M1700 FSC3000 Installation Manualx Configuration Manual
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Part Number: M1700, Revision #: 05
Issue Date: January 3, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Installation and Configuration Guide
Page 2 of 134
2011 Delaware Capital Formation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. DOVER and the DOVER logo are registered
trademarks of Delaware Capital Formation, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Dover Corporation.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
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Table of Contents
1!Precautions ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10!
1.1!Codes ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10!
1.2!Warnings ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10!
1.3!Hazardous Areas ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10!
2!Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12!
2.1!Terminology ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12!
2.1.1!FSC3000™ General Terminology ............................................................................................................................................... 12!
2.1.2!PetroLink™-specific Terminology ............................................................................................................................................. 12!
2.2!Technical Specifications ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13!
2.2.1!Fuel Site Controller ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13!
2.2.2!Fuel Island Terminals .................................................................................................................................................................... 14!
2.2.3!Pump Control .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15!
3!Site Installation ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17!
3.1!Warnings ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17!
3.1.1!Enclosure Mounting ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17!
3.2!Preparation of System Conduit and Wiring Requirements ....................................................................................................... 17!
3.2.1!Conduit Sealing .............................................................................................................................................................................. 18!
3.2.2!Petro-Net™ Wiring .......................................................................................................................................................................... 18!
3.2.3!Grounding ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18!
3.2.4!Circuit Breakers ............................................................................................................................................................................... 18!
3.2.5!Pulser Wire ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18!
3.2.6!FIT Conduits ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 18!
3.2.7!FIT Power, Petro-Net™ and HM-485 ......................................................................................................................................... 19!
3.2.8!Integrated FSC3000™ Communication Conduit ................................................................................................................. 20!
3.2.9!Remote PCM/EPC Power, Petro-Net™ and HM-485 ........................................................................................................... 21!
3.2.10!PCM/PCT Pump Control & Pulser (Mechanical Control) Conduit Requirements .................................................. 22!
3.2.11!DPC Pump Control (Electronic Control) Conduit Requirements ................................................................................ 24!
3.2.12!DPC with DTC (Dispenser Terminal Control) ..................................................................................................................... 25!
3.3!System Installation Overview .............................................................................................................................................................. 26!
3.3.1!Typical Installation Diagram of an Integrated FSC3000™ with Mechanical Pump Control ................................. 26!
3.3.2!Typical Installation Diagram of an Integrated FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump Control .................................... 27!
3.3.3!Typical Installation Diagram of a Remote FSC3000™ with Mechanical Pump Control ......................................... 28!
3.3.4!Typical Installation Diagram of a Remote FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump Control ............................................ 29!
3.4!FIT Installation ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 30!
3.5!PCT Installation (for K800™ Hybrid Installations) .......................................................................................................................... 32!
3.5.1!Pump/Dispenser Control Wiring .............................................................................................................................................. 32!
3.5.2!Pump/Dispenser Pulser Wiring ................................................................................................................................................. 33!
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3.6!PCM Installation ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 34!
3.6.1!Installing PCM(s) in a C/OPT™ or FIT500™ Pedestal ........................................................................................................... 34!
3.6.2!Installing PCM(s) in a Remote Enclosure ................................................................................................................................ 35!
3.6.3!Remote PCM Power Wiring ........................................................................................................................................................ 35!
3.7!Universal Pump Control (UPC) Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 37!
3.7.1!Console Compatibility .................................................................................................................................................................. 37!
3.7.2!Petro-Net™ Communication ...................................................................................................................................................... 37!
3.7.3!Console Connections .................................................................................................................................................................... 38!
3.7.4!EPROM Installation ........................................................................................................................................................................ 38!
3.8!Direct Pump Control (DPC) Installation ........................................................................................................................................... 39!
3.8.1!Pump Types ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 39!
3.8.2!Installing DPC Interface in a Remote Enclosure (for Wayne and Gilbarco only) ..................................................... 40!
3.8.3!Installing DPC Interface (EHM) in a Terminal Pedestal (for Wayne and Gilbarco only) ......................................... 42!
3.8.4!DPC Interface Jumper Setup (for Wayne and Gilbarco only) ......................................................................................... 44!
3.8.5!Installing a Remote DPC Interface (for Gasboy® only) ...................................................................................................... 45!
3.8.6!Installing DPC Interface in a Terminal Pedestal (for Gasboy® only) ............................................................................. 46!
3.9!Dispenser Terminal Control (DTC) Installation .............................................................................................................................. 47!
3.9.1!Terminal Types ................................................................................................................................................................................ 47!
3.9.2!Installing DTC in a Remote Enclosure ..................................................................................................................................... 48!
3.10!FSC3000™ Installation .......................................................................................................................................................................... 51!
3.10.1!Integrated FSC3000™ ................................................................................................................................................................. 51!
3.10.2!Remote FSC3000™ ....................................................................................................................................................................... 52!
3.10.3!SIMM Activation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 52!
3.10.4!Wireless Radio Modem Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 52!
!"#$"%!FSC3000™ Access Connections – Methods ........................................................................................................................ 53!
3.10.6!FSC3000™ Access Connections – Baud Rate Setting ...................................................................................................... 54!
3.10.7!FSC3000™ Additional Connections ....................................................................................................................................... 55!
4!System Startup & Testing ................................................................................................................................................................................ 57!
4.1!Startup and Testing ................................................................................................................................................................................. 57!
4.2!K800™ Hybrid Startup/Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 58!
4.2.1!Configuration (DIP Switches & Jumper) ................................................................................................................................. 58!
4.2.2!Power-Up Test ................................................................................................................................................................................ 59!
4.2.3!Display Contrast .............................................................................................................................................................................. 59!
4.2.4!FIT Test Mode ................................................................................................................................................................................... 59!
4.2.5!PCT Testing ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 60!
4.3!C/OPT™ Startup/Configuration ........................................................................................................................................................... 61!
4.3.1!Power-up Test ................................................................................................................................................................................. 61!
4.3.2!Display Contrast .............................................................................................................................................................................. 62!
4.3.3!C/OPT Receipt Printer Option (p/n 20-4339) ........................................................................................................................ 62!
4.3.4!Configuration (Setup/Test Mode) ............................................................................................................................................ 65!
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
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4.4!FIT500™ Startup/Configuration ........................................................................................................................................................... 76!
4.4.1!Power-up Test ................................................................................................................................................................................. 76!
4.4.2!Receipt Printer Paper .................................................................................................................................................................... 76!
4.4.3!FIT500™ Configuration (Setup Mode) ..................................................................................................................................... 77!
4.4.4!Test Mode ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 80!
4.5!PCM Startup/Configuration .................................................................................................................................................................. 82!
4.5.1!Configuration (DIP Switches) ..................................................................................................................................................... 82!
4.5.2!PCM Testing ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 85!
4.6!UPC Startup/Configuration .................................................................................................................................................................. 86!
4.6.1!Configuration (DIP, Toggle Switches, Consoles) ................................................................................................................. 86!
4.7!DPC Startup/Configuration .................................................................................................................................................................. 90!
4.8!FSC3000™ Configuration and Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 91!
4.8.1!Cold Start ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 91!
4.8.2!Forced Cold Start ............................................................................................................................................................................ 91!
4.8.3!Configuration ................................................................................................................................................................................... 91!
4.8.4!FSC3000™ Ethernet Port Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 91!
4.8.5!Bluetooth®, WiFi, Cell Modem Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 93!
4.8.6!USB Memory Key Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 94!
4.8.7!Journal Printer Setup .................................................................................................................................................................... 96!
4.8.8!System Testing ................................................................................................................................................................................ 97!
5!PetroLink™ Fuel Control System ................................................................................................................................................................. 102!
5.1!System Technical Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................... 102!
5.2!PetroLink™ Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................ 103!
5.2.1!PetroLink™ System Overview using Mechanical Handle Monitor .............................................................................. 104!
5.2.2!PetroLink™ System Overview using Electronic Handle Monitor ................................................................................. 104!
5.3!PetroLink™ Installation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 105!
5.3.1!Typical Installation Diagram with Integrated FSC3000™ with Mechanical Pump Control and PetroLink™ 105!
5.3.2!Typical Installation Diagram with Integrated FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump Control and PetroLink™ ... 106!
5.3.3!Typical Installation Diagram with Remote FSC3000™ with Mechanical Pump Control and PetroLink™ ..... 107!
5.3.4!Typical Installation Diagram with Remote FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump Control and PetroLink™ ........ 108!
5.3.5!Wiring Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................. 109!
5.3.6!WCU Installation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 110!
5.3.7!ePC and Handle Monitor Installation .................................................................................................................................... 112!
5.3.8!Mechanical Handle Monitor (MHM) Installation Methods ............................................................................................ 113!
5.3.9!DPC/EHM Installation Methods ............................................................................................................................................... 117!
5.3.10!PetroLink™ Component Wiring ............................................................................................................................................ 118!
5.3.11!Nozzle Reader Installation ...................................................................................................................................................... 118!
5.4!PetroLink™ Startup/Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 119!
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5.4.1!PPI Configuration - Launch PPI Setup ................................................................................................................................... 120!
5.4.2!AVI Configuration - Launch AVI Manager Service ............................................................................................................ 122!
6!System Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 132!
6.1!FSC3000™ (Remote Only) .................................................................................................................................................................... 132!
6.2!K800™ Hybrid, C/OPT™, FIT500™ Terminals .................................................................................................................................. 132!
6.3!Remote PCM/EPC ................................................................................................................................................................................... 133!
6.4!PetroLink™ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 133!
6.5!Journal Printer ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 133!
7!Index ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 134!
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 7 of 134
Table of Figures
Figure 1-1 Gasoline Dispensers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 1-2 Gasoline Dispensers (high hose) .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1-3 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Dispensers ............................................................................................................................................................... 11!
Figure 2-1 Integrated FSC3000™ ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13!
Figure 2-2 Remote FSC3000™ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13!
Figure 3-1 Conduit Sealing .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 3-2 Terminal .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 3-3 Terminal (shared conduit) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 3-4 Integrated FSC3000™ Communication Conduit ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-5 Remote PCM .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3-6 Remote PCM (shared conduit) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 3-7 FIT (K800™ Hybrid) PCT/PCM ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-8 FIT (K800™ Hybrid) PCT/PCM (shared conduit) ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-9 Remote PCM .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-10 Remote PCM (shared conduit) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 22!
Figure 3-11 FIT DPC (direct) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3-12 Remote DPC (direct) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3-13 Remote DPC (D-BOX) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3-14 Remote DPC (direct) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-15 Remote DPC (D-BOX) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-16 Remote DPC with DTC (direct) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-17 Remote DPC with DTC (D-BOX).................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-18 Integrated FSC with Mechanical Pump Control ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 3-19 Integrated FSC with Electronic Pump Control ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 3-20 Remote FSC with Mechanical Pump Control .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-21 Remote FSC with Electronic Pump Control ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 3-22 K800™ Hybrid ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3-23 C/OPT™ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 3-24 FIT500™ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 3-25 K800™ Hybrid ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 3-26 C/OPT™ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 3-27 FIT500™ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 3-28 PCT Pump Wiring .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 3-29 Self-contained Pump, Power Reset ............................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 3-30 Dispenser, Power Reset ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 3-31 Wire Passive Veeder-Root Pulser ................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 3-32 Wire Active Veeder-Root Pulser ................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 3-33 PCM Locations .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 3-34 C/OPT™ PCM Pedestal Mounting ................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 3-35 PCM Connection Wiring ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
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Figure 3-36 PCM Remote Enclosure ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 3-37 PCM Master ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-38 PCM Slave ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 3-39 Self-contained Pump, Power Reset ............................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Figure 3-40 Dispenser, Power Reset ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-41 Veeder-Root Pulser Wiring ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 3-42 EPROM Installation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38!
Figure 3-43 DPC Remote Enclosure ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 3-44 DPC Connections .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 3-45 DPC Installation in Pedestal ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 42!
Figure 3-46 DPC Installation in Pedestal ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3-47 Jumper Settings ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44!
Figure 3-48 DTC Remote Enclosure .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 3-49 CRAD Connections ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 3-50 Installing FSC3000™ in K800™ Hybrid ........................................................................................................................................................................ 51!
Figure 3-51 Installing FSC3000™ in C/OPT™ .................................................................................................................................................................................... 51!
Figure 3-52 Installing FSC300™ in FIT500™ ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 51!
Figure 3-53 SIMM Battery Strip ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 3-54 Wireless Petro-Net™ Modem ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 52!
Figure 3-55 Wireless Antenna .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 54!
Figure 3-56 Switch 1 Baud Rate Settings .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 54!
Figure 3-57 FSC3000™ Port Connections ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 3-58 Petro-Net™ Connection .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55!
Figure 3-59 Journal Printer Connection ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 3-60 Network Modem Connection ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3-61 IP Gateway Connection ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 4-1 K800™ Hybrid Switch 1 Setting ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 4-2 Relay Settings ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 60!
Figure 4-3 Verify C/OPT™ Connection ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 4-4 C/OPT™ Receipt Printer Assembly ................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 4-5 Printer Data and Power Cable Connections to PV343 Board ............................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 4-6 Paper Loading Instruction (Printer Top View) ........................................................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 4-7 Printer Release Level (Printer Side View) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 4-8 Verify FIT500™ Connections ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Figure 4-9 PCM Master/Slave Boards ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Figure 4-10 Master PCM Board LEDs .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 4-11 Master PCM Board LEDs .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 85
Figure 4-12 Slave PCM Board LEDs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 4-13 UPC Board ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 86!
Figure 4-14 Digiserve.exe Window ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 92!
Figure 5-1 Remote ePC ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 5-2 Redestal-mounted ePC .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 5-3 Remote ePC (outside) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 5-4 WCU Wiring .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110!
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 9 of 134
Figure 5-5 WCU Communication Range ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 111!
Figure 5-6 ePC with MHM in Remote Cabinet .............................................................................................................................................................................. 112
Figure 5-7 ePC with DPC/EHM in Remote Cabinet ..................................................................................................................................................................... 112
Figure 5-8 ePC with MHM in Pedestal ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 112
Figure 5-9 Remote Enclosure .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 113!
Figure 5-10 MHM Wire Conduit ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 113!
Figure 5-11 MHM Functional Diagram ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 114
Figure 5-12 MHM in Remote Enclosure .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 5-13 MHM in Pedestal .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 115
Figure 5-14 DPC/EHM (left) with ePC (right) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 117
Figure 5-15 Nozzle Reader ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 118
Figure 5-16 Nozzle Insulator ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 118
Figure 5-17 Nozzle Reader & Insulator Installed on Nozzle ..................................................................................................................................................... 118
Figure 5-18 Nozzle Reader Install Step 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 118
Figure 5-19 Nozzle Reader Install Step 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 118
Figure 5-20 Nozzle Reader Install Step 3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 118
Figure 5-21 ePC Board with Ethernet Adapter Cable ................................................................................................................................................................. 119
Figure 5-22 Remote Desktop Connection ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Figure 5-23 Configuration Screen ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 123!
Figure 5-24 System Configuration .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 124!
Figure 5-25 IP Address/Serial Number Location .......................................................................................................................................................................... 125!
Figure 5-26 Adding a WCU .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 125!
Figure 5-27 WCU Status Bar ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 126
Figure 5-28 Second WCU Added ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 126
Figure 5-29 WCU Setting Options ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 127
Figure 5-30 WCU Device Properties ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 127
Figure 5-31 Adding a Reader .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 128!
Figure 5-32 Nozzle Reader Status Bar .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 128
Figure 5-33 Scanning Readers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 128!
Figure 5-34 Adding Additional Nozzle Readers ........................................................................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 5-35 Two Nozzle Readers Linked to One WCU ............................................................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 5-36 Reading Settings ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 130
Figure 5-37 System Drivers .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 130
Figure 5-38 Load System Drivers ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Figure 5-39 Confirm Driver File Location ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 130!
Figure 5-42 AVI Technician Screen ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 131
Figure 5-43 Changing the IP Address .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 131
Figure 5-44 Log Reporter Settings .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 131!
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1 Precautions
1.1 Codes
FCC Compliance
This device [the FSC3000™] complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
1.2 Warnings
This manual contains many important warnings. Do not ignore these warnings! Failure to comply with the
warnings may create conditions dangerous to personnel and/or equipment.
Do not mount your system site controller, or any other electrical part of the system, including printers and
modems, within or above the defined "hazardous" areas.
1.3 Hazardous Areas
Installation Codes & Hazardous Areas
Any fuel dispenser is a hazardous area as defined in the National Electrical Code. Installation must be in
accordance with the following:
• National Electrical Code NFPA No.70
• Automotive and Marine Service Station Code (NFPA No. 30A)
The installer is responsible to investigate and follow any local codes.
OPW-FMS Fuel Control Systems are listed for use in a non-classified area. All of the equipment must be
installed outside of the hazardous areas.
Local codes may dictate specific installation requirements. Installation is subject to approval by the local authority
having jurisdiction at the site.
OPW Terminals are designed to be installed above the hazardous area when using the terminal’s
associated pedestal.
Figure 1-1 Gasoline Dispensers Figure 1-2 Gasoline Dispensers (high hose)
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 11 of 134
Figure 1-3 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Dispensers
The pedestal may be mounted in the hazardous area. When the pedestal is equipped with a knockout plate, such as
with the C/OPT™ and FIT500™, this plate must be above the hazardous area. All pedestal conduit seal-offs must be
above the hazardous area. Any unused knockout holes that have been removed must be sealed.
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2 Introduction
This manual discusses the installation and configuration of three Fuel Control Systems: the K800™ Hybrid, the
C/OPT™ and the FIT500™, as well as optional features that may have been purchased with your system.
Additionally, this manual discusses the installation and configuration of the optional PetroLink™ system, which
may or may not be integrated into any of these Fuel Control Systems. All of these systems use the FSC3000™ to
control the system operation. The FSC3000™ may be housed in its own enclosure or may be located inside any of
the Fuel Island Terminals.
2.1 Terminology
Identifies terms assigned to specific components and functions within the Fuel Control System.
2.1.1 FSC3000™ General Terminology
Fuel Site Controller (FSC) - Hardware/firmware used to control the fueling system.
Fuel Island Terminal (FIT) - Generic term we use to describe one of the three types of terminals the
FSC3000™-based fuel-management system can interface to. Every FSC3000™ requires at least one
terminal except when the system is equipped with the PetroLink™ option. Though PetroLink™ does not
require a terminal, it is recommended for backup if the PetroLink™ option is down and/or some vehicles
are not equipped with PetroLink™ hardware.
There are currently three types of fuel island terminals:
• K800™ Hybrid
• C/OPT™ (Commercial Outdoor Payment Terminal)
• FIT500™
Pump Control Terminal (PCT) - Hardware used to control mechanical pumps via pump relay board.
Pump Control Module (PCM) - Hardware used to control mechanical pumps.
Universal Pump Controller (UPC) - Hardware that allows the FSC3000™-based fuel-management
system to control electronic pumps by using a pump manufacturer’s console or pump controller.
Direct Pump Control (DPC) - Hardware that allows the FSC3000™-based fuel-management system to
control electronic pumps directly using the pump manufacturer’s pump protocol.
Dispenser Terminal Controller (DTC) - Hardware that emulates the FIT for each fueling position
connected to the system by utilizing the dispenser's built-in card terminal in lieu of a FIT, but can only be
used in remote applications.
Petro-Net - RS-485 (2-wire twisted pair) communication wires used to connect main components
2.1.2 PetroLink™-specific Terminology
Embedded PC (ePC) - Hardware/software that provides PetroLink™ functionality to the FSC3000™-based
fuel-management system.
Wireless Communication Unit (WCU) - Hardware that provides the wireless functionality for
Mechanical Handle Monitor (MHM) - Hardware used to inform PetroLink™ when a fueling handle is
HM-485 - RS-485 (2-wire twisted pair) communication wires used only to connect the ePC to the MHM.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
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2.2 Technical Specifications
Details the technical specifications (i.e., dimensions, operating temperature range, power and wiring
requirements) of the fuel site controller, fuel site terminal, mechanical pump control and electronic pump control.
2.2.1 Fuel Site Controller
The FSC3000™ Fuel Site Controller may be housed in its own enclosure or located inside a FIT. See below
for images of an integrated FSC verses a remote FSC.
Figure 2-1 Integrated FSC3000™
Figure 2-2 Remote FSC3000™
Remote FSC3000™
Integrated FSC3000™
Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D)
2-7/8" x 10" x 8-1/8"
(7.3 cm x 25.4 cm x 20.6 cm)
See specific FIT specifications
Power Requirements
85-265 VAC, 50/60 Hz; 1A @ 115
VAC; 0.7 A @ 230 VAC
See specific FIT specifications
Operating Temperature Range
32°F - 122°F (0°C – 50°C)
See specific FIT specifications
8 RJ-45 (RS-232) Maximum Length
50' (15.2 m)
50' (15.2 m)
1 DIN (RS-485) (Petro-Net™) Max. Length
5,000' (1,524 m)
5,000' (1,524 m)
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2.2.2 Fuel Island Terminals
The FSC3000™-based fuel-management system has three types of Fuel Island Terminals available:
K800™ Hybrid
Cabinet Dimensions
12" H x 13" W x 12" D
(30.5 cm x 33 cm x 30.5 cm)
19" H x 16" W x 12" D
(48.3 cm x 40.6 cm x 30.5
19" H x 16" W x 12" D
(48.3 cm x 40.6 cm x 30.5
Pedestal Dimensions
50" H x 12-1/2" W x 6-5/8" D
(127 cm x 31.8 cm x 16.8 cm)
48" H x 14" W x 8" D
(121.9 cm x 35.6 cm x 20.3
42" H x 17-1/2" W x 9" D
(106.7 cm x 44.5 cm x 22.9
Power Requirements
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz
200 W maximum
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz
200 W maximum
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz
250 W maximum
Operating Temp. Range
-40°F - 122°F (-40°C - 50°C)
-40°F - 122°F (-40°C - 50°C)
-40°F - 122°F (-40°C - 50°C)
Magnetic Card Reader
ChipKey® Reader
Prox. Card/Key Reader
Dual Readers
Text Display
OPT - Deduct
Graphics Display
STD (5” Monochrome)
STD (10” Color)
User Definable Images
Receipt Printer
Alphanumeric Entry
Single key
Wireless Communication
Enclosure and Pedestal
Painted steel
Painted steel
Stainless steel
Internal FSC
Internal Pump Control
OPT (Up to 4 hoses/FIT)
OPT (Up to 8 hoses/FIT)
OPT (Up to 8 hoses/FIT)
Optional items may require additional cost.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 15 of 134
2.2.3 Pump Control
The FSC3000™-based fuel-management system provides various methods for controlling fuel dispensers.
Mechanical Pump Control
The FSC3000™-based fuel-management system has two types of mechanical pump control:
K800™ Hybrid PCT (Pump Control Terminal) allows control of mechanical pumps by using up to two
(2) hose kits (four (4) fueling points) for each FIT board.
• This option is only available if K800™ Hybrid terminals are used
PCM (Pump Control Module) is a stand-alone board that can be mounted into a C/OPT™ or FIT500™
pedestal, or otherwise mounted into a remote PCM box.
• A remote PCM enclosure can contain one master and one slave PCM to control up to four
mechanical dispensers
• The enclosure is weatherproof and suitable for mounting outdoors
• C/OPT™ and FIT500™ terminals can support two master/slave PCMs for a total of eight (8)
fueling points
K800™ Hybrid PCT
Pedestal-mounted PCM
Remote PCM
Cabinet Dimensions
(H x W x D)
See K800™ Hybrid
FIT specifications
See C/OPT™ or FIT500™
FIT specifications
10" x 12-1/2" x 5-11/16"
(25.4 cm x 31.8 cm x 14.4 cm)
Power Requirements
See K800™ Hybrid
FIT specifications
See C/OPT™ or FIT500™
FIT specifications
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz;
1.0/.06 A
Temperature Range
See K800™ Hybrid
FIT specifications
See C/OPT™ or FIT500 ™
FIT specifications
-40°F - 122°F (-40°C - 50°C)
Relay Contact Rating
240 VAC; 20 A; 3/4 HP
240 VAC; 20 A; 3/4 HP
240 VAC; 20 A; 3/4 HP
“In-Use” Detection
Current Sense (100 mA)
Voltage Sense 120-240 V or
Handle Sense
Voltage Sense 120-240 V or
Handle Sense
Pulser Type
Single Channel
Single Channel
Single Channel
Pulser Output
Mechanical (contact)
Electronic (5-12 VDC)
Mechanical (contact)
Electronic (5-12 VDC)
Mechanical (contact)
Electronic (5-12 VDC)
Pulser Divide Rate
1:1 – 1000:1
1 pulse increments
1:1 – 1000:1
1 pulse increments
1:1 – 1000:1
1 pulse increments
Max. Pulse Speed
(50% duty cycle)
6,000 Mechanical
100,000 Electronic
6,000 Mechanical
100,000 Electronic
6,000 Mechanical
100,000 Electronic
Page 16 of 134
Electronic Pump Control
The FSC3000™-based fuel-management system has two types of electronic pump control:
DPC (Direct Pump Control) allows the FSC3000™ to directly control electronic pumps using the
manufacturer’s dispenser protocol.
UPC (Universal Pump Control) allows the FSC3000™ to control pumps by the manufacturer’s
console/pump controller box (PIB, PAM or DHC).
Pedestal-mounted DPC
Remote DPC
Cabinet Dimensions
(H x W x D)
See C/OPT™ or FIT500™
FIT specifications
10" x 12-1/2" x 5-11/16"
(25.4 cm x 31.8 cm x 14.4 cm)
Power Requirements
115 VAC; 50/60 Hz; xxA
See C/OPT™ or FIT500™
FIT specifications
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz;
1.0/.06 A
Temperature Range
32°F - 122°F (0°C - 50°C)
See C/OPT™ or FIT500™
FIT specifications
-40°F - 122°F (-40°C - 50°C)
Gilbarco Pumps
Wayne Pumps
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 17 of 134
3 Site Installation
The installation instructions in this manual describe typical site installations. Due to the flexibility of the system
and the unique nature of every site, it is not possible to show every possible installation scenario. However, for
every installation local codes and regulations must be observed.
Local codes may dictate specific installation requirements. Installation is subject to approval by the local authority
having jurisdiction at the site.
The system installation instructions are the same for all FSC3000™-based K800™ Hybrid, C/OPT™ and FIT500™
systems. Specific differences between the systems are noted within the text.
The term FIT is used generically to describe any of the Fuel Island Terminals from these systems.
Installation of an Integrated FSC3000™ (an FSC3000™ mounted in the FIT) has separate typical installation diagrams
than of a Remote FSC3000™. Follow the diagram that applies to your system.
3.1 Warnings
This manual contains many important warnings. Do not ignore these warnings! Failure to comply with the
warnings may create conditions dangerous to personnel and/or equipment.
Do not mount your system site controller, or any other electrical part of the system, including printers and
modems, within or above the defined "hazardous" areas.
The pedestal may be mounted in the hazardous area. When the pedestal is equipped with a knockout plate, such as
in the C/OPT™ and FIT500™, this plate must be above the hazardous area. All pedestal conduit seal-offs must be
above the hazardous area. Any unused knockout holes that have been removed must be sealed.
3.1.1 Enclosure Mounting
Knockouts and mounting means are provided for all cabinetry. Do not drill holes in any of the enclosures.
Doing so would violate the safety listing of the system.
3.2 Preparation of System Conduit and Wiring Requirements
All wiring and conduit runs must also conform to the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70), Automotive and Marine
Service Station Code (NFPA 30A), and all national, state and local codes.
All wiring from the building out to the Fuel Islands must be installed in threaded, rigid, metal conduit and have
required seal-offs. AC and DC power wires may share conduit, providing they meet the Petro-Net™ wiring
specified; otherwise AC and DC power wires must be installed in separate conduits.
Page 18 of 134
3.2.1 Conduit Sealing
Conduit entering the hazardous area must have a
seal-off installed 18 inches above grade to prevent
liquid or fumes from entering the area.
Shielded cable is not vapor-tight! When running shielded
cable through a seal-off, strip the cable jacket back so about
three (3) inches of jacketed cable protrudes past each seal-
off. Do not damage the shield wire! Stripped section must be
in the sealed-off area.
3.2.2 Petro-Net™ Wiring
The FITs, PCMs, FSC3000™ and other devices
communicate using an RS-485 protocol called Petro-Net™. Petro-Net™ wiring is a twisted-pair of 18 AWG
wires that must be twisted together to provide immunity to electrical noise. You can order Petro-Net™
from OPW as part number 12-1029.
Petro-Net™ wiring can run a maximum of 5,000' (1,524 m).
Even though Petro-Net™, HM Petro-Net™, WCU Ethernet and WCU power are low-voltage wiring, they are not
intrinsically safe wiring; therefore they should never be installed with any intrinsically safe wiring.
3.2.3 Grounding
OPW Fuel Management Systems incorporates internal noise-suppression circuitry. To ensure proper
operation of the equipment and provide necessary safety, all devices of the OPW system must be
grounded. A ground wire (per local code) must be connected between the device’s ground terminal and
the main electrical service panel. One earth ground connection is required per OPW device. The
FSC3000™ should be connected to the grounded outlet from the same main electrical service panel. Do
not rely on the conduit to provide ground connections.
3.2.4 Circuit Breakers
Power to the FITs and all system hardware (FSC3000™, Journal Printer, etc.) must be supplied from
dedicated circuit breakers. No other equipment should be powered from these breakers, including the
pumps that are being controlled. The AC power for the FITs may be grouped together for multiple units.
It is recommended that no more than eight (8) FITs be supplied from one breaker.
3.2.5 Pulser Wire
For mechanical pump installations, pulser wires must meet the pulser manufacturer’s wire requirements
when installed in separate conduit from the pump-control wires. If installed in the same conduit as the
pump-control wires, then the wire must be UL-style 2567 or equivalent. You can order Shielded Pulser
Cable from OPW as part number 12-1025 (two-conductor) or 12-1026 (four-conductor).
3.2.6 FIT Conduits
All FIT Conduits from the seal-off must be stubbed to the bottom of the K800™ Hybrid FIT enclosure or
the pedestal conduit plate of the C/OPT™ and FIT500™ pedestal.
Figure 3-1 Conduit Sealing
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Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 19 of 134
3.2.7 FIT Power, Petro-Net™ and HM-485
Figure 3-2 Terminal Figure 3-3 Terminal (shared conduit)
Terminal Power Conduit
This conduit should run from the main circuit panel to each FIT and may be looped from terminal to
terminal. This conduit should only contain the Terminal Feed, Terminal Neutral and Ground wires, with
the exceptions noted below:
Wire Requirements
Terminal Feed
Minimum #14 AWG Stranded (Black) – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
Terminal Neutral
Minimum #14 AWG Stranded (White) – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
Terminal Ground
Minimum #14 AWG Stranded (Green) – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
Petro-Net™ (RS-
Two (2) #18 AWG twisted (10 per ft) pair – 600 V-rated – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet
Two (2) #18 AWG twisted (10 per ft) pair – 600 V-rated – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet
Terminal Petro-Net™ Communication Conduit
This conduit is required when you use RS-485 Communication wire that doesn’t meet requirements to
be installed in the Terminal Power Conduit, or you choose to have separate conduit. This conduit should
run from where the Petro-Net™ junction box is mounted to each terminal. This conduit may be looped
from terminal to terminal.
Required Wires
Wire Requirements
Petro-Net™ (RS-485)
Two (2) #18 AWG twisted (10 per ft) pair – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
Two (2) #18 AWG twisted (10 per ft) pair – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
Page 20 of 134
3.2.8 Integrated FSC3000™ Communication Conduit
This conduit is required when you use a FIT with an integrated FSC3000™ controller. This conduit will
provide access for a phone line or Ethernet connection [300' (91.4 m) max.], or Serial Cable [50' (15.2 m)
max.] to access the FSC3000™.
This conduit is not required when using stand-alone FSC3000™
or wireless communications.
Wire Requirements
Serial Cable
50' (15.2 m)
Ethernet Cable
300' (91.4 m) may be extended with repeaters
Figure 3-4 Integrated FSC3000 Communication
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 21 of 134
3.2.9 Remote PCM/EPC Power, Petro-Net™ and HM-485
Figure 3-5 Remote PCM Figure 3-6 Remote PCM (shared conduit)
Remote PCM Power Conduit
This conduit should run from the main circuit panel to each Remote PCM and may be looped from PCM
to PCM. This conduit should only contain the PCM Feed, PCM Neutral and Ground wires, with the
exceptions noted below:
Wire Requirements
PCM Feed
Minimum #14 AWG Stranded (Black) – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
PCM Neutral
Minimum #14 AWG Stranded (White) – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
PCM Ground
Minimum #14 AWG Stranded (Green) – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
Petro-Net™ (RS-
Two (2) #18 AWG twisted (10 per ft) pair – 600 V-rated – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
Two (2)#18 AWG twisted (10 per ft) pair – 600 V-rated – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
*Petro-Net™ communications wire may share Remote PCM Power conduit when the Petro-Net™ cable voltage–
insulation is rated 600 V.
Page 22 of 134
Remote PCM Petro-Net™ Communication Conduit
This conduit is required when you use RS-485 Communication wire that doesn’t meet requirements to
be installed in the Remote PCM Power Conduit or you choose to have separate conduit. This conduit
should run from the Petro-Net™ junction box to each PCM. This conduit may be looped from Remote
PCM to Remote PCM.
Wire Requirements
Petro-Net™ (RS-485)*
Two (2) #18 AWG twisted (10 per ft) pair – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
Two (2) #18 AWG twisted (10 per ft) pair – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations
3.2.10 PCM/PCT Pump Control & Pulser (Mechanical Control) Conduit Requirements
Figure 3-7 FIT (K800™ Hybrid) PCT/PCM Figure 3-8 FIT (K800™ Hybrid) PCT/PCM (shared conduit)
Figure 3-9 Remote PCM Figure 3-10 Remote PCM (shared conduit)
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 23 of 134
Pump Control Conduit(s)
This conduit should run from the FIT pedestal and Remote PCM to the pump junction box. This conduit
should only contain the Pump Control wires with the exceptions noted below. Wires required are per
fueling point; if the conduit is running to two double-sided fuel pumps then four times the wire is
required as shown below.
K800 Hybrid PCT
Wires (per fueling point)
Wire Requirements
Pump Control
Four (4) wires - must meet pump manufacturer’s specification for pump
being controlled
Pulser Wire*
Two- or four-wire cable shielded– 600 V-rated – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet
Locations UL-style 2567
Wires (per fueling point)
Wire Requirements
Pump Control
Six (6) wires – must meet pump manufacturer’s specification for pump
being controlled
Pulser Wire*
Two- or four-wire cable shielded– 600 V-rated – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet
Locations UL-style 2567
* Pump Pulser Wires may share Pump Control Conduit when they meet the specified requirements.
Pump Pulser Conduit(s)
This conduit is dedicated to bring the pump pulser wires from the pump junction box to the Terminal
Pedestal and/or Remote PCM box. Wires required are per fueling point; if conduit is running to two
double-sided fuel pumps then four times the wire is required as shown below:
Wires (per fueling point)
Wire Requirements
Pulser Wire
Two- or four-wire cable (shielded recommended, but not required)
Page 24 of 134
3.2.11 DPC Pump Control (Electronic Control) Conduit Requirements
This conduit should run from the FIT pedestal or Remote DPC to the pump junction box. This conduit
should only contain the Pump Control wires with the exception noted below. Wires required are per
dispenser; if conduit is running to two double-sided fuel pumps then two times the wire is required as
shown below:
Wires (per fueling point)
Wire Requirements
Pump Control*
Two wires – must meet pump manufacturer’s specification for the
controlled pump
*When using Manufacturer’s D-BOX only two wires need to be pulled to D-BOX for all pumps.
For Four (4) or Less Dispensers
Figure 3-11 FIT DPC (direct) Figure 3-12 Remote DPC (direct)
For More Than Four (4) Dispensers
Figure 3-13 Remote DPC (D-BOX)
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 25 of 134
3.2.12 DPC with DTC (Dispenser Terminal Control)
DTC (dispenser terminal control) is an upgrade option to DPC (direct pump control). However, it is only
available for remote FSC3000 applications and cannot be pedestal-mounted.
Depending upon the type of dispenser (Wayne or Gilbarco) installation may vary. Wayne DTC is installed
in the same cabinet as the DPC board. Meanwhile, Gilbarco DTC requires additional hardware and is
installed in a separate enclosure.
Wayne DTC
For Four (4) or Less Dispensers For More than Four (4) Dispensers
Figure 3-14 Remote DPC w/ DTC (direct) Figure 3-15 Remote DPC w/ DTC (D-Box)
Gilbarco DTC
For Four (4) or Less Dispensers For More than Four (4) Dispensers
Figure 3-16 Remote DPC with DTC (direct) Figure 3-17 Remote DPC with DTC (D-Box)
Page 26 of 134
3.3 System Installation Overview
The four typical installation diagrams below show the different wiring and conduit for an integrated FSC3000™
with mechanical or electrical pump control and for a remote FSC3000™ with mechanical or electrical pump
control. Review the installation diagram that matches one's purchased system.
3.3.1 Typical Installation Diagram of an Integrated FSC3000™ with Mechanical
Pump Control
Figure 3-18 Integrated FSC with Mechanical Pump Control
Regarding Pump and System Power: depending on conditions at the site, some installations may require
shielded power cable to prevent excessive electrical noise from affecting proper system installation.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 27 of 134
3.3.2 Typical Installation Diagram of an Integrated FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump
Figure 3-19 Integrated FSC with Electronic Pump Control
Regarding Pump and System Power: depending on conditions at the site, some installations may require
shielded power cable to prevent excessive electrical noise from affecting proper system installation.
Page 28 of 134
3.3.3 Typical Installation Diagram of a Remote FSC3000™ with Mechanical Pump
Figure 3-20 Remote FSC with Mechanical Pump Control
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Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 29 of 134
3.3.4 Typical Installation Diagram of a Remote FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump
Figure 3-21 Remote FSC with Electronic Pump Control
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3.4 FIT Installation
Install your FIT a minimum of 18" (45.7 cm) from the nearest conventional pump or
dispenser or a minimum of 18" (45.7 cm) from the nearest overhead pump or dispenser.
FIT Conduit Installation
All conduits in the FIT pedestal should terminate at a point 18" (45.7 cm) above the ground into a seal-
off. Install the following half-inch (1/2”) or three-quarter-inch (3/4”) rigid steel conduits, as applicable, to
the area where the FIT pedestal will be located:
• To the FIT power source
• To other FITs or External FSC for Petro-Net™ communications
• To the remote communication access panel for phone line(s), Ethernet
• To the antenna for wireless modem, cellular modem, etc.
• To each mechanical pump or dispenser for control and pulser wires (for Internal PCM only)
Please refer to the appropriate pedestal diagram installations below:
Figure 3-22 K800™ Hybrid Figure 3-23 C/OPT™ Figure 3-24 FIT500™
FIT Pedestal and Enclosure Mounting
1. Remove the access panel from the pedestal. The K800™ Hybrid and C/OPT™ panels are held on
with screws. The FIT500™ panel slides up and out.
2. Install four (4) 3/8” threaded studs in the ground.
3. Install Pedestal base plates (K800™ and C/OPT™ only) atop the four (4) studs.
4. Set the FIT pedestal atop the four (4) studs.
5. Secure the pedestal to the studs with the four (4) nuts and lock washers.
6. Set the FIT enclosure atop the pedestal.
7. Secure the FIT enclosure tightly to the pedestal with the supplied bolts and washers.
FIT Flex Conduit Installation
8. Remove knockouts from the base of the FIT enclosure.
9. Install Flex Conduit from the rigid conduit to the knockouts in the FIT enclosure (K800™ Hybrid)
or pedestal conduit plate (C/OPT™ and FIT500™ pedestals).
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 31 of 134
Any unused knockout holes that have been removed must be sealed to meet NEC compliance codes.
FIT Power and Communication Wiring
10. Pull three (3) #14 AWG wires (green, black and white) from a dedicated circuit breaker to supply
power to the FIT(s).
Petro-Net™ communication to other FIT(s) should also be pulled in this conduit.
11. Connect power and neutral wires to the power connection terminal block marked “LINE” (or “L”)
and “NEUTRAL” (or “N”). Connect the ground to the wire to the terminal labeled “GROUND” (or
Petro-Net™ communication wires can share the conduit with the power wiring provided the wires have the same
voltage-insulation rating as the power wires.
12. Connect the Petro-Net™ wires to the communication terminal block. Polarity must be observed.
Attach all (1) terminals together and all (2) terminals together.
Petro-Net™ is connected internally on integrated units. There is no need to connect to the Petro-Net™ terminal
block unless there are additional FITs or other devices to connect.
Power & Petro-Net™
Figure 3-25 K800™ Hybrid Figure 3-26 FIT500™
Figure 3-27 C/OPT™
Page 32 of 134
3.5 PCT Installation (for K800™ Hybrid Installations)
The K800™ Hybrid PCT is supplied with noise suppressors that must be installed across each
solenoid valve and/or motor contactor. Failure to do so can cause erratic system operation
caused by the electrical noise generated by the coils in these devices.
3.5.1 Pump/Dispenser Control Wiring
Wire the pump-control wires to the corresponding pump position on the PV240 Pump Relay Board.
Use one of the two typical PCT Pump Wiring diagrams below based on the type of suction pump or
Figure 3-29 Self-contained Pump, Power Reset Figure 3-30 Dispenser, Power Reset
Pulser Signal
Pulser Cable Shield Ground
Pulser Common
Pulser Power 12 V
Pump Position #1
Auxiliary (reset control)
3 & 4
Current Sense (100 mA) (motor/solenoid control)
1 & 2
Figure 3-28 PCT Pump Wiring
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
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Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 33 of 134
3.5.2 Pump/Dispenser Pulser Wiring
There are two types of pulsers: active (voltage-producing) or passive (no voltage produced).
The following diagrams show typical connections for both types of pulsers:
Figure 3-31 Wire Passive Veeder-Root Pulser
Figure 3-32 Wire Active Veeder-Root Pulser
Page 34 of 134
3.6 PCM Installation
The PCMs may be installed in the C/OPT™, FIT500™ or in the remote PCM cabinet.
Figure 3-33 PCM Locations
Choose the appropriate section in the pages that follow:
3.6.1 Installing PCM(s) in a C/OPT™ or FIT500™ Pedestal
C/OPT™ Pedestal Mounting
• Mount the PCM Master Board in the pedestal’s lower-left
position. The pedestals have four (4) positions total.
• Mount the PCM Slave Board in the lower-right position.
Another master/slave set can be mounted above the first as
shown in the figure to the right.
• Plug the 20-1618 Cable to the connector on the power supply
chassis in the top of the enclosure.
• When wiring two (2) Master Boards, daisy-chain the wiring as
shown below:
Figure 3-35 PCM Connection Wiring
Figure 3-34 C/OPT™ PCM Pedestal
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 35 of 134
3.6.2 Installing PCM(s) in a Remote Enclosure
Figure 3-36 PCM Remote Enclosure
Each enclosure can contain one (1) Master Board and one (1) Slave Board to control up to four (4) pumps.
Use additional enclosures to control additional pumps.
• Attach the enclosure to a wall with fasteners (not supplied).
• Install the following 1/2” or 3/4” rigid steel conduits, as applicable:
• To the PCM power source.
• To the FSC and other PCMs for Petro-Net™ communication.
• To each mechanical pump or dispenser for control and pulser wires.
• Install a power switch for the PCM. (The enclosure has no switch. (See “PCM Wiring” for more
• Mount the PCM Master Board on the left-side stand-offs in the enclosure. If applicable, mount
the Slave Board on the right-side stand-offs.
• Connect the output wiring from the power supply to the PCM Master Board at Location J8 PINS
3 and 4. Pins are labeled 15-30 VDC, 12-20 VAC. Polarity is NOT important.
3.6.3 Remote PCM Power Wiring
For remote PCMs, run three (3) 14-AWG wires from the breaker panel and the user-installed ON/OFF
switch to the terminal block inside the enclosure.
Pedestal-mounted PCMs obtain power from the C/OPT™ or FIT500™.
PCM Pump/Dispenser Control Wiring
The PCM is supplied with noise suppressors that must be installed across each solenoid valve
and/or motor contactor. Failure to do so can cause erratic system operation caused by the
electrical noise generated by the coils in these devices.
• Wire the line-voltage control wires to the corresponding pump position on the PCM Board.
• Use one of the Typical PCM Pump Wiring Diagrams below based on the type of suction pump
or dispenser.
The Pump Control Modules use voltage sense to know when the pump is running.
Page 36 of 134
PCM Board Terminal Identification
Figure 3-37 PCM Master Figure 3-38 PCM Slave
Low-voltage Connections
High-voltage Connections
Gnd – Ground for pulser and flow switch
In-Use – Feedback from solenoid or motor
Pulse – Pulser input
Neutral – Neutral return for In-Use signal
Flow – Flow switch or pump handle input
Relay Contacts – Reset control
+12 V – Supply for pulser
Relay Contacts – Motor control
Figure 3-39 Self-contained Pump, Power Reset Figure 3-40 Dispenser, Power Reset
The two dispensers controlled by a single PCM Master or Slave must be of the same type.
Figure 3-41 Veeder-Root Pulser Wiring
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 37 of 134
3.7 Universal Pump Control (UPC) Installation
3.7.1 Console Compatibility
Compatibility Requirements
The TS-1000 console must be equipped as follows:
The TS-1000 must have software version 21.2 (or later)
The TS-1000 must have the MEM #2 Kit installed
The console must have software version 11.0 (or later)
2400, PIB
The Wayne 2400+ Site Controller must be equipped with main and companion
CPU boards with software revision 49-23 (or later)
The Plus/2 software must be version 4.20 (or later).
For Plus/3, contact Petro Vend distributor for the correct version.
The controller must have a PIB PLUS kit (Wayne p/n #850314-03) with software
version 34000 or above. The optional Wayne Decade 2400 console may be installed
but is not required for UPC operation.
Data-Link dispensers are compatible with UPC operation except: (1) DL0 dispensers
and (2) variable-ratio blenders with more than four grades.
3.7.2 Petro-Net™ Communication
• Run a conduit from the FSC3000™ Petro-Net™ junction box to where the UPC will be located.
• Attach the UPC’s Petro-Net junction box within three feet of the UPC.
• The UPC must be within three (3) feet of the Console or Pump Controller.
• Connect Terminals 1 and 2 on the junction box cover to the corresponding Petro-Net™ wiring.
• Secure the junction box cover to the box.
• Insert the four-pin Petro-Net™ plug into the socket of the junction box.
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3.7.3 Console Connections
The UPC is shipped with a personality kit that is specific to the manufacturer of the console or pump
controller to be controlled.
• Connect the 6-pin socket of the RS-232 cable to the 6-inch "personality" cable supplied with the
• Plug the personality cable into the console as follows:
Personality Cable
PIB Plus
2400, PIB or HyperPIB
J-103 Gossip Port on Console
3.7.4 EPROM Installation
The personality kit contains an EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) chip that contains
the UPC program for the specific console/pump controller.
• Remove the cover to the UPC and plug the EPROM into its socket on the UPC circuit board.
Figure 3-42 EPROM Installation
• Align the notch on the EPROM with the notch outline on the circuit board and make sure all of
the pins are properly inserted.
Be very careful when handling the EPROM. Avoid applying excessive pressure when inserting
the EPROM into its socket. The EPROM is also sensitive to electrostatic discharge and should be
handled in only a static-free environment.
Do not replace the cover to the UPC. The switches will be set in the configuration section.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 39 of 134
3.8 Direct Pump Control (DPC) Installation
For DPC Interface Jumper Settings for Wayne and Gilbarco pump types, see page 44.
3.8.1 Pump Types
The FSC3000™ can communicate directly with Wayne, Gilbarco and Gasboy® dispensers.
The DPC interface utilizes the Electronic Handle Monitor board to provide the DPC interface, which
provides isolation and converts the RS-232 output from the FSC3000™ to the communication method
required by the pumps.
The DPC interface can connect to the EPC (PetroLink™) to provide handle status – refer to PetroLink™
section for more information. Meanwhile, DPC installations without PetroLink™ will only require jumpers
to be set up.
The pumps connect directly to DPC interface, unless you exceed four (4) pump loops, then it is
recommended to connect one (1) pump loop to the Wayne Data Distribution Box.
The Interface will be capable of handling four (4) double-sided dispensers/pumps (without the pump
manufacturing distribution box).
To connect more than four (4) dispensers/pumps will require use of the pump manufacturer’s
distribution box.
The pumps connect directly to DPC interface, unless you exceed four (4) pump loops, then it is
recommended to connect one (1) pump loop to the Gilbarco Distribution Box (setup for current loop).
This will require a user-supplied connector to connect two (2) wires from the DPC interface to the
distribution box.
The Interface will be capable of handling four (4) double-sided dispensers/pumps (without the pump
manufacturing distribution box).
To connect more than four (4) dispensers/pumps will require use of the pump manufacturer’s
distribution box.
Unlike Gilbarco and Wayne pumps, Gasboy® does not use the Direct Pump Control/Electronic Handle
Monitor board or a pump manufacturer's distribution box.
Parts Required
Part #
Part Description
Remote DPC
Pedestal DPC
Remote PCM enclosure
DPC Interface
Cable (FSC3000 to DPC Interface)
Power Cable (C/OPT™ or FIT500™)
Page 40 of 134
3.8.2 Installing DPC Interface in a Remote Enclosure (for Wayne and Gilbarco only)
• Attach the enclosure to a wall with fasteners (not supplied)
Enclosure needs to be no further than 50' (15.24 m) from FSC3000™ controller.
Figure 3-43 DPC Remote Enclosure
• Install the following 1/2” or 3/4” rigid steel conduits and wires, as applicable:
• DPC power source conduit and pull three (3) 14-AWG wires from the breaker panel
• Pump Communication Conduit and pull wires from each dispenser
If there are more than four (4) pump loops it is recommended you use the manufacturer’s distribution box. Pump
communication conduit is not required if manufacturer's distribution box is located near remote DPC enclosure.
• Mount the DPC interface (electronic handle monitor) board on the right-side stand-offs in the
• Remove Connector from CN12 DPC Interface (electronic handle monitor) board and attach
output wiring from the power supply to the connector (Polarity is NOT important)
• Reconnect connector to CN12 on the DPC Interface
• Attach Line, Neutral and Ground wires from the breaker panel to the power-connection block
Figure 3-44 DPC Connections&
• Attach Pump communication wires to each pump loop on CN5
• Pump directly connected to DPC interface:
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 41 of 134
• Wayne Data Distribution Box connected to DPC interface:
• Gilbarco Universal D-Box connected to DPC interface:
Ensure the Gilbarco is set up for current loop.
& &
• Run Cable from Port CN4 to port 4 on the FSC3000™ controller
Cable can be extended up to 50' (15.24 m).
Page 42 of 134
3.8.3 Installing DPC Interface (Electronic Handle Monitor) in a Terminal Pedestal
(for Wayne and Gilbarco only)
During an installation where the FSC3000™ is integrated into the terminal, the DPC can be mounted in
one of the PCM pedestal mounts.
• Mount the Electronic Handle Monitor as shown in the drawing of the
• Remove Connector from CN12 DPC Interface (electronic handle
monitor) board and attach wiring (grey and orange) from the power
supply cable 20-1618 to the connector (Polarity is NOT important)
• Reconnect connector to CN12 on the DPC Interface
• Run cable from pedestal into C/OPT™ or FIT500™ enclosure
• Connect 4-pin connector into C/OPT™ power supply or FIT500™ main
Petro-Net™ wires are not used and should be capped.
Figure 3-46 DPC Installation in Pedestal
• Run Cable 20-1018 from Port CN4 to port 4 on the FSC3000™ controller
• Attach Pump communication wires to each pump loop on CN5
• Pump directly connected to DPC interface:
Figure 3-45 DPC
Installation in Pedestal
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 43 of 134
• Wayne Data Distribution Box connected to DPC interface:
• Gilbarco Universal D-Box connected to DPC interface:
& &
Page 44 of 134
3.8.4 DPC Interface Jumper Setup (for Wayne and Gilbarco only)
• Set up jumpers to match pump type being connected. See Jumper Chart and Diagram.
• When a jumper is set as "ON" this means the jumper will tie both pins together
• When "OFF" the jumper should be set on one (1) pin
• Some jumpers have three (3) pins; when the jumper says "Pins 1-2" this means the jumper
should be set on Pins 1 and 2 of the three-pin jumper
• On three-pin jumpers the board is labeled to indicate which pin is number one (1)
Figure 3-47 Jumper Settings
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 45 of 134
3.8.5 Installing a Remote DPC Interface (for Gasboy® only)
Gasboy® DPC Parts Kit
Part #
Part Description
Mounting Plate
Isolated Converter (RS-232 to RS 422/485)
Power Supply
Power Cable (C/OPT or FIT500)
1. Attach the power supply and isolated converter (RS-232 to RS-422/485) to the Velcro® adhered
to the mounting plate.
2. Mount the mounting plate with power supply and converter attached within 5' (1.52 m) of the
3. Plug serial cable (OPW P/N: 20-1519-04) into the isolated converter 9-pin port and then into
Port 4 of the FSC3000™.
4. Wire pump communication to converter.
Polarity is important, so please refer to Gasboy® documentation for proper wiring specifications.
5. Ensure the isolated switch settings are set as shown in the diagram above.
6. Plug in the power supply.
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3.8.6 Installing DPC Interface in a Terminal Pedestal (for Gasboy® only)
Gasboy® DPC Parts Kit
Part #
Part Description
Mounting Plate
Isolated Converter (RS-232 to RS 422/485)
Power Supply
Power Cable (C/OPT or FIT500)
1. Attach the power supply and isolated converter (RS-232 to RS-422/485) to the Velcro® adhered
to the mounting plate.
2. Mount the mounting plate with power supply and converter attached inside terminal pedestal.
3. Plug serial cable (OPW P/N: 20-1519-04) into the isolated converter 9-pin port and then into
Port 4 of the FSC3000™.
4. Wire pump communication to converter.
Polarity is important, so please refer to Gasboy® documentation for proper wiring specifications.
5. Ensure the isolated switch settings are set as shown in the diagram above.
6. Cut the power cord and wire to C/OPT™ or FIT500™ power terminal block.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 47 of 134
3.9 Dispenser Terminal Control (DTC) Installation
DTC (Dispenser Terminal Control) utilizes the dispenser's built-in card terminal in lieu of a fuel island terminal and
will emulate the fuel island terminal for each fueling position connected to the system. DTC control requires DPC
electronic pump control to function and uses the same conduit wiring.
3.9.1 Terminal Types
DTC can communicate with the Wayne CAT and or Gilbarco CRIND.
The DTC interface utilizes a second remote PCM enclosure.
Wayne CAT (Card Authorization Terminal)
The terminal connects directly to DTC interface.
The interface is capable of handling up to six (6) dual-sided or 12 single-sided dispensers.
Gilbarco CRIND (Card Reader in Dispenser)
The terminal connects directly to a direct pump control/electronic handle monitor (DPC/EHM) board,
which then connects to the DTC interface. If you exceed four (4) pump loops, then it is recommended to
connect one (1) pump loop to the Gilbarco Distribution Box (setup for current loop). A DB-9 connector is
supplied to connect the DPC interface to the distribution box.
•The interface is capable of handling four (4) double-sided dispensers/pumps without the pump
manufacturing distribution box.
The interface is capable of handling up to six (6) dual-sided or 12 single-sided dispensers when
using the pump manufacturer's distribution box.
Page 48 of 134
3.9.2 Installing DTC in a Remote Enclosure
• Attach the enclosure to a wall with fasteners (not supplied)
Enclosure needs to be no further than 50' (15.24 m) from FSC3000™ controller.
Figure 3-48 DTC Remote Enclosure
• Install the following 1/2” or 3/4” rigid steel conduits and wires, as applicable:
• DTC power source conduit and pull three (3) 14-AWG wires from the breaker panel
• Pump Communication Conduit and pull wires from each dispenser
If there are more than four (4) CRIND loops it is recommended you use the manufacturer’s distribution box. Pump
communication conduit is not required if manufacturer's distribution box is located near remote DTC enclosure.
• Mount the DTC interface board on the left-side stand-offs within the enclosure.
• Attach Line, Neutral and Ground wires from the breaker panel to the power-connection block
• Connect Petro-Net™ wires to the terminal blocks in the remote enclosure
Figure 3-49 DTC Connections&
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 49 of 134
For Wayne CAT - specific
• Connect the red wire from the power supply to the CN1 terminal 1 on the DTC board. Connect
the black wire to terminal 2.
• Connect the brown wire from the Petro-Net terminal block to CN1 1 terminal 1 on the DTC
board. Connect the red wire to terminal 2.
• Attach CAT communications wire to terminal block CN5 through CN8 using the modules
provides. For best performance, connect each dispenser to its own terminal block. If there are
12 CAT dispensers, connect a maximum of 3 dispensers to each terminal block.
Page 50 of 134
For Gilbarco CRIND - specific
• Direct connect to CRIND loops.
Gilbarco Universal D-Box to DPC interface:
• Ensure the Gilbarco D-Box is set up for current loop.
• Install the DPC board in the right side of the enclosure.
• Connect the red wire from the power supply to CN1 terminal 1 on the DTC board. Connect the
black wire to terminal 2.
• Connect the brown wire from the Petro-Net terminal block to CN11 terminal 1 on the DTC
board. Connect the red wire to terminal 2.
• Connect the short RJ45 patch cable from connector CN3 on the DTC board to connector CN4 on
the DPC board.
• Attach the CRIND communication loop wires to terminal blocks CN5 through CN8. If connecting
more than four (4) dispensers, connect loop one to the Gilbarco D-Box using the supplied cable.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 51 of 134
3.10 FSC3000™ Installation
3.10.1 Integrated FSC3000™
Follow the instructions below if the FSC3000™ is to be installed in one of the FITs.
Skip this step if using the Remote FSC3000™.
Installing the FSC3000™ in a FIT
K800™ Hybrid
• Install four (4) stand-offs on the K800™ Hybrid PV247
mounting plate, two (2) at the top and two (2) at the
• Install the FSC3000™ board on the four (4) stand-offs
with the four (4) screws provided.
• Remove the two (2) screws holding the plastic safety
shield on the FSC board.
• Plug in Power, Ground and Petro-Net™ connections to
appropriate connectors. (See figure on right)
• Reinstall the plastic safety shield.
• Mount the plate that contains the FSC3000™ board on the
rear wall of the C/OPT™ unit using the four (4) screws
• Remove the two (2) screws holding the plastic safety shield
on the FSC board.
• Plug in Power, Ground and Petro-Net™ connections to
appropriate connectors. (See figure on left)
• Reinstall the plastic safety shield.
• Mount the plate that contains the FSC3000™ board
using the 3/8” bolts located at the bottom of the
FIT500™ unit. These are the same bolts that are used to
bolt the head to the pedestal.
• Remove the two (2) screws holding the plastic safety
shield on the FSC board.
• Plug in Power, Ground and Petro-Net™ connections to
appropriate connectors. (See figure on right)
• Reinstall the plastic safety shield.
Figure 3-50 Installing FSC3000™ in K800™
Figure 3-51 Installing FSC3000™ in
Figure 3-52 Installing FSC300 in FIT500
Page 52 of 134
3.10.2 Remote FSC3000™
The remote FSC3000™ must be placed in an office-like environment. The FSC3000™ Petro-Net™ junction
box should be mounted within 6 feet (1.8 m) of the FSC3000™ controller.
3.10.3 SIMM Activation
The FSC3000™ contains a SIMM memory module that must be activated by removing the battery-
insulating strip. Gently remove the yellow strip at this time. It is recommended that the SIMM module be
3.10.4 Wireless Radio Modem Installation
Wireless radio modems can be installed to eliminate the need for a
hard-wired Petro-Net™ connection from the FIT(s) at the fuel island
to the FSC3000™ located in a building.
They can also be used to connect between FITs at different fuel
See OPW Manual M00-20-7074 for complete information on the
suitability and installation of these modems.
Currently, wireless Petro-Net™ is not supported on PetroLink™-enabled systems.
Figure 3-53 SIMM Battery Strip
Figure 3-54 Wireless Petro-Net™ Modem
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 53 of 134
3.10.5 FSC3000™ Access Connections – Methods'
Depending on the type of installation you have, there are multiple methods to connect to the FSC3000™.
Remote FSC3000™/Integrated FSC3000™ Wired Access Options
Direct Connection
Dial-In Modem Connection
(Universal Socket Modem)
Ethernet Connection
Direct Connect allows you to access
the FSC3000™ by serial port. If your PC
lacks a serial port and you are planning
on using a USB-to-Serial adapter,
please call OPW for the latest
recommended USB-to-Serial adapters.
Connect 20-1520-01 cable RJ-45
connector into port 1 and the other
side into a serial port.
A Dial-In modem allows remote access by
Phone Line. Connect Phone cord into the
Phone Line port and connect to phone
jack. Dial-In modem only supports analog
Phone Lines.
Ethernet connect allows you to
connect to the FSC3000™ through the
site’s network. Connect network cable
(not provided) into network jack.
Refer to FSC3000™ Ethernet Port
Setup section for configuring the
Ethernet port.
Integrated FSC3000™ Wireless Access Options
Integrated FSC3000™ Only
(Universal Socket Modem)
Integrated FSC3000™ Only Cell
(Universal Socket Modem)
Integrated FSC3000™ Only WiFi
(Universal Socket Modem
A Bluetooth® modem allows a PC
equipped with Bluetooth® to
communicate to the FSC3000™
without a hard-wired connection.
Requires Antenna installation.
A Cellular modem eliminates having to
install phone service out to the fuel
island. An account with a cellular-service
provider is required. Requires Antenna
A WiFi modem allows the FSC3000™ to
connect wirelessly to a Local Area
Network using standard 802.11b.
Requires Antenna installation.
These wireless connections require an antenna to be installed in the top of the cabinet. If an antenna is not
currently installed, please refer to the following installation instructions:
Page 54 of 134
Antenna Installation
The wireless modems above require the installation of an antenna.
• Remove all circuit boards to prevent any physical damage to the
electronic components
• Punch or drill a 5/8” hole approximately 1-1/2 inches from the
right and rear corners of the cabinet
• Remove all metal particles to prevent any damage to the
electronic circuitry
• Insert the antenna, install the hex nut and tighten
• Plug the cable from the antenna into the modem module
3.10.6 FSC3000™ Access Connections – Baud Rate Setting
Set Connection baud rate to desired connection rate (default 38400).
Unless needed, it is recommended that the FSC3000™ access baud rate be set to 38400 for maximum
ARTWare™ performance.
When using pass-thru port-connected devices, the FSC3000™ access baud rate must be the same as the device that
is being connected to the pass-thru port. If possible, set the device to the highest setting the FSC3000™ supports.
Figure 3-56 Switch 1 Baud Rate Settings&
Switch #1. Positions 1-4
FSC Access Baud Rate. (1 & 2 are always closed)
Figure 3-55 Wireless Antenna
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 55 of 134
3.10.7 FSC3000™ Additional Connections
Figure 3-57 FSC3000™ Port Connections'
Figure 3-58 Petro-Net™ Connection&
P;;& IN<;B9Q& EG6976DEB.97& 6G<& /GB9E<=& G<6;CEBJ<& E.& ER<& M.NG96;& /GB9E<G"&
Figure 3-59 Journal Printer Connection&
XR<& *F+!$$$H&7N//.GE7& =BG<DE& /.GE& D.9EG.;& IG.& YB;:6GD.&69=& Z659<&
/NJ/7"& K<I<G& E.& [A+&\97E6;;6EB.9& 69=& +.9IBQNG6EB.9& 7<DEB.97& I.G& J.G<&
Page 56 of 134
+.99<DE& ^.7E& J.=<J& E.& /.GE& %& I.G& 7B9Q;<CR.7E& J.=<J& B97E6;;6EB.9"&
Figure 3-60 Network Modem Connection&
+.99<DE& 6& 7<GB6;& D6:;<& IG.J& ER<& R.7E& J.=<J& /.GE& %& E.& ER<& \A& Y6E<U65&
• X.& N7<& ER<& 76J<& \9E<G9<E& D.99<DEB.9& I.G& B9:.N9=& D.99<DEB.97_&
D.99<DE& 6& 7<D.9=& 7<GB6;& D6:;<& IG.J& ER<& +)SS& /.GE& #& E.& ER<& \A&
+.99<DE& 69& 8ER<G9<E&D6:;<& V9.E& 7N//;B<=W& IG.J& ER<& \A& Y6E<U65& E.& ER<&
• X.&N7<&/R.9<&;B9<7&67& 6& :6D]N/_&D.99<DE&6&/R.9<&;B9<&E.& ER<& \A&
A.U<G& ),& 69=& U6BE& I.G& ER<& a7E6EN7a& ;BQRE& E.& I;67R& QG<<9& V6//G.LBJ6E<;5&
E.& /G.D<77& D6G=7_& J6]<& 9.E<& .I& ER<& <GG.G& G<D<BO<=& 69=& D6;;& )AZ& X<DR&
Figure 3-61 IP Gateway Connection&
ER<& 7B9Q;<C6DD<77& D.99<DEB.9& ;B]<& ER<& J.=<J& E.& 6DD<77& 6& 7<D.9=& =<OBD<_&
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 57 of 134
4 System Startup & Testing
Double-check the wiring before applying power to the system components. Applying line
voltage to low-voltage inputs will damage the system.
4.1 Startup and Testing
The FSC3000™ is the device that controls the entire system. It is best to have all of the other peripheral devices
configured correctly before programming the FSC3000™. The configuration parameters for the K800™ Hybrid,
PCT, PCM and DPC are set by DIP switches and/or jumpers. While the C/OPT™ and FIT500™ configuration
parameters are soft settings, meaning they are set through configuration menus instead of switches.
The UPC must be connected to the console or pump controller when started up to synchronize the data between
the devices.
Use the following sections to Start Up, Configure and Test all of the devices.
The FSC3000™ performs a Cold Start the first time it powers up.
• This initializes the system and sets all of the parameters to their default values
• One of the defaults is to enable FIT 1 and PCT 1 positions 1 and 2 for testing purposes only
• The FSC3000™ must be configured with the site-specific information using ARTWare™ or
Command-Line Programming
• Once all of the other devices are tested, proceed to the FSC3000™ Startup, Configuration and
Testing section
Follow the appropriate sub-sections below based on the type of devices installed:
• If multiple devices such as FITs and/or Pump Control are used, each device in that group must
have a unique address and the same communication parameters
• The default is 9600 baud, 7 Data Bits, even parity
• Use the following Quick Reference charts for Petro-Net™ communication-parameter setup
On DIP switch-equipped boards, any change after “power-up” will require a power cycle or reset (if board is
Page 58 of 134
4.2 K800™ Hybrid Startup/Configuration
This section describes how to configure and verify that the terminal is functional.
4.2.1 Configuration (DIP Switches & Jumper)
Jumper #1
Set Jmp1 to the AMX position.
Switch #1
Positions 1-4: Place the pump/dispenser in manual override.
Positions 5-8: These are set to match the electrical output of the pulser attached. Active pulsers supply
a low-voltage signal to the PCT board. Passive pulsers either contain switch contacts or have open
collector transistor outputs.
Switch #2
Positions 1-3: Determine the Petro-Net™ address for both the FIT and PCT functions of the K800™
Switch #2 Positions 1-3 (FIT/PCT Address)
Position 4: Defines the type of reader installed on the FIT.
Position 5: Defines if the user will be allowed to enter his card number after three bad reads.
Position 6: Determines which mode the K800™ Hybrid is in Operational or Test
Switch #1 Positions 1-8
Normal Operation
Manual Override
Normal Operation
Manual Override
Normal Operation
Manual Override
Normal Operation
Manual Override
Figure 4-1 K800 Hybrid Switch 1 Settings
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
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Position 7: Is set to match the type of pulser that is connected. Mechanical pulsers have switches that
open and close with each pulse. Electronic pulsers typically have shutter wheels and optical detectors.
Mechanical pulsers cannot count as fast and generate more electrical noise. Setting position #7 to
“Mechanical” setting filters the input signal.
Position 8: Must always be set to closed.
4.2.2 Power-Up Test
The K800™ Hybrid terminal displays the software version and reader type, then runs a RAM and EPROM
If switch SW2 position 6 is set to open, the system will go into normal operation.
4.2.3 Display Contrast
To compensate for different levels of ambient light, you can adjust the display contrast with controls on
the PV247 FIT/PCT board.
Use a small screwdriver to adjust the display contrast potentiometer (middle potentiometer).
4.2.4 FIT Test Mode
The system will enter the test mode upon power-up if the test switch is closed (SW2 position 6). The test
mode displays five (5) separate tests.
Press the <ENTER> key to select the displayed test or press the <CLEAR> key to advance to the next
These are the five tests:
• Keyboard: Keys pressed are echoed on the display
• Stop Button: Test the function of the emergency stop or alpha button
• Display: Scrolls characters on the LCD display
• Reader: Reads and displays the information coded on the card/key being tested
• DIP Switch: shows the state of the eight (8) positions of switch SW2
Switch # 2 Position 4-8
Switch Position
Reader Type
Magnetic Card
Manual Card # Entry (after 3 bad reads)
Test Mode
Operational Mode
Test Mode
Pulser Type (Pump Positions 1-4)
Must be always CLOSED
Page 60 of 134
Figure 4-2 Relay Settings
4.2.5 PCT Testing
1. Activate the Bypass switch for the first hose position (Switch 1 Position 1).
2. Observe the red “Relay” LED that comes on.
3. Activate the pump/dispenser and watch the yellow “In Use” LED and verify that it comes on
after the reset cycle completes and the pump motor/solenoid is energized.
4. Dispense product and watch the green “Pulse” LED. It should flash as product is dispensed.
5. If everything checks out OK, turn off the bypass switch and repeat for each hose position to
which the system is connected.
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4
Relay LEDs
Relay ON (RED)
In-Use (Yellow)
Pulse (Green)
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 61 of 134
4.3 C/OPT™ Startup/Configuration
This section describes how to configure and verify that the terminal is functional.
Figure 4-3 Verify C/OPT™ Connections
The configuration parameters for the C/OPT™ are set by placing the unit into the test/setup mode.
Once set, the parameters are retained in non-volatile memory.
• The units are pre-configured at the factory based on the options installed.
• The Petro-Net™ address is set to 1.
• You should not need to change any configuration options unless you have more than one
C/OPT™ installed, or you want to change some of the advanced settings.
In which case, refer to the C/OPT™ Setup and Configuration sections to make the necessary changes.
4.3.1 Power-up Test
These tests run automatically after you turn ON your C/OPT™. The tests also run before the unit enters
test/configuration mode.
Display Initialization. Video RAM test, during which the graphics display shows vertical lines.
System Configuration. In the prompt below, Version is the test/configuration software version.
Keypad type (REG=regular), display type (GRAPH=graphic) and reader type (MOTOR=motorized) are also
Version: 03.01G
Flash Checksum Test. ROM (read-only memory) test. Display will show:
FlashBoot: ####
Appl: ####
RAM Test. Non-destructive test (that is, when memory is not erased) of the random access memory.
This test takes about 10 seconds; a character "spins" on the display during the test.
• Press <CLEAR> to bypass this test.
Depending on how the test ends, you will see one of the following:
BREAK - The (CLEAR) key was pressed.
Page 62 of 134
ERROR # Test failed at indicated memory location.
4.3.2 Display Contrast
To compensate for different levels of ambient light, you can adjust the display contrast with the controls
on the upper PC board. Depending on your display type (below) adjust either the CONTRAST UP/DOWN
switches or the contrast potentiometer.
For systems with the standard graphics display, hold the toggle switch on the lower PC board to the left
or right to adjust the contrast. This toggle switch is also used to enter the C/OPT™ Configuration Mode.
If your system has the optional 2 x 20 character display, use a small screwdriver to adjust the potentiometer on the
bottom PC board.
4.3.3 C/OPT Receipt Printer Option (p/n 20-4339)
During receipt-printer installation, please refer to the below image for mounting orientation.
Figure 4-4 C/OPT™ Receipt Printer Assembly
C/OPT™ Printer 12 VDC
Modified Data Cable
Modified Power Cable
Cable Tie
Adapter Block
Screw 10-32 x 0.500 PHIL PH ZP
Screw 8-32 x 5/8 PHIL PANHD
Thermal Paper 4" Dia. Roll
Cable Clamp
C/OPT™ Printer Sub-Assembly
OPW P/N 20-6203
*For C/OPT™ Printer (12 VDC)
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 63 of 134
Installing the (optional) C/OPT™ Receipt Printer
1. Position the adapter block on the printer mounting area
2. Screw the adapter block in place using the four supplied 8-32” x 5/8" PHIL PANHD screws
Observe correct adapter block orientation by referring to Printer Assembly.
3. Position the printer unit to align with the inner screw holes of the adapter block
4. Mount the printer to the adapter block using the two supplied 10-32” x 1/2" PHIL PH ZP screws
5. Mount the supplied cable clamp utilizing the screw located above and to the right of the newly
installed printer on the enclosure door
6. Route the data cable through the cable clamp and connect the data cable to the PV343 board
J1/Printer socket
7. Route the power cable through the cable clamp and connect the power cable to the PV343
board J6/RS232-A socket.
8. Mount the cable clamp securely to the enclosure door using the screw located in Step 5
Receipt Paper Loading Instructions
The optional receipt printer accepts metric-sized thermal paper 2.3” (58 mm) or 2.4” (60 mm) width and
4" (101.6 mm) in diameter.
1. Turn ON the C/OPT™ unit by locating the power supply in the left-rear corner of the upper
enclosure, via the red toggle switch
2. Remove any packaging material from the roll of paper and place the roll of 4" (101.6 mm)
diameter paper in the paper tray
Paper must feed from the TOP of the roll.
3. Feed the paper into the printer by inserting the paper through the paper guide slots. The
sensor in the paper guide will detect the paper.
4. Cut off the extra paper appearing in the eject chute by pulling it out
5. Your receipt printer is ready for use
Clearing Paper Jams
In order to clear a paper jam, detach the document that is presently jammed in the eject chute and
remove the paper. In order to properly remove the remaining paper in the chute, follow the instructions
1. Turn the unit OFF before clearing the paper jam
Figure 4-5 Printer Data and Power Cable Connections to PV343
Page 64 of 134
2. Press the paper release lever in Figure 4-7 on page 64
Never actuate this lever during printing operation or damage will be caused to the printer head.
3. Manually pull the paper out of the printer chute
4. If paper remains in the print mechanism and the eject chute this can be removed by pulling the
right hinge pin (opposite side of the wire routing of the chute sensor)
5. Tilt the printer open
6. Eject the paper by twisting the motor-pinion gear clockwise until the paper is available to be
removed manually. See below the image on the left showing the top view of the receipt printer
7. Now that the printer is cleared of the paper jam, tilt and replace the printer mechanism back
into normal operating position
8. Secure the printer mechanism by pushing the hinge pin back into its operating position
9. See instructions on loading paper before using the receipt printer
! !
Figure 4-6 Paper Loading Instructions (top view of printer)
Figure 4-7 Printer Release Lever (side view
of printer)
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 65 of 134
4.3.4 Configuration (Setup/Test Mode)
The C/OPT™ is configured with commands issued through the unit itself. Several of the tests are also self-
tests performed automatically at power-up.
When not in Privileged Mode you will only be able to perform a test and/or view settings.
To modify configuration you must be in Privileged Mode.
To easily indentify which commands require Privileged Mode for configuration change, they will be
indentified after the command with “Privileged” following it.
1. Password
2. Display
3. Keypad (Configure Optional Alpha Keypad, if installed)
4. Door
5. Reader (Configure Readers Installed)
6. Printer (Configure Receipt Printer)
7. Ports (Configure Petro-Net Communication Parameters)
8. Lights
9. Beeper
10. Poll ID (Configure C/OPT (FIT) Address)
11. Toggle (Configure Miscellaneous Features)
12. Value (Configure Miscellaneous Features)
13. RAM
19. I/O
Red & Underlined indicates the minimum required setup.
To Enter Configuration Mode
1. Turn the unit power switch OFF.
2. Hold the CONTRAST UP or DOWN, push button on the PC board.
3. Turn the unit power switch ON.
4. After you hear two beeps, release the button.
5. Unit will cycle through power-up test then show Password screen.
This mode gives you access to the following areas of C/OPT™ operation. Setting most of these functions requires
PRIVILEGED access; see "1. PASSWORD" instructions.
1. PASSWORD (Privileged)
You must enter Privileged Mode to configure password parameters.
• When the Privileged Mode is ON, the C/OPT™ displays a "P" in the upper-left corner of the
• The "P" comes before the title of the menu display.
• When not in Privileged Mode, the Password function prompts for a password entry.
• The factory-set password is 0000, which you should change as soon as possible.
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• If you enter the wrong password, a 15-digit number appears on the display.
• If you have lost the unit’s password, call Petro Vend Tech Support, and supply them with the 15-
digit number.
• If you have proper ID, OPW will supply the password for that unit.
In order to change the password, you must first enter Privileged Mode.
From first powering up, perform the following sequence to change your password.
1. PASSWORD press <YES> or <ENTER>
2. Enter: 0000 press <ENTER>
3. P 1 - PASSWORD press <ENTER>
4. PASSWORD Set? press <YES> or <ENTER>
5. New: (enter up to four (4) digits here} press <ENTER>
6. Verify: (re-enter same four (4) digits} press <ENTER>
7. Password Changed press <NEXT>
To leave Privileged Mode, you must cycle power to the C/OPT™, or enter the application program with
17 - RUN APP.
Use this function to adjust the contrast of the display and test the display itself.
Do not change the display SLOPE setting. Press NO ONLY!
The C/OPT™ uses three (3) readings to adjust the contrast of the display:
1. The C/OPT™ calculates Best Contrast from the display temperature located on the front of
the display.
2. The System Contrast is the contrast you set manually by using this Configuration/Test
function or by using the switch on the PC Board. The first prompt asks you if you want to
manually adjust System Contrast:
Adjust contract by pressing 3/Light to brighten or 6/Dark to darken the display.
3. You can also use the graphics contrast SW1 & SW2 to adjust the Graphics Display Contrast
or the Character Display Potentiometer on the PC board to adjust the contrast of the
Character Display.
Press <YES> or <ENTER> to accept entry and move to the Test Fan function.
3 = ON
6 = OFF
Press 3/ON to turn ON or 6/OFF to turn OFF the fan.
A small fan can be activated to circulate air around the graphics display to stabilize display contrast.
To enter the [Debug Display] function:
Press <YES> or <ENTER> to accept entry. Enabling this feature displays two rows of numbers on the
bottom of the graphics display. The numbers (used in troubleshooting the C/OPT)™ are for use by
qualified service personnel.
C/OPT™ Debug ON? press <YES> or <ENTER>
To turn OFF the debug display: enter <NO> at the [Enable Debug?] prompt
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 67 of 134
Graphic Display ONLY:
You can set the graphics display to show light characters on a dark background, as opposed to the
default dark characters on a light background.
Change INVERSE? press <YES> or <ENTER>
Disable INVERSE? press <NO> or <CLEAR>
To cancel command* press <YES>
*The display is now inverted. To invert it again, repeat this procedure.
To enter the [Test Display?] function:
If you press <YES> at the [Test Display?] prompt, the graphics screen displays all characters of the
alphabet, in upper and lower case, along with all punctuation. The characters are written line after line
until the screen is filled, at which time the process begins again, overwriting the previous screen.
To end the test, press any key or function button
Then, to move to the keypad test: press <NEXT>
3. KEYPAD (Privileged)
This test checks the operation of the keys on the standard numeric keypad or the optional alpha keypad
(Keypad 2). To begin the test, press <YES > or <ENTER> at the 3 - KEYPAD prompt.
Change Keypad2? press <YES>
This is telling you an alpha keypad is installed as KEYPAD 2, and asking if you want to change it.
To list Alpha, Numeric, Alphanumeric or None: press <NO> or <CLEAR>
When the desired type is shown: press <ENTER> to select it
To test the keys: press <TEST>
Then press any key on the keypad except <ENTER>, which exits the test mode.
The key you press appears briefly on the display to show you the key is physically and electronically
The top three function buttons appear as F1, F2 or F3. The bottom function button exits the test.
To end the test: press <EXIT> or <CLEAR>
Then, to move to the door test: press <NEXT> or <CLEAR>
This test both checks the operation of the door-position sensors and lets you enable or disable the
electromagnetic “catch” that keeps the door open until a transaction is printed or a card is read.
To begin the test: press <YES> or <ENTER> at the 4-DOOR prompt
Door flapDoor: OPEN
This is the current position of the door.
Should door stay open: hold 3 for <YES> or 6 for <NO>
Prompt will ask, [Test door?]: Press <YES> to raise and lower door manually, screen
Page 68 of 134
should show OPEN and CLOSE transition.
To move to the Reader test: press <EXIT> and then <NEXT>
5. READER (Privileged)
This test checks operation of the standard "push-pull" card reader. Also, while in Privileged Mode you
can change what type of reader the C/OPT™ is equipped with.
Use this if you changed from a "push-pull" reader to a ChipKey® optical. Use "push-pull" for proximity readers.
Change Reader 1(NO)
Toggle to Reader2 then press <YES>
Change Reader? YES
Toggle through types with the NO function button, and then press <ENTER> to set that type.
If a second reader is not installed, disable Reader 2 by selecting [Reader 2] and type <NONE>.
Part one of this test checks the operation of the two sensors in the card reader:
1. A front sensor that detects initial card insertion
2. A back sensor that confirms complete insertion
Check the reader with no card inserted and a card totally inserted.
To test the sensors and read heads:
Frt = Off Bck = Off EXIT
Or, insert a card into the reader. The status of the sensors should change: Frt changes to ON; and when
the card is all the way in, Bck goes ON as well.
The prompts are repeated for Reader2 sensors:
Testing Reader/
Insert Card
Insert a card into the reader. The status of each track is displayed:
• INCORRECT READING shows a card-read error.
• CARD ORIENTATION means no data was obtained from the card—check for proper insertion
• ORIENTATION may appear briefly before track data is displayed.
If a good read is done, another screen appears with the data on the card.
Use (1) key (or the LEFT function button) to scroll left. Use (3) key (or the RIGHT function button) to scroll
<- 1 Track 2 ->
Press <ENTER> (or the EXIT function button) to go to the Reader2 test (if applicable).
Press <EXIT> and then <NEXT> to move to the Printer test.
6. PRINTER (Privileged)
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 69 of 134
This test checks the receipt printer:
The first prompt is to [Change Print?]
Press <YES> or <ENTER> to begin the printer configuration.
The next prompt you see is [Enable Print?] (Requires Privileged Access)
To disable the printer (prevent it from printing receipts), press <NO> or <CLEAR> to toggle the status.
Press <YES> or <ENTER> to accept.
If the printer is enabled, a sample receipt is printed:
Print Test Receipt
S/W Ver: 04.02.L
Lib Ver: 01.02I
H/W FPGA 1: 4
H/W FPGA 2: 2
H/W Read 1: 7
H/W Read 2: 7
Rd1: Push-Pull
Rd2: None
KP1: Regular
KP2: Alpha
Display: GRAPHIC
Dsp Cntrst: -11
Dsp Volts : 793
Dsp Temp : 1023
ID:65, 0x41, A
: 9600,7,E, 1,-,T
Prn Cntrst: -1
Chute: Enabled
Prn Chute : 250
Chute AtoD: 973
Prn Head : 624
1010 1010 1110 1010
Value A: 0 N: 0300
Value B: 0 O: 0
Value C: 0 P: 0
Value D: 0 Q: 0
Value E: 0 R: 0
Value F: 0 S: 0
Value G: 0 T: 0
Value H: 0 U: ****
Value I: 0 V: ****
Value J: 0 W: ****
Value K: 0 X: ****
Value L: 0 Y: ****
Value M: 0 Z: ****
Beeper:4150 Freq4 Duration
Cheksum:9ecd Boot pass431 Appl pass
Change Chute
In order to enable or disable the sensor in the printer chute, Privileged Access is required.
Current status is shown with prompt [To Change?].
Press <Yes> to change status.
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This part of the test checks the current condition of the three sensors mounted on various parts of the
printer assembly. Follow the keystrokes and display sequence below:
Paper-Low: YES or NO
If YES, the sensor is not seeing enough paper.
Test the sensor by raising and lowering the paper roll from its holder. The reading should change from
NO to YES. Reloading paper in the printer should change the reading to NO.
Press <ENTER> to move to the next test.
Paper-Out: YES or NO
If NO, this sensor sees paper. To test, press the paper release switch and remove the paper from the
Press <ENTER> to move to the next test.
Chute: EMPTY or FULL
If chute sensor is disabled, you see [CHUTE N/A].
If the sensor is enabled and you see [EMPTY] the sensor is not seeing a receipt in the discharge
Push paper from the roll into the receipt chute. The sensor status should change to FULL.
Press <ENTER> to move to the next test.
Error Message Codes
Paper Blocking Printer Chute
Temperature Error - Print Head Overheated
Printout Lost - Some Error Occurred During Printing Causing a Failure
Paper Jam Detected
Paper in Chute and Jam Detected
Paper Out
Paper Out and Print Lost
Paper Jam, Printout Lost and Paper Out Detected Conditions
Chute Blocked, Paper Jam, Printout Lost and Paper Out Detected Conditions
7. PORTS (Privileged)
Use this function to configure COM 1 (Petro-Net™) and to actively test communication flow into and out
of the port.
COM 1 DEFAULTS (SYSTEM2): 9600, 7, E, 1, --, T
Perform the following sequence to set up the COM 1. (The values shown are system defaults.)
To exit from a screen with no “Exit” key, press <YES>, and then answer <NO> to the [Save?] Prompt.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 71 of 134
COM1 Set?
9600, 7, E, 1,
Press <YES> to move from Baud Rate, to Data Bits, to Parity, to Stop Bits, to CTS and, finally, to RTS (each
is explained below).
COM1 Baud
9600, 7, E, 1,
Press <NO> to toggle through Baud Rates. Press <YES> to accept value and go to Data Bits.
COM1 Data
9600, 7, E, 1,
Press <NO> to toggle between 7 and 8 Data Bits. Press <YES> to accept value and go to Parity.
COM1 Parity
9600, 7, E, 1,
Press <NO> to toggle through Parity Choices. Press <YES> to accept value and go to Stop Bits.
COM1 Stop
9600, 7, E, 1,
Press <NO> to toggle between 1 and 2 Stop Bits. Press <YES> to accept value and go to TX-RTS.
9600, 7, E, 1,
Press <NO> to enable or disable TX line control of RTS signal. Press <YES> to accept value. This is the
final parameter.
Press <YES> or <ENTER> to Save; press <NO> to Cancel.
The [TEST?] prompt will appear. To test communication port press <YES>; otherwise, press <NO> to
Unit must be disconnected from Petro-Net™ wiring for test to successfully run.
Press <NEXT> or <ENTER> to move to the next function.
This function selects [Pocket Light OFF] or [Pocket Light ON]. The pocket light is the light over the
keypad. This function also tests the lights.
In Privileged Mode, use the following key sequence:
3 = HIGH 6 = LOW
Press function button <HIGH> or <3>; <LOW> or <6> to turn light ON or OFF. Then press the <EXIT>
function button.
Finally, press <NEXT> to move to the [9 - Beeper] test.
Page 72 of 134
9. BEEPER (Privileged)
This function lets you listen to the beeper tone, or change the tone to suit your own preferences. The
tone occurs each time a key is pressed.
To confirm operation, a beeper test plays a song through the beeper, or speaker, that is attached to the
SPKR connector on the C/OPT™ board.
To set the beeper tone:
Set? YES
Frq: 4150 Dur: 4
These are the current beeper frequency (in Hz) and duration (in system ticks, 61 ticks equals one second).
Enter a new frequency (from 65 Hz to 5000 Hz) and duration (from 1 to 32 ticks). Then press <YES>.
Press the <TEST> function key to play a song to test the beeper. When the tune has finished playing,
press <EXIT> to exit the beeper test and go to the [Poll ID] test.
10. POLL ID (Privileged)
This function gives the C/OPT™ a unique polling address for access by your fuel site controller.
The FSC3000™ recognizes C/OPT™ Poll IDs according to the following table:
C/OPT™ #
Poll ID
To change the Poll ID, do the following:
{nnn} , {hhhh} , a YES or ENTER
The "nnn" is a three-digit number. The "hhhh" is the hex-equivalent of the number. The "a" is the ASCII
character represented by the three-digit number:
Here, enter a number from 000 to 255 and press <YES> or <ENTER>. The number, hex number and ASCII
characters appear.
{nnn} , { hhhh} Save?
<YES> or <ENTER>, and then <EXIT> or <CLEAR> to move to the [Toggle] function.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 73 of 134
11. TOGGLE (Privileged)
The C/OPT™ has 16 toggles with letters A-P used for special functions. Below is a table defining
each toggle's function.
Only system programmers should use toggle functions.
Each toggle can be set ON or OFF. The default is all switches are set to OFF.
To change switch settings:
A: Off
To turn Switch A ON, press function button <SET?> or <ENTER>.
Then, press <NO> or <CLEAR> to change OFF to ON. Next, press <YES> or <ENTER> to confirm your
Repeat this process for all required toggle changes, with the process described for Switch A. When done,
press <NEXT> or to go to the [Value] function.
Remove current date on receipt – Proprietary cards only
Remove current time on receipt – Proprietary cards only
Send Magnetic Card Track 1 data to the fuel site controller
Enable Read/Write ChipKey® support
Enable replace Track 2 with Track 1 function.
When enabled, C/OPT™ will only read Track 1 data and modify it to
match Track 2 format. All alpha characters are stripped from the data,
the STX is converted from a % to “;”, and the field separators are
changed from “^” to “=”.
Enable advance multi-receipt algorithm
G – P
Not Used – Leave “0”
Page 74 of 134
12. VALUE (Privileged)
The C/OPT™ has 26 numbers (values) used for addition functions. As the table below indicates, each
value is assigned a letter from A to Z.
Graphics ID
“0” = Standard
“1” = Chevron
“2” = Irving
Receipt Copies
“0” or “1” = 1 copy
“2” thru “x” = 2 to x copies
Number of Bad Reads before keyboard entry is permitted
Receipt Symbol
“0” or “36” = American Dollar
“156” = British Pound
E – F
Not Used – Leave “0”
Dedicated Pump Number “0” = prompt for pump #
Door Delay (seconds)
I – J
Not Used – Leave “0”
Time-Out for next receipt (seconds) – Chute sensor must be
L – M
Not Used – Leave “0”
N – T
Network number
U – Z
Hidden Network Number
The value can be an integer from 0 to 65535. Codes "N" through "Z" are daily password-protected and
additionally codes "U" through "Z" are hidden.
Use <PREV> and <NEXT> to move through the letters.
If a value between N and Z is selected, a 15-digit number appears. Call the OPW Technical Service Department and
give them the 15-digit number. They will decode the number and give you the daily system password. Altering
these VALUES must be approved by OPW.
400 SET?
Press <YES> or <ENTER>.
Enter A:
Enter an integer from 0 to 65535, then press the <ENTER> key.
Press <YES> or <ENTER>, then press <NEXT> or <ENTER>. To abort, press <CANCEL> or <CLEAR>.
B: 0 etc....
Enter new values as desired. To skip a letter press <NEXT>. To leave this mode press <CANCEL>.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 75 of 134
13. RAM
This test performs a non-destructive test of the C/OPT™ random access memory.
To run the RAM test, press <YES>. A character spins around to show you the test is in progress. The test
lasts about 15 seconds.
When the test is complete you should see PASSED, press <EXIT> and then <NEXT> to move to the
[ROM (BOOT)] test. If you see BREAK, the CLEAR key was pressed, interrupting the test. If you see the
following [ERROR {followed by a memory address}] the RAM test failed.
It performs a checksum test of C/OPT™ flash memory. The flash memory test is a checksum test of the
boot program and application program.
To check the ROM, press <YES>. The test should not take longer than two seconds.
When test is complete, press <EXIT> and then <NEXT> to move to the [EPROM] test.
This test checks the C/OPT™ program by doing a non-destructive test on the erasable programmable
read-only memory.
To check the application program, press <YES>. The [Memory is OK] prompt should appear; the test
should not take longer than two (2) seconds.
When test is complete, press <EXIT> and then <NEXT> to move to the next test.
Displays the version of the test/configuration firmware in the C/OPT™, along with the current system
configuration: keypad type, display type and card reader type.
To check the C/OPT™ version, press <YES>. Press <EXIT>, and then <NEXT> to go to [Run App] option.
This function can exit the test mode, and launches the C/OPT™ application program. Or, if using
Privileged Access, this function is used to allow downloading of the C/OPT™ application software.
For the procedure to download application software, contact OPW Tech Support.
18. FACTORY (Privileged)
Restores factory default values to the entire C/OPT™ configurable parameters.
Restore data to factory settings?
Press <YES> or <ENTER> to restore factory settings, or press <NO> to abort. From here, the procedure
differs depending on your C/OPT™ software level.
Cycle C/OPT™ power to initiate factory defaults.
19. I/O
This is a troubleshooting tool, for OPW service personnel only.
This is a troubleshooting tool, for OPW service personnel only.
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4.4 FIT500™ Startup/Configuration
This section describes how to configure and verify that the terminal is
The configuration parameters for the FIT500™ are set by putting the unit
into the test/setup mode. Once set, the parameters are retained in non-
volatile memory.
The units are pre-configured at the factory based on installed options. The
Petro-Net™ address is set to 1.
You should not need to change any configuration options unless you have
more than one FIT500™ installed, or you want to change some of the
advanced settings. In this case, refer to the FIT500™ Setup and Configuration
sections to make the necessary changes.
4.4.1 Power-up Test
These tests run automatically after you turn ON your FIT500™. The tests also run before the unit enters
test/configuration mode.
• System Beep: when unit is first powered-up the system will beep
• System Windows® CE Boot-Up: the system will display a quick Windows® CE boot-up screen
• Boot-Up: a car with a stoplight will appear for 1 second
• Download Mode: the system will then display the download screen and will display the
following information: Loading (version)
FIT(address)(baud rate)
4.4.2 Receipt Printer Paper
The optional receipt printer accepts metric-sized thermal paper.
Maximum paper roll diameter is 4" (102 mm). A prompt displaying [low paper] will appear when the
diameter of the paper roll is lower than 1.6" (40 mm). Paper-roll width must be 2.3" (59 to 60 mm).
The following figures show how to load a new roll of paper in the printer, followed by step-by-step
Figure 4-9 FIT500 Receipt Printer
These instructions assume the unit is open and turned ON. Before first use, remove packing material
from around the printer.
1. Pull open the receipt printer door.
2. Remove the core of the preceding roll, if necessary.
3. Place the new roll.
4. Set the paper end through the door chute over the platen.
5. Close the door, keeping the paper end tight to avoid a possible paper loop.
Figure 4-8 Verify FIT500™ Connections
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 77 of 134
6. Pull the paper end to cut it; the paper is loaded.
4.4.3 FIT500™ Configuration (Setup Mode)
The FIT500™ is configured with commands issued through the unit itself, so there is no need for an
external terminal connection to one's fuel site controller to program for most FIT500™ functions.
In order to enter the Test Mode, SW1 Pos 1 must be OFF.
Off = Test Mode
On = Normal
The terminal displays the software version and reader type, and then runs a RAM and EPROM test. If
switch SW2 Pos 6 is set to Open, the system will go into normal operation.
Allows one to configure the FIT500™ address and RS-485 communication parameters.&
Use table below to set the proper address:' '
Set Petro-Net™ communication parameters to match FSC3000™.&
Data Bits
Stop Bits
Page 78 of 134
Allows one to adjust background contrast and
display brightness.
Default Display Brightness:
Day: 25
Night: 50
Background (color) will only apply to screens without
graphic images.
This function configures the printer.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 79 of 134
The FIT500™ has 26 values used for special
Below is a table defining each value’s
All values default to zero.
Receipt Copies
0,1 = 1 copy
2-up = that number of copies
# of bad reads before permitting
keyboard entry of card #
0 = disabled
Receipt Symbol
0,36 = $, 156 = £
E - F
Leave 0
Dedicated pump number
0 = disable
H – M
Leave 0
Network Number
Network Number (Hidden)
The FIT500™ has 16 toggles used for special
Below is a table defining each toggle’s
All values default to zero.
Remove current date on receipt
(Proprietary Cards Only)
Remove current time on receipt
(Proprietary Cards Only)
Send Track 1 to FSC3000™
Not Used - leave unchecked
Leave 0
Not Used - leave unchecked
Modify toggles as needed.
Page 80 of 134
4.4.4 Test Mode
The system will enter the test mode upon power-up if the test switch is closed (SW2 position 6). The test
mode displays five separate tests. Press the <ENTER> key to select the displayed test or press <CLEAR>
key to advance to the next test.
The FIT500™ has a variety of tests to troubleshoot the system. From this main menu you will be able to
select from the following test below:
Display Test
This test checks the operation of the display.
1. Click Tests!Display, from the main menu
2. The system will run through a variety of display tests
Reader Test
This test checks the operation of the Magnetic reader.
1. Click Tests!Reader, from the main menu
2. Data from Tracks 1 & 2 will be displayed when
a card is swiped
Keyboard Test
This test checks the operation of the keys on the
standard numeric and/or option alpha keypads.
1. Click Tests!Keyboard, from the main menu
2. When key is pressed the key will be displayed
Receipt Printer Test
This test checks the operation of the printer.
1. Click Tests!Printer, from the main menu
2. Press enter to print test receipt
Beeper Test
This test checks the operation of the beeper.
1. Click Tests!Beeper, from the main menu
2. Press enter to turn beeper on for one second
R e c e i p t P r i n t e r T e s t
R e c e i p t P r i n t e r T e s t
T e s t r e c e i p t w i l l b e p ri n te d .
P re s s s ta rtb u tto n to s ta r t p r in te r te s t .
S t a r t C a n c e l
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 81 of 134
Light Test
This test checks the operation of the card reader and receipt-
printer illumination.
1. Click Tests!Light, from the main menu
2. The lights will turn on for two seconds
DIP Switch Test
This test checks the operation of the DIP switch SW1 on the main board.
1. Click Tests!DIP Switch, from the main menu
2. Displays current switch settings, and when DIP switch is moved,
the associated position will change
ADC Converter Test
This test checks the operation of the ADC converter.
1. Click Tests!ADC Converter, from the main menu
Verify Print Config Test
This test prints the system configuration
1. Click Tests!Print Config, from the main menu
2. The FIT configuration will print out
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4.5 PCM Startup/Configuration
This section describes how to configure and verify that the PCM is functional.
Please reference the following images during PCM board configuration:
Figure 4-10 PCM Master (left) and Slave (right) Boards
4.5.1 Configuration (DIP Switches)
Switch # 1 Positions 1-5 (Master/Slave Boards)
Operation Mode (SW1 Position 1-2): This setting allows the PCM to be placed into one of two
operational states. Switch 1 Pos 1 is for Pump Pos 1; and Pos 2 is for Pump Pos 2 of the PCM board.
• During Normal Operation relays are energized by the FSC3000
• During Manual Override relays are energized by the PCM, which allows the pumps to fuel
without FSC3000™ control
Pulser Type (SW 1 Position 3): This setting is set to match the electrical output of the pulser attached.
The PCM supports two types of pulsers:
• Active Pulsers supply a low-voltage signal to the PCM board
• Passive Pulsers either contain switch contacts or have “open collector” transistor outputs
The setting applies to the pulsers for pump positions of the PCM; therefore, both pulsers must be of the same type.
Pulser Filter (SW 1 Position 4): This setting is set to match the type of pulser attached. Mechanical
pulses cannot count as fast and generate more electrical noise. By setting the Pulser Filter to Mechanical,
the input signal is filtered.
• Electronic Pulsers typically have shutter wheels and optical detectors
• Mechanical Pulsers have switches that open and close with each pulse
The setting applies to the pulsers for pump positions of the PCM; therefore, both pulsers must be of the same type.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 83 of 134
In-Use Sense (SW 1 Position 5): This setting is based on how the pump is wired to inform the PCM that
the pump is authorized. The PCM is capable of two types of "in-use" sense.
• Voltage Sense is the most common method as it uses a line-voltage return wire from the
solenoid valve (or pump motor) wired to the “in-use” terminal on the high-voltage side of the
• Handle Sense is the alternate method that uses a contact closure input wired to the “Flow”
terminal on the low-voltage side of the PCM
The setting applies to both pump positions of the PCM; therefore, both pumps’ "in-use" sense must be the same.
Switch #1 Positions 1-5 (Master/Slave)
Pump Position
Operational Mode
Normal Operation
Manual Override
Operational Mode
Normal Operation
Manual Override
Pulser Type
1 and 2
3 and 4
Pulser Filter
1 and 2
3 and 4
In-use Sense
1 and 2
3 and 4
Handle Sense
Page 84 of 134
Switch # 2 Positions 1-6 (Master Board)
Address (SW 2 Position 1-3): This setting sets the address of the PCM board.
Baud Rate (SW 2 Position 4): This switch allows you to set the Petro-Net™ baud rate.
All devices on Petro-Net™ must be set to the same baud rate.
Factory (SW 2 Position 5-6): Factory use only and must be set to open.
5 6
Switch # 2 Positions 1-3 (Master) — PCM (PCT) Address
PCT #1
PCT #2
PCT #3
PCT #4
PCT #5
PCT #6
PCT #7
PCT #8
Switch #2 Positions 4-6 (Master)
Switch Position
Baud Rate
1200 PCM Part #20-44-01 thru 20-4404-04
2400 PCM Part #20-44-05 thru 20-4404-08
Must be set to OPEN
Must be set to OPEN
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 85 of 134
4.5.2 PCM Testing
1. Apply power to the FIT powering the PCM board(s) or to the PCM Remote cabinet
2. Activate the bypass switch for the first hose (Switch 1, Position 1) on the Master PCM
3. Observe the red “Relay” LED come on
4. Activate the pump or dispenser and watch the yellow “In Use” LED
a. It should light when the reset cycle is complete and the pump motor or solenoid valve is
5. Dispense product and watch the green “Pulse” LED
a. It should flash as product is being dispensed
b. If equipped with a flow switch, the yellow “Flow” LED should light at the same time
6. Turn off the bypass switch
7. Repeat the same process for the second hose on the Master PCM by turning on its bypass switch
(Switch 1, Position 2)
8. Repeat the same process for the two hoses on the Slave board
Figure 4-11 Master PCM Board LEDs Figure 4-12 Slave PCM Board LEDs
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4.6 UPC Startup/Configuration
This section describes how to configure and verify that the UPC is functional.
4.6.1 Configuration (DIP, Toggle Switches, Consoles)
Figure 4-13 UPC Board
Petro-Net™ Baud Rate (Toggle Switch)
Set Toggle to the correct Petro-Net™ Baud setting.
Switch # 1 Battery (Slide Switch)
Set Switch # 1 to ON to activate battery, which preserves UPC data during power failure.
Switch # 2 Positions 1-4, 8 (Gilbarco and Wayne)
PCT Emulation (SW2 Position 1-4): This setting allows the UPC to emulate 1 to 4 PCT positions
• The first-lowest PCT number emulated will map to the first eight (8) positions (1-8) of the
• The next-lowest PCT emulated will map to the next eight (8) positions (9-16) of the console
Any K800™ Hybrid PCM must not be set up with the address as the emulated PCT.
• UPC Light Test (SW 2 Position 8): Tests the lights on the UPC. Be sure to disconnect UPC from
Petro-Net™ when performing this test or the entire Petro-Net™ will be non-operational
Switch # 2 Positions 5-7 (Gilbarco-specific)
Unused (SW 2 Position 5): Not used and must be set to Open.
Method of Payment (SW 2 Position 6): This setting defines the Method of Payment with the 2400 Plus
• Cash (Open): Transactions use cash pricing
• Credit (Closed): Transactions use credit pricing
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 87 of 134
Unused (SW 2 Position 7): Not used and must be set to Open
Switch # 2 Positions 5-7 (Gilbarco-specific)
The TS-1000 works with up to 16 products in four (4) modes for a total of 64 grades. Each grade can have
its own price; each product can have up to four (4) unit prices.
Configure the FSC3000™ to have the same prices, names and measuring units as used in the Gilbarco product table.
FSC3000™ "fuel type" is equivalent to a Gilbarco "grade."
The values for “pump number,” “fuel type” and “maximum fueling quantity per transaction” must also be
programmed for the FSC3000™.
During a cold start, the UPC polls the pump map of the TS-1000 controller to determine which products
are assigned to which pumps and fueling positions.
Gilbarco TS-1000 Configuration
Use Function 86 to program the TS-1000 options as described below. Options not listed are not used for
UPC operations.
If the Pump Handle Timer is not pro-grammed, the timer
on the UPC is used
Single memory
On demand
Change to '12345'
1,200 baud
Can be either
Can be either
Page 88 of 134
Gilbarco UPC Status Lights
Switch # 2 Positions 5-7 (Wayne-specific)
Power Fail Recovery (SW 2 Position 5): This setting sets how the console will handle a transaction
during a power failure.
Console Cleared (Open): Transactions in progress during a power failure will remain unpaid until
cleared on the console.
Manual Override (Closed): Transaction in progress during a power failure will be cashed out auto-
matically after power is restored.
Method of Payment (SW 2 Position 6): This setting defines the Method of Payment with the 2400 Plus
Cash (Open): Transactions use cash pricing and are stored in the cash Outdoor card payment Terminal
Credit (Closed): Transactions use credit pricing and are stored in the credit Outdoor card payment
Terminal bin.
Operation Mode (SW 2 Position 7): Used for factory use only and must be set to Open.
Attended (Open): UPC is set up for attended operations, which will allow transactions to be authorized
by the FSC3000™ or Wayne console.
Unattended (Closed): UPC is setup for unattended operations, which will allow transactions to be
authorized only by the FSC3000™.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 89 of 134
Switch # 2 Positions 5-7 (Wayne-specific)
PF Cleared
MOP Cash
PF Cleared
MOP Cash
PF Cleared
MOP Credit
PF Cleared
MOP Credit
PF Override
PF Override
F Override
MOP Credit
PF Override
MOP Credit
Configuring Blended Pumps: In order to include blending pumps, use a console to assign the tank-to-
fueling point, blend ratio-to-grade and grade-to-position for the blending pumps. For Decade 2400, use
Modes 03, 17 and 18, respectively. For PLUS/2 or PLUS/3, use the appropriate selections in the Pump
Control Menu.
PCT Position Configuration: Assign Wayne grades to FSC3000™ hoses in the same order as the Wayne
system positions. If the pump has fewer than four (4) grades, leave the remaining FSC3000™ hoses
undefined. Note that unused Wayne positions should be skipped.
Transaction Pricing: Wayne prices are displayed at the pump. If the FSC3000™ is programmed with
different prices, the total cost recorded by the FSC3000™ will be different than the total cost displayed at
the pump. This may violate local weights and measures regulations.
Do not use "stacked" sales on the Wayne console.
Wayne UPC Status Lights
Power-up Test: Plug the UPC power cord into an AC wall socket. The POWER switch is on the back of the
Battery Activation: Be sure Switch 1 inside the UPC is ON. This activates the battery, preserving UPC
data during a power failure.
Cold Start: Switch 3 is the "cold start" button. If this button is held in while the UPC power is turned on,
Page 90 of 134
the UPC polls the FSC3000™ for pump and product data. This is a "cold start.”
You must cold start the UPC when it is first powered up and anytime pumps are added, deleted or reassigned.
When cold-starting the UPC, the battery must be on, the console must be powered up and all pumps must be
inactive (handles off and not authorized).
Continue pressing Switch 3 until the front panel status lights begin to flash.
Unattended Fueling Operation with the UPC: For unattended fueling, a customer inserts a card into
the reader of the Petro Vend System, enters optional data at the keyboard (PIN, and/or odometer
reading) and selects a pump.
If the selected pump is available, then it is authorized by the UPC. If the customer selects a pump that is
in service or out of order, they are requested to select another pump [Pump Handle, Re-Enter].
The customer cannot preset a limit for the fuel. The pump cannot be reauthorized until the UPC
transaction terminates.
When the transaction terminates, it is recorded by the FSC3000™. The FSC3000™ fuel price is used to
calculate the cost of the transaction.
Attended Fueling Operation with the Console: When the pump nozzle is removed and the pump
handle lifted, the corresponding light and beeper on the console signal the cashier to authorize the
pump. Fueling cannot begin until authorization is granted.
If the pump is pre-authorized (pre-paid) by the console, it is not available to the FSC3000™ customer.
The FSC3000™ records only the transactions it authorizes.
Pump Handle, Re-Enter: Message: The FSC3000™ usually displays [Pump Handle, Re-Enter] when a
customer tries to select a pump and the UPC cannot authorize the dispenser. The following are some
possibilities why the pump would not authorize.
• Dispenser is not in an "idle" state
• Console has all pumps in emergency stop or all stop
• Authorization amount (dollar or volume) is too large – exceeds console limit
• Authorization amount (dollar or volume) is too small
• Invalid dispenser number
• Console setup Preset post-pay (not allowed)
• Pump has Invalid price setting (e.g., $0.00)
• Pump already Pre-authorized
• Preset Sales is disabled on pump controller/console
4.7 DPC Startup/Configuration
DPC configuration was completed during installation. Verify configuration is correct by referencing the DPC
installation section. There is no preliminary testing that can be done with the DPC. The DPC will only be able to be
verified when configuration of the FSC3000™ is complete.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 91 of 134
4.8 FSC3000™ Configuration and Testing
4.8.1 Cold Start
The FSC3000™ performs a COLD START the first time it powers up. This initializes the system and sets all
the parameters to their default values. One of the defaults is to enable FIT 1 and PCT 1 positions 1 and 2
for testing. The FSC3000™ must then be configured with the site-specific information using ARTWare™ or
Command Line Programming.
4.8.2 Forced Cold Start
The FSC3000™ can be restored back to factory defaults any time by performing a forced cold start.
All card records and transaction data will be erased. Be sure this is the desired outcome before executing this
1. Remove the power cord from the back of the FSC3000™.
2. Press and hold both front panel buttons while simultaneously plugging the power cord back
into the FSC3000™.
3. Wait for a beep. Release panel buttons. The display will show COLD START.
4. Verify the system is operational.
4.8.3 Configuration
ARTWare™ is a Windows® PC-based configuration utility that simplifies the programming of the
FSC3000™. ARTWare™ can be used in an online or off-line mode. In the online mode, changes to the
configuration are made immediately. In the off-line mode, changes will be downloaded to the FSC3000™
when a connection is established.
ARTWare™ also creates backup data files for the configuration parameters, which are useful if the
FSC3000™ ever needs to be restored.
ARTWare™ supports a direct serial-wired connection, a remote modem connection or an Ethernet
Command Line Configuration
You can also program the FSC3000™ using the Command Line Configuration Guide. Use HyperTerminal
or another terminal emulation program to establish communication with the FSC3000™. Next, type in
the desired commands. The Command Line Configuration Guide is located on the Documentation CD, or
it can be downloaded from the OPW Global Website (www.opwglobal.com).
4.8.4 FSC3000™ Ethernet Port Setup
Before connecting to the FSC via its Ethernet adapter for card management and polling, you must
configure the Ethernet device.
Connecting the FSC to the Network
1. Before attempting to run the configuration utility, connect the FSC to the network using a
standard CAT5 network cable
2. Remove the FSC power cable
3. Connect one end of the cable to the device that provides an entry point into the network
4. Connect the other end to the port label “E-NET” on the back of the FSC
Page 92 of 134
5. Plug the FSC power cable into the controller
Configuring the FSC IP Address
Included on the ARTWare™ installation CD is the software needed to configure the IP address of the Fuel
Site Controller’s network adapter.
1. Insert the CD and open a Windows® Explorer window to the folder on the CD called “Digi”.
2. In this folder is the program called “digiserve.exe”.
3. Run this application to configure the device’s IP address.
Figure 4-14 Digiserve.exe Window
If an error occurs when attempting to run the application the machine may not have all the files necessary to run
the program. In this case, you can run an installation program to install the application. The install can be found in
the folder called “Full Install” under the current “Digi” folder.
4. Run the digiserve.exe application. You will see the window shown here.
5. If the device is not seen, click the [Refresh View] link in the “Other Tasks” section every couple
of seconds until the device appears in the list.
6. Once the device is identified by the Digi Device Discovery program, you can choose to
configure the device to have a static IP address or to automatically obtain an address from the
DHCP server.
7. With the Digi device selected, click the [Configure network settings] option in the [Device
Tasks] section of the program to configure the IP address.
Because the OPW applications used to configure and manage the FSC require that a specific IP address and port
number be entered, OPW recommends configuring the FSC to a static IP, or the DHCP server should be configured
to always assign the same IP address to the MAC Address shown.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 93 of 134
4.8.5 Bluetooth®, WiFi, Cell Modem Setup
When accessing the FSC3000™ display, verify the proper socket device is installed as indicated:
1 = Bluetooth
2 = Cell Modem
3 = WiFi
Bluetooth® (socket device #1)
1. Notice there are two yellow status lights. The first light will be ON when the FSC3000™ is ready
to accept a connection.
2. Set your PC to search for the device. The FSC3000™ will be seen as "FSC3000."
3. Enter the default password "HELLO" to link the FSC3000™ to the PC.
4. Once linked, the second yellow light will turn on and communication will be possible.
Cell Modem (socket device #2)
Not currently available.
WiFi (socket device #3)
1. Connect to the FSC300™ using either a direct-connect serial cable or via the Ethernet port.
2. From the command line, type Set WiFi. The FSC will respond with "WiFi Modem Enabled" and
then prompt for the access point name.
3. Enter the name of the WiFi router.
4. The next prompt is the security method, make sure this matches the router, then enter in the
security key or pass phrase.
5. The choose DHCP (for dynamic IP) or enter the static IP address.
6. Reset the FSC3000™. The WiFi will automatically connect.
If connection could not be established, double-check router name and security settings.
7. Verify connection by, using a PC connected on the same network, login to the FSC3000™ using
a terminal emulation program with the IP address of the socket modem.
8. Once your WiFi connection has been established and verified, you have completed the WiFi
Page 94 of 134
4.8.6 USB Memory Key Operation
A USB memory key can be inserted into the USB port on the FSC3000™. The key can be used for two
1. It will store transaction data in a format that can be imported into Phoenix™
2. It will process a card update file created by Phoenix™ (This is an optional feature)
FSC3000™ USB Key Setup
The FSC3000™ must be set up to function with the USB key using ARTWare™, or set manually by using
the [Set Journal] command.
The default Phoenix™ site ID is 000. This setting disables the USB key from recording transactions.
Set the Phoenix™ site ID to the desired number. This number will be stored with each transaction record
and imported into Phoenix™ for reporting purposes. Each site should have a unique number to identify
where the transaction took place.
USB Key Card Update Operation
The FSC3000™ detects when a key is inserted and displays the message [USB Key Inserted]. The
FSC3000™ checks to see if the key contains a card update file with a matching site ID. If so, the message
[Processing Card Updates] will be seen while the FSC is updating the positive card file.
When complete, the card update file is deleted and the display will show [Card Update Complete –
Remove Key].
The Key must then be removed. It can be reinserted, or a different key can be inserted to begin storing
transaction data.
USB Key Transaction Recording Operation
The FSC3000™ detects when a key is inserted and displays the message [USB Key Inserted]. If no card
update file is present on the key, the FSC3000™ will use the key to store transactions. If there is an
existing transaction file, new transactions will be appended to the file. If no transaction file exists, one
will be created. In either case, the message [USB Key Logging Transactions] will be displayed.
Removing a USB Key with Recorded Transactions
Never remove the USB key without following these steps first; corrupted data could result.
1. Press one of the function buttons on the FSC3000™ until the [USB Key Inserted] message is
2. Press the function key one more time to display the message [Log All Transactions Now?]
3. Press the <No> (Left) function button to select. The message [Remove Key?] is displayed.
4. Select <Yes> and wait while the system writes the end-of-file marker to the key. The message
[Please Remove Key] will be displayed and three beeps will be heard.
Transactions may still take place while the key is removed. The system will store these transactions in the main
system buffer until a new key is inserted.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 95 of 134
Using a USB Key with Phoenix™
When using Phoenix™ with the USB key features of the FSC3000™, OPW suggests the following
1. Initial Setup
a. Open Phoenix™ and select [Utilities] from the menu and then select [Options]
b. Click on the [File Locations] tab
c. In the [Active Database] frame, click on the text box that shows the [Default
Database Path]
d. With the text selected, right click on the text and select [Copy]
e. Open a Windows® Explorer window and paste the copied text into the Address bar at
the top of the window and press Enter. Or, locate the data folder as shown in the
[Default Database Path]
f. Once the path to the Phoenix™ data folder is found, right-click on the Data folder itself
and select [Copy] from the menu
g. Right click on your Desktop and select [Paste Shortcut] from the menu. This now
provides you a direct access path to the Phoenix™ data folder for the following
2. Importing transactions from the USB key into Phoenix™
a. With the USB key from the FSC plug into your PC, open a Windows® Explorer window
to the USB key itself
b. Locate the file named: [K2500.trn]
c. Right Click on the file and select [Cut] from the menu
d. Open the Shortcut to the Data folder that was created above
e. From the [Edit] menu, select [Paste]
If Windows® prompts you to overwrite this file, answer <No> and follow the steps below. Otherwise, skip to step 6.
f. Open Phoenix™ and from the [Utilities>Transactions] menu select [Import Poll File]
g. Once the existing poll file is imported you can start again from step 1
h. If an error occurs during the import process you must resolve these before moving the
new poll file from the key. If not, fueling data may be lost!
i. Open Phoenix™ and from the [Utilities>Transactions] menu select [Import Poll File]
j. You can now return the USB key to the FSC
Loading the Card Update File onto the USB Key
This is an optional feature on the FSC3000™.
1. As normal, under Phoenix™ select the [Update Cards] option from the [Utilities] menu. After
the update files are created and the [Update Cards] dialog box appears allowing you to select
the site for update, click [Cancel].
2. Connect the USB key you want use for card updates to your PC
3. Open the Shortcut (created above) to the data and locate the [CUxxx] file associated to the site
you expect to update, where [xxx] is the FSC3000™'s Phoenix™ site ID
This Site ID must match the Site ID programmed into the FSC3000™.
4. Right-Click on the desired [CUxxx] file and select [Cut] from the menu
5. Open a Windows® Explorer Window to the USB key and select [Paste] from the [Edit] menu
6. Once the file is copied and can remove the USB key and place it in the FSC to perform the
update card
Page 96 of 134
4.8.7 Journal Printer Setup
The optional Epson Journal Printer comes set correctly from OPW. These are the configuration settings if
they ever need to be reset.
Menu Option
Menu Option
Page length for tractor
11" (28 cm)
Skip over perforation
Data length
7 bit
Auto tear off
Parallel I/F mode
Auto line feed
Packet mode
Print direction
Character table
International character
0 slash
Manual feed wait time
1.5 seconds
High speed draft
I/F mode
Auto CR
Auto I/F wait time
10 seconds
IBM character table
Table 1
Baud rate
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 97 of 134
4.8.8 System Testing
Once the FSC3000™ has been configured for the site-specific components and operating parameters, the
entire system operation must be tested.
Verify all connection methods to be utilized by site are functional (direct, modem, Bluetooth®, etc.)
Verify all FITs, PCMs, UPCs, ePCs are communicating on Petro-Net™.
Verify all FSC3000™ options required are enabled - (Networks, DPC, transaction/card limits, etc.)
Verify card buffer is set up to customer needs
Verify Journal Printer print transactions
Verify Printer has required information
Verify system allows/disallows fueling when printer is off
Verify USB records transaction
Verify system allows/disallows fueling when USB is removed
Verify if device is installed on Pass-thru port it is accessible
Verify if equipped, Price Sign shows correct price
(K800™ Hybrid, C/OPT™, FIT500™)
Verify hardware – Keypad(s), Reader(s), receipt printer work
Verify receipt Header/Trailer OK
Verify receipt Body Format - Proprietary Only
Body Text & position (Set up in FSC3000™)
Date/Time Stamp (C/OPT™ & FIT500™ setup)
Verify display Brightness
Verify display Messages (Set up in FSC3000™)
Verify FIT if setup is restricted to certain pumps
Pump Control
(K800™ Hybrid PCT, PCM, UPC, DPC)
Write down associated pump number
Verify proper pump turns on
Verify pump timers are set up as required
Verify maximum quantity is set up as required - Using card with
no quantity restriction setup verifies pump turns off when
maximum quantity is reached.
Verify pump records proper amount
Page 98 of 134
Verify Product restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for
each product restriction and verify card can only turn on proper
Verify Quantity restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for
each quantity restriction and verify card can only pump the
restricted quantity
Verify if pump is equipped with PetroLink™ nozzle reader that
pump can be authorized with tag
Pump Control
(K800™ Hybrid PCT, PCM, UPC, DPC)
Write down associated pump number
Verify proper pump turns on
Verify pump timers are set up as required
Verify maximum quantity is set up as required - Using card with
no quantity restriction setup verifies pump turns off when
maximum quantity is reached
Verify pump records proper amount
Verify Product restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for
each product restriction and verify card can only turn on proper
Verify Quantity restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for
each quantity restriction and verify card can only pump the
restricted quantity
Verify if pump is equipped with PetroLink™ nozzle reader that
pump can be authorized with tag
Pump Control
(K800™ Hybrid PCT, PCM, UPC, DPC)
Write down associated pump number
Verify proper pump turns on
Verify pump timers are set up as required
Verify maximum quantity is set up as required - Using card with
no quantity restriction setup verifies pump turns off when
maximum quantity is reached
Verify pump records proper amount
Verify Product restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for
each product restriction and verify card can only turn on proper
Verify Quantity restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for
each quantity restriction and verify card can only pump the
restricted quantity
Verify if pump is equipped with PetroLink™ nozzle reader that
pump can be authorized with tag
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 99 of 134
Pump Control
(K800™ Hybrid PCT, PCM, UPC, DPC)
Write down associated pump number
Verify proper pump turns on
Verify pump timers are set up as required
Verify maximum quantity is set up as required - Using card with
no quantity restriction setup verifies pump turns off when
maximum quantity is reached
Verify pump records proper amount
Verify Product restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for
each product restriction and verify card can only turn on proper
Verify Quantity restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for
each quantity restriction and verify card can only pump the
restricted quantity
Verify if pump is equipped with PetroLink nozzle reader that
pump can be authorized with tag
Pump Control
(K800™ Hybrid PCT, PCM, UPC, DPC)
Write down associated pump number
Verify proper pump turns on
Verify pump timers are set up as required
Verify maximum quantity is set up as required - Using card with no quantity restriction set
up verifies pump turns off when maximum quantity is reached
Verify pump records proper amount
Verify Product restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for each product restriction and
verify card can only turn on proper pump(s)
Verify Quantity restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for each quantity restriction
and verify card can only pump the restricted quantity
Verify if pump is equipped with PetroLink™ nozzle reader that pump can be authorized with
Page 100 of 134
Pump Control
(K800™ Hybrid PCT, PCM, UPC, DPC)
Write down associated pump number
Verify proper pump turns on
Verify pump timers are set up as required
Verify maximum quantity is set up as required - Using card with no quantity restriction set
up verifies pump turns off when maximum quantity is reached
Verify pump records proper amount
Verify Product restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for each product restriction and
verify card can only turn on proper pump(s)
Verify Quantity restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for each quantity restriction
and verify card can only pump the restricted quantity
Verify if pump is equipped with PetroLink™ nozzle reader that pump can be authorized with
Pump Control
(K800™ Hybrid PCT, PCM, UPC, DPC)
Write down associated pump number
Verify proper pump turns on
Verify pump timers are set up as required
Verify maximum quantity is set up as required - Using card with no quantity restriction set up
verifies pump turns off when maximum quantity is reached
Verify pump records proper amount
Verify Product restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for each product restriction and
verify card can only turn on proper pump(s)
Verify Quantity restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for each quantity restriction and
verify card can only pump the restricted quantity
Verify if pump is equipped with PetroLink™ nozzle reader that pump can be authorized with
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 101 of 134
Pump Control
(K800™ Hybrid PCT, PCM, UPC, DPC)
Write down associated pump number
Verify proper pump turns on
Verify pump timers are set up as required
Verify maximum quantity is set up as required - Using card with no quantity restriction set up
verifies pump turns off when maximum quantity is reached
Verify pump records proper amount
Verify Product restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for each product restriction and
verify card can only turn on proper pump(s)
Verify Quantity restriction is set up properly – Set up test card for each quantity restriction and
verify card can only pump the restricted quantity
Verify if pump is equipped with PetroLink™ nozzle reader that pump can be authorized with tag
Network-enabled systems
Verify network card can authorize pump
Verify transaction is recorded correctly
Verify with network transaction is captured correctly
Phoenix™-equipped systems
Verify Phoenix™ can connect to FSC3000™
Verify FSC3000™ transaction string is set correctly for polling
Verify Phoenix™ tables match FSC3000™ tables (products, restrictions, etc.)
Verify Card update process works
Verify Polling works
Verify if Phoenix™ has reconciliation and equipped tank gauge can be polled (Pass-Thru, direct, etc.)
Page 102 of 134
5 PetroLink™ Fuel Control System
The PetroLink™ option provides the ultimate in security and accountability by removing driver intervention from
the fueling process. A PetroLink™-equipped nozzle reads the vehicle identification when it is inserted into the fill
pipe, thus eliminating the need for cards or keys. The vehicle's mileage and/or hours of use are also captured if the
vehicle is equipped with a vehicle meter. This information is sent wirelessly to the FSC3000™ to be authenticated.
The pump is then automatically activated if the vehicle is identified and the fuel type is correct.
5.1 System Technical Specifications
PetroLink™ Component Specifications
Nozzle Reader
Stand-Alone Power
Supply for WCU
Cabinet Dimensions
12” H x 13” W x 12” D
(30.5 cm x 33 cm x 30.5 cm)
Power Requirements
12 VDC
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz;
50 W Max
Operating Temp. Range
+5°F to +104°F
(-15°C to +40°C)
+5°F to +104°F
(-15°C to +40°C)
+5°F to +122°F
(-15°C to +50°C)
Operating Frequency
2.4 GHz
433.9 MHz
ePC Specifications
Pedestal-Mounted ePC
Remote ePC
Cabinet Dimensions
See C/OPT™ or FIT500™ FIT specifications
10” H x 12-1/2” D x 5-11/16” W
(25.4 cm x 31.8 cm x 14.4 cm)
Power Requirements
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz; 50 W Max
115/230 VAC: 50/60 Hz; 50 W Max
Operating Temp. Range
+5°F to +122°F (-15°C to +50°C) +5°F to +122°F (-15°C to +50°C)
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 103 of 134
Handle Monitor Specifications
Pedestal-Mounted Mechanical/Electronic
Remote Mechanical/Electronic
Cabinet Dimensions
See C/OPT™ or FIT500™ FIT specifications
10” H x 12-1/2” D x 5-11/16” W
(25.4 cm x 31.8 cm x 14.4 cm)
Power Requirements
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz; 1.0/.06 A
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz; 1.0/.06 A
Operating Temp. Range
-40°F - 122°F (-40°C - 50°C)
-40°F - 122°F (-40°C - 50°C)
5.2 PetroLink™ Overview
The PetroLink™ system consists of several components.
The WCU (Wireless Communication Unit) is the wireless device that communicates with the nozzle receivers and
vehicle meters. Though most installations require only one (1), up to four (4) WCUs may be installed in large
The Handle Monitor informs the Embedded PetroLink™ Controller (ePC) to activate the Nozzle Antenna (using
the WCU) to start searching for an installed vehicle tag. The ePC is the PetroLink™ interface to the FSC3000™.
The MHM, or Mechanical Handle Monitor, is used with mechanical pumps controlled by K800™ Hybrid
PCTs and/or PCMs
• Each MHM can monitor up to four (4) pumps
• Up to eight (8) MHMs may be installed, allowing a maximum of 32 pumps to be controlled by
The DPC/EHM, or Direct Pump Control/Electronic Handle Monitor, is used with electronic pumps and
performs the function of the handle monitor for electronic pumps, as well as the direct pump control.
• One DPC/EHM can control and monitor a maximum of 32 pumps
The PetroLink™ option can only handle one type of Handle Monitor (Mechanical or Electronic). On systems with
both types of pumps, PetroLink™ can still be used, but it would be limited to the mechanical pumps or electronic
Page 104 of 134
5.2.1 PetroLink™ System Overview using Mechanical Handle Monitor
5.2.2 PetroLink™ System Overview using Electronic Handle Monitor
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 105 of 134
5.3 PetroLink™ Installation
The following diagrams are examples of typical PetroLink™ system installations. Additionally, these may be used
as reference in atypical situations as guidelines for PetroLink™ conduit installation.
1. Installation with Integrated FSC3000™ with Mechanical Pump Control and PetroLink™
2. Installation with Integrated FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump Control and PetroLink™
3. Installation with Remote FSC3000™ with Mechanical Pump Control and PetroLink™
4. Installation with Remote FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump Control and PetroLink™
5.3.1 Typical Installation Diagram with Integrated FSC3000™ with Mechanical
Pump Control and PetroLink™
Page 106 of 134
5.3.2 Typical Installation Diagram with Integrated FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump
Control and PetroLink™
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 107 of 134
5.3.3 Typical Installation Diagram with Remote FSC3000™ with Mechanical Pump
Control and PetroLink™
Page 108 of 134
5.3.4 Typical Installation Diagram with Remote FSC3000™ with Electronic Pump
Control and PetroLink™
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 109 of 134
5.3.5 Wiring Requirements
HM-485 Wiring
The Mechanical/Electronic Handle communicates to the ePC using RS-485 protocol called HM-485. HM-
485 wiring uses the same wire as Petro-Net™, a twisted-pair of 18-AWG wires that must be twisted
together to provide immunity to electrical noise. You can order Petro-Net™ wire from OPW as part
number 12-1029.
HM-485 wiring can run a maximum of 5,000' (1,524 m).
WCU Ethernet Wiring
The WCU communicates to the ePC using TCP/IP protocol. The WCU requires CAT5e cable from each
WCU and when using more than one WCU will require a 5-port switch (customer supplied). WCU
Ethernet cable is limited to 300' (91.4 m); if a longer cable run is required, use repeaters.
WCU Power Wiring
The WCU requires +12 VDC power for each WCU. The WCU power-wire length is limited to the distance
defined below:
Wire Sizes
Maximum Wire Length
18 AWG
55' (16.8 meters)
16 AWG
85' (25.9 meters)
14 AWG
135' (41.2 meters)
12 AWG
225' (68.6 meters)
10 AWG
350' (106.7 meters)
For some WCU installations, the use of additional ePC power supplies may be required.
Page 110 of 134
5.3.6 WCU Installation
WCU Power, Ethernet
Figure 5-1 Remote ePC Figure 5-2 Pedestal-mounted ePC Figure 5-3 Remote ePC (outside)
WCU Power/Communication Conduit Requirements
This conduit should run from the ePC to each WCU and may be looped from WCU to WCU. This conduit
should only contain the WCU power and Ethernet cable.
See WCU Power Wiring in Section 5.3.5 for proper wire size for wire length.
Figure 5-4 WCU Wiring
Wire Requirements
WCU Power +12 VDC
Minimum #18 AWG Stranded (Red) – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations*
Minimum #18 AWG Stranded (Black) – Oil/Gas resistant, Wet Locations*
WCU Ethernet
CAT5e (one required for each WCU)
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 111 of 134
Determine the WCU Location
The WCU must be installed within 300' (91.4 m) of the ePC. To determine the optimal WCU location, use
the following guidelines:
• Install centrally located to all dispensers it will be controlling
• Ensure line-of-sight to the pumps or dispensers
• Install horizontally
• Install approximately 10'-16' (3.1 m - 4.9 m) above the ground
• Install under the station canopy if applicable, otherwise install on a secure 13-foot (4 m) tall pole
WCU Coverage
The diagram below shows the communication range for the WCU.
• For dimension clarification, it is highly recommended to contact OPW Tech Support to
determine the optimal mounting location for frequency read
• The distance will vary at each individual site based on the quality of line-of-sight and other
environmental conditions
Figure 5-5 WCU Communication Range
The range of reception is greater on the wire-side of the WCU where the wires exit. Orientate the enclosure
WCU Mounting
Mount the WCU using the four (4) M4 mounting screws and standard mounting brackets provided.
WCU Conduit Installation
1. Install a 3/4” (1.9 cm) rigid conduit from the WCU junction box to the ePC location (FIT or
Remote PCM cabinet). This conduit must be less than 300' (91.4 m) long.
2. From the WCU, insert the CAT5e Ethernet cable and two (2) low-voltage power wires (see wiring
conduit/wiring requirement section for proper AWG) into the 3/4” knockout of the junction
box. Be sure to use a suitable cable gland.
3. Connect wires to the WCU as shown using the RJ45 Coupler as indicated in Figure 5-4
The Ethernet cable supplied with the WCU is a crossover cable. Do not remove this cable.
Page 112 of 134
5.3.7 ePC and Handle Monitor Installation
The ePC and Handle Monitor are typically located in the C/OPT™ or FIT500™ pedestal using two of the
PCM positions.
1. If the island terminal is a K800™ Hybrid, or if there are more than four (4) mechanical pumps being
controlled, the ePC and Handle Monitor can be installed in a remote PCM cabinet.
• The PetroLink™ power supply is also installed in the same location. It is mounted behind
the ePC board.
2. If necessary, mount the Remote PCM cabinet in a convenient location at the island.
• The cabinet may be mounted to the back of the FIT pedestal by drilling appropriate
mounting holes.
Install appropriate conduit from the Remote PCM cabinet to the FIT.
Figure 5-6 ePC with MHM in Remote Cabinet
Figure 5-7 ePC with DPC/EHM in Remote Cabinet
Figure 5-8 ePC with MHM in Pedestal
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 113 of 134
5.3.8 Mechanical Handle Monitor (MHM) Installation Methods
The Mechanical Handle Monitor is used exclusively for the FSC3000™ system with PetroLink™.
The purpose of the Mechanical Handle Monitor is to detect when a fueling hose is removed from its
receptacle and the pump handle (if any) is switched to the ON position. It then reports the status back
when requested by the EPC.
Each Mechanical Handle Monitor interface can monitor up to four (4) positions, with the system capable
of handling eight (8) Handle Monitor interfaces, giving the system the total capability to monitor 32
fueling positions.
The Mechanical Handle Monitor may be installed three (3) possible ways:
• Remote ePC: The Mechanical Handle Monitor is installed in the same enclosure as the remote
ePC. Using more than four (4) mechanical inputs will require additional MHMs to be installed in
a Remote PCM cabinet.
• Remote MHM: Mechanical Handle Monitor is installed in Remote PCM cabinet. Normally used
when the system pedestal PCM slots are full. Each Remote PCM can handle two (2) MHM boards
for up to eight (8) inputs (fueling points).
• Pedestal MHM: Mechanical Handle Monitor is installed in pedestal of C/OPT™ or FIT500™. If
more than two (2) PCM mounting positions have been utilized then use of Remote HMH will be
When using Remote PCMs with only master PCM, Mechanical Handle Monitor may be mounted next to PCM.
Parts Required
Part #
Part Description
Remote ePC (shared)
Remote MHM
Pedestal MHM
Remote ePC enclosure
Remote PCM enclosure
Mechanical Handle Monitor (MHM)
Power Cable (C/OPT™ or FIT500™)
Installing MHM (Mechanical Handle Monitor) in an ePC or Remote Enclosure
Figure 5-9 Remote Enclosure
The MHM must be installed in proximity of the Mechanical Pump control.
Figure 5-10 MHM Wire Conduit
Page 114 of 134
• K800™ Hybrid – on pedestal
• C/OPT™ – on pedestal (use pedestal MHM, if possible)
• FIT500™ – on pedestal (use pedestal MHM, if possible)
• Remote PCM – mount on wall next to remote peripheral equipment cabinet
When enclosure is mounted on pedestal, the enclosure and its conduits must be out of the hazardous area.
1. Install the following 1/2” or 3/4” rigid steel
conduits and wires, as applicable:
a. MHM power source conduit and pull
three (3) 14-AWG wires from the
breaker panel or terminal power
b. MHM Communication conduit and
pull two (2) 18-AWG twisted pair
from ePC wires can share MHM
power conduit if 600 V-rated
c. MHM pump handle monitor wire
conduit and pull two (2) 18-AWG
wires per handle position
2. Mount the MHM on the left-side stand-offs in
the enclosure with the four (4) inputs on the
left side
3. Remove Connector from CN7 MHM Interface
(Mechanical Handle Monitor) board and
attach output wiring from the power supply to the connector
Figure 5-12 MHM in Remote Enclosure
Please note polarity +12 VDC and ground DC.
4. Reconnect connector to CN7 on the MHM Interface
5. Attach Line, Neutral and Ground wires from the breaker panel to the power-connection block
6. Attach MHM communication wires to CN5
7. Attach handle monitoring wires
8. Power ON unit
Figure 5-11 MHM Functional Diagram
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 115 of 134
Installing MHM Interface (Mechanical Handle Monitor) in Terminal Pedestal
During an installation where the FSC3000 is integrated into the terminal, the MHM can be mounted in
one of the PCM pedestal mounts.
1. Mount the Mechanical Handle Monitor as shown in the above pedestal drawing
2. Remove Connector from CN7 MHM Interface (Mechanical Handle Monitor) board and attach output
wiring from the power supply to the connector
Please note polarity +12 VDC and ground DC.
3. Reconnect connector to CN7 on the MHM Interface
4. Attach Line, Neutral and Ground wires from the breaker panel to the power-connection block
Petro-Net™ wires are not used and should be capped.
5. Attach MHM communication wires to CN5
6. Attach handle-monitoring wires
7. Power ON system
Figure 5-13 MHM in Pedestal
Page 116 of 134
Mechanical Handle Monitor Interface Jumper Setup
Set up jumpers to match type of handle sense being connected.
When a jumper is set as ON, this means the jumper will tie both pins together.
When OFF, the jumper should be set on one pin. Some jumpers have three pins, when the jumper says
pins 1-2 this means the jumper should be set on pin 1 and 2 of the three-pin jumper. On three-pin
jumpers the board is labeled with which pin is number 1.
Set Jumpers for Address and Communication Parameters as shown below:
Jumper J15
Pins 2-3
Pins 2-3
Set Jumpers for Handle Sense
Current Source
10 mA
15 mA
Current Source
10 mA
15 mA
Current Source
10 mA
15 mA
Current Source
10 mA
15 mA
Voltage Range
Voltage Range
Voltage Range
Voltage Range
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 117 of 134
5.3.9 DPC/EHM Installation Methods
Please see DPC section for installation in remote cabinet, installation in a fuel island terminal and jumper
Figure 5-14 DPC/EHM (left) with ePC (right)
Page 118 of 134
5.3.10 PetroLink™ Component Wiring
Power Connections
Pull and connect two (2) line-voltage power wires and a ground wire to the PetroLink™ power supply.
Low-voltage Power Connections
Connect the output from the PetroLink™ Power Supply to the WCU and the Handle Monitor board(s) at
connector CN7. Please refer to Figure 5-12 for connection reference.
Plug the pre-wired power connection into the ePC.
WCU Ethernet Connection
Plug the WCU Ethernet connection into the ePC.
ePC Serial Connections
Connect the top serial port to the Handle Monitor Board at connector CN5.
Connect the bottom serial port to Petro-Net™.
Mechanical Handle Monitor Connections
Connect the Mechanical Handle Monitor input for each pump position to the K800™ Hybrid or PCM
5.3.11 Nozzle Reader Installation
Figure 5-15 Nozzle Reader Figure 5-16 Nozzle Insulator Figure 5-17 Nozzle Reader & Insulator Installed on Nozzle
Record the Serial Numbers and pump association for later programming.
1. Insert the Nozzle Reader into the insulator; make sure the side marked "FRONT" faces the spout.
2. When the two (2) protrusions are in place, place the battery case inside the insulator pouch
3. Install the insulator on the nozzle
Figure 5-18 Nozzle Reader Install Step 1 Figure 5-19 Nozzle Reader Install Step 2 Figure 5-20 Nozzle Reader Install Step 3
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 119 of 134
5.4 PetroLink™ Startup/Configuration
This section describes how to configure an installed PetroLink™ system and verify that the system is functional.
Begin by connecting a PC laptop to the ePC board for configuration setup:
1. Connect the supplied Ethernet adapter cable to the 10-pin connector on the ePC board
2. Connect the Ethernet crossover cable from the adapter to your PC's Ethernet network port
Figure 5-21 ePC Board with Ethernet Adapter Cable
There are two (2) programs that run on the ePC that have configuration parameters:
• The PPI Service is the interface between the PetroLink™ to the FSC3000™. You will need to configure the
type of handle monitor (mechanical or electronic) and the number of mechanical hand monitors (if
applicable) in the PPI Service.
• The AVI Manager is the PetroLink™ configuration tool. You will need to configure the number of WCUs
and assign nozzle readers to the WCUs in the AVI Manager.
To run the PPI Service and AVI Manager, you will need to use Windows® Remote Desktop.
1. Double -click the Remote Desktop icon in your PC's Accessories folder
2. Enter IP Address or
3. Enter the password: Petrolink (case sensitive)
Figure 5-22 Remote Desktop Connection
Page 120 of 134
5.4.1 PPI Configuration - Launch PPI Setup
First, the ePC must set up the configuration file for the PPI Service. This Service serves as the coordinator
between the PetroLink™ hardware/service and the FSC3000™ controller.
Below is a sample configuration file. Using WordPad, modify as needed.
Before performing any changes to the PPI Service, you must first stop the Window Service by performing the
following actions:
Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services Shortcut > PPI Service, and click Stop or Start.
The file location can be accessed at: C:\Program files\Petro Vend\PetroLink\PPI.Service.exe.config
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler,log4net"/>
<add key="Service.Log" value="false"/>
<add key="AVI.SERVER.IPADRESS" value=""/>
<add key="AVI.SERVER.PORT" value="6003"/>
<add key="AVI.CLIENT.IPADRESS" value=""/>
<add key="AVI.CLIENT.PORT" value="6001"/>
<add key="AVI.DELAY" value="600"/>
<add key="VIT.COM" value="COM2"/>
<add key="VIT.BAUDRATE" value="9600"/>
<add key="VIT.DATABITS" value="7"/>
<add key="VIT.DELAY" value="5"/>
<add key="HM.COM" value="COM3"/>
<add key="HM.BAUDRATE" value="9600"/>
<add key="HM.DATABITS" value="8"/>
<add key="HM.CONTINUOUSSIGNAL" value="false"/>
<add key="HM.PLC0" value="false"/>
<add key="HM.PLC1" value="false"/>
<add key="HM.PLC2" value="false"/>
<add key="HM.PLC3" value="false"/>
<add key="HM.PLC4" value="false"/>
<add key="HM.PLC5" value="false"/>
<add key="HM.PLC6" value="false"/>
<add key="HM.PLC7" value="false"/>
<add key="HM.VERSION" value="1.x"/>
<log4net debug="true">
<level value="ALL"/>
<appender-ref ref="PPIError"/>
Setup for Electronic Dispensers:
When using any kind of electronic dispensers,
program as follows:
<add key="HM.CONTINUOUSSIGNAL" value="true"/>
Setup for Mechanical Dispensers:
When using any kind of mechanical dispensers,
program as follows:
<add key="HM.CONTINUOUSSIGNAL" value="true"/>-
Is always looking for an AC or DC signal from the
MHM and will terminate the transaction when
signal drops from MHM or other settings in the
FSC3000™, e.g., timers in the FSC3000™ or other
<add key="HM.CONTINUOUSSIGNAL" value="false"/>-
It will be looking for a temporary AC or DC signal
from the MHM that gets generated from the motor
reset and the transaction will be terminated by a
timer in the relay board on the FSC or other
programming setting on the FSC3000™.
<add key="HM.PLCX" value="XXXXX"/>
This will be changed based on the number of MHM
boards installed at the site.
If only one MHM is on site then set as follows:
<…PLC" value="true"/>
If more than one MHM board is on site then set as
<…PLC0" value="true"/>
<…PLC1" value="true"/>
<…PLC2" value="true"/>
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 121 of 134
<appender-ref ref="PPIConsole"/>
<appender name="PPIError" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value=".\\logs\\%date{yyyyMMdd}.log"/>
<staticLogFileName value="false"/>
<appendToFile value="true"/>
<rollingStyle value="Size"/>
<maxSizeRollBackups value="30"/>
<datePattern value="yyyyMMdd"/>
<maximumFileSize value="10MB"/>
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout,log4net">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss} [%t]%-5p %c - %m%n %exception
<appender name="PPIConsole" type="log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender,log4net">
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout,log4net">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss} [%t]%-5p %c - %m%n %exception
<startup><supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/></startup></configuration>
Page 122 of 134
5.4.2 AVI Configuration - Launch AVI Manager Service
The ePC must be configured from a laptop/PC using the AVI Manger application.
For remote PC connection, please reference Figure 5-22 Remote Desktop Connection.
AVI Manager Operation Notes
• The OPW PetroLink™ AVI Service runs as part of the PC operating system when the PC is turned
on and does not depend on any particular user logging in.
• You will have shortcuts on the desktop, as well as the Start Menu. A screen-like icon on the right
side of the taskbar will turn from gray to green when the AVI Manager is connected to the
Service application.
• After not being used for 30 minutes, the AVI Manager will automatically disconnect from the
• To hide the AVI Manager window without disconnecting from the Service, close the window via
the “X” button located at the top right-hand corner on the window.
• To disconnect the AVI Manager from the Service without terminating the AVI Manager
application, right-click on the taskbar icon and choose Disconnect.
• When the AVI Manager window is closed, right-click on the taskbar icon and choose Open. You
may also double-click the AVI Manager icon.
• In order to reconnect the AVI Manager when it is disconnected (either automatically or by user-
command), right-click on the taskbar icon and choose Connect.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 123 of 134
Using the AVI Manager: Graphic Interface Icon Legend
Nozzle Reader
Forecourt Server (FS)
Add component
Remove component
Component is in maintenance
The following Device Options will be available to open by right-clicking any of the system components.
System Information is available on the GPC Home Page: System Version, GPC version, Service Version and System
Status (Running).
Figure 5-23 Configuration Screen
The icon on the right side of the main screen leads to the Configuration Screen.
Component is active
Component is disconnected
Component is disabled
Trying to
The PC is establishing a
connection With the WCU
Page 124 of 134
Use the scroll bar on the right to view the entire System Configuration.
Figure 5-24 System Configuration
Grayed type indicates that that line item is read only. Black type indicates that the line item is read/write.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 125 of 134
Adding a New WCU (GRT)
Click the Add WCU icon and enter the following configuration settings:
• Alias: A free text field used to describe the WCU. It is
recommended to use a sequential number, such as One, or a
similar type of identifying nomenclature.
• Net ID: Choose the WCU’s Net ID from the dropdown list. Up
to 12 WCUs may be added. Select 111_1 for the first WCU
• IP Address: The WCU IP number is located on the WCU
enclosure on a printed label. Enter the WCU default IP
• App Version: The application firmware version is checked
and automatically updated by AVI Manager software.
• Host IP: Leave unchecked. This feature
is not supported by OPW-FMS.
Click Add. The newly configured WCU status bar will
appear on the screen.
Right-click on the new WCU status bar and choose
Enable. The WCU status will change to Trying to
Connect while it establishes a connection; the status
will change to Ready once a connection to the
hardware unit has been established.
Adding Additional WCUs
If you have multiple WCUs installed, they will need to be configured, as well. In order to configure
additional WCUs, begin by unplugging the network switch of the just-configured WCU.
You must complete this step inorder to configure additional WCUs; two WCUs cannot share the same Net ID.
Right-click on the configured WCU status bar and select Change IP Address... By default the IP address of
the configured WCU is This number conflicts with the IP address of the WCU, as each
WCU must have it's own assigned IP address.
Change the IP address to, so that it is different than the default WCU IP address. Click OK
to accept this numerical change. A message box confirming that the "IP Address Changed" will appear.
Click OK to accept.
On the WCU’s main configuration screen, the WCU status bar will display "Trying to Connect."
Meanwhile, enter the WCU settings by right-clicking the WCU status bar and select WCU Setting...
• Change the Alias to a different name. If using a sequential numerical order, change to Two.
It is recommended to maintain numerical consistency when adding each WCU.
• Change the Net ID to 111_2.
• Update the IP Address to
Click Update to accept the changes made to the WCU's settings.
Once the WCU status bar, displays a Ready status, reconnect the network switch to the previously
disconnected WCU.
Figure 5-25 IP Address/Serial
Number Location
Figure 5-26 Adding a WCU
Page 126 of 134
Figure 5-27 WCU Status Bar
The number 1 represents a hard-coded, software-assigned
number. This number is irrelevant. Make note that the Two was
defined in the previous steps as the second configured WCU and
matches the newly assigned Net ID 111_2.
The configured WCU no longer conflicts with the next WCU we are about to configure. Now, click the
Add WCU icon and enter the following configuration settings:
• Alias: A free text field used to describe the WCU. It is recommended to use a sequential
number, such as One.
• Net ID: Choose the WCU’s Net ID from the dropdown list. Note that up to 12 WCUs may be
added. Select 111_1.
• IP Address: The WCU IP number is located on the WCU enclosure on a printed label. Enter
the WCU default IP address
• App Version: The application firmware version is checked and automatically updated by
AVI Manager software.
• Host IP: Leave unchecked. This feature is not supported by OPW-FMS.
Click Add. The newly configured WCU status bar will appear on the screen.
Figure 5-28 Second WCU Added
Right-click on the newly added WCU, select Enable. Wait for the WCU to establish a connection. The
WCU status bar will be show "Downloading (%)". The status will change to Ready once a connection to
the hardware unit has been established
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 127 of 134
When adding WCUs, always move the WCU with the default IP Address to a number that is not taken. Repeat the
Adding Additional WCUs process to add additional WCUs.
In order to access the WCU Device Properties, right-click on the WCU status bar and select Device
Properties. Here you will be able to perform the following actions:
• Grt Setting: Allows you to edit the WCU settings, i.e.,
IP address, Alias, Net ID, etc.
• Add New Reader: Configure a new Nozzle Reader to
the chosen WCU
• Scan Readers: Scan the chosen WCU’s Nozzle
Readers to verify communications. During a scan this
icon changes into the Abort Scan icon.
• Device Properties: View the WCU configuration and
last communication with the hardware unit
• Change IP Address: Change the WCU hardware
unit’s IP address
• Disable: Disable the WCU connection to the AVI
• Remove WCU: Remove the WCU
A WCU cannot be removed if it has Nozzle Readers linked to it.
WCU Status Legend
Init Parameter
Appears when the WCU is downloading a version update or changing Net ID
Trying to
Appears when the application is establishing communications with the WCU
unit, when the connection is interrupted or momentarily after choosing
Appears when the WCU is either physically disconnected or disabled, or both
Figure 5-29 WCU Setting Options
Figure 5-30 WCU Device Properties
Page 128 of 134
Adding a Nozzle Reader
Since all Nozzle Readers’ parameter values must be completed, it is not possible to set up a Nozzle
Reader if there are no WCUs in the system. Once all WCUs have been added to the AVI Manager the
Nozzle Readers may be configured to the WCUs.
Beginning with the WCU that has the Net ID 1, Click the Add Reader icon and enter configuration
• Reader No.: Pre-defined hardware serial
number that appears on the Nozzle
Readers. Enter the Nozzle number.
• Reader ID: It is recommended to enter a
consecutive number within the system
that should always be consistent with the
Position. Here we will enter 1.
• Position: The Nozzle Reader’s installation
position correlates to the VIT position.
Please see the M051.00 FSC3000
Configuration Guide for further details.
To maintain consistency with the Reader
ID, we will enter the number 1.
• WCU ID: One WCU that exists in the system, from the given dropdown ID list. Here we will
use WCU ID: One
• FS: FS active checkbox. Choose one of the FSs defined in the system or None if working
without a fuel server. Here we will select 1-Petrolink.
Click Add, and the new Nozzle Reader will appear on the Nozzle Reader main status screen. The Nozzle
Reader’s ID and position will appear on this screen.
Figure 5-32 Nozzle Reader Status Bar
Navigate back to the WCU main status screen, click the Scan Readers icon, or right-click the WCU with
Alias One and choose Scan Readers.
On the Readers main status screen, the Nozzle Reader's status should display the Ready status.
The Nozzle Reader’s default status will be enabled.
Figure 5-31 Adding a Reader
Figure 5-33 Scanning Readers
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 129 of 134
Adding Additional Nozzle Readers
Click on the Add Nozzle Reader icon at the top of the Nozzle Reader's main status screen, and enter the
following configuration settings:
• Reader No.: Pre-defined hardware serial
number that appears on the Nozzle
Readers. Enter the Nozzle number.
• Reader ID: It is recommended to enter a
consecutive number within the system
that should always be consistent with the
Position. Here we will enter 2.
• Position: The Nozzle Reader’s installation
position in the FS’s mapping of the
station. To maintain consistency with the
Reader ID, we will enter the number 2.
• WCU ID: One WCU that exists in the
system, from the given dropdown ID list.
Here we will use WCU ID: One. Always link nozzle readers to the primary WCU.
• FS: FS active checkbox. Choose one of the FSs defined in the system or None if working
without a fuel server. Here we will select 1-Petrolink.
Click Add. Once the Nozzle Reader device has been successfully added, a message box will ask, "Do you
wish to add another reader?" Select Yes in order to add additional Nozzle Readers and repeat the
Adding Additional Nozzle Readers process again for each Nozzle Reader added. Select No if you are
done adding Nozzle Readers.
When you have finished adding Nozzle Readers,
note that on the Nozzle Reader main status
page all additional readers added display a "Not
Initialized" status.
Navigate back to the WCU main status screen,
right-click the WCU with Alias One and choose
Scan Readers.
The Nozzle Reader status page should show, in
this case, two Nozzle Readers. Once the Nozzle
Reader's status is displayed as Ready, we can
move the Nozzle Reader 2 connection to the
second configured WCU Two.
Navigate back to the Nozzle Reader main status
screen, right-click on Nozzle Reader 2 and
select Update Driver.
• Select the Net ID of the WCU to which
you wish to link the Nozzle Reader. In
this case we want to configure Nozzle Reader 2 with WCU
• A message box will ask, "Are you sure about
downloading?" Click Yes.
• Wait patiently as Nozzle Reader 2 updates. Click OK to
confirm that the update was a success.
The Nozzle Reader 2 status bar should display a "Not Initialized"
status. Right-click the Nozzle Reader
Figure 5-36 Reading Settings
Figure 5-34 Adding Additional Nozzle Readers
Figure 5-35 Two Nozzle Readers Linked to One WCU
Page 130 of 134
status bar and select Reader Setting... This allows you to view of the Nozzle Reader’s configuration (Net
ID) and communication log (last communication with the WCU).
Change the WCU ID to WCU 111_2, then click Update.
Navigate back to the WCU main status screen and right-click on WCU 111_2 and select Scan Readers.
Once the status of the Nozzle Reader is displayed as Ready the Nozzle Reader is operational.
Reader Status Legend
Not initialized (new)
The Nozzle Reader has not been able to connect to the WCU
Not initialized
The Nozzle Reader was configured but is currently not communicating with the
The Nozzle Reader is communicating. All actions are enabled.
Communication is temporarily disrupted
Updating Nozzle Readers Firmware
After you have finished configuring your nozzle readers in the AVI
Manager, new software updates may be available. For proper nozzle
reader function, you will need to update the nozzle reader firmware
approximately every 6 months.
1. To do this, go to the Tools > System Drivers... in the main
toolbar of the AVI Manager.
2. Select Load Drivers...
3. Select the desired file location. Click Open to confirm.
4. A message stating Loading Driver Success will display, click OK to confirm.
Figure 15 -37 System Drivers
Figure 17 -38 Load System Drivers
Figure 16-39 Confirm Driver File Location
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 131 of 134
Routine Operation - Entering the Technician Screen
Use Tools > AVI > Show AVI Console to enter to the AVI Technician screen. This screen will show every
configuration action that is performed while logged in to the AVI Manager.
Figure 5-40 AVI Technician Screen
Use Tools > AVI > Hide AVI Console to hide the AVI Technician Screen.
Routine Operation - Changing the WCU IP Address
1. Check to ensure that WCU is connected and enabled
2. Right-click on the WCU tab and choose Change IP
3. Enter the desired IP address, if different than the default as with the case of multiple WCUs
4. The WCU will disconnect and perform the IP change
5. The application will inform the user that the IP change
has been successfully completed
6. Change the WCU settings to match the new IP
Routine Operation - Configuring Log Reporter Settings
1. Use Tools > Log Settings to configure Log
Reporter Settings
2. By default, the Log Reporter is inactive. Click the
checkbox labeled Active in the top left-hand
corner of the window to activate the screen.
3. In order to send logs to a server and to configure
sending time and pathway, enter relevant
parameters, i.e. FTP Settings
4. Check Log Reporter Setting configuration by
clicking Run Now and logging on to the target
server to receive the uploaded files
5. Click OK to confirm
Figure 5-41 Changing the IP Address
Figure 5-42 Log Reporter Settings
Page 132 of 134
6 System Maintenance
Though the FSC3000™-based card systems are designed for years of trouble-free use, you should perform the
following routine maintenance items at the intervals shown to maximize their service life.
6.1 FSC3000™ (Remote Only)
Make sure FSC cables are secure and FSC3000™ has adequate ventilation.
6.2 K800™ Hybrid, C/OPT™, FIT500™ Terminals
Cabinet and Door
Wipe down terminals with warm water, a mild detergent (dish soap) and a non-abrasive cloth. DO NOT
power-wash or even use a garden hose to rinse off the system! You can apply a retail car wax to protect
the finish of the Terminal cabinet and pedestal.
Do not use harsh detergents or any kind of petroleum-based cleaner on the display.
Recommended cleaners: AR Kleener, Diamond Glaze Anti-Reflective Cleaner.
Wipe down terminals with warm water, a mild detergent (dish soap) and a non-abrasive cloth. If Keypad
is damaged, replace it.
Door Locks
Lubricate door locks every six months, or as needed. Use graphite or molybdenum disulfide (“Moly-B”)
dry lubricant. DO NOT apply too much lubricant.
Card Readers
• Magnetic Card (All Terminals): Magnetic card readers contain magnetic heads like those on a
tape recorder. Depending on usage and environment (dusty), you should clean the heads daily
or every other day to reduce the number of bad reads. The heads require periodic replacement.
• ChipKey® (K800™ Hybrid, C/OPT™): ChipKey® readers are a non-maintenance reader. When
not reading ChipKey®s always verify with multiple ChipKey®s – then replace the reader, if
• Proximity (K800™ Hybrid, C/OPT™): Proximity readers are a non-maintenance reader. When
not reading cards always verify with multiple cards – then replace reader if needed.
Receipt Printer
Inspect receipt printer paper supply as needed. Verify Printer is printing on a routine basis.
For units equipped with heaters, it is recommended to verify that they are working when cold weather
In harsh environments (dusty, heavy snow, etc.) it is recommended that the optional weather-shield be purchased
for the K800™ Hybrid terminals. The C/OPT™ comes standard with a weather-shield. Currently, FIT500™ terminals do
not offer a weather-shield option.
Central Technical Support Number: 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324)
Calls outside US and Canada: 1-708-485-4200 Fax: 1 (800) 421-3297
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, US CST
Part Number: M1700, Revision: 05
Issue Date: January 1, 2012
Supersedes: April 1, 2011
Page 133 of 134
6.3 Remote PCM/EPC
Cabinet and Door
For outside units, wipe down PCM/EPC cabinets with warm water, a mild detergent (dish soap) and a
non-abrasive cloth. DO NOT power-wash or even use a garden hose to rinse off the system! You can
apply a retail car wax to protect the finish of the PCM cabinet.
Door Locks
For Outside units, lubricate door locks every six months or as needed. Use graphite or molybdenum
disulfide (“Moly-B”) dry lubricant. DO NOT apply too much lubricant.
6.4 PetroLink™
Inspect WCU mechanical mounting every six months and re-secure as needed.
Nozzle Reader & Insulators
Inspect Nozzle Readers & Insulators weekly for physical damage and replace nozzle reader and/or
insulator as needed.
6.5 Journal Printer
Preventative Maintenance
Because printers generate paper dust and ink droplets in everyday operations, periodic cleaning and
adjustments are required to maintain good performance and increase their life cycle. We recommend
cleaning the journal printer every six months for optimal performance. To maintain a dot-matrix printer,
please refer to the following procedures:
Equipment Needed:
1. Safety goggles
2. Protective gloves
3. Cotton cleaning swabs
4. Duster can (HFC-134a)
5. Isopropyl or Denatured alcohol
6. Moist wipes
7. Dry cloth or paper towels
The following procedure is suggested every six months:
1. Turn off power switch and unplug the printer
2. Remove top dust cover, printer ribbon and paper from guides
3. From a safe distance, use the compressed-air can to remove dust particles form inside the
printer area
4. Physically move the print head to the center of the rail
5. Moisten the cotton swab with the alcohol and clean the rail on both sides
6. Dry the rail with a dry towel or cloth
7. Moisten the towel and clean the rubber roller while manually turning the knob in one direction
8. Dry the rubber roller completely before securing the printer ribbon and paper
9. Add the dust cover, apply power and conduct the self-test
Page 134 of 134
7 Index
Antenna, 53, 54, 103
Beeper, 65, 69, 71, 80
Bluetooth, 53, 97
Card Readers, 132
Chipkey, 14, 59, 68, 73, 132
Circuit Breakers, 18
Commercial Outdoor Payment Terminal, 12
Conduit Sealing, 18
DEBUG, 65, 75
Dial-In, 53
Direct Connect, 53
Display, 14, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69, 77, 78, 80, 132
DPC, 12, 16, 24, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48,
55, 57, 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101
DPC Interface, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 55
DPC Pump Control, 24
Electronic Handle Monitor, 39, 42, 104
electronic pump control, 13, 16
Enclosure Mounting, 17, 30
ePC, 12, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 120,
EPROM, 38, 59, 65, 75, 77
EPROM, installing, 38
Ethernet, 18, 20, 30, 53, 56, 91, 109, 110, 111, 118
FACTORY, 65, 75
FCC Compliance, 10
FIT Conduits, 18
FLASH, 65, 75
Gilbarco, 16, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47, 55, 86, 87, 88
GPC, 122, 123, 131
Grounding, 18
Hazardous Areas, 10
HM Petro-Net, 18, 19
I/O, 65, 75
Insulator, 118, 133
Integrated FSC3000, 13, 17, 20, 26, 27, 51, 53, 105,
106, 108
Introduction, 81
Jumper Setup, 44, 116
Keypad, 61, 65, 67, 97, 132
Magnetic Card, 14, 59, 73, 132
MHM, 12, 103, 112, 113, 114, 115
Nozzle Reader, 102, 118, 133
Password, 65, 66
PCM, 12, 15, 21, 22, 23, 30, 34, 35, 36, 39, 42, 57, 82,
83, 84, 85, 86, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 111, 112, 113,
114, 115, 118, 133
PetroLink, 12, 39, 52, 57, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113, 118, 119, 120,
Petro-Net, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 30, 31, 35, 37, 42,
51, 52, 55, 57, 58, 61, 65, 70, 71, 76, 77, 84, 86, 97,
109, 115, 118
Printer, 14, 18, 55, 62, 63, 65, 68, 70, 76, 78, 80, 96,
97, 132, 133
Privileged Mode, 65, 66, 68, 71
Proximity, 132
Pulser Wire, 18, 23
Pump Control, 12, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28,
29, 35, 57, 89, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 105, 106, 107,
RAM, 59, 61, 62, 65, 75, 77
Receipt, 14, 62, 63, 65, 69, 74, 76, 79, 80, 132
Remote FSC3000, 13, 17, 28, 29, 51, 52, 53, 105, 107
RUN APP, 65, 66
SIMM, 52
System Contrast, 66
System Maintenance, 132
Toggle, 57, 65, 68, 69, 72, 86
UPC, 12, 16, 37, 38, 57, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 97, 98, 99,
100, 101
Value, 65, 69, 73, 79
VERSION, 65, 75
Warnings, 10
Wayne, 16, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 55, 86, 88, 89
WCU, 12, 18, 102, 103, 109, 110, 111, 118, 123, 125,
126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133
WiFi, 53
Wired Access, 53
Wireless Access, 53