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- A typical Sudoku puzzle
- The same
puzzle with solution numbers marked in red Sudoku (数 独 sūdoku, す う ど く) listen; English pronunciation:
/suːˈdoʊkuː/ soo-DOH-koo is a logic-based,[1][2] combinatorial[3] number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a
9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid (also
called "boxes", "blocks", "regions", or "sub-squares") contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. The puzzle setter
provides a partially completed grid, which typically has a unique solution.
Completed puzzles are always a type of Latin square with an additional constraint on the contents of individual
regions. For example, the same single integer may not appear twice in the same 9×9 playing board row or column or
in any of the nine 3×3 subregions of the 9×9 playing board.[4]
The puzzle was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning
single number.[5] It became an international hit in 2005.[6]

Number puzzles appeared in newspapers in the late 19th century,
when French puzzle setters began experimenting with removing
numbers from magic squares. Le Siècle, a Paris-based daily,
published a partially completed 9×9 magic square with 3×3
sub-squares on November 19, 1892.[7] It was not a Sudoku
because it contained double-digit numbers and required arithmetic
rather than logic to solve, but it shared key characteristics: each
row, column and sub-square added up to the same number.
On July 6, 1895, Le Siècle's rival, La France, refined the puzzle so
that it was almost a modern Sudoku. It simplified the 9×9 magic
square puzzle so that each row, column and broken diagonals
contained only the numbers 1–9, but did not mark the sub-squares.
Although they are unmarked, each 3×3 sub-square does indeed
comprise the numbers 1–9 and the additional constraint on the
broken diagonals leads to only one solution.[8]
From La France newspaper, July 6, 1895

These weekly puzzles were a feature of French newspapers such
as L'Echo de Paris for about a decade but disappeared about the

time of World War I.[9]
According to Will Shortz, the modern Sudoku was most likely designed anonymously by Howard Garns, a
74-year-old retired architect and freelance puzzle constructor from Connersville, Indiana, and first published in 1979



by Dell Magazines as Number Place (the earliest known examples of modern Sudoku). Garns's name was always
present on the list of contributors in issues of Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games that included Number Place, and
was always absent from issues that did not.[10] He died in 1989 before getting a chance to see his creation as a
worldwide phenomenon.[10] It is unclear if Garns was familiar with any of the French newspapers listed above.
The puzzle was introduced in Japan by Nikoli in the paper Monthly Nikolist in April 1984[10] as Sūji wa dokushin ni
kagiru (数 字 は 独 身 に 限 る), which also can be translated as "the digits must be single" or "the digits are
limited to one occurrence." (In Japanese, dokushin means an "unmarried person".) At a later date, the name was
abbreviated to Sudoku (數 獨) by Maki Kaji (鍜 治 真 起 Kaji Maki), taking only the first kanji of compound
words to form a shorter version.[10] In 1986, Nikoli introduced two innovations: the number of givens was restricted
to no more than 32, and puzzles became "symmetrical" (meaning the givens were distributed in rotationally
symmetric cells). It is now published in mainstream Japanese periodicals, such as the Asahi Shimbun.
The Times of London began featuring Sudoku in 2004.[11]


- A nonomino or Jigsaw Sudoku puzzle, as seen in the Sunday Telegraph

- Solution numbers in red for above puzzle
Although the 9×9 grid with 3×3 regions is by far the most common, many variations exist. Sample puzzles can be
4×4 grids with 2×2 regions; 5×5 grids with pentomino regions have been published under the name Logi-5; the
World Puzzle Championship has featured a 6×6 grid with 2×3 regions and a 7×7 grid with six heptomino regions
and a disjoint region. Larger grids are also possible. The Times offers a 12×12-grid Dodeka sudoku with 12 regions
of 4×3 squares. Dell regularly publishes 16×16 Number Place Challenger puzzles (the 16×16 variant often uses 1
through G rather than the 0 through F used in hexadecimal). Nikoli offers 25×25 Sudoku the Giant behemoths.
Sudoku-zilla,[12] a 100×100-grid was published in print in 2010.
Another common variant is to add limits on the placement of numbers beyond the usual row, column, and box
requirements. Often the limit takes the form of an extra "dimension"; the most common is to require the numbers in
the main diagonals of the grid also to be unique. The aforementioned Number Place Challenger puzzles are all of
this variant, as are the Sudoku X puzzles in the Daily Mail, which use 6×6 grids. The Sudoku X4 family of
iPhone/iPad apps combine this "X" varation with the Sunday Telegraph-style interlocking colored nonomino or
Jigsaw shapes of nine spaces each instead of the 3x3 regions, providing a total of four different kinds of puzzles.



Mini Sudoku
A variant named "Mini Sudoku" appears in the American newspaper USA Today and elsewhere, which is played on
a 6×6 grid with 3×2 regions. The object is the same as standard Sudoku, but the puzzle only uses the numbers 1
through 6. A similar form, for younger solvers of puzzles, called "The Junior Sudoku", has appeared in some
newspapers, such as some editions of The Daily Mail.

Cross Sums Sudoku
Another variant is the combination of Sudoku with Kakuro on a 9×9 grid, called Cross Sums Sudoku, in which clues
are given in terms of cross sums. The clues can also be given by cryptic alphametics in which each letter represents a
single digit from 0 to 9. An example is NUMBER+NUMBER=KAKURO which has a unique solution
186925+186925=373850. Another example is SUDOKU=IS×FUNNY whose solution is 426972=34×12558.

Killer Sudoku

- A Killer Sudoku puzzle
Sudoku variant combines elements of Sudoku and Kakuro.

- Solution for puzzle to the left The Killer

Alphabetical Sudoku

- A Wordoku puzzle
- Solution in red for puzzle to the left
Alphabetical variations have emerged, sometimes called Wordoku; there is no functional difference in the puzzle
unless the letters spell something. Some variants, such as in the TV Guide, include a word reading along a main
diagonal, row, or column once solved; determining the word in advance can be viewed as a solving aid. A Wordoku
might contain other words, other than the main word.


- Hypersudoku puzzle
- Solution numbers for puzzle to the left
Hypersudoku is one of the most popular variants. It is published by newspapers and magazines around the world and
is also known as "NRC Sudoku," "Windoku," "Hyper-Sudoku" and "4 Square Sudoku." The layout is identical to a
normal Sudoku, but with additional interior areas defined in which the numbers 1 to 9 must appear. The solving
algorithm is slightly different from the normal Sudoku puzzles because of the leverage on the overlapping squares.
This overlap gives the player more information to logically reduce the possibilities in the remaining squares. The

approach to playing is similar to Sudoku but with possibly more emphasis on scanning the squares and overlap rather
than columns and rows.
Puzzles constructed from multiple Sudoku grids are common. Five 9×9 grids which overlap at the corner regions in
the shape of a quincunx is known in Japan as Gattai 5 (five merged) Sudoku. In The Times, The Age and The Sydney
Morning Herald this form of puzzle is known as Samurai SuDoku. The Baltimore Sun and the Toronto Star publish a
puzzle of this variant (titled High Five) in their Sunday edition. Often, no givens are to be found in overlapping
regions. Sequential grids, as opposed to overlapping, are also published, with values in specific locations in grids
needing to be transferred to others.
Str8ts shares the Sudoku requirement of uniqueness in the rows and columns but the third constraint is very different.
Str8ts uses black cells (some with clue numbers) to divide the board into compartments. These must be filled with a
set of numbers that form a "straight," like the poker hand. A straight is a set of numbers with no gaps in them, such
as "4,3,6,5"—and the order can be non-sequential. 9×9 is the traditional size but with suitable placement of black
cells any size board is possible.
A tabletop version of Sudoku can be played with a
standard 81-card Set deck (see Set game). A
three-dimensional Sudoku puzzle was invented by Dion
Church and published in the Daily Telegraph in May
2005. The Times also publishes a three-dimensional
version under the name Tredoku. There is a Sudoku
version of the Rubik's Cube named Sudoku Cube.
There are many other variants. Some are different
An example of Greater Than Sudoku
shapes in the arrangement of overlapping 9×9 grids,
such as butterfly, windmill, or flower.[13] Others vary the logic for solving the grid. One of these is Greater Than
Sudoku. In this a 3×3 grid of the Sudoku is given with 12 symbols of Greater Than (>) or Less Than (<) on the
common line of the two adjacent numbers.[10] Another variant on the logic of solution is Clueless Sudoku, in which
nine 9×9 Sudoku grids are themselves placed in a three-by-three array. The center cell in each 3×3 grid of all nine
puzzles is left blank and form a tenth Sudoku puzzle without any cell completed; hence, "clueless".[13]
Duidoku is a two player variant of Sudoku created by Kaushik Basu, the founder of Sudoku, himself. It is played on
a 4X4 board i.e 16 squares or four clusters each containing four squares.
The game is followed using the rules of Sudoku. Four numbers are used,and each player consecutively places one
number out of the four such that he or she makes no illegal moves. The first player to make an illegal move loses.[14]
An online version of this game can be played at a website created by Michael Rudd Zwolinski.[15]
Another version of Duidoku, placed on a 9X9 board with 81 counters has been suggested by Kaushik Basu and
known as Ultimate Duidoku.

Mathematics of Sudoku
A completed Sudoku grid is a special type of Latin square with the additional property of no repeated values in any
of the 9 blocks of contiguous 3×3 cells. The relationship between the two theories is now completely known, after it
was proven that a first-order formula that does not mention blocks (also called boxes or regions) is valid for Sudoku
if and only if it is valid for Latin Squares (this property is trivially true for the axioms and it can be extended to any
The number of classic 9×9 Sudoku solution grids is 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960 (sequence A107739 in OEIS),
or approximately 6.67 × 1021. This is roughly 1.2 × 10−6 times the number of 9×9 Latin squares.[17] Various other


grid sizes have also been enumerated—see the main article for details. The number of essentially different solutions,
when symmetries such as rotation, reflection, permutation and relabelling are taken into account, was shown to be
just 5,472,730,538[18] (sequence A109741 in OEIS).
The maximum number of givens provided while still not rendering a unique solution is four short of a full grid (77);
if two instances of two numbers each are missing from cells which occupy the corners of an orthogonal rectangle,
and exactly two of these cells are within one region, there are two ways the numbers can be assigned. Since this
applies to Latin squares in general, most variants of Sudoku have the same maximum. The inverse problem—the
fewest givens that render a solution unique—was recently proven to be 17.[19] A number of valid puzzles with 17
givens have been found for the standard variation without a symmetry constraint, by Japanese puzzle
enthusiasts,[20][21] and 18 with the givens in rotationally symmetric cells. Over 48,000 examples of Sudoku puzzles
with 17 givens resulting in a unique solution are known.
In 2010 mathematicians of the University of Southern California showed that the arrangement of numbers in Sudoku
puzzles have greater Shannon entropy than the number arrangements in randomly generated 9×9 matrices. This is
because the rules of Sudoku exclude some random arrangements that have an innate symmetry.[22]

Recent popularity
In 1997, New Zealander and retired Hong Kong judge Wayne Gould, then in his early 50s, saw a partly completed
puzzle in a Japanese bookshop. Over six years he developed a computer program to produce puzzles quickly.
Knowing that British newspapers have a long history of publishing crosswords and other puzzles, he promoted
Sudoku to The Times in Britain, which launched it on November 12, 2004 (calling it Su Doku). The first letter to The
Times regarding Su Doku was published the following day on November 13 from Ian Payn of Brentford,
complaining that the puzzle had caused him to miss his stop on the tube.[23]
The rapid rise of Sudoku in Britain from relative obscurity to a front-page feature in national newspapers attracted
commentary in the media and parody (such as when The Guardian's G2 section advertised itself as the first
newspaper supplement with a Sudoku grid on every page).[24] Recognizing the different psychological appeals of
easy and difficult puzzles, The Times introduced both side by side on June 20, 2005. From July 2005, Channel 4
included a daily Sudoku game in their Teletext service. On August 2, the BBC's program guide Radio Times featured
a weekly Super Sudoku which features a 16×16 grid.
In the United States, the first newspaper to publish a Sudoku puzzle by Wayne Gould was The Conway Daily Sun
(New Hampshire), in 2004.[25]
The world's first live TV Sudoku show, Sudoku Live, was a puzzle contest first broadcast on July 1, 2005 on Sky
One. It was presented by Carol Vorderman. Nine teams of nine players (with one celebrity in each team)
representing geographical regions competed to solve a puzzle. Each player had a hand-held device for entering
numbers corresponding to answers for four cells. Phil Kollin of Winchelsea, England was the series grand prize
winner taking home over £23,000 over a series of games. The audience at home was in a separate interactive
competition, which was won by Hannah Withey of Cheshire.
Later in 2005, the BBC launched SUDO-Q, a game show that combines Sudoku with general knowledge. However,
it uses only 4×4 and 6×6 puzzles. Four seasons were produced, before the show ended in 2007.
In 2006, a Sudoku website published songwriter Peter Levy's Sudoku tribute song,[26] but quickly had to take down
the mp3 due to heavy traffic. British and Australian radio picked up the song, which is to feature in a British-made
Sudoku documentary. The Japanese Embassy also nominated the song for an award, with Levy doing talks with
Sony in Japan to release the song as a single.[27]
Sudoku software is very popular on PCs, websites, and mobile phones. It comes with many distributions of Linux.
Software has also been released on video game consoles, such as the Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, the Game
Boy Advance, Xbox Live Arcade, the Nook e-book reader, Kindle Fire tablet, several iPod models, and the iPhone.


In fact, just two weeks after Apple Inc. debuted the online App Store within its iTunes store on July 11, 2008, there
were already nearly 30 different Sudoku games, created by various software developers, specifically for the iPhone
and iPod Touch. One of the most popular video games featuring Sudoku is Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes
a Day!. Critically and commercially well-received, it generated particular praise for its Sudoku
implementation[28][29][30] and sold more than 8 million copies worldwide.[31] Due to its popularity, Nintendo made a
second Brain Age game titled Brain Age2, which has over 100 new Sudoku puzzles and other activities.
In June 2008 an Australian drugs-related jury trial costing over A$1 million was aborted when it was discovered that
five of the twelve jurors had been playing Sudoku instead of listening to evidence.[32]

• The first World Sudoku Championship was held in Lucca, Italy, from March 10–12, 2006. The winner was Jana
Tylová of the Czech Republic.[33] The competition included numerous variants.[34]
• The second World Sudoku Championship was held in Prague from March 28 – April 1, 2007.[35] The individual
champion was Thomas Snyder of the USA. The team champion was Japan.[36]
• The third World Sudoku Championship was held in Goa, India, from April 14–16, 2008. Thomas Snyder repeated
as the individual overall champion, and also won the first ever Classic Trophy (a subset of the competition
counting only classic Sudoku). The Czech Republic won the team competition.[37]
• The fourth World Sudoku Championship was held in Žilina, Slovakia, from April 24–27, 2009. After past
champion Thomas Snyder of USA won the general qualification, Jan Mrozowski of Poland emerged from a
36-competitor playoff to become the new World Sudoku Champion. Host nation Slovakia emerged as the top
team in a separate competition of three-membered squads.[38]
• The fifth World Sudoku Championship was held in Philadelphia, USA from April 29 – May 2, 2010. Jan
Mrozowski of Poland successfully defended his world title in the individual competition while Germany won a
separate team event. The puzzles were written by Thomas Snyder and Wei-Hwa Huang, both past US Sudoku
• In the United States, The Philadelphia Inquirer Sudoku National Championship has been held three times, each
time offering a $10,000 prize to the advanced division winner and a spot on the U.S. National Sudoku Team
traveling to the world championships. Puzzlemaster Will Shortz has served as tournament host. The winners of
the event were Thomas Snyder (2007),[40] Wei-Hwa Huang (2008), and Tammy McLeod (2009).[41] In the most
recent event, the third place finalist in the advanced division, Eugene Varshavsky, performed quite poorly onstage
after setting a very fast qualifying time on paper, which caught the attention of organizers and competitors
including past champion Thomas Snyder who requested organizers reconsider his results due to a suspicion of
cheating.[42] Following an investigation and a retest of Varshavsky, the organizers disqualified him and awarded
Chris Narrikkattu third place.[43]

[1] Arnoldy, Ben. "Sudoku Strategies". The Home Forum (The Christian Science Monitor).
[2] Schaschek, Sarah (March 22, 2006). "Sudoku champ's surprise victory" (http:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20060813145953/ http:/ / www.
praguepost. com/ P03/ 2006/ Art/ 0323/ news5. php). The Prague Post. Archived from the original (http:/ / www. praguepost. com/ P03/ 2006/
Art/ 0323/ news5. php) on August 13, 2006. . Retrieved February 18, 2009.
[3] Lawler, E.L.; Jan Karel Lenstra, A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan, D.B. Shmoys (1985). The Traveling Salesman problem – A Guided Tour of
Combinatorial Optimization. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-90413-9.
[4] Sudoku.name (http:/ / www. sudoku. name/ rules/ en)
[5] Brian Hayes (2006). Unwed Numbers. 94. American Scientist. pp. 12–15.
[6] So you thought Sudoku came from the Land of the Rising Sun ... (http:/ / www. guardian. co. uk/ media/ 2005/ may/ 15/ pressandpublishing.
usnews) The puzzle gripping the nation actually began at a small New York magazine by David Smith The Observer, Sunday May 15, 2005
Accessed June 13, 2008
[7] Boyer, Christian (May 2006). "Supplément de l’article « Les ancêtres français du sudoku »" (http:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20061210103525/
http:/ / cboyer. club. fr/ multimagie/ SupplAncetresSudoku. pdf) (PDF). Pour la Science: 1–6. Archived from the original (http:/ / cboyer.


club. fr/ multimagie/ SupplAncetresSudoku. pdf) on December 10, 2006. . Retrieved 3 August 2009.
[8] Boyer, Christian (2007). "Sudoku's French ancestors" (http:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20071010081626/ http:/ / cboyer. club. fr/ multimagie/
English/ SudokuAncestors. htm). Archived from the original (http:/ / cboyer. club. fr/ multimagie/ / English/ SudokuAncestors. htm) on
October 10, 2007. . Retrieved 3 August 2009.
[9] Malvern, Jack (2006-06-03). "Les fiendish French beat us to Su Doku" (http:/ / www. timesonline. co. uk/ article/ 0,,2-2208881,00. html).
Times Online (London). . Retrieved 2006-09-16.
[10] Pegg, Ed, Jr. (2005-09-15). "Ed Pegg Jr.'s Math Games: Sudoku Variations" (http:/ / www. maa. org/ editorial/ mathgames/
mathgames_09_05_05. html). MAA Online. The Mathematical Association of America. . Retrieved October 3, 2006.
[11] Devlin, Keith (January 28-29, 2012). "The Numbers Game (book review of Taking Sudoku Seriously by Jason Rosenhouse et al.)". Wall
Street Journal (Weekend Edition): pp. C5.
[12] Eisenhauer, William (2010). Sudoku-zilla. CreateSpace. pp. 220. ISBN 978-1-4515-1049-2.
[13] "www.janko.at" (http:/ / www. janko. at/ Raetsel/ Zahlenraetsel. htm). .
[14] www.arts.cornell.edu/econ/kb40/Dui-doku.doc
[15] http:/ / www. duidoku. com/ #
[16] Berthier, Denis (2007). The Hidden Logic of Sudoku (http:/ / books. google. be/ books?id=ME9oJwAACAAJ). LULU PR. p. 76.
ISBN 1-84753-472-4. . (Citation taken from p. 76: "any block-free resolution rule is already valid in the theory of Latin Squares extended to
candidates"—which is restated more explicitly in the second edition, p. 86, as: "a block-free formula is valid for Sudoku if and only if it is
valid for Latin Squares").
[17] Jarvis, Frazer (2006-07-31). "Sudoku enumeration problems" (http:/ / www. afjarvis. staff. shef. ac. uk/ sudoku/ ). Frazer Jarvis's home
page. . Retrieved September 16, 2006. Detailed calculation of this figure.
[18] Jarvis, Frazer; Ed Russell (2005-09-07). "There are 5472730538 essentially different Sudoku grids ... and the Sudoku symmetry group"
(http:/ / www. afjarvis. staff. shef. ac. uk/ sudoku/ sudgroup. html). Frazer Jarvis's home page. . Retrieved September 16, 2006.
[19] G. McGuire, B. Tugemann, G. Civario. There is no 16-Clue Sudoku: Solving the Sudoku Minimum Number of Clues Problem (http:/ /
arxiv. org/ abs/ 1201. 0749).
[20] "プ ロ グ ラ ミ ン グ パ ズ ル に 関 心 の あ る 人 は 雑 談 し ま し ょ う" (http:/ / www2. ic-net. or. jp/ ~takaken/ auto/
guest/ bbs46. html) (in Japanese). プ ロ グ ラ ミ ン グ パ ズ ル 雑 談 コ ー ナ ー / Programming Puzzle Idle Talk Corner. .
Retrieved September 16, 2006.
[21] Royle, Gordon. "Minimum Sudoku" (http:/ / www. csse. uwa. edu. au/ ~gordon/ sudokumin. php). . Retrieved September 16, 2006.
[22] Paul K. Newton and Stephen A. DeSalvo. The Shannon entropy of Sudoku matrices Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
[23] Timesonline.co.uk (http:/ / www. timesonline. co. uk/ tol/ comment/ letters/ article390381. ece)
[24] "G2, home of the discerning Sudoku addict" (http:/ / www. guardian. co. uk/ g2/ story/ 0,,1482817,00. html). The Guardian (London:
Guardian Newspapers Limited). 2005-05-13. . Retrieved 2006-09-16.
[25] Correction attached to "Inside Japan's Puzzle Palace" (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2007/ 03/ 21/ business/ worldbusiness/ 21sudoku.
html?pagewanted=2& _r=1& sq& st=cse"Conway Daily Sun& scp=1" 2004 gould), New York Times, March 21, 2007
[26] "Sudoku the song, by Peter Levy" (http:/ / www. sudoku. org. uk/ news. htm). Sudoku.org.uk. 2006-08-17. . Retrieved 2008-10-05.
[27] "Hit Song Has the Numbers" (http:/ / www. news. com. au/ heraldsun/ story/ 0,21985,20152238-28957,00. html). The Herald Sun.
2006-08-17. . Retrieved 2008-10-05.
[28] Gamerankings.com (http:/ / www. gamerankings. com/ htmlpages2/ 931667. asp)
[29] Gamespot.com (http:/ / www. gamespot. com/ ds/ puzzle/ brainagetrainyourbraininminutesaday/ review. html)
[30] IGN.com (http:/ / ds. ign. com/ articles/ 702/ 702057p1. html)
[31] Gamespot.com (http:/ / www. gamespot. com/ news/ 6160557. html)
[32] Knox, Malcolm (2008-06-11). "The game's up: jurors playing Sudoku abort trial" (http:/ / www. smh. com. au/ news/ national/
jurors-get-1-million-trial-aborted/ 2008/ 06/ 10/ 1212863636766. html). The Sydney Morning Herald. . Retrieved 2008-06-11.
[33] "Sudoku title for Czech accountant" (http:/ / news. bbc. co. uk/ 1/ hi/ world/ europe/ 4797540. stm) (Free). BBC NEWS. 2006-03-11. .
Retrieved 2006-09-11.
[34] "World Sudoku Championship 2006 Instructions Booklet" (http:/ / news. bbc. co. uk/ 2/ shared/ bsp/ hi/ pdfs/ 10_03_06_sudoku. pdf)
(PDF). BBC News. . Retrieved 2010-05-24.
[35] "Report on the 8th General Assembly of the World Puzzle Federation" (http:/ / www. worldpuzzle. org/ championships/ 2006/ report. html)
(Free). WPF. 2006-10-30. . Retrieved 2006-11-15.
[36] "Thomas Snyder wins World Sudoku Championship" (http:/ / wpc. puzzles. com/ press/ index. htm#2007-2). US Puzzle Team. 2007-03-31. .
Retrieved 2008-04-18.
[37] Harvey, Michael (2008-04-17). "It's a puzzle but sun, sea and beer can't compete with Sudoku for British team" (http:/ / entertainment.
timesonline. co. uk/ tol/ arts_and_entertainment/ games_and_puzzles/ article3761511. ece). TimesOnline (London). . Retrieved 2008-04-18.
[38] Malvern, Jack (2009-04-27). "Su Doku battle goes a little off the wall" (http:/ / entertainment. timesonline. co. uk/ tol/
arts_and_entertainment/ games_and_puzzles/ sudoku/ article6175809. ece). TimesOnline (London). . Retrieved 2009-04-27.
[39] "Pole, 23, repeats as Sudoku world champ" (http:/ / www. philly. com/ philly/ news/ local/ 92606119. html). PhillyInquirer. 2009-05-02. .
Retrieved 2009-05-03.


[40] "Thomas Snyder, World Sudoku champion" (http:/ / www. philly. com/ philly/ comics_games/ sudoku/
Thomas_Snyder__World_Sudoku_champion. html) (Free). Philadelphia Inquirer. 2007-10-21. . Retrieved 2007-10-21.
[41] "Going for 2d, she wins 1st" (http:/ / www. philly. com/ philly/ news/ local/ 65922787. html) (Free). Philadelphia Inquirer. 2009-10-25. .
Retrieved 2009-10-27.
[42] "Possible cheating probed at Sudoku National Championship" (http:/ / www. philly. com/ inquirer/ local/
20091027_Possible_cheating_probed_at_Sudoku_tournament. html) (Free). Philadelphia Inquirer. 2009-10-27. . Retrieved 2009-10-27.
[43] "3rd-place winner disqualified in sudoku scandal" (http:/ / www. philly. com/ philly/ news/ local/
20091124_3d-place_winner_disqualified_in_Sudoku_scandal. html) (Free). Philadelphia Inquirer. 2009-11-24. . Retrieved 2009-11-24.

Further reading
• Delahaye, Jean-Paul, "The Science Behind Sudoku" (http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~robins/
The_Science_Behind_SudoKu.pdf), Scientific American magazine, June 2006.
• Kim, Scott, "The Science of Sudoku" (http://www.scottkim.com/thinkinggames/exploratorium06/
the-science-of-sudoku.html), 2006
• Provan, J. Scott, "Sudoku: Strategy Versus Structure", American Mathematical Monthly, October 2009. Published
also as a University of North Carolina technical report UNC/STOR/08/04 (http://stat-or.unc.edu/research/
Current Reports/techpdf/TR_08_04.pdf), 2008.

External links
• Sudoku (http://www.dmoz.org/Games/Puzzles/Brain_Teasers/Sudoku/) at the Open Directory Project – An
active listing of Sudoku links
• 'Father of Sudoku' puzzles next move (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6745433.stm) (BBC)


Article Sources and Contributors

Article Sources and Contributors
Sudoku Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=496436113 Contributors: 0x03d0, 159753, 2005, 28421u2232nfenfcenc, 3facesudoku, A Man In Black, A bit iffy, ABF,
ACEOREVIVED, AJR, AMcDermot, Aacceeggii, Aamironline, Aaron Brenneman, Aaron Kauppi, AaronRosenberg, Abbas Adejonwo, Abelson, Aberwulf, Ablewisuk, Adam1213,
Adambiswanger1, Adambro, Adashiel, Addshore, Adib.roumani, Adityasaraf007, Adriaan, Adrian.benko, Aero13792468, Afasmit, AgentPeppermint, Ahoerstemeier, Airbrush'd, Aitias, Ajitak,
Al E., Alabama4, Alan Liefting, AlanFord, Alansohn, Alastairchisholm, Aldenrw, Alhutch, Ali Karbassi, Alisandi, AlistairMcMillan, Aljullu, AlphaPyro, Alxndr, Amandajm, Amazing backslash,
AnOddName, AndreL, Andrejj, Andres, AndrewCStuart, AndrewHowse, Andrewpmk, Andy Smith, Andycjp, Angusj, Anonymous Dissident, Antandrus, Anthony Appleyard, Anthony056,
Antonio Lopez, Anupamkundu3, Anypodetos, Apoc2400, Appency, ArCgon, Aragorn2, ArcAngel, Arcbound08, Aristotle2600, Armeria, Ashenai, Astanhope, Astonmartini, Attilios, AxelBoldt,
Azrich, B.d.mills, Banaticus, BanyanTree, Barachel001, Barnabypage, Baslijn, Bazonka, Bdesham, BeIsKr, Beetle B., Beland, Beno1000, Bento00, Bfd3, Biblbroks, BigHaz, Bigbluefish,
Bigmantonyd, Biker Biker, BillFlis, BillyH, Bingggo, Bkell, Blackdelta, Blade Runner, Blastwizard, Blotwell, Bluey, Bob283, Bobblewik, Bobo192, Bobypt, Bogdangiusca, Boneyard90,
Booyabazooka, Boraczek, Boredzo, Brad7777, Brrrrrett, Brutha, Bubba73, Bubzyz, Bucephalus, Burkeyturkey, CBM, CIreland, Cactus.man, Cafzal, Calaschysm, Caltas, Caltrop, Can't sleep,
clown will eat me, Canihaveacookie, Capricorn42, Captainmax, Captbaritone, Captnkurt, Carlosp420, Castellucci, Caudax, Causa sui, Cburnett, Chaipichit, Chairboy, Charles Matthews,
CharlesC, Che fox, Cheesefrys, Chershey, Chessmaster3, Chester br, ChiLlBeserker, Chikinpotato11, Chim chum, Chimpchow, Chisox, Chris 73, Chris-marsh-usa, Chrisjwmartin, Christoffel K,
Christopher Parham, Chum bumtum, CiaronNixon, Cjthellama, Cmccus01, Cmcjunior, Codeshepherd, Codetiger, Cole Kitchen, Colonies Chris, Conti, Cooldude100, Coolmuths, Corrado7mari,
Corti, Crag, Cronium, Cryptic C62, CryptoDerk, Crystallina, Cuboidal, Cubola zaruka, Cvanhasselt, Cybercobra, Cyde, Cynicism addict, DJUpton, DMacks, DTOx, DVD R W, DVdm, Dake,
Dan100, DanBRead, DanRice, DanTES801, Dangherous, Daniel.Cardenas, Danrice, Danthemankhan, Daonng, Darkfred, Darksun, Darth Panda, Dave6, David Eppstein, David Haslam,
Davidruben, Davipo, Dawnseeker2000, Dcoetzee, De Guerre, Deeceevoice, Dekimasu, Deltabeignet, Den fjättrade ankan, Denisarona, DerHexer, Deror avi, Dfmclean, Dhrm77, Diagonalfish,
Dillon256, Discordanian, Doctor Computer, Doctorvee, Dogman15, Dolda2000, Dominic, Domlovatt, DoubleCrosticSue, Doug Bell, Douglebert, Dposse, DragonHawk, DreamGuy, Drew R.
Smith, DuO, Ducknish, Dunro, DwightKingsbury, Dysprosia, ESkog, EamonnPKeane, Earlypsychosis, Earth2marsh, Earthreach, Edwardbrian11, Ee79, Ehheh, Eixo, El Pollo Diablo, El
aprendelenguas, ElectricalTill, Eliezer Aharon, Elronxenu, EmilJ, Emschorsch, Emurphy42, EnOreg, Enno, Epbr123, Epolk, Eric Lesage, Esoltas, Esperant, Espertus, Essjay, Euchiasmus,
Evanreyes, Everyking, EvilZak, Exert, Exitmoose, Exvlogiiczzv, Ezynes, F, FF2010, FHSerkland, Fabricationary, FastLizard4, Fastfission, Fathom2000, Fenners, Fieldday-sunday, FireDreams4,
Firien, Foxandpotatoes, Freakofnurture, Fredrik, FreeAccount, FreplySpang, Fritz Saalfeld, Fritzpoll, Furby100, FutureNJGov, Fuzheado, Fuzlyssa, Fuzzball3135, Fæ, GDallimore, GDonato,
GHe, GUTTERTAHAH, Gadfium, Galantig, Galwhaa, Gandalf61, Garover, Gauri6688, Getcrunk, Gfkw47, Giftlite, Gika, Gilliam, Gimmetrow, Ginayang95, Gjd001, Glane23, Gogo Dodo,
Goldom, Gonzo fan2007, Googl, GraemeL, Graue, Greenones61, Greensleeves, GregRobson, Gregorydavid, Grstain, Grubblegrook, Gsarwa, Gtrmp, Guaca, Gurchzilla, Gurubrahma, Gwernol,
HaeB, Haeleth, Hahnchen, HalfShadow, Halmstad, Hamedog, Hansonrstolaf, HappyCamper, Happyferret, Hardy42, Harryjkuhar, Havarhen, Headbomb, Henrygb, Herbee, Hiram K
Hackenbacker, Histrion, Hollandmc, Honza Záruba, Hopewellny, Horsee, Hq3473, Hu12, Hughcharlesparker, Husky, Hut 8.5, Hv, Hydnjo, Hypertornado, IE, IMSoP, Iainscott, Ibanez RYM,
Ibmj, Icairns, Ihardlythinkso, Ihavenolife, Ikh, Imersion, Imsoclever, Indon, Inqsudoku, Instantnood, Intelligentsium, Interiot, Invers Cheif, InverseHypercube, Ioscius, IronGargoyle, Ismashed,
It's-is-not-a-genitive, IvanP, Ixfd64, J. Finkelstein, J.delanoy, J36miles, JDspeeder1, JHunterJ, JTN, Jaapkroe, Jacj, JackDOden, Jam2k, James Foster, JamesTeterenko, Jamespitts, Jamie Fox,
Jamjam17, Jbergquist, Jecowa, JeffryJohnston, Jeffwidderich, Jehoshaphat, Jerry106, JerryFriedman, Jerzy, Jimbobsween, Jimcripps, Jivecat, Jjuo, Jklin, Jmfayard, Jnothman, Jocke66,
JoeKearney, Joedeshon, John Foley, Johnuniq, Jon Harald Søby, Jonathan Stokes, Jonny-mt, Jons63, Jooler, Joris Gillis, Joshurtree, Jossi, Jphastings, Jpjha, Juancnuno, Juhtolv, Julesd,
Julian2003, Juxtapono, Jweimar, Jörg Knappen, KHFHG, Kakashi-sensei, Kaobear, Kappa, Karada, Karenjc, Karl Stas, Karmosin, Katalaveno, Kateshortforbob, Kazrak, Kbh3rd, Keilana,
Kellen`, Kelly Martin, Kember, Ken Gallager, Keycard, Kfogel, Kintetsubuffalo, Kiwimade, Kleerkut, KnowBoundaries, KnowledgeOfSelf, Knutux, Koavf, Koolone0, Korg, Korodzik, Krich,
Kristinw, Ksn, Ksnortum, Kth, Kucing, Kukini, Kuru, Kurykh, Kwamikagami, Kwekubo, L Kensington, LFaraone, LOL, Lacrimosus, LarryGilbert, LarryLACa, Lawrence18uk, Lbr123, Le
poulet noir, LeatherEngine, LeaveSleaves, Lee J Haywood, Lee M, Lefton4ya, Len Loullis, Lendu, Leon7, Leucius, Lev, Lexdeutscher, Lifefeed, Lightdarkness, Lightsup55, LimitZer0,
LindsayH, Lisapollison, Lithiumflash, Littlealien182, LjL, Lmviterbo, Lo2u, Loco830, Logan, Lumos3, M0nde, MDWthing, Mackan79, Macrakis, Madlobster, Magister Mathematicae, Mailer
diablo, Majorly, Makobibi, Malo, ManekiNeko, Manmanic, Manop, Manscher, Marc Venot, Marek69, Mark Foskey, Marskell, Martarius, Marzolian, Materialscientist, Matilda, Matt Crypto,
MattKingston, Mattbuck, Maxal, Maxamegalon2000, Maximaximax, McGeddon, McKay, McSly, Mcarling, Mceder, Meeples, MegaHasher, Mel De Francesco, Merope, Messy Thinking, Metao,
Methnor, Mewtwowimmer, Mexy ok, Mhym, MichaelBillington, MichaelMaggs, Midtown8475, Mike Christie, Mike Schwartz, MikeM2011, Mindmatrix, Minghong, Mitsukai, Mjrmtg, Mo0,
Monkeynator03, Moojjy, MoondyneAWB, Mortense, Morwen, Movedgood, Mr.Fortran, MrBoo, MrOllie, Mrefaat, Mrjones234, Mvb, Mwalimu59, Myles325a, Mythdon, NGC2359, Nahum
Reduta, Nailer111, Nakon, Namesbc, Nanami Kamimura, NatGertler, Nathidius, NawlinWiki, Nburden, NeilTarrant, Nepenthes, NerdyScienceDude, New Age Retro Hippie, Nichalp, Nick,
Nick2588, NickVeys, NickW557, Nickbaxter, NigelR, Nightstallion, Nihonjoe, Niteowlneils, Nnimrodd, Nohat, Nonenmac, Nootsak, Noq, Norley435, NotMuchToSay, Nthep, Nuon123,
Ny156uk, Nyh, Obelisk1, Obradovic Goran, Oceanh, Octahedron80, Octane, Oghmoir, OhanaUnited, Oherrero, Ohnoitsjamie, Okmexy, Oleg Alexandrov, Oli Filth, Olliminatore, Oltiy,
Omicronpersei8, Ommina, Onua9159, OpenToppedBus, Orange Suede Sofa, OrbitOne, Orielglassstudio, Orioneight, Orz, Osmodiar, Osric, OwenX, Ownlyanangel, PS2pcGAMER, Palfrey,
Papy77, Pathoschild, Patrick, Patrick Bernier, Pawel Cichanski, Pcb21, Pengo, Pentasyllabic, Perceval, Persian Poet Gal, Peruvianllama, PeterJohnson, Pevarnj, Pforret, Pgk, Pharaoh of the
Wizards, Philip Trueman, Philipdw, Phillip Jordan, Philwiki, Phoenix-forgotten, Pi, Pi ranha314159, Piano non troppo, Pianoman1, Picaroon, Pidgeot, PierreDumuid, Pilotguy, Pip2andahalf,
Pitan, Pleasantville, Pmanderson, Pmcm, Poungene, Pras, PrestonH, Psantora, PseudoSudo, Pseudomonas, Psmith, Psy guy, Publunch, Puckly, Pulkit, Purpleslog, Puzcraft, Puzzle Fan,
PuzzleBachelorJA, Puzzlemaker, Puzzlemaster, Puzzlemethis, Pv2b, Pyb, QmunkE, QuickRef, Quintote, QuiteUnusual, Qwe, R'n'B, R. S. Shaw, R3m0t, RDBury, RJFJR, RachelNYC8826,
RainbowOfLight, RainboxRed, Ral315, Raman thunder, Rd232, Reaper Eternal, Red Ed, Red dwarf, Redxiii91, Repku, Retired username, RetiredUser2, Rettetast, RevRagnarok, Revelian,
RexNL, Rhydianlewis, Rich Farmbrough, Rich Janis, Richard D. LeCour, RickVanDerZwet, Rideboarder, Risteristevski, Rjwilmsi, Rmallins, Rmky87, Rob110178, Robchurch, Robert Merkel,
RobertG, Robth, Rocastelo, RoceKiller, Roger Hui, Ronnietse, Root45, Rory096, Roshanbrshetty, Rossumcapek, Roy da Vinci, Ruakh, RxS, Ryano, Ryoske, SGBailey, SS451, SWAdair, Sabbut,
Sadstephen, Sajasaze, Sam Blacketer, Sam Korn, Samboy, Samois98, Sams45, Samuelsen, Sander123, Sandraness, Sandridge, SandyGeorgia, Sango123, Sarysa, Sashbres, Sasuke Sarutobi,
SatCam, Satkomuni, Saulopro, Sbi, Scad 19, Sceptre, SchfiftyThree, Scholar79, Sciguy47, Scmdn, Scooter53, Scott Ritchie, Sdanish, Seaphoto, Seibun, Seren-dipper, Sfahey, Shadabkhans,
Shaggorama, Shanes, Shantavira, Shinmawa, Shmuel, Shrillpicc100, Shuipzv3, Sigfpe, SimonD, SimonHova, Singularity, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, Sjc, Skysmith, Sloothlolclown,
Smasra, Smerscha, Smjg, Snakes, SnappingTurtle, Snigbrook, Snoyes, Sodam Yat, Soliloquial, Sonjaaa, Soomaali, Sopranosmob781, Sp33dyphil, SpNeo, Spacecat2, Spangineer, Spankmeister,
Speaker1978, Speed Stacks, Spencer, Spiff, Spiffy sperry, Spitfire19, Splash, SportWagon, SpuriousQ, Squigish, Srich32977, Sridharinfinity, Starlite KNight, Statsone, Stellmach, Stephen,
Stephen Bain, Stephenb, Steveo2, StuffOfInterest, Sturgeonslawyer, Stux, Stwalkerster, Sudoku 23, Sudoku Jim, Sudoku champ, Sudoku1, Sudokuonline, Sum0, Sunnan, Supertouch,
SupperTagger, Surgo, Sylvestersteele, Syndicate, Ta bu shi da yu, Tamfang, Tanaats, Tangotango, Tapir2001, Targetonmyback, Tarokhan, Tarquin, Tasc, Tasha777, Tatewu, Tawker, Tayste,
Tb0412, Tedneeman, Tempodivalse, Teter en, TexasAndroid, Tgies, TgordonD, ThaddeusB, Thallinger, The Nut, The wub, TheAllSeeingEye, TheArmadillo, ThePhiladelphiaInquirer,
Thenewdeal87, Thomas Mills Hinkle, Thunderbrand, Tide rolls, Tiggerjay, Tim Eliseo, Tim!, Timothy57, Timrem, Tiptoety, Titoxd, Tokek, Tom, Tonync, Tonyxty, Too Old, Top Hatzz,
Toughpigs, Toya, TreasuryTag, Tree Biting Conspiracy, Trekphiler, Trevor MacInnis, Trey314159, Trilobitealive, Triona, Trojjer, Troyunverdruss, Trusilver, Trvsdrlng, Tsui hin wai, Tsujigiri,
Twins755, Twistofreality, Ty580, Tychocat, UK-Logician-2006, Ubern00b, Uberwikitroll, Ugur Basak, Uncle Dick, Uncle Milty, Unforgettableid, Unyoyega, Usedbook, Useight, Username314,
Usurper, Vanieter, Vanyo, VederJuda, Vegansrm, Vesiv, VetteDude, Viking m, Vikreykja, Violetriga, Viridae, Vlad, VladimirReshetnikov, Voidvector, Vystrix Nexoth, WWGB, Wadsworth,
Walkiped, Wapcaplet, Wareh, Wavelength, Wayward, Wdyoung, Wenttomowameadow, Weregerbil, WhisperToMe, Whouk, Whpq, Wideangle, Wiki alf, WikiLeon, Wikibofh, Wikiborg,
Wikiklrsc, Willsketch, Wimt, Wittylama, Wizzard2k, Wolstede, Wondersudoku, Woohookitty, Ww2censor, XCrunnerman, Xaosflux, Xavier Combelle, Xavier Valentine, Xela Yrag, Xevious,
Xhienne, Xp54321, Xpellar, Xtra, Xubupt, Xyzzyplugh, YODA0340, Yakari, Yakem, Yamamoto Ichiro, Yelyos, Yidisheryid, Yomangani, You Are Okay, Youlikeyams?, Yoyoma101, Yuckfoo,
Zahlentheorie, Zalgo, Zanet57700, Zanimum, Zarcadia, Zero0w, Zippedmartin, Zollerriia, ZombieDance, Zotmeister, Zoz, Zstomp, Ztobor, Zurkog, Zzedar, Zzuuzz, 2893 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Image:Sudoku-by-L2G-20050714.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Sudoku-by-L2G-20050714.svg License: Public Domain Contributors: Tim Stellmach
Image:Sudoku-by-L2G-20050714 solution.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Sudoku-by-L2G-20050714_solution.svg License: GNU Free Documentation License
Contributors: en:User:Cburnett
File:Sudoku.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Sudoku.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: B. Meyniel is the author of the puzzle.
Image:A nonomino sudoku.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:A_nonomino_sudoku.svg License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike Contributors: R. A.
Image:A nonomino sudoku solution.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:A_nonomino_sudoku_solution.svg License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
Contributors: R. A. Nonenmacher
Image:Killersudoku color.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Killersudoku_color.svg License: Public Domain Contributors: Toon Spin (Toon81)
Image:Killersudoku color solution.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Killersudoku_color_solution.svg License: Public Domain Contributors: Killersudoku_color.svg:
Toon Spin (Toon81) derivative work: havarhen (talk)
Image:Wordoku puzzle.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Wordoku_puzzle.svg License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Contributors:
Wordoku_puzzle_solution.svg: havarhen (talk) Oceans_Hypersudoku18_Solution.svg: Oceanh (Oceanh) derivative work: havarhen (talk)


Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Image:Wordoku puzzle solution.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Wordoku_puzzle_solution.svg License: Public Domain Contributors:
Oceans_Hypersudoku18_Solution.svg: Oceanh (Oceanh) derivative work: havarhen (talk)
Image:Oceans Hypersudoku18 Puzzle.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Oceans_Hypersudoku18_Puzzle.svg License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
Unported Contributors: User:Oceanh, User:Vystrix Nexoth
Image:Oceans Hypersudoku18 Solution.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Oceans_Hypersudoku18_Solution.svg License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
3.0 Unported Contributors: User:Oceanh, User:Vystrix Nexoth
File:Comparison Sudoku.png Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Comparison_Sudoku.png License: Public Domain Contributors: de:hd

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported



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