User Manual: M9C
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ARMY TM 8-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-OlOl8mm AIR FORCE TO llW3-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005-23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST M8370.7 APPENDIX REFERENCES A-l. A SCOPE. This appendix lists all forms, field manuals, technical manuals, tables, regulations, standards, and miscellaneous publications referenced in this manual. A-2. TECHNICAL MANUALS. OP4 .......................... OP5.. ........................ TM 3.220 ...................... TM 9-1005-317-10 ................ TM 43-0001-27 .................. TM 740-90-l .................... TM 750-244-7 ................... TM 4700-l 5/l ................... TO 1 lW-l-10 .................... Ammunition and Explosives Afloat Ammunition and Explosives Ashore Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) Decontamination Operator’s Manual Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9 Army Ammunition Oata Sheets Small Caliber Ammunition FSC (1305) Administrative Storage of Equipment Procedures for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use Equipment Record Procedures Recording of Inspection, Maintenance and Firing Data for Ground Weapons A-3. COMMON TABLE OF ALLOWANCES (CTA). CTA 8-100. ..................... CTA 50-970. .................... Army Medical Department Expendable/Durable Items Expendable/Durable Items (except: Medical, Class V, Repair Parts and Heraldic Items) A-4. REGULATIONS AND PAMPHLETS. AFR 50-38, Volume 1. .............. AFR125.37 ..................... AR190-ll...................... AR385-83 ...................... COMOTINST 8000.2 ............... DA PAM 310-l ................... DA PAM 738-750 ................. 0005100.78-M .................. OPNAVINST 5530.13 .............. SL-1-2 ......................... Combat Arms Training and Maintenance Program Management Resource Protection Program (PA) Physical Security of Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives Policies and Procedures for Firing Ammunition for Training, Target Practice and Combat US Coast Guard Ordnance Manual Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives Physical Security Instruction for Sensitive Conventional AA&E Marine Corps Index of Publications A-l ARMY TM 8.1006.317.236P NAVY BW 370.AA-MMO-01018mm AIR FORCE TO 11W3-3.6-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005236Pl2 COAST GUARD COMDTIWST M8370.7 , A-5.FIELD MANUALS. FM3-87 Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Reconnaissance and Decontamination Operations (How to Fight) First Aid for Soldiers Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Defense Pistols and Revolvers ....................... FM 21-l 1 ...................... FM21-40 ...................... FM 23-35 ...................... A-6. FORMS. AFT0 Form 22 ................... AFT0 Form 105 .................. CG4394 ..................... DA Form 2028 ................... DA Form 2404 ................... DA Form 2408.16. ................ MC0 4855.10 ................... NAVMC Form 10772 ............... SF 364 ........................ SF 368 ........................ DD 250 ........................ A-2 .: Technical Order System Publications Improvement Report and Reply Inspection, Maintenance and Firing Data for Ground Weapons Publications Correction/Change Report Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet Aircraft Component Historical Record Quality Assurance Report Recommended Changes to Technical Publications Report of Discrepancy (ROD) Quality Deficiency Report (ODR) Material Inspection and Receiving Report I ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-01019mm AIR FORCE TO llW3-3.5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005-23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST M9370.7 APPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART Section I. INTRODUCTION B-l. GENERAL. a. This section provides a general explanation of all maintenance and repair functions authorized at various maintenance categories. b. The Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) in section II designates overall authority and responsibility for the performance of maintenance functions on the identified end item or component. The application of the maintenance functions to the end item or component will be consistent with the capacities and capabilities of the designated maintenance categories. c. Section Ill lists the tools and test equipment (both special tools and common tool sets) required for each maintenance function as referenced from section II. c. Service. Operations required periodically to keep an item in proper operating condition, i.e., to clean (includes decontaminate, when required), preserve, or lubricate. d. Adjust. To maintain or regulate, within prescribed limits, by bringing into proper or exact position, or by setting the operating characteristics to specified limits. e. Aline. To adjust specified variable elements of an item to bring about maximum or desired performance. f. Calibrate. Not applicable.. B-2. MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS. Maintenance functions will be limited to and defined as follows: (except for ammunition MAC’). g. Removellnstall. To remove and install the same item when required to perform service or other maintenance functions. Install may be the act of emplacing, seating, or fixing into position a spare, repair part, or module (component or assembly) in a manner to allow the proper functioning of an equipment or system. a. Inspect. To determine the serviceability of an item by comparing its physical and mechanical characteristics with established standards through examination (e.g., by sight, sound, or feel). h. Replace. To remove an unserviceable item and install a serviceable counterpart in its place. “Replace” is authorized by the MAC and is shown as the 3d position code of the SMR code. b. Test. To verify serviceability by measuring the mechanical characteristics of an item and comparing those characteristics with prescribed standards. ‘Exception is authorized for ammunition MAC to permit the redesignation/redefinition of maintenance function headings to more adequately identify ammunition maintenance functions. The heading designations and definitions will be included in the appropriate technical manual for each category of ammunition. B-l ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-OlOI9mm AIR FORCE TO 1113-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005-23&P/2 COASTGUARD CDMDTlNSTM9370.7 - i. Repair. The application of maintenance services*, including fault location/troubleshooting’, removal/installation, and disassemblylassembly’ procedures and maintenance actions’ to identify troubles and restore serviceability to an item by correcting specific damage, fault, malfunction, or failure in a part, subassembly, module (component or assembly), end item, or system. j. Overhaul. That maintenance effort (service/action) prescribed to restore an item to a completely serviceable/operational condition as required by maintenance standards in appropriate technical publications (i.e., Depot Maintenance Work Requiement (DMWR)). Overhaul is normally the highest degree of maintenance performed by the Army. Overhaul does not normally return an item to like new condition. k. Rebuild. Consists of those serviceslactions necessary for the restoration of unserviceable equipment to a like new condition in accordance with original manufacturing standards. Rebuild is the highest degree of materiel maintenance applied to Army equipment. B-3. EXPLANATION SECTION II. OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC, e. Column 1, Group Number. Column 1 lists functional group code numbers, the purpose of which is to identify maintenance significant components, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules with the next higher assembly. End item group number shall be “00”. b. Column 2, Component/Assembly. Column 2 contains the names of components, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules for which maintenance is authorized. c. Column 3, Maintenance Function. Column 3 lists the functions to be performed on the item listed in column 2. (For detailed explanation of these functions, see para B-2.) d. Column 4, Maintenance Category. Column 4 specifies, by the listing of a work time figure in the appropriate subcolumn( the category of maintenance authorized to perform the function listed in column 3. This figure represents the active time required to perform that maintenance function at the indicated category of maintenance. If the number or complexity of the tasks within the listed maintenance function vary at different maintenance categories, appropriate work time figures will be shown for each category. The work time figure represents the average time required to restore an item (assembly, subassembly, component, module, end item, or system) to a serviceable condition under typical field operating conditions. This time includes preparation time (including any necessary disassemblylassembly time), troubleshooting/fault loca. tion time, and quality assurancelquality control time in addition to the time required to perform the specific tasks identified for the maintenance functions authorized in the maintenance allocation chart. The symbol designations for the various maintenance categories are as follows: III......... 0 . . . *. . . . F.. ... ... . tl . . . . . . . 1...,..... 0 ,...,... Operator or Crew Unit Maintenance Intermediate Direct Support Maintenance Intermediate General Support Maintenance Specialized Repair Activity (SRA)’ Depot Maintenance e. Column 5, Tools and Equipment. Column 5 specifies, by code, those common tool sets (not in. dividual tools) and special tools, and support equipment required to perform the designated function. *Services - Inspect, test, service, adjust, aline, calibrate, andlor replace. ‘Fault locateltroubleshoot - The process of investigating and detecting the cause of equipment malfunctioning; the act of isolating a fault within a system or unit under test (UUT). ‘0isassemblelassemble - Encompasses the step.bpstep taking apart (or breakdown) of a spare/functional group coded item to the level of its least cqmponency identified as maintenance significant (i.e., assigned an SMR code) for the category of maintenance under consideration. ‘Actions - Welding, grinding, riveting, straightening, facing, remachining, and/or resurfacing. ‘This maintenance category is not included in Section II, column (4) of the Maintenance Allocation Chart. To iden. tify functions to this category of maintenance, enter a work time figure in the “H” column of section II, column (4), and use an associated reference code in the remarks column (6). Key the code to Section IV, Remarks, and explain the SRA complete repair application there. The explanatory remark(s) shall reference the specific Repair Parts and Special Tools List (RPSTL) TM which contains additional SRA criteria and the authorized sparelrepair parts. 0.2 ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-01019mm AIR FORCE TO llW3.3-5.4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005.23&P12 COAST GUARD COMDTINST M9370.7 f. Column 6, Remarks. This column shall, when applicable, contain a letter code, in alphabetic order, which shall be keyed to the remarks contained in section IV. B-4. EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, SECTION Ill. d. Column 4, National Stock Number. The National stock number of the tool or test equipment. e. Column 5, Tool Number. part number. B-5. EXPLANATION SECTION IV. The manufacturer’s OF COLUMNS IN REMARKS, a. Column 1, Reference Code. The tool and test equipment reference code correlates with a code used in the MAC, section II, column 5. a. Column 1, Reference Code. recorded in column 6, section II. b. Column 2, Maintenance Category. The lowest category of maintenance authorized to use the tool or test equipment. b. Column 2, Remarks. This column lists information perfinent to the maintenance function being performed as indicated in the MAC, section II. The code c. Column 3, Nomenclature. Name or identification of the tool or test equipment. B-3 ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-01019mm AIR FORCE TO 1 lW3-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 100523&Pl2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST M9370.7 Section II. MAlNTEN$N&E ALLOCATION CHART M9 PISTOL, 9mm (1) (2) GROUP YUMGER COMPONENTIASSEMGLY IO Pistol 9mm, M9 31 1101 1102 Slide & Barrel Assembly Barrel Assembly Slide Assembly (41 (3) MAINTENANCE FUNCTION MAINTENANCE LEVEL . INTMED DEPOT UNIT c 0 F H D Inspect Test 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 Service Repair Overhaul 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 Inspect Test Service Replace Overhaul 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Inspect Test Service Replace Repair Overhaul 32 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 B-4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Inspect Inspect Test Service Repair Overhaul 2 0.1 0.1 Test Service Repair Overhaul 2 0.5 Test Service wlRear Sight Receiver Assembly 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Inspect Slide Assembly 1, 2 2.0 Repair Overhaul 310201 (5) TOOLS AND EQUIP 0.1 1, 2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 1. 2 0.5 (6) REMARKS ARMY TM S-1 005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-OlOlSmm AIR FORCE TO 11 W3-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005.23&PJ2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST M8370.7 Section III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR M9 PISTOL, 9mm TOO1011 TEST EQUIPMENT REF CODE MAINTENANCE LEVEL NOMENCLATURE NATIONALI NATO STOCK NUMBER TOOL NUMBER . 1 0 Tool Set, Small Arms 5180-00-357-7770 SC 5180-95.CL-A07 2 F Shopset, Small Arms Field Maintenance Basic Less Power 4933-00-754-0884 SC 4933-95CL-A 1I B-51(8-6 blank) ARMY TM a-1005-317.23aP NAVY SW 370.AA-MM0~01018mm AIR FORCE TO 1113-3.5.4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005.23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMOTIRST M1370.7 Section II. Figure (1) I TEH NO (2) SMR CODE C-l. PARTS LIST Pistol 9mm, M9. (4) (3) FSC?‘l REPAIR PART NUMBER (6) (5) DESCRIPTICIN AND USABLE f;lXlJP: 00 ON CBDEStUOC) F I Gk:F:E:: i;- I P LSTBL. w?l ) rl3 1 2 3 XAFFF PACZZ XAFDA 1920n I9200 I9200 93464 19 9346413 9346480 SI_I nE&DAiT,SEl_ kSSY MAf;,~.?!IIE, Z;Af’TRi REM I \~‘El: C-l-l .‘\SSY WE . . . . . . . . .. , ,. . , .... ... ......... . . . . . . . . QTY ARMY TM 9-l 006-317.23&P WAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-OlOl8mm AIR FORCE TO 11 W3.3.54 MARINE CORPS TM 1006236Pl2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST M8370.7 Section II. Figure (1) (2) ITEM NO SMR CODE C-2. Slide and barrel assembly. (5) (4) FSCi? PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION AND GRUUP: (6) USABLE ON CdDES(UDC) 01 FIGURE: C-2 SL.1 DE AND BARREL ASSEMBLY AFFFF FA!=‘FF PAFZZ PAFZZ 19200 19200 19200 I9200 9346485 9346422 9346421 9346420 SLIDE ASSY.......................... BARREL ASSEMBLY..................... GU~DE,RECUlL SPRING.. . ... ........, SPRING, HELI CAL, COMPRESSiON.RECCllL. END CIF FIGURE c-2-1 QTY ARMY TM 11.1006-317.23&P NAVY SW 370~M~MM0~01018mm AIR FORCE TO llW3-3-S-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1006.23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST MG370.7 Section II. Figure (1) I TEM NO (2) SMR CODE C-3. Barrel assembly. (5) (4) (3) PART NUMBER FSGI DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODES(U0 Cl GROUP: 0101 BARREL XAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ 19200 19200 19200 19200 9346426 9346423 9346424 9346425 (6) FIGURE: C-3 ASSEMBLY BARREL,PISTOL...................... P1N,SPRINE,LflCKING BLOCK PLUNGER.. PLUNGER, t_CtCKI NG BLCW.. . . , . . . . . . . BLBCK, LOCKI NG. . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . END c-3-1 QTY OF FIGURE 1 1 1 1 4 ARMY TM 5.1005.317.23GP NAVY SW 370~AA-MMO~01Ol5mm AIR FORCE TO llW3.3.5-4 MARINE CORPS TH 1005.236PI2 COAST GUARD CDMDTINST MS370.7 Section II. Figure (1) (2) I TEM SMR CODE NO (3) C-4. Slide assembly. FSCil (6) (5) (4) PART NUVBER DESCRIPTION AND USABLE f;Ht’l:JP . ‘31%’ ON CODES(UDC) FIGIJRE: QTY C-4 .$I_ I DE ASSEMBLY 1 PAFZ..’ “3~16442 3i. 1 DE. H./KAR SIGHT. . . 2 PAFZZ 9346437 P! :! HEADE!I E’XTRA:,TCIR. 3 PAFZ7. S34G438 ErrHACTlm. 4 PAFZZ 3746439 SPf,’ . [ 1.G , HEL. 1 rAl_ * 1 5 PAFZZ 9346432 6 PAFZZ 534644 ,,,.. ......... ... ,... , TRI i;GEk BAR. . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . S?[:.l?‘G; HEL I CAL ClVlPRE3S : GIN F I RI NG 3.1 P,:\ 1 bHT, .., . . , .. .. CBrlF’~ESS , . . . , , . . 1 .,... ......... 1 1 ON 1 1 EYTR/‘?C’TC1R EXri:NT I PLN ,..............,.,.... C:WlfRESS ! 6N BLOCK 8. !‘AFZZ !“N,r!RINC.. PAFZZ SPR I NF, HEI_! CAL 9 FAFZ.C 93q;;;z3 BLCJCK,FIRING PIN.. 10 PZ FZZ SAFETY PAFZZ 5346~!,;3 y?-iC;,186 PI U, SPRING 11 SAFE 12 ?AF2Z 934G42’7 LEVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PlN.SPt?ING Ft!?iFtG PIY ELuCK., . 13 PAI ZZ 3346435 STE[ixt-~,riRIiJG 14 PkFZZ 2346.434 SPR [ NG, HEL I ChL, DF-TENT..... i? WXNT PAF’L? 9346433 IX 1 ,,,.....,.,........,.....,.,..., 7 8 15 1 .......... . . . . Pita.. . , C?ID 6F .... CbflPRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . I- I GUX ....... . , . . . . . W! :EN’l’ , !“:%F!I -Y . c-4-1 2 ..,,.......,.....,,,.... LEVER. 1 1 . . . 2 . . , . . 1 1 ........... 1 I8N 1 . SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . 1 ARMY TM 9.1005-317.23&P NAVY SW 370.AAMMO-OlOl9mm AIR FORCE TO llW3.3.5.4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005.23&P/2 COAST GUARDCDMDTINST M9370.7 Section II. Figure (1) 1TEI* NO (2) SMR CODE FSCil C-5. (4) PART NUMBER Slide with rear sight. (5) DESCR I PT I UN AND USABLE (6) ON CODES (UOC 1 QTY ARMY TM 9.1005-317.23&P NAVY SW 370-AA~MMO~01Ol9mm AIR FORCE TO llW3.3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005.23&P/2 COAST GUARO COMDTINST M9370.7 Section II. Figure C-6. Receiver assembly. ARMY TM 8-l 006-317-23&P NAW SW 370.AA-MMO-OlOl91nm AIR FORCE TO 11 W3-3-6-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1006.236P12 COAST BUMID COMDTIWST M8370.7 Section II. (1) I TEM NO (2) SMR CODE (4) (3) PART NUMBER FSCi’l (5) DESCRIPTION AND GROUP: (6) USABLE 02 FIGURE: RECEIVER XAFDA PAFZZ 19200 19200 934648 2 1 9346447 SPRINQ,HELICAL, 3 4 5 6 PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ 19200 19200 19200 19200 9346446 BUTT6N.DISASSEMBLY 9346453 BAR,TRIQGER 9346470 9346471 LEVER,FIRINQ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAOZZ PAOZZ PAdZZ PAFZZ 19200 19200 19200 EJECTUR PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 I9200 9346472 9346452 9346469 9346468 9346463 9346451 9346448 9346449 9346467 19 PAFZZ I9200 1 RECElVER 19200 19200 19200 20 PAFZZ I9200 21 22 23 24 25 26 PAFZZ PAFZZ PAOZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ PAFZZ I9200 I9200 I9200 I9200 I9200 I9200 27 28 29 30 I9200 9200 9200 9200 ................. 1 1 ......................... 1 .................. 1 1 1 ......................... PIN BLOCK ............. RELEASE ............... ............................. SPRINQ,TRIQQER BAR .................. PIN,STRAIQHT, HAMMER PIN.SPRINQ,EJECTOR RELEASE LEVER. ................... HAMMER .............................. QRIP,PISTOL(RIGHT). SCREW,MACHINE WASHER,LUCK ................. ....................... ......................... SEAR ................................ 9346466 9346465 9346464 STRUT.HAMMER 9346461 SPRINQ,HELICAL, SPRINQ,HELICAL, TCTRSION PIN,STRAIQHT, HEADLESS COMPRESSION 9346459 9346474 9346450 9346462 9846457 9346456 9346458 9346454 9346455 PIN,SPRINQ,LANYARD MAIN ........................ LOOP ............ ASSEMBLY, MAQAZINE QRlP,PIsTuL(LEFT) ........... ................... PIN.STRAIQHT,HEADED(HAMMER) PIN,STRAIQHT,HEADED TRIQQER STUP,SLIDE ......... TORSION SPRINQ,HELICAL, TRIQQER TRIQQER ..a. ........ ............................. .......................... SPRI NQ, HELICAL, TORSION LEVER,DISASSEMBLY ................... END C-6-l ..... 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 .............................. LOUP,LANYARD CATCH SEAR.. SEAR ........ ........................ 9346460 9346445 C-6 COMPRESSION LEVER,HAMMER SPRINQ QTY ASSEMBLY W/BUSHINQS DISASSEMBLY ON CODES(UOC) OF FIQURE SLIDE STOP. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ARMY TM 9-1006417-23&P NAVY SW 37~MWMO-OlO/Smm AIR FORCE TO llW3-3-6-4 MAGIGE CORPS TM lOOb236Pl2 COAST GUARD COMDTIGST MG370.7 SECTION IV NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX 4 STOCK NUflBER NATIONAL STOCK I TEM FIG. c-2 c-2 c-3 C-3 c-3 c-4 1005-01-204-4343 1005-01-204-1344 1005-01-204-4345 c-4 c-4 C-4 15 13 1005-Ol -2C4-4347 c-4 3 1005-01-204-4348 1005-01-2cJ4-~1349 lOO5-01-204-4350 1005-01-204-4351 1005-01-204-4352 1005-Ol -204.-4353 1005-01 -204-4354 1005-t? -204-4355 1005-01-204-4356 1005-01-204-4357 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 30 3 8 4 28 21 20 11 18 17 1005-01-204-4358 1005-Ol204-4353 5360-01 -204-4369 ! 005-01-204-4361 1095-Oi-204-4362 iOO5-Oi-204-43C4 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 5315-01-204-4365 5315-Cl-204-4366 5360-01-204-4367 C:160-01-204-4368 C-6 C-6 C-6 5360-01-204 -4369 5360-01-204 -4370 5305-01-204-4371 1005-01-204-4372 1005-01-204-4373 1005-01-204-4374 1005-01-204-4375 1005-01 -234-4376 C-6 C-C C-6 C-4 C-6 C-G C-6 C-l 25 16 13 7 23 12 15 2 1005-01-204-4377 1005-Oi -204-4378 C-6 C-5 27 2 1005-01-2~6-0930 5315-01-206-0931 5315-01-206-0932 C-4 c -4 c-4 1 2 12 10 5315-01-206-0933 5360-01-206-0334 5360-01-206-0935 C-6 C-6 c-4 C-2 ‘-4 fd 5360-01-206-0936 -206-0937 5360-01 53uO-ul-236-3938 531 o-t11 -2060939 1005-Ol -22cS ,.7362 4:.%(1-01 -206-8592 3 2 :005-01-204-4336 1005-01-204-4337 1005-01-204-4338 1005-01-204-4339 1005-01-204-4340 ?005-01-204-4341 NUMBER INDEX STBCK NUMBER 2 3 4 9 5 10 9 5 6 7 22 26 24 19 29 4 I4 I-1 FIG. C-4 c-4 C-6 C-5 C-4 c-4 I TEM 4 6 2 14 ?l 8 ARMY TM 8.1006-317.23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-01018mm AIR FORCE TO llW3.3.64 MARIlE CORPS TM 1005.23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST M8370.7 SECTION IV NATIUNAL STdCK NUMBER PART FSCM PART PART AND NUMBER NUMBER NUMf3ER INDEX [ NDEX STOCK NUMBER FIG. I TEM 19200 93464 13 19200 93464 19 19200 9346420 5360-01-206-0934 c-2 4 19200 9346421 1005-01-204-4336 c-2 3 19200 9346422 1005-01-20~~-4337 c-2 2 19200 9346423 1005 c-3 2 19200 9346424 1005-01-204-4339 c-3 3 19200 9346425 1005-O! c-3 4 19200 9346426 19200 9346427 5315-O 19200 934842% 5360-01-206-8592 C-,4 8 15200 19200 9346429 9346430 1005,,01-204--4341 c-4 9 5315-01-206-0933 c-4 19200 9346432 1005-Ol -20.4-4343 C-4 5 19200 9346433 1005-a l-204- 4344 c-4 15 19200 9346434 5360-G l-206- 0935 c-4 14 19200 9346435 1005-Ol -204- 4345 c-4 13 1005-01-204-4376 -01-204-4338 -204-4340 C-l 2 c-1 1 c-3 c-4 i-206-0532 10 19200 9346437 5315-Oi c-4 2 19200 9346438 1005-01-21~4~-4347 c-4 3 192GO 9345439 5.360-O! ..206-0936 c-4 4 - 204-4372 c-4 7 c-4 6 19200 9346440 ! 9200 934644 -206-0931 1 12 1005-O! 1 5360 -01-206-0937 19200 9346442 1005-01-206-0930 c-4 1 19200 9346443 1005-01-20~1-4378 c-5 2 19200 9346444 19200 9346445 192clO 19200 C-5 1 1005-Ol -204-4348 C-6 9346446 1005-01-20‘~-4349 C-6 9346147 Y360-0 C-6 19200 9346448 5305.-01-204-4371 C-6 13 i 9200 5346449 531 C-6 14 l ,-206-0938 O-O’ - 206- 0939 30 3 2 : 9200 9346450 1005-01-204-4373 C-6 23 19200 9346451 1 GO5 -r)l C-6 12 19200 9346452 1 CO5 ~Trl -204-,435O 19200 9346453 1005-G I -204- 19200 9346454 I onEi-- 19200 9346455 5360 1 ?p;t3 9346,456 5315-O 19200 9346457 :.3GC 19200 93464!i8 19290 9346459 -~20*:1-- 4774 . -204-4352 8 C-6 4 C-6 28 C-6 29 C-6 26 4369 C-6 25 1I;cc5-01 -,?W-4377 1OC!5-0 1-30 d..4353 . - C-6 27 C-6 21 1 -m4*~ 4354 C-6 20 -Ol -%0+4368 I-204-4365 -31 loos-12 -204. 19200 9346460 19200 934646 10203 9346462 1923G 9346,~163 531 Fi-Pl 1 OGY...(->] 19200 9346464 IOCZ-Ol -2fl4--4356 1 4351 C-6 5360 l-2 ,“rl 1 --204-4367 -3W.,,4366 --i’pl-<355 C-6 19 C-6 24 C-6 11 C-6 18 SECTldN ARMY TM 9.1005~317.23GP NAVY SW 370-M-MMO-0101Snm AIR FORCE TO 1 lW3-3-6-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1006-23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST MG370.7 IV NAT IBF!bL STOCK NUMbER PART FSCH PART N’WB ER A:ID NUMBEX PART 9346465 1005 19200 9346466 5300~Oi- I NGEX INDE>: STCiC;; 13330 NUMBER !W!“&%ER FIG. -01-204-4357 204-4370 i TEM C-6 17 C-6 16 19200 9346467 1005-01-204-4375 C-6 15 19200 9346460 1 CO5-0 -204-4358 C-6 10 ! 9200 9345469 1 OO,i-r) -204-4359 C-6 9 19200 9346470 5360-O -‘,04-4260 C-6 5 13200 9346471 1005-u -204 C-6 6 19200 9346472 1005-O -:?04-43G2 ! 9200 3345474 1005 19203 934648C 19mo 434648 19200 9346485 19200 9346486 -436 ..o 1 -201-4364 1 1 C-6 7 C-6 22 C-l 3 C-6 1 c-2 lOO5-01-226-7362 c-4 11 ARMY TM 8-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO~01019mm AIR FORCE TO llW3-3-54 MARINE CORPS TM 1005-23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST M9370.7 SECTIONIV NATIONALSTOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX ILLUSTRATION FIGUREAND ITEMNUMBER INDEX FIG ITEM C-l C-l C-l c-2 c-2 c-2 c-2 c-3 c-3 c-3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 c-3 c-4 c.4 c-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 STOCK NUMBER PART NUMBER FSCM 1005dIl-204.4338 1005~01-204-4339 9346419 9346413 9346480 9346465 9346422 9346421 9346420 9346426 9346423 9346424 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 1005~01-204-4340 1005.Ol-206dl930 5315~01-206-0931 1005-01-204-4347 5360-01-206-0936 1005~01~204~4343 5360.01-206-0937 1005-01-204-4372 5360.01-206-6592 1005-01-204~4341 9346425 9346442 9346437 9346438 9348439 9348432 9346441 9346440 9348428 9346429 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 c-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 10 11 12 13 5315-01-206-0933 1005-01-226-7362 5315-01.206-0932 1005-01-204-4345 9346430 9346488 9346427 9346435 19200 19200 19200 19200 c-4 c-4 c-5 c-5 C-B C-6 14 15 1 2 1 2 5360-01-206-0935 1005-01~204-4344 9346434 9348433 9346444 9346443 9346481 9346447 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 1005-01-204-4376 1005-01-204-4337 1005~01-204-4336 5360-01-206-0934 1005-01-204-4376 5360-01-206-0936 l-4 ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-01019mm AIR FORCE TO llW3-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005-23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST MB370.7 SECTION IV NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AN0 PART NUMBER INDEX ILLUSTRATIONFIGUREAN0 ITEM NUMBER INOEX STOCK NUMBER PART NUMBER FSCM 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 1005~01-204-4349 1005-01-204~4351 5360-01-204-4360 1005-01-204-4361 1005-01-204-4362 1005-01-204-4350 1005-01-204-4359 1005-01-204-4356 1005-01-204-4355 1005-01-204-4374 9346446 9346453 9346470 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 C-6 C-6 C-6 C.6 C-6 C.6 C-6 C-6 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 5305-01-204-4371 5310-01-206-0939 1005-01-204-4375 5360-01-204-4370 1005-01-204-4357 1005-01-204-4356 5360-01-204-4367 1005-01-204-4354 9346448 9346449 9346467 9346466 9346465 9346464 9346461 9346460 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 C-6 C-6 21 22 1005-01-204-4353 1005-01-204-4364 9346459 9346474 19200 19200 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 1005-01-204-4373 5315-01-204-4366 5360-01-204-4369 5315-01-204-4365 1005-01-204-4377 1005-01-204-4352 5360-01-204-4366 1005-01-204-4346 9346450 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 19200 FIG ITEM C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 3 9346471 9346472 9346452 9346469 9346468 9346463 9346451 9346462 9346457 9346456 9346458 9346454 9346455 9346445 I-516-6 blank) ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AAYMO.01 OI9mm AIR FORCE TO 11 W3-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005-23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST M9370.7 APPENDIX EXPENDABLE/DURABLE AND MATERIALS D SUPPLIES LIST Section I. INTRODUCTION D-l. SCOPE. This appendix lists expendable/durable supplies and materials you will need to operate and maintain the 9mm pistol. This listing is for informational purposes only and is not authority to requisition the listed items. These items are authorized to you by CTA 50-970, Expendable/Durable Items (Except Medical, Class V, Repair Parts and Heraldic Items), or CTA 8.100, Army Medical Department Expendable/Durable Items. D-2. EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS. a. Column (1) - Item Number. This number is assigned to the entry in the listing and is referenced in the narrative instructions to identify the material (e.g., “Use cleaner, lubricant and preservative, ClP item 5, app 0”). b. Column (2) - level. This column identifies the lowest level of maintenance that requires the listed item. C 0 FH 1D - Operator/Crew Unit Maintenance Intermediate Direct Support Maintenance Intermediate General Support Maintenance Specialized Repair Activity (SRA) Depot Maintenance c. Column (3) - National Stock Number. This is the National stock number assigned to the item; use it to request or requisition the item. d. Column (4) - Description. Indicates the Federal item name and, if required, a description to identify the item. The last line for each item indicates the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) in parentheses followed by the part number. e. Column (5) - Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the measure used in performing the actual maintenance function. This measure is expressed by a two-character alphabetical abbreviation (e.g., ea, in., pr). If the unit of measure differs from the unit of issue, requisition the lowest unit of issue that will satisfy your requirements. D-1 ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-010/9mm AIR FORCE TO llW3-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005-23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMOTINST M9370.7 Section II. (1) ITEM NUMBER EXPkNDABLE/DURABLE NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER DESCRIPTION (51 U/M 1 0 8115-00-935-6531 BOX, PLYWOOD (81348) MIL-B-43666 43 x 31 314 x 20 112 inches EA 2 0 8020-00-244-0153 BRUSH, ARTIST’S: Metal ferrule, flat, chisel edge, 7116 inch w, 1 118 inch I, exposed bristle (8 1348) H-B-24 1 EA 3 C 1005-00-494-6602 BRUSH, ARMS: (19204) SMALL EA 4 C 1005-00-716-2132 BRUSH, CLEANING (Bore Brush) (19205) 7162132 SMALL EA 5 0 9150-01-054-6453 9150-01-053-6688 6 C 7 0 9920-00-292-9946 6850-00-224-6657 6850-00-224-6663 o-2 LIST (4) (3) (2) LEVEL SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS CLEANING, toothbrush 8448462 CLEANER, LUBRICANT AND PRESERVATIVE: GRADE 2 (CLP) (81349, 1 pint bottle, MIL-L-63460 1 gal can, MIL-L-63460 CLEANER, TOBACCO PIPE: cotton tuft, wire core (89855) DILLS PIPE CLEANER 32 per pk CLEANING COMPOUND, SOLVENT: RIFLE BORE CLEANER (RBC) (81349) MILC-372, MlLC372 8 oz can 1 gal can PT GL PK 02 GL 8 0 5350-00-221-0872 CLOTH, ABRASIVE, CROCUS (58536) A-A-1 206 50 sheet package PK 9 0 8115-00-l CONTAINER, FIBERBOARD (81348) PPP-B-636 25 ea bundle -10 x 8 x 4 inches EA 83-9496 ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-OlOl9mm AIR FORCE TO llW3-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1095-23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMOTINST M9370.7 Section II. EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (cant) (1) (2) ITEM NUMBER LEVEL (3) NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (5) (4) DESCRIPTION 10 0 8415-00-823-7457 GLOVES, (8 1348) 11 F 8850-00-826-0881 INSPECTION PENETRANT (81348) MIL-I-25135 KT 12 0 8150-00-l LUBRICANT, SOLID FILM (81348) MIL-L-46147 16 oz aerosol can 02 13 0 8150-00-231-6688 LUBRICATING OIL, P-8 (81348) VV-L-800 1 qt can OT 14 C 8150-00-282-8688 LUBRICATING OIL, WEAPONS (81348) MIL-L-14107 1 qt can (LAW) QT 15 0 8150-00-753-4686 LUBRICATING OIL, WEAPONS WI (81348) MIL-L-46000 1 gal can SEMI-FLUID GL 16 0 8135-00-855-6868 MATERIAL, CUSHIONING (8 1348) PPP-C-843 167 ft roll 17 0 8135-00-885-7242 PAPER, VOLATILE, PACKAGING (81348) MIL-P-3420 36 in. wide, 100 ft roll 18 0 8135-00-281-3820 PAPER WRAPPING (8 1348) PPP-P-28 1 24 in. wide, 250 ft long FT 18 C 7820-00-205-1711 RAG, WIPING (58536) A-A-531 50 lb bl LB 68-2000 CHEMICAL 22-G-38 1 U/M AND OIL PROTECTIVE PR FT (VCII FT ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-01019mm AIR FORCE TO 1113-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005-23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMOTIWST M9370.7 Section II, (1) ITEM NUMBER D-4 EXPENDABLE/DURABLE (21 LEVEL (3) NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (cent) (5) (4) DESCRIPTION U/M 20 1005-00-556-4102 ROD, CLEANING, M4 (19204) 5564102 EA 21 7930-00-965-4868 SOAP, LAUNORY (58536) A-A-1375 60 bars to box EA 22 6850-00-281-1985 SOLVENT, DRY CLEANING (02978) P-S-661 1 gal can GL 23 8135-00-286-8565 STEEL STRAPPING, (81348) QQ-S-781 100 lb coil 24 1005-00-288-3565 SWAB, SMALL ARMS (19204) 5019316 1000 per package 25 7510-00 TAPE, PRESSURE SENSITIVE (585361 A-A-884 2 in. wide, 60 yd roll 26 7510-00-266-6712 TAPE, PRESSURE SENSITIVE, (58536) A-A-883 1 in. wide, 60 yd roll MASKING YD 27 751 o-00-297-6655 TAPE, PRESSURE SENSITIVE, WATER-RESISTANT (81348) PPP-T-76 2 in. wide, 120 yd roll PAPERBACK, YD 146 7767 FLAT, 518” W LB EA PK YD . ARMY TM S-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 370.AA-MMO-OlOlSmm AIR FORCE TO llW3-3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005.23&P/2 COAST GUARD COMDTINST MS370.7 ALPHABETICAL PAGE SUBJECT PAGE SUBJECT F (cant) A 1-4 (Ammunition Only) Safety, Care and Handling ...... B Barrel Assembly Cleaning ............................ Disassembly ......................... Inspection/Repair ...................... Reassembly .......................... INDEX Function - Firing Test. .................... Function/Safety Check ................... .3-36 .3-34 G .3-l 2 .3- 12 .3- 12 .3- 13 General Inspection. ...................... .3-34 H How to Use this Manual ...................... iii C I Checks and Services, Unit Preventive Maintenance. . .2-4 Cleaning .3-l 2 Barrel Assembly ....................... .2.17,3.10 Pistol, 9mm ..................... .2-l 9,3.26 Receiver Assembly ................. .3-l 7 Slide Assembly ....................... .2-l, 3-l Common Tools and Equipment ............ 0 . l-4 Data, Equipment ......................... l-l Destruction of Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use ...... Disassembly .3- 12 Barrel Assembly ....................... .2-l 6, 3-9 Pistol, 9mm ...................... .2- 19, 3-20 Receiver Assembly ................. .3-l 4 Slide Assembly ....................... l-2 Double Action. ........................... E l-1 Enemy Use, Destruction of Materiel to Prevent ..... Equipment Characteristics, Capabilities, Features .... l-2 l-4 Equipment Data .......................... Equipment Improvement Recommmendations (EIRs) . . l-1 O-l Expendable/Durable Supplies and Materials List ..... Errors, Reporting and Recommending Improvements .... i F Field Stripping Cleaning. ....................... Disassembly ...................... Inspection/Repair .................. Reassembly ..................... Final Inspection ........................ .2-l 7,3-l 0 .2-16,3-g .2-17,3-l 0 .2- 18, 3-l 1 .3-34 Illustration Figure and Item Number Index. ......... l-4 Inspection Barrel Assembly ....................... .3- 12 Pistol, 9mm ..................... .2-17,3-10 Receiver Assembly ................. .2-l 9,3-26 Slide Assembly ....................... .3-l 7 Inspection, Preembarkation of Materiel in Units Alerted for Overseas Movement ........ .3-36 Intermediate Direct Support Maintenance Instructions 3.1 Item Number Index, Illustration Figure and ......... l-4 1 Location and Description of Major Components .... .1.3 M Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) ............ B-l Maintenance Forms and Records ............... 1. 1 Maintenance of Barrel Assembly Cleaning ............................ .3-l 2 Disassembly ......................... .3-l 2 Initial Setup. ......................... .3-l 1 Inspection/Repair ...................... .3- 12 Reassembly .......................... .3- 13 Maintenance of Magazine Catch Assembly Initial Setup. ......................... .2-20 Installation .......................... .2-20 Removal ............................ .2-20 Reverse ............................ .2-20 Maintenance of Pistol, 9mm Cleaning. ....................... .2-17, 3-10 Disassembly ...................... .2-l 6, 3-9 Initial Setup ...................... .2-l 6, 3-9 Inspection/Repair. ................. .2-17,3-10 Reassembly ..................... .2-16, 3-l 1 Index-l ARMY TM 9-1005-317-23&P NAVY SW 37thAA-MMO-OlOl9mm AIR FORCE TO llW3.3-5-4 MARINE CORPS TM 1005.23UP12 COAST GUARD CDMDTINST M9370.7 ALPHABETICAL SUBJECT INDEX PAGE (cant) SUBJECT M (cant) PAGE R (cent) Maintenance of Receiver Assembly Cleaning ........................ Disassembly ..................... Initial Setup ..................... Inspection/Repair .................. Reassembly ..................... Maintenance of Slide Assembly Cleaning ............................ Disassembly ......................... Initial Setup. ......................... Inspection/Repair ...................... Reassembly .......................... Maintenance Instructions, Intermediate Direct Support ................ Maintenance Instructions, Unit ............... .2-l 9, 3-26 .2-l 9, 3-20 .2-l 8, 3-20 .2- 19, 3-26 .2-l 9, 3-26 .3-l 7 .3- 14 .3-l 4 .3- 17 .3- 17 .3-l .2- 1 . Receiver Assembly Cleaning ........................ .2-l 9,3-26 Disassembly ..................... .2.19,3-20 InspectionlRepair .................. .2-l 9,3-26 Reassembly ..................... .2-l 9,3-26 References ............................ .A-1 Repair Barrel Assembly ....................... .3-l 2 Pistol, 9mm ..................... .2-17, 3-10 Receiver Assembly ................. .2- 19,3-26 Slide Assembly ....................... .3-l 7 Repair Parts and Special Tools List ............. C- 1 Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIRs) ................... 1. 1 Reporting Errors and Recommending Improvements. . , . . i S N National Stock Number (NSN) Index ............. Nomenclature Cross-Reference List ............. Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) ........... I-1 l-2 l- 1 P l-2 Part Number Index ......................... Pistol, 9mm .2-l 7,3-l 0 Cleaning. ....................... .2-16,3-g Disassembly ...................... .2-l 7, 3-l 0 Inspection/Repair .................. Reassembly ..................... .2-l 8,3-l 1 Preembarkation Inspection of Materiel .3-36 in Units Alerted for Overseas Movement. ...... l-l, 3-36 Preparation for Storage or Shipment ........ Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) .2-4 l-4 Principles of Operation ...................... a Quarterly Schedule, Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services. ........... Safety, Care and Handling (Ammunition Only) ...... l-4 Safety/Function Check. ............... , ... .3-34 Service Upon Receipt .................. .2-l, 3-l Slide Assembly Cleaning ............................ .3-l 7 Disassembly ......................... .3- 14 Inspection/Repair ...................... .3- 17 Reassembly .......................... .3- 17 Special Tools and Support Equipment ....... .2- 1,3- 1 Symptom Index (Troubleshooting) .......... .2-7,3-2 T Table of Contents. .......................... Tool and Test Equipment Requirements for M9 Pistol, 9mm ...................... Trigger Pull Test ........................ Troubleshooting, Intermediate Direct Support Troubleshooting, Unit ..................... Index-2 B-5 ..... .3-35 .3-l .2-7 U .2-4 Unit Maintenance instructions. ............... .2-l W R Reassembly Barrel Assembly ....................... Pistol, 9mm ..................... Receiver Assembly ................. Slide Assembly ....................... ii Warranty Information .3- 13 .2-18, 3-l 1 .2-l 9, 3-26 .3-l 7 ...................... l-3 By Order of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force; Headquarters, Marine Corps; Commandant, Coast Guard JOHN A. WICKHAM, JR. General United States Army Chief of Staff Official: MILDRED E. HEDBERG Brt@adter General United States Army The Adjutant General R. E. BROWN Small Arms Program Manager Naval Sea Systems Command CHARLES A. GABRIEL General USAF Chief of Staff EARL T. O’LOUGHLIN General, USAF Commander, Air Force Logistics Command GEORGE B. GRIST Lieutenant General, USMC Deputy Chief of Staff for Installation and Logktics C. E. ROBBINS Rear Admiral USCG Chief; Office of Operations DISTRIBUTION: Active Army: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-40, Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Requirements for Pistol, Caliber .45, Automatic, Ml 911 Al. Marine Corps: MARCORPS CODE: AA Navy: Special *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 19%~641-048:20089 Air Force: Special Coast Guard: Special RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO EQUIPMENT TECHNICAL WITH .4ROl’l ImPI. 17 01 IOK.\I I‘UBLICATION TM 1111\ YOUR .II.-!I: 9-1005-317-23&P Date THIS PUBLICATION? ADDRESS II PUBLICATION NUMBER MAILING PUBLICATIONS DATE PUBLICATION TITLE Direct Support Pistol.+lr of TM Unit and lntermediatt Maintenance Manual . Mq L BE EXACT PAGE NO l-6 - PIN-POINT PAR*- GRAPH WHERE FIGURE NO IT IS IN THIS SPACE TELL WHAT IS WRONG AND WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT IT: TABLE NO iI-10A CHANGE: “Automatic” to read first sentence. REASON: PRINTED NAME JOHN S. AUTOVON GRADE OR TITLE AN0 TELEPrC)NE The M9 Pistol SIGN NUUBED “semiautomatic” in the is semiautomatic. HERE SMITH, SGT 793-XxXx DA , :Z’L 2028-2 PAf ARb “IOUS OESCL AMSMC EDITIONS ETF OP- 103-85 P S IF YOUR OUTFIT RECOMMENDATION AND GIVE IT WANTS MAKE TO VOCIR TO KNOW A CARBON HEADOUARTERS ABOLJT COPY OF YOUR THIS REVERSE OF DA FORM 2028-2 AMSMC OP-103-85 c UNIT’S ADDRESS (! 0 FOLD BACK ---~-__----------------___ DEPARTMENT - OF THE ARMY Illll I OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 BUSINESS FIRST CLASS POSTAGE PERMIT WILL BE PAID REPLY MAIL NO. 12062 BY DEPARTMENT COMMANDER US ARMY ARMAMENT, MUNITIONS AND CHEMICAL COMMAND ATTN: AMSMC-MAS ROCK ISLAND, IL 6 1201-9990 WASHINGTON, OF THE ARMY DC ii4 !z NO POSTAGE NECESSARY UNITED STATES . -71
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