MC14500B_Industrial_Control_Unit_Handbook_1977 MC14500B Industrial Control Unit Handbook 1977
User Manual: MC14500B_Industrial_Control_Unit_Handbook_1977
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MC14500B INDUSTRIAL CONTROL UNIT HANDBOOK. Authors VemGregory Brian DeUaRde Principal Contribntors Ray DiSilvestro Terry Malarkey Phil Smith Mike Hadley "Copyright 1977 by Motorola Inc. All Rights Reserved @ MOTOROI.A Senriconducf:or Producf:s Inc_ PREFACE A large number of the problems found in controlling electronic and electromechanical devices involve decision oriented tasks. In addition, these decisions usually result in commands as simple as turning something on or off. Some examples are: Is the limit switch closed? Has the timer interval ended? Turn 011 pump PI7 when relays A, B, and Care closed. Send 20 pulses to the triac. Turn on the TlO: light. Count 60 pulses and start motor M I, and an infinity of like jobs. There are, of course, many ways to solve these types of problems. Originally, conceptually simple and easily maintained relays were used extensively. However, relays are bulky, expensive, consume a great deal ofpower, suffer in terms of long range reliability and also from the fact that they do not lend themselves easily to system changes. Next came solid state logic. These devices are quite small, have become extremely inexpensive, consume afraction ofthe power ofa relay and have tremendous long term reliability while remaining conceptually simple and easily maintainable. However, they still suffer from the fact that, once in the system, they are not easily programmable and system changes cannot be made quickly and inexpensively. Computers alld microcomputers may also be used, but they telld to overcomplicate the task and often require highly trained personnel to develop and maintain the system. A simpler device, designed to operate on inputs and outputs one-at-atime and configured to resemble a relay system, was introduced. These devices became known to the controls industry as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The Motorola MCI4500B Industrial Control Unit (ICU) is the monolithic embodiment of the PLC's central architecture. Some of the features of the Motorola MC14500B ICU are: • 16 instructions. • Easily programmed, uncomplicated, no fear of the urifamiliar. • Easily learned, can be maintained by existing personnel. • Uses external memory for versatile system design. • Can be uniquely tailored to a user's particular requirements. • Readily expandable to any size and complexity. • Offers the advantages of programmability. • B series CMOS lEDEC specification • High noise immunity. • Low quiescent current. • 3-18 volt operation. • Static operation. • Wide range of clockfrequencies, typical I MHz operation @ VDD = 5V with I instruction/clock period. • instruction inputs-TTL compatible. • Outperforms microprocessors for decision oriented tasks. • Wide range of opplications, from relay ladder logic processing, to moderate speed serial data manipulations, to the unloading of overtaxed microprocessor based systems. This handbook serves as a design and application manual/or the part. ii Table of Contents Prerace ........................................................... .i CHAPTER 1 - Introduction ...................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 CHAPTER 2 - Basic Concepts ................................... , 9 CHAPTER 3 - Basic Programming and Instruction Set .............. 15 CHAPTER 4 - Hardware Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 CHAPTER 5 - Demonstration System ............................. 31 CHAPTER 6 - Timing, Signal Conditioning and 110 Circuits ......... 41 CHAPTER 7 - OEN and the IF-THEN Structure ................... 55 CHAPTER 8 - IF-THEN-ELSE Structure .......................... 59 CHAPTER 9 - While Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 CHAPTER 10 - Complete EnabUng Structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 67 CHAPTER 11- Traffic Intersection Controller ...................... 75 CHAPTER 12 - Adding Jumps, Conditional Brancbing and Subroutines 87 CHAPTER 13 - Modularizing Hardware Systems .................... 91 CHAPTER 14 - Arithmetic ROlitines ............................... 97 CHAPTER 15 - Translating to ICU Code ........................... tot APPENDIX A - MCI4599B Addressable Latch ...................... 105 iii CHAYfER 1 INTRODUCTION The Motorola MC14500B is a single chip, one-bit static CMOS processor optimized for decision-oriented tasks. The processor is housed jn a 16-pin package and features 16-four-bit instructions. Tht! instructions perform logical operations on data appearing on a one-bit bidirectional data line and data in a one-bit accumulating Result Register within the lCU. All operations are performed at the bit level. . The ICU is timed by a single phase clock signal, generated by an internal oscillator that uses one external resistor. Alternatively, the clock signal may be controlled by an external oscillator. In either case, the clock signal is available for synchronization with other systems. Each of the ICU's instructions execute in a single clock period. The clock frequency may be varied over a wide range. At a clock frequency of 1 MHz, some 8300, plus, instructions, may be executed in a 60 Hz power line half cycle. In a system, the ICU may be used in conjunction with the complete line of over 100 standard B-series CMOS logic devices. This allows tailoring a system to an application, and allows a judicious mix of customized hardware and software to be achieved. As an initial example, Figure 1.1 shows a block diagram of a minimal ICU system with four component blocks in addition to the ICU. The blocks are: • The lCU, or central controller of the system. • The memory, either permanent Read Only Memory (ROM) or temporary Random Access Memory (RAM). Here, the steps of the program are stored, both individual instructions and addresses of inputs and outputs. Figur. 1.1 Basic ICU System • • The program counter, used to step the machine through the sequence of instructions. Inputs and outputs, each individually selected by the machine, from information contained in the memory. Note that this system can be expanded almost without bound, in terms of inputs and outputs, so long as the memory is sufficiently wide to address the I/O structure. There are functions for which one bit machines are poorly suited. These functions are complex calculations or parallel word data processing. When there are many calculations, a one-bit machine is at a disadvantage. When a job is dominated by calculations or data logging,. a multi-bit processor is appropriate. When the task is decision and command oriented, a one-bit machine is an excellent choice. The tasks that are mixed between decisions and calculations will be decided upon by economics, the designer's familiarity with alternatives, and how comfortable the designer is with the alternatives. Under some circumstances, a combination of an MC6800 MPU and an MC14500B ICU may be the best solution. A functional diagram of the MC14500B is shown in Figure 1.2. Central to the ICU is the Result Register, (RR), a one-bit accumulator that stores the results of Boolean manipulations. These results are generated in the Logic Unit, (LU), which has as its inputs, signals from external data and the RR. Instructions are presented to the chip on the 4 instruction pins, (10, 11, 12, 13), and are latched into the Instruction Register, (IR), on the negativegoing edge of Xl. Ar-@JMP A~ATN ArB FLGO A~FLGF RST~ Figure 12 MCI4500B Block Diagram 2 The instructions, listed in Figure 1.3, are decoded in the Control Logic (CTL), sending the appropriate logic commands to the LU. Further decoding is also perfonned in the CTL to send a number of output flags (JMP, RTN, FLGO, FLOF) to pins 9 through 12. These are used as external control signals and remain active for a full clock period after the negativegoing edge of Xl. I nstruction Code #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #8 #A #B #C #0 #E #F 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 lOll 1100 1101 1110 1111 ! Mnemonic Action NOPO lO lOC AND ANDC OR ORC XNOR STO STOC lEN OEN JMP RTN SKZ NOPF No change in registers. R ~ R. FlGO +- S1.. Load Result Reg. Data -+ RR Load Complement Data -+- RR logical AND. RR • 0 ..... RR logical AND Compl.RR· 0 ..... RR logical OR. RR + 0'" RR logical OR Compl. RR +0'" RR Exclusive NOR. If RR = 0, RR +-1 Store. RR -+ Data Pin, Write +-1 Store Compl. RR -+ Data Pin, Write +-1 Input Enable. 0 -+IEN Reg. Output Enable. 0'" OEN Reg. Jump. JMP Flag <- .n.. Return. RTN Flag +-Jl.. Skip next Inst. Skip next instruction if RR = 0 No change in Registers RR -+RR, FlGF +-Jl. Figur. 1.3 MCI4500B Instruction Set The timing signals are generated from an on-chip oscillator, (OSC), with the operating frequency set via an external resistor connected between pins 13 and 14. Figure 1.4 shows the relationship between frequency and resistor values. The resultant square wave output appearing at pin 14 is used both within the leu and as a general system clock. Alternatively, the system may be externally clocked at pin 13. IOkLLLWIO~k~ll~-L-L~LUI~OO~k~ll-L~-L~~UIM~ll~-L~~ Rc. CLOCK FREQUENCY RESISTOR Figure lA Typical Cloek Frequency Versus Resistor (RC) 3 Two internal latches, Input Enable Register, (mN), and Output Enable Register, (OEN), control data transfers to and from the ICU. The mN acts to enable the data path to the LU when in the high state. The OEN, in the high state, enables the Write signal. It should be noted that both of these registers are set via the Data pin. RST V DD RR XI Write Data 13 X2 12 JMP 11 RTN 10 FLGO VSS FLGF Figure 1.5 Pin Assignment A Master Reset pin (RSl), active high, is provided to clear all registers and hold the FLAG signals within the lCU at zero. The oscillator pin (Xl) is held in the high state when RST is high. When RST goes low, the oscillator starts after a delay. In addition, the state of RR is available at the buffered RR pin 15. The ICU chip is housed in a 16-pin dual-in-line package, available in either plastic or ceramic. The various temperature ranges and package types are as follows: MC145OOBAL: Ceramic package; MIL temperature range MC145OOBCL: Ceramic package, Commercial temperature range MC145OOBCP: Plastic package, Commercial temperature range Pin assignments are shown in Figure 1.5. The maximum ratings and the electrical characteristics of the ICU are shown in Figure 1.6. These characteristics conform to JEDEC B-Series specifications governing CMOSB-Series devices which have a recommended supply voltage operating range from 5 to 15 Vdc. In electrically noisy industrial environments, supply voltages of 15 Vdc are recommended to make best use of the excellent noise immunity characteristics of CMOS logic. In addition to being able to work in conjunction with over 100 B-series devices, the ICU also works with non-B-series CMOS parts. Refer to Motorola Semiconductor Data Library, CMOS Volume 5/Series B, for further information regarding the many devices that are compatible with the lCU. The switching characteristics and explanatory waveforms are shown in Figures 1.7 and 1.8, respectively. All times are related to the pin 14 clock signal, Xl. At this printing, only specifications for typical times, at VDD = 10 Vdc, were available. Refer to the MC14500B data sheet for up-to-date specifications. 4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic Output Voltage ; Vin = Von drO Vln c OorVDD "0" level "0" Level VIL "1" Level VIH 1.0 or 9.0 Vde) c Input Voltage "0" Level VIL "1" Level VIH 10. II, 12, 13 (Va c 9.0 or 1.0 Vde) (Va = 1.0 or 9.0 Vdc) Output Drive Current 0, Write (VOH c (VOL c 9.5 Vde) 0.5 Vde) Source c 9.5 Vde) 0 10 10 Sink IOL IOH Source IOH IOL IOH Sink (VOL = 0.5 Vde) Output Drive Current (CL/CP Device) Unit Vdc Vdc Vde 10 4.50 10 5.50 Vdc Vde 10 2.2 10 3.1 10 10 -6.0 6.0 10 10 -2.25 Vde mAde IOH Output Drive Current fAL Device) Outputs (VOH 10 VOH RST,D,X2 (Va = 9.0 or 1.0 Vdcl (Va -tp VOL' "1" Level Input Voltage* 250 VDD Vdc mAde mAde 2.25 mAde mAde mAde Other Outputs (VOH =9.5 Vdcl Source Sink (VOL = 0.5 Vde) Input Current (RST) Input Current (AL Device) Input Current (CL/CP Device) Input Capacitance (DATA) Input Capacitance (All Other Inputs) (Vin = 0) 2.25 150 mAde ±O.ooool ±0.00001 - 15 5.0 "Ade ,.Adc pF pF 100 10 0.010 "Ade 100 10 0.010 "Ade lin lin Cln Cln Quiescent Current (At Device) -2.25 10 10 15 15 16 IOL lin ,.Ade (Per Package) Quiescent Currant (CL/CP Device) (Per Package) "Tlow"" -5So C for AL Device. -40°C for CL/CP Device Thigh = +125 0 C lor A L Device, +850 C for CL/CP Device. Noise Margin for both "1" and "0" = 2.0 Vde min @ VOO = 10 Vde level Figure 1.6 5 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic VDD Vdc All Types Typ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 110 100 125 120 110 120 90 110 40 50 Unit Propagation Delay Time Xl toRR Xl to FLAGF, FLAGO, RTN, JMP Xl to WRITE Xl to DATA RSTtoRR RST to Xl RST to FLAGF, FLAGO, RTN, JMP tdR 'dF tdW tdO tdRRR tdRX tdRF RST to WRITE, DATA Minimum Clock Pul•• Width, Xl 'dRW PWC Minimum Reset Pulse Width, RST PWR n. n. n. ns ns ns ns n. n. ns Setup Time Instruction tiS 'OS 10 10 125 50 ns DATA tlH tOH ·10 10 0 30 ns ns Hold Time Instruction DATA 'r ns n. IT A = 25°C; = 'I = 20 for X and I inputs; CL = 50 pF for JMP, X, RR, FLAGO, FLAGF; CL = 130 pF + 1 TTLIoad for DATA and WRITEJ Figure 1.7 II RST I lEN RegIster OEN Register I I \ \ I I RR :;j 4 bit Instruction FLAGO /4- 'dRRR >---C)--CJ-- ------:N70:cp~O:I NOP F J /~ tdF _I k-I'L \~___ FLAGF ~ ________________1~1 Instructions NOPO, NOPF RR. lEN, OEN remain unaffected Figure 1.8 Timing Waveforms 6 NOP 0 (CLK) lEN 1~~ o-------JC11~._t_IH_ _ _ _~\ LO.te. _R.R_·_ _ ~X : LO etc. / ~tOH !X~____________________ -I f-'dR \L-___ lEN Register (Internal) Instructions lO,lOC, AND, ANDC, OR, ORC, XNOR & lEN Valid when RST "" L (CLK) STO I STO NOP OEN STO ~_:.R.__~S~T_O~~!_j~~t~_______\ ___I_S_TOC_ OEN R.g'"., (lnt.rnal) I ~ ~'dO II \ 1.._ _ __ ~W~RI~TE~~~~-----------Inst,"ctions STO, STOC, OEN Valid when RST =L Figure 1.8 Timing Waveforms (Continued) 7 JMP JMP RTN SKZ ~RS~T__________________________________________~'--- I I I I ~M~P~F~L~A~G~______________________~I J tdRF~ ( l ~~~ __________________~/I~----~\L. ____~ ____ ~ FLAG " \ ~N SKP F/F Interna! I • Instructions Ignored. Instructions SKZ, .INIP, RTN RR. tEN, OEN remain unaffected. Figure 1.8 Timing Waveforms (Continued) 8 CHAPTER 2 BASIC CONCEPTS The block diagram in Figure 2.1 shows an example of a small leu-based PLC system. The components, in addition to the leu, are compose9 ofstandard CMOS parts, except for the memory. . . The ICU system operates on the principle of a stored program processor. A set of commands, called instructions, reside in the memory .of the leu system. Each command instructs the ICU system to perform one of 16 operations. The system "fetches" a command, and the necessary information to execute the command, from memory, then "executes" the command. After executing a command, the next sequential command is "fetched" from memory, and the process is repeated ad infinitum. LD & STO Commands A typical command might be, LOAD (abbreviated LD). This command instructs the ICU system to read the logic level (logic 1 or logic 0) of an input and store this information in the Result Register within the ICU. To use the LD command, the user programs the memory with the LD lnstruction and the address of the input to be sampled ..The operation of the MC14516B Clock t Bit Data Bus I ~ <{ Q .t: .a 4 bit Instruetlon (O~ Codel t Lb 1/0 Address . or "I EI .~I .a. -.~ 8 Inputs Figure 2.1 Typical Small System Organization & Data Flow 9 system is as follows: The system memory supplies the lCU with the LD instruction (the instruction is fetched), and supplies the input selector with the address of the input to be sampled. The logic level of the selected input is then transferred over the lCU's one bit data bus to the I bit Result Register. (See Figure 2.1). Another typical command is STORE (abbreviated STO). This command instructs the ICU system to transfer the data contained in its 1 bit Result Register to an output latch. To use the STO command, the user programs the memory with the STO instruction and the address of the output latch which is to receive the data. The operation of the system is as follows. The system memory supplies the ICU with the STO instruction and supplies the output devices with the address of the selected output latch. The data in the ICU's Result Register is then routed to this latch over the ICU's one bit data bus. (See Figure 2.2). Thus, data can be brought into the system, and also sent out of the system. Write MC14516B Clock g . 0 iii I. t STO I~ ~ it Figure 2.2 System Operation of STO Instruction 10 SYSTEM COMPONENTS Memory The system memory (see Figure 2.3) contains the program which instructs the system to perform its assigned tasks. This program consists ofinstructions to the ICU in the form of 4 bit operation codes (op-codes) and addresses. The addresses (in binary number form) route the data to and from the ICU's I-bit bidirectional data bus to the input and output .~es.! . ICU The lCU is the central control unit in the system. It controls the flow of data between its internal registers and its I-bit bidirectional data line, performs logical operations between data in its Result Register and data on its I-bit bidirectional data line, and sends control signals to the other system components to coordinate the operation of the system. Program Counter The program counter (PC) supplies the lCU system memory with the address of the command to be executed. The PC counts up sequentially in binary to its highest value and "wraps around" to zero and counts up again. This causes the sequence of commands in memory to be repeated creating what is known as a looping program. MC14516B MC14512 MC14599B or MC140998 BA Figure 2.3 Basic System 11 Input Selectors The input selectors are used to decide which of the inputs will be used in a particular operation. The leu system memory supplies the input selectors with the address of the input, then the selector demultiplexes this data onto the lCU's I-bit bidirectional data line for use by the lCU. Thus, one input is selected from the many inputs. Output Selectors The output latches are very similar to the input selectors except the data flow is reversed. When the leu receives a command to store its Result Register data, it transfers this data to its I bit bidirectional data line and signals the output latch with the WRITE control line. The output device then routes this data to the latch specified by the address coming from memory. The AND Instruction Before continuing with an example, one more instruction is required - the AND instruction. The operation of the AND instruction is as follows. The system memory supplies the leU with the AND instruction op-code and supplies the input selectors with the address of an input. The addressed input data is then demultiplexed onto the leU's bidirectional data line. The information on this line is then logically' 'ANDed" with the data which is residing in the Result Register. The result of this operation becomes the new content of the Result Register. Notice that the final content of the Result Register will be a logic I if and only if the previous content of the Result Register was a logic I and the input data was a logic 1. The truth table is: "AND" Input o o I I Initial Result Register Contents o I = New Result Register Contents o o o o 1 1 Example The basic systc;m of Figure 2.3 is well suited to solving problems presented in the form of relay ladders or solid state logic. Figure 2.4 shows the problem LOAD = A· B in both these forms. Thus, when A and B are closed (or a logical I), LOAD is energized (a logical 1). The leU solves this problem not once and once only, but once per program loop. Thus, if there are 1000 instructions in the program and the clock frequency is 500 KHz, the inputs will be sampled 500 times per second (every 2 mS) and the output will be energized or de-energized within 2 mS of an input changing. This is known as a looping control structure. 12 Line Return ~AI--I--li~ '~l r' Figure 2.4A Relay ladder Rung f"::::\ A Load =B_ _ _~~}---=O:: Figure 2.48 Solid State Equivalent of Figure 2AA Figure 2.4 load· A • B Figure 2.5 shows the leU program required to solve this problem. Of course, the sequence could just as readily have been: LD B; AND A; STO LOAD. Loads the state of Input A onto the ICU's Result Register (RR) Logically ANDs the state of input B with the data In the leu Result Register (which now contains A). The result of this operation becomes the new contents of the Result Register. Transfers the data In the RR to the output designated LOAD, thus activating or deactivating the load device Performs remainder of program Bnd loops back Figure 2.5 Example LOAD = A • 8 Program 13 14 CHAPTER 3 BASIC PROGRAMMING AND INSTRUCTION SET Accumulating Result R~gister The reader will note that the AND instruction introduced the concept of an accumulating Result Register. In the execution of this instruction, the ICU logically performed an AND function on the data on its bidirectional data line with the data in its internal Result Register. The result of this operation became the new content of the Result Register. The point to be made here is that the Result Register always receives the result of any of the lCU's logical instructions. The Result Register therefore accumulates the logical result of each lCU logical instruction. This is analogous to an adding machine which always displays . the subtotal after each operation. Complement Instruction It is sometimes desirable to activate an output when one input is in the logic 0 state and another input is in the logic I state. This situation occurs in relay controlled systems where "normally closed" relays are used, and occurs in solid state logic systems where inverters are present. Figure 3.1 shows an example of this situation. The lCU instruction set is prepared for this event. Several logical "complement" instructions invert the logic level of the data on the ICU's bidirectional data line before operation on this data. ~A~ Line Return Figure 3.1 Examples of Complemented Signals The LDC Instruction An example of one of these instructions is the load complement instruction, abbreviated (LDC). The operation of this instruction is as follows. The lCU system memory supplies the ICU with the LDC instruction and the input selectors with the address of the input to be used in the operation. The input selector then demultiplexes the data of the selected input to the ICU's bidirectional data line. The ICU complements this data and stores the result in its one bit Result Register. The Result Register will receive a logic 1 if the selected input was in the logic 0 state. Figure 3.2 shows an lCU program which solves the problem shown in Figure 3.1, using the LDC command. The reader should be convinced of the operation of this program before reading further. 15 ~ ~B~ LOAD Return Line I LDC + AI + I AND ~ B I I STO LOADI Loads the logical complement of the A input Into the Result Register. Logically AND's the B Input with the content of the Result Register (which conte Ins the complement of the A input). The result of this operation becomes the new content of the Result Register. Transfers the Result Register data to the output latch designated LOAD. Note that the STO Instruction will only transfer a logic 1 slgne' to the output fatch If the A signal Is logic O· and the B signal is logic 1. Figure 3.2 Using the LOe Command The ANDC Instruction Another example of a logical complement instruction is the "and complement" instruction abbreviated (ANDC). The operation of the ANDC instruction is as follows. The ICU system memory supplies the ICU with the ANDC instruction and the input selectors with the address of a selected input. The input selector then demultiplexes this data onto the ICU's one bit bidirectional data line. The leU complements this data and logically AND's this data with the data in the Result Register. The result of this operation becomes the new content of the Result Register. The Result Register will receive a logic 1 if the input selected was at logic zero and the Result Register previously contained a logic 1. With the addition of this instruction the leU is able to attack some more complicated "chain" calculations. Figure 3.3 shows one such example. Figure 3.4 shows an leU program which solves the problem depicted in Figure 3.3. In reviewing the operation of these instructions, the reader should be convinced that the load device will only receive a logic 1 signal if A = 1, B = 0, C = 1, and D = o. 16 A Figure 3.3 Example of a Chain Calculation Statement Operator Operand #1 LD ANDC AND ANDC STO A B C D LOAD #2 #3 #4 #5 Comments Result Register +- A Result Register +- A· B Result Register +- A • B• C Result Register of- A • B • C • i5 Result Register: A • B • C • 5 -+ LOAD Figure 3.4 Program to Solve the Chain Calculation of Figure 3.3 ORandORC In many cases, it is also desirable to activate an output when eitherinput is in the logic 1 state. In this event, the "or" instruction, (OR), should be used. The operation of the OR instruction is as follows. The lCU system memory snpplies the OR instruction to the ICU and the address of the input to be used in the operation to the input selectors. The input selector then demultiplexes the addressed data onto the leu's bidirectional data line. The leu then logically OR's this data with the content of the leu's Result Register and returns the result of the operation to the Result Register. The leu also has an "or complement" instruction, abbreviated ORC, in the event complement logic is needed. The operation of this instruction is exactly like the OR instruction except the incoming data is complemented before the OR operation is performed. Figure 3.5 shows some examples where the OR and ORC instructions may be used. ~A~ t=:~ Line B Return LINE A ~ OR #2 #3 LD OR STO A B LOAD RETURN A ~ #1 Ct1 1 B OR RR +-A RR+-A+B A + B : RR -+ LOAD #1 #2 #3 LD ORC STO B RR +-A RR+-A+B LOAD A A Use of the ORC instruction Use of the OR instruction Figure 3.5 USB of the OR and ORC Instructions 17 + B: RR -+ LOAD In the example of using the OR instruction, the load device will receive a logic 1 signal if the Aor B or both inputs are in the logic 1 state. In the example of the ORC instruction, the load device receives a logic 1 signal ifthe A input is in the logic 1 state or the B input is in the logic 0 state. Use of Temporary Locations Many of the logic structures found in the controls industry are branches of several series relays, in parallel with another branch of series relays. Figure 3.6 shows an example of this structure. RELAY LADDER LOGIC SOLID STATE EQUIVALENT Figure 3.6 Series·Paraliel Combinations When dealing with this type of problem, it is not always possible to directly "chain" a series of LD, LDC, AND, ANDC, OR, and ORC instructions together to correctly evaluate the logic function required. In some cases, it may be necessary to temporarily store the intermediate results before processing the remainder of the problem. In these cases, the programmer must evaluate the series branches using LD, AND, and ANDC instructions as necessary to evaluate the expression and then store the result in a temporary location. The second series branch must then be evaluated and ORed with the data saved in the temporary location. The result of this operation should then be used to activate or deactivate the load device. Figure 3.7 shows a common error in programming this type of problem and Figure 3.8 describes and the correct approach to the problem. Figure 3.8 shows the correct method for solving this problem by using a temporary storage location. tj~B~ LINE #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 LD AND OR AND STO C A B C 0 LOAD D RETURN RR +-A RR+-A' B **ERROR RR+-A'B+C RR +- (A • B + C) 0 RR .... LOAD **Note that the final expression Incorrectly resulted in the D term being distributed across all other terms. For example, if A, Band C are logic 1 and the 0 Input is logic 0, the load device would receive a 10gic 0; this is incorrect because the load device should be activated when the A and B inputs are logic 1. Figure 3.7 Example of Incorrect Programming 18 ~ f----l b-Qj f----l A Line #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 LD AND STO LD AND DR STO C LOAD Aeturn 0 RR +-A RR +-A· B AR = A • B -+TEMP RR +-C RR+-C·D· RR +-C' 0 + (TEMP = A • BI = A • B RR = A • B + C • 0 -+ LOAD A B TEMP C 0 TEMP LOAD +C • 0 In this program. the logical result of ANDing A and 8 is stored temporarily, then the logical AND of C and 0 is ORed with the data previously stored in the temporary location. The correct logical signal is then transferred to the load device. This example demonstrates the need for temporary storage locations before proceeding. Figure 3.8 Correct Method of Solving the Problem The XNOR Instruction The "exclusive nor" instruction, abbreviated (XNOR), is the final logical instruction in the ICU's repertoire of logical instructions. The XNOR instruction can be thought of as a "match" instruction. That is, whenever the input data is identical to the data in the Result Register, the new content of the Result Register will be a logic 1. Figure 3.9 shows the truth table for the XNOR function and Figure 3.10 an example using the XNOR function. Note the reduction in code that may result from the use of this instruction. Input Old Result Register Data Data New Result Register Data 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 Figure 3.9 XNOR Truth Table 19 EQUALS ~~ LINE #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 LD AND 5TO LDC ANDC OR 5TO A B TEMP A B TEMP LOAD EQUALS LD XNOR STO A B LOAD Figure 3.10 Example of use of XNOR Instruction The STOC Instruction When transferring a signal to activate a load device, it is very useful to be able to store the logical complement of an expression. The leu therefore has a "store complement" instruction, abbreviated (STOC). The STOC instruction is exactly like the store (STO) instrnction, except the logical complement of the Result Register is transferred to the output latch. It should be pointed out that the Result Register retains its original value (i.e. the STOC does not change the Result Register value, it merely transfers the complement of the Result Register to the bidirectional data line for routing to the output latches). This instruction is quite useful when dealing with negative logic or so called "low active" devices. Figure 3.Il shows an example usage of the STOC instruction. Figure 3 .12 shows a problem in both the relay ladder and logic formats. Figure 3.13 shows the problem reduced to code. :~D--------~ #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 LD AND 5TO LD AND OR sToe A B TEMP e 0 TEMP OUTPUT RR-A RR+-A'B A'B-+1EMP RR +-c RR +-c· D RR+-C'D+A'B A • B + C • 0 --> OUTPUT Figure 3.11 Example of the STOC Instruction 20 A~_.tHC~G ~ I :k o E F LOAD I RETURN LINE o G H Figure 3.12 Complex Problem #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #6 119 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 LO AND AND STO LO ANOC AND OR AND ANOC STO LO ANOC OR STO A B C TEMP 0 E F TEMP G H TEMP TEMP LOAD RR .... A RR .... A· B RR .... A· B' C A' B' C->TEMP RR <-0 RR .... O RR .... O· E' F RR .... A·B·C+O·E·F RR <- (A • B • C + 0 • E • F) • G RR <- (A • B • C + 0 • E • F) • G • H (A • B • C + 0 • E' F) • G • H .... TEMP RR<-I RR <-I' J RR .... (A • B • C + 0 • E . F) • G • H + 1 • J fA • B • C + 0 • E . F) • G • H + 1 • J -> LOAD ·e Figure 3.13 Complex Example Problem Code 21 The Enabling Instructions, lEN and OEN In addition to the lCU's logic instructions, the lCU provides two instructions for controlling the program flow in a looping control structure. The reader will remember that, in a looping control structure, each instruction is fetched from memory in sequential order. In some instances, it may be desirable to effectively' 'jump" over a certain section of the lCU program or to inhibit input data from effecting the system's output. lEN The first of these instructions is the "input enabling" instruction, abbreviated (lEN). The operation of the input enabling instruction is as follows. The lCU system memory supplies the ICU with the lEN instruction and the input selectors with the address of the selected input to be used. The input selector demultiplexes the data of the addressed input onto the ICU's bidirectional data line. The leu then latches the input data into its "input enabling" register. If the input enabling registeris loaded with a logic 0, all future input data will be interpreted as logic 0 until the lEN register is loaded with a logic 1 by another lEN instruction. This instruction can be used in a manner similar to the way" master contacts" are used in relay ladderlogic. Figure 3.14 shows an example usage of the lEN instruction. Note, (statement #5), that if the lEN register was loaded with a logic 0 the Result Register can only receive logic 0 data because only LD and AND instructions are used to decide if the load device will be activated. ABC HH w ~H o #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 LD AND AND STO lEN LD AND STO LD AND STO ORC lEN LD STO A B E x f---I F G C W MC D E X H LINE F G y RESULT REGISTER} RESULT REGISTER H Forces a 1 into the result register, then forces a 1 into the tEN register. Z Figure 3.14 Example of Using the lEN Instruction 22 RETURN Caution Care must be taken using the lEN instruction properly; remember that when the lEN register contains a logic 0 all input data for the lCU will be interpreted as logic O. This can be tricky. For example, assume the lEN register contains a logic O. If either an LDC or an ORC instruction is executed, the Result Register will receive a logic I regardless of the actual state of the inputs. Additional care must be takell to reload the lEN register with a logic I after executing the block/of code to be controlled by the lEN register. In the example of Figure 3.14, this is done in statements 12 and 13. Statement 12 forces the Result Register to logic I and statement 13 loads the lEN register from the Result Register. Notice that the Result Register data is "pinned out" on the MCI4500B and is here assumed to be connected to one of the inputs ofthe system. In most systems, this connection will be made. OEN The second lCU instruction for controlling the operatiQ STOC instructions. The key point is that once the OEN register is loaded with a logic 0, the system outputs remain in their present state until the OEN register is loaded with a logic 1 by another OEN instruction. Then and only then can the system outputs be changed by STO and STOC instructions. Using the OEN instruction, the programmer can effectively "jump" over a block of code by conditionally setting the OEN register to logic 0, causing subsequent instructions to have no effect on the system outputs. The programmer can then set the OEN register back to logic 1 so that future ICU code will operate in normal fashion. Figure 3.15 shows an example use of the OEN instruction. In the example, the program again assumes that the Result Register (RR) is available as a system input. Chapters 7 through 10 describe the OEN structures in greater detail. In the example of Figure 3 .15, if A and B are both true statements 4 through 7 send two pulses to output Z and statements 10 and Ii will not influence output Z effecting a "pseudo" branch around these instructions. If the tested condition fails, statements 4 through 7 will have no effect on the output and statements 10 and 11 will send one pulse to output Z. Statements 12 and 13 return the OEN register to logic 1 so that the Q output will receive a logic 1, and future code will operate in normal fashion. Much more will be said about the use and advantages of an OEN instruction in Chapters 7, 8, and 9. Thus far, we have studied the LD, LDC, AND, ANDC, OR, ORC, XNOR, STO, STOC, lEN, and OEN instructions. Of the remaining five instructions, two are no operation (NOP) instructions and the other three are for optional use in larger systems which do not have a looping control structure. These will be discussed later. 24 CHAPTER 4 HARDWARE SYSTEMS The purpose of this chapter is to begin to acquaint systems designers with the components which are ushd in a basic ICU looping control system. The system illustrated was not specifically intended to be used in apractical design, however, it illustrates how the components, which comprise the building blocks of an ICU system, might be used. From this point, the system designer can delete, .augment or otherwise modify the system illustrated to his own particular needs. Figure 4.1 is a schematic diagram of a small ICU based system. The system has a looping control structnre (i.e. the program counter is never altered by any operation of the ICU.) System Features The scheme depicted on Figure 4.1 is a PLC-Iike system, deSigned to operate on the principle of a looping control structure. It has 8 inputs, 8 outputs and 8 additional outputs which can be "read" back by the lCU. These outputs can be used for temporary storage. The system memory is capable of holding two separate ICU programs; each individual program can be 256 ICU statements long. Program Counter The program counter is composed of two MCI4516B binary up-counters chained together to create 8 bits of memory address. This gives the system the capability of addressing 256 separate memory words. The counters are configured to count up on the rising edge of the ICU clock (CLK) signal and reset to zero when the ICU is reset. Notice that the program counter couut sequence cannot be altered by any operation of the ICU. This confirms that the system is configured to have a looping control structure. Memory The memory for this system is composed of one MCM7641 512-word by 8 bit PROM memory. Because the program counter is only 8 bits wide, only 256 words, (half of the memory), can be used at anyone time. However, by wiring the most significant bit of the memory's address high or low, the system designer can select between two separate programs with only a jumper option. This might be a desirable featnre if extremely fast system changes are required. Optionally, the designer could chain another counter chip or a single, divide-by-two of flip-flop to the program counter and use the additional memory space for more programming statements. If less than 256 program statements are needed and fast tum aronnd is not needed, a smaller memory may be more economical. Figure 4.2 shows the fonnat of each memory word. The most significant 4 bits contain the instruction operation code which is routed to the ICU. The 4 least significant bits are routed to the system's input selectors and output latches to address the system's inputs, outputs, and "readable" outputs. Memory Options There are, of course, many ways to configure the memory of an ICU system. 25 +5 V ~" T T T I - PE ~R CLK Q4 P3 P4 P2 U/D CO ,-, : v---o \ P2 PI MC14516S'" PEF! i~ T I +5 P3 CI CLK 01 02 Q3 ":,;:. I T T T PI U/D MC14516B'" CO CO P4 1JC= R 0201 I .u: MC14040B for low cost, slow II I speed operation I A8A7A6A5A4A3A2AI~ _ - +5 V ~'~ MCM7641 CS4 _ CS2 ~:~f ~o'ooo'~r" ~ +5V b M \7 RR W r"'!"""" X 2 Rx ~ D 03 02 II 10 -=.;:- I Reset MCI4500B XI D L-.J I I I Z C I MC14599B Reset MCI4512 00--- -- - XO- - - - - - -X7 J TI I DWCWA2A1AO (V2) E 0 8 A ~ -01 11111111 System Outputs & Scratch Bits System Inputs "'Pull Down Resistors on Each Input Figure 4.1 A Minimal leU System 26 C WA2A1AO DW (VI) E 0 Reset MC145998 00- - - - - - -Q7 11111111 System Outputs Memory Word To the leu To Input Selectors & Output Latches Figure 4.2 Parallel Memorv Word Format Expansion Figure 4.3 shows a simple approach to expanding the I/O address capability of an ICU system. In this approach, the system memory is broken into two separate sections which share common address lines and bring their data out in parallel. The first of these memories is an N by 4 bit' 'instruction memory," used to hold only lCU instructions. The MCM7643 I K by 4 bit PROM is capable of holding 1024 ICU instructions and would be a good choice for problems requiring moderate length programs. The second memory is an N word by M bit "address memory" used to hold the address of the operand for each ICU instruction. The MCM7641512 by 8 bit PROM is a good choice for this application. Two MCM764 1, 512 by 8 bit memories and one MCM7643 lK by 4 bit memory would comprise an lCU system memory capable of holding 1024 complete ICU program statements and be capable of addressing 256 inputs and 256 outputs. NxM I/O Address Memory Nx4 Instruction Memory MCM7641 512 x 8 PROM MCM7641 512 x 8 PROM _M _ TolCU To Input Selectors & Outpu t Latches Figure 4.3 An Approach to I/O Address Expansion 27 Using 4-Bit Wide Memories It is also possible to "interlace" the instruction operation codes with the addresses in the same memory. In this type of structure, the CLK signal will become the least significant address bit. When the clock signal is high, the memory supplies the ICU with an instruction which will be latched into the ICU on the falling edge of the CLK signal. The memory is then free to supply the Va sections of the ICU system with an address when the clock signal is low. Figure 4.4 shows this. Thus, a 4 bit wide memory may contain the instructions and addresses for 16 inputs and 16 outputs. This method is used in the demonstration system. Note that as the clock-high and clock-low signals are still used, there is no time penalty involved. va r'~_ Instruction I/O Address Instruetlon ''0 Address Instruction ~ Figure 4.4 Interlaced Memory Hybrid Expansion It is also possible to interleave with 8 bit wide memory and thus create a 12 bit wide (4096) Va structure. See Figure 4.5. ClK: 1 Latched when elK falls CLK: 0 ~Fl 1--- 4 Bit - . , ~----12 8it I/O Address Figure 4.5 Interlaced 8 Bit Memory 28 ----.,,0011 Input/Output Structure The system shown in Figure 4.1 will be considered in more detail here. Figure 4.6 shows the complete IiO map. Input Selectors The input selectors used are MC14512 8-channe! data selectors. In the example system of Figure 4.1, there is oilly I MCI4512 supplyiDg the"'system with 8 inputs. These inputs occupy addresses 0 through 7 (see Figure 4.6). The input selectors multiplex the addressed input onto the leu's bidirectional data during the CLK low phase of each ICU machine cycle for all instructions except the STO and Sl'OC instructions. The number of inputs can be expanded easily by adding additional address lines, the proper address decode, and timing. Output Latches The output latches are composed of MC14599B 8 bit (biilirectionaI data port) latches. In the example system of Figure 4.1, the MC14599B labeled Y 1 is used strictly as an output latch supplying the system with 8 outputs. These outputs occupy addresses 0 through 7. (See Figure 4.6.) The MCI4599 labeled Y2 is configured as a "readable" output latch. In this configuration the part can be thought of as an 8 bit RAM with the outputs of each location pinned out. Because this chip has the read/write feature implemented, it occupies space in both the input and output sections of the IiO address map. The assigned addresses are 8 through 15. The output selectors receive the data coming from the leu over the lCU's bidirectional data line. The information is transmitted during the clock low phase of a machine cycle when the ICU executes an STO or STOC instruction, provided the OEN register contains a logic I. The leu signals the output latches that a STO or STOC instruction is being executed. The addressed output latches then receive the data and retain its value until the latch is once again addressed and changed. Again, the number and configuration of the output latches can be expanded easily by adding additional address lines, the proper address decode and timing. 15 8 7 o 15 8 7 o MCI4599B output latch #Y2 configured as read/write here is written to Output Addresses Write"" 1 for STO & STOC instructions MC14599B output latch #Yl configured as write only MC14599B output latch #Y2 configured as read/write here is read from MC14512 input selector Figura 4.6 1/0 Map 29 Input addresses Write "'0 for LD, LDC, AND, ANDC, OR, ORC, XNOR, feN & DEN instruction I/O Options In the system shown in Figure 4.1, it may be more desirable to have more system inputs and less temporary storage bits. In this event, the designer can reconfigure the Y2 MC 14599B to be a "write-only" output latch. This action would free 8 locations on the JiO address map for 8 more inputs; another MC14512 could be used. The system would then have 16 inputs and 16 outputs. The designer could create temporary storage bits by tying outputs back to inputs. The memory options description showed how memory, and therefore, I/O, may be expanded. Adding RAM If the system requires a large number of inputs, outputs and temporary storage bits, it may be more economical to put an N by I bit RAM on the data bus rather than using the output latches and input selectors to effect temporary storage bits. See Figure 4.7 .. ICU The MC14500B is the central control element within the system. It coordinates the actions of all the system's components. The system of Figure 4.1 was designed to use the looping control structure of the ICU. In this type of structure, the Result Register is usually tied to one of the system's inputs and in this example, the Result Register is returned to input Xo. The ICU's RESET line is connected to a latch, which is set or reset by two momentary contact switches, giving the system a HALT/RUN feature. Note that when the ICU is halted, the output latches are cleared to zero. Because the ICU is to be used in a looping control structure, the pulses created by the JMP and RTN instructions are not required. Also, the pulses created by the NOP instructions are not used. Notice that the lCU has NOP instructions of alii's or all O's. This was done because the unprogrammed states of PROM's are all O's or all I's. Therefore, in a looping control structure, the ICU can be allowed to sequence through these unprogrammed locations without affecting the logical operation of the system. Chapter 5 contains an example of an "interlaced" memory system and Chapter 12 contains an example of a hybrid (parallel/interlaced) memory system with a scratchpad RAM. Address From ROl'y'l Temporary Storage Address From ROM Figure 4.7 Adding RAM to a System 30 CHAPTER 5 DEMONSTRATION SYSTEM General Description anf Capability This chapter describ~ a 16 input and 16 output PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) demonstration system featuring the Motorola MC14500B Industrial Control Unit as the main control element within the system. The system is primarily designed to be used as an educational tool to illustrate the simplicity and power ofthe Motorola MCI4500B leu. The system illustrates the power of the "looping control structure" found in PLC systems. Therefore, the jumping, conditional branching and subroutine capabilities available in the ICU are not implemented in the system. (However, the programmer will discover that those conventional program control techniques are not necessary, even when writing programs to solve complex control problems.) The unit may also be used as a model for a small system implementation. The system has 16 inputs and 16 outputs, each numbered from 0 to 15, and a RAM capable of holding 128 leu program statements. The user is able to examine or change the contents of any location in memory, and has the option of running or single-stepping programs. Alternatively, programmed PROM may be installed in the socket available, and the system run from the PROM. In addition, the demonstration unit displays on LED's, the content of the program counter, the 4 memory data lines, the content of the ICU's Result Register and the current phase of each machine cycle when loading and single-stepping programs. These features provide an easy means to understand the operation of the leu system and to verify and trouble-shoot ICU programs. Figure 5.1 shows the basic block diagram of the demonstration system. A schematic of the system is shown in Figure 5.7. Memory To reduce cost, a 4-bit wide memory rather than an 8-bit wide memory has been used. This means that the demonstration system is configured with "interlaced" memory such that alternate locations in the memory contain the instruction and its corresponding operand address. During the clock-high phase of a machine cycle, the memory supplies thelCU with an instruction which is latched into the leu when the clock signal falls. The address of the operand is found in the next memory location and is supplied to the I/O circuitry during the clock-low phase of the machine cycle. This address is used in the execution phase of the leu instruction. Therefore, the CLK signal is used as the least significant bit of the memory address. The 256 X 4 bit RAM installed in the demonstration unit will hold 128 complete 8-bit ICU program statements. Most statements will result in a 4-bit op-code and a 4-bit operand address being loaded into memory. Note that not all leu instructions require a corresponding I/O address. In these cases, the I/O address location in memory may be left unprogrammed. In Figure 5.2 the progression from a normal Instruction-Operand in parallel, to Instruction-Operand in series, and to actual RAM Operation code is shown. Note that there is no difference in program time between the two structures, since both clock phases are used in each case. 31 PC _ _ S~I~h.!' _ -+---'W'v-o PE I/O QP·Code Address Light Light o o 15 15 Figure 5.1 Demonstration Syst9m Block Diagram 32 Instruction Operand Mnemonic Code Input AND Input # 1 SKZ IN/AI STO Output 'it 7 OP Code in RAM LD #2 LD #2 AND #1 SKZ OO,n't Care 5TO #7 0001 0010 0011 0001 1110 xxx X 1000 0111 Figure 5.2 Interlaced Memory Structure of Demonstration System Program Counter The program counter supplies the memory of the ICU s..ystem with its most significant address bits. The least significant address bit is supplied by the clock (CLK) signal, as explained above. The program counter normally increments on the rising edge of each clock pulse, sequencing the ICU through the programmed instructions in memory. In a nonjumping, non-branching system, the count sequence of the program counter is not altered by the ICU program statements. Therefore, the control program statements are executed in order, until the program counter "wraps around," and the sequence is repeated. This is known as a "looping control structure." The program counter can be thought of as a statement counter; for each unique count, the clock signal will be high and low, causing the memory to supply the ICU system with an instruction and its operand address. This constitutes I machine cycle and the completion of I ICU instruction. In the demonstration system, the NOPF instruction (which canses the FLAGF output to pulse for one clock cycle, when the NOPF instruction is encountered) is used to by-pass unprogrammed memory space, to avoid tediously coding to NOPO's and stepping through unused locations. This is done by using the FLAGF output from Pin 9 to preset the program counter to the setting of the program counter switches. Figure 5.3 is an illustration of this, with the program counter toggle switches to zero. n & o \ AND AND ~fo GOPF INPUT # 1 INPUT #2 INPUT #3 INPUT #4 OUTPUT # 1 Causes the prograro counter to be preset to zero Unprogrammed Locations In Memory Assume the program starts at location zero in memory and the program counter toggle switches are set to zero. Figure 5.3 33 ICU and Input/Output System The MCI4500B operates synchronously with a single phase clock which divides the leu machine cycle into two phases. The first phase (CLKHIGH) is the "fetch" phasethe ICU fetches an instruction from the memory. When the clock signal falls from the high level, the instruction is latched into the leu's instruction register. Then, during the second phase, (CLK LOW), the instruction is executed. There are three types of I/O related instructions-logical, input, and output. During the execution phase of input or logical instructions the operand of the instruction is demultiplexed onto the lCU's data bus by the input data selectors. The memory supplies the input selectors with the address of the bit to be used in the operation. During the execution phase of an output instruction, the ICU puts the data in its Result Register (or its complement) on its data bus and raises the (WRITE) control line. The data bit is then multiplexed to an output line where it is latched on the rising edge of the clock signal. The memory supplies the address of the output latch, to which, the data is to be routed. Display Lights The Program Counter lights show, in binary, the current count of the program counter. These lights can be used to determine which ICU statement is currently being executed when single stepping, and are also useful in keeping track of ICU statements when loading program. The memory data lights show the content of the memory location currently addressed by the program counter and the clock signal. After data has been loaded into memory, it is displayed by the memory data lights. The lights are also useful in verifying programs entered in memory. This can be done by resetting the ICU, then single stepping through the memory locations with the single step push-button and observing the memory data lights. The OP-CODE and I/O ADDRESS lights actually reflect the state of the clock (CLK) signal. The OP-CODE light indicates that the clock is high and the I/o ADDRESS light indicates that the clock is low. These lights are very useful when loading programs into memory. The lights indicate to the user whether the operation code of an instruction or the operand address should be entered. The lights also indicate the state of the system, (Fetch or Execute), when single stepping programs. The Result Register light indicates the content of the Result Register. This is useful in understanding the operation of the leu logical instructions in the single-step mode. Functional Switches RAM!PROM selects which memory, the RAM or the PROM, will be enabled for use by the ICU. RUN/SINGLE STEP selects which mode the ICU will operate in when the ICU's RESET line is pulled to logic zero. DATA switches setthe data, either instruction op-codeor I/O address, tobe loaded into the memory. PROGRAM COUNTER switches set the memory location to which the data is sent. LOAD loads the data selected by the data switches into the RAM location indicated by the program counter display lights and the op-code, I/O address lights. Mter loading data into RAM, the data entered will be displayed by the data display lights. SINGLE STEP advances the ICU's clock (CLK) one half cycle per depression. (Le. the single step push button toggles the clock signal.) The present state of the CLK signal is indicated by the op-code and I/O address lights. (op-code light --> CLK = I, I/O address light --> CLK = 0.) 34 LOAD PC enters the data selected by the program counter switches, into the program counter. After loading the program counter, the value loaded will be displayed by the PC display lights. RUN latches the lCU's RESET line to logic zero. The leu will then sequence through the program in memory or the program may be "single stepped" using the single step push button. HALT/RESET latch~ the leu's RESET line higli. resetting the lCU. In addition, the system's output latches and program counter are cleared to zero. Example Problem The following example shows a typical problem that the lCU may be used to solve. The example illustrates how a problem is reduced to code, and how, using the demonstration system. the code is entered into memory, verified, and executed. The example problem illustrates how an leu program solves a typical relay ladder logic network, shown in Figure 5.4. In this problem the load device is to be activated if relay A and relay B are closed or if relay C is closed. For the purpose of illustration relays A, B, and C will be represented by switches and the load device activation will be indicated by an LED. For this problem the following assignments are made: INPUT # 6 IS TIED TO LOGIC I SWITCH # 6 IS ALWAYS HIGH INPUT # I REPRESENTS RELAY A SWITCH # I INPUT # 2 REPRESENTS RELAY 8 SWITCH # 2 INPUT # 3 REPRESENTS RELAY C SWITCH # 3 OUTPUT # 1 REPRESENTS THE LOAD DEVICE LED # 1 LlNE~~0RETURN LOAD C Figura 5A Figure 5.5 shows an lCU program which will implement this function and the code to be loaded into memory. The" A" portion of Figure 5.5 shows the lCU interpretation, the "8" portion shows the programming steps. CAUTION: Note that input zero (0000) is reserved for the Result Register. Therefore, input zero must not be used; if violated, improper system operation will result. Explanation of Program Statement # I loads the lEN register with a logic 1. If the lEN register contained a logic 0, all future input data for the logical instructions would be interpreted as logic o. Statement # 2 loads the OEN register with alogic 1 to enable the output instructions. If the OEN register contained a logic 0, the WRITE strobe from the leu would be inhibited and the output latches could not be signalled to activate the load. 35 A: leu tntepretation 1 START 2 3 4 5 6 7END Instruction Operand lEN OEN lD AND OR STO NOPF lOGIC 1 lOGIC 1 A B C lOAD Notes Enable the input register Enable the output register Load the state of switch A into the Result Register Logically "AND" switches A and B Logically "OR" A • B with switch C Transfer the result to the load to activate/deactivate it Causes the program to repeat th is sequence 8: Programming Steps Op-Code Program Counter PC= 0 PC= 1 PC= 2 PC= 3 Clock State 1ClK High ClK low 1ClK High ClK low 1ClK High ClK low 1ClK High ClK Low PC=4 1 PC= 5 1 PC=6 ClK ClK ClK ClK {ClK elK High Low High low High low 1/0 Address Hex4·Bits A 0 B 0 1 1 3 2 5 3 8 0 F Binary 1010 0110 1011 0110 0001 0001 0011 0010 0101 0011 1000 0001 1111 xxxx Notes lEN Instruction Address of Logic 1 DEN Instruction Address of Logic 1 i.e. Input #6 i.e. Input # 6 lD Instruction Address of A i.e. Input # 1 AND Instruction Address of B OR Instruction Address of C STO Instruction Address of load NOP Instruction i.e. Input # 2 i.e. Input #3 i.e. Output # 1 No Address needed *Don't Care Figure 5.5 Solution to Typical Problem Statement # 3 loads the Result Register with the state of switch A. Statement # 4 logically AND's the state of switch B with the contents of the Result Register; this result is then returned to !lie Result Register. The Result Register will now contain a logic 1 if and only if switches A and B were both high. Statement # 5 logically OR's the state of switch C with the content of the Result Register; this result is then returned to the Result Register. The Result Register will now contain a logic I if and only if switches A and B were high or switch C was high. 36 Statement # 6 stores the content of the Result Register in the output latch. If the Result Register contained a logic I, the output latch would receive a logic I to activate the load. The STO instruction does not alter the content of the Result Register. Statement # 7 creates a pulse on pin # 9 of the ICU chip. This signal is used to preset the program counter to the beginning ofthe program. The entire sequence is then repeated. The following is a ~etailed procedure for entering, verifying, single stepping and running the example program. I. Entering the program to RAM. A. Set the RAM/ROM and RUN/SINGLE STEP switches to RAM and SINGLE STEP RESPECTIVELY. B. Set all the PC switches to zero. C. Press the HALT/RESET push button. This resets the PC to zero, resets the ICU, the output latches and sets the CLK signal high. The OP-CODE light will indicate that the CLK signal is high and an instrUction should be loaded into memory. D. Set the data switches to hex A (OP-CODE ofthe first instruction), binary 1010 and press the LOAD push button. The 1010 pattern will be displayed by the data lights. E. Press the SINGLE STEP push button once. This toggles the CLK. The I/O address lights will indicate that the CLK is low and an I/O address should be loaded into memory. F. Set the data switches to hex 6 (ADDRESS of switch six), binary 0110 and press the LOAD push button. G. Press the SINGLE STEP push button once. Note the PC has incremented and the CLK is high indicating the next complete statement should be entered. H. Set the data switch to the bit pattern of the next piece of data to be enteredlOll in this case. I. Press the LOAD push button. 1. Press the SINGLE STEP push button once. K. REPEAT STEPS H, I, 1 UNTIL THE ENTIRE PROGRAM HAS BEEN ENTERED. L. NOTE: The NOPF instruction does not require that an I/O address be entered in memory. The I/O address location in memory for this instruction may he left unprogrammed. M. Press the HALT/RESET push button. STOP 2. Verifying the program entered in RAM. A. Press the HALT/RESET push button. The PC will be reset to zero, the CLK will be high and the first piece Of data entered, (1010), will be displayed by the data lights. B. Press the SINGLE STEP push button once. The second piece of data entered, (0110), will be displayed by the data lights. The entire program may be verified by sequencing through memory with the single step feature, while observing the data display lights. The PC lights and the OP-CODE and I/O address light will aid in keeping track of particular lCU statements. C. Press the HALT/RESET push button. STOP 37 3. Single stepping the program. Set switch # 6 and switch # 3 high. Setting these switches high will cause light # 1 to activate on the (CLK LOW) phase of the 6th (STO) instruction. A. Press the HALT/RESET push button. B. Press the RUN push button. The processor may now be sequenced through the program entered in memory by using the single step feature. Each depression of the SINGLE STEP push button advances the CLK 1/2 cycle. The display lights will aid in understanding the operation of the system as it is single stepped. C. Press the HALT/RESET push button. STOP 4. Running the program. A. Press the HALT/RESET push button. B. Set the RUN/SINGLE STEP switch to RUN. C. Press the RUN push button. Switch # 6 should be set high. This enables the lEN and OEN registers. The reader will now note that light # 1 is activated when switches 1 and 2 are both high or when switch # 3 is high. The processor may be halted by pushing the HALTIRESET push button. The following Figure 5.6 is a program the reader may implement as an exercise. (The ANDC and aRC instruction will be useful). Figure 5.7 is the schematic of the system, with the major areas partitioned and labeled. Figura 5.6 Reader's Problem 38 Figure 5.7 leu Demonstration Unit Schematic Address 00000000&&&&&>&&& A7 AS AS A4 A3 A2 A1 AD A7 AS A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AD L - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - , Load I~@": Op o Code I/O 6 RO~ Addr. Reg. RAM o @ @ Reset RU---, Key"" K1· K2 ....... KN; code for time of day. FLAG bit Indicates this routine started Old F LAG Indicates other routines started Start r - ____ I : t; _____ , Instructions for this Routine or L__ ~'.:"~~~r~o!__ I , LD AND Kl K2 AND ANDC OEN STO STOC KN FLAG RR FLAG OLD FLAG Instructions for J this routine I I End ORC RR OEN AR End Figure 6.6 Time·of·Day Routine MeMOS RELIABILITY AND DEVICE HANDLING PROCEDURES Confident use of a family of components requires assurance of the reliability of a component under normal operating conditions and the ability of the device to survive abnormal conditions that may occur. CMOS, and specifically Motorola McMOS, has achieved the high confidence level for equipment usage that has been enjqyed by many other semiconductor products. RELIABILITY Figure 6.7 shows the composite failure rate of commercial ceramic and plastic packaged McMOS integrated circuits as a function of temperature. Note that CMOS devices dissipate little power and work nominally close to ambient temperature. This feature adds to CMOS reliability. The data shown represent over 40 million equivalent device hours and give failure rates to the factory set of test limits. This standard of failure is more severe than a catastrophic failure rate. 46 25 O. 1 27 29 35 33 37 V~D -}O V rz:: 0.01 75 %/l000.HOURS '" 1\ 0.00 1 0.000 1 0.00022%/1000 HOURS '" \ 0.00001 130120110100 90 BO 70 60 50 40 TEMPERATURE 1'\ 30 0.000011%/1000 HO URS 20 10 o °c This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages Dr electric fields; however. it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it Is recommended that Vin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS" (Vln or Vout )" VOO. Unused Inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VOOI. Figure 6.7 - Failure Rate of Commercial MeMOS Integrated Circuits (Ceramic and Plastic Packaged Devices) HANDLING PRECAUTIONS All McMOS devices have diode input protection against adverse electrical environments such as static discharge. The following statement is included on each data sheet: Unfortunately, there can be severe electrical environments during the process of handling. For example, static voltages generated by a person walking across a common waxed floor have been measured in the 4 to 15 kV range (depending on humidity, surface conditions, etc.). These static voltages are potentially disastrous when discharged into a CMOS input considering the energy stored in the capacity ( =300 pF) of the human body at these voltage levels. 47 Present McMOS gate protection structures can genemlly protect against overvoltages. This is usually sufficient except in the severe cases. Following are some suggested handling procedures for McMOS devices, many of which apply to most semiconductor devices. 1. All MOS devices should be stored or transported in materials that are somewhat conductive. MOS devices must not be inserted into conventional plastic "snow" or plastic trays. 2. All MOS devices should be placed on a grounded bench surface and operators should ground themselves prior to handling devices, since a worker can be statically charged with respect to the bench surface. 3. Nylon clothing should not be worn while handling MOS circuits. 4. Do not insert or remove MOS devices from test sockets with power applied. Check all power supplies to be used for testing MOS devices to be certain there are no voltage transients present. S. When lead straightening or hand soldering is necessary, provide ground straps for the appamtus used. 6. Do not exceed the maximum electrical voltage ratings specified by the data sheet. 7. Double check test equipment setup for proper polarity of votlage before conducting parametric or functional testing. 8. Cold chambers using C02 for cooling should be equipped with baffles, and devices must be contained on or in conductive material. 9. All unused device inputs should be connected to VDD or Vss. When external connections to a PC board address only an input to a CMOS integrated circuit, it is recommended that a resistance 10 kO or greater be used in series with the input. This resistor will limit accidental damage if the PC board is removed and wiped across plastic, nylon carpet or inserted into statically charged plastic "snow". The input protection circuit, while adding some delay time, provides protection by clamping positive and negative potentials to VDD and Vss, respectively. Figure 6.8 shows the internal circuitry for the diode-resistor protection. The input protection circuit consists of a series isolation resistor Rs, whose typical value is 1.5 k~, and diodes Dl and D2, which clamp the input voltages between the power supply pins VDD and Vss. Diode D3 is a distributed structure resulting from the diffusion fabrication of Rs. Input o--+.....'VV'_-+-~ 04 All present Motorola integrated circuits have the above diode protection with the exception of the MC14049 and MCl4050. Figure 6.8 - Schematic Diagram, Diode-Resistor Input Protection 48 Isolating Inputs Many applications require electrical isolation between a signal source and the control logic. There are four usual way,s of doing so: Optical isolators, transformer and capacitive coupling and relay contacts. The relay contacts are simply used as a switch closure to the logic supply or to ground. The other schemes require more discussion. Optical Isolated Inpu" Figure 6.9 shows two typical examples of opto isolation. +vn---------------~r_~------------~----------~ tnpu"O curren.!.!O>------lf----l Ground O~-----l~ +vo---------------~~--------------~------~>--~ tnpu~~ curr9n.,!c.J~ L ______ J Ground O>------~l Figure 6.9 Optically Isolated Inputs Transformer Coupled Inputs Transformer coupling is used, most often, for detecting the phase or amplitude of a power line derived signal. Figure 6.10 shows a voitage level-sensing scheme. Figure 6.11 has a connection for detecting the phase of an AC signal. Ac::J11 Figure 6.10 Amplitude Detection of AC Signal 49 :JII Figure 6.11 Phase Detection of AC Signals Capacitively Coupled AC Signals For convenience or economy, a designer can sometimes replace a transformer with a capacitor. Figure 6.12 shows the way this might be done. The capacitive divider technique might be preferred for true ratioing of voltages up to the zener value. Voo AC 5ig ,>----ll-----~--_'VIIV_---_I Vz';;Vr;>o Gnd >----------i Note: The diode also give open input protection Zener Clamped Capacitive Input AC 51g »----lI-----.----'\IIIIr--~_I Gnd )>-------.1 Capacitive Divider Input Figure 6.12 Capacitive Input Schemes 50 Sampling Inputs It is possible that a signal might change status during a loop of a program. If an initial sample of a signal and a later sample of the same signal were of different values, some undesired result might be obtained. The simple avoidance of this problem is to sample all the variables at the beginning of a program and to store them in temporary stores. Whenever the values are needed l*er in the program, the.tempgrary store contents should be used in lieu of the input signal( The rule is: Only sample an input signal once in any program. OUTPUT CONDIT10NING High Current Figure 6.13 shows an interface between a low impedance load and an MC14599B ICU output device. The MCI413 interface ports will drive 300 rnA loads when saturated, with Vee up to SOV. Inrush currents of 600 rnA may be the MCI413, which allows incandescent lamp loads of 300 rnA to be driven without derating for inrush. The interual diodes are useful for damping inductive load switching transients. MC14599B 07 1 no 01 02 Q3 04 05 Q6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Load 2.7 k Typical -=- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Section Figure 6.13 High CUrrent Output Buffers Relay Driving A typical interface to a machine must often be made using electromechanical relay contacts for loading switching. This occurs because the original wiring of the machine was desigried before electronic control was contemplated. As shown· on Figure 6.14, the MC 1413 can also serve as a relay coil driver. 51 +28 V Signal from Pins 1·7 ICU System 9_S~:;~i:ci~3 load Relav Detail Pin. 10·16 1/7 MC1413 Figure 6.14 Driving Relays LED Driving Driving LED's or opto-couplers is much like driving a relay load, except that an external current limiting resistor is used to control the current through the LED, coupler or solid-state-switch. See Figure 6.15. High-efficiency LEDs can be driven directly from CMOS circuits. +v +v R ~ +V -2.0 Signal from ICU Pins 1·7 ~ Pins 10·16 ~ I I~' LED, Switch or Coupler 8 System 117 MC14137 Figure 6.15 Driving LED loads Driving Thyristors (SCRs & Triacs) There are many different means for driving thyristors. One of the simplest and most reliable will be shown here. The method uses pulse transformers and is called the "picket fence" technique. The name is due to the scope trace of a pulse transformer's secondary • voltage when the primary is pulsed many times each millisecond. Given an adequate supply voltage and a resistive load, a triac or SCR will usually tum on when driven by a single gate pulse. However, combinations of low voltage and reactive loads can keep a device from reaching the on (latched), state. The picket fence approach is to supply a train of gate pulses so that the SCR or triac will latch on during the first pulse time when sustaining conditions are met. This allows the devices to turn on as close to zero crossings of load voltage as possible. Additionally, the technique is quite economical. There are three key parameters to satisfy: Minimum pulse width, maximum pulse width and gate currerit requirements. Additionally, a check of the insulation specifications of pulse transformers is in order. 52 Minimum pulse width and thyristor gate current numbers are obtained from device data sheets. After defining minimum pulse width, a rule-of-thumb is to exceed the minimum, say by a factor of two. The maximum pulse width requirement is dependent upon the volt-second-product (VSP) of the transformer. The importance of VSP is to insure that the pulse transformer will not saturate, the driver will not bum up, and a current limiting resistor need not be used. The maximum pulhe width as a function of supply voltage is: PWMAX = vVSP seconds supply . An lCU system that has a clock period of four times PWMAX can pulse a triac driver by storing a "I" in the driver and removing it three clock periods later: (RR = I, OEN = I) STO TRIAC NOP DON'T CARE NOP DON'T CARE STOC TRIAC This code would need to be repeated many times; to conserve memory space, a subroutine could be called over and over, to make a picket fence gate drive effective. As shown on Figure 6.1, the output of a pulse oscillator is "ANDed" with the ICU output. MC 4 5 9 AC 9 B Rl • C~ PW R2 • C"" Pulse Space Figure 6.16 Picket Fence Triac Firing 53 Adding Hysteresis to Inputs by Using Outputs A simple, but useful, trick in an ICU system is to add hysteresis to an input signal, under program control. In Figure 6.17, the input pin on an MC14512 device can be an input and an output signal. The ICU reads the input signal, stores the result in the output (positive feedback) and then reads the input again. LD STO LD INPUT OUTPUT INPUT Gang Transfer of Outputs While looping through a program, the ICU addresses each output bit in a sequential manner. If a particular controller configuration requires that all output bits be available simultaneously, then the output values can be stored in additional latches or flip-flops. A simple routine can be added to the program to strobe the lCU outputs into the latches. The latch outputs are then available to the rest of the system. The strobe, or pulse-generating routine is: START STOP ORC STO STOC RR PULSE PULSE FORCERR TO 1 PULSE GOES HIGH PULSE GOES LOW End of Program Often, one wants to return to the top of the program immediately after completing the last written instruction. Usually, there is a pulse output on the MCI4500B device that is not being used in the system. For example, if FLAG 0 is not being used elsewhere in the system, then it can simply be OR'd with the program counter's reset signal. In other words, the PC will jump to 0 whenever a FLAG 0 instruction (Nap 0) is executed. The Nap commands do not need an address (operand); hence, the ROM's operand field can be AND'ed with NaP's (FLAG pulses) to generate user defined functions. A Figure 6.17 Adding Input Signal Hysteresis 54 CHAPTER 7 OEN AND THE IF-THEN STRUCTURE The OEN Instruction The Output Enable (OEN) instruction is the most unusual and powerful instruction in the MCI4500B. This is the instruction that makes the looping, (as opposed to jumping), program flow powerful aiid practical. All the concepts required to exploit the OEN's power are shown in Figure 7 .1. The four important ideas are: 1. If the OEN register holds a I, the ICU can write to output or memory devices. If OEN holds a 0, the WRITE pulse carinot be generated and no output device or memory content will change. OEN thus controls whether or not the leu system is "working" at any moment. 2. Any input signal can be directly loaded into the OEN register. An input can be wired to the supply or ground to give an addressable 1 or O. The Result Register output can also be used as an input signal. 3. The physical connection allowing the Result Register to be addressed as an input is so useful it should always be utilized. 4. A block of instructions can be used that calculates whether or not a subsequent block of code is to be executed. As this result resides in the Result Register, the Output Enable Register should be loaded with OEN RR. IF-THEN (OEN Step 1) In this section, the Output Enable instruction (OEN) will be used to simplify the logic controlling the program's execution. The title IF-THEN implies exactly what we want to do. If a condition is satisfied TIIEN a block of code will be enabled. If not, the code should be disabled (ignored) so it cannot change the state of any output or internally stored bits. For example, if overtemperature switch OTS is closed (= I), sound horn H, turn off oven power OP, and turn on oven temperature light OTL. The leu routine is as follows: I 2 START 3 4 5 6 7 END LD OEN OTS RR STO STOC STO ORC OEN H OP OTL RR RR LOAD SWITCH STATE ENABLE OUTPUTS IF I IN RESULT REGISTER TURN ON HORN TURN OFF POWER TURN ON LIGHT FORCE RR TO I (RR + RR = 1) ENABLE OUTPUTS The first two statements disabled the outputs if the overtemperature switch was not closed. Two statements are nsed, one to load the state of OTS into the Result Register, the other to enable the output or WRITE signal. This is an example of a conditional program. The program can affect outputs only when the OEN register has a stored 1. Otherwise, nothing is changed by the leu's execution of the seven instructions. The same number of clock cycles are used in either case. This is an 55 MC145DOB r-----------------------------, I I ~_t Data I : I Enabling Register I 0 : I I In Q QEN I W Write pulse output when store or store-complement instruction is used AND output enabled (OEN - 0 I I I Flow of Looping Program I STO or STOC Instruction DEN Instruction I I I I Block of Enebling InstructIons I I I I I I I I I I I I RR Result Register I I I IL_____________________________ JI D o When this Connection Exists, Result Register Loads Output Enabling Register with Instructions OEN RR I I Any Il1put in Loads Output Enabling Register with Instruction Enabled Block of Instructions Block of Enabling Instructions Enabled Block of Instructions I I OEN'N Figura 7.1 Output Enable Concepts example of an IF-TIlEN block of code. The last two statements re-enable OEN for use by other blocks or sections of code. Figure 7.2 shows a flow chart representation of this IF-THEN block. The instructions that are executed in each block are written beside the blocks. It is important to notice that when the IF test fails, nothing happens. This distinguishes IF-TIlEN blocks from other code or the flow chart structures we will examine in other chapters. To Review: IF-THEN code blocks ask a question. If the question is answered yes (OEN = 1), the code following the question is enabled and the programs section is enabled. Otherwise, the code following is not workable because the WRITE pulse is not produced by the leu when OEN = O. 56 Start 1. ·LD 2. OEN OTS RR (RR <-OTS) (OEN <-RR) 3. 6. STO STO STOC H OTL FP (H<-RR) (OTL +- RR) (FR<-RR) 6. 7. ORC OEN RR RR (RR <-1) (OEN <-RR) 4. End figure 7.2 An If·Then Program Block There is no restriction on the structure of the block of code or instructions enabled by the IF question in an IF-THEN structure. The block can contain other IF-THEN structures, as shown in Figure 7 :3, or any of the other two program structures to be described in the next two chapters. Start Start N r--------I I I I II I I I I I I I I End I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL ________ _ I I _________ JI End Figure 7.3 The Instruction Block May Be Complex 57 58 CHAPTER 8 THE IF-THEN-ELSE STRUCTURE (OEN STEP 2) In the IF-THEN an;angement of Chapter 7; we~w that an action could be taken if a condition was satisfied. For example, if the limit switc6 is closed, tum off the motor. There is no statement about what is to happen if the switch is /lOt closed; The IF-THEN-ELSE has the alternate action instructions not provided for in the IF-THEN structure. The IF-THEN-ELSE structure is shown in Figure 8.1. A question is asked, if the answer is "no," block B's instructions are enabled and executed. We can see now that if block B contains no instructions, we once again have the simple IF-THEN structure. Once again, the output enable OEN is used. The "A" block is enabled by loading the OEN register from the Result Register (assuming RR = 1). To enable B, the complement of RR is stored, to be recalled later to either enable or not enable B. Thus the IF-THEN-ELSE sequence is as follows: 1. Resolve the enabling condition. 2. Store the complement of the result in some temporary location ("TEMP"). 3. Load the Output Enable Register OEN from the Result Register RR. 4. Do the A Block. 5. Load the Output Enable Register from "TEMP." 6. Do the B Block. 7. Restore the OEN's condition to enable (OEN = 1) to allow subsequent code to be enabled. Start Figure 8.1 IF·THEN·ELSE 59 An example follows: A simple IF-THEN-ELSE usage is to "turn on" a load if a condition exists, and to "turn off" the load otherwise. Such a function can be directly done, without the IFTHEN-ELSE structure. However, it is the enabling logic that is to be illustrated, not the control function. The example is illustrated in Figure 8.2. The motor M is to run if the A and B contacts are both closed. Otherwise, themotoris nottorun. If A . B = I, thenM = 1, elseM = O. To start the routine, assume lEN = 1 (input enabled). LD A RR ~ A ANDC B RR ~ A . B 2. STOC TEMP TEMP = A . Ii = A + B NOTICE: THE RESULT REGISTER STILL CONTAINS THE ENABLE CONDITION AND ITS COMPLEMENT ENABLE IS IN "TEMP" 3. OEN RR ENABLE "RUN" CODE 4. STO M THE MOTOR RUNS 5. OEN TEMP OEN ~ TEMP 6. STO M THE MOTOR STOPS 7A. ORC RR RR ~ RR + RR = I 7B. OEN RR OEN ~ 1 START IA. lB. In this example, the executable blocks consisted of single store instructions, which took advantage of the fact that the Result Register RR contained a 1 in the first "block" if the motor was to run, and a 0 in the second "block" if the motor was to stop. LD ANDC STO A B M RR~A RR~A·B M~A· Ii = ~.f-__-::I/lI(f[_,--_-{&:·rurn Figure 8.2 Function for IF-THEN-ELSE 60 It would have been six instructions briefer, but our example would be lost. The extra statements will allow us to write very complex programs in a straight forward and organized fashion. Notice, in Figure 8.3, that a "block" of instructions in our IF-THEN-ELSE structure could contain other IF-THEN or IF-THEN-ELSE structures. In that case, we wonld say the structures were "nested". Start '""'-'II!I-------- ....1-1--""'1---\--/--- ...-+-+-+-- IF·THEN-ELSE Question IF Block Is an IF·THEN Nested IF-THEN auestion X Block of Instructions --------'1....1 - - - - ~~~~!I·~~~-~~eN-ELsE ""'- (0, 0, 1); Multiple~ in left turn time from thumbwheel switches, pulse parallel enable of timer chip, tllm left turn arrow on, e Change fla!.J bits from 51 to 52 (0, O. 1) ...... (0, " 0); Turn left turn arrow off; MultipleK In the red overlap time from the thumb wheel switches, pulse the parallel enable of the timer chip. Change flag bits from SO to 53 (0, D. 0) -I> (0,1, 1); Multiple~ in the North-South green time from the thumbwheel switches, pulse parellel enable qf tfmer chip,lurn North-Soulh green on. Change flag bits from 52 to S3 (0,1,0) -+ (0,1,1); Multiplex In the North-South green time from the thumbwheel switches, pulse the parallel enable of the timer chip, turn the North-South green light on, Change flag bits from SO to 56 (0,0,0) --+- (1, 1, 0); Multiplex In the East-West green time from the thumbwheel switches, pulse perellel enable of timer chip, turn East-West green on. Change the flag bits from S3 to 54 (0.1,1) 4 (1, D, OJ; TUrn the NorthSouth yellow on, and the NorthSouth green off; MultipleJ( In the yellow time from the thumbwheel switches, pulse the paralfer eneble of the timer chip. o Figure 11.3 Flow Chart 78 Change flag bits from 54 to 55 (1.0,0) -+ (1,0,1); Turn the North-South y"now off; MultIplex in the red overlap time from the thumbwheel switches, pulse the parallel enable of the timer chip_ Change flag bits from 56 to 57 11.1,0) -+ (1,1,1); Turn EastWest yellow on. turn East-West green off; Multiplex In the vellow time from the thumbwheel switches. pulae the parallet enable of the timer chip. Change flag bits from 55 to S6 (1. D. t) -+(1, 1.0); Turn EastWest green light on; Multiplex in the East-Wast green tIme from the thumbwheel switches. pulse the parallel enable of the timer chlp_ .. Change the flag bits from 57 to SO (1, 1, 1) -+(0, 0, 0); Turn East-West yellow off; Multiplex in the red overlap time from the thumbwheel switches, pulse the parallal enable of the timer chip. Change the flag bits from 55 to 51 (1.0, 1) -+ (0. 0,1); Turn left turn arrow on; Multiplex in the left turn tima from the thumbwheel switches, puIs. the parallel enable of the timer chip_ Figure 11.3 Flow Chart (continued) 79 Table 11.1 Intersection Controller Input/Output Listing ICU Inputs Input # 0 Name RR 1 2 LR MOD 3 TMz 4 5 6 7 8 NSR EWR Function The pinned out Result Register is connected to this Input so the ICU can condItionally load the lEN and OEN register, and manipulate the result register content. Signal indicating that a request for a left turn has been made. Selects the mode of operation the intersection will function in MOD = 1 smart; MOD = 0 sequence. This Is the (low active) carry out of the timer chip. the monitoring of this input determines when time has elapsed. Inputs 4, 5, and 6 are tied to outputs 8, 9, and 10 respectively. The soltware uses these three bits as flags to determine which block of code will be Uactlve" as the ICU .equences through the Instructions in memory. Signal indicates that a request for the North-South green light has been made. Signal indicates that a request for the East-West green light has been made. I ALL SIGNALS ARE HIGH ACTIVE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ICU Outputs Output # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 Name LeftTMR PE ARROW NSGRNTMR NSG EWGRNTMR EWG EWY Function Multiplexes the left turn time to the inputs of the down counter. Parallel enable of the down counter. Left tum arrow light. Multiplexes the North-South green time to the Inputs of the down counter. North-5outh grean light. Multiplexes the East-West green time to the input of the down counter. East..west green light. East-West yellow light, Outputs 8, 9, and 10 are tied to Inputs 4, 5, and 6 respectively. The software uses these three bits as flags to determine which block of code wfll be active as the ICU sequences through the instruction in memory. North-5outh yellow light. NSY YTMR Multiplexes the yellow time to the inputs of the down counter. REDSFTMR Multiplexes the red overlap time to the inputs of the down counter. Table 11.2 Intersection Controller Program Memory Location Op Code I/O Address 00 01 7 A 0 0 Mnemonic OpCod. XNOR lEN Symbolic Address LD ORC ANDC ANDC ANDC ANDC OEN STO STO STO STOC LR MOD BO B1 82 TMZ RR BO LEFTMR PE PE LEFTMR ARROW RR RR Comment Force RR to 1 Enable Input IF THEN BLOCK \al 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC OD OE 1 6 4 4 4 4 B 8 8 8 9 9 8 1 2 4 5 6 3 0 8 0 1 1 0 2 STOC STO 80 Load LR OR with MOD AND with BO AND with B1 AND with B2 AND with TMZ (Low Active) Enable II R = 1 Change State to SI Enable Left Time SW Pulse Timer Loed Pulse Off Disable LeltTime SW TUrn On Left Arrow IF-THEN BLOCK Cb) Memory Location OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA lB lC 10 IE Op Code I/O Address Mnemonic OpCode Symbolic Address 1 6 7 8 ,1 )2 '3 4 NSR EWR LR .MOD TMZ BO Bl B2 RR 80 Bl NSGRNTMR PE PE NSGRNTMR NSG B 8 8 6 0 8 9 8 3 8 1 1 3 4 LD ORC ANDC AND ANDC ANDC ANDC ANDC OEN STO STO STO STO STOC STOC STO Op Cod. I/O Address Mnemonic OpCode Symbolic Address 2 4 5 BO 81 82 MOD EWR LR NSR TMZ RR Bl 82 EWGRNTMR PE PE EWGRNTMR EWG 4 3 4 4 4 4 9 9 8 .,'5 Comment Code in this Block follows Com· ments in Block (a) IF-THEN BLOCK (el Memory Location IF 20 21 22 6 ·2 8 1 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 4 3 3 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 9 1 1 20 9 2E 8 6 6 LoC AN DC AN DC AND AND ANoC ANDC AN DC OEN STO STO STO STO STOC SToC STO I/O Address Mnemonic OpCode Symbolic Address 4 5 6 3 0 8 9 Lo ANDC ANoC ANoC OEN STOC STO STOC STO STO STOC STOC 80 Bl 82 TMZ RR 80 Bl ARROW REDSFTMR PE PE REDSFTMR 23 24 25 2B 4 7 3 0 9 A 5 Comment logic Flow is same as Block fal IF-THEN BLOCK Cd) Memory Location 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A Op Code 1 4 4 4 B 9 8 9 8 8 9 9 2 0 1 1 0 81 Comment See Block (a) for Comments IF·THEN BLOCK leI 3S 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 U 44 45 2 3 4 4 B 8 8 8 9 9 8 4 5 6 3 0 8 3 1 1 3 4 LOC AND ANDC ANDC OEN STD STO STO STOC STOC 5TO BO Bl 82 TMZ RR BO NSGRNTMR PE PE NSGRNTMR NSG Form Same as Block lal IF·THEN BLOCK III Memory Location Op Code 1/0 Address Mnemonic OpCode Symbolic Address 46 1 5 8 1 2 3 4 4 C 1 1 C LD OR ORC ANDC AND AND ANDC OEN STOC STOC STO STO STOC 5TO 5TO STOC STOC EWR LR MOD TMZ BO Bl B2 RR BO Bl B2 NSY NSG Y1MR PE PE Y1MR Op Code I/O Address Mnemonic OpCode Symbolic Address 2 4 5 LDC ANDC AND ANDC OEN STO STOC STD STO STOC STOC 80 81 82 TMZ RR BO NSY REDSFTMR PE PE RED5FTMR 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 6 4 3 3 4 B 9 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 9 5 6 0 8 9 A B Comment See Block lal IF·THEN BLOCK 191 Memorv Location 57 58 59 5A 58 5C 5D 5E SF 60 61 4 3 4 8 8 9 8 8 9 9 6 3 0 8 8 D 1 1 D 82 Comment Same Structure as Block (a) IF-THEN BLOCK (hI 62 63 1 6 64 4 65 66 67 68 3 4 4 3 ,5 69 9 6A 68 6C 60 6E 6F 8 8 8 8 9 9 B IF-THEN BLOCK 8 2 3 )6 '0 8 ,9 6' 5 1 1 5 LD ORC ANDC AND ANDC AND OEN STOC STO 5TO STO 5TO STOC STOC EWR MOD TM2 80 81 ' 82 RR 80 81 EWG EWGRNTMR PE PE EWGRNTMR iii Memorv Op 110 Mnemonic Location Code Address OpCode Symbolic Address 70 71 72 1 4 4 5 73 4 74 75 76 3 3 4 8 9 LD ANDC AND ANDC AND AND ANDC OEN STOC 5TO 5TO STO STOC STOC 80 81 82 TM2 MOD LR EWR RR 82 ARROW LEFTTMR PE PE LEFTTMR LDC AND AND ANDC OEN 5TO 5TO 5TOC 5TO 5TO STOC STOC BO Bl B2 TM2 RR BO EWY EWG YTMR PE PE YTMR 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 70 IF-THEN BLOCK 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Structure or Block fal Repeated 3 8 8 8 9 9 6 3 2 1 8 0 A 2 0 1 1 0 Comment Structure repeats again. iii 2 3 3 4 B 8 8 9 8 8 9 9 4 5 6 3 0 8 7 6 C 1 1 C 83 And again . .. " IF·THEN BLOCK (kl Memory Location BA 86 8C 80 BE BF 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Op Code 1/0 Address Mnemonic I 3 3 4 6 9 9 9 4 5 6 3 0 B 9 A 7 D X LO AND AND ANDC OEN STOC STOC STOC STOC STO STO STOC STOC NOPF 9 B 8 9 9 F 1 1 0 OpCode Symbolic Address BO 81 62 Comment Start Last Block fMZ RR 60 81 62 EWY REDSFTMR PE PE REDSFTMR 97 F X NOPF End Last 610ck & Prog. Flag F can be used to r&set program counter after last instruction If Flag F resets PC or the balance of ROM will contain FF 97 F 0 X X NOPF NOPO program will FF 0 X NOPO No Address NOP's when the rest of the loea· tions are unprogrammed and the automatlcallv loop around to the first instruction. INTERSECTION CONTROLLER HARDWARE Display Board The traffic intersection display board is controlled by the lCU and the control program located in the demonstration board ROM. Two 16-wire cables interface the display board to the lCU system inputs and outputs. The display uses a separate power supply. The display board has a "hard wired" flash feature where the red lights flash in both directions when the ICU is in the reset state. The display bolird has three request buttons which are used to simulate traffic conditions. When the request button has been pushed, the request is latched and displayed by an LED. The request light will go off after the request has been serviced (Le. that particular direction gets a green light). Timing There are five different time intervals in the traffic controller, each settahle by a thumbwheel switch. The intervals are: N-S Green Time, E-W Green Time, N-S Left Turn Time, Common Yellow Time and Red Overlap Time. The Red Overlap"or Red Safety interval allows the last car traveling on Yellow to clear the intersection before the next direction starts a Green interval. During red overlap or clearance time, all red lights are on. When a state is entered, a common counter is loaded with the state of the proper thumbwheel switch. The thumbwheel switches are connected by diodes to a common four wire bus used to load a down counter. When a particular time is to be used, an ICU output is sent high to drive the common line of one of the switches. The counter's load pin is then pulsed by another ICU system output, and the switch's common line is returned to a low state. (See the section on timers, Chapter 6). The switches and the counter/timer are on the Display Board shown in Figure 11.4. 84 ~=:j~~====~ 3 AO 6 AFlFlOW 51 a"", 1'1-8 D.....v Syltam N-SR-auln 2 MC14D43B Slgnll NI' '" MOD i'iif. uewl'l 00 lOOk) resistors. This provides for another way to modularize an ICU system. ROM can be placed on a card together with the VO devices required to perform a function. The ROM is addressed from the central program counter and enabled by an enable decoder. If the "feature card" is installed in t/le. system, the feature card's ROM is enabled during some interval of the program count and the ROM controls the system. All other ROM's in the system are, of course, disabled at this time. If the feature card is missing from the system, the program counter increments through the states assigned to the feature's program, but receiving no instructions, the lCU does "NOP's" until some ROM that is in the system furnishes the lCU with instruction codes. The only restriction to the use of a feature card is that of" Jumping" the program counter off the feature ROM's enabled block. Users who write such a jumping command must therefore exactly understand the implications of their code. 95 % CHAPTER 14 ARITHMETIC ROUTINES Occasionally, in a decision oriented controller,spme arithmetic may be required for timirig, parts counting ot part of the enabling routine for some control functions. A nUcleus of arithmetic coding follows. Programs which do large amounts of arithmetic can be assembled by buildingVi!th the listed routines. Binary Addition Binary addition is an operation involving five bits: two bits to be added or operands, carry-in and carry-out bits and a sum bit. About 12 operations are required to do a one bit add. Addition, as well as other more complex functions, can be sent to a companion microprocessor or calculator. For example, if addition were the only arithmetic function, relegating the task to a CMOS adder might be appropriate. If the percentage of processing time required for addition is small, it is generally more economical to do the task completely with the ICU system. This is an instance of effective usage of the ICU's sub routine capabilities. The code for single bit add with carry follows. Cout Cout 1+: Sum A +B Cin (sum +- Ci LD XNOR XNOR STO Cin B A SUM GENERATING THE SUM S = A$(B$C) = A Ef) (ifEIrC) . SIMILAR TO GENERATING PARITY LD OR AND lEN OR STO B Cin A B Ci CARRYout Co ORC lEN RR RR RESTORES THE lEN MASK = A·B + A·Ci + B·Cin = A·(B + Cin) + B·Cin RR +- A·(B + Cin) ACTUALLY PERFORMS B· Cin RR = A·(B + Cin) +B·Cin ~ Co ONE BIT ADD WITH CARRY 97 Incrementation Adding 1 to a stored number, or incrementing by 1, is perhaps the simplest and most common arithmetic function. It is used in parts counting, measuring frequency, etc. In the code below we operate upon a single bit position at a time. For the Nth sum bit the variables' name is Sn. The carry in for the Nth Sn bit is denoted Cn. The carry out for the next bit position is denoted (n+ I). Notice that incrementing is analogous to forcing the initial carry in to I and adding zero to the number to be incremented. When the routine, starts, Carry is set to 1 if the incrementation is to start. Otherwise, the initial value for Carry is o. C"I ~ . And +Bn +- + Cn Sn Sn = BnEB Cn Cn+ I = (Bn EBCn)· Bn LD Bn XNOR Cn STOC Sn AND Bn STO Cn+l The routine is repeated N times for an N bit incrementation. Counting Rising Edges As a matter of practicality, counting rising signal edges is a simple and straightforward method of incrementing a sum. 98 OLD (STORED) The code is: START LD XNOR OR STOC LD STO END ,NEW OLD (STORED) NEW + NEW OLD QLD CARRY NEW . OLD COMPARE OLD/NEW; 1 IF EQUAL 1 IF OLD .wAS,ffiGH CARRY ZERO .iF NO RISING EDGE PUT NEW IN OLD FOR NEXT TEST Notice that NEW is sampled twice. To avoid this, use a Temp Store, e.g. START END LD STO ANDC STO LD STO NEW TEMP OLD CARRY TEMP OLD CARRY GETS RESULT AVOIDS 2nd SAMPLING Magnitude Comparison The Algorithm: Magnitude comparison compares two binary numbers to see which is greatest or if they are equal. Only three results are possible. To compare two binary words, it is convenient to start with the most significant bits. In each bit position a comparison is made to see if the bits are identical. If they are, continue to the next bit position. If the bits are different, set EQUAL to 0 and set a flag indicating that the word wi th the 1 is greatest. Three variables or flags are used, AGTR, BGTR and EQU. These correspond to A Greatest, B Greatest, and Equal. Initially set AGTR = 0, BGTR = 0 and EQ = 1. Assume lEN = OEN = 1 START ORC STO STOC STOC RR EQ AGTR BGTR FORCERRTO I !NIT EQ INIT AGTR INIT BGTR NTH BIT OEN LD XNOR STO OR STOC LD OR STOC OEN EQ AN BN EQ AN BGTR EQ BN AGTR EQ ENABLE IF EQ = 1 LOAD NTH A BIT COMPARE TO NTH B BIT NEW VALUE TO EQ BGTR = EQ + AN STORE NEW BGTR LOADEQ AGTR = EQ + AN STORE NEW AGTR ENABLE IF EQ 1 END NTH BIT N-I ST BIT REPEAT FOR EACH BIT POSITION 99 ~ leu System ________________ __________________ ~A~ ~ Outputs Flgur. 14.1 ROM for I·Blt Add Look-Up Tables The processor overhead "expense" of a 1 bit add shows the need for a better implementation. One answer is a LOOK-UP TABLE as shown on Table 14.1. The operands and operator in an arithmetic expression are used as the address to a ROM. The ROM supplies the answer to the input pins in an lCU system. As an example, a "1 bit ADD with Carry" will be examined. There are three operands - A, B and Carry-In; the operator is Add; the results are Carry-Out and Sum. The ROM organization is summarized in Table 14.1. The binary addition of three single-bit operands can only result in 23 =8 possible outcomes. The sum and carry outputs of the ROM are simply the known results of any possible combination. The operator, ADD "vectors" (points) the lCU to the addition look-up table in system memory. The Look-Up ROM needs, at the most, 16 bits! The Look-Up Table idea can be extended to nearly any type function. Look-Up Tables for sine values, as an example, have long been standard semiconductor parts. Tabl. 14.1 The ROM Look·up Tabl. ADDRESS Operator (Add) Operand 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 (A) DATA Operand (B) Operand 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 (CI) ROM Add..... _ _ _ _..J) Result (Sum) Result 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (CO) \.. ROM Content-' Note that Operator (Add) "" 0 could easify "vector" the ROM to a Subtract Table lOO CHAPTER 15 TRANSLATING ICUCODE Repacing combinatorial logic with an lCU system is very simple and straightforward. All that is involved is the Writing of the short codes which describe.the logic devices. Logic functions and their associated codes depicted in the following diagrams. are AND NAND OR NOR XOR j:[y N Lo AND STO i ~ J[> A N Z "" Load A And each Input In turn Store In Z I Lo AND STOC A N And each Input In tum N Z Store complement In Z N ,I Lo OR STO A N Or each 'nput In turn Z Store In Z J[>- Lo OR STOC A N Load A Or each Input In turn Z Store compo in Z ~ Lo XNOR STOC A l.oad A B Z Compare to B Store compo In Z Lo XNOR STO A B Z Store In Z N I XNOR 101 Load A Load A Load A XNOR B INVERTER ~ lD STOC ----~ A load A A1 Store In A 1 Notice: This code Is never required as the leu can load and store complements. o FLIP FLOP To clock on rising edgfls. clock is stored in old el.K to compare with current eLK. Start End lD STO lD STO ANDC OEN lD ST ORC OEN OLD ClK TEMP ClK OLDCLK TEMP RR RR "" eLK· OLD eLK ENABLE STORE D Q RR RR RESTORE OEN IF NO Q CHANGE SA FLIP FLOP lD ANDC STO lOADS _ AND WITH R S R Q a=-O'ST+Q'ST SINGLE lATCH lD AND STO lD ANDC OR STO JK FLIP FLOP 0." + 1 = o ST TEMP Q ST TEMP Q LOADD AND WITH STROBE STORE IN TEMP LOADQ _ __ AND WITH STROBE OR WITH TEMP STORE IN Q an • K + an • J. CLOCK ON RISING EDGES, CLOCK STORED IN OLD CLK. 01--- Start End LD STO LD STO ANDC OEN LD ANDC STO LDC AND OR STO ORC OEN 102 OLDCLK TEMP CLK OLDCLK TEMP 1'1 Q K TEMP Q J TEMP o R R t MOVE OLD CLK TO TEMP. FIND RISING EDGE. ENABLE OUTPUT IF EDGE FOUND. } AND QWITH KCOMP. STORE IN TEMP. } AND Q COMPo WITHJ, _ OR WITH Q. K STORE NEwn. RE ENABLE OUTPUTS. r I r t r Reducing Boolean Equations to ICU Code The following procedure is a straightforward way of writing ICU Code for evaluating Boolean expressions. One temporary storage location, "TEMP", is used. It is generally possible to avoid the use of "TEMP", however, the code will not be as easy to read. Procedure: 1. Reduce the Boolean expression. The result will be a "Sum of Products" form (e.g.,A· B +C' D· E+" ·+X· y. Z) oraproductofsumsform(e.g., (A + B) . (C+ D + E)' ... '(X + Y Z). 2. Use the Sum of Products Procedure or Product of Sums Procedure, both below. + Sum of Products Procedure A. Factor common terms from the Sum of Products Expression, giving an Expression in the form J . K . L (A . B . C + D . E + ... + X . Y . Z). The distributed term (J . K . L) which was factored from the Sum of Products form will be used as an "INPUT ENABLE TERM". That is, if the INPUT ENABLE TERM is not 1 or true, then everything following will be evaluated as o or FALSE. B. Evaluate the INPUT ENABLE TERM and store in INPUT ENABLE. START ORC RR SETRRTO I lEN RR ENABLE INPUT LD J LOAD 1st ELEMENT K AND WITH NEXT AND END AND lEN L RR AND WITH LAST STORE RESULT in lEN C. Reduce the fIrst INNER TERM and store in "TEMP". START LD A RR GETS A AND B AND WITH B AND C AND WITH C END STO TEMP STORE IN TEMP D. Reduce the next INNER TERM and/or with TEMP, store result in TEMP. LD D RR GETS D START AND E AND WITH E OR TEMP END STO TEMP TEMP now has A . BC . + DE, providing lEN = 1. If lEN = 0, TEMP = O. E. Repeat D. for all the remaining inner terms. F. The Sum of Products value is now in the Result Register and stored in TEMP. To unconditionally enable the lCU for other routines, restore lEN and OEN to the I's state. START ORC RR RR GETS I RR lEN GETS 1 lEN OEN RR OEN GETS 1 END 103 Product of Sums Procedure A. Factor common terms from the Produce of Sums form, giving an expression in the form (J + K + L) (A + B + C) . (D + E) . . . . . (X + y + Z). B. The distributed term which was factored out will be used as an "INPUT ENABLE TERM" . START LD J RRGETSJ OR K OR WITHK OR L OR WITHL END lEN RR lEN GETS RR C. Reduce the first INNER TERM and store in "TEMP". START LD A RR GETS A OR B OR WITHB OR C OR WITHC END STO TEMP STORE IN TEMP D. Reduce the next START LD OR AND END STO E. Repeat D. for each of the other INNER TERMS. F. The evaluated product of sums is in RR and stored in TEMP. The following routine will completely enable the lCU for other uses. START ORC RR RRGETS 1 lEN RR lEN = I END OEN RR OEN = I INNER TERM, and with TEMP, store result in TEMP. D RR GETS D E OR WITHE TEMP TEMP 104 APPENDIX A. THE MC14S99B 8-BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH Features ... Parallel Buffered Output The MC14599B Is an 8 bit eddressable latch capable of reading previously stored data. The device has a chip enable Input for easy address expansion, buffered Qutputs, and a master reset pin for system clean. • Bidirectional Addressable Input/Output -.. Master Reset • WRITE/READ Control ... Write Disabfe ... Chip Enable ... B Series CMOS WD CE Control Logic W/i'! Reset Date 8 Latches MC14599B Block Diagram 105 MC14599B Truth Tabl. Internal States &: Data Inputs Addressed Other Latch latches DatB Pin Z WD W X X X 0 0 0 X X NC NC Z 1 X 0 NC NC ON (Output) 0 1 NC NC Z 1 1 0 1 0 1 Data NC Input R CE 1 0 0 x == Don't Care NC = No Change Z :::: Open Circuit ON =State of Addressed Cell Voo 01 Reset 06 Data 05 Write Disable 04 AO Q3 AI 02 (MSB)A2 01 Chip Enable 00 WRITE/READ VSS MC14599B 106
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