4,10 ISIS--CP/M exchanger and ISIS emulator Western Wares 603 LOGIC DESIGNER Kaypro 11,4,10 An interactive digital design program Dynacomp, Inc. 222 POWER Kaypro 10 Project observation workbench evaluation reporter Integrated Computer Engineering 313 Electronics ACTIVE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 An active and passive circuit analysis program Dynacomp, Inc. 203 DIGITAL FILTER Filter function design aid Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 213 FOURIER ANALYZER Educational tool for the Engineer Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 217 ISIM Kaypro 11,4,10 A continuous system simulation program Simulation Systems, Ltd. 493 LADDER NETWORK Kaypro 11,4,10 Determines network (cascaded two-ports) responses Dynacomp, Inc. 221 LIGHTING CALCULATION PROGRAM Based on zonal cavity method Elite Software Development, Inc. 251 Kaypro 11,4,10 LOGIC DESIGNER Kaypro 11,4,10 An interactive digital design program Dynacomp, Inc. * 108 * 222 SCIENCES Electronics APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATION PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4',10 Computes fault currents and voltage drops Elite Software Development, Inc. PAGE 254 Environmental BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Complete air system energy analysis Elite Software Development, Inc. 248 ECO-PARADISE Kaypro 11,4,10 Educational quiz-game on environmental issues Public Interest Software 438 MICRO TRAFFICQ Kaypro 11,4,10 Simulation of traffic management schemes MVA Systematica 345 MICROTRIPS Kaypro 11,4,10 Transportation improvements programming system MVA Systematica 346 General BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES Kaypro 11,4,10 Software corresponds to text of same title Dynacomp, Inc. 205 BIBLIOFILE Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal bibliographic database management system Power Tools 430 MICRO TRAFFICQ Kaypro 11,4,10 Simulation of traffic management schemes MVA Systematica 345 MICROSURVEY Survey analysis program suite MVA Systematica 345 * 1 09 Kaypro 11,4,10 i~ SCIENCES APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE MICROTRIPS Kaypro 11,4,10 Transportation improvements programming system MVA Systematica 346 SMIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Survey management information system MVA Systematica 346 SUPERPROGRAM II Astrology calculation package AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 18 Mathematics/Statistics ANOVA Analysis of variance Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 204 BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES VOL II Kaypro 11,4,10 The second set in the continuing scientific software Dynacomp, Inc. 205 BASIC STATISTICAL SUBROUTINES Kaypro 11,4,10 "Non-Parametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences" Dynacomp, Inc. 206 COGO-PLUS COORDINATE GEOMETRY Kaypro 11,4,10 Performs a wide variety of geometry computations Microcomp 378 COORDINATE GEOMETRY Kaypro 11,4,10 By MicroComp civil engineering software Softeam 498 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Yields numeric solutions to Dynacomp, Inc. 213 Kaypro 11,4,10 equations diff~rential HARMONIC ANALYZER Fourier transform software package Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 220 SCIENCES Mathematics/Statistics APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE LINEAR PROGRAMMER Kaypro 11,4,10 Solves linear programming inequalities Dynacomp, Inc. 221 MATHMAGIC Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculator package by International Software Marketing Softeam 502 MATHPAK Kaypro 11,4,10 Float 4 long capabilities for C/80 3.0 Software Toolworks 519 MICROSTAT Kaypro 11,4,10 Statistics for educational and industrial research Ecosoft, Inc. 245 MICROSTAT 2.09 Kaypro 11,4,10 Advanced statistics package by ECHOSOFT Softeam 502 MULTILINEAR REGRESSION Advanced statistical package Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 225 MUMATH/MUSIMP Kaypro 11,4,10 Softeam 503 NWA STATPAK Kaypro 11,4,10 A multi-function statistical package Northwest Analytical, Inc. 409 REGRESSION I Regression curve fitting package Dynacomp, Inc. 228 Kaypro 11,4,10 REGRESSION II (PARAFIT) Kaypro 11,4,10 Parametric least squares regression program Dynacomp, Inc. 229 ROOTS Kaypro 11,4,10 Determines zeroes of polynomials with real coefficients Dynacomp, Inc. 229 * III * SCIENCES Mathematics/Statistics APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE SL-MICRO Kaypro 11,4,10 A statistical language for microcomputers Questionnaire Service Co. 440 STATE VARIABLES Kaypro 11,4,10 Solve systems of ordinary differential equations Dynacomp, Inc. 232 STATFLOW Statistical package Great Northern Computer Services Kaypro 11,4,10 281 STATISTICIAN A library of statistical software Quant Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Business Management Series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 STATPAC Statistical analysis package Walonick Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 440 100 601 STATPAK Kaypro 11,4,10 Statistical package by Northwest Analytical Softeam 505 STATS-GRAPH Kaypro II,4,10 Statistical display package written in C by Supersoft Softeam 506 STATTEST Kaypro II,4,10 Performs statistical tests of hypotheses Dynacomp, Inc. 232 Medicine RXWRITER Kaypro 11,4,10 A system of programs for writing medical prescriptions Hall Design, Inc. * 112 * 282 SCIENCES Operations Research COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR CRITICAL PATH METHOD PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Project management for a network up to 500 activities Elite Software Development, Inc. ECONOMETRICS Business Management Series Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 GPERT A Project Planning Package Emerge Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI*LINE SALES ANALYSIS Generates sales analysis files Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 250 98 260 291 MCC BOMP Kaypro 4,10 MCC software's bill of materials processor Midwest Computer Center Co. 389 MCC BUDGETING/ESTIMATING Kaypro 4,10 Monitors actual vs. estimated job costs Midwest Computer Center Co. 390 MICROSTAT Kaypro 11,4,10 Statistics for educational and industrial research Ecosoft, Inc. 245 MILESTONE For project management Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 179 MINI-MAX Solves linear programming problems Agricultural Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 45 MONITOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Job cost accounting and project mangagement system Clements Company, The 103 NWA STATPAK Kaypro 11,4,10 A multi-function statistical package Northwest Analytical, Inc. 409 * 113 * SCIENCES Operations Research COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE PATHFINDER Kaypro 11,4,10 A system for project planning and scheduling Shapler Associates, Inc. 490 PLANTRAC Kaypro 4,10 Comprehensive and flexible project management system ,Computerline Limited 146 PLANTRAC 1 Kaypro 4,10 Flexible project management software system Computerline Limited 146 PLANTRAC 1+ Kaypro 4,10 Flexible project management software system Computerline Limited 147 Kaypro 4,10 PLANTRAC-CS Control system for a work breakdown structure Computerline Limited 147 PMS-II Kaypro 4,10 A critical path project management system North America MICA, Inc. 404 POWER Kaypro 10 Project observation workbench evaluation reporter Integrated Computer Engineering 313 Physics BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES VOL II Kaypro 11,4,10 The second set in the continuing scientific software Dynacomp, Inc. 205 Political Science BARGEN Bar Code Generating Program New Wave Systems * Kaypro 11,4,10 403 114 * SCIENCES Political Science APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS MICRO TRAFFICQ Kaypro 11,4,10 Simulation of traffic management schemes MVA Systematica PAGE 345 Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROSURVEY Survey analysis program suite MVA Systematica 345 MICROTRIPS Kaypro 11,4,10 Transportation improvements programming system MVA Systematica 346 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY Kaypro 11,4,10 Tabulates public opinion surveys Stolzberg Research Associates, Inc. 535 SMIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Survey management information system MVA Systematica 346 Social Science ANALIZA II Kaypro 11,4,10 An interactive psychiatrist/patient type program SuperSoft Inc. 539 MICROSURVEY Survey analysis program suite MVA Systematica 345 Kaypro 11,4,10 SMIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Survey management information system MVA Systematica 346 WAISR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets the Wechsler adult intelligence scale Precision People, Inc. 431 WISCR-BO Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets Wechsler intelligence scale for children Precision People, Inc. 432 * 115 * SCIENCES Social Science COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR WISCR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets the Wechsler intelligence scale for children Precision People, Inc. * 116 * PAGE 432 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Agriculture COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ACCOUNTSTAR Kaypro 11,4,10 Complete agriculture farm accounting system Northouse Industries, Inc. 405 ACCOUNTSTAR Agricultural accounting system Vertisoft Kaypro 11,4,10 595 AG-PAYROLL Agriculture payroll management Countryside Data, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 AG-PLANNER A planner tool for agriculture Countryside Data, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 160 161 BEEF CATTLE MANAGEMENT Kaypro 4,10 Complete beef operation management package Agri-Management Services, Inc. BEEFSTAR Beef management system Vertisoft 35 Kaypro II,4,10 595 BEEFSTAR Kaypro 11,4,10 Herd management system for beef farmers Northouse Industries, Inc. 406 BEEFUP VERSION 3.01 Kaypro 11,4,10 Cow/calf herd management performance data system St. Benedict's Farm 529 CROP MANAGEMENT Complete crop management system Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CROPSTAR Complete crop management system Northouse Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CROPSTAR Crop management system Vertisoft Kaypro 11,4,10 35 406 596 -r.. 117 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Agriculture APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE DAIRY CATTLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Formulates least-cost ration for any type dairy animal Agricultural Software Consultants 45 Kaypro 4,10 DAIRY MANAGEMENT Complete management of the dairy Agri-Management Services, Inc. 36 DAIRY RATION PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 Profit maximizing & least cost dairy ration formulation Agricultural Computer Applications 43 Kaypro 4,10 EMBRYO TRANSFER Dairy, beef, or swine management series Agri-Management Services, Inc. 36 EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLY DEALER Kaypro 4,10 Equipment or supply dealer management Agri-Management Services, Inc. 37 FARM MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Kaypro 11,4,10 Ag-Finance - series for financial management of farms Countryside Data, Inc. 161 FEED PLANT MANAGEMENT Kaypro 4,10 Complete system for operation of a feed mill Agri-Management Services, Inc. 37 FEEDLOT & SWINE FINISH FLOOR Kaypro 4,10 Complete feedlot management regardless of species Agri-Management Services, Inc. 38 Kaypro 10 FERTILIZER PLANT MANAGEMENT Complete system for operation of a fertilizer plant Agri-Management Services, Inc. 38 Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL MANAGER Complete farm management tool Farm Management, Inc. * 118 270 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Agriculture APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE HERDSTAR Kaypro 11,4,10 Complete dairy herd management system Northouse Industries, Inc. 407 HERDSTAR Dairy management system Vertisoft 596 Kaypro 11,4,10 HOGSTAR Kaypro 11,4,10 Complete hog farm management system Northouse Industries, Inc. 408 HOGSTAR Hog management system Vertisoft Kaypro 11,4,10 597 HORSE AND STABLE Horse and stable management D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 166 HORSE FARM MANAGEMENT Kaypro 10 Management of boarding-training, stud or mare farm Agri-Management Services, Inc. 39 HORSE SHOW MANAGEMENT Kaypro 4,10 Complete handling of the horse show Agri-Management Services, Inc. 39 JOB COST Kaypro 11,4,10 Comprehensive cost accounting system E.F. Haskell & Associates 239 JOB COST ACCOUNTING PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Engineering/architectural job-costing program Elite Software Development, Inc. 251 LIVESTOCK AUCTION Kaypro 4,10 Livestock auction management package Agri-Management Services, Inc. MACHINE MANAGER Farm machine management system Northouse Industries, Inc. * 119 40 Kaypro 11,4,10 408 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Agriculture APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS MICRO-MIXER Least-cost ration program FBS Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 268 MIXIT-2 Kaypro 11,4,10 Fast and easy-to-use ration gUide for animal nutrition Agricultural Software Consultants 46 MIXIT-3 Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed for people who least-cost many rations Agricultural Software Consultants 46 ORCHARD & GROVE MANAGEMENT Kaypro 4,10 Manages grove, orchard, or vineyard operation Agri-Management Services, Inc. 40 PEDIGREE Version 2.01 Kaypro 11,4,10 Pedigree Management program for livestock St. Benedict's Farm 530 PLANT NURSERY Kaypro 4,10 Complete plant nursery management package Agri-Management Services, Inc. 41 POULTRY FARM MANAGEMENT Kaypro 4,10 Complete poultry farm management (layer or grower) Agri-Management Services, Inc. 41 PRICE-IT Feed pricing and inventory program Agricultural Software Consultants 47 Kaypro 11,4,10 PROFESSIONAL RATION PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 Livestock least cost ration formulation Agricultural Computer Applications SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE TRANSACT. Kaypro 11,4,10 Transaction is a full featured farm accounting system FBS Systems, Inc. SWINE MANAGEMENT Kaypro 4,10 Sow, boar, litter, and finishing floor management Agri-Management Services, Inc. * 120 * 44 268 42 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Architecture APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE CRITICAL PATH METHOD PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Project management for a network up to 500 activities Elite Software Development, Inc. 250 FREHEAT Passive solar simulation system Western Wares 603 Kaypro 11,4,10 KEYSTONE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Kaypro 10 Integrated applications for architecture/engineering Computerized Management Advisors 145 MONITOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Job cost accounting and project mangagement system Clements Company, The 103 PHASCOST Life cycle project costing program Elite Software Development, Inc. 253 Kaypro 11,4,10 PROFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed for use by various professionals Univair Incorporated 586 U-FACTOR CALCULATION PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Generates nU-FACTORS" for roof and wall sections Elite Software Development, Inc. 254 Automotive Kaypro 11,4,10 AUTOMATED DAILY BOOK Automates daily bookkeeping for a gas station Sunnycrest Business Systems 537 GARAGEKEEPER (SYSTEM I or II) Kaypro 4,10 An inventory control & invoicing system for automotives Computer Assistance, Inc. 119 Kaypro 11,4,10 GAS-PRO Service station accounting management system K. J. K. Systems 325 ~*' 121 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Banking APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS BANK MODELING A bank management analysis tool Computer Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 130 Contractors/Construction BEAM DEFLECTION Structural analysis software Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 207 Kaypro II,4,10 BUILDERS FLEXIBLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM Financial system for small business contractors Flexible Hybrid Systems, Inc. 272 BUILDING COST ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 A tool in analyzing the intended building investment Resource Software International 462 CES-II Construction estimating Bradbary & Company Kaypro 11,4,10 CISCO CONSTRUCTION A/R An Accounts Receivable package Santek, Inc. Kaypro 10 86 478 CISCO CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 10 It organizes and automates the vendor payment process Santek, Inc. 479 CISCO CONSTRUCTION GENERAL LEDGER A General Ledger system Santek, Inc. 479 Kaypro 10 CISCO CONSTRUCTION PAYROLL Kaypro 10 A payroll system for construction firms Santek, Inc. 480 CISCO JOB COSTING A Job Costing system Santek, Inc. 480 Kaypro 10 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Contractors/Construction APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS CMSS Contractor project management Bradbary & Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 87 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Kaypro 10 Estimating, job costing and accounting for construction Construction Data Control, Inc. 151 CONTRACTOR COST ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Kaypro 10 Job cost control system with Accounts Payable Prosoft Inc. 436 CONTRACTORS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") A contractor's A/P system with job/cost distribution Micro Data Business Forms & Systems 368 CONTRACTORS JOB COST SYSTEM Kaypro 10 Captures and summarizes all types of job cost activity Compusol, Inc. 116 CONTRACTORS PAYROLL Kaypro 4,10 (8") Payroll for contractors Micro Data Business Forms & Systems 369 DPC CONTRACTOR PROGRAM Kaypro 4,10 7 modules which work together or separately D P Consultants, Inc. 164 DRAWSPEC Kaypro 11,4,10 Contractor drawing/specification control Bradbary & Company 87 DYNAMIC RESPONSE MODULE Kaypro 11,4,10 By MicroComp civil engineering software Softeam 499 ESTIMATING Kaypro 11,4,10 Cuts estimating time from 50 to 80 percent Contractors Management Systems 159 ESTIMATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Assists in preparing cost estimates Mendocino Software Company, Inc. 352 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Contractors/Construction COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE FIRE SPRINKLER PIPE SIZING PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Optimal pipe sizing using the Newton Raphson method Elite Software Development, Inc. 251 GOLD SERIES II JOB COSTING Kaypro 11,4,10 May be integrated with GOLD Series II accounting Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 196 GOLD-24 JOB COSTING Kaypro 4,10 Stand alone or use with Gold accounting system Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 200 JOB COST Kaypro 11,4,10 Comprehensive cost accounting system E.F. Haskell & Associates 239 JOB COST SERIES I Kaypro 4,10 Fully integrated contractor accounting package Micro Business Systems, Inc. 360 Kaypro 4,10 JOB COSTING Analysis of estimated vs. actual expenses Micro Data Business Forms & Systems 370 MATERIAL Contractor material control Bradbary & Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYMENT Application for payment (AlA 6703) Bradbary & Company Kaypro 11,4,10 87 88 PIPE NETWORK ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 By MicroComp civil engineering software Softeam PRACTICALC Concrete estimating program Frank R. Walker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PRACTICALC BID REVISION Automatic bid revision program Frank R. Walker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 * 503 274 124 275 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Contractors/Construction APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PRACTICALC COST CONTROL Job cost control program Frank R. Walker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PRACTICALC MASONRY Masonry estimating program Frank R. Walker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 275 276 Kaypro 11,4,10 PRACTICALC RESIDENTIAL CARPENTRY Residential carpentry estimating program Frank R. Walker Company 276 PRATICALC HOMEBUILDER Homebuilder's estimating program Frank R. Walker Company 277 Kaypro 11,4,10 SERVICE SUPPLY PIPE SIZING Kaypro 11,4,10 For chilled water or refrigerant systems Elite Software Development, Inc. 253 SHOPDRAW Kaypro 11,4,10 Contractor shop drawing/submittal control Bradbary & Company 89 Distribution/Wholesale COMPAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SYSTEM Kaypro 10 A part of Compal's integrated accounting system Compal Computer Systems 109 COMPAL INVENTORY SYSTEM A full function inventory system Compal Computer Systems 110 Kaypro 10 COMPAL ORDER ENTRY Kaypro 10 Performs invoicing and sales analyis Com pal Computer Systems 111 DESKTOP INVENTORY MANAGER Inventory management system Rocky Mountain Software 470 * Kaypro 11,4,10 125 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Distribution/Wholesale APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLY DEALER Kaypro 4,10 Equipment or supply dealer management Agri-Management Services, Inc. PAGE 37 GOLD SERIES II INVENTORY CONTROL Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 195 GOLD SERIES II ORDER ENTRY/INVOICE Kaypro 11,4,10 Order entry and invoicing/integrated or stand alone Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 196 GOLD-24 INVENTORY CONTROL Kaypro 4,10 Stand alone or integrated with Gold accounting Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 199 INCOME Integrated company management Microcomputer Consultants 381 Kaypro 10 ORDER ENTRY WITH INVENTORY CONTROL Kaypro 10 An on line order entry with inventory control system Univair Incorporated 585 REALWORLD INVENTORY CONTROL Inventory control system MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 342 THE UNITROLLER SYSTEM For mini warehouse management Acorn Industries, Inc. Kaypro 10 WRITE TRACK Manuscript tracking system Gradan Consulting Company Kaypro 11,4,10 26 279 Electrical ACTIVE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 An active and passive circuit analysis program Dynacomp, Inc. * 126 * 203 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Electrical APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS DIGITAL FILTER Filter function design aid Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 213 Kaypro 11,4,10 ESTIMATING Cuts estimating time from 50 to 80 percent Contractors Management Systems 159 LADDER NETWORK Kaypro 11,4,10 Determines network (cascaded two-ports) responses Dynacomp, Inc. 221 LIGHTING CALCULATION PROGRAM Based on zonal cavity method Elite Software Development, Inc. 251 Kaypro 11,4,10 LOGIC DESIGNER Kaypro 11,4,10 An interactive digital design program Dynacomp, Inc. 222 SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATION PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes fault currents and voltage drops. Elite Software Development, Inc. 254 TRANSFER FUNCTION ANALYZER Kaypro 11,4,10 Frequency spectrum analysis package Dynacomp, Inc. 234 WIREMAP Kaypro 11,4,10 Generate parts lists from computerized schematics Dynacomp, Inc. 235 Engineering BEAM DEFLECTION Structural analysis software Dynacomp', Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BETH Kaypro 10 Betterment Engineering Thermal-Hydraulics Software Energy Incorporated 207 260 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Engineering COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Complete air system energy analysis Elite Software Development, Inc. 248 COGO-PLUS COORDINATE GEOMETRY Kaypro 11,4,10 Performs a wide variety of geometry computations Microcomp 378 COMMERCIAL HEATING & COOLING LOADS Kaypro 11,4,10 Based on the 1981 ASHRAE handbook of fundamentals Elite Software Development, Inc. 249 COORDINATE GEOMETRY Kaypro 11,4,10 By MicroComp civil engineering software Softeam 498 CRITICAL PATH METHOD PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Project management for a network up to 500 activities Elite Software Development, Inc. 250 DATA SMOOTHER Smooths data points Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 212 DIGITAL FILTER Filter function design aid Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DUCT SIZING PROGRAM Static regain duct sizing program Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 213 250 DYNAMIC RESPONSE FOR PIPE NETWORK Kaypro 11,4,10 Pipe network analysis providing quasi-dynamic solution Microcomp 378 DYNAMIC RESPONSE MODULE Kaypro 11,4,10 By MicroComp civil engineering software Softeam 499 ENGINEERING COLLECTIONS #1 Kaypro 11,4,10 A series of 10 engineering programs Dynacomp, Inc. 215 * 128 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Engineering APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS EZ-COGO Coordinate geometry Microcomp Kaypro 11,4,10 FOURIER ANALYZER Educational tool for the Engineer Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FREHEAT Passive solar simulation system Western Wares Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 379 217 603 ISIM Kaypro 11,4,10 A continuous system simulation program Simulation Systems, Ltd. 493 JOB COST ACCOUNTING PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Engineering/architectural job-costing program Elite Software Development, Inc. 251 KEYSTONE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Kaypro 10 Integrated applications for architecture/engineering Computerized Management Advisors 145 LIGHTING CALCULATION PROGRAM Based on zonal cavity method Elite Software Development, Inc. 251 Kaypro 11,4,10 Kaypro 11,4,10 LOGIC DESIGNER An interactive digital design program Dynacomp, Inc. 222 MONITOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Job cost accounting and project mangagement system Clem~nts Company, The 103 PHASCOST Life cycle project costing program Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 253 PIPE NETWORK ANALYSIS A water distribution analysis Microcomp Kaypro 11,4,10 ,~ 129 379 ~~ SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Engineering APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE PIPE NETWORK ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 By MicroComp civil engineering software Softeam 503 PROJECT COST MANAGEMENT Kaypro 11,4,10 Provides 33 reports on engineering cost control Microcomp 380 ROOTS Kaypro 11,4,10 Determines zeroes of polynomials with real coefficients Dynacomp, Inc. 229 Kaypro 11,4,10 SERVICE SUPPLY PIPE SIZING For chilled water or refrigerant systems Elite Software Development, Inc. 253 SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATION PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes fault currents and voltage drops. Elite Software Development, Inc. 254 TRANSFER FUNCTION ANALYZER Kaypro 11,4,10 Frequency spectrum analysis package Dynacomp, Inc. 234 U-FACTOR CALCULATION PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Generates "U-FACTORS" for roof and wall sections Elite Software Development, Inc. 254 Food/Restaraunts AACS RESTAURANT Kaypro 4 Restaurant specific inventory control and cost analysis Advanced Analytical Computer Systs. 27 BARMAID Kaypro 10 Complete bar and restaurant accounting package Fast Facts 271 FOOD CO-OP MANAGER Kaypro 11,4,10 Food Co-op's billing, order-taking/general management Co-Op Computer Sales 104 * 130 ~~ SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES General COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BALANCE FORWARD Kaypro 11,4,10 For credit cards, retail stores, country clubs Taranto & Associates, Inc. ADS CHURCHES A church management system ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 BARGEN Bar Code Generating Program New Wave Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 557 9 403 BRANVID Kaypro 11,4,10 Check-in/check-out management system John D. Owens Associates, Inc. 324 BROTHER JOHN Kaypro 10 Churches: A comprehensive package for churches CompuData, Inc. 114 BUILDERS FLEXIBLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Financial system for small business contractors Flexible Hybrid Systems, Inc. 272 CABLESTAR Kaypro 4,10 Accounting system for cable TV companies KMP Computer Systems, Inc. 326 CHURCH INFORMATION SYSTEM Kaypro 10 Application software for religious organizations Compass 113 CHURCH RECEIPT & DISBURSEMENT Kaypro 11,4,10 Computerized management system for churches (& similar) Computers & Accounting Systems 148 COMPUTERIZED SERVICE STATION SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Service station: management aid system Pakre, Inc. 419 CONVOY Kaypro 11,4,10 Billing by mile, gallon, ton, liter, etc. American Compusoft 51 * 131 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE DPC FUND ACCOUNTING Kaypro 4 Accounting system for school and public agencies D P Consultants, Inc. 165 E Z CHURCH MEMBERSHIP SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Tracks church membership by household E Z Systems, Inc. 236 FIRE SPRINKLER PIPE SIZING PROGRAM Kaypro 11,4,10 Optimal pipe sizing using the Newton Raphson method Elite Software Development, Inc. 251 FOOD CO-OP MANAGER Kaypro 11,4,10 Food Co-op's billing, order-taking/general management Co-Op Computer Sales 104 FUND ACCOUNTANT Kaypro 10 General accounting for non-profit organizations Computer Evaluation Center 128 FUNDS ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS Kaypro 11,4,10 General ledger for not-for-profit organizations Executive Data Systems, Inc. 265 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 Funeral Homes: Information management system Davidson Software Systems 172 FUNERAL HOME INFORMATION SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 Handles funeral home service and operation Computerized Business Systems, Inc. 143 GAS-PRO Kaypro 11,4,10 Service station accounting management system K. J. K. Systems 325 GOLF HANDICAP SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Golf Pro's: use USGA formulas for calculating Kelco Electronics 328 LITTLE MAC Kaypro 10 Management of meetings and conventions Advanced Solutions, Inc. * 132 * 33 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS MAC Kaypro 10 Management of meetings and conventions Advanced Solutions, Inc. MATCHING Kaypro 4,10 Matches players with others of similar skills Computer Technical Services of N.J. u~Li Kaypro 11,4,10 Membership billing for clubs and organizations American Compusoft PAGE 33 142 >lE>li:ii.}~S MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Membership accounting system Taranto & Associates, Inc. NERP A music rotation program for 52 Kaypro 11,4,10 559 kdVDro iI.4.10 radio stations JBSystems 320 MICRO COMPOSER Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows micros to control photo typesetting equipment Cybertext Corporation 164 MICRO TRAFFICQ Kaypro 11,4,10 Simulation of traffic management schemes MVA Systematica 345 MICROSURVEY Survey analysis program suite MVA Systematica 345 Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROTRIPS Kaypro 11,4,10 Transportation improvements programming system MVA Systematica 346 PARISH DATA SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 Church census information and contributions management Parilink Corporation 421 PEERLESS GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTING Kaypro 4,10 Funeral Homes: General ledger system Davidson Software Systems 173 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES General COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PERSONNEL-83 Kaypro 4,10 Modeling agencies: integrated accounting system Vertical Software Group PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP CLUBS Membership Club Management ADS Software, Inc. 593 Kaypro 11,4,10 14 PRO/SEARCH Kaypro 10 High speed selective search match program North Bay Systems, Inc. flU BLll Ul) L\ LU:\ PAGE 404 Kaypro 11,4,10 :-;li rz \' L \ Tabulates public opinion surveys Stolzberg Research Associates, Inc. 535 RECRUIT Kaypro 11,4,10 Employment Agency: personnel placement system Computer Dev. Specialists of L.I. 125 Kaypro 4,10 SALONFAX Hair stylist's information system Prosoft, Inc. 437 SERVICE SUPPLY PIPE SIZING Kaypro 11,4,10 For chilled water or refrigerant systems Elite Software Development, Inc. 253 SMART MAX ELECTRONIC EDITOR Kaypro 10 Assists technical writers in preparing documentation Smart Communications, Inc. 493 SMIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Survey management information system MVA Systematica 346 STOCK-TRACK Kaypro 11,4,10 Point-of-sale inventory control/Franchise Accounting JANCO Systems, Inc. 319 Kaypro II SUPERVISOR CONTROL SYSTEM eSCS) Business management Little Bita Software, Inc. * 134 337 ~~ SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE TEMPORARY SERVICES PROCESSING Kaypro 10 Specialized payroll/accounts receivable system Compusol, Inc. 118 THE COMPU-PRINTER (BASIC) Kaypro 11,4,10 A basic instant print shop management system Excalibur Systems, Inc. 263 THE COMPU-PRINTER (STANDARD) Kaypro 4,10 Print shops: instant print shop management system Excalibur Systems, Inc. 263 THE WORD PROCESSOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Bible study aid - computerized version of the bible Bible Research Systems 84 TINY MAC Kaypro 11,4,10 Management of meetings and conventions Advanced Solutions, Inc. 34 TRACE II Rail car fleet management system Micro Solutions, Inc. Kaypro 10 376 ZIP INTEGRATED PRINTING SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows laser printing of CP/M files Zip Services, Inc. 613 Health SERVICE BILLING For any service firm American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 52 WAISR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets the Wechsler adult intelligence scale Precision People, Inc. * 135 * 431 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Health COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE WISCR-80 Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets Wechsler intelligence scale for children Precision People, Inc. 432 WISCR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Kaypro 11,4,10 Interprets the Wechsler intelligence scale for children Precision People, Inc. 432 Hotel/Motel Kaypro 10 HOTEL 2000 A hotel/motel management system Unique Information Systems, Inc. 581 LITTLE MAC Kaypro 10 Management of meetings and conventions Advanced Solutions, Inc. 33 MAC Kaypro 10 Management of meetings and conventions Advanced Solutions, Inc. 33 Kaypro 11,4,10 TINY MAC Management of meetings and conventions Advanced Solutions, Inc. 34 Insurance AGENCY AUTOMATION Kaypro 11,4,10 Life insurance agency automation tools FIPSCO Kaypro 11,4,10 AUTO RATING Proposal software for insurance Insurance Sales Systems 307 CAPITAL NEEDS ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 A current and projected capital needs analysis Dakota Computer Professional * 136 269 * 169 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Insurance COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR CLIENT Kaypro 10 Database management for various professionals American Micro Dynamics, Inc. PAGE 57 GROUPS 1.4 Kaypro 4,10 Group insurance rating, organizing, and underwriting Softworks, The 523 HOMEOWNERS Kaypro 11,4,10 Database management for the insurance industry Insurance Sales Systems 308 INSURANCE AGENCY MANAGEMENT Insurance agency management system Univair Incorporated 584 Kaypro 10 LOAN AMORTIZATION ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Illustrates the breakdown of principal and interest ACS Publishing Co. PIF POLICY INFORMATION FILES Kaypro 11,4,10 Database management program for insurance agents . Insurance Sales Systems 2 310 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares any two level premium life insurance policies ACS Publishing Co. 2 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR + Kaypro 11,4,10 Plus - life insurance policy comparison ACS Publishing Co. 2 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR ++ Kaypro 11,4,10 Super Plus - compares life insurance policy values ACS Publishing Co. 3 POLICY RECORDS SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 A client control system for insurance agents Computer Center, The 122 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares and analyzes various insurance policies ACS Publishing Co. 3 * 137 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Insurance APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR + Kaypro 11,4,10 Plus: cash value life insurance policy analysis ACS Publishing Co. 4 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR ++ Kaypro 11,4,10 Super Plus: life insurance policy comparisons ACS Publishing Co. 4 PROSPECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Professional sales client management Koch Industries, Inc. 330 SHELTERED INCOME ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculate any' single investment at any rate of interest ACS Publishing Co. SYSTEM 100 Kaypro 10 An insurance agency management system American Micro Dynamics, Inc. TAS (THE AGENCY SYSTEM) An Insurance Agency system Mini-Micro Business Systems, Inc. 394 5 Kaypro 11,4,10 269 THE INVESTMENT RETURN ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Prepares presentation documents for investment earnings ACS Publishing Co. TOTAL NEEDS ANALYSIS Life insurance sales aid Insurance Sales Systems 58 Kaypro 10 Kaypro 11,4,10 TERM DIFFERENCE ILLUSTRATOR A life insurance policy comparison program ACS Publishing Co. THE EDGE Life insurance illustration system FIPSCO 5 6 Kaypro 11,4,10 310 * 138 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Manufacturing APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE BILL OF MATERIALS Kaypro 10 Create part records for all bought & manufactured items Taylor Micro Systems 567 COE-3 Kaypro 10 Customer order entry & sales analysis Micro Manufacturing Systems 373 FIVE STAR MANUFACTURING INVENTORY Kaypro 4,10 An inventory control for small manufacturers Pericomp Corporation 426 FRP-3 MCS-3: financial resource planning Micro Manufacturing Systems 373 Kaypro 10 GOLD-24 BILL OF MATERIALS Kaypro 4,10 An option to the GOLD inventory application Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 198 GOLD-24 ORDER ENTRY/INVOICING Integrated or stand alone system Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 201 HAI*LINE MANUFACTURING Manufacturing management system Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 291 INMASS Kaypro 10 Integrated manufacturing software series Microcomputer Consultants 381 JET Kaypro 11,4,10 Job estimating and tracking Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 298 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS JCST Kaypro 11,4,10 ELETCH manufacturing job cost module ELTECH Associates 241 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS LABP Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH labor reporting / performance system ELTECH Associates 242 * 139 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Manufacturing APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS MRP Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH material requirements planning control module ELTECH Associates 242 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS PURCH Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH purchase order control module ELTECH Associates 243 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS SHOC ELTECH shop order control ELTECH Associates 243 Kaypro 11,4,10 MANUFACTURING INVENTORY CNTRL/BOMP Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH bill of materials processor module ELTECH Associates 244 MANUFACTURING INVENTORY CNTRL/MICS Kaypro 11,4,10 ELTECH manufacturing inventory control module ELTECH Associates 244 MANUFACTURING INVENTORY, MRP Kaypro 4,10 Manufacturing inventory control Stolzberg Research Associates, Inc. 535 MANUFACTURING RESOURCE PLANNING Kaypro 11,4,10 MRP is a comprehensive manufacturing production aid Integral Computer Systems 312 MCS-3 Inventory control system Micro Manufacturing Systems Kaypro 10 374 MCS-3 MRP-3 Material requirements planning Micro Manufacturing Systems Kaypro 10 374 MICRO-PICS Kaypro 4,10 Microcomputer production information & control system Great Northern Computer Services 281 MMC Kaypro 10 Maintenance management control Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 299 * 140 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Manufacturing APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE Kaypro 10 PLC Parts location control Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 300 REP MANAGER Kaypro 10 Management system for manufacturers' representatives Zener ex Corporation 612 STOCK CONTROL Kaypro 4,10 Creates part records for all bought & manufactured items Taylor Micro Systems 570 TCS TOTAL MATERIALS Bill of materials inventory TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 THE UNITROLLER SYSTEM For mini warehouse management Acorn Industries, Inc. Kaypro 10 554 26 TLC Kaypro 10 Tool location control Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 300 WORKS ORDER PROCESSING Kaypro 10 Creates and maintains records of works orders Taylor Micro Systems 571 Publishing BIBLIOGRAPHY The writer's companion Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 ESTIMATE/SO Estimates printed job costs Printers Software, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 PERSONAL PUBLISHING Computer typesetting service Intergraphics, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 175 * 433 141 314 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Publishing APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PUBLIPHILE Subscription management system WPL Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 600 PUBLISHER Kaypro 10 Circulation control & accounts receivable for newspaper M & A Computer Services, Inc. 339 ZIP INTEGRATED PRINTING SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows laser printing of CP/M files Zip Services, Inc. 613 Real Estate ACQUISITION & DISPOSITON ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the real estate management system Berge Software 81 BREAK EVEN SYSTEM Kaypro II,4,10 (8") A real estate sales analysis system Automated Analysis 68 BUILDING COST ANALYSIS Kaypro II,4,10 A tool in analyzing the intended building investment Resource Software International 462 CAM Condominium Association Management Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 445 CCA Commercial Condominium Association Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CMW Commercial Mini-Ware Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 446 COMMERCIAL FINANCE Kaypro 11,4;10 Part of the real estate asset management system Berge Software 446 81 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Real Estate APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM Real estate assistant Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT Real estate assistant Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") CPS Commercial Property System Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 DEPRECIATION SYSTEM Real estate sales analysis Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") ESCROW Bytesmith Software's Escrow National Datatec Corporation Kaypro 4,10 FINANCIAL CALCULATIONS An investment management aid Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HMA How much can you afford Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 68 68 446 69 398 565 511 Kaypro 11,4,10 INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Part of the Real Estate management system Berge Software 82 LAND & LEASE ANALSYIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Part of the real estate management system Berge Software 82 LEASE-BUY ANALYSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes and prints tax factors under consideration Resource Software International 465 LOAN AMORTIZATION ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Illustrates the breakdown of principal and interest ACS Publishing Co. 2 * 143 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Real Estate APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE LOAN PLAN Kaypro 11,4,10 Worksheets for loan analysis and planning Software Group, The, Inc. 511 LOAN-PAK Kaypro 11,4,10 Loan amortization calculation and schedule printing Crownsoft Applications, Inc. 162 LOAN-V Real estate sales analysis Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 69 MANAGEMENT PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 Commissions accounting and management and more •.• Software Group, The, Inc. 512 MWS Mini-Warehouse System Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 447 OAP Office and Agent Productivity Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 OFFICE AND AGENT PRODUCTIVITY Real estate assistant Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") 447 70 PLANEASE Kaypro 11,4,10 For cash flow projections of income-producing property Analytic Associates PMS Property Management System Realty Automation, Inc. 63 Kaypro 4,10 448 PQI Kaypro 11,4,10 Purchasers qualification information Software Group, The, Inc. 512 PROMAN Kaypro 11,4,10 Property management software for the Kaypro Taylor-Hughes Computer Systems 571 ~~ 144 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Real Estate APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PROPERTY ANALYSIS SYSTEM Real estate assistant Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") PROPERTY MANAGEMENT For residential income properties Univair Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 70 586 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Keeps track of all income and expenses Automated Analysis 70 PROSPECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Kaypro 11,4,10 Professional sales client management Koch Industries, Inc. 330 QUIKCALC REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Real estate financial analysis Simple Soft, Inc. 492 Kaypro 11,4,10 REAL ESTATE 1 Kaypro 11,4,10 A comprehensive real estate package Software Group, The, Inc. 513 REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS Business Management Series Century Software 100 Kaypro 11,4,10 REAL ESTATE MASTER Kaypro 11,4,10 Real estate management and analysis forms Mastermind Computing REAL ESTATE OFFICE MANAGEMENT Personal ledger system Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") REAL-T-PRO Real estate office management Real-E-Data, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 71 444 REALTY MASTER Kaypro 11,4,10 A complete real estate pack for all realty needs Computer Industries, Inc. -r,- 145 351 ~*' 131 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Real Estate APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS REILEY A real estate index and locator Electric Abacus, The Kay pr 0 I I , 4 , 1 0 REPORT GENERATOR Computer generated addendums Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 246 513 Kaypro 11,4,10 RESIDENTIAL FINANCE Part of the real estate management system Berge Software 83 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Real estate assistant Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") 71 RETURN SYSTEM Real estate sales analysis Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 ROM Real Estate Office Management Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 RPM Residential Property Management Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 71 448 448 Kaypro 4,10 RVL Realval: an investment analysis program Realty Automation, Inc. SEARCH Property files search Software Group, The, Inc. 449 Kaypro 11,4,10 513 SHELTERED INCOME ILLUSTRATOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculate any single investment at any rate of interest ACS Publishing Co. 5 Kaypro 11,4,10 TERM DIFFERENCE ILLUSTRATOR A life insurance policy comparison program ACS Publishing Co. 5 SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Real Estate APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS THE COMPETITIVE EDGE Kaypro 11,4,10 Analyzes commercial real estate dispositions Softronics Kaypro 11,4,10 THE INVESTMENT RETURN ILLUSTRATOR Prepares presentation documents for investment earnings ACS Publishing Co. PAGE 508 6 THE LANDLORD Kaypro 11,4,10 A property and financial manager for rental property Systems Plus 549 THE REAL ESTATE COMPUTER Kaypro 10 Property descriptions Computerized Business Systems, Inc. 144 YBY Kaypro 11,4,10 The advantages to purchasing that home Software Group, The, Inc. 514 Repair COMPU-DATA-SCAN Kaypro 10 Bar code reader/microcomputer interface Compusol, Inc. 116 GARAGEKEEPER (SYSTEM I) Kaypro 4,10 An inventory control & invoicing system for automotives Computer Assistance, Inc. 119 GARAGEKEEPER (SYSTEM II) Kaypro 10 An inventory control & invoicing system for automotives Computer Assistance, Inc. 119 PAYROLL PROCESSING SYSTEM General payroll processing system Compusol, Inc. 117 * 147 Kaypro 10 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Retail APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ACCOUNTING PLUS GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 10 Financial statements: trial balance, final balance etc. ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 19 ACCOUNTING PLUS INVENTORY CONTROL Maintains an inventory master file ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 20 Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTING PLUS PAYABLES Kaypro 10 Provides cash disbursements control ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 20 ACCOUNTING PLUS PAYROLL Complete payroll system ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 21 Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTING PLUS PURCHASE ORDER Kaypro 10 Enters purchase orders updates inventory control files ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 21 ACCOUNTING PLUS RECEIVABLES Open A/R with customer master file ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 21 Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTING PLUS SALES ORDER ENTRY Kaypro 10 Enters sales orders, controls backlog, and inventory ARBA Retail Systems Corporation ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BALANCE FORWARD Kaypro 11,4,10 For credit cards, retail stores, country clubs Taranto & Associates, Inc. ARBA POINT OF SALE SYSTEM Kaypro 10 A retail point of sale and inventory control system ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 22 557 22 IN-TALLY Kaypro 11,4,10 Inventory management w/customer mail list NBS Computer Systems 397 INCOME Integrated company management Microcomputer Consultants 381 * 148 Kaypro 10 * SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Retail APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ORDER ENTRY WITH INVENTORY CONTROL Kaypro 10 An on line order entry with inventory control system Univair Incorporated 585 POINT OF SALE INVENTORY Kaypro 11,4,10 Sales/inventory management including QUICK REGISTER Chuck Atkinson Programs 102 PROSPECT RANKING Kaypro 11,4,10 Customer ranking on return of investment value Resource Software International 465 STOCKMASTER Kaypro 10 Inventory control for retail apparel Data Management Sales, Inc. 171 THE STATION MASTER Kaypro 4,10 Service station daily book and productivity manager Steel Wool Computer Systems 532 Utilities BETH Kaypro 10 Betterment Engineering Thermal-Hydraulics Software Energy Incorporated SERVICE BILLING For any service firm American Compusoft 260 Kaypro 11,4,10 52 TAABS-II Kaypro 4,10 A water utility accounting and billing system Microline, Inc. 385 UTILIBILL Kaypro II,4,10 A stand-alone utility billing system E.F. Haskell & Associates 240 UTILITY BILLING Kaypro 4,10 (8") A utility billing system for small municipalities Micro Dat~ Business Forms & Systems 371 * 149 ~~ SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Utilities COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR UTILITY BILLING PROGRAM Computes and prints utility Valley Microcomputers * PAGE Kaypro 4,10 sewer, trash) bills(water~ 591 150 * WORD PROCESSING General COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ATI PERFECT WRITER Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches document creation, editing, and printing American Training International 61 ATI WORDSTAR VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches WORDSTAR MENU and document formatting commands American Training International 61 CARDFILE Kaypro 11,4,10 Electronic index cards--word processing enhancement Digital Marketing 176 CHARTECH Kaypro 11,4,10 Enables technical word processing with WORDSTAR Techware 572 DOCUMENTOR Kaypro 11,4,10 Computer assisted writing document database manager PromptDoc, Inc. 435 FINAL WORD Kaypro 11,4,10 Word processor by Mark of the Unicorn Softeam 500 FIRST DRAFT Kaypro 11,4,10 Computer assisted writing spreadsheet PromptDoc, Inc. 435 FOOTNOTE Wordstar and Select enhancement Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 GRAMMATIK Detects grammatical errors Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 178 178 HEXPRINTR Kaypro 11,4,10 Word processing printer enhancement for Wordstar CI Software IBR Kaypro 11,4,10 Adds unlimited merging capability to word processors Digital Marketing * 151 * 94 179 WORD PROCESSING General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE MAGICBIND Kaypro 11,4,10 File merging program with advanced features Computer EdiType Systems 126 MASTERTEMP TEMPLATES Kaypro 11,4,10 A Perfect Writer and Perfect Calc Aid Mastermind Computing 351 NEWWORD Kaypro 11,4,10 Compatible alternative to MicroPro's WordStar/MailMerge Rocky Mountain Software 471 PALANTIR WORD PROCESSOR Kaypro 11,4,10 A high perfomance word processor for microcomputers Palantir, Inc. 420 PUNCTUATION AND STYLE Kaypro 11,4,10 Word processing enhancement by Oasis Softeam 504 SMART MAX ELECTRONIC EDITOR Kaypro 10 Assists technical writers in preparing documentation Smart Communications, Inc. 493 SPELLBINDER The enhanced word processor Digital Marketing 182 Kaypro 11,4,10 SPELLBINDER Kaypro 11,4,10 Word processing and office management system Lexisoft, Inc. 336 SPELLBINDER Word processor by Lexisoft Softeam 505 Kaypro 11,4,10 SYNOPSIS Kaypro 11,4,10 For CP/M file indexing--using a word processor Digital Marketing 183 T/MAKER III Kaypro 11,4,10 Word processor, spreadsheet, list processing, graphics T/Maker Company 551 * 152 * WORD PROCESSING General APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS TCS Q/WORD Word processing TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS SIMPLE Report writer TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TEX Programming utility - text editor Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 THE BENCHMARK WORD PROCESSOR A full featured word processor Metasoft Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 553 553 191 355 THE FINALWORD Kaypro 11,4,10 An integrated word processing package Mark of the Unicorn, Inc. THE PERFECT ENHANCEMENT Kaypro 11,4,10 A PW control key to keyboard function key enhancement A+B+Computus Company TYPWTR Turns a computer into a typewriter Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 WORDPAL Wordprocessing system Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 349 1 257 112 WORDPATCH Kaypro 11,4,10 Unlocks the power of a dot matrix printer Rocky Mountain Software 472 WRITER'S PACK Kaypro 11,4,10 Collection of five programs for the WordStar user Digital Marketing 184 ZEN 3 Kaypro 11,4,10 Utility for word processing and program development Zenrad Controls Company 612 * 153 * WORD PROCESSING Spelling Correctors APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS RANDOM HOUSE PROOFREADER Screen-prompted spelling system Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 182 SPELL Kaypro 11,4,10 Detects misspelled words in documents Software Toolworks 521 Kaypro 11,4,10 THE BENCHMARK SPELL CHECKER Uses a 27,000 word library Metasoft Corporation 355 Text Formatters FORMS Kaypro 11,4,10 For filling in/out preprinted forms Elliam Associates 255 MAGICPRINT Kaypro 11,4,10 Print formatter, word processing enhancer Computer EdiType Systems 127 STAR EDIT Text editor by Supersoft Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 505 STAR-EDIT Text Editor SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TEX Text formatter by Digital Research Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 THE ELECTRIC BLACKBOARD A multi window, full screen text Santa Cruz Software Services Kaypro 11,4,10 544 506 edito~ 477 WRITE Kaypro 11,4,10 A full-screen editor designed for the creative writer Workman & Associates * 154 * 611 The Kaypro Software Directory Section 2 Applications Index Alphabetically ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS 020 LET'S HAVE FUN COUNTING Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 022 LET'S HAVE FUN COMPARING Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 025 SIMPLE ADDITION Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 026 LET'S HAVE FUN SUBTRACTING Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 027 MULTIPLYING SINGLE DIGITS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 028 SIMPLE DIVISION Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 032 ADDING TWO DIGIT NUMBERS W/O Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 033 ADDING TWO DIGIT NUMBERS WITH Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 035 SUBTRACTION I Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 036 SUBTRACTING II Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 050 LEARNING & PRACTICING - MONEY Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 052 LEARNING & PRACTICING-FRACTIONS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 054 LEARNING EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 056 LEARNING PERCENTAGES Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 ** 1 PAGE 451 452 452 453 453 453 454 454 454 455 455 456 456 457 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE --------~--------------------------------------------- ---------------- 057 LEARNING DECIMALS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 058 LEARNING DISCOUNTS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 070 VOCABULARY BUILDING I Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 071 VOCABULARY BUILDING II R~source Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 072 VOCABULARY BUILDING III Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 080 VERBS I Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 081 VERBS II Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 088 SENTENCES I Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 089 SENTENCES II Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 092 MEASUREMENTS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 095 LETTER WRITING Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 457 457 458 458 458 459 459 460 460 460 461 AACS RESTAURANT Kaypro 4 Advanced Analytical Computer Systs. ACCESS MANAGER Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTANTS CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM MCG Software Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTING ONE Computer System Connection Kaypro 11,4,10 ** 27 185 344 140 2 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR ACCOUNTING PLUS ASK Micro, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ACCOUNTING PLUS GENERAL LEDGER ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTING PLUS INVENTORY CONTROL ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTING PLUS PAYABLES ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTING PLUS PAYROLL ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTING PLUS PURCHASE ORDER ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTING PLUS RECEIVABLES ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTING PLUS SALES ORDER ENTRY ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 A/R SBSG, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SBSG, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 GENERAL LEDGER SBSG, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 INVENTORY SBSG, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 ORDER ENTRY SBSG, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 PAYROLL SBSG, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Computer Professionals, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 23 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 473 474 474 475 475 476 135 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Ironwood Kaypro 11,4.,10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PSI Software Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Softeam Kay pr 0 I I , 4 , 10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WEKTAR Computer Services Kaypro 4,10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANAGEMENT Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/PURCHASE ORDER Taranto & Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Computer Professionals, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Ironwood Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 153 315 416 483 497 597 582 556 136 153 316 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Kaypro 4,10 (8") Micro Data Business Forms & Systems ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE National Datatec Corporation Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PSI Software Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 368 398 416 497 ** 4 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WEKTAR Computer Services Kaypro 4,10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BALANCE FORWARD Taranto & Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/INVOICING Taranto & Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCOUNTSTAR Kaypro 11,4,10 North~use PAGE 598 557 583 557 405 Industries, Inc. ACCOUNTSTAR Vertisoft Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCUCHART Big Trees Software Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 ACQUISITION & DISPOSITON ANALYSIS Berge Software Kaypro 11,4,10 ACTIVE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PROGRAM Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ACTIVE TRACE AWARECO Kaypro 11,4,10 ADA Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 ADA SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ADS A/R WITH INVOICING ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ADS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ADS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 595 85 81 203 24 497 538 8 8 9 ** 5 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR ADS CHURCHES ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 ADS INVENTORY ADS Sof't war e, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ADS PAYROLL ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 ADS RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL SERVICES ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ADS RETAIL FLORISTS ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ADS VETERINARIANS ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 ADVENTURE Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 ADVENTURE Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 ADVI$OR/ANALY$T K-Wave Services Kaypro 11,4,10 AFMWARE Kayware Kaypro 11,4,10 AFTER THE FACT PAYROLL Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 AFTER THE FACT PAYROLL Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 AG-PAYROLL Countryside Data, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 AG-PLANNER Countryside Data, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 AGENCY AUTOMATION F1PSCO Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 9 10 10 11 11 12 517 608 324 327 29 562 ** 160 6 ** 161 269 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR AIRPORT Software Toolworks Kaypro II,4,10 ALARM SUBSCRIBER INFO. RETRIEVAL Elrod Computers Kaypro II,4,10 ALCOR 'c' LANGUAGE SYSTEM Alcor Systems Kaypro 11,4 ALCOR MULTI-BASIC LANGUAGE SYSTEM Alcor Systems Kaypro II,4 ALCOR PASCAL LANGUAGE SYSTEM Alcor Systems Kaypro II,4 ALERT Information Solutions, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ALIST Honor System Software Kaypro 11,4 ALIST+ Honor System Software Kaypro 11,4 AMORTIZATION TABLES Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 ANALIZA II SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ANALYZER Information Solutions, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ANOVA Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ANYTOWN, USA MicroDec Computer Center Kaypro 11,4,10 AP Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 517 259 48 48 49 305 293 294 154 539 305 204 377 356 Micro Architect, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 AR 356 Micro Architect, Inc. ** 7 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ARBA POINT OF SALE SYSTEM ARBA Retail Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 ARCHIVE FOR HARD DISK Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 ASTRa STAR I AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI CP/M American Training International Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI MBASIC American Training International Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI MULTIPLAN American Training International Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI PERFECT CALC American Training International Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI PERFECT WRITER American Training International Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI WORDSTAR VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 American Training International Kaypro 11,4,10 ATI dBASE II VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 American Training International Kaypro 11,4,10 ATTENDANCE SYSTEM School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") AUDIT E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 AUDIT Micro Craft, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 AUTO RATING Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 AUTOCODE I Axel-Johnson, Corp. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 22 154 15 59 60 60 60 61 61 62 484 237 362 307 73 ** 8 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR AUTODIFF Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 AUTOMATED DAILY BOOK Sunnycrest Business Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 AUTOSORT-C/CR OR AUTOSORT-M/MR Computer Control Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") AZTEC C COMPILERS Manx Software Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 BACKGAMMON 2.0 Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BACKREST Stok Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 BANK MODELING Computer Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BARGEN New Wave Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 BARMAID Fast Facts Kaypro 10 BASEBALL MANAGER Co-Op Computer Sales Kaypro 11,4,10 BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES VOL II Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BASIC STATISTICAL SUBROUTINES Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BASIC-K MAGAZINE Basic-K Magazine Kaypro 11,4 BASICS OF BASIC Microfun Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 518 537 122 348 204 534 130 403 271 104 205 205 206 76 383 ** 9 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR BASTOC JMI Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 BATTLEFIELD Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BDS C COMPILER Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 BEAM DEFLECTION Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BEEF CATTLE MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 BEEFS TAR Northouse Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BEEFSTAR Vertisoft Kaypro 11,4,10 BEEFUP VERSION 3.01 St. Benedictfs Farm Kaypro 11,4,10 BETH Energy Incorporated Kaypro 10 BGRAPHIC+ Amcad Kaypro 10 BIBLIOFILE Power Tools Kaypro 11,4,10 BIBLIOGRAPHY Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 BILL OF MATERIALS Taylor Micro Systems Kaypro 10 BILLFLOW Great Northern Computer Services Kaypro 11,4,10 BILLKEEPER Micro Craft, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 320 206 608 207 35 406 595 529 260 49 430 175 567 280 363 ** 10 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS BLACK JACK COACH Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BOND VALUE Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 BOOKS! THE ELECTRIC LEDGER Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 BPI GENERAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM BPI Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BRAINSTORMER Soft Path Systems Kaypro II BRANVID John D. Owens Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BREAK EVEN SYSTEM Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 BRIDGE MASTER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BRIDGE SCORER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BROTHER JOHN CompuData, Inc. Kaypro 10 BSTAM Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 BT-80 Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BT80 Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 207 461 546 74 495 324 68 462 208 209 114 497 186 497 ** 11 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILD AN ADVENTURE Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 BUILDERS FLEXIBLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM Flexible Hybrid Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BUILDING COST ANALYSIS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS PROGRAM Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BUSINESS MANAGER Computer Evaluation Center Kaypro 10 BUSINESS MASTER PLUS Business Master, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BUYSEL Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 BYTEC DATABASE MANAGEMENT PROCESSOR BYTEC Kaypro 4,10 C COMPILER Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 C COMPILER SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 C' (C-PRIME) Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 C-PACK Western Wares Kaypro 11,4,10 CABLESTAR KMP Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CAM Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CANDIDATE AUTOMATED RETRIEVAL Computer Dev. Specialists of L.I. Kaypro 11,4,10 608 272 462 248 128 89 209 75 498 540 366 602 ** 326 445 12 ** 125 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR CAPITAL NEEDS ANALYSIS Dakota Computer Professional Kaypro 11,4,10 CAPPS Integral Computer Systems Kaypro 10 CARDBOX-PLUS Business Simulations Limited Kaypro 11,4,10 CARDFILE Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 CB80 Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CB80 Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 CB80 LANGUAGE UTILITIES Elite Software Development, Inc. Kay pr 0 I I , 4 , 1 0 CBASIC Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CCA Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CES-II Bradbary & Company Kaypro II,4,10 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Microfun Kaypro 11,4,10 CHAMPION BUSINESS ACCOUNTING Champion Software Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 CHARTECH Techware Kaypro 11,4,10 CHECKS AND BALANCES CDE Software Kaypro 11,4,10 CHESS MASTER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 169 311 90 176 186 498 249 186 446 86 383 101 572 93 209 ** 13 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR CHIR080 Basis, Inc. Kaypro 10 CHURCH INFORMATION SYSTEM Compass Kaypro 10 CHURCH RECEIPT & DISBURSEMENT Computers & Accounting Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 CIA RELATIONAL DBMS VERSION A Computer Investment Advice Kaypro 11,4,10 CIA RELATIONAL DBMS VERSION B Computer Investment Advice Kaypro 11,4,10 CIA RELATIONAL DBMS VERSION C Computer Investment Advice Kaypro 11,4,10 CIPHER Software Development Corporation Kaypro 10 CIS COBOL Softeam Kaypro 10 CIS COBOL/CIS COBOL-86 Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CISCO CONSTRUCTION A/R Santek, Inc. Kaypro 10 CISCO CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Santek, Inc. Kaypro 10 CISCO CONSTRUCTION GENERAL LEDGER Santek, Inc. Kaypro 10 CISCO CONSTRUCTION PAYROLL Santek, Inc. Kaypro 10 CISCO JOB COSTING Santek, Inc. Kaypro 10 CLASS American Micro Dynamics, Inc. Kaypro 10 PAGE 77 113 148 132 132 133 509 498 187 478 479 479 480 480 ** 14 57 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR CLEO-3780 Phone 1, Inc. Kaypro II CLIENT American Micro Dynamics, Inc. Kaypro 10 CLIENT ACCOUNTING Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CLIENT BILLING Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 CLIENT BILLING 2 Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 CLIENT MANAGER Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 CLIENT PROGRAMMED ACCOUNTING Dimis Micro Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 CLIENT WRITE UP Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CLIENT WRITE-UP E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 4,10 CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM Evergreen Research, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM (ALL-WAYS) Evergreen Research, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CLUB ACCOUNTING SYSTEM School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") CMSS Bradbary & Company Kaypro 11,4,10 CMW Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CO-SORT Information Resources Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 428 57 562 155 155 547 193 29 238 261 262 484 87 446 304 ** 15 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE ------~----------------------------------------------- ---------------- COBOL 80 Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 COBOL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 COE-3 Micro Manufacturing Systems Kaypro 10 COGO-PLUS COORDINATE GEOMETRY Microcomp Kaypro 11,4,10 COMM 78 Latham Computer Center, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 COMM 79 Latham Computer Center, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMERCIAL FINANCE Berge Software Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMERCIAL HEATING & COOLING LOADS Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") COMMON PILOT Micropi Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMUNICATIONS Woolf Software Systems Kaypro II COMMX Hawkeye Grafix Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMX-FORT Hawkeye Grafix Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMX-PAC Hawkeye Grafix Kaypro 11,4,10 COMPAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 10 498 550 373 378 334 334 81 249 68 387 607 283 284 284 ** 108 16 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SYSTEM Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 10 COMPAL BILLING SYSTEM 1 Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 4,10 COMPAL GENERAL LEDGER SYSTEM Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 4,10 COMPAL INVENTORY SYSTEM Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 10 COMPAL ORDER ENTRY Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 10 COMPAL PAYROLL SYSTEM Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 4,10 COMPOSITE ASTRO-REPORT AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 COMPTROL PAC American Veterinary Products Kaypro 10 COMPU-DATA-SCAN Compusol, Inc. Kaypro 10 COMPUTER CHEF Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 COMPUTER MARKETING Computer Center of Maukato, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 COMPUTERIZED SERVICE STATION SYSTEM Pakre, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") CONSOLX Hawkeye Grafix Kaypro 11,4,10 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Construction Data Control, Inc. Kaypro 10 PAGE 109 109 110 110 III III 16 62 116 518 120 419 68 285 ** 17 ** 151 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------CONTACT ASTRO-REPORT AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 CONTRACTOR COST ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Prosoft Inc. Kaypro 10 16 436 CONTRACTORS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Micro Data Business Forms & Systems 368 CONTRACTORS JOB COST SYSTEM Compusol, Inc. 116 Kaypro 10 CONTRACTORS PAYROLL Kaypro 4,10 (8") Micro Data Business Forms & Systems CONVOY American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 COORDINATE GEOMETRY Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 COPYLINK U.S. Digital Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 CORPORATE TAX RETURN PREPARATION Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CP/M Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CP/M PLUS (3.0) Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CPA CLIENT ACCOUNTING American Bus. & Prof. Computers Kaypro 11,4,10 CPA II Reichert Digital Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 CPL:COMPUTER-PHONE-LINK Cawthon Scientific Group Kaypro 11,4,10 CPS Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 369 51 498 ** 580 563 187 187 50 450 96 446 18 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR CRANSTON MANOR ADVENTURE Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CRITICAL PATH METHOD PROGRAM Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CROP MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 CROPSTAR Northouse Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CROPSTAR Vertisoft Kaypro 11,4,10 CRYPTO Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CRYSTAL BASIC Crystal Research, Ltd. Kaypro 11,4,10 CSA BULLETIN BOARD Computer System Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CTL: COMPUTER-TELEX-LINK Cawthon Scientific Group Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 210 250 35 406 596 210 163 139 97 CUSTOM SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Computer Systems Engineering, Kaypro 11,4,10 141 In~. CUSTOMER PROFILE Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 CUTE User Friendly Software Kaypro 4,10 D-UTIL Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 DAILY REMINDER International Computer Products Kaypro 11,4,10 DAIRY CATTLE Agricultural Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 211 590 498 ** 19 314 ** 45 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR DAIRY MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. PAGE Kaypro 4,10 36 DAIRY RATION PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 Agricultural Computer Applications DATA BASE 3 Holliday Software Kaypro 11,4,10 DATA PLOTTER Lark Software Kaypro 11,4,10 DATA RETRIEVAL SYSTEM Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DATA SMOOTHER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DATAFLOW Great Northern Computer Services Kaypro 11,4,10 DATALOCK Southern Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DATATALKER 1 Winterhalter, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DATEBOOK Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DATEBOOK II Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 DAY ONE Day One Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DBASE II Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 DBPLUS HumanSoft Kaypro 11,4,10 DECISION-ANALYST Executive Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 43 293 333 211 212 280 527 606 212 176 174 499 295 ** 267 20 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR DEDICATE/32 Merritt Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") DELUXE ASTRO-SCOPE AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 DENTAL MANAGEMENT Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 DENTAL PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 DENTAL80 Basis, Inc. Kaypro 10 DEPRECIATION (INCL ACRS) Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 353 16 583 176 77 563 ,I' DEPRECIATION AND ACRS SCHEDULES Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4, 10 DEPRECIATION COMPARISON Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 DEPRECIATION SYSTEM Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") DEPRECIATION TABLES Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT A/R Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT GENERAL LEDGER Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT PAYROLL Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 30 463 69 ** 155 468 469 21 469 469 ** 470 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR DESKTOP INVENTORY MANAGER Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 DESPOOL Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DESPOOL Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 DGRAPH Fox & Geller, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DIAGNOSTIC II HARDWARE CHECKER Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 DIAGNOSTICS II SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro II DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DIGITAL FILTER Dynacornp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK DOCTOR SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK DRIVE ANALYZER J & M Systems, Ltd. Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK EDIT Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK FIX Software Store, The Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK UTILITY PACKAGE Elektrokonsult A/S, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK-EDIT SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DISKETTE FORMAT CONVERSION Port-A-Soft Kaypro II PAGE 470 188 499 272 499 540 213 213 541 318 499 515 247 541 ** 429 22 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR DMS-III Microline, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 DOCKET Micro Craft, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DOCKET CONTROL Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 DOCUMENT INDEX Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 DOCUMENTOR PromptDoc, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 DOUBLE ENTRY FUND ACCOUNTING School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") DPC CONTRACTOR PROGRAM D P Consultants, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 DPC FUND ACCOUNTING D P Consultants, Inc. Kaypro 4 DR ACCESS 10 Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 (8") DR KERNEL Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 (8") DR PLOT Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 (8") DRAFTING WILLS AND TRUST AGREEMENTS R.P.W. Publishing Corp. Kaypro I1,4,10 DRAWSPEC Bradbary & Company Kaypro 11,4,10 DUCT SIZING PROGRAM Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DUTIL Fox & Geller, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 384 363 156 156 435 484 164 165 188 189 189 442 87 250 273 ** 23 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR DYNAFORTH Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 DYNAMIC RESPONSE FOR PIPE NETWORK Microcomp Kaypro 11,4,10 DYNAMIC RESPONSE MODULE Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 E Z CHURCH MEMBERSHIP SYSTEM E Z Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 EBASIC WITH STARBASE 3.2 Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ECO-PARADISE Public Interest Software Kaypro 11,4,10 ECONOMETRICS Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 ECONOMY PHARMACY SOFTWARE Software Development Corporation Kaypro 10 ELIZA Artificial Intelligence Research Kaypro 11,4,10 ELIZA Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 ELIZA II Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 EMBRYO TRANSFER Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 EMM Hawkeye Grafix Kaypro 11,4,10 EMWOCS Sterling Data Applications, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ENCHANTER Infocom, Inc. Kaypro II PAGE 214 378 499 236 215 438 98 509 66 518 215 36 286 532 301 ** 24 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPA~IBLE SYSTEMS ENCODE/DECODE II Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 ENGINEERING COLLECTIONS #1 Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLY DEALER Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ESCROW National Datatec Corporation Kaypro 4,10 ESCROW ACCOUNT (OR TRUST) Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 11,4,10 ESTATE PLANNING AND CALCULATIONS Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ESTATE TAX PLANNER Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ESTIMATE/80 Printers Software, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ESTIMATING Contractors Management Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 ESTIMATOR Mendocino Software Company, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 EUREKA! Mendocino Software Company, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 EVERYMAN'S DATABASE PRIMER Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 EXECUTIVE'S TIME VALUE Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 EZ-COGO Microcomp Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 500 .215 37 398 157 30 564 433 159 352 353 500 463 379 F1120 Kaypro 4,10 Computer Technical Services of N.J. ** 25 ** 142 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR FAA E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 FABS-II Computer Control Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") FAMILY TIES Computer Services Kaypro 11,4,10 FARM MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Countryside Data, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FED. & STATE INCOME TAX PLANNING Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FEED PLANT MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 FEEDLOT & SWINE FINISH FLOOR Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 FERTILIZER PLANT MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 10 FILE MOVER Elektrokonsult A/S, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FILEFIX Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 FINAL WORD Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL CALCULATIONS Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL DECISIONS Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL MANAGER Farm Management, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 238 123 138 161 564 37 38 38 247 177 500 565 99 216 270 26 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR FINANCIAL RATIO CALCULATIONS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 FIRE SPRINKLER PIPE SIZING PROGRAM Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FIRM I American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 FIRST DRAFT PromptDoc, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FIVE STAR ACCOUNTING Pericomp Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 FIVE STAR MANUFACTURING INVENTORY Pericornp Corporation Kaypro 4,10 FIVE STAR SUPERFILE BACKUP SYSTEM Pericomp Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 FLIGHT SIMULATOR Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FLYPCHART Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 FMS-80 Computerworks, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FOOD CO-OP MANAGER Co-Op Computer Sales Kaypro 11,4,10 FOOTNOTE Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 FORMS Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 FORMS 2 Softeam Kaypro 10 PAGE 463 99 251 51 435 425 426 426 217 547 149 104 178 255 500 ** 27 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS FORTH (Z80) Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 FORTH-79 Micro Motion Kaypro 11,4,10 FORTRAN Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 FORTRAN SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FORTRAN 80 Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 FOURIER ANALYZER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 FREHEAT Western Wares Kaypro 11,4,10 FRP-3 Micro Manufacturing Systems Kaypro 10 FULL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 FUNCTIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Soft Logic, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 FUND ACCOUNTANT Computer Evaluation Center Kaypro 10 FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (VER 1.0) School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (VER 2.0) School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") FUND-IT Sawhney Software Kaypro 11,4,10 FUNDS ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS Executive Data Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 500 375 500 542 501 217 603 373 501 494 128 485 485 481 265 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Davidson Software Systems Kaypro 4,10 172 FUNERAL HOME INFORMATION SYSTEM Kaypro 4,10 Computerized Business Systems, Inc. G & G 1040 PAGE 143 Kaypro 11,4,10 G & G Software, Inc. 277 G & G GL G & G Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GAMES PACK 1 Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GAMES PACK II Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GARAGEKEEPER (SYSTEM I) Computer Assistance, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 GARAGEKEEPER (SYSTEM II) Computer Assistance, Inc. Kaypro 10 GAS-PRO K. J. K. Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 GENERAL LEDGER ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 GENERAL LEDGER Computer Professionals, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GENERAL LEDGER Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 278 218 218 119 119 325 12 137 157 GENERAL LEDGER Kaypro 4,10 (8") Micro Data Business Forms & Systems GENERAL LEDGER National Datatec Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 GENERAL LEDGER PSI Software Kaypro 11,4,10 369 399 417 ** 29 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL LEDGER Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 GENERAL LEDGER Taranto & Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GENERAL LEDGER WEKTAR Computer Services Kaypro 4,10 GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTING Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 GENERAL LEDGER FOR PROFESSIONALS Micro Craft, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GL Kaypro 11,4,10 501 558 598 584 364 Micro Architect, Inc. 357 GO FISH Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD SERIES II ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD SERIES II ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD SERIES II GENERAL LEDGER Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD SERIES II INVENTORY CONTROL Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD SERIES II JOB COSTING Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD SERIES II ORDER ENTRY/INVOICE Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD SERIES II PAYROLL Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD-24 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 218 ** 193 194 195 195 196 196 197 197 30 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR GOLD-24 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 GOLD-24 BILL OF MATERIALS Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 GOLD-24 GENERAL LEDGER Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD-24 INVENTORY CONTROL Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 GOLD-24 JOB COSTING Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 GOLD-24 MEDICAL BILLING Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GOLD-24 ORDER ENTRY/INVOICING Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 GOLD-24 PAYROLL Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 GOLF HANDICAP SYSTEM Kelco Electronics Kaypro 11,4,10 GPERT Emerge Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 GRAMMATIK Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 GROUPS 1.4 Softworks, The Kaypro 4,10 GUMBALL RALLY ADVENTURE Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI*BAS BASIC COMPILER Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI''{-BAS RUN TIME Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 198 198 199 199 200 201 201 202 328 260 178 523 219 31 287 287 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR HAI*LINE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI*LINE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Holland Automation US!\, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI*LINE FILEKEEPER Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 GENERAL LEDGER Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 INVENTORY Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI*LINE INVOICING Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI*LINE MANUFACTURING Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SALES ANALYSIS Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI~~LINE HAI~~LINE HAI~~LINE PAGE 288 288 289 289 290 290 291 291 HAI*LINE SALES ORDER PROCESSING Holland Automation USA, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 HANDICAPPER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HARMONIC ANALYZER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HASM Hawkeye Grafix Kaypro 11,4,10 HDIS Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 HERDS TAR Northouse Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 HERDSTAR Vertisoft Kaypro 11,4,10 292 219 220 286 256 407 596 ** 32 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR HEXPRINTR CI Software Kaypro II,4,10 HMA Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 HOGSTAR Northouse Industries, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 HOGSTAR Vertisoft Kaypro 1I,4,10 HOMEOWNERS Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 HOMERECORD (TM) Learning Source, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 HOMETAX (TM) Learning Source, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 HORSE AND STABLE D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 HORSE FARM MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 10 HORSE SHOW MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 HOTEL 2000 Unique Information Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 HOW TO USE SUPERCALC Dilithium Press Kaypro II,4,10 (8") HR-10PROPOSAL (KEOGH) Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 HYPER TYPER Summit Software Corporation Kaypro II,4,10 HYPERTYPER Digital Marketing Kaypro II,4,10 PAGE 94 511 408 597 308 335 335 166 39 39 581 192 308 537 179 ** 33 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR I.R.A.P. Kaypro 11,4,10 Benchmark Computer Systems Limited IBR Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 ICX Western Wares Kaypro 11,4,10 IDM-X Micro Architect, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 IN-TALLY NBS Computer Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 INCOME Microcomputer Consultants Kaypro 10 INCOME TAX PLANNING Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 INDIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION SYSTEM Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 INFO-80 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Software Store, The Kaypro 4,10 INFO-MANAGE Trahair Info - Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 INFORMAX XX Abacus Data, Inc. Kaypro 10 INMASS Microcomputer Consultants Kaypro 10 INSTALLMENT LOAN PAYMENT Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 INSURANCE AGENCY MANAGEMENT Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 INTEREST RATE CALCULATION Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 79 179 603 357 397 381 31 565 515 579 25 ** 381 464 584 34 464 ALPHABETIC APPL1cATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR INTERFACE TO WORD/DATA PROCESSING Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 INV-X Micro Architect, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 INVENTORY Ironwood Kaypro 11,4,10 INVENTORY WEKTAR Computer Services Kaypro 4,10 INVENTORY CONTROL Taranto & Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Berge Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 157 464 358 316 599 558 82 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Kaypro 11,4,10 Microcomputer Investors Association INVIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 INVOICING WEKTAR Computer Services Kaypro 4,10 INVOICING WITH A/R AND INVENTORY ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 IRONCLADS Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ISIM Simulation Systems, Ltd. Kaypro 11,4,10 ITEMIZER People Literate Software Kaypro 11,4,10 ITOZ/ZTOI RD Software Kaypro 11,4,10 382 31 599 13 220 493 423 443 35 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR Kaypro 11,4,10 JANUS/ADA R. R. Software, Inc. JET Kaypro 11,4,10 Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. JOB COST E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 JOB COST ACCOUNTING PROGRAM Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 JOB COST SERIES I Micro Business Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 PAGE 441 298 239 251 360 JOB COSTING Kaypro 4,10 Micro Data Business Forms & Systems JOB COSTING National Datatec Corporation Kaypro 10 JOB COSTING Taylor Micro Systems Kaypro 10 JRT MODULA-2 JRT Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 JRT PASCAL FORMAT PROGRAM JRT Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 JRT PASCAL VERSION 3.0 JRT Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 JRT PASCAL VERSION 4.0 JRT Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 KEYSTONE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Computerized Management Advisors Kaypro 10 LADDER NETWORK Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 LAND & LEASE ANALSYIS Berge Software Kaypro 11,4,10 370 399 568 321 322 322 323 145 221 82 36 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS LAW OFFICE ORGANIZER Softworks, The Kaypro 11,4,10 LEASE VS. PURCHASE ANALYSIS Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 LEASE-BUY ANALYSIS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 LEDGERMASTER Executive Data Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 LEGAL TENDER American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 LEGAL TIME ACCOUNTING Univair Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 LEVEL II COBOL-86 Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 LIBRARY UTILITIES School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") LIGHTING CALCULATION PROGRAM Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 LINEAR PROGRAMMER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 LINEAR PROGRAMMING Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 LITIGATOR Micro Craft, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 LITTLE MAC Advanced Solutions, Inc. Kaypro 10 LIVESTOCK AUCTION Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 LOAN AMORTIZATION AND DEPRECIATION Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 524 99 465 265 52 585 189 486 251 221 100 365 33 37 40 ** 308 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR LOAN AMORTIZATION ILLUSTRATOR ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 LOAN PLAN Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro,II,4,10 LOAN-PAK Crownsoft Applications, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 LOAN-V Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 LOGIC DESIGNER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 M-MASTER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MAC Advanced Solutions, Inc. Kaypro 10 MAC Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MAC Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 MACHINE MANAGER Northouse Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MACRO 1 Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 MACRO 80 Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 MAGIC/L Loki Engineering, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MAGICBIND Computer EdiType Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 MAGICPRINT Computer EdiType Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 2 511 162 69 222 222 33 190 501 408 501 501 338 126 127 38 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR MAIL-X Micro Architect, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MAIL80 Basis, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 MAILING LIST SYSTEM Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 4,10 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING SERIES American Integrity Systems Kaypro 10 MANAGEMENT PACKAGE Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MANAGEMENT REPORTS Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 MANAGEMENT SIMULATOR Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS JCST ELTECH Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS LABP ELTECH Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS MRP ELTECH Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS PURCH ELTECH Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS SHOC ELTECH Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 MANUFACTURING INVENTORY CNTRL/BOMP ELTECH Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 MANUFACTURING INVENTORY CNTRL/MICS ELTECH Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 358 78 112 54 512 158 223 241 242 242 243 243 244 MANUFACTURING INVENTORY, MRP Kaypro 4,10 Stolzberg Research Associates, Inc. ** 39 ** 244 535 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR MANUFACTURING RESOURCE PLANNING Integral Computer Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 MAS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM V3.7 American Integrity Systems Kaypro 4,10 MAS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SYSTEM V3.7 American Integrity Systems Kaypro 4,10 MAS GENERAL LEDGER American Integrity Systems Kaypro 4,10 MAS INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEM V3.7 American Integrity Systems Kaypro 4,10 MAS SALES ORDER ENTRY SYSTEM (V3.7) American Integrity Systems Kaypro 4,10 MASTER DRILL Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MASTER TAX BASIC PACKAGE Mastermind Computing Kaypro 11,4,10 MASTER TAX LONG FORM PACKAGE Mastermind Computing Kaypro 11,4,10 MASTERFILE Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 MASTERTAX SUPPLEMENTAL FORMS Mastermind Computing Kaypro 11,4,10 MASTERTEMP TEMPLATES Mastermind Computing Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 312 54 55 55 56 56 223 350 350 309 351 351 MATCHING Kaypro 4,10 Computer Technical Services of N.J. MATERIAL Bradbary & Company Kaypro 11,4,10 MATHMAGIC Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 142 87 502 ** 40 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR MATHPAK Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 MCC ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC BOMP Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC BUDGETING/ESTIMATING Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC GENERAL LEDGER Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC INVENTORY Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC JOB COSTING Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC NAMS Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC PAYROLL Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCC TRAMS Midwest Computer Center Co. Kaypro 4,10 MCS-3 Micro Manufacturing Systems Kaypro 10 MCS-3 MRP-3 Micro Manufacturing Systems Kaypro 10 MD-REBS Software Development Corporation Kaypro 10 PAGE 519 ** 388 389 389 390 41 390 390 391 391 392 392 392 374 374 ** 509 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR MDBS III Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MEASUREMENTS Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 MEDIC80 Basis, Inc. Kaypro 10 MEDICAL WEKTAR Computer Services Kaypro 4,10 MEDICAL AND DENTAL MANAGEMENT Computer Planning Organization Kaypro 10 MEDICAL BILLING Management Systems Engineering Kaypro 10 MEDICAL MANAGEMENT Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 MEDICAL MANAGER Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 MEDIT Western Wares Kaypro 11,4,10 MEMBERS ONLY American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Taranto & Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 366 465 78 600 134 347 585 548 604 52 559 MEMBERSHIP BILL'ING Kaypro 4,10 (8") Micro Data Business Forms & Systems MENU Computing Kaypro 11,4,10 MENUMAKER Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 MERP JBSystems Kaypro 11,4,10 370 150 548 320 42 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS MICRO BOOKKEEPER D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO BT FOR CBASIC 2 Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO BT FOR MBASIC Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO COMPOSER Cybertext Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO FINANCIER Woolf Software Systems Kaypro II MICRO LEDGER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Tiny Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 MICRO LEDGER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Tiny Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 MICRO LEDGER GENERAL LEDGER Tiny Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 MICRO LEDGER JOB COST ACCOUNTING Tiny Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 MICRO LEDGER PAYROLL Tiny Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 MICRO LEDGER SALES ANALYSIS "TRACK" Tiny Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 MICRO LIBRARIAN D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO TRAFFICQ MVA Systematica Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO-MIXER FBS Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO-PICS Great Northern Computer Services Kaypro 4,10 PAGE 166 502 502 164 607 575 575 576 576 577 577 167 345 268 43 ** 281 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR MICRO-TAX LEVEL I Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO-TAX LEVEL II Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO-TAX LEVEL III Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 LEVEL IV Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO-TAX STATES Micro Computer Tax Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO-TOPICS INTRAK, INC. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROCOMPUTER BOND PROGRAM Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROCOMPUTER STOCK PROGRAM Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROFUN LEARNING SERIES Microfun Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROGRAPH Cosmos Software Company Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROMAILER D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRONET Pritsker & Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROSTAT Ecosoft, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROSTAT 2.09 Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO SURVEY MVA Systematica Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 361 361 361 MIC~O-TAX 361 362 297 223 224 383 160 167 434 245 502 345 ** 44 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR MICROTRIPS MVA Systematica Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROTRUST American Micro Dynamics, Inc. Kaypro 10 MILESTONE Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 MINI-MAX Agricultural Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 MINIMUM DATABASE Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 MIST New Era Technologies, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MITE Mycroft Labs, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MIXIT-2 Agricultural Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 MIX1T-3 Agricultural Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 MLS MICRO-CIRC Micro Library Software Kaypro 11,4,10 MLS MICRO-PAC Micro Library Software Kaypro 10 PAGE 346 58 179 45 609 402 396 46 46 372 372 MMC Kaypro 10 Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. MODEL 1040 Success Management Consultants Kaypro 11,4 MONARCH Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MONEY ·MAESTRO Inno Sys Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 299 536 225 306 ** 45 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR MONEY MANAGER People Literate Software Kaypro 11,4,10 MONITOR Clements Company, The Kaypro 11,4,10 MONTHLY ASTRO-REPORT AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 MORTGAGE ACCELERATION Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 MOVE-IT Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 MULISP/MUSTAR Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 MULTILINEAR REGRESSION Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 MUMATH/MUSIMP Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 MUNIS-MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Computer Evaluation Center Kaypro 10 MUP-FORTH PROGRAMMER'S KIT Mountain View Press Kaypro 11,4,10 MWS Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 MYCHESS Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 NAMOR Shape, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 NEMESIS SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 NEWWORD Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 424 103 17 309 502 502 225 503 129 395 447 519 489 542 ** 471 46 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR NOTEBOOK Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 NUTRI-BYTES Public Interest Software Kaypro 11,4,10 NWA STATPAK Northwest Analytical, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 OAP Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 OFFICE AND AGENT PRODUCTIVITY Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") OFFICE MATE Micrometries Kaypro 11,4,10 OPTIMIZER Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 OPTIMUM DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Uveon Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 OPTIONS ANALYSIS Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ORBQUEST Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 ORCHARD & GROVE MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ORDER ENTRY WITH INVENTORY CONTROL Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 ORGANIZER II Information People, The Kaypro 11,4,10 P-FILE Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 P-SPOOL (PRINT SPOOLER) Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 180 439 409 447 70 386 503 590 226 180 40 585 302 47 252 252 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PACE E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 PACK AND CRYPT Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 PADA/C Padmede Computer Services Kaypro 11,4,10 PADMEDE BUSINESS CONTROL SYSTEM Padmede Computer Services Kaypro 11,4,10 PALANTIR WORD PROCESSOR Palantir, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PARISH DATA SYSTEM Parilink Corporation Kaypro 4,10 PARTNERSHIP TAX RETURN PREPARATION Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAS-3 DENTAL Artificial Intelligence, Inc. Kaypro 10 PAS-3 MEDICAL Artificial Intelligence, Inc. Kaypro 10 PASCAL 80 CP/M New Classics Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PASCAL MT WITH SPP VERSION 5.5 Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 PASCAL/MT+ Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PASCAL/Z COMPILER Ithaca Intersystems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PASS American Micro Dynamics, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PATHFINDER Shapler Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 239 520 418 418 420 421 566 67 67 401 ** 503 190 317 58 490 48 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAY-WARE Computer Products International Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYMENT Bradbary & Company Kaypro II,4,10 PAYRIGHT PAYROLL SYSTEM Mike Lewis Consultants, Ltd. Kaypro II,4,10 PAYROLL Computer Professionals, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYROLL Micro Architect, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 PAYROLL National Datatec Corporation Kaypro II,4,10 PAYROLL PSI Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYROLL Softeam Kaypro II,4,10 PAYROLL CHECK WRITE Taxware Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYROLL CHECK WRITING Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 PAYROLL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 PAYROLL PROCESSING SYSTEM Compusol, Inc. Kaypro 10 PAYROLL/JOB COSTING Taranto & Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PDIR Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 PEDIGREE Version 2.01 St. Benedict's Farm Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 134 88 393 137 359 400 417 503 5·66 32 586 117 559 256 530 ** 49 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PEERLESS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM Davidson Software Systems Kaypro 4,10 PEERLESS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Davidson Software Systems Kaypro 4,10 PEERLESS GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTING Davidson Software Systems Kaypro 4,10 PEERLESS PAYROLL SYSTEM Davidson Software Systems Kaypro 4,10 PERFECT CONVERSIONS Computer System Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL ACCOUNTING Taranto & Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL BALANCE SHEET Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL DATEBOOK Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL FINANCE SYSTEM Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL NUMEROLOGY AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL PEARL California Business Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL PEARL Pearlsoft Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL PUBLISHING Intergraphics, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONNEL-83 Vertical Software Group Kaypro 4,10 PHASCOST Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 172 173 173 173 140 560 226 181 227 17 95 422 314 593 50 ** 253 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PHYSICIANS OFFICE COMPUTER Professional Systems Corporation Kaypro 10 PIF POLICY INFORMATION FILES Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PIPE NETWORK ANALYSIS Microcomp Kaypro 11,4,10 PIPE NETWORK ANALYSIS Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 PL/I-80 Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PLAN 80 Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 PLAN 80 Executive Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PLANEASE Analytic Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 PLANFIN Business Software Pty.Ltd. Kaypro 4,10 PLANMODE Sawhney Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PLANT NURSERY Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 PLANTRAC Computerline Limited Kaypro 4,10 PLANTRAC 1 Computerline Limited Kaypro 4,10 PLANTRAC 1+ Computerline Limited Kaypro 4,10 PLANTRAC-CS Computerline Limited Kaypro 4,10 PAGE 434 310 379 503 190 181 267 63 91 482 41 146 146 147 147 ** 51 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PLC Kaypro 10 Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. PLMX COMPILER Syscon Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 PMS Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 PMS-II North America MICA, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 POINT OF SALE INVENTORY Chuck Atkinson Programs Kaypro 11,4,10 POKER PARTY Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR + ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR ++ ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 POLICY RECORDS $YSTEM Computer Center, The Kaypro 11,4,10 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR + ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR ++ ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 PONY-PICK Co-Op Computer Sales Kaypro 11,4,10 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 300 545 448 404 102 227 2 2 3 122 3 4 4 105 228 52 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS POULTRY FARM MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 POURNELLE ACCOUNTING PACKAGE Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 POWER Computing Kaypro 11,4,10 POWER Integrated Computer Engineering Kaypro 10 PQI Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PRACTICALC Frank R. Walker Comparty Kaypro 11,4,10 PRACTICALC BID REVISION Frank R. Walker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PRACTICALC COST CONTROL Frank R. Walker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PRACTICALC MASONRY Frank R. Walker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PRACTICALC RESIDENTIAL CARPENTRY Frank R. Walker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PRATICALC HOMEBUILDER Frank R. Walker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 PREMARITAL INVENTORY TABULATOR Parilink Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 PRICE-IT Agricultural Software Consultants Kaypro 11,4,10 PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP CLUBS ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PRO BOOKKEEPER/QUICK CHECK Chuck Atkinson Programs Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 41 609 151 313 512 274 275 275 276 276 277 422 47 14 102 53 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PRO/SEARCH North Bay Systems, Inc. PAGE Kaypro 10 404 PROFESSIONAL RATION PACKAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 Agricultural Computer Applications PROFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 PROFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING Univair Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 PROFIN Business Software Pty.Ltd. Kaypro 4,10 PROGRAM MAP BASIC Software Store, The Kaypro 11,4,10 PROJECT COST MANAGEMENT Microcomp Kaypro 11,4,10 PROMAN Taylor-Hughes Computer Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PROPERTY ANALYSIS SYSTEM Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Univair Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") PROPOSAL SOFTWARE Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PROSPECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Koch Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PROSPECT RANKING Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 PROTRAN Solvfield, Ltd. Kaypro 11,4,10 44 503 586 92 515 380 571 70 586 70 310 330 465 525 ** 54 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR PAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE Elliarn Associates 256 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY Kaypro 11,4,10 Stolzberg Research Associates, Inc. PUBLIPHILE WPL Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 PUBLISHER M & A Computer Services, Inc. Kaypro 10 PUNCTUATION AND STYLE Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 PURCHASE ACCOUNTING Agri-Managernent Services, Inc. Kaypro 10 PURCHASE ORDER PROCESSING Taylor Micro Systems Kaypro 10 Q/C COMPILER Code Works, The Kaypro 11,4,10 QCAL Tesseract Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") QCRYPT Tesseract Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") QUESTEXT III Information Reduction Research Kaypro II QUICK CODE Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 QUICK CODE Fox & Geller, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 QUICKSCREEN FOR CBASIC Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 QUICK SCREEN FOR MBASIC Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 535 600 339 504 42 568 107 573 574 303 504 273 504 504 55 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS QUIKCALC LOAN ANALYZER Simple Soft, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 QUIKCALC REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Simple Soft, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 QUIKPRO+II ICR Futuresoft Kaypro 11,4,10 R.T.D. ADI Kaypro 11,4,10 RADAR-II Southern Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 RANDOM HOUSE ELECTRONIC THESAURUS Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 RANDOM HOUSE PROOFREADER Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 RAP Micrometries Kaypro 11,4,10 RATFOR Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 RATFOR Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 REAL ESTATE 1 Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 REAL ESTATE MASTER Mastermind Computing Kaypro 11,4,10 REAL ESTATE OFFICE MANAGEMENT Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") REAL-T-PRO Real-E-Data, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 491 492 296 7 56 527 504 182 386 504 520 513 100 351 71 444 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS REALTY MASTER Computer Industries, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 REALWORLD ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 REALWORLD ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 REALWORLD CORPORATION MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 REALWORLD GENERAL LEDGER MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 REALWORLD INVENTORY CONTROL MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 REALWORLD ORDER ENTRY MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 REALWORLD PAYROLL MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 REALWORLD SALES ANALYSIS MBSI-RealWorld Corporation Kaypro 4,10 RECOVER Southern Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") RECRUIT Computer Dev. Specialists of L.I. Kaypro 11,4,10 REGRESSION I Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 REGRESSION II (PARAFIT) Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 REILEY Electric Abacus, The Kaypro 11,4,10 REP MANAGER Zenerex Corporation Kaypro 10 PAGE 131 340 340 341 341 342 342 343 343 528 125 228 229 246 612 ** 57 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS REPORT GENERATOR Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 RESIDENTIAL FINANCE Berge Software Kaypro 11,4,10 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Automated Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") RETURN ON INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Resource Software International Kaypro II,4,10 RETURN SYSTEM Automated Analysis Kaypro II,4,10 RHESUS-ERASED-FILE RECOVERY SYSTEM Olsen Software Kaypro II,4,10 RM/COBOL Softeam Kaypro II,4,10 RM/COBOL (COMPILER/RUNTIME) Ryan-McFarland Corporation Kaypro II,4,10 RM/COBOL RUNTIME Softeam Kaypro II,4,10 ROM Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 ROOTS Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 ROOTS/M Commsoft, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 RPM Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 RVL Realty Automation, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 RXWRITER Hall Design, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 PAGE 513 83 71 466 71 410 505 473 505 448 229 107 448 449 282 58 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS S.N.I.P. Kaypro 11,4,10 Benchmark Computer Systems Limited SAJAN DDS Sajan Business Computer Systems Kaypro 10 SALCALC School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") SALES ACCOUNTING Taylor Micro Systems Kaypro 10 SALES ORDER Taylor Micro Systems Kaypro 10 SALES PLOT Resource Software International Kaypro 11,4,10 SALES PROSPECTING SYSTEM Compusol, Inc. Kaypro 10 SALONFAX Prosoft, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 SAM Border Business Systems, Ltd. Kaypro 11,4,10 SBS 80-- SPACEFILE BUSINESS SYSTEM Spacefile, Ltd. Kaypro 10 SCHOOL PAYROLL SYSTEM School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") SCHOOLMASTER Data Management Sales, Inc. Kaypro 10 SCRATCH PAD Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 SCRATCHPAD SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 80 477 486 569 569 466 117 437 86 528 487 170 505 543 59 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ----~------------------------------------------------- ---------------- SCREEN MASTER Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SDAM II Computer Dev. Specialists of L.I. Kaypro 11,4,10 SEARCH Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE TRANSACT. FBS Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SERIES 1040 Calcu-Tax Computer Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 SERVICE BILLING American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 SERVICE SUPPLY PIPE SIZING Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SEX-O-SCOPE AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 SHELTERED INCOME ILLUSTRATOR ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 SHOPDRAW Bradbary & Company Kaypro 11,4,10 SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATION PROGRAM Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SILVERSOFT Douthett Enterprises, Inc. Kaypro 11,.4,10 SIMSYS Powell Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SL-MICRO Questionnaire Service Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 SMALL BOOKKEEPING SERVICES ADS Software, Inc. Kaypro 10 367 126 513 268 94 52 253 18 5 89 254 202 429 ** 440 14 60 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS SMART MAX ELECTRONIC EDITOR Smart Communications, Inc. Kaypro 10 SMIS MVA Systematica Kaypro 11,4,10 SNAKE Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 SOFTCOM Software Store, The Kaypro II,4,10 PAGE 493 346 521 516 SOFTGUARD Kaypro 11,4,10 Advanced Computer Security Concepts SOFTWARE ANTHOLOGY SERIES Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 SPACE EVACUATION Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SPACE LANES Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SPECULATION Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SPELL Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 SPELLBINDER Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 SPELLBINDER Lexisoft, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 SPELLBINDER Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 STAR CON Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STAR EDIT Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 28 610 229 230 230 521 182 336 505 61 ** 231 505 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR STAR JUMP SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STAR-EDIT SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STARBASE 3.2 Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STATE VARIABLES Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STATFLOW Great Northern Computer Services Kaypro 11,4,10 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Century Software Kaypro 11,4,10 STATISTICIAN Quant Systems Kay pro I I , 4 ,. 10 STATPAC Walonick Associates, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STATPAK Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 STATS-GRAPH Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 STATTEST Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STOCK CONTROL Taylor Micro Systems Kaypro 4,10 STOCK-TRACK JANCO Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 STOCKMASTER Data Management Sales, Inc. Kaypro 10 STUDENT BILLING SYSTEM School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") PAGE 544 544 231 232 281 100 440 601 505 506 232 570 319 171 488 62 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) Integral Computer Systems Kaypro 10 STUDENT RECORD SYSTEM School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") SULKY Co-Op Computer Sales Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPER ISA Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPER LEDGER CLIENT WRITE UP Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 SUPER LIST MANAGER D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPER ZAP Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPERFILE SYSTEM Southdata, Ltd. Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPERPROGRAM II AGS Software Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPERTAX 'Rockware Data Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPERTAX FOR PARTNERSHIPS Rockware Data Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPERVISOR CONTROL SYSTEM (SCS) Little Bita Software, Inc. Kaypro II SWINE MANAGEMENT Agri-Management Services, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 SYNOPSIS Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 312 488 105 297 587 168 521 526 18 467 467 337 42 183 Kaypro 10 SYSTEM 100 American Micro Dynamics, Inc. I ** 63 58 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR SYSTEM-80/2 Phoenix Systems, Inc. PAGE Kaypro 11,4,10 427 T.I.M.E. Kaypro 11,4,10 " Benchmark Computer Systems Limited T/MAKER III T/Maker Company Kaypro 11,4,10 TAABS-II Microline, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 TAS (THE AGENCY SYSTEM) Mini-Micro Business Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 TAX OPTIMIZER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 80 551 385 394 233 TAX-83/CPA Kaypro 4,10 Computer Technical Services of N.J. TAX-WARE Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 TAXCALC Taxcalc, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TAXMODE Sawhney Software Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS CLIENT LEDGER SYSTEM TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS DEBITS AND CREDITS Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS Q/LABEL TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS Q/WORD TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS SIMPLE TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 142 32 561 482 552 471 552 553 553 ** 64 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR TCS TOTAL INVENTORY TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS TOTAL LEDGER TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS TOTAL MATERIALS TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS TOTAL PAY ABLES TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS TOTAL PAYROLL TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS TOTAL RECEIVABLES TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS TOTAL SALES TCS Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TEACHER'S AIDE Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TELCOMM Key Communications Service, Inc. Kaypro 11,4 TELENGARD Avalon Hill Microcomputer Games Kaypro II TELEX-A-SYSTEM D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 TEMPORARY SERVICES PROCESSING Compusol, Inc. Kaypro 10 TERM DIFFERENCE ILLUSTRATOR ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 TERM II Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 TERM II SuperSoft Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 PAGE 553 554 554 554 555 555 555 233 328 72 168 118 5 506 c 545 ** 65 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR TERMINAL Elektrokonsult A/S, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 TERMINAL EMULATOR Banana Computer Showroom, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TESTGEN School Management Systems Kaypro 4,10 (8") TEX Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 TEX Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 THE ACCOUNTING PARTNER Star Software Systems Kaypro II,4,10 THE BENCHMARK MAIL LIST Metasoft Corporation Kaypro II,4,10 THE BENCHMARK SPELL CHECKER Metasoft Corporation Kaypro II,4,10 THE BENCHMARK TELECOMMUNICATIONS Metasoft Corporation Kaypro II,4,10 THE BENCHMARK WORD PROCESSOR Metasoft Corporation Kaypro II,4,10 THE BOTTOM LINE American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 THE BOTTOM LINE STRATEGIST Softeam Kaypro II,4,10 THE CAVE Co-Op Computer Sales Kaypro II,4,10 THE COMPETITIVE EDGE Softronics Kaypro 11,4,10 THE COMPU-PRINTER (BASIC) Excalibur Systems, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 PAGE 248 75 488 191 506 531 354 355 355 355 53 506 106 508 ** 263 66 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR THE COMPU-PRINTER (STANDARD) Excalibur Systems, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 THE CONCURRENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Computer Center of Maukato, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE EDGE FIPSCO Kaypro 11,4,10 THE ELECTRIC BLACKBOARD Santa Cruz Software Services Kaypro 11,4,10 THE FINALWORD Mark of the Unicorn, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 THE FINANCIAL PLANNER Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 THE FINANCIAL PLANNER DEMO Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 THE FIRM SOLUTIONS Information Solutions, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 THE FORTY-NINER Excalibur Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 THE HOME ACCOUNTANT Continental Software Kaypro II THE INVESTMENT RETURN ILLUSTRATOR ACS Publishing Co. Kaypro 11,4,10 THE LANDLORD Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 THE LOAN ARRANGER Software Development Corporation Kaypro 10 THE MAGICIAN Greentree Computers Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 263 121 269 477 349 506 506 305 264 152 6 549 510 282 " Kaypro 11,4,10 THE MICRO LINK II Digital Marketing 183 67 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX APPLICATION/VENDOR COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS PAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PERFECT ENHANCEMENT A+B+Computus Company Kaypro 11,4,10 THE PROFESSIONAL American Compusoft Kaypro 11,4,10 THE PROSPECTOR Executive Data Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 1 53 266 THE REAL ESTATE COMPUTER Kaypro 10 Computerized Business Systems, Inc. 144 THE RELIABLE BUSINESS SERIES Reliable Software, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 451 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM A/P Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM A/R Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM G/L Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM INV. Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM J.C. Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM PA. Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM S.O.P. Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM T.M.T. Open Systems, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE SPECIALIST Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 411 411 412 412 413 413 414 414 415 184 68 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR THE STATION MASTER Steel Wool Computer Systems Kaypro 4,10 THE TRANSPORTER Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 THE UNITROLLER SYSTEM Acorn Industries, Inc. Kaypro 10 THE WEDGE Systems Plus Kaypro 11,4,10 THE WORD PROCESSOR Bible Research Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 THE WORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LWFW, Inc., Group Kaypro 10 TIME D.B.S. Kaypro 11,4,10 TIME ACCOUNTING National Datatec Corporation Kaypro 11,4,10 TIME AND DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTING Contract Research Software Corp. Kaypro 10 TIME TRACKER Computer Craft Kay pro I I , 4 , 10 TIME VALUE OF MONEY (TMV) People Literate Software Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 532 610 26 549 84 331 169 400 158 124 424 TIMEKEEP Kaypro 4,10 Computer Technical Services of N.J. TINY MAC Advanced Solutions, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TINY PASCAL Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 TKR III E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 143 34 507 240 69 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR Kaypro 10 TLC Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. TODAY'S FUTURE MAIL Today's Future Kaypro 11,4,10 TOOLWORKS C/80 2.0 Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 TOOLWORKS LISP/80 Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 TORRICELLI EDITOR Answer In Computers, The Kaypro 11,4,10 TORRICELLI SCHOOL Answer In Computers, The Kaypro 11,4,10 TORRICELLI SCRIBE Answer In Computers, The Kaypro 11,4,10 TORRICELLl SERIES Answer In Computers, The Kaypro 11,4,10 TOTAL NEEDS ANALYSIS Insurance Sales Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 TRACE II Micro Solutions, Inc. Kaypro 10 TRANSFER FUNCTION ANALYZER Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 TTY MVA Systematica Kaypro 11,4,10 TXL:TELEX-LINK Cawthon Scientific Group Kaypro 11,4,10 TYPWTR Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 U-FACTOR CALCULATION PROGRAM Elite Software Development, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 300 578 522 522 64 65 65 65 310 376 234 346 97 257 70 ** 254 ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR UNCLE HARRY'S WILL Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 UNE/CON Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 UNI-DATE Univair Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 UNI-FILE Univair Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 UNI-LINK Univair Incorporated Kaypro 10 UNI-SORT Univair Incorporated Kaypro 11,4,10 UNIFORTH Unified Software Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 UNIVERSAL PHARMACY SOFTWARE Software Development Corporation Kaypro 10 USER GROUP DISKS Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 UTILIBILL E.F. Haskell & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 UTILITIES I Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 UTILITIES II Softeam Kaypro 11,4,10 UTILITY BILLING Computer Evaluation Center Kaypro 10 PAGE 234 257 587 588 588 589 581 510 258 240 507 507 129 UTILITY BILLING Kaypro 4,10 (8") Micro Data Business Forms & Systems 371 Kaypro 4,10 UTILITY BILLING PROGRAM Valley Microcomputers 591 71 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR UVMAC Software Toolworks Kaypro 11,4,10 VALDEZ Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 VANDATA BUSINESS PACKAGE Van data Kaypro 11,4,10 VERDICT Micro Craft, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 VETERINARY INFORMATION SYSTEM Sterling Data Applications, Inc. Kaypro 4,10 VETMED-83 Vertical Software Group Kaypro 4,10 VIDTEX 3.0 CompuServe Kaypro II VIEW Western Wares Kaypro 11,4,10 W$L:WALL-$TREET-LINK Cawthon Scientific Group Kaypro 11,4,10 WAISR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Precision People, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 WASH Elliam Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 WIREMAP Dynacomp, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 WISCR-80 Precision People, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 WISCR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Precision People, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 WORDPAL Compal Computer Systems Kaypro 11,4,10 PAGE 523 235 592 365 533 594 115 604 98 431 258 235 432 432 112 72 ** ALPHABETIC APPLICATION INDEX COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS APPLICATION/VENDOR WORDPATCH Rocky Mountain Software Kaypro II,4,10 WORKS ORDER PROCESSING Taylor Micro Systems Kaypro 10 WRITE Workman & Associates Kaypro 11,4,10 WRITE TRACK Gradan Consulting Company Kaypro 11,4,10 WRITER'S PACK Digital Marketing Kaypro 11,4,10 YAP Kinch Computer Company Kaypro 11,4,10 YBY Software Group, The, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 Z-8000 Softeam Kaypro II,4,10 Z80 FORTH Laboratory Microsystems, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 ZAS Western Wares Kaypro II,4,10 ZDM/ZDMZ RD Software Kaypro 11,4,10 ZEN 3 Zenrad Controls Company Kaypro II,4,10 ZIP INTEGRATED PRINTING SYSTEM Zip Services, Inc. Kaypro II,4,10 ZSID Digital Research, Inc. Kaypro 11,4,10 ZSID Softeam Kaypro II,4,10 PAGE 472 571 611 279 184 329 514 507 332 605 443 612 613 191 507 73 ** The Kaypro Software Directory Section 3 Software Vendor/Deyeloper Product Summary A+B+Computus Company Company: 32 S. Broad St. Ridgewood NJ 07450 A. Bloomenthal Phone: 201-444-7575 Support Offered/ Price: N/C Software Upgrades THE PERFECT ENHANCEMENT A PW control key to keyboard function key enhancement Price: $ Compatible Systems: 49.95 Kaypro 11,4,10 With this enhancement of Perfect Writer, a touch of the 'code' key turns every key of the Kaypro keyboard into a function key for the next keystroke. A label affixed to the front of each key shows which of the more than 75 Perfect Writer editing functions it performs. All the functions are covered, including a couple that Perfect Software documentation forgot to tell you about. No lon ger ~s i~ nec~ssary to know the differences between F, F, X, F, and ESC ••• F; you don't ever have to use them. Documentation included. Date released: 1/ 2/83 Last update: 7/29/83 ********************************************************************** Company: ACS Publishing Co. P. O. Box 82363 San Diego CA 92138 Steven Homel Phone: 619-223-5331 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 1 ACS Publishing Co. LOAN AMORTIZATION ILLUSTRATOR Illustrates the breakdown of principal and interest Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Illustrates the breakdown of principal, month by month for any loan amount for any length of time for any rate of interest. Prints on screen and hardcopy. Presentation quality hardcopy printout shows client and advisor names, amount of original loan, amortization period, rate of interest, and description of asset. Columnar readout shows total payment, amount to principal, amount to interest and remaining balance, month by month. Easy to use self tutorial and documentation. Source: MBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY DAMAGED DISK REPLACEMENT Date released: 8/25/83 Last update: 8/25/83 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR Compares any two level premium life insurance policies Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares any two new, level premium life insurance policies for net difference in use of money over any period of years. Prints on screen and hardcopy. Presentation quality printout shows each policy's specifications, advisor and client names, insurance company names and prints out bottom line in dollars showing which policy is better. Source: MBASIC. Self-documentation included on the disk. Printed loading instructions. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT FOR DAMAGED DISK Date released: 10/10/83 Last update: 10/10/83 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR + Plus - life insurance policy comparison Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Compares any two new level premium, Kaypro 11,4,10 cash value life No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 2 ACS Publishing Co. POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR + insurance policies for net difference in use of money over a period of years. Prints on screen and hardcopy. Presentation quality printout shows each policy's specifications, insurance company names, client and advisor names and prints out bottom line in dollars showing which policy is better. Can illustrate newest level premium designs including vanishing premium, RLR, Universal Life, etc •• Source: MBASIC. Self-documentation included on the disk. Printed loading instructions. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT FOR DAMAGED DISK Date released: 10/10/83 Last update: 10/10/83 POLICY COMPARISON ILLUSTRATOR ++ Super Plus - compares life insurance policy values Price: $ 299.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Compares any two new, term or cash value life insurance policies with the difference in premium invested at any interest rate. Allows for level and ~anishing premium designs. Allows for different premiums every year for each policy. Prints on screen and hardcopy. Presentation quality hardcopy shows each policy's specifications, advisor and client names, life insurance company names and bottom line in dollars showing which policy is better. Can be used to analyze any two policies with varying premiums such as RLR plans and graded premium whole life and varying vanishing premium designs. Includes Buy Term Invest the difference illustrator. Source: MBASIC. Self documentation on disk. Printed loading instructions. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT FOR DAMAGED DISKS Date teleased: 10/10/83 Last update: 10/10/83 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR Compares and analyzes various insurance policies Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 3 ACS Publishing Co. POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR Compares a current cash value life insurance policy to a proposed cash value life insurance policy for a period from the issue date of the current policy to any future date, for net cost or profit. Prints on screen and hard copy. Presentation quality hardcopy printout shows policy specifications, advisor, and client names, insurance company names, other considerations. Can be used to analyze newest product such as retired lives reserve, universal life, vanishing premium plans. Easy to use - self tutorial. Designed for financial planners, life insurance agents, stock brokers, individual investors, etc .. Documentation included. Source: MBasic. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT FOR DAMAGED DISK Date released: 9/10/83 Last update: 9/10/83 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR + Plus: cash value life insurance policy analysis Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares a current cash value life insurance policy to a proposed cash value life insur~nce policy for a period from the issue date of the current policy to any future date, fDr net cost or profit. Illustrates all cash value plans including all types of vanish premiun designs. Prints on screen and hardcopy. Presentation quality hardcopy shows policy specifications, advisor and client names, other considerations. Can be used to analyze newest level premium designs including RLR, universal life and vanishing premium. Designed for financial planners, life insurance agents, stock brokers individual investors, etc. Source: MBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT FOR DAMAGED DISK Date released: 9/27/83 Last update: 9/27/83 POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR ++ Super Plus: life insurance policy comparisons No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 4 ACS Publishing Co. ++ POLICY REPLACEMENT ILLUSTRATOR Price: $ 299.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares any two cash value or term life ,insurance policies (with the difference in premium invested at any interest rate). Allows for level and vanishing premium designs. Also allows for different premiums every year. Prints on screen and hardcopy. Presentation quality hardcopy shows policy specifications, advisor and client names, other considerations such as contestibility clause, etc •• Can be used to analyze any two types of life insurance policies, with level or varying annual premiums such as some varying premium RLR plans and graded premium whole life. Designed for financial planners, life insurance agents, stock brokers, individual investors, etc .• Source: MBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS FOR DAMAGED DISK, REPLACEMENT Date released: 9/27/83 Last update: 9/27/83 SHELTERED INCOME ILLUSTRATOR Calculate any single investment at any rate of interest Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Input of client tax bracket shows the before and after tax result of a tax sheltered investment in a year-byyear format. Presentation quality hardcopy printout shows client and advisor names, description of asset, interest rate, amount of original investment and client tax bracket. Prints on screen and hardcopy also. Easy to use - self tutorial. Designed for financial planners, life insurance agents, real estate agents, stock brokers, individual investors, etc .• Source: MBASIC. Includes documentation. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY DAMAGED DISK REPLACEMENT Date released: 9/3/83 Last update: 9/3/83 TERM DIFFERENCE ILLUSTRATOR A life insurance policy comparison program No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 5 ACS Publishing Co. TERM DIFFERENCE ILLUSTRATOR Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares term life insurance policy to any plan of cash value life insurance for any number of years with the difference in premium between the two policies invested at any rate of interest. Net result shows the amount saved or lost by purchasing either policy, client tax bracket may be input for an after tax comparison result. Prints on screen and hardcopy. Presentation quality hardcopy printout shows advisor and client names, insurance company names, client tax bracket, yearly amount of all premiums for both policies and the net before and after tax results. Easy to use self tutorial. Source: MBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 30 DA Y, REPLACEMENT FOR DAMAGED DISK Date released: 9/ 2/83 Last update: 9/ 2/83 THE INVESTMENT RETURN ILLUSTRATOR Prepares presentation documents for investment earnings Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11;4,10 Prints on screen and 80 column hard copy an illustration showing any single investment at compound interest. Year by year format shows the increased value of the original investment, the interest earned each year and the total cumulative earnings. Input allows selection of compounding periods from 360 per year to once per year. Output shows effective rate of interest on screen and on hardcopy. Hardcopy is suitable for presentation to client and includes date, advisor's name, client's name, rate of simple interest, effective rate of interest and type of asset. Easy to use - self' tutorial. Designed for financial planners, life insurance agents, real estate agents, and stock broker's. Source: MBASIC. warranty/Terms: DAMAGED DISK REPLACEMENT-30 DAYS Date released: 8/27/83 Last update: 8/27/83 No Warranty is made ex,pressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 6 ADI Company: 17192 Gillette Avenue Irvine CA 92714 Patrice Garner Phone: 714-545-3732 Support Offered/ Price: R.T.D. Communications program Price: $ 85.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This software package features a unique automatic logon function for single keystroke logon to various database services such as Dow Jones, The Source and CompuServe. The program also includes simple configuration menus for up to 5 individual user-defined services. In addition, other standard features include dispatching and capturing files, a 16K buffer space for temporary storage of data, and one-time simple installation for various database services. R.T.D. operates at 300 or 1200 baud and is compatible with Hayes Smart Modems, Novation Smart Cats and most non auto-dial modems. Source: Z80 Assembly. ********************************************************************** Company: ADS Software, Inc. 707 Fifth St. NE Roanoke VA 24016 Tom Hickerson Phone: 703-344-6818 Support Offered/ Price: Dealer Support-no cost N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 7 ADS Software, Inc. ADS A/R WITH INVOICING For the small/medium size business Price: $ 585.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Retains all of the features and reports of the ADS Standard Accounts Receivable program, plus - invoice preparation on a "right now", "real-time" basis; provision for one-time invoices for customers not on file; allows printing of "cash" invoices for counterbilling, etc.; user defined add-on charges and sales tax rates; taxable or non-taxable line item option; product group sales" distribution by line item option; customizing option for invoice form; easy recording of miscellaneous charges and adjustments; optional integration with General Ledger. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE ADS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE A complete cash requirement management system Price: $ 485.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Whether on a cash basis, accrual basis, or a combination of the two, the system provides an effective means of managing cash requirements. User may alternately select a report which reflects unpaid invoices aged backward in time to show oldest items or forward in time to display future cash needs by any time interval. Open unpaid item worksheet becomes a turnaround document after management has selected and noted invoices for full payment, partial payment, etc. Valid account number verification of General Ledger posting of hoth Purchase Journal and Cash Disbursement Journal. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Mlcrosoft BASIC. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 8 ADS Software, ADS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE ADS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE High volume, yet easy to use debit/credit posting Price: $ 485.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Extensive sales analysis, sales tax and miscellaneous charges breakout. Payment posting optionally applies to oldest invoices or selected invoices. Accepts partial payments. Permits recording of miscellaneous cash receipts. System uses open-item method of accounting. All unpaid invoices are kept on file for inquiry and statement prepartation. Automatic finance charges may be applied to all or selected accounts. Aged analysis of accounts reflects balances to 120 days, date and amount of last payment, and finance charges. Automatic General Ledger integration optional by user. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE ADS CHURCHES A church management system Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Designed especially for the church whose Treasurer or bookkeeper has no previous computer or data processing background or training. Although very easy to use and understand, these programs have been written and designed to fulfill the financial and accounting needs of ninety percent of the small and medium size churches. Membership/Contribution System is a very complete pledge accounting program which allows flexibility for unique needs. Budgeted Financial Reporting - General Ledger No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 9 Inc. ADS Software, Inc. ADS CHURCHES accounts have been set up and financial statements formatted using general church gUidelines. Both may be easily modified to better suit unique requirements. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE ADS INVENTORY A complete analysis of inventory stock levels Price: $ 485.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This stand-alone version of inventory is designed to give management and purchasing personnel an up-to-theminute analysis of invetory stock levels, product sales performance and profitability on an item basis. Provides the tools to keep inventory levels at a minimum, while simultaneously avoiding lost sales because of "stock outs." Items may be assigned numbers based on either a supplier's number or an internally assigned code. Physical inventory listing provides a worksheet to aid in taking physical inventory. Actual inventory adjustments are easily made with the adjustment program. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE ADS PAYROLL Writes the check payroll system Price: $ 485.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Very fast, easy to use, easy to install, fill-in-theblank, write the check payroll system. Detailed payroll journal can optionally be run by department. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 10 ADS Software, Inc. ADS PAYROLL Allows for multi-state payroll tax calculations, up to six automatic deductions per pay period, provision for operator override of all withholding tax calculations. Easy handling of terminated "early payoff" employees. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE ADS RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL SERVICES Accounting for businesses that contract services Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Designed especially for businesses whose principal source of revenue is derived from contract services with its customers. These services are generally assumed to be performed at regular intervals with the associated fees usually being fixed and repetitive. Accounts Receivable - Automatic billing of repetitive charges based on frequency codes selected by user. Easy, fast, and accurate posting of miscellaneous~ charges and cash receipts. General Ledger/Financial Statements - General ledger accounts have been set up and financial statements formatted using general industry guidelines. Both may easily be modified to better suit unique requirements. Manual shipped along with diskettes. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE ADS RETAIL FLORISTS General accounting for small/medium size retail florist Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Designed for the florist whose needs involve good No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 11 ADS Software, Inc. ADS RETAIL FLORISTS control over Accounts Receivable, meaningful Sales Analysis, and informative Profit and Loss Statements generated from a basic bookkeeping program. A simpleto-understand, easy-to-use solution for the florist who is taking the first step into computerization. Accounts Receivable - Fast and easy posting of daily charges and payments; General Ledger/Financial Statements - General Ledger accounts have been set up and financial statements formatted using general retail florist guidelines. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE ADS VETERINARIANS Integrated accounting and general office management Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Designed especially for the small to medium size veterinary practice seeking to operate more efficiently and profita~y by taking the first step into computerization. Features: Accounts Receivable and Appointment Reminders; General Ledger/Financial Statements General Ledger accounts have been set up and financial statements formatted using general veterinarian practice guidelines. Both may easily be modified to better suit unique requirements. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE GENERAL LEDGER General ledger posting and financial statements Price: $ 85.00 Compatible Systems: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by 12 Kaypro 4,10 K~ypro Corporation. ADS Software, Inc. GENERAL LEDGER Designed to be used in conjunction with other program modules or as an excellent free-standing package for the user who merely wants to "put his books" on his machine. General Ledger posting may be customized by the user to prepare various journals which would otherwise be a product of a program which was not needed or wanted. An excellent, simplified client write-up program for the small accountant or bookkeeping service with limited needs. Financial Statements program permits the user 100% latitude in account numbering and report formatting. Allows for departmental profit analysis and consolidation. All report formatting accomplished through separate format records. Manual shipped along with disks. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE INVOICING WITH AIR AND INVENTORY ADS invoicing with accounts receivable and inventory Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Designed especially for the small/medium size business with "post" billing requirements. All reports and features of both ADS Standard Accounts Receivable and stand-alone inventory program have been retained and incorporated into the invoicing system. Full integration and interaction of customer accounts and inventory records make invoicing preparation easy, accurate and fast. On hand inventory quantities are reduced as billing occurs and customer balances are increased at the time the daily invoicing journal is printed. Real-time updating, open-item chain files and ISAM file handling eliminate the need for lengthy sorts and redundant printing. Manual shipped along with diskettes. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 13 ADS Software, Inc. PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP CLUBS Membership Club 'Management Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed especially for Private country clubs, tennis clubs, health clubs, swim clubs, etc., whose principle source of revenue is based on membership dues, various miscellaneous charges, and ancillary services. Features: Accounts Receivable - automatic dues billingmonthly, quarterly, semi-annually, allows for different membership categories and varying dues schedules; General Ledger/Financial Statements - General Ledger accounts have been set up and financial statements formatted using general membership club guidelines, both may easily be modified to better suit unique requirements. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: BUG FREE SMALL BOOKKEEPING SERVICES For accountants with many small clients Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Designed for the primary needs involved in basic bookkeeping, easy-to-understand financial statements and payroll tax accounting. This package is specifically intended to be an alternative to the very sophisticated CPA packages which are very often more than is desired or needed. Speed and simplicity is emphasized while retaining good audit trails and enforced double-entry accounting. Features: client write-up, journalizing, flexibility in setting up any unique journal; financial statements - total latitude in account numbering; payroll accounting - after-the-fact payroll recording calculated proper tax deduction. Manual shipped along with diskettes in point of sale box. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Source code available. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 14 ADS Software, Inc. SMALL BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Warranty/Terms: UNLIMITED WARRANTY ON BUG FIXES. ********************************************************************** AGS Software Company: P. O. Box 28 (94 Cranberry Highway) Orleans MA 02653 Ms. Pat White, Adv. Manager Phone: 617-255-0510 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades Free support at our offices N/C N/C N/C ASTRO STAR I Astrology calculation package Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes natal, progressed, composit, solar- and lunarreturn horoscopes in less that 20 seconds for any date in history. Does synastry, midpoints, and all types of directed chart execpt primary. Tabulates and sorts aspects and midpoints in many ways; prints chart wheel; stores charts on disk for future reference. Tropical and sidereal zodiacs; ten house systems; user-defined orbs. Includes ten planets and mean lunar node; gives geo and heliocentric longitudes and latitudes, right ascension and declination, altitude and azimuth. Source: Z-80 machine code. Transit Star (tm) optional. Documentation includes 39 pages. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASE ONLY Date released: 7/ 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 15 AGS Software COMPOSITE ASTRO-REPORT Astrology calculation and interpretation program· Price: Compatible Systems: $ 350.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Analyzes a love or other relationship between two people by casting a composit chart--a single horoscope made from the midpoints between the planets of the two individuals. Produces a 20-page printed report analyzing in. detail the house position and aspects of all planets, and the signs of the faster-moving planets. Also discusses the meaning of a greater-than-average number of planets in anyone house. Prints out the two natal charts plus the composit chart in traditional wheel form. Purchase price of program includes a license to sell the printed output. Source: Compiled Basic. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASE ONLY Date released: 10/ 1/83 CONTACT ASTRO-REPORT Astrology calculation and interpretation program Price: Compatible Systems: $ 350.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculates the horoscopes of two people, then compares them for compatibility, producting a 25-page printed report. Text by astrologer Joan Negus explores what each partner is looking for in a relationship, then shows how the two charts interact, especially in terms of romance, sex and long-term relationships; how to make the best of the relationship's strengths and how to overcome its weaknesses. Price includes a license to sell the printed output. Source: Compiled Basic. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASE ONLY Date released: 8/ 1/83 DELUXE ASTRO-SCOPE Astrology calculation and interpretation program Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 16 AGS Software DELUXE ASTRO-SCOPE Prints out a natal horoscope in traditional wheel form, then tells you what it means in 10-12 pages of text by astrologers Steve Blake and Robert Hand. Helpful, non-fatalistic, psychologically oriented text explains the meaning of all planets in their signs, houses and aspects to the Ascendant and Midheaven, and the meaning of any emphasis or lack of it in fire, earth, air or water and in cardinal, fixed or mutable signs. Does charts from A.D. 1800-2000; includes bulk loader and easy input routing. Price incudes the right to sell the printed output. Source: Compiled Basic. Can be run from Superprogram II and by itself. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASE ONLY Date released: 9/ 1/80 Last update: 1/ 1/83 MONTHLY ASTRO-REPORT Astrology calculation and interpretation program Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Prints out one-page forecasts for monthly or shorter periods using the birth horoscope compared with the current lunar return chart (a horoscope for the exact time each month when the Moon returns to the position it occupied in the birth chart). Using lunar oppositions, squares, etc, you can also do fortnightly, weekly and even daily reports, entering a year or more's worth of charts at a time, or the charts of many people at a time. Covers the years 1800-2000; includes tropical, sidereal and precession-corrected tropical zodiacal frameworks and eight house systems. Program includes a license to sell the printed output. Source: Compiled Basic. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASE Date released: 8/ 1/83 PERSONAL NUMEROLOGY Numerology calculations and interpretation No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 17 AGS Software PERSONAL NUMEROLOGY Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Prints seven-page numerology report from input of full name and birth date. Calculates, then explains the meaning of, one's personal numbers for motivation, impression, expression, karma, hidden tendencies, subconscious response, destiny, life cycles, turning points and major and minor challenges. Also gives one's personal numbers for the current year, each month, and each day in the current year. Page one can be customized with your name and address or business message. Price includes a license to sell the printed output. Source: MBAS1C. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASE ONLY Date released: 4/ 1/83 SEX-O-SCOPE Astrology calculation and interpretation program Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 R-rated text is a witty description of one's sexual perferences and tastes as seen from one's complete, accurately cast natal horoscope. The 8 to 10 page printout describes the sexual meaning of the rising sign and each planet in its house and aspects; it also explains the sign of the faster-moving planets. Does charts from A.D. 1880-2000. Author John Townley has written many books including PLANETS IN LOVE, and was an editor of SEXOLOGY TODAY. Program includes a license to sell the printed output. Source: Compiled Basic. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASE ONLY Date released: 11/ 1/80 SUPERPROGRAM I I Astrology calculation package No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 18 AGS Software SUPERPROGRAM II Price: $ 255.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes natal, progressed, solar and lunar-return horoscopes, printing a chart wheel and listing of geo and heliocentric longitudes and latitudes, right ascension and declination, retrogrades and 24-hour distance traveled. Optional second page has dignities tally and triangular aspectarian including ten planets, mean lunar node, Ascendant, Vertex, and Part of Fortune, with degrees and minutes from being exact, whether applying or separating. Input File Editor allows batch input of various types of charts. Accuracy: Sun and Moon to +/3" of arc; other points to l' of arc. Source: Compiled Basic. Midpoints module ($35) or Parans module ($35) are optional. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASE ONLY Date released: 4/ 1/82 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: ARBA Retail Systems Corporation 890 E. Roosevelt Lombard IL 60148 Bill Hochmuth Phone: 312-620-8566 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Manuals N/C $ 15.00 ACCOUNTING PLUS GENERAL LEDGER Financial statements: trial balance, final balance etc. Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 19 ARBA Retail Systems Corporation ACCOUNTING PLUS GENERAL LEDGER Features: Financial statements including trial balance, final balance, profit and loss; journal entry based on computer screen forms eliminates out of balance entries; journal reports and audit trails; budget and previous year comparisons. Integrated. Source: CBasic, CB-80. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. ACCOUNTING PLUS INVENTORY CONTROL Maintains an inventory master file Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Features: Maintains master parts file, allows up to approximately 65,000 inventory items; 99 departments; produces order recommendations; tracks on hand, on order, and allocated quantities of all items; provides usage and margin analyses; audit trail reporting of all inventory usage or transfers; allows for two costing methods, standard and weighted average; provides method of taking physical inventory. Source: CBasic, CB-80. Documentation included. Integrated. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. ACCOUNTING PLUS PAY ABLES Provides cash disbursements control Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Features: Provides cash disbursement control, prints A/P checks, allows for handwritten checks, maintains check register, provides cash requirements reports, vendor listings, aging reports, open accounts payable reports. Source: CBasic, CB-80. Integrated. Documentation included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 20 ARBA Retail Systems Corporation ACCOUNTING PLUS PAYABLES Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. ACCOUNTING PLUS PAYROLL Complete payroll system Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Supports federal, state, local taxes. Generates W-2 and W-4 final information. Maintains suggested payroll tax deposits. Prints payroll checks, allows 10 deductions. Calculates and accrues sick leave, vacation time. Source: CBasic, CB-80. Integrated. Documentation included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. ACCOUNTING PLUS PURCHASE ORDER Enters purchase orders updates inventory control files Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Features: Enters purchase orders and automatically updates inventory control files; reports by purchase order number, vendor, part number; affects Inventory Control on Order Reports. Source: CBasic, CB-80. Integrated. ' Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. ACCOUNTING PLUS RECEIVABLES Open AIR with customer master file No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 21 ARBA Retail Systems Corporation ACCOUNTING PLUS RECEIVABLES Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Open A/R with customer master file. Automatic invoicing, billing system. Aged A/R reports, detailed open item statements with aging and user defined dunning notes. Allows for oldest balance payments. Invoice by due date. Source: CBasic, CB-80. Integrated. Documentation included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. ACCOUNTING PLUS SALES ORDER ENTRY Enters sales orders, controls backlog, and inventory Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Features: Enters sales orders, controls sales order backlog and inventory allocation status; generates customer acknowledgements, shipping documents; affects Inventory Control Allocated Reports. Source: CBasic, CB-80. Integrated. Documentation included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. ARBA POINT OF SALE SYSTEM A retail point of sale and inventory control system Price: $1595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 ARBA Register, a true cash register modified with an RS232 interface, allows for real time inventory control and price look up from a computer system. ARBA Point of Sale Software and Accounting Plus Inventory Control Software work in conjunction with an ARBA Register and run under CP/M or MP/M. Up to 65,000 inventory items, 99 departments may be monitored. Gross sales by department, by employee. Extraordinary transactions by No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 22 ARBA Retail Systems Corporation ARBA POINT OF SALE SYSTEM employee. Prints price tags with PLU numbers. Recommended reorder quantities by deplartment, vendor, ABC code. Margin analysis, turn analysis, transaction histories. Capacity: Kaypro 10 - 15,000 inventory items. Source: CBASIC and CB-80. Source code available. HARDWARE: C.O.D. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS ********************************************************************** Company: ASK Micro, Inc. 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom Phone: CA 95630 916-985-6555 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades Updates-provided N/C N/C N/C N/C ACCOUNTING PLUS An integrated accounting package Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 ACCOUNTING PLUS is an integrated eight module package consisting of General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Inventory, Sales Order, Purchase Order, and Point of Sale. Provides password protection at program level. An enhanced General Ledger that includes prior year and budget comparisons with expanded decimal capabilities. All of which can be purchased modularly. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 23 ASK Micro, Inc. ACCOUNTING PLUS Capacity: 30,000 records. Source: CBASIC. Source code available. 8/ 1/82 Last update: Date released: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: AWARECO 38401 S. Highway One, P.O. Box 695 Gualala CA 95445 Shelly Gerstein Phone: 800-358-9120 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C ACTIVE TRACE Debugging and learning tool for Microsoft Basic Price: $ 79.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Active Trace is a unique debugging and learning tool for Microsoft Basic. In addition to cross-reference utilities, Active Trace includes S~OPE. SCOPE lets you see inside your program as it runs. Automatically, any or all variables (and functions) are followed and displayed, along with their current value and line number, on the screen, printer, or disk. The disk file, a "histogram" of the BASIC programs activity, will combine with a word processor to automatically find the source of an error and display the circumstances surrounding its occurrence. In addition to debugging, it teaches Basic by showing the beginner what Basic does as it does it. 40 page reference included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 24 AWARECO ACTIVE TRACE Warranty/Terms: WARRANTIED TO RUN AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENTATION Date released: 7/12/82 Last update: 2/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Abacus Data, Inc. 1920 San Marco Blvd. Jacksonville Fl 32207 George Dodge Phone: 800-874-8555 Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available INFORMAX XX Multi-user Price: & N/C processing/networking/business database $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Multi-user, networking, multi-processing, general business, and data base management software for microcomputers. Advanced data base management system is simple enough for a first time user. The most advanced development package available. Includes a 364 page reference manual. Source: PASCAL MT PLUS. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY RETURN Date released: 10/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 25 Acorn Industries, Inc. Company: 415 East Fifth Street Bartlesville OK 74003 Stu Mesnier Phone: 918-336-5500 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades Support included for 1st year N/C N/C N/C N/C THE UNITROLLER SYSTEM For mini warehouse management Price: $5000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The software is designed for easy, yet comprehensive information management for mini warehouse managers. Software provides daily reports on unit vacancies, maintenance status, aggregated performance statistics, and receipts. Accounting reports range from journal activity and ledger balances on daily and monthly bases. Additional reports aid with collection and refunds. Month-end statistics are also available. System security allows three levels of access, ~llowing an "owner" to establish and enforce a rental rate policy to be applied by his "managers" and "clerks". Capaci ty: Kaypro 10 - 2, 000 mini-warehouse units. Source: MBASIC-80 compiled. Date released: 5/1/83 Last update: 6/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 26 Company: Advanced Analytical Computer Systs. 19301 Ventura Blvd. Suite 203 Tarzana CA 91356 Daniel Gimpel Phone: 213-708-3917 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Manuals Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C AACS RESTAURANT Restaurant specific inventory control and cost analysis Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4 The AACS Restaurant IC and CA Program is designed to reduce food cost by comprehensive inventory control and cost (analysis provided in time to be useful. It features perpetual inventory, absolute food cost analysis, sales and menu item analysis for standard food cost menu explosion, current menu item costing, automatic inventory reorder, theft/overportion detection, inflation evaluation, and much more. This program can be used with any point of sale system, and is user friendly, fast, and thoroughly documented. It's used in all types of restaurants and bars and is written by restauranteurs. Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: FULL Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 11/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 27 Company: Advanced Computer Security Concept~ 4609 Logsdon Drive Annandale VA 22003 Marvin Sendrow Phone: 703-354-0985 Support Offered/ Price: SOFTGUARD Prevents software piracy Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Prevents software piracy by binding the application package to the CP/M serial number, CPU serial number or other appropriate value by calculating and validating cryptographic validation values based on a patented method of using the U.S. Government approved Data Encryption Standard (DES). This approach does not prevent the authorized user from making backup copies, it prevents unauthorized use. The security level is improved by enCiphering part of the application program on the disk to prevent reverse engineering. This approach is transparent to the user. Source: 8080 Assembly. Instructions included for use by software developers or distributors. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS 20% WITH ORDER, REMAINDER ON DELIVERY Date released: 1/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 28 Company: Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. 4650 Arrow Hwy G-28 Montclair CA 91763 Jerry Zollinger Phone: 714-625-3971 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C AFTER THE FACT PAYROLL Taxware's client payroll management Price: $ 400.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 A system to record client written payroll checks, and summarize for quarterlies, W-2's and other purposes is essential to any firm doing write-up work. We have adopted a system which is not integrated with general ledger journalizing. Setup of client and employee data couldn't be faster or easier. A separate journal is printed showing all transactions. Checks with over limit FICA or SDI are immediately identified and an option is provided to transfer the excess to withholding. Self balancing and error detection are standard yet input is very rapid. Source: MBASIC-8o. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS CLIENT WRITE UP Taxware's general ledger system Price: $ 700.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Our general ledger system has been designed to enable quick set up of client data, rapid data entry and yet comprehensive reports. Almost any existing chart of accounts with numbers 100 or larger will work~ We provide sample setups. Features are automatic date duplication and reference number incrementation in data entry. Profit may be displayed at any time during entry. Multiple item distribution and test for invalid No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 29 Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. CLIENT WRITE UP account numbers is standard. Unlimited numbers of journals may be selected with transactions per period limited only by disk size. Out of balance conditions are detected and you may not terminate data entry until you are in balance. Source: MBASIC-BO. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS DEPRECIATION AND ACRS SCHEDULES Taxware's depreciation and ACRS schedules Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 We have adopted an integrated approach that utilizes one set of input per asset and then prints federal non ACRS, ACRS, and state schedules automatically with all calculations. You may select only those you wish to print. All data is stored with mUltiple clients on a disk and is updated and maintained each year. Once your assets are set up you won't have to do it again. Setting up is a good summer project. Printed schedules may be attach~d to tax returns. Source: MBASIC-BO. Includes documentation. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS ESTATE PLANNING AND CALCULATIONS 'Taxware calculates all estate taxes and credits Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Accountants, attorneys, insurance people and tax preparers are often asked to give advice concerning death tax consequences. Our estate program will rapidly calculate federal estate tax, unified credit, state death tax credit and top bracket. Also state inheritance tax by class of beneficiary. Legal and executor fees. Data may be displayed or printed. A model may be created by randomly selecting asset and deduction categories as per federal 706. At end of input the report is printed. The model may then be projected into No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 30 Advanced Computer Systems, ESTATE PLANNING AND CALCULATIONS the future for selected 5 year increments, followed by report. Appreciation factors may be selective or overall. Rates are programmed through 1987. Source: MBASIC-80. I-ncludes documentation. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS INCOME TAX PLANNING Integrates federal and state into one input sequence Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 With this program no input forms are necessary. Almost any professional can sit down and generate a report, adjust and reprint. Rates are in for federal through 1984. Averaging, max tax, alternative minimum tax, add on minimum, state minimum are all automatic if data is provided. The report may be either displayed on the screen or printed. There are several options to printing, such as a complete report or various segments so that you do not have to wait while unnecessary data is spewed out. Data entered may be stored on disk for later recall or for printing multi-year analysis. This works great in combination with one of the electronic worksheet programs such as Supercalc, or Visicalc. Source: MBASIC-80. Includes documentation. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS INDIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION Taxware's federal and selected state returns Price: $1350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Our tax preparation system has been designed to provide quick, easy, understandable operation yet prepare complete federal and selected state returns. California returns have been run for two years, and we plan to add Arizona, Idaho, Utah, and Oregon for the 1982 tax session. The system is designed to produce one complete return at a time. We suggest transparent overlays to No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 31 Inc. Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. INVIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION avoid changing forms and can show you how ~o make this an easy process. Simple returns can be input, calculated and printed in under 5 minutes. Involved returns take longer. Source: MBASIC-80. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PAYROLL CHECK WRITING Taxware's client payroll production system Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 The TAXWARE payroll check writing system is fast and easy to set up and use. Input for each pay period is rapid, yet it gives you the opportunity to see all calculations on the screen instantly before accepting them. If OK then calculations are stored on disk for batch printing. You may print as little as a single check or a hundred at a time. All calculations are automatic including limits, yet you may override. You may print on continuous checks, voucher checks one at a time, or stub only. A journal may be printed before checks are printed. This journal will contain summary data for the general journal entry. Corrections may be made before checks are printed. Source: MBASIC-80. Includes documentation. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS TAX-WARE 17 programs for complete tax preparation and accounting Price: $3650.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 The programs are Individual Tax Preparation, Client Write-up (General Ledger), After The Fact Payroll, Payroll Check Writing, Depreciatation and ACRS Schedules, Income Tax Planning, and Estate Planning and Calculations. Designed for CPA's, accountants, businessmen, and tax preparers. Source: MBASle. Includes documentation. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 32 Advanced Computer Systems, Inc. TAX-WARE Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 6/ 1/80 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Advanced Solutions, Inc. 1332 Walnut Street Philadelphia PA 19107 Peter Mangelli Phone: 215-985-0285 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Demos Available Software Upgrades $150.00 $ 50.00 N/C LITTLE MAC Management of meetings and conventions Price: $3000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Little MAC performs four different functions: accounting, processing record changes, reports on everything from rooming lists to statistical summaries, and printing updates (but does not handle housing bureau functions). Capacity: 10,000 registrants. Source: dBASE II. Warranty/Terms: BUGS UNLIMITED 50% WITH ORDER 50% WITH DELIVERY Last update: 11/15/83 MAC Management of meetings and conventions No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 33 Advanced Solutions, Inc. MAC Price: $4500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 MAC performs four different functions: accounting, processing record changes, reports on everything from rooming lists to statistical summaries, and printing updates. Capacity: 10,000 registrants. Source: dBASE II. Warranty/Terms: BUGS UNLIMITED. 50% WITH ORDER 50% WITH DELIVERY Last update: 11/15/83 TINY MAC Management of meetings and conventions Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TINY MAC is perfect for organizations hosting several meetings with 200 people. TINY MAC does not have accounting and pricing, and it's operator inputted. Capacity: 300 registrants. Source: dBASE II. Warranty/Terms: BUGS UNLIMITED 50% WITH ORDER 50% WITH DELIVERY Last update: 11/15/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Agri-Management Services, P.O. Box 3659 Logan Inc. UT 84321 John Nelson Phone: 801-753-7209 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 34 Agri-Management Services, Inc. Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C $100.00 BEEF CATTLE MANAGEMENT Complete beef operation management package Price: $2500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Package includes programs involved in management of the complete beef operation. It provides entry, both initial and daily and recall of information in various forms such as cows lifetime histories, cows sorted by production, due to calve, pregnancy check, etc. Bull and inseminator summaries, semen inventories are included. Lists of calves by most any criteria can be obtained via the calf program. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 CROP MANAGEMENT Complete crop management system Price: $1250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everyting is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. This is a complete system for the crops operation whether it be row crops, grain crops, truck or an orchard. It encompasses a complete financial system with a complete 10 year record of the individual field from rainfall through lab soil analysis recommendation. Included with the program is a farm equipment program, a scheduling routine, and a payroll accumulation routine. Source: Fortran. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 35 Agri-Management Services, Inc. CROP MANAGEMENT Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY 9/ 1/83 Last update: DAIRY MANAGEMENT Complete management of the dairy Price: $2500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Carried production, reproduction, ownership, ancestory, calves, financial information on each animal. Allows complete management of the grade or registered dairy herd. It provides entry, both initial and daily and recall of information in various forms such as cows lifetime history, cows due to calf, pregnancy check, etc. Bull and inseminator summaries are obtainable and lists of calves that have been vaccinated for various diseases, etc. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 EMBRYO TRANSFER Dairy, beef, or swine management series Price: $4000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Program allows complete management of the embryo transfer facility. The embryo management package allows for detailed information reSUlting in such advantages as more easily and more accurately finding recipients synchronized with the donar, accurate recording of the No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 36 Agri-Management Services, Inc. EMBRYO TRANSFER deposit of each embryo, treatments and problems, billing and preparing breed transfer reports. Using the Accounting and Payroll programs the financial side of the Transfer Facility can be handled. Source Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY 9/ 1/83 Last update: EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLY DEALER Equipment or supply dealer management Price: $1250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everyting is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Package can be used for any type equipment or supply dealership. It provides for a totally integrated system, i.e. inventory program is tied to order entry routine which is tied to receivables program. Provides for the full management on the dealership operation. Keeps up with back orders, prepares order lists, statements, invoices, ageing reports, salesmen and product sales summaries. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 FEED PLANT MANAGEMENT Complete system for operation of a feed mill Price: $2500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Package is a complete system for the operation of No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 37 Agri-Management Services, Inc. FEED PLANT MANAGEMENT a feed mill regardless of its complexity or simplicity, bags, bulk or combination. It has order entry, invoicing, etc. to handle the front desk customer or telephone order entry. This can all be tied to the inventory so that it is updated as it happens. Also includes ration balancing programs' to provide complete in-house formulation. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50 % DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 FEEDLOT & SWINE FINISH FLOOR Complete feedlot management regardless of species Price: $1250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Program provides for the complete management of the feedlot regardless of species. It allows detailed animal management by pen while accumulating costs by pen or for the entire operation. Payroll, accounting and ration balancing may also be included. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY 9/ 1/83 Last update: FERTILIZER PLANT MANAGEMENT Complete system for operation of a fertilizer plant Price: $2495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 38 Agri-Management Services, FERTILIZER PLANT MANAGEMENT marketing. This is a complete system for the operation of a fertilizer plant regardless of its complexity or simplicity, bags, bulk or combination. It has order entry, invoicing, etc. to handle the front desk customer or telephone order entry. This can all be tied to the inventory so that it is updated as it happens. Also includes fertilizer formulation programs to provide complete in-house formulation. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 HORSE FARM MANAGEMENT Management of boarding-training, Price: $3000.00 stud or mare farm Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Completely manages the horse operation, breeding, winnings, measurements, financial, etc. Registration names and number, confirmation scores, etc. are all included in the program. On the stud farm or the boarding training operation at months end, bills and financial statements for each animal can be run off, folded, and placed in a window envelope and sent in seconds. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY 9/ 1/83 Last update: HORSE SHOW MANAGEMENT Complete handling of the horse show Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Menu driven, .user friendly, fully documented. Kaypro 4,10 All disks No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 39 Inc. Agri-Management Services, Inc. HORSE SHOW MANAGEMENT are auto booted, thus from start-up everyting is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Allows for the complete management of the horse show from individual entry, exhibitor and owner information. It provides mailing labels for the horse owner. Does everything right down to the final report. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 LIVESTOCK AUCTION Livestock auction management package Price: $2000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Whether a sale of registered animals or the local weekly auction, whether selling individual animals, pairs or groups, this is the program written especially to help manage that fast moving multi-transaction operation. Provides for the complete management of the auction regardless of species, size, grouping, etc. Allows detailed animal records and full financial transaction information on each animal. Payroll, accounting and receivables included. Source Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 ORCHARD & GROVE MANAGEMENT Manages grove, Price: $ 995.00 orchard, or vineyard operation Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 40 Agri-Management Services, Inc. ORCHARD & GROVE MANAGEMENT Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Package provides for the complete managment of the grove, vinyard or orchard operation regardless of type of operation, type of trees or vine. It allows detailed tree management by grove while accumulating cost by grove or for the entire operation. Payroll, accounting and equipment management may also be included. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50 % DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 PLANT NURSERY Complete plant nursery management package Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Program provides for the complete management of the plant nursery operation regardless of the type of operation or plants involved. It allows detailed plant management by plot while accumulating costs by plot or for the entire operation. Payroll, accounting and equipment management may also be included. In large or specialized operations the inventory, order entry, and receivables group might be considered. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 POULTRY FARM MANAGEMENT Complete poultry farm management Clayer or grower) No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 41 Agri~Management Services, Inc. POULTRY FARM MANAGEMENT Price: Compatible Systems: $1750.00 Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Package has been developed for use in the complete management of the poulty operation for use in the layer operation or meat production. It has been developed for two separate markets: first, the contractor or integrator and second, the progressive independent grower. The programs have been developed for use in operations involving any species (chickens, turkeys, ducks). Allows detailed bird management and accounting by house or pen. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY 9/ 1/83 Last update: PURCHASE ACCOUNTING Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: SWINE MANAGEMENT Sow, boar, litter, Price: $1250.00 1/ 9/83 and finishing floor management Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Menu driven, user friendly, fully documented. All "disks are auto booted, thus from start-up everything is easy to use. Updated annually for each end-user. Supported by phone for software problems and on site for marketing. Allows complete management of the sow, boar, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 42 Agri-Management Services, Inc. SWINE MANAGEMENT litter and finishing floor. It provides entry, both initial and daily, and recall of information in various forms such as sows lifetime records, list of sows in order of production, sows due to farrow, wean, pregnancy check, etc. Boar andinseminator summaries and semen inventories are included. Lists of litters by most any criteria can be obtained via the litter program. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: $100 ANNUAL UPDATE PER USER, SOFTWARE SUPPORT CONTINUOUS 50% DOWN AT ORDER, REMAINDER AT DELIVERY Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Agricultural Computer Applications P.O. Box 8 Davis CA 95617 Loren Bennett Phone: 916-756-8946 Support Offered/ Price: N/C N/C Software Hotline Software Upgrades DAIRY RATION PACKAGE Profit maximizing & least cost dairy ration formulation Price: $1995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Dairy Ration Package is a complete package of programs for formulating dairy rations using the University of California models. This package includes the profit maximizing ration for milking cows, the least cost ration for milking and dry cows, the Dairy Ration Evaluation program, the least cost grower ration for heifers, bulls, and steers, a load sheet program, and No Warranty is made expressed or 43 i~plied by Kaypro Corporation. Agricultural Computer Applications DAIRY RATION PACKAGE a program to edit and create ingredient libraries. library of 101 ingredient analyses is included. Source: Fortran. 108 page manual included. A Source code available. Warranty/Terms: FREE SOFTWARE UPGRADES OR FIXES FOR ONE YEAR Date released: 3/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 PROFESSIONAL RATION PACKAGE Livestock least cost ration formulation Price: $3995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Professional Ration Package is a complete package of programs for formulating least cost rations for any species. The user may define up to 46 nutrients for each species. Up to 512 ingredient analyses may be stored in any ingredient library. A complete customer file saving and retrieving system is built into the programs. All analysis entries and displays may be on any dry matter basis. Batch mixes are easily calculated with packaging and milling costs. Two minimum and two maximum constraints may be put on any ingredient, nutrient, or grouping of ingredients. Up to six ratio constraints may be put on ingredients, nutrients, and grouping of ingredients. Source: Fortran. Includes a 50-page manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: FREE SOFTWARE UPDATES AND FIXES FOR ONE YEAR Date released: 7/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 44 Company: Agricultural Software Consultants 1706 Santa Fe Kingsville TX 78363 Alvin Kay Phone: 512-595-1937 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 50.00 DAIRY CATTLE Formulates least-cost ration for any type dairy animal Price: $ 645.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Consists of DAIRY, MIXIT-2, and BEEF & DAIRY DATA DISK. Calculates requirements of dairy cow using formulas developed at Cornell University. User selects dry or lactating cow, stage of lactation, weight in pounds, daily milk production, percent butterfat. DAIRY creates nutrient list for MIXIT-2 and dairy disk. Leastcost formulation is based on this nutrient list and a feed ingredient list which may contain up to 50 feed ingredients with maximum and minimum restrictions. All data easily changed to suit user. DAIRY DATA DISK contains all 221 feed ingredients numbered same as in Table 4. Source: MSBasic. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND WITHIN 30 DAYS CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., MASTER CHARGE, VISA, SCHOOL PUR MINI-MAX Solves linear programming problems Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Uses ten machine language programs to solve linear programming problems using the simplex algorithm. All problems saved on disk, may be printed, solved, changed later. No limit to number of problems that can be saved. Problem's solution is shown together with sensitivity analysis: price ranges, slack variables, shadow prices, range of resource. Brief, non-technical No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 45 Agricultural Software Consultants MINI-MAX sentences in printed output explain meaning of all numbers. MINI-MAX solves L.P. problems with 60 variables and 60 constraints on CP/M-80 micro wiih 64K. Designed for business, industry, and applied sciences. Source: MSBASIC. Includes a Beginner's Guide to Linear Programming and a 70-page user's manual. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND WITHIN 30 DAYS OF PURCHASE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., MASTER CHARGE, VISA, SCHOOL PUR Date released: 8/ 1/82 Last update: 7/ 1/83 MIXIT-2 Fast and easy-to-use ration gUide for animal nutrition Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MIXIT-2 calculates least-cost blends, nutritional content, and mixing instructions for all animals. Stores hundreds of ingredients; 57 nutrient names; names, units easily selected and changed. User can take nutrient/ingredient information for NRC tables or purchase in pre-recorded format from ASC (for dairy cattle beef cattle, swine, poultry, turkeys, horses). Calculates with up to 50 feed ingredients, 50 restrictions; average time: one minute/ration. English or metric system. Designed for feed mills, nutritionists, feed lots, dairymen, poultrymen, and anyone who feeds animals. Source: MSBASIC. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND WILL BE GIVEN WITHIN 30 DAYS CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., MASTER CHARGE, VISA, SCHOOL PUR Date released: 11/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 MIXIT-3 Designed for people who least-cost many rations Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MIXIT-3 consists of MIXIT-2 and a program called STACK which has the ability to calculate or print dozens of rations with one keyboard entry. With STACK No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 46 Agricultural Software Consultants MIXIT-3 a new least-cost ration can be calculated without changing the ration currently used. Each ratio is stored on disk and summarized in a one-page output. A special output gives a price comparison between the old and new rations. After comparing prices and compositions, the user has the option of replacing the old ration with the new one. Optional software: BEEF & DAIRY, SWINE & POULTRY, and HORSE - each for $50. Source: MSBasic. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND WITHIN 30 DAYS OF PURCHASE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., MASTER CHARGE, Date released: 7/19/83 VISA, SCHOOL PUR PRICE-IT Feed pricing and inventory program Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Price-it enables feed mixers to store ingredients and formulas, in either English or metric system, converts MIXIT-3 ingredient lists to PRICE-IT ingredient lists. Each formula contains three wholesale and three retail markups and one bagging markup. Markups in percent or fixed. User specifies minimum inventory for each ingredient, obtains printout of all ingredients with inventories below these minimums. Printed price list of all formulas, sorted by number and arranged by categories, shows actual cost/ton, retail cost/ton, retail cost/bag. Source: MSBasic. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND WITHIN 30 DAYS OF PURCHASE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., MASTER CHARGE, VISA, Date released: 8/19/83 SCHOOL PUR No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 47 Company: Alcor Systems BOO W. Garland Ave., Suite 204 Garland TX Phone: 75040 214-494-1316 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C ALCOR 'C' LANGUAGE SYSTEM A complete program development package Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4 'c' programming language for general purpose, educational and professional environments. Complete implementation of 'c' language as described by Kernighan and Ritchie. Contains a complete library of Unix compatible support routines. Complete documentation package includes language tutorial for new programmers. System includes full screen text editor, 'C' compiler, run utility, linking loader, optimizer to reduce code size and native code generator. Source: Pascal. Warranty/Terms: 35% DEALER DISCOUNT, NET 30. DISTRIBUTOR AND BUNDLING TERMS ALCOR MULTI-BASIC LANGUAGE SYSTEM A complete program development package Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: KayproII,4 Basic programming language for general purpose, educational and professional enviroments. First basic package to provide advantages of both interpreted and commercial Basic. Multi-Basic compiler is compatible with commercial Basic compilers, C Basic, CB-BO & Microso~t Basic interpreters. Allows use of routines written in Pascal or 'C'. Complete documentation package includes language tutorial for new programmers. System includes full screen text editor, Multi-Basic compiler, run utility, linking loader, optimizer to reduce code size and native code generator. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 4B Alcor Systems ALCOR MULTI-BASIC LANGUAGE SYSTEM Source: PASCAL. Warranty/Terms: 35% DEALER DISCOUNT, NET 30. DISTRIBUTOR AND BUNDLING TERMS ALCOR PASCAL LANGUAGE SYSTEM A complete program development package Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4 A Jensen and Wirth standard Pascal programming language for general purpose, educational and professional environments. Complete documentation package, including a language tutorial for new programmers. System contains full screen text editor, Pascal compiler, run utility, linking loader to build executable command files, object code optimizer to reduce code size by up to 30% and native code generator. Optional tools: LinkEdit and Xasm. Source: PASCAL. Warranty/Terms: 35% DEALER DISCOUNT, NET 30. DISTRIBUTOR AND BUNDLING TERMS Date released: 3/28/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Amcad 2602 Electronic Lane, Suit 604A Dallas TX Phone: 75220 214-352-8100 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $ 20.00 BGRAPHIC+ Business graphics No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 49 Arhcad BGRAPHIC+ Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Bar, line, and pie charts on graphic or nongraphic screens. Output to printers and plotters. Operates on CP/M or MSDOS operating systems. Access standard data formats on dBASE II files or input data via the keyboard. Source: FORTRAN. Includes a 200 page manual. Warranty/Terms: SIX MONTHS COD - TO NET 20 Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: American Bus. & Prof. Computers 4520 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa Phone: FL 33609 813-879-0511 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance N/C N/C CPA CLIENT ACCOUNTING A complete and flexible client accounting system Price: $ 700.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A complete and very flexible client accounting system. Excellent audit trails, free form chart of accounts no reserved accounts, flexible source of entry journals - profit center P/L and consolidated, balance sheet, and scheduling features. After the fact payroll with quarterly tax reporting and W-2 printing. Designed for CPA's or strong Accounting Managers. Source: Dibol-8. Operator's manual included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 50 American Bus. & Prof. Computers CPA CLIENT ACCOUNTING Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PREPAID OR C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/76 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: American Compusoft 23113 Plaza Pointe Dr., Suite A Laguna Hills CA 92653 Tom Monahan Phone: 714-472-8186 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline CONVOY Billing by mile, Price: gallon, ton, N/C liter, etc. Compatible Systems: $ 950.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Provides bill accounting, scheduling, personalized statements, and management reports. This program even provides mailing labels. Integrates with Firm I accounting package. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 FIRM I Accounting package Price: $1545.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 51 American Compusoft FIRM I General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Payroll included. Source: CB-80. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 LEGAL TENDER A time and billing program for legal offices Price: $ 950.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 It provides the following: calendaring, bill accounting, timekeeping, receivables, trust accounting, statement prepartation and five management reports. Integrates with Firm I general ledger and accounts payable programs. Integrates with Firm I accounting package. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 MEMBERS ONLY Membership billing for clubs and organizations Price: $ 950.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 It's a program that gives the user greater cash flow, improved member service and management information. It keeps track of members, records, charges and payments as well as providing management reports. Interfaces with Firm I accounting package. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 SERVICE BILLING For any service firm Price: $ 950.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 52 American Compusoft SERVICE BILLING A billing program for schools, health services, small utility companies, cable T.V., etc. This is a complete billing package with additional features such as a calendaring system and label generator. Firm I integrates with this program. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 THE BOTTOM LINE A time and billing program for accountants and CPA'S Price: $ 950.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This easy-to-run software lets you see status of work by client and professional. Provides receivables aging and deposit account reports. Integrates with Firm I accounting package. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 THE PROFESSIONAL A time & billing program for professionals Price: $ 950.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A time and billing program for professionals and consultants. In addition to statements and management reports, a calendar system helps you keep track of your time. Compare this with your management reports to find out what actually happened, and you have a sound basis for future business decisions. Integrates with Firm I accounting package. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 53 Company: American Integrity Systems 1415 East McFadden Ave. Suite A Santa Ana CA 92705 Cesare Tizi Phone: 714-973-4756 Support Offered/ Price: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING SERIES Five integrated accounting system modules Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The Management Accounting (MAS), developed by American Integrity Systems, Inc., consists of five integrated accounting system modules. Features include stand alone modules or a fully integrated business system, the manual and the appropriate page number is d~splayed in each screen layout. Furthermore, MAS caters for three invoicing methods. Also a detailed sales analysis and sales history and stock order analysis. It has a capacity of 10,000 customers, 28,000 stock items, 10,000 vendors, and 8,000 general ledger accounts. It is fully integrated to word processing--WordStar, Select and Wordmanager, DBMS--dBASE II and Condor, and Financial Mode1ling--Microp1an and Multiplan. MAS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM V3.7 Controls the expenses of a business Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This package maintains a record of the company's ,vendors including name, address, balance owed, and purchasing history. The package maximizes the credit terms offered. Buying trends can be analyzed by several categories. Vendors can be paid either manually or automatically. The package provides for check printing from either type of payment. A remittance advice form can be produced to accompany the check detailing invoices being paid. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 54 American Integrity Systems MAS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM V3.7 90 DAYS MAS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SYSTEM V3.7 Business income control system Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This package maintains a record of all customers including name, address, balance owed, and buying history. The package maintains tight credit control by production of customer statements. Customer performance can be monitored by production of history reports which show the buying trends on a monthly and yearly basis. Comparisons can be made between last year's and this year's buying trends, affording more accurate management decisions. Accounts Receivable can be fully integrated with the following system modules in the Management Accounting Series: Sales Order Entry, Inventory Control, and General Ledger. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS MAS GENERAL LEDGER Analyzes the financial details of a company Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 MAS GENERAL LEDGER amalgamates the sales details from the Accounts Receivable ledger with the purchase and expense details of the Accounts Payable ledger into a single report showing the profit or loss of the company. The profit or loss is then combined with asset and liability details to produce a Balance Sheet. Fully integrated with the following system modules in the Management Accounting Series: Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS J No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 55 American Integrity Systems MAS INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEM V3.7 Business inventory control system Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This package maintains a record of all products including item ID, name, price, cost, sales analysis, and profitability. Accurate control of physical inventory is maintained by the automatic production of stock take sheets. The sales history can be used to monitor the sales and profitability of all products. This package also integrates with the Accounts Receivable system during the production of invioces. During invoicing, the system will automatically update both Accounts Receivable and Inventory Control, providing immediate production of up-to-date sales and profitability reports. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS MAS SALES ORDER ENTRY SYSTEM (V3.7) A complete order entry system Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This package provides the most complete facility of this kind on the market today. Incoming orders are automatically checked against stock, verifying quantities currently on hand or on order, and tracking back order and allocation status. It also provides complete s'hipping documentation, including schedules and picking slips, allows for partial shipments and even shipment on due or arrival date. The package can even accommodate pricing and selling of goods in mUlitiple combinations, such as stocking and selling in drums, but pricing in gallons. Support for inquiry by sales order, customer, or inventory items, and full analysis by orders received, shipped, allocated or back ordered, is also included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 56 American Micro Dynamics, Inc. Company: 4000 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 760 Newport Beach CA 92660 Martin C. Glassman Phone: 714-883-1487 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance N/C N/C CLASS Case management and tracking system for attorneys Price: $3500.00 Provides ability to recbrd and retrieve data relating to specific client and/or case. Calendaring of future events as well as recording of current activities are accomodated. Automatic case status and other client correspondence may be scheduled at time of file updating. Additional modules support collection efforts and client trust accounting. Capacity: 5,000 records. Source: dBase II. Reference manual included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY Date released: 06/01/81 Last update: 07/01/83 CLIENT Database management for various professionals Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Provides functions which permit user to define databases containing information about individuals. Once defined, these databases are available for on-line retrieval and extensive marketing functions. User may define criteria and system will select appropriate individuals. Selected individuals will have their data "fed" into Wordstar for inclusion in user defined correspondence, reports, lists, etc. Source: dBase II. Reference manual included. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 57 American Micro Dynamics, Inc. CLIENT 90 DAY Date released: 03/01/83 MICROTRUST Trust accounting management including portfolio Price: $3500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Software provides ability to record, track, and report on activities relating to trusts and sub-trusts. Portfolio management subsystems provide for establishing and tracking information about individual assets by trust and across all trusts (as by stock symbol). Functions included relate to buy, sell, income, expenses, and portfolio performance. Financial system integrated with portfolio manager to accomodate standard accounting information and financial performance of trusts. Source: dBase II. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY Date released: 07/01/83 PASS Pension proposal and administrative software Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Typical user is selling administration services to companies who have or wish to have pension plans based on either defined benefit or defined contribution parameters. Wide variety of actuarial assumptions may be used in order to have plan meet objectives. Management reports and individual certificates are prepared. Requires approximately 1K per retirement plan participant. Includes documentation. Source: BASIC. Date released: 01/01/81 Last update: 07/01/83 SYSTEM 100 An insurance agency management system No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 58 American Micro Dynamics, Inc. SYSTEM. 100 Price: Compatible Systems: $1000.00 Kaypro 10 Provides a complete management information system for (property & casualty) an insurance agency. All modules are integrated and share common data bases. When policy information is enterd through billing, it is automati~ally posted to accounts receivable, accounts payable, sales analysis and the in-force files. Retrieval of information available through on-line inquiry_ Extensive marketing functions are built in for solicitation of new business and renewals. Source: dBase II. Reference manual included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY Date released: 01/01/82 Last update: 07/01/83 ********************************************************************** Company: American Training International 12638 Beatrice Street Los Angeles CA John Reilley Phone: 213-823-1129 Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available N/C ATI CP/M Introduction to CP/M's commands Price: $. 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches you to display a directory of files, protect files, rename files, copy a file, copy a disk, copy CP/M, edit a file, identify available space on a disk, prepare disks, adjust CP/M to your computer, and erase files. Documentation included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 59 American Training International AT! CP/M Supplied on self-prompting diskette. ATI MBASIC Write programs and learn Price: $ 75.00 ~rogramming logic techniques Compatible Systems: Kaypro I1,4,10 Teaches you to write programs, use programming techniques such as looping, counting and totaling, checking· input for accuracy, construct a report, use sequential files to store, reirieve, and change information, read data, perform calculations, enter information during program execution, and print a report. Supplied on self-prompting diskette. Includes documentation. AT! MULTIPLAN Learn commands for worksheet manipulation Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches you to startup Multiplan, set up a worksheet, enter numbers and formulas, save a worksheet, load an existing worksheet, clear your worksheet, use proposed responses, link worksheets, make single and multiple copies of rows and columns, add to a worksheet, edit a worksheet, analyze growth rates, conduct "whatif" analyses, use mUltiple windows, print a worksheet, and practice with five sample worksheets. Supplied on self-prompting diskettes. Includes documentation. AT! PERFECT CALC Set up and manipulate worksheets Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Teaches you to startup Perfect Calc, set up a worksheet~ enter numbers and formulas, save a worksheet, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 60 American Training International ATI PERFECT CALC load an existing worksheet, clear a worksheet, make single anrl multiple copies of rows and columns, add to a worksheet, edit a worksheet, analyze growth rates, conduct "what if" analyses, print a worksheet, and practice with five sample worksheets. Supplied on self-prompting diskettes. Includes documentation. ATI PERFECT WRITER Teaches document creation, editing, and printing Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Teaches you to startup Perfect Writer, create a document, edit a document, move text within a document, print a document, check spelling, save a document, and exit Perfect Writer. Supplied on self-prompting diskette. Includes documentation. AT! WORDSTAR VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 Teaches WORDSTAR MENU and document formatting commands Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Volume 1 allows you to startup WordStar, create a document file, edit a document, print a document, exit WordStar, and display WordStar menus. Volume 2 allows you to prepare sophisticated reports, modify the format of existing documents, merge parts of different documents into one, move large blocks of text from one position to another, reopen document file, change margin settings, center text on a page, reformat a document, move a block of text, copy a block of text, use quick commands, copy to a temporary file, print headers and footers, number pages, change line spacing, change page size, hideblock markers, and much more. Supplied on self-promping diskette. Includes documentation. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 61 American Training International ATI dBASE II VOL. 1 AND VOL. 2 Introduction to dBASE II including files and programs Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Volume 1 teaches you to create a database, enter data, display data on your screen, sort data on various factors, prepare reports, add to your database, and edit your database. Volume 2 allows you to create a database structure, write a menu program for data entry, create a format, program, edit a program, write a program to print an order form, write a program to produce a report of specific information, and write a program to print labels. Required SW: DBASE II $ 700.00 ********************************************************************** Company: American Veterinary Products PO Box 28-BORO STA Groton CT 06340 Paul Simard Phone: 800-243-2944 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C COMPTROL PAC A clinical control system for Veterinarians Price: $5000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This system automatically controls routine clinic procedures. It is a transactional system that controls inventory, creates reminder cards, and produces an account receivable all from the invoicing procedure. Productivty reports on procedures and inventory usage is included. Detail summary on all statements. Large No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 62 American Veterinary Products COMPTROL PAC animal maintenance is included with periodic detail invoicing. Capacity: Kaypro 10 - 12,000 clients and 24,000 pets. Source: CB-80. Includes documentation. Supplied on hard disk systems only. Warranty/Terms: 3 YEARS BUY, LEASE, OR RENT Last update: 4/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Analytic Associates 4817 Browndeer Lane Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274 Robert F. Feakins Phone: 213-541-0418 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Softwar~ Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C PLANEASE For cash flow projections of income-producing property Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PLANEASE is aimed at the Real Estate investment professional, enabling the financial analysis and cash flow projection of any income-producing property. The system is unique in that there is no limit on the number of leases, expenses, loans or depreciation schedules for a property_ Holding period is user-specified, and the system handles calendaring. The system also features true Sensitivity Analysis, with a printed No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 63 Analytic Associates PLANEASE graph of results, and Monte Carlo Risk Analysis with a printed histogram of results. System requires 160K on one disk. Source: Compiled CBASIC. Documentation included. Date released: Warranty/Terms: 12/ 1/81 Last update: 4/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Answer In Computers, The 6035 University Ave. San Diego #7 CA 92115 Mimma Fonti Phone: 619-287-0795 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 25.00 TORRICELLI EDITOR A full function courseware authoring program Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Courses, lessons and tests can be written by subject matter experts who need not be programmers or know any programming languages. It has been our experience that a maximum of four hours familiarization with this program is all that is needed for any educator to learn create courses. Capacity: Kaypro II - 175 course pages maximum. Kaypro 4 and 10 - 250 course pages maximum. Source: Assembler. Includes documentation. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 64 \ Answer In Computers, The TORRICELLI SCHOOL A full function course presentation program Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Requires no computer expertise other than the basic knowledge of the system's keyboard. The students study the data presented and answer quiz and test questions thereby interacting with the program. Capacity: Kaypro II - 175 course pages maximum. Kaypro 4 and 10 - 250 course pages maxium. Source: Assembler. Includes documentation. TORRICELLI SCRIBE A courseware authoring utility program Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A utility program designed to make courseware authoring easier and error free. Capacity: Kaypro II - 175 course pages maximium, Kaypro 4 and 10 - 250 course pages maxium. Source: Assembler. Includes documentation. TORRICELLI SERIES Education-Courseware development aids Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A series of educational programs to enable teachers to develop courseware, including: Torricelli Editor - a full function courseware authoring program ($295), Torricelli School - a full function course presentation program ($150), and Torricelli Scribe - a utility program designed to make courseware authoring easier and error free ($150). Capacities: Kaypro 11- 175 course pages maximum, Kaypro 4 & 10 - 250 course pages. Source: Assembler. Includes documentation. Date released: 8/ 1/81 Last update: 3/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 65 Artificial Intelligence Research Company: 921 No. La Jolla Ave. Los Angeles CA 90046 Steve Grumette Phone: 213-656-7368 Support Offered/ Price: ELIZA An artificial intelligence demonstration program Price: $ Compatible Systems: 25.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Created at MIT in 1966, ELIZA has become the world's most celebrated Artificial Intelligence demonstration program. ELIZA is a non-directive psychotherapist who analyzes each statement as you type it in and then responds with her own comment or question - and her remarks are often amazingly appropriate! ELIZA remains one of the most effective ways of showing off the power of a personal computer. ELIZA's full capacity is available on any Kaypro system. Source: BASIC-80. Includes a 6 page user manual. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Artificial Intelligence, P.O. Box 81045 Seattle Jim Phone: Inc. WA 98108 206-271-8633 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C $ 50.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 66 Artificial Intelligence, Inc. PAS-3 DENTAL Dental patient accounting system Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 PAS-3 Dental is a complete dental billing system with private and third party billing. PAS-3 allows for pre-authorizations and will handle an almost unlimited range of mUltiple insurance coverage. The end-user can format his own insurance and billing forms using our form generator program. PAS-3 has a full range of management reports including a query program that allows for custom reports. A full recall and maillist program is provided. Source: CBASIC, CB-80, CB-86, Microsoft Basic. User's manual included. 32,000 records maximum. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS DEFECTIVE DISK C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/78 Last update: 1/ 1/83 PAS-3 MEDICAL Medical patient accounting system Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 PAS-3 Medical is a complete medical billing system with private and third party billing. PAS-3 will handle an almost unlimited number of multiple insurance coverages With our exclusive forms generator program the user can format up to 99 different insurance form formats. PAS-3 has a full recall and maillist program as well as 22 standard built-in reports. A query program allows the end-user to format his own custom reports. Source: CBASIC, CB-80, CB-86, Microsoft Business Basic. User's manual included. 32,000 records maximum. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS, DEFECTIVE DISK C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/78 Last update: 1/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 67 Automated Analysis Company: 14617 Victory Blvd. Van Nuys 91411 CA Lita Krisaan Phone: 213-787-7700 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C BREAK EVEN SYSTEM A real estate sales analysis system Price: $ 400.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") This is designed for breakdown analysis of operation. Study effect of varying projected income and expenses. Source: FORTRAN. Documentation included. Supplied on 8" IBM single density disk. Source code available. Date released: 1/ 1/83 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM Real estate assistant Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Commercial Property System is designed for the management and control of commercial properties like office buildings, shopping centers and other types of properties where common area expenses are billed to the tenant. Documentation included. Source: BASIC. Supplied on 8" IBM single density disk. Date released: 1/ 1/80 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT Real estate assistant Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 (8") No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 68 Automated Analysis CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT It is designed to provide accounting and management information for condominium developments and associations. A file has been set up to allow the owner of a condominium to be billed at any address for association fees. ACE financial statements can be viewed on the screen or prtnted at user's option. Documentation included. Source: BASIC. Supplied on IBM SD disk (8"). Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 7/ 1/81 DEPRECIATION SYSTEM Real estate sales analysis Price: $ 475.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") It is designed to depreciate 1-30 assets for 50 years, displays individual or total schedules. Includes tax preference and recapture calculations. Source: FORTRAN. Documentation included. Source code available. Date released: 1/ 1/83 LOAN-V Real estate sales analysis Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 LOAN-V system constructs and analyzes 'loans. Amortize standard loans or all inclusive loans with or without prepaid interest. Will also provide schedules for loans involving additional prinCipal payments, prepaid interest payments, interest only payments, or variable interest payments. Source: FORTRAN. Documentation included. Source code available. Date released: 1/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 69 Automated Analysis OFFICE AND AGENT PRODUCTIVITY Real estate assistant Price: $ 250.00 Compa ti ble Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") This is a program that lists all salespersons, showing the number and amount of listings, sales with a breakdown of dollar value of each item and their commission. This program shows the income generation of each salesperson and office. Documentation included. Source: BASIC. Supplied on 8" IBM single density disk. Source code available. Date released: 1/ 1/80 PROPERTY ANALYSIS SYSTEM Real estate assistant Price: $ 250.00 Compa ti ble Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") All types of variables are considered including adjustments for appreciation and inflation. It provides projects of future value showing estimated cash flow, appreciation, equity buildup, return on investment, tax liability or benefit, market value, capital law's tax, and other financial information. All variables can be changed and their effect immediately displayed or printed. Documentation included. Source: BASIC. Date released: 1/ 1/80 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Keeps track of all income and expenses Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Keeps track of all income and expenses providing financial reports and includes a checkwriter, provides budgeting, and provides exception reports like a list of delinquent tenants, and a wealth of other useful information. This program is suitable for all types of income properties. Documentation included. Source: BASIC. Supplied on 8" IBM single density diskettes. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 70 Automated Analysis PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Date released: 1/ 1/80 REAL ESTATE OFFICE MANAGEMENT Personal ledger system Price: Compa ti ble Systems: $ 350.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") This program is a personal ledger system that provides financial statements and management information designed especially for real estate brokers. It comes with the National Association of Realtor's recommended chart of accounts. It allows for forms with more than one office to show profitability of each office by providing a divisionalization of profit and loss statement. Documentation included. Source: BASIC. Supplied on 8" IBM single density disk. Date released: 1/ 1/80 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Real estate assistant Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Keeps track of all income (tenants) and expenses (accounts payable) providing financial reports and includes a checkwriter, budgeting, and reports. It is designed for single unit properties like condominiums and houses. A common checking account can be used for all properties. Financial statements for each property are produced upon user request. It is designed to accommodate up to 500 properties on a single double density 8" diskette. Documentation included. Source: BASIC. Date released: 1/ 1/80 RETURN SYSTEM Real estate sales analysis Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 71 Automated Analysis RETURN SYSTEM Return is used to evaluate loans and lease vs. buy decisions. Fast input, present value tables, discount amounts for varying return rates are provided. Source: FORTRAN. Documentation included. Source code available. 1/ 1/83 Date released: ********************************************************************** Company: Avalon Hill Microcomputer Games 4517 Harford Road Baltimore MD 21214 J. Dott Phone: 301-254-9200 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter N/C $ 4.00 TELENGARD A 50 level dungeon exploration game Price: $ 30.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II Warranty/Terms: FULL IF DEFECTIVE Date released: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro 72 Corporat~on. Axel-Johnson, Corp. Company: 666 Howard Street San Francisco CA 94105 Malcolm McVickar Phone: 415-777-3800 Support Offered/ Price: N/C N/C N/C N/C Visual Training Demos Available Software Upgrades Technical Support AUTOCODE I dBase II program generator Price: Compatible Systems: $ 195.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Menu-driven program generator. Novices can set up simple applications within an hour without opening the dBase II manual. Autocode source code is accessible and can be referenced as a learning tool by someone learning the ins and outs of the dBase language. Experienced programmers can use Autocode to write command files which can later be patched for complex applications, saving an enormous amount of time spent in routine writing. This allows more time for creativity in applications design. Autocode allows for alpha/ numeric error trapping, calculated fields and selective reporting. Source: dBase II. Documentation included. Source code included. Date released: 12/ 1/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 73 Company: BPI Systems, Inc. 3423 Guadalupe Austin TX 78705 Customer Service Department Phone: 512-454-2801 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline N/C N/C BPI GENERAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM A basic integrated bookkeeping system Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Features include: standardized data input, posting to ledgers, preparing financial statements (including the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Statement), closing the the books, printing detailed ledgers for accounts receivable and payable as well as for the general ledger, keeping monthly, quarterly and year-to-date payroll earnings records for every employee. The operator is alerted to data entry errors. Capacity: 1,000 accounts. Documentation included. Source: MBasic 80. Warranty/Terms: Date released: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: BYTEC 400 North Brand Blvd.,Suite 110 Glendale CA 91203 Bahe Kazangian Phone: 213-247-1502 Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 74 BYTEC BYTEC DATABASE MANAGEMENT PROCESSOR File maintenance Price: $ 249.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Generalized design and menu format allows for easy processing of files and information. Other features include: Label design, sort, selection and printing of files and labels, very easy to operate, functional documentation, extra user friendly. Optional software: DBM/PI. Capacity: 32,676 records. Source: MBasic. Includes documentation. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY 6/14/83 Last update: Date released: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Banana Computer Showroom, Inc. 8772 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring MD 20910 Bertram E. Seidlitz Phone: 301-587-2600 Support Offered/ Price: TERMINAL EMULATOR Uses Kaypros for smart terminal emulation Price: $ 175.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This is a modification to a popular telecommunications package which allows the user to use a Kaypro as a "smarter" terminal than the original package allowed. Cursor positioning translation and a limited number of many-for-many translations are provided in addition to the standard complete one-for-one translation. The No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 75 Banana Computer Showroom, Inc. TERMINAL EMULATOR modification has specifically been applied to using a Kaypro as a data general terminal models 6052/6053/ D200/ D100 and others. Designed for minicomputer and mainframe installations. Source: Assembly & 8080. Patch documentation included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.I.A. Date released: 10/ 1/82 Last update: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Basic-K Magazine 119 South 10th Duncan OK 73533 Bob Hall Phone: 405-252-3297 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C BASIC-K MAGAZINE A magazine on diskette Price: $ Compatible Systems: 95.00 Kaypro 11,4 A diskette featuring 6 to 8 programs a month on many different subjects, from games, bUsiness application programs, financial application programs, etc. Includes documentation. Source code included. Date released: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 76 Company: Basis, Inc. 670 International Parkway, Ste. 100 Richardson TX 75081 Jim Hughs Phone: 214-699-8980 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C CHIROBO Chiropractic office management Price: $2800.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 CHIR080 is an interactive accounting and billing system specifically designed for chiropractic care. Entered data is validated or read from other records. In addition to the usual patient demographic and financial information, CHIR080 stores date of last X-ray, first exam date, number of treatments and subluxation levels. Support files include diagnosis and procedure descriptions, insurance carriers and additional patient insurance coverage. Standard billing includes the HIC-form, superbill, individual and self-mailing monthly statements. MEDICARE and MEDI-CAL forms are also printed as is a fee ticket. A Report Generator is included. Source: Compiled BASIC & Assembly. Warranty/Terms: BUGS FIXED AT NO CHARGE Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 DENTAL80 Dental office management Price: $2800.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 DENTAL80 is an interactive dental accounting and billing system for solo-practices through large clinics. Entered data is validated or read from other records. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 77 Basis, Inc. DENTAL80 In addition to the usual patient demographic and financial information, treatment "notes" are stored in a dental note file. A convenient means for entering and tracking preauthorization requests is provided as is a contract payment file. Support files include procedure descriptions, doctors, insurance carriers, and additional patient insurance coverage. Standard billing includes the ADA-form, teamsters union form and monthly statements. A Report Generator is included. Source: Compiled BASIC & Assembly. Warranty/Terms: BUGS FIXED AT NO CHARGE Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 MAIL80 Mailing list management Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Comprehensive mailing list software package. All programs are run from a selection menu and prompt the operator. Programs include online record add, change and delete, inquiry by reference number, partial or complete ZIP code (9 digit codes) and name; label and Rolodex card selection and print; and a selective mailfile report. Selectivity is provided by ten special code fields (1 character each), date and ZIP code. The selection program builds a temporary key file in ZIP or alphabetifc order. This file is available for printing labels, cards and reports until the selection program is running again. Maximum file size is 99,999 names. Source: Compiled Microsoft Basic. Warranty/Terms: BUGS FIXED AT NO CHARGE Date released: 2/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 MEDIC80 Medical office management Price: $2800.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 78 Basis, Inc. MEDIC80 MEDIC80 is an interactive medical accounting and billing system for solo-practices through large clinics. Entered data is validated or read from other records. In addition to the usual patient demographic and financial information, diagnosis, treatment, prescription, etc. data is stored in a medical note file. Support files include diagnosis and procedure descriptions, doctors, insurance carriers, production and additional pateint insurance coverage. Standard billing includes the HIC-form, superbi11, individual and self-mailing monthly statements. Fee tickets are also printed. A Report Generator is included. Source: Compiled BASIC & Assembly. 6/ 1/80 Last update: Date released: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Benchmark Computer Systems Limited 8 Leigh Road Street Somerset, U.K. BA16 OHA Mr. Stuart Willmott Telex: 0458-43418 Support Offered/ Price: I.R.A.P. Incomplete records accounting Price: $ 975.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Incomplete Records Accounting package for use by practicing accountants in the production of final accounts. This package will accept basic data which has been obtained from bank statements, check book stubs or any intermediate level of bookkeeping. Source: Compiled Basic. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 79 Benchmark Computer Systems Limited I.R.A.P. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING S.N.I.P. Integrated accounting package Price: $ 950.00 Compatible Sy~tems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Sales/Purchase/Nominal/Stock Control and Invoicing with unique report generator. Extremely comprehensive and versatile but with easy operator interface. Separate modules available. Modifications can be provided. Source: Compiled Basic. Documentation included. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING T.I.M.E. Time recording package Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrated Time and Fees Ledger Package for the recording of time, cost, and billing of clients. Source: Compiled Basic. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 80 Company: Berge Software 1200 Westlake Avenue N., Seattle Suite 612 WA 98109 Mike Natwick Phone: 206-284-7610 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Subscription Service N/C N/C N/C $ 60.00 ACQUISITION & DISPOSITON ANALYSIS Part of the real estate management system Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Acquisition & Disposition Analysis is part of the Real Estate Asset Management Software System, a comprehensive system of programs designed to perform in-depth analyses of the acquisition, financing, holding and disposition of real properties and provide rapid evaluations of real estate investment opportunities and alterntives. Acquisition & Disposition Analysis has four programs which address various methods of acquiring and disposing of real properties, including tax deferred exchange and installment sale and which compute yield on cash flows and compare alternative series of cash flows. Berge Software Asset Management System optional. Source: Compiled Basic. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY Date released: 6/ 1/80 Last update: 10/ 1/83 COMMERCIAL FINANCE Part of the real estate asset management system Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Commercial Finance is part of the Real Estate Asset Management Software System, a comprehensive system of programs designed to perform in-depth analyses of the acquisition, financing, holding and disposition of real No Warranty is' made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 81 Berge Software COMMERCIAL FINANCE properties and provide rapid evaluation of real estate investment opportunities and alternatives. CF has six programs which address the financing of commercial real estate, including accrued interest and lender participation financing. Programs included are: Wrap Around Financing, Varible Payment Financing, Accrued Interest Financing, Participation Financing, Constant Principal Financing, and Amortized Loan. Source: Compiled Basic. Optional software: Berge Software Asset Management Software System. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY Date released: 6/ 1/80 Last update: 10/ 1/83 INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Part of the real estate management system Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Investment Analysis is part of the Real Estate Asset Management Software System, a comprehensive system of programs designed to perform in-depth analyses of the acquisition, holding and disposition of income-producing properties and provide rapid evaluations of real estate investment opportunities and alternatives. Investment Analysis has two programs, Income/Expense Analysis and Cash Flow Analysis; based on concepts and formats developed by the Realtors National Marketing Institute. The programs are interactive with other programs in the Real Estate Asset Management Software System. Source: Compiled Basic. Documentation included. Optional software: Berge Software Asset Management Software System. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY Date released: 6/ 1/80 Last update: 10/ 1/83 LAND & LEASE ANALYSIS Part of the real estate management system Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 82 Berge Software LAND & LEASE ANALYSIS Land & Lease Analysis is part of the Real Estate Asset Management Software System, a comprehensive system of programs designed to perform in-depth analyses of the acquisition, financing, holding and disposition of real properties, and provide rapid evaluations of real estate investment opportunities and alternatives. Land & Lease Analysis has four programs which address the holding of raw land and various lease situations. The programs are based on concepts and formats developed by the Realtors National Marketing Institute. Source: Compiled Basic. Optional software: Berge Software Asset Management Software System. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY Date released: 6/ 1/80 Last update: 10/ 1/83 RESIDENTIAL FINANCE Part of the real estate management system Price: Compatible Systems: $ 595.00 Kaypro 1I,4,10 Residential Finance is part of the Real Estate Asset Management Software System, a comprehensive system of programs designed to perform in-depth analyses of the acquisition, financing, holding and disposition of real properties and provide rapid evaluations of real estate investment opportunities and alternatives. Residential Finance meets the needs of those individuals and institutions who, faced with the lack of acceptable conventional financing, attempt to structure financing with the myriad of concepts collectively refered to as "creative financing". Source: Compiled Basic. Optional software: Berge Software Asset Management System. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY Date released: No Warranty is made 6/ 1/83 expr~ssed or implied by Kaypro Corp6ration. 83 Company: Bible Research Systems 9415 Burnet Rd. Austin #208 TX 78758 K. Ochez Phone: 512-835-7981 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline THE WORD PROCESSOR Bible study aid Price: $ 199.95 N/C computerized version of the bible Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This product has the ability to locate all verses that contain any specific words or phrases that you specify. Better than a concordance, THE WORD processor can find any phrase or string of characters. It can lend valuable assistance to studies of writing styles and authorship by doing a word or phrase frequency analysis when analyzing a portion of the Bible. It retains the results of each study you do and refers back to previous studies. For taking notes or sharing with others, it will transfer any portion of the text to the printer. Manual included. Source: BASIC and ASSEMBLER. Warranty/Terms: WILL WORK AS USER MANUAL DESCRIBES Date released: 3/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Big Trees Software Corporation 728 Highway 4, Arnold P. O. Box D CA 95223 Susan Dynarski Phone: 209-795-5104 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 84 Big Trees Software Corporation Support Offeredl Price: $ 50.00 Demos Available Software Upgrades $ 10.00 ACCUCHART Menu driven hard copy graphics generator Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ACCUCHART was designed to produce various types of business charts and graphs on a wide range of output devices ranging from daisy wheel printers to plotters. The concept behind ACCUCHART is to offer a graphics package that is simple to use, and that can be applied to a wide range of industry applications. Many types of charts can be generated: pie, XY line charts, several types of bar charts, and scatter plots. Data is saved in files and can be recalled for modification or reprinting, or can be transmitted to another location via communications networks for printing. Source: CB80 and CB86. Includes a 100 page manual. Warranty/Terms: REPLACE DEFECTIVE DISKETTES Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: III 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Border Business Systems, Ltd. Sibbersfield Hall Churton, Chester England CH3 6LQ Phone: 0829 270714 Support Offeredl Price: Software Hotline N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 85 Border Business Systems, Ltd. SAM A utility for splitting and merging CP/M files Price: Compatible Systems: $ 100.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Very useful in conjunction with PIP to copy individual files from Hard Disk on to Floppy Disks and then to merge them again. Source: 8080 assembler. Documentation included. 5/ 1/83 Date released: ********************************************************************** Company: Bradbary & Company 3069 Shallowford Road, Suite 206 Atlanta GA 30340 Dan R. Bradbary Phone: 404-457-5094 Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available N/C CES-II Construction estimating Price: $ 950.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Uses standard CSI 16 divisions for construction estimating. Assists in quantity takeoff; maintains data base of unit prices, price extensions and summarizatiofls. Module for assembly (up to 15 subassembly items). Can be operated in a batch or interactive environment. Source: Basic - compiled. Documentation included. 1,000 record capacity. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR UPS-C.O.D. Date released: 11/ 1/82 Last update: 3/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 86 Bradbary & Company CMSS Contractor project Price: $ 495.00 management Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Project management controls system for general contractors - includes the following: paymentcontractor application for payment, material contractor material control, shopdraw - contractor shop drawing/submittal control, drawspec - contractor drawing/specification control. Source: Compiled Basic. 1,000 record capacity. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR UPS-C.O.D. Date released: 11/ 1/82 Last update: 3/ 1/83 DRAWSPEC Contractor drawing/specification control Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DRAWSPEC keeps track of architectural drawings and specifications. By storing a record of all the drawings and specifications on your microcomputer, along with the list of subcontractors to whom you have distributed each drawing, you can quickly route revisions on the drawings to the necessary subcontractors. When construction and design are being overlapped, the lar~e number of revisions on drawings and specifications can be difficult to monitor and get in the hands of the proper subcontractor or fabricator. Designed for general contractors or construction management. Capaciiy: 1,000 Records. Source: BASIC - Compiled. Documentation included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR UPS-C.O.D. Date reI e'a sed: 11/ 1/82 Last update: 3/ 1/83 MATERIAL Contractor material control No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 87 Bradbary & Company MATERIAL Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MATERIAL allows you to maintain control of material purchases and subcontracts through the various procurement steps. You can maintain records of items to be purchased, purchase orders and subcontract numbers, acknowledgements, submittals, delivery dates, and other information related to material purchased. This program features alphabetical listings of items to be purchased, contact names and phone numbers for expediting, purchase order acknowledgements, shop drawing status, and change order tracking. Designed for general contractors or construction management. 1,000 record capacity. Source: BASIC - Compiled. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR UPS-C.O.D. Date released: 11/ 1/82 Last update: PAYMENT Application for Price: $ 195.00 3/ 1/83 payment (AlA G703) Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYMENT is designed to completely replace the AlA G703 continuation sheet form and can do all the necessary calculations on your microcomputer. This program reduces the amount of time required to process the Application for Payment and eliminates costly arithmetic and typing errors. With PAYMENT you can input descriptions of work items along with their scheduled values. Then each month you only need to ~nput the amount of stored materials and either the work in place or the percent completed. All remaining amounts, balances, and retainages are automatically computed. Designed for general contractors or construction management. Capacity: 1,000 records. Source: BASIC - compiled. Includes documentation. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR UPS-C.O.D. Date released: 11! 1/82 Last update: 3/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 88 Bradbary & Company SHOPDRAW Contractor shop drawing/submittal control Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SHOPDRAW was designed as a project management tool to help keep track of all project related shop drawings. Instead of logging each page of each drawing into a logbook, SHOPDRAW accepts entries and keeps them on a disk file. Once a data base has been created, several print options are available. All entries may be printed in a sequentially arranged, historical listing, or entries may be selectively sorted and printed. Since SHOPDRAW is able to present this information ina meaningful arrangement, and do so rapidly, its usefulness in forestalling project delays is significant. Designed for general contractors or construction management. Capacity: 1,000 records. Source: BASIC - Compiled. Includes manual. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR UPS-C.O.D. Date released: 11/-1/82 Last update: 3/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Business Master, Inc. 1207 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad Suite M. CA 92008 Dina Aaron Phone: 619-434-6165 Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available N/C BUSINESS MASTER PLUS General accounting software Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 89 Business Master, Irtc. PLUS BUSINESS MASTER Fully integrated, menu controlled general business accounting and bookkeeping package including general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, inventory, fixed asset accounting and mailing list. This package is written in CBASIC (compiler) using Digital Research's Display Manager and Access Manager allowing it to run stand-alone under CP/M 2.2, MP/M II, CP/M 86, concurrent CP/M 86, MP/M 86, MS-DOS and PCDOS. Source: CBASIC Compiler/Display Manager/Access Manager. Manual included. Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Business Simulations Limited Scriventon House Speldhurst Kent, England TN3 OTU Martin Kochanski Telex: 089286 3105 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C CARDBOX-PLUS Interactive data storage and retrieval system Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This system handles records as screen images containing free text. Any or all words, numbers, or dates in the text can be indexed for retrieval. Multiple selection criteria can be used, with wildcard facilities and numeric or date ranges. Records selected can be sorted, printed or output to other programs~ User No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 90 Business Simulations Limited CARDBOX-PLUS designs record layouts by drawing them on the screen: revises at anytime. Fully interactive: all indexes automatically updated. Sample database supplied. Capacity: 65,000 records, 8MB; records 1404 characters. Source: ASSEMBLER. Documentation included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR Date released: 4/ 1/81 Last update: 4/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Business Software Pty.Ltd. 10 Help Street Sydney Australia W.B. Middleton Phone: 2-419-6077 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C PLANFIN Business-forecasting and budgeting system Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 PLANFIN has been designed to enable managers to produce forecasts and budgets without any prior experience or knowledge of computers. PLANFIN enables you to produce an operating income statement and a net income and discounted cash flow report within 10 minutes. You can easily change values in sensitive areas such as production quantities, sales revenues, product pricing, product costs, finance costs, inflation, foreign and exchange movements. It can interface with the commonly used spreadsheet packages such as VISICALC, MULTIPLAN, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 91 Business Software Pty.Ltd. PLANFIN SUPERCALC, etc., for further manipulation of figures. Capacity: all space available on drive B and allows interchange of disks. Source: Microsoft Basic 5.2. Includes a user manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MEDIA ONLY Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 PROFIN Business-financial analysis Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 PROFIN has been designed to enable managers to produce feasibility evaluations of capital projects for their own businesses without any prior experience or knowledge of computers. PROFIN enables you to produce an income statement, interest schedule, capital expenditure report, tax schedule, return on equity, discounted cash flow report, and balance sheet within 20 minutes. You can easily change values in sensitive areas such as production volumes, sales revenues, product pricing, product costs, finance costs, inflation, foreign exchange movements etc. Capacity: uses all available space on drive B and allows interchange of disks. Source: MBASIC. Includes a user manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MEDIA ONLY Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 92 CDE Software Company: 2463 McCready Ave. Los Angeles CA 90039 Patrick Lajko 213-661-2031 Phone: Support Offered/ Price: $ Software Upgrades 5.00 CHECKS AND BALANCES Full screen checking and finance Price: $ 49.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Easy to use by moving the cursor to change or add entries. Keeps track of bank balance and 20 category totals on the screen at all times. Sixteen user defined categories. Keeps track of bills, cash amounts for tax purposes and all bank service charges. All commands are simple English. Display and print lists by date, number, or category. You can also get an item count for all categories. Capac~ty: 32,000 records. Source: PL/1-80 and Z-80 Assembler. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: FIX PROBLEM OR FULL REFUND CASH, VISA, MC, OR NET 30 TO DEALER ORDERS Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 10/15/83 ********************************************************************** Company: CI Software 1380 Garnet Avenue, San Diego Suite E149 CA 92109 Tom Uyse Phone: 619-483-6384 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 93 CI Software Support Offered/ Price: HEXPRINTR Word processing printer enhancement for Wordstar Price: $ 39.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HEXPRINTR allows the WordStar user to send any control code desired to the printer from inside of the WordStar document. It adds to WordStar the same power as the BASIC statement: "LPRINT CHR$ (n)" in an easier to use format. HEXPRINTR adds about 2K to WS.COM. Source: Assembly. Comes on one 5 1/4" diskette with 40 page manual including examples. Optional Software Available: Printerizers, which set printer control codes for specific dot matrix printers. Recommended for dot matrix printers only. ********************************************************************** Company: Calcu-Tax Computer Software, Inc. 19-21 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave. Livingston NJ 07039 Richard J . Gamba Phone: 201-992-2274 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C SERIES 1040 An income tax preparation system Price: $1150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 94 Calcu-Tax Computer Software, Inc. SERIES 1040 This system is designed to be used by the CPA or tax preparer to prepare taxes for their clients. Series 1040 features "interactive" displays that prompt the user for entries, trapping errors and displaying results instantly for the preparer to react to. Series 1040 prepares all lettered schedules and 20 numbered forms, 10 with multiple form capability. When changes are made, series 1040 will automatically recalculate all associated schedules and forms. Schedules and forms are computer generated during printing. Capacity: 50 clients per floppy disk Source: COBOL. User's manual included. Warranty/Terms: 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, WITHIN 30-DAY PERIOD. FULL PAYMENT REQUIRED ON DELIVERY Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 1 /18/30 ********************************************************************** Company: California Business Systems 2790 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa CA 92626 Avery Martinez Phone: 714-662-1752 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Maintenance Visual Training N/C $ 40.00 N/C $ 10.00 PERSONAL PEARL Database management system Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Ultra user friendly data base easy to use and underNo Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 95 California Business Systems PERSONAL PEARL stand and for first time users. Completes software gap for Kaypro. Easily handles large mailing lists, can be mailmerged w/WordStar, performs calculations on single form or on multiple entry reports, extremely fast data retrieval, can be used w/Supercalc, has been used to sell several computer systems as the primary piece of software for a large number of applications. Documentation includes 300 pages with error message coding. Optional Software: WordStar, Mailmerge, Supercalc. Capacity: Varies with drive capacity. Kaypro II = 15000 entries aprox, Kaypro IV = 30003500 entries, Kaypro X = 64,000 +. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Cawthon Scientific Group 24224 Michigan Ave. Dearborn MI 48124 Marty Cawthon Phone: 313-565-4000 Telex: 810-221-1265 CAWTHON DRBN Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available Brochures N/C N/C CPL:COMPUTER-PHONE-LINK Asynchronous communications for up/downloading Price: $ 165.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CPL:Computer-Phone-Link is a powerful and friendly asynchronous communications program. CPL will allow No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 96 Cawthon Scientific Group CPL:COMPUTER-PHONE-LINK you to Upload/Download files from other micros or mainframes. CPL is delivered complete and ready to run. No user software patching is required. Source: C Language. Complete user's guide included. Date released: 1/ 1/82 CTL: COMPUTER-TELEX-LINK Kaypro link to a variety of Telex services Price: Compatible Systems: $ 165.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 CTL: Computer-Telex-Link is a communications program which sends and receives messages to/from any telex stations anywhere in the world. In addition, you can originate Mailgrams, Telegrams, and International Cables. This program includes provisions for frequently called numbers, an on-line HELP facility, and file management utilities to REVIEW, PRINT, COPY, RENAME, and ERASE disk files. Source: C. Complete user's guide included. Date released: 8/ 1/82 TXL:TELEX-LINK Interfaces Kaypro to the Western Union Telex II network Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TXL is a telecommunications package which allows your computer to function as an intelligent telex station replacing the conventional paper tape telex machine. Edit your telex messages to perfection using your text editor. TXL automatically formats and sends them. Inbound telex messages are received, displayed, stamped with date and time and written to disk storage. TLX: Telex-Link includes provisions for frequently called numbers, an on-line HELP facility, and file management utilities to REVIEW, PRINT, COPY, RENAME, and ERASE disks files. Includes a complete user's guide. Source: C Language. Date released: 1/ 1/78 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 97 Cawthon Scientific Group W$L:WALL-$TREET-LINK Dial and use the Dow Jones Information Network Price: $ 165.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 W$L:Wall-$treet-Link is communications software specifically designed for the Dow Jones information network. W$L will automatically dial your local tymnet or telenet number, send your password and allow you to use Dow Jones information with helpful prompts rather than cryptic codes. W$L is delivered complete and ready to run. No user software patching is required. Source: C Language. Includes a complete user guide. Date released: 1/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Company: Century Software 1875 CenturY'Park East Suite 1730 Los Angeles CA 90067 Danny Litt Phone: 213-879-5911 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 50.00 ECONOMETRICS Business Management Series Price: $ 110.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Simulates and evaluates "true" relationships between variables, such as supply-demand models. Source: FORTRAN. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 98 Century Software ECONOMETRICS LIMITED 30-DAY FINANCIAL DECISIONS Business Management Series Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Analyzes investment cash flow, depreciation methods, loan amortizations, net present values, return on investments, and more. Source: FORTRAN Includes documentation. Warran ty /Te.rms: LIMITED 30-DAY WARRANTY Date released: 11/ 1/80 Last update: 9/20/83 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS Business Management Series Price: $ 110.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Analyzes past, current and projected financial performance of a business. Reveals financial strengths, weaknesses and potential problem areas. Source: FORTRAN. Includes documentation. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED 30-DAY LEASE VS. PURCHASE ANALYSIS Business Management Series Price: $ 110.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Measures and disadvantages of leasing versus purchasing business or personal assets. Source: FORTRAN. Documentation included. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED 30-DAY No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 99 Century Software LEASE VS. PURCHASE ANALYSIS 11/ 1/80 Last update: Date released: 11/ 1/82 LINEAR PROGRAMMING Business Management Series Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Determines the most cost-effective, desirable .or profitable course of action in business and financial situations. Documentation included. Source: FORTRAN. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED 30-DAY REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS Business Management Series Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Measures the profitability of real estate investments in today's ever-changing market. Documentation included. Source: FORTRAN. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED 30-DAY STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Business Management Series Price: $ 110.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Measures and evaluates data in making business predictions and checking accuracy of predictions. Source: FORTRAN. Documentation included. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED 30-DAY No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 100 Company: Champion Software Corporation 66 South Van Gordon, Suite 155 Lakewood CO 80228 Morris Cohn Phone: 303-987-2588 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C CHAMPION BUSINESS ACCOUNTING A complete accounting package written in dBase II Price: $2475.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Champion is a complete accounting package written in dBase II that fits on one 5 1/4" floppy disk in 276K. It includes G~nera1 Ledger, Financial Statements, Accounts Payable, Purchase Order, Inventory, Payroll, and Accounts Receivable. The Champion is realtime and on-line; it eliminates the need for batching or sorting of data. The package has a comprehensive help function and an automatic recover feature that automatically puts your books back in balance in the event of a crash. The Champion requires CP/M and 64K of internal memory and comes with a run-time version of dBase II. Documentation included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 101 Company: Chuck Atkinson Programs Route 5 Box 277-C Benbrook TX 76126 Chuck Atkinson Phone: 817-249-0166 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C POINT OF SALE INVENTORY Sales/inventory management including QUICK REGISTER Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Use the computer to print sales tickets or continue to write them out by hand and then enter them later as a batch. The program creates purchase orders, posts shipments received, prints price tags, and gives you reports on the inventory sales and activity. Requires the fewest key strokes of any program. No sorting. Attractive, clear, displays. Native. No other purchase required. Designed for small retail businesses. Source: CB-80 native code. Documentation included. Warranty/Terms: SATISFACTION ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! 30 DAY MONEY BACK. C.O.D. Date released: 12/ 1/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 PRO BOOKKEEPER/QUICK CHECK Small business and personal finance management Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A single entry computer bookkeeping system. Print complete checks, pay bills, keep checking and payable accounts, get reports on income, expenses, profit, pay and tax records. Requires the fewest key strokes of any program. No sorting. Attractive, clear, displays. Native code. No other purchase required. Designed for small businesses, professionals, farmers, individuals, students, and home managers. Documentation included. Source: CB-80 native code. No Warranty is made expressad or implied by Kaypro 102 C~rporation. Chuck Atkinson Programs PRO BOOKKEEPER/QUICK CHECK Warranty/Terms: SATISFACTION ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! 30 DAY MONEY BACK. PRICE RANGE FROM $250 TO $99 Date released: 12/ 1/83 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Clements Company, The 936 Alice Lane Menlo Park CA 94025 Tom Clements Phone: 415-321-1617 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Custom modifications N/C N/C MONITOR Job cost accounting and project mangagement system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Monitor is job cost accounting and project management system for engineers, architects, consultants, and other project-oriented firms. Costs are accumulated according to CPFF, multiplier, per diem, or lump sum contract types. Eight definable expense categories are utilized. Reports include detail, summary, and hours. Source: CBAS1C. Documentation included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: $495 CBASIC OBJECT, $895 SOURCE (ON DISK) Date released: 8/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/82 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 103 Company: Co-Op Computer Sales 331 W. Northwest Hwy, Suite 208 Palatine 1L 60067 John Petrikas Phone: 312-359-9453 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C $ 20.00 BASEBALL MANAGER Maintains statistics on baseball teams Price: $ Compatible Systems: 99.95 Kaypro 11,4,10 Players statistics may be kept individually and as a team. Pitchers statistics are also compiled. Completely menu-driven. Statistics are entered directly from standard scorekeepers book, in correct sequence, results are displayed on screen, printer, or both. Designed for Little League coaches, managers, etc. Source: BASIC. Documentation included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 1/ 1/82 FOOD CO-OP MANAGER Food Co-op's billing, order-taking/general management Price: $ 349.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Food Co-op manager has been in daily use since 1979. Performs member listings, order-taking, and billing. Various forms are printed such as sorting sheets, pickers sheets, master food lists, etc. Menu-driven. Designed for food co-operatives, churches, and schools. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 104 Co-Op Computer Sales FOOD CO-OP MANAGER Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 1/ 1/83 PONY-PICK The ultimate Thoroughbred handicapping program Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PONY-PICK is a computer handicapping program. It uses ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in performing its forecast. It learns about your favorite tracks from the data you enter for each racing day and this allows it to 'fine tune' itself to these tracks and their conditions. It can pick up the shor.t term variables such as new jockeys, etc. that can make every horse run slightly out of form. Because it adjusts itself, it permits you to change your wagering strategy~accordingly and if for some reason its accuracy is down, it lets you know that too! PONY-PICK will run on any Kaypro. Source: Run-Time SystemiZe Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 1/82 SULKY Predicts the outcome in a horse race Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SULKY was developed for both the novice and the experienced handicapper. Using data on past performance and driver data (available from various source), and each horse in the race, it forms a prediction of the outcome. All input is written to disk, so races can be calculated individually or for the entire racing day at each track. This provi~es a permanent record for future study. SULKY is supplied with a complete No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 105 Co-Op Computer Sales SULKY instruction manual clearly written to guide you. SULKY will run on any Kaypro and a 80-column printer is recommended. Source: Run-Time in SystemiZe Warranty/Terms: .REPLACEMENT Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 1/82 THE CAVE An exploration game Price: $ 149.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Explore the mysterious caves. Written by H. J. Kuhman, this program was featured on the PBBS Bulletin Board. Games may be saved and restarted. Contains many subtle traps and pitfalls not found in your everyday adventure type game. Designed for home, business, and schools. Source: BASIC. Source code included. ~ Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 1/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Company: Code Works, The 5266 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara Suite 224 CA 93111 Ron Jeffries Phone: 805-683-1585 Support Offered/ Price: Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C $ 20.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 106 Code Works, The Q/C COMPILER Compiler for C language Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Q/C is a compiler for a large subset of the C programming language. It produces assembly language output for the microsoft M80 assembler or the Digital Research RMAC assembler. Complete source code for the compiler and all run-time libraries are included in the purchase price. Over 60 input/output and other support functions are included in the Q/C library. The 145 page users manual includes a chapter that explains the internal operation of the compiler. Source: C and Assembler. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Commsoft, Inc. 2452 Embarcadero Way Palo Alto CA 94305 Curt Bowersock Phone: 415-493-2184 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Demos Available Newsletter $ 9.50 N/C N/C ROOTS/M Software to organize your family tree Price: $ 49.95 Compatible Systems: Genealogy database and forms program store, Kaypro 11,4,10 retreive No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 107 Commsoft, Inc. ROOTS/M and display thousands of facts about your family. Roots/M uses standard genealogical formats to print family group sheets and pedigree charts going back 99 generations. The program includes an extensive manual which tells how to research your family history. Source: Assembly. 1600 records (individuals) per database. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR SOFTWARE/DISK Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Compa! Computer Systems 8500 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills CA 90211 Mitchel B. Kadish Phone: 213-652-2263 Support Offered/ Price: COMPAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE A part of Compal's integrated accounting system Price: $ 750,00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This system will handle all functions required in an accounts payable system. Items entered into the system are automatically assigned voucher numbers and may be batch balanced at the user's option. Voucher status may be assigned by the user as normal pay, partial payment discount override, and hold payment. Prepaid items and credit memos are also allowed. The system interfaces automatically with the COMPAL's standard and multicompany General Ledger Systems; each voucher distributed to a maxium of ten general ledger accounts. Capacity: Kaypro 4 - 200 vendors, 1,000 invoices, and No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 108 Compal Computer Systems COMPAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1,200 checks/month; Kaypro 10 - 3,000 vendors, 10,000 invoices, and 25,000 checks/month. Source: BASIC & Assembler. Includes documentation. Source code available. Date released: 10/ 1/80 COMPAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SYSTEM A part of Compal's integrated accounting system Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This system offers the user significant flexibility. Each customer may be classified as balance forward or open item, aged by invoice date or billing date. The user can decide for each customer if finance charges are to be assessed and if a statement is to be sent. The user can set the 4iscount terms, finance charge rate, and statement format without additional programming. Cash may be applied on account, to specific open items, or to the oldest charges. Discounts are handled automatically as cash is applied, and minor over or underpayments can be written off at the operator's discretion. Capacity: Kaypro 4 - 800 customers & 2400 items, Kaypro 10 - 5,000 customers & 45,000 items. Source: BASIC & Assembler. Includes documentation. Source code available. Date released: 4/ 1/80 COMPAL BILLING SYSTEM 1 Billing system for professionals Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This system allows attorneys, accountants, consultants, and other professionals to collect time and expenses and automatically generate billing statements and management reports. The system allows multiple accounts per client, and each account can be designated as normal, contingency, or retainer, and with or without a No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 109 Compal Computer Systems COMPAL BILLING SYSTEM 1 trust account. Billing categories include time, fixed fees, and user defined expense categories. Statements sent to clients can be summary, or detailed with unique descriptions of the services performed. Each professional is assigned a standard billing rate, non standard rates may be assigned for each account. Source: BASIC & Assembler. Source code available. Date released: 4 / 1/79 COMPAL GENERAL LEDGER SYSTEM A complete general ledger system Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This system allows the user to customize the chart of accounts and financial statement formats for each business organization. New accounts may be added, and existing accounts changed or deleted as required. The system will print the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, General Ledger, Trial Balance, Check and Deposit Registers, Journals, period and year-to-date amounts, computes accounts as percentages of other accounts, and can be run for any period desired. Transaction entry into the system is very user oriented with extensive prompting, instructions and warnings where appropriate, validation, and error detection. Double sided entries are easily made. Source: BASIC & Assembler. Source code available. Date released: 12/ 1/77 COMPAL INVENTORY SYSTEM A full function inventory system Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This is a full function inventory system that allows the user to keep track of inventory status, backorders, item usage~ items that have reached the reorder point, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 110 Compal Computer Systems COMPAL INVENTORY SYSTEM and items on order. Item numbers are assigned by the user and may be up to 20 characters in length using almost any character that can be typed in through the keyboard. All entries and inquiries into the system are interactive with user oriented prompting, instructions and warnings where appropriate, validation, and error detection. Capacity: Kaypro 4 - 1,200 items, Kaypro 10 - 20,000 items. Source: BASIC & Assembler. Documentation included. Source code available. 6/ 1/79 Date released: COMPAL ORDER ENTRY Performs invoicing and sales analyis Price: Compatible Systems: $1000.00 Kaypro 10 This system is fully integrated with Compal's Accounts Receivable, Inventory, and General Ledger Systems. Entry of an order results in updating the accounts receivables balance and inventory quantities and the printing of the invoice and sales order. The user has considerable flexibility in pricing each item and in specifying the tax, discount, and commissions for each item entered. Sales analysis by item and by customer is a standard part of the system and the user may also design his own invoice format without any programming. Capacity: Kaypro 10 - A/R: 1,000 customers, 3,000 items; Inventory: 3,000 items; allows 3,000 orders/mo. Source: BASIC & Assembler. Documentation included. Source code available. Date released: 12/ 1/80 COMPAL PAYROLL SYSTEM A part of Compal's integrated accounting system Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: The Payroll System is a flexible, Kaypro 4,10 user oriented system No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. III Compal Computer Systems COMPAL PAYROLL SYSTEM that significantly eases the task of paying salary and hourly employees and employees on commission. Only exception information must be entered each pay period, minimizing the work required. Employees with different pay periods may be included in the same data base. The system allows the user to define three earning catgories in addition to regular and overtime, and five deduction categories in addition to the normal tax deductions. Also the user can modify certain tax rates interactively. Capacity: Kaypro II - 150 employees, Kaypro 4 - 300, Kaypro 10 - 999. Source: Assembler. Documentation included. Source code available. Date released: 12/ 1/78 MAILING LIST SYSTEM Allows the user to keep a mailing list Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This system allows the user to keep a mailing list and sort and select from that list in a variety of user specified ways. Several other fields, including telephone numbers, region, occupation, status code, contact dates, and comments are stored in addition to the member's name and address. The system produces a Member Roster, mailing labels and automatically interfaces with Compal's Word Processing system to allow the user to easily send the same "personally typed" letter to selected members extracted from the list. Capacity: Kaypro II - 600 members, Kaypro 4 - 1,200 members, Kaypro 10 - 9,999 members. Source: BASIC & Assembler. Documentation included. Source code available. Date released: 6/ 1/78 WORDPAL Wordprocessing system No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 112 Compal Computer Systems WORDPAL Price: Compatible Systems: $1000.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 The WORD PAL Wordprocessing System is an extremely powerful electronic typing system. Editing features include deletion and insertion of characters, words, lines, and any size block of text, columnar formatting, columnar move and delete, automatic carriage return and word wraparound, vertical and horizontal scrolling, searching for any word or fragment of text, and automatically replacing any word or fragment of text with another. Text is stored on floppy diskettes or on hard disk drives. Text stored on disk can be merged with other text to aid productivity. All required disk functions such as loading, saving, retrieving, naming, renaming, deleting, and protecting text are available. Source: Assembler. Includes documentation. Source code available. Date released: 6/ 1/76 ********************************************************************** Company: Compass 10170 Linn Station Road, Suite 170 Louisville KY 40223 Joanna H. O'Bryan Phone: 502-426-8589 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance N/C CHURCH INFORMATION SYSTEM Application software for religious organizations Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The Church Information System provides management of No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 113 Compass CHURCH INFORMATION SYSTEM people information, visitation, ministry, contributions, and general ledger accounting for small to medium size churches. Restart is built into the system as is a report scheduler to allow reports to be run unattended on single user systems. Music, media, and equipment logs are included. A forms module allows printing information onto continuous form labels, cards, or other forms. Offers support services. Interfaces to Spellbinder and WordStar. Source: dBASE II. ********************************************************************** Company: CompuData, Inc. 417 North 8th Street Philadephia PA 19123 Mary Enderle Phone: 215-592-4200 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C $250.00 BROTHER JOHN Churches: Price: A comprehensive package for churches $4000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 With heavy emphasis on demographic and census type information. The system uses the MDBS data base. It includes contribution accounting, pledges, tuitions and unlimited activities and membership information. Envelopes and bulletins can be prepared by the system. Everything is highly selective, optional and user defined. Help is designed into the system so that all No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 114 CompuData, Inc. BROTHER JOHN documentation is inherently available from within the computer. The entire system is completely integrated. Capacity: A 10 MB system can handle church membership of 1,500 families. Source: Assembler and C. Warranty/Terms: LIFE 50% WITH ORDER, BALANCE AFTER INSTALLATION. Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 5/13/83 ********************************************************************** Company: CompuServe 5000 Arlington Center Blvd. Columbus OH 43220 Customer Service Phone: 800-848-8990 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 5.00 VIDTEX 3.0 An intelligent terminal emulation Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II VIDTEX 3.0 is an easy-to-use, powerful communication program designed to allow you to use your Kaypro II as if it were an intelligent terminal communicating with a remote host computer. Some of the features are file transfer using CompuServe's error-free B Protocol, direct to disk input/output, full ASCII character set, auto logon sequences may be stored on diskette. Source: 8080 Assembler. Documentation included. Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 115 Company: Compusol, Inc. 5455 Buford Hwy/N Court Square A120 Doraville GA 30340 James Ruhoff Phone: 404-451-1033 Support Offered/ Price: COMPU-DATA-SCAN Bar code reader/microcomputer interface Price: $1295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 A computer package of commercially available hardware and a custom set of programs designed to interface a bar code reader to a micro computer for labor data collection. The Compu Data System is a stand alone system capable of collecting data from a number of bar code readers. As data is entered, it will be checked for correctness prior to being stored for later collection by the company business computer. The input will consist of a series of unique bar codes that make up a unique transaction for employee performance and job costing. Optional software: Sales Prospecting, G/L, A/P, and User Report Generator. Capacity: 63 bar codes. Source: Q-Pro-4 by Quic-N-Easy Products. Includes a complete manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FULL PHONE SUPPORT PACKAGE PRICE UPON DELIVERY Date released: 1/ 1/83 CONTRACTORS JOB COST SYSTEM Captures and summarizes all types of job cost activity Price: $1495.00 Features: Compatible Systems: automatic building in of Kaypro 10 job chart from No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 116 Compusol, CONTRACTORS JOB COST SYSTEM master, jobs remain open until closed by user, automatic month end job summary or detail reporting, reports include: Job Account Master, Cash Disbursement, Labor Distribution, Job Cost Detail, Job Cost Summary, and Company Cost Summary. Designed for the construction industry. Optional software: AlP and GIL processing. Source: Q-Pro-4 by Quic-N-Easi Products. PAYROLL PROCESSING SYSTEM General payroll processing system Price: $1295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The Q-Pro-4 based payroll system is designed as an upgrade to the TCS and Peachtree software packages. The payroll package provides the following features: provides for daily, hourly, weekly, biweekly, monthly, semi monthly, bonus l tips, and miscellaneous income; employee history is maintained by social security number with complete employee wage, deduction and tax history, current period, monthly, quarterly, and year to date; user maintainable tax tables are provided to produce complete tax calculations, and much more. Optional software: Sales Prospecting, GIL, AlP, and Use Report Generator. Source: Q-Pro-4 by Quic-N-Easi Products. Includes a complete manual. SALES PROSPECTING SYSTEM Sales prospect and competitor tracking system Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Features: domestic and international mailing lists, Quic-N-Easi adding and updating of information, helpful explanations with the press of a button, selection capability for targeting prospects and profiling competitors, automatic reupdate of main data base from extracted information, four different formats for printing information including 3X5 pocket index, role~ex cards, short list or complete information list, user defeined sorting, and up to eight line mailing No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 117 Inc. Compusol, Inc. SALES PROSPECTING SYSTEM labels automatically centered. Optional software: Compusol volume library manager. Capacity: 850 prospects per volume. Source: Q-Pro-4 by Quic-N-Easi Products. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FULL PHONE SUPPORT PACKAGE PRICE UPON DELIVERY Date released: 11/ 1/82 Last update: 9/ 1/83 TEMPORARY SERVICES PROCESSING Specialized payroll/accounts receivable system Price: $2995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Provides for complete payroll and integrated A/R processing. Including: on line payroll entry with automatic display of both employee and customer names, automatic computation of all taxes and payroll costs, check stubs provide a complete earnings history, work history is maintained by employee/skill code for automatic skills selection and analysis, and weekly invoices d~tail all activity relating to each work engagement. Optional software: Sales Prospecting, G/L, A/P, and User Report Generator. Capacity: 1,500 employees and 1,000 customers. Source: Q-Pro-4 by Quic-N-Easi Products. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FULL PHONE SUPPORT PACKAGE PRICE UPON DELIVERY Date released: 7/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 118 Company: Computer Assistanc~, lfi~, 82277 Weiss Road Creswell OR 97426 Myles Swift Phone: 503-484-9333 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Demos Available Software Upgrades N/C $100.00 $500.00 GARAGEKEEPER (SYSTEM I) An inventory control & invoicing system for automotives Price: $1500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 GARAGEKEEPER is an interactive inventory control and invoicing system for automotive garages and other job shops. The inventory is reduced and purchase orders are generated automatically while the user prepares workorders. Estimates are supported and can be converted to workorders. Estimates, workorders, and invoices can contain labor as well as parts. The system handles special orders, and back orders are maintained until they are received or cancelled. Each inventory item can have up to 5 part number/vendor combinations. An average cost is maintained for each part. Capacity: Kaypro 4 - 1000 / Kaypro 10 - 10,000 inventory items. Source: FORTRAN-80. Quick reference card and user reference manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: WARRANTED TO PERFORM AS DESCRIBED IN USER REFERENCE MANUAL SOLD TO DEALERS ONLY Date released: 11/ 1/79 Last update: 8/ 1/83 GARAGEKEEPER (SYSTEM II) An inventory control & invoicing system for automotives Price: $3000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 SYSTEM II adds integrated accounting and service No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 119 Computer Assistance, Inc. GARAGEKEEPER (SYSTEM II) management to the SYSTEM I features desrcibed earlier. Source: FORTRAN-80. Includes a user's manual and quick reference card. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: WARRANTED TO PERFORM AS DESCRIBED IN USER REFERENCE MANUAL SOLD TO DEALERS ONLY Date released: 11/ 1/79 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computer Center of Maukato, Inc. 1420 N. Front St. Maukato MN 56001 John Kreimer Phone: 507-345-1750 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C COMPUTER MARKETING A complete computer marketing program Price: $ 349.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 To track ends and correspondence, organize suppliers, and price lists complete electronic mail system, form letter generation, goal organizer, complete marketing control system for computer sales people. Should increase sales by 20% to 50% for average computer sales person. Designed for computer or business equipment salesperson. Source: DBASE II Runtime. Source code available. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 120 Computer Center of Maukato, Inc. COMPUTER MARKETING Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR WITH UPDATING Date released: 9/ 1/83 THE CONCURRENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM A complete accounting system Price: $4495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 MUlti-company ledger and reports with reccurring entries, automatic closing, selective activity file. Accounts Receivables with customer analysis of purchases: customer discounts on a variable basis. Sales orders to tie in with A/R. Accounts Payable with vendor analysis. Purchase orders matching to sales orders. For job costing inventory control system with automatic update from sales orders. Job costing system derived from employee time cards, inventory, and purchase orders. Completely integrated systems. Capacity is 32,000 (or hard dLsk space on files such as customers invoices per year) inventory items. Source: Dataflex V 1.62. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D.-DEALERS INVITED Date released: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computer Center, The 4436 N. State St., Suite A7 Jackson MS 39206 Reese English Phone: 601-956-8547 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 121 Computer Center, The Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades Customization--Special Reports N/C N/C POLICY RECORDS SYSTEM A client control system for insurance agents Price: $ 700.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Maintains complete policy owner records and provides pending reports, paid reports, recall reports, birthday/age change, and many more. Capacity: Kaypro 2 - 350 records, Kaypro 4 - 750 records, Kaypro 10 - 10,000 records. Source: dBase II Version 2.4. Documentation included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 5/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computer Control Systems, Inc. 298 21st Terrace S.E. Largo FL 33541 Kay A. Murray Phone: 813-586-1886 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Manuals Software Upgrades N/C $ 20.00 N/C AUTOSORT-C/CR OR AUTOSORT-M/MR A high speed sort/merge/select module Price: $ 150~OO Com pat i b 1 e S y s t ems: Kay pro I I , 4 , 10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 122 (8 ~: ) Computer Control Systems, Inc. AUTOSORT-C/CR OR AUTOSORT-M/MR AUTOSORT-C/CR is callable from CBASIC2 or CB-80. AUTOSORT-M/MR is callable from BASIC-80, MICROSOFT'S BASIC COMPILER, PASCAL/MT+, PL/I-80, or FROTRAN-80. A unique bootstrap overlay technique reduces the resident memory requirements to less than 2Kbytes. Sorts on 10 keys independently ascending or descending. Deletes/retains records comparing up to 4 independent select keys based on select key being less than, equal to, or greater than the selected fields. Source: Assembly. Comes on one 8" SS/SD diskette. Documentation included. Capacities: Tested with record lengths in excess of 5000 bytes. Sorts files as large as your operating system and work space will allow. Warranty/Terms: WILL REPLACE IF DISK IS DEFECTIVE OR UNREADABLE C.O.D., VISA, MC, NET 10 DAYS WITH A P.O. # Date released: 5/16/81 Last update: 5/ 4/83 FABS-II Fast access B-Tree structure Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Keyed access data retrieval. Designed to be called from a higher level language such as: CBASIC-II, SBASIC, MICROSOFT'S BASIC COMPILER, or BASIC -80, CB-80, PL/I80, FORTRAN-80, PASCAL/MT+. Compatible with CP/M, MP/M, AND MP/M II. Provides rapid access to very large data files. A key-sequential, mUlti-path, balanced tree structure. Keys never need resequencing. Six key files may be open simultaneously, key file independent of data file, deleted data records reclaimed by new inserts, easy incorporation, excellent error handling. Source: Assembly. Comes on one 8" SS/SD disk. Includes documentation. FABS-II users may insert 50,000 or more keys w/o affecting access time, which is one second or less, if disk storage allows. Warranty/Terms: WILL REPLACE IF DISK IS DEFECTIVE OR UNREADABLE C.O.D., VISA, MC, NET 10 DAYS ON A P.O. # Date released: 8/26/81 Last update: 8/10/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 123 Computer Craft Company: 115 East 8th Ellensburg COLIN Phone: WA 98926 509-925-3755 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C TIME TRACKER Small human service organization management system Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The purpose of Time Tracker is to allow a human service organization with a staff of up to 20-35 clients to be able to record each service event it delivers. Each record includes the date, staff, one of 13 uses defined categories, whether direct, support, or administrative, whether staff are being trained or supervised, client, minutes, and miles. Data entry is easy and rapid. Sick, holiday, vacation, and other time may be recorded for staff persons. Reports include midmonth and monthend types that provide client and staff summaries of time and mileage. Very easy to use. DBase II is required. 5,000 record capacity. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 4/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 124 Company: Computer Dev. Specialists of L.I. P.o. BOX 999 Centereach NY 11720 Mark Shurr Phone: 516-732-2407 Support Offered/ Price: CANDIDATE AUTOMATED RETRIEVAL A comprehensive applicant data management system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CARS is a comprehensive applicant data management system which features: on-line query using mUltiple selection criteria for both applicants and position requisitions; interactive maintenance of all databases; summary Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action reporting; mailing label program; selective letter printing for: candidate resume updates, position offerings, and position reflections; multiple candidate databases including: prospective employees, affirmative action employees, and an existing organizational workforce. RECRUIT Employment Agency: Price: $1495.00 personnel placement system Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 RECRUIT gives placement services the competitive edge. It allows the user to match both applicant and job. Using modern computer technology, data that is critical to a placement service is stored on the computer for fast and accurate retrieval, thus allowing the user to find the right match before the competition does. A placement counselor enters either a new job or applicant into the RECRUIT system by responding to few simple questions. The placement counselor then can use RECRUIT to determine if qualified applicants or jobs exist on file. Applicants or jobs that match the selection criteria are examined by using the video display tube. Includes a comprehensive manual which guides the user through each support program. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 125 Computer Dev. Specialists of L.I. SDAM II Symbolic Dynamic Access Method-Version II (SDAM) Price: $ 49.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A comprehensive Data Management System consisting of a series of stand alone programs designed to provide CP/M users the ability to create a data base with mUltiple keys, maintain it, inquire, and create custom report formats. A subroutine package is also included which allows users to incorporate data management capabilities into their own software. Includes a comprehensive manual which guides the users through the use of each support program. ********************************************************************** Company: Computer EdiType Systems 509 Cathedral Parkway, Suite 10-A New York NY 10025 Ben Jone Phone: 212-222-8148 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 50.00 MAGICBIND File merging program with advanced features Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Production of customized legal documents; generating No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 126 Computer EdiType Systems MAGICBIND bibliographies with sequentiallly numbered entries; mass mailing with personalized messages inserted in the body of letter; sending dunning notices; printing mailing labels/envelopes; filling blank forms. MagicBind has all the functions of its sister program MagicPrint. Total number of formatting functions number more than 60 can enhance users existing word processor. Designed for law offices, academia, mail-order houses, and print shops. Optional software: MagicPrint, MagicIndex, MagicLink, and MagicEditor. Source: Assembly (8080, 2-80). Includes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD PREPAID Date released: 7/ 1/83 MAGICPRINT Print formatter, Price: $ 195.00 word processing enhancer Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Basic special effect printing, true proportional spacing in type-set qualit~ with kerning, column printing, multiple heading/footing, automatic footnoting, automatic "orphan/widow" line handling to prevent single line from appearing on top or bottom of page, text screening with page break display to correct formatting errors and adjust page layout before printing, micro centering, page layout control, and printer control. Optional software: MagicBind, MagicIndex, MagicLink and MagicEditor. Source: Assembly (8080 and 2-80). Includes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD PREPAID Date released: 8/ 1/82 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 127 Computer Evaluation Center Company: 179 York Road Warminster PA 18974 Ann Gordon Phone: 215-443-5505 Support Offered/ Price: BUSINESS MANAGER Feature-rich general accounting package Price: Compatible Systems: $1495.00 Kaypro 10 This package is developed in RM/COBOL for use on CP/M, MS/DOS, and XENIX Systems. The package includes General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Payroll. Attractive dealer plan available. Excellent documentation package of over 500 pages includes sales, user, and technical manuals. Installed at hundreds of sites nationwide at companies ranging in sales from five hundred thousand to thirty million. A 10MB system is recommended to take advantage of system integration. Source: RM/COBOL. Supplied on diskette 8" SS/DD. Documentation included: Sales, User, Technical. Capacities: Hard disk recommended. 3000 customers, 100 employees, 300 G/L accounts, 300 vendors: 5 MB. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D. Date released: 6/ 1/79 Last update: 9/ 1/83 FUND ACCOUNTANT General accounting for non-profit organizations Price: $5000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Fund Accountant is a multi-fund budgetary accounting package intended for various non-profit and governmental agencies, associations, programs for the elderly, child nutrition, etc.. This system consists of MultiNo Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 128 Computer Evaluation Center FUND ACCOUNTANT Fund General Ledger, Budgeting, Encumbrancing, Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Accounts Receivable. Many sites installed nationwide. A 10MB system is recommended to take advantage of the system's integration. Capacity: 500 GIL accounts, 500 vendors, 1,000 G/L entries/month. 500 Alp checks/month, 100 employees, and 500 customers. Source: RM/COBOL. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D. Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: MUNIS-MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Budgetary accounting system for towns Price: 9/ 1/83 & cities Compatible Systems: $1000.00 Kaypro 10 MUNIS is a complete multi-fund budgetary accounting system for towns and cities of up to 6,000 in population, as well as other non-profit and governmental units. The package is developed in RM/Cobol for use under CpIM, MSIDOS, and Xenix. Included are: Multifund General Ledger, Encumbrancing, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Budgeting, Accounts Receivable, Tax Billing, Utility Billing, Voters Lists. Programs conform to GAAFR standards. Installed at over 25 sites nationwide. A 10 MB system is recommended to take advantage of system integration. Comes on diskette. Sales, User, and Technical documentation included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D. Date released: 61 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 UTILITY BILLING Utility billing for medium sized utility districts No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 129 Computer Evaluation Center UTILITY BILLING Price: $2000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Utility Billing is part of Computer Center's MUNIS muncipal system; it may be sold as a stand alone package to water/sewer districts. This is a sophisticated system with user-defined rate tables and customer types and complete receivables processing. A detail consumption file produces history reports and an estimated meter reading capacity. Flat rate charges for services such as refuse collection or cable T.V. may be billed. Source: RM/COBOL. Capacities: Medium to large utility district (1,00010,000 accounts) fits easily on 10MB. 200-400 accounts will fit on a diskette system. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D. Date released: 6/ 1/80 ********************************************************************** Company: Computer Industries, Inc. 1415 Timberlane Rd. Tallahassee FL 32312 Dr. Robbie Tootle Phone: 904-893-7000 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C BANK MODELING A bank management analysis tool Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 130 Computer Industries, BANK MODELING Designed to assist banks in five major categories: 1) Asset and liability management, 2) Budgeting, 3) Ratio analysis, 4) Repurchase agreements, and 5) IRA's. Reports include: in-depth IRA projections; comparison to CS's based on individual tax categories; schedules of volatile & ~aturing funds' as well as floating funds; 12-month projections for income, expenses, & balance sheet; ratio analysis on 3-year tracking, and report on variances computed with RMA firm average comparisons. Designed for bankers, investors, etc. Source: CB-80 and CB-86. Documentation included. Source code included. Date released: 6/30/82 REALTY MASTER A complete real estate pack for all realty needs Price: Compatible Systems: $3400.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 A people-oriented system design to meet the needs of realtors and others needing a total package. Consists of four major areas: l)General Agency Accounting handles all of the books of an agency with many features, such as Company Dollar Accounting; 2)Property Management - effectively manages a very large number of unrelated properties; 3)Real Estate Analysis utilizes a flexible and powerful mortgage calculator to produce a wide variety of mortgage and investment analysis and prepare a report with a personalized cover for the client; 4)Sales/Listing Tracking - tracks sales & listings through closing. Designed for realtors, investors, property managers, etc. Source: CB-80, CB-86. Includes documentation. Warranty/Terms: YES Date released: 8/15/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 131 Inc. Computer Investment Advice Company: 505 Mill Street Coraopolis PA 15108 Greg McVay Phone: 412-262-5661 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C CIA RELATIONAL DBMS VERSION A A database management system Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Strictly end user system containing predetermined files with buyer defined fields and records. Every CIA product includes comprehensive facility for report generation and a self documenting Data Dictionary - a practical tool for keeping track of computerized information. Designed for ambulance trip processing, order processing, inventory control, and more. Capacity: over 30,000 records. Documentation included. Source: MBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 8/ 1/83 CIA RELATIONAL DBMS VERSION B An enhancement of CIA DBMS Version A Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Version B offers a simple and flexible file definition. It allows the user to construct specialized files. Every CIA product includes a comprehensive facility for rep 0 r t g en era t ion and a s elf doc u men t i n.g Da taD i c t ionary Data which is a practical tool for keeping track of computerized information. Designed for ambulance trip processing, order processing, inventory control, and more. Capacity: over 30,000 records. Documentation included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 132 Computer Investment Advice CIA RELATIONAL DBMS Source: VERSION B MBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 8/ 1/83 CIA RELATIONAL DBMS VERSION C A DBMS plus data manipulation language Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Version C adds a Data Manipulation Language, ma~ing CIA Data Base a versatile programming tool and is a concise, logical interface with Microsoft Basic. Every CIA product includes comprehensive facility for report generation and a self documenting Data Dictionary - a practical tool for keeping track of computerized information. Designed for ambulance trip processing, order processing, inventory control, and more. Capacity: over 30,000 records. Documentation included. Source: MBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computer Planning Organization 1866 B Street, Suite 103 Hayward CA 94541 Mike Caulfield or Pat Mayo Phone: 415-537-9204 Support Offered/ Price: $ 40.00 $ 40.00 User Group Software Hotline No Warranty is made expressed or 133 impli~d by Kaypro Corporation. Computer Planning Organization Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C MEDICAL AND DENTAL MANAGEMENT Patient billing and receiving plus customized reports Price: $2200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Insurance billing as well as monthly statements along with word processing and research capabilities on patient population. Source: CB-80. Supplied on four floppy diskettes. Fully demonstrated manual plus training course for dealers. Optional software: Data Manager - expanded word processing ($195). 1,000 1,500 patients per megabyte (five megabytes used for patient storage). Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/78 Last update: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computer Products International 3225 Danny Park New Orleans LA 70002 Dan Ellis Phone: 504-455-5330 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades Annual Maintenance N/C N/C $ 60.00 PAY-WARE A complete payroll system No Warranty is made expressed or implied by 134 Kayp~o Corporation. Computer Products International PAY-WARE Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Pay-Ware is designed to meet the needs of the business person actually processing the payroll. Each employee's record includes complete hourly and/or salary information, Federal, FICA, and state tax withholdings, 10 voluntary deductions, additional pay, sick pay, tips, meals and commissions in addition to quarterly and year-to-date figures. The program prints payroll checks, quarterly tax report and annual W2 forms along with 11 reports including a weekly worksheet audit trail, earnings register and a written voided check register. It has a capacity of 110 employees. Source: CBASIC. Supplied on: 2 diskettes Includes documentation~ Warranty/Terms: AS ADVERTISED TO PERFORM EXACTLY AS MANUAL STATES Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Computer Professionals, Inc. Company: 11 Regency Hills Drive, Suite 200 Greenville SC 29607 Ms. Dorothy Thompson Phone: 803-268-3911 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C $ 25.00 $ 25.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Seven reports and 23 system functions Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 135 Computer Professionals, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Auto vouchering for fixed monthly payments. Distribute each invoice to 1-8 G/L accounts. Credits applied to specific vouchers or as open credits. Vouchers selected for payment by date or vendor. Pre-printed checks, check register, ageing report, cash requirement reports, transaction registers, open voucher report and YTD purchases/payments by vendor. Automatic or user control of printer pitches. Complete audit trail. Runs on floppy diskettes and/or Winchester, stand-alone or interfaced with CPI G/L, A/R, and Payroll. Capacity: 400 vendors, transactions limited by disk. Source: Compiled MBASIC. Manual with sam~le data files included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY FREE MAINTENANCE/SUPPORT PREPAID OR COD (NO SHIPPING/HANDLING/COD CHARGES EITHER WAY) Date released: 11/30/80 Last update: 5/31/83 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Seven reports and 22 systems functions Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 System supports both balance forward and open item customers. Auto billing for recurring charges. Both pre-printed and plain paper invoices and statements included. Distributes invoices for 1-99 sales accounts. Payments applied to specific invoices or as open credits. Open credit reconciliation applies open credits to oldest invoices. Menu-driven. Automatic or user control of printer pitches. Complete audit trail. Runs on floppy diskettes and/or Winchester, stand-alone or interfaced with CPI G/L, A/P, and Payroll. Capacity: 400 customers, transactions limited by disk. Source: Compiled MBASIC. Manual with sample data files included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY FREE MAINTENANCE/SUPPORT No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 136 Computer Professionals, RECEIVABLE ACCOUNTS PREPAID OR COD (NO SHIPPING/HANDLING/COD CHARGES EITHER WAY Date released: 11/30/80 Last update: 5/31/83 GENERAL LEDGER Complete G/L: ten reports and 25 system functions Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 It provides complete G/L accounting. Flexible account numbering structure. Detail G/L, trial balance, financial statements, comparative and budget reporting, departmental and consolidated processing included. Auto journal entries from other CPI applications; manual and recurring journal entries including true prior period adjustments. Running source and grand totals during journal entry. Journal entry reports by account number and/or source code. Compiled system for optimum performance. Menu-driven. Automatic or user control of printer pitches. Complete audit trail. Capacity: 500 accounts, transactions limited by disk capacity. Source: Compiled MBASIC. Manual and sample data files included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY FREE MAINTENANCE/SUPPORT PREPAID OR COD (NO SHIPPING/HANDLING/COD CHARGES EITHER WAY. Date released: 11/30/80 Last update: 5/31/83 PAYROLL Eight reports and 23 system funtions Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Federal, 50 state, D.C., Puerto Rico and several local tax routines included; user can revise/add as required. Regular, overtime, commission and miscellaneous pay. Four user definable deductions plus federal tax, state tax, local tax, FICA, EIC, SDI, and tips. Uses either plain or pre-printed stub checks. Can process 300 employee payroll in 1 hour or less. Compiled system for optimum performance. Menu-driven. Automatic or user No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 137 Inc. Computer Professionals, Inc. PAYROLL control of printer pitches. Complete on floppy diskettes and/or Winchester, interfaced with CPE G/L, A/R, or A/P. employees. Source: Compiled MBASIC. sample data files included. audit trail. Run stand-alone or Capacity: 300 Manual with Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY FREE MAINTENANCE/SUPPORT PREPAID OR COD (NO SHIPPING/HANDLING/COD CHARGES EITHER WAY) Date released: 11/30/80 Last update: 9/14/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computer Services 1050 East 800 South Provo Phone: UT 84601 801-377-2100 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $ 20.00 FAMILY TIES A genealogy program Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Organizes and prints all name, dates and places from a single entry. PEDIGREE (displays 4, prints 5 generations) or FAMILY GROUPSHEET with all information on Husband and Wife - their children - other spouses (all onscreen at the same time). Single keypress moves to a child or Husband's or Wife's parents. Unlimited free form notes for research or historical notes. SEARCH routine to find matches to a lastname (qualified by Firstname if needed). Prints 8 1/2 x 11 (compressed) or 14 x 8 1/2 (reg). These formats No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. Computer Services FAMILY TIES approved by LDS Genealogical Department. Capacity of 17 individuals per 1000 bytes of disk. Source: Compiled Basic. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY Date released: 09/01/83 Last update: 09/01/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computer System Associates, Inc. 1073 St. James Avenue Springfield MS 01104 Bob Duffney Phone: 413-737-4562 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C CSA BULLETIN BOARD Configurable bulletin board program Price: S 79.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows any company to offer telephone support, advertising, electronic mail, customer feedback, etc. at any hour via modem. Completely configurable to include five extra main menu options, each with up to ten submenus. All files are editable with word processor, four-level password protection, auto-booting, and file-rebuilding features too. Source: MBASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS UPS-C.O.D. Date released: 10/15/83 Last update: 10/15/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 139 Computer System Associates, Inc. PERFECT CONVERSIONS Perfect Calc utility package Price: $ Compatible Systems: 19.95 Kaypro II,4,10 Convert Perfect Filer files (or ASCII) to Perfect Calc readable files. Allows any ASCII files to be converted to Perfect Calc files, sets column width, display type, allows operator selection of column and row start position. Source: Micro Soft Basic (compiled). Date released: Warranty/Terms: 9/24/83 Last update: 9/24/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computer System Connection 5644 Kearny Mesa Rd., San Diego Phone: Suite S&T CA 92111 619-565-8403 Support Offered/ Price: $ 25.00 Software Upgrades ACCOUNTING ONE An integrated accounting system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 The Accounting One software package has been designed as a completely integrated system that is totally menu driven for ease of operation. This package includes Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and General Ledger. Capacity: Kaypro 2 - approximately 400 Chart of Accounts. Source: Basic. Documentation included. Warranty/Terms: THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED "AS IS" Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 6/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 140 Company: Computer Systems Engineering, Inc. 149 Middle Trpk. Burlington MA 01803 Bruce Baker-Harvey Phone: 617-272-4348 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Visual Training N/C N/C N/C CUSTOM SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT A Custom Software Development Service Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CSE has 13 years experience developing unusual or one of a kind software for mini-and micro-computers. Projects can include any combination of application definition, program design, and implementation of assembler or most higher level languages. Source code included. ********************************************************************** Company: Computer Technical Services of N.J. 825 North Broad St. Elizabeth NJ 07208 Rogelio Caparros Phone: 201-353-5283 Support Offered/ Price: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 141 Computer Technical Services of N.J. Fl120 Prepares Federal Tax Form 1120 Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Prepares Federal Tax Form 1120 and its most important schedules. Printed on continuous form and lined paper, on model approved by the IRS. Source: MBasic. MATCHING Matches players with others of similar skills Price: $2000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Matching is for use by tennis and golf clubs and similar, with large number of members and players waiting lists and credit services. It prepares a waiting list and matches players with others of similar skills or rating. Prepares daily record of club sales, like restaurant, health club, and other services. Prints a resume of daily and monthly operations by departments. Prepares mailing lists to customers, billings and dues renewal. Source: MBasic. TAX-83/CPA Prepares all important Federal Tax Forms (some State) Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 TAX-83/CPA is a "user-friendly" interactive system for preparing, calculating and printing 1983 federal and state income tax forms. TAX-83 prepares short form 1040A and form 1040 and the most important of its associated schedules, like the schedules for dividends and interest, business gains and losses, capital gains, other income, business expenses and deductions, income averaging, etc .. It also prepares and calculates medical expenses, sales tax for the individual states and New York City. TAX-83 uses an interactive, question and answer approich to collect information about the taxpayer/client. Forms printed on continuous forms and lined paper, on model approved by IRS. Source: MBasic. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 142 Computer Technical Services of N.J. TIMEKEEP Keeps track of time devoted to client's by firm Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 TIMEKEEP keeps track of time devoted to client's by firm employees. Prepares reports on employees productivity. For accounting firms, conforms to rules and recommendations of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Prepares report at several levels of supervision. Also prepares monthly billings and keeps individual files of activities on the client's accounts. Charges for services are filed automatically on client's bills. Source: MBasic. ********************************************************************** Company: Computerized Business Systems, Inc. Tilford Place, P. O. Box 161 Mountainville NY 10953 John Phillips Phone: 914-534-9984 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C FUNERAL HOME INFORMATION SYSTEM Handles funeral home service and operation Price: $1495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Data collection, storage, and display of all No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 143 Computerized Business Systems, Inc. FUNERAL HOME INFORMATION SYSTEM information relating to funeral home service and operation. System suppports all data that is required by Industry Regulatory Agencies arid generates printed documents in approved formats. Includes casket and materials inventory, service information file, complete itemization file, invoices, monthly statements, A/R analysis, disbursements journal, and general ledger. Direct access to any file via service number, supports multi-location operations. Capacity: Kaypro 4 - 100 services. Source: Compiled dBASE II. Includes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS ON DELIVERY Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 11/ 1/83 THE REAL ESTATE COMPUTER Property descriptions Price: $1495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Self-contained system for the entry, storage and retrieval of complete property descriptions as well as profiles on prospective buyers. System can search, select, and display matches on any combination of entered data. System includes a reports package for different types of selective printouts, analysis of expirations, comparable sales, mortgage amortization tables. Complete file maintenance and purge functions included. Also supports dial access to central data bank. Optional software: G/L, and Sales Analysis. Capacity: Kaypro 2 & 4 - 150 listings. Source: Compiled dBASE II and Microsoft Basic. Includes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS ON DELIVERY Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 144 Company: Computerized Management Advisors 235 South Maitland Avenue Maitland FL 32751 Robert Drucker Phone: 305-628-1832 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Demos Available Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C KEYSTONE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Integrated applications for architecture/engineering Price: $4500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The Keystone Project Management System is a set of integrated applications packages aimed squarely at the largely untapped architecture, engineering, and interior design vertical, market. Written entirely in DataFlex, the system provides both file and record lock out to the field level on most local area networks, and integrates all accounting, job costing, word processing and graphic design on microcomputers. By using DataFlex as both language and DBMS, Keystone allows the dealer to easily customize and expand the scope of the original sophisticated package to any specific need of the end user. Source: DataFlex. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FROM TIME OF INSTALLATION DEALER WARRANTY Date released: 2/ 1/82 Last update: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 145 Computer line Limited Company: 755 Southern Artery Quincy MA 02169 Susan Carroll Phone: 617-773-0001 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Maintenance Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C PLANTRAC Comprehensive and flexible project management system Price: $3000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 PLANTRAC is a comprehensive user friendly an~ flexible project management software system which operates on a wide range of popular microcomputers. Menus and prompts easily gUide the user through the following functions: critical path method network planning, time analysis, resource analysis, resource scheduling, cost analysis, flexible report writer, progress reporting, library, logic drawing, and interfacing. Capacity: 12,500 activities and 40 resources per project. Source: MBASIC. Includes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: YES Date released: 7/ 1/80 Last update: 11/ 1/83 PLANTRAC 1 Flexible project management software system Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 PLANTRAC 1 is a user friendly and flexible project management software system which operates on a wide range of popular microcomputers. Menus and prompts easily guide the user through the following functions: critical path method network planning, time analysis, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 146 Computer line Limited PLANTRAC 1 holiday file, flexible report writer, and progress reporting. PLANTRAC 1 is upgradeable to the full PLANTRAC project management system when the user utilizes a complete system which includes resource scheduling cost, network drawing and comparisons. Capacity: 500 activities per project. Source: MBASIC. Includes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: YES Date released: 7/ 1/80 Last update: 11/ 1/83 PLANTRAC 1+ Flexible project management software system Price: $ 850.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 PLANTRAC 1+ is a user friendly and flexible project management software system which operates on a wide range of popular microcomputers. Menus and prompts easily gUide the user through the following functions: critical path method network planning, time analysis, holiday file, resource analysis, flexible report writer, and progress reporting. PLANTRAC 1+ is upgradable to the full PLANTRAC project management system when the user requires a complete system which includes resource scheduling, costing, network drawing, and comparisons. Capacity: 500 acitivities per project. Source: MBASIC. lnlcudes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: YES Date released: 7/ 1/80 Last update: 11/ 1/83 PLANTRAC-CS Control system for a work breakdown structure Price: $3000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 PLANTRAC-CS is a comprehensive user friendly and flexible control system designed for a work breakdown structure. Menus and prompts easily guide the .user through the following functions: defining the structure No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 147 Computerline Limited PLANTRAC-CS of project; the creation of a data base and estimates; the setting up of the progress base,'control estimate, and progress/cost profiles; and much more. PLANTRAC-CS may be integrated with the full PLANTRAC project management system to provide a complete system from detail scheduling to management control. Optional Software: PLANTRAC. Source: MBASIC. Includes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: YES Date released: 11/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computers & Accounting Systems 1367 N. Carolina Avenue, NE. Washington 20002 DC Frank G. Hilton Phone: 202-543-4327 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades CHURCH RECEIPT & DISBURSEMENT Computerized management system for churches Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: N/C (& similar) Kaypro 11,4,10 It's designed to enhance the business aspect of the church's activity. It consists of a comprehensive software program that will help in maintaining 'a complete and updated membership file along with the financial information relevant to the church's business. The CRDS software will enhance efficiency, reliability, timely reporting, and the elimination of those bookkeeping chores required for record keeping, along with the time consuming and repetitious activities of debit No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 148 Computers CHURCH RECEIPT & Accounting Systems & DISBURSEMENT and credit transactions. Kaypro II - up to 250 members Kaypro 4 - up to 600 members. Kaypro 10 - up to 5000 members. Source: DBASE II. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PREPAID WITH FREE SHIPMENT. C.O.C. WITH FOB WASHINGTON D.C. Date released: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computerworks, Inc. 4322 N. Beltline Rd. Irving TX 75062 Greg Blackwell Phone: 214-445-1312 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C $100.00 N/C $100.00 FMS-BO Relational database Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The FMS-80 relational DBMS is one of the most powerful database management systems in existence, yet it is one of the easiest to learn to use. One of the world's ten best selling DBMS software packages, FMS-80 has been known in the past as the advanced user's choice for its sophistication and versatility. FMS-80 features instantaneous update of files and all related indexes, with all files available for immediate review. Source: 8080 Assembly. Manual included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 149 Computerworks, Inc. FMS-80 Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON FULL SYSTEM. Date released: 1/ 1/77 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Computing 2519 Greenwich San Francisco CA 94123 Clyde Steiner Phone: 415-567-1634 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C $ 35.00 MENU CP/M file utility for Price: $ 169.00 beginners Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Menu is a cut down version of Power but doesn't include the programs which can damage a file. It does include the Power stalwarts with the package. COPY, ERASE, TEST, PROTECT/UNPROTECT, and RESTORE. ERASE is the program that is called ERA in Power, and RESTORE is the same as RECLAIM. PROTECT/UNPROTECT is an easy way to make files read-only (R/P) or re~d-and-write (R/W) without having to contend with the grammar of CP/M's STAT program. Warranty/Terms: 30·DAY Date released: 3/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 150 Computing pnWFR A C1) i :'1 u L Price: j pr· bidm j i t $ 169.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,~,10 Power is actually a compilation of 55 CP/M utility programs. Many of these need only be used infrequently or are well beyond the capability of a novice to master. The basic strength of the program is that it makes certain routine operations such as copying programs from one disk to another much easier for beginners and it is almost impossible to enter any of the really sophisticated routines-which let you get in and manipulate the bit structure of your file-by accident. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY 3/ 1/81 Last update: Date released: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Construction Data Control, Inc. 6140 Northbelt Parkway, Norcross Suite A GA 30071 Dave Patterson Phone: 404-448-4722 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades Classroom training $250.00 N/C N/C N/C N/C CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Estimating, Price: job costing and accounting for construction $1500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. Construction Data Control, Inc. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Modular system including general ledger, A/P and A/R, job costing, payroll, and estimating. Integrated applications providing "percent complete" and/or "completed contract" accounting, by job. Menu driven. No computer experience is required. Operates on CP/M, CP/M 86. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 9/15/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Continental Software 112233 South Hindry Ave. Los Angeles CA 90045 G.J.Lewis Phone: 213-417-3003 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance $ 10.00 N/C THE HOME ACCOUNTANT Home and small business financial program Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II THE HOME ACCOUNTANT budgets, forecasts, provides networth statements, flags tax deductables, keeps track of checkbooks, reconciles bank statements and even prints checks. While the user only makes one entry per transaction (unless the transaction amount is split between more than one account), the program will make the corresponding entry automatically. This results in the equivalent of double entry accounting in an easy to use format. You may graph transactions or budgets, display No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 152 Continental Software THE HOME ACCOUNTANT trendline analysis, print reports, including financial statements. Designed for Home and Small Business Accounting. Source: BASIC. User guide with tutorial included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 6/28/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Contract Research Software Corp. 233 North Michigan Avenue, Ste.2222 Chicago IL 60601 Jack Harbeston Phone: 312-938-9000 Support Offered/ Price: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Aging of payables and cash requirements statements Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Includes aging of payables and a statement of the cash required to meet payable obligations at any point in time. The check register listing can be generated by a beginning and ending date specified by the operator. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Module will interact with the general ledger No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 153 Contract Research Software Corp. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The system allows the user to review clients' accounts receivable balances as well as payment histories. Unpaid bills are classified as a) current, b) 30-60 days old, c) 60-90 days old, and d) over 90 days old. The system accepts payments, applying them to client bills as directed by the user (for example, reducing disbursements before fees) and prints a payment journal for an audit trail. The Accounts Receivable sub-module will interact with the General Ledger. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. AMORTIZATION TABLES Generates amortization tables Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Generates amortization tables from data supplied by the user; outputs tables to the screen, printer or a disk file for subsequent use with a word processor. User selects amount and term of loan, interest rate and frequency of payments. Output shows amount of principal and interest payments for any number of years specified. Also handles balloon payments. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. Documentation included. ARCHIVE FOR HARD DISK Keeps a list of inactive clients and matters Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Keeps a list of inactive clients and matters, including time slips and disbursements, for possible future reference. Allows exact reconstruction of old client bills and review or verification of all work performed on a matter or for a client in the past. Can restore No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 154 Contract Research Software Corp. ARCHIVE FOR HARD DISK inactive clients and matters to active files. Allows for more effecient use of limited storage on hard disk. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. CLIENT BILLING Four independent/interactive sub-modules Price: $1995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The Client Billing module consists of four interactive sub-modules that can be purchased separately or as a package. The sub-modules handle a) Time and Disbursements Accounting, b) Client Billing, c) Accounts Receivable, and d) Management Reports. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. CLIENT BILLING 2 Format reflecting the client and attorney's needs Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The system has a wide range of billing formats reflecting various degrees of detail for the client. The format is selected by client which allows the attorney to print various selected formats during the same billing cycle. A prebilling procedure allows the user to "screen out" those clients to be billed by specifying a minimum amount such as $200, that represents cumulative unbilled time and disbursements. Designed for lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers, consultants, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. DEPRECIATION TABLES Generates depreciation tables No Warranty is made expressed or implied by. Kaypro Corporation. 155 Contract Research Software Corp. DEPRECIATION TABLES Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Generates depreciation tables from data supplied by the user; outputs tables to the screen, printer or a disk file for subsequent use with a word processor. Uses straight line, sum of the year's digits and declining balance to calculate depreciation. Ideal for office support systems and for time billing professions. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, and engineers. Source: Microsoft COBOL. DOCKET CONTROL Keeps useful tracking of important dates Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Keeps useful tracking of court appearances, appointments, events, due dates, expiration dates, patent and copyright renewal dates, and other various filings and dates maintained by the law office. Generates four main reports: matter information, attorney docket, firm docket, and statute of limitations. Conflict of interest sub-module searches docket and time-keeping entries for potential conflicting situations. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. DOCUMENT INDEX Stores and retrieves various documents, Price: $ 495.00 letters, Compatible Systems: etc. Kaypro 10 Stores and retrieves various documents, letters, etc .. Acts as a central reference or cross-index for any written materials a firm may wish to track. Uses key words to search all relative materials to a subject matter. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 156 Contract Research Software Corp. DOCUMENT INDEX Source: Microsoft COBOL. ESCROW ACCOUNT (OR TRUST) For those clients with funds temporarily held in trust Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 For those clients with funds temporarily held in trust, a report can be generated monthly or on demand showing balances and transactions. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. GENERAL LEDGER Offered in formats to suit needs of the firm Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Degree of detail can be selected when recording. Allows user to dictate range and depth of management analyses and summaries. Expansion of detail can take place at any time. Interface to client billing module minimizes user time and error. Reports include: profit and loss statement, balance sheet, chart of accounts, general ledger report, accounts journal, and the general ledger worksheet. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. INTERFACE TO WORD/DATA PROCESSING Edits and prints bills with word processors Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Allows users to edit and print their bills in any format they choose using WordStar and other popular CP/M and MSDOS word processing programs. Also allows No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 157 Contract Research Software Corp. INTERFACE TO WORD/DATA PROCESSING conversion of client billing files to formats compatible with popular database management report generation programs. Applications include preparation of specialized management data, and preparation of selected mailing lists from client files. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. MANAGEMENT REPORTS Produces five separate management reports Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 A wide range of management reports are generated, including: most and least profitable areas of law practiced, client billing analysis, aged work in process, attorney billing analysis, and attorney productivity report. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, engineers, architects, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. TIME AND DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTING Maintains client and matter files Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The system maintains files for each attorney, client, and matter. Information such as cumulative time on a matter by the entire firm or by individual attorneys may be retrieved, as well as billable and unbillable hours, cumulative disbursements for a client, disbursements for the firm during a given time frame, etc .. Different billing arrangements, such as hourly rates, contingency fees, flat. fees or monthly retainer, can be handled. Designed for lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects, engineers, and other time billing professions. Source: Microsoft COBOL. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 158 Contractors Management Systems Company: 1760 Reston Ave., Suite 515 Reston VA 22090 Bob Flint Phone: 703-435-3172 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Manuals Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades $250.00 $250.00 N/C $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $150.00 ESTIMATING Cuts estimating time from 50 to 80 percent Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CMS estimating systems are adaptable. and flexible to meet estimating needs. Cuts estimating time from 50 to 80 percent while increasing accuracy of bids. The adaptability and flexibility of the system coupled with faster more accurate estimates gives the capability to be more responsive to clients. This provides quicker analysis of cost alternatives, resulting in more bids because of overall better estimator productivity. It saves estimators time by allowing for easier takeoffs with calculations automatically performed much quicker by the computer. eMS, is dedicated to the research, design, development, marketing and servicing of computer estimating. Source: M Basic. Documentation included. Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 159 Cosmos Software Company Company: 1924 N. Palafox Street Pensacola Phone: FL 32501 904-434-2217 Support Offered/ Price: MICROGRAPH Business Graphics for Plotter Output Price: Compatible Systems: $ 299.95 Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROGRAPH is designed for the production of overhead transparencies. For this reason all charts are created on a plotter rather than a line printer. Several plotters are currently supported by the system. Plotters allow either single pens or mUltiple pens of different colors for plotting your graphs and charts. Source: MBASIC. Reference manual included. 7/ 1/81 Last update: Date released: 7/20/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Countryside Data, Inc. 718 North Skyline Idaho Falls ID 83402 Ken Stavast Phone: 208-529-8675 Support Offered/ Price: AG-PAYROLL Agriculture payroll management Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Developed specifically for those unique needs of No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 160 Countryside Data, Inc. AG-PAYROLL agriculture payroll with the following emphasis: enterprise posting, stand alone or interface to Ag-Finance, writer checks, W -Z, government reports, piece rate, HR, and salary and others. Source: PASCAL MT+. Date released: 9/ 1/81 Last update: 7/ 3/83 AG-PLANNER A planner tool for agriculture Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Features include: what-if planning, breakeven yields, and budgeted development. Program can function as a planner tool for agriculture without an interactive accounting system .. Interface with Ag-Finance can achieve enterprises analysis; what-ifs by percent, yields, unit of production; increase planning capabilities. Source: PASCAL MT+. Date released: 9/ 1/81 Last update: FARM MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Ag-Finance - Series for Price: $ 750.00 7/30/83 financial management of farms Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Farms records including write checks, profit & loss, stores prices & quantities, enterprises, and budget/ actual comparisons. Program is very easy to use. Once information is stored (deposits, checks or other entries) the entire system is updated. Can be used for cash or accural accounting. Program has two levels of screen helps: documentation and accounting information. Source: PASCAL MT+. Date released: 9/ 1/81 Last update: 7/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 161 Company: Crownsoft Applications, Inc. P.O. Box 96 Furlong PA 18925 Jay Header or Robert King Phone: 215-794-3272 Support Offered/ Price: LOAN-PAK Loan amortization calculation and schedule printing Price: $ 79.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 LOAN-PAK is a very powerful and flexible loan amortization calculation and schedule printing program. By answering a few yes/no questions to describe the loan, and by entering the basic loan data (principal, interest rates, etc.), LOAN-PAK calculates loan payments, and produces the loan schedule, with or without sub-totals, with or without due dates, on calendar or fiscal basis, and with personalization if desired. Almost any type loan you desire can be calculated and printed. The program also produces a summary of the loan. Designed for attorney, accountant, real estate agent, lender, and loan officer. Source: CB-80 & CB-86. Warranty/Terms: 6 MONTH BUG-FIX Date released: 4/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Crystal Research, Ltd. 40 Maodalewe Road Torquay, Devon-England T.F. Brownen Telex: 0803 27890 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 162 Crystal Research, Ltd. Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C CRYSTAL BASIC : ~. ~. ~, r E' t er Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Has over 110 commands and functions and is user extendable. Incorporates its own editor that is independent of terminal but appears to have facilities of the most sophisticated direct screen editing. Variables can be of any length. Full disk file handling. 32 standard error messages and traps. Error table is user extendable. It is possible to run programs larger than memory capacity using special CHAIN and HOLD features. It is designed to be compatible with most available BASICS and allows transfer of programs from machine to machine via ASCII files. Source: Machine Code. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: CREDIT CARD OR CASH. MONEY VALUE--POUNDS STERLING. Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Cybertext Corporation 1695 10th St. Box 860 Arcata Phone: CA 95521 707-822-7079 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. Cybertext Corporation MICRO COMPOSER Allows micros to control photo typesetting equipment Price: Compatible Systems: $1100.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Interface system to allows micros to control photo typesetting equipment: compugraphic Jr's, Comp I's, Comp II's, Comp IV's, 48's, 88's, editwriters, unisetters, magsets, and ACM 9,000. Designed for anyone with need for professional publication quality typesetting. Source: Machine Code. Warranty/Terms: 6 MONTHS CASH OR C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: D P Consultants, Inc. 105 West Walnut Street Tremont IL 61568 Gene Pflederer Phone: 309-925-5589 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C DPC CONTRACTOR PROGRAM 7 modules which work together or separately Price: $8800.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 The DPC CONTRACTOR PROGRAM is composed of 7 modules No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 164 D P Consultants, DPC CONTRACTOR PROGRAM which work together or separately. The system includes Payroll, Job Cost, Acccounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Material Distribution, Equipment Depreciation, and General Ledger. All modules post automatically to Job Cost to give projections and history reports. Payroll prints checks, registers, and all governmental reports such as W2's, 941's, EEO reports, and Certified Payroll reports. Capacity: Kaypro 4 - 50 employees. Source: MBASIC (Compiled). Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS NET ON DELIVERY Date released: 3/ 1/83 Last update: 11/ 1/83 DPC FUND ACCOUNTING Accounting system for school and public agencies Price: $5000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4 DPC FUND ACCOUNTING is a thoroughly integrated set of programs for Fund Accounting. Each program interacts with the other programs to achieve the maximum fiscal information with a minimum of data input. It is a totally menu driven system that is easy to use and is highly reliable. Optional software: Student Data Base, Class Scheduling, Grade Reporting, and Attendance Reporting. Capacity: 900 vendors, 900 accounts (24 digits), and 800 transactions per month. Source: MBASIC (Compiled). Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS CASH ON DELIVERY Date released: 5/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 165 Inc. Company: D.B.S. 1207 Elm Ave.-Q Carlsbad CA 92008 Jim Dartt Phone: 619-729-0802 Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available N/C HORSE AND STABLE Horse and stable management Price: $ 149.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Maintains records on each horse. To include family tree. (Based on Pony Club Guidance). Maintains all income and expenses per horse and per stable. For all horse lovers. Source:SBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D./NET 10 Date released: 9/ 1/83 MICRO BOOKKEEPER Personal or Price: $ small 89.95 business financial tracking system Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO BOOKKEEPER is a financial tracking system especially designed for personal and small business use. Unlike most computer accounting packages, it is designed for use by non-accountants. That is, rather than dealing in debits, credits, liabilities, and the like, MICRO BOOKKEEPER works with everyday income and expenses. It is especially designed for ease-of-use and requires no programming skills whatsoever. Capacity: 150 accounts, 25 credit cards, 50 vendors, 5 checking accounts, and 200 transactions per month. Source: CBASIC. \varranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C .. O.D./NET 10 No Warranty is made expressed~ or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 166 D.B.S. MICRO BOOKKEEPER Date released: F l' r 1/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ()::,: Price: Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO LIBRARIAN is a unique software package which allows its owner to manage a personal library. You can store references to important journal articles or publications on a data base, with a brief abstract and up to seven keywords or topics for each article. When you need quick reference to articles or publications dealing with a certain topic or topics, MICRO LIBRARIAN will find them for you and display them on the screen or printer, along with abstract. Designed for the home, school, or library. Capacity: 250 references per disk, 7 keywords per reference, 250 characters in abstract, and about 2,000 separate topics. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D./NET 10 Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 1/ 1/83 MICROMAILER A complete mailing list management system Price: $ 89.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROMAILER is a complete mailing list management system, specifically designed to run on microcomputers. It's features include easy data entry. Each entry with name, company/title, address, city, state, zip, phone number, salutation, and up to seven identifiers. Labels are printed by identifier 'groups.' It has complete sorting capability. It's fully compatible with WordStar's MailMerge. Automatically checks for duplicate addresses. Accommodates any width mailing labels, up to five columns across. Capacity: 600 individuals per disk, 7 identifiers per individual, and 2,000 identifers overall. Source: CBASIC. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. D.B.S. MICROMAILER Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D./NET 10 Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 1/ 1/83 SUPER LIST MANAGER Manages information easily and effectively Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPER LIST MANAGER is a new, inexpensive, yet powerful software package that allows users to manage information easily and e.ffectively. Use SUPER LIST MANAGER for warranty records, subscriber lists, real estate listings, personnel records, word processing, a complete range of direct mail applications, labels, post cards, and personalized letters. Features: structured data base management system, maximum search capabilities in mUltiple fields, word processing features easy-to-use commands, 16 pre-defined data base elements, sort or select on any field, and composes up to 15 user defined reports. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D./NET 10 Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: TELEX-A-SYSTEM Telex, mailgram, Price: $ 250.00 telegram, 8/ 1/83 cablegram software Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Microcomputers can now access the extensive communications capabilities of Western Union and ITT. Send/ receive Telex, TWX, mailgram, cablegrams,and telegrams. No dedicated hardware or dedicated phone lines required. Stores messages received and sent on data disk for future use. Very user friendly. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 168 D.B.S. TELEX-A-SYSTEM 90 DAYS C.O.D./NET 10 Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: TIME Electronic calendar, rolodex, Price: $ 1/ 1/83 telephone calls Compatible Systems: 50.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 A full year calendar from date of purchase. Full screen calendar of month with daily screen which shows date, day, and appointments by time. Keeps track of important business cards. Search by Name, Company, or Telephone Number. "While you were out" phone messages by date and time. Source: SBasic. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D./NET 10 Date released: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Dakota Computer Professional P.O. BOX 1639 Fargo ND 58107 James R. Olson Phone: 701-293-6755 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C CAPITAL NEEDS ANALYSIS A current and projected capital needs analysis No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 169 Dakota Computer Professional CAPITAL NEEDS ANALYSIS Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program is aimed at doing an analysis of an individual's current and projected capital needs. It is designed for use by insurance professionals who would use it with their clients when consulting about insurance coverage. There is provision for a variable inflation rate assumption, so that the client can actively take part in the analysis. Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AS-IS Date released: 10/ 1/82 Last update: 5/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Data Management Sales, Inc. 1238 12th. Ave. Grafton WI 53024 Anne Jackson Phone: 414-375-0776 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Maintenance Visual Training Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C SCHOOLMASTER School administration software Price: $1500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 SchoolMaster is a comprehensive group of school administration programs. Included are modules for No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 170 Data Management Sales, Inc. SCHOOLMASTER keeping the master student record, grading, attendance, and scheduling. Programs are also available for athletic scheduling, encumbered funds accounting, and alumni tracking. Our custom report writer program allows the user to access any information in the data base to create virtually any customized report. In addition, the report writing program can give information to other programs such as WordS tar or SuperCalc. Designed for elementary, secondary, universities and private schools. Source: Pascal MT+ with MDBS data base tools. Warranty/Terms: 12 MONTH WITH PHONE CONSULTATION Date released: 5/15/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 STOCKMASTER Inventory control for retail apparel Price: $1750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 STOCKMASTER is an inventory control program specifically designed for the retail apparel trade. Keeps track of all stock keeping units by size within large and unique size ranges. Keeps track of inventory stock/sales for individual store locations together with corporate totals. Automatically produces hang tags for each purchase order. Keeps track of all sales information, vendor performances, mark up analysis, etc. for the last period, current period and year to date. Source: Pascal MT+ with MDBS Data Base Tools. Includes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: 12 MONTH WITH PHONE CONSULTATIONS Date released: 1/15/83 Last update: 10/15/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 171 Company: Davidson Software Systems P.O.Box 21002 Lansing MI 48909 Richard Davidson Phone: 517-332-5989 Support Offered/ Price: FUNERAL DIRECTORS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Funeral Homes: Price: $ 695.00 Information management system Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This product provides Funeral Homes with a method of storing relevant service information for later retrieval. Government forms can be printed as needed from the information stored. Letters serving as invoices and payment thank-you's can be printed and are especially useful if a type-quality printer is used. Source: Basic. Includes installation instructions and an operations manual. Warranty/Terms: CORRECT PROGRAMMING ERRORS FOR 1 YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION Date released: 8/ 1/82 PEERLESS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM Cross industry accounts payable system Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This package allows the user to record vendor invoices in the computer, assigning a due date. When the user is ready to print checks, the system provides a list of invoices due for payment. The user can add, change, or remove from this list after which checks are printed. Source: Basic. Includes installation instructions and an operations manual. Warranty/Terms: CORRECT PROGRAMMING ERRORS FOR 1 YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION Date released: 5/ 1/82 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 172 Davidson Software Systems PEERLESS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Cross industry accounts receivable and billing system Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This system prints billing invoices, statements, and calculates service charges. The package aids in cash management by producing aging schedules and sales reports. Includes installation instructions and an operations manual. Source: Basic. Warranty/Terms: CORRECT PROGRAMMING ERRORS FOR 1 YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION Date released: 5/ 1/80 PEERLESS GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTING Funeral Homes: General ledger system Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This system allows the user to make ledger journal entries throughout a month or period and produce financial statements from this data. The user controls the format of the income statement and balance sheet through defining the chart of accounts. Source: Basic. Includes installation instructions and an operations manual. Warranty/Terms: CORRECT PROGRAM ERRORS FOR 1 YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION Date released: 5/ 1/82 PEERLESS PAYROLL SYSTEM Cross industry payroll system Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This system provides a business with a simplified way to manage payroll accounting for inside as well as government requirements. Both hourly and salaried pay types are supported. Taxes can be calculated and checks written for any pay frequency (weekly, bimonthly, etc). Excellent audit trail and quarterly reports are included. Includes installation instructions and an operations manual. Source: Basic. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 173 Davidson Software Systems PEERLESS PAYROLL SYSTEM 5/ 1/80 Date released: ********************************************************************** Company: Day One Software, Inc. 618 Shoemaker Road King of Prussia Phone: PA 19406 215-337-8255 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Maintenance Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades Dealer/Distributor seminars N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C DAY ONE A flexible DBMS software package Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Menu-driven, expandable, flexible. This program enables first-time users of microcomputers to implement data management and manipulation functions on their first day of program use--from DAY ONE; to circumvent the need for a programmer in the small-to-medium sized business; to enable the business owner and staff to overcome their fear of computerized data handling by allowing them to create their own applications through the use of menu options in easy-to-understand English. Comes on: 8" & 5 1/4" disks-double/single density. Full scale, self-explanatory TUTORIAL, full-range technical reference, and Teacher (tm) Diskette included. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 174 Day One Software, Inc. DAY ONE 60-DAY C.O.D. Date released: 9/12/83 ********************************************************************** Digital Marketing Company: 2363 Boulevard Circle, Suite 8 Walnut Creek CA 94595 Catherine Morton Phone: 415-938-2880 Support Offered/ Price: BIBLIOGRAPHY The Price: writer's companion $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BIBLIOGRAPHY compares citations in a manuscript with entries in a reference file; it constructs a bibliography of all entries cited and/or moves entries into footnotes in the manuscript. Entries are added to the reference file with a word processor or with Pro/Tern's Notebook data management program. Each catalog entry has a keyname (example: author and year of publication) followed by bibliographic information. The entries may be of any length and format. BIBLIOGRAPHY will work with most word processors and can handle references to meet the requirements of virtually any professionsl journal, publisher or style manual format. Source: C. Includes a manual. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 9/ 1/82 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 175 Digital Marketing CARDFILE Electronic index cards--word processing enhancement Price: $ 89.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 CARDFILE stores, retrieves and displays information that is typically kept in index card files. Each file record (or index card) can contain up to 21 lines with the first three treated as descriptors. Searching can be performed on all lines. Cardfile can print selected files, write them to a disk or delete them. All data is entered through your own word processor. Source: C. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACUTRING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 2/ 1/82 DATEBOOK II Professional appointment scheduling Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Datebook II schedules appointments for up to 27 different doctors, lawyers, or rooms. Three appointment schedules are displayed on the screen at one time. Datebook II searches for openings to fit time of day, day of week, or day of year constraints and schedules; it modifies or cancels appointments easily. Copies of daily appointments can be printed quickly, and conferences can be scheduled at times when all participants are free. Datebook II is currently installed in the White House, in offices of the IRS, the National Security Council, and in thousands of medical, dental, law, government, and executive offices. Source: PASCAL/M or UCSD PASCAL. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/80 DENTAL PRACTICE MANAGEMENT For accounting and analysis No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 176 Digital Marketing DENTAL PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Program uses simple commands and easy routines in a complete accounts receivable and practice analysis for up to nine dentists or hygienists. Special versions can accommodate up to 99 professionals. DPM comes fully installed with the Standard American Dental Association service codes and description table. It gives you the option of creating a new table or entering your own standard fees. Charges, delinquency, aging,producer and review reports are instantly available. Account billing is pre-programed to print on stock "speed mailers," on your own forms or on ADA approved insurance forms. Source: CB80. Comes on floppy disk. Manual included. One megabyte of storage per 1000 four-member families w/2 insurance companies each required. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/83 FILEFIX A disk file utility Price: $ 89.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 FILEFIX recovers erased files, protects, deletes and renames files, and forges multiple user links to a single CP/M file. Utility programs allow you to scroll text files one screenful at a time, encrypt files with a one or two letter password, copy and verify files, and determine the CPU type in the computer. Other facilities include dumping, branching to any memory location, and re-assigning the four logical devices to various physical devices. Source: Assembly Language. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECKS, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 12/ 1/82 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 177 Digital Marketing FOOTNOTE Wordstar and Select enhancement Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 FOOTNOTE automatically numbers and formats footnote calls, footnotes and text in WordStar and Select files. Footnotes may be entered anywhere in the text, singly or in groups, and FOOTNOTE will place the footnotes at the bottom of the correct page and/or in a separate note file. After running, the user may ~e-edit the text add or delete notes and run FOOTNOTE again to renumber and reformat. Includes PAIR, a companion program which checks underline and boldface commands to the printer that are terminated. Source: C. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECKS, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 12/ 1/81 GRA~MATIK Detects grammatical errors Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 GRAMMATIK detects grammatical errors as well as other common mistakes not found hy most spelling checkers. Poor or wordy usage is identified; typographical errors such as doubled words or punctuation marks, inconsistent capitalization, imbalanced quotation marks and parentheses, and punctuation inside quotation marks are located and corrected. The GRAMMATIK dictionary contains over 500 wordy or misused phrases and 100 gender-specific terms and it allows the user to add glossaries of other words or phrases to avoid. Source: Compiled Fortran. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 17K Digital Marketing HYPERTYPER The personal typing teacher Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HyperTyper is a personal typing teacher for anyone who needs to type quickly and accurately. By allowing you to choose either word processor mode-where lines "wrap around", or typewriter mode-where you press return at the end of each line. HyperTyper teaches the fundamentals of typing or helps you transfer your skills from the typewriter or 10-key pad to your computer keyboard. Through friendly command prompts, keyboard exercises and speed drills, the beginning typist soon gains confidence and accuracy. HyperTyper displays the speed and number of errors of each session. Source: Compiled Basic. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 12/ 1/82 IBR Adds unlimited merging capability to word processors Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 IBR can merge references, citations, or large blocks of text from a "library" file into a document file. It can also create a separate alphabetized table of references. Entries in the library file may be any size from on~ line to many pages. Each entry is given a unique keyname. When you write a document, you enter the keyname wherever you wish to merge material from the library. A separate file with entries listed in alphabetical order also can be created. Date released: 1/ 1/83 MILESTONE For project management Price: $ 295.00 No Warranty is made Compatible Systems: expre~sed Kaypro 11,4,10 or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 179 Digital Marketing MILESTONE Milestone is a project management and time scheduling program which uses a "critical path" network analysis process to schedule manpower, dollars, and time. Milestone can be used by executives, engineers, managers or anyone to produce a PERT chart in minutes; it investigates the effects of changes of manpower or a completion on the total project, draws up cost estimates and helps communicate schedules and ideas to subordinates or supervisors. The Time Schedule Display allows you to visually follow the activities in the project and instantly view the results of changes. The printed project reports summarize every aspect of the project. Source: PASCAL/M or UCSD PASCAL. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY AGAINST DEFECTS FROM MANUFACTURING CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 11/ 1/80 NOTEBOOK The free-form data base system Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The free form data base system NOTEBOOK is designed especially for storing and retrieving text. NOTEBOOK places almost no restrictions on the amount or format of information you enter. Fields expand as you add text. NOTEBOOK can sort and select records based on any text in any field without predefined "keywords". Information is entered and reports are created using NOTEBOOK's full screen editor which has WordStar-like commands. Source: C. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/83 ORBQUEST A fantasy adventure Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 180 Digital Marketing ORBQUEST ORBQUEST is a fantasy game that challenges your intellect without requiring previous fantasy role-playing experience. Your quest: find the ORB and live to tell about it. But the ORB is lost in a perilous multi-level dungeon. ORBQUEST will challenge your persistence and courage as you learn magic spells and wit to survive in the dungeon. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 12/ 1/81 PERSONAL DATEBOOK Personal appointment scheduling Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Personal Datebook has all the capabilities of Datebook II but is designed for smaller offices or operations. Appointments are maintained, for up to 9 (instead of 27) people, r~oms, or pieces of equipment. For any given date, up to 32 appointments can be scheduled for each person or room. Personal Datebook searches for openings that fit time of day, day of week, and/or year constraints. Appointments are made, modified, or cancelled easily. Copies of day's appointments can be printed quickly. Source: PASCAL/M or SCSD PASCAL. Date released: 10/ 1/80 PLAN 80 For financial modeling Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Plan 80 is a financial modelling system that's easy to use and powerful enough to replace most timesharing applications. Calculation and graphic display of IRR, depreciation, ATAN and trig functions are effortless. You write a Plan 80 model as you would a lettei using any text editor. Plan 80 allows you to play "what if?" by entering new values interactively and can tackle any No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 181 Digital Marketing PLAN 80 numerical problem that can be defined on a worksheet. Unlike most electronic spreadsheets, Plan 80 uses real names, such as units, sales, and profits, instead of abstract cell coordinates, so you can see at a glance how the model was created (even months later). Source: PASCAL. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURE DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 4/ 1/81 RANDOM HOUSE PROOFREADER Screen-prompted spelling system Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Proofreader is a simple, screen-prompted spelling system which includes the Random House 50,000 word (38,000 words on smaller formats) dictionary compressed to occupy much less disk space than comparably sized dictionaries. The dictionary contains proper names and geographic locations to reduce flagging of unrecognized words. The user may add words to the main dictionary or create auxilIary dictionaries. Source: Compiled FORTRAN. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECKS, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. SPELLBINDER The enhanced word processor Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Spellbinder is a full feature word processing system with office management capabilities. Spellbinder features include easy use and quick start-up, flexible ,print formatting, and a powerful macro capability which allows features to be added as the user requires them. Terminal function keys allow one-key operations, standard and custom help messages are available to the No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 182 Digital Marketing SPELLBINDER user. Files larger than memory can be easily managed, and directory listings include the size of each file as well as the remaining space available on disk. SYNOPSIS For CP/M file indexing--using a word processor Price: $ 89.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SYNOPSIS automatically creates, updates, searches, and displays an index of CP/M files. The index automatically maintains the filename, disk ID, plus four user defined comments about each file. The comments can be read into the Cardfile index from nonprinting "comment" lines in text files. Synopsis eliminates the need to remember the contents of text files and non-document files, and it provides a quick way to locate information by searching the index for words and phrases. Synopsis requires WordStar or a similar word processor. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST"MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 2/ 1/82 THE MICRO LINK II For telecommunications Price: $ 89.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Micro Link II connects your computer to information sources, timesharing computers, and other micros. It sends and receives electronic mail, and exchanges any file (up to disk capacity) rapidly and inexpensively over phone line or direct cable. The Micro Link II saves all or selected parts of transmission to disk and/or qends them directly to printer. The menu-driven program sends and receives text, object, and source codes and all data types. No installation is necessary as the Micro Link II comes customized for your microcomputer. The program includes file transfer with error detection and correction. Source: Assembly. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 183 Digital Marketing THE MICRO LINK II Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 8/ 1/82 THE SPECIALIST Medical billing and analysis Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Specialist is a medical billing/accounts receivable ~ackage that is customized for the billing and procedural codes of medical specialities. The easy-to-use program is designed for either single practice or groups of up to 9 doctors and is available in the following 5 specialties: anesthesiology, family practice, internal medicine, radiology, and surgery. Posting payments may be done as open item or balance forward. Accounting and charges, payments and adjustments may be classified by insurance source. Custom insurance forms and superbills are quickly created, detailed aging, charges, billfile and summary reports may be printed or viewed on the screen. Source: CB80 and CB86. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 6/ 1/82 WRITER'S PACK Collection of five programs for the WordStar user Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Writer's Pack is a collection of five programs for the WordStar user. The Random House Proofreader uses the Random House Dictionary to check for misspelling of proper names and geographic locations as well as most other words. Grammatik points out 19 categories of common usage errors, displays the word or phrase in a manuscript which might need improvement and offers a1No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 184 Digital Marketing WRITER'S PACK ternatives. Footnote formats footnotes, places sequentially numbered footnote calls in the manuscript and enters the appropriate notes at the bottom of the page and/or a separate note file. Bibliography formats citations and creates a bibliography. Documate/Plus constructs indexes and table of contents. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS AGAINST MANUFACTURING DEFECTS CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Digital Research, Inc. 160 Central Avenue Pacific Grove CA 93950 Patricia Lucas Phone: 408-649-3896 Support Offered/ Price: ACCESS MANAGER B-Tree structured file retrieval system Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Access manager is a file accessing method compatible with all of Digital Research's compiled languages. Access Manager interfaces multiple languages to a common data file. Access Manager maintains separate index and data files to eliminate the need to sort the data records. Access Manager supports both single user and multiuser operating systems. Supplied on Single Density Disk(s) with documentation. Source: ASM PL/I80, CB80 and Pascal/MT + Ver. 5.5 . No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 185 Digital Research, Inc. BT-BO Record retrieval system Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BT-80 is a comprehensive single-user record retrieval system intended for use in PL/I-80 applications, where single or multi keyed access to data records is required. BT-80 also can be used to develop data base management systems. Using the B-Tree index organization techniques, BT-80 keys are maintained in balanced, multi way tree structures called indexes that offer efficient key insertion retrieval and deletion characteristics over the broad range of access situations required by a general record retrieval system. Comes on single density disk(s) with documentation. Source: PL/I-80. CB80 A direct enhancement of CBASIC Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 CB80 is a direct enhancement of CBASIC which offers all the CBASIC features and more. Features include supporting more than 32K byte strings, CALL statements, multiple-line functions, alpha-numeric labels and excellent error detection plus greater speed. Because it generates 8080 code in relocatable format, separate CB80 modules and other assembler routines can be linked together easily. Comes on double density disks with documentation. Source: PLM and ASM. CBASIC Programming language for microcomputers Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CBASIC was created specifically for the development of business applications. Due to its efficient use of RAM, precision arithmetic capability, high level file management and compatibility with 16-bit products, more software packages have been written in CBASIC for No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 186 Digital Research, Inc. CBASIC commercial business applications than in any other microcomputer language. Source: Compiler-PL/M, CRUN-PL/M and ASM. CIS COBOL/CIS COBOL-86 Microcomputer programming language Price: $ 800.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CIS COBOL is a complete software system for developing and executing ANSI'74 standard COBOL programs. CIS COBOL combines the benefits of minicomputers or main frame COBOL, while allowing for the efficient interactive facilities of a personal computer. Its upward compatibility with Level II COBOL ensures program developement for the entire range of COBOL applications. Supplied on single density disks with documentation. Source: COBOL. CP/M Microcomputer operating system Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CP/M is the industry standard general purpose operating system for microcomputers. Features include dynamic file management, fast assembler, gene~al purpose editor and advanced debugger. Network system compatible, CP/M provides cost-effective computing through the wide variety of software products available for it. Source: PLM/ASM. CP/M PLUS (3.0) Microcomputer operating system Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CP/M PLUS is a high performance single user, single tasking operating system designed for microcomputers No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 187 Digital Research, Inc. CP/M PLUS (3.0) that use the Intel 8080 or Zilog 280 microprocessors. CP/M PLUS was designed with the business user in mind. It includes a fast, sophisticated file system, which includes hashed directory access, record buffering and multi sector disk I/O support. It has a modular design which allows it to be easily customized to run in a particular hardware environment. DESPOOL Programming utility Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DESPOOL is a printing utility for CP/M that allows disk file printing during editing or debugging. DESPOOL allows the operator to print a disk file during the inactive time that CP/M is waiting for console input. Thus, background printing can take place during normal interactive CP/M operations, such as program editing and data entry under ED and test program debugging using SID, ZSID OR DDT. Comes on double density disks with documentation. Source: ASM PL/M. DR ACCESS 10 Graphics terminal emulator Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") This product is an interactive utility that provides emulation of the Tektronix 4010 terminal family for microcomputers that have graphic displays. This product benefits a user who wants to access graphics packages on host computers and external time sharing systems. Any host software package that produces Tektronix PLOT-I0 compat~ble output can be accessed. Supplied on single density disk(s) with documentation, Source: Fortran. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 188 Digital Research, Inc. DR KERNEL Graphics development tool for programmers Price: $ 500.00 Co'm pat i b I e S y s t ems : Kay pro 4, 1 0 (8 " ) DR Kernel is a subroutine library of 2D graphics primitives. This product will provide a programmer's interface to graphics that is consistent with the ISO standard Graphic Kernel System (GKS). DR Kernel has been designed with special algorithms to operate in the memory space of microcomputers while providing the functions previously only available on mini and main frame computers. DR Kernel is both computerindependant and graphic output device-independent. Source: DR Kernel run-time libraries available for PLII, PascaI/MI+, FORTRAN, and CBASIC Compiler. DR PLOT Higher level programmer tool for data rep. graphics Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") DR Plot is a subroutine library of higher level functions for programmers who want bar graphs, pie charts, histograms, line graphs and scatter plots with full annotation functionality. This product makes it easier to write programs that produce typical business, engineering and scientific plots. DR Plot, like DR Kernel, also provides the full range of computer and graphic device independence. Comes on single densitydisk(s) with documentation 8", single user. Source: DR Plot libraries available for PLII, PascaI/MT+, Fortran, and CBASIC Compiler. LEVEL II COBOL-86 Microcomputer programming language Price: $1600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Level II COBOL is a main frame level compiler for ANSI' 74 COBOL programs. It enables microcomputers to compile and run programs written in full ANSI'74 COBOL with minimal source code modification, thereby allowing No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 189 Digital Research, Inc. LEVEL II COBOL-86 those with an investment in existing programs to maintain and execute them on microcomputers. Source: COBOL. MAC Programming utility Price: $ 115.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MAC is a macro assembler upwardly compatible from standard CP/M asembler and Intel macro assembler, MAC80. It provides full expression anlysis and special instructions. Parameters can be specified to control file source and destination, etc. Sorted program symbols are suitable for listing online printer for use during debugging with SID. Supplied on double density disk(s) with documentation. Source: ASM. PASCAL/MT+ Language Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Pascal/MT+ is a compiled version of ISO standard Pascal which translates source code directly into a high-speed object code program for 8080, 8085, and Z80 microcomputers. With the associated Speed Programming Package (SPP), high speed programs can be written quickly by programmers and symbolically debugged in manageable segments. Source: Pascal/MT+. PL/I-80 Language Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Based on ANSI Subset G for minicomputers, PL/I-80 is upwardly compatible with Subset G and full PL/I. The No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 190 Digital Research, PL/I-BO compiler directly produces relocatable 8080 machine code. Features include picture specs, 25-digit decimal arithmetic and fast fixed and float binary, structures, arrays, and based and pointer variables. PL/I-80 includes a compiler, linkage editor, librarian, run-time library, and macro assembler. Source: PL/M. TEX Programming utility Price: $ 125.00 text editor Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TEX prepares documents for printout under Cp/M. Features include automatic index and table of contents, pagination, margins, headings, paragraphs, and right justification. Special features include super and subscripts, bold type and underlining support. It is f9r Diablo 1640/1650 printers with the word processing enhancement option. Supplied on double density disk(s) with documentation. Source: ASM. ZSID Programming utility Price: $ 125.00 symbolic debugger Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SID and ZSID expand upon the features of the CP/M standard debugger and provide greatly enhanced facilities for assembly level program checkout. Features include real-time break points, fully monitored execution, symbolic disassembly, assembly, memory display, and full functions. SID uses the 8080/8085 assembly language mnemonics, while ZSID incorporates the Z80 instruction set. Source: ASM. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 191 Inc. Dilithium Press Company: 8285 SW Nimbus St. Beaverton OR 97005 Tracy Barats Phone: 1-800-547-1842 Support Offered/ Price: HOW TO USE SUPERCALC Book and disk with sample spread sheets Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") SuperCalc is the bestselling program that prepares financial spreadsheets and forecasts. It runs on most CP/M based systems and the IBM with MS-DOS. This book is an easy way to learn, in simple terms and with downto-earth directions, how to effectively use the spreadsheet format. Not only does the book explain what SuperCalc does, it tells how to organize, arrange and manipulate the data. It is also a reference manual that lists all of the program's functions and a definition and discussion of each one. Comes on an 8" CP/M disk. ********************************************************************** Company: Dimis Micro Systems 1806 Highway 35, P.O. Box 2293 Ocean NJ 07712 Joe Gratzel Phone: 201-531-2300 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades Inst & training avail @$300 PD $300.00 N/C N/C N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation8 192 Dimis Micro Systems CLIENT PROGRAMMED ACCOUNTING Client write-up and after the fact payroll Price: $2995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CPA is a mature, bug-free and flexible package designed to perform all of the write up functions necessary in an accounting or bookkeeping practice. CPA generates Journal and Chart of Account listings, Working Trial Balance, Detailed General Ledger, Regular, Budgetary and Comparative Financial Statements, Statements of Changes, etc., and does after--the--fact Payroll. Source: BASIC. Includes a user's manual. DMS recommends 1 client per Kaypro 2 disk. CPA users regularly process any where from 1-250 clients per month, depending on format of source information. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/77 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Douthett Enterprises, Inc. 200 W. Douglas, Suite 1000 Wichita KS 67202 Dana Scheer Phone: 316-262-1040 Support Offered/ Price: Newsletter Software Upgrades Dealer support N/C N/C N/C GOLD SERIES II ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Part of the GOLD Series II accounting applications No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 193 Douthett Enterprises, Inc. GOLD SERIES II ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Accounts Payable is part of the complete GOLD System of on-line accounting applications. Accounts Payable will automatically update the General Ledger and Job Costing when used, and offers flexible payments of vendor invoices. Accounts Payable can be used standalone or may be integrated with any or all of the GOLD Series II accounting applications. Source: CBasic. User's Manual included. Optional software includes: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory, Order Entry/Invoicing. 250K will accommodate approximately 100 accounts and 2000 transactions. File sizes limited only by disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO AUTHORIZED DEALERS Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 5/ 1/83 GOLD SERIES II ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Part of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Accounts Receivable is part of the complete GOLD System of on-line accounting applications. Accounts Receivable will automatically update the General Ledger when used, and also interacts with Order Entry/ Job Costing. Accounts Receivable may be used standalone or may be integrated with any or all of the GOLD Series II accounting applications. Source: C-Basic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional software: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory, Order Entry/Invoicing. 250K will accommodate approximately 100 accounts and 2000 transactions. File sizes limited only by disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO AUTHORIZED DEALERS Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 5/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 194 Douthett Enterprises, Inc. GOLD SERIES II GENERAL LEDGER Center of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 General Ledger is the center of the GOLD System of on-line accounting applications. It keeps complete transaction detail on two open months and offers maximum accounting flexibility. The General Ledger can be used stand-alone or may be integrated with any or all of the GOLD Series II accounting applications. Source: CBasic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional software: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory, OrderEntry/Invoicing. 250 K will accommodate approximately 100 accounts and 2000 transactions. File sizes limited only by disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO AUTHORIZED DEALERS Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 5/ 1/83 GOLD SERIES II INVENTORY CONTROL Part of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed as an Inventory Control System for the wholesaler/distributor, the GOLD Inventory can be operated by itself or with Order Entry/Invoicing. Inventory Control can be used stand-alone or may be integrated with any or all of the GOLD Series II accounting applications. Source: CBasic. Comprhensive User's Manual included. Optional software: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Job Costing, Order Entry/Invoicing. 250K will accommodate approximately 100 accounts and 2000 transactions. File sizes limited only by disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO AUTHORIZED DEALERS Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 5/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 195 Douthett Enterprises, Inc. GOLD SERIES II JOB COSTING May be integrated with GOLD Series II accounting Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Originally designed for the general contractor, the GOLD Job Costing package is flexible enough to be used in a wide variety of applications. The user can enter and define his or her own cost codes, categories and phases. Job Costing can be used stand-alone or may be integrated with any or all of the GOLD Series II accounting applications. Source: CBasic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional software: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Inventory Control, Order Entry/Invoicing. 250K will accommodate approximately 100 accounts and 2000 transactions. File sizes limited only by disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO AUTHORIZED DEALERS Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 5/ 1/83 GOLD SERIES II ORDER ENTRY/INVOICE Order entry and invoicing/integrated or stand alone Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Although designed for wholesalers or distributors, the GOLD Order Entry/Invoicing is flexible enough to fit some retail applications. It will normally be used with Inventory Control as part of a complete order processing system. Order Entry/Invoicing can be used stand-alone or may be integrated with any or all of the GOLD Series II accounting applications. Source: CBasic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional software: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory Control. 250K will accommodate approximately 100 accounts and 2000 transactions. File sizes limited only by disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO AUTHORIZED DEALERS No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 196 Douthett Enterprises, GOLD SERIES II ORDER ENTRY/INVOICE Date released: 5/ 1/83 1/ 1/80 Last update: GOLD SERIES II PAYROLL Part of the GOLD Series II accounting applications Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Available for any state, GOLD Payroll will automatically calculate withholdings, automatically update the General Ledger and Job Costing when used, and will do Multi-state payrolls. Payroll can be used standalone or may be integrated with any or all of the GOLD Series II accounting applications. Source: CBasic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional software: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Job Costing, Inventory, Order Entry/ Invoicing. 250K will accommodate approximately 100 accounts and 2000 transactions. File sizes limited only by disk capacity. o Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO AUTHORIZED DEALERS Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 5/ 1/83 GOLD-24 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Stand alone or integrated with Gold system Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Accounts Payable is part of the complete GOLD System of on-line accounting applications. Accounts Payable will automatically update the General Ledger when used, and offers flexible payments of vendor invoices. Accounts Payable may be used stand-alone or integrated with any or all of the GOLD Accounting modules. GOLD-24 will operate in multi-user mode on operating systems that support a multi-user environment. Source: Compiled CBasic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional Software: Integrated General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory, Bill of Materials & Order Entry/Invoicing. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 197 Inc. Douthett Enterprises, Inc. GOLD-24 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO QUALIFIED DEALERS Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 GOLD-24 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Stand alone or integrated with the GOLD system Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Accounts Receivable is part of the complete GOLD System of on-line accounting applications. Accounts Receivable will automatically update the General Ledger when used, and also interacts with Order Entry/ Invoicing. Accounts Receivable may be used stand-alone or integrated with any or all of the GOLD Accounting modules. GOLD-24 will operate in multi-user mode on operating systems that support a multi-user environment. Source: Compiled CBasic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional software: Integrated General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory, Bill of Materials, & Order Entry/Invoicing. c. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO QUALIFIED DEALERS Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 GOLD-24 BILL OF MATERIALS An option to the GOLD inventory application Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Bill of Materials is an option to the GOLD Inventory Application designed for manufacturers. The Bill of Materials requires the Inventory Module. GOLD-24 will operate in multi-user mode on operating systems that support a multi~user environment. Source: Compiled No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 198 Douthett Enterprises, GOLD-24 BILL OF MATERIALS CBasic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional software: Integrated General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory, & Order Entry/Invoicing. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO QUALIFIED DEALERS Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 GOLD-24 GENERAL LEDGER Center of the integrated Gold accounting system Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 General Ledger is the center of the GOLD System of on-line accounting applications. It keeps complete transaction detail on two open months and offers maximum accounting flexibility. The General Ledger may be used stand-alone or integrated with any or all of the GOLD Accounting modules. GOLD-24 will operate in multi-user mode on operating systems that support a multi-user environment. Source: Compiled CBasic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional software: Integrated Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory, Bill of Materials & Order Entry/Invoicing. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO QUALIFIED DEALERS Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 GOLD-24 INVENTORY CONTROL Stand alone or integrated with Gold accounting Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Designed as and Inventory control System for the No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 199 Inc. Douthett Enterprises, Inc. GOLD-24 INVENTORY CONTROL wholesaler/distributor or manufacturer, the GOLD inventory can be operated by itself or with Order Entry/Invoicing. When used as part of a manufacturing system, the Bill Of Materials option can be added. Inventory Control may be used stand-alone or integrated with any or all of the GOLD Accounting modules. GOLD24 will operate in multi-user mode on operating systems that support a multi-user environment. Source: Compiled CBasic. Comprehensive User's Manual included. Optional software: Integrated General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Job Costing, Bill of materials & Order Entry/Invoicing. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO QUALIFIED DEALERS Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 GOLD-24 JOB COSTING Stand alone or use with Gold accounting system Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Originally designed for the general contractor, the GOLD Job Costing package is flexible enough to be used in a wide variety of applications. The user can enter and define his or her own cost codes, categories and phases. Job Costing may be used stand-alone or integrated with any or all of the GOLD Accounting modules. GOLD-24 will operate in a multi-user mode on operating systems that support a multi-user environment. Source: Compiled CBasic. Comprehensive user's manual included. Optional Software: Integrated General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Inventory, Bill of Materials & Order Entry/ Invoicing. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO QUALIFIED DEALERS No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 200 Douthett Enterprises, GOLD-24 JOB COSTING Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 GOLD-24 MEDICAL BILLING Patient billing and record keeping system Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Medical Billing is designed as a patient billing and record keeping system for the small to medium medical practice. Medical Billing will stand alone or integrate with Accounts Receivable and General Ledger to form a complete accounting system. GOLD-24 will operate in multi-user mode on operating systems that support a multi-user environment. Source: Compiled CBasic. Comprehensive user's manual included. Optional software: Integrated General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory, Bill of Materials & Order Entry/Invoicing. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO QUALIFIED DEALERS Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 GOLD-24 ORDER ENTRY/INVOICING Integrated or stand alone system Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Although designed for wholesalers or distributors, the GOLD Order Entry/Invoicing is flexible enough to fit some retail applications. It will normally be used with Inventory Control as part of a complete order processing system. Order Entry/Invoicing may be used stand-alone or integrated with any or all of the GOLD Accounting modules. GOLD-24 will operate in multi-user mode on operating systems that support a multi-user environment. Source: Compiled CBasic. Comprehensive user's manual included. Optional software: Integrated General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Job Costing, Inventory No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 201 Inc. Douthett Enterprises, GOLD-24 Inc. ORDER ENTRY/INVOICING or Bill of Materials. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO QUALIFIED Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 GOLD-24 PAYROLL Stand alone or integrated with the Gold system Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Available for any state, GOLD Payroll will automatically calculate withholdings, automatically update the General Ledger and Job Costing when used, and will do multi-state payrolls. Payroll may be used stand-alone or integrated with any or all of the GOLD Aceounting modules. GOLD-24 will operate in a multi-user mode on operating systems that support a multi-user environment. Source: Compiled CBasic. Comprehensive user's manual included. Optional software: Integrated General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Job Costing, Inventory, Bill of Materials & Order Entry/Invoicing. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 DAYS TO QUALIFIED DEALERS Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 SILVERSOFT Personal productivity aid-set of 4 applications Price: $ 399.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SilverSoft is a set of 4 applications including: SilverBudget: A true double entry system. Complete detailed recording of budget and expense transactions. Will handle mUltiple checkbooks/credit cards. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 202 Douthett Enterprises, Inc. SILVERSOFT SilverFolio: Allows you to keep track of your personal worth and personal inventory: Personal property, assets, insurance, real estate. SilverCalendar: Multi-dimensional scheduling of people, places, and things over time. Will identify conflicts/open times. Scheduling done by days/months/years. Si1verWriter: Create and store letter and reports. Maintain a mailing list. Merge letters and addresses for multiple mailings. Source: Compiled CBasic. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF SHIPPING DAMAGED DISKS AND/OR MANUALS NET 30 TO QUALIFIED DEALERS Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Dynacomp, Inc. 1427 Monroe Avenue Rochester Phone: NY 14618 716-442-8960 Support Offered/ Price: ACTIVE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PROGRAM An active and passive circuit analysis program Price: $ 43.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ACAP is an active and passive circuit analysis program. It can be used to solve for the node voltages of a network. The circuit elements which can be analyzed by ACAP are resistors, capacitors, inductors, voltage sources, current sourc~s, and a voltage controlled current source. To describe a circuit to ACAP, you may easily enter and change the element descriptions. You may also save the circuit description on tape/diskette in order to later recall it. Source: Basic. Comes No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 203 Dynacomp, Inc. ACTIVE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PROGRAM with a 12 page instruction manual. ANOVA Analysis of variance Price: $ 43.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ANOVA is actually four programs in one. Each program performs a specific task matched to the designed experiment under analysis. 1) A one-way AND VA produces the treatment sum of square, mean square and F ratio along with the error mean square. 2) Two-way performs an analysis of either fixed or random factors with equal numbers of replicates per cell. 3) The "N-way" accepts up to 4 levels per factor or any combination of levels not to exceed 1024 treatment combinations in 16K of core. Sums of squaies and mean squares for all main effects are computed. 4) YATES analysis computes the mean square and half effect for two level factorial and fractional factorial experiments. Source: Basic. Includes 15 page gUide to experimental design & methods. BACKGAMMON 2.0 Computerized backgammon game Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program (by Giga, Chicago, IL) tests your backgammon skills and will also improve your game. A human can compete against the computer or against another human. The computer can even play itself! Either the computer or human can double or generate dice rolls. Board positions can be created or saved for replay. BACKGAMMON 2.0 is played in accordance with the official rules of backgammon, and is sure to provide many fascinating sessions of backgammon play. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms' : No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 204 Dynacomp, Inc. BACKGAMMON 2.0 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES Software corresponds to text of same title Price: $ 20.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES, VOLUME I by F.Ruckdeschel is the first in a series of books designed to provide microcomputer users with scientific subroutines written in BASIC. Through arrangements with the author and BYTE/McGraw-Hill, DYNACOMP has become the exclusive distributor of three software packages keyed to the above text. Each package includes programs organized by chapter and accessed/demonstrated by a special menu program written especially for DYNACOMP. Accompanying each collection is documentation which describes how to use the associated menu program. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES VOL II The second set in the continuing scientific software Price: $ 18.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This is the second set in the continuing scientific software series. This volume contains more that 120 kilobytes of excellent software. The software is divided into collections having its own menu program for calling up and demonstrating subroutines. Each of the eight collections is keyed to a chapter in the book: Chap I-Least Squares Approximation; Chap 2-Series Approximation Techniques; Chap 3-Functional Approximations; Chap 4-CORDIC Approximation Techniques and Alternatives; Chap 5-Table Interpolation, Differentiation, Integration; Chap 6-Finding the Real Roots of Functions Chap 7-Finding the Complex Roots of Functions; Chap 8No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 205 Dynacomp, Inc. BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES VOL II Optimization of Steepest Descent. Each collection has documentation for using the associated menu programs. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO BASIC STATISTICAL SUBROUTINES "Non-Parametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences" Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BASIC STATISTICAL SUBROUTINES, Vol. I, is a cdllection of non-parametric statistics routines keyed to the text "Non-Parametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences" by Sidney Siegal (McGraw-Hill). The routines are written in BASIC and can all be called from an easy to use menu. Full facilities for data storage, retrieval and editing are also provided. Comes with a 100 + page instruction book. Some of the subjects covered: Binomial Tese, Chi Square One Sample, Kolmogorov Smirnov One Sample, One Sample Runs Test, McNemar Test, Sign Test, Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Ranks Test, Walsh Test, Randomization Test for Matched Pairs, Fisher Exact Probability Test, and more. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO BATTLEFIELD Eight disk war games Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BATTLEFIELD!!! is actually eight games in one. It is based on the eight disk war games set originally distributed by Xitron Systems. A year ago DYNACOMP No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 206 Dynacomp, Inc. BATTLEFIELD acquired the publishing rights for this software and for all conversions to other computers. During the process of translation we found that the essential features of all eight games could be combined into one group of programs which would fit on a single disk. We named this combination program BATTLEFIELD!!! Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MC/VISA/CHECK/PO BEAM DEFLECTION Structural analysis software Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BEAM DEFLECTION is the first in DYNACOMP's new series of structural analysis software packages. It cDnsists of two programs. The first program permits the development of data files which describe the problem. For example, the ends of the beam may be pinned, clamped or free. The beam may be uniformly supported by an elastic bed, or held up by springs variously placed and having differing spring constants. The elasticity and cross section of the beam may vary along its length. The load may be uniformly distributed or it may include discrete forces. The beam may be pinned at various points along its length, and so on. Source: Basic. The documentation shows how to use the software. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO BLACK JACK COACH Offers coaching for blackjack skills Price: $ 33.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 207 Dynacomp, Inc. BLACK JACK COACH Learn and practice your blackjack skills with the "Coach" giving advice and consent. Test various playing and betting strategies. The automatic play mode uses either the basic count of the complete card counting method together with one of three betting methods. All playing options are included. Up to 6 decks per shoe. Learn to count cards to change bets and decisions. Numerous summary data displays plus up to 8 reports will reveal precisely which parts of your strategy work and which do not. Use of a printer is optional. BLACKJACK COACH includes a 30 page tutorial manual which is a value in itself. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO BRIDGE MASTER A comprehensive bridge program Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BRIDGEMASTER is a comprehensive bridge program designed to provide hours of challenging competition. Bidding features include the Blackwood convention, Stayman convention, pre-emptive openings, and recognition of demand bids and jump shift responses. The program plays the North hand as your partner and East-West as your opponents. After playing a specific hand you may replay the same hand with the option of switching cards with your computer opponents. This feature allows you to compare your bidding and playing skills to BRIDGEMASTER Source: Basic. Source code included.? Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 208 Dynacomp, Inc. BRIDGE SCORER Designed for rapid Bridge scoring Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The duplicate bridge player is often faced with the choice of either going home and wondering who won, or staying and waiting (working) through the scoring and looking for reasons why the scores did not balance. Now you can use BRIDGE SCORER instead. BRIDGE SCORER was designed to provide rapid and easy scoring for the session. It automatically summarizes each board after all plays are entered, and tallies the overall results after the last board's results are available. The results are shown on the screen, saved on disk, and (optionally) printed. Source: Basic. Manual included. BUYSEL Stock and commodities options management Price: $ 149.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BUYSEL is suitable for both the curious beginner and the serious investor. It is a comprehensive software package for performing analyses of stocks, commodities and options. It contains the following features: Four distinct trading methods and money-management systems, all of which produce explicit buy/sell transaction signals (moving average method, price channel method, buy low-sell high, and dollar-cost buying system); Black-Scholes call option for a common stock; Statistical correlation computation between several stocks or commodities. Source: Basic. Manual included. CHESS MASTER Computerized chess game Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CHESS MASTER is a computer program which will challenge your chess playing ability with its aggressive style of play. You may choose between five different playing No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 209 Dynacomp, Inc. CHESS MASTER skills for your computer opponent, ranging from beginner (but a tough opponent when playing "lightning" chess) to expert. Besides providing for King or Queenside castling enpassant captures and pawn promotion, CHESS MASTER also allows you to preset the board in any configuration which you may find of interest. Source: Basic/Assembly. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/V1SA/CHECK/PO CRANSTON MANOR ADVENTURE An adventure game Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 KAYPRO users finally have available a most intriguing adventure program. The CRANSTON MANOR ADVENTURE takes you into mysterious (and dangerous) Cranston Manor where you attempt to collect its many treasures. Lurking in the Manor are wild animals and robots who will not give up the treasures without a fight. This challenging program will provide you with many hours of fascination. The adventure may be interrupted at will and your status saved onto the disk. Any number of people may play. The CRANSTON MANOR diskette will store over 200 suspended games. CRANSTON MANOR comes with a 6 page instruction booklet which outlines the means of play, but does not give away the solution. Source: Basic. Manual included. CRYPTO A comprehensive cryptography program Price: $ 17.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CRYPTO is a comprehensive cryptography program which is both challenging and educational. There are two basic ways to play CRYPTO. 1) Automatic. The computer chooses No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 210 Dynacomp, CRYPTO from a file of over 350 quotations which one or two players must decipher. 2) Manual two player. Each player creates his or her own phrase, and CRYPTO creates a cryptogram for the other to decipher. You may choose the level of difficulty so even the young can play (teaches deductive reasoning and reading skills), and guess by letter or word. Source: Basic. Manual included. CUSTOMER PROFILE Keeps track of current and prospective customers Price: $ 59.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CUSTOMER PROFILE provides an easy way to keep track of current and prospective customers according to business type, services or products provided by the customer, and assigned sales representative or territory. CUSTOMER PROFILE is extemely flexible and accommodates the unique ways business is conducted. For example, data files can be quickly sorted to present reports in a sequence appropriate to management requirements. Additionally, the system codes can be redefined to meet the special needs of any company. Comes complete with an exceptionally well prepared 50 page instruction book. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MC/VISA/CHECK/PO DATA RETRIEVAL SYSTEM Stores and retrieves information using key words Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypr6II,4,10 DRS is a fast cross-indexing system which may be used to store and retrieve information according to key words. Although DRS was originally set up to index journal articles, it can equally well be used to cross-index record collections, recipe files, etc. No Warrant~ is made expressed or implied by Kaypro·Corporation. 211 Inc. Dynacomp, Inc. DATA RETRIEVAL SYSTEM In the CP/M version, each article entry can have up to six keywords. By searching on a particular keyword, all articles (entries) involving that keyword will be displayed. The article description is limited to 75 characters. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO DATA SMOOTHER Smooths data points Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package provides the user with a fast and easy means to least-squares smooth equally spaced data and to plot the results. Any size data set may be treated within the memory limits of your machine. The variation in each data point is smoothed according to the weighted average of points surrounding it. The averaging span is 3 to 25 points. The order of the local smoothing is linear to quintic (first of fifth degree polynomial). Also calculated are the smoothed first and second derivatives of the data at each point. DATA SMOOTHER is extremely well documented in the accompanying 38 page manual which describes both the theory behind the program, as well as its use. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO DATEBOOK Personal datebook program Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Here is a datebook software package which is both very No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 212 Dynacomp, Inc. DATEBOOK effective as well as exceptionally easy to use. You enter the date, from/to, subjects and comments. The date can be anything legal; DATEBOOK contains a perpetual calendar. The from/to can be the hours of the meeting or can be names (from J.Smith to J.Jones). The subject is your choice (lunch, staff meeting, date, etc). The comments may be descriptive (e.g. "discussion of the state of product ZYZ"). You can freely search and sort on any of the above categories. Comes complete with a 32 page manual which clearly describes program operation and sample uses. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Yields numeric solutions to differential equations Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS is a series of programs which yield numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations given suitable initial conditions. Only two restrictions are placed on the differential equation being solved. First, it must be explicitly expressable in some sequence of the standard BASIC mathematical operators: +,-,/,EXP, LOG, or the trigonometric functions SIN, COS, and ATN. Second, enough initial conditions must be provided to make the solution unique that is, for an equation of order N, N simultaneous (at the same value of the independent variable) initial conditions must be known. Several different methods of solution can be chosen, i.e. Euler, Improved Euler, and Runge-Kutta techniques. Source: Basic. DIGITAL FILTER Filter function design aid Price: $ 53.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 213 Dynacomp, Inc. DIGITAL FILTER DIGITAL FILTER is a comprehensive data processing program which permits the user to design his own filter function or choose from a menu of filter forms. The filter forms are subsequently converted into non-recursive convolution coefficients which pe~mit rapid data processing. In the explicit design mode, the shape of the frequency transfer function is specified by directly entering points along the desired filter curve. In the menu mode, ideal low pass, high pass and bandpass filters may be approximated to varying degrees according to the number of points used in the calculation. These filters may optionally also be smoothed with a Hanning function. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO DYNAFORTH An 8080 assembly language Price: $ 74.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DYNAFORTH is an 8080 assembly language implementation of the figFORTH 8080 Version 1.1 language. The software includes the complete figFORTH vocabulary, the additional DYNAFORTH vocabulary for terminal and disk interfacing, an 8080 assembler that provides the ability to include machine language code in FORTH word definitions a line editor for program development, and a 50 page users manual. The users manual is not in itself a tutorial on the FORTH language, but contains references to recommend tutorial manuals. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 214 Dynacomp, Inc. EBASIC WITH STARBASE 3.2 A Basic programming language Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 EBASIC is a BASIC programming language which has most of the standard features of Microsoft BASIC, as well as some other capabilities which many will find interesting. In fact, EBASIC is very similar to CBASIC except EBASIC costs only a fraction of the price. The operational differences are that EBASIC has no PEEK/POKE, PRINT USING or CALL facilities. Features: Line numbers are not necessary except for GOTO/GOSUB transfers; "Procedures" can be included in the program at the "compile" stage; precision is automatically 14 digits. A condensed manual is supplied with the diskette. Also a copy of STARBASE 3.2 (a very popular DYNACOMP program) is included on the diskette. Source: Basic. Manual included. ELIZA II Artificial intelligence program Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This is the well known artificial intelligence program which was originally written by Joseph Weizenbaum for the large computers at MIT. ELIZA simulates a session with a psychotherapist who analyzes your comments and responds accordingly. This program has gained particular recognition for its surprising ability to provide realistic responses to your statements, and has often been referred to in reference to Turing's test for human intelligence. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO ENGINEERING COLLECTIONS #1 A series of 10 engineering programs No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 215 Dynacomp, Inc. ENGINEERING COLLECTIONS #1 Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Here is a collection of ten programs which should be included in any engineer's library software: I)ANTENNA PLOT: you may specify up to 100 array elements and their locations. 2) BODE PLOT: you specify the poles and zeroes, the program plots and lists the response. 3)CONVOLUTION: input two waveforms and get the convolution, both plotted and listed. 4)FOURIER PLOT: produces the discrete Fourier transform of a set of data. 5)NUMBER CONVERSION: converts between decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal. 6)REACTOR SIMULATION: reactor kinetics equations. 7)CONTROL SYSTEM SIMULATION. 8)SPLOT: plots sets of x,y data on printer. 9)PPLOT: similar to SPLOT, but for dot MX80. 10)SCPLOT: similar to SPLOT, but plots on screen. Source: Basic. Manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Financial analysis package Price: $ 149.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A complete financial analysis package. It is not simply a collection of programs, but rather a highly organized menu-driven set of coordintate subprograms which are a pleasure to use. Some of the topics covered are: Financial Ratios; DuPont Analysis; Break-even Analysis; Lease-Buy Decision; Net Present Value; Rates of Return; Inventory Model; Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty; Refunding a Bond; Stock Valuation; and more. Comes complete with a nicely organized instruction book (over 160 pages). Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 216 Dynacomp, Inc. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MC/VISA/CHECK/PO FLIGHT SIMULATOR Take-off, fly, navigate, and land an airplane Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Learn from this realistic mathematical simulation which allows you to take-off, fly, navigate, and land an airplane. The program employs kinematic aerodynamic equations, as well as applies the characteristics of a real airfoil to simulate the response of flying machines ranging from gliders to space shuttles. Unlike most arcade-like animations, FLIGHT SIMULATOR realistically portrays the problems associated with stalls, landing with the nose wheel first, cross winds, etc. You can practice touch and go landings, take a cross-country trip, or just practice exercising the flight controls; flaps, trim, elevators, bank and throttle. A program for the thinker! Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MC/VISA/CHECK/PO FOURIER ANALYZER Educational tool for the Engineer Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 FOURIER ANALYZER is a scientific program which can be applied to examine the frequency spectrum characteristics of defined duration signals, such as groups of pulses. The user inputs a data set which is Fourier transformed into the frequency space descriptors of amplitude and phase. The amplitude and phase results are displayed in tabular form. The input data and calculated results may also be plotted at the user's option. Accompanying FOURIER ANALYZER is a 20 page manual. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 217 Dynacomp, Inc. FOURIER ANALYZER Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO GAMES PACK 1 Cross-section of traditional computer games Price: $ 18.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 GAMES PACK I includes simple physical models, such as CATAPULT and LUNAR LANDER; an excellent mathematical brain teaser, SWITCH; and entertaining gambling games: BLACKJACK, HORSE RACE, CRAPS, and SLOT MACHINE. Source: Basic. Includes 11 page manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO GAMES PACK II Cross-section of traditional computer games Price: $ 18.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 GAMES PACK II contains the popular word puzzle of JOTTO; two entertaining card games: ACEYDEUCY and CRAZY EIGHTS; the fascinating game of LIFE plus WUMPUS, NUMBER GUESS and CALENDAR. Includes 7 page manual. Source: Basic. Source code included. ·Warran ty /Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO GO FISH Adapted from the classic childrens' card game No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 218 Dynacomp, GO FISH Price: $ 18.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 GO FISH is the childrens' card game, adapted for one player against the computer. The game strategy is simple, yet provides an easy way to introduce children to the concepts of chance and analysis, as well as being an enjoyable and challenging game. It is also a pleasant way of introducing a child to the computer. Source: Basic. GUMBALL RALLY ADVENTURE An adventure game Price: $ 21.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The GUMBALL RALLY ADVENTURE is based loosely on the movie "Gumball Rally". It is an outlaw race from the East Coast to the West Coast by any route you choose. You can go as fast as you want but, if you crash or get thrown in jail for reckless driving you lose. Ordinarily, you would have a map to plan your route, but, as every true ad~enturer knows, you must draw your own map. In the movie, the winner won a gumball dispenser of the type you used to find on the sidewalk in front of drugstores. Hence, the name. Source: BASIC. HANDICAPPER Handicapping scheme for thoroughbred races Price: $ 33.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HANDICAPPER is a handicapping scheme designed for thoroughbred races of lengths 6, 6 1/2, or 7 furlongs. It was designed by a mathematician and has been tested by professional bettors and handicappers. In general, you can expect HANDICAPPER to produce the winning horse about 40% of the time. However, in certain instances, it can be much more accurate. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 219 Inc. Dynacomp, Inc. HANDICAPPER Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO HARMONIC ANALYZER Fourier transform software package Price: $ 33.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HARMONIC ANALYZER is the third in Dynacomp's series of Fourier transform software packages. Whereas FOURIER ANALYZER and TRANSFER FUNCTION ANALYZER (TFA) were designed with limited duration signals in mind, HARMONIC ANALYZER is specific to repetitive wave forms (cyclic processes). All the data entry, storage, retrieval, and editing features of TFA have been included as well as the signal and transform plotting functions. The Fourier Integral has been replaced with a Fast Fourier Transform routine which is the essence of the harmonic analysis. A cubic spline interpolation procedure has been added so that the user may transform irregularly spaced data. Data need not be entered in temporal order. It is sorted before being transformed. IRONCLADS Simulation of naval strategy Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 IRONCLADS is a simulation of naval strategy and tactics between steam and wind driven warships of the 1860s through 1890s. Although originally designed for two players, single play against yourself is possible. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 220 Dynacomp, Inc. LADDER NETWORK Determines network (cascaded two-ports) responses Price: $ 33.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 LADDER uses the technique of describing a network as a series of cascaded two-ports. This representation is sometimes pictured as a "ladder". Each two port is described individually, from load to source, in a data file generated by following the program prompts. Each element type and value is then read and an "ABCD" matrix for each element is generated. This matrix describes the transfer characteristics of the two-port element and the multiplication of two or more "ABCD" matrices will yeild the total transfer characteristic of the series of two-ports. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO LINEAR PROGRAMMER Solves linear programming inequalities Price: $ 33.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 LINEAR PROGRAMMER is a mathematical program designed to solve the standard linear programming inequality problem ali x 1 + a2i x 2 + a3i x 3 + ... + ani. bi (i = 1.2 ... m). All linear programming inequalities can be put into this form, and solved by LINEAR PROGRAMMER. Further, if an exact answer does not exist, the "nearest" solution will be found. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MC/VISA/CHECK/PO No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 221 Dynacomp, Inc. LOGIC DESIGNER An interactive digital design program Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4 t l0 LOGIC DESIGNER is an interactive digital design program (not a simuIator) which greatly speeds up and simplifies digital hardware design. Error-free solutions of combinational logic problems having between 2 and 8 input variables are obtained quickly and easily. Previously, such capability has been available only on large mini and mainframe computers. The program prompts for a user-defined truth table (including "don't care" conditions) and reduces the input data into two boolean logic equations. Either equation can then be directly and easily converted into digital hardware. Source: Basic. Includes 15 page manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO M-MASTER High strategy computerized card game Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The first computer version of the card game that is favored by members of Mensa, the "high IQ club", is now offered exclusively by Dynacomp. While easy to learn, the High IQ game demands a different approach and strategy with each new hand. In many ways, the appeal of this game is the same as the appeal that high-stakes gamblers find in Old Maid, though the games are not related in any way. There are two levels of play. At the computer's best strategy level, it may be truly unbeatable; at the normal level of play, the human has a fighting chance if he is sharp enough and willing to take chances. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 222 Dynacomp, M-MASTER MC/VISA/CHECK/PO MANAGEMENT SIMULATOR Management simulation game Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program is both an excellent teaching tool, as well as a stimulating intellectual game. The MANAGEMENT SIMULATOR (by Giga, Chicago,IL) is based on similar games played at graduate business schools by teams of managers. The game realistically models the economic marketplace of the business world. Each player, or team of players, controls a company which manufactures three products. The company competes against other companies, each of which sells three similar products. Each player attempts to out-perform his competitors by selecting what he perceives to be an optimum operating strategy. Source: Basic. MASTER DRILL Set up mUltiple choice drills on any subject Price: $ 18.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MASTER DRILL is a utility specifically designed for the educational environment. With MASTER DRILL you can quickly and easily set up multiple choice drills on any subject you desire. All you do as the drill creator is respond to the prompts. The program will ask you for the question and its corresponding answer. Later, when that question is presented to the student, between two and nine mUltiple choice answers will be presented, one of which is correct. The incorrect answers are drawn at random from the answers to the other questions. Source: Basic. Manual included. MICROCOMPUTER BOND PROGRAM Helps evaluate bonds No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 223 Inc. Dynacomp, Inc. MICROCOMPUTER BOND PROGRAM Price: $ 59.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROCOMPUTER BOND PROGRAM is designed to help you evaluate bonds. It provides a quick and easy way to estimate the prices and yields of fixed income securities under a broad range of assumptions and estimates about the future. MBP provides: complete bond data entry, editing, listing and storage capabilities; a flexible analysis environment, including market interest levels and tax rates; bond yields before maturity, showing estimated price, total dividends, and gross yield; bond prices estimated over time, at various market interest rates, evaluated to either maturity or early call; bond valuations, showing current yield, and before and after tax yield to maturity. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MC/VISA/CHECK/PO MICROCOMPUTER STOCK PROGRAM Helps analyze stock prices Price: $ 59.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The MSP is designed to help analyze stock prices. It provides timing signals for stock purchases and sales. Buy and sell indicators are generated by means of a unique auto-regressive price trend analysis. MSP requires only weekly high, low, and close prices and the volume of shares to aid investment decisions. It has several features: generate buy/sell signals; print a volume/price/moving average chart on any 80-132 column printer; complete data maintenance facilities, including on-screen viewing and easy editing fot adding, changing or deleting data. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 224 Dynacomp, Inc. MICROCOMPUTER STOCK PROGRAM 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO MONARCH Allows you to rule your own country Price: $ 18.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MONARCH is a brain teaser! You have just been elected the Ultimate Ruler of your own country. It is your job to decide the country's budget. Your country's income comes from farm produce and tourism. Half your land is farmland while also having excellent mineral content. It is up to you to decide how to manage the countrymen. Can you keep your countrymen happy enough to last in office for eight years? Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MC/VISA/CHECK/PO MULTILINEAR REGRESSION Advanced statistical package Price: $ 28.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This is the third program in the DYNACOMP statistics services. Whereas REGRESSION I & REGRESSION II (PARAFIT) are designed for analyzing bivariate data, MLR is capable of treating multi-variate situations with no limit on the number of dimensions. The general form of the equation fitted will by Y= afl(Xl)+ cf3(X3)+ etc. the variables are the Xl. The regressed coefficients are a, b, c, etc. The functional forms, fl(Xl), may be virtually anything. MLR automatically offers a choice of nine mathematical forms, including the logarithmic and exponential as well as the simple default fl(Xl)= Xl. MLR is supplied with a 16 page manual which carefully outlines program operations. Source: Basic. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 225 Dynacomp, Inc. MULTILINEAR REGRESSION Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO OPTIONS ANALYSIS Stock investment management Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 OPTIONS ANALYSIS provides one of the most complete analyses available for PUT and CALL prices as a function of both stock price and time-to-expiration based on the principal investment strategies which one might employ. The analyses present information on the profit potential both in dollars and in annualized percentages (where applicable) for any desired range of stock price and time-to-expiration. Source: Basic. Manual included. PERSONAL BALANCE SHEET Personal finance aid Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PERSONAL BALANCE SHEET provides an easy way for you to create a statement of your financial position. Besides calculating your total assests (cash, accounts receivable, stocks, bonds, real property, etc) and liabilities, PBS includes debt/worth, current, and acid test ratios. You can use PBS to forecast changes in your net worth based on changes in your investments and liabilities. PBS is a well-designed, easy to use software package. It comes with a documentation package which offers step by step instructions, a sample data file, program notes and an annotated program listing (in BASIC). Source code included. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 226 Dynacomp, PERSONAL BALANCE SHEET 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO PERSONAL FINANCE SYSTEM Complete financial management package Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The PERSONAL FINANCE SYSTEM (PFS) offers the user one of the most complete financial management packages available, allowing the individual or small businessman complete flexibility in maintaining all aspects of financial record-keeping. Depending on configuration, you will be able to store from 300 to 2,000 transactions on each disk. Records are easily entered into the master file and can be accessed by payee or by a user defined code. PFS will keep track of all tax deductible items, bank deposits, monthly charges, cash payments, etc. It will even automatically deduct any check fees if desired. Source: Basic. Manual included. POKER PARTY A tool for learning the subtleties of draw poker Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 If you enjoy draw poker, then this is the software package for you. POKER PARTY is better classified as a simulation than a game. As a simulation POKER PARTY is an excellent (and inexpensive) tool for learning the subtleties of draw poker. As a game, it is simply facinating. POKER PARTY differs from most microcomputer poker games in the following ways. First the level of play engaged by the computer opponents on the whole is quite high. Second, it is not just a two-handed game, but rather seven-handed. The usual rules of draw poker are followed, including a maximum of three rounds of betting before the draw and at most three after. Aces may be used either high or low in straights. Source: Basic. Manual included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 227 Inc. Dynacomp, Inc. PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Stock portfolio management aid Price: $ 69.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT package was written by a stock broker to help manage portfolios for individual customers. With this program, data files can be easily created and kept up to date. A variety of reports, attractively and professionally laid out, can be generated for clients. The user may define his/her own investment categories. PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT is a topquality professional tool which will not only provide you with conveniences but will also serve to enhance your appearance as an efficient and up-to-date advisor to your clients. Comes complete with a 30 page manual. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MC/VISA/CijECK/PO REGRESSION I Regression curve fitting package Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 REGRESSION I is a complete and coordinated regression curve fitting package for the analysis of linear and non-linear, one-dimensional data. It is based on various subroutines and techniques presented in Volumes 1 and 2 of BASIC SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINES. REGRESSION I provides many of the facilities available on large FORTRAN-speaking machines/ and more. However, unlike many of the FORTRAN equivalents, there is no confusion as to the input/output variable formats, and the software is very easy to use. In addition, the analysis is interactive, thereby permitting the user considerable freedom in experimenting with fitting functions and orders of approximation. 12 page user's mannual included. Source: Basic. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporatione 228 Dynacomp, REGRESSION II (PARAFIT) Parametric least squares regression program Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PARAFIT is a parametric least squares regression program designed specifically for the determination of the non-linear coefficients in complicated mathematical expressions. This is to be contrasted with the ,linear polynomial coefficients calculated by REGRESSION I. PARAFIT was designed to be easy to use as well as effective, and is an excellent companion to REGRESSION I. PARAFIT is supplied with a comprehensive 14 page manual which fully describes the program's use. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO ROOTS Determines zeroes of polynomials with real coefficients Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 If you want to determine the zeroes of a polynomial having real coefficients, ROOTS is the program for the task. ROOTS employs a relatively little known algorithm described in computer mathematics literature several years ago. This algorithm iteratively seek~ all the roots simultaneously. The convergence is cubic (and therefore rapid) and very stable, requiring no explicit initial guesses from the user. In addition to displaying the calculated solutions, the program also shows the results of substituting those values into the original polynomial. Source: Basic. Manual included. SPACE EVACUATION Space simulation game Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 229 Inc. Dynacomp, Inc. SPACE EVACUATION How many people can you evacuate from Earth before the sun explodes? Your computer becomes the control console of a giant spaceship in this exciting simulation as you determine which worlds can be colonized, make those worlds habitable, and transport people through space. You have 500 years for your mission, but your ship is limited to the speed of light. and colonization takes time. Choosing the best travel routes and colonizing procedures can be critical. The goal is to save everyone. However, the highest recorded score is 97%. Can you do better? Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MC/VISA/CHECK/PO SPACE LANES Simulates the space transportation industry Price: $ 14.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SPACE LANES is a simple, but exciting, simulation of the economics of the space transportation industry. The object is to establish and expand space transportation companies in a competitive environment. The success of a particular company is measured by the extent of its space lanes. This success is reflected in the value of its stock. The player participates in this industry by helping in the formation of companies and the extension of the space lanes, and the financial rewards accrue from wise choices in the purchasing of stock. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO SPECULATION Stock market simulation game No Warranty is made ,expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 230 Dynacomp, SPECULATION Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DYNACOMP's MANAGEMENT SIMULATOR has proven to be so popular that we decided to add a stock market simulation to our product line. Here is the market you will encounter. There are 33 companies grouped within eleven major industries. The companies encompass 3 risk ranges: growth, investment and speculative. Each player two to four players) starts with $15,000 in capital. Companies can merge, go bankrupt, or be taken over (by a player obtaining majority control). Rumors are given regarding splits, price changes and merges. There are annual reports, tax audits, etc. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS NC/VISA/CHECK/PO STAR CON A computer board game Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 STAR CON is a computer b~~rd game in which the objective is to conquer all 20 planets which exist on a 20x20 star map. The planets resist you by using their resources to build more effective defenses with time. You, in turn, can construct factories on captured planets to enhance your aggressive' capability. You can move people and supplies, send out scouts, etc. Games can be saved and reloaded. The star map can be varied to create different scenarios. Source: Basic. Manual included. STARBASE 3.2 Space simulation game Price: $ 17.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 231 Inc. Dynacomp, Inc. STARBASE 3.2 STARBASE 3.2 is a new and exciting program related to the classic space simulation many have played on "large" computers. This version is a significantly enhanced program, is more complex, and is more challenging. It was written by a visiting Croy1in who decided to give his side a chance. The Empire gets even! Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MC/VISA/CHECK/PO STATE VARIABLES Solve systems of ordinary differential equations Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 STATE VARIABLES is designed to solve systems of ordinary differential equations (up to ten) which include a forcing function. For example, a network of RLC elements subjected to a varying input voltage can be easily analyzed. You may choose five types of forcing functions: a constant, ramp, step, sine wave, or user-defined function. The program then solves the problem and both prints and plots the resulting solutions (including derivatives). Source: Basic. Manual Included. STATTEST Performs statistical tests of hypotheses Price: $ 33.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 STATTEST performs statistical tests of hypotheses and includes t-tests, chi-square tests, and F-tests as well as simple regression and a random number generator. Data can be entered under program control or from tape or disk. Any external file which already contains data in the simple format required may also be used. Once the data is loaded, it may be edited by the program's own data manipulation routine. Data can be changed, No Warranty is made expressed or impli~d by Kaypro Corporation. 232 Dynacomp, Inc. STATTEST added, deleted, or any combination thereof. Data can also be listed upon entry and after editing if desired. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO TAX OPTIMIZER Evaluates various tax alternatives Price: $ 59.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TAX OPTIMIZER is a software system designed to evaluate various tax alternatives and to select the most advantageous method for the preparation of an individual Federal Income Tax. Using TAX OPTIMIZER, you can easily determine the advantages or disadvantages of your projected financial decisions and actions. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO TEACHER'S AIDE Mathematics drill for grades 1-6 Price: $ 17.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TEACHERS AIDE is a learning tool meant to be used for grades 1-6 mathematics. There are drills on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The child has the choice of five levels of difficulty for each procedure, and there is the option to drill and display each step in long division and mu~tiplication. This is a valuable way to demonstrate the steps involved in division and multiplication and provides the students with insight into the processes involved in these No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 233 Dynacomp, Inc. TEACHER'S AIDE operations. The problems are displayed in large block graphics for easy readability. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO TRANSFER FUNCTION ANALYZER Frequency spectrum analysis package Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TRANSFER FUNCTION ANALYZER is a frequency spectrum analysis package designed with the engineer in mind. It applies the concept of the Fourier integral transform to an input data set to provide a frequency domain representation of the function approximated by that input data. TFA is based on DYNACOMP's popular FOURIER ANALYZER, but includes special data handling features. It also presents the results in conventional engineering terms (decibels, log-frequency). Included in this packages is a well written 20 page manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO UNCLE HARRY'S WILL An adventure game Price: $ 24.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Uncly Harry has died! You are called to his house on the east coast of the country to hear the will. The will leaves everything to you! The only problem is that he failed to tell where "everything" is located. Not even a map! The only thing that might> help is a poem which gives clues on where to look. You will have to No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 234 Dynacomp, UNCLE HARRY'S WILL travel by both car and foot from coast to coast and border to border to solve this ADVENTURE. There are over 300 locations. This game requires a 40K system. Be careful and watch out for red herrings! Good luck! Source: Basic. Manual included. VALDEZ Simulation of supertanker navigation Price: $ 23.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 VALDEZ is a simulation of supertanker navigation in the Prince William Sound area of Alaska. It contains a detailed analysis of ship response characteristics, as well as a model of tidal patterns in the Sound. Navigation is aided by a variable range radar display which shows the land masses and other traffic (ships and icebergs). A unique feature of this simulation is the 256x256 element map employed. Sections of this map are peeked at using the radar display. This map feature is unique and greatly enhances the realism of the program. VALDEZ provides an interesting and educational exercise in ship navigation. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO WIREMAP Generate parts lists from computerized schematics Price: $ 43.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 WIREMAP is designed to allow electronic circuits and schematics to be computerized for the purpose of generating parts lists, wire lists, and signal lists. These lists may then be used for the purposes of production, debugging, trouble shooting, and documentation of the circuit. WIREMAP is especially useful for prototype, wire-map, and point-to-point circuitry, since the sigNo Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 235 Inc. Dynacomp, Inc. WIREMAP nal listing may be used as a guide to correctly wiring the circuit. The program also provides an easy means of checking for errors. Any open signals will be flagged during a wirelist printout. Includes easy to use data editing features. Source: Basic. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MC/VISA/CHECK/PO ********************************************************************** Company: E Z Systems, Inc. 214 Mockingbird Road Nashville TN 37205 Edward J. Zinkiewicz Phone: 615-269-6428 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C E Z CHURCH MEMBERSHIP SYSTEM Tracks church membership by household Price: $ 289.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The E Z CHURCH MEMBERSHIP SYSTEM tracks membership by household. It stores within household any number of individual family members and for those individuals any number of group memberships, including church school classes and leadership positions. The system allows for on-line inquiry of all details with the full or partial entry of household name; set-up of individual church details such as class names; and user-defined search and reports. Source: Microsoft Basic. Comes on 2 single-sided double-density 5 1/4" diskettes. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 236 E Z Systems t Inc. E Z CHURCH MEMBERSHIP SYSTEM Manual included. Kaypro II--single diskette holds 280 families; 840 members; 2100 activities. The system allows up to four diskettes. Kaypro IV-- single diskette holds twice as many. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: TWO WEEK TRIAL AND RETURN AUTHORIZATION CASH OR C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/83 Last update: 10/24/83 ********************************************************************** Company: E.F. Haskell & Associates 1528 E. Missouri, Suite A131 Phoenix AZ 85014 Support Offered/ Price: AUDIT Micro computer tools for the auditor Price: $ 187.50 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II t 4,10 Audit(tm) is a menu driven set of micro computer tools specifically designed for independent and internal auditors. Due to its compactness, it is ideally suited for the PORTABLE computer or the in-house micro. It comes with its own run-time interpreter (included in the purchase price). No other languages are needed. Micro computer tools for the auditor: F.A.S.B. #13 Decision Maker, Long Term Debt Scheduling, Audit Workpaper generation, Financial Depreciation Analysis, Loan Amortization Schedules, Inventory Volume Analysis Computations, Sorted Random Number Generation, Calculator or Adding Machine Mode, Units of Measure Converter. Source: BASIC. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 237 E.F. Haskell & Associates AUDIT Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 6/ 1/83 CLIENT WRITE-UP Stand alone client write-up system Price: Compatible Systems: $1500.00 Kaypro 4,10 This is a stand alone client write-up system that may be utilized by either an individual company or an accounting firm doing client write-up work for more than one company. It has been designed to be usable in either the floppy or hard disk environment. Designed by practicing CPA's, it is menu driven, fast, and user friendly. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 9/ 1/83 FAA A fixed asset accounting system Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 This stand alone system has been designed to track and depreciate a firm's fixed assets from acquistion through disposition. All recognized depreciation methods have been taken into account. Assets for one or more clients may be kept on the same 5 1/4" floppy diskette. Up to 1000 assets (single sided double density) or 2000 assets (double sided double density) may be stored on a single diskette. The system is delivered complete on one master Program Diskette, which creates any number of asset diskettes. The system properly accoun.ts for investment credit, salvage value, and bonus depreciation, as well as the Class Life Asset No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 238 E.F. Haskell & Associates FAA Depreciation Range (ADR) system. Source: BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 1/ 1/83 JOB COST Comprehensive cost accounting system Price: Compatible Systems: $1050.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 This stand-alone system is a comprehensive cost accounting system suitable for the construction and agri-business industries (among others). It also provides vendor payment and cost estimation features. It is written in MBASIC and runs under CP/M. The features of this system include the preparation and maintenance of master job, vendor, job phrase, and cost code files. After these files have been set up, invoices, payroll distribution reports, journal entries, and any other source documents that are to be posted to a specific job phrase are coded and introduced into the system by the operator. A printed preliminary, regular, or adjusting job ledger is printed. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/79 PACE A professional production control package Price: $ 650.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This system is a production control package for accounting, law, and other professional practices. PACE provides control over filing dates, staff assignments, time budgets, and completed unbi11ed engagements. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 239 E.F. Haskell & Associates PACE Through the use of target dates PACE never forgets! and due dates, PACE allows you to control the lead time you need to complete an engagement. PACE allows you to budget, by staff member, both preparation time and review time for each engagement phase. Source: Basic. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 1/ 1/80 TKR III Stand-alone billing system Price: $1300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TKR III (tm) is a stand alone time and billing system designed by CPAs for small to large sized accounting engineering, legal, and other professional practices. The latest version represents the third generation of the original TIMEKEEPER(tm) released in 1978 by E.F. Haskell & Associates. TIMEKEEPER and its successor TKR II have well over 500 satisfied users. Features: Menu driven, verifies all data at time of entry, accounts for all data with hash total control, fast, speedy entry using default values, compact, 16 drive capacity. Source: Basic. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/78 Last update: 9/ 1/83 UTILIBILL A stand-alone utility billing system Price: $ 925.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This stand-alone utility billing system has been designed to allow small to medium sized public utility (water gas sewer, electric, etc.) managers or their j j No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 240 E.F. Haskell & Associates UTILIBILL accountants to perform monthly billing and accounts receivable functions in a routine and timely manner. On a double sided disk (double density) it can feature 1,936 customers. On a single sided disk (double density) it can feature 968 customers. Source: BASIC. Source code available. 1/ 1/78 Last update: Date released: 1/ 1/80 ********************************************************************** Company: ELTECH Associates 2466 Moreno Drive Los Angeles CA 90039 Edward Laue Phone: 213-663-0347 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS JCST ELETCH manufacturing job cost module Price: $ 445.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The JCST module gives you the capability to accumulate all actual costs expended and charged to your specific manufacturing jobs. It permits you to identify the costs of direct labor at actual employee rate cost, cost of overtime premium labor, materials costs, subcontract or outside processing costs, and overhead costs computed on either a standard in-plant rate or a specific job rate. Your profits depend on controlling your costs and being able to know what your costs are. ELTECH offers you a means to know what your production No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 241 ELTECH Associates MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS JCST costs are-provides you the information to control your cost-and enables you to evaluate your cost performance. Source: BASIC. Operating manual included. Source code included. MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS LABP ELTECH labor reporting / performance system Price: $ 345.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The LABP gives you the ability to monitor and measure the efforts of your work force. You can identify and control your company's labor resources that are of critical importance in maintaining optimum operating performance and profitability. The LABP provides you the daily, weekly, and monthly information that you need to control your costs. You can trace each employee's work efforts, each department's performance, and all production job labor costs. In addition, you can monitor your indirect labor charges to your expense accounts and obtain weekly and monthly reports of these costs. Designed for manufacturing companies. Source: BASIC. Operating manual included. MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS MRP ELTECH material requirements planning control module Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The MRP module provides a valuabe scheduling and inventory control technique that can improve your purchasing and job scheduling patterns. With this module, you have the ability to reduce your overall inventory levels, therefore improving profitability and overall cash flow. The design of this system follows the same principles employed in much larger computer MRP systems. We utilize the three essential data banks required to drive a MRP system: the master schedule, the bill of materials processor, and the requirements planning information file~ Designed for No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 242 ELTECH Associates MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS MRP manufacturing companies. Source: BASIC. Operating manual included. Source code included. MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS PURCH ELTECH purchase order control module Price: $ 345.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The PURCH module provides you the information to monitor your purchasing commitments and vendor deliveries. With PURCH you can instantly inquire for the value of your total purchase orders outstanding~plus the value of parts received this month. From the several exception reports you can plan your vendor followup efforts in a matter of minutes, and without oversights. Status for vendor history information provided now, have the ability to check delivery performance as well as part cost changes. Designed for manufacturing companies. Source: BASIC. Operating manual included. Source code included. MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS ELTECH shop order control Price: $ 345.00 SHOe Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The SHOC module provides you the ability to identify and control your backlog. Its features include the following reports for your planning purposes, assesment of current performance, and decision making. Three total backlog reports-by shop order, by order due date, and by product. Each of these reports serves a particular need for different areas of your company. Time-phased backlog report-identifies outstanding delivery commitments by product, for each month in the upcoming six months. It can be generated either by' product quantity or by dollar value. It als6 No Warranty is marle expressed or implied by Kayprd 243 Corpor~tion. ELTECH Associates MANUFACTURING CONTROL SYSTEMS SHOC identifies items that are overdue & items that are backlog beyond this period. Source: BASIC. Operating manual included. Source code included. MANUFACTURING INVENTORY CNTRL/BOMP ELTECH bill of materials processor module Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The BOMP provides you with production scheduling and planning control, engineering bill of materials documentation, work in process value information, production scheduling simulation, and improved inventory accuracy. In addition, you can create your product identification file. This file "drives" your inventory control transactions as well as being able to give you the information required for your production planning requirements. Designed for manufacturing companies. Source: BASIC. Operating manual included. Source code included. MANUFACTURING INVENTORY CNTRL/MICS ELTECH manufacturing inventory control module Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The MICS module has been patterned after proven systems previously not available for use on micro-computers. MICS provides not only the basic fundamental inventory reports, but also includes several unique features such as exception information reporting and "reserved part" capability for your scheduled production jobs. With MICS you can have cost controls and inventory visibility that may improve your profitability, meet your growth requirements, and maintain your customer service effeciency. Complete system start-up and daily operating procedures are included in the BO-page instruction manual. Designed for manufacturing No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 244 ELTECH Associates MANUFACTURING INVENTORY CNTRL/MICS companies. Source: BASIC. Source code included. ********************************************************************** Company: Ecosoft, Inc. P.O. Box 68602 Indianapolis IN 46250 Beth H. Peconge Phone: 317-255-6476 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades Phone support free of charge N/C N/C MICROSTAT Statistics for educational and industrial research Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 M1CROSTAT is for research, educational and industrial work that involves applications using statistics. With M1CROSTAT, the algorithms were selected specifically to reduce errors introduced by the use of large numbers used frequently in statistical calculations. Some highlights include: a data management subsystem for file creation, descriptive statistics, hypothesis tests, analysis of variance, scatterplot, etc .. Source: MicroMike's BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: NET 15 Date released: 1/ 1/77 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 245 Electric Abacus, The Company: 19 Mayfield Road Regina Saskatchewan, Canada--S4V OB7 Robert Stek Phone: 306-352-7184 Support Offered/ Price: $ 25.00 Software Upgrades REILEY A real estate index and locator Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Electric Abacus introduces REILEY - a Real Estate Index and Locator - a system of BASIC language computer programs designed to assist real estate agencies in finding properties for customers. These interactive search and sort programs automatically match the home specifications of a prospective buyer with current MLS listings. No complicated codes or symbols are required to access information, nor is computer expertise necessary - it's easy and versatile. Comparisons of mortgage terms, access detailed property descriptions, print complete amortization tables, estimate of monthly payment and affordable sale price are some of the features included. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Manual included. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 5/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 246 Company: Elektrokonsult A/S, Inc. Konnerudgaten 3 N-3000 Drammen, Norway Terje Bolstad Telex: *47 3 83 15 00 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $ 20.00 DISK UTILITY PACKAGE DDUMP, DTEST, DDUP, DUSER, UNERA and DUMPA Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK UTILITY PACKAGE consits of six utilities (DDUMP, DTEST, DDUP, DUSER, UNERA and DUMPA). The main purpose of this package is to help you to avoid losing data from disks, e.g. by actually recovering lost data - be it due to a bad sector or an accidental erasure. This package works with any type of diskette format and most hard disks. All programs are menu driven and very easy to use. Source: Assembly. Warranty/Terms: (SHIPPING ADD $8) VISA ACCEPTED Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 8/ 1/83 FILE MOVER Transfers files between computers via serial link Price: $ 59.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 FILE MOVER enables you to transfer any type of file including program files - from one computer to another over a serial link, even if they run different operating systems! Uses error detection to ensure error free file transfers. Source: Assembly. Warranty/Terms: (SHIPPING ADD $8) VISA ACCEPTED Date released: 6/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 247 Elektrokonsult A/S, Inc. TERMINAL Program for ASCII file uploading and downloading Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TERMINAL turns your computer into a powerful terminal, enabling you to communicate with host computer. ASCII file uploading and downloading supported. Menu driven and very easy to use. Source: Assembly. Warranty/Terms: (SHIPPING ADD $8) VISA ACCEPTED Date released: 7/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Elite Software Development, Inc. P.O. Drawer 1194 Bryan TX 77806 Ms. Terri J. King Phone: 409-775-1782 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter N/C N/C N/C BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS PROGRAM Complete air system energy analysis Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The program will calculate 24 hour loads for four typical days per month per year for a project with up to 1000 zones and 100 air systems. All common types of central plants and air handler systems may be simulated. The output includes monthly heating and cooling loads and costs for each air system as well as an economic analysis evaluating initial and annual costs. Source: CB80. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 248 Elite Software Development, BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS PROGRAM Runs as a stand alone program or in conjunction with HVAC program. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 9/15/83 CB80 LA:\GL'AGE L'TIL~T:ES Designed to aid program development using CB80 Price: $ 149.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Elite Software CB80 language utilities are designed to aid program development with the CB80 language from Digital Research. The utility package includes many external functions that provide such features as displaying the directory, writing the directory file name to another file, trapping disk read/write errors including BDOS errors, setting the user number, getting the user number, trapping disk drive select errors, determining the CP/M version number, and finding the default drive. These utilities will soon be available for other Digital Research languages as well. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 6/ 1/83 COMMERCIAL HEATING & COOLING LOADS Based on the 1981 ASHRAE handbook of fundamentals Price: $1495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The exact table values and procedures from the 1981 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals are used. Over 1000 zones may be entered and grouped under 100 air systems. Each zone, each system, and the building rotation, exterior shading, psychrometries, internal operating profiles, reheat and sub-cooling, pretreated air, and much more. Source: CB80. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 249 Inc. Elite Software Development, Inc. COMMERCIAL HEATING & COOLING LOADS Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D. Date released: 5/ 1/80 Last update: 9/15/83 CRITICAL PATH METHOD PROGRAM Project management for a network up to 500 activities Price: $ 249.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Up to 500 activities may be defined in a network. The program allows you to define working days, time increments, skill categories, and cost methods. The output includes summary reports on the status of all activities as well as Gantt charts that reveal in bar graph form the current status of a project. Fragments of the entire network may also be analyzed separately. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 2/15/82 Last update: 9/3/83 DUCT SIZING PROGRAM Static regain duct sizing program Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4;10 The static regain method with Colebrook's friction equation are used for sizing. Input is allowed for a duct system containing up to 200 trunks and runouts. All input and output data is stored on disk allowing a duct system to be edited and resized until the desired results are obtained. The output yields optimal trunk and runout sizes as well as a bill of materials. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 10/15/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 250 Elite Software Development, FIRE SPRINKLER PIPE SIZING PROGRAM Optimal pipe sizing using the Newton Raphson method Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The program optimally sizes pipes in a fire sprinkler network using the Newton Raphson method. Input data containing up to 255 nodes can be enterd and stored on disk. ASH RAE data for pressure drops through pipes and fittings is used by the program. The output prints the optimal pipe sizes and a bill of materials. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARNATEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 1/ 1/84 JOB COST ACCOUNTING PROGRAM Engineering/architectural job-costing program Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The program will track job costs for up to 500 projects and 50 employees on a perpetual time basis. Up to 15 hourly task codes,S direct cost codes, and 15 overhead cost codes are allowed. All reports can be obtained with various qualifying parameters such as the range of employees, and level of detail. This was written specifically for engineering firms. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 7/15/82 Last update: 9/ 1/83 LIGHTING CALCULATION PROGRAM Based on zonal cavity method Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The program is based on the Zonal cavity method as described in the IES Lighting Handbook. The program will allow input for up to 165 rooms of project data which may be stored on disk. The output includes the No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 251 Inc. Elite Software Development, Inc. LIGHTING CALCULATION PROGRAM number of fixtures required for each room, a summary of the total wattage required, and a fixture schedule which may be customized by the user. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 5/ 1/80 Last update: 8/ 5/83 P-FILE Printer output to disk file utility Price: $ 129.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 P-FILE is a printer output to file utility program that allows you to route printer output to a disk file. With P-FILE, applications programs that usually only print reports to your printer, can now print reports directly to disk. With P-FILE your application program doesn't have to have a printer and it can execute faster because it takes less time to print data to disk than it does to print on paper. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 6/ 1/83 P-SPOOL (PRINT SPOOLER) Print a file and use another program simultaneously Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 P-SPOOL is a printer utility program that allows your microcomputer to print the contents of a file at the same time some other program is being used. This process is usually referred to as "spooling" an output file or printing in the "backround". P-SPOOL can be run by itself or simultaneously with other application programs. Because P-SPOOL allows your computer to perform two tasks at once it helps you to maximize the benefits of your computer. Source: CB80. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 252 Elite Software Development, P-SPOOL (PRINT SPOOLER) Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 6/ 1/83 PHASCOST Life cycle project costing program Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PHASCOST is a mUltiple phased life cycle economics program that uses the net present value method to determine the lowest cost among project alternatives. PHASCOST enables the user to analyze both current and projected financial needs by "phasing" alternatives over a specified period of time. The program can accommodate up to four phases with 40 years useful life per project. Many reports are available which detail costs and savings. All program results can be quickly and accurately verified by hand. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARNATEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 7/ 1/83 SERVICE SUPPLY PIPE SIZING For chilled water or refrigerant systems Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The program optimally sizes pipes for chilled water or refrigerant systems when given maximum pressure drop and velocity constraints. Input data containing up to 255 nodes can be entered and stored on disk. All ASH RAE data for pressure drops through pipes and fittings is used by the program. The output prints the optimal pipe sizes and a bill of materials. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 253 Inc. Elite Software Development, Inc. SERVICE SUPPLY PIPE SIZING CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 1/30/84 SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATION PROGRAM Computes fault currents and voltage drops Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The program uses the "per unit" method for computing fault currents and voltage drops. All data for copper and aluminum cables, bus ducts, circuit breakers, switches, and current transformers are stored on disk and accessed by the program. Up to 100 buses and 10 motors can be inputted and stored to disk for a network. Motor contributions are accounted for exactly; not just added to the source KVA. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 5/83 U-FACTOR CALCULATION PROGRAM Generates "U-FACTORS" for roof and wall sections Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Elite Software U~Factor Calculation program is a powerful yet easy to tool for generating "U-Factors" for roof and wall sections. A U-Factor as defined here is the overall heat transfer coefficient used for heating and cooling load calculations. The program references a file containing the R-Values for over 200 different types of building materials as listed in the 1981 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. All input is accomplished with full screen editing features using a fill in the blank style of input. All input data and report data can be stored on disk. Source: CB80. Warranty/Terms: 3D-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro 254 Corporation~ Elite Software Development, Inc. U-FACTOR CALCULATION PROGRAM 8/ 1/83 Date released: ********************************************************************** Elliam Associates Company: 24000 Bessemer St Woodland Hills Ca 91367 Bill Roch Phone: 213-348-4278 Support Offered/ Price: $ User Group 8.00 FORMS For filling in/out preprinted ~orms Price: Compatible Systems: $40.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 FORMS consists of ~hree programs. The first will print a grid on a form for determining the line and column position where data is to be printed. The second is used to build a table containing the print position information. Field editing may also be specified. This table is used by the third program. The user is prompted field by field for data entry. After the data is entered, it may be changed, written to a file, or printed. The Forms system also allows an external file to be used and data from this file is positioned on the form as if it were entered from the keyboard. Source: MBASIC. Includes a manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND Date released: 1/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 255 Elliam Associates HDIS 8080 Program disassembler Price: $ Compatible Systems: 85.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 HDIS produces labeled, correctly disassembled source code, automatically and finds unlabeled character strings. The entry or HDISis all it takes to disassemble a .COM file. The interactive mode allows a user to add and delete labels and codes and dump labels etc. Designed for ASM programmers. Sou r c e: Com p i 1 e d >1BAS Ie. :Vb n \l dl inc 1 u d cd. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 1/ 1/83 PDIR Paging directory utility program Price: $ Compatible Systems: 15.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 PDIR displays the disk directory in alphabetic order in four vertical columns and shows the file size. When more files are on the disk than will fit on the screen, the user may display the next screen of file names. The user may then return to the previous screen or page of file names without leaving the program, toggle back and forth between pages. The user may also move to other disk drives or other user areas without restarting the program. PDIR also shows the number of files on the disk and the amount of space remaining. Source: 8080 Assembler. Includes manual on the disk. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND Date released: 1/ 1/83 PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE An economic means for acquiring software Price: $ 12.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Elliam Associates has over 300 disks from various Users Groups and are able to provide this wealth of software No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 256 Elliam Associates PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE to users. Types of programs range from simple games to sophisticated operating system software. Most languages are represented and some languages are included on the disks. Source is usually provided so that the user can modify the programs to suit his desires. Each disk contains a catalog of the files on the disk. Program abstracts are often included and most programs are commented. Date released: 1/ 1/77 Last update: 1/ 1/83 TYPWTR Turns a computer into a typewriter Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 TYPWTR makes it easy to handle simple typing jobs that are an overkill for most word processing software. Full word processing editing is available as the user types a line but nothing prints until the carriage return is pressed. The printer printhead may set to move as keys are pressed but this is only to show you where you are. This makes filling in forms easy. The data being typed may be saved to a file for use later. Also included is the ability set right and left margins as well as the ability to set tabs. Multiple margin tab lines may be used on one document. Source: MBASIC Compiled. Includes a manual. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND Date released: 1/ 1/83 UNE/CON For recovering erased files Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Three programs are included. CONFLICT tells the user whether an erased file may be recovered without destroying an active file. UNE/CON goes through a disk directory and shows if there is a space conflict between an active and an erased file. The user then No Warranty is made expressed or implied by KayproCorporation. 257 Elliam Associates UNE/CON has the option of recovering the file if desired. The UNE program will also work its way through the dircectory with recovery optional. UNE may also be used to recover a single file with the command UNE [drive] filename. Works with any standard CP/M disk directory. Source: 8080 Assembler. Includes a manual. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND Date released: 1/ 1/83 USfR CROPP DISKS C 1) / ;·1 and S 1 G1 d ~~ 0 1~2.UC) Price: f twa r e C () ill pat i b 1 e S y s t ems : Kaypro 11,4,10 Elliam Associates has some 200 CP/M and SIGIM user group disks that contain some 3000 files and programs. HASH DirecLory utility Pr co: :i> 49.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Program allows the user to perform most CP/M commands without using the complicated CP/M entries. WASH displays the directory on the screen. A pointer may be moved thru the file names. Single letter commands are used to move files, erase files, and rename files. Files may also be tagged for mass moving or erasing. Source: 8080 Assembly. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND Date released: 8/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/82 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 258 Company: Elrod Computers 656 North East 164 Street North Miami Beach Phone: FL 33162 305-945-3643 Support Offered/ Price: $ 50.00 Software Upgrades ALARM SUBSCRIBER INFO. RETRIEVAL Allows recall of information on alarm subscribers Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program has password protection and user log to track access. Also provides for keeping a log of open/ close. Capacity: Maximum number of customers--Kaypro II - 100 Kaypro IV - 250, Kaypro 10 - 1,000. Source: CBASIC 2. Includes user's manual, recorder's manual, and installation manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS PERFORMANCE AS ADVERTISED Date released: 8/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Emerge Systems 114 6th Ave. Indialantic FL 32903 Frank H. Aaron Phone: 305-723-0444 Support Offered/ Price: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 259 Emerge Systems GPERT A Project Planning Package Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 GPERT is beneficial to the manager who wants to use sophisticated, reliable methods of project scheduling and resource needs analysis without the drudgery of performing complicated mathematical computations. Given such information as activity sequences, time estimates, resources, and work schedule variations, GPERT produces a set of calendars that describe the various activities and resources required throughout the duration of the project. Those activities that form the critical path for successful project completion are identified. Source: CBASIC 2. ********************************************************************** Company: Energy Incorporated One Energy Drive Idaho Falls ID 83402 Paul Klink Phone: 208-529-1000 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C BETH Betterment Engineering Thermal-Hydraulics Software Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 BETH was developed to aid engineers and other technical personnel of the power-generation industry. BETH validates data and evaluates a particular plant process or system, then presents the information in an uriderstandable form. Beth modules include STMTUR, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 260 Energy Incorporated BETH calculations of steam turbine performance; GASPROP, thermal and transport properties of gases and gas mixtures; ATMOS, combustion calculations; X-Y PLOT, two dimensional plotting; HTLOSS, ASME Power Test Code 4.174 Heat Loss Boiler Efficiency Calculation; INOUT, ASME Power Test Code 4.1-74 In-out Boiler Efficiency Calculation; and PSYCHR, calculations based on psychrometries. Source: FORTRAN. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: ALL ERRORS CORRECTED AS REPORTED FOR 12 MONTHS. CONTRACT-SPECIFIC CONTACT FOR PACKAGE PRICE Date released: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Evergreen Research, Inc. 7122 Willow Bridge Houston TX 77095 Lyndal C. Tracy Phone: 713-463-0190 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM General Ledger Accounting Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Client Write-up work is a large source of revenue for for Public Accounting Firms. When it's performed manually it isn't profitable. This system provides a productivity improvement of over 6 to 1 when compared to a manual system. An excellent use of ALL WAYS is preparation of input via a portable computer at the No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 261 Evergreen Research, Inc. CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM Clients site with journal entries and final print outs done later and mailed to Client. Optional software: Amortization Schedule Program, Calendar Builder to schedule activities. Capacity: 1,000 transactions. Source: BASIC. Includes a user guide, installation manual, and specimen data files. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: CASH IN ADVANCE, OR COD--NO CREDIT OFFERED Date released: 10/ 1/83 Last update: 3/ 1/83 CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM (ALL-WAYS) G/L Accounting for clients of public accounting firms Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Client Write-Up work is a large source of revenue for Public Accounting Firms. This system provides a productivity improvement of over 6 to 1 when compared to a manual system. An excellent use of ALL WAYS is preparation of input via a portable computer at the site wi th journal entries and final print out's done later and mailed to cli~nt. Another use would be for the PA firm to install micros in their offices, train their personnel in preparation of input, then mail disk to PA firm for final journal entries and printouts of books, which are then mailed to Clients. Capacity: 1,000 transactions per client. Source: Basic. Includes a user guide and installation manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: CASH IN ADVANCE, OR C.O.D.-- NO CREDIT OFFERED Date released: 10/ 1/82 Last update: 3/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 262 Company: Excalibur Systems, Inc, 17461 Irvine Blvd., Suite N Tustin CA 92680 Edward Kirchner Phone: 714-730-9235 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C THE COMPU-PRINTER (BASIC) A basic instant print shop management system Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The COMPU-PRINTER is a complete management system for Instant Printers. From "quick-copy" to"quasi-commercial" printing, it can be quickly configured to your pricing structures and your method of operations. Estimates, price lists, quotations, workorders, and invoices are costed and priced by a set of unique, copyrighted formulas which utilize your shop costs. The Basic Version does estimating, price lists and quotations only. Accounts Payable, Payroll and General Ledger are optional. Capacity: Kaypro II - 500 paper types. Kaypro 4 & 10 - 500 paper types, 200 unshipped invoices, 200 open workorders, 500 customers, 1000 unpaid invoices. Source: Compiled MEASIC-80. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED I-YEAR WARRANTY FOR REGISTERED END USERS NET CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 THE COMPU-PRINTER (STANDARD) Print shops: instant print shop management system Price: $1495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 The COMPU-PRINTER is a complete management system for Instant Printers. From "quick-copy" to "quasi-commercial" printing, it can be quickly configured to your No Warranty is'made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 263 Excalibur Systems, Inc. THE COMPU-PRINTER (STANDARD) pricing structures and your method of operations. Estimates, price lists, quotations, workorders, and invoices are costed and priced by a set of unique, copyrighted formulas which utilize your shop costs. Standard Version includes accounts receivable, order entry, and invoicing. Capacity: Kaypro II - 500 paper types Kaypro 4 & 10 - 500 paper types, 200 unshipped invoices, 200 open workorders, 500 customers, 1000 unpaid invoices. Source: Compiled MBASIC-80. Manual in~luded. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED 1 YEAR WARRANTY FOR REGISTERED END USERS. NET CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 THE FORTY-NINER Sales prospecting management system Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The FORTY-NINER is a Sales Prospecting Management System that automatically schedules and re-schedules sales prospects for telephone, personal and/or letter follow-up. Unique, customized prospect codes enable the system to prioritize prospects in up to 45 different categories, which insures that all prospects will be followed up on a schedule that maximizes your closing ratios. Up to 1500 prospects per diskette. Handles 90 sales reps, 90 lead sources, 90 products. Produces data sheets, letters, labels, envelopes and over 25 invaluable management reports. Integrates with WordStar or Spellbinder word processing systems. Source: Compiled MBASIC-80. Manual included. Required SW: MICROSOFT BRUN $ 75.00 Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED I-YEAR WARRANTY FOR REGISTERED END USERS. CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 9/30/82 Last update: 1/23/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 264 Company: Executive Data Systems, Inc. 290 Interstate North, Suite 116 Atlanta GA 30339 Nancy J. Hooper Phone: 404-955-3374 Support Offered/ Price: FUNDS ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS General ledger for not-for-profit organizations Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Funds Accounting Ledger can be used at two different levels. At its simplest level, it can be used to track expenses against revenue or budgeted appropriations. At a more detailed level, it can serve the most demanding financial accounting needs of organizations subject to government audit and/or puplic scrutiny. It is suitable for churches, charities, associations, professional societies, research institutions, and other not-for-profit organizations. Source: COBOL. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: ONE TIME LICENSE FEE; MC, VISA, CHECK, C.O.D. Date released: 3/ 1/83 LEDGERMASTER Client write-up package Price: $ 950.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 LEDGEMASTER is an advanced client write-up system for CPA's and bookkeeping services to use in keeping books and preparing financial statements for their clients. It contains many features not found on other systems including: display of most reports on the screen; account description and employee name displayed instantaneously at data entry; FICA amount tested/adjusted at data entry; continously displayed total entry balance; true division reporting; automatic project/job cost accounting; and prior period adjustments with automatic history file update. Source: COBOL. Manual included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 265 Executive Data Systems, Inc. LEDGERMASTER Warranty/Terms: ONE TIME LICENSE FEE; MC, VISA, CHECK, C.O.D. THE PROSPECTOR Sales management database Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Prospector is designed to help make sales calls more productive. It is a completely interactive, online sales management data base with instantaneous record access and display. It supports sales efforts using personal sales calls, telemarketing, and direct mail advertising. Typical uses for The Prospector include maintenance of client lists, prospect lists, and supplier lists--subsets of which can be extracted at will. It is used to keep a tickler file of prospects to be contacted at specific future times and for storing various types of information about these prospects. Source: COBOL. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: ONE-TIME LICENSE; Me, VISA, CHECK, C.O.D. Date released: 6/ 1/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Executive Software, Inc. 14 Green Pine Ave. Barrie Ontario, Canada L4M 4S5 W. Damchuk Phone: 705-722-3373 Support Offered/ Price: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 266 Executive Software, Inc. DECISION-ANALYST Decision making software Price: $ 139.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows end user to analyze complex decisions where there are many alternatives and/or criteria. Designed for business people. Source: CB80. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS TRIAL OFFER MONEY VALUE--CANADAIN CURRENCY Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 PLAN 80 A financial modeling package Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows end-user to create inter-related, complex, consolidated financial models. Designed for financial executives. Source: PASCAL. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS TO REVIEW MANUAL ONLY Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 5/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: FBS Systems, Inc. P.O. Drawer 248 Aledo IL 61231 Norman W. Brown Phone: 309-582-5628 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Manuals Newsletter Demo Disks & Manuals N/C $ 25.00 N/C $ 50.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 267 FBS Systems, Inc. MICRO-MIXER Least-cost ration program Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Micro-Mixer is the Secretary of Agriculture's leastcost ration program. It has the ability to solve, create, store, recall and update an unlimited variety of livestock rations, ingredients, prices and requirements. Virtually any unit of measure from·"percent" to "parts per million" may be defined. Micro mixer will solve on a dry matter or as-fed basis, and express the ration on a per-head-per-day basis as well as percentage. Actual ration solution may be requested for all or part of requirements of feeds on file and may be solved for minimum or maximum levels for each requirement. Source: interpreted Basic. Tutorial manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE TRANSACT. Transaction is a full featured farm accounting system Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Includes user defined accounts and enterprises, vendor list and up to 10 bank accounts. A data base is updated with each entry so that no details are lost at month-end. In addition to financial statements, cashflow summaries, category and enterprise reports, TRANSACTION also features check-writing, budgeting (through optional Perfect Calc template), debt register, user defined reports and integration capabilities with other Secretary of Agriculture software. Capacity of 2000 transactions on 1 data disk. Designed for farmers, rural lenders, and professional farm managers. Source: BASIC-80. Manual included. Source code included. Date released: 12/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 268 Company: FIPSCO 15 S. Fairview Park Ridge IL 60068 Chris Kite Phone: 312-823-8455 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C AGENCY AUTOMATION Life insurance agency automation tools Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This system's features include needs analysis, business valuation, client file management, word processing, mass mailing, and financial spread sheet. Designed for life insurance agents and horne offices. Source: SBAS1C (CB80 and CB86). Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR Date released: 1/ 1/81 THE EDGE Life insurance illustration system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This system's features include ledgers, policy analysis and comparison, state specific replacement forms, split dollar, deferred compensation, minimum deposit cost disclosures, and face pages. Systems for traditional and interest-sensitive life products. Designed for life insurance, home offices, and agents. Can batch dozens of illustrations. Source: CBASTr. (CB80) and (CB86). Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is madp. expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 269 FIPSCO THE EDGE 1 YEAR Date released: 1/ 1/81 ********************************************************************** Company: Farm Management, Inc. 1208 South Cedar Road New Lenox Phone: 1L 60451 815-485-4955 Support Offered/ Price: N/C N/C Newsletter Software Upgrades FINANCIAL MANAGER Complete farm management tool Price: $1450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Financial Manager program does not ask you to learn a new accounting system, instead it allows you to continue using your current accounting format. The names of income and expense categories, as well as crop and livestock commodities you produce are defined by you. Allows you to identify the income and expenses for each commodity according to where it was produced. Program allows for a variety of farm ownership arrangements partnerships, corporations and individual owners. For tax purposes each needs to keep separate records and yet to fully analyze the farm, it is necessary to see several combinations of owners in the various reports. Source: Fortran. Warranty/Terms: FREE UPDATES FOR ONE YEAR Date released: 11/ 1/82 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 270 Fast Facts Company: 51 Long Wharf Newport RI 02840 Steve Ryder Support Offered/ Price: BARMAID Complete bar and restaurant accounting package Price: Compatible Systems: $2500.00 Kaypro 10 Includes eight specialized journals of original entry. These are sales, cash disbursements, purchases, petty cash, payroll, cash receipts, accounts receivable, and general journal. Journals are integrated with each other to create an accounts receivable system, accounts payable system, payroll system, and general ledger. Capacity: 65,000 records per file. Source: CBASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 10/15/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Flexible Hybrid Systems, Inc. 2030 E. Tucson Broadway #206 AZ 85719 Loretta Luke Phone: 602-792-4992 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 271 Flexible Hybrid Systems, Inc. BUILDERS FLEXIBLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM Financial system for small business contractors Price: Compatible Systems: $2100.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Full function Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Checking, Payroll, and Job Costing. A/R produces invoices in 10 formats accepted by industry. A/P produces listings of invoices by due date. Checking includes balancing program. Job Costing produces reports by Job/Operation and cumulative expense ledger. Payroll includes all state and federal requirements, union, industrial compensation, payroll affadavit and affirmative action reports. All systems are customtailored to individual user requirements. Additional programming needs can be added to system. Designed for small to medium general and sub-contractors. Source: S-BASIC. Supplied on ten to twenty 5 1/4" diskettes. Includes a complete users manual. Warranty/Terms: MODIFY ANY DETECTED PROGRAM ERROR UPON NOTIFICATION BY USER 50% WITH ORDER-BALANCE 30 DAYS NET OR FINANCE BAL 1 YR @ 10% Date released: 6/15/83 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Fox & Geller, Inc. 604 Market Street Elmwood Park NJ 07407 Meir Geller Phone: 201-794-8883 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades DGRAPH Creates professiona] Price: $ 295.00 N/C quality business graphics Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 272 Fox & Geller, DGRAPH DGRAPH, Fox & Geller's powerful menu-driven, single keystroke dBASE II graphics package, needs no programming knowledge to create professional quality business graphs. It features Fox & Geller's data-query capability! This allows the user to select and summarize data from their dBASE II data files directly. No intermediary files are required. Also, the user can graph data entered interactively through dGRAPH's powerful editor. DBASE II is optional. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF FAULTY SOFTWARE ON DELIVERY AT N/C. Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 10/ 1/83 DUTIL Utility for dBASE II Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DUTIL, Fox & Geller's utility ~ackage for dBASE II programmers, is useful in formatting and debugging dBASE II programs. Makes dBASE II run faster and creates batch files for making backup copies and source listings of dBASE II command files. Furthermore, it produces a tree structure listing of the user's command modules and databases. Manual included. Required SW: DBASE II $ 700.00 Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF FAULTY SOFTWARE AT N/C IF FAULTY ON DELIVERY Date released: 10/ 1/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 QUICKCODE dBase II program generator for business applications Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 QUICKCODE the dBASE II program generator, creates a complete application/file maintenance system in five minutes without any programming. All the user has to do is draw an entry form and set a few parameters. QUICKCODE does the rest. The programs QUICKCODE generates allow the user to add data to retrieve, edit, delete, print, transfer to WordStar/MaiIMerge, or print No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 273 Inc. Fox & Geller, Inc. QUICKCODE mailing labels from their dBASE II data file. Any of this can be done for subsets of the database based on selection criteria the user enters at any time. Lastly, QUICKCODE generates dBASE II source code which the user can customize or run as a complete, stand-alone system. Manual included. Required SW: DBASE II $ 700.00 Warranty/Terms: FAULTY SOFTWARE REPLACED AT N/C (IF FAULTY ON DELIVERY) Date released: 5/ 1/82 Last update: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Frank R. Walker Company 5030 North Harlem Avenue Chicago IL 60656 Eugene R. Callahan Phone: 312-867-7070 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Visual Training Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C PRACTICALC Concrete estimating program Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Program is ideal for estimating quantity of concrete, form work, pans, finishing, rubbing and patching, grading, coring and accessories. The program is divided into separate kinds of concrete work: beams and walls, columns, footings, pile caps, structural slabs, slab on grade and concrete stairs. Dimensional data is entered on take-off worksheets in the program which calculates data and forwards to a pricing summary sheet. Unit prices for material and labor are entered, along with No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 274 Frank R. Walker Company PRACT1CALC accessory and subcontractor costs, and user gets automatic extensions for material and labor costs for each kind of work. Source: M-Basic. Manual with practical exercises included. Date released: 5/ 1/83 PRACT1CALC BID REVISION Automatic bid revision program Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed to aid commercial estimators and contractors in the bidding process. This program generates a variety of bid sheets, on which a contractor enters bidder names, bid items (such as plumbing, electrical work, heating, etc.) and the amount that each bidder bids. The program provides 12 pages for single items only, where all bidders are bidding on only one item. These are totaled and forwarded to a Summary, where the total for all pages appears. Fourteen bid sheets are prOVided by the program for bids on double and triple items. For example, there might be three items bid on, with some bidders bidding on only one item and others bidding on A combination of two or all three items. Source: M-Basic. Manual included. Date released: 5/ 1/83 PRACTICALC COST CONTROL Job cost control program Price: $ 975.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Program provides up to 533 cost codes and handles up to 200 jobs at once. Included in the program are employee pay records, daily time sheets (for daily labor cost records), daily equipment time sheets. Information from daily time sheet flows to a Weekly Labor Cost Report. This is of vital importance to the contractor, because labor is the cost over which he has most direct control. The program maintains a Job Cost Journal for each job which gives all costs including subcontractor, material No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 275 Frank R. Walker Company PRACTICALC COST CONTROL and miscellaneous costs. There is also a Job Cost Ledger for costs under each cost code. Source: M-Basic. Manual with sample data included. Kaypro 10: 1,000 files maximum. Date released: 11/ 1/83 PRACTICALC MASONRY Masonry estimating program Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The program will estimate masonry work for almost any size and shape of modular clay brick and concrete block plus the required mortar for unit masonry. It handles all miscellaneous items such as joint reinforcement, block or cavity fill, wall ties, etc. The program provides a division for unit masonry and a separate division for miscellaneous work. Take-off worksheets are called up and dimensional data entered. The dimensional data is calculated and number of masonry units needed is determined by the program. Source: M-Basic. Kaypro 10: 1,000 files maximum. Manual included. Date released: 9/ 1/83 PRACTICALC RESIDENTIAL CARPENTRY Residential carpentry estimating program Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Carpentry estimating for production and custom residential construction. The program is designed to estimate material quantities and prices as well as labor costs on rough and finish carpentry, millwork, drywall, insulation, siding and roofing. User follows a series of screen prompts to enter all material specifications and dimensions from work plans into the computer. The program stores unit pricing information. All material and labor' costs are extended and summarized automatically. The end product is a printed list with all quantity totals, unit prices, and total labor and material costs. Source: M-Basic. Manual included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 276 Frank R. Walker Company PRACTICALC RESIDENTIAL CARPENTRY Kaypro 10: 1,000 files maximum. Date released: 11/ 1/83 PRATICALC HOMEBUILDER Homebuilder's estimating program Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed to take-off and price labor and material on a complete production or custom home. Develops an estimate for site preparation, concrete work, rough & finish carpentry, millwork, drywall, insulation, siding, roofing, etc. In addition, the program handles all electrical work, appliances, flooring material, heating and plumbing, cabinets, etc. Produces a list of all items with quantity totals, unit prices, and totals for labor and material costs. Source: M-Basic. Kaypro 10: 1,000 files maximum. Manual included. 11/ 1/83 Date released: ********************************************************************** G & G Software, Company: Inc. 610 Park Blvd. Austin Phone: TX 78751 512-458-5760 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $250.00 G & G 1040 A tax preparation program for the professional Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 277 G & G Software, Inc. G & G 1040 Makes use of IRS supplied forms as input sheets and leaves calculations and printing for a microcomputer. Supports 32 IRS forms with multiple schedules for 12 of them. Eliminates checking and rechecking the final return for accuracy and results in a typed return. Calculations are performed with results carried to other forms as appropriate. Computations are performed and the program chooses the result with the least tax for the final return. Input is to screens designed to match the IRS forms. Capacity: one tax client = 15K, program disks take about 500k of disk capacity. Designed for tax preparers. Source: CB-80 and CB86. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND WITHIN 30 DAYS IF NOT SATISFIED. Date released: 1/ 1/83 G & G GL A general ledger or client write-up package Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Posting programs require entries to be in balance. Payroll records of employees are updated at the same time entries are made to the regular general ledger accounts. System prepares 941 reports at the end of each quarter, and W-2 forms at the end of the year. Account numbers for the general ledger accounts are assigned as the user elects. Account numbers supported range up to 99999.9. All output is formatted to fit 8 1/2" x 11" paper. A fixed asset depreciation module, nine departments, job costing, comparison reports and budget reports are supported. Capacity: One disk of 185k will support one small business operations. Source: CB-80 and CB-86. Reference manual included. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND WITHIN 30 DAYS IF NOT SATISFIED. Date released: 4/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 278 Gradan Consulting Company Company: P.O. Box 3594 Thousand Oaks CA 91359 Marilyn Gratton Phone: 805-497-4250 Support Offered/ Price: WRITE TRACK Manu6crlpL tracking system Price; 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Features reports sorted by user-defined fields; user manual with 78 pages of e~plicit procedural instructions and including illustrations of each data screen, sample reports, and a glossary. Designed to enable writers, photographers, and literary agents to track manuscripts, visual works, submissions, sales, postage expenses, and trade industry data. Capacity of 128byte sectors. Source: MicroSoft BASIC (Version 5.21). Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS 40% DISCOUNT TO DEALERS--CASH IN ADVANCE Date released: 8/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Company: Great Northern Computer Services 16 Town Street Horsforth, Leeds Great Britain LS18 4RJ Mr. P. Rayner Phone: 0532-589980 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 279 Great Northern Computer Services Software Upgrades Money System in Pound Sterling N/C N/C BILLFLOW A professional client billing system Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BILLFLOW is a complete sales accounting system for a small professional practice. It is suitable for handling invoicing statements, work--in--progress, time recording, Barristers Chambers, Accountancy Practice, Surveyors, Engineers, Consultants. Source: Compiled Basic. Manual included. Capacity: up to 999 clients. No limit to number of transactions. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 5/ 1/83 DATAFLOW Database and information processing system Price: $ 185.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DATAFLOW II is a fast, flexible and easy-to-use database and information processing system which enables the totally untrained user to create complete applications in under half an hour. It also allows you to create a file of data, change it, add or delete data, produce reports, tables, or further files out of that data file. Anything that can be filed manually can be filed and retrieved more efficiently by DATAFLOW II. Source: Compiled Basic. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IS IN POUNDS STERLING Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 280 Great Northern Computer Services MICRO-PIes Microcomputer production information & control system Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 MICRO-PICS is a stock control system designed for use by small and medium sized engineers and manufactures. It provides such firms with full control over their stock and helps them to control their production. It also incorporates a "Products Structure" file. This means that the program can break down each finished product or assembly into its component parts and produce complete "Bills of Material". Source: MBASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 1/ 1/83 STATFLOW Statistical package Price: $ 185.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Non-parametric statistics: Mann-Whitney U test, Chisquared contingency tables, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance, Spearman's rank correlation. Parametric statistics: Z-test, One way analysis of variance, Poisson distribution, One sample t-test, Binomial distribution, Correlated sample t-test, Independent samples t-test, Confidence interval of mean--know sigma, Confidence interval of mean sample std. dev., Pearson's correlation coefficient, Correlation matrix, Linear regression--one or two predictors. Source: Compiled Basic. Manual with examples included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING Date released: 6/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 281 Company: Greentree Computers 900 North Broadway Minot ND 58701 Ken Hahrstad Phone: 701-852-4063 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance N/C THE MAGICIAN An integrated inventory and accounting package Price: $ 400.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Extremely fast and easy to use. Other modules can be used alone, but are integrated fully. Source: PL/1. Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Hall Design, Inc. 250 Maple Avenue Wilmette 1L 60091 Dr. Fred Levit Phone: 312-256-1323 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C RXWRITER A system of programs for writing medical prescriptions Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 RXWR1TER is a sophisticated prescription writing program for physicians. The patient's name and diagnosis No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 282 Hall Design, Inc. RXWRITER are entered, and then up to six prescriptions may be entered. They are typed in as abbreviations using physician selected three letter codes for the drug name and shortenings of the standard latin abbreviations for the prescription label. The number of refills can be specified and substitution permitted or denied. The prescriptions are printed with a duplicate alongside (one for the patient and one for clinical records). The program also creates a disk file wich contains the name date, diagnosis, and prescription abbreviations. Source: CB80 (CBASIC compiler). Manual included. Date released: Warranty/Terms: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Hawkeye Grafix Company: 23914 l'lohi 1 e Street Canoga Park CA 91307 John Fail Phone: 213-634-0733 Support Offered/ Price: S 0 f ~ v; ,1 r e Hot 1 1 n l' Software ~pgradcs \/c $ 45.00 COMMX Communications exchange program Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMX is a menu driven smart terminal and file transfer program developed in 1978 for access and data transfer with timeshare services and all mainframe and mini computers. Three menus allow simple operation. Disk file transfers of any type and size (including those with wild card names) can be performed error-free using No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 283 Hawkeye Grafix COMMX the COMMX propriety protocol at both sites. Single site control of an electronic mail sub-system and simple file transfer between different CP/M disk formats are featured. Using a master and remote slave offices, EMAIL can be transferred completely unattended when the phone rates are best. Source: Assembler. Reference manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE DISK / 1 YEAR CPU LICENSE 01/01/78 Last update: Date released: 01/01/83 COMMX-FORT Mainframe link to micro without error Price: $ 900.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMX-FORT is a menu driven file transfer program written in Fortran. It is compatable with the COMMX micro versions providing file transfers error-free using the Hawkeye Grafix proprietary protocol. The program can be hosted on any computer which supports a Fortran compiler and allows access to the input channel status. Data translation tables can be used for front end problem characters and confidential data transmissions. Since protocol character values can be re-defined on the micro version of COMMX, any problem characters for the mainframe end are completely avoided. Source: FORTRAN. Supplied on one mag tape 1600 BPI or CP/M floppy. Reference manual included. Required SW: COMMX $ 99.00 Source code included. Warranty/Terms: CPU LICENSE MAINFRAME INSTALLATION Date released: 01/01/82 Last update: 01/01/83 COMMX-PAC Communications exchange package No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 284 Hawkeye Grafix COMMX-PAC Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMX-PAC is a package of communications and other utility software to provide a complete user programable system for various requirements. COMMX-PAC includes "COMMX" a smart terminal and file transfer program with auto-logon to mainframe timeshare services plus an electronic mail subsystem; "CONSOLX" remo.te operation of your computer via modem; "MBORD" inquiry and order system for a modem line. Source: Assembler. Manual included. EMM written in dBase II is optional. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT IF DEFECTIVE DISK / 1 YEAR CPU LICENSE Date released: 01/01/78 Last update: 01/01/83 CONSOLX Enables remote operation of your computer Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CONSOLX provides remote control access to a system for applications such as electronic mail, bulletin board systems, and use of your office computer from home or home from office. Options include access by system password, ring back answer, monitoring for line activity, and auto-start of any program for the caller. On loss of connection or system timeout, CONSOLX automatically restarts and awaits the next caller. Source: Assembler. Manual included. COMMX is optional. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE DISK / 1 YEAR CPU LICENSE Date released: 01/01/78 Last update: 01/01/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro, Corporation. 285 Hawkeye Grafix EMM Electronic mail manager option for COMMX-PAC Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Electronic Mail Manager (EMM) is a powerful option for COMMX-PAC to allow enhanced use of the Electronic Mail capability of COMMX-PAC. EMM allows the user to prepare and compose "Memo Mail" files and have them stored on disk for later transmission when phone rates are lowest. In addition, incoming "Mail" is managed by EMM. The user may search and print memo mail files as desired. A user friendly menu driven system makes EMM easy to use. Composing a memo mail message presents a form on the display that the user simply fills in. The user may select the addressee for the message form a menu driven directory. Source: dBase II. Manual included. Required SW: DBASE II & COM~X-PAC $ 600.00 Source code included. Warranty/Terms: REPALCEMENT OF DEFECTIVE DISK / 1 YEAR 1 MASTER AND 1 CPU LICENSE INCLUED Date released: 11/01/83 HASM Hawkeye "fast" Z80 assembler Price: $ 120.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HASM is the Hawkeye Grafix "Fast" 8080/Z80 assembler. It is two pass and uses "TDL/Vector Graphics" Z80 opcode extensions to the INTEL 8080 pneumonics. 26 pseudo-ops include functions like LINK "filename," TITLE, LIST/NOLIST, LONG/NOLONG, RADIX, FORMFEED, DHZ (define bytes with high order bit set and trailing zero), FILL (count) (value), REQUEST operator input, PRINT message to console, and others. The command line options allow directive output of: "PRN" listing, "XRF" cross-reference listing, "SYM" debugger symbol table, "HEX" Intel hex file, and Date/timestamp listing header. Source: Assembler. Manual included. Source code available. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 286 Hawkeye Grafix HASM Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE DISK / CPU LICENSE Date released: 01/01/83 1 YEAR ********************************************************************** Company: Holland Automation USA, Inc. 3400 D W. MacArthur Blvd. Santa Ana Phone: CA 92625 714-641-2844 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C HAI*BAS BASIC COMPILER A commercial BASIC programming language and utilities Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A commercial BASIC programming language providing good screen and file management (including index files). Utilities provide cross referencing and compiling of programs. Compiled programs run under HAI*BAS Run Time. Source: HAI*BASIC. Manual included. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME $ 50.0n Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/76 Last update: 1/ 1/82 HAI*BAS RUN TIME The HAl operating system, Price: $ 50.00 interpreter and utilities Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 287 Holland Automation USA, Inc. HAI*BAS RUN TIME The Holland Automation operating system, Interpreter and Utilities under which HAI*MICROWARE products run. It is portable and runs on many 280/8080/8088/6809 based microcomputers. It is also available for most CP/M machines. The easy to use Utilities include menus, disk directory, copy, initialize and reorganize and file copy, allocate, delete and reorganize. Also available in foreign languages. Source: HAI*BAS/8080 ASSEMBLER. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/76 Last update: 1/ 1/83 HAI*LINE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Provides balance forward or open item A/P Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A flexible Accounts Payable package providing open item or brought forward balance, integration to HAI*LINE General Ledger and good cash matching. Reports include aged balances, open items, remittance advices, checks, transaction history and mailing labels. The package provides full audit and is available in foreign languages. Capacity: 730 vendors/2200 postings/month/6900 unpaid Manual included. invoices. Source: HAI*BAS. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME $ 50.00 Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/77 Last update: 1/ 1/81 HAI*LINE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Provides balance forward or open item A/R Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A flexible Accounts Receivable package providing open item or brought forward balance, integration to HAI* LINE General Ledger, service charges and good cash No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 288 Holland Automation USA, HAI*LINE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE matching. Reports include aged balances, open items, statements, transaction history and mailing labels. Full audit is provided and the package is available in foreign languages. Capacity: 650 customers, 2500 postings/period, 650 unpaid open items. Source: HAI*BASIC. Manual included. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME $ 50.00 Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/77 Last update: 1/ 1/81 HAI*LINE FILEKEEPER A report generator and file manager Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 File management allowing the user to define file and record structures (including index files). He may then maintain those files (create, amend, delete, display, print, and load constants) and generate reports in a dialogue mode. Available in foreign languages. Source: HAI*BASIC. Manual included. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME $ 50.00 Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CASH WITH ORDERS Date released: 1/ 1/77 Last update: 1/ 1/80 HAI*LINE GENERAL LEDGER General ledger providing up to 13 periods per year Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A flexible General Ledger providing up to 13 periods per year, out of which 2 may be open for posting, posting history and cost center analysis. Reports include trial balance, cost center and head analysis, budget and last year comparisons, balance sheets and financial analysis. The package gives full audit and is available in foreign languages. Cap~city: 400 accounts/1600 cost center, cost head No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 289 Inc. Holland Automation USA, Inc. HAI*LINE GENERAL LEDGER combinations/2500 postings/period. Source: HAI*BASIC. Manual included. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/77 Last update: $ 50.00 1/ 1/82 HAI*LINE INVENTORY An inventory package for components and finished goods Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Inventory package for components and finished goods including average, standard or latest cost price, allocations, orders, issues, receipts, sales, cost price changes and adjustments. Reports include valuation, low stock, slow moving, profitability by item, reorder reports and product group analysis. The package provides full audit and is available in foreign languages. Capacity: 1300 items. Source: HAI*BASIC. Manual included. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME $ 50.00 Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/78 Last update: 1/ 1/83 HAI*LINE INVOICING An integrated invoicing package Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Extremely flexible invoicing package integrating with HAI*LINE Inventory, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger and Sales Analysis. Up to 3 prices per item, manual discounts, quantity and customer/product group discounts. Up to 3 invoice discounts, manual and automatic. Automatic functions may be manually overridden. Different in~oice lines may have different processing rules. The invoice layout maybe be free format. The package is available with manual discounts for $395, table-driven discounts for $495. Individual users' No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 290 Holland Automation USA, HAI*LINE INVOICING requirements will be quoted. The package is available in foreign languages. Capacity: 650 customers/1300 items. Source: HAI*BASIC. Manual included. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME $ 50.00 Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 1/ 1/82 HAI*LINE MANUFACTURING Manufacturing management system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HAI~~LINE Manufacturing integrates with HAI*LINE Inventory and provides up to 10 sub-assembly levels and automatic issue from inventory when items are picked for manufacturing. Sub-assembly and product cost may be updated from their constituent component costs. Reports include product cost, where used list, production list, material requirements and shortages, and picking lists. The package provides full audit and is available in foreign languages. Capacity: 1300 items/1500 bill of material lines. Source: HAI*BASIC. Manual included. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME & INVENTORY $ 545.00 Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CHECK WITH ORDER 1/ 1/83 Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: HAI*LINE SALES ANALYSIS Generates sales analysis files Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package takes the output from HAI*LINE Invoicing and Sales Order Processing and generates analysis files that may be printed by HAI*LINE filekeeper Report Generator. Analysis heads may include customer, representative, product, product group and user defined statistic codes. Data analyzed may include quantity, sales and cost values with comparisons against target No Warr~nty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 291 Inc. Holland Automation USA, Inc. HAI*LINE SALES ANALYSIS and/or last year. The package is available in foreign languages and includes FILEKEEPER. Source: HAI*BASIC. Includes a user manual. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME & INVENTORY* $ 545.00 Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D./CASH WITH ORDER 1/ 1/83 Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: HAI*LINE SALES ORDER PROCESSING A flexible sales order processing package Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Extremely flexible sales order processing package inte~ grating with HAI*LINE Inventory, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, and Sales Analysis and incorporating; up to 3 prices per item, manual discounts, quantity and customer/product group discounts; functions may be manually overridden. Different order lines may have different processing rules (to allow for non-stock items, freight charges, etc.). Capacity: 650 customers/1300 items/1200 outstanding order lines. Source: HAI*BASIC. Manual included. Required SW: HAI*BAS RUN TIME,A/R, & INVENTORY $1040.00 Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D. Date released: 11/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Holliday Software 4807 Arlene Street San Diego Phone: CA 92117 619-292-7766 Support Offered/ Price: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 292 Holliday Software DATA BASE 3 A general file maintenance database program Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DB is a general file maintenance database program which can be used to file and maintain various type of data on disks. Designed for the user with little or no programming experience to create mailing lists, inventory files, or user-defined data files and datahases. Entirely menu driven, the program includes variable length field names and data fields with up to 15 fields per record (easily changed in source). Report formats include horizontal, vertical (tab or filecard), and mailing labels. A USER selection allows calling user supplied programs from the menus. Files can be appended and the database can be restructured. Source: CBASIC-2. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: MEDIA REPLACEMENT IF DEFECTIVE Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 6/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Honor System Software 2562 E. Glade Mesa AZ 85204 Gordon Jennings Phone: 602-892-2434 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Upgrades N/C N/C ALIST A low cost database manager No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 293 Honor System Software ALIST Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4 Low-cost D-BASE manager simple to learn, easy to use, non-programmer friendly. Features: Variable record length, menu driven, easy to learn and use. Capacity: 10 fields/record, 254 characters/field, 2,000 records. Source: Compiled Basic. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS CASH, MC, COD UPS, VISA, cob USPS Date released: 07/01/82 Last update: ALIST+ Low cost database manager, Price: $ 80.00 08/01/83 adds arithmetic functions Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11-,4 Low-cost D-BASE manager, simple to learn, easy to use,non-programmer friendly. Features: Variable record length, menu driven, arithmetic functioning, easy to learn and use. Capacity: 40 fields/record. Cal plancalendar planning is optional. Source: Compiled Basic. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY CASH, MC, VISA, Date released: COD UPS, COD USPS 07/01/82 Last update: 08/01/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 294 Company: HumanSoft 661 Mass. Ave. Arlington MA 02174 Bill McGoldrick Phone: 617-641-1880 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C DBPLUS DBASE II add on product (Utility Program) Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DBPLUS is a menu driven product which works outside dBASE II and performs three important functions on dBASE II datafiles. 1) DBPLUS compresses any dBASE II data file down to 30% to 40% of the original size, leaving the original file untouched. 2) DBPLUS sorts 15 times faster than dBASE II and sorts on all 32 fields of dBASE II. 3) DBPLUS allows you to modify the structure of any dBASE II data file without any programming knowledge. DBPLUS has the same application capacities as dBASE II (ie: 65535 records per file, 1,000 characters per field, etc.). Source: C. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: FULL WARRANTY C.O.D. MASTER CHARGE, VISA, COMPANY CHECK Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 295 Company: ICR Futuresoft 1718 Kingsley Ave #3 Orange Park FL 32073 Melissa Tamargo Phone: 904-269-1918 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C QUIKPRO+II An automatic program writer Price: $ 149.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Program Generator - Allows new users or DP professionals to create BASIC programs on their own computer. Includes screen painter, report capabilities, sort feature, calculations. Easy to follow question and answer session is used to produce stand alone BASIC programs that don't require any other special software. Source: Hybrid. Source code available. Date released: 9/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: INTRAK, INC. 9999 Business Park Ave. San Diego Phone: CA 92075 619-695-1900 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 296 INTRAK, INC. Demos Available Software Upgrades $ 25.00 $ 50.00 MICRO-TOPICS Integrated micro-mainframe processing system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO-TOPICS offers programmers, managers and office support personnel facilities for editing, sending/ receiving text, programs and data to/from the VRX Spool mainframe. Services include electronic messages and selective host data retrieval. A remote printing system included for VRX spool files. Quick scan features and fast edit provides programmers the communication software integrated with the host application to send one or many programs to the host at a touch of a key. Limited only by local storage of system 160K drive minimum. Documentation included. Source: PASCAL. Required SW: TOPICS (MAINFRAME) $2500.00 Warranty/Terms: INTRAK CONTRACT Date released: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: ISA 36 E. Baltimore Pike, Suite 106 Media PA 19063 Dennis Polis Phone: 215-566-0801 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 25.00 SUPER Database management system No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 297 ISA SUPER Price: $ 219.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Super is a database management system. It is menu driven for ease of use yet powerful in its range of applications. Records can hold up to 40 fields, and 255 bytes of information. Maximum file size is 32K, a dataspan can span 4 disks. Data maybe retrieved using record number, binary search or selectors. Database manipulation features are powerful. The arithmetic facility can apply up to 40 equations. The sorting routine allows database to be sorted on any combination of fields. Reformatting, post transaction routines, report generation and label printing are included. SUPER can also interface to WordStar. Source: BASIC. 90 page manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD USER SUPPORT IS PROVIDED Date released: 10/ 1/80 Last update: 2/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. 1550 Bridgebord Road Edgewater Park NJ 08010 Systems Marketing Phone: 609-877-3045 Support Offered/ Price: JET Job estimating and tracking Price: $5000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Estimate cost and track cost/progress of WIP to allow No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 298 Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. JET estimating of new and old jobs to be done and track their completion through the manufacturing process. JET compares actual versus estimates of labor, dollars/ hour and cost. Reporting of JET package concerning work in process is substantial and immediate. System is geared to work from employee labor tickets minimizing data input requirement. Designed for machine shops and manufacturing facilities. Source: BASIC. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR 50% ON ORDER BALANCE NET 30/INSTALLATION Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 MMC Maintenance management control Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Preventative and on-demand maintenance scheduling. To provide timely maintenance of machinery and plant equipment. The MMC schedules both preventive and ondemand maintenance, maintains repair history files, reports performance statistics and controls inventory of repair parts crib. The MMC is a complete and modern maintenance control program with features not included in standard maintenance programs provided (usually available on larger systems). Designed for manufacturing, warehousing, trucking, or the plant operation in which capital eqUipment is used. Optional Software: networking, gage control, expanded performance reporting, reserve/tr~nsfer parts, AS/RS. Source: BASIC. Includes operators instruction manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR 50% IN ORDER BALANCE NET 30/INSTALLATION--PRICE $21,000 Date released: 3/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 299 Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. PLC Parts location control Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Control flow a material and work in process to track, control and inventory 'of raw material, work in process, parts, subassemblies and finished goods during the manufacturing process. The PLC system maintains inventory and order control of the materials and parts necessary to maintain the product work load on the factory floor. Designed for manufacturers and assembly plants who are consolidating the material ~andling and parts flow. Optional Software: gage control, AS/RS controller, job costing, and networking. Manual included. Source: BASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR 50% ON ORDER BALANCE NET 30/INSTALLATION--PRICE $15,000 Date released: 2/ 1/82 Last update: 5/ 1/83 TLC Tool location control Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Tool crib inventory and tracking to provide better cost control of tooling used in the manufacturing process by tracking the tooling usage by location and quantity both within the tool crib and the shop floor. The system provides a substantial ROI within the first year by improving reorder points and availability of tooling for work-in-process. Status and inventory reporting are substantial features of the TLC system. Designed for manfacturers or job shops who use tools in the building of the produces from raw materials. Optional Software: gage control, foundry/pattern control networking, AS/RS and controller. Source: BASIC (structured). Operator's instruction manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 300 Industrial Technical Concepts, Inc. TLC 1 YEAR 50% WITH ORDER BALANCE NET 30/INSTALLATION PRICE--$17,500 Date released: 3/ 1/80 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: lnfocom, Inc. 55 Wheeler St. Cambridge MA 02138 Linda Lawrence Phone: 617-492-1031 Support Offered/ Price: ENCHANTER Explore ,1n :l[lclildoncd Price: $ 59.95 castle Compatible Systems: Kaypro II ENCHANTER, the first in a new series of fantasy games that will take players into a world of magical powers and perilous predicaments. "Sent by the Circle of Enchanters to conquer evil, players will uncover spell scrolls which they must learn to use judiciously in overcoming dozens of tricky obstacles. Ultimately, players will be able to use these magical powers so effectively that the evil warlock will be banished forever." In addition to the game disk and standard Infocom documentation, ENCHANTER has an eight-page users' manual that has been produced in the form of a Medieval guild directory. There's also a special sealed parchment from the Circle of Enchanters. Open it and you'll learn the basic spells needed to enter this new world. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 301 Company: Information People, The 443 Hudson Avenue Newark -5892 OH 43055 Charles M. Kolb Phone: 614-349-8644 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $ 25.00 ORGANIZER II Universal operator interface Price: $ 149.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Organizer II turns your microcomputer and its operating system into a friendly place to work by handling the difficult chores for you. Selections in Organizer II appear on easy-to-understand menus with instructions. You can change your menus with the built-in-menu editor, customizing Organizer II to fit yor exact needs. Organizer II can ask for your input, and can also confirm that you have inserted any required diskettes. The file manager helps you do your "housekeeping" chores including backups, moving, copying, cataloging, and other important file handling tasks in the same easy-to-use manner of Organizer II. Source: Machine Language. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY MONEY BACK; FREE UPDATES FOR FIRST 6 MONTHS COMPANY CHECK, VISA, MASTERCARD, OR C.O.D. WELCOME Date released: 4/ 1/83 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 302 Information Reduction Research Company: 1538 Main St. Concord MA 01742 Gail Johnsen Phone: 617-369-5719 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Visual Training Software Upgrades QUESTEXT III Store, retrieve, Price: $ 199.95 N/C N/C N/C $ 25.00 communicate information by menu Compatible Systems: Kaypro II Use our applications (35 included free with purchase) or create your own "Xpert" shells without programming. Computer-assisted outlining, idea processing. Use for text boilerplating or templating. Sort and search (keyword, title, full text or menu-based). 100% menu driven, learnable in one session. Electronic question, answering and blackboarding. Unlimited uses, including personal information systems, client records, home library indexing, new product training, temporary employee training, etc. Capacities: 6,000 screens; 32,700 records (i.e. 65 character lines) per each Xpert system developed with QUESTEXT III. Date released: 3/ 1/83 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 303 Company: Information Resources BOX W Manhasset NY 11030 Paul Friedland Phone: 516-365-7629 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C CO-SORT General purpose in-line sort/merge routine Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 CO-SORT is a general purpose sort/merge subroutine for use in report generators, MIS programs, mailing lists, and other types of programs where data records must be reordered. CO-SORT is called directly from within the application program so that execution is non-stop. The subroutine design allows the sorting specifications to be complex and dynamic. The execution speed is unsurpassed. CO-SORT is called from ASM, CBASIC, MBASIC and other languages. A REL module is supplied for Microsoft users. There are no limitations on the number and types of records or keys. Program manual included. Source: 8080 machine language. Warranty/Terms: SOLD WITH A SINGLE USER LICENSE. SPECIAL OEM PRICING Date released: 9/ 1/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Information Solutions, Inc. 617 West Main Street,P.O. Box 198 Charlottesville VA 22901 Harold R. Bailes Phone: 804-979-8191 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 304 Information Solutions, Inc. Support Offered/ Price: ALERT A legal calendar and docket control system Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Alert manages attorney schedules and critical dates or events. The package maintains schedules for all attorneys in a firm and produces a daily activity calendar for each, as well as a firm schedule for any selective period. Critical events such as statutes of limitations, court dates, hearings, and filing deadlines are easily managed by the system and automatic reminders may be optionally printed for any event. Alert greatly reduces the possibility of missed filing dates, appointments, or court appearances, and schedule conflicts, and additionally, may reduce a firm's malpractice insurance rates. Includes an operator's manual. ANALYZER Performs the financial calculations related of law Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 The Analyzer is a powerful tool for performing the financial calculations related to many types of law. The package includes complex bond calculations, lump sum interests calculations, loan amortizations with balloons, future value annuities (accruals) and dollar prorations over dated periods. Additionally, amortization schedules may be printed for clients. The Analyzer is especially helpful in areas of real estate closings, inter-corporate transactions and collections work. Includes an operator's manual. THE FIRM SOLUTIONS A comprehensive law office management system. Price: $2500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 305 Information Solutions, Inc. THE FIRM SOLUTIONS This program incorporates the time-keeping and billing, accounts receivable and productivity management functions in an integrated package. The package features optional prebilling worksheets for attorney review, attorney-selected bill formats for each matter, automatic billing criteria, key phrase coding for time entry comments, a variety of fee arrangements, multiple rates per attorney and numerous inquiry options. The system includes attorney productivity reporting, aged accounts receivable analysis, aged unbilling time analysis, attorney activity recap, conflict of interest testing, and user-defined selective client and matter reports. Includes an operator's manual, installation guide, and a self teaching gUide. ********************************************************************** Company: Inno Sys Incorporated 2150 Shattuck Avenqe, Berkeley Suite 601 CA 94704 Joseph Mancini Phone: 415-843-8122 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 40.00 MONEY MAESTRO Home banking system Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A single-entry bookkeeping system. Menu driven. Extensive on-screen help. Practice tutorial included. User-defined category and payee lists. Reports on activity by category, payee, or date. User-assigned attributes for categories. "Stockpile" feature permits No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 306 Inno Sys Incorporated MONEY MAESTRO batch processing of recurring transactions. Handles credit card, automated teller, cash and memo transactions. Checkbook reconciliation. Full-featured budgeting. Prints personal-style checks. Files are Basic-compatible. Source: Forth. Comes on one 51/4" diskette w/manual. Start-up sheet included. Stores 8 transactions per 1K storage, i.e. 200K available storage holds 1600 transactions. Warranty/Terms: INCLUDED Date released: 4/ 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Insurance Sales Systems 8015 W. 63rd Suite 4 Merriam KS 66202 Rosetta Swann Phone: 913-722-0065 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Visual Training Training in Kansas(free/dlrs.) N/C $100.00· $250.00 AUTO RATING Proposal software for insurance Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares quotes between 10 different companies. Allows 10 territories per company. Allows agent to build, update and inspect his rate tables. Figures new rates for up to 6 cars per household. Written by an insurance agent for insurance agents. Capacity: Policy Information Files - 220K, Auto Rating - 330K,can run on drives with only 120K. Includes a sales No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 307 Insurance Sales Systems AUTO RATING manual. Date released: 1/ 1/79 HOMEOWNERS Database management for the insurance industry Price: Compatible Systems: $ 750.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Homeowners is an easy-to-use database management program written by an insurance agent for insurance agents. This menu-driven program merges with word processing. The thorough manuals are short and easy to understand. Homeowners uses only 11 commands to run the entire program, has 26 different search methods built-in, and stores and retrieves service fact-finding and marketing information. It provides easy access to client files for sales criteria or any combination of information. Capacity: Policy Information Files 220K, Auto Rating - 330K, can run on drives with only 120K. Date released: 1/ 1/79 HR-I0PROPOSAL (KEOGH) Tax deductible retirement plan proposal Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HR-I0 Proposal (Keogh) produces a professional, three page illustration that depicts the benefits of a tax deductible retirement plan to offset Social Security. The prposal printout is written in easy-to-understand layman's terms and is professional enough to show to attorneys or CPAs for their endorsement. Capacity: Policy Information Files - 220K, Auto Rating - 330K, can run on drives with only 120K. LOAN AMORTIZATION AND DEPRECIATION Produces a loan amortization ledger No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 308 Insurance Sales Systems LOAN AMORTIZATION AND DEPRECIATION Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Loan Amortization and Depreciation produces a loan amortization ledger and five depreciation methods. It comes ready-to-use; no programming is necessary. Capacity: Policy Information Files - 220K, Auto Rating - 330K, can run on drives with only 120K. Includes a sales manual. MASTERFILE List & label program that merges with word processing Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Masterfile is a menu-driven program that merges with word processing. Eleven commands run the entire program. It has predefined formats to print lists and labels if word processing is not des~red and 26 different search methods built-in. It searches for information with an and/or search method and can store and retrieve service, fact-finding, and marketing information. Capacity: Policy Information Files 220K, Auto Rating - 330K, can run on drives with only 120K. Includes a sales manual. MORTGAGE ACCELERATION Compares mortgage payment schedule Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Mortgage Acceleration lets the user compare mortgage pay-out with two payment schedules: current payment and prepayment. It produces ledgers on each schedule with a summary sheet and comes ready-to-use with no programming necessary. Capacity: Policy Information Files - 220K, Auto Rating - 330K, can run on drives with only 120K. Includes a sales manual. Source code included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 309 Insurance Sales Systems PIF POLICY INFORMATION FILES Database management program for insurance agents Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PIF is an easy-to-use database management program written by an insurance agent for insurance agents. This menu-driven program merges with word processing. The thorough manuals are short and easy to understand. PIF uses only 11 commands to run the entire program, has 26 different search methods built-in, and stores and retrieves service fact-finding, and marketing information. It provides easy access to client files for sales criteria or any combination of information. Capacity: Policy Information Files - 220K, Auto Rating - 330K, can run on drives with only 120K. Date released: 1/ 1/79 PROPOSAL SOFTWARE Integrated financial planning package Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Contains 9 different financial planning type programs. Total Needs Analysis, IRA (Individual Retirement Accounts), HR-I0 (Keogh), Loan Amortization and Depreciation, Annuity vs. Savings, and Mortgage Acceleration, and Financial Goals Proposals. Capacity: Policy Information Files - 220K, Auto Rating - 330K, can run on drives with only 120K. Includes a sales manual. TOTAL NEEDS ANALYSIS Life insurance sales aid Price: $ 400.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Total Needs Analysis produces a proposal used by insurance agents to help sell life insurance. It is specifically designed to create a need for life insurance based on the objectives of the bread winner to provide for his/her family in the event of an untimely death. TNA is a ready~to-use program in insurance language No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 310 Insurance Sales Systems TOTAL NEEDS ANALYSIS with no programming necessary. Capacity: Policy Information Files 220K, Auto Rating - 330K, can run on drives with only 120K. Includes a sales manuals. ********************************************************************** Company: Integral Computer Systems 136 Main Putnam ~ CT 06260 Dave Russ Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available N/C CAPPS Computerized school administration accounting system Price: $7000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 CAPPS is a fund accounting system designed specifically for school administrators. This flexible system encumbers Accounts Payable and payroll to mUltiple account codes. CAPPS is based on Handbook Two Revised. Extensive consideration has been placed on making the system easy to use. ICS has incorporated a completely menu driven program with prompts, when appropriate, and error checking. Capacity: 1,000 in staff payroll, 5,000 vendors, and 1,000 account codes. Encumberance is over a year. Source: MBASIC. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 311 Integral Computer Systems MANUFACTURING RESOURCE PLANNING MRP is a comprehensive manufacturing production aid Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MRP is a program consisting of: *manufacturing database - item master, BOM Processor, process/operation costing, *inventory control - receiving, shipping, and pick list, *purchasing - vendors, purchase orders, and reports, *order entry - enter order, edit order, summary reports, *scheduling/work order control - work order, job tickets, reports, *forecasting req. planning - forecast, master schedule,gross/net req., *accounting - accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, budget reports, and payroll. Designed for manufacturing companies with 3,000 parts. Warranty/Terms: INDEF1NATE C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) Student scheduling, grade reporting, Price: $4500.00 and attendance Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Any school in the U.S. can use SMS on the Kaypro 10. The Kaypro 10 will support a system of 2,000 students. The software is very user friendly. Although a manual is provided, SMS has been carefully researched with the first time user in mind. SMS works from one central data base. This allows detailed information for students, teachers, courses, grades, attendance, and scheduling to have minimal file maintenance. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 312 Company: Integrated Computer Engineering 2672 Bayshore Frontage Road Mountain View CA 94043 Ray Mrofka Phone: 415-965-8921 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades $325.00 $250.00 N/C N/C N/C POWER Project observation workbench evaluation reporter Price: $6500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 POWER is a knowledge-based computerized application that automates and standardizes the evaluation of the software development process. The POWER user answers over 600 structured queries using a standard six-point rating scale. Based on this input, POWER automatically computes evaluation metrics for eight major project categories; Requirements, Planning, Configuration Management, Quality Assurance, System Design, Software Design, Implementation, Test and Integration as well as 38 sub categories. The system can be tailored to suit the users environment via customization of queries their weight and structure. Source: MicroSoft Basic. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS NET 30 DAYS-DATE OF SHIPMENl Date released: 11/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 313 Intergraph1c~f Company: lfi~, 106A South Columbus Street Alexandria VA 22314 Norman Bringsjord Phone: 800-368-3342 Support Offered/ Price: PERSONAL PUBLISHING Computer typesetting service Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Kaypro users can access our receiving system via modem. Copy received which is coded to our specifications is then run through our phototypesetting system and a camera ready copy is returned to the customer. Features are low cost and fast turnaround. High quality and a variety of sizes are available using this service. Users of this service include writers of software documentation, authors, corporate public relations persons, newsletter and book publishers, etc. ********************************************************************** Company: International Computer Products 346 No. Western Ave. Los Angeles CA 90004 Axel Beyreuther Phone: 213-462-8381 Support Offered/ Price: DAILY REMINDER A year-round computerized notebook and scheduler Price; $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 314 International Computer Products DAILY REMINDER The DAILY REMINDER is a year-round computerized notebook and appointment calendar for the home or office. Up to 16 separate memos may be entered for each day of the year. A monthly calendar highlights important days and allows instant selection of any day for reviewing appointments, or to enter new ones. Full-page printout capability for any particular day. A single diskette has sufficient capacity to cover data for a whole year. Source: BASIC. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED TO MANUFACTURER DEFECTS ONLY Date released: 5/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Ironwood 125 North First Street Minneapolis Phone: MN 55401 612-339-2521 Support Offered/ Price: Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C $ 25.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Allows up to 400 invoices and 300 vendors Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Records invoices and hand written checks. Writes computer checks. Check printout format can be easily modified to use any computer check. New vendor name and address are easily entered when invoice is entered. Source: Protected Basic. Kaypro II allows 300 accounts and 1,000 transactions. Manual included. Optional software: General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Inventory. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 315 Ironwood ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY CASH, C.O.D., MASTER CHARGE, VISA Date released: 12/ 1/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Allows up to 400 invoices and 300 customers Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Invoices can cause adjustments to the inventory data. Customer name and address is indexed. Statements can be printed at anytime. Partial payments possible. Source: Protected Basic. Manual included. Optional Software: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Inventory. Kaypro II allows 300 accounts and 1000 transactions. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS CASH, C.O.D., MASTERCARD, VISA Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 6/ 1/83 INVENTORY Allows up to 1,000 parts Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculates shipping costs. Keeps three month history of unit sales as well as year to date. In conjunction with A/R program, can be used as point of sale (prints invoices, handles cash, prints daily summaries of activity and cash received). Reports include inventory value and stock report, sales history, internal and customer price list. Source: Protected Basic. Manual included. Kaypro II allows 300 accounts and 1000 transactions. Optional software: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS CASH, C.O.D.! MASTERCARD~ VISA No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 316 Ironwood INVENTORY 3/ 1/83 Last update: Date released: 6/ 1/83 *********************************************************************~~ Company: Ithaca Intersystems, Inc. 200 E. Buffalo St., P. O. Box 91 Ithaca NY 14850 Jan N. Potts Phone: 607-273-2500 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C $100.00 PASCAL/Z COMPILER A Pascal compiler Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4.10 Designed for any programmer or software developer who wants to program in a high level language. Features include: romable, re-entrant, generates native Z80 code, and supports direct memory access. Source: PASCAL. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 8/ 1/82 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 317 J Company: & M Systems, Ltd. 137 Utah N. E. Albuquerque Phone: NM 87108 505-265-1501 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $ 10.00 DISK DRIVE ANALYZER Checks alignment and adjustments of floppy disk drives Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Purpose is twofold: 1) any operator may make routine checks of the alignment, speed and other drive parameters to insure important data is not being written on drives that are misaligned. 2) for techinical personnel the DDA may be used to align the heads, adjust the index hole timing, and adjust the motor speed. Source: Assembler. Warranty/Terms: PROGRAM IF FREE FROM DEFECTS IN OPERATION. CASH, CASHIERS CHECK, VISA, MASTER CARD Date released: 12/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: JANCO Systems, Inc. 511 East 8th Street Traverse City MI 49684 J. A. White Phone: 616-941-8000 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 318 JANCO Systems, Inc. STOCK-TRACK Point-of-sale inventory control/franchise accounting Price: $3000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed for transmission shops and auto parts shops. Features include: 1 to 5 shop configuration - complete daily reporting, invoice and estimate preparation intershop transfers, salesman/installer anaylsis profitibility, automatic stock reorder and back ordering, versatile report generator, 500 complete vehicle applications - on line, Midas Muffler franchise accounting - (others available), stores 300 estimates for later conversion to invoices, telecommunications between shops with like systems. Capacity: 20,000 items - 80,000 interchange items - on line. Source: Compiled Microsoft 5.2 Basic. Includes a 150 page user's manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS-UNLIMITED TIME ON ANY PROGRAM ERRORS FLEXIBLE DEALER COMMISSIONS Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: JBSystems 14747 Oxnard Van Nuys John Phone: CA 91411 213-781-1260 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 10.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 319 JBSystems MERP A music rotation program for radio stations Price: Compatible Systems: $1260.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Controls a Radio Station Music Library giving Music Director up to 20 categories of music and 20 categories of special items. Each hour of the week can be given a different rotation. Menu driven, very user friendly. Can search by artist, title, or category. Provides user selected art~st separation, sex separation, and tempo control. Easily adapts to any Radio format. Source: Assembly. Capacities: 1500 records-Kaypro 2, 3000-Kaypro 4. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR Date released: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: JMl Software Consultants 1422 Easton Road Roslyn PA 19001 Deborah A. Fullam Phone: 215-657-5660 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C $150.00 BASTOC Basic-to-C language translator Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BASTOC is a BASIC to C Translator, suitable for use as a vehicle to assist in migration from BASIC to C, or as a means of providing a BASIC (compiler) capability within a C environment. The translator is written in, No Warranty is made expressed or 320 implied by Kaypro Corporationa JMI Software Consultants BASTOC and produces machine-independent C (Kernighan & Ritchie Prentice hall, 1978) with minimal host operating system and library dependencies. BASTOC, even when sold in binary form, is tailorable to particular systems via a small number of source modules. Source: C. Installation procedures and manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90-DAY IN'rIAL Date released: 7/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** JRT Systems Company: 45 Camino Alto Mill Valley CA 94941 Gary Peiffer Phone: 415-388-0530 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Newsletter N/C N/C $ 10.00 JRT HODULA-2 New programming language which evolved from Pascal Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The module concept is the major enhancement beyond Pascal. This allows programmers to develop large programs composed of small modules which are kept in a program library. Because each module is divided into a definition part and an implementation part, any module may be modified without affecting its interface to the rest of the program. Unlike earlier languages, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 321 JRT Systems JRT MODULA-2 Modula-2 type checks between separately compiled program sections. Modula-2 has multiprogramming features: signals, monitors, and process creation. System requirements: 8080, 8085, Z80 System. Source: PASCAL. Warranty/Terms: ANY ITEMS FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE WILL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED Date released: 10/ 1/83 JRT PASCAL FORMAT PROGRAM A text reformatter which beautifies any Pascal program Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 It automatically indents all nested statements, producing a more readable source listing. This automatic indentation feature is adjustable, and the program also allows for automatic conversation of reserverence of upper or lower case letters. It is designed to run in conjunction with the JRT Pascal system. Source: PASCAL. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: ANY ITEMS FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE WILL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED Date released: 8/ 1/83 JRT PASCAL VERSION 3.0 An inexpensive but complete implementation of Pascal Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Features include: full support for indexed files; CRT screen formatting and full cursor control; facilities for formatting printed reports; file variables and GET/PUT; dynamic arrays; SEARCH procedures for fast table look-up; extended CASE statements; random files 8 megabytes with variable length records; 64K dynamic strings; activity analyzer prints program use histogram; 14 digit BCD Floating Point arithmetic; true dynamic storage; and much more. System Requirement: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 322 JRT Systems JRT PASCAL VERSION 3.0 8080, 8085, or Z80 System. Optional Software: Pascal Format Program. Source: PASCAL. JRT Warranty/Terms: ANY ITEMS FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE WILL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED Date released: 1/ 1/83 JRT PASCAL VERSION 4.0 An inexpensive but complete implementation of Pascal Price: $ 69.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Features include: facilities for formatting printed reports; file variables and GET/PUT; dynamic arrays; SEARCH procedures for fast table look up; extended CASE statements; random files to 8 megabytes with variable length records; 64K dynamic strings; activity analyzer prints program use histogram; enhanced 14 digit BCD Floating Point arithmetic; true dynamic storage; advanced assembly interface; fast one step compiler no link needed; and much more. System Requirement: 8080, 8085, or Z80 System. Optional Software: JRT PASCAL Format Program. Source: PASCAL. Warranty/Terms: ANY ITEMS FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE WILL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED Date released: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: John D. Owens Associates, Inc. 12 Schubert Street Staten Island NY 10305 -Ms. Terry Owens Phone: 212-448-6283 Support Offered/ Price: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 323 John D. Owens Associates, Inc. BRANVID Check-in/check-out management system Price: Compatible Systems: $ 700.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Provides charge-out, check-in system with optional printed receipts. It lists movie titles by category such as comedy, western, sciene fiction, etc. Member files give status of account, expiration, video format, number of films checked out, etc. QWIKSTATS summarize daily activity such as number of charge-outs, check-ins, new titles, and new members. Other, more comprehensive reports compare popularity of various titles over various time periods. Overdue titles and telephone number of the member can be printed daily. Source: Ashton Tate dBASE II. Date released: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: K-Wave Services P. O. Box 1675 Sausalito CA 94965 Eril Von Barangy Phone: 415-388-9474 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $ 50.00 ADV1$OR/ANALY$T Portfolio analysis and management system Price: $1500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ADVI$OR monitors all accounts to give you a complete and to date assessment of any client's financial status. At the touch of a button, you can determine what positions are expiring, which options haYe no premium, request a report of realized gains in a format No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 324 K-Wave Services ADVI$OR/ANALY$T acceptable for tax purposes,determine current values of portfolios, and get automatic up to date prices. The ANALY$T will automatically track, organize, plot and graphically display hundreds of stocks, bonds, currencies, options, commodities and industry groups. It gives you the option to create your own formulas for stock valuation calculations based on your own anlytical method. Source: Assembler. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS Date released: 10/ 1/80 Last update: 12/15/83 ********************************************************************** Company: K. J. K. Systems 564 Columbian Street Weymouth Phone: MA 02190 800-323-5511 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C GAS-PRO Service station accounting management system Price: $1995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Provides a complete system tailored to your needs including: fast shift checkout and reconciliation, daily gas sales and inventory control, easy to use prompts, daily gross and weighted average margin, T.B.A. Sales and inventory control, accurate shift info that alerts you to shortages, monthly gallonage and gross profit report, gas pricing worksheet, monthly cash payout schedule by expense account, commercial, reserve and credit card account schedules, detailed accounts payable with check register, profit and loss, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 325 K. J. K. Systems GAS-PRO and payroll with check writer. Source: Compiled Basic. Documentation: 100 pages + with VTOCS. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY LIMITED WARRANTEE ON DISKETTES Date released: 10/15/83 ********************************************************************** KMP Computer Systems, Inc. Company: 703 Central Ave. Los Alamos NM 87544 Eldon C. Pequette Phone: 505-662-5545 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $45.00 CABLESTAR Accounting system for cable TV companies Price: $4995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 KMP Computer Systems, Inc. offers an in-office computerized accounts receivable and billing system for nearly every CATV office. Many other office computer functions such as bookkeeping and word processing may be done on the system. Systems are available in single and mUltiple terminal configurations. Source: Microsoft Basic (compiled). 10,000 customers maximum. Operations manual included. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR Date released: 1/ 1/7q Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 326 Kayware Company: 460 W. Clapier Street Philadelphia PA 19144 F. DeWitt Kay Phone: 215-849-6648 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades Training & custom programming N/C N/C N/C AFMWARE Office system for American Federation of Musicians Price: Compatible Systems: $3995.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Bundled software and hardware (Kaypro +). A total office system for locals of the American Federation of Musicians. Source: Written for a DBMS (included). Manual included. Capacities: up to 1,000 members (Kaypro II). Up to 2,000 members CKaypro IV). Above 2,000 CKaypro X). Date released: 10/ 1/83 Last update: 10/ 1/83 ***************~****************************************************** Company: Kelco Electronics 2 Mt. Prospect Ave. Dover NJ 07801 Joe Kelly Phone: 201-361-3331 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 327 Kelco Electronics GOLF HANDICAP SYSTEM Golf Pro's: Price: use USGA formulas for calculating $ 199.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Handicap Chairman is a complete menu driven system. It uses all the USGA formulas for calculating your handicaps. It has a "Unattended Mode" allowing the golfers to key in their own scores but does not allow them to delete any scores or records. Prints reports and handicap cards. Capacity: Kaypro II - 800, Kaypro 4 - 1,600, Kaypro 10 - file size same as disk size. Source: Compiled Microsoft BASIC Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 6 MONTHS (ACTUAL CODING ERRORS) Date released: 4/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Key Communications Service, Inc. 2736 Charlestown Rd. New Albany IN 47150 Charles D. Garmon Phone: 812-944-3865 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C TELCOMM A modem program Price: $ 199.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4 Used with Hayes Smart Modem. Will originate and answer automatically. Will store in memory, disk, or print to hard copy. Will automatically send a file to a No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 328 Key Communications Service, Inc. TELCOMM directory. Menu driven. Source: MPI. Operating instructions included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS C.O.D. Date released: 7/ 1/83 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Kinch Computer Company 425 Mitchell St. Ithaca NY 14850 Dr. Richard J. Kinch Phone: 607-273-0222 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Maintenance $ 6.00 N/C YAP YAM, KERMIT, and K-MODEM communications software Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Communications with other computers and database services via dial-up or direct connection. Upload and download of text and binary information from other microcomputers and such services as Compuserve, the Source, Dow-Jones, etc. Operate the KAYPRO 2, 4, or 10 as a smart terminal for data-entry and display. Source: C. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 329 Kinch Computer Company YAP CHECK/VISA/MC., TEL. ORDERS, EDUCATIONAL Date released: 5/ 1/83 & QUANTITY DISCOUNT ********************************************************************** Koch Industries, Inc. Company: 546 Crossen Avenue Elk Crove Village Sales Phone: IL 60007 312-228-0590 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C $150.00 N/C $ 30.00 PROSPECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Professional sales client management Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Professional programmers have incorporated easy to use features such as full screen input, help menus, installed function keys, full prompt menus, customized questions and more into PMS. It has complete password protection, prospect manipulation up to 35,372 records per sales rep, customized fields and indexing capability on eight different fields for fast access. Capacity: Kaypro II - 180, Kaypro IV - 350, and Kaypro 10 - 5,000. Source: Assembler and Comiled BASIC. Includes a manual. Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 330 LWFW, Inc., Group Company: 12700 Park Central, Suite 1805 Dallas TX 75251 Bill Lloyd Phone: 214-233-5561 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades Comparison-productivity data N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C THE WORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Operations resource management Price: $5950.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The Work Management System(TM) assists managers of public and private sector field operations td evaluate productivity, develop the most effective work plans and schedules, and allocate resources. Information on planned, on-demand, and recurring jobs are available through various backlog reports. These reports are organized to assist in scheduling work groups most effectively, make sure that requested jobs don't "get lost," and note special circumstance associated with particular jobs. Reports can be obtained on crew performance, job costs, ~on-productive time, and various characteristics. Users Guide, Management Guide, and Installation Guide included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 6 MONTHS Date released: 3/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 331 Company: Laboratory Microsystems, Inc. ~1!+7 iic'clhuven Street Los Angeles ay CA 90066 Duncan Phone: 213-306-7412 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 15.00 Z80 FORTH Compiler/Interpreter for Z80 microcomputers Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This is a complete FORTH program development system for Z80 Microcomputers running under CP/M or MP/M. The package includes the compiler/interpreter with virtual memory management and background multi-tasking, a full screen editor with user customizable control codes, an assembler with local labels and standard Zilog mnemonics, many utilities and demonstration programs, and 150 page manual. Optional extension packages include software floating point, AMD 9511 hardware assisted floating point, and cross compilers for most common microprocessors. Compatible with Kaypro hard disk. Source: Z80 assembler language and FORTH. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: WE WILL FIX ALL BUGS. VISA, MASTERCARD, PREPAID, COD, PURCHASE ORDERS ACCEPTED Date released: 9/1/80 Last update: 3/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 332 Company: Lark Software 7 Cedars Road Caldwell NJ 07006 Morris Larkey Phone: 201-226-7909 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades $ 40.00 N/C N/C N/C DATA PLOTTER Publication quality graphs on dot matrix printers Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Line graphs and scatter plots on dot matrix printers. No graph on screen, so graphics screen not required. Plots data from a text file. Main program is interactive. It asks users questions to define the desired graph. Answers can be saved in a file for repeated use. Graphs can have several functions. Possible symbols: 11 different shapes in six sizes, plus lines without symbols. User specifies size of graph in inches. Automatic or manual scaling. Labels can be placed anywhere on the page. System Requirement: CP/M 80 or CP/M 86. Source: C. Warranty/Terms: WILL REPLACE BAD DISKS OR MANUALS WITHIN 30 DAYS NEGOTIABLE Date released: 9/ 3/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 333 Latham Computer Center, Inc. Company: 16 Maple St Latham/Albany NY 12110 Carmine Marota Phone: 518-785-3333 Support Offered/ Price: COMM 78 Data transfer between microcomputers Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Communication program transfers binary and text files (programs and data) via modem. User can get or send files using standard dial up telephone. Warranty/Terms: 3 YEARS C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 2/ 1/83 COMM 79 Data transfer between Kaypro and Data General computers Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Communication program transfers binary and text files (programs and data) via modem. User can get or send files using standard dial up telephone. Warranty/Terms: 3 YEARS C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 2/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 334 Company: Learning Source, Inc. 17791 Fitch St. Irvine CA 92714 Christa Slowsky Phone: 714-863-0414 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C $ 65.00 HOMERECORD (TM) A self-teaching way to keep track of personal finances Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 The quick self-teaching way to keep track of personal income and expenses and set up a household budget while at the same time preparing your records for income tax purposes. HomeRecord's built-in calculator adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides and instantly computes the interest portion of any loan payment. Make a mistake? Change it quickly and easily. A built-in information mode developed by accountants explains each element of the program to answer questions aobut how it works. Source: PL-1. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT GURANTEED IF DEFECTIVE Date released: 6/ 1/83 HOMETAX (TM) A complete tax service Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 It was written by Accountants. ~t is supported by a qualified team of Accountants. Retailers and consumers may call toll-free for additional technical and tax information. Periodic mailings will detail information changes in tax laws during the year. HomeTax includes: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 335 Learning Source, Inc. HOME.TAX (TM) a user-friendly manual, tax tip guide, IRS circular 17, IRS form 4868, and Transparencies for the 1040 form to meet IRS filing requirements. HomeTax provides a direct interface with our home accounting program, HomeRecord (tm). Source: PL-I. Capacities: Storage for 1 year's tax information for one return. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT GUARANTEED IF DEFECTIVE Date released: 2/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Lexisoft, Inc. P.O. Box 1378 Davis Sales Phone: CA 95617 916-758-3630 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 50.00 SPELLBINDER Word processing and office management system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Features include: ease of use by office personnel, on screen indents for outline creation, horizontal scrolling, user defineable one stroke function keys, extremely flexible print formatting, and it has office management capabilities. The integrated print formatter includes such things as bidirectional printing, true No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 336 Lexisoft, Inc. SPELLBINDER proportional spacing, print to and from screen, two column print, etc. The office management capabilities includes both standard office procedures such as forms handling, mail merge, and much more. Optional software: SpellCheck and Spellbinding. Source: Assembler. Includes a manual. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED Date released: 1/ 1/78 Last update: 11/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Little Bita Software, Inc. 20 Chestnut Street Mahwah NJ 07430 Tom Cooper Phone: 201-891-7560 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C SUPERVISOR CONTROL SYSTEM (SCS) Business management Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II A user friendly system specifically designed with Shaklee supervisors in mind. This system will keep track of inventory, distributors, bonuses paid, sales tax collected and will generate reports supporting these functions. Capacity: 750 distributors. Source: SBASIC. Includes a user manual. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 337 Little Bita Software, Inc. SUPERVISOR CONTROL SYSTEM (SCS) ONE TIME FEE Date released: 1/ 1/84 ***************************************************************~****** Company: Loki Engineering, Inc. 55 Wheeler Street Cambridge MA 02138 Marketing Dept. Phone: 617-576-0666 Support Offered/ Price: MAGIC/L Interactive language and development environment Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MAGIC/L is an interactive, extensible language and development environment that provides a powerful alternative to BASIC. It's features are designed to make programming easier, especially where interactivity and flexibility are required. MAGIC/L for CP/M includes: command-line recall and edit, text-file editing, many CCP, STAT~ and PIP commands, and a built-in assembler. Language features include: data-typing for CHAR, INTEGER, LONG, REAL, and String data, record structures, and a complete I/O package that provides both binary and text I/O to any file or device. Requires CP/M 80. Source: MAGIC/L. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: AS IS-NO WARRANTY Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kayprd Corporation. 338 M&A Company: ComputerServic~§, ID~, 201 East Ash Sutton NE 68979 Dan Mosley Phone: 402-773-4148 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades PUBLISHER Circulation control Price: & accounts receivable for newspaper Compatible Systems: $2000.00 N/C N/C Kaypro 10 Circulation--maintains unlimited subscribers in mail files. Prints mailing labels, postal zone count and figures total for postal report pre-sort section. Optionally prints renewal labels or notices. Accounts Receivable--maintains unlimited number of customers and transactions. Automatically calculates prices on display ads, and figures earned rate discounts. Automatically figures sales tax on taxable items. Prints ledger report, past due report, report by salesman, customer statements and co-op. Optional Software: Payroll, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Personnel System, etc. Capacities: 15,000 - circulation and 5000 - A/R customers. Source: COBOL. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: No Warranty~ 9/ 1/83 is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporatipn. 339 Company: MBSI-RealWorld Corporation 1961 Landings Drive Mountain View CA 94043 Mike Smith Phone: 415-9650-1777 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades Source code package $ 50.00 N/C $200.00 N/C N/C $500.00 REALWORLD ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accrual accounts payable system Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This is an accrual accounts payable system designed for cash outflow data. It allows the user to define accounts payable aging periods and general ledger accounts to which distributions can be made, as well as set the parameters of various reports to fit the specific individualized company needs. Source: COBOL and MicroFocus Level II COBOL. Includes a complete, tutorial manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PAYMENT WITH ORDER Date released: 1 /1 /74 Last update: 10/ 1/83 REALWORLD ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Accounts Receivable system Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This accounts receivable system allows the user to select "balance forward" or "open item" accounts, as well as set the parameters of various reports to fit specific individualized company needs. Source: COBOL No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 340 MBSI-RealWorld Corporation REALWORLD ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE and MicroFocus Level II COBOL. self-tutorial manual. Includes a complete, Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PAYMENT WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/74 Last update: 10/ 1/83 REALWORLD CORPORATION Integrated or stand alone general accounting packages Price: $4520.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 A series of six general accounting packages including Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, General Ledger, Order Entry, and Inventory Control. Packages can be purchased separately (at $695/package) and run stand alone, integrated, single or multi-user. Sales analysis package may be added as well for $350. Source: McFarland COBOL and MicroFocus Level II COBOL. Includes complete, self-tutorial manuals. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PAYMENT WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/74 Last update: 10/ 1/83 REALWORLD GENERAL LEDGER General ledger for small businesses. Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This is an extremely flexible general ledger for small businesses which generates various formats of vital financial reports and creates overall financial controls. Also provides for interactive maintenance of the chart of accounts file. Source: COBOL and MicroFocus Level II COBOL. Includes a complete, self tutorial manual. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 341 MBSI-RealWorld Corporation REALWORLD GENERAL LEDGER Source code availahle. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PAYMENT WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/74 Last update: 10/ 1/83 REALWORLD INVENTORY CONTROL Inventory control system Price: $ 695.00 Compatible SYstems: Kaypro 4,10 This is a highly flexible inventory control system for small distributors which provides a highly efficient method of keeping track of goods and products. Source: COBOL and MicroFocus Level II COBOL. Includes a complete, self-tutorial manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PAYMENT WITH ORDERS Date released: 1/ 1/74 Last update: 10/ 1/83 REALWORLD ORDER ENTRY Order entry system Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This order entry system runs in conjunction with MBSI's accounts receivable and inventory control systems. It provides both one step and two step billing procedures. Source: COBOL and MicroFocus Level II COBOL. Includes a complete, self-tutorial manuals. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PAYMENT WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/74 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 342 MBSI-RealWorld Corporation REALWORLD PAYROLL An hourly and salary payroll system Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This is an hourly and salary payroll system for small businesses providing complete payroll record maintenance and easy compliance with changing tax laws. It allows the user to set various system wide parameters which tailor the payroll to his particular business and determines pay factors. Source: COBOL and MicroFocus Level II COBOL. Includes a complete, self-tutorial manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PAYMENT WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/74 Last update: 10/ 1/83 REALWORLD SALES ANALYSIS Sales analysis system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This sales analysis system locates specific areas of increasing or decreasing sales, and allows a close analysis of the various components vital to increasing revenues. Data from this system assists in formulating marketing and sales strategies toward a greater market share, higher profits and staying competitive. Source: COBOL and MicroFocus Level II COBOL. Includes a complete, self-tutorial manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS PAYMEN.T WITH ORDER Date released: 1/ 1/74 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 343 Company: MCG Software 102 Leanne Easley SC 29640 Don Griffin Phone: 803-859-1864 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance N/C ACCOUNTANTS CLIENT WRITE-UP SYSTEM Does complete general ledger and reports Price: $ 650.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Handles all types of business: 200 General Ledger accounts, 200 employee and/or 1099's, journal entry menu's, screen corrections, split check entries, and year end closing. You set all the rates: automatic payroll, tax accruals detailed on journal, set up custom and standard chart of aect's, detail cost/goods in P/L, use headers for reports if you like, skips cost/ goods for business where not needed, group sub-totals as needed in P&L and balance sheet, optional history disk saves each month up to 2 years on 1 history disk. Source: M-Basic. Documentation included. Capacities: Kaypro 2 - 200 G/L accounts, Kaypro IV 400 G/L accounts, and Kaypro 10 - 400 G/L accounts Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR MAINTENANCE-MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 344 Company: MVA Systematica 112 Strand London England - WC2RDAA Hugh Neffendorf Telex: 441-836-9379 Support Offered/ Price: MICRO TRAFFICQ Simulation of traffic management schemes Price: $1500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TRAFFICQ is an interactive simulation model for detailed evaluation of vehicle and pedestrian activity in complex road networks. Design options to be analalyzed include changes in signal offsets, staging or timing, changes in junction layout or control, road widening, junction flaring, change in location or type of pedestrian facility, introduction of banned turns, one way systems, bus lanes, new road links, changed traffic demand, traffic generation from car parks, sports stadium, etc. Source: FORTRAN. Includes a comprehensive user manual. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING. MICROSURVEY Survey analysis program suite Price: $1500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A powerful interactive survey analysis package. Features include data editing, data correction, record manipulation and expansion, tabulation, and mUltiple linear regression analysis. Handles hierarchial data file structures. All programs use free format control instructions and accept a flexible record format specified at run time. Another program package, SMIS, can be used to control the program of the survey field work. Source: FORTRAN. Includes a comprehensive user manual. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 345 MVA Systematica MICROSURVEY Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING MICROTRIPS Transportation improvements programming system Price: $3000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A comprehensive interactive transporation planning guide. Includes highway network analysis, travel demand modelling, matrix manipulation, and public transport analysis. Network and assignment plotting are optional. It can be used with MicroSurvey, the survey editing and analysis program guide. Source: FORTRAN. Includes a comprehensive user manual. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING SMIS Survey management information system Price: $1250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SMIS provides the survey manager with all the information needed for preparing for field work, monitoring and controlling the survey, and determining the status of the survey on demand. SMIS can be used to mail material to sampled addresses, issue sampled addresses to interviewers, update files on completion of an interview, obtain summaries of the survey returns and of work held by interviewers, and to view and edit individual records. Source: FORTRAN. Includes a comprehensive user manual. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING TTY Terminal emulation and file transfer No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 346 MVA Systematica TTY Price: $ 225.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 In a single program the following functions are performed: to make the microcomputer behave like a standard ASCII teletype terminal, to enable the user to copy character files from a host computer and store them as files on the micro, and to allow character files stored on micro diskettes to be transmitted to the host computer. Source: FORTRAN and Assembler. Includes a comprehensive user manual. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING ********************************************************************** Management Systems Engineering Company: 15638 Stratford Southfield MI 48075 Mark Gentile Phone: 313-358-0599 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter N/C N/C N/C MEDICAL BILLING Accounts receivable and insurance billing Price: $7500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Features include: insurance billing for Blue Cross/ Blue Shield, Medicare, Medicaid, commercial insurance carriers, and patients. The system will accommodate mUltiple insurance coverage for a given patient as well as the billing of patient deductables. Management reports include a daily transaction listing and balance No Warranty is made expressed or implied by KayproCorporation. 347 Management Systems Engineering MEDICAL BILLING sheet, accounts receivable aging, physician productivity analysis, and outstanding insurance receivables by carrier. Optional Software: Electronic Insurance Billing, Electronic Patient Billing, and Optical Card Reader. Source: CB-80. Includes a users and office manager's gUide. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D. Date released: 7/ 1/81 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Manx Software Systems P.O. Box 55 Shrewsbury NJ 07701 Harry Suckow Phone: 201-780-4404 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Manuals Software Upgrades N/C $ 50.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 AZTEC C COMPILERS Used for C language program developement Price: $ 199.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Aztec C compilers are used for C language program developement. Aztec C compilers are the choice of thousands of professional programmers worldwide. Aztec compilers are the most complete implementation of Unix V7 C available for microcomputer systems. Aztec C includes relocating assembler, linkage editor, library utility, debugging aids, overlay support and interfaces No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 348 Manx Software Systems AZTEC C COMPILERS to Microsoft and Digital Research software. Source: C. Source code available. 11/ 1/82 Date released: ********************************************************************** Company: Mark of the Unicorn, Inc. 222 Third St. Cambridge Phone: MA 02142 617-576-2760 Support Offered/ Price: THE FINALWORD An integrated word processing package Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 THE F1NALWORD features split-screen editing that enables the user to edit more than one document at the same time; footnotes, table of contents and index entries that are automatically formatted and numbered; global or query search and replace; and true proportional spacing and microspace justification. The "State-Save" feature automatically writes ongoing input to disk and recovers all text in the event of power failures etc. A virtual memory system enables the user to edit one file while printing another simultaneously. The F1NALWORD supports all printers on the market and the keyboard can be user customized. Source: C. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 349 Company: Mastermind Computing P.O. Box 2673 Kokomo IN 46902 'Gary Steele Phone: 317-459-8537 Support Offered/ Price: MASTER TAX BASIC PACKAGE 1983 Tax forms in "Perfect Calc" format Price: $ 39.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Automatic tax table lookup. Uses associated file capabiblity. All calculations automatically done. Upgrades available for 1984 forms. Includes: Form 1040-EZ, Form 1040-A, Schedule 1 - Form 1040-A, Tax Table's for Form 1040-EZ and Form 1040-A. Available for Supercalc, or Multiplan, and other formats. MASTER TAX LONG FORM PACKAGE 1983 Tax forms in "Perfect Calc" format Price: $ 79.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Automatic tax table lookup. Uses associated file capability. All calculations automatically done. Upgrades available for 1984 forms. Includes: Form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, Form 1040-X - Ammended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, Schedule A - Itemized Deductions, Schedule B - Interest and Dividend Income, Schedule D - Capital Gains and Losses, Schedule E - Supplemental Income Schedule, Schedule G - Income Averaging, Schedule's X,Y,Z Tax Rate Schedules, Tax Tables for Form 1040. Instruction booklet included. Available for Super Calc, or Multi Plan, in other formats also. Required SW: PERFECT CALC No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 350 Mastermind Computing MASTERTAX SUPPLEMENTAL FORMS 1983 Tax forms in "Perfect Calc" format Price: $ 79.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Automatic tax table lookup. Uses associated file capability. All calculations automatically done. Upgrades available for 1984 forms. Includes: Form 1065 - U.S. Partnership Return of Income, Form 1116Computatuion of Foreign Tax Credit, Form 1120 - U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 2106 - Employee Business Expenses, Form 2119 - Sale or Exchange of Principle Residence, Form 3468 - Compuptation of Investment Credit, Form 3903 - Moving Expense Adjustment, Form 4562 - Computation of Minimum Tax Individuals, Form 4797 - Supplemental Schedule of Gains and Losses, Form 4952, Form 5695, Form 6251, and Form 6252. Instruction booklet included. Available for Super Calc. Required SW: PERFECT CALC MASTERTEMP TEMPLATES A Perfect Writer and Perfect Calc Aid Price: $ 49.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed especially for Kaypro, our MASTER-TEMP package includes two templates made of high grade 20 mil Lexan. Soft keys represented on the templates are all color coded to provide clear key separation effect. Included in the package with the templates are the necessary software programs to convert your present PerfectWriter and Perfect-Calc working discs to Mastermind's version. Functions are executed by simply pushing the correct key preceeded by the same color function key if necessary. Includes: 2 templates and 5 1/4 diskettes, on-line documentation. REAL ESTATE MASTER Real estate management and analysis forms Price: $ 79.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 351 Mastermind Computing REAL ESTATE MASTER REAL ESTATE MASTER was designed for the serious real estate investor and property manager. It includes all of the necessary spreadsheet forms to keep track of your current property holdings and also predict the return for future holdings. Also included are three text files. Documentation includes: 25 page booklet. Available for SuperCalc, Multiplan, and other formats. Requires Perfect Calc and Perfect Writer. ********************************************************************** Company: Mendocino Software Company, Inc. P.O. Box 1564 Willits CA 95490 Bruce Haanstra Phone: 707-459-9130 Support Offered/ Price: ESTIMATOR Assists in preparing cost estimates Price: $ 175.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The ESTIMATOR is specifically designed to assist in preparing cost estimates. Changes in an estimate may be made quickly, giving up-to-the minute totals. This is especially useful at bid time. Reports may be sorted by item name or code and can be written to disk for later printing or inclusion in a written proposal. Labor may be entered as hours or productivity. The program has entries for the name of the item, a code, material cost, number of units, labor (hours or productivity) and another dollar amount. Source: Microsoft Basic (compiled). Manual included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 352 Mendocino Software Company, Inc. ESTIMATOR Source code available. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR Date released: 6/ 1/80 Last update: 12/ 1/82 EUREKA! A menu driven disk cataloger Price: $ Compatible Systems: 50.00 Kaypro II,4,10 EUREKA! is a menu driven disk cataloger which can maintain information on the files from your disks in a single catalogue. You can put comments into your files as you work on them. The files and their comments can be catalogued automatically at your convienience. Files may be retrieved alphabetically or by disk. They may be selected by phrases from the comments, by file name, or by disk name. Comes with extensive manual which includes a tutorial. Source: Assembler. Manual with tutorial included. Date released: 11/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Merritt Software, Inc. 112 W. Center St., Suite. Fayetteville 570 AR 72701 Hobbit Merritt Phone: 501-442-0914 Support Offered/ Price: DEDICATE/32 Public key encryption program No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 353 Merritt Software, Inc. DEDICATE/32 Price: $ 175.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") For secure data transmissions using a unique 2 key system. One key is meant to be made public, one key is kept private. Anyone possessing your public key can use it, along with a compatible encryption system, to securely encrypt messages to you that can only be decrypted using your private key. Public key technology is ideal for transmissions over telephone, telex, or similar networks using the modem and communications program of your choice. Keys generated in 15 minutes. Encode and decode 30-60 seconds. Designed for coporate, military, companies with branch office communications, and R&D Labs. Source: 280 Assembler. Includes a user/technical manual. **************************************************~******************* Company: Metasoft Corporation 711 East Cottonwood, Casa Grande Phone: Suite E A2 85222 602-961-0003 Support Offered/ Price: THE BENCHMARK MAIL LIST Merges to the Benchmark Word Processor Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Mail List Manager that merges to the Benchmark Word Processor. Fourteen fixed format fields. Selection of entries to sub-lists based on multiple criteria. Select on any position of any field. Source: Assembly. Up to 99 files using Kaypro II. W.a r ran t y / T e r ms : No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 354 Metasoft Corporation THE BENCHMARK MAIL LIST PURCHASED FROM DEALER Date released: 7/ 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 THE BENCHMARK SPELL CHECKER Uses a 27,000 word library Price: $ 175.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares the words in the Benchmark Word Processing document to the 27,000 word library and marks the ones that are not found. The user can add to or delete words from the dictionary supplies. The user may create his own specialized dictionary. Source: Assembly. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASED FROM DEALERS Date released: 7/ 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 THE BENCHMARK TELECOMMUNICATIONS CP/M file transfer between machines Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Program allows transmission of the Benchmark Documents or CP/M 86 files between machines running the Program. Transmission can be between 300 and 3600 baud. Sophisticated error checking to insure intequity of data. Very easy to use. Source: Assembly. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASED FROM DEALERS ' Date released: 7/ 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 THE BENCHMARK WORD PROCESSOR A full featured word processor Price: $ 499.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed for the high production office. Very easy to learn and use. Menu-driven throughout. Single keystroke plain English commands. Has all standard Word Processing features plus advanced features such as: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 355 Metasoft Corporation THE BENCHMARK WORD PROCESSOR Math Business Graphics, Footnotes, Proportional Printing, Sophisticated Boilerplate assembly, and more. Source: Assembly. Warranty/Terms: PURCHASED FROM DEALERS Date released: 7/ 1/81 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Micro Architect, Inc. 6 Great Pines Avenue Burlington MA 01803 Tony Pow Phone: 617-273-5658 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades $ 10.00 $ 20.00 AP Accounts payable Price: $ 169.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Maintains complete vendor/voucher history including check writing capabilities. Helps to determine which vouchers to pay by due date or discount or within cash requirements. Source: Microsoft Basic. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED AR Accounts Receivable--instant customer account info~ No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 356 Micro Architect, AR Price: $ 169.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Instant customer account information (current and aged) with complete invoice and statement capabilities. Support both open-items and balance forward accounts. A/R integrates with our GL. Auto billing. Open credit reconciliation. Output: Customers file list, invoices statements, customer accounts/detail listing, transaction register, and general ledger register. Source: Microsoft Basic. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED GL General Ledger-provides immediate financial information Price: $ 169.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Provides immediate financial information for your company by keeping thorough records of all financial transactions: 800 accounts. Debits and credits by account can be passed automatically to GL from A/R, A/P and Payroll with double entry accounting. GL provides you with comparative data on your financial position one year ago at this time on budgeting. Output: trial balance, balance sheets, income statements, department income statements, master file list, and transaction file list. Source: Microsoft Basic. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED IDM-X Data base manager Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Build-in sort/merge package. Kaypro II,4,10 The number of records No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 357 Inc. Micro Architect, Inc. IDM-X that can be sorted is not limited by memory. Advanced design improves performance of this sort/merge package. Fastest key access method -1.5 I/Os even on 20,000 records. Reliable-no system can claim more reliable, than hashing. In addition, we provide many features to reduce and recover from hardware problem. We use up to 64K memory in our report writer, so there is a little memory for improvement. Up to 32,000 report formats. Source: Microsoft Basic. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED INV-X Inventory control Price: $ 275.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The fastest key access even on 25,000 items. Key can range from 3 to 15 characters. Upon shipment, the unit cost can be updated or calculated to produce an average unit price. Extensive reports include order report, performance report, management report, data base list, physical inventory sheet, price lable, and end-of-year report. In addition, you can specify unlimited report formats v~a easy-to-use, interactive report writer for A.B.C. analysis, backog study, price list, vendor/location report, activity report, etc. These customized reports would cost you a fortune to program. With our report writer, they can be specified w/o programming, in minutes. Source: Microsoft Basic. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED MAIL-X An advanced mailing list system Price: $ 145.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 358 Micro Architect, MAIL-X Its features include: a report writer which allows you to specify report formats; a built-in sort/merge package; a data base that can span up to three drives; compatibility with our text formatter program; the maximum number of records is limited by the diskette only; a date field which can be used as the creation, lastreferenced, or expiration date; and user-specifiable field names, field sizes, record sizes, and 3- or 4line labels. Source: Microsoft Basic. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED PAYROLL Calculates payroll for every type employee Price: $ 169.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculates payroll for every type of employee while maintaining monthly, quarterly, and yearly totals for reporting purposes in mUltiple states. User modifiable tax tables--W-2, 941's, etc. Handles local taxes; prints payroll checks. Source: Microsoft Basic. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 359 Inc. Company: Micro Business Systems, Inc. 7725 Broadway, Suite B Merriville IN 46410 Roger Pace Phone: 800-448-1212 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C $150.00 JOB COST SERIES I Fully integrated contractor accounting package Price: Kaypro 4,10 Compatible Systems: $3335.00 Integrated Job Cost, General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Payroll. Multiple company option. Floppy or hard disk versions. User definable Chart of Accounts, cost accounts, tax tables, ageing and billing terms, union deductions and contributions. Generation of certified payroll, invoices, statements, checks, 941 data and W-2 forms. Tracks profitability of departments. Project profits or losses by job. Source: MBASIC. Optional Software: Amortization/ Depreciation Schedule $75. Source code included. Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Micro Computer Tax Systems, 6203 Variel Ave. Woodland Hills Inc. Suite A CA 91367 Marilynne Smith Phone: 213-704-7800 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 360 Micro Computer Tax Systems, Newsletter N/C MICRO-TAX LEVEL I For individuals doing their own taxes Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A federal tax preperation program for the individual doing his or her own taxes. Source: Compiled Microsoft Basic. Manual included. A tax organizer program is offered as an option. MICRO-TAX LEVEL II Tax preparation for the professional individual or CPA Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes and prints over 300 schedules and forms; contains a depreciation module. Several print options: prints on IRS forms, on continuous pre-printed forms, on plain paper with overlays, and on lined/color banded paper for computer generated substitutes. Source: compiled MBasic. Manual included. A tax organizer program is offered as an option. 25 states are fully integrated with the LEVEL II program. MICRO-TAX LEVEL III Tax preparation for corporation /partnerships Price: $1000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 For partnerships/corporate returns. Source: Compiled MBasic. Supplied on 5 1/4" floppies. A tax organizer program is offered as an option. Manual included. MICRO-TAX LEVEL IV Tax preparation overseas for expatriates Price: $2000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 361 Inc. Micro Computer Tax Systems, MICRO-TAX Inc. LEVEL IV Source: compiled MBasic. Manual included. Supplied on 5 1/4" floppies. A tax organizer program is offered as an option. MICRO-TAX STATES Integrated tax preparation for any of 25 states Price: $ 250.00 Source: Compatible Systems: compiled MBasic. Kaypro 11,4,10 Manual included. ********************************************************************** Company: Micro Craft, Inc. 2007 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville AL 35801 Carolyn Luttrell Phone: 205-534-4190 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Brochures Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ .70 N/C $ 25.00 AUDIT Produces daily posting registers of each client account Price: $ 240.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Audit interfaces to Verdict or Billkeeper to produce daily posting registers of each attorney or other professional's services posted to client account plus posting registers of client payments, expenses paid by No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 362 Micro Craft, Inc. AUDIT the firm for clients, flat fees and contingent fees billed, and adjustments made to bills. Audit also produces time distribution reports on each account, which show each timekeeper's time and dollar amount billed on an account, along with his percentages of total time and total dollar amount billed on the account. Required Software: VERDICT or BILLKEEPER. Source: CB 80 and CB 86. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE, OR PREPAID Date released: 3/ 1/83 BILLKEEPER Produces itemized, ready-to-mail bills and reports Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed for all professionals who bill for their time and services, including accountants, cousulting engineers, advertising agencies, psychologists, and dentists. There are seven categories for bills and a total of four bill formats to choose from. Services can be posted using transaction codes or handtyped paragraphs as long as desired. Management reports include Monthly Time & Expense Summary, Monthly Billing Summary, Year-to-Date Summaries, Aged Accounts Receivable Report, Alphabetized Client Lists, List Report of Work in Progress, plus more. Source: CB 80 and CB 86. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE, OR PREPAID Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 8/ 1/83 DOCKET Docket is a calendaring system for attorneys Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 363 Micro Craft, Inc. DOCKET Docket keeps track of critical dates and deadlines, appointments and things-to-do. Three types of reports are printed: daily calendars for as many days into the future as desired; past due reports regarding all critical deadlines and things-to-do not yet completed; and account reports, which show every appointment, critical date and deadline, and things-to-do item docketed for a particular case. DOCKET is safeguarded against the erasure of critical dates. Only appointments for previous dates can be erased automatically. In addition, DOCKET has a special search feature which searches the calendars of up to 19 attorneys to find when they can meet. Source: CB 80 and CB 86. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE, OR PREPAID Date released: 4/15/83 GENERAL LEDGER FOR PROFESSIONALS General ledger for professionals integrated Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Integrates with VERDICT or BILLKEEPER to produce financial statements for law firms and other groups of professionals who bill for their time and services. Client payments and expenses paid out for clients are collected at the end of each month in VERDICT and BILLKEEPER. Data files for the GENERAL VEiJGER are automatically produced. Overhead expenses and additional income if any, are then entered directly to the GENERAL LEDGER, and financial statements are produced. The G/L can also be used stand alone. The manual teaches accounting concepts to the nonaccountant, along with giving step-by-step instructions. Capacity: 250 general ledger accounts. Source: CB 80 and CB 86. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE, OR PREPAID Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 3/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 364 Micro Craft, Inc. LITIGATOR Organizes an attorney's case for trials Price: $ 955.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Litigator keeps track of the court, judge, opposing parties, witnesses, expert witnesses, documents, exhibits, pleadings, and disc~ Parties and witnesses are tagged to the documents and exhlbits they can introduce at trial. Documents and exhibits are also catalogued and evaluated as to their value for trial. Reports include alphabetical witness lists, witnesses in order of call for trial, detailed witness reports, opposing attorney lists with names, addresses and phone numbers, and documents by sort category. Designed to be used in-house by the small (1-25) law firm. Source: CB 80 and CB 86. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE, OR PREPAID Date released: 11/ 1/83 VERDICT A legal billing and timekeeper system Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 VERDICT produces itemized, ready-to-mail bills for the 1-25 man law office plus office management reports. There are 7 billing categories for bills and 4 bill formats to choose from. Any account can be put on hold until the firm is ready to send the bill. Services can be posted using user-changeable transaction codes or hand-typed paragraphs as long as desired. Review Sheets on bills show the account history plus hypothetical charges on flat fee or contingency fee cases. Office management reports include Monthly Time and Expense Summary, Monthly Billing Summary, Year-to-Date Summaries, List Reports of all work in progress, Aged A/R Report, alphabetical client lists, plus more. Source: CB 80 & CB 86. Includes documentation. Source 'code available. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 365 Mic~o Craft, Inc. VERDICT Warranty/Terms: C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CHARGE, OR PREPAID Date released: 1/ 1/78 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. P.O.Box 248 Lafayette IN 47902 Richard C. Bailey Phone: 317-463-4561 Support Offered/ Price: c' (C-PRIME) A powerful general-purpose programming language Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 C' supports structured programming features, data structures, an extensive set of operators, and easy-touse assembler-like features. C' is an ideal development tool--all the benefits of high-level languages, and yet yielding tight and fast code. C' supports most C language features, including two-dimensional arrays, structures, recursion, pointers, unions, while, do, for, switch, break, continue, go to, return, labeled statement, signals and much more. C' also comes with a powerful library which implements most of the UNIX 7 routines. The system is compatible with 8080 and Z-80 microprocessors, CP/M. Includes documentation. MDBS III A database management system Price: $2200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 366 Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. MDBS III MDBS III allows the user to define his data base structure in the most natural and logical way, without being forced to employ redundancy or artificial constructs to represent data relationships. Each relationship has a descriptive name. This allows the direct representation of one-to-many, many-to-many, one-to-one, forked and recursive relationships, something which even mainframe DBMS's do not yet offer. Warranty/Terms: PRICE RANGE FROM $2200 TO $20,000 SCREEN MASTER A powerful general purpose, interactive I/O manager Price: $ 700.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SCREEN MASTER is a powerful, general purpose interactive input/output management system that can be used in building application systems. It provides both program and terminal independence. Application developers can define screens that will appear to end users of an application. These screens can be used for both data display and data entry. Host languages: C, Basic, Pascal, and PL/1. Warranty/Terms: PRICE RANGE FROM $700 TO $1900 ********************************************************************** Company: Micro Data Business Forms 5707 Lacey Blvd., Ste.104 Olympia & Systems WA 98503 Beth Glander/Glenn Waldron Phone: 206-459-3300 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 367 Micro Data Business Forms & Systems N/C $ 35.00 N/C Software Maintenance Demos Available Software Upgrades ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE A balance forward accounts receivable system Price: $ 499.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") With this balance forward accounts receivable system, your company can produce daily invoices and customer statements on a monthly basis as well as maintaining detailed aging and delinquency reports on all customers. The system accommodates up to 9,999 customers and up to 999 user defined service codes, used for identifying specific charges and payments. Offering optional integration with the General Ledger system, the system provides a complete billing program that allows you to rate the true performance of your company's sales and maintain current customer account information. Capacity: 2,000 customers & transactions per one megabyte. Source: CBAS1C. Supplied on 8" IBM SSSD 3740 floppy disk. Includes documentation. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 8/ 1/83 CONTRACTORS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE A contractor's A/P system with job/cost distribution Price: $ 499.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") The Contractor Payroll system is designed for the construction industry in calculating employee earnings and deductions, meeting government requirements for hourly, salaried and commissioned employees. The system allows for six different payroll types and provides labor expense distribution reports for employees working in multi-job situations at different pay rates. Capacity: 800 employees and transactions per one megabyte, recommended 500k per drive. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 368 Micro Data Business Forms & Systems CONTRACTORS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CBASIC. Source: Supplied on 8" IBM - 3740 SSSD floppy disk. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 8/ 1/83 CONTRACTORS PAYROLL Payroll for contractors Price: $ 499.95 Compa ti ble Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") The Contractor Accounts Payable system allows you to manage your cash flow with flexibility in processing payments, taking cash discounts, and generating detailed disbursement reports. Designed for the construction industry in measuring cost distribution to individual jobs and cash flow requirements. Capacity: 2000 payees and transactions (combination) per one megabyte, recommended 500k per drive. Source: CBASIC. Supplied on 8" IBM - 3740 SSSD floppy disk. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 7/ 1/83 GENERAL LEDGER A double entry type bookkeeping system Price: $ 499.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") The General Ledger system is part of a complete accounting package that includes Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Payroll. This system is a double entry type bookkeeping system that produces a detailed report of all transactions, and gives the user the flexibility of obtaining up-to-date information on the company's financial performance. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 369 Micro Data Business Forms & Systems GENERAL LEDGER Capacity: 1200 Accounts and transactions per one megabyte, recommended 500k per drive. Source: CBASIC. Supplied on 8" IBM - 3740 SSSD floppy disk. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: JOB COSTING Analysis of estimated vs. Price: 6/ 1/83 actual expenses Compatible Systems: $ 399.95 Kaypro 4,10 The Job Costing System allows the contractor to post accurate cost data in either a stand alone environment or by automatic input from the Contractor Accounts Payable and Payroll systems. Analysis of estimated vs. actual expenses allows the user to track and maintain profitability by job and task. Capacity: 100 jobs per disk. Source: CBasic. Supplied on 8" IBM - 3740 SSSD floppy diskette. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 MEMBERSHIP BILLING Handles the unique billing requirements of clubs Price: $ 599.95 Compa ti ble Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") A software system that will handle the unique billing requirements of clubs, memberships, fraternal organizations, home owner associations~ etc. The system will run in a stand alone environment or can be totally integrated with the MICRO DATA General Ledger system. The system is excellent for membership organizations as it allows for automatic billing of up to six repetitive No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 370 Micro Data Business Forms & Systems MEMBERSHIP BILLING charges with nine different rates, and any number of one time charges. Capacity: 1800 customers and transactions (combined) per one megabyte, recommended sOOk per drive. Source: CBASIC. Supplied on 8" IBM - 3740 SSSD floppy disk. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 UTILITY BILLING A utility billing system for small municipalities Price: Compa ti ble Systems: $ 699.95 Kaypro 4,10 (8") The Utility Billing system is designed for small municipalities or private businesses that provide billing for water, sewer, gas, garbage, telephone and/or electric utilities. The system handles both commercial and residential rates, and provides meter reading sheets in route sequence for easy meter reading and data entry. It may be run in a stand alone environment or be totally integrated with the MICRO DATA General Ledger system. Designed for utility billing. Capacity: 1800 customers & transactions per one megabyte - recommended @ sOOk per drive. Source: CBASIC. Supplied on 8" IBM - 3740 SSSD floppy disk. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 1 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 371 Company: Micro Library Software 450 North Belt, Suite 292 Houston TX 77060 Mike King Phone: 713-820-4140 Support Offered/ Price: MLS MICRO-eIRC Microcomputer circulation control Price: $1495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The MLS Micro-CIRC (Microcomputer Circulation Control) is designed to be used as a coordinating system to the MLS Micro-PAC, which contains complete records for books and other library materials while providing the searching capacity to access the files in more ways than the traditional card catalog. It provides the means for fully utilizing the Micro-PAC database and searching capabilities in a flexible, comprehensive circulation system for libraries. It's designed for use by library staff with no previous computer experience. Allows alternate due dates to be set automatically for holidays and other closed days. Features complete Circulation Statistics and Reports, and an Inventory of library collections. MLS MICRO-PAC Microcomputer public access catalog Price: $2995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The MLS Micro-PAC (Microcomputer Public Ac~ess Catalog) is designed to be the core of a comprehensive library management system as well as a stand-alone public access catalog for libraries. Micro-PAC is designed for use by library patrons of all ages and library staff with no previous computer experience. Electronic Reference Card (ERC): The Micro-PAC data base is composed of an ERC for each book and library media title in a library's collection. ERC records are created by loading machine readable information into Micro-PAC or No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 372 Micro Library Software MLS MICRO-PAC by entering data at a console. The Micro-PAC database replaces the library's card catalog and shelf list. The screen display closely resembles a catalog card. Records are maintained quickly and accurately. ********************************************************************** Company: Micro Manufacturing Systems 187 Shagbark Drive Westerville Phone: OR 43081 614-895-0738 Support Offered/ Price: COE-3 Customer order entry Price: & $1700.00 sales analysis Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The Customer Order Entry System is designed to run in conjunction with the MMS Inventory Control System, to help the manufacturer control inventory and outstanding orders to customers and to provide a number of reports to help analyze past orders. The customer order entry system includes the modules required to maintain: the customer master file, open order file, print order verifications and invoices. The customer order entry system also integrates to the MMS Inventory Control System, Material Requirements Planning System and Accounts Receivable System. FRP-3 MCS-3: financial resource planning Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 373 Micro Manufacturing Systems FRP-3 Financial Resource Planning (FRP) is a valuable tool which the manager can use to forecast, budget and control cash flow. FRP is capable of projecting purchase e'xpenditures, labor expenditures and overhead expenditures for periods ranging from one month to over two years. Reports are also available that calculate cash requirements for currently open purchase orders and cash committed from open customer orders. Both of these reports are available by planning period or bimonthly. MCS-3 Inventory control system Price: $2500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The MSC-3 Manufacturing Control System is a completely integrated inventory control, material requirements planning system. MCS-3 is written in Ryan McFarland COBOL and will run on most micro computers and operating systems including CPM, MPM, UNIX, OASIS & TRSDOS. Consist of 12 separate modules which can be purchased as a complete package or individually as required. Includes inventory control, bill of material, material requirements planning, capacity planning, shop floor control, job costing, customer order entry, financial resource planning, accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, and payroll. MCS-3 MRP-3 Material requirements planning Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This is both a scheduling and inventory control technique. MRP consists of a series of steps which lead to improved purchasing and scheduling patterns and the reduction of overall inventory levels, therefore improving profitability and overall cash flow. This is done in two ways. First, by determining the need for finished products in future periods, MRP schedules both No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 374 Micro Manufacturing Systems MCS-3 MRP-3 orders and deliveries of components to meet that schedule. Second, by using lead times and economic order quantities properly, allows for the reduction of inventories. The purchasing agent or inventory planner can look two years into the future to see projected inventory levels which are calculated from current inventory levels, forcasted sales and purchase commitments. ********************************************************************** Company: Micro Motion 12077 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles # 506 CA 90025 Linda Kahn Phone: 213-821-4340 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C FORTH-79 Implementation of the FORTH compiler language Price: $ 90.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 FORTH-79 is a structured language that's ideally suited for systems and application programming on a microprocessor system. It has many advantages for applications where execution speed is important. Programs usually run serveral times faster than in BASIC and are very compact. FORTH provides a friendly interactive environment for writing and testing programs. It also allows rapid program development because the interpreter, compiler, assembler, editor, and operating system are all co-resident. The extensibility of FORTH allows you to tailor the language to your own needs. Includes a 200-page tutorial and reference manual. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 375 Micro Motion FORTH-79 Warranty/Terms: CASH, C.O.D., VISA, MASTERCARD Date released: 1/ 1/81 ********************************************************************** Company: Micro Solutions, Inc. 8010 Ridge Road Richmond VA 23229 Tim Daly Phone: 804-282-0082 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades Additional modules available N/C N/C TRACE II Rail car fleet management system Price: $5000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Rail car usage - identify movement/non-movement of rail cars. Identify out of route/lost cars, demurrage reporting, and identify overused/underused cars. Maintenance planning/scheduling - identify bad ordered cars, mean time between breakdown. Customer service identify location of shipments, route verification, and accurate trip time estimates. Administrative - reduce operations time, eliminate duplicate records, reduce telephone expenditures, and reduce telephone line tie up. Source: Pascal MT+. Manual included. Optional Software: Car Accounting, Car Maintenance, and Demurrage Billing available first quarter of 1984. Kaypro II handles up to 500 cars, Kaypro 4 up to 100 cars, and Kaypro 10 up to 5000 cars. Source code available. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 376 Micro Solutions, Inc. TRACE II Warranty/Terms: DEFECTIVE DISKETTE-30 DAYS Date released: 5/14/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: MicroDec Computer Center 3065 Nutley St. Fairfax VA 22031 Timothy Comfort Phone: 703-280-1600 Support Offered/ Price: ANYTOWN, USA A text adventure game Price: $ 12.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 To find and bring back the nine treasures guarded by tricks, traps, and monsters. You use two word commands to manipulate objects and the letters N, S, E, W, U, and D to move around. You can find out what you are carrying by using the command '1' for inventory. Once you have found the nine treasures, you bring them back to your house and you will get your rating. Source: Microsoft Basic. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 377 Microcomp Company: P.O. Box 630 Solana Beach CA 92075 Anne Machen Phone: 619-481-3202 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades Demo Disk & Manual N/C $ 25.00 N/C COGO-PLUS COORDINATE GEOMETRY Performs a wide variety of geometry computations Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Developed for civil engineers & land surveyors. The program performs a wide variety of geometric computations. Includes the design of land subdivisions and development projects, analysis of boundary surveys, and generation of mathematical data needed to stake land boundaries and construction projects, building layout and topographic surveys. The program is also used in the design and layout of public works projects, such as streets, highways, railways, drainage facilities, right of way acquisitions, and other public utilities such as electrical transmission facilities, tele-communication lines and water, gas, sewer and petrochemical pipelines. Source: Compiled Basic. Source code available. PROGRAM ERRORS, Date released: Warranty/Terms: IF ANY, FIXED AT NO CHARGE 1/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 DYNAMIC RESPONSE FOR PIPE NETWORK Pipe network analysis providing quasi-dynamic solution Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program uses data generated by "Pipe Network Analysis" and provides the user with a quasi-dynamic solution, as opposed to many hydraulic network analysis No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 378 Microcomp DYNAMIC RESPONSE FOR PIPE NETWORK programs that give a static solution. Thirteen solutions are given - one at each 2 hour interval during the day as resevoir levels move up and down, pump output varies depending on pressure differences and sudden and large demands of fire flows from the system. Reservoirs may be checked for filling completely during low demand and for running dry during peak loads. Pipes may be checked for proper size and junctions for necessary residual pressure. Source: Basic. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AUTHOR SUPPORT Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 EZ-COGO Coordinate geometry Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Traverse computations and adjustments by compass or transit rule, point to point inverse, locate points by open traverse or radial traverse, translate and rotate coordinates, triangle solutions, bearing, and distance intersections. Extensive editing and file management features permit easy modification of coordinates from keyboard, coordinate dumps to screen or printer. Decimal places and significant digits are user selectable. Accurate to 16 digits. Designed for Civil Engineers. Source: MBASIC (Compiled). PIPE NETWORK ANALYSIS A water distribution analysis Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program is designed to make a water distribution analysis of a system composed of junctions, pipes, pumps, reservoirs, check valves and pressure reducing valves. Checks parameters, creates a set of equations using the Newton-Raphson technique with the Hardy Cross No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 379 Microcomp PIPE NETWORK ANALYSIS method. Solution information includes flows and flow directions in all pipes, flows from pumps and reservoirs, total pressure and residual pressure at all junctions, head loss in each pipe and degree of precision in both flow and percentage of flow at each junction. Limits on system size are 100 junctions, 130 pipes, 9 reservoirs, 9 check valves and 9 pumps. Source: MBASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AUTHOR SUPPORT Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 PROJECT COST MANAGEMENT Provides 33 reports on engineering cost control Price: $ 70.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program is designed to meet the specific needs of engineering cost control. It provides 33 different reports immediately upon entry of time sheet data, so that projects are never over budget due to lack of information. The user specifies the job numbers, employee classifications, division or departments names, and overhead account designations. The internal capaicty of "Jobfiles" includes up to 999 employees, 99 tasks per project, 99 expense items per task and 99 labor classifications. The number of projects limited only by amount of disk storage -multiple data disks may be used to maintain an unlimited number of projects. Source: CBASIC compiled. Warranty/Terms: AUTHOR SUPPORT Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 380 Company: Microcomputer Consultants P.O. Box 1377 Davis CA 95617 Sales Dept. Phone: 800-824-5952 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C INCOME Integrated company management Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The Microcomputer Consultants INCOME software package is an integrated general accounting package suitable for use by retailers, wholesalers, and providers of services. It consists of General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Inventory, Purchasing, and Sales Order Entry modules, each of which will operate in stand alone mode or in conjunction with each other. Audit trails are maintained throughout. INCOME uses Digital Research's Access Manager for file-handling, and performs record and file-locking under MP/M. Source: PL/I-80. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS (CONFORMANCE WITH DOCUMENTATION ONLY) C.O.D., OR NET 30 WITH CREDIT APPROVAL--$600 PER MODULE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 10/ 1/83 INMASS Integrated manufacturing software series Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 INMASS is an integrated vertical mark~t package for manufacturers. Modules include Inventory, Bill of Materials, Job Costing, Material Requirements Planning, Order Entry, and Purchasing. It interfaces with the Microcomputer Consultants INCOME softawre package for financial accounting applications. Uses Digital ReNo Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 381 Microcomputer Consultants INMASS search's Access Manager for file-handling, and performs record and file-locking under MP/M. Source: PL/I-80. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS (CONFORMANCE WITH DOCUMENTATION ONLY) C.O.D., OR NET 30 WITH CREDIT APPROVAL--$600 PER MODULE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last upd~te: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Microcomputer Investors Association 902 Anderson Drive Fredericksburg VA 22405 Dr. J. Williams Phone: 703-371-5474 Support Offered/ Price: INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Assists the investor in managing investments Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 To assist the investor who utilizes microcomputers in making and managing investments. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: MEMBERSHIP No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 382 Company: Microfun P.O. Box 70128 Bellevue WA 98007 Mark Swanson Phone: 206-641-4115 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C BASICS OF BASIC Basic programming tutorial Price: $ 24.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 To provide a user friendly tutorial to teach basic in an interactive way. Topics/statements include: basic terminology, modes of operation, print, goto, let, fori next, input, if/then, RND, read/data, gosub/return, screen formatting and display. A users manual with documentation and practice programs is provided. Menu dri ven. Source: MBASIC. Date released: 10/ 1/83 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD A game of ups & downs on a corporate ladder Price: $ 24.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 To provide the average businessman with an interactive computer game about the corporate world in which he/she lives and works. Object is to climb the corporate ladder from mail room clerk to chairman of the board in as few rounds as possible. Random occurances/situations (20 each for 5 levels), special decision situations, etc., makes this a fun and challanging game. Source: MBASIC. Date released: 10/ 1/83 MICROFUN LEARNING SERIES 12 educational programs and games No Warranty .is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 383 Microfun MICROFUN LEARNING SERIES Price: $ 44.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Educational programs and games, language and math. Microfun answers the call to provide quality nongraphic educational software for the Kaypro. Each program includes thorough instructions. The package is menu driven. All programs report scores and allow user to quit early and exit back to menu. Some programs included are Number Fun, Counting Fun, Math Fun, and Guess My Number. Source: Microsoft Basic. 5/ 1/83 Date released: ********************************************************************** Company: Microline, Inc. 1701 West Front Street TX Tyler 75702 Tom Smith/David Kesler Phone: 214-592-3778 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C DMS-III A Relational Data Base Management System Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 A powerful, easy-to-use, menu driven data base management system. Permits mUltiple data bases on same disk. Programmable by dealer or end-user through the use of 'procedures' feature. No commands to learn. Interfaces with Wordstar's Mailmerge feature. Very user friendly. Can be used by many businesses. Up to 60 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 384 Microline, Inc. DMS-III fields per record, 60 characters per field. Up to 5 key fields. Key fields are automatically updated when records are added. Prints three types of reports, including free-form. Source: Compiled Microsoft Basic and machine language. Interfaces with WordStar/Mailmerge. Capacities: Up to 32,000 records per database. Handles mUltiple data bases. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD SOFTWARE WARRANTY-NONE 40% DEALER DISCOUNT-MORE ON QUANTITIES OF 5 OR MORE Date released: 9/ 1/82 Last update: 7/ 1/83 TAABS-II A water utility accounting and billing system Price: $1500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Designed for small (up to 10,000 accounts) privately owned or co-op water utilities. Oriented by route book, in location sequence. Also handles two nonmetered (water, garbage, etc.) services. Meter reading and all accounting information, such as charges, penalties, payments, etc., are kept on-line for up to 13 billing periods. Handles monthly, quarterly, other billing methods. Up to 256 rate codes or classes. Source: Microsoft Basic (compiled) and machine language DMS-III Data Base Management System and Interface program ($295 and $55) are optional. Kaypro 4 - 850 accounts, Kaypro 10 - 10,000+ accounts. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD SOFTWARE WARRANTY-NONE 35% DISCOUNT FIRST ORDER, 40% THEREAFTER Date released: 4/ 1/81 Last update: 5/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 385 Company: Micrometries 6560 Balsam Lane N. Maple Grove MN 55369 Ronald Grognke Phone: 612-559-7720 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C OFFICE MATE Office Automation Price: $ 60.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 OFFICEMATE is a system of integrated programs which automates many of the daily routine office tasks. It offers a quick access easy to maintain telephone Directory, a Daily Planner and Schedular, Note Pad, Address Book, a two register multi-function Calculator, Calendar function, and a Stock Portfolio manager. A Help function provides a quick summary of the commands available for any specific function. OFFICEMATE is easy to use with all file handling. It's totally integrated. Printer support is provided as an option for those configurations that have a printer. Source: MBASIC. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS NET 30 DAYS. VOLUME DISCOUNT UP TO 50% OF SUGST.RTL. Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: 6/ 1/83 PRICE. RAP System reliability analysis tool Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 RAP is a system analysis tool designed to allow the system manager, designer, or engineer to perform reliability analyses on any set of system devices or components. A system is modeled by RAP through a set of free form equation statements that are used to define the No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 386 Micrometrics RAP system configuration and component interconnection. Components or devices can be combined in any mix of Series, Parallel, or Identical Parallel connections that represent the system operation and configuration. Results are provided for interconnection together with total system results for quick analysis. Source: MBASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS NET 30 DAYS Date released: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Micropi Box 5524 Bellingham WA 98226 George Gerhold Phone: 206-733-9265 Support Offered/ Price: User Group N/C COMMON PILOT An implementation of Pilot CAl language Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 COMMON PILOT runs on a variety of machines including any CP/M machine. The language is used for developing instructional dialogs for a variety of applications. COMMON PILOT is representative of the most powerful implementation of PILOT; it is compatible with Apple PILOT and Super PILOT, Color PILOT, Commodore PILOT, TI PILOT, and PC PILOT. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 387 Micropi COMMON PILOT Source: Assembler. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS 30 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 1/ 1/81 ********************************************************************** Company: Midwest Computer Center Co. 5785 Merle Hay Rd. Johnston IW 50131 Tom Bergsma Phone: 515-276-3387 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Demos Available Software Upgrades $ 60.00 $150.00 $ 25.00 MCC ACCOUNTS PAYABLE An accounts payable software package Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Our Accounts Payable package is fast and easy. All you have to do is "key in your current vendors' names and addresses. You enter unpaid invoices--or vouchers--by number, date, due date, prompt payment discount (if allowed) and amount. You can examine cash flow analyses by month, cash requirement projections by week, or job if you have MCC's Job Cost Accounting package. Vouchers can be entered as prepaids (if you've already written the check) or unpaids. Accounts Payable automatically creates an AP journal if used with General Ledger and will work without General Ledger for nonNo Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 388 Midwest Computer Center Co. MCC ACCOUNTS PAYABLE accounting functions. Source: Microsoft FORTRAN. Manual included. MCC ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE An accounts receivable software package Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Our Accounts Receivable package works with either an open-item or balance-forward accounting system to automatically create accrual, sales and cash receipt journals for posting to General Ledger. The package interfaces directly with our Inventory Management package to automatically receive item pricing and costing, as well as shipping and back order information. When invoicing directly, the system will also pull up item descriptions from the inventory file. Source: Microsoft FORTRAN. Manual inlcuded. MCC BOMP MCC software's bill of materials processor Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 BOMP provides you with the ability to input and main~ tain standard lists of material for generating inventory orders (sales or manufacturing). Inventory (stock) and Labor (in terms of hours and costs) requirements are automatically generated. The primary advantage of BOMPutilization is the Materials Requirements Planning Report, which provides the following important information: Quantity and cost of each part required. Cost to order each part. Bills of material using the part. Total cost to build (in stock and ordered). Total labor hours required by activity code. Total labor cost required by activity code. Source: Microsoft FORTRAN. Manual included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 389 Midwest Computer Center Co. MCC BUDGETING/ESTIMATING Monitors actual vs. estimated job costs Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Interfaced with other MCC Software packages, Job Estimating/Budgeting provides complete management reporting by dollars and units, projecting percent complete and profitability by operation. Estimates can be created for both labor and materials. Summary reports available as well as details--calling out areas in need of management attention. Budget reports pinpointing how a budget is not being met. Source: Microsoft FORTRAN. Manual included. MCC FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Manages and controls your financial information Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This package was developed in direct response to requests from our customers for an efficient, accurate money management tool. It is specifically designed to work in tandem with our General Ledger program to provide month-by-month and year-to-date reports of your company's performance against budget. Both budget and historical information are stored on the General Ledger chart of accounts diskette. Financial Analysis solves the problem of maintaining your fixed asset records by storing up to 1,000 assets per diskette. Source: Microsoft FORTRAN. Manuals included. MCC GENERAL LEDGER Flexible, master accounting program Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 The journal driven double entry system provides for full account number and balance verification at entry time. As it checks information being entered through the journals, it insures that you will never make a wrong entry to a non-existing account. Also, your general ledger will never be thrown out of balance. All No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 390 Midwest Computer Center Co. MCC GENERAL LEDGER entries are constantly monitored for validity! Each MCC Software package includes manuals for operation, installation and reference. Source: Microsoft FORTRAN. MCC INVENTORY Improves customer service and internal control Price: $1495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Inventory Management provides perpetual maintenance of your inventory with on-hand, reserved and available quantities. It supports a wide range of costing methods to ensure compatibility with most in-place systems. Usage records are also captured by the system. Stock status reports can be printed by job or part number range--even limited to those items you need to order--with economic order quantities shown. The system also displays the most current P.O. and date due for shipment. Backorders are managed and customer updates on backordered items and shipping information. With our General Ledger and Accounts Receivable software, inventory becomes a complete, one-entry system. Source: Microsoft Fortran. MCC JOB COSTING Accumulates all incomes and costs through Price: $ 795.00 GIL journals Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 JOB COSTING: A journal-driven program that accumulates all incomes and costs through the General Ledger journals. Provides information by account, while Job Costing provides it by job. Job Costing is done automatically as a byproduct of processing your payroll, accounts receivable, and inventory. It is the cost accounting interface to General Ledger. It sets up a job ledger to accumulate all incomes, materials and labor costs against a paticular job, allowing for up to 364 active jobs at anyone time. Source: Microsoft FORTRAN. Manual included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 391 Midwest Computer Center Co. MCC NAMS Name and address management system Price: $ 349.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Developed specifically as a convenience for MCC Software users, NAMS stores up 1,500 names and addresses per single-density diskette. Multiple diskettes are supported. Once entered on a data diskette, name and address data can be sorted by any supported variable, then printed on a standard listing, on 2-up gum labels or anywhere within a use-created form letter. NAMS also enables you to merge names and addresses from several different NAMS data diskettes to generate any unique mailing you may require. The program can be interfaced with Wordstar and is already designed to support the projected 9-digit Zip Codes. MCC PAYROLL Complete payroll with labor distribution Price: $1195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 For salaried employees, you select the payroll period, and the system does the rest--computing taxes, figuring the deductions and writing the check. The package allows for up to 23 active unions at anyone time. You can also access detailed or summary workers' compensation reports by job at the touch of a button. MCC Software represents a full line of integrated computer applications for business and professional organizations. Each MCC Software package includes a full set of plain English manuals for operation, installation, and refererence. Source: Microsoft FORTRAN. MCC TRAMS A time recording and management system No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 392 Midwest Computer Center Co. MCC TRAMS Price: Compatible Systems: $2495.00 Kaypro 4,10 When used in tandem with MCC Software's General Ledger program, TRAMS automatically creates the accounting transactions associated with billing and cash receipts. TRAMS not only simplifies the processes of recording time and generating billing, but also analyzes the profitability and productivity of important aspects of your organization, while you can tailor the information to your specific needs. Suited for use by engineering firms, architects, accounting firms, lawyers and consultants of all kinds. Source: Microsoft FORTRAN. Manual included. ********************************************************************** Company: Mike Lewis Consultants, Ltd. 48 Willoughby Rd. London N.W.3 England Phone: 01-794-3886 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Demos Available Newsletter Software Upgrades Price is quoted in pounds N/C N/C $ 50.00 N/C N/C N/C PAYR1GHT PAYROLL SYSTEM United Kingdom payroll Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A comprehensive payroll supporting: Go different payment/deduction types; any combination of frequency, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 393 Mike Lewis Consultants, Ltd. PAYRIGHT PAYROLL SYSTEM method of payment and method of calculation; choice of payslip format (including plain paper); all U.K. tax cases, N.I.C. and statutory sick pay; mUlti-company use (for Bureaux, etc.); payments in advance; employee loans; payment of expenses; user-defined coin analysis; year-end forms; various analyses and management reports. Designed for use by in-house payroll offices, payroll services, and Bureaux. Capacity: System disk requires 190k - 220k; then allow 1/2k per employee. Source: Compiled Basic. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: ANY BUGS FIXED FREE-NO TIME LIMIT PRICE IN POUNDS STERLING; CASH WITH ORDER, 40% OFF TO DEALER Date released: 4/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Mini-Micro Business Systems, Inc. Star Route Candia NH 03034 Roland H. Fredette Phone: 603-483-5758 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance $ 25.00 N/C TAS (THE AGENCY SYSTEM) An Insurance Agency system Price: $2500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 To satisfy entire scope of ag~ncy needs. 1. MARKETING: Diary, calendar, prospecting, profiling. 2. BILLING: current and future via database which includes insureds, policies, policy descriptions, schedule of billings-policies and binders. 3. A/R: Open item, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 394 Mini-Micro Business Systems, Inc. TAS (THE AGENCY SYSTEM) invoicing, cash receipts, debit/credit memos, policy replacing binder, dunning notices. 4. MONTH-END: Aged A/R, accounts current, producer/broker statements, expirations, small balance writeoffs. 5. CLAIMS REGISTRATION AND HISTORY--ACCOUNT HISTORY--ACORD FORMS. Source: CB80. Manual included. Capacity: 25000 accounts. Optional software available: Report Writer/Generator. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 6 MONTHS PLEASE CONTACT Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Mountain View Press P.O. Box 4656 Mountain View CA 94040 Roy Martens Phone: 415-961-4103 Support Offered/ Price: MUP-FORTH PROGRAMMER'S KIT Forth computer language Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A ~omplete FORTH language package including public domain source code, editor, assembler, and utilities. Source: FORTH. Users manual, two reference manuals and a tutorial included. Source code included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 395 Mountain View Press MUP-FORTH PROGRAMMER'S KIT Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS RETURN CHECK OR CREDIT CARD WITH ORDER Date released: 3/ 1/83 Last update: 3/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Mycroft Labs, Inc. 2639 N. Monroe St., Suite B # 188 Tallahassee FA 32303 Glenda Shepard Phone: 904-385-1141 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 25.00 MITE A data communication/file transfer program Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 For CP/M, Mite is a menu-driven data communications package for CP/M based computers, that expands the range of capabilities far beyond those of existing terminal programs. It supports four binary protocols (XMODEM, CLINK, HAYES, and IBMPC); offers fully interactive macro-strings of up to 64 characters; allows auto dial and auto logon; either menu or command driven; plus extensive text file upload and download features. If you want to transfer files between microcomputers, access your corporate data base, or online services such as DOW JONES, Compuserve, The Source, TWX and many more. Source: 8080 Assembly. Includes a manual and data communications tutorial. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D., VISA, MASTER CARD, PREPAID, PURCHASE ORDER-NET 30. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 396 Mycroft Labs, Inc. MITE Date released: 9/ 1/82 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: NBS Computer Systems P.O. Box 23157 Milwaukee WI 53223 Peter Nelson Phone: 414-242-5642 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C IN-TALLY Inventory management w/customer mail list Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 IN-TALLY features complete inventory control for the retail trade. Can be used for any business that stocks parts using part numbers. Upon entering part number IN-TALLY will access record for that particular number and if desired will create sales receipt utilizing customer name, quantity description. IN TALLY will total sales receipt, add sales tax etc. while deducting part from on hand condition in inventory and update various records. IN-TALLY will also provide a complete or partial print out of inventory or customer list. Total value of inventory at cost and year to date sales. Capacity: Kaypro II 2,000, Kaypro 4 - 4,000, Kaypro 10 - 15,000 retords. Source: DIBOL Warranty/Terms: FREE FROM DEFECTS DEPOSIT REQUIRED. BALANCED C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro 397 C~rporation. Company: National Datatec Corporation 4055 Cy Avenue Casper WY 82604 Scott M. Shepherd Phone: 307-265-8888 Support Offered/ Price: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Bytesmith Software's Accounts Receivable Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The accounts receivable system is an open item system retaining all invoices in the system until paid. The system allows partial payments and full account recap of all ou~standing invoices, debit memos, and credit memos. It also allows the user the option of late payment interest charges. Tax codes and rates are defined by the user as well as time period calculation of interest rates. The user may define a default service percentage rate or individual service rates per customer. Accounts exceeding a defined credit limit are flagged as invoices and are processed. Includes a full concurrent manual. Date released: 8/ 1/83 ESCROW Bytesmith Software's Escrow Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This program is used to keep a record of escrow payments, including principal and interest totals. Principal and interest figures are calculated according to payment date. Therfore, the percentage of principal applied and interest charges depends on the time of payment. Within the program, descriptions of the escrow account, customer personal data, and payment schedules are kept and updated. The system is open for entry throughout the year, so that payments made can be updated for the appropriate period. This program also calculates and records salespersons' commission No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 398 National Datatec Corporation ESCROW percentages and dollar figures. The system is password protected. Includes a full concurrent manual. 8/ 1/83 Date released: GENERAL LEDGER CPA and single name versions from Bytesmith Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The books are left open for the entire year, allowing entry of purchases, sales, and expenses in the actual accounting period of occurrence. Financial statements can be run at any time. Detail data is not destroyed as a period is closed out, making it easy to provide accountants or auditors with all detailed data for the complete year just past. Includes a 150 page manual. Warranty/Terms: CPA VERSION JOB COSTING Bytesmith Software's Job Costing Price: $1895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Because of the flexibility created within the Phase Master, the Job Costing package is easily adaptable for architects, contracters, attorneys, and so forth. When interfaced with Time Accounting and General Ledger, the system will track current as well as life to date income and expenses. It also calculates profit and loss by phase or total project. It provides the ablility to evaluate performance of employees, supervisors and outside consultants, and to evaluate profitability by market classifications, and clients. The systems calculates the percentage of expenditure against budget estimates, and includes a percentage of com p 1 e t ion for con s t rue t ion loa' n d raw s . Inc 1 u des a 130 page manual. Date released: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 399 National Datatec Corporation PAYROLL Bytesmith Software's Payroll Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Payroll may be fully integrated with the General Ledger module and Job Costing systems. It does require the Time Accounting system for initial calculation of hourly paid employee pay records. Time Accounting is not required for salaried employees if the Job Costing system is not utilized. All master files are updated when payroll checks are written. A payroll summary file is maintained for auditing reviews or special inquiries. The file contains one record for each employee paid per pay period. Manual checks allowed. Includes a 115 page manual. Date released: 9 / 1/83 TIME ACCOUNTING Bytesmith Software's time accounting package Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Fully integrated with Payroll and Job Costing systems. Each employee is assigned a primary classification for billable charge out rate for normal labor. The rate classification may be overridden for any time entry to allow flexibility of tasking other than primary assignments. The Time Accounting system maintains year to date billable and year to date non billable time for each employee. The system also tracks sick time, vacation time, and other nonbillable time. Included in the cost factor is the option for a percentage rate per each employee which allows overhead expenses for individual fringe benefits. Billable rates may be overriden by either a percentage rate or a fixed amount for any time entry. Includes a 96 page manual. Date released: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 400 Company: New Classics Software 239 Fox Hill Road Denville NJ 07834 George Blank Phone: 201-625-8838 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 12.00 PASCAL 80 CP/M Pascal compiler Price: $ 79.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A version of standard Pascal designed for interactive use. Pascal 80 is ideal for learning Pascal. Editor, monitor, and compiler are in a single program that resides in memory. Programs up to 1,000 lines can be compiled immediatley from memory. Larger programs can be compiled from disk. Limitations: Pascal 80 doesn't have variant records, page, or width. Mark and release are used with pointer variables instead of dispose. Enhancements include screen control and random number functions, as well as random files up to 16 megabytes. Source: Z-80 native code. Includes a reference manual. Warranty/Terms: CHECK, MASTER CARD, VISA, C.O.D., DEALER TERMS AVAILABLE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 12/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 401 Company: New Era Technologies, 2025 I Street, Washington N.W., Inc. Suite 924 DC 20006 Lisa Rowland Phone: 202-887-5440 Support Offered/ Price: $ 40.00 N/C $ 50.00 Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades MIST Integrated communications system Price: $ 225.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MIST is a highly integrated applications development package that includes features for micro to mainframe and micro to micro communications, text editing, remote use, and an optional database management system. A single keystroke can instruct MIST to instantly connect to any asynchronous host computer, send and receive files, search online databases, record results to disk, and disconnect. Makes use of information utilities vastly simplified and inexpensive. Easily tailored with English, rather than programming language, for applications such as electronic mail, bulletin boards, distributed databases, networking, list management. Password protection for both local and remote users. Warranty/Terms: PREPAYMENT VIA CHECK OR CREDIT CARD Date released: 7/ 1/82 Last update: 2/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 402 New Wave Systems Company: 12123 Washington Place Mar Vista CA 90066 Kris Dahlin Phone: 213-475-8545 Support Offered/ Price: $ 25.00 Software Upgrades BARGEN Bar Code Generating Program Price: Compatible Systems: $ 345.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Bargen is a program used to generate barcode on any Epson printer. Additional text may be printed both above and below the bars. The character representation of the bar code may be omitted or printed above or below the bars, and even in OCR-A tont (to meet the LOGMARS specifications for shipments to the Department of Defense). Input can be from the Keyboard or a standard disk file. Sequences can be routinely set up. Source: PL/1, CB-80. Source code available. Date released: 9/ 1/82 Last update: 5/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: North America MICA, Inc. 11772 Sorrento Valley Rd. Ste.100 San Diego CA Phone: 92121 619-481-6998 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 403 North America MICA, Inc. PMS-II A critical path project management system Price: $1295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 PMS-II is a full scale critical path project management system which calculates early and late start and finish and float and paths for networks of up to 1250 activities in 64k or 2500 activities in a 128k 16-bit system. PMS-II tracks budget and actual material, labor, and burden dollars and will interface to any job cost system or dBase II. Also, it satisfies all Corps of Engineers ER 1-1-11 and base line DOD 7000.2 specifications. User's manual included. Source: CBASIC80 or CBASIC86 Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR FREE UPDATE TO SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION. C.O.D. OR PREPAY Date released: 8/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: North Bay Systems, Inc. 1623 Bridgeway #2 Sausalito CA 94965 Tom Anderson Phone: 415-331-3664 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C PRO/SEARCH High speed selective search match program Price: $2000.00 Features include: Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 searches 7,000 records a minute on No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 404 North Bay Systems, Inc. PRO/SEARCH hundreds of different criteria; percent to match capability; phonetic (sounds like) feature; appointment calendar built in; full multi-level security system; all screens user definable and menu driven; system maintains up to 36 separate databases. Designed for executive recruiters, personnel agencies, and corporate personnel departments. Capacity: 1,500 to 2,000 records per megabyte. Source: Assembly and CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED WARRANTY Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Northouse Industries, Inc. 7110 W. Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee WI 53218 Anne Jackson Phone: 414-438-0610 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Manuals Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C ACCOUNTSTAR Complete agriculture farm accounting system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 AccountStar is a complete set of agricultural accounting programs. It gives you the kind of precise control that means high productivity and higher profits for your farm. It is an easy-to-use fully integrated packNo Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 405 Northouse Industries, Inc. ACCOUNTSTAR age with no prior knowledge of computers needed to operate. AccountStar includes general ledger, accounts payable, payroll, and accounts receivables all in simple menu driven packages. All programs are linked so it is only necessary to enter data once. This one time data entry obviously reduces the chance for errors. You enter data as single-entry and AccountStar automatically converts to double-entry reports and data files. Source: Fortran. Comes on Diskette. Users manual included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR LEASING AVAILABLE--$495 PER MODULE Date released: 11/ 1/83 BEEFSTAR Herd management system for beef farmers Price: Compatible Systems: $ 495.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Beef Star gives you the kind of precise control that means higher productivity and higher profits for your beef farm management. It is an easy-to-use fully integrated package with no prior knowledge of computers needed for operation. Beef Manager provides you with complete beef herd records (current and historical). It contains work lists, attention lists, and problem lists along with a reproductive success analysis. A complete ration-balancing program, and a program to aid in raising your beef to market weight. Source: Fortran. Users manual included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR LEASING AVAILABLE--$495 PER MODULE Date released: 12/ 1/83 CROPSTAR Complete crop Price: $ 495.00 man~gement system Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 406 Northouse Industries, CROPSTAR CropStar gives you the kind of precise control that means higher productivity and higher profits for your crop farm management. It is an easy-to-use fully integrated package with no prior knowledge of computers needed for operation. Crop Manager provides you with complete crop records (current and historical). It can analyze your records by farm, by field, by crop, or by the entire operation. You have complete information on tillage, chemicals, fertilizer, seeding, cultivation, harvest, field observations (insects, weeds, disease, crop progress, etc), at all times. Your costs for labor, machinery, and material are calculated along with projected and actual yields. Source: Fortran. Users manual included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR LEASING AVAILABLE--$495 PER MODULE Date released: 11/ 1/83 HERDSTAR Complete dairy herd management system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HerdStar is a complete set of Dairy Herd Management programs designed for dairymen. It is an easy-to-use fully integrated package with no prior knowledge of computers needed for operation. Herd Manager, the heart of the system, automatically calculates schedules for breeding, springing, dry-up, pregnancy and health exams, etc. Herd records, work schedules, and attention lists become more simple, reliable, and complete than ever before. Other programs include: Heifer Manager, Reproduction Manager, Accounts Manager, Ration Manager, Crop Manager, Milk Manager, Feed Manager, and Machine Manager. Source: Fortran. User's manual included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR LEASING AVAILBLE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 407 Inc. Northouse Industries, Inc. HOGSTAR Complete hog farm management system Price: Compatible Systems: $ 495.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 HogStar gives you the kind of precise control that means higher productivity and higher profits for your hog farm management. It is an easy-to-use fully integrated package with no prior knowledge of computers needed for operation. HogStar provides you with complete hog herd records (current and historical). It contains work lists, attention lists, and problem lists along with a reproductive success analysis. HogStar contains a complete ration-balancing program, and a program to aid in raising your hogs to rrarket weight. Source: Fortran. User's manual included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR $495 PER MODULE Date released: 12/ 1/83 MACHINE MANAGER Farm machine management system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Machine Manager gives you the kind of precise control that means higher productiv~ty and higher profits in the use of your farm machinery. It is an easy-to-use fully intregrated package with no prior knowledge of computers needed for operation. Machine manager keeps track of all costs related to your individual farm machinery including purchase price, fuel, maintenance, repairs, overhauls, etc. All costs are logged against hours of use or miles used. Source: Fortran. Users manual included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR LEASING AVAILABLE Date released: 11/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 408 Company: Northwest Analytical, Inc. 1532 SW Morrison St. Portland OR 97205 J.L. Cawley Phone: 503-224-7727 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Visual Training Software Upgrades N/C $ 15.00 $ 50.00 NWA STATPAK A multi-function statistical package Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 NWA STATPAK is a multi-function statistics package with data management and data manipulation utilities. StatPak provides the Kaypro user with capabilities similar to time share statistics sytems. Statpak uses ASCII text files as its data structure. This allows straightforward interfacing with other applications such as word processing, data bases and spread sheets. Designed for the professional who manipulates data. Large penetrations in finance, marketing, manufacturing management and quality control, research & development, and planning. File capacity is limited by disk space. Matrix manipulating functions are RAM limited. In multiple regression, the # of variables x # of cases = 6000. Source: MBASIC. Includes manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: SOFTWARE WILL PERFORM AS DOCUMENTED MULTIPLE REGRESSION, NO. OF VARIBLES X NO. OF CASES Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 4/ 1/82 = 6000 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 409 Company: Olsen Software Post Office Box 91 Van Nuys CA 91408 Norman C. Olsen Phone: 213-785-7573 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 8.50 RHESUS-ERAS ED-FILE RECOVERY SYSTEM Recovers accidentally or mistakenly erased files Price: $ 65.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Rhesus recovers erased files that have not been overwritten by subsequent disk operations. It works with CP/M 2.0 - 2.2 systems, including those with hard disks, and is intended for use by non-programmers and those unfamiliar with the inner workings of CP/M. Some of its features are directory and undirectory listings, maps of recover alternatives, automatic and manual recovery procedures, file dumps in hex and ASCII, file renaming, HELP screens, and error messages in plain English. Most files can be recovered automatically by the use of a single command. Can recover an erased file up to 8-megabytes in length. Source: 8080 Assembly. User's manual included. Warranty/Terms: DISK MEDIA REPLACED IF DEFECTIVE. CASH, CHECK OR MONEY ORDER WITH ORDER. Date released: 11/ 1/82 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 410 Company: Open Systems, Inc. 430 Oak Grove Minneapolis MN 55403 Gordon K. Nordling Phone: 612-870-3515 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Maintenance Visual Training Newsletter N/C N/C N/C N/C THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM Eight interactive financial management applications Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Applications run stand-alone or in conjunction with other Software Fitness Program (TM) applications. True Multi-user, Multi-Tasking with true file and record lock-out. Small to medium businesses w/in over 200 different industries. Source: Business BASIC (BB2); RM/COBOL. Comes on many different media formats. Contact Open Systems for current production formats. User's Guides, Installation Guides included. AT least 5Mb Hard Drive storage required. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/76 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM A/P Accounts payable cash management and expense control Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Applications run stand-alone or in conjunction with other Software Fitness Program(TM) applications. True Multi-user, Multi-Tasking with true file and record lock-out. The A/P system allows you to measure the impact of your company's cost distribution and cash flow requirements. You'll manage your cash and control your expenses with flexibility in payment processing and detailed disbursement reports. Allows vendor and No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 411 Open Systems, Inc. THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM AlP open item inquiry for instant information access. Provides mUltiple period GIL processing on invoices, material requisitions, and debit memos. Source: Business Basic (BB2);RM/COBOL. Contact Open Systems for current production formats. User's Guides, Installation Guides included. Requires 5Mb Hard Drive storage. Source code included. Date released: II 1/76 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM AIR Accounts receivable cash flow control Price: Compatible Systems: $ 695.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Applications run stand-alone or in conjunction with other Software Fitness Program(TM) applications. True Multi-user, Multi-Tasking with true file and record lock-out. With the AIR system you'll produce timely invoices and statements, as well as detailed aging reports. Complete sales history reporting emphasizes profitability for rating the true performance of your company's sales. Maintains both open item and balance forward customers. Offers mUltiple GIL period processing. Many different media formats are produced. Contact Open Systems for current production formats. User's Guides, Installation Guides included. At least 5Mb Hard Drive storage required. Source: Business Basic (BB2); RM/COBOL. Source code included. Date released: 11 1176 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM GIL General Ledger: Price: $ 695.00 Balanced and timely accounting data Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Applications run stand-alone or in conjunction with other Software Fitness Program applications. True Multi-user, Multi-Tasking with true file and record No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 412 Open Systems, THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM GIL lock-out. The General Ledger system summarizes your accounting data to show you where your money is coming from and where it's going. With the added flexibility of customized financial statements, you'll have up-to-date results on your company's net performance in any format you choose. Source: Business Basic (BB2); RM/COBOL. Many different media formats are produced. Contact Open Systems for current production formats. User's Guides, Installation Guides included. Requires 5Mb hard drive storage. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/76 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM INV. Inventory: Market response and stock control Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Applications run stand-alone or in conjunction with other Software Fitness Program applications. True Multi-user, Multi-Tasking with true file and record lock-out. The Inventory System will improve control of your purchasing and sales decisions with access to upto-date balances and comprehensi~e valuation statistics. You'll quickly adjust your stock levels to meet the changing demands of your business. An automatic alert reporting feature will tell you when and what to reorder so you won't miss a single sale. Source: Business Basic (BB2); RM/COBOL. Many different media formats are produced. Contact Open Systems for current production formats. User's Guides, Installation Guides included. Requires 5Mb hard drive storage. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/76 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM J.C. Job Cost: Price: production cost control $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 413 Inc. Open Systems, Inc. THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM J.C. Applications run stand-alone or in conjunction with other Software Fitness Program applications. True Multi-user, Multi-Tasking with true file and record lock-out. The contractor, job shop and manufacturer all need accurate cost data to maintain profitability. The Job Cost System automatically records costs and revenues as you process other accounting data. A complete variance analysis against your estimates by cost center focuses on your job profitability. Sourc: Business Basic (BB2); RM/COBOL. Many different media formats are produced. Contact Open Systems for current production formats. User's Guides, Installation Guides included. Requires at least 5Mb hard drive storage. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/76 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM PAl Payroll: paycheck and expense control Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Applications run stand-alone or in conjunction with other Software Fitness Program applications. True Multi user, Multi-Tasking with true file and record lock-out. Meet government reporting requirements as you pay your hourly and salaried employees. The Payroll System not only processes checks but allows labor expense distribution and reporting by department, job, and phase for complete cost control. Source: Business Basic (BB2); RM/COBOL. Many different media formats are produced. Contact Open Systems for current production formats. User's Guides, Installation Guides included. At least 5Mb hard drive storage required. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/76 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM S.O.P. Sales Order Processing complete order control No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 414 Open Systems, THE SOFTWARE FITNESS Price: PROGRAM S.O.P. $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Applications run stand-alone or in conjunction with other Software Fitness Program(TM) applications. True Multi-user, Multi-Tasking with true file and record lock-out. Your orders will be processed automatically from entry through packing, verification and invoicing. With the SOP system you'll have a complete range of order processing, including returned goods and backorders. The interface to the Accounts Receivable system allows for complete processing from aging to statements. Source: Business Basic (BB2); RM/COBOL. Many different media formats are produced. Contact Open Systems for current production formats. User's Guides, Installation Guides included. At least 5Mb Hard Drive storage required. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/76 THE SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM T.M.T. The Team Manager data base manager Price: $ 695.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Applications run stand-alone or in conjunction with other Software Fitness Program(TM) applications. True Multi-user, Multi-Tasking with true file and record lock-out. With the Team Manager, i t ' s easy to produce the specific report you need to effectively manage your business, using data from the SOFTWARE FITNESS PROGRAM accounting applications. Data can also be reformatted for use by other productivity tools, including word processing, spreadsheet and data management products. Source: Business Basic (BB2); RM/COBOL. Many different media formats are produced. Contact Open Systems for current production formats. User's Guides, Installation Guides included. At least 5Mb Hard Drive storage required. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/76 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 415 Inc. Company: PSI Software 405 Highland Parkway Ste.101 Norman OK 73069 Al Samuels Phone: 800-654-3217 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Manuals Software Upgrades N/C $ 25.00 $ 15.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Integrated or stand alone accounts payable Price: $ 249.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The PSI Accounts Payable System forecasts cash requirements based on dates of discount or due dates. Generated reports enable the business user to determine vendors to be paid or not paid. Reports generated are vendor list, open vouchers, ageing, cash requirements, check register, checks, G/L transaction register. Source: MBasic. Manual with tutorials included. Four hundred vendor capacity can be increased on request. Date released: 1/ 1/82 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Full blown accounts receivable with invoicing Price: $ 249.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Has all of the features with printer pitch control from inside the program. Reports include Customer Account Detail, Aging Report, Transaction Report (optional), Customer Accounts, G/L Transaction Register, Invoices, Statements. Additional features such as option of open item forward or consolidated transactions. Can be used alone or integrated with other PSI Accounting modules. Source: MBasic. Manual with tutorials included. Four hundred cusomter account capacity can be increased on request. Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 8/19/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 416 PSI Software GENERAL LEDGER Stand alone or integrated general ledger Price: Compatible Systems: $ 249.95 Kaypro 11,4,10 Reports generated: Trial Balance, Income Statement, Comparative Balance Sheet, Transaction Listings, Account Query Reports, Balance Sheet, Department Income Statements, Comparative Income Statement, Master File Listings. Full Comparative and Budget Data Reports. Source: MBasic. Manual with tutorials included. Five hundred chart of accounts capacity can be increased on request. Date released: 1/ 1/82 PAYROLL Integrated or stand alone payroll Price: $ 249.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PSI Payroll uses built-in cross checks that insure accuracy of calculations. It automatically handles all federal reports. Reports generated: Employee File List, Paychecks, G/L Transactions Register, Schedule 941-A, Payroll Register, Monthly Summary, Unemployment Tax Data, Form W-2. Source: MBasic. Manual with tutorials included. Three hundred employee capacity. Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 7/17/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Padmede Computer Services 351 Fleet Road Fleet Rants, GU13 8BU Phone: Telex: Fleet 02514-21892 858893 Fletel G No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 417 Padmede Computer Services Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Visual Training Demos Available Software Upgrades Price quoted in pounds N/C N/C N/C $ 15.00 N/C PADA/C The accountants small business accounting package Price: Compatible Systems: $ 399.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Specially developed for accountants whose clients include small businesses, the Padmede Incomplete Records System (PIRAS) enables a full set of financial accounts to be produced from details entered on to a Transaction File. The Time and Cost Recording System (PTCS) has been designed to keep accurate records of time spent and costs incurred when working for a client on a job. The basic architecture of PADA/C is open and expandable designed to take full advantage of the storage capacity of the machine from mini-floppy to hard disk systems. Capacity: PIRAS: General Ledger Codes - 900, Sub-Analysis Codes - 99, Transactions - 32,000 PTCS: Client File - 9,999, Chargeband File - 999. Source: MBASIC. Includes operating manual. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR 30 DAYS FROM INVOICE DATE; MONEY VALUE IN STERLING POUNDS Date released: 12/ 1/82 Last update: 2/ 1/83 PADMEDE BUSINESS CONTROL SYSTEM An integrated Price: $1245.00 ~usiness application software system Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Padmede Business Control System (PBCS) is a powerful sophisticated range of integrated business application software running on the Kaypro under CP/M 2.2. PBCS comprises Sales/Debtors Ledger, Sales Invoicing, Purchase Ledger, Nominal/General Ledger and Stock/Inventory Control. Thus, providing full accounting conNo Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 418 Padmede Computer Services PADMEDE BUSINESS CONTROL SYSTEM trol and maintenance of financial records. There is full integration from Stock Control through to Nomina1/ General Ledger, however, individual modules can be run independently if desired. Capacity: Sales & Purchase Ledger Accounts - 9,999, Transactions - 32,000, Stock Items - 32,000, Nominal Ledger Codes - 900, Sub-analysis Codes - 99. Source: MBASIC. Manuals included. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR 30 DAYS FROM INVOICE DATE; MONEY VALUE IN POUND STERLING Date released: 6/ 1/82 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Pakre, Inc. 5230 N. Clark, Ste.5 Lakewood CA 90712 Joan Paniagua Phone: 213-866-2581 Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available N/C COMPUTERIZED SERVICE STATION SYSTEM Service station: management aid system Price: $2475.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The PAKRE computerized service station system is a group of interactive software programs developed to aid the service station owner/operator in the management of his/her business. It is formed by four principal packages: Daily Book, Inventory Management, Payroll, and General Ledger. Each package has the capacity to generate all the necessary reports for the efficient operation of a service station business. Capacity: 45 files on approximated 750 Kbytes in the standard No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 419 Pakre, Inc. COMPUTERIZED SERVICE STATION SYSTEM system - for the Kaypro II the system is a multi-disk application. Source: MBASIC/Compiled. Disks shipped: Kaypro II - 8 5 1/4", Kaypro IV - 2 5 1/4" floppy diskette, and Kaypro X - installed on hard disk. Includes operational manual. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS LIMITED Date released: 10/15/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Palantir, Inc. 3400 Montrose Blvd. Ste 718 Houston TX 77006 Dennis J. Bilbe Phone: 713-520-8221 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C PALANTIR WORD PROCESSOR A high perfomance word processor for microcomputers Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PALANTIR offers all of the features you expect from a dedicated word processing system: on-screen formatting, proportional printing, function key controls, unlimited file size, powerful file merging capabilities, print formatting, alternate right & left justification of page numbers, search & replace using "wild card" characters, block manipulations, plus horizontal scrolling for lines wider than the screen. PALANTIR Word Processor can be used by both the novice and the experienced. PALANTIR was designed for simplicity and No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 420 Palantir, Inc. PALANTIR WORD PROCESSOR ease of use without sacrificing power. Assembler. Source: C & Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 4/ 1/82 Last update: 8/15/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Parilink Corporation 1025 S. Moorland Road Brookfield WI 53005 Morris Sadicario/Kathy Hawley Phone: 414-785-9567 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C PARISH DATA SYSTEM Church census information and contributions management Price: $ 950.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Assist in maintaining information of church families that are active in the church. Keeps track of talents of individual members, for later use in church education programs, school participation, and general volunteer work. Also keeps track of contributions made by family and can compare against any pledged amount. Reports can be directed to screen, to printer, or to disk file (spooled). Source: PASCAL-MT. Capacities: Capacities: Kaypro 4 - 400 family, Kaypro 10 - 5,000. Warranty/Terms: CORRECTION OF PROGRAMMING FLAWS (INDEFINITE TIME LIMIT) PRE-PAID WITH ORDER No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 421 Parilink Corporation PARISH DATA SYSTEM Date released: 12/30/78 Last update: PREMARITAL INVENTORY TABULATOR Tabulates Responses to Pre-marriage Price: $ 115.00 8/ 1/83 questionnaire Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Evaluate responses to most popular of pre-marital questionnaires (over 150,000). Prints responses, displays bar graph, general summary on terminal. Replaces almost one hour of manual tabulating time with 5 minutes of machine entry and printout time. Available in regular (136 question) or Clergy (143 question) Edition. Source: BASIC. Manual included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: CORRECTION OF PROGRAMMING ERRORS (INDEFINITE TIME LIMIT) PREPAID WITH ORDER Date released: 8/ 1/82 Last update: 3/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Pearlsoft PO Box 13850 Salem OR 97309 Larry Herring Phone: 503-390-6880 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Visual Training N/C $ 60.00 PERSONAL PEARL A relational database management system for novices No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 422 Pearlsoft PERSONAL Price: PEARL $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Personal PEARL is designed for non-technical end-users who want to create management information systems for their own unique needs. Interfaces to WordStar and Supercalc. Allows user to define input forms and output reports, as well as interrelationships between files. All in English, on-screen. Built-in sort utility. Allows calculations, provides starter library of forms/reports for a people data base, appointment calendar, and cash disbursement journal. Source: PASCAL. Reference manual included. Date released: 09/01/82 Last update: 07/01/83 ********************************************************************** Company: People Literate Software P.o. Box 2039 Bozeman Phone: MT 50715 406-586-1581 Support Offered/ Price: ITEMIZER Lets you categorize your financial dealings Price: $39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 You set up and manage categories with commands which allow you to create, rename, copy, combine, and modify them. You may also view the items in the category in detail or in summary form on the screen, on file, or printed out. When modifying a category, you can edit items, enter new ones, and calculate subtotals at any time. Each item has a memo area for making notes and an area where the amount of the transaction is entered. If an item has a subtotal, it will have a shorter memo No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 423 People Literate Software ITEMIZER area following the amount for entering a note on the subtotal and the subtotal itself. Source: C. Capacities: Approximately 200 entries per category, up to 90 categories per disk., User's manual included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REFUND IF DISKETTES ARE UNOPENED. Date released: 7/21/83 Last update: 7/21/83 MONEY MANAGER A year round budgeting program Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Money Manager tracks your financial information over a twelve month period and you may set the month with which your fiscal year begins. After entering your information you may store it into a file and then play "what if" with it. If you decide that your projections are not as you wish, the "Discard" key allows you to throw them away and return to the stored data. You may examine your income and expenses on the screen, print them out, or store them in a file, in detail or summary form. Income and expenses for the displayed month are shown side by side on the screen. Source: C. 200 entry capacity. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REFUND IF DISKETTES ARE NOT OPENED Date released: 8/10/83 Last update: 8/10/83 TIME VALUE OF MONEY (TMV) Investment analysis program Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 T.V.M. allows you to work Present-Future Worth, Mortgage Annuity, and Gradient problems to analyze a variety of investment and business situations and to answer a myriad of otherwise complex and confusing questions. A convenient units conversion feature forces the program to compute figures for years, months, quarters, and days. A detailed time period No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 424 People Literate Software TIME VALUE OF MONEY (TMV) breakdown for each problem is available on your screen, at the printer, or it can be saved in a file. You can print a complete amortization schedule for a house mortgage or you can simply look at the screen to see how much is left in the principle. Source: C. Includes a Users' Guide. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REFUND IF DISKETTES ARE NOT OPENED Date released: 7/ 1/83 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: P~ricomp Corporation 14 Huron Drive Natick MA 01760 Madeline MacDonald Phone: 617-655-7660 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 50.00 FIVE STAR ACCOUNTING General Accounting for small business Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Fully menu and prompt driven accounting and bookkeeping for small companies. Designed to be used by the office clerical staff, it encompasses the receivables and payabIes operations as well as the general ledger and financial reports. The chart of accounts is unified to include all general as well as accounts receivable, and accounts payable accounts. The journal is both unified and perpetual. It provides a permanent archive of daily activity of the business. Capacity: Chart Size: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 425 Pericomp Corporation FIVE STAR ACCOUNTING Kaypro II - 400 accounts, Kaypro IV - 1,800 accounts; Journal Contents: Kaypro II - 3,000 lines, Kaypro IV 6,000 lines. Source: Z80 Assembler. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OR UPGRADE IF FAULTY 1 YEAR CASH OR C.O.D. Date released: 7/ 1/82 Last update: 6/ 1/83 FIVE STAR MANUFACTURING INVENTORY An inventory control for small manufacturers Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Fully menu and prompt driven manufacturing inventory control and management information system. Designed around the needs of the total business, it provides the manufacturer's sales, production, purchasing, business management and material management departments with the necessary reports and information that each needs to perform their functions. An extensive manufacturing information section helps to control the inventory investment with such features as summary production information, summary work in process, totalized asset values, and compute stock level adequacy for future production. Capacity: Kaypro II - 600, Kaypro IV 1,200, Kaypro X - 15,000 inventory items. Source: dBASE II. Includes an extensive users book. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OR UPGRADE IF FAULTY 1 YEAR CASH OR C.O.D. Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 FIVE STAR SUPERFILE BACKUP SYSTEM System for backing-up files Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Easy to use, hard to erase. Menu and prompt driven. Back up whole hard disks on a series of disks. Backup No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 426 Pericomp Corporation FIVE STAR SUPERFILE BACKUP SYSTEM just data files from all disks on line to another series. Collect an archive of isolated letters, and data files. Files may be singly as large as a whole hard disk, or a myriad of smaller files, more than any single mini disk could hold. You could do your backups on single sided formatted disks. Backups are protected against accidental erasure and recovery, should it ever be necessary is virtually error proof. Utilities allow deletion of old files and view/print of the master directory. Source: 8080 Assembler. Includes extensive user's handbook. Warranty/Terms: REPLACEMENT OR UPGRADE IF FAULTY 1 YEAR. CASH OR C.O.D. Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Phoenix Systems, Inc. 1106 Ohio River Blvd. Sewickley PA 15143 Marilyn Ann Crawford Phone: 412-741-8330 Support Offered/ Price: SYSTEM-80/2 COBOL program generator Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 To generate complete COBOL programs ready to compile and execute. Automatic program generation through prompt and answer sessions to 1) build the data dictionary, 2) build screens and/or sub-screens, 3) program generation which includes calculation capabilities, and 4) ability to change certain user parameters. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 427 Phoenix Systems, Inc. SYSTEM-80/2 Source: COBOL. manuals. Includes reference and installation ********************************************************************** Company: Phone 1, Inc. 461 N. Mulford Rd. Rockford Phone: IL 61107 815-397-8110 Support Offered/ Price: CLEO-3780 Bisynchronous communications software Price: Compatible Systems: $ 395.00 Kaypro II CLEO-3780 software provides total 3780 work station capabilities to the CP/M, MP/M, MS DOS, or unit computer. Point and Multi point; selectable record and block lengths; batch file operations; built in serial line monitor for diagnoistics. Source: C Language. Source code available. Date released: 12/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 428 Company: Port-A-Soft 423 E. 800 N Orem DT 84057 Terry Compton Phone: 801-226-6704 Support Offered/ Price: DISKETTE FORMAT CONVERSION Diskette downloading service from over 60 formats Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro II This service converts/downloads data to/from 60 different formats as well as 9 track industry standard magnetic tape. ********************************************************************** Company: Powell Systems, Inc. 3839 Bee Cave Rd. Austin Ste.104 TX 78746 Vauna Powell Phone: 512-327-4425 Support Offered/ Price: SIMSYS Powell system's school information management system Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This is a software package designed to perform data management tasks. SIMSYS was designed by educators for use by school administrators in performing several time consuming administrative tasks. SIMSYS is ideal for a wide array of Chapter 1 tasks that include maintaining No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 429 Powell Systems, Inc. SIMSYS inventory lists of equipment and materials purchased with Chapter 1 funds; pupil accounting within the Chapter 1 program; selecting students for program services; evaluation analysis; and providing student profiles. Optional Software: Statistics module-$200, School Administration module-$300, Test Scoring module-$400, Standard Demographic module-$200, and Batch-$100. ********************************************************************** Company' : Power Tools 48 Hunter's Hill Circle Amherst MA 01002 Eric Martz Phone: 413-256-0751 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance N/C N/C BIBLIOFILE Personal bibliographic database management system Price: $ 199.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Bibliofile is a set of 11 programs (56K CP/M-80 2.2) designed for research scientists, physicians, and anyone who writes reports with bibliographies. References are entered with the word processing/editing program of your choice, and can be searched on any of 6 fields with and/or/not logic. Bibiofile will print bibliographies in any journal style automatically, and can extract citations from a text file, printing the corresponding bibliography, and resequencing the citations in the text. Source: C (BDS compiler). Comes on: 5 1/4" floppy disks. 70 page manual with index and summary card included. Maximum 2000 bytes/reference No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 430 Power Tools BIBLIOFILE 500 bytes per field, 6 fields per reference. Typical disk storage 256 bytes/ref (1000 ref/DD 5 1/4" disk). 11/ 1/82 Last update: Date released: 5/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Precision People, Inc. 3452 North Ride Circle S. Jacksonville FL 32217 Diane Trifiletti,Ph.D Phone: 904-262-1096 Support Offered! Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Manuals N/C N/C N/C WAISR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Interprets the Wechsler adult intelligence scale Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program scores and interprets the Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised (Wais-R). The program accepts raw scores from an administration of the Waisr. The report generates scale scores, full scale IQ, verbal IQ, performance IQ, graphic scale score profile graphic IQ display, and clinical recommendations. The manual includes research references for the recommendations. Source: Basic. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D., VISA, MASTERCARD Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 1/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 431 Precision People, Inc. WISCR-80 Interprets Wechsler intelligence scale for children Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program scores and interprets the Wechsler intelligence scale for children-revised (Wisc-R) and produces over 1200 educational recommendations in four different age ranges. The program inputs raw scores and reports scale scores, full scale IQ, verbal IQ, performance IQ, mental ages, percentiles, graphic scale score profile, graphic IQ display. Clinical interpretations based on significant differences in verbal mean and performance mean are reported. Source: Basic. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D., VISA, MASTERCARD Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 3/ 1/83 WISCR-90 CLINICAL REPORT Interprets the Wechsler intelligence scale for children Price: $ 475.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program scores and interprets the Wechsler intelligence scale for children-revised (WISC-R) and produces over 1200 educational recommendations in four different age ranges. The program accepts raw scores from an administration of the WISC-R. The report generates scale scores, full scale IQ, verbal IQ, performance IQ, graphic scale score profile, graphic IQ, display, mental ages, percentiles and diagnostic interpretations for relatively high and low subtests. Source: Basic. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS C.O.D., VISA, MASTERCARD Date released: 3/ 1/83 Last update: 3/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 432 Company: Printers Software, Inc. 933 Rt 23 Pompton Plains NJ 07474 Paul N. Grieco Phone: 201-839-8797 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C ESTIMATE/SO Estimates printed job costs Price: $4000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 User customized, high speed, operator friendly package to assist estimators in printing plants. Reduces estimating time by 50%. Also greater accuracy. Integrates with Job Costing (actual Cost Reporting) to allow variances between estimates vs. actual results of hours, dollars, and production quantities. Most widely used system in the Printing Industry. Source: BASIC. Supplied on 3 disks. Manuals included. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: LIFETIME NET WITH ORDER Date released: 12/25/79 Last update: 8/25/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Pritsker & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 2413 West Lafayette IN 47906 Thomas L. Howell Phone: 317-463-5557 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 433 Pritsker & Associates, Inc. Visual Training Software Upgrades N/C N/C MICRONET A powerful network simulation system Price: $2500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MicroNET is a powerful network simulation system developed specifically for microcomputers. Using a series of English-like commands, MicroNET models are easily created, edited, executed, and analyzed. MicroNET supports a full set of network simulation concepts, allowing a wide range of problem situations to be modeled and analyzed. MicroNET is designed to run on the IBM Personal Computer, the Apple 11+ and many CP/M compatible microcomputers with as little as 48K RAM. Source: Forth. Includes The MicroNet User's Manual. Date released: 4/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Professional Systems Corporation Company: 3858 Carson Street, Suite Torrance 220 CA 90503 Jodie Baker Phone: 213-316-5345 Support Offered/ Price: PHYSICIANS OFFICE COMPUTER Medical office billing and clinical data system Price: $5749.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE COMPUTER software is a complete and amazingly easy-to-use in-house Medical Office BillNo Warranty is ma~e expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 434 Professional Systems Corporation PHYSICIANS OFFICE COMPUTER ing and clinical data System for private physicians. Using three types of input documents (patient registration, charge slips, and payment stubs), the System automatically produces all insurance forms, statements, accounts receivables, recall notices, appointment schedules, medications, allergies, patient notes and a wide variety of management reports including clinical data searches. Source: CBAS1C 2.38. ********************************************************************** PromptDoc, Inc. Company: 833 West Colorado Avenue Colorado Springs CO 80905 James H. Brummett Phone: 303-471-9875 Support Offered/ Price: DOCUMENTOR Computer assisted writing document database manager Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 It's used to synchronize 1stDraft outlines when changes are made in the document files by directly analyzing the document and updating the 1stDraft outline. Documentor is also used to convert a document into a standard template that can be re-used. Documentor is also user friendly, but is batch oriented. Documentor does not interact with the user after it has the task request and the file on which to perform the task. Required SW: FIRST DRAFT $ 195.00 FIRST DRAFT Computer assisted writing spreadsheet No Warranty i~ made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 435 PromptDoc, Inc. FIRST DRAFT Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 First Draft is the tool that provides outline manipulation, document assembly from standard templates, document status tracking, and final document assembly. This product uses a standard, screen oriented interface that is consistent across all functions. It is fundamentally a user friendly design, and where it is a bit awkward it is consistently awkard. There are few surprises in using this package, it never does something obscure and usually informs the user of what it is up to, very nice when it is taking one or two minutes to perform a task. This is the most used of the two programs, and it is designed to support interactive thinking. ********************************************************************** Company: Prosoft Inc. 3655 Henderson Blvd., Suite 2B FL Tampa 33609 George Andreu Phone: 813-877-4341 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Manuals Demos Available Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 12.00 $ 50.00 CONTRACTOR COST ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Job cost control system with Accounts Payable Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 System is "real time" updated. All needed files are updated at point of entry. Complete job reports, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 436 Prosoft Inc. CONTRACTOR COST ACCOUNTING SYSTEM vendor reports, financials, etc. Available upon operator request. Completely handles construction costs from the invoice entry to the actual cost within the jobs. Uses video attributes of Kaypro, that is reverse highlighting, etc. Menu driven program with a very good user's manual. Capacities: 600 chart of accounts, 400 vendors, 50 jobs, 1,000 open items. Source: MBASIC - Compiled. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY FULL PHONE SUPPORT, 1 YEAR UPDATES C.O.D. Date released: 5/ 1/79 ********************************************************************** Company: Prosoft, Inc. P. O. Box 3206 Hickory NC 28603 Mark Bennett Phone: 704-324-4291 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Demos Available Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 39.00 N/C N/C SALONFAX Hair stylist's information system Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Provides for total automation of a hair styling salon including: sales reporting, productivity analysis, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 437 Prosoft, Inc. SALONFAX commission calculation, customer recordkeeping, appointment scheduling, inventory control, cash control (with optional cash drawer), product history, inventory valuation, and much more. Source: MBasic. Capacities: Kaypro 2 - 9 stylists, 250 products, 1800 customer files, 100 services; Kaypro 10 30 stylists, 600 products, 7500 customers, 250 services. Includes a pre-installation guide .. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR FOR PROGRAM LOGIC (SEE WARRANTY IN LICENSE AGREEMENT) C.O.D. Date released: 6/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Public Interest Software 1755 S Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Michael Jacobson/D'Anne DuBois Phone: 202-332-9110 Support Offered/ Price: ECD-PARADISE Educational quiz-game on environmental issues Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Road to Eco-Paradise is a package of two programs: a challenging, educational quiz-game on current, important environmental issues, and a game on pollution, ecology, toxic chemicals, and related politics. Beginners can get some extra help from Sally, the ecologist, to keep from falling into the toxic waste dump. The object is to get to Eco-Paradise by the most direct route. Also an ECO-TEST self-appraisal of the No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 438 Public Interest Software ECO-PARADISE user's awareness to ecology and environmental factors in everyday life. Source: S-Basic. Instruction sheet and activities guide with additional current information on environmental issues and information sources. 7/ 1/83 Last update: Date released: 9/ 1/83 NUTRI-BYTES Teaches the basics of nutrition Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A package of three programs that teaches the basics of nutrition and provides the user with ~n up-to-date dictionary of common food additives. The programs (on floppy disks) are entirely menu driven and simple to use. A nutrition quiz, "Eats and Drinks" takes an amusing look at some of the most important principles of nutrition by testing the user's knowledge of diet and disease. "Chef Pennypincher" lets the user analyze eating and shopping habits. "Chef" teaches how to improve one's diet and cut costs at the same time. "Chemical Cuisine: is about food additives. Source: S-Basic. Com e son 5. 1 / 4" Kay pro . Pac k age inc 1 u des 3 color f u 1 wall charts providing ready reference to related material, and instruction sheet and activities guide. Date released: 7/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Quant Systems P.O. Box 628 Charleston SC 29402 James S. Hawkes Phone: 803-571-2825 Support Offered/ Price: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 439 Quant Systems STATISTICIAN A library of statistical software Price: $ 299.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Statistician includes: Data Base Manager - a field oriented data entry and editing system; Multiple Regression Analysis permits the user to estimate a linear model using one of several estimation procedures including stepwise, all subsets, backward elimination, ridge, and least squares; Data Transformations - 24 data set transformations (ABS(X), EXP(X), LN(X), normalization, nth difference, nth order lag, additive and multiplicative accumulation, vector reversal, vector rotation); Descriptive Statistics - obtain the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means as well as the median, variance, standard deviation, mean absolute deviation, range, maximum values, and histograms. ********************************************************************** Company: Questionnaire Service Co. Box 23056 Lansing MI 48909 Alice Kalush Phone: 517-641-4428 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades Free Telephone consultation $ 50.00 N/C SL-MICRO A statistical language for microcomputers Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SL-MICRO is an easy to use statistical language which should already be familiar to many users of statistical packages on mainframes. SL-MICRO can process large No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 440 Questionnaire Service Co. SL-MICRO data files containing up to 32,600 cases with 200 variables. Professional results are produced in just a few minutes. SL-MICRO has variable and value labels, long variable names, missing values and English error messages. Data transformations can be used to produce new variables or select a subset of the data for processing. Designed for statistic analysis in education, business, or government. Capacity: 32,000 cases with up to 10 records per case, 800 characters per record, and 200 variables per case. Source: CB80 Supplied on a ddss disk. Includes a 100-page user's manual. Warranty/Terms: WILL REPLACE DEFECTIVE MEDIA FREE OF CHARGE CASH, 30 DAYS NET, MASTER CARD, VISA Date released: 10/ 1/80 Last update: 3/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** R. R. Company: Software, Inc. P. O. Box 1512 Madison WI 53701 James Stewart Phone: 608-244-6436 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades Site licenses are available N/C $ 5.00 $ 20.00 N/C JANUS/ADA Partial implementation of the Ada Language Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 An innovative partial implementation of Ada specifically developed for microcomputers. The Janus/Ada No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 441 R. R. Software, Inc. JANUS/ADA compiler includes many features not found in any other micro-processor programming language. Some of these features are: true modular programming, error messages in English, full error walk backs, and re-entrant initialized variables. Just these features alone are enough to set this compiler apart from any others available at any cost. Source: JANUS/Ada Comes on 4 to 6 disks. Documentation included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: SOLD UNDER LICENSE Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: 11/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Company: R.P.W. Publishing Corp. 1 Cool Springs Lane, Lexington P.O. Box 1046 SC 29072 Rose Wilkins Phone: 803-359-9941 Support Offered/ Price: DRAFTING WILLS AND TRUST AGREEMENTS A checklist system for preparing wills and trusts Price: $ 220.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This software package contains 535 forms taken directly from Mr. Robert P. Wilkins' book, Drafting Wills and Trust Agreements: A Systems Approach. This book contains checklists which the lawyer can circle the forms desired for a particular client's document. Each form is recorded on disk as a separate document and has a search code where a blank is to be filled in or a decision made. Source: BASIC Supplied on nine 5 1/4" No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 442 R.P.W. Publishing Corp. DRAFTING WILLS AND TRUST AGREEMENTS floppy disks. ********************************************************************** RD Software Company: 1290 Monument Street Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Bob Doolittle Phone: 213-454-8270 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C ITOZ/ZTOI A pair of independent source program translators Price: $ 40.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Independent source program/preprocessors or translators which run on Z-80 based CP/M systems. ITOZ accepts as input a CP/M source program file written in extended INTEL 8080 (MAC Z80.LIB) mnemonics. It creates as output the equivalent source program file in ZILOG Z80 mnemonics. ZTOI provides the inverse translation from ZILOG to INTEL. The translated files are fully formatted contain all the original comments and are ready for assembly. Source: Z80 assembly. Documentation on disk. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND IF UNABLE TO INSTALL AND RUN NET 30 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/83 1/ 1/79 Last update: ZDM/ZDMZ Z-80 debuggers and monitors No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 443 RD Software ZDM/ZDMZ Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Powerful Z80 debuggers and monitors designed to operate on 280 based CP/M systems. They feature the same command structure as the CP/M module DDT (Dynamic Debugging Tool) and are intended to replace the latter for Z80 and 8080 program development. ZDM displays extended 8080 (MAC Z80.LIB) mnemonics in its disassembly command while ZDMZ displays 100% ZILOG Z80 mnemonics. The two files are otherwise identical. Source: Z80 assembly. Separate manual included. Warranty/Terms: FULL REFUND IF UNABLE TO INSTALL AND RUN NET 30 DAYS 1/ 1/83 Date released: 1/ 1/78 Last update: ********************************************************************** Company: Real-E-Data, Inc. 2100 Highway 360 N Grand Prairie Phone: TX 75050 214-660-1373 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C REAL-T-PRO Real estate office management Price: $1500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Real-T-Pro produces reports on listings, sales, closings, changes, and other activities affecting a real estate office's inventory. These reports can be produced by agent or company. Agents can be billed autoNo Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 444 Real-E-Data, Inc. REAL-T-PRO matically by the system. Accounting reports are produced as desired by Real-T-Pro. The entry of these transactions is made simple because the computer does the debiting and crediting for you. Also included are automatic payments and payroll modules for ease of operation. Source: MBASIC/Assembler. Manual included. 150 agents 650 active listings. 200 accounts, 1500 transactions/month with Kaypro II. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS CHECK Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: R~alty Automation, Inc. 221 No. Lois La Habra CA 90631 Bob Maxwell Phone: 213-947-9533 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Demos Available Software Upgrades N/C $ 50.00 $ 50.00 CAM Condominium Association Management Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This software package has all the features of the PMS but has been modified to reflect the requirements for management of condominium associations or homeowner associations. Source: CBASIC. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 445 Realty Automation, Inc. CAM Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. CCA Commercial Condominium Association Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This package has all the features of Condominium Association Management package plus the ability to generate association member billing with itemized pass through up to 16 itemized expenses. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. CMW Commercial Mini-Ware Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This package has all the features of the Mini-Ware House System plus the features of the Commercial Property Management System by allowing itemized billing up to 16 items. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. CPS Commercial Property System Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This system is designed for the management and control of commercial properties where common area maintenance (CAM) costs can be passed through and billed to the tenants. This program has all the features of the PMS No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 446 Realty Automa tic.n, CPS package plus a greatly increased tenant file, ability to generate finance statements reflecting income and cost on a square footage basis, and divisionalization for profit centers. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. MWS Mini-Warehouse System Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This package provides accounting and management automation for the management of mini-ware houses or self storage facilities. It also has all the features of the PMS package but modified for the requirements of a mini-ware house facility. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. OAP Office and Agent Productivity Price: $ 25.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This is a program that keeps track of all in house listings, all sales, including pending sales in escrow, all agents, offices and the entire company. It will provide management reports on the progress of sales, provide estimated cash flow based upon escrows, rank sales by volume, profitability and commissions. It also will provide information required to file IRS form 1099 at the end of the year. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 447 Inc. Realty Automation, Inc. PMS Property Management System Price: $ 795.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Developed for the professional property manager this system can handle multi-unit properties with all reports immediately available and provides a general ledger system, budgeting, cash receipts journal, cash disbursements journal including an automated check writer, delinquency list, tenant activity/rent roll, vacancy report, lost rent report, lease expiration report vendor report, audit trails, cash flow analysis, amortization and depreciation schedules, plus many other features. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. ROM Real Estate Office Management Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This is a software package designed to provide accounting for a real estate office. This is a general ledger system that will write checks (automatically if requested), all information is immediately available including budgeting, trial balance, balance sheet and operating statement. This accounting system comes with the National Association of Realtor's recommended chart of accounts featuring the "company dollar" concept. The included chart of accounts can be modified or changed to your requirements. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. RPM Residential Property Management Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 448 Realty Automation, Inc. RPM This software package is designed to automate most of the accounting required to manage and control mUltiple single unit properties, like houses and condominiums. It requires the use of a common checking account for each group of properties. It has most of the features of the PMS except that it can handle up to 500 single unit properties on one double density diskette. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. RVL Realval: Price: an investment analysis program $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This program provides printouts that include pro forma operating statements, value estimates, rent estimates, depreciation schedules (includes ACRS) summary loan amortization schedules. This program also includes internal rate of return (IRR) before and after taxes and allows up to ten mortgages. Source: CBASIC. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR C.O.D. ********************************************************************** Company: Reichert Digital Systems 29 Balzier Road Warren NJ 07060 R. Reichert Phone: 201-469-3854 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 449 Reichert Digital Systems CPA II Computerized personal accounting for use in the home Price: $ 85.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 An accounting system for use in the home. Tracks actual income and expenses vs budget. Handles charge accounts, utilities, all accounts payable, check register, plots of any category. Prints checks and a variety of reports i.e. income statement, tax deductables, bank reconciliation, status of any vendor or cash account. Produces plots on screen or printer, runs with MBasic with two to four disk drives. Includes 100 page manual, custom check materials and registration. Source: Microsoft Basic. Large binder with manual and registration included. Source code included~ Warranty/Terms: SUPPORT FOR REGISTERED OWNERS CHECK WITH ORDER; SHIPPED POSTPAID Date released: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Reliable Software, Inc. P.O. Box 1589 Apopka FL 32704 Gary New Phone: 800-327-6593 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 450 Reliable Software, Inc. THE RELIABLE BUSINESS SERIES General Ledger business system Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 An easy to use business application for first time computer owners. Designed for small businesses, yet comprehensive enough for complex business organizations. Features include: quick, easy initial set up; on screen help messages; reports to s~reen or printer; extensive error checking; menu option for changing print styles; flexible posting date; automatic year end close; variety of accounting and management reports, including job cost report and operating budget report. Capacity: 1,500 account on chart of accounts and 1,500 transactions per month. Optional software: A/P, A/R, Payroll, and Inventory. Source: SBASIC and 2-80 ASM. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY CHECK, VISA, MASTERCHARGE, CASH Date released: 11/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Resource Software Internatioft81 Company: 330 New Brunswick Ave. Fords NJ 08863 Peter Morley Phone: 201-738-8500 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C 020 LET'S HAVE FUN COUNTING Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 451 Resource Software International 020 LET'S HAVE FUN COUNTING This package is designed to give students practice in two aspects of counting through two types of problems. There are a total of 3,919 problems which are randomly generated by the computer; a sampling of which is produced with each run. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 022 LET'S HAVE FUN COMPARING Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package is designed to give students practice in comparing, through two types of problems with over 10 million different problems. The program can be used by the same student with virtually no chance of repetition. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 025 SIMPLE ADDITION Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The purpose of this package is to drill students in order that they master the addition of two single digit numbers. There are three hundred randomly generated problems. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 452 Resource Software International 025 SIMPLE ADDITION SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 026 LET'S HAVE FUN SUBTRACTING Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package drills students in subtracting single digit numbers. There are 108 possible problems in the package. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 027 MULTIPLYING SINGLE DIGITS Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package drills students in the multiplication of two single digit numbers. There are 280 randomly generated problems. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 028 SIMPLE DIVISION Drill and practice for grades 1-3 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package drills students in simple division through two types of problems. It consists of 243 randomly generated problems. Source code included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 453 Resource Software International 028 SIMPLE DIVISION Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 032 ADDING TWO DIGIT NUMBERS W/O Without carrying - drill and practice for grades 3-5 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 1I,4,10 This package uses the two style problem format to drill students with randomly selected problems from over 3,500 choices. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 033 ADDING TWO DIGIT NUMBERS WITH With carrying - drill and practice for grades 3-5 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro I1,4,10 This package provides students drilling in the addition (with carrying) of two-digit numbers through two different types of problems. Problems are randomly generated form a bank of over 3,500 choices. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 035 SUBTRACTION I Drill and practice for grades 3-5 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro I1,4,10 This package drills the student in subtraction (without borrowing) of two-digit numbers. There are over 90,000 No Warranty is made expresse~ or implied by Kaypro Corporatioh. 454 Resource Software International 035 SUBTRACTION I different randomly generated problems for the student to use. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 036 SUBTRACTING II Drill and practice for grades 3-5 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package drills students in subtraction with borrowing. Using the two style problem format, problems are randlomly produced from over 3,500 choices. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 050 LEARNING & PRACTICING - MONEY Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package tests and gives the student drill and practice in math problems using money. Using multiple choice questions, there are, in addition to the pretest 31 problems. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 455 Resource Software International 052 LEARNING & PRACTICING-FRACTIONS Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package drills and tests the students in the use of fractions, stressing an understanding of fractions and their use, as well as actually calculating with fractions. Including the pretest, there are 29 problems, randomly generated from approximately 20,000 possible questions. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 054 LEARNING EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package provides drill in the use of equivalent fractions. There are 41 problems generated from 1,000 different possibilities. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 456 Resource Software International 056 LEARNING PERCENTAGES Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package drills the student in the use of percentages providing over 30 problems randomly chosen from over 90,000 possible questions. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 057 LEARNING DECIMALS Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package drills and tests the students in word problems and calculations using decimals. Each time the package is used, the user gets over 30 problems, randomly chosen from more than 100,000 possible problems. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 058 LEARNING DISCOUNTS Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Starting with a pretest and following with a drill section and a practice section, the user is tested and given drill and practice questions in problems involving discounts. The user is given 30 questions generated from over 100,000 possible problems. Source code included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 457 Resource Software International 058 LEARNING DISCOUNTS Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 070 VOCABULARY BUILDING I Drill and practice .for grades 4-7 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package tests and drills the student through the use of multiple choice questions in selecting the best word to complete a given sentence. There are 10 problems in the pretest and a total of 23 problems in the drill. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 071 VOCABULARY BUILDING II Drill and practice for grades 4-7 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Utilizing the same format as Vocabulary Building I, this ~dvanced version provides 8 pretest problems and 14 drill problems. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 072 VOCABULARY BUILDING III Drill and practice for grades 5-7 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Our most advanced problems for vocabulary building are No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 458 Resource Software International 072 VOCABULARY BUILDING III presented in the same format as I and II. Here there are 8 pretest problems, a mini-lesson about words composed of roots and prefixes, and 17 problems. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 080 VERBS I Drill and practice on past tense/participle--grades 6-8 Price: $ Compatible Systems: 34.95 This package drills the past participle tense. The package mini-lesson, and 19 Kaypro 11,4,10 the student in deciding when to use of a verb and when to use the past consists of 10 pretest problems, a additional problems. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 081 VERBS II Drill and practice on linking verbs for grades 7-8 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Here the student is drilled on identifying and selecting linking verbs in a given sentence. There are 11 pretest problems, a mini-lesson, and 19 additional problems. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 459 Resource Software International 088 SENTENCES I Drills and practice in combining sent. Price: $ 34.95 for grades 5-8 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 This program tests and drills the student in combining two short sentences into one longer sentence. The student is drilled ih a multiple choice format with 17 problems following a 10 problem pretest and a minilesson. Source code included. \.Jarranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFT\.JARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT 089 SENTENCES II Drill and practice in classifying sent. Price: $ 34.95 ~ADE for grades 6-8 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 This program tests and drills the student in classifying sentences as Affirmative Statements, Affirmative Questions, Negative Statements, or Negative Questions. There are 10 pretest problems, a mini-lesson and 22 drill problems. Source code included. \.J a r ran t y / T e r ms : TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAY~ENT MADE 092 MEASUREMENTS Students learn to sblve measurement conversion problems Price: $ 49.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 This program is designed to teach students how to do measurement conversion problems, along with providing drill and practice in all types of measurement. Included are the rules for doing any conversion problem followed by numerous examples to reinforce each concept. The rea ref i vel e s son s: Len g t h, L i qui d / Dry, Tim e, \..J e i g h t No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 460 Resource Software International 092 MEASUREMENTS and Counting. Each lesson contains a table of conversion formulas followed by 20 randomly chosen conversion problems. Source code included. \~ a r ran t y / T e r ms : TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE 095 LETTER WRITING Drills and practice for grades 6-8 Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program tests and drills students in the form and content of business and friendly letters, using three different formats. There are 35 questions in the program. Source code included. \~arranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE BOND VALUE Calculates the present value of available bonds Price: $ 115.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This is a valuable tool to the analyst or potential bond investor since it can quickly calculate the present value of available bonds. Source: BASIC. Source code included. \~arranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 461 Resource Software International BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS Calculates important breakeven points for profit Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package will calculate important breakeven points for profit. Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYr1ENT ~1ADE. BUILDING COST ANALYSIS A tool in analyzing the intended building investment Price: $ 140.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro rr,4,IO Designed for investors in building real estate as a tool in analyzing the intended investment. Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL S () F T \~ ARE AVA [ LAB LEA F T E R L r C ENS E TS S J (; NED A~ D PAY ;-'1 ENT r1ADE Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 1/30/83 N0 \~ a r ran t y ism a dec x pre sse d 0 r 462 j mp lie d b y Kay pro Cor p 0 rat ion . Resource Software International DEPRECIATION COMPARISON Compares the methods of depreciating fixed assets Price: $ 85.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compares the three standard methods of depreciating fixed assets for any investment -amount and any length of asset life. Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE. EXECUTIVE'S TIME VALUE A self-analysis of priorities and computed costs Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Takes the executive through a self-analysis of his own priorities and compute costs of efforts. Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOATL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAY~ENT MADE FINANCIAL RATIO CALCULATIONS Quickly calculates key financial ratios Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Interactively records data element and quickly calculates key financial ratios such as current ratio, acid test ratio, current liabilities to owner's (shareholders), etc. Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 463 Resource Software International INSTALLMENT LOAN PAYMENT Produces principal and interest data by installments Price: S 115.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A valuable tool to any business which requires detailed principal and interest data by installments. Source: BASIC. Source code included. \.J a r ran t y / T e r ms : TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE. INTEREST RATE CALCULATION In compliance with Reg. Z of Truth in Lending Act Price: $ 115.00 Compalible Systems: Kaypro I1,4,10 Calculates actual interest rate in compliance with Regulation Z of truth in Lending Acl. Source: BASIC. Source code included. \va r ran t y / T e r ms : TOTAL S 0 F T \v ARE AVA I LAB LEA F T E R L ICE NS E ISS I GNED AND PAY ~1 E NT ~1 ADE INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN Calculates the internal rale of return investmenls Price: $ 65.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro [1,4,10 The internal rate of return on investment is a powerful tool used in evaluating capital investments. This package will accurately calculate the internal rate of return on that investment. Source: BASIC. Source code included. \.J a r ran t y / T e r ms : TOTAL S 0 F T \v ARE AVA' I LA BL EA F T ER LtC ENS E ISS I GNED AND PAY ~1 E NT :-'1 ADE. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 464 Resource Software International LEASE-BUY ANALYSIS Computes and prints tax factors under consideration Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Computes tax factors under consideration, calculates and prints out the results in a clear, detailed, comparative manner. Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE. MEASUREMENTS Teaches students how to do measurement conversion Price: $ 34.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Included in this program are the rules for doing any conversion problem followed by numerous examples to reinforce each concept. There are five lessons: Length, Liquid/Dry, Time, Weight, and Counting. Each lesson contains a table of conversion formulas followed by 20 randomly chosen conversion problems. Answers are furnished by the student ~nd scored by the computer. Full, half, and no credit is given for each problem attempted. Upon completion of any lesson the student is given final results along with the opportunity to work on another lesson. Source: MEASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE. Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 9/ 1/83 PROSPECT RANKING Customer .ranking on return of investment value Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Ranks new customer prospects as to their return on No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 465 Resource Software international PROSPECT RANKING investment value by systematically analyzing relative subjective estimates, forcing them to be quantitative. Source: BASIC. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: TOTAL SOFTWARE AVAILABLE AFTER LICENSE IS SIGNED AND PAYMENT MADE. RETURN ON INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Analyzes the internal return on investment Price: S 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro TT,4,10 Analyzes the internal return on investment using lhe discounted cash flow technLque to quickly determine a compatible criteria from which to analyze different investment opportunities. Source: BASIC. Source code included. \.J a r ran t y / T e r ms : TOTAL S () F T \.J ARE AVAI LA l3 LEA F T E R L ICE NS E [S S I GNED AND PAY ~1 EN T :1 ADE. SALES PLOT Plots gross sales for u compilny by monlh PrLce: $ 90.00 CompatLble Systems: Kaypro [f,4,10 Plots gross sales for a company by month and adjusts the scale of Lhe graph to be 100% for the h-ighesl ·month. Source: BAS[e. Source code included. \.J a r ran L y / T e r m s : TOTAL S 0 F T \.J ARE AVA [ LAB LEA F T E R L feE NS E r S S r C; NED AND PAY :-1 E NTH ADE. ~b \.Jarranty is !nude expressed or .impl ied by Kaypro Corporal i_on. Rockware Data Corporation 1635 Dorchester Suite 1600 Plano TX 75075 Ted Rockwell Phone: 214-596-0588 Support Offered/ Price: $ 35.00 Software Upgrades SUPERTAX Income tax planning and preparation Price: $ Compatible Systems: 59.95 Kaypro 11,4,10 SUPERTAX quickly calculates tax under all possible methods (including income averaging and alt. min. taxes). Any data item can be changed in seconds and tax recalculated. Data can be stored on disk for recall and modification at a later time. The program is fully prompted from the screen and is designed to be easy to use by the non-tax non-computer person. Tax return printing program operates similar to planning program and prints pages 1,2 and schedules A,B,C,G of form 1040 and form 3468 on IRS forms or overlays. Designed for all Kaypro owners and users who pay income taxes. Source: BASIC. Includes a 25-page manual. Source code included. Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 8/20/83 SUPERTAX FOR PARTNERSHIPS Calculate, print, and reconcile form 1065 K-1's Price: $ 75.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program eliminates having to individually check each K-1 and reconcile all totals to partnership schedule K and schedule M. You can verify before printing that all numbers reconcile to partnership numbers and non-reconciled amounts are "flagged." Individual line items can be allocated based upon anyone of the partnership percentage's (you choose which) or you can bypass this automatic feature and allocate an item in a No Warranty iS'made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 467 Rockware Data Corporation SUPERTAX FOR PARTNERSHIPS non-standard method. All headings and other non changing information is saved for use next year (big time savings). Source: BASIC. Manual included. Source code included. ********************************************************************** Company: Rocky Mountain Softwar~ P.o. Box 3282 Walnut Creek CA 94598 Stan Mathis Phone: 415-680-8378 Support Offeredl Price: N/c Demos Available DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT Offers integrated accounting (AlP, Price: $ 395.00 AIR, GIL, P/R) Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Produces 42 reports (for up to 99 departments), provides a "Big Company" image with commercial, invoices statements, and checks, bills automatically, and much more. Used and recommended by accountants. Includes: five manuals; sample data and reports; audio cassette tape with installation and startup instructions; year's subscription to user's newsletter; telephone "Hotline" support for installation, startup, and operation. Source: MBASIC. Source code included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 468 Rocky Mountain Software DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT AIR • An Accounts Receivable package Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Desktop Accountant Accounts Receivable system can be run independently or integrated with our General Ledger module. Produces: invoices and statements; summary and detailed aging reports; daily transaction report; itemized monthly transaction report; detailed customer activity report; and summary customer account report. Features: automatic billing; open item or balance forward; detailed audit trails; menu-driven; sample data; user's newsletter, and much more. Source: MBASIC. Source code included. DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE An Accounts Payable system Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Desktop Accountant Accounts Payable system can be run independently or integrated with our General Ledger module. Produces: daily voucher report; open voucher report; daily credit report; GIL transfer report; cash requirements report; open voucher report; summary vendor account report; checks with stubs; check register, and more. Features: menu driven, automatic payment option, payment by due or discount date, five aging periods, detailed audit trail, sample data, users newsletter, and much more. Source: MBASIC. Source code included. DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT GENERAL LEDGER A General Ledger package Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Desktop Accountant General Ledger system can be run independently or integrated with our AIR, Alp, and No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 469 Rocky Mountain Software DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT GENERAL LEDGER Payroll modules. Produces: balance sheet; profit and loss statement; up to 99 departmental income statements; chart of accounts; daily transactions record itemized monthly transactions; detailed reports for individual accounts; trial balance. Includes: sample data, users newsletter, hotline support, and much more. Source: MBASIC. Source code included. DESKTOP ACCOUNTANT PAYROLL A Payroll system Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Desktop Accountant Payroll system can be run independently or integrated with our General Ledger module. Produces: payroll checks with stubs; check register; monthly payroll summary; quarterly payroll summary; 941 worksheet; W-2 forms; detailed employee files; etc. Features: user maintainable Federal and State tax tables; hourly, salaried, monthly employees; mUltiple states; commercial forms; easy to use; detailed audit trail; menu driven; sample data; user's newsletter and much more. Source: MBASIC. Source code included. DESKTOP INVENTORY MANAGER Inventory management system Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This Comprehensive Desktop Inventory Manager system is used by hundreds of retail and wholesale businesses. Features: records current inventory levels on and item by item basis; multi location/multi department applications; quantity capacity to 999,999,999.999; inquiry function uses partial item keys; produces 11 reports; reports printed by department, location, or vendor and can include entire data file or any subset; No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 470 Rocky Mountain Software DESKTOP INVENTORY MANAGER tracks sales, receipts, returns and reserves; stores and sells fractional units; user defined history records; item keys can be any printable character; complete audit trail. Includes full support and 220 page manual. Source: MBASIC. Source code included. NEWWORD Compatible alternative to MicroPro's WordStar/MailMerge Price: $ 249.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 NewWord contains all the features of WordStar/MailMerge version 3.0 except column mode, simultaneous editing and printing, and markers. In addition, NewWord features many significant improvements over WordStar/ MailMerge. Installation is completely menu driven without resorting to "patching." NewWord offers "living" ruler lines (the ability to store margins and tabs in your text and have them automatically change as you move through your file). There is a convenient unerase command. NewWord's total user area support means only one copy of NewWord no matter how many user areas are being used. NewWord comes with comprehensive manuals. res DEBITS AND CREDITS Newsletter for users of the Desktop Accountant Price: $ 30.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TCS Debits and Credits is a quarterly newsletter for users of the Desktop Accountant, and TCS Big Four, and related accounting software packages. TCS Debits and Credits contains bug reports and corrections, suggested enhancements to make the system more powerful or easier to use, announcements of new products or versions, announcements of products and services that are compatible with the accounting system, helpful ideas, and generally anything else that may be of interest to No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 471 Rocky Mountain Software Tes DEBITS AND CREDITS users of these accounting systems. TCS Debits and Credits also serves as a reference directory for for finding a local Experienced User Consultant, a corp of users who are available for on site installation and training. WORDPATCH Unlocks the power of a dot matrix printer Price: $ 49.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 WordPatch unlocks the power of a dot matrix printer by modifying Micropro's Wordstar word processing program to make it capable accessing special features on that printer that were previously unavailable through an unmodified version of Wordstar. Among the capabilities that are added are: near letter quality, boldface, emphasized, bold emphasized, doublebold emphasized, triplebold emphasized, super tiny type, compressed type, normal type, wide compressed type, wide type, italics, superscripts, subscripts, and continuous underlining. WordPatch installs extremely easily and is completely menu driven and virtually automatic. ********************************************************************** Company: Ryan-McFarland Corporation 609 Deep Valley Drive Rolling Hills Estates CA 92074 National Sales Manager Phone: 213-541-4828 Support Offered/ Price: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 472 Ryan-McFarland Corporation RM/COBOL (COMPILER/RUNTIME) For developing professional COBOL business applications Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 RM/COBOL is a GSA certified implementation of the ANSI X3.23 74 COBOL standard. Single pass compiler generates ready-to-execute object programs and supports segmentation at the source language level. RM/COBOL has full arithmetic capability including COMPUTE. Other features include: full level 2 multi-keyed indexed files, powerful interactive screen handling capabilities, interactive debug at the COBOL source statement level with address stop and single step. ********************************************************************** Company: SBSG, Inc. 6 Carlisle Road Westford MA 01886 Mary Ann Driscoll Phone: 617-692-3800 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades $100.00 N/C $ 25.00 $ 50.00 ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 A/R Accounts Receivable module from SBSG Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program will be a tremendous asset in maximizing cash flow especially during these times of double digit interest rates. It will help you increase credit sales to your best customers while allowing you to reduce your bad debt write offs. Credit decisions can be made No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 473 SBSG, Inc. ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 A/R based upon current and accurate information. The system prodnces four important management reports including open and closed items, invoices not yet billed, and aging. Of course, the module also generates your customers' statements. When coordinated with SBSG GIL, the AIR module will perform applicable posting activities. Since the product is user configurable, you can implement its use to meet your business requirements. ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accounts Payable module from SBSG Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 This program is a comprehensive and valuable management tool. Besides storing data regarding purchases from your suppliers, it helps you manage your important cash resources. This system is invoice oriented and accurately tracks open and closed items, aging, historical vendor activity, and all associated expenses based upon data from your suppliers' invoices. Each invoice can be disbursed to up to five separate GIL accounts. Additionally, the system can print checks for vendor payment based upon a variety of arguments. The AlP module is user configurable to meet your unique business requirements. Like other modules, it can be used standalone or as part of an integrated system. ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 GENERAL LEDGER General Ledger module from SBSG Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 This program is a double entry system, based on the accrual method of accounting. It consolidates all financial data from other accounting sources within your organization. Within minutes, you can get a complete overview of your business operation and performance, either by company or by department. There is tremendous flexibility in the design of a charts of No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 474 SBSG, Inc. ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 GENERAL LEDGER accounts. You can select your own account numbers, account descriptions, and report formats based upon your own unique nee~s. Accumulated Postings report assures data integrity. AIR, OlE, AlP, and Payroll modules will post directly to the GIL module. Additional modules can be added at any time with minimal disruption. ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 INVENTORY Inventory control module from SBSG Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program is designed to meet the specific needs of retail and wholesale operations. All information is easily accessible and reportable to facilitate sound inventory control practices. Status reports and minimum reorder reports will help to reduce the potential hazard of overstocking which results in cash flow problems. Sales people always have current price lists at their fingertips. Sales and commission reports track product activity. Coordination to other modules supports an intermodular information exchange. Part records can designate an AlP vendor by number. Data entered from OlE impacts Inventory: on hand values, transaction file, period sales, and commission calculations. ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 ORDER ENTRY Order Entry module from SBSG Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program is designed to print detail of customer purchases on invoice forms and update totals into AIR as either open or closed AIR invoices. Each line item can be declared taxable or not taxable. Each invoice can be disbursed to as many as five GIL sales accounts, as well as to AIR, sales tax receivable, shipping, and cash. When coordinated to GIL, updating totals impact applicable accounts as current or suspended. This No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 475 SBSG, Inc. ACCOUNTMASTER 8/16 ORDER ENTRY module supplements AIR and can't be run standalone. You may coordinate it with Inventory; in which case, you input the inventory number and the computer displays description and retail price. Price can be overridden via discounting by percent or via direcetly changing price on this particular invoice. ACCOU~TMASTER 8/16 PAYROLL Payroll module from SBSG Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This program is one of the most complete payroll packages available on the market for small business microcomputer use. Performance, flexibility, and utility have been carefully designed into the product. All manual functions have been automated. The module will promptly and accurately pay your employees, produce documents required by the federal and state agencies, and create reports for management use. And since it is user configurable, SBSG Payroll will allow you to run your system your way. When coordinated with SBSG GL, the Payroll module will perform applicable postings to as many as twelve different GL liablility and expense accounts as well as posting to cash. ********************************************************************** Company: Sajan Business Computer 567 S. Washington Naferville Sy~t~m~ IL 60540 Ron Sachenj Phone: 312-369-0001 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline N/C N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 476 Sajan Business Computer Systems Software Maintenance Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C SAJAN DDS Dental office manager Price: $ 900.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Patient Records: History, financial. Provider Activity (doctors and chairside): DailYi monthly, and year to date. Recalls--Birthday--Provider, etc. Collection: Billing, and Budget Plans. Requires 10MB hard disk. Source: DBASE II. Manual included on disk. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS ********************************************************************** Company: Santa Cruz Software Services 1711 Quail Hollow Road Ben Lomond Phone: CA 95005 408-438-2360 Support Offered/ Price: Manuals N/C THE ELECTRIC BLACKBOARD A multi window, full screen text editor Price: $ 198.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Electric Blackboard is a proven time saver and will help you maximize efficiency in any text editing job. Using CP/M compatible files and simple easy to remember commands, the Electric BlackBoard performs functions No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 477 Santa Cruz Software Services THE ELECTRIC BLACKBOARD that satisfy the needs of the most demanding computer user. And yet the program was designed to help even the novice become a master from the very first day. ********************************************************************** Company: Santek, Inc. 2765 South Highland Las Vegas NV 89109 Steven Gettler Phone: 702-735-2701 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C $200.00 CISCO CONSTRUCTION A/R An Accounts Receivable package Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The CISCO Accounts Receivable automates the entire receivable process from invoice posting to the receipt and proper credit of customer payments by customer and job. It records detailed invoice and payment information, tracks retention by customer and job, issues invoice job progress billings and customer statements, calculates service charges, and provides a variety of reports that monitor the status of each customer and/or job. The system additionally provides: open item or balance forward accounting for each customer, permits cycle billing to separate the customer base by billing date, account type, or any other specification. Optional Software: CISCO A/P, G/L, Job Costing, and Payroll construction systems. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by. Kaypro Corporation. 478 Santek, CISCO CONSTRUCTION 90 DAYS Date released: AIR 9/ 1/82 Last update: 4/ 1/83 CISCO CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS PAYABLE It organizes and automates the vendor °payment process Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The CISCO Accounts Payable allows for flexible payment selection including by job or by vendor, tracks subcontractor retention and job payment history, automatically updates the Job Cost system with job related invoice costs, assists in taking advantage of supplier discounts, prints detailed payment checks and helps reconcile check records ~ith periodic bank statements. The system provides a wide range of valuable reports that assist management in controlling cash flow and providing a picture of immediate and future cash requirements. Optional Software: CISCO Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Job Costing, and Payroll construction systems. Includes a reference manual. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 5/ 1/83 Last update: CISCO CONSTRUCTION GENERAL A General Ledger system Call/See Terms for Price 91 1/83 LEDGER Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The General Ledger automates the entire bookkeeping process. It produces income statements and balance sheets giving management an important tool to accurately review and analyze the company's financial performance at any time. It offers the following capabilities: reporting of financial results by single entity, mUltiple profit centers, or branches; automatic updating of GIL by other CISCO Construction Accounting modules including A/P, Payroll, and GIL; a wide variety of financial reports including trial balance, month and year-to-date account detail transaction reports, income No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 479 Inc. Santek, Inc. CISCO CONSTRUCTION GENERAL LEDGER statement and balance sheet, etc. CISCO Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Job Costing and Payroll construction systems. Includes a reference manual. Warran~y/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 CISCO CONSTRUCTION PAYROLL A payroll system for construction firms Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 The CISCO Payroll system is designed specifically to handle the complex payroll requirements of a construction firm. It calculates employee pay, deducts withholdings from gross earnings, prints payroll checks, and produces required government reports. It offers these additional features: Automatically updates the CISCO General Ledger and Job Cost systems with payroll cost data. Allows unlimited regular, overtime, and holiday pay rates for each employee during a payroll period. Allows unlimited distribution of ' payroll costs to jobs and cost breakdowns within each job resulting in accurate distribution of payroll job costs. Optional Software: CISCO A/P, A/R, G/L, and Job Costing. Includes a reference manual. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 4/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 CISCO JOB COSTING A Job Costing system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 It automates the entire job costing process providing accurate up to the minute costs on each job and tracks costs versus budget. The system provides the following features: interacts with A/P and Payroll which automatically update job costs; provides flexible categorization of cost breakdowns on each job; provides No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 480 Santek, Inc. CISCO JOB COSTING a variety of reports including projections of cost over and underruns both in terms of dollars and units, projections of profits at job completion in terms of dollars and margins, and job income versus job cost; allows management of change orders and subcontracts. Optional Software: CISCO Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, and Payroll. Includes reference manual. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 12/ 1/81 Last update: 10/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Sawhney Software Company: 888 Seventh Avenue New York John J. Phone: NY 10106 Lynch, Jr. 212-541-8020 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C FUND-IT Personal educational fund planning package Price: $ 69.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This system is designed to offer exceptional planning capacities and unsurpassed performance with fingertouch ease of use. The system is divided into four programs: Education Funding, Special Event Funding, Fund Accumulation/Compound Growth Rate, and Mortgage/Loan Computation. Source: Compiled Basic. Comes on one 5 1/4 ft single sided, double density disk. 50 page user manual with tutorial included. Optional Software: TAXMODE, PLANMODE. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 481 Sawhney Software FUND-IT Warranty/Terms: STANDARD 90 DAY WARRANTY ON DISKETTES Date released: 9/28/83 PLANMODE Personal federal income tax planner Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 PLANMODE is a dynamic planning system for Federal personal income taxes. The program computes taxes for years 1983 and beyond and incorporates inflation indexing beginning in 1985. Applicable tax law changes made by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 have been incorporated into the system along with the Social Security admendments of 1983. Source: Compiled Basic. Comes on one 5 1/4" single sided, double density disk. 130+ page user reference manual included. Optional Software: State Income Tax modules (NY, CA, IL, MA, etc.) Automatically computes applicable state income taxes and includes Federal computations. Assumes some familiarity w/Federal and State income tax laws. State tax modules sold separate. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD 90 DAY WARRANTY ON DISKETTE Date released: 9/28/83 TAXMODE Personal federal income tax planner Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 TAXMODE is a dynamic planning system for Federal personal income taxes. The program computes taxes for years 1982 and beyond and incorporates inflation indexing beginning in 1985. Applicable tax law changes made by the Tax E~uity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 have been incorporated into the system. Source: CompiYed Basic. Comes on one 5 1/4" SSDD diskette 116 page manual included. Optional Software: PLANMODE and FUND-IT. The system assumes some familiarity with No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 482 Sawhney Software TAXMODE Federal and State income tax laws. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD 90 DAY WARRANTY ON DISKETTES Date released: 9/ 1/82 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** School Management Systems Company: 2226 Main Street Sweet Home OR 97386 Paul D. Messersmith Phone: 503-367-47467 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accounts payable for fund oriented agencies Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro4,10 (8 1t ) Prints checks by voucher or vendor; 750 vendor limit plus 30 'casual' vendors; distribute single voucher over 50 FUND accounts; single vendor inquiry; calculates future cash requirements; detailed registers for audit trail; interfaces to FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. Designed for the administration of public and private schools. Capacity: 1,600/diskette Source: CBASIC2 and CBACIS82. Supplied on single 8" floppy disk. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 7/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 483 School Management Systems ATTENDANCE SYSTEM School attendance management Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") Sixteen user defined codes each for enrollment, withdrawal, absence, and non-session days; up to 10 periods per day; period by period and daily absence; flags user's absence limits; quarterly and yearly accumulations for state reporting. Prints daily absence list, telephone call list, windowed mailer of absence record. Designed for the administration of public and private schools. Capacity: 1,600/diskette Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC82. Supplied on 8" floppy disk. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 7/ 1/83 CLUB ACCOUNTING SYSTEM A club/class/student body accounting system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") A unique and powerful building level accounting system for class, club and student body funds. User defined account structure to ten digits. Full double entry for cash-an-hand status - savings certificates. Clean, easy to read reports, audit document. Very easy to use - tremendous time saver. Designed for the administration of public and private schools. Capacity: 1600/diskette Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC82. Supplied on 8" floppy diskette. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 7/ 1/83 DOUBLE ENTRY FUND ACCOUNTING Double entry accounting for fund oriented agencies Price: $ 695.00 Compa ti ble SysAms: Kaypro 4,10 (8") No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 484 School Management Systems DOUBLE ENTRY FUND ACCOUNTING An eighteen digit user designed/defined account structure; handles regular revenue and expenses, federal programs, student body accounts, indebtedness, and investments; multi-level and detailed reporting as found in FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM; unique for microcomputers; to be interfaced to ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM. Designed for the administration of public and private schools. Capacity: 1,600/diskette Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC82. Supplied on 8" floppy diskette. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 7/ 1/83 FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (VER 1.0) An accounting system for fund oriented agencies Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") User designed/defined account structure up to 20 digits; sort and print on up to 8 levels within structure; detailed budget report on both revenue side and expendure side. Cost center analysis, encumbrance function, and much more. Interfaces to ACCOUNTS Designed for the administration of PAYABLE SYSTEM. public and private schools. Capacity: 1,600/diskette Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC86. Supplied on 8" floppy diskette. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 7/ 1/83 FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (VER 2.0) Fund oriented agencies accounting system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") Similar to Version 1.0 except more TRUE FUND oriented. Tracks revenue and expenses within individual funds. Same flexibility in account structure and similar No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 485 School Management Systems FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (VER 2.0) reports as Version 1.0. Interfaces to ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Designed for Government fund oriented agencies. Capacity: 1600/diskette. Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC82. Supplied on 8" diskette. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/79 Last update: 7/ 1/83 LIBRARY UTILITIES Computerized library management Price: $ 45.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") CARDPRINTER, AVCAT, LIBSTATS - Stand alone programs that print book/AV catalog cards, OCLC labels, new additions lists. On-screen editing before printing cards. LIBSTATS allows for daily input of circulation statistics by Dewey and media type. Various computer's operating systems available. Designed for educational libraries and media centers. Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC82. Supplied on 8" floppy diskette. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. SALCALC Salary schedule calculator for teachers Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") A utility class program which allows calculation of salary schedule from single BASE SALARY input; place teachers on degree/experience grid and input fixed cost factor and calculate total cost of instruction; indispensible at budget building time and/or during contract negotiations. Designed for public and private school administration. Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC82. Supplied on 8" diskette. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 486 School Management Systems SALCALC STANDARD C.O.D. SCHOOL PAYROLL SYSTEM School payroll management Price: $ 500.00 Compati hie Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") Handles 99 deductions, TSA's, retirement systems; six (6) multi-rates/multi-classed per employee; auto sick/ vacation pay and hours update; payroll checks; numerous reports that are clean and easy to read; simplified data input; unique for microcomputers; to be interfaced to both FUND SYSTEMS. Designed for public and private schools. Capacity: 300/diskette Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC82. Supplied on 8" floppy diskette. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 7/19/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 487 School Management Systems STUDENT BILLING SYSTEM Balance forward billing system for students Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") Simplified balance forward billing system with ageing; plain paper statements - no special forms; single student inquiry; user input late charge %; year to date (Y-T-D) activity; immediate student status and much more; to be interfaced to both FUND SYSTEMS and interactive with STUDENT RECORD SYSTEM. Designed for public and private schools. Capacity: 1,600/diskette. Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC82. Supplied on: 8" floppy diskette. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. STUDENT RECORD SYSTEM Student record management Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") Large information file on each student; report cards at 9 weeks; transcripts and report cards at semetster; GPA calculations; year end file maintenance; auto GPA update for four years; many other reports and conveniences; to be interactive with STUDENT BILLING SYSTEM and ATTENDANCE SYSTEM. Designed for public and private schools. Capacity: 700/diskette. Source: CBASIC2 and CBASIC82. Supplied on 8" floppy diskette. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. TESTGEN Teachers aid utility Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 (8") A utility class program which allows a teacher to create numerous true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and/or short answer essay test question files; print selected No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 488 School Management Systems TESTGEN number of questions randomly from each file; full editing capability; great teacher time saver. Designed for public and private schools. Source: CBAS1C and CBAS1C86. Supplied on 8" floppy diskette. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD C.O.D. ********************************************************************** Company: Shape, Inc. 122 Spanish Village, Dallas Suite 615 TX 75248 Shaun Shaunfield Phone: 214-644-6599 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 25.00 NAMOR Mailing list program Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A full-featured list management program designed for the novice computer user. The natural, easy-to-use format allows the user to generate and maintain sophisticated list for tracking customers, clients, members, etc. Five menu screens give the operator complete control without the need to remember special instructions or codes. Advanced features include a special new-name editing section, multi-level sorting on any or all of the 10 elements, extensive search and select capability, match search and extensive printout formatting. Capacity: 1,000 names per single-sided (191) diskette. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 489 Shape, Inc. NAMOR Source: Assembly Language. Supplied on 2 5 1/4" floppy disk. Includes typeset manual in 3-ring binder. 5/ 1/82 Last update: Date released: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Shapl~r Company: Associates, Inc. 1959 Chalice Way OH Toledo 43613 Charles E. Shapler Phone: 419-475-5114 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Demos Available Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C $ 25.00 N/C N/C PATHFINDER A system for Price: project planning and scheduling $ 299.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The PATHFINDER system is a series of four microcomputer programs that are to be used to assist in the planning and scheduling of various types of projects. The Critical Path Method (CPM) of project management is used as the basis for the PATHFINDER system. PATHFINDER provides such project management information as Early Start, Late Start, Early Finish, Late Finish, Total Float and free Float. Source: M/S FORTRAN 80. Supplied on 1 diskette. Typeset users manual included. Capacities: 500 activities per project. Source code available. No Warranty is made expressed ,or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 490 Shapler Associates, Inc. PATHFINDER Warranty/Terms: UNCONDITIONAL $299 PURCHASE PRICE Date released: 10/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Simple Soft, Inc. Company: 480 Eagle Dr., Suite 101 Elk Grove Village II 60007 Elizabeth Randolph Phone: 312-364-0752 Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available N/C QUIKCALC LOAN ANALYZER Financial analysis of loans or mortgages Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The QuikCalc Loan Analyzer provides an in-depth analysis of any loan or mortgage instrument. Complete monthly and annual amortization schedules can be generated. The program also calculates effective interest rates, impact of loan charges, the effects of early termination, interest paid between dates, and the net present value of payments. The Loan Analyzer will also solve for unknown values, including loan amount, loan term, payment amount and balloon payments. Designed to improve productivity, the QuikCalc Loan Analyzer is the ideal tool when shopping for a loan, and is also a great aid to lenders. Source: SuperCalc or SuperCalc2. Complete tutorial and reference manual included. Source code included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 491 Simple Soft, Inc. QUIKCALC LOAN ANALYZER Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS Date released: 4/ 1/83 Last update: 4/ 1/83 QUIKCALC REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Real estate financial analysis Price: $ 129.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Quikcalc Real Estate Investor performs a comprehensive analysis of individual residence and income properties. The program will help support investment decisions or provide advice to clients. Included are flexible financing structures, loan amortization, depreciation, cash flows, tax benefits, future sale projections, and internal rate of return. Financing functions feature conventional mortgages, balloon payments, variable rate mortgages and an interest only loan. Professionally formatted reports are ideally suited for presentation to clients or financial institutions. The Real Estate Investor includes a detailed (illustrated) tutorial manual. Source: SuperCa1c or SuperCalc2. Supplied on SS disk. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS Date released: 4/ 1/82 Last update: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Simulation Systems, Ltd. The Gables, North End, Yatton United Kingdom, BS 19 4AS Dr. A. Griffin Telex: UK 0934 838803 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 492 Simulation Systems, Ltd. Support Offered/ Price: 181M A continuous system simulation program Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 It enables a user to model physical systems. The equations representing the user's system are entered in a Fortran-like language. The system checks syntax and warns of faults. The differential equations are automatically integrated and results displayed in numeric or graphical form. It is a replacement for an analogue computer. The program is completely interactive and includes editing, file handling, fault reporting and graphical displays. Source: Fortran. Comes on one floppy diskette. User manual included. Warranty/Terms: MONEY VALUE IN POUNDS STERLING. ********************************************************************** Company: Smart Communications, 655 Third Avenue, New York Inc. PH NY 10017 A. Kulakis Phone: 212-486-1894 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Visual Training Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C SMART MAX ELECTRONIC EDITOR Assists technical writers in preparing documentation No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 493 Smart Communications, Inc. SMART MAX ELECTRONIC EDITOR Price: $4500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Software is an Expert System, that will monitor texts prepared on the Kaypro 10. Program reads input from disk and checks, spelling, grammar, syntax, vocabulary and translatability. Useful for preparation of documentation with international distribution. Front end editor to Smart translators, English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian. Optional Software: SMART Instructor. Source: C. Capacity: 5,000 records. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR PURCHASE OR LEASE Date released: 1/ 1/77 Last update: II 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Soft Logic, Inc. 991 Live Oak Dr. Santa Clara CA 95057 Cal Lum Phone: 408-730-9028 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 25.00 FUNCTIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM General business applications package Price: $1085.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Contains General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable. Menu driven w/"help" menu always available. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 494 Soft Logic, FUNCTIONAL Inc. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Easy menu driven installation for password modification printer type, check types, etc. Can run linked or (separately and then linked if so desired). The Functional Accounting package is a full accounting system for use on small CP/M * based computers. It is aimed at the requirements of the small to medium business and is structured toward user-friendly software by use of menu prompting and on-line help. Source: CB80, CB86. Comes on 5 1/4" floppy DSDD. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: STANDARD Date released: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Soft Path Systems c/o Cheshire House, Eugene 105 N. Adams OR 97402 Melva Edrington-Boles Phone: 503-342-3439 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C BRAINSTORMER Generates potential solutions to complex problems Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II It implements a proven problem solving technique, the Morphological Box, by taking the user through a series of steps to produce a structured representation of the problem to be solved. Then, BRAINSTORMER guides the user through a process of examination and reconsideration of the structure by generating new ways No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 495 Soft Path Systems BRAINSTORMER of looking at the problem. BRAINSTORMER is a completely self contained program with an internally managed extended directory for all program generated files. An on line help facility, complete error trapping and consistent screen. prompts for all commands ensures a package that is easy to learn and pleasant tb use. Source: BASIC. Includes a user's manual and example files. Source code included. CHECK, C.O.D., Date released: Warranty/Terms: OR BANKCARD 7/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 496 Softeam Company: 10023 W. Jefferson Blvd. Culver City CA 90230 Doug Weigand Phone: 213-204-6620 Support Offered/ Price: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE A/P by Star Software Price: $ 400.00 Required SW: Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CBAS1C 2 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE A/R by Star Software Price: $ 400.00 ADA Compiler by Supersoft Price: $ 300.00 BSTAM Micro to mainframe Price: $ 200.00 com~unication by Byrom software Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 BT80 Record retrieval system by Digital Research Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 497 Softeam BT80 C COMPILER By Supersoft Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CB80 A true compiler for CBasic 2 by Digital Research Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 CIS COBOL Implements ANSI: X3.23 1974/COBOL by Micro Focus Price: ' $ 850.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 COBOL 80 Language by Microsoft Price: $ 750.00 COORDINATE GEOMETRY By MicroComp civil engineering software Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: D-UTIL Utility for DBASE II by Fox Kaypro 11,4,10 & Geller No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 498 Softeam D-UTIL Price: 99.00 $ Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DBASE II Complete database manager by Ashton-Tate Price: $ 700.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DES POOL Backround print utility by Digital Research Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DIAGNOSTIC II HARDWARE CHECKER By Supersoft Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK EDIT Physical disk editor by Supersoft Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DYNAMIC RESPONSE MODULE By MicroComp civil engineering so£.tware Price: $ 300. 00 Required SW: Compatible Systems: Pipe Network Analysis Kaypro 11,4,10 $ 600.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 499 Softeam ENCODE/DECODE II By Supersoft Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 EVERYMAN'S DATABASE PRIMER Book by Ashton-Tate Price: $ 15.00 FINAL WORD Word processor by Mark of the Unicorn Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 FORMS 2 A COBOL source code generator by Micro Focus Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 1I,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 1I,4,10 FORTH (Z80) By Supersoft Price: $ 200.00 FORTRAN By Supersoft Price: $ 425.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 500 Softeam FORTRAN 80 A language by microsoft Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 FULL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Integrated AlP, GIL, AIR, and Payroll by Star Software Price: $1250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 GENERAL LEDGER GIL by Star Software Price: $ 400.00 MAC Macro assembler by Digital Research Price: $ 90.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MACRO 1 Macro assembler by Supersoft Price: $ 80.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MACRO 80 Macro assembler by Microsoft Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 501 Softeam, MATHMAGIC Calculator package by International Software Marketing Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO BT FOR CBASIC 2 Key file accessing by Faircom Price: $ 260.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MICRO BT FOR MBASIC Key file accessing by Faircom Price: $ 260.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MICROSTAT 2.09 Advanced statistics package by ECHOSOFT Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 MOVE-IT Micro to micro communication by Woolf Software Systems Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 MULISP/MUSTAR Language by Microsoft Price: $ 750.00 No Warranty is mAde expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 502 Softeam MUMATH/MUSIMP Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 OPTIMIZER Business application programming aid by Supersoft Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PASCAL MT WITH SPP VERSION 5.5 By Digital Research Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PAYROLL By Star Software Price: $ 400.00 PIPE NETWORK ANALYSIS By MicroComp civil engineering software Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PROFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING Office management aid by Frontier Software Price: $ 595.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 503 Softeam PUNCTUATION AND STYLE Word processing enhancement by Oasis Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 QUICK CODE Program generator for DBASE II by Fox & Geller Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 QUICKSCREEN FOR CBASIC Screen builder-program generator by Fox & Geller Assoc. Price: $ 149.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 QUICKSCREEN FOR MBASlC Screen builder-program generator by Fox & Geller Assoc. Price: $ 149.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 RANDOM HOUSE ELECTRONIC THESAURUS Computerized thesaurus by Dictronics Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 RATFOR FORTRAN language enhancement by Supersoft Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 504 Softeam RM/COBOL Full development system by Ryan McFarland Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 RM/COBOL RUNTIME Runtime only by Ryan McFarland Price: $ 250.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SCRATCH PAD Electronic spreadsheet written in C by Supersoft Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SPELLBINDER Word processor by Lexisoft Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 STAR EDIT Text editor by Supersoft Price: $ 225.00 STATPAK Statistical package by Northwest Analytical Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 505 Softeam STATS-GRAPH Statistical display package written in C by Supersoft Price: Compatible Systems: $ 200. 00 Kaypro 11,4,10 TERM II Communications micro to micro and mainframe/Supersoft Price: Compatible Systems: $ 200. 00 Kaypro 11,4,10 TEX Text formatter by Digital Research Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 THE BOTTOM LINE STRATEGIST By Ashton-Tate Price: $ 400.00 THE FINANCIAL PLANNER Finance planning package by Ashton-Tate Price: $ 700.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 THE FINANCIAL PLANNER DEMO Price: $ 75.00 No Warr~nty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 506 Softeam TINY PASCAL By Supersoft Price: $ 85.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 UTILITIES I General purpose program by Supersoft Price: $ 60.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 UTILITIES II General purpose program by Supersoft Price: $ 60.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 2-8000 Cross assembler by Supersoft Price: $·500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ZSID Sysbolic debugger for Z/80 by Digital Research Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 507 Company: Softronics 100 S. King St., Suite 270 Seattle WA 98104 Ken Zaremba/Chase Freedenberg Phone: 206-587-0688 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $100.00 THE COMPETITIVE EDGE Analyzes commercial real estate dispositions Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Reduces complex offer terms to a single manageable number: the value of the offer in today's dollars. Allows easy comparison of several offers. Calculates an equivalent cash sale price for each set of terms analyzed. Analyzes sale of property from the sellers' point of view. Analyzes cash sales and sales on "terms." Provides analysis using tax schedules and tax brackets. Permits fractional ownership and allows partial years. Comprehensive help screens and input error checking. Ten or more offers can be tested in less than one hour. Source: Z80 Assembly and Pascal. Requires 189K disk space. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FROM DELIVERY Date released: 4/ 1/83 Last update: 7/15/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 508 Software Development Corporation Company: 270 Amity Road, Woodbridge Suite 128 CT 06525 Bonnie Anderson Phone: 203-397-0500 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance N/C CIPHER An encryption program by DAGAR Price: $ Compatible Systems: 60.00 Kaypro 10 An encryption program to allow computer users to encode any given file so that it is totally protected. Three phrases or words are user selected for each file to encrypt and must be used to decipher. Source: CBASIC2/ CB-80. Date released: 1/ 1/82 ECONOMY PHARMACY SOFTWARE Scaled to the needs of small or rural pharmacies Price: Compatible Systems: $2500.00 Kaypro 10 This system is a slightly restricted version of the well known DAGAR Universal Pharmacy Software Package scaled to the needs of small or rural pharmacies serving up to seven third-party plans and dispensing an average of under 100 prescriptions per day. The system produces labels, receipts, profiles, daily and narcotic reports and is designed to run quickly in menu-format on floppy disk systems and still can be up-graded to the Universal System at a later time. Source: CBASIC-2/CB-80. Date released: 7/ 1/83 MD-REBS Complete medical office management package by DAGAR No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 509 Software Development Corporation MD~REBS Price: Compatible Systems: $5000.00 Kaypro 10 A medical package designed to provide maximum family and patient medical history as well as offering office and hospital scheduling and insurance billing. Heavy emphasis on remote access to medical data for emergency or satellite situations via doctors' use of portable terminals from home or hospital. Source: CBASIC-2, OASIS. Date released: 1/ 1/83 THE LOAN ARRANGER Loan management program by DAGAR Price: Compatible Systems: $ 299.00 Kaypro 10 Totally friendly menu-driven program designed to eliminate tedious calculations for the analysis, processing or paying-off of demand, installment or balloon loans. Calculates present and future values, adjustments for closings, printed amortization schedules, and more. Source: CBASIC-2. Date released: 1/ 1/82 UNIVERSAL PHARMACY SOFTWARE Complete pharmacy management package by DAGAR Price: $9000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Designed to provide retail pharmacies with a singleentry, menu-driven system that will produce labels, receipts, patient profiles, third-party billing (up to 129 plans per store), Accounts Receivable, inventory analysis or control, bilingual label instructions, daily reports and nursing home service options such as batch refills, med sheets and doctors' orders. Source: CBASIC-2/CB-80. Date released: 1/ 1/79 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 510 Software Group, The, Inc. Company: P.o. Box 43 Winooski VT 05404 Scott H. Salton Phone: 802-864-0690 Support Offered/ Price: Visual Training Software Upgrades N/C N/C HMA How much can you afford Price: $ 64.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HMA allows you to help the buyer who knows how much he/she can afford on a monthly basis but has no idea what price range of homes he/she should search. The price range varies according to loan periods, down payments, and interest rates. By modifying these variables you can see how this will affect the amount a buyer can afford (i.e bigger down payment can add up to a substantial saving in monthly payments ••• ) Warranty/Terms: LIMITED WARRANTY-90 DAYS CREATED PER FILE Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 7/14/83 LOAN PLAN Worksheets for loan analysis and planning Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 LOAN PLAN allows you to enter a customer's desired loan amount and work on a "what if" basis by varying the interest rates and the loan period to obtain different monthly payment amounts. This program helps the customer find the most suitable loan for his/her particular house choice. This program also does an amortization of a loan, breakdown of principle and interest for any year or year period in the loan. This feature is especially popular at tax time. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 511 Software Group, The, Inc. LOAN PLAN Warranty/Terms: LIMITED WARRANTY-90 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 7/14/83 MANAGEMENT PACKAGE Commissions accounting and management and more ... Price: $ 129.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The Management Package helps you gather valuable information on: commission breakdowns and disbursements, agent performance, commissions scheduled based on anticipated closings, past commissions, co-broke commissidns summaries of past periods and end of year reports, department activities - for department organized firms, to track department performance, past and anticipated, as well as manager performance and overrides. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED WARRANTY-90 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 7/14/83 PQI Purchasers qualification information Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PQI allows you to set up a file for your prospective buyer outlining his/her financial position sO as to determine whether or not the buyer will qualify for the required bank loan. PQI calculates the buyer's total monthly costs and obligations and compares this with his/her income according to accepted bank rules to determine whether the buyer qualifies. If the buyer doesn't qualify, PQI gives the buyer valuable information to guide him/her on how to qualify. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED WARRANTY-90 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 7/14/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 512 Software Group, The, REAL ESTATE 1 A comprehensive real estate package Price: Compatible Systems: $ 695.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 A comprehensive real estate package including aspects of real estate at all levels. The package can be purchased as a whole or in stand alone modules. 1) PQI Purchasers Qualification Information. 2) SEARCHProperty files search. 3)HMA-How much you can afford? 4) LOAN PLAN-Worksheets for loan analysis & planning. 5) YBY-WHY BUY? The advantages of purchasing home. 6) REPORT GENERATOR-Computer Generated Addendums. 7) MANAGEMENT PACKAGE-Commissions accounting and Management and more. Source: Machine Language & Basic Compiled From (1-6) 5 1/4" SS/DD disk .. 160 page manual included. Optional Software: Each module is part of REAL ESTATE I. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED WARRANTY-90 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 7/14/83 REPORT GENERATOR Computer generated addendums Price: $ 64.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Simply by answering a few basic questions the computer can draft up a full report in standard form and molded to accommodate the information. Simpled to run, yet with professional results. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED WARRANTY-90 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: SEARCH Property Price: f~les $ 129.95 7/14/83 search Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The SEARCH program holds information on virtually every house on the market. Using certain variables you can select houses that are appropriate for a particular No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 513 Inc. Software Group, The, Inc. SEARCH client (i.e. within a certain price range, in a certain area). It allows you to sort these and print out whatever information you would like on each of the items it selects. In a matter of minutes SEARCH can print these out in a report so the information can be used immediately. Another option of SEARCH is to have the computer print out all of its information for any property you choose. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED WARRANTY-90 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 7/14/83 YBY The advantages to purchasing that home Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 YBY works up the buyers real cost of owning a specific piece of property. It takes into consideration the whole financial picture from individual taxes, like tax bracket positions, to more general tax benefits like interest, tax shelters, equity build up and appreciation. Warranty/Terms: LIMITED WARRANTY-90 DAYS Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 7/14/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Software Store, The 706 Chippewa Square Marquette MI 49855 Rod Aldrich Phone: 906-228-7622 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades ~ N/C No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. ~ 514 Software Store, The DISK FIX Disk editor and recovery utility (floppies/hard disk) Price: Compatible Systems: $ 150.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 DISK FIX is a disk editor which can display, edit or copy any sector of a CP/M 2.x floppy and/or hard disk. The DISK FIX utility can be used to recover files from disks with damaged directories, to reconstruct files with bad sectors, to restore erased files and to do general disk editing. Direct on screen e~iting is provided in both HEX ~nd controlled ASCII. DISK FIX automatically configures to floppy and hard disks, just insert the disk and it is ready to run~ Source: Machine Code Supplied on: 5 1/4" floppy diskette Includes documentation. Date released: 12/01/79 Last update: 12/01/82 INFO-SO APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Development and implementation system for applications Price: Compatible Systems: $ 395.00 Kaypro 4,10 The INFO-80 System provides basic building blocks to implement your unique applications easily and rapidly, it includes building blocks for file definition, data entry and editing, file sorting and merging, record access and selection, report and letter writing, file format conversion and menu driven job control. You can include your own custom programs written in any CP/M based language. The building blocks and custom programs can be linked together in 'jobs' to run under menu control. Source: MBASIC Supplied on: 5 1/4" floppy diskette Includes documentation. Source code included. Date released: 10/01/80 Last update: 03/01/83 PROGRAM MAP BASIC Cross reference utility for MBASIC No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 515 Software Store, The PROGRAM MAP BASIC Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Accurately 'debug' modify, convert and/or document Microsoft BASIC programs in a minimum amount of time with PROGRAM MAP. The PROGRAM MAP cross reference utilitly produces alphabetical lists of a program's variables, commands, and functions, line numbers referenced and constants. It is fast and easy to use and runs directly under CP/M. Source: Machine Code. Date released: 06/01/78 Last update! 07/01/82 SOFTCOM Telecommunications utility (intelligent terminal also) Price: $ 150.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SOFTCOM is a CP/M based communications utility which can be used as an intelligent terminal program and as a CP/M to CP/M file transfer utility. Intelligent terminal mode supports 300/1200 baud modems and full or half duplex. Data sent to the host computer can be entered at the terminal or it can be send directly from disk files which were prepared 'off line'. Data received from the host can be saved in disk files and/or printed. File transfers with SOFTCOM greatly reduce storage, line and CPU charges. Source: Machine Language. Date released: 10/01/80 Last update: 04/01/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 516 Company: Software Toolworks 15233 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks Suite 118 CA 91403 Cheryl West Phone: 213-986-4885 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C ADVENTURE Original Adventure Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 1I,4,10 Now experience for yourself all the wonders of the program that has inspired hundreds of computer game creations. Plus discover new rooms and treasures and an improved, expanded ending, in the only version of Adventure officially endorsed for authenticity by Adventure's creators, Will Crowther and Don Woods. You will brave the dangers and meet the challenges as you explore the magic realm of Colossal Cave, seeking fabulous treasures, mythical adversaries to overcome, and initiation into the secret spells which operate within the cave. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE AIRPORT Video game Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 This challenging action game tests your skill as an Air Traffic Controller. Your terminal screen becomes a radar screen filled with aircraft under you guidance. Flight plans-landing, takeoff or transit-are radioed to you. Guide all 26 aircraft safely through and you win. Violate FAA rules with a "near miss" and you're fired. Made it? Try it faster! Every game is different. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 517 Software Toolworks AIRPORT Date released: 1/ 1/82 AUTODIFF File difference detector Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Keep track of revisions with computer precision using the AUTODIFF file difference detector. More than just a simple byte by byte comparison, AUTOD1FF locates insertions, deletions and changes in all types of data files. Lists differences between two versions of text or document files - perfect for locating changes in program source code. Lists a file with marks in the margin at each change, so you can check revisions without rereading the whole document. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE COMPUTER CHEF Automated recipe file Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Now your personal computer becomes a kitchen assistant with COMPUTER CHEF, a versatile home data base that makes page flipping and portion figuring a thing of the past. Tell it the ingredients on hand, and COMPUTER CHEF will quickly suggest recipes using them. Saves you money by finding recipes for this week's supermarket bargains. When you need more servings, or have less of an ingredient than called fotCOMPUTER CHEF automatically scales the recipe to fit your individual needs. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ELIZA Recreation of the original artificial intelligence pgm. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 518 Software Toolworks ELIZA Price: $ 24.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 You won't believe i t ' s a computer! ELIZA carries on a conversation with you, in plain English. Great for playing alone or at parties, ELIZA is the perfect way to show off your machine to friends. Not just a game, but a faithful recreation of the original artificial intelligence program developed at MIT. You can play it or program it, using any text editor to modify the script or create completely new ones. Comes with the complete original DOCTOR script wich converses like a psychiatrist, and an improved version of DOCTOR. Documentation includes full instructions for script writing plus the orignal ELIZA research paper. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARNATEE MATHPAK Float 4 long capabilities for C/80 3.0 Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The MATHPAK adds true float and long data types (not the subroutines) to the C/80 version 3.0 c~~piler. Includes run time library, and program to modify compiler for 32 bit data types. Efficient implementation: floating add is about 200 usec. at 4 MHZ. Includes formatted floating point I/O and C source for transcendental function library. Requires C/80 3.0. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Date released: 8/ 1/83 MYCHESS, Micro chess program with full Price: $ 34.95 graphics Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Now you have the opportunity to own a true world class micro chess program with full graphics. MYCHESS, best micro in the 1979 ACM North American Computer Chess No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 519 Software Toolworks MYCHESS Championship, and winner at the 1980 West Coast Computer Faire over such opponents as Sargon 2.5 and Atari is now available for your computer. Nine skill levels tailor MYCHESS to any opponent. Plays varying openings from a "book" of over 850 moves. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE PACK AND CRYPT Saves room on disks; Price: $ 24.95 protects sensitive files Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Two program packages saves disk space and provides security for sensitive data. PACK uses Huffman coding to compress files for storage, saving 25-50% on text and program source. CRYPT takes a user-provided password and employs a sophisticated Tausworth-LewisPayne based cipher algorithm to protect files against unauthorized readers. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE RATFOR Structured Fortran Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 RATFOR adds the programming ease and readability of structured programming and string macro capability, while retaining the efficiency, power and portability of FORTRAN. The RATFOR translator produces programs which can be compiled and run by Microsoft FORTRAN. Keyed to the book SOFTWARE TOOLS, RATFOR accepts free format source statements, multipli-statement IFs, IFTHEN-ELSE, and structured WHILE and FOR loops. Includes documentation sa~ple programs and full source code for the RATFOR translator itself, written in RATFOR. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 520 Software Toolworks RATFOR USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE SNAKE Video game Price: $ 19.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Easy to learn, with many variations and levels of difficulty, SNAKE is the perfect game for all members of the family. The SNAKE moves about the screen, avoiding obstacles and eating food which appears at random for a short time. As it grows, quick reflexes and mental anticipation are needed to avoid a fatal collision. Increase the challenge by speeding up the SNAKE, adding obstacles, or moving to the Advanced Game with bridges and a tunnel. The progressive game dares the real expert to pile up huge scores by keeping the SNAKE moving in the face of ever-increasing obstacles. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARRANTEE Date released: 3/ 1/83 SPELL Detects misspelled words in documents Price: $ 49.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Check your documents for accurate spelling, with a program carefully crafted to fit your machine and your budget. Detects misspelled words in documents created by most text editors and word processors, including PIE, WordStar, SpellBinder, and Magic Wand. SPELL's flexibility lets you simply list unknown words, mark them in your document for easy editing, or add them to your dictionary. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE SUPER ZAP Full screen interactive disk patcher No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 521 Software Toolworks SUPER Price: ZAP $ 24.9~ Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Here is a disk dump and patch program that really lets you get your hands on the bits. SUPER ZAP provides many powerful features, yet combines menu control with two-dimensional screen interaction for exceptional ease of use. Full screen display of disk records by absolute sector number, or by file and sector. Displays data in hex, octal or ASCII. Position cursor with function keys and change any byte using any data format. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE TOOLWORKS C/BO 2.0 C/BO compiler Price: $ 49.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 An outstanding value, the Toolworks C/80 compiler is both a professional programming tool and a great way to get started with this popular language. C/80 supports full C structures, pointers and arrays, all storage classes, static data initialization, and inline assembler. Compiles all C arithmetic and logical operators, and all control statements, including while, if-then-else, switch-case, and goto. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE TOOLWORKS LISP/BO Artificial intelligence language Price: $ 39.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Experiment with the artificial intelligence language to which BYTE magazine devoted its August 1979 issue. Based on the INTERLISP dialect, Toolworks LISP/80 offers over 75 built-in functions, including large machine features like trace, file I/O, and string operations. Comes with a simple editor, file librarian and formatted expression print routine, all written in No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 522 Software Toolworks TOOLWORKS LISP/SO LISP, and a 36-page manual. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE UVMAC Macro assemblers Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 UVMAC gives the assembly language programmer extra conveniences at an affordable price. Choose the Z80 version and use Zilog mnemonics, or the 8080 version which accepts source files similar to ASM. Each provides macro capabilities, plus source file inclusion so you can build libraries of subroutines, macros, or symbol definitions. Produces absolute (COM or ABS) files directly with no need for intermediate file or load. Warranty/Terms: USUAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ********************************************************************** Company: Softworks, The P.O. Box 5125 Sarasota FL 33579 Frank Cowan Phone: 813-924-5402 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C GROUPS 1.4 Group insurance rating, organizing, and underwriting No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 523 Softworks, The GROUPS 1.4 Price: $ 475.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Proposal System produces proposal for group insurance agents. Will rate up to 99 policies at once. All rates are user changable. Generate short form quotations which summarize the monthly cost to the client, or generate long form quotations which show in detail the monthly cost for each employee of your client and any monthly fees, with a total monthly cost for the whole group. Source: CB80. Manual included. Requires at least 241K per disk or single 500K disk. Warranty/Terms: BUGS UPDATED NO CHARGE Date released: 9/ 1/80 Last update: 8/ 1/83 LAW OFFICE ORGANIZER A low cost data base for the law office Price: Compatible Systems: $ 145.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 A low cost data manipulation program that is 1) easy to use, 2) protected against operator error, 3) integrated with popular word processors and letter printing programs; it installs in under one minute, and has online, overlay help screens. Source: CB80, AM80, CB86, and AM86. Comes on 8" or 5 1/4" floppy diskette. User manual included. Programs are 136K, a data disk of 390L will hold about 1,300 client files. Date released: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 524 Company: Solvfield, Ltd. 13 Elliot Road London NW4 England R. Mankin Phone: 01-202-8363 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance N/C N/C PROTRAN A translator writing system Price: $ 900.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PROTRAN is a general-purpose translator that takes the description of two languages - the language to be translated from, and the language to be translated into. These two descriptions are written in a powerful but easy to learn, meta-language (called METAL). Given descriptions on METAL, PROTRAN configures itself to translate between numerous dialects of COBOL; from BASIC to FORTRAN; between assembler languages; as the basis for standard compilers. Designed for program conversion, compiler writing, and macro generators. Source: FORTRAN. Tutorial and reference manual included. Warranty/Terms: 12 MONTHS C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/80 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 525 Company: Southdata, Ltd. 166 Portobello Rd. London W11 England John Hopf Phone: 01-7277564 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades Prices quoted in pounds N/C N/C $ 25.00 SUPERFILE SYSTEM Database manager Price: $ 485.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Superfile is a new, British made, software package for storing information on microcomputers. Superfile makes it easy to store, look up and alter any sort of information - names and addresses, stock list, houses for sale, bibliographies. Superfi1e has two supporting packages, Superforms and Supertab. They make database management easy because you can quickly design your own equivalents of paper forms on the computer screen with Superforms and use them to enter, alter and retrieve all sorts of useful information. You can also design your own Tabular Reports for printing sorted lists of information, with totals and sub-totals using Supertab. Capacity: 8 bit-8MB 16 bit -limit Source: 8 bit-Z80, 16 bit-C. Supplied on 2-3 disks. Manual included. Warranty/Terms: RETAIL PRICE IS IN POUNDS STERLING; CASH WITH ORDER Date released: 3/ 1/81 Last update: 5/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 526 Southern Computer Systems, Inc. Company: 2304 12th Ave. N Birmingham AL 35234 Paul Scalise Phone: 205-933-1659 Support Offered/ Price: DATALOCK Password protection of data files Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Provides password protection of data files on any CP/M system. Files may be encoded using a password and are effectively rendered unusable unless the password is known. The password may be any alpha-numeric string of ROM 1 to 80 characters. Works with program or data files to provide a high degree of security. Source: Assembly. Warranty/Terms: CHECK WITH ORDER OR C.O.D. Date released: 6/ 1/83 RADAR-II A data entry system providing key to disk capability Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 High speed data entry system providing key to disk capability using a microcomputer. Fast set up time, numerous accuracy checks. RADAR provides facilities for defining record layouts on a field by field basis with complete editing capability that allows operators to go back to a previously keyed field at anytime, browse through the records in a file in either direction and retrieve records by content. Source: Assembly. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: CHECK WITH ORDER OR C.O.D. (NET 30 TO APPROVED FIRMS) No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 527 Southern Computer Systems, Inc. RADAR-II 6/ 1/80 Date released: RECOVER Recovers accidentally :ERAsed" files Price: $ 75.00 Compatl·bl e S ys t ems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Recovers accidentally "ERAsed CP/M files, displays a list of all "deleted" files in the directory. RECOVER also checks the directory for possible duplications and conflicts of allocation before restoring the deleted file. Source: Assembly. Supplied on 8" SSSD disk. Warranty/Terms: CHECK WITH ORDER OR C.O.D. Date released: 7/ 1/81 ********************************************************************** Company: Spacefile, Ltd. 1145 Fewster Drive Mississauga Ontario, Canada Mrs. E. Tweedle Phone: 416-625-2096 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C SBS 80-- SPACEFILE BUSINESS SYSTEM A Small Business Accounting System Price: $3000.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 528 Spacefile, Ltd. SBS 80-- SPACEFILE BUSINESS SYSTEM A fully integrated accounting system consisting of menu driven A/R, A/P, G/L, invoicing, and inventory modules. The system allows tighter control of receivables, enhances cash flow, has automatic posting to G/L, inventory, and payables when invoicing. A complete set of financial reports are available at any point to control business activities. Sales analysis reports provide marketing information. All reports are current not history. Designed for any small business up to 6 million in sales per year. Capacity: 30,000 transactions customers, 750 vendors, 500 G/L accounts, and 5,000 inventory items. Source: MicroSoft BASIC80. Includes user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 6 MONTHS Date released: 1/ 1/81 ********************************************************************** Company: St. Benedict's Farm Box 366 Waelder TX 78959 George R. Gannon Phone: 512-540-4814 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 30.00 BEEFUP VERSION 3.01 Cow/calf herd management performance data system Price: $ 600.00 Compatible Systems: Twelve types of constantly updated reports. Kaypro 11,4,10 Lifetime No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 529 St. Benedict's Farm BEEFUP VERSION 3.01 Performance Report gives every significant item of performance information in the life of every cow in the herd in seconds. Demo disk available. Designed for beef cattle ranching. Capacity of 9,999 cows maximum on any dual drive system (or hard disk). Source: CB80. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: CASH OR COD PEDIGREE Version 2.01 Pedigree Management program for livestock Price: Compatible Systems: $ 300.00 Kaypro 11,4,10 Maintains up to 5 generation annotated pedigree,s on any kind of livestock. Extensive analysis of herd pedigrees possible with PEDALYZE feature. Demo disk available. Designed for agriculture. Capacity: Kaypro 2 - 1,528 names, Kaypro 4 - 3,120 names, and Kaypro 10 - 40,000 names. Source: CB80. Manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: CASH OR COD Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 530 Company: Star Software Systems 20600 Gramarcy Place, Ste.103 Torrance CA 90501 Bill Durfee Phone: 213-538-2511 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades Price of above support per Qtr N/C N/C N/C $ 50.00 THE ACCOUNTING PARTNER General Business Accounting package Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 THE ACCOUNTING PARTNER includes General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Invoicing, Purchase Order, and Multi-state Payroll. Modules may be used stand-alone or in conjunction with one another. The package is suitable for businesses doing approximately 5 million in gross annual sales. The package may be purchased through the Kaypro Dealer Network. Source: CB80, CB86. Last update: 11/1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Steel Wool Computer Systems 21805 S.E. 4 Redmond WA 98052 Russ Humphay Phone: 206-392-6933 Support Offered/ Price: No Warranty is made expr~ssed or implied by Kaypro 531 CorpQr~tion. Steel Wool Computer Systems THE STATION MASTER Service station daily book and productivity manager Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 To replace the usual daily book system and provide the station operation with a consistent and effective set of performance messages to allow more efficient and profitable operation of the station. Designed for the daily book and productivity manager. Capacity: requires 64k and minium 300k per drive to operate with cursor addressable video. Source: MBASIC 5.2 Supplied on 5 1/4" disk. Includes a 130-page manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: FOR THE USEFUL LIFE OF THE SYSTEM. C.O.D. OR PREPAID Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 3/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Sterling Data Applications, Inc. 1105 West Church Road Sterling VA 22170 Joe Law or Clark Lunsford Phone: 703-430-7328 Support ~ffered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Manuals Visual Training Software Upgrades File conversion--paper to disk N/C N/C $ 40.00 N/C N/C N/C EMWOCS Provides scheduling, inventory, work order prep. & cost No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 532 Sterling Data Applications, EMWOCS Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Provides the supervisor with a simple means for assigning the right person to the right job and give him feedback on how well the schedule was kept, as well as labor, transportation and material costs included. Will provide a history of materials and equipment used for various jobs. It will verify that your customer has funds to pay for the job before it is started, provide timely and identifiable billings, cost status and budget history. Source: dBASE II Comes on one 5 1/4" diskette. Users manual, file descriptions, source code included. Capacities: Kaypro II - 130 work orders on active disk, Kaypro 4 - 260 work orders per disk, Kaypro 10 - 3500 work orders per 5 mega byte disk area. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTEE Date released: 11/ 1/83 Last update: VETERINARY INFORMATION SYSTEM Automated veterinary recordkeeping Price: $ 500.00 11/ 1/83 & practice system Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 The purpose of the VIS is to provide support to veterinarians in keeping up-to-date animal records, visit records, and payment records. Some of the features included in the base module are animal record addition or deletion; check-in; procedure entry from customized procedure table; check-out with printed receipts and vaccination certificates; visit and vaccination reminder letters and labels; and practice analysis reports. Additional modules available are vaccination, inventory, business and diagnositc. Source: dBASE II. Comes on 51/4" diskette. User's manaul included. Capacities: Kaypro IV - 800 owners, 1,400 pet records per disk. Kaypro X - up to 9,999 owners and 24,000 pet records per 5 mega byte drive. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY DBASE II is required No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 533 Inc. Sterling Data Applications, Inc. VETERINARY INFORMATION SYSTEM 6/ 1/83 Last update: Date released: 9/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Stok Software, Inc. 17 West 17th Street New York NY 10011 Guy Siciliano or Glenn Stok Phone: 212-243-1444 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades Update notices are sent out N/C N/C N/C BACKREST Intelligent hard disk to floppy backup/restore Price: $ 99.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 For protection from against data loss and to have ability to restore an older version of a file or files. Can do full and incremental backups by drive, user, file, or any combination. Splits files too big for floppy. Handles sparse files. Migrate or delete temporary files. Flexibility allows user to specify in a control file the nature of the processing. Then only a one word command needs to be entered to run each backup. Source: 8080 and 8086. Comes on diskette. Manual included. Optional Software: Patch to CP/M 2.2 BDOS to make CP/M use the archive bit. Not necessary for BackRest unless user has application that updates file "in place." We provide this patch at no extra charge. Warranty/Terms: WE WILL FIX ANY REPORTED BUG OR REFUND MONEY Date released: 9/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 534 Company: Stolzberg Research Associates, Inc. 3 Seabrook Court Stoney Brook NY 11790 Mark Stolzberg Phone: 516-751-4277 Support Offered/ Price: MANUFACTURING INVENTORY, MRP Manufacturing inventory control Price: $ 1450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Provides for control of parts, products and production scheduling. Features include: bills of materials, production scheduling, material requirements planning, very precise control of costing, cost projections, material requirements planning, 3 levels of stock allocation, and much more. Source: Basic. User's manual included. Handles 32,000 parts and 4,000 products. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED NOT TO HAVE ANY ERRORS Date released: 10/ 1/79 Last update: 7/ 1/83 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY Tabulates public opinion surveys Price: $ 180.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Useful to political pollsters, advertising agencies, market researchers, newspaper, radio, TV, public relations, or sociologists. Analyzes responses to questions across demographic categories in frequency and percentage formats. The reports it produces may be placed directly in final report. Many features include: automatic error detection and ease of data entry. Source: Basic. Supplied on floppy disk. User's manual included. Source code included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 535 Stolzberg Research Associates, Inc. PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY Warranty/Terms: PROGRAM GUARANTEED AGAINST FLAWS Date released: 11/ 1/79 Last update: 1/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Success Management Consultants 318 Surfview Drive Pacific Palisades CA 90272 Gabriel Berczi Phone: 213-454-8030 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 80.00 MODEL 1040 Professional tax planning software Price: $ 195.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4 MODEL 1040 was designed to assist you to determine the bottom line consequences of contemplated transactions such as an investment in a tax-sheltered research and development program or to sell a block of stocks next year rather than now with short term capital gains or whether to sell a piece of real estate this year when the client's other income is high or postpone the sale of some bonds to next year. Or what is the impact of accelerated depreciation and where is the limit when alternative minimum taxes negate other tax saving benefits. Source: MBASIC. Supplied on 5 1/4" diskette. Includes a user's guide. Warranty/Terms: FAULTY DISKS REPLACED Date released: 1/ 1/74 Last update: 12/ 1/82 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 536 Company: Summit Software Corporation 880 Second Street, Suite Two Santa Rosa Phone: CA 95404 707-528-1242 Support Offered/ Price: HYPER TYPER Typing tutor Price: $ 29.95 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The purpose of the software is to teach the non-typist to type and to provide speed-enhancing practice to one who knows the fundamentals. And the process is done in a manner which allows some fun while becoming familiar with the product. ********************************************************************** Company: SunnycrestBusiness Systems 1717 S. Philo Road, Suite #203 Urbana 1L 61801 Martin Bailey Phone: 217-337-1275 Support Offered/ Price: Demos Available Software Upgrades N/C N/C AUTOMATED DAILY BOOK Automates daily bookkeeping for a gas station Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The purpose of the Automated Daily Book (ADB) package is to automate the chores of daily bookkeeping for a No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 537 Sunnycrest Business Systems AUTOMATED DAILY BOOK typical full service gas station. The ADB package runs under a program called SUPERCALC. Supercalc was developed by Sorcim, Inc. and has become one of the most popular electronic spreadsheet programs on the market. An electronic spreadsheet is an accounting form or "ledger sheet" which can be generated on a computer video display. Supercalc is quite versatile, so it can be set up to accomodate a variety of specific needs. It's also easy to learn, so you can make changes to the sheet, to suit your particular needs. Capacity: one disk will hold one week's business. Source: SUPERCALC file. Includes a 10 page manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY MONEY BACK Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 11/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: SuperSoft Inc. P.O. Box 1628 Champaign II 61820 Stephen Hagler Phone: 217-359-2112 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C $ 25.00 ADA A language compiler Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SuperSoft ADA is a native code, fully recursive, mUltipass compiler which generates ".COM" files. While No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 538 SuperSoft Inc. ADA currently a subset, SuperSoft ADA supports most features of the standard ADA language. ADA is a state of the art language designed for the demanding, contemporary user/programmer. This compiler is presently an incomplete representation of the ADA programming language. It's intended that this compiler will be further developed to enable implementation of the complete ADA programming language, and then to be submitted to the ADA Joint Program Office for review. Designed for programmers, particularly in military or defense related occupations. Source: Assembly. Supplied on 5 1/4" floppy disk Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 2/ 1/82 ANALIZA II An interactive psychiatrist/patient type program Price: $ 50.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Analiza II is an expanded and "smarter" version of the famous "ELIZA" program. The computer imitates a psychiatrist and interactively communicates with the user in a questions and answers fashion. Analiza II can prompt new subjects if the conversation is repetitious or dead-ended, and keeps a list of subjects in memory to draw upon. User subjects can be stored on disk so that sessions can be continued day to day. Analiza II uses sophisticated "cracking" algorithms to analyze user responses and search for key words in order to construct a reply. Source: BASIC. Supplied on 5 1/4" floppy diskette. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 8/ 1/81 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 539 SuperSoft Inc. C COMPILER A language compiler Price: $ 275.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SuperSoft C supports most features of UNIX version 7 standard C, and produces highly optimized code making it possible to avoid assembly language coding for most tasks. SuperSoft C is fully portable, syntactically compatible with UNIX version 7 C, and contains more than 135 library functions. All library functions are delivered in source form. Other major features include; 39 compiler options; macro expansions via # define; include files using #include; chaining supported with "execl"; the object code many be ROMed; completely dynamic memory allocation; direct BIOs/BDOS calls allowed; and true register variable supported. Source: C. Supplied on 5 1/4" disk. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 9/ 1/81 Last update: 2/ 1/83 DIAGNOSTICS I I A System Diagnostics Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II Diagnostics II checks five areas of the computer system to pinpoint hardware problems. The five areas checked are: memory, CPU, disk, terminal, and printer. All tests are "submit-"able and may be logged to disk for later review. A QUICK TEST checks for major problems in the memory, CPU, and disk drives in less than 4 minutes. The MEMORY TEST allows every byte of user memory to be tested, and summarizes errors by bit as well as address. The CPU test executes all single instruction and many mUltiple instruction sequences, and then checks CPU registers to see that proper registers were changed. Source: C and Assembler. Supplied on 5 1/4" floppy diskette. Includes a user's manual. Source code available. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 540 SuperSoft Inc. DIAGNOSTICS II Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 2/ 1/81 DISK DOCTOR Recovers crashed diskettes automatically Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Disk Doctor can recover bad disks or accidentally erased files, and doesn't require the user to have knowledge of CP/M file structure. Disk Doctor is comprised of five wards, each performing a specific recovery operation. Ward A verifies disks and locks out bad sectors without touching the remaining good files. Ward B copies whatever can be read from a "crashed" file and places it in a good file under user control. Ward C copies disks without stopping for bad sectors, replacing the bad sectors with spaces. Ward D recovers accidentally erased files. Ward E displays a directory of recoverable erased files. Source: Assembly. Supplied on 5 1/4" floppy diskette. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 3/ 1/81 DISK-EDIT A screen-oriented disk editor Price: $ 100.00 & powerful debugging tool Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Disk-Edit gives you complete access to all the raw information on your disks and lets you examine and alter files not normally accessible with a normal text editor. Information is displayed in both HEX and ASCII. Disk-Edit loads a segment of a disk or file into an internal memory buffer, and then displays a window into the buffer on the screen. Through the left "windowpane," you see the hexadecimal representation of No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 541 SuperSoft Inc. DISK-EDIT each byte in the buffer; through the right, the ASCII representation. You can switch between HEX and ASCII editing modes, and changing a byte in one location will produce a corresponding change in the other mode. Source: C. Supplied on 5 1/4" floppy disket te. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA FORTRAN A language compiler Price: $ 425.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 SuperSoft FORTRAN is fast, efficient, and complete. The compiler supports many advanced features including complex arithmetic, character variables, and functions. SuperSoft FORTRAN will compi~e up to 600 lines per minute. Recursive subroutines· with static variables are supported. SuperSoft RATFOR is also available. RATFOR is a preprocessor which compiles to SuperSoft FORTRAN, allowing the use of contemporary loop control and structured programming techniques. RATFOR adds some features of FORTRAN '77 like: REPEAT ... UNTIL WHILE; IF ... THEN .. ELSE; Begin-End Brackers, and Macro Defines. SuperSoft RATFOR is supplied with source code. Source: Assembler. Supplied on 5 1/4" diskette. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 3/ 1/81 NEMESIS A fantasy role-plaYing game for CP/M Price: $ 45.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 542 SuperSoft Inc. NEMESIS Nemesis is a unique role-playing game modelled after the Dungeons and Dragons epic simulations. You explore a world of ten levels and build your character in power from person to demi-god. Nemesis runs in real time. It's asynchronous, which means that the program will not present you with a question mark and wait patiently for you to make a decision. The monsters are ever active and will strike as you are thinking, or even in the midst of keyboard input. To survive, you will need qUickness of thought and of hand. Source: C. Supplied on 5 1/4" disk. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 7/ 1/81 SCRATCHPAD A Spreadsheet Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ScratchPad is a state-of-the-art spreadsheet containing many advanced features not found on other systems. Every cellon the spreadsheet can be used, and the matrix dimensions are flexible up to 999 rows or 999 columns to exactly fit your applications needs. Scratch Pad features virtual memory, which allows disk space to be used as backup for RAM. The exclusive window splitting feature lets you split the screen as many times as you like for title-locking and greater flexibility. The consolidation program combines similar values from different spreadsheets into a new "master" spreadsheet which contains either the sum or the average of the other s. Source: C. Suppl ied on 5 1/4" disket te. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 1/ 1/82 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 543 SuperSoft Inc. STAR JUMP Interstellar conflict game Price: $ 60.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 StarJump is a real time game of interstellar conflict for one or more players. Guiding one of 12 different ship types, each captain must face the dangers of marauding enemy starships, tenacious planentary defenses, and deadly space storms in his quest to conquer worlds. Four perenially hostile races make up the StarJump playing area and each desires to take over the rest. Strategic victories of this sort may take many hours of playing time, so we have provided the capability of "saving the universe" for resumed play at another time. Players can even create their own "universe" with stars, planets, and portals of their own design. Source: C. Supplied on 5 1/4" disk. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 11/ 1/82 STAR-EDIT Text Editor Price: $ 225.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Star-Edit is an extremely powerful and flexible screen editor for either program writing or word processing. Features include: multiple file editing capability; virtual memory (allows disk space to be used as backup for RAM); split screen option; optional "no return" mode (fill between right and left margin); and universal string replacement with optional confirmation. Nearly 100 text manipulation commands are avail<:;lble. Source: C. Supplied on 5 1/4" floppy diskette. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAY REPLACEMNT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 544 SuperSoft Inc. TERM II An interactive communications program Price: $ 200.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 TERM II allows CP/M compatible microcumputers to communicate with other computers. Users can transmit or receive files of any kind, "talk" in conversation mode, or emulate an ASCII terminal. Many advanced modern characteristics are supported. Baud rate is user selectable. Source: Assembler. Supplied on 5 1/4" floppy diskette. Includes a user manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE MEDIA Date released: 1/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Company: Syscon Corporation 3990 Sherman Street San Diego CA 92110 Cathy Bravo Phone: 619-296-0085 Support Offered/ Price: PLMX COMPILER A flexible cross-compiler Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 PLMX is a flexible cross-compiler that provides a lowcost alternative to expensive single-purpose development systems. Producing code you can assemble and download into your target microprocessors: Intel 8080/8085, Zilog Z-80, Motorola 6800/6802, RCA 1802, and TI 9900. PLMX runs under the DOS/50, TEKDOS, CP/M No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 545 Syscon Corporation PLMX COMPILER and CP/M derivative operating systems. Features: modular flexibility, simple to learn, PLMX is ROM-ABLE, applications, PL/M compatible, relocatable assemblers. Source: RATFOR and 8080 assembler. Comes on 5 1/4" disk McCracken PL/M Guide, PLMX user documentation included. Optonal Software: MACRO-80, MACRO-68, String & Set, Character & String, Floating Point, Memory Manager. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR MAINTENANCE - NO CHARGE Date released: 6/ 1/79 Last update: 2/ 1/81 ********************************************************************** Company: Systems Plus 1120 San Antonio Road Palo Alto CA 94303 Reba Gibbons Phone: 415-969-7047 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Manuals Demos Available Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C $ 10.00 N/C N/C N/C BOOKS! THE ELECTRIC LEDGER A flexible ledger for small business and accountants Price: $ 349.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The new standard for commercially available micro accounting software, with ease of use, power and flexibility. BOOKS appears on the screen as a typical ledger page. Entries are accomplished simply, by pointing to a function. The second half of an entry can be logically predefined by the user. Features include double No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 546 Systems Plus BOOKS! THE ELECTRIC LEDGER or single entry; full journal on-line for as long as desired; no need to close month prior before entering subsequent month; journal entry at any of the account levels, intermediate or subsidiary; comparison reports showing previous year and budget compared to current. Designed for small businesses, accountants, and bookkeepers. Source: C Supplied on: floppy diskette Includes documentation. Date released: 1/ 1/83 CLIENT MANAGER An automation of all G/L functions Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A CPA client write-up package that includes one of the most powerful and flexible report writers. It allows text to be entered similar to a word processor, with the ability to provide complete reports from cover to cover. Client Manager offers total flexibility in set up and numbering of journals and accounts, full online detail for as long as desired, automatic bank reconciliation, payroll account entries to prepare 941 worksheets and W-2 reports, and more. Client Manager is multi-user with file lock-out, password protected and menu driven. Easy to use. Designed for CPAs, accounting firms, and small business. Source: CB80 and CB86. Supplied on floppy diskette. Includes documentation. Warranty/Terms: PRICE SET BY DEALER Date released: 1/ 1/83 FLYPCHART A self-paced teaching or help file on flip-chart Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A simple-to-use, easy to set up sales, training and demo tool. For any use that requires self-paced and/or interactive printed information transferral to a user. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 547 Systems Plus FLYPCHART Flypchart has the ability to run in three modes after set-up: automatic, select, and step. A sample application might be an interactive training on a particular software program. The first screen called by Flypchart might ask if the user knows anything about accounting. Upon making a selection, they are taken to the appropriate screen in the sequence, where again, according to their answer, they are branched to another screen. Designed for education, business, and professional users. Source: CB-80. Supplied on floppy diskette. Includes documentation. Date released: 1/ 1/83 MEDICAL MANAGER Office management software Price: Compatible Systems: $9000.00 Kaypro II,4,10 Medical Manager is a complete accounting and practice management package. It's completely menu-driven and has a built-in, user-defined report generator providing for unlimited formatting of patient bills, statements, encounter and insurance forms, and recall notices. The program can maintain single or mUltiple doctor practices with automatic third-party insurance billing and tracking for mUltiple insurance companies per patient. Medical Manager contains a flexible interest rate system, is password protected, and allows for user defined period closes. Extremely fast speed of execution. Hard disk storage recommended. Source: CB80 and CB86. Supplied on floppy diskette. Includes documentation. Date released: 1/ 1/82 MENUMAKER Allow system tasks to be accomplished with a key stroke Price: $ 175.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Simplifies system operation by providing in menu for the ability to do tedious tasks usually done at system No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 548 Systems Plus MENUMAKER level with one key stroke. Menumaker creates a shell called from system level which allows the user to define a menu of choices including operating system functions, application packages, programming languages, etc. After determining menu presentation, a correspondence file is opened with any text editor/word processor. Within this file normal commands for access to each menu selection are stored with corresponding menu numbers. Designed for system integrators, professionals, business, and home users. Source: Assembly. Supplied on disk. Includes documentation. Date released: 1/ 1/83 THE LANDLORD A property and financial manager for rental property Price: $ 895.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Powerful, easy-to-use property management package designed to manage the paperwork and accounting functions for any type of income rental property. The package contains two major systems: The Property Manager and The Financial Manager. The first automates all the paperwork and recordkeeping functions; the latter takes over most of the bookkeeping and accounting. It has the ability to track and provide up to the minute management and financial reports for multiple owners and multiple properties. Prints checks and mailing labels. Designed for rental property owners and managers, marinas, aiports, rental storage, mobile home parks, etc. Source: BASIC. Date released: 1/ 1/81 THE WEDGE An electronic spreadsheet Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 An electronic spreadsheet supporting 52 columns and 400 rows. Allows split screen formating, insertion of rows and columns, format changes and worksheet scrolling. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 549 Systems Plus THE WEDGE Features a built-in calculator and extensive Help routines. The Wedge allows users to budget, forcast and perform critical financial assessments. It interfaces with most word processors, and fixed length accounting and data base software. Versatile and easy to use. Designed for small business, professionals, and home. Source: PL-l Warranty/Terms: PRICE SET BY DEALER Date released: 1/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Company: Systems, Inc. 7155 Furnace Branch Road Glen Burnie Phone: MD 21061 301~768-5510 Support Offered/ Price: Tel. advice during intall. prd N/C COBOL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE COBOL Accounts Payable System Price: $ 499.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Eleven programs designed to process at the detail line item level of the purchase order. Via an interactive reconciliation session, the user accounts for physical receipt of each line-item prior to general ledger distribution and payment of vendor. Wherever possible, menus have been used. All master files are indexed sequential for ease of maintenance, and sequencing of output reports. Multi-department and mUlti-company segmentation. Designed for retail/wholesale businesses. Capacity: Handles 1,000 line-items on Kaypro II, requires RM/Cobol Compiler. Source: RM/Cobol. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 550 Systems, Inc. COBOL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Includes a flowchart. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 90-DAY LIMITED WARRANTY PAYMENT IN FULL IN ADVANCE Date released: 9/ 1/82 Last update: 9/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Company: T/Maker Company 2115 Landings Drive Mountain View CA 94043 Robert Simon Phone: 415-962-0195 Support Offered/ Price: T/MAKER III Word processor, Price: $ 275.00 spreadsheet, list processing, Compatible Systems: graphics Kaypro 11,4,10 T/MAKER III software is simple, flexible and powerful enough to do almost everything you need to do with a computer-and it's all in one program. If you want to do something qUick like writing a letter or balancing your checkbook, you can do it easily with T/MAKER. If you want to do complex financial projections and client billings-you can do that just as easily. With T/MAKER, you can use any combination of text, spreadsheets and bar charts all in the same file. Any time you want to edit words, change numbers or recalculate, you can, one at a time or all at once. Each package includes a self running demo and a written tutorial to teach you about all the key features. There is an indexed qUick reference booklet in addition to the manual. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 551 T/Maker Company T/MAKER III ********************************************************************** Company: TCS Software, Inc. 3209 Fondren Road Houston TX 77063 Linda L. Duttenhaver Phone: 713-977-7505 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Manuals Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C TCS CLIENT LEDGER SYSTEM Client write-up Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Interfaces with TCS Total Receivables, Total Payables, and Total Payroll in the TCS Total Accounting System. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Comes on 5 1/4" diskettes. Documentation included. Data files limited to disk capacity. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTIVE Date released: 8/ 1/81 Last update: 8/ 1/83 TCS Q/LABEL Label generation No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 552 TCS Software, TCS Q/LABEL Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTIVE Date released: 12/ 1/82 Last update: 2/ 1/82 TCS Q/WORD Word processing Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTIVE Date released: 9/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 TCS SIMPLE Report writer Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTIVE Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: 5/ 1/83 TCS TOTAL INVENTORY Inventory Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 553 Inc. TCS Software, Tes Inc. TOTAL INVENTORY All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTIVE Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: 4/ 1/83 TCS TOTAL LEDGER General ledger Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTIVE Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: 4/ 1/83 TCS TOTAL MATERIALS Bill of materials inventory Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTIVE Date released: 9/ 1/83 TCS TOTAL PAYABLES Accounts payable Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 554 TCS Software, TCS TOTAL PAYABLES All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTIVE Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: 4/ 1/83 TCS TOTAL PAYROLL Payroll Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Source code available. Watranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA 1s DEFECTIVE Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: 4/ 1/83 TCS TOTAL RECEIVABLES Accounts receivable Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTIVE Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: 4/ 1/83 TCS TOTAL SALES Sales order entry No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 555 Inc. TCS Software, Inc. TCS TOTAL SALES Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 All modules in the TCS Total Accounting System interface with this package. Source: Microsoft BASIC. Data files limited to disk capacity. Warranty/Terms: 30 DAYS IF MEDIA IS DEFECTVE Date released: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Taranto & Associates, Company: Inc. 121 Paul Drive San Rafael CA 94903 Arlene Schaffer Phone: 415-472-2670 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades $ 40.00 $ 25.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/PURCHASE ORDER Generates purchase orders & posts items to A/P Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculates and prints checks; produces aging ledger for 0/30/60/90 days, or any other basis. Links to General Ledger accounts providing distribution to up to eight accounts. Creates distribution for freight, discount, and taxes based on user-defined account numbers. Reports consist of open item listings, and an aging summary for open items. Job costing distributions link with payroll/job costing system. Produces check register. Source: Basic. Optional Software: General Ledger, Payroll/Job Costing. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 556 Taranto & Associates, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/PURCHASE ORDER Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FREE - ERRORS PERPETUAL CHECK, CASH, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 9/15/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BALANCE FORWARD For credit cards, Price: $ 99.00 retail stores, country clubs Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Not invoice oriented. Each transaction is a separtate item and not related to any other. Full recurring transaction facility. No need to re-enter regular periodic charges. Accomodates up to 2000 customers and 11,000 monthly transactions, which are discarded at the end of a period. Provides aged statements. Full service charge facility. Mailing and a shipping label program, alphabetic or zip code sequence, range selection capability. Cash or accrual basis. Linked to the General Ledger system, with full departmental fund accounting. Source: Basic. Optional Software: General Ledger, Payroll, and Accounts Payable. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FREE - ERRORS PERPETUAL CASH, CHECK, CREDIT CARDS, C.O.D. Date released: 9/15/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/INVOICING Sales analysis--an on-line interactive system Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 File size limited only to availabale disk space. An invoice oriented system. Prints the actual invoice. Up to 51 individual items may be billed on a single invoice. Sales analysis with commission reporting, by product or by sales. Mailing and shipping label program, alphabetic or zip code sequence, range selection capability. Extends a line item, totals and computes sales tax. Taxable and non-taxable items may be mixed on the same invoice. Source: Basic. Optional Software: G/L, A/P, Inventory Control, and Payroll. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 557 Taranto & Associates, Inc. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/INVOICING Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FREE - ERRORS PERPETUAL CASH, CHECK, CREDIT CARDS, C.O.D. Date released: 9/15/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 GENERAL LEDGER Account numbers are user defined and controlled Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Account numbers are user defined and controlled rather than built into the system. Tranactions can be entered either through Direct Posting, Cash Journal or external sources such as accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll and inventory control or any other user source. The Accounting Master File validates all transactions before they are accepted. Accounting data is maintained by month for the previous and current years. Accounting summary reports provide the beginning and ending balances and all transactions for up to a full year providing a complete audit trail of the entries. Source: Basic. Optional Software: A/R, A/P, Payroll, and Inventory Control. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FREE - ERRORS PERPETUAL CASH, CHECK, CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. Date released: 9/15/81 Last update: INVENTORY CONTROL An interactive, on-line, Price: $ 99.00 10/ 1/83 stock control system Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Allows inventory control for up to 15,000 items with full integration to invoicing and General Ledger. Can function independently or provide an audit trail through use of above system. Features include item number, description, retail price, cost, value, total value. Up to 12 position (alphanumeric) user defined part code. Provides record on each inventory item, class, location, vendor, 3 sales prices, on hand and No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 558 Taranto & Associates, INVENTORY CONTROL on order. Source: Basic. Optional Software: A/R, Inventory Control, and Payroll. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FREE - ERRORS PERPETUAL CASH, CHECK, CREDIT CARDS, C.O.D. Date released: 9/15/81 Last update: G/L, 10/ 1/83 MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Membership accounting system Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Dedicated Software: an accounting system for organizations that supply products or services to members as opposed to customers. High speed, high volume system. Up to 8000 members and 20,000 monthly transactions. A balance forward type system. Transactons are discarded at the end of a month. Cash accounting. Income reported as collected. Linked to the general ledger system, with fund account fully supported. Up to 38 income accounts for direct posting. Periodic billing facility for dues. Up to 20 different dues rate catagories. Optional Software: G/L, A/P, and Payroll. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FREE-ERRORS PERPETUAL CASH, CHECK, CREDIT CARDS, C.O.D. Date released: 9/15/81 Last update: PAYROLL/JOB COSTING Computes regular, overtime, Price: $ 99.00 10/ 1/83 and piecework pay Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Maintains employees file, figures taxes and deductions; prints checks, register, journal, 941-A, W-2 forms. Breaks out individual job costs, includes after the fact payroll; tips and meals included for restaurants or other. Computes all federal and state taxes and can do mUltiple state processing. Pays special taxable and non-taxable lump sums on a one-time or recurring basis. Allows data on paychecks written outside the system to No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 559 Inc. Taranto & Associates, Inc. PAYROLL/JOB COSTING be incorporated into files. Inclusion in historical records, payroll journals, and tax forms. Source: Basic. Optional Software: G/L, A/P, A/R, Inventory. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FREE - ERRORS PERPETUAL CASH, CHECK, CRDIT CARDS, C.O.D. Date released: 9/15/81 Last update: 10/ 1/83 PERSONAL ACCOUNTING A complete personal financial management system Price: $ 99.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Designed to get the most out of the money you have. Many of the purchases and investments today are determined on the basis of tax considerations. With this system you can control your income and expenses with complete knowledge to make your money work for you. Allows you to keep accurate records which in turn give you savings in preparation of taxes; reduces finance charges through prompt payment. Saves time: no more writing numbers on paper, adding columns, writing checks, balancing a checkbook; all can be done with ease through this system. Source: Basic. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS FREE - ERRORS PERPETUAL CASH, CHECK, CREDIT CARDS, C.O.D. Date released: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 560 Company: Taxcalc, Inc. 4210 W. Vickery Fort Worth TX 76107 Harry S. Chud Phone: 817-738-3122 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline TAXCALC Tax planning & estate Call/See Terms for Price N/C planning software Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A tax planning template to be used with VisiCalc, SuperCalc, Multiplan or 1-2-3. It follows the IRS forms for ease of input. Calculations section is done by IRS form line number to help in tax preparation and checking. By using the "window" you can see the results of tax variables as you play "what if." The program does sophisticated tax calculations such as Schedule G, Schedule D, and the new alternative minimum tax! Designed for Accountants and financial planners. Source: VisiCalc, SuperCalc, Multiplan, 1-2-3. Includes instruction booklet and license agreement. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: ON DEFECTIVE DISKETTES; LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY VISA, MASTERCARD, COMPANY CHECK, C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 1/ 1/83 & WARRANTY No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 561 Company: Taxware Systems, Inc. 604 North Euclid Ave. PO Box 329 Ontario CA 91761 Craig L. Dalton Phone: 714-986-6019 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C $150.00 AFTER THE FACT PAYROLL A payroll accounting enhancement Price: $ 425.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Available as a stand alone module or integrated with the general ledger system for one pass recording of all disbursements. Quarterly totals are maintained for each employee. Prior period adjustments may be made. A master file for each or selected employees may be printed. Reports consist of: FICA and SDI differences and optional automatic adjustment; summary showing current, quarter, and year to date amounts for each employee; quarterly reports printed on either government form or line output for both federal and state; W-2 and 1099 forms. Designed for accounting professionals. Source: Compiled MBASIC. Includes complete end user guide. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 CLIENT ACCOUNTING A client accounting system for CPA's Price: $ 850.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Features of data entry include: automatic date duplication, reference number incrementation, testing for invalid account numbers, multiple item distribution, displaying of profit, journal total, and transactions, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 562 Taxware Systems, Inc. CLIENT ACCOUNTING and the editing of transactions already entered. Reports available include; Balance sheet, income statement, trial balance, detail general ledger, summary ledger, statement of changes, Comparative and budgetary, subsidiary schedules, and departmental statements. Designed for accounting professionals. Source: Compiled Microsoft Basic. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 CORPORATE TAX RETURN PREPARATION A corporate tax planning tool Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Taxware's corporation tax system is ideally designed to be used as a corporate tax planning as well as complete Federal and California state returns. Data is continually displayed during random data entry through a series of menus. Calculations may be displayed at any time. Complete data is stored for easy future interface with the corporate system to allow quick and easy formatting of supporting statements etc. This system is very user friendly and easy to learn and use~ Designed for Tax professionals. Source: Compiled Microsoft Basic. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 DEPRECIATION (INCL ACRS) A depreciation scheduling for accounting Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 With one set of input per asset the system will produce federal non ACRS, ACRS, and state schedules automatically with all calculations. You may select only those you wish to print. All data is stored with the ability of having multiple clients on a disk and is updated and No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro'Corporation. 563 Taxware Systems, Inc. DEPRECIATION (INCL ACRS) maintained each year. Once your assets are set up you won't have to do it again. Printed schedules may be attached to tax returns. Data for each asset may be displayed for easy review and corrected whenever needed. Additions and deletions of assets may also be made at any time. Designed for tax and accounting professionals. Source: Compiled Microsoft Basic. Includes a complete end user guide. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ESTATE TAX PLANNER Plans federal estate tax and statutory attorney fees Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Calculations are provided for federal estate tax and statutory fees to attorneys, referee and executors. For planning purposes a model may be created and manipulated. This model consists of income and deductions categories per federal 706. A report may be printed (or displayed), changed and reprinted as often as desired. The model may then be projected into the future with selected or overall appreciation factors. Rates and unified credit amounts are provided for 1977-1987. Designed for C.P.A. 's, and attorneys. Source: Compiled Microsoft Basic. Includes a complete end user's guide. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 FED. & STATE INCOME TAX PLANNING Allows Federal & State reports for mUltiple years Price: $ 350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Taxware's income tax planning module allows random input, calculations and printing (or displaying) of federal and state reports for mUltiple years. Items No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 564 Taxware Systems, Inc. FED. & STATE INCOME TAX PLANNING such as SE tax, alternative minimum tax, averaging, schedule D, and others are calculated automatically when proper data is input. A model is created on the screen as prompted by the screen. All data is retained in memory until cleared. Changes to data are easily made and reports printed with revisions. A model or series of models may be permanently stored on disk for later recall and manipulation. Amounts are reported in different columns for multiple years on the same page. Source: Compiled Microsoft Basic. Includes a complete end user guide. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE. Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 FINANCIAL CALCULATIONS An investment management aid Price: $ 100.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The financial calculations utility allows quick and easy answers to help in financial decision making. The number of compounding periods, periodic interest rate, periodic payment, present value, and future value may be calculated automatically by the system. When three or four of the financial values listed above are known, the system may solve for the fourth of fifth. An amortization schedule may also be printed or displayed using the values calculated. This system is completely self explanatory. Designed for C.P.A. 's, Accountants, Attorneys, Investors, and Realtors. Source: Compiled Microsoft Basic. Includes a complete end user guide. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 INDIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION SYSTEM Individual tax preparation management Price: $1350.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 565 Taxware Systems, Inc. INDIVIDUAL TAX PREPARATION SYSTEM Features include random data entry and corrections, complete data storage, data recall from a prior year, and automatic Form W, earned income credit, excess FICA and SDI, alternative minimum tax, averaging, medical & contribution limitations, atid many others. Totals are carried from schedule to schedule. Forms may be printed during data entry or batched using the overlay or substitute forms. Designed for Tax professionals. Source: Compiled MBASIC. Includes a end user guide. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update:~ 6/ 1/83 PARTNERSHIP TAX RETURN PREPARATION Federal and California tax preparation for partnerships Price: $ 450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Coded input is used to provide quick preparation of Fed. and California partnership returns. Partnerships K1 forms may be calculated automatically from each partners percentage. Designed for tax professionals. Source: ComDiled MBASIC. Includes an end user guide. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 PAYROLL CHECK WRITE Payroll management program Price: $ 500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Features include rapid data entry, audit trail, optional distribution to as many as 400 different account numbers per payroll check, pre-set or variable rates for hours, salary etc. per employee. User definable categories for other income and deductions. Tips are handled automatically. Corrections are easily made. Journals may be printed before checks are printed. Multiple clients can be stored on a floppy or hard disk. Reports include: Checks, summaries, quarterly No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 566 Taxware Systems, Inc. PAYROLL CHECK WRITE reports, W-2's, and disbursement table. Designed for accounting and small businesses. Source: Compiled MBASIC. Includes a complete end user guide. Warranty/Terms: GUARANTEED TO PERFORM ACCORDING TO DOCUMENTATION BY TAXWARE Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Taylor Micro Systems Hamstead Indus. Est, Old Walsall Rd Great Barr--Birmingham England--B42 IDF C.J. Giles Telex: 021-358-2436 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades BILL OF MATERIALS Create part records for all bought Call/See Terms for Price N/C N/C N/C N/C & manufactured items Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Programs enables the user to create Part Records for all bought and manufactured items, record how parts are put together to form components, sub-assemblies, and products. The data created is used for Automatic Material Cost Roll-Up. BoM forms the main data base for other modules controlling Stocks, Requirements, Orders, and Costing information. Capacities: Up to 200 levels of assembly, 32,000 structure records, and 32,000 part records. 32,000 Structure Records will occupy 200 Kbyte, 4,000 Parts/Megabyte, Programs require 700Kbyte. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 567 Taylor Micro Systems BILL OF MATERIALS Source: MBASIC 80 (Compiled). Comes on 8" DSDD, 3740 format. IBM Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 1/ 9/83 JOB COSTING Maintains records of jobs Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Program enables the user to maintain records of jobs, and is particularly suited to companies with one-off type production. Estimated costs are recorded on entry of a new Job and actual costs are logged to the job as it progresses. During the job's progress the current state of affairs can be interrogated at any time. On completion a report is printed fully detailing the costs, production time, variances from estimates, gross and net margin. Capacities: If storage unit allows, 32,000 Jobs, and 32,000 Transactions. File sizes: 4,000 Job Records would occupy a Megabyte, Programs 700Kbyte. Source: MBASIC 80 (Compiled). Comes on 8" DSDD, IBM 3740 format. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 9/83 PURCHASE ORDER PROCESSING Creates and maintains a purchase order book Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This module enables the user to create and maintain a Purchase Order Book. It is used in conjunction with the TMS Stock Control Module to control Stock Ordering, Progress Chasing, Cost Control,and to assist with CashNo Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 568 Taylor Micro Systems PURCHASE ORDER PROCESSING Flow Forecasting. Capacitites: To give an indication of data storage requirements there are approximately 7,000 Order Items, 3,200 Suppliers and 15,000 Transactions per Megabyte. Programs require about 700 Kbyte. Source: MBASIC 80 (Compiled). Comes on 8" DSDD, IBM 3740 format. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 9/83 SALES ACCOUNTING Maintains an open item sales ledger Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Program maintains an Open Item Sales Ledger. All transactions that make up a balance are kept on file, indefinately, until allocated against a payment or credit. The user can always see what the balance is and the outstanding transactions that make up the balance. Capacities: The maximum value of any single transaction is 9,999, 999, 99, and the maximum for any single client balance is 99, 999, 999, 99. To give an indication of file sized 3,200 Client Records and 16,000 transactions would occupy a Megabyte. Programs will require about 700 Kbyte. Source: MBASIC 80 Compiled. Comes on 8" DSDD IBM 3740 format. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 1/ 9/83 SALES ORDER Maintains a scheduled sales order book Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Program enables the user to maintain a Scheduled Sales No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 569 Taylor Micro Systems SALES ORDER Order Book in conjunction with the TMS Stock Control Module (and others as required). This Order Book forms a data base for invoicing, Cost and Profit Reporting, Order Control, assistance with Cash-Flow Forecasting, Distribution, Progressing, and Order Book Valuation. Capacities: To give an indication of data storage requirements !,there are approximately 7,000 Order Items per Megabyte, 3200 Clients per Megabyte, 6000 Delivery Address Records per Megabyte. Programs require about 800 Kbyte. Source: MBASIC 80 (Compiled). Comes on 8" DSDD, IBM 3740 format. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: STOCK CONTROL Creates part records for all bought Call/See Terms for Price 1/ 9/83 & manufactured item Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 This program enables the user to create Part Records for all bought and manufactured items and to control stocks. If used in conjunction with Bill of Materials, the control of Work-in-Progress Stocks at each level of assembly can be achieved using the data base of product structures created by the BoM Module. Capacities: Assuming the data storage unit has the capacity, the software will cope with 32,000 Part Records, and 32,000 Transactions. File sizes: 32,000 Structure Records will occupy 200 Kbyte, 4,000 Parts a Megabyte, 32,000 Transactions 1.25 Megabytes. Programs 700 Kbyte. Source: MBASIC 80 Compiled. Comes on 8" DSDD IBM 3740 format. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 1/ 9/83 No Warrartty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 570 Taylor Micro Systems WORKS ORDER PROCESSING Creates and maintains records of works orders Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Program is designed to enable the user to create and maintain records of Works Orders, in conjunction with the TMS Stock Control Module. The Works Order is an acutal instruction to your own works to manufacture a Part, Assembly or Product. This module assists the manufacturer with the control of parts and materials required at each level of assembly throughout the manufacturing and assembly process. Capacities: To give an indication of data storage requirements a Megabyte will hold approximately 8,000 Orders. Programs will require about 600 Kbyte. Source: MBASIC 80 Compiled. Comes on 8" DSDD IBM 3740 format. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: 1/ 9/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Taylor-Hughes Computer Systems 2030 East Broadway, Suite 8 Tucson AZ 85719 Mr. Howard N. Hughes Phone: 602-624-5444 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $ 30.00 PROMAN Property management software for the Kaypro Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 571 Taylor-Hughes Computer Systems PROMAN Establishes and maintains a management property portfolio of residences, apartments and commercial properties. Produces management reports for day to day operations, as well as monthly financial reports for owners. Uses single-entry bookkeeping with customizable account structure. Full Accounts Payable including the ability to process re~urrent disbursements. Checks are formatted for standard window envelopes. Automatically calculates and posts management fee. Source: S-Basic. Manuals included. 400 properties and/or units in 200K. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS Date released: 9/19/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Techware 2510 Cresta De Ruta Eugene OR 97403 Joel McClure Phone: 503-343-0566 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C CHARTECH Enables technical word processing with WORDSTAR Price: $ 95.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Turns Wordstar into a technical word processor with the ability to print green/math or any other symbols on a printer with dot-add ressable graphics. Also can drive daisy or thimble printers. Can display Kaypro extended character set on screen. New rh~racter easily added to No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 572 Techware CHARTECH system. Designed for engineers, scientists, and other scholars. Source: 8080 ASM. Includes 50-page manual. Warranty/Terms: MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED NG OUTSTANDING COPIES Date released: 09/01/82 Last update: 03/01/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Tesseract Associates Stinson Lake Road Rumney NH 03266 David Ecklein Phone: 603-786-9561 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance N/C N/C QCAL Device-independent graphics subroutine package Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8 1t ) QCAL emulates the Calcomp Basic Subroutine Package. The QCAL user (with Microsoft Fortran) may employ the industry standard calls (PLOT, AXIS, SYMBOL, etc.) but utilize many available graphic devices. A generation of prior graphics software becomes available, and new programs using QCAL handle graphics in a time-proven, standardized, and transportable manner. Metric capability is obuilt-in. QCAL was demonstrated on the US exhibit at "Europe Software 82", and has users around the world. Options: many drivers for graphic devices. Source: FORTRAN. Includes a user's manual. Source code available. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 573 Tesseract Associates QCAL Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 5/ 1/81 QCRYPT CP/M file Encipher/Decipher command Price: $ 65.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 (8") Use QCRYPT as a command in any CP/M system to quickly encipher/decipher any specified file. Protect sensitive business data and records, development work, and even other commands. QCRYPT allows users to choose from over 7 trillion uhique keys. High entropy algorithm makes derivation of keys from samples impractical even given full knowledge of algorithm. Reliability of this classic private key system exceeds that of weaker but more costly file enciphering systems available elsewhere. Your files may be deciqhered by any other CP/M system running QCRYPT, provided the key is known. Source: Assembly. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR Date released: 12/ 1/82 Last update: 12/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Company: Tiny Systems, Inc. 660 North Glenville Drive Richardson TX 75081 Jeff Frauenhiem Phone: 214-699-0262 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C $ 75.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 574 Tiny Systems, MICRO LEDGER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Keeps track of money owed creditors and suppliers Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Designed for small and medium sized firms to keep track of money owed creditors and suppliers. Interactively updates all vendor information including discount and discount terms, purchases, payments, partial payments, manual payments, and adjustments. Open item system with automatic aging. Can display all transaction history. Allows for manual checks. Case requirement schedule identifies all items for payment based on date user selects. Other vouchers can be deferred or selected for payment. Allows for automatic entry to Job Cost Accounting and General Ledger. Source: CB80, CB86. Application size: 9 programs, each about 25K. Record Lengths: Masters - 250 and Details - 200. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR WARRANTY AGAINST SOFTWARE "BUGS" C.O.D. Date released: 7/ 1/78 MICRO LEDGER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Keeps track of money due to you by your customers Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Keeps track of money due to you by your customers and clients. Balance forward with current month charges and credits detailed. Displays all customer information. Sales Entry records sales amount; freight; sales tax; invoice date, number & total; and 2 digit user defined code for sales analysis. Specific procedures for returned checks, returned-for-credit, over/under charges over/under payment adjustments. "NO ACTIVITY" report prints all accounts with no activity for a user specified period. Automatic update to General Ledger. Source: CB80 and CB86. Application size: 9 programs, each about 25K. Capacity: Masters - 300/Details - 200. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR WARRANTY AGAINST SOFTWARE "BUGS" C.O.D. Date released: 7/ 1/78 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 575 Inc. Tiny Systems, Inc. MICRO LEDGER GENERAL LEDGER Records and saves accounting transactions Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Records and saves accounting transactions and provides financial reports on the condition of the business. Features user tailored chart of accounts, interactive or batch update method. Allows for post-closing entries (for posting to the previous month). Entries allow descriptions and journal produces totals for balancing and control. Reports include chart of accounts listing, history listing, trial balance, previous and current month's balance sheet and income statement. Accepts automatic posting of entries from other TS1 applications. Source: CB80 and CB86. Application size: 9 programs, each about 25K. Capacity: Masters - 300 and Details - 200. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR WARRANTY AGAINST SOFTWARE "BUGS" C.O.D. Date released: 7/ 1/78 MICRO LEDGER JOB COST ACCOUNTING Tracks expenses by job Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Provides for direct entry via keyboard or optionally from payroll and accounts payable. Jobs can be set up with 999 different items. Items hold budgeted costs and quantities. Items can be grouped and added to jobs automatically by group. Can display or print job description, job budget, job detail and summary showing acutal costs and quantities to-date vs budgeted and variance. Reports include: transaction entry journal, batch entry journal, job analysis w/history, item table listing, job recap, job cost detail, and more. Source: CB80 and CB86. Application size: 9 programs, each 25K bytes. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR WARRANTY AGAINST SOFTWARE "BUGS" C.O.D. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 576 Tiny Systems, MICRO LEDGER JOB COST ACCOUNTING 7/ 1/78 Date released: MICRO LEDGER PAYROLL Accomodates mix of hourly and salaried employees Price: $ 750.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Accomodates mix of hourly and salaried employees, also pay frequencies (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly) can be combined. Interactive update. Produces employee listing, payroll register, departmental report checks and earnings, statements, 941 and W-2 forms. Handles bonus checks, special payrolls, mUltiple voluntary deductions. Can integrate with TSI's G/L, Job Cost Accounting system. Source: CB80 and CB86. Program Size: 9 programs, each about 25,000K. Capacity: employee master - 1,000 Bytes. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR WARRANTY AGAINST SOFTWARE BUGS C.O.D. Date released: 11/ 1/81 MICRO LEDGER SALES ANALYSIS "TRACK" Sales analysis program Price: $3500.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 For sales analysis, for call reporting and for commission settlement. Files include lines or factories, customers, salesmen, invoices and sales history. Reports compare current month to same month last year and Year-to-Date with Year-to-Date last year. Other reports include Customer by City, inactive accounts, account listing, customer profile, labels (selective), customer by salesman, salesman summary, line by customer within city by salesman, commission report, unpaid invoice listing, factory (line) summary, salesman by line, leading accounts, customers by line. Source: CB80 and CB86. Application size: 30 programs, each about 175K. Capacity: customers - 300, others 200. Warranty/Terms: No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 577 Inc. Tiny Systems, Inc. MICRO LEDGER SALES ANALYSIS "TRACK" ONE YEAR WARRANTY AGAINST SOFTWARE "BUGS" C.O.D. Date released: 11/ 1/81 ********************************************************************** Company: Today's Future P.O. Box 29251 San Antonio TX 78229 Phyllis Noynaert Phone: 512-684-6505 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C TODAY'S FUTURE MAIL Set of programs that assemble ECOM transmission files Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Purpose: to make it easy to use the Postal Service ECOM (Electronic Computer Originated Mail) service. Features: uses files from most word processors, data base systems, accounts receivable, etc., checks the files for correct format, converts graphic designs "typed" into a WP message into ECOM acceptable control lines. Assembles messages and addresses into a transmittable ECOM file that can include all three ECOM message types. Source: Microsoft Basic. Includes a ISO-page manual. Source code included. Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 9/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 578 Trahair Info - System. Company: 68 Minora Road Dalkeith W.A. Australia--6009 Dr. Paul Hadingham, Director Telex: 09-386-1862 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Maintenance Visual Training Demos Available Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C N/C $ 49.00 $ 35.00 INFO-MANAGE Data base management program Price: $ 89.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 INFO-MANAGE has many of the best features of existing database systems, but at a fraction of their cost. It is versatil~, flexible and very easy to use. Screen layouts can be defined rapidly directly on the screen. The powerful ability of supporting calculated as well as standard character, numeric and date field types expands INFO-MANAGE's capabilities. Records are easily inserted, amended or deleted. Record selection using general search expressions on any combination of fields in the record, including partial string matches, coupled with powerful reporting facilities, round off the package. Source: CBASIC2. User manual included. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: FREE UPDATES FOR FIRST 3 MONTHS PAYMENT IN FULL WITH ORDER-QUANTITY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Date released: 6/ 1/83 Last update: 10/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 579 u.s. Company: Digital Corporation 5699-d S.E. International Way Milwaukie OR 97222 Michael Day Phone: 503-654-0668 Support Offered/ Price: COPYLINK Communications software Price: $ Compatible Systems: 99.95 Kaypro 11,4,10 Copylink is a complete communications software package that comes ready to run on your computer. Use it to talk to another computer to transfer data and programs. Error free. Copylink allows you to explore the exploding world of telecommunications. Send and receive electronic mail. Access the source and compuserve. Search databases, get stock quotes, much more. Copylink is simple enough for the beginner, yet powerful enough for the professional. And now, version 2.1 grows with your needs. Program complex interactive sequences to take place automatically. Auto Log-ons. Full remote operation. Receive data to multiple disks. Source: Assembler. Includes a manual plus "The Complete Handbook of. Pe.rsonalComputer Commun,ications." Date released: 7/29/82 Last update: 9/ 2/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Unified Software Systems P.O. Box 2644 New Carrollton MS 20784 Arne Henden Phone: 301-552-9590 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades $ 10.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 580 Unified Software Systems UNIFORTH A version of the FORTH programming language Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 A full float~.ng point FORTH supporting the FORTH-79 standard. Customized for the Kaypro, this product can be used straight out of the package. Standard utilities include video editor, disk primitives, decompiler, debugger, transcendental functions. User's manual includes tutorial. Kernel sources are available on optional disk. Optional software: Cross compilers, terminal communications package, etc. A whole range of application packages. Source: FORTH. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: 10 DAY MONEY BACK, 1 YEAR SUPPORT CHECK, C.O.D., OR PURCHASE ORDER (NET/30) Date released: 12/ 1/81 Last update: 12/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Unique Information Systems, Inc. 221 N. Lasalle St. Chicago IL 60601 Larry Comes Phone: 312-332-2820 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C HOTEL 2000 A hotel/motel management system No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 581 Unique Information Systems, Inc. HOTEL 2000 Price: Compatible Systems: $3950.00 Kaypro 10 HOTEL-2000 is a CP/M & MSDOS based hotel management system. It includes all the specific hotel functions: Reservations, Reception, and Billing in one integrated package. Each module may also be purchased seperately and any of the widely available CP/M & MSDOS back office applications (Accounting, Payroll, Word Processing, Inventory etc.) may be added at a small additional cost. It is a "user-friendly" system which guides the user with "menus" and messages and requires no previous computer experience whatsoever. Designed for the small and medium size hotel, motel and lodge. Capacity of 350 rooms. Source: MBASIC. Includes User and Demo manual and an Installation Guide. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR C.O.D., OR PREPAID Date released: 6/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Univair Incorporated 9024 St. Charles Rock Road St. Louis Phone: Telex: MS 63114 314-426-1099 44-802 Support Offered/ Price: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANAGEMENT Automatically maintains a company's payables Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: This is a very easy to use system which can automatically maintain a company's payables, Kaypro 10 provide No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 582 Univair Incorporated ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANAGEMENT cash flow projections, and generate checks! It is specifically designed for use by a small to medium business or professional practice and maintains full open item accounting on all invoices until fully paid. Video screen prompts allow very easy loading of vendors and provide full range error checking against duplicate account numbers, valid dates, dollar amounts, and all other items except actual spelling errors on names. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT A complete receivables system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This is a complete receivables system specifically designed for use by generalized small to medium size business. This system supports our unique Mixed-Mode Accounting method so that the operator may define some of the client accounts as full open item and others that are on a cash basis as balance forward for maximum disk space efficiency. In the case open item, the complete detail of all charges on each invoice remain fully available for review until fully paid. Clients may be referenced either by their account number or last name. Video screen prompts allow very easy loading of clients and provide full range error checking against duplicate account numbers, valid dates, dollar amounts, and all other items. DENTAL MANAGEMENT Dental system for small to medium clinic practice Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This is the most complete Dental System available today for microcomputers! It is designed for use by a single dentist or a small to medium size clinic practice. The system maintains databases on each of the dentists, insurance companies, and ADA procedure codes that are being used in the practice, along with standard charges for each type of service. Once these have been No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 583 Univair Incorporated DENTAL MANAGEMENT entered, they never have to be typed again! The system will automatically display the appropriate information on the video screen for the operator. GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTING Maintains accurate up to date records Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Full double entry accounting can be maintained with the system automatically performing the normally tedious and time consuming task of verifying valid journal account numbers, displaying the descriptions, calculating and balancing each journal voucher entry, and determining the profit and losses, as well as the company's net worth. The Chart of Accounts is divided into nine basic categories: Current Assets, Fixed Assets, Other Assets, Current Liabilities, Long Term Liablities, Equity, Income, Expenses, and Cost of Sales. Up to 1,000 different accounts may be set up within each category, and this may be further broken down into 999 different department per account, if desired, for absolute cost accounting purposes. INSURANCE AGENCY MANAGEMENT Insurance agency management system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 One of the most dynamic breakthroughs reali~ed recently in the Insurance Industry was the release of our Insurance Agency Management System! For the first time in history, independent agencies now have a management system complete with payables and receivables for most microcomputers that is so comprehensive that its power, speed, and other capabilities can actually match or exceed the performance of large main-frame systems costing 5 to 10 times more the price! No longer is it necessary to resort to time sharing services which are both expensive" to use and too inflexible in input and report capabilities. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 584 Univair Incorporated INSURANCE AGENCY MANAGEMENT LEGAL TIME ACCOUNTING Designed for use by attorneys Call/See Terms ~or Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This has been designed for use by attorneys who provide services on a time and expense basis. In addition to Case and Matter Management, the system contains a full Accounts Receivable package for clients which allows full open item accounting each case for a client. Personal or Commercial Accounts may be used and optional interest or finance charges may be assigned to any of the accounts if desired. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT Medic~l system for small to medium size clinic practice Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This is the most complete Medical System available today for microcomputers! It is designed for use by a single doctor or a small to medium size clinic practice. The system maintains databases on each of the doctors, insurance companies, ICDA-9 diagnosis codes, and CPT-4 procedure codes that are being used in the practice, along with standard charges for each type of service. Once these have been entered, they never have to be typed again! The system will automatically display the appropriate information on the video screen for the operator. ORDER ENTRY WITH INVENTOR! CONTROL An on line order entry with inventory control system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This system has been designed for use by wholesale or retail organizations who sell products from inventory No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 585 Univair Incorporated ORDER ENTRY ~ITH INVENTORY CONTROL on a cash or credit basis. It includes a Point of Sale module as well ~s a fully integrated A/R module for regular charge customers. A vendor file is also maintained for input and trackin~ of all purchase orders as well as current inventory status, YTD sale status, items on order, and amounts owed to the vendor. PAYROLL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Enhanced Payroll Management System Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 Scheduled for release in the first quarter of 1984 is the newly enhanced version of our Payroll Management System. This program is designed to be used by small to medium sized business concerns and contains a great deal of flexibility in use. This program is designed to be run completely stand alone, or can post into our G/L for automatic double entry accounting. It may also be run through Unilink, our hard disk control menu. PROFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING Designed for use by variou~ professionals Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This sys~em is very similar to our Legal Time Accounting System, except that it has been designed for use by accountants, CPA's, architects, consultants, and administrators who provide services on a time and expense basis. In addition to Project Management, the system contains a full Accounts Receivable package for clients which allow full open item accounting of each case for a client. Personal or commercial accounts may be used and optional interest or finance charges may be assigned to any of the accounts if desired. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT For residential income properties No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 586 Univair Incorporated PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This package has been carefully designed for Real Estate Agencies, Certified Property Managers, and other organizations who manage a great deal of residential rental income properties such as duplexes, apartments, condominiums, etc. Unlike other small programs which are only useful for personal residences, this system allows the operator to maintain an exact cost accounting on each separate building within a complex or project, as well as individual lease or rental units within each building itself. The system will run completely stand alone, but it can also be integrated with either Our General Ledger or Super Ledger Accounting Systems. SUPER LEDGER CLIENT WRITE UP Enhanced General L~dger and Accounting system Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 This system is a special combination of our G/L Accounting system and our Standard A/P Management system, which has been designed for the discriminating businessman, or CPA's and Service Bureaus who also need full check writing capability and after the fact payroll processing. By combining these two packages, we are ndt only able to save the end-user a substantial amount on the purchase of these two functions, but it provides additional and more powerful integration capabilities with our General Ledger. UNI-DATE Date book with appointment calendar Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 In this new era of fast moving business, most professionals need to keep track of their current appointments and projects on a very timely basis. Not only do they need to know at a glance where they need No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 587 Univair Incorporated UNI-DATE to be and who they are meeting with, but they need to be able to manage the resources of their company as well. UNI-DATE was created to fill this bill. It is a combination of an Appointment Schedular and Datebook plus an excellent resource management system. UNI-DATE is included a~ a standard part of the system package in our OFFICE-STAR, LEGAL TIME ACCOUNTING, and PROFESSIONAL TIME ACCOUNTING PROGRAMS. UNI-FILE Database management system with report generator Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 UNI-FILE is one of the latest of the new generation Database Management Systems and Report Generators which is available on the market today! The system has been designed for regular daily use by secretaries~ receptionists, and other office personnel who need to maintain computerized records but are not .knowledgeable in actual programming. The system is completely menu driven and allows the operator to define as many data files as necessary which will be used in the course of business or personal use. Each record may contain up to 20 fields and a maximum of 512 bytes of information. The actual prompts to be used are specified by the operator as well as the maximum length and high low values. UNI-LINK Master hard disk control menu Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 10 UNI-LINK is an exciting new piece of software which provides the user with a convenient "Master Control Menu" from which all of our programs may be run without having to remember any initial start up commands for any specific program. Essentially, it is a single protective shell that is loaded just after the disk operating system and is designed to keep the operator No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 588 Univair Incorporated UNI-LINK in program control throughout most of the day. When active, UNI-LINK will display all of the programs and utilities which are available and the operator may simply select one of those functions from a simple menu system. When the specific task has been accomplished, the system will return back to the UNI-LINK menu rather than the disk operating system. UNI-SORT Special sorting interface Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 UNI-SORT is a refreshing new concept created by UNIVAIR which provides owners of our special Vertical Application Packages with an extremely powerful tool with which they can extract information out of data bases that already exist and create a secondary data base with certain preselected fields of information which can be used by our Database Management Systems or Word Processing Systems to perform numerous additional functions. ********************************************************************** Company: User Friendly Software 1625 South 21st Avenue Hollywood FL 33020 Ron Sad aka Phone: 305-949-8319 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Maintenance Visual Training Newsletter Software Upgrades $ 30.00 N/C N/C N/C $195.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 589 User Friendly Software CUTE Client write-up system for accountants/CPA's Price: Compatible Systems: $1995.00 Kaypro 4,10 Generates all financial statements/reports, post facto payroll, bank receipts, special report writer for special or unusual reports. Designed to conform to most required Financial System Reports. Specific attention has been paid to basic requirement of the accounting practitioner during development. That is to minimize time spent on routine tasks and to assure the practitioner meets client deadlines. Source: PL/1. Includes documentation. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: LIFETIME Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 7/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Uveon Computer Systems, Inc. 300 S. Jackson, Suite 250 Denver CO 90209 Deborah Milo Phone: 303-831-7000 Support Offered/ Price: User Group Software Hotline Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C OPTIMUM DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Data base manager and application host No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 590 Uveon Computer Systems, Inc. OPTIMUM DATABASE MANAGEMENT Price: $ 595.00 SYSTEM Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 OPTIMUM is a powerful and practical data base manager and application host featuring user defined screens, files and reports, multi user processing with record locking, variable length data storage for more effective use of space, inverted list indexing and keyed direct file access for speedy on line response, and form programming and reporting tolls for fast and easy definition of forms and reports. Source: CB80-86. Comes on 8" SSSD floppy diskette. Warranty/Terms: FREE OF MANUFACTURING DEFECTS FIRST ORDER C.O.D., TERMS DEPEND ON CREDIT STANDING Date released: 11/ 1/81 Last update: 6/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Valley Microcomputers 228 N. Main Street Harrisonburg VA 22801 Leonard Robinett Phone: 703-434-7566 Support Offered/ Price: N/C $ 50.00 Software Hotline Demos Available UTILITY BILLING PROGRAM Computes and prints utility bills (water, Price: $2000.00 sewer, Compatible Systems: trash) Kaypro 4,10 1) Menu-driven for ease of use; 2) Password protected data access; 3) Computes all bills and prints single or all bills and cut-off notices; 4) Authorized user may override computed charges, enter additional charges, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 591 Valley Microcomputers UTILITY BILLING PROGRAM. change rates, and enter two line message for printing on bills; 5) Provides for multi-users on same meter and for changing meters during billing period; 6) Provides usage table of .water consumption ranges; 7) Provides information on basis of use~s, consumption, and revenue by various rates; 8) Maintains monthly and yearly meter readings history; 9) Generates customers' lists by account number, meter number, etc. Source: dBase II. Kaypro 4 - 1,000 accounts. Includes user manual. Warranty/Terms: CASH Date released: 8/ 1/83 Last update: 9/30/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Vandata 17544 Midvale Ave. N Seattle WA 98133 Dwight Vanden Berghe Phone: 206-542-7611 Support Offered/ Price: VANDATA BUSINESS PACKAGE A four-module accounting system Price: $ 295.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 VBP is a pro~uct of several years of clean-up and testing, and is both reliable and compact. The four VBP modules include General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Payroll with Job Costing. Each of the modules will operate alone, and the AP and AR may be made to feed the GL program. The package is sold with full source code and a license for unlimited resale to end users with no royalties. At the unusually low price at which the software is sold, Vandata No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 592 Van data VANDATA BUSINESS PACKAGE does not provide support. It is designed for a small business doing less than $500,000 annual gross. Source: CBASIC 2. Includes an installation manual. Source code included. Date released: 10/ 1/79 Last update: 3/ 1/82 ********************************************************************** Company: Vertical Software Group P.O. Box 16284 Long Beach CA 90806 Marcus E. Butler Phone: 213-427-7725 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline Software Upgrades PERSONNEL-83 Modeling agencies: Price: $1995.00 N/C $ 50.00 integrated accounting system Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Features include detailed databases for clients and employees, complete A/R including client statements and aging, and A/P including a payroll check printer. A cash receipts journal, and detailed transaction ledgers for both employees and clients, allowing instant access to any and all financial records, permitting more complete financial planning to take place. Designed for modeling agencies, temporary help agencies, rental agencies, and other agencies whose primary business is people. Capacity: Kaypro 4 - 750 clients and . employees; Kaypro 10 -7,000 clients and employees. Source: CBASIC. Includes manual. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kay~ro Corporation. 593 Vertical Software Group PERSONNEL-83 Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAYS LIMITED C.O.D. Date released: 2/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 VETMED-83 A veterinary office management system Price: $2225.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 VETMED-83 is a fully integrated system designed for small to medium veterinarian practices. Features include databases containing detailed information about active and inactive clients, pets, inactive fee schedule and food inventory, and more. The billing section retreives information from those databases for use in billing, saving innumerable key-entry hours. Integral mailing label programs simplify mailings. VETMED-83 remembers when pets are due for vaccinations, can print client reminder notices, and print vaccination certificates on demand. Capacity: Kaypro 4 - 750 clients; Kaypro 10 - 7000 clients. Source: CBASIC. Includes manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY C.O.D. 10/ 1/82 Last update: Date released: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 594 Company: Vertisoft Box 14514 Minneapolis MN 55414 Chuck Peck Phone: 612-436-5352 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline N/C ACCOUNTSTAR Agricultural accounting system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 Keeps track of financial records. Optional Software: Beef Star - for beef records, CropStar - for crop records, HerdStar - for dairy records, and HogStar for hog records. Source: FORTRAN. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE AND UPDATES Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 8/ 1/83 BEEFSTAR Beef management system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Beef Star herd management software unlocks the computer's full power - for the kind of precise control that means higher productivity and higher profits. Beef Star is easy to use. Features: complete herd records; work, attention, and. problem lists; reproductive success analysis; complete ration/balancing; raising to market weight; telephone link; graphic displays, and much more. Optional: HerdStar - for dairy records, CropStar - for crop records, HogStar for hog records, and AccountStar - for financial records. All work together. Source: FORTRAN. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE AND UPDATES Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 595 Vertisoft CROPS TAR Crop management system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II,4,10 CropStar crop management software unlocks the computer's full power for the kind of precise control that means higher productivity and higher profits. CropStar is ~asy to use. Features: complete crop records; flexible setup - analyze your records by farm, by field, by crop, or by the entire operation. Complete information on tillage, chemicals, fertilizer, seeding, cultivation, harvest, field observations, and much more; labor, machinery, and materials costs calculated along with projected and actual yields; telephone link; and graphic displays. Optional: HerdStar - for dairy records, Beef Star - for beef records, HogStar - for hog records, and AccountStar - for financial records. Source: FORTRAN. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE AND UPDATES Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 HERDSTAR Dairy management system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HerdStar dairy herd management programs are easy to use. Unique features of the programs user friendly design, along with the clearest, step by step instruction manuals, make program operation effortless. People who have never seen a computer before easily run the HerdStar dairy programs within the first half hour. HerdStar programs are available individually. Designed with dairymen, each program is clear, effective, and field tested. HerdStar programs include: Herd Manager, Heifer Manager, Reproduction Manager, Crop Manager, Ration Manager, Accounts Manager, Milk Manager, Feed Manager, Machine Manager, Cash Flow Manager, and History Manager. Source: FORTRAN. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE AND UPDATES Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 596 Vertisoft HOGSTAR Hog management system Price: $ 495.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 HogStar hog management software unlocks the computer's full power for the kind of precise control that means higher productivity and higher profits. HogStar is easy to use. Features: complete herd records; work, attention, and problem lists; reproductive success analysis; complete ration-balancing; raising to market weight; telephone link; graphic displays; and much more. Optional Software: HerdStar - for dairy records, Beef Star - for beef records, CropStar - for crop records, and AccountStar - for financial records. Source: FORTRAN. Warranty/Terms: ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE AND UPDATES Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: WEKTAR Computer Services Base 29146 Sunnyside Pretoria, South Africa 0132 Mr. Coetzee Telex: 012-3237645/6 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Newsletter Software Upgrades N/C N/C N/C ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Keeps payables up-to-date Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 597 WEKTAR Computer Services ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Features include: interactive data entry with easy correction; check printing with invoice detail; invoice aging; automatic entry to general ledger; interactive. Designed for business and manufacturing. Capacity: 150 records. Source: CBASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 3/ 6/83 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Keeps track of open and closed item reporting Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Features include: Interactive data entry with easy correction; automatic postings to general ledger; customer data base selection; progress billing; customer statements; invoice aging; partial invoice payments. Designed for bussiness and manufacturing. Capacity: 150 accounts. Source: CBASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/80 GENERAL LEDGER Detailed G/L accounting Price: $ 300.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 4,10 Keeps track of all ledger accounts in detail. May be used as an integrated package with debtors, crediters, invoicing and inventory. Features: Accepts postings from external programs; accepts directly extended postings; financial reports, trial balance, income statement balance sheet, and special reports; maintains balances for month, quarter,year and previous three quarters. Designed for business and manufacturing. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 598 WEKTAR Computer Services GENERAL LEDGER Capacity: 100 accounts. Source: CBASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/80 INVENTORY System of inventory and material requirements Price: Compatible Systems: $ 300.00 Kaypro 4,10 Features: Maintains a complete data base of items; allows for sub-assemblies; links with General Ledger; automatic generate purchase orders; calculates E.O.Q.; find most cost-effective level per discount offered. Designed for business and manufacturing. Capacity: 4,000 accounts. Source: CBASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/82 INVOICING Integrated with accounts receivable Price: Compatible Systems: $ 300.00 Kaypro 4,10 Features: Set up item and processing lists; tax and shipping code file; center and print invoices; update to Accounts Receivables; print charge slips; item turn over report. Designed for business and manufacturing. Capacity: 3,000 items. Source: CBASIe. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. Date released: 1/ 1/83 Last update: 3/ 6/83 No Warranty is made expresserl or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 599 WEKTAR Computer Services MEDICAL Office management for doctors and dentists Price: Compatible Systems: $ 950.00 Kaypro 4,10 Features include: producer, delinquency, statement, service, and diagnostic reports; allows up to 20 doctors in practice; allows 20 utilities to be set up; 200 diagnostic co'es; 200 service codes and fee tables; aging analysis, mechanical fund, and budget; dormant patients subtracted or added. Capacity: 150 records. Source: CBASIC. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 3 MONTHS CASH Date released: 1/ 1/80 Last update: 3/ 6/83 ********************************************************************** Company: WPL Associates 1105-F Spring Street Silver Spring MD 20910 Paul Levin Phone: 301-589-5888 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C PUBLIPHILE Subscription management system Price: $2450.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Complete accounting and managemnt information system. Produces labels, invoice forms, renewal notices, statements acknowledgements, plus numerous reports. Provides feedback on promotion response, renewal rate, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 600 WPL Associates PUBLIPHILE deferred income and subscriber liability. System is menu driven with ample prompts and help screens. Duplicate entries and bad debts are reported to the operator for appropriate action. Subscription prices and expiration data automatically put in by computer to reduce data entry errors. Integrates with Prospect Management System. Source: dBASE II application. Includes a manual. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: WILL REPLACE THE PROGRAM COpy IF IT FAILS WITHIN 30 DAYS $1500 DEPOSIT WITH ORDER, $747.50 ON DELIVERY OF PROGRAM Date released: 6/ 1/82 Last update: 10/ 1/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Walon1ck Associates, Inc. 5624 Hirard Ave. Minneapolis MN 55419 David Walonick Phone: 612-866-9022 Support Offered/ Price: Software Upgrades N/C STATPAC Statistical analysis package Price: $ 400.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 StatPac's features include: batch processing, variable and value labels, select if, recode, recode if, compute, compute if, sort cases, list cases, write subfile, frequencies, descriptive statistics, crosstabs and chi-square, correlation and linear regression, t-test for matched pairs or independent groups, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 601 Walonick Associates, Inc. STATPAC mUltiple regression, one and two way anova, two kinds of multiple variable response. StatPac can handle fixfed or free format data files and 5,000 cases with up to 255 columns of information per case. Statistic selections and printing options are available on all analyses including paper saving ecology feature. Capacity: 2,000 records/ 255 characters per record. Source: BASIC. Includes a 120 page manual. Warranty/Terms: DEFECTIVE DISKS REPLACED AT NO CHARGE Date released: 1/ 1/81 Last update: 12/ 6/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Western Wares Box C Norwood CO 81423 Ms. Wood Phone: 303-327-4898 Support Offered/ Price: C-PACK Disk full of useful utilities Price: $ 19.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The C-Pack consists of various utilities, all written in C. Both source and executable code are included for easy modification. Some of the programs in the C-Pack are: a disk back up utility, a printer echo program, a disk patch utility, and expense manager, CP/M scew factor modifier, file "chop" and "clean", etc. Source: C. Source code included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 602 Western Wares C-PACK. Warranty/Terms: COMPLETE BUG FIX C.O.D., OR PO--DEALER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Date released: 1/ 1/83 FREHEAT Passive solar simulation system Price: $ 175.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Freheat is a finite-difference, nodal computer simulation which relies on a description of the structure and its location, as well as hourly weather data. Three basic configurations can be modeled: a direct gain system with floor mass, a sunspace, and mass wall (isothermal-water or with a temperature profile). Various overhang geometries, thermocirculation, multilayered thermal mass, secondary lumped thermal mass, selective surfaces, auxiliary heating and cooling, night insulation (bead walls), etc. are all supported. Freheat will calculate the auxiliary energy necessary to maintain a given high and low thermostat "dead band". Source: Fortran. Comes on 8" SSSD floppy disk. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: COMPLETE BUG FIX C.O.D. OR PO--DEALER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Date released: 1/ 1/82 Last update: 8/ 1/83 ICX ISIS--CP/M exchanger and ISIS emulator Price: $ 175.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ICX is a deluxe CP/M <-) ISIS-II file transfer package which facilitates complete manipulation of single density ISIS-II disks. Blank disks may be initialized with the ISIS file structure, and files may be transferred both to and from an ISIS disk using a CP/M disk in A. Also includes other ISIS-related utilities, No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 603 Western Wares lex such as an object checksummer for ISIS, a checksumming patch utility, etc. Source: C (ICX) Assembly (ISE). Comes on 8" SSSD floppy (other media available). Source code included. Warranty/Terms: COMPLETE BUG FIX C.O.D. OR PO--DEALER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Date released: 1/ 1/82 MEDIT Mailing list and form letter editor Price: $ 39.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Medit, a mailing list manager, utilizes an easy menu format for adding, editing, displaying, sorting, etc. Addresses can be listed and edited in user-defined categories for specialized mailings and can be sorted by zip code to receive postal bulk rates. Also included in the package are Labels, which prints labels from an address file by category or individual and Fletter, which merges a letter body file with selected addresses to produce a Scribble (copyright of Mark of the Unicorn, Inc.) compatible source file containing an entire mailing. Source: C. Comes on 8" SSSD floppy (other media available). Source code included. Warranty/Terms: BUG MAINTENCE C.O.D. OR PO--DEALER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Date released: 1/1/83 VIEW CP/M disk block editor Price: $ 39.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 View will help you recover "crashed" disks with ease. This CRT oriented disk block viewer/editor displays No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 604 Western Wares VIEW sectors per track, block size, maximum block, disk size, reserved tracks, blocking, skew factor, and the blocks used. Disk blocks are selected by moving the cursor within the allocation bit map. Commands are easy: F-forward, B-back, P-up, D-down, X-examine, S-select drive, T-sector translation, E~edit. ASCII data is automatically detected, and each block can be displayed in both ASCII and hex. Source: C. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: C.O.D. OR PO--DEALER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ZAS Z8000 software development package Price: $ 395.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ZAS, Version 2, a professional assembly language development package for theZ-8000, consists of a macro assembler (ZAS), a linker (ZLK), program loading utilities (ZLD), and a run-time monitor (ZEX). Including 36 directives, ZAS provides full macro facilities, "include files", and nested.conditional assembly. Programs are structure into named program and data "sections", which can then be individually manipulated with ZLK. Multiple ZLK operations can build complicated overlay systems. Abs~lute object files are manipulated by the ZLD loader utilities to accomodate downloading, etc. Source: C. Warranty/Terms: COMPLETE BUG FIX C.O.D. OR PO--DEALER DISCOUNTS AVAILBALE Date released: 3/19/83 Last update: 4/19/~3 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 605 Winterhalter, Inc, Company: 3853 Research Park Drive Ann Arbor MI 48104 Jennifer Perrin Phone: 1-800-321-7785 Support Offered/ Price: Software Hotline $oftware Maintenance Visual Training N/C N/C N/C DATATALKER 1 Communications: intelligent front end processor Price: $ 995.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 DATATALKER 1 is an intelligent front end processor that includes both of the NS3270 and NS3780 emulation programs. Attaches to a microcomputer giving the ability to emulate several different IBM interactive and remote batch terminals. Relieves microcomputer of all communications overhead and overload which is especially important in multi user systems. Also provides complete diagnostics for both the communications line and all hardware modules. Comes complete with an application interface-module to enable user written applications. Will support 300 - 19200 baud. Source: C language. Includes a user's manual. Source code available. Warranty/Terms: 6 MONTHS Date released: 5/ 1/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 606 Company: Woolf Software Systems 6754 Eton Canoga Park Phone: CA 91303 213-703-8112 Support Offered/ Price: COMMUNICATIONS A smart terminal and file transfer program Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II Move-it is a smart terminal and file transfer program for small computers running CP/M, CP/M-86, MS-POS and other operating systems. All of Move-it's commands can be controlled from one end, allowing communication to un-attended computers. Features include: Transmission / reception of files, error free transfers between Move-its, support for auto-dial modems, local and remote directories/user numbers, and messages. Includes configuration and help utilities. Source: '. isembly. Incl udes a manual. MICRO FINANCIER A personal and small business finance program Price: $ 125.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro II Micro Financier is a personal and small business finance program for systems using CP/M, CP/M 86, MS-DOS and other compatable operating systems. Full facilities are provided for manipulating, reporting and graphing expenditures and budgets. The system supports any number of user-definable accounts. An on-line help facility is also provided. Source: CBASIC. Includes a manual. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 607 Workman & Associates Company: 112 Marion Ave. Pasadena Phone: CA 90016 213-769-4401 Support Offered/ Price: ADVENTURE An exploration game Price: $ 27.50 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 This is the original Crother and Wood ADVENTURE of the Colossal Cave. Our version is very fast, and we know of no faster version. This is the original game with Green Snake, Pirate, two mazes, Giant Clam, Troll, and all other features you've heard about. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AGAINST DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS BDS C· COMPI LER , A subset of the full C Language Price: $ 130.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Leor Zoiman's BDS C Compiler is a subset of the full C Language, generating compact 8080 code. It compiles very quickly and is suitable for CP/M program development. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AGAINST DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP BUILD AN ADVENTURE Aid to creating your own adventure game Price: $ 97.50 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 608 Workman & Associates BUILD AN ADVENTURE ADVENTURE is machine-language written, and about 30% to 40% of the game is "hard-coded." The rest of the game, including the vocabulary, travel table, room descriptions, objects, etc., is script driven. Our kit allows you to alter any of these features, as well as use the hard-coded features to accomplish entirely different results from the original game. With our kit you can build an adventure in space or time with no feature in common with the Colossal Cave! We also furnish the complete original travel table (map) of the Original Adventure. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AGAINST DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS MINIMUM DATABASE Small database management Price: $ 89.50 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The MDB is a "do-all" program, which can be used to keep almost any kind of records. MDB is best used when the number of items does not exceed 200, and the number of fields does not exceed ten character fields and ten numeric fields. Our MDB emphasizes ease of use and versatility. The program allows you to create a database tailored for specific applications. The "structure" of 'the base can later be changed if that is desired. Commands include: DISKIN, OUT, CHOP, DELETE, RESTORE, LIST, ·MAIL LABELS, FIND, AVERAGES, STATISTICS, and SORT. Source: CBASIC2 Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AGAINST DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS. POURNELLE ACCOUNTING PACKAGE Home or small business accounting package Price: $ 245.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 609 Workman & Associates POURNELLE ACCOUNTING PACKAGE The package has programs for constructing a standaru chart of accounts, using the chart, placing the entries into a general journal, and posting the journal into a general ledger, and printing both journal and ledger. These programs will print out in a standard accounting format as illustrated in textbooks. Audit trails including kin~ of transaction, check number,. date, and explanatory remarks are preserved. Ledger pages have reference numbers to page and item of journal entry. The journal has extensive error checking to find out-ofbalance entries. Source: CBASIC2 and CB-80. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AGAINST DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SOFTWARE ANTHOLOGY SERIES Series of four CP/M user group utility disks Price: $ 140.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The SOFTWARE ANTHOLOGY SERIES is full of programs to make CP/M easier to use. The SERIES consists of four Utility Disks and the HELP! Disk. All programs come with extensive documentation and instructions. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AGAINST DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS TaE TRANSPORTER Sends files between different CP/M Price: $ 69.50 machine~ Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 The TRANSPORTER will send files between almost any two CP/M machines, and you need only one copy. It will even send itself. It doesn't need to be installed, nor does it require special equipment. Almost any matching serial ports, such as standard RS-232, or even some parallel ports, will do. It will work rin any 7 or 8 No Warranty is made expr~ssed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 610 Workman & Associates THE TRANSPORTER bit serial port machine. Most importantly, it can send any kind of file - .COM, .INT, etc. Our copy policy on the TRANSPORTER lets you move the program to other machines and formats as long as you don't give or sell copies to anyone. Source code included. Warranty/Terms: AGAINST DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS. WRITE A full-screen editor designed for the creative writer Price: $ 239.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 Unlike many popular editors, WRITE does not store intermediate text files on disk while editing. This means that it works much more quickly and reliably. Its emphasis is ease of editing and the safety of text. This is a creative writing editor, designed for fact and fiction. It is superior for manual, documentation, and instruction writing. *********************************************************~************ Company: Zenerex Corporation 1301 E 79th Street Minneapolis MN 55420 John C. Williamson Phone: 612-854-1555 Support Offered/ Price: Software Maintenance Software Upgrades N/C $100.00 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 611 Zenerex Corporation REP MANAGER Management system for manufacturers' representatives Price: Compatible Systems: $3995.00 Kaypro 10 Tracks orders, computes and controls commissions receivable and payable, generates variety of reports, plus listings and labels. -Capacity: 3,000 customers, 2,000 orders, 50 lines, and 25 sales people. Source: PASCAL. Includes an operators manrral. Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR Date released: 3/10/83 Last update: 10/31/83 ********************************************************************** Company: Zenrad Controls Company 1575 A.P.S Santa Barbara CA 93103 Anthony Radford Phone: 805-687-5089 Support Offered/ Price: ZEN 3 Utility for word processing and program development Price: $ 115.00 Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ZEN is a screen editor with a relocatable linker to call in ZEN modules to give a complete Z80 d~velopment system for only $100. It is written in Z80 code. Two assemblers, a debugger, monitor, calculator, and much more are available without losing the current file position. Justification, printer support, help, file management, titles and page numbering are included. Best of all, source files are included. No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 612 Company: Zip Services, Inc. 14 E. 13th Ave. Columbus OH 43201 Nick Petruzella Phone: 614-299-1171 Support Offered/ Price: ZIP INTEGRATED PRINTING SYSTEM Allows laser printing of CP/M files Call/See Terms for Price Compatible Systems: Kaypro 11,4,10 ZIPS is a set of Printing Programs which allows files generated on a CP/M microcomputer to be run on the Xerox 8700 and 9700 Laser Printer. ZIPS can be used to merge individual names, addresses and variables into letters. It can be used to produce typeset originals for proofing and printing. Multiple copies of labels, articles, reports, directories, manuals indeed whatever you can type into a microcomputer can be output on a laser printer. Using ZIPS, all of the features which the Xerox laser printer offers - large font selection from 4 to 24 pt, fixed and proportional fonts, high quality resolution, and 7,000 copies/hr. speed are easily accessed with a CP/M microcomputer and ZIPS. $ 200.00 Required SW: CP/M WORD PROCESSOR Warranty/Terms: 1 YEAR CONTACT FOR PRICE Date released: 9/30/83 No Warranty is made expressed or implied by Kaypro Corporation. 613 -- -------- ..-.~.--.., - ~ -- -- ---........ - - -- _.----- ~~.--- .--~ _--.---~~_ _..--r-..- _ ~ ~ --~- --~ --~ CORPORATION PO BOX N DEL MAR CA 92014 (619) 481-4300
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