M37640E8 XXXFP_Specification_V1.02_Aug97 XXXFP Specification V1.02 Aug97
User Manual: M37640E8-XXXFP_Specification_V1.02_Aug97
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Preliminary Ver 1.02 ~ MITSUBISm SEMICONDUCTOR ' . . . . AMERICA, INC. Mitsubishi M37640MX·XXXFP Preliminary Specification This publication, or any parts Ihcn>of, may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written pennission of Mitsubishi Semiconductor America, Inc:. (MSAI). Rev. 1.0 Internal Release Rev. 1.01 Design Spec Updates Rev. 1.02 Design Spec Updates April 2, 1997 July 1, 1997 August 28, 1997 The pmduct(s) described in 1hia publication are not designed. intended, or authorized for use as components in systemS intended for surgic:al implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustsin life, or for any other application in which failure of the product could cn:atc a situation whele pcnonaI injury ordesth may occur. Should Buyer purdIase or use 1hia product forany such lUlintendcd or ID1authorizcd application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold MSAI and its officers, employees. subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributers hannIess against an claims, costs, damages, and Cltpcnses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, clircctly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use. even if such claim a1lcges that MSAI was negligent rcguding the design and manufacture of the pan. Information supplied by MSAI is belicvcd to be accurate and reliable. MSAI assumes no responsibility for any errors tItst may appear in 1hia publication. MSAI reserves the right, without notice, to make changes in device design or specificstions. Product is subject to availability. C 1997 Mitsubishi Semiconductor America, Inc. Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J.... Contents 1 Product Description 1.1 MCU Features ........................................................ 4 1.2 Pin Description and Layout... ................................. 6 2 Functional Description 2.1 Central Processing Unit... ..................................... 11 2.1.1 Register Structure ........................................... 11 2.1.2 Accumulator (A) ............................................. ll 2.1.3 Index Registers X and Y ................................. 12 2.1.4 Stack Pointer ................................................... 12 2.1.5 Program Counter ............................................ 13 2.1.6 Processor Status Register ............................... 13 2.2 CPU Mode Registers ............................................ 14 2.3 Memory Map ........................................................ 16 2.3.1 Zero page ........................................................ 17 2.3.2 Special Page .................................................... 17 2.3.3 Special Function Registers ............................. 17 2.4 Processor Modes ................................................... 19 2.4.1 Single Chip ..................................................... 19 2.4.2 Memory Expansion ........................................ 20 2.4.3 Microprocessor ............................................... 20 2.4.4 EPROM .......................................................... 20 2.4.5 Slow Memory Wait ........................................ 20 2.4.6 Hold Function ................................................. 23 2.4.7 Expanded Data Memory Access .................... 24 2.5 Peripheral Interface .............................................. 25 2.5.1 Chip Bus Timing ............................................ 25 2.5.2 Peripheral Interface and Access Timing ......... 26 2.6 Input and Output Ports ......................................... 28 2.6.1 Ports ................................................................ 28 110 Ports .................................................... 29 Power and Ground Pins ........................... .31 CNVss Pin ................................................. 31 Xin and Xout Pins ..................................... 31 Xcin and XCout Pins ................................ 31 RESET Pin ................................................ 31 RDY Pin ................................................... 31 DMAoutPin ............................................. 31 F out Pin...................................................... 32 SYNCoutPinC ........................................ 32 RD and WR Pins ..................................... 32 LPF Pin ................................................... 32 2.6.2 Port Control Register ...................................... 32 2.6.3 Port P2 Pull-up Control Register .................... 33 2.7 Interrupt Control Unit.. ......................................... 33 2.7.1 Interrupt Control ............................................. 34 2.7.2 Interrupt Sequence and Timing ...................... 36 2.8 Direct Memory Access Controller ...................... .38 2.8.1 Operation ........................................................ 40 Source, Destination, and Transfer Count Register Operation ...................................................... 40 DMAC Transfer Request Sources ........... .41 -i Transfer Features for USB and Master CPU Bus Interface ......................................................... 42 DMAC Transfer Mode ............................ .43 DMAC Transfer Timing .......................... .43 2.9 Timers ................................................................... 48 2.9.1 Timer X ........................................................... 48 Read and Write Method ............................ 48 Count Stop Control... ................................ 49 Timer Mode ....... :...................................... 49 Pulse Output Mode .................................. .49 Event Counter Mode ................................. 50 Pulse Width Measurement Mode .............. 50 2.9.2 Timer Y ........................................................... 50 Read and Write Method ............................ 51 Count Stop Control ................................... 51 Timer Mode .............................................. 51 Pulse Period Measurement Mode ............. 52 Event Counter Mode ................................. 52 HL Pulse-width Measurement Mode ........ 52 2.9.3 Timer 1 ........................................................... 53 Timer Mode .............................................. 53 Pulse Output Mode ................................... 53 2.9.4 Timer 2 ........................................................... 53 Timer Mode .............................................. 54 Pulse Output Mode ................................... 54 2.9.5 Timer 3 ........................................................... 54 Timer Mode .............................................. 54 2.10 Universal Serial Bus ........................................... 56 2.10.1 USB Function Control Unit... ....................... 57 Serial Interface Engine ........................... 57 Generic Function Interface ..................... 57 Serial Engine Interface Unit ................... 57 Microcontroller Interface Unit.. ..... ;........ 57 USB Transceiver..................................... 57 2.10.2 USB Interrupts .............................................. 58 USB Function Interrupt .......................... 58 USB SOF Interrupt ................................. 59 2.10.3 USB Endpoint FIFOs .................................... 59 TransmitFIFOs ....................................... 59 Receive FIFOs ........................................ 60 2.10.4 USB Special Function Registers................... 60 2.11 Master CPU Bus Interface .................................. 68 2.11.1 Data Bus Buffer Status Registers (DBBSO, DBBS1) ................................................................... 71 2.11.2 Input Data Bus Buffer Registers (DBBINO, DBBIN1) ................................................................. 71 2.11.3 Output Data Bus Buffer Registers (DBBOUTO, DBBOUT1) ............................................................. 71 2.12 UART ................................................................. 72 2.12.1 Baud Rate Selection...................................... 73 2.12.2 UART Mode Register ................................... 74 2.12.3 UART Baud Rate Register ........................... 74 J... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi Contents 2.12.4 UART Control Register ................................75 2.12.5 UART Status Register .................................. 75 2.12.6 Transinit/~eceive Fonnat .............................78 2.12.7 Interrupts .................................... :.................78 2.12.8 Clear-to Send (CTS) and Request-ta-Send (RTS) Signals ..........................................................79 2.12.9 UART Address Mode ................................... 80 2.13 Serial I/O ............................................................ 81 2.13.1 SIO Control Register .................................... 81 2.13.2 SIO Operation ............................................... 81 2.14 Special Count Source Generator ........................ 84 2.14.1 SCSG Operation ........................................... 84 2.14.2 SCSG Description ......................................... 85 SCSG1 .................................................... 85 SCSG2 .................................................... 85 2.15 Oscillator Circuit ................................................ 86 2.15.1 Description.................................................... 86 2.15.2 Frequency Synthesizer Circuit............. ~ ........ 89 2.16 Low Power Modes .....•........................................91 2.16.1 Stop Mode .....................................................91 2.16.2 Wait Mode ....................................................92 2.17 Reset ...................................................................93 2.18 Key-On Wake-Up ...............................................94 3 Electrical Characteristics 3.1 Absolute Maximum Rating ..................................97 3.2 Recommended Operating conditions ...................97 3.3 Electrical Characteristics ......................................99 4 Application Notes 4.1 DMAC ................................................................ 105 . 4.1.1 Programming ................................................ 105 4.1.2 Application ................................................... 105 4.2 UART ................................................................. 106 4.2.1 Application ~ .................................................. 106 4.3 Timer .................................................................. 106 4.3.1 Usage ............................................................ 106 4.4 Frequency Synthesizer Interface ........................ 107 -ii ~ MITSUBISm SEMICONDUCTOR . . . AMERICA, INC. CHAPTER 1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1 Overview ................... 3 1.1 MCU Features ............. 4 1.2 Pin Description and Layout. . . 6 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi J,.. J... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi 1 Overview The 7600 series, an enhanced family of CMOS 8-bit microcontrollers, offers high-speed operation at low voltage, large internal-memory options, and a wide variety of standard peripherals. The series is code compatible with the M38000, M37200, M37400, and the M37500 series, and provides many performance enhancements to the instruction set. This device is a single chip PC peripheral microcontroller based on the Universal Serial Bus (USB) Version 1.0 specification. This device provides data exchange between a USB-equipped host computer and PC peripherals such as telephones, audio systems and digital cameras. The USB function control unit can support all four data transfer types listed in the USB specification: Control, Isochronous, Interrupt, and Bulk. Each transfer type is used for controlling a different set of PC peripherals. Isochronous transfers provide guaranteed bus access, a constant data rate, and error tolerance for devices such as computer-telephone integration (CTI) and audio systems. Interrupt transfers are designed to support human input devices (HID) that communicate small amounts of data infrequently. Bulk transfers are necessary for devices such as digital cameras and scanners that communicate large amounts of data to the PC as bus bandwidth becomes free. Finally, control transfers are supported and are useful for bursty, host-initiated type communication where bus management is the primary concern. 24 MHz 1 1 DQ(7:0' 1 1 1 Ao 1 So,Sl I I I I 1 1 I' 1 1 1 1 RD I frequency 48 MHz sYnthesizer I I IBFo OBFo IBFl OBFl .... UARTX21 ~ ] f%I ] § U WR r10~ I~ ~ ~ '":s f%I u 1; (i) 1:; .B '" ~ TUners , RAM(1K) :§ ROM(32K) 1 u 5 .~ 4 u = 7600 CPU rf 4 III ~ DMAx2 ... u .2= , D+ 8 '" ~ D- - FIFOs (Normal MeU or DMA Transfer) I 110 Ports (PO - P8) I Figure 1·1. Application System Diagram ·3 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... Table 1-1. Device Feature List Function Description Parameter Number of basic instruction Instruction execution time Clock frequency (maximum) 71 83ns at f(Xin) - 24 MHz Xin = 24 MHz. XCm - 5 MHz (digital input). 4>- 12 MHz ROM External clock Xin and XCm can be selectively divided and multiplied by X to create system internal clock ell 321{ bytes RAM lK bytes Clock multiplier option Memory size PO-P3. P5. P6. 110 8-bit X 7 (8 bits have Key-on Wake-up) P8 Input/Output ports P4 P7 USB Function Control 110 5-bit 110 5-bit FIFO: Endpoint 0: Endpoint 1: Endpoint 2: Endpoint 3: Endpoint 4: IN 16-byte OUT 16-byte IN 512-byteOUT 8oo-byte· IN 32-byte OUT 32-byte IN 16-byte OUT 16-byte IN 16-byte OUT 16-byte Master CPU bus interface DQ(7:0). R(E). W(RfW). So' St, Ao. mFo. OBFo• mFt • OBF t ; total of 17 signals interface with master CPU (Intel 8042-like interface) Special Count Source Generator(SCSG) Baud rate synthesizer ers, RTS available ers. RTS available UARTI 7/8/9-bit character length, with UART2 7/8/9-bit character length. with Serial 110 TImers 8-bit X 1 clock synchronous serial 110. supports both master and slave modes 8-bit X 3. 16-bit X 2 DMA Software slew rate control PortsPO-PS Interrupts Supply voltage 2 channels, 16 address lines. support single byte or burst transfer modes 4 external, 19 internal. 1 software, 1 system interrupts External memory expansion Vcc - 45 - 5.5V Memory Expansion and Microprocessor mode External Data Memory Access (EDMA) Allows> 64 Kbyte data access for instruction LOA (indY) and STA (indY) Device structure Package CMOS 80P6N Operating temperature range -20 to 85°C 1.1 MCU Features • 7600 8-bit CPU core, CMOS process • Instruction Execution Time of 83ns (I-cycle instruction @- 12 MHz) • Efficient Software Support (C and/or Assembly) • ROM: 32 KB On-chip • RAM: 1 KB On-chip MCU Features-4 MCU Features Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification • Built-in Microprocessor or Memory-expansion modes • Three Slow Memory Wait modes: Software Wait, RDY Wait, and Extended RDY Wait • Nine I/O Ports, Total 66 Programmable I/O Pins available • Programmable Direction Control on every I/O pin • Software Slew Rate Control on every I/O pin • Master CPU Bus Interface: • MCU can be operated in Slave mode by control signals from the Host CPU • 8 Data lines (DQ7-DQO) and R(E), W(RlW), Ao, So' Slo IBFo, OBFo, IBF 1, OBF 1 Signals Available • Master CPU Sends and Receives Data, Command and Status by means of DQ7-DQO • USB Function Control Unit • USB Transceiver (conforms to USB V1.0 Specification) • DMA • • • • • Controller: Two DMA channels available 16 Address Lines for 64K byte Address Space Single Byte or Burst Transfer modes Transfer Request by external pins, Software Triggers or Built-in Peripherals Maximum 6M byte/sec transfer Speed (in Burst mode) • Timers: Three 8-bit Timers, Two 16-bit Timer available On-chip • Two Full Duplex UARTs available • One Master/Slave Clock Synchronous I/O (SIO), Internal or External Clock Selectable • Built-in Special Count Source Generator (SCSG): can be a clock source for Timer X, UARTs, and SIO • Power-saving Wait (IDLE) and Stop (powerdown) modes. MCU Features MCU Features-5 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 1.2 Mitsubishi J.... Pin Description and Layout 6' III ~ ~ Iii 0~ iiI o 0 0 t:::' ~ N Q. ~ t:z;;~ ~ ~ i8 0 ~ Q. co III 0 ~ !a 0 6' III Iii ~ '1;: '0 ~ 0 0 ~ Q. Q. :$. :$. ~ iiI < ~ in' co III III ;:::' III ~d' ~ !( Q. Q. 0 Q. Q. 10 III :$. :$. :$. :$. :$. oud P3s'ISYNCoud USBD- P3s/[WRI XCVR Power/Ext. Cap P37/[RiJ] [ ]Indicates function in memory expansion and microprocessor modes Vas P8dUTXD2ISRDY P81/IURXD2ISCLK Vex; PSr/DQ7 PEli~RXD P6&'DQ6 P8~STXD P6s'D05 P841'UTXDl P641'DQ4 P8sfURXDl P63"OO3 0 0 PEliD02 .. 'S .e aE >= Iw cJO ~ (g ~~Ii III >' ~J >8 "(~ en z w ~'o-~ ~ ~ 0 a: ~~ ~ lflfl{~ g§ i ~ ~ t::>Q. .n Q. u. Q. -l a: 0 = a: zt= ~ lz Iz ~ ~ $ Q. P8~ P871RfS1 ~i ~ ~ 'b Q. ~ Figure 1·2. Pin Layout Table 1·2. Pin Description Name fOty'ABO -P1 7/AB15 P2oIDBO -~IDB7 110 110 110 P3lfRDY 110 P3 1 110 110 P3i(VRFY) P33"DMAout IPGM 110 Description CMOS 110 port (address bus). When the MCV is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode, these pins function as the address bus. CMOS 110 port (data bus). When the MCV is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode, these pins function as the data bus. These pins may also be used to implement the Key-on Wake up function. CMOS 110 port (Ready). When the MCV is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode, this pin functions as RDY (hardware wait cycle control). CMOS 110 port. CMOS 110 port. When the MCV is in EPROM program mode, the pin is used as VRFY (EPROM memory verify) CMOS 110 port (DMAout). When the MCU is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode, this pin goes high during a DMA transfer. When the MCU is in EPROM program mode, the pin is used as PGM (EPROM memory program). Pin Description and Layout-6 Pin Description and Layout J... Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Table 1-2. Pin Description Name I/O Description P34"out I/O CMOS 110 port (<1». When the MCU is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode, this pin becomes out pin. P3s/SYNCout 110 CMOS 110 port (SYNC output). When the MCU is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode, this pin becomes the SYNCout pin. P3&'WR1(CE) I/O CMOS 110 port. (WR output). When the MCU is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode, this pin becomes WR. When the MCU is in EPROM program mode, the pin is used as CE (EPROM memory chip enable). P3 7/RD/(OE) I/O CMOS 110 port. (RD output). When the MCU is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode, this pin becomes RD. When the MCU is in EPROM program mode, the pin is used as OE (EPROM memory output enable). P4tYEDMA 110 CMOS 110 port (EDMA: expanded Data Memory Access). When the MCU is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode, this pin can become the EDMA pin. P4 l /INTO -P4z!INTI 110 CMOS 110 port or external interrupt ports INTO and INTI. These external interrupts can be configured active high or low. P<\:3/CNTRO CMOS 110 port or Tuner X input pin for pulse width measurement mode and event counter mode or Tuner X I/O output pin for pulse output mode. This pin can also be used as an external interrupt when Tuner X is not in output mode and the polarity is selected in the Tuner X mode register. P44"CNTRI CMOS I/O port or Tuner Y input pin for pulse period measurement mode, pulse H-L measurement mode and event I/O counter mode or Tuner Y output pin for pulse output mode. This pin can also be used as an external interrupt when Tuner Y is not in output mode and the polarity is selected in the Tuner Y mode register. PSdXCin I/O CMOS 110 port or XCin • PSlffout XCout PS2/OBFo I/O CMOS I/O port or timer I pulse output pin (can be configured initially high or initially low), or XCout ' I/O CMOS I/O port or OBFo output to master CPU for data bus buffer O. PS3IIBFO I/O CMOS I/O port or IBFo output to master CPU for data bus buffer O. PS4"So I/O CMOS 110 port or So input from master CPU for data bus buffer O. PSs/Ao I/O CMOS 110 port or Ao input from master CPU. PStIR(E) I/O CMOS 110 port or R(E) input from master CPU. PS 7!W(RIW) I/O CMOS 110 port or W(RIW) input from master CPU. P60fDQ0 -P671DQ7 I/O CMOS 110 port or master CPU data bus. USBD- I/O USB minus voltage line interface, a series resistor of IS-20 ohms should be connected to this pin. USBIY 110 USB plus voltage line interface, a series resistor of IS-20 ohms should be connected to this pin. P7cfSOF I/O CMOS 110 port or USB start of frame pulse output, an 80 ns pulse outputs on this pin for every USB frame. P7 l /HOLD I/O CMOS 110 port or HOLD pin. P7z1S1 I/O CMOS 110 port or SI input from master CPU for data bus buffer 1. P7~Fl/ HLDA I/O CMOS 110 port or IBFl output to master CPU for data bus buffer I, or HLDA pin. IBFI and HLDA are mutually exclusive. IBFl has priority over HLDA. P74"OBF l I/O CMOS 110 port or OBF l output to master CPU for data bus buffer 1. P8cfUTXD2I SRDY I/O CMOS I/O port or UARTI pin UTXD2 or SIO pin SRDY. UARTI and SIO are mutually exclusive, UARTI has priority over SIO. P8 llURXD2I SCLK I/O CMOS 110 port or UARTI pin URXD2 or SIO pin SCLK. UARTI and SIO are mutually exclusive, UARTI has priority over SIO. I/O CMOS 110 port or UARTI pin CTS2 or SIO pin SRXD. UARTI and SIO are mutually exclusive, UARTI has priority over SIO. P8iRTS2I STXD I/O CMOS 110 port or UARTI pin RTS2 or SIO pin STXD. UARTI and SIO are mutually exclusive, UARTI has priority over SIO. P8JUTXDI I/O CMOS 110 port or UARTI pin UTXDI. P8 slURXDi I/O CMOS 110 port or UARTl pin URXD 1. P8 61CTSI I/O CMOS 110 port or UARTl pin CTS 1. P8z1CTS2I SRXD Pin Description and Layout Pin Description and Layout-7 M37640ES-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi J.... Thble 1-2. Pin Description Name P8iRTSI AVcc.AVss CNVss , I/O Description I/O CMOS I/O portor UARTl pin RTSI. I Power supply inputs for ~alog circuitry. I Controls the processor mode of the chip. Normally connected to Vss or Vcc' ' Vcc.Vss I RESET I XCin XCout 0 I Xin Xout I 0 LPF 0 XCVRPower. Ext Cap I Power supply inputs: Vcc - 4.5- 5.5Y, Vss - OV. To enter the reset state. this pin must be kept L for more that 2J1S (20 cycles under normal Vcc conditions). If the crystal or ceramic resonator requires more time to stabilize. extend this L level time appropriately. An external ceramic or quartz crystal oscillator is connected between the XCin and XCout pins. If an external clock source is used. connect the clock source to the XCin pin and leave the XCout pin open. Input and output signals to and from the internal clock generation circuit Connect a ceramic resonator or quartz crystal between Xin and Xout pins to set the oscillation frequency. If an external clock is used. connect the clock source to the Xin pin and leave the Xout pin open. Low pass filter for the frequency synthesizer. 1) A 3.3V line driver power supply (default after reset) pin 2) An external capacitor (Ext Cap) pin. If Vdd (AVdd) -5V is used for the entire chip. (no separate 3.3V power supply). a 1¢ or larger capacitor should connect between this pin and Vss to ensure proper operation of the USB line driver. This option is enabled by setting bit 4 of the USB control register (00 131~ High. D+ID- Line driver notes: In order to match the USB cable impedance. a series resistor of 15-200 should be connected to each USB line; i.e. on D+ (pin 70) and on D- (pin 71). If the USB line is improperly terminated or not matched, signal fidelity will suffer, resulting in excessive overshoot or undershoot. This will potentially introduce bit errors. Pin Description and Layout-8 Pin Description and Layout ~ iii"&. MITSUBISm SEMICONDUCTOR AMERICA, INC. Chapter 2 Functional Description 2.1 Central Processing Unit ....... 11 2.2 CPU Mode Registers ......... 14 2.3 Memory Map ................ 16 2.4 Processor Modes ............ 19 2.5 Peripheral Interface ........... 25 2.6 Input and Output Ports ....... 28 2.7 Interrupt Control Unit ......... 33 2.8 Direct Memory Access Controller. 38 2.9 Timers ..................... 48 2.10 Universal Serial Bus ......... 56 2.11 Master CPU Bus Interface.... 68 2.12 UART ..................... 72 2.13 Serial 1/0 . ................. 81 2.14 Special Count Source Generator 84 2.15 Oscillator Circuit ............ 86 2.16 Low Power Modes .......... 91 2.17 Reset ...................... 93 2.18 Key-On Wake-Up ........... 94 M37640ES-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi J... A M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi 2 Functional Description 2.1 Central Processing Unit The central processing unit (CPU) has six registers: • Accumulator (A) • Index Register X (X) • Index Register Y (Y) • Stack Pointer (S) • Processor Status Register (PS) • Program Counter (PC) 2.1.1 Register Structure 'I 71 71 71 7 15 1 PCH I Accumulator Index Register X Index Register Y Stack Pointer PCl 1° 1° 1° 1° 1°Program Counter 71Nlvl TI BI 0111 z ICI O I L...::: Carry Flag (bit 0) Zero Flag (bit l) Interrupt Disable Flag (bit 2) Decimal Mode Flag (bit 3) Break Flag (bit 4) Index X Mode Flag (bit 5) Overflow Flag (bit 6) Negative Flag (bit 7) Figure 2-1. Register Structure Five of the CPU registers are 8-bit registers, Accumulator (A), Index register X (X), Index register Y (y), Stack pointer (S), and the Processor Status register (PS). The PC is a 16-bit register consisting of two 8-bit registers (PeR and PCL) (see Figure 2-3.). Mter a hardware reset, bit 2 (the I flag) of the PS is set High and the values at the addresses FFFAl6 and FFFB 16 are stored in the PC, but the values of the other bits of the PS and the other registers are undefined. Initialization of undefmed registers may be necessary for some programs. 2.1.2 Accumulator (A) The accumulator is the main register of the microcomputer. Data operations such as data transfer, input! output, and so forth, are executed mainly through the accumulator. Central Processing Unit Central Processing Unit-ll Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 2.1.3 ~ Index Registers X and Y Both index registers X and Y are 8-bit registers. In the absolute addressing modes, the contents of these. ~~gisters are added to. the value of the OPERAND to spec~fy the real address .. . In the indirect X addressing mode, the value of the OPERAND is added to the contents of register X to specify the zero page basic address. The data at the basic address specifies the real address. In the indirect Y addressing mode, the value of the operand specifies a zero page address. The data at this address is added to the contents of register Y to produce the real address: 'These addressing modes are useful for referencing subroutine tables and memory tables. When the T flag in the processor status register is set High, the value contained in index register X points to a zero page memory location that replaces the accumulator for most accumulator based instructions. 2.1.4 Stack Pointer I Main Routine II I ...... · I Inte~ R!l9u~s! Ole I) ... ·1 I ...... · I 1 + L M(S)..-- (PCb) 1 . . - - (S-I) 1 Return Address Storea on Stack (Note 2) 1 M(S)..-- (PCI) 1 1 (S) 1 (S) . . - - (S-I)J I ExecuteJSR ~ I .... · .. I 1 1 M(S)..-1 1 (S) . . - - (PCb) 1 (S-1) 1 1 M(S)..-1 1 (S) 1 1 M(S)..-- (PCJ) I (S-1) 1 (PS) 1Processor Status (S-1) II Flag set Higb J ..-- ·1 Contents of Register Restored on Stack J ..-- (S) Return Address stored on Stack (Note 2) Jump Vector Fetched 1 rl I- Subroutine -I Interrupt Routine ExecuteRTS ExecuteRTI 1 (S) . . - - (8+1) 1 1 (S) . . - - (S I) Ifontentsof + Processor Status Register Restored 1 1(pcJ) . . - - M(S) 1 1(PS) . . - - M(S) I Return Address Restored I- 1 (S) . . - - (S+I) I 1 1 (S) . . - - (8+1) 1 1 1 1(PCb)..-I M(S) 1 (PC)..-- (pc+1)1 1(PCI)..-1 I (S) . . - 1 L(PCb)..-- M(S) 1 (S+I) I Return Address Restored M(S).I Figure 2·2. Register Push and Pop when Servicing Interrupts and Calling Subroutines Note 1. The condition to enable an interrupt Interrupt enable bit is High and Interrupt inhibit flag (I flag) is Low. Note 2. When an interrupt occurs, the address of the next instruction to be executed is stored on the stack. When a subroutine is called, the address of (next instruction -1) to be executed is stored on the stack. Central Processing Unit·12 Central Processing Unit Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification The stack pointer is an 8-bit register used during subroutine calls and interrupts. The stack is used to store the current address data and processor status when branching to subroutines or interrupt routines. The lower eight bits of the stack address are determined by the contents of the stack pointer. The upper eight bits of the stack address are determined by the Stack Page Select Bit, bit 2 of the CPU Mode Register A. If the Stack Page Select bit is ''0'', then the RAM in the zero page (addresses 0070 16 to OOFF I6 ) is used as the stack area. If the stack page select bit is High (the default value), then the RAM in one page (addresses 0100 16 to 01FF 16) is used as the stack area. The base of the stack must be set in software, and stack grows towards lower addresses from that point. The operations of pushing register contents onto the stack- and popping them from the stack are shown in Figure 2-4. 2.1.5 Program Counter The program counter (PC) is a 16-bit register consisting of two 8-bit sub-registers PCH and PCL. It is used to indicate the address of the next instruction to be executed. 2.1.6 Processor Status Register The processor status (PS) register is an 8-bit register consisting of flags that indicate the status of the processor after an arithmetic operation. Branch operations can be performed by testing the Carry (C), Zero (Z), Overflow (V), or the Negative (N) flags. After reset, the I flag is set High, but all other flags are undefined. Because the T and D flags directly affect arithmetic operations, they should be initialized in the beginning of a program. Carry Flag (C) The C flag contains a carry or borrow generated by the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) immediately after an arithmetic operation. It is also affected by shift and rotate instructions. The C flag can be set directly by the set carry (SEC) instruction and cleared by the clear carry (CLC) instruction. Zero Flag (Z) The Z flag is set if the result of an arithmetic operation or a data transfer is "0", and cleared if the result is anything other than "0". Interrupt Disable Flag (I) The I flag disables all interrupts except for the interrupt generated by the BRK instruction and any non-maskable interrupts, if available. Interrupts are disabled when the I flag is High. When an interrupt occurs, this flag is automatically set High to prevent other interrupts from interfering until the current interrupt service routine is completed. The I flag can be set by the set interrupt disable (SEI) instruction and cleared by the clear interrupt disable (CLI) instruction. Decimal Mode Flag (D) The D flag determines whether additions and subtractions are executed in binary or decimal. Binary arithmetic is executed when this flag is Low; decimal arithmetic is executed when it is High. Decimal correction is automatic in decimal mode. Only the ADC and SBC instructions can be used for decimal arithmetic. The D flag can be set by the set decimal mode (SED) instruction and cleared by the clear decimal mode (CLD) instruction. Break Flag (B) The B flag is used to indicate whether the current interrupt was generated by the BRK instruction. The BRK flag in the processor status register is nominally Low. When the BRK instruction is used to generate an interrupt, the processor status register is pushed onto the stack with the break flag set High. The saved processor status is the only place where the break flag is ever set. Central Processing Unit Central Processing Unit-13 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification ~ Index X Mode Flag (T) When the T flag is ''0'', arithmetic operations are performed between accumulator and memory, the results are stored in the accumulator. When the T flag is High, direct arithmetic operations direct data transfers are enabled between memory and memory, as well as between I/O and I/O. result .of an arithmetic ()peration performed on data in memory location 1 and memory location stored in memory location 1. . . and and The 2 is The address of memory location 1 is specified by index register X, and the address of memory location 2 is specified ..by normal ..addressing modes. The T flag can be set by the set T flag (SET) instruction and cleared by the clear T flag (CLT) instruction. Because the T flag directly affects calculations, it should be initialized after a reset. Overflow Flag (V) The V flag is used during the addition or subtraction of one byte of signed data. It is set if the result exceeds the range from +127 to -128. When the BIT instruction is executed, bit 6 of the memory location operated on by the BIT instruction is stored in the overflow flag. The V flag can be cleared by the CLV instruction, but there is no set instruction. In decimal mode, the V flag is invalid. Negative Flag (N) The N flag is set if the result of an arithmetic operation or data transfer is negative, that is (bit 7 is High). When the BIT instruction is executed, bit 7 of the memory location operated by the BIT instruction is stored in the negative flag. There are no instructions for directly setting or clearing the N flag. 2.2 CPU Mode Registers Address Description Code 000016 CPU mode register A CPUMA-OC 0001 16 CPU mode register B CPUMB-83 This device has two CPU mode registers: CPU Mode Register A (CPUMA) and CPU Mode Register B (CPUMB) that control the processor mode, clock, slow memory wait and other CPU functions. The bit representation of each register is described in Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4: CPU Mode Registers-14 CPU Mode Registers J... Mitsubishi t;tSB I M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification CPMA7 I CPMA6 I CPMAS I CPMA4 I CPMA3 I CPMA2 I CPMAI I CPMAO Ib SB Address: 0000 16 Access: RIW CPMAO, I Processor Mode Bits (bits 0,1) Bit I Bit 0 00: Single,Chip Mode o I: Memory Expansion Mode I 0: Microprocessor Mode II: Not used CPMA2 Stack Page Selection Bit (bit 2) 0: In page 0 area I: In page I area CPMA3 Xcout Drive Capacity Selection Bit (bit 3) 0: Low l:High CPMA4 Oock XCin,XC out Stop Bit (bit 4) 0: Stop I:Oscillator CPMA5 Clock Xin-Xout Stop Bit (bit 5) O:Oscillator I:Stop Internal Clock Selection Bit (bit 6) CPMA6 O:Externai Clock I:fsyn CPMA 7 External Clock Selection Bit (bit 7) O:Xin,Xout I:XCin,XCout Reset: OC 16 Figure 2-3. CPU Mode Register A t;tSB I CPMB7 I Reserved I CPMB5 I CPMB4 I CPMB3 I CPMB2 I CPMBI CPMBO,I I CPMBO Slow Memory Wait Bits (bit 1,0) Bit I Bit 0 00: No wait oI: One time wait I 0: Two time wait II: Three time wait Stack Page Selection Bit (bit 2) CPMB2,3 Bit 3 Bit 2 00: Software wait oI: Not used 10: Fixed wait by RDY pin L I I: Extended RDY wait CPMB4 Expanded Data Memory Access Bit (bit 4) O:EDMA output disabled (64 Kbyte data access area) I:~ output enabled (greater than 64 Kbytes data access area) CPMB5 HOLD Function Enable Bit (bit 5) O:HOLD Function Disabled I:HOLD Function Enabled CPMB6 Reserved CPMB7 Xout Drive Capacity Selection Bit (bit 7) O:Low I:High (default state after reset and after STOP mode) Ib SB Address: 0001 16 Access: RIW Reset: 83 16 Figure 2-4. CPU Mode Register B CPU Mode Registers CPU Mode Registers-IS Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 2.3 J.. Memory Map 0000 16 SFR Area 006F 16 Zero Page 0070 16 OOFF I6 0100 16 046F16 0470 16 Not Used 7FFF I6 8000 16 Reserved Area Special page for subroutine calls Reserved Area '--_ _ _ _ _-'FFFF I6 Figure 2-5. Memory Map The first 112 bytes of memory from 0000 16 to 006F 16 are the special function register (SFR) area and contain the CPU mode registers, interrupt registers, and other registers to control peripheral functions (see Figure 2-7.). The general purpose RAM resides from 0070 16 to 046F I6• When the MCU is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode and external memory is overlaid on the internal RAM, the CPU reads data from the internal RAM. However, the CPU writes data in both the internal and external memory. The area from 0470 16 to 7FFF I6 is not used in single-chip mode, but can be mapped for an external memory device when the MCU is in memory expansion or microprocessor mode. The area from 8000 16 to 807F 16 and from FFFC I6 to FFFFI6 are factory reserved areas. Mitsubishi uses it for test and evaluation purposes. The user can not use this area in single-chip or memory expansion modes. The user 32K byte ROM resides from 8080 16 to FFFB 16. When the MCU is in microprocessor mode, the CPU accesses an external area rather than accessing the internal ROM. Zero page and special page area can be accessed by 2-byte commands by using special addressing modes. Memory Map-16 Memory Map J... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi 2.3.1 Zero page The 256 bytes zero page area is where the SFR and part of the internal RAM are allocated. The zero page addressing modes can be used to specify memory and register addresses in this area (see Figure 2-6.). These dedicated addressing modes enable access to this area with fewer instruction cycles. j,,- - - --+ ----Addressing Modes for =1~: Zero Zero Zero -Zero Zero Zero __ _ Addressing modes in which zero Page Page Page Page Page Page (2 byte instruction) Indirect (2 byte instruction) X (2 byte instruction) Y (2 -byte instruGtion) Bit (2 byte instruction) Bit Relative (3 byte instruction) Absolute (3 byte instruction) Absolute X (3 byte instruction) Absolute Y (3 byte instruction) Relative (2 byte instruction) Indirect (3 byte instruction) Indirect X (2 byte instruction) Indirect Y (2 byte instruction) --------t Addressing modes m which special page access is possible -=l~'~~ _ _ _-----------------------, Special Page (2 byte instruction) Addressing mode for special page only ----y----,~ Figure 2-6. Zero Page and Special Page Addressing Modes 2.3.2 Special Page The 256 bytes from address FFOO 16 to FFFF16 are called the special page area. In this area special page addressing can be used to specify memory addresses (see Figure 2-6.). This dedicated special page addressing mode enables access to this area with fewer instruction cycles. Frequently used subroutines are normally stored in this area. 2.3.3 Special Function Registers The special function registers (SFR) are used for controlling the functional blocks, such as 110 ports, Timers, DART, and so forth (see Table 2-3.). The reserved addresses should not be read or written to. Memory Map Memory Map-I7 Mitsubisbi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... Table 2-3. SFR Addresses Memory Map-IS Memory Map J... Mitsubishi 2.4 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Processor Modes The operation modes are described below. The memory maps for the first three modes are shown in Figure 2-7. Single chip mode is normally entered after reset. However, if the MCU has a CNV ss pin, holding this pin High will cause microprocessor mode to be entered after reset. After the reset sequence has completed, the mode can be changed with software by modifying the value of bits 0 and 1 of CPUMA. However, while CNVss is High, bit 1 of CPUMA is High and cannot be changed. Single Chip Mode 0000 0007 0008 Memory Expansion Mode CPMA. CPUMB.& Int Registers Microprocessor Mode 0000 0000 0007 0008 0007 0008 SFR SFR SFR OOOF 0010 OOOF 0010 OOOF 0010 006F 0070 006F 0070 006F 0070 OOFF 0100 OOFF 0100 OOFF 0100 046F 0470 046F 0470 046F 0470 7FFF 8000 807F 8080 Reserved Area 7FFF 8000 Reserved Area 807F 8080 ROM ROM FFC9 Interrupt Vectors Interrupt Vectors FFFB FFFC FFFF Reserved Area FFFB FFFC FFFF Reserved Area FFFF Figure 2-7. Operation Modes Memory Maps 2.4.1 Single Chip In this mode, all ports take on their primary function and all internal memory is accessible. Those areas that are not in internal memory are not accessible. Also, slow memory wait and EDMA are disabled in this mode. Processor Modes Processor Modes-19 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 2.4.2 Mitsubishi J... Memory Expansion In this mode, Ports 0 and 1 output the address bus (ABO-AB1S)' port 2 acts as the data bus input and output, and port 3 bits 7 to 3 output RD, WR, SYNCout, -~-~DBo D Internal ~ Port P3z - P30 110XPort PortP3 Same as Microprocessor Mode Port~-P2o Port 34 ~ Port 3z \!!V'Output Same as Microprocessor Mode Port 36 \iilOulpUt . YNCou ~ ---1 Port 3 DMAout Ou2!t 3 Figure 2-8. Function of Ports P O-P3 in each Processor Mode ~ DBin/out: RD:~ , WR: I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ In '~ ~,-_.'6Iii_'__",'>-: , , f--T--1~--Ir: ADoUl : DBin/oUl : -RD-: WR: :11--r--.-.,....,.-.-....-4 RDY' Figure 2-9. Software Wait Timing Diagram Processor Modes Processor Modes-21 Mitsubisbi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification DBin/out • RD: WR . . :l--f: :~ I I I I ~ ~ . ~.......-.,.....,.~ .. I I I I I • ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I f I I ___ ,. •• _....._I_n_..J>+ J.... I ~,,_.....;;00Il;;;..._-'>-; , , , ~ I I I I I I ., ROY' ADout : DBiniout • RD' ...._ _ _ _.... ~ WR . ROY. I!la Ihtem'al 'Signals' Figure 2·10. RDY Wait Tuning Diagram Processor Modes·22 Processor Modes J.... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi II~ ~ I ,r 'wI ", WR: : • I I I I It I I~ ,-.t~ I I I I :,: , I i I I ,'sui , , I ~tsul I i I r '41_ ' ............ ' ..... 1'4"r RDY:~ I -- , , DBin/out: , , , , RD: : , , , , .' I~ I I I I tm I I : J: : I ~ I It~ I I I I ~~_: I I Itsd I ..... I I :~1+7 :~~~~ ! I III~ I I I t I~~ :1.._'_....._.......................:......r: i I Itlll I : ,n:-+tt:--± , , ~~ ,~: I :::: , , I , ADout : I : : t ~ DBin/out " , • I Ii. I I I ....,.. I I >+- :--;< Out I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lit..., I ILl I Itsu' I , I I I I I ....... t_~_ i,i I I I I I i I In I I I I I I I I ~ I I .tsd I • I I I I I I " n: I I Iii I I I I I ILl-....!... I I I I I I I tsb I I I I I I WR: • I I I ......... I I I ~ :~: I : ; I: I l'1il:3 RDY ~o~~ ~t~~ ~~~ait: Internal" Signals' '. . . CPUMB I I .. OE·16'. I I ! ~ .... I I I I I I: I , I I I I • I I! I I I ~ n: I I I I: I I I I I t I' , I I I ~ • I I I I I t_!_ I ,"'11 , I I I 1 I =!t J:!r ........ ' , 't I .............................. ,tSu. ~ I. ,tiu Ii: I: I I l • i I I t I ~ i I I , I ii, I ! : : I I I I ! I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I su. I t , , I. I ! I Three Time ElItended ROY. WBit I • . .CPUMB .. OF I6 : I ! I I itsul t I ~t. ' .......... ' I I : • • • , I I I : >+-: Out Iii RD', ' ~'-"""" ' ,"'11t!=t ......... - . . ..... ' ........... ,""?I""- , , , ~ ~ -pt 4iJII ... .=!t14T .-..e....-r ....... t+r .tSu, • lin 1m lku 1m I I r:>+- ~ ~ Figure 2-11. Extended RDY Wait Timing Diagram 2.4.6 Hold Function The hold function is used when the MCU is put in a system where more than one device will need control of the external address and data buses. Two signals are used to implement this function, HOLD and HLDA. HOLD is an input to the MCU and is brought Low when an external device wants the MCU to relinquish the address and data buses. HLDA is an output from the MCU that signals when the MCU has relinquished the buses. When this is the case, the MCU tri-state ports 0 and 1 (address bus) and port 2 (data bus), and holds port P37 (RD) and port P36 (WR) High. Ports P37 and P36 are held High to prevent any external device that is enabled by RD or WR from being falsely activated. The clocks to the CPU are stopped, but the peripheral clocks and port P34 (Wout) continue to oscillate. HOLD is brought High to allow the MCU to regain the address and data buses. When this occurs, HLDA will go High and ports PI' P 2, P3 7 and P36 will begin to drive the external buses again. The timing for the hold function is shown in Figure 2-12. The hold function is only valid for memory expansion and microprocessor modes. Bit 5 of CPUMB is used to enable the hold function. Processor Modes Processor Modes-23 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J.... XIN PI ' P2 PIPER' P2PER SYNCoot~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ RD Address Data EDMA:~-------------~ Figure 2-14. LDA Y Instruction Sequences with EDMA Enabled 2.5 Peripheral Interface 2.5.1 Chip Bus Timing The internal bus timing is described below for the CPU (or DMAC) writing to and reading from a peripheral (see Figure 2-15.) • The address (AB[15:0]) is output from the CPU on P2. • The data bus (DB[7:0]) is driven by the CPU during a write, or by on PI. a peripheral during a read, • The RIW signal is High for a read and Low for a write, and changes on P2. • The EB signal is High when a read or write is not valid, and is Low for a valid read or write. It changes on P2. • A PDnB signal (peripheral decode) is assigned to each peripheral and is Low when reading from or writing to the peripheral. Each PDnB signal is clocked on P2 timing. The address, RJW, EB, and PDnB signals are latched at the peripheral block on PI, so they must all be valid before this time. The data bus is latched by the CPU during a read, or by a peripheral during a write, on P2; so the value on the data bus must be valid before this time. Peripheral Interface Peripheral Interface-25 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 2*cI>--1 , PI__~____~__-J(~-~~~ ____ __ P2~ AB[I5:0], RIW, ~ ~~ '/ EB,~;;::::==========~ __ 1... L L '/ -J , :\ 'lN8Ii PDnB [P2~ \II6Iil1!liUll~'---_-:-_-:-_ AB[I5:0], RIW, EB, '/:\ PDnB laochoo@--~----~-----J, ~--~----~----~'I , peripheral [pI] AB[2:0], RIW, EB,--.........--"----""""\\&t PDnB peripheral [PI] ~ DB[7:0] [PI] DB[7:0] iaochoo [P2] ~ , , , ',,-----... ---{ " ~~----~----~----~; :\1-----.;.-----;.-- Figure 2-15. 7600 Series Internal Bus Timing 2.5.2 Peripheral Interface and Access Timing The 7600 series offers a wide variety of peripherals. These include RAM, ROM, EPROM, UARTs, SIOs, 8-bit and 16-bit timers, AID converters, D/A converters, various 110 ports, OpAmps, and clock generators, to name a few. The interface between the CPU, the peripheral decode block, and peripheral blocks is shown in Figure 2-16. Signals DB7 to DBO, AB2 to ABO, RIW, EB, and at least one peripheral decode (PDnB) are routed to each peripheral. The address signals and peripheral decode signal are used in the peripheral block to create decode signals for each register. Because three address bits are available at the peripheral, a maximum of eight decode signals can be created for each peripheral decode signal. If the peripheral contains more than eight registers, additional peripheral decode signals are routed to the peripheral. The bus timing for reading from and writing to a peripheral is shown in Figure 2-17. • When P2goes High, the address, RIW, and EB are output from the CPU. All address signals are routed to the peripheral decode block where a peripheral decode signal is generated asynchronously.· Also, data read from a peripheral in the previous half cycle is latched in the CPU, and data written to a peripheral in the previous half cycle is latched in the desired register of the peripheral at this time. • When PI goes High, address AB[2:0], RIW, EB, and PDnB are latched at the peripherals. From these signals, the determination of which peripheral and register inside of that peripheral is to be written or read is made. Also, if the CPU is writing to a peripheral, it begins to drive the data bus at this time with the data to be written to the peripheral. If the CPU is reading from a peripheral, the peripheral begins to drive the data bus as soon as the decode is finished and the data is available from the register. This timing does not apply for the RAM and ROM/EPROM. Peripheral Interface-26 Peripheral Interface J.. M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi [Pjl ~f ~ OB[7:01 perOB[7:0] ~ ......... t- cpu..§J P ..-[P2) - I ~ t-- r-- .,.., - RlW I - r-- AB[2:0). R/W. EB ~ PI ~ AB[15:0) PI Peripheral PDIB P02B Decode II::~ AS IPrl. r - .... Dl D f)-WRre g ! - - - re :IE.! ;) -'" ··· ·· · E RDreg ~l ! - - - i-tI t-- r- - Register I Register 21 Register NI Peripheral I Ppr;nhpra 1 PONJ Peripheral N 71 I Figure 2-16. Internal Peripheral Interface , L , , PI ________ CPU: AB, RfW, EB Active Peripheral Decode (pDnB) AB, RfW, EB, PDnB lalChed@peripheral ~ ____- J'/ ~ t L =~~~~~~~=[=====:2~~~~~r=~==~F= AB, RfW, EB. PDnB peripheral _......:..__________....J ~'-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ J ~'------ REAb from peripheral RDbuf ROreg perDB DB :;111 : :\ >tOlIIII/Ili *:-_-:-__ ====:;=. ==== =====;-7;*~---':"'.-.....,;,...-~------X"--===:a:::::= ='"=. =±;:;, X,-r-"=::::t== =:;::::=:o::::=~~ -----?r CPU read of DB [P2] ---.;------.;-----.....;------.... ' WRITE to perip~eral WRreg[P2] _____________________ --Jt ----.......,r----....J~ DB --------:-----'>tOlIIII/Ili , , perDB - ....... ~'--.....;---...;.-- ~I...------- *===~== *'----:-- Figure 2-17. 7600 Series Peripheral Bus Timing Peripheral Interface Peripheral Interface-27 Mitsubisbi M37640ES-XXXF Preliminary Specification 2.6 J.... Input and Output Ports Address OOOS16 000916 OOOA 16 OOOB 16 OOOC 16 OOOD 16 OOOE16 OOOF16 001416 001S16 Description Acronym and Value at Reset . po=oo Port PO Port PO direction register POD-OO Port PI PI- O Port PS direction register PSD=OO 00lS16 PortP6 0019 16 Port P6 direction register 00lA16 PortP7 OOlB 16 Port P7 direction register P6-00 P6D=OO 00lC 16 PortPS OOlD16 Port PS direction register PS- O P7D=OO is multiplexed with EDMA are multiplexed with external interrupts INTO, INTI is multiplexed with TImer X CN1RO pin is multiplexed with TImer Y CN1RI pin is multiplexed with xqn is multiplexed with TImer I pulse output pin or XCout is multiplexed with OBFo output to master CPU is multiplexed with IBFo output to master CPU is multiplexed with So input to master CPU is multiplexed with Ao input to master CPU is multiplexed with R (E) input to master CPU is multiplexed with W (RfW) input to master CPU Bits60~ are multiplexed Bit 70 Bit 71 Bit 72 Bit 73 Bit 74 Bits SO-S3 with Master CPU Bus IIF DQO-DQ7 pins is multiplexed with SOP is multiplexed with HOLD is multiplexed with SI is multiplexed with IBf't or HLDA is multiplexed with OBF1 are multiplexed with the first alternate function UARTI pins or 2nd alternate function with SIOpins Bits S4-S7 are multiplexed with the UARTI pins 2.6.1 Ports This device has 66 programmable I/O pins arranged as ports POo to PS7• Each port bit can be configured as input or output. To set the I/O port bit direction, write a "1" to the corresponding direction register bit to select output mode, or write a "0" to the direction register bit to select input mode. Input and Output Ports-28 Input and Output Ports M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi At reset, all of the direction registers are initialized to 00 16, setting all of the I/O ports to input mode. If data is written to a pin and then read from that pin while it is in output mode, the data read is the value of the port latch rather than the value of the pin itself. Therefore, if an external load changes the value of an output pin, the intended output value will still be read correctly. Pins set to input mode are floating (provided that the pull up resistors are not being used) to ensure that the value input to such a pin can be read accurately. In the case when data is written to a pin configured as an input, the data is written only to the port latch; the pin itself remains floating. Most of the I/O Ports are multiplexed with secondary functions. When a GPIO is multiplexed with a second function, the control signal from the peripheral overrides the direction register. The multiplexing is briefly described below. The second function signals to and from the I/O ports are described in detail in their respective block's description. YO Ports Ports 0 and 1 Ports 0 and 1 act as the address bus (ABo-ABJs) in Microprocessor and Memory Expansion modes. Direction Register Port Latch Data Bus Figure 2-18. Port PO, PI, P3, and P6 6 Block Diagram Port 2 Port 2 acts as the data bus during microprocessor and memory expansion modes and also contains key-on wake up circuitry (see Figure 2-19.). Pull-up C....on_tr_o_l~--I Direction Register Data ..............._ .. Port Latch Key-on Wake-up Input Figure 2-19. Port P2 Block Diagram Input and Output Ports Input and Output Ports-29 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... Port 3 Port 3 outputs the signals described in the pin description (Figure 1-2. Pin Description). Port 4 See Figure 2-20., Figure 2-21., and Figure 2-22. CPMB4 Direction Register Data'LW~_~ Port Latch EDMA Signal ) - - - - i Figure 2-20. Port P40 Block Diagram Direction Register Data Bus ---+---.t Port Latch futerruptfuput~-<~ _ _ _ _ _~ Figure 2-21. Port P4 1 and P42 Block Diagram Timer Counter fuput Enable Pulse Output Mode Enable ')-_ _ _ _..., Direction Register Data B;;..u;;.;:s~_~ Port Latch Timer X, Y Output Counter fuput or ....--<::!t-_ _ _ _ _---' Interru t Input Figure 2-22. Port P43 and P44 Block Diagram Input and Output Ports-30 Input and Output Ports J... Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Tout Enable Bit Direction Register Data Bus ~'-~ Port Latch Timer \ Output Figure 2-23. Port P4S Block Diagram Power and Ground Pins There are two Vss and two Vdd pins that supply power to the MCU. There are also one analog Vdd (AVec) and one analog Vss (AVss) pins for the analog circuits. CNVssPin The level of the signal input to the CNVss pin at reset detennines whether the chip enters single chip or microprocessor mode. With CNVss connected to Vdd, the MCU enters microprocessor mode after a reset. After the reset sequence has been completed, the mode can be changed by modifying the value of bits 0 and 1 of CPUMA. However, while CNVss is connected Vdd, bit 1 of CPUMA can not be overwritten. With CNVss connected to Vss' the MCU enters single chip mode after a reset. Xin and Xout Pins The Xin and Xout pins are clock input and output pins. This device has a built-in clock generation circuit whose oscillation frequency is set by a ceramic or a quartz oscillator. Also, an external clock source can be used by connecting the Xin pin to a clock generator and leaving the Xout pin floating. XCin and XCout Pins The P5dXcin and P5\ffou!XCout pins are clock input and output pins. This device has a built-in clock generation circuit whose oscillation frequency is set by a ceramic or quartz oscillator. An external clock may also be used by connecting the XCin pin to a clock generator and leaving the XCout pin floating. RESET Pin The MCU is reset by holding RESET Low for at least 2JlS before returning to High. RDYPin For a detailed description of the P3dRDY pin see "2.4.5 Slow Memory Wait". DMAoutPin When the chip is in microprocessor or memory expansion mode, the DMAout (p3 3/DMAout) pin goes High during a DMA access. Input and Output Ports Input and Output Ports-31 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... ct>out Pin When the MCU is in microprocessor or memory expansion mode, pin P3 4 outputs the internal system .clock ct>out~ When the STP or WIT instructions are executed, the output· of the ct>out pin stops at a High level. SYNCout PinC When the MCn is in microprocessor or JIlemory expansion mode, the SYNCout .pin outputs a signal that is High for one-half cycle of ct>out every time an OpCode is fetched. RD and WR Pins A read control signal is output from the RD pin and write control signal is output from the WR pin (P36"WR and P3 71RD). A Low output from the RD pin indicates that the CPU is reading and a Low output from the WR pin indicates that the CPU is writing. LPF Pin When the Frequency Synthesizer is active, the XouPF pin is the loop filter for the Frequency Synthesizer. 2.6.2 Port Control Register This device is equipped with a port control register to control multiplexing of several pins and to turn on and off the slew rate control (SRC) (see Figure 2-24.). ~BI Pre7 I PTCO Prel PTC2 Pre3 Pre4 PreS Pre6 PI'C7 Pre6 I PI'C5 I Pre4 I Pre3 PTC2 Prel Slew Rate Control Ports 0-3 O:Disabled l:EnabIed Slew Rate Control Port 4 O:Disabled l:Enabled Slew Rate Control Port S O:Disabled l:Enabled Slew Rate Control Port 6 O:Disabled l:Enabled Slew Rate Control Port 7 O:Disabled l:EnabIed Slew Rate Control Port 8 O:Disabled l:Enabled Port 2 Input Level Select o:rn.. level input l:CMOS level input Master Bus Input Level Select O:CMOS level input l:rn.. level input Address: 0010 16 Access: RIW Reset: 00 16 Figure 2·24. Port Control Register Input and Output Ports·32 Input and Output Ports J.... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi 2.6.3 Port P2 Pull-up Control Register This device is equipped with internal pull-ups on Port P2 that can be enabled by software. Each bit of that pull-up control register controls a corresponding pin of Port P2. The pull-up control register pulls up the port when the port is in input mode. The value of the pull-up control register has no effect when the port is in output mode. PUP20 PUP21 PUP22 PUP23 PUP24 PUP2S PUP26 PUP27 Pull-up Control O:Disabled l:Enabled Pull-up Control O:Disabled l:Enabled PulI-up Control 0: Disabled l:Enabled Pull-up Control O:Disabled l:Enabled Pull-up Control O:Disabled l:Enabled Pull-up Control O:Disabled l:Enabled Pull-up Control O:Disabled l:Enabled Pull-up Control O:Disabled l:Enabled I~B Address: 0012 16 Access: RIW for Port 2. Bit 0 Reset: 0016 for Port 2. Bit 1 for Port 2, Bit 2 for Port 2, Bit 3 for Port 2. Bit 4 for Port 2. Bit 5 for Port 2, Bit 6 for Port 2, Bit 7 Figure 2-25. Pull-up Control Register 2.7 Interrupt Control Unit Address Description Code 000216 0003 16 Interrupt request register A IREQA-OO Interrupt request register B IREQB-OO 000416 Interrupt request register C IREQC-OO Interrupt control register A ICONA-OO 0005 16 Address 000616 0007 16 0037 16 Code Description Interrupt control register B Interrupt control register C ICONB=OO ICONC=-OO Interrupt polarity selection register IPOL=OO The interrupt control unit (ICU), a specialized peripheral, is described in detail in this section. This series supports a maximum of 23 maskable interrupts, one software interrupt, and one reset vector that is treated as a non-maskable interrupt See Table 2-4 for the interrupt sources, jump destination addresses, and interrupt priorities. For example, User Reset has a jump destination storage address of FFFA and FFFB and a priority of 3. Interrupt Control Unit Interrupt Control Unit-33 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 2.7.1 J... Interrupt Control Each maskable interrupt has associated with it an interrupt request bit and an interrupt enable bit. These bits, along with the I flag, determine· whether interrupt events can cause an interrupt service request to be generated. An interrupt request bit is set High when its corresponding interrupt event is activated. The bit is cleared to a "0" when the interrupt is serviced or when a "0" is written to the bit. The bit can not be set High by writing "I" to it. Each interrupt enable bit determines whether the interrupt request bit it is paired with is seen when the interrupts are polled. When the interrupt enable bit is Low, the interrupt request bit is not seen; and when the enable bit is High, the interrupt request is seen. The interrupt request register configurations for the 23 maskable interrupts are shown in Figure 2-26., Figure 2-27., and Figure 2-28. The interrupt control register configurations for the 23 maskable interrupts are shown in Figure 2-29., Figure 2-30., and Figure 2-31. The configuration of the polarity register for the external interrupts is shown in Figure 2-32. ¥SB I IRA6 IRA7 I IRAO IRA I IRA2 IRA3 IRA4 IRA5 IRA6 IRA7 IRA I IRA2 I I I USB Function Interrupt Request Bit 0 USB SOF Interrupt Request· Bit I Extemal Interrupt 0 Request Bit 2 Extemal Interrupt I Request Bit 3 DMAC channel 0 Interrupt Request Bit 4 DMAC channel I Interrupt Request Bit 5 UARTI Receive Buffer Full· Interrupt Request Bit 6 UARTI Transmit Interrupt Request Bit 7 No interrupt request issued 0: I: Interrupt request issued IRA5 IRA4 IRA3 IRAO I~SB Address: 0002 16 Access: R/W Reset: 0016 Figure 2-26. IREQA Configuration ~BI IRB7 IRB6 IRBO IRBI IRB2 IRB3 IRB4 IRBS IRB6 IRB7 IRB5 IRB4 IRB3 IRB2 IRBI IRBO I~B UARTI Error Sum Interrupt Request Bit 0 UART2 Receive Buffer Full Interrupt Request Bit I UART2 Transmit Interrupt Request Bit 2 UART2 Error Sum Interrupt Request Bit 3 TImer X Interrupt Request Bit 4 TImer Y Transmit Interrupt Request Bit 5 Tuner I Interrupt Request Bit 6 Tuner 2 Interrupt Request Bit 7 No interrupt request issued 0: I: Interrupt request issued Address: 0003 16 Access: R/W Reset: 00 16 Figure 2-27. IREQB Configuration LSB 0 Bit 7 Tuner 3 Interrupt Request Bit ·0 External CNTRO Interrupt Request Bit I External CNTRI Interrupt Request Bit 2 SIO Interrupt Request Bit 3 Input Buffer Full Interrupt Request Bit 4 Output Buffer Empty Request Bit 5 Key·on Wake-up Interrupt Request Bit 6 No interrupt request issued 0: I: Interrupt request issued BRK Instruction - Reserved (0 when read) Address: 000416 Access: R/W Reset: 0016 Figure 2-28. IREQC Configuration Interrupt Control Unit-34 Interrupt Control Unit J... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi ~SB I ICA6 ICA7 ICAO ICAI ICA2 ICA3 ICA4 ICA5 ICA6 ICA7 ICA5 ICA4 ICA3 ICA2 ICAI ICAO I~B USB Function Interrupt Request Bit 0 USB SOF Interrupt Request Bit I External Interrupt 0 Enable Bit 2 External Interrupt I Enable Bit 3 DMAC channel 0 Interrupt Enable Bit 4 DMAC channel I Interrupt Enable Bit 5 UART! Receive Buffer Full Interrupt Enable Bit 6 UARTI Transmit Interrupt Enable Bit 7 0: Interrupt Disable I: Interrupt Enable Address: 0005 16 Access: RIW Reset: 00 16 Figure 2-29. ICONA Configuration ~SBI ICB7 ICB6 ICCO ICCI ICC2 ICC3 ICC4 ICC5 ICC6 ICC7 ICB5 ICB4 ICB3 ICB2 ICBI ICBO I~B UART! Error Sum Interrupt Enable Bit 0 UARTI Receive Buffer Full Interrupt Enable Bit I UARTI Transmit Interrupt Enable Bit 2 UARTI Error Sum Interrupt Enable Bit 3 Tuner X Interrupt Enable Bit 4 TImer Y Interrupt Enable Bit 5 Tuner I Interrupt Enable Bit 6 TImer 2 Interrupt Enable Bit 7 0: Interrupt Disable I: Interrupt Enable Address: 0006 16 Access: RIW Reset: 00 16 Figure 2-30. ICONB Configuration ~SB li{~~zl ICC6 ICCO ICC I ICC2 ICC3 ICC4 ICC5 ICC6 Bit 7 ICC5 ICC4 ICC3 ICC2 ICC I Address: 0007 16 ICCO Access: RIW Tuner 3 Interrupt Enable Bit 0 External CNTRO Interrupt Enable Bit 2 External CNTRI Interrupt Enable Bit 3 SIO Interrupt Enable Bit 4 Input Buffer Full Enable Bit 5 Output Buffer Empty Interrupt Enable Bit 6 Key-on Wake-up Interrupt Enable Bit 6 0: Interrupt disabled I: Interrupt enabled Reserved (Always write 0) Reset: 00 16 Figure 2-31. ICONC Configuration MSB 7 LSB ~~~~____~____~O INTOPol INTI Pol Bits 2-7 INTO Interrupt Edge Selection Bit 0: FaIling edge selected. I: Rising edge selected. INTI Interrupt Edge Selection Bit 0: FaIling edge selected. I: Rising edge selected. Reserved (0 when read) Address: 0011 16 Access: RIW Reset: 00 16 Figure 2-32. IPOL Configuration Interrupt Control Unit Interrupt Control Unit-35 Mitsubisbi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J.... Table 2-4 Interrupt Vector Table 2.7.2 Jump Destination Storage Address (Vector Address) Remarks Priority Interrupt 1 RSRVI FFFF FFFE 2 RSRV2 FFFD FFFC Reserved for factory use .- User·Reset (Non-Maskable) Higb-order Byte Low-order .Byte 3 Reset FFFB FFFA 4 USB FFF9 FFF8 Reserved for factory use USB Function Interrupt 0 LSB 5 SOF FFF7 FFF6 USB SOF Interrupt 1 6 INTO FFF5 FFF4 External Interrupt 0 2 7 INTl FFF3 FFF2 External Interrupt 1 3 8 DMAI FFFI FFFO DMAC Channel 0 Interrupt 4 9 DMA2 FFEF FFEE DMAC Channel lInterrupt 5 10 UlRBF FFED FFEC UARTl Receiver Buffer Full 6 11 UlTX FFEB FFEA UARTl Transmit Interrupt 7 MSB 12 UIES FFE9 FFE8 UARTl Error Sum Interrupt 0 LSB 13 U2RBF FFE7 FFE6 UART2 Receiver Buffer Full 1 14 U2TX FFE5 FFE4 UART2 Transmit Interrupt 2 15 U2ES FFE3 FFE2 UART2 Error Sum Interrupt 3 16 TX FFEI FFEO TlIDerX 4 ~ tIl I:) > [ (") 0 ~ (") 0 @ '"g "0 ~ (JQ ~ tIl I:) Cd ::d c§. '"ff ... 6- > '" I» 17 TY FFDF FFDE TImerY 5 - ~. 18 Tl FFDD FFDC TlIDer I 6 Cd g '" (") 0 Z 8~ 19 T2 FFDB FFDA Timer 2 7 MSB 20 T3 FFD9 FFD8 TlIDer3 0 LSB 21 CNTRO FFD7 FFD6 External CNTRO Interrupt I 22 CNTRI FFD5 FFD4 External CNTRI Interrupt 2 ~ 23 SID FFD3 FFD2 SID Interrupt 3 § 24 IBF FFDI FFDO Input Buffer Full Interrupt 4 25 OBE FFDF FFCE Output Buffer Empty Interrupt 5 26 KEY FFCD FFCC .Key-on Wake Up 6 27 BRK FFCB FFCA BRK Instruction (Non-Maskable) (") Po (") 0 Z (") MSB Interrupt Sequence and Timing The interrupts are polled prior to the beginning of each instruction. An interrupt service request is generated when an interrupt event has its interrupt request bit set High, its interrupt enable bit is set High, and the interrupt inhibit flag I is set Low. The I flag is used to disable all maskable interrupts. When this bit is set High, only a BRK instruction or a user Reset can cause an interrupt service request to be generated. Figure 2-33. is a simplified version of the logic that controls whether an interrupt service request is generated. Interrupt Control Unit-36 Interrupt Control Unit J.. M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi Interrupt Request Bit Interrupt Enable Bit Interrupt Inhibit Flat I Figure 2-33. Interrupt Service Request Control Logic The time elapsed from the occurrence of an interrupt event until execution of its service routine varies from 7 cycles to 23 cycles, depending on what instruction is executing when the interrupt event occurs (see Figure 2-34.) Interrupt R~uest 23 to 7 Cycles (2.3 ~ to 0.7 ~, when f(ll» - 10 MHz) ICurrent Instruc~c::::>tL..-_ _"" Maximum 16 cycles • Minimum 0 cycles 2 cycles, dummy cycles for pipeline postprocessing 5 cycles, stack push and vector fetch • For ON Instruction Figure 2-34. Execution Time Prior to Interrupt Service Routine When an interrupt service request occurs, the current instruction stream is temporarily halted and the appropriate interrupt service routine is executed. Mter the interrupt service routine ends, the current instruction stream is resumed with the next instruction. The interrupt service request causes the MCU to automatically push the high-order byte of the program counter, the low-order byte of the program counter, and the contents of the processor status register onto the stack. A push consists of storing data at the stack address and decrements the stack pointer by one. The I flag is set High to prevent other interrupts from being serviced during the interrupt service routine, and the request bit corresponding to the interrupting event is automatically cleared to "0". The program counter is set to the address specified in the vector table for the interrupt being serviced. This address contains the address for the fIrst instruction of the interrupt service routine. The timing for the pushing of data onto the stack, and fetching the starting address of the interrupt routine is illustrated in Figure 2-35. SYNCom:~ __________________________________________ . ~r-l Address Data Figure 2-35. Interrupt Cycle Tuning Interrupt Control Unit Interrupt Control Unit-37 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi ~ See Figure 2-36. for the stack and program counter modifications that occur when an interrupt request is serviced. I, Program Counter PCL Program Counter (L) PCH Program Counter (H) Stock (m 'Zrffo/Ooo Page) I ( Interrupt Enable ) (8; I Stack Pointer I (S) Program Counter PCL PCH S Loaded values of the vector address corresponding to the accepted interrupt. ( Interrupt Disable) (S) Stack Pointer (S) - 3 Figure 2-36. Stack Pointer and Program Counter Modifications During Interrupt Service Sequence Returning from an interrupt is accomplished by executing an RTI instruction. This causes the MCU to pop the contents of the process status register and the low-order and high-order bytes of the program counter from the stack. The I flag, is cleared to "0" when the process status value is restored ftom the stack. 2.8 Direct Memory Access Controller Address 003F16 004016 0041 16 0042 16 0043 16 004416 0045 16 0046 16 0047 16 Description DMAC index and status register DMAC channel x mode register 1 DMAC channel x mode register 2 DMAC channel x source register Low DMAC channel x source register High DMAC channel x destination register Low DMAC channel x destination register High DMAC channel x transfer count register Low DMAC channel x transfer count register High Acronym and Value DMAIS==OO DMAxMl=OO DMAyM2=OO DMAxSL-OO DMAxSH-<>O DMAxDL-OO DMAxDH- channell) • Two cycles of cI> required per byte transferred Each channel of the DMAC is made up of the following: • 16-bit source and destination registers • A 16-bit transfer count register • Two mode registers • Status flags contained in a status register shared by the two channels • Control and timing logic The 16-bit source and destination registers allow accesses to any two locations in the 64K byte memory area. The 16-bit transfer count register decrements by one for each transfer performed and causes an interrupt and flag to be set when it underflows. The mode registers control the configuration and operation of the DMAC channel associated with the registers. A block diagram of the DMAC is shown in Figure 2-37. The SFR addresses for the two mode, source, destination, and transfer count registers of a channel are the same for each channel. Which channel's registers are accessible is determined by the value of the DMAC Channel Index Bit (DCI) (bit 7 of the DMAC Index and Status Register (DMAIS)). When this bit is a "0", channel 0 registers are accessible, and when this bit is a one, channel 1 registers are accessible. The configuration of DMAIS and the mode registers are shown in Figure 2-38., Figure 239., Figure 2-40., and Figure 2-41. Direct Memory Access Controller Direct Memory Access Controller-39 Mitsubishi M37640ES-XXXF Preliminary Specification J.... DMAC Channel 0 DMAC Channel I Figure 2-37. DMAC Block Diagram 2.S.1 Operation Each channel of the DMAC transfers byte data from a source address to a destination address when a selected event occurs. If single-byte transfer mode is enabled, one byte of data is transferred per request. If burst transfer mode is enabled, several bytes can be transferred per request, one byte at a time. A temporary register internal to the DMAC stores the data read from the source address until it is written to the destination address on the next cycle. The transfer of one byte takes two cycles of . Writing a "1" to the DMAC Channel x Transfer Initiation Source Capture Register Reset bit (DxCRR) causes the initiating source sample latch of the associated DMAC channel to be reset. The sample latch is reset automatically one cycle of PHI after a transfer request is detected. New transfer requests for a channel that occur during a DMAC transfer by that same channel are latched as long as they occur after the sample latch is reset. However, if multiple transfer requests occur during a transfer, only one transfer request will be registered. If an interrupt is chosen as the initiating source for DMAC transfers, its interrupt control bit located in one of the three interrupt control registers of the ICU should be cleared to "0" if the user does not wish to have the interrupt serviced by the CPU. Direct Memory Access Controller Direct Memory Access Controller-41 Mitsubisbi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J,.. Transfer Features for USB and Master CPU Bus Interface In order to make the transfer of data between the USB endpoint FIFOs and the input and output buffers of the Master CPU Bus Interface more efficient, special features have been included in the transfer requestlogic of each DMACchannel. ~e.se features are enabled for a channel when one of the USB endpoint signals is selected as the hardware transfer request source and the DMAC Channel x USB" and Master CPU Bus Interface Enable Bit (DxUMIE) is set High. These features are only intended to be used with single-byte transfer mode. USB OUT FIFO to Master CPU Bus Interface Output Buffer Transfers When a USB endpoint packet received signal is selected as the hardware transfer request source for a .DMAC channel and the DxUMIE bit of the same channel is set High, a transfer request is generated for that DMAC channel when the packet received signal for the chosen USB endpoint is active and output buffer x (where x is "0" for DMAC channel 0 and "1" for DMAC channell) of the Master CPU Bus Interface is empty. The packet received signal remains active until all bytes of the packet have been read from the FIFO corresponding to that endpoint. Thus, the first transfer request is generated when the packet received signal goes active and subsequent transfer requests are generated each time output buffer x becomes empty. Once the fmal byte of the received packet has been' read, the packet received signal automatically goes inactive (if this option is enabled in the USB block). This in turn causes the source,' destination, and transfer count registers of the involved DMAC channel to be reloaded (unless the DRLDD bit is set High) and the DMAC interrupt for the involved channel to be set. In addition, if the DxDAUE bit associated with the channel is "I", the channel's DxCEN bit is automatically cleared to "0", disabling the channel. This feature allows a channel of the DMAC in single-byte transfer mode to automatically transfer a received packet of an endpoint from the endpoint's FIFO to the master CPU (via the Master CPU Bus Interface) without any intervention by the on-chip CPU. Also, because the source, destination, and transfer count registers are automatically reloaded once the current packet has been completely transferred, on-chip CPU intervention is not needed to set up the DMAC channel for transfer of subsequently received packets, even in the case of reception of a short packet. A second method for generating DMAC transfer requests based on a signal from USB endpoint 1 and the status of output buffer x of the Master CPU Bus Interface is supported. This method facilitates byte-by-byte transfers; whereas, the method described above facilitates packet-by-packet transfers. This method is enabled when the USB endpoint 1 OUT FIFO not empty signal is chosen as the hardware transfer request source for a DMAC channel and the DxUMIE bit of the same channel is set High. A transfer request is generated for the DMAC channel if the endpoint 1 FIFO is not empty and output buffer x of the Master CPU Bus Interface is empty. As is the case when the packet-by-packet method is used, the packet received signal goes active once a complete packet has been received. It remains active until all bytes of the packet have been read from the FIFO. When the fmal byte has been read from the FIFO, the packet received signal goes inactive (if this option is enabled in the USB block), which causes the source, destination, and transfer count registers of the involved DMAC channel to be reloaded (unless the DRLDD bit is set High) and the DMAC interrupt corresponding to the involved channel to be set. Also, if the DxDAUE bit associated with the channel is "I", the channel's DxCEN bit is automatically cleared to "0", disabling the channel. If the last byte of the packet has been read from the FIFO before the end_oCpacket signal is received by the USB block, the packet received signal will still go to its active state and then go inactive a short period of time later (if this option is enabled in the USB block). Direct Memory Access ControUer42 Direct Memory Access Controller Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Master CPU Bus Interface Input Buffer to USB IN FIFO Transfers When a USB endpoint packet sent signal is selected as the hardware transfer request source for a DMAC channel and the DxUMIE bit of the same channel is set High, a transfer request is generated when the FIFO associated with the endpoint is not full (with respect to the programmed packet size) and input buffer x of the Master CPU Bus Interface contains data. The transfer request is not generated if input buffer x contains a command. The FIFO not full signal of the endpoint remains active until a full packet has been written to the FIFO. Thus, the first transfer request is generated when the FIFO not full signal goes active and subsequent transfer requests are generated when data is written to input buffer x by an external device. Once the full packet has been written to the FIFO, the FIFO not full signal goes inactive and the in_packeCready signal of the endpoint is automatically set (if this option is enabled in the USB block). In this case, the .source, destination, and transfer count registers are not automatically reloaded. Instead, the packet size for the endpoint should be written to the transfer count register at initialization time so that it underflows and reloads once the last byte of the data is transferred from input buffer x to the endpoint's FIFO. The feature described above allows a channel of the DMAC in single-byte transfer mode to automatically transfer data received from the master CPU (via the Master CPU Bus Interface) to the endpoint's FIFO without any intervention by the on-chip CPU. Additionally, since the in_packecready signal associated with the endpoint is automatically set (if this option is enabled in the USB block), multiple packets can be transferred by a channel of the DMAC without on-chip CPU intervention. Note however that short packets are not handled automatically and instead require intervention by the on-chip CPU. DMAC Transfer Mode Each channel of the DMAC can be operated in single-byte transfer mode or burst transfer mode. The choice is made by the setting of the Channel x DMAC Transfer Mode Selection Bit (DxTMS). When single-byte transfer mode is selected, one byte of data is transferred per transfer request. When burst transfer mode is selected, the value in the transfer count register determines how many single byte transfers occur per transfer request. For example, if the value in the transfer count register is 0014 16, 21 transfers will occur before control of the address bus and data bus is given back to the CPU. DMAC Transfer Timing A DMAC transfer can occur at any point during the execution of an instruction by the CPU. However, at least one cycle of OU! SYNCOU!: RD. WR. Address Data DMAC Transfer: Signal (Port3 3) .r-------------------------' Transfer Request: Source (active low). Transfer Request Source Sampling. Transfer Request: ,.....------------., SourceSample.~------------------------------------~ Latch Reset· Figure 2-43. DMAC Transfer - Software Trigger Initiated ~ _______________ ~r-l~ . . ____________________________________________________________ ~ ' RD' WR • LJ LJ LOA $zz STA $zz OMAC Transfer STA $zz (second 4cle) r -______~~,______~~(~fm~~~~c1-e)~r------~~~-------~--~ Address' Data '---" DMAC Transfer' Signal (Port3 ) .'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' 3 Transfer Request Source (active low) Transfer Request Source Sampling Transfer Request Source Sample Latch Reset : • • : ....-----------------------' Figure 2-44. DMAC Transfer - Burst Transfer Mode Direct Memory Access Controller Direct Memory Access Controller-47 Mitsubishi M37640ES-XXXF Preliminary Specification 2.9 J... Timers Address Acronym and Value at Reset Description Address Description Acronym and Value at Reset 0025 16 Tuner 2 T2-o1 TimerXH TXL=FF - TXH-FF ·00261'6' Tuner 3 TunerYL TYL-FF 002716 Tuner X mode register T3-FF TXM-DO TunerYH TYH-FF 0028 16 Tuner Y mode register TYM-DO Tuner 1 Tl-FF 0029 16 Tuner 123 mode register T123M-OO 0020 16 Tuner XL 0021 16 0022 16 0023 16 002416 This device has five built-in timers: Timer X, Timer Y, Timer 1, Timer 2, and Timer 3. The contents of the timer latch, corresponding to each timer, determine the divide ratio. The timers can be read or written at any time. However, the read and write operations on the high and low-order bytes of the 16-bit timers (Timer X and Y) must be performed in a specific order. The timers are all down count timers; when the count of a timer reaches 00 16 (0000 16 for Timer X and Y), an underflow occurs at the next count pulse and the contents of the corresponding timer reload latch are reloaded into the timer. When a timer underflows, the interrupt request bit corresponding to that timer is set High. The divide ratio of a timer is given by l/(n + 1), where n is the value written to the timer. When the STP instruction is executed, 01 16 is loaded into Timer 2 and the Timer 2 reload latch, and FF 16 is loaded into Timer 1 and the Timer 1 reload latch. Figure 2-48. is a block diagram of the five timers. Timer X 2.9.1 Timer X is a 16-bit timer that has a 16-bit reload latch, and can be placed in one of four modes by setting bits TXM4 and TXM5 (bits 4 and 5 of the Mode Register, TXM). The bit assignment of the TXM is shown in Figure 2-45 .. BitS-TXM5 Bit4-TXM4 0 0 Timer X Mode Tuner mode 0 1 Pulse output mode 1 0 Event counter mode 1 1 Pulse width measurement mode Read and Write Method Read and write operations on the high and low-order bytes of Timer X must be performed in a specific order. Write Method When writing to the timer, the lower order byte is written first. This data is placed in a temporary register that is assigned the same address as Timer XL. Next, the higher order byte is written. When this is done, the data is placed in the Timer XH reload la~h and the low-order byte is transferred from its temporary register to the Timer XL reload latch. At this point, if the Timer X Data Write Control Bit (TXMO) (bit 0) is "0", the value in the Timer X reload latch is also loaded in Timer X. If TXMO is "1", the data in the Timer X reload latch is loaded in Timer X after Timer X underflows. Timers-48 Timers J.. M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi ~SB I TXM7 TXM6 TXM5 TXMO TXM2,1 TXM3 TXM5,4 TXM6 TXM7 TXM4 TXM3 TXM2 TXMI TXMO Tuner X Data Write Control Bit • Bit 0 O:Write data in latch and timer I:Write data in latch only Tuner X Frequency Division Ratio Bits • Bits 2 and 1 00:«11 divided by 8 01:«11 divided by 16 10:«11 divided by 32 11:«11 divided by 64 TJlller X Internal Clock Select Bit Bit 3 O:CIICII/n I:SCSGCLK (from chip special count source generator) Tuner X Mode Bits • Bit 5 and 4 OO:Tuner Mode OI:Pulse output mode lO:Event counter mode Il:Pulse width measurement mode CNTRO Polarity Select Bit • Bit 6 O:For event counter mode, clocked by rising edge For pulse output mode, start from High level output For CNTRO interrupt request, falling edge active For pulse width measurement mode, measure High period 1:For event counter mode, clocked on falling edge For pulse output mode, start from Low level output For CNTRO interrupt request, rising edge active For pulse width measurement mode, measure Low period Tuner X Stop Bit • Bit 7 O:Count start l:Count stop I~B Address: 0027 16 Access: RIW Reset: 00 16 Figure 2-45. TXM Register Read Method When reading Timer X, the high-order byte is read fIrst. Reading the high-order byte causes the values of Timer XH and Timer XL to be placed in temporary registers assigned the same addresses as Timer XH and Timer XL. The low-order byte of Timer X is then read from its temporary register. This operation assures the correct reading of Timer X while it is counting. Count Stop Control -\ If the Timer X Count Stop Bit (TXM7) (bit 7 of the TXM) is set High, Timer X stops counting in all four modes. Timer Mode Count Source: 4>ln (where n is 8, 16, 32, or 64) or SCSGCLK In this mode, each time the timer underflows, the corresponding timer interrupt request bit is set High, the contents of the timer latch are loaded into the timer, and the count down sequence begins again. Pulse Output Mode Count Source: 4>ln (where n is 8, 16, 32, or 64) or SCSGCLK Each time the timer X underflows, the output of the CNTRO pin is inverted, and the corresponding Timer X interrupt request bit is set High. The repeated inversion of the CNTRO pin output produces a rectangular waveform with a duty ratio of 50 percent. The initial level of the output is determined by the CNTRO polarity select bit (bit 6). When this bit is Low, the output starts from a High level. When this bit is High, the output starts from a Low level. Timers Timers49 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi J... Event Counter Mode Count Source: CNTRO Timer countdown is triggered by inputs to the CNTRO pin. Each time. a timer underflows, the corresponding timer interrupt request bit is set High,the contents of the timer reload latch. are loaded into the timer, and the countdown sequence begins again .. The edge used to clock Timer X is determined by the CNTRO polarity select bit (bit 6). Pulse Width Measurement Mode Count Source: 4>ln (where n is 8, 16, 32, or 64) or SCSGCLK This mode measures either the high or low-pulse width of the signal on the CNTRO pin. The pulse width measured is determined by the CNTRO polarity select bit (bit 6). When this bit is "0", the High pulse is measured. When this bit is "1 ", the Low pulse is measured. The timer counts down while the level on the CNTRO pin is the polarity selected by the CNTRO polarity select bit. When the timer underflows, the Timer X interrupt request bit is set High, the contents of the timer reload latch are reloaded into the timer, and the timer continues counting down. Each time the signal polarity. switches to the inactive state, a. CNTRO interrupt occurs indicating that the pulse width has been measured. The width of the measured pulse can be found by reading Timer X during the CNTRO interrupt service routine. 2.9.2 Timer Y Timer Y is a 16-bit timer that has a 16-bit reload latch, and can be placed in any of four modes by setting TYM4 and TYMS (bits 4 and 5) (see Figure 2-46.). The desired mode is selected by modifying the values of TYM4 and TYM5. Timers-SO BitS-TYMS Bit4-TYM4 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 TImerYMode TImer mode Pulse period measurement mode Event counter mode In. Pulse width measurement mode Timers J.... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi MSB 7 TYM7 TYM6 TYMO TYMI TYM3.2 TYM5.4 TYM6 TYM7 TYM5 TYM4 TYM3 TYM2 TYMI TYMO I~B Address: 0028 16 Access: RIW Tnner Y Data Write Control Bit - Bit 0 Reset: 00 16 O:Write data in latch and timer I:Write data in latch only Tnner Y Output Control Bit - Bit I O:TYOUT output disable I:TYOUT output enable Tnner Y Frequency Division Ratio Bits - Bit 3 and 2 00:<11 divided by 8 01:<11 divided by 16 10:<11 divided by 32 ll: divided by 8 I:XCin divided by 2 Timer 2 Count Source Select Bit - Bit 3 0: TIMer I underflow signal 1:4> TIMer 3 Count Source Select Bit - Bit 4 O:Tuner I underflow signal 1:4> divided by 8 TOUT Output Active Edge Selection Bit - Bit 5 0: Start on High output I: Start on Low output TOUT Output Control Bit - Bit 6 O:TOUT output disabled I:TOUT output enabled Tuner I and 2 Data Write Control Bit - Bit 7 O:Write data in latch and timer I:Write data in latch only Address: 0029 16 Access: R!W Reset: 00 16 Figure 2-47. T123M Register Timer 1 is an 8-bit timer with an 8-bit reload latch and has a pulse output option. T123M7 of TimerI23 mode register (TI23M) is the Timer 1 and 2 Data Write Control Bit If T123M7 is "1 ", data written to Timer 1 is placed only in the Timer 1 reload latch. The latch value is loaded into Timer 1 after Timer 1 underflows. If T123M7 is "0", the value written to Timer 1 is placed in Timer 1 and the Timer 1 reload latch. At reset, T123M7 is set Low. The output signal TOUT is controlled by T123M5 and T123M6. TI23M5 controls the polarity of TOUT. Setting the bit T123M5 to "1" causes TOUT to start at a Low level, and clearing this bit to "0" causes TOUT to start at a High level. Settfug T123M6 to "1" enables TOUT, and clearing TI23M6 to "0" disables TOUT. Timer Mode Count Source: <1>18 or XCin/2 In Tuner mode, each time the timer underflows, the corresponding timer interrupt request bit is set High, the contents of the timer latch are loaded into the timer, and the count down sequence begins again. Pulse Output Mode Count Source: <1>18 or XCin/2 Timer 1 Pulse Output mode is enabled by setting T123M6 to "1" and TI23MO to a "0". Each time the Timer 1 underflows, the output of the TOUT pin is inverted, and the corresponding Timer 1 interrupt request bit is set High_ The repeated inversion of the TOUT pin output produces a rectangular waveform with a duty ratio of 50 percent The initial level of the output is determined by the TOUT polarity select bit (TI23M5). When this bit is Low, the output starts from a High level. When this bit is High, the output starts from a Low leveL 2.9.4 Timer 2 Timer 2 is an 8-bit timer with an 8-bit reload latch_ Timers Timers-53 Mitsubisbi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification T123M7 (bit 7 of T123M) is the Timer 1 and 2 Data Write Control Bit. If T123M7 is "I", data written to Timer 2 is placed only in the Timer 2 reload latch (see Figure 2-50). The latch value is loaded into Timer 2 after Timer 2 underflows. If the T123M7 is ''0'', the value written to Timer 2 is placed in Ti~er 2 and the Timer 2 reload latch. At reset, T123M2 is set Low. The Timer 2 reload latch value is ·not affected by a change of the count source. However, because changing the count source may cause an inadvertent countdown or' the timer, the timer should be rewritten when the count source is changed. Timer Mode Count Source: If T123M3 is "0", the Timer 2 count source is the Timer 1 underflow output. If T123M3 is It 1 It, the Timer 2 count source is 4>. In Timer mode, each time the timer underflows, the corresponding timer interrupt request bit is set High, the contents of the timer latch are loaded into the timer, and the count down sequence begins again. Pulse Output Mode Count Source: If T123M3 is "0", the Timer 2 count source is the Timer 1 underflow output. If T123M3 is "I", the Timer 2 cOunt source is 4>. Timer 2 Pulse Output mode is enabled by setting TI23M6 to a "1" and T123MO to a "1". Each time the Timer 2 underflows, the output of the TOUT pin is inverted, and the corresponding Timer 2 interrupt request bit is set High. The repeated inversion of. the TOUT pin output produces a rectangular waveform with a duty ratio of 50 percent. The initial level of the output is determined by the TOUT polarity select bit (TI23M5). When this bit is ''0'', the output starts from a High level. When this bit is "1", the output starts from a Low level. 2.9.5 Timer 3 Timer 3 is an 8-bit timer with an 8-bit reload latch. The Timer 3 reload latch value is not affected by a change of the count source. Because changing the count source may cause an inadvertent countdown of the timer, the timer should be rewritten whenever the count source is changed. Timer Mode Count Source: If TI23M4 is ''0'', the Timer 3 count source is the Timer 1 underflow output. If T123M4 is "I", the count source is 4>18 . In Timer mode, each time the timer underflows. the corresponding timer interrupt request bit is set High, the contents of the timer latch are loaded into the timer, and the count down sequence begins again. Data written to Timer 3 is always placed in Timer 3 and the Timer 3 reload latch. Timers-54 Timers J.. M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi SCSGCLK O~------, TXMO TImer X Interrupt Request CNTRO CNTRO Interrupt Request TXM5,4-01 TXM6 TXM5,4-01 TYMO TYMS,4 00 ?l TYM7 r;:;::-::-v;--:-::=~=::>:m;c-::::=~ Tuner Y Interrupt Request 11 TYMl- one and TYM5,4 - ero TYM5,4 00 CNTR 1 Interrupt Request 01 10 TYM- one & TYMS, 4 - 00 Tl23M7 Tuner 2 Interrupt Request XCmf2 Tuner 1 Interrupt Request Tuner 3 Interrupt Request Tl23M6-on Figure 2-48. Block Diagram of Timers X, Y, 1, 2, and 3 Timers Timers-55 Mitsubisbi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... 2.10 Universal Serial Bus Address Acronym and Value Description .. 005016 0051 16 USB Address Register USBA=OO USB Power Management Register· USBPM=OO 005B 16 005C I6 0052 16 USB Interrupt Status Register 1 USBIS1=OO 005D16 0053 16 USB Interrupt Status Register 2 USBIS2- half of the FIFO size), the IN_PKT_RDY is cleared upon successful transmission of the data packet. In the case where the FIFO is configured to hold two data sets (MAXP <= half of the FIFO size), every time there is one or two data sets available, the IN_PKT_RDY is cleared. In the later case, in order to determine if a data packet has been transmitted out, a read only bit, TX_NOT_EMPTY is available. The status of a TX FIFO status could be obtained by: IN PKT RDY TX NOT EMPTY 0 0 No data packet in TX FIFO 0 1 One data packet in TX FIFO 1 0 Invalid 1 1 Two data packets in TX FIFO TX FIFO Status For isochronous data transfer, an additional bit, named ISO_UPDATE is provided. The function of this bit is described below: If ISO_UPDATE = "0", whenever the IN_PKT_RDY is set, it is sent to the Serial Interface Engine (SIE) immediately, available for the next IN_TOKEN from the host; if ISO_UPDATE = "I" and ISO bit of the corresponding endpoint's IN CSR is set, then the IN_PKT_RDY bit is delayed until the next SOF before being sent to the SIE. In this way the IN_PKT_RDY is synchronized with the SOF. The ISO_UPDATE bit is a global bit for endpoints 1 to 4, and works with isochronous pipe only. Endpoints 2 to 4 (IN direction) can be used for interrupt transfer. This is done by setting the INTPT bit in the IN CSR register of the corresponding endpoint. The CPU sets this bit to initialize that endpoint as a status change endpoint, meaning that whenever the USB GFI receives an IN token addressed to that endpoint, the GFI will unconditionally transmit out the most recent updated data packet in the TX FIFO which the size is equal to the MAXP set for that endpoint. In order to avoid transmitting some unwanted data to the host while the CPU is in initialization stage, the following setup sequence is recommended: Universal Serial Bus Universal Serial Bus-59 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi J... 1. SetMAXP; 2. Load interrupt status information with the number of bytes equal to MAXP to that endpoint's FIFO; 3. Set IN_PKT_RDY and INTPT bits of the IN CSR; 4. Load the FIFO wi.th the number of bytes equal to MAXP for all· the subsequent interrupt status updates. Because all endpoints start up default to be bulk transfer, before Step 3 listed above is done, the OF! will send NAK to every IN token the host addresses to this endpoint, therefore unwanted data will not be transmitted out to the host. The USB function control unit handles all the bad transmission retry and data set management tasks. Receive FIFOs The USB OF! writes data to the endpoint's receive FIFO location specified by the write pointer, which automatically increments by one after a write. When a good reception is complete, the OF! sets the OUT_PKT_RDY bit in the corresponding Endpoint OUT Control and Status Register (OUT CSR), signaling the CPU that it has successfully received a data packet. This bit is cleared upon unloading the packet from the FIFO. Clearing the OUT_PKT_RDY bit can be done in two ways. If bit 7 of the OUT_CSR is a "0", OUT_PKT_RDY is cleared by the CPU writing a ''0'' to that bit. If bit 7 of the . OUT_CSR is a "1", OUT_PKT_RDY is automatically cleared by the OF! when the number of bytes of data equal to the value of the Write_Count register (WRT_CNT) is unloaded from the FIFO. In the case where the FIFO is configured to hold two data sets, every time there is one or two data sets available, the OUT_PKT_RDY bit is set. The USB function control unit handles all the write pointer reversal for a bad reception and data set management tasks. For endpoint I, when transferring ISO data, the receive FIFO can be unloaded as soon as there is some data in the FIFO, which is indicated by DATA_NOT_EMPTY signal. The completion of unloading a packet of data is signified by OUT_PKT_RDY - one, and DATA_SET_NOT_EMPTYzero. This feature is available only in DMA transfer mode, and is tightly coupled with the DMA controller, see the DMA section for detail. 2.10.4 USB Special Function Registers This device controls the USB operation through the use of special function registers (SFR). This section describes in detail each USB related SFR. Certain USB SFRs are endpoint-indexed. Those are the Control & Status Registers (IN CSR and OUT CSR), the Maximum Packet Size Registers (IN MAXP and OUT MAXP) and the Write Count Registers (OUT WRT_CNT). To access each of the endpoint-indexed SFR, the target endpoint number should be written to the Endpoint Index Register first. The lower 3 bits (EPINDEX2:0) of the Endpoint Index Register are used for endpoint selection. Note: Each endpoint's FIFO Register is NOT endpoint-indexed. Universal Serial Bus-60 Universal Serial Bus ~ Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification ~B Address: 0013 16 MSB 7 Reset: Bit Name 3:0 Description 00 16 CPU R Reserved, write "0" to these bits. 4 USBC4 USB Line Driver Supply Select 0: Pin tn2 is the USB line driver power supply pin. This should connect to a 3.3V supply. I: Pin tn2 is the USB line driver external capacitor pin. This should connect to a I pi or larger capacitor between pin #12 and V 55 for 5V only power supply applications. 5 USBCS USB Clock Enable 0: 48 MHz clock to the USB block is disabled. I: 48 MHz clock to the USB block is enabled. W/R 6 USBC6 USB SOF Port Select 0: USB SOF output is disabled. P70 is used as GPIO pin. I: USB SOF output is enabled. W/R 7 USBC7 USB Enable 0: USB block is disabled, all USB internal registers are held at their default values. 1: USB block is enabled W/R W/R Figure 2-50. USB Control Register Address: 0050 16 LSB MSB 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ __ L_ _ _ _ _ _~~_ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _~O BIt Name 6:0 FUN_ADDR6:0 DescrIption 00 16 CPU 7-bit programmable Function Address - 7 Reset: W/R Reserved, write a "0" to this bit R Figure 2-51. Function Address Register The ·Function Address register maintains the USB address assigned by the host. The function control unit uses this register value to decode USB token packet address. At reset, the device is not yet configured, the value is 00 16, Address: 0051 16 MSB 7 ijSB Reset: Bit 0 Name SUSPEND R..RESUME Description CPU When the functioo control unit receives suspend signaling, it sets this bit and suspends its clocks. This also generates an interrupt. Upoo seeing this bit set, the CPU can save its internal register and then enter suspend mode, independent of the ftmction control unit The CPU clears this bit when any of the resume bit is set W/R When the function control unit is in suspend mode and receives resume signaling, its clocks are enabled. and this bit is set, An interrupt is also generated when this bit is set. Upoo seeing this bit set, the CPU can start its wake up sequence. The CPU should clear this bit after the wake up sequence is 00 16 W/R done. 2 S_RESUME 7:3 When the CPU is waken up (by peripheral or timer), it starts its wake up sequence and set this bit While this bit is set, and the function control unit was in suspend mode, it will generate resume signal to the host. The CPU should keep this bit set for a minimum of lOms and a maximum of ISms. Reserved, write "0" to these bits W/R R Figure 2-52. Power Management Register The Power Management register is used for power management in the function control unit. Universal Serial Bus Universal Serial Bus-61 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification MS~IEP3_0UT_INTI EP3_IN_INT 1EP2_0UT_~ EP2_IN_INT Fl_OUT_~ EPl_IN_INT _ENDPTO_INT Bit 0 ENDPTO_INT Address: 0052 16 Reset: 00 16 CPU DescripdoD Name J.. GFI sets this bit upon: 1. Setting OUT_PKT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT 0 IN CSR register 2. Clearing IN_PKT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT 0 IN CSR register 3. Setting SElUP_END bit of the ENDPOINT 0 IN CSR register 4. Clearing DATA_END bit of the ENDPOINT 0 IN CSR register 5. Setting FORCE_STALL bit of the ENDPOINT 0 IN CSR register RIW 1 - Reserved RIW 2 EPl_IN_INT GFI sets this bit upon clearing IN_PKT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT 1 IN CSR register RIW 3 EPl_OUT_INT GFI sets this bit upon setting OUT]KT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT lOUT CSR register RIW 4 EP2_IN_INT GFI sets this bit upon clearing IN_PKT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT 2 IN CSR register RIW 5 EP2_0UT_INT GFI sets this bit upon setting OUT]KT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT 2 OUT CSR register RIW 6 EP3_IN_INT GFI sets this bit upon clearing IN_PKT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT 3 IN CSR register RIW 7 EP3_0UT_INT GFI sets this bit upon setting OUT_PKT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT 3 OUT CSR register RIW Figure 2·53. Interrupt Status Register 1 The Interrupt Status Register 1 is used to indicate what condition caused an interrupt to the CPU. The CPU writes a "1" to clear the corresponding interrupt status bit. ______ ~ ______ LSB Address: 0053 16 ~O Reset: Bit Name Descripdon CPU 0 EP4_IN_INT GFI sets this bit upon clearing IN_PKT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT 0 IN CSR register RIW 1 EP4_0UT_INT GFI sets bit upon setting OUT_PKT_RDY bit of the ENDPOINT 0 OUT CSR register RIW Reserved RIW OVERIUNDER GFI sets this bit if an overrun or underrun condition occurred in any of the isochronous endpoints RIW USB_RST_INT GIF sets this bit upon receiving a reset signal from the host. All USB intemal registers will be reset to their default values except this bit. This bit is cleared by the CPU writing a ''0'' to it. An interrupt will also generate if the corresponding enable bit is set. RIW 6 RESUME_INT GFI sets this bit upon receiving resume signaling from the host. RIW 7 SUSPEND_INT GFI sets this bit upon receiving suspend signaling from the host. RIW 3:2 4 5 - Figure 2·54. Interrupt Status Register 2 The Interrupt Status Register 2 register is used to indicate what condition caused an interrupt to the CPU. The CPU writes a "1" to clear the corresponding interrupt status bit. ~S~ E_EP3_0_INT! E_EP3_CINT !EYP2_0_INT! E_EP2_CINT !EJlPCO_INT! E_EPUJNT Bit Name 0 E_EPO_CINT 1 - DescripdoD Endpoint 0 IN interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High Reserved Reset: FFI6 CPU WfR R E~CUNT Endpoint 1 IN interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High 3 E_EPCO_INT Endpoint 1 OUT interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High 4 E_EP2_CINT Endpoint 2 IN interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High 5 E_EP2_0_INT Endpoint 2 OUT interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High 6 E_EP3_CINT Endpoint 3 IN interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High 7 E_EP3_0_INT Endpoint 3 OUT interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High 2 Address: 005416 E_EPO_CINT 0 WfR WfR WfR WfR WfR WfR Figure 2·55. Interrupt Enable Register 1 Universal Serial Bus-62 Universal Serial Bus Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification The Interrupt Enable Register I register is an interrupt enable register, if the corresponding bit is "0", the respective interrupt is disabled. Upon reset, all the interrupts are' disabled. . MSB 7 E- sus- INT l'iyi'''<,,,;1 .< ,',;, ,< ° l,j;~Hr~'%~lrli'r;'!~~.l~~;;IE F';;"" ,"'.if//'F';;?l}'·"'" - EPO- - INTI E- EP4- I- INT I E_RST_INT I E_OU_INT Name 0 E_EP4_I_INT Endpoint 4 IN interrup1 is enabled when this bit is set High W/R I E_EP4_0_INT Endpoint 4 OUT interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High WIR - 4 E_OU_INT 5 E_RST_INT 6 - 7 E_SUS_INT Address: 0055 16 Reset: 33 16 CPU Bit 3:2 ~SB Description Reserved R OverrunlUnderrun interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High WIR USB Reset interrupt is enabled when this bit is set High W/R Reserved R Suspend and Resume interrupts are enabled when this bit is set High WIR Figure 2-56. Interrupt Enable Register 2 The Interrupt Mask Register 2 is an interrupt enable register, if the corresponding bit is "0", the respective interrupt is disabled. Upon reset, all the interrupts are enabled except bit 7 - suspend and resume interrupt is disabled. ~sd FN7 FN6 FN5 FN4 I....____~____'_____-'-____ FN3 FN2 FNl I~SB FNO .L__ _ __ J ._ _ _ _..J__ _ __ _ ' ' _ __ _ _.....I. Bit 7:0 Name RN7:0 II Description Lower 8 bits of the II-bit frame number issued with a SOF token Address: 0056 16 Reset: 00 16 CPU R Figure 2-57. Frame Number Register Low The frame number low register contains the lower 8 bits of the II-bit time stamp received from the host. ' LSB Address: 005716 o Name Bit 2:0 FNIO:8 7:3 - Description Reset: CPU Upper 3 bits of the II-bit frame number issued with a SOF token R Reserved R Figure 2-58. Frame Number Register High The frame number high register contains the upper 3 bits of the II-bit time stamp received from the host. Universal Serial Bus Universal Serial Bus-63 Mitsubisbi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification MSB 7 J... LSB Address: 0058 16 0 ~=::;;::=~:::==~====~===~==================~_~R~eset: 00 16 Bit 2:0 EPINDEX2:0 6:3 CPU Description Name Endpoint Index: 000 Function Endpoint 0 001 Function Endpoint I 010 Function Endpoint 2 011 Function Endpoint 3 100 Function Endpoint 4 Others: Undefined WIR R Reserved HlSO_UPDATE - zero, whenever the IN]KT_RDY bit is set, it is send to the Serial Interface Engine (SlE) immediately, available for the next IN_TOKEN from the host; if lOS_UPDATE - one and ISO bit of the corresponding endpoint's IN CSR is set, the in IN]KT_RDY bit is delayed until the next SOF before being sent to the SlE.1n this way, the IN_PKT_RDY is synchronized with the SOF. The ISO_UP_DATE bit is a global bit for endpoints I to 4, and wolks with isochronous pipe only. WIR Figure 2-59. Endpoint Index Register The Endpoint Index Register identifies the endpoint pair. Its contents select the transmit and receive FIFO pair and serve as an index to endpoint-specific IN_CSR, OUT_CSR, IN_MAXP, OUTMAXP and OUT_WRT_CNT registers. This register also contains a global bit, ISO_UPDATE, for endpoints 1-4, to specify the way IN_PKT_RDY is sent by the SIE. MS 7 SERVICED SETUP_END 1OUT_PKT_RDY SERVICED ·1 SETUP_END 1 SENT_STAlL 1 DATA_END 1FORCE_STALL 1 IN]KT_RDY IOUT_PKT_RDY LSB 9 Address: 0059 16 Reset: Bit Name DescrIption 00 16 CPU 0 OUT_PKT_RDY GFI sets this bit upon receiving a valid SETUP/OUT token from the host. CPU clears this bit after unloading the FIFO, by way of writing a "I" to bit 6 of this register. I IN_PKT_RDY CPU sets this bit upon writing a packet of data to endpoint 0 FIFO. GFI clean this bit upon successful transmission of IN packet. WIR 2 SEND_STALL CPU writes a "I" to this bit if it decodes an invalid SETUP token. GFI clean this bit upon sending a STALL handshake. WIR 3 DATA_END CPU sets this bit when it writes (IN data phase) or reads (OUT data phase) the last packet of data from/to the FIFO. This bit indicates to the GFI that the specific amount of data in the setup phase is transferred. The GFI will advance to status phase once this bit is set. When the status phase completes, the GFI clean this bil WIR 4 FORCE_STALL GFI sets this bit if it detects a protocol violation, sends a STALL handshake, and also causes an interrupt. The CPU writes a "0" to clear this bit. WIR 5 SETUP..END GFI sets this bit if a control transfer has ended before the specific length of data is transferred during the data phase (for instance, if it gets a new setup phase or a status phase before data end is set). CPU clean this bit, after returning to idle state by way of writing a "I" to bit 7 of this register. Once the CPU sees SETUP_END bit set, it will stop access the FIFO to service the previous setup transaction. H OUT_PKT_RDY is set at the same time SETUPJlND is set, it indicates the previous setup transaction ended, and new SETUP token is in the FIFO. R 6 SERVICED_OUT]KT_RDY CPU writes a "I" to this bit to clear OUT_PKT_RDY bit (bit 0). 7 SERVICED_SETUP_END CPU writes a "I" to this bit to clear SETUP_END bit (bit 5). R W W Figure 2-60. Endpoint 0 IN CSR The Endpoint 0 IN register contains the control and status infonnation of the respective endpoint. (Endpoint 0 uses this register for all control and status Infonnation). Universal Serial Bus-64 Universal Serial Bus J... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi MSB LSB Address: 0059'6 L-_ _ _ _...l.._ _ _ _....1..._ _ _ _-L._ _ _ _-L._ _ _ _-..L_ _ _ _ _L -_ _ _ _L -_ _ _--1 0 Reset: 00'6 7 Bit Name Description CPU WfR 0 IN_PKT_RDY This bit is set when a packet of data is written to the FIFO. If bit 7 (AUTO_SEl) is a ''0''. the IN]KT_RDY bit is set by the CPU after a packet of data is loaded into the FIFO; If AUTO_SET bit is a "1 ", the IN]KT_RDY is set automatically by the GFI after the numher of bytes of data equal to the maximum packet size (MAXP) is written into the FIFO. This bit is cleared by the GFI. (see 'Transmit F1F0s' description for detail) I UNDER_RUN This bit is used in ISO mode only to indicate to the CPU that FIFO underrun occurred. GFI sets this bit at the heginning ofa IN token ifIN]KT_RDY bit is not set. Upon setting this bit, the OVER_UNDER bit of the Interrupt Status Register 2 will be set. This bit is cleared by the CPU writing a "0" to this bit. WfR 2 SEND_STALL CPU writes a "1" to this bit when it encounters a STALL condition The GFI sends a STALL handshake when this bit is set. the CPU writes a ''0'' to clear this bit after the STALL condition is removed. WfR 3 ISO CPU sets this bit to initialize the respective endpoint as an Isochronous endpoint for IN transaction. W/R 4 INTPT CPU sets this bit to initialize this endpoint as a status change endpoint for IN transaction. This bit should be set if the corresponding endpoint is to be used as an interrupt endpoint. (see 'Transmit F1FOs' description for detail) WfR 5 TICNOT_EPT Transmit FIFO not empty, the GFI sets this when there is data in tbe TX FIFO. This bit in conjunction with IN_PKT_RDY bit will ptovide the transmit FIFO status information (see 'Transmit F1FOs' description for detail) R 6 FLUSH CPU sets this bit to flush the FIFO W AUTO_SET If this bit is a "1", the IN]KT_RDY is set automatically by tbe GFI after the number of bytes of data equal to the maximum packet size (MAXP) is written into the FIFO. 7 WfR Figure 2-61. Endpoints 1, 2, 3, 4 IN CSR This register contains the control and status information of the respective IN endpoint. (For Endpoints 1, 2, 3, 4) MSB 7 LSB o Bit Name 7:0 I Address: 005A'6 Reset: 00 16 CPU Description R Reserved Figure 2-62. Endpoint 0 OUT CSR For Endpoint 0, all bits in this register are reserved (all the control and status information is in Endpoint 0 IN CSR) MSB 7 AUTO_CLR I Bit FLUSH DATA_ERR I SENT_STALLI ISO IFORCE_STA~ OVER_RUN IOUT]KT_RD~ bSB Address: 005A 16 Reset: Name Description CPU WfR 0 OUT]KT_RDY GFI sets this bit after it has written a packet of data to the FIFO. This bit is cleared when a packet of data is unloaded from the FIFO. If bit 7 (AUTO_CLR) is a "0", the OUT]KT_RDY bit is cleared by the CPU after a packet of data is unloaded from the FIFO; If AUTO_CLR bit is a "1", the OUT]KT_RDY is cleared automatically by the GFI after the packet of data in unloaded from the FIFO. 1 OVER_RUN This bit is used in ISO mode only to indicate to the CPU that FIFO overrun occurred. If the GFI receives a OUT ISO token while OUT_PKT_RDY bit is not cleared, then it discards the data from the host. and sets this bit. This bit is cleared by the CPU writing a ''0'' to this bit. WfR 2 SEND_STALL CPU sets this bit when it encounters a STALL condition. CPU writes a ''0'' to clear this bit after the STALL condition is removed. WfR 3 ISO CPU sets this bit to initialize the respective endpoint as an Isochronous endpoint for OUT transaction WfR 4 FORCE_STALL GFI sets this bit if it detects a protocol violation, and sends a STALL handshake. CPU writes a ''()'' to clear this bit after the STALL condition is removed 5 DATA_ERR GFI sets this bit to indicate a CRC error or bit stuffing error received in an ISO packet The CPU writes a ''0'' to clear this bit. 6 FLUSH CPU sets this bit to flush the FIFO AUTO_CLR If this bit is a "1", the OUT]KT_RDY is cleared automatically by the GFI after the packet of data in unloaded from the FIFO. 7 00 16 R WfR W WfR Figure 2-63. Endpoint 1, 2, 3,4 OUT CSR This register contains the control and status information of the respective endpoint. (For Endpoints 1, 2, 3, 4) Universal Serial Bus Universal Serial Bus-65 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi J... Address: 005B 16 Reset: Name Bit 00 16 Description CPU MAXP - n * 8 for endpoint 1 Where n is the value written to this register. For endpoints that support smaller FIFO size, unused bits are not implemented (always·write ''0'' to those bits) WfR MAXI' - n for endpoints 0, 2, 3, 4 MAXP7:0 7:0 Figure 2-64. Endpoint x IN MAXP This register indicates the maximum packet size (MAXP) of Endpoint x IN packet. The default value for endpoint 0 is 8-byte, the default values for endpoints 1-4 are O-byte. The CPU can change this value, as negotiated with the host controller through the SET_DESCRIPTOR command. MS~ I MAXP5 Name Bit 7:0 MAXP6 MAXP7 MAXP4 I Address: 005C 16 MAXP3 Reset: 00 16 Description CPU MAXP - n for endpoints 2, 3, 4 MAXP - n * 8 for endpoint 1 where n is the value written to this register. For endpoints that support smaller FIFO size, unused bits are not implemented (always write ''0'' to those bits) MAXP7:0 WfR Figure 2·65. Endpoint x OUT MAXP This register indicates the maximum packet size (MAXP) of Endpoint x OUT packet. The default values for endpoints 1-4 are O-byte. The CPU can cbange this value, as negotiated with the host controller through the SET_DESCRIPTOR command. For endpoint 0, all bits in this register are reserved; endpoint 0 uses IN MAXP register for both IN and OUT transfers. Address: 005D 16 MSB 7 Reset: 00 16 Byte Count. This regist!'1" contains the lower 8 bits of the byte count register. Figure 2-66. Endpoint 0, 1,2,3,4 OUT Write Count Register Low LSB MSB 7 ' - -_ _--'-_ _---1 Bit 1:0 Description Name WRT_CNT9:8 7:2 - Address: 005E 16 o Reset: 00 16 CPU Byte Count. This register contains the upper 2 bits of the byte count register. The GFI sets the value in these two Write Count Registers after received end-of-packet (EOP) signal from the host. The CPU reads these two registers to determine the number of bytes to be read from the FIFO. The CPU should read Count Register Low first then Register High. R Reserved. R Figure 2-67. Endpoint 0,1,2,3,4 OUT Write Count Register High These two registers contains the number of bytes in Endpoint x OUT FIFO. Universal Serial Bus-66 Universal Serial Bus J,.. Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Address: 0060 16 Reset: I I Bit Name I 00 16 Description IEndpoint 0 IN/our FIFO register I WIR I Figure 2-68. Endpoint 0 FIFO Register This register is the USB transmit (IN) and receive (OUT) FIFO data register. The CPU writes data to this register for Endpoint 0 IN FIFO. The CPU reads data from this register for Endpoint 0 OUT FIFO. Address: 0061 16 Reset: I Bit I Name I Description 1Endpoint 1 IN/OUT FIFO register I I CPU WIR 00 16 I J Figure 2-69. Endpoint 1 FIFO Register This register is the USB transmit (IN) and receive (OUT) FIFO data register. The CPU writes data to this register for Endpoint 1 IN FIFO. The CPU reads data from this register for Endpoint 1 OUT FIFO. Address: 0062 16 MSB 7 Reset: 0016 Figure 2-70. Endpoint 2 FIFO Register This register is the USB transmit (IN) and receive (OUT) FIFO data register. The CPU writes data to this register for Endpoint 2 IN FIFO. The CPU reads data from this register for Endpoint 2 OUT FIFO. MSB 7 Address: 0063 16 Reset: 00 16 Description Endpoint 3 IN/our FIFO register Figure 2-71. Endpoint 3 FIFO Register This register is the USB transmit (IN) and receive (OUT) FIFO data register. The CPU writes data to this register for Endpoint 3 IN FIFO. The CPU reads data from this register for Endpoint 3 OUT FIFO. Address: 006416 Reset: I Bit I Name I DescrIption IEndpoint 4 IN/our FIFO register I CPU j I WIR I 00 16 Figure 2·72. Endpoint 4 FIFO Register This register is the USB transmit (IN) and receive (OUT) FIFO data register. The CPU writes data to this register for Endpoint 4 IN FIFO. The CPU reads data from this register for Endpoint 4 OUT FIFO. Universal Serial Bus Universal Serial Bus-67 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... 2.11 Master CPU Bus Interface Address Description Code Data bus buffer register 0 0048 16 DBBO=OO - Data bus buffer status register 0 0049 16 DBBSO=OO 004C 16 Data bus buffer control register 0 DBBCO=OO Data bus buffer register 1 DBBl==OO 004D 16 Data bus buffer status register 1 004A 16 004E16 Pin DBBSl==OO Data bus buffer control register 1 DBBCl=OO Description P601P67 are multiplexed with DQO-DQ7 P51 is multiplexed with OBFo P52 is multiplexed with ffiFo P53 is multiplexed with So P54 is multiplexed with Ao Pin Description P55 P56 P72 is multiplexed with R or E is multiplexed with W or RJW P73 P77 is multiplexed with IBFl is multiplexed with OBF1 is multiplexed with SI - This device has a 2-bit internal bus interface function that can be operated in slave mode by control signals from the master CPU (see Figure 2-73. Bus Interface Circuit). The bus interface can be connected directly to either a RlW type of CPU or a CPU with RD and WR separate signals. Slave mode is selected with the bit 7 of the data buffer control register O. The single data bus buffer mode and the double data bus buffer mode are selected with the bit 7 of the data bus buffer control register 1. When selecting the double data bus buffer mode. Port P72 becomes 8 1 input. OBFO 1BFo Ao So R: ... B 0 .~ ~- y y6 or y4 yl y2 yl yO w ~~ ]- .. r7f . ...L ~- r- - ~ roo- r+ ~ u. ~~ ~- ~I- ~ S1;" ~ 1 ~r- ~ ,... .. ~ II Q J~ !! '( ~ } ~ ~ 1 i . . _..L." !.?. e ! Ilf Rn WR ~D1iiiS; I 1 Q T I ~., mF 08F, ~l1i • i. Rn WR 1.1, BF. ).J i !!I ~ DOP, u ~.. . 0 ~ r" ~ 'i :system Bus ~ ~ --. 1'1 -~: ~ ~~ =u• • -Us 4- !!. ~ FI P, :! r-~ ~ til -'"= til - = - b; --~ . ~ n g [ E ~. - Data Bus Figure 2-73. Bus Interface Circuit When data is written to the MCU from the master CPU, an input buffer full interrupt request occurs. Similarly, when data is read from the master CPU, an output buffer empty interrupt request occurs. Master CPU Bus Interface-68 Master CPU Bus Interface Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification When the bus interface is operating, DQo-D07 become a 3-state data bus that sends and receives data, command, and status to and from the master Cpu. At the same time, W, R, So' Sl' and Ao become host CPU control signal input pins. Two input buffer full interrupt requests and two output buffer full requests are used as shown in Figure 2-74.. The bus interface can be operated under normal MCU control or under on-chip DMA control for fast data transfer. If a master CPU has a large amount of data to be transferred, use of the on-chip DMA controller is highly recommended. The bus interface signal input level can be programmed as CMOS level (default) or as TTL level. Bit 7 of the Port Control Register (PTC7) is used for the input level selection. Input buffer full flag 0 IBFO - - - I Ri5in, Edll" . detecboncm:w' Input buffer full flag 1 IBFl - - - - I =.:rn:ui, Input Buffer full intenupt request signal IBF Output buffer full flag 0 OBFO Output buffer full flag 1 OBFl Output Buffer Empty intenupt request signal OBE IBFO _ _---.I IBF1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ----..Wf--!!:::::::=::::::;.LL ~Set intenupt request at this rising IBF OBFO ( O B E O ) - - - - -.... OBFl (OBE1) ------------1 ---------------'W---'======R. OBE --=Set intenupt request at this rising Figure 2-74. Data Bus ButTer Interrupt Request Circuit ~SB I DBBS07 I DBBS06 DBBSOO DBBSOI DBBSOO DBBS03 DBBS04 DBBSOS DBBS06 DBBS07 I DBBOS I DBBS04 I DBBS03 I DBBSOO I DBBSOl I DBBSoo Output Buffer Full (OBFO> Flag oOutput buffer empty. 1Output buffer full. Input Buffer Full (IBFO> Flag oInput buffer empty. 1 Input buffer full. User Definable (U2) Flag Ao (Aoo> I~B Address: 0049 16 Access: RIW Reset: 00 16 Flag Indicates the Ao status when IBF flag is set User Definable (U4) Flag User Definable (US) Flag User Definable (U6) Flag User Definable (U7) Flag Figure 2-75. Data Bus ButTer Status Register 0 Master CPU Bus Interface Master CPU Bus Interface-69 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification MSB LSB ______~____~____~____~____~O ? DBBCoo DBBCOI DBBC02 DBBC03 DBBC04 DBBCOS DBBC06 DBBCO? .J... Address: 004A16 Access: RJW OBF Output Selection Bit .Reset: 00 16 is operated as normal 110 pin I PS2 pin is operated as OBFo output pin mP Output Selection Bit . oPS3 pin is operated as normal 110 pin I PS3 pin is operated as IBFo output pin IBFo Interrupt Selection Bit OIBFo interrupt is generated by both write-data (Ao - zero) and write-command (Ao - one) I IBFo interrupt is generated by write-command (Ao - one) only Output buffer 0 empty interrupt disable Input buffer 0 full interrupt disable Reserved Master CPU Bus Interface Enable Bit OP60-P6? PS4-PS? are GPIO pins I P60-P6? PS4-PS? are bus interface signals DQO-DQ? ~()o Ao. It W respectively. Bus Interface 'JYpe Selection Bit oRD. WR separate type bus I RJW type bus. oPS2 pin Figure 2·76. Data Bus ButTer Control Register 0 ~SB 1 DBBSI? 1 DBBSI6 I' DBBSIO DBBSll DBBSI2 DBBS13 DBBSI4 DBBSIS DBBSI6 DBBSI? DBBIS 1 DBBSI4 1 DBBSI3 I DBBSI2 I DBBSll 1 DBBSIO 1~B Output Buffer Full (OBF I) Flag OOutput buffer empty. I Output buffer full. Input Buffer Full (lBF I) Flag oInput buffer empty. I Input buffer full User Definable (U2) Flag Ao (AoI) Flag Indicates the Ao status when IBF flag is set User Definable (U4) Flag User Definable (US) Flag User Definable (U6) Flag User Definable (U7) Flag Address: 004D16 Access: RJW Reset: 00 16 Figure 2-77. Data Bus ButTer Status Register 1 ______ DBBCll DBBCI2 DBBCI3 DBBCI4 DBBCIS DBBCI6 DBBCI? LSB Address: 004E 16 Access: RIW ~~--~----~----~~--~O OBF I Output Selection . Reset: 00)6 0: P74 pin is operated as normal ·110 pin I: P74 pin is operated as OBF I output pin if DBBCI? - one IBF) Output Selection Bit 0: P73 pin is operated as normal 110 pin I: P73 pin is operated as mPl output pin if DBBCI? - one IBF) Interrupt Se1ection Bit 0: IBF) interrupt is generated by both write-data (Ao - zero) and write-command (Ao - one) 1: IBFI interrupt is generated by write-command (Ao - one) only Output Buffer I Empty interrupt disable I: Disable 0: Enable (default) Input Buffer I Full interrupt disable Reserved Reserved Data Bus Buffer Function Selection bit 0: Single data bus buffer - P72 is used as GPIO I: Double data bus buffer - P72 is used as ~1 input Figure 2·78. Data Bus ButTer Control Register 1 Master CPU Bus Interface-70 Master CPU Bus Interface J... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi 2.11.1 Data Bus ButTer Status Registers (DBBSO, DBBS1) The data bus buffer status register is an 8-bit register that indicates the data bus status, with bits 0, 1, and 3 being dedicated read-only bits. Bits 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are user definable flags set by software, and can be read and write. When the Ao pin is High, the master CPU can read the contents of this register. Output Buffer Full Flag (OBFo, OBF1) The OBFo and the OBF 1 flags are set High when data is written to the output data bus buffer by the slave CPU and is cleared to "0" when data is read by the master CPU. Input Buffer Full Flag (IBF~ IBF I) The IBFo and the IBF 1 flags are set High when data is written to the input data bus buffer by the master CPU and is cleared to "0" when data is read by the slave CPU. Ao Flag (Ao~ The level of the bus buffer. AoI) Ao pin is latched when data has been written from the host CPU to the input data 2.11.2 Input Data Bus ButTer Registers (DBBINo, DBBIN1) The data on the data bus is latched into DBBINo or DBBINl by a write request from the master CPU. The data in DBBINo or DBBIN 1 can be read from the data bus buffer register in the SFR area. 2.11.3 Output Data Bus ButTer Registers (DBBOUT0' DBBOUT1) Data is set in DBBOUTo or DBBOUT 1 by writing to the data bus buffer register in the SFR area. When the Ao pin is Low, the data of this register is output by a read request from the host CPU. Master CPU Bus Interface Master CPU Bus Interface-71 Mitsubisbi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... 2.12 UART Address UARTt Description Acronym and Value at Reset Address UART2 Description Acronym and Value at Reset 003016 UARTl mode register UlMOD=OO 0038 16 UARTl mode register U2MOD=OO 0031 16 UARTI baud rate generator UlBRG=XX 0039 16 UARTl baud rate generator U2BRG-XX 0032 16 UARTl status register UlSTS=03 003A16 UARTl status register U2STS=03 0033 16 UARTl control register UlCON=OO 003B 16 UARTl control register U2CON=OO 003416 UARTltransmitlreceiver buffer I UlTURBI-XX 003C16 UARTltransmitlreceiver buffer I U2TRBl=XX 0035 16 UARTl transmitlreceiver buffer 2 UlTURB2=XX 003D 16 UARTltransmitlreceiver buffer 2 U2TRB2-XX 0036 16 UARTl RTS control register UlRTSC=OO 003E16 UARTl RTS control register U2RTSC=OO Pin Description Pin Description UIXDI UARTl transmit pin is multiplexed with P84. UTXD2 UARTl transmit pin is multiplexed with PSO. URXDI UARTI receive pin is multiplexed with PS5. URXD2 UARTl receive pin is multiplexed with PSI. CTSI UARTl CTS I pin is multiplexed with P86 CTS2 UARTI CTS2 pin is multiplexed with P82 RTSI UARTl RTS 1 pin is multiplexed with P87 RTS2 UARTl RTS2 pin is multiplexed with P83 This chip contains two identical UARTs. Each UART has the following main features: • • • • • • • • • • cl» or SCSGCLK xl/x8/x321x256 divisions (both cl» and SCSGCLK) 9.5 bits/second - 625 Kbyteslsecond (at cl» - lOMHz) parity/framingloverrunlerror sum odd/evenlnone 1 or 2 7, 8, or 9 bits 2 stages (double buffering) Tx Buffer Empty or Transmit Complete, RX Buffer full and Receive error sum. Address mode for multi-receiver environment Clock selection: Prescaler selection: Baud rate: Error detection: Parity: Stop bits: Character length: Transmit/receive buffer: Interrupt generation conditions: The following descriptions apply to both UARTs. The UART receives parallel data from the core, or DMA converts it into serial data, and transmits the results to the send data output terminal UTXDx. The UART receives serial data from an external source through the receive data input, URXDx, converts it into parallel data and makes it available to the core or DMA. The UART can detect parity, overrun, and framing errors in the input stream and report the appropriate status information. A double buffering configuration is used for the UART's transmit and receive operations. This double buffering is accomplished by the use of a Transmit Buffer and Transmit Shift Register on the transmit side and the Receive Buffer and Receive Shift Register on the receive side. The UART generates the Transmit interrupt when either the TranSmit Buffer Empty (TBE) flag or the Transmit Complete (TCM) flag are set, depending on the state of the Transmit Interrupt Source Selection (bit 4 of the UxCON). The UART generates the Rx Buffer full interrupt when receiving and UART·72 UART M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubisbi the Rx Buffer Full flag goes High. The Receive Error interrupt is generated instead of a Rx Buffer full interrupt if the UART detects an error when receiving (see Figure 2~79.). Enabling a transmit or receive operation by setting the TEN or the REN (bits 0 and 1 of UxCON) automatically forces the corresponding the UART port pins in the appropriate direction. The UART supports an address mode for use in a multi-receiver environment where an address is sent before each message to designate which UART or UARTs are to wake-up and receive the message. Tx Enable UART Intemil Data s Receive line from URXD Receive Buffer Full Interrupt UTRBI UTRB2 Receive Error errupt Data Bus Figure 2-79. UART Block Diagram 2.12.1 Baud Rate Selection Either an internal clock /1 n Baud Rate 0 625,000.0 1 312,500.0 2 208,333.3 3 156,250.0 4 125,000.0 5 104,166.7 6 89,285.7 7 78,125.0 8 69,444.4 9 62,500.0 <1>18 n Baud Rate <1>1256 <1>132 n Baud Rate n Baud Rate .' 0 78,125.0 1 39,062,5 10 2 26,041.7 0 19,531.3 11 3 19,531.8 1 9,765.6 12 4 15,625.0 2 6,510.4 13 5 13,020.8 3 4,882.8 6 11,160.7 4 3,906.3 7 5 3,255.2 8 6 2,790.2 7 2,441.4 0 2,441.4 8 2,170.1 1 1,220.7 255 441.4 J... 255 305.2 255 76.3 2 8l3.8 3 610.3 4 488.3 5 406.9 6 348.7 255 9.54 Figure 2-80. Prescale Value and Baud Rate Thble 2.12.2 UART Mode Register UxMOD defines data formats and selects the clock to be used (see Figure 2-82.) 2.12.3 UART Baud Rate Register In the UART Baud Rate Register (UxBRG), any value can be specified to obtain the desired baud rate. This register remains in effect whether the UART is send-enabled, receive-enabled, transmit-inprogress, or receive-in-progress. The contents of this register can be modified only when the UART is not in any of these four states. UART-74 UART ~ Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 2.12.4 UART Control Register The DxCON specifies the initialization and enabling of a transmit/receive process (see Figure 2-81.) Information can be read from and written to the Control Register. Bits 5 and 6 are always Low during read; writing to these bits is ignored. 2.12.5 UART Status Register The DART Status Register (DxSTS) reflects -both the transmit and receive status -(see Figure 2-83.). The status register is read only. The MSB is always "0" during a read operation. Writing to this register has no effect. Status flags are set and reset under the conditions indicated below. The setting and resetting of the transmit and receive status are not affected by transmit and receive enable flags. The setting and resetting of the receive error flags and receive buffer full flag differs when DART address mode is enabled. These differences are described in "2.12.9 DART Address Mode". Receive Error Sum Flag The Receive Error Sum Flag (SER) is set when an overrun, framing, or parity error occurs after completion of a receive operation. It is reset when the status register is read, the hardware reset is asserted, or the receiver is initialized by setting the Receive Initialization Bit (RIN). If a receive operation is completed when the status register is being read, the status information is updated upon completion of the status register read. Receive Overrun Flag The Receive Overrun Flag (OER) is set if the previous lower byte data is not read before the current receive operation is completed. It is also set if a receive error occurred for the previous data and the status register is not read before the current receive operation is completed. This flag is reset when the status register is read. This flag is also reset when the hardware reset is asserted or the receiver is initialized by RIN. If a receive operation is completed when the status register is being read, the status information is updated upon completion of the status register read. Receive Framing Error Flag The Receive Framing Error Flag (FER) is set when the stop bit of the received data is "0". If the Stop Bit Selection Bit (STB, bit 3) is set, the flag is set if either of the two stop bits is low. This flag is reset when the status register is read, the hardware reset is asserted, or the receiver is initialized by RIN. If a receive operation is completed when the status register is being read, the status information is updated upon completion of the status register read. Receive Parity Error Flag The Receive Parity Error Flag (PER) is set when the parity of received data and the Parity Selection Bit (PMD, bit 4) are different. It is enabled only if the Parity Enable Bit (PEN, bit 5) is set. This flag is reset when the status register is read, the hardware reset is asserted, or the receiver is initialized by RIN. If a receive operation is completed when the status register is being read, the status information is updated upon completion of the status register read. Receive ButTer Full Flag The Receive Buffer Full flag (RBF) is set when the last stop bit of the data is received. It is not set when a receive error occurs. This flag is reset when the lower byte of the receive buffer is read, the hardware reset is asserted, or the receive process is initialized by RIN. If a receive operation is completed when the status register is being read, the status information is updated upon completion of the status register read. UART UART-7S Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J.... Transmission Complete Flag In the case where no data is contained in the transmit buffer, the Transmission Complete Flag (TCM) is set when the last bit in the transmit shift register is transmitted. In the case of disabling transmission when the transmission when the transmit buffer still contains data, the TCM flag is set . when the last bit in the transmit shift register is transmitted. The TCM flag is also set when the hardware reset is asserted or when the transmitter is initialized by setting the Transmit Initialization Bit (TIN) (bit 2). It is reset when a transmission operation begins. Transmission Buffer Empty Flag The Transmission Buffer Empty Flag (TBE) is set when the contents of the transmit buffer are loaded into the transmit shift register. The TBE flag is also set when the hardware reset is asserted or when the transmitter is initialized by TIN. It is reset when a write operation is performed on the lower byte of the transmit buffer. ~BI AME TEN REN TIN RIN TIS AME I RTS_SEL I CTS_SEL I TIS RIN TIN REN TEN I LSO B Address: 0033 16,003B 16 . Access: R/W Transmission Enable Bit 00 16 Reset: O:Disable the transmit process l:Enables the transmit process. If the transmit process is disabled (TEN cleared) during transmission, the transmit will not stop until completed. Receive Enable Bit O:Disable the receive process l:Enables the receive process. If the receive process is disabled (REN cleared) during reception, the receive will not stop until completed. 1ransmission Initialization Bit O:No action. l:Resets the UART transmit status register bits as well as stopping the transmission operation. 1be TEN bit must be set and the transmit buffer reloaded in order to transmit again. 1be TIN is automatically reset one cycle after TIN is set. Receive Initialization Bit O:No action. l:Clears the receive status flags for the UARTand the REN bit. If RIN is set during receive in progress, receive operation is aborted. 1be RIN bit is automatically reset one cycle after RIN is set. 1ransmit Interrupt Source Selection Bit O:Transmit interrupt occurs when the Transmit Buffer Empty flag is set. l:Transmit interrupt occurs when the Transmit Complete flag is set. Clear To Send (CTS) Selection Bit O:CTS function is disabled, P86 (or P82) is used as GPIO pin. l:CTS function is enabled, P86 (or P82) is used as CTS input. Request To Send (RTS) Selection Bit O:RTS function is disabled, P87 (or P83) is used as GPIO pin. l:RTS function is enabled, P83 (or P83) is used as RTS output. UART Address Mode Enable Bit O:Address Mode disabled. l:Address Mode enabled. Figure 2-81. UxCON Register UART-76 UART ~ M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi ~SB I I LEI LEO PEN PMD STB PSI PSO CLK. '----L.C-L-K-----L--U-A-R-T----ICL.I-oc-k-Se-I-ect..Ji'""on-B-it-----I-------I-----L-----I 0:«1> LOSB 003016• 0038 16 Address: R1W Access: Reset: 00 16 . I:SCSGCLK Internal Clock Prescaling Selection Bits OO:Division by I OI:Division by 8 10:Division by 32 l1:Division by 256 Stop Bits Selection Bit 0:1 1:2 Parity Selection Bit O:Even I:Odd Parity Enable Bit O:Off I:On Uart Character Length Selection Bits 00:7 bits/character 01: 8 bits/character 10:9 bits/character l1:Reserved PSO-I STB PMD PEN LEO.I Figure 2-82. UxMOD Register LSB Address: 0032 16• 003A 16 MSB 7 ~~--~~---L~--~~----~----~-TBE RBF PER FER OER SER Bit 7 __~----~O Transmit-Cornplete (Transmission Register Empty) Flag 0: Data in the transmission register. I: No data in the transmission register. TX Buffer Empty Flag 0: Data in the TX Buffer. I: No data in the TX Buffer. RX Buffer Full Flag 0: No data in the RX Buffer. I:Data in the RX Buffer. Receive Parity Error Flag 0: No receive parity error. I: Receive parity error. Receive Framing Error Flag O:No receive framing error. I :Receive framing error. Receive Overrun Flag O:No receive overrun. I:Receive overrun. Receive Error Sum Flag O:No receive error. I:Receive error. Reserved (Read as zero) Access: R only Reset: 03 16 Figure 2-83. UxSTS Register LSB Address: 0036 16• 003E 16 MSB 7 o RTS3:0 RTS Assertion Delay Count 3:0 0000: No delay. ~ asserts immediately upon receive operation completed. 0001: R'i'S" asserts 8 bit-time upon receive operation completed. 0010: ~ asserts 16 bit-time upon receive operation completed. 0011: R'i'S" asserts 24 bit-time upon receive operation completed. Access: RIW Reset: 80 16 III 0: ~ asserts 112 bit-time upon receive operation completed. asserts 120 bit-time upon receive operation completed. 1111: Reserved m Bit 3:0 Figure 2-84. UxRTSC Register UART UART-77 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi ~ 2.12.6 TransmitIReceive Format Transmit Method Setup • Set the baud rate by writing a value from 0-255 into the UxBRG. • Set the TIN to one, bit 2 of UxCON. This will reset the transmit status to a value of 03 16. • Select the interrupt source to either the TBE or the TCM by clearing or setting the TIS bit, bit 4. • Set the data format and clock selection by writing the appropriate value to UxMOD. • Set the TEN to one, bit 0 in the UxCON. Operation • If no data is being shifted out of the Transmit Shift Register, the TCM Flag in UxSTS goes High and the data written to the Transmit Buffer Register is transferred to the Transmit Shift Register. The TBE flag is set High and TCM is signalling that the next byte of data can be written to the transmit buffer. • Data from the Transmit Shift Register is transmitted one bit at a time beginning with the start bit and ending with the stop bit. Note that the LSB is transmitted first. • If the TEN bit is cleared while data is still being transmitted, the transmitter will continue until the last bit is sent. • When the last bit is transmitted, the TCM bit is set High. The transmitter is now ready for the next byte. Receive Method Set up • Set the baud rate by writing a value from 0-255 into UxBGR. • Set the RIN, bit 3 in the UxCON, to "I". • Set the data format and the clock selection by using writing the appropriate value to UxMOD. • Set the REN, bit 1 in the UxCON, to "I". Operation • Input data received through the URXDx pin is read one bit at a time, LSB first, into the Receive Shift Register when the start bit is detected and the receiver is enabled. • When the number of bits specified by the data format has been received and the stop bit is detected, the contents of the Receive Shift Register are transferred to the Receive Buffer Register and the Rx Buffer Full Flag is set High in the UxSTS, if a receive error has not occurred. The receive interrupt request is also generated at this time if a receive interrupt has not occurred. Also, at this time the error flags are checked and the receive interrupt request is generated. • When the Receive Buffer Register is read, the Rx Buffer Full Flag is cleared, and the Receive Buffer Register is now ready for the next byte. 2.12.7 Interrupts The transmit and receive interrupts are generated under the conditions described below. The generation of the receive interrupts differs when UART Address mode is enabled. The differences are described in "2.12.9 UART Address Mode". UART-7S UART Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Transmit interrupts The UART generates a Transmit Interrupt to the CPU core. The source of the Transmit Interrupt is selectable by setting TIS. • If TIS = "0", the Transmit interrupt is generated when the transmit buffer register becomes empty (that is, when TBE flag set). • If TIS = "1", The Transmit interrupt is generated after the last bit is sent out of the transmit shift register and no data has been written to the transmit buffer (that is, when TCM flag set). Receive Interrupts The UART generates the Receive Buffer Full (RBF) and Receive Error interrupts to the CPU core when receiving. • The RBF interrupt is generated when a receive operation completes and a receive error is not generated. • The Receive Error (SER) interrupt is generated when a receive error sum, overrun, framing or parity error occurs. 2.12.8 Clear-to Send (CTS) and Request-to-Send (RTS) Signals The UART, as a transmitter, recognizes the Clear-to-Send (CTS) input as a handshaking signal. As a receiver, the UART will generate the Request-to-Send (RTS) handshaking signal. Clear-to-Send (CTS) Input When TEN is set and Tx buffer is loaded, the UART begins the transmission process when a CTS is asserted Oow input). After beginning a send operation, the UART does not stop sending until the transmission is completed, even if the CTS is negated (high input). If TEN is cleared, the UART will not stop transmitting and the port pins will remain under the control of the UART until the end of the transmission. Request-to-Send (RTS) Output The UART controls the RTS output under the following conditions: Assertion conditions (active low): • Receive-enable (REN in Control Register) is set. • Receive operation has completed during receiver being enabled. The timing of the RTS assertion from the last frame's stop bit is programmable.(see 'RST control register' for detail) Non-assertion conditions (inactive high): • Falling edge of the start bit is detected during Receive-enable. • Receive-enable (REN in Control Register) is cleared before receive operation is in progress. • Hardware reset. • Receiver of the UART is initialized (RIN is set). UART UART-79 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification CTS (input) TXD (output) \ / start A stop RXD (input) DATA J... DATA programmable \1/ start DATA L} RTS (output) In both examples, the Transmit and Receive have already heen enabled Figure 2-85. CTS and RTS TIming Example 2.12.9 UART Address Mode The UART address mode is intended for use in a multi-receiver environment where an address is sent before each message to designate which UART or UARTs are to wake-up and receive the message. An address is identified by the MSB of the incoming data byte being a "1". The bit is ''0'' for non-address data. UART address mode can be used in either 8-bit or 9-bit character length mode. The character length is chosen by writing the appropriate values to the UART Character Length Selection Bits (LEO,l). UART address mode is enabled by setting the UART Address Mode Enable Bit (AME) to "1". When UART address mode is enabled, the MSB of a newly received byte of data (that is either 8 or 9 bits in length) is examined if a valid stop bit is detected and a parity error has not occurred (if parity is enabled). If the MSB is "1", then the receive buffer full interrupt and flag are set and AME is automatically cleared, disabling UART address mode. If the MSB is "0", then the receive buffer full interrupt is not set. However, the RBF flag is still set for this case. If a valid stop bit is not detected or a parity error has occurred, neither the receive buffer full flag nor interrupt is set and the MSB of the data is not examined. Instead, either the framing error or parity error flag is set, the error sum flag is set, and the error sum interrupt is set. While in UART address mode, the generation of overrun errors is disabled after the first byte of data is received. Therefore, when non-address data is received without errors while in the UART address mode, it is not necessary to read the UART receive buffer prior to the reception of the next byte of data. Also, if a framing or parity error occurs while in UART address mode, it is not necessary to read the UxSTS prior to the reception of the next byte of data. However, an overrun error will occur if an address byte is received and the UART receive buffer is not read before a new byte of data is received. This is the case because the UART address mode was automatically disabled when the address byte was received. Also, an overrun error will occur for the first byte received after UART address mode is enabled if the preceding byte received did not generate an error and the UART receive buffer was not read, or the preceding byte did generate an error and UxST~ was not read. UART-SO UART J... Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification When the MSB is "1" and the UART address mode is automatically disabled, the UART reverts back to normal reception mode. In normal reception mode, the value of the MSB of each byte of received data has no effect on the setting of the receive buffer full interrupt or the determination of overrun errors. 2.13 Serial 110 Address Acronym and Value at Reset Description 002A 16 SIO shift register SIOSHT=XX 002B 16 SIO control register I SIOCON I =00 002C 16 SIO control register 2 SIOCON2=OO Name Pin SRDY is multiplexed with P80 SCLK is multiplexed with P81 SRXD is multiplexed with P82 STXD is multiplexed with P83 The SID uses the clock synchronous method (see Figure 2-86.). • Transfer method: Half Duplex data transfer is available. • Synchronous Clock • Internal Clock (when serial I/O synchronous clock select bit is "I", internal clock source divided by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 can be selected). If bit 1 of SID Control Register2 is "0", internal clock source == 4>; if bit 1 of SID Control Register2 is "I", internal clock source = SCS-GCLK • External Clock (when SID synchronous clock select bit is "I", an external clock input from the SCLK pin is selected). 2.13.1 SIO Control Register The Serial I/O Control Register controls the various SID functions (see Figure 2-87.). All of this register's bits can be read from and written to by software. At reset, this register is cleared to 00 16• The SID Control Register determines whether the device's pins are used as ordinary I/O ports or as SID function pins. This register also determines the transfer direction and transfer clock for serial data. 2.13.2 SIO Operation An internal clock or an external clock can be selected as the synchronous clock. When the internal clock is chosen, dividers are built in to provide eight different clock selections. If an internal clock is selected, start of transfer is done by a write signal to the serial I/O register. After an 8-bit transfer is completed, the TxD pin enters a high-impedance state. If an external clock is selected, the contents of the serial I/O register continue to be shifted while the send/receive clock is being input. Therefore, the clock needs to be controlled by the external source. Also there is no TxD high impedance function after data is transferred. Serial 110 Serial 110-81 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Regardless of an internal or external clock, after an 8-bit transfer, the interrupt request bit is set. Figure 2-89. shows the timing for the serial I/O with the LSB-first option selected. SIO can be operated in slave mode. In slave mode the SRDY pin becomes an input from a master. If SRDY is held High, the shift clock is inhibited, STXD is tri-stated, and shift count is reset. If SRDY is held Low, then the. normal shift operation is performed. SRXD STXD ~ "0 til (I> -1 ) SCLK • .P8I Latch o SRDY • SCSGCLK o +-- SRDY P80Latch o ) ) ( ) Data Bus SIO Interrupt Request Figure 2-86. Clock Synchronous SIO Block Diagram Serial 110-82 Serial 110 J.... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi ~SB I OCHCont I SCSel I ISCSel0-2 TDSeI I RDYSel I PSel I ISCSe12 I ISCSell J ISCSelO I~SB RDYSel RDSel SCSeI OCHCont Access: R/W Reset: Internal Synchronization Oock Select Bit 000: Internal Clock divided by 2. 001: Internal Clock divided by 4. 010: Internal Clock divided by 8. 011: Internal Clock divided by 16 100: Internal Clock divided by 32. 101: Internal Clock divided by 64 110: Internal Clock divided by 128. 111: Internal Clock divided by 256 SIO Port Selection Bit 0: 110 Port I: TxD output, SCLK function SRDY Output Select Bit 0: 110 Port. I: SRDY signal Transfer Direction Select Bit 0: LSB first. I: MSB first. Synchronization Clock Select Bit 0: External Clock. I: Internal Clock. TxD Output Channel Control Bit 0: CMOS output. I: N-Channel open drain output. PSel Address: 002B 16 00 16 Figure 2-87. SIO Control Register 1 MSB 7 LSB o SLAVE CLKSEL RXDSeI Address: 002C 16 Access: R/W ----~----~----~ Slave Mode Selection Reset: 00 16 0: Normal mode 1: Slave mode (to enter Slave mode, bit 4 of SIO Control register 1 also needs to set) SIO Internal Oock Selection Bit 0:<1> 1: SCSGCLK SRXD Input Selection Bit 0: SRXD input disabled Figure 2-88. SIO Control Register 2 Synchronous Clock Transfer Clock SIO Re~ister Write Signal Receive Enable Signal SRDY SIOOutput SIOInput Note: ~..,;_ __ Interrupt Request Bit Set When the internal clock is selected, the TxD pin goes into highimpedance after the data is, transferred. Figure 2·89. Normal Mode SIO Function TIming (with LSB·First selected) Serial 110 Serial 110·83 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J.. 2.14 Special Count Source Generator Description Address 002D 16 Code Special Count Source Generatorl SCSGl=FF 002E 16 Special Count Source Generator2 SCSG2=FF 002F16 Special Count Source mode register SCSM-OO This device has a built-in special count source generator. It consists of two 8-bit timers: SCSGl, and SCSG2 (see Figure 2-90.) The contents of the timer latch, corresponding to each timer, determine the divide ratio. The timers can be written to at any time. The output of the special count source generator can be a clock source for Timer X, SID and the two UARTs. SCSGMO SCSGMl SCSGM3 SCSG 1 Reload Latch (8) SCSGl (8) SCSGM3 r -______________--.SCSGM2 SCSG2 Reload Latch (8) SCSG2 (8) SCSGM3 SCSGCLK (To UARTs, TlDler X and SIO) Figure 2-90. SCSG Block Diagram 2.14.1 SCSG Operation The SCSGI and SCSG2 are both down count timers. When the count of a timer reaches 00 16, an underflow occurs at the next count pulse and the contents of the corresponding timer reload latch are loaded into the timer. For the count operation for SCSGI with the Data Write Mode set to write to the latch only see (Figure 2-91.). A memory map and the initial values after reset of the timers and timer reload latches are detailed above. The divide ratio of each timer is given by 1/(n + 1), where n is the value written to the timer. The output of the frrst timer (SCSGl) is effectively ANDed with the original clock (~) to provide a count source for the second timer (SCSG2). This results in a count source of nI(n + 1) being fed to SCSG2. The output of the SCSG is a clock, SCSGCLK. The frequency is calculated as follows: SCSGI 1 SCSGCLK = <1>. SCSGI + 1 • SCSG2 + 1 where SCSGI is the value written to SCSGI and SCSG2 is the value written to SCSG2. Special Count Source Generator-84 . Special Count Source Generator J. M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubisbi Count Source SCSG 1 Contents SCSG 1 Underflow m SCSG I Latch Contents SCSG I reload latch contents loaded into SCSG I Figure 2-91. Timer Count Operation for SCSG1 2.14.2 SCSG Description SCSGI SCSG I is an 8-bit timer that has an 8-bit reload latch, and is a normal count down timer. Write Method When writing to the timer, the data is placed in the SCSGI reload latch. At this point, if the SCSGI Data Write Control Bit (SCSGMO) is "0", the value in the SCSGI reload latch is also loaded in SCSGI. If SCSGMO is "I", the data in the SCSGI reload latch is loaded in SCSGI after SCSGI underflows. SCSG1 Count Stop Control If the SCSGI Count Stop Bit (SCSGMl) (bit 1 of the SCSGM Register) is set High, SCSGI stops counting. This allows to bypass SCSG 1 and act as the clock source for SCSG2. If the SCSGCLK Output Control Bit (SCSGM3) is cleared to "0", SCSGCLK is disabled and SCSGI stops counting (see Figure 2-92.). SCSG2 SCSG2 is an 8-bit timer that has an 8-bit reload latch, and is a normal count down timer. Write Method When writing to the timer, the data is placed in the SCSG2 reload latch. At this point, if the SCSG2 Data Write Control Bit (SCSGM2) is Low, the value in the SCSG2 reload latch is also loaded in SCSG2. If SCSGM2 is High, the data in the SCSG2 reload latch is loaded in SCSG2 after SCSG2 underflows. MSB LSB ______~____~____~____~O 7 SCSGMO SCSGMI SCSGM2 SCSGM3 SCSGM7-4 SCSGl Data Write Control Bit (Bit 0) 0: Write data in latch and timer I: Write data in latch only SCSGl Count Stop Bit (Bit I) 0: Count start I: Count stop SCSG2 Data Write Control Bit (Bit 2) 0: Write data in latch and timer I: Write data in latch only SCSGCLK Output Control Bit (Bit 3) 0: S.CSGCLK output disabled (SCSGI and SCSG2 off) I: SCSGCLK output enabled. Not used (zero when read) Address: 002F 16 Access: RIW Reset: 00 16 Figure 2-92. SCSGM Register Special Count Source Generator Special Count Source Generator-85 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubisbi ~ SCSG2 Count Stop Control If the SCSGCLK Output Control Bit (SCSGM3) is cleared to "0", SCSGCLK is disabled and SCSG2 stops counting. SCSG2 Output (SCSGCLK) The output signal SCSGCLK (output to the UART and Timer blocks) is controlled by SCSGM3. When, the SCSGCLK Output Control Bit (SCSGM3) is cleared to "0", SCSGCLK is disabled. 2.15 Oscillator Circuit 2.15.1 Description An on-chip oscillator provides the system and peripheral clocks as well as the USB clock necessary for operation. This oscillator circuit is comprised of amplifiers that provide the gain necessary for ' oscillation, oscillation control logic, a frequency synthesizer, and buffering of the clock signals. A block diagram of the oscillator circuit is shown in Figure 2-94. The following external clock inputs are supported: • A Ceramic resonator or quartz crystal oscillator of up to 48 MHz, connected to the pins. Xm and Xout • An external clock signal of up to 48 MHz, connected to the Xin pin. • A Ceramic resonator or quartz crystal oscillator of 32.768 kHz, connected to the XCin and XC out pins. • An external clock signal of up to 5.12 MHz, connected to the XCin pin. The frequency synthesizer can be used to generate a 48MHz clock signal (fUSB ) needed by the USB block and clock fSYN' which can be chosen as the source for the system and peripheral clocks. Both fUSB and fSYN are phase-locked frequency multiples of the frequency synthesizer input The inputs to the frequency synthesizer can be either Xin or XCin• One of three clock signals can be chosen as the source for the system and peripheral clocks; fXINI2, fXIN ' fXCIN ' or fSYN ' The selection is based on the values of bits CPMA6, CPMA7 and CCR7. The default source after reset is f x1N/2. The default source for the system and peripheral clocks is fXJN/2. If fXIN - 24MHz, then the CPU will be running at = 6MHz Oow frequency mode.) For the CPU to run in high frequency mode, i.e., source of clock - fxlN , write a "1 ", to bit 7 of the clock control register. Oscillator Circuit-86 Oscillator Circuit J... Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification MSB LSB Address: 00lF I6 o 7 CCR7: CCR6: CCR5: CCR4: Access: RIW Reset: 00 16 X IN Divider Select 0: fXJN/2 is used for the system clock source when CMPA7:6-00 I: fXIN is used for the system clock source when CMPA7:6-00 "our Oscillation Drive Disable bit 0: Xour oscillation drive is enabled (when Xin oscillation is enabled). I: XOtIT oscillation drive is disabled. Xcour Oscillation Drive Disable Bit 0: Xcour oscillation drive is enabled (when XCin oscillation is enabled). I: XCOtIT -oscillation drive is disabled. frequency synthesizer Bypass 0: 48MHz USB clock is from the Frequency Synthesizer. I: 48MHz USB clock is from the Xu/Xout pins. Figure 2·93. Clock Control Register The drive strength of the Xout and XCout inverting amplifier can be controlled by bits CPMB7 and CPMA3, respectively. High drive is the default at reset or after executing a STP instruction and must be chosen whenever restarting Xin or XCin oscillation if a ceramic or crystal oscillator is used. When oscillation has been established, low drive can be selected to reduce power consumption. If an external clock signal is input to Xin or XCin, the inverting amplifiers can be disabled by means of the CCR6 and CCR7 bits, respectively, in order to reduce power consumption. There is an option to bypass the frequency synthesizer and use a 48MHz crystal on Xin - Xout to provide f USB ' This can be done by writing "1" to CCR4. Note that, in this mode, CCR7 must be set Low. OsciUator Circuit Oscillator Circuit·87 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 1... RESETB D P2T P2 Peripheral_-=--:-;t-:-"""""'-"-'---' P I Peripheral Peripheral r---------~R I Peripheral Interrupt Request I Flag WIT S OSCSTP CPMA4 XCOOSCSTP R P2+ T CPMA5 XOOSCSTP Out n out lOut PIN2 PINI, P1N2 r.;:::::====::::;---' g~B~ Slow Memory Wait PI+,P2+ CPMB2 CPMB3~--~--------' RDY fEXT USB 48MHz clock Figure 2-94. Clock Block Diagram Oscillator Circuit-88 Oscillator Circuit ~ Mitsubisbi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 2.15.2 Frequency Synthesizer Circuit The Frequency Synthesizer Circuit generates a 48MHz clock needed by the USB block and a clock fSYN that are both a multiple of the external input reference clock fIN' A block diagram of the circuit is shown in Figure 2-95 .. Frequency Multiplier Frequency fveo fSYN Divider Figure 2-95. Frequency Synthesizer Circuit The frequency synthesizer consists of a prescaler, frequency multiplier macro, a frequency divider macro, and four registers, namely FSMI, FSM2, FSC and FSO. Two multiply registers (FSMI, FSM2) control the frequency multiply amount. Clock fIN is prescaled using FSM2 to generate fpIN . fpIN is multiplied using FSMI to generate an fvco clock that is then divided using FSO to produce the clock fSYN ' The fvco clock is optimized for 48 MHz operation and is buffered and sent out of the frequency synthesizer block as signal f USB ' This signal is used by the USB block. Clock fPIN is a divided down version of clock fIN, which can be either· fXIN or fXCIN ' The default clock after reset is f XIN ' The relationship between fPIN and the clock input to the prescaler (fIN) is as follows: • fPIN - fIN I 2(n+l) where n is a decimal number between 0 and 254 (TBO). Setting FSM2 to 255 disables the prescaler and fPIN = fIN' ~S' Bit 7 I Bit 6 I BitS I Bit 4 I Bit 3 I Bit 2 Bit 1 Dec(n) Access: WIR Reset: FSM2 fPIN Address: 006E 16 Hex(n) FF16 fIN 24 MHz 255 FF 24.00 MHz 1 MHz 11 OC 24.00 MHz 2 MHz 5 05 24.00 MHz 3 MHz 3 03 24.00 MHz 6 MHz 1 01 24.00 MHz 12 MHz 0 00 24.00 MHz tIN{.l(n+l) - fPIN Figure 2-96. Frequency Synthesizer Multiply Control Register FSMl Oscillator Circuit Oscillator Circuit-89 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification SBI M7 Bit 7 Bit 2 Bit 6 Bit 5 fPIN Decimal (n) 320kHz 74 0 4A 48.00 MHz 2 MHz II 0 OB 48.00 MHz 4 MHz 5 0 05 48.00 MHz 6 MHz 3 0 03 48.00 MHz 12 MHz 1 0 01 48.00 MHz 24 MHz 0 0 00 48.00 MHz Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit I Bit 0 I Address: OO6D I6 lJSB Access: WIR Reset: Hex FF 16 fyeo FSMI FSM2 J.... lyed~(n+l) - lplN Figure 2-97. Frequency Synthesizer Multiply Control register FSMI ~SBI Bit 7 I Bit 6 I Bit 5 I Bit 4 I Bit 3 I Bit 2 I Bit 1 fveo FSD(m) DeclmaI fsyu 48.00 MHz 00 00 24.00 MHz 127 187.50 kHz 48.00 MHz 7F Yed2(m+l) - I Bit 0 Io LSB Address: 006F 16 Access: WIR Reset: FFI6 SYN Figure 2·98. Frequency Synthesizer Divide Register The relationship between fPIN' fyeo, and fSYN is as follows: • fyeo Note: = fPIN x 2(n+l) where n is the decimal equivalent of the value loaded in FSM2,FSMl. n must be chosen such that fyeo equals 48 MHz. • fSYN - fyeo / 2(m+l) where m is the decimal equivalent of the value loaded in FSD Note: Setting m ... 255 disables the divider and negates fSYN' The FSCO bit in the FSC Control Register enables the frequency synthesizer block. When disabled (FSCO ... zero), fyeo is held at either a high or low state. When the frequency synthesizer control bit is active (FSCO - one), a lock status (LS == one) indicates that fSYN and fyeo are the correct frequency. The LS and FSCO control bits in the FSC Control register are shown in Figure 2-99. When using the frequency synthesizer, a low-pass filter must be connected to the LPF pin. Oscillator Circuit·90 Oscillator Circuit J... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi LS Bit 6 BitS FSCO VCOI,O Bit 3 Bit 4> Bits 6,5> LS F_l:1 Bit 3 I VCOI VCOO FSCO Frequency Synthesizer Enable Bit 0: Disabled I: Enabled Frequency Gain Control Bits 00: TBD 01: TBD 10: TBD 11: TBD Frequency Synthesizer input selector 0: Xin I: XCin Not used (Always write 0) LPF Gain Control Bits 00: 00 NOT USE 01: Valid in-lock stale 10: Valid in-lock stale 1J: During lock-in state Lock StalUS Bit 0: Unlocked I: Locked I~SB Address: 006C 16 Access: WfR Reset: 60 16 Figure 2-99. Frequency Synthesizer Control Register 2.16 Low Power Modes This device has two low-power dissipation modes: • Stop • Wait. 2.16.1 Stop Mode Use of the stop mode allows the microcomputer to be placed in a state where no internal excitation of the circuitry is taking place, thus resulting in extremely low power dissipation. The microcomputer enters the stop mode when the STP instruction is executed. The internal state of the microcomputer after execution of the STP instruction is as follows: • All internal oscillation stops with P2 and P2PER held High and PI and PIPER held Low. • Timer 1 and Timer 2 are loaded with FF16 and 01 16 respectively. • The count source for Timer 1 is set to Cl>/8 and the count source for Timer 2 is set to Timer 1 underflow. Oscillation is restarted (for example, all clocks other than PI and P2 begin to oscillate) when a reset or an external interrupt is received. The interrupt control bit of the interrupt used to release the stop mode must be set High and the I flag set Low prior to the execution of the STP instruction. To allow the oscillation source time to stabilize, the oscillation source is connected as the clock source for the wake-up timer (Timer 1 and Timer 2 cascaded). When Timer 2 underflows, the system clocks PI and P2 are restarted and the microcomputer services the interrupt that caused the return from the stop state. It then services any other enabled interrupts that occurred, in the order of their respective priorities, and returns to its state prior to the execution of the STP instruction. The timing for the STP instruction is shown in Figure 2-100. Low Power Modes Low Power Modes-91 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... PIPER : P2PER ' IN1REQ: •, STPSIG· . CPUOSC: ). SYNCout : _. RD ' WR· Address PC+I Invalid ,+-+1 Sleep Period Start of Interrupt Service Timer Countdown Routine (Oscillator stabilization) Tuner 2 underflow Note: Return from a STP Instruction is caused by an interrupt, followed by the countdown and underflow of Tuner 2 Figure 2-100. STP Cycle Timing Diagram 2.16.2 Wait Mode Use of the wait mode allows the microcomputer to be placed in a state where excitation of the CPU is stopped, but the clocks to the peripherals continue to oscillate. This mode provides lower power dissipation during the idle periods and quick wake-up time. The microcomputer enters the wait mode when the WIT instruction is executed. After the instruction execution, P2 is held High and PI is held Low. Returning from wait mode is accomplished just as it is when· returning from stop mode, with the exception that you need not provide time for the oscillator to stabilize, because the oscillation never stopped. Because PIPER and P2PER continue to oscillate in the wait mode, any peripheral interrupt can be used to bring the microcomputer out of the wait mode. The timing for the WIT instruction is shown in Figure 2-101. Low Power Modes-92 Low Power Modes J... Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification , PIPER, P2PER ~EQ S1PSIG SYNCout , '~j_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~--~~ , '~j_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - ' ~~----------------~----------------------------~ RD~ , WR:'------------------~--~------------~L_J BC+ I Address , Data ' Invalid Note: Return ~m a WIT instruction is caused by an interrupt. ,....-.. Sleep Period Start of Interrupt Figure 2-101. WIT Cycle Timing Diagram 2.17 Reset This device is reset if the RESET pin is held Low for a minimum of 2J.1.S while the supply voltage is between 4.5 and 5.5Volts. When the RESET pin returns High, the reset sequence commences (see Figure 2-102.) To allow the oscillation source the time to stabilize a delay is generated by the countdown of Timer 1 and Timer 2 cascaded with FF 16 loaded in Timer 1 and 01 16 loaded in Timer 2. After the reset sequence completes, program execution begins at the address whose high-order byte is the contents of address FFFA 16 and whose low-order byte is the contents of address FFFB 16• PI P2 Reset SYNCout Address ..J ---~---~~~~~==~~~~==~~~~ Data Timer countdown from 0 IFF l6 Figure 2-102. Internal Processing Sequence after RESET Reset Reset-93 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi ~ 2.18 Key-On Wake-Up This device contains a key-on wake-up interrupt function. The key-on wake-up interrupt function is one way of returning from a power-down state caused by the STP or WIT instructions. This interrupt is generated by applying Low level to any pin of Port 2. If a key matrix is connected as shown in Figure 2-103., the microcomputer can be returned to a normal state by pressing anyone of the keys. Port PXX L level output from arbitrary port Xx Key-on wake up Interrupt Request , ~output ' ~output: P2s output: , -LP20inp~t Off Chip , On Chip Figure 2-103. Port 2 with Key-ON Wake-Up Function Key-On Wake-Up-94 Key-On Wake-Up ~ MITSUBISm SEMICONDUCTOR . . . AMERICA, INC. Chapter 3 Electrical Characteristics 3.1 Absolute Maximum Rating ..... 97 3.2 Recommended Operating conditions .................. 97 3.3 Electrical Characteristics ...... 99 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi J... J.... M3764OE8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubisbi 3 Electrical Characteristics 3.1 Absolute Maximum Rating Table 3-1. Absolute Maximum Rating Symbol Conditions Parameter Unit Limits Vee Power Supply -0.3 to 7.0 V Vi Input Voltage PO, PI, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 -0.3 to Vcc + 0.3 V Vi Input Voltage RESET, Xm, XCin V Vi Input Voltage CNVSS Values are with respect to -0.3 to Vcc + 0.3 V8S' output transistors are in -0.3 to 13 off state. -0.3 to Vcc + 0.3 Pd Output Voltage PO, PI, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, Xout' XCout Power Dissipation Topr Operating Temperature Vo Tstg 3.2 V SV mW 750 Ta-25°C °c -20to+85°C -40 to +125°C Storage Temperature °c Recommended Operating conditions Thble 3-2. Recommended Operating Conditions (Vc:c Symbol 4.5 to s.sv, Vss - OV, Ta - -20 to SSOC, unless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter Vee Vss Vih Supply voltage Supply voltage H input voltage Vih H input voltage Vii L input voltage Vii L input voltage 101 (peak) L peak output current Note 1 101 (avg) L average output current Note 2 lob (peak) H peak output current Note 1 lob (avg) H average output current Note 2 Absolute Maximum Rating Min. Typ. Max. 4.5 5 5.5 V Vee V Vee V 0.2Vcc V 0.2Vcc V 10 rnA 5 rnA -10 rnA -5 rnA 0 RESET, Xin' XCin, CNVSS PO,PI,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7, 0.8Vcc P8 PO, PI, P2, P3,P 4, P5, P6, P7, 0 P8 RESET, Xin, XCin, CNVSS 0 0.8Vcc PO,PI, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 PO~ PI, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 PO, PI, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 PO, PI, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 Unit V Absolute Maximum Rating-97 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi Table 3·2. Recommended Operating Conditions (Va: Dol (peak L total peak OUtput current Note 3 L total average output current Dol (avg) Note 4 Doh (peak) PO,P I, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 PO, PI, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 H total peak output current Note 3 Symbol 4.5 to S.5V, Vss - OV, 1'8 - -20 to 85°C, unless otherwise noted) PO, PI, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 H total average output current PO, PI, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 f(CNTRO TnnerX - input frequency ",ote ;> f(CNTRI TnnerY - input frequency Note ~ Clock frequency ",ote ;> f(Xin) f(XC in) rnA 40 rnA -80 rnA Limits Min. Typ. Max. Parameter Doh (avg) Note 4 80 . Oock frequency Note ~ Unit -40 rnA 2.6 MHz 2.6 MHz 48 MHz TBD MHz Note 1. The peak output current is the peak current flowing through any pin of the listed ports. Note 2. The average output current is an average current value measured over lOOms. Note 3. The total peak output current is the peak current flowing through all pins of the listed ports. Note 4. The total average output current is an average value measured over lOOms. Note 5. The oscillation frequency has a 50% duty Recommended Operating conditions·98 cycle~ Recommended Operating conditions J... M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi 3.3 Electrical Characteristics Table 3-3. Electrical Characteristics (Vec - 4.5 to 5.5Y, VIS - OV, Ta - ·20 to 8S°C, unless otherwise noted) Symbol Voh Houtput current PO, PI, P2,P3, P4,PS, P6, P7, P8 Ioh ... -IOmA Vol Loutput current PO,PI,P2,P3,P~PS,P6,P7,P8 Iol--IOmA Vt+ -Vt- Iih Hysteresis H input current Limits Test Conditions Parameter Min Typ. Max Unit Va;- 2.0 CN1RO, CN1RI, INTO, INTI URXDl, URXD2 (SCLK), CTS2 (SRXD), SRDY, CTSI, CN1RO, CN1RI, INTO, INTI RESET PO, PI, P2, P3, P4, PS, P6, P7, P8 V i-Vee CNVSS, RESET P2 IiI Vram L input current RESET, CNVSS Xin XCin RAM retention voltage 0.5 V V 5 4 4 Vi-V ss Vi ... Vss (Pullups oft) -5 -5 Vcc - 5V, Vi = Vss (PuIlups on) -70 Vi-Vss -4 -5 -4 with stopped clock Normal Mode V 5 XCin V 0.5 0.5 Xm PO,PI,P3,P~PS,P6,P7,P8 V 2.0 2.0 5.5 IJA IJA IJA IJA IJA IJA IJA IJA IJA IJA V «I>-12MHz, Vcc .. SV, USB operating, frequency synthesizer on 150 mA «I> - 12MHz, Vcc = 5V, USB suspend, frequency synthesizer on TBO mA TBO mA «I> - 12MHz, WIT mode, Vcc'" 5V, USB operating, frequency synthesizer on TBO mA «I> ... 12MHz, WIT mode, Vcc - 5V, USB suspend, frequency synthesizer on TBO mA «I>-12MHz, WIT mode, Vcc ·5V, USB suspend, frequency synthesizer off TBO mA «1> ... 12MHz, Vcc'" 5V, USB Icc suspend, frequency synthesizer off Supply current (Output transistors are in off state) Wait Mode Stop Mode Electrical Characteristics Ta ... 25°C, Vcc - 5V Ta'" 85°C, Vcc ... 5V 0.1 1 10 IJA IJA Electrical Characteristics-99 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J.. Table 3-4. Master CPU Bus Interface Tuning (R and W Separation Type Mode) Limits Symbol Parameter Unit Min. Typ. Max. 1su(S-R) S Set-up TIme 15 ns Isu(s-W) S Set-up Tune 15 ns th(R-S) SHoldTune 10 ns !J.(W-S) SHoldTune 10 ns !su(A-R) AO Set-up Tune 15 ns Isu(A-W) AO Set-up Tune 15 ns th(R-A) AOHoldTune 10 ns th(W-A) AOHoldTune 10 ns 1w(R) Read Pulse Width 60 ns 1w(W) Write Pulse Width 60 ns 1su(D-W) Dale Input Set-up Tune before Write 30 ns !J.(W-O) Dale Input Hold TIme after Write Ia(R-O) Data Output Enable TIme after Read 10 ns "40 ns !,,(R-O) Data Output Disable Tune after Read 30 ns IpIh(R-OBF) OBP Output Transmission Tune after Read SO ns IpIh(W-mF) mF Output Transmission Tune after Write SO ns Table 3·5. Master CPU Bus Interface TIming (RIW Type Mode) Symbol Limits Parameter Unit Min. Max. Isu(s-E) S Set-up TlDle 15 ns !J.(E-S) SHoldTlDle 10 ns Isu(A-E) AO Set-up TlDle 15 os !J.(E-A) AO Hold TlDle 10 os RiW Set-up TlDle " RIW Hold TIlDe 20 ns 1su(Rw-E) 15 os 1w(E) Enable pulse width 60 os 1w(E-E) Enable pulse interval 60 os 1su(D-E) Dale Input Set-up TlDle before Write 60 os !J.(E.O) Date Input Hold TlDle after Write 10 ns Ia(E..O) Data Output Enable TlDle after Read 40 ns Iv(E-O) Data Output Disable TlDle after Read 30 ns IpIh(E-OBF) OBP Output Transmission Tune after I! inactive 50 os 50 os !J.(E.RW) lpJh(E-mF) Note: Typ. mF Output Transmission Tune after B inactive The timing information listed above is Nor derived from the device characterization, it is for reference only. Electrical Characteristics·tOO Electrical Characteristics J... Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Read lsu(A R) 1t.(R-A} 1t.(R-S} lsu(S-R} r-+ ~ I 1 lw(R) ....... ~ P A 'I.. ta(R-D) I lv(R-D) ++I lplh(R-OBF) J OBF Write 1t.(W-A} lsu(A-W) Ao D< Is~ ~ 1t.(W-S} ~ "I lw(W) w lsu(D-W) 1t.(W-D} lI. I I ... lplh(W-IBF) .1 Figure 3-104. Master CPU Bus Interface RD and WR Separation Type Electrical Characteristics Electrical Characteristics-10l Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... lw(E) E tsu(A-E) \i;u(A-E) RIW \i;u(S-E) Read la(E..D) Write __________________________________________ lplh(E_OBF) ~lplh(E-IBF) OBF,IBF Figure 3-105. Master CPU Bus Interface RIW Type Electrical Characteristics~102 Electrical Characteristics ~ MITSUBISm SEMICONDUCTOR . . . . AMERICA, INC. Chapter 4 Application Notes 4.1 DMAC .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 105 4.2 UART. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 106 4.3 Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 106 4.4 Frequency Synthesizer Interface ............. 107 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi A J.... Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification 4 Application Notes 4.1 DMAC 4.1.1 Programming The following Programming notes should be adhered to for correct DMA operation: • When using the software trigger to initiate a transfer request and the hardware requests are enabled (for example, RSD is zero), the user should follow the sequence given below: • Disable the hardware requests by setting RSD to one. • Trigger the software request and re-enable the hardware requests at the same time (for example, using the same assembly instruction) by writing a zero to RSD and a one to DSWT. 4.1.2 Application The following is an example of how to set up the DMAC for interfacing with a peripheral block. In this case data is being transferred by the DMAC from the UART receive buffer to user RAM. • Write 08 16 to DMAMI so that after each transfer the destination register will be decrements by one and the source register will remain unchanged. • Write 00 16 to the low-order byte of the destination register (DMADL) and 03 16 to the high-order byte of the destination register (DMADH) so that the data received by the UART is placed in page three of the user RAM starting from address 0300 16, • Write 3C 16 to the low-order byte of the source register (DMASL) and 00 16 to the high-order byte of the source register (DMASH) so that the DMA reads from address OO3C 16, which is the loworder byte of the UART receive buffer. • Write to the transfer count register (DMAC) with an 8-bit value that corresponds to the number of transfers to occur before flag CRUF and the DMA interrupt are set. • Set the DMA transfer initiating source to the UART receive interrupt by writing 00 16 to DMAM2. • Place the UART in the desired configuration for data reception by writing to the UART control (UCON), UART mode (UMOD), and UART baud rate (UBRO) registers. • Disable the UART receive interrupt from being serviced by the CPU by clearing to a. zero bit 4 of interrupt control register A (ICONA). • Enable the DMA interrupt by setting bit 3 of ICONA to one. • Enable the DMA controller and reset the initiating source sample latch by writing C8 16 to DMAMI. The DMA controller will transfer one byte of data from the UART receive buffer to third page user RAM each time that the UART receive interrupt is set. Because the destination register is incremented by one after each transfer, third page user RAM is contiguously filled with received data. The transfer count register is decrements by one after each transfer. When it underflows, flag CRUF and the DMA interrupt are set. In the DMA service routine, the user can either write new values to the source, destination, and transfer count registers, or leave these registers untouched. If they are left DMAC DMAC-I05 Mitsubishi M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification J... untouched, then they contain the previously written values that were reloaded when the transfer count register underflowed. This would result in the previously transferred UART data in third page user RAM being overwritten with newly received UART data. 4.2 4.2.1 UART Application • 7 bit operation: When 7 bit data fonnat is used, bit 7 of the transmit buffer register 1 is ignored. The transmit buffer register 2 does not affect the 7 or 8 bit fonnat. • 9 bit operation: The upper transmit/receive buffer register is a single bit register (bit 0). Writing to the upper bits in these registers has no affect When reading the register the upper 7 bits are zero. Note: 4.3 4.3.1 The value in UBRG is not affected by a reset Timer Usage • For Timer X, if CNTRO is read while Pulse Output mode is being used, the value returned is the pulse output signal fed from the timer to the port • For Timer Y, if CNTRI is read while Pulse Output mode is being used, the value returned is the pulse output signal fed from the timer to the port. • For TlDler 1, if Tout is read while Pulse Output mode is being used, the value returned is the pulse output signal fed from the timer to the port Thble4-1. Selection Bit Timer TlDlerY CNlR 1 Polarity Select Bit (fXM6) 0: LogicH 1: LogicL TlDlerX CNlRO Polarity Select Bit (fXM6) 0: Logic H 1: LogicL TImer 1 UART-I06 Initial Output Value Tout Output Active Edge Selection Bit (T123M5) 0: LogicH 1: LogicL UART J.... 4.4 M37640E8-XXXF Preliminary Specification Mitsubishi Frequency Synthesizer Interface All passive components should be in close proximity to pin 86 n 1hat may 300 Westage Business Cit. Suite 355 FIShkill. NY 12524 appear in this pub1ic:ation. Mitsubishi Semiconductor America, Inc reserves the right. without notice. to make changes in device design or spedf1C8lions. Product subject to availability. GDI997 Mitsubishi Semiconductors Inc. Mitsubishi Semiconductor America is a wholly owned subsidialy ofMitsubishi Electric Infonnation supplied by Mitsubishi Semiconductor America Inc. is believed 10 be acauate and Pbone: (914)~ FAX: (914) 896-8639 Headquarters: 1050 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 940)16 Phone; (40)1)730-5900 FAX; (40)1) 732-9382 MITSUBISHI DEVICE GROUP ELECTRONIC
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