Lexis Nexis Tools Manual

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Package ‘LexisNexisTools’
October 8, 2018
Title Working with Files from 'LexisNexis'
Version 0.2.0
Date 2018-09-02
Description My PhD supervisor once told me that everyone doing newspaper
analysis starts by writing code to read in files from the 'LexisNexis' newspaper
archive (retrieved e.g., from <http://www.nexis.com/> or any of the partner
sites). However, while this is a nice exercise I do recommend, not everyone has
the time. This package takes TXT files downloaded from the newspaper archive of
'LexisNexis', reads them into R and offers functions for further processing.
Depends R (>= 3.3.0)
License GPL-3
Imports data.table (>=, methods (>= 3.3.0), parallel (>=
3.3.0), pbapply (>= 1.3.4), quanteda (>= 1.1.0), reshape2 (>=
1.4.3), scales (>= 0.5.0), stats (>= 3.3.0), stringdist (>=, stringi (>= 1.1.7), tibble (>= 1.4.0), utils (>=
Suggests corpustools, covr, diffobj, dplyr, RSQLite, testthat,
tidytext, tm, kableExtra, knitr, rmarkdown
Encoding UTF-8
LazyData true
RoxygenNote 6.1.0
VignetteBuilder knitr
NeedsCompilation no
Author Johannes Gruber [aut, cre]
Maintainer Johannes Gruber <j.gruber.1@research.gla.ac.uk>
Repository CRAN
Date/Publication 2018-09-10 22:50:02 UTC
Rtopics documented:
LNToutput.......................................... 2
LNToutput_methods .................................... 2
lnt_add ........................................... 3
lnt_asDate.......................................... 4
lnt_checkFiles........................................ 4
lnt_convert ......................................... 5
lnt_diff ........................................... 6
lnt_lookup.......................................... 7
lnt_read ........................................... 8
lnt_rename ......................................... 9
lnt_sample.......................................... 10
lnt_similarity ........................................ 11
Index 13
LNToutput An S4 class to store the three data.frames created with lnt_read
This S4 class stores the output from lnt_read. Just like a spreadsheet with multiple worksheets,
an LNToutput object consist of three data.frames which you can select using @. This object class
is intended to be an intermediate container. As it stores articles and paragraphs in two separate
data.frames, nested in an S4 object, the relevant text data is stored twice in almost the same format.
This has the advantage, that there is no need to use special characters, such as "\n" to indicate a new
paragraph. However, it makes the files rather big when you save them directly. They should thus
usually be subsetted using @or converted to a different format using lnt_convert.
meta The metadata of the articles read in.
articles The article texts and respective IDs.
paragraphs The paragraphs (if the data.frame exists) and respective article and paragraph IDs.
LNToutput_methods Methods for LNToutput output objects
Methods for LNToutput output objects
## S4 method for signature 'LNToutput'
## S4 method for signature 'LNToutput,ANY,ANY,ANY'
x[i, j, invert = FALSE]
## S4 method for signature 'LNToutput,LNToutput'
e1 + e2
lnt_add 3
x, object An LNToutput object.
iRows of the meta data.frame (default) or values of j.
jThe column you want to use to subset the LNToutput object. Takes character
invert Invert the selection of i.
e1, e2 LNToutput objects which will be combined.
lnt_add Adds or replaces articles
This functions adds a dataframe to a slot in an LNToutput object or overwrite existing entries. The
main use of the function is to add an extract of one of the data.frames back to an LNToutput object
after operations were performed on it.
lnt_add(to, what, where = "meta", replace = TRUE)
to an LNToutput object to which something should be added.
what A data.frame which is added.
where Either "meta", "articles" or "paragraphs" to indicate the slot to which data is
replace If TRUE, will overwrite entries which have the same ID as
Note, that when adding paragraphs, the Par_ID column is used to determine if entries are already
present in the set. For the other data frames the article ID is used.
Johannes Gruber
# Make LNToutput object from sample
LNToutput <- lnt_read(lnt_sample())
# extract meta and make corrections
correction <- LNToutput@meta[grepl("Wikipedia", LNToutput@meta$Headline), ]
correction$Newspaper <- "Wikipedia"
# replace corrected meta information
LNToutput <- lnt_add(to = LNToutput, what = correction, where = "meta", replace = TRUE)
lnt_asDate Convert Strings to dates
Converts dates from string formats common in LexisNexis to a date object.
lnt_asDate(x, format = "auto", locale = "auto")
xA character object to be converted.
format Either "auto" to guess the format based on a common order of day, month and
year or provide a custom format (see stri_datetime_format for format options).
locale A ISO 639-1 locale code (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_
This function returns an object of class date.
LNToutput <- lnt_read(lnt_sample(), convert_date = FALSE)
d <- lnt_asDate(LNToutput@meta$Date)
lnt_checkFiles Check LexisNexis TXT files (deprecated)
Check LexisNexis TXT files (deprecated)
... No functionality as this was deprecated.
lnt_convert 5
lnt_convert Convert LNToutput to other formats
Takes output from lnt_read and converts it to other formats. You can either use lnt_convert() and
choose the output format via to or use the individual functions directly.
lnt_convert(x, to = "rDNA", what = "Articles", collapse = FALSE,
file = "LNT.sqlite", ...)
lnt2rDNA(x, what = "Articles", collapse = TRUE)
lnt2quanteda(x, what = "Articles", collapse = NULL, ...)
lnt2tm(x, what = "Articles", collapse = NULL, ...)
lnt2cptools(x, what = "Articles", collapse = NULL, ...)
lnt2SQLite(x, file = "LNT.sqlite", ...)
xAn object of class LNToutput.
to Which format to convert into. Possible values are "rDNA", "corpustools", "tidy-
text", "tm", "SQLite" and "quanteda".
what Either "Articles" or "Paragraph" to use articles or paragraphs as text in the output
collapse Only has an effect when what = "Articles". If set to TRUE, an empty line
will be added after each paragraphs. Alternatively you can enter a custom string
(such as "\n" for newline). NULL or FALSE turns off this feature.
file The name of the database to be written to (for lnt2SQLite only).
... Passed on to different methods (see details).
lnt_convert() provides conversion methods into several formats commonly used in prominent R
packages for text analysis. Besides the options set here, the ... (ellipsis) is passed on to the individual
methods for tuning the outcome:
rDNA ... not used.
quanteda ... passed on to quanteda::corpus().
corpustools ... passed on to corpustools::create_tcorpus().
tm ... passed on to tm::Corpus().
tidytext ... passed on to tidytext::unnest_tokens().
lnt2SQLite ... passed on to RSQLite::dbWriteTable().
LNToutput <- lnt_read(lnt_sample())
docs <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "rDNA")
corpus <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "quanteda")
dbloc <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "lnt2SQLite")
tCorpus <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "corpustools")
tidy <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "tidytext")
Corpus <- lnt_convert(LNToutput, to = "tm")
lnt_diff Display diff of similar articles
This function is a wrapper for diffPrint. It is intended to help performing a manual assessment of
the difference between highly similar articles identified via lnt_similarity.
lnt_diff(x, min, max, n = 25, output_html = FALSE, ...)
xlnt_sim object as returned by lnt_similarity.
min Minimum value of rel_dist to include in diff.
max Maximum value of rel_dist to include in diff.
nSize of displayed sample.
output_html Set to TRUE to output html code, e.g. to use for knitting an rmarkdown docu-
ment to html. Chunk option must be set to results='asis'in that case.
... Currently not used.
Johannes Gruber
# Test similarity of articles
duplicates.df <- lnt_similarity(LNToutput = lnt_read(lnt_sample()),
threshold = 0.95)
lnt_diff(duplicates.df, min = 0.18, max = 0.30)
lnt_lookup 7
lnt_lookup Lookup keywords in articles
This function looks for the provided pattern in the string or LNToutput object. This can be useful,
for example, to see which of the keywords you used when retrieving the data was used in each
lnt_lookup(x, pattern, case_insensitive = FALSE,
unique_pattern = FALSE, word_boundaries = TRUE, cores = NULL,
verbose = TRUE)
xAn LNToutput object or a string or vector of strings.
pattern A character vector of keywords. Word boundaries before and after the keywords
are honoured. Regular expression can be used.
If FALSE, the pattern matching is case sensitive and if TRUE, case is ignored
during matching.
unique_pattern If TRUE, duplicated mentions of the same pattern are removed.
If TRUE, lookup is performed with word boundaries at beginning and end of the
pattern (i.e., pattern "protest" will not identify "protesters" etc.).
cores The number of CPU cores to use. Use NULL or 1to turn off.
verbose A logical flag indicating whether a status bar is printed to the screen.
If an LNToutput object is provided, the function will look for the pattern in the headlines and
articles. The returned object is a list of hits. If a regular expression is provided, the returned word
will be the actual value from the text.
A list keyword hits.
Johannes Gruber
# Make LNToutput object from sample
LNToutput <- lnt_read(lnt_sample())
# Lookup keywords
LNToutput@meta$Keyword <- lnt_lookup(LNToutput,
"statistical computing")
# Keep only articles which mention the keyword
LNToutput_stat <- LNToutput[!sapply(LNToutput@meta$Keyword, is.null)]
# Covert list of keywords to string
LNToutput@meta$Keyword <- sapply(LNToutput@meta$Keyword, toString)
lnt_read Read in a LexisNexis TXT file
Read a LexisNexis TXT file and convert it to a object of class LNToutput.
lnt_read(x, encoding = "UTF-8", extract_paragraphs = TRUE,
convert_date = TRUE, start_keyword = "auto", end_keyword = "auto",
length_keyword = "^LENGTH: |^LÄNGE: |^LONGUEUR: ",
exclude_lines = "^LOAD-DATE: |^UPDATE: |^GRAFIK: |^GRAPHIC: |^DATELINE: ",
recursive = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)
xName or names of LexisNexis TXT file to be converted.
encoding Encoding to be assumed for input files. Defaults to UTF-8 (the LexisNexis
standard value).
A logical flag indicating if the returned object will include a third data frame
with paragraphs.
convert_date A logical flag indicating if it should be tried to convert the date of each article
into Date format. For non-standard dates provided by LexisNexis it might be
safer to convert dates afterwards (see lnt_asDate).
start_keyword Is used to indicate the beginning of an article. All articles should have the same
number of Beginnings, ends and lengths (which indicate the last line of meta-
data). Use regex expression such as "\d+ of \d+ DOCUMENTS$" (which would
catch e.g., the format "2 of 100 DOCUMENTS") or "auto" to try all common
keywords. Keyword search is case sensitive.
end_keyword Is used to indicate the end of an article. Works the same way as start_keyword.
A common regex would be "^LANGUAGE: " which catches language in all
caps at the beginning of the line (usually the last line of an article).
lnt_rename 9
length_keyword Is used to indicate the end of the metadata. Works the same way as start_keyword
and end_keyword. A common regex would be "^LENGTH: " which catches
length in all caps at the beginning of the line (usually the last line of the meta-
exclude_lines Lines in which these keywords are found are excluded. Set to character() if
you want to turn off this feature.
recursive A logical flag indicating whether subdirectories are searched for more TXT files.
verbose A logical flag indicating whether information should be printed to the screen.
... Additional arguments passed on to lnt_asDate.
The function can produce an LNToutput S4 object with two or three data.frame: meta, containing
all meta information such as date, author and headline and articles, containing just the article ID
and the text of the articles. When extract_paragraphs is set to TRUE, the output contains a third
data.frame, similar to articles but with articles split into paragraphs.
When left to ’auto’, the keywords will use the following defaults, which should be the standard
keywords in all languages used by ’LexisNexis’:
*start_keyword = "\d+ of \d+ DOCUMENTS$| Dokument \d+ von \d+$| Document \d+ de \d+$".
*end_keyword = "^LANGUAGE: |^SPRACHE: |^LANGUE: ".
An LNToutput S4 object consisting of 3 data.frames for metadata, articles and paragraphs.
Johannes B. Gruber
LNToutput <- lnt_read(lnt_sample())
meta.df <- LNToutput@meta
articles.df <- LNToutput@articles
paragraphs.df <- LNToutput@paragraphs
lnt_rename Assign proper names to LexisNexis TXT files
Give proper names to TXT files downloaded from ’LexisNexis’ based on search term and period
retrieved from each file cover page. This information is not always delivered by LexisNexis though.
If the information is not present in the file, new file names will be empty.
lnt_rename(x, encoding = "UTF-8", recursive = FALSE, report = TRUE,
simulate = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
10 lnt_sample
xCan be either a character vector of LexisNexis TXT file name(s), folder name(s)
or can be left blank (see example).
encoding Encoding to be assumed for input files. Defaults to UTF-8 (the LexisNexis
standard value).
recursive A logical flag indicating whether subdirectories are searched for more TXT files.
report A logical flag indicating whether the function will return a report which files
were renamed.
simulate Should the renaming be simulated instead of actually done? This can help pre-
vent accidental renaming of unrelated TXT files which happen to be in the same
directory as the files from ’LexisNexis’.
verbose A logical flag indicating whether information should be printed to the screen.
Warning: This will rename all TXT files in a give folder.
Johannes B. Gruber
# Copy sample file to current wd
# Rename files in current wd and report back if successful
## Not run: report.df <- lnt_rename(recursive = FALSE,
report = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
# Or provide file name(s)
my_files<-list.files(pattern = ".txt", full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
report.df <- lnt_rename(x = my_files,
recursive = FALSE,
report = TRUE)
# Or provide folder name(s)
report.df <- lnt_rename(x = getwd())
lnt_sample Provides a small sample TXT file
Copies a small TXT sample file to the current working directory and returns the location of this
newly created file. The content of the file is made up or copied from Wikipedia since real articles
from LexisNexis fall under copyright laws and can not be shared.
lnt_similarity 11
lnt_sample(overwrite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
overwrite Should sample.TXT be overwritten if found in the current working directory?
verbose Display warning message if file exists in current wd.
A small sample database to test the functions of LexisNexisTools
Johannes Gruber
lnt_similarity Check for highly similar articles.
Check for highly similar articles by comparing all articles published on the same date. This function
implements two measures to test if articles are almost identical. The function textstat_simil, which
compares the word similarity of two given texts; and a relative modification of the generalized
Levenshtein (edit) distance implementation in stringdist. The relative distance is calculated by
dividing the string distance by the number of characters in the longer article (resulting in a minimum
of 0 if articles are exactly alike and 1 if strings are completely different). Using both methods
cancels out the disadvantages of each method: the similarity measure is fast but does not take the
word order into account. Two widely different texts could, therefore, be identified as the same,
if they employ the exact same vocabulary for some reason. The generalized Levenshtein distance
is more accurate but is very computationally demanding, especially if more than two texts are
compared at once.
lnt_similarity(texts, dates, LNToutput, IDs = NULL, threshold = 0.99,
rel_dist = TRUE, length_diff = Inf,
nthread = getOption("sd_num_thread"), max_length = Inf,
verbose = TRUE)
texts Provide texts to check for similarity.
dates Provide corresponding dates, same length as text.
LNToutput Alternatively to providing texts and dates individually, you can provide an LNTout-
put object.
12 lnt_similarity
IDs IDs of articles.
threshold At which threshold of similarity is an article considered a duplicate. Note that
lower threshold values will increase the time to calculate the relative difference
(as more articles are considered).
rel_dist Calculate the relative Levenshtein distance between two articles if set to TRUE
(can take very long). The main difference between the similarity and distance
value is that the distance takes word order into account while similarity employs
the bag of words approach.
length_diff Before calculating the relative distance between articles, the length of the arti-
cles in characters is calculated. If the difference surpasses this value, calculation
is omitted and the distance will set to NA.
nthread Maximum number of threads to use (see stringdist-parallelization).
max_length If the article is too long, calculation of the relative distance can cause R to crash
(see https://github.com/markvanderloo/stringdist/issues/59). To pre-
vent this you can set a maximum length (longer articles will not be evaluated).
verbose A logical flag indicating whether information should be printed to the screen.
A data.table consisting of information about duplicated articles. Articles with a lower similarity than
the threshold will be removed, while all relative distances are still in the returned object. Before
you use the duplicated information to subset your dataset, you should, therefore, filter out results
with a high relative distance (e.g. larger than 0.2).
Johannes B. Gruber
# Copy sample file to current wd
# Convert raw file to LNToutput object
LNToutput <- lnt_read(lnt_sample())
# Test similarity of articles
duplicates.df <- lnt_similarity(texts = LNToutput@articles$Article,
dates = LNToutput@meta$Date,
IDs = LNToutput@articles$ID)
# Remove instances with a high relative distance
duplicates.df <- duplicates.df[duplicates.df$rel_dist < 0.2]
# Create three separate data.frames from cleaned LNToutput object
LNToutput <- LNToutput[!LNToutput@meta$ID %in%
meta.df <- LNToutput@meta
articles.df <- LNToutput@articles
paragraphs.df <- LNToutput@paragraphs
Topic LexisNexis
Topic similarity
lnt2cptools (lnt_convert),5
lnt2quanteda (lnt_convert),5
lnt2rDNA (lnt_convert),5
lnt2SQLite (lnt_convert),5
lnt2tm (lnt_convert),5

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