4.5 MB Pdf: Land Form PROFILE User Guide And Technical Specification D05300_23

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Land-Form PROFILE user guide contents v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 2 of 70
User guide
Section Page no
Preface ..................................................................................................................................................4
Contact details ..........................................................................................................................4
Use of the product.....................................................................................................................4
Purpose and disclaimer ............................................................................................................4
Copyright in this guide ..............................................................................................................5
Data copyright and other intellectual property rights ................................................................5
Trademarks ...............................................................................................................................5
Back-up provision of the product ..............................................................................................5
Using this guide.........................................................................................................................5
Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................6
Using this guide.........................................................................................................................6
Land-Form – an introduction.....................................................................................................6
Land-Form PROFILE features..................................................................................................6
Land-Form PROFILE benefits ..................................................................................................7
Land-Form PROFILE applications............................................................................................7
What you need to use Land-Form PROFILE............................................................................7
Hardware .............................................................................................................................7
Land-Form PROFILE supply options........................................................................................8
Transfer format(s) ................................................................................................................8
Media ...................................................................................................................................8
Land-Form PROFILE supply unit..............................................................................................8
Update/update options.........................................................................................................8
National Transfer Format (NTF) release..............................................................................8
Land-Form PROFILE output options ........................................................................................8
Chapter 2 Overview of Land-Form PROFILE .........................................................................................9
Data overview ...........................................................................................................................9
Basic principles ....................................................................................................................9
Land-Form PROFILE application overview ..............................................................................9
Typical user scenarios .........................................................................................................9
Integration within GIS...........................................................................................................9
Other applications ................................................................................................................9
Chapter 3 Land-Form PROFILE explained...........................................................................................10
Tide lines.................................................................................................................................10
Air and spot heights ................................................................................................................10
Land-Form PROFILE data structure.......................................................................................11
Geometric data........................................................................................................................11
Vertical ...............................................................................................................................11
Attribute data...........................................................................................................................11
Feature position .................................................................................................................11
Feature codes ....................................................................................................................11
Feature serial number (FSN) ..................................................................................................12
Land-Form PROFILE data source ..........................................................................................12
Survey method and accuracy ............................................................................................12
Digital capture methods ..........................................................................................................13
Ordnance Survey datum .........................................................................................................13
Introduction ........................................................................................................................14
Accuracy ............................................................................................................................14
Data overview – DTMs............................................................................................................15
Land-Form PROFILE user guide contents v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 3 of 70
Chapter 4 Tile numbering and the National Grid.................................................................................16
Annexe A Product and service performance report form ..................................................................17
v5.2 – 12/2010
Land-Form PROFILE user guide preface v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 4 of 70
This user guide (hereafter referred to as the guide) is designed to provide an overview of Land-Form PROFILE
(hereafter referred to as the product) and it gives guidelines and advice on how a customer might derive the
maximum benefit from the product. It assumes a general knowledge of geographic information. If you find an
error or omission in this guide, or otherwise wish to make a comment or suggestion as to how we can improve
the guide, please contact us at the address shown below under contact details or complete the product and
service performance report form at annexe A and return it to us.
Contact details
Our Customer Service Centre will be pleased to deal with your enquiries:
Customer Service Centre
Ordnance Survey
Adanac Drive
United Kingdom
SO16 0AS
General enquiries (calls charged at local rate): +44 (0)8456 05 05 05
Dedicated Welsh Language HelpLine: 08456 05 05 04
Textphone (deaf and hard of hearing users only please): +44 (0)23 8005 6146
This document has been screened in accordance with the requirements set out in Ordnance Survey's
Equality Scheme. If you have difficulty reading this information in its current format and would like to find out
how to access it in a different format (Braille, large print, computer disk or in another language), please
contact us on: +44 (0)8456 05 05 05.
Use of the product
The terms and conditions upon which the product, including this guide, is made available to you and your
organisation are contained in the customer contract made between you and Ordnance Survey. If there is an
inconsistency between the terms of your customer contract and this guide, then the terms of your customer
contract prevail. If you or your organisation has not signed a valid current customer contract then you are not
entitled to use the product.
Purpose and disclaimer
This guide is provided for guidance only and does not constitute any warranty, representation, undertaking,
commitment or obligation (express or implied) about the product or its suitability for any particular or intended
purpose. Any warranties, representations, undertakings, commitments and obligations given by
Ordnance Survey about the product and/or its suitability for any particular or intended purpose are set out in
your customer contract. It is your responsibility to ensure that this product is suitable for your intended
Ordnance Survey does not accept any liability (whether for breach of contract, negligence or otherwise) for
any loss or liability you or any third party may suffer in relying on this guide and any guidance, suggestion,
advice or explanation provided in it. Any liability that Ordnance Survey has to you in relation to the product,
its supply, use, accuracy, data supplied, functionality or any other liability arising out of or in connection with
the product is limited as set out in your customer contract.
We may change the information in this guide at any time without notice.
We do not accept responsibility for the content of any third party websites referenced or accessed in or
through this guide, any contractual documentation, and/or the Ordnance Survey website.
Land-Form PROFILE user guide preface v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 5 of 70
Copyright in this guide
This guide (including for the avoidance of doubt any mapping images reproduced herein), is
© Crown copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Any part of this guide may be copied for use internally in your organisation or business so that you can use
the product for the purpose for which it is licensed to your organisation or business (but not otherwise).
No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (including electronically)
for commercial exploitation without the prior written consent of Ordnance Survey.
No part of this guide may be copied or incorporated in products, services or publications that you generate
for onward sale, or as free promotional or support materials, without the prior written consent of
Ordnance Survey.
Data copyright and other intellectual property rights
The Crown (or, where applicable, Ordnance Survey’s suppliers) owns the intellectual property rights in
Ordnance Survey digital map data.
Full details of the terms and conditions under which Ordnance Survey digital map data may be processed
and/or manipulated or copied by a customer – whether or not for use on PCs or workstations or for making
hard copies – are available from the Customer Service Centre, please see contact details. You should check
the terms and conditions with us before using the data. It is also the responsibility of the holder of the digital
map data to ensure that any plotted or printed output contains the required copyright and database
acknowledgements in a conspicuous position.
Ordnance Survey, the OS Symbol, Land-Form PROFILE, ADDRESS-POINT, Land-Form PANORAMA,
Land-Line and OSGB36 are registered trademarks of Ordnance Survey, the national mapping agency of
Great Britain.
Adobe and Acrobat Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
AutoCAD and Autodesk are registered trademarks and DXF is a trade mark of Autodesk Inc.
ESRI is a registered trademark of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
MapInfo is a registered trademark of MapInfo Corporation.
Back-up provision of the product
You are advised to copy the supplied data to a back-up medium.
Using this guide
The documentation is supplied in portable document format (PDF) only. Free Adobe® Acrobat Reader®
software, which displays the guide, incorporates search and zoom facilities and allows you to navigate
within. Hyperlinks are used to navigate between associated parts of the guide and to relevant Internet
resources by clicking on the blue hyperlinks and the table of contents.
If you are unfamiliar with any words or terms used and require clarification please refer to the glossary at the
end of the document.
Land-Form PROFILE user guide chapter 1 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 6 of 70
Chapter 1 Introduction
Using this guide
This user guide is an introduction to Land-Form PROFILE which offers guidance and advice on how to
deliver the maximum value from the product. The technical specification provides specific details of the
structure, content and formats of Land-Form PROFILE for customers using the data in a geographical
information system (GIS) or other systems. The technical specification should be used in conjunction with the
user guide.
This chapter and chapter 2 provide an introduction to Land-Form PROFILE and illustrate potential
applications. Chapter 3 contains more detailed information about the data. These chapters are designed to
enable users to make effective use of Land-Form PROFILE and contain all the information you will need.
Please refer to the glossary at annexe A of the Technical Specification if you are unfamiliar with any of the
terms used.
All aspects of Land-Form PROFILE discussed in this user guide relate to Land-Form PROFILE in both
BS 7567 (NTF v2.0) and DXF (AutoCAD® release 12) formats. If the two format versions differ in their
treatment of a particular aspect, the specific differences will be stated. Icons, as shown below, will be used to
denote these differences.
For convenience BS 7567 (NTF v2.0 Level 2) is referred to as NTF and BS 7567
(NTF v2.0 Level 5) is referred to as NTF Level 5 in this user guide.
Data Exchange Format is referred to as DXF in this user guide. DXF AutoCAD
release 12 compatible data complies with Layer Naming Convention for CAD in
the Construction Industry Version 2, which is based upon the guidelines laid down
in BS 1192: Part 5.
Land-Form – an introduction
Land-Form is the generic name given to all Ordnance Survey digital height products. These consist of:
Land-Form PROFILE, which is dealt with in this user guide.
Land-Form PANORAMA®, which is dealt with in the Land-Form PANORAMA user guide.
Land-Form PROFILE® Plus, which is dealt with in the Land-Form PROFILE Plus technical specification.
Land-Form PROFILE features
Ordnance Survey’s Land-Form PROFILE data is a dataset representing the physical shape of the real world.
The data is available to customers as:
Land-Form PROFILE contour tiles, including: contours, air heights, spot heights, and high and low
water marks.
Contour data and selected air heights are captured from Ordnance Survey’s 1:10 000 scale mapping; this
is supplemented by spot heights, and high and low water marks from Ordnance Survey 1:1250, 1:2500
and 1:10 000 scale digital data.
Land-Form PROFILE digital terrain model (DTM) tiles, a 10 metre grid of heighted points derived from
the contour product.
All tile sizes are 5 km by 5 km.
Land-Form PROFILE user guide chapter 1 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 7 of 70
Land-Form PROFILE benefits
National coverage.
Five metre contour interval and 10 metre in some mountain and moorland areas.
Mean high and low water mark in England and Wales and mean high and low water springs in Scotland.
Indexed contours every 25 metres, and 50 metres in mountainous areas.
Contours and DTMs fully edgematched.
Coded features which give each feature a specific category.
Choice of supply formats – NTF or DXF.
Air and spot heights.
Land-Form PROFILE applications
Land-Form PROFILE can be used in a variety of applications, in many cases in conjunction with other
Ordnance Survey digital products, for analytical, modelling, planning and visual purposes.
Opportunities to model the real world.
A foundation for high precision applications.
Preliminary highway planning and design.
Architectural projects.
Water pressure and sewage network analysis.
River catchment and pollution analysis.
Flood risk assessment.
Environmental impact analysis.
Scatter modelling.
Civil engineering project developments.
Visual impact analysis.
Wind flow analysis.
Property management.
Radio wave propagation.
Flight simulation.
Forestry planning.
Gas pressure analysis.
Geological analysis.
Software development.
What you need to use Land-Form PROFILE
Hardware requirements will vary depending on the data volumes users wish to access.
Average tile sizes are as follows:
vector contour files in NTF Level 2 1.2 Mb
vector contour files in DXF 4.0 Mb
DTMs in NTF Level 5 1.5 Mb
DTMs in DXF 19.5 Mb
Land-Form PROFILE user guide chapter 1 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 8 of 70
Users wishing to access large amounts of data will require large storage and processing capacities running
on a workstation platform, while modern personal computer (PC) based applications will be sufficient for
users only needing to use small amounts. Your system supplier will be able to advise on your requirements.
Land-Form PROFILE is inert data and does not include software for data viewing or manipulation. To fully
exploit its potential it is necessary to have appropriate application software. There are many proprietary
systems available and we publish a list of GIS, computer-aided design (CAD) and digital mapping licensed
system suppliers who have confirmed that their software can import Land-Form PROFILE in either NTF or
DXF. Please contact us using the details in the preface of this guide to request a copy of the list.
Land-Form PROFILE supply options
Transfer format(s)
Land-Form PROFILE contours are supplied in:
BS 7567 (NTF v2.0) Level 2 See chapter 1, technical specification
DXF AutoCAD release 12 compatible See chapter 3, technical specification
Land-Form PROFILE DTMs are available in:
BS 7567 (NTF v2.0) Level 5 See chapter 1, technical specification
DXF AutoCAD release 12 compatible See chapter 3, technical specification
Land-Form PROFILE is supplied in NTF on the standard Ordnance Survey media range, whilst DXF is
available on CD-ROM only.
Land-Form PROFILE supply unit
Land-Form PROFILE is supplied in tiles. Each covers an area of 5 km by 5 km. There are 10 577 tiles in the
Update/update options
Updated Land-Form PROFILE contour and DTM tiles will be supplied as part of annual payment.
National Transfer Format (NTF) release
The current release is NTF v2.0 and will be supplied until further notice. See chapter 1, technical
Land-Form PROFILE output options
Land-Form PROFILE is inert data. It requires software (not provided by Ordnance Survey) to display it on a
screen, manipulate it or plot it out as hard copy.
Land-Form PROFILE user guide chapter 2 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 9 of 70
Chapter 2 Overview of Land-Form PROFILE
Data overview
Basic principles
Land-Form PROFILE contour data is defined as geometrically structured vector point and line data. This
is to say, that a contour consists of a series of points which are linked by a continuous line. This also
applies to the mean high water (MHW) and mean low water (MLW) marks, but the MLW will be omitted
where coincident with the MHW. Spot heights consist of a single point in the data.
DTMs consist of a gridded array of heighted points at 10 m intervals. In NTF the data consists of a list of
height values whose position within the tile is implied by its position within the data file. In DXF each point
in the data has a set of National Grid coordinates as well as a height value.
Land-Form PROFILE application overview
Typical user scenarios
Land-Form PROFILE provides an ideal base using an appropriate geographical information system (GIS)
application, over which to drape other data in order to facilitate many height critical applications.
Integration within GIS
Land-Form PROFILE can be used in conjunction with other Ordnance Survey products to provide:
property flood risk analysis;
environmental impact analysis;
highway planning;
line of sight planning; or
domestic water pressure analysis.
Other applications
plotted output; or
fly-through sequences.
Land-Form PROFILE user guide chapter 3 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 10 of 70
Chapter 3 Land-Form PROFILE explained
There are two types of contour in Land-Form PROFILE – standard contours and index contours.
Contours are shown at a vertical interval (VI) of 5 m, except in mountain and moorland areas where the VI is 10 m.
In areas where the VI is 5 m, the index contours are at multiples of 25 m.
In areas where the VI is 10 m, the index contours are at multiples of 50 m.
All contours consist of one continuous feature across a tile except that:
They do not contain more than 2 500 data points.
In areas of steep slope some contours will be omitted. This is where some contours were omitted from
the graphic product for cartographic purposes.
Where coincident with man-made features, contours may be broken. In general, contours were not shown
on 1:10 000 scale mapping where they coincided with published man-made slopes.
Contours are not shown in active quarries, gravel pits, spoil heaps or open cast mines.
Tide lines
Ordnance Survey shows high and low water marks of a mean tide – an average tide halfway between spring
and neap tides – in England and Wales, and of average spring tides in Scotland. This line will cross tidal
rivers at the point to which mean tides, or in Scotland spring tides, flow at high water; this is known as the
normal tidal limit (NTL).
Air and spot heights
Spot heights are heighted points captured by ground methods, and are normally positioned along the centre
of roads and air heights are heighted points captured by photogrammetric methods at the same time as the
contours. They are normally shown in the following positions:
Hill tops
At the highest point.
On important features.
Valley junctions
Generally at the junction of main rivers and streams.
River crossings
At natural ground level.
At marked changes of gradient, or at about 500 m intervals along roads with no marked change of gradient.
Road junctions
In town areas they are confined to main road junctions. Minor road junctions are included in rural areas.
Artificial features
In confined circumstances (for example, ancient earthworks) where the topography is depicted by slope
symbols instead of contours, a single central spot height is captured. On extended features, spot heights are
captured at intervals of 750 m.
Low-lying areas
In large areas between the lowest contour and mean high water, supplementary spot heights are plotted at a
frequency of about 750 m.
Land-Form PROFILE user guide chapter 3 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 11 of 70
Flat areas
In extensive areas devoid of contours, spot heights are positioned on any eminence or significant detail.
Land-Form PROFILE data structure
Land-Form PROFILE contour data comprises point and line features as follows:
Point features
spot heights three-dimensional
air heights three-dimensional
Line features
standard contours three-dimensional (NTF and DXF)
index contours three-dimensional (NTF and DXF)
MHW or MLW three-dimensional (NTF and DXF)
Each point or line feature itself consists of two data categories: geometric data and attribute data.
Geometric data defines a feature’s position in terms of National Grid coordinates and height, and attribute
data, its descriptive characteristics.
Geometric data
The geometry of map features is defined in terms of coordinates. All coordinates used in Land-Form PROFILE
are based on the National Grid (NG) coordinate referencing system, and are quoted to a resolution of 1 cm on
the ground. However, the data can be no more accurate than its source, that is 1:10 000 scale mapping for air
heights and contours, and 1:1250, 1:2500 or 1:10 000 scale mapping for spot heights and tide lines.
Height information is given relative to Ordnance Survey datum (see Ordnance Survey datum). Height values
are given to a resolution of 1 cm but will have an accuracy dependent on the survey method used to fix the
The NG as it applies to Land-Form PROFILE is explained in chapter 4 of the user guide.
Attribute data
An attribute is the descriptive characteristic of a feature, that is, a non-spatial element. The geometry of the
points and lines within the data would be meaningless unless they are assigned some distinguishing
property. In Ordnance Survey map data terms, an attribute can be a feature code (in NTF Level 2 these are
numeric codes), or a distinctive name or number.
Feature position
The geometry of map features is identified in terms of coordinates. All coordinates used in Land-Form
PROFILE are based on the National Grid coordinate referencing system and are quoted to 1 cm (0.01 m)
resolution. Despite this, Land-Form PROFILE can be no more accurate than its source, primarily 1:10 000
scale published mapping.
Feature codes
There are three types of feature in the data, with six feature codes (FCs).
NTF (FC) DXF (Layer)
contours index contours
standard contours
heights air heights
spot heights
tide lines high water level
low water level
Land-Form PROFILE user guide chapter 3 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 12 of 70
Feature serial number (FSN)
Each feature is given an FSN which is unique within a tile. Every attempt is made
to maintain the integrity of FSNs.
FSNs are never reallocated, that is once a feature is deleted its FSN is never
given to a new feature, therefore there may be gaps in the FSNs.
New features are always given the next highest available FSN.
All contour tiles are edgematched. Where a contour ends by intersecting the tile edge, it is matched with the
corresponding contour on the adjoining tile such that both contours:
end on the same unique coordinate;
have the same feature code;
have the same height attribute; and
have the same direction.
Where areas of 5 m VI contours abut 10 m VI contours, alternate 5 m contours are terminated on the tile
edge, therefore edgematching is not complete.
Tide lines may have been surveyed at different times on adjacent sheets and for this reason have been
edgematched for planimetric position but not for height.
Land-Form PROFILE data source
Survey method and accuracy
Ordnance Survey 1:10 000 scale mapping was recontoured as part of a programme, completed in 1987,
using photogrammetric techniques. Some small areas, which were not visible on the photography, were
surveyed by ground methods.
Contour values are recorded in 5 m vertical intervals, and 10 m vertical intervals in some mountainous areas.
Tide lines
These have been surveyed at the basic scale of survey on Ordnance Survey Land-Line data, and may have
been captured at 1:1250, 1:2500 or 1:10 000 scale using photogrammetric or ground survey methods.
Where MHW and MLW are coincident, only MHW is shown.
Each point on a feature is assigned a height, to the nearest 0.01 m, derived from Admiralty tide tables. This
value is the same across a single 1:10 000 scale tile except where the England and Scotland boundary
crosses a tide line. Where this occurs, the tide line is split at the border and the correct national value applied
to each section. On edgematch there may be a difference in height between tiles.
MHW heights can vary along the coast from a minimum of 0.09 m to a maximum of 5.62 m above Newlyn Datum.
MLW heights can vary along the coast from a minimum of –4.1 m to a maximum of 2.5 m above Newlyn Datum.
Spot heights
Spot heights were fixed by ground survey methods, mainly spirit levelling, at the time the national bench
mark network was established. They are recorded to the nearest 0.1 m.
Some additional spot heights were surveyed using height traversing techniques to supplement air heights in
areas of sparse control. They are recorded to a precision of 1.0 m.
Air heights
Air heights were surveyed by photogrammetry at the same time as the contours. They are recorded to the
nearest 1.0 m.
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Digital capture methods
Air heights and contours are scanned and vectorised from 1:10 000 scale contour negatives used to produce
the 1:10 000 scale graphic product.
The digitised contours are such that, when following the direction of digitising, the higher land is to the left
and the lower land is to the right. This ensures that labelling routines, polygon infilling algorithms and so on
are able to interpret the direction of slope.
Where air heights coincide with spot heights they are omitted.
Tide lines and spot heights have been digitised as part of Ordnance Survey’s large scale digitising
programme for Land-Line data. This data is extracted from the large scales database and merged into the
contour files. The direction of digitising for tide lines is not specified, nor consistent.
Surveyed units of change
The appropriate surveyed units of change are recorded in the Section Header Record [SECHREC] 07 under
HO_UNIT_COUNT, this will be incremented to reflect changes to the ground surface that have been made to
the tile and its update date under DATE_LST_CHANG.
A unit of change (addition or amendment) may be any one of the following or their combinations:
tide lines 1 unit per 100 m
spot heights 1 unit per 16 spot heights
contours 1 unit per 100 m or 1 unit per hectare
air heights 1 unit per 4 air heights
Deletions due to the removal or
cancellation of any of the above features
0.25 unit
Ordnance Survey datum
Heights are normally measured in relation to Newlyn Datum, with the exception of some offshore islands,
where a local datum will have been used. The {Z_DATUM} field in the Section Header Record (see
chapter 2) indicates which datum is used by giving a numerical value from the list below.
List of datum values and the datum to which they refer:
Datum Value Notes
Newlyn 0
Colonsay 1
Isles of Scilly 2
Lundy 3
Orkney (Northern Group) 4 Not used, use 0
Outer Hebrides Group 5
St Kilda 6 Not used, use 5
Shetland Group 7
Bardsey 8 Not used, use 0
Canna 9
Coll 10
Eigg 11
Rúm 12
Tiree 13
Unspecified 14
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The numerical value given to a tile indicates that part of the data on that tile is directly derived from one of
the data listed. If a tile has no data directly derived from one of the listed data, it will be numbered 14 –
There may be instances where a tile is numbered because part of the data on the tile is directly derived from
one of the listed data, but some isolated islands on that tile may be unspecified.
As an alternative to contour files, Land-Form PROFILE can be supplied as a digital terrain model (DTM).
This takes the form of a 10 m grid of heighted points. DTMs are created from the Land-Form PROFILE
contour files.
The process of creating DTMs utilises all the height information contained in the contour file to generate the
height of each of the points in the DTM. The results achieved will depend on the density of height data
contained in the contour file.
In some flat areas where there is little height information, contours and spot heights may be a great distance
apart, this can cause irregularities in the DTM which appear as slight terracing of the terrain.
The height accuracy of any point in the DTM is equal to or better than half the contour interval, that is ±2.5 m
for areas with 5 m VI and ±5 m for areas with 10 m VI.
To allow the DTM creation software to interpolate accurately around the edges of each tile and avoid edge
discrepancies due to lack of edge information, the following operations are carried out:
Firstly, all edge contour tiles are utilised to create a 1 km buffer of information around each tile (see
figure 1 below).
From this, a 7 km by 7 km DTM is created.
This 7 km by 7 km DTM is then trimmed to 5 km by 5 km.
This process in effect creates a 2 km-wide buffer of common data between adjacent tiles and will remove
most of the edge discrepancies associated with creating DTMs from single contour tiles.
There may however, still be small residual errors along the common edge between tiles; to overcome this,
the DTM edges are then blended to ensure that all common points on adjacent tiles have the same value.
Each block of tiles supplied to customer order has all internal edges blended. External edges will not be
blended, unless an adjacent DTM already exists. For this reason, adjacent tiles supplied at different times
may contain slight differences in height along their common edge.
Figure 1
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Data overview – DTMs
The DTM tiles in both NTF and DXF consist of a series of heighted points arranged on a 10 m grid
comprising 501 by 501 points.
The points themselves do not hold any horizontal coordinate information – their
position being implied by the order in which they are held. The format of the grid is
included in the map header and follows the following pattern: the first point is
positioned on the south-west corner of the tile, with further points at 10 m intervals
northwards to the northern edge of the tile; the next point will be on the south edge
10 m east of the origin, again progressing in 10 m intervals to the north edge.
Each of these points have full three-dimensional coordinates.
The first point is positioned on the south-west corner of the tile, with further points at
10 m intervals northwards to the northern edge of the tile, creating a column of 501
points. The next column will start on the southern edge of the tile 10 m east of the
origin, again progressing in 10 m intervals to the north edge of the tile.
For both data formats, this pattern is repeated until the final point, which falls on the north-east corner of the
tile. Therefore, there are a total of 251 001 points on each tile.
Land-Form PROFILE user guide chapter 4 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 16 of 70
Chapter 4 Tile numbering and the National Grid
The National Grid (NG) provides a unique reference system that can be applied to all Ordnance Survey
maps of Great Britain, at all scales.
Great Britain is covered by 100 kilometre grid squares with each square identified by two letters.
Figure 2 – Each NG square of
100 km by 100 km contains 400
(5 km by 5 km) squares. Land-
Form PROFILE is supplied to
customers in 5 km by 5 km tiles.
These are referenced by NG
letters followed by the
appropriate numbers and
figures which obey the 1:10 000
scale sheet numbering
Land-Form PROFILE user guide annexe A v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 17 of 70
Annexe A Product and service performance report form
Ordnance Survey welcomes feedback from its customers about Land-Form PROFILE.
If you would like to share your thoughts with us, please print a copy of this form and when completed post or
fax it to the address below.
Your name: ..........................................................................................................................................................
Organisation: .......................................................................................................................................................
Address: ...............................................................................................................................................................
Postcode: .............................................................................................................................................................
Phone: .................................................................................................................................................................
Fax: ......................................................................................................................................................................
Email: ...................................................................................................................................................................
Quotation or order reference: ..............................................................................................................................
Please record your comments or feedback in the space below. We will acknowledge receipt of your form
within three (3) working days and provide you with a full reply or a status report within 21 working days.
If you are posting this form, please send it to:
Land-Form PROFILE Product Manager, Ordnance Survey, Adanac Drive, SOUTHAMPTON, SO16 0AS.
If you wish to return it by fax, please dial +44 (0)8450 990494.
Any personal information that you supply with this report form will be used by Ordnance Survey only in the
improvement of its products and services. It will not be made available to third parties.
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification contents v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 18 of 70
Technical specification
Section Page no
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................20
Purpose of this specification and disclaimer...........................................................................20
Copyright in this specification .................................................................................................20
Chapter 1 NTF explained........................................................................................................................21
An overview of Land-Form PROFILE in NTF .........................................................................21
Conventions used in this user guide.......................................................................................21
Data overview .........................................................................................................................22
File structure ......................................................................................................................22
Version management..............................................................................................................22
Product copyright...............................................................................................................22
NTF version .......................................................................................................................22
General ...................................................................................................................................23
Record size ........................................................................................................................23
Continuation mark {CONT_MARK} and Continuation Record [CONTREC]......................23
Record terminator {EOR}...................................................................................................23
Transfer set........................................................................................................................23
Supply of data on formatted media....................................................................................23
Transfer set structure..............................................................................................................23
Volume records..................................................................................................................23
Database records...............................................................................................................24
Section records ..................................................................................................................24
Structure of Land-Form PROFILE contours in NTF................................................................25
Section data records for contours......................................................................................26
Coordinate referencing system for contours......................................................................26
Structure of Land-Form PROFILE DTMs in NTF....................................................................27
Section data records for DTMs ..........................................................................................27
Coordinate reference system for DTMs.............................................................................28
Chapter 2 Record structures for the transfer of Land-Form PROFILE in NTF.................................29
NTF record list for Land-Form PROFILE contours .................................................................29
Land-Form PROFILE contours ...............................................................................................30
Volume Header Record [VOLHDREC] 01 for Land-Form PROFILE contours..................30
Database Header Record [DBHREC] 02 for Land-Form PROFILE contours ...................31
Feature Classification Record [FEATCLASS] 05 for Land-Form PROFILE contours .......32
Section Header Record [SECHREC] 07 for Land-Form PROFILE contours ....................33
Attribute Record [ATTREC] 14 for Land-Form PROFILE contours ...................................35
Point Record [POINTREC] 15 for Land-Form PROFILE contours ....................................35
Two-dimensional Geometry Record [GEOMETRY1] 21 for Land-Form PROFILE contours36
Three-Dimensional Geometry Record [GEOMETRY2] 22 for Land-Form PROFILE
contours .............................................................................................................................36
Line Record [LINEREC] 23 for Land-Form PROFILE contours ........................................37
Attribute Description Record [ATTDESC] 40 for Land-Form PROFILE contours..............37
Volume Terminator Record [VOLTERM] 99 for Land-Form PROFILE contours...............38
NTF record list for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs .....................................................................39
Land-Form PROFILE DTMs in NTF .......................................................................................39
Volume Header Record [VOLHDREC] 01 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs ......................39
Database Header Record [DBHREC] 02 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs........................40
Data Description Record [DATADESC] 03 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs.....................41
Data Format Record [DATAFMT] 04 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs ..............................42
Section Header Record [SECHREC] 07 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs.........................43
Grid Header Record [GRIDHREC] 50 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs ............................45
Grid Data Record [GRIDREC] 51 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs ...................................46
Volume Terminator Record [VOLTERM] 99 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs ...................46
Chapter 3 DXF explained .......................................................................................................................47
An overview of Land-Form PROFILE .....................................................................................47
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification contents v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 19 of 70
Structure of Land-Form PROFILE contours ...........................................................................47
Line features ...........................................................................................................................47
Structure of Land-Form PROFILE DTMs................................................................................47
Land-Form PROFILE DXF layers ...........................................................................................47
Generalised feature record representation........................................................................47
Land-Form PROFILE footnotes ..............................................................................................48
Layers lists ..............................................................................................................................50
Land-Form PROFILE DTMs in DXF ..................................................................................50
Land-Form PROFILE Contours in DXF .............................................................................50
Overview of DXF file structure for Land-Form PROFILE........................................................50
Chapter 4 DXF file structure for Land-Form PROFILE........................................................................51
General ...................................................................................................................................51
Data structure..........................................................................................................................51
Header section...................................................................................................................51
Tables section....................................................................................................................53
Linetype table.....................................................................................................................54
Layer table .........................................................................................................................55
Style table ..........................................................................................................................56
Blocks section ....................................................................................................................58
Entities section...................................................................................................................60
End of file group.................................................................................................................62
Annexe A Glossary.................................................................................................................................63
v5.2 – 12/2010
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification introduction v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 20 of 70
Purpose of this specification and disclaimer
This is the technical specification (hereafter referred to as the specification) applicable to the
Land-Form PROFILE (hereafter referred to as the product) which is referred to in the Framework Direct
Licence, Specific Use Framework Partner Licence or your other customer contract for the product.
We may change the information in this specification at any time, giving you the notice period specified in the
customer contract made between you and Ordnance Survey.
We do not accept responsibility for the content of any third party websites referenced or accessed in or
through this specification, any other contractual documentation, and/or the Ordnance Survey website.
Copyright in this specification
This specification, (including for the avoidance of doubt any mapping images reproduced herein), is
© Crown copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Any part of this specification may be copied for use internally in your organisation or business so that you
can use Land-Form PROFILE for the purpose for which it is licensed to your organisation or business (but
not otherwise).
No part of this specification may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (including
electronically) for commercial exploitation without the prior written consent of Ordnance Survey.
No part of this specification may be copied or incorporated in products, services or publications that you
generate for onward sale, or as free promotional or support materials, without the prior written consent of
Ordnance Survey.
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 1 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 21 of 70
Chapter 1 NTF explained
For convenience, BS 7567 (NTF v2.0) Levels 2 and 5 are referred to as NTF.
The purpose of this chapter and chapter 2 is to:
Provide a brief description of the presentation of Land-Form PROFILE in NTF: BS 7567 (NTF v2.0)
Levels 2 and 5.
Provide Licenced System Suppliers with as much detail as necessary to enable Land-Form PROFILE
files in NTF to be easily understood and processed by application software.
The term data structure refers to the organisation and sequence of the records in the data file and not to the
geographical topology of the data.
An overview of Land-Form PROFILE in NTF
Land-Form PROFILE is supplied in the British Standard national format common to the majority of
Ordnance Survey’s digital map data products – namely NTF – and is transferred in Level 2 for contours and
Level 5 for DTMs.
An overview of the data structure of a Land-Form PROFILE data file is shown in diagrammatic form in
figure 3. The convention used for this diagram is in the industry standard adopted for Jackson Structured
Programming (JSP).
The British Standard for NTF stipulates the following for Level 2:
The main purpose of this level is to permit the addition of many attributes to the lines and points. Text may
be linked to a feature as an attribute.
Level 2 also introduces information about the data in the form of quality records. The British Standard for
NTF stipulates the following for Level 5:
This is a user-definable format and is intended mainly for highly specialised datasets, such as those that
contain complex semantic relationships.
Level 5 carries a data dictionary comprising data description and data format records and is the point at
which NTF becomes self-documenting.
The governing body for the industry standard NTF is the British Standards Institution (BSI).
BSI British Standards
389 Chiswick High Road
W4 4AL
Phone: +44 (0)20 8996 9001
Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7001
Full details of the British Standard can be accessed through the British Standards Institutions web site at:
Any queries relating to the Land-Form PROFILE product should be referred to Customer Services at the
address given in Contact details at the beginning of this user guide.
Conventions used in this user guide
Certain conventions are adopted as an aid to interpretation. In some cases the convention is dropped where
the context is self-evident.
[ ] Square brackets are placed around record names, for example, [VOLHDREC].
[ ] 99 A two-digit number following square brackets denotes the record descriptor which uniquely identifies
the record name between the brackets.
{ } A pair of braces denote field names, for example, {REC_DESC} is the record descriptor field.
<S> This is the space character (ASCII code 32).
<3S> This denotes three successive space characters.
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% The percentage character denotes end of record (ASCII code 37).
| This denotes repeating fields (ASCII code 124).
Data overview
File structure
An overview of the data format of a Land-Form PROFILE data file in NTF is shown below. The convention
used for this diagram is in the industry standard adopted for Jackson Structured Programming.
Figure 3: Overall logical structure of an NTF file
Physical file structure of an NTF file
Version management
Product copyright
The copyright date is shown in the {COPYRIGHT} field of the Section Header Record [SECHREC].
NTF version
The current version is (NTF v2.0) Level 2 for contours and (NTF v2.0) Level 5 for DTMs. Version 2.0 will be
supplied until further notice.
The NTF version is indicated by the {NTFVER} field of the Volume Header Record [VOLHDREC]. The
effective date of the definition of NTF v2.0 in Land-Form PROFILE is 15 May 1992 and is indicated by the
{DDATE} field of the Database Header Record [DBHREC].
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Record size
NTF data is written to the output device in variable length records, with a maximum record length of 80
characters, which includes {CONT_MARK} and {EOR}.
Continuation mark {CONT_MARK} and Continuation Record [CONTREC]
Continuation records are used where the maximum physical record length of 80 characters does not permit a
logical record to be transferred wholly within one physical record. The presence of a following Continuation
Record is indicated by the value of the continuation mark {CONT_MARK}, which immediately precedes the
record terminator {EOR}. The value of {CONT_MARK} is 1 if there is a Continuation Record present and 0 if
there is not. A Continuation Record may be identified by the first two characters in the record which will
be 00. It will adopt the field layout of the physical record it is continuing.
Record terminator {EOR}
The end of record terminator is the per cent (%) (ASCII 37).
Transfer set
A transfer set normally equates to a single file except where continuation volumes are used when the
transfer set exceeds the capacity of the medium. The data the customer receives is in one or more transfer
Supply of data on formatted media
The transfer set has one dataset and one section. One or more transfer sets are put onto the medium.
If your order is larger than the capacity of the medium, it is put onto two or more of that medium.
Continuation volumes are only used if a transfer set is larger than the capacity of the medium.
Formatted media (transfer set less than media capacity)
Transfer set structure
Volume records
Each transfer set starts with a compulsory Volume Header Record [VOLHDREC] and terminates with a
compulsory Volume Terminator Record [VOLTERM].
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As a transfer set may span one or more volumes, {VOLNUM} within the Volume Header Record will indicate
which volume in the sequence of volumes within the transfer set it is. Similarly, the Volume Termination
Record may end either a single volume or a complete transfer set. A field similar to the continuation mark is
used to indicate completion or continuation.
Database records
Database records transfer information common to all data and their presentation in the subsequent
An NTF transfer set will comprise one database. The database commences with a Database Header Record
[DBHREC] which sets up the database. It will be followed by a number of other database records as
indicated below.
Database Header Record [DBHREC]
This mandatory record indicates the commencement of a database and gives details of:
The database name.
NTF release date.
Feature classification table name.
Release data which applies to the whole transfer set.
Attribute Description Record [ATTDESC]
These records list and give descriptions of the attributes that can be applied to features within the transfer
set. These records are not present in Land-Form PROFILE DTMs.
Feature Classification Record [FEATCLASS]
These records list and give descriptions of all possible feature codes for the transfer set. These records are
not present in Land-Form PROFILE DTMs.
Data Description Record [DATADESC]
These records list and define new data fields used within new records defined in Data Format Records
[DATAFMT]. These records are not present in Land-Form PROFILE contours.
Data Format Record [DATAFMT]
These records list and define new records used to transfer data in the DTM. These records are not present
in Land-Form PROFILE contours.
Section records
The section records contain the data within the map tile. The section starts with the Section Header Record
[SECHREC] followed by the section data records.
Section Header Record [SECHREC]
This mandatory record starts a section. It contains information and parameters essential for understanding,
interpreting and processing some of the fields within the data. It establishes the unit of measure for x, y and z
coordinates, origins and other constants.
Section data records
These contain all the features within the section. The records used within Land-Form PROFILE contours and
DTMs differ (Record structures section of the Technical Specification).
The {AREA_AMND} field in NTF appears in the Section Header Record [SECHREC] in Land-Form PROFILE
contours and in the Grid Header Record [GRIDHREC] in Land-Form PROFILE DTMs.
In DXF, the field value is shown in footnote 8.
This field indicates the km squares of the map that contain change since the previous revision. Each km
square is given a successive power of 2, that is 1, 2, 4, 8 and so on, numbering them from 1 to 16777216.
The {AREA_AMND} value is obtained by adding together the numbers of the km squares containing revised
data – giving a value between 1 and 33554431. The diagrams below show how these values are worked out.
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 1 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 25 of 70
Km square(s) with change:
A, B, F, G, L, M, Q, R, V, W
{AREA_AMND} value:
Structure of Land-Form PROFILE contours in NTF
Land-Form PROFILE contours have a vector point and line data structure: within this structure a feature may
be a point or a line. Each feature is free-standing; that is its topological relationship to any other feature is not
expressed in the data. Features are classified by type and each type is placed as a separate feature code,
these are listed in Land-Form PROFILE explained section of the user guide.
Record configuration for Land-Form PROFILE contours data in NTF
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 1 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 26 of 70
Section data records for contours
These records contain all the features within the section and are listed as they apply to Land-Form PROFILE
Point Record [POINTREC] contains attribute information for point features.
Line Record [LINEREC] contains attribute information for line features.
Attribute Record [ATTREC] contains the height value for a contour.
Geometry Records contain the coordinate position(s) of features. Geometry records for point features
will contain one coordinate triple whilst those for line features will contain two or more coordinate pairs or
[GEOMETRY1] Records, which contain x and y coordinates, are used for contours.
[GEOMETRY2] Records, which contain x, y, and z coordinates, are used for spot and air heights, and
tide lines.
Geometry continuation records will be used where required.
Spot heights and air heights are shown as three-dimensional geometry and will be depicted using the
following records:
Description in NTF
Contours are shown as two-dimensional geometry with height held as an attribute and will be depicted by
the use of the following records:
Description in NTF
Tide lines are shown as three-dimensional geometry and will be depicted by the use of the following
Description in NTF
Coordinate referencing system for contours
Abbreviated NG coordinates are supplied, and these are given in centimetres. The coordinates (eastings,
northings and height) have a field width of 6 (as indicated in the {XYLEN} and {ZLEN} fields in the Section
Header Record [SECHREC]), not the NTF default width of 10. Leading zeros will be present to complete the
field width. Negative values for height may be present; in which case the minus sign appears as the first
All eastings and northings are measured from the south-west corner of the 5 km by 5 km square tile.
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Full horizontal NG coordinates are calculated by using the {XY_MULT}, {X_ORIG} and {Y_ORIG} values in
the Section Header Record [SECHREC] 07, and the conversion formulae below:
X = ({XY_MULT} x {X_COORD}) + {X_ORIG}
Y = ({XY_MULT} x {Y_COORD}) + {Y_ORIG}
where {X_ORIG} and {Y_ORIG} are additive constants, always added to {X_COORD} and {Y_COORD}
respectively, whilst {XY_MULT} is a multiplication factor applied to the coordinates before the addition of
{X_ORIG} and {Y_ORIG}.
In a similar manner, using the {Z_MULT} value in the Section Header Record [SECHREC] 07, heights may
be expressed in metres above datum using the following conversion formulae:
For Three-Dimensional Geometry Records [GEOMETRY2], that is for spot heights, air heights and tide lines:
Z = {Z_MULT} x {Z_COORD}
From Attribute Records [ATTREC], that is for contours:
Z = {Z_MULT} x {VALUE}
Structure of Land-Form PROFILE DTMs in NTF
The overall structure of a Land-Form PROFILE DTM data file in NTF, and of the transfer set(s) contained
within it, is the same as described in Land-Form PROFILE explained section of the user guide.
Unlike Land-Form PROFILE contours, there are no point or line features supplied for DTMs. Instead, the
5 km by 5 km tile is equally divided by a 10 metre grid and the heights are represented as values at the
intersections of this grid.
Record configuration for Land-Form PROFILE DTM data in NTF
Section data records for DTMs
Database records for DTMs
Following the mandatory Database Header Record [DBHREC], two types of database record are used to
define section data records used within the section records part of the file:
Data Description Record [DATADESC]
These records list and define new data fields used within new records defined in Data Format Records
Data Format Record [DATAFMT]
These records list and define new records used to transfer data in the DTM.
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 1 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 28 of 70
Section records for DTMs
Following the mandatory Section Header Record [SECHREC], two types of section record, defined in the
database records part of the file, are used to transfer the height information:
Grid Header Record [GRIDHREC]
This record describes the 10 metre grid structure.
Grid Data Record [GRIDREC]
Each Grid Data Record gives the 501 height values (reading south to north) for one column of the grid.
The first Grid Data Record in the file describes the westernmost column, that is the western edge of the
tile. Each subsequent record details the next column eastwards until the 501st and final record lists the
height values for the eastern edge of the tile.
Coordinate reference system for DTMs
Abbreviated National Grid coordinates are supplied. The coordinates (eastings, northings and height) have a
field width of 5 (as indicated in the {XYLEN} and {ZLEN} fields in the Section Header Record [SECHREC]),
not the NTF default width of 10. Leading zeros will be present to complete the field width. Negative values for
height may be present; in which case the minus sign appears as the first character.
The Grid Header Record contains the horizontal coordinates of the origin of the DTMin the {X_COORD} and
{Y_ COORD} fields. Full horizontal NG coordinates of the origin may be calculated by using the {XY_MULT},
{X_ORIG} and {Y_ORIG} values in the Section Header Record [SECHREC] 07, and the conversion formulae
XO = ({XY_MULT} x {X_COORD}) + {X_ORIG}
YO = ({XY_MULT} x {Y_COORD}) + {Y_ORIG}
where XO and YO are the full NG coordinates of the origin and {X_ORIG} and {Y_ORIG} are additive
constants, always added to {X_COORD} and {Y_COORD} respectively, whilst {XY_MULT} is a multiplication
factor applied to the coordinates before the addition of {X_ORIG} and {Y_ORIG}.
The Grid Data Records contain no horizontal coordinates. Instead the horizontal position of an individual
height value from the south-west corner of the DTM may be calculated from the field {GRID_ID} and the
position (or row) of the height value within the [GRIDREC] record as follows:
XH = ({GRID_ID} – 1) x {COL_INTRVL}
YH = (number of row – 1) x {ROW_INTRVL}
where XH and YH are the abbreviated NG coordinates of the height value, {COL_INTRVL} and
{ROW_INTRVL} are respectively the fields in the Grid Header Record [GRIDHREC] giving the distance in
metres between the columns (Grid Records) identified by {GRID_ID} and the distance between height values
(rows) within each Grid Record.
To obtain the full NG coordinates of the height value, add the XH and YH values of the height just obtained
to the XO and YO values of the origin calculated above.
The height above Ordnance Survey datum, or specified datum in metres of a height value may be calculated
by using the {Z_MULT} value in the Section Header Record [SECHREC] 07 using the following conversion
For Grid Data Records [GRIDREC], Z = {Z_MULT} x {Z_COORD}
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 2 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 29 of 70
Chapter 2 Record structures for the transfer of
Land-Form PROFILE in NTF
NTF record list for Land-Form PROFILE contours
This list comprises the valid record types used in the Land-Form PROFILE NTF transfer set.
Descriptor Description Record name
01 Volume Header Record – defines the donor and data type. [VOLHDREC]
02 Database Header Record – transfers data about the database. [DBHREC]
05 Feature Classification Record – defines data classifications [FEATCLASS]
07 Section Header Recordcoordinate and structure types, unit scale,
factors, and so on.
14 Attribute Record – defines the attributes for line and point records. [ATTREC]
15 Point Record – identifies the definition of node points. [POINTREC]
21 Two-Dimensional Geometry Record – defines the two-dimensional
geometry for a link or node.
22 Three-Dimensional Geometry Record defines the three-dimensional
geometry for a link or node.
23 Line Record – identifies the definition of a link. [LINEREC]
40 Attribute Description Record – defines attribute descriptions and their
99 Volume Terminator Record – defines the end of the transfer set. [VOLTERM]
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 2 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 30 of 70
Land-Form PROFILE contours
Volume Header Record [VOLHDREC] 01 for Land-Form PROFILE contours
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 01 Volume Header Record identifier.
RECIPIENT 23:42 A20 <20S> Not used.
TRANDATE 43:50 D8 19940120 Date of processing.
SERIAL 51:54 I4 0000 Not used.
VOLNUM 55:56 I2 01 Number of volume in transfer set.
NTFLEVEL 57:57 I1 2 NTF Level 2.
NTFVER 58:61 R4,2 0200 NTF Version 2.00.
NTFOR 62:62 A1 V Variable length records.
EOR 63:63 A1 <S> Defaults to % on formatted media.
DIVIDER 64:64 A1 \ Divider used to terminate variable
length text fields.
CONT_MARK 65:65 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 66:66 A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
01ORDNANCE SURVEY 1994012000000120200V \0%
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Database Header Record [DBHREC] 02 for Land-Form PROFILE contours
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 02 Database Header Record
DBNAME 03:22 A20 L-F_PROFILE_CON<5S> Database name, that is Land-
Form PROFILE contours.
DDNAME 23:42 A20 DEFAULT_02.00<7S> Standard NTF data dictionary
DDATE 43:50 D8 19920515 Date of standard data dictionary.
DDBASE 51:70 A20 <20S> Not used.
DDBDATE 71:78 D8 00000000 Not used.
CONT_MARK 79:79 I1 1 Continuation record follows.
EOR 80:80 A1 % Record terminator.
Continuation of Database Header Record
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 00 Continuation Record identifier.
FCNAME 03:22 A20 <20S> Not used.
FCDATE 23:30 D8 00000000 Not used.
DQNAME 31:50 A20 <20S> Not used.
DQDATE 51:58 D8 00000000 Not used.
DATA_MODEL 59:60 A2 02 Simple line or point data model
CONT_MARK 61:61 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 62:62 A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
02L-F_PROFILE_CON DEFAULT_01.00 19920515 000000001%
00 00000000 00000000020%
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Feature Classification Record [FEATCLASS] 05 for Land-Form PROFILE contours
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 05 Feature Classification Record
FEAT_CODE 03:06 A4 Feature code defined (see record
examples below).
CODE_COM 07:16 A10 <10S> Not used.
STCLASS 17:36 A20 <20S> Not used.
FEATDES 37:* A* Description of the feature code.
DIVIDER *:* A1 \
CONT_MARK *:* I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR *:* A1 % Record terminator.
Record examples:
050027 Spot Heights\0%
050071 Mean High Water\0%
050072 Mean Low Water\0%
050075 Contour\0%
051361 Index Contour\0%
051372 Air Height\0%
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Section Header Record [SECHREC] 07 for Land-Form PROFILE contours
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 07 Section Header Record identifier.
SECT_REF 03:12 A10 SS78NE<4S> Land-Form PROFILE sheet number.
COORD_TYP 13:13 I1 2 Defines rectangular coordinates.
STRUC_TYP 14:14 I1 1 Defines vector data.
XYLEN 15:19 I5 00006 Redefines {X_COORD},
{Y_COORD} to 6-digit fields.
XY_UNIT 20:20 I1 2 Defines units as metres.
XY_MULT 21:30 R10,3 0000000010 Multiply X and Y coordinates by
ZLEN 31:35 I5 00006 Redefines {Z_COORD} to 6-digit
Z_UNIT 36:36 I1 2 Defines units as metres.
Z_MULT 37:46 R10,3 0000000010 Multiply Z coordinates by 0.010.
X_ORIG 47:56 I10 0000275000 NG eastings of map origin.
Y_ORIG 57:66 I10 0000185000 NG northings of map origin.
Z_DATUM 67:76 I10 0000000000 Defines which datum is used for
CONT_MARK 77:77 I1 1 Continuation record follows.
EOR 78:78 A1 % Record terminator.
First continuation of Section Header Record
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 00 Continuation Record identifier.
XMIN 03:12 I10 0000000000 Abbreviated eastings of SW corner
of tile.
YMIN 13:22 I10 0000000000 Abbreviated northings of SW corner
of tile.
XMAX 23:32 I10 0000005000 Abbreviated eastings of NE corner
of tile.
YMAX 33:42 I10 0000005000 Abbreviated northings of NE corner
of tile.
XY_ACC 43:47 R5,2 00000 Not used.
Z_ACC 48:52 R5,2 00000 Not used.
SURV_DATE 53:60 D8 00000000 Not used.
LAST_AMND 61:68 D8 19940120 Date data last amended.
COPYRIGHT 69:76 D8 19940000 Effective copyright date.
CONT_MARK 77:77 I1 1 Continuation record follows.
EOR 78:78 A1 % Record terminator.
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Second continuation of Section Header Record
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 00 Continuation Record identifier.
SQNAME 03:22 A20 <20S> Not used.
SQDATE 23:30 D8 00000000 Not used.
SCALE 31:39 I9 000010000 Notional scale, that is, 1:10 000
GRID_OR_X 40:49 R10,3 0000000000 Not used.
GRID_OR_Y 50:59 R10,3 0000000000 Not used.
PROJ_OR_LAT 60:67 R8,1 00000000 Not used.
PROJ_OR_LONG 68:75 R8,1 00000000 Not used.
CONT_MARK 76:76 I1 1 Continuation record follows.
EOR 77:77 A1 % Record terminator.
Third continuation of Section Header Record
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 00 Continuation Record identifier.
SPHER_NAME 03:12 A10 <10S> Not used.
MAJOR_AXIS 13:22 R10,3 0000000000 Not used.
ECCENTRICITY 23:30 R8,2 00000000 Not used.
FLATTENING 31:35 R5,2 00000 Not used.
PROJECTION 36:45 A10 <10S> Not used.
PARAMETER_1 46:53 I8 00000000 Not used.
P_TYPE 54:54 A1 <S> Not used.
PARAMETER_2 55:62 I8 00000000 Not used.
HO_UNIT_COUNT 63:66 I4 0000-9999 A cumulative count of the change
to the map.
DATE_LST_CHANG 67:74 D8 YYYYMMDD Date of last change.
CONT_MARK 75:75 I1 1 Continuation record follows.
EOR 76:76 A1 % Record terminator.
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Fourth continuation of Section Header Record
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 I2 00 Continuation Record identifier.
AREA_AMND 03:10 I8 12345678 Location of change indicator (see
page 24 for an explanation of this
CONT_MARK 11:11 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 12:12 A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
07SS78NE 21000062000000001000006200000000100000275000000018500000000000001%
00 000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
00 00000000000000000000000 00000000 0000000000032199901181%
Attribute Record [ATTREC] 14 for Land-Form PROFILE contours
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 14 Attribute Record identifier.
ATT_ID 03:08 I6 000000 Not used.
VAL_TYPE 09:10 A2 HT Attribute mnemonic.
VALUE 11:16 I6 004000 Height of contour.
CONT_MARK 17:17 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 18:18 A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
Point Record [POINTREC] 15 for Land-Form PROFILE contours
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 15 Point Record identifier.
POINT_ID 03:08 I6 000001 to 999999 Feature serial number.
VAL_TYPE 09:10 A2 <2S> Not used.
VALUE 11:16 A6 <6S> Not used.
FEAT_CODE 17:20 A4 0027 or 1372 Feature code.
SECURITY 21:21 A1 <S> Not used.
CHG_TYPE 22:22 A1 <S> Not used.
CHG_DATE 23:28 D6 000000 Not used.
QLABEL 29:29 A1 <S> Not used.
SURV_DATE 30:35 D6 000000 Not used.
CONT_MARK 36:36 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 37:37 A1 % Record terminator.
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Record example:
15001314 1372 000000 0000000%
Two-dimensional Geometry Record [GEOMETRY1] 21 for Land-Form PROFILE
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 21 Two-dimensional Geometry Record
GEOM_ID 03:08 I6 000000 Not used.
GTYPE 09:09 I1 2 Defines as line geometry.
NUM_COORD 10:13 I4 0001 to 9999 Number of coordinate pairs that follow.
| X_COORD 14:* I6 000000 to 500000 Easting.
| Y_COORD *:* I6 000000 to 500000 Northing.
| QPLAN *:* A1 <S> Not used.
CONT_MARK *:* I1 0 No continuation record
or 1 or continuation record follows.
EOR *:* A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
2100000020010114150161900 113650161950 112150162150 111400162250 110750162200 1%
00109500162300 109150162300 108750162350 105650161650 104450161400 0%
NOTE: The group of fields {X_COORD}, {Y_COORD} and {QPLAN} may repeat to end of physical record
and through one or more continuation records {NUM_COORD} times.
Three-Dimensional Geometry Record [GEOMETRY2] 22 for Land-Form PROFILE
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 22 Three-dimensional Geometry Record
GEOM_ID 03:08 I6 000000 Not used.
GTYPE 09:09 I1 1 or 2 Defines as point or line geometry (1
= point, 2 = line).
NUM_COORD 10:13 I4 0001 to 9999 Number of coordinate triples that
| X_COORD 14:* I6 000000 to 500000 Easting.
| Y_COORD *:* I6 000000 to 000000 Northing.
| QPLAN *:* A1 <S> Not used.
| Z_COORD *:* I6 -01000 to 140000 Height of vertex.
| QHT *:* A1 <S> Not used.
CONT_MARK *:* I1 0 No continuation record
or 1 or continuation record follows.
EOR *:* A1 % Record terminator.
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Record example:
2200000010001044750378850 -00240 0%
2200000020005499375401160 000221 499005401470 000221 498830401620 000221 1%
00498660401780 000221 498355402135 000221 0%
NOTE: The group of fields {X_COORD}, {Y_COORD}, {QPLAN}, {Z_COORD} and {QHT} may repeat to end
of physical record and through one or more continuation records {NUM_COORD} times.
Line Record [LINEREC] 23 for Land-Form PROFILE contours
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 23 Line Record identifier.
LINE_ID 03:08 I6 000001-999999 Feature serial number.
VAL_TYPE 09:10 A2 <2S> Not used.
VALUE 11:16 A6 <6S> Not used.
FEAT_CODE 17:20 A4 0071, 0072, 0075 or 1361 Feature code.
SECURITY 21:21 A1 <S> Not used.
CHG_TYPE 22:22 A1 <S> Not used.
CHG_DATE 23:28 D6 000000 Not used.
QLABEL 29:29 A1 <S> Not used.
SURV_DATE 30:35 D6 000000 Not used.
CONT_MARK 36:36 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 37:37 A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
23000223 0075 000000 0000000%
Attribute Description Record [ATTDESC] 40 for Land-Form PROFILE contours
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 40 Attribute Description Record identifier.
VAL_TYPE 03:04 A2 HT Attribute mnemonic, for example, height.
FWIDTH 05:07 A3 006 Field width of attribute value.
FINTER 08:12 A5 I6<3S> Interpretation of field, for example, I6.
ATT_NAME 13:* A* HEIGHT Name given to attribute.
DIVIDER *:* A1 \
FDESC *:* A* HEIGHT IN CM Textual description of attribute.
DIVIDER *:* A1 \
CONT_MARK *:* I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR *:* A1 % Record terminator.
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Record example:
Volume Terminator Record [VOLTERM] 99 for Land-Form PROFILE contours
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 99 Volume Terminator Record identifier.
FREE_TEXT 03:* A* See NOTE below.
CONT_VOL *+1:*+1 I1 0 No continuation volume
or 1 or continuation volume follows.
EOR *+2:*+2 A1 % Record terminator.
If there are further volume(s) to follow then the FREE_TEXT field comprises the following message:
‘End Of Volume (nn) Transfer Set Continues On Volume (nn+1)’
If there are no further volumes then the FREE_TEXT field will read:
‘End Of Transfer Set’
* = variable integer.
Record examples:
99End Of Volume 01 Transfer Set Continues On Volume 021%
99End Of Transfer Set0%
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NTF record list for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
This list comprises the valid record types used in the Land-Form PROFILE NTF transfer set.
Descriptor Description Record name
01 Volume Header Record – defines the donor and data type. [VOLHDREC]
02 Database Header Record – transfers data about the database. [DBHREC]
03 Data Description Recordtransfers data dictionary field
04 Data Format Record – transfers data dictionary record
50 Grid Header Record – defines DTM grid. [GRIDHREC]
51 Grid Data Record – defines DTM height values for grid. [GRIDREC]
99 Volume Terminator Record defines the end of the transfer set. [VOLTERM]
Volume Header Record [VOLHDREC] 01 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 01 Volume Header Record identifier.
RECIPIENT 23:42 A20 <20S> Not used.
TRANDATE 43:50 D8 19940120 Date of processing.
SERIAL 51:54 I4 0000 Not used.
VOLNUM 55:56 I2 01 Number of volume in transfer set.
NTFLEVEL 57:57 I1 5 NTF Level 5.
NTFVER 58:61 R4,2 0200 NTF Version 2.00.
NTFOR 62:62 A1 V Variable length records.
EOR 63:63 A1 <S> Defaults to % on formatted media.
DIVIDER 64:64 A1 \ Divider used to terminate variable
length text fields.
CONT_MARK 65:65 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 66:66 A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
01ORDNANCE SURVEY 1994012000000150200V \0%
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Database Header Record [DBHREC] 02 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 02 Database Header Record
DBNAME 03:22 A20 L-F_PROFILE_DTM<5S> Database name, that is Land-
DDNAME 23:42 A20 DEFAULT_02.00<7S> Standard NTF data dictionary
DDATE 43:50 D8 19920515 Date of standard data dictionary.
DDBASE 51:70 A20 <20S> Not used.
DDBDATE 71:78 D8 00000000 Not used.
CONT_MARK 79:79 A1 1 Continuation record follows.
EOR 80:80 A1 % Record terminator.
Continuation of Database Header Record
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 00 Continuation Record identifier.
FCNAME 03:22 A20 <20S> Not used.
FCDATE 23:30 D8 00000000 Not used.
DQNAME 31:50 A20 <20S> Not used.
DQDATE 51:58 D8 00000000 Not used.
DATA_MODEL 59:60 A2 00 Data model type – undefined model.
CONT_MARK 61:61 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 62:62 A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
02L-F_PROFILE_DTM DEFAULT_02.00 19920515 000000001%
00 00000000 00000000000%
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Data Description Record [DATADESC] 03 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 03 Data Description Record identifier.
FIELD_NAME 03:12 A10 GRID_REF Name of field being defined (see
examples for list of values).
FWIDTH 13:15 I3 010 Width of field being defined.
FINTER 16:20 A5 A10 Format description if fixed, A* if
FDESC 21:* A* GRID REFERENCE Field description.
DIVIDER *:* A1 \
NO_DATA *:* A* <10S> Field value when no data available.
{FWIDTH} wide.
DIVIDER *:* A1 \
RANGE_MIN *:* A* <10S> Minimum value for data. {FWIDTH}
DIVIDER *:* A1 \
RANGE_MAX *:* A* <10S> Maximum value for data. {FWIDTH}
DIVIDER *:* A1 \
UNITS *:* A2 <2S> Not used.
CONT_MARK *:* I1 1 Continuation record follows
or 0 or no continuation record.
EOR *:* A1 % Record terminator.
The following DATADESC records are used for Land-Form PROFILE DTM data:
03GRID_REF 010A10 GRID REFERENCE\ \ \ \ 0%
03N_COLUMNS 008I8 NUMBER OF COLUMNS IN DTM\00000000\00000501\00000501\ 0%
03N_ROWS 008I8 NUMBER OF ROWS IN DTM\00000000\00000501\00000501\ 0%
000010\0010\ 0%
000010\00010\ 0%
03SURVEY 008D8 DATE OF SURVEY\00000000\ \ \ 0%
03CHANGE 008D8 DATE OF CHANGE\00000000\ \ \ 0%
03GRID_ID 008I8 UNIQUE IDENTIFIER FOR [GRIDREC]\00000000\00000001\000005011%
00\ 0%
03N_Z_COORD 008I8 NUMBER OF Z COORDINATES IN [GRIDREC]\00000000\00000501\1%
0000000501\ 0%
03AREA_AMND 008I8 AREA WITH CHANGE\00000000\00000000\33554431\0%
03HO_UNIT_CT004I4 UNITS OF CHANGE\0000\0000\9999\0%
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Data Format Record [DATAFMT] 04 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 04 Data Format Record identifier.
REC_TYPE 03:04 A2 50 {REC_DESC} of record being
defined (see examples for list of
NUM_FIELD 15:16 I2 12 Number of fields in the record.
| FIELD_NAME *:* A10 GRID_REF<2S> Corresponds to entry in
{DATADESC} or BS 7567.
| FUSE *:* A1 c or o Use of field (c = compulsory, o =
CONT_MARK *:* I1 1 Continuation record follows
or 0 or no continuation record.
EOR *:* A1 % Record terminator.
The following [DATAFMT] records will be used for PROFILE DTM data:
NOTE: The use of braces around any {FIELD_NAME} and {FUSE} entries indicates a repeating group of
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Section Header Record [SECHREC] 07 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 07 Section Header Record identifier.
SECT_REF 03:12 A10 SS78NE<4S> Land-Form PROFILE sheet number.
COORD_TYP 13:13 I1 2 Defines rectangular coordinates.
STRUC_TYP 14:14 I1 1 Defines vector data.
XYLEN 15:19 I5 00005 Redefines {X_COORD}.
{Y_COORD} to 5-digit fields.
XY_UNIT 20:20 I1 2 Defines units as metres.
XY_MULT 21:30 R10,3 0000001000 Multiply X and Y coords by 1.0.
ZLEN 31:35 I5 00005 Redefines {Z_COORD} to 5-digit
Z_UNIT 36:36 I1 2 Defines unit as metres.
Z_MULT 37:46 R10,3 0000000100 Multiply Z coords by 0.100.
X_ORIG 47:56 I10 0000275000 NG eastings of map origin.
Y_ORIG 57:66 I10 0000185000 NG northings of map origin.
Z_DATUM 67:76 I10 0000000000 Difference in height from
Ordnance Survey Datum.
CONT_MARK 77:77 I1 1 Continuation record follows.
EOR 78:78 A1 % Record terminator.
First continuation of Section Header Record
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 00 Continuation Record identifier.
XMIN 03:12 I10 0000000000 Abbreviated eastings of SW corner
of tile.
YMIN 13:22 I10 0000000000 Abbreviated northings of SW corner
of tile.
XMAX 23:32 I10 0000005000 Abbreviated eastings of NE corner
of tile.
YMAX 33:42 I10 0000005000 Abbreviated northings of NE corner
of tile.
XY_ACC 43:47 R5,2 00000 Not used.
Z_ACC 48:52 R5,2 00000 Not used.
SURV_DATE 53:60 D8 00000000 Not used.
LAST_AMND 61:68 D8 19940120 Date data last amended.
COPYRIGHT 69:76 D8 19940000 Effective copyright date.
CONT_MARK 77:77 I1 1 Continuation record follows.
EOR 78:78 A1 % Record terminator.
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Second continuation of Section Header Record
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 00 Continuation Record identifier.
SQNAME 03:22 A20 <20S> Not used.
SQDATE 23:30 D8 00000000 Not used.
SCALE 31:39 I9 000010000 Notional scale, that is 1:10 000
GRID_OR_X 40:49 R10,3 0000000000 Not used.
GRID_OR_Y 50:59 R10,3 0000000000 Not used.
PROJ_OR_LAT 60:67 R8,1 00000000 Not used.
PROJ_OR_LONG 68:75 R8,1 00000000 Not used.
CONT_MARK 76:76 I1 1 Continuation record follows.
EOR 77:77 A1 % Record terminator.
Third continuation of Section Header Record
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 00 Continuation Record identifier.
SPHER_NAME 03:12 A10 <10S> Not used.
MAJOR_AXIS 13:22 R10,3 0000000000 Not used.
ECCENTRICITY 23:30 R8,2 00000000 Not used.
FLATTENING 31:35 R5,2 00000 Not used.
PROJECTION 36:45 A10 <10S> Not used.
PARAMETER_1 46:53 I8 00000000 Not used.
P_TYPE 54:54 A1 <S> Not used.
PARAMETER_2 55:62 I8 00000000 Not used.
CONT_MARK 63:63 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 64:64 A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
07SS78NE 21000062000000001000006200000000100000275000000018500000000000001%
00 01000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
00 00000000000000000000000 00000000 000000000%
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Grid Header Record [GRIDHREC] 50 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 50 Grid Header Record identifier.
GRID_REF 03:12 A10 SS78NE<4S> Map sheet number.
X_COORD 13:17 I5 00000 Origin of DTM relative to {X_ORIG}.
Y_COORD 18:22 I5 00000 Origin of DTM relative to {Y_ORIG}.
N_COLUMNS 23:30 I8 00000501 Number of columns in DTM.
N_ROWS 31:38 I8 00000501 Number of rows in DTM.
COL_INTRVL 39:42 I4 0010 X grid interval in metres.
ROW_INTRVL 43:46 I4 0010 Y grid interval in metres.
SURV_METH 47:47 A1 <S> Not used.
SURVEY 48:55 D8 00000000 Date of survey.
CHAN_METH 56:56 A1 <S> Not used.
CHANGE 57:64 D8 19940516 Date of change.
HO_UNIT_CT 65:68 I4 0032 A cumulative count to the change of
the map.
AREA_AMND 69:76 I8 12345678 Location of change indicator (Structure
of Land-Form PROFILE section) for an
explanation of this field).
CONT_MARK 77:77 I1 0 No continuation record.
EOR 78:78 A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
50SS78NE 0000000000000005010000050100100010 00000000 199405160032123456780%
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Grid Data Record [GRIDREC] 51 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 51 Grid Data Record identifier.
GRID_ID 03:10 I8 00000001 to 00000501 Unique reference identifying the column.
N_Z_COORD 11:18 I8 00000501 Number of height values (same as
| Z_COORD *:* I5 00086 Height value.
CONT_MARK *:* I1 1 Continuation record follows
or 0 or no continuation record.
EOR *:* A1 % Record terminator.
Record example:
Volume Terminator Record [VOLTERM] 99 for Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
Field Position Format Value example Description
REC_DESC 01:02 A2 99 Volume Terminator Record identifier.
FREE_TEXT 03:* A* See NOTE below.
CONT_VOL *+1:*+1 I1 0 No continuation volume
or 1 or continuation volume follows.
EOR *+2:*+2 A1 % Record terminator.
If there are further volume(s) to follow then the FREE_TEXT field comprises the following message:
‘End Of Volume (nn) Transfer Set Continues On Volume (nn+1)’
If there are no further volumes then the FREE_TEXT field will read:
‘End Of Transfer Set’
* = variable integer.
Record examples:
99End Of Volume 01 Transfer Set Continues On Volume 021%
99End Of Transfer Set0%
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 3 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 47 of 70
Chapter 3 DXF explained
An overview of Land-Form PROFILE
This chapter describes the representation of Land-Form PROFILE in Ordnance Survey’s implementation of
DXF, including the DXF group and section structure.
It is assumed that the reader of this guide is familiar with the sections about DXF in the appropriate AutoCAD
manual, published by Autodesk Ltd, Cross Lane, GUILDFORD, GU1 1UJ, or an equivalent document
published by the reader’s software supplier if a CAD package other than AutoCAD is to be used.
Structure of Land-Form PROFILE contours
Land-Form PROFILE contour data has a vector point and line structure; within this structure a feature may
be a point or a line. Each feature is free-standing: its topological relationship to any other feature is not
expressed in the data.
Features are classified by type and each type is placed in a separate DXF layer.
Line features
A feature is a subjective entity; that is, so long as the constituent lines are of the same description (layer), a
feature need not fully describe a logical piece of detail. The extent of a feature is determined by digitising
conventions and will not always coincide with the topology.
Each line feature is composed of a string of coordinate pairs (or triples) implicitly joined by straight lines.
Vector (point and line) data was originally intended for map production.
Structure of Land-Form PROFILE DTMs
The DTM tiles in DXF consist of a series of heighted points arranged on a 10 m grid comprising 501 points
by 501 points.
Each of these points have full three-dimensional coordinates.
The first point is positioned on the south-west corner of the tile, with further points at 10 m intervals
northwards to the northern edge of the tile, creating a column of 501 points. The next column will start on the
southern edge of the tile 10 m east of the origin, again progressing in 10 m intervals to the north edge of the
This pattern is repeated until the final point, which falls on the north-east corner of the tile. Therefore, there
are a total of 251 001 points on each tile.
Land-Form PROFILE DXF layers
Generalised feature record representation
The following is a simplified generalisation of the way individual feature records are organised in
Ordnance Survey’s implementation of DXF:
Point LAYER Coordinate
2-D polyline LAYER Coordinate
A 2-D polyline in DXF actually has three dimensions, that is x, y and z coordinates at each vertex on the line.
It is known as a 2-D polyline because its height (z) value does not vary along its length.
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Land-Form PROFILE footnotes
Each map data file contains a set of map footnotes. Layer G8020571 for contours is as follows:
This includes data on the source and history of the geometric data (the features) contained in the map data
file. The following items are all included in the footnotes and are available for display and plotting from a
Land-Form PROFILE map file:
Note 1: Top margin centrally aligned, 175 ground metres.
Ordnance Survey®
Note 2: Top margin centrally aligned, 150 ground metres.
Land-Form PROFILE data
Note 3: Lower left margin, 50 ground metres.
Translation date dd Mmmmmmmmm CCYY
Note 4: Lower left margin, 50 ground metres.
Tile reference number __ __ __
Note 5: Lower left margin, 50 ground metres.
Reproduced from Ordnance Survey Land-Form PROFILE data with the permission
of the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office.
© Crown Copyright CCYY
Note 6: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
The derived scale of the product is dependent upon the source data.
Note 7: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Height given in metres above Newlyn Datum.
Note 8: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Date of last amendment dd Mmmmmmmmm CCYY
Note 9: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Product Specification __ __ __
Note 10: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Location of change xxxxxxxx
Note 11: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Surveyed units of change xxx
Layer G8090571 for DTMs is as follows:
Note 1: Top margin centrally aligned, 175 ground metres.
Ordnance Survey®
Note 2: Top margin centrally aligned, 150 ground metres.
Land-Form PROFILE data
Note 3: Lower left margin, 50 ground metres.
Translation date dd Mmmmmmmmm CCYY
Note 4: Lower left margin, 50 ground metres.
Tile reference number __ __ __
Note 5: Lower left margin, 50 ground metres.
Reproduced from Ordnance Survey Land-Form PROFILE data with the permission
of the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office.
© Crown Copyright CCYY
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 3 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 49 of 70
Note 6: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
The derived scale of the product is dependent upon the source data.
Note 7: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Height given in metres above Newlyn Datum.
Note 8: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Location of change xxxxxxxx
Note 9: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Surveyed units of change xxx
Note 10: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Date of last amendment dd Mmmmmmmmm CCYY
Note 11: Lower right margin, 50 ground metres.
Product Specification __ __ __
Figure 4: Layout of notes
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Layers lists
The following are lists of layers that may be included in a Land-Form PROFILE DXF data file and are shown
in numerical order of feature code.
Layer name Description Linetype Entity Colour
G8090571 Footnotes and grid values STANDARD INSERT WHITE
Land-Form PROFILE Contours in DXF
Layer name Description Linetype Entity Colour Block
G8020071 High water mark CONTINUOUS POLYLINE BROWN
G8020072 Low water mark CONTINUOUS POLYLINE CYAN
G8020571 Footnotes and grid values CONTINUOUS INSERT WHITE
G8020573 Grid values CONTINUOUS TEXT WHITE
Overview of DXF file structure for Land-Form PROFILE
The DXF file is structured into a number of sections, each of which holds specific information relating to the
drawing. The overall organisation of the file is as follows:
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Chapter 4 DXF file structure for Land-Form PROFILE
The following paragraphs contain examples of DXF records with explanatory notes alongside.
Data structure
Header section
A DXF file will commence with a header section which will contain general information about the drawing.
Each of the groups consists of a variable name and an associated value or values.
$ACADVER AutoCAD drawing database version number.
AC1009 This indicates release 11 or 12.
$EXTMIN X and Y drawing extents, lower left corner.
nnnnnnn.nn Minimum eastings (NG coordinates).
nnnnnnn.nn Minimum northings (NG coordinates).
$EXTMAX X and Y drawing extents, upper right corner.
nnnnnnn.nn Maximum eastings (NG coordinates).
nnnnnnn.nn Maximum northings,(NG coordinates).
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 4 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 52 of 70
$LIMMIN X and Y drawing limits, lower left corner.
nnnnnn.n X drawing limit, lower left corner (in the AutoCAD world coordinate system (WCS)).
nnnnnn.n Y drawing limit, lower left corner (in WCS).
$LIMMAX X and Y drawing limits, upper right corner.
nnnnnn.n X drawing limit, upper right corner (in WCS).
nnnnnn.n Y drawing limit, upper right corner (in WCS).
$LTSCALE Global linetype scale.
$ATTMODE Attribute visibility.
1 This sets attributes to on when the tile is open.
$FILLMODE Fill mode on if non-zero.
$TEXTSIZE Default text height.
$TEXTSTYLE Current text style name.
$CELTYPE Entity linetype name.
$CECOLOR Entity colour number.
256 Indicates colour ID BYLAYER.
$LUNITS Units format for coordinates and distances.
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$LUPREC Units precision for coordinates and distances.
$AUPREC Units precision for angles.
$ANGBASE Angle zero direction.
$ANGDIR Angle rotation.
0 1 = clockwise angles, 0 = anticlockwise angles.
$PDMODE Point display mode.
$PDSIZE Point display size.
ENDSEC End of section.
Tables section
The tables section will follow the header section and contains definitions of named items. Within
Land-Form PROFILE, it will normally contain three tables:
the linetype table which will contain the definition for the solid line linetype;
the layer table which will contain the layer definitions (and their colours and linetypes) for the layers
within the drawing; and
the style table which may define the files from which to access symbols and text fonts.
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DXF example Notes
SECTION Section start.
TABLES Tables section.
<<table definitions go here>> LINETYPE, LAYER and STYLE tables. The following pages give examples
of these.
ENDSEC End of tables section.
Linetype table
The linetype table is part of the tables section and defines the styles of lines used in the map.
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 4 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 55 of 70
DXF example Notes
TABLE Table start.
LTYPE Linetype table.
1 Flags group.
LTYPE Linetype definition.
CONTINUOUS Name of linetype.
64 Flags group.
solid line Linetype description.
65 Alignment.
0 Number of dash length items.
0.0 Total pattern length.
ENDTAB End of linetype table.
Layer table
The layer table is part of the tables section and defines the layers used in the map.
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 4 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 56 of 70
DXF example Notes
TABLE Start of table.
LAYER Layer table (defines layers).
7 Flags group.
LAYER Start of layer definition.
G8020072 Layer name.
0 Flags group.
0 Colour group.
CONTINUOUS Linetype group.
LAYER Start of next layer definition.
ENDTAB End of layer table.
Style table
The style table is part of the tables section and defines the files from which to access symbols and text fonts.
Land-Form PROFILE technical specification chapter 4 v5.2 – 12/2010 © Crown copyright Page 57 of 70
DXF example Notes
TABLE Start of table.
STYLE Style table (defines symbols and text fonts).
5 Standard flags group.
STYLE Start of style definition.
STANDARD Style name group.
64 Standard flags group.
0.0 Fixed text height group.
1.0 Width factor group.
0.0 Oblique angle group.
0 Text gen flags group.
1.0 Last height used group.
SIMPLEX.SHX Font filename group.
Big font filename group (no value is used).
STYLE Next style table.
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Blocks section
The blocks section defines the symbols (or blocks) which may appear in the drawing. These can be made up
from any number of entities such as polylines.
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DXF example Notes
SECTION Start of section.
BLOCKS Blocks section (defines symbols).
BLOCK Start of block.
0 Layer group.
CROSS Block name.
64 Block type flag.
0.0 X group.
0.0 Y group.
POLYLINE Polyline entity to define block.
8 May consist of any number and/or type of entities.
SEQEND End of polyline.
ENDBLK End of block.
BLOCK Start of next block.
ENDBLK End of block.
ENDSEC End of section.
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Entities section
The entities section will contain DXF entities for:
Ordnance Survey map footnotes data (INSERT entities);
Grid and neatline (TEXT and LINE entities); and
Ordnance Survey map features (TEXT, POLYLINE and INSERT entities).
The structure of each different entity is as follows:
INSERT entities – these consist of:
INSERT entity type group (Group number: 0)
Layer name group (8)
Block name group (2)
X coordinate group (10)
Y coordinate group (20)
Z coordinate group (30) [optional]
X scale factor (41) [optional]
Y scale factor (42) [optional]
Z scale factor (43) [optional]
Rotation angle (50) [optional if 0]
LINE entities – these consist of:
LINE entity type group (0)
Layer name group (8)
Start X coordinate group (10)
Start Y coordinate group (20)
Start Z coordinate group (30) [optional]
End X coordinate group (11)
End Y coordinate group (21)
End Z coordinate group (31) [optional]
POLYLINE entities – these consist of:
POLYLINE entity type group (0)
Layer name group (8)
Vertices follow flag group (66)
Polyline elevation (30) [optional]
Polyline flag group (70) [optional]
A number of VERTEX entities [shown below]
SEQEND group (0)
VERTEX entities – these consist of:
VERTEX entity type group (0)
Layer name group (8)
X elevation (10) [set too]
Y elevation (20) [set too]
Z elevation (30)
Vertex flag group (70) [optional]
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TEXT entities – these consist of:
TEXT entity type group (0)
Layer name group (8)
X coordinate group (10)
Y coordinate group (20)
Z coordinate group (30) [optional]
Text height group (40)
Text value group (1)
Rotation angle group (50) [optional if 0]
Text style name group (7) [optional]
Justify type group (72) [optional if 0]
Justify type group (73) [optional if 0]
Level 2
Level 3
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Level 4
End of file group
This group will end with DXF EOF (end of file) group.
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Annexe A Glossary
The closeness of the results of observations, computations or estimates to the true values or the values
accepted as being true. Accuracy relates to the exactness of the result and is a measure of the exactness of
the operation by which the result is obtained.
air height
A coordinated control point, which can be identified on the ground and also in aerial photos, that is used to
provide vertical control.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange – a standard binary coding system used to represent
characters within a computer.
An attribute is a property of an entity, usually used to refer to a non-spatial qualification of a spatially
referenced entity. For example, a descriptive code indicating what an entity represents or how it should be
basic scale
The scale at which the survey is undertaken. For Ordnance Survey mapping, three scales are used –
1:1250, 1:2500 and 1:10 000. Any area is only maintained at one basic scale.
basic scale file or unit tile (sheet)
A grouping of topographic information relating to a specific spatial extent in the form of a map, either held as
a data file or realised on paper.
basic scale map
The largest scale of map published for a particular area of the UK. This may be 1:1250 scale for urban
areas, 1:2500 scale for rural areas or 1:10 000 scale for mountain and moorland areas.
bench mark (BM)
A survey point, on a fixed object, the height of which has been measured in relation to Ordnance Survey
An unit of information, the word a blend of binary and digit.
A line indicating discontinuity in a terrain surface, that is, an abrupt change in gradient.
A unit of computer storage of binary data usually comprising 8 bits, equivalent to a character. Hence
megabyte (Mb) and gigabyte (Gb).
The organisation and communication of geographically related information in either graphic or digital form. It
can include all stages from data acquisition to presentation and use.
A distinctive mark; an inscribed letter; one of a set of writing symbols.
character set
A one-dimensional array of characters held either in memory or in another storage medium.
character string
A set of letters, numerals, punctuation marks, mathematical and other symbols. Standard sets have been
drawn up such as ANSI, ISO and others.
compact disc-read only memory (CD-ROM)
A data storage medium. A 12 cm disc similar to an audio CD.
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Literally adjacent, touching. In the context of digital mapping, the word has a special meaning and implies a
connected entity.
continuation mark
A logical record may contain more data than can be held in a single physical record. The physical record
contains a continuation mark – the penultimate character of the record, in NTF – to indicate whether more
data is to be found in a continuation record.
continuation record
A specific NTF term. A continuation record is used where space does not allow one logical record to be
contained wholly within one physical record.
A line connecting points of equal elevation.
coordinate pair
A coordinate pair is an easting and a northing.
Pairs of numbers expressing horizontal distances along orthogonal axes. Alternatively, triplets of numbers
measuring horizontal and vertical distances. Row and column numbers of pixels from raw imagery are not
considered coordinates for the purpose of the standard.
Copyright is a legal property right which enables the creator of an original work to protect it from
unauthorised use. Through the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Crown copyright continues to
subsist in all Ordnance Survey products until the end of the period of 50 years from the end of the year in
which they were published and, in the case of data, from the end of the year in which it was extracted from
the Ordnance Survey database. Crown copyright is vested in The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery
Office, who has delegated powers to the Director General, Ordnance Survey for the administration of
copyright in publications and data, including the determination of the rules and terms under which permission
for their reproduction is given.
An expression of how up-to-date the data is.
Digital audio tape.
A representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalised manner suitable for communication,
interpretation or processing.
An organised, integrated collection of data stored so as to be capable of use in relevant applications, with the
data being accessed by different logical paths. Theoretically it is application-independent, but in reality it is
rarely so.
data capture
The encoding of data. In the context of digital mapping this includes map digitising, direct recording by
electronic survey instruments, and the encoding of text and attributes by whatever means.
data format
A specification that defines the order in which data is stored or a description of the way data is held in a file
or record.
data model
An abstraction of the real world which incorporates only those properties thought to be relevant to the
application or applications at hand. A data model would normally define specific groups of entities and their
attributes, and the relationship between these entities. A data model is independent of a computer system
and its associated data structures. A map is one example of an analogue data model.
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data point
A coordinate pair or triplet which defines the position of a point feature, or one of a series of coordinate pairs
or triplets which defines a line feature.
An Ordnance Survey term for a named collection of logically related features arranged in a prescribed
manner. For example, all water features. A dataset has more internal structure than a layer and is related to
another dataset only by position.
Data as supplied in a particular format to customers – internal or external to Ordnance Survey.
A set of objects that have been captured to a particular data specification.
data structure
The defined logical arrangement of data as used by a system for data management; a representation of a
data model in computer form.
A measure of the number of units of data held on a stated length of storage surface. For example, some
magnetic tapes may be recorded at a density of 1 600 bits per inch (bpi). Often referred to as packing
Data which are expressed as numbers (digits) in computer-readable form are said to be digital.
digital elevation model (DEM)
A generic term describing a digital representation of a topographic surface. The surface elevation values can
be represented in various forms, for example, by contours, spot heights or breaklines, a regular grid or
triangulated irregular network (TIN) and so on. A DEM may also include surface features such as buildings,
vegetation and so on.
digital map
A term used by Ordnance Survey to describe a particular tile of digital map data.
digital map data
The digital data required to represent a map. The data includes not only map detail but also feature header
data, map header data and management data.
digital map file
The digital map data comprising a map sheet unit.
digital map unit (DMU)
Synonymous with digital map file.
digital terrain image (DTI)
A two-dimensional model representing the topographic surface. Surfaces between contours, or sets of
contours, are coloured or shaded as required.
digital terrain model (DTM)
A DEM primarily defining the ground surface. This will normally exclude ground surface features such as
buildings, woodland, and so on. Note: this is a well established term which preceded DEM as a generic
The process of converting analogue maps and other sources to a computer-readable form. This may be
point digitising – points are only recorded when a button is pressed on a cursor, or stream digitising – points
are recorded automatically, at preset intervals of either distance or time.
dots per inch (dpi)
The resolution, or fineness, of a raster image.
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DXF (Data Exchange Format)
A proprietary data format, devised by Autodesk®, by which digital drawings may be transferred between
users of CAD (computer-aided design) systems. DXF has become an industry standard data format and is
used for the transfer of Ordnance Survey digital map data.
See rectangular coordinates.
An edge is a curve joining two possibly identical nodes without intersecting an edge – including itself. Any
sequence of edges either bounds a face and/or represents a line feature.
The process of ensuring that data along the adjacent edges of map sheets, or some other unit of storage,
matches in both positional and attribute terms.
The process of validating and correcting errors in digital map data.
EBCDIC (extended binary coded decimal interchange code)
An 8-bit character encoding scheme.
An item of detail within a map which can be either a point or symbol, a line or text; a geographical entity such
as a building or stream, either taken from a map or surveyed directly from the real world.
feature classification record
A specific, named NTF record which lists the feature codes in use in the current database.
feature code (FC)
An alphanumeric code describing or classifying a feature – used in digital map data as an attribute code to
describe each feature in terms of the object surveyed, its representation on the map, or both.
feature identifier
A unique code to identify an individual feature. See also feature serial number.
feature serial number (FSN)
A number used as a feature identifier usually allocated on a sequential basis. For example, the order in
which features are digitised.
A specified part of a record containing a unit of data, such as the date of digitising. The unit of data may be a
data element or a data item. In NTF a field is a subdivision of a physical record. Every field has a name and
a pre-defined interpretation.
floppy disk
A magnetic medium, generally used in micro-computers (PCs) – available in 3½ inch and 5¼ inch sizes.
The specified arrangement of data. For example, the layout of a printed document, the arrangement of the
parts of a computer instruction, the arrangement of data in a record.
A supplementary contour – not corresponding to the normal contour vertical interval – estimated or
interpolated from surrounding contours, used in areas where there is insufficient height information to control
the creation of a grid DEM.
form spot
A supplementary spot height, estimated or interpolated from surrounding heights, in areas where few
contours or other height information exist, for example, low-lying parts of East Anglia. Used to control the
creation of DEMs.
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The process of abstraction from the real world – through selection, aggregation, simplification and
symbolisation – for the purpose of representation in spatial data.
geographical information system (GIS)
A system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, analysing and displaying data that is spatially
referenced to the earth. This is normally considered to involve a spatially referenced computer database and
appropriate applications software.
geometric data
Data about position within an absolute or relative coordinate system.
geometric structure
The relationships, implied or explicit, between the points and lines forming a dataset and representing the
real world.
gigabyte (Gb)
1 073 741 824 bytes, a measure of data storage capacity.
The planimetric frame of reference, for example, the National Grid.
hard copy
A print, or plot of output data, on paper or some other tangible medium.
See map header.
Intelligence resulting from the assembly, analysis or summary of data into a meaningful form.
kilobyte (kb)
1 024 bytes; a measure of data storage capacity.
A series of connected coordinated points forming a simple feature with homogeneous attribution.
line feature
The spatial abstraction of an object in one dimension. Lines may intersect with other lines. They are defined
as a series of two or more coordinates and may be curved or straight. Curved lines consist of a series of very
short straight line segments. Lines may be concurrent with other lines under certain conditions. As an object
abstraction a line has no width.
line segment
A vector connecting two coordinated points.
logical record
A logical record contains all the information relating to a data entity, for example, a feature record. A logical
record may comprise one or more physical records.
An holistic representation and intellectual abstraction of geographical reality, intended to be communicated
for a purpose or purposes, transforming relevant geographical data into an end-product which is visual,
digital or tactile.
map header
Data at the start of the digital map file describing that data. It may contain information on the source and
history of the geometric data within the map and the coordinate system in use.
map scale
The ratio between the extent of a feature on the map and its extent on the ground, normally expressed as a
representative fraction, for example, 1:1250 scale, 1:50 000 scale.
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mean high water/springs (MHW or MHWS)
Depiction of the encroachment of land by tidal waters at mean highest levels – spring tides in Scotland.
mean low water/springs (MLW or MLWS)
Depiction of limits of tidal waters at mean lowest ebb – spring tides in Scotland.
megabyte (Mb)
1 048 576 bytes, a measure of data storage capacity.
See data model.
National Grid (NG)
A unique referencing system which can be applied to all Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain (GB) at all
scales. It is based on 100 km squares covering the whole of GB based on a Transverse Mercator Projection.
It is used by Ordnance Survey on all post-war mapping to provide an unambiguous spatial reference in GB
for any place or entity whatever the map scale. The National grid is defined by the OSGB36® spheroid.
NTF (National Transfer Format)
A format designed in 1988 specifically for the transfer of spatial information; it is administered by the British
Standards Institution (BSI). It is now the standard transfer format for Ordnance Survey digital map data. Its
present version (2.0) conforms to BS 7567.
normal tidal limit (NTL)
The point at which the level of a river ceases to be affected by the tidal flow. This point may be an artificial
barrier such as a lock or weir.
See rectangular coordinates.
The science, art and technology of obtaining reliable measurements and maps from aerial photographs.
physical record
A physical record may be fixed length – in which case it contains 80 characters, or variable length – which
contains up to 80 characters. See also logical record.
A zero-dimensional spatial abstraction of an object represented as a coordinate pair.
point feature
A zero-dimensional spatial abstraction of an object with its position defined by a coordinate pair.
point and line data structure
A form of vector data structure designed for map production in which all map features are designated as
points or lines or text. Point and line data do not carry the topological relationships between features.
positional accuracy
The degree to which the coordinates define a point’s true position in the world, directly related to the
spheroid and/or projection on which the coordinate system is based.
The exactness with which a value is expressed, whether the value be right or wrong.
A set of related data fields grouped for processing.
rectangular coordinates
Also known as X-Y coordinates and as eastings and northings. These are two-dimensional coordinates
which measure the position of any point relative to an arbitrary origin on a plane surface, for example, a map
projection, a digitising table, a VDU screen.
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Depiction or description of an object using symbology.
A measure of the ability to detect quantities. High resolution implies a high degree of discrimination but has
no implication as to accuracy. For example, in a collection of data in which the coordinates are rounded to
the nearest metre, resolution will be 1 metre, but the accuracy may be ±5 metres or worse.
source scale
The scale of the source information from which the map was digitised, that is, the scale of survey for a basic
scale map, or the scale of the source map for a derived map.
spatial data
Data which includes a reference to a two- or three-dimensional position in space as one of its attributes. It is
used as a synonym for geometric data.
spot height
A point on the earth’s surface for which the height, above a reference datum, is known and which has been
fixed by observation.
See data structure.
The determination of the absolute and relative positions of points, on or near the earth’s surface, by means
of measurement in the three elements of space – distance, direction and elevation – and, hence, their
subsequent representation onto a plane surface, exhibiting them in their correct horizontal and vertical
A character, or character string, or field or record used to signal the end of a record or section or volume or
Broadly synonymous with digital map file, it implies evenly sized map sheet units.
The study of the physical features of the earth. A topographic map’s principal purpose is to portray and
identify the features of the earth.
The study of the properties of a geometric figure which are not dependent on position, such as connectivity,
relationships between lines, nodes and polygons.
transfer format
The format used to transfer data consistently between computer systems. In general usage this can refer not
only to the organisation of data, but also to the associated information, such as attribute codes, which are
required in order to successfully complete the transfer.
transfer set
A specific NTF term for the data, together with its supporting information, which the customer receives.
A straight line joining two data points.
vector data
Positional data in the form of coordinates of the ends of line segments, points, text positions, and so on.
A physical unit of the transfer medium, that is, a single disk, a single cartridge or a single tape.
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