Composer User Manual SimplIQ Servo Drives Elmo Computer Drive 1 MAN COMPUM

User Manual: Elmo Computer Drive 1

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User Manual


Servo Drives

Some changes have been made to the content in this manual and they will be
incorporated into the upcoming release. To view the Addendum, click here.

March 2007

Important Notice
This document is delivered subject to the following conditions and restrictions:

This manual contains proprietary information belonging to Elmo Motion Control Ltd. Such
information is supplied solely for the purpose of assisting users of the Elmo Composer
software application, in conjunction with Elmo’s SimplIQ line of digital servo drives.


The text and graphics included in this manual are for the purpose of illustration and reference
only. The specifications on which they are based are subject to change without notice.


Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Corporate and individual
names and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.

Copyright © 2007
Elmo Motion Control Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Revision History
Ver. 1.9

March 2007

Updated with Absolute Encoder Information (MAN-COMPUM.pdf)

Ver. 1.8

September 2004


Ver. 1.6
September 2003
Support for analog incremental encoders (section 2.4), DC brush motors (section 2.7), new Auto
Tuning dialog boxes (sections 2.8.2, 2.92 and 2.10.2) and enhanced motion monitor (section 3.2)
Ver. 1.5

May 2003

Ver. 1.0

January 2003

Windows, Excel and Visual Studio are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MATLAB
is a registered trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.

Elmo Motion Control Inc.
1 Park Drive, Suite 12
Westford, MA 01886
Tel: +1 (978) 399-0034
Fax: +1 (978) 399-0035

Elmo Motion Control GmbH
Steinkirchring 1
D-78056, Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel: +49 (07720) 8577-60
Fax: +49 (07720) 8577-70

Elmo Composer User Manual
MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Composer Description....................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 System Requirements ........................................................................................................ 1-2
1.3 Composer Installation ....................................................................................................... 1-2
Installing from CD-ROM .................................................................................. 1-2
Downloading from the Web ............................................................................. 1-3
1.4 How to Use this Manual.................................................................................................... 1-4
Chapter 2: Using the Wizard...................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Before You Begin ................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Accessing the Composer ................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Creating a New Application............................................................................................. 2-2
Defining RS-232 Communication .................................................................... 2-4
Defining CAN Communication ....................................................................... 2-4
2.4 Specifying the Motor Parameters..................................................................................... 2-5
2.5 User Interface for Absolute Feedback ............................................................................. 2-8
Rotation Motors- Heidenhain and Stegmann ................................................ 2-8
Linear Motors ................................................................................................... 2-10
2.6 Defining System Limits ................................................................................................... 2-12
2.7 Tuning the Current Loop ................................................................................................ 2-16
2.8 Configuring Commutation ............................................................................................. 2-17
2.9 Tuning the Velocity Loop................................................................................................ 2-18
Manually Tuning the Velocity Loop ............................................................. 2-19
Automatically Tuning the Velocity Loop ..................................................... 2-21
Performing Advanced Manual Tuning - Velocity Loop............................. 2-24
2.10 Tuning the Position Loop................................................................................................ 2-27
Manually Tuning the Position Loop.............................................................. 2-27
Automatically Tuning the Position Loop ..................................................... 2-29
Performing Advanced Manual Tuning - Position Loop............................. 2-31
2.11 Tuning the Dual Loop ..................................................................................................... 2-33
Manually Tuning the Dual Loop ..................................................................... 2-1
Automatically Tuning the Dual Loop ............................................................. 2-2
Performing Advanced Manual Tuning - Dual Loop..................................... 2-3
2.12 Saving Your Application................................................................................................... 2-5
2.13 Composer Shortcuts........................................................................................................... 2-6
Opening an Existing Application..................................................................... 2-6
Opening Communication Directly .................................................................. 2-8
Loading the Network ........................................................................................ 2-9
Chapter 3: Using the Composer................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 The Composer Desktop ..................................................................................................... 3-1
The Toolbar ......................................................................................................... 3-1
The Menu Bar ..................................................................................................... 3-2
Getting Help ....................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2 The Motion Monitor........................................................................................................... 3-4

Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Motion Monitor Recorder ................................................................................. 3-4
Motion Monitor Indicators ............................................................................... 3-7
3.3 The Smart Terminal ........................................................................................................... 3-8
Terminal .............................................................................................................. 3-8
Tabbed Dialog Boxes ......................................................................................... 3-8
3.4 The Elmo Studio ............................................................................................................... 3-17
3.5 The Scope........................................................................................................................... 3-17
The Scope Toolbar............................................................................................ 3-18
Using the Scope Menu..................................................................................... 3-19
3.6 The Application Editor .................................................................................................... 3-24
3.7 The Table Editor ............................................................................................................... 3-24
Creating a PVT or PT Data File ...................................................................... 3-25
Editing a File in the Table Editor ................................................................... 3-25
Downloading a Table to a Drive .................................................................... 3-26
3.8 The Sync Manager............................................................................................................ 3-27
3.9 Advanced Manual Tuning .............................................................................................. 3-28
3.10 Downloading Firmware .................................................................................................. 3-29
Appendix: Using the Advanced Filter Designer .................................................................... A-1
Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... G-1
Index................................................................................................................................................. I-0


Composer User Manual
MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Chapter 1: Introduction
The Composer is a sophisticated suite of Windows-based software designed by Elmo to
enable you to quickly and easily set up and fine tune your motion control systems using
Elmo’s digital servo drives. The Composer can work with any brush or brushless servo
You can use the Composer to:

Tune the connected servo drive, either manually or automatically


Test the controlled feedback system


Interpret the test results and modify the test parameters


Perform tests with different controllers to evaluate the closed-loop performance for
different sytsem noise levels and different margins, in order to determine the optimal
controller settings for specific applications

Each application created in the Composer includes a unique name, all host
communication parameters used with the application, a dedicated program (if any), and
all driver and motor parameters defined for that specific application. Each application
can be applied to other drives with the same characteristics, without requiring a new
setup process.


Composer Description

The Composer includes a range of tools for setting up your system. They include:

The Composer Wizard, used for the initial tuning of single-axis servo drives. The
Wizard tunes the drive to the motor, creates the application database and specifies
the dedicated I/O components. It fully analyzes the entire system and defines all
resonance and mechanical parameters.


The Smart Terminal, used to manually manipulate the servo drive.


The Motion Monitor, which controls the drive recording function to display the
current drive status. The Motion Monitor can record and display almost any system


The Elmo Studio, a basic environment for writing, downloading and executing
programs in the connected drives.


The Application Editor, which enables you to view all the parameters of the open


The Table Editor, used to edit an existing PVT or PT table and to download it to the
connected drive.


The Sync Manager, which synchronizes the internal clocks of all drives connected
through the CANopen network.


The Scope, which displays the recorded parameters and provides a wide range of
mathematical functions for manipulating the recorded curves. Data from the Scope
can be exported to other programs such as Microsoft Excel or the MathWorks


Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


A networking option, which provides direct communication with multiple servo
drives. You may set up as many as eight drives to communicate with the Composer
via RS-232 communication, using different COM ports. In addition, you may connect
up to 127 drives – each with a unique ID number – through CAN communication; the
Composer supports the CANopen protocol for this type of network. After defining
your network, you can save the configuration, and later restore the network in a
single click.

In order to optimally configure your system, each data item must be correctly set and
entered. The drive checks for database consistency before applying power to the motor,
and rejects the data if inconsistencies are found. Once the motor is on, it prevents the
acceptance of parameters that affect database integrity.


System Requirements

In order to install the Composer on your computer, the following items are required:

Microsoft Windows 95/98/ 2000 /XP


At least 32 MB RAM


300 MB of hard drive space


CD-ROM drive


Pentium II processor or equivalent (minimum)


RS-232 port


CANopen board for CANopen serial communication (optional)


Composer Installation

You can install the Composer software either by using the CD-ROM delivered with the
Elmo servo drive or by downloading the software directly from the Elmo website.


Installing from CD-ROM

To install the Composer software from the CD-ROM to your hard drive:

Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.


From the Windows taskbar, select Start - Run. The Run dialog box will be displayed.


In the Open text box, type: d:\setup.exe or e:\setup.exe, according to the drive letter.


Click OK. The Install Wizard will be displayed.


Follow the Wizard instructions to install the Composer.


Upon completion, remove the CD-ROM from the drive.


Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Downloading from the Web

To install the Composer by downloading it from the Elmo website:

Using your Internet browser, go to the Elmo website:


From the main menu, select Support – Downloads. The Support page will be


From the Support - Downloads menu, select Software Tools in the right column. The
Software Tools page will be displayed.


From the Software Tools menu, select the Composer, [date] option in the
Description column. The Windows File Download dialog box will be displayed.


Select the Save this file to disk option and click OK. The Save As dialog box will be


Navigate to the location where the Composer application should be stored and click
Save. The software will be downloaded to that location.


After the download is complete (and you click Close), select Start – Run from the
Windows taskbar. The Run dialog box will be displayed.


Click Browse, navigate to the Composer folder and select the Setup.exe file. Then
click OK. The Composer Welcome dialog box will be displayed, as follows:


Click Next and follow the instructions to install the Composer.

10. Upon completion of the installation, you may wish to create a desktop shortcut for
fast access to the application.


Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


How to Use this Manual

This Composer user manual explains how to install the application, tune your Elmo servo
drive and use the Composer software tools. It is organized as follows:
Chapter 2, Using the Wizard, explains how to connect your Elmo servo drive to your PC
and the motor, and then tune the drive using the Composer Wizard.
Chapter 3, Using the Composer, describes the other Composer tools, including the Motion
Monitor, the Smart Terminal, the Elmo Studio and the Application Editor.
Chapter 4, Using the Elmo Studio, describes the Elmo Studio program editing application
integrated with the Elmo Composer.
The Appendix, Using the Advanced Filter Designer, explains how to use that tool to define
a specialized filter used for tuning the velocity loop, position loop and dual loop.
The Glossary contains a list of terms used in the software, along with brief explanations.
This manual is an integral part of the SimplIQ documentation set, which includes:

The Harmonica, Cello and Bassoon Installation Guides, which provides full
instructions for installing one of Elmo’s SimplIQ digital servo drives.


The SimplIQ Command Reference Manual, which describes, in detail, each software
command used to manipulate a SimplIQ digital servo drive.


The SimplIQ Software Manual, which describes the comprehensive software used with
a SimplIQ drive.

The following figure describes the accompanying documentation that you will require.

Figure 1-1: Elmo Documentation Hierarchy


Composer User Manual
MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Chapter 2: Using the Wizard
After connecting your Elmo servo drive to the motor and to the PC, you need to define its
setup parameters in order to customize it to the motor, create the application (with the
network, drive and motor parameters) and specify the dedicated I/O components. You
can tune:
ƒ A single-axis system
ƒ A single dominant resonance mode, or two resonances that are far apart
ƒ A balanced system, such as one with a horizontal axis
You may use the Composer Wizard to define the following:
ƒ Motor parameters
ƒ Commutation method and parameters
ƒ Current loop tuning
ƒ Commutation tuning
ƒ Velocity loop tuning
ƒ Position or dual loop tuning
Generally, the first time you use the Composer to initialize a drive, you will use the
Wizard to define the drive application by tuning of the various loops either manually or
automatically. The Composer stores the parameters for feedback, load, drive,
communication and user program in an application database.
Once you have completed your initial setup using the Composer Wizard, you can verify
that the configuration parameters meet your requirements by viewing them before
running the motor. When you are satisfied with the configuration, you save the setup
information as a designated application. This completes the installation and you can run
the motor.


Before You Begin

In order to ensure successful drive setup, you should verify that the following conditions
are met:
ƒ If you are using CANopen networking, be sure that the required CAN board(s) have
been successfully installed.
ƒ The static friction should be less than 20 percent of the full torque. While most systems
use drives that can produce current satisfying this condition, it is recommended to
check this by injecting 20% of full current and determining if the plant moves.
ƒ The system should be properly balanced; that is, the motor speed should be 0 when
zero current is injected to it.
ƒ The system should be open-loop stable. For example, the Composer Wizard cannot be
used with an inverted pendulum.
ƒ The mechanical system should not have any low resonance below 5 Hz.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

ƒ The motor axes should be free to move plus or minus several electric poles.
ƒ While the Wizard can operate with noisy or fairly inaccurate encoders, encoder
accuracy should be no less than several hundreds per cycle.


Accessing the Composer

You access the Composer in one of two ways:
ƒ By clicking the

shortcut icon on the desktop

ƒ By selecting Start – Programs – Composer from the Windows taskbar
The Welcome to Composer Application window is displayed immediately, as follows:


Creating a New Application

Creating a new application entails giving it a unique name, defining the communication
network to be used and specifying the relevant motor and drive parameters. To define
the new application, click Create a New Application from the Welcome to Composer
Application window. If you have already accessed the Composer application, you can do
one of the following:
ƒ Click the

button in the Composer toolbar.

ƒ Select Tools – Create New Application from the Composer menu bar.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

The Application Name and Communication Type dialog box will be displayed, as

This dialog box enables you to name your new application and to define the
communication type used with it.

In the Application Name text box, type a name that clearly defines the new
application. The parameters for the communications option last used by the host for
the drive application are displayed in the Last Successful Communication
Properties text box.


To display the parameters of a different communication type (RS-232 or CAN), click
the relevant option in the Select Communication Type block. The parameters last
used by the host for that type of communication (if any) will be displayed in the Last
Successful Communication Properties text box.


If you are satisfied with the parameters displayed in the Last Successful
Communication Properties text box, click Next to activate the connection and begin
specifying your motor parameters (continue to section 2.4). If you wish to change
any parameter for your selected communication type, click Properties. The relevant
dialog box will be displayed (sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2).


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Defining RS-232 Communication

If you selected RS-232 as your communication type, the RS-232 Properties dialog box will
be displayed, as follows:

Use the Com Port, Bits per Second and Parity drop-down lists to select the appropriate
setting for each parameter. You can use the Restore Defaults button to recall the default
settings; the defaults are COM 1 (Com Port), 19,200 (Bits Per Second) and None (Parity).
When you are finished, click Connect to activate the communication link. If a
Communications Error occurs, try increasing the baud rate.


Defining CAN Communication

Before defining CAN communication parameters, be sure to define the specific CAN
control board and firmware installed in your computer. Then select CAN as your
communication type. The CAN Properties dialog box will be displayed, as follows:


In the Node ID text box of the CAN dialog box, enter a unique number for the drive
node. The permissible number of nodes ranges from 1 to 127.


From the Baud Rate drop-down list, select the baud rate that is used for all nodes of
the network.


Click the Board tab to display the CAN Properties – Board dialog box, as follows:


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


From the Manufacturer drop-down list, select the name of the board manufacturer.


From the Board Type drop-down list, select the name of the CAN board installed in
your computer.


In the CAN Number text box, type the number of the on-board controller (0 or 1)
defined in the board setup process. The Segment Address and the IRQ value,
defined during CAN installation, are displayed here only for reference.


Click Connect to activate the CAN network connection. This process may take a bit
of time, and the Composer will display a status bar to indicate connection progress.



Specifying the Motor Parameters

After defining your communication type and making the connection, the next step in
drive setup is to define your motor parameters. You do this in the System Database
dialog box, displayed when you click Next in the Application Name and Communication
Type dialog box:


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Check the Elmo servo drive name displayed in the ELMO Driver version text box
(read from the controller) and verify that you are working with the correct drive.


This dialog lists motor manufacturers and motors that are stored in the drive
If these lists include your motor, select the appropriate names from the Motor
Manufacturer Name and Motor P/N lists. The motor parameters will be displayed in
the lists and text boxes in the Motor Parameters block.
If these lists do not include your motor, click the New command button, and in the
Motor Manufacturer Name and Motor P/N text boxes, enter the appropriate
information. Then, enter the following motor parameters:

Motor Type:
For your specific type of Servo Drive, select Linear Brushless, Rotating
Brushless or Rotating Brush.


Continuous Stall Current: the maximum allowed continuous motor current, in
amperes (A).


Maximum Mechanical Speed: the maximum motor speed, in m/sec for linear
motors and RPM for rotating motors.

When entering the last two parameters, be sure that these two values are listed
exactly as they appear in the motor manufacturer’s data sheet.
When you have finished creating the new entry for the database, click Add.


To change the motor parameters, select the motor and click Edit. You may use these
changed values for testing in the Wizard. If you wish to save the new values, change
the name in the Motor P/N text box and click Add.
To delete a manufacturer name or a part number that you have entered, select the
name and then click either Remove manufacturer or Remove motor, as appropriate.
Only motors that you have entered in the database can be removed.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Click Next to continue defining your motor. The Commutation Feedback Parameters
dialog box will be displayed.


From the Current Main Commutation Feedback drop-down list, select the primary
encoder type used in your motor (the system may also have an auxiliary feedback
mechanism). According to the motor type defined in the System Database dialog
box, the system will display the text boxes relevant to defining the current
commutation feedback.
For a rotary motor, a dialog box similar to the following will be displayed:

For a linear motor, a dialog box similar to the following will be displayed:

Table 2-1 outlines the various options (parameters are fully explained in the
Glossary of this manual).


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Motor Type
Linear Brushless

Rotating Brush

Current Main
Commutation Feedback

Text Box

Encoder and Digital Hall

Magnetic Pitch (m)


Pulses per Revolution

Pulses per Meter (lines/m)
Resolution (counts/m)
(4 x Pulses per Meter value)

Counts per Revolution
(4 x Pulses per Revolution value)
Rotating Brushless

Linear DC

Encoder and Digital Hall

Pulses per Revolution
Counts per Revolution
(4 x Pulses per Revolution value)

Digital Hall

Number of Pairs of Poles


Pulses per Revolution

Table 2-1: Current Main Commutation Feedback Parameters

Enter the values for each of the displayed parameters.


Click Next to complete the motor definition and continue to the next stage of setup.


User Interface for Absolute Feedback


Rotation Motors- Heidenhain and Stegmann


Serial Interface– a drop down menu with the following options: Hiperface or
EnDat2.1 formats.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Absolute Single Turn Position Resolution–a drop down menu that represents, in
terms of bits, single-turn feedback cycle. The number of counts would be 2^number
of bits. This value is practically the digital absolute resolution derived from the
feedback and can be read from the encoder data sheet. Sine/cosine resolution
improves this value but is derived from firmware manipulation. The value can be
read from the encoder data sheet.


Absolute Multi-Turn Position Resolution– a drop down menu that represents, in
term of bits, the multi-turn feedback resolution. The number of full mechanical
resolution without loosing the origin (absolute position) is 2^number of bits turns.


Sine/Cosine Periods per Revolution– a drop down menu that represents the
number of sine/cosine signal cycles per mechanical revolution. After the absolute
position is determined by the SimplIQ drive (typically after power up), the position
is calculated from the sine/cosine signals and the “Multiplication Factor”.
The following should apply:
1. SINGLE-TURN + MULTI-TURN ≤ 32 bit resolution
2. SINGLE-TURN ≤ 32 and MULTI-TURN ≤ 16 bit resolutions
By clicking on the “Next” button, the “Commutation Feedback Parameter II”
window will appear. The Composer updates the drive with the relevant
commutation and feedback parameters needed.


Multiplication Factor – is a drop down list that represents, in term of bits, the
number of position counts in one cycle of the analog (Sine\Cosine) signal. The
limitation for the multiplication factor are:
For rotary motors:

Multiplication Factor ≤

10 9
(2 MULTI _ TURN + 1) ∗ N


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

N: Number of sine/cosine signals per mechanical resolution

For linear motors:

Multiplication Factor ≤

10 9 * N

N: Period of a single analog sine\cosine. Typically in mm/inches
L: Length of the linear sensor. Typically in meters/legs
Both N and L must be the same (distance) units.

Total counts per revolution– displays the final calculated user resolution


Additional Commutation Sensor- The commutation sensor in absolute encoders is
derived from the analog signals (sine/cosine). In cases where the sensor is not
located on the motor and the motor is mounted with Digital Halls, the “Additional
Commutation Sensor” enables correction of the commutation angle in each Hall
edge. The feature is available for the Cornet, Tuba, Cello, Didge, Eagle, Falcon and
Drum products for rotary and linear motors.


Change…- The push button introduces the “Low Pass Filter” window. The low
pass filter filters the analog signals for Speed-Readout. By default there is “no value”
and “Not Configured!” appears. By clicking on “Change…”, the user can apply any
filter and see the theoretical step response of his/her choice. Typical values for this
filter are between 400-700Kz.

Click on the “Next” …


Linear Motors

For Stegmann feedbacks:


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

For Heidenhain feedback:


Serial Interface– a drop down menu with a list of the serial interfaces: Hiperface or
EnDat2.1 formats.


Magnetic Pitch– an Edit Box which represents the distance of one electrical cycle in
millimeters. The value is taken from the motor’s data sheet.


Measurement Length (Hiperface) or Measuring Length (EnDat)– an Edit Box which
represents the length of linear sensor in millimeters. The value is taken from the
sensor’s data sheet.


Absolute Position Resolution (Hiperface) or Measuring step (EnDat)– an Edit Box
which represents the distance between two sequential absolute position readouts.
The value is taken or calculated from the sensor’s data sheet.


Periodic length (Hiperface) or Grating (Signal) Period (EnDat)- an Edit Box which
represents the distance of one analog signal cycle. The value is taken from the
sensor’s data sheet.

When clicking on the “Next” button, the “Commutation Feeeback Parameter II” window

Position Counts per Meter- an Edit Box which represents the number of position
counts per meter. Integer type.


Change… - This push button introduces the “Low Pass Filter” window. The low
pass filter filters the analog signals for Speed-Readout. By default there is “no value”
and “Not Configured!” appears. By clicking on “Change…” the user can apply any
filter and view the chosen theoretical step response. Typical values for this filter are
between 400-700Kz.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Defining System Limits

After defining your motor and commutation parameters (clicking Next in the
Commutation Feedback Parameters dialog box), the System Definitions and Limits dialog
box will be displayed to enable you to define how your system should behave when it
reaches an operational limit. You need to specify each value; these parameters are NOT
defined automatically by the system. Be sure that the parameters are correctly defined
because incorrectly set values could affect system safety.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)



In the Driver Parameters block, enter the following values:

Application Continuous Current: the maximum current, in amperes, to be used
with the connected motor. This value must be equal to or less than the Motor
Continuous Stall Current (defined in the System Database dialog box,
section 2.4) and the value displayed in the Driver Continuous Current text box.


Application Peak Current: the maximum short-term current, in amperes, that
can be used with the application. The Wizard automatically displays the Driver
Peak Current defined by the manufacturer. The application peak current value
must be equal to or less than this value.

In the Application Mechanical Limits block, enter the following values:

Speed: the maximum motor speed that will be used in the application. This
parameter affects the reference speed limits and must be equal to or lower than
the Maximum Mechanical Speed value defined for the motor in the System
Database dialog box (section 2.4).


Stop Deceleration (SD): the maximum rate at which the load may decelerate.


Low Reference for Position and High Reference for Position: the full range, in
counts, to be used for determining the absolute position command.
Entering a number higher than 1,073,741,822 indicates that there are no
mechanical limits.


Click Next. The Logic Input dialog box will be displayed.

This dialog box enables you to define the actions that should occur when the various
input signals – are activated.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


From the Select Function Behaviors and Logic Level list, select the relevant function
options and the logic level at which they are activated. The following table explains
the options available for each of the switches:
Function Behavior

Description when Activated

Inhibit (Freewheel)

The drive shuts down and the motor runs freely.

Hard Stop

The motor stops under hardware control.


Uncommitted input. No special function is launched.

General Purpose

The relevant general purpose function is launched.

Forward Only (RLS)

The motor moves only in forward motion.

Reverse Only (FLS)

The motor moves only in reverse motion.


The motor begins operating.

Soft Stop

The motor stops under software control.

Soft & Hard Stop

The motor stops under both hardware and software control.

Abort (Freewheel)

The drive shuts down and the motor stops.


Main home option is launched. Available only in Input 5 list.

AUX Home

Auxiliary home option is launched. Available only in Input 6 list.

Table 2-2: Function Behavior Options - Input

Click Next to continue to the Logic Output dialog box.


In the Logic Output dialog box, repeat the selection process for the output signals,
listed in the following table:
Function Behavior

Description when Activated


The drive is ready for use.


The brake is engaged.

General purpose

Uncommitted output.

Motor enable/disable

Enable or Disable the motor.

Table 2-3: Function Behavior Options – Output


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Click Next to continue to the tuning steps. The Custom dialog box will be displayed.

If this is a first-time configuration, the Composer Wizard automatically selects the
steps that are required for fully tuning the drive and motor that you have defined.
If you selected a Rotating Brush motor type in the System Database dialog box
(section 2.4), steps 1 and 2 will automatically be deselected. Steps 4 and 5 are
mutually exclusive; you may select one or the other, or choose to skip them entirely.
To skip a step, click on the command button to toggle it to Skip . . . (the option turns
If you have not performed commutation tuning yet or if you have changed any
parameters in the Commutation Feedback Parameters dialog box, you must perform
this step; you may not skip it.
You may stop at any step in the process and the Wizard will save all the parameters
in the drive memory.

To continue with initial drive setup, select either Step 1 (for digital brushless motors)
or Step 3 (for rotating brush motors).

The following sections describe each tuning step in turn.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)



Tuning the Current Loop

The Composer Wizard begins the tuning process with the current loop because the
current controller must be properly tuned before any other process can be successfully
carried out. When you select Step 1, Tuning Current Loop from the Custom dialog box, a
Tuning Current Loop dialog box similar to the following is displayed.

This step energizes the motor winding with a high-frequency current, in order to identify
the dynamic response for resistance and inductance. The result of the test is a set of welltuned current controller parameters. The controller performance is verified by a test
graph showing the Reference, Response and Controller Out vectors. The controller
output is proportional to the motor voltage and is shown in order to verify that during
the test, the motor voltage did not saturate. If the motor voltage does saturate (is clipped
at the top), the response displayed will not reflect the dynamics of the current control
loop but rather the dI/dT limits of the power supply and inductance. In such a case, use
lower Continuous Current levels (defined in the System Definitions and Limits dialog
box, section ) and repeat the current tuning process from the beginning.
To tune the current loop:

Click Run in the dialog box. The current will flow into the motor A phase and divide
equally between the B and C phases. The motor current generates a fixed magnetic field,
so that the motor will jump in the direction of the magnetic field and remain there.
Be aware that the motor shaft may move while the current loop is being
tuned, up to half an electrical rotation at most. Therefore, take the
necessary precautions for the unlikely event of an undesired movement.
Upon completing the test, the system will store the current tuning information and
display the following message:


Click Yes to continue directly to the next tuning step.

Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Configuring Commutation

For all brushless motors, you need to define the parameters for commutation between the
servo drive and the motor. This process automatically determines the correct phase
sequence needed for optimal commutation. When digital Hall sensors are used, the
system also finds the offset from the commutating points.
The Composer performs commutation setup by driving the motor in stepper mode in
both directions; you may select positive or negative counts for each physical direction.
The configuration process relies on the parameters entered previously in the
Commutation Feedback Parameters dialog box (section 2.4).
The Composer Wizard displays the Establishing Commutation dialog box when you
select Step 2, Establishing Commutation from the Custom dialog box, or when you click
Next in the Tuning Current Loop dialog box.

To perform commutation setup:

Click Run. The motor shaft will move until the Composer finds all the needed
commutation parameters. The following message will be displayed:


Click OK. The drive will rotate the motor in what the system assumes is the positive
direction. After the rotation is complete, the following message will be displayed:


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


In order to define the positive and negative directions for the motor, click either Yes
to accept the present motor direction as positive or click No to change the present
motor direction to negative. The motor will then move back to its starting position
(for subsequent tuning) and the system will store the commutation information. The
following message will be displayed:


Click Yes to complete the commutation setup and to continue to the next tuning step.


Tuning the Velocity Loop

This process enables you to tune the velocity loop and to set an optimal balance between
control gains and precise motion on the one hand; and higher stress, measurement and
quantization noise on the other.
The Composer Wizard enables you to perform this process in three modes:
ƒ Manual tuning, in which you manually configure the velocity loop by entering each of
the required parameters.
ƒ Automatic tuning, in which you select the level of fine tuning, and let the Wizard
auto-tuner determine the needed parameters automatically.
ƒ Advanced manual tuning, in which you create or modify a gain schedule table to
operate with a range of velocities.
ƒ Auto tune for Speed Design – under Position Loop, ________________________
When you select Step 3, Tuning Velocity Loop in the Custom dialog box or when you finish
the Establish Commutation step, the Tuning Velocity Loop dialog box is displayed as follows:


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

You may tune the velocity loop manually (section 2.9.1), have the Wizard perform
automatic tuning (section 2.9.2) or perform advanced manual tuning (section 2.9.3).


Manually Tuning the Velocity Loop


From the Step 1: Select the Tuning Type drop-down list, select Manual Tuning. The
dialog box will remain with its default settings for manual tuning.


In the KP and KI text boxes, type the required proportional gain and integral gain
filter values for optimal step response.


In certain cases, you may wish to manually fine-tune the frequency and resonance
definitions by designing a custom filter. To do so, click the Designer button in the
Advanced Filter block. If the existing filter cannot be edited (because it has been
created by the auto-tuner or if the system sampling time has changed from the last
filter modification), the following message will be displayed:

Click Yes to open the Filter Designer in order to create a new filter, or No to view the
parameters and Bode plot of the existing filter.
The Filter Designer dialog box will be displayed as follows:

This dialog box enables you to select a filter component and — using the Bode plots
— determine how it may reduce resonance at selected frequencies. Each filter
consists of two components: Second order component and Pole component. You
may define each component or disable it by selecting None. Full details for
designing a new filter are given in the Appendix to this manual.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


In the Step 3: Set Test Parameters block of the Tuning Velocity Loop dialog box,
enter the Displacement and Velocity values (selecting the Velocity Unit that is
convenient to you). Together, these settings define the step command to be used
during testing. The -Displacement and +Displacement values (in encoder units)
indicate the upper and lower limits in which the system moves during the test phase.
The default value is one revolution divided by the number of electric poles in a


You may use the Profiler (select the Profiler Mode checkbox) to profile a response
according to values that you set. In Profiler mode, you define the velocity command
according to Smooth Factor, Acceleration and Deceleration. Smooth factor is used
to “soften the sharp corners” of the motion speed profile, according to the
acceleration and deceleration values that you define. Smoothing a profile increases
the time required to complete the motion, due to higher acceleration and
deceleration times.


In Step 4: Set Record Parameters, select the desired recording parameters as follows:



Record Resolution (μsec) is the test data record resolution.


Maximum Record Time (sec) is the test data record time length.

Click Run Test to begin the manual velocity loop tuning. The motor will begin to
move back and forth, and the system will record the step response. Upon
completion, the motor will be disabled and a step response graph will be displayed,
as in the following example:

Figure 2-1: Step Response Graph - Manual Velocity Loop Tuning

Evaluate the results in the graph and repeat steps 2 to 6 as necessary.


Click Run Test to repeat the tuning process and to produce an updated graph.

10. Repeats steps 8 and 9 until your graph indicates optimal tuning.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Automatically Tuning the Velocity Loop

Using the auto-tuning mode for this process provides more precise velocity loop tuning.
To set the auto-tuning options:

From the Step 1: Select the Tuning Type drop-down list, select one of the Auto
Tuning type options:

Auto Tuning for Speed Design: for a stand-alone speed mode, in which the
drive works only with the velocity loop.


Auto Tuning of Speed Design – Under Position Loop: when the drive receives
speed commands from the position controller. When selecting this option, be
sure that the position controller is not active during the tuning.

When you make your auto-tune selection, the text boxes of the data box will change

may be


In the Step 2: Select Auto Tuning Parameters block, select the tuning mode from the
Auto Tuning Mode drop-down list:

Expert tuning for bounded motion (default): In this mode, the motor swings
around a chosen fixed point. Use this option for linear motors and in cases where
the motor shaft must remain within position boundaries. In this mode, the
boundaries are designated by an algorithm based on system settings; they are
displayed before the tuning process begins. If the motion is not restricted, the
Expert tuning for free motion option yields even better results.


Expert tuning for free motion: In this mode, the motor rotates freely and is
therefore not applicable to linear motors. This option is recommended if there are
no restrictions on motion (angle and position); it gives more precise results.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Use the Response slider to select the system margin you require:

Choose a value towards Fast and Sensitive if you require a more responsive
(agile) system.


Choose a value towards Slow and Stable if you need a more robust system,
which is required in a number of cases, among them:

Machines whose mechanics may vary, as when handling loads of different


A machine type that uses one type of control parameters, although the
mechanics of each machine may differ from each other.


Use the System Noise slider to set the plant noise level: a value towards Slow and
Quiet reduces the system noise more effectively. It is recommended to start with an
average level and then observe the step response at the plant input. The current is
built from two signals: a part that varies slowly due to the reference command and a
signal that varies quickly due to system noise. If the noise saturates the plant or its
fast-varying signal at the plant output, adjust the System Noise level accordingly.
Then run the test again.


To manually select the test parameters — rather than having the Wizard calculate
them for you — click the Customize Test checkbox, and in the Displacement and
Velocity text boxes, enter the values that define the step command to be used for

-Displacement and +Displacement are the upper and lower limits in which the
system may move. The default value for automatic mode, for both parameters, is
one revolution divided by the number of electric poles in a revolution.


Velocity is the square wave speed reference amplitude command.


You may use the Profiler (select the Profiler Mode checkbox) to profile a response
according to values that you set. In Profiler mode, you define the velocity command
according to Smooth Factor, Acceleration and Deceleration. The smooth factor is
used to “soften the sharp corners” of the motion speed profile, according to
acceleration and deceleration values that you define. Smoothing a profile increases
the time required to complete the motion, due to higher acceleration and
deceleration times.


In the Step 4: Set Record Parameters block, select the desired recording parameters:



Record Resolution (μsec) is the test data record resolution.


Maximum Record Time (sec) is the test data record time length.

Click Run Auto Tuning to start the auto-tuning design process. If the automatic test
parameters have been selected (the Customize Test checkbox is not selected), the
Wizard will automatically set the test parameters according to the current, speed and
displacement limitations of the controller, giving what should be the optimal results.
During the test, the motor will move backwards and forward, recording the step
response. The results will be displayed in a step response graph comparing the
velocity and the current command, as in the following example:


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Figure 2-2: Step Response Graph - Automatic Velocity Loop Tuning

After the first test, check the current response at the plant input. The current is built
from two signals: one that slowly varies due to the reference command, and one that
changes quickly due to system noise. When analyzing the graph, estimate the
contribution of the system noise; if the noise saturates the plant or if the fast-varying
signal at the plant output is not acceptable, set the System Noise slider to Slow and
Quiet. However, be aware that this may decrease the system performance to some
extent. You may also wish to decrease the reaction time; in this case, set the slider
towards Fast and Noisy. When you have made your adjustments, click Run to apply
the new values, recalculate the controller parameters and produce a new step

10. You may further manipulate the data by using the following command buttons:

Export data: Saves the identification data in case of fault or if errors occur during
the auto-tuning process. This is useful when troubleshooting with Elmo support


Import data: Restores the identification data from files saved in the Export Data
process. In this case, the system will execute the final test without undergoing
the extended identification process.


Show transfer function: Displays a bode plot of the system transfer functions for
open and closed loops.

11. When you are satisfied that you have achieved optimal velocity loop tuning, you can
save your tuning results (recommended). To do so, click Export Data, enter a name
for the file, browse to the save location and click Save.
12. Click Next to continue to the next step, tuning the position or dual loop.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Performing Advanced Manual Tuning - Velocity Loop

Reviewing the two previous methods of velocity tuning: Manual tuning enables you to
manually determine optimal gain filter values for a given velocity, while automatic tuning
can provide fairly precise velocity tuning parameters in a relatively short time. In cases
where precise gain values are needed for a range of velocities, the Advanced Manual
Tuning option may be desired instead.
The advanced manual tuning procedure gives you full control over gain scheduling,
enabling you to create or edit a gain schedule table for 64 different velocity values. You
may modify a table created previously (through auto-tuning or this option) or you may
build an entirely new table.
When performing advanced manual tuning, the Composer Wizard gets you the option
to determine optimal values for some or all of the 64 entries. You may determine the
optimal gains for selected velocities and then have the Wizard perform interpolation to
update the rest of the list according to those values. When you are satisfied with the
entire table, you can save it for on-going use.
To perform advanced manual tuning:

From the Step 1: Select the Tuning Type drop-down list of the Tuning Velocity
Loop dialog box, select Advanced Manual Tuning. The dialog box will be
If the connected drive has been tuned previously, the existing gain schedule table
will be displayed; otherwise, the Velocity column will contain the values defined
according to the sample times of the specific connected drive, with zeroes for KP and
KI values.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


To use a gain schedule table created through auto-tuning or from a previous
advanced manual tuning sessions, click Load GS Table at the bottom and
select the desired file from the Open dialog box.

The recommended procedure for determining the appropriate gain values for a
specific velocity is as follows:

Be sure that the Gain Scheduling ON check box (in the middle) is not selected
and that the Advanced Filter Designer is OFF. Select a velocity value from the
list or enter a new velocity value in a row appropriate to its place in the velocity


Enter values for the Vel. Loop KP (proportional gain) and Vel. Loop KI
(integral gain) coefficients.


In the -Displacement and +Displacement text boxes, be sure that the values are
relevant for the selected velocity. Change them as needed.


In the Step 4: Set Record Parameters block, select the desired recording
ƒ Record Resolution (μsec) is the test data record resolution.
ƒ Maximum Record Time (sec) is the test data record time length.



Click Run Test. The system will send the gain coefficients for the selected row
to the drive and the motor will operate at the selected velocity, turning
according to the -Displacement and +Displacement values. The recorder will
automatically record the feedback, command and current, and display the
results for you to determine if the values you entered are appropriate.


If needed, modify your values, repeating steps b. through f. until you are
satisfied that the gain values for that velocity are acceptable. You may then
highlight the row to indicate that it has been tested satisfactorily. To do so, click
the right mouse button and from the shortcut menu, select Toggle Bookmark.
The row with the bookmark will be highlighted in a light color.


Repeat steps b. through g. for one or more other velocity values until you are
satisfied that you have determined a representative amount of recommended KI
and KP values.

You may have the Wizard complete the gain schedule table for you and then test the
entire table with gain scheduling. To do so, perform the following procedure:

Check the Gain Scheduling ON check box.


In the row indicating the lowest velocity value for the range to be filled in, and
in the row indicating the highest value in the range, select Accept.


Click Interpolate. The Wizard will calculate KP and KI values for all velocities
in the range between the lowest row in which you checked Accept and the
highest row in which you checked Accept. Rows before and after that range will
take the values of the first and last Accepted row, respectively.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


To test the interpolated velocity values, select a row of the table that indicates
the velocity to be reached during the test. Alternatively, in the Velocity text box,
enter the velocity value. If that exact value does not appear in the table, the
value closest to it — but not exceeding it — will be selected in the table.


Enter the -Displacement and +Displacement values to be used for the test.


In the Step 4: Set Record Parameters block, select the desired recording
ƒ Record Resolution (μsec) is the test data record resolution.
ƒ Maximum Record Time (sec) is the test data record time length.


Click Run Test. The system will send the gain coefficients to the drive and
activate the gain scheduling. During the test, the motor will turn according to
the -Displacement, +Displacement and other profile parameters. The recorder
will be activated automatically in order to record and display the results of the
speed, speed command and current command.

ƒ You can remove bookmarks using the Clear All Bookmarks option from
the right-click shortcut menu.
ƒ You can also use the shortcut menu to manipulate the list of rows that
you have accepted. To automatically accept all rows, click the right
mouse button and then select Accept ALL to mark all rows as Accepted.
(If all rows are accepted, you may use the opposite command — Clear
All Accepts — to remove checks from all Accept check boxes.)

To modify the gain schedule table further, repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.


To save your final gain schedule table, click Save GS Table. In the Save As dialog
box, enter a name for the file, browse to the location at which it should be saved, and
click Save. The system will save the table, along with its bookmarks.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Tuning the Position Loop

According to your drive type, you will now need to tune either the position loop or the
dual — position/velocity — loop. Tuning of the dual loop is described in section 2.11.
The procedure is very similar for both loops. The Wizard performs the test using pointto-point (PTP) motions, according to the selected PTP motion and recording parameters.
The Composer records the PTP performance and compares it to the PTP trajectory.
The Composer Wizard enables you to perform position loop tuning in three modes:
ƒ Manual tuning, in which you manually configure the position loop by entering each of
the required parameters.
ƒ Automatic tuning, in which you select the level of fine tuning, and let the Composer
determine the needed parameters automatically.
ƒ Advanced manual tuning, in which you create or modify a gain schedule table that
operates for a range of velocities.
When you select Step 4, Tuning Position Loop in the Establishing Commutation dialog
box or when you finish the Tuning Velocity Loop process, the Tuning Position Loop
dialog box is displayed as follows:

Select the tuning mode from the Step 1: Select Tuning Type drop down list.

2.10.1 Manually Tuning the Position Loop

From the Step 1: Select the Tuning Type drop-down list, select Manual Tuning. The
dialog box will remain with its default settings.


In the Step 2: Adjust Filter Parameters block, type the filter values required for
optimal step response in the KP (proportional gain), KI (integral gain) and KD
(derivative gain) text boxes.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

You may click the Designer button in the Advanced Filter block at the right to
better define the filter values. Refer to section 2.9.1 for general instructions, and to
the Appendix for detailed explanations about using the Filter Designer.

In the Step 3: Set Test Parameters block, enter the parameters needed to define the
motor position. These values define the step command to be used for testing.

Step: the level at which the step command begins, at the system location prior to
start of the test.


Speed: the maximum speed allowed for the PTP motion. This value may not be
reached if the motion distance and the allowed accelerations are small.


Smooth Factor: the time required to reach full acceleration.


Acceleration: the rate at which the profiled motion gains speed.


Deceleration: the rate at which the profiled motion slows down.

4. In Step 4: Set Record Parameters, select the desired recording parameters:



Record Resolution (μsec) is the test data record resolution.


Maximum Record Time (sec) is the test data record time length.

Click Run Test to begin the position loop tuning. The motor will begin to move back
and forth and the system will record the step response. Upon completion, a step
response graph will be displayed as in the following example:

Figure 2-3: Step Response Graph - Manual Position Loop Tuning
6. Evaluate the results in the graph and repeat steps 2 to 5 as necessary.
7. Click Run Test to repeat the tuning process and to produce an updated graph.
8. Repeats steps 6 and 7 until your graph indicates optimal tuning.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

2.10.2 Automatically Tuning the Position Loop
Using the auto-tuning mode provides more precise position loop tuning. This process is
almost identical with the auto-tuning process for the velocity loop.
To set the auto-tuning options:

From the Step 1: Select the Tuning Type drop-down list, select Auto Tuning for
Position Design.
When you make your auto-tune selection, the text boxes of the data box will change



In the Step 2: Select Auto Tuning Parameters block, select the tuning mode from the
Auto Tuning Mode drop-down list:

Fast tuning: This mode is applicable for simple systems, where less precise
results are adequate. It can be used if there are no restrictions on the motion
boundaries, and if you prefer to minimize the time and power required by the
system during the identification stage. You should use this mode only if the
duration of the identification phase prevents the use of an Expert mode.


Expert tuning for bounded motion (default): In this mode, the motor swings
around a chosen fixed point. Use this option if the motor shaft must remain
within position boundaries. The boundaries are designated by an algorithm
based on system settings; they are displayed before the tuning process begins. If
the boundaries are beyond the physical possibilities of the application, the
Wizard will switch to manual tuning.


Expert tuning for free motion: In this mode, the motor rotates freely and is
therefore not applicable to linear motors. This option is recommended if there are
no restrictions on the system motion (angle and position); it gives more precise

Use the Response slider to select the system performance margin that you require and
set the System Noise slider to the optimal plant noise level (refer to section 2.9.2).


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


In the middle of the dialog box, the Wizard displays the default test parameters. To
manually define these values, click Custom Test and enter the following values in
the Step 3: Set Test Parameters and Step 4: Set Record Parameters blocks:

Step: the level at which the step command begins, at the system location prior to
the start of the test.


Speed: the maximum speed allowed for the PTP motion. This value may not be
reached if the motion distance and the allowed accelerations are small.


Smooth Factor: the time required to reach full acceleration.


Acceleration: the rate at which the profiled motion gains speed.


Deceleration: the rate at which the profiled motion slows down.


Record Resolution (μsec) is the test data record resolution.


Maximum Record Time (sec) is the test data record time length.


Click Run Auto Tuning to start the auto-tuning process. Review the resulting graph
and revise your values (repeating steps 3 and 4) as needed until your results are


When you are satisfied that you have achieved optimal position loop tuning, you can
save your tuning results (recommended). To do so, click Export Data, enter a name
for the file, browse to the save location and click Save.


Click Next to continue to the next step, saving your application setup data.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

2.10.3 Performing Advanced Manual Tuning - Position Loop
As explained in section 2.9.3, the advanced manual tuning procedure can be used to
manually define the gain schedule table. You may define any number of gain scheduling
values and have the Wizard interpolate the entire list. For positioning loop tuning, you
may use a list previously defined during velocity loop tuning.
To perform advanced manual tuning for the position loop:

From the Step 1: Select the Tuning Type drop-down list of the Tuning Position
Loop dialog box, select Advanced Manual Tuning. The dialog box will be
redisplayed as follows:

Because a PI controller is used for velocity, and a different — PID.— controller is
used for position, the KP, KI and KD values will need to be defined for this gain
schedule, even if a gain schedule was created previously during velocity tuning.

To use a gain schedule table created previously, click Load GS Table at the
bottom and select the desired file from the Open dialog box.

The recommended procedure for determining the appropriate gain values for a
specific velocity is as follows:

Be sure that the Gain Scheduling ON check box (in the middle) is not selected
and that the Advanced Filter Designer is OFF.


Select an existing velocity or enter a new velocity value in a row appropriate to
its place in the velocity range.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)



Enter the relevant gain coefficients for that velocity.


In the Step 3: Set Test Parameters and Step 4: Set Record Parameters blocks, be
sure that the required values are entered.


Click Run Test. The system will send the gain coefficients for the selected row to
the drive and the motor will operate at the selected velocity and according to the
test and record parameters that you selected. The recorder will automatically
record the feedback and display the results for the highlighted row.


Evaluate the results and, if needed, modify your values, repeating steps b.
through e. until you are satisfied that the gain values for that velocity are
acceptable. You may then highlight the row to indicate that it has been tested
satisfactorily. To do so, click the right mouse button and from the shortcut
menu, select Toggle Bookmark. The row with the bookmark will be highlighted
in a light color.


Repeat steps b. through f. for one or more other velocity values until you are
satisfied that you have determined a representative amount of recommended
gain scheduling values.

You may have the Wizard complete the gain schedule table for you and then test the
entire table with gain scheduling. To do so, perform the following procedure:

Check the Gain Scheduling ON check box.


In the row indicating the lowest velocity value for the range to be filled in, and
in the row indicating the highest value in the range, select Accept.


To have the Wizard “complete” the gain scheduling for that range, click the
right mouse button and from the shortcut menu, click Interpolate Pos. Loop.
The Wizard will calculate the coefficient values in the range you defined in
step b. Rows before and after that range will take the values of the first and last
Accepted row, respectively.


To test the interpolated values, select a row of the table that indicates the
velocity to be reached during the test. Alternatively, in the Speed text box, enter
the velocity value. If that exact value does not appear in the table, the value
closest to it — but not exceeding it — will be selected in the table.


In the Step 3: Set Test Parameters and Step 4: Set Record Parameters blocks, be
sure that the required values are entered.


Click Run Test. The system will send the gain coefficients to the drive and
activate the gain scheduling. During the test, the motor will turn according to
the test and recording parameters. The recorder will be activated immediately in
order to record and display the results of the position, position command and
current command.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


ƒ You can remove bookmarks using the Clear All Bookmarks option from
the right-click shortcut menu.
ƒ You can also automatically accept all rows of the table by selecting the
Accept ALL option from the shortcut menu. (Use Clear All Accepts to
remove all checks.)

To modify the gain schedule table further, repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.


To save your final gain schedule table, click Save GS Table. In the Save As dialog
box, enter a name for the file, browse to the location at which it should be saved, and
click Save. The system will save the table, along with its bookmarks.


Tuning the Dual Loop

Tuning a dual loop is very similar to tuning a position loop. As with the position loop,
the Wizard performs the test using point-to-point (PTP) motions and the Composer
records the PTP performance and compares it to the PTP trajectory. Like the velocity and
position loops, you have three options:
ƒ Manual tuning, in which you manually configure the position loop by entering each of
the required parameters.
ƒ Automatic tuning, in which you select the level of fine tuning, and let the Composer
determine the needed parameters automatically.
ƒ Advanced manual tuning, in which you create or modify a gain schedule table that
operates for a range of velocities.
When you select Step 5, Tuning Dual Loop in the Establishing Commutation dialog box
or when you finish the Tuning Velocity Loop process, the Tuning Dual Loop dialog box
is displayed as follows:

Select the tuning mode from the Step 1: Select Tuning Type drop down list.


Composer User Manual
MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

2.11.1 Manually Tuning the Dual Loop

From the Step 1: Select the Tuning Type drop-down list, be sure that Manual
Tuning is selected. The dialog box will remain with its default settings.


In the Step 2: Adjust Filter Parameters block, type the filter values required for
optimal step response in the KP and KI (proportional gain and integral gain) text
boxes of both the the Inner Velocity Loop and Output Position Loop blocks.
You may click the Designer button in the Advanced Filter block to better define the
filter values. Refer to section 2.9.1 for general instructions, and to the Appendix for
detailed explanations about using the Filter Designer.




In the Step 3: Set Test Parameters block, enter the parameters needed to define the
motor position. These values defines the step command to be used for testing.

Step: the level at which the step command begins, at the system location prior to
start of the test.


Speed: the maximum speed allowed for the PTP motion. This value may not be
reached if the motion distance and the allowed accelerations are small.


Smooth Factor: the time required to reach full acceleration.


Acceleration: the rate at which the profiled motion gains speed.


Deceleration: the rate at which the profiled motion slows down.

In Step 4: Set Record Parameters, select the desired recording parameters:

Record Resolution (μsec) is the test data record resolution.


Maximum Record Time (sec) is the test data record time length.

Click Run Test to begin the dual loop tuning. The motor will begin to move back
and forth and the system will record the step response. Upon completion, a step
response graph will be displayed for evaluation.

Figure 2-4: Step Response Graph - Dual Loop Tuning

As in previous tests, revise your values as necessary and rerun the tests until the
results are satisfactory.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

2.11.2 Automatically Tuning the Dual Loop
Using the auto-tuning mode provides more precise position loop tuning. This process is
almost identical with the auto-tuning process for the velocity loop.
Set the auto-tuning options as you did in the Tuning Velocity Loop dialog box:

From the Step 1: Select the Tuning Type drop-down list, select Auto Tuning for
Dual Loop Design.
When you make your selection, the text boxes of the data box will change accordingly.


In the Step 2: Select Auto Tuning Parameters block, the Expert tuning for bounded
motion option will be selected; it is the only option available for dual loops.


Use the Response slider to select the system performance margin that you require and
set the System Noise slider to the optimal plant noise level (refer to section 2.9.2).


In the middle of the dialog box, the Wizard displays the default test parameters. To
manually define these values, click Custom Test and enter the following values in
the Step 3: Set Test Parameters and Step 4: Set Record Parameters blocks:

Step: the level at which the step command begins, at the system location prior to
the start of the test.


Speed: the maximum speed allowed for the PTP motion. This value may not be
reached if the motion distance and the allowed accelerations are small.


Smooth Factor: the time required to reach full acceleration.


Acceleration: the rate at which the profiled motion gains speed.


Deceleration: the rate at which the profiled motion slows down.


Record Resolution (μsec) is the test data record resolution.


Maximum Record Time (sec) is the test data record time length.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Click Run Auto Tuning to start the auto-tuning process. Review the resulting graph
and revise your values as needed until your results are satisfactory.


When you are satisfied that you have achieved optimal dual loop tuning, you can
save your tuning results (recommended). To do so, click Export Data, enter a name
for the file, browse to the save location and click Save.


Click Next to continue to the next step, saving your application setup data.

2.11.3 Performing Advanced Manual Tuning - Dual Loop
As explained in section 2.9.3, the advanced manual tuning procedure can be used to
manually define the gain schedule table. You may define any number of gain scheduling
values and have the Wizard interpolate the entire list. For dual loop tuning, you may use
a list previously defined during velocity loop tuning.
To perform advanced manual tuning for the dual loop:

From the Step 1: Select the Tuning Type drop-down list of the Tuning Dual Loop
dialog box, select Advanced Manual Tuning. The dialog box will be redisplayed as

If you performed gain scheduling during velocity tuning (or at any other time),
the previously-defined velocity KP and KI values will be displayed here, in the
Vel. Loop KP and Vel. Loop KI columns.

To use a gain schedule table created through auto-tuning or from a
previous advanced manual tuning session, click Load GS Table at the
bottom and select the desired file from the Open dialog box.

The recommended procedure for determining the appropriate gain values for a
specific velocity is as follows:


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)



Be sure that the Gain Scheduling ON check box (in the middle) is not selected
and that the Advanced Filter Designer is OFF.


Select an existing velocity or enter a new velocity value in a row appropriate to
its place in the velocity range.


Enter the relevant gain coefficients for that velocity.


In the Step 3: Set Test Parameters and Step 4: Set Record Parameters blocks, be
sure that the required values are entered.


Click Run Test. The system will send the gain coefficients for the selected row to
the drive and the motor will operate at the selected velocity and according to the
test and record parameters that you selected. The recorder will automatically
record the feedback and display the results for the highlighted row.


Evaluate the results and, if needed, modify your values, repeating steps b.
through e. until you are satisfied that the gain values for that velocity are
acceptable. You may then highlight the row to indicate that it has been tested
satisfactorily. To do so, click the right mouse button and from the shortcut
menu, select Toggle Bookmark. The row with the bookmark will be highlighted
in a light color.


Repeat steps b. through f. for one or more other velocity values until you are
satisfied that you have determined a representative amount of recommended
gain scheduling values.

You may have the Wizard complete the gain schedule table for you and then test the
entire table with gain scheduling. To do so, perform the following procedure:

Check the Gain Scheduling ON check box.


In the row indicating the lowest velocity value for the range to be filled in, and
in the row indicating the highest value in the range, select Accept.


To have the Wizard “complete” the gain scheduling for that range, click the
right mouse button and from the shortcut menu, click Interpolate Pos. Loop.
The Wizard will calculate the coefficient values in the range you defined in
step b. Rows before and after that range will take the values of the first and last
Accepted row, respectively.


To test the interpolated values, select a row of the table that indicates the
velocity to be reached during the test. Alternatively, in the Speed text box, enter
the velocity value. If that exact value does not appear in the table, the value
closest to it — but not exceeding it — will be selected in the table.


In the Step 3: Set Test Parameters and Step 4: Set Record Parameters blocks, be
sure that the required values are entered.


Click Run Test. The system will send the gain coefficients to the drive and
activate the gain scheduling. During the test, the motor will turn according to
the test and recording parameters. The recorder will be activated immediately in
order to record and display the results of the position, position command and
current command.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


ƒ You can remove bookmarks using the Clear All Bookmarks option from
the right-click shortcut menu.
ƒ You can also automatically accept all rows of the table by selecting the
Accept ALL option from the shortcut menu. (Use Clear All Accepts to
remove all checks.)

To modify the gain schedule table further, repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.


To save your final gain schedule table, click Save GS Table. In the Save As dialog
box, enter a name for the file, browse to the location at which it should be saved, and
click Save. The system will save the table, along with its bookmarks.


Saving Your Application

Upon completion of your last tuning step, the Setup Information dialog box will be
displayed, as in the following example:

This final dialog box lists all the parameters that were modified during the Wizard autotuning session. You may scroll through the parameters in the list at the left or you can
open the Application Editor (explained fully in section 3.6) to view them as needed.
To finalize your new or modified application:

Click Application Editor if you wish to view the full set of application parameters in
the Composer Application Editor. A standard Save As dialog box will be displayed
for entering the path and file name for saving the file. The Application Editor will
then be opened in read-only mode.


To change any of the application parameters, click Back to return to the previous
Wizard process. Continue to click Back until you reach the tuning stage in which the
parameter(s) need to be changed.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Clicking Cancel at any stage of this final process will restore all the
parameters that were modified in this Wizard session and will complete the
Wizard process.

When you are satisfied that all the setup information is final, click Finish. The Save
As dialog box will be displayed for you to enter the path and file name for saving the
file. The actual data will be saved in the drive memory. This step may take some
time, and the progress will be indicated by a status bar displayed by the Wizard.
Upon completion, the Composer Smart Terminal (section 3.3) will be displayed.


Composer Shortcuts

2.13.1 Opening an Existing Application
To access a previously-saved application:
ƒ By clicking Open an Existing Application from the Welcome to Composer
Application window displayed when you first access the Composer (section 2.2)
ƒ By clicking the

button in the Composer toolbar

ƒ By selecting File – Open New Application from the Composer menu bar
The Open Existing Application dialog box will be displayed:


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

This dialog box can list two types of database files:
ƒ Access-type files with .mdb file formats. These types of files may contain multiple
applications in a single file.
ƒ Binary file .dat files. These files contain a single application in each file, including a
full set of the controller parameters (as saved in the flash memory), host (PC)
communication parameters and the user program, if one exists.
To open an existing application:

Use the File Name text box and the Files of Type drop-down list to browse to the
application file that you wish to open. The Communication Info block will display
the host communication parameters that were stored for the selected database file.


To change the communication parameters for the selected application, click Change
and select the communication type from the Establish Communication dialog box.

You may select your communication type and further define the exact parameters by
clicking Properties, which displays the RS-232 Properties dialog box (section 2.3.1)
or CANopen Properties dialog box (section 2.3.2) respectively.

Click Download at the bottom right of the Open Existing Application dialog box to
open the selected application. The Download button will change to Break to enable
you to stop the process if you are working with RS-232 communication. The process
cannot be stopped with CANopen networks.

If your drive supports a binary format download and you select an .mdbtype file, the Composer will offer to convert the application to a .dat format.

Edit your application as necessary. Save it according to the procedure explained in
section 2.12.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

2.13.2 Opening Communication Directly
You may activate the communication network directly to either define a new application
or to use an existing one.
You may do this in one of three ways:
ƒ By clicking Open Communication Directly from the Welcome to Composer
Application window displayed when you first access the Composer (section 2.2)
ƒ By clicking the

button in the Composer toolbar

ƒ By selecting Communication – Open Communication Directly from the Composer
menu bar
The Application Name and Communication Type dialog box will be displayed:

To define your communication network:

In the Application Name textbox, type a name for the application or use the default
name displayed.


In the Select Communication Type block, select the communication network to be
opened. To further define the network parameters — or to communicate with more
than one drive — click Properties, which displays the RS-232 Properties dialog box
(section 2.3.1) or CANopen Properties dialog box (section 2.3.2) respectively.


Once you have selected your communication parameters, click Finish.


Composer User Manual

Using the Wizard

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

2.13.3 Loading the Network
This option enables you to configure the Composer to communicate with several drives
simultaneously regardless of communication type. To load a network, you need to first
create the network .net file by establishing communication with the required drives.
To create a network file:

Select Communication – Network – Save Network from the Composer menu bar.
The Save Network dialog box will be displayed.


Browse to the location at which the file should be saved, enter a name for the file and
click Save.

To load a network:

Either click Load Network from the Welcome to Composer Application window
displayed when you first access the Composer (section 2.2), or select Tools –
Network Load Network from the Composer menu bar. The Load Network dialog
box will be displayed:


From the Files of type drop-down list, select Network Files (*.net).


Browse to the location of your network file.


Click Open. The Composer will load the selected network. If communication with
one of the drives fails, a Can’t open communication message will be displayed with
the parameters of that drive. Click Abort to stop the network loading process, Retry
to attempt to reload the network, or Ignore to continue establishing communications
with the other drives in the network.


Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Chapter 3: Using the Composer
Once you have completed the initial setup of your Elmo servo drive(s), you can use the
Composer for a wide range of on-going motion control processes. The Composer tools
are accessed directly through the Composer toolbar buttons or via the menu bar options.


The Composer Desktop

When you access the Composer application, the Composer Wizard Welcome dialog box
enables you to directly open an existing application, communication or an existing
network. To access other Composer tools, first close the Welcome dialog box.


The Toolbar

The Composer toolbar contains buttons that enable you to quickly access the most
frequently-used tools and options in the Composer application.

Figure 3-1: The Elmo Composer Toolbar
Table 3-1 lists each toolbar element and its function.

Open a new application.
Open an existing application.
Save the open application.
Select the user mode for the open application.
Run the motor.
Stop the motor.
Access the Smart Terminal.
Access the Motion Monitor.
Access the Elmo Studio.
Access the Table Editor.
Access the Sync Manager.
Access the Composer Wizard.

Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Access the Scope (Graph Editor).
Display Composer version information.
Get context-sensitive help.
Select an active communication option (and application)
Open communication directly.
Disconnect: close the open application.

Table 3-1: Toolbar Elements


The Menu Bar

The menu bar along the top of the Composer desktop provides access to the full range of
tools and Composer options, as described in Table 3-2. The main menu options change
according to the Composer tools that are accessed.




New Application

Create a new drive application.

Open Application

Open a previously-created application.

Save Application

Save the open application.


Close the open application.


Close the Composer application.


Display / Hide the Composer toolbar.

Status Bar

Display / Hide the status bar at the
bottom of the desktop.


Communication Open Communication


Open the communication network


Close an open application.

Disconnect All

Close all open applications.


Save the open network / Load a
previously-created network.

Smart Terminal

Display the Smart Terminal for a selected

Motion Monitor

Display the Motion Monitor for viewing
motion parameters in real time.

Elmo Studio

Access the Elmo Studio for use with the
open application.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)




Tools, cont.

Table Editor

Access the Table Editor for downloading
a table into the driver. Select Table
Editor - Table Browser to open a PVT or
PT table file for editing. To create a new
table in the Table Editor, select Table
Editor - PVT or Table Editor - PT, as

Sync Management

Access the Sync Manager to perform
synchronization through the CANopen


Display System Database dialog box for
performing tuning steps with the

Advanced Manual Tuning

Display the relevant dialog box for
performing advanced manual tuning
directly from the Composer main menu.

Firmware Download

Download the new firmware version to
the driver.


Access the Scope application.


Display open Composer windows in an
overlapping fashion.


Display open Composer windows one
next to the other.

Arrange Icons

Order the icons of open Composer

Help Topics

Access the Composer online help

About Composer

Display Composer version information.



Table 3-2: Menu Bar Options


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Getting Help

The Composer application provides two kinds of help:

Detailed online help, which you access by selecting Help from the menu bar


button in the toolbar
Short, “what’s this?” help, which you use by clicking the
and then pointing to the item for which you need assistance


The Motion Monitor

The Composer Motion Monitor controls the recording function of the drive and can
display nearly any relevant value of the system. It includes a recording utility that
enables you to record any four parameters (eight with the Harmonica) during a time
period that you define. To display the Motion Monitor, click the
or select Tools – Motion Monitor.

button in the toolbar

Figure 3-2: The Motion Monitor
The Motion Monitor is divided into two main parts: the Recorder on the left and the
Indications section on the right.


Motion Monitor Recorder

The Recorder is a monitoring and debugging tool for testing application and plant
behavior. It uses the Scope application (section 3.5) to display the results of the tests in
two graphs, as shown in the following example:

Figure 3-3: Vector 1 and Vector 2 Graphs


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

To determine the graph parameters, you can select the signals to record for each graph (a
total of eight selections). You do this from the rows of Display, Color and Signals dropdown lists, which provide the following signal options:



DC Bus Voltage


Active Current [A]


Digital Input


Analog Input




Auxiliary Position


Position Command


Auxiliary Velocity


Position Error


Current - Phase A


Reactive Current [A]


Current - Phase B




Current Command [A]


Velocity Command

To record your parameters:

Use the Display, Color and Signals drop-down lists to define the signals to be
recorded. You may select up to eight signals, using the scroll bar to display each
drop-down list. To revise your list from the beginning, click Reset Signals to reset
all signals to (None).
To map the signals (vectors) displayed in the Signals drop-down list, click the
Mapping button at the bottom and select the signals from the Record Mapping
dialog box, as follows:

From each RC bit row, use the drop-down list to select a signal to be displayed. You
may press Default to display the Harmonica default list of signals. Up to 16 signals
can be shown in the lists. When you have completed your selection, click OK. The
selected list of signals will be displayed, in alphabetical order, in each Signals dropdown list.

From the Resolution drop-down list, select the recording resolution, which is
defined by the sampling time of the controller. You may wish to change this value
according to your current work mode: current or velocity.


From the Max. Record Time drop-down list, select the maximum recording interval;
this is dependent upon the Resolution value.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


In the Trigger block, select the trigger parameters — if any — that will initiate the

Mode: type of trigger.
Single enables all trigger parameters and Auto sets all trigger parameters to


Source: defines the event that will cause the recording to begin.
If an analog source is selected, all trigger types and their levels are displayed. If a
digital source is selected, the trigger type will be displayed as On Window and
trigger levels will be disabled. If No trigger is selected, the entire Trigger block
will be disabled.

Active Current in amperes


Velocity Command


Analog Input 1




Analog Input 2


Digital Input 1


Current Phase A in amperes


Digital Input 2


Current Phase B in amperes


Digital Output 1


Current Command in amperes


Digital Output 2


DC Bus voltage








Position Command




Reactive Current






Digital input combination

If you select Begin, the trigger Source and Level options will be disabled; the
trigger will be recorded when the BG command is sent.

Delay: trigger time delay for recording
From 0% to 100%, of the Max. Record Time.


In the Level text boxes, enter the High and Low trigger levels.


Click the appropriate button to indicate the trigger Type:
Positive slope: Set the trigger and select High level. The trigger will be
recorded when the source signal crosses the chosen level from low to high.
Negative slope: Set the trigger and select Low level. The trigger will be
recorded when the source signal crosses the chosen level from high to low.
Window: Set the trigger and enable High and Low levels. The trigger will
be recorded when the source signal crosses the chosen levels, as follows:

The signal crosses the Low level twice.


The signal crosses the High level twice.


The signal crosses the Low level once and then crosses the High level.


The signal crosses the High level once and then crosses the Low level.


To increase the recording resolution (to four times the sampling time of the standard
recording resolution), you may click the High Resolution text box at the bottom left.


Click Start Record to begin the recording session.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Motion Monitor Indicators

This section enables you to enter parameters for displaying the current status of the
drive. You use the two drop-down list boxes below the Display 1 and Display 2 text
boxes to select two vectors for display.

For linear motors, your vector options are as follows:

Active Current

in amperes RMS


Auxiliary Position

in counts



in counts


Position Error

in counts



in counts/sec



in m/sec


Velocity Error

in counts/sec


Velocity Error

in m/sec

For rotating motors, your vector options are as follows:

Active Current

in amperes RMS


Auxiliary Position

in counts



in counts


Position Error

in counts



in counts/sec



in RPM


Velocity Error

in counts/sec


Velocity Error

in RPM

The current drive status is indicated by the row of LEDs.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


The Smart Terminal

The Smart Terminal is an interactive mechanism that provides online communication
with the servo drive. It enables you to send commands to a single axis and view the
response. To display the Smart Terminal, click the
button in the toolbar or select
Tools – Smart Terminal. Once the connection with the application and communication
has been made, the terminal will be displayed as follows:

Figure 3-4: The Smart Terminal
The Smart Terminal is divided into two main parts:

The terminal on the left, which enables you to send commands to the drive, and
displays messages from it


The tabbed dialog boxes on the right, which you use to define the control commands
Refer to the Harmonica Command Reference Manual for detailed descriptions
of the specific commands mentioned in this section.



The terminal part of the Smart Terminal gives you direct interactive communication with
the servo drive. You may key in commands in the text box, or select previous commands
from the drop-down list, and then press Send to send the command. You can also copy a
command from the command list and paste it into the text box for sending a second time.


Tabbed Dialog Boxes

Each dialog box is used to define different parameters for the Smart Terminal, sending
the commands directly to the drive. Click the tab to display the dialog box.

1. When entering any value in any of the text boxes, be sure to click
Apply in order to send the parameter to the controller.
2. Use the Mode drop-down list in the toolbar to switch between modes.
3. Values that you enter in the tabbed dialog boxes are not saved in the
flash (or non-volatile) memory of the drive. In order to actually save
the parameters, send the SV command from the Smart Terminal.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9) Profile Dialog Box
In velocity, position and dual loop modes, this dialog box is used to define the
acceleration (AC command), deceleration (DC command), and smooth factor (SF
command), as needed. It also enables you to test different motion parameters in current,
velocity and position modes, using the Test Motion block at the bottom.
a. Current Mode
In current mode, the Test Motion block is activated in order to test the Torque (TC)
command. When you click Go, the drive runs at the given torque (in amperes). Clicking
Stop resets the torque value to default (0).

Figure 3-5: Profile Dialog Box - Current Mode
b. Velocity Mode
In velocity mode, you may activate profiler (PM) mode by selecting Enable Profile.

Figure 3-6: Profile Dialog Box - Velocity Mode
In the Test Motion block, you can define and test:

Speed (JV command), in counts/second or RPM


Motor Direction


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

When you click Go to start the test, the values you enter are sent to the drive and
displayed in the command list at the left. If needed, the motor is first started (MO=1), and
then the command is sent, followed by a Begin Motion (BG) command. Clicking Stop
sends a Stop Motor command (ST) but does not actually disable the motor (MO=0).

To disable the motor during the test, click the


c. Position and Dual Loop Modes

Figure 3-7: Profile Dialog Box - Position Mode
In the Test Motion block, you can define and test:

Jogging mode (JV command)


Speed (SP command, for PTP mode)


Position - Relative (PR) or Position - absolute (PA)

In these modes, the JV and PA commands can be sent only when the motor is on.
As in velocity mode, when you click Go to start the test, the values you enter are sent to
the drive and displayed in the command list at the left. If needed, the motor is first
started (MO=1), and then the command is sent, followed by a Begin Motion (BG)
command. Clicking Stop sends a Stop Motor command (ST) but does not actually disable
the motor (MO=0).

To disable the motor during the test, click the



Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

3-11 Noise Filter Dialog Box
This dialog box is used to define the filters for the main and auxiliary encoders, and the
digital input filters.

In the Encoder tab, you need to enter the index number that indicates the filter level for
each encoder. To the right of each dialog box is the actual Value corresponding to the
index, in either sampling Frequency (Hz) or Time (microseconds) units. When
Frequency is selected, encoder pulses larger than these values will not be sensed. When
Time is selected, pulses shorter than the selected value will not be sensed.
The software commands represented by each parameter are as follows:

Main encoder filter: EF[1]


Auxiliary encoder filter: EF[2]

In the Digital Inputs tab, for each digital input, enter the time period, in milliseconds,
used to prevent switch bouncing. Input pulses of a duration than than IF[N] are rejected.
Pulses longer than IF[N] are sensed. The six entries represent software commands IF[1]
through IF[6]. Protections Dialog Box
This dialog box is used to define the range of protections available for the drive, as follows:

Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Motor Stuck tab:

Current exceeded x% of continuous current: CL[2]
Defines “motor stuck” as the tested torque level being a percentage of
continuous current limit CL[1].


and velocity lower: CL[3]
The absolute threshold main sensor speed under which the motor is considered
not moving.


(When CL[2] is set to 0, the mode is deactivated.)

For example, if the current is 50% of the continuous current (CL[2]=50) and the
velocity is lower than (CL[3]=500) for 3 seconds, the drive will abort (MO=0).

Over/Under Voltage tab:

Maximum over voltage: XP[1]


Minimum under voltage: XP[1]/8

You may click the Reset to default value button to recall the default drive values.


Brake tab:

Brake stays released for x mSec after motor off: BP[1]
Defines the delay for engaging the brake after the motor is turned off (MO=0).


Brake stays engaged after motor on: BP[2]
Defines the delay, in milliseconds, required to disengage the brake after the
motor is turned on (MO=1).

Tracking Error Limits tab:

Velocity tracking error: ER[2]
Maximum allowed velocity error, in either counts/second or rpm.


Position tracking error: ER[3]
Maximum allowed position error, in counts. Limits Dialog Box
This dialog box is used to define the range of limits of the drive, as follows:


Current tab:

Continuous current: CL[1]
Maximum allowed continuous motor phase current.


Peak current: PL[1]
Maximum peak current, in amperes.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)




Peak current duration: PL[2]
Maximum peak duration, in seconds.

Velocity tab:

Command - Low: VL[2]
Minimum limit for speed command.


Command - High: VH[2]
Maximum limit for speed command.


Feedback - Low: LL[2]
Minimum limit of allowed motor speed.


Feedback - High: HL[2]
Maximum limit of allowed motor speed.


Stop deceleration: SD
Deceleration, in counts/second2, used in the event of Stop Motor.


Velocity unit: cnts/sec or RPM

Position tab:

Command - Low: VL[3]
Minimum limit for position command.


Command - High: VH[3]
Maximum limit for speed command.


Feedback - Low: LL[3]
Minimum limit for allowed motor position range.


Feedback - High: HL[3]
Maximum limit for allowed motor position range.

Modulo tab:

Main Feedback - Minimum: XM[1]
Minimum value of main-feedback counting range.


Main Feedback - Maximum: XM[2]
Maximum value of main-feedback counting range.


Auxiliary Feedback - Minimum: YM[1]
Minimum value of auxiliary-feedback counting range.


Auxiliary Feedback - Maximum: YM[2]
Maximum value of auxiliary-feedback counting range.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9) Digital Filters Dialog Box
This dialog box is used to define the digital input filters for current, velocity and position
modes. For each mode, you define the KP (proportional gain coefficient) and the KI
(integral gain coefficient) for the PID filter.

The options are as follows:

Current mode: KP and KI


Velocity : KP and KI


Position: KP and KI for the inner loop and KP for the outer loop Custom Dialog Box
This dialog box enables you to program a set of command buttons to execute different
commands or sets of commands. You may program up to ten command sequences,
changing each button (command) name as needed.

To program a command button:

Click Edit. The Custom Commands String Editor dialog box will be displayed:


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Select the String # (command) that you wish to overwrite and in the String Name
text box, enter a name for the command (button).


In the adjacent String Value text box, type the command string. Be sure to separate
multiple commands with a semicolon ( ; ) and add a semicolon at the end of the


Repeat steps 2 and 3 to program additional commands.


When you complete your command definition, click OK.

You may save the set of commands as a text file by clicking Save To File, and
subsequently recall the file by clicking Load From File. Analog Input Dialog Box
This dialog box is used to set the gain values for the analog input, according to operating
mode (velocity or current).

Fill in the dialog box as follows:

From the Operating Mode drop-down list, select the mode for working with the

Software: Disables analog input.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Analog Current (Peak): Translates analog input (volts) to a current command (in
amperes) in order to compute the gain.


Analog Velocity: Translates analog input (volts) to a velocity command (in
counts/second or rpm for rotary motors and counts/sec or meters/V for linear
motors, selected from the Unit list) in order to compute the gain.


According to your selection in step 1, enter the required input values and press
 on the keyboard.


In Analog Velocity mode, to determine the analog input offset, short the input to
ground (Velocity command) and then click Offset for Input 1 at the bottom right. Input Logic Dialog Box
This dialog box is used to define the actions that should occur when the various
mechanical limit switches are activated by an incoming signal.

For each Signal, select the Function behavior and Logic level that will activate the
response. Six signals are available, accessed by using the scroll bar. The options for the
switches are as follows:

Function behaviors:
ƒ Inhibit (Freewheel)

ƒ Begin

ƒ Hard Stop

ƒ Soft Stop

ƒ Ignore

ƒ Hard & Soft Stop

ƒ General Purpose

ƒ Home (available in Input 5)

ƒ Forward Only (RLS)

ƒ AUX Home (available in Input 6)

ƒ Reverse Only (FLS)

Logic level: High or Low

For details about the various function behaviors, refer to Table 2-2 in section 2.5.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9) Output Logic Dialog Box
This dialog box is used to define the actions that should occur when the various
mechanical limit switches are activated by a digital output signal.

For each Signal, select the Function behavior and Logic level that will activate the
response. Two signals are available, with the following options:


Function behaviors:

General Purpose





Logic level: High or Low

For details about the various function behaviors, refer to Table 2-3 in section 2.5.


The Elmo Studio

The Elmo Studio is a basic application that provides program creation and editing
options for software programs, including Upload, Download, Compile and Execute
Program. You can use it in conjunction with the Composer to edit the application
programs. The Elmo Studio application is fully described in Chapter 4 of this manual.


The Scope

The scope is a graphic display tool that enables you to view the data that has been
recorded by the Motion Monitor. It displays multiple recorded vectors in the same
window or in separate windows, and can generate new data vectors by applying
arithmetic operations on the existing data vectors. You may use the scope to view and
analyze recorded motions, zooming in and out of the graphs. You may add required text
to the graphs, retrieve statistical information (such as average and maximum values) and
calculate step response parameters (such as bandwidth and damping).
The Scope window is displayed automatically when the Composer displays graphs of
data recorded in the various Wizard dialog boxes or in the Motion Monitor. Two graphs
are displayed in the Scope data viewer, as in the following example:


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Figure 3-8: The Scope Window


The Scope Toolbar

The Scope toolbar provides direct access to the main menu functions, enabling you to
change your zoom options and to manipulate the displayed data graphs.

Figure 3-9: The Scope Toolbar
Table 3-3 describes the function of each button on the Scope toolbar.

Open a new window.
Open an existing graph.
Save the displayed graph.
Print the displayed graph.
Display the window properties.
Organize the open display.
Close the selected window.
Zoom to the markers.
Zoom in, in both directions.
Zoom in.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Zoom out.
Zoom to full size.
Undo last zoom.
Move left.
Move right.
Display information about Scope version.
Display on-line help.
Table 3-3: Scope Toolbar Buttons


Using the Scope Menu

You can perform a wide range of operations through the Scope menu. The main scope
functions are described in this section. Further operating instructions for the Scope are
available using the Help menu in the Scope menu bar. File Menu
The Scope File menu contains standard options for opening, saving and printing data
files. Scope files are saved (and subsequently opened) as .sdv files. The File menu also

Import Data and Export Data: for importing or exporting graph data to or from text
(.txt) or Matlab (.mat) files.


Properties: displays dialog boxes for entering additional information about the graph
data, as in the following example:


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9) Window Menu
In addition to standard options — such as Cascade, Tile and Arrange Icons — the
following options are included in this menu:

New or Properties: displays the Window Properties dialog boxes for manipulating
the graph grid.

Use this dialog box to name your graph (Title), select a color for the Grid
and for the Background, and select the X-axis vector (Vector as X axis).
Clicking the Show List option displays a list of the available vectors, which
you define in the Vectors dialog box:

From the Available Vectors list, select the vectors that are to be displayed in
the list, using the Add or Add All buttons. Then click OK. When you have
created the list and entered all the Properties information, click Apply to
implement the changes on the graph.

Markers: displays grid lines at each marker on the graph. Dragging the marker lines
displays their coordinates in the status bar at the bottom of the window.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9) Zoom Menu
Standard means of zooming into items on the graph include:

Zoom To Markers: increases or decreases the zoom to the marked segment of the
graph. Zoom Out is similar, in the direction of increasing the zoom.


Zoom Manual: displays the following dialog box for explicitly defining the zoom
parameters: Analyze Menu
This menu is used to perform calculations on the graph data, as follows:

Add and Subtract: calculates a new vector that is a sum of the vectors selected from
the Add list, minus all the vectors selected from the Subtract list, then adding the
value entered in the Constant to Add text box.


Multiply and Divide: calculates a new vector by multiplying the vectors selected
from the Multiply list and dividing by the vectors selected from the Divide List.


Over zero line: defines a new vector by calculating the minimum value of the
selected vectors, at each vector index.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Under zero line: defines a new vector by calculating the maximum value of the
selected vectors, at each vector index.


Average: defines a new vector by calculating the average value of the selected vectors
at each vector index.


Extract Bit: calculates the new vector by masking the bit defined in the Bit to Extract
text box in the vector selected in the Vectors list.


Differentiate: calculates a new vector by differentiating the vector selected from the
Source list from the vector selected from the Differentiate by list. The Multiplication
Factor is used to multiply the resulting new vector accordingly.


Integrate: calculates a new vector by integrating the vector selected from the Source
list into the vector selected from the Integrated by list. The Multiplication Factor is
used to multiply the resulting new vector accordingly.


FFT: calculates the FFT as in the following example:
The X (time) range is 51.912 to 61.9416 (range of markers).
The X (time) axis is used as the time vector, assumed to be in seconds.
The resulting frequency range is 49.6032 Hz, with a gap of 0.193762 Hz.
The calculated FFT displays signal amplitude, not power.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Statistics: displays the properties of the selected value, including average RMS and
Tolerance values (in percentage).


Step Analysis: performs step analysis of the graph, assuming that this is a secondorder system, with a positive step and x-axis in time in seconds. It also assumes that
the left marker is located at the response starting point and the right marker at the
response is steady state.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


The Application Editor

The Application Editor enables you to view all the parameters in the application database
and — in certain instances — to edit the data as well.

In order to maintain database integrity, it is highly recommended that you
modify all application parameters through the Composer Wizard rather
than using the Application Editor.
The Application Editor is displayed when you click Application Editor in the Setup
Information dialog box which is accessible through the Composer Wizard (section 2.11).
Below is an example of the main window of the Application Editor:

Figure 3-10: The Application Editor
Always save your application before accessing the Application Editor through the Wizard.
The application parameters are arranged in groups according to definition given in the
Command Reference file. The tree structure is displayed in the left window pane. Each
folder represents a different definition group, with its parameters. All the properties of
the selected parameter are displayed in the right pane. You can use the Edit – Find
option to search for a specific parameter.


The Table Editor

You can use the Composer to download a PVT (Position, Velocity, Time) or PT (Position,
Time) table to an attached servo drive, via CANopen communication. The Table Editor
enables you to open an existing table that was created in an external spreadsheet
program, make the required modifications to it, and then download it to the drive by
selecting its node ID in the CANopen network.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


This option is active only when CAN communication has been established.


Creating a PVT or PT Data File

You create a PVT or PT data file in Microsoft Excel and then open it in the Table Editor.
To create a data file in Excel:

Open a new Excel spreadsheet, using only a single sheet in your workbook. Prepare
the row and line headings as in the following figures (PVT on left and PT on right):


Save the file in the Composer directory.


Editing a File in the Table Editor

You may open an instance of the Table Editor for each drive connected to a node of the
CANopen network.
To open the Table Editor (if not already open) for editing a file:

From the Active Communication drop-down list in the Composer toolbar, select the
drive to which the table should be downloaded.


or select Tools – Table Editor – Table Browser. The Open dialog box will
be displayed.


In the Open dialog box, browse to the Excel file, and click Open. The table file will
be displayed as in the following examples:


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

The Table Editor dialog box contains the following elements:



The PT or PVT table, with columns for node ID, and relevant parameters.


Repetitive check box, to select/deselect repetitive mode.


For PT tables, a Time text box to select the number of sample times (S.T.) per
time unit.


Download command button for downloading the table.

Edit the table as needed.

To open an “empty” PVT or PT file, you can select Tools - Table Editor PVT or Tools - Table Editor - PT, as appropriate. A Table Editor window
will be opened with the relevant empty table, as in the following examples:


Downloading a Table to a Drive

Once you have modified your PVT or PT table and saved it, you are ready to download it
to the driver selected in the Active Communication drop-down list.
To download your table:

Select/deselect the Repetitive checkbox as needed.


In the Active Communication drop-down list, be sure that the CANopen node of the
selected driver is correct.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Click Download. The motor will begin moving in PVT or PT motion mode according
to the parameters in the downloaded table.

To download a table for other drives (connected to other nodes), open an instance of the
Table Editor and table for each drive, selecting the drive node ID from the Active
Communication drop-down list in the toolbar.

To download an open table to all nodes simultaneously, click the
in the toolbar. The table will be downloaded to all drives for which a Table
Editor window was opened.


The Sync Manager

The Sync Management function operates within the Composer to synchronize the
internal clock of all drives connected through the CANopen network. Only drives
connected via CANopen can therefore be synchronized.
The Sync Manager operates as follows:

You select one of the CANopen nodes to be “Sync Master.”


This node is used to transmit a synchronization message indicating the sync master’s
own internal 32-bit absolute time.


The Composer transmits this time stamp message to all nodes connected to the
CANopen network, synchronizing the internal clock of all connected drives.

To perform synchronization:

Activate the CANopen communication network by clicking the
button in the
toolbar or selecting Communication – Open Communication (section 2.12.2).


or select Tools – Sync Management. The Sync Management dialog box
will be displayed as follows:


From the Main Node drop-down list, select the node that is to serve as the Sync
Master. This time stamp will be used to synchronize all other connected nodes.


From the Delay drop-down list, select the time interval after which each sync
message should be sent.


Click Apply. The system will begin to send sync and time stamp messages.


To stop the message transfer, select (None) from the Main Node list and click Apply.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Advanced Manual Tuning

The Tools - Advanced Manual Tuning option provides direct access to performing
advanced manual tuning of the velocity, position and dual loops. Using this option
requires prior current and commutation tuning for the selected loop (shown in the dropdown Mode list in the toolbar). It enables you to run tests of the selected controller
parameters with or without gain scheduling, as described in sections 2.8.3 (velocity loop),
2.9.3 (position loop) and 2.10.3 (dual loop). When you select this option, a dialog similar
to the following (velocity tuning loop) is displayed:

In the top block, a gain scheduling table is displayed with functionality identical to that
of the Wizard advanced manual tuning. This enables you to manipulate each of the 64
rows of entries, to test individual rows and to test the entire table using gain scheduling
(click Gain Scheduling OFF to turn it on). You may use the Load GS Table and Save GS
Table buttons to load a previously created table and to save the current table,
To run a test, be sure to first prepare the recorder and activate it prior to running a test.
Clicking Apply sends all current values to the drive. (Clicking Undo reverts to the set of
values sent at the last Apply.) Pressing Run Test turns the motor on and runs the test
according to the displayed test parameters and selected gains.
If you have created a gain scheduling table and turned it off (Gain Scheduling OFF),
when you click the Close button, the following message will be displayed to ensure that
you do not cancel the use of the gain scheduling:
Gain scheduling is off. Manual filter parameters will be used. Continue?
To use gain scheduling, click No, toggle Gain Scheduling OFF back to Gain Scheduling
ON and then click Close again.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Composer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Downloading Firmware

To download a new firmware version

Select Tools – Firmware Download. The Firmware Download dialog box will be


Type the full path and name of the data (*.abs) file to be downloaded, or click
Browse and browse to the file. You may check the With loading current application
option to indicate that the firmware should be loaded when the current application
is downloaded. The loading process will begin and a status bar will indicate the
progress. All other windows will be deactivated during downloading. Upon
completion of the download, the following message will be displayed:
Firmware Download was Completed Successfully!


Reboot the drive and click OK.

To check that the firmware has been downloaded successfully, re-establish
communication. Then use the Smart Terminal to send the VR command for checking the
present firmware version number.


Elmo Composer User Manual
MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Chapter 4: Using the Elmo Studio
The Elmo Studio is a program editing application that includes a range of program
creation, editing, build and debugging functions. You can use it in conjunction with the
Composer to edit your application programs for subsequent download to the servo drive.
The Elmo Studio is similar in look and general functionality to the Microsoft Visual
Studio; users should already be familiar with the basics of source file coding, compiling
and debugging.
To access the Elmo Studio, click the
button in the Composer toolbar or select Tools –
Program Editor. The Elmo Studio desktop will be displayed as in the following example:

The last program to be edited will be displayed, and the name of the currently active
application will be shown in the drop-down list box above it.
This chapter briefly describes the menus, toolbars and functionality of the Elmo Studio.
You may wish to consult the relevant Elmo Software Manual for detailed information
about specific program structure, definitions and limits for Elmo products.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


The Elmo Studio Desktop

Upon accessing the Elmo Studio, you will see a set of open windows that can be opened
and closed, and manipulated as needed. Across the top, as in most Windows
applications, is the menu bar, with movable and customizable toolbars beneath it.


Desktop Windows

The following windows provide on-going information as you work in the Elmo Studio:

Program window
This is where the program being edited, compiled or debugged is displayed. In order
to display multiple parts of this file at the same time, select Window - New Window.
An additional pane will be displayed for you to view a different part of the same


Stack window
During debugging, all called functions that have not yet been returned are displayed


Output window
The Elmo Studio displays processing messages as follows:
ƒ Build tab
Status messages from compiler and other tools during a build
ƒ Debug tab
Messages from debugger to indicate run-time and other errors
ƒ Find in tabs
Search results are displayed in the Find in 1 tab; subsequent searches can be
displayed in the Find in 2 tab.


Watch window
This window provides a view of specified variables (that can be dragged-anddropped from the Program window), along with their current values as they exist at
the time the program is suspended.


Communication Info window
This pop-up window displays a list of the most recent system messages concerning
communication between the host and the connected drive.


Elmo Studio Toolbars

The three toolbars — Standard, Build and Communication —contain buttons that enable
you to quickly access the most frequently-used tools and options in the Elmo Studio
application. You can move the toolbars around the desktop and relocate them for your
convenience. You can also remove buttons and add others for commands that you
frequently use (section

Figure 4-1: The Elmo Studio Toolbars
Tables 4-1 and 4-2 list each toolbar element and its function.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Create a new program.
Open an existing program.
Upload a program from connected drive.
Save the currently open program.
Cut text from the program.
Copy selected text in the program.
Paste text into the program.
Undo last action.
Redo last “undo.”
Display/Hide (toggle) the Output window.
Find displayed item.
Find all occurrences of selected item.
Print program.
Get context-sensitive help.

Table 4-1: Standard Toolbar Elements

Build a program.
Compile a program.
Execute a program.
Activate the debugger.
Kill the program.
Insert/Remove (toggle) breakpoint.
Remove all breakpoints.
Step into.
Step over.
Step out.
Run to cursor.
Display/Hide (toggle) Watch window.
Display/Hide (toggle) Stack window.
Program limits.

Table 4-2: Build Toolbar Elements


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

The Communication “toolbar” is actually the drop-down list —
that displays the names of every currently open application.



The Menu Bar

The menu bar along the top of the Elmo Studio desktop provides access to the full range
of tools and options. The main menu options are described in Table 4-3.





Standard Windows options for opening,
saving and manipulating program files,
along with options to upload programs
from and save programs to the connected


Standard Windows Undo/Redo, Cut-andPaste, and Find/Find All options.




Display/Hide Standard, Communication
and Build toolbars.


Display/Hide Output, Watch, Stack and
Communication Info windows.

Status Bar

Display/Hide status bar at the bottom.

Active Line

Jump to and highlight Previous or Next
active line of code.


Compile a program source into an
executable code.


Compile and download program.

Kill Program

Stop program execution.


Run program.



Run debugger.


Halt (suspend) program execution and
return control to debugger.


Select/Cancel line for breakpoint.

Clear Breakpoints

Delete all selected breakpoints.

Step Into

Enter function and stop at first command.

Step Over

Execute the next instruction line and then


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)






Step Out

Complete the current function and then
step out to the location immediately
following the line on which the function
was called.

Run to Cursor

Halt execution at the instruction line at
which the cursor is standing.

[user defined]

Range of applications that can be selected
from the Customize - Tools dialog box.


Display Customize dialog box for altering
menu, toolbar and keyboard options.


Display Options dialog box to select
Debug and Build parameters.

Convert to
New Format

Convert a program coded in Elmo .ell
format to Elmo .ehl format.

Window New Window


Open a new program window.


Manipulate all open windows.

Keyboard Map

Display a list of menu options, their
accelerator key combinations and their

About Elmo

Display information about the currently
installed Elmo Studio version.

Help Topics

Display Elmo Studio online Help.

Table 4-3: Menu Bar Options


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Customizing the Elmo Studio

The Tools menu contains two options for customizing your Elmo Studio application to
your mode of work: the Customize dialog boxes and the Options dialog boxes. The Customize Dialog Boxes

The following tabbed dialog boxes are available:

Enables you to add command buttons to the toolbar (by drag-and-drop) and to
remove unneeded ones by dragging them off the toolbar.


For selecting which toolbars should be displayed or hidden, and to manipulate them
as needed.


For adding and organizing frequently needed external applications to the Elmo
Studio Tools menu.


For programming key combinations (“accelerators”) for frequently-used menu


For customizing the appearance of the various menu bars and popup menus.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9) The Options Dialog Boxes

The following tabbed dialog boxes are available:

Enables you to select a command code for automatic debugging. Use the Continue
program after closing IDE option to have the debug program continue to run even
after the IDE has been closed.


For displaying/hiding the selection margin and the numbers margin. The selection
margin is the gray column to the left of the program text, which enables you to select
the entire line adjacent to the cursor click position. The numbers margin adds a
column of line numbers to the left of the program text.




For defining parameters of new and “old” programs. For .ell programs, the maximum
program size is displayed, along with the option to use it as the default program size.
Use the Auto save program inside driver option to automatically save the program
in the drive memory. The Disable compiling in on-line mode option disables the
independent Build - Compile menu option so that compiling is performed only as
part of the Build function.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9) Convert to New Format
You can use the Tools - Convert to New Format option to save a program, coded in
earlier Elmo .ell format, in Elmo .ehl format. The Conversion Tool dialog box is used to
select the existing (.ell) file and save it under a new name, in the new .ehl format.


Click the Browse button next to the File with old program text box and navigate to
the .ell file to be converted.


Click the Browse button next to the File with new program text box and navigate to
the location at which the new file should be saved, giving it a new name if needed.


Click the Print old text in comments option if you wish to have the original text
displayed, as comments, at the start of the new file.


Click Convert to activate the conversion process.


Elmo Studio Processes

This section describes the main functionalities of the Elmo Studio.


Creating a Program File

To write a new program for subsequent download to a drive, click
New. The New dialog box will be displayed:



or select File -

Select the type of file to be opened:

Text file is a standard .txt file.


EHL Program is the file format used with Elmo Digital Servo Drives.


ELL Program is the older Elmo file format used with the Clarinet, Saxophone
and Mini-Saxophone.

Click OK. A new program window will be opened for you to begin creating a new


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


Editing a Program File

To open an existing program file that resides on your computer, click
A program window will be opened with the selected file.

or select File - Open.

To upload a program from a connected drive:



If no program file is currently open, the file will be uploaded and the Save As dialog
box will be displayed for you to save the file on your computer. If a program file is
currently open, the following message will be displayed: Are you sure you want to
upload the current file [file name]? Click Yes to overwrite the existing file, or No to
save the uploaded file under a different name.

or select Build - Upload Program.

Once the file is open, you can edit the program as you would in any text editor, using the
tools available in the Standard toolbar. You can perform regular searches using the Edit Find function, and you can search for multiple occurrences of an item using the Edit Find All option (or clicking
When using the Find All option, the results of the search will, by default, be displayed in
the Find in Files 1 tab of the Output window. To perform subsequent searches without
overwriting the results of a previous search, select the Output to pane 2 check box in the
Find All dialog box.


Defining Program Limitations

To view the various limitation values for your program, click the
Limitations dialog box.

button to display the

The dialog box is read only; click Details to display the full list of current limitation


Compiling a Program

Once your program is completed to your satisfaction, you can compile it. You may
compile the program either online (while communication with the driver is active) or offline. Alternatively, you may use the Build option to compile and download the program
in one step (refer to section 4.2.5).
or select Build - Compile. The Elmo Studio will compile
To compile a program, click
the program and display all processing messages in the Build tab of the Output window.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

When error messages occur during program execution and the program source needs to
be fixed, you can double-click on the error message to locate the error in your program.
When a Build operation finishes successfully with no errors, you can then execute the
program (section 4.2.6) or run it using the Debug option (section 4.2.7).


Building a Program

The Build option enables you to have the Elmo Studio compile the program and
or select
automatically download it to the connected drive. To build a program, click
Build - Build. The Elmo Studio will first compile the program. If no errors occur, it will
then send the program to the Servo drive where it will be saved in the drive memory. If
errors do occur during compiling, the Elmo Studio will record the errors and enter
pointers in the program at locations where the errors occurred. It will then halt and will
not download the program.


Running a Program

To run a program after it has been downloaded to a drive, click
or select Build Execute. The program will run independently of all debug options (such as Breakpoint
and Step-by-step).
To stop a program while it is running, click


or select Build - Kill Program.


The Elmo Studio contains powerful tools for debugging the programs that you create and
edit. It enables you to mark your program with breakpoints, and to control the
debugging process according to your needs. Basically, you perform debugging according
to the following steps:

Identify the section of the program where you suspect that a problem lies. This may
be according to run-time error messages that you receive from the drive.


Mark the first instruction of that section with a breakpoint, clicking anywhere in the
line and then clicking , pressing  or selecting Build - Debug - Set/Reset
Breakpoint. (You can cancel a breakpoint by repeating this action.)


You may also drag-and-drop variables from the program into the Watch window at
the bottom. These are variables whose values you wish to know each time the
program is suspended.


Start the debugging operation by clicking
or selecting Build - Debug - Go. The
debugger will execute the program until it reaches the first breakpoint, at which time
program execution is halted. Each time the program you are debugging stops at a
breakpoint, the debugger will update the Debug tag of the Output window with the
relevant progress message. It will also indicate — with a yellow arrow and red
highlight — the line of code at which the program stopped. Functions not yet
returned will be displayed in the Stack window.


From here, you can use the relevant toolbar buttons or Build - Debug options (Table
4-4) to step through the program and continue the debugging operation manually.


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Elmo Studio

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Figure 4-2: Debugging Process
The following debugging tools are available for enabling you to manually debug your
program in conjunction with the Elmo Studio debugger:
Button Menu Option


Build - Debug - Break

Stop the debugger as it is running.

Build - Debug - Step Into

Enter function and stop at first command.

Build - Debug - Step Over

Execute next instruction and then stop.

Build - Debug - Step Out

Continue and then stop at first instruction
before current function is called.

Build - Debug - Run to Cursor

Halt execution at source line at which the
cursor is presently standing (no breakpoint

Table 4-4: Debugging Tools


Elmo Composer User Manual
MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Appendix: Using the Advanced Filter
The Advanced Filter Designer is a tool that enables you to manually design an
advanced filter by editing its parameters and viewing the filter transfer function. You
access the Filter Designer by clicking Advanced Filter Designer in the Tuning Velocity
Loop dialog box (section 2.8) or the Tuning Position Loop / Tuning Dual Loop dialog
box (sections 2.9 and 2.10).

If the settings of the current filter are editable, you can modify the values using the
controls in the Filter Designer dialog box in order to achieve an optimal filter.
The filter may consist of one or two components: Second order component and Pole
component in the Filter Designer dialog box. You may enable or disable one or both of
the components by selecting the None option.
For a notch filter, select Notch filter from the Second order component block. The
following is the notch filter block formula:
s2 + 2 · d · ω · s + ω2
s2 + ω · s + ω2
The user-configurable parameters are:

d: the Damping ratio


ω = 2 π f: the notch Frequency (in Hz)


Elmo Composer User Manual

Using the Advanced Filter Designer

MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

This block may be used to damp a single resonance of the system. Set the f value to
equal the resonance frequency you wish to damp (in Hz) and change the damping to
decrease the level of resonance inhibition. Decreasing the damping value widens the
frequency range in which the filter is most active, and increases the inhibition.
However, due to the uncertainty of resonances and certain drawbacks of notch filters,
low damping factors should not be used. As a rule of thumb, always use a damping
factor greater than 0.07; lower values may be dangerous.
For a low-pass filter, select LowPass from the Second order component block. The
following is the low-pass filter formula:

s2 + 2 · d · ω · s + ω2


The user-configurable parameters are:

d: the Damping ratio


ω = 2 π f: the complex pole Frequency (in Hz)

You can use this block to inhibit the system response to frequencies higher than f.
For a single pole component, select Single pole from the Pole component block. The
following is the single-pole block formula:

The user-configurable parameter is:

ω = 2 π f: the pole Frequency (in Hz)

This block may be used to inhibit the system response to frequencies higher than f, as
with a complex pole filter. This is probably a weaker solution than a complex pole
because high frequencies are better attenuated by complex pole than by a pole.
For a double pole component, select Double pole from the Pole component block. The
following is the double-pole component formula:

s2 + 2 · d · ω · s + ω2


This formula is the same as the LowPass formula in the Second order component block
and therefore has the same parameters.
While designing the filter, you can click Redraw to view the Bode plot. This will be the
Bode plot of the discrete results.
To accept the filter design and use it as the new filter, click OK. The Advanced Filter
ON button will be turned on (green). To disable the filter, return to the Advanced Filter
Designer and select None for each of the two components.


Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)


The rate at which speed increases, in counts/sec2.

Advanced controller

A controller with a more complex structure than a
simple PI or PID. It can include several notch filters,
low pass filter, poles and zeros.

Application continuous current

The maximum current, in amperes, that can be used by
the specific application. This value must be equal to or
less than the continuous stall current defined by the
manufacturer for the selected motor.

Application peak current

The maximum short-term current, in amperes, to be
used with the specific application during the design
phase of auto-tuning. This value must be equal to or
less than the peak current defined by the driver

Application speed limit

The maximum motor speed, in RPM or meters per
second, used for the application. This value must be
equal to or less than the maximum mechanical speed
defined by the motor manufacturer.


The difference, in hertz, between the highest and
lowest level of a frequency range. In a standard
feedback system, responses to reference commands at
low frequencies are probably large; however, at high
frequencies, they decrease. It is customary to look at
the frequency where the response command amplitude
drops to 70% in amplitude, compared to a low
frequency response as a split frequency between good
response and bad response. This frequency is used as a
figure of merit for the system and is called the system

Baud rate

The rate at which digital data is transmitted, in bits per

Bounded motion

For auto-tuning purposes, a mode in which the motor
motion is limited to movement around a selected fixed
point. This mode is used with linear motors and with
rotating motors whose shafts must remain within
specified angle boundaries.

Coil length

The distance, in millimeters, that the motor travels
during one electrical revolution. This value is normally
listed in the motor datasheet.

Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Continuous stall current

The maximum continuous current, in amperes, allowed
for the motor. This value is defined by the motor


The position unit of measurement of the drive. Four
times the number of electronic pulses sent by an
encoder in one revolution.


The rate at which speed decreases, in counts/sec2.


The change in position of the system – measured in
encoder units – with respect to a specific reference

Driver continuous current

Same as continuous stall current.

Encoder magnetic pitch

See Magnetic pitch.

Encoder resolution

The length of the position unit in linear motors. Four
times the encoder grating pitch value, because it takes
into account two encoder slot transitions (high-to-low
and low-to-high) and two sets of slots (A and B).

Free motion

The mode in which rotating motors operate without
restriction, in terms of angle and position.


A state in which power to the motor is turned off and
the motor continues to rotate freely, by inertia.


The ratio of the output signal magnitude to the input
signal magnitude.

Gain coefficients

Gain parameters used in the gain scheduling
algorithm. See also KI and KP.

Gain scheduling

The means of accommodating for known variations in
the dynamics of a system. Gain scheduling uses a
customized algorithm that calculates adaptive gain
modifications in order to improve system stability and


The integral gain parameter used to define a PID filter.
It functions to reduce sharp peaks and to obtain a
smoother step response.


The proportional gain parameter used to define a PID
filter. It functions as a means to obtain an optimal
closed-loop transfer function.

Low pass

A filter whose transfer function transfers low
frequencies and blocks high frequencies.

Magnetic pitch

The distance of one electrical cycle in a linear motor.
See also Encoder resolution.


Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Maximum mechanical speed

The maximum motor speed defined by the
manufacturer, specified in m/sec for linear motors and
RPM for rotating motors.

Notch filter

A filter that blocks a defined band of frequencies and
transfers all frequencies above and below that band.
For example, a filter has a transfer function of the form:

s 2 + 2 ⋅ ξ1 ⋅ ω ⋅ s + ω 2
s2 + 2 ⋅ ξ2 ⋅ ω ⋅ s + ω 2

ξ 2 ≈ 0.5 . Its Bode plot, depicted
in Figure G-1, has a hole at frequency ω . The filter is
therefore said to be a notch filter at frequency ω . The


ξ1 < 0.5


purpose of a notch filter is to block energy transfer to
the motor around the notch frequency. This is one
means of preventing a motor and load from
accumulating energy at their resonance frequency,
thereby avoiding shaking of the load.

Figure G-1: Bode Plot of a Notch Filter, d1=0.01,
d2=0.5 Located at 100Hz

The angular relationship between voltage and current


Point-to-point motion, according to which the motor
moves from its present position to a final point. The
motor reaches the final point at zero speed and then
remains at that point. The trajectory to the final point is
calculated based on the speed, acceleration and
deceleration limits.

PVT table

Position-, velocity- and time-tabulated motioned
defined in a table array.


Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Record resolution

The amount of time between consecutive sampling
points. This value is calculated in conjunction with
maximum recording time. With the Composer Wizard,
the maximum number of recorded data points is 8000.
The record time length is calculated as:
8000/(number of values) * record resolution.


A condition whereby a large oscillatory amplitude
occurs as a result of a small amplitude of periodic
input, with a frequency close to one of the regular
system frequencies. For example, a motor has a load
whose transfer function has the Bode plot depicted in
Figure G-2. It has a local maximum at the frequency
100 Hz; therefore, it can be said that the motor and load
have a resonance frequency of 100 Hz. The systems
absorbs energy at its resonance frequencies, thus
tending to oscillate at those frequencies unless the
controller is well designed to eliminate this

Figure G-2: Example of a Bode Plot of a Transfer
Function Including Resonance
Smooth factor

The time, in milliseconds, that a motion speed profile is
curved. The degree to which the “sharp corners” of a
motion speed profile are curved. Smoothing a profile
increases the time required to complete the motion.


Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Step response

The time required by a system for an output to pass
through a specified percentage of a process. For
example, a feedback system has a closed loop transfer
function of:

s2 + 2 ⋅ξ ⋅ω ⋅ s + ω 2
The system responds to a step command of 0 up to
time 0, then 1 at any positive time.
The following figure is an example in which ω = 100
and ξ = 0.3.

Figure G-3: Figures of Merit in a Step Response


Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Transfer function

A mathematical expression or a graph that expresses
the relationship between the outgoing and the
incoming signals of a process or control element. An
important property of motors is that their response to a
pure sinusoidal current signal is also sinusoidal at the
same frequency. Suppose a pure sinusoidal current
signal at frequency ω and amplitude A is injected
into a motor, and the motor speed is sinusoidal with an
amplitude B and phase ϕ relative to the current
signal. The transfer function of the motor at the
frequency ω therefore has an amplitude B / A and
phase ϕ (Figure G-4).

Figure G-4: A Transfer Function with 1.66
Amplitude and -90º phase
Trigger logic

A pulse that activates a function (either high or low).


Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Acceleration · 2-17, 2-19, 3-9, G-1
Advanced controller · G-1
Advanced filter designer · 2-16, 2-25, 21, A-1
Advanced manual tuning
Dual loop · 2-3
Position loop · 2-28
Velocity loop · 2-21
Analog Input dialog box · 3-15
Continuous current · 3-11, G-1
Peak current · 3-11, G-1
Speed limit · G-1
Application Editor · 1-1, 2-5, 3-24
Automatic tuning type
Dual loop · 2-2
Position loop · 2-26
Velocity loop · 2-18
Expert mode
Bounded motion · 2-18, 2-26, 2-2
Free motion · 2-18, 2-26
Fast mode · 2-26
Mode · 2-18, 2-26
Type · 2-18
Bandwidth · G-1
Baud rate · G-1
Bounded motion · G-1
BP[N] command · 3-12
CANopen communication · 2-4
CL[N] command · 3-12
Commutation · 2-14
Accessing · 2-2
Desktop · 3-1
Installing · 1-2

Menu bar · 3-2
Shortcuts · 2-6
Toolbar · 3-1
Continuous stall current · 2-6, G-2
Counts · G-2
Creating a new application · 2-2
Current loop tuning · 2-13
Current main commutation feedback · 2-7
Custom dialog box · 3-14
Damping · A-2
Deceleration · 2-17, 2-19, 3-9, G-2
CANopen communication · 2-4
Commutation · 2-14
Motor parameters · 2-5
New application · 2-2
RS-232 communication · 2-4
System limits · 2-8
Displacement · 2-17, 2-19, G-2
Downloading a PVT or PT file · 3-27
Driver continuous current · G-2
Dual loop · 2-30
Advanced manual tuning · 2-3
Automatic tuning · 2-2
Manual tuning · 2-1
Editing a PT or PVT file · 3-25
EF[N] command · 3-11
Elmo Studio · 1-1, 3-17
Magnetic pitch · 2-8, G-2
Resolution · 2-8, G-2
ER[N] command · 3-12
Establishing commutation · 2-14
Expert tuning mode
Bounded motion · 2-18, 2-26, 2-2
Free motion · 2-18, 2-26
Export data · 2-20

Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Fast tuning mode · 2-26
Filter designer · 2-16, 2-25, 2-1
Filters dialog box · 3-11
Free motion · G-2
Freewheel · G-2
Frequency · A-2
Function behavior · 2-11
Output · 2-11
Function behaviors · 3-16, 3-17
Gain · G-2
Scheduling · 3-28
Gain scheduling · 2-22, 2-28, 2-4

Manual tuning type
Dual loop · 2-1
Position loop · 2-24
Velocity loop · 2-16
Maximum mechanical speed · 2-6, G-3
Maximum record time · 2-17, 2-19
Scope · 3-19
Menu bar
Composer · 3-2
Mini Wizard · 3-28
Motion Monitor · 1-1, 3-4
Indicators · 3-7
Recorder · 3-4
Motor parameters · 2-5
Motor type · 2-6

HL[N] command · 3-13
Import data · 2-20
Input Logic dialog box · 3-16, 3-17
Installing the Composer · 1-2
Interpolate · 2-29, 2-4

Networking · 1-2
Notch filter · A-1, A-2, G-3
An application · 2-6
Communication directly · 2-8

JV command · 3-10
KI · 2-16, 2-21, 2-22, G-2
KP · 2-16, 2-21, 2-22, G-2
LL[N] command · 3-13
Loading a network · 2-9
Low pass · A-1, A-2, G-2
Magnetic pitch · 2-8, G-2

PA command · 3-10
Phase · G-3
PL[N] command · 3-12
Position loop · 2-24
Advanced manual tuning · 2-28
Automatic tuning · 2-26
Manual tuning · 2-24
PR command · 3-10
Profile dialog box · 3-9
Profiler mode · 2-17, 2-19
Protections dialog box · 3-11
PT Tables · 3-24
PTP · G-3
PVT table · G-3
PVT Table Editor · 1-1
PVT Tables · 3-24


Elmo Composer User Manual


MAN-COMPUM (Ver. 1.9)

Record resolution · 2-17, 2-19, G-4
Resolution · 2-8, 3-5, G-2
Resonance · G-4
Response slider · 2-19, 2-26, 2-2
RS-232 communication · 2-4
Saving an application · 2-5
Scope · 1-1, 3-17
Menu · 3-19
Toolbar · 3-18
SD command · 3-13
Sensor noise slider · 2-19
Set record parameters · 2-17
Show transfer function · 2-20
Smart Terminal · 1-1, 3-8
Analog Input dialog box · 3-15
Custom dialog box · 3-14
Filters dialog box · 3-11
Input Logic dialog box · 3-16, 3-17
Profile dialog box · 3-9
Protections dialog box · 3-11
Smooth factor · 2-17, 2-19, 3-9, G-4
Step response · G-5
Sync Manager · 1-1, 3-27
System limits · 2-8
System noise slider · 2-26, 2-2
System requirements · 1-2
Table Editor · 3-24
Creating a data file · 3-25
Downloading a data file · 3-27
Editing a data file · 3-25

Composer · 3-1
Scope · 3-18
Transfer function · G-6
Trigger · 3-6
Trigger logic · G-6
Current loop · 2-13
Dual loop · 2-30
Advanced manual · 2-3
Automatically · 2-2
Manually · 2-1
Position loop · 2-24
Advanced manual · 2-28
Automatically · 2-26
Manually · 2-24
Velocity loop · 2-15
Advanced manual · 2-21
Automatically · 2-18
Manually · 2-16
Velocity · 2-17, 2-19
Velocity loop · 2-15
Advanced manual tuning · 2-21
Automatic tuning · 2-18
Manual tuning · 2-16
VL[N] command · 3-13
Wizard · 1-1, 2-1
XP[N] command · 3-12



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