Learning.React.A.Hands On.Guide.to.Building.Web.Applications.Using.React.and.Redux

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Learning React
Kirupa Chinnathambi
Acquisitions Editor
Mark Taber
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Chris Zahn
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Trevor McCauley
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Learning React
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To my dad!
(Who always believed in me—even if what I was often doing
made no sense to him...or to me for that matter! :P)
1 Introducing React 1
Old School Multi-Page Design 2
New School Single-Page Apps 3
Meet React 6
Automatic UI State Management 7
Lightning-fast DOM Manipulation 8
APIs to Create Truly Composable UIs 9
Visuals Defined Entirely in JavaScript 9
Just the V in an MVC Architecture 11
Conclusion 11
2 Building Your First React App 13
Dealing with JSX 14
Getting Your React On 15
Displaying Your Name 16
It’s All Still Familiar 18
Changing the Destination 18
Styling It Up! 19
Conclusion 21
3 Components in React 23
A Quick Review of Functions 24
Changing How We Deal with the UI 26
Meet the React Component 29
Creating a Hello, World! Component 30
Specifying Properties 32
Dealing with Children 34
Conclusion 36
4 Styling in React 37
Displaying Some Vowels 37
Styling React Content Using CSS 40
Understand the Generated HTML 40
Just Style It Already! 41
vi Contents
Styling Content the React Way 42
Creating a Style Object 43
Actually Styling Our Content 43
You Can Omit the “px” Suffix 45
Making the Background Color Customizable 45
Conclusion 47
5 Creating Complex Components 49
From Visuals to Components 49
Identifying the Major Visual Elements 51
Identifying the Components 53
Creating the Components 56
The Card Component 58
The Square Component 60
The Label Component 61
Passing Properties, Again! 63
Why Component Composability Rocks 66
Conclusion 66
6 Transferring Properties (Props) 69
Problem Overview 69
Detailed Look at the Problem 74
Meet the Spread Operator 78
Properly Transferring Properties 78
Conclusion 80
7 Meet JSX—Again! 81
What Happens with JSX? 81
JSX Quirks to Remember 83
You Can Only Return A Single Root Node 83
You Can’t Specify CSS Inline 84
Reserved Keywords and className 85
Comments 86
Capitalization, HTML Elements, and Components 87
Your JSX Can Be Anywhere 88
Conclusion 88
8 Dealing with State 89
Using State 89
Our Starting Point 90
Getting Our Counter On 93
Setting the Initial State Value 93
Starting Our Timer and Setting State 94
Rendering the State Change 96
Optional: The Full Code 96
Conclusion 98
9 Going from Data to UI 99
The Example 99
Your JSX Can Be Anywhere—Part II 102
Dealing with Arraysin the Context of JSX 103
Conclusion 105
10 Working with Events 107
Listening and Reacting to Events 107
Starting Point 108
Making the Button Click Do Something 110
Event Properties 112
Doing Stuff With Event Properties 114
More Eventing Shenanigans 115
Listening to Regular DOM Events 117
The Meaning of this Inside the Event Handler 119
React...Why? Why?! 120
Browser Compatibility 120
Improved Performance 120
Conclusion 121
11 The Component Lifecycle 123
Meet the Lifecycle Methods 123
See the Lifecycle Methods in Action 124
The Initial Rendering Phase 127
The Updating Phase 129
The Unmounting Phase 132
Conclusion 133
viii Contents
12 Accessing DOM Elements 135
Meet Refs 137
Conclusion 142
13 Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router 143
The Example 144
Building the App 146
Displaying the Initial Frame 147
Displaying the Home Page 149
Interim Cleanup Time 151
Displaying the Home Page Correctly 154
Creating the Navigation Links 155
Adding the Stuff and Contact Views 157
Creating Active Links 159
Conclusion 161
14 Building a Todo List App 163
Getting Started 164
Creating the UI 165
Creating the Functionality 168
Initializing our State Object 169
Handling the Form Submit 169
Populating Our State 171
Displaying the Tasks 173
Adding the Finishing Touches 176
Conclusion 178
15 Setting Up Your React Development Environment 179
Meet the Tools 182
Node.js 182
Babel 182
webpack 183
Your Code Editor 183
It Is Environment Setup Time! 184
Setting up our Initial Project Structure 184
Installing and Initializing Node.js 187
Installing the React Dependencies 190
Adding our JSX File 191
Going from JSX to JavaScript 193
Building and Testing Our App 197
Conclusion 198
16 The End 199
Index 201
First, none of this would be possible without the support and encouragement of my awesome
wife, Meena. If she didn’t put her goals on hold to allow me to spend six months designing,
writing, and re-writing everything you see here, me writing this book would have been a
distant dream.
Next, I’d like to thank my parents for always encouraging me to aimlessly wander and enjoy
free time to do what I liked—such as teaching complete strangers over the internet in the late
1990s how to do cool things with programming. I wouldn’t be half the rugged indoorsman/
scholar/warrior I am today without them both :P
On the publishing side, writing the words you see here is the easy part. Getting the book
into your hands is an amazingly complex process. The more I learn about all the moving
pieces involved, the more impressed I am at all the individuals who work tirelessly behind
the scenes to keep this amazing machinery running. To everyone at Pearson who made this
possible, thank you! There are a few people I’d like to explicitly call out, though. First, I’d like
to thank Mark Taber for continuing to give me opportunities to work together, Chris Zahn
for patiently addressing my numerous questions/concerns, Abby Manheim for turning my
version of English into something human-understandable, and Loretta Yates for helping make
the connections a long time ago that made all of this happen. The technical content of this
book has been reviewed in great detail by my long-time friends and online collaborators, Kyle
Murray (aka Krilnon)and Trevor McCauley (aka senocular). Ican’t thank them enough for
their thorough (and frequently, humorous!) feedback.
About the Author
Kirupa Chinnathambi has spent most of his life trying to teach others to love web
development as much as he does.
In 1999, before blogging was even a word, he started posting tutorials on kirupa.com. In the
years since then, he has written hundreds of articles, written a few books (none as good as
this one, of course!), and recorded a bunch of videos you can find on YouTube. When he isn’t
writing or talking about web development, he spends his waking hours helping make the Web
more awesome as a Program Manager in Microsoft. In his non-waking hours, he is probably
sleeping...or writing about himself in the third person.
You can find him on Twitter(twitter.com/kirupa), Facebook(facebook.com/kirupa), or
e-mail(kirupa@kirupa.com). Feel free to contact him anytime.
Introducing React
Ignoring for a moment that web apps today both look and feel nicer than they did back in
the day, there is something even more fundamental that has changed. The way we architect
and build web apps is very different now. To highlight this, let’s take a look at the app shown
inFigure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 An app.
This app is a simple catalog browser for something. Like any app of this sort, you have your
usual set of pages revolving around a home page, a search results page, a details page, and
so on. In the following sections, let’s look at the two approaches we have for building this
app.Yes, in some mysterious fashion, this leads to us getting an overview of React as well!
2Chapter 1Introducing React
Old School Multi-Page Design
If you had to build this app a few years ago, you may have taken an approach that involved
multiple, individual pages. The flow would have looked something like what is shown
in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2 Multi-page design.
New School Single-Page Apps
For almost every action that changes what the browser displays, the web app will navigate you
to a whole different page. This is a big deal beyond the less-than-stellar user experience that users
will see as pages get torn down and redrawn. This has a big impact on how you maintain your
app state. Outside of storing some user data via cookies and some server-side mechanism, you
simply don’t need to care. Life is good.
New School Single-Page Apps
Today, going with a web app model that requires navigating between individual pages seems
dated...like, really dated, like what is shown in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-3 The individual page model is a bit dated—like this steam engine.
Source: New Catechism of the Steam Engine, 1904
Instead, modern apps tend to adhere to what is known as a Single-page app (SPA) model. This
is a world where you never navigate to different pages or ever even reload a page. Instead, the
different views of your app are loaded and unloaded into the same page itself.
For our app, this may look something like Figure 1-4.
4Chapter 1Introducing React
Figure 1-4 Single-page app.
As users interact with our app, we replace the contents of the dotted red region with the data
and HTML that matches what the user is trying to do. The end result is a much more fluid
experience. You can even use a lot of visual techniques to have your new content transition in
nicely just like you might see in cool apps on your mobile device or desktop. This sort of stuff
is simply not possible when navigating to different pages.
All of this may sound a bit crazy if you’ve never heard of single-page apps before, but there is
a very good chance you’ve run into some of them in the wild. If you’ve ever used popular web
apps like Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you were using a single-page app. In all those
apps, the content gets dynamically displayed without requiring you to refresh or navigate to a
different page.
Now, I am making these single-page apps seem really complicated. That’s not entirely the
case. Thanks to a lot of great improvements in both JavaScript and a variety of third party
frameworks and libraries, building single-page apps has never been easier. That doesn’t mean
there is no room for improvement, though.
New School Single-Page Apps
When building single-page apps, there are three major issues that you’ll encounter:
In a single-page application, the bulk of your time will be spent keeping your
data in sync with your UI. For example, if a user loads new content, do we explicitly
clear out the search field? Do we keep the active tab on a navigation element still
visible? Which elements do we keep on the page, and which do wedestroy?
These are all problems unique to single-page apps. When navigating between pages in
the old model, we just assumed everything in our UI would be destroyed and just built
back up again. This was never a problem.
Manipulating the DOM is really REALLY slow. Manually querying elements, adding
children (see Figure 1-5 below), removing subtrees, and performing other DOM
operations are some of the slowest things you can do in your browser. Unfortunately, in a
single-page app, you’ll be doing a lot of this. Manipulating the DOM is the primary way
you are able to respond to user actions and display new content.
Figure 1-5 Adding children.
6Chapter 1Introducing React
Working with HTML templates can be a pain. Navigation in a single-page app is nothing
more than you dealing with fragments of HTML to represent whatever it is you wish to
display. These fragments of HTML are often known as templates, and using JavaScript to
manipulate them and fill them out with data gets really complicated really quickly.
To make things worse, depending on the framework you are using, the way your
templates look and interact with data can vary wildly. For example, this is what using a
template in Mustache looks like:
var view = {
title: "Joe",
calc: function () {
return 2 + 4;
var output = Mustache.render("{{title}} spends {{calc}}", view);
Sometimes, your templates may look like some clean HTML that you can proudly show off
in front of the class. Other times, your templates might be unintelligible, with a boatload of
custom tags designed to help map your HTML elements to some data.
Despite these shortcomings, single-page apps aren’t going anywhere. They are a part of the
present, and they will fully form the future of how web apps are built. That doesn’t mean that
we have to tolerate these shortcomings. To address this, meet React!
Meet React
Facebook (and Instagram) decided that enough is enough. Given their abundance of experience
with single-page apps, they released a library called React (the React logo is shown in
Figure1-6) to not only address these shortcomings, but to also change how we think about
building single-page apps.
Meet React
Figure 1-6 The React logo.
In the following sections, let’s look at the big things React brings to the table.
Automatic UI State Management
With single-page apps, keeping track of your UI and maintaining state is hard—and very
time-consuming. With React, you need to worry only about one thing: the final state your
UI is in. It doesn’t matter what state your UI started out in. It doesn’t matter what series of
steps your users may have taken to change the UI. All that matters is where your UI ended
up (see Figure 1-7).
Figure 1-7 The final or end state of your UI is what matters in React.
8Chapter 1Introducing React
React takes care of everything else. It figures out what needs to happen to ensure your UI is
represented properly, so all of that state management stuff is no longer your concern.
Lightning-fast DOM Manipulation
Because DOM modifications are really slow, you never modify the DOM directly using React.
Instead, you modify an in-memory virtual DOM instead. Figure 1-8 symbolizes that in-memory
virtual DOM.
Figure 1-8 Imagine an in-memory virtual DOM.
Manipulating this virtual DOM is extremely fast, and React takes care of updating the real DOM
when the time is right. It does so by comparing the changes between your virtual DOM and the
real DOM, figuring out which changes actually matter, and making the least amount of DOM
changes needed to keep everything up-to-date in a process called reconciliation.
Meet React
APIs to Create Truly Composable UIs
Instead of treating the visual elements in your app as one monolithic chunk, React encourages
you to break your visual elements into smaller and smaller components.
Just like everything else in programming, it is a good idea to have things be modular, compact,
and self-contained. React extends that well-established idea to how we should think about user
interfaces as well. Many of React’s core APIs make it easier to create smaller visual components
that can later be combined with other visual components to make larger and more complex
visual components—kind of like Russian Matryoshka dolls (see Figure 1-9).
Figure 1-9 Russian Matryoshka dolls by Gnomz007.
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Russian-Matroshka_no_bg.jpg
This is one of the major ways React simplifies (and changes) how we think about building the
visuals for our web apps.
Visuals Defined Entirely in JavaScript
While this sounds ridiculously crazy and outrageous, hear me out. Besides using a really weird
syntax, HTML templates traditionally suffered from another major problem. The variety of
things you can do inside them other than simply displaying data is limited. If you wanted
tochoose which piece of UI to display based on a particular condition, for example, you had to
write JavaScript somewhere else in your app or use some weird framework-specific templating
command to make it work.
10 Chapter 1Introducing React
For example, here is what a conditional statement inside an EmberJS template looks like:
{{#if person}}
Welcome back, <b>{{person.firstName}} {{person.lastName}}</b>!
Please log in.
What React does is pretty neat. By having your UI defined entirely in JavaScript, you get to
use all of the rich functionality JavaScript provides for doing all sorts of things inside your
templates (as you will see in a few chapters). You are limited only by what JavaScript supports
as opposed to any limitations imposed by your templating framework.
Now, when you think of visuals defined entirely in JavaScript, you are probably thinking some-
thing horrible involving quotation marks, escape characters, and a whole lot of createEle-
ment calls. Don’t worry. React gives you the option to specify your visuals using an HTML-like
syntax known as JSX that lives fully alongside your JavaScript. Instead of writing code to define
your UI, you are basically specifying markup:
<h1>Iron Man</h1>
<h1>Nicolas Cage</h1>
<h1>Mega Man</h1>
This same code defined in JavaScript would look like this:
"Iron Man"
"Nicolas Cage"
"Mega Man"
), destination);
Yikes! By using JSX, you are able to define your visuals very easily using a syntax that is very
familiar, while still getting all the power and flexibility that JavaScript provides. Best of all,
in React, your visuals and JavaScript often live in the same location. You no longer have to
jump between multiple files to define the look and behavior of one visual component. This is
templating done right.
Just the V in an MVC Architecture
We are almost done here! React is not a full-fledged framework that has an opinion on how
everything in your app should behave. Instead, React works primarily in the View layer where
all of its worries and concerns revolve around your visual elements and keeping them up to
date. This means you are free to use whatever you want for the M and C part of your MVC
architecture. This flexibility enables you to pick and choose what technologies you are familiar
with, and this makes React useful not only for new web apps you create but also for existing
apps you’d like to enhance without removing and refactoring a whole bunch of code.
As new web frameworks and libraries go, React is quite the runaway success. It not only deals
with the most common problems developers faced when building single-page apps, it throws
in a few additional tricks that make building the visuals for your single-page apps much
MUCHeasier. Since it came out in 2013, React has steadily found its way into popular web sites
and apps that you probably use. Besides Facebook and Instagram, some of the notable ones
include the BBC, Khan Academy, PayPal, Reddit, The New York Times, Yahoo, and many more:
The intent of this chapter is to provide you with an introduction to what React does and why
it does it. In tutorials in subsequent chapters we’ll dive deeper into everything you’ve seen here
and cover the technical details that will help you successfully use React in your own projects.
Stick around.
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Building Your
First React App
By now, thanks to the previous chapter, you probably know all about the backstory of React
and how it helps even your most complex user interfaces sing performantly. For all the
awesomeness that React brings to the table, getting started with it (kinda like this sentence)
isnot the most straightforward thing. It has a steep learning curve filled with many small and
In this chapter, we start at the very beginning and get our hands dirty by building a simple
React app. We encounter some of these hurdles head-on, and some of these hurdles we skip
over—for now. By the end of this chapter, not only will we have built something you can
proudly show off to your friends and family, we’ll have set ourselves up nicely for diving
deeperinto all that React offers in future chapters.
14 Chapter 2Building Your First React App
Dealing with JSX
Before we start building our app, there is an important thing we should cover first. React
isn’tlike many JavaScript libraries you may have used. It isn’t very happy when you simply
refer to code you’ve written for it using a script tag. React is annoyingly special that way,
and it has to do with how React apps are built.
As you know, your web apps (and everything else your browser displays) are made up of HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript:
It doesn’t matter if your web app was written using React or some other library like Angular,
Knockout, or jQuery. The end result has to be some combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Otherwise, your browser really won’t know what to do.
Now, here is where the special nature of React comes in. Besides normal HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript, the bulk of your React code will be written in something known as JSX. JSX, as I
mentioned in Chapter 1, is a language that allows you to easily mix JavaScript and HTML-like
tags to define user interface (UI) elements and their functionality. That sounds cool and all (and
we will see JSX in action in just a few moments), but there is a slight problem. Your browser
has no idea what to do with JSX.
To build a web app using React, we need a way to take our JSX and convert it into plain old
JavaScript that your browser can understand.
If we didn’t do this, our React app simply wouldn’t work. That’s not cool. Fortunately, there are
two solutions to this:
Set up a development environment around Node and a handful of build-tools.
In this environment, every time you perform a build, all of your JSX is automatically
converted into JS and placed on disk for you to reference like any plain JavaScript file.
Let your browser rely on a JavaScript library to automatically convert JSX to
something it understands. You specify your JSX directly just like you would any old
piece of JavaScript, and your browser takes care of the rest.
Both of these solutions have a place in our world, but let’s talk about the impact of each.
Getting Your React On
The first solution, while a bit complicated and time-consuming at first, is the way modern web
development is done these days. Besides compiling (transpiling to be more accurate) your JSX
to JS, this approach enables you to take advantage of modules, better build tools, and a bunch
of other features that make building complex web apps somewhat manageable.
The second solution provides a quick and direct path where you initially spend more time
writing code and less time fiddling with your development environment. To use this solution,
all you do is reference a script file. This script file takes care of turning the JSX into JS on page
load, and your React app comes to life without you having to do anything special to your
development environment.
For our introductory look at React, we are going to use the second solution. You may be wondering
why we don’t use the second solution always. The reason is that your browser takes a performance
hit each time it spends time translating JSX into JS. That is totally acceptable when learning how
to use React, but that is totally not acceptable when deploying your app for real-life use. Because
of that un-acceptableness, we will revisit all of this and look at the first solution and how to set up
your development environment later, once you’ve gotten your feet comfortably wet in React.
Getting Your React On
In the previous section, we looked at the two ways you have for ensuring your React app ends
up as something your browser understands. In this section, we are going to put all of those
words into practice. First, we will need a blank HTML page that will act as our starting point.
If you don’t have a blank HTML page handy, feel free to use the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>React! React! React!</title>
This page has nothing interesting or exciting going for it, but let’s fix that by adding a refer-
ence to the React library. Just below the title, add these two lines:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
16 Chapter 2Building Your First React App
These two lines bring in both the core React library as well as the various things React needs to
work with the DOM. Without them, you aren’t building a React app at all. Now, we aren’t done
yet. There is one more library we need to reference. Just below these two script tags, add the
following line:
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min.
What we are doing here is adding a reference to the Babel JavaScript compiler (http://babeljs
.io/). Babel does many cool things, but the one we care about is its capability to turn JSX into
At this point, our HTML page should look as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>React! React! React!</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min.
If you preview your page right now, you’ll notice that this page is still blank with nothing
visible going on. That’s OK. We are going to fix that next.
Displaying Your Name
The first thing we are going to do is use React to display our name on screen. The way we do
that is by using a method called render. Inside your script tag, add the following:
<h1>Sherlock Holmes</h1>,
Don’t worry if none of this makes sense at this point. Our goal is to get something to display
on screen first, and we’ll make sense of what we did shortly afterwards. Now, before we preview
this in our page to see what happens, we need to designate this script block as something
Displaying Your Name
that Babel can do its magic on. The way we do that is by setting the type attribute on the
script tag to a value of text/babel:
<script type="text/babel">
<h1>Sherlock Holmes</h1>,
Once you’ve made that change, now preview what you have in your browser. What you’ll see
are the words Sherlock Holmes printed in giant letters. Congratulations! You just built an app
using React.
As apps go, this isn’t all that exciting. Chances are your name isn’t even Sherlock Holmes.
While this app doesn’t have much going for it, it does introduce you to one of the most
frequently used methods you’ll use in the React universe—the ReactDOM.render method.
The render method takes two arguments:
The HTML-like elements (aka JSX) you wish to output
The location in the DOM that React will render the JSX into
Here is what our render method looks like:
<h1>Sherlock Holmes</h1>,
Our first argument is the text Sherlock Holmes wrapped inside some h1 tags. This HTML-like
syntax inside your JavaScript is what JSX is all about. While we will spend a lot more time
drilling into JSX a bit later, I should mention this up front—It is every bit as crazy as it looks.
Whenever I see brackets and slashes in JavaScript, a part of me dies on the inside because of all
the string escaping and quotation mark gibberish I will need to do. With JSX, you do none of
that. You just place your HTML-like content as-is just like what we’ve done here. Magically (like
the super-awesome kind involving dragons and laser beams), it all works.
The second argument is document.body. There is nothing crazy or bizarre about this argument.
It simply specifies where the converted markup from the JSX will end up living in our DOM.
Inour example, when the render method runs, the h1 tag (and everything inside it) is
placedin our document’s body element.
Now, the goal of this exercise wasn’t to display a name on the screen. It was to display your name.
Go ahead and modify your code to do that. In my case, the render method will look as follows:
18 Chapter 2Building Your First React App
Well—it would look like that if my name was Batman! Anyway, if you preview your page now,
you will see your name displayed instead of Sherlock Holmes.
It’s All Still Familiar
While the JavaScript looks new and shiny thanks to JSX, the end result your browser sees is
nice, clean HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To see this for yourself, let’s make a few alterations to
how our app behaves and looks.
Changing the Destination
The first thing we’ll do is change where our JSX gets output. Using JavaScript to place things
directly in your body element is never a good idea. A lot can go wrong—especially if you are
going to be mixing React with other JS libraries and frameworks. The recommended path is to
create a separate element that you will treat as a new root element. This element will serve as
the destination our render method will use. To make this happen, go back to the HTML and
add a div element with an id value of container.
Instead of showing you the full HTML for this one minor change, here is what just our body
element looks like:
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
With our container div element safely defined, let’s modify the render method to use it
instead of document.body. Here is one way of doing this:
Another way of doing this is by doing some things outside of the render method itself:
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
It’s All Still Familiar
Notice that the destination variable stores the reference to our container DOM element.
Inside the render method, we simply reference the same destination variable instead
ofwriting the full element-finding syntax as part of the argument itself. The reason I want to
do this is simple. I want to show you that you are still writing JavaScript and render is just
another boring old method that happens to take two arguments.
Styling It Up!
Time for our last change before we call it a day. Right now, our names show up in whatever
default h1 styling our browser provides. That is just terrible, so let’s fix it by adding some CSS.
Inside your head tag, add a style block with the following CSS:
#container {
padding: 50px;
background-color: #EEE;
#container h1 {
font-size: 48px;
font-family: sans-serif;
color: #0080A8;
After you have added all of this, preview your page. Notice that our text appears with a
little more purpose than it did earlier when it relied entirely on the browser’s default styling
(seeFigure 2-1).
Figure 2-1 The result of adding the CSS.
20 Chapter 2Building Your First React App
The reason this works is that our DOM’s body, after running all of the React code, contains
our container element with an h1 tag inside it. It doesn’t matter that the h1 tag was defined
entirely inside JavaScript in this JSX syntax or that your CSS was defined well outside of the
render method. The end result is that your React app is still going to be made up of some
100% organic (and cage-free!) HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>React! React! React!</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min.
#container {
padding: 50px;
background-color: #EEE;
#container h1 {
font-size: 144px;
font-family: sans-serif;
color: #0080a8;
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
), destination);
Notice that there is nary a trace of React-like code in sight. Also, we should use the word nary
more often in everyday conversation!
If this is your first time building a React app, we covered a lot of ground here. One of the
biggest takeaways is that React is different than other libraries because it uses a whole new
language called JSX to define what the visuals will look like. We got a very small glimpse of
that here when we defined the h1 tag inside the render method.
JSX’s impact goes beyond how you define your UI elements. It also alters how you build
your app as a whole. Because your browser can’t understand JSX in its native representation,
you need to use an intermediate step to convert that JSX into JavaScript. One approach
is tobuild your app to generate the transpiled JavaScript output to correspond to the JSX
source. Another approach (aka the one we used here) is to use the Babel library to translate
the JSX into JavaScript on the browser itself. While the performance hit of doing that is not
recommended for live/production apps, when familiarizing yourself with React, you can’t beat
the convenience.
In future chapters, we’ll spend some time diving deeper into JSX and going beyond the render
method as we look at all the important things that make React tick.
This page intentionally left blank
Components in React
Components are one of the things that make React, well, React! They are one of the primary
ways you have for defining the visuals and interactions that make up what people see when
they use your app. Let’s say Figure 3-1 showswhat your finished app looks like.
Figure 3-1 Your hypothetical finished app.
This is the finished sausage. During development, viewed from the lens of youas a React
developer, things might look a little less appealing. Almost every part of this app’s visuals
would be wrapped inside a self-contained module known as acomponent. To highlight
what“almost every” means here, take a look at the diagram in Figure 3-2.
24 Chapter 3Components in React
Figure 3-2 Diagrammatic representation of the app components.
Each dotted line represents an individual component that is responsible for both what you
seeas well as any interactions that it may be responsible for. Don’t let this scare you. While this
looks really complicated, as you will see shortly, it will start to make a whole lot of sense once
you’ve had a chance to play with components and some of the awesome things that they
do—or at least try really hard to do.
A Quick Review of Functions
In JavaScript, you have these things known asfunctions. They enable you to make your code
a bit cleaner and more reusable. Now, there is reason why we are taking some time to look at
functions, and it isn’t to annoy you—I swear!Functions, conceptually speaking, share a lot of
surface area with React components, and the easiest way to understand what components do is
by taking a quick look at functions first.
In a terrible world where functions do not exist, you may have some code that looks as follows:
var speed = 10;
var time = 5;
alert(speed * time);
A Quick Review of Functions
var speed1 = 85;
var time1 = 1.5;
alert(speed1 * time1);
var speed2 = 12;
var time2 = 9;
alert(speed2 * time2);
var speed3 = 42;
var time3 = 21;
alert(speed3 * time3);
In a really chill world that involves functions, you can condense all of that duplicated text into
something simple like the following:
function getDistance(speed, time) {
var result = speed * time;
OurgetDistancefunction removes all of the duplicated code you saw earlier, and it
takesspeedandtimeas arguments to enable you to customize the calculation that gets
To call this function, all you have to do is this:
getDistance(10, 5);
getDistance(85, 1.5);
getDistance(12, 9);
getDistance(42, 21);
Doesn’t this look nicer? Now there is another great value functions provide. Your functions
(like the alert inside getDistance) can call other functions as part of their running. Here is
us using aformatDistancefunction to change what gets returned bygetDistance:
1 function formatDistance(distance) {
2 return distance + "km";
3 }
5 function getDistance(speed, time) {
6 var result = speed * time;
7 alert(formatDistance(result));
8 }
This capability to have functions call other functions enables us to cleanly separate what functions
do. You don’t need to have one monolithic function that does everything under the sun. You can
distribute the functionality across many functions specialized for a particular type of task.
Best of all, after you make changes to how your functions work, you don’t have to do anything
extra to see the results of those changes. If the function signature did not change, any existing
calls to that function will just magically work and automatically pick up any new changes you
26 Chapter 3Components in React
made to the function itself. For example, our existinggetDistancecalls will see the result of
theformatDistancefunction even if theformatDistancefunction didn’t exist when the
calls were first defined. That’s pretty awesome.
In a nutshell, functions are awesome. I know that. You know that. That’s why all of the code
we write has them all over the place.
Changing How We Deal with the UI
I don’t think anybody will disagree with the good things functions bring to the table. They
really make it possible to structure the code for your apps in a sane way. That same level of care
we use in writing our code isn’t always possible when it comes to writing our UIs. For various
technical and non-technical reasons, we’ve always tolerated a certain level of sloppiness with
how we typically work with our UI elements.
I realize that is a pretty controversial statement, so let me highlight what I mean by looking
at some examples. We are going to go back and look at therendermethod we used in the
previous chapter:
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
What you see on the screen is the wordBatmanprinted in giant letters—thanks to the h1
element. Let’s change things up a bit and say that we want to print the names of several other
superheroes. To do this, let’s modify ourrendermethod to now look as follows:
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
<h1>Iron Man</h1>
<h1>Nicolas Cage</h1>
<h1>Mega Man</h1>
Notice what you see here. We emit adivthat contains the fourh1elements with our superhero
Changing How We Deal with the UI
JSX Gotcha: Outputting Multiple Elements
There is an important JSX detail to call out here. The div that wraps our h1 elements isn’t
there because it looks like a good idea. It is there because it has to be there. In React, you
can’t output multiple adjacent elements as shown in the following:
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
<h1>Iron Man</h1>
<h1>Nicolas Cage</h1>
<h1>Mega Man</h1>,
Even though this is valid HTML, it isn’t valid in the eyes of the unholy alliance between JSX and
JavaScript. That may sound like a terrible limitation, but the workaround is really easy. While
you can only output one element, this one element can have as many children as needed. That
is why we wrap our h1 elements inside the div. We do this because of how JSX gets turned
into JavaScript. The details of that are something we will look at later, but it isn’t important
enough right this moment to distract us from learning about components.
Ok, so what we have now are fourh1elements that each contain the name of a superhero.
What if we want to change ourh1element to something like anh3instead? We can manually
update all of these elements as follows:
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
<h3>Iron Man</h3>
<h3>Nicolas Cage</h3>
<h3>Mega Man</h3>
If you preview what we have, you’ll see something that looks a bit unstyled and plain
(see Figure 3-3).
28 Chapter 3Components in React
Figure 3-3 Plain vanilla super hero names.
We don’t want to go crazy with the styling here. All we want to do is just italicize all of
thesenames by using the<i>tag, so let’s manually update what we render by making this
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
<h3><i>Iron Man</i></h3>
<h3><i>Nicolas Cage</i></h3>
<h3><i>Mega Man</i></h3>
We went through eachh3element and wrapped the content inside someitags. Can you
startto see the problem here? What we are doing with our UI is no different than having code
that looks as follows:
var speed = 10;
var time = 5;
alert(speed * time);
var speed1 = 85;
var time1 = 1.5;
alert(speed1 * time1);
var speed2 = 12;
var time2 = 9;
alert(speed2 * time2);
Meet the React Component
var speed3 = 42;
var time3 = 21;
alert(speed3 * time3);
Every change we want to make to ourh1orh3elements needs to be duplicated for every
instance of it. What if we want to do something even more complex than just modifying the
appearance of our elements? What if we want to represent something more complex than
the simple examples we are using so far? What we are doing right now won’t scale because
manually updating every copy of what we want to modify is time consuming. It is also boring.
Now, here is a crazy thought:What if everything awesome we looked at about functions
can somehow be applied to how we define our app’s visuals?Wouldn’t that solve all of the
inefficiencies we’ve highlighted in this section? Well, as it turns out, the answer to that “What
if” forms the core of what React is all about. It is time for you to meet thecomponent.
Meet the React Component
The solution to all of our problems (even the existential ones we grapple with!) can be found in
React components.React components are reusable chunks of JavaScript that output (via JSX) HTML
elements. That sounds really pedestrian for something capable of solving great problems and doing
great things, but as we start to build components and gradually turn up the complexity, you’ll see
that components are really powerful and every bit as awesome as I’ve portrayed them to you.
Let’s start by building a couple of components together. To follow along, start with a blank
React document:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>React Components</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min.
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
There is nothing exciting going on this page. Nearly identical to what we had in our earlier
chapter, this page is pretty barebones, with just a reference to the React and Babel libraries and
adivelement who proudly sports anidvalue ofcontainer.
30 Chapter 3Components in React
Creating a Hello, World! Component
We are going to start really simple. What we want to do is use a component to help us print
the famous “Hello, world!” text to the screen. As we already know, by using just the render
method ofReactDOM, the code would look as follows:
1 ReactDOM.render(
2  <div>
3  <p>Hello, world!</p>
4  </div>,
5  document.querySelector("#container")
6 );
Let’s recreate all of this by using a component. You have several ways of creating components
in React, but the way we are going to create them initially is by usingReact.createClass. Go
ahead and add the following highlighted code just above our existingrendermethod:
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
<p>Hello, world!</p>
What we have done is create a new component calledHelloWorld. ThisHelloWorld
component doesn’t do anything right now. In fact, it is basically an empty JavaScript
object at this point. Inside this object, you can put all sorts of properties to further define
whatHelloWorlddoes.Some properties you define are special and used by React to helpyour
components work their magic. One such mandatory property isrender.
Go ahead and modify ourHelloWorldcomponent by adding arenderproperty as shown in
the following:
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function() {
Just like therendermethod of we saw a few moments earlier as part ofReactDOM.render,
therendermethod inside a component is also responsible for dealing with JSX. Let’s modify
ourrendermethod to returnHello, componentized world!, so go ahead and add the
following highlighted lines:
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function() {
Meet the React Component
return (
<p>Hello, componentized world!</p>
What we’ve done is told ourrendermethod to return the JSX that represents ourHello,
componentized world!text. All that remains is to actually use this component. The way you
use a component once you’ve defined it is bycallingit, and we are going to call it from our
old friend, theReactDOM.rendermethod:
That isn’t a typo! The JSX we use for calling ourHelloWorldcomponent is the very HTML-
like<HelloWorld/>. If you preview your page in your browser, you’ll see the textHello,
componentized world!showing up on your screen. If you held your breath in suspense, you
can relax.
If you have difficulty relaxing after seeing the syntax we used for callingHelloWorld, stare at
the following circle for a few moments:
32 Chapter 3Components in React
Ok, back to reality. What we’ve done so far might seem crazy, but simply think of
your<HelloWorld/>component as a cool and new HTML tag whose functionality you have
full control over. This means you can do all sorts of HTML-ey things to it.
For example, go ahead and modify ourReactDOM.rendermethod to look as follows:
We wrapped our call to theHelloWorldcomponent inside adivelement, and if you preview
this in your browser, everything still works. Let’s go one step further! Instead of having just a
single call toHelloWorld, let’s make a bunch of calls. Modify ourReactDOM.rendermethod
to now look as follows:
What you will see now is a bunch ofHello, componentized world!text instances
appear. Let’s do one more thing before we move on to something shinier. Go back to
ourHelloWorldcomponent declaration, and change the text we return to the more tradi-
tionalHello, world!value:
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<p>Hello, world!</p>
Just make this one change and preview your example. This time around, all of the
variousHelloWorldcalls we specified earlier now returnHello, world!to the screen. There was
no manually modifying everyHelloWorldcall. That’s a good thing!
Specifying Properties
Right now, our component does just one thing. It printsHello, world!to our screen and only
that! That’s the equivalent of having a JavaScript function that looks like this:
Meet the React Component
function getDistance() {
Except for one very particular case, that JavaScript function doesn’t seem very useful, does it?
The way to increase the usefulness of this function is by modifying it to take arguments:
function getDistance(speed, time) {
var result = speed * time;
Now, your function can be used more generally for a variety of situations—not just one where
the output will be42km.
Something similar applies to your components as well. Just like with functions, you can pass
inarguments that alter what your component does. There is a slight terminology update you
need to be on top of. What we callargumentsin the function world are going to be known as
properties in the component world. Let’s see these properties in action!
We are going to modify ourHelloWorldcomponent to enable you to specify who or what you
greet besides the genericWorld. For example, imagine being able to specifyBonoas part of
theHelloWorldcall and seeingHello, Bono!appear on screen.
To add properties to a component, there are two parts you need to follow.
First Part: Updating the Component Definition
Right now, ourHelloWorldcomponent is hard coded to always send outHello, world!as
part of itsreturnvalue. The first thing we are going to do is change that behavior by
havingreturnprint out the value passed in by a property. We need a name to give our
property, and for this example, we are going to call our propertygreetTarget.
To specify the value ofgreetTargetas part of our component, here is the modification we
need to make:
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<p>Hello, {this.props.greetTarget}!</p>
The way you access a property is by calling it via thepropsproperty that every component has
access to. Notice how we specify this property. We place it inside curly brackets{and}.In JSX,
if you want something to get evaluated as an expression, you need to wrap that something inside curly
brackets. If you don’t do that, you’ll see the raw textthis.props.greetTargetprinted out.
34 Chapter 3Components in React
Second Part: Modifying the Component Call
Once you’ve updated the component definition, all that remains is to pass in the property
value as part of the component call. That is done by adding an attribute with the same name
as our property, followed by the value you want to pass in. In our example, that would involve
modifying theHelloWorldcall with thegreetTargetattribute and the value we want to
Go ahead and modify ourHelloWorldcalls as follows:
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Batman"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Iron Man"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Nicolas Cage"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Mega Man"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Bono"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Catwoman"/>
Each of ourHelloWorldcalls now has thegreetTargetattribute along with the name of a
superhero (or equivalent mythical being!) that we wish to greet. If you preview this example in
the browser, you’ll see the greetings happily printed out on screen.
One last thing to call out before we move on. You are not limited to just having a single prop-
erty on a component. You can have as many properties as you want, and yourpropsproperty
will easily accommodate any property requests you have without making any fuss.
Dealing with Children
A few sections ago, I mentioned that our components (in JSX) are very similar to regular HTML
elements. We saw that for ourselves when we wrapped a component inside adivelement or
specified an attribute and value as part of specifying properties. There is one more thing you
can do with components just like you can with many HTML elements.Your components can
have children.
What this means is that you can do something like this:
<CleverComponent foo="bar">
You have a component very cleverly calledCleverComponent, and it has apelement as a
child. From withinCleverComponent, you have the capability to access thepchild element
(and any children it may have) via thechildrenproperty accessed bythis.props.children.
Meet the React Component
To make sense of all this, let’s fiddle with another really simple example. This time around, we
have a component calledButtonifythat wraps its children inside a button. The component
looks like this:
var Buttonify = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<button type={this.props.behavior}>{this.props.children}</button>
The way you can use this component is by just calling it via theReactDOM.rendermethod
asshown here:
<Buttonify behavior="Submit">SEND DATA</Buttonify>
When this code runs, given what the JSX in the Buttonify component’srendermethod
looked like, what you will see are the words“SEND DATAwrapped inside abuttonelement.
With the appropriate styling, the result could look comically large like in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 A large send data button.
36 Chapter 3Components in React
Anyway, getting back to the JSX, notice that we specify a custom property calledbehavior.
This property enables us to specify thebuttonelement’stypeattribute, and you can see us
accessing it viathis.props.behaviorin the component definition’srendermethod.
There is more to accessing a component’s children than what we’ve seen here. For example, if
your child element is the root of a deeply nested structure, thethis.props.childrenproperty
will return an array. If your child element is just a single element (like in our example),
thethis.props.childrenproperty returns a single component NOT wrapped inside an
array. There are a few more things to call out, but instead of enumerating all the various cases
and boring you, we’ll naturally touch upon those cases as part of looking at more elaborate
examples later on.
If you want to build an app using React, you can’t wander too far without having to use a
component. Trying to build a React app without using a component is kinda like building a
JavaScript-based app without using functions. I am not saying that it can’t be done. It is just
one of those things you don’t do...kinda like theBad Ideapart of the popular Animaniacs Good
Idea / Bad Idea sketchesyoucanfindhere:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dJOIf4mdus:
If this witty video doesn’t convince you why you should learn to embrace components, I don’t
know what will...except for maybe a future chapter on creating complex components! :P
Styling in React
For generations, mankind (and probably really smart dolphins) have styled their HTML content
using CSS(aka Cascading Style Sheets). Things were good. With CSS, you had a good separation
between the content and the presentation. The selector syntax gave you a lot of flexibility in
choosing which elements to style and which ones to skip. You couldn’t even find too many
issues to hate about thewhole cascading thingthat CSS is all about.
Well, don’t tell React that. While React doesn’t actively hate CSS, it has a different view when
it comes to styling content. As we’ve seen so far, one of React’s core ideas is to have our app’s
visual pieces be self-contained and reusable. That is why the HTML elements and the JavaScript
that impacts them are in the same bucket we call acomponent. We got a taste of that in the
previous chapter.
What about how the HTML elements look (aka their styling)? Where should that go? You can
probably guess where I am going with this. You can’t have a self-contained piece of UI when
the styling for it is defined somewhere else. That’s why React encourages you to specify how
your elements lookright along side the HTML and the JavaScript. In this tutorial, you learn all
about this mysterious (and possibly scandalous!) approach to styling your content. Of course,
we also look at how to use CSS as well. There is room for both approaches—even if React may
sorta kinda not think so :P
Displaying Some Vowels
To learn how to style our React content, let’s work together on a (totally sweet and exciting!)
example that simply displays vowels on a page. First, you’ll need a blank HTML page that will
host our React content. If you don’t have one, feel free to use the following markup:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Styling in React</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
38 Chapter 4Styling in React
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min
#container {
padding: 50px;
background-color: #FFF;
<div id="container"></div>
All this markup does is load inour React and Babel librariesand specify adivwith anidvalue
ofcontainer. To display the vowels, we’re going to add some React-specific code.
Just below thecontainerdivelement, add the following:
<script type="text/babel">
var Letter = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
Displaying Some Vowels
From what we learned aboutcomponents, nothing here should be a mystery. We create a
component calledLetterthat is responsible for wrapping our vowels inside adivelement.
Allof this is anchored in our HTML via ascripttag whosetypedesignates it as something
Babel will know what to do with.
If you preview your page, you’ll see something boring that looks like Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 A boring output of what you see.
Don’t worry, we’ll make it look a little less boring in a few moments. After we’ve had a run at
these letters, you will see something that looks more like Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2 The letters arranged horizontally and with a yellow background.
Our vowels will be wrapped in a yellow background, aligned horizontally, and sport a fancy
monospace font. Let’s look at how to do all of this in both CSS as well as React’s new-fangled
40 Chapter 4Styling in React
Styling React Content Using CSS
Using CSS to style our React content is actually as straightforward as you can imagine it tobe.
Because React ends up spitting out regular HTML tags, all of the various CSS tricks you’ve
learned over the years to style HTML still apply. There are just a few minor things to keep in
Understand the Generated HTML
Before you can use CSS, you need to first get a feel for what the HTML that React spits out
is going to looklike. You can easily figure that out by looking at the JSX defined inside
therendermethods. The parentrendermethod is ourReactDOMbased one, and it looks as
We have our variousLettercomponents wrapped inside adiv. Nothing too exciting here.
Therendermethod inside ourLettercomponent isn’t that much different either:
As you can see, each individual vowel is wrapped inside its own set ofdivtags. If you had to
play this all out (such as, previewing our example in a browser), the final DOM structure for
our vowels looks like Figure 4-3.
Figure 4-3 The preview from inside the browser.
Styling React Content Using CSS
Ignore thedata-reacrootattribute (that you may not even see depending on your
version of React!) on the container div, but pay attention to the rest of the things you
see. What we have is simply an HTML-ized expansion of the various JSX fragments we
saw in therendermethoda few moments ago with our vowels nested inside a bunch
Just Style It Already!
Once you understand the HTML arrangement of the things you want to style, the hard part is
done. Now comes the fun and familiar part of defining style selectors and specifying the prop-
erties you want to set. To affect our innerdivelements, add the following inside ourstyletag:
div div div {
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
background-color: #ffde00;
color: #333;
display: inline-block;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 32px;
text-align: center;
Thediv div divselector will ensure we style the right things. The end result will
be our vowels styled to look exactly like we saw earlier. With that said, a style selector
ofdiv div divlooks a bit odd, doesn’t it? It is too generic. In apps with more than three
nesteddivelements (which will be very common), you may end up styling the wrong things.
It is at times like this where you will want to change the HTML that React generates to make
our content more easily style-able.
The way we are going to address this is by giving our innerdivelements aclassvalue
ofletter. Here is where JSX differs from HTML. Make the following highlighted change:
var Letter = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className="letter">
Notice that we designate the class value by using theclassNameattribute instead of
theclassattribute. The reason has to do with the wordclassbeing a special keyword in
JavaScript. If that doesn’t make any sense why itis important, don’t worry about it for now.
We’ll cover that later.
42 Chapter 4Styling in React
Anyway, once you’ve given yourdivaclassNameattribute value ofletter, there is just one
more thing to do. Modify the CSS selector to target ourdivelements more cleanly:
.letter {
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
background-color: #ffde00;
color: #333;
display: inline-block;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 32px;
text-align: center;
As you can see, using CSS is a perfectly viable way to style the content in your React-based
apps. In the next section, we’ll look at how to style our content using the approach preferred
by React.
Styling Content the React Way
React favors an inline approach for styling content that doesn’t use CSS. While that seems a bit
strange at first, it is designed to help make your visuals more reusable. The goal is to have your
components be little black boxes where everything related to how your UI looks and works gets
stashed there. Let’s see this for ourselves.
Continuing our example from earlier, remove the.letterstyle rule. Once you have done
this, your vowels will return to their unstyled state when you preview your app in the
browser. For completeness, you should remove theclassNamedeclaration from ourLetter
component’srenderfunction as well. There is no point having our markup contain things we
won’t be using.
Right now, ourLettercomponent is back to its original state:
var Letter = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
The way you specify styles inside your component is by defining an object whose content
is the CSS properties and their values. Once you have that object, you assign that object to
the JSX elements you wish to style by using thestyleattribute. This will make more sense
once we perform these two steps ourselves, so let’s apply all of this to style the output of
Styling Content the React Way
Creating a Style Object
Let’s get right to it by defining our object that contains the styles we wish to apply:
var Letter = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var letterStyle = {
padding: 10,
margin: 10,
backgroundColor: "#ffde00",
color: "#333",
display: "inline-block",
fontFamily: "monospace",
fontSize: 32,
textAlign: "center"
return (
We have an object calledletterStyle, and the properties inside it are just CSS property
names and their value. If you’ve never defined CSS properties in JavaScript before (i.e., by
settingobject.style), the formula for converting them into something JavaScript-friendly is
pretty simple:
Single word CSS properties (likepadding,margin,color) remain unchanged.
Multi-word CSS properties with a dash in them (likebackground-color, font-
family,border-radius) are turned into one camelcaseword with the dash removed
and the words following the dash capitalized. For example, using our example
properties,background-colorwould becomebackgroundColor,font-familywould
becomefontFamily, andborder-radiuswould becomeborderRadius.
OurletterStyleobject and its properties are pretty much a direct JavaScript translation of
the.letterstyle rule we looked at a few moments ago. All that remains now is to assign this
object to the element we wish to style.
Actually Styling Our Content
Now that we have our object containing the styles we wish to apply, the rest is very easy.
Findthe element we wish to apply the style toand set thestyle attribute to refer to that
object. In our case, that will be thedivelement returned by our Letter component’s render
44 Chapter 4Styling in React
Take a look at the highlighted line to see how this is done for our example:
var Letter = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var letterStyle = {
padding: 10,
margin: 10,
backgroundColor: "#ffde00",
color: "#333",
display: "inline-block",
fontFamily: "monospace",
fontSize: "32",
textAlign: "center"
return (
<div style={letterStyle}>
Our object is calledletterStyle, so that is what we specify inside the curly brackets to let
React know to evaluate the expression. That’s all there is to it. Go ahead and run the example
in the browser to ensure everything works properly and all of our vowels are properly styled.
For some extra validation, if you inspect the styling applied to one of the vowels using
yourbrowser developer tool of choice, you’ll see that the styles are infact applied inline
(see Figure 4-4).
Figure 4-4 The styles are applied inline.
Styling Content the React Way
While this is no surprise, itmight be difficult for those of us used to styles being inside style
rules to swallow. As they say, theTimes They Are A Changin’ (https://www.youtube.com/
You Can Omit the "px" Suffix
When programmatically setting styles, it’s a pain to deal with numbers that need a pixel value
suffix. In order to generate these values, you need to do some string concatenation on your
number to add apx. To convert from a pixel value back to a number, you need to parse out
thepx. All of this isn’t extremely complicated or time consuming, but it is a distraction.
To help with this, React allows you to omit thepxsuffix for a bunch of CSS properties. If you
recall, ourletterStyleobject looks as follows:
1 var letterStyle = {
2 padding: 10,
3 margin: 10,
4 backgroundColor: "#ffde00",
5 color: "#333",
6 display: "inline-block",
7 fontFamily: "monospace",
8 fontSize: "32",
9 textAlign: "center"
10 };=
Notice that for some of the properties with a numerical value such as padding, margin, and
fontSize, we didn’t specify the px suffix at all. That is because, at runtime, React will add the
px suffix automatically.
The only number-related properties React won’t add a pixel suffix to automatically are the
following properties: animationIterationCount, boxFlex, boxFlexGroup, boxOrdinal-
Group, columnCount, fillOpacity, flex, flexGrow, flexPositive, flexShrink, flex-
Negative, flexOrder, fontWeight, lineClamp, lineHeight, opacity, order, orphans,
stopOpacity, strokeDashoffset, strokeOpacity, strokeWidth, tabSize, widows, zIndex,
and zoom. While I wish I could tell you that I walk around with this information memorized,
Iactually just referred to this article: https://facebook.github.io/react/tips/style-props-value-px
.htmlPlease hold your applause :P
While pixel values are great for many things, you may want to use percentages, ems, vh, etc. to
represent your values. For these non-pixel values, you still have to manually ensure the suffix
is dealt with. React won’t help you out there, so if you aren’t a fan of pixel values, this nicety
doesn’t gain you much.
Making the Background Color Customizable
The last thing we are going to do before we wrap things up is take advantage of how React
works with styles. By having our styles defined in the same vicinity as the JSX, we can make
the various style values easily customizable by the parent (aka the consumer of the compo-
nent). Let’s see this in action.
46 Chapter 4Styling in React
Right now, all of our vowels have a yellow background. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could specify
the background color as part of eachLetterdeclaration? To do this, in ourReactDOM.render
method, first add abgcolorattribute and specify some colors as shown in the following
highlighted lines:
<Letter bgcolor="#58B3FF">A</Letter>
<Letter bgcolor="#FF605F">E</Letter>
<Letter bgcolor="#FFD52E">I</Letter>
<Letter bgcolor="#49DD8E">O</Letter>
<Letter bgcolor="#AE99FF">U</Letter>
Next, we need to use this property. In ourletterStyleobject, set the value ofbackground-
1 var letterStyle = {
2 padding: 10,
3 margin: 10,
4 backgroundColor: this.props.bgcolor,
5 color: "#333",
6 display: "inline-block",
7 fontFamily: "monospace",
8 fontSize: "32",
9 textAlign: "center"
10 };
This will ensure that thebackgroundColorvalue is inferred from what we set via
thebgColorattribute as part of theLetterdeclaration. If you preview this in your browser,
you will now see our same vowels sporting some totally sweet background colors as shown in
Figure 4-5.
Figure 4-5 Our vowels with background colors!
What we’ve just done is something that is going to be very hard to replicate using plain
CSS. Now, as we start to look at components whose contents change based on state or user
interaction, you’ll see more such examples where the React way of styling things has a lot of
good merit.
As we dive in further and learn more about React, you’ll see several more cases where React
does things quite differently than what we’ve been told is the correct way of doing things on
the web. In this tutorial, we saw React promoting inline styles in JavaScript as a way to style
content as opposed to using CSS style rules. Earlier, we looked at JSX and how the entirety
of your UI can be declared in JavaScript using an XML-like syntax that sorta kinda looks
In all of these cases, if you look deeper beneath the surface, the reasons for why React diverges
from conventional wisdom makes a lot of sense. Building apps with their very complex UI
requirements requires a new way of solving the challenges associated with complex UIs. HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript techniques that probably made a lot of sense when dealing with web pages
and documents may not be applicable in the web app world where components are re-used
inside other components.
With that said, you should pick and choose the techniques that make the most sense for your
situation. While I am biased towards React’s way of solving our UI development problems, I’ll
do my best to highlight alternate or conventional methods as well. Tying that back to what we
saw here, using CSS style rules with your React content is totally OK as long as you make the
decision knowing the things you gain as well as lose by doing so.
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Creating Complex
In Chapter 3, you learned about components and all the awesome things that they do.
You learned that components are the primary ways through which React enables our visual
elements to behave like little reusable bricks that contain all of the HTML, JavaScript, and
styling needed to run themselves. Beyond reusability, there is another major advantage
components bring to the table. They make possiblecomposability. You can combine
components to create more complex components.
In this chapter, we look at what all of this means. More specifically, we look at two things:
The boring technical stuff that you need to know.
The boring stuff you need to know about how to identify components when you look at
a bunch of visual elements.
OK, what you are going to learn isn’t actuallythatboring. I am just setting your expectations
really low :P
From Visuals to Components
The various examples we’ve looked at so far have been pretty basic. They were great for
highlighting technical concepts (see Figure 5-1), but they weren’t great for preparing you for
the real world.
50 Chapter 5Creating Complex Components
Figure 5-1 Great for highlighting technical concepts, but...
In the real world, what you’ll be asked to implement in React will never be so simple as a list
of names or colorful blocks of vowels. Instead, you’ll be given a visual representation of some
complex user interface. That visual can take many forms—a scribble, diagram, screenshot,
video, redline, comp, etc. It is up to you to bring all of those static pixels to life, and we are
going to get some hands-on practice in doing just that.
What we are going to do is build a simple color palette card (see Figure 5-2).
Figure 5-2 A simple color palette card.
From Visuals to Components
If you are not sure what these are, these are small rectangular cards that help you match a
color with a particular type of paint. You’ll frequently see them in home improvement stores
or anywhere paint is sold. Your designer friend probably has a giant closet dedicated to them in
their place. Anyway,our mission is to recreate one of these cards using React.
There are several ways to go about this, but I am going to show you a very systematic approach
that will help you simplify and make sense of even the most complex user interfaces. This
approach involves two steps:
1. Identify the major visual elements
2. Figure out what the components will be
Both of these steps sound really complex, but as we walk through this, you’ll see that it is
nothing to be worried about.
Identifying the Major Visual Elements
The first step is to identify all of the visual elements we are dealing with. No visual element is
too minor to omit—at least not initially. The easiest way to start identifying the relevant pieces
is to start with the obvious visual elements and then dive into the less obvious ones.
The first thing you will see in our example is the card itself (see Figure 5.3).
Figure 5-3 The card.
52 Chapter 5Creating Complex Components
Within the card, you’ll see that there are two distinct regions. The top region is a rectangular
area that displays a particular color. The bottom region is a white area that displays a hex value.
Let’s call out these two visual elements and arrange them into a tree-like structure as shown
inFigure 5-4.
Figure 5-4 Tree-like structure.
Arranging your visuals into this tree-like structure (aka avisual hierarchy) is a good way to get
a better feel for how your visual elements are grouped. The goal of this exercise is to identify
the important visual elements and break them into a parent/child arrangement until you can
divide them no further.
Try to Ignore Implementation Details
While it is hard, do not think of implementation details yet. Don’t focus on dividing your visual
elements based on what combination of HTML and CSS would be required. There is plenty of
time for that later!
From Visuals to Components
Continuing on, we can see that our colorful rectangle isn’t something that we can divide
further. That doesn’t mean we are done, though. We can further divide the label from the white
region that surrounds it. Right now, our visual hierarchy looks as shown in Figure 5-5 with our
label and white region occupying a separate spot in our tree.
Figure 5-5 Dividing things further into the label and the white region that surrounds it.
At this point, we have nothing else to divide any further. We are done with identifying and
dividing up our visual elements, so the next step is to use what we’ve found here to help us
identify the components.
Identifying the Components
This is where things get a little interesting. We need to figure out which of the visual elements
we’ve identified will be turned into a component and which ones will not. Not every visual
element will need to be turned into a component, and we certainly don’t want to create only a
few extremely complex components either. There needs to be a balance (see Figure 5-6).
54 Chapter 5Creating Complex Components
Figure 5-6 Not too few and not too many components.
There is an art to figuring out what visual elements become part of a component and
which ones don’t.The general rule is that our components should do just one thing.If you find
thatyour potential component will end up doing too many things, you probably want
to break your component into multiple components. On the flip side, if your potential
component does too little, you probably want to skip making that visual element a
component altogether.
Let’s try to figure out which elements would make for good components in our example. From
looking at our visual hierarchy, right off the bat, both the card and the colored rectangle seem
like they fit the bill for making a great component. The card acts as the outer container, and
the colored rectangle simply displays a color.
That just puts a question mark around our label and the white region it is surrounded by
though (see Figure 5-7).
From Visuals to Components
Figure 5-7 Question mark around the label and the white space around it.
The important part here is the label itself. Without it, we can’t see the hex value. That leaves
just the white region. The purpose it serves is negligible. It is simply empty space, and the
responsibility for that can easily be handed off to our label itself. Brace yourself for what I am
about to say next. Sadly, our white rectangular region will not be turned into a component.
At this point, we have identified our three components, and thecomponent hierarchylooks
as in Figure 5-8.
56 Chapter 5Creating Complex Components
Figure 5-8 The three components.
An important thing to note is that the component hierarchy has more to do with helping
us define our code than it does with how the finished product will look. You’ll notice that it
looks a bit different than the visual hierarchy we started off with. For visual details, you should
always refer to your source material (aka your visual comps, redlines, screenshots, and other
related items). For figuring out which components to create, you should use the component
Ok, now that we’ve identified our components and the relationship between all of them, it is
time to start bringing our color palette card to life.
Creating the Components
This is the easy part—sort of! It is time for us to start writing some code. The first thing we
need is a mostly-empty HTML page that will serve as our starting point:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>More Components!</title>
Creating the Components
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min
#container {
padding: 50px;
background-color: #FFF;
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
Take a moment to see what this page has going on. There isn’t much—just the bare minimum
needed to have React render an emptydivinto ourcontainerelement.
After you’ve done this, it is time to define our three components. The names we will go
with for our components will beCard,Label, andSquare. Go ahead and add the following
highlighted lines just above theReactDOM.renderfunction:
var Square = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var Label = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
58 Chapter 5Creating Complex Components
var Card = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
Within our three components, we also threw in therenderfunction that each component
absolutely needs to function. Other than that, our components are empty. In the following
sections, we will fix that by filling them in.
The Card Component
We are going to start at the top of our component hierarchy and focus on our Card component
first. This component will act as the the container that our Square and Label components
willlive in.
To implement it, go ahead and make the following highlighted modifications:
1 var Card = React.createClass({
2 render: function() {
3 var cardStyle = {
4 height: 200,
5 width: 150,
6 padding: 0,
7 backgroundColor: "#FFF",
8 WebkitFilter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)",
9 filter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)"
10 };
12 return (
13 <div style={cardStyle}>
15 </div>
16 );
17 }
18 });
Creating the Components
While this seems like a lot of changes, the bulk of the lines are going intostyling the outputof
ourCardcomponent via thecardStyleobject. Inside the object, notice that we specify a
vendor-prefixed version of the CSSfilterproperty withWebkitFilter. That’s not the inter-
esting detail. The interesting detail is the capitalization. Instead of the first letter being camel-
cased aswebkitFilter, the W is actually capitalized. That isn’t how other normal CSS properties
are represented, so keep that in mind if you ever need to specify a vendor-prefixed property.
The rest of the changes are pretty unimpressive. We return adivelement, and that
element’sstyleattribute is set to ourcardStyleobject. Now, to see ourCardcomponent in
action, we need to display it in our DOM as part of theReactDOM.renderfunction. To make
that happen, go ahead and make the following highlighted change:
1 ReactDOM.render(
2 <div>
3 <Card/>
4 </div>,
5 document.querySelector("#container")
6 );
All we are doing is telling theReactDOM.renderfunction to render the output of
ourCardcomponent by invoking it. If everything worked out properly, you’ll see the same
thing as in Figure 5-9 if you test your app.
Figure 5-9 The result of your test—the outline of the color palette card.
Yes, it is just the outline of our color palette card, but that is definitely more than what we
started out with just a few moments ago!
60 Chapter 5Creating Complex Components
The Square Component
It’s time to go one level down in our component hierarchy and look at ourSquarecomponent.
This is a pretty straightforward one, so make the following highlighted changes:
1 var Square = React.createClass({
2 render: function() {
3 var squareStyle = {
4 height: 150,
5 backgroundColor: "#FF6663"
6 };
7 return(
8 <div style={squareStyle}>
10 </div>
11 );
12 }
13 });
Just like with ourCardcomponent, we are returning adivelement whosestyleattribute is
set to a style object that defines how this component looks. To see ourSquare
component in action, we need to get it onto our DOM just like we did with theCardcomponent
earlier. The difference this time around is that we won’t be calling theSquarecomponent
via ourReactDOM.renderfunction. Instead, we’ll call theSquarecomponent from inside
theCardcomponent. To see what I mean, go back to ourCardcomponent’srenderfunction,
and make the following change:
var Card = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var cardStyle = {
height: 200,
width: 150,
padding: 0,
backgroundColor: "#FFF",
WebkitFilter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)",
filter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)"
return (
<div style={cardStyle}>
At this point, if you preview our app, you’ll see a colorful square making an appearance
(seeFigure 5-10).
Creating the Components
Figure 5-10 The red portion appears.
The cool thing to call out is that we called ourSquarecomponent from inside theCard
component! This is an example ofcomponent composabilitywhere one component relies
on the output of another component. The final thing you see is the result of these two
components colluding with each other. Isn’t collusion just beautiful—at least in this context?
The Label Component
The last component that remains is ourLabel. Go ahead and make the following highlighted
1 var Label = React.createClass({
2 render: function() {
3 var labelStyle = {
4 fontFamily: "sans-serif",
5 fontWeight: "bold",
6 padding: 13,
7 margin: 0
8 };
10 return (
11 <p style={labelStyle}>#FF6663</p>
12 );
13 }
14 });
62 Chapter 5Creating Complex Components
The pattern of what we are doing should be routine to you by now. We have astyleobject that
we assign to what we return. What we return is a p element whose content is the string #FF6663.
To have what we return ultimately make it to our DOM, we need to call ourLabelcomponent via
ourCardcomponent. Go ahead and make the following highlighted change:
1 var Card = React.createClass({
2 render: function() {
3 var cardStyle = {
4 height: 200,
5 width: 150,
6 padding: 0,
7 backgroundColor: "#FFF",
8 WebkitFilter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)",
9 filter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)"
10 };
12 return (
13 <div style={cardStyle}>
14 <Square/>
15 <Label/>
16 </div>
17 );
18 }
19 });
Notice that ourLabelcomponent lives just under theSquarecomponent we added to
our Card component’sreturnfunction earlier. If you preview your app in the browser now,
youshould see something that looks like Figure 5-11.
Figure 5-11 The label appears.
Creating the Components
Yes, that’s right! Our color palette card is done and visible, thanks to the efforts of ourCard,
Square, andLabelcomponents. That doesn’t mean we are done yet, though. There are a few
more things to cover.
Passing Properties, Again!
In our current example, we hard-coded the color value that is used by our Square and Label
components.That is an odd thing to do—which may or may not have been done deliberately
for dramatic effect, but fixing it is straightforward. It just involves us specifying a property
name and accessing it viathis.props. We’ve seen all this before. What is different is the
number of times we will have to do this.
There is no way toproperlyspecify a property on a parent component and have all descendants
automatically gain access to that property. There are manyimproperways to deal with this
such as defining global objects, setting the value on a component property directly, and so on.
We won’t concern ourselves with such improper solutions right now. We aren’t animals!
Anyway, the proper way to pass a property value to a child component is to have each inter-
mediate parent component pass on the property as well. To see this in action, take a look at
the highlighted changes to our current code where we move away from a hard-coded color and
define our card’s color using acolorproperty instead:
1 var Square = React.createClass({
2 render: function() {
3 var squareStyle = {
4 height: 150,
5 backgroundColor: this.props.color
6 };
7 return(
8 <div style={squareStyle}>
10 </div>
11 );
12 }
13 });
15 var Label = React.createClass({
16 render: function() {
17 var labelStyle = {
18 fontFamily: "sans-serif",
19 fontWeight: "bold",
20 padding: 13,
21 margin: 0
22 };
24 return (
25 <p style={labelStyle}>{this.props.color}</p>
64 Chapter 5Creating Complex Components
26 );
27 }
28 });
30 var Card = React.createClass({
31 render: function() {
32 var cardStyle = {
33 height: 200,
34 width: 150,
35 padding: 0,
36 backgroundColor: "#FFF",
37 WebkitFilter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)",
38 filter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)"
39 };
41 return (
42 <div style={cardStyle}>
43 <Square color={this.props.color}/>
44 <Label color={this.props.color}/>
45 </div>
46 );
47 }
48 });
50 ReactDOM.render(
51 <div>
52 <Card color="#FF6663"/>
53 </div>,
54 document.querySelector("#container")
55 );
Once you have made this change, you can specify any hex color you want as part of calling
1 ReactDOM.render(
2 <div>
3 <Card color="#FFA737"/>
4 </div>,
5 document.querySelector("#container")
6 );
The resulting color palette card will feature the color you specified (see Figure 5-12).
Creating the Components
Figure 5-12 The color for hex value #FFA737.
Now, let’s go back to the changes we made. Even though thecolorproperty is only consumed
by theSquareandLabelcomponents, the parentCardcomponent is responsible for passing
the property on to them. For even more deeply nested situations, you’ll have more intermedi-
ate components that will be responsible for transferring properties. It gets worse. When you
have multiple properties that you would like to pass around multiple levels of components, the
amount of typing (or copying/pasting) you do increases a lot as well. There are ways to mitigate
this, and we’ll look at those mitigation strategies in much greater detail in a future chapter.
66 Chapter 5Creating Complex Components
Why Component Composability Rocks
When we are heads-down in React, we often tend to forgot that what we are ultimately creating
is just plain and boring HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The generated HTML for our color palette
card looks as follows:
<div id="container">
<div data-reactid=".0">
<div style="height:200px;
-webkit-filter:drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666);
filter:drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666);">
<div style="height:150px;
<p style="font-family:sans-serif;
This markup has no idea of how it got there. It doesn’t know about which components were
responsible for what. It doesn’t care about component composability or the frustrating way we
had to transfer thecolorproperty from parent to child. That brings up an important point to
If we had to generalize the end result of what components do,all they do is return blobs
of HTML to whatever called it. Each component’srenderfunction returns some HTML to
another component’srenderfunction. All of this HTML keeps accumulating until a giant blob
of HTML is pushed (very efficiently) to our DOM. That simplicity is why component re-use
and composability works so well. Each blob of HTML works independently from other blobs of
HTML—especially if you specify inline styles as React recommends. This enables you to easily
create visual elements from other visual elements without having to worry about anything.
ANYTHING! Isn’t that pretty freaking awesome?
As you may have realized by now, we are slowly shifting focus towards the more advanced
scenarios that React thrives in. Actually, advanced isn’t the right word. The correct word
isrealistic. In this chapter, we started by learning how to look at a piece of UI and identify the
components in a way that you can later implement. That is a situation you will find yourself
in all the time. While the approach we employed seemed really formal, as you get more expe-
rienced with creating things in React, you can ratchet down the formality. If you can quickly
identify the components and their parent/child relationships without creating a visual and
component hierarchy, then that is one more sign that you are getting really good at working
with React!
Identifying the components is only one part of the equation. The other part is bringing those
components to life. Most of the technical stuff we saw here was just a minor extension of what
we’ve already seen earlier. We looked at one level of components in an earlier chapter, and here
we looked at how to work with multiple levels of components. We looked at how to pass prop-
erties between one parent and one child in an earlier chapter, and here we looked at how to
pass properties between multiple parents and multiple children. Maybe in a future chapter we’ll
do something groundbreaking like drawing multiple color palette cards to the screen! Or, we
can maybe specify two properties instead of just a single one. Who knows?
This page intentionally left blank
Transferring Properties
There is a frustrating side to working with properties. We kinda saw this side in the previous
chapter. Passing properties from one component to another is nice and simple when you are
dealing with only one layer of components. When you wish to send a property across multiple
layers of components, things start getting complicated.
Things getting complicated is never a good thing, so in this chapter, let’s see what we can do to
make working with properties across multiple layers of components easy.
Problem Overview
Let’s say that you have a deeply nested component, and its hierarchy (modeled as awesomely
colored circles) looks like Figure 6-1.
70 Chapter 6Transferring Properties (Props)
Figure 6-1 The component hierarchy.
What you want to do is pass a property from your red circle all the way down to our purple
circles where it will be used. What we can’t do is the very obvious and straightforward thing
shown in Figure 6-2.
Problem Overview
Figure 6-2 Can’t do this.
You can’t pass a property directly to the component or components that you wish to target.
The reason has to do with how React works.React enforces a chain of command where properties
have to flow down from a parent component to an immediate child component.This means you can’t
skip a layer of children when sending a property. This also means your children can’t send a
property back up to a parent. All communication is one-way from the parent to the child.
Under these guidelines, passing a property from our red circle to our purple circle looks a little
bit like Figure 6-3.
72 Chapter 6Transferring Properties (Props)
Figure 6-3 The property is passed from parent to child.
Every component that lies on the intended path has to receive the property from its parent
and then re-send that property to its child. This process repeats until your property reaches its
intended destination. The problem is in this receiving and re-sending step.
If we had to send a property calledcolorfrom the component representing our red circle to
the component representing our purple circle, its path to the destination would look something
like Figure 6-4.
Problem Overview
Figure 6-4 Sending the color property.
Now, imagine we have two properties that we need to send,as in Figure 6-5.
Figure 6-5 Sending two properties.
74 Chapter 6Transferring Properties (Props)
What if we wanted to send three properties? Or four?
We can quickly see that this approach is neither scalable nor maintainable. For every additional
property we need to communicate, we are going to have to add an entry for it as part of
declaring each component. If we decide to rename our properties at some point, we will have
to ensure that every instance of that property is renamed as well. If we remove a property, we
need to remove the property from every component that relied on it. Overall, these are the
kinds of situations we try to avoid when writing code. What can we do about this?
Detailed Look at the Problem
In the previous section, we talked at a high level about what the problem is. Before we can
dive into figuring out a solution, we need to go beyond diagrams and look at a more detailed
example with real code. We need to take a look at something like the following:
var Display = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var Label = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<Display color={this.props.color}
var Shirt = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<Label color={this.props.color}
Detailed Look at the Problem
<Shirt color="steelblue" num="3.14" size="medium"/>
Take a few moments to understand what is going on. Once you have done that, let’s walk
through this example together.
What we have is aShirtcomponent that relies on the output of theLabelcomponent which
relies on the output of theDisplaycomponent. (Try saying that sentence five time fast!)
Anyway, the component hierarchy can be seen in Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-6 The component hierarchy.
76 Chapter 6Transferring Properties (Props)
When you run this code, what gets output is nothing special. It is just three lines of text
(seeFigure 6-7).
Figure 6-7 The three lines of text.
The interesting part is how the text gets there. Each of the three lines of text that you see maps
to a property we specified at the very beginning inside ReactDOM.render:
<Shirt color="steelblue" num="3.14" size="medium"/>
Thecolor,num, andsizeproperties (and their values) make a journey all the way to
theDisplaycomponent that would make even the most seasoned world traveler jealous. Let’s
follow these properties from their inception to when they get consumed, and I do realize that
a lot of this will be a review of what you’ve already seen. If you find yourself getting bored, feel
free to skip on to the next section. With that said, onwards and upwards!
Life for our properties starts insideReactDOM.renderwhen ourShirtcomponent gets called
with thecolor,num, andsizeproperties specified:
<Shirt color="steelblue" num="3.14" size="medium"/>
Detailed Look at the Problem
We not only define the properties, we also initialize them with the values they will carry.
Inside theShirtcomponent, these properties are stored inside thepropsobject. To transfer
these properties on, we need to explicitly access these properties from thepropsobject and list
them as part of the component call. The following is an example of what that looks like when
ourShirtcomponent calls ourLabelcomponent:
var Shirt = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<Label color={this.props.color}
Notice that thecolor,num, andsizeproperties are listed again. The only difference from what
we saw with theReactDOM.rendercall is that the values for each property are taken from their
respective entry in thepropsobject as opposed to being manually entered.
When ourLabelcomponent goes live, it has itspropsobject properly filled out with
thecolor,num, andsizeproperties stored. You can probably see a pattern forming here. If you
need to let out a big yawn, feel free to.
TheLabelcomponent continues the tradition by repeating the same steps and calling
var Label = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<Display color={this.props.color}
Phew. All we wanted to do was have ourDisplaycomponent display some values
forcolor,num, andsize. The only complication was that the values we wanted to display
were originally defined as part ofReactDOM.render. The annoying solution is the one you see
here where every component along the path to the destination needs to access and re-define
each property as part of passing it along. That’s just terrible. We can do better than this, and
you will see how in a few moments!
78 Chapter 6Transferring Properties (Props)
Meet the Spread Operator
The solution to all of our problems lies in something new to JavaScript known as thespread
operator. What the spread operator does is a bit bizarre to explain without some context, so I’ll
first give you an example and then bore you with a definition.
Take a look at the following snippet:
var items = ["1", "2", "3"];
function printStuff(a, b, c) {
console.log("Printing: " + a + " " + b + " " + c);
We have an array calleditemsthat contains three values. We also have a function
calledprintStuffthat takes three arguments. What we want to do is specify the three values
from ouritemsarray as arguments to theprintStufffunction. Sounds simple enough, right?
Here is one really common way of doing that:
printStuff(items[0], items[1], items[2]);
We access each array item individually and pass itin to ourprintStufffunction. With the
spread operator, we now have an easier way. You don’t have to specify each item in the array
individually at all. You can just do something like this:
The spread operator is the...characters before ouritemsarray, and using...itemsis
identical to listingitems[0],items[1], anditems[2]individually like we did earlier.
TheprintStufffunction will run and print the numbers 1, 2, and 3 to our console. Pretty
cool, right?
Now that you’ve seen the spread operator in action, it’s time to define it.The spread operator
enables you to unwrap an array into its individual elements.The spread operator does a few more
things as well, but that’s not important for now. We are going to only use this particular side of
the spread operator to solve our property transferring problem!
Properly Transferring Properties
We just saw an example where we used the spread operator to avoid having to enumerate every
single item in our array as part of passing it to a function:
var items = ["1", "2", "3"];
function printStuff(a, b, c) {
console.log("Printing: " + a + " " + b + " " + c);
Properly Transferring Properties
// using the spread operator
// without using the spread operator
printStuff(items[0], items[1], items[2]);
The situation we are facing with transferring properties across components is very similar to
our problem of accessing each array item individually. Allow me to elaborate.
Inside a component, ourpropsobject looks as follows:
var props = {
color: "steelblue",
num: "3.14",
size: "medium"
As part of passing these property values to a child component, we manually access each item
from ourpropsobject:
<Display color={this.props.color}
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to unwrap an object and pass on the property/value
pairs just like we were able to unwrap an array using the spread operator?
As it turns out, there is a way. It actually involves the spread operator as well. I’ll explain how
later, but what this means is that we can call ourDisplaycomponent by using...props:
<Display {...props}/>
By using...props, the runtime behavior is the same as specifying thecolor,num,
andsizeproperties manually. This means our earlier example can be simplified as follows (pay
attention to the highlighted lines):
var Display = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var Label = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
80 Chapter 6Transferring Properties (Props)
<Display {...this.props}/>
var Shirt = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<Label {...this.props}/>
<Shirt color="steelblue" num="3.14" size="medium"/>
If you run this code, the end result is going to be unchanged from what we had earlier. The
biggest difference is that we are no longer passing in expanded forms of each property as part
of calling each component. This solves all the problems we originally set out to solve.
By using the spread operator, if you ever decide to add properties, rename properties,
remove properties, or do any other sort of property-related shenanigans, you don’t have to
make a billion different changes. You make one change at the spot where you define your
property. You make another change at the spot you consume the property. That’s it. All of the
intermediate components that merely transfer the properties on will remain untouched, for
the{...this.props}expression contains no details of what goes on inside it.
As designed by the ES6/ES2015 committee, the spread operator is designed towork only on
arraysand array-like creatures (aka that which has a Symbol.iterator property). The fact
that it workson object literals like ourpropsobject is due to React extending the standard.
As of now, no browser currently supports using the spread object on object literals. The reason
our example works is because of Babel. Besides turning all of our JSX into something our
browser understands, Babel also turns cutting-edge and experimental features into something
cross-browser friendly. That is why we are able to get away with using the spread operator on
an object literal, and that is why we are able to elegantly solve the problem of transferring
properties across multiple layers of components!
Meet JSX—Again!
As you probably noticed by now, we’ve been using a lot of JSX in the previous chapters. What
we really haven’t done is taken a good look at what JSX actually is. How does it actually work?
Why do we not just call it HTML? What quirks does it have up its sleeve? In this chapter,
we answer all of those questions and more! We do some serious backtracking (and some
forwardtracking!) to get a deeper look at what we need to know about JSX in order to be
What Happens with JSX?
One of the biggest things we’ve glossed over is trying to figure out what happens with our JSX
after we’ve written it. How does it end up as HTML that we see in our browser? Take a look at
the following example where we define a component calledCard:
var Card = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var cardStyle = {
height: 200,
width: 150,
padding: 0,
backgroundColor: "#FFF",
WebkitFilter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)",
filter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)"
return (
<div style={cardStyle}>
<Square color={this.props.color}/>
<Label color={this.props.color}/>
82 Chapter 7Meet JSX—Again!
We can quickly spot the JSX here. It is the following four lines:
<div style={cardStyle}>
<Square color={this.props.color}/>
<Label color={this.props.color}/>
The thing to keep in mind is that our browsers have no idea what to do with JSX. They
probably think you are crazy if you ever even try to describe JSX to them. That is why
we have been relying on things like Babel to turn that JSX into something the browsers
What this means is that the JSX we write is for human (and well-trained cats') eyes only. When
this JSX reaches our browser, it ends up getting turned into pure JavaScript:
return React.createElement(
{ style: cardStyle },
React.createElement(Square, { color: this.props.color }),
React.createElement(Label, { color: this.props.color })
All of those neatly nested HTML-like elements, their attributes, and their children all get
turned into a series ofcreateElementcalls with default initialization values. Here is what our
entireCardcomponent looks like when it gets turned into JavaScript:
var Card = React.createClass({
displayName: "Card",
render: function render() {
var cardStyle = {
height: 200,
width: 150,
padding: 0,
backgroundColor: "#FFF",
WebkitFilter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)",
filter: "drop-shadow(0px 0px 5px #666)"
return React.createElement(
{ style: cardStyle },
React.createElement(Square, { color: this.props.color }),
React.createElement(Label, { color: this.props.color })
JSX Quirks to Remember
Notice that there is no trace of JSX anywhere! All of these changes between what you wrote
and what our browser sees arepart of the transpiling step we've talked about in thefirst
chapter.That transpilation is something that happens entirely behind-the-scenes thanks to
Babel, which we've been to perform this JSXJS transformation entirely in the browser. We'll
eventually look at using Babel as part of a more-involved build environment where we will just
generate a transformed JS file, but more on that when we get there in the future.
But yeah, there you have it. An answer to what exactly happens to all of our JSX. It gets turned
into sweet SWEET JavaScript.
JSX Quirks to Remember
As we've been working with JSX, you probably noticed that we ran into some arbitrary rules
and exceptions towhat you can and can't do. In this section, let's put all of those quirks
together in one area and maybe even run into some brand new ones!
You Can Only Return A Single Root Node
This is probably the first quirk we ran into. In JSX, what you return or render can't be made up
of multiple root elements:
If you want to do something like this, you need to wrap all of your elements into a single
parent element first:
This seemed like a bizarre requirement when we looked at it before, but you can
createElementfor why we do this. With therenderandreturnfunctions, what
84 Chapter 7Meet JSX—Again!
you are ultimately returning is a singlecreateElementcall (which in turn might have
many nestedcreateElementcalls). Here is what our earlier JSX looks like when turned into
), document.querySelector("#container"));
Having multiple root elements would break how functions return values and
createElementworks, so that is why you can specify only one return (root) element! You
can now sleep better knowing this.
You Can't Specify CSS Inline
As we saw in Chapter 4, thestyleattribute in your JSX behaves differently from
thestyleattribute in HTML. In HTML, you can specify CSS properties directly as values on
<div style="font-family:Arial;font-size:24px">
JSX Quirks to Remember
In JSX, thestyleattribute can't contain CSS inside it. Instead, it needs to refer to an object
that contains styling information instead:
var Letter = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var letterStyle = {
padding: 10,
margin: 10,
backgroundColor: this.props.bgcolor,
color: "#333",
display: "inline-block",
fontFamily: "monospace",
fontSize: "32",
textAlign: "center"
return (
<div style={letterStyle}>
Notice that we have an object calledletterStylethat that contains all of the CSS properties
(in camelcaseJavaScript form) and their values. That object is what we then specify to the
Reserved Keywords and className
JavaScript has a bunch of keywords and values that you can't use as identifiers. Those keywords
currently (as of ES2016) are:
break case class catch const  continue
debugger default delete do else  export
extends finally for function if import
in instanceof new return super switch
this throw try typeof var void
while with yield
When you are writing JSX, you should be careful to not use these keywords as part of any
identifiers that you create as well. That can be difficult when certain really popular keywords
likeclassare commonly used in HTML despite also being in JavaScript's reserved keywords list.
86 Chapter 7Meet JSX—Again!
Take a look at the following:
<div class="slideIn">
<p class="emphasis">Gabagool!</p>
Ignoring JavaScript's reservations aboutclass(like what we've done here) won't work. What
you need to do is use the DOM API version of theclassattribute calledclassNameinstead:
<div className="slideIn">
<p className="emphasis">Gabagool!</p>
You can see the full list of supported tags and attributes at the following Facebook article
(https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/tags-and-attributes.html), andnotice that all of the attributes
are camelcase. That detail is important, for using the lowercase version of an attribute won't work.
If you are ever pasting a large chunk of HTML that you want JSX to deal with, be sure to go back
to your pasted HTML and make these minor adjustments to turn it into valid JSX.
This brings up another point. Because of these minor deviations from HTML behavior, we tend
to say that JSX supports anHTML-like syntaxas opposed to just saying that JSX supports HTML.
This is a deliberate React-ism. The clearest answer to the relationship between JSX and HTML
comes from React team member, Ben Alpert, whostated the following(http://qr.ae/RUKaON)as
part of a Quora answer:
...our thinking is that JSX's primary advantage is the symmetry of matching closing
tags which makes[sic] code easier to read, not the direct resemblance to HTML or
XML. It's convenient to copy/paste HTML directly, but other minor differences (in
self-closing tags, for example) make this a losing battle and we have a HTML to JSX
converter to help you anyway. Finally, to translate HTML to idiomatic React code, a
fair amount of work is usually involved in breaking up the markup into components
that make sense, so changing class to className is only a small part of that anyway.
Just like it is a good idea to comment your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it is a good idea to
provide comments inside your JSX as well. Specifying comments in JSX is very similar to how
you wouldcomment in JavaScript(https://www.kirupa.com/html5/comments.htm) ...except
for one exception. If you are specifying a comment as a child of a tag, you need to wrap your
comment by the{and}curly brackets to ensure it is parsed as an expression:
JSX Quirks to Remember
<div class="slideIn">
<p class="emphasis">Gabagool!</p>
{/* I am a child comment */}
Our comment in this case is a child of ourdivelement. If you specify a comment wholly
inside a tag, you can just specify your single-or multi-line comment without having to use
the{and}angle brackets:
<div class="slideIn">
<p class="emphasis">Gabagool!</p>
/* This comment
goes across
multiple lines */
className="colorCard" // end of line
In this snippet, you can see an example of what both multi-line comments and a comment
at the end of a line looklike. Now that you know all of this, you have one less excuse to not
comment your JSX :P
Capitalization, HTML Elements, and Components
Capitalization is important. To represent HTML elements, ensure the HTML tag is lower-case:
<p>Something goes here!</p>
When wishing to represent components, the component name must be capitalized,both in JSX
as well as when you define them:
88 Chapter 7Meet JSX—Again!
If you get the capitalization wrong, React will not render your content properly. The compo-
nent will not be found. Trying to identify capitalization issues is probably the last thing you'll
think about when things aren't working, so keep this little tip in mind.
Your JSX Can Be Anywhere
In many situations, your JSX will not be neatly arranged inside arenderorreturnfunction
like in the examples we've seen so far. Take a look at the following example:
var swatchComponent = <Swatch color="#2F004F"></Swatch>;
We have a variable calledswatchComponentthat is initialized to a line of JSX. When
ourswatchComponentvariable is placed inside therenderfunction, ourSwatchcomponent
gets initialized. All of this is totally valid, and we will do more such things in the future when
we learn how to generate and manipulate JSX using JavaScript.
With this chapter, we've finally pieced togetherinone location the various bits of JSX
information that the previous chapters introduced. The most important thing to remember is
that JSX is not HTML. It looks like HTML and behaves like it in many common scenarios, but
it is ultimately designed to be translated into JavaScript. This means you can do things that
you could never imagine doing using just plain HTML. Being able to evaluate expressions or
programmatically manipulate entire chunks of JSX is just the beginning. In upcoming chapters,
we'll explore this intersection of JavaScript and JSX further.
Dealing with State
Up until this point, the components we’ve created have been stateless. They have properties
(aka props) that are passed in from their parent, but nothing (usually) changes about them
once the components come alive. Your properties are considered immutable once they have
been set. For many interactive scenarios, you don’t want that. You want to be able to change
aspects of your components as a result of some user interaction (or some data getting returned
from a server or a billion other things!)
What we need is another way to store data on a component that goes beyond properties. We
need a way to store data that can be changed. What we need is something known asstate! In
this chapter you learn all about it and how you can use it to create stateful components.
Using State
If you know how to work with properties, you totally know how to work with states... sort of.
There are some differences, but they are too subtle to bore you with right now. Instead, let’s
just jump right in and see states in action by using them in a small example.
What we are going to is create a simple lightning counter example as shown in Figure 8-1.
90 Chapter 8Dealing with State
Figure 8-1 The app you will be building.
What this example does is nothing crazy. Lightning strikes the earth’s surface about 100 times
a second(http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/
lightning-profile/). We have a counter that simply increments a number you see by that same
amount. Let’s create it.
Our Starting Point
The primary focus of this example is to see how we can work with state. There is no point in
us spending a bunch of time creating the example from scratch and retracing paths that we’ve
walked many times already. That’s not the best use of anybody’s time.
Instead of starting from scratch, modify an existing HTML document or create a new one with
the following contents:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>More State!</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min
Using State
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
var LightningCounter = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
var LightningCounterDisplay = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var divStyle = {
width: 250,
textAlign: "center",
backgroundColor: "black",
padding: 40,
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
color: "#999",
borderRadius: 10
<div style={divStyle}>
At this point, take a few moments to look at what our existing code does. First, we have a
component calledLightningCounterDisplay:
var LightningCounterDisplay = React.createClass({
render: function() {
92 Chapter 8Dealing with State
var divStyle = {
width: 250,
textAlign: "center",
backgroundColor: "black",
padding: 40,
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
color: "#999",
borderRadius: 10
<div style={divStyle}>
The bulk of this component is thedivStyleobject that contains the styling information
responsible for the cool rounded background. Therenderfunction returns adivelement that
wraps theLightningCountercomponent.
TheLightningCountercomponent is where all the action is going to be taking place:
var LightningCounter = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
This component, as it is right now, has nothing interesting going for it. It just returns the
wordHello!That’s OK—we’ll fix this component up later.
The last thing to look at is ourReactDOM.rendermethod:
It just pushes the LightningCounterDisplay component into our container div element
in our DOM. That’s pretty much it. The end result is that you see the combination of
markup from our ReactDOM.render method and the LightningCounterDisplay and
LightningCounter components.
Getting Our Counter On
Getting Our Counter On
Now that we have an idea of what we are starting with, it’s time to make plans for our
next steps. The way our counter works is pretty simple. We are going to be using a
setIntervalfunction that calls some code every 1000 milliseconds (aka 1 second). That
“some code” is going to increment a value by100each time it is called. Seems pretty
straightforward, right?
To make this all work, we are going to be relying on three APIs that our React Component
getInitialState—This method runs justbeforeyour component gets mounted, and it
allows you to modify a component’sstateobject.
componentDidMount—This method gets called justafterour component gets rendered
(ormountedas React calls it).
setState—This method allows you to update the value of thestateobject.
We’ll see these APIs in use shortly, but I wanted to give you a preview of them so that you can
spot them easily in a lineup!
Setting the Initial State Value
We need a variable to act as our counter, and let’s call this variablestrikes. There are a bunch
of ways to create this variable. The most obvious one is the following:
var strikes = 0 // :P
We don’t want to do that, though. For our example, thestrikesvariable is part of our
component’s state, and its value is what we display on screen. What we are going to do is
use thegetInitialStatemethod that we briefly saw a few moments ago and take care of
initializing our variable inside it. You’ll see in a few moments what result that has on our
component’s state.
Inside yourLightningCountercomponent, add the following highlighted lines:
var LightningCounter = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
strikes: 0
render: function() {
return (
94 Chapter 8Dealing with State
ThegetInitialStatemethod automatically runs waaaay before your component
gets rendered, and what we are doing is telling React to return an object containing
ourstrikesproperty (initialized to0). You may be wondering to whom or what we are
returning this object to? All of that is magic that happens under the covers.The object that gets
returned is set as the initial value for our component’sstateobject.
If we inspect the value of our state object after this code has run, it would look something like
the following:
var state = {
strikes: 0
Before we wrap this section up, let’s visualize ourstrikesproperty. In ourrendermethod,
make the following highlighted change:
var LightningCounter = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
strikes: 0
render: function() {
return (
What we’ve done is replaced our defaultHello!text with an expression that displays the value
stored by thethis.state.strikesproperty. If you preview your example in the browser, you
will see a value of 0 displayed. That’s a start!
Starting Our Timer and Setting State
Next up is getting our timer going and incrementing ourstrikesproperty. Like we mentioned
earlier, we will be using thesetIntervalfunction to increase thestrikesproperty
by100every second. We are going to do all of this immediately after our component has been
rendered using the built-incomponentDidMountmethod.
The code for kicking off our timer looks as follows:
var LightningCounter = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
strikes: 0
Getting Our Counter On
componentDidMount: function() {
setInterval(this.timerTick, 1000);
render: function() {
return (
Go ahead and add these highlighted lines to our example. Inside our componentDidMount
method that gets called once,our component gets rendered, we have our setInterval method
that calls atimerTickfunction every second (or 1000 milliseconds).
We haven’t defined ourtimerTickfunction, so let’s fix that by adding the following
highlighted lines to our code:
var LightningCounter = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
strikes: 0
timerTick: function() {
strikes: this.state.strikes + 100
componentDidMount: function() {
setInterval(this.timerTick, 1000);
render: function() {
return (
What ourtimerTickfunction does is pretty simple. It just callssetState. The setState
method comes in various flavors, but for what we are doing here, it just takes an object as its
argument. This object contains all the properties you want tomerge into thestateobject.In our
case, we are specifying thestrikesproperty and setting its value to be 100 more than what it
is currently.
How does timerTick maintain context?
In regular JavaScript, the timerTick function won’t maintain context. You have to do extra work
to support that. The reason it works in the React world is because of something known as
autobinding. Now, aren’t you glad you know that?
96 Chapter 8Dealing with State
Rendering the State Change
If you preview your app now, you’ll see ourstrikesvalue start to increment by 100 every
second (see Figure 8-2).
Figure 8-2 The strikesvalue increments by 100 every second.
Let’s ignore for a moment what happens with our code. That is pretty straightforward. The
interesting thing is how everything we’ve done ends up updating what you see on the screen.
That updating has to do with this React behavior:Whenever you call setState and update
something in the stateobject, your component’srendermethod gets automatically called. This kicks
off a cascade of render calls for any component whose output is also affected. The end result
of all this is that what you see in your screen in the latest representation of your app’s UI state.
Keeping your data and UI in sync is one of the hardest problems with UI development, so it’s
nice that React takes care of this for us. It makes all of this pain of learning to use React totally
worth it—almost! :P
Optional: The Full Code
What we have right now is just a counter that increments by 100 every second. Nothing about
it screamsLightning Counter, but it does cover everything about states that I wanted you to
learn right now. If you want to optionally flesh out your example to look like my version that
you saw at the beginning, below is the full code for what goes inside ourscripttag:
var LightningCounter = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
strikes: 0
timerTick: function() {
strikes: this.state.strikes + 100
Optional: The Full Code
componentDidMount: function() {
setInterval(this.timerTick, 1000);
render: function() {
var counterStyle = {
color: "#66FFFF",
fontSize: 50
var count = this.state.strikes.toLocaleString();
return (
<h1 style={counterStyle}>{count}</h1>
var LightningCounterDisplay = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var commonStyle = {
margin: 0,
padding: 0
var divStyle = {
width: 250,
textAlign: "center",
backgroundColor: "#020202",
padding: 40,
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
color: "#999999",
borderRadius: 10
var textStyles = {
emphasis: {
fontSize: 38,
smallEmphasis: {
small: {
fontSize: 17,
opacity: 0.5,
98 Chapter 8Dealing with State
<div style={divStyle}>
<h2 style={textStyles.smallEmphasis}>LIGHTNING STRIKES</h2>
<h2 style={textStyles.emphasis}>WORLDWIDE</h2>
<p style={textStyles.small}>(since you loaded this example)</p>
If you make your code look like everything you see above and run the example again, you
will see our lightning counter example in all its cyan-colored glory. While you are at it, take a
moment to look through the code to ensure you don’t see too many surprises.
We just scratched the surface on what we can do to create stateful components. While using
a timer to update something in our state object is cool, the real action happens when we start
combining user interaction with state. So far, we’ve shied away from the large amount of
mouse, touch, keyboard, and other related things that your components will come into contact
with. In an upcoming chapter, we are going to fix that. Along the way, you’ll see us taking
what we’ve seen about states to a whole new level! If that doesn’t excite you, then I don’t know
what will :P
Going from Data to UI
When you are building your apps, thinking in terms of props, state, components, JSX
tags,rendermethods, and other React-isms may be the last thing on your mind. Most of the
time, you are dealing with data in the form of JSON objects, arrays, and other data structures
that have no knowledge (or interest) in React or anything visual. Bridging the gulf between
your data and what you eventually see can be frustrating! Not to worry, though. This chapter
helps reduce some of those frustrating moments by running through some common scenarios
you’ll encounter!
The Example
To help make sense of everything you are about to see, we are going to need an example.
It’s nothing too complicated, so go ahead and create a new HTML document and throw the
following stuff into it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>React! React! React!</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min
#container {
padding: 50px;
background-color: #FFF;
100 Chapter 9Going from Data to UI
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
var Circle = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var circleStyle = {
padding: 10,
margin: 20,
display: "inline-block",
backgroundColor: this.props.bgColor,
borderRadius: "50%",
width: 100,
height: 100,
return (
<div style={circleStyle}>
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
<Circle bgColor="#F9C240"/>
Once you have your document set up, go ahead and preview what you have in your browser.
Ifeverything went well, you will be greeted by a happy yellow circle (see Figure 9-1).
The Example
Figure 9-1 If everything went well,you will get this yellow circle.
If you see what I see, great! Now, let’s take a moment to understand what our example is doing.
The bulk of what you see comes from theCirclecomponent:
var Circle = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var circleStyle = {
padding: 10,
margin: 20,
display: "inline-block",
backgroundColor: this.props.bgColor,
borderRadius: "50%",
width: 100,
height: 100,
return (
<div style={circleStyle}>
It is mostly made up of ourcircleStyleobject that contains the inline style properties that
turn our boringdivinto an awesome circle. All the style values are hard-coded except for
thebackgroundColorproperty. It takes its value from thebgColorprop that gets passed in.
102 Chapter 9Going from Data to UI
Going beyond our component, the way we ultimately display our circle is via our usual
<Circle bgColor="#F9C240"/>
We have a single instance of ourCirclecomponent declared, and we declare it
with thebgColorprop set to the color we want our circle to appear in. Now, having
ourCirclecomponent be defined as-is inside ourrendermethod is a bit limiting - especially
if you are going to be dealing with data that could affect what ourCirclecomponent does.
Inthe next couple of sections, we’ll look at the ways we have for solving that.
Your JSX Can Be Anywhere—Part II
In the“Meet JSX—Again”!chapter (Chapter 7), we learned that our JSX can actually live
outside of arenderfunction and can be used as a value assigned to a variable or property. For
example, we can fearlessly do something like this:
var theCircle = <Circle bgColor="#F9C240"/>;
ThetheCirclevariable stores the JSX for instantiating ourCirclecomponent. Evaluating this
variable inside ourReactDOM.renderfunction results in a circle getting displayed. The end
result is no different than what we had earlier, but having ourCirclecomponent instantiation
freed from the shackles of therendermethod gives us more options to do crazy and cool
For example, you can go further and create a function that returns aCirclecomponent:
function showCircle() {
var colors = ["#393E41", "#E94F37", "#1C89BF", "#A1D363"];
var ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length);
// return a Circle with a randomly chosen color
return <Circle bgColor={colors[ran]}/>;
Dealing with Arraysin the Context of JSX
In this case, theshowCirclefunction returns aCirclecomponent (boring!) with the value
for thebgColorprop set to a random color value (awesomesauce!). To have our example
usetheshowCirclefunction, all you have to do is evaluate it insideReactDOM.render:
1 ReactDOM.render(
2 <div>
3 {showCircle()}
4 </div>,
5 destination
6 );
As long as the expression you are evaluating returns JSX, you can put pretty much anything
you want inside the { and } curly brackets. That flexibility is really nice, because there are a
lot of things you can do when your JavaScript lives outside of therenderfunction. A LOT OF
Dealing with Arraysin the Context of JSX
Now we are going to get to some fun stuff! When you are displaying multiple components, you
won’t always be able to manually specify them:
In many real-world scenarios, the number of components you display will be related to
the number of items in an array or array-like (aka iterator) object you are working with.
That brings along a few simple complications. For example, let’s say that we have an array
calledcolorsthat looks as follows:
var colors = ["#393E41", "#E94F37", "#1C89BF", "#A1D363",
"#85FFC7", "#297373", "#FF8552", "#A40E4C"];
What we want to do is create aCirclecomponent for each item in this array (and set
thebgColorprop to the value of each array item). The way we are going to do this is by
creating an array ofCirclecomponents:
var colors = ["#393E41", "#E94F37", "#1C89BF", "#A1D363",
"#85FFC7", "#297373", "#FF8552", "#A40E4C"];
var renderData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
renderData.push(<Circle bgColor={colors[i]}/>);
104 Chapter 9Going from Data to UI
In this snippet, we populate ourrenderDataarray withCirclecomponents just like we
originally set out to do. So far so good. To display all of these components, React makes it very
simple. Take a look at the highlighted line for all you have to do:
var colors = ["#393E41", "#E94F37", "#1C89BF", "#A1D363",
"#85FFC7", "#297373", "#FF8552", "#A40E4C"];
var renderData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
renderData.push(<Circle bgColor={colors[i]}/>);
In ourrendermethod, all we do is specify ourrenderDataarray as an expression that we
need to evaluate. We don’t need to take any other step to go from an array of components to
seeing something that looks like Figure 9-2 when you preview in your browser.
Figure 9-2 What you should see in your browser.
Ok, while our example seems to work, we aren’t done yet! There is actually one more thing we
need to do, and this is a subtle one. The way React makes UI updates really fast is by having a
good idea of what exactly is going on in your DOM. It does this in several ways, but one really
noticeable way is by internally marking each element with some sort of an identifier. This
“marking” happens automatically when you explicitly specify elements in your JSX.
When you create elements dynamically (such as what we are doing with our array
ofCirclecomponents), these identifiers are not automatically set. We need to do some extra
work. That extra work takes the form of akeyprop whose value React uses to uniquely identify
each particular component.
For our example, we can do something like this:
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
var color = colors[i];
renderData.push(<Circle key={i + color} bgColor={color}/>);
On each component, we specify ourkeyprop and set its value to a combination of color and
index position inside thecolorsarray. This ensures that each component we dynamically
create ends up getting a unique identifier that React can then use to optimize any future UI
updates. Now, we could just use the index position as the identifier, but if you have multiple
blocks of code where you are dynamically generating elements, you may get multiple elements
with duplicate index values.
Check Your Console Yo!
React is really good at telling you when you might be doing something wrong. For example, if
you dynamically create elements or components and don’t specify akeyprop on them, you will
be greeted with the following warning in your console:
Warning:Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique “key” prop. Check the top-level
render call using <div>.
When you are working with React, it is a good idea to periodically check your console for any
messages it may have. Even if things seem to be working just fine, you’ll never know what you
might find :P
All the tips and tricks you’ve seen in this article are made possibly because of one thing:JSX is
JavaScript. This is what enables you to have your JSX live wherever JavaScript thrives. To us, it
looks like we are doing something absolutely bizarre when we specify something like this:
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
var color = colors[i];
renderData.push(<Circle key={i + color} bgColor={color}/>);
106 Chapter 9Going from Data to UI
Even though we are pushing pieces of JSX to an array, just like magic, everything works in the
end whenrenderDatais evaluated inside ourrendermethod. I hate to sound like a broken
record, but this is because what our browser ultimately sees looks like this:
for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
var color = colors[i];
key: i + color,
bgColor: color
When our JSX gets converted into pure JS, everything makes sense again. This is what allows us
to get away with putting our JSX in all sorts of uncomfortable (yet photogenic!) situations with
our data and still get the end result we want! Because, in the end, it’s all just JavaScript.
Working with Events
So far, most of our examples only did their work on page load. As you probably guessed, that
isn’t normal. In most apps, especially the kind of UI-heavy ones we will be building, there is
going to be a ton of things the app does only as a reaction to something. Thatsomethingcould
be triggered by a mouse click, a key press, window resize, or a whole bunch of other gestures
and interactions. The glue that makes all of this possible is something known asevents.
Now, you probably know all about events from your experience using them in the DOM world.
(If you don’t, then I suggestgetting a quick refresher first: https://www.kirupa.com/html5/
javascript_events.htm.) The way React deals with events is a bit different, and these differ-
ences can surprise you in various ways if you aren’t paying close attention. Don’t worry. That’s
why you have this book! We start off with a few simple examples and then gradually look at
increasingly more bizarre, complex, and (yes!) boring things.
Listening and Reacting to Events
The easiest way to learn about events in React is to actually use them, and that’s exactly what
we are going todo! To help with this, we have a simple example made up of a counter that
increments each time you click on a button. Initially, our example will look like Figure 10-1.
Figure 10-1 Our example.
108 Chapter 10Working with Events
Each time you click on the plus button, the counter value will increase by 1. After clicking the
plus button a bunch of times, it will look sorta like Figure 10-2.
Figure 10-2 After clicking the plus button a bunch of times (23?).
Under the covers, the way this example works is pretty simple. Each time you click on the
button, an event gets fired. We listen for this event and do all sorts of React-ey things to get the
counter to update when this event gets overheard.
Starting Point
To save all of us some time, we aren’t going to be creating everything in our example from
scratch. By now, you probably have a good idea of how to work with components,styles,state,
and so on. Instead, we are going to start off with a partially implemented example that
contains everything except the event-related functionality that we are here to learn.
First, create a new HTML document and ensure your starting point looks as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>React! React! React!</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min
#container {
padding: 50px;
background-color: #FFF;
Listening and Reacting to Events
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
Once your new HTML document looks like what you see above, it’s time to add our partially
implemented counter example. Inside ourscripttag below thecontainerdiv, add the
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
var Counter = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var textStyle = {
fontSize: 72,
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
color: "#333",
fontWeight: "bold"
return (
<div style={textStyle}>
var CounterParent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
count: 0
render: function() {
var backgroundStyle = {
padding: 50,
backgroundColor: "#FFC53A",
width: 250,
height: 100,
borderRadius: 10,
textAlign: "center"
110 Chapter 10Working with Events
var buttonStyle = {
fontSize: "1em",
width: 30,
height: 30,
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
color: "#333",
fontWeight: "bold",
lineHeight: "3px"
return (
<div style={backgroundStyle}>
<Counter display={this.state.count}/>
<button style={buttonStyle}>+</button>
Once you have added all of this, preview everything in your browser to make sure things get
displayed. You should see the beginning of our counter. Take a few moments to look at what all
of this code does. There shouldn’t be anything that looks strange. The only odd thing will be
that clicking the plus button won’t do anything. We’ll fix that right up in the next section.
Making the Button Click Do Something
Each time we click on the plus button, we want the value of our counter to increase by one.
What we need to do is going to lookroughly like this:
1. Listen for the click event on the button and specify an event handler.
2. Implement the event handler where we increase the value of ourthis.state.count
property that our counter relies on.
We’ll just go straight down the list—starting with listening for the click event. In React, you
listen to an event by specifying everything inline in your JSX itself. More specifically,you specify
both the event you are listening for and the event handler that will get called, all inside your markup.
Listening and Reacting to Events
To do this, find thereturnfunction inside ourCounterParentcomponent, and make the
following highlighted change:
return (
<div style={backgroundStyle}>
<Counter display={this.state.count}/>
<button onClick={this.increase} style={buttonStyle}>+</button>
What we’ve done is told React to call theincreasefunction when the onClick event is
overheard. Next, let’s go ahead and implement theincreasefunction—aka our event handler.
Inside ourCounterParentcomponent, add the following highlighted lines:
var CounterParent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
count: 0
increase: function(e) {
count: this.state.count + 1
render: function() {
var backgroundStyle = {
padding: 50,
backgroundColor: "#FFC53A",
width: 250,
height: 100,
borderRadius: 10,
textAlign: "center"
var buttonStyle = {
fontSize: "1em",
width: 30,
height: 30,
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
color: "#333",
fontWeight: "bold",
lineHeight: "3px"
112 Chapter 10Working with Events
return (
<div style={backgroundStyle}>
<Counter display={this.state.count}/>
<button onClick={this.increase} style={buttonStyle}>+</button>
All we are doing with these lines is making sure that each call to theincreasefunction
increments the value of ourthis.state.countproperty by 1. Because we are dealing with
events, yourincreasefunction (as the designated event handler) will get access to the event
argument. We have set this event argument to be accessed bye, and you can see that by
looking at ourincreasefunction’s signature (aka what its declaration looks like). We’ll talk
about the various events and their properties in a little bit.
Now, go ahead and preview what you have in your browser. Once everything has loaded, click
on the plus button to see all of our newly added code in action. Our counter value should
increase with each click! Isn’t that pretty awesome?
Event Properties
As you know, our events pass what is known as an event argumentto our event handler.
This event argument contains a bunch of properties that are specific to the type of event
you are dealing with. In the regular DOM world, each event has its own type. For example,
if you are dealing with a mouse event, your event and its event argument object will be of
typeMouseEvent. ThisMouseEventobject will allow you to access mouse-specific information,
like which button was pressed or the screen position of the mouse click. Event arguments
for a keyboard-related event are of typeKeyboardEvent. YourKeyboardEventobject
contains properties which (among many other things) allow you to figure out which key
was actually pressed. I could go on forever for every otherEventtype, but you get the point.
EachEventtype contains its own set of properties that you can access via the event handler for
that event!
Why am I boring you with things you already know? Well...
Meet Synthetic Events
In React, when you specify an event in JSX like we did withonClick, you are not directly
dealing with regular DOM events. Instead, you are dealing with a React-specific event
type known as aSyntheticEvent. Your event handlers don’t get native event argu-
ments of typeMouseEvent,KeyboardEvent, etc. They always get event arguments of
typeSyntheticEventthat wrap your browser’s native event instead. What is the fallout of this
in our code? Surprisingly not a whole lot.
Listening and Reacting to Events
EachSyntheticEventcontains the following properties:
Property Name Type
bubbles boolean
cancelable boolean
currentTarget DOMEventTarget
defaultPrevented boolean
eventPhase number
isTrusted boolean
nativeEvent DOMEvent
preventDefault() void
isDefaultPrevented() boolean
isPropagationStopped void
target DOMEventTarget
timeStamp number
type string
These properties should seem pretty straightforward—and generic! The non-generic stuff
depends on what type of native event ourSyntheticEventis wrapping. This means that
aSyntheticEventthat wraps aMouseEventwill have access to mouse-specific properties such
as the following:
boolean altKey
number button
number buttons
number clientX
number clientY
boolean ctrlKey
boolean getModifierState(key)
boolean metaKey
number pageX
number pageY
DOMEventTarget relatedTarget
number screenX
number screenY
boolean shiftKey
Similarly, aSyntheticEventthat wraps aKeyboardEventwill have access to these additional
keyboard-related properties:
boolean altKey
number charCode
114 Chapter 10Working with Events
boolean ctrlKey
boolean getModifierState(key)
string key
number keyCode
string locale
number location
boolean metaKey
boolean repeat
boolean shiftKey
number which
In the end, all of this means that you still get the same functionality in the SyntheticEvent
world that you had in the vanilla DOM world.
Now, here is something I learned the hard way.Don’t refer to traditional DOM event documenta-
tion when using Synthetic events and their properties.Becausethe SyntheticEventwraps your
native DOM event, events and their properties may not map one-to-one. Some DOM events
don’t even exist in React. To avoid running into any issues, if you want to know the name of
a SyntheticEvent or any of its properties,refer to theReact Event System document (https://
facebook.github.io/react/docs/events.html) instead.
Doing Stuff With Event Properties
By now, you’ve probably seen more about the DOM and SyntheticEvent stuff than you’d
probably like. To wash away the taste of all that text, let’s write some code and put all of this
newfound knowledge to good use. Right now, our counter example increments by one each
time you click on the plus button. What we want to do isincrement our counter by ten when the
Shift key on the keyboard is pressedwhile clicking the plus button with our mouse.
The way we are going to do that is by using the shiftKey property that exists on the
SyntheticEvent when using the mouse:
boolean altKey
number button
number buttons
number clientX
number clientY
boolean ctrlKey
boolean getModifierState(key)
boolean metaKey
number pageX
number pageY
DOMEventTarget relatedTarget
number screenX
number screenY
boolean shiftKey
Listening and Reacting to Events
The way this property works is simple. If the Shift key is pressed when this mouse event fires,
then theshiftKeyproperty value istrue. Otherwise, theshiftKeyproperty value isfalse. To
increment our counter by 10 when the Shift key is pressed, go back to ourincrease function
and make the following highlighted changes:
increase: function(e) {
var currentCount = this.state.count;
if (e.shiftKey) {
currentCount += 10;
} else {
currentCount += 1;
count: currentCount
Once you’ve made the changes, preview our example in the browser. Each time you click on
the plus button, your counter will increment by one just like it had always done. If you click
on the plus button with your Shift key pressed, notice that our counter increments by 10
The reason that all of this works is because we change our incrementing behavior depending
on whether the Shift key is pressed or not. That is primarily handled by the following lines:
if (e.shiftKey) {
currentCount += 10;
} else {
currentCount += 1;
If theshiftKeyproperty on ourSyntheticEventevent argument istrue, we increment our
counter by 10. If theshiftKeyvalue isfalse, we just increment by 1.
More Eventing Shenanigans
We are not done yet! Up until this point, we’ve looked at how to work with events in React
in a very simplistic way. In the real world, rarely will things be as direct as what we’ve seen.
Your real apps will be more complex, and because React insists on doing things differently,
we’ll need to learn (or re-learn) some new event-related tricks and techniques to make our apps
work. That’s where this section comes in. We are going to look at some common situations
you’ll run into and how to deal with them.
116 Chapter 10Working with Events
You Can’t Directly Listen to Events on Components
Let’s say your component is nothing more than a button or another type of UI element that
users will be interacting with. You can’t get away with doing something like what we see in the
following highlighted line:
var CounterParent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
count: 0
increase: function() {
count: this.state.count + 1
render: function() {
return (
<Counter display={this.state.count}/>
<PlusButton onClick={this.increase}/>
On the surface, this line of JSX looks totally valid. When somebody clicks on our PlusButton
component, the increase function will get called. In case you are curious, this is what our
PlusButton component looks like:
var PlusButton = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
OurPlusButtoncomponent doesn’t do anything crazy. It only returns a single HTML element!
No matter how you slice and dice this, none of this matters. It doesn’t matter how simple or
obvious the HTML we are returning via a component looks like.You simply can’t listen for events
on them directly.The reason is because components are wrappers for DOM elements. What does
it even mean to listen for an event on a component? Once your component gets unwrapped
into DOM elements, does the outer HTML element act as the thing you are listening for the
event on? Is it some other element? How do you distinguish between listening for an event and
declaring a prop with a value?
Listening and Reacting to Events
There is no clear answer to any of those questions. It’s too harsh to say that the solution is to
simply not listen to events on components,either. Fortunately, there is a workaround where
we treat the event handler as a prop and pass it on to the component. Inside the component,
we can then assign the event to a DOM element and set the event handler to the the value
of the prop we just passed in. I realize that probably makes no sense, so let’s walk through an
Take a look at the following highlighted line:
var CounterParent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<Counter display={this.state.count}/>
<PlusButton clickHandler={this.increase}/>
In this example, we create a property calledclickHandlerwhose value is theincreaseevent
handler. Inside ourPlusButtoncomponent, we can then do something like this:
var PlusButton = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<button onClick={this.props.clickHandler}>
On our button element, we specify the onClick event and set its value to the clickHandler
prop. At runtime, this prop gets evaluated as our increase function, and clicking the plus
button ensures the increase function gets called. This solves our problem while still allowing
our component to participate in all this eventing goodness!
Listening to Regular DOM Events
If you thought the previous section was a doozy, wait till you see what we have here. Not all
DOM events haveSyntheticEventequivalents. It may seem like you can just add theonprefix
and capitalize the event you are listening for when specifying it inline in your JSX:
var Something = React.createClass({
handleMyEvent: function(e) {
// do something
118 Chapter 10Working with Events
render: function() {
return (
<div onMyWeirdEvent={this.handleMyEvent}>Hello!</div>
It doesn’t work that way! For those events that aren’t officially recognized by React, you have
to use the traditional approach that usesaddEventListenerwith a few extra hoops to jump
Take a look at the following section of code:
var Something = React.createClass({
handleMyEvent: function(e) {
// do something
componentDidMount: function() {
window.addEventListener("someEvent", this.handleMyEvent);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
window.removeEventListener("someEvent", this.handleMyEvent);
render: function() {
return (
We have ourSomethingcomponent that listens for an event calledsomeEvent. We start
listening for this event under thecomponentDidMountmethod which is automatically
called when our component gets rendered. The way we listen for our event is by using
addEventListenerand specifying both the event and the event handler to call:
var Something = React.createClass({
handleMyEvent: function(e) {
// do something
componentDidMount: function() {
window.addEventListener("someEvent", this.handleMyEvent);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
window.removeEventListener("someEvent", this.handleMyEvent);
render: function() {
return (
Listening and Reacting to Events
That should be pretty straightforward. The only other thing you need to keep in mind is
removing the event listener when the component is about to be destroyed. To do that, you can
use the opposite of thecomponentDidMountmethod, thecomponentWillUnmountmethod.
Inside that method, put yourremoveEventListenercall to ensure no trace of our event
listening takes place after our component goes away.
The Meaning of this Inside the Event Handler
When dealing with events in React, the value ofthisinside your event handler is different
from what you would normally see in the non-React DOM world. In the non-React world, the
value ofthisinside an event handler refers to the element that your event is listening on:
function doSomething(e) {
console.log(this); //button element
var foo = document.querySelector("button");
foo.addEventListener("click", doSomething, false);
In the React world (when your components are created usingReact.createClass), the value
ofthisinside your event handler always refers to thecomponent the event handler lives in:
var CounterParent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
count: 0
increase: function(e) {
console.log(this); // CounterParent component
count: this.state.count + 1
render: function() {
return (
<Counter display={this.state.count}/>
<button onClick={this.increase}>+</button>
In this example, the value ofthisinside theincreaseevent handler refers to the
CounterParent component. It doesn’t refer to the element that triggered the event. You get
this behavior because React automatically binds all methods inside a component to this.
120 Chapter 10Working with Events
This autobinding behavior only applies when your component is created using React.
createClass. If you are using ES6 classes to define your components, the value of this inside
your event handler is going to be undefined unless you explicitly bind it yourself:
<button onClick={this.increase.bind(this)}>+</button>
There is no autobinding magic that happens with the new class syntax, so be sure to keep that
in mind if you aren’t usingReact.createClassto create your components.
React...Why? Why?!
Before we call it a day, let’s use this time to talk about why React decided to deviate from how
we’ve worked with events in the past. There are two reasons:
Browser Compatibility
Improved Performance
Let’s elaborate on these two reasons a little bit.
Browser Compatibility
Event handling is one of those things that mostly works consistently in modern browsers, but
once you go back to older browser versions, things get really bad really quickly. By wrapping all
of the native events as an object of typeSyntheticEvent, React frees you from dealing with
event handling quirks that you wouldend up having to deal with otherwise.
Improved Performance
In complex UIs, the more event handlers you have, the more memory your app takes up.
Manually dealing with that isn’t difficult, but it is a bit tedious as you try to group events under
a common parent. Sometimes, that just isn’t possible. Sometimes, the hassle doesn’t outweigh
the benefits. What React does is pretty clever.
React never attaches event handlers to the DOM elements directly.It uses one event handler at
the root of your documentthat is responsible for listening to all events and calling the appropriate
event handler as necessary (see Figure 10-3).
Figure 10-3 React uses one event handler at the root of your document.
This frees you from having to deal with optimizing your event handler-related code yourself.
Ifyou’ve manually had to do that in the past, you can relax knowing that React takes care
ofthat tedious task for you. If you’ve never had to optimize event handler-related code
yourself, consider yourself lucky :P
You’ll spend a lot of time dealing with events, and this chapter threw a lot of things at you.
Westarted by learning the basics of how to listen to events and specify the event handler.
Towards the end, we were fully invested and looking at eventing corner cases that you
will bump into if you aren’t careful enough. You don’t want to bump into corners. That is
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The Component Lifecycle
In the beginning, we started off with a very simple view of components and what they do.
As we learned more about React and did cooler and more involved things, it turns out our
components aren’t all that simple. They help deal with properties, state, events, and often
are responsible for the well-being of other components as well. Keeping track of everything
components do sometimes can be tough.
To help with this, React provides us with something known aslifecycle methods. Lifecycle
methods are (unsurprisingly) special methods that automatically get called as our component
goes about its business. They notify us of important milestones in our component’s life, and
we can use these notifications to simply pay attention or change what our component is about
In this chapter, we look at these lifecycle methods and learn all about what we can do with
Meet the Lifecycle Methods
Lifecycle methods are not very complicated. We can think of them as glorified event handlers
that get called at various points in a component’s life, and just like event handlers, you can
write some code to do things at those various points. Before we go further, it is time for you to
quickly meet our lifecycle methods. They are:
124 Chapter 11The Component Lifecycle
We aren’t quite done yet. There are three more methods that we are going to throw into the
mix even though they aren’t strictly lifecycle methods, and they are:
Some of these names probably sound familiar to you, and some you are probably seeing for the
first time. Don’t worry. By the end of all this, you’ll be on a first name basis with all of them!
What we are going to do is look at these lifecycle methods from various angles—starting with
some code!
See the Lifecycle Methods in Action
Learning about these lifecycle methods is about as exciting as memorizing names for foreign
places (or distant star systems!) you have no plans to visit. To help make all of this more
bearable, I am going to first have you play with them through a simple example before we get
all academic and read about them.
To play with this example,go to the following URL: https://www.kirupa.com/react/lifecycle
_example.htmOnce this page loads, you’ll see a variation of the counter example we saw
earlier (see Figure 11-1).
Figure 11-1 A variation on the counter example.
Don’t click on the button or anything just yet.If you have already clicked on the button, just
refresh the page to start the example from the beginning. There is a reason why I am saying
that, and it isn’t because my OCD is acting up :P We want to see this page as it is before we
interact with it!
Now, bring up your browser’s developer tools and take a look at the Console tab. In Chrome,
you’ll see something that looks like Figure 11-2.
Meet the Lifecycle Methods
Figure 11-2 The Console view in Chrome.
Notice what you see printed. You will see some messages, and these messages start out with the
name of what looks like a lifecycle method. If you click on the plus button once, notice that
your Console will show more lifecycle methods getting called (see Figure 11-3).
Figure 11-3 More lifecycle methods getting called.
Play with this example for a bit. What this example does is allow you to place all of these
lifecycle methods in the context of a component that we’ve already seen earlier. As you
keep hitting the plus button, more lifecycle method entries will show up. Eventually, once
your counter approaches a value of 5, your example will just disappear with the following
entry showing up in your console:componentWillUnmount: Component is about to be
removed from the DOM!At this point, you have reached the end of this example. Of course,
to start over, you can just refresh the page!
126 Chapter 11The Component Lifecycle
Now that you’ve seen the example, let’s take a quick look at the component that is responsible
for all of this:
var CounterParent = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps: function(){
console.log("getDefaultProps: Default prop time!");
return {};
getInitialState: function() {
console.log("getInitialState: Default state time!");
return {
count: 0
increase: function() {
count: this.state.count + 1
componentWillUpdate: function(newProps, newState) {
console.log("componentWillUpdate: Component is about to update!");
componentDidUpdate: function(currentProps, currentState) {
console.log("componentDidUpdate: Component just updated!");
componentWillMount: function() {
console.log("componentWillMount: Component is about to mount!");
componentDidMount: function() {
console.log("componentDidMount: Component just mounted!");
componentWillUnmount: function() {
console.log("componentWillUnmount: Component is about to be removed from the
shouldComponentUpdate: function(newProps, newState) {
console.log("shouldComponentUpdate: Should component update?");
if (newState.count < 5) {
console.log("shouldComponentUpdate: Component should update!");
return true;
} else {
console.log("shouldComponentUpdate: Component should not update!");
return false;
Meet the Lifecycle Methods
componentWillReceiveProps: function(newProps){
console.log("componentWillReceiveProps: Component will get new props!");
render: function() {
var backgroundStyle = {
padding: 50,
border: "#333 2px dotted",
width: 250,
height: 100,
borderRadius: 10,
textAlign: "center"
return (
<div style={backgroundStyle}>
<Counter display={this.state.count}/>
<button onClick={this.increase}>
Take a few moments to look what all of this code does. It seems lengthy, but a bulk of it
is just each lifecycle method listed with aconsole.logstatement defined. Once you’ve
gone through this code, play with the example one more time. Trust me.The more time you
spend in the example and figure out what is going on, the more fun you are going to have. The
following sections where we look at each lifecycle method across the rendering, updating, and
unmounting phases is going to be dreadfully boring. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
The Initial Rendering Phase
When your component is about to start its life and make its way to the DOM, the following
lifecycle methods get called (see Figure 11-4).
128 Chapter 11The Component Lifecycle
Figure 11-4 The lifecycle methods called initially.
What you saw in your console when the example was loaded was a less colorful version of
what you saw here. Now, we are going to go a bit further and learn more about what each of
these lifecycle methods do.
This method allows you to specify the default value ofthis.props. It gets called before your
component is even created or any props from parents are passed in.
This method allows you to specify the default value ofthis.statebefore your component is
created. Just likegetDefaultProps, it too gets called before your component is created.
Meet the Lifecycle Methods
This is the last method that gets called before your component gets rendered to the DOM.
There is an important thing to note here. If you were to callsetStateinside this method,
your component will not re-render(aka have the render method get called and update what
gets displayed on screen).
This one should be very familiar to you by now. Every component must have this method
defined, and it is responsible for returning a single root node (which may have many child
nodes inside it). If you don’t wish to render anything (for some fancy optimization you might
be going for), simply returnnullorfalse.
This method gets called immediately after your component renders and gets placed on the
DOM. At this point, you can safely perform any DOM querying operations without worrying
about whether your component has made it or not. If you have any code that depends on your
component being ready, you can specify all of that code here as well.
With the exception of therendermethod, all of these lifecycle methodscan fire only once.
That’s quite different from the methods we are about to see next.
The Updating Phase
After your components get added to the DOM, they can potentially update and re-render when
a prop or state change occurs. During this time, a different collection of lifecycle methods will
get called. Yawn. Sorry...
Dealing with State Changes
First, let’s look at a state change! When a state change occurs, we mentioned earlier that your
component will call itsrendermethod again. Any components that rely on the output of
thiscomponent will also get theirrendermethods called as well. This is done to ensure that
our component is always displaying the latest version of itself. All of that is true, but that is
only a partial representation of what happens.
When a state change happens, all the lifecycle methods in Figure 11-5 get called.
130 Chapter 11The Component Lifecycle
Figure 11-5 Lifecycle methods called when a state change happens.
What these lifecycle methods do is outlined in the following sections.
Sometimes, you don’t want your component to update when a state change occurs. This
method allows you to control this updating behavior. If you use this method and return
atruevalue, the component will update. If this method returns afalsevalue, this component
will skip updating.
That probably sounds a little bit confusing, so here is a simple snippet:
shouldComponentUpdate: function(newProps, newState) {
if (newState.id <= 2) {
console.log("Component should update!");
return true;
} else {
console.log("Component should not update!");
return false;
Meet the Lifecycle Methods
This method gets called with two arguments which we namenewPropsandnewState. What
we are doing in this snippet of code is checking whether the new value of ouridstate property
is less than or equal to 2. If the value is less than or equal to2, we returntrueto indicate that
this component should update. If the value is not less than or equal to 2, we returnfalseto
indicate that this component should not update.
This method gets called just before your component is about to update. Nothing too exciting
here. One thing to note is that you can’t change your state by callingthis.setStatefrom this
If you didn’t override the update viashouldComponentUpdate(by returning false), the code
insiderenderwill get called again to ensure your component displays itself properly.
This method gets called after your component updates and therendermethod has been called.
If you need to execute any code after the update takes place, this is the place to stash it.
Dealing with Prop Changes
The other time your component updates is when its prop value changes after it has been
rendered into the DOM. In this scenario, the lifecycle methods in Figure 11-6 get called.
Figure 11-6 Lifecycle methods when the component’s prop value changes.
132 Chapter 11The Component Lifecycle
The only method that is new here iscomponentWillReceiveProps. This method returns one
argument, and this argument is an object that contains the new prop values that are about to
be assigned to it.
We saw the rest of the lifecycle methods earlier when looking at state changes, so let’s not
revisit them again. Their behavior is identical when dealing with a prop change.
The Unmounting Phase
The last phase we are going to look at is when your component is about to be destroyed and
removed from the DOM (see Figure 11-7).
Figure 11-7 Only one lifecycle method is active when your component is about to be destroyed
and removed from the DOM.
There is only one lifecycle method that is active here, and that iscomponentWillUnmount.
You’ll perform any cleanup-related tasks here such as removing event listeners, stopping timers,
etc. After this method gets called, your component is removed from the DOM and you can
sayBye!to it.
Our components are fascinating little things. On the surface they seem like they don’t have
much going on. Like a good documentary about the oceans, when we look a little deeper and
closer, it’s almost like seeing a whole other world. As it turns out, React is constantly watching
and notifying your component every time something interesting happens. All of this is done
via the (extremely boring) lifecycle methods that we spent this entire tutorial looking at. Now,
I want to reassure you that knowing what each lifecycle method does and when it gets called
will come in handy one day. Everything you’ve learned isn’t just trivial knowledge, though
your friends will be impressed if you can describe all of the lifecycle methods from memory.
Goahead and try it the next time you see them.
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Accessing DOM Elements
There will be times when you want to access properties and methods on an HTML element
directly. In our React-colored world where JSX represents everything that is good and pure
about markup, why would you ever want to deal directlywith the horribleness that is HTML?
As you will find out (if you haven’t already), there are many cases where dealing with HTML
elements through the JavaScript DOM API directly is easier than fiddling with “the React way”
of doing things.
To highlight one such situation, take a look at theColorizerexample in Figure 12-1.
Figure 12-1 Colorizer example.
136 Chapter 12Accessing DOM Elements
If you have access to a browser, you can view it live at the following location:https://www
TheColorizercolorizes the (currently) white square with whatever color you provide it. To see
it in action, enter a color value inside the text field and click/tap on thegobutton. If you don’t
have any idea of what color to enter,yellowis a good one! Once you have provided a color and
submitted it, the white square will turn whatever color value you provided (see Figure 12-2).
Figure 12-2 The white square turns yellow.
That the square changes color for any valid color value you submit is pretty awesome, but it
isn’t what I want you to focus on. Instead, pay attention to the text field and thebutton after
you submit a value. Notice that the button gets focus, and the color value you just submitted is
still displayed inside the form. If you want to enter another color value, you need to explicitly
return focus to the text field and clear out whatever current value is present. Eww! That seems
unnecessary, and we can do better than that from a usability point of view!
Now, wouldn’t it be great if we could clear both the existing color value and return focus to the
text field immediately after you submit a color? That would mean that if we submitted a color
value ofpurple, what we would see afterwards would look like Figure 12-3.
Meet Refs
Figure 12-3 We get purple and the text field is ready for the next color.
The entered value ofpurpleis cleared, and the focus is returned to the text field. This allows
us to enter additional color values and submit them easily without having to manually keep
jumping focus back and forth between the text field and the button. Isn’t that much nicer?
Getting this behavior right using JSX and traditional React techniques is hard. We aren’t even
going to bother with explaining how to go about that. Getting this behavior right by dealing
with the JavaScript DOM API on various HTML elements directly is pretty easy. Guess what we
are going to do? In the following sections, we use something known asrefsthat React provides
to help us access the DOM API on HTML elements. This chapter sounds really REALLY boring,
but it is going to be a fun one—I’m mostly sure of it.
Meet Refs
As you know very well by now, inside our variousrendermethods, we’ve been writing
HTML-like things known as JSX. Our JSX is simply a description of what the DOM should
look like. Itdoesn’t represent actual HTML—despite looking a whole lot like it. Anyway, to
provide a bridge between JSX and the final HTML elements in the DOM, React provides us with
something funnilyknown asrefs(short forreferences).
138 Chapter 12Accessing DOM Elements
The wayrefsworkis a little odd. The easiest way to make sense of it is to look at an example.
Let’s say we have arendermethod from ourColorizerexample that looks as follows:
render: function() {
var squareStyle = {
backgroundColor: this.state.bgColor
return (
<div className="colorArea">
<div style={squareStyle} className="colorSquare"></div>
<form onSubmit={this.setNewColor}>
placeholder="Enter a color value">
<button type="submit">go</button>
Inside thisrendermethod, we are returning a big chunk of JSX representing (among other
things) theinputelement where we enter our color value. What we want to do is access
theinputelement’s DOM representation so that we can call some APIs on it using JavaScript.
The way we do that using refs is by setting therefattribute on the element we would like to
reference the HTML of:
render: function() {
var squareStyle = {
backgroundColor: this.state.bgColor
return (
<div className="colorArea">
<div style={squareStyle} className="colorSquare"></div>
<form onSubmit={this.setNewColor}>
placeholder="Enter a color value">
<button type="submit">go</button>
Meet Refs
Because we are interested in theinputelement, ourrefattribute is attached to it. Right now,
ourrefattribute is empty. What you typically set as the ref attribute’s value is a JavaScript
callback function. This function gets called automatically when the component housing
thisrendermethod gets mounted. If we set ourrefattribute’s value to a simple JavaScript
function that stores a reference to the referenced DOM element, it would look something like
the following highlighted lines:
1 render: function() {
2 var squareStyle = {
3 backgroundColor: this.state.bgColor
4 };
6var self = this;
8return (
9 <div className="colorArea">
10  <div style={squareStyle} className="colorSquare"></div>
12  <form onSubmit={this.setNewColor}>
13  <input
14 ref={
15 function(el) {
16 self._input = el;
17 }
18 }
19 onChange={this.colorValue}
20 placeholder="Enter a color value">
21 </input>
22 <button type="submit">go</button>
23 </form>
24 </div>
25 );
26 }
The end result of this code running once our component mounts is simple: we can access
the HTML representing ourinputelement from anywhere inside our component by
callingthis._input. Take a few moments to see how the highlighted lines of code help do
that. Once you are done, we’ll walk through this code together.
First, our callback function looks as follows:
function(el) {
self._input = el;
This anonymous function gets called when our component mounts, and a reference to the
final HTML DOM element is passed in as an argument. We capture this argument using the el
identifier, but you can use any name for this argument that you want. The body of this callback
function simply sets a custom property called_inputto the value of our DOM element.
To ensure we create this property on our component, we use theselfvariable to create
140 Chapter 12Accessing DOM Elements
a closure where thethisin question refers to our component as opposed to the callback
function itself. (Autobinding doesn’t happen automatically this time around!)
Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture that ties everything together includ-
ing therendermethod we just saw, let’s look at the fullColorizercomponent with all of
theref-related shenanigans highlighted:
var Colorizer = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
color: '',
bgColor: ''
colorValue: function(e) {
this.setState({color: e.target.value});
setNewColor: function(e){
this.setState({bgColor: this.state.color});
this._input.value = "";
render: function() {
var squareStyle = {
backgroundColor: this.state.bgColor
var self = this;
return (
<div className="colorArea">
<div style={squareStyle} className="colorSquare"></div>
<form onSubmit={this.setNewColor}>
function(el) {
self._input = el;
placeholder="Enter a color value">
<button type="submit">go</button>
Meet Refs
Focusing just on what happens to our input element, when the form gets submitted and
the setNewColor method gets called, we clear the contents of our input element by calling
this._input.value = "". We set focus to our input element by calling this._input
.focus(). All of our ref- related work was simply to enable these two lines where we needed
some way to have this._input point to the HTML element representing our input element
that we define in JSX. Once we figured that out, we just call the value property and focus
method the DOM API exposes on this element.
Simplifying Further with ES6 Arrow Functions
Learning React is hard enough, so I have tried to shy away from forcing you to use ES6
techniques by default. When it comes to working with therefattribute, using arrow functions
to deal with the callback function does simplify matters a bit. This is one of those cases where
I recommend you use an ES6 technique.
As you saw a few moments ago, to assign a property on our component to the referenced
HTML element, we did something like this:
function(el) {
self._input = el;
placeholder="Enter a color value">
To deal with scoping shenanigans, we created aselfvariable initialized to thisto ensure we
created the_inputproperty on our component. That seems unnecessarily messy.
Using arrow functions, we can simplify all of this down to just the following:
(el) => this._input = el
placeholder="Enter a color value">
The end result is identical to what we spent all of this time looking at, and because of how
arrow functions deal with scope, you can usethisinside the function body and reference the
component without doing any extra work. No need for an outerselfvariable equivalent!
142 Chapter 12Accessing DOM Elements
In this tutorial, we saw how “easy” it is to access a DOM element directly. React used to provide
a much easier way of referencing elements. You could set therefsattribute on an element and
initialize it to a string value:
<button refs="myButton">Click me!</button>
You could then access this element after the component was mounted by doing something
likethis.refs.myButton. Before you get really excited about using something like this over
our function callback approach with the ref attribute, this string-based approach is likely to be
deprecated. It works at the moment of this writing, but who knows when it will stop working.
Now, given that this is going away, you may be wondering why I told you about this. To be
frank, I really have no idea :P
Creating a Single-Page App
Using React Router
Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the basics of how to work with React, let’s kick
things up a few notches. What we are going to do is use React to build a simple,single-page
app(also referred to asSPAby the cool kids—and people living in Scandinavia). As we talked
about in Chapter 1 forever ago, single-page apps are different from the more traditional
multi-page apps that you see everywhere. The biggest difference is that navigating a single-page
app doesn’t involve going to an entirely new page. Instead, your pages (commonly known
asviewsin this context) typically load inline within the same pageas illustrated in Figure 13-1.
Figure 13-1 Single-page apps use load views inline rather than load new pages.
144 Chapter 13Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router
When you are loading content inline, things get a little challenging. The hard part is not
loading the content itself. That is relatively easy. The hard part is making sure that single-page
apps behave in a way that is consistent with what your users are used to. More specifically,
when users navigate your app, they expect that:
1. The URL displayed in the address bar always reflects the thing that they are viewing.
2. They can use the browser’s back and forward buttons—successfully.
3. They can navigate to a particular view (akadeep link) directly using the appropriateURL.
With multi-page apps, these three things come for free. There is nothing extra you have to
do for any of it. With single-page apps, because you aren’t navigating to an entirely new
page, you have to do real work to deal with these three thingsthat your users expect to just
work. You need to ensure that navigating within your app adjusts the URL appropriately.
You need to ensure your browser’s history is properly synchronized with each navigation
to allow users to use the back and forward buttons. If users bookmark a particular view or
copy/paste a URL to access later, you need to ensure that your single-page app takes the user
to the correct place.
To deal with all of this, you have a bucket full of techniques commonly known asrouting.
Routing is where you try to map URLs to destinations that aren’t physical pages,such as the
individual views in your single-page app. That sounds complicated, but fortunately there
are a bunch of JavaScript libraries that help us out with this. One such JavaScript library
is the star of this chapter,React Router(https://github.com/reactjs/react-router). React
Router provides routing capabilities to single-page apps built in React, and what makes it
nice is that it extends what you already know about React in familiar ways to give you all
of thisrouting awesomeness. In this chapter, you learn all about how it does that—and
hopefully more!
The Example
Before we go further, let’s take a look at an example (see Figure 13-2).
The Example
Figure 13-2 A simple React app that uses React Router.
What you have here is a simple React app that uses React Router to provide all of the
navigation and view-loading goodness! While the screenshot of the app looks nice and all,
this is one of those cases where you want to play with the app to see more of what it does. Go
ahead and open this page (https://www.kirupa.com/react/examples/react_router_final.htm) in
its own browser window, click on the various navigation tabs to see the different views, and use
the back and forward buttons to see them working.
In the following sections, we are going to be building this app in pieces. By the end, not only
will you have recreated this app, you’ll hopefully have learned enough about React Router to
build cooler and more awesomer things.
146 Chapter 13Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router
Building the App
The first thing we need to do is get the boilerplate markup and code for our app up and
running. Create a new HTML document and add the following content into it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>React! React! React!</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min
<div id="container">
<script type="text/babel">
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
This starting point is almost the same as what you’ve seen for all of our other examples. This is
just a nearly blank app that happens to load the React and React-DOM libraries. If you preview
what you have in your browser, you’ll see a very lonelyHello!displayed.
Note: Still Keeping Things Simple
For now, we are continuing to rely on having our browser do all of the heavy lifting. We’ll look
into changing that up with a “modern” build process later, so enjoy the simplicity for now :P
Building the App
Next, because React Router isn’t a part of React itself, we need to add a reference to it.
In ourmarkup, find where we have our existing script references and add the following
highlighted line:
<script src=”https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js”></script>
<script src=”https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js”></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min
<script src="https://npmcdn.com/react-router/umd/ReactRouter.min.js"></script>
By adding the highlighted line, we ensure the React Router library is loaded alongside the core
React, ReactDOM, and Babellibraries. At this point, we are in a good state to start building our
app and taking advantage of the sweet functionality React Router brings to the table.
Displaying the Initial Frame
When building a single-page app, there will always be a part of your page that will remain
static. This static part, also referred to as anapp frame, could just be one invisible HTML
element that acts as the container for all of your content, or it could include some additional
visual things like a header, footer, navigation, etc. In our case, our app frame will involve our
navigation header and an empty area for content to load in. To display this, we are going to
create a component that is going to be responsible for this.
Inside yourscripttag just above yourReactDOM.rendercall, go ahead and add the following
chunk of JSXand JavaScript:
var App = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<h1>Simple SPA</h1>
<ul className="header">
<div className="content">
148 Chapter 13Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router
Once you have pasted this, take a look at what we have here. What we have is a component
calledAppthat returns some HTML. To see what this HTML looks like, modify yourReactDOM.
rendercall to reference this component instead of displaying the wordHello!Go ahead and
make the following highlighted change:
Once you have done this, preview your app in the browser. You should see an unstyled version
of an app title and some list items (see Figure 13-3).
Figure 13-3 Unstyled version.
I know that this doesn’t look all fancy and styled, but that’s OK for now. We will deal with that
later. Going a bit deeper, what we’ve done is just create a component calledAppand display it via
ourReactDOM.rendercall. The important thing to call out is that there is nothing React Router -
specific here. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! This is straight-up React 101. Let’s fix that by throwing React
Router into the mix. Replace the contents of yourReactDOM.rendercall with the following:
<ReactRouter.Route path="/" component={App}>
Building the App
Ignore how strange everything looks for a moment, and just preview your app in the
browser after you’ve made this change. If everything worked out properly, you will
seeyourAppcomponent displayed just like you saw earlier. Now, let’s figure out why that is the
case by learning more about what exactly is going on here. This is where we deviate a bit from
core React concepts and learn things specific to React Router itself.
First, what we did is specify ourRoutercomponent:
<ReactRouter.Route path="/" component={App}>
TheRoutercomponent is part of the React Router API, and its job is to deal with all of the
routing-related logic our app will need. Inside this component, we specify what is known
as therouting configuration. That is a fancy term that people use to describe the mapping
between URLs and the views. The specifics of that are handled by another component
<ReactRouter.Route path="/" component={App}>
The Route component takes several props that help define what to display at what URL.
Thepath prop specifies the URL we are interested in matching. In this case, it is the root,
aka /. Thecomponent prop allows you to specify the name of the component you wish to
display. For this example, it is our App component. Putting this all together, what this Route
says is asfollows: If the URL you are on contains the root, go ahead and display the App component.
Because this condition is true when you preview your app, you see the result of what happens
when your App component renders.
Displaying the Home Page
As you can sorta kinda see, the way React Router provides you with all of this routing functionality
is by using concepts in React you are already familiar with—namelycomponents,props, andJSX.
What we have right now for displaying our app’s frame is a great example of this. Now, it’s time
to go even further. What we want to do next is define the content that we will display as part
of our home view.
150 Chapter 13Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router
To do this, we are going to create a component calledHomethat is going to contain the
markup we want to display. Just above where you have yourAppcomponent defined,
add thefollowing:
var Home = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<p>Cras facilisis urna ornare ex volutpat, et
convallis erat elementum. Ut aliquam, ipsum vitae
gravida suscipit, metus dui bibendum est, eget rhoncus nibh
metus nec massa. Maecenas hendrerit laoreet augue
nec molestie. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p>
<p>Duis a turpis sed lacus dapibus elementum sed eu lectus.</p>
As you can see, ourHomecomponent doesn’t do anything special. It just returns a blob of
HTML. Now, what we want to do is display the contents of our Home component when the
page loads. This component is the equivalent of our app’s “home page.”The way we do this is
simple. Inside ourAppcomponent, we have adivwith a class value ofcontent. We are going
to load ourHomecomponent inside there.
The obvious solution might look something like this:
var App = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<h1>Simple SPA</h1>
<ul className="header">
<div className="content">
Building the App
Notice that we define ourHomecomponent inside that contentdiv. If you preview your app,
things will even seem to work as expected (see Figure 13-4).
Figure 13-4 Increased functionality.
You see your navigation header, and then you see the contents of ourHome component. While
this approach works,it is actually the wrong thing to do. It is wrong because it complicates
our desire to load other pieces of content as the user is navigating around our app. We’ve
essentially hard-coded our app to only display the Home component. That’s a problem, but we’ll
come back to that in a little bit.
Interim Cleanup Time
Before we continue making progress on our app, let’s take a short break and make some stylistic
improvements to what we have so far.
Adding the CSS
Right now, our app looks very plain...and like something straight out of the 1800s. To fix this,
we are going to rely on our dear old friend, CSS. Inside thestyletag, go ahead and add the
following style rules:
body {
background-color: #FFCC00;
padding: 20px;
margin: 0;
152 Chapter 13Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router
h1, h2, p, ul, li {
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
ul.header li {
display: inline;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
ul.header {
background-color: #111;
padding: 0;
ul.header li a {
color: #FFF;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 20px;
display: inline-block;
.content {
background-color: #FFF;
padding: 20px;
.content h2 {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.content li {
margin-bottom: 10px;
Yes, we are using CSS in its markup form. We aren’t doing theinline style object approachthat
we saw in Chapter 4. The reason has to do with convenience. Our components aren’t going
to be re-used outside of our particular app, and we really want to take advantage of CSS
inheritance to minimize duplicated markup. Otherwise, if we didn’t use regular CSS, we’ll end
up with a bunch of giant style objects defined for almost every element in our markup. That
would make even the most patient among us annoyed when reading the code.
Anyway, once you have added all of this CSS, our app will start to look much better
(see Figure 13-5).
Building the App
Figure 13-5 CSS styling added.
There is still some more work to be done (for example, our navigation links disappeared behind
the black banner), but we’ll fix all of those up in a little bit.
Avoiding the ReactRouter Prefix
We have just one more cleanup related task before we return to our regularly scheduled
programming. Have you noticed that every single time we call something defined by the React
Router API, we prefix that something with the wordReactRouter?
<ReactRouter.Route path="/" component={App}>
That is a bit verbose to have to repeat for every API call we make, and this is going to be more
of a problem as we dive further into the React Router API and use more things from inside it.
The fix for this involves using a new ES6 trick where you can manually specify which values
will automatically get prefixed. Towards the top of yourscripttag, add the following:
var { Router,
Link } = ReactRouter;
154 Chapter 13Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router
Once you’ve added this code, every time you use one of the values defined inside the brackets,
the prefixReactRouterwill automatically be added for you when your app runs. This means,
you can now go back to yourReactDOM.rendermethod and remove theReactRouterprefix
from ourRouterandRoutecomponent instances:
<Route path="/" component={App}>
If you preview your app now, nothing really should change. The end result is identical to what
you had before. The only difference is that our markup is a bit more compact.
Now, before we move on, you are probably wondering why the list of values that will
automatically be prefixed withReactRoutercontains a whole bunch of things beyond
theRouterandRoutevalues that we have used in our code so far. Think of these additional
values as a preview of the other parts of the React Router API we will be using shortly. Spoiler
alert! (Probably too late to mention that now, eh?)
Displaying the Home Page Correctly
We ended a few sections ago by saying that the way we currently have our home page
displayed is incorrect. Although you get the desired result when our page loads, this approach
doesn’t really make it easy for us to load anything other than the home page when users
navigate around. The call to ourHomecomponent is hard-coded insideApp.
The correct solution involves letting React Router handle which component to call depending
on what your current URL structure is. This involves nesting Route components inside
Routecomponents to better define the URL-to-view mapping. Go back to ourReactDOM.
rendermethod, and make the following highlighted change:
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Home}/>
Inside our rootRouteelement, we are defining another Route element of typeIndexRoute(more
on who this is in a second!) and setting its view to be ourHomecomponent. There is one more
change we need to make. Inside ourAppcomponent, remove the call to theHomecomponent and
replace it with the following highlighted line:
Building the App
var App = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<h1>Simple SPA</h1>
<ul className="header">
<div className="content">
If you preview your page now, you will still see your Home content displayed. The difference
this time is that we are displaying the Home content properly in a way that doesn’t prevent
other content from being displayed instead. This is because of two things:
1. What gets displayed inside App is controlled by the result ofthis.props.
childreninstead of a hard-coded component.
2. OurRouteelement insideReactDOM.rendercontains an IndexRouteelement whose
sole purpose for existing is to declare which component will be displayed when your app
initially loads.
All of this may seem even more bizarre than what you expected a few moments ago, but things
will make more sense as we use these various APIs more in the following sections.
Creating the Navigation Links
Right now, we just have our frame and home view setup. There isn’t really anything else
for a user to do here outside of just seeing what we have set as the home page. Let’s fix that
by creating some navigation links. More specifically, let’s linkify the navigation elements we
already have:
var App = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<h1>Simple SPA</h1>
<ul className="header">
156 Chapter 13Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router
<div className="content">
If you aren’t sure why these elements aren’t visible when you preview your page, that’s because
they blended in with the black background once we added the CSS in. No biggie there. We’ll fix
that in a few, but first let’s talk about how we are going to turn these elements into links.
The way you specify navigation links in React Router isn’t bydirectlyusing the tried and
tested a tag and throwing in a path via thehrefattribute. Instead, you specify your navigation
link using React Router’sLinkcomponents that are similar toatags but offer a lot more
functionality. To see theLinkcomponent in action, go ahead and modify our existing
navigation elements to look like the following highlighted lines:
var App = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<h1>Simple SPA</h1>
<ul className="header">
<li><Link to="/">Home</Link></li>
<li><Link to="/stuff">Stuff</Link></li>
<li><Link to="/contact">Contact</Link></li>
<div className="content">
Notice what have done here. OurLinkcomponents specify a prop calledto. This prop specifies
the value of the URL we will display in the address bar. Indirectly, it also specifies the
location we will be telling React Router we are virtually navigating to. Our Home link takes
users to the root (/), the Stuff link takes users to a location calledstuff, and the Contact link
takes users to a location calledcontact.
If you preview your page and click on the links (which will now be visible because the CSS for
them will have kicked in), you won’t see anything new display. You will just see your Home
content because that is all that we had specified earlier. With that said, you can see the URLs
updating in the address bar. You’ll see your current page followed by a#/contact,#/stuff,
or#/depending on which of the links you clicked.Oh, you’ll also see a random hash added
after the URL. That is progress!
Building the App
Adding the Stuff and Contact Views
Our app is slowly taking its final shape...or it will get really close by the time we are done with
this section! What we are going to do next is define the components for our Stuff and Contact
views that we linked to earlier. In your code just below where you have yourHomecomponent,
go ahead and add in the following:
var Contact = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<p>The easiest thing to do is post on
our <a href="http://forum.kirupa.com">forums</a>.
var Stuff = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<p>Mauris sem velit, vehicula eget sodales vitae,
rhoncus eget sapien:</p>
<li>Nulla pulvinar diam</li>
<li>Facilisis bibendum</li>
<li>Vestibulum vulputate</li>
<li>Eget erat</li>
<li>Id porttitor</li>
What we have just added are theStuffandContactcomponents that simply render
outHTML. All that remains is for us to update our routing configuration to include these two
components and display them at the appropriate URL.
In ourReactDOM.rendermethod, go ahead and add the following two highlighted lines:
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Home}/>
158 Chapter 13Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router
<Route path="stuff" component={Stuff} />
<Route path="contact" component={Contact} />
All we are doing here is updating our routing logic to display the Stuff component if the
URL contains the wordstuffand to display the Contact component if the URL contains the
wordcontact. If you preview your page now, click on the Stuff and Contact links. If everything
worked out fine, you’ll see these views get loaded inside our app frame when you navigate to them.
Note: A Little Bit About Route Matching
Our route configuration is nothing more than a series of rules that determine what to do when a
URL matches the conditions we have laid out. The fancy term for that isroute matching. The heu-
ristic React Router uses to match URLs is fully explained in theReact Router documentation, but
for our case, we have a simple nested route where you can have multiple things that can match
at the same time. Our outer route matches if the URL contains/. Our inner routes then match if
the URL happens to containstufforcontact.
What this means is simple. For each route that matches, the component that you specified to
display will appear. When you are navigating to a page like/stuff, theAppcomponent will dis-
play because the/exists in the URL. TheStuffcomponent then displays because the path
forstuffis in the URL as well. That is why when we navigate to the Stuff or Contact pages, we
see them in addition to our frame. You can have deeply nested routes as well.
Take a look at the following configuration:
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path="stuff" component={Stuff}>
<Route path="blah" component={MyBlah}/>
<Route path="contact" component={Contact} />
In this example, notice that ourRouteelement whosepathisstuffnow contains a nested
route for a path containingblah. This means if you happened to have a URL that is/stuff/
blah, theMyBlahcomponent will be displayed in addition to theStuffcomponent and
theAppcomponent from the parent routes matching.
By nesting routes and following theroute matching rules (https://github.com/reactjs/
react-router/blob/master/docs/guides/RouteMatching.md), you can display custom views
depending on a variety of URL arrangements you may expose in your app for your users to
navigate to.
Building the App
Creating Active Links
The last thing we are going to tackle is something that greatly increases the usability of our
app. Depending on which page you are currently displaying, we are going to highlight that link
with a blue background. For example, Figure 13-6 is what our app will look like when the Stuff
content is being displayed.
Figure 13-6 The Stuff content.
The way you accomplish this in React Router is by setting a prop called activeClassName
on yourLinkinstances with the name of the CSS class that will get set when that link
is currently active. To make this happen, go back to yourAppcomponent and make the
var App = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<h1>Simple SPA</h1>
<ul className="header">
<li><Link to="/" activeClassName="active">Home</Link></li>
<li><Link to="/stuff" activeClassName="active">Stuff</Link></li>
<li><Link to="/contact" activeClassName="active">Contact</Link></li>
160 Chapter 13Creating a Single-Page App Using React Router
<div className="content">
We specify theactiveClassNameprop and set it to a value ofactive. This ensures that
whenever a link is clicked (and its path becomes active), the link element’sclassattribute at
runtime gets set to a value ofactive. To ensure our active links are styled differently, go ahead
and add the following CSS:
.active {
background-color: #0099FF;
If you preview your app now, click on any of the links. Notice that the active link (and the
Home link) displays with a blue background. We aren’t done just yet, though. Our Home link
is always highlighted. It should only be highlighted when we load our Home page for the first
time or explicitly navigate to the Home link itself. To fix this, we need to change how we link
to our Home content.Instead of specifying our Home content with aLinkelement, we are
going to replace it with anIndexLinkelement instead.
Go ahead and make this change:
var App = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<h1>Simple SPA</h1>
<ul className="header">
<li><IndexLink to="/" activeClassName="active">Home</IndexLink></li>
<li><Link to="/stuff" activeClassName="active">Stuff</Link></li>
<li><Link to="/contact" activeClassName="active">Contact</Link></li>
<div className="content">
Once your Home navigation element is represented by anIndexLinkinstead of aLink,
preview your app again. This time, when the app loads, you’ll notice that your Home link has
the cool blue background by default.When you navigate to the Stuff or Contact pages, the
Home link no longer has the highlight applied. And with this, your app is mostly good to go!
By now, we’ve covered a good chunk of the cool functionality React Router has for helping you
build your single-page apps. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t more interesting things for you
to take advantage of. Our app was pretty simple with very modest demands on what routing
functionality we needed to implement. There is a whole lot more that React Router provides,
so if you are building a more complex single-page app than what we’ve looked at so far, you
should totally spend an afternoon taking a look thefull React Router documentation
(https://github.com/reactjs/react-router/)and examples.
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Building a Todo List App
If creating theHello, World!example was a celebration of you getting your feet wet with React,
creating the quintessential Todo List app is a celebration of you approaching React mastery!
In this chapter, we tie together a lot of the concepts and techniques you’ve learned to create
something that works as follows:https://www.kirupa.com/react/examples/todo.htm
You start off with a blank app that allows you to enter tasks for later (see Figure 14-1).
Figure 14-1 A blank app with task entry.
164 Chapter 14Building a Todo List App
The way this Todo List app works is pretty simple. Type in a task or whatever you want into the
text field and press Add (or hit Enter/Return). Once you’ve submitted your task, you will see it
appear as an entry. You can keep adding tasks to add additional entries and have them all show
up (see Figure 14-2).
Figure 14-2 You can add tasks and have them show up.
Pretty simple, right? In the following sections, we build this app from scratch and learn
(in awesomely painstaking detail) how things work along the way.
Getting Started
By now, you know the drill. We need a starting point, so go ahead and create a new HTML
document. Inside it, add the following content into it:
Creating the UI
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>React! React! React!</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min
<div id="container">
<script type="text/babel">
var destination = document.querySelector("#container");
If you preview all of this in the browser, you will see the wordHello!appear. If you see that,
then you are in good shape. It’s time to start building our Todo List app!
Creating the UI
Right now, our app doesn’t do a whole lot. We’ll fix that by first getting the various UI
elements up and running. That isn’t very complicated for our app! The first thing we are going
to do to is get our input field and button to appear. This is all done by using the div, form,
input, and button elements!
166 Chapter 14Building a Todo List App
All of that will live inside a component we are going to callTodoList. Go ahead and add the
following code above where you have yourReactDOM.rendermethod:
var TodoList = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className="todoListMain">
<div className="header">
<input placeholder="enter task">
<button type="submit">add</button>
Inside yourReactDOM.rendermethod, we need to call our newly addedTodoListcomponent
to render it. Go ahead and replace your existing JSX with the following:
Save your changes and preview what you have right now in your browser. You’ll see something
that looks like Figure 14-3.
Figure 14-3 What you should see in the browser.
Creating the UI
If you are surprised at what you see, take a few moments to look at the JSX we defined inside
theTodoListcomponent. There shouldn’t be anything surprising there. We just defined a
handful of HTML elements that look really REALLY boring. Speaking of that, let’s make our
HTML elements look less boring by introducing them to so some CSS!
Inside yourstyleblock, add the following:
body {
padding: 50px;
background-color: #66CCFF;
font-family: sans-serif;
.todoListMain .header input {
padding: 10px;
font-size: 16px;
border: 2px solid #FFF;
.todoListMain .header button {
padding: 10px;
font-size: 16px;
margin: 10px;
background-color: #0066FF;
color: #FFF;
border: 2px solid #0066FF;
.todoListMain .header button:hover {
background-color: #003399;
border: 2px solid #003399;
cursor: pointer;
Once you’ve added all of this, preview your app now. Because our HTML elements had the
appropriateclassNamevalues set on them, our CSS will kick in and our example will now look
like Figure 14-4.
Figure 14-4 The improved example.
168 Chapter 14Building a Todo List App
At this point, our app looks pretty good. It doesn’t do much, but at least we are making
progress. In the next section, we will start to make our app actually do things.
Creating the Functionality
The actual implementation of our Todo List app functionality is not as crazy as you might
think. Let’s take a high-level view of how it works. The most important piece of data is the text
you enter into the text field. Each time you enter some text and submit the form, that text gets
visually displayed in a list below any previous pieces of text you submitted. So far, this makes
sense, right?
All of this is done by simply taking advantage of React’s state functionality. Inside
ourstateobject, we have an array that is responsible for storing everything you enter (see
Figure 14-5).
Figure 14-5 Our tasks are stored in an array. I know. Not very exciting :-(
Each time this array of items gets updated with new text that you submit, we update what you
see with the newly submitted text. The rest of the work is just around setting up events and
event handlers to ensure we can submit the form and know exactly what text to add to our
array of items. In the following sections, we are going to turn all of this English we’ve seen here
into React-flavored JavaScript and JSX!
Creating the Functionality
Initializing our State Object
The first thing we are going to do is initialize our state object with the array that will be
responsible for storing all of the submitted text. Inside ourTodoListcomponent, add the
following highlighted lines:
var TodoList = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
items: []
render: function() {
return (
<div className="todoListMain">
<div className="header">
<input placeholder="enter task">
<button type="submit">add</button>
What we are doing here is specifying thegetInitialStatemethod that gets called before our
component renders. Inside that method, we create an empty array calleditemsthat we can
then access viathis.state.itemsfrom anywhere inside this component.
Handling the Form Submit
We add new items to our todolist when you submit the form either by pressing the Add
button or hitting Enter/Return on your keyboard. This behavior is mostly builtin to HTML and
our browsers know all about how to deal with this. We don’t have to write any special code for
dealing with the Enter/Return key or listening for a press on the Add button. The only thing we
need to worry about is dealing with what happens when the form actually gets submitted.
To do that, we listen to theonSubmitevent on ourformelement. This event is fired every time
the form is submitted, and that includes hitting the Enter/Return key or fiddling with any element
that has atypeattribute ofsubmiton it. When the form is submitted and that event gets over-
heard, we will need to call an event handler. Let’s give that event handler a name ofaddItem.
170 Chapter 14Building a Todo List App
Putting all of this together, inside yourTodoListcomponent’srenderfunction, make the
following highlighted change:
render: function() {
return (
<div className="todoListMain">
<div className="header">
<form onSubmit={this.addItem}>
<input placeholder="enter task">
<button type="submit">add</button>
As we had hoped to do, we just linked ourformelement’sonSubmitevent to theaddItemevent
handler. This event handler doesn’t exist, but we are going to fix that by adding the following
highlighted lines:
var TodoList = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
items: []
addItem: function(e) {
render: function() {
return (
<div className="todoListMain">
<div className="header">
<form onSubmit={this.addItem}>
<input placeholder="enter task">
<button type="submit">add</button>
OuraddItemevent handler/function doesn’t do a whole lot right now, but the important thing
is that it exists! Next, we’ll fix the part where it doesn’t do a whole lot.
Creating the Functionality
Populating Our State
Right now, ourTodoListcomponent’sstateobject contains theitemsarray. What we need
to do is populate this array with the text that you enter into the input field. That means we
need a way to access ourinputelement from within React. The way we are going to do that
is by setting arefattribute (as you saw in Chapter 12) on ourinputelement and storing the
reference to the HTML element that gets generated.
Inside ourTodoListcomponent’srendermethod, add the following line:
render: function() {
return (
<div className="todoListMain">
<div className="header">
<form onSubmit={this.addItem}>
<input ref={(a) => this._inputElement = a}
placeholder="enter task">
<button type="submit">add</button>
When this highlighted code runs, which is immediately after this component mounts,
the _inputElementproperty will store a reference to the generatedinputelement. Now that
we have done this, we can treat this element like we would any DOM element we might have
found usingquerySelectoror equivalent function in the non-React world. What we are going
to do next is populate ouritemsarray!
Go ahead and modify theaddItemmethod by adding the following lines:
addItem: function(e) {
var itemArray = this.state.items;
text: this._inputElement.value,
key: Date.now()
items: itemArray
172 Chapter 14Building a Todo List App
This looks like a lot of code you just added, but all we are doing here is putting into JavaScript
our earlier stated goal of populating ouritemsarray with text from our input field. Let’s walk
through this code in greater detail.
The first thing we do is create an array calleditemArraythat stores a reference to
var itemArray = this.state.items;
Once we have this array, we add to it our recently submitted text entry from
text: this._inputElement.value,
key: Date.now()
Notice that we aren’tjustadding the text entry from ourinputelement. We are instead
adding an object made up of thetextandkeyproperties. Thetextproperty stores
ourinputelement’s text value. Thekeyproperty stores the current time. This sounds like
a bizarre thing to do, but as you recall from Chapter 9, the goal is to have thiskeyvalue be
unique for every entry that gets submitted. This is important because (spoiler alert!) we will
be using the data in this array to eventually generate some UI elements. This key value is
what React will use to uniquely identify each generated UI element, so by generating the key
usingDate.now(), we ensure a certain level of uniqueness. Because this is an important (yet
easy to overlook) detail, we will revisit all of this again in a few moments.
Anyway, getting back on track, once we are done with theitemArray, all that remains is to set
ourstateobject’sitemsproperty to it:
items: itemArray
Almost done here! The last thing we do in this method is the following:
ThepreventDefaultmethod ensures we override thedefaultonSubmitevent. The reason we
do this is a bit obscure, but it is to ensure the following: all we want to do when we submit the
form is call theaddItemmethod. If we didn’t stop the default behavior, our app will correctly
calladdItemas desired when we submit the form.It will also trigger our browser’s default
POST behavior—which we definitely don’t want. By stopping theonSubmitevent from
performing the default behavior, we get our desired behavior of calling theaddItemmethod
without any of the unwanted side effects like an unnecessary POST action that might refresh
your page.
Creating the Functionality
Displaying the Tasks
We are almost done here! The last-ish thing we are going to do is visualize the tasks that
currently live inside ourstateobject’sitemsarray. This is going to involve creating a whole
new component calledTodoItems, passing around some props, using themapfunction, and
doing other awesome andrenaline-inducing things (Figure 14-6).
Figure 14-6 Adrenaline!
Anyway, the first thing we are going to do is define ourTodoItemscomponent. In your
code, just above where you have theTodoListcomponent defined, go ahead and add the
var TodoItems = React.createClass({
render: function() {
There is nothing going on right now, but that’s OK.
Next, what we are going to do is call this component from inside the TodoList component’s
render method. Not only that, we are going to specify a prop and pass in our TodoList
component’s state object that contains our items array. Doing all of this is really simple, so go
ahead and add the following highlighted line to your TodoList component’s render method:
render: function() {
return (
<div className="todoListMain">
<div className="header">
<form onSubmit={this.addItem}>
174 Chapter 14Building a Todo List App
<input ref={(a) => this._inputElement = a}
placeholder="enter task">
<button type="submit">add</button>
<TodoItems entries={this.state.items}/>
All we did here is instantiate ourTodoItemscomponent and pass in ouritemsstate property
to a prop calledentries. At this point, if you run our app in the browser, nothing visible will
happen. OurTodoItemscomponent is ready to render, and it has access to all of the tasks that
were submitted. The only problem is that it doesn’t really do anything with all of that, but we
are going to fix that up next.
Getting back to ourTodoItemscomponent, the first thing we are going to do is create a new
variable to store our passed in array of tasks. To do that, add the following highlighted line:
var TodoItems = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var todoEntries = this.props.entries;
We just added a variable calledtodoEntries, and it stores the value from theentriesprop
that we passed in based on theTodoListcomponent’sthis.state.itemsvalue. Sweet! Now,
ourtodoEntriesvariable stores an array containing a bunch of objects that each store a task
and a key. All that remains is to create the HTML elements that will be used to display our data.
In the first step towards accomplishing that, add the following highlighted lines of code to
create thelielements:
var TodoItems = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var todoEntries = this.props.entries;
function createTasks(item) {
return <li key={item.key}>{item.text}</li>
var listItems = todoEntries.map(createTasks);
We are using themapfunction to iterate every item insidetodoEntriesand call the
createTasksfunction to create a list element for each entry:
Creating the Functionality
function createTasks(item) {
return <li key={item.key}>{item.text}</li>
To reiterate a point we made earlier, since these list elements are dynamically created, we need
to help React keep track of them by specifying thekeyattribute and giving each a unique
value. We already solved this part of the problem when we stored our tasks initially,as you
text: this._inputElement.value,
key: Date.now()
Because of our earlier planning, we take the easy street right now by assigning ourkey
attribute theitem.keyvalue that each item in ourtodoEntriesarray already contains. Our
list element’s visible content is simply the text value stored byitem.text. There is no extra
explanation needed for how we use that one. Quite refreshing, isn’t it?
Putting all of this together, this collection of list elements is fully processed and stored by
ourlistItemsvariable. All that remains at this point is to go from list elements inside an
array to list elements rendered on the screen. To accomplish that, go ahead and add the
following highlighted lines:
var TodoItems = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var todoEntries = this.props.entries;
function createTasks(item) {
return <li key={item.key}>{item.text}</li>
var listItems = todoEntries.map(createTasks);
return (
<ul className="theList">
What we are doing is returning anulelement whose contents are the list elements stored
bylistItems. After you’ve added this, save your document and preview your app. You’ll see
something that looks like Figure 14-7 after entering a few tasks.
176 Chapter 14Building a Todo List App
Figure 14-7 List element for the list items.
Our app works! Every task you submit shows up in its own list item. Take a few deep breaths
and relax for a few moments. This is awesome progress, and all we have left are a few little
things here and there that need to be wrapped up.
Adding the Finishing Touches
We are almost done here! First, what we have right now doesn’t look exactly like the example
we started out with. Our list of tasks looks a bit plain, but that can be fixed with some CSS
magic. Inside yourstyleblock, add the following style rules just below where your existing
style rules live:
.todoListMain .theList {
list-style: none;
padding-left: 0;
width: 255px;
.todoListMain .theList li {
color: #333;
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);
padding: 15px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
If you preview your app now, you’ll see that the entered tasks look exactly as you expected
them to:
Creating the Functionality
Next, have you noticed that whatever you enter into the input field doesn’t go away after
you submit the form? You have to manually clear out the field each time after submitting a
task...like an animal! That is annoying, but the fix for it is quite simple. Inside ourTodoList
component’saddItemmethod, add the following highlighted line:
addItem: function(e) {
var itemArray = this.state.items;
text: this._inputElement.value,
key: Date.now()
items: itemArray
this._inputElement.value = "";
178 Chapter 14Building a Todo List App
All we are doing here is clearing ourinputelement’svalueproperty when the form is
submitted and theaddItemmethod gets called. This ensures that we no longer have to
manually clear out our input field between each task we would like to submit. Simple bimple!
Our Todo app is pretty simple in what it does, but by building it from scratch, we covered
almost every little interesting detail React brings to the table. More importantly, we created an
example that shows how the various concepts we learned individually play together. Thatis
actually the important detail. Now, here is a quick question for you: does everything we’ve
done in this chapter make sense?
If everything we’ve done in this chapter makes sense then you are in good shape to tell your
friends and family that you are close to mastering React! If there are areas that you find
confusing, I suggest you go back andre-read the chapters which address your confusion.
Setting Up Your React
Development Environment
The last major React-related topic we look at is less about React and more about setting up your
development environment to build a React app. Up until now, we’ve been building our React
apps by including a few script files:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@15.3.2/dist/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@15.3.2/dist/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/babel-core/5.8.23/browser.min
These script files not only loaded the React libraries, but they also loaded Babel to help
our browser do what needs to be done when it encountered bizarre things like JSX
(see Figure 15-1).
180 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
Figure 15-1 Our React approach.
To review whatwe mentioned earlierwhen talking about this approach, the downside is
performance. As part of your browser doing all of the page-loading related things it normally
does, it is also responsible for turning your JSX into actual JavaScript. That JSX to JavaScript
conversion is a time-consuming process that is fine during development. It isn’t fine if every
user of your app has to pay that performance penalty.
Setting Up Your React Development Environment
The solution is to set up your development environment where your JSX to JS conversion is
handled prior to the user loading the page(see Figure 15-2).
Figure 15-2 JSX to JavaScript conversion as part of your app building process.
With this solution, your browser is loading your app and dealing with an already converted
(and potentially optimized) JavaScript file. Good stuff, right? Now, the only reason why we
delayed talking about all of this until now is forsimplicity. Learning React is difficult enough.
Adding the complexity of build tools and setting up your environment as part of learning React
is just not cool. Now that you have a solid grasp of everything React does, it’s time to change
that with this chapter.
In the following sections, we look at one way to set up your development environment using
a combination of Node, Babel, and webpack. If all of this sounds bizarre to you, don’t worry.
You’ll be on a first name basis with all of these tools by the end of it.
182 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
Note: Things May Change
Build tools and their dependencies change all the time. That is great news for us, but it makes
publishing information about it a challenge! This chapter contains the latest information
based on current (aka when this was written!) best-practices, but this information may change.
If you find that some tools and instructions aren’t working they way they are described,
please check out the (more frequently updated) online version of this article at the following
Meet the Tools
Ok, it is time to move further away from generalities (and sweet diagrams). It is time to get
serious—er. It is time to meet the tools that we are going to be relying on to properly set up our
development environment.
For the longest time, JavaScript was something you wrote to primarily have things happen
in your browser. Node.js changes all of this. Node.js allows you to use JavaScript to create
applications that run on the server and have access to APIs and system resources that your
browser couldn’t even dream of. It is basically a full-fledged application development runtime
whose apps (instead of being written in Java, C#, C++, etc.) are built and run entirely on
For our purposes, we are going to be relying on Node.js (well,the Node Package Manager,aka
NPM) to manage dependencies and tie together the steps needed to go from JSX to JavaScript.
Think of Node.js as the glue that makes our development environment work.
This one should be familiar to us! Simply put, Babel is a JavaScript transpiler. It turns your
JavaScript into…um...JavaScript. That sounds really bizarre, so let me clarify. If you are using
the latest JavaScript features, older browsers might not know what to do when they encounter
a new function orproperty. If you are writing JSX, well...no browser will know what to do with
What Babel does is take your new-fangled JS or JSX and turn into a form of JS that most
browsers can understand. We’ve been using its in-browser version to transform our JSX into
JavaScript all this time. In a few moments, you’ll see how we can integrate Babel as part of our
build process to generate an actual browser-readable JS file from our JSX.
Meet the Tools
The last tool we will be relying on is webpack. It is known as a module bundler. Putting
the fancy title aside, a lot of the frameworks and libraries your app includes have a lot of
dependencies where different parts of the functionality you rely on might only be a subset
oflarger components.
You probably don’t want all of that unnecessary code, and tools like webpack play an impor-
tant role to enable you to only include the relevant code needed to have your app work.
They often bundle all of the relevant code (even if it comes from various sources) into a single
file (see Figure 15-3).
Figure 15-3 Filespacked into a single file.
We’ll be relying on webpack to bundle up the relevant parts of the React library, our JSX
files, and any additional JavaScript into a single file. This also extends to CSS (LESS/SASS) files
andother types of assets your app uses, but we’ll focus on just the JavaScript side here.
Your Code Editor
No conversation about your development environment can happen without talking about the
most important tool in all of this, your code editor (see Figure 15-4).
184 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
Figure 15-4 Your code editor.
It doesn’t matter whether you use Sublime, Atom, VisualStudio Code, TextMate, Coda, or any
other tool. You will spend some non-trivial amount of time in your code editornot just to
build your React app but to also configure the various configuration files that Node, Babel, and
WebPack need.
It Is Environment Setup Time!
At this point, you should have a vague idea of what we are trying to do...the dream we are
trying to achieve! We even looked at the various tools that will play a role in making this
dream a reality. Now, it is time for the hard work to actually make everything happen.
Setting up our Initial Project Structure
The first thing we are going to do is set up our project. Go to your Desktop and create
a new folder calledMyTotallyAwesomeApp. Inside this folder, create two more folders
calleddevandoutput. Your folder arrangement will look a little bit like Figure 15-5.
It Is Environment Setup Time!
Figure 15-5 Our currentfolder arrangement.
What we are doing here is pretty simple. Inside ourdevfolder, we will place all of our
unoptimized and unconverted JSX, JavaScript, and other script-related content. In other
words, this is where the code you are writing and actively working on will live. Inside
ouroutputfolder, we will place the result of running our various build tools on the script files
found inside thedevfolder. This is where Babel will convert all of our JSX files into JS. This is
also where webpack will resolve any dependencies between our script files,and place all of the
important script content into a single JavaScript file.
The next thing we are going to do is create the HTML file that we will point our browser to.
Inside theMyTotallyAwesomeAppfolder, use your code editor to create a new HTML file
calledindex.htmlwith the following contents:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>React! React! React!</title>
<div id="container"></div>
<script src="output/myCode.js"></script>
Be sure to save your file after adding this content in. Now, speaking of the content, our
markup is pretty simple. Our document’s body is just an emptydiv elementwith anidvalue
186 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
ofcontainerand ascripttag that points to the final JavaScript file (myCode.js) that will get
generated inside theoutputfolder:
<script src="output/myCode.js"></script>
Besides those two things, our HTML file doesn’t have a whole lot going for it. If we had to
visualize the relationship of everything right now, it looks a bit like Figure 15-6.
Figure 15-6 What your current project structure looks like.
I’ve dotted the line to themyCode.jsfile in ouroutputfolder because that file doesn’t exist
there yet. We are pointing to something in our HTML that currently is non-existent, but that
won’t stay that way for long.
It Is Environment Setup Time!
Installing and Initializing Node.js
Our next step is to install Node.js. Visit theNode.js site(https://nodejs.org/)to install the
version that is appropriate for your operating system (see Figure 15-7).
Figure 15-7 The download buttons on the Node.js site.
I tend to always install the latest version, so you should go with that as well. The download
and installation procedure isn’t particularly exciting. Once you have Node.js installed, test
to make sure it is truly installed by launching the Terminal (on Mac), Command Prompt (on
Windows), or equivalent tool of choice and typing in the following and pressing Enter:
node -v
If everything worked out properly, you will see a version number displayed that typically
corresponds to the version of Node.js you just installed. If you are getting an error for whatever
reason, follow thetroubleshooting steps listed here(https://github.com/npm/npm/wiki/
Next, we are going to initialize Node.js on ourMyTotallyAwesomeAppfolder. To do this, first
navigate to theMyTotallyAwesomeAppfolder using your Terminal or Command Prompt.
OnOS X, this will look like Figure 15-8.
Figure 15-8 Navigate to the MyTotallyAwesomeApp folder.
188 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
Now, go ahead and initialize Node.js by entering the following:
npm init
This will kick off a series of questions that will help set up Node.js on our project. The first
question will ask you to specify your project name. Hitting Enter will allow you to specify the
default value that has already been selected for you. That is all great, but the default name
is our project folder,which isMyTotallyAwesomeApp. If you hit Enter, because it contains
capital letters, it will throw an error (see Figure 15-9).
Figure 15-9 Our project folder name includes capital letters, triggering an error.
Go ahead and enter the lowercase version of the name,mytotallyawesomeapp. Once you’ve
done that, press Enter. For the remaining questions, just hit Enter to accept all the default
values. The end result of all of this is a new file calledpackage.jsonthat will be created in
yourMyTotallyAwesomeAppfolder (see Figure 15-10).
It Is Environment Setup Time!
Figure 15-10 The package.json file shows up in your folder.
If you open the contents ofpackage.jsonin your code editor, you’ll see something that looks
similar to the following:
"name": "mytotallyawesomeapp",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"
Don’t worry too much about the contents of this file, but just know that one of the results
ofyou callingnpm initis that you have apackage.jsonfile created with some weird
properties and values that Node.js totally knows what to do with.
190 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
Installing the React Dependencies
What we are going to do next is install our React dependencies so that we can use the React
and React DOM libraries in our code. If you are coming from a pure web development
background, this is going to sound strange. Just bear with me on this.
In your Terminal or Command Prompt, enter the following to install our React dependencies:
npm install react react-dom --save
Once you Enter this, a lot of weird stuff will show up on your screen. You may even see a
bunch of warnings, but they should be safe to ignore. What is happening is that the React
and React-DOM libraries (and stuff that they depend on) is getting downloaded from agiant
repository of Node.js packagesfound here:https://www.npmjs.com/
If you take a look at yourMyTotallyAwesomeAppfolder, you’ll see a folder called node_modules.
Inside that folder, you’ll see a bunch of various modules (aka what Node.js calls what we mere
mortals just call libraries). Let’s update our visualization of our current file/folder structure to look
like Figure 15-11.
Figure 15-11 The updated folder structure.
It Is Environment Setup Time!
The list of modules you see right now is just the beginning. We’ll be adding a few more by the
time you reach the end of this, so don’t get too attached the number of items you see inside
ournode_modulesfolder :P
Adding our JSX File
Things are about to get (more!) interesting. Now that we’ve told Node.js all about our interest
in React, we are one step closer towards building a React app. We are going to further enter
these waters by adding a JSX file that is a modified version of the example we saw in Chapter 3
when looking atComponents.
Inside ourdevfolder, using the code editor, create a file calledindex.jsxwith the following
code as its contents:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<p>Hello, {this.props.greetTarget}!</p>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Batman"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Iron Man"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Nicolas Cage"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Mega Man"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Bono"/>
<HelloWorld greetTarget="Catwoman"/>
Notice that the bulk of the JSX we added is pretty much unmodified from what we had
earlier. The only difference is that what used to bescriptreferences for getting the React and
React DOM libraries into our app has now been replaced withimportstatements pointing to
ourreactandreact-domNode.js packages we added a few moments ago:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
Now, you are probably eagerly wondering when we can build our app and get it all working
in our browser. Well, there are still a few more steps left. Figure 15-12 shows what the current
visualization of our project looks like.
192 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
Figure 15-12 The current project.
Ourindex.htmlfile is looking for code from themyCode.jsfile which still doesn’t exist.
Weadded our JSX file, but we know that our browser doesn’t know what to do with JSX. We
need to go fromindex.jsxin ourdevfolder tomyCode.jsin theoutputfolder. Guess what
weare going to do next?
It Is Environment Setup Time!
Going from JSX to JavaScript
The missing step right now is turning our JSX into JavaScript that our browser can understand.
This involves both webpack and Babel, and we are going to configure both of them to make
this all work.
Setting up webpack
Since we are in Node.js territory and both webpack and Babel exist as Node packages, we need
to install them both just like we installed the React-related packages.
To install webpack, enter the following in your Terminal / Command Prompt:
npm install webpack --save
This will take a few moments while the webpack package (and its large list of dependencies)
gets downloaded and placed into ournode_modulesfolder. After you’ve done this, we need
to add a configuration file to specify how webpack will work with our current project. Using
your code editor, add a file calledwebpack.config.jsinside ourMyTotallyAwesomeAppfolder
(seeFigure 15-13).
194 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
Figure 15-13 Adding webpack.config.js.
Inside this file, we will specify a bunch of JavaScript properties to define where our original,
unmodified source files live and where to output the final source files. Go ahead and add
thefollowing JavaScript into webpack.config.js:
It Is Environment Setup Time!
var webpack = require("webpack");
var path = require("path");
var DEV = path.resolve(__dirname, "dev");
var OUTPUT = path.resolve(__dirname, "output");
var config = {
entry: DEV + "/index.jsx",
output: {
path: OUTPUT,
filename: "myCode.js"
module.exports = config;
Take a few moments to see what this code is doing. We defined two variables called DEV and
OUTPUTthat refer to folders of the same name in our project. Inside theconfigobject, we have
two properties calledentryand output that use ourDEVandOUTPUTvariables to help map
ourindex.jsxfile to becomemyCode.js.
Setting up Babel
The last piece in our current setup is to transform ourindex.jsxfile to become regular
JavaScript in the form ofmyCode.js. This is where Babel comes in. To install Babel, let’s go
back to our trusty Terminal / Command Prompt and enter the following Node.js command:
npm install babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react --save
With this command, we install thebabel-loader,babel-preset-es2015, andbabel-preset-react
packages. Nowwe need to configure Babel to work with our project. This is a two-step process.
The first step is to specify which Babel presets we want to use. There are several ways of doing
this, but my preferred way is to modifypackage.jsonand add the following highlighted
"name": "mytotallyawesomeapp",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"babel-loader": "^6.2.4",
196 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.9.0",
"babel-preset-react": "^6.5.0",
"react": "^15.1.0",
"react-dom": "^15.1.0",
"webpack": "^1.13.1"
"babel": {
"presets": [
In the highlighted lines, we specify ourbabelobject and specify thees2015andreactpreset
The second step is to tell webpack about Babel. In ourwebpack.config.jsfile, go ahead and
add the following highlighted lines:
var webpack = require("webpack");
var path = require("path");
var DEV = path.resolve(__dirname, "Dev");
var OUTPUT = path.resolve(__dirname, "output");
var config = {
entry: DEV + "/index.jsx",
output: {
path: OUTPUT,
filename: "myCode.js"
module: {
loaders: [{
include: DEV,
loader: "babel",
module.exports = config;
We added themoduleandloadersobjects that tell webpack to pass theindex.jsxfile defined in
ourentryproperty to turn into JavaScript through Babel. With this change, we’ve pretty much
gotten our development environment setup for building a React app.
It Is Environment Setup Time!
Building and Testing Our App
The last (and hopefully most satisfying) step in all of this is building our app and having
theend-to-end workflow work. To build our app, what you type varies on whether you are
on the Terminal or on the Command Prompt.
For the Terminal on the Mac, enter the following:
In the Command Prompt on Windows, enter this instead:
This command runs webpack and does all the things we’ve specified in ourwebpack.config.js
andpackage.jsonconfiguration files. Your output in your Terminal / Command Prompt will look
something like Figure 15-14.
Figure 15-14 The webpack output.
Besides seeing something that vaguely looks like a successful build displayed in cryptic text
form, go to yourMyTotallyAwesomeAppfolder. Open yourindex.htmlfile in your browser.
If everything was set up properly, you’ll see our simple React app displaying (see Figure 15-15).
198 Chapter 15Setting Up Your React Development Environment
Figure 15-15 The simple React app displaying.
If you venture into theOutputfolder and look atmyCode.js, you’ll see a fairly hefty (~700Kb)
file with a lot of JavaScript made up of the relevant React, ReactDOM, and your app code all
organized there.
From this point, you can build your app, add new assets, and make the typical changes you
normally would. The only difference between what we had been doing throughout this book
and what we are doing now is simple—what your browser cares about is generated for you by the
various build tools and packager. Your browser is no longer taking all of this React JSX/ES6/etc. stuff
and converting it into normal HTML/CSS/JS on the fly during page load.
Well...that just happened! In the preceding many sections, we followed a bunch of bizarre
and incomprehensible steps to get our build environment set up to build our React app. What
we’ve seen is just a very small part of everything you can do when you put Node, Babel, and
webpack together. The unfortunate thing is that covering all of that goes well beyond the scope
of learning React, but if you are interested in this, you should definitely invest time in learning
the ins and outs of all of these build tools. There area lot of cool things you can do.
For more information on those cool things, check out the following links:
npm Documentation:https://docs.npmjs.com/
webpack module bundler:https://webpack.github.io/
React Tooling Integration:https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/tooling-integration.html
The End
So...here we are. After 15 chapters, we’ve covered a lot of ground when it comes to learning
how to use React to build cool things. A while ago, we started off by discussing the problems
associated with building complex UIs and how React was going to make that a breeze.
Hopefully in the chapters since, you gota really good idea of how you can use React to
accomplish this.
While we may be done with the formal content in this book, this doesn’t mean that our
interaction is over. If you ever have any questions or run into any issues working with React,
I’dlike to hear from you. The easiest way to contact me is by posting on the forums at
http://forum.kirupa.com, but you can also ping me via Twitter (@kirupa) or send me an e-mail
(kirupa@kirupa.com). I’ll do my best to respond to you as quickly as I can.
See you all next time!
This page intentionally left blank
{ } (curly brackets), 33, 86–87
… (spread) operator
explained, 78
transferring properties with, 78–80
DOM elements
ES6 arrow functions, 141
references, 137–141
when to use, 135–137
properties, 33
active links, creating, 159–160
activeClassName property, 159–161
addEventListener function, 118–119
addItem event handler, 170, 171, 177–178
Alpert, Ben, 86
Animaniacs Good Idea / Bad Idea
sketches, 36
APIs (application programming
interfaces), 9
app frames, 147–149
application programming interfaces (APIs), 9
catalog browser app
multi-page design, 2–3
SPA (single-page app) model, 3–6
creating with React Router
202 apps
app frame, 147–149
boilerplate markup and code,
Contact component, 157–158
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets),
example, 144–145
Home component, 149–151
home page, displaying, 149–151,
Link component, 156
navigation links, 155–156, 159–160
overview, 143–144
ReactRouter prefix, 153–154
render method, 148–149, 154
Route component, 149
route matching, 158
Router component, 149
Stuff component, 157–158
first React app
blank HTML page, creating, 15–16
destination, changing, 18–19
name, displaying, 16–18
styles, 19–20
index.jsx file, 191–192
initial project structure, 184–186
Node.js initialization, 187–189
React dependencies, 190–191
testing, 197–198
Todo List app
addItem event handler, 171, 177–
app functionality, 168
form submission, 169–170
functionality, 168
initial code listing, 164–165
overview, 163–164
render method, 166, 171, 173–174
state object initialization, 169
state object population, 171–172
styles, 167, 176–178
task display, 173–176
TodoItems component, 173–176
UI (user interface), 165–168
architecture (MVC), 11
arguments. See properties
arrays of components, 103–105
arrow functions (ES6), 141
attributes. See properties
autobinding, 95
automatic UI state management, 7–8
avoiding ReactRouter prefix, 153–154
overview, 182
referencing, 16, 86
website, 198
background color, customizing, 45–47
backgroundColor property (letterStyle
object), 46
bgcolor attribute, 46
blank HTML pages, creating, 15–16
Bower, 198
browser compatibility, 120
building apps. See apps
button counter
event handler, 110–112
event listening
regular DOM events, 117–119
SyntheticEvent type, 116–117
event properties, 114–115
initial code listing, 108–110
componentDidMount method
lifecycle methods
componentDidMount method, 129
componentDidUpdate method, 131
componentWillMount method, 129
method, 132
method, 132
componentWillUpdate method,
getDefaultProps method, 128
getInitialState method, 128
initial code listing, 124–127
initial rendering phase, 127–129
render method, 129, 131
shouldComponentUpdate method,
unmounting phase, 132
updating phase, 129–132
overview, 107–108
SyntheticEvent type, 112–114
this keyword, 119–120
Buttonify component, 35–36
calling functions, 25
camelcase, 86
capitalization (JSX), 87–88
Card component, 58–59
Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS
(Cascading Style Sheets)
catalog browser app
multi-page design, 2–3
SPA (single-page app) model, 3–6
changing destination, 18–19
child components
overview, 34–36
passing properties to, 63–65
transferring properties to
component hierarchy and, 69–74
problems with, 69–77
spread operator (…), 78–80
Circle component
array of, 103–105
circleStyle object, 101
initial code listing, 99–102
render method, 102
showCircle function, 102–103
theCircle variable, 102
circleStyle object, 101
class names, 85–86
CleverComponent, 34
code editors, 183–184
color of background, customizing,
color palette card
Card component, 58–59
component definitions, 56–58
component identification, 53–56
generated HTML, 66
Label component, 61–63
overview, 49–51
properties, passing to child
components, 63–65
Square component, 60–61
visual element identification, 51–53
Colorizer component
behavior of, 135–137
references, 137–141
comments, 86–87
compiler. See Babel
component hierarchy, 55–56, 69–70
componentDidMount method, 93, 94–95,
118, 129
204 componentDidUpdate method
event listening, 116–119
event properties, 114–115
initial code listing, 108–110
overview, 107–108
this keyword, 119–120
Card component, 58–59
component definitions, 56–58
component identification, 53–56
generated HTML, 66
Label component, 61–63
overview, 49–51
properties, 63–65
Square component, 60–61
visual element identification, 51–53
definition of, 23–24, 29
events. See events
generated HTML, 40–41
HelloWorld component
creating, 30–32
properties, 32–34
Home, 149–151
Label, 77
Letter, 37–39
lifecycle methods
button counter example, 124–127
componentDidMount method, 129
componentDidUpdate method, 131
componentWillMount method, 129
method, 132
method, 132
method, 131
definition of, 123
getDefaultProps method, 128
componentDidUpdate method, 131
arrays of, 103–105
Buttonify, 35–36
capitalization of, 87–88
child components, 34–36
array of, 103–105
circleStyle object, 101
initial code listing, 99–102
render method, 102
showCircle function, 102–103
theCircle variable, 102
CleverComponent, 34
color palette card
Card component, 58–59
component definitions, 56–58
component identification, 53–56
generated HTML, 66
Label component, 61–63
overview, 49–51
properties, passing to child
components, 63–65
Square component, 60–61
visual element identification, 51–53
behavior of, 135–137
references, 137–141
component hierarchy, 55–56, 69–70
composability. See also color palette
advantages of, 66
definition of, 49
overview, 49–51
Contact, 157–158
event handler, 110–112
composability of components
px suffix, omitting, 45
style object, creating, 43
styles, applying, 43–45
TodoItems, 173–176
addItem event handler,
171, 177–178
app functionality, 168
form submission, 169–170
functionality, 168
initial code listing, 164–165
overview, 163–164
render method, 166, 171, 173–174
state object initialization, 169
state object population, 171–172
styles, 167, 176–178
task display, 173–176
UI (user interface), 165–168
componentWillMount method, 129
componentWillReceiveProps method, 132
componentWillUnmount method, 132
componentWillUpdate method, 131
composability of components
advantages of, 66
color palette card example
Card component, 58–59
component definitions, 56–58
component identification, 53–56
generated HTML, 66
Label component, 61–63
overview, 49–51
properties, passing to child
components, 63–65
Square component, 60–61
visual element identification, 51–53
definition of, 49
overview, 49–51
getInitialState method, 128
initial rendering phase, 127–129
overview, 123–124
render method, 129, 131
shouldComponentUpdate method,
unmounting phase, 132
updating phase, 129–132
componentDidMount method, 93,
full code listing, 96–98
getInitialState method, 93–94
initial code, 90–92
initial state value, setting, 93–94
overview, 89–90
setInterval function, 93
setState method, 93, 95
state change, rendering, 96
strikes variable, 93–94
timerTick function, 94–95
Link, 156
multiple components, displaying,
PlusButton, 116–117
specifying, 33–34
transferring. See transferring
Route, 149
Router, 149
Shirt, 74–77
Stuff, 157–158
styling with CSS, 41–42
styling with React
customizable background color,
overview, 42
206 configuring development environment
strikes variable, 93–94
timerTick function, 94–95
createClass method, 30
createElement function, 82–84
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
applying, 40–42
first React app, 19–20
HTML versus JSX, 84–85
SPA (single-page app) example, 151–153
Todo List app, 167, 176–178
curly brackets ({ }), 33, 86–87
customizing background color, 45–47
DE. See development environment
deep links, 144
dependencies, installing, 190–191
multi-page design, 2–3
SPA (single-page app) model, 3–6
destination, changing, 18–19
destination variable, 18–19
dev folder, 184–185
development environment
advantages of, 179–181
Babel, 182
building apps, 197–198
code editors, 183–184
installing, 187–189
overview, 182
index.jsx file, 191–192
initial project structure, 184–186
Node.js, 187–189
React dependencies, 190–191
configuring development environment
index.jsx file, 191–192
initial project structure, 184–186
Node.js, 187–189
React dependencies, 190–191
webpack, 193–195
console warnings, 105
Contact component, 157–158
container elements, 18
CounterParent component
event handler, 110–112
event listening, 116–119
event properties, 114–115
initial code listing, 108–110
overview, 107–108
this keyword, 119–120
button counter
event handler, 110–112
event listening, 116–119
event properties, 114–115
initial code listing, 108–110
lifecycle methods, 124–127
overview, 107–108
SyntheticEvent type, 112–114
this keyword, 119–120
componentDidMount method, 93,
full code listing, 96–98
getInitialState method, 93–94
initial code, 90–92
initial state value, setting, 93–94
overview, 89–90
setInterval function, 93
setState method, 93, 95
state change, rendering, 96
first React app
transferring properties with, 138–139
ellipses (…) operator
explained, 78
transferring properties with, 78–80
EmberJS templates, 10
environment. See development environment
errors in ranges, 105
ES6 arrow functions, 141
event handlers
addItem, 170
overview, 110–112
this keyword, 119–120
browser compatibility, 120
button counter
event handler, 110–112
event listening, 116–119
event properties, 114–115
initial code listing, 108–110
overview, 107–108
this keyword, 119–120
definition of, 107
event handlers
addItem, 170
overview, 110–112
this keyword, 119–120
KeyboardEvent type, 112
listening to, 116–119
MouseEvent type, 112
onSubmit, 169–170
performance, 120–121
SyntheticEvent type, 112–114
files, index.jsx, 191–192
first React app
blank HTML page, creating, 14–15
webpack, 193–195
webpack, 183
home page, 149–151, 154–155
multiple components, 103–105
name, 16–18
tasks in Todo List app, 173–176
div element
first React app, 18
HelloWorld component, 32
styling with CSS, 41–42
npm documentation, 198
React Router, 161
document.body argument (render
method), 17
DOM elements, accessing
ES6 arrow functions, 141
references, 137–141
when to use, 135–137
DOM manipulation, 8
editors (code), 183–184
capitalization in JSX, 87–88
first React app, 18
HelloWorld component, 32
styling with CSS, 41–42
DOM elements, accessing
ES6 arrow functions, 141
references, 137–141
when to use, 135–137
form, 169–170
inefficiencies with UI elements, 26–29
outputting multiple, 27
208 first React app
help, forum.kirupa.com, 199
component hierarchy, 55–56, 69–70
visual hierarchy, 52
Home component, 149–151
home page, displaying, 149–151, 154–155
HTML elements, capitalization in JSX, 87–88
HTML templates, 6
components, 53–56
visual elements, 51–53
increase function, 110–112, 115
index.html file, 185–186
index.jsx file, 191–192
initial project structure, 184–186
initial rendering phase (lifecycle methods),
initial state value, 93–94
Node.js, 187–189
state object, 169
inline styles
applying, 43–45
Circle component, 101
customizable background color, 45–47
overview, 42
px suffix, omitting, 45
style object, creating, 43
input element, 138–139
_input property, 139–140
Babel, 195–196
Node.js, 187–189
React dependencies, 190–191
webpack, 193–195
itemArray, creating, 172
destination, changing, 18–19
name, displaying, 16–18
styles, 19–20
dev, 184–185
node_modules, 190
output, 184–185
form submission, 169–170
formatDistance function, 25
forum.kirupa.com, 199
frames (app), 147–149
functions. See also methods
addEventListener, 118–119
calling, 25
createElement, 82–84
ES6 arrow functions, 141
explained, 24–26
formatDistance, 25
getDistance, 32–33
increase, 110–112, 115
printStuff, 78
removeEventListener, 119
setInterval, 93
showCircle, 102–103
timerTick, 94–95
generated HTML
color palette card, 66
Letter component, 40–41
getDefaultProps method, 128
getDistance function, 32–33
getInitialState method, 93–94, 128, 169
HelloWorld component
creating, 30–32
properties, 32–34
lifecycle methods
KeyboardEvent type, 112
table of, 85–86
this, 119–120
Label component, 61–63, 77
Letter component
generated HTML, 40–41
overview, 37–39
styling with CSS, 41–42
styling with React
customizable background
letterStyle object, creating, 43
overview, 42
px suffix, omitting, 45
styles, applying, 43–45
letterStyle object
creating, 43
customizable background color, 45–47
overview, 85
px suffix, omitting, 45
style attribute, 43–45
lifecycle methods
button counter example, 124–127
componentDidMount method, 129
componentDidUpdate method, 131
componentWillMount method, 129
componentWillUnmount method, 132
componentWillUpdate method, 131
definition of, 123
getDefaultProps method, 128
getInitialState method, 128
JSX-to-JavaScript transformation.
Seealso development environment
Babel, 182
overview, 81–83
test app, 197–198
webpack, 183, 193–196
visuals defined in, 9–11
arrays, 103–105
capitalization, 87–88
class names, 85–86
comments, 86–87
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and, 84–85
explained, 10–11, 14–15
first React app
blank HTML page, creating, 14–15
destination, changing, 18–19
name, displaying, 16–18
styles, 19–20
index.jsx file, 191–192
JSX-to-JavaScript transformation.
Seealso development environment
Babel, 182
overview, 81–83
test app, 197–198
webpack, 183, 193–196
location in code, 88
methods. See methods
reserved keywords, 85–86
root nodes, returning, 83–84
style attribute, 84–85
JSX-to-JavaScript transformation. See also
development environment
Babel, 182
test app, 197–198
webpack, 183, 193–196
210 lifecycle methods
addItem, 170, 171, 177–178
button counter example, 124–127
componentDidMount, 93, 94–95,
118, 129
componentDidUpdate, 131
componentWillMount, 129
componentWillReceiveProps, 132
componentWillUnmount, 132
componentWillUpdate, 131
createClass, 30
definition of, 123
getDefaultProps, 128
getDefaultProps method, 128
getInitialState, 93–94, 128, 169
initial rendering phase, 127–129
overview, 123–124
preventDefault, 172
Card component, 59
Circle component, 102, 104–106
Colorizer component, 138
first React app, 16–18
HelloWorld component, 30–32
initial rendering phase, 129
Label component, 62
component, 92
overview, 26, 129, 131
SPA (single-page app) example,
148–149, 154
Square component, 60–61
Todo List app, 166
TodoList component, 171, 173–174
updating phase, 131
setNewColor, 141
setState, 93, 95
shouldComponentUpdate, 130–131
unmounting phase, 132
initial rendering phase, 127–129
overview, 123–124
render method, 129, 131
shouldComponentUpdate method,
unmounting phase, 132
updating phase
prop changes, 131–132
state changes, 129–131
LightningCounterDisplay component
componentDidMount method, 93
full code listing, 96–98
getInitialState method, 93–94
initial code, 90–92
initial state value, setting, 93–94
overview, 89–90
setInterval function, 93
setState method, 93
state change, rendering, 96
strikes variable, 93–94
timerTick function, 94–95
Link component, 156
active links, 159–160
deep links, 144
navigation links, 155–156
listening to events
regular DOM events, 117–119
SyntheticEvent type, 116–117
listItems variable, 175–176
logo (React), 7
matching routes, 158
Matryoshka dolls analogy, 9
messages, console warnings, 105
methods. See also functions
overview, 85
px suffix, omitting, 45
style attribute, 43–45
props, 79
state object
initializing, 169
populating, 171–172
onClick event handler, 110–112
onSubmit event, 169–170
operators, spread (…)
explained, 78
transferring properties with, 78–80
output folder, 184–185
outputting multiple elements, 27
palette card. See color palette card
passing properties
color palette card example, 63–65
component hierarchy and, 69–74
problems with, 74–77
spread operator (…)
example, 78–80
explained, 78
performance, events and, 120–121
PlusButton component, 116–117
populating state object, 171–172
preventDefault method, 172
printStuff function, 78
accessing, 33
activeClassName, 159–161
bgcolor, 46
event properties, 114–115
HelloWorld component, 32–34
prop changes, 131–132
updating phase, 129–132
MouseEvent type, 112
multi-page design, 2–3
multiple components, displaying,
multiple elements, outputting, 27
MVC architecture, 11
index.jsx file, 191–192
initial project structure, 184–186
Node.js initialization, 187–189
React dependencies, 190–191
testing, 197–198
class names, 85–86
displaying, 16–18
navigation links, creating, 155–156
Node Package Manager (NPM).
See Node.js
node_modules folder, 190
initializing, 187–189
installing, 187–189
overview, 182
nodes (root), returning, 83–84
NPM (Node Package Manager). See Node.js
npm documentation, 198
circleStyle object, 101
creating, 43
customizable background color,
212 properties
route matching, 158
Router component, 149
Stuff component, 157–158
documentation, 161
referencing, 147
React Tooling Integration, 198
ReactRouter prefix, 153–154
reconciliation, 8
ref attribute, 138–139
references, 137–141
Babel JavaScript compiler, 16
React library, 15
React Router, 147
regular DOM events, listening to, 117–119
removeEventListener function, 119
render method
Card component, 59
Circle component, 102, 104–106
Colorizer component, 138
first React app, 16–18
HelloWorld component, 30–32
initial rendering phase, 129
Label component, 62
component, 92
overview, 26
SPA (single-page app) example,
148–149, 154
Square component, 60–61
Todo List app, 166
TodoList component, 171, 173–174
updating phase, 131
renderData array, 104
rendering state change, 96
reserved keywords, 85–86
root nodes, returning, 83–84
ref, 138–139
component call, 34
component definition, 33
style, 43–45, 84–85
SyntheticEvent type, 113–114
color palette card example, 63–65
component hierarchy and, 69–74
problems with, 74–77
spread operator (…), 78–80
vendor-prefixed properties, 59
props object, 79
px suffix, omitting, 45
React dependencies, installing, 190–191
React Event System document, 114
React Router
creating SPAs (single-page apps) with
active links, 159–160
app frame, 147–149
boilerplate markup and code,
Contact component, 157–158
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets),
displaying, 149–151
example, 144–145
Home component, 149–151
home page, displaying, 154–155
Link component, 156
navigation links, 155–156
overview, 143–144
ReactRouter prefix, 153–154
render method, 148–149, 154
Route component, 149
state management
Link component, 156
navigation links, 155–156
overview, 143–144
ReactRouter prefix, 153–154
render method, 148–149, 154
Route component, 149
route matching, 158
Router component, 149
Stuff component, 157–158
model, 3–6
specifying properties
component call, 34
component definition, 33
spread operator (…)
explained, 78
transferring properties with, 78–80
Square component, 60–61
state change, rendering, 96
state management
lifecycle methods, 129–131
componentDidMount method,
93, 94–95
getInitialState method, 93
initial code, 90–92
initial state value, setting, 93–94
overview, 89–90
setInterval function, 93
setState method, 93, 95
strikes variable, 93–94
LightningCounterDisplay component
full code listing, 96–98
initial code, 90–92
overview, 89–90
setInterval function, 93
state change, rendering, 96
Route component, 149
route matching, 158
Router component, 149
routing, 144, 149. See also React Router
Russian Matryoshka dolls analogy, 9
setInterval function, 93
setNewColor method, 141
setState method, 93, 95
setting up development environment
index.jsx file, 191–192
initial project structure, 184–186
Node.js, 187–189
React dependencies, 190–191
webpack, 193–195
shiftKey property (SyntheticEvent), 114–115
Shirt component, 74–77
shouldComponentUpdate method, 130–131
showCircle function, 102–103
simple catalog browser app
multi-page design, 2–3
SPA (single-page app) model, 3–6
single-page app (SPA). See SPA
(single-page app)
SPA (single-page app)
creating with React Router
active links, 159–160
app frame, 147–149
boilerplate markup and code,
Contact component, 157–158
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets),
example, 144–145
Home component, 149–151
home page, displaying, 149–151,
214 state management
timerTick function, 94–95
todoEntries variable, 174
TodoItems component, 173–176
TodoList component
addItem event handler, 171, 177–178
app functionality, 168
form submission, 169–170
functionality, 168
initial code listing, 164–165
overview, 163–164
render method, 166, 171, 173–174
state object initialization, 169
state object population, 171–172
styles, 167, 176–178
task display, 173–176
TodoItems component, 173–176
UI (user interface), 165–168
Babel, 182
code editors, 183–184
installing, 187–189
overview, 182
installing, 193–195
overview, 183
transferring properties
color palette card example, 63–65
component hierarchy and, 69–74
problems with, 74–77
spread operator (…)
example, 78–80
explained, 78
transpilation from JSX to JavaScript. See
also development environment
Babel, 182
overview, 81–83
timerTick function, 94–95
UI (user interface), 7–8
state object. See also state management
initializing, 169
populating, 171–172
strikes variable, 93–94
Stuff component, 157–158
style attribute, 43–45, 84–85
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
applying, 40–42
HTML versus JSX, 84–85
SPA (single-page app) example,
Todo List app, 167, 176–178
first React app, 19–20
inline approach
Circle component, 101
customizable background color,
overview, 42
px suffix, omitting, 45
style object, creating, 43
styles, applying, 43–45
overview, 37
submitting forms, 169–170
support, forum.kirupa.com, 199
swatchComponent variable, 88
SyntheticEvent type, 112–114
tasks, displaying in Todo List app, 173–176
EmberJS templates, 10
HTML templates, 6
theCircle variable, 102
this keyword, 119–120
listItems, 175–176
strikes, 93–94
swatchComponent, 88
theCircle, 102
todoEntries, 174
vendor-prefixed properties, 59
views, 143
virtual DOM, 8
visual hierarchy, 52
defining in JavaScript, 9–11
identifying, 51–53
visual hierarchy, 52
WebkitFilter property, 59
installing, 193–195
overview, 183
website, 198
test app, 197–198
webpack, 183, 193–196
UI (user interface). See also events
Circle component example
array of, 103–105
initial code listing, 99–102
render method, 102
showCircle function, 102–103
theCircle variable, 102
inefficiencies with, 26–29
state management, 7–8
Todo List app, 165–168
unmounting phase (lifecycle methods), 132
updating phase (lifecycle methods)
prop changes, 131–132
state changes, 129–131
destination, 18–19
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