MAST Deployment Guide 2.2

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MAST Deployment Guide (v 2.2)
March 2019
This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It
was prepared by SSG-Advisors under the Land Technology Solutions (LTS) contract.
Prepared for the United States Agency for International Development, USAID/E3/LU Contract Number
AID-OAA-C-17-00056, Land Technology Solutions (LTS) contract.
Prepared by:
SSG-Advisors, LLC
1 Mill Street, Suite 201
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: (802) 735-1169
Fax: (866) 595-9620
2000 P Street, Suite 401
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 548-7107
The authors' views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States
Agency for International Development or the United States Government.
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1
2. MAST Data Management Infrastructure ............................................................................ 3
2.1 Hosting ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Server setup and prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Application and Database deployment .............................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Geoserver configuration....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Known issues ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
3. MAST Mobile Application ................................................................................................... 18
3.1 APK Setup .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Fresh compilation ................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Known issues ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
LTS Land Technology Solutions
MAST Mobile Applications to Secure Tenure
ME&L Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
ERC USAID Evaluation, Research and Communication (ERC) project
USAID United States Agency for International Development
USAID/E3/LU USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment, Office of
Land and Urban
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 1
This document is a guide to setting up a MAST server and mobile application instance from scratch. It is
designed to be used in conjunction with the MAST Implementation Guide, and serves as a technical manual
for all the technology components that underlie the MAST platform. The intended audience is software
developers, systems administrators, and other technical specialists.
It is assumed that the user has reasonable familiarity with Linux servers, Java applications, databases, and
Android applications. Working knowledge of git and other tools will also be necessary. This guide makes
extensive use of the Linux command line, and assumes that the user has a Linux development environment
available for use, though a Windows or OSX computer can certainly be used with some modifications.
Figure 1 MAST infrastructure
A complete deployment of MAST requires, at a minimum, a server and enough Android devices to meet
the project’s needs. The server can be a physical server or a cloud server, and this guide provides
information for both use cases. Android devices may be mobile phones or tablets, but should run Android
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 2
4+ and have an onboard GPS unit with sufficient accuracy to map land parcels. For improved accuracy, it
is recommended that you use an external GPS unit connected to the mobile device via Bluetooth or USB.
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2. MAST Data Management
Before beginning MAST deployment, first consider what type of server hosting you will be using. MAST
can either be run on a cloud server, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), or on a local, physical server.
Either option is viable, and the decision rests on the purpose, environment, and longevity of the project.
A cloud server is appropriate for a MAST instance that is large in scale (regional or national) and that
requires consistent server uptime and availability, but does not have a physical environment that would
allow these needs to be fulfilled by a local server, i.e. lacks reliable datacenters, electricity, or connectivity.
Cloud servers ensure infrastructure reliability for a reasonable monthly fee, but do require an internet
connection to reach. Costs tend to be reasonable, but the ability to pay them does require a consistent
cash flow. Although cloud servers don’t require infrastructure maintenance, they are still servers and
require system administration knowledge to set up and maintain.
A local server is appropriate for two cases: when MAST is only going to be utilized in a single office or
location, or if there are high quality data centers available locally. In the first case, MAST can be installed
on a single computer (even a laptop) and accessed only via a local network. Advantages are the low cost
and low complexity, at the expense of flexibility and reach. It also requires a qualified local technician, or
a preconfigured machine sent to the location. Configuration will be somewhat different than the cloud
server. In the second case, configuration will be identical to that of a cloud server, but will require a
database and significant infrastructure support, in addition to overall systems support. This type of solution
is only likely to be viable in instances where data sovereignty is paramount and funding is sufficient to pay
for high levels of support. Cost may be high.
Amazon Web Services
This guide largely discusses hosting in terms of AWS, though any other hosting service could be used.
Simply find a similar server configuration to those suggested below.
MAST can run on relatively small servers, as small as t2.large. However, for large deployments, m4.large
and above are recommended. While day to day operations don’t require significant resources, serving
large amounts of imagery and executing topology checks can be CPU-intensive. It is also recommended
that the MAST database run on a separate Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) server. This makes
database management and backup very easy. Since storage is relatively cheap on AWS, elect for 100 GB
minimum on each server. SSD is preferable for performance reasons. If you wish to use a smaller server
size, such as a t2-tier server, regular application function will likely be sufficient, but topology check runs
may be significantly hampered and cause performance issues.
For a local server, select hardware with a similar profile to the AWS server above. A minimum of 4 GB
of RAM, 200 GB of storage, and a modern, multicore processor are recommended. If there will be a very
small number of users with minimal concurrency, most consumer laptops will run MAST, though
performance may not be optimal.
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AWS Configuration
This guide assumes that the server is running Ubuntu 16.04. This is a long-term support version that is
supported with free images from Amazon. Any other Linux distribution will function just as well; simply
use your package manager of choice and substitute directory paths with the correct ones.
When configuring your AWS server, make sure that these ports are open via security settings.
22 (SSH): limit this to your own IP
5432 (PostgreSQL): for the database server if you wish to directly connect a database management
client; limit this to your own IP
80 (HTTP): for the application server; open this to all IPs that should have access to MAST, or
leave open to all
443 (HTTPS): for the application server, if using SSL
At the time of this writing, MAST does not support SSL out of the box. Support for this will be added
OS and package installation
Before proceeding, update your apt packages and lists:
Install Java JDK 8 using the webupd8 installer:
Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS extensions, if you are using a single server for application and database. If
you are using Amazon RDS or equivalent, you will not need to do this, but will need to configure your
RDS database to work with PostGIS.
There are no apt packages for Tomcat, so first browse to the Apache Tomcat 8 download page at and copy the link for the tar.gz archive link. At the time of this
writing, it is
Then download the package and unzip it to the /opt folder:
Files will be unzipped into apache-tomcat-8.5.38 folder. Rename it to tomcat.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgis
$ wget
$ sudo tar xzvf apache-tomcat-8.5.38.tar.gz -C /opt
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Download and install GeoServer for serving map layers. GeoServer will be deployed to the Tomcat server
and therefore we need WAR package. For this guide, the latest 2.15.0 is used.
Rename downloaded file into and unzip it to geoserver folder.
Now geoserver folder contains different files and folders. We need to copy geoserver.war into out
Tomcat folder under Web applications subfolder - /opt/tomcat/webapps.
Once Tomcat server is started geoserwer.war will be expanded into geoserver folder and deployed as
Web application.
In order to connect to the MAST database, download appropriate JDBC drivers for PostgreSQL and
PostGIS and put them into /opt/tomcat/lib folder. The following lines use the latest versions as of this
writing but you may check here for postgres and here for postgis driver updates. Considering we installed
Java 8 or higher, version 4.2 has to be used.
Configure PostgreSQL password
First, run psql utility under postgres account and change and then change password. If you used Amazon
RDS, you’ve already done this during the setup process and will not need to repeat the process now.
Remember this password, as it will be used to access the database in the future.
Configure Tomcat
First, open your .bashrc file for editing using your favorite editor.
$ sudo mv /opt/apache-tomcat-8.5.38/ /opt/tomcat
$ wget
$ mv download
$ unzip -d geoserver
$ sudo cp geoserver/geoserver.war /opt/tomcat/webapps
$ sudo wget -P
$ sudo wget
jdbc/2.3.0/postgis-jdbc-2.3.0.jar -P /opt/tomcat/lib/
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \password postgres
$ vim ~/.bashrc
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 6
And add the following lines (considering Java 8 is installed):
Create or edit file in the Tomcat folder under /opt/tomcat/bin with the editor of your choice
and set the following content:
This line sets different options for your Tomcat. One of the important ones are -Xms (sets minimum
allocated memory) and -Xmx (sets maximum allocated memory). Make sure that you have enough RAM
for configured values.
Make sure that the file is executable:
Add the following resource reference to /opt/tomcat/conf/context.xml inside the Context tags, i.e.
before </Context>:
Add the following lines, configuring MAST database connection, to /opt/tomcat/conf/server.xml file
inside the GlobalNamingResources tags, i.e. before </GlobalNamingResources>, swapping out the
host, database name, username and password strings for the correct ones. Please, make sure that the
database is not created yet and you have to remember database name, configured in this setting. This
name has to be used at the next steps when creating database.
CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.timezone=UTC -
server -d64 -XX:NewSize=700m -XX:MaxNewSize=700m -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -
XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -
XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:SurvivorRatio=20 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8"
sudo chmod ug+x /opt/tomcat/bin/
<ResourceLink global="jdbc/mast" name="jdbc/mast"
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 7
<Resource type="javax.sql.DataSource"
validationQuery="SELECT 1"
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 8
Initialize Database
Fetch a copy of the latest scripts from the GitHub repository:
If you don’t have Git installed, you can download database creation script directly:
Login to your postgres server and create a new database. Your connection string will vary depending on
your server choice.
If you are using RDS, you will have to enable PostGIS support by manually adding several extensions.
Follow the instructions in Amazon’s documentation for RDS here. You should end up with several new
topology schemas.
Restore the database schema and data downloaded from the GitHub repository:
You may need to specify full path to the create_database.sql file if it’s not in the current folder. If you
have no errors, check to ensure that the database has been populated.
Get DMI Application
You can either clone and compile MAST-DMI application from the GitHub
( or download a compiled version from releases
( Check for the latest release and download
mast.war from the assets list. At the time of writing this guide, the latest release is 3.1.
If you are planning to do further development of MAST or explore the code, clone and open the project
in your favorite Java IDE, supporting Maven.
Before building the application, you may wish to further configure some items, such as reports. MAST
reports are configured using Jasper Reports, and all templates can be found under
/src/main/resources/reports folder. Detailed use of the Jasper report editor is outside the scope of
this document, but details and help can be found online at
Once you have WAR file available, copy it to Tomcat webapps folder.
$ git clone
$ wget
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE mast;
postgres=# \c mast
postgres=# \i create_database.sql
$ wget
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 9
Start the Server
Finally, start your Tomcat server by using the following command:
If you choose, you may also install Tomcat as a systemd service, though this is outside the scope of this
Wait few moments (e.g. 1-2 minutes) and check that the application has been deployed by going to
http://[your_server_IP]:8080/mast. If you are testing from the local machine, use localhost instead
of IP address. Please, note that is you didn’t configure HTTP port for Tomcat, it will be using 8080 by
default. It can be changed in the server.xml configuration file.
In case all components were properly installed and configured, you should see login screen.
Figure 2 – Login screen
By default, new database was created with user demo and password demo. This user has full
administration rights, use it for initial setup and configuration of your own projects (refer to the user guide
for more details). It’s highly recommended to change this password to a more secured version or
disable/delete demo user in your production. There is also one project configured for your reference and
$ sudo cp mast.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/
$ sudo /opt/tomcat/bin/
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 10
GeoServer is used by MAST DMI for displaying various map layers. You can publish and link to DMI any
type of layers, but there are few important ones, which must be configured in GeoServer in order for
DMI to function properly. They include land parcels layer, resources layers and area of interest layer.
Before starting GeoServer configuration, open your browser and type in IP address of your Tomcat server
with geoserver at the end:
In this example we use localhost, but you can replace it with your IP address.
By default GeoServer has username admin with password geoserver. Use them for accessing
GeoServer, but it’s highly recommended to change this password to a more secured version.
Create namespace
First we have to create mast namespace, where all further data stores, layers and styles will be configured.
Follow the steps below:
1. Login into GeoServer.
2. Click Workspaces in the left menu.
3. Click Add new workspace link.
4. Enter the following values:
a. Name = Mast
b. Namespace = http://localhost:8080/ (change localhost to IP address of Tomcat server if
you want to access DMI from the network).
c. Tick Default Workspace
5. Click Submit button
Figure 3 – Mast workspace
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 11
Enable anonymous access
In the newer GeoServer versions, anonymous “write” access is turned off and therefore you won’t be
able to do spatial editing from MAST DMI. Make sure that anonymous “write” access is enabled by
following the steps below:
1. Click on the Data option under Security main menu.
2. In the list of rules, check if ROLE_ANONYMOUS is present for *.*.w rule.
3. If anonymous role is missing, click on the *.*.w rule.
4. On the next screen select ROLE_ANONYMOUS in the available roles and click add button “=>”
to add it into Selected Roles.
5. Click Save button.
Publish parcels layer
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 12
For displaying land parcels on the map control in DMI, it has to be published on GeoServer first. Created
MAST database already has settings to for the minimum set of layers, configured to use localhost address.
If you are testing your server from a different computer, layers IP address has to be changed in the
database. Check “Adjust layers URL” chapter for more details.
Start publishing parcels layer by creating new data store:
1. Click Stores in the main menu.
2. Click Add new store.
3. Click on PostGIS vector data source.
4. Enter the following parameters:
a. Workspace = Mast
b. Data Source Name = MastDB
c. Host = localhost (or IP address if your database on the different server)
d. Port: 5432
e. Database = mast
f. User = postgres
g. Password = [your_postgres_password]
h. Expose primary keys = yes (ticked)
5. Click Save button
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 13
Figure 4 – New store
If all parameters provided correctly, you will see next screen with the list of tables, available in the
database. If you have any failure, check chapter 2.4 Known Issues for more details regarding PostgreSQL
driver in GeoServer.
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 14
Go through the listed tables and find la_spatialunit_land. Click Publish link against this table.
Alternatively you can go through Layers menu and select Add a new layer option. Make sure the
following parameters are set for the land parcels layer:
1) Name = la_spatialunit_land
2) Ttile = Land Parcels
3) Native SRS = EPSG:4326
4) Declared SRS = EPSG:4326
5) Click Compute from SRS bounds link to calculate bounding box. You can use Compute
from data link if you have already some data.
6) Click Compute from native bounds link to set Lat/Lon Bounding Box
7) Click Save button
Figure 5 – Parcels layer properties
After successful saving, it will appear in the list of layers (under Layers menu).
Publish area of interest layer
Area of interest area layer is used for displaying designated areas, which can be further assigned to specific
para-surveyor for limiting his area of field surveys. Since we already created MAST database source, we
simply need to publish a new layer. Follow these steps below:
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 15
1. Click Layers menu.
2. Click Add a new layer link.
3. Select Mast:MastDB data source.
4. Look for la_spatialunit_aoi table and click Publish link against this table.
5. Provide the following values:
a. Name = la_spatialunit_aoi
b. Title = AOI
c. Native SRS = EPSG:4326
d. Declared SRS = EPSG:4326
e. Click Compute from SRS bounds link to calculate bounding box. You can use
Compute from data link if you have already some data.
f. Click Compute from native bounds link to set Lat/Lon Bounding Box
6. Click Save button
Publish resource (land) layer
MAST allows capturing various resource types in the field. They can be in the form of polygon, line or
point. Follow these steps below to publish polygon type of resources (land):
1. Click Layers menu.
2. Click Add a new layer link.
3. Select Mast:MastDB data source.
4. Look for la_spatialunit_resource_land table and click Publish link against this table.
5. Provide the following values:
a. Name = la_spatialunit_resource_land
b. Title = Resource Land
c. Native SRS = EPSG:4326
d. Declared SRS = EPSG:4326
e. Click Compute from SRS bounds link to calculate bounding box. You can use
Compute from data link if you have already some data.
f. Click Compute from native bounds link to set Lat/Lon Bounding Box
6. Click Save button
Publish resource (line) layer
For publishing line resources, follow these steps below:
1. Click Layers menu.
2. Click Add a new layer link.
3. Select Mast:MastDB data source.
4. Look for la_spatialunit_resource_line table and click Publish link against this table.
5. Provide the following values:
a. Name = la_spatialunit_resource_line
b. Title = Resource Lines
c. Native SRS = EPSG:4326
d. Declared SRS = EPSG:4326
e. Click Compute from SRS bounds link to calculate bounding box. You can use
Compute from data link if you have already some data.
f. Click Compute from native bounds link to set Lat/Lon Bounding Box
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 16
6. Click Save button
Publish resource (point) layer
For publishing point resources, follow these steps below:
1. Click Layers menu.
2. Click Add a new layer link.
3. Select Mast:MastDB data source.
4. Look for la_spatialunit_resource_point table and click Publish link against this table.
5. Provide the following values:
a. Name = la_spatialunit_resource_point
b. Title = Resource Points
c. Native SRS = EPSG:4326
d. Declared SRS = EPSG:4326
e. Click Compute from SRS bounds link to calculate bounding box. You can use
Compute from data link if you have already some data.
f. Click Compute from native bounds link to set Lat/Lon Bounding Box
6. Click Save button
Publish vertices layer
Vertices layer is used for showing land parcel vertices, when producing various print outs (e.g. land
certificate). Therefore it has to be published on GeoServer from the vertexlabel table. Follow these
steps below:
1. Click Layers menu.
2. Click Add a new layer link.
3. Select Mast:MastDB data source.
4. Look for vertexlabel table and click Publish link against this table.
5. Provide the following values:
a. Name = vertexlabel
b. Title = vertexlabel
c. Native SRS = EPSG:4326
d. Declared SRS = EPSG:4326
e. Click Compute from SRS bounds link to calculate bounding box. You can use
Compute from data link if you have already some data.
f. Click Compute from native bounds link to set Lat/Lon Bounding Box
6. Switch to Publishing tab and select point style in the Default Style dropdown box.
7. Click Save button
Adjust layers URL
Default MAST database comes with predefined list of layers, configured for http://localhost:8080 address.
If you have different port number or planning to test MAST application from the network, using real IP
address of the server, you need to update you layers in the la_spatialsource_layer table. Simply run
the following command on your MAST database:
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 17
update la_spatialsource_layer set location =
Change “your_ip_address” and “port_number” to appropriate values, according to your configuration.
Commands on Ubuntu:
When installing Tomcat on Windows system with using Java 8, there might be an issue with starting MAST
DMI application. In the log files of Tomcat you can find the following error:
Property 'passwordEncoder' threw exception; nested exception is
In order to resolve it, download Java 7 Cryptography Extensions from the following link:
Extract and copy over downloaded files into your JRE installation folder under lib/security (e.g.
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_101\lib\security and/or C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\jre\lib\security). They have to be placed into jre folder according to your
JAVA_HOME configuration.
GeoServer JDBC driver for PostgreSQL
GeoServer comes with PostgreSQL JDBC driver and sometimes it may not match your database version.
Since we are deploying JDBC driver into Tomcat libraries, you can try and delete this driver from the
GeoServer folder. Geoserver folder will be created under Tomcat webapps folder after you start your
Tomcat for the first time. Go to the GeoServer’s lib folder(e.g. /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/WEB-
INF/lib) and delete postgresql file (e.g. postgresql-42.1.1.jar).
After deleting the file, you will need to restart your Tomcat. Make sure to give some time (e.g. 30 sec)
before starting Tomcat again.
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \c mast
mast=# update la_spatialsource_layer set location =
$ sudo /opt/tomcat/bin/
$ sudo /opt/tomcat/bin/
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3. MAST Mobile Application
The easiest way to get started with MAST mobile application is to download it from the latest releases on
GitHub. Check and look for the latest release.
Download mast.apk from the assets list, copy to your Android mobile device and run for installation. At
the time of writing this guide, the latest release is 3.1, available at
IDE setup
First, download and install Android Studio from During
setup, you will be prompted to download any versions of the Android SDK that you wish to use. For the
purposes of MAST, download the SDK for Android 6.0 Nougat (API level 23).
If you wish to test the application before building, create an Android Virtual Device to ensure your install
works properly. Click Tools > Android > AVD Manager, and click the Create Virtual Device button. Choose a
phone and SDK level to emulate, such as the Pixel with the latest Android version. Before clicking Finish,
click on Show Advanced Settings. Under Memory and Storage, ensure that the SD card is set to Studio-
Managed and is at least 200 MB.
Configure, Compile, and deploy application
To build the application package, first fetch the source code from GitHub:
As of this writing, several settings are hardcoded into the application before compiling. In the Studio
project explorer, open Java > Util > Set the SERVER_IP string to the IP of your DMI
server and save the file.
If you are using Android Studio version greater than 2.2.3, open the file and ensure that the
following value is set for the gradle version:
To build the application package (APK file), select Build > Generate Signed APK. Android Studio will
request that you create a signed keystore and key file to use to sign the application, if you have not
already. Follow the onscreen instructions. Further information is available online.
$ git clone
dependencies {
classpath ''
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 19
Once you have the final APK, transfer a copy to each device that you plan on using. To install the
application, use a file browser application to open and run the APK. Note that you will have to ensure
that the devices are set to run applications from alternative sources (i.e. not the Google store), by going
to the devices security settings. The exact location of the setting varies from device to device.
Google Maps API Key
When compiling MAST-MOBILE project, Google Maps API key may not be working and it will require
replacement with a new key. Open AndroidManifest.xml file and replace value for the following setting:
android:value="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" />
Put new key instead of XXXXXXXXXXXX value.
USAID - AID-OAA-C-17-00056 MAST Deployment Guide 20
U.S. Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20523
Tel: (202) 712-0000
Fax: (202) 216-3524

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