LandMapR_C++_User_Manual Land Map R C++ User Manual


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Environmental Solutions

LandMapR Software ToolkitC++ Version (2003)
Users Manual

R. A. MacMillan Ph.D., P.Ag.
LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc.
Edmonton, Alberta

October, 2003

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

This document may be cited as:
MacMillan, R. A. 2003. LandMapR© Software Toolkit- C++ Version: Users manual. LandMapper
Environmental Solutions Inc., Edmonton, AB. 110 pp.
Copies of the publication may be requested from:
Attn: Dr. R. A. MacMillan
LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc.
7415 118 St Street NW,
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1V4
 LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc., 2003
Cat. No. N/A

The LandMapR© suite of programs is not commercial software and is NOT OFFERED FOR
SALE. The programs are owned completely and solely by LandMapper Environmental Solutions
Inc. and are viewed as an in-house toolkit that is used to provide services and products to clients
of LandMapper.
Despite this restriction, the LandMapR© toolkit has been provided to a limited number of
researchers in academic and public service organizations on an academic license basis. The
software is provided to these researchers for the sole purpose of conducting academic research
to evaluate the potential of the software to address issues of research interest. Academic
researchers are provided with the software because it is in the interests of LandMapper to have
interested and knowledgeable individuals apply and evaluate the software and provide their
suggestions for improvements and their ideas for new applications. LandMapper also wishes to
continue to provide the latest programs and support for the programs to those agencies that
assisted with the initial development, evaluation and refinement of the programs.
Persons provided with the software on the basis of an academic license are strictly prohibited
from applying the software for commercial purposes or monetary compensation. Academic
license users are required to complete and submit annually a list of all locations where the
software has been applied. The list should include an identifier for each area processed, an
indication of the dimensions of the area (length and width), the grid dimensions of the DEM for
each area (m) and the purpose for which the DEM was processed (see Appendix X for an
example of the required reporting format).
The LandMapR© suite of programs is not guaranteed to be free of faults or bugs. In fact, several
bugs are known to exist in the programs and these may restrict the ability of the programs to
successfully process some data sets to completion, particularly large data sets containing many
depressions. These known bugs are being identified and rectified as time and resources permit.
The LandMapR© programs have been used to successfully process many hundreds of DEM data
sets, so the known bugs do not prevent successful application of the programs in most instances.
LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc. makes no guarantees as to the reliability of the
software and accepts no responsibility for any problems that may arise from its use.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Numerous individuals, agencies and companies are acknowledged for their roles in developing,
applying and evaluating the LandMapR toolkit software described in this manual.
The toolkit evolved from an initial set of programs created over the period 1987-1992 for Ph.D.
research undertaken by the author under the supervision of Dr. Peter Furley and Dr. Richard
Healey at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Portions of key pit-removing procedures were
developed in 1988 with the assistance of Dr. Willem van Deursen, then at the University of
Utrecht and now the principal with Carthago Consultancy, the Netherlands.
The initial Ph.D. programs were revised and re-configured in 1995-96 to automatically classify
landform facets from digital elevation data under a contract with Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canada initiated and supervised by Dr. W. W. Pettapiece. Several researchers applied and
evaluated the original landform classification procedures in their regions. These included G.
Manning, R. Eilers and Yann Pelcat in Manitoba, Dr. D. Pennock in Saskatchewan, D. Aspinal in
Ontario, Dr. Dan Long at Montana State University and T. Piekutowski and E. Thibault in Quebec.
They are thanked for their patience in learning to use a rather non-user friendly version of the
program and for useful and generous comments on their experiences with the procedures and
their opinion of the results produced by the procedures.
The inspiration, ideas and concepts for the original 15 unit LandMapR landform classification are
acknowledged to have been derived directly from the published work of Dan Pennock and others
in Saskatchewan (Pennock et al., 1987; 1994). The intent of the original LandMapR programs
was initially to apply, improve and extend the original concepts of Pennock and his colleagues.
Contracts with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD) helped to add further
functionality to the initial set of programs and provided the impetus for converting the programs
from their original FoxPro platform into a more modern C++ environment. Individuals at AARFD
who used and reviewed the original programs or contributed to the extension and re-coding of the
programs include T. Martin, T. Goddard, S. Nolan, D. Spiess, Dr. L. Kryzanowski, Dr. L. Hall and
Dr. T. Faechner. Contributions by this group of active users are acknowledged with gratitude.
The initial programs were extended once more in order to provide capabilities required to
automatically classify ecological classes (Site Series) in British Columbia. Individuals who
encouraged the author to modify the programs to map ecological entities include Dr. D. Moon of
Core Decision Technologies Inc., Richmond, BC, Keith Jones of R. Keith Jones and Associates
Ltd., Victoria, BC and Dr. David McNabb, formerly with Alberta Research Council, Edmonton. R.
Coupé and D. Moon helped to define the extra computational capabilities that the program
needed to successfully classify ecological entities. The expanded programs were applied and
refined in projects funded by Forest Renewal BC (FRBC) and the BC Forest Investment Account
(FIA) and managed by Tracy Earle of Lignum Ltd., Al Hicks of Weldwood of Canada Ltd and Earl
Spielman of West Fraser Timber Ltd.
Conversion of the original Visual FoxPro programs into C++ was undertaken by Igor Kezhis of
GISmo Solutions Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.
Creation of the LandMapR toolkit was initiated in response to the efforts of Dr. W. W. Pettapiece
prior to his retirement from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. They represent one final legacy of
his efforts to promote the ideals and concepts of soil survey in Alberta and Canada.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Two different versions of the LandMapR© suite of programs currently exist.
The most recent version was written and compiled as a suite of stand-alone C++ programs. This
manual applies to and describes operation of the C++ versions of the programs only.
The second, older, version of the programs was written for operation within the Visual FoxPro 97
operating environment. These Visual FoxPro versions of the programs are no longer supported
and are not described in this document.
All programs and ancillary files required to run the C++ versions of the LandMapR suite of
programs are present on the enclosed CD-ROM. The C++ programs do not modify the registry
or install any new DLLs and therefore do not require a setup or install program to install. To
install the full suite of 4 LandMapR C++ programs and 1 C++ utility program, simply copy all of
the executable programs contained in the LandMapR\Programs\ folder on the distribution CD
included with this manual into a program folder that you set up and name yourself.
It is recommended that users set up a folder or directory within which to place all LandMapR
programs and related utilities. This folder can be in any location and have any desired name, but
a recommended procedure would be to copy all LandMapR C++ executables to a folder named:

e.g. C:\Program Files\LandMapR\Programs\

Users who access and use the LandMapR programs frequently will likely find it convenient to
place an icon on the desktop to provide a shortcut to each of the 4 LandMapR programs and 1
utility. Accessing and running any of the programs will therefore involve simply double clicking on
the appropriate shortcut icon on the desktop.
It is recommended that users also set up a working directory within which to process all data.

Set up a working directory in which all data is to be processed

e.g. D:\LandMapR\Work\


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

HOW TO CITE THIS DOCUMENT ......................................................................................................... 1
DISCLAIMER .............................................................................................................................................. 1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 2
INSTALLING THE LANDMAPR© SUITE OF PROGRAMS............................................................... 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 4
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................................................... 7
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................................ 9
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 10
BACKGROUND......................................................................................................................................... 11
UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 11
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................... 12
FLOWMAPR.............................................................................................................................................. 13
PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................... 13
INPUT DATA .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Suitable Format.................................................................................................................................... 13
Suitable Dimensions ............................................................................................................................. 15
Suitable Level of Abstraction................................................................................................................ 17
OPERATION OF THE FLOWMAPR PROGRAM .............................................................................................. 20
Identification of the source file of DEM data ....................................................................................... 20
Specification of the working directory.................................................................................................. 21
Specification of the input grid dimensions and extent.......................................................................... 21
Specification of threshold values for pit removing ............................................................................... 21
FLOWMAPR OUTPUT FILES ....................................................................................................................... 22
The main flow topology file (ID#DEM)................................................................................................ 22
The initial pit table (ID#Pit)................................................................................................................. 25
The second pit table (ID#Pond) ........................................................................................................... 27
The third pit table (ID#Fill) ................................................................................................................. 28
The first audit trail file (ID#Vold) ........................................................................................................ 29
The second audit trail file (ID#Mold)................................................................................................... 31
The inverted DEM file (ID#iDEM)....................................................................................................... 32
The inverted DEM pit file (ID#iPit) ..................................................................................................... 33
USING AND VISUALIZING THE FLOWMAPR OUTPUT DATA........................................................................ 33
FORMMAPR.............................................................................................................................................. 36
PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................... 36
INPUT DATA .............................................................................................................................................. 36
OPERATION OF THE FORMMAPR PROGRAM .............................................................................................. 36
Identifying the input data location and working folder........................................................................ 37
Entering the horizontal dimensions of a grid cell ................................................................................ 37
Entering threshold values for recognizing channels and ridges .......................................................... 37
Selecting which combination of derivatives to compute....................................................................... 38
FORMMAPR OUTPUT FILES ....................................................................................................................... 39

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The ID#Form Output File .................................................................................................................... 40
The ID#RelZ Output File...................................................................................................................... 41
The ID#Len Output File ....................................................................................................................... 44
USING AND VISUALIZING THE FORMMAPR OUTPUT DATA........................................................................ 45
FACETMAPR ............................................................................................................................................ 47
PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................... 47
INPUT DATA .............................................................................................................................................. 47
OPERATION OF THE FACETMAPR PROGRAM ............................................................................................. 48
Identifying the input data location and working folder........................................................................ 48
Identifying the name and location of the fuzzy attribute rule file ......................................................... 48
Identifying the name and location of the fuzzy classification rule file.................................................. 49
Selecting which classification procedure (option) to run..................................................................... 49
CONSTRUCTING AND MODIFYING RULE FILES ............................................................................................ 50
Converting raw input variables into fuzzy landform attributes............................................................ 50
Computing fuzzy landform classes based on fuzzy landform attributes ............................................... 54
FACETMAPR OUTPUT FILES...................................................................................................................... 57
Output files produced by selecting option a ......................................................................................... 58
Output files produced by selecting option b ......................................................................................... 60
Output files produced by selecting option c ......................................................................................... 61
Content and Purpose of the ID#Zone DBF File................................................................................... 62
Content and Purpose of the ID#Geo DBF File .................................................................................... 64
USING AND VISUALIZING THE FACETMAPR OUTPUT DATA....................................................................... 67
FACETMAPR SUMMARY............................................................................................................................ 69
WEPPMAPR .............................................................................................................................................. 70
PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................... 70
INPUT DATA .............................................................................................................................................. 70
BACKGROUND TO THE WEPPMAPR PROGRAM .......................................................................................... 70
PROCESSING STEPS IMPLEMENTED BY THE WEPPMAPR PROGRAM ........................................................... 71
Step 1: Creating and populating the master WEPP table (MAKE_WEPP) ......................................... 71
Step 2: Nominating cells as belonging to initial channels (MARK_CHANS) ...................................... 71
Step 3: Cutting or burning channels into the DEM (CUT_CHAN)...................................................... 72
Step 4: Merging channels to remove parallel channels (MERGE_CHAN).......................................... 72
Step 5: Recomputing upslope area count for all cells (NEW_UPS)..................................................... 73
Step 6: Remarking cells as belonging to thinned channels (REMARK_CHAN) .................................. 74
Step 7: Marking cells as representing pit center locations (MARK_PITS).......................................... 74
Step 8: Splitting channels into segments of a specified length (SPLIT_SEGS) .................................... 74
Step 9: Forcing all cells adjacent to a channel to flow into it (FLOW2CHAN)................................... 75
Step 10: Identifying and labeling marked channel segments (CALC_SEGS) ...................................... 75
Step 11: Sorting channel segments into topological order (ORDER_SEGS)....................................... 78
Step 12: Recomputing drainage direction codes for all cells (REDO_DDIR) ..................................... 79
Step 13: Adding a value for drainage direction for start cells (ADD_DDIR)...................................... 79
Step 14: Linking upper to lower channel segments (FIND_UPSEGS) ................................................ 80
Step 15: Computing and labeling WEPP hillslope segments (HILL_SHEDS)..................................... 80
Step 16: Renumbering channel and impoundment segments (RENUM_SEGS)................................... 81
Step 17: Building the WEPP structure file for all WEPP entities (BUILD_STRU) ............................. 82
Step 18: Computing slope and aspect for each DEM grid cell (WEPP_FORM) ................................. 83
Step 19: Computing distance to channel for each dem grid cell (WEPP_LEN) .................................. 83
Step 20: Computing hillslope profiles for each wepp hillslope (HILL_STATS)................................... 83
Step 21: Computing channel profiles for each WEPP channel (CHAN_STATS)................................. 86
Step 22: Recomputing upslope area again for all cells (NEW_UPS) .................................................. 86
Step 23: Export of data from DBF tables into WEPP ASCII files........................................................ 86
OPERATION OF THE WEPPMAPR PROGRAM .............................................................................................. 87

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Identifying the input data location and working folder........................................................................ 87
Entering the horizontal dimensions of a grid cell ................................................................................ 87
Entering a value to identify missing data ............................................................................................. 87
Entering a threshold value for recognizing simulated channels .......................................................... 88
Entering a value for maximum length of a channel segment ............................................................... 88
Running the WeppMapR program........................................................................................................ 88
WEPPMAPR OUTPUT FILES ....................................................................................................................... 89
USING AND VISUALIZING THE WEPPMAPR OUTPUT DATA ........................................................................ 91
POSSIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WEPPMAPR PROGRAM ............................................................. 92
THE GRIDREADWRITEUTILITY ........................................................................................................ 93
PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................... 93
RATIONALE FOR THE GRIDREADWRITEUTILITY ....................................................................................... 93
OPERATION OF THE GRIDREADWRITEUTILITY ......................................................................................... 93
EXPORTING FROM ARCVIEW 3.2 AND REFORMATTING INTO DBF FORMAT ............................................... 94
DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS TO DATE .......................................................................................... 96
MAJOR AREAS REQUIRING IMPROVEMENT................................................................................................ 96
Improved procedures for creating new fuzzy rules .............................................................................. 97
Improved ability to process very large data sets.................................................................................. 99
Improved GIS data management and display capabilities................................................................. 100
New procedures for creating Bayesian Maximum Likelihood rules .................................................. 101
Calculation of additional terrain derivatives and indices.................................................................. 102
LIKELIHOOD AND TIMING OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ....................................................................... 102
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 103
SOME USEFUL WEB SITES................................................................................................................. 105
DEM AND GIS SOFTWARE (MOSTLY FREE OR AT LEAST LOW COST) ...................................................... 105
DEM DATA (MOSTLY FREE)................................................................................................................... 106
ORIGINAL RULE BASE FOR LANDFORM ATTRIBUTES (LM_ARULE) ................................. 107
REVISED RULE BASE FOR LANDFORM ATTRIBUTES (LM3ARULE) .................................... 109


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

SECTION SIZED AGRICULTURAL PARCELS .................................................................................. 11
ELEVATION VALUES IN THE DBF FILE ID#ELEV................................................................... 14
DIFFERENT HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL RESOLUTION .......................................................... 15
HORIZONTAL GRID RESOLUTION ............................................................................................. 15
RECOGNIZING LARGE PHYSIOGRAPHIC FEATURES ................................................................. 16
RESOLUTION DEM DATA ......................................................................................................... 16
PROCEDURES AND ITS REDUCTION BY FILTERING ................................................................... 17
FILTERING ................................................................................................................................ 18
AND ITS REDUCTION BY FILTERING ......................................................................................... 18
AND ITS REDUCTION BY FILTERING ......................................................................................... 19
FIGURE 11. ILLUSTRATION OF THE FLOWMAPR INTERFACE .................................................................... 20
PRODUCED BY THE FLOWMAPR PROGRAM ............................................................................ 25
PRODUCED BY THE FLOWMAPR PROGRAM ............................................................................ 27
PRODUCED BY THE FLOWMAPR PROGRAM ............................................................................ 28
TABLE ....................................................................................................................................... 29
DIRECTIONS FROM THE POUR POINT CELL .............................................................................. 29
TABLE ....................................................................................................................................... 31
(GREEN), 200 (RED) AND 300 (BLUE) UPSLOPE CELLS ............................................................. 34
AREA 150 KM EW BY 95 KM NS............................................................................................... 35
BY OPTIONS A (LEFT) AND B (RIGHT) ....................................................................................... 40
OPTION A (LSM DERIVATIVES ONLY) ..................................................................................... 41
SLOPE LENGTH AND SLOPE POSITION ...................................................................................... 41
DISTANCE TO SIGNIFICANT LANDSCAPE TIE POINTS ............................................................... 42
OPTION C (COMPUTE ALL DERIVATIVES)................................................................................ 44


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

OPTION C (COMPUTE ALL DERIVATIVES)................................................................................ 44
(SOURCE: MACMILLAN ET AL., 2000) ..................................................................................... 46
FIGURE 31. ILLUSTRATION OF THE FACETMAPR INTERFACE ................................................................... 48
COMPUTING LSM FUZZY LANDFORM FACETS ........................................................................ 50
VALUES FROM RAW INPUT VALUES .......................................................................................... 51
THE BC-PEM DSS CLASSIFICATION ....................................................................................... 53
THE BC-PEM DSS APPLICATION ............................................................................................ 54
LSM LANDFORM CLASSIFICATION .......................................................................................... 55
FOR THE BC-PEM DSS CLASSIFICATION ............................................................................... 56
OPTION A OF FACETMAPR ...................................................................................................... 58
OF OPTION A OF FACETMAPR ................................................................................................. 59
OF OPTION B OF FACETMAPR ................................................................................................. 60
OF OPTION C OF FACETMAPR ................................................................................................. 61
OPTION OF FACETMAPR.......................................................................................................... 62
OPTION OF FACETMAPR.......................................................................................................... 64
ARCVIEW 3.2 ........................................................................................................................... 67
USING THE PROGRAM 3DEM ................................................................................................... 68
USING THE PROGRAM 3DMAPPER ........................................................................................... 69
MODEL (FLANAGAN ET AL., 2000) ........................................................................................... 70
DEFINE WEPP SPATIAL ENTITIES............................................................................................ 71
TO SIMPLIFY THE CHANNEL NETWORK ................................................................................... 73
IN THE SEGMENT TABLE (ID#SEGS)....................................................................................... 76
LOCATIONS ALONG A CHANNEL NETWORK ............................................................................. 77
SEGMENTS BETWEEN SEED CELLS ........................................................................................... 77
A MARKED CHANNEL SEGMENT ............................................................................................... 78
ORDERED BY DECREASING ELEVATION ................................................................................... 79
SEGMENTS LINKED TO LOWER SEGMENTS. ............................................................................. 80
CALCULATION OF WEPP HILLSLOPE NUMBERS ..................................................................... 81

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

REQUIRED FOR A WEPP STRUCTURE FILE .............................................................................. 82
MORPHOLOGICAL VARIABLES FOR EACH CELL ...................................................................... 83
FOR AN EXAMPLE AREA ............................................................................................................ 84
EXAMPLE AREA ........................................................................................................................ 84
DATA FOR NOTIONAL WEPP HILLSLOPES............................................................................... 85
HILLSLOPES AND THEIR HILLSLOPE PROFILES ........................................................................ 85
WEPP CHANNEL ELEMENTS.................................................................................................... 86
PROGRAM ................................................................................................................................. 91
TYPES OF TERRAIN ................................................................................................................... 92

PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................... 39
LANDFORM CLASSIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 54
PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................... 57
OPTION OF THE FACETMAPR PROGRAM ................................................................................... 62
TABLE 6. EXAMPLE OF HIERARCHICAL NUMBERING SCHEME USED TO ASSIGN UNIQUE CODES TO SUBDIVISIONS OF BEC SUB-ZONES ................................................................................................... 63
PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................... 89


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

This manual provides instructions for applying the LandMapR© toolkit of programs. These
programs are mainly used to automatically segment landforms into landform elements using
digital elevation data as the sole input. The programs can also be used to automatically extract
hydrological spatial entities (stream networks, watershed boundaries, WEPP hillslopes) and to
apply user-defined classifications of any type, including ecological and soil spatial classifications.
The suite of programs referred to collectively as the LandMapR© toolkit is currently organized
into four separate programs. At various times, the individual components have been organized in
various configurations ranging from 19 separate modules to a single program that implemented
all 19 modules in a sequential fashion.
The current C++ programs still retain and exhibit characteristics of the initial Visual FoxPro
database environment under which they were developed. The programs store all input and
output data in database tables in DBF format. While the DBF file structure adopted by the
LandMapR suite of programs is inefficient in terms of storage volume and access times for
reading and writing data, it has the advantage of being a widely used standard for storing data
that can be opened and read by many different types of programs, both spatial GIS programs
and non spatial data base programs. For this reason, the DBF file structure used in the original
Visual FoxPro programs has been retained in the newer C++ versions of the earlier programs.
Database tables are also used to store the rule bases used to define the criteria by which input
data are converted into fuzzy output (landform) classifications. Storing rules in database tables
makes it possible to define any desired new classes or to change the definitions of existing
classes without having to alter the program code. Again, the DBF file structure used to store rule
bases for FacetMapR can be read and opened by a large number of existing commercial
programs. This means that existing programs such as Microsoft Excel, Access or FoxPro can be
used to open and modify rule base files. This meant that there was no need to create a custom
user interface for creating new rule tables or modifying existing rule files. LandMapper has
tended to use Microsoft Excel as a tool for creating or editing rule files for use in the FacetMapR
component of the LandMapR toolkit.
Users will likely find it convenient to have access to a copy of Visual FoxPro in order to be able to
access and manipulate the various DBF files produced by the C++ programs or used to define
the rule bases. The LandMapR C++ programs no longer absolutely require the presence of
Visual FoxPro, but it continues to be both desirable and useful to have access to a copy of this
program in order to interact conveniently and effectively with the various DBF files.
This manual was written to provide users with a complete and full description of all inputs
required to operate any of the LandMapR programs and of the contents of all output files
produced by application of the programs. The manual documents all algorithms used to compute
any of the derived or intermediate output products and it explains why each derived output is
produced and how it is used. It is hoped that the manual will act as a comprehensive guidebook
for all licensed academic and research users of the LandMapR toolkit and will provide them with
a reference that they can use to cite the programs in any papers or reports that they prepare in
which the LandMapR programs are mentioned. This manual will also be provided to all clients
and customers who purchase products or services from LandMapper Environmental Solutions
that are produced using the LandMapR toolkit. This should provide clients with full and
comprehensive documentation of the methods that LandMapper uses in producing landform
classification or predictive ecosystem (PEM) maps.
The LandMapR toolkit is continually evolving in response to recognized improvements and new
client needs. This manual reflects the state of development of the LandMapR toolkit as of
September, 2003.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The LandMapR© toolkit was initially written to assist in developing and testing different concepts
for automatically classifying landforms to define management units for precision agriculture and
soil survey. It was intended as a convenient and customizable platform for prototyping and
evaluating concepts and was never envisaged as commercial software. The toolkit provided a
platform for testing, evaluating and revising landform segmentation concepts. Field research
conducted to evaluate the utility of the procedures subsequently indicated that the LandMapR©
classification was successful in explaining a significant amount of the total variation in stable soil
properties and in crop yield at several research sites.

Figure 1. Illustration of the results of applying a LandMapR© classification to two quarter section sized agricultural parcels

All programs were written by Dr. R. A. MacMillan of LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc.
Their original purpose was to support a series of research projects undertaken by Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in cooperation with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
(AAFRD) and private sector partners Agrium Inc., Westco Ltd. and Norwest Labs.
The aim of the original research projects was to develop and test a generic set of procedures for
automatically segmenting a wide range of agricultural landforms into a consistent and repeating
set of landform elements defined using expert judgment and fuzzy logic (MacMillan et al., 2000).
The LandMapR programs were initially created because no single existing software product
provided all of the integrated capabilities required to apply the computations and concepts which
the research projects wished to implement and evaluate.

Underlying Assumptions
The LandMapR classification approach is based on the assumption that topography is the
dominant factor in controlling the flow and accumulation of water, energy and matter in
landscapes. The movement and accumulation of water in the landscape affects the development
and properties of soils and of site environmental conditions in a variety of ways. It affects hillslope forming processes by influencing the removal and deposition of soil materials by water,
wind and mechanical means. It controls the amount and quality of moisture available for
vegetative growth and therefore affects in-situ additions of organic carbon. It mediates processes
involved in determining soil salinity, calcareousness, pH, leaching, root zone development, in-situ
mineral formation and many other soil and site characteristics.
A second basic assumption is that a human devised and human-imposed classification of
landforms is superior to one based on statistical analysis and ordination of numerical sample
data. Human-devised classifications have the advantage of being generalizeable and flexible.
Statistically imposed numerical classifications are designed to recognize classes with the
greatest differences in class properties. Human-devised classifications both permit and
encourage separation of classes with only subtle, but important, differences. This can be an
important advantage for many applications, where subtle differences are important and where a
single, universal classification system is required for large areas.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The LandMapR© suite of programs processes digital elevation data (DEMs) to automatically
extract a variety of user-defined hydrological, ecological and landform spatial entities.
The LandMapR© suite of programs is presently organized as four separate C++ programs that
each apply a sub-set of the overall operational procedures created to extract spatial entities.
The four currently available programs are:


FlowMapR: This program processes an input DEM to compute flow topology for
simulated surface water flow in both the down-slope and up-slope directions.

This program computes flow directions using a very basic implementation of the
conventional D8 algorithm for assigning flow from each cell into its lowest downslope neighbor. It does not utilize any of the more advanced and complex flow
direction algorithms (e.g. Rho8) listed by Wilson (1996).


This program does possess powerful and unique capabilities for removing pits
intelligently and selectively to compute the full topology under which depressions
fill, overspill and connect to eventually produce fully integrated surface drainage.

FormMapR: This program uses output from the FlowMapR program to compute a series
of terrain derivatives for the input DEM.



This program computes common derivatives such as slope, aspect and
curvatures, less common derivatives such as diffuse upslope area and
compound topographic index (wetness index) and custom derivatives such as
absolute and relative relief, absolute and relative slope length.

FacetMapR: This program uses output from the FormMapR program, as well as any
other user-supplied data in appropriately formatted DBF tables, to automatically apply
fuzzy rules to classify landform or ecological spatial entities through reference to two
user-constructed and user-supplied fuzzy rule files.

The first fuzzy rule file (ID#arule) identifies which existing input variables are to
be used to define “fuzzy attributes” and the fuzzy models and thresholds that are
to be used to convert hard input variables (e.g. slope) into fuzzy attribute values
(e.g. likelihood of being steep). Any number and kind of available input variables
can be used to define any number of desired fuzzy attributes.


The second fuzzy rule file (ID#crule) specifies the number, type and
characteristics of the fuzzy output classes that the user wishes to define and
extract. Users can define any number or type of desired output classes using
any reasonable and convenient combination of previously defined fuzzy


The BC Direct-to-Site-Series option within FacetMapR permits users to define
and apply different sets of fuzzy rules for different regions or zones within a grid
data set of interest. This provides a capability to develop and apply hierarchical
classifications with different rules and different output classes for different
portions of any area of interest.

WeppMapR: This program uses output from the FlowMapR program to automatically
extract and document the spatial entities (channel segments, impoundments and hillslopes) required for operation of the WEPP erosion and runoff model.

This program is an independent off-shoot of the original LandMapR toolkit and
currently has no linkages to either of the FormMapR or FacetMapR programs.


This program will eventually be extended to automatically extract hydrological
spatial entities required to populate the ArcGIS Hydro spatial data model.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The FlowMapR component processes an input DEM to compute flow topology for simulated
surface water flow in both the down-slope and up-slope directions

Input Data
FlowMapR operates on input elevation data formatted as a regular (raster) grid. It does not
operate on elevation data formatted as irregular x, y, z point data, as a triangular irregular
network (TIN) or as vector contours. As the program relies solely on digital elevation data
(DEMs) it is critically important that the program be provided with appropriate DEM data.
For DEM data to be suitable for use in the FlowMapR program, it must:

Be organized as a regular grid of elevation values ordered by row from top (N) to bottom (S)
and within rows by column from left (W) to right (E) and stored as a DBF format file.


Be of a sufficient horizontal and vertical resolution to capture and describe the locations,
dimensions and shape of all surface features of interest for a particular landscape at a
particular scale.


Be sufficiently abstracted, or generalized, that landform features of minor dimension do not
overwhelm or confuse the classification procedures.

Suitable Format
FlowMapR does not contain any functionality for interpolating x, y, z point data to produce a
regular raster grid. Users must therefore either obtain a DEM that is already organized as a
regular raster grid or use an appropriate interpolation program to surface irregular x, y,z elevation
data to a produce a regular grid.
Raster DEM data is becoming increasingly available from both government and private sector
organizations. A considerable amount of coarse spatial resolution (>100 – 1000 m) raster DEM
data is available free of charge for large portions of the world, mainly from US government web
sites. Many US states now have GIS data clearing houses set up that provide raster DEM data
at medium (25 – 100 m) to fine (10 m) grid resolutions for all or portions of a state. Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission (SRTM) data have been collected for the entire world and are due to be
available by the end of 2003 at 100 m resolution for the entire world and at 25 m resolution for
approved users in the US.
Caution: Please be aware that many of the supposedly medium (25-100 m) to fine (5-10 m)
spatial resolution raster DEM data sets currently available were created by scanning existing
contour maps and running interpolation procedures to interpolate the contours to a raster grid.
Many of these supposedly fine spatial resolution raster DEMs contain artifacts and errors that
result in them being less than optimal for use in automated landform classification. Raster DEMs
interpolated from already smoothed scanned contour lines will not portray any additional detail on
topographic variation in areas between contour lines. It is very common for raster DEMs
interpolated from contour lines to exhibit a conspicuous stepped pattern characterized by large
flat benches separated by steep sharp changes in elevation. This is particularly true when the
DEM data are provided in integer format and changes in the elevation values for adjacent grid
cells must be at least 1 m in order to record a different elevation.
Users of the FlowMapR program are required to make their own decisions regarding the most
appropriate software tools and algorithms to use in cases where there is a need to create a
regular raster grid from irregular x, y, z point data. Typical options include using the interpolation
procedures available in GIS software programs such as ArcInfo, ArcView (ESRI, 1996) or Idrisi or
special purpose interpolation programs such as Surfer or Surface III.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Ultimately, FlowMapR requires elevation data to be read into a field named ELEV in a DBF
format file that is always named ID#ELEV. The ELEV field requires that the elevation data be
ordered in sequence, by row and column of the original raster input DEM, from top right to bottom
left. To obtain the required sequence an original DEM of i rows and j columns needs to be
converted into a single long string of elevations, one elevation per row, with the first elevation
value representing record number 1 (top left) and the last record number n (where n = i*j). The
conversion of an original regular raster grid into a long sequential list of elevations as stored in
the file ID#ELEV is illustrated below (Figure 2).





721.5 721.8 721.1 720.8 720.2




9 10

722.3 722.5 722.9 721.8 721.2

11 12 13 14 15

722.4 722.8 723.1 722.3 721.9

16 17 18 19 20

722.9 723.3 723.9 723.1 722.5


Record Numbers








































Elevations (m)

Figure 2. Illustration of reformatting of raster DEM data into a columnar string of elevation values in the DBF file ID#ELEV

FlowMapR was designed to access and read in elevation data from a file named ID#ELEV as
illustrated in Figure 2. The most recent C++ software provides a utility (GridReadWriteUtility) to
convert DEM data in ArcView binary export format (FLT) into a DBF file formatted as a single
columnar string of elevation values in a file named ID#ELEV as illustrated in Figure 2. Other
types of file formats that may be supported in future versions of this utility include:

ArcView ASCII export files (ASC with header information embedded)


Idrisi binary files (IMG with separate *.DOC header file)


Surfer binary grid files (GRD with header information embedded)


Surfer ASCII grid files (GRD with header information embedded)


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Suitable Dimensions
It is the responsibility of the user to determine whether the DEM data available for an area of
interest has a resolution in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions that is appropriate for
capturing and portraying the landscape features of interest at the current scale of interest.

a) Landform classification using a 5 m DEM

b) Landform classification using a 25 m DEM

Figure 3. Illustration of the difference in degree of spatial detail for DEMs of different horizontal and vertical resolution

Figure 3 illustrates the significant differences that are apparent when exactly the same location is
portrayed using DEMs of different horizontal and vertical spatial resolution. The image on the left
was constructed using a DEM with a 5 m horizontal grid resolution and a vertical accuracy of +/0.30 m. The image on the right was constructed using a DEM with a 25 m horizontal grid
resolution and a vertical accuracy of +/- 10 m. The 5 m DEM (Figure 3a) correctly portrays the
location, shape and dimensions of landform features (knobs and kettles) of interest for landform
classification at a scale of 1:5,000 to 1:10,000. The 25 m DEM (Figure 3b) indicates that the
landscape has a knob and kettle expression but is not able to correctly identify the location of
individual knobs or kettles or to correctly describe their shape or dimensions. Terrain derivatives
such as slope gradient, curvatures or slope length computed using the 25 m DEM will not provide
an accurate representation of the slopes, slope lengths or curvatures associated with the actual
landform features of interest at this scale.
Experience to date with application of the LandMapR programs suggests that DEMs with a
horizontal grid resolution of 5-10 m and a relative vertical accuracy of +/- 0.5 m or better are most
suitable for classifying landforms and extracting hydrological spatial entities (Figure 4). DEMs of
coarser horizontal and vertical spatial resolution are suitable for recognizing larger physiographic
features such as plains, plateau or valleys (Figures 5 & 6) but are generally not suitable for
extracting individual landforms or landform components.

Figure 4. A comparison of the relative level of topographic detail in DEMs of different horizontal grid resolution


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 5. Illustration of how coarser resolution DEM data may be appropriate for recognizing large physiographic features

Figure 6. 3D Illustration of recognition of larger physiographic features using coarser resolution DEM data

Figures 5 and 6 illustrate how coarser resolution DEM data can be useful and appropriate. In this
case, the desire was to identify and extract larger physiographic features corresponding to hills,
plains, plateaus, piedmont foot-slopes, basins and valleys. The 3D image (Figure 6) portrays an
area 70 km long and 70 km across looking from east to west. The DEM data used had a grid
resolution of 500 m in the horizontal and 20 m in the vertical. If the DEM used here had been of a
higher spatial resolution, it would have portrayed more local topographic detail than was
necessary and would have obscured recognition of the larger physiographic features of interest.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Suitable Level of Abstraction
Part of the concept of using a DEM with a suitable level of abstraction is related to selection of a
DEM with horizontal and vertical resolution appropriate to the size and scale of the current
topographic features of interest (see previous section on Suitable Dimensions).
A second part of this equation is the necessity of applying smoothing or filtering operations in
order to enhance the longer range signal and reduce shorter range noise. Experience in working
with the LandMapR programs has led to the conclusion that virtually all DEM data sets benefit
from application of smoothing filters if the DEMs are to be used to produce a LandMapR landform
classification. Too much local detail suppresses the longer range signal and makes it difficult to
“see the forest for the trees”. Consider the following examples.

Figure 7. Illustration of local noise arising from inverse weighted interpolation procedures and its reduction by filtering

Figure 7 illustrates a high degree of local noise in an initial DEM arising from a combination of the
regular pattern followed in collecting the original x, y, z input data (red dots) and from the inverse
weighted distance (IWD) algorithm used to interpolate the x, y, z input data to a regular grid. The
centre hillshade illustrates a very blocky, noisy DEM with many local errors. This local noise
masks the bigger picture and makes it more difficult to recognize and classify the hillslopes and
other landform features of interest. Application of a succession of mean filters (3x3, 3x3, 5x5) to
the original noisy raster DEM surface noticeable improves the ability to recognize the larger
hillslope features of interest.
Figure 8 shows obvious evidence of artificial patterns in an interpolated DEM that are clearly
related to the trajectories along which the DGPS data used to create the DEM were collected.
The artificial patterns cut across the grain of the landscape and dissect obvious ridges and
draws. Filtering with successive applications of 3x3, 3x3 and 5x5 mean filters was able to reduce
the amount of obvious error in this DEM but could never completely remove it. This type of error
is encountered very frequently in custom, high resolution DEMs produced using DGPS data and
it is invariably reduced by application of a succession of mean filters. Failure to reduce this type
of local noise will invariably result in less than optimum landform classification results.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 8. Illustration of clearly artificial patterns in a DEM and their reduction by filtering

High frequency local noise is not always strongly apparent in grayscale hillshade images of DEM
data sets, but it may still exist nonetheless. Figure 9 shows a grayscale rendering of profile
curvature computed for a DEM for which local noise was not evident in a hillshade rendering.
The highly systematic checkerboard pattern evident in the image on the left was apparently a
result of utilizing a thin plate spline algorithm to interpolate point data that had been collected
using a very regular NS-EW sample spacing. The thin plate spline algorithm captured and
amplified the harmonic inherent in the systematic pattern followed in collecting the data. This
pattern was far more evident in renderings of second derivatives (curvatures) than it was in
hillshade images. The default LandMapR landform classification assigns considerable weight to
calculations of profile and plan curvature. Consequently, systematic patterns such as those
illustrated in Figure 9 can have dramatic and adverse impacts on landform classifications
computed using DEMs that have not been smoothed to reduce this type of systematic noise. The
image on the right illustrates how filtering with successive passes of 3x3, 3x3 and 5x5 mean
filters virtually eliminated the systematic pattern and improved recognition of legitimate terrain
features of interest.

Figure 9. Systematic local noise revealed by gray scale renderings of plan curvature and its reduction by filtering


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 10. Obvious systematic error in a DEM interpolated from scanned contour data and its reduction by filtering

Figure 10 illustrates some of the strong and obvious systematic errors that are routinely
encountered in raster DEMs produced by interpolation from scanned contour data. The image on
the left clearly shows an obvious pattern of nearly level steps or terraces separated by sharp and
rapid changes in elevation. The locations of the original contour lines are also clearly
discernable. The image on the right illustrates a larger portion of the same DEM after application
of a sequence of 3x3, 3x3 and 5x5 mean filters that reduced the obvious errors and made the
DEM far more suitable for use in automated landform classification.
The message that users should extract from the preceding section is that most original DEM data
are highly likely to contain obvious and systematic errors or local noise and that almost all DEMs
will benefit from smoothing before being used to classify landforms using the LandMapR
programs. In landform classification, original DEMs should not be treated as sacrosanct. Users
are advised not to get too preoccupied with maintaining fidelity to absolute values for elevation at
specific points. It is more important to produce a DEM that portrays smooth and continuous point
to point relationships that reveal the shape and form of terrain features of interest at a specific
scale of interest. Relative elevations and point-to-point relationships are more important than
maintaining correct absolute elevations if maintaining correct absolute elevations masks or
confuses recognition of terrain features of interest.
No consistent set of rules has been discovered to provide guidance for when and how to select
and apply appropriate low pass filters to initial DEMs. In general, experience has shown that
more filtering is better than less and that no filtering is rarely acceptable. For most landscapes
the most effective approach to filtering appears to be to start with one or two passes of a rather
small filter (e.g. 3x3) and to follow with a final pass of a larger filter (e.g. 5x5 up to 7x7).
For each new site, it is recommended that the initial raster DEM surface be examined visually by
creating gray scale renderings of hillshaded images and second derivatives (slope curvature). If
any strong, and clearly artificial, patterns are evident in these images, the initial DEM should be
smoothed with a succession of low pass filters until such time as obvious patterns are no longer
strongly apparent upon visual inspection. Selection of the most appropriate method for surfacing
the data to create an initial raster surface and subsequent application of appropriate smoothing
filters involves as much art as science and cannot be strictly specified in advance. It is, however,
a critical requirement for achieving successful landform classification results.
Advances in filtering algorithms based on wavelet transforms promise to greatly refine and
improve the options available for removing true noise whilst retaining all relevant details in DEMs.
Until such time as wavelet filters become widely available and easy to use, we recommend
applying conventional low-pass (mean) filters to smooth DEMs and reduce undesirable local

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Operation of the FlowMapR Program
Once you have prepared your input DEM data and are satisfied that it has a resolution suited to
capturing the terrain features of interest and has had obvious errors and noise removed, actual
operation of the FlowMapR program requires very little knowledge or effort. The FlowMapR
interface is illustrated in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Illustration of the FlowMapR interface

Identification of the source file of DEM data
Users must first identify a source file that contains the elevation data for the area of current
interest in a format that can be opened and read by FlowMapR. FlowMapR can currently only
open and read DEM data in the default DBF format. The pre-formatted elevation data must exist
as a DBF file named ID#ELEV that contains a field named ELEV that stores the elevation data in
the required format as a single continuous column of elevation data ordered from top left to
bottom right.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Specification of the working directory
The folder containing the source elevation data automatically becomes the default workspace
within which FlowMapR will place all resulting output files. This default workspace folder can not
currently be changed and must be accepted as the default workspace folder.

Specification of the input grid dimensions and extent
FlowMapR needs to know the number of rows and columns in the input DEM, the horizontal
dimensions of the input grid in meters and the value used to identify missing data in the data set
(if present). These values must be entered manually and interactively by the user. The
FlowMapR program will not run and will not produce correct output if it is given incorrect values
for the number of rows and columns, the grid dimensions or for the missing data value.

Specification of threshold values for pit removing
Operation of FlowMapR requires the user to enter two values that control how pits or depressions
are treated by the pit removing procedures that are a fundamental feature of FlowMapR. These
two values identify the maximum area of a pit (in grid cell units) and the maximum depth of a pit
(in meters) above which pits will not be removed by the initial (stage 1) pit removing procedures.
The stage 1 pit removing procedures are designed to completely remove small or spurious pits
that represent errors in the DEM or that are at least so small as to not be considered of interest
for the current area. Users are advised to select rather small values for these two pit removing
criteria. A good rule of thumb is to select a value for pit depth that is no more than ½ of the
vertical accuracy of the input DEM. Thus, if the input DEM has a vertical accuracy of +/- 0.3 m
then an appropriate threshold value for maximum pit depth might be 0.15 m. This threshold value
recognizes that most pits that are less than 0.15 m deep are more likely to be related to error or
noise in the input DEM than they are to be true landform features.
Any pits that are less deep than the depth threshold value or occupy fewer cells than the area
threshold value will be completely removed by the initial stage 1 pit removing procedures.
Complete removal means that all records for these pits are deleted from the pit documentation
tables that are produced by the FlowMapR program and all information about these pits is lost. If
users wish to obtain information on all possible depressions in a DEM, they only need to select a
depth threshold of 0.00 m and an area threshold of 1 cell. This will result in calculation and
recording of information on all possible pits in the DEM.
Initial removal of small pits in the stage 1 pit removing procedures saves considerable time and
results in faster processing of the input DEM as the initial pit removing procedures are more
efficient than the two subsequent pit removing stages. Pits removed in the initial pit removing
stage do not have to be considered by the two subsequent pit removing stages that are designed
to identify, characterize and then remove larger and more significant pits. Very small pits often
constitute as much as 90% of the total number of pits, so initial removal of very small pits can
result in a considerable improvement in processing time for this program.
Selection of threshold values for pit area or pit depth that are too large will result in removal of
pits that may very likely represent true structural depressions in the landscape. This will have
negative consequences in terms of failure to identify and characterize pits that are highly likely to
be significant for hydrological modeling purposes. Removal of significant pits also has adverse
consequences during application of the default LandMapR landform classification procedures.
These procedures use rules that use vertical distance to a pit cell to establish measures of
relative landform position. These measures of relative landform position in turn influence the
resulting landform classification. Any pit that is completely removed by stage 1 pit removing
procedures becomes invisible to subsequent procedures and will not be available to be used to
establish relative landform position. Thus, if thresholds are selected that remove valid pits, the
measures of relative landform position that should relate to these pits will be in error and any
resulting classifications may also be adversely impacted. For this reason, users are cautioned
against selecting threshold values for pit depth and pit area that are too large and that will result
in most pits being removed by the stage 1 pit removing algorithm.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

FlowMapR Output Files
FlowMapR creates 8 different DBF output files (Table 1). Five of the files contain data that
describe aspects of hydrological flow patterns for the original DEM and 2 of the files pertain to
calculations of notional upslope flow made using an inverted DEM.

The main flow topology file (ID#DEM)
The main DBF file produced by the FlowMapR program is always named ID#DEM, where ID# is
a user-assigned alpha-numeric code that is 3 to 4 characters in length (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Illustration of the structure and content of the main ID#DEM file

The first four columns of the ID#DEM file store a unique record number (Seqno) for each grid cell
in a DEM, the row number (Row) and column number (Col) of each grid cell in the data matrix
and the original value for elevation for each cell (Elev) as read in from the input data file provided.
The sequence number is used as a unique key field for joining this file to any other file for the
same area that also contains values for sequence number in an identically named Seqno field.
Values in the fields row and col are used to reference the locations of individual grid cells in the
data matrix both in this ID#DEM file and in the pit files that document the location and
characteristics of pits or depressions in the DEM. Missing data is identified by a value of -9999.
The next 2 columns store values computed to represent the local drainage direction (Ddir) for
each grid cell in the DEM and the unique record number in the file (Drec) associated with the grid
cell into which a particular cell drains. Recording the record number in the file of the cell into
which each cell drains is an artifact of the FoxPro database implementation of the initial
FlowMapR program. In the earlier FoxPro implementation, the entire data matrix was not read
into memory and cell to cell flow was achieved by using direct access of sequential binary files to
move from record number to record number according to the values stored in the field Drec.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Table 1. Listing and description of all DBF files produced by the FlowMapR program


Description of contents


This is the main output file. It contains data on flow directions, initial and final
catchments and amounts of water required to flood each cell located in a closed
This file is used to store attributes of all initial pits during stage 1 pit removing.
After stage 3 pit removing, information for all pits except final or edge pits has
been deleted and descriptions remain for only the attributes of final or edge pits.
This file stores data on the attributes of all possible pits that remain after stage 1
pit removing. It details all possible ways in which pits could overspill and connect
to one another. It is produced by sorting the input DEM file from lowest to highest
elevation and computing and removing pits in order from the lowest pit to the
This file stores data on the attributes and most likely sequence of connectivity for
all pits that remain after stage 1 pit removing. The most likely sequence of pit
connectivity is estimated through reference to the pit attribute named varatio. This
attribute estimates the number of mm of runoff that would have to be generated by
all cells in a particular depressional catchment in order to fill the depression fed by
the catchment to its overspill volume. Pits in this table have been removed, or
coalesced, in order of the mm of runoff that is estimated to be required to fill them
to overflowing.
This is a backup file that stores data on each and every change made to key data
fields in the ID#DEM file during stage 2 pit removing. During stage 2 pit removing,
current data in the ID#DEM file is copied to the ID#Vold file before any change is
made to the ID#DEM file. This copy provides an audit trail of all changes made to
the ID#DEM file during Stage 2 pit removing in the exact order that the chages are
made. It is therefore possible to copy the data stored in the audit file (ID#Vold)
back into the main ID#DEM file to reconstitute the ID#DEM file to its status at any
point during Stage 2 pit removing right back to the start.
This is a backup file that stores data on each and every change made to key data
fields in the ID#DEM file during stage 3 pit removing. During stage 3 pit removing,
current data in the ID#DEM file is copied to the ID#Mold file before any change is
made to the ID#DEM file. This copy provides an audit trail of all changes made to
the ID#DEM file during Stage 3 pit removing in the exact order that the chages are
made. It is therefore possible to copy the data stored in the audit file (ID#Mold)
back into the main ID#DEM file to reconstitute the ID#DEM file to its status at any
point during Stage 3 pit removing right back to the start.
This file is an exact copy of the main ID#DEM file except that the elevation data in
the field ELEV has been inverted relative to the original input elevation data.
Inverting the original elevation data permits the same algorithms and data files to
be used to compute flow paths and catchments for notional upslope flow from
each grid cell. Data in this file are used to support calculations of flow upslope
from every cell to compute measures such as vertical and horizontal distance from
a cell to the nearest grid cell classified as a ridge or peak cell.
This file is an exact copy of the master pit file ID#Pit. It differs in that it contains
data on pits computed for the inverted DEM, which are actually peaks. It also
differs in that FLowMapR does not apply stage 2 or 3 pit removing procedures to
calculations of upslope flow. This file therefore contains data for all initial pits that
remain after stage 1 pit removing but does not contain any data on "higher order"
pits that may subsume these initial first order pits. Data on these "higher order"
pits can only be computed by removing lower order pits using the stage 2 and 3
pit removing procedures that are not used for the inverted DEM.








LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The column named Upslope stores a value for upslope area count for each grid cell. Upslope
area is computed by flowing down from each grid cell into all of its down-slope neighbors and
adding the value for accumulated upslope area to each down slope cell. The algorithm that does
this first sorts all grid cells from highest to lowest elevation and then starts processing the highest
elevation cell first. This ensures that all cells that are upslope of a particular cell and may
possibly contribute flow into it are processed first, before the value for upslope area is computed
for a particular cell. Upslope area count is computed along flow paths that are based on flow
directions computed using the standard D8 flow direction algorithm of Morris and Heerdegen
(1988). Use of this older D8 flow direction algorithm is also an artifact of the early development
of the flow modeling procedures over the period 1988-1991 before any of several newer
alternatives had been described (see Wilson, 1996 for a review of other algorithms).
The next two columns store data that identify the local and global catchments that each grid cell
is assigned to in a fashion similar to that outlined by Martz and de Jong (1988). Local
catchments (Shedno) are defined as the sum of all cells that flow into a local closed depression.
In the current implementation of the FlowMapR program, local catchments represent the extent of
each DEM that drains into one of the initial, or first order, depressional catchments that remain
after stage 1 pit removing has been completed. Stage 1 pit removing is intended to remove very
small pits that may be assumed to either arise from errors in the DEM or to be so small as to not
warrant identification and documentation. Thus, no information is retained for these small pits,
including no information on the location and extent of the catchments associated with them.
Global catchments (Shednow) represent the extent of all cells that contribute surface flow to the
final, integrated catchments drain to the edge of the DEM and from there allow water to escape to
the outside world, beyond the known DEM.
Two columns store logical variables used to record whether a particular grid cell contains a
missing data value for elevation (Missing) and whether the particular grid cell in question occurs
at the edge of the data matrix (Edge). The Missing data field is redundant, as this information
can be determined by comparing the value for elevation stored in the field Elev with the value
entered by the user to identify missing data. The presence of this field is another artifact from the
earlier FoxPro version of the program, when it was found to be convenient to be able to check for
missing values by reference to the value stored for a logical variable rather then through direct
comparison of the value stored for elevation. Use of the logical variable Edge is also a relict of
the earlier FoxPro program and is likely not absolutely necessary. Initially, edge cells were
recognized as cells located at the minimum and maximum row and column locations and these
were considered to be the only cells that permitted drainage to occur to the outside world. Later
refinements to the program involved adding features that recognized that areas of missing data in
the DEM needed to be treated as if they also were edge cells that drained to the outside world.
The earlier definitions of what constituted an edge cell were therefore no longer valid, but this
column has not been updated to reflect this changed perception.
The last three columns in the ID#DEM file store values for calculations meant to describe the
amount of water that would be required to fill each closed depression to the level at which it
would first inundate each cell that is located within a closed depression. Only cells that are
located within closed depressions can have non-zero values for these variables. The variable
volume-to-first-flood (Vol2Fl) represents a calculation of the volume of water (m3) that would be
present in a closed depression at the point at which the surface of the pond first inundated a
specific cell. The variable mm-to-first-flood (Mm2fl) represents an estimate of the amount of
rainfall (in mm) that would have to fall on, and then run off from, each of the grid cells that can
contribute flow into a closed depression in order to produce the volume of water that is computed
to be required to fill the depression to the point where it first inundates a given grid cell of interest.
This variable is an estimate only, as it is obvious that it is unlikely that every grid cell in a
depressional catchment will convert all rain that falls onto it into runoff nor that all runoff will
manage to flow all the way to an open water body in a closed depression. The variable is meant
to provide an estimate of the relative likelihood that any grid cell will ever become inundated by
water that accumulates in a closed depression, rather than providing an exact calculation of the
amount of rainfall that will definitively result in filling a depression to a given level. The variable
Parea stores a measure of the surface area of a pond (in grid cell units) at the point at which a
pond first inundates a particular grid cell of interest.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The initial pit table (ID#Pit)
The FlowMapR program computes and stores a considerable amount of information about all pits
(also referred to as depressions) that are identified by processing a DEM to compute flow
topology (Figure 13). Data stored in the pit tables provides information on the row and column
location of pits, on the depth, volume and area of all pits, on the identity of the adjacent
depressional catchments into which each pit is most likely to overspill and on the grid cell
locations at which overspill from one depression to another is most likely to occur.

Figure 13. Illustration of the structure and content of the first pit table (ID#Pit) produced by the FlowMapR program

Each pit in a DEM is identified by a unique integer ID number that refers to the watershed or
catchment that contributes flow into the depression (Shedno). Procedures invoked by the
FlowMapR program determine whether a pit may overspill at the edge of the data matrix (Edge)
or whether it may overspill into the outside world through adjacency with an area of missing data
(Dr_2_mv). The procedures also identify whether a particular pit is a final pit (Final) that
overspills into the outside world and that is fed by a fully integrated catchment that consists of all
possible cells that are upslope of the pit and that can possibly contribute flow into it. The column
Endpit stores a unique integer ID that identifies the number of the final Endpit into which each
non-final pit will eventually contribute flow once all pits are full to their overspill level and fully
integrated surface flow has been achieved.
The total number of cells that are contained within an identified depressional catchment is stored
in the column Shedarea. The lowest cell in each depression is referred to as the pit center cell.
The location of the pit center cell is recorded in terms of the record number of the pit cell (PitRec)
and the grid cell row (Pitrow) and column (Pitcol) locations. The elevation of the pit center cell is
stored in the column Pitelev. The column Pourelev stores the elevation of the pour point, which is
the elevation of the lowest cell at which water stored in a particular pit can overspill and
contribute flow into an adjacent catchment. The pour elevation is the higher value of the
elevation of the cell within the current depressional watershed at which overspill may occur
(InElev) and the elevation of the cell in the adjacent catchment (OutElev) at the lowest point at
which overspill can occur. The difference between the pit center elevation and the pour elevation
will yield the maximum depth of the pit.
The pit table stores two different values for volume of a pit. The value stored in the column
Prevol refers to the total volume of water stored in any previously identified pits than may underlie
a larger pit formed by coalescence of two or more underlying pits. Initial, or first order, pits will
always have a value of zero (0) for Prevol. The value stored in the column PitVol refers to the
total volume of a pit including the previously computed volume of any pits that it covers and
subsumes. Pit volumes are computed by subtracting the elevation of each cell in a pit from the
elevation of the pour point and summing the resulting volume calculations for all grid cells within
a depression. Pit volumes need to be multiplied by the area of a grid cell to convert them from
relative volumes into true volume measurements in cubic meters (m3).


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The column named Varatio stores an estimate of the amount of rainfall (in mm) that would be
required to fill a pit from completely empty to full, assuming that all cells within the catchment
received an equal amount of rainfall and all rainfall received ran off from every cell and was
transmitted to accumulate in the depression. Volume to area ratio (Varatio) is calculated simply
following the formula Varatio = ((pitvol/shedarea)*1000). The absolute value for Varatio is not to
be taken literally, but values may be interpreted to give a rough estimate of the relative amounts
of rainfall (in mm) that might be required to completely fill one pit versus another. Two pits may
both have the same volume, but if one has a much larger potential contributing area (catchment
area) it is more likely to fill up sooner (with less rainfall) than the other.
The column Pitarea stores a value for the number of cells that are covered by surface water
when a pit or depression is full to its overspill volume and depth. Area in given in terms of
number of cells and must be multiplied by the unit area of a grid cell to convert to absolute area in
The columns Drainsto, NextPit and Becomes are pointers used to identify the number of the
adjacent depressional catchment that a particular depression overspills into or becomes.
DrainsTo stores the ID number of the adjacent catchment into which a given catchment is most
likely to overspill and “drain into” once the depression for that given catchment has been
completely filled to its overspill volume. NextPit stores the ID number of an alternate adjacent
catchment that the current catchment of interest can overspill into if overspill into the “DrainsTo”
catchment is returned to the current catchment because the “DrainsTo” catchment is already full
and overspilling back into the current catchment of interest. These two pointers are needed to
allow for the possibility that a given catchment might possibly have several neighbors into which it
could overspill at the same overspill or pour elevation. The pit removing procedures allow for and
check for circular flow from one depressional catchment into several adjacent depressional
catchments. Flow is permitted to cycle from one depression into the next until all adjacent
depressions that share a common overspill elevation are “filled”. Only once all adjacent
depressions that share a common overspill elevation are “full” will the pit removing procedures
permit identification of a higher elevation pour point and calculation of the statistics associated
with a new depression that over-rides and subsumes the underlying depressions that share a
common overspill elevation. The column Becomes stores the ID number of the new catchment
that is formed when 2 initial or “lower order” catchments coalesce and combine to form a new
“higher order” catchment. This field is best understood by opening and investigating a pit file with
the name ID#Fill produced by the stage 3 pit removing procedures. In the ID#Fill file data for
adjacent pits is always arranged in pairs such that the first listed pit always drains into the second
listed pit to become a new joined pit with an ID number identified by the field Becomes. The first
pit always has a smaller volume to area ratio (Varatio) than the second and all pairs of pits are
sorted in order of increasing volume to area ratio of the first pit in each pair. This is because the
pairs of pits are sorted in order of the sequence in which they are considered most likely to fill
and overspill which is inferred from the value computed for volume to area ratio (Varatio). It takes
some effort to develop an understanding of how the pit removing procedures in FlowMapR work
and how the information computed during these pit removing procedures can be read and
interpreted. Users may wish to work through a few example DEMs that have only a few well
defined depressions in order to appreciate how the pit removing procedures compute all
information about how pits fill and overspill and store this information in the relevant pit tables.
The fields InRow, InCol, InRec, InElev and OutRow, OutCol, OutRec and OutElev record the
location and elevation of the cells within the current (In) catchment and in the adjacent neighbor
(Out) catchment at which overspill from one catchment into the other is judged most likely to
occur. The overspill point (or pour point) is the lowest elevation along the boundary between any
two adjacent depressional catchments. The record number of the pour cells is stored to facilitate
going directly to those cells to initiate pit removing procedures. The elevations are stored to
permit comparison of the elevations of potential pour points to all possible adjacent catchments in
order to identify the lowest of all possible overspill locations. The lowest of all possible overspill
locations is treated as the most likely pour point.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The second pit table (ID#Pond)
The stage 2 pit removing procedures produce a second pit table that is identical in structure with
the first, but not exactly identical in content (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Illustration of the structure and content of the second pit table (ID#Pond) produced by the FlowMapR program

The columns used to identify the locations and elevations of pour points have been excluded
from the illustration of the pond file in Figure 14. The file is shown sorted as it is during the
second stage of pit removing procedures. These procedures locate the lowest depression in a
DEM data file (here 390) and remove into it all catchments that lie above it and can possibly drain
into it. When all catchments lying above a low depression that can possibly drain into it have
been removed into it, a global catchment has been defined. The procedures then locate the next
lowest depression (here 921) that has not already been removed itself and try to remove into it all
catchments above it that can possibly drain into it. This continues until all catchments that can
drain into a lower or edge pit have been removed into a lower pit.
Most of the data illustrated in Figure 14 pertain to a single pit centered at the same row (176) and
column (76) location. The pit centered at this location is the lowest pit in the example DEM data
base (see Pitelev). Each successive record (line) in the pond table illustrated in Figure 14
pertains to a new, larger pit that is formed by the coalescence of two smaller adjacent pits when
the higher pit is allowed to fill and overspill into the lower pit. Pits are filled from the bottom up,
from the lowest to the highest. As a pit grows, its pit volume (Pitvol) increases as does the
volume of previous pits that it overlies and subsumes (Prevol). The area of the new joined pit
(Pitarea) becomes increasingly larger as does the area of the combined catchment (Shedarea)
that now contributes flow to the new combined pit.
Pits are identified as Edge pits when they can overspill into a cell at the edge of the data set (or
into a cell with a missing value) at an elevation that is lower than the elevation of the lowest pour
point into an adjacent interior catchment. Pits are identified as Final pits when they can drain to
the outside world at an elevation that is lower then the lowest overspill elevation of an interior
catchment that is adjacent to them and into which they could overspill. Final pits should not
exhibit an increase in pit volume or area as overlying pits overspill into them as they themselves
overspill into the outside world, thereby preventing the flooded area from getting any larger or


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The logical fields Visited and Removed are used as flags to keep track of the status or condition
of specific pits during the pit removing procedures. The Visited flag is set to false at the start of
each attempt to remove a particular pit. It is used to detect circular flow by identifing if flow that
originates at a given pit ever returns to that pit. If flow returns to a pit then the program checks all
pits along the connected flow path and locates the lowest pit along the path and the second
lowest that can overspill into it. The flag Removed is used to identify if a given pit has already
been removed during a pit removing exercise. Once a pit has been removed it is no longer
available or eligible to be removed again.

The third pit table (ID#Fill)
The stage 3 pit removing procedures produce a third pit table that is identical in structure with the
other two, but differs in its content (Figure 15).

Figure 15. Illustration of the structure and content of the third pit table (ID#Fill) produced by the FlowMapR program

Figure 15 does not illustrate all the columns (fields) contained in the ID#Fill pit table but it does
illustrate the critical ones. Examination of Figure 15 reveals that pit records are grouped into
pairs of records on adjacent lines. Each pair of records describes how one pit overspills into the
other pit to form a new pit that is assigned the ID number stored in the field Becomes. The pairs
of pits are listed in the order that they are most likely to fill up and overspill into one another. The
order of filling and overspill is estimated through reference to the values stored in the field
Varatio. The smaller the volume to area ratio (Varatio) the less runoff is likely to be required to fill
a particular pit to its overspill volume. Thus, in the example given here (Figure 15) pit 860
overspills into pit 878 at a Varatio of 16.87 to form a new, joined catchment identified by the new
shed ID number 1346. The higher pit (860) is always removed into the lower pit (878) to
preserve correct pit topology. The second pair of depressional catchments sees pit 1346 over
spilling into pit 1300 at a Varatio of 20.19 to create the new joined catchment numbered 1347.
Users should be able to see and appreciate that pits are ordered in the ID#Fill pit table in order of
the most likely sequence in which they will overspill into one another to form larger, joined pits.
The order can be deduced by referring to values stored in the field Varatio and recognizing that
the lowest value of Varatio for each pair of controls the sort order. This sort order differs from the
order seen in the second pit (ID#Pond) in which pits are ordered by elevation of the pit center as
low pits fill up from the bottom and connect with higher pits that drain into them.
Users do not have to understand the pit removing procedures in order to apply the programs or
use the output produced by the programs but there is considerable potentially useful information
contained in the pit tables and some users may wish to try to access and interpret these data.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The first audit trail file (ID#Vold)
The purpose of the audit trail files is to record a complete audit trail of all changes made to the
original values stored in the ID#DEM file for drainage direction, drainage record number, upslope
area and catchment ID number for each cell for which the value is changed during pit removing.
Changes made during stage 2 pit removing are stored in an audit trail file that is given the name
ID#Vold (Figure 16) which stands for old values associated with removal of pits by volume.

Figure 16. Illustration of the structure and contents of the ID#Vold audit trail DBF table

The FlowMapR pit removing procedures operate by locating the cell within a depressional
catchment that occurs at the pour point within the catchment (Inrec) and tracing down the flow
path from this pour point cell until flow terminates at the pit centre cell for the current catchment.
As this flow path is traversed, the original flow direction for each cell is changed from pointing
down slope towards the pit centre to pointing upslope towards the pour point cell (Figure 17).
Changes are also made to the value stored for the upslope area count for each cell that lies
along this flow path from the pour point cell to the pit centre cell. The value for upslope area
count in each cell is reduced by an amount equal to the value of upslope area recorded for the
previous cell immediately upslope of it along the flow path from the pour point cell. This has the
effect of removing the contribution to the upslope area count of a cell that arises from flow
contributed by the flow path that is being reversed.

initial local
direction of

elevation of all
cells below pour
point raised to
pour elevation


new “reversed”
flow directions


Pit Center
Figure 17. Illustration of the procedure used to "remove pits" by reversing flow directions from the pour point cell


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

When the flow path has been traversed from the pour point cell to the pit centre cell all cells along
the path that flow has to take to escape from the pit being removed have had their drainage
directions reversed to point up slope towards the pour point cell and have had their upslope area
counts revised to remove the contributions to upslope associated with that flow path. The
algorithm then traverses the new, reversed flow path again from the pit centre cell up slope to the
pour point cell. As it traverses this upslope flow path it adds to the value stored for upslope area
for each cell the accumulated area of the previous cell. Thus it will add the value for upslope
area stored for the old pit centre cell to the value already stored for the first cell upslope from the
pit centre cell and so on, until it reaches the interior pour point cell.
At this point, the algorithm changes the flow direction assigned to the interior pour point cell so
that it now points into the previously computed exterior pour point cell (the Outrec). It then traces
down the flow path from the exterior pour point cell until flow terminates at the pit centre cell for
the adjacent (lower) depressional catchment into which the upper catchment is being removed.
As it traces down this exterior catchment flow path it adds a value equal to the total area of the
upper catchment that is being removed to the value stored for upslope area for each and every
cell along the flow path. This reflects the fact that the entire area of the catchment being
removed is now considered to be capable of contributing flow to this flow path from the overspill
or pour point onwards.
The point of the audit trail file is that benefits can be realized by maintaining a full audit trail and
not just throwing away all original values as they are changed. Before any value of any cell is
changed by the pit removing procedures, the original values are stored in the relevant fields in
the audit trail file. New values are then assigned to a cell that requires new values in order to
permit a pit to be “removed”. In the example given (Figure 16) one can see that the first pit
removed by the stage 2 pit removing procedures was a pit associated with catchment number 84
and that the flow path from the pour point cell for this catchment to the pit centre cell was only
four cells long. The original values for drainage direction (Ddir) drainage record number (Drec),
upslope area count (upslope) and catchment ID number (Shednow) for each of these four cells
were recorded in the first four lines of this DBF table before any changes were made by the pit
removing procedures.
Maintaining a complete audit trail of all changes made during pit removing supports an ability to
reverse any changes made during pit removing by restoring the original values to the appropriate
cells in the correct order. If one goes to the bottom of the audit trail file and writes the stored data
values back over top of the changed values in reverse order from bottom to top of the file, one is
effectively reversing all changes in the reverse order in which they were made. If the entire
extent of the audit trail file is written back into the original ID#DEM file in reverse order, one will
have effectively restored the flow topology of the ID#DEM file to the state it was in when stage 2
pit removing began. If one were to only restore a portion of the changes back to a specified
location in the audit trail file, one would have set the flow topology to the state it was in at a
particular stage in the stage 2 pit removing exercise. Thus, if one wished to see what the flow
network looked like after a certain stage of stage 2 pit removing, one would only have to restore
the original values from the bottom of the ID#Vold audit trail file back up to the desired stage.
This means that it is possible to be able to rapidly depict the flow network at any stage of pit
removal from no pits removed (non-integrated drainage into all local depressions) to all pits
removed (fully integrated drainage with all cells flowing to the edge of the data matrix) and any
state in between these two end members.
Unlike most other pit removing approaches, none of the valuable information on the sequence of
changes in flow topology associated with the filling and over spilling of pits is lost or thrown away
in the FlowMapR approach. It is possible and practical to select any state between completely
non-integrated and fully integrated drainage and to rapidly reconstitute and depict the cell to cell
flow topology and the resulting drainage network that would be associated with this level of pit
filling and drainage integration. This represents a major advantage of the FlowMapR approach to
pit removing but it is one that has been little exploited or used to advantage to date.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The second audit trail file (ID#Mold)
The second audit trail file (ID#Mold) (Figure 18) is identical in structure and intent to the first
(ID#Vold). The only difference is that the ID#Mold file stores backup data associated with
changes made to the flow topology of the ID#DEM file during stage 3 pit removing.

Figure 18. Illustration of the structure and contents of the ID#Mold audit trail DBF table

Stage 3 pit removing removes pits according to the sequence in which they are most likely to fill
and overspill. This sequence is estimated through reference to the variable volume to area ratio
(Varatio) which can be interpreted as the number of mm of runoff that would be required to fill a
given depression to its maximum capacity, if one were to assume a completely impervious
surface for all cells and 100% conversion of rainfall to runoff with no infiltration or evaporation.
In the example provided, it is clear that the stage 3 pit removing first removes pit 878 into pit 860
to produce a new depressional catchment numbered as 1346 after an estimated 16.9 mm of
runoff. The flow path from the pour point cell to the pit centre cell in catchment 878 is 9 cells long
and the flow path from the exterior pour point cell to the pit centre cell in catchment 860 is 11
cells long. These are the only cells in either catchment for which changes need to be made in
order to reverse the flow paths and “remove” pit 878 into pit 860. Compare the data in the audit
trail file (Figure 18) to the corresponding first two records in the ID#fill pit table (Figure 15) and
once can see that the audit trail file provides confirmation of the pit table data. Each numbered
stage in Figure 18 corresponds to the removal of one pit into a second, lower pit. In the case of
stage 3 pit removing, the pits are removed in order of the mm of runoff estimated to be required
to fill each pit to its overspill volume.
The ID#Mold file can be used to reconstruct the flow topology for a DEM to correspond to any
desired state corresponding to any specified amount of notional runoff. One has only to write all
the archived data back into the original master ID#DEM file in reverse order from bottom to top of
the ID#Mold audit trail file and to stop restoring the old data at a specified value for the variable
Varatio in the ID#Mold file. Varatio can be interpreted as the amount of runoff (in mm) that will
result in a particular set of pits being filled to capacity and over spilling. Thus, one can
reconstruct and “see” any desired drainage network corresponding to any level of rainfall runoff.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The inverted DEM file (ID#iDEM)
The inverted iDEM file (Figure 19) is identical in structure to the original ID#DEM file.

Figure 19. Illustration of the structure and content of the inverted ID#iDEM file

The only difference between the inverted DEM file and the original DEM file is that the elevation
values in the inverted DEM file have been reversed or inverted. The effect of this reversal is that
pits in the original DEM file become peaks in the inverted DEM file and peaks in the original DEM
file become pits in the inverted DEM file. Flow directions computed for the inverted DEM data
therefore simulate flow upslope from each grid cell until flow terminates at a pit centre cell that is
equivalent to a peak in the original DEM.
The approach of inverting the DEM and then computing flow topology for the inverted DEM was
adopted so that all the algorithms and code developed to compute flow topology for a noninverted, original DEM could be used unaltered to compute notional upslope flow for an inverted
DEM. The need to compute upslope flow paths was related to a desire to compute a series of
measures of relative slope position for each cell in a DEM to use in subsequent landform
classification programs. Using the conventional D8 flow direction algorithm, it is quite common
for as many as 50% of all cells in a DEM to receive no flow input from upslope cells. With only
the information provided by down slope flow topology, there is no easy way to compute the
distance or elevation change from a given cell upslope to the nearest peak or ridge cell to which it
is connected by a defined flow path. Calculation of notional upslope flow using an inverted DEM
solves this problem by providing explicit paths of steepest upslope flow from every cell in a DEM
to the nearest peak (and ridge) cell to which it is connected by a defined flow path.
The example data provided were taken from a DEM for a fairly rugged mountainous area in the
interior of British Columbia. It is therefore not surprising that inversion of the DEM leads to the
recognition of a very large number of pits in the inverted DEM since the natural mountainous
landscape had many local peaks in it (which became pits in the inverted DEM). This effect can
be seen in the large number of cells that have non-zero values for the variables Vol2Fl, Mm2Fl
and Parea in Figure 19 and in the very large absolute values associated with these variables.
The large number of pits in an inverted DEM makes it impractical and un-necessary to apply all
three of the pit removing stages used for the non-inverted DEM. Only stage 1 pit removing is
applied to the inverted DEM by FlowMapR.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The inverted DEM pit file (ID#iPit)
Application of the flow calculation algorithms to the inverted DEM only produces a single pit table
(ID#iPit) as only stage 1 pit removing procedures are applied to the inverted DEM.

Figure 20. Illustration of the structure and content of the inverted pit file ID#iPit

The inverted DEM pit file (ID#iPit) is identical in structure to the original non-inverted pit file
however several fields (columns) of data are not used by the inverted DEM pit file. No data are
computed or stored for the fields Edge, Final, NextPit or Becomes. The fields Removed, Stage,
Visited and Endpit are also not used for the inverted DEM pit removing and contain no valid data.
Values computed for pit volume and pit area can get very large as most natural landscapes tend
to have large peaks or domes that produce large values for pit volume when inverted and treated
as pits.

Using and visualizing the FlowMapR Output Data
FlowMapR is mainly used to pre-process DEM data to compute flow topology for use by
subsequent programs, specifically FormMapR and WeppMapR.
The FormMapR program uses both up-slope and down-slope flow topology computed by
FlowMapR to assist in calculating flow distances and changes in elevation from each cell in a
DEM to the closest cells recognized as pit or peak, channel or divide cells. Distance to peak and
divide cells is measured by flowing up-slope along notional paths of upslope flow from every cell
in a DEM to the nearest cell recognized to be a peak cell or a divide cell to which it is connected
by a defined flow path. Similarly, distance to pit and channel cells is measured by flowing downslope along paths of steepest descent from every cell to the nearest cell that is classified as a pit
or channel cell.
Recognition of cells as belonging to ridges or channels is accomplished by selecting threshold
values for upslope area count (for both down-slope and notional up-slope flow) that are believed
to correspond well with the actual observed drainage network. It is therefore often advantageous
to produce maps that depict the drainage network associated with different threshold values for
upslope area count as computed by FlowMapR in order to provide guidance and confidence in
selecting appropriate values of upslope area count to use to identify likely channel and divide
networks. Different threshold values can be mapped and the resulting simulated drainage
networks can be compared to available information that depicts the known drainage network to
aid in selecting the most appropriate threshold values to use. Figure 21 illustrates the drainage
networks simulated using three different threshold values for upslope area count of 100, 200 and
300 cells against a backdrop of the hillshade image produced from the DEM used to compute the
simulated drainage network. The lower the threshold value selected for upslope area, the longer,
more complex and more extensive will be the resulting simulated drainage network. The higher
the selected threshold value the simpler and less complex the resulting drainage network will be.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 21. llustration of drainage networks simulated using threshold values of 100 (green), 200 (red) and 300 (blue)
upslope cells

Several rules of thumb have been developed for selecting appropriate threshold values for
upslope area count. These rules are based on the experience gained from processing hundreds
of DEMs of varying resolution.
In general appropriate threshold values usually fall into the range of 300-1000 cells of upslope
area count. A value of 300 has consistently worked well for high-resolution DEMs with a
horizontal resolution of 5 m and a vertical accuracy of +/- 30 cm. I have had to use threshold
values of 1000 up to 2000 to simulate drainage networks for DEMs with grid resolutions of 10 to
25 m that cover very large areas (10-50 km on a side) where I wanted to avoid simulating overly
complex networks. Figure 21 depicts an area 28 km EW by 22 km NS for which a drainage
network was simulated using a 100 m grid DEM. With a 100 m grid DEM, fewer cells are needed
to produce an appropriate threshold since every 100 m cell contains an area equivalent to 100 10
m cells. Thus a threshold value of 100 cells for a 100 m grid DEM is equivalent in absolute terms
to a threshold of 10,000 cells for a 10 m grid DEM.
Users are advised to make maps of the drainage networks produced by selecting different
threshold values for upslope area for most areas that they process through FlowMapR, at least
until they develop confidence that a particular threshold value will consistently produce
appropriate simulated drainage networks for their particular areas and DEM resolutions. I must
confess that I very frequently use a default threshold value of 300 for 5 m grid DEMs of relatively
small areas (800-2000 m on a side) without first making maps to depict various simulated
drainage networks. This has consistently worked well for me and I seldom check before using it,
but I do check if I am working in a new or unfamiliar terrain or with unfamiliar DEM data or
different horizontal grid resolution.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Users will be asked to enter appropriate threshold values for upslope area to use to identify
channels and ridges when they run either the FormMapR or the WeppMapR programs. These
programs will produce very different results depending upon the threshold values entered to
identify channel and divide networks. If users enter inappropriate threshold values they will likely
get inappropriate results from these two programs.

Figure 22. Illustration of local and global catchments computed for a 100 m DEM for an area 150 km EW by 95 km NS

Users may also find it instructive to create and review maps that depict the location and extent of
local catchments (Shedno) and global catchments (Shednow) as computed by the FlowMapR
program and recorded in the ID#DEM file (Figure 22). Review of these maps can help to identify
possible processing errors or errors in the input DEM that lead to incorrect or inconsistent
catchment delineation. Local catchments depict areas that contribute flow into local closed
depressions as computed by FlowMapR at the end of stage 1 pit removing. Global catchments
depict areas of fully integrated flow after all pits have been removed by stage 3 pit removing.
Global catchments should flow to and connect to the outside edge of the DEM matrix and no
global catchment should flow into and combine with any other global (edge) catchment. The
thick red lines in Figure 22 depict the extent of the simulated global catchments while the black
lines and various background colors depict the location and extent of local catchments. Each
numbered catchment can be linked to its description in the appropriate ID#Pit file via the
catchment ID number (shedno for local catchments and shednow for global catchments).
Users may also wish to make and review maps of the variables vol2fl, mm2fl and parea that are
stored in the ID#DEM file. These variables provide a good indication of which portions of a DEM
are contained within closed depressions and how much water is required to first flood each cell in
a closed DEM in terms of both absolute volume (vol2fl) and relative amount of runoff (mm2fl).
The data for mm2fl can be interpreted in terms of the relative likelihood that a given cell contained
within a closed depression will ever receive enough runoff to become inundated. It may be
considered to be a measure of relative likelihood of inundation from runoff water.
Users need to be patient with the FlowMapR program as it can take a long time to run to
completion on large data sets, particularly if they contain many depressions or pits.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The FormMapR component computes a number of terrain derivatives that describe surface form,
orientation, wetness index, relative and absolute relief and relative and absolute slope lengths.
These terrain derivatives are used as the primary (or sole) inputs to the subsequent FacetMapR
program for classifying landforms or ecological spatial entities.

Input Data
The FormMapR component uses output from the FlowMapR program as well as the original input
elevation data to perform its calculations. FormMapR will not work properly unless the
FlowMapR program has been run successfully to completion prior to running FormMapR and
unless all files produced by application of the FlowMapR program are present in the default folder
that is identified as containing the required input data.
As with FlowMapR, FormMapR operates on input elevation data formatted as a regular (raster)
grid and stored in a DBF format file. It does not operate on elevation data formatted as irregular
x, y, z point data, as a triangular irregular network (TIN) or as vector contours.

Operation of the FormMapR Program
The FormMapR interface is illustrated in Figure 23.

Figure 23. Illustration of the FormMapR interface and input requirements


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Running FormMapR requires the user to make the following decisions and input the following
user supplied information.

Identifying the input data location and working folder
First, the user must navigate to the folder that contains all of the required input data and to select
the ID#DEM file that is associated with the site to be processed. This ID#DEM file must have
been produced by a successful application of the FlowMapR program. Other files produced by
the FlowMapR program (e.g. ID#Pit, ID#iPit) must also have been pre-computed by the
FlowMapR program and must be present in the same folder as the selected ID#DEM file. The
folder that you navigate to will automatically become the default folder into which all output from
FormMapR will be placed.

Entering the horizontal dimensions of a grid cell
The user must then enter the horizontal dimensions of a grid cell in meters. The FormMapR
program was never set up to handle measurement units other than meters. The user-entered
value for grid dimension is used in calculations of slope gradient and curvature as well as to
compute distance from each cell to cells identified as channels and ridges or pits and peaks.
There are occasions where it can be beneficial to lie to the program and to enter incorrect values
for the horizontal dimensions of a grid cell. An example of such a situation would be the case of
a DEM for a landscape that had very low and subtle relief. The existing landform classification
rules (e.g. LM3Crule) would likely classify such areas into mostly three classes, namely level
upper, level mid and level lower slopes, as most cells would not likely produce high enough
values for slope gradient or slope curvature to be considered either sloping or strongly convex or
concave. If the horizontal grid dimensions were actually 5 m and the user entered a value of 1 m
for the horizontal grid dimensions, this would be equivalent to applying a 5 times vertical
exaggeration to the input DEM data. This vertical exaggeration increases the values computed
for slope gradient and curvatures by a factor of five, resulting in many more cells being
considered to have strong slopes and curvatures.
From this example, it is clear that there may be situations where it is advantageous to enter an
incorrect value for the horizontal grid dimensions in order to achieve a de facto rescaling of the
input DEM data without having to actually make any changes to the input data. Entering values
that are less than the actual grid dimensions will have the effect of exaggerating the relief and
generating values for slope and curvature that are larger than they actually are. Entering values
that are greater than the actual grid dimensions will have the effect of flattening the landscape
and producing lower values for slope and curvatures. This approach permits users to, in effect,
apply different classification rules to different types of landscapes without having to change the
input rule files in any way. The rule files stay the same, but the input data sets are altered to
exaggerate or subdue the landscape and alter the values for slope and curvature presented to
subsequent classification procedures.

Entering threshold values for recognizing channels and ridges
Users must decide upon, and enter, threshold values for upslope area count for both down-slope
and upslope flow. As previously discussed, these threshold values are used to identify which grid
cells get recognized as belonging to channels (for down-slope flow) or ridges (for upslope flow).
It is important to select threshold values that result in production of a channel and ridge network
that is reasonable and realistic for the area, the terrain and the objectives of the subsequent
landform classification. If the entered threshold values are too low, too many cells will be classed
as belonging to channels or ridges. This can confuse and distort the calculations of absolute and
relative relief and slope position performed by the FormMapR program. In the same vein, if
threshold values are too high, too few cells may be classed as channels or ridges and
calculations of distances to channels or ridges will not differ much from the parallel calculations of
distances to pits and peaks.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

A default value of 300 cells of upslope area count has been found to work well for many kinds of
terrain and many different DEMs of different grid resolutions and extent. The 300 cell value
seems to be particularly suitable when processing relatively high resolution (5-10 m horizontal
grid cells) DEM data for field and farm sized areas (800 m to 1600 m on a side). For DEM data
sets with a very small number of cells (e.g. less than 10,000) it may frequently be necessary to
select lower threshold values (100-200 cells) as there are simply not enough cells in the DEM to
produce large upslope area counts in the range of 300 or greater. For very large DEM data sets
containing 1 million cells or more, it has often proven better to select threshold values closer to
1000 cells as lower thresholds can result in recognition of divide and channel networks that are
overly detailed and confusing.
It is advisable for users to produce maps and visualizations of upslope area count immediately
after running FlowMapR and before running FormMapR so that they can be confident they have
selected and entered threshold values that will produce appropriate stream and channel
networks. Having said this, I have very often selected and entered threshold values “blindly”
without reference to maps of different threshold values. This approach seems to work if one has
processed a large number of DEMs of similar resolution for similar terrain and if a particular
threshold value has consistently proven to produce reasonable divide and channel network
Upslope area represents a count of numbers of cells and does not represent absolute upslope
area in square meters. The number of cells needs to be multiplied by the area of a single grid
cell to convert upslope area count into a measure of absolute upslope area. There are both
advantages and disadvantages to storing upslope area as a cell count rather than an absolute
area value. Cell counts produce smaller numbers and take up less space both in memory and on
disk. This was an important consideration at the time the programs were first written. Cell counts
are also relative, rather than absolute. This has turned out to be an advantage in many
instances. DEMs with larger horizontal grid resolutions (e.g. 100-500 m) tend to be used to cover
larger areas than DEMs with smaller grid resolutions (e.g. 5-10 m). One tends to be interested in
lower order main channels when working with coarser resolution (100-500 m) DEMs that cover
large areas and to be interested in higher order ephemeral channels when working with finer
resolution DEMs for smaller areas. A threshold value of 300 cells tends to be appropriate across
a variety of scales for different resolutions of DEM data and extent of area covered. Because
upslope area count is a relative measure, it tends to support “scaling up” in that only larger and
more conspicuous channels and ridges are recognized by the 300 cell threshold for coarse
resolution DEMs and smaller and more ephemeral channels and ridges are recognized by the
same 300 cell threshold for finer resolution DEMs covering a smaller area. Problems with this
default threshold value appear to occur when working with fine resolution DEMs that cover very
large areas or coarser DEMs that cover small areas.

Selecting which combination of derivatives to compute
FormMapR is set up to compute three different sets of output that comprise different subsets and
combinations of the full range of possible terrain derivatives that are available. The user is
required to identify which output subset is required to support which subsequent application.
There are several reasons for offering three different choices. Firstly, the FormMapR program
has, to date, been used mainly to compute terrain derivatives for use as input into two different
classification applications. These are the original LandMapR landform segmentation model (LSM)
and a more recent Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM) application in British Columbia,
Canada. These two applications use different subsets of the total range of terrain derivatives that
are presently available for computation by the full FormMapR program. A decision was taken to
not compute those terrain derivatives that were not absolutely necessary for use by the two main
applications. This approach saves considerable disk space by not having to store data for
variables that are not used in a subsequent classification procedure. It also reduces memory
requirements and speeds up the subsequent classification procedures as they are not required to
read in data for terrain derivatives that they subsequently do not use. Avoidance of computing,
storing and reading un-necessary data values can result in considerable savings of time and disk
storage when processing large files containing several millions of cells.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

A second reason for having different options is that there is a small, but significant, difference in
the values computed for diffuse upslope area and compound topographic index (wetness index)
in the output produced for the two main applications. When the initial LandMapR landform
segmentation program (LSM) was developed diffuse upslope area was computed and recorded
as a count of numbers of upslope cells that could contribute runoff to a down-slope cell according
to the multiple descent algorithm of Quinn et al., (1991, 1995). Diffuse upslope area was
reported in terms of relative cell count units and not absolute area. The rules developed to
classify landforms using the LandMapR LSM procedures referenced diffuse upslope area
reported in terms of these cell counts. When the BC PEM classification procedures were
developed, it was decided to revise the calculations of diffuse upslope area and wetness index so
that the results were reported in terms of absolute upslope area in square meters. Thus, the two
applications reference different versions of the variables computed for wetness index and diffuse
upslope area. Values computed in terms of cell units for use in the initial LandMapR landform
classification procedures will not properly support the BC PEM application and vice versa. It is
therefore necessary to maintain separate options within the FormMapR program that compute
and report wetness index and diffuse upslope area in terms of either relative cell counts or
absolute upslope area.
Users are cautioned that it is very important that they make the correct selection and compute the
correct suite of terrain derivatives needed to support whichever subsequent classification
application they propose to apply. Failure to select the proper output subset will result in an
incorrect subset of variables being available for use by the subsequent classification program and
with incorrect values for diffuse upslope area and wetness index that are not in synch with the
classification rules being used.
The third option is to compute all possible terrain derivatives currently available for computation
by the FormMapR program. This option will result in calculation and storage of all terrain
derivatives that the FormMapR program can currently compute. Users are advised that diffuse
upslope area calculations produced by this option are reported in terms of absolute upslope area
in square meters. The values for wetness index and diffuse upslope area are therefore not
compatible with the rule bases currently used to classify landform facets using the LandMapR
LSM landform classification procedures. A small change to the LSM rule bases would permit
these values to be used as input to the LSM classification procedures.
The third option produces a third file of output data that is not produced by either of the other two
options. This third output file (ID#Len) contains data on absolute and relative slope lengths that
is not computed or stored by the other two options.

FormMapR Output Files
FlowMapR creates 3 different DBF output files (Table 2). Two of the files (ID#Form & ID#RelZ)
are produced by all three options while one file (ID#Len) is only produced by option three.
Table 2. Listing and description of all DBF output files produced by the FormMapR program


Description of contents


This file contains data that describe the shape and form of the terrain surface as
well as the spatial distribution of a relative moisture index. It contains data for
slope gradient and aspect, profile and plan curvature, diffuse upslope area and
wetness index or compound topographic index as per Quinn et al., (1991).
This file contains data on a number of custom measures of absolute relief and
relative slope position measured as vertical distance from each cell to the closest
cell to which it is connected by a defined flow path that is classified as pit or peak,
channel or divide cell.
This file contains data on a number of custom measures of absolute slope length
and relative slope position measured as horizontal distance from each cell to the
closest cell to which it is connected by a defined flow path that is classified as pit
or peak, channel or divide cell.




LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The ID#Form Output File

Figure 24. Illustration of the format and content of the ID#Form DBF Tables produced by options a (left) and b (right)

FormMapR uses equations reported by Eyton (1991) to compute slope gradient (Slope), aspect
(Aspect), profile (Prof) and plan (Plan) curvature. Aspect is not presently used by the default
LSM classification rules, but the derivative is still computed and stored. Alternative algorithms for
computing slope and curvature (Martz and de Jong, 1987; Zevenbergen and Thorne, 1987) were
initially investigated but it was eventually concluded that Eyton’s (1991) algorithms were more
robust and more suitable for use in the landform classification procedures
FormMapR uses the multiple descent flow accumulation algorithm of Quinn et al., (1991) to
compute diffuse upslope area (Qarea) and wetness index (Qweti). The algorithm of Quinn et al.,
(1991) differs from a conventional D8 algorithm in that drainage is allowed to flow from a given
cell to all neighbor cells that are down-slope of it. The total amount of drainage from a cell to its
down-slope neighbors is partitioned in proportion to the steepness of the slope from the cell to
each of its neighbors. In this algorithm, more of the total upslope area count is placed into
neighbors into which the slope is steep and less into neighbors with almost the same elevation as
the cell being drained. Wetness index is the familiar Ln(α/tan β) index. It is computed as simply
the log of the diffuse upslope area count divided by the tan of the slope. This calculation reflects
the assumption that a cell with a high upslope area but a steep slope will pass on more of the inflow it receives than will a cell with equivalent upslope area but a low slope gradient (flat) where
water is more likely to stand for some period. The wetness index derivative provides a useful
measure of the relative likelihood of a cell being wetter or drier than normal, due to surface and
near surface runoff from positions above it and higher in the landscape.
Figure 24 illustrates the similarities and differences in content between the ID#Form file produced
using option a (derivatives required for the LSM classification) and options b and c (derivatives
required for the BC PEM DSS classification and for the full set of derivatives). Values for slope,
aspect, profile and plan curvature are identical in both sets of output. The values computed for
diffuse upslope area (Qarea) and wetness index (Qweti) are much larger in the table on the right
produced by selecting options b or c. This is because these options compute diffuse upslope
area in terms of absolute area in square meters and not in terms of grid cell units as reported by
the table on the left. Options b and c compute and store data for an additional field named
New_asp, for new aspect. This is simply the value for aspect rotated 45° counter-clockwise to
achieve an effect equivalent to having 0° and 360° oriented pointing NW (e.g. 315°) with true NE
(45°) having a re-scaled value of 90°. This re-orientation of aspect was done to facilitate direct
application of fuzzy logic equations to data for aspect to compute values of likelihood of having a
NE or SW orientation. This version of the ID#Form table also computes and stores a value for
log of diffuse upslope area as the transformed value is more suitable for display as a grid map.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The ID#RelZ Output File

Figure 25. Illustration of the format and content of the ID#RelZ DBF Table produced by option a (LSM Derivatives only)

Each of the three options provided by the FormMapR program generates a different version of
the ID#RelZ file. The first option to “compute only those derivatives required to run the LSM
classification program” produces the ID#RelZ output file illustrated in Figure 25. This is the
option that most current users of the LandMapR suite of programs will most often be interested in
and will most often select.
Custom algorithms are used in FormMapR to compute a large number of measures of absolute
and relative relief, slope length and relative slope position. These algorithms have some
similarities to procedures previously described by Skidmore (1990) but also possess some
features not described or available in the Skidmore approach (Figures 26 & 27).
Upslope length - cell to peak (cells)





3 4







Upslope drainage direction (UDIR)


Elevation of each
cell above pit
elevation (m)



3 cells







5 cells


position as
% height
above pit

Downslope drainage direction (DDIR)














Downslope length - cell to pit (cells)
80 100 100 88 75 63 50 38 25 12 0

10 20

Relative slope position as % length upslope
Figure 26. Illustration of the procedures used to compute various measures of relief, slope length and slope position


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

As illustrated in Figures 26 and 27, the algorithm traces down-slope from each cell along a
defined flow path until it reaches a pit centre cell identified by a drainage direction value of 5.
Along the way, it records the location and elevation of the first cell along the flow path that is
classified as a channel cell. The first channel cell is the first cell encountered along the flow path
that has a value for upslope area equal to or greater than the user-selected threshold value for
identifying channels. The algorithm records the location of both the first channel cell and the pit
cell in terms of row and column coordinates and the elevation of each target cell in meters. The
algorithm returns to the initial start cell and traverses the flow path a second time. As it retraverses the flow path it computes the difference in elevation between each cell along the flow
path and the currently stored value for elevation of the nearest channel and pit cell. It also
computes the horizontal distance from each cell to the stored locations of the nearest channel
and pit cells. It also computes the length of the flow path from each grid cell to the nearest
channel and pit cell in terms of total number of cells along the flow path from each cell to its
associated channel and pit cell. These data on path length in cells is only written out for options
b and c.
The column labeled Z2St in Figure 25 stores a value for a variable that describes the vertical
elevation difference (or relief) between a given cell and the first channel cell to which it is
connected by a defined flow path. Similarly, Z2Pit is the vertical change in elevation (relief)
between each cell and the local (first order) pit cell at which flow would terminate if the pit were
not removed.




PCTZ2PIT = 50%


PCTZ2TOP = 50%

PCTZ2TOP = 50%

PMIN2MAX = 60%

PCTZ2PIT = 50%

PCTZ2PIT = 50%

PCTZ2TOP = 15%

PCTZ2TOP = 25% PCTZ2PIT = 50%


Figure 27. Illustration of the concept of relative relief as a function of elevation distance to significant landscape tie points

After completing tracing down-slope to identify vertical and horizontal distances to cells classified
as channel and pit cells, the process is repeated for notional upslope flow. The algorithm traces
upslope along a path of steepest ascent until it reaches a peak cell. As with the previously
described down-slope flow algorithm, the location and elevation of the first cell classified as a
divide cell that is passed through along the way is also recorded. Once the locations and
elevations of these significant tie points have been determined for each cell it is possible to
compute both the elevation difference (relief) and the horizontal distance between each cell and
the identified divide and peak cells to which it is connected by a defined path of steepest ascent.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The column labeled Z2Cr in Figure 25 stores a value for a variable that describes the vertical
elevation difference (or relief) between a given cell and the first divide (or crest) cell to which it is
connected by a defined flow path. Similarly, Z2Peak is the vertical change in elevation (relief)
between each cell and the local peak cell (e.g. a pit in the inverted DEM) at which up-slope flow
A number of measures of absolute and relative relief, slope length and slope position can be
computed by reference to the previously computed values for horizontal and vertical distance
from each cell to the respective pit, peak, channel and divide cells to which the cell is connected
by a defined flow path.
One measure of absolute relief is the total change in elevation from pit to peak of the flow path
that runs through a given cell (Zpit2Peak). A similar variable can be computed to express the
change in elevation from divide to channel (Zcr2st) of the flow path that runs through a given cell.
A third tie point not previously described is the elevation of the highest cell in a catchment. Since
a catchment can possess a number of different local peaks, but only one local pit, total relief can
also be expressed as the total change in elevation from the highest to lowest point in a given
catchment to which a cell belongs (Ztop2Pit).
As with vertical relief, similar measures of the total length of a flow path through a cell from pit to
peak (LPit2Peak) or divide to channel (Lst2Div) can also be computed. Flow distance can also
be expresses as total length of the flow path in cells, rather than as total horizontal (as the crow
flies) distance in meters.
The measures of absolute relief and slope length described above are then combined to compute
a number of useful measures of relative relief and relative slope position. The variable PctZ2Pit
provides an estimate of the percent vertical distance that a cell is upslope relative to the total
change in elevation between the pit and peak to which it is connected to via defined flow paths.
Similarly PctZ2St expresses the relative relief of a cell with respect to the nearest divide and
channel cells to which it is connected by a defined flow path. PctL2Pit and PctL2St provide
equivalent measures expressed in terms length upslope relative to the nearest pit and peak or
channel and divide to which a cell is connected by a defined flow path.
Experience working with these measures of relative relief and relative slope length has led to the
conclusion that the vertical measures of PctZ2St and PctZ2Pit provide superior measures of
relative slope position than do the equivalent horizontal measures of PctL2St and PctL2Pit.
Finally, the FlowMapR program also computes relative relief with respect to the highest and
lowest elevation in the watershed in which the cell is located (PctZ2Top) and with respect to the
highest and lowest elevation in the entire DEM data set (PMin2Max).
These multiple measures of relative relief and relative slope position provide very useful data for
establishing the contextual position of each cell in a landscape. They can act as a kind of glue,
enforcing a certain amount of spatial continuity and cohesion onto any resulting landform
To date, none of the classification approaches have made use of all of the various measures of
absolute and relative relief, slope length and landform position, but they can all be computed and
they can all be recorded and stored if the third option (compute a full set of all possible
derivatives) is selected.
The DBF table produced when the third option is selected (compute a full set of all possible
derivatives) contains all currently computed measures of absolute and relative relief. It is rather
large and unwieldy and not easily illustrated as a single table. Figure 28 illustrates, as two
separate halves, the entire contents of ID#RelZ table produced by selecting the third option. This
table stores a great deal of data, some of which is redundant and unnecessary. The structure of
the full table reflects the early algorithm development history when row and column locations and
elevations were explicitly stored for each cell for the pit, peak, channel and divide cells to which
each cell was connected by a defined flow path. These data were initially used to check and
debug the algorithm but no longer have any valid function.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 28. Illustration of the format and content of the ID#RelZ DBF Table produced by option c (Compute all Derivatives)

The procedures used to compute the various measures of absolute and relative relief and slope
length are perhaps most easily understood by examining the table produced when the option to
compute all possible derivatives is selected (Figure 28). This table explicitly stores the row and
column locations and the elevation of the key tie point cells (pits, peaks, channels and divides) to
which each cell is connected by a set of defined down-slope and up-slope flow paths. It should
be fairly clear that, knowing the location and elevation of each grid cell (not shown in Figure 28) it
is relatively easy and straight forward to compute the vertical difference in elevation as well as the
horizontal distance from each cell to the pit, peak, channel and divide cells to which it is

The ID#Len Output File

Figure 29. Illustration of the format and content of the ID#Len DBF Table produced by option c (Compute all Derivatives)


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The DBF table ID#Len (Figure 29) is produced by processing the full ID#RelZ file (Figure 28)
when the option to compute all possible terrain derivatives is selected. The location of each grid
cell in row and column coordinates is used to compute the horizontal distance from the cell to the
cells identified in Table 28 as being the closest pit, peak, channel and divide cells. The total pit to
peak (LPit2Peak) and channel to divide (LStr2Div) distances are computed by summing the
individual pairs of distances (e.g. L2Pit + L2Peak = Lpit2peak). The measure of relative slope
position in terms of slope length (Pstr2div) is computed, for example, by dividing the length from a
cell to a channel (L2Srt) by the total channel to divide length (LStr2Div) and multiplying by 100 to
express as a percent. Percent pit to peak length (Ppit2peakL) is computed in a similar way.

Using and visualizing the FormMapR Output Data
New users are encouraged to produce grid maps depicting most of the terrain derivatives
computed by the FormMapR program in order to increase their appreciation and understanding
of these variables (see Figure 30).
Grid maps of most of the terrain derivatives computed by FormMapR have regularly been
displayed and visually interpreted to provide guidance on which variables appeared to have the
greatest potential for achieving a desired classification and what threshold values were most
appropriate to use if the variables were selected for use in a classification rule base.
Users are encouraged to experiment with using different combinations of the terrain derivatives
computed by FormMapR to create their own classification schemes with their own input variables
and rule bases. Visual review of the available terrain derivatives is an important step in devising
and implementing new or revised classification rules.

Reformatting grid data from columns in DBF tables into ArcView GRID files
The GridReadWriteUtility can be used to convert data stored in any of the DBF tables produced
by FormMapR into binary grid files in the FLT import format used by ArcView 3.2. The FLT file
can be easily imported into ArcView 3.2 using the import functionality in ArcView 3.2.
With the exception of differences in the ASCII header file, the ArcView binary FLT file is identical
to binary RST or IMG files used by Idrisi 32 so the GridReadWriteUtility can also be used to
reformat DBF format data for display in Idrisi.
If the GridReadWriteUtility is used to convert an integer value in a DBF table into an FLT file for
import into ArcView 3.2, the ArcView grid file that is produced will always treat the imported data
as real numbers. It is therefore necessary to convert the imported grid from a real to an integer
representation. This can be done by using the INT function in the ArcView 3.2 calculator to
calculate and save an integer version of the initial real grid map. This represents an unwelcome
extra step in importing integer data from a DBF table via the GridReadWriteUtility, but it is
necessary if the imported grid data are to be properly displayed and used in ArcView 3.2.
Users of the original FoxPro versions of the LandMapR programs will be familiar with a FoxPro
utility named Loc_2002 which was used to produce a DBF file named ID#_Loc. This location file
computed and stored x and y coordinates in the relevant reference system linked to the unique
sequence number (SEQNO) that appears in each DBF grid file produced by the LandMapR
programs. This X,Y, SEQNO file could be linked in ArcView 3.2 to any of the DBF tables
produced by the LandMapR programs (including FormMapR) to create a geo-registered ArcView
file of vector point data. The ArcView function Save-as-Grid could then be used to save any
column of data in the DBF table as an ArcView grid map.
There is, as yet, no C++ equivalent of the FoxPro Loc_2002 program that created the ID#_loc file
required to import DBF data into ArcView in this fashion. Users with FoxPro can continue to use
the FoxPro version of the program to accomplish this task. A C++ implementation will be
prepared if it proves to be necessary and desirable.


LandMapR© Toolkit

a) Slope gradient (%)

Users’ Manual



e) PMIN2MAX (Relief relative to min and max elev.)



b) Profile (down-slope) curvature (deg/100 m)

f) PCTZ2TOP (Relief relative to watershed min and max)



c) Plan (across-slope) curvature (deg/100 m)

g) PCTZ2PIT (Relief relative to local pit & peak elev.)



h) PCTZ2ST (Relief relative to nearest channel & divide)

d) QWETI (wetness index as per Quinn et al., 1991)

Figure 30. 3D Illustrations of 8 of the terrain derivatives computed by FormMapR (source: MacMillan et al., 2000)


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

FacetMapR is a custom program written expressly to facilitate automated classification of
landform, ecological or soil spatial entities using heuristic fuzzy logic rule bases.
The FacetMapR program reads in two control files that instruct it regarding what classes to define
and what criteria to use to define each class. Neither the classes defined, nor the input variables
used to define them are hard coded into the program. Therefore any kind or number of available
input data sets can be used to define any number of user specified classes.
New users are likely to start by applying existing rule files to produce results based on existing
classification rules. As users become more familiar with the program and how it defines and
applies classification rules, they may wish to become more adventurous and to revise existing
rule bases or define entirely new rule bases appropriate to their specific needs.

Input Data
The FacetMapR component mainly uses output from FormMapR to perform its calculations. At
present, the options that compute the original LSM landform facets use as inputs only data
computed from a single DEM input data set using the FormMapR program. The option used to
compute ecological spatial entities for Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM) in BC is set up to
use other input data sets not computed from the input DEM data and, in fact, it requires several
obligatory non-DEM data sets to be present or it will not run.
FacetMapR will not work properly unless FormMapR has been run successfully to completion
prior to running FacetMapR and unless all the required files produced by FormMapR are present
in the default folder that is identified as containing the source input data.
Users must ensure that they have run FormMapR with the correct option selected. If, for
example, they were to have run FormMapR with the option to compute the variables needed to
run the LSM classification selected and they were to subsequently try to run FacetMapR with the
option to apply the PEM DSS classification approach selected, the FacetMapR program would
fail. It would not be able to locate all of the input variables and input files that it requires to run
this option. Similarly, the options to apply either the original LSM classification procedures or to
apply a revised and condensed version of the original LSM classification procedures both require
FormMapR to have been previously run using the option to compute only those variables
required by the LSM procedures.
FacetMapR also needs to have access to previously prepared files that contain the rules that are
used to determine what output classes to predict and what input variables to use to predict these
output classes. The FacetMapR options that apply the original and condensed LSM landform
classification procedures look for and need two (2) input files that provide the rules used to define
fuzzy landform attributes and fuzzy landform classes. By convention these usually have names
like LM3arule and LM3crule, but there is no enforced naming convention for these files.
The FacetMapR option that applies the new BC PEM Direct-to-Site-Series (DSS) classification
procedures looks for and requires a large number of paired files that define fuzzy attributes and
fuzzy classifications for each and every zone or region within the overall area for which different
rules are required and defined. The DSS option in FacetMapR reads in and uses a DBF grid
map that identifies each zone within an overall area for which different rules are meant to apply.
Each zone has a unique integer ID number. FacetMapR then looks for and reads in a fuzzy
attribute rule file with the name AruleXXXX (where XXXX is the unique integer zone ID) and a
corresponding fuzzy classification rule file with the name CruleXXXX (where XXXX is the unique
integer zone ID). If it does not find a correctly named pair of rule files for each unique integer
zone in the DBF zone file, FacetMapR will not work properly and will terminate without
completing its processing of the data. This naming convention is absolute and strictly enforced.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Operation of the FacetMapR Program
Once all required input data sets have been prepared, actual operation of the FacetMapR
program is very simple and requires users to supply only a very limited amount of interactive
input. The FacetMapR interface is illustrated in Figure 31.

Figure 31. Illustration of the FacetMapR interface

Identifying the input data location and working folder
First, the user must navigate to the folder that contains all of the required input data and must
select the ID#DEM file that is associated with the site to be processed. This ID#DEM file must
have been produced by a successful application of the FlowMapR program. All necessary files
produced by the FormMapR program (e.g. ID#Form, ID#RelZ) must also be present in the same
folder as the selected ID#DEM file. The folder that you select here will automatically become the
default folder into which all output from FacetMapR will be placed.

Identifying the name and location of the fuzzy attribute rule file
Users must identify the name and location of the DBF table that contains the rules required to
define fuzzy attributes. This DBF table can have any name and be in any location as long as it
retains the structure defined for an attribute rule table and as long as it references attributes that
occur as columns in one of the DBF tables produced by the FormMapR program. Identification of
a fuzzy attribute rule file is only required for options a (The original LandMapR LSM program) and
c (A new condensed version of the LandMapR LSM program). If option b (The new BC-PEM
Direct-to-Site_Series DSS program) is selected, this navigation box will be disabled and grayed
out as the DSS procedures do not require users to identify the name of the DBF file(s) that are to
be used to define fuzzy attributes. New users are supplied with two fuzzy attribute rule files
(LM0Arule & LM3arule) that have been widely tested and applied and that represent the current
standard for applying the original LandMapR LSM landform classification procedures.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Identifying the name and location of the fuzzy classification rule file
Users must identify the name and location of the DBF table that contains the rules required to
define fuzzy landform facets (or any other desired output classification). This DBF table can have
any name and be in any location as long as it retains the structure defined for a fuzzy
classification rule table and as long as it references fuzzy attributes that are defined in the
corresponding fuzzy attribute rule table and that can be computed using data that is present in
available DBF tables.
Identification of a fuzzy classification rule file is only required for options a (The original
LandMapR LSM program) and c (A new condensed version of the LandMapR LSM program). If
option b (The new BC-PEM Direct-to-Site_Series DSS program) is selected, this navigation box
will be disabled and grayed out as the DSS procedures do not require users to identify the name
of the DBF file(s) that are to be used to define fuzzy ecological classes. New users are supplied
with at two fuzzy classification rule files (LM0arule & LM3crule) that have been widely tested and
applied and that represent the current standard for applying the original LandMapR LSM
landform classification procedures.

Selecting which classification procedure (option) to run
FacetMapR is set up to compute three different sets of output that implement three different
classification approaches. The user is required to identify which classification approach is
desired and to select the appropriate option. Three options are presently available.
The first option (Option a) runs the LandMapR LSM program exactly as it was originally devised
and set up in its original FoxPro implementation (MacMillan et al., 1997a,b; 1998; 2000). This
option produces two large files that contain data for every fuzzy attribute computed and for every
possible fuzzy classification for every grid cell in a matrix.
As the size of the areas to which the LSM procedures were applied increased it became evident
that storage of all this unused data was wasteful and un-necessary. An alternative
implementation of the LSM procedures was devised (Option c) that only stored data on the final
classification results for each grid cell and did not store all of the intermediate calculations.
The second option (Option b) runs the new BC Direct-to-Site-Series (DSS) programs that apply
different rules to different portions of a grid matrix and that also access and use external grid data
stored in DBF tables. The external grid data represent data layers or grid coverages that were not
produced by analysis of an input DEM data set by the FlowMapR and FormMapR programs but
were converted from available secondary source data or were produced expressly to support the
PEM DSS classification.
The third option (Option c) runs a new condensed version of the original LandMapR LSM
landform classification procedures. This option is functionally equivalent to the original LSM
program but it runs faster and uses less disk storage for the output results. This is because it
only stores data for the final classification result for each grid cell and does not store data on the
intermediate calculations of fuzzy landform attributes or individual fuzzy landform class likelihood
values for each grid cell.
This approach saves considerable disk space by not having to store data for intermediate
calculations that tend not to be used. It reduces memory requirements and speeds up the
classification procedures as they are not required to write out data that are subsequently not
used. Avoidance of computing, storing and reading un-necessary data values can result in
considerable savings of time and disk storage when processing large files containing several
millions of cells.
Most current users are expected to select and run option c (The new condensed version of the
LandMapR LSM Program) most of the time. They may wish to run option a (The original LSM
program) a few times to gain a better appreciation of how the classification approach works or to
ensure that their results are identical to those produced by the original FoxPro LSM program. In
general, however, option c will run faster and will produce and record all output data most users
will be interested in obtaining and using.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Constructing and modifying rule files
FacetMapR applies fuzzy logic using a two step approach adapted from Burrough et al., 1992.
The first step is to convert numerical input data (both classed and continuous) into integer values
that are referred to as “fuzzy attributes”. Fuzzy attributes are continuous values scaled from 0 –
100 which express landform attributes in terms of fuzzy semantic constructs such as the degree
to which a site (e.g. a grid cell) is considered to be steeply sloping or near a mid-slope. Rules for
computing fuzzy attributes are defined in a DBF attribute rule file that, by convention, is always
assigned a name that contains the root word “arule”. Different prefixes and suffixes are
appended to this root to identify different versions of the rules for computing fuzzy attributes.
In the second step, previously computed fuzzy attribute values are converted into continuous
numbers scaled from 0-100 which express the likelihood that a given cell or site belongs to each
of n defined output classes. Rules for defining “fuzzy output classes” are stored in a second DBF
rule table that, by convention, is always assigned a name that contains the root word “crule”.
Different prefixes and suffixes are appended to this root to identify different versions of these
fuzzy classification rule files.

Converting raw input variables into fuzzy landform attributes
A module in the FacetMapR program named Fuzz_calc converts raw input data values (usually
terrain derivatives) into fuzzy landform attributes. The process by which this occurs is
documented in MacMillan et al., (2000).
The Fuzz_calc procedure reads the fuzzy attribute rule file (Figure 32) to determine how many
fuzzy attributes to compute, what to name them, what variables to use to compute them and what
fuzzy models to apply to the input values to convert them into fuzzy attribute values.

Figure 32, Illustration of the fuzzy attribute rule file that is the current standard for computing LSM fuzzy landform facets

The example fuzzy attribute rule file (Figure 32) defines 17 different fuzzy landform attributes
based on 7 different terrain derivative inputs. The field File_in tells the program to obtain data for
the first 10 attributes from data stored in the formfile (ID#Form) DBF table and to obtain data to
compute the next 7 fuzzy attributes from the relzfile (ID#Relz). The field Attr_in tells the program

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

the field name of the column in the source file that contains the input variable to be used to
compute the fuzzy attribute currently being defined. The field Class_out tells the program what
name to give to the fuzzy attribute currently being defined. The field Model_no tells the program
the kind of fuzzy model to use to re-scale the raw input value for each grid cell into a fuzzy
likelihood value scaled from 0 to 100. The fields named B, B_low, B_high, B1, B2 and D are
parameters used by the fuzzy model calculation to determine how to re-scale the raw input data
into fuzzy likelihood values ranging from 0 to 100 (Figure 33).
For example, the fuzzy attribute for likelihood of being convex in the down-slope direction
(CONVEX_D) is based on applying fuzzy model number 4 (Figure 33) to the value for the input
variable profile curvature (PROF) that is located in the formfile source file in a field named PROF.
The key parameter values are b = 5 and D = 2.5. B = 5 indicates that any value of profile
curvature equal to or greater than 5 is considered to fully meet the criteria for being considered to
be strongly convex in the down-slope direction (likelihood = 100). D = 2.5 is the dispersion index.
It indicates that the value for likelihood of being convex in the down-slope direction decreases by
½ to 50 at a value for profile curvature that is 2.5 units less than the value assigned for B. This
value works out to be 2.5 (e.g. B(5) – D(2.5) = 2.5).


Model 1








Model 5






Model 4









Figure 33. Illustration of the three main models used to compute fuzzy likelihood values from raw input values

The actual calculation used to convert a raw input value (x) into a fuzzy likelihood value for any
defined fuzzy attribute is quite simple (see equation 1). The value for B read in from the fuzzy
attribute rule file (Figure 32) is subtracted from the raw value for the input variable (X) and divided
by the value for dispersion index (D) also read in from the fuzzy attribute rule file. The result is
squared and added to 1 to form a denominator that is then divided into 1. For model 4, if X is
greater than B then the fuzzy likelihood value is automatically set to 100 and equation 1 is not
used. If X is less than B, then the more it differs from B the higher the value that will be
computed for ((X-B)/D)2 and the lower the resulting value for fuzzy membership function will be.




1 + 
 
 

x −b 
d 



* 100 KKK for K 0 ≤ x ≤ P


Scaling of the fuzzy landform attribute values from 0 to 100 requires selection of an appropriate
model and application of appropriate values for the boundary value or central concept value (b)
and the dispersion index (d) for each terrain derivative. Of the five distinct model types defined
by Burrough (1989) for conversion of terrain derivatives into fuzzy landform attributes only types
one, four and five have yet been used by any of the landform classification rules defined to date.
However, the FacetMapR program will support all 5 model types defined by Burrough (1989)
should users wish to use model types two or three.
Model 1 (Figure 33 a) is used for computing attributes such as relative likelihood of being close to
a mid-slope landscape position in which the central concept for mid-slope is taken to be a value
of 50% for landscape position computed relative to the closest local pit and peak cells. In this
model, the relative likelihood of occupying a mid-slope landscape position diminishes in a
symmetrical manner as one moves outwards in both directions (up and down) from the central

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

value. Model 4 (Figure 33 b) is applied for attributes such as relatively convex (in profile or plan)
or relatively steep slope in which all values of an input variable greater than the specified upper
boundary value (b) are considered to fully satisfy the requirements for class membership (MF =
100). Similarly, model 5 (Figure 33 c) is applied for all attributes for which some minimum value
of input variable exists below which all values are considered to fully satisfy the criteria for class
Expert judgment is generally used to select appropriate values for b and d for each fuzzy terrain
attribute. If spatially referenced field sample data are available, they can certainly be analyzed to
determine if there are natural clusters or breaks in the distribution of input variable values relative
to classes of interest. In this way, the heuristic reasoning typically employed to create rule
definitions can be replaced, or supplemented with, evidential reasoning based on quantitative
analysis of available data.
In theory, values used for boundaries, central concepts (b) and dispersion indices (d) should be
selected with reference to the relevant literature. In practice, however, most of the existing rule
bases defined for use with FacetMapR were developed using personal judgments arrived at
through successive application and evaluation of different rule bases that used different threshold
values to define fuzzy attributes. The criteria used to decide which threshold values produced
the most desirable classifications were a combination of visual review and assessment and field
studies to document the classes that explained the greatest proportion of the observed variation
in stable soil properties (e.g. organic carbon, topsoil depth), crop yields or ecological classes.
The current standard fuzzy attribute rules for use by the LandMapR LSM procedures (Table 32)
use quite low threshold values to recognize strong curvatures (5.0 deg/100 m versus the more
commonly used threshold value of 10 deg/100 m) and steep slopes (2% versus a more common
value of 5%). We have found that the higher threshold values for slope gradient and curvature
typically proposed in the literature (see Pennock et al., 1987, 1994) tend to place extensive
portions of most typical agricultural landscapes into classes that are deemed to be both planar
and level. The more demanding thresholds of Pennock et al., (1987) are not sensitive enough to
the relatively low degree of profile and plan curvature and to the relatively low slope gradients
that appear to be characteristic of most typical agricultural landscapes. They therefore do not
seem to produce the most desirable classifications of landform elements using the fuzzy
classification procedures employed by FacetMapR. The current default LandMapR LSM
landform classification rule bases reflect our trial and error experience in the relatively low
threshold values that they use to differentiate divergent and convergent from planar slopes and
gentle from steeper slopes.
The BC PEM Direct-to-Site-Series classification procedures require different fuzzy attribute rule
files and fuzzy classification rule files for many different zones or classification regions. The BCPEM DSS approach also requires an ability to read in and consider data for any number and type
of “external” input data layers that are not produced by analysis of a digital elevation model using
the FlowMapR and FormMapR programs. Figure 34 provides an example of a fuzzy attribute
rule base created for use with the BC PEM DSS classification procedures. This table illustrates
how a different combination of input variables from that used for the conventional LSM landform
facet classification can be used to define a considerably different set of fuzzy attributes. This rule
base elects to use different ranges of the terrain variable for log of diffuse upslope area
(LNQAREA) to define a series of fuzzy attributes that express the likelihood of a cell being in a
particular slope position. Similarly, the terrain variable wetness index (QWETI) is used to define
a series of fuzzy attributes that provide approximations of moisture status, slope is used to define
classes of relative slope steepness and the terrain variable NEW_ASP is used to compute the
likelihood that a cell has a NE or a SW aspect. Also evident in this rule base is a series of fuzzy
attributes that are based on consideration of input data not derived solely from automated
analysis of an input DEM. These data provide information on the depth and texture of surficial
materials and on the presence of high ridges. They are read in from a new input file (Geofile)
that is not produced by automated analysis of an input DEM and that was not referenced by the
previously illustrated fuzzy attribute rule file used in computing LSM landform facets.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 34. Example of a fuzzy attribute rule file with that defines attributes for use in the BC-PEM DSS classification

The BC-PEM DSS application required an ability to edit existing fuzzy rule files and create new
fuzzy rule files in an efficient and cost-effective manner, since there was a need to create and
revise many different rule files for many different zones. The most convenient and efficient way
to edit (or create) a fuzzy rule file is to open an existing rule file in DBF format using Microsoft
Excel and to add, delete or change entries in the fuzzy rule file using the cell editing capabilities
of Excel. The edited file can then be saved from Excel in DBF format and used by FacetMapR.
A Microsoft Excel worksheet that contains a paired combination of fuzzy attribute and fuzzy
classification rule files on the same page was determined to be a very convenient and effective
way to organize rule files for editing. When the fuzzy attribute and fuzzy classification rule files
are viewed simultaneously, the effect of changes made to either of the rule files can be better
reviewed and appreciated. This makes for more informed and efficient creation or editing of rule
files and supports improved archiving and documentation of the history of development of rule
bases. Figure 35 provides an example of an Excel workspace used in creating rule bases for the
BC-PEM DSS application. It contains a cross sectional profile diagram that illustrates the
conceptual classes that the rules are trying to capture in addition to working copies of the fuzzy
attribute and fuzzy classification rule bases that pertain to the classes in the illustration.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Rules for medium textured ecological units on low relief landforms in ICHdk (Zone 501)
Version 1.0



attrwt facet_no f_code



NOTE: Diagram is incorrect! 03 should be on NE steep (Not 01). 02a is SW steep (Not 03).



model_no b
b_low b_hi
Used For
0.50 02r
0.50 02r,02a,03
0.50 01m
1.00 01n
7.30 10.30
1.50 05m
9.30 10.30
0.50 06m
10.20 10.20 10.20
9.70 10.70
0.50 07m,08m
11.20 11.20 11.20
10.70 50.00
0.50 08i,09
0.50 02r,02a,03
1.00 01m
1.00 01n
7.30 10.30
1.50 05m,06m

Figure 35. Illustration of an Excel workspace used to create and edit fuzzy rules for the BC-PEM DSS application

Computing fuzzy landform classes based on fuzzy landform attributes
A module in the FacetMapR program named Calc_class computes likelihood values for fuzzy
landform classes based on consideration of previously computed values for fuzzy landform
attributes. The process by which this occurs is documented in MacMillan et al., (2000).
The fuzzy classification rule base for the current default LSM landform classification (LM3Crule)
defines 15 fuzzy landform facets as described in Table 2.
Table 3. Names and general characteristics of the 15 landform facets in the default LSM landform classification
LM3crule default 15 LSM classes
ID No. Code Name

Slope Curvature


Generalized 3-4 classes



Gradient Other


LCR Level crest




Near Peak/Div



DSH Divergent Shoulder




Low WI



UDE Upper Depression

Concave Concave Low

High WI







Near Half/Mid



DBS Divergent Back slope




Near Half/Mid




Concave High

Near Half/Mid



CBS Convergent Back
TER Terrace




Near Half/Mid



SAD Saddle

Concave Convex


Near Half/Mid


Back slope

ID No. Code Description


MDE Mid Slope Depression Concave Concave Low

Near Half/Mid



Foot slope

Concave Concave High

Near Chan/Pit




Toe slope


Near Chan/Pit









Near Chan/Pit



LSM Lower Slope Mound




Near Chan/Pit







Near Chan/Pit



DEP Lower Depression

Concave Concave Low

Near Chan/Pit


Level Lower Slope



Upper Slopes


Mid Slopes

LOW Lower Slopes

DEP Depression

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 36. Illustration of the fuzzy classification rule file (LM3Crule) for the default LSM landform classification

The Calc_class procedure reads a fuzzy classification rule file (Figure 36) to determine how
many fuzzy output classes to compute values for, what names or codes to assign to each fuzzy
class and what fuzzy attributes and fuzzy attribute weights to use to compute them. Users can
set up rule files to define any number or type of desired output classes using any reasonable and
convenient combination of previously defined fuzzy attributes.
The fuzzy classification rule file for the default LSM landform classification (Figure 36) defines 15
landform facets using 17 fuzzy attribute values as identified in Figure 32. Rules for defining a
single facet must all be contiguous (grouped together). Each defined class is assigned a facet
name (F_name), a facet number (Facet_no) and a facet code (F_Code). The likelihood that a
given facet will occur is computed as the sum of the likelihoods of the individual defining fuzzy
attributes (Fuzattr) times the attribute weight (Attrwt) associated with each attribute.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 37. Example of a fuzzy classification rule file with that defines output classes for the BC-PEM DSS classification

Figure 37 provides an example of a fuzzy classification rule base created for use with the BC
PEM DSS classification procedures. This table illustrates how a different combination of fuzzy
attributes from that used for the conventional LSM landform facet classification can be used to
define a considerably different set of fuzzy ecological classes. This example table also shows
how the same final Site Series output class (e.g. 1001) can occur in more than one landform
position and under more than one set of defining conditions. The codes in the column F_name
(e.g. S1001s, S1001n, S1001a) identify different occurrences or phases that are all ultimately
recognized as belonging to the same final Site Series class (e.g. 1001). A similar situation is
evident for Site Series 1007 which also has 3 different phases defined for it. As detailed later in
this document, the output file produced by the FacetMapR DSS program records, for each cell in
the output file, the codes stored in both the F_name and F_code fields so that grid maps can be
made of either the separate phases or the rolled up classes.
The example DBF tables (Figures 36 & 37) also provide a good illustration of the logic that
underlies the fuzzy classification approach used by FacetMapR. The approach utilizes a concept
that is formally referred to as a semantic import (SI) model (Burrough, 1989; MacMillan et al.,
2000). In less formal terms, it means that output classes are defined using easily understood
combinations of words and word-like phrases, where the words and phrases have likelihood
values or numbers associated with them and can therefore be manipulated in a quantitative
For example in Figure 37, unit S1001a is defined as most likely to occur in crest to mid slope
positions that have a dry to medium moisture index, slopes less than 10% and deep parent
materials. Each of these phrases (e.g. Crest2Mid) is a fuzzy attribute and each grid cell in a
matrix has a numerical value between 0 and 100 computed for it for every fuzzy attribute that
may be used to define any fuzzy class in a region of interest. So, if the value for the fuzzy
attribute (e.g. Crest2Mid) is multiplied by the weighting factor for that attribute (Attrwt) and a

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

weighted sum is computed for all fuzzy attributes used to define a class, one arrives at an overall
likelihood value that a defined class will occur at given cell with a given set of attributes. The
defined class with the highest likelihood of occurring at a particular site is selected as being the
most likely correct classification for that site.
The overall weighted fuzzy average for each defined class for each grid cell in a matrix is formally
referred to as a Joint Membership Function (JMFA). The Joint Membership Function (JMFA) for
each defined class is computed as the weighted linear average of the individual Membership
Functions (MFAj) of the fuzzy attributes used to describe a given class multiplied by the relative
weighting factor (Wj) assigned to each fuzzy landform attribute according to equation 2.
The SI model was selected as the basis for FacetMapR because it has the advantage of





j =1

j =1

= ∑W j * MF Aj KK where K ∑W j = 1, KKW j > 0


permitting formal recognition and incorporation of the “imprecise and overlapping semantics used
to describe or classify data” (Burrough 1989). In the case of automated terrain and ecological
classification, the SI model permits experts to identify any desired number of conceptual classes
and to define each class using imprecise semantics (e.g. the class is relatively steep or relatively
high in the landscape). Landform classes may be defined as having overlapping characteristics
such that two or more elements may both be described as relatively steep but differentiated on
the basis of another attribute such as being relatively convex or relatively concave. An added
advantage is the ability to manage and resolve situations where the value of one or more input
variables used to define a class falls just outside what would otherwise be a class boundary using
a classed approach and Boolean logic. With fuzzy logic, the values of one or more input
variables may fall outside a notional class boundary, but if the overall likelihood of the class
occurring is computed to be greater than the likelihood of any other class, then a site will receive
the most likely classification, regardless of the fact that one or more input variables lie outside the
stated preferred range for the class. This is a very powerful and useful feature that helps to
accommodate the conflict between high natural variation in input properties and rigid class
boundaries in traditional Boolean classification approaches.

FacetMapR Output Files
The three different options available for FacetMapR produce three different forms of DBF output
files (Table 4) that contain different amounts and types of data pertaining to the resulting
Table 4. Listing and description of all DBF output files produced by the FacetMapR program


Description of contents


This file stores and reports a value for every grid cell for every fuzzy landform
attribute that is defined in the fuzzy attribute rule file selected for use when option
a of the FacetMapR program is run. This file is only produced by option a.
This file stores and reports a value for every grid cell for every fuzzy landform
class that is defined in the fuzzy classification rule file selected for use when
option a of the FacetMapR program is run. This file is only produced by option a.
This file stores output data on the most likely ecological classification for every
grid cell in a matrix. It does not record or report the likelihood value for every
possible fuzzy attribute or every fuzzy class. It is only produced by option b
This file stores data for only the most likely landform classification produced by
application of a condensed version of the full LandMapR LSM program. It only
saves data for the most likely output classification and not for every possible fuzzy
attribute value or fuzzy class value. It is only produced by option c.



LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Output files produced by selecting option a
Selecting option a (The original LandMapR LSM program) from the FacetMapR interface results
in the production of two different output files (Figures 38 & 39). These files contain values for the
fuzzy likelihood that each grid cell meets the criteria for membership in every possible fuzzy
attribute class (ID#Fuza) and fuzzy landform class (ID#Fuzc) defined in the relevant rule bases
selected to be applied to the input data sets.

Figure 38. An example of a fuzzy attribute DBF output file produced by application of option a of FacetMapR

Figure 38 is difficult to read, but it should be evident that it contains 17 columns that correspond
exactly in name to the 17 different fuzzy landform attributes defined in the fuzzy landform attribute
rule table (LM3arule) previously presented as Figure 32. When option a is selected, the Fuz_calc
procedure of FacetMapR creates a new DBF table that has a column in it for every fuzzy attribute
defined in the fuzzy attribute rule file (here LM3Arule) that is read in. The program then
computes a fuzzy attribute likelihood value for every one of the defined fuzzy attributes for each
grid cell in the matrix. It stores the fuzzy likelihood value for each fuzzy attribute for each grid cell
in the field that has the same name as the defined fuzzy attribute.
Some readers may notice that Figure 38 contains an extra (18th) column at the right end of the
table that is given the name Planar_2x. This column is the result of a hard coded calculation built
into the FacetMapR program. The value in this field represents an average of the values
computed and stored in the fields planar down (Planar_d) and planar across (Planar_a). This
value was deemed to be needed in order to properly recognize sites that were simultaneously
planar in both the down slope and across slope directions. Because it is hard coded into the
program, the program always looks for values for the variables Planar_d and Planar_a. If these
fuzzy attributes have not been defined in the input fuzzy attribute rule base they will not be
present for the program to access. In such cases, the program is likely to fail.
It is therefore important that users realize that any fuzzy attribute rule base that they
define and use must include definitions for Planar_d and Planar_a. If these fuzzy
attributes are not defined, the hard coded calculation in FacetMapR will not be able to find
critical input data it requires and the program is likely to fail.
From the above explanation, it should also be clear that the number of fields in the ID#Fuza
output file and the names of the fields are not fixed but will vary depending upon how many fuzzy
attributes are defined in the fuzzy attribute rule file that is read in at the start of the program. If
the fuzzy attribute rule file defines 6 fuzzy attributes then the resulting fuzzy attribute output file
(ID#Fuza) will contain 6 fields plus 1 extra field for Planar_2x and 1 more extra field to identify the
presence of cells with missing data (Missing). If the fuzzy attribute rule file defines 20 fuzzy
attributes, the fuzzy attribute output file will contain 20 fields plus the 2 extra fields for Planar_2x
and Missing.
It is not hard to imagine how the fuzzy attribute output file produced by application of option a can
rapidly grow to a large and unmanageable size for large data sets with many fuzzy attributes
defined for them. Option c was introduced to address this problem.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 39. An example of a fuzzy classification DBF output file produced by application of option a of FacetMapR

Figure 39 illustrates how option a of FacetMapR outputs data on fuzzy classification values for an
example LSM landform classification. As with the fuzzy attribute output file, the number of fields
in this file and the names assigned to the fields are controlled by the list of fuzzy classes present
in the fuzzy classification rule file selected for use by the program.
The example output file provided (Figure 39) reflects the list of output classes contained in the
current standard LandMapR LSM fuzzy classification rule file named LM3Crule (see Figure 36).
This fuzzy classification rule file defines 15 different landform facet classes. Each landform class
is identified by a 3 letter code in the field named F_name in the fuzzy classification rule file
(Figure 36). The fuzzy classification output file contains a field with the same name as each 3
letter code for every unique code present in the input fuzzy classification rule file. The fields are
ordered from left to right according to the order established by the value of the field Facet_no in
the input rule file. Working from left to right in figure 39, the first field (other than the key field of
Seqno) is named LCR for level crest. It is associated with a facet code (F_code) of 1 in the fuzzy
classification rule file (Figure 36). The divergent shoulder field (DSH) is associated with facet
code 2 and so on until the final defined class of depression (DEP) which has a facet code of 15.
A different fuzzy classification rule base could clearly contain a different number of defined facets
with different names. The basic principal remains, however, that this fuzzy classification output
file will have one field for each defined fuzzy class and that field will have the name of the fuzzy
class assigned to it and will be ordered in sequence in accordance with the facet number
(Facet_no) assigned to that class in the input rule file.
The field Max_facet contains a number that identifies the output class that has the highest
computed likelihood value and is judged to be the most likely facet to occur at that grid cell. Ties
are settled by selecting the last class with the highest value. This favors recognition of landform
classes that are lower in the landscape over classes that are higher in the landscape, at least
given the order in which the default LandMapR LSM classification rule files consistently present
their defined classes (from higher to lower landform classes). The field Next_Facet contains the
facet code (F_Code) for the fuzzy output class considered to be next most likely to occur at a
given grid cell site. This is an artifact of the original program development when it was
considered desirable to be able to check the output results manually to confirm that reasonable
results were being obtained. The field Fac4 just contains a re-classification of the most likely
output class into the simplified 4 unit classification as indicated in Table 3. The field Missing is
used to identify if a cell is considered to be a missing data cell.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Output files produced by selecting option b
Selecting option b (The new BC-PEM Direct-to-Site-Series DSS program) from the FacetMapR
interface results in the production of a single output file that is always given the name ID#DSS
(Figure 40).

Figure 40. An example of a fuzzy classification DBF output file produced by application of option b of FacetMapR

The output file produced by selecting option b from the FacetMapR interface is vastly more
compact than the two files produced by selecting option a. This file only contains values for the
most likely fuzzy output classification for each grid cell. It does not record or report values for all
defined fuzzy attributes or all possible fuzzy output classifications for each grid cell.
There are several good reasons for this move to a different, and more compact, file structure.
Firstly, the BC-PEM DSS application was designed to permit application of different classification
rules to different zones or regions within an area of interest. The rules for each zone can, and
do, define different types and numbers of both fuzzy attributes and fuzzy output classes for each
zone. It is therefore physically impossible to maintain the practice of defining output DBF files
with a dynamic structure determined by differing numbers of fuzzy attributes and fuzzy output
classes with different names in each zone. Field names defined dynamically on the basis of the
names of attributes or classes for the first zone read in would not match those for the next zone
and so on. The output file structure would therefore become both unreasonably large and highly
non-normal (e.g. it would contain many empty fields and many fields of redundant data). It was
absolutely necessary to move away from the practice of dynamically creating an indeterminate
number of fields with unpredictable names. It became necessary to define a structure for the
output file that was fixed and predictable. The resulting structure is illustrated in Figure 40.
Secondly, even without the problems caused by the unwieldy and unpredictable file structure
created by option a, it was necessary to move to a more compact file structure that stored less
data, particularly less data that was unlikely to ever be used. The BC-PEM DSS application is
focused on creating complex multi-level hierarchical classifications for very large areas (1 million
ha and more) at quite fine levels of spatial resolution (10-25 m grid squares). The raster data
sets for these very large areas have the potential to become extremely large (tens to hundreds of
gigabytes). Any design that reduces the size of the output files is sure to result in efficiencies in
both data storage and processing time.
It was concluded that it was neither necessary nor desirable to store all computed fuzzy attribute
likelihood values and fuzzy classification likelihood values for every cell in a raster grid. Having
access to all fuzzy attribute and fuzzy classification likelihood values for all cells was desirable
and useful during the original stages of program development and testing. It was far less
necessary or desirable once the program began to be used for routine operational mapping.
In Figure 40, the field Bec_zone contains the numeric identifier for the ecological zone within
which a particular set of classification rules is considered to apply. The field Max_class stores

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

the alpha-numeric code used to identify the phase of the most likely ecological class as
computed by the program. The code assigned to each phase is the same one that is recorded in
the field F_name in the fuzzy classification rule file that is used to define all potential output
classes for the current zone. The field Max_code stores an integer value that identifies the most
likely fuzzy output class. This integer value is equivalent to the value stored in the field F_code in
the input fuzzy classification rule file used to define the list of possible fuzzy output classes for the
current zone. It is meant to equate to the rolled-up Site Series classification in the BC-PEM
system while the Max_class value is meant to equate to the un-rolled up phase or landscape
specific occurrence of the defined Site Series. The field Max_Value records the likelihood value
computed by the program for the reported most likely class. It is generally not used but can be
referenced to provide an indication of the relative confidence that the predicted class is likely to
occur. The higher the maximum likelihood value, the more likely it is that the site in question
meets all of the criteria specified in the rule files for membership in the defined output class.
When option b is selected, none of the intermediate calculations pertaining to the individual
values for fuzzy attributes or to individual fuzzy output classes are stored in the final output file.
All of this potentially interesting, but not vital, information is discarded. The savings in processing
time and disk space were judged to be more important than the ability to review the results of all
intermediate calculations of fuzzy attribute values or fuzzy classification values for classes that
were not computed to be the most likely to occur.

Output files produced by selecting option c
Selecting option c (A new condensed version of the LandMapR LSM program) from the
FacetMapR interface results in the production of a single output file that is always given the name
ID#LSM (Figure 41).

Figure 41. An example of a fuzzy classification DBF output file produced by application of option c of FacetMapR

The output file produced by selecting option c from the FacetMapR interface is almost identical to
that produced by selecting option b. The principal difference is that this output files does not
have a column to store data for the zone within which the rules used to define the classes applied
(BEC_Zone in Figure 40). The classification results produced by the two different versions of the
same program are virtually identical, only the volume of extra, intermediate data is changed.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Extra DBF Format Input Files Required for the DSS Option of FacetMapR
Option 2 of the FacetMapR program implements the new BC-PEM Direct to Site Series (DSS)
procedures. This option requires the prior creation of 2 specific DBF format files that are not
required for running the original LandMapR landform classification but are required to run the
DSS option. These 2 files are always given the names ID#Zone and ID#Geo (Table 5).
Table 5 Listing and description of the 2 extra DBF input files required to run the DSS option of the FacetMapR program


Description of contents


This file stores and reports an integer value for every grid cell for a field named
BEC_Zone. The BEC_Zone field identifies a specific zone or area within which a
particular set of fuzzy rules is to be used by the FacetMapR program. This file is
only required when option b is selected.
This file stores and reports a value for every grid cell for any number of usersupplied attributes. The user-supplied attributes generally come from non-DEM
data sources such as direct manual mapping, remotely sensed imagery or preexisting maps of geology, vegetation or other spatially distributed phenomenon.
This file is only required when option b is selected and non-DEM spatial attributes
are used to define any of the desired fuzzy output classes.


Content and Purpose of the ID#Zone DBF File
The DBF file named ID#Zone was introduced to permit application of different fuzzy classification
rules within different zones or regions of an area covered by a single DEM. This capability was
first required in order to implement hierarchical concepts inherent in the British Columbia system
of Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) Mapping used in the production of predictive
ecosystem maps (PEM) in BC.
Initially, the BC-PEM DSS application envisaged setting up one zone for each BEC sub-zone or
variant in any given region of interest. The idea was that each BEC zone would have a unique
set of ecological classes that needed to be predicted and that a single set of fuzzy rules for each
BEC zone would be sufficient to predict all ecological classes defined for any given BEC zone. A
file named ID#Zone was created that contained a field named BEC_Zone to identify the BEC
sub-zone within which a given set of classes defined by a given set of fuzzy rules was to occur
(Figure 42).

Figure 42. Illustration of the structure and content of the ID#Zone file used in the DSS option of FacetMapR

This concept evolved as experience was gained in actually applying the BEC ecological
classification system in BC. It rapidly became apparent that the hierarchical nature of the BEC

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

system extended below the level of BEC sub-zones and variants that was initially considered to
be the lowest level of the hierarchy. Within each BEC sub-zone, it was observed that different
sets of ecological classes with different sets of defining rules existed in different portions of the
BEC sub-zone, depending upon additional environmental factors such as the texture of the
parent material and the scale of relief in the landscape. It became apparent that the DSS version
of the FacetMapR program would have to be able to read in and apply different sets of rules to
define different sets of classes not only within different BEC sub-zones but also within further
sub-divisions of the BEC Sub-zones.
For the BC DSS PEM application, BEC sub-zones were identified and further sub-divided
according to a systematic procedure and numbering scheme (Table 6). The integer numbers
used to identify classification regions or zones using the field BEC_Zone can be entirely arbitrary,
as long as each zone has a unique number. However, it is easier to remember and interpret the
numbering scheme if it follows some kind of logical order. In the BC DSS PEM procedures, a
hierarchical numbering scheme documented in Table 6 was used.
Table 6. Example of hierarchical numbering scheme used to assign unique codes to sub-divisions of BEC sub-zones


BEC Subzone




Texture Class


Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable


Low relief
High relief
Low relief
High relief
Low relief
High relief
Low relief
High relief
Low relief
High relief
Low relief
High relief
Low relief
High relief
Low relief
High relief


Examination of Table 6 reveals that each of the 12 BEC Sub-zones in this map area was
assigned an integer value starting at 100 and ending at 1200. The 12 BEC sub-zones were
arranged and numbered in alphabetical order. Within each BEC sub-zone, regions that were
deemed to be covered by coarse textured parent materials were identified by the number 10
which resulted in the presence of the numeral 1 in the 10’s place for the final combined code for
regions that were deemed to be coarse and the numeral 0 in the 10’s place for all other parent
material textures. The numeral in the 1’s place was set to indicate whether the region of interest
contained an exception class (0) or was deemed to exhibit low (1) or high (2) relief. Exception
classes were classes that were directly mapped by manual methods and did not require
prediction by the modeling procedures. Different rules were deemed to be required within areas
of low (1) and high (2) relief within areas of both medium (00) and coarse textured (10) soils. The
combined code, which is listed under the heading Zone Code in Table 6, was computed by
adding the individual values for BEC code, texture code and other code. The sum of these
individual codes represented a unique integer number that could be easily interpreted to rapidly

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

identify the BEC zone, parent material texture and degree of relief of the region that it applied to.
Using a systematic, cognitive numbering scheme such as this helps to organize the rule files and
to maintain an understanding of the areas for which each numbered rule file is meant to apply.
Users who plan to use the BC-PEM DSS option to apply different rule bases to different portions
of an area of interest should consider adopting a similar numbering strategy so as to make their
zone numbers and the matching rule base numbers as easy as possible to understand and
interpret. The field BEC_Zone in the file ID#Zone is presently defined to accept integer numbers
up to a value of 99999. Users can therefore devise and assign any numbering scheme they may
find convenient to use as long as the numbers are integers and the largest integer value is no
larger than 99999.
The ID#Zone file must be created by users and formatted as a DBF table that contains the fields
illustrated in Figure 45. A blank copy of an ID#Zone file is provided on the LandMapR distribution
CD. Users will need to create a grid file of integer numbers that correspond to the BEC_Zones
that they wish to identify and for which they propose to define and apply different sets of fuzzy
attribute and fuzzy classification rule files. They must export this grid file that identifies which
BEC_Zone each grid cell has been assigned to from whatever GIS they are using and reformat
the grid data into a DBF format file named ID#Zone that is structured as depicted in Figure 45. In
order to do this, they will have to have access to a program that can create DBF format files and
populate these DBF format files with data. It may well be possible to use the database table
editing features of ArcView 3.2 or ArcGIS 8.0 to create and populate these ID#Zone files. To
date, LandMapper Environmental Solutions has created the grid files in ArcView 3.2, exported
them as binary FLT files, used the GridReadWrite utility to reformat them into DBF format files
and then used Visual FoxPro to open a blank ID#Zone file and append the data for BEC_Zone to
this file from the reformatted DBF file. This is a somewhat cumbersome and inefficient procedure
and should probably be improved. For the moment, users who propose to create zone files in
order to use the BC-PEM DSS option of FacetMapR will have to follow similar inefficient and
cumbersome procedures, until such time as improved tools and procedures for accomplishing
this reformatting are created.

Content and Purpose of the ID#Geo DBF File
A second DBF file may be required by the BC-PEM DSS option of FacetMapR that is not required
by the other options. This file is always named ID#Geo (Figure 43). The ID#Geo file was initially
conceived of and devised to permit use of geological information on the texture and depth of
parent material deposits in defining and mapping ecological classes in BC. The content of the
ID#Geo file was subsequently expanded to include almost any kind of ancillary data layer not
produced by the LandMapR programs FormMapR or FlowMapR that was deemed to be needed
for classifying any ecological entity of interest.

Figure 43. Illustration of the structure and content of the ID#Geo file used in the DSS option of FacetMapR


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The ID#Geo file is a convenient catch-all for storing any data for grid cells that are not computed
automatically by the FlowMapR or FormMapR programs. The ID#Geo file illustrated in Figure 46
contains information for a variety of data layers not computed directly by the LandMapR toolkit
The field Geocode contains a unique integer number that identifies the polygon number of a
vector ArcView coverage that describes the spatial distribution of geological materials and
exception classes in this area of interest. Each manually mapped polygon in the ArcView vector
coverage had been assigned an estimated value for parent material texture (Texture) and depth
(Depth). In this particular case, the assigned values were essentially codes with values of 20 for
fine textured, 50 for medium textured, and 70 for coarse textured materials. Material depth had
been reported as 40 for shallow materials and 200 for deep materials. Users can define any
fields they wish, with any names they wish and may enter any values they wish. The example
provided simply demonstrates the approach used in one particular application.
The fields labeled as Water, Swamp, Brush, Meadow, Not_Mapped and Seepage in Figure 43
are binary fields that contain data on what were termed “exception classes” for the purpose of
DSS PEM mapping in BC. The BC DSS procedures elected to use a manually produced map of
exception classes to map several spatially distributed phenomena that were judged to be more
suited to direct mapping via human visual interpretation than to estimation via computer
modeling. The rationale behind this approach is that some spatial entities can be identified far
more easily, rapidly, accurately and cost-effectively using direct human visual interpretation than
by any currently available means of automated modeling or computerized classification. Spatial
entities such as open water (lakes and ponds), non-forested wetlands (e.g. bogs, fens, swamps
and marshes) and non-forested uplands (e.g. meadows, pastures, brush, bare soil or rock) are
amenable to rapid and accurate visual identification using available high resolution imagery. In
the BC PEM DSS procedures, it was decided that these kinds of areas could be identified far
more accurately and in a more cost effective manner using manual visual interpretation than by
attempting to model them. In fact, both open water and non-forested wetlands had already been
mapped as part of the provincial TRIM base mapping program and provincial forest cover
mapping respectively. It therefore did not make sense to attempt to predict these previously
mapped spatial entities using a modeling approach when they had already been mapped as well
as could be expected at the scale of interest (1:20,000).
Areas directly mapped as Water, Swamp, Brush, Meadow or Not_Mapped are therefore viewed
as exception areas for which it is neither necessary nor desirable to compute the likelihood of
occurrence of any other spatial entities. These areas represent binary classes in that, if they
occur at a given location, no other classes of spatial entity are considered to have any likelihood
of occurring at the same location. Consequently, any grid cell identified on the map of exceptions
as being open water (Water) will be immediately classified as water by the BC PEM DSS
procedures with no computational effort being expended to compute the likelihood of that cell
belonging to any other potential class. This approach effectively “cookie cuts” into the final
resulting maps all areas that have been directly mapped as exceptions using manual visual
interpretation of available imagery. The “cookie cut” procedure preserves the outlines and
boundaries of all manually mapped areas exactly as they were drawn by the photo interpreter.
Preserving such boundaries exactly helps to maintain the credibility of the resulting output map.
Most users will have a tendency to rapidly check the classification of clearly identifiable features
such as lakes, marshes and open meadows or bare rock that have sharply defined and easily
interpreted boundaries. The credibility of any map of predicted ecological classes will be reduced
if users detect discrepancies between the boundaries of readily visible features such as lakes or
wetlands and the boundaries of mapped entities. It is therefore desirable to map these hard
boundaries as accurately as possible (using manual visual interpretation) and to maintain these
hard boundaries in any final output map.
The exception area identified by the designation of “seepage” highlights another situation in
which data derived from manual interpretation were needed to recognize conditions that were not
easily and accurately identified using derivatives of the DEM alone. This situation was one in
which ecological site conditions were considerably changed due to sub-irrigation caused by the
presence of a higher than normal water table. The higher than normal water table was initially

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

related to the presence of seepage and the binary field was therefore initially given the name
seepage. Similar conditions of a higher than normal water table were subsequently encountered
in flood plain areas underlain by a high water table. The key feature of such areas is therefore
not the mechanism by which an area comes to possess a higher than expected water table, but
the simple presence of a higher than expected water table. While DEM data can be of some use
in modeling the likely locations of high water tables, information on the configuration of the terrain
surface is generally not sufficient to unambiguously and accurately identify the locations of all
areas of anomalously high water tables.
In the BC PEM DSS procedures we elected to treat areas with anomalously high water tables as
“exception areas” that were most effectively identified and outlined using manual visual
interpretation, guided and informed by reference to both high resolution imagery and to grid maps
of terrain derivatives and forest cover. The concept here was that areas that were “wetter” than
expected for a given landform position or situation would stand out due to anomalous vegetation
cover or other visual clues on the available imagery. Specifically, in BC such areas tended to
exhibit a forest cover dominated by tree species that preferred wetter conditions. Stands
dominated by tree species that preferred wetter conditions tended to stand out as “exceptions”
relative to the distribution of normal tree species for a given area. These “exception areas” were
recognized and isolated by manual visual interpretation. Subsequent modeling procedures were
trained to recognize that different rules were required within these wetter exception areas so that
different classes of ecological entities occupied each of the defined landform positions relative to
the classes that would normally be expected to occupy each position.
The lesson learned from recognition and application of the “seepage” concept in the BC PEM
mapping is instructive and can be generalized. It is clear that DEM data are often not sufficient to
permit effective recognition of subsurface conditions that are not strongly and uniquely linked to
terrain position or terrain configuration. The presence of an unexpectedly high water table is just
one example of such a condition. Other sub-surface changes that might conceivably occur that
could significantly alter site conditions might include a significant change in the mineralogy of the
parent material (e.g. from base rich and fertile to acidic and less fertile) or the appearance of a
shallow depth to bedrock in an unexpected location such as a valley bottom. If sub-surface
conditions can be inferred from other available digital data sources (e.g. satellite or airborne
radar, radiometric, electromagnetic or magnetic data) then these data can be used to model and
isolate other kinds of “exception areas”. If there are no digital data sources available that can be
easily interpreted to infer sub-surface conditions, it may prove necessary to use manual visual
interpretation of available imagery and maps to infer important changes in sub-surface
conditions, as was done for the BC PEM mapping.
Users planning to develop and apply custom classifications are advised to consider whether their
particular application may require information about sub-surface conditions that is not easily
related to any of the terrain derivatives computed by the basic FormMapR or FlowMapR
programs. If the existing suite of terrain derivatives is not able to easily and accurately infer a
particular condition that may be vital to achieving a correct classification, users are encouraged to
consider alternative means of obtaining the data required to achieve a satisfactory result.
Preparation of alternative input layers via direct manual interpretation of available imagery and
secondary source data sets is often a viable and cost-effective approach. Alternately, users may
consider whether alternate non-DEM digital data sets may be able to provide them with a more
effective means of inferring the sub-surface (or other) conditions that are not well predicted using
available DEM derivatives.
The ID#Geo file illustrated in Figure 43 contains two fields named B3 and B5 that contain
contrast stretched digital numbers associated with bands 3 and 5 of a LandSat7 TM image of the
study area. These data were used to identify three different classes with 3 different densities of
shrub or stunted tree cover in an alpine ecological zone. None of the DEM derivatives were very
effective for predicting the spatial pattern of distribution of vegetation density in the alpine zone in
this example. However, this pattern was readily visible and easily interpreted on the LandSat7
TM imagery. The LandSat7 TM image data were therefore added to the ID#Geo file for this area
and were used as the key inputs for differentiating 3 different classes of differing density of shrub
cover in the alpine zone.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

In a similar fashion, the ID#Geo file illustrated in Figure 43 was expanded to include data for 3
new terrain derivatives (Z2Wet, N2Wet, L2Wet) that are not computed by the basic FormMapR
program. These 3 derivatives represent the vertical (Z), flow length (N) and horizontal (L)
distance from each grid cell to the closest wetland or body of open surface water to which a cell
is connected by a defined path of overland surface flow. These are derivatives of the DEM, but
they are not derivatives that are normally computed by the FlowMapR program. These extra,
non-standard, derivatives were appended to the ID#Geo file, as it is this file that is intended to
include all non-standard input values that the FacetMapR program needs to consider.
Users who wish to customize the FacetMapR program to classify entities of their own definition
that vary in a hierarchical fashion will therefore need to define an ID#Zone file and will almost
certainly need to create an ID#Geo file that can contain spatial data not derived from the DEM by
application of the FormMapR or FlowMapR programs. The ID#Geo file does not have to be
present if no rules are developed that reference input data that is not derived from application of
the LandMapR procedures to DEM data. If users do wish to use non-DEM input data to define
classes, they must obtain and map these data as grid cell values tied to each grid cell within an
area of interest. They must then format these data into a DBF file named ID#Geo that can
contain any number of fields of data with any names that the user finds to be convenient used to
identify each field of data. The ID#Geo file can then be used to hold all non-standard input data
that may be required to define any spatial entities using custom, user defined rule bases.

Using and visualizing the FacetMapR Output Data

Figure 44. Illustration of a final "hard" LSM landform classification displayed in 2D ArcView 3.2


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

In general, most users will only be interested in producing maps and visualizations of the final
“hard” classification produced by application of the FacetMapR program (Figure 44). They will
need to export the integer numbers stored in the fields Max_facet (for option a) or Max_code for
options b and c. It is also possible to export the alpha-numeric character code from the field
Max_Class and to use this to produce a grid map of unique character values. Occasionally,
users may wish to create maps that depict the likelihood value associated with the most likely
output class as stored in the field Max_value in the files produced by options b and c. The output
file produced by option a provides an opportunity to create grid maps of the relative likelihood of
occurrence of each of N defined landform classes, where N is determined by the particular rule
based read in and used to define landform classes.
Users can, of course, create their own legends with their preferred color assignments. Visual
interpretation and evaluation of the final classification maps is improved by the addition of three
dimensional visual clues such as are offered by adding hillshade illumination to the two
dimensional map or overlaying vector contours on top of the raster rendering (see Figure 44).

Figure 45. Illustration of a final "hard" LSM landform classification displayed in 3D using the program 3DEM

Over the years, several different software packages have been used to create 3-dimensional
perspective views to illustrate LandMapR classification results (figures 45 and 46). For those
unable to afford to purchase ArcView’s 3D Analyst extension, freeware tools such as 3DEM
( and the public domain version of 3DMapper
( provide excellent capabilities at no charge.
Figure 45 was produced by exporting a 25 m DEM from the ArcView view illustrated in Figure 44
and capturing a screen image of the 2-dimensional view portrayed in Figure 44 using a screen
capture utility. The ArcView binary export file (FLT) was easily imported into 3DEM as was the
JPG image of the screen capture. 3DEM provides capabilities to create VRML worlds, fly-by
animations and rotation animations as well as the static 3D views illustrated in figure 45. It is

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

easy to obtain, easy to learn and is recommended and an excellent tool for visualizing the results
produced by FacetMapR or any of the LandMapR suite of programs.
3DMapper represents another excellent and affordable option for creating and saving 3D views of
the LandMapR LSM classification (Figure 46). 3DMapper provides easy to use capabilities for
importing DEM and orthoimage data in ArcView ASCII grid format to create base files of DEM
and image pairs. It is also quite easy to import LandMapR LSM landform classification files into
3DMapper, also as ArcView ASCII grids. Assigning appropriate colors to the integer values is
accomplished by reading in an ASCII palette file. Several palette files have been prepared to
associate appropriate colors with the integer numbers used by the current standard LandMapR
LSM landform classification. These are included on the distribution CD.

Figure 46. Illustration of a final "hard" LSM landform classification displayed in 3D using the program 3DMapper

It is beyond the scope of this manual to instruct users how to import data into the various
programs available for displaying the maps and data that result from applying FacetMapR and
related LandMapR programs. The utility program GridReadWriteUtility provided on the
distribution disk can be used to convert back and forth between the DBF table format that is used
to store all data used by the LandMapR programs and the raw binary format (FLT) used by
ArcView and several other widely used GIS programs. Users will have to experiment with
reformatting data from the LandMapR DBF format into whatever formats they use to display the
data. Assistance and advice will be available to licensed users, if necessary, via e-mail and
telephone support.

FacetMapR Summary
FacetMapR was initially created as a custom program for developing, evaluating and refining a
single set of fuzzy rules for classifying landform facets. It was subsequently extended to permit
automated recognition of a hierarchy of ecological classes in BC. The hierarchical classification
uses different rules defined for different zones within an area of interest. The FacetMapR
program was kept as general as possible throughout these developments and this has meant
that it is quite flexible and can be used to define almost any kind and number of classes of spatial
entity within any portion of a region of interest. FacetMapR does, however, retain idiosyncrasies
and naming conventions that reflect its early development and initial uses. If users are willing to
invest the time and effort to learn how to customize the classification rule tables, they should find
that they are able to define almost any type and number of classes they desire for any zone or
sub-region of any area of interest to them.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The WeppMapR component computes hydrological spatial entities, specifically those spatial
entities required to provide the spatial structure for the WEPP water erosion model.

Input Data
The WeppMapR component uses output from the FlowMapR program as well as the original
input elevation data to perform its calculations. WeppMapR will not work properly unless the
FlowMapR program has been run successfully to completion prior to running WeppMapR and
unless all files produced by application of the FlowMapR program are present in the default folder
that is identified as containing the required input data.
As with FlowMapR, WeppMapR operates on input elevation data formatted as a regular (raster)
grid. It does not operate on elevation data formatted as irregular x, y, z point data, as a triangular
irregular network (TIN) or as vector contours.

Background to the WeppMapR Program
The WEPP model uses mathematical equations to model how much surface runoff will occur in a
given segment of the landscape and how, when and where that runoff will travel. A key
requirement for running the
WEPP model is defining the
landscape segments that are
used as the basis for
computing water budgets and
routing water from one
segment to the next (Figure
47). The WEPP model uses
segments that represent
individual hillslopes or
portions of hillslopes referred
to as overland flow elements
(OFEs). Until recently, each
hillslope or OFE segment had
to be defined by manual
means such as through field
measurements or tedious
interpretation of air photos or
topographic maps.
Figure 47. Illustration of the sub-division of space into hill slope segments for the WEPP model (Flanagan et al., 2000)

Renschler (2003) has produced a convenient and useful ArcView extension named GeoWEPP
that is integrated seamlessly with the WEPP model and that automatically defines and extracts all
of the structural information required to run WEPP from within ArcView. At the time the
WeppMapR module described here was developed, the GeoWEPP extension had not yet been
developed and its appearance was not anticipated. Consequently, the WeppMapR module
described here was developed in order to automatically extract and document the spatial entities
required to run the WEPP model for very large data sets covering very large areas. Users
specifically interested in running the WEPP model would be best served by acquiring and running
GeoWEPP. However, users specifically interested in classifying landforms may find the ancillary
data produced by application of WeppMapR to be a useful extension to the basic output
produced by the LandMapR toolkit.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Processing Steps Implemented by the WeppMapR Program
The WeppMapR program implements 22 separate steps organized into 22 different program
procedures. The role and function of each of the procedures is listed and described below.

Step 1: Creating and populating the master WEPP table (MAKE_WEPP)
The first module of WeppMapR is the procedure Make_WEPP. This module creates an empty
DBF table called ID#Wepp (Figure 48). It then copies into this table all of the relevant information
on elevation and flow topology computed by the initial FlowMapR program. All processing done
by the WeppMapR program is applied to this duplicate data copied from the previously processed
DEM data table.

Figure 48. Illustration of the master DBF table (ID#WEPP) used to process grid data to define WEPP spatial entities

Duplicate data copied from the master DEM table (ID#DEM) consist of Seqno, Row, Col, Elev,
Ddir, Drec and Upslope. The remaining fields illustrated in Figure 48 are empty when
WeppMapR starts to run. These fields are filled with computed data by one or more subsequent
WeppMapR modules.
Applying the FlowMapR program to very large data sets can require a very long processing time.
Applying the WeppMapR program results in changes to both original elevation values and
computed flow directions as stored in the master DEM table. It therefore makes sense to run the
WeppMapR program on a copy of the data. This way, if the results from the WeppMapR
program are not suitable and there is a desire to re-run the program using a different threshold
value to identify channels, it is not necessary to start from scratch and have to re-run the
FlowMapR program as well.

Step 2: Nominating cells as belonging to initial channels (MARK_CHANS)
The second module (MARK_CHANS) identifies and marks grid cells as initial channel cells. It
also marks cells as channel start (1), end (6) or junction (2) seed types.
The master WEPP table (ID#WEPP) is indexed by elevation and upslope area count from highest
to lowest elevation and from lowest to highest upslope area. The file is processed from top to
bottom. The algorithm searches for cells that have an upslope area count in excess of a user
specified threshold value. If a cell has a value for upslope area in excess of the user specified
threshold, and the cell is not already marked as belonging to a channel, the cell is marked as a
channel start cell (seed type 1). If a cell is marked as a channel start cell, the algorithm then
traces down from the start cell, following the path of steepest downslope flow until it can proceed
no further (it terminates at the edge of the data matrix or at a final pit center cell).


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Each cell along the downslope flow path followed from the start cell to the end cell is marked with
an integer ID number unique to that flow path. If a flow path intersects a previously marked flow
path, the algorithm stops flowing down. The cell at which the current flow path intersected a
previously marked flow path is marked as a junction cell seed type (2) and the unique ID number
for channels is incremented by one to prepare for labeling the next new channel. The algorithm
returns to the position in the file occupied by the start cell, skips one cell down from it and
proceeds to search for the next potential channel start cell. This process is continues until the
bottom of the file is reached and there are no more possible channel start cells.

Step 3: Cutting or burning channels into the DEM (CUT_CHAN)
This module (CUT_CHAN) alters the original DEM elevation values to force all flow in marked
channels to follow a continuous down slope gradient. The pit removing procedures employed by
the FlowMapR program simply reverse flow directions to direct flow from pit centers upslope to
the pour points at which depressions were computed to over spill. This results in situations
where flow along a marked channel could be upslope, against gravity. These situations confuse
subsequent efforts to label channels in correct topological order, from top to bottom. These
procedures use the elevation of the last cell in a channel as the criteria for sorting channels into
correct topological order. In order to remove this problem, it is necessary to revise the original
elevation values to force all flow to be down-slope in all channels.
The algorithm locates each marked channel start cell and flows down the channel to its terminus.
It keeps track of the elevation of the previous cell along the flow path and compares it to the
elevation of the current cell. Any time the elevation of the current cell is greater than that of the
previous cell, a flag is raised to indicate that upslope flow has begun. The location and elevation
of the cell just before the point at which upslope flow began is noted. The algorithm continues
tracing along the flow path; checking elevations as it goes, until it encounters a cell with an
elevation lower than that of the cell marked as preceding the start of upslope flow. The algorithm
then returns to the cell marked as the start of upslope flow and replaces the original elevation
with an interpolated value. The new value is based on a linear interpolation between the value of
elevation at the cell just before upslope begins and the value of elevation at the next cell along
the path that has an elevation lower than this start elevation.
When all start cells have been traced down their respective channels and all channels have been
checked, the original elevation values along all channels have all been revised to ensure that all
flow in channels is continuously down slope.

Step 4: Merging channels to remove parallel channels (MERGE_CHAN)
A common problem with the D8 algorithm used by FlowMapR to compute flow directions is its
tendency to assign parallel flow directions to many adjacent cells. This tendency is particularly
evident in landscapes with very subdued relief and consequently with very poorly defined
drainage directions and flow regimes.
Initial efforts to compute WEPP channels and hillslopes were complicated by the presence of
numerous initial channels that ran exactly parallel to and adjacent to another nominated channel.
Having two channels exactly adjacent to one another for a considerable length confounds efforts
to identify cells on the left and right sides of channels and to define left and right hillslope areas
for all channel segments. It also complicates efforts to identify and mark cells as channel
junctions or as cells immediately upslope of a channel junction. It was determined that
subsequent procedures would benefit from application of a raster line thinning algorithm aimed at
reducing, or entirely removing, (if possible) all occurrences of adjoining parallel channel
segments (See Figure 49).
This algorithm traces down each marked channel changing flow directions and drainage record
numbers to point into the current channel for any neighboring cell that is marked as belonging to
a different channel and that has a flow direction parallel to the current cell. Once a cell has its
flow direction changed, it is not permitted to be changed again. This ensures that all cells in one
adjacent parallel channel are pointed into a neighbor channel, but that the flow directions are not

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

be changed a second time to point into a different parallel neighbor. Any time a cell has its flow
direction changed, its status is changed and it is unmarked as a channel. That way, when the
algorithm later flows down along the neighbor channel it does not find any adjacent cells that are
marked as belonging to a channel. It will therefore not attempt to change the flow directions of
the neighbor cells to force flow into the current channel. This algorithm contains a procedure that
checks for potential circular flow before permanently changing the local drainage direction of any
cell. Any proposed change in drainage direction that produces circular flow (flow that returns
back to the originating cell) is disallowed. This ensures that the channel thinning procedures do
not result in the definition of flow networks with closed loops that can result in infinite loops in
later programming stages.

Figure 49. Illustration of the result of thinning and merging adjacent parallel channels to simplify the channel network

The raster line thinning algorithm was found to be effective at removing all obvious instances of
adjacent parallel channels (Figure 49). It does, however, permit parallel channels separated by
at least 1 cell width to remain. A more powerful line-thinning algorithm is probably desirable, but
the current algorithm was judged to be sufficient for our initial purposes.

Step 5: Recomputing upslope area count for all cells (NEW_UPS)
Actions taken by step 4 produce numerous changes in flow directions for cells along or adjacent
to channels. These changes invalidate the original values computed for upslope area for the
altered cells and for any cells down slope of them along newly altered flow paths. Several
subsequent modules require accurate knowledge of correct values for upslope area for all cells,
particularly cells along defined channels. It is therefore deemed necessary to re-compute
upslope area count for all cells at this point. The new value replaces the original value in the field
upslope (Figure 48).


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Step 6: Remarking cells as belonging to thinned channels (REMARK_CHAN)
The module (REMARK_CHAN) re-implements the previous MARK_CHANS module to remark
cells as belonging to channels and to re-identify seed cells of types 1 (start cell), 2 (junction cell)
and 6 (end cell). Cells that have previously been part of marked channels are no longer part of
marked channels if the channel has been removed by thinning, or if forcing a channel into an
adjoining channel has altered the flow path and reduced the value computed for upslope area for
cells down gradient from the altered cells. The new data set of marked channels is always
considerably cleaner and lacking in examples of multiple adjoining parallel channel cells.
An additional feature of this module is that it forces all cells that are adjacent to a channel and are
not part of a marked channel themselves, to flow into the marked channel that they are adjacent
to. This procedure explicitly forces flow to enter a channel as soon as flow arrives at a cell that is
adjacent to a marked channel. These flow directions are not absolutely correct relative to known
elevations and to down slope flow as computed by the D8 algorithm. These imposed, artificial
drainage directions do, however, more accurately reflect human perceptions and models of
hillslope and channel topology. If these flow directions were not arbitrarily changed to force flow
into channels, most flow would parallel channels for long distances and enter the channel at a
limited number of entry points. Such flow regimes are difficult to interpret to assign cells to
hillslopes that drain into their associated channel segments. Forcing flow to enter the channel as
soon as it approaches it results in definition of more logical and intuitively reasonable hillslopes
that are directly connected to the channel segments which they border.
Another routine in this module checks for topological consistency at channel junctions. It goes to
all marked channel junctions and identifies the location and number of cells upslope of the
junction that belong to marked channels that flow into the junction cell. It tries to limit the number
of upslope tributaries to a maximum of three. It forces flow from each upslope tributary to enter
the down slope channel segment at the cell with the lowest elevation that is marked as belonging
to the down slope channel segment. It then checks the upslope area count of each of the
upslope channel cells that flow into each junction. The upslope cell with the greatest upslope
area count is marked as a type 7 seed type. This identifies it as the upslope cell of the main
branch of the channel upslope of the junction. All other cells on marked channels that flow into
the junction are marked as type 3 seed types. These cells are the first cell upslope of a junction
on a shorter tributary channel (not the main channel). Type 3 and 7 seed points mark end points
for channel segments.

Step 7: Marking cells as representing pit center locations (MARK_PITS)
This module (MARK_PITS) uses data contained in a previously computed table of pit statistics
(ID#FILL). This pit table lists all depressions that are computed to occur in the DEM data set and
contains details of their location, morphology and hydraulic connectivity. For this module, the
only information of interest is the location. Each unique pit center location is identified. The
algorithm goes to the cell in the master WEPP table corresponding to the pit center location
(PITREC) and marks this cell as being a pit center cell. A value of 5 is entered into the field
SEEDTYPE to identify pit center cells. Pit center cells may occur either on a marked channel or
off a marked channel. Pits that are on marked channels are treated differently, in later routines,
than pits that are not. If a type 5 (pit) seed point is placed on a marked channel, the cell
immediately down slope from it along the channel fed from the depression is marked as a type 8
seed point. Type 8 seed cells are cells immediately down stream from either a depression or a
split-type seed cell (see below). They identify points at which it is necessary to recognize the
start of a new channel segment.

Step 8: Splitting channels into segments of a specified length (SPLIT_SEGS)
This module checks each marked channel to measure the distance between seed points that
have been inserted to identify any of start cells (1), pit cells (5), upslope of junction cells (3, 7) or
end cells (6). Any channel segment that is longer than a user specified distance between marked
seed points is split to create two or more channel segments that are shorter in length.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Originally channel splitting was done in response to an incorrect interpretation of the WEPP
documentation by LandMapper. However, having split WEPP channel segments into lengths no
longer than a user-specified distance, more or less in error, it was observed that this splitting
resulted in smaller hillslope entities that were more internally homogeneous, particularly with
respect to variation in shape and aspect. Constraints on hillslope size and morphological
variation were deemed to be beneficial and the channel splitting process was therefore retained.
Any channel segment longer than a user specified distance (typically 200-400 m) is therefore spilt
into n segments, where n is computed according to n = INT((channel segment length/ user
specified maximum segment length)+1). The number 4 is inserted at a split cell to indicate that
this needs to be considered as an end point for the channel segment that leads into it. The
number 8 is inserted at the cell immediately down slope of the type 4 split cell to indicate that it is
necessary to recognize the beginning of a new channel segment at this cell.
A more robust procedure for splitting channels into shorter segments is planned. This new
procedure will consider channel shape and will attempt to locate split points at bends in the
channel or other prominent changes in channel direction or shape.
If users do not wish to split channel into shorter segments they need only enter a very large value
for maximum segment length such that no segment is ever likely to be longer than this entered
length. An example might be to enter a maximum segment length of 10,000 m for an area that
was only 5,000 m across. No channel in this area is likely to have any segments longer than
10,000 m and so no channel segments are likely to be split into shorter segments.

Step 9: Forcing all cells adjacent to a channel to flow into it (FLOW2CHAN)
It is not entirely clear why, but it was found to be necessary to run this procedure a second time
at this point in the processing. The procedure forces all cells that are adjacent to a channel and
are not marked as a channel cell to flow into the adjacent marked channel. It appears that some
of the changes in flow direction implemented in steps 6 and 8 above overrode previous efforts to
ensure that all cells adjacent to channels drained into a cell with a lower elevation that was part of
a marked channel. Re-running this procedure at this juncture seemed to be required to reset this
condition to true for all cells adjacent to marked channels.

Step 10: Identifying and labeling marked channel segments (CALC_SEGS)
This module (CLAC_SEGS) is a key component of the procedures to automatically create and
describe WEPP spatial entities. This module traces down every marked channel again, starting
with the channel segment with the highest elevation start cell (seed type 1) and following it to its
terminus, then finding the next highest type 1 start cell and so on.
As it traces down each channel it identifies, numbers and stores data about every unique channel
segment it encounters. A unique channel segment begins at any seed point labeled as a type 1,
2, 5, or 8 and ends at any cell labeled as a type 3, 7, 4, 5, or 6 (Figure 51). The procedure stores
data on the location, elevation and seed type of the cell at the start of the segment and the end of
the segment, the length of the segment, whether the segment ends at a pit and the initial unique
identifier for the segment.
The segment table (Figure 50) records most of the information required to compute and store
complete descriptions of the topological connectivity of the individual segments (e.g. which
segments flow into which other segments) and several of the important attributes of each
segment (e.g. length, overall slope from start to bottom). The field START_DDIR records the
code for drainage direction assigned to the first (start) cell in each segment. This information was
required to assist in computing whether upslope segments flowing into any given segment
entered from the top, left or right. The field DOWN_SEG identifies the unique sequence number
of the cell in the master WEPP table into which each segment end cell drains. A logical field
(IMPOUND) identifies whether the current channel segment is actually an impoundment.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 50. Illustration of the information about channel segments computed and stored in the segment table (ID#SEGS)

Figures 51 and 52 present examples of the results obtained by application of the procedures for
locating seed cells (Figure 51) and labeling individual channel segments between identified seed
cells with unique channel segment ID numbers (Figure 52). In Figure 51 it can be seen that start
type seed cells (1) occur at the start of each unique channel and junction type seed cells (2)
occur at each channel junction. Tributary branch (3) and main branch (7) seed cells occur
immediately upslope from each junction type cell. Impoundment type cells (5) and split type cells
(4) break up linear segments into shorter segments and always have type 8 start cells below
them. Each linear channel segment has a unique color associated with it in Figure 52 and has a
unique ID number associated with it in the channel segment table (Figure 50).
WEPP rules stipulate that impoundments can be fed by up to three channels or by a single
hillslope, but not by more than one hillslope or by both channels and hillslopes. These rules
necessitated enforcing some special conditions on channel segments identified as occurring at
type 5 depression seed points. Duplicate records were entered into the segment table
(ID#SEGS) for cells labeled as pit type seed cells. The first occurrence of a channel segment
that began and ended at the same type 5 seed point was considered to describe a channel
segment one cell in length. This short, isolated channel segment 1 cell in length was then
considered to direct its outflow into a notional impoundment cell that occupied the same physical
space as the channel segment cell. In this way, any channels or hillslopes computed to deliver
flow to the impoundment seed point location were considered to be flowing into a WEPP channel
segment. This WEPP channel segment, in turn, could only flow into the notional impoundment
entity. Every impoundment entity is therefore fed by one, and only one, channel segment. No
impoundments are ever fed by hillslopes as any potential hillslopes feed the channel segment
that occupies the same physical space as the impoundment cell. These special mental
gymnastics were required to avoid otherwise unavoidable situations in which impoundment cells
could be fed by multiple hillslopes or by an illegal combination of channels and hillslopes.
This module performs another important calculation as it traces down each channel and labels
and describes each channel segment. At each cell along each channel segment, all neighbor
cells are scanned to identify neighbor cells that are not marked as channel cells and that flow into
the current channel at the current cell. A procedure is invoked that determines the relative
direction of each neighbor cell with respect to the orientation of the channel passing through the
current cell. Every neighbor cell that is not marked as a channel cell and that drains into the
current channel cell is marked as draining in from either the left (3), right (2) or top (1) of the
channel (Figure 53). Only cells labeled as type 1 start cells can accept input from a top location,
so all type 1 cells are marked as receiving input from the top. All other cells are marked as
receiving inflow from the left or right. Data indicating which side of a channel a cell drains from (1
= top, 2 = right, 3 = left) are stored in the field CHAN_SIDE in the master WEPP table.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 51. Illustration of the result of locating seed point identifiers at critical locations along a channel network

Figure 52. Illustration of results of identifying and labeling individual channel segments between seed cells


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 53. Illustration of the result of computing the direction from which flow enters a marked channel segment

Step 11: Sorting channel segments into topological order (ORDER_SEGS)
This module sorts the WEPP channel segments identified in step 10 above into the correct
topological order. Channel segments in the original ID#SEGS table (Figure 50) are indexed in
descending order of elevation from the segment with the highest elevation for its end cell to the
segment with the lowest elevation. The original ID number for each segment (INITIAL_ID) is
supplemented by a new number (SORT_ORDER) that is assigned based on the sequential
position of any given segment in the indexed table (Figure 54). This ensures that the number
now assigned to any channel segment is smaller than the ID number assigned to any other
channel segment lower in the landscape into which the current segment might possibly contribute
Ignoring the data in the field FINAL_ID for the present, it is clear from Figure 54 that channel
segments are ordered from highest to lowest relative to the elevation of the end cell for every
channel segment. At this point, the module labels every cell in the master WEPP table that lies
along a marked channel with an initial channel segment ID number that corresponds to the value
stored in the field SORT_ORDER. The algorithm goes directly to the record number of the start
cell (START_CELL) associated with each numbered channel segment and traces down the flow
path from that cell until it reaches the cell identified as the end cell. At each cell along the path, it
enters the integer ID number corresponding to SORT_ORDER into the field SEGMENT_NO in
the master WEPP table (Figure 48).
Again, special rules are followed in the case of channel segments that are labeled as
impoundments. Cells are labeled with the ID number of only the first (virtual channel segment) of
the pairs of channel segment ID numbers for the same physical location. This is true except if
there is no channel defined for the location, in which case, the cell is labeled with the ID number
of the impoundment.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 54. Illustration of the relevant portion of the segment table showing segments ordered by decreasing elevation

At this point, the module processes the data in the segment table (Figure 54) to identify and
record values for the down slope segment into which each segment drains (DOWN_SEG) and
the record number of the first cell in the down slope segment into which each segment drains
(DRAIN_REC). For all but impoundment cells, this is a simple matter of going to the cell in the
master WEPP table identified by the value stored in the field END_CELL in the segment table
(Figure 12). Once at this cell, the drainage direction is followed to move directly to the down
slope cell that this end cell drains into. This is the DRAIN_REC. The recently added value for
SEGMENT_NO is read for this cell and is transferred to the field DOWN_SEG in the segment
table (Figure 54). Every channel segment now knows the integer ID value that identifies the
channel segment that it drains to (DOWN_SEG) and knows the sequential record number that
identifies the location of the first cell in the down slope channel segment that it drains into

Step 12: Recomputing drainage direction codes for all cells (REDO_DDIR)
Up until this point, all changes made to drainage directions are effectuated by changing the value
stored in the field DREC for any given cell to direct its flow into a different cell with a different
record number. It is desirable to update the value stored in the field DDIR for all cells for which
drainage directions have been changed. A later procedure requires a correct value for the
drainage direction assigned to the first cell in each channel segment (the start cell). This value is
used to determine the direction of flow from the start cell of each channel segment into the next
down slope cell. The direction of flow is needed to assess the relative direction from which
upslope segments enter any given down slope segment at that segment's start cell. The
REDO_DDIR procedure is applied to re-compute correct drainage directions for all cells in the
master WEPP file, rather than just channel start cells. This ensures that all cells have correct
codes for drainage direction after all of the changes that have been made to initial drainage
directions by previous procedures.

Step 13: Adding a value for drainage direction for start cells (ADD_DDIR)
Once the values for drainage direction (DDIR) have been corrected in the master WEPP table,
the value for START_DDIR is added to the segment table (Figure 54). This is done by going
directly to the record number in the master WEPP table specified in the field START_CELL in the
segment file (Figure 54). The value for DDIR for this cell is recorded and transferred to the field
START_DDIR in the segment file.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Step 14: Linking upper to lower channel segments (FIND_UPSEGS)
This module (FIND_UPSEGS) processes the segment file to link each down slope segment with
all upslope segments that drain into it. At the same time, segments that flow into a given down
slope segment are identified as flowing in from the top, left or right. Additionally, if the segment
flowing into the current down slope segment is marked as an impoundment, it is determined if the
impoundment enters the current segment from the top, left or right and this information is stored
in the appropriate field in the segment table (Figure 55).

Figure 55. Illustration of relevant portions of the segment table indicating upper segments linked to lower segments.

Figure 55 illustrates how upper segments are linked to lower segments. For example, segment
4762 drains into segment 4763. It is a channel and is the only entity that drains into segment
4763 so it must enter from the top (see CENTER_SEG for FINAL_ID 4763).
In Figure 55, FINAL_ID 4763 is an impoundment entity and it flows to DOWN_SEG 4775.
Segment 4763 is listed as being a TOP_IMP for FINAL_ID 4775. It is a relatively simple process
to locate the FINAL_ID record that corresponds to the value stored in the field DOWN_SEG for
an upper segment and to go to that record. It is then also relatively simple to compute whether
the upslope segment enters the down slope segment from the top, left or right. Once this is
computed, the value of FINAL_ID from the upslope segment is entered into the appropriate field
for the down slope segment record (e.g. one of LEFT_SEG, RIGHT_SEG, CENTER_SEG). This
is repeated for every record in the segment table, to identify and go to the record number for the
segment that it drains to and to insert a reference to itself as an upslope segment that drains into
this down slope segment.
It should be noted that all original calculations are done using identifying values that correspond
to the value stored in the field SORT_ORDER. It is only later, after the total number of WEPP
hillslopes is known that the FINAL_ID number can be assigned to all channel segments. Once
the FINAL_ID number is assigned to all channel segments, the values in the various fields in the
are updated from referencing the initial SORT_ORDER number to referencing the FINAL_ID

Step 15: Computing and labeling WEPP hillslope segments (HILL_SHEDS)
The module HILL_SHEDS computes an integer ID number for WEPP hillslope for every cell in a
raster DEM. This is another key module in the program WeppMapR. The process relies on
previously computed results in which each cell along marked channels was labeled with an
integer ID number corresponding to the sequential ID number for WEPP channel segments
ordered from highest to lowest (see Step 11).


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 56. Illustration of how data in the master WEPP file are used to permit calculation of WEPP hillslope numbers

The module traces down flow paths following drainage directions (DREC) from every cell until the
flow path reaches a cell marked as a channel segment. Such cells have non-zero values in the
field SEGMENT_NO. The algorithm records the value stored in the field CHAN_SIDE for the last
cell with a positive value for the variable CHAN_SIDE that it traversed before encountering a
marked channel segment cell. The algorithm then knows the ID number of the channel segment
that the start cell (and its entire flow path) drains to and the direction from which the flow path
enters the channel (left, right or top). This information is recorded and the algorithm returns to
the start cell and traces down the flow path again. It stores the value for the ID number of the
channel segment that it drains to in the field SHED_NO and the code for the direction from which
it enters the channel in the field SHED_SIDE. Any flow path that intersects a cell that is already
labeled with a value for SHED_NO and SHED_SIDE simply stops going down slope. It records
these stored values and assigns them to all previously unlabeled cells along the flow path.
A second algorithm is run once all cells have been linked to their respective channel segments
and identified as entering the channel from the left, right or top. This algorithm sorts the master
WEPP file by increasing SHED_NO and increasing SHED_SIDE value. WEPP hillslope ID
numbers are then computed for each unique combination of assigned SHED_NO and
SHED_SIDE values. WEPP hillslope ID numbers begin with one (1) for the first hillslope and
progress sequentially from there. The first WEPP hillslope is the hillslope that drains into the
lowest numbered WEPP channel segment (the segment with the highest end cell elevation) from
the top (SHED_SIDE value 1). The next drains into the same channel segment from the right
(SHED_SIDE value 2) and then the left (SHED_SIDE value 3) (if present). This process
continues until all cells have been assigned WEPP hillslope ID values (stored in the field

Step 16: Renumbering channel and impoundment segments (RENUM_SEGS)
It is only at this point that the total number of WEPP hillslopes in the DEM area is known. Once
the total number of WEPP hillslope entities is known, it is necessary to renumber all previously
numbered WEPP channel segment and impoundment entities. WEPP requires that channels
and impoundments have ID numbers that are larger than the largest ID number assigned to a
WEPP hillslope. The WEPP channel and impoundment entities are originally numbered using
values that correspond to the field SORT_ORDER in the WEPP segment file. It is now a
relatively simple process to renumber all fields that reference a SORT_ORDER ID number with a
value of SORT_ORDER+MAX_HILLS, where MAX_HILLS is the maximum number of known
WEPP hillslopes. Channel segments are now numbered starting with a value that is one greater
than the maximum number of WEPP hillslopes in the data set and incremented by 1 for each
subsequent down slope channel segment or impoundment entity.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The location and extent of all WEPP spatial entities of interest (hillslopes, channels and
impoundments) has now been defined. What remains is to compute the morphological attributes
of these spatial entities and to reformat the data into formats suitable for direct input into the
WEPP model.

Step 17: Building the WEPP structure file for all WEPP entities (BUILD_STRU)
This module (BUILD_STRU) reformats data contained in the channel segment file into a format
suitable for direct input into the watershed structure file required by WEPP.
Flanagan and Livingston (1995) provide the following description of a WEPP watershed file.

The WEPP watershed structure file describes the watershed configuration. For each
channel element or impoundment, it indicates what hillslopes, channels and/or
impoundments are draining into it from the top or laterally from the left or right. Each
element in the watershed is given an ID number. The numbers need to comply with the
following rules:

All hillslope ID numbers are attributed first, i.e. channel or impoundment numbers
are always greater than those of hillslopes.


Any upstream element of a channel or impoundment has a lesser ID number
than the ID number of the channel or impoundment itself.

This module processes previously computed data to identify every channel or impoundment
element using a unique, sequential ID number (ELEMENT_NO) (see Figure 57). Channel type
elements (2) are distinguished from impoundment type elements (3) in the field ELE_TYPE. The
unique ID numbers of any upslope WEPP hillslopes, channel segments or impoundments that
drain into a given channel or impoundment entity are indicated in the fields left, right or top hill,
channel or impoundment in the table (Figure 57).

Figure 57. Illustration of a portion of the database table containing data formatted as required for a WEPP structure file

At this point, the WeppMapR program has computed the location and extent of all spatial entities
required by the WEPP model, namely hillslopes, channels and impoundments. It has also
explicitly computed the hydrological connectivity from each WEPP hillslope into its associated
channel or impoundment and from each channel or impoundment into the down slope channel or
impoundment into which it drains. These data are stored in a database table in a format suitable
for direct input into a WEPP structure file (Figure 57).
Subsequent modules are oriented towards computing and describing the morphological
characteristics of the WEPP hillslopes and channels in terms of representative hillslope and
channel profiles and impoundment stage-area-length relationships. Several fields are added to
the master WEPP table to facilitate computation and storage of data pertaining to morphological
attributes of WEPP spatial entities (see Figure 58).

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Step 18: Computing slope and aspect for each DEM grid cell (WEPP_FORM)
This module (WEPP_FORM) computes slope gradient (SLOPE) (Figure 59) and aspect
(ASPECT) for each grid cell in the DEM using algorithms described by Eyton (1991). The code
for this module was extracted from the FormMapR program described previously.

Figure 58. Illustration of the expanded master WEPP table with fields for storing morphological variables for each cell

Step 19: Computing distance to channel for each dem grid cell (WEPP_LEN)
This module (WEPP_LEN) computes several measures of distance to channel for each grid cell
in a DEM. It simply traces down flow paths from each grid cell, following drainage directions, until
the flow path reaches a cell marked as belonging to a WEPP channel segment (SEGMENT_NO).
It notes the location and elevation of each cell along each flow path and the location and
elevation of the cell at which the flow path first enters the marked channel. Using this information
it computes several different values for distance from cell to channel (Figure 58). N2ST records
the number of grid cells traversed in flowing from any given cell to the first cell marked as a
channel cell. L2ST records the line of sight distance from each grid cell to the cell at which it
enters a marked channel. The value for L2ST is modified to account for the vertical change in
elevation between each grid cell and the cell at which the flow path from it enters a marked
channel (Z2ST). All three measures of distance to channel are computed and stored, but only
the variable N2ST is subsequently used to describe WEPP hillslopes (Figure 60).

Step 20: Computing hillslope profiles for each wepp hillslope (HILL_STATS)
This module (HILL_STATS) computes and stores all data required to describe notional hillslope
profiles for each WEPP hillslope. The notional hillslope profiles do not reflect the geometry of any
specific flow path within a WEPP hillslope. Rather they represent a statistical sample that
portrays mean values for slope gradient and aspect at different relative distances along a
notional, or representative, hillslope profile.
The module extracts to a temporary working file (Figure 61) data on slope, aspect and distance to
channel (N2ST) for all cells in a given WEPP hillslope entity. The file is indexed by ascending
value of distance to channel (N2ST). The largest value of N2ST for the hillslope is determined
(MAX_N2ST). A value for relative distance along a notional hillslope profile (from top to bottom)
is computed according to REL_N2ST = 1 - [(N2ST-1)/MAX_N2ST-1)]. In the example illustrated
in Figure 59 the maximum distance to channel was 15 cells. The geometric mean of slope and
the spherical mean of aspect are computed for specified intervals of relative profile distance as
portrayed by the variable REL_N2ST. For all hillslopes that have a maximum value for N2ST
less than 21 cells, a mean is computed for every unique value of REL_N2ST for the hillslope.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 59. . Illustration of slope gradient (in CSSC slope classes) computed by WeppMapR for an example area

Figure 60. Illustration of distance to channel as measured by the variable N2ST for an example area


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

For hillslopes with maximum values for N2ST greater than 20 cells, average values are computed
for no more than 18 equal intervals of relative profile
distance. This limitation is imposed by the WEPP
convention that hillslope profiles can be described by no
more than 20 points located at specified relative distances
along a representative WEPP hillslope profile.
Each WEPP hillslope is therefore described by computing
mean values for slope gradient and aspect for all cells that
are within a specified range of relative distance along a
notional hillslope profile. The notional profile begins at the
farthest point from the channel (N2ST = MAX_N2ST) and
ends at cells immediately adjacent to the channel (N2ST =
1). As per WEPP conventions, the slope profile is described
using pairs of data values. The first value in a pair gives the
distance from the start (top) of the hillslope profile expressed
as a relative proportion of the maximum total profile length (a
decile value). The second value in a pair describes the
slope gradient (in m/m) at that point. All profiles must be
described by at least two points corresponding to the start
(relative distance = 0.0) and the end (relative distance 1.0) of
the hillslope. No profile may be described by more than 20
pairs of points (see Figure 62).
Figure 61. Illustration of the temporary working file used to compute slope profile data for notional WEPP hillslopes.

Figure 62. Illustration of the data table prepared to describe the geometry of WEPP hillslopes and their hillslope profiles

The data computed to describe each WEPP hillslope is stored in a DBF table called ID#HILL
(Figure 62). In this table, the width of a WEPP hillslope (HILL_WIDTH) is set to equal the length
of the WEPP channel that it drains to for left and right hillslopes. The area of a WEPP hillslope
(HILL_AREA) is computed as the number of cells in the hillslope times the unit area of a grid cell
in the DEM. The maximum length (MAX_LEN) refers to the maximum value for N2ST computed
for the hillslope times the unit width of a grid cell in the DEM. The field WEPP_LEN stores a
value for the allowable length for the notional WEPP hillslope. If the width of a left or right WEPP
hillslope is set equal to the width of the channel segment that it drains to, then the length of the
hillslope should be equal the area of the hillslope divided by the width (WEPP_LEN =
HILL_AREA/HILL_WIDTH). The field ASPECT stores a value for the spherical mean of aspect
for all cells included in the hillslope. The field NUM_POINTS identifies the number of discrete
points along the notional profile for which pairs of values for relative distance and slope gradient
are given in the field PROFILE. The PROFILE field contains a text string that describes the
notional hillslope profile according to the format required by WEPP. Each pair of points gives a
value for the relative distance along a profile (from the top) linked to a mean slope gradient for all
cells within that profile length increment.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Step 21: Computing channel profiles for each WEPP channel (CHAN_STATS)
This module (CHAN_STATS) performs an operation to compute and describe channel
morphology (see Figure 61) that is equivalent to that performed for hillslope morphology by

Figure 63. Illustration of the DBF table created to store data on the morphology of WEPP channel elements

The field CHAN_NO contains the unique channel ID number for each channel. Channels are
numbered sequentially starting with the channel with the highest elevation end cell and
progressing to the channel with the lowest end cell. Channel numbers start at 1 greater than the
number of WEPP hillslope elements. Channel length (CHAN_LEN) is computed by counting the
number of cells traversed by the flow path that extends from the channel start cell to the channel
end cell and multiplying by the width of a grid cell. NUM_POINTS gives the number of points
along the channel flow path used to describe the geometry of the channel profile (PROFILE).
For channel segments less than or equal to 20 cells in length, every cell along the channel is
included in the profile description. For channel elements that contain more than 20 cells, the
channel is divided into up to 19 equal increments and a channel description is extracted for
relative slope length and slope gradient at a point for each of up to 19 points along the channel.
Mean slope is computed as the arithmetic mean for slope gradient (m/m) for all cells along the
channel. General mean (GEN_MEAN) is computed as the absolute vertical drop divided by the
linear run between the cell at the start of the channel element and the cell at the end. It provides
a useful check of the mean slope gradient and could be used instead of mean gradient to
describe the overall top to bottom slope of the channel element. Aspect is the spherical mean of
the value for aspect in all cells along the channel element. Profile consists of a series of up to 20
ordered pairs of points that report the relative distance along the channel and the value for slope
gradient associated with each of these points (Figure 61).

Step 22: Recomputing upslope area again for all cells (NEW_UPS)
Upslope area count is re-computed again at this point. This is done to ensure that all cells have
a correct value for upslope area.

Step 23: Export of data from DBF tables into WEPP ASCII files
Data stored in the ID#Hill and ID#Chan DBF tables is formatted exactly as required for use in the
ASCII hill and channel files required by the WEPP program. Each row of data in the ID#Hill or
ID#Chan DBF tables can be exported as an ASCII file and read directly into the WinWEPP
program. Similarly, the ID#Stru file (Figure 57) is formatted exactly as defined for a WEPP ASCII
structure file. Data for any combination of WEPP hillslopes and the channel segments they drain
into can be exported from the ID#Stru file into an ASCII structure file for use in the WEPP for
Windows program.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Operation of the WeppMapR Program
The WeppMapR interface is illustrated in Figure 64. Running WeppMapR requires the user to
make the following decisions and input the following user supplied information.

Figure 64. Illustration of the WeppMapR interface and input requirements

Identifying the input data location and working folder
First, the user must navigate to the folder that contains all of the required input data and to select
the ID#DEM file that is associated with the site to be processed. This ID#DEM file must have
been produced by a successful application of the FlowMapR program. Other files produced by
the FlowMapR program (e.g. ID#Pit, ID#Pond) must also have been pre-computed by the
FlowMapR program and must be present in the same folder as the selected ID#DEM file. The
folder containing the ID#DEM file will automatically become the default working directory into
which all output from FormMapR will be placed.

Entering the horizontal dimensions of a grid cell
The user must then enter the horizontal dimensions of a grid cell in meters. The WeppMapR
program was never set up to handle measurement units other than meters or cells that were not
square. The user-entered value for grid dimension is used in calculations of slope gradient and
slope length as well as to compute lengths of channel segments and distance from each cell to
cells identified as channels and ridges or pits and peaks.

Entering a value to identify missing data
The user must enter a value that identifies cells that have missing data. The user-entered value
for missing data is used to tell the WeppMapR program which cells should not be processed.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Entering a threshold value for recognizing simulated channels
Users must decide upon, and enter, a threshold value for upslope area count for down-slope
flow. As previously discussed, this threshold value is used to identify which grid cells are
recognized as belonging to channels. It is important to select threshold values that result in
production of a channel network that is reasonable and realistic for the area, the terrain and the
objectives of the planned WEPP modeling. If the entered threshold value is too low, too many
cells will be classed as belonging to channels. This can confuse and distort extraction of channel
and hillslope spatial entities performed by the WeppMapR program. In the same vein, if the
selected threshold value is too high, too few cells may be classed as channels and the resulting
network of channel segments and the hillslopes that flow into them will be inadequate.
A default value of 300 cells of upslope area count has been found to work well for many kinds of
terrain and many different DEMs of different grid resolutions and extent. The 300 cell value
seems to be particularly suitable when processing relatively high resolution (5-10 m horizontal
grid cells) DEM data for field and farm sized areas (800 m to 1600 m on a side). For DEM data
sets with a very small number of cells (e.g. less than 10,000) it may frequently be necessary to
select lower threshold values (100-200 cells) as there are simply not enough cells in the DEM to
produce large upslope area counts in the range of 300 or greater. For very large DEM data sets
containing 1 million cells or more, it has often proven better to select threshold values closer to
1000 cells as lower thresholds can result in recognition of channel networks that are overly
detailed and confusing.
It is advisable for users to produce maps and visualizations of upslope area count immediately
after running FlowMapR and before running FormMapR so that they can be confident they have
selected and entered threshold values that will produce appropriate stream and channel
networks. Having said this, I have very often selected and entered threshold values “blindly”
without reference to maps of different threshold values. This approach seems to work if one has
processed a large number of DEMs of similar resolution for similar terrain and if a particular
threshold value has consistently proven to produce reasonable divide and channel network
Upslope area represents a count of numbers of cells and does not represent absolute upslope
area in square meters. The number of cells needs to be multiplied by the area of a single grid
cell to convert upslope area count into a measure of absolute upslope area.

Entering a value for maximum length of a channel segment
Users are required to enter a value to identify the maximum length that a channel segment can
attain before it is split to produce two channel segments of shorter length.
This value will determine whether long channel segments are split into shorter segments. The
advantage of defining shorter segments is that shorter segments tend to be associated with a
more uniform set of conditions, both in terms of the shape and orientation of the channel segment
and in terms of the orientation and diversity of the hillslopes that contribute flow into the defined
channel segment.
If users do not wish to sub-divide long channel segments into shorter segments, they need only
select an arbitrarily large value for maximum length of channel segment. A very large value will
almost certainly mean that no channel segments exceed the maximum permitted length and so
no channel segments will be sub-divided by insertion of a split type seed cell. It is unadvisable to
define a maximum length of channel segment that is less than 5 cell units long and it is preferable
to allow channel segments to be at least 20 cell units long.

Running the WeppMapR program
Click on Start to run the WeppMapR program. If the progress dialogue message stalls and does
not update itself for a long period of time, it may well be that the program has entered an infinite
loop. In this case, the program can be cancelled by clicking on the Cancel button. Press Close
to close the program after it has successfully run to completion.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

WeppMapR Output Files
WeppMapR creates 5 different DBF output files (Table 8). The file named ID#Wepp is the main
file that contains one record for each grid cell in the original raster DEM (Figure 65). All other files
are summary files that summarize the attributes of hydrological entities (channels and hillslopes)
extracted from the raster DEM by the WeppMapR program (Figure 66). The file named ID#Segs
is a working file that is used by WeppMapR in computing the topology of hydrological connectivity
from hillslopes into channel segments and from upper into lower channel segments. The three
other files (ID#Chan, ID#Hill and ID#Struc) are formatted exactly as defined for their exact
counterparts in the WEPP model.
Table 7. Listing and description of all DBF output files produced by the WeppMapR program


Description of contents


This file reports data for each unique channel segment extracted by the
WeppMapR program. Each channel segment has a unique integer ID number
and is described in terms of its length, mean slope, general slope, mean aspect,
number of points used to create its representative profile and a series of paired
points that define a representative channel profile.
This file reports data for each unique WEPP hillslope extracted by the WeppMapR
program. Each hillslope has a unique integer ID number and is described in
terms of its width, area, maximum length, WEPP length, mean aspect, number of
points used to create its representative profile and a series of paired points that
define a representative hillslope profile.
This is a working file used by the WeppMapR program to label each unique
channel segment in a simulated drainage network and to work through the
procedures that order channel segments and compute which channel segments
connect to which other down slope channel segments.
This file stores output data on the most likely ecological classification for every
grid cell in a matrix. It does not record or report the likelihood value for every
possible fuzzy attribute or every fuzzy class. It is only produced by option b
This file stores data for only the most likely landform classification produced by
application of a condensed version of the full LandMapR LSM program. It only
saves data for the most likely output classification and not for every possible fuzzy
attribute value or fuzzy class value. It is only produced by option c.




Figure 65. An example of the main ID#Wepp DBF file produced by WeppMapR


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

a) Example of a WEPP channel file produced by the WeppMapR program

b) Example of a WEPP hill file produced by the WeppMapR program

c) Example of a WEPP segment file produced by the WeppMapR program

d) Example of a WEPP structure file produced by the WeppMapR program
Figure 66. Examples of all summary output files produced by the WeppMapR program


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Using and visualizing the WeppMapR Output Data
WeppMapR presently exists as an interesting, but non-essential, addition to the LandMapR
toolkit of programs. None of the output from WeppMapR is presently used in current procedures
for classifying ecological or landform spatial entities.
The ability to extract hillslopes and portions of hillslopes from a DEM using WeppMapR opens up
some interesting possibilities for computing integrated land and water spatial entities that
possess attributes of both hydrological connectivity and characteristic landform position and
surface configuration. It is hoped that the LandMapR toolkit will evolve to enable automated
extraction of landform facets that act as integrated land and water spatial entities with
hydrological connectivity being explicitly defined for each hillslope patch or facet, in addition to
the shape and relative landform position for each facet.
For the present, however, the hillslope and channel spatial entities extracted by WeppMapR are
mainly interesting curiosities that exist distinctly apart from the landform or ecological entities
computed by the FacetMapR program.

Figure 67. An example of hillslope and channel entities extracted using the WeppMapR program

Users are encouraged to run WeppMapR on their data sets and to create grid maps that depict
the location and extent of WEPP hillslopes and channel segments (Figure 67). They are further
reminded that each of the spatial entities depicted on these maps exists as a uniquely identified
object in a relational table in DBF format. The DBF tables identify the ID number of the channel
segment that each WEPP hillslope drains into and the ID numbers of the channel segments that
drain into each uniquely numbered channel segment, as well as the channel (or impoundment)
that each segment itself flows into. The WEPP hillslopes easily and rapidly identify which
sections of which stream channels are likely to be impacted by any activity in any upslope area.
Any activity within a defined WEPP hillslope will have its most immediate impact on the section of
stream channel that the hillslope drains into and may have additional impacts on any down slope
drainage channel segments. This kind of information may prove to be very useful for estimating
relationships between activities in upslope areas and their down slope impacts.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Figure 68. Examples of WEPP hillslopes and channels extracted for two very different types of terrain

Possible future development of the WeppMapR program
The WeppMapR program was initially developed as a one-of custom program to address specific
needs of a specific client (Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development). It was developed
to take advantage of the flow topology computed by the FlowMapR program and to extend the
utility of this topology. The program has proven capable of extracting meaningful and consistent
hydrological networks and their associated hillslopes in a wide variety of types and scales of
terrain (Figure 68).
The initial functionality of the WeppMapR program could be very readily generalized to compute
and store hydrological entities and their topological relations for any number of other hydrological
data models. One model of particular interest and relevance is the ArcGIS Hydro data model
(Maidment, 2000). It is hoped that the underlying functionality of the WeppMapR program can
eventually be expanded to develop fully automated procedures for extracting the full ArcGIS
Hydro data model from DEM data.
Other possible applications of the basic WeppMapR capabilities may include extracting the cells
from a particular WEPP hillslope and processing them to classify each hillslope area into
components or patches that have both a unique set of topographic conditions (e.g. relative
landform position, shape (concave/convex), slope gradient and orientation) and an explicitly
defined connectivity to other hillslope patches that lie both above them and below them. This
kind of classification approach would result in recognition of fully integrated land and water spatial
entities that had significance from both geomorphological and hydrological perspectives.
LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc. strongly believes that an integrated land and water
data model will ultimately prove to be more powerful and more useful than separate independent
data models for land (landform or soil facets) and water (hydrological flow networks). It is
LandMapper’s intention to continue to advocate for an integrated land and water spatial data
model and to try to develop the LandMapR toolkit to support extraction of integrated land and
water data models.
For the moment, however, WeppMapR will likely remain a bit of an orphan program in the
LandMapR toolkit, until such time as client needs or external funding create an environment in
which improvements or extensions are immediately necessary and desirable.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The GridReadWriteUtility
The GridReadWriteUtility program is used to transfer spatial data back and forth between the
DBF format files used by all LandMapR toolkit programs and the binary grid format used by
ArcView 3.2 to import and export raster data.

Rationale for the GridReadWriteUtility
The GridReadWriteUtility program was created to help address inefficiencies in reformatting and
transferring spatial data between the DBF format tables used by all LandMapR toolkit programs
and the GIS software used to collate and display both input data sets and output results.
The original LandMapR programs were written to operate within the Visual FoxPro database
environment. Users of the FoxPro version of the programs were therefore obliged to have a copy
of FoxPro and so had at their disposal the means for defining DBF format tables, importing raster
data in ASCII format into defined DBF tables and exporting data from DBF tables into ASCII files
that could then be reformatted for import into GIS programs.
The new C++ versions of the LandMapR toolkit no longer run inside Visual FoxPro and therefore
no longer absolutely require users to possess a copy of FoxPro. It therefore became desirable to
have a utility program that would provide users who did not have a copy of FoxPro with a
convenient alternative means of moving input data from their GIS into the LandMapR DBF format
and moving output data from the LandMapR DBF tables into their GIS format.

Operation of the GridReadWriteUtility

Figure 69. Illustration of the interface for the GridReadWriteUtility

The interface for the GridReadWriteUtility is illustrated in Figure 23.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

This utility can be used to convert grid data exported from ArcView 3.2 in binary raster format
(FLT & HDR files) into the DBF format used by the LandMapR toolkit. Alternately, it can be used
to extract a single column of data from a DBF format file used by the LandMapR toolkit and
format these data as a single binary raster in the format used by ArcView 3.2 to import (and
export) binary raster data sets (FLT & HDR files).

Exporting from ArcView 3.2 and reformatting into DBF format
Most users will have a raster DEM data set that they will need to reformat for use in the
LandMapR toolkit programs. It is assumed that the raster DEM data were created in ArcView 3.2
or at least reside in an ArcView 3.2 view. Those users who use other software packages to
prepare their DEM data will have to adjust the procedures described here accordingly. Most
commercial DEM software packages offer capabilities to export into the common ArcView binary
raster format characterized by a raw binary file of data with an extension of FLT and an ASCII
header file with an extension of HDR.
Assuming the user has their DEM data in an ArcView 3.2 project; it is first necessary to export the
data (usually DEM data but not always) as an ArcView 3.2 binary export file. Users need to
select Export Data Source from the ArcView File menu and then navigate to the location where
the original ArcView data is stored in native ArcView GRID format. They select this file, select
Export As binary format and then provide a name and folder location for the binary export file to
be created. ArcView will export the data to a file with the user assigned name and will give it a
file extension of FLT and will at the same time create an ASCII header file with the extension
Once the data have been exported you will have 2 files, one with a FLT extension and one with a
HDR extension. At this point you can open the GridReadWriteUtility and select the Grid to DBF
In the navigation bar to the right of the input file box navigate to the location where you have the
FLT and HDR ArcView export files and select the HDR file for the file you wish to reformat into a
DBF table. In most cases, this will be a file of DEM elevation data that you will want to convert
into a DBF file named ID#ELEV as this is the initial file required to run the FlowMapR program.
Next, click on the navigation bar to the right of the output file box and assign a name and folder
location to the DBF file that you wish to create. Again, most users will want to create a file with
the name ID#Elev that will contain the DEM elevation data they wish to process through the
LandMapR toolkit programs.
The GridReadWriteUtility is set up to default to creation of a DBF output file with the name
ID#Elev that contains a single field with the name Elev of width 12 and precision 4. Users can
change the name to be assigned to the field in the DBF file they are creating and can change its
width and precision, if the data they are reformatting are not the default DEM elevation data that
the GridReadWriteUtility is expecting. Otherwise, users can accept the default field name, field
precision and field width.
Users then click on the Run button and the utility will read in the ArcView FLT file data and then
write out the same data as a DBF table with the name, field name, field width and field precision
specified by the user. The program has no progress dialogue but will write out the message
“Done” once the conversion is complete.

Reformatting from DBF format into ArcView binary raster import format
The GridReadWriteUtility can also extract data from a single field or column in a DBF table and
convert it into GIS grid file in ArcView binary raster (FLT) format. Typically, most users will want
to convert the final classification produced by application of the FacetMapR program into a grid
map for display and review in ArcView Spatial Analyst. However, the utility can be used to
convert any data present in any columns of a DBF table into a grid map, as long as the DBF table
contains data for the same number and location of grid cells as the original gridded DEM file
described by the ArcView header file (HDR) for an area of interest.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

It is first necessary to have a header file (extension HDR) that describes the size (number of rows
and columns) of the grid that is to be produced and gives the coordinates of the lower left corner
in whatever coordinate system is applicable. The easiest way to produce such a file is to export
an existing grid file from ArcView using the Export Data Source function (see above). Users who
have exported their DEM data to a file named ID#Elev will already have created an appropriate
header file (HDR) that describes the size and location of the grid data set that they wish to create.
An example of the organization and content of an ArcView header file for a binary raster FLT file
named ID#ELEV is provided below.


The GridReadWriteUtility has been found to be sensitive to the order in which users interact with
the interface to select input and output files. The program will fail if entries are selected in an
incorrect order. Users are therefore advised to keep to the following sequence when entering
their selections into the interface.
1. Select the option DBF to Grid
2. Click on Load Header Information and navigate to the location where there is a header
file (HDR) that describes the size and location of the grid file that you wish to create.
This header file does not have to have the same name as the file you wish to create and,
in fact, should have a different name.
3. Click on the navigation bar to the right of the input file box and navigate to the folder
location and file name of the DBF file that contains the data that you want to convert into
an ArcView binary grid file. Click on this DBF file name (e.g. ID#LSM or ID#DSS).
4. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Input Field box and scroll through the list of
fields in the DBF file you just picked to select the field that contains the data that you wish
to convert into a binary FLT file. Click on this field name.
5. Click on the navigation bar to the right of the input file box and identify the folder location
and file name for the new binary raster FLT file that you wish to create. Enter a name for
this file that is has meaning for you such as ID#DSS_Run1.
6. Click on Run. The utility will read in the data from the selected field in the DBF file and
write it out as a binary raster file suitable for import into ArcView 3.2.
7. Click on Close once you receive the notification that the processing is “Done”.
One unfortunate characteristic of ArcView binary grid files in FLT format is that they are always
assumed by ArcView to contain data expressed in terms of real numbers. Consequently, when
data from these files are imported into ArcView via the Import Data Source function on the File
menu, they are automatically created as files of real numbers.
If the data you are importing consist of integer numbers (as is the case with all classification
results from FacetMapR) then it will be necessary to convert the imported data from real to
integer format inside ArcView. This can be done easily enough by using the INT function in the
ArcView Map Calculator (look under the Arithmetic option in the calculator). This necessitates
extra work that would be better off avoided, but for now there is no option but to follow this extra
step to convert real data into integer data fro any imported data sets that should be in integer
format. No conversion is required, of course, for data that are meant to be expressed as real

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Possible Future Developments for the LandMapR Toolkit
Developments and Applications to Date
The C++ version of the LandMapR toolkit represents a considerable evolution and improvement
from the original Visual FoxPro version. The C++ programs are many times faster than the
Visual FoxPro versions and can process data sets of much greater size.
Between the original FoxPro versions and the new C++ versions, the LandMapR toolkit has now
been applied successfully to several hundreds of DEM data sets ranging in size from one or two
hundred rows by one or two hundred columns up to a maximum of about 4,000 rows by 4,000
columns. The initial rule bases developed to classify a standard set of 15 landform classes
(LM0Arule/LM0Crule and LM3Arule/LM3Crule) have produced very consistent and useful
classification results for almost every DEM to which they have been applied. The more recent
BC-PEM DSS version of FacetMapR has been used to create meaningful landform and
ecological maps for areas of up to 2 million ha consisting of as many as 50 million grid cells.

Major Areas Requiring Improvement
Despite the overall satisfactory performance of the LandMapR toolkit in applications to date,
there are a number of areas in which the toolkit could benefit from improvements. The major
areas that would benefit from improvements have been identified as follows:
1. The current procedures for creating rule files to define new classes of spatial entities are
inefficient and time consuming and need to be improved.
a. Improved procedures for creating new rule files could reduce the time required to
create effective, accurate rules from days or weeks down to hours.
b. Identifying and implementing procedures for creating new rule files more
efficiently is the highest priority area for improvement at the present time.
2. All components of the LandMapR toolkit are constrained in terms of the maximum size of
data set that they can process in a timely and cost efficient manner and need to be
improved to handle larger data sets more efficiently.
a. This is especially true for the FlowMapR module whose output is required by all
other modules.
b. New flow algorithms are needed that can extract and process sub-watershed
tiles from a master DEM and that use improved algorithms to enable processing
of massive raster data files with 10’s to 100’s of millions of cells.

The LandMapR toolkit is increasingly being applied to larger and larger areas
described by ever larger DEM data sets. The next version of the LandMapR
toolkit will need to be able to process raster data sets of at least 10,000-20,000
rows by 10,000-20,000 columns successfully and in a reasonable amount of time
(hours not days).

3. The current LandMapR modules are not well linked to an easy to use GIS environment to
facilitate the collation and preparation of input data or the rapid display of results and
intermediate output products.
a. It would be highly desirable to link the LandMapR programs more directly and
seamlessly to a GIS shell for rapid and easy collation of input data and display of
output data.
b. An ideal solution would be to use an existing public domain GIS application
programming interface (API) such as that provided by a GNU license GIS such
as SAGA to provide a platform that could host all of the LandMapR toolkit

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

4. Data sets characterized by a preponderance of choropleth input maps of nominal or
ordinal classed data associated with choropleth maps of the map classes that users wish
to predict are not handled very well by the current LandMapR classification routines.
a. The fuzzy classification procedures implemented by the current FacetMapR
program are more suited to analyzing data sets of continuous variables to
develop and apply fuzzy likelihood values. They are not well suited to analyzing
nominal, classed data sets to construct predictive rules.
b. It is proposed that a new set of routines be developed that use analysis of
evidence procedures to compute Bayesian Maximum Estimated Likelihood
values for each class to be predicted based on spatial co-occurrence of desired
output classes relative to classed input maps of nominal or ordinal data.

These new procedures would be specifically targeted to addressing situations in
which users had small scale maps of soils or ecological entities supplemented by
larger scale maps for scattered training areas and wished to develop rules using
the large scale maps that could be extrapolated to areas where these maps did
not exist.

5. The current version of FormMapR does not compute many potentially useful terrain
derivatives for which algorithms have more recently been described and published.
a. It is hoped that the FormMapR program can be extended to compute a larger
number of these potentially useful terrain derivatives and indices including solar
radiation inputs, exposure indices, a full suite of curvature calculations, measures
of fractal dimension and measures of similarity distance or range.

Improved procedures for creating new fuzzy rules
The initial development of the LandMapR toolkit was aimed at providing a platform to develop,
apply and evaluate a single set of rules for classifying any landforms anywhere in the world into a
single, standard set of 15 landform element classes. This initial application did not require
efficient procedures for creating and reviewing classification rules interactively, as only one set of
rules was intended to be created.
Use of the LandMapR toolkit was later expanded to include preparing multiple sets of custom rule
tables to capture and apply the logic embodied in the BC system of Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem
Classification (BEC). This application did require creation of multiple rule files for each BEC subzone and even for sub-divisions of BEC sub-zones. Procedures were developed to edit rule
tables using Microsoft Excel and this helped make revising rules somewhat more efficient.
However, creation of all rule files was done completely by trial and error and no tools were
developed to help inform or guide the creation of new rule tables.
Two quite different options have been identified that could help to make the creation of new rule
sets faster and more correct.
The first involves creating tools that will support interactive adjustment of fuzzy rules
accompanied by immediate visual display of the results. Sliders could be used to provide users
with the ability to adjust threshold values and weights for the input variables used to defined fuzzy
classes and to receive immediate visual feedback on the effects these changes have on a
resulting classification. This kind of interactive gaming approach has real appeal as it expands
the ability of a knowledgeable local expert to rapidly assess the effects of different rules with
different weights and different thresholds. This would empower the ecological and soil experts
and provide them with tools that would let them fully control which mapping concepts were
captured and how. This would be the ideal approach for building heuristic rule bases for the BCPEM DSS application. Initial pilot projects have clearly shown that capturing and applying
heuristic beliefs is actually more effective and accurate than using a limited amount of field
observation data to train “field based” rules. The errors resulting from incomplete or inaccurate
field sampling compounded with field classification error (measurement error) appear to result in
rule bases that are less accurate and effective than ones based purely on concepts and beliefs.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The second possible approach that might make the creation of new rule bases more efficient is
one that would provide automated tools for analyzing spatial co occurrence between sites or
areas identified as belonging to a class that one wished to predict and the full suite of potential
input layers. This automated analysis would identify central values and dispersion patterns for all
continuous input variables for each defined class that one wished to predict. It might conceivable
analyze these patterns to automatically create and write out fuzzy rule files in the format required
for use by the present FacetMapR program. This approach could provide a much faster and
more systematic way of arriving at an initial set of classification rules for any area of interest that
can then be applied, evaluated and refined using fewer iterations.
The fact that this approach would require spatially located training areas that had been classified
either through field observation or visual interpretation of available data sets and imagery is both
its attraction and its drawback. On the positive side, people tend to believe a classification more
if it has been developed through reference to actual field observations and classifications. On the
negative side, experience in the Cariboo PEM pilot has tended to support the conclusion that use
of a limited amount of field data to train classification rules or guide in manual mapping may
actually lead to achieving lower levels of accuracy than can be achieved by simply applying
conceptual beliefs without the benefit of any field data. This is initially counterintuitive but the
more one considers it, the more credible the conclusion becomes. Given the large number of
different kinds of error that can occur in locating, collecting and classifying field observations, it is
not surprising that use of a limited number of field classified sites may actually lead to a reduction
in the accuracy of the resulting predicted classes. Since most sites are actually intergrades
between two or more defined classes, it is not unexpected that many field sites classified into a
particular class may actually have many attributes of an adjacent class and may even be judged
to more correctly belong to another class by a different interpreter. Thus, the classified sites
used to help build rules to recognize a particular class already contain a great deal of ambiguity
and classification error. One ends up using suspect or invalid classifications for many sites to
develop rules that will recognize other similar sites as belonging to this class. Then there is the
whole issue of spatial concordance between the reported locations of the field classified sites and
the various spatial layers of input data. The likelihood of spatial discrepancies is so high that it is
very likely that the location of sites used to train rules are displaced relative to the input data sets
used to develop the rules. This leads, inevitably to the creation of erroneous rules that classify
sites into incorrect classes.
Of the two main approaches for improving the speed and accuracy of procedures for creating
new rules, the first (interactive adjustment and immediate visual feedback) is the more difficult to
implement at this time. This approach would involve embedding the logic applied by the
FacetMapR program into a graphical GIS interface in such a way that users could interactively
adjust weights and threshold values for all potential input layers and immediately see the results
of these changes displayed as 2D maps or 3D perspective views. This would allow for very rapid
development of rules that produced output classes consistent with an expert’s expectations and
experience. However, production of such an environment is not trivial and is beyond the
programming capabilities possessed in-house at LandMapper. This approach will be pursued if
an affordable option for implementing the idea can be identified and acquired.
The second approach of analyzing the distribution of input class values within areas or sites
identified as belonging to classes that one wishes to predict is more easily accomplished using
capabilities that are already in place in-house at LandMapper. A program to analyze input data
layers relative to mapped instances of known classification could be produced quite rapidly. The
limitations restricting the development of such a program are the current unavailability of mapped
areas of known classification in the areas where LandMapper is currently working and the
uncertainty about whether use of a limited amount of field classified training data will actually lead
to improved classification rules and results.
Users of the LandMapR toolkit are encouraged to contribute their opinions and suggestions
regarding how the procedures for creating new fuzzy classification rules could be improved and
streamlined. It is clear that they could benefit from improvement, but not so clear how this should
be done.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Improved ability to process very large data sets
The second major issue encountered in using the current LandMapR programs is related to
limitations in use of the programs for processing very large data sets. Increasingly, the
LandMapR programs are being used to process data for very large areas covered by very large
DEM data sets. At present, the programs slow down to undesirable rates of progress when
applied to data sets that are much larger than about 2,000 rows by 2,000 columns and the
FlowMapR program runs out of memory and fails on data sets much larger than about 4,000
rows by 4,000 columns on Intel computers with 1 GB of RAM.
Increasingly, the LandMapR programs have needed to be applied to areas represented by DEMs
of up to 10,000 rows by 10,000 columns (100 million data points). In order to process data for
such large areas, the full DEM data sets have had to be subdivided into a number of smaller tiles
not much larger than about 2,000 rows by 2,000 columns each. Utility programs have been
created to automatically extract tiles from a master DEM such that each tile contains a core area
that abuts exactly against all adjacent tiles but that also contains a buffer of several km of data
around every core area so as to minimize errors arising from edge effects. These rectangular
tiles extracted from a master DEM data set do permit the LandMapR programs to be applied to a
set of tiles for an entire area of interest which are then stitched back together to produce a single
seamless mosaic. However, such tiles represent only a partial solution to the issue of processing
very large areas. Other options exist and should be investigated.
The first option for improving the ability of the LandMapR programs to process data for very large
areas is simply to produce an improved, automated procedure for tiling large areas into smaller
subset tiles. The optimum approach would be to extract tiles that corresponded to entire
independent watersheds, or failing that, into tiles that represented discrete sub-watershed areas
whose relationships to upslope and down slope watershed components could be established and
recorded. The concept here would be to sub-sample a large DEM to a reduced grid resolution.
This would entail extracting 1 in 2 cells or 1 in 4 cells from a master DEM file, whatever is
required to produce a reduced grid not much larger than about 2,000 rows by 2,000 columns.
This reduced grid could be processed by FlowMapR to identify the location and extent of major
watershed areas and, if necessary sub-watershed catchments. The procedures would
automatically record the row and column coordinates of the bounding rectangle that enclosed
each watershed or sub-watershed area. The procedures would then extract from the full
resolution DEM all data for the area of a bounding rectangle that enclosed a particular watershed
or catchment. Data for catchments could be extracted and processed sequentially in such a
manner that information on the outflow from upper catchments could be added to the relevant
location in the next down slope catchment tile to be processed. Each watershed or subcatchment would be processed independently, but in sequence from higher to lower catchments
so that any information about higher catchments was available to be used to characterize the
flow regimes of lower catchments. The tiling procedures would automatically place result data for
each processed catchment tile back into the master grid, but only for those cells that occurred
within the defined catchment boundaries. Thus, each watershed or sub-catchment would
represent a semi independent tile and each catchment tile would be extracted and processed and
the results replaced back into the master DEM tile automatically by the tiling procedures. This
approach would permit very large areas to be broken down into a set of smaller, hydrologically
independent, areas that could be processed more rapidly and efficiently using the existing
LandMapR programs, especially the FlowMapR program.
The second option is to completely re-engineer all programs in the LandMapR toolkit, but
especially FlowMapR so that the algorithms they use are more efficient and less demanding of
memory and processing time. The initial Visual FoxPro programs were quite slow, because they
involved a lot of read/write activities requiring disk access. However, they had to be able to work
with very limited amounts of computer memory, having been originally designed to work on
computers that had less than 1 MB of RAM. These programs first sorted an input DEM by
elevation from lowest to highest elevation and then processed the DEM from lowest to highest
cell (or for some procedures from highest to lowest cell) to compute flow directions and to remove


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Several recent projects have identified a need for more efficient algorithms for processing DEM
data to compute flow topology and specifically to remove pits to compute fully integrated flow
regimes. Perhaps the most comprehensive and encouraging of these is the TerraFlow project at
Duke University (*/terraflow/) (Toma et al., 2001). This project has
demonstrated that more efficient algorithms for computing flow topology and removing pits are
absolutely necessary in order to process very large DEM data sets efficiently, and indeed in order
to be able to process them at all. The TerraFlow approach involves sorting an input DEM by
elevation from lowest to highest elevation and then processing the DEM from lowest to highest
cell. The approach only requires holding in memory information about the cells that occur up to
the current elevation range along with very small amounts of data about specific critical points
encountered in previously processed cells (e.g. pour points, exit points for lower watersheds and
depressions). The algorithm effectively identifies and removes all depressions in one pass
through the DEM going from bottom to top. It is therefore much more efficient than all currently
used algorithms and is able to process very large DEM data sets in acceptable amounts of time.
Also, since it does not have to hold an entire matrix of elevation data in memory at one time, it is
not limited in the size of DEM data set that it can process. This is a very important point as one
increasingly encounters requirements to process DEMs of 100’s of millions of cells.
So one possibility is to return to the original FlowMapR approach used in the original FoxPro
programs and to sort and process very large DEM data sets from bottom to top. The original
FoxPro FlowMapR algorithms could be adapted to take advantage of some of the ideas and
procedures suggested by the TerraFlow project researchers. It should be possible to re-engineer
the FlowMapR algorithms so that they can handle DEM data sets of any size in a timely and
efficient manner. The new approach would require only a single pass through the DEM data set
and would not require an entire matrix to ever be held in memory at any one time. It would likely
require giving up an ability to compute some of the data currently computed by the existing
FlowMapR pit removing algorithm, but most of these data have not proven to be critical for
application of the LandMapR classification procedures to date anyway.
An ideal solution might be to combine the procedures for tiling a large area into watershed or
sub-catchment tiles with the faster and less memory constrained algorithms proposed by the
TerraFlow project. This would permit a faster algorithm to be applied to a series of independent
to semi-independent tiles that were much smaller than the full DEM and that therefore processed
much faster as a series of smaller tiles than as a single large tile.
The FormMapR and FacetMapR components of the LandMapR toolkit were also less demanding
of computer memory in their original FoxPro versions. The FoxPro FormMapR program never
read in more than three rows of data from a DEM in implementing any of its algorithms. The
FoxPro FacetMapR component only read in data for a single cell at a time and applied all
required calculations to each cell and wrote out the results before moving on to the next cell.
These original FoxPro processing approaches could be reintroduced for use by the C++ versions
of FormMapR and FacetMapR. They would not necessarily speed up the C++ versions of the
programs but they would remove memory restrictions resulting from the present C++ practice of
reading in complete matrices containing all required input data for all cells in a grid in order to
perform computations that do not require access to all cells in a DEM at any one time.

Improved GIS data management and display capabilities
All users of the current LandMapR toolkit will undoubtedly agree that the present programs are
unwieldy in terms of their inability to easily exchange input data and output results with a GIS
display environment.
Initial development of the LandMapR toolkit focused on developing algorithms and procedures for
classifying geomorphic, ecological and hydrological spatial entities using mainly DEM data. No
effort was placed on developing a graphical GIS interface for preparing and collating input data
sets and displaying output results. Expanding applications of the LandMapR toolkit have led to
the realization that it would be highly desirable to improve the integration of the current
LandMapR toolkit programs with a graphical GIS interface. One option would be to integrate the
current LandMapR programs more closely with ArcView 3,2 or ArcGIS 8.0. Another would be to

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

embed the functionality of the current LandMapR toolkit inside a public domain GNU license GIS
shell such as is offered by the SAGA GIS application programming interface (API). Users may
wish to download and experiment with SAGA from (
Both of these options represent a considerable amount of work and expense. Neither is likely to
happen in the existing circumstances under which the LandMapR toolkit is being used. The
present situation of acceptable when the programs are used by LandMapper Environmental
Solutions Inc. to conduct commercial ecological mapping. It is also acceptable for the very few
academic and research users. These users tend to need to apply the programs only once or
twice and at a very limited number of sites. The benefits to them of having access to the
programs inside a GIS shell are not sufficient to justify the costs. Should the LandMapR toolkit
ever be released to others for widespread commercial application, then it will likely be necessary
to embed the functionality within a GS interface.

New procedures for creating Bayesian Maximum Likelihood rules
The current commercial applications of the LandMapR toolkit for in-house use are adequately
served by the existing FacetMapR procedures for creating and applying fuzzy logic rule bases.
These fuzzy logic procedures are not as well suited to the particular circumstances of some of
the more recent academic and research users of the LandMapR toolkit. These more recent users
find themselves in situations in which they have a large amount of potentially useful input data
that exists as nominal or ordinal data extracted from classed (choropleth) maps of geology, soils,
vegetation or similar secondary data sources. At the same time, these users also tend to have a
substantial amount of spatially referenced “training data” often in the form of large scale maps of
the classes they are interested in predicting that occupy scattered portions of the areas for which
they wish to produce predictive maps.
Situations such as those described above are not well suited to addressing using the fuzzy logic
procedures currently implemented in FacetMapR. The current FacetMapR procedures are best
suited to accessing and interpreting continuous variables reported in terms of interval or ratio
data values. For example, slope gradient in percent can be easily converted into a fuzzy attribute
of likelihood of being steep using the current FacetMapR functionality. A choropleth map of slope
classes will need to be manually interpreted before it can be used in the current FacetMapR
procedures. A soil map of nominal classes of named soils is very difficult to use in the current
FacetMapR procedures unless each soil entity is interpreted to produce ordinal or ratio numbers
that reflect some defined attribute of the soil such as texture (coarseness scale of 0 to 100) or soil
depth (depth range of 0-400 cm).
Situations in which users have a preponderance of classed input maps characterized by nominal
or ordinal data values are perhaps better analyzed using analysis of evidence procedures based
on extracting Bayesian Maximum Likelihood Estimates. LandMapper Environmental Solutions
has developed and applied such analysis of evidence procedures for other projects that did not
use the LandMapR toolkit (MacMillan and Marciak, 1999, 2000a,b, 2003). These procedures
analyzed the spatial co-occurrence of any number of classed input maps against spatially
distributed examples of nominal output classes for which a predicted map was desired. This
approach does not require the input maps to be of continuous variables but rather prefers to treat
all input data layers as if they were nominal classed data with no requirement that the classes
possess any kind of structure or order. The procedures simply use the relative frequency of
occurrence of the class to be predicted within each class of a given available input map to
estimate the likelihood of occurrence of the output class given a particular class of a particular
input map. The procedures can be expanded to compute the relative importance of each of j
input layers in predicting a given output class so that a prediction for an output class can be
made using a weighted average of the individual likelihoods of the class occurring relative to
each of i classes on each of j input maps. Based on previous experience in computing Bayesian
Maximum Likelihood values for other applications, LandMapper believes that it would be feasible
to create a new set of procedures (BayesMapR) for extracting and applying Bayesian Maximum
Likelihood estimates to create predictive maps that better utilized existing choropleth maps of
nominal and ordinal data.

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

The proposed new procedures for implementing procedures for extracting and applying Bayesian
Maximum Likelihood beliefs are a relatively low priority for LandMapper at the present time. Still,
they are of interest because they could be useful and applicable to many current situations in
which soil survey agencies have existing smaller scale maps and wish to “densify” these maps by
using finer resolution DEM data and available secondary source choropleth maps to predict the
most likely soil classes at some larger scale and finer resolution. This is usually done through
documenting patterns extracted by analysis of finer resolution soil maps that exist for scattered
“training areas” within a larger region of interest relative to all available input data sets.
LandMapper would be very interested to work with existing or potential users of the LandMapR
toolkit to extend the current functionality of the FacetMapR procedures so that they were more
suited to analyzing and using nominal and ordinal data from classed choropleth input maps.

Calculation of additional terrain derivatives and indices
In the period since the original LandMapR toolkit was first developed, LandMapper has become
aware of a large number of additional terrain derivatives and other terrain indices that have
considerable potential to prove useful as inputs to automated classification of landforms and soil
or ecological entities. LandMapper would like to expand the current version of FormMapR to
include calculation of as many of these additional terrain indices as possible.
Some terrain derivatives that are of interest that the current FormMapR program does not
compute include measures of incoming solar radiation (averaged by hour, day, month, season
and year), a more comprehensive set of calculations of terrain curvature (after Shary et al.,
2002), a number of proposed methods of evaluating relative landform position, a proposed
exposure index that provides an indication of the degree to which a cell is in a valley or on a ridge
and several proposed measures of the relative range about a cell within which the terrain
conditions are similar or the distance out to which variation in the terrain continues to increase (a
kind of sill distance from geostatistics).
The current FormMapR program would benefit considerably from an update that would
implement more recently published algorithms for many new derivatives of relevance for landform
classification. These new derivatives are not required in order to implement the current
commercial work available to LandMapR but would be very desirable in order to maintain the
relevance and currency of the LandMapR toolkit.

Likelihood and Timing of Proposed Improvements
At the present time, all of the improvements and additions to the LandMapR toolkit proposed
above are simply speculative. There are no immediate plans to implement these proposed
improvements. LandMapper Environmental Solutions Inc. is currently fully committed to
contracts for operational mapping using the existing suite of LandMapR programs. There is little
time and no money or incentives to undertake these improvements at the present time.
The purpose of this section was simply to alert users of the LandMapR toolkit to the fact that
LandMapper realizes that there are several areas where the current programs could significantly
benefit from upgrades or changes. LandMapper has identified several areas in which changes
were judged to be both desirable and necessary. Other users are encouraged to identify different
areas where they feel improvements can be made. Ultimately no further improvements will be
made until internal requirements of LandMapper’s work and clients necessitate changes or new
clients appear with specific requests for changes and the funding required to implement them.


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Burrough, P. A. 1989. Fuzzy mathematical methods for soil survey and land evaluation, J. Soil Sci.
Burrough, P. A., R. A. MacMillan and W. Van Deursen. 1992. Fuzzy classification methods for
determining land suitability from soil profile observations and topography, Journal of Soil
Science. 43:193-210.
ESRI, 1996. ArcView Spatial Analyst. Using the ArcView Spatial Analyst: advanced spatial analysis
using raster and vector data. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., Redlands, CA.
148 pp.
Eyton, J. R. 1991. Rate-of-change maps. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems. 18: 87103
Flanagan DC., CS. Renschler and TA. Cochrane. 2000. Application of the WEPP model with digital
topographic information. (in) Problems, Prospects and Research Needs. Proceedings of the
4th International Conference on Integrating GIS & Environmental Modeling (GIS/EM4); 2000
Sep 2-8; Banff, Alberta, Canada.
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MacMillan, R. A., W. W. Pettapiece, L. D. Watson and T. W. Goddard. 1998. A Landform segmentation
model for precision farming. In: Proceedings of the 4th International conference on Precision
Agriculture, Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota. July 19-22,
MacMillan, R. A., W. W. Pettapiece, S. C. Nolan and T. W. Goddard. 2000. A generic procedure for
automatically segmenting landforms into landform elements using DEMs, heuristic rules and
fuzzy logic. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 113 (1): 81-109.
MacMillan, R. A. and W. W. Pettapiece. 1997a. Soil landscape models: Automated landform
characterization and generation of soil-landscape models. Technical Bulletin No. 1997-1E.
Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB. 75 pp.
MacMillan, R. A. and W. W. Pettapiece. 1997b. Landform segmentation procedures manual: Step by
step instructions for processing DEM data to define landform segments. Research Branch,
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB. 65 pp.
MacMillan, R. A. and L. C. Marciak. 1999. Application of a hybrid methodology for estimating potential
salinity hazard (PSH) to a large and diverse test region in Alberta, Canada (NTS Sheet 82P).
prepared for Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Environmentally Sustainable
Agriculture Program (AESA) Soil Quality Program (SQP) component. 35 pp.
MacMillan RA. and LC.Marciak. 2000a. Modeling potential salinity hazard (PSH): predicting potential
salinity hazard for a large and diverse test region in Alberta, Canada (NTS Sheet 82P). 4th
International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling (GIS/EM4):
Problems, Prospects and Research Needs, Banff, Alberta, Canada, September 2-8, 2000.
Available on-line at:  Accessed
September 15, 2000.
MacMillan, R. A. and L. C. Marciak, (2003). Estimating potential salinity hazard (PSH) using a hybrid of
evidential reasoning and multi-criteria evaluation. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote
Sensing. (accepted for publication).

LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Martz, L. W. and E. DeJong. 1987. Using Cesium-137 to assess the variability of net soil erosion and
its association with topography in a Canadian prairie landscape. Catena. 14: 439-451
Martz, L. W. and E. DeJong. 1988. CATCH: a FORTRAN program for measuring catchment area from
digital elevation models. Computers and Geosciences. 14: 627-640.
Morris, D. G., and R. G. Heerdegen, 1988, Automatically derived catchment boundary and channel
networks and their hydrological applications, Geomorphology, 1:131-141.
Pennock, D. J., B. J. Zebarth and E. DeJong. 1987. Landform classification and soil distribution in
hummocky terrain, Saskatchewan, Canada. Geoderma. 40: 297-315.
Pennock, D. J., D.W. Anderson and E. DeJong. 1994. Landscape changes in indicators of soil quality
due to cultivation in Saskatchewan, Canada. Geoderma 64:1-19.
Quinn, P., K. Beven, P. Chevallier and O. Planchon. 1991. The prediction of hillslope flow paths for
distributed hydrological modelling using digital terrain models. Hydrological Processes. 5: 5979
Quinn, P., K. J. Beven, and R. Lamb. 1995. The ln(a/tan β) index: How to calculate it and how to use it
within the TOPMODEL framework. Hydrological Processes. 9: 161-182
Renschler, C.S. 2003. Designing geo-spatial interfaces to scale process models: The GeoWEPP
approach. Hydrological Processes. 17:1005-1017
Renschler, C.S., D.C. Flanagan, B.A. Engel and J.R. Frankenberger. 2002. GeoWEPP - The Geospatial interface for the Water Erosion Prediction Project. Paper Number: 022171 An ASAE
Meeting Presentation at the 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting / CIGR XVth World
Congress Sponsored by ASAE and CIGR Hyatt Regency Chicago Chicago, Illinois, USA July
28-July 31, 2002
Shary, P. A., L. S. Sharaya and A. V. Mitusova. 2002. Fundamental quantitative methods of land
surface analysis. Geoderma, 107(1-2): 171-197.
Skidmore, A. K. 1990. Terrain position as mapped from gridded digital elevation data. Int. J.
Geographical Information Systems. 4: 33-49.
Toma, Laura; Rajiv Wickremesinghe, Lars Arge, Jeffrey S. Chase, Jeffrey Scott Vitter, Patrick N.
Halpin, and Dean Urban. Flow computation on massive grid terrains. GeoInformatica,
International Journal on Advances of Computer Science for Geographic Information Systems,
2001. In preparation.
Wilson, J. P. 1996. GIS-based land surface/subsurface modeling: New potential for new models. In:
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Zevenbergen, L. W. and C. R. Thorne. 1987. Quantitative analysis of land surface topography. Earth
Surface Processes and Landforms. 12: 47-56


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Appendix 1
DEM and GIS Software (Mostly Free or at least low cost)
3DEM 3D Perspective views:
3DMapper: Freeware version:
3DMapper: Commercial version:
Global Mapper:
Map Window free GIS API Shell:
SAGA GNU license GIS shell:
Irfanview Image Editor:
CSIRO Flow Tube TOPOG Software:
Chris Maunder Australia CRCCH DEM Maker and DEM Viewer Add-ons to TOPOG:
Moore, Gallant and Wilson’s TAPES
Garbrecht and Martz’s TOPAZ:
Jo Wood’s LandSerf:
John Fels TopoMETRIX:
Mike Hutchinson’s ANUDEM:
Keith Beven’s TOPMODEL:
AGWA Hydrological Extraction:
Daylon Leveller DEM Editing software:
AccuTrans 3D:
Surfer and Didger from Golden:


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

DEM Data (Mostly Free)
Globe 1 km DEM data set at:
Geogateway SRTM:
USGS DEM Gateway:
USGS Seamless NED:
USGA DEM Downloads from:
USGS 1:250 DEM data:
GTOPO30, 1 km DEM for world:
Wyoming Data Warehouse:


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Appendix 2




1 b.PROF




2 b.PROF




3 b.PROF








0.0000 -2.5000

0.0000 -2.5000





4 b.PLAN




5 b.PLAN




6 b.PLAN
























4 90.0000




4 90.0000





4 90.0000





4 90.0000

0.0000 75.0000

0.0000 15.0000



1 50.0000 50.0000



5 10.0000


0.0000 -2.5000










50.0000 25.0000 75.0000 25.0000
25.0000 15.0000

17 Z2PIT








4 10.0000





5 10.0000

25.0000 15.0000



5 10.0000

25.0000 15.0000


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Appendix 3








Level Crest



























































































































































Lower-slope Fan

























































































































LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Appendix 4



















0.0000 -2.5000

0.0000 -2.5000
































4 90.0000





4 90.0000





5 10.0000



4 90.0000



1 50.0000 50.0000



5 10.0000

17 Z2PIT









0.0000 -2.5000













25.0000 15.0000

0.0000 75.0000

0.0000 15.0000

50.0000 25.0000 75.0000 25.0000
25.0000 15.0000


LandMapR© Toolkit

Users’ Manual

Appendix 5



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