LunaCM Command Reference Guide
User Manual:
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Page Count: 252 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- PREFACE About the LunaCM Command Reference Guide
- 1 Using LunaCM
- 2 LunaCM commands
- appid
- appid close
- appid info
- appid open
- appid set
- audit
- audit changepw
- audit config
- audit export
- audit import
- audit init
- audit login
- audit logmsg
- audit logout
- audit status
- audit time
- audit verify
- clientconfig
- clientconfig deleteServer
- clientconfig deploy
- clientconfig listservers
- clientconfig restart
- clientconfig verify
- file display
- hagroup
- hagroup addmember
- hagroup addstandby
- hagroup creategroup
- hagroup deletegroup
- hagroup halog
- hagroup haonly
- hagroup listgroups
- hagroup recover
- hagroup recoverymode
- hagroup removemember
- hagroup removestandby
- hagroup retry
- hagroup interval
- hagroup synchronize
- hsm
- hsm changehsmpolicy
- hsm changepw
- hsm changesopolicy
- hsm clear
- hsm clone
- hsm contents
- hsm factoryreset
- hsm init
- hsm login
- hsm logout
- hsm migratepedkey
- hsm monitor
- hsm recoveryinit
- hsm recoverylogin
- hsm reset
- hsm restart
- hsm restoreuser
- hsm restoresim2
- hsm rollbackfw
- hsm setlagacydomain
- hsm showinfo
- hsm showmechanism
- hsm showpolicies
- hsm smkclone
- hsm updatecap
- hsm updatefw
- partition
- partition activate
- partition archive
- partition archive backup
- partition archive contents
- partition archive delete
- partition archive list
- partition archive restore
- partition changepolicy
- partition changepw
- partition clear
- partition clone
- partition contents
- partition create
- partition createchallenge
- partition createuser
- partition deactivate
- partition delete
- partition init
- partition login
- partition logout
- partition recoveryinit
- partition recoverylogin
- partition resetpw
- partition resize
- partition restoresim2
- partition restoresim3
- partition setlegacydomain
- partition showinfo
- partition showmechanism
- partition policyTemplateChange
- partition policyTemplatecreate
- partition policyTemplateDelete
- partition policyTemplateList
- partition policytemplateload
- partition policyTemplateSave
- partition policyTemplateShow
- partition showpolicies
- partition smkclone
- ped
- ped connect
- ped disconnect
- ped get
- ped set
- ped show
- ped vector
- remotebackup start
- role
- role changepw
- role createChallenge
- role deactivate
- role init
- role list
- role login
- role logout
- role recoveryinit
- role recoverylogin
- role resetpw
- role setdomain
- role show
- slot
- slot configset
- slot configshow
- slot list
- slot partitionlist
- slot set
- srk
- srk disable
- srk enable
- srk generate
- srk recover
- srk show
- srk transport
- stc
- stc disable
- stc enable
- stc identitycreate
- stc identitydelete
- stc identityexport
- stc identityshow
- stc partitionderegister
- stc partitionregister
- stc status
- stc tokeninit
- stc tokenlist
- stcconfig
- stcconfig activationtimeoutset
- stcconfig activationtimeoutshow
- stcconfig cipherdisable
- stcconfig cipherenable
- stcconfig ciphershow
- stcconfig clientderegister
- stcconfig clientlist
- stcconfig clientregister
- stcconfig hmacdisable
- stcconfig hmacenable
- stcconfig hmacshow
- stcconfig partitionidexport
- stcconfig partitionidshow
- stcconfig rekeythresholdset
- stcconfig rekeythresholdshow
- stcconfig replaywindowset
- stcconfig replaywindowshow